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He needed a hit. Cocaine. Pot. Meth. Glue. Anything. But Angel Dust wasn’t going to get that hit until Valentino was satisfied. And right this second, the lush, heart-eyed, fur-lined pimp wanted Angel to suffer. Suffer he had. He’d been on the stage for twelve hours. The music tracks twining through the club like strands of razor wire had lost everything but their bass beats. Angel had stopped hearing anything but the cow-like bellows of the horny crowd and that awful, relentless drum beat. Every single percussion hitting his skull like a hammer. This wasn’t a shift. It had long ago become a snuff film. And the animals around him ate it up. Angel had started on the stage half a day ago in full outfit and make up, with Valentino leaning over his shoulder, whispering in his ear. “You go till I tell you to stop, bitch. We’ll call this your month’s rent for moving your ugly, fat, sorry-looking ass out to that bitch’s crummy hotel. Your first month’s rent. Now. Shake your filthy body up onto that stage and show the world what a skank looks like.” Over the long hours, his make up had melted off. Hours ago he’d been sporting a death mask of running mascara and blush. Now, his face was merely pale and ghastly. The fur of his outfit draped in sweat like a wet seal. The fluff of his body was reeking and heavy. Angel breathed like a diver underwater, dragging air down a mile deep through a hose. Everything hurt. Everything. And still they watched. They enjoyed the suffering. They laughed at him. They catcalled. They threw money at him that would all go to Valentino. They jerked off in the corners. Some not even bothering to go that far and just whipping it out in front of him. Wanting him to see it, before they were shoved aside by the others. Across the room of howling faces, Valentino sat in his reserved booth, looking luxurious and kingly in his robes, two women on his arms. He grinned at Angel from behind his heart-shaped glasses. Angel turned. Spun. Draped himself on the pole and the stage. Skin numb so that sometimes he would feel something hit him, but have no idea if it was coins, cum, or booze. The music pounded. Valentino smiled. Then, the pimp raised his hand to his head, first two fingers and thumb extended like a gun. He pulled down his thumb. The lights and the music cut off. A cacophony of horny howls and laughter filled the dark. Angel felt hands pawing at him in the sudden blackness. Trying to pull him down into some deeper hell than the one he already lived in. He flung himself to the floor in a sheer scramble of panic, gasping and crying, and he crawled away, towards the back of the stage, too exhausted to stand. He felt hands grabbing at him from the sides of the stage as he crawled, tearing off pieces of his costume. One got a good fistful of his fluff. Angel, too tired to think of fighting, crawled from memory alone through the clawing darkness to the stage door. Over the customers, he heard Valentino laugh and yell, “Fuck off back to that roach hotel, bitch! You’ll be back to me. You’re hungry for it.” Angel knew nothing more for a time. Everything warbled and rippled and shifted. He still felt hands pulling at him in the dark, even when he made it through the door. He still felt every breath coming down to him as from somewhere up above. But it was all behind his eyes now; everything outside of him just vagueness and fog. When he finally came to, he realized he wasn’t in the club, nor was he outside in the streets. He was on a narrow bed, looking at a stained wall and some dinghy furniture. He felt the sheets and realized he was naked save for his undergarments. The realization sent a sudden panic through him, bringing him fully awake. Angel sat up hard, throwing one pair of his arms out as he pulled a machine gun from himself and aimed it out into the room. “Hey, what the hell, chill Angie!” For a brief moment, he almost opened fire anyway, but the familiar voice held him back long enough to see who it was in the room with him. It was Cherri, standing in the door in a crop top and ragged jeans, holding a few articles of clothing over her arm. Panting, sweating, Angel still held the gun out for a few moments, the barrel shaking. Then, he dropped it and collapsed back on the bed in relief. “Holy fuck,” he moaned. “Holy fuck. Sorry, Cher. Holy fuck.” Cherri Bomb came in, shutting the door behind her. The cyclopic arsonist came over, laying the clothes she was carrying over the back of a chair by the bed before sitting down in it. She pulled from her jeans a rolled joint and a lighter. Angel saw it, sitting up on his four elbows with a shameless groan. Cherri lit it, then held it out. He took it, as if it were the first water he’d drank in years. He took an immense draw. The stinking sting of the smoke filling his lungs as he dragged the flame down the messy joint. Coughing and hacking but, at least for a moment, somewhat relieved, he passed it back to Cherri. “What the hell did that bastard put you through, Angie?” Cherri asked, looking at her friend with genuine concern as she took a slow drag. Letting out a soft cloud, she said, “He beat you again?” “I wish,” Angel said as he crawled with some effort from the bed. He lifted the clothes, finding they were the spare suit he’d left with Cherri for days just like this. A single momentary flicker of warmth spread up inside him, silently loving Cherri for being such a reliable friend. Then the flicker was snuffed by a wrenching sense of pain and panic as his need for something harder than the joint hit him. He forced himself to get dressed, trying to do something, anything, to take his mind off the lingering pain in his body. And the growing pain of withdrawal. “I found you passed out in the stairwell,” Cherri said, holding out the joint again, which Angel took another deep and coughing drag from. “You looked like… shit, Angie, I never seen you that bad before. Did he… is he coming after you? You need to lay low?” Angel shook his head, helplessly taking another draw till the joint burned his lips, finally throwing it to the floor. Hacking, he said, “No. No, he threw me out. Wants me to sweat it out. Get desperate. He made me perform for… shit, Cherri, I don’t remember how long. It wasn’t even a show, it was torture porn for those assholes. Bastard just wants to break me for going off to that has-been hotel Princess Rainbow Farts is keeping.” “He fucked you up for that?” Cherri said. Angel could see a glowing and growing hatred in her eyes. The wild anarchist was getting a new sheen to her voice as she rose. “I’m ripping the fluff out of his ass crack this time. That piece of shi-” “No!” Angel said, more desperate than he meant to. He held one hand out to her, two others steadying himself against her dresser. He took a second, trying to gather himself. He breathed, but still that feeling of drawing breath through a straw made his chest painful and tight. Biting need for something hard and numbing gnawed at him. But he puffed up, straightened his chest fluff, settling into his suit. Trying to put on a good look for her. “Forget it, Cher,” he said again, more calmly. “You know he’d love that, so don’t give the dick sucker the pleasure. You still got your beef with snake daddy. Don’t add Valentino to your shit list. He’s not worth it.” Cherri was still smoldering with anger, but she knew that Angel was right. This wasn’t the first time she’d thought to give Valentino an up-fucking for his treatment of her friend. But Valentino was an overlord. And while Cherri was a hazard to most any dick and ass on the streets of hell… overlords got called “overlords” for a reason. Reasons that tended to involve people not coming back, even down here. Letting it go for now, Cherri came over and straightened the butterfly-shaped bowtie above Angel’s fluff, tugging out wrinkles from his labels. “You going to be okay, Angie?” Angel felt like his heart was about to crawl through his chest, but he put on a charming smile, flashing his gold tooth. “Girl, you ever got any doubt? No worries. I’ll get a few dime bags in no time, fuck a husband on his wife’s bed, and you and me’ll be popping eggs before you know it.” Cherri smiled. She took a tube of lipstick from her dresser, flicked it, spinning, into the air, then caught it and held it out to him. “Just don’t let hotel mom catch you out late. She might give you a demerit.” “Oh, woe is me,” Angel joked, applying the lipstick with a little flourish. A moment later, he was strutting out of the apartment, with a casual wave over his shoulder to Cherri. When he was down on the street, he half collapsed, leaning hard against the side of the brick building, squeezing his chest, cursing as tears burned painfully in his eyes. Before the twelve hour nightmare, Valentino had denied him relief. Angel had come to the pimp already needing a hit. Valentino, after slapping him a few times and insulting him for staying in a shitty halfway house, had soothed things over for a short moment with a tiny hit. But then, he demanded “rent,” and when he took all Angel had… that’s when the hell started. And now Angel had nothing. Again. And he was needing anything. Again. The torture on the stage had laid him lower than he’d been in a long while. That, plus however long he’d crashed out at Cherri’s, now had him squarely in the middle of withdrawal. His body had already been weak. Now it was fucked. Keeping himself from breaking down completely in front of Cherri had taken the last he had in him. He knew what Valentino wanted. Wanted him to come crawling back. To literally crawl under his robe and choke on his dick. Again. To take what the fucker gave him and then beg for that tiny fraction more to make it all feel okay again. For a little while at least. For a moment, Angel knew he was going to do it. He knew that he’d go. But just as he turned to shamble back towards Valentino’s penthouse, he stopped, standing, slumped, on the sidewalk. He was too tired this time. Valentino had beat him before, yeah. But the torture of the session combined with the torture of the withdrawl… not to mention his last memory before passing out. The dark. Hands all over him. Angel didn’t know he was going to throw up until he did. Body still shaking, he knew he couldn’t go back to Valentino like this. Either he’d break entirely. Or he’d fuck up and Valentino just might kill him. So, with no sense of direction or purpose, Angel began to shamble towards the hotel. The hotel had been altered since Alastor’s friendly take over (what Charlie always called his “patronage”), going from a crummy side-show looking facade to a leering high rise. That wasn’t the only thing that had changed. Inside had felt somehow different since Alastor moved in. Just knowing that freak was there was change enough. He had set his office up on a floor that Angel was convinced shouldn’t even physically exist. And anytime Angel saw him around the hotel…. Much as Angel did not give a shit about all the overlord hullabaloo in hell, he couldn’t deny that Alastor was unnerving. More than just unnerving, Alastor’s presence made something about being in the hotel different. It was like stepping into a place slightly adjacent to the rest of the world. Somewhere that made everything feel just a little sharper, thicker, and made him feel…. Angel had never really been able to put it into words. He was always so shitfaced anyway, it was hard to distinguish from the rest of his dependencies, but something about the hotel seemed greedy now. Made him feel needy in a new way. But right then, Angel wasn’t thinking about that. He made his way into the lobby and, first thing, angled towards the bar. He slouched onto one of the bar stools and said, “Something that hates me and pour six glasses, Husk. Real glasses, not shots.” Instead of a gruff and irritated response, there was only silence. Angel looked up. His face fell as he saw that the bar was completely empty, the shelves cleaned out. He looked down to see a note attached to the wood in Husk’s scratchy handwriting: RESTOCKING NOW ALASTOR PAY ME Angel jumped off the stool, grabbed it, and whipped it across the room, striking the far wall hard enough to break the paneling. “Fuck this piece of ass fucking hotel,” he screamed. Laying a hand tightly over his eyes, he seethed for a minute, panting. Then he tensed up as another wave of pain and panic screeched down through him. He wrapped his four arms around his thin chest, shaking, fighting back another wave of nausea. It passed, but sweat was standing out on his head, his breathing coming in gasps. And he was still left with that deeper, indescribable feeling. The needful sense that was at once part of the withdrawal but also lower down. As if being here in the hotel only added to his body’s chemical addictions. Angel felt stupid urge to bite something. He shoved the thought aside. “I need something. I need SOMETHING, and this horse shit hovel’s all out of booze. Fuck Charlie. Fuck that stuck up cunt princess bi-” He stopped, breathing hard, trying to calm down. He knew his head was screwed up right now. He didn’t want to think like this about Charlie. He didn’t want to be this angry. He needed to get upstairs. To his room. Turning from the bar, he started down the hall towards the elevator. He hit the button with the side of his fist, leaning back against the wall opposite the door. One hand on his chest. The others pressed to the wall behind him as he focused on just breathing. Drawing down each breath from a mile above. Above the dark. Breath. By breath. By breath. The doors slid open. Opening his eyes, Angel found himself looking up at Alastor. The demon’s sudden appearance, that razor blade smile, Angel wasn’t prepared for. He shouted, jumping back. “Angel, what’s wrong?” Angel blinked, realizing that it wasn’t Alastor. Charlie had stepped out of the elevator, looking up at him, worried. He felt humiliated. He was so screwed up that he’d taken short, hornless Charlie to be a tall, dandy-dressed demon. Worse, he’d shown how fucked up he was by jumping, by screaming. Helpless anger swelled up in him. Again he felt a stupid urge well up in him. An urge to grab her arm and, like a child or animal, bite it. Hard. “Don’t fucking ask,” he said, trying to push past. However, he’d been so distracted, that the door closed right in his face. Angel growled in further anger, jamming a finger against the button furiously. Looking up at him, the well dressed demon princess could easily tell something was wrong. Her kind nature, so at odds with the general attitude of hell, prevented her from just walking away. She had to say something. “Angel, if you need something, you can ask. I’d like to help.” “I do not,” he said with constrained effort, “need something, Charlie, except to get up to my room, throw my ugly, fat, sorry-looking ass into bed, and lay there till I fall asleep.” Charlie lifted a hand to her mouth. If anything gave away the game of just how messed up Angel was, it was him dropping his normally flamboyant, bragging attitude. Charlie had heard Angel insult and disparage everyone (though he’d never been as harsh with her). The one person she’d never heard him insult at all was himself. Angel jammed the button again several times, rapidly, swearing. “You’re not,” Charlie started to say. Then she reached out towards him with a smile. “Why don’t you come get some coffee with me in the kitchen? I can make you-” “Do not fucking touch me!” Angel screamed in a rage as Charlie’s hand grazed his shoulder. He twisted away as if from a snake, striking her hand aside with a loud smack that made her recoil. He snarled, spitting out at her, “Don’t fucking touch me! I don’t want your coffee you dumb, bubble-headed bitch. I want you to take your cunt-eating smile out of my face right now!” Charlie took two steps back, holding her struck hand. She did not look stunned or shocked. She looked at Angel level and straight but flat, the usual cheer replaced with a look of simple disappointment. Dropping her hand, she nodded. “Okay,” she said. Then she turned and walked away at a steady pace. The door opened. Angel stared after, watching her go. His snarl fell as he finally caught up to what he’d just said. For a long moment he stood in the light of the door, his mismatched eyes glancing about as he tried, vainly and without success, to think of something to do to fix his screaming. At last he took a long, shaking breath and stepped into the elevator. As soon as it shut behind him, Angel lifted his leg and began to strike the side of the elevator over and over in vicious kicks that hurt his ankle with each blow. As he did, he shouted, “Fuck me! Fuck me! Fucking! Piece of! Dog shit!” The door opened on his floor and Angel walked out with a slight limp, head hung, a wreck now of not only miserable pain but self-loathing. He could hear, as if over his shoulder, Valentino mocking him in his ear. Reminding him how ugly, how grotesque, how pathetic he was. And how he’d be back. Again. Under and behind him there were hands in the dark. Angel gritted his teeth, tight, his jaws aching for something to be between them. Coming to his door, Angel looked up. He stopped. Down at the end of the hall, standing before the window, looking out at the city, was the tall, looming figure of the Radio Demon. This time it really was Alastor. Angel blinked several times yet the shape did not change. He was about to ignore the freak and go inside when that crackling voice came down the hall, “Really laid into her, did you, my fine fellow? No better drug than pain, believe me I can attest to that!” Angel was exhausted. He felt a dull ember of anger still burning, but having struck out so cruelly at Charlie had left him too spent for more fury. He snapped sarcastically, “Oh what, you got your radio tuned to me now, tinsel top? Hey, watch all you want. The Angel Dust Friday Fuck Up program. Best 80 years running. Shit, knowing you, that really is your thing.” Alastor turned around, bright, sharp smile leering. “Of course it is, my exceptionally sensual resident. I believe I have made that especially clear.” Under that merciless gaze, Angel couldn’t feel anything. Before, he’d been startled when he thought Alastor was right in front of him. Now… now he honestly wished this supposedly unrivaled sadist would do something. Rip all his arms off. Pull his guts out. Flay his back open. Angel couldn’t deal right now. He didn’t want to have to. As if understanding this, Alastor made a humming sound as he came down the hall. “You know,” he said. “You really are the perfect person to be this hotel’s first resident. A wondrous accumulation of all the classical sins… and all the far more universal ones. All this wasted morality over casual sins. Gorging on wine. Indulging in sex. Stealing a pittance here or there. Those little things so rarely harm the world, but this…” He stopped a few feet from Angel and gestured at him. “This maddening, dog-rabid inability for anyone to sit alone with their anger, their hate, their hurt, their relentless need, over and over, to push all of it onto someone else? Now THAT, my friend, that is sin worthy of the name.” Angel glared up at Alastor but with no fire to bite back. He didn’t even feel as if he were on display before this powerful freak. He felt too small for that. He felt like a carrion bird having its personal failure looked at by some higher life form. Even his flaws too pointless to be remarkable. Glancing his eyes away from Alastor’s toothy smile, he said, “Well whoop-di-fucking-do. Glad you’re having a good time, Al. Tell you what, you want to kneel here at my keyhole and watch me hate myself for the next twenty four hours, you go right ahead. Just use a rag. I don’t care.” He started to turn, but Alastor’s eyes narrowed, his look taking on that unnerving sense of hunger that seemed always ready to ripple forth from beneath a barely hidden shroud. “We both know you won’t stay, my friend. I saw your little performance. You’ll be going back, won’t you? Even after all that. Even after crawling away in the dark.” Angel slammed his fist against his door. Having it mentioned directly, by someone who had seen it, made it unbearably real. He didn’t even question how Alastor had been there. The freak had his ways. Angel had nothing left in him to aim at Alastor himself. He thrust his head against his door, fighting to speak without letting a sob through. “I just. Need. One good hit! Just something hard, something, any god damn thing after that… after that nightmare.” He spun on Alastor, the Radio Demon’s face still cool and deadly. “Is this all this shit here is good for, huh?” Angel went on, gesturing around them. “Aren’t you, what, what, aren’t you supposed to be the big dick bad boy of hell? So you tell me, is this all that this rubber duck horse shit is down here? No torture, no fire pits, no racks, none of that, just all of us doing the same shit we did to ourselves and each other up there, again, for fucking ever? Is that all we get? Not even a goddamn innovation. Just a pantomime of our own fuck ups repeated cause all you hoity toity hell lords can’t do anything better?” Alastor shook his head, an amused look on his face. “My friend, I don’t know,” he said, softly, before adding cheerfully, “Or care! My intention is delight, and my delight is damnation. I am afraid I am the last person to present a moral question to.” Angel turned away from the grinning shyster with a noise of disgust. He was about to open his door when Alastor reached forward, gracefully laying one, long-fingered hand against the wood to stop him. “However,” the Radio Demon went on, his voice lowered. “I am the right person to present dilemmas to. And you have presented to me a fine one. I outline it this way: you can open this door and go inside. Inside will be two options. Option one is the one you know you will fail to take because you have failed to take it many times. The option of an agonized withdrawal that actually ends in success: quitting your substance abuses cold turkey.You will try to take that option for a day or two, you will suffer immensely, break down, weep, then you will take option two. Option two is, of course, the one you’ve just come back from. Again.” The last word hit Angel like a blow. He looked at Alastor, speechless, not from the fact the demon knew how long this had gone on, but from realizing just how long it truly had been. This same exact scene playing over and over. For how long? Decades? How many single times had he been in this exact position of wanting to change and knowing he wouldn’t? The realization of the hundreds and hundreds of instances he had already lived this moment through was overwhelming. Angel hung his head, letting out a single, “Damn.” Alastor went on, “But that, my friend, is behind THIS door. I present you another door.” He pointed past Angel. Angel turned and saw he was pointing at the elevator. Looking back to Alastor, confused, he said, “What are you getting at, talk show?” Laying his cane against his shoulder, Alastor paced slowly past Angel, saying, “I’m only offering you an option already before you. You are a junkie with immense degrees of self-loathing and a skillset that includes little more than sex and violence. You already know you are doomed to fail, my lovely friend, trying to overcome your substance problems by force of will. So, I suggest that, instead, you replace it. Close up the hole screaming inside you with something else!” Alastor spun back to face Angel as if presenting a very simple plan. Angel cocked an eyebrow, still confused. He grunted, “Uh?” Leaning closer, Alastor said, clearly, slowly, voice dripping with menace, “I am saying: go out. Find a new drug. And gorge yourself on it. The old drugs clearly don’t satisfy. But… there are always new flavors to taste, my Angel.” Angel suddenly felt a sense of immense danger, looking into that glowing red face. Alastor’s words were simply, even stupidly, direct. They weren’t even a plan since, if he could, Angel would have already hopped himself up on something else. But it was as if the words were not what mattered. There was something else lurking behind them. Like the unspoken feeling that had lurked in the back of the hotel since the freak moved in. And once again, Angel felt an almost irresistible urge to put something in his mouth. Only this time, he didn’t want to just bite it. He wanted to swallow it. He opened his door and practically threw himself inside, slamming it behind him. He leaned against it, breathing heavily, listening for any sound from outside. He heard a crackling that might have been a chuckle. Then footsteps fading away down the hall. Angel was sweating. His hands shook as he cupped his head in his palms. His pulse pounded inside his skull as the drum beats had last night. Hard, painful, endless. He clutched his chest, feeling it tight, like a kinked hose. The withdrawal was only just getting started. He’d break. Soon. Stumbling to his bed he sat gingerly down on the mattress, pulling off his tie and undoing the buttons of his suit. As he sat there, Fat Nuggets, his pet pig, came shambling over. Angel reached down, cupping the chubby porkster’s body and lifting him up onto his lap. He held Nuggets in two arms, petting him with another, scratching behind his horns. “That voyeur freak,” he mumbled. “Are we all just gonna end up like him, eventually? Fuck that. Fuck that, let me be a regular slut. Not some cosmic nightmare thing like him.” He looked down at Nuggets, a small smile forming as the little pig gave him a moment of relief. Then his face contorted as a wrenching pain hit. He hissed, chest tightening. And for a moment, an awful urge hit him so powerfully, so unbearable, that he almost acted on it. The urge to lift Nuggets up and shove the defenseless creature into his mouth. Angel only barely controlled himself, yet when he pushed through the urge, he found, to his horror, he had actually begun to lift Nuggets from his lap and towards his face. Quickly, he sat Nuggets down on the mattress, the pig sniffling, unaware of the danger that had just passed. Rising, Angel moved to the other side of the room, planting his hands on his dresser, squeezing it like the edge of a cliff. He panted, as if having just made a titanic effort. “The hell’s wrong with me?” he gasped. He undid the top buttons of his shirt, letting out his fluff, letting him breathe. But still he felt as if he had to work just to suck down each gulp of air. “That fucking freak. Did he do this to me? If I could just get a hit. If I could….” He winced, feeling another awful urge, the painful withdrawal now mixed with the painful need to fill himself with something. Anything. Anything alive. He fought it off again, but not before turning around and taking a step towards the bed. Fear of his own loss of control hit him cold and hard. Angel knew he couldn’t stay in here any longer. He had to leave. Practically running, he left the room, moving to the elevator. It came faster this time, which was good. He didn’t want to linger in the hall and risk running into Alastor again. He took the elevator back down, mind running but running without direction. He wasn’t going to last much longer. He needed something. Needed to get something in him. He had some vague idea of going back to Valentino and risking whatever came. But even that seemed too far away. Could he even make it to the penthouse? Worse, as he stood in the elevator, he saw the dented side of the car from where he’d kicked it earlier. He remembered his harsh words to Charlie. That only added a strain of guilt to his yearning. “I really do deserve this shit,” he groaned. “I’m just the wretch I deserve to be.” The door opened onto the quiet lobby. Angel wandered out into the main hall. He stopped, looking left, to the ornate door leading outside. Then, he looked right. There was a small light coming through an open door that led into a side sitting area. He heard, gently playing, a radio with an unusually mellow song on it. Without knowing what he intended to do, Angel turned towards the door and made his way to it. Inside the sitting room a short coffee table was in the center of the room. A radio, from which the tune was coming, sat on a table by a chair against the wall. Sitting on the floor in front of the coffee table, a steamy mug beside her and various papers in front of her, was Charlie. She was bent over the table, drawing or sketching. From the papers around her and on the floor, Angel saw that she was working on new advertisements. He lingered in the door for a long moment, quietly watching her. Several times he almost turned to leave, go outside, and start the trip across town to Valentino, but each time he stayed. He felt the dull, deep ache of guilt punched down through him, like a core of ice inside the shelf of his burning need. Finally he could take it no more. He had to at least kill one of the aches inside him. Or try to. He knocked on the door frame. Charlie looked up, surprised. She turned back, and when she saw it was him, she rose quickly. “Angel,” she said, trying to look casual. “Do you… need me?” “Charl, look,” he started. He hesitated, rubbing the back of his neck, before stepping into the room, trying again. “Look, I suck at this, but right now, I feel like I’m stuck on a spit and I’ve got to get at least one side of this shit taken care of.” Charlie glanced around, confused. Trying to smile, she said, uncertain, “Um, I don’t quite follow you there, Angel.” Sighing, rubbing two hands over his face, Angel said, “It’s this fucking junkie shit. You have zero idea how bad this is, Charlie, and I had a hell of a day yesterday or whenever it was, so I’m pretty dry on the temper department. What I’m trying to get around to is that I’m in a rough place right now like you wouldn’t believe, and I just don’t want you to think that you’re the reason for it.” Charlie still wasn’t quite sure what this was all getting to. Somewhat overeager, she tried to help, stepping towards Angel and offering, “Angel, I DO understand. I mean, I know what it’s like to just… keep pushing at something and not getting anywhere. It’s okay!” Despite his desire to make amends, Angel found that raw anger stoking up again. With it, that deep, overwhelming urge to do something, bite something, feel something between his teeth came back. Hot and anxious like his need for a hit. Any hit. “No, Charlie,” he said, losing his patience again. “Don’t. Just. Just don’t. I’m not talking about, okay, about ambition or moral obligations or any of that. I’m talking about withdrawal. Dependencies. It’s been maybe forty hours since my last, good hit? You have no idea, no idea at all, what happened to me yesterday, and right now I’m way, way past the point of being able to deal with this. What I’m trying to get you to understand is that I’m in a place that’s making me act like a gonzo baby and a real asshole.” Charlie looked concerned, but this still wasn’t connecting. She couldn’t really understand Angel’s situation; only his disappointment in himself that was written as plain as anything on his face. That was the only thing she could focus on. The only thing she could try to help with. “Hey, come on now,” she said, trying to be cheerful. “We all get in some pretty, you know, messed up places sometimes and it’s okay to just talk-” Angel was grinding his teeth, rubbing a hand down his face, trying to hold himself back. His guilt and his pain and his ravenous addiction were twisting into a triple helix inside him, tightening and tightening, and he finally couldn’t take it anymore. He grabbed Charlie by the shoulders, causing her mouth to snap shut as he drew her close with a sharp yank. “No, no, no, no, no!” he shouted. “Christ on a cross, please, please stop talking right now. You’re not…. I need to fucking put something inside me that kills all this pain! You have no idea what that’s like, Charlie. None! You’ve never been human. You’ve never been addicted. You have never been anywhere near feeling a need so bad, so deep, so absolute that you’d let every abusive ex in your whole fucking universe cave in your skull just for one hour away from it. That’s where I am, Charlie. That’s all I am! And right now, I need-” He stopped. He realized how far he’d come. Holding Charlie roughly by her upper arms, her pale face tightened in shock and a little pain. But not just that. Angel felt heat from her on his palms, on his fingers. The hot, low scent of her perfume was in his nose. And now that these sensations were on him, now that they were so close, that twisting need inside him focused fully on her. Angel felt an overwhelming need, a nearly apocalyptic need, to eat Charlie. “Angel,” she winced. “You’re hurting my arms.” “That god damn radio bastard,” he mumbled, not letting her go. Instead, he took a heavy step further into the room, driving her back towards the coffee table. “Did he do this to me? Or am I finally going around the bend?” “What are you talking about?” Charlie asked. “Please, Angel, just let go. Sit down for a second.” “Charl,” he said. And before he could go on, he slid his tongue out along the front of his teeth, realizing his mouth had begun to water. Charlie saw it too, staring up in confusion. He stammered, “Don’t think there’s a good way of saying this, Charl. I… need to eat you.” Charlie’s wide eyes widened, her pale face lost more of its color. Angel reached out with his second pair of hands, grabbing hold of her wrists. He pushed her further into the room. Charlie began to struggle, pushing against his hold, trying to yank her arms free. “Angel, you’re confused,” she said. “You need to let me go.” “I’m sorry, Charl,” he said, voice heavy and shaking with need. “You gotta understand. I don’t think I can leave this room unless I do this. I don’t think there’d be anything left of me if I tried. I need this. I’m sorry.” “Angel, quit this!” She yelled as her legs hit the coffee table. Savagely, Angel bore her down onto the flat surface, scattering papers. He crawled on top of her, using his legs and a third pair of arms to balance as he held her tight with his four other hands. Leaning over her like a spider over a caught fly. The violent motion had sent Charlie’s coffee tumbling. The aroma of the drink mingled with the spice of her body, filling his lungs with an agonizing taste of what he now needed more than anything. Her, Charlie, the princess of hell itself. Inside his body. Inside his gut. Angel shook, feverishly, but his strength was back. The strength of utter desperation. He used his lower two pairs of arms to pincer Charlie’s to her side. Then he cupped her head with his upper pair, taking her between his palms. Charlie looked up with a terrified expression, glancing around for a way out. She twisted and squirmed, but Angel held her firmly. Leaning over her, his long, lithe body above her like a bridge, Angel licked his lips again. A drop of saliva falling from his tongue onto her bowtie. “I don’t want to hurt you, Charl,” he said, as if there were more, but he couldn’t think of anything else to say. “Please don’t do this,” Charlie asked one final time. Angel hesitated, gold tooth biting his lip. Then he winced as he felt that awful pain inside him. A pain deeper than any he’d known in life. He opened his mouth wide and drew Charlie’s head up towards it. She stared up into a cavernous, fleshy, dripping entry down into Angel’s dark insides. Charlie twisted her head side to side. She shouted for Vaggie and Alastor, for anyone. But the only other sound in the hotel was the radio playing gently as Angel pushed Charlie’s face through his lips and onto his tongue. The moment his tongue touched her, something Angel had not felt in hell hit him. Something he’d rarely even felt in life. Satisfaction. Not pleasure but a sensation of satisfaction. The taste of Charlie’s skin was fleshy and warm as his tongue raked over the smooth surface of her cheek. But the sense of satisfaction that spilled in with that taste was beyond words. Everything inside him loosened and relaxed. Angel groaned as if in pain. Then he sucked her in. With a wet sound, he swallowed and dragged Charlie’s head over his tongue and down into his throat. Her screaming was muffled immediately as her head began to travel down through his slender neck, pulled deep by the working muscles of his throat. Angel leaned up, using his arms to raise Charlie up above him, allowing him to guide her shoulders and thin chest down into his throat. His mouth crumbled her fine shirt as he devoured her, plunging her down lower, the bulge of her head sliding below his throat, beneath his fluff, towards his stomach. Her shouting now quiet as she was pressed in by the tight, wet, skin of his throat. Taste was no longer even an object for Angel. There was only the relentless need to swallow. To engulf her. Now that he had her, nothing less than all of Charlie would be acceptable. He swallowed in heavy, powerful gulps, his impish body proving just how strong it was as he wolfed down her chest, her stomach, her hips. Charlie’s legs flailed in the air before he caged them with his hands, forcing them together. He felt his shirt tighten as Charlie’s upper body began to fill his stomach. His gullet bulged and pushed out heavily, straining the fabric. Charlie, able to get some air in the stretchy, hot, sodden belly, shouted, “Angel, don’t!” He did. He swallowed her thighs. He slurped down her knees. And at last his lips crawled up her calves. Pulling away her shoes, leaving her stocking-clad toes wriggling in the air, Angel sucked them down, curling tongue drawing them between his sharp teeth. With a last, low, wet guzzle, he sent the final few inches of Charlie down. Closing his jaws behind her. Angel knelt erect there on the table a moment, feeling Charlie sinking down. Down through his throat. Down through his chest. Down into his stomach. With a soft burbling sound, his belly filled with the curled up demonic princess. As it did, the buttons of his shirt finally popped dully and his heavy dome spilled out onto his upper legs. A huge sigh rose up from his lips. He sank down, lying back onto the table, cradling his stomach with two pairs of hands, unable to keep himself up. It was gone. The pounding need was gone. He’d done the one thing he’d spent all of his life and death trying to do: he’d had enough. He felt Charlie squirming inside. Her hands pushing out at the walls of his gut, making tiny dimples in his skin. Angel rubbed them, his gut groaning from its load. From under his tight skin, Charlie’s voice, small and muffled, rose up timidly, “Angel. Let… let me out.” Stroking her, squeezing her, that enormous, satisfied gut, between his hands, Angel tried to think of doing that. He tried to think of the long, long, unbearably long road to fixing what he’d just done. It was too hard to think. He needed this moment. He needed a moment to breathe freely. To feel nothing but his own hands around something just right. “Just let me have this, Charlie,” he said in a husky almost-whisper. “Just a taste. Just a hit. One hit of this. Please.” He lay back on the table, his gut on top of him like a stone, the music falling over him like rain. And he felt nothing but satisfied. The End |
Angel Dust came up from a deep, dreamless sleep feeling an immense and wonderful heaviness. It was the first time in his death, and one of the few times since his birth, that he felt himself coming into an awareness that didn’t sting at the sides. Didn’t pinch inward painfully. Didn’t need something to make it bearable. He felt good. Except for something poking his stomach. He opened his eyes, blinking, for a moment unsure where or how he was. He felt a hard surface beneath his back. Saw an unfamiliar ceiling above. Something kept poking him in the stomach. After several seconds of groggily shifting his eyes over the ceiling, trying to remember where he was, Angel realized that the poking on his stomach was too high, too far away from the rest of him. The heaviness wasn’t just from waking up without a yearning pain of addiction. It was because his gut was full and fat and big and sitting on top of him. Angel sat up suddenly as he remembered what had happened. His gut sloshed and spilled onto his legs. As it did, he felt a rush of anxiety. He saw it now, a boulder of pale, fluffy skin surging out of his shirt. He felt a lightning bolt of horror as the thought crashed down on him. Holy shit; I killed Charlie. “Charliiiiaaaah!” He wasn’t even able to get a word out before his sudden rush combined with the unwieldy fat gut he was now carting caused him to spill over the side of the coffee table. Angel flumped to the floor with a massive thud, landing on his belly. He barely noticed that it had been Nifty poking and prodding his stomach the whole time. The one-eyed shortstack darted aside, just avoiding being squished as he came crashing down. She looked at him with a wide eyed wonder. “That’s mighty big. You put on some pounds. Are you pregnant? Is this how spider demons reproduce? Seems a bit awkward,” she said in a rapid fire staccato. Angel groaned, his mind too much a flurry to think about her insistent questions. He felt his gut, hearing it groan, and, again, a rush of anxiety hit him. He’d killed Charlie. He’d killed the princess of hell by digesting her like a cheap fast food snack. Angel felt an on-coming storm of panic and guilt about to overtake him when a groan rose up from his belly. “Uuuugghh. What’s going on? Angel, what are you doing, pole dancing? Oooof.” It took him a moment to register that the voice was in fact Charlie’s, coming up, muffled but very much intact, from his belly. Angel sighed heavily in relief. His panic dissolved. At least he’d not fucked up THAT bad. Nifty leaned over his large belly, looking at it with new wonder. “Wooooooow. You ate her? Is THAT how spider demon’s reproduce? I never knew you had to eat your mate BEFORE the banging or do you do the mating inside? Seems efficient. I’m not complaining. I wouldn’t say it’s my thing, but I wouldn’t say no if it was the right guy. You’re a girl so you’re not the right guy, but I’m glad you can do you but hey can you reproduce with just two girls? Is that how spiders do-?” Angel reached out and firmly clasped one hand over Nifty’s mouth, stemming the flow of words for a moment. Rubbing his gut with his other hand, he was amazed for a second time at what he’d done. Charlie was inside him. Now that he was awake and aware again, he could feel her. All of her. And it felt amazing. That fullness radiated out from his gut like heat, drenching every part of him. Every muscle and nerve and fibre. He felt so good. But now he had to contend with what he’d done. He’d shoved Charlie into his mouth. Swallowed her. Where the hell did he go from here? Clearing his throat, Angel said, “Charl. You okay in there?” After a moment and some shifting inside him, he heard the muffled reply, “Y-yeah. Just, uh… a bit… slimy.” Angel bit his lip, blushing. He was not at all prepared for this. He’d banged broads and guys of every shape and stripe, but this was intimacy he’d never had with someone. And it was with Charlie. Someone he had no physical desire for. He’d forced this on her, and now she was inside him, getting coated in parts of him he didn’t want to think about. Seeing bits of him no one ever had. Unsteadily, one hand still on Nifty’s mouth, another on the table for support, Angel rose to his feet. He used his second set of arms to support his gut, which bobbled and sloshed, getting a soft sound of surprise from Charlie. Standing straight, Angel said, “Look, Charlie. I’ll figure something out. I just got to talk to-” “Did you….?” Angel stopped cold as he heard a new voice come from the doorway to the small room. He looked up from his belly. Raising his head until he saw Vaggie standing in the doorway. The long haired woman was looking, her uncovered eye wide with shock, not at Angel but at his stomach. A new panic set in. Not the previous hot panic of guilt at having potentially killed his host. But an icy cold panic at realizing how screwed he was. Vaggie was the last person he needed to see this. “Did you,” Vaggie said again, in a voice deadly quiet, “eat. My fucking. Girlfriend?” For a long, silent moment, they stood there, just looking at each other. The only sound coming from Angel’s stomach, sloshes and gurgles. Then Vaggie pulled out a spear, tipped with a wickedly sharp blade. “You’re dead, Angel” she said, as she started into the room. “I’m cutting it off. ALL of it!” Nifty stepped away from Angel, at the same time producing a mop and bucket as she watched with anticipation. Angel retreated back, holding his gut in two hands, two others up defensively. With his massive stomach, he wasn’t in a good position to defend himself. He stammered, “Woah, woah, woah, back off, toots. Hey, back off, back off!” “Vaggie, don’t!” came from his gut, but Vaggie’s eye was burning hot with violence. She raised her spear with a snarl, preparing to drive it straight at Angel. Angel, no options left, pulled out a tommy gun, pointing it right at Vaggie as she yelled and jumped forward. But before he could pull the trigger, he felt the barrel suddenly forced upwards towards the ceiling. He felt no bite from Vaggie’s spear as it, too, was forced upwards by a long-fingered hand gripping the shaft just below the blade. Between them, using his hand to hold up Vaggie’s spear and his cane to hold up Angel’s gun, Alastor stood, having either walked in or simply materialized there, Angel wasn’t sure. He looked between the two of them, smiling, then let out a cheerful, humored laugh. “Well well well,” he said. “We are full of vim and vigor this morning, are we not? Though it looks as if one of us is full of more than that.” He lowered his cane, using the microphone tip to poke Angel’s gut, getting a surprised, “Eep!” from within. “Back off, Alastor,” Vaggie said, snatching her spear back from his grip and pointing it at Angel. “I’m gutting this cabrón hijo de perra. Then, I’m cutting off his tackle. And his fur tits, and his arms, and his-” “Wait!” Nifty shouted, dropping her mop and bucket with a clatter as everyone turned toward her. With an expression of utter shock, she pointed at Angel and said, gasping, “You’re not a girl?” Everyone looked at her for a moment. Then, turning back to Angel, Vaggie said, “You are so dead, malparido.” “Hey, back off, Vaggs,” Angel snapped. “I don’t care if I’m toting your girlfriend like a thirty month baby, I’ll still tango.” Vaggie snarled and lunged at him again, but once again Alastor stopped her, fencing her back with his cane as he shook his head, making a tsking sound. “Now, friends, friends,” he said in a soothing voice. “Far be it from me to assume, but I suspect all this attempted bloodshed in our lovely hotel would wound our host’s delicate sensibilities. Isn’t that right, Charlie my dear?” Everyone looked at Angel’s stomach. After a moment, there was some fleshy shifting from within, and then an awkward, “That’s right. Vaggie, please it… it wasn’t something Angel… well, just don’t hurt him!” “Charlie, he ATE you!” Vaggie shouted. “I’m talking to you through his gut! You can’t expect me to treat this like it’s just him going on another drunken bender.” “But he didn’t hurt me,” Charlie argued, her position slightly diminished by being currently inside of Angel. “Look, I’m fine. I’m still okay. I don’t want you to hurt him for a… a mistake.” Angel felt a warm mix of guilt and affection. He remembered back to before he’d passed out. Lunging onto Charlie like an animal. Forcing her head between his lips. Feeling her face, her mouth working to call for help, on his tongue. And still she didn’t want him hurt. Angel wasn’t used to having such feelings. He had no idea how to process them. He could only feel them, burning hot inside him like the warmth of Charlie’s body deep down in his pit. “Indeed,” said Alastor. “No offense to you, my long and slender fellow, but it would take much, much more than a mere sinner’s bowels to undo the princess of hell herself. For our lovely Charlie, that fine, shapely dome of your’s is as dangerous as an exceedingly personal sauna, though somewhat more noisy. So yes, our host can emerge unharmed save for perhaps some stubborn stains on her formal wear.” Vaggie looked at Alastor, then at Angel. After a moment, she sighed and put away her spear, stepping back, rubbing her head. “I can’t believe this,” she said. “Angel, you’d better appreciate how lucky you are, because after this, you ought to be upholstery.” “Yeah, yeah, love you too, Vaggs,” Angel said, putting away his gun. He looked down at his gut, rubbing his hands along the dome. “I guess we’ve got to figure out how to get you out of there, Charl.” “Well,” said Alastor, smiling as he leaned on his cane. “Pointing out the obvious, there are two classic ways to vacate the body. Not to put too fine a point on it, I believe the most used route is-” “No, no, no, no,” shouted Vaggie, swinging her arms wildly. “You are NOT shitting out my girlfriend!” From inside, Charlie said with a rather worried voice, “Yeah, can we please, please, please not do that? Uh, no offense Angel, but I think I’ve seen way more than enough of you at this point.” Angel blushed bright red, but nodded. “Yeah, let’s just stop you right there, talk show. I’m not eager to invite anyone to my back parlor from the upstairs, especially not my friggin landlord.” “Okay, let’s just not talk about that anymore, please,” Charlie added, wriggling enough to make Angel’s gut shake. “How about we just, you know, focus on the, uh, the other way. Um, going back up would at least mean I’ve already met the parts I’m going to meet.” Vaggie groaned. Alastor chuckled, but Angel saw that look come into his face. The same hungry, menacing look as yesterday. Despite how crude and ridiculous the situation was, Angel felt as if, in some way, this was exactly what the Radio Demon wanted. “Of course,” said Alastor, conceding. “Let us put it out of our mind. What more fitting way out than up? That is, after all, the very theme of our lovely hotel, is it not? Then it’s decided. A round trip for our princess. Nifty, my dear, best prepare that mop.” Nifty made a gleeful squeal and snatched up her mop and bucket again, bouncing eagerly. Vaggie and Alastor stepped back, giving Angel room. Crossing her arms, Vaggie said with a restrained voice, “Okay, Angel. Do it.” Angel suddenly found himself the center of attention. And as he did, he realized something: he didn’t want this to end. He didn’t want to let Charlie go. Not for Charlie herself; he didn’t want to be empty again. This fullness, it was the satisfaction he’d ached for. The very thing he’d never dreamed of actually finding, but now inside him. The idea of letting it go, of being empty again, filled him with a hollow horror like falling into darkness in a dream. He wanted this to go on forever. Vaggie gestured with her hand impatiently. “Come on. Let her out.” Angel snapped, his desire not to see the end of this rising up as anger, “Hey, Vaggs, don’t know what you think I do on the job but puking on command isn’t part of it.” Vaggie groaned, rolling her eyes. “Mierda. I don’t care, Angel. Shove two fingers down your throat and get this over with!” Angel scoffed. “I know you only bat for the home team, toots. But in my line of work you ditch that weakness pretty fast.” “You can’t make yourself gag?” “When I’m working down dicks long as your calves? What do you think? Of course not!” The spear appeared again, the tip pointed dangerously at Angel’s face as Vaggie snarled, “Well you’d better relearn how very quick, hijo de puta peludo, or you’ll be sucking off the butt of this spear!” “I have,” cut in Alastor, shoving his cane between them as Angel brought out his gun again, “a solution, my companions. Now, it is understandable that our well experienced slender friend might have some difficulty helping our host back out. But I can assist. All I ask is… a deal.” The hot anger at Vaggie (as well as himself) was swiftly replaced by a cold chill as Angel heard those words. He looked over to see that face grinning at him, red eyed, red teethed, ravenous. But not ravenous as he had been. Not hunger for meat or flesh but control. Alastor extended out a hand, long, sharp fingers uncurling like branches of a living tree. As they did, a green glow began to emanate from the hand, rising up through the air, twisting, contorting. “A simple shake of the hand, my gluttonous fellow,” Alastor said, voice cheerful but still frosty with that underlying menace, “and I’ll have our host back out, quick, painless to you and her, no lingering side effects.” Angel took a step back, looking up from the glowing hand into the glowing eyes. He said, “What’s the catch, Al?” Alastor’s grin lengthened. “The catch is the obvious: you let me have control of your digestive tract. That is all I ask. And in return, I will use that control to help you let our lovely Charlie out without any pain… immediate OR otherwise.” Angel stared into those frightful, red eyes. The way Alastor spoke, the emphasis he put on those final words. Angel knew what he was getting at. The addiction. Angel’s talk of gag reflexes was nothing but a delaying tactic. The reality was he wasn’t sure he could endure letting Charlie out yet. He’d lived with addiction long enough to know that that “yet” had no end to it, either. If his urges had shifted fully to Charlie or at least to having someone inside him, then letting her out would be agony even if the actual process itself was painless. But if Alastor could make that easier…. Still, Alastor wasn’t hiding that this was a bargain. Sure, the idea of the Radio Demon having some sort of control of his stomach sounded ridiculous, but this was the supposed dealmaker extraordinaire. Shaking that hand would mean more than he expected. But Angel couldn’t let Charlie out on his own. He knew that, if he rejected Alastor’s offer, his only other option was to get sliced open by Vaggie. Because he just wouldn’t be able to bring himself to work Charlie up alone. He wasn’t strong enough. Closing his eyes, he said, “Don’t make this suck, Al.” Then, he reached out and gripped Alastor’s hand. It closed over his own firmly, the thin, long fingers tight and strong. The glowing swirl of green raced up his arm and around his body. Angel felt first a rush of cold then a flow of warmth. Similar to the warmth he’d felt waking up with Charlie inside him, but with an underlying sense of discomfort. As if something or someone were feeling around under his skin. In his stomach, he heard a loud sloshing and a gasp from Charlie. Then he felt pressure rising up inside his chest. He looked down and saw the bulge of her, pushing up, under his chest fluff. There wasn’t any feeling of discomfort or nausea. In fact, it felt similar to how it had been when swallowing her. Just less pleasant. Angel, still holding Alastor’s hand in his, went down on his knees, leaning forward on his other hands, head down. He closed his eyes, breathing slowly and deeply as he felt Charlie rising inside him. Felt his throat opening from beneath. He took a heavy breath. He felt her crown, wet and slimy, push up into his mouth. He opened his jaws. With a slick sort of popping noise, Charlie slid through Angel’s stretched jaws. Her body glistened in a covering of slime as she was pushed out by his throat muscles. She gave a small groan as her head and shoulders emerged. Once her chest slid forward between his teeth, she was able to pull her wet arms out. Vaggie knelt and reached down to her, grabbing hold of Charlie under the arms. Charlie held her tight as her girlfriend helped pull her the rest of the way out from Angel’s throat, leaving behind a long, fat, dripping trail of saliva and gut slime that stained the carpet deeply. Charlie leaned on Vaggie, wobbling as she tried to stand. “You okay?” Vaggie asked, feeling her stumbling. “I’m fine,” Charlie said, breathing hard. “Just been curled up a while. I’ll be okay.” Angel wiped his lips with his arm. He felt the emptiness inside him now dully. He dreaded how it would feel soon, when the craving kicked in again. Whether it would be as soon as he let Alastor’s hand go, in an hour, in a day, it didn’t matter. He knew the addiction would hit again. And that emptiness would feel wide as the sky when it did. Hesitating, he finally let go of Alastor’s hand. The green glow ceased. The warmth inside him faded. No pain rushed in but the feeling of emptiness in his gut seemed sharper. More real. More solid. Standing, his face red with shame, guilt, and plain embarrassment at having been seen in such a state, Angel looked at Charlie, whose long hair hung in drenched, heavy strands against her body. Then he glanced away from her eyes and said, “Sorry for the… sorry, Charl.” “Yeah,” she said, uncertainly. Then, leaning on Vaggie, who was staring daggers at Angel, she said, “Vaggie, let’s go up to my room. I’d like to wash off.” “Of course, Charlie,” Vaggie said, supporting her with both arms as they started out the door. Before they turned down the hall, Vaggie glared one more time at Angel, mouthing the word, “Later” at him, then walked off with Charlie. Nifty threw her bucket to the floor with a loud clang, jabbed the mop down into it, then pulled out a small vacuum cleaner. She said, “Oh my, so much mess. Gonna need the wet vac for this. I guess guys’ insides are just as dirty as girls’. Oh well, nothing a lady’s touch won’t fix. Though a lady did track this in. Or is it out? Well I guess-” She then drowned out her own voice as she turned on the loud vacuum and began to grind it over the wet stains left on the carpet. Moving out of the room with Alastor trailing him like a humming shadow, Angel made his way away from the noise before turning to the Radio Demon. He said, “Okay, Al, level with me. You aren’t just a one-off kind of deal maker, so what’s the score here? What do you want from me?” Alastor laughed. “I must say, for the sheer entertainment you’ve offered today, it was almost worth it to help you out for that alone!” He added in a chillier voice, “Almost.” “That’s what I figured,” Angel said. “So, what is it going to take to get us from ‘almost’ to ‘square?’ I already know you don’t get your dick wet, so I’m guessing my usual services aren’t on the table.” “An accurate guess, my fluffy friend,” Alastor said. He slammed his cane tip against the ground. Then, reaching under his label, Alastor produced a silver watch on a long, silver chain. He held it up, where it glinted and flashed in the lights of the hotel hall, its face perfectly smooth and blank. “As I said before our little pact was made,” Alastor went on, letting the watch turn and sway slowly, “my bargain for assisting you in overcoming, momentarily, your ravenous addiction was control of your digestive tract. And I meant that very literally, my voracious business partner. Put simply, you have given me permission to control just how your digestive system works. How weak or strong it is.” Angel looked at Alastor, confused. “So what, you’re saying you’re going to make me take a day and a half to digest a sandwich now?” Alastor chuckled. He spun the watch on its chain in a small circle, letting it go so that it flew straight up in the air. When it fell, he caught it in his palm. “An option, but not an interesting one. No, my Angel. What I want is, believe me or not, to help you. Help you slip free of one of your more constricting chains." "What are you talking about, Al?" He grinned in that way that made Angel feel like a spider beneath an owl. "Valentino." *** Vaggie opened the door and helped Charlie into their shared room. By this point, Charlie was able to support herself, with just a bit of a wobble as she walked. They stepped inside the room, sparsely populated with their belongings: a few stuffed animals, drawings, and scripts on Charlie’s work desk, a few targets and a badly scratched up mannequin for Vaggie. In the center was a messy bed, covers ruffled and unmade, several pillows near the top. Shutting the door behind them, Vaggie let Charlie go. Charlie reached back, pulling away the soaked band from her hair, the long, blonde curtain smacking against her back as she made her way towards the bathroom. Inside, she threw her hair band into a hamper and sat on the side of the tub, pulling at her shoes. The soft platter of dripping on the tub and the linoleum came every so often, though her glaze was starting to dry to a tacky, slippery sheen rather than a sopping coat at this point. Vaggie knelt down before Charlie, saying, “Let me take care of that.” She took Charlie’s feet one at a time, undoing the tight, fattened laces of her sharp-toed shoes. Pulling them off, Vaggie said, “Are you okay, hon? Seriously. You just… I mean you just got out of a stomach.” Now that they were alone, Charlie’s fatigue showed. It wasn’t a truly physical fatigue. She’d just spent however long she’d been inside Angel lying there, not doing anything, so other than some stiffness she was physically fine. But the experience had hit her hard. It wasn’t just the mere gross fact that she’d been inside Angel and come out again. That by itself would have been comical, in a juvenile way. It was that it had left her feeling strange. Open. As if something sturdy and powerful around her had fallen away, and now she was vulnerable. “I’m okay, Vaggie,” she said, sighing as she flexed her toes once Vaggie pulled away her shoes and socks. “Just feels odd after… I have no idea how long it was. Angel passed out and it felt like I was in there for so long. But just barely no time at all, too.” “That creep,” Vaggie said. She rose, leaning down to undo Charlie’s bow tie, pulling it out from her shirt collar. “What the hell was he doing? Charlie, seriously, that was totally unacceptable. You can’t let him stay after that!” Charlie shook her head, sliding her suspender straps off her shoulders and working loose the buttons of her shirt. “Vaggie, you didn’t see him before it happened. When it happened…” She paused, not sure how to put it. Vaggie looked down at her, brow furrowed, concerned. Then, a small smile on her face, she leaned forward and kissed Charlie on the cheek, holding her lightly. “Don’t worry about that right now,” she said. Reaching over, she turned on the tub’s faucet, plugging the drain. “Let’s get you in here.” Vaggie helped Charlie peel off her sodden clothing. The demonic princess stepped out of her once-stiff, now soaked attire, her smooth, slender form glistening from the saturation it had taken, shining in the bathroom light. Holding Vaggie’s hand, Charlie stepped into the tub and eased down into the steaming water. She let out a sigh as the soothing liquid covered her, sinking down to her breasts in the water. Vaggie stopped the faucet, pulling off her arm warmers to bare her tanned arms. She took a rag from a linen cabinet and soaked it. Then, soaping it up, she began to gently rub Charlie’s body, starting above her breasts, slowly making her way down her arms. Charlie closed her eyes, sinking into the peaceful comfort of being with her girlfriend, being cared for, being free to stretch out again. Yet still, like a sailor home to shore, she felt a persistent wavering beneath and behind her. A sense of vastness about her, too big for comfort. Her face scrunched up. Vaggie, who’d been washing her chest, asked worriedly, “Something wrong?” Rather than dodge the question this time, Charlie looked up at Vaggie. Her red cheeks blushing. She admitted, “I still feel it. All around me, Vaggie. Like something in the world is moving. It was all I could feel while I was in there. I couldn’t see so I just… I just felt.” “You’re okay,” Vaggie said, taking her hand, rubbing it. “You’re okay now, Charlie. You’re out. Estas conmigo. I promise, I won’t let that idiot do that to you again.” Charlie shook her head. “I don’t think it was him. Angel… something happened to him. I don’t know. But….” Sitting up a little, leaning closer to Vaggie, Charlie asked, “Vaggie. When you were alive, did you… did you ever deal with someone who was addicted to something? I mean, really and truly addicted to something, deeply. I see it down here, people taking drugs, drinking, it’s so universal. But down here there’s no death, no end, I don’t know what to judge it against. It’s just another part of what everyone does. Did you see it before, when you were alive?” Vaggie sighed. Sitting down on the side of the tub, still holding Charlie’s hand against the side of her thigh, Vaggie said, “I did. It was harsh. For most people, it started from a place of needing to get away from something. Get free of something. Most people fell into it because, well, because life sucked. I guess, down here, knowing that there’s nothing to wait on, no death to fear and no better ending to work towards, people just accept it as the next best thing.” Charlie rested her head on Vaggie’s thigh. Vaggie placed a hand on Charlie’s head, stroking it, running her fingers through the wet strands of blonde. “The way Angel acts,” Charlie said, “I’d never thought about how someone gets to that point. I always thought, I guess, that all these things people did, all these sins. They were just choices. But the way he acted, as if he couldn’t help it, needed it….” Looking down at her, Vaggie asked, “Did he say something?” Charlie nodded. “Yeah. He said he had a need so bad that he’d have let all the worst people in his life hurt him just to fill it. For one hour. He said that’s ALL he was.” Charlie’s hand tightened around Vaggie’s “I thought about that in there, Vaggie. I tried to think of what it would take to reach that point. To the point of feeling that the only thing in me that mattered was a painful NEED. I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t understand it.” Vaggie tried to think of what to say. Even now, even after all this time, Charlie’s empathy astounded her. Charlie, a creature of hell who had never lived among any but dead sinners, had more capacity for sympathy and understanding than most humans Vaggie had known in life. Vaggie felt a burning renewal of her love for this woman. But what to say, what to offer her in understanding this, that Vaggie couldn’t think of. Charlie went on, “He was upset. Not at me. I think more at himself. I’d seen him, earlier, before this happened, and Angel insulted himself. I’ve never heard him do that. And when he came back to try and talk to me, before he lost control, he was trying to get me to understand. The thing I remember most is that he said I’d never been human.” Rather than speaking in anger, Vaggie said, softly and consoling, “It sounds like he was in a pretty bad place. I really doubt he meant anything by it, hon.” Reluctantly, she added, “He did seem upset at what happened. I’m sure it was just whatever got hold of him talking.” “Maybe. But he’s not wrong.” Leaning back, looking up at Vaggie, Charlie said, “I am a demon, after all. Not a fallen mortal. Angel might have been in a bad place then, but that doesn’t mean he was wrong. I’ve never been human. So, in a way, there’s always going to be some part of this, of just existing, that I can’t see the way you, any of you, do.” Vaggie reached out, cupping one bright red cheek with a small smile. “Hon, no one understands everything. Trust me, not even the best human understood completely what being human meant. And plenty tried. You can’t let one drug-addled outburst from someone in a pretty rough spot make you question everything.” “It’s not that.” Charlie looked away, biting her lip. She was also so cute when she did that, the way her face would scrunch up. It never failed to make Vaggie want to pull her close and kiss her on the nose. “Vaggie, when I was… when I was inside Angel for all that time, after I stopped panicking, after I realized I was safe, I laid there and felt. And felt. And felt. I felt myself inside someone else and…. She reached up, rubbing a hand across her face. She gave a shuddery breath, breathing in deep as if steeling herself for some commitment. Looking up at Vaggie, she said, “I enjoyed it.” Vaggie couldn’t help but show a look of surprise, her eyes widening and blinking, her mouth opening for a moment. Quickly, Charlie said, “Not because of Angel himself. If anything, being in him was really, really awkward. But I was in there so long, sitting, waiting, feeling. And I had all of that going through my head, all he’d said. Thinking about all the things, all the human things, I didn’t and couldn’t understand. I started to think about how… how I was born differently from you. But being there, inside someone else, I realized, hey, this is sort of like… sort of like being born, right? So, in a weird way, it made me feel a little closer… to you.” Vaggie wasn’t at all sure how to take this. She opened her mouth several times only to close it, unsure. She looked around, trying to think, but the idea was simple and absurd. Charlie had, to some extent, enjoyed being eaten. What could Vaggie even offer her after that? Finally, she said, for lack of not knowing what else to say, “So you enjoyed it cause it made you feel closer to me?” “Well, maybe that’s not it exactly,” Charlie said, fidgeting awkwardly now that she’d admitted it, getting very red and embarrassed. “Like I said, being in Angel made it all super weird. Nothing against Angel I just don’t feel, you know, THAT for him. But just the feeling of being enclosed, of being inside, of hearing and feeling someone around me, I…” Her face went incredibly red and she lowered it, almost to the water line, sinking down into the steaming tub as she glanced up at Vaggie like a child confessing to a terrible crime. “I wanted… I wanted it to be you.” Now Vaggie felt as if every hair and fiber of her body were standing straight up. Her heart hit the top of her chest and bounced back down. She felt her own cheeks burst bright red. “You wanted to be inside me instead?” Charlie nodded meekly. “Yes. I started… I started pretending it WAS you. To try and make it less awkward. It didn’t work perfectly. Even inside, everyone has their own, you know, smell and feel. But I thought about how… about how your stomach would feel. Would smell. How it would move. How it would sound. And, Vaggie, I loved it so much. I loved thinking about it so, so much. It helped me stay calm even when Angel was still passed out and I didn’t know how long before someone else came or he woke up. Because, if only a little, I could pretend, there in the dark, the warm, the wet, that really I was being held by you. Just you. And that feeling was so, so wonderful.” Vaggie’s face was burning up. Without realizing she was doing it, she laid one hand over her stomach, as if expecting to feel something there, within. Catching herself in that motion, she blushed all the harder. The idea of having Charlie inside her, holding her within her body, feeling her every motion. It felt laughable. But the way Charlie had described it, it also felt lovely. A ridiculous sort of lovely. Something closer than skin. An intimacy deeper than nude. Vaggie thought, with a feeling of absurdity, about her own insides. A place no one had ever seen except for the doctor who performed her autopsy and the worms who gnawed her bones. No part of her, not her lips nor breasts nor sex were so untravelled and untouched by another. And Charlie wanted to go there. To see her, the deepest, most secret part of her. Squirming frantically in the water, Charlie rose up, stammering, “L-look that was just… just me being messed up by what had happened. I probably just, you know, got a little loopy being inside Angel so long. I’m out now. My head’ll clear up soon. Don’t listen to me. I’ll just finish bathing real quick and we-” Vaggie turned, swinging her legs smoothly over the side of the tub. Shifting off the side, she entered the hot water with Charlie, raising the water level in a slosh till it spilled over the side. Soaked through her clothing, Vaggie took hold of Charlie’s cheeks and cut her off by drawing up to her, till their chests touched, till her legs framed Charlie’s, and she kissed her. Fully, deeply. Charlie stopped stammering. She sank into the kiss as she had sunk down into the tub. Relieved. Thankful. Raising her arms from the water, she wrapped them around Vaggie, hugging her tight. Arms tangled in the other woman’s long hair. They remained for a long, breathless moment, the water sloshing and swirling around them as it slowed. Finally, Vaggie pulled back, her lips curling into a small smile. “I love you, Charlie,” she said, gently. “And if you want to see that part of me, then I’d love to show you. And I don’t need Alastor to get you back up.” “Vaggie.” Charlie blinked back happy tears as she smiled. She hugged her again, so tight Vaggie couldn’t draw in a breath till she let her go. “Thank you so much. I love you. I… ahh, I want this so much.” “Then, how about we try it tonight?” Vaggie asked when she could at last breathe again. Charlie sloshed more water from the tub as she bounced, shaking her arms, letting out an eager “Eeeeeeeee!” A short time later, they’d dried off, though their hair, long and wet, sat heavily and glossy on their backs. Vaggie was still in the bathroom, her wet clothes discarded, going over her teeth with her toothbrush, her mouth full of sudsy paste. She’d insisted on making sure she was as freshened up as she could be for Charlie. After a bit of a long and vigorous scrub down, she finally rinsed her mouth clean, opening her jaws0 to look inside in the mirror. Her teeth were sharp, as every demon and sinner in hell. She ran her tongue over them, really feeling for the first time the points of her own teeth in a way that she hadn’t since coming down. She remembered what Alastor had said; that for Charlie, a true demon, the threat presented by someone like her or Angel was very small. Still, she couldn’t help but feel an inadequacy as she took in her sharp teeth, her uninteresting tongue, and the fleshy gullet, unremarkable in any way. She wished she could be better for Charlie. She wished she could be heavenly for her. But that wasn’t an option. In the room, Charlie sat on the bed. She had her arms on her knees, looking down between her feet as she took long, slow, deep breaths. Her mind a whirl of emotion. Last night had been terrifying at first. Deeply terrifying. When Angel had forced her into himself and then collapsed, Charlie had thought, for a moment, that she would really die. Logically, if the absurd situation had been described to her ahead of time, she might have reasoned as Alastor had said: that while getting swallowed could be gross or even painful, being killed by it was not likely a danger for her. But to be suddenly thrust by someone in a very unstable mental place into their body. Into dark, wet, flesh-smelling insides. That first hour she’d cried, fully expecting this was the end of her. She’d forgotten her hopes for the hotel, her joys with Vaggie, her remote and distant desire to show her mother and father that her ideas were not wrong, the even more remote hope of, one day, bridging the great divide between heaven and hell. She’d felt then as if she’d been thrown into the deepest dark. The first hour passed. She felt no pain and no sense of threat from the walls that cradled and pressed her. She began to realize that she was not going to die. Despite being trapped, she understood that she was still in another person who would, sooner or later, have to get up and walk and move and do things in the world. She wasn’t discarded. She wasn’t outside of everything. Just stuck in a slimy bag. Then the sensations of massaging and rocking, undulating and pulsing, began to lull her. She drifted, neither awake nor asleep. As her senses became used to the scent of Angel’s body, she could ignore it enough to start thinking about Vaggie. After that, the time became shorter, easier. Now she was going to go back. Not even a full day after that first fright, she was already going back. Only this time, it would be with Vaggie. This time, she’d chosen it. Charlie thought of it, how it would feel to be inside that body she’s held, slept beside, touched, kissed, leaned on, laid on, and trusted for so long. She laced her arms around her chest, hugging herself, a small smile on her face as she closed her eyes, still feeling the swaying and shifting, but this time knowing it would be Vaggie. It gave Charlie a feeling of the deepest warmth. The door to the bathroom opened. She looked up, feet bouncing giddily as Vaggie came in, her long, tan body bare. She’d removed her ribbon, and much of her hair hung behind her, down to her knees like a train, heavy from the dip it had taken, but a slash of her bangs still covered her left eye. She lingered a moment in the door, still a little unsure, still feeling, as she had in the bathroom, a strange sense of inadequacy. They’d been physical for a long time, yes, but suddenly it was like Vaggie found herself back at the beginning of their relationship. Only this time with a physical side of herself no one, not even she, had ever explored. Sex had been easy. But she didn’t know how to feel about her own insides. Seeing her hesitate, Charlie stopped bouncing her feet. She leaned forward on the bed, worried. “Hey, you okay, Vaggie? If you don’t want to, we don’t have to do this now. Or at all!” Vaggie shook her head. “No, no. I do want to do this with you, hon. Just…” She put a hand to her head and laughed. “Dios mio. I’m about to eat my girlfriend.” Charlie smiled. She wiggled, suggestively, on the bed, swaying her hips back and forth, as well as crossing her arms beneath her so that her upper arms pressed her breasts together, magnifying their soft swell. “Not the first time.” “Hey now, no tricky wordplay.” Vaggie smiled. She came over, and, unable to resist Charlie’s teasing, planted one foot on the edge of the mattress, her leg a high, sharp arch of firm thigh and tight calf in the air. “You start talking like that, and I’ll start thinking my stomach’s not the only part of me you want to see.” “I’d never only want part of you, Vaggie,” Charlie said. She crawled over to the raised leg, laced the fingers of her hands around the bottom of Vaggie’s calve. She leaned forward, and began to kiss it, starting right above the sharp bone of the ankle. Moving up, kiss by kiss, up the calve, working back, pressing her face into the warm crook of the knee. Vaggie shivered, reaching down one hand to cup Charlie’s head as the demon princess continued up her thigh, reaching a hand under to cup her rear. Stopping just shy of the warm inner thigh of her lap. Looking up at Vaggie from beside her raised thigh, Charlie, face colored with pleasure, said, “And I don’t want you to ever have just one part of me.” “Come here, hon,” Vaggie said. She reached out, taking Charlie in her arms as she joined her on the bed, and pulled her close to kiss. Their bodies touched, pressed, slid skin to skin. Vaggie felt the soft mound of Charlie’s breasts plush over her own. The tight, firm brush of her nipples against her skin. She touched her lips to Charlie’s, cupping the demon’s head in one hand, and her other hand slid down along Charlie’s side. Over ribs. Over tummy. Over hip. She kissed Charlie’s lips then again then again. Breathing a little hotter, their breath mingling, she pulled back and said, softly, “Here.” She leaned back, guiding Charlie’s head down. To her chest. Smiling shyly, Charlie laid her head between the low rise of her breasts, closing her eyes. Vaggie could feel her own pulse in the quiet, the gentle drum beat inside her of a strange after life heart. She stroked Charlie’s hair, letting her listen to the pulse, the heavy rush of air in and out of her lungs. She said, “And… here.” She guided Charlie lower. She felt the woman’s face blushing brightly as she laid her cheek to Vaggie’s stomach. Vaggie blushed too, again not sure how to approach such intimacy, feeling oddly virginal and awkward. Charlie ran a hand up Vaggie’s thigh, over her waist, and rubbed her stomach around the navel, petting and stroking the flat, taut skin. She turned her head, and with a soft smack, kissed Vaggie’s belly. She moved lower and kissed her belly button. Her hand sank down between Vaggie’s thighs as she moved lower, kissing right above her waist line. Her fingers began to move in a gliding half circle as she teased around the mound of Vaggie’s pussy. Vaggie gave a heavy exhalation, her hand running down, fingers laced through Charlie’s hair, tracing along her spine. She felt the hot press of Charlie’s lips, touching lower and lower. Leaving little, hot marks down from her waist in a ladder over her lap. Stopping just above her mound, Charlie’s warm breath on her sensitive skin, Vaggie felt those fingers draw back for a moment. She felt Charlie suck on them, moistening them. Then, Vaggie drew in a sharp breath as they returned, gently gliding between her lips. Tracing the edge before sliding lower, spreading open the tight slit, rubbing along the inner walls of Vaggie’s labia. Turning and lowering her head, her warm breath growing hotter on Vaggie’s skin, Charlie brought her lips down around the nub of Vaggie’s clit. Gripping the blankets tight with her other hand, Vaggie groaned as Charlie’s tongue stroked against and around her clitoris. As she did, her fingers pushed deeper, sliding in stroking, working circles into the tight warmth of Vaggie’s sex. Vaggie pushed her hips up, biting her lip, groaning as warm, heavy peals of pleasure washed up through her. Charlie’s lips giving out soft, wet sounds as she sucked and licked, each tiny pull of her lips, each pressing touch of her tongue sending brighter, sharper waves up through Vaggie’s stomach, making her body tighten. Hand tracing down along Charlie’s waist, Vaggie curled her fingers over the smooth half-moon of Charlie’s rear, sinking them lightly into the soft, warm skin. She laid her left hand on Charlie’s head, not exerting any pressure. Only feeling the smooth top of her as she bent to Vaggie’s lap, moving in little, furtive motions down against Vaggie’s pussy, mouth and fingers working in tandem. Low, slick noises growing louder as Vaggie’s pleasure burned hotter and hotter. Charlie slid out her fingers, glossy as they’d been an hour ago when she emerged fresh from Angel. She raised her head, pulling back, which Vaggie took for a familiar sign. Lifting her right leg high, Vaggie turned on the mattress, swinging the leg over Charlie so that now, she had her girlfriend framed perfectly between her thighs. Sinking back against the pillows of the bed, panting, Vaggie looked down past her flat chest and flat tummy, Charlie gazing up at her. Lips moist. Charlie turned her head first to the left, dipping down and kissing deeply the firm flesh of Vaggie’s thigh. Then she did the same to the right, nuzzling her nose and cheeks against the taut, muscular leg. Her hands came up, holding Vaggie’s hips like a bowl. Finally, Charlie leaned forward, kissing against just above the hood of her clit, on the tight flesh of Vaggie’s lap. Vaggie took Charlie’s head in both hands and guided her down. Charlie went, lowering her face into the heat and familiar, wonderful scent of her girlfriend. She opened her lips and pushed out her tongue as her mouth met Vaggie’s mound. With a tight groan, Vaggie arched her back. The groan became an open-mouth exhalation, heavy, as if she were giving up something. Fully and without reserve. Her grip tightened on Charlie, fingers sunk into that thick blonde hair, still not holding down but holding on, as if needing to keep herself tethered. As if this pleasure could wash her away. She rocked her hips against that sucking, licking mouth, till she felt strumming cords of pleasure tightening in her stomach, coaxing her higher and higher. Vaggie’s panting became groans. Low and long. She pushed her hips needy up against Charlie’s mouth and nose, stomach taut like a drum, back bent like a bow. Vaggie laid her head back deep against the pillows, straining as if each she had to push out each breath. She gasped, “Aah. Charlie. Casi. Casi. Casi.” Her voice trailed off to a tight note. Her grip on Charlie’s head tightened as the sounds rising up from her lap grew ever louder. Then, like a bolt let loose from a machine, Vaggie’s body rocked with a single, intense shudder. She cried out as the moment hit, her body quivering with pleasure. She came, Charlie giving out a small, satisfied moan from between her legs. Like a thing in marble, Vaggie remained frozen and tense, a small breathy whine rising between her teeth as she rode out the long note of her orgasm. Before, finally, she gasped, and relaxed, letting herself sink down into the mattress. With a small suckle, Charlie rose between her thighs, her lips no longer merely moist but wet. She smiled, licking her lips, and leaning down to give a final kiss to Vaggie’s lap, just above her sex. Then, she crawled up, sinking her head down against Vaggie’s chest, wrapping her arms around her. Cuddling close, kissing her torso just above her diaphragm, Charlie said, “Now it won’t just be you eating me.” Vaggie laid there a few moments, recovering, her body still tight, warm, and wonderful with pleasure. She stroked Charlie’s back, feeling her body against Vaggie’s own. Thinking how it would feel for her to be inside. Finally, Vaggie said, “Ready, hon?” Charlie shivered. Looking up, she asked, voice a little shaken, “Could you… start with my feet? I want to watch.” “Of course, hon. Sit on the edge of the bed.” Charlie nodded, letting her go. Vaggie rolled off the side of the mattress as Charlie scooted down to the foot, draping her legs over the edge. She nibbled on her lower lip as Vaggie walked around the bed, long, slow strides, smiling down at Charlie, a tiny bead of hot moisture running down one of her thighs from her lap as she did. She came to the foot and knelt in front of Charlie. Now it was her turn, looking up at Charlie, looking up past legs and belly and full breasts to a face hot and eager with desire. But not for the same thing. She took Charlie’s feet, each in one hand, cupping the heel, and guided them up. Charlie curling her toes in anticipation, flexing them tight, then loose, then tight. Smiling, Vaggie raised them, bent down, and kissed Charlie’s soles. Eliciting a giggle from the demonic princess. “Don’t tease me, now, come on,” Charlie said. Vaggie ran her thumbs down slowly along her instep, which made Charlie squirm on the bed as if stuck with a pin. She giggled again, gasping, “Seriously!” Holding the heels loosely in her palms, Vaggie said, “Ready?” Charlie nodded. “More than anything.” Vaggie took a long, slow breath. Letting it out, she relaxed her jaw. And leaned down towards Charlie’s toes. She let her jaw open. Let it hang. Then pushed it wider. Her mouth stretched, an opening chasm coming down to meet Charlie. Charlie felt warmth wash over her feet, down to her ankles, as the breath from Vaggie’s mouth spilled out. She felt a drop of hot saliva touch the top of her foot. Then Vaggie pushed her feet over her tongue and into her maw. Charlie sucked in a small gasp as her girlfriend, in a single motion, pushed her feet down into her throat. Charlie had only a day before been through this same motion, this exact situation just fully clothed and head first. Yet the difference was as sharp as between daylight and candle light. The feeling of soft constriction closing over her feet, not a band but a limitless embrace was breathtaking. And it rose up her body as Vaggie swallowed, devouring her feet, her ankles, and her calves. Vaggie had worried she would have trouble with the first swallow. But either some eldritch instinct of all fallen creatures or else simply her own desire caused her to actually overcorrect and in a single gulp she sent the bottom half of Charlie’s legs plunging. The crook of her knees meeting Vaggie’s lips. The moth-like fallen woman tried to slow down, but now that Charlie was sinking into her, now that she felt the bulging presence of feet and legs in her throat, now that she tasted not a lick or a kiss but entire limbs on her tongue… that ravenous urge increased. She felt what must have been a tiny fraction of the addiction that had sent Angel so mad the day before. And if this was only a part, then Vaggie could, even if she did not wish to admit, understand why he had lost control. She gripped Charlie’s hips and guided them forward as she swallowed. Throat muscles worked as pumps, constricting in organized, tightening pulls. Charlie felt that tube of flesh and moisture pulling her down. Before, the sensation of dragging had been frightening. Now it was comforting. Welcoming. A rising embrace. Vaggie closed her eyes as she stretched her jaws wide, snake-like, around the thickening curves of Charlie’s body. Slurping loudly, pulling in Charlie’s thighs, her lips rising over her lap. Charlie watched her own body disappearing into Vaggie’s mouth. She reached down, grabbing hold of Vaggie’s hands, holding them as she trembled in excitement. Holding her hips inside her cheeks, Charlie’s rump resting just on her tongue, Vaggie took a moment and pressed her tongue up between her girlfriend’s thighs. Charlie suddenly arched her back, making a hiss of pleasure before gasping, “V-Vaggie, aah!” as Vaggie’s tongue slipped into her slit. Vaggie tasted Charlie, wet, hot, excited, and felt her legs squirm, trapped, deep in her throat and chest. The intoxication of so lusty a meal proved too much. Vaggie couldn’t help but swallow, and plunged those hips down into the oubliette of her throat. Feeling Charlie’s feet and legs begin to slide into her stomach. Charlie held tight to Vaggie’s hands as she sank into her lips like a stone into quicksand. Her voice small and eager, she gasped, “Yes. Keep going. Please. Don’t stop, Vaggie.” Obeying, Vaggie swallowed again, devouring Charlie’s tight belly, her smooth back, her lips rising up to just below the princess’s breast. Charlie made a tight sort of half-squeal as she felt her legs curling up in Vaggie’s belly, her feet flat on a soaked and smooth floor. Vaggie squeezed Charlie’s hands, then let them go. Sliding her arms beneath Charlie’s back, supporting her from below, Vaggie lifted her up into the air, making her line down into her stomach straight. Charlie looked down and moaned in excitement as she saw the bulge of her own legs inside Vaggie’s stomach. Small, a baby bump now, she watched it with drunken eagerness as she said, “Yes. Swallow me. Swallow me, please, Vaggie!” A loud gulp came in response and Charlie sank, her breasts squeezing tight into Vaggie’s mouth. Vaggie made a guttural and muted noise at feeling her girlfriend’s chest filling her maw. The taste draining down over her tongue and into her throat was unrivaled. She slid her hands higher, gripping Charlie’s shoulders and pressed down on them. Another swallow. Charlie’s chest filled Vaggie’s throat as her hips emerged into the hot bowl of her belly. Charlie was still staring with the same fascination, watching her own outline grow, thickening Vaggie’s front, watching it hang out further, fuller, fatter. She made small squeaks or whines with each breath, feeling the constriction of an endless hold around every inch of her inside the other woman. Vaggie looked up at Charlie, meeting her eyes. She ran her hands along the frame of her face till her palms reached the back of her head. Charlie, lip quivering in excitement, whispered, “I love you. So much.” With a heavy slurp, Vaggie pulled Charlie down, submerging her head deep beneath her lips. She closed her eyes tight as she gulped again, her constricting throat guiding Charlie down, her arms sinking in after her. The bulge of hell’s princess sank down beneath Vaggie’s chest. In utter darkness, Charlie felt herself lose all sense of direction. She felt only the pressing, guiding, caressing rings of muscles and the unbroken line of saliva-coated throat. Then she was squeezed by a particularly tight ring, firmer than the muscles, and suddenly hot air embraced her face. She gasped, and in doing so sucked in a breath that was heavy, moist, and saturated in a new scent. One fully and utterly Vaggie’s. She was in Vaggie’s stomach. Charlie curled up, tightly, inside Vaggie. Her back against the wall of the stretched out dome she now made in her girlfriend’s gut. The walls of the belly clung tightly around her, cradling her snugly. Thick glazes and reams of slime ran and trickled. Within a moment, even before her arms were fully inside, she was already saturated. But this time the feeling wasn’t awkward or uncomfortable or frightening. This was Vaggie. This was a part of Vaggie no one on earth, heaven, or hell had known. No one but her. Charlie had come here first, been held by this first, and for this moment, only she could claim, in the universe, to know Vaggie this way. She shuddered in a sort of deep pleasure that ran from her head to her feet. A secure and overpowering pleasure. She wanted to kiss every inch of the walls around her. She did, in fact, kiss the soft, wet surface before her face. Then, she felt a swaying. She shifted and jostled as Vaggie moved. She couldn’t hear the outside noises well; the beating of Vaggie’s heart and the gurgling and groaning of her gut drowned it out. A moment later, she felt pressure against her back; a hand stroking her over and over. Vaggie, having hefted herself back onto the bed, slid one hand down along the massive curve. Stroking and admiring the full, heavy, taut swell of her belly. It was Charlie. All of this part of her, this mass of her that she could feel so fully and so heavily, it was all Charlie. Charlie inside her. And it felt wonderful. Panting, pleasure from both her lap and her gut meeting in a stormy glow, she groaned, “Is it… is it okay, Charlie?” From inside, she felt a shift. She saw for a moment a small bulge in the side of her dome as she felt a hand push against the tight walls from within. Charlie’s voice, muffled and breathy but clear, said, “Perfect. You’re perfect. You’re so perfect, Vaggie.” Vaggie let out a whine of mixed pleasure and pure affection. She rolled onto her side, bringing her legs up so that she could cradle the huge mound of Charlie to her tightly. Fingers squeezing tightly, stroking the top of her gut, the back of Charlie’s head, Vaggie said, “You are too, Charlie.” |
Angel Dust was seated at the bar, bent over, with his elbows on the wood and the silver watch in his hands, when Husk walked up. The cat-like demon was wheeling in several crates that rattled and clinked as he came up to the bar. With a gruff grumbling, he parked the crates by the bar, cracking the lid of the top one to reveal an assortment of booze bottles. Taking one out, flicking it open with a claw, Husk slugged back a long guzzle. Then, with a wet sigh, he turned to Angel and said, “Alright, so what’s this then? You got something you want or what?” Angel had a look on his face, somewhat haunted. However, the question shook him from his revery, and he looked up as if only just now noticing Husk. Rubbing his head, he put the watch away and said, “Yeah, just give me a bottle of whatever the hell that is.” Husk grunted, took a bottle out, and flicked it open before passing it over the counter to Angel. Angel reached in his pockets, remembered he was broke, then said, “Just… put this one on my tab, Husky.” Husk rolled his eyes with a quiet snarl. “Figures. Just like Alastor. You seen that sideshow barker? He still owes me. I’m in here stocking this bar….” He paused to drain another sizable swallow of his bottle. “Without any recompense.” “Yeah, saw him earlier. He’s out.” Angel drank, but without his usual eagerness for it. Husk noticed, though he didn’t mention it. Draining his bottle, he began to restock the shelves. As he did, he said, “You planning on sticking around or what? Tab’s only going to get you so much.” “Nah. Thanks, Husky. Just needed something.” Angel rose, walking off with his bottle, sipping at it bit by bit as he left the hotel, leaving Husk grumbling behind him. Outside, he made his way, vaguely, in the direction of Cherri’s apartment. Angel moved with a slow reluctance, occasionally slipping his hand into his pocket, feeling the watch that sat there, heavy, hard. He scoffed to himself, “Fucking freak. God damn it. How am I going to do this?” He ran, repeatedly, a hand over his face and back through his hair as he moved away from the hotel into Cherri’s side of town. As he did, a new sound became discernible through the universal cacophony of cars, screams, and noise of Hell. Explosions, and the grinding of huge gears or machinery. As he drew closer to the noise of warfare, he began to pass crowds running in the opposite direction. The explosions grew louder, and he began to see, from around the sharp, twisted corners and turns of the ugly, crowded street, bursts of light cutting through the endless red haze. At last, he came around a corner into a large area of burned and busted husks of buildings. In the midst of the ruins, a janky machine, the size of a small building and roughly in the shape of a crab was lumbering around, its sharp pointed legs stabbing into the brick and cement as it sliced and snatched at the air with its claws. All around it, colorful explosions continued to burst, filling the air with vibrant plumes of smoke. Over a speaker, Angel heard the hissing voice of Sir Pentious, furious, “Sssstand still you harlot!” Pausing, Angel watched as a darting figure landed on the roof of the large robot. It was Cherri Bomb, holding a bomb the size of a cinder brick in both hands. With a heavy swing, she threw the bomb down and smashed it through the yellow glass of the crab bot’s single eye before jumping off. She landed a short way from Angel, giving him a wave and a friendly, “Heyyy, just in time, Angie!” A moment later, there was a shout of surprise over the crab bot’s speaker. Then the whole thing exploded, sending flaming debris and flaming eggs through the air in all directions. A large, long black shape flew gracelessly end over end and smashed down into the gutter nearby. Sir Pentious, the snake-like crime boss Cherri had been feuding with since the last purge, crawled, bruised and groaning, up from the gutter. “Hey Cher,” Angel said. “Sorry to cut into the dance. You mind, uh, some one on one time here? Need a pal.” “Sure thing, Angie,” Cherry said, lighting a bomb and tossing it over her shoulder where it rolled down to bop against Sir Pentious’s nose where he lay on the ground, haggard. He yelled before a burst of red smoke and a loud eruption sent him flying down the street. Cherry came over, elbowing Angel playfully. “Missed a good brawl. Sir Bullshit still bringing his C game to my neighborhood. Least he makes for a good workout and doesn’t leave too much of a mess behind.” “Yeah, I can tell,” Angel said, unable to hold back a laugh as they walked out of the mini warzone, a building collapsing behind them. A short while later, they were seated above the general haze of Hell on the roof of Cherri’s apartment building. Angel had a joint burning on the steel bar of a sign that he sat against. Cherri was crouched on the edge of a steam vent, swirling a bottle of alcohol that she held lightly, dangling between her knees. Listening as Angel finished recounting what happened after he left the day before. All that had happened. Her one eye bright with surprise and concern for her friend, Cherri asked, “So what’d you do? You obviously got hotel mom out of you, but… fuck, Angie, did you take the deal with that creep?” Angel took a draw on the joint, letting out a small cloud through his lips. He nodded, looking down at the burning wrapper. “Yeah. Shook his hand and he brought her out like it was nothing. Easiest puke I ever took in my life. But now….” He paused, hesitating. Flicking the joint away, he reached into his pocket, pulling out the watch Alastor had given him. His arm resting on his knee, he let it dangle from its shining chain, similar to how Alastor had shown it to him earlier. “Ain’t nothing free with that freak, obviously,” he went on. “And I knew that when I shook his hand. But I knew I wasn’t getting Charlie out of me without some help. I think if Al hadn’t numbed the craving, I’d have just told Vaggs to gut me instead. Seriously, Cher, I never felt it that bad. And fucking Charlie… doing that to her, it felt like shit but I just couldn’t hold myself back. But Alastor did his voodoo bullshit and got her out. Now I owe him.” Cherri took a drink from the sloshing bottle. Leaning back, she asked, “So what’s the price? Guy’s a prude, you said, right? So guess that rules out your usual service.” Angel laughed. “Yeah. Nah, he didn’t want a fuck. Too bad too. What he wants….” He bit his lip, fear crossing his face as he had to say it, had to make it real. His voice lowered and he looked away as he admitted, “He wants me to go back to Valentino. And swallow him like I did Charlie.” The bottle slipped from Cherri’s fingers and cracked loudly against the hard roof top. Her mouth hung open and her eye was wide as she took in the words. She laughed, once, mirthlessly, then looked down at the broken bottle, its brown contents spilling out over the roof. “Radio boy doesn’t ask for small favors, does he?” she finally said, laughing again. She looked at Angel, her eye searching over him. “So what, are you supposed to just run in there, wolf down Valentino, then go all over town hitting up all the mpreg pervs looking for a kick? He said you couldn’t fuck up the princess, right? You supposed to just hang around Valentino’s place to see if your gut can take down an overlord?” Angel shook his head. “Apparently that’s what this thing’s for.” He gave the watch a little shake, the smooth surface winking in the red light. “He said to open it once I got the fucker in me. Said he’d take care of the rest. I just gotta go in, get up close to Val, and….” He gestured, vaguely. Cherri leaned back, throwing her head back and letting out a breath to the sky. She asked, “Are you going to do it?” It was the question Angel had been asking himself since Alastor put the watch in his hand. It wasn’t just the question of going into Valentino’s penthouse, surrounded by his men, going right up to the overlord and wrapping his lips around him. It was a question of which suffering would be worse. The inevitable and agonizing crash when Alastor’s hoodoo wore off and Angel descended into a monstrous addiction with only one cure. Or to defy the man who had given him everything. Valentino had beaten him. And Valentino had done worse. “No,” had never been a word between them. Never once. And willing or not, Angel had always let Valentino in him and on him and over him because he’d always needed the pimp to want him. Valentino had given him the money he needed, the drugs he needed, to be who he was: someone lovely and amazing in Hell. Angel had never wanted to solve the problem at the heart of himself. It was not something mysterious or unknown. He knew, from the first day he didn’t fight back when Valentino held him down, that one day his need for money and drugs and adoration would finally collide with the casual, possessive cruelty of this overlord. He’d known but run from it, even run to Charlie’s hotel as the most last of last resorts. Now Alastor was forcing the confrontation on him. He couldn’t run anymore. His addiction led him back to Valentino. His addiction demanded he kill Valentino. Even if it meant killing himself in the process. He pressed his palms to his face. A wretched and awful sob tore out of his throat. The first he’d given into since about two hours before his fatal overdose. “What the hell am I going to do if I make it out of there alive, Cher?” he groaned, not crying, but his voice tangled in bitter fear. “What the hell am I going to be?” Cherri watched her friend for a long moment, his shaky breathing racking his body. She looked away, her eye scanning the rooftop as if an answer would be there. Then, rising, she came over and sat down by Angel, lacing an arm around his shoulder and squeezing him close. They sat that way for several moments, Cherri rocking slightly, holding Angel. Finally, reaching out and cupping her hand around the watch, she said, casually, “Fuck him. He ain’t your future, girl. Fuck him and fuck his whole shit.” Angel looked up. He let Cherri pull the watch from his fingers, casually tossing it before her as if it were one of her bombs. She glanced over to Angel, smiling. “You got a tenth circle sadist in your corner telling you to wreck this asshole’s shit. And, more importantly….” She rose, tossing the watch back down to Angel. In its place, she pulled out a small, skull-marked bomb which she tossed up and caught with a grin. “You got Hell’s best partner for raiding any fucker’s penthouse suite. You don’t owe Val jack shit, Angie. And if Radio Freak turns him into paste inside you… just means you’re going to be that much more awesome!” Angel smiled, his fear and his anxiety for a new and unsure future fading under the bright, affectionate warmth of Cherri’s energy. She reached down, offering her hand. Angel took it, standing, pushing the watch back into his pocket. He took a deep breath, smoothed his hair, straightened his fluff. Cherri folding down his labels for him. “Thanks Cher,” Angel said. “You don’t have to go-” “Don’t even,” she said, holding up a hand. “Pass up on fucking over an overlord? Yeah, that’s not happening. Especially not if it means leaving your way out in the hands of that crazy sideshow. Trust me, you’ll need a nice diversion when the time comes. And your girl has you covered.” Angel couldn’t help but to lift Cherri in a deep, four-armed hug. Cherri laughed, waiting a moment before saying, “Okay, okay. We both got reps to keep. Come on. Let’s head up town.” On the walk out of the west side and up to Valentino’s penthouse, Cherri split off from Angel. “I’ll set up a few surprises for Val’s crew around the building,” she said before they split. “He still keeps his bedroom on the north side, right? I’ll sneak up to the balcony and keep an eye from outside. Once you get broadcast boy to work his magic, I’ll pop open the window and get you out of there.” “Sounds as good as any plan that we can cook up for this stupid idea,” Angel said. They stopped. Cherri held her hand out again. They clasped, sharing a final smile between them. Angel said, “Might as well make those bangs big, sugar tits. They’ll be talking about this one either way.” “Oh, you know they’ll be loud, girl. So cover your ears when the time comes!” She stuck her tongue out and then ran off, disappearing into the labyrinth of high rises and sex shops and wine stores. Angel straightened up, hooked his thumbs in his labels, and walked off, putting on his usual strut familiar to the many residents of uptown. As he moved into the classier, more pristine section of hell, Angel started feeling the anxiety. The watch in his pocket sat there like a load of lead. He was convinced it was cold, as if it was sucking the heat from the burning air around it. But maybe that was just his imagination. What wasn’t his imagination was the rising hunger inside him. Alastor’s relief was fading. That bastard had really rigged this in his favor. No surprise there. Even if Angel didn’t want to go through with this, if some part of him didn’t want to see the other side of the world, a side without Valentino over him and behind him, then he’d still be stuck by that relentless hunger. Trapped to either give into Alastor’s demand. Or go mad. Still, this wasn’t just for Alastor. As he came within sight of the highrise, looking up and seeing the glittering top of the penthouse, he felt, like the ghost of hands, every touch Valentino had made on his body. He felt Valentino's hands, those four smooth, mean hands, holding his face. His throat. His chest. His hips. His cock. His thighs. He felt thumbs and forefingers in his mouth. He felt them sliding over his tongue and pulling cruelly at the back of his throat. He felt lips and a tongue and for a moment, he staggered, realizing his breath had caught and he’d let himself get dizzy. Hesitating, forcing himself to breathe, Angel shook his head. He wasn’t stopping. He was awesome. He was every demon’s envy and need. He didn’t need to be an overlord to be better than the man waiting for him up there, above all this horror. He already was. Walking up to the door, two guards, big, bulky, horned demons armed with machine guns, recognized him on sight. They nodded. Angel blew them a kiss then strutted through the door. In the fancy lobby of the high rise a vine-entangled fountain trickled and played. Light cascaded down from the sunroof, filling the entrance with hellish red. Another pair of armed guards stood at the back, before the hall that led to the elevators. Angel’s shoes tapped sharply on the tile as he walked to them. One of the guards held out a hand, asking, “Val expecting you?” “Always,” Angel said. “Just ring him.” The guard nodded. He took a walkie talkie off his belt, growling into it, “Angel’s here for the boss.” After a moment, a reply crackled through: “Send him up.” Angel winked at the huge demon before strutting past. He waited as the elevator descended. The doors slid open, revealing the empty car. He stepped inside, noticing as they shut how much nicer it was than the elevator back at the hotel. Yet, he felt a strange affection he’d never known before for that humble elevator now. He even thought of his own dent he’d made in the side. Evidence forever punched there of what a fuck up he was. But also evidence that he wasn’t just a stupid, soulless slut. The car rose, higher, higher, then, with a ding of a bell, stopped. The doors slid open. Angel stepped out into a haze of incense, smoke, and musk. The big central room of the penthouse was thrumming with the pulse of dance music from the sound system. Women and men lounged on the luxurious cushions and embraced on the plush divans that littered the room between twisting, flowering vines and fluffy hangings. Ringing the room, seated in alcoves or standing by windows, were Valentino's personal guard, over a dozen demons, some of the roughest in hell, many of them big, clawed, fanged, winged, and all armed with powerful firearms on full display. At the back of the room, through the swirl of smoke and light and sex, the door to Valentino’s private room stood open. Straight through the din, Angel saw the pimp, reposed among furs and cushions and attentive women. A king on a satin throne. He was looking right at Angel through his pink-tinted, heart-shaped glasses. When Angel stepped out of the elevator, Valentino grinned widely, sharp teeth showing between his curled lips. He gestured for Angel to come to him. Like slipping into a familiar dance, Angel’s walk slowed. He moved gracefully through the room, each step a swaying half-dance as if he were, at this moment, on the stage. Many of the guests stopped, looking up at him as he cut a beautiful figure through the center of the room. Running his hands slowly up his body to his tie, pulling it back and stripping it away, letting it fall to the floor, bearing the cleavage of his fluffy chest with a press of his hands. Valentino leered, teeth glinting between his lips as he regarded Angel with the look of a boar regarding meat. Angel felt a familiar revulsion. A deep, terrifying revulsion that, rather than knock him out of his performance, made him sink deeper into it. He moved with that swaying gait out of the central room and into the musky, cloyingly warm privacy of Valentino’s room. As he did, he felt a sudden certainty: he was going to give in. All of his talk of going through with this, of doing as Alastor had said, of daring to leave his life under Valentino behind… he couldn’t. He wouldn’t. He was Valentino’s bitch. Had been since nearly his first day in hell. It was all he deserved. It was all he could hope for. This glaring, controlling, vindictive sadist was the best Angel deserved. And if Angel did as he was told, if he was just a good slut and obeyed, maybe Valentino would forgive him and give him something to take away the pain. Someone shut the door behind him as Valentino rose. He walked up to meet Angel, reaching out and grabbing his arms. Hard. As Angel had grabbed Charlie’s the day before. “There’s my favorite bitch,” said Valentino. In his lower right hand he held a cigarette in a long holder which he lifted to his mouth. Taking a drag, he let out the pink smoke in Angel’s face. Angel, as he’d learned long ago, breathed in deeply. Valentino’s eyes narrowed and his grin widened. “Back like I knew you would be. You missed me, didn’t you?” “Of course,” Angel said. Valentino laughed, letting him go, turning and walking back to his chair. “Damn straight you did,” he said, throwing himself down among the furs and cushions. Behind the chair was the large bed, sheets covered in satin of vibrant patterns, hanging curtains ringing it. Two women were reclined on pillows on the bed. The windows looking out onto the wide balcony ringed the room, tinted currently so that the room seemed to look out only into night. Two other women sat on cushions to either side of Valentino’s chair, leaning against the arms of it, watching with disinterest. Relaxing back into his seat, relishing in his power and control, Valentino took another draw of his cigarette, letting the smoke out through his nose. He gestured at Angel with the holder. “You understand why I had to punish you, now don’t you Angel?” Angel held his eyes down, not looking into Valentino’s but showing deference, obedience. He nodded. “Yes.” “Then say it,” Valentino demanded, sharply. “I didn’t ask you for permission before I moved into that hotel,” Angel said. “I didn’t tell you where I was going. I insulted you by keeping that from you.” “By putting yourself out of my reach for even a second,” Valentino shouted, his face suddenly snarled with anger. “You don’t forget who you fucking belong to, slut. And don’t get any ideas that hell’s big enough for you to be out of my sight, not even for a fucking moment. You got that? You will stay where I want you and you will not fucking change your god damn jogging route without my permission. Right?” “Of course,” Angel said, feeling smaller. Feeling tiny. The idea that he was supposed to eat this man was absurd. He wasn’t a damn thing in front of Valentino. He wasn’t anything at all. Valentino leaned back into his chair, letting his command sit heavily in the air for a moment. Then he smiled, speaking with a slick, easy attitude. “But that’s behind us now, isn’t that right, Angel? All in the past. You fucked up, but you’ve learned. And I forgive you.” He reached down, shifting the fur-lined sides of his robe so that they fell down around his thighs. He patted one leg, firmly. “You come over here and show me how much you’ve missed me, and then I’ll treat you right. Got a fresh supply of the best dust on the north side. I know you want it.” Without hesitation, Angel started towards Valentino. Still in the swaying, shifting display, coming to him not as a lover or even a person but an object for admiration. He ran his hands up his body. As he did, he felt, in his pocket, the hard, hidden, cold lump of the watch. Angel didn’t hesitate, his hands continuing to crawl over his form as he came to the foot of Valentino’s chair. But as he knelt down between the pimp’s legs, the hot, heavy scent of sex and drugs and smoke filling his lungs, he still felt the cold of the watch burning against his body. That cold blasted away, for a moment, the miasma of the room and reminded him of the world outside. Of Cherri and her hand lovingly on his shoulder. Of Alastor and his hand fearfully around his own. Of Charlie and her hand pushing inside his stomach. Laying his hands on Valentino’s thighs, Angel looked up, his mismatched eyes submissive. “Can we… start with a kiss? Val?” Valentino looked down on him. He took another long drag from his cigarette, blowing the smoke down out of his lips into Angel’s face. Watching as Angel breathed the acrid scent in. Valentino grinned cruelly. “You faggot bitch,” he said, humored. “One day and your balls just curl back up inside you. Alright. One kiss. For my Angel. Then… you kiss my balls and thank them.” “Of course,” Angel said. Valentino cupped Angel’s face tightly between two of his hands and guided him up. Angel rose up to meet that leering face. Those gold, sharp teeth shining. Valentino closed his eyes behind his glasses. Angel laid his hands on Valentino’s robed shoulders and closed his own. He opened his mouth. With a lunge upwards, Angel forced his jaws open around Valentino’s head. He felt the pimp’s skull, glasses and all, slide into his cheeks, filling them, the massive, feathered cap he wore knocked off his head by Angel’s nose. The taste was sensual and sweaty, not as good as Charlie’s plain, simple taste of flesh. Hot with cologne and bitter with smoke. But as soon as he had Valentino’s head between his lips, Angel’s ravenous appetite rose up like a creature brought back from death. It rose up and tore through him, climbing all the way into his jaws. Just as he’d been struck with an undeniable need for Charlie, Angel knew, then and there, he would let nothing stop him from shoving this man’s body into his gullet. Valentino was so stunned by the sudden immersion of his head into a wet, dripping, hot space, feeling Angel’s tongue against his nose and lips, that for a moment he couldn’t think to fight or shout. Then Angel swallowed, and Valentino, without any dignity, yelled in surprise as he was yanked back into the tight throat. With slimy tunnel walls closing around him, Valentino finally shrieked, “You fucking bitch!” He shoved his feet into the base of his chair. Angel was surprised, not expecting Valentino to lunge forward. The two of them went tumbling backwards onto the ground as the women all yelled, dashing away from the scuffle. For just a moment, Angel felt a terrified, panic-stricken desire to fix this. To try and take it back. The desire was blown away before it even had time to bloom. The feeling of Valentino struggling to yank his head and shoulders free awoke an animal hunger in Angel. Infernal and fell. He bit down into Valentino’s shoulders and swallowed. The pimp was dragged deeper, his body sucked clear out of his robe as Angel swallowed down his chest. They were struggling on the floor, laid out like a strange snake. Angel twisted over onto all six of his arms and legs, his third pair of arms pushing out so that he perched on the dense carpet like a monstrous spider. He grabbed Valentino tight with his front four arms, forcing the moth demon’s pinioned arms even tighter to his side. Angel swallowed, pushing his mouth down over Valentino’s chest and around his stomach. Angel’s middle bulged around the pimp’s head, the sound of his voice muffled beneath as he screamed and raged. He tried to bellow and demand Angel let him go, but his words were senseless as he kept coughing and sputtering, slime getting in his mouth from the soaked throat walls. Instead, he lunged against, viciously, kicking out his legs, feet hitting lamps and vases, smashing them. He twisted his torso, tossing Angel to the left and right in the struggle. But Angel’s throat now had too iron a grip on Valentino’s body to shake loose. He was already too deep. The women, having been staring in shock at all that was happening, finally started to run for the door, one of them shouting, “Angel’s gone crazy!” However, before they could reach the door, two things happened at once. First, and most distinctly, there came three massive explosions from somewhere outside. The building shook as two explosions hit from lower down, shaking up through the high rise, followed by a third that came from above, from the rooftop over the penthouse. The lights flickered and the sound of shouting in the central room drowned out the cries for help from the bedroom. Immediately after those three eruptions, a fourth, much smaller explosion, blew out the windows at the back of the bedroom. There was a cry from the guards posted outside as the balcony was hit with a burst, knocking one out cold and the other clear off the building, leaving the windows blown in and open to the windy air of the now scorched balcony. Angel didn’t notice. He could think of nothing but the feeling of the man inside his throat. He held him, his teeth pushing into Valentino’s skin, and he swallowed with a ravenous and absurd delight. He was eating him. He was eating the man who had given him money, drugs, praise, protection. He was eating the man who had hurt him and used him and threatened him and broken him. The taste of smoke and musk, the feeling of hateful, thrashing, struggling life. It was perfect. No hit had ever felt so pure. It was not the satisfaction he’d had when he devoured Charlie. It was something much more immediate and hellish. A true high. Angel wanted it all. On hands and knees like a beast, Angel snatched his head and body backwards with a wolf-like twist. As he did, he guzzled down Valentino’s stomach and hips, closing his lips around the pimp’s thighs. He felt his gut bulging once again as Valentino was forced into his stomach. Valentino’s voice sputtered and spat as he was drench in sludge inside of Angel, unable to bark demands. Angel rose up, standing tall as the building still shook in the aftermath of the explosions. He grabbed Valentino's legs with four hands and shoved them down into his throat. His gut pushed out into a heavy dome, forcing his shirt to ride up over it, as it filled. It bulged as Valentino punched at the walls, screaming while coughing and gasping in the hot, muggy air, “I’ll fucking kill you, you bitch!” Angel gripped Valentino’s feet. He hesitated a moment, realizing through his haze of hunger that this was the last moment of all he’d built before this in hell. He closed his eyes and shoved Valentino’s feet into his mouth, swallowing them down past his sharp teeth and into his squelching gullet. The bulge of them slid down his throat and disappeared into his round belly. Angel staggered back a step or two, looking down at his distended stomach, bulging with Valentino’s punches and kicks. He stared, dumbfounded, not sure what to do now that the moment was passed. Feeling only the dull, animal satisfaction of being full. A figure darted into the room through the blown out windows. Cherri skidded to a halt among the glass and scorched carpet as she saw Angel. The sight stunned her, his thin body bloated in the middle with a wriggling, cursing gut. Then she grinned widely and shouted, “Hell yeah, Angie! That’s the fucking shit, girl. Hit that watch and let’s get this fucking party started!” Angel looked up, broken from his stupor by Cherri’s voice. He finally remembered the cold watch against his side, reaching into his pocket and pulling it out. He lingered a moment, holding it. Inside him, Valentino, cramped into a tight ball of fury and hate, hissed, “You are dead, Angel. I’m going to cut you open and I am going to wear you like a fucking scarf!” Angel took a breath. He shuddered, feeling something without a name slide off him and disappear forever. “Nah,” he said. “I think you’re going to be fur tits, bitch.” He pressed the latch of the watch with his thumb. The smooth silver face popped open, revealing a completely black and featureless interior. The light in the room was tinted with a sudden dark hint of green and shadows raced past Angel and up the wall before him. He felt rather than heard Alastor behind him. A presence big and swelling and deadly. Then, two long-armed, long-fingered limbs reached around him from behind. Laying gently on the smooth curve of his belly. Angel felt Alastor right behind him. Felt the Radio Demon’s breath hot on his neck. Felt his stiff, wide clothing brushing against his back. Angel held his breath and froze as Alastor held him lightly. Those curling fingers stroked his belly, running over the furious bulges made by Valentino from within. A crackling laugh sounded in Angel’s ear. “Just look how low you’ve fallen, Valentino,” said Alastor. “Bout midway down five foot nine, I’d say!” The struggling in Angel’s stomach stopped. Valentino’s voice, for once sounding small and terrified, came up from under his skin: “Alastor?” “Of course,” Alastor chuckled. “You didn’t think I’d miss your denouement, did you? Oh, but, we must not let the audience miss it either.” Alastor’s hands pulled away from Angel’s gut. He stepped around Angel, walking in front of him. He held up a hand, taking out his cane with the microphone top and slammed it sharply into the ground where it stuck straight in the floor before Angel’s stomach. Laying a hand on Angel’s belly and another behind his back, Alastor gently guided Angel closer to the mic. He said, “Now you just stand right here, my lovely assistant. We want the whole of Hell to hear as one of their fine overlords dies, not at the hands of some mighty and merciless conqueror. But in the wet, dripping, fleshy stomach of one, simple, humble sinner.” There was a soft sound of low feedback, then Valentino grunted and struck again at Angel’s gut. Angel realized he wasn’t just hearing the grunting and struggling from his own stomach; it was coming over the sound system that had been playing music moments ago. He looked to Cherri, who had turned, glancing outside at the same moment. She’d heard the same sounds, broadcasting out in the city below them from every speaker in Hell. The whole of damnation was listening. To the sounds of Valentino dying. Suddenly, the door burst open as one of the heavy, reptilian guards kicked it open. He shouted, “Boss, we’ve been at-!” He froze, staring in shock at the strange group in the room. His eyes stopping on Angel’s stomach with horror and surprise. While he was still too stunned to speak, Alastor gripped Angel’s belly tightly. Green light flowing from his hand and into Angel. He laughed, “Sorry fellow! Afraid you’re unemployed!” From Angel’s stomach, a seething churning noise began. Valentino, his voice panicked, screamed, “Angel! You need me! You need me you slut, you need m-!” Then his voice tore into a loud and horrendous scream, caught and broadcast by the mic before the churning of Angel’s stomach drowned it out completely. Angel felt a storm of heat and motion flow through him, but more than anything, he felt a burning sense of satisfaction. The satisfaction he’d had when swallowing Charlie, but now hitting him in a frightful rush like a high. For a single moment, endless and brief, as Alastor held his belly and used it to destroy his pimp, Angel felt a perfect balance of heaven and hell inside him. Then Alastor pulled his hand away. Angel gasped, breathing hard as the rush faded, not in a disappointed need for more but with a cleansing and shocking sense of empty contentment. He didn’t feel a need to fill himself again, but nor was there any lingering satisfaction. He felt whole, but hollow. Terrifying himself. He looked down. His gut was gone. His lithe body was as it had always been. Valentino was gone. Angel shuddered to realize that the pimp, the one who had held him so long, was in some way now part of him. Absorbed into him without a trace and yet still there. A ghost of a feeling inside him. Alastor snatched his cane out of the ground, giving it a little twirl, then said into the mic, “Thank you, thank you all, what a lovely audience! Please bid our northside overlord of pornography and vice a fond farewell. He has been removed permanently to support a raising and, might I say, beautiful young sinner with a bright future before him. Give him a round of applause my friends, he does so deserve it!” Alastor clapped his hands, grinning down at Angel. There was movement at the door of the room as the women who had been watching in shock all bolted past the guard. The guard who had burst in was still standing there, stunned, but was pushed aside as more of the men came charging in. Seven demons, large, snarling, leveling guns at them, came in, fanning out around the room. Angel stepped back quickly, looking for the best way out, but Alastor smiled and hummed humorously to himself. “Now now, my fellows,” he said, playfully. “Our business here is concluded. I hardly see any reason for you all to work anymore for an employer currently existing as caloric energy.” The guards were looking at each other, obviously not sure what to do about this. An eighth came running into the bedroom from the central room, stopping as soon as he saw Alastor. Stammering, “H-holy shit. That’s the fucking Radio Demon!” he turned on the spot and bolted like the others, throwing his gun down as he ran. The reptilian guard who had kicked open the door first finally shook himself from his shock at seeing his boss melted down before his eyes. Stepping into the room, he snarled at Alastor, “You’re going to pay for that, radio freak!” Alastor chuckled, holding up one hand. “My friend, there’s no cause for confrontation. Simply let us shake hands and be on our wa-” Suddenly a gunshot rang out. One of the guards on the side of the room, a smaller, wiry, weasel looking demon who was holding his gun in two nervously shaking fists, had, either in accident or in fear, fired off a round. He jumped and yelped from his own gunshot, looking around with horror at what he’d done. Angel had sprang back, but saw that the shot had been at Alastor, not him. Then he saw the hand Alastor had raised when speaking. The long, smooth palm had a hole blown in it. Alastor looked at the hole with a look of humor. Slowly, he curled the fingers of the wounded hand down into a fist. Green light and shadow played out of his wound as it seemed to start sealing itself up. Looking back at Angel, jagged smile glowing, Alastor said, “I believe our deal is concluded. Isn’t that right? My Angel.” Angel Dust nodded. He heard the clink of glass and felt a hand tighten around his arm as Cherri came up beside him, silently, like two children huddling close before a wolf. “Then,” said Alastor, “I suppose. I can partake in a diversion of my own.” He turned his head around to look at the demon who had shot him. Not by simply turning his head back to his left. But by rotating it fully around behind him with a soft, wet crackling noise in his spine. Until his hot, red eyes were fixed on the terrified demon. “What a shame,” Alastor said, his voice growing with a uncomfortable, almost staticy whine behind it. “To turn your penthouse into a charnel. What a shame.” Everyone in the room, including Angel and Cherri, recoiled backwards in fright as, in a sudden motion, Alastor left the ground. He didn’t jump. There was no muscle motion to it. Rather, as if defying gravity, Alastor’s body lifted straight up towards the ceiling. He rotated so that he hit the ceiling on his hands and legs like an animal. Angel saw, for one moment, that his hands were growing longer. His limbs seemed to stretch and bend at joints they shouldn’t have had. And his face grew leaner, sharper, his mouth so much wider and his teeth so, so much sharper. Then the lights went out. And the light from the window disappeared. Angel threw himself against Cherri as the room filled with screams. Guns began to go off, cracking in the dark, as the guards shrieked and yelled, running, bumping into each other and the walls and the furnishings. But over and around them a horrendous noise like the wail of a broken radio screeched. Angel grabbed Cherri’s arm and felt his way along the bed for the window. In the dark, the muzzle flashes of the guards’ guns kept lighting up small, tiny slices of the room. In the brief, pop light bursts of illumination, Angel saw something moving. Tearing viciously and quickly through the room. Something huge and bent and jagged and sharp. He saw splashes of red momentarily as he heard a shriek of pain. He heard a frantic voice begging, “No no no no no no no” then wailing as a loud, wet bursting noise cut it short. He felt things rushing close to him in the dark. They reached the end of the bed and he ran forward, dragging Cherri with him. For a moment, he thought he’d accidentally charged the wrong way, away from the windows, that he’d just thrown them back into the room and the horror. Until, he suddenly passed, as if through a solid wall, into blinding light. As he stumbled out into the light, he turned around, confused and blinking. Angel saw one final glimpse of the shadow-filled room within the penthouse. He saw vaguely the running, flailing, screaming figures in the dark. He saw something bent over a still figure, a thick, dripping mass in its red teeth. And he saw a hand, crooked and sharp, reaching out towards him, only inches away. It was a hand of pure shadow, utterly black. In the final moment that Angel could see the nightmare den, one sharp-pointed finger of the crooked hand caught the chain of the watch. Snatching it back, it yanked the watch from his pocket and pulled it into the dark. A moment later, Angel and Cherri fell sprawling onto the balcony. A sound of falling rubble came from behind them as the vacant windows of the penthouse collapsed. The room within became sealed as a tomb, burying alive the screaming men inside. Slowly, wincing, Angel and Cherri rose. They looked at the collapsed penthouse, then at each other. For a moment, they just stared, breathing hard. Then Cherri laughed. She clapped and ran to Angel, shaking him by the shoulders. “Fuck yeah! That’s what I’m talking about, Angie! Holy shit!” Angel smiled. He stumbled a little, rubbing one hand over his face and through his hair, as he looked out, amazed, at the ugly, burning pits of Hell. *** Charlie and Vaggie came out of the elevator, their hands laced together as they made their way into the hotel’s main hall. Vaggie said, “Did you see the elevator was banged up? Maybe we should see if Alastor can kidnap us a maintenance man.” Walking into the hall, they stopped. Sitting at the bar were two figures. Angel and Cherri. Angel was talking softly to Cherri, but when he noticed them, he said, “Hold up. I gotta take care of something first.” He hopped up and came over. As he did, his normally self-assured swagger turned into an uneasy sort of hesitation. Vaggie stopped, crossing her arms, Charlie going forward to meet him. “Hey,” Angel started, “so listen, I… I’m sorry, Charl.” Charlie nodded. “Right.” “I was fucked up. If I hurt you. I’m sorry. If I didn’t…. Just… I’m sorry.” Nodding again, Charlie took a deep breath. She said, “That’s why you’re here. So that, one day, you don’t have to have that stuff in your head anymore. Angel, I want you to be free from whatever’s holding onto you. So you can just be… you.” She put out her hand. Angel, looking from it to her, before reaching out and taking it. “I accept your apology,” Charlie said, smiling. “You’re still our number one resident. And I’m still going to make sure you get a happy ending!” Angel couldn’t help but chuckle. Vaggie, smirking, cut in, “But you are helping us with marketing from now on. Which means no territorial genocide during news hour.” “Well hey, I’m employee of the month then,” Angel said, gesturing back at Cherri. “Cause I already got one potential customer for a room. Rent free still holds for everyone right, not just me?” Charlie’s whole demeanor suddenly brightened as she grasped her hands together, her eyes growing red and her horns sprouting up from her hair in her excitement. She ran past Angel to the woman, grabbing hold of her and saying, rapidly and eagerly, “Are you looking to be a client? Okay, hold on, I’ve got a survey I’ve been preparing for you to fill out.” “Yeah, sure thing princess,” Cherri said, entertained as she sipped at a bottle on the bar. “Hey, just to be clear, the rent free thing’s still good, right?” Angel, laughing, turned back to Vaggie. He rubbed his head, awkwardly, and said, “Is she, uh, you know, really okay or just-” “She’s good,” Vaggie said. She placed a hand on his shoulder, patting him assuringly. “She’d have said something if she wasn’t. Come on. Let’s make sure she gets checked in before Alastor shows up and scares her off.” “Oh, trust me, no worries there,” Angel said. “They’ve met.” The End |
[Lucia pov]it had been a week after Lucia birthday, Lucia was lying in her bed thinking about what she should do this day. She had been very curious about Jessica on why she brought all that milk but she had also been thinking about how Neeko ate her. any way it was about time for her morning shower, in the shower she was thinking if it was possible for her to eat people like Neeko ate her but she was not sure how to go about it. Lucia put her clothes on and headed down to her kitchen for some breakfast, Lucia though she should go over to Jessica after she was done eating. Lucia put on her shoes and walk outside towards a busstop so she could surprice her best friend faster. after sometime she got off the bus walking a bit before arriving at Jessica's house, walking up the driveway Lucia accidently look through the window watching Jessica swallow down some poor girl frozen in place Lucia watch as she saw her best friend devoure the rest of the girl. unsure what to do Lucia rush home to her self she lie down on her couch looking at her phone she wanted to ask Jessica over to talk about what she saw but she was unsure about it, since if Jessica wanted it to be a secret she could just slurp Lucia straight down Lucia needed to be very smart about she handle this so she spent the rest of the day planing. [Jessica pov] the next day Jessica woke with her meal fully digested, oh they went to my thighs and ass again jesscia said walking into the shower get her self clean and putting on her clothes and walking down to eat breakfast. Jessica went back to her room putting on her make-up when she got a text from Lucia: hi Jessica i was wondering if you like to come over for dinner later today. Jessica: sure that sounds like a great plan want me to bring anything? Lucia: no i got every thing covered [Lucia pov] hours past as Lucia sinister plan all came into place as Jessica knock on the door, Lucia open the door letting Jessica hi Jessica you are look good today Lucia said. thanks but you are not looking bad yourself Jessica said while give Lucia a smack on her ass. Lucia quickly turn around pinning jessica's arms to her side, what have i said about smacking my ass. [Jessica pov] jessica stared in shock as she notice Lucia mouth opening wide before her head as Lucia finish her sentence, Lucia what are you doing? Jessica yell as her face where drawn closer to Lucia mouth, Lucia did answer the only thing she did was shoving Jessica head inside. Jessica freak out as her head was getting coved in saliva from Lucia tongue licking her face, then it got worse as Lucia swallow Jessica head down her throat it was very tight and hard to breath as saliva and slim coved Jessica face Lucia swallow again grapping Jessica's buttcheeks, meanwhile Jessica listen to Lucia heartbeat as she slowly enter Lucia stomach, Lucia struggle a bit getting Jessica's ass and thighs down but once past that she slurped the rest of jessica's legs and feet down, while Jessica cruled up inside Lucia's tight stomach. let me out i though we were going to eat dinner together Jessica said while struggling, we are but a little change in plan and if you dont calm down you are staying in there for good Lucia said. Jessica puff her cheeks while getting squished in the moist and hot darkness feeling Lucia rubbing her stomach from the outside. [Lucia pov] Lucia struggle to walk over to her couch, sitting down with spread legs her clothes slighty toren and stretch. i got to admit you do feel good in there Jessica Lucia said while rubbing Jessica's head. so when can i come out Jessica said, we can talk about that after i have slept Lucia said very calmly as she slowly fell asleep on the couch. |
Twas a beautiful Christmas eve in the snowy hills of Pete’s home. The winter tide had flown in on the small town from the peaking mounts from the east. Coating the land with a crisp blanket of white to ignite the dreams of those eager for a snowy Christmas morn. Pete rested in his chair in front of his computer, doing his typical routine of drawing on the pc, He was indeed quite the artist, anything to his imagination laid at the grounding field of his fingertips. But there was something he indeed missed, a gaping section of him had been absent from his life for a while which he was always cherish and remember. His voracious lover, Zuzana. His mind began to dance and lament on her fiery red hair... her dazzling Sapphire eyes... her plush red lips which held him between their moist embrace before she held him within her belly, cradling him with the greatest of care, their heart beats intertwined as he felt her gentle touch massage his head whilst they professed their love for each other. Truly something which he would never wish to erase from his mind, upon finally rekindling his grasp with reality he would notice he had inadvertently been doing a sketch of her, Resting atop a stone. It wasn’t exactly the best of his drawings but given he had done it post-daydream it really did express the love he shared with her. His mind craving to feel the warm texture of her belly and the heat of her breath against his face. But that was mere fantasy... but not for long! For Zuzana finaly decided to visit her home once again but she had not informed him what time she would arrive. Somewhat of a surprise for him. On the mention of her, Zuzana arrived in the town due east of its border in the attire befitting this celebratory season, the gargantuan beauty strolled through the snow as if it was nothing, her rosy cheeks lit up her face as she scanned the area, her pudgy gut being overlooked in this season with children seeing her as Mrs. Clause visiting... A wonderfully accidental façade. Her body slowly jiggles as she wades through the snow with a smile on her expression, she reminisced on the joyous time she shared with her dwarfed lover. The memory of laying in his bathtub with bloated belly danced in her mind, she remembered the wonderful feeling of Peters hands massaging the inside of her body ... Oooo! That SENSATION that quaked and swerved through her body whilst the heat of her belly moistened up her lover. Zuzana giggled upon the memory of Peter’s muffled words as he professed his love for her. Of course the feeling was mutual, whilst she gently moved through the snow she began to clutch her belly and bit her lip at the very thought of engulfing his body once more. The notion of having a heaving gut made her loins burn with dragons’ fire... But soon came an issue. Zuzana opened her eyes and gazed around the area to come to the realisation that she was now LOST! She gritted her teeth cursing the daydream she experienced due to her current situation. Soon came another situation, her hungry belly made a deafening growl and visibly rumbled beneath her hand whilst she looked down to it. “Tssk! You’re hungry again!? I ate those hikers on my way here and now you’re not satisfied!?” she exclaimed to her gut, as if it had a mind of its own, she could naught but deny her gut as it demanded sustenance once again. A thin strand of saliva escaped her plush lips. Zuzana’s eyes narrowed as her mind turned to it’s frightening predatory status and her gaze soon straightened up to traverse the area for a fitting meal, besides, Peter always LOVED it when she had a full gut. Luckily for her, the season was always a bountiful uproar of possible meals for the avid connoisseur of living dishes, within moments her ears would tune into the sound that brought joy to the holidays and anger to people’s doorsteps. A CAROL GROUP! Zuzana smiled with glee as she spotted the flock of singers venturing down the pathway. Somehow they had not noticed her yet, Much to Zuzana’s glee. The titanic woman soon strolled over to the carols whilst they were in the midst of “silent night” with a drooling expression slapped across her face, her maw widened in readiness to engulf her first meal whilst her hands slowly reached out towards a pudgy girl bringing up the rear of the march. However, she soon had a thought… before she ate... might as well get what she could. “Ummm, Excuse me!” she said with a deceptive charm in her tone whilst she towered over the carollers and blanketed them in her shadow. “You wouldn’t happen to know which way it is to Vera street would you?” she questioned, with an innocent smile on her expression whilst she cushioned her lips against one another in a puckered expression. “Oh yes… Uhhh... well...” The leader of the group proclaimed, a stout woman with a big pair of glasses on, the woman turned and pointed down the pathway in which was being somewhat shrouded by the fall of snow. “If you head down this street until you get the end, turn left... and then you’re there! Simple. I mean we’re about to head down if you want us to show y-” Right before the woman could finish her sentence, she turned to be welcomed by an open red maw. It dripped and salivated over her for a moment before she was gone in a flash! The other carollers would have to bear witness as the curious redhead straightened her frame and engulfed the pair of legs and swallowed them up rapidly before anyone could release another breath! Within moments the poor damsel was nothing but a vanishing bulge betwixt the woman’s throat and her last call of life was a hearty belch which erupted soon afterwards, Flinging her glasses into the air and splatting upon the face of another. “Urrrrp!” Zuzana released. “Sorry about that, But I got what I need…but…I think I’ll need a snack for the road...” She said looking down to the now terrified group whom were too frightened (or too stupid) to even move. A short while later…. Peter had grown anxious, He stood on the terrace of his house looking out vacantly into the snowy tundra of the yard with rosy cheeks and hotter thoughts looming within his mind. His pacing feet echoed outwards to the street to exemplify his stress and want to see his plush lover once more. His desperate internal pleas would be satiate for only a short time… For soon enough his eyes were met against the sapphire jewels locked inside the angelic face of Zuzana with whom strolled down the street. However, it was more akin to a waddle as she was hauling some “Extra Cargo” in the form of a hulking gut. The gut was bulbous and as rosy as her cheeks, Silhouettes of the carol group squirmed beneath the sensitive flesh of the redhead. Peter was filled with an uproar of joy in his heart and a heated rejoice betwixt his legs... whilst of course the feeling was mutual due to the moment Zuzana laid her eyes upon her smaller mate, she swung her arms in the air and rushed towards him like some sort of pheromone driven beast. Her scarf gently flew into the air to extenuate her haste whilst she hurtled towards Peter. Peter swung his hands up in agreement of passion, but he could naught but take a step before her massive body caught him, His feet left the floor and soon enough their frames forced a stop against the wall of his home. Her anxious and sensual breath moistened his face whilst she looked down upon him. Pete was enviously wedged between her titanic breasts in the moment. “I’ve missed you so much!” Zuzana spouted whilst she looked at the little man betwixt her breasts with a bitten lip, Pete looked up to her with the same sensual excitement and quivered slightly. “I’ve missed you too Zu-!” However, he was paused with just a look on Zuzka’s face, for a moment Pete was curious as to the reason for the stop until he traced her eyesight to spot a batch of mistletoe resting above them. Pete’s expression was soon transformed into a blushing recline to his face. Zuzka looked at him with a blushing bitten lip... she knew what was to happen and so did he. Pete leaned in to meet lips with his lover... BUT was met with something else, An open MAW! Soon Peter would see her plush lips separate and rapidly engulf his head, the red carpet of her tongue blanketing his bristled chin and salivating the flesh, a spindle of drool dripped down the tip of her tongue and fled down towards his throat... likely to chase the heat which was erupting inside his trousers. His heart pounded in the anticipation of this moment, His breath hasted and was met with the exchange of her heated breath. It made his face moistened and his chest bulge with the enthrallment. He could loose naught but a word whilst his mind was piled with the whole new sensation of this event. He watched as her uvula jingled like a Christmas bell in response to her giggle. He felt the force of her head retracting from his head in accompaniment with his body moving back, she opened the garage door (the only entrance she could fit inside) and walked into the home with a sexually entrancing smirk on her face, her sheer mass swayed with every step. “Zuzana… I am going to pamper you like the goddess you are!” Pete cried out to her, His hands swerving across the taught skin of her freckled breasts and his crouch laid against the peak of her gut. “You’re never going to go hungry again! I am going to make you so stuffed and fat you’ll never leave!” He professed to her. “Hhehehe!” She giggled. “I would hope not! ...I just hope that you are going to get comfy in there” Zuzka stated whilst patting her groaning gut “Because I am going to gobble you up and keep you inside this BIG old tummy of mine!” She said with more of a moan then speech. Just as her big finger tapped a button to close the garage door, Pete looked her in the eyes and smiled. “That would be a Christmas miracle!” -END- |
Written / commissioned by Naomi aka Naomeister Crumbs everywhere: Strewn about the table, resting on the couch, and nestled in a young woman’s cleavage. A box sat on the ground, completely emptied of its contents. Plastic wrappers were stacked neatly in a pile at the foot of the couch, ready for the trash. The scene looked like something out of a horror movie for cookies. Amidst it all sat a young, dark-haired woman with a satisfied look on her face. Her hand rested contentedly on her small but distended paunch, poking out just a smidge from underneath her shirt. Her diet was completely thrown out the window. It was too much work to restrain herself and the allure of food was just too enticing. And there it was; my first encounter with a changed woman. My best friend had always been a carefree kind of woman, willing to do things that many other people would be too scared to do. There were even a few points in her life where she’d let herself go just for the sake of being able to enjoy herself. But this? This threw me off guard. I couldn’t help myself. I just stared. The weeks that followed were like a whirlwind in my mind. The meals just kept growing. At first, it was just an extra side dish with her meal here and there, or an extra snack in the afternoon. It wasn’t a big concern, I thought, even as it resulted in me ending up with a heaping pile of food to eat every time I came over. It was just a phase, I’d tell myself, but yet it didn’t stop. If anything, it got ‘worse’. Those extra side dishes turned into extra meals after the first month. A second helping of roast beef here, another plate of spaghetti there; I never saw anyone pack food away so efficiently and voraciously. The effect on her figure was like night and day. She used to be small, even petite. An average waist, E-cup breasts, a flat butt. She was even couple of inches shorter than me, a mere 5’3”. Yet every month, she looked bigger somehow. Rather than making her fat, all that food just made her bigger. Taller, bustier, bigger butted, just fuller all around; and deep down, I loved watching every minute of it. “No way, Ash. There is no way.” Reddish-brown hair swished back and forth as I shook my head. “This is way more than just a meal with seconds.” “Oh really?” Almost double my height, Ashley looked down at me from her seat next to me. It was still hard to get used to looking so far up at someone who was shorter than me just a year ago, “You don’t think I can do it?” “Have you SEEN the turkey, Ash? That thing is bigger than I am.” My eyes looked suspiciously toward the oversized roast turkey rising high above the table, “I don’t even know where they possibly got such a thing. Not to mention all the rest of this stuff.” My arms spread wide over the scene before us. Plate after plate of the best Thanksgiving food the restaurant had to offer was being placed onto the table. Mashed potatoes, steamed carrots, Yorkshire puddings, stuffing, cooked hams, broccoli with cheese sauce, pickles, heaping tubs of gravy; it was a feast fit for an entire royal family, let alone a queen. Her family and I sat around the table, looking upon the scene before them with delight. After the smaller turkey we were meant to eat at her place mysteriously ‘disappeared’ somewhere the previous night, this was the next best thing. For her part, Ashley was looking particularly radiant today. Her olive-tanned skin was smooth and supple, not looking even the slightest bit stretched in spite of her rapid ascent. Her cute face was eager, her hair pulled back into a ponytail so it wouldn’t get in the way of her eating. Clothing had become such a pain to find for her figure that she had become used to just cobbling together what she could, leaving her in a white tank top strapped to a tight, blue skirt that barely did much of a job of holding her enormous self inside of it. Breasts twice as big as her head nearly spilled from her top, unrestrained by any bra, while her rotund rear bulged partially out of the top of her skirt as she sat. She leaned in intimidatingly, her plunging cleavage inches from my face, “Even after all this time, you have no idea what I can do.” She gently prods my forehead with her giant finger, “Just watch me, Naomi.” She sat back up, arching her back to give a stretch, “You and me, right now, eating contest.” I cocked my brow. After all of the excessively large meals she had been shoveling my way over the past year, even I had been surprised by how much I could eat, but an eating contest? The thought intrigued me, but there was just one issue. “Alright, you’re on...but you’re kind of bigger than me, so we’re going with how much we can eat compared to our body size. Deal?” “Geez, technicalities.” She chuckled and rolled her eyes, “Deal.” Luckily for her, Ashley’s family didn’t hear a word of what we said, too busy chatting amongst themselves. The stage was set for the battle of the century, and none of them had any idea it was about to happen. She wasted no time in digging in, slicing off a huge hunk of turkey. With expert movements, she took platter after platter and piled a mix of everything she could get her hands on onto her plate, before slathering on a heaping pool of gravy. She flashed me a smile as I was still busy trying to fill my plate. It was going to be interesting. She didn’t even waste a second in digging into the food. A slice of turkey as big as her hand, completely covered in gravy, went into her mouth like it was nothing. She didn’t even bother to chew before it pushed down her throat, to be washed down with a huge fork full of mashed potato. It was amazing watching her eat. Shoveling mouth full after mouth full into her mouth, lips glistening with the grease, it was like she had turned eating into an art form. I sat in awe of her. It was amazing how far she had come. Suddenly, she paused, breaking me out of my reverie. She glanced to her right, over at her family sitting around the table. None of them were looking our way, so she looked back at her fork, then to me, “Screw it.” She tossed the fork back onto the table, grabbed the rest of her mashed potatoes into her hand, and thrust it in her mouth. It was then I realized she was absolutely serious, “Oh, it’s on.” We both tore into our food, cutlery thrust aside. I, too, thrust sizeable slabs of turkey into my mouth, though being unused to such things, I still had to chew my way to victory. Piles of broccoli poured from the plate into my open mouth, quickly being chewed so I could get them down. Globs of potato slid into my awaiting gullet, swallowed time after time. Yet no matter how much I ate, I just could not keep up with the behemoth beside me. When she had the broccoli, she grabbed the entire container off the table along with the tub of cheese sauce, brought both to her lips, and simply up-ended them. An avalanche of green and orange gushed into her, pouring between her lips, dripping around the sides of her mouth. She moaned softly from the feeling of it going down, taking it all in like as if it was nothing to her. I could see her throat working to swallow it all down, but she didn’t even so much as chew a single bite. I could barely believe what I was seeing. What had she been doing over the past year that she was able to do something like that? She ripped off both of the legs from the turkey, leaving me to scramble to peel off the other drumstick in order to get any for myself. She tore into hers while I still tried to clear the chunks I carved off, tearing apart oodles of delicious white meat off and stuffing our mouths full of it. We ate diligently, but she always swallowed first without needing to chew, taking it like a champ. Grease dripped from her lips and little bits of turkey fell onto her chest. It was like watching a medieval barbarian ripping it to pieces, but she finished it even faster. Her teeth shredded the drumstick like it was nothing, so fast I almost expected her to bite right through the bone as well, but she merely tossed it aside after picking every last bit of meat clean. I felt my own stomach getting full already, pushing out against my jeans and leaving me breathing heavily. I placed a hand against it, feeling its fullness, but Ashley’s was already bigger. It was spilling into her lap, spreading over thighs each as thick as both of my legs combined. Her shirt was being strained by turkey juices, her skin visible through it. Her family had started to realize what was going on and more than a few shocked expressions were looking her way. She didn’t even slow down. I just managed to grab a pile of potato and carrots before she grabbed both bowls, dumped them in together with one of the containers of gravy, and started scooping the combined mess into her mouth with both hands. Her mouth opened wider than I even thought humanly possible, her neck visibly bulging to take it all down. I couldn’t even come close to that, try as I might, but I wasn’t quite ready to give up yet. Even though I wasn’t keeping up with her, I found myself eating more than I thought I could, my belly pushing out against my shirt enough that it was riding up. Her stomach rumbled audibly, helping to drown out her mother trying to tell her to leave some for everyone else. All eyes were on her, if only because she was so big that none of them could see me trying to keep up with her. Her shirt was already too small to begin with, but was rapidly becoming completely useless in covering her belly, exposing virtually the whole thing as it neared her knees. She even started grabbing plates off of her family beside her before they could have a bite. From the look on her face, she was enjoying it far too much, but far be it for me to stop her. I just couldn’t keep up. She was cleaning off the whole table, leaving piles of empty plates and platters laying about, and I was running out of things to eat. I was struggling, sweat beading down my forehead as I gulped down a pile of stuffing, chugging my glass of water to push it all down, but she hadn’t even broken a sweat. I still had half my turkey left since I was stuck scrambling to grab things before she could finish them off. I could feel myself giving up, sitting back in my seat and flopping my hands down on a belly that made me look positively pregnant. With a sigh, I was about to tell her I was done when my eyes opened wide. She was reaching out and grabbing the entire rest of the bird. It was the only food left on the table and she was taking it all. She took a moment to pour the last of the gravy over it before she picked it up. I could even see her straining a bit to pick it all up. It had been filled as far it could be with stuffing and cranberry, packing it tightly and making it a solid mass of food, and yet here she was casually lifting it up in front of her mouth. She gave me a side glance and a wink before pressing her lips up against it. What I saw next, I didn’t even think was possible. Her lips spread over the rest of the turkey, stretching beyond what is humanly feasible. It was like her jaw came unhinged, but it didn’t. She simply opened wide and the turkey slid inside, inch by inch. She took it slow, savouring the feeling of it and enjoying the taste. She slurped up bits of gravy, her hands becoming coated in the creamy brown. Globs dripped down, soiling her shirt even more, her throat bulging as she forced the oversized beast down. She didn’t bite down, she didn’t chew, she simply pushed against it with her finger and the entire thing disappeared down her throat. Watching her neck bulge as it passed down was like watching a snake trying to swallow a deer. It must have been impossible for her to breathe like that and yet she barely even looked like it was taking any effort. Her throat muscles worked it down gulp after gulp, pushing it into a stomach already packed heavily with food. I let out an astonished breath as her belly pushed out with a sudden surge, the fabric of her shirt and skirt both creaking loudly from the strain. A split appeared as her middle weight down on her skirt between her legs, and then another rip arose in her shirt, material pushed beyond limits that were already being tested before she started. Everyone was gobsmacked, staring with open mouths, pointing it her and whispering. It took my breath away. “Wow...” It takes a few seconds for me to gather my thoughts enough to say anything. “Okay...you win. You really win.” She was an utter behemoth. Grease and gravy trickled down her body without a care in the world. Clothing looked like it could explode right off of her if she were to so much as get up. Her belly pushed out just beyond her knees, filling out a lap that was itself rather oversized. She looked like she had swallowed a person or two, but yet carried it like it was nothing to her. And here I was, barely looking like I was pregnant, though that alone was impressive for someone so uninitiated. It was a complete and utter defeat, one that was only compounded when she leaned in over me and plucked the uneaten turkey off of my plate. “Something tells me you aren’t going to finish this.” She smirked, giving me a gentle nudge, before pushing the last two scraps of food from the table into her mouth. After what she just did, it was hardly even impressive anymore watching a nearly head-sized chunk of turkey and an oversized drumstick sliding into her mouth at the same time. I didn’t look anymore, simply too astonished at what just happened, trying to catch my breath. I heard her mouth working, her soft and contented moans the only things breaking the stark silence of so much shocked family. That is, until her distant cousin piped up with his light accent from the head of the table, pointing toward the rotund woman forcing turkey down her throat with a wide grin on his face, “You see, son? Now THIS is what Thanksgiving is all about. Not that hogwash granny told you about Indians.” I couldn’t have said it better myself. It took the restaurant staff another ten minutes to make enough food for the rest of the family, and even then, portions were only a tiny fraction of what Ashley and I had eaten. I would have felt worse about it if not for her sitting beside me. I could overhear them blabbering on about how Ashley was like a vacuum now, eating like there was no tomorrow. “Screw her job. She needs to get into eating contests. She could make millions!” “Yeah, no shit. She’s like the Usain Bolt of eating...” “What if she’s not the only one that can do this, though?” “Then we start a new craze and rake in the dough once she’s famous. Win-win.” The thought of it left me bemused, though I had barely been listening. While everyone else ate their small plates of hastily prepared turkey, the two of us were entirely focused on her belly. Our hands ran over its soft surface, exploring its smooth and enticing girth. Fingers poked into it to see how full it was, sinking in enough to show that she could have kept on going for a while longer if she wanted to. We didn’t even notice the time rushing by, we were so lost in her newfound abilities. She just chuckled as she struggled to pull herself out from behind the table without breaking it. I had to help hold her clothes to keep her from tearing right out of them, both of us forced to waddle our ways out of the restaurant. A duck through the door and into the open air, and we both giggled to each other, lazily winding our way back to the car. She smiled the whole way, at every remark about how big she got, whispering in return of how she could teach me to be as well. I knew the coming year would be just as interesting as the last. |
Sepherene Nikos shut her ledger and placed her quill back in its holder. Eight servants marked for replacement. In the ‘reason for dismissal’ line, she wrote Nutrition. “You always look so intense when you write,” said Princess Betya, luxuriant and full on her reinforced bed. ‘Full’, of course, referred to the heaving stomach she was currently sporting: a goddess gut, immense and bulbous and…royal. For a woman Betya’s size – twelve feet standing straight – it took a great amount of stuffing to create such a wonderful bulge. Even among the Gwenean Empire’s most prolific eaters – even among the diets of monsters that roamed the plains and mountains – Betya’s belly was obscene. Eight servants in one sitting, sliding down her elegant neck one, sometimes two at a time, adding weight and girth to her belly until…mmh. Sephe gave her princess a dutiful smile and bow, and climbed onto the bed to caress that monstrous gut. So warm beneath her hands, so firm and bumpy… She could feel the prey squirming under her fingers, bodies packed tight into the chamber of her mistress’ gut. Even now, Betya’s stomach was starting to work at the tricky meal, grumbling and gworking over its stuffing. When Sephe had first been assigned to the princess, Betya had barely been able to devour two people. It was amazing to watch her development. “Mistress,” said Sephe with a grin. “How was your meal?” Betya’s full lips parted in a happy, feed-dazed smile. “Oh, it was wonderful. After the sixth one, I thought I couldn’t eat any more, but…you were right. I could fit another two!” She patted her stomach, making it glunk and groan. The servants standing in attendance to the Princess’ meal-time flinched at the noise, and Sephe shot them a warning glance, wondering who would look best on her mistress’ gut. All of them, eventually, but Betya was full for now. “You’re growing so fast,” said Sephe, scrolling her gaze along her goddess’ contours and valleys. Gods…even one of Betya’s breasts was larger than her entire body. Sephe was well aware Betya could pluck her up and gulp her down in half a second, if she chose – enough servants, soldiers, and random civilians had met the same fate – and Sephe knew she had to be careful, but she also knew Betya thought of her like a big sister, a caretaker, relying on her to make most of her decisions. Sephe could fondle Betya with impunity, because Betya thought it was just a post-meal massage to help with her digestion. Even now, the princess rolled her head and crooned pleasantly in response to Sephe’s agile fingers tracing the bumps of her prey-sack. Sephe smiled and walked further up, rolling her hand down the upper slope of her stomach before, with an elegant little toss of her dress, sitting down on Betya’s right breast. The princess squeaked, and Sephe shushed her with loving caress to her curly hair. “So pillowy, princess. It’s all thanks to your diet.” Betya pursed her plush lips in a curious ‘o’ – an ‘o’ that could have swallowed Sephe whole – and giggled sweetly. “I have you to thank! Nnh…hey, Sephe, I’ve been wondering…is my dress too tight?” Sepherena blinked. She barely ever thought of Betya’s clothes: any fashion, as far as Sephe was concerned, existed only to emphasize the swell of her mistress’ curves and stomach. Even then, any garments tailored for the princess were doomed to rip or stretch irreparably around her bloating gut. Still…Sephe let her gaze trail over the white silk ensemble Betya was wearing. Her dinnerplate-sized nipples bulged through the thin, worn fabric, almost spilling free from the sheer size of her breasts. Her hips tugged the outward strips of fabric almost to tearing, and made the crotch dig between her asscheeks and plush, perpetually soaking pussy lips. “It’s from eating, isn’t it?” asked Betya, flushing with embarrassment. “Oh…this dress was expensive.” A switch flicked in Sepherena’s mind. She saw an opportunity for some fun. “No,” she said, rising from her mistress’ breast-chair and tugging at the fabric, exposing a gorgeous nipple. “I’ve been thinking the same thing all week, Princess. Remember when we bought it? That cashier was a nice boy, wasn’t he?” “Nice?” Betya asked, her lip quivering. “What do you mean, nice?” “He smiled a lot…laughed at your jokes…forgave you when your hips smashed the doorway open…” Sephe touched a finger to her own lips and hummed. “I think he was making fun of you.” Betya frowned, sitting up with a great heave. Her belly growled louder, almost angrily. “Making fun of me? The princess of Gwenea?” “Oh, yes. Imagine him talking about you in the staff room…calling you clumsy, fat, dizzy…” “I’m not fat,” said Betya. Her giant gut gworked again, and her cheeks bulged. She tossed her head back and – “BgghuooOORK!” – erupted a lip-wobbling belch. “I should give him a piece of my mind.” Sephe yelped when Betya stood, causing the whole bed to shake and shift. Sephe toppled onto her back…and gasped when the princess wrapped a hand around her hips, scooping her up and onto her feet again. “Princess!” “We’re going to that store!” Betya proclaimed, hands on hips, thrusting out her chest with a jiggle. “And…demanding a refund!” Sephe smiled secretly. You’ll be getting a lot more than that, she thought. - They set out with a detachment of three Palace Guards, men who underwent intensive training for years to win the honour of protecting the royal family of Gwenea. Their white-cloaked armour glimmered in the morning light, and the civilians of the Noble Quarters stopped to bow at their procession, muttering fealties to their towering princess. Betya, for her part, struck a majestic figure, powerful and firm. Most people’s heads only came up to her thigh, and so the first thing they saw were her mighty legs: thick and soft, yes, but the fat was only padding for the dense muscle shifting beneath. Her swinging hips and monumental rump were objects of worship as much as they were lust, and her belly – her immense, bumpy, loudly churning belly – was a symbol of her divine status, and a reminder of the status of all those beneath the royal family. Even the most loyal subjects could be treated as nothing but food for Princess Betya, processed through her body to become an extra layer of thickness on her thighs or breasts. The capital of Indy was among the largest cities in the world, rivalled only by the Desert Kingdoms of Urt. At the heart of the Noble Quarters was a grand marketplace commanded by a golden clock tower. The market was the most direct route toward the clothes store, and so the Palace Guards strode ahead, clearing a way for Princess Betya. She towered over the stalls, sailing above the commotion with a fierce, regal look in her eyes. A few citizens reached toward her – it was said that touching Betya’s belly brought great luck – but the Guards pushed them back. Sephe, striding beside her mistress, wondered if the soldiers were even needed. Princess Betya was stronger than most monsters – Sepherena had personally watched her subdue and consume a chimera that accidentally flew into the Palace gardens – so what use were the white cloaks? Pompous fools, asserting authority like they made a single bit of difference… Suddenly, Sephe became aware of a great absence by her side. She turned to see Betya walking through the crowd, distractedly toppling stalls with her hips. As Sephe stared, Betya stepped on a box of carpets and shattered it. The noise drew the Guards’ attention, but instead of following their mistress immediately, they stared, dumbfounded. Sephe cast them a disdainful glance before hurrying after the princess, pushing aside merchants and shoppers who were frozen in place, staring at the clumsy giantess. Betya made her way towards a large stall in the shade of a municipal building. Sephe, finding the crowd denser and denser the closer she got to her mistress, identified it as a fishmonger’s stall. The smell of smoked salmon and tuna wafted through the marketplace. From the absent, hungry look in Betya’s eyes, that was what had attracted her. She walked around the stall and crouched to lift the rear curtain, poking her head underneath. Now all Sephe could see was her mistress’ humongous, heaving rear, her giant prey-filled belly dragging on the floor. She could hear the Guards pressing through the crowd after their mistress, barking orders for the civilians to move aside. “Princess!” Sephe cried, laying a hand on Betya’s hot rump. “What are you doing?” Betya made a grunting noise. Her shoulders arched against the stall’s wooden frame, and there was a crack as the poles burst out of the ground. The whole stall wobbled, supported only by Betya’s immense mass. The people in line to buy fish fled, fearing the inevitable collapse. When Sephe tugged aside the curtain and ducked into the stall with her giant mistress, she saw what the issue was. Cage-boxes of fish were stacked in the back of the stall. As Sephe watched, Princess Betya seized one in her hands and cracked it open, letting the slippery, shiny carp spill free – into the gaping cup of her maw. A tide of fish filled her open mouth, and Sephe had to step sharply aside. When her mistress was in a feeding frenzy like this, anything that got caught in the way was likely to vanish down her gullet. Moaning, Betya gulped down massive mouthfuls of fish. Her neck bloated around the cascade, and her eyes rolled slightly in pleasure. From the front of the stall marched a busty fishmonger girl in a loose, partly-unbuttoned shirt and apron. Her pregnant belly jutted, and the parked her fists on her wide hips, glowering at the princess angrily. “What do you think you’re doing?” she demanded as Betya grasped yet another box of fish, dragging it out of the stall and into the open market. As soon as Betya’s shoulders cleared the stall, the entire structure leaned worryingly, and Sephe and the fishmonger hurried out to avoid being crushed. Betya rose up, lifting the box high above her head with ease. It was as large as several humans, made of thick wood, but Betya’s hands broke through with ease. Once again, a waterfall of fish streamed out into her waiting maw and gullet. With a series of gurgling ulks and grunts, the princess ate her fill. Her dress stretched even further around her expanding gut, which widened and writhed as a cascade of fish erupted into the sack of her glorious stomach. Sephe covered her blushing cheeks with a hand, amazed at the sight. Had she ever seen her mistress so big? She didn’t think so. Some of the fish hit the side of Betya’s mouth and flopped to the ground. Blindly, the princess stooped and started to scoop them up, determined not to let a single treat escape her maw. “Excuse me!” the fishmonger barked, striding up to Betya the feasting Betya. “I hope you plan to pay for all this! You may be the princess, but–” Her voice was silenced by Betya’s hand wrapping around her head and shoulders. The box was empty now, so Betya tossed it aside with a crash of snapping wood. The fishmonger kicked and squealed, but Betya was so hunger-drunk she didn’t seem to notice. Blinded by her grumbling, demanding gut, the princess lifted the fishmonger over her widening maw and slowly lowered her past the cup of her glossy, spit-stringed lips. The fishmonger only realised what was happening when she managed to wriggle her head free of Betya’s fingers, and then she squealed, gasping and panting amidst the billowing heat of the princess’ breaths. Sephe raised a hand in a mocking, goodbye wave as the fishmonger came to rest on Betya’s tongue, half inside the princess’ throat and half in her maw. The pregnant girl crawled toward the light, but just before she broke free, Betya’s jaw snapped shut. She tossed her head back. ULGP. Her neck bulged briefly. Betya’s fingertips chased the bulge down between her breasts until it hit the giant heave of her stomach, adding to its weight. At last, Betya licked her lips and slapped her belly happily. “Mmf! I needed that,” she purred. Then she looked around at the staring, wide-mouthed crowd and said, “Um…what’s wrong?” Sephe folded her hands over her middle. She was burning with lust, thrilled by what her goddess had just done. “Nothing, Princess. Shall we continue on our way to the store?” “We need to pay the fishmonger first.” Betya smiled dizzily, looking at the tiny beings gathered around her. “Where did she go, anyway?” Sepherena’s mouth hung open for a second, once again reminded of the danger of living near a giant like Betya – someone who could swallow her whole without even realising. Sephe grinned neatly and said, “I’ll make sure she receives payment. Let’s go, Princess.” Betya nodded and started to stride through the crowd, her enormous gut and rear wobbling as she walked. The more she ate, Sephe reflected, the healthier she seemed: her skin gained a sexy gloss, and her muscles stood out more, forced to work extra hard under the strain. The Guards seemed to remember their duty, and strode after their mistress – lagging behind this time, but barking in an attempt to clear the way all the same. Sephe jogged after them. - At last, they came to the grandest clothing store in the Gwenean Empire. Converted from an old temple, it sported arched windows and huge, elegant pillars – built large to suit customers of any shape or size. But not, perhaps, Betya’s size. There were no window displays: it sold only to the richest, most noble among society, and it hardly needed to advertise. There wasn’t even a sign above the door. As Princess Betya marched up to the front door, Sephe tugged at her thin-stretched dress. Betya stopped and peered down at her helper. “What is it, Sephe?” Sephe crossed her arms. “Remember what we’re here for. They must pay for insulting royalty. If you don’t make an example of them, the people might think the Empire is weak.” Betya caught her bottom lip between her teeth, her eyes skittish and awkward. “I know. It’s my duty.” Sephe nodded and placed a hand on the princess’ belly. She could feel it writhing, grumbling as her powerful food-churner shifted and squashed around its stuffing. Sephe huffed a pleased little breath. Her mistress was truly a goddess. No matter what went inside her, her body turned it to mush within hours or even minutes. The royal blood was strong, after all. Sephe’s touch lingered, and Betya blushed bright red. “Sephe, what are you doing..?” Sephe removed her hand and beamed at her mistress. “I’m just thinking about how wonderful you are,” she said honestly. “You’ll make a great queen someday.” Betya giggled at that, and stooped to hug Sephe! Sephe gasped as she was squished into the heat of Betya’s belly, pressed tightly against her gurgling, bulging, straining goddess-gut. Sephe relaxed after a moment and exhaled, nuzzling Betya’s stomach in sweet, catlike bumps. The motion must have disturbed something inside Betya, some pocket of gas: she gurgled, and then belched loudly, which only made her blush deeper. “Now…” Sephe said when Betya released her. She turned to the three Palace Guards, who stood to attention, recognising the authority of Sepherena as being almost equal to the princess’. After all, Betya obeyed everything she said. “You three, stay here and make sure nobody enters. That’s about all you’re good for, anyway.” - Betya took no care walking through the front doors: her hips were too wide for the frame, and jarred in the doorway. She grunted and pushed harder, dislodging chunks of mortar and bursting the hinges, but she still couldn’t pass through. The building was made of sturdy stone, and it would take a true feat of strength to press her obscene girth through. Betya raised her shoulders and groaned as she made one final attempt, and at last, the doorway shattered. Stone and mortar cascaded, and the doors slammed to the floor. Betya’s magnificent form emerged into the store with a fluorish, thrusting her chest out and straightening her back and staring down at the stunned staff with a sharp, imperialistic glare. Sephe thought it looked adorable: Betya was trying to act mighty, but she ended up looking pouty. “Your Highness,” said a slim, dark ponytailed girl in a suit, dropping to one knee. The bolt of cloth she was carrying hit the floor and unfurled, almost presenting a red carpet for Betya to walk down. Betya’s heels clacked heavily on the stone floor as she strode toward the girl, grasped her mountainous hips, and exhaled through her nose. “Are you the manager?” The girl looked like a rabbit caught in the headlights. She glanced at her colleagues, who shrugged and backed away, not sure what to make of the princess’ strange entrance. At last, the girl shook her head. “No, Highness. My name is–” She squealed as Betya plucked her up by the scruff of her suit jacket. “P-Princess!” “Your name is ‘Princess’?” asked the princess, scowling. “N-No! That’s not…haaah…” The tailor girl whined, her suit hoisted up to expose her belly and hips. She wriggled pitifully in the giantess’ grip. “I’m sorry if I offended you! Please accept my apologies!” “Why are you being so confusing?” Betya asked, flaring with anger. She stuffed the girl head-first between her pursed lips. The girl’s lower half dangled from Betya’s lips, kicking and thrashing, but the princess sucked sharply – Uck, gulp! – and swallowed her without a moment’s hesitation. She slapped her hands down on her hips and said, “I want to file a complaint!” The staff – five people in suits – were frozen to the spot. They stared at Betya, lips trembling, hands opening and closing, not sure whether to run or bow down. Betya sighed and marched toward a muscular young man, crouching down to peer at him up close. As she moved, her giant ass knocked a shelf over, and a number of glass orbs shattered on the ground. Sephe wrung her hands in delight, striding deeper into the store to get a better view. Princess Betya looked like some kind of giant cat staring at a mouse, her eyes wide and pupils constricted, blowing hot breaths through her mouth. The young man stammered, “A-A-Ah… What…do you wish of me…Princess..?” Sephe stopped beside her mistress’ head, idly stroking her luxurious black hair while Betya panted hungrily, her gut pancaked on the floor along with her massive breasts. “Because of your store, my mistress has been forced to exert herself. Do you know how far she’s walked?” “I’m sorry!” the man cried. “I don’t…I’m not…I’m not responsible!” “Ah! But you work here. So you must take responsibility.” The young man’s eyes darted to the sides, pleading with his colleagues for help, but they were nowhere to be seen: they’d dived into hiding-spots, hoping to escape the princess’ gaze. Sephe would see about that. “Open wide, Princess,” she purred. At her word, Betya opened her maw. Her long, pink tongue slid out, and she crooned a low note of hunger. Her maw was a tunnel entrance, her tongue another red carpet. Calmly, Sephe stepped one leg over Betya’s tongue, straddling it with her heels on either side of the muscle and her legs spread wide, facing her mistress with the tongue sprawled under and behind her. She glanced over a shoulder at the quivering man and said, “Crawl between my legs, and don’t stop crawling. That’s the only way you’ll redeem yourself.” The man gagged with fear, but there was no way he could disobey royalty. His princess was before him, a divine being, and he meant nothing before her. With a subdued little groan, he crouched down and crawled onto Betya’s slick tongue, staring into the gooey, shifting tube of her gullet. He passed between Sephe’s legs and into Betya’s mouth. As he crawled, Betya curled her tongue up and back, drawing him deeper, deeper… When the tip of her tongue brushed Sephe’s thighs, Sephe gasped happily and shuddered, but dismounted in a hurry – in time to watch the withdrawing scoop of Betya’s tongue fold into her mouth, and her jaw slowly shut. She didn’t even gulp. The man was already in her throat: she just stood up, and let gravity do the work. There was no doubt in Betya’s eyes as she looked around at the store. She loved to play hide and seek. As Sephe watched in glee, Betya marched around the store, knocking over shelfs and scraping pillars and busting boxes underfoot. “Damn small space,” she murmured as a huge wardrobe crashed to the ground. She reached under a pile of carpets and dragged out a squirming woman, who screamed as she was crammed into the princess’ maw. Another girl, thick and blond and busty, had climbed onto a high shelf. “Please, Princess, don’t do this!” she cried as Betya started to rock the shelf, yawning her mouth open. “I’ve obeyed the Empire all my life! I’m a good citizen!” “Then serve your princess!” Sephe snapped. A moment later, the girl lost her balance: her delicious, curvy body tumbled off the shelf and, with a squeak, into Betya’s waiting gullet. Gullg. She must have tasted great: Betya sighed and leaned against the shelf, smashing it against the wall and causing an assortment of hats to cascade to the floor. While she nursed her immense, gworking tummy, Sephe strode up to the front desk and rang the bell. “I know you’re hiding down there.” There was a muffled whimper. Slowly, a man in a green apron and cap rose behind the desk. He was shaking, his arms folded across his chest as he stared past Sepherena at the basking princess. “H-Hello. Welcome t-to Gold S-Standard Tailors, the greatest in the G-Gwenean Empire.” Sepherena smiled and leaned on the desk with her elbows. “What’s your name?” The cashier gulped. “Enuk.” “Enuk. Would you kindly point me to the manager?” Enuk raised a hand, stared at it like it was an alien being, and then carefully pointed it at Princess Betya. More specifically, at her massive, grunting, glulching gut. “In there.” Sephe grinned an evil little grin. “Oh. Then, doesn’t that make you the manager? I don’t see anyone else here.” “I…guess it does.” “Princess!” Sephe called. “I found the one who insulted you!” Betya blinked and pushed away from the shelf. Without her to support it, it collapsed. She marched toward the front desk, towering more and more over poor Enuk, and slammed her palms down on the stone top. It cracked beneath her hands. Enuk got quite the view, Sephe reflected: her glossy cleavage hung before him, her areolas and nipples bulging through the fabric of her dress. Her gut was visible just beyond, wriggling with live prey. Sephe adjusted her own dress and smiled at her princess, who nodded back before addressing Enuk: “It was you?” “I-I-I didn’t do anything!” Enuk yelped. “I’m new!” “But you are the manager,” Sephe said. She couldn’t help but notice Enuk was blushing, his eyes fixed on the princess’ belly. Had he enjoyed watching his colleagues vanish into the goddess? “Technically, yes, but–” “Then it’s your responsibility.” Enuk seemed to realise, then, that there was no way out of this. The princess was glaring at him, breathing heavily after her giant meal, her breasts rising and falling in a steady, predatory rhythm. Enuk hung his head and said, “I…apologise for everything, Your Majesty. Please…accept my humblest apologies. What…exactly is the problem?” Betya hooked a finger into the cup of her dress and tugged, exposing her nipple. “Don’t you see this?” she asked. “Y-Your breast, Highness?” “No! The dress. Don’t you see how tight it is?” Enuk swallowed again, backing up against the rear shelves. “That material is designed to…uhm…stretch to any size…” “Don’t mince words!” Sepherena snapped. “We demand a refund.” “O-Of course!” Enuk yanked open a drawer and produced a sack jingling with coins. “Here – this should be ten times what you paid for that dress. Please…accept it.” Betya reached out and grasped the sack. She bounced it on her palm a few times, but she wasn’t looking at it at all: her eyes were on Enuk. “Actually…” she said, before Sephe could think of anything. “It was far more expensive than this.” She calmly slipped the sack into her glossy cleavage, pushing it down with a fingertip. “But you’re a cutie. Aren’t you grateful for the promotion I just gave you?” “I–…what?” Betya straightened up, rolling her fingers over her monstrous tummy. “I just gulped your colleagues and superiors down…one by one…until they were all in my belly. Now I’m churning them all up into fat on my thighs and boobs. Why don’t you listen?” She pushed her gut onto the desk, letting its huge weight rest on the stone. “I order you to listen.” Enuk clenched his fists, drawing thin, nervous breaths. At last, he stepped forward and, with a dreadful sigh, pressed his ear to Betya’s gut. She crooned and caressed his hair with a finger, tickling down his neck as he listened to her stomach glorp and slurch. “Doesn’t that sound wonderful?” she asked sweetly. “You seem really scared of me. I wonder why…” Enuk’s face was bright red, and Sepherena couldn’t help but notice the bulge under his apron – he was getting horny from all of this. Betya must have noticed, too, because she giggled as she drew her belly back – then stooped to one knee, resting her boobs on the counter instead. Her dark eyes peered into his own. “Do you want to kiss me?” Enuk made a strange noise of fear, pale and wide-eyed. He opened his mouth to say something, but couldn’t find the words. Betya smirked and leaned down, offering her plush lips to him in a pucker. Enuk stared for a moment…and then, awkwardly, he stepped onto a wooden box and rose onto his tiptoes to push his lips against her cheek. Betya hummed with amusement. “That’s not right,” she said. “I’ll show you how to really kiss.” She swept her tongue across her lips and opened wide. Enuk didn’t have any time to recoil: the princess’ lips closed around his neck, trapping his entire head in her sweet, heavenly mouth. She suckled, crooning and purring, trickling her fingers down his back as she oozed drool down his shirt. Finally, she popped her lips off of his head. His cap was gone. Enuk was frozen in place. He stammered something incomprehensible, most of his upper body coated in Betya’s saliva. She had overloaded every nerve in his body. Betya giggled and licked her lips again. “Yummy!” She looked at Sephe and asked, “What do you think? Should I keep him?” Sephe smirked. The display had gotten her so horny, sparked so many ideas in her head, she couldn’t possibly contain herself anymore. She cleared her throat and said, “When I look at him, I don’t think ‘manager’ – I think ‘buttplug’.” “Whuh…” Enuk groaned, still too weak to react properly. His knees trembled up until Betya scooped him up in a hand and dragged her tongue from his bulging boner to his face. “A buttplug,” she agreed. “Sephe..? Tug my dress aside.” Sephe obeyed – she walked behind her mistress, to her magnificent rump, and tugged the thin strip of dress that covered her asshole and pussy aside, exposing her pucker. Betya reached back with Enuk in hand and allowed Sephe to guide his feet to the hot, winking gap of her asshole. He murmured gentle protests as Betya started to push, sliding his calves inside, then his thighs and hips. When his crotch passed into the tight squeeze of her ass, Enuk shook and spasmed, obviously cumming in his pants. The shock and pleasure brought him to attention: he blinked, breathed deep, and then looked down at the asshole currently consuming him. He was up to his chest in the princess, but he didn’t cry out. Instead, his eyes half-lidded in lustful worship. Prey sometimes responded like this, some deep, instinctive part of them recognising that becoming Betya’s pleasure-toy was the greatest honour and lifetime accomplishment they could ever dream of. Though Enuk squirmed and puffed desperately, he was obviously wrestling with a sense of need and satisfaction – a sense that this was his place in life. Sephe pushed his shoulders the last few feet, until her hands passed the brim of Betya’s asshole, and only Enuk’s head was outside. Sephe pulled the dress fabric over his face, sealing him in place. Betya wriggled happily, making her asscheeks wobble, covering and uncovering his face in hot, pillowy booty. “Shall we return home, Princess?” asked Sephe. “We could have some fun with this one.” - The Guards stood to attention when Betya emerged from the store, and stared at her belly – several sizes larger than when she’d entered. They began clearing a path back to the Palace immediately: those distant spires silhouetted against the sky. The Palace was as large as a city block and many times taller, the heart of the Gwenean Empire. Who could possibly reside there but Betya, striding through the streets like the divinity she was, her head as tall as the second floor of some buildings. Children peered out of windows and waved at their princess, who waved back playfully and slapped her prey-filled gut, which only earned her cheers and laughs. Sephe, meanwhile, stared at her mistress’ giant, wobbling butt – at the bulge in her dress, revealed intermittently between her shifting cheeks, of her buttplug. The folds of her butt hid him almost completely. Enuk gasped and huffed for air, writhing inside Betya in an attempt not to be crushed. Sephe loved to watch her play with her food. Tonight, in the privacy of her own bedchambers, Sepherena would cum many times to the memory of the day’s events. Poor Enuk wouldn’t be so lucky, she thought. At last, they arrived at the Palace Gardens, where a royal regiment appeared to march with Betya up to the gates. The Palace entrance was twice Betya’s height, baroque and high-ceilinged, so she didn’t need to stop at all. When they reached the great, spiral staircase, Betya crouched and grasped Sephe by the waist, lifting her as she ascended the steps. There was no way Sephe could climb them by herself. As Betya climbed, Sephe heard the muffled groaning of her buttplug. Oh, today was going to be fun. They came to Betya’s personal chambers on the sixtieth floor. A grand balcony door opened into a vibrant garden, lush with exotic plants, an outdoor pool, and hedges trimmed in the shapes of monsters and voluptuous goddesses. Golden light streamed through the leaves and seeped into Betya’s chamber like a trickle of honey. Beyond the garden, the Palace spires framed the city of Indy in all its majesty, all the way to the white barrier-wall and the plains and mountains beyond. The carpet was a lush and lusty red, the furnishings all super-sized for Betya’s convenience. Only one desk and chair were Sephe’s size. Betya set Sephe down on the floor and giggled, flinging herself onto her queen-sized bed – which caused the floor to quake and her belly to GLOORRRP. The pressure on her stomach caused another monumental shift: she burped again, and rolled onto her back to nurse her heaving mountain of gut. “Ohnn… I don’t think I’ve ever eaten so much, Sephe…” Sephe clambered onto the bed and stood between her mistress’ legs. She couldn’t even see Betya’s face over the jut of her stomach: it rose above her head, grumbling and glorking and squirming, heaving and falling as Betya breathed. “You’re truly incredible, Princess,” Sephe said, crouching down between Betya’s thighs and toying with her dress. “Now, let’s see…” She hooked her fingers under the fabric and tugged it aside, revealing Enuk’s face, sweating and gasping, pressed amidst a sea of flesh. When he saw Sephe, he blinked rapidly and cried out: “Oh! H-Help me! I can’t…I don’t want to be eaten!” Sephe smiled. “That isn’t your choice, now, is it?” His mouth opened in a shocked expression, and he groaned deep in his throat. “…No, of course not, but…” Betya rested her hands on her thighs and said, “Climb onto my belly, Sephe.” Sephe grinned and patted Enuk’s head before clambering over the bumpy slope of her mistress’ glorking gut, coming to rest with her thighs straddling the shifting peak of her stomach. Looking into Betya’s playful, hungry eyes, Sephe just couldn’t help herself: she leaned forwards and, her heart thundering in her chest, said, “Princess…kiss me?” Betya flushed red…and nodded. Half-sitting, she leaned toward the girl straddling her gut. Her lips pursed in a sweet, smooching ‘o’, and Sephe pressed her face between them, suckling sweetly on her mistress’ mouth. They crooned together, and Sephe’s hips worked harder and faster, bucking in little grinding circles until – “Haauhn!” she moaned as she came, quaking and squeaking, pressing her head past the cusp of Betya’s lips and into her molten-hot, suckling maw. This was heaven: cumming hard while her goddess rolled her tongue over her entire head..! When her orgasm finally faded, Sephe popped out of Betya’s mouth and grinned shakily. “Nnf… I’m s-sorry for being so rude,” she said. Betya licked her lips. “Ungghf. That was so hot,” she purred. “And you’re so tasty. I never imagined…” Sephe ran a hand along the softness of Betya’s lower lip, allowing that tongue to slide over her fingers and wrist. “You look hungry again, Mistress.” “I am…but…” Betya rolled her tongue out to her chin, gargling sweetly as she presented the loving cave entrance of her maw and throat to Sephe. Sephe could feel hot breaths washing over her face, hear the muffled grunts and glugs of her gut rising from her princess’ gullet as it shifted and rippled in wet spasms. Sephe almost wanted to crawl inside, but she restrained herself: far better to send servants and insubordinates down instead. Sephe realised Betya was panting in pleasure, a faint schlick, schlick noise coming from under her belly. She was fingering herself, plunging down to the knuckle just above Enuk’s head. He wailed as slick pussyjuices drooled over his face, threatening to drown him down in the heat and the gush of Betya’s love. “Please!” he wailed between spits and coughs. His squirming was only making Betya hornier: she gasped and arched on the bed, wobbling Sephe on top of her. Sephe was afraid she’d tumble forwards into that maw, but she held on tight until the quaking stopped. “I…almost came…” Betya exhaled, drawing her fingers out of her cunny, gazing at Sepherena with love and need. “Nnh…could you get my toys..?” Sephe bowed playfully, and then slid off the side of Betya’s belly – tumbling onto the soft, bouncy surface of her bed! Lowering herself to the floor, she jogged across the wide room to Betya’s heavy wardrobes. It was a feat for someone as small as Sephe to yank them open, but she did so with a fluorish – exposing rows upon rows of kinky royal gadgets: a veritable rainbow of dildos and plugs. Smirking evilly, Sephe tossed a number of that huge toys – some bigger than her entire body – onto a trolley and wheeled it back toward the bed. When she returned, Betya scanned the collection with her eyes…and blushed. Her fingertip trailed down over Enuk’s head, bobbing him inside her asshole. “Come up.” Sephe bowed to her princess and leapt onto the bed, ready to pleasure her mistress the best way she knew how. Sephe undressed, pulling the fabric of her red dress upwards, exposing her soft stomach and wide hips, her impressive breasts… Her nipples and belly button were pierced, not to mention her clitoral hood. Under Betya’s starved stare, Sephe felt like a small child, and blushed with embarrassment. Maintaining eye contact with Betya until she went behind the swell of that giant belly, Sephe ducked to pet Enuk’s head. “You get to be useful,” she purred. Betya turned onto her side, hiking a dense leg and bending her knee – presenting the platform of her thigh to Sephe. Sephe straddled it, slinging one leg and asscheek over Enuk’s head. He whined and gasped, but at least now he wasn’t drowning in pussyjuices. With this platform, Sephe’s hips were on the same level as her mistress’ huge, clenching furnace of a pussy. Sephe took a few deep breaths – and felt Betya breathing deeply, too, excited for what was to come. At last, Sephe started to move, pumping and rolling her hips in a slow, grinding dance. Her pussy and navel piercings grazed over Betya’s cunny, stimulating her. Sephe’s motions became harsher, belly-dancing against her mistress’ cunt just to drive her crazy with pleasure! The giantess responded wonderfully, whimpering and covering her mouth, moaning in sheer bliss. Sephe was aware of how dangerous the situation was: if Betya clamped down with those thighs, she’d be crushed – but she trusted the princess to be careful. Sephe ached for her goddess, and the harder she scissored, the hotter she became. Enuk gave muffled groans under Sephe’s asscheek: she could feel his mouth moving in attempts at protest, but his words were lost in her butt. The thought aroused her even more. “Fuck…hah…Princess..!” she wailed, reaching out. Betya noticed, and slipped a hand down over her belly to grasp Sephe’s wrist. Intertwined, they bucked harder, riding the waves of each-other’s pleasure until– “Haaaaaahnnn!” “Fhhhaauuhhh!” They came simultaneously. A river of slick juices gushed over Sephe’s pelvis, spurting and spurting while Enuk coughed and spluttered beneath her! Sephe’s convulsions were unrefined, wild, gyrating and whining and slamming her hips against Betya’s pussy! Finally, as their orgasms died down, Sephe flopped back onto Betya’s thigh. They lay panting, red-faced and exhausted, neither of them capable of speech. The only motion Betya gave was the rise and fall of her breasts, the pulse of her gut. Driven by a need that surpassed just sexual gratification, Sephe approached Betya’s ass – approached Enuk, who was barely conscious, gasping and wheezing for air. Sephe mounted his face without a word and started to grind, mashing her soaking cunny over his face, his mouth, his nose – ignoring his muffled protests. “Nnfuck…ah…” she breathed desperately, and leaned down to suck on Betya’s clit as she pumped herself, harder and harder towards a second orgasm. It didn’t take long. She clamped her thighs around the young man’s head and growled, almost burying her head in Betya’s pussy as she spasmed and sawed and squirted over Enuk’s head. At last, she threw her head back in a deep, contented sigh. “Fwwgguuuh!” The princess knocked her onto her back with a finger-tap. “Princess?” Sephe asked, fear and thrill racing through her body as Betya rose onto her hands and knees, crawling over her. Betya’s thick tangle of dark hair dangled to form a curtain, locking mistress and aid in an intimate stare. Heat filled Sephe, and she found herself panting, laughing awkwardly as drips of drool fell onto her naked body. “Ahn…hey…what’re you..?” Betya pressed a finger down on Sephe’s belly, pinning her. “Nngh…Princess…” “Shh,” Betya purred, and lowered her lips to kiss Sephe’s entire head. When she drew back, ropes of drool dangled between Betya’s mouth and Sephe’s face. “Let me take care of you.” “Y-Yes, Mistress…” Betya crooned and moved down, down to Sephe’s feet. Her lips parted and her tongue spilled free in a cascade of wet muscle, tousling around Sephe’s ankles as Betya stared playfully up at her. Slowly, sensually, Betya stroked her tongue upwards along Sephe’s calves and thighs – pausing at her pussy to wriggle and flick, driving her to wild twitches and spasms – before slurping up her stomach and boobs. Now most of Sephe’s body was blanketed in tongue, stewing in saliva, and she couldn’t be happier. When Betya’s muscle finally engulfed her face – and stopped there, covering her breasts and belly and head – Sephe slid a hand between her thighs to masturbate ferociously, horny even in the aftermath of her previous orgasm, whining under her mistress, her goddess. Betya finished her tongue-sweep by rolling the tip around her face, and then licked her again – a steady stroke from her toes to the top of her head. “Mmh, perfect.” This time, when she went back, Betya’s tongue didn’t go over Sephe, but scooped under her feet. Sephe, half-dazed with delight, stared down into her goddess’ gaping, quivering maw. She could see past Betya’s tonsils, into the pulsing chute of her esophagus until its rippling folds closed off her view. “Aaaaah…” Betya purred, making her gullet vibrate before Sephe’s eyes. Without waiting any longer, Betya pushed forwards, slithering her tongue under Sephe’s legs like a scoop. Once the tip curled around Sephe’s rump, her tongue began to lift, taking her feet and calves into the heat of her maw. “Mistress..!” Sephe cried out, but something in Betya’s eyes told her she was safe. They weren’t glazed with hunger, like in the market, but gleaming with lust and love. “Ah…yyes…” Sephe crooned at last, as Betya’s tongue cupped her shoulderblades. Now her hips were inside the princess’ mouth, her feet dangling into the pudge of her glucking throat. She…she wanted to be tucked in, she realised – more than anything. “Mmh…I taste good, don’t I..?” Betya’s lips closed around her belly, sucking gently, contentedly – rolling her tongue in waves. She heaved herself up into a sitting position, once again trapping poor Enuk under the giant mass of her asscheeks. Gravity caught Sephe: only Betya’s sucking lips kept her from falling. The Princess smacked her belly – glunk – and rumbled happily. At last, staring into Sephe’s eyes, she opened her mouth. Sephe slid down, ever so slowly, into the sucking pudge of Betya’s gullet. Panting for air, stroking her pussy with two fingers, Sephe writhed until she passed the princess’ lips. Hot throat seized her, squeezed all over her. Soon her shoulders brushed soft tonsil, and when she looked up, she saw Betya’s lips closing, sealing off the light, locking her in darkness. How many meals had seen this exact view? Beneath Sephe, she heard the gargling and blorping of stewed prey, and the motions of Betya’s other organs: her heart especially, thumping away to support her massive body. Betya’s gullet shut around her, squeezing her in place and bobbing her up and down as though milking her. So skilled… Sephe rolled her hips in response, and found she could masturbate with Betya’s gullet walls. She started to gasp and groan, eyes rolling in pleasure. She’d never felt so sensitive, so blissful..! When she came, it was with a high-pitched squeal of delight! Gravity shifted again – backwards, this time. Light flooded in, and Betya reached two fingers into her maw to pinch Sephe’s head and draw her out. Dripping wet, red all over, Sephe dangled from Betya’s grip. The princess grinned at her and smacked her tummy again. “You really are delicious, Sephe,” she said as she set her down. Sephe was too weak to stand: she sat cross-legged on the bed, staring at her mistress as Betya turned onto her stomach, lifting her hips to present her giant ass – and her buttplug, Enuk. “I think I’ll keep him,” she purred, and lavishly reached back to press a finger over Enuk’s head. She kept pushing until her finger was one joint deep in her ass. Enuk groaned inside her, yelping for release, but none would come. “Fetch the purple one, Sephe.” Sephe remembered how to move. Weak, shivering, she grabbed the big, bumpy, purple buttplug from the trolley and staggered over to Betya. She could see into the princess’ ass, Enuk’s face sealed deep inside amidst the clenching folds. A sadistic thrill ran through Sephe, empowering her. She hoisted the buttplug and pushed its bulbous head into Betya’s asshole, and then forced the rest of it inside, one bump at a time! Betya’s toes curled in pleasure, and she groaned deeply when all fourty inches of plug were lodged inside her. Poor Enuk was sealed away, never to see the light again. Betya rolled onto her back and trailed her fingers over her belly. Sephe climbed awkwardly, slimy-wet and tender. She lowered her legs down the slope of Betya’s tummy, resting her feet on those giant boobs. After a moment of just…staring into the princess’ eyes, she said, “Are you full, Princess?” “Completely,” said Betya, and covered her mouth in a yaaaawn! “I…think I need to sleep this one off. Will you stay with me, Sephe?” “Always, Princess.” Sephe slid down her mistress’ belly and, following familiar motions, slipped up between her breasts, tucking in nice and cosy. She kissed Betya’s neck. “I love you. Sleep well.” “I…love you…too…” Betya was already starting to snore, her body’s rhythms slowing down. Sephe sighed and nuzzled Betya’s cheek, then shut her own eyes. Behind her, that mountain of a gut, stuffed with thirteen people, a ton of fish, and her new butt slave, gwurged and blorked even louder. |
Written by Umbrelloid Chrissy crooned as she slipped the golden bracelet around Zuzana’s wrist. The humongous redhead was just finishing up her snack – curling her tongue around the girl’s wriggling feet and drawing her back, totally and completely, into the spit-strung pit of her maw. The giantess sprawled upon her steel-reinforced bed, nude except for her jewellery, the very image of hedonistic abandon. She closed her mouth, lips pursed lavishly, and tipped back her head to GULP. Her neck shifted around her prey, a bulge travelling downwards…and then she sighed and licked her lips. “Where do you find these girls?” Zuzana asked, trailing a hand down her vast left side, stroking the heft of her gut. Right now, her jutting belly was home to five girls Chrissy had found online: beauties from the kinkiest clubs in the city, who would do ‘anything’ for enough money. “They’re delicious.” “I guess I know what you like, eheh…” Chrissy stepped back, and Zuzana inspected her new bracelet, turning her wrist against the light. Her lips curled in a smile. “An early Christmas gift? You spoil me.” “This isn’t your Christmas gift.” Chrissy pressed against the side of Zuzana’s gut, sighing softly as she sank into her goddess’s warmth. Zuzana reached down to caress her brown hair. “I’m…planning something for you. I’m sure you’ll love it.” “I can’t wait,” Zuzana purred. - That night, Chrissy hunched in the glow of her laptop, typing furiously on twelve browser tabs. She made sure not to hire too many girls from one place, just so the supply was always fresh and available – and Zuzana would never go hungry – but Christmas…Christmas called for something extra. Chrissy had spent the year adorning Zuzana with expensive jewellery and filling her gut with expensive girls…and so, to demonstrate her worship for the towering redhead, she had to go all-out. Her fingers stopped typing, and she leaned close to the screen! There! That was it – she’d landed on the website of a special kind of establishment, one that would cater to all Zuzana’s needs and more! Breathing deep, trying to keep her hands from shaking, Chrissy typed an email to the owner. - One week later… Brella squeezed June’s hand and cast a shy half-smile at her blonde girlfriend. “This place is…” “Big,” said June, looking up at the glass double doors. “You didn’t tell me this Chrissy was rich.” “I had no idea!” In truth, Brella had only met Chrissy last week: an attractive, smiling girl who’d come in out of the cold while Brella was on duty. Chrissy had ordered special table service, and as Brella twerked her thick ass in the brunette’s face, they’d gotten to talking. When Chrissy had invited Brella to a Christmas party, Brella had expected a basic kind of night: wine and snacks at somebody’s one-bedroom apartment. This was beyond anything Brella had imagined. A gust of wind howled down the sidewalk, blowing snow against their ankles. Brella shivered and leaned against June’s side. Without saying anything else, they walked through the doors. - A gold-plated elevator took them all the way up to the top floor. As they stepped out, they were met by music that pulsed up through the soles of their feet and wobbled their brains. Brella looked at June again, and they both smirked. This was going to be one hell of a party. “Hey, you guys!” chirped a familiar voice. Chrissy approached with a bounce in her step, a tight thin dress hugging her curvy body and riding so high up her thighs that Brella could just see the faint gleam of her bare pussy. Her face was bright-red, and Brella guessed she’d just come away from some serious action. “How’s it going? Oh, Brella, you never mentioned a girlfriend. She looks absolutely scrumptious.” “Thanks!” June trilled, blushing and extending a hand. Chrissy shook it. “I’m June!” Brella half-turned toward her blondie girlfriend. “I hope you don’t mind me bringing her.” “Pssh. Of course not. The more, the merrier! It’s Christmas, after all.” Chrissy ushered the pair of them toward the main room of the penthouse suite. As they passed through the doorway, Brella and June shared a sharp, stunned gasp. The place was more glamorous, more opulent than either of them could have expected. Paintings adorned the high red walls, and a ceiling-to-floor window stretched the length of the back wall, offering a view over the glittering night city, the snowy rooftops… The guests were no less impressive. The sheer size of them took Brella aback, and she realised these must be the PTG models she sometimes saw on TV: hips so wide she could lie across them horizontally without her head or feet sticking out either side, rumps so round and perky that one slap would probably set them wobbling for several minutes, boobs so big Brella could vanish between them…and bellies that jutted under their tits like platforms. Despite their fat, the women gave off an aura of power. Then Brella’s attention drifted to the smaller, more regularly-sized people…and she was doubly shocked, as she recognised most of them from the club! “What’s wrong?” asked Chrissy with an indulgent chuckle. She nudged Brella’s side. “I paid your mom good money to have them here. Didn’t she tell you?” When Chrissy saw Brella’s expression, she laughed again. “I guess she wanted it to be a surprise! Oh…let’s go and introduce ourselves.” Brella and June followed Chrissy into the throng. One side of the room was full of dancing bodies and pulsing lights. Brella gasped when a hand coiled around her shoulders and pulled her against a massive, gurgling stomach and huge, jutting tits. She looked up, but the boobs overflowed in the big girl’s tight-fitting shirt, and blocked her view. “June–” she gasped, but then the huge woman twirled her around and pushed her amidst the dancers. Before she could so much as catch her breath, Brella yelped as two huge bodies closed around her, jutting bellies smashing together around her torso! She fought for space, but it was hopeless; the predators’ bodies were overpowering, and no matter how hard she fought, she was trapped between them for as long as they deigned to keep her trapped. Brella yelped when a glob of saliva landed on her head, and she looked up in a panic to see the two big girls locked in a deep, tongue-mashing kiss. When their lips plopped apart, they looked down at Brella with hunger in their eyes - and just as suddenly, she was in the air; lifted by four hungry hands! She called her girlfriend’s name again, but her voice was lost to the music. Manhandled by a pair of giant, ravenous woman, Brella could do nothing but yell. They turned her so her boobs and belly pointed at the ceiling, and she had to crane her neck to look at the big girls – and their big…yawning…drooling…maws. Brella froze like a deer in the headlights as two dripping chasms opened, one over her head and the other below her feet. Gusts of hot breath blew over her. The women leaned towards each-other once again, peering deep into each-other’s eyes…and Brella squealed as their maws closed around her - consumed from both ends! Tongues swept lazy trails around her head and legs. Before she knew it, tonsils rippled against her face - and then hot gullet muscles flexed around her head, her shoulders. Ensconced in dark-red muscle, squeezed amidst jerking, gulping, pulsing walls, Brella became the object of a depraved tug-of-war. The big girls’ lips met in a squishing, groaning kiss, locking Brella completely in their muggy heat. They swallowed as hard as they could, fighting for a tasty reward even as they made out with each other - and Brella writhed inside them. Suddenly, light broke through. Brella emerged, soaking-wet and gurgling faintly, from the women’s slurping lips - and flopped limply across their heaving tits, where she lay twitching. The big girls giggled at her exhaustion and got back to their kiss. As their bodies shifted and rubbed together, Brella found herself folding, slipping down between their tits…their bellies…until she finally flopped to the floor. Only then did she find the energy to crawl away, moving between dancing legs. A variety of fluids dripped onto her as she went. Eventually, she emerged from the dancefloor into a quieter section of the apartment. Before her towered a hot-tub, and in it lazed the biggest women Brella had ever seen. As she stared, the gargantuan redhead grabbed a smaller woman from the side of the tub and dangled her above her smiling mouth – and then, as the woman squealed and squirmed, the redhead lowered her through the slurping straw of her lips. Her neck bulged around the small woman, devouring her as easily as a grape. When, at last, the redhead pushed her prey’s head through her lips, she groaned and touched her chest - and swallowed. The bulge vanished behind her tits…and her giant gut stiffened with a little extra mass. Brella’s heart thumped faster as she picked herself up off the floor… “Oh, there you are!” said Chrissy, tugging at Brella’s wrist. “Come on! Don’t you wanna meet Zuzana?” Before Brella could gather her breath to ask where June was, or demand to know just what kind of party game involved swallowing girls whole, Chrissy dragged her toward the tub! Zuzana stretched her arms over head in a great, shivering yawn, and then turned her blue eyes toward Brella. Brella shrank under her gorgeous gaze, amazed that such a woman could even exist. Her belly wriggled around countless prey, bloated so thick and full that Brella wondered if, at any hour waking or sleeping, Zuzana’s gut was ever empty. “This is Brella!” cried Chrissy, presenting her to the predatory redhead like a prize. “She’s that blondie’s girlfriend.” That blondie..? Brella bit down in sudden fear. Had this woman swallowed her girlfriend? But then Zuzana rolled onto her side in the tub, and Brella was shocked to see June’s head poking out of her cleavage. June looked…strained, her face bright-red with pleasure, gasping thin breaths of air in the pressure-cage of Zuzana’s tits. “A-Ah!” she gasped when she saw Brella. “Nnh…y-you’re okay. Hah. It’s amazing in here! I can hardly…nngh..!” Zuzana smirked at Brella’s expression, and for the first time, she spoke. “Don’t be jealous. She was just too cute to pass up. You’re cute, too…” She shifted onto her back again, causing soapy water to slop over the brim of the tub and slap to the floor. She touched the peak of her belly and hummed a pleasured note. “Mm… Why don’t you join us?” Brella turned and looked at Chrissy, who giggled and started to strip. Brella didn’t know why, but…she ended up doing the same; peeling off her dress until she stood naked before the tub. Then she followed Chrissy: climbing up onto the tub’s edge, and then onto Zuzana’s belly. The woman’s gut was wonderfully warm and soft, and gurgled as it shifted beneath Brella. Once she straddled Zuzana’s belly button, she met the huge woman’s blue eyes over the crest of her heaving tits and tried to smile. “Er…neat party.” “It’s all thanks to your club,” Chrissy said, nudging her side. Out the corner of her eye, Brella witnessed another big girl swallowing one of her co-workers. Chrissy followed her gaze and laughed. “Isn’t it great, though? Mm…feel that.” She took Brella’s hands and pressed them deep into the jut of Zuzana’s gurgling stomach. “Just a few inches beneath us…there’s this big, wet, living chamber that just wants to be stuffed…and stuffed…and stuffed.” As she spoke, Zuzana’s eyes narrowed, glazing over with lust. A few other big girls were gathering around the tub, maybe sensing the rising tension. As Brella trembled atop Zuzana’s belly, the redhead groped her own person-sized tits and pulled them apart. June gasped for air, freed from the delicious pressure of the giantess’s boobs…but she wasn’t out of the woods. Brella gasped when Zuzana, without any effort whatsoever, lifted June by her wrists and held her over her maw…which slooowly gaped open, revealing a slick pink interior laced with quivering ropes of drool. Zuzana’s tonsils gave a few soggy glucks as if by instinct. Zuzana extended her other hand to Brella. Brella gulped nervously, her brain soaked in adrenaline. Her decision-making skills were gone. All that remained was the lust, the heat that made her lean into Zuzana’s hand, allow it to curl around her waist, lift her… A moment later, she was pressed against June, boobs and bellies meeting in an adoring press. Soaked in perspiration, soapy water, and saliva, their bodies steamed under the harsh light. Brella crooned as Zuzana’s lips slid around their feet. They descended, inch by inch, while all around them, girls both big and normal-sized sweated with lust at the show. Zuzana’s eyes clouded with love, and she slurped elegantly up her snacks’ legs - until she could let go of their wrists and swallow hands-free. Chrissy crooned and buried herself against Zuzana’s belly, throwing her arms as far around it as she could reach. There was real worship going on there; the devotion in her eyes was clear as day. Now Zuzana’s lips were up to Brella and June’s waists, and she lingered around their rumps, rolling her tongue as though trying to milk as much flavour out of them as possible. When one big girl handed Zuzana a sprig of mistletoe, her eyes lit up with pleasure. Brella gasped when she held it over them. Zuzana’s eyes fixed on her prey, gleaming with love and amusement. Brella took a deep breath - and then locked lips with June, squeezing her in a tight embrace. Their audience cheered and crooned with jot - and Zuzana got back to gulping. Muscle rolled around their legs, their hips, their ribs…and finally, Brella and June lay with their heads wrapped up in Zuzana’s curling tongue, still kissing. Zuzana hummed her delight…and slowly, inch by inch, she closed her mouth. The last thing Brella saw before darkness fell was a sliver of light beaming through Zuzana’s lips, which curled in the shape of a satisfied smile. GULP. Written by Umbrelloid |
Written by - Umbrelloid Commissioner and Story idea – BIGBIG FRESHMAN LANA Lana sipped her drink and leaned against a wall, feeling awkward amidst – or rather, above – the throng of the party. She had never been one for big social gatherings, preferring the undemanding quiet of small groups of friends, or even just listening to music in her room, but she could hardly turn down an invitation. She was in her freshman year at university, and this was an opportunity to make acquaintances, maybe even friends on her course…but everywhere Lana looked, people were chatting with each other, already forming their cliques. She felt like a hundred doors were closing, leaving her stranded on the outside. She thought about selecting a group at random and forcing herself into their conversation – but Lana, of all people, know how difficult it was for a six-foot-five girl to make her voice heard: it sailed right over people’s heads while they were busy staring at her colossal, beach ball boobs – not to mention the bulges of her nipple- and navel-rings, which stood out firm beneath the skimpy fabric of her dress. Lana’s belly rumbled. She trailed a hand down the taut surface of her stomach and nibbled her lip. Her tummy always started to grunt and growl when she was around beautiful women, and just about everyone at the party fit that description: it was a gathering of busty, rosy-cheeked cuties, each one looking tastier than the last. Lana was frustrated, her willpower tested by waves of lust and hunger. She couldn’t help but imagine how good it would feel to pick one of those beauties up, open wide, and slide those luscious curves down her gullet. Lana tried to keep her mind on the party, but it was impossible: once she started to think about stuffing her gut, she got all hot and bothered. She hoped no one saw how wet she was getting, leaking slick girlcum down her thick thighs. Lana squeezed her legs together and tried to look innocent, but that just made her face burn an even brighter shade of red. Oh, gosh… In truth, Lana wasn’t being ignored – not by a long shot. The other girls at the party could hardly keep their eyes off of the tall beauty in their midst. With her long, wavy brown hair, sharp grey eyes, and utterly obscene chest and rear, how could they not? They were just too shy to talk to her, thinking she was way out of their league. The party went on like that, an awkward tension building as the music grew louder and louder… As the night trailed on, Lana kept herself busy by drinking can after can of beer. She had a much stronger metabolism than most people, and the booze didn’t affect her anywhere near as much as the others: they drank less than a quarter as much as Lana, but ended up teetering dizzily and slurring their words while she was only a little light-headed. The more she drank, the redder her cheeks glowed – and the hornier she felt. Soon enough, most of the girls were passed out: snoozing, sprawled over tables and sofas, slung across the stairs and the kitchen counter… Lana looked around. Seeing no one awake, she stooped next to a short, busty girl and prodded her pudgy tummy. The girl just rolled onto her back and kept on snoring. Lana realised, with a rush of shame, that she was salivating. The girl just looked too delicious to resist. Freckled, her black hair tied in a bun, glasses resting lopsidedly across her shuttered eyes… Before Lana knew what she was doing, she grasped the sweet thing’s ankles and started to lift– A door burst open. Lana dropped the girl in a panic and stood up straight, trying to look innocent as three more girls entered the room, giggling among themselves. Lana recognised two of them: Madison and Cindy, her friends from high school. Cindy was a tomboyish redhead with grinning green eyes, while Madison was a wavy-haired blonde, a fashion queen with a cruel streak. There was also a third, mousy girl who Lana didn’t know. It was Madison who strode up to Lana, hands mounted on hips, and smirked at her. “Hey, Lana… Still awake?” “Y-Yeah,” Lana stammered, touching her index fingers together. Just then, her gut gave a tremendous ‘GROOO’, which made her blush even deeper and avoid Madison’s gaze. “I mean…the beer isn’t that strong, and–” “Anyway, this is our friend Katie. Wanna say hi?” Madison gestured to the third girl. She was a timid, almost scrawny little thing: a docile-looking girl with mousy brown hair, smiling nervously at Lana. Katie seemed to be intimidated by Lana’s breasts: she wrung her hands together and kept glancing at those heaving mountains. Lana’s stomach protested again, giving a basso groan of hunger. Katie must have detected, in some instinctual way, that the groan was aimed at her; she flinched and bit her lip hard. Lana smiled in what she hoped was a reassuring way. “Hi, Katie!” Lana said in her brightest, most chipper tone of voice – though her brain was screaming at her to guzzle this yummy appetiser down. Her hungry lust was getting truly unbearable, overriding all other thoughts. Before she could stop herself, she heard herself say, “Wanna see an awesome trick?” Katie looked at Madison, who pursed her lips and hiked a blonde eyebrow. “You have a party trick, Lana?” Madison asked. “Yeah… It’s pretty special, actually. I bet not many people can do it.” Lana crouched down, kneeling before her friends, and opened wide – pointing into her gaping, huffing, puffing maw. The girls clustered together to peer down her flexing, spit-stringed gullet, which crashed and schlucked noisily as she panted ravenous breaths. Just a little longer, she told herself; she just had to control herself for a little longer. Maybe she could quiet her belly’s demands by having…just a taste. Yeah – a sample. She didn’t need to eat anyone…at least, not all the way. She shut her mouth in an awkward smile and said, “I can swallow people whole. Aha…I mean…I’d only swallow you down to your feet, of course, but–…” Madison, Cindy, and Katie stared at Lana, eyes wide. Madison mounted a hand on a hip and clucked her tongue against the roof of her mouth, looking at her big friend in a new light. “Is that so?” she asked. “Well…what the heck. Let’s try it out.” “Y-You can’t be serious!” Katie said…while Cindy chuffed with laughter and tugged off her black tank top. As Cindy’s freckled tits bounced into the open, Lana licked her lips and focused on the redhead, who winked at her. “You’d better keep your promise. I don’t wanna wind up in your belly!” Lana stammered, “D-Don’t worry…” Meanwhile, Cindy tugged down her jeans and underwear – and presented herself, fully nude, to the group. “Ta-da!” She faced Lana and winked. “Well? Do I look yummy?” Madison rolled her eyes. “Stop teasing her, or she really might eat you.” Lana cupped Cindy’s pudgy hip in a hand and swallowed saliva. “You look delicious.” Before she could stop herself, she leaned forward, opened her maw, and tugged Cindy’s upper body toward her. The other girls gasped as Cindy’s head, shoulders, and breasts vanished into Lana’s maw, stretching her jaw massively around her friend’s upper body. Lana’s eyes narrowed with lust as she slurped on Cindy, squeezing the redhead’s belly and back between her teeth, drinking her booze-flavoured sweat… Lana had to lean far forwards to engulf Cindy like this, cramming the girl so far down her gullet that her massive tits brushed the floor, Cindy’s shoulders wriggling behind her gigantic chest. Muffled cries vibrated in her throat. Madison whistled in amazement, leaning in to stare at Lana’s stretched, drooling lips. Lana’s hands hooked around Cindy’s ass cheeks and started to pull her deeper – but when she caught Madison’s glare, she stopped. It took all of her willpower not to swallow again, and instead gripped Cindy’s thighs, dragging her out of her gullet in a tide of oozing drool. When Cindy’s shoulders finally popped out of her lips, the redhead flung her head back and staggered a few drunken steps until she reached a wall, panting for breath. “…Whoa,” Cindy said quietly. She swept her goo-soaked hair back and turned to Lana, eyes wide. “You were telling the truth.” Lana slurped up a thick rope of drool. The view seemed to excite Madison, who pursed her rosy lips and huffed gently. “Eyes this way,” she said, and stripped. Lana’s heart galloped in her chest as Madison peeled each item of clothing off of her gorgeous, supple body, exposing breasts as large as her head and a thick, wobbly rear to die for. With a luscious croon, Madison stepped up in front of Lana, mounted her hands on her hips, and licked her lips. “Let’s see how deep you can take me.” Lana whimpered. She hadn’t planned for things to go this way; her best friend presenting herself as food, a sly grin playing upon lips that seemed to beg, Devour me. Churn me up into nutrients. Add my mass to your tits, your ass… Of course, that was just Lana’s lust-fried brain trying to justify eating Madison. Who knew what the blonde was really thinking? As Lana cupped Madison’s shoulders, Madison leaned forward – offering the top of her head to her best friend’s hungry maw. Lana’s gut went GLUT…GLUT…GLUT, quivering in anticipation. Lana knew it would take all of her strength to resist making Madison vanish. She just needed to take this slowly…one gulp at a time…measuring out her intake so Madison didn’t go beyond her reach. She opened wide… …And the moment she felt Madison’s face slide over her tongue, she lost all sense of self. Lana heaved Madison towards her, and the other two watched in horror as Lana gulped, glurked, and tugged the blonde fashionista down her gullet – several feet per gulp! Lana’s throat bulged around Madison’s shoulders, her marshmallow-like tits…her hips… Soon enough, only Madison’s feet protruded from Lana’s pursed lips, which suckled on her ankles in a hungry daze, basking in the feeling of her gorgeous best friend wriggling in her gullet. “Uh…Lana?” Cindy asked, as Katie squirmed and squeezed her hands over her groin. “You’re gonna let her out now, right..?” Lana didn’t hear the redhead’s voice. Her mind was somewhere else, experiencing bliss unlike anything on this plane of existence. Her lips schlucked back and forth around Madison’s ankles while her throat rippled in greedy waves, massaging her best friend inside her. Madison was yelling something, but she was so muffled that the words were lost. At last, Lana clamped a hand over her gut, gurgled, and tipped her head back. Cindy’s mouth dropped open as a deep, decisive ‘GLRK’ rang out - and Madison’s feet vanished past Lana’s lips. The blonde slid down Lana’s throat, her neck narrowing as her belly swelled under her hand…rounding out drastically with Madison’s curvy, curled-up shape. Lana curled her lips in a satisfied smile, and she fanned her overheating face with a hand as she gasped for air. The bulge in her gut moved visibly. Cindy watched her preyed-upon friend squirming around in Lana’s belly. Katie couldn’t believe what she was seeing. Lana had just eaten someone before her eyes - swallowing Madison whole without a hint of hesitation. Even now, Madison was struggling inside Lana, her panicked jostling causing the fabric of Lana’s dress to slip between her mountainous boobs – freeing them. The sight of Lana’s exposed breasts was nearly as alarming as her consuming another person whole: each tit was the size of a curled-up Katie, and yet they somehow managed to stay perky and buoyant, wobbling as Lana covered her mouth and let out a thick, startling ‘BUOOOOORRRPP!’ Cindy nearly fainted from the noise. She was so dazed that she didn’t resist as Lana cupped her face in a hand. “Y-You know…” Lana said quietly, as the bulge in her gut thrashed and ‘glooorgl’ed. “You’re pretty tasty. Want me to swallow you again? Uhm…then let you out, of course.” Cindy’s mouth opened and closed a few times. Her mind lacked the ability to make the connections that would spell out how dangerous this was. She found herself nodding, a dizzy smile on her lips. As Lana caressed Cindy’s red hair, she noticed Katie panting, turning red as she grew aroused. Lana smiled sweetly and tugged Cindy against her massive, naked right breast. Cindy immediately slurped a mouth-filling nipple past her lips and sucked on it noisily – while Lana regarded Katie with a bright, gleeful glare, and leaned towards her. “Mm… There’s a big collection of toys in the bedroom closet. Why don’t you go get them?” Katie was hesitant…but she turned and hurried into the bedroom. There, she eagerly opened the closet and dragged out a huge box full of monstrous dildos. She was shocked. This was Madison’s house; to think her slutty, currently-digesting friend had such a massive collection..! Katie bit her lip and lifted the box, carrying it back to the living room–– Where she found Lana chugging down Cindy. The redhead kicked at the air as she descended into the big girl’s maw. Lana was on her feet, one hand cupping Cindy’s legs to guide them through her lips as she leaned against a counter. Katie dropped the box, spilling toys across the floor as she watched her friend slowly disappear. Lana no longer doubted herself: she was in feeding mode, and nothing could stop her feast. When she saw Katie, she turned leisurely around and bent over the counter, grasping the edge as she chugged Cindy down hands-free. By now, only Cindy’s forelegs were still outside. Lana reached back and slapped her massive rump firmly, causing a cascade of wobbling flesh. Her desires were spelled out loud and clear. Katie stooped and tucked a number of toys under her arms, then stood and approached. Lana’s giant ass swayed before her. From her position, Katie could see the backs of Lana’s massive, hanging tits: sweat drizzling down her heavy globes. Katie tugged Lana’s skirt up, revealing her sopping, hairy pussy and winking asshole – and started to insert toys. Lana was surprisingly tight, her asshole clenching as Katie shoved a two-foot, floppy dildo into her guts. Next to go in was a barbed, bulbous dildo – stretching Lana’s asshole even wider. Lana tossed her head in bliss – and soon, she started to moan. Katie realised Lana must have swallowed Cindy all the way down. The realisation made Cindy dizzy; she almost fell forwards against Lana’s glorious ass. Katie focused on pushing the dildos inside. Madison had a huge collection, and Katie had inserted nearly all of it into Lana. As the tall girl’s gut grunted and gargled, Katie stuffed the last few toys deep into the sopping heat of her pussy – and cried out as Lana came. Lana’s body was truly obscene: when she reached climax, her pussy started to shudder and clamp violently – and hosed Katie with slick, clear nectar from head to toe! She gagged and spluttered as Lana gushed all over her, basting her in yummy dripping that would surely make her even tastier. Lana huffed and puffed for breath, her shoulders rising and falling sharply. Two cuties tucked away in her gut, squirming and giving muffled moans…and Lana was still hungry. With a whimper, Lana tugged her panties over her dildo-stuffed pussy and asshole and pushed away from the counter. In a flurry of motion, Lana pushed Katie against a wall. The mousy brunette was shocked to find herself vice-pressed between the flat surface and Lana’s incredible body. Those mountainous tits squished across her entire torso, pinning her close and tight. When Katie saw the lust in Lana’s eyes, she hoped desperately that the tall girl was leaning in for a kiss…but she knew, deep in her heart, that it was going to be a GULP. She tried to protest, opening her mouth to beg or cry…but only a faint whine came out. Then Lana scooped Katie up toward her open mouth, cramming the brunette down her crashing, gulping gullet with mindless abandon. Not a single thought passed through Lana’s head as she worked her way down Katie’s scrawny body. Her pudgy tits passed inside, then her chubby tum…and her legs, which Lana slurped up like spaghetti. Once Katie was all gone, Lana tossed back her head in another dense belch – slapping her now-colossal gut, sending ripples across its rumbling surface. Three cuties wriggled inside her, and she still wasn’t full. …Actually, that wasn’t entirely true. Lana could have stopped eating now, and her belly would have been happy to churn up her meal. Her three snacks were enough to keep her sated for days. The problem had nothing to do with Lana’s belly – it was her own perverted mind. She didn’t need to eat more, but she desperately wanted to. In fact, she wanted to glut herself on every single curvy beauty in the room…and would have, if only she was as big as one of those PTG girls. As things were, she could only manage a couple more. Lana made her way back to the dark-haired cutie she’d almost swallowed before. As she walked, dildos tumbled out of her pussy and asshole and splatted on the floor, leaving a trail of girly nectar and sex toys in her wake. The dark-haired girl was still sleeping like a baby, snoring in her drunken slumber. Lana seized her ankle and lifted her, dangling the plump treat upside-down over her widening maw – and then lowering her into the pink, spit-strung pit of her oesophagus. As soon as her gullet clamped around the girl’s head, there was no going back: Lana kept swallowing until the sweet thing was nothing but extra weight on her gut. She could still feel her girlfriends kicking around, struggling in the humid heat of her belly…but weaker than before. Lana gave a horny little laugh as she searched for her final snack – dessert to top off her wonderful meal. She found just the girl snoozing in the kitchen, a blondie who Lana recognised as Madison’s sister. Lana considered letting her go…for a moment. Madison had been delicious: if her sister tasted anything like her, she was too good to miss. And so Lana sucked the girl’s feet down her throat – and slurped her up like spaghetti, wrenching the sleeping girl down her gullet gulp by powerful gulp, not even using her hands to guide the sweet treat in. Her dessert stirred gently as she ate…and just as Lana sucked past her plump tits, she woke up. “H-Hey…what..?” Madison’s sister mumbled – a moment before Lana’s tongue curled over her face, and the tall girl’s mouth snapped shut. Glurk! Lana took a moment to admire her belly. It was truly gigantic now, lifting her breasts upon its colossal jut, threatening to rip through the fabric of her dress. She struggled to keep her balance as she teetered back into the living room, located a clear space on the floor, and settled down on her back. Lana swirled a hand over her digesting mega-tum, smiling a warm, delighted smile as she faded into unconsciousness – into a delicious food coma. When Lana awoke, her belly had stopped grumbling. Blinking blearily, she ran her hands over the smooth curve of her gut and peered at her post-digestion belly. Five cuties had been successfully churned up, and her sense of satisfaction radiated throughout her entire body. When Lana stood, she quickly realised that moving around wasn’t going to be so easy: many, many dildos were still stuck in her pussy and asshole. The stretching sensation made her go cross-eyed with pleasure, her tongue drooping over the brim of her bottom lip. She stood there for a moment, trying to keep still, knowing that even the slightest movement would make her– “Ghhhkk!?” Lana tossed back her head and groaned as she came, squirting like crazy all down her thick thighs. Her knees trembled as she lowered herself into a deep squat – sitting heavily on the dildos to push them back into her holes. At last, her ass cheeks pancaked on the floor, enveloping the dildos completely. For a long time, she sat panting, regaining her breath. When she rose again, none of the toys spilled out. She was going to take Madison’s collection home with her. Lana took one step – and froze when she noticed all the eyes on her. Girls peered at her warily from all around the room, suspicious of her excessively huge gut. Lana blushed deeply…and couldn’t suppress the belch that ripped free from her lips, making them wobble with the sheer frequency of the burp. URRRGGGGPP! “E-Excuse me,” Lana said, and staggered meekly toward the exit. END Written by - Umbrelloid Commissioner and Story idea – BIGBIG |
Commissioned and Written and by Umbreloid Ryuko struck where Satsuki was most vulnerable – at the gym. Sneaking by the guards was easy, and once Ryuko was inside the sizeable room, sneaking through the ventilation shaft, she was able to see exactly the kind of elegant lifestyle Satsuki’s riches afforded her. Her personal gym was bigger than most public gyms, decked out with every piece of equipment imaginable: resistance weights, running machines, battle ropes – the list was endless, and each item looked thoroughly used. The ropes were shredded, the seats on the machines creased and torn, and every weight was stacked to its highest capacity. Even Ryuko, who could lift trucks while Senksetsu was activated, shuddered at the thought of sweating and panting all day in a place like this. She crept onwards, stockinged feet slipping ever so softly along, and soon passed into another room. The free weights room. She was given a new reason to shudder. Monstrous dumbbells lined the racks – none weighing less than fifty kilograms – and barbells sporting weights bigger than Ryuko littered the floor. At the centre of it all was a flat bench, and lying upon the bench with her feet hooked under the brace was Satsuki. Ryuko froze. Satsuki was directly beneath her, face upturned to the vent hatch, but her eyes were tightly shut – lips pulled back from her teeth as she struggled to heave a brutal barbell. Her elbows trembled, her fingers writhed and adjusted around the metal bar, and sweat dripped from her toned legs and shoulders onto the floor. Ryuko knew she should move away before Satsuki’s eyes opened, but she was transfixed, her heart racing as she beheld a sight no one else in the world was privy to. Satsuki was beautiful: pale and elegant in her blue sports bra and trunks and yet completely obscene in all the right ways. She’d grown in the months since Ryuko’s arrival at Honnouji, probably as a response to the challenge the tomboy warrior represented: packing on muscle and weight in preparation for their conflicts. Now her thighs were thicker than Ryuko’s waist, her biceps broad, her chubby stomach hiding a powerful core…and yet she remained soft and womanly. Her hips jutted wider than ever before. Her breasts seemed fuller, straining her sports bra to the absolute limit and then some: her pale cleavage bloated out of her bra, almost touching her chin as gravity laid her breasts down upon her torso. Ryuko watched a drop of sweat roll down Satsuki’s massive cleavage, creep onto her neck, and then seep into her long, dangling, tied-back hair. To top it all off, Satsuki was taller than ever before. Ryuko couldn’t understand it. How could simple training bring about such extreme change in a woman’s body? Was she on drugs? Ryuko found that hard to believe, but wouldn’t rule it out – and realised she was still staring, frozen in place, hypnotised by her rival’s body. Satsuki had packed on chub as well as muscle, fattening her tits as well as her juicy belly and thighs. Grimacing, she drew her Scissor Blade from her back and prepared herself. You might be big and bloated, she thought, but that doesn’t mean crap against me. She licked her lips. I’ll force those answers out of you no matter what— “KIRYUIN SATSUKIII!” Satsuki’s dark blue eyes snapped open in time to see Ryuko descending from above, diving from the vent with her Scissor Blade raised high. Satsuki had no time to move away: Ryuko landed on her belly, her rock-solid gut, straddling it with those slender, stockinged thighs. Satsuki turned her head slightly when Ryuko laid the Scissor Blade’s edge against her throat. All the while, Satsuki was forced to hold onto the barbell, arms shaking with strain, her midriff pulsing and flexing nervously. She’d been caught. Ryuko loomed over Satsuki with a triumphant grin, both hands grasping her Scissor Blade, poised to strike. “No sudden movements,” Ryuko said. “I’ve got you right where I want you.” She gave Satsuko’s belly a squeeze with her thighs – and grunted as it responded with a flex, grinding against her cameltoe. Fighting always got her hot and bothered, and she was pretty sensitive down there – especially to the hot, guttural motions of her rival’s body. “You really thought getting this big and grotesque would save you? I feel sorry for you, Satsuki. Now, get ready to answer my questions, because if you don’t—" “Matoi Ryuko,” Satsuki said, her voice strained. “Did you really think I’m doing this…for you?” Ryuko raised an eyebrow and leaned under the barbell, sticking her face so close to Satsuki’s that their noses touched. “What’s that supposed to mean?” “I have another fight to win – one that has nothing to do with our little squabble. Now, if you’d be so kind, would you choke for me?” “Choke? What—” But it was already too late. Satsuki let go of the barbell, which CRASHED down on her tits and Ryuko’s spine with a terrifying crunch. Ryuko shrieked and thrashed while Satsuki moaned, two-hundred kilograms of force driving down across the centre of her titanic tits, folding her globes around the bar and forcing the slender, helpless little pink deep into her cleavage. Ryuko gagged and whimpered in agony, losing her grip on the Scissor Blade, which clattered on the floor as Satsuki caressed her hair. “I feel sorry for you,” Satsuki said, lifting Ryuko’s chin with two fingers to peer into her beautiful, dark blue eyes – the exact same colour as her own. A grin curled Satsuki’s plump lips. “You really thought you were the centre of my universe? That’s cute…and pathetic.” Her arms rested, Satsuki grasped the barbell once more – and simply threw it off. It landed with such an impact that the ground shook, leaving Ryuko whimpering and winded, feeble, sprawling on Satsuki like a broken doll. Satsuki wrapped a hand around Ryuko’s throat and sat up, hauling the little punk with her, and contemplated that red-hot, wailing, tear-drenched face…before throwing Ryuko aside like a piece of trash. “Come with me,” she said. “Your spine should have healed by now. I want to show you something.” With that, Satsuki rose from the bench, stretched, and left the free weight room. Ryuko watched her go, her grotesque hips swinging with every confident stride. Eventually, Ryuko stood with the assistance of her Scissor Blade, thrusting the weapon beneath her like a walking stick. The weight had brutalised her back: healing would take a few minutes longer than usual, and until that time, she would be unable to fight. Sweat rolled down her face as she staggered after Satsuki, grunting and growling, filled with furious anger. Satsuki was waiting in the main gym. Once Ryuko had joined her, she took a small bell from her pocket, raised it up high, and jingled it. The doors immediately flew wide open, and a procession of servants streamed in, wheeling a long metal table stacked with gorgeous foods. Cute, petite girls stood beside the table with jugs full of juice, looking simultaneously scared and excited to be serving their beloved Lady Kiryuin. A lavish chair was brought forward, and Satsuki dropped her massive rump into it. Her boobs jiggled in her sports bra before coming to rest – as Satsuki leaned forward, clasped her hands under her chin, and gazed at the food. “Matoi,” she growled. “You’re a subpar women and a feeble warrior. I want to show you what it means to be superior.” With that, the hulking woman grasped the bone jutting from a huge hank of ham and raised the meat to her mouth. She opened wide – abnormally wide, showing off her red, spit-strung gums – and gnashed into the meat. Ryuko limped closer, watching in awe as Satsuki ripped the meat from the bone and swallowed it, barely chewing the giant chunks before forcing them down her ravenous gullet. Her pupils constricted to pinpricks as she ate, in a state of hyper-focus, tipping her head back and groaning as her neck thickened and bloated around the girthy mouthfuls. Her stomach started to gurgle and groan as she ate her grotesque fill, slurping the last scrap of gristle from the bone before tossing it aside and SLAPPING her noisy gut. By now Satsuki was breathing heavily, her cheeks flushed red. She glanced at Ryuko and grinned, running a palm over her swollen, pudge-swaddled abs. Without realising it, Ryuko had wandered close to Satsuki’s side – and now the hulking heiress hooked an arm around the skinny punk’s waist ‘Skinny’, of course, was a relative term: Ryuko had a bitchin’ body, smoking hot and nicely stacked by any reasonable standards…but around Satsuki she looked like a stick insect. Now she was pressed into her rival’s heat, grumbling and squirming against Satsuki’s side, struggling not to suffocate on a sweaty patch of sports bra-clad breastmeat that was trying to engulf her mouth and nose. She lifted her Scissor Blade – only for Satsuki to snatch it from her hand and use it to pick her teeth. “How generous of you,” Satsuki purred, then threw back her head and unleashed a tremendous, lip-wobbling BRRRRUUUUP! Her eyes flew wide open, surprised by the force of her rude belch, before covering her lips with a hand and sighing happily. “Excuse me.” As Ryuko struggled and groaned, Satsuki stabbed out a hand. One of the serving girls, a ponytailed redhead, stepped forward and offered Satsuki a jug of sweet fruit juice. The heiress seized the jug and tipped it back, gulping loudly and powerfully, spilling juice down her cheeks and chin as she guzzled the yummy liquid. Ryuko watched in awe as Satsuki’s belly swelled around the tide, pouting further and further outwards as she drained what must have been half a gallon of juice. When she was done, Satsuki SLAMMED the jug on the table and moaned happily. “Of course, I need to eat everything on offer if I want to keep growing,” Satsuki purred. She grasped the back of Ryuko’s head and forced her down to that bulging gut, shoving her face against her rival’s hot, rumbling abs. Satsuki’s belly gurgled beneath her while she tried to wrestle free, humiliated beyond belief. Satsuki held her there with ease, pinning her in place until she stopped struggling and sagged against her rival’s belly, staring up over the curve of that glorious gut and those tremendous tits at the cruel, smiling eyes of Satsuki Kiryuin. “…Bitch…” Ryuko whined. “Yes,” Satsuki said. “I’m a bigger bitch than you’ll ever be. I want you to remember that, Matoi Ryuko. My willpower is far stronger than yours.” With that, she released Ryuko…who was so weak with shame that she couldn’t stand, resting against her rival’s gurgling gut as Satsuki lifted a huge bowl of ramen. She didn’t bother using chopsticks, instead bringing the rim of the bowl to her lips and slurping the noodles, broth, and all down her hungry gullet. Her loud, wet gulps rang through the gym. This time Ryuko had a front-row seat to Satsuki’s belly’s growth, feeling it swell outwards against her face, overwhelming her with its furnace heat and rippling clenches. Satsuki placed the empty bowl on the table and reached for another jug – drinking half of this one. By now her belly felt full, straining with the sheer volume of food and drink packed inside her stomach, and she sweated more than she had during the workout, but she showed no sign of quitting. In fact, she was just getting started – as Ryuko was about to find out. Satsuki reached across the table for the next item of food…but hesitated. She looked down at Ryuko, then at the redheaded servant standing patiently beside her. A smirk crossed her face. Before Ryuko could react, Satsuki had grabbed the serving girl by the waist and hoisted her into the air. The girl squealed and kicked, but Satsuki was merciless: her maw gaped wide open, her tongue rolled out, and she went cross-eyed as she lowered the squirming snack into the pink chute of her gullet. Ryuko went wide-eyed, horror wrenching her into action. She seized the girl’s ankles and tugged, trying to save her from Satsuki’s gulping throat, but all her tugging and straining couldn’t hope to resist that ravenously pumping gullet. Satsuki swallowed repeatedly, eyes twinging with amusement as she stared at the struggling Ryuko. She took pleasure in Ryuko’s growing dismay as she realised just how hopeless her efforts were: she dug her heels into the floor and heaved with all her might, but she couldn’t even slow Satsuki down. Gulp by horrid gulp, Satsuki slurped the redhead down her expanding throat, bloating her neck and straining her sports bra as her huge form shifted to contain the tasty girl. Satsuki’s tongue curled between the cutie’s thighs, and she sealed her plump lips around her kicking legs to schluuurp her the rest of the way down. Ryuko’s heels slid along the floor: she gasped for air, out of her mind with fear and horror, watching her hands get closer to Satsuki’s lips… Before Satsuki could suck her down along with the girl, Ryuko let go – and toppled backwards, collapsing on her butt as Satsuki hummed, touched two fingers to her squirming neck, and curled her tongue over the redhead’s toes. Her lips closed in a triumphant smile, and she met Ryuko’s eyes as she swallowed. Ryuko pulled her knees up to her chest, her mouth falling open in dismay as Satsuki’s neck deflated, her belly widened, and she groaned in utter delight. “How delicious,” Satsuki said, then licked around her plump lips and slapped her massive gut before rising from her chair. Her belly sloshed and crooned as she loomed over Ryuko, staring hungrily at her little rival. “Maybe you understand a little better now.” She kicked the Scissor Blade across the floor, sliding it over to Ryuko. Then she squatted low, hanging her arms over her knees and speaking down to Ryuko like a harmless insect. “Feel free to challenge me anytime, anywhere, and I’ll crush you every time.” “You’re a monster,” Ryuko hissed. Satsuki hummed…and then leaned forward, planting her hands next to Ryuko’s head and resting her monstrous belly on the punk’s thighs. Satsuki’s cheeks bulged – and then she belched in Ryuko’s face, streaming spittle and muggy fumes all over the trembling girl. URRRGGGGPPPPP! When Satsuki was done, Ryuko was frozen in fear, unable to do anything but stare as Satsuki lumbered to her feet and wiped her soggy lips. “Take her away,” she told her servants. “I’d like to finish my meal in peace.” - Lady Satsuki was an icon of beauty, a beacon of radiance – that was what every student assembled in the courtyard believed, assembled into uniform ranks beneath the watchful gaze of their Student Council President. Satsuki stood upon Honnoji’s tallest spire, hands clasped over the pommel of her sword, glaring down at her worshippers over the brim of her massive breasts and huge, rounded stomach. The Four Devas seemed nervous just to be around her – she’d grown bigger than any of them by now – so big, in fact, that they worried the thin platform might collapse under her weight. “Lady Satsuki?” said a voice by her side. Satsuki glanced down at Nonon Jakuzure, the petite pinkette who now looked so tiny beside her beloved Satsuki that she nearly vanished into the pseudo-giantess’s presence. Nonon swallowed and, blushing nervously, pointed to the Academy gates. “Look.” A shadow advanced into the courtyard, stretching with the sun at its back. Satsuki raised a sleek black eyebrow and wrinkled her nose in amusement. “Matoi Ryuko.” Her gut gave an eager gllllrgle, frightening Nonon so badly that she nearly fell off the platform. Satsuki licked her lips. “I wonder if she’s improved.” As the silhouette grew closer, it became clear that Ryuko was not alone. Squirming beside her, dragged across the ground by one leg, was a young man. Ryuko huffed and puffed in strain and fury, eyes upturned to Satsuki on her high platform, a ferocious challenge to power. Satsuki was pleased to see Ryuko was bigger than before: her thighs, her arms, her breasts… She overflowed her activated Kamui suit, straining the material near to bursting. Her short skirt rode so high on her hips that her massive rump was fully exposed, just a thin strip of fabric digging between her wobbling cheeks and dripping pussylips. The crowd gasped at the sight of the new Ryuko, who had vanished from the Academy for months before making this grand entrance – and she glowered back at them, scaring them to silence. “Kiryuin Satsuki!” Ryuko roared, stopping in the centre of the courtyard. A huge circle had formed around her: no one dared get close, but no one could look away. Sweat dripped from her magnificent underboob and drizzled down her pudgy belly as she huffed and puffed for air, shoulders raised in rage and frustration. Satsuki couldn’t help but smirk. “Well, well,” she called down to Ryuko. “I see you’ve been working hard. But you seem to be struggling. Is all that extra weight slowing you down? As you can see, I don’t need to activate my Kamui just to stand up.” “Shut up!” Ryuko roared, and glanced at the young man she was dragging. “There’s no way I’ll lose to you, Satsuki. You want proof I can surpass you? Try this on for size.” Satsuki hummed with interest as Ryuko lifted the young man high. He yelped and kicked, wriggling in her vice-tight grasp, trying to break free! It was hopeless: Ryuko was far too big and strong. At last, she held him before her: clutching his waist and resting his head atop her massive tits. She took a few long, deep breaths…and then opened wide. The young man wailed as her maw gaped before him, strings of spit vibrating between her extending tongue and the roof of her mouth. Her breaths grew faster, washing over his face as she strained her maw wider…wider…wider..! Finally, a head-sized pit of red meat yawned before him. Ryuko shot another glare up at Satsuki – making sure she was watching – before CRAMMING the young man’s head into her maw. Ryuko gagged and spluttered, eyes going wide as she tasted human for the very first time. The tomboy punk wrestled with his squirming body, struggling to keep him still as she pressed herself slowly down. Her lips slid down his neck until she reached his shoulders – and went cross-eyed with strain. How did Satsuki make it look so easy? She gurgled and gagged, spluttered and squelched…and finally, she lifted the young man higher to force him against her gullet. Ropes of drool flew past his shoulders as she coughed, but ever so slowly, her lips streeeetched around his shoulders. The hardest part was over. Ryuko was blushing furiously, baking under the shocked stares of thousands of students as she tried to force this struggling piece of meat down her throat. Her neck bloated around his head, her mouth gaped cartoonishly wide around his shoulders, tears and sweat streaming down her face. Instinct screamed at her to spit him out, but she wouldn’t let her reflexes betray her – not when Satsuki was watching with that cruel, condescending grin on her lips. “Go, Ryuko!” called a voice from the crowd. Ryuko’s eyes swivelled to spot Mako punching a fist in the air. “You can do it! Show that mean lady who’s boss!” Ryuko closed her eyes tight, squeezed the young man’s hips, and HOISTED him all the way up – positioning him vertically to cavernous maw, so gravity would aid his descent. She glugged and chugged noisily, and at long last, her lips started to slither up his arms. As his head sank down her gullet, behind her massive breasts, she engulfed his chest and shoulderblades, his upper stomach… She could do this! Now the shoulders were down, Ryuko knew she could take him the rest of the way. She sped up, gulping around his hips and then sluuurping his legs down like strands of spaghetti, growing more and more gleeful with every inch she devoured. He was so…so filling! She couldn’t get enough. She stabbed a hand between her legs and started to masturbate as she glutted, curling three fingers deep into her quivering pussy and schlicking herself right there in the courtyard! “Mmgh…gllpp..!” Ryuko gasped when she reached her prey’s ankles, staring at his feet just over her eyes. Then they sank inside, and his toes rolled along her tongue…all the way to the back of her throat--! Ryuko snapped her mouth shut in a big grin, moaned her triumph, and swallowed hard. Nothing happened. Her prey didn’t move. Ryuko scowled and tried again, to the same result. Then she realised what was happening: her prey was refusing to curl up in her stomach, resolutely keeping his back straight and resisting the crashing waves of her gullet. She groaned and SMACKED her bulging stomach, trying to break his will, but nothing worked. She’d suffocate before he gave up! The ground cracked as Satsuki landed. She had simply leapt from the top of the spire, fallen something like two-hundred feet, and touched down on her heels in the middle of the courtyard without losing her balance. Her gut and boobs bounced magnificently, and she rose with a vicious smile on her face. “Having trouble, Matoi?” she asked, striding toward the prey-clogged Ryuko. Ryuko gurgled and tried to gulp. She was defenceless! Satsuki loomed over her, cupping her cheek and bending down until their noses touched. “I admire your effort, but you were doomed to fail. Weaklings are simply born weak: it’s not your fault…” And then Satsuki did the worst, most humiliating thing she could have done to Ryuko. She kissed her. Ryuko’s eyes widened as Satsuki mashed lips with her, groping her tits and sucking on her face with vigorous slurps. “Nnmmh…mmhuuh…” Satsuki groaned happily as she feasted on her rival’s lips, stewing her in spit, making her wriggle and writhe. The harder Satsuki sucked, the more Ryuko struggled, going cross-eyed from lack of oxygen--! Then her prey started to move. Ryuko groaned as the young man started to emerge, sliding up her gullet and out of her mouth – directly into Satsuki’s ravenous maw. Satsuki’s eyes rolled back in bliss, and she started to gulp rhythmically, her neck swelling as she claimed Ryuko’s prize. “Gllrg…mmnn..hrgglk…” Satsuki grabbed Ryuko’s wrists and guided them to the pudgy curve of her gut, forcing her to feel the young man entering her stomach. Ryuko tried to suck him back, but it was impossible: at last, his head passed through her maw and into Satsuki’s, and the obscene heiress broke their kiss with a soggy, drool-streaming ‘pop!’. Satsuki leaned back, panting for air, giving a few more gulps to send the squirming prey down to her stomach – which filled out even further than before, grunting and gurgling as her digestion started up once more. “G-Give him…back…” Ryuko wheezed, sagging against Satsuki’s gut. She was too weak to stand on her own: Satsuki had to hold her up, petting her hair almost lovingly. Ryuko was forced to listen to Satsuki’s tummy, feel it shifting and bloating with acid and gases as it started to convert the young man into more fat, more muscle to be stacked onto that awesome body. Ryuko gave a soft whimper. The truth was undeniable: Satsuki was…was… “You see it, now?” Satsuki purred into Ryuko’s ear, then lifted her like a baby – holding her against her tits. Ryuko couldn’t ignore the nipple shoved in her face, bulging through the fabric of Satsuki’s ultra-strained dress. Satsuki pressed Ryuko forwards, and the punk groaned and clenched her teeth at first…only to open wide and accept that fat, delicious bud into her slathering mouth. “Mmngh..!” Satsuki blew a happy sigh as Ryuko suckled, enjoying the flustered look in her eyes. She let the embarrassed rebel gurgle and gag on her nipple for a good, long while. Soon, Satsuki let go of Ryuko’s head…and was delighted when the little punk continued to suck, helpless before her own horniness. Satsuki lifted Ryuko in the crook of one arm and carried her toward the Academy. “Good girl,” she said. “As a reward, I’m going to show you something very special.” - GWWWOOOORRRKK! GWORK, GWORK, GWURRBBLLL~ Satsuki’s belly rumbled under Ryuko, who cuddled it worshipfully. Completely nude, the tomboy punk had thrown away her conceit of defeating Satsuki, and now gave herself fully to the overwhelming beauty. Satsuki’s gut was big enough for Ryuko to lie on like a waterbed, grinding her face and tits into its rumbling surface while Satsuki kneaded her ass. “Mmmgh…” Ryuko kissed her rival’s belly which glorped happily in reply. “Well?” asked Satsuki, toying with her massive tits with one hand, peering at her little gut-slave over their horizons. “How do you feel now? Are all those delusions of grandeur gone?” Ryuko hummed into Satsuki’s perfect, smooth skin…then raised her face to meet her mistress’s eyes and nodded. “Yeah,” she exhaled. “I feel…much better.” Satsuki clapped her palms together and sat up – causing Ryuko to tumble off her massive belly and onto her vast, doughy thighs. Ryuko struggled to rise, and when she did, Satsuki curled a hand around her head and guided her mouth to a big nipple. Once again, Ryuko started to suck immediately, closing her eyes and sinking against her mistress. Blissful, Ryuko abandoned her reservations and sank into the wonderful warmth that was Satsuki. “You know…” Satsuki said, nursing her gut with a hand. “I’m still hungry.” Ryuko schlucked and popped noisily around Satsuki’s nipple, stretching it out, flicking it with her tongue to make the hungry beauty moan – and finally, she let it ‘plop’ free. Staring up at Satsuki, Ryuko gulped and said, “You are?” “I am.” Satsuki SLAPPED her belly, making it wobble and slosh mightily from side to side. It gurgled and gargled and GWWWORRKed in ravenous hunger, crying out for more food. Ryuko bit her lower lip and hummed, rubbing her pussy like the desperate little slut she was…before meeting Satsuki’s gaze once again. “Y-You could…” “Yes..?” “I-If you really wanted to, you could…eat…” “Speak clearly, Matoi. I haven’t got all day,” Satsuki said teasingly, rolling her fingers down Ryuko’s back and onto her perky ass. Ryuko groaned and trembled…and finally, she took a deep breath. “You could eat me.” “Oh! What a suggestion!” Satsuki exclaimed. “Why hadn’t I thought of that? Hmmn…” She swirled a finger in Ryuko’s hair, making the little punk quiver and mewl. “I think you’ll make a splendid addition to my gut. Present yourself to me.” Ryuko’s eyes lit up. She hopped to her feet – straining for balance on Satsuki’s thighs – and scooted around to show off her ass, crossing her arms behind her neck as she swished her thick booty from side to side. “Nnh, like this?” she asked, peering over her shoulder to see Satsuki’s reaction. Satsuki was more than pleased: she was starving. A glob of drool fell from her chin and splattered on her right teat as Ryuko twerked her butt around, making her own big titties slosh and jostle so enticingly that Satsuki’s belly roared with desire. There was nothing more to be said: Satsuki lifted Ryuko by her waist and CRAMMED that ass into her maw. Ryuko eeped, suddenly folded up with her legs beside her head, staring at the ceiling as Satsuki’s hot mouth slithered around her hips and thighs. “Nngghhh...!” Ryuko wriggled as best she could, fear and excitement racing through her body. The deeper she went, the more her body was forced to fold, until her head was tucked between her knees and her titties squished between her chest and her thighs – a delicious parcel of food for Satsuki to gurgle and glurk around. When Satsuki’s throat seized her ass, Ryuko squealed, as suddenly she was being tugged roughly into the superior beauty’s gullet, lips sliding over her ribs, then her breasts – and suddenly, only Ryuko’s head and lower legs protruded from Satsuki. She panted for air, half devoured by the gurgling goddess, dizzy with love and ecstasy. “Y-Yes…” she breathed. “C-Conquer me…once and for all…” Satsuki hummed happily and flicked her tongue across Ryuko’s tits…before grasping the punk’s ankles and pressing her down. Ryuko’s head slipped into Satsuki’s gaping maw and swiftly vanished, moaning, behind the pudge of her tonsils. Satsuki’s neck was bulging more than it ever had before, but there was no way she was about to quit consuming this delicious morsel. Red-faced, Satsuki glugged and swallowed until Ryuko’s twitching feed slid over her tongue…then closed her mouth with a croon. For a long moment, Satsuki remained perfectly still, listening to the muffled moans of her defeated rival trapped within her throat – while Ryuko squirmed with joy, trapped amidst flexing walls of muscle, drool pouring over her tasty body. At last, Satsuki’s lips tightened, she tipped her head back…and she GULPED. The massive bulge lurched down her throat. Her neck narrowed, and she held her gut as a weight GLUNKed down into it. Satsuki pressed her thighs together, cumming a little from the sensation. “Fuuuhhh… Mm.” She patted her gut, which wobbled joyously at her touches, and sprawled back on the bed. “You were delicious, Matoi Ryuko. And you’ll be the perfect fuel to help me defeat my mother.” Her belly started to gurgle, slowly filling with acid. She heard a faint murmuring from inside, and giggled as she slapped her belly. Slosh, slosh, glut, glurrrch! “Mmh, you’re such a good meal,” Satsuki purred, lifting her thighs to squeeze her belly between them, letting Ryuko feel her embrace even from within her stomach. “Just settle down and enjoy the process. Mmn. With your durability, it’ll probably take days before you lose consciousness. Think of all the fun we’ll have in the meantime.” Satsuki fondled her gut and was pleased to feel her prey nuzzling against her hands, grinding contentedly on the inside of her stomach. “Sit back…relax…and I’ll do the rest of the work. Nnhmmm…” Ryuko groaned as the tide swelled, curled up in the dark, shifting pit of her mistress’s stomach, fighting to keep her head above the burning flood…until the acid ‘gloop’ed over her head and submerged her completely. Of course, Satsuki had no intention of digesting Ryuko – not that Ryuko herself knew that. The punk was just too resilient to be churned up, no matter how much stomach acid sizzled over her. Satsuki nursed her grumbling, bubbling belly with one hand, massaging her noisy, sensitive gut as it strived to transform its occupant into fat on her ass. BLLLRRGG-GLUT-GLUT-GLUT-GLURRRP… Satsuki opened wide and belched, then settled back on her bed to enjoy the sensation of Ryuko inside her. “I finally caught you, Matoi,” Satsuki purred. “Nnh. I hope you enjoy your new home…” - Nonon took a deep breath before knocking on Lady Satsuki’s door. The three-foot-eight musician girl didn’t know how to feel about the changes her mistress had undergone: all she knew was that her heart raced faster than ever before when she laid eyes on Lady Satsuki’s knew body, and that was all that mattered. She knocked again when no one answered, and then turned the handle as slowly and quietly as she could. She pushed the door open, peeked through the gap, and gasped in shock. Satsuki was hidden behind her own massive, churning belly. Her legs dangled over the edge of the bed, feet resting on the floor as she breathed deep, contented breaths – fast asleep. Nonon advanced slowly into the room, step by timid step, wary of waking the well-fed giantess. The petite girl’s pink eyes were wide, her lips pursed into a shocked ‘o’. Had Lady Satsuki really eaten that rebel Matoi? As though in answer, Satsuki’s gut gave a mighty GROOOOOOON~! Nonon flinched, expecting the noise to awaken Lady Satsuki, but the giantess was a deep sleeper. Even as her heaving, mountainous belly gurgled, shifted, and glurched, she continued to snooze in her angelic sleep. Before she knew what she was doing, Nonon found herself undressing. She chewed her bottom lip as she exposed herself, trembling badly. She just couldn’t stop herself: not while Lady Satsuki was naked and vulnerable and…ahn. Nonon stepped forwards, clambered onto the edge of the bed, and knelt before her mistress’s perfect, soggy pussylips. So big… Nonon had dreamt of touching Satsuki’s naked body for a long time, and now was the perfect opportunity. She was intoxicated with Satsuki, dizzy with desire, wanting nothing more than to be surrounded…engulfed… Stroking her own tiny pussy, Nonon leaned into the heat between Satsuki’s thighs and kissed her gorgeous pussy, mewling into her quivering petals as they reacted to each hungry lick. She slathered Lady Satsuki’s womanhood in loving kisses, sliding and popping her lips off of that tender mound, always leaning harder, deeper into her mistress’s love and warmth. When Satsuki gave a soft, womanly moan in her sleep, Nonon tensed up and came, jamming her teeth together so she wouldn’t squeal as she quivered, bucked, and squirted down her thighs. “Nnnh…” Baking in the afterglow, Nonon knew what she had to do. She pressed forward…forward…smushing her face between Satsuki’s clenching petals and crooning as they engulfed her head. She kept going, kept wriggling forward, squirming her shoulders into Satsuki’s needy pussy. Her tiny tits dragged against walls of squeezing, nurturing vagina as she slithered deeper, digging her toes into the bedsheets to push herself along, desperate to be consumed! Soon Nonon’s hips vanished…then her perky butt…and then her legs slipped inside too. When Satsuki’s pussy closed around her feet, the giantess gave a contented grumble and groped her own massive tits in her sleep. Nonon curled up in Satsuki’s womb, breathing heavily in the narrow space that hugged her so tightly she thought she’d burn up. She was the size of a baby compared to Satsuki’s new form, and her mistress’s womb shifted comfortably around her. Nonon groaned and rubbed herself ecstatically, eyes flickering back in their sockets as she pleasured herself in the rolling heat, tucked away deep inside her beloved mistress. “I’m sorry, Lady Satsuki…” Nonon whispered, nuzzling the walls with her brow. “Hnnn. This is just…too amazing to resist…” That was when she heard a faint moan, and recognised Ryuko Matoi’s voice. Nonon chuckled uneasily and canted her head against the wall, rubbing toward Satsuki’s over-full belly. “So she ate you, huh?” Nonon asked, returning to her usual snide, snarky tone of voice. “That’s what you get for being such a delinquent.” Nonon shivered when she felt Matoi shifting, the pressure of her moving the walls of Satsuki’s womb. “What was that?” Matoi growled, her voice muffled by walls of organ and muscle – and the constant bubbling of Satsuki’s gut. “Sounds like you got eaten yourself.” “I’m in Lady Satsuki’s womb,” Nonon said proudly. “That’s an honour beyond all honours. You’re just food.” “Why you little…” Ryuko surged against Nonon, grinding her forehead toward the petite woman’s while Nonon pushed back angrily. Meanwhile, outside, Satsuki stirred. She looked peaceably at the pile of Nonon’s clothes on the floor, felt the wriggling in her womb, and hummed before closing her eyes once again. “Play nice, you two,” she said. “I’m trying to sleep.” Nonon and Ryuko stopped arguing immediately – and settled back into the relaxing rhythms of Satsuki’s body. Nonon crossed her arms under her breasts and huffed, feeling like a kid being rocked by her mother. Her eyelids grew heavy…and before she knew it, she submitted to a blissful sleep full of wonderful dreams. Ryuko couldn’t sleep: she was engulfed in stomach acid, burning all over, but it was an ecstatic burn, making her hyper-sensitive instead of searing her flesh, and she tossed and turned amidst the tide: pressing her lips to the top of Satsuki’s stomach to gasp shallow breaths as she schlicked herself senseless beneath the surface. - As morning light streamed through the curtains, Satsuki heaved her massive frame up from the bed and waddled into the bathroom. She didn’t really fit in the shower anymore, and so sat with half her body in the cubicle as she cleaned and sponged herself, letting last night’s sweat run off her perfect, pale skin. Her belly twitched and shifted visibly under her breasts: she could feel the girls inside her shifting. “Oh? Are you awake?” she asked, using the showerhead to spray her belly so her occupants would hear the pattering of water. “We have a long day ahead of us, so rise and shine.” Satsuki didn’t own a towel big enough to wrap around herself, so she strode naked and dripping into the bedroom and peered at herself in the mirror. She liked what she saw: a naked, dripping, blushing goddess stuffed to the brim with her beloved subjects. She rolled a hand down the flank of her gut and shivered as it gurgled. “You’re lucky I can control my body like no other,” Satsuki purred, slapping her belly over Ryuko, “or else I’d have to shit you out. Okay – come on up!” She concentrated, clenching her fists by her sides, rolling her gullet in rhythmic ripples to force her busty, tomboyish prey up her throat. Ryuko wriggled and moaned all the way, disappointed to be leaving her mistress’s body – and when her head crowned over Satsuki’s tongue, the goddess grasped her soggy hair and pulled her the rest of the way out. Ryuko dangled from her hand, coughing and grunting, juices dripping from all over her naked body. Satsuki placed her on the floor and said, “Go shower.” While Ryuko limped into the bathroom, Satsuki settled down onto the edge of her bed – causing the reinforced frame to creak as she licked her lips and settled both hands on her stomach. She leaned back and spread her legs wide, massaging her middle slowly and gently. “Come out,” she whispered. “I want to see you, Nonon…” Slowly but surely, Nonon moved toward her entrance. Satsuki threw back her head and suppressed a squeal of joy as the petite woman crawled along her sensitive birth canal, stimulating every part of her body from the very core of her pleasure. Her pussylips spread around Nonon’s emerging hands, which hooked onto her vulva to pull her head, flat chest, and tummy out into the open! Nonon gasped for air, soaked in womanly nectar, eyes glazed and distant. Satsuki wrapped one hand around her torso and pushed her back inside, using her like a dildo to pump her naughty cunt. Moans burst from Satsuki’s plump lips as she fucked herself slowly and sweetly with Nonon’s entire body, sliding her down to her shoulders with each push. Nonon squirmed, but she loved every second of this naughty treatment. “L-Lady Satsukiii…” she hissed. “Nngh, I love you--!” “And I love you, sweet thing,” Satsuki crooned, pumping faster, faster, gasping with each thrust--! Suddenly, Satsuki’s toes curled and she arched her back in bliss, squirting thick gushes of juices over and around Nonon! “Haahn! Mmnhh! You’re – just – perfect!” As her orgasm died, Satsuki flopped back on the bed and stared at the ceiling, tits rising and falling in magnificent pumps as she panted for air. Nonon dislodged herself properly from Satsuki’s cunt, turned to kiss her mistress’s clit, and then rose unsteadily to her feet. “I love you,” she said again, and turned toward the bathroom. Ryuko waited for her in the shower, and as she stepped into the cubicle, the busty punk raised a thigh to trap her. “Whuh—?” Nonon asked, pressed against the tile wall by her love rival. “If we’re both gonna be with Satsuki, we’d better get along,” said Ryuko as the water gushed over her naked body, making her rosy skin shine. She curled her fingers through Nonon’s hair and guided her slowly forwards. At first Nonon’s pink eyes flashed with anger and indignation…but the closer she got to those lovely tits, the softer her glare became, until she shut her eyes tight and buried her face between Ryuko’s breasts. Nonon flung her arms around the chuckling tomboy’s waist, and their perfect bodies intertwined: bellies grinding and sliding wetly, thighs fighting to surround each other. Nonon caught a fat nipple between her lips and sucked hungrily, rocking back and forth, tugging on Ryuko’s teat while the punk licked her lips and stroked the shortie’s hair. Meanwhile, Satsuki was calling for room service. “Yes, as soon as you can,” she said, and put the phone down. She glanced toward the bathroom, admiring the lesbian show that was unfolding within, and then grinned when the doorbell rang. Her servants worked fast. “Come in.” The door opened, and a whole platoon of serving girls walked in. Each was naked and slathered in honey. Satsuki’s belly started to rumble and croon at the sight, causing the girls to blush and squirm as she licked her plush lips. “Mm. Come here.” Ryuko hooked her hands under Nonon’s buttcheeks and lifted the pink-haired shortie into a kiss. Nonon bit her bottom lip and tongued her mouth, wrestling their slick muscles while their boobs, big and small, crushed together. For now, they were entirely focused on each other – their long rivalry coming to a head in a tide of slutty expression. When their lips popped apart, drool strung down their chests. Nonon groaned and said, “This is…” “Perfect?” asked Ryuko. “Something like that, yeah?” Ryuko squeezed Nonon, then stepped out of the shower with the pinkette in her arms. Re-entering the bedroom, Ryuko was shocked and enthralled by the view that greeted her. Satsuki lounged on her bed with servant girls crawling all over her, toying with them even as she devoured them. Satsuki fingered a girl who was eagerly slurping on her nipple, pumping her middle finger in and out of her sopping pussy while slurping her friend’s feet down and gulping loudly. As the bulge vanished down Satsuki’s neck, she grabbed two more girls, folded them double, and inserted them heads and legs first. Soon only their butts protruded from Satsuki’s stretched lips, wriggling side-by side, until the gorgeous mistress tipped her head back and SCHLUCKED hard. The girls vanished, shot to the back of Satsuki’s throat and swallowed roughly down. “Mmnhhh…” Satsuki’s dark blue eyes swivelled toward her favourite pets, who tensed under her predatory glare. She patted the edge of the bed. “I think she wants us to join in the fun,” said Ryuko, and slung Nonon over a shoulder before approaching her mistress. Satsuki curled a hand around her as she clambered onto the bed, guiding her close to her lover’s perfect, soft, milky-pale skin. Ryuko flung Nonon down on Satsuki’s thigh before cuddling into it, humming against her mistress while two of Satsuki’s fingers caressed her back. Satsuki lifted the tit-sucking girl by her pussy and sucked her off her finger with a contented growl and gulp – while Nonon straddled her thigh and watched in awe. “What’s wrong?” Ryuko asked the pinkette, nuzzling her butt. “You wanna be eaten? Is that it?” Satsuki glanced down at Nonon and patted her head. “Sorry,” she gurgled, and touched her grumbling tummy. “You wouldn’t last five minutes in my belly.” Nonon gave a soft moan and leaned against her mistress’s stomach, peering up into her eyes in desperation. Ryuko laughed at the pathetic sight. “Actually,” the tomboy said, smacking Nonon’s ass. “I might have an idea.” Satsuki raised an eyebrow. “Do share.” “Oh, it’s simple, really.” Ryuko wrapped her arms around Nonon, kissed the shortie’s shoulder, and then hoisted her high in the air. While Nonon kicked and squirmed, Ryuko yawned her maw as wide as she could and CRAMMED the petite girl’s head down her throat. “Gllrrk!” Ryuko was energised, and this time she wouldn’t stop until her prey was firmly secured in her gut. She gulped and groaned, pulling the wriggling girl through her stretched lips inch by yummy inch, eyes rolling back in bliss as her belly began to swell. Satsuki watched in admiration, lips curling into a hungry grin before plucking the final serving girl off the bed, licking her all over, and sliding her over her tongue. As Satsuki swallowed the girl with effortless ease, Ryuko struggled to chug down a girl half her size – but bit by bit, she was succeeding. “Nnmmgh…gllrgg…” Ryuko’s belly swelled further and further, rounding out with the shape of Nonon, forcing the petite girl to curl up in her stomach. Nonon wriggled and moaned in the tomboy’s gut, but she couldn’t fight against the sheer force and passion of Ryuko’s swallows. Soon, her feet slid past Ryuko’s lips, the punk snapped her jaw shut, and… GULP! Nonon’s feet slipped down Ryuko’s throat. The small woman curled up in the tomboy’s gut, consumed. Ryuko threw her head back in a triumphant groan and SLAPPED her bulbous belly, gasping ecstatic breaths. “FUCK! Nnnyes..! I fuckin’ did it..!” “Well done,” said Satsuki, and lifted Ryuko in a hand. Ryuko was red-faced and panting, sensitive to her mistress’s touch after stuffing herself to the point of immobility. When Satsuki rolled out her tongue and stroked it over Ryuko’s belly, the busty punk whined and pushed her fingers through her mistress’s hair. Satsuki smushed her lips against her Nonon-filled belly and hummed, sending loving vibrations through to the curled-up pinkette. Inside, Nonon shivered and crooned, squeezed into the tight embrace of Ryuko’s gut while the stuffed punk groaned and trembled under her mistress’s soft kiss. Satsuki lifted her higher and higher, opening that wide, hungry maw. Her belly burbled louder than ever before as she extended her tongue under Ryuko, laying out a slick red carpet for her descent. “Ahhm…” Satsuki crooned as she let Ryuko slid into her maw, eyes glazing with bliss as her full snack entered her gullet. She gulped and gurgled and swallowed Ryuko down, taking her slower than her other snacks. Ryuko, for her part, squirmed like the delicious prey she was. Her Nonon-stuffed tummy provided an extra obstacle for Satsuki…but that obstacle was easily overcome when the giantess cupped a loving hand over Ryuko’s head and pulled her steadily down. Glg…glrrrk…glup. Finally, Ryuko became a brief bulge in Satsuki’s neck, and Satsuki kept gulping until the bulge vanished. Then she swiped her tongue around her mouth, rose from the bed, and loosed a big, basso belch as she strode toward her wardrobe. “Thanks for breakfast,” she purred to her bulbous, squirming gut, knowing Ryuko and her pink-haired ‘inhabitant’ would be the only snacks not to be added onto her tits and asscheeks. “Now…I wonder if any of my clothes still fit.” Commissioned and Written and by Umbreloid |
It had been over three hundred years now since the Gorgantuans arrived on Earth. On the one hand, their influence had brought about a technological boom that uplifted humanity to the intergalactic stage. On the other hand, some might say that the world had been reduced to little more than a planetary sized collection of livestock for the insatiable appetite of the reptilian alien race. A lottery held each year helps to keep the world's population in check, but those who are unfortunate enough to draw the 'winning' numbers are sent off to facilities where they are sold off to the highest bidders. From restaurants with scenic nebulae views to private romantic dinners between two exotic creatures, humans have found themselves once again at the bottom of the food chain. Predictably, not all humans are happy to cooperate. Protests and revolts were innumerable back when the lottery first began, but these days, an alarming number of us are even willing to offer ourselves to these real life deities—like sacrifices to the gods of old. A few days ago, I drew one of the winning numbers. The sentiment at home had not been that of mourning, but almost a sense of celebration. Society had changed in the generations since the first arrival of these beings. In this modern era, it is an honorable end that some of us even find ourselves looking forward to. I said my farewells to friends and family, and on the day after, I was picked up by a group of collection agents. A third day was spent at their facility; clean and sterile, and in fact quite comfortable. A few of us were visibly nervous, but all of us were treated with the utmost dignity. Those of us unable to take the stress of our coming fate were removed from the group. I don't know what happens to someone when they are taken away. Some of us think you are returned to your family or given the chance to trade places with someone more willing, but I've never heard of such a thing being done in the past. I think what really happens is they are just given to someone who appreciates the thrash of a live meal squirming in their stomach, begging for escape, only to be ignored as their body is slowly dissolved in a sea of caustic digestive juices... On the fourth day, we were fed generously and pampered like royalty, and on the morning of the fifth day, we were cleaned and forbidden from wearing clothes. A few hours ago we were segregated first by sex, and then by body type. After all that, we were finally called out from our rooms and herded like cattle to the slaughter. Yet, not a soul among us appears to be afraid anymore. It's hard to say whether it's because we are eager to become meals, or it's because we've merely accepted our doomed fate, but not one of us are crying or showing any signs of panic. In fact, a great deal of us are actually smiling. The presentation begins. A human lady stands upon a platform at the front of the room, dressed in a uniform given to her by the facility. She will be our director. “Ladies and gentlemen, welcome. I hope things have been comfortable for you over these past few days—it's the least we can do.” She raises a tablet to her face and begins to read off of it. “As I'm sure you know already, in the next few minutes, you will be departing from this facility to spend the remainder of your lives in service of a Gorgan master or mistress. Now, this is the part of the routine where we typically conduct a live demonstration and a few lucky draftees are chosen to be consumed on the spot. If there are any lingering doubts about your participation, please know that this is your last opportunity to speak up.” She looks up again to survey the crowd. Nobody says a word. I don't think anyone even considers it. After a long pause, the director seems pleased. “Excellent. If I may direct your attention to the screen...” A diagram of a generic Gorgan female appears, accompanied by a human girl for a sense of scale. “The Gorgantuans first arrived on Earth in the year 2147...” She begins a long history lecture, an act which, for most of us, is merely a formality. We already know the history. We know they colonized our world before even our grandparents were born. We know they are to be thanked for the gifts they bestowed upon our species. We know that our families will be compensated generously for our participation. We also know the lie which they tell us—that this whole system is made to keep humans from overcrowding our home planet. We know it has nothing to do with population control; they just like how we taste. In spite of the limits they set to our global population, they still incentivize us to breed like rabbits to fill their quotas. Yet, they also take care of our every need as we grow to maturity. Is a life of leisure and comfort worth such a ghastly price? Who is to say? None of that really matters. It's too late to argue philosophy—at least for me. I find that I have tuned out most of the lecture. None of it is new or important information, that is until the director states, “Now, we are doing things slightly different than usual.” In what manner? She explains before anyone can ask, “I'm sure you all know of Lady Granga—the owner of this fine facility, and many others like it.” Upon that announcement, a set of massive sliding doors open up at the back of the building. Towering far above that of even the average Gorgan's height, Lady Granga is a giant among giants. Every step of her voluptuous multi-ton frame causes the ground to shake. She comes to a stop next to the platform that our director is standing upon. She explains, “Lady Granga will be personally sampling a few of you today as part of our demonstration.” Without saying a word, Lady Granga bends over to reach across the barrier that separates us from them. She snatches up her first 'volunteer', a young woman who looks no older than twenty. Her body is slightly more plump than average, and she squirms instinctively as she is lifted up into the air. The director tells us, “As you are swallowed, it is asked of you that you do not struggle—unless your client prefers otherwise.” While she is saying this, the young woman is dangled by her ankles over Lady Granga's jaws whose gaping throat opens wide like a funnel into the fleshy abyss below. The young woman's eyes widen with a last second look of shock. It's impossible to tell whether her sudden reaction is a result of fear, arousal, or both. In any case, she's dropped in. A deep glurk can be heard throughout the room. The lump sinks down through Lady Granga's throat, and spills out into her portly stomach—but she's too fat for her victim to even make a dent as of yet. Her weight is far above that of the more athletic Gorgan showed in the diagram. At the same time, a hologram projector lights up alongside of Lady Granga, which replicates her body in real time. However, it also fades away the outer layers of skin and flesh until we can see the wriggling mass of the girl slipping down her esophagus. As she falls into the waiting stomach below, the helpless young lady is made to curl up inside. Not a moment after Lady Granga's first meal plops into her stomach, her prehensile tail is already scooping up another morsel. This time, it's a young man who doesn't even squirm when she grabs hold. Lady Granga ensnares him by the wrists and holds him up high over her head. The man looks down at her as she takes his feet into her mouth. Her broad jaws nibble around his calves before slurping in both of his legs. She lowers him in with her tail while swallowing until he too vanishes from view. The hologram once again shows his descent down into Lady Granga's massive gut, where he falls atop of the other woman's body. A third victim is picked up by hand, then a fourth with another of Granga's hands. She doesn't even bother lifting them this time. She just shoves the two of them together, then leans down into the holding area to sheathe both prey inside of her gullet. The two meals tense up, but Granga swallows—hard. Their bodies are sucked up right off the floor and into her throat, where they vanish without a trace. Lady Granga's gut begins to sag with the weight of now four meals. Using her four arms, she just starts grabbing people left and right, shoveling them one after the other into her needy jaws. She isn't even finished swallowing one mouthful before cramming in another person, sending a constant flow of live prey down into her stomach. Her abdomen steadily begins to swell outward. It isn't long before I lose track of just how many she had scarfed down. It's impossible to keep up. The director resumes speaking. “Now, the average human body is worth about one-hundred and ten thousand calories. Once swallowed, you'll typically last between three to five hours before asphyxiation sets in, followed by your slow digestion over the next seventy-two hours.” She points toward Lady Granga's bloated belly. “After finishing you off, a typical Gorgan will not need to eat again for up to five days... although, uh...” The director side-glances toward her binge-feeding alien employer. Her cheeks begin to fluster slightly. “That's just the average rate... Naturally there will be some... outliers... such as our Lady Granga. I'm sure it goes without saying that her diet consists of a much higher caloric intake. Her stomach acids are also much stronger—able to fully dissolve even an obese human in just eight hours.” Lady Granga pauses in her buffet to lift up her head, at which point she lets out a rancid, most undignified BWOOUURRRRAAAAPPPP!!! Shortly thereafter, she goes back to shoving people into her mouth, albeit at a more leisurely rate. The director winces, but continues to smile as she gets back to her presentation. “Now because her digestive juices are stronger, they'll also be more painful—but don't worry, there will be far more crowding and thus less oxygen! You should lose consciousness before the pain becomes severe.” A few people in the crowd fidget nervously, but after a few more snacks, Lady Granga looks just about done with her feast. She stands back upright with her belly sagging out in front of her, swollen so intensely that the surface looks firm to the touch. Her reptilian skin is strained to the point of developing stretch marks, and yet her tail still hoists up one last victim to drop into her throat. The last morsel, who looks to be a more heavy-set girl, gets her wide hips briefly wedged in Granga's snake-like jaws. Lady Granga's long forked tongue slurps out behind the woman to lick once between her thighs, savoring her flavor. The human girl's legs respond with a weak kick and shudder, but then finally, Lady Granga uses one hand to push the meaty helping into her esophagus. The human's legs are forced straight as she ripples down into the alien's plush insides. Lady Granga's stomach emits a deep groan as it swells up to absolute capacity. One hand strokes across her engorged abdomen while another hefts her gut from below. The hologram displays everything. Lady Granga's insides had become filled like a water balloon full of people. One unlucky soul appears to have slipped down through the bottom of the stomach and into the snug confines of Lady Granga's intestines, still whole and struggling along the way through. The mass of bodies within the stomach itself are still writhing as they are tightly compressed against the surrounding flesh. Glorps and gurgles can be heard from across the room while digestion starts to work at the contents of Lady Granga's belly. The director meanwhile concludes with, “And that's how you're going to get eaten.” She gestures a hand toward her boss. “If you don't have any questions, we are going to end our seminar here. Follow your group to your assigned platform for later pickup and delivery to your customer.” As the crowd begins to shuffle around, I start moving toward my assigned platform. Our hostess continues, “Please thank Lady Granga for her presentation today. She's thrilled to announce that she's picking tomorrow's test group from the reserve over at block C, so please, you over at C, come closer now.” My heart stops. Block C is my group. We look at each other, and then over toward Lady Granga, who is already staring back at us with a slight grin upon her serpentine lips. Her deep, hissing, bellowing voice mutters out loud, “I think I see tomorrow's meal...” I realize that she's looking straight at me. Her eyes follow my every step as I start to cautiously approach the front of the room with the others in my group. We steel ourselves for what is to come, knowing that there is no turning back now even if we wanted to. This time tomorrow, we will share the fate as our colleagues—gushing our way through Lady Granga's digestive tract... and that will be our end. |
Ever since he was five, Becky learned that her stepson had a secondary stomach that he inherited from an ancestor on her husband’s side of the family. She learned about it in one week, her stepson suddenly got very hungry and developed a hoarding habit. He started eating everything in the fridge and pantry, until he stuffed himself to the point, he couldn’t eat any more food. At the same time he surrounded himself with stuff dolls. But still her stepson said he was still hungry, and Becky and her husband didn’t know what to do but feed him sleeping medicine and coax him to sleep. The next day when her husband left for work, Becky was in her room working on a job from home, then she heard strange noises coming from her stepson’s room. As she approached the room slowly, as in she didn’t want to startle, her stepson in whatever he was doing. She heard slobbering noises, gurgling noises, swallowing noises and other rumbling noises too!? She opened the door only to her five-year-old son eating the life size Mrs. Incredible doll, headfirst, that Becky won in a state fair stall during her honeymoon with her husband. Back to the event at hand, Becky was frozen, she couldn’t believe her eyes. Her stepson was slowly and methodically consuming the doll Mrs. Incredible whole and looking at his face it was clear that he was enjoying it all the way. Becky didn’t know what to do: Should she let her stepson finish, or should she stop him now. She decided on the prior, because there’s a chance he might choke on the doll, so she waited and watched her son consume the doll. He was currently at doll Mrs. Incredible curvy thighs and ass, and was using his extended mouth and lips to gently mush it and coax it down. Once he had the doll butt down his throat, the rest of the doll soon followed into Becky’s stepson massive gut. Becky could see some outline of the doll Mrs. Incredible in her Stepson’s belly, who was laying on top of his belly and rubbing it. He then let out a satisfied burp that shook the room, he then turned hi heard and saw Becky and said, “Look Mama, I’m not hungry anymore, my tummy is a big and soft”. Becky was still stunned and barely processing what was going on, but she managed to say “Are you okay sweetie, your tummy isn’t hurting any more now” Her son responded “No it feels really good” as he continued to bounce and rub on his belly Becky quickly then decided to take her stepson to the nearest doctor ASAP. Her stepson was quiet the way though as he rubbed his massive belly along the curves of the doll Mrs. Incredible inside him. When they arrived at the doctor office, she was in luck that it was a slow day and there weren’t many people waiting, so she quickly got an appointment and she and her son were in one doctor rooms. Becky was calmer, now that she was waiting for a doctor and her stepson wasn’t in any pain now, so she took this moment to process what happened. Her son at a person sized doll whole, his mouth, throat, and belly stretched like they were rubber, would he try to eat a real person next time, eat her. “Thinking about it now, it may not be so bad, he was gentle with the doll, maybe….” She thought for a moment, before quickly suppressing it hard, as she heard the doctor come in. The doctor didn’t even to seem to bat an eye when he saw Becky’s stepson enlarged gut. He turned to Becky and said, “Before you say anything, your son’s health is going to be fine and there’s a way to treat his condition temporarily.” On hearing the words ‘he’s going to be fine’ Becky sighed in relief, but she had to ask “How?” The Doctor responded, “It seems your son had inherited a rare adaptation that would allowing to swallow relatively large and heavy object whole without much trouble into a secondary storage stomach” “Swallow… whole…Secondary stomach…??” Becky asked stupefied. “If you don’t believe me, we already plan to do some X-ray and other tests for verification” The Doctor answered The rest of the appointment went smoothly and Becky learning about her stepson’s unique condition. She learned that her son’s second stomach was an adaptation of earlier humans to store and preserve things rather than digest them for nutrients, but the thing that stood out to her the most was it also used to store live people in some primitive culture. The Doctor explained that her son’s urges to consume and fill his secondary stomach came prematurely and was expected to more active in times of late puberty or adulthood. She also learned that the Doctor himself had a secondary stomach, and she had to ask “Have you ever eaten… err…anybody” She nervously asked The Doctor raised an eyebrow and said, “My wife every once awhile, I manage to control my urges from time to time, but some days I have to fulfill it, thankfully my wife understands and even more so seems to enjoy it as another form of love.” Becky process this answer along with implications and her earlier thoughts, and before she could ask another question. “No, your son doesn’t need and shouldn’t eat another person at his age, preferably he should do it as an adult with another person who understands his condition. Right now, the way to treat your son is give him what we prescribed and every once awhile have swallow large organic objects or specialized vore approved objects till he reached adulthood. That doll that he ate is only a temporary comfort and if left too long it can cause complications”. Becky thanked the doctor and had to coax her stepson into heaving the Doll Mrs. Incredible out under the doctor’s supervision. Her stepson complained for a while before he was fed the prescribed medication and a sterilized vore bowling-size ball. Becky and her Stepson returned home, and she explained the situation to her husband who reacted similarly to her when she saw and heard it. They both learned to live with it and they did what the doctor told them to do over the many years since THE PRESENT These past years, decade really have been generous to Becky, she had maintained a model’s body: her large, soft and perky tits gave her excellent cleavage and nice front curve, her skin fair and tanned bronze showed little wrinkles, her waist was toned and flexible, her hips and ass were thick, large, firm yet soft were a sight and feeling to behold, her face unmarred by and blemished showed a few small wrinkles that empathized her maturity and was a face of a mom, her hair was long and wavey and nice shade of blackish/brown. Simply put Becky was a brunette MILF wrapped in a dark blue night dress that hugged and emphasized her assets. Right now, this MIlF of a stepmom was in her bedroom browsing the web on her phone, getting ready to sleep, but her thoughts turned to her now adult stepson, who was in his early twenties, who was currently in his old room before he moved out. He decided to spend his winter break at his parent’s house, but unfortunately Becky’s husband was overseas right now and didn’t know when he could come back. So, it was Becky and her stepson alone in the house for the time-being. As for the reason(s), Becky thought about her stepson, was the fact he was an adult now and was off the years of treatment for his secondary stomach and could filling his belly with anything he wants including people if he so craved. She didn’t know if her stepson would be satisfied with vore ball and melons to satisfy his urges and she didn’t want him to suffer without her help. “I should check up on him to see how he’s doing” Becky mused to herself. So then Becky stood up and walked towards her stepson’s bedroom, her tits and ass slightly jiggling all the way. She arrived at the door and turned the knob and saw her stepson lying on the bed wearing nothing but his purple boxers. The past year have also worked wonders on Becky’s stepson as well, it turns out having a secondary stomach had other effects than letting his mouth and body stretch to large proportions, it had also given him more developed musculature to lift and carry massive weighty objects, allowing him to walk without much trouble. Thus, Becky saw her stepson’s darker tanned fit body in awe every time she saw it. He had also seemed to inherit his father’s facial features, as he had a small dark brown goatee, curled brown hair and angled face. “Oh, what’s up Becky” her Stepson said as he laid on the bed. “I told you to call me mom” Becky pouted “Not calling you mom when you dressed like that.” Her Stepson replied offhandedly. Filing that comment for later, Becky sat across from him on the bed, and said “I just want to make sure you’re feeling okay before I turn for the night.” Her stepson was about to respond, until his second stomach started to silently rumble and contract as he now took the time to admire his stepmom’s body particularly how her dress highlighted her curves. He also noticed that Becky’s eyes wearing glancing towards his midsection where his second stomach was. His mouth started to water as he hoped that Becky was thinking what he wanted to do. He slowly said in a higher pitch to make him sound younger “Hey Becky my stomach feels funny” Becky’ eyes widened a bit and she leaned over and put a hand over her stepson’s flat belly. She started to think how it feel like being in her stepson’s second belly, how warm and wet. She then said, “You need something to stretch your belly out.” While she said this her stepson was looking down on her cleavage as she placed her hand on his belly. He then said, “Can you fill my stomach please?” Becky’s lips curved into a smile and rhetorically asked “What are stepmoms for?” Wasting no time, Becky’s stepson grabbed her closer till she was squished against his chest and when Becky looked up at her Stepson’s face, she saw his already gaping maw above her head descending on her. Soon her face was inside his expanded mouth and his tongue was methodically rubbing all over her face and was pulled closer towards his throat. While her head was in mouth now, Becky’s stepson took the opportunity to fondle Becky’s boobs and butt, rubbing and groping them. He then slowly opened his jaws a bit wider and brought them down to the end of Becky’s neck. Now her face was entering his throat. Her stepson continued to widen his mouth and lick everywhere he could on his’ stepmom’s body. He then managed to reach Becky’s volumeters breast, he thought that he should stop, or he’ll choke, but it overwhelmed by a primal desire to fill his second stomach and claim his stepmom as his own gut slut. He kneaded them, pushed them together to compact them as he widened his jaw to accommodate them. As soon as he had Becky’s soft yet firm breast in his mouth, he felt her head in his throat. Both feelings were divine for both parties involved. Becky’s stepson’s tongue lathered her breast in saliva despite the thin line of soft cloth of her night dress. Becky then felt her body go up from its vertical position to more of an angled horizontal position. Her stepson had adjusted her body so he can have an easier time pushing her down his impatient belly. He then used his powerful tongue to send Becky’s chest into his throat. Now he could feel Becky’s breast bulging in his throat and her head pushing the entrance of his stomach, it was such a teasing feeling. Becky’s stepson then took a powerful swallow, sending Becky’s upper body into his stomach. A feeling of incomplete bliss was upon Becky’s stepson as he paused for a moment to enjoy the feeling of his stepmom’s upper body in belly, rubbing the imprints of his stepmoms’ face and breast in enlarged gut. At the same time Becky was soaked and was on sensory overload the contractions of her stepson’s throat stimulate her and the feeling of her son’s belly on her was warm, smooth, and overall inviting. Since Becky’s upper half was expanding his gut now, her lower half was on the edge of her stepson’s mouth. Taking time to appreciate the luscious thighs and soft ass, Becky’ stepson rubbed and groped them to his heart content and salivated more to make Becky’s dress even more soaked and sticky. Drool started to drip from his chin and Becky Legs also started to have drip trails. Becky’s stepson then brought her whole ass into his mouth, and he felt his belly grow even more, causing it rumble, while Becky moan lightly. Her stepson paused and put a hand to rub his enlarged gut, at the same time rubbing Becky against his stomach walls. He then gave another massive swallow and sent Becky’s ass and thighs down his throat, again lavishing the feeling of them sliding down. Now all that he could see was past Becky’s ankles, her calves, and her feet, each of them bobbing up and down slowly. Becky’s stepson took in the sight before he gave one final swallow and sent the rest of her down to his expanding belly. As soon Becky’s whole body was no inside her stepson’s stomach, she shifted around to make herself more comfortable, while she was doing this, she was also providing her stepson’s bliss and pleasure. One thing that Becky noticed, was that the walls of her stepson’s secondary stomach was lined with smoothed ridges that faintly glowed enough to the point she can see her saliva and stomach juices drenched dress/body. She was about to explore more of her new dwelling before she felt her stepson stand up. Causing her to move forward and press her upper body on the stomach walls Becky’s Stepson decided that he needed to shift himself to better enjoy the sensation of his belly’s occupant and stood up, he then was hit with jolts of pleasure as his stepmom upper body, namely breasts, face and hands stretched his belly and skin showing a clear imprint. He rubbed his belly with one hand and sighed with satisfaction, with the movement and how fulfilling Becky is right now. “Thanks mom, can you keep on wriggling on for me?” asked Becky’s stepson Becky felt her lips curve into smile and replied, “You can keep me as long as you like.” |
Bad Waiters Don’t Last Long Gulp. There was plenty of that kind of sound around, given that the Green Scale was a restaurant that catered to a rather...special kind of clientèle with a rather...special meal selection. Add soft moans of pleasure and gurgling noises into the mix and you rather got the picture. But that kind of gulping wasn’t what poor Equustra was going right now. No...hers was a rather different kind. The kind of gulp you make when you’ve not only delivered the wrong order to a very important customer, but then proceeded to spill a drink over their fur while they addressed you in a raised voice. The kind of gulp you make when you’ve not been doing this job for long, you’re not sure what to say, and a very large lupine is rising from her seat to look at you with hooded eyes. In short...the kind of gulp that means you’re afraid of being gulped yourself. A very, very real fear in a restaurant like this. Frozen, Equustra just stood there, hair trembling a little, as the werewolf loomed over her. “I’d like to see your manager, please.” For a few moments, Equustra considered running, just bolting and quitting there and then, because she knows what this likely means. But...maybe I can talk my way out of this? Maybe they’ll have sympathy – it’s not like I’ve been working here for long. It’s just a mistake, right? “Ummm...I’m sorry. Yes, of course, I shall fetch her right away.” Trying not to appear still more afraid to the massive girl before her, Equustra steadied her trembling and spun on her hooves, heading for the large platform where she knew her manager would be. There. Even in a busy place with such a varied clientèle as the Green Scale, a large mass of jet-black scales tended to stand out. Yulia had been Equustras shift manager for a while now. While she was kind, even friendly most of the time, Equustra knew that the lamia had eyes only on business. And good business meant satisfying the customers. When she got to know that a regular like that werewolf was asking to- “Equustra. I assume you need something?” The tail shifted a little bit as Yulia smiled down at her. Equustra tried not to gulp more. “Um...yes...one of my customers, the werewolf at table number 24...she wants to speak with you.” Cold blue eyes registered the unicorn for a moment, unblinking, very much like the snake from which she was half-descended. If she guessed the reason for her having to be called over, at least for now she didn’t mention it. “Lead on.” Equustra did exactly that, trying to maintain a hold on her nerves as she neared the table once more, wending their way through a variety of customers and waiters, some of them carrying elaborate dish covers under which a variety of different...meals were available. I can talk to her...don’t worry, you’ll be fine… As they approached, Yulia held up a hand. “Wait here while I talk to her, please.” Her voice was still level, betraying no emotion. If anything, that same lack of emotion made the young waiter even more nervous. How will she react, when she gets told what I did? But again, it didn’t occur to her to run. Silently, she watched the lamia approach the table and bend her head towards the werewolf, engaging her in conversation in a low voice. Equustra of course, would dearly have liked to hear what they were saying, but the noise of the restaurant as well as her distance made that impossible. So all she could do was stand politely on her hooves...and wait. She didn’t have to wait too long. After just a few minutes, she saw her manager retreat from the table, and slide back over towards her. Her expression was, again, unreadable. “Follow me, please.” Now almost unable to hide her fear, Equustra followed, hands twisting at her uniform. As they came off the restaurant floor, Yulia indicated a door. “After you.” Even before she opened the door, the unicorn knew where this door led. The kitchen...or more accurately...the “preparation” area. Please...let me be able to talk myself out of this… The smile, as the lamia followed her in and closed the door behind her, was cold. “The customer you were serving is very unhappy, Equustra. I know that you haven’t been here long, but to get an order wrong, and then to spill wine over her simply because you got startled...that is nowhere close to the standard that we expect from our waiting staff here at the Green Scale.” Equustras mouth opened and closed for a few moments as she fought for the right words. Or any words, come to that. “Er...I know...I should have checked the order and I shouldn’t have been holding the wine when she shouted at me. I’m really sorry...it won’t happen again. Please...” At a particular part of that sentence, the smile of the lamia grew a little. “You’re right. It won’t happen again.” With that, she waved a hand, and as if by magic two lamia appeared on either side of the young waiter, each taking an arm. N-nooooo...please… “As a very regular customer, the needs of that particular werewolf are very important to us.” Struggling, knowing in her heart where this was heading, Equustra tried to pry off the iron grip of the two lamia as they brought her towards one of the tables in the kitchen. “So...in light of that, I had to make her a generous offer in order to maintain her custom.” Straps were attached, buckling the unicorn to the table. A mask was put over her mouth and nose, a gas tank standing by. Don’t put that on me! I know what that does… But she somehow couldn’t bring herself to issue the words. “I gave her a very particular replacement meal. You.” A hissing sound began to issue as the special pheromone began to flow into the mask, and after a few seconds the struggles gradually ceased. Yulia nodded. Such was the case with all of them. It would be a shame to have to hire another waitress...but such was the nature of this business. “How long before she’s ready?” One of the lamia glanced across at the clock. “No more than a half hour, I would think.” A single tear in her eye, Equustra could only watch as the sleek black tail of her former manager slipped back through the door, no doubt off to tell the customer that her replacement meal would soon be ready. And that meal would be her. With a certain amount of care, her clothes were rapidly cut away. The cold of the kitchen made her shiver, her bare brown hair now completely open to the air. But...the gas flowing through the mask and into her bloodstream made it impossible for her to resist. However, she couldn’t help but give a soft moan of discomfort as the next stage of the preparation began: the washing. Powerful jets of only lukewarm water doused her fur from head to toe, cleaning every nook and cranny on her body. That and the cold air really made her shiver, though not so much as what came next. With a harsh buzz, smooth clipper blades were run over her body, paring away all excess hair, trimming it down to the shortest possible length. Each lamia held a clipper, and both of them were clearly very experienced at what they did...so it wasn’t long at all before the unicorn was completely shaved and bare, all excess hair removed. “How long?” she heard one of the lamia ask. “About fifteen minutes. Plenty of time.” Still shivering, Equustra watched the conversation silently, but even with the gas calming her down she couldn’t help but let out a moan of fear when she saw one lamia hold up a knife, the blade glowing red. One of the lamia seemed to notice her obvious fear, and leaned down to her. “Don’t worry. I promise this won’t hurt. Your horn is made from keratin...no pain receptors in there.” That, however, was as much sympathy as the unicorn could expect, though, for no sooner had she finished than the other lamia pressed the red hot blade against her horn. It was indeed painless, but the feeling of shock, even if it was painless and partly mitigated by the pheromone...was still there. Her horn...the symbol of who she was, what she was...being removed as if it were nothing. Taken away by some lamia, no doubt to be dumped in a trashcan, forgotten… Now another few tears formed in her eyes, and she tried to blink them away. If the two lamia noticed her grief, neither of them paid in any attention, moving swiftly onto the final stage of the preparation. Equustra could smell the vaguely sweet smell of the oils as the lamia rubbed them in, making her body supple. Now she struggled little...it seemed like the effects of the gas and the shock of losing her horn both had finally robbed her of her will to resist. Silent and still, she felt the hands work over her, until finally one of the lamia gave a nod to the other. “That should be enough. Two minutes...let’s get her out there.” With little effort, the two lamia moved Equustra to a shiny-looking platter, one of them approaching with a dish cover… “Wait.” A pair of hands picked up a pair of panties from the floor. Equustras, dropped when she was stripped down. Surprisingly, they were still intact. “If I remember right, that werewolf likes her treats with these on...” The unicorn still put up no resistance as her legs were lifted, the panties slid up and into position. I let the Green Scale down. I deserve this. That thought occupied her mind even as a grinning lamia lowered the dish-cover over her body and plunged her into darkness before wheeling her out to face her former customer. It seemed like longer, but it was a matter of a mere minute before light entered her world again, the dish-cover lifted and a grinning, lupine face leering down at her. “She looks...delicious….” But hidden amongst the leer was a little dissatisfaction. “...but I am still unhappy at having this happen in the first place. Nor that it took so long for her to be...prepared for me.” Trapped as she was, Equustra could only hear a second voice respond. “My apologies for that, Madame. I assure you, your next meal, as well as this one, shall be with the compliments of the house.” A little sigh, but the werewolf seemed satisfied. “Fine. Thank you.” Again, the unicorn could do little but listen as the lamia waitress – her replacement – slid away, and then strong hands reached into her field of vision, plucking her from the platter. But, as she looked up, expecting the lips to part...the hands instead guided her body downwards. Underneath the table. The cloth as thick, and as she was pushed underneath it, almost all of the background sound died. Positioned on her knees, she could only hear the faint rustling of fur as the werewolf uncrossed her legs, and then a command, spoken in a low voice. “Pleasure me...and perhaps I’ll reconsider my meal.” Pleasure...her? The unicorn gulped, looking at the tufts of hair between the legs, the sex now clearly visible as the legs spread lewdly… But if it’s either this or getting eaten… Slowly, she extended her muzzle closer, allowing herself to drink in the scent. That...wasn’t all that bad. That might make this whole thing a little more… Almost of its own volition, her tongue snaked out from between her own lips, reaching out to caress the inner thighs, and then… Though the heavy cloth deadened most sound, she could still hear the soft gasp of pleasure as her tongue made contact, running slowly over her sex. Emboldened a little, she moved a little closer, wanting to exact another, similar reaction with her next… The taste...this, this really isn’t as bad as it could have been. Another lick, a little less tentative this time, and the gasp again...only this time, a little sharper, a little more pronounced. Yes, this isn’t bad at all, and perhaps I’m not getting- With a slick, wet sound, a strong hand seized the back of her head into the sex, supple legs wrapping around her shoulders to hold her in place. Almost instinctively, she began to squirm, wanting to cry out, but such was the surprise that she could barely do anything before she felt her entire muzzle and most of her head pushed between the smooth, slick lips. What...what is she doi- Another strong push, and the legs flexed around her, hips bucking, and she felt more of herself slide in. She could feel the rocking sensation become steadier, more insistent… No...she’s not going to- A sharp gasp, almost inaudible now through the walls of the sex and the thick tablecloth, and her shoulders and most of her upper body disappeared inside, swallowed up. Equustra squirmed, trying to turn around, to get her arms free and pull herself out, to do anything, driven by instinct… But as another smooth movement of the hips drew her further in, she realised that between the oils she’d been treated with, her bare skin, and the strength of the one drawing her in...she didn’t stand a chance. Please, don’t...I was prepared to be eaten but not like- please… The further the werewolf drew her in, the more fragmented her thoughts became. Even if she could have given a voice to her thoughts right now, and even if those voices might have been heard...it was doubtful anyone would have listened to them. To those in the restaurant, it looked merely like an eager client was having some fun with a dinner companion of hers...or perhaps, indeed, with the food that had been delivered to her. Those regular customers, or the waitresses currently on duty, paid it no mind. Certainly not the first, and certainly not the last – indeed, this particular establishment took it as a sign of pride that their delicacies were prized by the clientèle in...that way. This was the Green Scale, after all. And that meant lots of meals being eaten...however the one who had paid for them desired. Shock, similar to when she’d been divested of her horn, made her body still again, the only movement now the snap of the hips as the werewolf drawing her further inside...gasping and moaning all the time. The unicorn could hear precious little else, and feel precious little other than the eager, slick sex creeping over more of her body, now passing along her thighs. Darkness and slick warmth surrounded her, getting more intense, feeling closer and tighter, with each rock of the hips that her captor gave… ...but though she should be panicking right now, instead she felt an odd form of detachment. It was almost like...it was someone else being drawn in this way, not her… Of course, if her rational mind had been working well at this point, she would have remembered that another key effect of the gas that had been administered to her was to generate exactly that kind of apathy, or indeed willingness, from those it was used on. But, right now all Equustra could think of was how warm and damp everything was, how the smooth walls of the sex seemed to embrace her, welcoming her inside, pulling her in further, and how oddly relaxing that was… ...and with a final, loud schlurp, the pink lips closed over her hooves, sealing her inside. “Mmmmmmm….” That moan was the last thing Equustra heard before muscles seized her, pushing her upwards, forcing her to curl into a ball. Dimly, she felt a hand press against the furred outline of the place that now held her, and the air begin to get more slick, the rocking starting again… Is she, is she going to- The tremors got stronger, and now she could hear a longer, louder moan. Fluids were rapidly pooling, filling the chamber where she was held, already rising around her body. Can she really… The rocking became faster, more urgent, and now she could hear the cries coming more clearly. Outside, the werewolf sat languidly on her chair, one hand reached beneath the table and between her legs, wanting to take her pleasure from this former waitress, to consume her in the most erotic manner… “Uhhhh...all mine...almost...ughhhh...” Now the sweet smelling, sticky fluids had almost completely filled the chamber, enveloping the frail form of the one that held her. Ready to make her merely part of her oncoming climax… Uhhh...the cum...noo...is this- Quite what she would have thought after that would never be known, however, as with a mighty cry, the werewolf felt her body shake, clench, squeezing her body, making it one with her arousal… ...and then...release. “Ahhhhhhhh….” She threw her head back, crying out, as her sex opened, floods of cum pouring out underneath the table in time with her agonised gasps. And, in the middle of the sweet-scented puddle of arousal, one pair of panties. Slowly, she let her hand slow, before bringing it up to her mouth for a moment for a long, careful lick. That...always tasted so good. Especially when it had, only a few moments before, had been something else. Brushing the other hand underneath the table somewhat discreetly, she quickly retrieved the panties, themselves coated with her arousal and the scent of her desperate prey. A much longer lick this time, and then her mouth opened… Gulp. A wonderful starter. Later than she would have liked, but… Time for the main course. “Waitress? I would like to see your menu one more time, please.” |
Tessalia was a hero. She was heir to the Lightning Clan, daughter and future replacement to the leader of her Tribe, and the final victor in the contention with humanity’s Champion she had inherited from birth. She was also, much less to her enjoyment, a first-time man-eater, having swallowed the fallen-feigning Champion in question two hours ago. While she had enjoyed the process slightly more than she would feel comfortable admitting to him, her biggest regret was that she was now, among those other things, completely stuffed from her victory feast. "Thank you all for this banquet," she addressed the Tribe, "it's been wonderful, but...I really can't eat another bite, and my fatigue from defeating the Champion is catching up with me. I will be retiring for the night now." Mixed voices of support and protest rang out, but the dragoness made her way to her personal hut unconcerned with either. Once inside, she gently rested a hand on her bloated belly. "How are you holding up in there?" she asked it's occupant. The world was a thick sea of half-digested paste for the Champion. Aromatic meat and swallowed saliva drenched his clothes as he strained against the sheer mass of all Tessalia had devoured. Her query rippled through the churning chamber, and he used his prodigious strength to "swim" to the slick wall he had felt her pat. "I've been better," he answered honestly, "you never told me there would be a feast...did any of it end up in a different dragon?" Tessalia blushed. While she had been pressured into eating her share, there had been times when she truly had become immersed in the meal. It was her responsibility that the Champion now followed suit. "M-my apologies," she replied, still in her mindset of formality, "I needed to be convincing." "I suppose so…" the young man mumbled in reply. After all, he had come to this place as a spoil of war to ensure his village's safety. If he were to be regarded as Tessalia's willing guest, things would get bad for them both. "Would you please let me out now?" The giantess bit her lip. "...I can't," she replied, "you know even better than me how dense that food wa- er, is. There's no way I can get just you out." "Th-then how am I supposed to get out of here!?" He cried in shock, "You had better not expect me to go...the long way…" The predator shook her head reflexively before recalling that he couldn't see her. At least, not her face. "That... probably won't be necessary," she comforted, "I should be able to sleep this off, and in the morning I can release you before breakfast! Just settle in somewhere far from...the entrance to the long way. Oh, but if you're worried my protection may not work while I'm asleep, or that I might turn on you, I can't do anything to you if you go in there! So that's nice, right?" The Champion pressed a fist against stomach lining stretched taut around the massive meal. Its spongy yield left him with doubts that he could punch through it if his life depended on it, but he had trusted the dragoness this far, and she was right about his escape route, unenticing as it might be. “I don’t think I’d say ‘nice’ but...I trust you, Tess.” The girl blushed at her new nickname. “W-well…” she stammered, losing her noble bearing from earlier, “...thank you.” Her stretched stomach sloshed and groaned as she made her way towards her bed, and the Champion’s whole world suddenly flipped sideways as she nestled into it. Flexible wings spread out beneath her weight, and she wrapped them around herself and one of her arms before pulling a wool blanket up to her chin. “...good night,” she murmured, face still red from the strange vulnerability she felt towards the boy so utterly imprisoned within her. There was a long pause. She felt a gentle squirming against her inner walls. “...good night,” the gentle reply came, “see you...face-to-face in the morning.” A single amethyst eye opened and stared up at the thatch roof through which sunlight now filtered. The brightness reminded its owner that dragons often lived in caves, but it was still familiar to her. As was the satiated feeling of waking up the morning after a feast. Sitting up, Tessalia suddenly remembered she had a passenger, and lifted a hand to her now mostly-empty stomach. “A-are you okay in there?” she asked softly. Through her own flesh more than her ears, she felt a fatigued groan of response. Evidently, it had taken the Champion longer to get to sleep than it had her. Which was understandable after she heard her belly growl at her. “Ah, sorry...I guess my body was working hard last night...did you get any sleep?” “...yes,” he eventually replied, lying still, “...but I think my dreams were weird.” Tessalia blushed at her likely role in that before a firm, polite knock came at her door. Her mother never knocked. Intrigued, she rose from her bed and cautiously opened the door, all while she felt her occupant climb to his feet inside her. On the other side stood a dragoness with sky blue scales and hair, gleaming in tandem with her porcelain skin. She bowed neatly to the tribe’s hero. “Good morning,” she greeted. “I am Mira, of the Frost Clan. May I come in?” Surprised at the request and still groggy, Tess quickly stepped aside to oblige and her guest promptly entered. Before closing the door, the heiress to the Lightning Clan scanned the land outside. It was almost noon, but few were out and no others seemed up to interaction, save the straight-laced (so to speak) Frost scion. “What…” she struggled to find more polite words briefly “...do you want?” A slight rush of colour came to Mira’s pale cheeks. “Actually, I have come to offer my aid to you...but there is something I would like from...your guest.” Tess bit her lip nervously, a tell she was instantly aware of. “P-pardon me, but you are my only guest at present,” she replied, finding her formality in a spike of adrenaline. Mira shook her head. “Last night, during the feast, you were very careful with your stomach, weren’t you?” she observed. “It was a tremendous feast,” the dark-scaled dragon retorted, “I -rather, my stomach- was really pushed to the limit!” “And you spoke to it comfortingly quite a few times,” the paler girl added, “please don’t worry; I won’t tell anybody else. In fact, I’m very proud to ally myself with you, who went to such lengths to spare the Champion.” Tessalia began to stammer another excuse, but the boy leaning on her stomach wall interrupted her. “It’s okay,” he soothed, “if it came to it, I was always willing to die to protect my village...and I still don’t think that will be necessary. Let’s hear her out.” Once again Mira bowed, apparently out of habit given that she was invisible to its target. “I can’t quite hear from here, but I believe I have his consent? May I speak with him more directly?” At a word of confirmation from her passenger, the Lightning scion nodded, and to her surprise, her guest quickly pressed an ear to her smooth belly. “May I ask what your goal was in battling Tessalia, Champion?” she asked calmly. “I want to protect my people,” he answered, “I didn’t think I’d have to go to such lengths to fake a defeat, though…” “And now you need a way back?” Tess replied. “I’m his way back. I just need to slip away and-” “You’re very popular right now,” Mira stated simply, “and anyone seeing their victorious warrior go to the humans might feel it’s okay to pursue them themselves. If you try to go peacefully, though, some of our Tribe might lose confidence in you…” “...and decide to take this ‘warrior’ role themselves, right?” the Champion finished, “Which sounds like you’re leading us to an offer where you take me home, instead.” Standing upright once more, Mira clapped her hands together. “This Champion is truly amazing, isn’t he?” she remarked, “You understand me completely. I have always wanted to seek peace between dragons and humans, but my whole life, the grudge of our leader made that impossible…” her wings drooped and she lowered her head, but she continued, “...the grudge is gone now, and I want to be the ambassador for our Tribe! You and I...most of our Tribe are human-born, Tessalia...I’m sure you can understand my feelings.” Tessalia’s response was a solemn nod. “Give me a moment,” she requested, “I think the Champion deserves to see you in person before making his decision. I’m only trying to make up what I owe him…can you jump to my esophagus, little one?” “I’m not little, you’re big,” he remarked as he leapt up to the tight sphincter he’d been squeezed through last night. It had taken a few bounces to use the stomach’s springiness properly, but once he’d found his destination in the darkened upper echelons of the dragon’s gut, it was a simple task for him. After he had pushed his way inside, he was surprised at the strength and celerity with which the muscles gripped him and awkwardly pulled him upwards. His host’s focus was palpable. The dragoness’ throat soon forced him out onto her tongue, where a quick splash of saliva removed what other fluids his body was soaked in. Her dexterous tongue held him against the roof of her mouth as she gently swallowed to clear its other contents, then extended into the open air, where scaled palm waited for him. Sputtering from the journey, the Champion rose to his feet. Before him, Mira’s own hand unfurled, casting a strange light around him, and he felt his heavy clothes lighten. It only took a moment’s inspection to realize that they -and he- had been magically cleansed. “I hope that helps,” Mira added with a bow, “bathing is occasionally difficult for an ice dragon, so I use this spell often.” The young man hesitated a moment, embarrassed at his own surprise. Despite his training, these dragons impressed him. To have a creature larger than most buildings he had seen ambush him so swiftly... “Y-yes, thank you,” he stammered, “now, about this plan...” “Yes,” the sky-scaled beauty replied, “My plan is simply honesty, but with some omissions. I really do want to visit your village, and I really do want to see peace between our people...no matter how much ridicule or condemnation I face for it, I plan to offer myself as our ambassador to the supposedly-defeated humans, and when I go to them, I will bring you with me in secret!” He looked over Mira’s form. A simple task, given that the members of this Tribe wore no clothing. Every contour of her trim physique presented itself to him, and coupled with her angelic face, it made his thoughts wander momentarily. He began considering the girl holding him as well, now that he finally had the luxury, before regaining his focus with a long, hard blink. “Where do you plan to hide me?” he asked. “That...” Mira began, averting her eyes, “...is a separate request. To be honest, I am very envious of Tessalia. Getting to swallow a human alive...and keep him as a companion...I beg your sympathy when I confess that it sounds wonderful to me.” She took a deep breath, although she had appeared calm despite her hesitant speech. “I could conceal you in a bag, but that would require the pretense of bringing the humans an offering. Indeed, I would have to gather this offering to be inspected, but it would also be considered a sign of weakness by many...perhaps enough that I wouldn’t be allowed to take it. I admit that I am happy to carry you within me for this plan, but I also want to be clear that I see no better alternative.” The Champion bit his lip as his mind scanned the layers of the issue. He was slightly disturbed by the idea of being eaten again, of course, but disturbed more by how little the idea actually upset him. His experience last night -at least, the parts before he was buried in the dragons’ feast- had been...harmless, and, at least physically, not unpleasant. Tessalia’s wet muscle massaging him, its heat seeping through his clothing, the strangely-soothing sounds of her active body all around him...without the need to keep up his guard, that experience would have been different. This dragon was weaker than Tess, as well; breaking free of her would definitely be within his power if it became necessary. The threat of cold was small to his hardened body, but immense as Mira was, he could feel her body heat to be only slightly less than his holder’s, despite her alleged bathing issues. Even putting aside his emotions, he saw no good reason to reject the ice dragoness’ plan. “Y-you understand that this is just for the journey, and if you try to...” he tapered off, both because he didn’t want to think about the situation he nearly brought up and because it was already clear to him that it wouldn’t happen. With a sigh, he released his need to appear strong. “...it’s a good plan. I’ll vouch for you when we arrive, and we can get you something to bring back for your efforts. I was content before to just protect my people with a secret, but you’re right. You’re right to believe that our people can co-exist, and I’m honoured to share your dream!” With a gasp, the gleaming dragoness’ face turned flush. Her eyes teared up at a recognition she hadn’t realized she had craved her entire life. In a quavering voice, she thanked the Champion, her diamond composure shattered. A few moments passed in silence, then Mira extended her hand. “...shall we begin?” The young man nodded, stepping over to the offered hand and turning to hold both girls in his field of view as Tessalia moved closer. “I think...I really believe that a new age starts with us,” he spoke, more softly than he ever had since entering the dragons’ domain, “millennia of fears and grudges...they’re all handed down from our ancestors, aren’t they? ...let’s show everyone who we really are.” |
DEATH WARDEN by Bitter White petals swirled through the air in a world of endless sakura trees. This world was not like our own; it had no horizon, no roundness, no center-point. There was only the earth and the sky, and the infinite trees. The air was still, yet the petals swam in dancing patterns as if carried by their own private windstorms. Soft green grass lined all the earth that did not carry a tree, fed by an eternal rain from the clouds above. There was one oddity about that rain worth mentioning; though it fell, spattered, and soaked the earth like water, it had a nigh-imperceptibly faint blueish glow to it. But strange though it was, this rain fed the trees and the grass as well as a rain of water might, and it fell steadily enough that it would probably feed the plants on which it fell forever. A native of this unusual realm was walking among the trees with a cool, dreamy gait that befit the quiet and comforting atmosphere. She was human, at least by outward appearance, though she was much taller than any average person: somewhere between eight and nine feet, but without a good reference point it would be impossible to judge precisely. She was somewhat out of proportion; not quite so wide as she would have to be to make up for her height. She was thin, spindly even, as though she had been built with less flesh than was required and sacrifices had been strategically made to minimize the visible effects. She had some curvature of the hips and protrusion of the chest to mark her as female, but no more than that. All this was plain to see; she was clothed only in her own ebony hair, which might well never have known a razor's touch by the way it lapped at her thighs. But she carried herself with dignity, perfectly at ease with the bareness of her body. In that place of idyllic, absolute nature, clothes would perhaps have seemed more out of place than nakedness. A sound struck the woman's ears, muffled by distance but of a tone that was harsh and shrill compared to the soft pattering of the raindrops. She turned her head from one side to the other, trying to find the source of the sound. When she had determined where it was coming from, she set off in that direction, still at ease but with a certain urgency in her step. The sound grew clearer as it drew closer: it was, unmistakably, the sound of a woman crying out in pain. The black-haired giant wound around the sakura trees until finally she uncovered the source of the wailing. There was a human woman propped up against one of the trees, groaning and sobbing as convulsions wracked her body. Like the native, she was naked; unlike the native, she was short-haired and normal-sized. But stranger still, she had no color. It was as though she were made of water, the same sort of water that rained down from above: translucent, tinged with sapphire and slightly luminous. It was impossible to tell the color of her hair, eyes, or skin-- she was merely the description of a woman, incorporeal. As the black-haired woman drew near, the ghostly woman suddenly jerked her gaze upward. Horror joined suffering on her face and she screamed "Stay back!" at the interloper. "It is all right," replied the black-haired woman. "I am here to help you." The ghostly woman continued to shiver with pain. She hissed through her teeth, panic robbing her of her thoughts. "N-no. Don't," she said instinctively. "I can-aaah..." "I mean you no harm," the black-haired woman insisted. "I can take the pain away." "How? How?" the ghostly woman demanded. "Let me touch you," said the black-haired woman. The translucent woman gasped and hissed, but ultimately reason overwhelmed instinct and she nodded between shakes. The black-haired woman reached out with one hand and put it on the ghost's shoulder. Though nearly invisible, the smaller woman was quite tangible. A gasp escaped her lips as the giant's hand perched at her joint: where their bodies met, the pain was eased. All the rest of her body was in agony, but her shoulder was soothed. "Let me hold you," said the black-haired woman. This time she met no resistance; as the giant looped an arm around the smaller woman she fell willingly into her embrace. The larger woman slowly eased into a sitting position, drawing the other woman down with her until she was sitting on her lap, the smaller woman's back pressed to the larger woman's front. The giant looped her legs over the smaller woman's feet, and what remained exposed of the other woman she rubbed, each part gaining some relief in turn. Though the translucent woman fidgeted a bit as her comforter's hands passed over her breasts and crotch, it soon became apparent to her that the larger woman's touch was impersonal, medicinal, strictly necessary. "What is your name?" said the black-haired woman, after some time. "Mary," said the ghost. There was a pause. "What's yours?" "What name do you find beautiful?" Mary thought for a moment. "Catherine," she said. "Then I am Catherine," said the black-haired woman. "What is this place?" Mary said. "I am sure you have many questions," said Catherine. "And I will answer all that you ask. This is the world beyond the world of mortals." "The afterlife?" said Mary. "No," said Catherine, continuing to rub. "The 'afterlife', as you think of it, does not exist. It is as I said: this is the world beyond the world of mortals." "But... I died," said Mary. "How did you die?" Catherine asked. "I thought I was asking the questions." "I may ask some of my own. Please, tell me... how did you die?" Mary thought for a moment. "It was a car crash. Do you know what a car is?" Catherine nodded; Mary felt it more than saw it. "I know much of the world of mortals." "Okay then. There was a stoplight-- it was red, so I stopped, and when it turned green I just went on like normal. Then... then I heard someone blowing their horn and I looked to my right... I don't know why but someone was speeding through the red light... they hit me... and then I fell and I was here." "Yes... I see," said Catherine. "A sudden, traumatic death. That is why you came here." "Why? What happened?" said Mary. "Look around," said Catherine. "See all these trees? These are the origin of all life. Every soul is born here, on the branches of these trees." "They're the petals?" Catherine smiled. "Yes, little one. As the petals fly, they trace a soul's path through destiny. Here they find the fate that will guide them through the rest of their existence. Look above you now." Mary craned her head upward, looking into the sky for the first time. It was covered with the clouds that were producing the omnipresent rain. But there was something wrong about them; something in the texture, or the way they moved. As Mary saw a stream of petals flowing upward, out of the tree line and up into the air, it occurred to her what was wrong. They were not normal clouds at all: all the sakura petals were gathered above, clustered into an endless mass of fluttering white. "There is the mortal world," said Catherine. "The infinite souls in their eternal dance. A soul is born here in the trees, then finds its way to the mortal realm. When it has exhausted its fate, it melts and returns to the earth as rain. The trees take up the rain and put out new petals-- and the cycle continues." "So... why didn't that happen to me?" Mary said. "Every so often, a fate goes awry. If a soul fulfills its fate, it has no need of its bodily form, so it dissolves and disperses. But if the body is taken away before the soul's fate is fulfilled, the soul retains its bodily form-- and so it was with you. You were never meant to be struck by that car, Mary, but so it was." "Is there any way for me to get back?" "I am afraid not. You have left the mortal world-- there is no return." Mary sagged. There was so much she had wanted to do. But perhaps it was because of that feeling that she was where she was right now. As Catherine's hands ran the length of her belly, Mary thought to ask, "Why does it hurt? Why does it hurt so badly to be here?" Catherine answered promptly. "Pain results when our bodies do not match our souls. You have no body, but your soul takes the shape of your body... thus, you suffer." The answer gave birth to another question. "How are you taking the pain away, then?" "I am a Death Warden," said Catherine, as if that answered everything. Sensing Mary's next question, she elaborated. "We were placed her at the dawn of time by the Great Powers, to oversee the flow of souls through the eternal cycle. When there is an error in fate, it falls to us to see that the lost soul is set right. Our bodies give comfort to the lost." "Like me," said Mary. "Yes," said Catherine. "What... what are you doing to do? To 'set me right'?" Catherine took a deep breath; Mary herself felt steadied by it. "Your soul clings to the shape of your body. To ease your suffering, you must lose this form." Mary thought on the implications for some time. "You're saying... I need to stop being me. I have to stop existing?" "As you are, yes," said Catherine. "The same material flows through the cycle forever, constantly assuming new and different shapes. An eternal form is anathema to the cycle; if you stay as you are, you will experience this pain forever." Again Mary lapsed into silence. "How do I know you're telling the truth?" she asked. "You cannot," said Catherine. "If you do not believe me, you are free to wander the forests so long as you wish." Mary considered her prospects. There was nothing in what Catherine said that rang hollow to her. It was strange, bizarre even, but in its own way believable. Mary could think of nothing more horrible than what Catherine herself proposed, except for the idea of being lost in that forest forever, wracked by an incurable pain for all time. Only in Catherine's arms did she find any relief from the suffering. The way was clear, bleak though it was. "Catherine," Mary said. "I... I'll do it. 'Set me right'." Catherine gave Mary a comforting squeeze. "You are a brave woman, Mary. It is a tragedy that your fate went awry. I must release you. Please, withstand the pain as long as you are able." Mary reluctantly departed from Catherine's caresses and felt the stinging agony return. But she did not clutch herself as before, did not panic. She stood with her arms at her side and pressed the shakes into submission as well as she was able. Catherine rose up before her to her full height; Mary found her gaze falling just below Catherine's breasts. Catherine said, with some haste, "Please, kneel and close your eyes." Mary did as she was asked; she sank to her knees and shut her eyelids, waiting for the mercy that Catherine offered her. Catherine stepped forward, aligning herself over Mary's head. With one hand, Catherine steadied the poor lost soul's head, and with the other she spread open her labia. Crouching slightly, she placed the one against the other and pushed. Despite their size difference, Mary's head was far too large to fit inside Catherine's womanhood, but Mary was no longer strictly solid. Her head began to deform, compressing inward and sucking into Catherine's nether lips. Mary squirmed at the sudden bizarre distortion of her natural dimensions, but her surprise was mitigated by the warm, soothing embrace of Catherine's flesh. Her head had been squeezed terribly thin, but it did not hurt. So Mary did not resist as Catherine pushed her way downward, squeezing in Mary's ears and jaw in the same way. Catherine took Mary's shoulders in her hands and pushed them together, compacting them into a span no larger than Mary's neck. Catherine bent at her knees and Mary's shoulders slid into her; Catherine sighed with relief at that, as the worst of it was already over. Now Catherine could proceed more naturally; she worked with her legs alone, holding her arms out for balance. With every squat she drew more of Mary's spirit body into herself; as she rose, she clenched her muscles to prevent any of Mary from sliding out. The task was made more difficult by the juices starting to accumulate at Catherine's entrance, but Catherine had been a Death Warden since time immemorial and a little lubrication was no obstacle. Mary, for her part, had finally determined what Catherine was doing to her, and despite the absurdity of it could not object either internally or externally. Her life had begun in her mother's womb; it was only appropriate to reverse the process in the same place. Mary felt her head compress still further as it passed through Catherine's cervix, and then it was suddenly its usual size as it reached the room beyond. Catherine's womb expanded to accommodate Mary's reasserted form; Catherine could feel it distending with the shape of its occupant and sighed involuntarily at the sense of fullness. Still Catherine continued to work at Mary's body; the lost soul's breasts compressed and rolled into the Death Warden's vagina, followed in turn by the small of her back and her belly. Catherine's internal flesh gave Mary the same comfort as her cuddling had, but even more so: the rippling folds and slimy lubrication teased her skin, or what simulated it. Mary squirmed in her vaginal captivity, trying to worm her way deeper into Catherine's body. With another forceful drive, Catherine claimed Mary's ass, wrapping her twin mounds with herself. Mary now found herself in Catherine's womb from the waist up; with the dim light from inside herself she could see all the little pinkish folds. A contraction roiled through the chamber as Catherine took another pull; Mary felt her ass cheeks return to their normal shape. Suddenly, Mary felt her legs, still exposed to the painful atmosphere, straightening out; Catherine had stood up, taking the last of Mary's body with her. Mary felt a powerful clamping force around her thighs, and suddenly they were emerging into the womb with her. Mary helpfully pulled up at them, shifting inside Catherine to get better leverage. She felt more than heard the groans this friction produced; evidently Death Wardens were wired similarly to human women! Soothing pressure at her feet told Mary that Catherine had grabbed her soles and was pushing upward. As Catherine pushed, Mary matched her force, and with a slurp her feet disappeared into the larger woman's lips. Catherine sank to the grassy floor, cradling her swollen belly. With Mary's entire body now back at full size, Catherine appeared to be very well past due in a pregnancy with triplets. But if this weight bothered her, she made no display of it. Instead, she ran her hands over her own skin, kneading the distended mass and taking in the sensations of having another body inside her own. There was nothing to do now but wait for her body to do what it was designed to do. Mary had curled into a ball by now, her thighs pressed up against her chest and her arms wrapped around her knees. The womb walls were pressed up against her with just enough force; she couldn't help but rub up against them. Even those parts of Mary not in direct contact with the wall were fine; all the pain had left her, replaced with an equally powerful sense of comfort. Comfort and something else-- pleasure, intimate pleasure. Mary could feel her body heating up, tingling inside. Unable to reach herself with her hands, she settled for squeezing her legs together, using the pressure to tease her suddenly-needful sex. But she hardly needed to bother; the arousal was building without her help, a thing unto itself growing from within her. Mary felt fluid all around her, different from the internal liquids of Catherine's body. Mary felt like she was sweating all over, from every pore on her body. And she felt smaller, lighter. The pieces came together all at once; she was melting, giving up the shape she had been constrained to for so long. And as more and more of her essence seeped away, the better she felt, the denser her pleasure became. The womb kept its tightness the whole time, making it difficult for Mary to track just how much mass she'd lost. Then all of a sudden she was tiny, just a single little raindrop amid the flood. Her pleasure reached its peak; she lost herself in it, washed away in her orgasm and vanished. Catherine closed her eyes as the last of Mary's spirit leaked out of her. She had been free-flowing as Mary underwent her metamorphosis, rivulets of the same spirit-matter as the rain pouring out of her as Mary gave it up. Her belly flattened, her womanhood squeezed out a few final droplets, and Catherine entered a subdued, demure climax. She drew up a breath and held it, let it slip away from her in tiny sighs. Finally the tension left her, a warm and comfortable relaxation left in its place. Another lost soul had been returned to the cycle, and for this Catherine's body had rewarded her. For a short while Catherine basked in the glowing sensations, up until the very last of them faded. After getting her feet under herself, Catherine set out into the rain once more and resumed her everlasting vigil, watchful for the next lost soul. *** AUTHOR'S COMMENTS: I consider this story the equivalent of a pencil sketch; just a quick little something to get an idea out of my head. I've been playing a game called "Muramasa: The Demon Blade" lately. For Kisuke, one of the protagonists, the game starts in a rainy forest, and the plot throws into question whether or not he's actually alive. It doesn't help that he can see little soul-flames floating around everywhere. So I got the idea of a forested afterlife covered in an eternal rain, and this story naturally evolved out of that idea. This story killed two birds with one stone for me. I've been meaning to do an F/F story, since that's the only configuration of the sexes I've never done, and I've been meaning to do an unbirth story out of respect for certain individuals. Granted, this story might not be their cup of tea, exactly, but I can always write more. Something I never got to mention in the actual text: this strange afterlife is actually constrained on the Z axis. That is, it extends infinitely on the X and Y planes, but it has a start point on the Z axis, beyond which nothing exists. There's the earth, with its "water table" of spirit energy, and then... nothing. You can't go below the earth here. There is actually nowhere to go, seeing as there is no space to move into. It does not create a vacuum, because that would imply empty space. Don't spend too much time trying to understand it. At risk of drifting into weeaboo territory, I find the symbolism ascribed to the sakura petal in Japanese culture compelling; put simply, it is used to represent the transitivity of life (among other meanings). It seemed to fit. I briefly considered calling the Death Wardens "shinigami", which is basically the a Japanese way of saying "grim reaper", but again, it's best not to stray too far from your own culture. There are some rather unsavory stereotypes associated with those who put too much stock in Japan's culture instead of their own. Then again, kind've like anime, the concept is one that actually got exported to Japan from the western world and reinterpreted. So maybe it's just part of the larger cultural mashup and fair game. God damn it, I think I'm thinking about this too much. |
BY THE OASIS by Bitter In the desert known as Auluroch, a fey stooped to take a drink. He had happened upon an oasis, one of those rare spots where the sands sank close enough to the underlying rock to hold water, and wisely decided to refill his body's reservoirs. The fey of that region had long since adapted to life in the dry heat of the Auluroch; at times when other fey would have collapsed of thirst, the Aulurochi fey would barely have begun to think of water. Protected by an aura bequeathed to them by generations of ancestors, they scarcely noticed the scorching heat of a rarely-setting sun. As a result, the sandy-white skin of the drinking fey showed no signs of tanning or burning despite its fairness. After carefully corralling his waist-length black hair behind his shoulders to keep it from falling into the water, the fey created a pair of cup-shaped indentations into the sand with his knees and leaned forward to drink. His penis dangled beneath him, unbound; he was a wild fey, roaming the Mystic Wilds naked and alone. With his hands, he drew mouthfuls of water out of the oasis, swallowing it slowly and enjoying the medley of coolness and clearness that only natural water can provide. Satisfied breaths escaped from his mouth whenever the water had left it. At last, he'd had his fill; he leaned back on his hindquarters and let out a contented sigh. The fey's name was Hairin, and he was not long for the world. Hairin let out another breath as he looked toward what lay ahead of him. The desert, with its pleasures and its perils, lay before him. Much as he wished to stay in this place, to drink the water and eat the fruit off the trees, it was dangerous to remain in one place too long, and especially in these rare bastions of unabashed life. These were Auluroch's crossroads, where everyone's path must meet. Friend and foe alike were likely to meet here, and tempting as it was to seek out friends, the meetings with foes were grave indeed. Hairin felt it best to be on his way. So, he got his feet under him, stood up, and raised his arms above his head in a stretch. The sunlight felt to him no more than pleasantly warm, inviting him to return to the open. Or perhaps, Hairin thought as he let his arms flop to his side, imploring him to return. Hairin had only a moment to consider what a strange thought that last one was before a soft but abrupt poof behind him arrived at his ears too late to provide any real warning. Before he could react, two powerful arms wrapped around his chest, locking his arms to his sides. The nerves on his back lit up with information; soft human skin was pressed up against him from behind. Just as he thought to move his legs, he felt the sole of someone's foot trapping his own against the sand. And then when he tried to bend his arms at the elbows, the feel of something thick and leathery wound across his belly, snake-like, pinning his forearms down as firmly as everything else. It had all happened in a moment. Hairin was trapped. "Hello, cutie," a sultry voice said into his ear. He had no way of seeing it, but the fey who had caught him was red-haired and red-eyed, and had the same strangely fair skin as he. She was powerfully built, in contrast to his own somewhat girlish frame; her thick, toned muscles easily held his own immobile. "Looks like I've got you," the other fey said. "Shall we get started?" As she said this, something new floated into view in front of Hairin's face. He recognized it as the end of the other fey's tail. It was, like her hair and eyes, a bright red color; it was segmented like a scorpion's tail, roughly three inches across, and ended in a thin needle several inches long. The tip of it was oozing a clear liquid; it dribbled off the end, syrup-like, and fell into the sand. Even if Hairin hadn't known what was going to happen next, he could easily have deduced it. "Oh no... no no, please..." he said. "All right, I suppose you don't have to watch," said the scorpion fey, whose name was Lia. The end of her tail drifted out of Hairin's sight. It was a cold comfort indeed to know that that stinger would be plunged into his flesh where he couldn't see it. The needle traced a path through the air until it was just below Hairin's right shoulder. The tip pressed gently onto his skin; Hairin reflexively tensed and tried to pull his shoulder away. Lia's grip was too tight for him to go anywhere, however, and even if she'd spared him looking at it, she was still enjoying making the lesser fey wait for the moment of entry. Hairin felt a strange mixed tingle of pain and pleasure oozing down his shoulder-blades as the scorpion fey's poison idly attacked his skin. His breath quickened, turning into sharp pants of panic. And then, on one exhale of many, he felt a prick and the shaft slid in. Involuntarily, he let out a heaving "Hhhhhaaaa--!" "There now, that wasn't so bad, was it?" Lia said, like a nurse. Hairin felt her suddenly draw him in tighter, and she shuddered as if having a gentle orgasm. The tip of her tail folded shut, squeezing a hot, sticky fluid into Hairin's shoulder. He was doomed now, he knew it. She'd gotten her venom in him; all the rest followed from that. But her death-grip remained; she wanted him fully under her power. That same mix of pleasure and pain was inside him now, spreading through his flesh and hitchhiking in his blood. Desperately, Hairin tried to resist; he struggled in his bonds and tested the limits of Lia's power to control him. He could not send her off-balance; he could not break her hold. All his fighting earned him was another injection, though that might have been on the way regardless. Just after Lia's next squeeze of venom, her tail-tip shifted in another way. It expanded rather than contracting; rather than squeezing more juice into him, it sucked at his insides. Hairin felt his shoulder shrug back under the force of it. He heard Lia speak from behind him: "Ooh, you're a tough one." Another burst of liquid heat squirted into his shoulder. The flesh there was beginning to feel hot-- hot and pleasant; the pain was washing away. Shutting his eyes tightly, Hairin tried to get the pain back. He felt another pull at his shoulder, and something shifted inside him. The force rippled through him; his entire upper body felt it. Hairin bit his lip and groaned, "Hnnnnn," in concentration. But on the next pull, something slipped. There was a wet glugging sound, and he felt as though some liquid were being drawn out of him. A nearly imperceptible bulge formed at the end of Lia's tailtip and began to flow down the length of her tail. Hairin felt it roll across his bare belly, gently pressing in on him, before it finally disappeared behind him and vanished into the point where Lia's tail met her back. Feeling part of himself stolen like that put a new fear in Hairin's heart. He twisted and thrashed, scraping up clouds of sand with his feet until Lia finally pinned them both underneath her own legs. Hairin's fingers curled uselessly against his thighs; his shoulders shrugged helplessly against her own. "Yes, yes, fight for me," Lia said. "It's always better that way." Perhaps triggered by his resistance, Lia's tailtip was now in constant motion. It contracted and expanded in a strangely easy rhythm, alternately pumping more digestives into Hairin and sucking away what had fallen prey to them. Now that the first had gone, the rest flowed freer; with every opening a blob of liquefied flesh started its journey toward Lia's internals, traveling with slimy gurgles down her tail's length. But for as much was sucked away, Hairin never seemed any worse for it. His energy sustained his body; his health was restored as soon as the injury was inflicted. But with every squeeze there was more poison, and with every suction there was less of him to take away. Even as he resisted with everything he had-- not just trying to escape bodily, which was useless, but mentally resisting, trying to hold himself together, to keep from being pulled into that sucking tail-- he could not stay whole. The true battle was with his own flesh, to keep it from wanting to be taken, and he was losing that battle, slowly but surely. Stinging pleasure and haughty coos from behind him accompanied each and every failure of will. Drop by drop, she was draining him away. Hairin felt the melting sensation flowing deeper into his body. Carried on his veins, the digestive poison was slowly infiltrating every part of his body. Scared as he was for his life, Hairin found the perverse pleasure beginning to creep over him in his entirity. It didn't help that he could feel Lia's skin warming behind him, her body welcoming the stolen parts of his own with hedonistic abandon. He could feel her breasts expanding as his energies nourished her; the sensation of her warm, fatty, female flesh rubbing up against his own skin tickled the erotic parts of his brain despite their respective roles. She was a woman and she was horny (as evidenced by the furry patch she was grinding against his ass and the musky trickle it left behind), so what did it matter that she was digesting him alive? His panicked gasps slowly drifted into deep, heaving breaths, synchronous with Lia's tail-sucks. His cock gently stiffened and filled with poisoned blood, uncaring that the deadly pleasure that filled it would slowly dissolve it away. Hairin's exhales gained voice; he groaned in both ecstasy and despair: "Aaaaah-hhhhhh, aaaaah-hhhhhh, aaaaah-hhhhhh!" And Lia encouraged him, whispering in his ear, "Yes... yes... you're mine now... oh, fey are so much sweeter than beasts..." Lia made no move to satisfy Hairin; there was no need. He was free-flowing, leaking fluid onto the sand with abandon just as his energy was draining through Lia. As he became less and less, it was harder and harder to resist the agonizing pleasure, and in time Hairin forgot entirely about saving himself. He was lost, certainly lost; all that was left to him was to steal as much pleasure from disappearing into his devourer as he could. His hips swiveled as much as Lia's hold would allow, thrusting for its own sake, trying to tease a last climax out of his balls before the end. Every part of Hairin felt squishy now, held in its shape only by the desire to stay in that beatific torment. With a gasp and a moan, Hairin lost even that. Hairin cried out, "Ahh-- ooooooooh!" and felt fatal delight coursing through him; delicous contractions squirted his come out into the arid air. It splashed into the oasis' waters, sending ripples across the surface. Hairin felt similar ripples playing through his body; the momentary lapse in his defenses rendered him powerless to hold himself together. Triumphantly, Lia let out a laugh and began sucking with greater force, drawing up as much of Hairin as she was able. Her tail bulged incredibly; it was no longer taking small dollops, it was taking Hairin in full. Hairin felt his shoulders draw back, pulled up by the suction within him. His heartbeat went awry as his chest started to flow into Lia. He felt his fingers suddenly become thin and wrinkled as the substance was sucked out of them, pulled along by some attachment to the parts that were being taken before them. Pleasure-soaked as his mind was, the process registered like a continuation of his orgasm, a series of pulses causing fluid to leave. He curled his toes as they too were sucked dry; his hands and feet went next. Each suck took an inch of his arms and his legs; his extremities slowly collapsed against themselves as his insides were sucked away. Lia supported him when his legs could not, holding him up and making sure none of her delicious prize escaped. Hairin's still-erect manhood became flaccid as it was drunk dry; his balls seemingly withered as their contents were sucked away. Orgasm-drunk, Hairin closed his eyes and smiled as his head folded in on itself. Lia gave a final pull, and then there was no more to take. Hairin's vacated skin slipped off her stinger and vanished into a cloud of dust before it was able to touch the ground, unsustained by the fey's now-absent energy. With deliberate contractions, Lia moved the enormous bulge in her tail slowly down to its base. It gurgled as it went, melted fey-flesh at play within. Finally it reached the base of her spine, and Lia's eyes went glossy and unfocused as she began to absorb it. She breathed heavily, as if someone were ministering to her womanhood. Indeed, a trail of juice was running down the insides of her legs, her bliss at taking in another fey baldly apparent. The base of her tail worked and churned, squelching loudly as it tried to force more and more of Hairin into Lia's body. "Ohhhhh," Lia moaned. "Ohhhhhhhhhh..." The bulge was quivering with tension, unable to pass such a small entrance easily. "Ohhhhhhhhhhhh--!" And with that groan, the bulge in Lia's tail forced its way into her body. Her belly swelled outward with it for just a moment, then violently contracted with a squish as Lia absorbed the whole of Hairin in a single blissful instant. In the same motion, she came violently, fresh juice spilling out of her pussy in gouts. Her knees buckled as her thighs found it more entertaining to clench inward and squeeze out more of her thick, musky fluids than to support her. Lia fell onto her back, still trembling with ultimate pleasure. At last, Lia's orgasm burned down to a warm afterglow, and she smiled at the feeling of satisfaction. When she had enough presence of mind to control her body, she flipped onto her front and placed her fingers in the sand. As if swan-diving, the scorpion fey sank into the sands, disappearing from the sight of the world above and readying her trap for the next fey who came to take a drink. *** AUTHOR'S COMMENTS: So, yeah, just a three-pager in the same vein as "Control". Had an idea, wanted to run with, ran with it, idea is now run. Not sure if I'm going to give these scorpion fey a full write-up in the Mystic Wilds world data article. There ain't much to 'em yet, besides what you see here. I'm not sure how I feel about taking certain concepts inherent to the Mystic Wilds for granted (like the whole "everything is made of magic, so even if you take part of their body away they'll still have as much as when they started" idea). Then again, this is only a concept sketch story, and I can't be expected to re-explain everything about the world every time I put bytes to Notepad, can I? 3/14/10: Fixed a misplaced word. 12/19/10: Canon changed necessitated the alteration of one phrase. |
THE KAEIN by Bitter The music pounded in Eria's ears as she circumnavigated the dance floor. It was the kind of music that pounded no matter how loud or how softly you played it. The heavy synthetic drum went THOOM, THOOM, THOOM, THOOM-BA-THOOM, THOOM, THOOM in the cadence of a heartbeat; it was the pulse of the entire club. The same rhythm flowed through everything. It wavered in the air, it pounded in the dancers, it throbbed in the heart of the girl in the corner and the blue-skinned man behind her. No sense was left out of the rhythm; lights flashed in cool hues in time with every beat. Purples and blues sparked up with the sound and blackened with the silence, always in motion, never still. "Never still." It was a perfect description of this place, the club called "Ataraxia". Sequestered in a space station on the far rim of civilized space, where the mundane gave way to the weird, it was a place of total and eternal bacchanalia. At Ataraxia, all strangenesses were normalized in the pursuit of pleasure. There was only one law, strictly enforced: do what pleases you. The prudes, the uptights, the legals-- they had no place in Ataraxia. In Ataraxia, there was no sin and no shame, only satisfaction. So Eria had come, once again, to partake. She had only to find her place. If appearance were the only geography, Eria would have been where she had wanted to be from the start. The Ataraxian clientele was uniformly under-dressed; they rejected the dishonesty of clothing for concealment. There was no prurience among them. But despite that, most everyone was clad in something or other for the utility of it, to hold up some sagging appendage or to create questions about what lay beneath. Eria ascribed to this latter theory of dress; her two articles of clothing consisted of a tight cloth wrap that drew her modest breasts even closer to her chest and a short, ruffled skirt that had no hope of concealing her bare womanhood if she made the slightest deviation from uprightness. On top of these she wore a few bangles and rings, shining things to catch the light and sparkle. Her face was done up with a conservative amount of makeup, just enough to exaggerate her features and juxtapose signs of civilization with the roughshod tussledness of her black hair. But the most important aspect of her appearance was that most central of components, her body itself. No-one who exposed themselves as the Ataraxians did could allow themselves to bare a body unfit for pleasure. Eria, though slender, had a tomboyish beauty about her: taut muscles pulled her slinky body to and fro in provocative sashays practically by reflex. So full of kinetic energy, Eria first thought to go to the dance floor. Like iron entering a magnetic field, the change in her motions was instantaneous as soon as her feet hit the cold steel of the dance floor. She became a particle in the field, a single tiny mote in a sea of bodies likewise lost in the mutual attraction. She twisted and turned, directed by an unseen force through the massed crowd. In the chaos she found clarity: she wanted a mate. She wanted someone to be with, to hold close to her, to take into her, to unleash the wild energies of her body upon. She moved with the thumping of the drums, swaying her hips in a simplistic representation of what she desired. She took long steps that stressed her skirt's ability to keep her offering from view. She bent forward and bent backward, ostensibly dancing but actually crying out her willingness in the noiseless language of motion. But none came. Eria saw couples all around her; the other dancers were already paired off, intently focused on their partners, shut out from the world outside of their own private overtures. Eria's dance drifted across the floor, past the blazing screens and the pounding subwoofers. Finally she reached the border and dropped out, sweating, smiling, and frustrated. Eria stood now in a darker corner of the club, looking on at the inhabitants of this particular section. Having been rejected-- or at least not accepted-- by the dance, she turned to this place. There was a thick haze of natural smoke, unlike the kind pouring from the machines on the floor designed to catch the light, and a heady, floral scent in the air. Fuzzy couches were laid about haphazardly; their residents were strewn across them with equal abandon. There was little motion among them but to take the embers in their hands nearer their mouths, thereby to draw their next chemical-soaked breath. Eria was no stranger to this place. There were worlds stranger even than this one to be seen through the filter of an altered mind, and Eria had journeyed into them at times. But tonight, something stayed her hand. One of the layabouts looked at her, and Eria could not help but feel that he was looking through her. His eyes were unfocused, his attention elsewhere. Eria knew he had not truly seen her, and in the blankness of his perceptions Eria felt a sudden sense of her own emptiness. She shivered and turned away, back toward the heat and the lust. She would not join those men tonight. But she had to join with someone, that much Eria knew. If she could find no-one among the dance, and no-one among the borders, then there was another place she could try. Liberated as they were, the Ataraxians still knew the value of privacy. In the back of the club was a hallway, smoothly-painted and dimly-lit, in which those who had found their other (or others) for the night (or at least a short while) could see to each other apart from all the rest. Here, at times, the unconnected would come and wait for others like them, allowing Fate to guide them to their lover. For every chamber there was a curtain; if the curtain was closed, the occupants were not to be disturbed. Eria drifted down the hallway, some vapor of her previous encounter or something else numbing her mind slightly. Drawn curtains passed on either side in a disappointing parade while grunts and moans from beyond them spoke of the pleasures that Eria could not obtain. At last Eria's patience broke and she drew aside a curtain just slightly to look in. There, sitting upon a striped couch, was a creature, human-shaped but lizard-like, but oddly mammalian in crucial ways. On her lap sat a human woman, like Eria, entirely naked but in no way uncovered. A thick rope of glistening flesh wound around the woman's body from the lizard-woman's mouth, pulsing and squeezing around her each and every sensitive region. The lizard-woman caught sight of Eria and, without missing a beat, flicked her eyes in a way that indicated that she was sympathetic to Eria's plight but would prefer to minister to her partner alone. Eria graciously let the curtain fall back down and drifted away. At last Eria came to an unveiled door. There was no such thing as an empty chamber in Ataraxia; as soon as one was vacated, some new party would come to fill it up. So Eria was unsurprised to find this room occupied. There was one and only one person, watching the door and waiting for company to join her. A woman sat on a black and white-striped couch, sipping something thick and opaque and purple from a wine-glass. Though she looked human, Eria knew, intuitively, that she was not. It could be guessed by simple statistics: few in Ataraxia were truly human; even though she herself was born of scientifically human stock, her genome was far removed from her distant ancestors by the tireless march of evolution. But it went beyond that; this woman was, at least outwardly, human in appearance. She was thick, matronly, looking as though she were in her mid-forties but perfectly maintained. Her deep brown skin contrasted strikingly with her mostly white bluish-tinged hair. But more striking still were her breasts. Well larger than her head each, they jutted out from her chest in twin sensuously piled mounds, capped with tremendous pale brown nipples. Her pale gray eyes caught Eria's, and the woman shifted to draw Eria's gaze further down. Spreading her stockinged legs open, she bared her naked pussy to Eria, which was clean-shaven save for a thin patch of tufty white above the top of her cleft. Even in the darkness of the woman's skin tone, Eria could see a little red in her cheeks. The invitation was obvious. And yet, Eria felt a sense of peril as well. Information trickled through her mind, fed in from without. She knew without ever having learned that this woman was a kaein. Kaein preyed on other humanoids, pacifying them with an intense eroticism delivered through telepathy. Their prey-- it was hard to think of them as "victims"-- all went willingly, so overcome with lust that they desired nothing more than to be absorbed. It was difficult to tell how much the kaein really controlled their prey, but it was rumored that they always left a little doubt in their mind-- just enough with which to escape, if they really tried. Eria felt this little margin herself now, the little part of her that was able to see just how very little she'd been affected. But it was enough. She'd been trapped, pulled into an orbit in which she would gently descend. The kaein had her now. She was prey. Eria felt her arm reach out, take hold of the curtain, and pull it closed. The kaein laughed softly. Her voice was as mocha as her skin; it oozed delightfully in Eria's ears. Their privacy assured, Eria felt comfortable disrobing as she made her way to her captor. Her fingers picked the sweaty band of cloth off of her breasts and pulled it over her head, then widened the elastic band of her skirt and peeled it down her legs. Her various rings, bangles, and earrings were divested one by one and thudded onto the shag carpeting. Eria paid no attention to where they landed; it didn't matter now. The music continued to pound outside, muffled through all the walls, and Eria felt her heartbeat synchronizing it. At last she reached the kaein, letting the alien appraise her bare body and the way the purple lights played off of her pale skin. The kaein took a last sip from her glass, leaned to one side, and set it down on an end-table. Returning to her former position, she looked Eria in the eye. "Are you nervous?" the kaein said. With a voice such as the kaein possessed, the answer must have been "no". Yet Eria nodded. The kaein reached up and took Eria by the hair. Eria barely maintained her balance as the kaein gently but firmly pulled her in for a kiss, simultaneously clamping Eria between her legs. The soft caress of the kaein's stockings tickled Eria's skin and a taste like berries flooded her mouth, a remnant of the kaein's drink. Slowly, the kaein drew away and said, "Rela~x." Eria sighed and smiled. She knew what the kaein wanted. She saw it in the kaein's imagination, ghostly images that flickered in the back of both their minds. In those fantasies, the kaein was wrapping herself around Eria, drenching her with lubricating juices and drawing the human's slickened body into her own with heaving muscular contractions. Eria could already feel the intense heat of the kaein's body surrounding her, a memory fed to her from the kaein's prior companions through the kaein herself. She had ridden their minds into her own body, felt everything that they felt, given them the satisfaction of being the devourer as they themselves were consumed. The whole experience flooded into Eria's mind, just slightly gray, not entirely real. It was not the true experience that was playing through her mind. It was only an imitation, a memory. If she wanted the real pleasure, the total experience, she would have to trade something just as valuable... Eria's smile drooped into a sigh. She knew how great a price the kaein demanded. She wanted to run away; maybe not to run exactly, but to turn and pick up her things and leave and return to the party, take another chance at the dance floor. But the question would gnaw at her, she knew. What would it have been like? If she left now, would she ever find the kaein again? Could she, as an Ataraxian, bear to know that she had considered superlative pleasure and rejected it? Not knowing whether they were her thoughts or the kaein's, Eria saw the delights of Ataraxia fading. To not know would poison every pleasure yet to come. None would ever compare to the fantasy, to the possibility that she had denied. She would live wondering if the kaein's embrace could have treated her better than every lover she would ever hold. It was simply too terrible a prospect. For a short while, Eria stared into the kaein's loving eyes, watching for a sign of treachery, some indication, however small, that what she had felt in the kaein's memories was not genuine. But she found none. Breathing deeply, she gently knelt in front of the couch, bringing her eyes level with the kaein's womanhood. "Please," she said, drawing out the word, paradoxically begging her predator to take her. The kaein smiled down at Eria; it was a bright smile, an affirmation that filled Eria's heart with warmth. She had been... accepted. How strange it seemed in retrospect that she had ever been afraid of the very thing she now felt as though she'd been pursuing, and at last had attained! She watched with anticipation as the kaein placed both of her arms behind the couch, drawing her shoulders apart and parting her magnificent breasts. The kaein slowly, tantalizingly spread her legs apart and slouched, bringing her pussy right up to the edge of the cushions. Eria longed to simply dive straight into the kaein's folds, but some silent command told her wait for the final preparation. The kaein tilted her head back and tensed; her pussy-lips gently parted like a maw, widening beyond the capabilities of any human woman. Eria felt an erotic twinge at this breathtaking display of womanhood, of opening with the intent to envelop. All that was missing now was the penetration. Her time had come. Eria slowly closed her eyes, took several worshipful breaths, and leaned in to offer herself. Eria was no stranger to women. Her tongue had tasted many lips. But the kaein's womanhood was a thing apart from every other sapphic lover she had ever known. It oozed lewdly, practically drooling around Eria's face. It wasn't merely like a mouth; it was a mouth, designed to devour and consume. Eria lapped at the bottom of it and felt the dripping folds undulate across her tongue. Were Eria but the tiniest bit further in, those motions would grab hold of her and pull her inside. Even as Eria thought of this, she felt the kaein's pussy-lips rolling around the sides of her head, kissing her temples, clamping down on her with surprising force. Eria made no move to resist nor to assist. The kaein's labia quite capably kneaded her inward until she crowned through. A gentle but firm pressure squeezed at Eria, drawing her in by the neck. It had started. The kaein had begun to take her. Eria felt the kaein move, twisting at her waist and temporarily blocking Eria's passage. Two powerful grips took hold of her upper arms and forcefully curled them inward. Taking the hint, Eria willfully held her shoulders in that compressed position as the kaein's pussy worked its way down her face. The kaein's juices were coming so quickly that Eria could scarcely find room to breathe. Instead, she lapped at the fluids that were soaking her. In paying such attention to the kaein's walls, Eria felt the kaein slowing down. The kaein's flesh tensed up and squeezed all around her, and Eria felt the labia peeling away from her. In her mind's eye, she saw the kaein stretching incredibly, even more than at first, wrapping her gaping opening around Eria's shoulders. Incidentally, she saw the bulge that her head had created in the Kaein's belly, an incredible deformation that the kaein's body accepted with bizarre ease. With the new grip, Eria felt her body lurching ahead further with each contraction. Her head bumped up against a tight knot of flesh, and the contact caused it to relax and allow her through. She'd entered the kaein's womb. The kaein sat back on the couch, again laying her arms behind her. The shoulders were the only real obstacle to taking a human, and now she had only to allow her body to do what was natural for it. Each heave of her womanhood sent a shockwave of pleasure through her. Even if she could have maintained her concentration, she would not have. All at once, the kaein relaxed the mental barrier between herself and her prey. Foreign sensations flooded Eria's mind, as vivid as if they were her own. She was the kaein; she was the dark-skinned woman with the small human messily squelching her way into her body. And she was Eria, the hedonist whose credo of pleasure had led her to this final throne of ecstasy. She was Eria in the kaein's mind and the kaein in Eria's mind. They were no longer two creatures; they were the process, they were the pulse of the music, the thick rhythm beating its way steadily to its conclusion. They were small, pert breasts being covered in vaginal slime, tamping down as the gateway closed upon them and tingling with nervous delight. They were skin folding over skin, consuming and being consumed. They dissolved into an abstraction of sexuality, flesh gliding across flesh with liquid between. They were elementally female, swelling and growing round as one set of thickened hips, moistened, dripping pussy, and plump and overfull cheeks was lasciviously subsumed meaty undulation by meaty undulation. Their completeness grew ever greater as the little white-skinned human's legs slurped into the kaein's now-slimming pussy. Eria's body was ever narrower and easier to consume. As each gorgeous tract of skin went inside, it forced out the oozing juices that eased the passage of the next. Inch by inch Eria's legs disappeared until there were only her feet, with her curling toes at the end. The kaein let out a triumphant gasp, pulled hard, and sucked in Eria's feet with a single heave. Her pussy-lips slapped shut, sealing Eria inside. A few squirming bulges told of Eria's alignment in her new home, and then the kaein's enormously distended belly was still. It was cramped inside the kaein, but less than Eria had expected. The kaein's womb had expanded around her always, tensing just enough to mold her into a ball. The excess space was quickly filled with an embryonic fluid. Guided gently by the kaein's mind, Eria breathed it in. Even her instincts were in the kaein's control; she did not cough or sputter, nor did her lungs make any attempt to contract once filled. The kaein's womb was undulating softly around her, shuffling the liquid about, drawing the old out of her and replacing it with new. Eria's whole world was now warmth and fluid and stillness, the only reminder of her human existence the soft beat of her heart. Unlike all the other aspects of herself, which had become so muted and uninteresting, that gentle thudding was clear. Eria felt with stunning clarity the way each of her heartbeats sent the blood rushing through her veins. It delighted her to be such a perfect circuit, to feel the flow of warmth cycling through her in such lopes. And she felt, with excitement, the way her heartbeats became deeper and stronger as her skin tingled with an alien pleasure. Every bare inch of her, from her nose to her soles, was easing into an erotic ticklishness. Reflexively, Eria smiled at the sensation, even knowing, through the kaein's psychic link, that it was the beginning of the absorption process. Her body was softening, coming apart. The kaein sustained Eria's mind even as her body dissolved within the kaein's womb. She felt with bizarre clarity the way the liberated particles of herself drifted away from her body, touched some unknown receptor in the womb's walls, and were converted into something else, a mysterious energy that Eria had no need to define. She felt this life force flowing upward through the kaein, into the overfull stores of her breasts. Eria wanted, needed, to feel that divine transformation more. Her loosening muscles churned within her, willfully breaking up her form, slurring her every nerve into a single bundle of pleasure. Only an indefinite mass now, Eria had no face with which to make the gesture, but the kaein sensed her happiness. As Eria's body became freer, the flow slowly increased. Adrift within her destroyed body, Eria laid back and allowed her consciousness to ebb. With every moment, there was less of her and more of the kaein. An image appeared in Eria's thoughts: the kaein, with a bulge in her belly that shrank by the second and her breasts writhing and swelling even larger as it did. She could feel the kaein's silent, heaving ecstasy at taking in the human's energy, storing it within those mountains of flesh. Drained of nearly everything, Eria felt a paradoxical expansion of her mind. She was becoming greater, becoming larger, feeling still more and more pleasure. She felt the kaein's pleasure and her own reflected through it. Slowly the two melted together, ebbing and flowing in beatific pulsation. The name "Eria" lost its meaning; there was only the beautiful kaein, the burgeoning fat on her curves and the delightful heat coursing through her veins. There was only that wonderful pattern of tension and release, growing tighter with every repetition. And then the two of them, the kaein and her pleasure, reached the pinnacle and flew together in perfect synchronicity. For how long they stayed in that erotic nirvana it is impossible to say; all that it certain is that, like all things, it came to a close. The pleasure lingered for a time, hot and humid, then sank into the kaein, becoming inseparably a part of her existence forevermore. *** Author's Comments: I used the word "Ataraxia" because I thought it sounded cool. As it turns out, "Ataraxia" is a state of perfect freedom from worry sought after by the Greek hedonists. I had no idea this was the case when I chose the word. O_o In fact, I'm pretty sure that my only contact with the word that could possibly have seeded it in my mind was the fact that a healer character from Phantasy Star IV has a skill called Ataraxia that removes all status effects from your party. In the interest of full disclosure, I'll point out that this story was inspired by Nitro Titan's picture, "Clubbin' Momma", and the kaein's appearance is a direct transcription of Mom.E's in that picture. However, the kaein is not intended to be Mom.E, nor is this story approved or endorsed by Nitro Titan in any way (at this time). I've been meaning to do more F/F (I've been meaning to get away from M/F in general, actually; I've paid my dues to that genre for a good while). The thing is, whenever I come up with a good F/F premise, it's always unbirth! I mean, there's nothing wrong with unbirth, but I kinda want to complete the quadfecta of sex combinations in oral vore, and F/F is just hanging out doing it's own thing. Argh. Well, whatever. My muse will eventually give me an F/F oral vore story. (My muse does not hang around in the comments section, I'd like to add.) |
A DUO'S DUSK by Bitter *** "Aaaaaaaaaaah! Fuckin' gorgeous weather!" exclaimed a blond-haired man, throwing his arms apart in a yawning gesture. A woven-reed basket, nearly two feet deep, swung outward by the handle in his grip. The man beside him ducked out of the basket's arc. "So you keep saying," he said. "Because the weather is fuckin' gorgeous, Dollo!" said the blond. "The only thing better than a day like this is a night like last night!" Dollo gave a knowing sigh that he knew the other man wouldn't register. Whenever Alrin wanted to start a conversation on the topic of his nocturnal escapades, he'd think of nothing else. "Ah?" said Dollo, indicating his attention with a minimum of effort. "I finally got Radine in the sack with me!" Alrin said, proudly. "Hm," Dollo replied. There was a shade of interest there. Naturally, Alrin proceeded to the topic that Dollo hadn't meant to prompt. "Oh, she's a needful one. All about as many as possible, you know? So I drew it out, just pumped her nice and slow, kept her warm and didn't let her get too hot. Oh, you should have seen the look on her face-- she was furious, but the moans that came out of her, oh god! She loved it, man. Feisty ones always wanna be tamed, my man, you keep that in mind." Dollo listened with a little more interest than his outward attitude would lead one to expect. He and Alrin were an unlikely pair; if they'd simply met by chance, they'd never have ended up as friends. Alrin was all looseness and frivolity. He wore his white cotton vest unlaced; his black trousers were cut too large and draped off of his legs. But most striking was his hair; it was fluffy and golden and jounced all about his shoulders and back when he walked. Dollo was just the opposite; he wore a white wool shirt and matching black pants, each cut to the exact shape of his body with just a little extra for flexibility. His brown hair hung straight and flat, perfectly behaved. The playful Alrin and the straight-laced Dollo would certainly not have befriended one another were it not for the fact that they'd been born one next to the other, spatially and temporally. By chance, they'd bloomed, spat out of a flower in the manner of all fey, in the same field at the same time, and the two fey had never been far from the other ever since simply out of habit. They were friends by fate's fiat. There were, however, advantages to being such antipodes. Alrin's tales could be taken for mere boasting of his own prowess, but Alrin could not stay interested in one woman for very long (nor they in him), and when the women decided to take their leave of Alrin, Dollo was always near at hand. Since Alrin made no secret of his paramours' predilections, Dollo was typically well-prepared to receive them, and, by his knowledge of Alrin's blunderings, to keep them. This, of course, assumed that there was only a single woman in play; more often, Alrin's dates had friends whom Alrin would happily palm off on Dollo in exchange for a full report of his experiences the morning after. Even if he was technically feeding off of Alrin's leftovers, Dollo still had far more contact with women thanks to Alrin than someone so prurient would ever have had on his own, and though he rarely showed it, he appreciated Alrin's role as the agitator of the two. Dollo, meanwhile, provided Alrin with the discipline that was required to survive in the Mystic Wilds, which he was sorely lacking. For instance, when Alrin said, "Say, Dollo. I hear Pali down in South 13 is taking the day. What do you say we nip off and lighten our loads a little," Dollo was quick to respond in the negative. "Hell no," Dollo said. "We've got a quota to fill." He knocked the basket in his arm with a fist. Alrin shrugged. "So we'll double-time it when we get back. We can make the quota easy. C'monnnn, I know you haven't been laid in at least three days. You need a good fuck." "It's not the quota, man, it's the rules!" Dollo retorted. "I, for one, do not want to end up filling the Captain's balls." Dollo's attitude was typical of the fey that lived in that region. In a long-forgotten time, monsters were the dominant force, and fed on the Lesser Fey at will. The Lesser Fey faced extinction, but saved themselves through militarization. Their entire culture became an army, one which, miraculously, suffered from no dissent or tribalism even as the monster threat was reduced and quite nearly eliminated. Despite the loss of the motivating force, they nevertheless retained their strict adherence to military order-- even when the only things to do with such order were perfectly civilian tasks. Under the orders of their Captain, Alrin and Dollo, along with many of their comrades in arms, went out into the open fields of the orchard, picked basketfuls of apples, and carried them back to the base camp for processing. Dereliction of duty was punishable by digestion by the commanding officer. "Well, it's not like he'll find out or anything," Alrin said lamely. Despite the protest, he made no move to head for barrack South 13 nor even to propose going AWOL. Dollo had quite deliberately chosen his turn of a phrase for that effect-- Alrin would do anything for a woman, but not if the image of the Captain's hairy sack was stuck in his head. Like an itch on the roof of his mouth, it stayed with Alrin for the rest of the day and kept him from proposing any further delinquency. --- As the sun sank into the horizon and the sky shifted from pale blue to warm orange, Dollo and Alrin were distracted from capping off the last of the day's baskets by a sudden hail. "Good evening!" a woman's voice called. Alrin was a little quicker to react than Dollo, but both soon saw that they were being accosted by two red-haired fey. When she saw that she had their attention, the fey who had spoken said, "Sorry to keep you, but my friend and I were just discussing how lovely the weather was. So clear and cool... it's just perfect for a little fooling around, isn't it? Much better out here than in some musty barracks or when it's cold, wouldn't you say?" The other woman, the one who hadn't spoken, nodded in agreement. Both of them, Dollo noticed, were standing spread-legged and open-shouldered. Their clothes, all leather, were cut far shorter than regulation and bared tantalizing glimpses of the curves of their breasts and hips. There were some subtle differences in their frames-- the speaker was more angular and the quiet one more round-- but by and large they were quite similar in body, carriage, and dress. Their hair even had the same clumpy, tousled lie to it. Alrin, naturally, tilted forward immediately until Dollo stopped him with one arm. "Who are you?" Dollo said pointedly. "Oh!" the first redhead said, bouncing on her toes and holding her fingertips to her cherry-red lips. "Ha ha ha! I suppose you ought to know our names! I'm Pleadra, and this is Irota," she said, first touching a hand between her breasts and then gesturing to her friend. Irota nodded quietly and smiled. Alrin started forward again. "Hold on, Alrin," Dollo said, grabbing his friend's wrist. At Alrin's indignant glare, Dollo said, "Just let me ask one more question," to the women, but also to Alrin sidelong. When the redheads nodded, Dollo said, "Where are you two from?" The speaker laughed. "Oh, how astute! We're not from here, no. We're from the north; we moved down here to get away from our old lives. We came across this camp of yours, joined the troop, and got assigned to apple duty. We just want to get a bit friendlier with the natives, really," she said. "And this is our way." Dollo could feel the intensity of Alrin's stare without having to turn to look at him. There was still something off about the situation, but the newcomers' story was at least plausible. He wasn't far enough up to the chain of command to know if a pair of foreigners had joined up, and the brigade was large enough that the rumors might not have traveled that far yet. He didn't like it, but he couldn't refute it. And Alrin had, technically, been good all day. And there were only a few minutes left in the working hours. And it had been three days since he'd had sex with a woman he hadn't dreamed up. Dollo sighed heavily and released Alrin's wrist. "All right, then. I don't see any harm." Alrin was instantly beaming. "Hey, that's the spirit! Let's give these ladies a proper welcome, eh?" He punched Dollo in the arm gently and stepped toward the silent woman, who smiled softly and began undoing the laces on Alrin's trousers with one hand and stroking his neck with the other. Alrin shivered at the touch, already adrift in passion. Dollo, on the other hand, was determined to maintain some control of the situation. Taking the lead, he brusquely untied the laces connecting the two halves of the other woman's bodice and pulled them down, baring her breasts before she could make a move to stop him. Dollo caught a slight, worrisome hint of reluctance in Pleadra's eyes as he did so, and quickly identified why. There was a marking around her nipples, a little blood-red seal like an artistic extension of her areolae. With a burst of speed that can only be born of life-preserving terror, Dollo whipped around on his heel, yanked Alrin back by the collar, and shouted, "Alrin! Leg it! They're tattooed!" Blind terror robbed Dollo's flight of direction. It didn't matter where the barracks were or even where the other gatherers were; it only mattered that he and Alrin be as far from the women as they could get. At first, Alrin stumbled, but he broke the grip, twisted, and carried on under his own power the rest of the way. There was something amiss in Alrin's gait-- for all his carelessness regarding proper conduct, he was fastidious about keeping his own body well in order, and should have overtaken Dollo easily. But there were more important things on Dollo's mind, once he'd had a few instants to regain his senses, throw out his glamour to hide himself, and gain some headway on his pursuers. They were Tattooed Fey. Not simply fey who's gotten tattoos, but fey with natural tattoo-like markings that marked them as their own species. He'd heard of them, but never seen one before; they lived in the north, and it had been a long time since anyone in the brigade had had any contact with them. Apocrypha held that they fed through sex, which would explain why they were so keen on it, though how exactly it worked Dollo didn't know. Honestly, it didn't matter; it only mattered that they escape and warn the others. With a start, Dollo realized that he'd lost track of the Tattooed Fey's auras. They'd been following the two of them, he'd thought. Possibilities floated through Dollo's mind. The simplest explanation was that they weren't strong runners. In that case, running so hard was useless; if they'd gotten far enough for their glamours to conceal them, then more distance would simply exhaust them and leave them with less energy if they were overtaken later. Dollo's mind turned to the base. Judging by the layout of the trees and a few other tell-tale landmarks, they'd been running to the south; the orchard was to the east of the base. North-west, then. Dollo felt Alrin throw his arm around his shoulder as his friend stopped to catch his breath. A horrible thought occurred to Dollo. What if, in his haste, he'd thrown his arm out a little too far? What if he'd grabbed Irota by mistake? He almost didn't dare look, but forced himself to. His fears were completely unfounded. He was looking into Alrin's sapphire eyes. Just as he breathed a sigh of relief, Alrin stole it from him. The blond fey lurched forward, panting-mouthed, and locked lips with Dollo before he could react. Dollo shoved Alrin back and yelled "Get off!" indignantly. Alrin had never shown the slightest interest in men, and even if Dollo had had an odd episode now and again regarding his friend, now was really not the time to act on such things. Even Alrin knew that-- or ought to. But just before Dollo could figure out what was going on, Alrin grabbed him by the neck and attempted to kiss him again. After wiping away Alrin's arms (though not without some force), Dollo stepped back and said, realization in his voice, "Alrin! Alrin, they've got a charm in you. Please, just hold still and let me--" but he got no farther than that. Dollo's rejections only made Alrin more determined, and this time he lunged forward with enough force to knock the two of them to the grass. Alrin landed atop Dollo, and, much to Dollo's chagrin, began absent-mindedly attempting to make love with him. Dollo struggled to throw Alrin off, but in a contest of pure strength his gorgeously-muscled friend could best him easily. Intelligence and magic were Dollo's strong suits, but without the freedom to move there was nothing he could do about the enchantment rendering Alrin sex-crazed. At least they still had their pants on, Dollo thought to himself. Nothing existed forever in the Mystic Wilds-- the charm would wear off eventually. His mind freed to explore other subjects, Dollo first questioned how long the charm would last-- and in this, he released that he'd made a horrible miscalculation. They did not, as he'd assumed, have infinite time to wait. He'd gone invisible at the first opportunity, but Alrin, in his half-aware state, had not. His aura was bright as the sun, still. The Tattooed would know where they were. Right on cue, the two redheads appeared as though stepping out of the air. They didn't even seem winded. Probably walked, Dollo thought. Pleadra chuckled good-naturedly. "That doesn't look very comfortable," she called out. "Perhaps we can help you with that?" The two Tattooed bore down on Dollo and Alrin, slipping off what little clothing they had as they walked. Irota gently drew Alrin's gaze toward her with a fingertip, and he very eagerly allowed her to roll him over to a lying position beside Dollo. But Dollo received not a moment's mobility with which to act; Pleadra took Alrin's position, but more deliberately held him by the wrists and ankles. Dollo could hardly move more under her than he had under Alrin. Unable to do anything else, Dollo twisted his neck to see how Alrin fared. Irota whispered something in Alrin's ear, then left him to assist her partner. Alrin began undressing, a beatific smile on his face. Meanwhile, Dollo felt the pressure from Pleadra's body lessen, just slightly, against his waist, but she only lifted off of him so much as was necessary to let Irota loosen his pants and draw them down. Then Pleadra lowered herself again, and Dollo felt the slick folds of a shaven vagina rubbing up against his penis. Dollo knew the perils he and Alrin faced, but his member did not; it stirred and began to fill. "There, that's better," Pleadra cooed. "Hm-hm-hm. You know you can't escape, sweetie... why not just enjoy what's coming?" Dollo groaned and pulled in all directions with his wrists, straining powerfully but never breaking free. His legs were freer than his arms, but it did him no good: try as he might to push off the ground with them and throw her off-balance, her waist resolutely pinned his own to the ground. She clucked at him for the attempt. "Now, now, don't waste your energy... it makes this last so much shorter..." Dollo's cock was fully erect now, and Pleadra calmly corralled it into her womanhood with a soft shlip. The velveteen flesh took Dollo's breath away; the slick, sensuous ripples were dreamlike in their perfection. Alrin, too, gasped in delight beneath Irota. Dollo tried not to focus on his friend's entirely too infectious enthusiasm, and tilted his head to the other side, but Pleadra caught his cheek with one of their shared wrists and corrected him to look up at her. "Mmm... now," Pleadra said. "Much as I'd looooove to just take you now, I'd like to know a few things first. And if you're honest, then I'll make it soooooo good for you." "I've nothing to say to you," Dollo replied. "Tut-tut, pinkskin," Pleadra said. "We've been nothing but honest with you this entire time. Irota and I really have left for a new way of life. Things are quite bad up north, and we're trying to find better conditions. The others don't even know we're gone. It might even turn out well for your little army of farmers, so it's best if you cooperated. If you don't like it, I'll simply wrrrrrap things up now--" she clenched hard, forcing a moan through Dollo's teeth-- "and see if the next one is more talkative. Understand?" Dollo glowered up at his tormentor, trying not to think about how wonderful her pussy felt sliding up and down his shaft. If for no other reason than to escape that horrible pleasure, he said, at last, "...what." Pleadra gestured down to her breasts, which were criss-crossed with runic tattoos now. Dollo hastily assumed that they had some ability to hide them. "Do all of you know what these mean?" "Everyone," Dollo said immediately. Pleadra's response was to bury Dollo's rod to the hilt in herself, clench hard, and slowly ride up his length until the tip almost escaped. Dollo felt a strange fluidity course through his body. His cock let out a sub-orgasmic spurt; the pleasure was just below enough to send him over the edge. "Let's not have obvious lies, now," Pleadra said. "Only a few, really," Dollo gasped. "Just the intel guys, nobody else has needed to know for a while. I'm... studious." "Mmm, good," Pleadra crooned. She leaned down, pressed her chest against Dollo's, and kissed him on the cheek. She gave Dollo a few gentle humps, soft ones that pleasured without building pressure, before continuing. "How often to do you check in?" "Daily," Dollo said. "Wake-up and bed." He looked over to Alrin. He and Irota were getting difficult to ignore. Still under the charm, Alrin was working away at Irota as though she were simply another barracks-girl, and Irota, since she did not have to waste effort holding Alrin down, was squeezing her rune-bedecked breasts and letting out little "hm, hm, hm" noises. So she did have a voice. Again, Pleadra brought Dollo's attention back to herself. "Now now, I'm not done with you yet. What do you do when a fey goes missing?" "There's a search party," Dollo said, just a bit too fast. Pleadra punished him with another agonizingly pleasant squeeze at his member. "Strike two, pinkskin," Pleadra said, not sounding entirely angry. "One more and in... you... gooooo..." She traced a finger from her clit to her belly-button. "There's a search party... if they're a VIP," Dollo elaborated. "Harvesters like us don't get escorts. We get eaten from time to time. Top brass just writes it off as an expected loss." "Mm... wonderful," said Pleadra. "Now I'll tell you something, since you've been so good... food's hard to find up north. Seems like all the louts up there didn't know how to control themselves," here she gave Dollo a somewhat reserved slide up and down by way of demonstration, "and ate up all the pinkskins there were. Irota and I, though, we know the value of discipline. A little here, a little there, and then there's always more for later. So I think we'll be a good match for your little troop-- we won't take more than you can bear to give up, and we might even kill a few of your pests while we're at it. Is that so wrong?" "It's... it's just trading one kind of monster for another," Dollo spat, or tried to. He didn't have as much breath as he thought he ought to-- because it was being employed for other purposes. Some subconscious part of him had succumbed. Dollo felt the muscles in his butt clench in vain attempts at thrusting his hips. He panted with every knead and roll in Pleadra's body, their pleasure oddly unified. Pleadra descended toward him, planted a peck on his nose, and then slid her cheek down Dollo's under her mouth was at his ear. Softly, sweetly, she whispered, "Is it? Is it really? Can a worm give you this?" Just the tickling of the wind from her lips was unbearable. The words hardly mattered, it was the rich texture of her voice that bathed his mind in unwilling reverie. "Is any end more sublime? More wonderful? More lovely, than this?" A series of agonizingly slow grinds accentuated her point. Dollo clenched his teeth and groaned, but the resistance was useless. His cock swelled within Pleadra, longing to better fill her, to spill its essence within her. And that same feeling-- the hot dribbling of precum across skin began to spread from his groin to all the rest of him, creeping up his belly and down his legs. "No!" Dollo shouted, as if by giving voice to the rejection he could make himself solid again. Pleadra scraped her nipples against his. "Mmn, don't resist it... look, your friend's about to be absorbed... watch his ultimate pleasure..." Given the time, sense would have dictated that Dollo look away. Reflex and concern, however, made him look to Alrin. Irota knelt on him spread-legged, working his shaft with small, quick, up-and-down motions. Alrin sprawled out beneath her, his eyes unfocused, mouth agape and smiling in senseless pleasure, his body barely moving but for the occasional counter-thrust. He gasped, a short ejaculation with just a touch of voice. What little motion was left in him ended; he thrust and remained buried in Irota, whose own body quivered with impending climax. Alrin's body compressed just slightly, like it was being squeezed from all angles by some unseen force. It happened again, and then he jerked at the hips, as did Irota. The low, protracted groan of orgasm issued from both of them, and then Alrin's body began to disappear. His head slid in toward Irota's crotch, while his feet, likewise, rolled toward her ass. From his vantage point, Dollo could see that Alrin's body was caving in, telescoping bizarrely into Irota's vagina. Her juices roiled out around him in a continuous flow, a fit match for the strangely smooth pace of the process. Despite Irota's orgasmic clenchings, Alrin's chest and legs slid in at the very same rate. Alrin did not seem to notice nor care about the distortion of his body; his pleasured groan continued until Irota's pussy-lips slurped up his head. Alrin's fluffy golden hair followed the rest of him in, and then he was gone. Irota's body showed no sign of having devoured a full-grown fey-- not initially. Wet, licentious squelches eased out of her lower belly, an incongruously gastric sound to hear emanating from the womb. Irota's arms crossed over her belly in an unconscious self-hug as her head tipped backward and her eyes closed to shut out any sensation but pleasure. Slow, involuntary squirms rolled through her body. Just barely perceptibly, Dollo saw her body plumping up. Her breasts bulged a little further out, her hips widened slighty, her belly took on a gentle curvature... and he knew then that Alrin was well and truly lost. His friend had been transformed into mere fat-- just a little extra weight to fuel Irota until she found another victim. It was awful. "Alrin..." Dollo said, barely above a whisper. And yet... The Lesser Fey are prey at heart. No amount of war, hunting, or terror can change their body and mind's innate desire to be consumed. It was an instinct of which Dollo was well aware. He'd heeded the warnings. He'd trained himself to resist it. But no amount of practice can replace experience, and this was only the first time that Dollo had been witness to his best friend becoming food. His body ached with a sudden, unfamiliar pleasure, an unspoken affirmation of what he had seen. It was wrong, it was deadly, and yet it felt so good. Before he could check his body's instincts, his arousal swelled, the softening spread wide throughout his body. Pleadra latched onto it, worked his member between her petals, made him stay in that elevation. Unthinkingly Dollo began to thrust against her, entering the same fatal abandon as he'd just seen in Alrin. He could not help but follow his friend's example. He knew what it would lead to, he knew, in some corner of his mind, that if only he would resist he might escape... As though reading this thoughts, Pleadra whispered, "This is how it's meant to be, love... your body wants it... give yourself to me..." "N... no..." Dollo groaned, straining against himself. "Too late," said Pleadra. "You're already mine..." It might have been a mere statement of fact, or it might have been an invitation to despair and ecstacy designed to carry Dollo over the edge. Either way, it was to those words that Dollo's resistance finally fell. He felt his entire body go heavy, and the penile tingle that heralds orgasm coursed through his shaft. Dollo tried to hold back, but in vain. The first spasms of ejaculation rippled in the base of his shaft, and pressure all throughout his soft and yielding body, siphoning inward, accompanied them. His sperm arrived, and when his penis made to send it out, it instead elongated and flowed into Pleadra's channel. A shock of pleasure wracked Dollo's mind as the rest of his body followed it; each part that touched Pleadra's womanhood issued pleasure like a penis in ecstasy. No thought of resistance could stand before such an eruption of erotic sensation. Dimly, Dollo sensed the bizarre transformation of his body as Pleadra's womb claimed it-- he was less and less man-shaped, and more a mere knot of flesh packed over-tightly against itself, all its nerves crackling with pleasure as they ground against one another. In every instant Dollo thought he could feel no more pleasure, and in every subsequent instant he was proven wrong. His heart, his lungs, all his skin and blood, it all joined into the ball, sucked out of the true world, right out of his clothes, and into a far smaller heaven. Before he knew it, his head went under-- a momentary blur of pink and rippled flesh, and then Dollo lost all sense but that of his new, simplified shape. The thick, fleshy walls writhed around Dollo, kneading and caressing him excitedly. With his mind overrun, he longed to assist them, to make himself wider to give them more of himself to touch and to pleasure, but had no strength with which to do it. A pinching, pinpricking feeling, like the tickling of a nipple, spread over his surface in dots. Little pieces of him scrubbed away, absorbed into the loving walls of the womb. There was pleasure even in that-- in the absorption that his body ached for. He was only flesh, and flesh is meant to be used. Though Dollo felt himself dissolving, spreading, he felt no less. He slowly ceased to be Dollo, the dense mound of pliable essence, and became, instead, more of Pleadra. He flowed into Pleadra's legs, curving within her muscles. He fell all the way into her toes, curling with unbearable bliss as the Lesser Fey filled her. He ballooned out into her chest and her arms, and swelled her breasts and belly. He rose even into her head, and touched her mind, and felt in it a person who wanted pleasure-- to give it and receive it, as was the deepest nature of all fey. There was a magnetism in that that he could not resist. He was defeated, wholly and utterly, by her total absence of the need to conquer. It was too wonderful to deny. Dollo relented, and was swallowed up. *** AUTHOR'S COMMENTS: I dedicate this one to ManyEyedHydra, and his unique brand of deadly women. Oh my god, so much italic. So much italic. 12/18/10: Extensive (for me) editing to remove duplicate word choices and modify phrasings. |
It was a warm summer's day in the kingdom of Agrimethea. A sprawling land united under the banner of a single king, there were many wild places still untouched by human hands. That is to say, hemmed in as they were by the buttons of human cities and the stitches of their roads, there were vast patches of the land which hardly knew themselves to be owned. But a lawless place is a rare find indeed, and it would be better to say that there were a great number of places that the kingdom simply wasn't interested in taking from those closer to it. If their business did not bring harm to the king's affairs or those of his subjects, they were let be.Among these stretches of kingless land, there was a forest that was home to a terrible secret. Only one person in all the world who knew the legends of the forest would dare enter. That person was Matron Dyana. She bestrode the forest as if she were its queen, dressed fit for the courts. In a sheer white dress and wearing a necklace of pearls, the elfin matron walked through the corridors of densely-packed trees with a solemn imperiousness better suited for a parliament or a cloister than for the woods. But so she went, having been dropped off when her carriage could penetrate the trees no deeper, heading toward a secret location at the heart of the woods with one other in tow. Supposedly, Bran Barleymeir was observing equal solemnity as he strode silently a half-step behind and to Diana's sinister side. After all, this was his ceremony - he was the one transcending his mortal limitations, after all. Or something like that. He wasn't exactly certain what rewards this elevation promised, but he -was- certain that it was an honor unlike any he had earned before; Dyana had made that clear in a number of ways.Barley's steps matched the rhythm of Dyana's, and his own hooved feet were supple enough to add little to the noise of their passing, so there was no reason for Dyana to glance back and notice that the fawn was losing a fighting a losing battle with a toothy grin. Sure he was dressed in simultaneously sumptuous and austere robe, cut not to flatter him but to feel lovely against the skin, and to fall away at a tug on a single corded lace, and he knew from Dyana's gait and his familiarity with her body language that her attentions would be singular, but even the trappings of the ceremony couldn't train his mind completely on what was about to happen. The memory of the surprise he'd left waiting for Geordi and August made him bite his lips to stifle outright laughter. Now that he was ascending, they'd never be able to get back at him either - not unless they managed to convince Dyana that they were ready, and frankly he wasn't entirely sure how -he'd- managed it. That was the best part - they'd been playing pranks on each other since they were all initiates together, and now, in one master stroke of knotwork and honey, he was the final, permanent winner. If truth be told, not even Dyana is as entirely serious as she appears. Elves are simply incapable of moving without a certain regal shuffle in their step, and as the high priestess and original prophet of the Way to the Perfect World, she must maintain a certain decorum which remains with her reflexively, even on such a joyous occasion as this. For, as Dyana teaches, the world is not so grim a place as the other false "ways" teach. It is not as the barbarians imagine it, with gods many and cruel and life a mere twinkling of a fire's light, succeeded only by ash and darkness. Nor is it as the king's religion says, that Heaven, splendorous and wonderful, is only for those who would deny their happiness on the mortal coil. No, not at all. There is a Perfect World, and the mortal world is its pale reflection. The Way to that Perfect World is to strive always to resemble it more-- to be happy and free from worry. The horseplay, the pranks, the carousing: these were not sins, but evidence of Bran's calling to the Perfect World.Called as he was, it is no surprise that they now arrived at their destination. It was perhaps not what one would expect to house such a hallowed joining-point between the worlds. It was rather small and plain, come to that. In a clearing within the woods, there was a building made of dark grey stone. It was carved precisely rather than artfully, all the individual stones fitting together at oblong angles just askew from right angles. It was only about twenty feet wide and fifteen feet deep-- about enough room to serve as a crypt for two or three, depending how much space would be left for monuments. On either side of the doors (really, just two stone faces slotted in grooves in the front of the structure), iron plaques were embedded in the walls, with what appeared to be a few simple phrases engraved in a runic language in both.Nevertheless, there was a swelling joy in Dyana's voice that strained her composure to the breaking point. "We have arrived, Bran," she said. Dyana's voice snapped Bran from his reverie, and just in time; there was nothing like stepping on the gown of one's mentor and tumbling down to the forest floor with them to ruin a sense of decorum. As it was, Bran stepped lightly to Dyana's side with that peculiar momentumless gait fawns so often displayed and stopped, one hoof half-raised to consider the building. That it looked like a tomb wasn't lost on him. Tombs were a human thing - it was their way to enshrine the dead instead of returning their bodies to earth to fade with their memories - but he'd seen them before. His nostrils dilated as he polled the air."It's awfully ...severe, Dyana." Perhaps he should have used her title for this ceremony. He shrugged off the concern, since it was too late anyway. Another step forward put him ahead of her and let him rest a hand in the crook of a sapling. He glanced back. "What was it like for you, when you went in? You never told us. Surely you can tell me now." His fingers lingered at the laces that would loosen his robe.There was something wrong here - he knew it. It was a test. The monastery had been more festival than hermitage; how then would the gateway to the Perfect world be such a somber place. Perhaps the answer lay in the iron plaques, though he didn't think it was a language he recognized. He took another step closer, ears flicking, and focused brown eyes on the characters. Perhaps he was the answer to the test - he was the one meant to bring the Perfect World with him. He summoned the memory of the joke he'd played, but he needed more.Again he stopped, turned, and gazed at Dyana - at her, through the gauzy haze of her sheer robe. At her eyes, her lips. They were enough, without further stimulation. They brought back memories that not only put a smile on his face, but brought a swelling of life to him beneath his robe as well. That was the answer, he was certain. Now he was ready to join the Perfect World. Dyana covered her lips with two fingers, pinching them shut to keep a laugh from escaping her mouth. She twisted to one side and loosed the gentlest of titters, a finely-practiced gesture. Her eyes stayed fixed upon Bran even as her body turned away, creased in a glare of playful derision. Each and every one of her pupils had been subjected to it dozens of times before, conditioned to know that the only thing that could provoke it was a mouth-of-babes expression. It was carefully designed to keep them forever at arm's length from feeling like an adult."Ohh, Bran," she sighs, chiding but not audibly upset. "I've not been within the Perfect World itself. The crossing changes you, makes you fit to inhabit the Perfect World. The splendor of it is such that the changed never think to return. If I went, who would serve as the guide? I couldn't bear to think of crossing, knowing how very few we of the Way are now. I cannot join you until the Way is much, much larger... but you, Bran, you are ready."The elf made her way to the door, the gossamer cloth swaddling her clothing rippling against her body with her steps. Extending her arms gracefully, Dyana traced the last letter of each plaque with her fingers. Prompted by the motion, the two stone slabs that served as the doorway slid open, only the barest scrape of friction audible from whatever secret mechanism controlled them. Quite intentionally letting her bottom sway back and forth as she went, Dyana stepped into the building. The cause for the unusual smallness of the Perfect World's abode soon became clear: about halfway through the breadth of the building, there was a staircase leading down into the earth. This small stone shed was merely the marking-place of the start of the tunnel.There was, however, one further point of interest. In the building's remaining space, on either side of the staircase, there were two large statues, sized perfectly to the dimensions of the room. To the right was a statue of a woman of otherworldly beauty, carved out of marble. Her hair was larger than gravity would normally allow, trending downward but drifting in cottony billows in every other direction as it went. Her eyes had no iris or pupil, and her expression was somewhere between longing and misery. She had four arms, two held forward with palms up as if begging for alms, and the other two raised above her head. Three pairs of wings emerged from her back: two were like swans' wings, while the third pair were thinner, more a rope of feathers than a proper wing, and curled to frame her upraised arms. She stood with her legs slightly open, standing as a queen over her dominion. Her figure was decorated with fine cloth and jewelry for every joint, yet her breasts and sex were left uncovered. Across from her, on the other side of the room, was a statue depicting her distaff in every way. An iron statue, forged rather than chiseled, it showed a thick-jawed, definitively male creature. It was eyeless, earless, and bald, with only a nose and a rack of deer's antlers to adorn its face. A thick beard of bearlike hair rolled from its chin to the base of its ribs, attached more by artistic fiat than adherence to reality. The figure was hunched over, standing on deer's legs, not unlike the faun who was soon to see it. Oddly, the creature had no arms, giving it the appearance of some kind of double-bent raptor more than a human figure. But whatever had been refused the arms had been generously bestowed between the creature's legs; a comically huge symbolic phallus jutted out to nearly the end of the creature's head.Dyana, for her part, ignored the artwork, taking Bran's following her as a given. The elf began to descend the stairs, sending up loud clacks as her hard-soled shoes stuck each successively lower plane. Bran's response to Dyana was the expected result of the calculus. For all of the tradition of his people introducing arbitrary chaos to human cities, his inchoate nature operated comfortably within predictable boundaries. His cheeks pinkened, his glance fell to his hooves, and his expression shifted to a sheepish grin. "Of course." Chastened though he might have been, Bran - as always - found the reprimand endearing, even alluring. It was as though behind the amused smile lay all the secrets of the Perfect World. That glimmer of heaven roused his ardor as surely as did the glimpses of her body through her robe. And, as the monastery has ingrained in him, ardor was a pleasure with its own merit - not merely the kindling for a consuming fire. That Dyana could understand and embody this principle so completely forced him - as it had the other acolytes - to continue in the belief that she lied to them for their benefit, and truly was returned from the Perfect World - angel more than prophet."Still," he murmured for the benefit of his own ears. "I think I shall return, if only once. Gloating is a pleasure, too." And not that particularly harmful, if they could all achieve the same exalted nature themselves.His fingers hovered over the figures she'd traced, not touching, not risking undoing whatever elven magic she'd invoked. The symbols would make sense to him soon, or they wouldn't matter at all, but for the moment, he studied their shape.That left him with a few steps to make up behind Dyana, yet he found himself hesitating again between the strange, wondrous figures guarding the descent. Forged iron drew and repelled both, but the impossible phallus tipped the scales and pulled his hand out to stroke down its length. Both jealousy and greed played in his eyes. He meant, too, to pay equal attention to the female figure - there was something strangely familiar about it, and alluring in the same way Dyana was - but the priestess was already far enough down the stairs that the darkness was swallowing her, so he turned and hurried."Who are they, Dyana? What do they mean? Dyana halted in mid-stride and turned back to glance at Bran. Two narrow strips of phosphorescent blue began about ten feet into the passage, softly lighting the way down without the use of the daylight or a torch. There was, however, a region between where the natural light ends and the artificial light began, and Dyana stood within it, an elfin shadow wreathed in a ghostly blue nimbus. As Bran followed her, though, her features came back into view, pleasantly illuminated. As she proceeded down the stairs with her faun disciple at her side, the matron offered her answer to Bran's question."They are the angels of the Perfect World. It was they who revealed the Perfect World to me, and showed me the Way into it. I commissioned the statues to honor them and to mark the beginning of this reification of the Way." The elf held her arms out as she spoke her last sentence, gesturing to the tunnel. "And to cause young minds to wonder about them," she added with a grin, "so that I might have opportunity to mention that one of them shall be your guide in the crossing."The two proceeded further into the tunnel. There was hardly any want of light; in time, the blue phosphors overhead expanded until they covered the entire ceiling. The light itself became softer and more diffuse, until it was though there were a second sky mere feet overhead. As the phosphors expanded overhead, a mural gently took shape along the walls. Outdoor scenes of beauty and carnality interwove within the paint. There were creatures of all shapes and sizes eating, dancing, playing, making love. But for as many humans and demi-humans as there were along the tunnel's corkscrewing walls, one never saw two figures that were alike, save for the two angels. No matter where one was in the tunnel, there would always be a painting of the angel within sight, as if following the traveler through their descent. Dyana slowed her pace somewhat. Bran was an inquisitive disciple. If she went as fast she wanted to, she would leave him behind. So many missed opportunities. Had he known of this tunnel, this mural in advance... well, he was a better than adequate hand with a brush and pigments. Not that he would 'deface' the mural, of course, but everyone knew that art was alive and in constant communication with those who viewed it, and he just liked to speak back. He chewed his lower lip as he pored over the individual scenes. There were already plenty of love-making scenes, but so many of the poses were just perfect for little additions and modifications. That harpy, with her wings spread wide, could have just as easily been accommodating a lover from behind. And that woodland background was unadorned where it really could use a dragon or some other rearing monster...He glanced up to see Dyana watching him, and didn't quite manage to prevent his shoulders from stiffening. The elven woman wasn't able to read minds (or if she could, she showed an amazing capacity for restraint), but whatever it was she could do was close enough for poetry. The kinds of changes to the mural Bran had envisioned weren't the sort that weathered well under discussion and consideration - they had to be discovered much later (and preferably after he was far away) to be properly appreciated.So, in order to best disguise his intentions, Bran continued to peer at the murals as he walked a little faster to keep pace with Dyana. "One of them?" he asked, before finally looking away to meet her eyes. "The Angels, I mean. Which one?" His mind wavered uncertainly on the cusp between the two as it decided where to place his hopes. On the one hand, the iron beast promised wanton abandonment, and that appealed to what he had always believed to be true inner nature, despite the mask of skittish, clever mirth he wore. On the other hand, the female angel was unknowable, was weird and fae, and that way he knew must lie the Perfect World. Her image rang in harmony with everything Dyana had taught him to yearn for. Carnality might smell temptingly of rut and lust and fecundity, but it would age and rot with the seasons. The Perfect World, by its very nature, must be eternal. Dyana smiled, knowing that she was about to give a coy response. "Many things stand in opposition to one another; their natures cannot be reconciled. But this does not require that one be inferior to the other. Some things are simply divided. Thus arises our world and the next out of a sumptuous weave of repulsions and attractions. You must be attracted to the Perfect World to cross into it. Something, then, must give that attraction."The elf fell quiet for a time. The images passed on either side, becoming denser and more decadent as they proceeded. Bran got his wish, perhaps: it seemed that there were few among the throngs then in want of a partner. The soft erotica seemed threatened by a wave of rough pornography at the deepest depths. Faces grimaced in pleasure where they did not loll in mind-blasted exhaustion. The angels featured prominently now, filling any gap in the immense daisy-chains that sprawled as far as the eye could see. Two things conspired to keep Bran from dwelling on the shift in tone: first, Dyana said, evidently to nobody in particular, "Woman's softness, her charms, the perils of her attitudes; man's vigor, his force, the imposition of his will; which of these draws the heart of a faun stronger?" Shortly thereafter, the tunnel finally ended; an archway opened into a new chamber.In contrast to the verdant scenery of the murals, the buried chamber was monastic in its sparseness. It was a hemisphere roughly thirty feet in diameter. The walls were covered over with stone to keep the chamber constant against the shifting of the earth, but there was little else that merited description about the chamber's edges. In the center of the chamber was a larger stone, a single circular tile into which was etched a runic decoration. The glyphs resembled those of the plaques that had marked the outer building-- indeed, upon inspection, it was the same language. And in the center of the central circle there was another stone archway, similar to that which offered entrance to the chamber. It stood as a door wanting walls to penetrate and a barrier with which to hold out the unworthy. It was a passage without necessity or destination, leading nowhere. Of course - that was exactly the kind of psychic Dyana was - she had anticipated him. She didn't know what he was thinking - she had known before what he would think, and maybe even channeled him into that particular thought. Had he been able to have his way with the first few panels of the mural, he would only have poorly recreated what he was now seeing. She'd probably planned the first panels to build that sense of of need, of want, of lust that these later panels fulfilled. Clever elf.And now too, there was no need for him to have made an effort to ready his body. The scenes he peered at now brought him to an almost painfully needy erection, probably even without the absentminded, loving strokes he gave it beneath his robe, as an old woman might pet a lapcat while she sat. Nobody was perfect, though - not even elves - and the escalation in the murals had once again slowed his hooves from following right along behind Dyana.His ears swiveled to follow her voice, though, and he nodded distractedly as she spoke again about the Perfect World. He'd heard the same things, or close enough, hundreds of times before, but now he -saw- them iconified in images of these two angels. Her words seemed dreamlike, distant - they seemed to become part of the painting. Which of them did drive his heart. His first, animal instinct: the male. The phallus, the thrusting, the penetration, the mindless, sightless demiurge of fecundity seeking only soil in which to bury his seed; he did not abstain on account of infertility, but imposed his blessing on all without prejudice. His palms sweat, he felt himself go musky as much as smelled it, and he licked anxious lips at the sight of him. But his mind understood the instinct better than his flesh. He did not wish to be with the male, to be taken by him (or not only that) - he wanted to -be- him. That was his teleology, the perfected Bran. He desired the male as a guide and mentor, but Dyana's previous comments made sense now - they fit like a key into the hole he'd just created.Of course it made sense now that Dyana and the female angel reflected the same spirit. It would be arrogant to say that Dyana's personality was entirely for his benefit, but... but why shouldn't he be a little arrogant? -He- was the one about to cross now into the Perfect World. So at last he strode boldly into the chamber, shoulders back, broad chest threatening to undo the cord on his robe by itself. He flashed Dyana a grin full of confidence and knowledge that he needn't even answer - she knew, and he knew that as well. He lifted his chin as he approached this final doorway, pausing just outside, pregnant with a sense of expectation. As Bran glanced backward to Dyana, the elf glanced down to his waist, one eyebrow lifted in mock inquisition. But it was accompanied by a playful smirk. Such fullness, such arousal, at their holiest hour! But with the flesh as their idol, it was only appropriate that he be so ready for his final act of devotion. Lifting her eyes to meet the faun's one last time, Dyana pantomimed a kiss to him. Wordlessly, she fluttered backward , retreating toward the edge of the the chamber to observe the crossing.As Bran transgressed the runic circle, a change came over the archway. The air within it began to tremble and slither over itself like the desert sky's when it is pregnant with mirages. Color splashed into the panel, dribbling into view within the archway like dye dropped into churning water. The cold and sterile stone of the far chamber wall disappeared, overtaken by a verdant scene fit to be described by the tunnel's paintings. Grass stretched to a boundless horizon, waving merrily in an unfelt breeze. Massive trees lined with colorful fruits were scattered here and there. The sky had only so many clouds as were necessary to decorate it beautifully. And yet there was nothing about it that could truly recommend it as a Perfect World, save for an overwhelming sense that it was idyllic by definition. The feeling radiated outward from the gate like a kind of light, warming the receiver with a sense that here lay a place that one wished to go to and never leave.Or perhaps the feeling did not, in fact, emanate from the place itself. Slowly but surely, a figure appeared within the image between the arch-posts, much as had the landscape itself. The female angel materialized softly, as if being painted in by the wind. Marble was unfit to do her justice, but the failing was easily forgiven. No mortal material could hold an image of her that would impress half the sense of beauty as did the creature in her own flesh. Just as it was with the land surrounding her, the simple facts of her shape cannot express the impression one received from the sight of her. Her every aspect had the force of qualia. Her eyes were not merely colored blue, but were pools of Blue Itself; her wings Fluttered, constantly interchanging new sets of soft Feathers; her Hands weaved in ponderous, sinuous Dance as she approached the faun on the other side of the door. To gaze upon her was to be transfixed, and to desire to be ever closer to her, to see further into the depths of a reality that the mind had never before perceived. A moment of hesitation followed Dyana's retreat. He had no instruction! He didn't know what to do! The anxiety he'd successfully pushed away earlier in the morning seized the opportunity to possess him again. Dyana had said none come back once they cross; in a sense, crossing was like death.But it was a moment only. Winter was like death, too, and spring like renewal. On the other side of the doorway lay perfection, and all of the worries that plagued him would be stripped away. As part of the perfect world, he could be nothing but bold. With stately grace he inclined his head in response to his master. His former master. Even if he did return, he would be greater than her.When he breathed the panic away, patience remained to him. He watched the grasslands form with a studious eye, and wondered only that paradise wasn't a forest. No - of course it would be a grassland. Those were perfect trees, and perfect could not fight with perfect for sunlight, the way elder trees choked out saplings. Such behavior was for the world of flesh. It was dreamlike really. There was such a sense of knowing without history - certainty without details. He could taste the fruit on the trees in his memory, though his memory told him he'd never eaten anything quite that brightly orange. He could feel the cool breeze perfectly offsetting the golden warmth of sun, though his skin still prickled with the dank of the underground. He took a step forward.He stopped.It was her. He knew it would be her, like he knew everything else. His eyes swam with the attempt to take in details more real than the rest of the world around him. A single strand of her hair contained more truth than the entire monastery they'd left behind. The world tipped, and downhill was toward her. He'd have to lean away just to prevent himself from stumbling toward her, but why resist."I'm ready," he murmured. And again, more loudly, "I'm ready!" though his voice cracked. It was the last time that would happen. "I am Bran!" The vision of beauty incarnate bore down upon the archway, coming agonizingly close to passing through the portal herself. But something stopped her, a force that pushed her back from the mortal world. Or perhaps it was simply her poise that made it seem that way. None returned from the Perfect World; perhaps she could not or would not deign to leave it, even as its angel. It hardly mattered in the end. The point was not that she pass into the low world, but that Bran pass into the Perfect World.With agonizing smoothness she took up the familiar pose of her marble depiction. Her wings spread out wide behind her, obscuring the grasslands from view. Her hair, no longer pulled along behind her, was free to float in its otherworldly defiance of gravity around her like a cloud. The angel turned two palms to the sky and spread her legs such that they spanned the length of the archway. Finally, she unfurled her second pair of arms from her chest, and the fingertips pierced the veil of the two worlds. In the smallest of ways, there was a bridge to the Perfect World.The angel's mouth moved, and the sound that came from her was as a choir singing in wonderous harmony. What issued from her was absolute Speech, a deity of meaning within sound. Her words were narrowed to the point of a needle, yet magnified to eclipse the sun. She spoke a language which Bran did not know, yet the message arrived clear and unquestionable:COME, BRAN. Bran surged forward. At a motion his cloak fell away, leaving him nude. Few fauns had ugly features, and Bran was not one of them, but in this moment he knew that he was beautiful, in the way that the moon was a beautiful by comparison to the sun. It wasn't just the gravity of her near-arrival to the mundane world that drew him in; his own eager muscles pushing forward to join her. Not even for a moment did he glance back at Dyana - she was a shadow of what awaited him beyond."I come!" he announced, voice full and golden, and echoing within the chamber. Elation curled his lips into a smile so broad and fixed it pained his cheeks. Without caution or reluctance, he reached through the portal to take her arms and follow her through into the hereafter. Even his antlers seemed to tremble with anticipation. But as Bran thrust himself toward the angel, body making to spring through the arch, he stopped abruptly. It was as though there was a pool of blood, miraculously suspended in the archway and kept from falling out under the natural auspices of gravity. And try as he might, there was no way to simply penetrate the barrier. The further in, the greater the resistance. In all, the faun could only get up to his palms into the Perfect World, and that only with great effort.Seeing this, the angel gave him a condescending smile of mixed and troubling flavor. She was so like, and yet so unlike the beloved Matron! Dyana was always ready with a gentle barb, a tease, a challenge. But with her it was all done in a spritely attitude that only made her disciples love her all the more, convinced them that each little pain was only to goad them toward a greater pleasure. Physically, the angel's smile was Dyana's mirror. But lurking just below the surface, spoken in that ineffable language of the eyes, was the stormy sea of a god's wrath. Bran was, of yet, a mere mortal; both she and the world she presided over were his superior. And for all that her body spoke encouragement, her eyes and her voice spoke contempt and judgment.YOU ARE UNFIT FOR THIS WORLD, she pronounced.But she lifted her upraised palms to rest the faun's fingertips within them. The hands of her raised arms lowered to close the faun's hands between themselves and their partners.I WILL GIVE YOU A LOVELIER SHAPE.Mere moments thereafter, a strange sensation prickled at the end of Bran's fingers. It was a queer displacement of the natural ordering of the senses: what the faun had only ever felt between his legs now seemed to be emanating from the very tips of his fingers. They were warm outside and in; from without, there was a shining, sunlike heat beating upon his hands from all angles, and from within, he felt his every heartbeat striking his nerves like the pleasant flow of tumescent blood. How very odd, and how very agreeable, to have eight more manhoods-- in sensation, if not exactly in shape! And the warmth spread with every moment, working toward the roots of his fingers. It boded well of the experience to come. It was a slap - more on the face than the hand. Or worse, a slap to Bran's most sensitive organ: his pride. Hurt, then anger took their turns with his expression, and he nearly turned back to Dyana to blame her, to tell her it was her fault for telling him he was ready. How would he know? He had trusted her!But he swallowed the bile of those emotions quickly - they were base instinct, not the placid reflecting pool of perfect pleasure. Of course he was imperfect, while he still wore the body born of imperfection. Perfection did not allow for margins of error - it was a singular point of existence. So long as he had hairs that grew crooked on his face, or the faint scar on his chin from stealing harpy eggs, or those stiff fingers that were crushed in the winepress when he was too young to remember, he was not ready to pass through the doorway. So, smoothing his features, he nodded once in response to the angel - not acquiescing, but accepting.And for his acceptance--He drew in a ragged, startled breath and turned wide eyes from the angel's collarbone down to his fingers. A new shape, she said, and yet the wonders began even before that. The sensitivity - no, the combination of sensitivity and dexterity... in seconds his mind raced to possibilities never before considered. Perhaps perfection included self-sufficiency. Accept it or not, the angel did not appear to care. Her face betrayed no emotion other than that same peculiar contempt, and remained fixed even as something more wondrous still began to happen. Her hands formed a shell around Bran's own, hiding them from view, but there was one hint as to what was occurring between them. A soft white light escaped from the seams between her fingers, forming glassy slivers in the infinitesimal space. The warmth around Bran's hands became a heat, then a fire. But it was a fire absent burning, a Hotness as pure and superlative as anything else about the angel. The mind reeled that such heat could be endured; surely anything so close to such holy flame would melt in an instant!And so it was. Bran's fingers, already so tender and sensitive from their first exposure, quickly gave way to the soul-fire. But they were not destroyed, and it was not an injury, for they did not feel lost to Bran. There is a sense of one's own body, even if the absence of sight and sound and touch, and this self-sense found itself confounded. The fingers felt as though they were swirling around, fluid-like, flicked and dispersed and rejoined by ripples within the space between the angel's hands. It was as though his hands had turned to fire with all its attendant chaos, and that fire was an appendage of the faun's body.And like fire, they consumed. The angel's hands were invincible, but the rest of the faun was not. As the marvelous transformation consumed his hands to the wrists, it ceased to spread as flame did. There was instead a tugging on Bran's arms, a slow and inexorable pull. It seemed too small an aperture to fit the faun, but the light within the angel's hands was relentless. It pulled and it pulled, trying to claim more of the faun for its own. Slowly but surely, he was drawn into the consuming fire. Wonder and fear were not so exclusive of each other as Bran would have imagined. He had known, in his heart of hearts at least, that he could not enter the perfect world in this fleshly bodiy. Even if Dyana had not spoken much of it - even if the murals he'd seen on entering promised a very fleshy existence - all the other traditions said it. Flesh was imperfect. Flesh had to be discarded. Still, even if he -knew- that he was more than his body, his body was all that he really knew.So this moment of transformation, while the long delayed consummation of a promise Dyana had made years ago, set his heart beating frantically in his chest and the blood thumping in his flicking ears. He did not pull away - he could not even look away - but he had to soothe his own mind and remind himself that he wanted this, that he was devoted to this, that this was only the refining fire to burn off the dross.His efforts were much aided by the pleasure that preceded the fire - the little ring of near-orgasm traveling up his arms in advance of the renewal. Pain had always been his weakness, and he'd go to great lengths to avoid it, or at least show up drunk if he couldn't. Showing up drunk to this sacred ceremony had not seemed the best plan to him, so he had only prayed that the Perfect World and the transition to it was only bliss and pleasure.So far, pleasure had not been denied him, but he was struggling with the bliss portion. He had to keep reminding himself how much he wanted this, and somehow that didn't seem right. The angel, though she was everything he could have imagined, left an uneasy feeling in his gut. Perhaps it was just that he found himself so lacking in her presence. Perhaps it was that she seemed to feel the same way. He'd always been able to overcome those kinds of stumbling blocks in the past, though. He swallowed his emotion and chased the timidity from his expression with his practiced, winning smile. "What is this that's happening? What are you making of me?" As mass builds, gravity builds with it, or so the theory goes. With all of Bran's hands and an increasing portion of his forearms balled between the angel's hands, the force on the Faun's body grew. If there was any doubt in Bran's mind that he had crossed a point of no return, the strengthening pull on his arms into the strange fireball between the angel's hands gave a dreadful evidence that he was rapidly approaching one. He could pull his arms back from the fire, restoring them to worldly clarity from the ethereal chaos for a moment, until the magic's pull drew them in again and they were dissolved once more. But the deeper he went, the more difficult it was to ride against the flow.At the faun's question, the angel smiled, and again it was more physical than mental, which wavered between the sublime, the unreal, and the false. Assurance without comfort. The nurse's smile as the knife went in. Her words rang in the faun's mind:FROM THE FORM THAT DOES NOT CHANGE TO THE FORM THAT CHANGES. FROM THE FORM THAT CHANGES TO THE FORM THAT DOES NOT CHANGE.The angel offered explanation without explanation, response without nuance to fully pacify the faun. In this, as in much of the rest of the ritual, Bran was left to suss out the mystery of the experience on his own. The angel offered only one further clue:SUBMIT.The ball of soul-flame grew within the angel's hands. Enough of Bran had been consumed to stress the edges of her grasp. The angel's four hands spread apart, containing a ball of white, shining flame between them. Bran could clearly see where his body ended and the flame began, the outline of his body flickering and unraveling at the joining point between them. The faun teetered on the event horizon. In mere moments, he would lose the ability to resist, and be drawn into the fireball, perhaps forever. Each time that Bran had convinced himself to take that next step on the path Dyana had set him on, the following step seemed all the more difficult. It already seemed self-murder to give up his body to the new form, no matter how much he promised himself it was what he wanted. But what -was- this? Was she asking him for his identity as well?SUBMIT.It was what Dyana had taught him to do, was it not? He would have - and did - accept any request she made of him, no matter how ridiculous it had seemed, no matter how it exposed his vulnerability or weakness. But had she really wanted him to submit? It had always seemed to him that she had been building him up to stand truly on his own feet, to tear off the the winter clothes of his heritage and assumptions so he could stride free and naked and proudly as himself.Submit?Hadn't he done enough? It wasn't too late now - he could pull back now still - he was sure. Did the Perfect World have a single visit policy? Even if it didn't, would Dyana even let him remain with her. He didn't look back to check her expression - even if there was time, he knew what it would be. The look of disappointment she would have for him if he pulled away... he wouldn't be able to bear it.No, this -was- what he wanted, and not just because the alternative was unthinkable. Of course he must submit. How could the imperfect rule over the perfect?He bowed his head until his antlers nearly brushed the barrier between worlds, and in a gesture of both submission and trust he offered his arms to her. Tendrils of the white plasma lapped at Bran's arms. They curled around the sinews of his toned muscles, dancing like flame but pulling like an octopus's tentacle. The faun teetered at the edge of the slope, and finally fell into it. His elbows crossed into the flame, and with that there could be no return.The angel smiled, and for the first time it was a genuine one. But better it was not so! Many things can be perfected, and as the divine lips pulled back, they exposed beautiful, dreadful Teeth, sublimely set, straight, unblemished, and radiating the powers of Cutting and Tearing, the dreadful, feral necessities of a grim and hateful life honed to their most horrifying incarnation! Bran was spared the sight of them and the awful fate they portended only by the completion of that very same act.Having swollen on the faun's upper arms, the fireball's pull was irresistible. Its energies tore through him, burrowing through his every marrow and fiber. The strange pleasure, carrying with it the erotic sensation that had begun at his fingertips. For all that the angel was terrifying, her flame was enticing. It forced itself upon Bran like an overeager lover, invaded him with pleasure alien in its intensity. It burned away all that he was. And the more fuel it claimed, the hotter it burned. It had all started so slowly that it was astonishing how quickly it ended. The flames gained Bran's shoulders and head, and then, in a single quick pull, all the rest of him, yanking him from his hooves. The white fire bulged obscenely within the angel's hands, though she held it as if it were weightless, cradling it in all four hands.Just as Bran had not lost his fingers as the flame was kindled, so he had not truly lost himself to the flames. He was no longer a faun, but at least he still was. He was Bran, a confused consciousness swirling in a ball, trying to make sense of itself. The absence of the context of Dreadful Teeth cast Bran's experience in an entirely acceptable light. 'Exciting' - even 'exhilarating' - might have been appropriate descriptors. Once he made the decision to submit, to accept that he couldn't be the faun he'd grown up as if he wanted into the Perfect World, the trepidation that had been building to panic receded. It was like the transition between the moment before the leap off the cliff and the moment spent plunging down toward the chilled pool at the base of the springtime waterfall.'Elation' might have worked, too, especially during that rapid transubstantiation, or apotheosis, perhaps. It was like he'd always hoped but never known, almost an extended ejaculation of his self out of his fleshly body. How much better that than to have his fleshly body decay or be torn from the true self inside? How fortunate he was! How much he owed to Dyana for this moment! Was there the concept of debt in the Perfect World?With perfected trust and utter faith forming a core of certainty, Bran waited for the potter's many hands to reshape him. He was now unshaken by the fickle vicissitudes of his bodily emotions (or so he reminded himself, when anxiety and fear and a sense of isolation swirled around him, eddying his self-assigned placidity). He may no longer be able to see the physical world, to feel it or hear, but he had a pervading sense of the angel's presence - she was, for the moment, his definition, the only active reminder aside from his memories preventing a lapse into solipsistic nihilism. How eagerly he wanted to be like her - or not her, but her counterpart, in truth. He ached for the moment of his rebirth. How delicious that the faun should ache for what his own mind termed a rebirth, for that was, by all indications, what the angel deigned to offer him. The four smooth hands hefted the ball of light into which Bran had been transformed lower, guiding it gently toward the floor, or so it seemed. As it turned out, the angel had no intention of releasing Bran from her grip. Bran arced, carried away from her body for a moment before returning to her at a lower position. And as he went, the angel shifted her stance. Her feet parted, her legs opened. Carefully, she pressed the fireball to the cleft between her legs.Bran was spared any disappointment he might have felt at being unable to touch this part of the angel's body with his old one by the way his new one experienced it. He was fluid and energy both. The faun could feel the contours of her mons and vulva in more intricate detail than his mortal senses could possibly describe. He flowed over each curve and ripple of her interior folds as the pressure of her grip drove him deeper inside. The process was agonizingly slow; Bran was nearly three feet across, and if the angel were to press him against herself with too much force, he would, if not splatter, at least crumple for want of direction.Thankfully, there was one factor that worked in the angel's favor in this regard. Her inner muscles worked gently, contracting and rippling like the muscles of a throat. Bran's essence fed slowly into her passage, being drawn into her like water from a glass. Bran flowed up and into her steadily, trickling toward her womb. As pieces of Bran arrived, an unsettling darkness came over them. That is to say, that of Bran which entered the angel's womb was lost to him. First to go was the thing most easily forgotten by the soul: the memory of his mortal shape, the knowledge of what it felt to be within Bran's body. He still knew of antlers, and of fur, and of hooves, and that fauns had such things on their bodies, and that he had been a faun. But if he thought of his antlers, he could not remember what it had been like to have them, and likewise with his fur and his hooves and all the rest of him. And more of him was following after that. Never had the term 'intimate knowledge' seemed more accurate. The two words echoed through his thoughts as he was otherwise overwhelmed by the sensations pouring into him. He would have that that disembodiment would have left him isolated, cut off from the world, but he -was- in the Perfect World now, wasn't he? Of course his very essence would be in communion with the essence of the world around him, and the angle who held him was the fulcrum of the very concept of essence. Merely her hands shaping him was erotic in a way that he could not have conveyed to his mundane self. Those hands, by touching him, -knew- him; they simultaneously exposed his vulnerability and understood him. He could not have been any more naked, and - even in spite of the sneer her tone had connoted - accepted. Perhaps even desired.He couldn't get a read on her. As naked and formless as he was, her naked form seemed a wall, and her brilliance a mask. He couldn't actually understand what she was feeling, and that seemed wrong. Shouldn't a perfect world imply communion? Perhaps he didn't understand. Perhaps he had to wait until he was reformed. -Reborn-, he reminded himself as he oozed inside of her. Intimate knowledge. There were times when he was in someone like Dyana - either tongue or phallus, that he had felt unified to them - so close that their selves overlapped - but he understood now that he had only made glancing contact. This... he complemented her exactly. He had become a map of her, and not just some small metaphor for him. Each bit of him was an entirety, an element in a pattern that--Something slipped, and the thought was gone. It wasn't a discrete thing, here a moment and gone the next - it had gone like the light fading from the sky - but it was completely gone now. He felt confused, but he didn't know why. He felt strangely incomplete, and that feeling was looming over him like a shadow. So much of his attention, his sensation, was focused on the engrossing experience of traveling into her channel, and while he continued to do so, on the other side was nothing. What went in ceased to be.... ceased to be -him-.The terror was as refined as the erotic bliss, when it came. -He- was imperfect, the very essence of him, and to be remade, it would have to first be unmade. Some new perfect creature may be reborn, but it wouldn't be -him-. This was his death! And how could a ball of essence struggle? And there lay the rub: Bran had long since lost all ability to resist the angel in any meaningful way. He could produce an infinitesimal change to his outer "skin", and in his dawning fear, was already doing so. But in war, one first takes away the enemy's weapon, and then his ability to flee. Bran's true body was gone, annihilated down to the memory of it. He was only a diminishing wisp, a small ball of thoughts and feelings becoming smaller by the moment.Unbeknownst to Bran, even in his final moments he brought pleasure to a woman. The angel arched her back and squeezed the dimming fireball to her womanhood like a lover's head whose tongue of flame writhed inside her vagina. Her hips worked ponderous circles in the air around him; her internal muscles clenched and pulled at him, devouring the faun's essence with increasing greed. The glowing ball at the angel's waist became smaller and smaller, until the heels of her palms pressed against her skin.Thoughts and emotions tore out of Bran one by one. He forgot death, stranding him in a situation he could not comprehend. The strange mix of fear and eroticism swirled in Bran's core without context to ground it. The angel continued to drink him, and the notion of identity was unmade. There was no other and there was no self. Something was, or some things were, but they lacked names. Fear, lust, and disappearing. An ending? A dreadful clarity stole over him as the last was stripped away... There was a moment, when Bran still had the faculties to comprehend that his faculties were disappearing, when he realized he was getting younger. It was like that epiphany he'd had years earlier when he realized how much he actually didn't know - how much he never would know - and how much the grand proclamations of his youth were based in near-sighted ignorance. In this counter-epiphany it occurred to him that he was returning to a state of mental youth, of naivete and the lack of concern that simplicity offered. The terror still chilled him, of course, pervading every other thought, but how different was that from the uncertainty of his youth, of the constant danger of forest predators? But that thought disappeared, too, leaving behind a gulf than closed as if it had never existed.Bran may not have been able to see the angel, nor hear her really, but he could feel - in exquisite, agonizing clear detail - how she clenched and shivered around him, how she -used- him. His faunish empathy was so central to his identity that it held out to the end, not tempering the fear but multiplying it, causing them to eddy and swirl into waves and vortexes that battered him rather than blending, sending him to a fever of emotion that lasted until he was nothing more than an experience receiving mote, and that, too, seemed at the cusp of obliteration. Four layers of hands enfolded the angel's slit. Her hips contracted inward, squeezing the last tiny droplets of the former faun's essence within her into her annihilating womb. There was nothing left of Bran... at least by way of technicality.Something of the faun still remained, a glistening sheen smeared across the angel's hands which she had not allowed to pass into her, a feeble fluid ash of the previous flame. Moving slowly, the angel brought her hands in front of herself, evidently lost in thought. For the first time, she cast her gaze to the remaining figure in the room, the elfin matron who had brought the sacrifice. All the sneering contempt she had turned upon Bran now fell upon Dyana, the beloved and hated one. Twin attitudes warred within the angel, invisible to the eye but all too obvious to the cunning of a discerning mind. Dyana saw the creature contemplating rebellion.The elf folded her arms across her chest and strode across the chamber, staying at a safe range of several yards from the chamber's runic circle. All that the angel gave her in quiet indignity she matched with equally silent threat. Spiteful conversation flew between them without a single word spoken. Without appearing to relent, the angel cupped her four hands. The oil in her hands slowly beaded, congealing in a perverse inversion of gravity. The beads rolled to the crack between her hands and piled like sparkling eggs from a crystalline fish. The angel stepped out from the arch without a single pretense of being trapped behind it. She opened her hands and let the beads fall into Bran's evacuated robe. When they had settled, she waited for as long as Dyana's withering glare would permit and slid the robe out of the circle with her toes. As awkward as the motion was, she found it preferable to stooping before a mortal. With her business completed, the angel turned and went back to the arch. The vision of Eden evaporated as soon as the arch had accepted her. In the chamber, all was stone and coldness once more.Dyana waited for a full minute before approaching the circle. The robe was still mostly inside the circle, and though she had many defenses arrayed against the outsider, she had no will to test them, nor, just like the angel, did she wish to be seen stooping by the other. Taking the robe by the end of its sleeve, she pulled it from the warding circle and rifled through the folds in the cloth to extract her prize. The angel had taken the meat and the bones and the fat, but even the drippings of a soul could move mountains when properly applied. Per their agreement, the angel had taken everything except the grease of imagination at the boundary of the faun's spirit, the membrane that permits change-- in itself and the world around. That was Dyana's price. She dropped the beads into a small pouch and stuffed it into a pocket within her robes. With that, she had no further business in the chamber. She turned and left.Dyana's eyes flitted to and fro in an uncharacteristic display of interest as she mad her way up the tunnel. It was not long before she spotted what she was looking for; the most recent additions were always at the bottom. Amid the pile of naked, copulating bodies, a faun lay on his back. The angel was conjoined to him at the hips, her wings spread wide and her hands, all four of them, groping the breasts of a faun-doe whose legs framed the faun's mouth. Dyana raised her eyebrows, but she showed so further emotion and walked on.She had a flock to tend. |
Mount Koto-o-noke, they call it. A towering volcano, the tallest of any on the ring of islands. The time of its last proper eruption is mythological, but the magma still flows beneath it, heating the water beneath the earth and turning the various depressions that sink low enough to reach the water table into natural spa baths. One would think that there would be tourists-- at least, more of them. But the mountain is mostly untouched by human habitation. Outside of the chirping of birds and the occasional rustle of a few larger animals taking their own kind of flight in the bushes, there's very little sign of life. And near the pools you can find the strangest kind of stones, practically man-sized, rounded to a perfect ellipse, nestled among the crevices. Some kind of religious artifact, maybe? Sometimes, Yvona reflected, she had the godsdamnedest ideas of a vacation. Finish clearing out most of a nest of slavers? Get the traditional sack of gold and thanks from a Grateful Town? Sure, and then you got on a carriage, ate some stale bread and drank some sour ale, and tried not to taste the dust too much while you headed for the next town. Sometimes a woman needed to get off on her own, go somewhere new, play tourist, relax without having to size up every single corner and every passerby for its Tactical Possibilities, or in darker moments their Internal Possibilities. Most of the usual places were out, too much in the way of company or not enough in the way of fun. Some barely used hot springs? Well, she'd been in and out of "hot springs" enough in her career that a few that were guaranteed non-acidic sounded downright restful, and that most people avoided it... well, what was the worst that was going to happen? And so, the veteran mercenary made the climb up a mountain after a short sea voyage, not even winding herself with the effort despite increasingly warm and thin air. The stones? She barely paid attention to them. Either they were carved or they were just one of those weird Things you got around volcanoes, and either way it wasn't for her to worry about how they were made or what they Meant in the grand scheme of things. Made a decent bench when she wanted to rest her feet, though. She kept an eye out for a likely looking pool in which to start the serious business of solitary rest and relaxation, fully intending to spend a few days, maybe a week up here with carefully packed food- decent food- and some books and not stabbing anything to death. Perhaps the reason why the pools were so minimally employed by the surrounding human populations was the sheer difficulty of actually reaching one. The walk itself was easy enough, but the pools tended to sit at the bottom of some serious craters whose steep edges were only minimally interrupted by rings of land flat enough to stand on. Getting in was easy enough, so long as you didn't mind arriving with several broken bones and internal bleeding. Getting out might require some climbing gear and patience. Yvona passes by several of these thoroughly unsuitable pools-- which is not to say they're unmanageable so much as not necessarily promising of the desired degree of relaxation. But, after a few miles' hike, the elf comes across a pit that's got a nice, easy slope on one end, perfect for entry and exit both, plus a fairly deep pool of gently steaming water. It's the ideal spot. Most of Yvona's climbing was with handholds in a material softer than rock. The craters don't fill her with much in the way of excitement, even if some of the pools at the bottom of them look downright inviting. Passing on with the easy, rolling gait that ate miles like crackers without nearly as much exertion as it felt like should be taken up, Yvona kept on going. She'd mentally flagged each of the "easiest So Far" pools as she passed, just in case she had to double back, but such an expedient wasn't needed. Whistling a bawdy tune, she makes her way to the water's edge, and with great and solemn ceremony sticks her pinky finger in. So- warmer than most bodies, but not so warm that it burned, and no poisons in it that made her finger shrivel and fall off. And, of course, no acid. That was fine by her. Without a word, the elf strips down bare, laying out her leather and cotton traveling clothes a few feet from the edge of the pool alongside her pack, and then eases herself into the piping hot water. She'd always been too active to have much of a curvy figure, tending more towards the tomboyish end of the spectrum, but it was enough to have Won Friends and Influenced People before. Here, she just didn't want to get her clothes wet. After a minute or so steady decent, she lays on the hard rock inside 'her' pool with only her face showing in the suddenly much cooler-feeling air. Yvona has the bath to herself for quite a while. With so little life in general, and no human life specifically to speak of, it would have been cruel for the place's defenders to show up the instant that Yvona had let the tension out. However, it does turn out that there was someone else on the mountain. Moving with a well-adapted silence, especially compared to its size, a train of scales proceeds along the rocky floor, surfing the bedrock in a muscular dance. Those scales are a burnished grey, fit to conceal itself along the rocks, though with a reddish tint that hints at the fiery element required to withstand the heat. Though what rides atop the snake's body is much less well-camouflaged; the body of a human woman from the waist up rides the snake's tail with a seductive swagger. Unlike Yvona, she is nude essentially by nature, and though she is carrying much more weight than usual at the moment, the fact remains that her curves dwarf the elf's. Seeing Yvonna's head sticking out from the water, she begins to slither her way down toward the bather, passing into the water where Yvona could see her completely without fear. She turns around and gives the elf something between a glare and a grin from underneath her draping blonde hair. "Good afternoon," she says. Those long, pointy ears aren't just for show. Even the slightest whisper of scales on rock are loud as shouts to an elf who'd had time to adjust her baseline to the soft sounds of the occasional breeze through the mountains and dying reverberations of the ripples her own entry into the pool. Still, it was rude (and poor planning) to flaunt that sort of thing, so Yvona waits for the naga to introduce herself before she lifts a lazy, flushed arm out of the water and waves. "Yep. Come on in, the water's fine," she drawled. "Just barely cool enough for me to stand, but figure a reptile'd find it downright relaxing." She'd dealt with (and more than once, Dealt With) a number of nagas in her time, both in a hostile and not-so-hostile sense. She sizes up the naga once as a threat- considerable, but not beyond her- and once as something more fun than a threat, eyes roaming the local's figure with not-quite-wary approval. "Come here often?" The elf asks, her ears twitching to their own private thoughts. Her eyes trace the various curves of the naga, figuring out what they were likely to be... not in the right place for a fresh meal, which was just too bad. There is a detectable rise in the naga's eyebrows at certain points in Yvona's introduction, certain facts let slip that intrigue her. The water was hot enough and had enough dilute minerals to make it cloudy enough to conceal Yvona's body; so far as the naga was concerned, all she was was a head with some pointed ears. At the elf's invitation, the naga nods her acceptance and starts to slither her way along the shallows, though she takes a somewhat bizarre turn. Of all the places that the naga could choose to go, she chose the opposite side of Yvona from the one she'd entered the pool on, crossing over the elf at her shins. She is courteous enough not to let its full weight ever rest on Yvona's legs, but still, it was several hundred pounds of snake weight being dragged across her extremities. After finally reaching a decent relaxation point (and leaving a fair swath of her snake half lying on top of Yvona's legs), the naga lays back, breasts just at the water's edge, and replies, "Yes and no. Not here specifically. But this is where I am most of the time." The naga gestures out above the lip of the pit, seeming to indicate either the mountain itself or at least the land around them. It was difficult to tell with her stilted and basic use of the common tongue. After that, she says, "You are definitely not from here," in a tone somewhere between an accusation and a jibe. “That's fair." Yvona allows. "Don't get many visitors, do you? ...kinda talk funny, is all. Villagers where I made landfall had a different accent." She acknowledges the question in that way. Her ears ripple as she points at them. "If I can't pick up changes like that from one voice to the next, I'd better cut these short and pretend to be human, yeah?" Letting the coils rest on her legs, she shifts position to put them side by side instead of resting one atop the other, to give a little relief from the weight; and then, after that, pulls them free and replaces them atop the scaly tail as a footrest. That felt better, and the weight of her feet on top would be less uncomfortable than the tail's weight atop hers. Taking a deep breath, she submerges her face in the hot water for a few seconds before surfacing, just to get every inch of her at least wetted down. "I've got some soap in my pack if you want to get clean," Yvona offers with a lazy grin. "Always better to have someone to get at those areas on your back where it's hard to reach- I'm figuring you couldn't keep hold of anything all that slippery in this tail. Most nagas can't." She speaks with the assurance of someone who'd spent time being slippery inside a serpent's coils. "Comfy pools, though most of them are pretty hard to get to," she notes as well. "Probably present their own problems for you." As Yvona rearranges herself with respect to the naga, the naga rearranges herself back-- Yvona was still permitted to use the naga's tail as a footrest, but the naga rolls her tail such that her tractive underbelly was pointed up. Otherwise, the naga follows along as Yvona chattered, nodding occasionally despite the occasional furrow in her brow that betrays her difficulty keeping up. "Yes, I do not talk to village people much. Not necessary," she remarked. As to the elf's offer of help with the bathing, the naga shook her head and said, "Water is good enough for cleaning. 'Soap' is not something I need." The scare quotes were audible. But it's when Yvona mentions the grip that the naga has the strongest reaction; she puffs out her chest (beyond its already-formidable dimensions) and says, "Gripping is not a problem. Holding things is easy. That's how we get into the pools." She was rather long for a naga; with enough balance, the snake half could serve as its own climbing rope. However, there was something that demanded more attention than her solution to the issue of getting into the deepest pools-- while she talked about keeping a grip on something, the naga rolled her tail back around around Yvona's legs, surrounding them in a modest coil. And after a quick cinch, it seemed as though they were likely to stay that way, at least until the naga decided otherwise. Yvona just raises one eyebrow at the declaration that it wasn't necessary. Well, hells, it wasn't often that dealing with other people was quote-unquote 'necessary', you did it because life got boring otherwise. "Suit yourself, but soap gets the grime out a lot easier than scrubbing with plain water does- even hot," Yvona said with an easy grin. So, not much for that particular 'modern' convenience. The image of a reclusive tribal... couldn't quite place warrior or shaman yet... formed easily and Yvona saw nothing to dissuade her. As the elf's gaze involuntarily diverts to the swelled out chest, she doesn't put up a fight as she feels the end of the tail wrap around her ankles. "Well, sure, I haven't soaped up yet- or gotten myself slippery in any other way. Still, there's ways around that." Yvona mused. Down under the surface of the water, her lower legs flexed strangely, almost seeming to pass one through another as they slide around the inside of the should-be-tight single coil around them. And then almost like magic, one leg is free of the coil without the naga relaxing at all. She grinned impishly. "Always lots of ways out of a tight spot, if you've been wriggling out of tight spots as long as I have. Sorry to be impolite about it," she tossed off. After all, she hadn't yanked her other leg free in the fraction of a second between getting one out and the coil retightening around the other- instead, she meekly offers the second leg back up to the coil, prodding its inside with her bare toe. As Yvona pulls her escaping trick on the coil, the naga's eyes narrow to a frustrated squint. She felt the shape change under her coils, felt the leg disappear into the other one before suddenly being outside of her coil. Legs, despite her relative lack of direct experience with having them, are not supposed to do that, even if you are an elf. Though the naga said nothing, it was clear that the cogs in her head were turning, grinding themselves red-hot at not being able to find a way to "win". Magic was apparently outside of her purview. "Hmph," she pronounced, after far too long. "You are from far away?" the naga said. She did not make any move to accept the proffered second leg again. Yvona rests her leg back atop the top of the coil after it doesn't retake her proffered foot, letting half of the tail lie between her ankles. "Far away, yes. Well over the sea. I'm a mercenary," she explains. "Soldier of fortune, sword for hire, so on. Mostly I just do it for fun, though, I've been doing it for so long I've got more gold stashed away in various hidey-holes than I could spend if I lived another century." She yawns, her body acclimating to the heat of the pool as her free foot traced inscrutable patterns on the grey scales underneath it. "Sometimes, there are people who need to die, or some other people who need to be protected from other people who think those people need to die. It's a career," Yvona shrugs. "Sometimes it gets too much, so I find some out-of-the-way place like this and just relax for a week or so before heading back into it." Flexing her lower body, she pulls herself closer towards the middle of the pool with her legs using the naga's tail as leverage, floating nearer the naga. Her hands start exploring the tail, running fingers along the scales and seams of scales, testing thickness, looking at patterns... "Not a tribe I've run across before," she notes absently. As Yvona describes herself, the naga seems to get more and more nervous. Not quite to the point of agitation, but as Yvona's fingers traced the naga's scales, she felt them flicking and bunching. The part about "killing people who thought others needed to die" especially gets a reaction, leaving the naga tensed up until Yvona got to the bit about the vacation time. Pouncing on that concept, she says with obviously feigned disinterest, "So you are only here because you are relaxing? Nothing else?" Her ears fluttered briefly at that- well, Yvona'd intimidated more than a few folk in her time. Raising her hands out of the water, she replies, "Not on the clock and I don't even have any weapons on me." Of course, there were a few good knives in her pack, because you Never Knew, but it was strictly true that at right that second she had no arms but her own two arms. Not that that wasn't often enough, but probably a big naga wouldn't think to worry about those. "I try not to get into fights when I'm not getting paid for the privilege." Letting her arms sink back underwater, she continues poking at, feeling, and- was that actually an attempt at a tickle...? toying with the scales on the coil around her ankle. "And besides that, I rarely attack someone before I get attacked. Point of pride. Someone takes their best shot at you and they still end up losing- or tryin' unsuccessfully to give me hips," she grins, "Well, that's even more of a victory than a fair fight, isn't it? So don't worry, you're safe enough right now," the mercenary concludes with a grin and her ears held rigidly out, eyes glittering blue. The naga squints back at Yvona, apparently not completely convinced... but convinced enough not to, say, turn tail and flee, or try to take the elf by surprise. At this point it was abundantly clear that taking Yvona by surprise was entirely out of the question. "Fine," says the naga. "I believe you." The words were hardly a magician's incantation, but nevertheless the same rule held true: by saying it, it became true. The naga rolls back against the rim of the pool with a splash and her shoulders sink into a slump, though it was more defeat than proper relaxation. "You have been honest, so I will be honest. When you said you are a killer of killers, I thought you were with the villages. We take from them from time to time for our needs, and sometimes they send people with weapons to kill us. I thought you were one of them. Maybe you are, and you are lying about being on your own. But I see that if you wanted to kill me, you could." The naga shrugs. "If I die, I die." Seeing the naga relax, Yvona's hand shifts to a more soothing stroking motion down her tail. "Good, because I never got the hang of lying." She smiles, a grin which holds on as the naga continues to talk. "You... take them for your needs, eh?" Her ears go fully still, though nothing else on her face changes. "They wouldn't even talk to me about whether or not anyone was up here, warn me away, try to sell me anything. Soon as I landed and people heard where I was going, they just wanted nothing at all to do with me. Strange reaction," Yvona muses. "But not one I've never seen before. But yeah, if I wanted to, I reckon I likely could." She snorts. "Of course, dying is one of those things I recommend everyone get out of the way once, if just to practice. Definitely changes your perspective when you've gone up and over the other side. What's your name? Yvona'll do for me." "I am called Therisse," says the naga. "You are 'Yvona'. And I am not surprised that they did not want to have dealings with you if you intended to come to our home. I think they thought you would be dead soon. Though I don't know much of their buying and selling." Therisse's head bobbles back and forth for a moment as she thinks. "If you had things from them, it would look like they sent you. One of us might have tried to take revenge if anyone was hurt. But if you had only your own things, you would just be a fool on their own." The naga shakes her head. "But obviously you are not a fool, either. You are... Yvona." There is a pause for a moment as the naga gathers her thoughts-- that Yvona's ears had stopped twitching wasn't lost on her, and in any event she is smart enough to know what what she said looked like. "As I said, we take from them for our needs. But only for our needs. It is how we make more nagas. If we did not, we would all disappear." Chancing a grin, Therisse says, "I would like there to be many like me on the other side when I get there. As late as possible, if you will excuse me." The elf doesn't stop her slow massage of the naga's tail as she half-floats in the middle of the pool, seemingly intent on the job as she listens. "Huh. Makes sense, I suppose. Still, they could have warned me. Rather rude." Yvona notes with more pique than fear. "So... that's how you make more nagas?" She gave the naga's curves- at least, as much as could be seen- another look. "Most nagas don't need anyone but another, male, naga. Kind of clunky to rely on another species to reproduce." There isn't a lot of judgment in her voice, though. "I'm imagining you mean you need other people as more than- how do I put this? Raw material?" She asks, and then nods. "And yeah, I suppose most people would feel that way. Me," She shrugs. "Whether or not the other side, when I finally stick there, has more elves, or more nagas, or more gnolls, or anything else is a bit below my threshold of caring. Hells, we'll all be spirits or ghosts, what would the shape of the flesh matter?" Patting the tail, she adds, "And I was like that too once upon a time. Wanting to delay it as much as possible, I mean. As one ages, one gets a more tolerant approach to things." Therisse listens to Yvona with some interest, the tension under her scales becoming harder to detect by the elf's touch. The comments on the afterlife go ignored; she was a little too earthly to get into any serious discussion of the afterlife, its nature, and its ramifications for people's behavior in the mortal world. That, and Yvona's just dropped a positively mind-blowing revelation on her that demands correction. "Nagas do not have males," she says simply. Not as far as she's concerned, at least. Never seen one on her island, the only island in the world, the island that was the whole world. "We put them inside of us and they become an egg. The egg hatches and there is a naga." She seems proud of the process's simplicity, though she is leaving out rather a large number of steps. "I think that's why they didn't tell you anything. You would be a naga instead of one of them." Yvona actually laughed at that. "If there are no such thing as naga males, I had sex with a really, really good actor a few months ago." Sobering up, she added, "A lot of tribes do have male and female nagas, though. Or lamias, though the definition is... a bit up in the air, there. Mostly seems to depend how far up the scales go." She stops that digression with a friendly pat to the tail, swimming a little closer. "Transformation, eh? Does the mind retain memories, or do those get blanked out? Wondering if it uses the soul or just the energy," she mused. "But I am pretty confident it wouldn't work on me." Yvona flashed a big, toothy grin. "I've had people try similar things on me, so if it were that easy, by now I'd have been a..." she trails off, getting a faraway look. "...slime... probably a dragon of some sort... a demoness... I think once a harpy tried..." she shrugged. "More when I was younger and inspired maternal feelings in people. Doesn't happen so often anymore." The naga immediately shakes her head. "The first thing I remember is being curled up in my egg. I smashed my way out and here I am. I do not remember not being a naga. Though I was, at some point." Therisse's gaze goes a bit goggle-eyed. Despite it being obvious, transparently a fact that she'd been living with her entire life, it only just now occurred to her that her body (barring loss to entropy and replacement by nutrients from food) had actually been one of those villagers. It's incredible what can lie just beneath one's notice when it isn't actually relevant. And irrelevant it became again, as Yvona boasts herself immune to it. Therisse replies, with some legitimate curiosity, "Do you mean that you wouldn't turn into an egg if I took you inside? Or you would still be... 'Yvona'?" The 'soul' was another concept that the naga was still on unfamiliar territory with, so the enunciated form of Yvona's name had to suffice. "Open question," Yvona says after a bit of thought. "When a slime tried to make me a slime, I just... well, it didn't take. So she tried to eat me. That didn't work either," the elf shows her teeth at that. "I don't know if I'd turn into an egg or not. Might be I did, and just good old me hatched." She scratches her head. It wasn't quite 'destruction' of her body, so she probably wouldn't reform elsewhere. "That's actually a very good question," she said slowly, before shaking it off. "Anyway, yeah, from what you're saying you had to have been someone else even though you don't remember it. And all the other nagas in your tribe, same thing. So you'd really be flat out destroyed if the villagers just..." Yvona pauses. "...moved somewhere else, wouldn't you? Poor things. I think the tribes that have naga men get the better end of the deal, and not just because they're sexy as anything." Despite the likely inapplicability, she gives Therisse a wink. Therisse shrugs. With the same blase resignation that she had used when pondering the idea of Yvona killer her, the naga says, "If they left, we would disappear. But they don't leave." Then, indeed, Yvona's wink plinks off of Therisse's shell of provinciality. "I don't know," she says, not in the coquettish sort of way that would imply that she did know, but just exactly that: she didn't know. "But I do know this: it feels very good to take in someone to put them in an egg. We will not lose a contest of pleasure easily," she says, once again puffing out her chest. Her really rather voluptuous chest. Then, after a brief moment, the same blown-mind expression washes over her face. "I don't know how it feels for the human, though." At that, Yvona laughs. "No. I wouldn't suppose it would be particularly easy to ask them afterwards. Or, for that matter, during." She continues to muse, her hand's massage trailing further up the naga's tail, "Of course, given what you've described, it could just as easily be something like sacrificing who you take into your body, and some god grants you a newborn naga in an egg in return. It works out about the same, without the mind persisting." The elf's ears flick. "But speaking from experience, it's fairly pleasant to be inside someone, too, even if most people are too scared to realize it. I'd offer to show you, but I'd have trouble fitting you inside me," the much smaller elf says without laughing- she could do it, but she'd be comically bloated- and *she* certainly wouldn't be bringing anyone back from that trip. "I mean, I suppose- if you didn't have someone who could survive the process with their mind intact- you'd have to capture someone with a very persistent mind, ability to not be distracted, and some kind of- I don't know- slate and a grease pencil to record their observations on before they lost the ability to do so." Therisse laughs in Yvona's stead. The elf certainly couldn't swallow her... right? ... there was the thing with the legs. The naga blanches for as long as it takes her to remember that Yvona wasn't planning to do anything to her without her consent. Nor, for that matter, was Therisse planning anything similar for Yvona, even if she could. But listening to Yvona's open theorizing, a question occurs to her. "Have you got a 'slate and a grease pencil'?" She didn't know what they were, but they were also the only things that Yvona hadn't already claimed to have... Yvona opens her mouth to reply, before the tips of her ears droop a little and she gives Therisse a sidelong look. "No, as a matter of fact I don't, but-" she sighs. Okay, this one didn't have a lot of lateral thinking ability. "I've died and come back from it dozens of times, so I am fairly confident that I fall in the category of 'someone who could survive the process with their mind intact', and me referring to the slate and grease pencil was an absurd little joke meant to highlight that I was in the first category and so theoretically wouldn't need either of those things." She sighs, and give Therisse's tail a little pat. "I'll try to not be quite so elliptical about my jokes." Shifting position, she folds her legs around the paired coils- one inside, one below- so that the elf straddles them. "Haven't seen much wildlife up here. What do you eat?" she asks- a seeming, but not an actual, change of subject. Therisse claps her hands together gleefully. "Instead you would be elliptical like an egg!" Score one for the savages. However, the naga is successfully deflected from that train of thought by Yvona's next question, one that doesn't require much thought and also apparently doesn't hold much interest. "That depends how far down the mountain you are. There are goats up here, and boars where the mountain gets greener. The humans keep sheep and cows, but most of us leave those alone. They get mad if you take the sheep and if you tried to eat a cow they would catch you and kill you for sure." The actual joke drops Yvona's jaw, and she just gapes at Therisse for a few seconds before managing to laugh. "I... yes, I suppose I would be at that." Blinking that particular shock to her mental system away, she listens to the diet. "Ah. Of course, if you need humans to make more nagas, you wouldn't eat humans for food. That'd be like eating your own children." She scratches her neck and maintains her precarious, water-assisted balance atop the coils. "That's another bit of difference between you and other tribes of nagas I've come across. Human and elf is considered by some to be a delicacy. All the better for me to be able to relax here." She cups her hand, takes up some of the warm water, and pours it onto her head to keep warm- after so much time in the water, the air was again bitingly cold though it'd felt comfortable earlier. "So, given that this is your territory, do you have any *objection* to me relaxing in the pools and near them for a week?" she asks, pointedly. Therisse shakes her head, but it was more of an acquiescent shaking of a head than a grim one. "We live on it, but the mountain isn't ours. Not like your body is yours and my body is mine. It just... is. You can stay here as long as you want... but if you meet any more nagas, they'll probably try to turn you into an egg, too. And you'll have to tell them about everything you just told me." The naga momentarily envisions meeting a dozen more of Yvona, and ignoring for the moment the fact that Yvona is a highly atypical elf capable of weird shapeshifting and stopping herself from being turned into an egg, the thought was agonizing. The same exact conversation? All the same things said by both people ten, even twenty times?! Unbearable! But if Yvona is going to be here for a while longer, and the other nagas would have to have things explained to them, then... "Do you mind if I stay with you while you are here? You are an interesting person, Yvona." The sides of Yvona's mouth quirk up a little. "Well, there are places where land like this can be owned, and there's places where it can't. You never know which one you'll end up in until you ask. And if anyone were to try to turn me into an egg without asking politely first, I imagine I could take care of myself- even naked." She doesn't stop smiling as she says that, and there's more than a little cockiness to her grin. "I never mind talking, so if others want to hear what I have to say-" She shrugs theatrically. "I can talk all day without getting tired. But if you want me to stay here a while," she adds, "You should either get more of me in your coils and get closer, or let my other foot go so I can move around. Right now I'm kind of in an awkward position, so pick one or ther other," the nude elf says. "As for interesting, well, that's a thing I hear a lot too." *** Therisse hangs around with Yvona for the next several days, acting as an unofficial tour guide to the elf. Unfortunately, Mount Koto-o-noke isn't exactly the most happening tourist scene, being sparsely-populated by most any form of life and its sole major attraction being the hot springs. A few of the fissures feature fumeroles, which could stave off boredom for a few minutes. In the span of those several days, the pair runs across just one other naga from among the natives, who was almost unsettlingly similar to Therisse in terms of body and personality, and quickly lost interest in Yvona after Therisse introduced her as "the person she's going to turn into an egg when she wants to be". Therisse takes an interest in Yvona's effects, particularly the books she brought along with her, but mostly as a concept that she can't quite stretch her brain's jaws around. There are words, like the things that you make with your mouth, inside the pages. And they can come out when you look at them! But she can't seem to make it happen no matter how hard she squints. Still, that didn't stop her from trying, at least as long as Yvona would let her hold the books. But, mostly, she just tries not to be too annoying. Yvona is too interesting a meal to let get away. She'd given up on the whole 'clothes' thing pretty early on. Why bother, when the nagas weren't? Besides, it was warm enough except at night to go around with everything hanging out, and it also helped it feel more like a vacation even if there wasn't a lot of drinking going on. She'd already decided that the wine in her pack was going to get left behind for the naga- and of course not warning her, because that would be a funny thing. Probably nagas up here didn't get much alcohol. Of course, with their body weight, it wasn't like they'd be in any real danger. Still, the mountain didn't have much of interest except for the springs and the nagas, and you could only soak in a hot pool of liquid *outside* someone else's body so many times in a few days before you got bored. Her attempts to teach reading to Therisse founder, but- well, the books could stay, not like they were that expensive. There's a few other things and toys in the pack she doesn't explain, opting to let the naga figure it out for itself. By night, she sleeps with the naga in the sense of using tail as a pillow. Neither of them, thankfully, snore. But by the fourth day or so, in the morning and contemplating a day more of the walking around aimless pastime, Yvona yawns widely. "Think it's about time for us to see whether or not you can keep me as an egg," the elf drawls. "There any... I dunno, ritual to it?" Therisse's eyes twinkle as Yvona makes her suggestion. She'd been waiting on it like a dog with a biscuit on its nose more or less since they'd first met, so the moment Yvona so much as implies that she's ready to be consumed, the naga flops a coil around Yvona's waist before speaking the first word of her response. "There is no ritual," she says with fangly smile on her face. "At least, not ritual like the humans do sometimes. It's always the same in a lot of ways, but that is because there is only one way to turn someone into an egg." The naga gestures to her crotch, where her slit, more than three times as long as a human's proportionately, is already beginning to drool. "You go in here, and my muscles pull you in. Then you turn into an egg, and my muscles push the egg out." She seems pleased with the simplicity of the process. "I normally put the head in first, so they can't resist as much. But I could put your feet in first if you want!" She's not surprised by the quick coiling, though she does pop her arms out from the belt of scaly flesh. "Like the humans do... ohhh," she says. "Well, that makes things simpler." Reaching up, she strokes her fingers down the length of the proffered slit casually, keeping her eyes on the naga as she does. "Feet-first, I think," Yvona says dispassionately. "You won't be, uh, disappointed if this doesn't work, will you? If nobody comes out, or I come out just as me and not as a new naga, or something entirely different than normal happens? I'd hate to upset you like that. You've been a decent friend- or at least, start of a friend." She turns her head and looks behind her. "Still, don't be shy about going through my things. If somehow it does work and I slither out of an egg, then consider them a gift to you as thanks for freeing me from having legs- if it doesn't, they're an apology for me *not* becoming a naga." Therisse nods her head agreeably. "Well, I know that you are not normal, so I don't know what's going to happen. Maybe you will come out a naga, and maybe you will just be Yvona again. Whatever happens is okay. You are will not be my first egg," the naga says with a coquettish leer. "That's how I know how good it feels to do it. That's worth doing it on its own!" Yvona feels herself being lifted into the air by Therisse's coil, which shuffles a bit lower on her body and is replaced by a second one, keeping her steady. The naga's nether lips flex open, parting to either side by muscles of their own, well in advance of the elf's feet reaching them. There's a light squelch as Yvona's toes sink into the welcoming flesh, passing through a ring of soft flesh that grips onto her ankles as they pass by. There's another ring past that, and another, all slowly expanding and contracting in waves such that Yvona's body is gripped and pushed down with every ripple. "Oh! Thank you," Therisse says, as Yvona offers her effects. "I think I'll lay them with your egg. If you turn into a naga, maybe she'll like them and learn to go from place to place like you do..." Her first response is to wiggle her toes inside the warm folds. "Roomy," she notes. "Won't have to stretch too much on the way in, and less on the way out, I imagine. Makes it easier for you, I guess, more pleasure and less discomfort." She amiably strokes the naga's tail as her feet enter the warmth of Therisse's flower, letting the naga engulf her at her own pace. Already, she's feeling some moistness on her feet, and to help that along she starts moving her feet around inside the warm muscle. She's already enjoying herself, too, not that that would be obvious just yet-. She'd had plenty of time over the past few days to size up Therisse's tail and imagine what it'd be like to get inside it as she'd gotten inside other various and variegated orifices in her life. This time, there's a little thrill of uncertainty adding to the pleasure- she 'knew' she'd be fine, as she'd always come out of her other close encounters with hungers beyond count, but... Yvona couldn't really be sure every time, could she? What if she was about to become an amnesiac naga and not know any more about her particular gifts until some other predator had a very, very good day? It wasn't quite death, but it was similar enough in practice to give the elf a little thrill of danger. The only outward sign of that, thoguh, was that her ears are held upright and rigid without drooping at all. Her face keeps the same lazy smile on it. "Suit yourself- I mean, if it comes to that, I won't exactly know I gave them to you anyway." There are, to the count of the most observant, nine of the muscular rings inside of Therisse's tail. That's how many Yvona can feel as she descends to the bottom of her butt. After that, there is what will be to her a rather familiar structure: a tighter pucker, designed to open when it needs to and stay closed when it wants to. On the other side of this is a sac whose conditions are even hotter, slimier, and softer than those before; the elf can feel her toes sinking into a small pool of almost boilingly-hot gunk. On the subject of pleasure, Therisse says, "Mmmm... it does feel good. So good..." Her cheeks are bright red by now, and the clear fluid moistening Yvona's passage is starting to dribble down where Therisse's legs would be, were she not a naga. As for the articles from Yvona, "But you will see them. You will wonder what they are. Maybe you will be more curious than me. ... and if nothing else, I will remember which egg was yours." The naga undoes the coil around Yvona's waist as the elf's groin is devoured. Reaching up, Yvona gives the big naga's breasts an affectionate fondle as he knees slip into the hot passage. "Good. I'm enjoying it too, so far," she says conscientiously. After all, she'd agreed to tell Therisse how it felt for the people she was turning into new nagas, and why not start at the beginning? Soon, though, she's pulled out of reach of those, and one hand drifts between her legs to start 'massaging' herself while the other stays out. "Nine of those ring thingies. Feel 'em up and down my body. Think that's the last onnnnnnne," Yvona drawls out the last word as her eyes widen in surprise. "Wow. It's HOT in there, Therisse! Didn't realize that. Some kind of goo in there..." she pauses, and then shifts her weight around so that her legs rub more against the walls of the naga's flower. Another slip inside traps one arm between her legs, and her own juices mingle with Therisses' on her thighs as she gets down to the business of enjoying herself. Her feet wiggle around in the hot slime, and Yvona flushes with both the heat and the pleasure as the wet walls engulf her navel, too, heading down. "Just tell me if you, uh, want me to focus on anything to help you enjoy this..." Yvona says, and then with a mischievous grin, "...mother." The elf laughs at that word, so singularly out of place. "Maybe I will! Maybe the urge to go exploring would survive. Who knows? Maybe I'd just be a homebody of a naga and not be curious about anything. Only one way to find out, and that's IF it happens." If Yvona is looking for ways to help Therisse enjoy this, the movement with her legs offers her best clue. As she strains against the rings, they quiver and strain back, making exactly one extra-powerful push per contact. Therisse also lets out a pleased little gasp involuntarily, her spine straightening a bit as a jolt of pleasure radiates upward out of her womanhood. By contrast, the attention paid to her breasts doesn't pay off; in a more studious moment, one might theorize that they're less for feeding offspring and more for holding excess fat in a way that puts their intended prey off-guard. However, neither the naga nor the elf are likely thinking that far afield. What has Therisse's attention is Yvona's insistence on the unknown... which causes Therisse to have a minor epiphany and assume a little of Yvona's puckishness. "Yes... I think you'll make a very good naga, whatever kind you turn out to be," she says, with a teasing lilt to defuse her apparent certainty as to Yvona's fate. Never one to keep pursuing a dry hole when she could be pushing deeper into a wet one, Yvona doesn't much tease Therisse's breasts for long. Instead, seeing the naga's reaction to her hip movement, she makes a point of swirling her hips around each ring in turn with a motion that a universe-displaced hula hoop used would find familiar. Each time she slides down, it brings her a little closer to the hot bath awaiting her inside the naga's womb, and though the heat is still just barely on the pleasant side of painful her feet seem to be adjusting to the heat with relative ease. When Therisse starts to return her teases, Yvona's breath catches in her throat as her own quiet half-serious fears are given more encouragement... and then the elf breaks out into a big grin, her eartips twitching in an invisible breeze. "That eager to have a fresh new naga to boss around?" Yvona retorts, her hips still moving around and rubbing around the wet flower walls. "Well, maybe you will, but I don't take instruction very well, or I wouldn't be here. I think I might make a good naga, though," she says as the lips of the flower reach the bottom of her ribcage. "Ooof- still feeling really good, though it's getting a little tighter down there," she adds in an aside. "But slithering, that part might be a bit confusing to me. I've always been the one inside the coils, not the coils around someone else. Are all nagas as big as you and the other one I met, or am I going to have to get used to being one of the smallest ones...?" She asks- and with each invocation of 'going to', or 'will be', she gets a little more excited at the threat. Therisse's breath starts to come in pants as Yvona starts to move her hips. Her body is made for struggling prey, and the movement and pressure inside of her is only making the passage more determined to take her. The sack that Yvona's feet are emptying into begins to stretch out to hold her, the soft walls putting up almost no resistance as her body fills it in. "You will come out a little smaller than everyone else," Therisse says. She undoes the coil around Yvona's chest, exposing the elf's nipples to the comparatively cool air. "But that is only because you will be just out the egg. I am like this," the naga says as she pats her generous breasts, "because I was getting ready to make an egg. This fat will become part of you in the egg." Time is running short for Yvona's existence outside of Therisse. Her breasts are swallowed up by the naga's snatch, getting doused in her hot lubricants and disappearing into the tunnel. "So you were ready for me or for someone like me? I'm honored," Yvona says through a spasm of pleasure. Her legs are mostly inside the warm, ready sack inside Therisse's tail already, and she conitnues writhing against the naga's walls for all she's worth. Breath is definitely coming a bit more dearly at this point as her body has pressure all around it squeezing in, however gently. Resting her free hand against Therisse's tail to be drawn in last after her head, when her hips and other hand emerge into the naga's womb Yvona has to bite her lip to keep from moaning in pleasure at the sudden heat in a sensitive area. "Gods help me, I'm actually looking forward to it... would be a shame to lose a century of memories, though," she says to herself. Coughing, as she's engulfed up to her neck by the hungry walls, she adds, "Still... feeing very good," she assures Therisse distantly. Therisse nods down at Yvona, and offers the elf a gentle pat on the head, which is about the only thing she can reach after the next muscular swallow consumes her shoulders. The topmost ring of Therisse's vaginal wall squeezes around the elf's neck, making a few testing ripples to see if it can devour her easily. As it feels her out, Therisse gives Yvona a last fond look in the eyes and says, "Taking you in this way feels good for me, too. Thank you, Yvona... I hope you enjoy turning into an egg~" The upper ring flows upward, over Yvona's elfin ears and over the top of her head, pinning her upraised arm and separating the predator from her prey. Now there's little else but for Yvona to slide the rest of the way into the womb, where the hot gunk is beginning to fill the added space in the chamber. Whenever Yvona stretches it out, it's like there's a dimension of slime on the other end whose contents fall in with her. And the passage continues to ensure that Yvona stretches it out, emptying more and more of the elf into her new home with every pulsation. "I'll-" she says instead of "I'd", getting her own pleasant thrill at the word, "try to love every second." Those ar5e her last words to the outside world as another contraction pulls her head in, and her arm is narrow enough that it can be pulled in without undue extra difficulty; she does use her fingers to trace one last delicate pattern on Therisse's lips before they're pulled through ring by ring, following the rest of her into the naga's womb. She climaxes first before she even reaches the naga's womb, though; a sudden spasm and moan of pleasure at the thought of being 'lost' inside the big naga is the first sign of how much she's enjoying herself. In the brief afterglow following that, she relaxes and allows the muscles around her to do their job, pushing her more and more into the stretchy sac inside Therisse's tail. As more and more enters, stretching out the scaly tail and covering more of her bare flesh with the hot slime, she keeps on lazily fingering herself even as the ooze seems to penetrate her with its heat like a physical thing on its own. Her fine-tuned ears can only hear the sounds of Therisse's body around her, and that's enough. Her entire world was quickly shrinking to the dimensions of a full tail, and if the naga could be believed, that was the last that "Yvona" would know. With a few more ripples, Yvona is deposited entirely within Therisse's womb, the puckered orifice closing behind her fingertips and sealing her inside the chamber completely. So far as Yvona can tell, that's the only exit; below her is only more of the soft walls and some of the less pliant parts of the naga's body. The only sign of Yvona's existence to the outside world is a strange bulge starting about three feet from where Therisse's snake half begins, a bit larger than the rest of her body's radius. This business concluded, Therisse gives her hips a wiggle to set her insides in order and begins to gather up the pile of Yvona's belongings. After that, she begins to slither off toward her own ends. Yvona is right at the epicenter of Therisse's slithering action, providing some of the grinding action necessary to encourage Yvona to ball up. It is difficult to maintain a sense of time in such tight confines, but eventually the motion stops, and somewhere beyond the squelching and thubbing of Therisse's bodily processes, Yvona can hear a gentle splash of parting water and a new wave of even further heat rolling over her. She will, apparently, become a cooked egg. When the walls shut over her outstretched fingertips, she pulls her other hand down between her legs as well. Yvona opens her mouth and swallows some of the baking hot slime around her, figuring that if this was going to transform her despite her magic it was going to need all the help it could get- may as well have some working on her innards as quickly as possible. She can't detect any magic, just yet, though; just the familiar feeling of a body getting on with its day after engulfing a big 'meal'. She's even been inside a slithering naga before, so that feeling isn't an unusual one to her. She curls up into an egg-shaped ball readily, as well, not wanting to stand in the naga's body's way for long. It was a comfortable location, she decided as a connoisseur of internal anatomy. At least, once she'd adapted to the heat it was comfortable. No sooner did she think that than a fresh wave of molten juices washes over her body, making the elf gasp and cough as a bit of the ooze goes down the wrong way. "Oh, that's HOT," she moans, words distorted by the ooze and flesh and probably not even understandable to the naga whose head is a few yards north of her. "Might... might be a bit TOO hot," she admits, though it's already feeling a little less so as her body adapts- or something more sinister begins. There's another obstacle to Therisse's hearing Yvona's momentary complaint-- despite having just woken up, the naga is lapsing back into torpor. It's not quite a full sleep, as she's still technically awake, but it's an unconsciousness that can only be managed by those with little to think about and a certain degree of oneness with their bodies. She's in her home lands, and her reproductive cycle is underway, cushioned by a stockpile of food... what more could there possibly be to think about? She stares into the sky and simply enjoys the sensation of having every single one of her bodily desires fulfilled. Meanwhile, for Yvona, things are finally starting to get underway. A sort of ticklish sensation begins to crawl over her body, too diffuse to be called prickly, and not painful enough to be called a burn. It's as though the slime is leeching into her, or perhaps the water inside of her is leeching out. Either way, she can feel that sensation slowly, slowly, ever-so-slowly digging deeper into her, reaching further into the elf with each passing... hour, even. It wasn't entirely unlike being slowly digested, though digested in such a way that the resultant stew had nowhere to go... and seemed comparatively uniform. Like all the matter in her body was being smoothed out. She makes no more attempts to talk with her 'devourer', having gotten no reply once and with other things to think about. The heat all around her and the ever-present pressure produces its own instinctive response in the elf, aided by her slow caresses of her own body and her own thoughts about what wasa likely to be happening to her. She can almost see what she'd look like as a naga, and Yvona can all but visualize herself being resculpted into a new, non-legged form by the naga's body. Of course, that wasn't what would happen, decades of experience told her, but the thought kept on creeping more and more to the front of the elf's mind as a desirable consummation. Each feeling became more reinforcement that she was finally being conquered, and each thought along those lines excited her more and more. Finally, she moans into the thick, boiling goo, climaxing weakly a second time and then curling up in a tighter ball- instinctively pushing her legs together. Why not help it along, if it was to be? She could feel the heat soaking into her core, which was a normal feeling of being digested, but... it didn't feel like a stomach, or even another womb. Perhaps this was transformation, Yvona dreamily felt, shivering with continued anxious pleasure. As Yvona presses her legs together, she can feel them slopping into one another, and not simply from her own strange control over her own body's integrity. Her extremities, too, feel sodden and limp; with just a little more time, they begin to dissolve entirely. The elf's nipples tingle brightly before going numb, converted into the strange yolky mass that was forming around Yvona's body. And so it continues up the rest of her body, with increasingly thick parts of her slowly bubbling away like wax from a candle. Outside, Therisse's own fat goes through its own dissolution, burning up to fuel the strange chemical processes that are slowly turning Yvona, or at least her body, into something different. While still in the same chamber, it's still too far for the elf to perceive at this point, but a thick ring is starting to form around the edges of the chamber, a calcific shell to hold all the contents of the womb together in the future. The process is nearly complete. She retains full awareness- at least so far- though Yvona's not sure how much of what she's feeling is real and how much is her own, mid-'digestion' fantasies. Either way, it's a fun trip. Her legs already feel like they're forming into a tail, and while staying curled up as she's supposed to she tries to flex it experimentally in the hot, clinging mass. Parts of her slough off into the yolk around her, and against Yvona opens her mouth to drink down as much of it as possible while feeling the familiar old torpor of being slowly 'dissolved' lurking around the edges of her mind. She wants to experience more of this, though, and fights that instinct to sleep away. Already, she can feel herself bumping into a hard shell instead of the soft walls of Therisse's womb, and the gurgling elf chuckles weakly and wetly. She was doing it- She was being turned into an egg- possibly even a baby naga. Hard to believe, but she could feel it happening. There's a profound feeling of comfort, too; safe inside an egg, safe inside a naga's body. Whatever was happening would happen without reference to her desires, at this point, and Yvona could simply... enjoy the feeling of transforming as she'd never been able to. Though Yvona has some strength left in her to find the edge of the egg and the thickening shell around her, she's still forced to succumb in the end. The yolk-- because at this point it's clear that's what it is-- is made of different stuff from the white surrounding it, stuff that wants to cling together and be round. Yvona's arms and legs slowly turn into jelly, the power sapped from their muscles before the muscles cease to exist. Alas, despite her fantasies Yvona's road to becoming a naga is a long one yet, having to take the normal path of eggs. Her body is being turned into raw matter for the assembly of the new snake, her old shape, if not her own self, discarded as useless for the purpose. All but one piece-- a fortunate little ovum, one cell designed to transform into new life, combines with some lingering cells of the naga's to form something else-- a tiny little seed that will one day become their child. Sleep is increasingly difficult for Yvona to resist, as there is precious little of the elf left to support a consciousness. The elf fights for awareness all the way, of course. She's felt herself dissolve enough times- this is something new and exciting for Yvona's very jaded mind. Part of her wonders if she's felt this before and simply forgotten it after reforming elsewhere, and then wonders more weakly if she's wondered that a thousand times before, and so on recursively. Her mind traps itself in that loop (as- perhaps- it has a thousand times before), and as soon as it engages itself spinning in circles instead of focusing on the pleasure of the naga's body shaving her down into a much more manageable naga-to-be Yvona's mind instead submerges itself into the warm, soft darkness around her. It is now just before sunset, an entire day consumed in the act of consuming. Yvona, such as she is or was, is finally gone; there is only a thick mass of nutrients surrounded by a cushioning layer of thickened water and a protective shell. Therisse stretches herself out and finally retreats from the water, looking expectantly at the crevasse that she picked out. Nicely deep and narrow, able to guide a young naga's eyes to the special treats she'll be given on the day she hatches while still retaining the volcanic heat required to help the egg hatch. The naga slithers to it slowly, carefully, not wanting to take any chances with this very special egg. On reaching the hottest point, she thrusts her hips forward and with an instinctive mental cue sets her insides to acting as they had this morning, but in reverse. The womb compresses and the orifice blocking it in opens wide. The nine bands of muscle stretch and grip the egg, pushing it up and out, until it finally breaches the naga's slit. With some strain, Therisse forces its entire diameter through her snatch, leaving what looks for all the world like a large, round, grey stone in the corner, dripping with vaginal slime. There it will sit for several months, until... well, who can say, really? |
A little snake story I was working on. Hope that you enjoyed reading it just as much as I enjoyed writing it. Snake trip Linda felt her body move as the snake slithered out of her tent. It had slipped into her tent earlier that night, looking for warm place to sleep, but found a good meal instead. It was wet and tight inside the snakes stomach. As it moved from side to side forcing her body to move along with it. From the out side it almost looked like her body was dancing if she hadn’t been inside a snakes stomach. Earlier Linda was laying on her sleeping bag, working a few sore muscles out from her hike to her perfect camping spot. She was naked and working her fist size dildo in and out of her pussy. She was close to her orgasm and didn’t hear the snake slipping into her tent. It had smelt her love pheromones and came to investigate. Linda was deep into pleasure, her legs spread open, pussy juice running and socking her sleeping bag. The snake slow moved its head between Linda’s legs. Its tongue flicked in and out tasting her love juice on the air. Pussy juice flow from the dildo and landed on the snakes face. Its tongue moved to remove the wetness and found it a heavenly taste. No rabbit, or dear, or even bear had tasted this good before! It needed to have this creature, it needed her inside its stomach right now. This creature hadn’t notice him yet or it didn’t care. That the way the snake wanted it. It slowly slithered around her moving up to her head. Linda’s eyes where close tight, as she I fantasize about being taken but a large lizard man. Linda had some wild fantastic. The snake looked at her head, then down at her shoulders, those would be a problem it thought. It kept tasting the air, enjoying her flavor as it notice Linda bring her legs together, tightening her pussy around the giant dildo. Her legs came to a point down at her feet and it looked like it would be easy swallowing if he started from that end. Slithering around to her feet the snake tasted the air there too, her flavor was stronger there too. Opening its mouth salvia dripped, landing on Linda’s bear feet. Linda didn’t notice to lost in her fantasy. Moving forward the snake took her feet into its mouth. The taste almost over welcomed him. The air tasting was good, but the real flesh in his mouth was so much better. The snake takes it time lick over Linda’s feet, slowly working them to the back of its mouth. Its tight throat opens a little letting them slip inside. A small swallow and their in forming the first bugle of Linda inside the snake. In Linda’s sex crazed mind she felt her feet being wrapped in a cool wetness, in her fantasy another lizard man was liking her feet, bathing them in its saliva. She was slowly working his way up her legs, licking and wrapping her legs in soft wet cloth. The snake move his head from side to side, slowly moving over Linda’s legs. He licked and taste every inch of her flesh as it slipped into his mouth. Inch by inch her worked her legs into his mouth, she was even helping by wiggling her legs and pushing them in more. His mouth was Stretching wide as he moved over her hips. Linda was in heaven, what here lizard man lovers where doing to her in her fantasy was wonderful. She was wrapped in the wet fleshy blanket up to her hips. Hands where running over her covered legs, messaging her them. She felt the tip of a forked tongue rub over her pussy lips, licking around the cock in side her love hole. The tongue flicked over her pussy lips and with the next inward plunge with the dildo cock, it went in with it. She bucked her hips enjoying the feeling of being so filled. Lighting shoot through her body as a power full orgasm filled her body. Her sex filled mind went blank, as she lay their panting, enjoying her after glow. Love juice sprayed the snakes face, as Linda orgasm. His tongue was deep inside her pussy tasting her deep flavor. The rush of her orgasm juice flooded his senses. Down at far end, his snake cock had slowly been growing. Now there was a small pool of white milk fluid laying on Linda’s sleeping bag. With his own orgasm, and Linda’s straying his face with her pussy juice, the snake lost it for a moment and swallowed hard. When his mind came back to him Linda’s hips and waste where already down this throat, he had gotten past her widest part and didn’t remember it. Her hands where now trapped in his mouth, but their where some what busy slowly working the dildo in and out of her pussy. Slowly her mind came back to her. Her breathing was still a little heavy, as she lifted her head to look down at why her sleeping bag was feeling so wet and tight. It took her mind several seconds to focus on what was going on and below her breasts. She saw what looked to be a large snake head open its mouth impossibly wide and slowly work its mouth over her large breasts. This must’ve been part of some weird dream. No way she was really being swallowed by a snake. But it felt to real, felt too good to be really happening. Her body from the breasts down were inside the snake’s throat being massaged by its fleshy walls. Her hands were still working the dildo in and out of her pussy. To her shock the thought of her being swallowed alive and whole by the snake center into another orgasm one of the most powerful ones you ever have before. She threw her head back and screamed. This helped the snake work her breasts into his mouth. They tasted just as good as the rest of her save for her pussy. It took a couple swallows and jerking motions to get her large breasts down into his throat. Now all that was left over was her shoulders and her head. Another swallow and her head was resting inside the snakes mouth saliva dripping down onto her face and soaking her hair. When Linda finally came back to her senses she found her face wet and soft flesh pressing against it. She turned her head to see out the side of the snake’s mouth. It was laying there holding her in its throat breathing hard. She had been quite a meal for it to swallow. Its tongue lapped over her cheek and across her lips tasting her. Linda opened her mouth and the tongue slipped in. she didn’t know why but she started to play with the snakes tongue with their own sucking on it as if it was a lovers tongue. And true sense the snake had almost been a lover to her bringing her to some of the biggest orgasm she had ever had. She didn’t blame the snake for what it was doing it was an animal and she was now just its meal. After resting for a bit the snake felt recovered enough to finish this mail. The whole time that it had been resting its throat continued to ripple over Linda’s body making her orgasm once more. Linda felt the snake’s throat tighten around her and knew it was getting way to swallow. Looking one last time out the snakes mouth she took a deep breath as the fleshy walls of the throat closed over her head and face closing off the outside world. She was now a bulge in the snake side slowly being moved down towards its stomach. With its meal safely on its way to its stomach, the snake knew it was time to head back to its home. It started to slither out of Linda’s tent and back into the forest. Linda from the inside of the snake felt the side to side movement of the snake as it moved across the ground, this added to her pleasure as she was working back and forth inside the snake. A muffled cry from outside the snake could be heard as she orgasm once more. As the snake its way through the forest he could feel Linda’s continuous movements inside its stomach as one after another orgasm rocked her body. He could still taste her wonderful love juices in his mouth. It was almost a shame that he was only going to be able to swallow her once. An idea start to form in his mind and he swallowed several gulps of air sending them down to his stomach. |
(Warming: this story has snake sex with a women, and vore involved.) Pet or Food: Meeting Gina wake at the sound of her bedroom door closing. It was probably just Max coming to bed. Turning her head her eye’s took several second to focus on the red numbers on her clock. It read 1:46 am. Max had been out late hunting. The bed shifted as Max climb into it. Snuggling up close to Gina, he wrapped several of his coils around her sexy body. Gina could feel the slight movement from the women shape bulge inside Max, she was still alive and would be for sometime. Kissing Max on the head Gina laid back and drifted back to sleep wrapped in Maxes warm coils. Max rested his head on Gina’s large breast, flicking his tongue out at one of her nipples. Gina mowed in her sleep. This always made Gina have erotic dreams, and Max just loved the taste of her breast, one of the mean thing he like about this human female. Soon Max to drifted off to sleep with a nice full stomach. The only one still awake was the girl in Maxes gut having another organism. This would be considered a strange seance, in a world where woman swallowing snake roamed the streets. Where women where now considered no more then a good F@*k and snake food, but not in this small apartment in the big city. It was about two month ago that a similar seen took place. The sound of the door closing wake Gina. At first her mind didn’t recognize the sound, thinking it was only part of her dream. Feeling the bed move, her mind fully wake up as she realized this was not park of her dream. Looking at the clock it read 11:02 PM, she hadn’t been asleep for long. There was movement down at the foot of her bed. It was dark in the room so she couldn’t see anything, just shadows. Turning the light on her night table, she saw two large green eye’s reflecting in the light. It was a snake looking back at her from the foot of her bed. How did it get into her apartment, Gina wonder? She had locked all the doors and windows. So how did it get in? Both of them sat there looking at each other. The only movement, was the snakes tongue flicking out of it’s mouth, tasting the air. And Gina’s breast moving up and down with each breath she took. The snake was the first to move. Opening its mouth as wide as it could, Gina could see down it’s throat. It must be showing her where she was going to be in a few minutes. Not if she could help it. Throwing the covers over the snake, Gina rolled out of bed. She only took a few step’s before she tripped over something and fell to the floor. Not waiting to see what she had tripped over, she scramble on her hand and kneels for the only exit. She had her hand around the door nob when she felt the weight of the first coil wrap around her stomach. In a flash several more coils where around her as she was rolled along the floor back toward the bed. Trying to straggle free, Gina found it was no use she was trapped. She was going to be snake food very soon. The snake rolled her over several more times on the floor, adding more coils around her sexy body. Gina couldn’t help her body was getting turned on, her breast where being squeezed together. Her nipples rubbing against the snake scales. She felt herself being lifted into the air. Tipping her head back she saw the snakes head resting on her bed watching her. It opened it’s mouth again, showing her it wet tight throat. "This was it," Gina thought, "it’s going to eat me now. Well at lest I wont have to finish that report for Mr. Baquerman." Closing her eye’s Gina waited for the feeling of warm wet flash closing around her head. All she felt was her head coming to rest on her own pillow. Opening her eye’s she was staring eye to eye with the snake. Once more it opened it’s mouth, sucking in air, and closed it once more with out Gina head being inside it. Was it yawning? Flicking it’s tongue out, it tasted the air around Gina’s face. Another flick and the tongue ran across her cheek. Tasting her several more times, the snake pulled it’s head away from her face. Gina watched as the snake nestled it head between her large breast. It’s tongue flicking out tasting her left nipple. The light on the night stand went out. Looking over at it, Gina saw the snakes tail holding onto the pull cord. It had turned off the light, she had never heard of a women swallowing snake turning the lights off when it was done swallowing a women, but this one had. What little light that was coming through the bedroom window cased the snakes eye’s to glow. Slowly the snake closed it’s eye’s. It’s breathing became regular. "This thing is falling asleep and using me as a pillow. What am I, breakfast, is it saving me for later," not wanting to wait around and see. The coils around her had loosened around her, maybe she could free herself. Carefully she started to move her left arm. Freeing it she reached over her head and grabbed hold of the head bored and started pulling. She had just moved an inch, when the coils tightened around her. Pushing the air out of her lungs. The lights came on and one of its eyes opened looked at her. Gina let go of the head bored and laid her arm back down at her side. Staring at her for a few more minutes the light went out and the eye closed. The snake fell back to sleep. Ok she wasn’t going to get out on her own. "Guess I’ll just have to wait and see what it going to do with me," she thought dosing off too. The alarm buzzed to life, Gina slapped her hand over the sneeze button to quit it. Rolling over she looked at the clock it read 7:30 am, it was morning. Sitting up Gina rubbed the sleep from her eye’s. As she slipped out of bed, it was then that it hit her. The snake was gone. She was fully awake now. Looking around the room she couldn’t find it. "Maybe it had all been a dream," she thought. "Ya, seeing all those girls getting eaten daily, I’m band to have a few snake dreams of my own." Feeling it was a dream and safe once more, Gina got ready for work. Showering and doing her hair, she put it up into a bun. When she wear her glasses the other girls at work called her the old librarian. Which was true, she did work at the city library, and had lasted there the longest with out being swallowed. She loved to read, and it was also a very safe place to work. Seance the library was a very quite place, many snakes liked to go there to digest their meals. That meant they weren’t hungry when Gina or another lady found one crawled up. Most snake wouldn’t even move when she stepped over them to put books away. A librarian would get swallowed from time to time, but it wasn’t like the numbers out on the street. Reaching for her lipstick, she decided on blue for today. She ran it over her lips, then around each of her nipples, coloring them blue too. Seance most women stopped wearing clothing edible body paint, had become very popular. It was a way to show off your body, with out any clothing. The only article of clothing that could be found on a women where her shoes. Ease on ease off. You had to protest your feet! Choosing a blue pair of high heel boots, she was ready for the day. Opening the bedroom door, she stepped out into the hallway. That’s when she heard the sound of the TV. She didn’t remember leaving it on last night. Walking into the living room she stopped suddenly, at the site of a snake laying on her couch, watching her TV set. At first she couldn’t believe it. It was the same snake from last night. She hadn’t dreamed it after all, it was right here, in her living room. What really cough her eye was the women shape bulge inside the snake. The snake was positioned that the women was siting on the couch as if she wasn’t inside the snake stomach. The snake even had its head laying on her lap, watching the TV. A strange thought came to Gina, "had this snake come to bed last night, already full? Is that why she wasn’t inside the snake right now?" Pushing the thought to the back of her mind, she walked over to the couch. The snake moved some of it’s body making room for Gina to sit down. Which she did. The snake looked at her then back at the TV. In the better light of the morning Gina got her first good look at the snake. It was red, not the normal green like all the other women swallowing snakes. Red with black ring running down it’s body. It was a large one too, must of been 35 feet long, but hard to tell with it laying around the couch. Reaching her hand carefully, she traced around the women’s face with her finger. When she ran her finger over the women’s mouth it opened, and Gina’s finger was sucked into the women’s mouth through the snake skin. The women closed her mouth, playing with Gina’s finger with her tongue. Pulling her finger out Gina continued tracing down the women’s body. circling the bulges breast, Gina found the nipple. It was already hard poking out through the snakes skin. She pressed on it, moving it around with her finger. "So your still alive in there are you?" Gina whispered close the to the bulges ear. "Yes, I’m so hot and horny, will you play with me before my times up?" the bulge asked. Now this wouldn’t have been the first time Gina had made out with a women inside a snake. Once a snake had a full belly, it didn’t care when she came up to it and touched the bulge it’s meal was making. Some of the library snake seemed to even enjoy it when she fingered her self and played with their meals. Several of them liked it so much that they even looked for her after they had eaten, so they could play. Straddling over the bulge, Gina grabbed one of the women’s breast and squeezed it. Pressing her lips up next to the bulges head they kissed. Using her other free hand Gina gave her own breast a squeeze. Rubbing her crotch over the bulges waste, she could feel the women fingering herself. Reaching for her own pussy, her hand bumped into something. Looking behind her, Gina show the snake had moved its head down by her pussy. She felt its tongue pass over her pussy lips, tasting her flavor. Normal letting a snake have a taste of you meant you where going to be it’s meal really soon, but this one had already eaten so it sudd be safe. It’s forked tongue moved around her pussy lips flicking them open, teased Gina playing with her pussy, but not entering. Gina gasped when the forked tongue grabbed hold of her clitoris, squeezing and pulling it. "This snake knows what it was doing!" Gina thought sucking on one of the bulges nipples. Releasing her clitoris, Gina felt the tongue press against her lower lips. She was very moist down there, her juices flowing out of her. The tongue licked her pussy several time catching as much of her flavor as it could. When it suddenly plunged deep into her pussy. It worked it’s way up into her womb, deeper then any man had gone before. Taking a look behind her, Gina saw that the snake had her ass inside it’s mouth. It was sucking on her ass as it tongued her pussy. This was pushing her over the edge. No snake had ever done this to her before. Most just let her play with its meal, enjoying her riding on top of the bulge, and licking up her pussy juices, but never tonguing her so deep before. Trying to swallow her ass first was really turning her on. "Come on baby swallow my ass! Work your long tongue deeper, you nasty snake. Make me come," she said reaching back and rubbing the snake on the head. That’s when the snake did something she had never seen or heard of before. It let go of her ass, pulling it’s tongue out of her dripping pussy. Not that Gina wasn’t releaved about not being swallowed right then, but that the snake had just stopped just before she had reach her climax. The snake slithered between her legs coiling it’s self around her stomach. Using its forked tongue, the snake grabbed one of Gina’s nipples pinching and twisting it. Pulling it into it’s mouth the snake started sucking on her whole breast. Wrapping a coil around her other breast the snake gave it a squeeze, almost like it was trying to milk her breast. To her surprise milk did squirt from her nipple, the snake sucked her first breast dry and then moved over to the other one. Gina had never lactated before, but it felt heavenly having the snake suck on her nipples. Something pocked her nether regain. Looking once more behind her, Gina eye’s widened at the two gigantic cocks pointed at her back side. Both cocks must of been well over a foot long. Small bumps ran along the shaft of both. The head on both cock wasn’t round like a humans, but pointed, with each tip forking just like the snakes tongue. She felt the first cock brush up against her ass hole. The tip circling her hole, before pushing it’s way inside her. The cock felt strange and wonderful at the same time. Working it’s way up her ass she felt the other cock slip into her wet pussy. Once the snakes dick had reach bottom inside her, the snake slowly pulled them out to only the heads remained inside. With a quick thrust both cock slammed back into Gina. Cough off guard Gina was shoved hard in between the bulges breast. It only took a few pumps of tho snakes cocks before Gina climaxed. One of the strongest in her life. Her screams where muffled by the bulges large breast . Slowing his pumping the snake let Gina calm down, she lay limply in his coils. "That was great lover!" Gina whispered as the snake lifted her head so he could look her in the face. As if answering her the snake plunged both cocks deep back into her. She mite of orgasmed but he wasn’t done yet. "Again, but I need..." her words where cut short as the snakes long tongue slide into her mouth. Letting herself go, she closed her eyes letting their tongue move around each other inside her mouth. Something wet touched her forehead. Opening her eyes Gina was looking down the throat of the snake. Her head was inside it’s mouth and she didn’t care, as another orgasm was building. The snake closed it’s mouth around her head cutting off the out side light. His tongue tasted every inch of her face, sliding back into her waiting mouth. Gina lost track of the time as orgasm after orgasm rocked through her body. Until she finely felt the warm jet of flowed shooting into her pussy and ass. That’s when she finely passed out. Waking up in alone in her bed she looked at the clock, 7:37 PM. She had missed work, probably thought she had gotten eaten on the way to work. "The snake!" she said getting up out of bed. Walking back into the living room the snake was still laying on the couch, but with out the women shape bulge inside it. Seeing that she had waken up the snake moved over making room for her on the couch. It even patted the set next to it with its tail, inviting her to sit down, which she did. Placing it head on her lap, Gina gently ran her hand over its head petting it. The two of them spent the evening watching TV, until they both went to bed for another round of love making. |
(Warming this story has sex between two women and then a snake. It also have vore too.) Pet or Food: 2 Take out Fumbling with her key’s, the slipped from Gina’s figures clattering to the floor. Bending over to get them, she aimed her lovely ass at Nikki. A lady she had picked up at the club "Snake Hole." Reaching for her ass, Nikki ran her hand’s over Gina’s smooth rump. Gina gasped when she felt a finger slid into her ass hole. "Did I tell you, how much I loved that ass of yours. I could ride it all night long," she said giving Gina’s ass a little smack. "Can’t wait, can you," Gina replied standing back up. She reached for Nikki pulling her close for a kiss. Their tongues worked around each others mouth. Braking the kiss Gina opened the door to her apartment. Setting her keys and hand bag on the hall table, she turned to look at the women standing before her. Where Gina was stood at 5 foot 6 inches, Nikki was around 6 foot 10 inches and had a well muscular body. A giant compared to Gina. Long black hair that ran down her back. Watermelon size breast, which on Nikki large body, fit nicely. Reaching for Gina. Nikki scooped her up, squeezing her between her watermelons. "Now that we’re safe inside your place, I can have my way with you." Gina didn’t complain, as she was cared into the living room. Nikki flung her on the couch, climbing on top. "I know when I saw you at the club I’d be getting to suck on these lovely. I’ve wonder what they taste like. What flavor do you have on, my little cup cake." Gasping, Gina rounded her head back as Nikki’s lips covered her left nipple. Nikki’s tongue played with her nipple, flicking over it. "Peppermint, my favorite," she said moving to the right breast. Bitting down on her lower lip, Gina tried muffling her mow’s of pleaser. It wasn’t that Gina was a lesbian, she liked a good dick just like the next girl, but their was something about another women’s touch that could drive her wild. Nikki’s sucking so was reworded as milk flooded into her hungry mouth. Swallowing, "you’re a milker. I know there was something special about you," she said. Placing her mouth back over the nipple she sucked harder wanting every last drop of Gina’s milk. Scanning the room, Gina was trying to spot Max, her snake room mate. When ever someone came home with her Max would disappear. Enjoying to watch Gina play with his potential meal. When Nikki had sucked every last drop of milk from Gina’s breasts, she slowly licked her way down Gina’s stomach. Playing with Gina’s clitoris she flicked it back and forth with her tongue. Pinching it with her figures she gave it a gentle twist. Gina bite harder trying not to scream in pleaser. Only Max’s tongue could drive her this wild. Nikki know what she was doing. Teasing Gina’s pussy Nikki ran her tongue around the tender pussy flesh, but not touching her lip’s. Sliding two fingers up Gina’s ass she worked them in and out. This torturous play was driving Gina mad. Her love box was wet, juice was already running past her pussy lips. Nikki was going to make her cum with out even touching her pussy. It was close, a few more seconds and she was going to climax. Suddenly the pleaser stopped. Opening her eye’s Gina watched as Nikki climbed off her. "Why you stop? I was on the peach of an organism," Gina said. "Oh I’m sorry, Cup cake. I just didn’t want you to cum yet. I have a little surprise for you," Nikki said reaching for her hand bag. Turning her back to Gina so she couldn’t see what she was taking out. Tossing the bag back on the coffee table, Nikki spun around. Jetting out of her pussy was one of the biggest dildo she had ever seen in real life. "Say hello to Zeus," she said flicking her hips at Gina, humping the air. "Now Zeus is a little dry and I forgot the lubrication. What can I us?" she asked looking playfully at Gina. "Oh I have a few ideas," Gina said pushing Nikki down onto the couch. Kneeling on the floor before Nikki, Gina grabbed hold of the dildo. Moving it around, she worked the other end of the dildo inside Nikki pussy. Making her mow. Opening her mouth Gina let her tongue slid over the tip of the dildo. Slowly she eased it into her mouth. Looking up she gave Nikki an evil look as she swallowed more of the dildo. Opening her throat she was able to take the entire thing. Gina’s lips where pressed against Nikki’s pussy lips. Sliding her tongue down along the dildo she pressed it into Nikki’s moist pussy. "Dame! I didn’t know you could swallow all that! Your not part snake are you?" Nikki asked rubbing Gina on the top of her head. "Oh yes your tongue feel nice next to Zeus!" Ignoring her Gina bite gently down on the dildo. Quickly she pulled her head away from Nikki crouch. The dildo slid a couple of inches out. Before Nikki could say anything Gina moved forward until her lips once more where against Nikki’s pussy. Gasping Nikki placed both hand on Gina’s head helping to guide her thrust. Letting Gina F@*k her with the dildo Nikki stopped her. "Ok, your freaky Cup Cake. If I don’t stop you now, I’d let you do that to me all night long." Gina released her hold on the dildo and let it slid out of her mouth. "What now melons?" she asked grabbing a breast in both hand’s. Squeezing them together. She moved her head closer to the right breast so she could play with Nikki’s nipple. Her tongue circled around the nipple, flicking over it. "Ok stop that you little slut, if I keep letting you distract me I wont get to F@*k that nice ass of yours. So why don’t you hope on up here and let Zeus have some fun sliding up your ass," Nikki said looking hungrily at Gina. "Then let’s not disappoint him or you then," Gina said aiming her back side at Nikki. Placing both hand on Gina’s hips Nikki guided her ass toward the waiting dildo. Feeling the tip of the dildo against her ass hole Gina waited for it to be pressed in. "You want this don’t you?" Nikki said rubbing the tip around the hole. "Yes I do!" Gina replied. "How much Cup Cake? How much do you want Zeus up your ass?" "I want him all the way up my ass. I want it so far up there I can feel it in my stomach." With out warning Nikki pulled her into her lap, ramming the dildo all the way up Gina’s ass. Grabbing hold of Gina’s left leg for leverage, she started bouncing her on her lap, working the dildo in and out. Reaching around her front Nikki started rubbing her hand over Gina’s pussy. Using two figure she spread Gina’s pussy libs open the other two stroked. Gina played with her breast messaging them together. It wasn’t long before Gina climaxed. Love juice flowed out of her pussy and onto Nikki’s hand. Resting her head between Nikki’s breast she spotting movement at the door, Gina tried to focus. She cough the tail end of Max slithering into the room. Nikki was in for a real treat now. Moving over the back of the couch Max quickly wrapped several coils around the two. "What the!" Nikki yelled, "where did this snake come from?" "Oh he’s my room mate." "What?" "My room mate. Nikki this is Max, Max this is Nikki." Max moved his head so he was just in front of her face. "You live with a snake, why hasn’t it eaten you yet?" "He would rather f@*k me then eat me." "What are you talking about?" Nikki voice trailed off as she saw Max’s double cock slide out of his slit. Nikki felt something rub past her hand and into Gina’s pussy. Looking down she saw Max was tongue f@*k Gina. She watched as Gina writhed in her lap. Using her figures she spread Gina’s pussy lips open making it easier for him. Max was moving all around them, rubbing and caressing them together. Nikki started bouncing Gina on her dildo once more. Using his strange coils Max gently picked the two girls up and laid them on the floor. "What’s he doing now?" Nikki asked. "Probably want’s to F@*k us together. I don’t think he’s been with two women at once?" Gina replied. Nikki gasped as she felt his cock press against her ass. Gently the tip pushed pass her opening, his cock was wider then Zeus. Felling his other cock brush by her hand as he slide into Gina’s waiting pussy. She never know a snake could feel so good. She was F@*king Gina’s nice ass, while a snake f@*ked her’s. Closing her eye’s she enjoyed the feeling of everything. Her first orgasm hit her like a rocket, flooding her body. The first of many to come. When she had clammed down, she noticed something wet sucking on her left breast. Looking down she was shocked at seeing Max had her entire left breast in his mouth. His sucking felt wonderful, his tongue playing with her nipple. Another orgasm was quickly building. When it exploded, pussy juice gushed around her dildo. Even her breast shoot milk over Max and Gina’s back. Gina had already climaxed four times seance Max had joined them. This was the first time that he had f@*ked her and another girl at the same time. He would just watch. Waiting for her to finish having fun with his meal. Then he would come out and swallow the other girl, and then F@*king her. "What was up with him," she thought, "was there something he like about Nikki. She was bigger. Maybe he was planning on making her his new lover. Would that mean he was going to swallow me. I’d always hope if I was going to be eaten it would be by him." Another orgasm shoot through her. Calming down something was rubbing against her back and it wasn’t Nikki’s melons. Looking over her shoulder all she could make out was a snake skin covering Nikki’s head and breast. Max was swallowing Nikki. "I gauss he must still want me," she thought. "Hay you. You know I like to watch you eat. Look’s like I’ve miss half the show," she said. Coils wrapped around her freeing her from Nikki. Zeus was pulled from her ass only to be replaced by Max’s cock. He held her in the air so that she was hovering over Nikki’s form. "That little bitch! She had planned on feeding me to her snake all night long. No wonder she had been so eager to go to her place," Nikki thought as warm wet flesh griped her body pulling her further down. She didn’t know weather to hate Gina or thank her for the best sex of her life, as another orgasm hit her. Little by little Nikki disappeared down Max’s throat. Just as her feet where slide into his mouth Gina noticed a small snake tatoo wrapping around her left ankle. Another swallow and she was gone, just one more meal making it’s way down to Max’s stomach. Laying Gina down onto of Nikki’s bulge he continued F@*King her. Max decided me like F@*king two girls at once. He was going to have come out more often when Gina come home with take out. A sudden rush from his inside and he was filling Gina with is seed. The two laid there in their embrace. Gina moved first getting up. She ran her figures or Nikki’s bulge feeling her quiver as she orgasmed once more. "You know Max sometimes I wish I could feel what they are feel inside you. It’s kind of a shame of all the girls you’ve eaten, I really like Nikki the best. I even remembered her name. Almost wish you didn’t have to eat her. Oh well, life goes on, when your ready I’ll be in bed. Night!" she said blowing him a kiss. Watching her ass swing from side to side as she walk out the door and the feeling of Nikki’s still moving body. His cock was getting hard once more, a first for him. He wanted to f@*k someone, but Gina was tired and had to work tomorrow. She needed her rest. Going out side was out it would take time to track down a girl to F@*K and he wanted to F@*k now. Their was only one other female he know of and was really close to him right now. The next morning Gina woke up alone in bed. Max hadn’t come to bed. When he was hunting sometime he left early, but he had feed last night, so way wasn’t he in bed with her. Getting up she walked into the living room. A smile crossed her face. Max was their with a pair of leg’s sticking out of his mouth. A snake tatoo wrapping around her ankle could be seen. He was ramming both of his cock up Nikki’s ass. "I see you really like her too!" she said running a figure around Nikki’s dripping pussy. |
Hello Mom How’s it going back home? Camp has been very interesting this week. I being the only talking women swallowing snake at camp took a little taking use to by my bunk mates but they got use to me real quick. The other night we went on a raid to the girls’ camp across the lake. Most of the guys got caught, but I didn’t. I was always good at hiding. Well my bunk mates that I was a hero when I brought back three sets of panties, my phone full of naked pics of the girl, and a girl shape bulge in my tummy. They really like me now that I can make nightly trips to the girls’ camp to take pic with my phone. A few guys have even been talking with a few of the girl and have gotten me to snick them over to our side of the lake so they could hook up. I do this by swallowing them down. Me being a small young snake of 20 feet long I can only swallow down 2 girls at a time, not the 10 you and dad can swallow at one time. It weird to swallow down a nice meaty girl and then having to spit her back out. Girls are food and meant to be in the tummy right? Well it makes my bunk mates happy and I’m glad to help them get a little pussy here at camp. Like all the women of the world the girl here are large breasted. Most have breast as big as their heads. Only being 16 or 17 their still growing. It’s funny the camp consolers keep the girl and boys separate but they seem to turn a blind eye to me. I can slither into the girls’ cabin and slither out with a girl bulge in my tummy and no one says anything to me about it. After my bunk mates have had their fun with the girls pumping cum into all their holes and covering them in it, I swallow them back down and take them back across the lake. Sometimes I only let one girl out, my payment and dinner. The first time I did this the girl where upset with me, only for a minute, until I told them what I was planning on down. I almost had to run for my life. The first 6 girls where all ready to jump down my throat. I could only take two over and I returned one the next morning. Every time I go over there the girl and masturbating watching me swallow down the girls that are going over to my side of the lake. Some have even gotten me to have sex with them once I have their friends in my tummy. You and Dad are right female humans are very tasty and fun as mating partners. Their one girl here I really have my eye one. She gives me weird feelings. I want to swallow her down, but don’t want to digest her. Is that normal mom? It starting to get dark here mom, so that means that it’s time for me to make my swim across the lake and get the two girls that are going to be tonight entertainment. I’ll write again so. Love you mom. Love your son Blackrain |
Vore Films present Tally in “Trunk of Fun” Day 1 It had been a long hot day for Tally at the zoo. Being the new girl there she was getting all the crap jobs, literally. So far today she had cleaned out 15 different animal pens. She was pooper scooping up after the animals. Not what she had imagined when she had taken the job offer to work at the zoo. Tally had thought she would have been handling the animals, helping in the different animal shows at the zoo. Something more glamorous then shoveling crap all day. “You have to start at the bottom and work your way up,” she kept telling herself. At least it was getting close to the end of her shift. The zoo had already closed down for the day and was going to be closed for the next 4 days. Most of the zoos walk ways and paths where being redone, updated to newer safety standards. So only a small crew was going to be needed to care for the animals over the long weekend. Luckily for Tally, with her being so new, she didn’t have the level of experience the zoo wanted for taking care of the animals. So she was going to have the next four days off. Starting once she had finished cleaning the Elephant pens. Tally pushed opened the employees’ only door, dragging her wheel barrow and shaver behind her. Andy, the zoo’s Elephant export and handler, was in the pen working with Mitis, the Zoo’s massive bull African elephant. Andy was holding a large watermelon trying to get Mitis to take it. Mitis was only poking the melon with his trunk. “Come on Mitis, I know you like watermelons, they're your favorite. Come on, open up!” Andy was saying. “What’s the problem Andy?” Tally asked pushing her wheel barrow up to them. “Oh Mitis is being stubborn, and won’t take is medication. I had to hide them in this stupid watermelon or he won't take them. I think he’s gotten wise to my trick and now won’t take the melon at all,” Andy said setting the melon down. “Care if I give it a try?” Tally asked. Be my guest, but be careful, Mitis can be very tricky and mischievous,” Andy said glaring over at the elephant. Mitis flapped his large ears at Andy and almost looked like he had a shocked look on his face, as if he was trying to say, “What? Me, mischievous? Never!” Tally bent over to pick the watermelon up. She knew Andy was looking at her nice round firm ass. The tight shorts she was wearing showed off her ass nicely. She also knew she was giving him a good view of her camel toe, the shorts hugging up into her pussy. It didn’t help that she wasn’t wearing any panties either. Nothing to stop the shorts from riding up into her pussy slit. Most of the time she went around pantyless. She loved the feeling of clothes rubbing over her pussy as she walked. Carrying the melon over to Mitis, she holds it up to him, “Come on Mitis, take your melon like a good big strange elephant.” Eying the melon or maybe her own pair of large melons, he reached out for the melon with his trunk. He poked at it again, running his trunk over the melon and onto Tally's breast. Males are males, even if they are of different species. He sniffed at her soft skin, kissing it with his trunk tip. Tally giggles and wiggles about, trying to get Mitis' trunk out from between her breasts. Pushing his trunk deeper between her breasts, two buttons popped off her shirt revealing more cleavage. “Mitis, you nasty boy.” Tally giggled, she was enjoying this. Maybe a little too much. With Mitis playing with her breasts and her playfully wiggling about, Tally lost her grip on the watermelon and it started to plummet to the ground. Before Tally could even react, Mitis had snatched the melon out of the air. He placed the melon back into Tally’s hand and wrapped his trunk around them. Moving forward, he opened his mouth. Tally could see his large tongue flick up and down, as if waving to invite her in. His throat was opening and closing, showing her the dark depths of his throat. With a gentle tug, Mitis took the entire melon into his mouth along with Tally’s hands. She could feel his warm saliva washing over her skin, his tongue tasting her hands. Tally was really enjoying the feel of Mitis' tongue when she hears Andy Yelling at her, “Tally, quickly pull your hands out of his mouth!” Snapping her back to reality, she did as she was told and pulled her hands out of Mitis' mouth. They were dripping with his warm saliva. “Tally, you ok?” Andy asked running up to her and grabbing her hands. Looking them over, “Your lucky, Mitis could have bitten your hands off or worse! As big as he is, he could have even swallowed you down if he had wanted to.” Swallowed me down, Tally thought looking back up at the large elephant. Looking back over at Andy, “Sorry about that, but at least I got him to take his meds.” “True you did do that, but please be careful. I may not be here next time to save you.” Looking at his watch, “It's beer thirty, I’ll see you later.” he said walking out the door. Looking over at Mitis, “You behave yourself as I finish cleaning out your pen.” When Tally had turned her back on Mitis, she did not see him reaching into his mouth with his trunk and pulling out the three rather large pills that Andy had hidden in the watermelon. Each pill was about 6 inches long and 2 inches round. He hid the pills in a pile of hay saving them for later. Tally started to do her job, cleaning out Mitis' pen. She wasn’t watching her back as Mitis moved in behind her. He watched her for several minutes as she worked, watching her ass as it would jiggle as she swung the shovel scooping up the manure from the floor and dumping it into the wheelbarrow. His trunk was busy underneath him, playing with his slowly growing erection. A nice sheen of sweat was starting to form over tally’s brow, leaving a nice glossy look over her exposed cleavage. Standing up, Tally uses the back of her hand to wipe the sweat from her brow, “I don’t know about you Mitis, but it's getting a little warm in here for me. I know you wont’t mind if I took my top off, will you?” She said playfully, glancing over her shoulder at Mitis. Luckily, she didn’t see him playing with himself. Glancing back over at Mitis, “How about a little show big boy?” Tally said running a finger over her breasts and down into her cleavage. Humming a sexy tune to herself, Tally started to dance around, swinging her hips back and forth. Moving her hands along the curve of her body as she swayed back and forth like a snake swaying to the songs of the snake charmer. Picking up each massive breast in her hands, Tally took turns lifting them into the air, her fingers tracing around each erect nipple as they were trying to poke through her shirt. Mitis was really enjoying the show that Tally was putting on before him. It reminded him of his younger days, performing in the circus. All those girls that would sneak into his tent every night. Most of them would leave full of elephant cream dripping from every single hole, barely able to walk. And the lucky ones never left at all. Remembering those nights and watching Tally dancing before him, Mitis had his long trunk wrapped around his massive elephant bull penis and was jacking himself off. It had been a long time since he had done this and he could feel his balls were full, waiting to explode. It wouldn’t be long before his first load of elephant cream was ready to erupt from his massive penis if Tally kept up her dancing. One by one, Tally slowly undid each of the buttons on her shirt. With each button undone more and more of her soft lush breasts were freed. It wasn’t long until only one button was straining to hold the top on. Looking over at Mitis, “You ready for this big boy?” She asked. With one final flick of her fingers, the last remaining button pops free, releasing Tally’s straining zoo uniform top. Like a spring the tops flew open revealing Tally’s massive breasts as they swayed and jiggled in the warm humid air of the elephant's house. “What do you think of my breasts Mitis? Good enough for you?” She asked. Seeing her exposed breasts and bright rockhard red nipples was all he needed, Mitis could not hold back any longer. Aiming between his legs, Mitis let loose with a flood of white-hot elephant cum straight at Tally Not knowing what was happening she stood there and was whitewashed in his seed. It was warm and sticky as it washed over her breasts and face. There was so much of it she was soon covered in elephant cum from head to toe. Having been surprised with her mouth open, Tally spat and coughed up cum while trying to wipe it out of her eyes. She was taking this all in good humor as she was laughing between coughs, “I guess they were that good!” Mitis, a little embarrassed about cuming over Tally, moved to pick her up with his trunk “Wow, careful big boy, I still got your cum in my eyes,” Tally said trying to wipe them clean, to no effect. Looking at Tally, Mitis wanted to help clean her up, but where to start? He could always start by sucking on her head. That would quickly clean his cum out of her eyes but he couldn’t help looking back down at her now cum covered massive breasts. He could always sucked those clean first, then work on her face, he thought to himself. Mitis moved towards Tally so her breasts were right in front of his open mouth. Letting his tongue out, he first licked over Tally’s right breast then her left. With each lick of her breasts they would raise up into the air pressing into her face. When his tongue would switch over they would fall back down against her chest with a wet smacking sound. It only took a few licks before Tally realize what Mitis was doing, “Yes Mitis, lick my breasts clean of your salty cum! Lick me like a lollipop!” Mitis liked the sound of that. Lollipops are meant to be licked, but also sucked on. He opened his mouth a little wider and moved Tally down a little, aiming her head into his open mouth. Seeing this Tally had other ideas, “No Mitis, I’m not food. You can lick me clean, but no swallowing big boy. You hear me? Tongue only!” Looking down at her as his white seed still dripped from her face onto her breasts, Mitis could tell that she was going to be one of those girls. One of those girls that likes to tease helpless, horny, hungry elephants. In his years at the circus they had taught him one thing it was how to deal with girls that were teases. With his trunk already wrapped around her, it wasn’t hard for him to slip his trunk between her legs. At first, Tally didn’t seem to notice that his trunk tip had started to rub across the groin of her shorts, as he had gone back to licking her breasts. It was difficult at first but with a little effort, he was able to work the zipper down, slowly revealing Tally’s moist pussy. With his heightened sense of smell he could tell Tally was really turned on. She was emanating a very heavy female musk, that he drank in with his trunk. She wanted this, she wanted this bad. He blew a puff of warm air over Tally’s pussy and was met by a gas sound from her. The tip of his trunk parted her pussy lips as he pushed into her. She was so wet, he met little resistance, sliding in very easily. With the immense size of his trunk filling her pussy, the ridges along his skin where rubbing against her lips and inner muscles. Tally couldn’t hold back any longer, as her first orgasm hit her hard. “Awwwwwww,” she threw her head back and screamed like a banshee. Tally's sudden scream of pleasure frightened Mitis, not because he was afraid of hurting her but he feared her scream would bring others to investigate. If someone showed up, they might try to stop him from having any more fun with Tally. There was one easy way to keep having fun and to keep her quiet. Starting to work his trunk in and out of Tally’s pussy, he kept her on that orgasmic bliss so she wouldn’t see what was about to happen next. Maneuvering Tally around so her head was close to his mouth, he wrapped his tongue around her face muffling her screams of pleasure. With that he pulled his tongue along with Tally’s head back into his mouth. With her head now in his mouth, her moans and gasps, “yes, yes, Mitis, harder, fuck me harder,” were muffled to the point where you could not hear them unless you had your ear next to Mitis' head. Inside his mouth, his tongue is washing over her face as he tastes every inch of her that he can. Outside, his trunk was busy thrusting in and out of her pussy. With each thrust of his trunk a little more of her was pushed into his mouth. It wasn’t long before her shoulders had slipped past his lips, leaving her breasts resting just outside. Tally’s head was bumping against Mitis' throat. Lost in her pleasure, Tally’s mind really did not comprehend the danger that she was in, “Yes Mitis swallow me, I want my breasts in your mouth. Lick my massive orbs like they were watermelons.” Pushing hard with his trunk still deep inside her, he had to work his meal back and forth to get her massive breasts into his mouth, moving Tally's smaller body like a doll. They were so big his cheeks were poking out from the sides with them once inside. He started thrusting his trunk once more in and out of her pussy. Pussy juice was running down her legs and into Mitis' trunk. She would gasp and suck air in, every time he would give a small puff of air through his trunk into her pussy, then suck it up back out. It was almost like he was trying to blow her up like a love doll. Another orgasm rocketed through her body. It took several minutes before she calmed down enough to realize she was in a new place or at least her head was. She could feel Mitis' tongue licking over her breasts again, playing with her nipples, but something new was rubbing all over her face and head. It was tight and warm and it felt wonderful. It was like her whole face was getting massaged. Her brain had cleared enough for her to realize she must be in Mitis' throat and it was trying to pull her down into the stomach while massaging her body. She didn’t care for it felt wonderful and couldn’t wait to feel the massaging throat on the rest of her body. With her hands pinned to her side, Tally reached down between her legs. She could feel the bulge in her stomach that Mitis' trunk was making as it was thrusting in and out of her pussy. She moved her hand to her clit and started rubbing it, adding to her pleasure. Mitis played with Tally like this for a while, but knew that he would have to either let her out of his mouth or swallow her down. A grumbling sound from his stomach gave him the answer. He had been playing with Tally for several hours now and had skipped lunch. Pushing his trunk as deep as he could into her pussy, he started pushing her into his mouth as hard as he could. With each thrust he swallowed, trying to take her in as much as he could. At first it seemed her massive breasts were going to prevent him from swallowing her down. He worked her breasts around with his tongue, and soon got one breast to slide down his throat followed by the other. When they had been in his mouth they had poked his cheeks out nicely. Now Tally’s breasts made nice round orbs sliding down Mitis' throat. To say it was a tight fit would be an understatement. As her breasts had entered his throat, the narrow passage squeezed tightly around her massive breasts, but it felt so good even painfully good to her. The throat massaged her breasts all over, squeezing and pulling on her massive orbs. Mitis swallowed several times until Tally’s hips entered his mouth. His trunk was still deep in her pussy, juice dripping from it and landing on his tongue. He couldn’t help himself, pulling his trunk free, Tally’s pussy gaping wide open. It did not stay empty for long. Driving his tongue as deep as it would go into her pussy, Mitis started to lick and taste as much as he could of the inside of her juicy pussy. He had greatly enjoyed the smell of it when he had trunk fucked her and now he was enjoying the flavor as he was tongue fucking her. It wasn’t long before his tongue licking was rewarded, and a wonderful flavor of Tally’s pussy juices came flooding onto his tongue. He let the flavor roll down his tongue and into his throat to mingle with the rest of her. Hearing a noise, Mitis knew he had to act quick. He wanted to play more with Tally but that would have to wait for later. A few quick swallows and Tally’s long creamy legs slipped past Mitis' lips and down his throat with the rest of her. Once she was safely tucked away in his stomach, there was no outward sign that he had swallowed a human being. The only thing left for him to do was to hide Tally’s uniform. Looking over at the wheelbarrow he tossed them in their and with his circus training, he picked up the shovel with his trunk and scooped his own poop into the wheelbarrow, covering the uniform as best as he could. Placing the shovel next to the wheelbarrow, Mitis went over and got himself a nice cold drink of water. From his stomach he could hear her protesting as the cold water washed over her. Luckily his fat body muffled all sound so no one heard anything from the outside. “That dumb girl,” it was Andy’s voice. Mitis turned to see him come walking down the ramp from the office area. He was carrying a six pack of beer with him, three of the cans were already gone. “That dumb girl went off and got herself eaten, didn’t she?” He poked the shovel into the wheelbarrow and fished out a soiled uniform top. “Come on Mitis, I thought we had a deal. I bring you girls from time to time to play with and snack on. You let me have a go at them first and you get the finish them off and hide the evidence. But no girls that worked here, that was our one number one rule. Hell she just started. I can do something with the paperwork but next time let me know, I really wanted to play with those tits. Okay Mitis I’m off, you have a fun weekend. See you in a couple days.” With that Andy walked out of the elephant's enclosure. Mitis smiled to himself. Oh yes, the next few days were going to be very fun for him and his new playmate, Tally, as he patted his stomach with his trunk. (Vore Film crew notes) “Cut! Okay that’s a wrap for today!” Yelled the director. “We’ll pick filming up in the morning. Amber you want to make sure that Tally’s okay in there?” “Right away boss,” said Amber the animal handler for Vore Film Productions. Like most of the other women on the set she ran around topless, letting her large breasts bounce freely as she walked over to Mitis. All she had on were her tennis shoes and a very skimpy G string bikini bottom. Holding up what looked like a tablet to Mitis' stomach, Amber was able to get a good inside view of the stomach. Tally was in there, safe and sound, floating in about a foot of water that Mitis' drank down. Her own personal Jacuzzi, as it was. “How you doing in there Tally?” Amber asked speaking into the tablet. The tablet picked up Tally’s voice through Mitis body and amplified it, “doing good. A little dinner would be nice and maybe some company. Care to pick up where we left off in that goat's stomach?” Amber blushed a little, “I'll see about getting you dinner and some company. I think Mitis wants to give your company a little elephant cream filling first before letting you play with her. I’ll see you in about 30 minutes Tally.” |
Pet or food New toy (warning this story contains vore, female nudity, sex, bestiality, bondage,) Locking the door behind her Gina dropped the keys to the library into her handbag and slung it over her shoulder. She was locking up for the day after making sure no one was left inside the public Library, that included shooing out any snake that had come in and swallowed any of the women who had visited the library that day. Today hadn't been too bad of a day, there had only been 12 Snakes that had gotten in and quietly swallowed 12 women. She had personally watched 7 of those women slide down those pink wet snake throats. Stumbling onto them as she went about her duties putting books back on the shelves. It amazed her that even when the snakes where swallowing the women or fucking them, though most of the time both. Using those wonderful meaty big double dicks of theirs, pumping them in and out of asses and pussies, thoughts snakes were doing all this in a very quiet manner as if trying to follow reverent rules of the library. Even the Girls pleasurable moans and cries from inside the snake throats and stomachs where in that same library reverent hush low tones. Letting her mind drift for a few minutes she turned to leave the alley. Her hand idly caressing the red leather choker Max had given her a few days ago. Coming from the entrance of the alley slithering towards her was a very large long blue scale snake. At first Gina wasn’t shore if it was the same snake she had met earlier in the library, but once he had gotten closer giving her a good view of the wiggling female shape in his middle, Gina know for sure it was him. Just thinking about the encounter started to get her wet. It had been earlier that day; Gina had been pushing her cart loaded down with books turning down one row of shelves, when she had come upon an emerald green snake that had a girl sticking halfway out of his mouth. He had swallowed her headfirst and had worked her in up to her waist. She was on her knees, her sweet round ass thrust high in the air just outside the snake’s mouth. The girl's moans of pleasure were muffled through the snake’s flash as he pounded away at her back side. Each of his double dicks were hungrily thrusting in and out of her two lower love holes with wet slap sounds. With each inward thrust he buried his dicks to the base Inside her Ass and pussy stretching them wide around his meaty love sticks. Then he would quickly withdraw until only the tips remain in each hole, to only be thrust hard and fast back in slamming his tail into her ass with a soft wet smack sound each time. Sticking out of the snake’s mouth was one of the girl’s hand. She was vigorously rubbing and playing with her clitoris added to her pleasure as the snake pounded is double dicks into her. Standing there watching the pair going at it Gina couldn't help herself as her own hand found its way to her wet pussy. Two fingers dipped inside past her wet pussy lips stroking the inside of her love tunnel. She had to place a hand on her book cart next to her to help steady yourself as she watched the snake fuck and swallow the girl before her. She couldn't help herself letting her fingers plunged deep into her own sex and she watched the scene before her. It was one of the things she loved about working at the library, besides being able to read so many different books, being able to watch, and enjoy herself to the snake’s swallowing the girls that visited the library. The snake’s never seemed to mind it when she stumbled onto them feeding or fucking a girl, most seemed to enjoy showing off to her as she would finger herself as the slowly swallowed the girl down. Watching and pleasuring herself for several minutes she felt something press up against her backside. Pausing for a moment she glanced over her shoulder into a woman's face that was neatly framed inside the open mouth of a snake. The woman saliva soaked brown hair clung to the side of her face as she looked out at Gina with a dreamy look in her eyes. Gina had seen that look in many women as they had slowly slipped down that tight wet throat of a hungry predator. She was enjoying a full body massage the throat was giving her as it was slowly working her down towards the snake's stomach. Squeezing and pulling on her body, working its strong mussels into every inch of her body. Turning around Gina pressed herself into the snakeskin covered parts of the woman, pressing her breast up hard into the other woman's. Behind her she could hear the wet slapping sound of the other snake containing to have sex with the girl as he slowly swallowing her down. Looking at the girl face in the snake’s mouth, saliva causing her skin to glisten, Gina recognized her as one of the Libraries regulars. She had never learned the girl's name or even really talk to her for she always walked around with a pink ball gag in her mouth which had kept her quiet the whole time she had been in the library. She had seen her many times poring over books and enjoying herself just as Gina what had been to the sites of other girls being swallowed by the many snake’s that frequent the library too. “I see that you finally found a handsome snake to swallow you down,” Gina said. The girl smiled around the pink ball gag in her mouth and nodded her head the best she could in the snake's mouth. The snake close his mouth over the girl's head sealing her inside, this gave Gina a chance to look the snake in the eyes as she felt it coil part of its body around her and the girl it had swallow squeezing them tight against each other. She could feel the girl’s movements from inside the snake. Her hands were busily working at her pussy trying to bring her to her next orgasm. Being pressed so tight against each other Gina’s own pussy was pressed right up against the others girls, she couldn’t help, but let out a moan of pleasure as the girl’s gyrating hands inside the snake started to rub, against her own pussy pleasuring her too. Opening its mouth, Gina was surprised to still see the face of the ball gag girl in it, more saliva covered her face, she seemed to be in heaven. Her eyes were closed with a smiling as wide as it could around the pink ball gag, Gina could tell a massive orgasm was rocketing through her body. Feeling the girl's fingers underneath the snakeskin hungrily working at her pussy rubbing up against her own Gina increased her own finger strokes wanting to catch up to the other girl with her own orgasm. Blue coils wrapped around her body pressing her in tight against the wiggling shape of the girl inside it long body. With their hands and pussies pressed tight together as the snake coils Squeezed their bodies gently together, Gina lean her head into the open mouth of the snake to press her lips against the girls in the snake mouth. She had to open her mouth wide to get around the pink ball gag in the other girl's mouth letting her tongue lick over its rubber texter tasting the girl's lips and the snake saliva on them. This let the snake flick his own tongue across both their faces tasting and coating them with saliva. An orgasm rocker through Gina's body as she kissed the girl in the snake’s mouth. Her love juices flowed out of her Spilling over her hand and on to the blue scales of the snake and girl bulge. With the coils tightly wrapped around the both of them, the snake lower Gina and the girl it had swallowed to the floor placing Gina on top of her wiggling shape. It made sure to keep Gina’s head inside’s it’s mouth so she could keep kissing the pink ball gag girl. The blue scale coils of the snake hugging and squeezing Gina's body holding her tight against the girl shape inside it, the coils giving her body a good massage as it squeezed her. Squeezing and rubbing her body in its soft coils it wasn't long before she felt the snake move to parts her legs, then the familiar feel of something large being pressed up against her pussy lips. Taking his time, the blue snake rubbed the tip of his pointed cock around Gina’s pussy lips, flicking it over them, rubbing the shaft against her wet lips. He was slowly building her up to a when he pressed himself into her spreading her wide with one deep thrust. The blue scale snake must have decided it wanted to enjoy Gina using her as a fuck toy as it swallowed down the other girl. Gina was helpless being partially wrapped in its coils pressed tight into the wiggling girl bugle inside it, alone her head being left inside the snake mouth let both of them enjoy each other what little time she had let before the snake gave her the last swallow down to its stomach. The snakes tail smacked Gina's ass as he thrust is cock in and out of her pussy. He wiggled his tail between her ass cheeks spreading them a part, his tail slipped between her ass cheeks. The soft underbelly rubbing over Gina's ass hole as he let go her cheeks letting them close, gripping his tail like she had an oversize snakeskin G-string on. This little trick let him keep his cock deep inside her wet tight pussy with each thrust of his cock he would rub his tails soft under belly scales over Gina’s ass hole, rubbing and gridding into it. When he thrust into her his belly scales would rub, flicking her ass hole one way, and when he would pull out, his soft belly scales would flick her ass hole in the other direction. This was something new Gina had never felt before, Max had double penetrated her before with his double cocks, but this ass rubbing of this snake was different and wonderful. If he kept this up she was going to orgasm very shortly. Her pussy was stuffed full with this snakes massive cock, but he wasn’t thrust hard just gently working his cock in and out of her pussy. “This blue scale snake is taking his time. He seemed just as skilled as Max, just having a different way of snake loving making than Max,” Gina thought to herself as her orgasm built to it peak. Rubbing his tail over her sensitive Love holes as he worked his cock in her pussy Gina was helpless in his powerful coils as he worked her to her first orgasm. When it hit her she pressed her head into the snake's mouth, he welcomed her head flicking his tongue over her face tasty her sweet flesh, coating her face with saliva. As her orgasm rocketed through her Gina opened her mouth to scream in pleasure inside the snake’s mouth as the electricity from the orgasm rocketed through her body, she barely noticed her world go dark as the snake closed its mouth over her head. Her scream of pleasure was muffled by the flesh of his mouth as his scaly lips sealed around her neck, they were still in a library after all. Basking in her post orgasmic bliss, Gina’s mind didn’t at first process the feeling of the wet flesh pressing against her face then around her head as it rippled and pulled on her body until she felt warm wetness envelop over her breast. Then there was that familiar feeling of a forked tongue licking over every inch of her large meaty orbs as it tasted them coating them with warm saliva. When the forted tongue wrapped around one of her hardened nipples and gave it a good pinch it was enough pleasure pain to bring Gina back to her senses enough for her to realize that she was tit deep in the throat of the blue scale snake. Looking down the wet throat of the snake just in front of her perfect outline in the pink soft flesh of its throat was the face of the other girl it has swallowed. She was looking back at Gina smiling around that pink ball gag looking back at Gina with hungry eyes. Eyes invite Gina to follow her, follow her through the snakes tight wet throat, follow her down to his waiting stomach. Gina watched as her face slowly disappeared being enveloped by the pink throat flesh as she was worked down deeper out of Gina’s sight. Soon Gina was alone in the snakes throat just the wet slurping swallow sounds as it pulsed and moved pulling on her own body trying to move her down its length. The snake still had his cock planted deep inside Gina's wet pussy, along with his tail rubbing between her ass cheek grind his soft belly scales over her sensitive ass holes with each thrust of his cock in and out of her. His tongue licking over her large meaty breast as his throat massaging her upper body. She was quickly building to another orgasm under this pleasurable assault. Giving her ass a hard push as he thrusted into her, swallow at the same time, working his mouth over her large breast. With a wet pop they slipped down into his throat. Gina gasped when she felt the snake tight throat muscles start rubbing and squeezing her large breast, working them over with each swallow like they where large lumps of doe. With each thrust of his dick, ass slap of his tail, perfectly timed with small swallow Gina slow inched deeper down his throat. It wasn't long before he had worked Gina's soaked cocked filled pussy into his mouth. His forked tongue flicking over her sensitive pussy lips finding her little clit noob. Grabbing her clit with the forked end of his tongue he gently played with it, pressing it, flicking it, teasing Gina's little love button. Each time he played with it, Gina would struggle more in his throat, helpless to his assault. Trapped halfway down the snake's throat Gina could do nothing against the blue snakes pleasure assault on her body. His wet tight throat squeezing, massaging, her upper body, kneading her massive breast tightly into her body. His throat muscles caress every inch of her body that it held in it's hungry grips. Her lower half hung limply out of the snake's mouth the snakes tail pressed between her ass cheeks rubbing over her now puckered ass hole with his soft under belly scales. Gently rubbed and stroking his tail over her ass hole was making Gina want something large and meaty to be thrusted into it. Something just as large as the cock he was working in and out of her pussy right now. Holding Gina tight in his throat, the blue snake worked his cock faster in and out of Gina’s pussy. Soft, wet, slapping sounds were made each time his belly scales smacked against Gina's wet pussy lips. That wet slap sound normal would have been very load as he pounding his cock hard into Gina's tight pussy, making her pussy juice flying out with each body smack. Being the very skilled lover he was blue snake was able to quiet those wet smacking sounds into soft that could only be heard a few feet away. They were still in a library after all. From her position half way down his throat Gina had lost track of time, how long had this blue snake been keeping this pleasurable assault on her body? Working his cock in and out of her wet pussy making those soft quiet smacking sounds with his tail against her groin. Rubbing her ass with his tale, pushing her ever so slowly deeper into it's warn wet tight throat. Letting out a moans of pleasure, the flesh around her head helping to muffle her moans that barely a hushed whisper could be heard came from her bulging shape inside his scales. Her hushed whispers adding to the already soft wet smack sound of his cock as he repeatedly thrust it into her. Carefully the blue snake reposition his tail along Gina's body that remained out side of his mouth. This gave himself better access to Gina's juice wet pussy and around meaty ass as he worked them around in his mouth. Gina's throbbing clitoris stuck out like a little button between the fort ends of his tongue as he played with it, making her pump out more of her tasty love juices with each thrust of his cock onto his waiting tongue. Gently he started to chewing on Gina's ass now that he had it fully in his mouth, they hadn't bulged out his cheeks as much as her breast had, but her ass was still a tasty mouth full. All of this combined pleasure was too much for Gina, pushing her over the edge for yet another mind blowing orgasm. The snakes throat loving held her body tight as she feebly tried to jerk about inside its meaty grip as volts of electricity rocketing through her body from the orgasm. The blue snakes wrapped several coils around her legs that hung out of his mouth, to keep them from kicking wildly about as she rode her orgasm to It's end. Slowly Gina came back down to earth from her as yet so far most power orgasm this snake had given her. Slowly her mind cleared allowing her to think again, Gina slowly realize she was feeling warm wet flesh holding most of her body now. It was pulsing around her with each swallow motion the snake was make pushing her deeper down towards it's waiting stomach. Only her feet remained just outside of the snakes throat, she could feel a mixture of cool air of the outside world Being washed over with his hot breath. Saliva gave Gina's skin a glisten look as the snake ran his tongue over her feet tasty now before they slipped down his throat. One thing that Gina felt as her senses came back to her, was something was still being pumped in and out of her pussy. Gripped in the tight throat of the snake she couldn't move about to look behind her. Wiggling about the best she could Gina work her hands from her side to her crotch. Her fingers rubbed over the meaty shaft object that was thrust repetitively into her. She couldn't help herself as her hands on their own started rubbing her pussy lips and playing with her clit. She played with herself as the meaty shaft continued thrust away. After several minutes of this the meaty shaft slammed deep up into Gina pulsating as she felt it start to pump warm fluid inside her. At that moment Gina sex clouded mind realized what the meaty shaft was, it was the blue snakes dick. He must have swallowing his own tail just so he could keep fucking her as he was swallowing her down. Feeling the throat muscles around her tighten, rippling as it squeezing her forcing her deeper down the blue snake throat. With a last good-bye lick of her feet, they fallowed the rest of Gina down into his warm wet tight throat. Gina was nothing more then a second wiggling female shape bugle in the blue scale snakes length. The blue snake yawned a few times resetting his jaw in place, enjoying the feeling of both women wiggling as they made their way to his waiting stomach. He was still swallowing his own tail, just so he could keep his cock thrusting away inside Gina as she made her deeper inside him. He just couldn't get enough of this human female pussy. He almost wanted to forget she was wearing an ID collar, and wanted to keep her for his own. She wanted to lose herself in the pleasure of the snake’s throat knowing this was where she belong. Nothing more then female meat being slowly work down to fill a hungry snakes stomach. Part of her wanted this to surrender to the pleasure in fulfill her purpose, but another part told her she needed to fight that she couldn't go out this way. She might food, but she was meant to be food for Max some day. That last thought of Max brought her mind almost back to full clarity as another wave of throat squeezing pleasure washed over her along with the snakes meaty dick thrusting itself inside her pussy. Held tightly in the snake's throat Gina was in bliss as the warm wet flesh caressed her body with each powerful swallow as it worked her further down its long length. She was losing her mind from the pleasure, not remembering how long she had been trapped inside this snake. Micro organisms rocketing through her body with each swallow. She was in heaven no wonder it seemed every girl always enjoyed themselves so much after she had been swallowed, never wanting you to come back out. Why had it taken her so long to take this step into becoming some predators food, but there was a part of her mind that kept trying to telling her that she belonged to Max and that she needed to get out so that he could be the one she could be enjoying herself inside. Fighting her mixed feelings of pleasure and wanting to get out a loud sound from deep down the snakes throat drew Gina's attention. It was dark inside the throats, but Gina was surprised that there was just enough light bleeding in from the outside world she could just make out something a few inches in front of her own face. In the dime light inside the throat Gina could just make out the face of the other girl the snake had swallow before her. In all her orgasmic bliss Gina had totally forgot about the pink ball gags girl she had been watching her slid down the tight throat the whole time as she made her own way just ahead of Gina. It was hard to tell in the dim light of the throat and its tights fleshy confined, Gina was able to see that the pink ball gag girl had already started to enter the snake's stomach. The stomach open ring was just under her breast, those large meaty orbs were being pushed up into her face as she was being squeezed through the small stomach opening. She lovingly stared back at Gina over her massive breast smiling the best she could around the ball gag in her mouth. She was wiggling about but not in a way as if she was trying to get out of the stomach more in a way as to help push herself even deeper through the tight stomach opening. Gina couldn't take her eyes off the girl in front of her, as she watched her slip into the waiting stomach. The stomach opening slowly rolled over her body, with almost a wet pop sound it's forced her breasts down into the stomach so the opening could close around her neck. Gina was rubbing her pussy as hard as she could frantically trying to bring herself to another orgasm as she watched the ball gag girl slowly disappearing from sight. The snake still had his cock planted deep in Gina's pussy pumping away happily in her as her worked her next in line for his stomach. Closing her eyes, the ball gag girl shuddered as her own orgasm rocketed through her body. The stomach and throat prevented her from moving much. Her eyes opened leisurely as she slipped deeper into the stomach, the opening rolling over her head to frame I her face with it's flash. She winked at Gina as The flashy opening slowly rolling over her face, with a satisfying slaps closed sealing her away inside the snake's stomach. This was enough to push Gina over the edge to hit another orgasm, one of her biggest yet to rocket through her body. As she try to jerk about within the snake throat she felt its fleshy walls squeeze tight around her pinning her body keeping her from moving. After some time her mind cleared from that last orgasm, Gina found that she was right in front of the stomach opening. The throat was gently forcing her head up against the closed stomach opening. It was not opening letting her slip into the stomach like the other girl. Moving her head around Gina tried to see if she could help force the stomach open, she just ended up with her face being pressed into the closed opening. She was a little upset that she was being denied entry into the stomach the place that she knew she belonged, just like any good tasty girl meet. There was another part of her that was happy she was being denied entry and may have hope of being let back out of this snake after all. She did have Max to get home too, maybe she could get him to fuck and swallow her. Rubbing her face against the soft flesh of the stomach opening the throat squeezed tight around Gina giving her body one good hard push against the stomach open. At first there was no give, Gina feeling like she was going to be smashed in this soft tight space. With a sudden give the stomach opened just enough to let Gina's head slip in. The opening slapped closed around her neck, she found it didn't restrict her breathing as it held her there the throat relaxing its hold on her body some. Just on the inside of the stomach was the pink ball gag girl, she was nose to nose with Gina, it was like she had been waiting for her or something. Another swallow pushed more of Gina into the stomach, she slipped down between the pink ball gag girl's breast. Each girl had there head between the other girls breast, rubbing their faces into the soft round orbs. Swallowing again squeezed more of Gina into the stomach, her ass popping past the opening as her body was moved down over the pink ball gag girls body. A few more swallows had the two women in a 69 position to each other. With her hands freed from the stomach opening she maneuvered one hand up in the tight confined of the stomach to help aid her get at the other girls pussy. Stroking the pussy lips with her finger first, Gina couldn't resist forcing her face hard into the other girls pussy letting her tongue lick as deep as it could inside her. As she was enjoying eating out the other girl, Gina was surprised to feel the hard ball gag being pressed against her own pussy then into it. Even gagged the other girl was trying to return the pleasure that Gina was giving her. During the time Gina was being forced squeezed into the stomach she had missed that he had pulled out off her pussy, now only the pink ball gag being rubbed and ground into it was all she could feel happening to her pussy. Feeling hands on each side of her ass, Gina know those had to belong to the pink ball gag girl as she pulled Gina's ass cheeks apart. Something poked Gina right in her ass hole a few times before slowly thrusting up inside her. Gasping into the other girls pussy Gina had never had her ass stuffed so much as the blue snake started pumping is cock in and out of her ass. Letting go of her ass cheeks so they could help squeeze are the snake cock, the pink ball gag women went back to rubbing and grinding her ball gag into Gina's pussy. Gina was being tagged teamed by two people right now, and she was loving it. The stomach pressed the two women tightly together, the walls of the stomach rubbed and grinding against their bodies. Hungrily Gina devoured the other girls pussy, her tongue probing licking as deep as it could go, tasting every delicious inch of her love tunnel. Rewarded for her efforts, Gina would feel the vengeance opening tighten around her lower face as the pink ball gag girl would have an orgasm. A flood of pussy juices erupted from the pussy around her face, Gina tried to lick up as much of the wonderful girl juice she could. There was so much coming out of this girl it washed over Gina's face mixing with the stomach juices already covering both their bodies. Not being able to use her tongue because of the ball gag didn't seen to be hindering the other girl in anyway. Skillfully she used the ball gag just as effectively as her own tongue, rubbing and grinding the ball over Gina's sensitive pussy lips. Using her fingers to pull opening Gina's pussy letting her work the ball a bit deeper up inside Gina. This was a completely new sensitive to Gina, something wonderful! It didn't take long before she was having other orgasm. This time she erupted spraying her pussy juice out onto the waiting face of the pink ball gag girl. The two women rubbed and pressed their bodies against each other inside the tight stomach as it squeezed caressing every inch of their sexy flash. The soft fleshy walls of the stomach rubbed its stomach juices all over the two women's bodies mixing it with their own sweaty flavor as they continued to make love in the snake's stomach. Only Gina's feet were being kept out of the stomach by the tight stomach opening having closed around her ankles, along with the snakes own tail as it thrusted between her feet into the stomach. Each time Gina was able to make the ball gag girl cum she was rewarded with her sweet pussy juice flooding onto her tongue to be mixing with the bitter sweet stomach juices. She couldn't help herself she wanted more each time diving back in, probe deeper with her tongue into that tasty pussy. She had to lap up every last drop of sweet love juice that the ball gag girl was willing giving her. There was a part of Gina's mind that was lost in her lust. A part only wanting to continue licking the other girls pussy. She was wondering if this was how all the women Max had swallowed had felt as the wiggled inside his stomach as he slowly digest them. She thought it would have been unpleasant or smelt bad from the stomach acid but it actually was very enjoyable with a pleasant aroma inside this snake's stomach. Maybe that was why she couldn't stop herself from trying to lick clean the other woman's pussy each time she orgasmed. This had to be why so many women willing let themselves be swallowed by snakes. Enjoying himself immensely the blue snake had stretched out in the aisle between the long book shelves to better allow the two women, now just sexy lumps in his stomach, to enjoy themselves as they pleasured each other. Though it was an odd sight as he had swallowed his own tail so that he could keep it wrapped around Gina's feet keeping her from fully entering his stomach. As the two women in his stomach continue to wiggle and ate each other pussies out, he made quick hard thrust into Gina's tight ass with his large snake cock. The stomach walls squeezed around her ass cheeks, pressing them tight around his dick. With each rapid hard thrust of his dick into Gina's tight ass he could feel her body quiver inside his stomach, along with his little pets hungrily assaulting Gina from the front, he was glad he had swallowed her first. He have been trying his best to prolong cumming inside Gina ass, but the way she started squeezing and milking his dick with each thrust into her ass. Add in the heavenly flavor of both girls inside his stomach, it was almost to much for him to hold back on. Any second now he was going to lose it, shooting his load of hot steamy snake seed deep into Gina's ass. Squeezing his stomach muscles the blue snake massage every inch of the two women letting his stomach taste their juicy flesh. Having total control of his stomach, as all women swallow snakes did, the blue snake rhythmically squeezed the warm fleshy stomach walls around the two women working into every nook and cranny of their bodies giving them the best full body massage they had ever had in their lives. The soft stomach walls gripped and squeeze the girl's breast gripping pinching their nipples almost as if real hands were doing it. Gina was losing her mind with how much pleasure overload she was receiving. If she had known how much fun It was to be inside a snake's stomach she may have had Max swallow her months ago just so that she could of already enjoyed this wonderful heaven on Earth place. When the snake's stomach had started massaging her then skillfully playing with her nipples, she instantly orgasmed. That orgasm had been by far one of the biggest so far, making her spring pussy love juices out all over the ball gag girl's face. This was the first time she had every ejaculated pussy juice, it felt so good doing it mixed with her orgasm. The next thing Gina felt as she was calming down from that last orgasm was the stomach walls gripping her ass cheeks tight, forcing them together as the snake thrust his cock hard and deep into her ass. Once it was as deep as he could get it in Gina’s ass, she felt it start to quivering and pulse as the first shoots of white hot snake seed started pumped into her ass. Hot snake seed flooded into Gina warming her belly. This was another level of pleasure, adding to Gina's already over loaded pleasure ridden mind. Each setting off an orgasms, one after the other, each growing bigger then the last one. The tight stomach kept her from moving much as each new orgasm jolted through her body. It pressed her harder into the other girl as she sprayed more and more pussy juice over her face with each orgasm. Beyond her control Gina's ass clamped down on the snakes cock milking it for all his warm seed it could get, trying to suck more of it in deeper into her ass. The orgasm seemed to go on for hours as Gina rode her electrified pleasure waves, she was helpless in the snakes warm tight stomach held in it loving embrace. Blackness filled Gina's vision as she slowly passed out into heavenly bliss from the orgasms. She was willingly giving herself to the enjoyment of this snake, just another girl giving herself to what she now felt was her correct please as just another meal to feeding some hungry sexy snakes. The last thing that Gina thought about just before she lost consciousness was how sad that this blue snake wasn't Max's and this wasn't his stomach that she was going to become a meal in. Then darkness took her. To her surprise Gina opened her eyes. Not founding she was in the warm wet tight embrace of the blue snake's stomach, but instead blinking at the bright sun light coming in from one of the library windows. She was laying on top of the blue snakes warm scaly body basking in the sunlight, on top of a still wiggling female bulge under those blue scale. Gina was surprised to find herself outside his stomach unharmed and undigested. Laying there enjoying the sunlight on her skin, along with the other women’s gently wiggling form under her Gina was content to just nestle her head between the other girls large scale wraps bosom. Gina was content to stay there slowly regained her energy and wits about her from the wonderful ordeal she had just gone through with the blue snake and his ball gag girl meal. Laying there Gina could feel the gentle slap of the tail against her ass along with his massive cock soft thrust in and out of her ass. Gina couldn't help but smile to herself as she lifted her head up to look at him, as he rested his own head part of his own coils looking back at her. “I take it that you're an ass snake? That's why you're still pounding cock deep in my ass?” Gina giggled a little bit enjoying the feeling of his large dick gently thrusting in and out of her ass. She wrapped her arms around the other girls scale covered breast bulges giving them a gently squeezing. Gina's hands find where the other girls nipples should have been even under their scaly covers. Squeezing her breast and pinching her nipples through the scales of the blue snake Gina was able to get her to wiggle more in pleasure under her. Through the layers of snake flesh and scales Gina could hear the other girl pleasurable moans. Gina always enjoyed helping those girls in a snakes stomach have a good time and now she know exactly how it felt to be in one. As if to answer her he flicked his forked tongue out at her along with a wink of his eye. His tail smacked hard against Gina's ass making her yelp a little as she feel his wonderful large cock spread her ass wide open. Once the blue snake had his dick as deep in Gina's ass as he could get it, he let lose with another load of hot white snake seed. Gina closed her eyes enjoying the warm feeling of his seed filling her once more. It was just about as much cum as the first time he unloaded into her ass. It was amazing how quickly and how much cum a woman swallowing snake could purdue. Gina worked her ass the best she could, squeezing and pulling on that cock trying to milk every last drop of cum from it. With the last squirt of snake seed safety inside Gina's ass, he slowly pulled his dick out of Gina giving her ass a gentle smack just as the head of his cock popped out. Gina just laid there basking in the warm sunlight, feeling the blue snakes warm seed inside her. She was exhausted, she had never had so much fun in her life before, she just wanted to lay there enjoying the aftermath of it all. She was definitely going to have a talk with Max when she got home to night. If it was this much fun for the girls he swallowed, then he had better start swallowing her too! She wanted some stomach time too, or at least time to play with his meals in his stomach. But that would be for later, when she got home. Laying there with her eyes closed enjoying the movements of the other woman underneath her inside the blue snake, Gina felt something warm and sticky rubber against her cheek then over her lips. Opening her eyes she saw right in front of her that massive dick! The one the blue snake had been so lovingly thrusting in and out of her ass. It was hovering a few inches in front of her faces glistening with a combination of his white glossy seed and her anal love juices. Looking over at his head which was rested on part of his coiled body looking back at her, “I take it you want me to clean your dick now?” Gina asks him. Flicking his black forked tongue out at her, he cocked his head a little to the left was all the answer he gave her. Gina imagine he replied to her was, “If you would be so kind yes suck it clean please, you got it messy now clean it up.” Gina let her skilled tongue slip out of her mouth to lick over the tip of his pointed snake dick, licking it clean of the mixture of their love juices. This wasn't the first time she had ever sucked a snake's dick, having enjoyed sucking on Max's many times in the past. It always surprised her how different snake cum taste different than human cum. Where human seed had a salty taste, snake seed had a more fruity salt taste to it. That different alone almost made her want to suck and swallow more snake seed. Once the tip was clean she opened her mouth wide, guiding it in enjoying the warmth of it as her tongue lick over its girth as it filled her mouth. She sucked on it pulling back letting the tip pop from her mouth with a loud popping sound strings of saliva mixed with cum and love juice ran from her lips back to the cocks tip. She quickly engulfed it again taking a little bit more into her mouth sucking hard on it again only to let it pop out again. Gina kept repeating this each time take a little more of his dick into her mouth, sucking and licking harder on it too late it pop out of her mouth with that wet popping sound. She had been watching the blue snake seeing how he was enjoying her cleaning of his dick. He had closed his eyes and was panting. Gina knew that he was definitely enjoying this, her sucking and popping his cock from her mouth like a lollipop, it was something Max enjoy a lot too. Sucking deeper and deeper then letting it pop from her mouth each time, Gina was slowly working more of the blue snakes dick into her mouth each time. This time as her lips closed around his shaft, she had worked the tip towards the back of her mouth starting to touch the opening to her throat. There was still 2/3 of the blue snakes dick left outside of Gina’s mouth and she wanted it all, she wanted it all inside her. Having spent time practicing with Max over the past months, shed learned to relax her throat gently pushed herself forward letting the pointed tip of his dick slide down her throat. As if she was a snake herself she started working her own throat muscles swallowing and squeezing it around his dick taking more of it down her throat. With the way she was working her throat she didn't even have to bob her head up and down on his cock, her throat did all the work. Watching the blue snake Gina knew she was doing a great job as he quivered with pleasure each time she would squeeze and swallow with her throat around his dick. The girl in his stomach start to wiggle around more, almost as a by-product of what Gina was doing to the snake. When Gina’s lips where only a few inches from the scale base she felt a section of the blue snakes coils rest against the back of her head gently pushing her down the rest of the way. Her mouth was spread wide around his massive dick as her lips kissed tight against his scaly belly. A few seconds later she could feel the dick deep inside her throat start to quiver his warm seed started to pump it's way down it's lengthy into her stomach. Gina was happy to except all the tasty cum the blue snake wanted to give her. Releasing her head the blue snake allow Gina to slowly pull herself off his dick. It slowly emerging from her widely stretch mouth glistening with her saliva. When the tip popped from her mouth she gave it a playful lick, cleaning the tip for any lose drops of his fruity salty seed. Gina watched as his dick slide back into the slit in his scaly tail going back into his body. Not having his cock before her anymore Gina almost had an instant longing for it missing cock already. Gina didn't have long to think about it as he wrapped several of his coils around her, gently lifts her up into the air, then placing her back down on her feet. Holding her there he slow uncoiled from around making sure she was sturdy enough to stand on her own. “I take it this means that you're done with me and I can go?” Gina asked looking back at the blue snake as he uncoiled himself more stretching out as if getting ready to leave. It also helped to show off the very sexy female bulge of the ball gag girl happily wiggling inside his stomach. To answer Gina he gave her a playful smack on her ass with his tail as he raised his head to look at her flicking his black forked tongue out at her to give her a lick on her cheek. He then opened his mouth wide showing her the wet pinkness of his mouth leading to that warm soft fleshy tunnel of his throat. An invite to her if she wanted, a s if saying “you want back in you're welcome to.” Placing her hands on his snout she closed his mouth and gave him a kiss on his nose, “Thank you Mr. Blue snake I do appreciate the offer to go back inside you and have some more fun with your lovely friend, who's already enjoying herself a lot in your stomach. I don't mind playing around, I greatly enjoyed our first meeting and look forward to seeing you next time you visit the library.” She ran her fingers around his closed mouth down under his chin then down along his throat, “I already have my own handsome snake that if one day I do decide to make that wonderful last trip down to that heavenly stomach I wanted it to be his stomach. I hope you understand?” He gave her cheek another lick of his forked tongue leaving a nice long line of saliva crossed it. Pulling his head back a little he looked into her eyes then gave are very slight nod of his head before turning to Leave. Gina yelp when she felt a sharp smack on her ass, the blue snake giving her one last smack with his tail as he slithered out of sight at the end of the book shelf. That was the last time Gina had seen the blue snake until now as she was locking up the library at the end of day. She had just turned the keys to lock the back door making it so she had to exit into the alley behind the building. Turning to leave she spotted the blue snake slowly slithering down the alley towards her with that lovely female shape in his stomach happily wiggling contently away. All the memories of what had happen earlier that day flooded back to her. Letting those memories wash over her for an few moments Gina started to feel her pussy getting wet again. Clearing her mind Gina pulled herself together. Taking a deep breath she started walking down the alley towards the blue snake slithering his way toward her. “Well Mr. Blue snake fancy meeting you back here in this dimly lit back alley. I hope no sinister snake has any evil plans for helpless little me.” She said with a laugh watching as he slithered closer. He raised his head up from the ground so he could look her in the face. Flicked his fork tongue out at her tasting her flavor on the air. He cocked his head to the left a little as if he was giving her a shrug. Lowering himself back down to the ground he continue slither on his way down the alley past her. Smack! A sharp slap on her ass made Gina jump! Turning She spotted the end of his tail quickly slipping down past her from behind, following the rest of his long snake body down the alley. Gina stomped her foot at him trying to stomp down on his tail, it was only a half hearted attempt to get him back for smacking her ass. “Maybe I should just call you ass snake if you keep this up!” Gina yelled at him as he slithered out of sight. Turning to start walking her own way out of the alley, Gina almost thought she heard chuckling coming from the blue snake as he slithered away. Shacking her head Gina must have been more tired then she thought, women swallowing snakes don't talk or laugh…do they? She must be more over tired from that orgy then she thought. She was going to have a talk with Max once she gets home or at least talk him into swallowing her down a few times this weekend. |
Prologue “Sir….”I groan softy, trying to open my eyes, finding that most of my body was as limp as could be. “Sir…”The voice came again. A light came on as my eyes flew open. Feeling my body nearly dry out, my eyes felt like they were burning from the brightness of the cab light. “Hey kid Wake up we’re here” My eyes slowly focusing themselves, though the lights were very bright, they were bright enough to cause string on my eyes. My body feeling cold and lifeless, my brain was entering a dull mind-numbing headache. “We’re here.” Came from the voice again. “You don’t look too good, here I’ll help you out.” I tried to focus my eyes on the driver. From the sound of her voice, she sounded like a very nice person. Getting out of the cab, the driver walk over to where I was at as she slowly open the door and help me undo my seatbelt as she took my hand and help me climb out of the cab. Taking it she could feel as I weakly climb out of the cab, as my legs were as numb as could be. As I started to rub my dry eyes she started to say something else, however due to my state I couldn’t make it out as I weakly nodded at her. “Were you drinking on your flight here?” I heard her ask again, this time it was more clear, she ask as she was walking to the back of the cab. Using what strength I was gaining, I slowly follow her slowly to the rear end of the cab; I follow to the best I could. I don’t remember I want to say I wasn’t. No wasn’t, I know well at least I don’t remember drinking anything. I shock my head no to her as she pops the trunk. Getting my two bags out she laid them to one side. I tried to reach for my wallet to pay the driver. “They’re no charge. Your fare was already taken care of.” I smile warmly at her; I only have a fifty on me. I knew that it has to last me until was able to get a job. Picking up my bags I slowly made my way inside the apartment building. My body and mind finally came to life as I was unlocking the door to my apartment, I couldn’t remember how I got up here, nor faces and voices too well. They sounded like nice people however. I walk inside and as I laid my bags down. The two suit cases were the only two I had with me. I was told that the rest of my things would be coming later. As I roamed my new home I was deeply shock a lot this apartment I was staying in, I swore it was like a condo, this place had everything. If only I wasn’t so tire from the long plane trip here. As I pass a large study area that was connected to my bedroom I remember seeing some kind of cage or something. It didn’t have bars only a glass there was also some kind of metal door. I guess the last person had a pet or something. As I peer inside I could see a very large snake inside of it. At least I though it was a snake. However I could tell how long it was. It was too long and large to be any kind of normal snake. However the room was too dark for me to see any true detail of the snake body. However one part did caught my eye. Near the middle of this unknown snake like thing was a large bulge. It was moving around softy. My mind couldn’t begin to register what it was inside that thing. Little did I know at the time what was a woman who had gotten devoured by that large creature some unknown amount of time before. It wont be until later that I had learn about that woman and why she choice her fate. Passing the large tank like cage, I finally made it to my bedroom. I was still in awe over the size of my bedroom. There was a grand view of the large city. I smile as I glare over and saw the large queen size bed. It was well made and everything. There was even a good size flat screen TV there waiting for me. Some how I was starting to wonder if this was even my room I discover the truth. There on the bed was a note waiting for me. It didn’t have my name on it, but however I could tell it was meant for me. Dear new person, I’m sorry I didn’t have time know your name or I would of put it down. I hope you like your new home. I’m sorry I wasn’t able to prepare you house warming party to greet you. Some plans came up, if I knew when you were coming and all I would have post pone them, well I don’t want to give that away. I hope you enjoy yourself. Don’t worry if you feel alone your have a new roommate by the end of the week. Have fun in your new home Amy P.S. I won’t be having any needs for any of my stuff for where I’m going, so I guess there your stuff now, enjoy. It a shame you’re a guy, Oh well there a box of personal toy under the bed. Don’t worry about those I call up an old girl friend, long story short she agree to take those off of your hands. I laid the note to one side, as I was puzzle over it. Part of me wanted to now look under the bed. However I was to tire to care about what was under there, as I slowly climb into bed. Turning in the TV. I flip though a few channels. After some searching though some movies, news, one or two of look like free adult channels. I stop it when I saw an old anime from the early 90s; it was a really good mecha anime. I watch it for some time before turning it back off. I lay back as I fell asleep; I had no idea when my first collage class was going to be. For a city I never heard nor seen before so far I love it. It was in this very night I had my first encounter to what is known as a common practice known only as vore. I know what your thinking. Vore is something you see in life. However what I saw in my dream was something else. Well I’ll explain it and maybe you might understand where I am getting at here. I found myself sitting inside of a large shrine to what looks like was in the middle of a grassy field. The walls were made from bamboo sticks and paper. The floor was a hard oak floor. The room was fill with the sounds bamboo wind chimes howling a soothing tune as they clank against each other as a soft breeze brush passed them. Looking around I felt completely at peace with being here. My eyes had fixed themselves onto the center of the shrine was what looks like a miko praying to the large shrine. She had long red hair that went down to her mid back, her skin was pale white she appeared around 5’5. She turned as I saw her front side. She appeared to be her early 20s, mostly around my age. Her face was pale white as an early winter storm. She smiled deeply at me as she started to walk over to me. I began to get a better look at her as she came ever closer. I knew my hand was over my chest as I could felt like my heart was going to explode right there. I was utterly dumbstruck by her looks. I could feel my body freezing over, as if my blood was replaced with ice cold water. I knew my skin was turning even paler then hers. Walking up to me she place her hand on my check and gave me a warm greeting by a soft kiss to my lips. I don’t know why but the kiss had felt real. Even more so then if you were to be kissed while being awake. I swore I wanted just die right there. I knew she could tell my expression as she held me till was able to stand on my own again. Letting go I could my body aching from her hold. I could feel my body and soul begging to be held again. She giggle from this, I knew she wasn’t laughing at me. She broke the long silent when her first words were. “I’m sorry. I don’t very many visitors anymore.” Waving her hand, I turn as I saw what she was waving at. A large snake enter the shrine as it slither passed me and over to the woman. This snake was big; Most of its body was still outside of the shrine. I couldn’t believe how long this snake body was. The woman had smiled deeply as she lower her hand. It lifted it large body up to her as it gave a soft hiss as it tongue flicker over her faces giving the woman soft kisses. “You will find snakes nearly this big in this city, as well as many other different spices. Don’t be scare of them. These lovely’s are train to be kind and gentle to people.” The snake rubbed itself against her as she hugged her snake friend. “Hang on my love Very well, dear I know your hungry so please don’t worry. I wont let you starve. Well do you have a name?” She looks up at smile at me. I wanted to my head by my body had other plans. I weakly shook my head at her. The snake turns and looks at me as she began to slither over to me and looked me over. The snake lifted its head and stare straight into my eyes. “She really likes you a lot.” I smile as I felt her fork tongue tickling my face a little bit. I somehow felt like she was kissing me. The snake slithers back to the woman as it raised its head back to the woman face. “Ok my love I’ll feed you now.” Before I could ask what was she going to feed a snake that big. My question was answer for me before I could even ask it. The woman slowly removed her robe as her breasts had bounce freely. Her size appeared a good near DD. Her privet area was shaven and well taken care of. I couldn’t take my eyes off of her as she turn to me and wave me closer. Before I could even react She squeeze herself against me as I felt her breasts pushing themselves into me. “Is this your first time near a woman like this?” I could tell she already knew the answer. “I don’t normally do something like to guys, however you’re different.” Her Hands went up to my head as she had softy rub my long cat like ears ears. I smile softy as she was doing this. She began to moan as she could feel my body purring from her rubbing my ears. “I always had fantasy about nekomatas… though they all been catgirls, and not boys.” I found my strength leaving me as I sat down with my legs tuck under me. Laying down she place her head on my lap. “What you are about to see, is to prepare you for things to come. Do not fear for you are dreaming, and what you are about to see has already been the end of my long road of life. So do not moan or feel pity for me. You will know more of this in due time.” I didn’t know what she meant till I looked up and saw the large snake had already place the woman feet inside of its mouth and was pushing up to her lower legs. My heart was racing as she took my hand. Feeling her holding onto my hand I found myself claiming down as my heart had slow down. The snake had now reached the woman knees as I heard the sounds of the woman moaning from self-pleasure. She was breathing hard as I found myself helping her with her self-pleasure by rubbing at her breasts. Feeling each one of them firming up in my hands. She gasp as we both watch the snake inching its up her legs. I could see the snake inching its way up to her waist as she scream loudly. I could see from where I was at the snake was place with playing with his prey as I heard the woman scream and begs for it to eat her. The snake bit into her waist as it jerks her around. She plea for more as she scream again. I could see she was fighting to keep her hand between her legs and play with her womanhood. The snake had no teeth save for it’s two fangs, which it was using to sink into her waist kind I saw. That she was jerking trying to free herself as I felt her head rubbing against my lap. Part of me wanted to help free and save her. However I remember her words, it had hit me as I could see this was a form of sexual foreplay between the woman and her snake lover. Her entire body went limp in my arms, as her screams died down to soft moans. It appeared her body had reached its final limit. She laid there as the snake feeling her body going limp, went back to devouring her. Her hand and waist had slowly entered the snakemouth. I guess she wanted to tease herself to her very end, or was to tire and didn’t have enough time to remove her hand from there. Either way she didn’t appeared bother by any of this. I could see the snake was having a very easy time easing her belly into its mouth. I softy gasp as I could see a fine detail of the woman body that was already inside the snake’s body. I wanted to feel the fine detail of the woman body that was being formed on the snake body. Reaching up to her chest, the woman began to beg me to help the snake get her large breasts into its mouth. Using my only free hand, I slowly move it back to her breasts. I press and squeeze the first one and help it get into the snakemouth. The woman cried and moans from feeing the snake pressing painfully hard on her breast. Repeating the process I press the other breast down till the snake was able to get into its mouth. The snake as before bit my hand soft as a sign it has her breast inside of it mouth, and allow me to remove my hands. The snake having full grasp over the woman lifted her up as her lips pressed against my own as she had kissed me again, only this time I felt her tongue enter my mouth. I was shocked as her tongue moving around inside my mouth as I felt my tongue this entire time was move along with hers. I couldn’t even begin to explain how wonderful this had felt. It was like our tongues were dancing or something. I wanted to hold my breath. I had no clue what I was doing, I guess she knew this cause she was doing the leading. The kissed had lasted for quite sometime before she slowly and softy broke it. The snake lay her back down so her head was on my lap again. Already she was neck deep inside the snake body. She never had let go of my hand. She had held onto my hand for this entire time. She look into my eyes as tears feel down, She knew this was goodbye I could tell this was the only thing she was regretting about this entire thing. “Good bye… my love…” Was her last words before the snake took and another shallow as her head finally enter its large mouth. I knew the last thing she saw was the tears falling from my sadden eyes. As for me I saw her smile one more thing before her head was taken into the snake’s mouth. Letting go of my hand I saw it and her hair was the only parts of her body that was remaining outside. Before her hand had entered the snake’s mouth, she did a final wave goodbye to me. The snake had move away as it allow me to stand. I saw the budge as her lips move again as I saw her trying to tell me again ‘ I love you… farewell.” I saw her sliding deeper and deeper inside the snake body. Tears feel from my eyes as the snake lifted itself upwards as it pressed itself against me in a hug like matter. My hands wrap around it as it made soft hissing sounds to claim me down. She was right this snake was kind to me. It was kind to her even as it was devouring her. I held the woman final lover as I cried until I had awakened from the dream. My eyes open up that morning as I saw the same snake now in my room. The snake rested on top my chest. It knew what I was dreaming about and it had a box in its mouth. The snake lay the box next to me as it look over to show me it was morning. Blinking a few times I turn as I saw the snake slithering away back to it cage. Turning my attention back to the little box the snake had left. I look at it for a little bit before I slowly open it up. In the box was fill personal items that was left by the woman in my dreams. One was a Journal with the last entry being over three mouths ago. There were pictures of the woman with other females. This appeared to be her friends. I smile as I got up and got ready for the day. I went down stairs ready to meet the day head on. First I was going to get me a bite to eat. Then I’m going to find out more about this city. Having the pictures with me I was going to make it my personal mission to know more about this mystery dream woman I had last night. |
Be Careful where you leave your things… Tara and Kim had been friends since kindergarten, they may be two different types of people but they promised each other that they will always be friends. Tara grew up to be a very cute girl, stable, calm, and collected black haired women with an average chest and only 5ft tall. Nothing to impressive until you see her ass. When she developed in high school her ass was the roundest firmest in the entire class. She would do almost anything for her best friend Kim. Kim how ever Kim grew up to be a wild, sexy, almost unpredictable red haired women. She was tall, about 6ft and she had to wear glasses since the 4th grade. Growing up in a small town was difficult for Kim because she discovered she was bi sexual, she preferred women but would take a guy if he was cute enough. She always wanted to fool around with Tara as friends and every now and then Tara would because she knew it made Kim happy. Since their were no really attractive women aside form herself and Tara in her class, and all the guys were assholes she would always pleasure herself at home, gradually building up to different sized objects, that’s what really got her off, weird objects inside her. After high school both when to the same college in a coastal town and shared an apartment. Which takes us to the event that will change their relationship forever…. “Damn it’s hot.” Kim thought angrily due to the fact that the air conditioning was out. She got up and started for the fridge to see if there was any ice-cream left when the sight of Tara in a bikini caught her attention. “Wow, you look smoking, you off somewhere or are ya trying to tell me something?” Kim giggled. “Ha ha, no I’m off to the beach with some friends their going to call me in a bit and I want to be on my way when they do so they don’t have to wait to long. You want to come?” Tara asked. “Mmm as tempting as that is I’ll stay here and see if I can entertain myself. Thanks anyway.” “All right suit yourself.” Tara said as she filled her pocketbook with her keys and stuff. She left quickly and Kim could here her car start and drive off, it always sounds funny when it’s first started up. Then Kim saw it, Tara’s cell phone. Kim remembered one time Tara had it on vibrate and it went off in the other room and they could feel it, this gives Kim an idea. Kim grabs it and heads into her room. She throws herself onto her king size bed and gets to work. She opens her nightstand drawer and pulls out the lube. She puts the phone into a condom so it doesn’t get wrecked and lubes it up. She unclothes herself with excitement as this will be the first time she tries something as expensive as a phone, since she cant afford he own cell phone and pays for the home phone. First she plays with it rubbing it around her nipples, and then she gets impatient and spreads her legs wide. She inserts it slowly, she moans with pleasure. She gets even more impatient and takes both hands and shoves it up in side her. Just as it is swallowed by her vagina it starts to vibrate; Tara always leaves her phone on vibrate when she’s going into public, she must have wanted to take her phone she just forgot it. As it vibrates within the confines of her sex it starts causing her to have contractions brining the phone deeper inside. Anther vibration and its now touching her cervix, Kim’s hands are griping the bed sheets as this is one of the most intense things she ever felt, she can’t even scream. It vibrates one more time and it enters Kim’s womb, her legs slam shut like a bear trap in pleaser as her pelvis raises in the air. “Uh, uh, uh. Got lord that was amazing her phone had perfect timing. WAIT that was her friends, that means she’ll probably realize she forgot her phone and come back for it.” Kim was right Tara was on her way back as Kim realized the situation. As Tara got closer to home Kim tried franticly to push the phone back out but it was in there good. It must have been a really hot humid day because by the time Tara ran up the stairs to the apartment she was dripping with sweat. “Kim do you know where my phone is?” Tara asked as she slammed the door shut. Kim had to think fast, and she did. The only thing Kim wanted Tara to do to her was fist her, but Tara never would. This could be her opportunity. Kim coved herself with her sheet and told Tara time to play a game. Tara entered Kim’s room very puzzled. “What kind of game?” “A fun game, Two parts first I give you a clue to your phones whereabouts and then you HAVE to get your phone.” Kim said with a smile. Tara agreed. “So what’s my clue?” Kim pointed to the wall phone. “Duh I could just call my phone. You know that’s not very creative.” Tara dialed her phone and waited. Then she heard the vibrating phone. “What the? Are you lying on my phone?” “Nooooo.” Kim said as she was trying to hold back the pleasure within her body. “Then where is it then?” Asked Tara as she started to notice Kim’s gyrating pelvis, “It can’t be.” “You guessed right” Kim said as she threw the sheet off and spread her legs. Tara hung up the phone and set the whole unit down on the night stand. “So now I got to?” “Yup, you promised. And now I finally got you to your word.” Kim was right, Tara always kept her word and if it meant shoving her arm up her friend’s pussy to get back her phone she would. “Okay, start with one hand and see if that gets it out.” Kate said with an ear to ear grin. “Shouldn’t I lube up first?” “Nah, you look really sweaty and trust me after it ringing twice I’m soaked.” Tara made her hand into a fist and inserted it into Kim’s awaiting pussy. It went in rather easily and to Tara’s surprise it was kind of nice, warm and inviting. Kim sighed as Tara went to work. She pushed it in further and Kim was on cloud nine. Kim was enjoying herself; this was what she always wanted but compared to what she felt earlier this wasn’t in the same ball park. “This fells good, but its not going to COME out like this how about the other hand?” “Ha, nice pun sounds good to me as long as I don’t hurt you.” Tara laughed as she prepared to put her other hand in. Again it went in easy. Now Kim was really felling it, and it was good. Then she saw the phone on her nightstand. She picked it up and hit the re-dial button. As the cell phone vibrated within her birth canal started having contractions again. This time sending Tara’s hands further in. “What the hell?” Tara shouted as her arms where both sucked in. “What the hell was that? You know this is uncomfortable for me?” This was because the top of her head was touching Kim’s pussy and looking at the bed. “Kim couldn’t reply though, she was looking at the shape of her friends hands moving around in her womb. That’s when it happened. She needed more, more of her friend in her, more in her womb, just more. “Kim?” “Tara take a big breath and hold on!” Kim shouted as she manually started pulling in with her birth muscles. “What? Why?” But Tara didn’t have time to get an answer. As Kim sucked in Tara’s head entered Kim’s pussy. It was amazing. But more was needed. She continued to suck in and with the help of her hands she got Tara’s shoulders in. At this point Tara was in to much shock to fight what was happening. Kim sucked again and this time it was easer as Tara’s slim waist disappeared into Kim’s abyss. Kim now saw Tara’s perfect ass, she took a cheek in both hands and took a deep breath. She pushed with her hands and pulled with her pussy in one movement and sucked in her friend’s massive ass. By now her Tara’s arms and head were curling up in Kim’s womb and Kim could notice her outlines. With Tara’s perfect ass in Kim’s birth canal Kim lost all control. Her body started shacking all over as she was thrown back into the bed and Tara’s legs and feet were sucked in. As the last of Kim took in the last of Tara her legs slammed shut and she reached the most powerful orgasm she ever could have thought possibly. Her body exhausted all she could do is roll over with her now engorged belly and hang up the phone, and then she blacked out, culled up around her friend filled womb. Kim awoke suddenly to the sound of the phone on her nightstand ringing. “Uh, hello?” “How can I say this….” The voice said calmly. “Oh like this, get me out of here!” “Crap, Tara are you alright?” “Yea I’m fine but seriously get me out.” “Alright give me a minute to figure out how.” Kim said looking at her round belly and hanging up. Kim stood up which was weird with all the extra weight and walked to the bathroom. She looked at herself in the mirror. She looked like she had swallowed two watermelons hole, but she knew that was her friend in there. She could make out the outlines, her friends face, her foot, and her perfect ass. She got in the large tub they had and spread her legs. She saw in the shiny reflection her pussy. “Damn you greedy little thing you…” Kim grunted as she started to push, she pushed and pushed until her face turned red and nothing. Then she got an idea. She always empties herself when she climaxes, maybe if she gets herself off while her leg are forced open her friend will be let out. She sat in a way where she was sitting on her feet with her legs spread, no way could she close them now. She was already feeling horny because of the situation so she put her hands under her tummy and got to work. It was going good until she felt Tara’s phone vibrate, her friends must be calling her! When it started Kim lost it, al of a sudden Tara was ejected from Kim’s womb along with the Phone. The tub now contained the two friends a phone and about 3 gallons of female cum. Click. “Hello?... ill call you back.” Click. Tara hung up her phone and looked and her surprised friend. “I’m fine; I don’t know how you did that, but I’m fine.” “Wow, did I make all of this?” Kim asked looking at the fluid. “No I did.” Tara replied. “WHAT?” “After you black out I got aroused some how. I started pleasuring myself and I did it a couple of times. Each more intense then the last, I shut my phone off so I wouldn’t be disturbed. I just wanted out because I was hungry. Both girls sat there looking at o another. It took a while before either spoke. “We should get cleaned up and eat.” Kim said “Yea, you know this changes thing right?” Tara replied. “I know, and I’m sorry.” “It just means you and I have to fool around more intensely and more frequently.” Tara giggled. Kim just smiled and nodded enthusiastically. |
Titans Raven the inside story Teen titans do not belong to me f/f unbirth f/f sex Starfire walked from room to room looking for something to do. The boys were out on a weekend training session. Raven was out doing something to help her prepare for something she had to do tonight, and Bumblebee was on patrol. Things have been boring since the brotherhood of evil was caught. She eventually found nothing and decided to sit down and watch some TV. As she went for the remote she stumble upon an old looking book. Her natural curiosity kicked in. She opened it and did not recognize the symbols on its pages. As she flipped the pages she came to the conclusion that it must be Ravens. As she thumbed through the dust on its pages made her nose tickle, then came a sneeze. “Bless you” came Ravens voice from the doorway. “Thanks!” Starfire said as she put her hands down on the couch. As she did she realized that a page came clean out when she sneezed. She quickly hid the page under a seat. “How was the Afternoon out?” She asked Raven cheerfully. “Uneventful.” Raven replied as she approached the couch. “Hey, my book. I've been looking for that.” Raven said as she grabbed it off the seat. “Maybe we could hang out?” Starfire asked. “Not now, I have things to do.” Raven said as she walked out of the room. Starfire just sat there, trying to figure out what she was doing, but figured it wasn't her business. A few hours went by and Starfire went to her room to shower and take a shower. It was at the same time Raven started her ritual. In her room with candles lit to heighten its effects Raven started reading from the section of the book that Starfire had accidentally ripped a page out of. As she read the words she felt as if they didn't make since. She finished the section just as a bright light engulfed to room. Raven felt a power surge through her as she started to black out. It only lasted a few seconds until the light faded and things were normal, Raven fainted just as her vision returned. Raven woke up and felt great. She did fell as if something was wrong, a small heavy feeling in her gut, but shrugged it off as nothing. She realized that she had been a little cold to Starfire and she should go find her and apologize. Raven figured she would tell Starfire about the ritual and how it is to help make her more complete by filling her with good energy instead of the darkness that builds up in her. Raven checked the living room and Starfire wasn't there. She figured it was late ans she must be in her room. Raven knocked on the door but no one answered. She heard the shower going so she decided to wait. Raven waited for half an hour, then she felt something may be wrong so she went in and found the water going, her cloths on the floor, but she wasn't there. Raven heart sank in terror. Raven mutter her magic words and moved as a shadow as fast as she could to the control room. “Computer, locate Starfire!” Raven yelled as she entered the room. The screen flashed colors and processed for a few seconds... “Starfire is in the control room.” Was muttered in a computerized voice. Raven looked stumped, she was the only one in here. “AGAIN” she barked. The screen analyzed again, and again came up with the same solution. “Computer get Bumblebee here A.S.A.P!” It was only about 10 minutes until Bumblebee arrived. In the time it took her to get back Raven began having weird gut cramps, she just tossed them up to guilt. Beside they didn't hurt. Raven met Bumblebee on the roof and explained what had happened as they began searching the tower. They first went to the security room. Bumblebee had suggested the video might have caught something. They both watched the monitor and saw nothing. The recorders black out, and when they come back on Starfire was gone. The two went on looking for clues. When they were in the living room bumblebee found the ripped page. As the search went on the two continued asking the system where Starfire was, and the system kept on telling them that she was in the same room that they where in. Bumblebee began having some hunches to what happened. “Hey Raven, lets go to the med lab.” Bumblebee said. Starfire woke up. She had no idea where she was or what had happened. Wherever she was it was humid, and had a musk to it. It was a familiar smell, but she couldn't put her finger on it. She tried looking around, but it was too dark. As she put her hands on the ground to help her sit up she felt it was moist and squishy. She found through felling around she was in a very small tight space, just enough room to sit up and move from side to side a little. She could hear a beating, rhythmic in fact. She started thinking of what this could be, but was stumped. After a bit things went from strange to stranger as her little squishy room started to rock up and down and side to side. It felt as if she was moving. Then she could hear Ravens voice. It was muffled but near. “Raven, I am hear!” Starfire yelled and kicked the wall. Nothing happened. Starfire yelled again and kicked again. This time she felt pressure being pushed against the outside of the wall. Starfire had no idea where she was, but she had the felling she should wait and not try to break free. The moving continued until she heard Bumblebee yell, “I'll have you out of there Star.” In the med lab Raven sat on the table in a state of confusion. “Why the hell are we in here and not out looking for Star?” Demanded Raven. Bumblebee just looked at her. “Just humor me, OK?” Bumblebee snapped as she readied the scanners. The cameras blanking out, energy created by a magic ritual, a ripped page, the system stating that Starfire is in any room that Raven is in; could only mean one thing. Bumblebee put the screen up to raven and turned it on. They was nothing in her head, as she slowing moved it down she started doubting her theory until she hit Ravens abdomen. “There you are!” Bumblebee smiled. Raven just looked absolutely confused. Bumblebee removed the screen, and put her face up to Ravens belly. “I'll have you out of there Star.” “What are you doing?” Asked Raven embarrassed and freaked out at the fact that her friend is talking to her gut. “Starfire is inside your womb Raven, that ritual you did, it was incomplete. I found a page with weird writing on it under the couch. The system was telling you the truth. If she is in you, then she would be in any room you were in. instead of filling you with good energy, the spell grabbed the biggest source, Starfire.” Bumblebee said rubbing Ravens belly. Raven just sat there, speechless for a few moments. “You are so full of crap!” She finally said in disbelief. “Put your hand on your stomach.” Bumblebee said. Raven did just that. Bumblebee bent over, “Hey Starfire, kick the walls for me. But do it gently.” She yelled. Raven sat there in disbelief until she felt kicking coming from within her. Bumblebee saw Ravens eyes gown wide and knew what was about to be asked. “Don't worry, we can get her out. You have two options in my opinion. The first is surgery, which will take you out for a week afterwards for recovery, and of course telling the boys why. Or...” Bumblebee trailed off. “Or what? I want her out, this is freaky enough as it is. I don't think that surgery is a good idea” Raven stated. “Or we get you to organism, big time.” Bumblebee said in a seductive tone. Raven turned five shades of red. “OK, lets try.” Bumblebee bent back over and told Starfire what was going on through Ravens belly. After that she told raven to strip down while she goes and gets her things. Raven sat on the table naked waiting for Bumblebee to get back. She apparently always wanted to try something and figured this would be a good time to do it. She came back in the room with a bag of things. Her hair was let down instead of being up it the two knots. “I...” Raven started to say before Bumblebee kissed her. Raven was shocked at first, but it just felt right. She kissed back as she layed back pulling Bumble bee on top of her. Inside Starfire was wonder what was going on, her room got a little more cramped. “Raven, just do what I say, this is going to be the kinkiest time of your life. Here put this communication piece in your ear. And don't worry about the camera's, I put them on a loop so they wont see any of this.” Raven did as she was told. The two went back to grinding and kissing. As things started to heat up Bumblebee backed of and shrank to her small form. “Spread your legs” Raven heard over the ear piece. She did as she was told again. The small Bumblebee started to eat raven out. Inside Starfire got even more confused as the walls began to leak a think liquid, it was also getting warmer. “Now reach into the bag and pull out the jar, then lube me up.” Raven heard. She reached into the bag and took out a jar of lube. She opened it and pured some on Bumblebee. “I'll be seeing you.” Bumblebee said as she walked toward her vagina. Raven looked worried until Bumblebee reassured her over the ear piece. Bumblebee spread Ravens pussy open and looked inside. I'm coming for you Starfire, she thought to herself. She inserted her hands then her head. Raven winced in pleasure and she entered. Bumblebee forced her torso and then her legs inside next. It was easy considering Ravens body was turned on and she was lubed up. After she was in Raven had her hand make its way down as well. Bumblebee started making her way up the birth canal as Raven started playing with her clit. Slowly she made her way up as Raven got closer and closer. Finally She reached Ravens cervix. “Starfire, it's Bumblebee. I'm here to get you out! In a moment you'll see my hand, grab it OK?” Bumblebee shouted. Then she started fingering Ravens cervix, slowly she inserted her hand and soon felt Starfire grab on. At this point Raven was nearing climax. It was getting tight for Bumblebee and tighter for Starfire. Then in a load scream Raven came. She felt something happen inside her. She just sat there catching her breath. She looked down and saw a small puddle a her cum om the table, but no Starfire and no Bumblebee. “Hey Raven..” She heard on the radio. “Bad news, instead of ejecting us, your body sent us the other way.” Bumblebee said. Raven looked down and her stomach had a small bulge in it. “So what now?” Raven asked rubbing her belly. “Don't worry, I made plans in case this happened. In my bag is a communicator. Press the button. It will take her about an hour so just wait patently.” Raven found the device and pressed the button. As she waited she sat on the table rubbing her belly. She hated to admit it she kind of enjoyed this. As Bumblebee and Starfire waited withing Ravens womb they discussed hoy they were going to get out of this situation. Starfire learned that Bumblebee had a plan. They spent their time positioning themselves. By the hours end they where face to face and crotch to crotch. Soon a familiar face stood in the doorway. “Well well, whats gotten into you? Or should I say who?” Jinx said as she walked in. Raven just looked at her and smiled. At this point of the night she was willing to go with anything. “No need to say anything, Bumblebee told me everything, said if my titan communicator rang that I need to come over and finish things myself.” Jinx said as she stripped down. Raven Smiled as Jinx approached her. The two locked lips as Jinx forced her way on top of Raven. Inside Starfire and Bumblebee felt the pressure of Jinx being on top. “Now it when we start.” Bumblebee said as she kissed Starfire. The two started to grind each other, as the walls started getting moister. Raven stopped kissing for a moment and looked down. “Are they doing what I think they're doing?” Raven asked as the small bulge in her belly began to move. Jinx nodded her head as she got up and moved over to a chair with Bumblebee's bag. She reached in and took out a strap on. Raven sat up and nodded. Jinx slipped it on and Raven slowly walked over with the jay of lube from earlier. It was had because the wave of pleasure coming from the love making that was going on in her womb was overwhelming her. She coated the long dildo with the lube as Jinx sat down. “Now come, take a seat.” Jinx demanded. Raven nodded obediently. As Raven started to sit she was told to turn away from Jinx. She got off and turned around. As she started to back down Raven was surprised when she felt something start to go into her ass. “What do you think your doing?” Raven asked before continuing. “If this is in your other hole they can't get out.” Jinx said smugly as she put her hands on Ravens shoulders. Jinx then forced Raven down. Ravens body almost went limp from the pleasure wave that rippled through her body. Raven just got lost in the moment as her body took over naturally. Jinx started trusting as Raven started grinding. Meanwhile inside Starfire and Bumblebee continued to grind. The womb was starting to contract as Raven started coming closer to another climax. Raven started going faster and faster, Jinx moved her hands to Ravens belly, pressing lightly. Jinx was getting ready for the moment. Raven still in a trance started to feel a wave coming over her body, the pleasure then just erupted flowing throughout her body. Raven screamed louder than she ever had during a climax. As her body tensed up Jinx squeezed on her belly. Inside the two also reached climax just as Raven did. As Jinx squeezed and Raven climaxed the two were forced out into the birth canal and mixed up in Ravens cum. The two were forced out along with the fluid and pushed out onto the floor. Raven went limp as she slumped forward and fell onto the floor into her own juices and next to her friends. As they all breathed heavily the three on the floor passed out. The next morning Raven woke up on her own bed. She looked down and saw her belly was flat again. She was a little disappointed. She did like the feeling of having someone inside of her, she liked the feeling of people having sex in her even more. She put on a robe and headed for the kitchen. She saw her friends sitting around the counter as she walked in. “Good morning.” Raven smiled. “Wow, that is the firs time in a long time I have seen you smile friend Raven” Starfire cheered. “Well, I feel good, even though the spell didn't work I am really glad last night went the way it did.” Raven said. “Well I think it work the way it was supposed to. I mean you probably feel great, better than you ever have before.” Bumblebee said. Raven smile and nodded. “Your right, I do.” “Well picking up after you three was a pain in the ass. Cleaning you up and putting you to bed was easy, but getting the sex smell out of that room was hard.” Jinx said. The girls all laughed. “Thanks again Jinx, I knew you could do it.” Bumblebee said. “Well, I think we should do this again, lets say...... whenever the boys go out?” Raven said with a smirk. The other girls looked at each other and smiled and nodded. |
Luck of the Irish By Blank F/F ub Willing prey/ unwilling pred rebirth(eggs) Kate sat on her couch staring at her TV with her Dark Green eyes. The TV wasn't on, she was just staring at it wishing it was on. But it couldn't go on; none of her appliances could, her electricity had been cut off. Next week her water would get shut off. She had till the end of the month to come up with some rent money or it was on the street for her, and with no job it wasn't looking good. She could always go home to her abusive mother, but that wouldn't end well. She shook her head and made her long red hair fly all over her pretty face. She never wanted to go home again. She sat there in front of the TV thinking for hours. She had always had great luck when she need it. She moved out of her home at 17 because she had meet a great guy when she went to a party on a whim. A few years later when they broke up she had lucked into this apartment because she knew the landlord and the previous tenant had paid up until the end of the year before being caught by the law for something stupid. So all she had to do was work part time to pay bills and food. Unfortunately she lost the job because of downsizing. After a while of deep thought she decided it was a change of scenery. She put on a loose fitting skirt and a comfy t-shirt over her undies and threw on some sneakers, it was time for a walk in the woods. Kate loved to walk in the woods ever since she was little. It was a great way to escape he mothers abuse and a great way for her to drift off and fantasize about this and that. She walked until she knew no one was around, then she skipped. She loved to skip but she felt that when she did any guy in the area would watch just to see her perky breasts bounce up and down. In truth she wouldn't mind if they did but she like the people in the area thinking she was better than that. After some time skipping she grew tired and decided to sit on a log and rest for a moment of two. It had to be mid afternoon and she had plenty of time. The cool breeze and sounds of the forest were nice and relaxing. It was very soothing until she heard a noise that she shouldn’t be hearing this far into the woods, crying. She looked around and found a small person a little bit off the path. She stood there just looking at her, she was maybe 6 inches tall if that. Her hair was dark green and her white skin had a slight green tint to it. She wore a skirt and jacket that was green as well. Other than the green she looked like a normal human female, maybe in her late 20's, that had been shrunk down to a mini size. She approached it slowly, buy the little woman was so distraught that she didn't notice Kate sneaking up. As Kate Got closer she realized that it was a fabled leprechaun sitting in front of her. Kate immediately knew her money troubles were over, she was going to catch it and get its pot of gold. She didn't know how it got here in America but then again she didn't care. She got into position and jumped down to grab her. The dirt cloud cleared and Kate was amazed to see it work. She laid on the ground with her arms around the woman, squishing her breasts while squishing the women in between her own breasts. “What the hell is the big idea?” The tiny women finally shouted after a few moment went by and both of the girls had a moment to realized what happened. “I caught you, now I get your pot of gold!” Kate said with a smile. The tiny women struggled for to get out of Kate's hold but she wasn't going anywhere. “My gold is what got me into this mess in the first place, let me go and you can have it.” Kate just held tighter, “You think I would fall for a trick that easily? I know of your kinds trick and sneaky ways.” Kate said. The tiny women stopped struggling, and was quite. After a few moments she spoke up “Let me explain then will you be reasonable?” Kate sat up with the women in her arms still, “Go on, but I'm not promising anything.” “My Name is Margret O’Hara of the Wee Folk, but you can call me Maggie. My people were being hunted in my home land for their gold many centuries ago. For a while my clan was safe, we lived deep in the woods far from greedy people. Then one day my husband was caught by some hunters and his gold taken from him. What people don't know is that once a leprechaun's gold is taken from them by force the leprechaun will die. My husband barley got through the door before he collapsed and turned to green dust. Having nothing left to loose I had to leave in the hopes of finding a way to live and start up a new clan. I knew it would be risky. I hid away on a boat and came to America. Unfortunately the farther I got from the emerald isle the more tired I had become. When I landed I just started heading west, until I got this far and feel down into a stasis. My leprechaun magic protected me until now. I must have woken up because someone near this area is very Irish.” Kate tried to hold back her tears, “I... I'm %100 Irish, I was born and raised in Ireland until my parents moved here. Is there a way I could help?” Kate said thru a few tears and letting Maggie go. Maggie stood on the ground and turned to look at Kate and smiled. “Look at you! You sure are what I need. How would you like my gold?” Kate looked at the tiny green girl confused. “But you said, I mean in your story, your husband..” Kate stammered. Maggie just laughed, “Yes, but I said taken from them. I am offering it to you. All I need is some help and only a pure lassie from Ireland can do it.” Kate looked at Maggie, she really needed the money, but what could she do for Maggie? “Sure, What do you need done?” Kate said after a few minutes of thinking it over. “First We shake hands on it.” Maggie said extending her hand. Kate was a little hesitant due to not knowing what she had to do, but she needed the money. Kate shock Maggie's hand, when the finished Kate felt a slight tinge go thru her body, but she shrugged it off thinking it was just the thrill of meeting and helping a real leprechaun.“Well, I may look like a young leprechaun, but I am in fact very old and in need of making young ones. That's where you come in. without a male I need you to do it” Kate turned pale, “What do you mean!?” she yelled as she stood up. “I'm not going to do anything like that!” Kate turned and started to run when she felt her legs stiffen up. Something was controlling her. She turned around and walked back to Maggie and sat down. “Now now, we shook hands and made a deal. You did say I was tricky.” Maggie smile deviously. Kate just sat there as she pulled off her panties and spread her legs. She tried to resist, tried to scream but the magic was to powerful. Maggie walked slowly between up to Kate's pelvis up to her pelvis. Kate lifted up her skirt against her will to reveal her shaved pussy as Maggie approached. “My, my, my... shaved, Keep it nice for company? How thoughtful. I can see by the small amount of stubble that the carpets match the drapes.” Maggie joked. Kate gave Maggie an angry grunt as she laid back against a large tree and lifted her knees into the air in a stirrups kind of fashion. “Look Kate,” Maggie said softly with a hint of sadness in her tone, “i know with what I am doing you have no reason to trust me, but trust me. This will all work out for you in the end.” Maggie's hands glowed green as she touched Kate's pussy lips. Kate felt a wave of instant pleasure roll through her. It was if somewhere inside Maggie somehow flipped a switch an turned up the please, Kate was horny and wet. “There we go, I bet that felt good. The journey will be much easier now.” Maggie said as she took of her cloths. As the cloths hit the ground the disappeared into a green vapor. Maggie opened Kate's vagina in started to move inside. Kate could feel something small enter he pussy. Any small movements she could make went to slowly gyrating her pelvis. She knew what was about to happen was wrong but she didn't care, it just felt to good. Maggie pushed her head in first. Just as she did she felt the soft pink walls clench around her in a wave a pleasure. Maggie folded her arms in front of her and mad another push. Slowly Maggie forced her shoulders and hands in, then her chest and arms. Kate was almost free of the spell, she could feel control coming back to her. But it felt too good to stop. Soon Maggie was in up to her waist. She used another bit of magic against the soft wet flesh of Kate's birth canal. The walls around her started undulating in an upwards motion, pulling the tiny green woman in more with each pass. The moment Maggie used the spell inside Kate, Kate got control back. She used all her strength to let go of her skirt and let it fall to her stomach and reach for the tiny legs sticking out of her pussy. Just as she would have had them Maggie pulled herself in further then Kate's pussy finished the job swallowing the leprechaun completely. Inside Kate Maggie starting to glow green cast another spell, making the walls of her self sought flesh prison move faster. Outside Kate could see a green light shining through her skin moving up towards her belly button. Kate tried to clench in order to stop Maggie's progress, but no success. With out realizing Kate's hands started to play with her clit. The pleasure was to much to take. Maggie continued to call upwards along with getting boasts from Kate's pussy. As Maggie crawled further Kate could see the light move near her bellybutton. The closer the Light got the higher Kate would arch her back and raise her pelvis in the air. Soon Maggie reached Kate's cervix. She pressed her hands against it and cast one last spell. Outside Kate looked up and saw the light stop moving. She really hoped this would end soon, granted it felt like nothing she had ever felt before or probably ever feel again but she wanted to be in control again. As Maggie finished chanting her spell the cervix opened wide and Kate's pussy clenched to swallow Maggie into the womb. Outside a paralyzed Kate tried to scream in pleasure as Maggie entered her womb but it was to much and all that came out was a few squeaks. As soon as Maggie disappeared into the womb the cervix closed and Kate was able to come to the most insanely pleasurable climax she had ever imagined. Kate squirted as she came and her legs lost all strength as her ass fell to the ground. Kate breathed heavily as she leaned herself against the tree. She looked down to her once flat belly and saw a glowing bump inside her. “HEY, WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT! WHERE THE HELL IS MY GOLD! YOU HERE ME IN THERE!” Kate yelled with exhaustion shaking her belly. Inside the womb Maggie felt the shaking but ignored it was she fell asleep. As Maggie drifted off Kate felt herself drifting off as well. Kate woke up in a slight daze and saw it was evening. She looked around and saw her panties on the ground next to her and remembered what had happened. She looked down at her belly, no glowing and no bump. She put her panties back on and thought about if the leprechaun was real or if she had a daydream that got a little out of control. She came to the conclusion that the stress of her current financial situation and the relaxing walk she must have had one hell of a daydream. She figured she really needed to relive some stress. She walked back to her place took a quick shower to clean up and went to bed. Even though she had slept in the wood she felt very fatigued. This is where the rebirth happens, if you don't like that sort of thing don't continue reading. Thank You. Kate was sleeping soundly when she woke up, she was feeling some cramping. Kate sat in bed as they came more quickly. This went on for a few minutes as Kate tried to figure out what she ate that did this to her. Then they just stopped. Kate figured she would try to go use the toilet just in case. On her way Kate noticed it was light out, she never slept past dawn, not even on her days off. Her internal alarm always woke her up at dawn, even when she was sick. Kate. Reached the bathroom and sat on the cold porcelain. She clenched and squeezed but nothing, not even gas. Kate got up and walked over to the mirror and noticed something strange. Her belly was very bloated. It looked like she had chugged half a gallon of water. She shock her belly and poked at it a bit. It felt normal. She took a couple a gas away pills and headed for the fridge. She was hungry, she felt she could out eat a sumo right now. She opened the fridge and looked around. With now electricity she couldn’t cook anything, so she grabbed some stuff that doesn't need to be refrigerated that much, like a jar of pickles and a few odds and ends. Next she went to the cub-bards and grabbed some snack cakes and pop-tarts. She normally didn't eat that much but she was really hungry. She headed for the couch where she could relax for a bit before figuring out what to do for cash. She sat down picked up a good book and started reading as she munched. Time went on and no more cramps came and she read a few chapters of her book when she decided to go take a shower. As she stood up her gut was twice as big as it was before. She looked at the empty jar of pickles, the wrappers of the few semi-refrigerated odds and ends, the empty box of snack cakes, and the empty box of pop-tarts and shrugged it of to her breakfast. As she was readying herself for a shower she felt strange. As she stood up from taking off her panties she saw her gut was getting bigger. She wanted to think it was the effects of the food giving her bad hallucinations but she could fell the weight of her gut. She stood there frozen in fear watching her belly get bigger and bigger. First it was the size of a basket ball, then a beach-ball.. She had to call 911, she somehow had the strength to walk to the door, but by the time she reached it her gut was to big to fit though it. She backed up and soon her gut stooped growing when it reached the size of a aerobics ball. The weight was to much for her now, she knelt down onto the floor doggie style resting herself on her round gut. As Kate knelt on her bathroom floor her belly started to glow the same green glow from her “daydream yesterday. She felt a wave of pleasure flow through her body relaxing her. She felt her body take control as if it were on auto pilot and she was just there for the ride. Kate felt something pop deep inside her and then a warm feeling flowing out of her. Behind her a softball sized sphere came out of her vagina. She felt it travel down her birth canal and fall out of her. It felt good. Then another popped out. Kate didn't want to admit it but she was getting off to whatever was going on. Soon another then another came out. Each one felt better than the last, each one coming quicker that the last, and with each on her gut got smaller and smaller. Soon it was one right after another. It went on for minutes and Kate could barley breath in between each one as her pleasure level rose. Finally her gut was the size of a football and she really had to push, as she pushed she felt the pleasure rise higher and higher. Finally she felt a sphere larger than all the rest travel down her birth canal. As it came out and fell to the floor with all the rest Kate collapsed in a fit of ecstasy. When Kate came to her senses she stood up and looked at what just came out of her. She looked at the orbs, she estimated 30 of them plus the one big one about 3 times as big. They were all a dark emerald color, and had some green slime on them. Kate blushed knowing some of that had to be her cum. She reached down to pick one up knowing that this was really happening, which means what happened yesterday really happened. As she held it it felt warm, not because of where it just came from but what was inside the ball. As she looked at it it began to shake, the another, and another, and then all of them. Almost all at once the orbs broke open with a green light and inside them were all little people, with green hair and a green tint to their body. “Holy shit...” Kate said in bewilderment. “I'm a mother to a clan of leprechauns” The little people took a moment to adjust their eye's. Then they all smiled at Kate as they snapped their fingers. Kate watched speechless as the green orb shards turned to a mist that first covered the new leprechauns then turned into clothing. The one in her hand made a motion to lift her closer to Kate's face. Kate obliged and when the little leprechaun got close enough it gave Kate a kiss in the check. Then it turned to it's fellow leprechaun's and placed it's hands once and disappeared in a green flash of mist. The other did the same and before Kate knew it they were all gone. Then Kate noticed the large orb was still there. She knelt down to it and touched it. It was cold, nothing living inside. Kate felt sadness, did this one not make it. She went to lift it up and as she did it started to glow. In a flash of green light much brighter than before Kate went blind. When her vision came back in the few seconds it was out there on her floor was a pot of gold. Kate smiled from ear to ear. She grabbed on of the coins to look at it in the light. As she looked at it she saw a ghostly figure appear above the gold. It was Maggie “Hello Kate. Thank you for your help. I know it was an ordeal, but if the human know how the magic works it will fail. So I had to trick you. It is the leprechaun way. I know this must be strange for you but know this; you re-birthed the leprechauns. I was the last one, and I was the queen and mother of all of them. We preformed an old ritual and created new life in my species. You are now the mother and you are now the queen. That's why it would only work on a true Irish woman. You may now preform the ritual when you want. Just place some leprechaun gold inside of you and the magic will happen again. The more gold the faster it will happen. And each time you will also get another pot of gold. As for the little ones, don't worry, they went back to the emerald isle. Thank you very much.” The figure said, then vanished. She took the piece in her hand and flipped it in the air a couple of times. On the third time instead of catching it with her hand she caught it in her mouth and swallowed . She looked in the mirror and noticed a small green light glowing thru her skin where her belly would be then she saw it travel down to her belly button and then fade away. Kate smiled knowing many things; her money problems were a thing of the past, she was going to have a lot of children, and she has the luck of the Irish within her. |
The beginning It had been many years since Link had defeated the evil. With the evil in the land gone, he had to find something to do. Remembering how sweet and happy Malon was Link decided he would try and be a farm boy. Malon and her father took him in and hired him for odd jobs around the farm. Over time Link grew up as did Malon and in the process Malon began to fall in love with link. The one problem was that with Link also come the fairy Navi. This is where the story begins. “Ah what a beautiful day outside, maybe I’ll let link know how I feel about him today. It just seems so perfect out.” Malon thought to herself as she admired Link outside her window. She looked around to see if Navi was there and she wasn’t, this was Malons lucky day. Link was in the cow pen. Malon quietly opened the door and went in. ”Hey Link!” “Oh hey Malon, nice day isn’t it?” “Yes it is, but that’s not why I'm here.” “Then what do you need?” “Just to tell you something” “What’s that Malon?” “Just that I….” “HEY LISTEN….Link don’t forget after you get done here you need to go into town to get some supplies.” Navi interrupted. “O.K thanks for reminding me Navi, I won’t forget. What were you saying Malon?” “Nothing, I’ll tell you later.” Then Malon ran back to her room and thought to herself. “Stupid fairy, every time I go for it she ruins the mood or interrupts. It doest matter if you send her away she comes right back. Only if there was a way to threaten her, but she seems to know about every situation. With the exception of romance and with that the reproduction areas of grown ups. Wait, that’s it.” With that Malon got an idea to reason with her. At suppertime Malon asked Navi to help her with something later up in her bedroom. Navi haply agreed. When Navi got up to Malons room nothing seemed out of the ordinary, with the exception of a pair of panties on the floor and a worried look on Malons face. “What can I do for you?” Navi inquired. “A weird symbol had appeared on my hand, and since you know about a lot of stuff I figured I would ask you. And I don’t want to worry anyone downstairs so I waited until now.” “Alright hold out your hand and let me see.” Malon held it out and Navi looked but didn’t see anything. “Look closer, its there.” “Alright, alright, I look closer.” As Navi got closer Malon garbed her. “What’s this all about?” Navi demanded. “You’ll see.” Malon replied with a grin. Then Malon put her hands down under the covers and up her dress. She then put Navi against her sex. As she began shoving Navi up her vagina the fairy began to struggle. It felt so good, but now isn’t the time for that. After Malon got Navi inside her she used her sex muscles to pull Navi up inside her womb. “What is this all about?!” Navi said from inside Malon. “Here is the deal. I want you to give Link and I some room, as in get lost for a while. I want some alone time with him, understand?” “I get it but I can’t do that, the forest spirit sent me to help him and I plan on it so you’ll just have to deal with it.” “We’ll see about that.” Malon reached down and grabbed her panties and put them on. She quickly ran down to the cow pen and got herself a half a jug of milk. She brought it back upstairs and sat down to take her panties off. “I’m warning you one last time.” “Go ahead and try anything, if kill me ill put a fairy vore curse.” Curse, whatever, goodbye forever Navi.” Then Malon started to rub herself as she put the head of the jug against her sex. While she was doing this she was pushing Navi out. After a few moments of pleasure Navi finally came out and fell into the milk. “What are you doing?” “Like I said goodbye Navi.” Then Malon put the jug to her lips and begin to drink. Navi went down like a pill. Malon enjoyed it; with Navi in the milk it had a more exotic flavor. Malone could feel Navi struggle a little bit but she gave up after an awhile. Malon slept wonderfully that night. But when she woke up in the morning she felt weird, and hungry, really hungry. To Be Continued… |
Chapter 2 The Curse’s Secrets Malon awoke with two things a happy memory of what went on the night before and a huge appetite. She briefly remembered what Navi had to say last night before she met her end. Malon thought nothing of it and figured she just needed to have breakfast. At the table she ate more than she ever had, in fact the only reason she stopped is because there was no more food left. “Hey Malon, I’ve never seen ya soo hungry. You alright?” “Yes papa, I just have some traveling to do today and I want to get up enough energy to do it.” “Really where ya off to?” “I’m going into town on personal reasons.” There was more chatter a breakfast but Malon didn’t pay attention, she knew something is up because she would never eat that much. She remembered link talking about the great fairy that lives outside the castle, and come to think of tit she knew how to get there and even into the cave. If there is anyone who can tell her about a fairy vore cures it would be the great fairy. Off Malon went, still feeling hungry. She got to town and threw it easily enough. She snuck past the guards in the court yard as if they were all asleep. They really don’t do much. She got into the cave but there was nothing in it, the fairy wasn’t there. “Great just great, I come all this way, starving, and nothing.” So Malon did just what she does when she starts getting nervous, she stated to sing. As luck would have it she sung the three note in Zelda’s lullaby, she head link play it a couple of times. Just then the fairy appeared out of nowhere knocking Malon on her butt. “Wha-ha-ha-ha-ha. Hey hon. what can I do for you?” “You finally showed.” “All you needed to do was play that tune.” “Oh, well I ne…” “You have the curse don’t you. hehe. And you want to know what it is and if you can lift it.” “Yea how did you know?” “I can feel it in you. Now the curse makes you hungry, for anything. This is good because you can eat anything, and your insides will be able to digest anything, and stretch to accomidate anything. This me..” “But what does all this have to do with, well anything?” “Please don’t interrupt hon. This means you will get stronger with everything you eat, your body wants big things, live things, and it will take them anyway it can. Meaning in your mouth, up your sex or in your…” “But I don’t want to eat things up my…” “But you have to, if you want to lift the cures that is. The only ways are to eat either 3 things that are of different sizes or to consume something very large.” “That’s it, that’s all I have to do?” “No, after you do that you have to come back to me. Then I can lift the curse. Any questions?” “Yes, why is there a curse anyway?” “Mmm, that is a simple answer. Long ago, before Hyrule, when people and fairies lived in the forest was when the curse stared. You see hon, people would hunt down fairies not to be friend them but to eat them whole. They took pleasure in the fairy struggling, in their mouth, in their stomach, and anywhere else they could put them. So it got to the point where we created the curse. If a fairy was killed by a person without the fairy wanting them to, the person got the curse. The curse makes a person so hungry that they start eating all the people around them and eventually will drive the person insane. It will stop eventually but not after its too late and you regret everything.” “What do you mean?” “Short answer is that you will consume all you love and if you don’t keep on eating you will go mad and your body will eventually become one of the wild creatures that roam the wild.” “How long do I have?” “Mmmm, lets see… About two weeks.” “Well, any suggestions?” “Well three things of different si…” “I don’t have that much time what about the really big thing?” “What happened about not interrupting me? Mm, you think you can handle something big?” “Well it depends on how big and its shape I guess.” “Well normally I wouldn’t tell you this kid but there is a creature in the lake, take this flute and play it at midnight on top of the island in the lake. It will teleport you to a special place where the creature named morpha lives devour it anyway possible and then play the flute again, to return here. Got it hon?” “Yes I got it, how can I thank you?” “Don’t worry about it; ill find a way when you return.” With that Malon took the flute and headed off to the lake that’s located across Hyrule field and beyond he home. She arrived just as the sun was setting. As she waited for midnight to come around her hunger became worse and worse. She felt like she could fit a goron inside of her, then she had to shake that thought, swallowing a goron would be like swallowing a rock and that couldn’t be tasty at all. When midnight came around Malon played the flute just as the great fairy instructed her to. As Malon finished the tune the ground underneath her feet open up and she fell in with a sudden scream. She landed in a large room with a pool; in fact she landed in the pool. She quickly came to her senses and swam to the nearest edge only to find them fortified with spikes, so she looked around and discovered small landings in the pool. She found refuge on one such landing. Panting she was thinking to herself that this room has nothing to eat in it, what a waste of time; and she was so hungry. As she was standing up she noticed the water was weird, it was a little slimy and viscous, and it was like nothing she had even felt before. Unfortunately she didn’t notice the “water” rising up a clear tentacle containing a red eye staring at Malon with evil intent. “I don’t know who you are but I will destroy you for trespassing!” “What, who’s there?” As she turned around she came eye to hideous eye with Morpha. “I am the evil spirit Morpha. Your presence has awakened me and after I strangle you I shall taint the lake with my evil.” With that Morpha grabbed Malon with its tentacle. Malon was frozen with fear, all she could do was think of her hunger, then she remembered she was to eat Morpha, but how could she in this position? It was getting hard to breath, and she could feel her body getting wet from Morpha’s slimy body. It was then she realized she could use any opening to eat morpha, and it her panties where getting wet because Morpha’s body was there then she could suck it in. She concentrated hard; using her birth canal muscles to make a sucking motion along with her vagina to feed it into the canal. After what seemed to be forever she felt something moving inside her, it was slow but it was there; it was working! It was probably being slowed down because her panties where acting like a filter. She concentrated harder tried to take it in faster maybe the panties would rip. It was a weird filing but a good feeling, a smooth cold liquid flowing into her sex, she felt stronger and really turned on. Her body must be taping into its inner power to feed. Morpha realized now that t victim was somehow absorbing it, it used it tentacle to wrap around Malons’ waist and moved it eye as far down into its body and as far away from Malon as it could. Morpha couldn’t let go, it was now Malon that was holding to Morpha. Without morpha constricting Malons lungs Malon shifted all of her consternation onto the task at hand, eating the rest of her meal with her hungry pussy. She was now sucking at such strength that Morpha couldn’t fight it any more, in fact Morpha’s grip around he waist let go when the strength of the suction caused her panties to rip on both sides and slurped in both Morpha and her panties. Malon was experiencing such sexual pleasure that she didn’t even realize that he stomach was as large as half a house. Morpha was now screaming in horror as more than half of it was now writhing within Malon (as well as Malons panties). At this point Malon was floating above the pool only by the vortex that was Morpha’s fluid body flowing into her. Malon slowly came down to the floor as the rest of Morpha was sucked in. As her feet touched the floor of the pool due to it being shallow she lost all control because to the pleasure she was feeling and let go of the flute that had been in her hand. Within seconds it flowed with Morphas body into Malon, but she didn’t care at this point. Maons belly sow as big as a house overpowered her and cased her to fall backwards onto the now bare floor, with her legs wide open she sucked the last of Morpha's body into her as it went Morpha’s eye went with it, it got stuck halfway in but went in as Malon shut her legs in pleasure. “What are you girl?” “I’m just hungry, or I was hungry.” “”Well if I am inside you, you must be as big as a house! So what will you do now, you should let ME OUT!” “What do you know my belly is as big as a house. As for you, your food now so I’ll do with you what I do with all food.” “NOOOOO!” With this news Morpha started moving around, witch was a bad idea. It made Malon go into another sexual frenzy. As her belly wiggle and churned Malon moved her hands underneath and around her enlarged tummy to get to her sex. She found her clitoris and started rubbing it furiously and the movement got faster and faster within her. ”mmmmm, keep it up monster!” The pleasure was so intense that when Malon climaxed she was able to lift her pelvis up of the floor briefly while screaming as the biggest orgasm she ever had hit her. It was so intense that after it she was so tired that even with the by now little movement with in her fell asleep; in fact Morpha seemed to rock Malon to sleep. Hours later Malon woke up feeling satisfied and wet. She looked down and noticed a small pool of liquid around her ass. “Oh know did Morpha escape?” She put her hand in it and discovered it was her own juices. “Wow that was amazing.” As Malon stood up she felt something weird inside of her. She spread her legs and squatted down and attempted to fit her hand inside of her. To her surprise it worked, she feared it would only work when eating but it was still working now. As she felt around inside of herself she couldn’t help but find it cute that she could make out the imprint of her hand. She felt something hard wrapped in something soggy, she grabbed the item and pulled. As the item came out she realized it was her flute and panties. It was a good thing she was along because her face was glowing red with a combination of embarrassment and amazement that she allowed herself to be so overcome with pleasure. As she stuffed the panties into her dress pocket she played the flute and was teleported back to the great fairy… Next chapter due out the end of November 2006 I PROMISE THE FOLLOWING PICTURES ARE NOT OF MY CREATION, I FOUND THEM BY SEARCHING PICS ON YAHOO. SO DO NOT GIVE ME CREDIT FOR THEM AND IF YOU WANT ME TO REMOVE THEM I WILL. I MESN NO DIRESPECT TO THE ARTISTS WHO MAD THESE PICS. For those who do not know the characters, this is Malon as she is in the game: This is Malon as she would appear in my stories, age wise and build wise This is Morpha constricting Link. This is the Great Fairy as she would talk to anyone who approaches her, I think she likes showing off her cleavage.:) |
"Come on Shy, you know you wanna! It'll be the best experience of your life!" Fluttershy mumbled an answer resembling "Okay" from behind Pinkie Pie, both staring at the very tall, very hungry ruler of Equestria. Celestia had asked Pinkie to help out with one of Twilight's lessons and to bring a friend along. Neither had expected this but nor had they run off. Curiosity bit at them both like an inpatient mosquito. Celestia explained; As ruler of Equestria, and as the force that raised the sun every morning, she needed to eat, and as citizens and close friends of the princess, who were they to refuse? Fluttershy didn't understand how Twilight came into it in any form but obliged, not before asking some questions first. "So um... what's going to happen, I mean, to us, if you eat us?" Princess Celestia smiled warmly at her and began. "Well, dear, first I'll take you into my mouth, and softly swallow you down, so that you both enter my stomach, and there you will be gently massaged to sleep. From there, you will both provide nourishment and energy to me on your journey, slowly and safely making your way through my body, giving me useful nutrition and water as you go. Once you're done, I'll let you both out carefully and smoothly in front of your friend Twilight, so she can be there to greet you." "That *does* sound nice. It would be nice to see Twilight afterwards too..." Fluttershy responded obliviously. Pinkie Pie quickly corrected her: "Oh Fluttershy, Celly's saying she'll turn us to poo! Princess poo can't see, so how would you see Twilight, silly? We're gonna be so mushyyyy and stinkyyyy... Isn't that so cool?!" The cotton candy coloured mare bounced up and down at the apparently amazing news. Fluttershy responded with a quiet "Oh" and a small blush, but didn't object. Celestia's horn glowed as drool began to leak from her waiting maw. Pinkie went first, sliding down the royal gullet like it was a water slide, complete with a squeal, whilst Fluttershy was lowered in gently afterwards. As Celestia's stomach rumbled in approval of the meals, Pinkie slowed down as she was squeezed into the Princess's belly. Halfway through the pyloric sphincter, Shy slid in face to face with her, both blushing at their intimate predicament. Celestia loved lunch like this. The squirming, the softness of flesh and the feeling as they slid down her throat to rest in her tum. The feeling of content fullness was like no other, succeeded only by the knowledge of what she'd be doing to her willing occupants in the coming day. After some excitement at their situation, the two friends were softly lulled to sleep by the rythmic beating of their ruler's heart and warm embrace. Celestia moved to her large bed and lay down on her side, enjoying the feeling of fullness. She began to doze off, thinking about her visitor later and what kind of... --Many hours later-- Celestia's cheeks reddened as she heard a knock at her door. "Come in!" Her most trusted student, Twilight Sparkle trotted in and looked upon her teacher. "You're well fed!" She blurted out before covering her mouth with a hoof. The ruler laughed and patted her side, beckoning Twilight to lay next to her. "Even I have to give in to indulgence sometimes. When cake isn't enough, I have turn to certain more... Unorthodox meals, as you know." Twi murmured knowingly and lay into her mentor's side. It gurgled. They stayed like that for some time. Twilight talked on the going's on in Ponyville, Celestia interjected with musings and responses, and they both bathed in the comfortable atmosphere of the room, soothed by the warmth and noise emanating from Celestia's softening belly. Every so often a muffled burble or crunch could be heard, causing Celestia to laugh and Twi to blush a little. She loved the feeling of sinking into the Princess's churning abdomen, feeling it work hard on whoever was lucky enough to end up in that loving stomach, enjoying the feeling of the pony (or ponies!) inside digesting into mush and pure nutrients, then draining into her intestines to be worked on further. Her teacher knew she liked this part, that she enjoyed what was to come. Celestia occasionally chose to satisfy her, not too often as to spoil her but when the time was right... A soft "pffffrt" came from Celestia's rear, slightly moving her tail. Twilight's ears perked up as Celestia sighed and slowly stood, careful not to throw Twi off of her too quickly. She looked at her student with a surprisingly passive, almost solemn expression. "Soon, it will be time for me to let these two go, but they're special, and it would be a shame for you not to enjoy yourself with them. "Your friends Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy visited me, and requested... no, demanded, that they be next in helping power the sun. Fluttershy seemed anxious at first but with some encouragement from Pinkie agreed. They were both delicious, and very filling company. I hope you aren't upset by this news, and fully understand if you don't want to continue." Celestia lied a little about their intentions to soften the blow. Rather than being saddened, a fire seemed to ignite in Twilight's deep eyes, taking a borderline ravenous expression. "Oh that just makes it better!" She exclaimed, and so they began. --Not too soon after-- Celestia moaned as Twi's tongue danced around her twitching anus. The experience was as much of a treat for her as it was for Twilight, and she was happy to show it. Occasionally, the curious tongue would dart into its fleshy target and sample her warm depths for just a moment, teasing Celestia. Twi pulled back slightly and traced the folds of her Princess's rear, from the base of the tail to below her hole, taking in the rich flavour of the route. She moved down and pushed her nose into the plothole, breathing the smell in deeply and burying her face in the cheeks. Twilight was in nirvana, barely able to comprehend what Celestia was asking. "You know this belly you're so obsessed with is full of your friends, right?" Twilight moaned a response, a barely coherent "Mhmhm~" and continued her conquest of everything ahead of her snout. Celestia continued. "And you're okay with them being nothing but mush in my bowels and fat on my ass?" Twilight paused for a moment and considered. She quickly answered with "Hmm... I like 'em better this way!" Before resuming as Celestia responded. "Ha! You're a good student, Twilight" For a while, all that could be heard were the ever present bubbles and glurbles from the Princess's tum, and kisses, wet smacks and occasional murmurs from Twilight's work on her rear. Soon, Twi's tongue met visitors. Her friends had reached Celestia's rear after hours of caring digestion. She welcomed them. Firm waste ever so slowly filled the tight rectum, giving Twilight the reunion she deserved, and a taste of what was to come. She tested the mass, probing and poking it, letting it cover her curious tongue. Celestia tensed, then spoke. "It seems like it's time for the next step in your lesson, and the next in theirs too!" --Warning, heavy scat ahead!-- Celestia gently pushed back and downwards, hinting at where she needed Twilight. Twi lay back, head propped up by one of her books, and longingly stared into the dark eye of muscle that held her friends inside, as though to will them outside through sheer intensity of gaze. "Are you sure you want this?" Celestia asked, making sure she knew her student's position. Twilight responded with a low noise the white Aliform interpreted as somewhere between "Yes" and "Definitely". She let go. The dam burst, and the warm mud that was once two independent ponies lazily meandered from Celestia's hole, a thick snake of brown with the occasional fleck of white, pink or yellow like royal toothpaste. Twilight's heart fluttered. The short moment seeming to take forever in her head as she rushed through her thoughts at a full sprint. "That's my friends?" "Why is this so hot?" And "I can't believe this is happening" all collided into each other like the thought equivalent of a demolition derby. The moon above her clenched and cut the flow abruptly, letting the firm banana-like log drop. Twi didn't realise her mouth was open until it hit her tongue, and she began to chew instinctively, eyes widening as she realised what she'd done, but not stopping either. The soft poo had a taste incomparable to any other; not terrible, but earthy, bitter and thick, taking work to get through quickly. The occasional harder bit swept past her taste buds, adding to the mix of the depraved meal. She swept her tongue through it, feeling the waste flow past, enjoying the texture more than she expected. She chewed for a while, enjoying the taboo lunch before swallowing the load, feeling it be massaged down her gullet and further beyond. Celestia hesitantly cut off the flow as quickly as it started, to give Twilight one final chance to back out. Instead of hearing a complaint, nothing but a wet chewing and the faint, pleased moaning of enjoyment filled the chamber, followed by a loud *glrrk* of a swallow. Celestia turned her head and smiled at her now brown mouthed student. "I'm impressed and glad you like what I've done to those two, since I've got a *lot* more of them waiting for you." she punctuated the sentence with another, less petite fart than before. "It's fascinating to learn more about the Alicorn digestive process first hoof! There's so little bone left, you could barely tell-Mmmph!" Twilight was interrupted by more hot shit, now coming faster than before. It filled her mouth mid sentence but she quickly got used to it, swallowing almost as fast as it came, only occasionally chewing the soft remains of two of her best friends. Her cheeks went crimson as she felt Celestia arch her back and push her soft, still full belly into her rapidly filling one. Celestia put aside her regality and lost herself in the fetishistic pleasure of evacuating herself directly into her student, pumping her full of her friends no less. She moaned softly without realising, blushing. "Ohhh Pinkie... Fluttershhhh-" she pushed hard and the remains spurted out for a second, covering Twilight's nose and mouth before resuming their more consistent flow. Twi used her tongue to coax the poo into her half full maw, breaking the brown banana in half as she closed her mouth around it for a moment and savoured the experience; from the creamy filler, to the crunchy bone, even to what she could only assume was the colourful remains of Fluttershy's fur. Even the smell was intoxicating in some ways she knew she'd regret later. As she swallowed, letting it join the rest in her now visibly expanded stomach, she realised she'd zoned out for a moment amidst her thoughts, and that the waste had covered her neck and around her head. She didn't care. Celestia crouched, practically sitting on top of Twilight's swelling stomach, and rythmicly moved up and down it, rubbing with her ever saggier stomach. Her flow slowed as she let Twilight get through her current helping of pony-pie, and she leaned her ass into Twilight's face, still slowly pushing the paste-like meal out. Twi eagerly pushed her head into the now less-than-white cheeks coming down to meet her, smothering herself in both flesh and former flesh. Celestia was surprised to feel an eager tongue quickly delving back into her, even through the thick servings of dung, lapping it up and hunting for more as she gulped it down. Twilight was proving much more naughty than she expected, taking her hoofs-on lesson with unparalleled eagerness to please. Twilight found the experience borderline orgasmic. A small voice of reason in the back of her mind reminded her she was chowing down on what was left of two mares she'd loved, that she'd never see again. That just drove her deeper. She loved the feeling of utter depravity that she got from every swallow, every bite into the soft muck practically pouring from Celestia. It was a statement of dedication that couldn't be matched. Eventually, the tap ran dry, and Celestia panted, basking in the afterglow of everything that had just happened. Comforted by the balloon-like stomach of the smaller lavender unicorn below her, and the contented expression on her messy face, she smiled down at her. A few stained yellow feathers were left near her mouth which she gently lapped up and swallowed, before working through the last bits remaining stuck in her teeth or under her tongue. It was a noisily wet affair, which just proved to the princess how much Twilight had enjoyed herself. "You may have finished your lunch I so lovingly cooked, but you're doing the cleaning up!" Joked the Alicorn, presenting herself for Twilight's aching tongue to clean up. She finished the job diligently, then almost immediately fell asleep, still surrounded by a small mound of manure. After a moment gazing at the worn out pony, her horn glowed gold and Celestia curiously lifted a ball of waste from the pile, still showing some coloured remnants of what made it, and popped it in her mouth to try it, chewing tentatively and quickly swallowing. *Bleurgh, once through is enough, girls!* She thought. *How could Twi eat this?!* The end. |
Nerofest - a wonderous event hosted by none other than the adorable and magnanimous Nero Claudius. As a Master of Chaldea, this presents a great opportunity to test my mettle against a number of great and rewarding challenges. However, more imporantly, it offers another chance to summon Nero Bride; Nero Claudius' alternate-self, bride counterpart. It has been many months since successfully summoning her the first time during Valentine's, and she's stuck to me like glue since then. We've been through many battles and hardships, as well as plenty of good times, and *even better* times; she makes sure that it's abundantly clear that I'm HER husband. So it's only fitting as a gift to her, to attempt to summon more of her, in order to strengthen my glorious emperor-wife. I head to the Chaldea summoning platform with my giant bag of saint quartz to begin the arduous task of summoning "food" for Nero. The stage is set, the catalysts are in place. The energy flows through me as I begin to cast the summoning...! Nero: "Master! Dear! What are you doing? We should be in my arena, battling for glorious victory in front of countless cheering fans! Why do you keep yourself cooped up in this summoning room so?" Before my concentration is shattered by the arrival of my dearest. Master: "The magical energies have aligned, the time is ripe! I'm attempting to summon more of YOU, of course!" Nero: "What?! Surely you jest! Is one of me not enough for you? Am I, in all my majesty, not enough?!" Master: "No, no! Of course you're enough! The additional you's would be for your benefit. When they appear, I would have you consume them for nourishment to strengthen you!" Nero: "I see. However, Master, if I were to eat an entire me, would I not become fat and unfit for battle?" Master: "Heh, as far as battle is concerned, I don't think your weight would be an issue; just look at Julius Caesar. Plus, you'd still be adorable with some extra chub, maybe even more so." She blushes, speechless for a moment. Nero: Y-yes, of course! As if I would let a little weight slow me down! Umu, it is indeed as you say. My master is ever a genius to rival my own!" She watches from behind as I begin to summon again. This time I start with a small stack of summoning tickets. Master: "Welp, may as well start with these." But to my amazement, as well as Nero's, it only takes the energy within this small stack of tickets to call forth an additional Bride! Second Nero: "Umu... I am back with a new dress! Call me Bride Saber, or Nero Bride! Though, strangely, it seems as though we are already quite.. acquainted. I feel as though I've known you for many months, even though we've just met!" She says this, though I know it's a phenomenon brought about by the servant bond system, where new copies of previously existing servants are granted copied bond status and memories. About this time, my original Bride walks up to the platform from behind me, and the new Nero's countenance visibly sours. Nero: "I see that my first strengthening meal has arrived, and quickly at that! You really do seem to have an affinity for me. Umu! Well done, Master! I will see to it that you are rewarded for your efforts... later on tonight." Second Nero: "Hmm.. that would explain why you seem so familiar to me, Master, because I see we have already been married for quite some time! And look at you, 'First Me'. Level one-hundred, maxed skills; you certainly are the fat, pampered emperor, aren't you?" The new Nero says, somewhat mocking her other self. Nero: "Yes, and soon to be even fatter after I consume you for your power! You devilish, teasing 'Me'." The two Neros continue to poke at each other for some time, completely oblivious to me. All the while I'm furiously summoning, watching my quartz dwindle by the second, until finally- Third Nero: "Umu... I am back with a new... wait what? What is going on here?! Why are there two more of me here?!" Nero: "Wow, Master, you've really outdone yourself.. You must really want to fatten me up! But I accept it! I would gladly consume any number of myselves if you will it! Be it for strength, pleasure or otherwise!" Third Nero: "Consume? Yes, as it seems that *me* over there is much more powerful than myself or the other *me*. Is that all we have been summoned for, Master?!" Master: "Yes, it is regretful to send you Neros on your way so soon, and in such an undignified way, but this Nero is *my* Nero. She's been with me through thick and thin, and it's only right for me to wish to strengthen her. You two understand, right?" Second Nero: "A moment please, if you would, Master. I wish to speak with the Third." The two walk to the other side of the room and begin to converse. Occasionally, the second will glance over at us, and point or make some ridiculous gesture. Finally they finish and both look over with devilish grins. Master: "Did you two work things out?" Second Nero: "Yes! In fact, we've decided that we would like one final request before meeting our fates." Master: "Of course, that sounds reasonable. My Dear, what do you think?" Nero: "No problem at all! What kind of gracious emperor and wife would I be if I didn't show mercy to myself?" Third Nero: "Good! Then our request is simple-" Second and Third: "We wish to consummate our marriage with Master!" My jaw drops for a moment before I fully realize what they just said. Though it seems my Bride understood full well. Nero: "Absolutely not! Master is MY husband and MINE alone! Only I may be allowed to taste his mana." Second Nero: "But we are you! Are you so selfish that you wouldn't share with yourself?" Third Nero: "What happened to the 'gracious emperor and wife'? Surely if we're all Nero, then he's all of our husbands!" Nero: "But I.. you.. me..? Arg!" Master: "Maybe they do have a point, dear." Nero: "Master?!" Master: "It's only fair. I brought them here, basically just to appear and die to become fat on your chest. I am willing to grant their request." Nero: "Oh, of course YOU are! I see how it is, fatten me up and move on to another woman!" Master: "But they're you, Nero." Nero: "Fine! But on my own condition, you may not cum! Not even once! I forbid you from wasting MY mana on these twin concubines! Also, I shall remain in the room in case things get out of hand." From there, we head back to my room. The Nero twins lead, giggling and sneering as if they won some great victory, as I follow and my Bride follows behind. A few moments pass, and the two Neros have stripped and are ready. Bride sits upon an ornate, cushioned chair, begrudgingly waiting for this formality to end. Nero: "Uhg.. you may begin." Second Nero: "Good, then let us! I have a powerful need, so let us cut to the good part! I will take Master's dick, because this was my idea. You may have his face." Third Nero: "Fine, fine. This is all payback to the 'old maid' anyway." Nero: "Old maid?! The nerve! Master, this is clearly malicious intercourse!" Master: "B-but I'm responsible for this negativity. Once they're satisfied and tired, they won't mind as much when you finish them of- *muffle*!" At that point, the Third Nero sits down on my face, cutting off my vision and speech, as the Second begins to expertly ride my dick. Second Nero: "Oh, yes, just as the bond system recalls... Master's dick is large and exquisite!" Third Nero: "Umu! Master knows just where to tongue to hit allll my spots." Nero: "Umu. I will not deny; Master has become quite skilled. Enjoy it while you can, for next time you have sex with Master it will be as a part of me!" The two continue on, riding and humping, moaning and squeeling, even leaning in to grope and make out with each other. Nero: "Oh my.. making out with myself might be excellent. Perhaps I should try that before eating both of them.. No, no. They both certainly must go." Finally they both cum together, moaning in stereo and drenching my face in Nero. Second Nero: "Hah.. hah... how was that, Master?" Third Nero: "Good, right? hah.. Better than, hah.. that other woman! Did he cum yet?" Second Nero: "No, I'm still dry; I do not feel his mana. He's truly a resilient one." She says that, but her riding skill isn't to be underestimated. It's taking every ounce of my will to prevent exploding in to her. Despite this circumstance, my Bride made me promise, and I won't betray her again. Third Nero: "Then we must turn up the heat! Tap in to the full extent of your riding skill and make him burst!" About this time, I hear a very displeased grunt from across the room. Nero: "That's quite enough! Grr..! I will not lose to myself!" I hear loud footsteps as my original Bride seems to be running over from her seat, before suddenly my vision is restored by the removal of the third Nero's rear from my face. I look to my right to see my first Nero, who is obviously much stronger, holding the nude, third Nero by her arms in the air. Third Nero: "Unhand me, harlot! I am not yet finished with Master!" Nero: "How unfortunate... but Master's mana is for ME, and THIS me, alone! It's time I put these unruly copies in their place!" With that, Nero opens her mouth up as wide as possible before engulfing the head and neck of the third Nero in one gulp. She begins to struggle, but the ninety-nine level power difference means she can't even make my Bride flinch. As my Nero continues to swallow her meal, quickly the lock and chain around her neck breaks off and falls to the ground, followed shortly by her large, plump breasts popping out of her top as her chest stretches around her meal. She's making a very serious, yet somewhat pleased face, all the while consuming the other Nero. She moans occasionally, while slurping loudly, seeming to enjoy her own flavor. The Third Nero has been swallowed down to her waist by this point, her plump butt now sticking up in the air. My Bride's belly has begun to stretch, steadily growing with each swallow, and the large frontal zipper on her outfit has begun to give way. Finally making it past her butt, Nero quickly slurps up the Third Nero's legs, her belly swelling greatly as the zipper simultaneously unzips as if to purposely unleash its girth, culminating with the zipper opening fully as she swallows her meal's toes. I expected seeing her devour herself whole would be quite the spectacle, but never did I imagine it would be so entrancing. The stretching of her body, the sweat glistening on the skin of her taut belly as it swells to take in her large meal. I nearly cum again while watching her, before I realize the second Nero is still riding me, trying her hardest to take my mana from my Bride. Second Nero: "Cum already! Cum damn you!" Despite her being level one, as a servant she's still vastly stronger than me, a mortal master, so I'm unable to do anything to stop her. I grunt and gird myself, continuing to resist her efforts as I wait for my Bride to save me from my self-inflicted torment. Finally, Nero has recovered and re-balanced herself after her meal, and she waddles over to the remaining Second Nero. Nero: "I'll not have you stealing MY husband anymore! Join your fiendish twin in my stomach!" She says before grabbing the second Nero, just like the other one, pulling her up over her belly, and in to her mouth. She seems to be more proficient at eating whole people now that she has some practice, making shorter work of the second Nero; licking slurping and teasing her all the way down. Nero's already large belly stretches greatly, doubling in size as the second Nero settles in to her fleshy tomb with her twin. Nero: "*Belch* Oh, pardon me! There, now you two are where you belong!" She slaps her belly as if to prove a point, eliciting some movement and muffled complaints from her meals. Nero: "Hah, you two are nothing but the most recent Imperial feast now! Umu, I'm more delicious than I expected!" Master: "You look.. so incredible, Nero." Nero: "Umu! Praise me more, Mas- wait. No, no, do not try to distract me! This entire ordeal has upset me greatly! I feel like a bloated whale, which isn't so bad, but I'm stuffed with these two troublemakers that you insisted you owed some debt to for sacrificing them!" Master: "B-but they were you, Nero!" Nero: "Nay! Just because they are Nero, does not mean they are me! If you summoned them to be my food, then they shall be my food and nothing more!" Master: "I.. I'm sorry. I understand now, dear. Nero: "Good! Now for your punishment!" Master: "P-punishment?" Nero: "Yes! Commend yourself for resisting cuming in that harlot for so long, or it would be more severe. I will be having sex with you, but you must bear the weight of my swollen stomach on top of you during it!" Master: "Oh.. is that it...? Nero: "What did you say?" Master: "I shall bear it gladly!" Nero: "Umu! That is what I thought!" However, just as Nero is about to mount up, a shocking surprise walks through the door. Fourth Nero: "Oh, Master! There you are! I've been looking all over, it seems somehow you summoned two of me without knowing it." She pats her belly for emphasis. Fourth Nero: "I materialized first, so when she appeared, I took it upon myself to consume her for her power! I hope you don't mind... wait.. what's going on here? What's with that even fatter 'Me' standing over there?" Nero: "Master.. what's going on?" Master: "I'm not sure.. I believe I accidentally left my remaining quartz on the platform when we left, but there must have been some residual summoning energy remaining in the system." Nero: "*gulp* Well, Master, after what we just went through, I think we need to deal with this quickly before it gets out of hand again." Master: "Agreed. By my command spell, I order you, Fourth Nero, feed yourself to the even fatter Nero!" Fourth Nero: "What?! I.. to that?" And that's all she can get out before the command takes over, and she strips before walking up to Bride. Bride bends over, letting her large belly touch the ground, and opens her mouth wide enough for the Fourth Nero to dive in, arms first. Nero quickly gulps her down past her chest to her own swollen middle, before standing up straight, lifting up the Fourth Nero, to enlist gravity to aid her in attempting to swallow the very large double meal. She gets stuck at the belly for a while, vigorously yet carefully sucking on the orb of flesh. Inch by inch she slowly swallows it down, until enough of it finally passes her throat. It plummets in to her stomach, quickly taking her legs down with her faster than Nero can slurp them up, causing her stomach to stretch almost explosively, doubling in size from her previous meals. Nero: "*Belch* Umu... what a gut, and I thought I felt full before... ooh." She rubs her now-massive belly all over, no doubt trying to soothe the bloated discomfort she must be experiencing. Master: "Whew; crisis averted." Nero: "Well, Master, how do I look? More womanly? Your blushing bride with huge, ripened stomach as if full to bursting with your children?" Master: "Uh... I.. *gulp*" Nero: "Heh, it has been some time since the 'twins' were riding you... your 'Little Master' betrays you." Master: "...." Nero: "Hahahaha! Good, good. Oh, I'm feeling so good, I'll even forgive your 'even fatter' comment earlier. However, there is still the matter of your earlier punishment." She waddles over to my bed where I have remained since the feast began. As she gets closer, it's even more surprising to see, up close, how huge she has become. Nero: "Prepare yourself, Master, and enjoy the next several hours from beneath my gut! I command it!" [The next morning] I wake up in my room, on the bed in the same place I recall finally passing out underneath the massive weight of my Bride's belly. It was nearly unbearable, yet also incredibly soft and sensual. However, it seems that she's no-longer in the room. She must have gotten up already and not wanted to wake me early after such a night. I get up and quickly realize I am still without my pants. I quickly fix this problem before anyone else decides to come in the room, before heading off in search of Nero. Soon after leaving my room, I run in to Mash. Master: "Morning Mash. Have you seen Nero Bride anywhere today?" At the mention of her name alone, Mash begins to blush intensely. Strange. Mash: "Oh.. Yes, Senpai, I've definitely seen her. She said she was going to the simulator to test out her new noble phantasm strength..." Master: "Oh? Great! Thanks Mash." I dash off in that direction too quickly for her to respond, though it seemed as though she continued to stand there, blushing. I arrive at the simulator, and see Nero just as she finishes a strength test trial. I walk in from behind and call out to her, though something seems... off about her. Master: "Nero! I heard you were testing your new NP strength. How is it?" Nero: "Incredible, dear! Truly! The enemies in the simulation stood no chance against my power! However, there's one small issue.." Master: "Oh? What's the problem?" At that moment she turns around and I immediately understand why she seemed off at first, as her augmented assets jiggle in front of me. Nero: "Master! I'm fat as a cow! Look at me! You said I would gain *some* weight, but nothing like this! My chest and butt have destroyed this outfit, and I have far too much belly fat to even zip up the front!" I understand now why Mash was embarrassed. Nero seems to have forgone re-materializing a larger outfit to prove a point. Her breasts were easily more than double their original size and her butt grew enough to tear open her outfit's butt cleavage window to the point that most of it was on display for all to see. Master: "I also only expected to get NP2! It would have only been *some* weight, rather than four Neros worth of fat. If it's any consolation, you look incredible to me." Nero: "Th-that is true.. the Neros just kept appearing and appearing... I-i-i had no choice but to consume them, of course, but.. ohhh why must you flatter me so?! You too-good husband!" She runs over and hugs me tightly, squeezing all of her new curves against me. Master: "You're so plump and soft, Nero." Nero: "Umu, if Master likes this body, then I am ok with it!" Master: "I'd love nothing more than to stare at your bountiful curves in the open, however I believe you should re-materialize a bigger outfit soon. Some of the other servants were uncomfortable with you walking about practically naked." Nero: "Eh..? I had not even considered such things! However, if Master likes this, then the other servants will just have to accept it!" |
-Foreword: This is an addendum to the original “A One-star Buffet” story; please read the description for more details. Thanks. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chaldea, May 16th, 2019; I'm so tired. Yet another potentially world-ending threat was put down by yours truly and his lovely servants. I've been trapped in another singularity, however this time it was the mad digital world SE.RA.PH reconstructed by the rogue A.I. BB. Game shows, a lewd nun, many broken rules and new female servants with strange mechanical body parts where among my concerns this time around. Though I only spent several hours’ worth of real-world time in this place, it felt like at least a month to me. But that's all behind us now with the singularity resolved. This is the first night of peace we've had since returning properly to Chaldea. I'm relaxing on the couch in my room, like usual, as I attempt to make sense of my tragically under-managed inventory, which has been bloated with new materials and the results of the many summonings I performed during my time in SE.RA.PH. Of course, Nero is also relaxing up against me on the same couch, enjoying the same hard-earned day off in peace and quiet. *Earth shattering stomach growl* Well, I suppose it was too good to be true, wasn't it? I lean over and place a hand under Nero's chin, all suave-like. "It would seem a certain servant of mine is bit hungry." She blushes at my forwardness. "Y-yes, actually... Master. We fought many brutal battles within SE.RA.PH, only recharging a little at a time with the paltry rations we managed to scrounge from the abandoned buildings. Plus, it has also been many weeks since I've had a really filling meal... Umu... thinking back to that feast of Mata Haris... her incredible flavor, the absolute fullness... Oh, how my mouth waters just to imagine it!" "Heh, yeah, you ended up so stuffed we couldn't get you out of the room! And you gained so much weight. Hah.” She lightly scowls at my comment. "At least it was easy to lose. Hmph." "Say, Master, you don't happen to have any more of her right now, do you?" "As a matter of fact, I do... many in fact." "Many? How many?" "Well, last I checked there were at least twenty-four copies." "TWENTY-FOUR?!" She screams in disbelief. "I performed a lot more summoning in SE.RA.PH than I thought." "That's so many... if I were to go into that room now, I can't be sure I would make it back. I would likely eat until my stomach bursts!" "Would you like to put that to the test, Dear?" "What? Surely you can't be serious, Master? Even if I don't explode, I would end up far too fat to fight for quite some time." "That's fine, Nero, really. The most recent threat has passed, and we're back to relaxation mode for the time being. You deserve a treat, and I'll be in there with you to make sure nothing goes wrong." Her eyes well up before she jumps on me, smothering me with her bolstered chest. "You're such a good husband, spoiling me so! Then let us be off; the greatest feast of my existence awaits!" She grabs my hand and we dash off to the "Large-packet" storage room once again. We arrive and enter the room and are greeted by more Mata Haris than I had ever seen in one place before; so many inside such a small room it looked like a crowded cosplay convention hall, or the inside of a can of extra thicc sardines. Nero's eyes went wide like saucers and I could swear I saw her drooling on the floor, much to the displeasure of the Mata Haris whose attention was now invariably focused on the two newcomers in the room. "Master, there's so many of her! Even if I could fit them all inside, I could never catch them all!" "Ah, right, I have an idea about that. You know how normally command spells are limited to one use on one servant? Unless I use all three at once to command the entire party to get back up, right? What if I were to use all three commands at once here? I wonder if I could command all of them at once." "It's worth a shot, Master!" "Before that, however, perhaps you should dematerialize some of your clothing, Dear. You wouldn't want it getting in the way, right?” "An excellent suggestion!" Nero then dematerializes her one-piece, belt, sleeves and leggings, leaving her stark naked apart from her flowered wedding cap, knee-highs and high heels. Her huge, now unrestrained breasts droop slightly atop her soft potbelly. She strikes a pose, getting the attention of ALL the Mata Haris, who are growing increasingly confused. "How do I look, Dear?" My eyes are glued to my naked wife, and I feel my pants tighten substantially. "Incredible. Like a blushing bride on the night after her big day, as she prepares to consummate her marriage with her beloved." "Umu, Well said. What a romantic vision! But we did not come to flirt, Master, we have come to feast! Please, command them, I can hardly wait any longer!" "All right, here goes nothing." I focus hard, expending all three command spells at once. "By my command, Mata Hari army, feed yourselves to Nero!" A bright red flash lights the area, before each and every Mata Hari begins to stare off into space, then finally snapping to and beginning to form up a line in front of Nero. "It worked, Master!" "Whew... good. That kind of command takes a lot out of me." "Yes, good, good! Line up, line up! Who will be the first to feed me?!" Nero looks around for a moment, before picking one at random. "You! I give you permission to enter my stomach first!" She leans over, opening her mouth wide, allowing the first Mata Hari to dive down her throat. She rises back up, using gravity to assist the swallow, and gulps down the first Mata Hari with ease, gaining her first belly bulge of the evening. "Oh, so good! It's been too long since I've savored Mata Hari's divine flavor." She pats her belly, satisfied that her first meal is settled within it. "Come, come! I have room for everyone!" She continues using the lean and gulp, quickly swallowing another three Mata Haris. "*Burp* Umu! What a quick glut!" She licks her fingers. "More!" Mata Haris #5-8 disappear into her rapidly swelling gut just like the others. This feast is mesmerizing; Nero's gluttony, and the swelling of her already massive stomach. I wasn't in the room to see her previous feast, but I can only imagine the rapid swell of swallowing five at once. I won't be able to contain myself soon at this rate. I move over through the crowd to take a closer look at her. Her face is flushed and she's starting to breath more heavily. She's starting to sweat, and I'm finding myself intoxicated by her scent. Her lower lips are sopping wet from the arousing bloated pleasure; her love juice dripping down the underside of her gut and on to the floor. "Hey, Master, I'm about to break my feast record! Put your hands on my belly and watch this." She says before grabbing a set of two Mata Hari on one side of herself, swallowing them both together quickly, then turning to the side and swallowing two more the same way. I feel her belly stretching greatly as the four strippers land in her gut. "*Big belch* Mmm, twelve down; halfway there." I can no longer resist after that display, and she probably knows it. I move around behind Nero and tear off my pants, releasing my fully engorged member, which I then plunge, balls deep, into my bride's moistened mound. She squeals in pleasure at the rapid insertion. "Oh, Master! How bold! *huff huff* To desire my body when I'm so massively swollen... I always knew you had deviant tastes! *wink*." She shakes her hips around a bit on my dick. "Go on then, Dear, use my body to your... *moan* heart's content while I make myself even bigger for you..." "I can't resist... your beauty, your boundless gluttony! My body is no longer under my control!" "Then free yourself, Master! Free yourself from the shackles of inhibition as I have! Give in to your carnal desires and make love to me until you can thrust no more!" At her words, I begin to hump like a beast in heat. Her huge breasts bounce and shake while ripples form and skate across her belly with each frenzied thrust. Her skin is flush and glistens with sweat. She's taken a break from her feast to pay special attention to me as we make love; she leans her head back for us to share a kiss. I lean forward into her, reaching as far as I can to caress the sides of her bloated stomach, as she begins to grope and knead her swollen chest. She squeals again as we climax together. "Ah! Master's mana, inside me once again... It has been too long!" I slump forward against her soft back as I feel my mana being slurped up, almost sucked out, by her greedy servant pussy. I rest with my arms still stretched around her expansive middle. "Mmm... Master, that was excellent. Rest now, regain your stamina for the next round while I enjoy my next course." The remaining spellbound Mata Haris are still crowded around us; each waiting for their turn to join the meaty mass within Nero's gut. She motions for the next group of meals and step forward and begins consuming them one by one. I can feel Nero's body stretching and shifting around the huge pieces of stripper meat that slide through on their way to her gut. I'm so close to her that I can hear the gurgles and sloshes of the extremely taxed organ working on overdrive. I feel myself getting harder with each new meal she finishes, before I'm fully restored after she swallows Mata Hari #16. She's now doubled her previous maximum size. "*Great belch* Master, look; gaze upon my titanic tummy. Surely there has never been a stomach like it in this world; it far eclipses anything I have ever achieved through any feast during life or even as a servant. I have devoured so much, consumed such a large number of servants, yet even as I revel in this intense fullness, even as my stomach threatens to burst with each gulp, there are yet remaining servants here that I desire to devour as well." "Then eat them, my dear wife; devour them all. My mana is recharged; my staff ready. I will bolster your form with my mana as you push beyond your limits. So, go, eat... indulge." Nero waves the remaining eight Mata Haris over as I begin to thrust inside her once again. Slowly, hesitantly, with a fatigued expression belying her gluttonous intentions, she opens wide and brings the stripper in to her mouth. A meal such as this is nothing to her now. Effortlessly, she lifts and swallows her down. However, unexpectedly as the Mata Hari slides down through Nero's trunk, she applies a noticeable amount of pressure against her stimulated womb, and my dick by consequence. We both lustfully groan as we orgasm to the unexpected stimulation. "Master... *huff* did you feel that as well? I've never cum so immediately after swallowing...*huff* It was exquisite." "It was so sudden; I didn't expect that kind of pressure, but if I can provide enough mana this way, you won't explode. Keep going." So, she continued; swallowing, cuming, swallowing, cuming, swallowing, cuming, until finally the last Mata Hari is swallowed. Nero cums hard, as my balls shrivel from blowing their largest, last load of the night. I slide out of her and fall on my butt to the padded ground, with Nero quickly following me down, as her legs finally give out in fatigue. Her large butt lands in between my legs as I catch her, supporting her back against my chest. "Master... I ate them all. *belch* Truly... the greatest feast ever eaten." "Indeed, my dear.” Her belly was truly colossal; now containing 24 Mata Haris, three times her first feast, it took up the majority of the room. "I've never felt so full of mana and food... as a servant I should feel energetic with this much fuel, yet I'm so exhausted..." "You're going to be fat as a house in a few hours, Dear." "For an experience such as that? It is well worth it." "Heh, I thought you'd say that. Let’s rest now, it's been a long, passionate night." "*Belch* Umu..." |
On a currently-calm, summer night on a peculiar, formerly deserted, tropical island, a rather energetic fox girl makes an entry in her diary... "Mikooon! Diary of a Summertime Tamamo-chan, entry #9" "Hello again, me! Oh, what a lovely day in paradise once again! I spent the whoooole day sunbathing and frolicking in the sea! Master looked incredibly dashing today in his swimsuit, just like he does every day. Mikon! What I wouldn't do to get some alone time! To unleash my inner summer beast and do ALL KINDS of summer things with him!!" "Ahhh, but no, I am a refined lady, simply vacationing on this lovely island." "Plus, with all the other summer servants to distract him and Mash practically glued to him, it's looking close to impossible... BUT I WON'T GIVE UP!! Not this Tamamo-chan!" "Ah, but it's been quite some time since I started keeping this diary, I should recap and update on our situation. It's been at least a couple of weeks now since it started. After having found a new singularity threat, Master, Mash and a whole bunch of other servants rayshifted to this... place. But, instead of it being a barren wasteland, or some kind of monster-infested nightmare... we all ended up on this deserted tropical island." "It was tough at first; especially the killer HEAT! I thought I was going to melt right out from my kimono! But soon we adapted, and have since built several buildings, facilities, a well and even a few farms! Mikon! We're so industrious!" "However, now it seems like there may be some trouble in paradise! I returned from my sunbathing today to find that our beloved farms had been attacked by some kind of ravenous beasts! Oh, our poor plants and veggies, eaten before we even had the chance. So, we set a trap, the brave Fionn mac Cumhaill, and his knight Diarmuid Ua Duibhne volunteered to keep watch for the beasts. But! When we returned to check on them, we found them nearly dead, and the perpetrators nearby! The two brave Celts were battered and broken by their one weakness: BOARS! Though these were more like piglets than full-size boars... cute, soft... delicious-looking boar piglets!" "What? I hadn't eaten all day, and my animal instincts were telling me I needed to feed!" "About that time, a HUGE demon boar jumped out and attacked us! I was startled at first, but we all soon joined together and dispatched the monster, saving our crops. BUT, because of that, Marie convinced the others that the piglets weren't to blame for our troubles, and now I can't even taste one of them! Oh, woe is Tamamo-chan!" "Oh well, aside from that and the regrettable loss of Fin-something and Diarm-whatever, it was a great day! Tamamo-chan out! Nighty Night!" And with that, our foxy heroine turns in for the night, no doubt peacefully dreaming about what sort of fun or relaxation she's bound to experience tomorrow. *Growling noises echo through the room* Or, perhaps not? ---The Next Morning--- "*Yaaaawn* Good morning, island! Oh, what a beautiful day it is already! I simply can't wait to get back to my frolicking and relaxa-" *Loud stomach growl* “...tion...? Oh, dear, with all the excitement last night, I went straight to my room and forgot to have dinner!" She steps outside her hut and looks at the sky. "Oh NO! It looks like it's past lunch time too! How long did I sleep in? I gotta get to the kitchen area to see if there's anything left over." And so, the hungry fox dashes full speed towards the eatery, only to arrive too late, as Master and the other servants are just finishing eating. "Master!!! Sorry I'm late! Is there anything left to eat? All the excitement left your Tamamo-chan suuuper tired, so I went to bed, forgetting to have dinner!" "Eh... I'm sorry Tamamo, but we all just finished." He replies. Tamamo's ears droop sadly upon hearing the bad news, and Scathach puts on a teasing face before continuing; "We even tried to wake you up multiple times, but you just kept saying 'Nnng, just five more minutes, Master', or 'Oh, don't touch me there, Master', or how about 'Oooh, I can never become a wife now, Master." Both Tamamo and the Master blush intensely at Scathach's embarrassing teasing. "B-b-b-b-but... I.." Everyone at the table begins to laugh before her stomach growls loudly once again, breaking the laughter. "THAT ASIDE! You're sure there's nothing left at all?" "Yes, we only harvested this morning what we knew we would eat. If you're hungry, you're going to have to go over to the fields and pick something out yourself." Her fluffy ears and tail sink even lower. "Fine. I guess I'll be back later then. Byeee Master! And everyone else!" Then the sad, starving kemonomimi servant heads off to the fields to harvest something for lunch. ---Later, in the fields--- "Uhg... I've been wandering around out here for half an hour, and nothing seems appetizing. It's nothing but vegetables! Not that there's anything wrong with vegetables, but I am a wild beast of summer! I can't survive without any meat! Oh, delicious, delicious meat. Grilled, pan fried, baked, broiled... or even just straight up rare as can be! Fresh and alive!" She begins to drool a bit before her stomach growls again, returning her to reality. "Such a lovely fantasy... Oh well." But no sooner does she return to this world, do three of the previous day's boar piglets, playfully chasing each other, burst forth from the tall grass around the farmland, followed shortly thereafter by three more. The first three are unable to stop running, and slam right in to Tamamo's legs, ending up as a pile of piglets in front of her. Initially they jump up, startled, but their fear quickly gives way to curiosity, moving closer to inspect this new person in the field. "Oh, it's those... boar piglets. The ones Marie says I can't eat." Her ears and tail twitch a bit, clearly subconsciously distressed by this predicament. The six piggies move in closer to Tamamo. "What are you all doing? Shoo, shoo! Go away now, or I won't be able to control my urges!" Yet the piglets continue to get closer, now easily within arm’s reach. "Fine, come here you." She bends down and gently lifts one of the piglets up to her face, bringing it in close. "What does Marie see in you anyway?" "Oiiink!" "Don't you 'oink' at me when I'm talking to you!" "Oink, oiiiiiiink!" "I guess you are pretty adorable... and innocent...and you...*sniff* smell... delicious! No, nono Tamamo. I promised the others that I wouldn't eat them..." Tamamo's resolve is quickly fading away under the combined onslaught of her empty belly, animal instincts and the sweet, sweet smell of pork. Her stomach growls powerfully once again. "Maybe... maybe just one wouldn't hurt. Yeah! Just one. It’ll barely even make a visible bulge in my belly, and I can take an afternoon nap to sleep it off. Y-yeah... just one." Tamamo opens her mouth up wide and shoves the piglet she's been holding inside. She's immediately overwhelmed by the flavor; finally, meat! After so many vegetable dishes, real MEAT! She quickly swallows the piglet down the rest of the way, whole and alive, feeling her belly stretch and her prey squirm as it settles in. "Mikon! What flavor! and so filling! Why have I denied myself this for so long?! I'm sorry everyone, but I need another, I MUST have another!" She bends down to grab for the other two piglets closest to her; they attempt to escape, but she's too fast, grabbing each by their scruffs. She then begins to shove the second piglet into her mouth with one hand, cocking her neck back and letting it slide into her belly, then using both hands to shove the third piglet into her gluttonous maw. The other three piglets are frozen in terror as they watch their brethren be swiftly devoured by the rapidly fattening fox. She belches loudly and pats her newly filled paunch. "*BELCH* Mmmm, so good! I always knew meat was the way! So succulent, so juicy!" Tamamo then turns her attention to the remaining three piglets who remain scared stiff. "I'm sorry you three had to see that, but that being said... Tamamoshark is still far from full, and her primary prey is boar!" She then lunges at the remaining piglets and gobbles them up as well. ---A short time later--- A happy and excited tail wag could be seen from the kemonomimi maiden as if she were just coming home from shopping. As she walks, her modest hips shuffle the heavy load of animal meat in her girth. Her mood was high at the moment. She could skip down the road if she weren't so heavy! "Mikon! These wild boars were delicious! I tried to resist; I really did! But I just couldn't stop myself from trying one in the end. Well, maybe I did indulge in these cute snacks a teeny bit more what you would call one..." "Oink! Oiiiiink! Oink..." Muffled cries of desperation escaped the thick doughy blob of meat on her waistline. Tamamo's breasts bounced with energy as the boars try to put up a fight inside her body, but then one flailing porker managed to slam her in the ribcage causing her fox ears and tail to snap straight from the shock. "Uguh... *cough*... Settle down you rude pests! I may have wolfed you down like an Artoria at a banquet table, but I am still a delicate woman on the inside!" However, her tail wags, as if she was actually enjoying the struggle the meal was giving her, however the piglets are beginning to lose stamina. One by one they start to go limp inside Tamamo's belly, allowing our favorite foxy heroine to let her bulge sag and breathe easy. "Hah... Well, they certainly listened to their goddess quickly. Well, who wouldn't want to relax in a sunbathing body like mine? Not even these animals could say no for long. Though I should make myself scarce before someone sees..." It was more or less a desire to not want to be pummeled by the servants into vomiting rather than not wanting to explain her embarrassing animal cravings to everyone. So, the full and gorged fox heaves her gut and strolls to find a safe spot to digest before unwanted attention seeks her company. ---A short while later, somewhere off the developed path--- "Ahhh, this place looks nice and secluded!" Tamamo has ventured a short way into the jungle to find a place to rest and digest while hiding her very obvious boar-belly. She sits down, reclining up against the trunk of an old tree, which was wide enough to obscure her girth from all sides but the front. "What a lovely meal, oh yes! For starting off so sad and hungry, this day has really turned around! And deep in this little jungle thicket, not a soul will find me while I'm all bloaty. Now that the little porkchops have finally settled down... *yawn* I think it's time for a little nap to sleep off this binge. It's a good thing there were only six of them. Eating that first one put me in full-on island predator mode; there's no telling how many I could have eaten like that! Although I do kind of wish one or two more would just appear in front of me... I could go for a little dessert." With that, Tamamo relaxes, closes her eyes and attempts to nod off. The jungle around her is mostly quiet, still, peaceful. *Faint distant oinks* "Shhh, shush you. Tamamo-chan is trying to sleep!" *Slightly louder oinks* "I thought I told you to... wait. My food stopped moving a while ago. Could it be?" She stands up and begins to sniff the air all around. Her ears and tail stick straight up when she picks up the scent. "That's it! I can smell them! More piglets, and it's such a strong scent! How many could there be?!" The gluttonous fox returns to hunting mode. Despite her already fat gut weighing her down, she deftly stalks through the jungle. She comes upon on break in the foliage. Peering through reveals a clearing in the jungle, and within it: Boar piglets, more than she'd ever seen in one place. "Oh. My. Goodness! There are so many! There must be at least twenty of them, if not more! Now, how am I going to get as many of them inside me as I can before they scatter...?" Surveying the clearing a bit more reveals that she may not have to try as hard as she thought. The area appears to be outlined with some kind of bounded field created by a form of crystalline magic. Touching the barrier reveals that she seems to be able to pass through with no effort, yet the boars themselves seem unable to come and go apart from a small hole inside of the barrier, just big enough for a piglet. "Hmm. Crystal magic... Did Marie set this up to protect their home from the demon boars? It doesn't seem to be able to keep servants out. If that's the case then I almost feel bad for doing this, but my summer beast instincts are driving me to gorge myself and I can't resist anymore! I just need to sneak around to block off the gap in the wall... Wait. Why are they all looking over here, as if they have noticed me?" She looks down, finally noticing her beachball belly protruding from the foliage in front of her and the piglets also quickly approaching to investigate. "Crap! Think fast Tamamo..." She slowly, and happily enters the field, greeting the piggies warmly. "Hiiii cuties! Your benevolent goddess, Tamamo-chan, here to teach you little ones about the joys of summer!" The piglets eye this fat, new creature curiously, as she begins her ploy, ever so slowly inching towards the hole in barrier. "Now then! Summer is all about having fun, cutting loose, and relaxation! I've been having all kinds of fun on this island since we arrived! Frolicking in the ocean, spending time with Master, trying new types of food..." She's nearly to the gap in the barrier at this point; she continues to lead the piglets on. "Cutting loose is all about throwing away anything that holds you back! If it doesn't make you happy, get rid of it! Now, you all may look at this big belly of mine and think I've already cut loose a bit too much, but I have only just begun to enjoy myself!" She finally arrives in front of the piglet door. "And finally... relaxation... Is what I'll be doing once you all make me TOO FAT TO MOVE!" Her ruse successful, Tamamo dives forward, arms and mouth open, into the group of unsuspecting piglets. She manages to grab two armfuls of piglets before wolfing them down in seconds; her boar belly bloating to double its previous size in an instant. "*Slurp* *Gulp* *Lips smacking* So delicious! Come here, you little porkers!" The piglets try to scatter but are unfortunately corralled by the one thing that was keeping them safe otherwise: Marie's barrier. Now with an apex predator blocking the door, the piglets are forced to either run back into the field to be chased down or try to run past Tamamo to the barrier opening, and risk being snatched up and gulped on the spot. It was a simple plan, but so incredibly effective. As time passed, more and more piglets met their fate within Tamamo's gullet, as she grows fatter and fatter by the minute. The sounds of frenzied slurping and gulping, as well as panicked oinks could be heard echoing through the jungle. Finally, after thirty minutes of continual gorging, Tamamo finally catches the last piglet. She licks it across the face before unceremoniously devouring it like so many others. "*Gasp* *pant* *BELCH* Oh... I gotta... sit down..." Tamamo sits down on top of the innertube she had around her tail, relaxing and letting her massive, meat-filled girth stretch out on the ground before her. A flurry of desperate movements, accompanied by a cacophony of muffled oinks, can be seen within the bloated organ, that was so large it looked like it could have had several full-size people inside it. She looks out over her engorged tummy and is hit with a pang of regret. "Oh, dear. I think I may have let myself go a teensy bit too far. I gotta try to get out of here. HNNNGGG" But try as she might, Tamamo can't stand up with her incredible new weight pinning her to the ground. "Oh, drat! I really am too fat to move! Marie isn't going to like this..." And about that time, who else would arrive in the clearing but Marie herself. "Hello little ones! I'm back to... *GASP* Tamamo! WHAT DID YOU DO?!" "M-m-m-Marie! I-I-I can explain!" "You... ate them... you ate them all... even when we agreed not to, even when you promised not to..." Marie embraces Tamamo's belly and begins to break down crying. "I-I-I tried, I really did, I swear! They wouldn't leave me alone, and I couldn't resist my predatory instincts! So, I decided to try one... then it became two more, then three more! Oh, what a slippery slope! So, I tried to hide my gut, and my shame, in the jungle but accidentally stumbled on your little sanctuary here, and it made it so easy, Marie! They couldn't escape my appetite! I gorged on them, reveling in my gluttony as I grew fatter, feeling my big belly grow heavier with each gulp; it was intoxicating! I'm sorry, Marie, but what's done is done! They've become food for my belly!" Marie looks up at Tamamo with a rage in her eyes that no one had ever seen before in the petite woman. "Shut up! Shut up, shut up, shut up, you gluttonous monster! How can you call yourself a delicate lady? You're nothing but a fat pig and a murderer! I can still see and feel some of them squirming inside you. Don't worry, little ones, I'll get you out!" Marie begins to punch and squeeze Tamamo's gut. "Oof Marie! What are you doing?! You're going to make me throw up!" "Exactly! I have to save them!" She throws a few more punches into the gut. "Gah, stop it! It's not doing you any good, and you're surely just hurting them through my skin!" "Oh, no! You're right!” Marie pauses to think for a moment. “I've got to be more direct..." Marie stands up and moves over in front of Tamamo before trying to shove her hands into Tamamo's mouth. She quickly grabs Marie's wrists and they begin to struggle. "What are you DOING you crazy girl?!" "I'm trying to gag you! I just have to grab on to your uvula and you'll vomit up all the piglets!" "And I thought summer was making ME a little crazy!" The two struggle for some time before the sweat on Marie’s skin causes Tamamo to lose her grip. Marie's hands shoot into Tamamo's mouth, narrowly missing her uvula, and she doesn't stop until she's shoulders deep inside the fat fox. "*GRHK*" "Eww, it's so wet in here!" Marie attempts to pull her arms back up to get out of Tamamo's throat. While trying very hard not to gag and spew piglets across the field, Tamamo notices that Marie has a very sweet flavor; almost like some kind of fancy dessert. She begins to lick Marie's arms to get a better taste. "Miss Tamamo, I would appreciate it if you would stop licking my arms, please. It's gross, and as soon as I get my hands up to your throat, you're going to pay for your gluttony. But instead of stopping, she licks even more, and wraps her arms around Marie's torso, keeping her in place. "Tamamo, what are you doing? Let go of me already! "Iss you, or my belleh... Muhrie. I chooss my belleh!" "What??" Tamamo gives Marie a fierce look before tightening her grip and opening her mouth up wide enough to engulf Marie's head before devouring the petite queen like so many boar piglets before her. The rest of her body was just as delicious as her arms; sweet and decadent, yet also well-refined and unique. Tamamo swallows her down with ease, depositing her atop a mountain of digesting pork; her massive gut becoming one French monarch fatter. Her tongue lolls out of her mouth as she pants to catch her breath after swallowing something so much larger than she's used to. "Mikooooooooon! Now I can officially say, Tamamo-chan's belly is stuffed to the max! *belch*" She removes what's left of her white T-shirt which was torn open as she ate her dessert. "This isn't funny, Tamamo! Let me out this instant!" "Hmmm... I don't think so, little queen! You basically attacked me, and even worse you tried to attack my LUNCH! I mean, honestly, who tries to make someone else vomit on purpose?!" "I was trying to rescue the piglets! They were my friends..." "They were BOARS, Marie, simple animals! Now, I admit I went a little overboard on my snacking, but if you had just let me eat a few of them at the start then this wouldn't have happened." "Please, Miss Tamamo...? It's gross in here..." "Gross? Inside me? How rude! You should be honored to become a part of this summer goddess' divine figure! Once Tamashark has devoured her prey, there is no escape! Master will just have to resummon you later." "Speaking of Master, won't he be super disappointed in you? Not only for breaking your promise but eating me as well?!" "Heh, that will be easy. Have you seen the way he looks at Anne Bonny? Master is practically all over that bangin' body. This little meal of mine will surely boost my curves to the next level! Master will be too busy ogling to care!" "Oh, is that right?" "M-M-M-M-M-M-MASTER?! I-I-I-I-I didn't mean it like thaaat!" "Man, you've really let yourself go, Tamamo. Are you sure you're Tamashark and not Tamawhale?" Marie can be heard giggling from inside the gut. "Very funny, Master..." "So, tell me, what happened here exactly? I already have a pretty good idea, but please do give me all the details." "Well... it all started this morning when I went out to the field after missing dinner and breakfast. I wandered around for a while looking for something to eat but ran in to the boar piglets again. I... I couldn't do it! I couldn't resist my animal instincts with them all looking up at me so deliciously! I thought "just one will be fine!", but one became two! And two became three! And three became SO MANY! Later on, Marie found me here, bloated and immobile, and she was livid, and I don't blame her for it, but she started punching my belly, and trying to forcibly make me throw up the piglets!" "Is this true, Marie?" "Yes, Master..." "After we struggled, her arms ended up stuck down my throat, so I seized the opportunity, and swallowed her up in self-defense." The Master pauses for a moment, thinking everything over. "I see. Was she tasty?" "Yes, actually! Quite sweet and delicious!" "Master, how is that relevant?!" "Haha, sorry Marie but I had to ask. All right, so here's how it's going to be. While Tamamo should not have broken her promise and eaten the piglets, ESPECIALLY not to near-extinction like she has, Marie went way overboard in her response to the situation. So, I'm seeing fit to punish both of you in that regard. Marie, your punishment is to remain as Tamamo's dessert. I'll resummon you from Chaldea later, and you'll be forgiven at that point." "Yes, Master..." "As for Tamamo... I don't even need to do anything. Her punishment is already in progress." The Master winks at Tamamo, who very clearly doesn't get it. "Feel free to return home once your belly has reduced enough to move, Tamamo." "Ok, Master! Tamamo-chan is finally going to have that nap I tried to take earlier." ---Later that evening--- Master and Mash are relaxing in their room. It's getting late, so it's almost time to turn in for the night. "Senpai, where are Miss Tamamo and Miss Marie? They've been gone all day now." "That's a bit complicated, Mash. Marie is going to be gone for a little while, but I get the feeling we'll be seeing a whole lot more of Tamamo soon." "A lot more...? What do you mean?" About that time footsteps can be heard outside, rapidly approaching Master's shack. Tamamo bursts through the door, nearly getting stuck on the way in. "Masterrrrrrr! You knew this would happen, didn't you?!" The Master laughs heartily while Mash is stunned in silence, blushing with embarrassment. Tamamo's massive lunch had taken her already modestly curvy body and increased it three-fold. Her fat, juicy tits were only matched in size and width by her thick ass and thighs, both large enough to fit snug in the doorway as she tried to enter the shack, and she sported a potbelly large enough to make the boars themselves jealous. Her swimsuit cut deeply into her rolls, appearing as if it could snap at any moment. "You know, Tamamo, they say pork is one of the leanest meats, but that's only because all of their considerable body fat is very concentrated in specific, easy-to-remove places. Eating them whole, however, is not the best idea...*giggle* Especially not alongside a person-sized dessert! Hahaha!" "Oh, yeah, Master? Laugh it up! Let me show you the results of my new diet firsthand!" Tamamo then bounces over and smothers the Master with all of her increased curves, eliciting concern from Mash. "Senpai! Are you ok?" "MMMPHH!" "How’s that, Master? Enough pork fat for you? Huh?" But instead of struggling, the Master takes advantage of the situation, and pinches one of Tamamo's belly rolls, making her let out a surprised squeak while rising up and freeing up the Master's face. "*Gasp* You're a ton of fox, Tamamo! So soft and squeezable, but so heavy!" Tamamo is becoming increasingly irate with her Master's behavior. "Mash, dear, I promise you nothing bad will happen to Master tonight, but I need to ask you to go spend the night in my room tonight, ok?" "Uh... ok... but why?" "Let's just say I need to teach our Master here a little lesson about teaching Tamamo-chan lessons!" "Oh no, please, Mash don't leave! She'll do terrible things to me in the dark of night!" "I... think I'm going to trust Miss Tamamo, Senpai. Whatever happened between you two should be worked out for the good of your relationship. Good night, Senpai." Mash quickly shows herself out. "Betrayed by my own kouhai while trapped beneath several hundred pounds of fat fox. What have I done to deserve this?" "You let me fatten up on purpose!” “What?! You’re entirely at fault for that yourself! There’s nothing I could have done to prevent it! Would you have preferred I commanded you to vomit with a command spell?” “NO! Of course not! But you could have warned me!” Tamamo lies back down on top of her Master. “Regardless, I've been longing for some alone time ever since we all arrived on this island, you know. So, now that I'm much too embarrassingly fat to show myself in front of the others, you're going to help me with my weight problem, personally, even if it takes allllll night!" |
Twas the first day of December and all through my room, my bride was stirring, though I'm really not sure why... "What's all the commotion, Nero? You're tearing the place up!" With her head still in the drawer, she shouts back. "I must find it, Master!" "Find what??" She looks back at me with a gleam in her eyes. "My Santa outfit, of course!" "Santa... outfit?" "Yes! Ever since I was first summoned to the modern age, I have been utterly infatuated with Christmas time and everything that comes with it; the lights, the gifts, the caroling, the food, the togetherness, the CAROLING!" Upon hearing the second mention of "caroling" I grit my teeth, bracing myself for the inevitable. "Hashire sori yo, Kaze no you ni, Sukimihara wo, PADORU PADORU!" "Ah ha! Found it!" Nero rushes off to the closet to change. Upon her return, my eyes nearly pop out of my head. She's wearing a red, Santa-themed one-piece dress that rises to her bust line with matching mini shoulder cloak and Santa hat. However, her NP5 gains and overall gluttonous habits seem to have made the dress anything but comfortable to wear, as it looks as though the slightest jostle could cause her huge breasts to overflow from the top, while the dress itself squeezes tightly around her round belly and other ample curves, leaving nothing to the imagination. See notices my stare and blushes. "It m-must have shrunk in the wash..." "Na, you definitely grew." "Master!" She shoots me a dirty look. "What? *I* think you look great, as always, though even your current belly doesn't stack up to the real Santa Claus. Isn't it still a bit early for Christmas though?" "Never, Master! Especially now that it is finally December; and trust me, Dear, this belly shall be plenty big enough by the time Christmas arrives. "Heh." "All right, Master, I'm off to start spreading cheer!" She continues singing that same song from earlier as she rushes out of my room. I sigh and look up at the ceiling. "Why do I feel like this can't possibly go as well as she hopes it will?" For the next several weeks, Nero spreads as much cheer as she can; singing and giving presents to the other servants and Chaldea staff. Most are appreciative, but many are forced to grin and bear her caroling performances. It's now Christmas Eve. On her way back from today's merrymaking, she runs into Santa Alter and Jalter Santa lily arguing about their plans for this year's Christmas party after they return from the great present delivery run. "Hello Santas!" "But I insist, a giant turkey is a great way to celebrate..." "That's so dumb! This is Christmas not Thanksgiving 2!" "Turkey is key to ALL holiday celebrations!" She tries to get their attention, but they're far too caught up in their argument, so instead she begins to sing to soothe their frustration; which in reality just shatters their concentration. "Hashire sori yo, Kaze no you ni..." "Gah, what is that horrible racket?!" "My ears!" "Greetings fellow Santas! I, Santa Nero have come to join in your merrymaking!" The two stop, look at each other, then back at Nero before breaking down laughing. "What? What's so funny?!" "You, helping us. You can't be serious." "Yeah, what can you even do? "I can sing! I will head up the caroling group to raise everyone's spirits before you two deliver the presents! Listen!" "Sukimihara wo, PADORU PADORU!" "Stop, STOP! I refuse! Absolutely not; we have no need of your services." "Yeah, and you're not even a real Santa!" "Not a real Santa?! I was a Santa before either of you even had full spirit origins!" "Wearing the outfit does not make you a Santa." Salter looks down and giggles slightly. "Though, that gut of yours is the most Santa-like attribute you possess." "Yeah, just go back to eating cookies with Master and leave the Santa business to the REAL Santas! Haha!" Nero is visibly annoyed. How could they? How could they deny HER, Santa Nero, from holiday merriment? And to top it off, they insulted her belly, her best Santa quality, to her face. The more she stews, the more irritated she gets, until finally she snaps. She will be Santa, whether they like it or not! "What are you still here for? I thought we told you to leave." "Yes, yes, I understand, but here, let me show you there are no hard feelings." Nero walks up, grabbing both Santas in a big hug. "What are you... doing?" "Nng, let go of us!" "I'm sorry, 'Santas', but I lied. There will be only ONE this year, and it shall be me!" Nero opens her mouth extremely wide before engulfing both Santas at once. "Unhand us at once! You can't do this to Santa!" "Eww, it's so sticky and gross!" Swallowing two people at once is nothing to her at this point, especially when one is smaller than the other. She downs them quickly and efficiently, burping lightly, then patting her belly and licking her lips. "Mmm, they tasted like peppermint! *BURP*" Though, oddly enough, Nero's belly only grew very slightly from her previous potbelly size, even after scarfing down the two Santas. "Hmm, this outfit must be some kind of mystic code for a Santa! Umu, umu. No matter how many cookies he eats, he never gets too fat to fit down a chimney! But now that the Santas are in my belly, it falls to me, Santa Nero, to deliver the presents to all the good little girls and boys! And to feast on all the cookies they leave for Santa!" She then licks her lips devilishly. "Aaand, all the naughty children..." ------Several minutes later------ "Master, Master! Due to circumstances beyond their control, the other Santas have allowed me to become the real Santa for this year!" I give her a confused look, but nod in response. "That's... great? Are you sure you can do it, Dear?" "Of course, I can! This is ME we're talking about! I'm already running late, so there's no time to lose! I'll do this myself and prove that I'm the best Santa servant of them all! You can take this year off from reindeer duties, Master." "Oh... heh. Thanks for that. Good luck, Nero!" "Hah, I have no need of luck, Master! You can be sure as my dress is red and my belly is round that I AM Santa! It's only natural. I'm off!" Fueled by her overbearing sense of duty, her hunger, and Madness Enhancement EX(Christmas) granted by her suit's mystic code, she sets off around the world in her flying, rocket-powered, solid gold, Roman chariot. ------Several hours later------ Nero has covered half the world in just a few short hours, leaving joy in her wake... for the most part. Everywhere she went, she left the finest gifts for all ages, and for each neighborhood in each city in each country she visited, her belly slowly grew and grew. Each new country she visited offered a new type of treat the good girls and boys would leave for Santa, and she reveled in each new taste; about as much as each new naughty boy or girl who would find their way into her growing gut. She would slurp them up straight out of their beds before they even knew what hit them. But of course, it wouldn't do to just eat the naughty kids; Santa couldn't leave anyone sad on Christmas, after all. So, when she would find a naughty child, she'd be sure to eat their siblings as well, and even their parents too. Large families were quite filling. "Hashire sori yo... Kaze no *urp* ni... Sukimihara wo... Padoru pado-*BELCH*" "Oof. Maybe I shouldn't eat *all* of the naughty children... I'm only halfway done, and my stomach feels like it's going to burst; even my Santa mystic code is struggling to contain my immense girth. *Burp* Truly, I have become the ultimate Santa, but I think I'll stick to just cookies now." Several more hours pass, and Nero has finished the Christmas run! She returns to Chaldea, landing her chariot within the amphitheater. I greet her as she steps down from her chariot, though I'm not terribly surprised by what I see. "Welcome back, Nero! Did you make it in time?" "Fufufu, of course I did! I am the ultimate Santa, after all!" She places her hands on the hips and puffs out her chest. We both hear the sound of fabric tearing for a moment. "You weren't kidding about your belly huh." "Umu, indeed. The children left such tasty offerings; I could not help but to devour each and every one of them!" Nero's belly, while very large, was still far smaller than after one of her Mata Hari feasts or what have you, a gravid sphere reaching down past her knees, however the interesting thing was the state of her outfit and the rest of her body. Her Santa dress looked ready to explode; each and every seam was stretched to the limit, showing her skin in between every stitching. Her breasts had also grown by 50% at least, with her nipples only barely covered by her top. Her ass and legs had also gained substantial weight, while her arms and face had rounded out slightly. "Say, Nero, you don't seem like you've eaten enough to have gained so much weight in several hours. What gives?" "Uh... I'm... not sure... Master. All those snacks must have been much more fattening than I thought. Heh... hehe... ha..." "Nero... what did you do?" "N-nothing, Master. I-I just delivered joy and good will to all the nice children!" "Hmm... then Santa won't mind if I rub her belly, will she?" "Uhh... s-sure Master!" I walk up closer and begin to rub her belly. It's extremely taut; I would even say it's hard, as if it's so massively compressed that its density is immense for its volume. As I continue to rub, I hear the sound of more fabric tearing. "M-master, I think that's enough now!" "Are you sure? You always love a good belly rub after a heavy meal." "Y-yeah, but I'm so tired I just want to go get some rest." I give her a knowing look. "No, I *insist*." I rub more vigorously for just a few seconds before the sound of another massive tear echoes through the amphitheater. With that, the main seam up the side of Nero's dress gives way, snapping at every stop all the way up. The compression spell ends with the destruction of the dress, and Nero's absolutely monstrous belly begins to rapidly expand out of her torn dress. I quickly get swept up in the stomach tide and buried in the sea of flab as she continues to grow, until finally filling up most of the amphitheater with her gut. "Wow... did I really eat that much? No wonder my poor tummy hurts so much." "MFFFPH" "What's that, Master? You want to rub my belly some more? We're stuck here like this for a good while so, *please* be my guest." |
ToS Vore: Sheena's Late Night Snack It was late at night at the city of snow and ice, Flanior and everyone was just getting themselves ready for the final confrontation with Cruxis. Everyone in the city fast asleep, the city was mostly peaceful...save for the footsteps of a person stomping by as angry as an eggbear. "UGH! That idiot Lloyd! I can't believe that he would be so oblivious!" Sheena Fujibayashi, famale shinobi and summoner of Mizuho, was livid given what had happened between her and Lloyd Irving. It was a lovely romantic scene that she and the young male shared together and right as she thought that it was the day to confess her feelings, Lloyd had to spit out of wanting to be friends. Needless to say that it got the young woman riled a bit at the swordsman's clueness. So here she was stomping in the middle of the night to help vent out and vent out her anger. Grrrrrrrrr! Of course, she also neglected to get something to eat before meeting up with Lloyd. The female ninja figured that the two of them would be able to get something to eat after their talk but given the result, she never once thought about getting a bite to eat given that her temper did not allow her to think clearly. Especially as she took one of her village's remedies to help sate her hunger until she could eat proper. "Ugh! And most of the shops and restraunants are closed at this hour! What could make this night even worse?!" "Why Sheena, my volumptous hunny! This is certainly a surprise meeting you here!" The well endowned female could only moan in annoyance as she turned to see the narcististic Chosen of Tethe'alla looking to her direction. Since meeting up with the red head again, Sheena almost felt nostalgic and annoyed at having his presense nearby every second during the journey. The fact that he keeps leering at her body did not help. "Well, what do you want, you idiot Chosen? I'm not in the mood for you right now!" Sheena growled to the red head while at the same time wincing at the growl of her stomach. "Whoa, whoa...no need to get hostile, my demonic banshee. What's with the attitude? Bud dumped you or something?" Those words alone were enough to turn Sheena's face red with anger and mortification as she sent a glare towards the Chosen. "Th-That's none of your business, Zelos! And what gave you that idea anyways?!" She could see Zelos give a knowing smile on his face while trying her best not to let him see the embarrassment on her face. The fact that her stomach continued to rumble did not help her situation either given. "Well, you're flustering wearing the cute angry expression on your face when your stomach's growling louder than Bud's snoring. It's kinda obvious not to notice it, hunny." Sheena could only snarl in response as she held her hand towards her stomach which continue to growl loudly much to her protests. That of course got Zelos to laugh out loud as he spoke again in his usual matter. "Well, no need to get snippy with me, Sheena. Just showing concern was all. So anything you want to share?" The young woman could only snort with a glare as she responded, "Nothing that could stop you from thinking dirty thoughts, you pervert! Now leave me alone! I'm heading back to the hotel!" "H-Hey! Hey! Wait up, Hunny!" Sheena could only snarl right as she marched herself away from the red head as much as she could. Her stomach growled louder than before as she stubbornly marched her way towards her destination. Right as she managed to get to the hotel and checked in, she was about to go to her room when she saw Zelos holding a sandwich in his hands. "Come now, Sheena. I know for a fact that a lovely bod like yours needs all the nutrients it could get to keep in shape. Not to mention all the energy you need for what's ahead." The ninja could only glare in response as she eyed the huge sandwich being dangled by the red haired Chosen of Tethe'alla. Her stomach growled begging to be fed the sandwich Zelos hung over her head. That of course, got her more annoyed than anything he ever pulled which of course, got her belly to growl louder. "Wh-What is it that you want, Zelos?" Those words from Sheena brought a smile to the red head as he spoke up, "Heh, well, hunny, it's nothing much really. All I want is for you to sleep in my handsome presense for tonight. Just one night with me is all that I ask. Then this tasty sandwich is all yours." She could only glare as she saw Zelos waving the sandwich over her like a worm on a hook. "Grrr! Like hell I would allow Zelos to peek at me while I'm sleeping. He would likely try to grope me while I'm asleep. Oh, if only I could get rid of him and..." Another growl erupted from Sheena's stomach as the hunger began to overtake her. The young woman could only moan in agony as her dilemma right as a thought struck her. A thought that put a rather dastardly smile onto her face. Of course she had to time this just right for it to work without giving Zelos any wrong ideas. "O-Okay fine, you idiot Chosen. You win. Let's just get this over with!" She saw Zelos grin with a gleeful expression as he lead the two of them towards his room where they'll be sleeping. Of course, unknown to Zelos, Sheena was giving a menacing looking grin behind his back as she patted her growling flat stomach. "Easy there, girl. Just be patient and pretty soon we both would have a very good and big meal to fill us up with." When the two reached their destination, the young female could see the red head smiling gleefully at what he thought was going to happen. Sheena could only shake her head as she winced a bit rubbing her belly to try to sooth her hunger. As they both entered the room, she could hear Zelos closing and locking the door behind him and turned to see him giving a lecturous grin on his face while holding the sandwich as he lay himself on the bed. "So my Demonic Banshee, want this sandwich so bad? Gonna have to follow me to bed and snuggle your fine bod against my own. Fair deal?" The ninja could only snarl angrily at the red headed man's request but did her best not to show it. Especially given the plan she had up her sleeve but she had to time it just right and not let Zelos catch on. So she looked up to the red head with a seductive expression on her face right as she spoke. "Okay deal...but first think you could give me that very delicious sandwich you're holding? I would need the energy for what you're planning to do." Those words got the male Chosen to become confused but she saw him shrug as he extends his hand with the sandwich in it. Sheena smirked right as she, in one quick movement, reached for the delicious meal and stuffed it into her mouth...along with Zelos' hand! She could see the surprised expression on the perverted red head for only a brief moment before she continued to swallow the sandwich along with Zelos' hand. "SH-SHEENA!! WHAT THE HELL'S THIS!?" Sheena could hear from the young man's tone that he's both surprised and frightened at what was happening. But she just focused on her task as she continued to pull the hand deeper into her throat. That was when the young woman saw Zelos attempt to escape by moving his other hand right near her face to force his eaten one free. Needless to say that it was a big mistake for the red head to do so. The ninja saw her chance as she grabbed the moving hand and opened her mouth wider just enough to shove the one she caught to join in the one in her throat. Sheena gave a good swallow and most of the Chosen's arms were already traveling down her asophogus. She could only moan in both effort and pleasure as she felt Zelos' arms wiggling about within her throat. "Sh-Sheena! Wh-What's going on!? Come back to your senses, hunny!! It's the sandwich you're supposed to eat...NOT ME!!" from what she could hear, the red head sounded pretty scared and desperate. Sheena did not seem to mind or care as she continued to swallow while finally able to reach Zelos' shoulders as well as his head. "SH-SHEENA DON'T DO THIS!! IF IT'S ABOUT PEEPING ON YOU AT THE SHOWER, I'M SORRY! SOR...!!" GULP!!! That was all that she could hear from the red head right before she opened her mouth wider and swallowed his entire head in one gulp effectively silencing him. "Now I have a better reason to finish the job! That'll teach that pervert to peek at me!" With those thoughts, Sheena continued to swallow down the perverted red head right through her espohogus and down to her waiting gullet. Right as she felt the hands and most likely the head enter into her stomach, the female thought as she laid herself down onto the soft mattress of the bed, "Th-This can't be happening! How am I even doing this?! It must be some sort of dream...!" Her thoughts were cut short for when she heard the loud grumble of her belly growling and aching to be fed more of the food she was eating. Sheena mentally wanted to protest against this act but her tongue was littered with the taste that Zelos' flesh provided. It was so intoxicating and addictively good that the ninja continued on with her act. As Sheena continued to gulp down on Zelos' body, she could feel her mouth reaching up to his waist already while also feeling her gut bloating up with its coming meal. She could even feel her clothing stressing to try to hold together as more of more of Zelos entered into her stomach. Moments seemed to go on for hours as the ninja was now passed the pervert's hips and towards his legs. It would be not much longer before the rest of Zelos would enter into her completely. "Not to mention ruin her outfit in the process. Got to be sure to finish this up fast before I choke," was all she thought as she continued to gulp down more of Zelos' body into her ever waiting belly. Right as she finally managed to get to the knees, Sheena could feel her stomach growing and stretching more to accept the huge feast she was eating. She knows that her ninja clothing can't handle covering her belly for long but her hunger was too overwhelming to even care. Especially given that she was almost done despite hearing the seams of her ninja outfit rip apart at the pressure. With lifting her head to let gravity to do the work, the volumpuous woman swallowed hard and good right as she slurped up the last of Zelos' legs and feet right into her waiting gullet. She gulped as hard as she could feeling the Chosen's feel wiggling down through her esphogous to join the rest into her now satisfied tummy. Sheena moaned while moving her hands all over her belly, which seemed to balloon to the size of a very huge beach ball. "Oohhhh! My Martel! That was...strange. Ugh, how did this happen? I mean, I just swallowed Zelos...WHOLE! Oooh!" was all that Sheena could say as she felt pressure within her belly that seemed to bubble before she opened her mouth and let out a huge release of air. "Urrrrrrrrrrrrrrrpp!!!! Oh, but did that feel so good!" It was at that moment that the ninja felt a thrashing and kicking movement within her gut as she knew who was responsible for it. The voice of Zelos echoing within his fleshy prison as he struggled to get free, "Ewww! This is so gross! It's wet and slimy in here! Please let me out!" Sheena actually considered letting the red head go for a moment. Then she remembered on his confession on trying to sneak a peek at her as she bathed and her sign of mercy for the red head was instantly tossed out the window. The ninja could only smile as she moved her huge belly to the side and allowed herself to become more comfortable in her new position. She moaned as she moved her hands around her huge belly, carassing the exposed flesh that her purple garbs failed to contain. "Uh Sheena? Hunny? You are going to let me out aren't you? I mean, it's getting hot in here." The young woman could only give another juicy burp of air which allowed her stomach to ease up more of the pressure in it. Within mere moments, Zelos' pleas and moving struggles were soon reduced to mere grumbling and sounds of digestions as her belly worked to break down the enormous meal it has ever worked with. As she continued to moan and began to drift into slumber, a thought crossed Sheena's mind which brought her a good burst of energy for a moment. "How I'm going to explain this to the others? I mean, sure that they'll buy that Zelos went off with one of his floozies but how am I going to explain the huge belly I'm carrying? Just what was in those diet pills I used anyways?" Thinking back on it now, Sheena remembered taking a few of Mizuho's special diet pills used only for extended missions when food becomes scarce for long periods of time. Of course, she was given a warning when taking the pills. She was cautioned by her friends at the Elmental Research Academy against taking too many at once or exceeding the dosage especially given that she was also warned what side effects it would have. "Hmm. Let's see...when was the last time I took some...? Oh right. I'm only supposed to take one. Well, at least that explains the incredible appetite that I have. I must've had three at least in the last four hours." The young woman could only let out another juice belch as she continued to roam her hands all around her huge belly despite not being able to wrap her arms all around it. She could only wonder as she began to doze off to allow her stomach the energy needed to digest its huge burden. Right as she began to slumber off into unconsciousness, Sheena thought these last words. "Hmm. I wonder how long it would take to burn this perverted Chosen off? Probably a few weeks given how big I am. Oh Martel, some of that pervert would probably end up on some places in my body that he would love to get his hands on! Ugh! Even as food he's still an annoying pain in the ass! Boy, am I going to have a hard time coming up with an excuse for the others to buy!" Epilogue A few weeks later, Sheena came back to join the group after using the time to burn off whatever remained of Zelos' remains out of her system. The excuse that she told the group the next morning as the asked her was that she felt sick after too much eating and had to stay put for a bit before resuming the journey. When asked about the red head whereabouts, the ninja just answered that he found some woman to flirt and hang out with and the group nodded knowing it to be true. Her body, despite all the meat it consumed, actually adjusted well for her figure has become more preportionate than ever. Though the bulge on her belly still remained somewhat, the rest of her body filled out well. Her arms and legs gained a bit of muscle, her hair became longer and more lush than before, her hips noticably wider and her breasts becoming larger and rounder than they were before. Understandably, Lloyd, Regal, and Genis became a bit flustered at Sheena's more noticable body figure as Colette became a bit more envious while Raine and Presea are just indifferent to the new change. The summoner could only sigh in relief given that most of the others had not noticed that it was taking Zelos longer than he should with his usual sexual exploits. Especially around Raine given that she is no one's fool given her intelligence. "And if she did figured out what happened to the pervert...well, at least I could relieve everyone of her nagging voice and Ruin Mode Mania," Sheena thought to herself right as she caressed her bulging stomach thinking of what it would be like to add Raine to her stomach. The female ninja was so engrossed by her thoughts that she jumped at the loud knocking of her bedroom door. After recovering from the shock, Sheena walked towards the door to answer and was surprised to find Lloyd right in front of the door with what appears to be a huge blush on his face. That and the young man does not seem to be as naive right as he spoke up. "Uh, hello, Sheena. I-I was wonder if y-you're available, that you would like to have another stroll around Flanoir? W-Well, that's if it's alright with you." Sheena could only stare at the once oblivious swordsman before she smiled and answered by giving him a peck on the cheek as she spoke in a low playful voice, "Heh heh heh. Of course, Lloyd. I would love to." Leaving a flustered and flabberguasted Lloyd Irving standing on the hallway as she closed the door, the young female looked to her mirror at her much fuller body and smiled while placing her hand on her still bulging belly. "Well, you idiot Chosen, looks to me that you've finally made yourself uselful for something," She spoke to her tummy while giving it a loving rub. "Sure by tonight, you'll probably be all but gone but I'll be sure that the rest of you that's added to my body would be put to proper use on my date with Lloyd." |
ToS Vore: Supper Time for Lady Alice It was right in the middle of the afternoon within the Vanguard post in Palmacosta and Alice, leader of the combat unit, was fuming mad. Especially given the fact that her arch enemy Marta Lualdi and her loyal pet slipped through her grasp thanks to the interference of Tethe'alla's Chosen. Sure he was good looking and a good smooth talker as well as manipulative, one trait that Alice could admire about a man, but allowing her prey to get away was something that she would not accept. "AUGH!! That damn Chosen! How dare he!?" the young girl shouted as she kicked about random furniture that was unfortunate enough to come across her path. "Keeping me away from Mart Mart and her little pet with smooth talk! UGH! If not for Commander Brute's orders, I would have wiped that smug look off Mart Mart's face right when I had the chance!" The annoyance that the half elf girl was not like anything she had in the past. Save for her hatred for Marta, she never felt this annoyed at anyone in her life. Alice's annoyance soon turned to anger as she continued her onslaught all over her office. Moments later, her tantrum along with her anger receeded and she regained her composure. Of course, the huge growling of her stomach also told Alice that she had not eaten anything since this morning. "Oh pooh! As if getting away wasn't bad enough, Mart Mart and her friends also had to make me miss lunch too!" the young girl moan cutely to herself as she rubbed her aching stomach to relieve herself of the pain. "Ooh, perhaps a good huge steak would be good to fill me up right now or..." "Lady Alice! Lady Alice!" Alice's outspoken thoughts were soon cut off as she turned to see a Vanguard Soldier barging into the room while seemingly running in a panick. The female could only put on her own cute expression despite her feeling of hunger beginning to overwhelm her. Amazingly she kept her composure while turning to the lower soldier and putting on her cutely intimidating face. "Well, spill it pal. What is it that you have to report?" The Vanguard Soldier could only shiver at his superior's words as he spoke with fear in his voice, "W-We've recieved word that Lady Marta and her companion has somehow disappeared from the Dynasty Ruins! We're not sure if they've survived given that we've yet to discover any trace of their bodies." That little tidbit of news sent mixed emotions towards the female half elf. First she felt surprised at what happened to her arch rival and friends then she felt happy at knowing at the possibility that Marta is finally out of her hair along with her faithful pet boyfriend. But there was also the deep feeling of regret as well as disappointment for not having the chance of dealing the finishing blow the daughter of the Commander herself. Of course, all of those feelings were overwhelmed by the hunger she felt as Alice heard her stomach growl in agony, begging to be fed. "Uh Lady Alice? Are you hungry miss? I could go and fetch you something to eat if you want." The young woman could only turn and looked to the soldier as a thought came to her. One that caused a rather malicious grin to cross her cute features as she walked towards the door and closed it shut while locking it securely. She could only smile more as she noticed the frightened reaction of the soldier as she began to speak. "No no. I'm rather fine...more so given that I've already got my treat." "B-But Lady Alice, your stomach sounds like it hasn't eaten anything in a while. I could..." It was all that the young Vanguard soldier could say before Alice muttered quietly to herself and, with a wave of her hand, the young man was knocked out like a light. The young girl could only giggle as she walked over to the sleeping man as she looked over his body and licked her lips. "Sorry you naugthy peasant, but like I said, I've already got my treat and he's just happened to come along in the wrong place at the wrong time," was all that Alice could say as she removed bits of the metal armor and positioned herself close to her underling's now exposed feet. With but another mutter of an incantation, the half elf began to open her mouth impossibly wide and stuffed both of the young man's feet into it as she began to swallow. This is as new method of torture that she was working on and admittingly Alice did not have the chance to test it out on real live subjects. She had used it on a few rabbits and mice but human beings was something that she wanted to try and she figured that the unfortunate young man she sent to sleep would be the perfect test subject to try it out. The female half elf could only moan a bit with pleasure while at the same time feeling the feet traveling down her throat and into her esphogous. Alice continued to swallow until she was finally able to reach his thighs. If she could smile, she would have made a huge devilish grin on her face if not for her feeding. Of course the hardest part has yet to come given that she's now reaching the crotch. "Ugh! This is going to be the most disgusting part I've ever had to deal with! I wish it were a female I was eating!" Alice thought to herself before she shrugged it off and continued with devouring her living meal. Moments seem to be like hours as the female Vanguard leader did her best to swallow her prey. She already went past his crotch and now reached up towards the young man's chest area. She could already feel her stomach swell as his legs and feet entered along with his torse. Of course there is now another obstacle that Alice had to deal with and that's to stuff both of the young man's arms right into her mouth. The young female could only moan in annoyance as she tried to think of a way around this challenging development. Right at that moment, she could hear the young Vanguard moaning a bit in his sleep and his eyes began to open up groggingly while also tossing a bit causing her throat to vibrate a bit. "Ugh...what happened? What's going on? I..." was what the young man could say before he started to fully awaken and saw that half his body was being enveloped by his superior. "L-LADY ALICE?! WH-WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Alice could only respond with a twinkle in her eyes as she continued to swallow and started to made it right pass the soldier's chest. As if on instinct, the man reacted to that action by moving his hands towards the girl's mouth in order to somehow pull himself from his fate that waited inside her stomach. That action, of course, was something that the half elf girl was waiting for as she took both his hands and opened her mouth wider than before. She then shoved both of them into her mouth and did her best to swallow both hands down into her throat. This of course sent the the man in question into fearful hystarics. "L-LADY ALICE!! Please see sense! I-I didn't do anything that would make you upset! Please don't eat me!" The young woman did not heed the words of the Vanguard grunt as she continued to swallow more of his arms right through her throat and into her esphogous. She was grateful that he made her job easier by moving his arms towards her face to free himself which was his undoing. Especially given that she could see the fear on her subordinate's face and to her it was wonderful. Alice continued to swallow hungrily as she felt the rest of the soldier's body slide down and mostly entered her belly, making it grow more with every bit of her meal. Given her lilth body and how petite it is compared to the average male, no doubt that her body might explode. However, she was enjoying the taste of the man's body, not to mention the fearful expression on his face, to even care. Hours seemed like moments as she swallowed, but Alice managed to get most of the scared soldier's body into her belly. Her stomach already growing pass the limit that her garments could contain and all that's left for her to eat is the head. The young female could only moan in pleasure as he caressed her belly trying to rub it in all its glory. She was so busy enjoying the pleasure of devouring live food while also hearing him begging to be spared. "P-Please Lady Alice. I beg of you...don't eat me. I-I'm sorry if I did anything to make you upset. I have a mother that needs to be taken care of. Please..." It was all that the half elf could hear of the begging soldier before engulfing the rest of his head into her mouth and carefully taking her time to swallow him. Before long, Alice felt the rest of the unfortunate man slide down from her throat and joined the rest of his body curled up into her ballooned and now satisfied stomach. She could feel him curl up into his fleshy new prison home while she tried her best to wrap her arms around her belly, which proved difficult given how her own body's mispreportioned to her mammoth stomach. But despite this, Alice does find it inside herself to feel sorry for her victim as she enjoyed the feeling of him struggling around not to mention the power that comes with it. "Mmmm. Oh Martel...this is sooo good. I can't believe that it worked. Oh...." Before she knew it, Alice let out a huge burst of gas exit through her mouth that seemed to shake the very floor of her room. "Urrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrp!! Oh my! Seems that soldier caused me to have gas. Heh heh heh." The young female could only look at her titantic belly to see its contents no longer moving and beginning to churn loudly. This of course, upset Alice a bit given the sensation she felt a moment ago. "Oh pooh! Just as I was enjoying it too! I was hoping that he would've struggled a bit more before surrendering. Must've been when I let out all the gas from my tummy. Oh well..." Alice could only shrug it off as she lay on her bed, rubbing her enormous stomach while feeling drained of energy which is used to help digest its huge burden. She licked her lips, tasting the flavor that her former subordinate, now turned to food, provided. This gave a pleasurable feeling to the sadistic girl that she has never experienced before. The feeling of power and control from having a live meal within her was something that gives her a form of pleasure that makes her goals of gaining power through the Vanguard ranks seem like a small task. "Mmmm. This is very wonderful. Urp!" she thought outloud to herself with another juicy burp as she began to drift off. "Mmmm. I wonder just how often can I do this? Perhaps a couple of times...a month. Hmm. Maybe once we capture Mart Mart, I could perhaps put her through this torture and enjoy her struggles before letting her out and doing it again. Mmm. Yes, that would...be wonderful. Urrp!" After letting out one last burp, the young lady drifted off into her slumber, her hands and arms still wrapped around her huge belly as it churned and moaned to digest its large meal. Just as she dozed off, Alice dreamt of the many ways of how to torture Marta and how she would enjoy the squirming from her arch nemesis struggling within her belly. The sadist would love for the day of devour Marta right in front of her supposed knight in shining armor. Would that be a sight she would look forward to. Epilogue Two weeks later, Alice re-emerged back into the public light of the Vanguard only that she would return entirely changed. The once cutesy half elf girl has actually developed into a blossomed young woman of now average height, having longer plantium hair, more noticable curves and a much fiercer expression on her face. There was a bit of a noticable bulge on her abdomen but it does not make her seem fat. Especially given that most of the males of her Combat Unit were too drawn to her looks to even notice. So here she was looking around her unit which is stationed nearby Palmacosta when she heard her most loyal dog, Decus, coming in while looking rather excited and happy. Happy mostly considering that he got to grace her presense. Alice made no motive to hide her pride at her new looks as she ordered her loyal servant. "What is it that you want, Dumbo Decus?" "My dear Alice, one of our scouts reported seeing Marta and her boy right around Iselia," the purple haired young man answered while bowing a bit towards his favorite female. "Some of our informants also say that they're not planning on staying long and heading towards Triet. Shall we pursue them?" "Of course we do, Dumbo Decus! That's why we're here! Now gather the troops and let's move it!" the young female ordered with her rapior pointed out towards Decus while keeping her usual tone in check. Right as her loyal servant marched himself out of the room, Alice began to grin with both satisfaction and anticipation rubbing the small bulge that is on her belly. "Well, well. Looks to me that Mart Mart and her loyal pet seems to come out of hiding," she thought outloud to herself while looking to the bulge on her near slender stomach. "Looks to me that your rent in there is up, bud. Seems to me that I'm going to have a new tenant that's in serious need of...confinement. Heh heh heh." The female half elf smiled to herself as she continued to rub her bulging belly, imagining what it would be like to finally have her most hated enemy stuffed into it. Aliced licked her lips at wondering how Marta would taste like and the sensation of power she would experience. She could hardly wait to have a huge feast again. "Heh heh heh. Watch out, Mart Mart. I'm going to get you. You and your little loyal dog too. Urrp!" |
ToS Vore: Sheena's Payback to Seles "Urrrrrrrp! Oh Martel was that skank ever so good!" Sheena gave a huge moan as she laid herself onto the large mattress of her bedroom and rubbed the huge expanse of her exposed belly. She looked at the leftover women's clothing on the floor of her bedroom and moaned a bit as she felt her stomach churn the remains of her latest victim. Though from the smile on the ninja's face, it would seem that the poor woman would not be missed. "Urp! Oh man, was she really tough to swallow! For a floozy, she was quite the fighter. Not to mention a good kicker too!" The young woman could only give her belly a pat as she reflected on the events the past few weeks. Around a month ago, after accidently over ingesting some special diet pills Mizuhoian ninjas use on longer missions, Sheena had invertingly swallowed and digested Tethe'alla's most flamboyant and yet perverted Chosen, Zelos Wilder. Of course, since then, the summoner had gained a habit of finding a random girl in the Meltokio's noble district. Of course, that only accounts to the many fangirls that Zelos once keeps during his time living. "Urrp! Oh Martel! Why are the chatty whiny ones always the ones that gave me gas? Oh well, at least she won't add to my figure than it already is." After the world regeneration, everyone had went their seperate ways save for herself and her lover Lloyd Irving. The two of them have gotten closer during their journey to get the Exspheres and made sure that they were properly disposed of. She especially loved the attention Lloyd gave to her since her figure changed and improved. Though she sometimes glared at him for leering over her like any other man, Lloyd still flustered over her like a shy little boy having a crush over a cute girl. Not that she could blame him given how he would treat her so gentle and kindly. Since starting to date one another, the once oblivious swordsman had been rather attentive to Sheena's needs. Especially in cases for when the ninja would want some "time" to herself whenever she eats big around the stomach. Not that Lloyd would mind given how nice the lunkhead is to her at times. "Heh, I've got to thank Lloyd properly for being such a sweetheart to me despite my...new eating habits," Sheena thought to herself with a smile right before feeling her huge stomach churn more of its contents as she moaned outloud. "Ugh! Oh Martel, looks to me that today's the day to get this skank to her final destination!" the ninja moaned as she hefted her body off the bed and waddled to her way towards her closet to pick out her daily attire before heading out. Moments later, Sheena soon found herself wearing robes that stretched around her middle making her look pregnant. She gave her stomach a pat as she waddled herself out of her current living quarters and towards the streets of Meltokio. The ninja had allowed herself to move to by as she quickly move towards the city gates and to the forests outside. Sheena could only moan in discomfort as she felt her stomach ache in pain feeling its contents continue to churn. "Uggggggggh! Oh Martel! Is this going to take a long time for me to get this girl through my systems. I hope it won't be long considering that I have a date with Lloyd in five days! This girl's going to take hours to work through!" ********************* Minutes later, Sheena found a nice secluded spot in the deep forests just outside of Meltokio. It's a place where she would go to properly dispose of any remains of her...meals when she eats. She was finally reached a clear space filled a nicely lit underbush and privacy. It was also a good place where the ninja could properly disposal of her meals' remains after around a week or so of digestion. Long hours later after finishing her task, Sheena finally got herself up as she moaned a bit in pain while rubbing her now flat stomach. "Ooooh! Martel, that girl was hard to pass through," the young female said outloud as she moaned a bit arching her back a bit in pain. "Mmmm. Glad for the relief though. It's a real pain having to lug all that weight around. Glad that those diet pills always seem to return me back to normal after every meal." Right as the ninja was about to leave back to her living quarters back at the city, she stopped at a sudden rustling from the forest underbush. Before she could react, Sheena soon found her feet frozen in place by what appeared to be a ice spell that stopped her feet in their place. Sheena scanned her surroundings to find her attacker but no one in sight. "Wh-What the hell? Who are you?! Show yourself!" The summoner heard what appeared to be a young girlish laugh as a figured appeared from the underbush. From there a cute and pretty young woman emerged from the shadows. She has familiar red locks of hair hanging from her shoulders covered a by a huge yellow hate, and a frail looking body making her younger than she appeared to be. Of course, the fierce blue eyes and expression that she wore was familiar to Sheena right as the attacker spoke out. "Ah, so this is where you've been hiding out all this time, you seductive witch. I was wondering where you've been given that it's been a while." Sheena glared at the young red haired girl coming her way as she spoke with a scrowl, "Seles...you've been doing well." "Oh I should say the same for you, witch," Seles sneered as she walked up to the summoner who was still frozen in place by her feet. "Looks to me that you've been keeping yourself fit given how much time you've spent chasing after my older brother." "Wh-What?! You're still on that?" "Oh come now! Don't try to deny it, witch!" Seles said while glaring at the female Summoner as she marched around her captive. "I knew from the moment that my brother mentioned and rant about you that you got him under your spell. But that's not why I'm here! I'm here because my brother, the Chosen, has gone missing!" "Th-That's why you had me stuck with ice all over my legs? Just for that?! Why?!" Sheena said but also flustered at being caught so easy. "Because you were the last known person to have seen him before his mysteriously vanished, hag," the red haired girl responded glaring at the ninja as she looked over her body. "I mean, you were his most visited woman amongst the others he's seen and he talks to you like your the Goddess Martel herself! Well, I know otherwise and know that you have him hidden somewhere to keep all to yourself. So where is he?" Sheena could only mentally roll her eyes at Seles' rant. The young sister of Tethe'alla's Chosen thought that she would seduce Zelos of all people to her whim. Of course, Sheena was the only one who truly knew what happened to the red haired male given how her body went about its recent changes. Those thought immediately got her stomach to growl loudly. So much so that even Seles stopped her rant just to turn her attention towards her captive. "Oh my, is the poor seductive ninja witch hungry? Probably starving after all the men you've laid with over the past twenty-four hours." Sheena could only snarl at the red haired Wilder's rant as she continued speaking. It was then that when her stomach growled loudly again that the ninja smiled as a thought occurred to her. One that would no doubt have Seles join where her older brother was at. "Hey, what are you smiling at, witch?" Seles said as she glared at Sheena. "You know something don't you? You know where my brother's at! Confess! You've been holding him captive weren't you?" The ninja could only smile more at the young red head's rant right as she spoke up a bit, "Gee, I guess that you figured me out, Seles. I have no choice but to spill the beans about my secret. I'll tell you what you need to know about the pervert." "Heh, good choice, seductive ninja," Seles said as she leers to Sheena but is still far away. "So tell me where you hid my brother, witch and I'll let you go." Those words only got the ninja to grin despite her frozen feet as she spoke, "Of course, your majesty. Anything you say. But think...that you could, you know, come a little closer?" Seles could only shrug at her prisoner's words as she walked towards her direction. Sheena could only keep her grin a bit neutral as she watched her prey come closer to her as she felt the ice of her feet melting little by little. Just as she saw Seles closed on her, the ninja mentally prepared herself as she got herself ready. "Come on, you little brat. Just a little closer. Just a bit more..." Right as the young woman made it close to Sheena, she leered more to to her as she spoke, "So where do you have my big brother, you succumbus? Tell me where he is now and don't lie to me." The ninja looked to Seles as she nodded, "Okay come a bit closer and I'll tell you." Seles could only shrug in annoyance as she leaned closer to Sheena to listen to what she had to say little realizing what was going to happen. And right before she could react, the red head soon found her wrists being grabbed by her captive while being pulled towards her causing her favorite hat to fall in the process. Seles felt her head placed on the ninja's stomach, which she noticed was bulging a bit. She also heard Sheena's stomach give out a soft growl right as the said summoner spoke up. "Hear that, girlie? That's where you're going to be...the same place where that pervert ended up." The red haired girl was a bit flabbergausted as she listened to the ninja's stomach growled more but not seeing her popping a pill into her mouth while swallowing it. Of course, Seles was more focused on how she was mortified at being handled by her captive. "H-How dare you, y-you witch!" Seles said while struggling to free herself from Sheena's grip only to be pin down more. "Stop spouting nonesense and tell me where you've kept my brother!" "Oh but I'm showing you where that pervert of a brother of yours is, Seles," Sheena said with an evil grin as her stomach continued to growl louder than before. "Well, where he was before he turned into mush...along with his brain." "Wh-Why you evil witch! Speaking nonesense to me as when you should be...!!" it was all that the red head could say before her sight was enveloped into darkness. Sheena could only smile mentally as she stretched her mouth open to impossible lengths and covered Seles' head. She could feel a bit of a shriek coming from the young girl as she began to taste and swallow her. The ninja recognized the taste of flesh on her tongue as well as the unique flavor she tasted. And that brought a sensation that she's all too familiar with. "Mmmmm. Oh Martel, did she taste so good. Just like that pervert." The ninja could only moan as she felt Seles' voice murmering through her throat as she began to swallow. Sheena felt her prey begin to struggle while frailing her arms and legs in hopes to escape. But this did not deter her any for she continued to take good swallows of the red head's and finally got up to her shoulders. She could feel Seles doing all she can to free herself from her grasp but little did she know that it helped with Sheena in terms of pulling into her new prison. Moments later, Sheena was already half way through when she managed to reach up to Seles's middle section. She could feel the small red head continue to struggle and shriek as the ninja could feel her victim's head enter her stomach. Sheena moved her hand towards her bulging stomach to give it a pat before continuing with her meal. She could feel every part of Seles going deeper into her stomach with every swallow she takes. It seemed to be hours for Sheena as she continued to devour her prey. But in reality, she's nearly almost complete as her mouth was up to Seles' feet. The ninja could also feel her stomach once again bulging out to accept its newest meal. Sheena moaned out of both strain and pleasure as she felt the legs of Seles beginning to enter her mouth. "Ohhhh, my Martel. Seles is so good! Must've gotten that flavor from her perverted brother of hers," the voracious ninja thought to herself as she continued to savor her meal. "Mmmmmm. Oh yeah. Keep going in there, girl. Wiggle all the way down into my belly." At those words, Sheena took one final gulp as she swallowed Seles' toes allowing them to enter her mouth. Sheena could feel the red haired girl's remains travel slowly through her throat as it finally made it's decent into her hungry belly. After the final swallow, the ninja could only moan a bit as she finally lay herself against a huge tree. "Ooooh, Martel that was good!" the summoner said with a moan as she wrapped her arms around her huge stomach as it thrashed about with movement. "OH! Ugh, man, are you the little fighter aren't you, Seles? Just like how you're brother was when I ate him. Mmmm, was he sooo delicious. URP!" Her prey's response was another hard volley of kicks and punches as it caused her belly to jiggle more as its occupent spoke, "Y-You dirty man-eating witch! I'll be sure to make you pay for when I get out of here! When I do...Ugh! This is so gross!" Sheena did her best to calm her stomach as it was kicked and punched by Seles's form. It hurt the summonor but at the same time the actions also aroused her as every punch and kick gave her a jolt of pleasure. So much that she moved her hands away from her belly and started to fondle with her huge breasts which have gotten much bigger since her last meal. Sheena was so turned on that she ignored the continued shouts of protest from her prey as she continued to play with her breasts and imagining her love Lloyd playing with them. "Oh Lloyd! Yes! Give it to me there! Right there! Oooh! Yeess! Put your baby in my belly! I want to have your kids! OH YEEEEEESS!" ********************* Meanwhile in the confines of her fleshy prison, Seles struggled and moaned as she felt herself being tossed and turned all over. She could even hear the aroused cries of her captor through the stomach walls. Never had the young girl felt so digusted and humiliated like this. "Ugh! This is so disgusting! Eaten alive by that witch!" Seles shouted as she continued to struggle within the confines of her flesh prison. "I always know that Sheena was a manipulative witch but I never dreamed that she could actually EAT someone. Let alone me and...Zelos..." A thought occurred to Seles as she felt the stomach acids and water of her prison raise a bit. "Wait! If what that witch said is true, then that would mean that Zelos is really...really..." The revelation horrified the red haired girl as she began her struggle anew. Of course she heard the moans of her captor becoming louder as she struggled. Moments later, Seles felt all of the oxygen in her surroundings getting thinner and harder to breathe by the moment. Her consciousness began to slip as her air grew more thinner with every second wasted. "Ugh...getting hard to breathe...getting sleepy...getting weak..." Seles said to herself as she felt her entire body being rocked by the soft walls of Sheena's stomach. "Heh, So brother...you ended up being a meal for that hungry witch. Ha, knew that you....were too...blinded by her charms...to see what she's like...a damned hungry witch. Oh well...at least the two of us...would be together...sooooon...." With those final words, Seles Wilder fell into a deep sleep allowing her weaken body to be rocked by her fleshy prison. It would be some time before her body disolves to nothing but a puddle of meat and soup but at the very least, she would be mostly unconscious during the process. ********************* Sheena, after around an hour of playing with herself, laid comfortly and contently against the huge tree while trying to catch her breath. She looked down to her huge stomach and grinned as she gave it a few gentle pats to feel for a response. Only the sounds of her stomach grumbling and a few gentle nudges from it was all she got. "Mmmm. Tired already baby girl?" Sheena said stroking her belly motherly as if she were pregnant with child. "My looks to me that you didn't last too long, little girl. Shame really. I was really enjoying your little struggles there. Really turned me on." The ninja then nudged herself off the ground thanks to the help of the sturd oak tree and managed to get on her feet. Sheena moaned a bit as she did her best to keep herself up and balanced. Needless to say that despite having done this so many time before previously, the summoner was still having a hard time with the extra weight she gained with every meal. "Ooooh. Man for such a frail girl, Seles is quite heavy!" Sheena said as she looked at her stomach and gave it a gentle pat before smiling. "Oh well, at least she was smaller than the rest of those skanks from before. Easier for me to put way too. Urrrp! Oh, man, I've got to get going. No doubt that this would take me days to digest but at least it would be a lot less than my last mean. Hic!" Sheena took a few moments to adjust her robes in order to cover her huge belly. When she was finally done, the summonor took one more moment to scan over her figure. If anyone could look at her now, he or she would have saw Sheena as a woman who's around nine months pregnant. That was actually believeable given how hard she had with adjusting to her new center of gravity and had to waddle as she moved. The remaining jostling and movement also helped with the illusion that she was with child as well. "Ugh! Though it's going to be a pain to get her out of there! URRRRPP!" Sheena said to herself giving out another large belch as she covered her mouth. "Oh my now that's a big one. I hope I don't become this gassy when I pass Seles through most of my system. Still going to be a pain in the ass though." The summonor then looked at her huge breasts and smiled as she continued to rub her huge stomach lovingly. "Hmmm. Best I'd better get going before someone comes along. Especially Lloydie. No doubt he would come along asking about my belly but I'm sure that my newly grown "assets" can make him think otherwise." Sheena smiled as she waddled herself away from her spot and back towards the city with a new load to carry. Only one thought came to mind as she continues to feel her digestive system working on its new meal. "I wonder how Lloyd would react when he noticed a change in my figure? I bet that he would like it. Hehehehehe." |
It had been around two months later since last hearing about Marta and her group, but it was also around months since the half elf female Alice had learnt of a new torture technique. One that not only enable her to torture her victims more but gave her a new sensation of feeling and power than she ever felt before. Since having devoured a lowly months back, Alice's body figure has improved and the nutrients she recieved helped her to grow more womanly than she had before. She only regretted that her past meal had only lasted for a few moments before expiring and allowed himself to circum to the natural process of digestion. The sensation she felt from her prey's movements were something that she enjoyed and hoped to experience again. Of course, little did she know that her opportunity would soon come as Decus gave her his latest report as she was scouting around Altamira. "From what we could understand, my darling Alice, a troupe of our forces were able to keep Lady Marta and her little lapdog around the outskirts of Iselia. Our men had managed to capture her and keep her under strict survillance. We've yet to get the boy." Alice took the moment to absorb the information she just heard. Decus' news brought a very pleasurable smile to her face as she went to stroke her slender stomach. "Decus, get ready for I feel like paying Mart-Mart a visit," the young female said as she got up from her seat and moved her toy rapier around. "But my dear Alice, do you think that's wise? We were given orders by Commander Brute to ensure that Marta's to be kept alive," the purple haired man said a bit apprehensive about his mistress's actions. "I know that, Dumbo Decus. And I'm not going to kill Mart-Mart..." Alice barked at her servant while at the saime time marching herself towards the door. "...I'm only going to pay her a very "Special" visit. Otherwise, it wouldn't be fun at all. So let's get going. Hehehehe." Leaving behind a dumbfounded Decus, the female half elf walked as she thought to herself while rubbing her slender belly more. "Why this is a very lucky day for me. Mart-Mart's been captured and she doesn't have that loyal little pet of hers to depend upon. Good for me given that now I get to try my new...torture technique on her. Heh heh heh. Oh is she going to be in for it." ***************** Around an hour of traveling of one of her enslaved monsters, Alice arrived at the Palmacosta Branch building of the Vanguard. After finding the place where they keep accused prisoners, she walked towards the barred door being guarded by two soldiers. Alice marched towards the door with very high confidence as she spoke out to them. "Okay boys, you're relieved of your duties for now. I'll send for you when I'm done with this prisoner." She saw the two guard looked at her with both awe and surprise along with a little blush at her request. Alice could only smile at the two men's reactions for it's nothing new. Since devouring her first live meal and gaining her new looks, most men at the Vanguard found themselves smitten with her. Especially Decus who only have more of an excuse to flirt and fond over her than he already had. Needless to say that Alice was both blessed and cursed her new found looks given that she was able to enslave men in more ways than one. Anyways, without question, the two soldiers both moved away from the door and allowed Alice to walk by them. She smiled right as she was right in front of the steel and where her new play thing was. A sadistic smile came from her lips as she thought to herself. "Heh heh heh! Oh how I look forward to this for a looong time, Mart-Mart." When the half elven woman entered the room, she looked to see her brunette and petite prisoner sitting defiantly on the ground. Alice smiled at seeing the roughed up daughter of the Commander on her knees. It was like a dream come true for the sadist especially given that it was about to become halfway true. "Why Little Mart-Mart. Aren't you a sight for sore eyes? Heh heh heh. Oh how the mighty have fallen." The reaction that the leader of the combat unit got from Marta was truly something she wished to capture on pictures. Alice knew that from her longer plantium hair and more womanly features, she got surprised looks from the other males of the Vanguard. From seeing Marta's expression, she knew that the petite brunette was wondering of her tormentor's new transformation. Of course, only Alice knew of the truth of how she achieved such beauty. And Marta was about to experience how first hand. "A-Alice?! Is that you?! H-How did...?! I mean, how in the hell did you...?!" The female half elf could only smile at Marta's expression right as she responded strutting her body off, "My my, surprised to see me, Mart-Mart? I wouldn't blame you given my new looks. Do you like it?" Alice could only feel delighted as she saw the petite brunette confused at her appearance and ask while stuttering, "B-B-But how's that possible?! I-I mean, last time I saw you you're just like a little kid! N-Now you're...you're...!" "Hot? Gorgeous? Sexy? Are those the words you're going for?" the half elf responded giggling at her enemy's reaction. "Not that I would blame you. After one of my little experiments, this result's really something to look at. Mmmm. Was he delicious." "E-Ewww! Don't tell me, Alice! You've finally lowered yourself low enough to sell your body like that?" she heard Marta shout in disgust at what she heard. Alice could only giggle and smile more at the brunette's assumptions as these thoughts went through her mind, "Heh heh heh! Oh dear Mart-Mart. If only you knew what I had in mind for you." "Oh don't go making assumptions, little Mart-Mart. It's not exactly what you think," she said going over to Marta while at the same time continued with that playful smile on her face. "Despite my marvelous good looks, I did not gain them through...other demeaning methods of torture. It was through a very special torture that I created that I was able to become this womanly. Heh heh heh." "Y-You're sadistic, Alice," Marta spoke in a choked tone right as Alice continued to march toward her. "My still defiant aren't you, Mart-Mart? Given where you are now, you're in no position to argue. You're going to be my very special prisoner. Not to mention a wonderful volunteer for an experiment of mine. Hehehehehe." "Wh-What the hell are you talking about, y-you manic?!" she heard the petite girl said in a frightened stutter. As Alice continued to walk towards Marta, she could see the growing anxeity growing in her enemy's eyes at what she's going to do. The young half elf woman smiled at the brunette's feared expression as she managed to reach her. She licked her lips right as leaned over Marta with a predatory look. "Well, let's just say Mart-Mart that this experiment requires....luxcious and tasty looking girls like you. Hehehehe," Alice said with so much sweet and yet evil lust as she leaned close to Marta's neck and nibbled on her skin and ear. "U-Uh....Don't, Alice...Ohhh!" Marta protested but moaned as the half elf continued her suggestive flavoring of her neck. "Mmmm. Now Now, Mart Mart. You're my prisoner. No complaining," Alice spoke to her captive continuing her flavoring of the girl's skin. Alice could only smile as she saw her brunette captive moan a bit in agony and somewhat in pleasure. She could only giggle to find how Marta could be so easily turned on by such simple ministrations. "Oh Mart Mart. To think that you could turn soft at my simple and soft touch. Just wait until you get a taste of my true experiment. Heheheheh." Right after those thoughts, Alice got her chance when she saw Marta moaning a bit in esctasy so much that she notices nothing else around her. Not even the fact that the half elf female has her hands already in hers while pulling them close to her mouth. Or even the fact that Alice opened her mouth so wide that she was able to stuff Marta's hands into it. Alice did so as quickly as she swallowed her rival's hands and they already entered her throat. The half elf mentally smiled as she felt the taste of Marta's flesh onto her tongue. She savored the flavor so much that she did not noticed the brunette finally regaining her senses. "Wh-What's going on?!" Marta spoke up while confused at what half elf was doing to her hands. "A-Alice! Wh-What the hell are you doing?!" The female commander could only swallow more of her enemy's arms into herself as a response. Alice was so into her prey's flesh that she never cared about Marta's struggles against her. Or even the fact that Marta was about to move her legs in order to pull herself free as these thoughts went through Alice's mind. "Oh let the whiny princess struggle. That just makes her torture all the more pleasant for me. I can't wait to get to her legs." Right as she reached Marta's elbows, Alice moaned as she felt her opponent pull more against her fate. That only enticed the half elf more as she swallowed passed Marta's elbows and started up towards the head. This action got a panicked reaction from the brunette as she struggled with fears at what was happening. "Alice this isn't funny! A-Are you eating me?! You really lost it this time! Stop it!" was all that Marta said before her entire head was engulfed and muffled by Alice's mouth. Alice could only smile to herself as she swallowed her rival's head into herself. Not to mention that she felt Marta's hair, being slurped up by her mouth like they were spagetti as they joined the rest of her body. Of course, all she felt at the moment was the pleasure of her opponent being devoured and entered her stomach. "Oh Martel, is Mart-Mart sooo delicious! If I had known she was this good, I'd have devoured her long ago! Oh well, down the hatch and pass the gums, look out stomach, here she comes!" Alice moaned a bit as she pulled more of Marta's body into her. Moments later she soon found her mouth right around her prisoner's hips and felt her stomach stretch as most of Marta's upper body had entered. She could even feel the brunette shout and scream within her belly as it vibrated through her stomach walls. That only made the half elf moan even more with pleasure as she moved her hands across her growing belly in glee. "Oooooh! Now that's what I'm talking about! Keep on struggling, Mart-Mart! You're making this all toooo good!" The sadistic female could only smile to herself as she got another swallow of Marta into her being. By then, Alice was pass her prisoner's waistline and over to her thighs and legs. These are the parts she looked forward to as her tongue roamed onto the skin of Marta's legs. That only enticed the half elf to gobble up her captive more despite her growing weigh in her stomach. To Alice, it was the most wonderful part. "Mmmmm. I'm going to savor this moment. Mart-Mart, oh sweet and delicious Mart-Mart now going to become the most tastest morsel ever!" With those thoughts, Alice slowly gulped up her enemy's legs slowly allowing herself to savor the taste as she feels Marta enter her stomach. The female moaned as she felt her struggling victim's body traveled through her esphogous and towards her waiting and growing belly. The young woman steadly but slowly enjoyed the sensation a little more right before she took her final swallow and felt her prey enter and settle right into her new prison. Alice could only smile as she leaned herself up against the wall and giggled at her accomplishment. She roamed her hands all over her exposed stomach right as she felt Marta struggle for her life. The young sadist smiled and moaned a bit as she enjoyed the sensation of her struggling prisoner as well as the muffled screams. "Mmmm. Oh now calm down there, Mart-Mart. You're giving momma a really bad tummyache," she said in a motherly tone while rubbing a throbbing spot on her belly where Marta kicked. "Ooooh. Trying to escape Mart-Mart? No can do given that you're my special prisoner. Oh but don't worry, I'm not going to digest you. No that would be too easy. I want to enjoy having you squirm and kick in me as long as possible before letting you go so that I could do it again. Heh heh heh." The half elf continued to smile as she rubbed her enormous belly with pleasure and arrousal while feeling her prisoner move about. "Oooooh. This is soooo good. Having another person inside of me struggling, kicking and shouting to be free. Oh, I have never felt sooo powerful in my life. Now...how to take this enjoyment and Mart-Mart's misery to the next level?" As Alice thought about the idea, she turned to see the door open and out from it came in her loyal man servant Decus charging in and spoke out, "My darling Alice, there you are! My goodness I was so worried that you might have a har...My Martel! Alice what's happened to you? Why are you so...big?" "Oof! Oh, don't worry about me, Dumbo Decus. Just ate a...big lunch. Heh heh heh," the female sadist said while at the same hefting herself and her large stomach up her feet while using the wall to help. "And what are you doing here anyways? Weren't you supposed to be on patrol keeping an eye on Mart-Mart's pet?" "Oh I'm sorry, my darling Alice, but I had to come to inform you that Commander Brute's becoming impatient but is willing to allow you more time on interrogating Lady Marta," the purple haired man said while at the same time keeping his eyes on Alice's enormous belly. "But where was Lady Marta anyways? Wasn't she supposed to be in this room being interrogated about the Centurions' Cores?" Right as she was about to retort on her companion's ignorance, a thought came to her mind that got a playful evil smile over her face. Alice then started to waddle herself towards Decus in a seductive manner. She could not help but giggle at her servant's confused expression as she spoke to him while also removing her top. "Oh Dexy. Do you think that you could help me out with something? I need it soooo bad. Heh heh heh." "A-Alice my darling, what are you...?!" it was all that she heard Decus say right before enveloping his lips with her own and started to moan just as he started to strip her of her clothing. *********** Meanwhile, Marta was struggling hard with not just escaping her new fleshy prison but how she got into the situation in the first place. "Th-This has got to be a dream! Yeah that's it!" she said in hysterics continuing to punch and kick around her surroundings. "Yeah I mean how else can it explain Alice supposedly eating me and swallowing me whole?! Oh Martel! What a nightmare! What else could go wrong?!" Those words were answered for when the brunette felt her surroundings being rocked back and forth from not just upwards but downwards as well. It was like experiencing an earthquake within a confined space for Marta as she felt herself being tumbled about. She also felt the air being thinner as well as warmer that it's making her dizzy. "Ugh...I hardly breathe and what's with all of the tumbling?" Marta said while at the same time feeling her head getting dizzy. As if to answer her question, the girl heard the loud moans of someone echoing throughout the walls of her stomach prison. And from what she could hear, the voice was familiar and was moaning in esctasy as she shouted out. "Mmmm! Oh yes, my slave! That's it! Put it in deep! Fill up your master with your seed! Fill me up until I explode! OH YES!! OH YEEEEEEEEEEES!" Marta felt herself getting much more nautious as she was being rocked back and forth within her prison. Especially given that she realized what was happening outside. "Is she?! Are Alice and Decus doing...?!" was what the brunette thought to herself right as she was rocked all over her enemy's stomach. "Th-This is sooo cruel! Here I am being in that sadist's stomach and she's out with Decus doing...doing...UGH! That's not fair! I was supposed to be with Emil seducing him!" Marta's consciousness only grew smaller as she felt the air in her prison getting thinner as the movement grew more rough and fierce. It also caused her to become dizzy with the rapid motion that her captor and her servant were both causing outside. She also became sick but her consciousness was fading too fast that it would not matter. "Ugh! I'm getting...dizzy. This...is really sick," the brunette said while continuing to doze off into unconsciousness. "Emil...my knight....please. Rescue me. Save me..." ************** Hours later of love making, Alice awoke and smiled as she felt herself being hugged by Decus's strong arms right around the belly. She looked at her huge stomach and gave it a few pats in order to get a reaction. Needless to say that all she got was some loud gurgling from her gut but she knew better that her captive's still alive. "Heh heh heh. Oh Mart-Mart, tired already? That's too bad. I had hoped you'd last a bit more," Alice spoke to her stomach's occupent while giving it another pat. "Oh well, I guess that I expected too much of you. But don't worry, Mart-Mart. You won't die and be digested like my first test subject. "Oh no. The magic that I used to swallow you would also keep you alive as I willed it to. So that means...I get to keep you in there for as long as I want but I could also get you out so that I could do the whole thing over again whenever I please. Heh heh heh." The female half elf could only giggle at the thought right as she gave out a huge burp, "Urrrrrrrrrrp! Oh my. Excuse me! I guess that just used up most of your air supply, Mart-Mart. But don't worry, you'll still have all the air needed to survive. No way that I would allow the feeling of power to get away that easy. I'm going to milk this from you until I'm through with you or until I make you part of me. Heh heh heh." Alice looked up to Decus' face and smiled as she felt him caress his hands all over her big stomach like she were pregnant with his child. She could only sigh in annoyance but at the same time leaned against him before smiling mischeviously. Though she could be annoyed by the purple haired man at times but deep down, though she would not admit to it outloud, Alice truly valued Decus' loyalty, as dumb as he acts sometimes. "Heh heh heh. Not to mention that he really does back up his words about being my loyal servant and doing what I say. And not because he's good in the sack either. Heh heh heh." Those words said, Alice began to drift off to sleep while comfortly leaning against her servant's strong arms. But just as she was going to sleep these last thoughts went through her mind as her mischevious smile continue to be plastered onto her face as she placed her hand onto her large belly right as she gave one last quiet burp. "Oh, we're going to have sooo much fun together, Mart-Mart. Heh heh heh. And who knows? When I'm in good mood, your little pet would join you in my belly and...well, Decus and I are going to have one wild time after that. Heh heh heh." |
Elias' thoughts were soon cut short as he heard the girls' yelling escalated far worse than before as Hilda yelled out loudly. "Okay I've had it with you, tit buns! I'm giving one last chance. Get outta here and never get close to E again or believe me, you're going to regret it!" "Oh yeah?! What would keep me from trying to hook up with Eli, Thunder Thighs?! You?!" Elias looked to Hilda's face as its features twisted to that of an evil grin as she answered, "Well then, if you won't stay away from MY man, yes me!" "Oh how would you do that, you...AH!!" Before he knew it, Elias saw Hilda suddenly leaping at Rosa and pushed the girl down onto the sandy grounds. He then saw the older brunette taking a hold of Rosa's wrists while pinning her down on the floor. This has caused the bun haired girl to squeak as she struggled against Hilda's hold. "L-Let me go, gorilla face! What are you doing?!" Elias could see Hilda's grin persisted as she spoke up while licking her lips, "Something that would make sure you'd never be near E ever again...BY SWALLOWING YOU DOWN!" Just as Elias was curious about Hilda's words, he saw the older brunette beginning to move her lower jaw. He then heard what appeared to be a popping sound coming from her maw before seeing an unexpected sight. Elias saw Hilda's mouth beginning to expand to an inhuman length and size. The mouth expanded to the point that it could fit a human head inside. He turned his attention back to Rosa who he saw having a shocked expression on her face. "Wh-What?! How are you...?!" was all that he heard from Rosa before seeing her entire head being engulfed by Hilda's huge maw. Elias could only watch as he saw Hilda pulling at Rosa's body deeper into her hungry mouth. He heard Hilda moaned out in delight as he watched her roam and move her hands all over Rosa's struggling figure. He saw the way the edge of her lips, despite being stuffed, was shaped into a grin through as she ate more of her rival's body. Elias could also see her tongue working and licking all over Rosa's exposed skin as she swallowed. Elias watched as the brunette pulled in more of Rosa's curvaceous form deeper into her mouth with every swallow. He was terrified at the sight but at the same time fascinated. Considering his secret fetish, he cannot help but watch in awe. "Oh god, she's really doing it! Hilda's actually swallowing Rosa...WHOLE! I should be scared but this really...really looks hot." Elias snapped out of his thoughts as he saw Hilda was already passed her rival's growing bosom and going up to her waist. He looked to see her eyes showing the sparkle of pleasure within them. Suddenly as if sensing his thoughts, Elias saw Hilda's blue eyes looking to his direction and playfully winked to him as she continued gobbling up Rosa. "She...enjoys having me watch her like this. And...it's so hot." He snapped out of his thoughts as he saw Hilda's hands roam all over her rival's curvy hips. Elias could see her enjoying every moment as her hands roamed all over her round buttocks. He also noticed Hilda's stomach was growing more with every ounce of Rosa's body that entered. With every swallow, he saw more and more of Rosa being gulped down within her rival's gullet. With Rosa's feet remaining, Elias watched as he saw Hilda swallow up the last of the younger brunette as her belly swelled up with its huge meal. He slowly but carefully walked over to Hilda as she laid herself down on the sandy floor. He then watched as the stuffed brunette opened up her mouth and let out a huge belch from her maw. "URRRP! Oh wow...that was sooo good!" Elias watched as Hilda's bloated stomach jiggled around with the movement of her meal within. He heard Hilda gave out another small burp along with a delightful moan as she roamed her hands all over her large belly. Elias heard Hilda sigh in contentment as he saw her looking to his direction with a seductive grin. "Well, E? Like what you saw?" he heard Hilda spoke in a alluring tone and patted her wiggling belly as she gave out another burp. "URP! Oooh, boy. She's really giving me a hard time in there. Oooh what a pain she's going to be coming out." Elias watched as her enormous belly jiggled and jostled about with Rosa's movements. He could even hear Rosa's muffled screams within as Hilda's belly continued to struggled about strongly. His mind was still trying to absorb in the fact that he saw Hilda actually swallow a whole person. "H-Hilda...you just...just....wha...?" it was all that came out of Elias' mouth as he continued to stare at Hilda's hugely bloated form. "Heh, speechless aren't you?" Hilda responded as she stared at him playfully as she patted her belly playfully. "Oh don't try to hide it from me, babe. I know that you get turned on by this type of fetish for a long while." Those words got Elias all flustered as he tried to compose himself. "C-Crap! She knows that I'm into...into vore? She must think that I'm freak for being...turned on by that!" He was pulled out of his thoughts as he heard Hilda's voice speaking to him with a giggle, "Hehehe! Oh don't try to hide it, E. I knew for a long while that you've had this thing for girls eating one another. I've found it quite kinky on you considering I thought pokemon was all you thought of." "R-Really? You think so?" "Yeah...I've even been practicing in secret just for you," Hilda moaned in response as she patted her jiggling belly as she gave out a belch. "URP! Oooh, but swallowing down melons were waaay easier than this girl!" "I-I wouldn't begin to imagine," Elias stuttered out as he saw Hilda looking to him with a smile as she rubs her belly. "Ooh! Hey, come over here, E!" Elias did as he was told as he moved closer to Hilda's side while still in awe at her grown figure. Right as he reached the brunette, Elias was taken off guard as Hilda suddenly took hold of one of his hands. Before he knew it, Elias found his hand placed onto the brunette's big jiggling belly. He could feel the struggles and movement of Rosa's form within her fleshy prison. He could even hear the muffled shouts of the poor girl as she struggled within. "Uh...wow?" was all that Elias said in fascination as he felt the struggles go on in Hilda's stomach. "Feel that, E? That's the bun-haired twit I just ate in there..." he heard Hilda say as he looked to her and she was gazing at him with her blue eyes, "...and I did it just for you and you alone." "F-For me? Really?" "Like yeah, for it kinda hard to miss with how I caught you peeking at that vore site at one time," this caused Elias to blush at Hilda's statement before she continued with another small burp. "URP! Like I said before, I've been practicing in secret. It began with a small apple and then I moved up to swallowing larger foods. "Since learning how to be able to do that, I was wondering how'd you react to seeing me in action for real. Given today, the results are worth it. Hehehe!" Elias could only become more flustered at Hilda's words. Never before had he felt so embarrassed at having his secret fetish found out let alone having Hilda be the one to find out about it. To see one of his crushes eating the other was something a surprise to him. Just as he was trying to recover from the shock, Elias heard Hilda speak with a sweet voice, "Oh Eli, mind helping me up, for I want to get up my...Urp...feet. I would like to walk around a bit." Dumbfounded, Elias did as he told as he helped Hilda up to her feet. As expected, Elias found it difficult with hefting up the brunette's body due to her newly gained weight. It took time but he was finally able to get Hilda up to her feet. Just as he was about to release his hold, Elias found himself being pulled by Hilda and moving towards her face. Fearing the worse, Elias closed his eyes and prepared himself to meet the same fate as Rosa within the brunette's stomach. It never came as he found his lips being pressed by soft ones. He opened his eyes and saw Hilda was the one who was smothering his lips with her own. After a long while, they both broke off the kiss. Elias looked to Hilda as he stuttered out, "H-Hilda. That was...was..." "Oh come on, E. Don't be shy..." Hilda replied with a playful smirk. "You found it hot, don't you?" "W-Well...Y-Yeah..." "Great! Then let us both get going back to your place, babe," the brunette said as she patted her huge gut lovingly. "I want to be able to work off this meal and see how I look like after. No telling how long it'll take to burn off this bun girl. But I know that there's one place on me that you'll love to see grow, babe. Hehehe." "R-Right, Hilda..." Elias said with a flush on his cheeks as he saw Hilda walk with a strut and sway of her hips while giving her huge curvy rear a quick smack. He obediently followed Hilda's lead as his mind pondered about what he saw and experienced. Not to mention Elias pondered about what was going to happen from that point on. "Man, this was one crazy day. Seeing Hilda ate up Rosa...this has got to be a dream. If it is I hope not to wake up...or end up next on Hilda's menu." |
Krishna3ca Vgame FAQ / Walkthrough Walkthrough by Boa no kami ([email protected]) Completed August 19 /2011 Table of Contents 1.Game Mechanics / Known bugs 2.Walkthrough A0: Chapter 1 A1: Temple of Vore A2: Optional Quest B0: Chapter 2 B1: Optional Quest B2: Optional Quests C0: Chapter 3 C1: Optional Quest C2: Optional Quest C3: Multiple events D0: Chapter 4 D1: Optional Quest D2: Optional Quests D3: Multiple events D4: Optional Quests D5: Multiple events E0: Chapter 5 E1: Multiple events E2: Optional Quest E3: Miranis Shrine E4: Optional Quest E5: Multiple events E6: Multiple events F0: Chapter 6 F1: Multiple events F2: Zorgan Shrine F3: Multiple events F4: Optional Quests F5: Optional Quests F6: Multiple events G0: Chapter 7 G1: Multiple events G2: Syros Shrine G3: Multiple events G4: Optional Quest G5: High Temple of Darna G6: Morrigan G7: Multiple events G8: Lillith G9: Multiple endings 3.Vore Pire Curse 4.Easter Eggs 5.Cheats available in Vgame 6. Extra Stuff 7. Shops List 8. FAQ and Thanks I use [i]Seifens Vmod[/i] so please understand that I won't explain how to Read, Use, or Equip items as the engine makes it self-explanatory how to. The File tab allows to manage or Load/ Save data. Options is helpful for those running on Slow PC or when too much activity is on screen. Extra should be avoided as a warning to those who try to cheat and are unsuccessful it can affect the game engine playability. The Walkthrough is broken up in Chapters for easier navigation however I was never able to see a Chapter end and then had had to combine another Chapter version. Based on the Game art of the foes I was able to determine which existed in each Chapter. Chapters are explained in depth so do not read if you don't want spoilers I also warned about certain civilians you should not speak with unless you want to be digested. 1.Game Mechanics Some important notes about the Game Mechanics: This game it based in a 32 Hour daily time Clocks starts repeating at 15:59 PM and then proceeds to 1:00 AM to begin the new day also different events and creatures will come at night so be aware. Don't be afraid to use multiple saves to allow seeing a scene again or doing something different including the many deaths that await the female that has been Chosen. If you enter a screen that is filled with dangerous foes or you are weak and need to return to recover, you can exit and re-enter the screen and depending on the area the creatures will either randomise to something else or disappear. This is the same for Trees that are obstructing your view Humanoids drop Gold but it can Taint the character's alignment if you kill or eat innocents. Combat tips: For Strong physical creatures you should keep your distance and fire projectiles and heal as neccesary or use curative Items / Scrolls. For Mana or High Intelligence creatures you should avoid completely or get close to deal critical physical damage. For creatures that fire projectiles you should act based on the situation if they are distracted by another foe you can use projectil magic to weaken or get in close for the kill. When you have a Secondary Character assisting with combat: Ensure that you get the finishing kill for a boss or al the EXP will go primarily to her and any non-essential items that are not Story of Quest Items will be lost and may only appear in that one area. When dealing a coup de grâce on a Boss or NPC be wary as some items will be digested and become damaged equipment. Armors and Weaponry are examples of this. There is Curse and Physical Ailments that cannot be removed by staying at the Inn or time duration elapse for the cure you will require specific treatment of Items with Mystic Healing Properties. Usage of Potions, Scrolls, Wands and Spell casting Ailments are not guaranteed to work on all enemies as it is based on a Dex and Endurance check as well as how High a level the enemy is. This is the same for an enemy casting / inflicting an Ailment , Curse or Instant Death Spell on the Player it will be based on how High Leveled the character is and the Dex and Edurance Stats. If you ever want to Target a non-hostile character or yourself you just need to uncheck the Friendly safeguard box that will be explained a little bit more below. After your food meter drops to 0 or (-) beware as it will instantly start sapping life way with each step and healing magic and potions will not replenish energy only eating food, a target or resting at an Inn will raise food meter however you may need to drink healing item or use magic to raise energy afterwards. After food meter reaches 10000 + depending on which level you are it you may not be able to Vore a target even when they are in a weakened state. Allow some time to pass for the food meter to drop below 8000 and then you should be able to Vore successfully. Even if full you may still be able to prey and eat smaller creatures or ones that have been shrunk. There is a greater success of devouring any creature if you enlarge yourself and shrink the Target you wish to prey on. You will see two options that can be checked. The Friendly will be already checked and the Vore option will start greyed out. This means that you do not start with the ability to Vore any creatures. The Friendly safeguard box will need to be unchecked to target a non-hostile character and for usage of some Items on yourself. Note about Item Drops and Drops Chance: Included throughout this guide EXP will not be mentioned in the Beastiary as when you gain levels the EXP amount changes with the exception of your starting level when starting the game. To be able to receive a rare item drop from an enemy save your game when they are near death and then reload as many times as needed until they drop that item Some enemies just provide EXP only so there will be no Item displayed. Rare Chance of two Item drops from one enemy but it can occur with the Faeries. This game does not rely on levels to be able to master dangerous areas where other RPG's does. You can be twice the level of the enemies in a region and still be unable to defeat them. If you are having difficulty in an area focus on your Status Levels that will be explained individualy below. You may need to level build to raise stats but most of the time if you were not centered on one Status ability you can wear rings, necklaces, armor and even cast spells or use Items to raise Status abilities for a temporary or permanent period. During the game you will be able to raise stats accordingly for equipment usage. You cannot increase your Stats until Level Up or the usage of an item for temporal / permanent effects. These are the main Statuses: Str Dex End Int Chr Strength and Dexterity are important for survival as game's difficulty curve can get quite high so you want to be able to deal dmg on enemies or strengthen success rate of Voring them. This allows to equip high level weapons to be used as well as other game events success. Endurance and Dexterity is needed to equip Heavier classes of armor and Endurance increases your life bar as well as Defense. Endurance is the Key Status ability later in the game that you should continue to build as it protects you from being vored or having Status ailments cast on you. Raises Vore Defense and Magic Defense. Intelligence and Charisma is needed later to be high number to learn more damaging and restrictive Spell abilities. Intelligence will provide a larger Mana bar as well as deal more damage when using spells. Charisma will allow you to barter with merchants and receive better deals for purchase/ sell goods. It also improves the response that you will get from certain girls whereas if your Charisma is too low they will eat you without a second thought. Note do not be too quick to raise stat without considering the Armor and Equipment buffs you have available to raise 1 or multiple Stats to allow many conditions such as: Wear armor, read book or make an Expensive purchase wisely with the little Gold you have. 'Save' is determined by the character's current level + 1/2 Intelligence + 1/2 Endurence to avoid later attacks, ailments and Sudden death skills. The Beastiary composed below uses the following symbols and words which mean the following: % Characters with symbol if defeated / digested cannot be revived # Damaged equipment drop due to digestion ~ Item that is cursed Drop Chance means a rare opportunity of item Drop especially rare for 2 or 3 item drops from one creature but it can happen. Drop Once means the item will always drop but only once afterward it is just the regular item drop which is usually Gold. (1 EXP) Yes this means curiosity of attacking a high energy being or structure in game that only provides 1 EXP for the trouble. Final note: Some bugs may be noticed while playing this game that I wasn't aware of please notify Krishna3ca or the Eka's Portal community if anything hinders the game progression or play after copying all updated Chapter versions in the one folder. The Seifen's Mod may also be the cause of the issue however Seifen is now aware of the Vore Plague bug and is now working on a re-release of his Mod to correct this. Included below which may no longer be valid however they are bugs that I have encountered prior to the latest update release provided by Krishna3ca. When fighting enemies who have swallowed their prey it is a race to kill them before they regenerate lost energy however if you save your game during the battle and for whatever reason need to reload you may receive a java script exception error. To remedy this either leave the screen or wait until the enemy has fully digested it's prey and regained life and then you can defeat it without receiving an error. In the Dark Elf Cave when you are strong enough to defeat Bambi and then get eaten by the Dark Elf Leader all your equipment is taken away and if your Endurance is high enough that she cannot digest you completely even if you leave the Cave you will not get yoour equipment back. There is a bug near HighCliff that you can go West on the Map and on that screen head North however on that screen you cannot go South and exit to the previous screen. In HighCliff Bar if you speak to the Barbarian Fighter with a high enough Charisma and give the choice "I'm going to the temple at the top of the moutain. I'm the chosen." the game will freeze. Beginning of Chapter 6 Laurine's speech is the same one used in Chapter 5 beginning. At the Amazon village the Amazon Leatherworker will offer to sell the Bear Fur Armor however it is still Tiger Leather. Bear Fur is used only for the Bear Shapeshift spell that I'm aware of. After joining the Amazon tribe if you speak with a Amazon Apprentice in the Jungle. If you ask if there is anything you may help with. She will respond that city-dwellers are not well educated on flora identification. When you say that we girls are not that stupid and successfully identify the flower type that she holds in front of your face. You will smell it and collapse no matter which decision you choose. (This may be the correct conversation but it desn't fit right after she says you may go.) When your food meter is getting low but has not dropped to negatives. You stay at the Inn for a night and your food is replenished to 2500 but your health drops to 1. This occurs many times with Seifens' game mod. If you eat something just before staying at the Inn it prevents this from occuring. I tested with the original vgame window and it still occurs when your food is reaching below 1000 and you rest to replenish food that your health drops to 1 even if you ate something on the previous screen to raise your food meter. After leaving the Zorgan Shrine and encountering the Darna forces. Laurine will not disappear from the screen in a puff of smoke, thus allowing you to kill her. After you have reached Level 100 if you let your food meter go into negatives your Health will drop past 1 HP into the negatives. This is true even when sleeping at an Inn and you have a low food meter. All shops have been checked in the cities and below are the only other shops that are not correct: Ornan Potion Shop incorrect Greater Potion of Easy Digestion sell = Greater Potion of Magic resistance Strong Potion of Acid sell = Super Mana Potion 6 Pack of Ultra Mana = 6 Pack of Ultra Healing Potion Amazon Village Armor Shop incorrect Bear Fur sell = Tiger Leather Reyhnos Potion Shop incorrect Greater Mana Potion sell = Succubus's Nectar St-Gorgotin Dryad Grocer incorrect Banana sell = Bread A0:Chapter1 Background of Story: You control the role of a woman that continually has the same recurring nightmare about walking through the streets of a city that is in flames. When she arrives at the entrance to a house that seems familiar she can see a woman that she knows holding a baby. She tries to peak however no voice can be heard and she is unable to move as if she is paralyzed. When the mother gazes into her direction and looks at her eyes she screams and the woman wakes up at this time in a sweat. For the remainder of this walkthrough I will refer to the heroine as Krishna named after the creator Krishna3ca. Krishna has had the same recurring visions for over the past year and the images of the burning city and woman is continually fresh in your mind. Krishna lives with a woman named Zora since that fateful day that a woman who was badly hurt, entered the village carrying her in her arms and managed to leave in Zora's care before dying. Zora has never told Krishna fully the truth of what happened and every time questions were asked about her past, Zora has reassured that she will tell her more information when she becomes older. Krishna resides with Zora to the South of Khalas in a town called Eldona. Krishna has now arrived at the age where she is a young woman and is destined to go for her revelation trials. With a feeling of anxiousness and hope Krishna approaches Zora to find out the truth about her past. If you are ever weary you can continually come back to Zora for her to replenish Mana and Energy for Free. Your Starting equipment: Night underwear Awarded 800 Exp when game begins. Open the chests for a Short dagger, Clothing, and 150 Gold to spend. When you speak to Zora about your past she will mention she was hunting near the edge of town when she was just a few ages older than Krishna. Zora continues to mention she noticed an injured woman on the ground holding Krishna in her arms and barely had the chance to speak the baby's name before dying. Zora noticed a birthmark on the baby's shoulder and knew at that time that she was not an ordinary child. She explains she has kept the past secret until the day you could defend yourself by becoming of age for the revelation. The age of revelation is defined as a special time in a woman's life. A girl can awake her inner power to choose to become a strong warrior or a powerful sorceress. Upon visiting the temple and praying to the Vore Goddess they will achieve revelation. Zora mentions that it has become difficult for anyone who is willing to achieve revelation as the increase of monsters has gotten worse an the Temple has become overrun by monsters. Zora cautions for you to take preparations as you have reached the age of revelation. She suggests for you to speak with your friend Tara and gain some of her advice as she has gone through the ritual. The revelation is a quest that you must accomplish alone. The temple is south west of the city. Across the street you can head to Tara and her Mother's house to talk with Tara a little bit more about the revelation. Tara will mention that you need to go to the Temple's upper level and pray to the Statue. She will caution that the way is dangerous and that the Temple has become infested with monsters. She mentions for you to bring food to snack on for the trip and after leaving Eldona head South and then travel West along the river until you reach it. Talk with Tara's mother and she will mention when she was a girl and reached the age of revelation she ate one of Gilian's cows and had to hide to finish digesting it. She will also inquire where she placed her magic books. Search the Bookcase for Book of Firebolt and Book of Cure Light Wounds. Talk to the Civilian and she will mention that a strange woman lives near the river even with all the monsters around. The guards have some valuable information for you which is that there is some girls that have been kidnapped by Dark Elf Slavers recently and they caution fo you to be wary when leaving the town at night as that is when the Dark Elves prowl. Now head to the Weapon seller and you should purchase a Iron Short Sword for 31 Gold . Avoid the House across the road as a nude hungry girl will devour intruders who refuse to leave her residence or steal her Treasure she is guarding which is a Lesser Ring of Strength. Also be on the lookout for a Thief girl and avoid talking to her as she will eat witnesses. Use common sense in the next area and do not anger the Barbarian that is in front of the Mayor's manor. The house across from the Mayor's manor has some valuable info about not talking to some girls if you are not charismatic as they may gobble you up. There is also a warning not to explore the well depths yet as strange sounds have been coming from it and no girls that have gone to investigate have returned. The next street over head inside the Armor Seller's shop to purchase some Leather armor for increased protection. A woman named Helen resides in the house across the Street and has information about the Mayor is receiving more funds for an exchange operation that is not involved with the selling of permits to the Town Gate. Helen is hoping to run as her opposition in the next election. If you go to the Mayor's manor you will find the Mayor is gone elsewhere and that the Lady Nash is not wishing to cooperate with you. It is optional if you want to antagonise Nash and defeat her. Nash % (Optional Boss) Level 4 Drops 300 Gold You may as well avoid the other rooms at the Mayor's manor as their is a Cook that is asking for help preparing a meal for the Lady Nash or having a snack for herself. She will ask if Eles sent you which you should reply No because you do not know who Eles is at this time. Now head to the end of town and talk the the Merchant and purchase some Food, Cheese or Chicken will do for the trip. Items contained Short dagger Clothing 150 Gold Book of Firebolt (Search Bookcase) Book of Cure Light Wounds (Search Bookcase) Lesser Ring of Strength Exit the Town on the West side at the end of the street to come to a gate that requires a pass which you must ignore for now. Head South towards the river and along the way you will encounter some enemies and a Caretaker of Cows named Gilian who you should not take lightly. Enemies in Region near Eldona Petty Thief Level 2 Drops 22 Gold Drop Chance Minor Healing Potion Mermaid Level 2 Only EXP Snake Level 1 Only EXP Frog Level 1 Only EXP Civilian Girl ! Level 1 Drops 5 Gold Drop Chance Meat Small bear Level 1 Only EXP At this time because you are just Starting level you should fight Frogs and Small bears until you can increase your Stats at level up. Ensure that it is daylight to avoid any unneccesary detection with the Dark Elves. Head East along the river to come to a small hut where inside a Witch named Akara will teach you some Spells for a price and will provide some info on the Vore Goddess Temple. She has a Summoned Succubus as a pet and if you get too curious about it she may feed you to it. Also you should not think you are strong enough to withstand Akara's powerful spells. You won't be able to afford Icebolt or Lesser Strength for a while yet but if you located the two books at Tara's that is all you require to survive. Ensure you read the Books to learn the spell if you have not already done so. You may encounter a civilian who will warn you for being out too late at night because of the Night Elves. If you mention you are going to the Temple she wil realize you are Zora's daughter and wish you luck on your revelation by providing Krishna with 3 Minor Healing Potions. A1: Now taking Akara's directions you just need to head West along the river until you come to the Temple which is embedded in the Mountain's rock. Enemies in Region Eldona Temple of the Goddess of Vore Giant Lombric Level 2 Only EXP Frog Level 1 Only EXP Snake Level 1 Only EXP Big Lizard Level 1 Only EXP Items contained 2F Dark Leather Amulet of Protection 3F Lesser Healing Potion x3 Hand Axe 4F Book of Holy Projectile (Search Bookcase) Ascend the Stairs of the Vore Temple while collecting the chests along the way. When you arrive on the top floor you can sarch the Bookcase for a useful Holy Projectile spell which you will use in the next room. Inside you will see a Dark Elf who is enjoying digesting the remains of the last girl who attempted to complete the Revelation ritual. Soralli % (Boss) Level 3 Drops 200 Gold Encounter the Dark Elf, Soralli and use spells for healing and damage and then get close to finish her off. After she is silenced, pray to Goddess Statue to Recieve a Revelation Badge which is the Key item that teaches the vore ability and 1000 EXP. You will automically have a vision similar to your dream about the burning house with the mother and her child. You will see something familiar which is Tara's house and her mother placing an Orb in her pocket. Head back into Town and discover that the Mayor has not yet returned. If you didn't fight Nash you will discover she has now left the Manor. Enter the house across from Zora to find that Tara's mother is being held hostage by the Dark Elves who are trying to steal the Orb of Power. Head inside the door below that was previously locked and enter the caverns through a Trapdoor on the far side. Tara will comment on not seeing it before if you have her with you. Enemies in Region Unexplored Tunnels Dark Elf Warrior Level 4 Drops 20 Gold Drop Chance Iron Short Sword Dark Elf Scout Level 3 Drops 25 Gold Leech Level 3 Only EXP Dark Elf Guard Level 3 Drops 35 Gold Giant Lombric Level 2 Only EXP On the far side of the cavern's tunnels you will encounter Two Dark Elves who are interrogating Tara's Mother and trying to unlock the secrets of the Orb. When you are discovered the door seals magically behind you and you are forced to fight. Dark Elf Priestess % (Boss) Level 5 Drops Dark Elf Letter and 250 Gold Dark Elf Counsellor % (Boss) Level 4 Drops Mysterious Ring and 100 Gold The Priestess will attempt to swallow Tara's mother and if she is digested she will not return. Be cautious as Tara may not be at the same level of strength that you are and if she is digested you will not have a Secondary character to help in battles. It is best to focus attacks and spells at the Priestess and then close in to finish off the Dark Elf Counsellor next. Open the Chest and take the important Orb of Power item if you leave without it and enter the room the chest will be gone. However you can still continue the story without the Orb of Power and it will play out as you have it. When you make it back to Tara's House you can choose to bring her with you or stay behind. If you were unable to save her mother there is no consequence. Read the Dark Elf Letter to find out that Francine the Mayor has struck a deal with one of the Dark Elves with a Slave trader by the name of Eles. If you go to the House across the Armory shop you will discover a Dark Elf Assassin trying to silence Helen. Go to the Mayor's manor and requst for a pass to the Town's Gate. She refuses you one and takes offense when you accuse her of the info provided in the letter and she calls in her guards to dispatch you. Mayor, Francine % (Boss) Level 3 Drops Eldona's permit and 100 Gold Mayor Guard (Optional) Level 3 Drops 85 Gold With her defeated you receive the Eldona Permit and may now pass through the gate. When you leave the town you will find a civilian by the Town gates that witnessed a Barbarian eat Two of the Mayor's guards and storm through when they had asked her for a pass. You should be strong enough if you want to steal from the nude civilian and she tries to devour you. If you are successful with escape you will receive a Lesser Ring of Strength in the chest she was protecting. A2:Optional Quest If you have a Charisma Level at 6 you can go back in Eldona inside the depths of the well, a Hungry Mermaid will request for her Magical Belt to be returned to her that the Dark Elves stole. Enter the Dark Elves domain that is revealed in the rock wall only at night. Enemies in Region Dark Elves Cave 7:29 PM - 7:29AM Dark Elf Leader Level 7 Drops 3000 Gold Dark Elf Warrior Level 4 Drops 20 Gold Drop Chance Iron Short Sword Dark Elf Level 2 Drops 12 Gold Dark Elf Kitten Level 2 Only EXP Slave % Level 1 Only EXP Items contained Mermaid's Belt Inside the Prison room you can choose to fight Bambi or equip a Mysterious Ring to have the appearance of a Dark Elf and sneak by. Bambi % (Optional Boss) Level 12 Only EXP Return to the Hungry Mermaid and trade the Mermaid's Belt for a # Half-Digested Chainmail and 25 Gold, not exactly a worthwhile trade. The Mermaids around Eldona will no longer be hostile towards you. B0:Chapter 2 Now that the North Gate is open you are able to pass to further areas. Buy Supplies from the travelling merchant and a Hand Axe if it was digested. B1:Optional Quest You can encounter Eles the Dark Elf Slave trader in Chapter 1, however now you should be higher levels to survive the encounter. If you choose to skip this optional quest you will face Eles later. Appears at SE portion by lake between hours 7:30PM and 7:29AM Eles % (Optional Boss) Level 6 Drops Iron Short Sword and 100 Gold Dark Elf Merchant % (Optional Boss) Level 5 Drops Crude Elf Dagger and 400 Gold The Merchant can fire projectiles however Eles is the most dangerous if attacked up close. Defeat the merchant first and then use the Crude Elf dagger that she drops against Eles. Enemies only appear in region after 7:29 PM - 7:29AM Dark Elf Warrior Level 4 Drops 20 Gold Drop Chance Iron Short Sword Dark Elf Slaver Level 3 Drops 30 Gold Drop Chance Minor Mana Potion / Minor Healing Potion Dark Elf Scout Level 3 Drops 25 Gold Dark Elf ! Level 2 Drops 12 Gold Slave ! Level 1 Only EXP To continue onward you just need to proceed to the North Gate and cross the terain. Enemies in Region Traveller's Path Travelling Merchant ! Level 4 Drop Chance 45 Gold Thief Level 3 Drops 25 Gold Drop Chance Lesser Potion of Dexterity Big Lizard Level 1 Only EXP Head North to find that the exit is blocked by some of Nash's thugs, You will encounter Two of Nash's Goons led by her Handwoman. Nash Handwoman % (Boss) Level 6 Drops Throwing Knives, Lesser Healing Potion, and 75 Gold Nash Goon % (Boss) Level 3 Drops 35 Gold For strategy use Spells and if you have the Crude Elf dagger which causes Paralysis it will provide a better success or alternatively a pack of mana and health pottions should provide you with victory. Alternative scenario if you defeated Nash in Eldona the thugs won't appear here because Nash couldn't give the command. With Tara by your side you will be safe however she can be gluttonous and will eat some of your felled enemies and take the Exp for herself. She also is in danger of attacking overpowered enemies. I recommend that you speak with her and tell her to return home so you can regroup later. In the next area you want to avoid the Ogresses. Speak with a Traveller when you come across one and ask about the region to learn that the city Loriston is North across the bridge of the Kalas river and to beware of the Centauress' village nearby. Centaurs live in SouthWest region so beware of speaking to the hungry Centauressess. Head North a few screens to find a Merchant Centaur where you can buy Food provisions and Throwing Knives. Avoid stealing any treasure chests for now. Now cautiously head East until you come to a bridge. Avoid going into the North East cave as it is inhabited by Ogresses. Enemies in Region Northern Plains Centauress Hunter Level 6 Drops 22 Gold Drop Chance 70 Gold / Light Spear Centauress Level 5 Drops 15 Gold Drop Chance 65 Gold / Lesser Healing Potion Thug Level 4 Drops 81 Gold Drop Chance Leather Traveller ! Level 3 Drops 10 Gold Enemies in Region appear at night Ogress Level 7 Drop Chance 46 Gold / Lesser Potion of Strength Wolf Level 4 Only EXP Giant Bat Level 4 Only EXP Smuggler ! Level 4 Drops 95 Gold Drop Chance Oil of Flavor Enemies in Region near Kalas Bridge River Faerie (Can also be Summoned by Little Jean) Level 6 Drops 12 Gold Drop Chance Mild Faerie Dust Faeries Hunter ! Level 4 Drops 75 Gold Drop Chance Mild Faerie Dust Alligator Level 4 Only EXP You come to a bridge being guarded by Little Jeanne who demands a toll of 100 Gold to cross safely. If you try to be defiant of paying the toll she will have two River Faeries come to her aid. However if you have a high enough Charisma and try to Negotiate she will drop the Toll to 25 Gold. Alternatively you can Intimidate and if you have a high Strength it will succeed and you can pass without paying the Toll. You may choose to defeat Little Jean so she is no longer protecting the bridge. Little Jean % (Optional Boss) Level 6 Drops Wand of Faeries Control and 300 Gold She can summon River Faeries to come to her aid and once she is defeated the Alligators will freely roam the bridge territory that she was guarding. Head North into the City of Loriston. Explore freely all the Shops but avoid asking the Item Shop owner, Erissa about a job which involves her daughter being last seen bathing with her friend near the Ogress Cave as it is a timed one of great importance and you will fail until you build some levels. Outside Erissa's shop you will meet the Loriston Captain, Lisa and if you approach her she will ask about some events that happened in Eldona based on whether you slayed Nash and her mother Francine who was mayor of Eldona. You should not inform her that it was your doing unless you want to be placed in her cells as Loriston does not have a Jail. Purchase some new equipment if you can afford. Talk to Thyla near the Loriston Well and listen to her story about her Grandmother, Laurillia and agree to explore the Centauress village for her. Search the barrel for a oil of weapon repair that is nearest to the Weaponry shop. To the East is a mother named Kess who is not concerned with her daughter's welfare or rather is concerned how she will be eaten as she was weak enough that her younger sister almost swallowed her if Kess had not convened. She is offering to sell her daughter for 100 Gold and you have the choice to swallow her or if you let her go her mother, Kess will keep her "in the family." Kess' Daughter (Optional) Level 3 Only EXP Check the barrels near the Magic Shop run by Isabella that is across from Kess' grocery to find a Scroll of Summoning: Small Bear. The Woman by the North entrance will caution you of a Tree to the West that you should not be eager to pluck it's fruit. Items contained oil of weapon repair Scroll of Summoning: Small Bear Leave Loriston from the North entrance and head towards the North Gate which is Guarded by Melan and 4 Preator Members Enemies in Region near Loriston Weed Nympth % (Appears when you steal the Magical Apple from the Beautiful Tree) Level 9 Only EXP River Faerie Level 6 Drops 12 Gold Drop Chance Mild Faerie Dust Orc Fighter Level 5 Drops 40 Gold Drop Chance Spiked Club Loriston Patrol ! Level 5 Drops 20 Gold Drop Chance Spear Half Centauress Level 5 Drops 5 Gold Drop Chance Lesser Mana Potion Orc Level 4 Drops 35 Gold Drop Chance Lesser Healing Potion Faeries Hunter ! Level 4 Drops 75 Gold Drop Chance Mild Faerie Dust Alligator Level 4 Only EXP Gastro Toad Level 3 Only EXP Beautiful Tree ! Level 1 Only EXP Enemies in Region at night Orc Fighter Level 5 Drops 40 Gold Drop Chance Spiked Club Smuggler ! Level 4 Drops 95 Gold Drop Chance Oil of Flavor Orc Level 4 Drops 35 Gold Drop Chance Lesser Healing Potion B2:Optional Quests Head back to Loriston and enter the Inn where you will be given a letter by the Innkeeper once you are recognized as being a citizen of Eldona as she was instructed to do so by Nancy a former Maid. As an option you can ask about the Job to find out that the Inkeeper wants the Barbarians removed from her establishment as Nancy was eaten by the Barbarians. Search the Pot near the Door to the room to find it smells nasty and gives a great indication that this is what remains of Nancy. If you talk to the Small Barbarian or Barbarian Woman it will be revealed that the Small Barbarian despite her stature took room service too literaly and ate Nancy. You will be asked to speak with the North Barbarian which is their leader to ask her to leave the Inn. You will need to fight all Three Barbarians at once or you can make a run for it after you just fight the North Barbarian. North Barbarian % (Boss Optional) Level 6 Drops Barbarian Top and 120 Gold Barbarian Woman % (Boss Optional) Level 5 Drops 2 Lesser Potions of Strength and 20 Gold Small Barbarian % (Boss Optional) Level 5 Drops 2 Lesser Healing Potions and 5 Gold If you accept the Job and complete it succesfully you are rewarded with 2 Lesser Healing Potions and 2 Lesser Mana Potions as well as 300 Gold and a Lesser Ring of Charisma Or to exploit a glitch in the Game: Defeat the Barbarian Woman and then the North Barbarian to receive you reward and then when you defeat the Small Barbarian you receive the same reward again. You don't need 2 Lesser Ring of Charisma's so you can sell the second one after putting the first on and trying to boost the Charisma Stat to receive more gold. Read the Letter to discover a mysterious person will wait by the South of the Lake Shores of Loriston. Head across the Bridge and head directly West to meet with a Dark Elf, Marreka so mentions you are the "Chosen One" and mentions you need to go to the City of the Elves, Saint-Gorgotin to discover the Orb of Power's capabilities and to read the Book of the Chosen which is stored in the Library. However the road to the city is being blocked by a group of Preators and a Succubus who calls herself Melan. She gives you Melan's Receptacle that will trap the Succubus life force and banish her to the Underworld and as a result it will release the spell she has on the Preators. However you need to acquire Mythril and have a Dwarf Craftsman who is the only known skilled sort to construct repair a Magical Crest on the Receptacle for it to operate. She mentions the Mythril was last spotted as being stolen by the Centauresses that attacked a convoy of travelling Elves. If you show distrust for her story you will have to fight her and she is a Level 14 Foe. Marreka % (Boss Optional) Level 14 Drops Melan's Receptacle, Book of Dark Projectile and 340 Gold. Head to the Centaurs Village South of your position and enter the Tipi and inspect the chest to find some objects that belonged to Thyla's Grandmother. A Centauress Hunter will appear when you steal her Mother's treasure. Centauress Hunter % (Optional) Level 6 Drops 22 Gold Drop Chance 70 Gold / Light Spear You can choose to fight or run past her for the door. Items contained Laurillia's Spear Laurillia's Medal Enter the Den of the Centauress Queen and her Two Guards. Do not steal her treasures however you can speak wth her and inquire about the Mythril. She will agree to give you the Mythril Ore on the condition that you agree to a Challenge to compete against her champion Centauress while staying in the Arena's Ring er.... Rectangle. Centauress Champion % (Optional Boss) Level 8 Drops Mythil Ore and 75 Gold When the Champion is Weakened you will be required to Swallow and digest her as that is the rules of the Challenge. You will receive the Mythil Ore. Alternatively you can engage in combat with the Queen and her Two Guards if you want both treasures and a Centauress Queen Horn that the Queen will drop when defeated. Centauress Queen % (Optional Boss) Level 10 Drops Centauress Queen Horn and 275 Gold Queen Guard ! Level 7 Drops 22 Gold Drop Chance Light Spear Items contained Mythril Ore Ring of Hunger Once you have the Mythril Ore return to Loriston and talk to the Drarven Apprentise to find that her Master went to the North West cave to slay a Dragon and she requires her Master's Dwarven Hammer to Forge the Magical Crest. Enemies in Region Dragon Cave Purple Worm Larva Level 8 Drops Lesser Amulet of Strength Ogress Level 7 Drop Chance 46 Gold / Lesser Potion of Strength Orc Beserker Level 7 Drops 30 Gold Drop Chance 60 Gold / Metal Gauntlet Trained Wolf Level 6 Only EXP Cave Bat Level 6 Only EXP Orc Fighter Level 5 Drops 40 Gold Drop Chance Spiked Club / Dark Leather Hungry Snake (Inside Hidden small area) Level 5 Only EXP Orc Level 4 Drops 35 Gold Drop Chance Lesser Healing Potion Items contained Chain Mail of Luck Long Sword of Anger Draconic Sleeping Potion (Inside Small Hidden area) Potion of Enlargement x2 (Inside Small Hidden area) Ring of the Mants (Inside Small Hidden area) Hammer of the Master (Check Dragon Dung) Amulet of Survival (Check Dragon Dung) When you come to a small crack in the wall that you are too large to get through. Remove the Friendly check option and target yourself with the Mild Fairy Dust and if you are not too strong of a level you will shrink to the proper size to get through. Inside you will find a Ring of Mants in a chest that when worn you instantly shrink to allow passage out of the cave wall's crack. Now when you head East you will encounter some Orcs that are dragging a Slave Girl with them and you can remain hidden behind the wall or choose to fight. If you choose to confont you will receive a Book of Dark Projectile and other items for the trouble. Orc Shaman % (Boss Optional) Level 9 Drops Lesser Mana Potion, Scroll of Protection from Fire, Book of Dark Projectile and 90 Gold Orc Guard % (Boss Optional) Level 8 Drops Lesser Healing Potion and 25 Gold Sacrifice % Level 5 Only EXP It is best to attack the Orc Shaman first to prevent her from swallowing the Slave or casting her damaging acid spells. Attack her guards next and try to talk with the Slave Girl and tell her to "Try not to be eaten". To defeat the Dragon Hatchling ahead you can use brute strength or alternatively if you are not a high level, have the Draconic Sleeping Potion and you have saved the Slave Girl by encountering the Orcs. You can choose to pour the Sleeping potion over the Slave Girl and sacrifice her to the Dragon. Dragon Hatchling % (Optional Boss) Level 10 Drops 2000 Gold You may now check the Dragon Dungpiles for some items after defeating the Dragon or by putting it to sleep. After listening to Thyla's story about her Grandmother's disappearance and once you have brought her Laurillia's Medal you will be awarded with a Potion of Enlargement and 300 Gold Accept Erissa's Job to go rescue her daughter from the clutchess of the Ogress. This Job is timed and if you do not make it in time you fail but you are still given rewards for your trouble. The Ogress Cave is across the bridge and to the far North East. Enemies in Region Ogress Cave Wyste Level 7 Only EXP Purple Worm Larva Level 8 Drops Lesser Amulet of Strength Ogress Level 7 Drop Chance 46 Gold / Lesser Potion of Strength Items contained Aprrentisse Staff When you arrive the Ogress will be enjoying Erissa's daughter's friend or Erissa's daughter herself if you accept the quest and do not make it there before 2 full day cycles from the time that you accepted the job. Ogress Warrior % (Boss Optional) Level 11 (After accepting Erissa's job) Drops Axe of Luck and 150 Gold Erissa's Daughter % Level 5 Drops 50 Gold Loriston Civillian % Level 3 Ogress Warrior is quite strong so beware. It is best to use Potion of Enlargement you receive from Thyla and Mild faerie Dust on the Ogress to quickly defeat her. Ust like the slave at the Dragon cave you should tell Erissa's Daughter to avoid being eaten. Erissa's Job success rewards Elixir of Strength Dictionary of Elven Erissa's Job failue rewards 2 Lesser Healing Potions Lesser Mana Potion 100 Gold In Loriston with the aid of the Dictionary of Elven you can help Isabelle at the Magic Shop translate the Spell. She will be grateful and provide a Scroll of Polymorph: Frog. As an alternative you can "Take a Guess" and a Succubus will be summoned and will prevent your escape. Succubus % (Optional) Level 9 Drops Lesser Ring of Strength Once the Succubus is defeated she will drop a Ring of Lesser Strength. To exploit a way for quick leveling in the game: You can gain EXP by Summoning multiple Succubuses when their life is low however be wary that a new Succubus will prey on a weakened Succubus and will gain Levels quickly if swallowed. If you have a Charisma Level around 15 – 20 you can speak with the Smuggler you find around Loriston who will sell some Exotic Items that come from the Dark Elf City, Ventre-Sans-Fond Outside of Loriston's Walls to the West of the city you will find a lone Beautiful Tree that has a magical Apple growing on it. If you choose to pluck the fruit you will encounter a Weed Nymph that gives only Exp when defeated and will attempt to paralyze you and eat you for taking her fruit. Now with everything tied up you can now proceed North of Loriston and encounter Melan and choose to reveal her identity with caution. Use the Melan's Receptacle to sned her to the Abyss and save the Preator members from her charm enchantments. Melan % (Boss Optional) Level 20 Drops Elixir of Intelligence, 2 Scrolls of Lesser Charm and 150 Gold Preator Member % Level 6 Drops 32 Gold Drop Chance Iron Long Sword Alternatively you can use the Holy Projectile Spell as she is vulnerable to it and attack from a distance. After she is defeated she will drop more items than if you banish her to the Abyss and you don't need to encounter the Preator members you can just leave the screen. Now that Melan has been banished to the Abyss where she was spawned and her Charm spell is broken on the preator girls you can now continue forward however for sake of completion go back to Loriston and speak with Dwarven Aprentisse who will sell you a Magical Sword for 850 Gold. If you do have the Gold you will have just purchased the Long Sword of Luck. C0:Chapter 3 Proceed North until you come to a sign post and enter the Fortune Teller's Tent only during the Daytime. If you enter at night she will send you away. If you have not attacked any innoocents or used your Voracious ability she will sense your Soul is strong and that you have been chosen by the Goddess for a great Quest. She will see that you still have many challenges before you. You will have to climb a cold moutain, walkthrough a great desert and survive the peril of a savage jungle. She also mentions that the fate of the world will be decided by your actions. She will provide with a Book of Holy Crystal and a Ring of Luck for your good deeds. If you have started down a dark path she will ask you to leave her tent and you should not bother asking for a refund or sticking around unless you want it to be for a long-term. If you have several Sins commited and have not attoned than she will sense your Soul is as dark as a Succubus and that you will be selling the world to the Abyss before long. To purify your soul she sends you to her belly. Fortune Teller, Gesha % (Optional Boss) Level 18 Drops Book of Holy Crystal and 125 Gold Character Alignment Good / Evil. A brief explanation would be Karma, the Character's nature of doing honest and good things versus attacking or eating the defenseless Slaves and Innocents. After Devouring or Killing around just 13 Girls your Soul will become tainted and will start leaning towards an evil path. The Book of Attonement can allow you to remove 1 past evil deed to bring you back towards the good alignment. Based on whatever alignment you have taken or the path you go down and choose to follow it will affect the summoning of creatures later on, as well as the finishing results of the story. Summoning an Angelic creature by one with a tainted soul, the Summoned creature will be hostile towards the character and enemies. Summoning a Demonic creature with a tainted soul the creature will be friendly towards you and will dispose of your enemies. Enemies in Region near St-Gorgotin Bigmaw Plant Level 12 Only EXP Orc Champion Level 10 Drops 75 Gold Drop Chance Lesser Healing Potion Tree Snake Level 10 Only EXP Elf Hunter ! Level 10 Drops 16 Gold Drop Chance Short Bow Cow ! (Near Fortune Teller house) Level 9 Only EXP Giant Bee Level 9 Drop Chance Giant Bee Honey Voracious Bunny (Near Fortune Teller house) Level 8 Only EXP Orc Beserker Level 7 Drop Chance Metal Gauntlet Now the path of enemies is Perilous until you are prepared to veture to the far West to the Dryad's village or if you have the Dictionary of Elven you can speak to the Merchants in St-Gorgotin and if you are wise you will not get eaten. Buy a Vampiric Dagger and a Ring Mail of Strength For the description in this walkthrough I'll recommend going to St-Gorgotin even if you do not have the Dictionary. Talk to a Elf Hunter and she will tell you briefly how to go to St-Gorgotin which is North untiil you come to a Crossroads then head East. Avoid the Bigmaw Plants by staying out of their range because they are not able to move. You are now within the Elven City of St-Gorgotin however even with the Dictionary of Elven to Translate you should still be cautious to the questions and requests that you answer and save frequent on another Save slot to view all digestion scenes. Without the Dictionary if you speak with an Elf be aware that phrases "Yes", "No" and " I Don't Understand" is not recognized and you will be swallowed by every Elf Merchant, Innkeeper and Citizen. When you enter if you can Translate Elven then yo can stay the night but inquire how much for a room first or it will be misinterpreted when you just ask for a room which the Inn Keeper will be happy to oblige by offering permanent residence in her stomach. Resist the temptation of a "Special Room" despite the hostess offering you hospitable treatment. and go with the Normal Room as the Special one may be too hot for your liking. Avoid talking to the Elven Citizen on the opposite side of the street as she will gulp you up to show a demonstration of what she would do to the Naga's that swallowed her sister. With the Dictionary you can translate the story of how the Nagas led by Demonesses came to the Library and swallowed her Sister and the others. The ability to transport to only places you have previously visited which are Eldona, Loriston or back to St-Gorgotin again is available thanks to the Travel Agency Mage but be aware that it isn't entirely safe you have a random percentage of being transported to the awaiting belly of a hungry girl (Now that is what I indeed call Room Service) Percentage of you and either with Tara or Shiallia is all transported to the folowing targets mentioned at the very bottom of the guide: When you first enter the city if you have the Dictionary you can talk to the Elven Citizen and help with her "discomfort" left by a stuck Magical ring inside her Stomach left by her former Grlfriend who lost a bet of whether she could squirm her way out of her Lover's stomach. If you have a High enough endurance you will be squeezed out the "natural way" and you will have the Strange Ring now in your possession. Remember to unequip Weapon and Armor before agreeing to go inside. The Elf will comment on that you stink and should take a bath but she thanks you as she no longer has indigestion. Head down the street avoiding all shops if you cannot translate the Elven speech and enter a Temple of the Goddess where you will receive a Book of Atonement when you pray to the Statue of the Goddess. Inside the Temple you will meet with an Acolyte and a Traveling Priestess named Vareha who is on her return to the Holy Temple in Varla. It is optional if you want to try your strength against Varesha and you can refer to the Vorepire Curse section near the bottom of the guide to find out what items innocents drop. Now enter the Library inside the Elves' Castle and speak with the Librarian who will recognize the mark of the Goddess on your shoulder matches with the one she saw in a book. She mentions that the Book of the Chosen was stolen by Nagas and if you want to head to their Cave to head West deep into the forest. She also warns that the Book has probably gone through a Naga and you will find it in a pile of their leftovers. If you do not speak to the Elf Librarian the Naga's Cave will not appear thus permitting you access to enter it. Don't forget to check the barrel in the corner of the room to find a Book of Snake Summoning. Buy some food from the Dryad Merchant if you so require. Tara may not be strong enough fo upcoming foes so I recommend going to the City entrance and enter the house of Shiallia who lives across the street from the Inn. Items contained Book of Snake Summoning C1:Optional Quest Meet with Shiallia who will want revenge for her Girlfriend, Radha who was digested by the Orc Priestess. She will transport you both to the Orcs location and give you Radha's Sword which is Magical for slaying Orcs. Alternatively she sometimes just transports herself and says she knows a "shortcut" and she uses you (and Tara) for "Fuel" for the battle. Enemies in Region near Orc's Cave Orc Guardian Level 12 Drops 60 Gold Drop Chance Orcish Dress Bigmaw Plant Level 12 Only EXP Elf Hunter ! Level 10 Drops 16 Gold Drop Chance Short Bow Tree Snake Level 10 Only EXP Orc Champion Level 10 Drops 75 Gold Drop Chance Lesser Healing Potion Orc Beserker Level 7 Drops 70 Gold Items contained Orcish Dress of the Champion This combat would be difficult without the help of Shiallia which you will see has a very Voracious appetite. Orc Priestess (Optional Boss) Level 14 Drops Dragon Scale and 250 Gold Once partially weakened the Orc Priestess will transform into a Dragon and will fire Fire Projectiles. Keep yourself healed and save Shiallia if she gets flanked by the two Orc Guardians. If you are strong enough to venture to the Orc's Cave by yourself you will not receive Radha's Sword for defeating the Orc Priestess. Shiallia hears of your heroic battle with them and requests for her to join you if you ask why she will mention she no longer wants to stay in the city and you prevented her from avenging her Girlfriend. If you then agree to take her with you she will smile and say that she meant she hopes that you will join her. With Shiallia in your party you may now head to the far West and avoid the North Gate for now as you require the Elf Queen's permission who is currently Ill and refusing an audience with visitors at the moment to be able to pass onward. When you leave the city head North and continue West and you will come to a curious area with four Trees surrouning a Strange stone which you must ignore for now and continue West. Enemies in Region Elf Plains Bigmaw Plant Level 12 Only EXP Elf Hunter ! Level 10 Drops 16 Gold Drop Chance Short Bow Tree Snake Level 10 Only EXP Giant Bee Level 9 Drop Chance Giant Bee Honey Wandering Elf ! Level 9 Drops 48 Gold Elven Cat Level 8 Only EXP Tree ! (1Exp) Level 1 If you still do not have the Dictionary of Elven you will be able to soon find a copy to purchase. Until then it is best not to talk to the Wandering Elf however if you do the only option is to swallow her just to be safe as you cannot undestand one another's language. Once you come to a fenced area and can no longer travel West that head SouthWest. The enemies will become more dangerous in this area so be well prepared and tell your secondary character to go home if you cannot freely escape enemies you do not want to encounter. Enemies in Region near Dryad Village Bigmaw Plant Level 12 Only EXP Forest Faerie Level 11 (Nude) Drops 25 Gold Drop Chance Faerie Dust / Potion of Mana Forest Faerie Level 11 Drops 25 Gold Drop Chance Faerie Dust / Potion of Mana Elf Hunter ! Level 10 Drops 16 Gold Drop Chance Short Bow Tree Snake Level 10 Only EXP Naga Level 10 Drops 200 Gold Drop Chance Potion of Defense Giant Bee Level 9 Drop Chance Giant Bee Honey Bees Nest Level 8 Drops Giant Bee Honey Enemies in Region only in daylight Wood Nymph Level 9 Drops 15 Gold Drop Chance Amulet of Paralyzation Resistance Enemies in Region at night Rogue Dryad Level 10 Drops 110 Gold Drop Chance Potion of Healing Two types of Forest Faeries are along this path it is the Nude one that you must beware of as she shrinks you, enlarges herself, shoots projectiles and will unbirth you. Avoid travelling further West for now and head North East to arrive at the Dryad's Village. Head into the First Hut you see to speak with a Nature Mage who will sell a Dictionary of Elven if you didn't have previously as well as some useful spells. Travel to the East side of the Village first and talk with the Dryad Guard who mentions that a Master of the Natural Way resides in their village and may be of help with teaching a new technique. Also talk with Seska the Naga who when you mention you want to go see her friends she tells you the direction to travel. When you head inside the hut you will find an enchantress named Meyda and her Golem-Girl creation, Gii who are quite hungry. Avoid sticking your hands near Gii and when Meyda questions about her Delivery arriving just say you just got there and so it can't be you. Ask to see what goods she has to sell. They will be a variety of scrolls and one uniqe item called the Empty Soul Bottle which will have an importance later on. When you leave the hut and head to the West side of the village you will find the Master of the Natural Way in the first hut. She will offer to teach the technique if you can provide her with the Root of a Pirhanna Flower. In the next hut a merchant will sell food and restorative items. Talk to the Dryad residents to learn there is Rogue Dryads that were cast from the village once they became charmed by the Succubus who led the Nagas to attack St-Gorgotin. Seska is also mentioned as being taken into the care of the Village and that no Succubus has been sighted and they may have been banished to the Abyss. Before leaving talk to the Dryad in the center of the Village who will warn you of the Vorepire Curse which is inflicted upon anyone who has defeated the Vorepire and becomes a living one every night afterward. Leave the Village now and head SouthWest until you eventually come to a crossroads and head to the dead-end to the West and search the bones of the unfortunate traveller and you will find the following. Items contained Potion of Healing Potion of Healing Potion of Mana Scale Mail Large Axe Proceed South now and when you come to another crossroads head NorthEast. If you continue SouthWest you will encounter the Pirhanna Flower and it is a Level 17 foe so it is best to level up in the Naga Cave and to exterminate the Flower later. When you arrive at the Naga Cave it will be guarded by two Naga Warriors. Enemies in Region Naga Cave Noble Naga Level 12 Drops 300 Gold Drop Chance Amulet of Beauty Naga Sorceress Level 11 Drops 150 Gold Drop Chance Scroll of Rejuveneration Naga Warrior Level 11 Drops 225 Gold Drop Chance Scroll of Cure Serious Wounds Naga Level 10 Drops 200 Gold Drop Chance Potion of Defense Items contained Wand of Cold Star Potion of Regeneration Potion of Healing Potion of Mana Warhammer of Thunder Oil of armor repair Oil of weapon repair Elven Chain Mail of Beauty 2000 Gold Proceed to the South path when you have a chance to a dead-end for a chest filled with curative items and a Wand of Cold Star. Then head back to the previous section and go North to encounter a Naga Commander who is guarding the Key to the far SouthEast Door. The Commander may have as many as three other Nagas with her. Naga Commander % (Boss) Level 13 Drops Elixir of Stength, Naga Key, and 480 Gold Use the Wand of Cold Star and Spells to attack long range than go in to finish her off. When she drops the Key then you may continue forward in the direction of the far SouthEast. Take the North dead-end along your way to find a chest containing Oil of weapon repair and Oil of armor repair. With the Naga Key the passage will automatically be opened to you in the South region of the cave. You will encounter Naga Queen with a Naga Warrior and Noble Naga as backup. Naga Queen % (Boss) Level 15 Drops Book of Chosen, Amulet of Acid, and 675 Gold Summoned Small Succubus (Summoned by Naga Queen) Level 10 Only EXP The Naga Queen has the ability to summon Small Succubus Level 10 creature. Her weakness is the Cold Star Spell so you may want to purchase the Book in St-Gorgotin to use in this battle. C2:Optional Quest If you believe you are strong enough to take on the Pirhanna Flower you may do so by heading to the far SouthWest after leaving the Naga Cave and your reward will be a Pirhanna Flower Root that you can exchange for the first "Master of the Adept Tecnique" by speaking with the Master of the Natural Way back in the Dryad Village and you will receive the "Sonic Belch" Technique. Pirhanna Flower % (Optional Boss) Level 17 Drops Pirhanna Flower Root Keep your distance and try to shield yourself from Fire projectiles while firing projectiles at the Flower. With the Book of the Chosen you must make the long trip back to St-Gorgotin and enter the Castle. The Librarian at the castle won't give anymore advice and you still cannot get an audience withe the Elf Queen due to her illness so you can now go ahead and read the passages of the book that were not destroyed from the digestive acids of the Naga Queen. The Book reveals the following: The Goddess of Digestion was sealed and it is written that on the 2000 anniversary her impsisonment of that day the Chosen shall be born with a birthmark that bears the mark of the Goddess. The Chosen is destined to use the Orb of power to prevent the Goddess of Digestion from entering this dimension. The Orb of Power requires a recharge from the three shrines of sealing to function for this important task. Miranis, thie Ice shrine of the great mountains of the North. Zorgan, the Fire shrine of the savage Jungle. Syros, the Water shrine at the bottom of the ocean that lies South of the Desert of Hunger. Approach the Queen's door and the guads will mention she is Ill. You now have the option of saying you need a pass to the gate because you are the Chosen. A Royal Guard who is acting as an attendant of the Queen will plead for you to go to the Abyss and retrieve the Elven Queen's Soul as the attack in the city the Elf Queen was almost entirely swallowed by a Succubus and they saved her in time by sending the Succubus to the Abyss however she believes the Queen has been in torment since due to the Succubus stole part of her soul. As the chosen you are believed to have the Orb of Power and she mentions to go to a strange stone in the forest and perform a ritual that will grant you access to the Abyss. She mentions that once you are there you will need to capture the Queen's freed Soul and to do that you must contain it using a Soul Bottle. She recalls seeing an enchantress in the Dryad Village that has a Soul Bottle. If you didn't buy the Empty Soul Bottle previously you will need to go buy it from Meyda now. The gateway to the Abyss if you remember from the attentive's words is where the strange stone is in the forest. If you canot locate the area then it is easiest to find when leaving St-Gorgotin and proceed North one screen and then head West a few screens until you come to the spot. Use the Obscure Ritual item to pass to the Abyss successfully only at this location. If you are ever in need to return to the surface you can use the Obscure Ritual at any time. It is recommended that you don't remain in the Abyss at night as all the Demonesses and Vorepires that reside there come in greater numbers during that time. Enemies in Region Abyss Small Demoness Level 14 Drops 100 Gold Drop Chance Scroll of Magical Armor / Potion of Healing Succubus Charmer Level 13 Drops 225 Gold Drop Chance Scroll of Lesser Charm / Scroll of Drain Life Half Demoness Level 13 Drops 103 Gold Drop Chance 417 Gold / ~ Demonic Long Sword Succubus Level 12 Drops 150 Gold Drop Chance Potion of Easy Digestion / Potion of Mana Vorepire Fighter Level 12 Drops 90 Gold Drop Chance Scroll of Uncontrolable Rage / Bottled Snack Vorepire Level 11 Drops 150 Gold Drop Chance Strange Potion of Healing / Lesser Potion of Charisma / Curse Chance Lesser Vorepire Small Succubus Level 10 Drops 33 Gold Drop Chance Potion of Sizechanging Damned Soul ! (1 Exp) Level 10 Items contained Demonic Half Plate Once you have entered the Abyss be aware that the Succubus Charmer has the ability to Charm your secondary character and the Damned Soul to attack you. If you have Shiallia with you be cautious as she can gobble you up quite quickly once she is Charmed. The Damned Soul is unique in that she is being tormented for an eternity by these Demonesses and they can devour her at any time to regain energy. The Succubus has the abilty to Paralyze you making you her easy prey so it is best to have come prepared. Remember the words of the Dryad and do not be the one to deal the final blow on a Vorepire or you risk receiving it's curse Head NorthWest to find a room where 2 events can occur and a Demonic Half Plate is in a chest with random enemies or see below. C3: Event 1 If you defeated the Witch Akara near Eldona she will have been banished to the Abyss and she thank you for this opportunity to make her stronger and for bringing her the Orb of Power that will allow her to escape. She will have Three Small Succubus with her and can be defeated in the room where the Demonic Half-Plate resides. If you leave the room Akara will continue to follow you throughout the Abyss until you leave and return to the Normal Plane. Akara % (Optional Boss) Level 15 Drops Elixir of Intelligence, Potion of Mana and 350 Gold Small Succubus Level 10 Drops 33 Gold Drop Chance Potion of Sizechanging Summoned Small Succubus (Can be Summoned by Akara) Level 10 Only EXP Event 2 You will find random Demonesses in the room and the Demonic Half-Plate in the chest. In the farthest SouthWest room you will find the Elven Queen Soul is in the company of Two Half Demonesses and a Succubus Charmer in the SouthWest region of the Abyss. The Succubus Charmer will attempt to corrupt the Elven Queen's Soul turning it against you. Succubus Charmer Level 13 Drops 225 Gold Drop Chance Scroll of Lesser Charm / Scroll of Drain Life Half Demoness Level 13 Drops 103 Gold Drop Chance 417 Gold / ~ Demonic Long Sword Elven Queen Soul ! (1 Exp) Level 12 You just need to get near the Elven Queen Soul and use the Empty Soul Bottle. There is a glitch here you can choose to exploit by capturing the Elven Queen Soul in a Bottle you have the option of releasing or eating her either option will make her appear again and when you attack her she will divide into two. You can have fun watching her Soul multiply and you can capture multiples in a bottle for a later snack. Use the Obscure Ritual to leave the Abyss and now go and see the Elven Queen's attendant. She will place the soul in the Queen's mouth and ask you to wait outside. Once the soul has been digested the Queen will thank you properly and will provide you with the following items: Northern Gate Pass Elven Queen's Ring 5000 Gold The Queen warns of a Plague that is existing on the other side of the Northern Gate. If you speak with her again she will ask a task of you which will help get her strength back. It is best to refuse this request for if you want to complete your Quest as the Chosen instead of adding to the Elven Queen's beautiful body. D0:Chapter 4 When you arrive at the Northern Gate which lies NorthEast of St-Gorgotin you will meet with Marreka who is pleased to see you have the Book of the Chosen and she directs you to go cross the Western gate of Reynos and follow the road to the mountains where you will arrive at a Abandoned Shrine in the heart of the Barbarian's Kingdom which is located on the summit. She reveals she possesses this knowledge as she had access to a copy of the Book of the Chosen however it is in Ventre-Sans-Fond now which is inhabited by Dark Elves and she warns for you not to detour there yet. She reveals her motives of helping you as she does venerate the Goddess of Digestion like the other Dark Elves but she doesn't want her race to become slaves of the Goddess. She disappears again and leaving you to continue your quest. Optional event if you defeated Marreka near the Kalas river that leads to Loriston. Laurine who is another dark elf will appear and will introduce herself. She mentions that Marreka and herself were sent to help you however since Marreka was supposed to have contacted you and has now disappeared. Laurine mentions that they reason they were sent to help is that the Dark Elves are currently at the top of thee food chain and if the Goddess of Digestion enters this Dimension all will become slaves and prey to her. She directs you to go to Reyhnos and exit the West gate to travel to the Temple at the top of the Mountain in the Barbarians domain. She disappears in a puff of smoke when you ask what is there. Enemies in Region near North Gate Highway Robber Level 15 Drops 275 Gold Drop Chance Potion of Mana / Sharp Blade Goblin Warrior Level 13 Drops 45 Gold Mindy % (Appears after you have eaten Sara) Level 13 Goblin Marauder Level 12 Drops 75 Gold Infected Girl Level 12 Ailment Voraphiliac Plague Sara % Level 12 Ailment Voraphiliac Plague Enemies in Region only in daylight Unicorn Level 16 Only EXP Reyhnos Peasant ! Level 14 Drops 72 Gold Enemies in Region at night Forest Troll Level 17 Drops 40 Gold Drop Chance Troll Blood Assassin Level 16 Drops 350 Gold Drop Chance Dueling Rapier / Assassin's Letter / Poisoned Throwing Knives This area opens the difficulty of the game by quite a bit. You may need to return to the Abyss to build some levels to be able to withstand the challenges ahead. When ready proceed and be ready for a chance to encounter Sara who is infected by the Vorphiliac Plague and she pleads for you to eat her. Even as you try to convince her otherwise she will not let up and if she has the chance she will force her way down your throat. Sara will appear continuous times in a random encounter when you leave the screen. If you do manage to eat Sara then her sister Mindy wil appear and ask of her whereabouts as she is Ill and needs to be escourted to Reyhnos. If you stay on screen too long and relieve yourself than Mindy will recognize her sister's ring that is within the poo and she will immediately become hostile towards you. She will continually follow you on each screen until you or a foe eats her. Alternatively if you eat Sara and manage to leave the screen before Mindy becomes suspicious, you will see her outside the Gluttonous Pig asking for you to escort Sara there if you see her. Also stay away from the Infected Girls as they will give you the Vorphiliac Plague infection and the Assassin foe has the ability to throw Poison Knives projectiles that sap your energy with each step. Beware of the Blue Forest Troll as she has a high Attack and Enduarance of 24. The Unicorns are also quite difficult to defeat unless you fight at long range. The area is one big circle on the East side as there is a fence stretching across the perimeter. Your direction is NorthWest and pay close attention to the signpost that warns of the Fey Forest to the West as you will not survive passing through at this point. Important note: Voraphiliac Plague, once infected you can only cure by the magical properties of a Unicorn's Horn. That may only be used by Uncheck the Friendly safeguard box and target yourself. Continue going NorthWest and you will encounter another blockade of rogues that prevent you from passing. The rogues that appear will be determined on One of these Two events: D1: Event 1 The blockade will consist of two Daggers Throwers and their leader Andreanne. Andreanne % (Boss) Level 21 Drops Elixir of Dexterity and 540 Gold Daggers Thrower % (Boss) Level 15 Drops 110 Gold Drop Chance Poisoned Throwing Knives If you have your Intelligence increased to 12 and Charisma at 8 you can read the Book of Chain Lightning which will be useful for this battle and the enemies coming forward as it attacks multiple targets. Event 2 Alternatively if you did not defeat Eles during your encounter with her and the Dark Elf Slaver near the Dark Elves Cave, their is an alternative combat encounter here. Eles will say that this will teach Krishna to get involved with the afairs of Lady N.. When Andreanne cuts her off and says not to say anything. Eles is full of pride and feels that it is not of importance as you will soon become a pile of her Poop. Andreanne % (Boss) Level 21 Drops Elixir of Dexterity and 540 Gold Eles % (Boss) Level 20 Drops Eles's Sword / # Eles's Sword and 270 Gold Spell projectiles and Close combat for the kill is once again the recommended strategy here. Based on whether you digest or just slay Eles will determine the Sword's condition that she will drop once defeated. The enemies change in this region and I will note that you should keep your distance from the Harpies as they have the ability to put you to Sleep which you do not have enough strength to protect and shield you from it's effects yet. Enemies in Region near Reyhnos Goat Girl Level 17 Only EXP Assassin Level 16 Drops 350 Gold Drop Chance Dueling Rapier / Assassin's Letter / Poisoned Throwing Knives Reyhnos Patrol ! Level 16 Drops 175 Gold Drop Chance Warrior's Drink Highway Robber Level 15 Drops 275 Gold Drop Chance Potion of Mana / Sharp Blade Noble Harpy Level 15 Drops 260 Gold Reyhnos Peasant ! Level 14 Drops 72 Gold Harpy Level 13 Drops 105 Gold Infected Woman Level 13 Ailment Voraphiliac Plague Goblin Warrior Level 13 Drops 45 Gold Mindy % Level 13 (Appears after you have eaten Sara) Goblin Marauder Level 12 Drops 75 Gold Infected Girl Level 12 Ailment Voraphiliac Plague Sara % Level 12 Ailment Voraphiliac Plague Enemies in Region at night Forest Troll Level 17 Drops 40 Gold Drop Chance Troll Blood Assassin Level 16 Drops 350 Gold Drop Chance Dueling Rapier / Assassin's Letter Enemies in Region Northern Plains Frog Girl Level 17 Drops 86 Gold Drop Chance Potion of Charm Batrachians Giant Frog Level 15 Gator Level 14 Only EXP You can choose to avoid the NorthEast to continue the story as there is nothing of interest at the Voracious Inn known as the Gloutonous Pig except an Optional Quest which you can do later when you are stronger. However if you do enter beware not to enter the Kitchen by mistake by taking heed of the warning signs. Talk to a Customer to hear of a merchant that escaped the fate of being placed in an Orog's stomach but is now upset because her friends were digsted and she hasn't stop complaining since. She is upstairs in her room. D2:Optional Quest Jhoira, a merchant is located in the top floor of the Gluttonous Pig in the room on the right. She will have a request to infiltrate the Orogs's cave who made off with the Key to her storage box and devoured her guards when she was taking passage from St-Gorgotin. If you agree she will provide a map to the Cave's wherabouts. It states 4 screens from Elf gate and 2 East however if you come to the screen with a Dungpile and search it to find Labelas's Brooch, you only need to travel East from there to find the cave. Enemies in Region Orogs's Cave Orog Level 17 Drops 28 Gold Drop Chance Potion of Rejubeneration / Orog's Bracer Goblin Warrior Level 13 Drops 45 Gold Goblin Marauder Level 12 Drops 75 Gold Items contained (note) Scroll of Shrinking Succubus's Nectar Warrior's Drink Potion of Rejuvenation Potion of Sizechanging Potion of Hunger Potion of Magic Resistance Scroll of Charm Creature Ring of Mana Regeneration (Goblin King room Southernmost Crate) note: In the four crates there will be three Random items from the list mentioned above appearing in each crate only once. In the Goblin King room a crate will provide three Random items that are mentioned above. Within the Cave when you come to an intersection head North to find a room full of crates however Two Orogs and Goblin Warriors guard them so it is best to return later. Head to the far SouthEast to encounter the Goblin King with some of his goblin cohorts. Goblin King % (Optional Boss) Level 18 Drops Wand of Orog Control, Jhoira's key, and 475 Gold Keep your distance by using projectile spells for an easy victory and claim the Key that was stolen and a Wand of Orog Control that was being used to charm the Orogs. Search the crates for Random items and a Ring of Mana Regeneration. (This is a very useful item) Now return to the room filled with crates and use Two charges from the Orog's Control Wand for easy looting. Leave and return to Jhoira at the Voracious Inn. In return for her Key she provides the Book of Angel Summoning. She will also sell you some goods now that her business is operational again. Continue North until you cross the bridge and then proceed North until you come to the walls surrounding Reyhnos and the Gate entrance to the city. Upon entering you will be arrested by orders from Nadine and her Reyhnos patrols on the crime of being guilty for the murder of the Eldona Mayor, a high official. You are taken to a cell and by the Queen's decree you are to fight in the arena as all prisoners do. You are stripped of all equipment and are given the choice of the weapon you will be selecting for combat. The choices are: Jagged Dagger War Club Trident Choose Gladius Batte Axe Opponent is Arena Girl Level 15 Only EXP Based on how you defeated the girl or if you chose to eat her it will open more scenes later. After the battle you are granted 10000 EXP and the title of "Southern's Fire, Scourge of Eldona" find you have a prison mate in the cell opposite of you named Susan Irongut and the guards feed her insatiable cravings by delivery of a girl who wanted a job in the arena. You are rewarded for your victory with a girl as well but you have the choice to feed or not. If you choose not to eat than you may become the feed for the Slave Girl. If you ate the previous opponent. You are approached at your cell by a visitor named Xena. She asks for you to "Waste" the maid the same way as the previous opponent and in return she will make you a powerful fighter like Irongut. After the first opponent you are awarded with stronger armor. Once again you have the same choice of weaponry to select. Opponent is Arena Maid Level 16 Only EXP After the battle you are rewarded 15000 EXP and will hear that Susan Irongut has been feeding on Twins and would like to see the other sister added to her collection. The guards provide you with Armor choices this time: Rags Smelly Chain Vest Hard Leather Armor This time you face Three Arena Tigers Level 17 however you have a Level 15 Arena Fighter helping you. After the victorious battle you are rewarded 25000 EXP and are taken back to the cell and One of Two events have the option of happening before the match with Susan and it's based on your first victory. D3: Event 1 If you disposed of the Maid just as the 1st opponent and made a deal with Xena. Xena has offered a Gift Girl to Irongut to prepare for the challenge against you however Susan is unaware the girl is Infected to the Stage 4 Voraphile Plague. If you made the deal with Xena but didn't "Waste" the Maid then the deal is void and you will immediately challenge Irongut without the "handicap". The same Armor and Weaponry choices before you face against the Arena's own current Champion, Susan Irongut. Opponent is Susan Irongut Level 22 Event 2 This battle is extremely difficult unless you have a high Intelligence and Charisma or a High Endurance to prevent being swallowed. The same Armor and Weaponry choices before you face against the Arena's own current Champion, Susan Irongut. Opponent is Susan Irongut Level 22 If you are not well prepared it is best to make the deal with Xena and after Susan Irongut has been infected to the Stage 3 Voraphiliac Plague you can easily swallow her after weakening her just a bit. After you are reigned as the new Champion and receive 30000 EXP, a riot breaks in the Jail cells by a group of Rebels. Enemies in Region Reyhnos Prison Arena Guard Level 17 Drops 120 Gold Rebel Fighter ! Level 17 Drops 60 Gold Arena Slave ! Level 15 Only EXP Arena Girl ! Level 15 Only EXP Arena Fighter ! Level 15 Only EXP Now is the perfect opportunity to escape. Head East and don't forget that across the entrance to the Jail's Arena is your equipment that is placed inside a chest. You can release the imprisoned Slave girl fighters and they can help you with defeating the Arena Guards. In the next room to the North is 3 seemingly empty Jail cells. However this room contains "Easter Eggs" for if you open the Left cell door Tara will speak to you and the Right cell door Shiala will also thank you for releasing her. If you attempt to leave the Jail now you will receive a message that states that one of your friends still remain in the Jail do you want to leave with them in it. However if you return to the room and you examined both cells you will hear a humorous line from Shialia who is bored and Tara comments on she shouldn't have ate her cellmate. If you avoid this "Easter Egg" entirely and continue East there will be no warning message and when you can return to see Tara or Shialia. You will see the two girls are fine in Eldona and St-Gorgotin. On the far east side you will find an overconfident Jail Headmistress who is outnumbered because she only has one Arena Guard with her. However she will laugh even as the Three Rebel Fighters and Arena Girl surround her. She will quickly rise to Level 23 after making "Waste" of her lovely attackers. Jail Headmistress % (Optional Boss) Level 22 Drops Inquisitor Armor and 875 Gold Arena Guard Level 17 Drops 120 Gold No strategy to defeat her except wear something for Paralysis Protection and try to defeat the Rebels before the Jail Headmistress can eat them and gain levels. Use a Shrink scroll and it will eventually take effect and use a Potion of Enlargement to prevent being eaten. This requires patience and an additional save in case you need to reload before the battle. If successful you will receive Armor when she is defeated. Alternatively if she is too strong then dash for the door that she is blocking to escape the prison however you will be prevented if you didn't take your equipment out of the chest. Once you leave the Jail it cannot be re-entered as the door locks on the opposite side. Welcome to the great city of Reyhnos you can freely explore but be careful of who you speak to. If a guard asks if you are experiencing the signs of a fever say no or you wil be placed in "quarantine" inside their digestive track. There is several shops to look at for Healing, Buff, Attack, and Hinderance Spells. As well as the Standard Armory, Weaponry, Item, and Grocer. Chances are you won't have a lot of money so it is recommended to buy Cure Serious Wounds Spell at least and you can bargain shop using a high Charisma. Talk to some of the Citizens and if you speak with the Reyhnos Captain ensure that you mention you were given a trial instead of telling the full truth of escaping during the Prison raid. The Reyhnos Woman just outside the Jail's exit, will mention the ongoing tension with the Barbarians had started right after the pasing of the Winter. The Voraphiliac Plague has been increasing and she is concerned all the citizens will await there fate in the belly of the Barbarians. The Reyhnos Student in front of the Weaponsmith asks for a contribution to help with her "Talents" and it is best not to know what those talents are. You will not have 50000 Gold to give her at this point, and if you do it is Gold to be spent on more important things. You will be recognized as showing the same characteristics as the Southern's Fire, Scourge of Eldona by a Townswoman outside the Adept of the Natural Way but it will not lead to any suspicious activity. North of the Adept of the Natural Way is another Travel Agency Mage beware of this convenient way to "Travel" as it was mentioned in St-Gorgotin. Talk to the Townswoman in the center of the city to get word of Criminality has been increasing in Reyhnos even after the nomination of the New Minister of Justice, Nadine. However everyone fears Nadine so noone contradicts her actions. Gather more information from the citizens of Reyhnos by circling the city abut the gate to the West has been shut because of the War with the Barbarians. The bridge to the East was destroyed by Rebels and now they can't receive aid from the Kingdom of Darna. A Dark Elf named Eilistraee that runs a clinic and all the city's guards have been ordered to help quarantine the Voraphiliac Plague by eating anyone infected to place in Quarantine. It is also mentioned that the Dark Elves are not known to be able to contract the plague as they are imune so they suspected of being responsible for this Viral breakout. The sisters Mindy and Infected sister Sara are the sisters of Cindy and Cara, who are the family of Six sisters who reside in the Northern Center of Reyhnos. South of where the East bridge is out that leads to Darna you can enter the Grocer. You will find 3 Oils of Irresistable Flavor in the barrels on the left side however beware as the Merchant will not take kindly to you taking her supplies. You can continually come in and swipe her supplies anytime for as long as you want to. The academy known as the V Institute lies to the NorthEast of the city and it is optional if you want to enroll in some of the courses provideed or not. Provided below here are the Optional Quests available in Reyhnos. D4:Optional Quests Contribute 50000 Gold to the student to receive the Book of Frog Polymorph (This trade is even more unfair then the one with the Mermaid.) Proceed to the SouthWest of the city to find an Adept of the Natural Way who will teach you a new technique only if you were trained with the basic Natural Way technique by the Master in the Dryad Vilage. She will teach you the Poisonous Fart technique for a contribution of 1500 Gold. Xena's house is located in the SouthEast part of Reyhnos and if she provided "help" in the arena then she will have another job for you. Dispose of the maid for Xena to receive a Ring of Digestion If you uncovered Labelas's Brooch in the Dungpile you can return to St-Gorgotin and speak with the Acolyte at the temple and give her this information. She will tell you that the only two people who made it throgh the North Gate after the Naga's attack at the Castle was Varesha and a Noble from a Southern city (that she doesn't recall the name). Could the Noble Woman from a Southern city be Nash? In the NorthWest part of the city speak with the Bolus Knight and mention your interest in becoming a "Vore Knight" and she will in turn offer to mention it at the Vore Table if you can provide a demonstration of your strength by slaying the Hydra that lies to the SouthEast of the city. As she and her friend Mirri were given a Special Quest by the Queen to slay the Hydra and had failed however Mirri was not as lucky as the Knight and was digested with her Magical Spear of Fire. You will find the Hydra outside Reyhnos and travel South across the bridge to the far NorthEast side just follow the fencing to locate this beast. Hydra (Optional Boss) Level 23 Drops 12 Gold and a Blazing Spear For an easier victory use Spells to lower it's Strength and Endurance or try to position yourself near the SouthWest corner of the Hydra's Tail along the bottom fence and use the Composite Bow of Sleep to attack from afar. Eventually the Hydra wil die and leave behind Mirri's undigested weapon. Return to the Bolus Knight and mention that you slayed the Hydra to receive the War Amulet. V Institute The Secretary requests 1000 Gold for the cost of enrollment and all applicants are required to complete a questionnaire. Answer "No" to the question if you feel sick or have a fever. Answer "Yes" to the curious question if you are digestable. Don't forget to speak with her again to purchase the School Uniform before taking an interest in the courses or you will be placed in "Detention" by the Hall Monitor for not being in uniform. 700 Gold for School Uniform Courses Available 1650 Gold for Metabolism Course success with attendance gives Diploma of Metabolism 1875 Gold for Dwarven Teachings Course success gives Diploma of Dwarven Teachings Only with completion of these Pop quiz answers: 1. What is the rule number or "Don't eat too much, a fat girl can't run." A. 7 2. What is the 12 rule? A. eat or be eaten (also accepted A.) Eat or be eaten 3. "Recycle everything, ex-girlfriend make great garden." A. 34 4. What is the number of the rule "It is a girl-eat-girl world, don't trust anyone."? A. 1 5. What is the number of the rule "Don't show disrespect to someone just because of her culture or you may find yourself joining it"? A. 26 Note ensure not to speak up and say you just joined this class or you will immediately get a mark against you. Also the system is very picky on how you answer so ensure to use numbers only except for when it asks for the dwarven rule itself. The penalty for failing the test with 2 marks wrong is a trip to the Instructor's belly. Dwarven Teachings rule number one says : "It is a girl-eat-girl world, don't trust anyone." (First Semester Student) seventh rule : "Don't eat too much, a fat girl can't run." (Hall Monitor in entrance) 8 rule say:Only weaking give up and weakling are food (First Semester Colledge Girl) 12 rule of survival apply: Eat or be eaten. (Second Semester Student) 22 rules rules of survival says : "Unified girls are strongers than each one apart." (Second Semester College Girl) 23 rule : "Be weary of well-endorsed girls, boobs's fat have to come from somewhere or someone.". (Second Semester College Girl after you agree to join her "association") 26 rules of the dwarven manifest of survival say, don't show disrespect to someone just because of her culture, or you may find yourself joining it. (Kivia at Gluttonous Pig Inn in the Left room) The 27 rule stipulates : "Don't hang out with strongers girls than you, life can be hard and even a close friend might need a free meal from times to times." (Part-Time Student on Ground floor of the V Institue) rules 31 and 34 : "Be careful around jalous peoples because it's rare that you have a second chance when they teach you a lesson" when she slowly digested her and "Recycle everything, ex-girlfriend make great garden." (Third Semester College Girl) Upstairs in the V Instuitute near the Third Semester College Girl that mentions about Alison turning her girlfriend into fertilizer and her amulet was never recovered. Check the Plant in the corner for a VInstitute Award. Enter the Dark Elf Clinic and check the Pot in the top corner of the room to find a Potion of Instant Snack and search the Bookcase for a Book of Voracious Hunger. Items contained Oil of Irresistable Flavor Oil of Irresistable Flavor Oil of Irresistable Flavor Potion of Instant Snack Book of Voracious Hunger (Search Bookcase) VInstitute Award Proceed North to enter the Castle and when ready enter the East room of the castle to hear One of the following Two events that can occur. D5: Event 1 Nadine is conspiring with Nash to have the Dark Elves take control and let her sieze the throne from the Queen. When you enter the room you are noticed immediately. The Lady Nash wants revenge for her Mother's death and Nadine wants you silenced because you just overheard their plot. Nadine (Boss) Level 25 Only EXP Nash % (Optional Boss) Level 16 Drops Greater Healing Potion, Greater Mana Potion and 5785 Gold Focus attention of Nadine or if you want the large amount of Gold that is dropped it is best to defeat Nash first. Event 2 If Nash was slain in Eldona then you will hear the conversation between Nadine and a Dark Elf about her plans to dethrone the Queen of Khalas and after the remaining guards are removed she promises to send girls on regular intervals to the Dark Elves to use as slaves or whatever. Nadine (Boss) Level 25 Only EXP Dark Elf Emissiairy % (Optional Boss) Level 17 Drops Ring of Digestion and 560 Gold Items contained: Amulet of Stoneskin After Nadine is weakened she will place a ring on her finger and disappear and you are awarded 30000 EXP. The guards rush in and if Nash wasn't defeated she is taken into custody while you explain the situation and are immediately given an audience with the Queen. The Queen decides that war with the Barbarians is not the answer and her Vore Knights are well known so she sends you as an emisary of peace and provides you with the item "Queen's Gift", a box covered with bright colored paper. After leaving the castle you are jumped by a group of rebels and they take the Queen' Gift and depart into the sewers. You can choose to encounter the pair of Warriors and Swordsman rebels or leave the screen and return to see they have departed. Rebel Warrior (Optional) Level 18 Drops 75 Gold Drop Chance Greater Healing Potion Rebel Swordsman (Optional) Level 17 Drops 45 Gold Drop Chance 45 Gold / 45 Gold To gain access to the Sewers you can go down the many Sewercovers or choose to have yourself flush down Eilistraee's toilet. If you have contacted the strange plague and talk to the Dark Elf Doctor she will offer to cure your disease by placing you in her and if you have a high enough Endurance you will see her flush you down the toilet and into the sewers. The Voraphiliac Plague item will be removed by this "cure". Enemies in Region Reyhnos Sewers Breeding Demon Level 22 Drops 75 Gold Drop Chance Succubus Nectar Sewer Mutant Level 20 Drops 156 Gold Drop Chance Heavy Blade Demonic Spawn (Summoned by Breeding Demon's Unbirthed prey) Level 18 Only EXP Alley Robber Level 18 Drops 275 Gold Drop Chance Potion of Dexterity City Slug Level 17 Only EXP Green Slime Level 17 Drop Chance 68 Gold / # Digested Half Plate Infected Civilian Level 15 Ailment Voraphiliac Plague Enemies in Region after speaking with the Queen of Khalas Rebel Warrior Level 18 Drops 75 Gold Drop Chance Greater Healing Potion Rebel Swordsman Level 17 Drops 45 Gold Drop Chance 45 Gold / 45 Gold Rebel Fighter Level 17 Drops 60 Gold Drop Chance Scroll of Mass Cure Serious Wounds Items contained Wand of Heaven Fire Nova Staff of Fire Cuirass of Lightning Protection Slasher Unicorn Horn (Check Dung Pile) Avoid the Green Slimes as they have a High Defense and Endurance. Unless your food meter is high enough to prevent eating do not approach the Infected Civilians. The Breeding Demons will try to Unbirth you and any unlucky one that falls prey to them will become a Demonic Spawn once birthed. To collect all items there is several routes to take but I believe is one of the easiest and less confusing way to travel that I have provided below. Open the Sewercover that is South of the castle and head West and then when you come to a 4-way Intersection head North until you come to a 3-way Intersection and then head West to find the Wand of Heaven Fire as the North passage is a dead-end. Leave by the same Sewercover Entrance you came down by heading SouthEast. Now for safer passage in Reyhnos head to the Western part of the city and proceed by opening the Sewercover where the Adept of the Natural way resides and Travel SouthWest for a Nova Staff of Fire. Then leave from the same entrance and rest at the Inn if you require. Proceed to the East side of Reyhnos near the Item shop and go down the Sewercover and head NorthWest until you come to a 3-way Intersection then from there head NorthEast to find a Cuirass of Lightning Protection. Now head back the way you came or when you come to the 3-way Intersection head West and keep going until you see the ladder that takes you outside the Sewercover that is opposite of the Castle's entrance. When you are ready to proceed go down the Sewercover that is South of the Castle again and avoid the Western region of the Sewers as everything should be collected if you are following this guide. You can if interested head to the far West and then North to arrive where the Dark Elf's Toilet would take you, however there is nothing of interest here. (Unless you are a scat fan) This time you are heading East and at the 4-way Intersection head South and avoid the next 4-way Intersection for now and keep going South until you arrive at a 3-way Intersection now go East for the final chest in the Sewers and it will contain a Slasher. If you have spoken with the Queen of Khalas you can find the leader of the Rebels by taking the narrow opening that is South of the 3-way Intersection or you can head North and at the 4-way Intersection go East to find a Unicorn Horn that is lodged in a Dungpile. If you wish to rest at the Inn then travel West and avoid the Skeleton as their is no items on it and then go SouthWest and exit the Sewercover that is near the adept of the Natural Way. You eventually will need to go to the farthest SouthWest part of the Sewers and retrieve the Queen's Gift. All the directions above should now give you a clear visual of how the Sewers is mapped out. In the lowest SouthEastern part of the Sewers you will encounter the Leader of the rebels. Rebel Cell Leader % (Boss) Level 23 Drops Wand of Breeding Demon Summon, Queen's Gift and 675 Gold. Weaken all the Rebels and keep your distance when a Summone Breeding demon appears who will unbirth each one of them then you can attack the leader after defeating the Summoned Breeding Demon. Grab the Queen's gift that was stolen from you and exit the Sewers. Without the Rebel's leader prescence all of the rebels have now disbanded from the Sewers. With the gate to the West in Reyhnos opened you will need to travel to the Barbarian's Kingdom and deliver the Gift personally. E0:Chapter 5 When you cross the bridge you will see a familiar face scowl at you for being so late of getting there in one of two events: E1: Event 1 It is Marreka and she pleads for you to hurry to Miranis which is located at the top of Highcliff's mountain. Using the Orb of Power it is written that the chosen can gain entry to this Holy Shrine. Marreka mentions she is headed towards the Holy Shrine of Fire called Zorgan which lies in the jungle. You speak with Marreka and inform of the planned attack on Reyhnos and she denies knowing anything about it as the Queen didn't give the order in Ventre-Sans-Fond so she suspects it is the work of Renegades or the Queen isn't confiding in her as she is not a Pure Blood Dark Elf. She then scolds you for taking up time as it is not on your side and disappears in a puff of smoke. Event 2 If you previously met with Laurine the Dark Elf when passing through the North Gate you will speak with her again, however you will find her more abrupt than Marreka. She will mention that the planned invasion that you heard from Nadine, the ex-ministry of Justice has to be referring to rogues that is nothing that the pitiful city of Reyhnos can't handle. Laurine continues to say if it was Ventre-Sans-Fond that was planning the attack then the city of Reyhnos would already have fallen and no one would hear of anything until they were tucked inside the Dark Elves bellies. She then says regardless of how you feel after hearing her say that you still need to go to Miranis Shrine and as the Chosen the door will open with the Orb of Power. She disappears in a puff of smoke again. In this region you want to ensure it is not near Nightfall as Werewolf enemies will inflict the Lycanthropy curse on you when you are scratched by them. Rebel Hunters are using a Composite Bow of Sleep and they will constantly frustrate you with it's sleep effects as the Harpies did. Common sense should let you know to avoid larger looking enemies this means the Grizzly, Stone Gigas and Red Draconian. Enemies in Region Barbarian's Path Stone Gigas Level 24 Drops 72 Gold Drop Chance Greater Healing Potion Barbarian Warrior Level 23 Drop Chance Barbarian Morning Star Barbarian Woman Level 22 Drops 95 Gold Drop Chance Warrior's Drink Rebel Hunter Level 22 Drops 68 Gold Drop Chance Greater Mana Potion Red Draconian Level 22 Drops 250 Gold Drop Chance Potion of Strength Mountain Harpy Level 21 Drops 42 Gold Drop Chance Potion of Speed Khalas Soldier ! Level 21 Drops 265 Gold Drop Chance Crude Plate Mail Lynx Level 20 Only EXP Grizzly Level 19 Only EXP Enemies in Region at night Werewolf Level 25 Drops 78 Gold Curse Chance Lycanthropie Items contained Wolfbane Spear Travel West and avoid going South until you see the Southern Wall and then head SouthWest for a chest containing a Wolfbane Spear. Then Head NorthWest to continue your set destination for now. Keep travelling North through the Narrow path and you will encounter some Khalas Fighters that demand you halt. Another group of rogues that obstruct your path? No not this time, because once they find that you are a messenger of the Queen they let you pass. You have arrived at the last Khalas Outpost where they have an encampment for you to freely explore. Note unless you have downloaded the latest Chapter 7 Update by Krishna3ca and placed in the game folder if you take the items in the crates at the Khalas camp the Barbarians will become hostile unless you avoid stealing from the Khalas supplies or use the Cheat provided in the Cheats section at the bottom of this guide to allow interacting with the Barbarians. To the West is the Khalas Armory and Supplies. A Blacksmith will repair your Weapon of Armor if damaged however will not sell Weaponry as it is reserved for Khalas Soldiers only. To the North you will find another collection of crates however by searching the one nearest you you will find a Drusus. On the SouthEast side of the camp you will find a crate that contains an Elixir of Endurence. You will learn that the average Khalas Patrol is only provided with two days of training and that the weather is quite cold here and yet further North is the Highcliff road where the weather becomes unbearable and that leads to the Barbarians' Territory. You will also learn that the resources are getting low and without the neigboring city Darna to lend assistance they may have to abandon the camp. When you head towards the road to Highcliff you will overhear a conversation between Tanya the Captain of the Vore Knights with Illione who is starting to have doubts of sending unprepared patrols up the Mountain to be eaten and wants to break camp. Tanya scolds the Knight and reminds her that this is a direct order from the Queen and not to deviate from the plan. Tanya then takes her leave to Reyhnos. Items contained Drusus Elixir of Endurance Enemies in Region near HighCliff Demoness Conjurer % Level 29 Drops Book of Summoning Breeding Demon and 575 Gold Wyvern Level 26 Only EXP Mountain Griffon Level 25 Only EXP Barbarian Huntress Level 24 Drops 200 Gold Drop Chance Potion of Iron Defense Barbarian Lancer Level 24 Drops 175 Gold Drop Chance Greater Healing Potion Stone Gigas Level 24 Drops 72 Gold Drop Chance Greater Healing Potion Barbarian Ranger Level 23 Drops 280 Gold Khalas Warrior ! Level 23 Barbarian Warrior Level 23 Drop Chance Barbarian Morning Star Red Draconian Level 22 Drops 250 Gold Drop Chance Potion of Strength Barbarian Woman Level 22 Drops 95 Gold Drop Chance Warrior's Drink Mountain Harpy Level 21 Drops 42 Gold Drop Chance Potion of Speed Khalas Soldier ! Level 21 Drops 265 Gold Drop Chance Crude Plate Mail Imp Level 21 (Can also be Summoned by Demoness Conjurer) Drops 45 Gold Drop ChancePotion of Magic Resistance Quasit Level 20 (Can also be Summoned by Demoness Conjurer) Drops 15 Gold Drop ChanceChicken Lynx Level 20 Only EXP Grizzly Level 19 Only EXP Khalas Militia ! Level 18 Enemies in Region at night Barbarian Slayer Level 25 Drops 126 Gold Drop Chance Warrior's Drink Now take the path North to travel through HighCliff and beware not to travel at night. Stay clear of the deadly Demoness Conjurer as she can Summon many Imps and Quasits at her whim. The Wyvern is a deadly beast that can paralyse and Poison with one attack. Some new Barbarian girls are deadly as well avoid the Barbarian Ranger as she can throw projectiles as well as the Barbarian Slayer. Imps can shoot projectiles as well so use caution if having to encounter multiple at one time. Avoid the wide Mountainous area as there is no items to find. Continue North up the Mountain Path to eventually reach the Barbarian city, HighCiff. This is the outcome if you failed to include the latest game fix by Krishna3ca and did take the Khalas' supplies. You will instantly be greeted with two Barbarian Town Guards. Speak to the Chosen Fanatic and respond that you are the Chosen One unless you want to add to her beautiful body which will greet the next Chosen One that will arrive 1000 years from now. If you say you are the Chosen One she will immediately sacrifice her body to become nutrition for the Chosen One. Avoid going to the West part of the city as the Blacksmith and residents are hostile towards you. Here is an explanation of all that exists here in HighCliff. The lower house has a Barbarian Slayer that thinks you are her Home Delivery and she guards a chest to a Hunting Knife of the North. Further West is a Bar where it seems one of the six Sisters is working as a Waitress to save up enough Gold for a bigger house in Reyhnos. Ouside the Bar is another Travel Agency Mage. The lower house has a Barbarian named Freya that resides within it. The top house has a Barbarian Witch who is requesting a Lycanthrope Tooth to make a potion to cure the Lycanthropie ailment. She will use a spell on you if you try to request to buy some spells. She will sell Potions but she becomes insulted if you don't buy any. There is an optional Quest which will be mentioned below if you want to get her the Lycanthropie Tooth. On the farthest West Side of the city is the Leader of the Barbarians however the door is locked. There is a Natural Way Teacher located right near the leader's house however they are hostile towards you. This is the outcome with the game fix applied in the game folder or the avoiding of taking the Khalas' supplies. At the entrance of HighCliff are two Barbarian Town Guards. Speak to the Chosen Fanatic and respond that you are the Chosen One unless you want to add to her beautiful body which will greet the next Chosen One that will arrive 1000 years from now. If you say you are the Chosen One she will immediately sacrifice her body to become nutrition for the Chosen One. Proceed West to explore more of HighCliff however if you don't have a High Charisma you should be wary of the Barbarian women you choose to speak to as there is currently a food shortage in HighCliff. If you are infected by the Voraphiliac Plague it will limit your options of escaping even when a Barbarian asks nicely if you want to become their food. The Blacksmith is not convinced that you are a warrior unless you have a high enough Charisma to allow her to make an exception. You should avoid speaking to the Barbarian women outside her door. Here is an explanation of all that exists here in HighCliff. The lower house has a Barbarian Slayer that thinks you are her Home Delivery and she guards a chest to a Hunting Knife of the North. Further West is a Bar where it seems one of the six Sisters is working as a Waitress to save up enough Gold for a bigger house in Reyhnos. Word to the Wise Barbarian Ale is not for the weak so don't think you can hold your liquor against a Barbarian. Avoid speaking to the Fighter as no excuse is good enough for her. The Barmaid will sell Barbarian Ale for 40 Gold and will offer the services of an Inn for 45 Gold. Be smart and do not waste her time, or you will end up becoming her waste in time. Ouside the Bar is another Travel Agency Mage and few other Barbarian residents. The Huntress and Beserker are looking for a meal and the guard is looking for someone to help with her "guard duty". To the West is a Lancer who is sore that an Imp keeps stealing her food and she is impressed by how sexy you look that she wants a taste. The Slayer mentions that the Demoness Conjurer keeps summoning Imps and before they can slay them she summons more. If you do not have a high Charisma she will laugh when you say that you can defeat her and she will eat you. However if you do have a high Charisma you will see that there is an Optional Quest here to complete and she says that if you kill the Demoness Conjurer she will give you something good. In the lower house a Barbarian residing named Freya also known as the Hungry Pig of the Widethroat massacre that was the hero of the Widethroat battle who lead her Warriors to set an ambush for Loriston travellers in the Mountains South of Reyhnos. She mentions that the combined forces of Darna and Reyhnos had caused her Warriors to withdraw. She will ask why you are there and she will only let you go, if you say you wanted to learn more about her. The top house has a Barbarian Witch who is requesting a Lycanthrope Tooth to make a potion to cure the Lycanthropie ailment. She will use a spell on you if you try to request to buy some spells. She will sell Potions but she becomes insulted if you don't buy any. There is an optional Quest which will be mentioned below if you want to get her the Lycanthropie Tooth. On the farthest West Side of the city is the Queen of the Barbarians however the door is locked. The Elite Guards mention that the Queen only sees those that are fit to be called "Great Warriors" and suggests that one that is able to enter the Shrine the the Mountain Top may be able to gain her approval to have an audience with her. The Barbarian Warrior should be avoided because you are just "unsupervised food" to her. There is a Natural Way Teacher located right near the leader's house and a Teenager that requests for you to help with her wrestling moves. If you agree to help the Teenage Barbarian with her wrestling and if you have a good enough strength she will not pin you and because she is impressed she didn't ground an outsider you will receive 15000 EXP. Art of Power Digest will be taught to you by the Natural Way Teacher however if you can remain standing after helping the Teenage Barbarian practice she will not provide a live demonstration of the skill. Items contained Hunting Knife of the North E2:Optional Quest Head South of Highcliff and past the Khalas Camp and continue to head SouthWest if it is evening you will see the Werewolf creatures about that cause Lycanthropie however they do not provide you with a tooth. In the lower SouthWest Region of the HighCliff road you will see a cave opening in it is during the night Enemies in Region Werewolves' Cave Werewolf Level 25 Drops 78 Gold Curse Chance Lycanthropie Barbarian Lancer Level 24 Drops 175 Gold Drop Chance Greater Healing Potion Barbarian Ranger Level 23 Drops 280 Gold Werewolf Cub Level 23 Drops 92 Gold Curse Chance Lycanthropie Margoyle Level 22 Drops 25 Gold Gargoyle Level 21 Drops 120 Gold Drop Chance Potion of Speed Mountain Bat Girl Level 20 Drops 65 Gold Items contained Ring of Digestion Head inside and continue West and in the SouthWest region of the cave is a Werewolf Mage that will drop the True Lycanthrope's Tooth. Werewolf Mage % (Optional Boss) Level 28 Drops 560 Gold Drop Once True Lycanthrope's Tooth The Werewolf Mage will have two random creatures helping her and you should keep your distance and fire projectiles and then go in close for the kill. You can now take the Tooth to the Witch in HighCliff and she will be grateful and allow you to be able to buy some Spell books. The Witch will give you 900 Gold and 10000 EXP for the Tooth as payment. Remember the Barbarian Slayer who mentions that the Demoness Conjurer is summoning Imps that is eating there supply of food and before they can slay them all she summons more. If you have the Barbarians acting friendly then you can complete this quest. South of HighCliff the Demoness Conjurer will appear in random areas on the Mountain range to the North and South of HighCliff Demoness Conjurer % Level 29 Drops Book of Summoning Breeding Demon and 575 Gold Recommendation of using the Book of Holy Crystal here as the Holy element is the Demoness's vulnerability. If you completed the Barbarian Witch Quest you can buy Book of Frost Ring and keep your distance while casting on the Demoness Conjurer it should also damage the Imps and Quasits that she summons if they are in range. Once she is defeated ensure you have a Charisma at about 25 before speaking with the Barbarian Slayer or she won't believe that you slayed the Demoness and she'll devour you because of the deceit. She rewards you with a Crushing Morning Star for the completion of this Quest and warns for you to leave HighCliff as even though you helped out the Barbarians there may still be other girls that want to eat her . Now to progress you must remember Marreka's words to travel to the Miranis Shrine at the top of the Mountain North of HighCliff. Proceed North past the HighCliff entrance and follow the Mountain trail without confusion as it is a one way trail. Enemies in Region HighCliff Mountain Trail Demoness Conjurer % Level 29 Drops Book of Summoning Breeding Demon and 575 Gold Wyvern Level 26 Only EXP Snow Fairie Level 26 Drops 75 Gold / Drop Chance Ice Shards Wand Mountain Griffon Level 25 Only EXP Barbarian Beserker Level 25 Drops 75 Gold Drop Chance Beserker's Drink Barbarian Slayer Level 25 Drops 126 Gold Drop Chance Warrior's Drink Barbarian Huntress Level 24 Drops 200 Gold Drop Chance Potion of Iron Defense Barbarian Lancer Level 24 Drops 175 Gold Drop Chance Greater Healing Potion Barbarian Fighter Level 24 Drops 215 Gold Drop Chance Barbarian Leather Red Worm Level 24 Drop Chance Melted Gold Stone Gigas Level 24 Drops 72 Gold Drop Chance Greater Healing Potion Barbarian Ranger Level 23 Drops 280 Gold Barbarian Warrior Level 23 Drop Chance Barbarian Morning Star Blue Draconian Level 23 Drops 22 Gold Drop Chance Potion of Cold Resistance Imp Level 21 Drops 45 Gold Drop Chance Potion of Magic Resistance Quasit Level 20 Drops 15 Gold Drop Chance Chicken Arctic Wolf Level 20 Only EXP Lynx Level 20 Only EXP Grizzly Level 19 Only EXP The SnowFaerie shoots Ice Shard projectiles that will Paralyse and do Ice damage to you so it is best not to fight them at a distance but to get close and deal great physical damage.You can build some levels with the experience provided here remember to be wary of Imps and Slayers as was mentioned before. E3: Eventually you arrive at the Shrine known as Miranis and just as you approach the door you start to enter a dream-like state and see images that are similar to the recurring nightmares about the burning city that you have had for over the past year leading up to the day of your Revelation. The scenes of the burning city is once again projected and as Krishna walks the streets trying to locate a sign or clue as to the city's name she wanders and ends back at the same familiar house. The mother holding her baby allows her to approach closer and Krishna notices that the baby has the same marking on it's shoulder is the same as hers. She is now covinced this women is her mother and was trying to protect her. Time seems to be frozen this time and as Krisha approaches the baby to hold her, all of a sudden time returns to it's regular pace. The mother suddenly exclaims to leave her baby alone and turns her gaze to the door. Krishna views what appears to be two figures entering the house that are wearing the military uniform similar to the Kingdom of Darna and with them is a third soldier that resembles their commander. The two Darna soldiers rip the baby from the mother's hands and at the same time they hold her down. The commander takes the child and then turns her attention to the infant's mother and sneers that she will take great care of the child and her. Krishna hears the mother's screams fade and then a gulping sound that returns her to reality. The doors open with the Orb of Power's force and you proceed through the first of three Shrines that was mentioned in the Book of the Chosen while Marreka has gone ahead to explore the one in the Jungle called Zorgan. (Note even without the Orb of Power in your posession the story will allow you to continue normally) Enemies in Region Miranis Shrine Frost Angel Level 27 Drops 270 Gold Drop Chance Super Mana Potion Snow Fairie Level 26 Drops 75 Gold Drop Chance Ice Shards Wand Iron Golem Level 25 Drops 580 Gold Black Draconian Level 24 Drops 175 Gold Drop Chance Super Healing Potion Blue Slime Girl Level 23 Drops 10 Gold Drop Chance Melted Gold Medusa Level 22 Drops 180 Gold Drop Chance Scroll of Hold Person Item Contained 1F Voracious Barbarian Top B1 F Spellcaster Amulet Ice Sword Avoid Black Draconian as they throw Acid projectiles that damage your equipment. Frost Angel can be deadly as they can heal and cause Paralysis,.close combat is suggested. Iron Golem are vulnerable to Call Lightning spell when casted several times. Blue Slime Girl are vulnerable to Call Lightning and magical enchanted weapons however they dissolve your equipment slowly and they sometimes will drop Melted Gold whether they are digested or not. Proceed forward to the West where you will see a door that is shut and will only open by a mechanism. To open the Mechanism you will need to operate 4 Levers, there is one in each direction. NorthEast, NorthWest, SouthEast, and SouthWest. You will need to clear out all enemies in a room before you can operate the levers. If you are unable to solve correct levers combination. The answer is to Lower the NorthEast and SouthWest Levers only for the others will activate a trap that instantly resets when leaving the room and also resets the other levers that were operated. In the NorthEast room you will find a chest that contains a Voracious Barbarian Top. Traps are activated for operation of the NorthWest and SouthEast levers and mentioned below is what the trap causes. In the NorthWest room when you have pulled the lever down you will be surrounded by 3 Blue Slime Girls. In the SouthEast room when you have pulled the lever down you will be surrounded by 3 Frost Angels. Once the Mechanism has been disabled and the Door is open you may continue West and descend the Stairs to the lower level of the Shrine. You will come to a 4-way Intersection and it is best recommended to get the items before proceeding further. North will earn you an Ice Sword and South you will find a Spellcaster Amulet. The West path will guide you to the Statue of the Goddess however once entering the room an Ice Queen takes delight on your arrival as she had eaten the previous Chosen that came 1000 years ago and is curious you will taste as 1000 years is along time. She cats a spell to make an Ice Wall obstruct the door to prevent your escape. Ice Queen (Boss) Level 28 Drops 8575 Gold, Elixir of Endurance, Elixir of Dexterity, and Book of Ice Shards The Ice Sword is not recommended here, use Holy Crystal projectile if you have as she is vulnerable to Holy. After you pray to the Goddess Statue and receive 35000 EXP, the Orb of Power has a blue light start to shine brilliantly inside and the Wall of Ice fades to allow your exit. If you failed to get the Orb of Power in Tara's basement you will receive the item now. You will also realize by praying to the statue of the Goddess in the three shrines it will recover lost health for each time you pray and you can visit continuosly if you are weak. Leave the Shrine and proceed down the Mountain Trail to HighCliff and the Barbarians will still be hostile however as a mesenger of peace from the Queen of Khalas you must meet with th leader and present with the Queen's Gift. The leader' door is unlocked and she will introduce herself as Eugena, the leader of the Barbarians. Upon opening the Gift the room is filled by the summoning of multiple Succubus and Demons. Yes it was a trap. Now you will be too weak to fight the Demonesses and Eugena's guards and the leader herself. Exit Eugena's house to see all of Hell or (the Abyss) break loose as several Demonesses are causing a rampage in HighCliff. The best couse of action is to... Ruuuun!! Enemies in Region HighCliff Succubus Seducer Level 26 Drops 55 Gold Drop Chance Succubus's Nectar Scaled Demoness Level 26 Drops 25 Gold Drop Chance Super Healing Potion Half Demoness Warrior Level 25 Drops 76 Gold Devil Girl Level 24 Drops 165 Gold Drop Chance Scroll of Hold Person Half Demoness Girl Level 24 Drops 55 Gold Drop Chance Scroll of Enlarge When you arrive to see the Travel Agency Mage you will see she has already begun to be digested by a Succubus and so you cannot use her services now. Do not worry that you cannot save her because another mage will take her place to allow teleporting at another time. Since you are unable to use the Travel Agency Mage you must hoof it back to Reyhnos to get some answers. If you want to exploit an easier way of returning just head to the main entrance of HighCliff and you will see no Demonesses and when you enter the City they will have disappeared. When you enter the castle you will be approached by Tanya, the head of the Vore Knights who will immediately exclaim to the two guards that you are there to kill the Queen. Vore Knight Tanya % (Boss) Level 31 Drops 1800 Gold and Tanya Sword Castle Guard (Optional Boss) Level 20 Drops 115 Gold Drop Chance Greater Healing Potion The Book of Ice Shards should do a good job against the Castle Guards leaving you to confront Tanya herself one-on-one. The minute you have bested Tanya and she drops, the Princess will burst into the room and protest this action as there is enough deaths already. She will reveal herself to you as the leader behind the Rebels and the one responsible for sending her best girls to steal the Queen's Gift and attempt to prevent you to act as the Khlas messenger.. She explains that her mother is under a spell by a mage that passed themself off as a priest of Darna and has been trying to incite a war with the Barbarians since this occured. She also explains that the Queen had Nadine, her puppet under her control to act as a scapegoat for these occurences and prevent suspicion. The only known cure to save the Queen from this spelll is a powder that can dispel all charm spells and can be found in the deadly Fey Forest. She provides you with an Ocarina to enter the Fey realm within the Fey's Forest and wishes you luck. With Tanya's Sword if you have a Dexterity of 19 and enough Strength to wield it you will find many battles easier. If you did not complete any previous optional missions like the Orogs and Werewolves now is the best time to do so to gain some levels before proceeding into the Fey Forest. If you still cannot wield Tanya's sword do not venture further until you can. Your destination is South of Reyhnos however it is closer to Teleport to the St-Gorgotin city and pass through the North gate and head West. Remember that signpost's warning, It is still best to be wary in the Fey Forest however with Tanya's Sword you will soon realise that it makes the world of difference for exploring inside here. Enemies in Region Fey Forest Flower Girl Level 35 Drop Chance Flower Girl Dew Faerie Mage Level 34 Drops 325 Gold Drop Chance Greater Mana Potion / Strong Faerie Dust Plant Woman Level 33 Only EXP Timber Faerie Level 32 Drops 225 Gold Drop Chance Strong Faerie Dust Forest Harpy Level 30 Drops 275 Gold Fearless Explorer ! Level 29 Drops 155 Gold Drop Chance Greater Healing Potion Harpy Rogue Level 28 Drops 275 Gold Items contained Faerie Bow Plant Woman and Fower Girls are unable to move so throwing projectiles is the best way to defeat them and to prevent being eaten. Fire Darts Spell is very damaging against Plant Women and Flower Girls. Once entering the forest you may see a Fearless Explorer immediately or you will see her on your travels through the Fey Forest. When you talk with her you will realize she is searching for the Hidden Fey Realm as well. Her motives is to plunder magical treasures in the Fey Realm if she can find the portal to it. Head West into the deeper areas of the Fey Forest until you come to a 4-way Intersection. If you go SouthEast you will find a chest containing a Faerie Bow. The chest to the North is closed however it seems to have been plundered by the Fearless Explorer. The Hidden Realm lies to the Straightforward path to the West so it is best to avoid deviating from the path as it takes you in circles. When you arrive to a Strange stone similar to the gateway to the Abyss use the Ocarina and play the tune to be instantly warped to the Fey Realm. Enemies in Region Fey Realm Flower Girl Level 35 Drop Chance Flower Girl Dew Faerie Mage Level 34 Drops 325 Gold Drop Chance Greater Mana Potion / Strong Faerie Dust Trickster Faerie Level 33 Drops 225 Gold Drop Chance Scroll of Televore Plant Woman Level 33 Only EXP Dark Faerie Level 33 Drops 185 Gold Drop Chance Succubus's Nectar Highland Faerie Level 33 Drops 120 Gold Drop Chance Strong Faerie Dust Timber Faerie Level 32 Drops 225 Gold Drop Chance Strong Faerie Dust Pixie Level 31 Drops 85 Gold Drop Chance Flower Girl Dew Forest Harpy Level 30 Drops 275 Gold Forest Nymph Level 28 Drops 192 Gold Harpy Rogue Level 28 Drops 275 Gold Ivy Girl Level 28 Drops Scroll of Entangle Ivy Woman Level 27 Drops Scroll of Entangle Forest Demon Level 26 Drops 320 Gold Drop Chance Super Healing Potion As soon as you are teleported to the realm you will see the Strange stone at your position however if a tree obstructs your view then leave the screen and re-enter until you can see it. Unlike in the Abyss when you could exit by using the Obscure Ritual, you will need to return here and play the Ocarina to leave this Realm. Some enemies to be cautious of are the Dark Faerie as her Dark attacks are very damaging. The Trickster Faerie can remove all your equipment with a single attack making you vulnerable so it is best to stay clear. Ivy Woman and Girls are also vulnerable to Fire attacks. From your position head North and hug the fence surrounding the perimiter until you are in the NorthEast until you come to the Fey Ville. If you neglected to get the Ring of Mants back in the Dragon Cave you can talk to the Faerie Watchwoman who is threatened by your size and shrinks you to be able to enter the Fey houses. The Prarie Faerie will direct you of what is available in the Fey Ville and how the flowers became to bloom so well. Enter the house in the NorthEast to speak with the Shaman, she will agree to help you out by creating the poweder after you provide the ingredients and help by slaying the Vorepire Queen that resides in the cave with the other Vorepire inhabitors. She explains that the Elves have been tainted by the Vorepire Curse and are now more of a threat to the Faeries. South of the Faerie Shaman's House you will find a Faerie Magician that will sell you spells however only if you say you can use them otherwise she will eat you. Next to her house is a Highland Faerie that will offer you a quest that you cannot refuse. Avoid talking to the Garden Faerie if you are shrunk as you are just the right size for her to eat. In the NorthWest area in the lower house you will find a Faerie Alchemist who will sell potions. If you are shrunk you must first admit that you are human for her to offer her potions. If you choose to remain quiet she will stimlate you in order to acquire your elf juices and then swallow you when she no longer has a need for you. Once she realizes that you are human after her Potion concoction is ruined because the juices must come from an elf, she is glad you are within her to digest. If you want to view so many death scenes you can visit the house that is located next to the Alchemist while you are shrunk. This Faerie Mage is looking for a lovetoy and she will use you as a buttplug or a dildo and then get too carries away and the result always lands you in her stomach. Even if you refuse her advances she will swallow you as punishment. Outside an innocent Plain Faerie will caution you of which Faeries you speak to and than she will trip and if you choose not to move you will slide up her tight bum. E4:Optional Quest If you speak with the Highland Faerie she will give you a quest you are unable to refuse. She tells you of a human adventurer that seems to be resistant to the Fey's magic that has come to their forest recently. She is worried for the safety of the Fey Village as already she has eaten more than a few of the Faeries. She has a solution to trap the Human girl but to not kill her. An enchanted glass sphere that is attoned to her and when used it will teleport the girl inside. She wants you to bring the sphere so she can study her resistance. In exchange for the service she offers to teach a secret spell that only the faeries know. She provides you with the item Empty Fey Glass Sphere. You will find the Fey Forest Adventurer just outside the entrance to the Vorepire Cave in the SouthWest or in a random area within the Fey realm. Fey Forest Adventurer % (Optional Boss) Level 35 Drops Elixir of Acid Fortifiant, Elixir of Endurance and 575 Gold When you speak with the adventurer she will say that she is the only survivor as her friends were captured by the Faeries and digested while she narrowly escaped becasue their spells seem to have no effect on her. If you mention that you were sent to capture her she will reply with a warning if you try to attack her she will defend herself. When you trap the Adventurer within the Fey Glass Sphere you have the option to Eat or Release the adventurer. Similar to the Elven Queen's Soul in the Soul bottle. If you do trap the Adventurer and return with the Orb she will provide you with an instant Spell Televore. No book is required to read as it is instantly learned. If you kill the Adventurer it is best that you do not return to the Highland Faerie as she has already gotten word that the Adventurer was killed and she is dissapointed in offering you that task in the first place and decides to have you as a snack. Leave the Fey Village and travel SouthWest until you arrive at the Vorepire cave and then travel East one screen and then South at the 4-way Intersection to find in a chest some Faerie Silk Underwear. Items contained Faerie Silk Underwear Enemies in Region Vorepire Cave Trickster Faerie Level 33 Drops 225 Gold Drop Chance Scroll of Televore Dark Faerie Level 33 Drops 185 Gold Drop Chance Succubus's Nectar Mistress of Pain Level 33 Drops 200 Gold Drops 200 Gold Drop Chance Lesser Orb of demons Vorepire Priestess Level 31 Drops 260 Gold Drop Chance Super Mana Potion Bladesigner Vorepire Level 31 Drops 180 Gold Drop Chance Super Healing Potion Vorepire Thief Level 28 Drops 295 Gold Drop Chance Scroll of Voracious Hunger Half Demoness Warrior Level 25 (Can also be Summoned by Mistress of Pain / Vorepire Priestess / Vorepire Queen) Drops 76 Gold Fledgeling Vorepire Level 24 Drops 65 Gold Drop Chance Fey Potion of Regeneration Devil Girl Level 24 (Summoned by Mistress of Pain / Vorepire Priestess / Vorepire Queen) Drops 165 Gold Drop Chance Scroll of Hold Person Half Demoness Girl Level 24 (Summoned by Mistress of Pain / Vorepire Priestess / Vorepire Queen) Drops 55 Gold Drop Chance Scroll of Enlarge Imp Level 21 (Summoned by Mistress of Pain / Vorepire Priestess / Vorepire Queen) Drops 45 Gold Drop Chance Potion of Magic Resistance Quasit Level 20 (Summoned by Mistress of Pain / Vorepire Priestess / Vorepire Queen) Drops 15 Gold Drop Chance Chicken Items Contained Lesser Orb of Demons Wand of Mass Uncontrollable Rage Dagger of Slaying demons Ring of Meteors Wand of wonder Travel North at the 3-way Intersection for a Lesser Orb of Demons This area is dangerous as the Elves that have been tainted by the Vorepire curse have the ability to remove Exp that you already acquired and can summon fiends. Take caution as Mistress of Pain and Vorepire Priestess can remove Exp you have already acquired and instantly gain levels by themselves. Head SouthWest and when you come to a 4-way Intersection go North for a chest containing Wand of Uncontrollable Rage. Then go to the dead-end to the West for a chest containing the Dagger of Slaying demons. Now head South and at the 3-way Intersection go East to get the Ring of Meteors. When you are ready the Vorepire Queen will lie in the SouthWest region of the Cave. Vorepire Queen % (Boss) Level 35 Drops Elixir of Strength, Vorepire queen blood and 5000 Gold The Vorepire Queen will have two other random Demonesses, Vorepires, or Dark Faeries join her. Wait for the Vorepire Queen to use up her Mana and then heal and use the Demon Slaying dagger. The chest behind her will contain a Wand of wonder. Leave the Cave and return to the Shaman who will be impressed by your abilities of slaying the Vorepire Queen and she will provide you with a fresh batch of Dispelling Powder. Now hurry to the Khalas castle in Reyhnos to cure the Queen of her charm spell. When you arrive at the throne room you will instantly toss the powder in the air and the Queen slowly regains her senses as the spell is being broken. There is one of two different series of events that are similar that can take place here: E5: Event 1 The Princess of Khalas explains to her mother the events that have lead up since the Kingdom of Darna used her to start a war with the barbarians to weaken Reyhnos for an incoming invasion. The Queen will motion for you to come forward because of lending your aid to her Kingdom. Event 2 You inform the Queen she was under a spell if the Khalas Princess isn't alive to do so. You ones responsible were Darna and they had her under control to have a war started to lower the Kingdom's strength. The Queen will motion for you to come forward because of lending your aid to her Kingdom. In One of Two separate events there is seperate individuals that will reveal themselves as the traitor of Reyhnos when the Khalas Queen asks you to approach her. E6: Event 1 Just then Varesha will appear if you were not strong enough to slay her in St-Gorgotin's temple. She will bellow that no one stops her and her plans and for those that will try will melt in her stomach. She summonss several Demonesses in the room. Two Succubus Seducers and Two of the Queen's Castle guards are up against each other while a Scaled Demoness Half Demoness Warrior and Devil Girl are preying on the Khalas Queen and Princess with Varesha not too far behind. Varesha % (Optional Boss) Level 35 Drops Elixir of Charisma, Elixir of Acid Fortifiant and 2860 Gold Succubus Seducer Level 26 Drops 55 Gold Drop Chance Succubus's Nectar Scaled Demoness Level 26 Drops 25 Gold Drop Chance Super Healing Potion Half Demoness Warrior Level 25 Drops 76 Gold Devil Girl Level 24 Drops 165 Gold Drop Chance Scroll of Hold Person Event 2 If Varesha was slain then the Traitor that appears will be the Reyhnos High Priestess who will say that they are too late and nothing can stop them now and that their pathetic Kingdom is nothing than food for them. She will cast a spell and summon several Demonesses in the room. Two Succubus Seducers and Two of the Queen's Castle guards are up against each other while a Scaled Demoness Half Demoness Warrior and Devil Girl are preying on the Khalas Queen and Princess with the High Priestess not too far behind. Reyhnos High Priestess % Level 31 Drops Elixir of Charisma, Elixir of Acid Fortifiant and 2860 Gold Succubus Seducer Level 26 Drops 55 Gold Drop Chance Succubus's Nectar Scaled Demoness Level 26 Drops 25 Gold Drop Chance Super Healing Potion Half Demoness Warrior Level 25 Drops 76 Gold Devil Girl Level 24 Drops 165 Gold Drop Chance Scroll of Hold Person If you managed to keep yourself and the Queen alive as well she will provide you with some Gold and a keepsake. Her mother's sword, the Basher Sword. She also mentions that the bridge to Darna is repaired and that she didn't suspect that she (Varesha / High Priestess) would be a Darna spy. If the Princess of Khalas remains alive she just gives thanks for saving her Kingdom.When you leave the Throne room they will disappear. Rewards you receive if Queen Khalas remains Alive: 70000 EXP 8000 Gold Basher Sword Head Outside the East entrance of Reyhnos to proceed with the story. F0:Chapter 6 On the other side of the bridge you encounter another one of two events that can occur for the beginning of the Chapter: F1: Event 1 Marreka yet again and she mentions that some Amazon citizens have constructed a village at the entrance to the Shrine Zorgon and they venerate it as a Holy place and will not let outsiders pass through. She mentions to arrive at the Shrine you need to enter the Jungle and go North however you will neeed to find another path to avoid the Amazonians. She also cautions you to avoid the many Darna soldiers that are on patrol and have set up camp outside the Jungle. She wishes you luck at Zorgan, the Shrine of Fire while she searches for the location of the final Shrine. Event 2 You meet with Laurine the Dark Elf again and she comments on how she cannot understand why the Queen of the Dark Elves has requested for her to lend her aid. She mentions that if she could recharge the Orb of power itself she wouldn't need to rely on the Chosen and Krishna would be in her stomach by now. She warns of Khalas and Darna forces who are battling in the fields and tells you not to get involved as she does not want to wait another 1000 years for the next chosen. She directs you to go East through the Jungle and pass through the Amazon Village to locate the Shrine of Zorgan. Enemies in Region near Darna Camp Darna Captain Level 32 Drops 420 Gold Drop Chance Super Mana Potion / Potion of Courage Khalas Knight ! Level 31 Drops 200 Gold Drop Chance Oil of armor repair Wild Horse Level 30 Only EXP Darna Axewoman Level 30 Drops 110 Gold Drop Chance Heavy Axe Darna Heavy Soldier Level 29 Drops 125 Gold Drop Chance Dark Plate Metal Savage Bunny Level 29 Only EXP Rebel Fighter ! Level 28 Drops 55 Gold Drop Chance Potion of Acid Resistance Darna Cutthroat Level 28 Drops 290 Gold Drop Chance Potion of Dexterity Darna Warrior Level 28 Drops 105 Gold Drop Chance Potion of Strength Giant Bee Level 27 Only EXP Darna Mercenary Level 27 Dops 280 Gold Drop Chance Beserker's Drink Khalas Reserve ! Level 27 Drops 66 Gold Drop Chance Potion of Stoneskin Darna Soldier Level 26 Drops 75 Gold Drop Chance Super Healing Potion Rebel Defender ! Level 26 Drops 80 Gold Drop Chance Scroll of Enlarge Items contained Wand of Mind Control Amulet of the ogre In this region you will encounter many Darna and Khalas women at war with each other. You can use this to your advantage and just continue forward. Head South and follow the trail until you can go South to a dead-end for a chest that contains Wand of Mind Control. From this position head North and follow the permiter to the East and then head North for a chest containing Amulet of the ogre. You may encounter a Rebel Defender which is the Daughter of the Rebel Leader that you slain in the sewers to retrieve the Queen's Gift. She wants vengeance for her mother if you inform her that it was you. Head South and East when you have the chance to enter Darna's camp. Go North for a collection of crates filled with Darna's supplies Search the one closest to you for some healing items.. Now head East from her for another collection of crates with nothing available to steal. Head South from here to find another collection of crates and search the third crate from the bottom to find it filled with various Potions. Another cartel of crates lie West of here but there is again nothing available to search within them. Items contained Super Healing Potion Super Healing Potion Super Mana Potion Super Mana Potion Greater Potion of Magic Resistance Potion of Acid Resistance Just beyond the center of the Darna's camp you will confront the high leveled Darna Commander with her two soldiers. Darna Commander % (Optional Boss) Level 36 Drops Wand of Hyper Digest and 2875 Gold Darna Soldier Level 26 Drops 75 Gold Drop Chance Super Healing Potion You can choose to fight her and once slain the Darna camp will be raided by animals and Khalas troops. Alternatively you can run past her and head East to leave the camp and to enter the Vast Jungle beyond it. A note about the Jungle there is several paths to travel that all lead to the same destined place. I will be outlining what is believed to be the best path to collect all items and most importantly to keep alive from danger. Enemies in Region Amazon Jungle Wild Catgirl Level 31 Drops 7 Gold Drop Chance Maca Amazon Beserker Level 31 Drops 17 Gold Drop Chance Super Healing Potion Catgirl Mage Level 30 Drops 105 Gold Drop Chance Super Mana Potion Couatl Level 30 Only EXP Amazon Woman Level 30 Drops 282 Gold Drop Chance Beserker's Drink Wild Centauress Level 29 Drops 130 Gold Drop Chance Giant Bee Honey Catgirl Warrior Level 29 Drops 88 Gold Drop Chance Super Healing Potion Amazon Apprentice Level 29 Drops 175 Gold Drop Chance Super Mana Potion Boa Level 29 Only EXP Amazon Archer Level 28 Drops 71 Gold Drop Chance Amazon Bow Catgirl Hunter Level 28 Drops 80 Gold Drop Chance Potion of Dexterity Jungle Tiger Level 28 Only EXP Hungry Catgirl Level 27 Drops 15 Gold Drop Chance Oil of Irresistable Flavor Infected Amazon Level 27 Drops 75 Gold Ritual Hunter Amazon Level 27 Drops 52 Gold Drop Chance Potion of Stoneskin Catgirl Thief Level 26 Drops 355 Gold Drop Chance 766 Gold Catgirl Scout Level 26 Drops 35 Gold Drop Chance Potion of Speed Teenager Amazon Level 26 Drops 28 Gold Drop Chance Potion of Acid Resistance Amazon Girl Level 26 Drops 52 Gold Drop Chance Potion of Iron Defense Young Amazon Level 25 Drops 33 Gold Drop Chance Warrior's Drink Wandering Catgirl Level 25 Drops 35 Gold Drop Chance Potion of Speed Magic Cat Level 24 (Summoned by Catgirl Mage) Only EXP Toxic Toad Level 22 Only EXP Ailment Toxic Sickness (When eaten) Jungle Tree ! (1 Exp) Level 1 Items contained Wand of Mammals Summoning Maca of Oya Ring of Power You have now entered a warzone between several factions. The Amazons Catgirls, Centauresses and the Jungle wildlife. You will encounter a Catgirl Mage that can summon dozens of Magic Cats so it is best to use Charm Mammals spell or stay away because you are greatly outnumbered. The Amazon Apprentise you should also be cautious of as she can cast projectile acid spells that damages your equipment. Avoid the Southern Regions of the Jungle at first as they are dead-ends. When you come to a rock well fencing along the South, then proceed South on the next screen to head for a chest containing a Wand of Mammals Summoning. Now you will need to head North as the East is blocked even though there is no rock wall graphic to confirm this. Continue East and then travel SouthEast until you see the Travel Agency Mage in front of a cave that is blocked by a recent cave-in. Return to the Jungle after repairing some of your equipment if it was damaged in one of the nearby Towns / Cities. Head South one screen and then West to a dead-end with a chest containing a Maca of Oya Now Travel SouthEast for another chest that contains a Ring of Power The Catgirls' Village lies to the West and SouthWest so it is best not to visit them yet. Beware as all the Catgirls are hungry only go to visit if you want to steal the Great Maca out of the Wild Catgirl's Tent or if you want to end up in one of their kitty litterboxes. Return to the position where the Travel Agency Mage is located and avoid attempting to enter this cave for now. Proceed North until you reach the rock wall and then travel along it towards the NorthWest. When you get the chance go North and it will take you right into the heart of the Amazons' camp that Marreka cautioned about. If you look to the East you will see a cave. Enter the Amzon's camp and go NorthEast to discover a magic barrier is preventing you from travelling to the Zorgan Shrine. In the tent at the center of the village talk to the Ex-City Dweller that tells you a story of how she was accepted into the tribe by defeating someone much stronger than herself. One of the Amazon Women tell you that the rule of the jungle is "the strongs eat the weaks". These are clues as how to gain favor and join the Amazon tribe. The Amazon Innkeper that is in the tent next to the Ex-City Dweller will refuse you the option of staying for the night as the beds are only reserved for the members of the Amazon tribe. If you head East and enter the tent that is closest to you it will lead you to a Amazon Blacksmith who will sell you weaponry and will repair your damaged weapons. The tent next to it leads you to the Amazon Jail. You will see a Captured Catgirl at the mercy of the Amazon Slavemaster that is her Warden. Speak with the Slavemaster and she will mention that until recently the Catgirl had some other Jail-mates however she is alone now because the Catgirl got hungry and ate them. She will refuse to release the Catgirl as she does not want t anger the Shaman. Approach the bars and you will be approached with the choice of forcing the Cell bars open or to speak with the Catgirl. If you choose to speak with the Catgirl you will learn that there is a great prejudice against the Catgirls by the Amazons. She will continue that the other Catgirls are getting hungry as the human girls do not enter the Jungle often and that they are lonely. If you ask what you will get from setting her free, she will promise to put a "good word" in for you with the Catgirls tribe. You may choose now to defeat the Amazon Slavemaster to get the Amazon Prison key or to force the bars open to allow the Catgirl to escape. In both choices the Catgirl escapes through a hole in the roof of the tent and leaves you to dispatch the Amazon guards. You will have also now angered the entire Amazon tribe so taking this path is not recommended. If you agree to see what you can do for the Catgirl and leave her in the Jail you can now head South and enter the first tent to find a Amazon Leatherworker and her pet Tiger called Tina. If you ignore the Leatherworker's warnings to not bother her while she is at work even as she continually refuses to sell Equipment to a weak girl like you. You will end up digesting in her belly. The other tent has a Amazon Junior member that is nude except the towel she is holding. She will mention that not all Amazons are tolerant to new members that join there tribe. Even if you mention you are not yet a member she will just ask you to be careful while you visit the Village. Speak with the Shaman in the tent at the Nothernmost part of the Amazon's camp. She will sell some spells that she normally offers only to tribe member apprentices. I recommend buying the Book of Amazon's Curse as it will be extremely useful against the next foes you will soon encounter. If you ask to go to the shrine she mentions that the way is sealed by a glyph and only the Holy seal of Zorgan that only a member of the tribe can borrow and carry can gain entry through the barier. If you ask how you may join the tribe she will require from you to pass the initiation test by entering the cave to the East and slaying the dragon and to bring back proof that it is dead. Leave the Amazon's village and enter the cave to the immediate East once leaving the village. Enemies in Region Red Dragon's Cave Double Girlshroom Level 33 Drop Chance 475 Gold Cultivated Girlshroom Level 29 Drops 175 Gold Monstrous Bat Level 29 Only EXP Blue Girlshroom Level 28 Drop Chance 90 Gold Red Girlshroom Level 27 Drop Chance 120 Gold Hobgoblin Level 27 Drops 75 Gold Drop Chance Super Healing Potion Items contained Scroll of Cure Girlshroom infection Scroll of Cure Girlshroom infection Staff of the Fire Goddess Warrior Amulet The Girlshroom Infection can be inflicted to anyone that is around the Girlshrooms that does not have a high enough Endurance to avoid and does not survive the 'Save'. If the infection is not treated then the victim will be fated to turn into a Girlshroom. The enemies in here are much more docile than the predators you have encountered so far in the Jungle. Proceed East through the Cave to reach the den of where the Red Dragon will be guarding three treasure chests. Red Dragon % (Boss) Level 35 Drops Dragon Hide, Elixir of Intelligence and 7500 Gold Use the Amazon's Curse to greatly wound the Dragon's defenses. You may then physically attack or if you have the Frost Ring spell cast it a few times and the Dragon will be defeated. Open the treasure chests to receive 2 Scrolls of Cure Girlshroom infection in the lowest chest. A Staff of the Fire Goddess will be contained in the chest behind where the Red Dragon once stood. In the top chest you will find a Warrior Amulet. Return to the Amazon village and show the Dragon Hide to the Shaman as proof of passing your initiation to becoming a Amazon member of their tribe. You will now be a member of the tribe and will earn 50000 EXP for this quest completion. Go see the Amazon Leatherworker and she is impressed that you were able to slay the Dragon that she will offer to make some Strong defensive armor for you if you accept. She will provide you with the Dragon Scales Armor that is made from the Dragon's hide. She will also sell Armor to you now that you are a member of her tribe. In the center of the Amazon village the Innkeeper will now allow you to rest anytime for free as you are now a member of her tribe. Remember the words of the Junior member and do not approach all of the Amazon woman with hope in your heart as some of them are full of pride and continue to resent a weak girl's prescence as a member of their tribe. They will make an example of how strong they are by devouring you. To proceed to the Holy Shrine called Zorgan speak with the Shaman anytime and ask to borrow the Zorgan Seal to pass through the barrier to the East. You will not have the option of asking to free the captured Catgirl. F2: Beyond the barrier you will see the Zorgan Shrine and as you approach it's doors, Krishna will once again begin having visions of her recurring nightmare. Krishna will view the traumatising event of a child being snatched from her mother, which she believes to be a past horrific event in her life. The vision will not fade immediately as it did last time and so Krishna takes that opportunity to follow the two Darna soldiers that abducted the baby for what seems like moments through the smoke of the burning vilage until they reach their commander. The White haired woman who is believed to be the commander is quite tall and as they approach her carrying the baby she displays an evil smile and takes the baby into her own hands. She views the marking on the child's shoulder and smirks and says to her soldiers that this is the one we have been looking for. She then gives them the order to burn everything as she doesn't want any survivors. The soldiers walk away from their commander and Krishna begins to awake back to her reality. Choose to enter the Zorgan Shrine which compared to Miranis seems less threatening. Enemies in Region Zorgan Shrine Efreeti Level 36 Drops 230 Gold Drop Chance Super Mana Potion Red Golem Level 35 Drops 540 Gold Drop Chance Strong Potion of Acid Lightning Spirit Level 32 Drops 20 Gold Drops Greater Potion of Magic Resistance Fiery Draconian Level 31 Drops 215 Gold Drop Chance Super Healing Potion Minotaur Figther Level 31 Drops 175 Gold Drop Chance Potion of Fire Resistance Pink Slime Girl Level 30 Only EXP Fire Spirit Level 29 Only EXP Items contained Zorgan Key 1 Book of Summon Fire Spirit Zorgan Key 2 Book of Summon Lightning Spirit If you took my advice previously and bought the Book of Amazon's Curse and any additional spells that you could afford it will make these foes inside less threatening. The Pink Slime Girl envelops anything she touches and like the previous Blue Slime Girl of Miranis she has a high defense and is resistant to all magic except Lightning. Usage of the Amazon's Curse and then cast Frost Ring is very effective as it attacks enemies in range. The Red Golem is like the Iron Golem and will be resistant to Lighting Spells however cast Amazon's Curse to allow a more vulnerability to lightning. All Spirits and fiends inside that are Fire elemental will be most vulnerable to Frost Ring or other Ice damaging spells. You will arrive at the door to the Goddess Statue, seems too easy doesn't it? The door is sealed and it requires Two Keys to break it's seal. The temple is somewhat Horseshoe shaped. You will find the Zorgan Key 1 on the West side and to the North a chest containing the Book of Summon Fire Spirit will be contained inside. You will also require the Zorgan Key 2 that is found on the opposite side of the Shrine to the East and to the North is a chest containing the Book of Summon Lightning Spirit. With both Keys in hand proceed to the Shrines entrance and open the door's seal using the two Keys. Inside you will confront an angelic being that has been sealed for the past 1000 years. Serrena realizes that her old powers are no longer effective but she takes pleasure in how she can test the abilities she has been able to adopt and possess during her time of imprisonment on you. Serrena % (Boss) Level 39 Drops Wand of Heaven Lights and 4200 Gold Serrena throws damaging projectiles of darkness at you and has the ability similar to the Vorepires that you previously encountered which is the stealing of EXP and giving it to herself to quickly grow more powerful. Once again this battle which seems difficult can last seconds if you use Amazon's Curse and then use the Lava Axe spell a few times as Fire is her most vulnerable element. With the Evil being defeated you may now Pray to the Goddess Statue to recharge the Orb of Power and receive it's glowing red light. When you emerge from the Shrine you will be confronted with a familiar woman from your recurring nightmares. It is the Commander and she has you flanked with two Darna Heavy Soldiers and Darna Elite Soldiers that she has with her. Beside her is a hooded mage that hides her identity and is shrouded in mystery. The Hooded woman will immediately cast a paralysis spell holding you in place. The Commander will be surprised with finding Krishna there and will comment that this will be a good day after all that she can have the Chosen be there entertaining her until she is digested. As she has wanted to have vengeance on the Chosen that stopped the planned attack on Reyhnos. The hooded mage will snap at her and say to Lyssa to remember their orders as they are already behind schedule. Lyssa will agree and as the two pass by Krishna to enter the Shrine she will command her girls to finish the Chosen off before she returns. You are surrounded by Darna's forces and as the soldiers advance on you they start to argue about who will eat the Chosen as she is rumored to taste better than an Elf. After a while they agree to a game of dice rolling to determine the winner. A globe will be casted toward the ground near Krishna and as the glass shatters it will release a strange white mist. The mist appears to have dispelled the paralysis spell that was preventing your action a moment ago. You will be rescued by a friend in one of two events that is determined upon the past decisions that you have made: F3: Event 1 Marreka will arrive with a Dark Elf Cutthroat and Swordswoman at her aid. She goes into the Shrine to pursue the two dangerous Commanding officers while giving the order for her two Dark Elf mercenaries to protect the Chosen One. Darna Elite Soldier % (Boss) Level 34 Drops 250 Gold Dark Elf Swordswoman ! Level 34 Drops 200 Gold Drop Chance Strong Potion of Acid Dark Elf Cutthroat ! Level 34 Drops 200 Gold Drop Chance Strong Potion of Acid Darna Heavy Soldier % (Boss) Level 33 Drops 125 Gold Drop Chance Dark Plate Mail You can lend your aid with the casting spells or close combat otherwise the Darna forces will overpower the Dark Elves. Once Darna's forces have been defeated or eaten. Marreka will appear and will mention that there is no longer anyone inside the Shrine and that they must have gotten away. She will identify the White haired woman as the high commander of Darna that only answers to the Queen herself. Marreka will mention that the hooded woman is a protege of the leader who is from the Vore Goddess Temple of Darna. Marreka doesn't know her name and suspects that whatever these two are planning must be of great importance for this is the first time that the leader's protege has left the temple. Marreka will congratulate you on the progress you have made and for the successful entry to the Zorgan shrine. She will mention the location of the next Shrine, Syros which is located underwater in Darna's territory near a coastal village called Talagas. In order to reach it's location you will need to first enter the Cave that leads to Darna and then go south through the Desert of Hunger before reaching Talagas. She will pass you a dark elf bomb that has enough destructive power to clear the blockage of boulders that is obstructing entry to the Cave in the Jungle. She will wish you good luck and then will disappear in a puff of smoke with whatever Dark Elf comrades of hers that are still standing. Event 2 A voice will say "I'm sorry to break your dinner plan, but I can't allow you to eat her, not yet anyway." The Darna Troops will be surprised of Dark Elves being there. You will notice Laurine is there and with her is a Dark Elf Cutthroat and Swordswoman at her aid. She will command the Dark Elves to Assist the helpless chosen before she gets eaten. Laurine departs into the Shrine to give chase against the two that entered. Darna Elite Soldier % (Boss) Level 34 Drops 250 Gold Dark Elf Swordswoman ! Level 34 Drops 200 Gold Drop Chance Strong Potion of Acid Dark Elf Cutthroat ! Level 34 Drops 200 Gold Drop Chance Strong Potion of Acid Darna Heavy Soldier % (Boss) Level 33 Drops 125 Gold Drop Chance Dark Plate Mail You can lend your aid with the casting spells or close combat otherwise the Darna forces will overpower the Dark Elves. Once Darna's forces have been defeated or eaten. Laurine will return and will be pleased that you have not become a pile of poop. She will mention that the two women she was advancing on disappeared and that they must have teleportation magic. When you ask about the identities of the two women that entered the Shrine, Laurine will sneer about how humans don't know anything. She will mention that is why the humans always end up in someone's belly. Laurine will identify the White haired woman as the high commander of Darna that only answers to the Queen herself. Laurine will mention that the hooded woman is a protege of the leader who is from the Vore Goddess Temple of Darna. Laurine doesn't know her name and suspects that whatever these two are planning must be of great importance for this is the first time that the leader's protege has left the temple. Laurine will snap for you both to get back to the task at hand. She will mention the location of the next Shrine, Syros which is located underwater in Darna's territory near a coastal village called Talagas. In order to reach it's location you will need to first enter the Cave that leads to Darna and then go south through the Desert of Hunger before reaching Talagas. She will pass you a dark elf bomb that has enough destructive power to clear the blockage of boulders that is obstructing entry to the Cave in the Jungle. Laurine will comment to try and not blow yourself up with it before she disappears in a puff of smoke. Make sure you purchase everything in the Amazon Village that you desire before travelling through the cave. F4:Optional Quests You may choose to set the Catgirl free thus smoothing relations with the Catgirls but removing all of the friendly relations with the Amazons. If you want to pay the Catgirl Village a visit you may now and you will find that they sell spells and potions to you. Among the residents is a Teenage Catgirl that talks about the V Institute and that she has difficulty living with human female room-mates. She has eaten them and now finds studying boring howver as she gets bored she becomes hungry. The Teenage Catgirl will offer to teach you a skill by demonstration and if you agree and survive the first trip you will receive the Catgirl Trick Item. If you request for the demonstration to continue when she offers you will become fully digested. And next to her tent is the Mother of the 5 kittens that runs the Potion shop and she scolds her children on their thoughts of eating her customers. The Catgirl Trader with her kittens will offer to sell a Wand of Mind Control however to retrieve it you will need to go inside her stomach as it was swallowed with a digested Elf Mage whowas the preios owner of the wand but regretfully it didn't do much good for her. The Catgirl Trader will swallow you to allow you to retrieve your item after purchasing. This is the other available dangers and services provided by the Catgirls. Take caution to not approach the Catgirl Golem in the tent to the East or to help it's creator the engineer to finish her work. The Catgirls will seem friendly and innocent however even since the order is given from their leader some will be unable to resist your taste or "close" friendship. To the West is a Catgirl Hunter that wants to play "Cat and Mouse" with you if you approach her. Next to her tent is a Wild Catgirl who can't control her own tail from whacking into a tasty girl that passes by. If you steal her treasure which contains a Great Maca then she will have the right to eat the protected girl who is now a thief. Items contained Great Maca To the South is the Catgirl Mage who will sell you some spells. To the far West is the Catgirl's Leader that will mention she has given the order out to all her Catgirls not to eat you however she cautions that some of her Catgirls may disobey her orders because of their hunger urges. At random times she will eat you as she is the Leader and she can break her own rules without anyone knowing. Just like the Amazons there are some Catgirls you should avoid speaking to especially the sly ones. Some Amazons will ask for you to smooth relations with the City-dwellers to allow trading supplies and tourism from St-Gorgotin. The Catgirls will try to request some word given to the people of Reyhnos to come and visit in the Jungle as they are lonely and request "friendship". Krishna3ca has informed me that this has no importance on the effect of the story as the Catgirls entering the human cities would be quite troublesome and the Amazons would also cause some conflicts. Included in the Vorepire Curse section near the bottom of this guide is the different members of the Amazon / Catgirl factions that you will discover in the Jungle and can speak with while they are friendly. Head to the Travel Agency Mage location in the Jungle and approach the Cave to have the choice to use the dark elf bomb to enter when you are ready. Inside these cavenous walls many travelers may become disoriented or lost trying to make it to the other side. Similar to the Sewers in Reyhnos I will guide to collect all items and provide the quickest route. Enemies in Region Ornan Cavern Purple Worm Level 45 Only EXP Cave Troll Level 38 Drops 175 Gold Drop Chance Troll Blood Underground Brute Level 37 Drops 71 Gold Drop Chance Potion of Hunger Hungry Arachne Level 37 Drops 32 Gold Drop Chance Super Mana Potion Cavern Thug Level 36 Drops 275 Gold Drop Chance Heavy Spiked Club Cave Amazon Level 36 Drops 25 Gold Drop Chance Super Healing Potion Cave Explorer ! Level 35 Drops 78 Gold Drop Chance Scroll of Cure Girlshroom infection Double Girlshroom Level 33 Drop Chance 475 Gold Giant Panther Level 32 Only EXP Cultivated Girlshroom Level 29 Drops 175 Gold Monstrous Bat Level 29 Only EXP Darna Traveller ! Level 29 Drops 205 Gold Drop Chance Improved Underwear of Evasion Blue Girlshroom Level 28 Drop Chance 90 Gold Red Girlshroom Level 27 Drop Chance 120 Gold Hobgoblin Level 27 Drops 75 Gold Drop Chance Super Healing Potion Items contained Scroll of Cure Girlshroom infection Scroll of Mind Control Panther Leather of Speed Giant Hammer Scroll of Cure Girlshroom infection Scroll of Cure Girlshroom infection Scroll of Bunnie's Dreams Purple Worm would normally be a threat to someone without the Amazon's Curse spell however the only possible threat would be the Cave Troll and the Girlshroom's infection. The Darna Traveller you may meet will comment on how dangerous it is now to travel to Reyhnos. Near the cave's entrance you will come to a 3-way Intersection, head North and follow the path to a dead-end for a chest containing a Scroll of Cure Girlshroom infection and Scroll of Mind Control. Head back to the Entrance of the cave and travel East then SouthEast while avoiding the dead-end room to the West. Contine heading East past the 3-way Intersection until you find the chest containing a Panther Leather of Speed in a Southern dead-end. Now travel back to the 3-way Intersection and head North and around the cave's path Continue travelling NorthEast and then at a 3-way Intersection continue East as the North path is a longer route that loops to where you are going. You should enounter some Cave Explorers that will give warning of the Purple Worms and not to encounter them. You may choose to take this warning or defeat them by lowering all of it's defenses by the way that I previously mentioned. After travelling SouthEast and then North to arrive at another 3-way intersection take the North path and travel NorthWest for now. When you see the 3-way Intersection head North for a chest containing Giant Hammer. Avoid taking the path any further West as it will loop you back to the first Intersection where you avoided going North. Travel back SouthEast to the 3-way Intersection and now continue going East. There is another 3-way Intersection you will come to before the cave's exit. Go South first to find a chest that contains 2 Scrolls of Cure Girlshroom infection and a Scroll of Bunnie's Dreams Now head NorthEast for the exit to the cave. After emerging from the otherside of the cave you will hear a voice say. "Well,well, well. I told you that she was coming our way and that we didn't have to enter the cave. Let's finish her up so we can go home. The centauress' around here give me the creeps." You will then see three individuals that appear to be hired bounty hunters. The Headhunter will start squabbling with the Elf assassin about how she has eaten all of their past "Marks" The Assassin's Squad Leader will try to take charge of the situation by quieting them down and to convince them that it is rumored that the Chosen tastes delicious and to stop complaining and quickly apprehend her. The Elf Assassin will comment that the past mark wasn't that tasty so this will make up for it. The Headhunter and Elf Assasin will once again start bickering about how she had told her not to eat the last mark right after finding her "hiding place" and will mention that she had just survived a Centauress' digestive track because of the Acid Resistant bathing suit that she was wearing. The Elf makes the point that the Suit wasn't resistant to her stomach. The Squad Leader will snap at the two of them to shut up and get her! Assasssin Squad Leader % (Boss) Level 40 Drops Assassin key, Blood Dagger and 188 Gold Elf Assassin Level 38 Drops 188 Gold Drop Chance Greater Potion of Easy Digestion Headhunter Level 37 Drops 265 Gold Drop Chance Potion of Stoneskin You may be weak and not expecting a confrontation so this is really an ambush. You are only required to take down the Assassin Squad Leader before you may venture onward. These plains are quite the Warzone compared to the Khalas and Darna forces you encountered and even the Jungle conflict between Amazon Warrioresses and the Catgirls do not compare. Which you will soon see. Enemies in Region near Ornan Carnivorous Elephant Level 41 Only EXP Mantis Girl Level 40 Drops 4 Gold Drop Chance Strong Potion of Acid Centauress Beserker Level 40 Drops 88 Gold Drop Chance Greater Potion of Strength Centauress Mage Level 40 Drops 374 Gold Drop Chance Super Mana Potion / Super Mana Potion Ravager Level 40 Drops 34 Gold Drop Chance Greater Potion of Enlargement Wild Elf Ranger Level 40 Drops 22 Gold Drop Chance Strong Potion of Acid Wild Elf Warrior Level 39 Drops 10 Gold Drop Chance Super Healing Potion Wild Elf Hunter Level 39 Drops 22 Gold Drop Chance Chocolat Snack Jumping Centauress Level 39 Drops 176 Gold Drop Chance Potion of Easy Digestion Centauress Woman Level 38 Drops Greater Potion of Charisma Strolling Centauress Level 38 Drops 97 Gold Drop Chance Oil of Irresistable Flavor Elf Assassin Level 38 Drops 188 Gold Drop Chance Greater Potion of Easy Digestion Ornan Patrol ! Level 38 Drops 152 Gold Drop Chance Watchguard Potion Hired Killer Level 38 Drops 188 Gold Drop Chance Greater Potion of Easy Digestion Wild Elf Fighter Level 38 Drops 10 Gold Drop Chance Super Healing Potion Wild Dog Level 38 Only EXP Centauress Girl Level 37 Drops 86 Gold Drop Chance Potion of Endurance Headhunter Level 37 Drops 265 Gold Drop Chance Potion of Stoneskin Ornan Traveller ! Level 37 Drops 180 Gold Drop Chance Hunger Repellant Potion Ornan Thief Level 36 Drops 195 Gold Drop Chance 405 Gold Water Carrier Centauress Level 36 Drops 35 Gold Drop Chance Pie Ornan Farmer ! Level 35 Drops 75 Gold Drop Chance Scroll of Bunnie's Dreams An Ornan patrol will deliver some very useful information about how the Desert of Hunger got it's name. She will also mention the Queen has closed the East gate to the city a few months back and only those with a special permit may pass. Travel NorthEast through the plains to reach safey the city, Ornan. Inside the Inn you will be meeting the Sixth sister of Sara, Cara, Mindy, Cindy and the Bunny girl working at the HighCliff bar. She is also wearing a bunny outfit and is working as a Maid at the Inn. The Ornan Girl in the center of the city will mention if someone can manage to eat all of the sisters of twins, triplets or a set of identical girls they will receive some strong powers. Beware of the Demonic Woman to the East of Ornan in lower house as she will not take kindly to someone discovering her identity. If you have a high enough Charisma and promise not to tell anyone of her identity she may let you leave otherwise she will Unbirth you. F5:Optional Quests Assassin Thieves' Den is located on the East side of Ornan however it requires two items for entry. The Assassin's Letter dropped by Assassin near Reyhnos and the Assassin key dropped by the Assassin Squad Leader near Ornan. You will encounter Nadine and high level enemies. Nadine pays a sum of 5000 Gold upfront to the Assassin Master and then realizes soon after that the High Priestess already has a contract out on the chosen. As you walk in you are noticed by the Demoness Bodyguard, Nadine will cast a spell to attempt to paralyze you. If the paralysis spell fails due to you having a high enough Dexterity you will have to encounter all three girls before you can escape. If the spell is successful you will become paralysed and as the Demoness easily makes her way to your position, you will view one of two death scenes. F6: Event 1 The Demoness grasps your head and pulls it towards her ass. Her sphincter opens up wide enough for you to enter. The Demoness starts clenching her anus and begins to suck you inside without having to have your body snared in her grasp. The intense sucking pressure is so forceful that it feels like she is cracking your skull. You are pulled inside her rectum inch by inch until your body begins to slide through her colon. The Demoness begins to blast a volley of concentrated farts and the pressure around you diminishes until you are sent into her foul intestines. Nadine will be disgusted by this performance that she witnessed and will ask if the Demoness did not have another alternative for getting you inside her to digest. The Assassin Master will reassure Nadine that it will be the same result but with additional suffering due to she knows the powers that a Demoness possesses. When a Demoness digests someone it doesn't stop with just the flesh however the soul itself remains inside her body until she returns to the Abyss and then it is tormented in the Abyss forever. The Assassin Master is grateful to have her Demoness as a bodyguard to dispose of her enemies and the fear itself prevents a low group of opposition. Nadine will request for her payment back as her spell paralyzed the 'Mark' and then will quickly retract her last request after realising she got what she wanted. When the Assassin Master tells Nadine to speak wih the Demoness for a refund and that she is sure that the Demoness has other 'holes' that could be filled. Event 2 The Demoness grasps your head and pulls it towards her pussy lips where she begins rubbing your head vigorously against it. Your face is buried into her blue snatch and all you see is her dripping sex filling your vision while yur ears hear nothing but the Demoness herself moaning from the pleasure. It seems like 15 minutes that the Demoness has been at it and then she explodes in your face with her love juces. Once she has caught her breath she begins to pull you deep inside her pussy lips and her vagina begins to squeeze over your face while forcing her juices down your throat. After grabbing your arms you are quickly sucked inside past your shoulders and breasts until you are forced into a fetal position inside her humid womb. Nadine will be shocked with how the Demoness did away with her nemesis without eating her. The Assassin Master will explain that the Demoness likes to pleasure herself once in a while and even though she doesn't gain nutrients from her prey's body like when she digests a girl, it still is entertaining to watch someone flirt with her and then see that unsuspecting girl get turned into love juices once the Demoness orgasms. Nadine will request for her payment back as her spell paralyzed the 'Mark' and then will quickly retract her last request after realising she got what she wanted. When the Assassin Master tells Nadine to speak wih the Demoness for a refund and that she is sure that the Demoness has other 'holes' that could be filled. Demoness Bodyguard % (Optional Boss) Level 43 Drops 4 Gold Drop Chance Ultra Healing Potion Nadine % (Optional Boss) Level 43 Drops Nadine's Ring and 540 Gold Assassin Master % (Optional Boss) Level 42 Drops Greater Potion of Enlargement, Super Potion of Acid and 6680 Gold Take out the Demoness Bodyguard as she can Unbirth or Anal Vore you and poses the biggest threat. Nadine will keep her place and fire projectiles at you so get her last. Once all three rogues are defeated you can open the chest for a Abyss Adept Dress Items contained Abyss Adept Dress Locations of the Six sisters: Sara who is infected with the Voraphiliac Plague randomly appears in plains between NorthGate and Reyhnos Mindy will appear right after Sara is eaten however if you tell her you didn't see her sister and leave the screen she will be waiting in the front of the Gluttonous Pig. You will have the opportunity to say she was eaten by monsters or admit to eating her. Mindy will return to the house with her other sisters in Reyhnos if you mention that Sara was eaten by monsters. If you choose the last option that you saw her near the orth Gate Mindy will go off to find Sara and will be assumedly eaten by a monster on her voyage there and so you will fail this Optional Quest. Cara and Cindy will be at their house in Reyhnos South of the Khalas Castle. Eat Cindy Last. 5th Sister dressed as a Bunnygirl will be at the HighCliff bar working as a Waitress. Once eaten if the Barbarians are friendly, the Barbarian barmaid will ask for 20,000 to compensate for eating her Waitress. You can refuse and dash for the door if you don't have the Gold for if you say you do you will be eaten as an alternative for payment. 6th Sister dressed as a Bunnygirl will be at the Ornan Inn working as a Maid. Using the Unicorn Horn dropped by the Sixth sister make sure that you have cured the Voraphiliac Plague that Sara gave you before venturing through the large Desert of hunger. After gobbling the last sister down you will receive the Sister Unified item that increases all of your stats including Digestion, Stomach muscles and Vore Bonus. After purchasing some new spells and Equipment head South out the gate and be wary not to approach the Centauresses too closely. Head West when you see the Southern wall to come to a chest containing Wand of Super Acid Items contained Wand of Super Acid Now before continuing SouthEast through the small path to reach the Desert of Hunger it is best to have come prepared with Food in reserve and a High Food meter. Once inside the deadly Desert of Hunger you will soon discover it is Huge! I will detail how to get all treasures and the final Natural Way skill and leave the desert. If you want to bypass all items and cross the desert than follow these directions. Go West and count about 9 Screens and then go South a total of 50 SCREENS! To reach the end of this Unforgivable desert. Don't worry if you don't see the exit to the South just travel West until you do. START 01 ooooooooooooooooooooosoooooooo 02 oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 03 oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 04 oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 05 oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 06 oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 07 oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 08 oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 09 oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 10 oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 11 oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 12 oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 13 oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 14 oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 15 oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 16 oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 17 oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 18 oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 19 oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 20 oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 21 oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 22 oooo1oooooooooooo2oooooooooooo 23 oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 24 oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 25 oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 26 ooooooooooooooTooooooooooooooo 27 oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 28 oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 29 oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 30 oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 31 oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 32 oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 33 oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 34 oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 35 oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 36 oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 37 oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 38 oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 39 oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 40 oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 41 oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 42 oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 43 oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 44 ooooooooooooooooooooooooooo3oo 45 oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 46 oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 47 oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 48 oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 49 oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 50 oooooooooooeoooooooooooooooooo EXIT Go West until you reach the edge of the Desert and then count 22 Screens while traveling South. Travel East until you have opened both chests containing the Voracious Amulet and a Book of Holy Shield. Then walk back, West 3 Screens and travel South until you see the Natural Way Master Trainer and learn the Vacuum Attack. Travel East until you reach the edge of the Desert and then go back 2 Screens West and then travel South until you find the final chest in this scorching Desert which contains a Fey Katar. Keep travelling South until you reach the edge of the Desert and then go West until you see the Exit to the Desert of Hunger. Items contained 1 – Voracious Amulet 2 – Book of Holy Shield T - Natural Way Master teaches Vacuum Attack 3 – Fey Katar Enemies in Region Desert of Hunger Natural Way Master % Level 48 Drops Elixir of Charisma, Elixir of Endurence and 8760 Gold Naga Warrior Level 44 Drops 91 Gold Drop Chance Ultra Healing Potion Wallara Beserker Level 43 Drops 92 Gold Drop Chance Ultra Healing Potion Naga Slaver Level 43 Drops 355 Gold Drop Chance Wand of Mind Control Wallara Sorceress Level 43 Drops 312 Gold Drop Chance Wand of Ice Crystal / Ultra Mana Potion Desert Thug Level 42 Drops 220 Gold Drop Chance Greater Potion of Dexterity Wallara Seducer Level 42 Drops 210 Gold Drop Chance Potion of Mass Charm Crazy Warrior Level 41 Drops 96 Gold Drop Chance Raging Potion Naga Wizard Level 41 Drops 275 Gold Drop Chance Book of Holy Shield Naga Huntress Level 41 Drops 202 Gold Drop Chance Watchguard Potion Grey Wyrm Level 41 Only EXP Wallara Warrior Level 41 Drops 162 Gold Drop Chance Wallara Sword Voracious Naga Level 40 Drops 127 Gold Drop Chance Super Potion of Acid Naga Thug Level 40 Drops 115 Gold Drop Chance Greater Potion of Enlargement Wallara Woman Level 40 Drops 110 Gold Drop Chance Underwear of Fire Resistance Wallara Ranger Level 39 Drops 233 Gold Drop Chance Hunger Repellant Potion Famished Naga Level 39 Drops 91 Gold Drop Chance Scroll of Hyper Digest Wallara Thief Level 39 Drops 185 Gold Drop Chance 825 Gold Desert Warrior Level 39 Drops 88 Gold Drop Chance Heavy Stone Sword Poisonous Naga Level 38 Drops 84 Gold Drop Chance Greater Potion of Magic Resistance Hungry Wallara Level 38 Drops 86 Gold Drop Chance Greater Potion of Easy Digestion Young Naga Level 38 Drops 45 Gold Drop Chance Scroll of Holy Shield Desert Worm Level 38 Only EXP Wallara Girl Level 38 Drops 55 Gold Drop Chance Scroll of Curse Digestion Desert Rootwalla Level 36 Only EXP Avoid approaching the Naga's directly as they can easily swallow you and they have a high metabolism. There is a total of three chests hidden in the desert and a Natural Way Trainer to teach y ou the Vaccum Attack skill which is the final Natural Way Trained skill. Quite the battlefield in the Desert and no there is no Optional Quests hidden within it. Krishna3ca did mention that at one time he was considering to place a Naga Cave Optional Dungeon within the Desert of Hunger but decided to remove it. Just safely cross it to the other side using the map above if you don't want the Treasures. If you don't go crazy by the time you reach the Southest edge of the desert you will cross through a narrow path where you will meet a familiar friend. G0:Chapter 7 The individual you will meet on the other side of the Desert of Hunger will be based upon one or two events: G1: Event 1 Marreka mentions she has some good and bad news for you which is she has located the location of the final Shrine, Syros however being a Dark Elf not to many people will try to befriend her and give information. She suggests you speak with the Mermaids and try to figure out a way to reach Syros while being able to breathe under the water's deepest depths. She provides you with her Magical Rod which is in fact a Dark Elf Fishing Rod. She departs again in a puff of smoke but not before wishing you luck. Event 2 Laurine sees you exit the Desert alive and comments that she lost her bet. She mentions that she has located the Shrine Syros' location however it is in the middle of the ocean's depths. She mentions that the Shrine is enchanted to allow breathing once inside however you will need to locate a way there. Laurine suggests you may speak with the Mermaids if you want however she found them to be more tasty than helpful. Laurine says to watch yourself in the Shrine as she does not want to have to search the ocean's depths for the Orb of Power encased in a Mermaid's poop. Laurine once again departs in a puff of smoke. Enemies in Region near Talagas Voresauraus Level 50 Drop Chance Melted Gold Chimera Level 46 Only EXP Lamia Warrior Level 44 Drops 165 Gold Drop Chance Lamia Dagger Raptor Level 44 Only EXP Pirate Captain Level 43 Drops 540 Gold Drop Chance Potion of Mass Charm Hungry, Hungry Hippo Level 42 Only EXP Buccaneer Level 42 Drops 318 Gold Drop Chance Greater Potion of Easy Digestion Savage Lamia Level 42 Drops 188 Gold Drop Chance Ultra Healing Potion Half-Lizard Level 42 Drops 76 Gold Drop Chance Beserker's Drink Corsair Level 41 Drops 270 Gold Drop Chance Ultra Mana Potion Pirate Girl Level 40 Drops 195 Gold Drop Chance Scroll of Improved Paralyzation Wild Erja Level 40 Only EXP Lamia Girl Level 40 Drops 105 Gold Drop Chance Scroll of Mind Control Privateer Level 40 Drops 203 Gold Drop Chance Pirate Rapier Dwarven Pirate Level 40 Drops 210 Gold Drop Chance Scroll of Improved Shrinking Pirate First Mate Level 39 Drops 170 Gold Drop Chance Ultra Healing Potion Freebooter Level 39 Drops 230 Gold Drop Chance Potion of Speed Items contained Greater Ring of Strength Morgan's Rapier Head SouthEast first for a chest containing a Greater Ring of Strength Now head to the far West until you see a brick wall amd then go Southwest for a chest containing Morgan's Rapier. Now proceed SouthEast and walk along the water until you see the walls of the city, Talagas. Head North and then proceed East and then go South to enter Talagas. Inside the city of Talagas there is a great many of residents that disapprove of the pirate's prescense being there. It is best to clear up any misnderstandings before you are thought to be a pirate and get eaten. The Maid at the Sleeping Mermaid will not take kindly if you decide to make a mess on the floor she has just cleaned. The restaurant has a curious collection of "bottled" food to taste. Across the street from the Inn the Shopkeeper will sell more than just potions. Here you can purchase a Dark Elf Fishing Rod to be able to charm Mermaids and be able to talk with them about the last Shrine's location. Beware at the Talagas Armory as the Pirate Suit doesn't exist and it is an invitation of being eaten by the Armorsmith. The brothel is located on the far West of the Town and you should beware about entering some bed chambers without permission or lying down with some of the Horny Siren girl escorts. Inside one of the rooms you will hear that the Siren Club owner is pleased with how the business is booming due to the Pirates visit. She is pleased that the Ornan Queen closed the East gate and is hoping that they can find a way to keep the pirates there. Once she sees you she asks you to leave as it is for staff only in that room. Items contained 60000 Gold If you decide to ignore her request and steal the large amount of Gold She and her guards will become hostile and will attempt to attack you. A Book of Heaven Lights and Book of Cure Fatal Wounds is priority if purchasing some new damaging and healing spells. Once you have purchased all that you need you will need to locate a Mermaid and to ask them the location of the Syros Shrine. Enemies in Region near Talagas Ocean Mermaid Mage Level 43 Drops 186 Gold Drop Chance Ultra Mana Potion Mermaid Woman Level 42 Drops 115 Gold Drop Chance Scroll of Hyper Digest Frog Queen Level 41 Drops 115 Gold Drop Chance 2850 Gold Curious Mermaid Level 41 Drops 93 Gold Drop Chance Oil of Irresistable Flavor Plated Frog Level 40 Only EXP Hungry Mermaid Level 40 Drops 186 Gold Drop Chance Ultra Mana Potion Mermaid Girl Level 39 Drops 74 Gold Drop Chance Greater Potion of Magic Resistance Turtle Monster Level 39 Drop Chance 125 Gold Sea Frog Level 38 Only EXP The pirates and other enemies will appear as well however the Ocean's edge is where the mermaids and other sea creatures will frequent. Using the Dark Elf Fishing Rod will charm the mermaids for a short while and they will only speak to you after all hostiles have been eliminated. Listed below is what each mermaid will provide for information: Mermaid Woman offers to travel to Syros with you in her belly and will release you one way or another on the floor of the Shrine of Syros. Mermaid Girl cautions that if she leads you to the Shrine of Syros you would drown but there is an alternative way of passage which is to travel inside her belly and she will release you when you get to the Shrine Curious Mermaid knows the Shrine is located underwater and suggests to carry you inside her stomach so you don't drown however once you agree she has difficulty remembering the Shrine's location and wants to take a moment to think before trying to search the entire sea. Too much tme elapses and you become digested. Mermaid Mage suspects a spell has been cast on her when you seem too friendly. She mentions that mermaids can brethe underwater and to take you to the Shrine you would need to be carried in her belly. If you agree she will realize you are much too heavy for her to go swimming and she decides to relax until you become a 'lighter' weight. You become cmpletely digested after the time elapses. Hungry Mermaid when engaged in conversation says that she normally eats a tasty girl like you however she wants to talk with you first. When asked of the Shrine's location she mentions she cannot concentrate when she is hungry and asks if you let her eat you and then she will help you. After you have been eaten she mentions she knows the Shrine's location however there is no point in taking you there or revealing the inforation as it will be of no use to you once you have become completely digested. As you can tell the Mermaid Woman or Girl is the only one willing to help and they are your best chance for survival to reach the Shrine. Once you have landed on the shores next to the Shrine you can return to the surface by speaking to the mermaid again by the same method. As you approach the doors leading into the Shrine of Syros you will see that it is already opened. G2: From what Krishna was told previously it seems that not only the Chosen has the ability to unseal the doors leading to the Holy Shrines. Head inside the Shrine to have all revealed. Enemies in Region Syros Shrine Sea Naga Sorceress Level 49 Drops 510 Gold Drop Chance Ultra Mana Potion Sea Serpent Level 48 Only EXP Sea Demoness Level 47 Drops 280 Gold Drop Chance Demoness' Nectar Scyllia Level 46 Drops 115 Gold Drop Chance Potion of Cold Resistance Deep Slime Girl Level 46 Only EXP Sea Naga Warrior Level 46 Drops 275 Gold Drop Chance Sea Naga Trident Sea Angel Level 45 Drops 280 Gold Drop Chance Scroll of Improved Paralyzation Octopus Level 45 Only EXP Shark Level 45 Drop Chance 16 Gold Sea Naga Woman Level 44 Drops 169 Gold Drop Chance Ultra Healing Potion Sea Slime Girl Level 44 Drop Chance 295 Gold Anemone Level 43 Drop Chance 16 Gold Snail Girl Level 43 Drops 42 Gold Drop Chance Greater Potion of Stoneskin Items contained Fish Scales Armor Amulet of the Elements Once inside the Shrine you will see two paths to take take the West one and continue to a dead-end containing Fish Scales Armor. Head arount to the east to find chest containing Amulet of the Elements. At the center of the Shrine if you look closely you will see and opening to the South however this gate is sealed. Head North to encounter Triton with a random group or single enemies to encounter. Triton % Level 48 (Boss) Drops Syros Key, Elixir of Strength, Elixir of Intelligence and 1460 Gold. Attack from long range for a successful victory. With the Syros Key you can now descend the Shrine to it's deeper depths. Enter the room to the North to hear the Dark Elf Ezra show great hatred for the Chosen who has caused her great troubles. She gives reference to Krishna killing her Dark Elf infiltrator, Eles in Eldona. She also mentions the Elf Queen's Soul was returned from the Abyss. Disrupting the plans of Darna by breaking the spell on the Khalas Queen in Reyhnos. She then says that Krishna has made the Vore Matriarch really unhappy with her interfering actions and wants the Chosen eliminated. Ezra says that she was confident that Krishna would arrive there and that the Ornan assassin's would fail in their contract to apprehend her. Ezra closes her speech by quoting one of the dwarven proverbs which says: if you want something to be done, do it yourself. Ezra is quite confident that once you are eaten you wil be added to another layer of fat on her perky breasts. Ezra % Level 52 Drops Book of Mass Sleep, Elixir of Endurence, Elixir of Charisma and 6800 Gold Templar Level 47 Drops Ultra Healing Potion and 560 Gold Once Ezra is defeated by using the Heaven Lights spell you may now approach the Final Goddess Statue and pray to have the Orb of Power recharged to it's full form. While praying to the statue Krishna will once again enter her dream world. Krishna views the soldiers of Darna ripping the child out of the helpless mother's hands and carrying the infant to Lyssa their commander. Krishna will now come upon a sudden realization that escaped her previously. While Lyssa holds the baby Krishna will view the birthmark is not located on the Right side however it is on the Left shoulder. Krishna will now realize that it wasn't she who was rippeed from her mother's hands and given to the commander. A noise will be heard that catches Krisna's attention which allows her to view a woman fleeing the city carrying a baby into the distance. Lyssa also views this and commands her soldiers to capture her. As one of the soldiers run right past Krishna the dream will fade allowing Krishna to come to reality. The Orb of Power lets out a yellow flash and now contains a spark of yellow light inside it. When you head up the stairs you will be greeted by a familiar group of Dark Elves in one of these two events: G3: Event 1 Marreka, Laurine and two Dark Elf Assassins stand in the entryway to the top floor of the Shrine. Marreka will be impressed that you managed to charge the Orb of Power to it's full potential and now it can send the Goddess of Digestion back into the Abyss. She will grab the Orb of power from Krishna with one swift motion of her hand and then will reply that it can also be used to summon the Goddess. When Krishna who is now confused asks Marreka that she thought te Dark Elves did not want to release the Goddess of Digestion. Marreka will explain that while summoning their Goddess is not the main goal, however they are going to control her God-like strength by using the Orb of Power and with it the Dark Elves that are wielding the power can have the whole world rightfully belong to them as it should be. Marreka will laugh at your mistake of thinking that the Goddess of Vore had Chosen you to be the one to stop the Goddess of Digestion. She will finally reveal what the damaged pages of the Book of Revelation had written it it. The book is revealed to have been an adaptation that was written by a priest follower of the Goddess of Digestion. The Real Prophecy states that the Chosen is in fact cursed by the Goddess of Vore and blessed by the Goddess of Digestion to bring the Goddess into this dimension however the Goddess of Vore provides the Chosen with a sweet taste so that she will be sought after by many hungry girls and monsters to ensure she doesn't reach her goal. Krishna will be outraged from the deceit and Marreka will mention that you can also see it as they provided help to the Chosen to ensure she reaches her destined goals. Marreka will then say that they no longer require the Chosen's service any longer and she has direct orders from her Queen to bring the Orb of Power to the Dark Elves so they can complete the ritual before their opposition. Marreka will say that she regrets she could not have a taste of your sweet legs and will leave her team to defeat you while she disappears in a puff of smoke. You will now face Laurine and her Dark Elf Assassins. Laurine % (Boss) Level 51 Drops 2 Super Potions of Acid, Elixir of Dexterity, Elixir of Acid Fortifiant, Dark Elf Teleport Stone and 7500 Gold Dark Elf Assassin Level 48 Drops 158 Gold Drop Chance Potion of Swallowing Event 2 If you had defeated Marreka earlier and met with the curt Dark Elf Laurine. Laurine, a dark Elf Captain and her two Dark Elf Assassins will stand in the entryway to the top floor of the Shrine. Laurine will be impressed that you managed to charge the Orb of Power to it's full potential and now it can send the Goddess of Digestion back into the Abyss. She will grab the Orb of power from Krishna with one swift motion of her hand and then will reply that it can also be used to summon the Goddess. When Krishna who is now confused asks Laurine that she thought te Dark Elves did not want to release the Goddess of Digestion. Laurine will explain that while summoning their Goddess is not the main goal, however they are going to control her God-like strength by using the Orb of Power and with it the Dark Elves that are wielding the power can have the whole world rightfully belong to them as it should be. Laurine will laugh at your mistake of thinking that the Goddess of Vore had Chosen you to be the one to stop the Goddess of Digestion. She will finally reveal what the damaged pages of the Book of Revelation had written it it. The book is revealed to have been an adaptation that was written by a priest follower of the Goddess of Digestion. The Real Prophecy states that the Chosen is in fact cursed by the Goddess of Vore and blessed by the Goddess of Digestion to bring the Goddess into this dimension however the Goddess of Vore provides the Chosen with a sweet taste so that she will be sought after by many hungry girls and monsters to ensure she doesn't reach her goal. Laurine will once again show how shocked she is that Krishna was tough enough to fully recharge the Orb's Power. Krishna will be outraged from the deceit and Laurine will laugh at her and mention that they used many others and that you were foolish to think you would not be any different. Laurine will continue to laugh when Krishna mentions that they will not get away with this and replies with the question of who is going to stop them. Laurine will say with great confidence that she doesn't think that Krishna will be able to do anything as she will soon become a smelly pile of poop. Laurine regrets that she has direct orders from her Queen to bring the Orb of Power to the Dark Elves so they can complete the ritual before their opposition or otherwise she would take joy in eating Krishna's ass. She will leave her team to defeat you while she disappears in a puff of smoke. You will now face the Dark Elf Captain and her Dark Elf Assassins. Dark Elf Captain % (Boss) Level 49 Drops 2 Super Potions of Acid, Dark Elf Teleport Stone and 1275 Gold Dark Elf Assassin Level 48 Drops 158 Gold Drop Chance Potion of Swallowing If you decide to exit the Shrine and then talk to the mermaid to return to the surface. Purchase all necessary equipment and recovery items and you may investigate further on your next destination by heading to Ornan. You will discover the East gate is still closed to traffic and so now you must use the Dark Elf Teleport Stone to continue to Ventre-Sans-Fond. You will see a new member of the Travel Agency who is disguised as a Dark Elf and she is keeping her distance fom the city of Ventre-Sans-Fond as she is uncertain if the projection will fool all the Dark Elf residents. To the West is a blocked cave so your only way back is to talk the the Travel Agency Dark Elf Mage. The city of the Dark Elves, Ventre-Sans-Fond is quite dangerous for a human girl. You may choose to sightsee however if a Dark Elf citizen does not seem hostile and chase you it is unwise to approach them breacuse they love an unwilling human girl snack that squirms once inside their digestive track. You can use the Mysterious Ring that you received back in Chapter 1 from the Dark Elf Priestess to use the guise of a Dark Elf Woman however you should still take caution on those you choose to interact with. To the NorthEast you will encounter some slave girls that are being used to battle in an arena for the Dark Elf Mistress' enjoyment. To the NorthWest you will find a Potion Shop. To the far NorthEast you will arrive at the Dark Elf lavatories and their infected slave girls food supply. To the far NorthWest you will locate the Magic shop, Stables and the home of a Half Dark Elf Succubus that takes pleasure in many ways from your suffering. She says that she isn't a bad girl and she gives you the choice to decide your fate of levaing the world otherwise she will need to choose for you and AV is her preferred method of choice for digesting her prey. G4:Optional Quest Disguised as a Dark Elf in the Dark Elf lavatory if you massage the sore butt of the Dark Elf woman she will provide you with a Potion of Instant Snack for your kindness. Now proceed North through the Dark Elf city and a strange Aura will dispel the Mysterious Ring's power. You will have an optional encounter to face a Dark Elf Captain and her two guards or you continue North. Dark Elf Captain (Optional) Level 49 Only EXP Ventre-Sans-Fond Guard (Optional) Level 48 Drops 265 Gold Drop Chance Super Potion of Acid You will enter the Dais of where the Ritual is taking place. The Dark Elf Priestess will recognize your presence and will command her warriors to stop you before you interfere with the ritual. Dark Elf High Priestess % (Boss) Level 54 Drops Dark Elf Elixir, Elixir of Intelligence, Darna Teleport Stone, Orb of Power and 865 Gold Dark Elf Warrior % (Optional Boss) Level 50 Drops Adamantine Axe and 215 Gold Demoness Slave Level 47 (Summoned by Dark Elf Priestess) After defeating the Dark Elf High Priestess you must hastily get to Darna to prevent the Summoning of the Goddess. Use the Darna Teleport Stone only when you are ready as you can never return. G5: You will be unable to leave the High Temple of Darna as too many Soldiers are outside it's doors and block the exit. Enemies in Region Darna High Temple of the Goddess of Digestion Snake Golem Level 50 Only EXP Darna Captain Level 49 Drops 415 Gold Drop Chance Scroll of Mass Cure Critical Wounds Darna Priestess Level 48 Drops 420 Gold Drop Chance Greater Potion of Rejuveneration Darna Mage Level 48 Drops 375 Gold Drop Chance Ultra Mana Potion Darna Assassin Level 48 Drops 395 Gold Drop Chance Scroll of Improved Paralyzation Templar Level 47 Drops 250 Gold Drop Chance Ultra Healing Potion Items contained Angelic Sword Angelic Plate Head North into the central region of the Shrine to confont with a not-so friendly face from the past. Lyssa will mention you are to late to stop the Vore Matriarch from performing the Summoning and she will comment that since she had to side with the Twin sister chosen, she will enjoy eating the other Chosen and wonders if Krishna will taste as good as her mother. Lyssa Level 54 Drops 2 Elixirs of Strength, Lyssa Club and 5200 Gold The main element to use is Holy as all enemies are vulnerable to it's element inside this Dark place. Inside the bedroom on the Right will be a chest containing Angelic equipment. Corrupted Seraphim % (Optional Boss) Level 52 Drops 2 Elixirs of Endurence, Elixir of Strength and 5600 Gold Do not approach the Seraphim too closely as it will devour you. To the Left will be Krishna's evil twin sister, Morrigan. G6: There are several responses Morrigan will make based on Krishna's alignment and how high her Strength and Charisma is. Detailed below are all the Morrigan events based on whether you have a Good or Evil alignment. The Choices that Krishna will say are numbered and the responses that Morrigan will give are lettered and listed in numerical order based on your alignment. There is also one of two events that will occur based on whether you can convince Morrigan to join forces with you as the Vore Matriarch is waiting to betray her or you will have to defeat her. You can continually exit and re-enter the room to view all choices and attempt to convince Morrigan to join forces with you. G is Good Alignment random choices E is Evil Alignment random choices When you walk into the room Morrigan will turn her attention towards Krishna and will say: Oh!, if it is not my little sister. I guess you are here to stop the ritual that I worked so hard to recharge that orb of power. 1) I can't let you do this. Prepare to fight. (Will have to fight Morrigan) 2) What you do is evil! G) Maybe, but at least I won't become a food slave like all of us. Did you believe that the matriach will let you live? I did all she asked. She will reward me after the summoning. You were a tool for her. You reward will be to melt into her belly. G1) Nice try sister, but I won't be confused by a walking meal. Prepare to meet my belly. Continue. (Will have to fight Morrigan) G2) You..., you may be right. The matriach has not be very nice since I recharged the orb. She will eat you. Helping me to stop her is your only option. Alright, I will help you. You better be strong, or else we will end up as fat on her boobs. Continue. (Morrigan Joins) E) So what? You're not an angel either. You would have done the same thing in my place. Now, let's get this over with. I can't wait to taste you. (Will have to fight Morrigan) 3) They killed our mother, how can you work for them? So what, I prefer her than me. At least now I'm on the winning side. Prepare to see my tummy sister. Continue. (Will have to fight Morrigan) 4) We are sisters, we don't need to fight. What, we should say hello, shake hands and chat about our respective past? You just burst in my house and killed some of my friends. 5) We could stop the summoning together and save the world. Fat chance! In a few moment, your world will be limited to the inside of my stomach. Continue. (Will have to fight Morrigan) 6) We could finish the summoning and control the goddess of digestion. G3) Yah right. Like you want the summoning to succeed. I have a better offer for you. If you like the goddess of digestion so much, don't squirm to much as I digest you. After you are a part of me, you will be able to serve the goddess. Continue. (Will have to fight Morrigan) E) Yes, controlling the goddess you be interesting. Summoning the goddess of digestion is the chosen true destiny after all. Yes, together we will be unstoppable. E1) I think not. The goddess can have only one master and I think it should be me me. Let's join together sister, I hear that eating her twin increases one's power. Let see if it is true about us. Continue. (Will have to fight Morrigan) E2) You are right. The matriach has no chance against the two of us combined. Let's fulfill the prophecy as it should be! Continue. (Morrigan Joins) The only two results that I could find for convincing Morrigan was for the Good Alignment to convince Morrigan that what she does is Evil. For the Evil Alignment it was to convince her that you both are sisters and shouldn't fight and should combine forces to control the Goddess of Digestion. G7: Event 1 Morrigan joins with Krishna and she provides you with the High Temple Key and you both go in to stop the vore Matriarch from Summoning the Goddess. Event 2 Morrigan needs to be defeated to get the High Temple Key to stop the Summoning Ritual. Morrigan % (Boss) Level 54 Drops Elixir of Dexterity, Elixir of Intelligence, Elixir of Charisma, High Temple Key and 86000 Gold Morrigan is no pushover she can fire projectiles that are of the Dark element which is quite damaging. If you get too close she will swallow her own sister and digest Krishna completely. It is best to use Amazon's Curse to weaken Morrgan's defense then a few uses of Heaven Lights will greatly weaken her as Holy is her Weakness. You will earn the item of True Chosen if you eat Morrigan when she is near defeat. If you just slay your sister you will not receive the Item. Head to the Inner Sanctum to the North using the High Temple Key. G8: Once inside the High Temple's Inner Sanctum you will now encounter the Final Boss, Lillith. Without Morrigan Lillith laughs and sneers at you while saying you are too late to stop her and that the summoning has already begun. She comments on all the Power she can feel as the Goddess is approaching. Lillith then exclaims that she will let you see the Goddess's belly in order for you to recognize that power. With Morrigan Lillith will say if it isn't Morrigan and the Chosen. She will be disappointed with Morrigan's failure and warns that she will pay for her treachery. If you do not at a high enough Level where a half of the amount of the Endurance and Intelligence Stats is not high enough to survive the 'Save' you will be banished to the Goddess of Digestion's stomach upon confronting Lilith. If you do not have the True Chosen Item there is a random chance that the Banshment Spell of Lillith's will work. If Lillith's Banishment Spell fails and the Goddess of Digestion doesn't claim the Chosen as a vessel when starting to confront Lillith. She says disappointingly that the Goddess may not want you however she does. Lillith Level 60 % (Boss) Only EXP This Final battle is the same as all other customary Final bosses in which it will be challenging but can end within a few rounds. Lillith will advance on Morrigan quickly if she is with you and she has an arsenal of Powerful Spells. Lillith will Throw Acid Projectiles that will quickly dissolve your equipment and digest you alive until you become a steaming dump. She can cast paralysis on her foes and if successful she will then Anal Vore them with her Vacuum Attack. Healing is a neccesity in this battle however if you are at a Level which is not high enough to survive the 'Save' you will need to finish this battle quickly because of two factors. Lillith can randomly cast a Banishment Spell that will send you into the belly of the Goddess awaiting a painful digestion inside her Vast tummy. Lillith can use her Vacuum Attack Spell to suck her prey right up her ass awaiting to become fully digested. When Lillith is weakened or when her prey is at half her energy she will have a better success of Anal Voring them or Banishing them to the tummy of the Goddess of Digestion. The main strategy is again to use Amazon's Curse to increase Lillith's vulnerability to Holy and then use Heaven Lights to fully weaken her and then get close to swallow her to complete the game. G9: Endings I will display only the rarely seen endings as they are hard to accomplish and I will not show the common ones as the reward will be to get this far and view it for ones-self. Goddess of Digestion Belly Ending (Lillith's Banishment Spell) As you regain your senses, you find yourself in a big and wet chamber. It doesn't take you time to understand that you are in a very big stomach. You can feel a strange but powerful aura coming from the stomach wall. The aura send you a chill down your spine as you can almost feel the hundreds of thousands of people that died here. Their souls never leave this place, forever trapped within their devourer. It doesn't take you long to realize that you are in the stomach of the goddess of digestion. As your body is digested in the stomach of the evil goddess, your soul is absorbed by her divine body. Not long after you are gone, the goddess breaches the wall of reality and enters the world. By doing so, she ripped the dimensions apart, creating numerous rifts to others planes. Some demoness, succubus, angels and others creatures start pouring down from them, ready to battle for the creation. Morrigan Ending (Lillith defeated while Krishna is dead or being digested & Morrigan Lives) Hard As the vore matriach melts down she takes your orb of power and concentrates, letting out the energy inside. Instead of stopping the ritual, she strengthen it. Continue. With the ritual strengthen, the goddess of digestion breaches the dimesionnal barrier that hold her in the Abyss and enter the mortal realm. By doing so, she tears some crack in the fabric of the universe, allowing demonness, angels and others creatures to cross over. Morrigan then uses the orb to control the goddess, giving her great powers. With that power, she starts planning to conquest the world. Unknown to her, each time she uses the orb to control the goddess, the orb loses a little of it magic. Will she be able to reach her goal before the magic run out? The future is uncertain. Bad Ending (Lillith defeated while Morrigan and Krishna are dead or being digested) Very Hard Even with the vore matriach's death, the ritual continues. Unfortunatly there is no one still alive that can use the orb to stop it. The goddess of digestion enters the mortal world, breaking the wall of reality by creating holes in the universe which demoness, angles and others creatures can come through. Out of control, she starts sending her endless minions to conquer the world from the mortals. Even with the help of the angels, the mortals are outnumbered. Will they be able to resist and send back the goddess of digestion to the Abyss? No one knows. With Lillith the Vore Matriarch defeated by digesting inside Krishna's insides. Krishna's attention will be drawn to the voice of the Goddess who begins to control your mind. Confusing you and Krishna can sense the Goddess approaching the dimsion and She beckons for Krishna to destroy the Orb of Power and Krishna has a feeling in her to destroy it as well. If you choose to destroy the Orb of Power you will make a foolish choice and will meet a gruesome demise with the rest of the world due to being bathed in the Acids of the Goddess of Digestion herself. Krishna will hear the Goddess' voice echo in her mind after defeating Lillith attempting to confuse her into destroying the Orb of Power. Krishna will begin to feel that destroying the Orb of Power is the right thing to do and you will have the decision to make. Based on your character's alignment if you chose the Good / Evil path you will have a secondary choice that will reveal the game's ending. If you choose to use the Orb of power to send the Goddess of Digestion back into the Abyss you will be awarded with the True Game's Ending. There is another ending if you have convinced Morrigan to join with you. If you choose to use the Orb of Power to control the Goddess of Digestion and strengthen the ritual you will be awarded with the Bad Game's Ending. There is another ending if you have convinced Morrigan to join with you. Destroy the Orb of Power Ending will always be the same if you choose the choice of Destroying the Orb however if Morrigan is with you she will scorn at you for it. THE END 3.Vore Pire Curse This section was created on the basis that in the Abyss you encounter a creature known as a Vorepire and if you defeat it and receive the Lesser Vorepire Curse from now on every night if you are within the town the Civilians will all attack you. Once the curse reaches the True Vorepire stage you will be unable to remove the Curse. Eldona Northern Barbarian (Departs to Loriston after you have the Eldona Gate pass) Level 6 Drops 250 Gold Weapons Seller Level 4 Drops Weaponsmith's Gauntlet / # Half-digested Weaponsmith's Gauntlet and 200 Gold Dark Elf Assassin Level 4 Armor Seller Level 3 Drops Standard Chain Mail and 50 Gold Helen % Level 3 Drops 60 Gold Tara's Mother % Level 3 Only EXP Merchant Level 3 Drops Minor Healing Potion, Minor Mana Potion, Chicken and 50 Gold Hungry Mermaid % Level 3 Only EXP Thief Level 3 Drops 200 Gold Mayor Guard Level 3 Drops 85 Gold Zora % Level 2 Only EXP Cook Level 2 Drops Minor Healing Potion Civilian Level 2 Drops Minor Healing Potion x3 Nude Civilian Level 2 Only EXP Maid Level 1 Drops 10 Gold Town Guard Level 1 Drops 35 Gold Civilian Level 1 (Grey haired) Only EXP Civilian Level 1 (Blonde in 2 piece) Only EXP Civilian Level 1 (Blue in 2 piece) Drops 35 Gold Tara % Secondary Character Only EXP Plains near Eldona Akira % Level 10 Drops Ring of Intelligence and 115 Gold Small Summoned Succubus % Level 4 (Once Akira is defeated if you leave and re-enter her hut the Small Succubus disappears.) Poney Level 2 Only EXP Gilian % Level 2 Drops Leather and 10 Gold Cow Thief ! Level 2 Drops 20 Gold (Appears near cows only after 15:59PM) Cow ! Level 1 Only EXP Centaur Village Centauress Shaman % Level 7 Drops Wand of Fireball and 120 Gold Queen Guard Level 7 Drops 22 Gold Drop Chance Light Spear Centauress Guard Level 6 Drops 22 Gold Drop Chance 70 Gold Centauress Merchant Level 6 Only EXP Centauress Level 5 Drops 15 Gold Drop Chance 65 Gold / Lesser Healing Potion Lorriston Captain of the Guards, Lisa % Level 10 Drops Half Plate / Melted Half Plate and 50 Gold Loriston Weaponsmith Level 8 Drops Forge Hammer and 180 Gold Loriston Blacksmith Level 8 Drops Blacksmith Jacket and 120 Gold Thyla % Level 8 Drops Elixir of Dexterity and 80 Gold Isabelle % Level 7 Drops Book of Fireball, Book of Light Armor and 70 Gold Erissa % Level 7 Drops Dictionary of Elven, Lesser Healing Potion, Lesser Mana Potion and 175 Gold Dwarven Aprentisse Level 6 Drops Iron Mace and 96 Gold Inn Keeper Level 6 Drops 105 Gold Maid Level 5 Drops 15 Gold Loriston Patrol Level 5 Drops 20 Gold Merchant Bodyguard Level 5 Drops Lesser Healing Potion, Lesser Potion of Strength and 72 Gold Kess % Level 5 Drops Meat, Watermelon and 65 Gold Nude Loriston Girl Level 4 Drops 60 Gold Loriston Girl Level 4 Drops 15 Gold Loriston Civillian Level 3 Drops 15 Gold Loriston Citizen Level 3 Drops 15 Gold Loriston People Level 3 Drops 15 Gold Loriston Woman Level 3 Drops 15 Gold Kess' Daughter % (Optional) Level 3 Only EXP St-Gorgotin Varesha % Level 35 Drops 2000 Gold Elven Queen % Level 15 Drops Northern Gate Pass and 2800 Gold Acolyte Level 12 Drops 2 Potions of Healing and 5 Gold Elven Royal Guard Level 12 Drops 120 Gold Drop Chance Guisarme Elven Wizard Level 11 Drops 165 Gold Drop Once Book of Chain Lightning Elven Enchantress Level 11 Drops 80 Gold Drop Once bok of Luck Enchant Elven Potion Seller Level 11 Drops 95 Gold Drop Chance Potion of Sizechanging / Potion of Easy Digestion Travel Agency Mage Level 11 Drops 105 Gold Elven Blacksmith Level 11 Drops 126 Gold Drop Chance Large Axe Elven Librarian Level 11 Drops Scroll of Summoning Snake, Scroll of Cure Moderate Wounds and 15 Gold St-Gorgotin Guard Level 10 Drops 80 Gold Drop Chance Rapier Dryad Merchant Level 10 Drops 150 Gold Drop Chance Giant Bee Honey Elf Innkeeper Level 9 Drops 177 Gold Elven Girl Level 9 Drops 62 Gold Cat Lover Level 9 Drops Wand of Charm Mammals and 83 Gold Elven Woman Level 9 Drops 86 Gold Drop Once Lesser Potion of Dexterity Elven Citizen Level 8 Drops 34 Gold Elven Civilian Level 8 Drops 48 Gold Elven Cat Level 8 Only EXP Shiallia % Secondary Character Drops Shialia's Bow and 150 Gold Dryad Village Seska % Level 22 Drops Vampiric Dagger, Elixir of Charisma, and 580 Gold Master of the Natural Way Level 16 Drops 2 Lesser Potions of Strength and 350 Gold Meyda % Level 15 Drops Empty Soul Bottle, Amulet of Paralyzation Resistance, and 460 Gold Gii % Level 14 Drops 550 Gold Nature Mage Level 14 Drops Scroll of Stone Grip, Scroll of Uncontrolable Rage, Staff of Fireballs, and 310 Gold Dryad Guard Level 11 Drops 95 Gold Drop Chance Potion of Regeneration Dryad Merchant Level 10 Drops 150 Gold Drop Chance Giant Bee Honey Dryad Level 9 Drops 60 Gold Dryad Farmer Level 9 Drops 75 Gold Drop Chance Watermelon Gloutonous Pig (Vore Inn) Succubus Chef Level 23 Only EXP Innkeeper Level 20 Only EXP Jhoira % Level 18 Drops Book of Angel Summoning and 265 Gold Summoned Angel (Optional if summoned by Jhoira) Level 18 Only EXP Waitress Level 16 Drops 10 Gold Drop Chance Potion of Endurance Hungry Customer Level 16 Drops 15 Gold Kivia % Level 16 Drops 1 Gold Cook Level 16 Only EXP Horse Level 16 Only EXP Maid Level 15 Drops 10 Gold Drop Chance Potion of Endurance Customer Level 15 Drops 65 Gold Shepherd Level 15 Drops 160 Gold Happy Customer Level 14 Drops 68 Gold Poney Level 13 Only EXP Stable Girl % Level 12 Drops 25 Gold Voracious Bunny (Only at night near stable) Level 12 Only EXP Pig Level 11 Only EXP Peaceful Bunny (Only in daylight near stable) Level 8 Only EXP Reyhnos Vinstitute Instructor % Level 31 Drops 280 Gold Drop Chance Wand of Cripple Defense Vinstitute Teacher Level 30 Drops 175 Gold Drop Chance Scroll of Voracious Hunger Hall Monitor Level 28 Drops 180 Gold Drop Chance Potion of Hunger Third Semester College Girl Level 26 Drops 246 Gold Drop Chance Potion of Acid Resistance Third Semester Student Level 26 Drops 280 Gold Drop Chance Strong Faerie Dust Maxwell % Level 25 Drops Maxwell's Silver Hamer and 88 Gold Reyhnos Captain % Level 24 Drops Cuirass of Health and 325 Gold Second Semester College Girl Level 24 Drops 175 Gold Drop Chance Scroll of Enlarge Reyhnos Doctor, Eilistraee % Level 23 Drops Bottled Snack, Dark Elf Elixir and 252 Gold Second Semester Student Level 22 Drops 22 Gold Drop Chance Scroll of Uncontrolable Rage Bolus Knight % Level 22 Drops Knight Axe and 450 Gold Reyhnos Mage Level 22 Drops 85 Gold Drop Chance Scroll of Mass Cure Serious Wounds Reyhnos Wizard Level 22 Drops 175 Gold Drop Chance Scroll of Heaven Fire Reyhnos Sorcerer Level 21 Drops 76 Gold Drop Chance Succubus's Nectar Castle Guard Level 20 Drops 115 Gold Drop Chance Greater Healing Potion Reyhnos Weaponsmith 20 Drops Sword of Balance Reyhnos Armorer Level 20 Drops 355 Gold Drop Chance Master Blacksmith Jacket Adept of the Natural Way Level 20 Drops Potion of Strength and 33 Gold Reyhnos Bodyguard Level 19 Drops Warriors Drink and 215 Gold Dwarven Student Level 19 Drops 75 Gold Drop Chance 22 Gold / Scroll of Uncontrolable Rage Alley Robber Level 18 Drops 275 Gold Drop Chance Potion of Dexterity Reyhnos Guard Level 18 Drops 150 Gold Drop Chance Potion of Rejuveneration Reyhnos Townswoman Level 18 Drops 60 Gold Drop Chance Pumpkin Reyhnos Merchant Level 18 Drops 26 Gold Drop Chance Oil of Irresistable Flavor Reyhnos Noble Level 18 Drops 100 Gold Drop Chance Scroll of Voracious Hunger Reyhnos Woman Level 17 Drops 95 Gold Drop Chance Potion of Dexterity Reyhnos Citizen Level 17 Drops 155 Gold Drop Chance Scroll of Summoning Snake Secretary Level 17 Drops 275 Gold Reyhnos Alchemist Level 17 Drops 155 Gold Drop Chance Acid Flask Xena Maid % Level 17 Drops Potion of Speed and 75 Gold Castle Maid Level 17 Drops 45 Gold Drop Chance Greater Mana Potion Xena % Level 16 Drops 7520 Gold Part-Time Student Level 16 Drops 45 Gold Drop Chance Potion of Acid First Semester Student Level 16 Drops 25 Gold Drop Chance Watermelon First Semester Colledge Girl Level 16 Drops 80 Gold drop Chance Scroll of Voracious Hunger Reyhnos Civilian Level 16 Drops 50 Gold Drop Chance Bikini of Protection Reyhnos Innkeeper Level 16 Drops 115 Gold Drop Chance Potion of Healing Reyhnos Student Level 16 Drops 30 Gold Drop Chance Faerie Dust Cindy % Level 15 Drops 65 Gold Cara % Level 13 Drops 65 Gold Travel Agency Mage Level 11 Drops 105 Gold Drop Chance Scroll of Uncontrolable Rage Khalas Camp Vore Knight Ilione % Level 32 Drops Knight Armor and 545 Gold Khalas Warrior Level 23 Drops 226 Gold Drop Chance Potion of Swallowing Khalas Fighter Level 22 Drops 185 Gold Drop Chance Greater Healing Potion Khalas Soldier Level 21 Drops 265 Gold Drop Chance Crude Plate Mail Khalas Blacksmith Level 20 Drops 186 Gold Drop Chance Heavy Blade Khalas Militia Level 18 Drops 12 Gold Drop Chance Potion of Courage HighCliff Eugena % Level 28 Drops 7100 and Eugena Axe Freya % Level 27 Drops 875 Gold and Freya's Sword Barbarian Elite Guard Level 27 Drops 215 Gold Drop ChanceSuper Mana Potion Barbarian Town Guard Level 26 Drops 215 Gold Drop Chance Greater Healing Potion Barbarian Witch Level 26 Drops 880 Gold Drop Chance Skull Staff Barbarian Blacksmith Level 26 Drops 375 Gold Drop Chance Fur Bikini of Seduction Natural Way Teacher Level 26 Drops 290 Gold Drop Chance Strong Potion of Acid Barbarian Beserker Level 25 Drops 75 Gold Drop Chance Beserker's Drink Barbarian Slayer Level 25 Drops 126 Gold Drop Chance Warrior's Drink Barbarian Barmaid Level 25 Drops 365 Gold Drop Chance Barbarian Ale Barbarian Lancer Level 24 Drops 175 Gold Drop Chance Greater Healing Potion Barbarian Fighter Level 24 Drops 215 Gold Drop Chance Barbarian Leather Barbarian Warrior Level 23 Drop Chance Barbarian Morning Star Barbarian Woman Level 22 Drops 95 Gold Drop Chance Warrior's Drink Barbarian Teenager Level 22 Drops 15 Gold Drop Chance Potion of Enlargement Waitress % Level 21 Drops Chosen Fanatic !% Level 21 Drops Elixir of Fortifiant and 5 Gold Faerie Prairie Faerie Shaman Level 37 Drops 265 Gold Faerie Magician Level 35 Drops 370 Gold and Scroll of Cacao Strike Faerie Mage Level 34 Drops 325 Gold and Strong Faerie Dust Highland Faerie Level 33 Drops 120 Gold and Strong Faerie Dust Faerie Watchwoman Level 33 Drops 100 Gold Drop ChanceFey Potion of Regeneration Prarie Faerie Level 31 Drops 85 Gold Garden Faerie Level 31 Drops 75 Gold and Scroll of Televore Faerie Alchemist Level 31 Drops 225 Gold Plain Faerie Level 30 Drops 80 Gold Khalas Castle / Throne Room Khalas Princess % Level 30 Drops Wand of Breeding Demon Summon, Ring of Regeneration and 425 Gold Queen of Khalas % Level 28 Drops 5800 Gold Amazon Village Amazon Shaman % Level 36 Drops Elixir of Inteligence, Book of Lava Axe, Zorgan Seal and 1230 Gold Amazon Horse Level 32 Only EXP Ex-City Dweller % Level 31 Drops Lucky Charm and 92 Gold Amazon Blacksmith Level 31 Drops 145 Gold Drop Chance Nice Amazon Sword Amazon Slavemaster % Level 30 Drops Elixir of Strength, Amazon Prison key and 300 Gold Amazon Figther Level 30 Drops 85 Gold Drop Chance Amazon Gauntlet Amazon Guard Level 30 Drops 175 Gold Drop Chaance Watchguard Potion Amazon Woman Level 30 Drops 282 Gold Drop Chance Beserker's Drink Pet Tiger Level 29 Only EXP Amazon Tribe Member Level 29 Drops 100 Gold Drop Chance Strong Potion of Acid Amazon Leatherworker Level 29 Drops 220 Gold Drop Once High Quality Tiger Leather Amazon Horse Handler Level 28 Drops 250 Gold Drop Chance Amazon horn Amazon Huntress Level 28 Drops 115 Gold Drop Chance Amazon Bow Captured Catgirl Level 28 Only EXP (Use Televore) Amazon Innkeeper Level 27 Drops 433 Gold Drop Chance Potion of Acid Amazon Junior Member Level 27 Drops 88 Gold rop Chance Potion of Sizechanging Happy Amazon Level 26 Drops 75 Gold Drop Chance Oil of Irresistable Flavor Teenage Amazon Level 26 Drops 28 Gold Drop Chance Potion of Acid Defense Amazon Girl Level 26 Drops 52 Gold Drop Chance Potion of Iron Defense Young Amazon Level 25 Drops 33 Gold Drop Chance Warrior's Drink Catgirls' Village Catgirl Golem Level 35 Drops 22 Gold Catgirl Chieftain Level 33 Drops Amulet of Leadership and 388 Gold Wild Catgirl Level 31 Drops 80 Gold Drop Chance Maca Catgirl Woman Level 31 Drops 310 Gold Drop Chance Greater Potion of Dexterity Catgirl Mage Level 30 Drops 105 Gold Drop Chance Super Mana Potion Catgirl Guard Level 30 Drops 210 Gold Drop Chance Super Healing Potion Catgirl Engineer Level 29 Drops Greater Potion of Magic Resistance and 235 Gold Catgirl Trader Level 29 Drops 515 Gold Catgirl Teenager Level 29 Drops Hunger Repellant Potion and 75 Gold Catgirl Trainer Level 29 Drops 126 Gold Catgirl Hunter Level 28 Drops 150 Gold Happy Catgirl Level 28 Drops 202 Gold Drop Chance Dark Plate Mail / # Half-Digested Dark Plate Mail Catgirl Lady Level 28 Drops 110 Gold Drop Chance Potion of Swallowing Catgirl Pet Level 27 Drops Chance # Half-Digested Tiger Leather Catgirl Villager Level 27 Drops 126 Gold Catgirl Thief Level 26 Drops 355 Gold Young Catgirl Level 25 Only EXP Story has you join the Amazon Tribe to access Zorgan however their is an alternative to release the Catgirl imprisoned and gain favor with the Catgirls faction. This was just added for completion as Krishna3ca has confirmed that he has no motivation to add elements in the story concerning the Amazon / catgirls relationship with the Cities. Amazon Faction Amazon Beserker Level 31 Drops 17 Gold Drop Chance Super Healing Potion Amazon Woman Level 30 Drops 282 Gold Drop Chance Beserker's Drink Amazon Apprentice Level 29 Drops 175 Gold Drop Chance Super Mana Potion Amazon Archer Level 28 Drops 71 Gold Drop Chance Amazon Bow Infected Amazon Level 27 Drops 75 Gold Ritual Hunter Amazon Level 27 Drops 52 Gold Drop Chance Potion of Stoneskin Teenager Amazon Level 26 Drops 28 Gold Drop Chance Potion of Acid Resistance Amazon Girl Level 26 Drops 52 Gold Drop Chance Potion of Iron Defense Young Amazon Level 25 Drops 33 Gold Drop Chance Warrior's Drink Beware Amazon Beserker – Resents you being a part of her tribe and imediately swallows you. Infected Amazon – Tries to force her way down your throat. Teenager Amazon – Asks you to accept her wrestling challenge and if you are successful there is no EXP awarded. Ritual Hunter – Is hunting and asks you to go away but if you ask if you can help. She will ask if you want to be her food. Amazon Apprentice - Asks you to verify the flower type. You smell it and collapse no matter which decision you make and end up eaten. Amazon Woman – Resents that the Shaman let you join the tribe without any sort of test given. She provides you with her digestion test if you say the Shaman gave you a test. Requests for you to make relations with city Amazon Archer Amazon Girl Catgirl Faction Wild Catgirl Level 31 Drops 7 Gold Drop Chance Maca Catgirl Mage Level 30 Drops 105 Gold Drop Chance Super Mana Potion Catgirl Warrior Level 29 Drops 88 Gold Drop Chance Super Healing Potion Catgirl Hunter Level 28 Drops 80 Gold Drop Chance Potion of Dexterity Hungry Catgirl Level 27 Drops 15 Gold Drop Chance Oil of Irresistable Flavor Catgirl Thief Level 26 Drops 355 Gold Drop Chance 766 Gold Catgirl Scout Level 26 Drops 35 Gold Drop Chance Potion of Speed Wandering Catgirl Level 25 Drops 35 Gold Drop Chance Potion of Speed Magic Cat Level 24 (Summoned by Catgirl Mage) Only EXP Beware Hungry Catgirl – When she pouts that there is no girls around in the Jungle anymore. Say you saw another one in that direction to prevent being her dinner Catgirl Mage – Say you are the girl that they are not to eat and don't offer to help with her hunger Wild Catgirl - Unless you have a high charisma you will be eaten. Catgirl Warrior – Unless you are lucky you will not escape from being her food Requests for you to make relations with city Catgirl Hunter – When she asks how she can convince more girls to come visit in the Jungle. Respond by saying, Maybe I can convince some girls for you Catgirl Scout – Asks where there are other human girls give mention of the amazons Wandering Catgirl - Tell her the way where Reyhnos is when she asks Catgirl Thief – Say Maybe you will be able to visit the city someday when she pouts about how she will be able to see another human girl to make "friends" with Ornan Ornan DemonicGirl % Level 43 Drops Demonic Essence and 244 Gold Ornan Gate Guardian Level 43 Drops 175 Gold Drop Chance Watchguard Potion Ornan Mage Level 42 Drops 245 Gold Drop Chance Book of Green Slime Summoning Ornan Armorsmith Level 41 Drops 125 Gold Drop Chance Fine Ornan Breast Plate Ornan Weaponsmith Level 41 Drops 295 Gold Drop Chance Soul Axe Ornan Innkeeper Maid % Level 40 Drops Unicorn Horn and 88 Gold Ornan City Guard Level 40 Drops 142 Gold Drop Chance Ornan Sword Ornan Citizen Level 38 Drops 122 Gold Drop Chance Potion of Revolting Flavor Ornan Potions Seller Level 38 Drops 207 Gold Drop Chance 3 Acid Flasks Ornan Noble Level 38 Drops 425 Gold Drop Chance 562 Gold Ornan Civilian Level 37 Drops 95 Gold Drop Chance Scroll of Carrot Transformation Ornan Innkeeper Level 37 Drops 110 Gold Drop Chance Scroll of Hyper Digest Ornan Teenager Level 37 Drops 75 Gold Drop Chance Book of Hyper Digest Ornan Student Level 36 Drops 142 Gold Drop Chance Book of Cat's Grace Ornan Girl Level 35 Drops 15 Gold Drop Chance Scroll of Nauseating Attack Travel Agency Mage Level 22 Drops 105 Gold Drop Chance Scroll of Uncontrolable Rage Talagas Horny Siren Mistress Level 45 Drops 5 Gold Drop Chance Succubus's Nectar / Demonic Essence Talagas Mayor Level 44 Drops 5 Gold Drop Chance Potion of Swallowing Horny Siren Club Owner Level 44 Drops 388 Gold Drop Chance Bottled Dwarven Pirate Tall Girl Level 44 Drops 205 Gold Drop Chance Greater Potion of Enlargement Talagas Mage Level 44 Drops 185 Gold Drop Chance Wand of Mass Cure Critical Wounds Horny Siren Guard Level 43 Drops 105 Gold Drop Chance Ultra Healing Potion Horny Siren Waitress Level 43 Drops 112 Gold Drop Chance Scroll of Mind Control Talagas Woman Level 43 Drops 220 Gold Drop Chance Scroll of Holy Shield Talagas Armorsmith Level 43 Drops 220 Gold Drop Chance Premium Explorer Suit Talagas Guard Level 43 Drop 165 Gold Drop Chance Ultra Healing Potion Talagas Weaponsmith Level 43 Drops 266 Gold Drop Chance Ultra Healing Potion Horny Siren Receptionist Level 42 Drops 112 Gold Drop Chance Potion of Mass Charm Sleepy Mermaid Maid Level 42 Drops 72 Gold Drop Chance Scroll of Televore Sleepy Mermaid Customer Level 42 Drops 88 Gold Drop Chance Scroll of Hyper Digest Sleepy Mermaid Chef Level 42 Drops 115 Gold Drop Chance Oil of Irresistable Flavor Talagas Girl Level 42 Drops 165 Gold Drop Chance Ultra Healing Potion Talagas Innkeeper Level 42 Drops 95 Gold Drop Chance Potion of Mass Charm Talagas Shopkeeper Level 42 Drops 245 Gold Drop Chance Potion of Mass Charm Talagas Citizen Level 42 Drops 166 Gold Drop Chance Potion of Defense Horny Siren Escort Level 42 Drops 5 Gold Drop Chance Potion of Swallowing Talagas Civilian Level 41 Drops 180 Gold Drop Chance Scroll of Holy Shield Horny Siren Customer Level 41 Drops 145 Gold Drop Chance Scroll of Mind Control Drunken Pirate Level 41 Drops 10 Gold Drop Chance Scroll of Enlarge Travel Agency Mage Level 22 Drops 105 Gold Drop Chance Scroll of Uncontrolable Rage Ventre-Sans-Fond Undercover Travel Agency Mage Level 50 Drops 285 Gold Drop Chance Ultra Mana Potion Dark Elf Succubus Level 49 Drops Succubus's Nectar and 540 Gold Drop Chance Bottled Demoness Dark Elf Captain Level 49 Only EXP Enslaved Demoness Level 49 Only EXP (Dark Elf Arena) Dark Elf Mage Level 48 Drops 580 Gold Drop Chance Book of Mass Sleep Dark Elf Noble Level 48 Drops 265 Gold Drop Chance Greater Potion of Swallowing Dark Elf Slaver Level 48 Drops 2200 Gold Drop Chance Bottled Human Pirate Ventre-Sans-Fond Noble Level 48 Drops 350 Gold Drop Chance Potion of Instant Snack Ventre-Sans-Fond Guard Level 48 Drops 265 Gold Drop Chance Super Potion of Acid Dark Elf Hunter Level 48 Drops 245 Gold Drop Chance Wand of Mind Control Dark Elf Nobility Level 48 Drops 240 Gold Drop Chance Potion of Slow Digestion Naga Demoness Level 48 Only EXP (Dark Elf Arena) Dark Elf Woman Level 47 Drops 310 Gold Drop Chance Potion of Slow Digestion Fighting Slave Level 47 Only EXP (Dark Elf Arena) Demonic Mermaid Level 47 Only EXP (Dark Elf Arena) Demoness Slave Level 47 (Can be Summoned by Dark Elf Mage and ) Only EXP Captured Demoness Level 47 Only EXP (Dark Elf Arena) Unarmed Slave Level 47 Only EXP (Dark Elf Arena) Dark Elf Farmer Level 47 Drops 125 Gold Drop Chance Dark Elf Milk Dark Elf Cow Level 47 Only EXP Ventre-Sans-Fond Civilian Level 47 Drops 175 Gold Drop Chance Greater Potion of Swallowing Ventre-Sans-Fond Woman Level 47 Drops 226 Gold Drop Chance Scroll of Mass Sleep Ventre-Sans-Fond Citizen Level 47 Drops 268 Gold Drop Chance Scroll of Improved Shrinking Ventre-Sans-Fond Girl Level 46 Drops 186 Gold Drop Chance Greater Potion of Easy Digestion Dark Elf Girl Level 46 Drops 200 Gold Drop Chance Scroll of Nauseating Attack Infected Slave Level 46 Only EXP Elven Gladiator Level 46 Only EXP (Dark Elf Arena) Human Gladiator Level 46 Only EXP (Dark Elf Arena) Dark Elf Potion Seller Level 46 Drops 375 Gold Drop Chance Greater Potion of Swallowing Dark Elf Pet Level 46 Only EXP Dark Elf Servant Level 45 Drops 15 Gold Drop Chance Potion of Mass Charm 4.Easter Eggs As directly quoted from Wikipedia: "A virtual Easter egg is an intentional hidden message, in-joke or feature in a work such as a computer program, web page, video game, movie, book or crossword. The term was coined—according to Warren Robinett—by Atari after they were pointed to the secret message left by Robinett in the game Adventure" If you managed to defeat Bambi in the Dark Elf cave and then go and see the leader afterwards if you are still not resistant to Paralysis attacks she will comment that you ate her pet and she will instantly swallow you. Using a cheat LaxativeSource() in the Ogress Cave the Ogress Warrior will throw up the Loriston Civilian. Then use the cheat SwallowSource() and ensure your player is the target and Ogress Warrior is the source. You will have saved the girl and then Erissa's daughter goes and eats her friend anyway. If you try and talk to the Loriston Civilian girl she won't say anything anyhow. At the Gluttonous Pig if you stay the night at the Inn at random times if you overstay your welcome at the Inn the Maid will try to clean you out of the middle room. Take Shialia to the Gluttonous Pig after she mentions she would like to travel with you and eat a Dwarf. In the Top of the Inn there is a Dwarf amed Kivia in the Left room and if Shialia's with you there is a humourous scene in which Shialia asks if she can eat the Dwarf Girl. In the Reyhnos Jail to the North is 3 seemingly empty Jail cells. The characters are invisible: Left cell door Tara will speak to you and the Right cell door Shiala will also thank you for releasing her. If you attempt to leave the Jail now you will receive a message that states that one of your friends still remain in the Jail do you want to leave with them in it. However if you return to the room and you examined both cells you will hear a humorous line from Shialia who is bored and Tara comments on she shouldn't have ate her cellmate. If you bring Shialia with you to the Darna Temple after using the teleport stone she will say: So, go stop the matriach. I will stay here and protect your backside. I heard Darna have a division of dwarvens soldiers. I hope I catch one. Thank you. She will then immediately digest you. If you bring Tara to the Darna Temple after using the teleport stone she will say: Go stop the matriach. I will stop soldiers from entering the temple. Thanks. Tara will disappear leaving you to go on ahead. Travel Agency Mage Sevice "Teleport Room Service" In the early stages of the game if you have a secondary character with you it will alter the digestion scene a little bit and it is explained in brief detail below. Unless stated if you have a secondary character with you the scenes are the same as if you are just alone. All of the scenes will occur randomly however the order that is listed below is most common to show before the other scenes. In Eldona the 2 Civilians across the Mayor that mentioned about the noises coming from the well that was discovered later to be the unwilling prey of the Hungry Mermaid. The Blue hair girl will comment that something entered her belly and she is glad because she was hungry. If you have a second character with you the second girl will comment that she does not need to prepare supper now and that she is glad that their prey decided to stop by. In Loriston it is Kess and her daughter if you didn't grant her mother's wish and eat her. You are sent into Kess's belly who is surprised and mentions that her mother doesn't need to sell her now. Kess makes a comment that some stupid girl that doesn't know how to handle her magic does not count for her daughter to capturing her own prey. She snaps at her daughter to completely digest her prey and then they will talk. If you have a second character with you Kess will also have a prey enter her tummy and she will reply to her daughter when told about her unexpected girl inide her tummy and that she doesn't need to have her mother sell her now. Kess will assume that the girls little 'magic trick' didn't go as they had planned. Kess says they can talk about it later after digesting their two meals. In Loriston if Kess's Daughter or Kess isn't around then the Travel Agency Mage will sometimes make a "Transport error" and send you to her belly. In St-Gorgotin it is the Elven Wizard that you are sent into the belly of. If you have the dictionary of Elven you will understand them perfectly otherwise you will just be digested not knowing what your predator/ s had said. The Elven Wizard is surprised that her prey went to all the trouble of having herself teleported into her tummy when all she had to do was ask her and she would have been happy to oblige. The Elven Enchantress makes a comment that by the look of you squirming that you don't want to be in there. The Wizard then says that the Enchantress is jealous because the prey didn't teleport herself into to her belly and replies that initially her prey may not have wanted to be digested but that will change in time. If you have a second character with you then you are both sent to the bellies of the Elven Wizard and the Elven Enchantress. The Enchantress will also be surprised that someone teleported themselves into her belly as well. The Wizard will reply with the statement that they should be good hosts and digest their prey as they had wanted. In Reyhnos it is the Adept of the Natural Way belly that you are sent to. She will be overjoyed that something appeared in her belly and she wnts to see if she can beat her digestion record. Your pleas of not wanting to be digested will fall on deaf ears. The Adept will try to console you of the fact that you will soon become a part of a beautiful warrior's body. She also mentions that her digestive track is so fast that it will be over before you know it and that it was nice talking with you. In Reyhnos you are sent to Reyhnos Student's belly who asks for a contribution of 10000 Golds. Even if you offer her the amout it doesn't cover the lesson of her throwing you up as she comments that that is the next lesson being taught at the University. When you object due to giving her the generous contribution she will reply that she cannot digest gold and she thanks you for your generosity. In Highcliff you are sent into the belly of the Waitress at the bar. The waitress is scolded by the Barbarian Barmaid and told for eating on the job that the Gold is coming out of her pay. After hearing this she says scornfully to her belly while striking it, that she is going to enjoy slowly digesting you to ensure she gets all the nutrients from your body as payback for making her lose some of her hard earned Golds. She ends the scene by saying that she will see you in a few days in her toilet. In HighCliff it is the drinking Barbarian Woman at the bar. Inside her tummy you see a half-digested girl with you and as you begin to thrash around to attempt to escape. The Barbarian girl is surprised by the fact that her last victim is now starting to thrash around, when she thought the girl was already digested. She says that you would have made a fine Warrior if you were not fated to become her Poop. In HighCliff rarely you are sent into the belly of the Barbarian Witch. She grumbles about you trying to use magic that was too strong for you. The Witch comments that she will let you digest to teach you this lesson of trusting the Travel Agency Mage In the Jungle you are sent into the tummy of a Catgirl Teenager that lies in bed pondering whether she was 'sleep-eating' again before going to bed. She will comment about that sort of thing caused trouble for her at the School. She will hope that whatever she ate was't a Toxic Toad or something that wasn't edible. The Catgirl Teenager will comment that it is still feels good to wake up with a full belly. In the Jungle you are sent into the belly of the Travel Agency Mage. She will exclaim that she can't believe this happened again for the third time this week. She will comment that if they do not improve with their teleport aim they will soon be out of customers. The Mage will be relieved that she doesn't need to hunt for something to eat. In the Jungle you are sent into the belly of a Happy Amazon that is taking pleasure in your predicament and tries to say compassionately that she hopes you can get out the same way you came in otherwise you will leave through her "backdoor" and she doesn't think you will like that very much. In Ornan you are sent to the awaiting Ornan Girl's tummy and she hopes you are her undiscovered twin so that she can test a theory of eating one's own twin if it will gain that individual some extraordinary powers. In Ornan you are teleported into a Summoner's tummy who believes she has summoned a creature by accident into her belly. She says she hasn't mastered the summoning spell so to exit you will need to pass through the regular entrance. She appoligizes again for the accident and comments that this sort of this is to be expected when learning to become a summoner. In Ornan you will find yourself confined within the walls of a fleshy prison that secretes a sticky fluid. Which you soon discover to be the Demonic Girl's Pussy and she is very close to climaxing because of your squirming. If you have a second character with you the Demonic Girl will ejaculate her sex juices and will take a dump on the floor of what remains of the other girl. In Talagas it is the Tall Girl's belly that you are sent to. She thinks you are a pirate girl that was not fully digested and she blames it on her age as she thinks her stomach muscles are getting weaker with age. In Talagas you are confined within the fleshy walls of the Horny Siren Mistress' pussy. She comments on the fact you are her third meal this week and that she is glad to have made a deal with the Travel Agency Mages. She is confident that when she returns to the Abyss and discards this human form she will probably become a Baroness. If you have a second character with you the Horny Siren Mistress will ejaculate her sex juices and will take a dump on the floor of what remains of the other girl. In Ventre-Sans-Fond you are sent by error into the belly of the Teleport Mage that is disguised as a Dark Elf and she comments that it is yet another teleport error. In Ventre-Sans-Fond the infected Slave will receive an unwanted meal in her tummy. She will then complain why it couldn't be her that had been sent to another girl's belly. In Ventre-Sans-Fond it is the Dark Elf Mage. She comments on how your telportation spell needs work and she hopes that you have mastered the Acid Magic resistance. In Ventre-Sans-Fond you are sent into the 4 stomachs of a Dark Elf Cow. The Farmer will complain about the costs of Breeding Cows has increased. If you have a second character with you then both cows will be well fed. 5.Cheats available in Vgame Known Cheats section use with care as may risk Data corruption Replace xxx with amounts ensure one cheat entry is added per line. A note of what each cheat provides is written below: GiveExpSource(xxx) Enter amount for x's and choose target and source box. This will allow NPC partner and player to gain levels quickly. GiveExp(xxx) Will automatically provide Experence to the Player. GiveGold(xxx) Will automatically provide Gold to the Player. RemoveGold(Gold) Remove some gold to the player Gold:Number of gold removed GiveFood(xxx) Will increase Food meter to set amount. SetFood(Food) Set the player's food to the specified number. Food:The new number for the player'S food. HealSource(MinHP,MaxHP,BonusHP) Example of how to enter code: HealSource(1,99999,0) Heals the Source choose min ex: 1 and Max ex largest HP capacity and set Bonus 0 HealParty(Min,Max,Bonus) Heal the party (Player and NPC). Min:Minimum damage healed. Max:Maximum damage healed. Bonus:Bonus damage healed. RemoveTarget() Instantly Removes Target without any Exp gained. SwallowSource() The target swallows the source. SwallowTarget() The source swallows the target. SourceVomit() The source throws up all lives creatures in its stomach that aren't entered its intestines. LaxativeSource() The Source poops out any swallowed creatures even if entered intestines. ChangeSideTarget(1) Allows a Hostile target to become friendly instantly until leaving screen. AddBonusTarget(0,1,50,364) Will decrease all defense attributes against Spells and Instant death skills GiveObject(ObjectID,ObjectType,BonusID,Use) ObjectID:ID number of the object. ObjectType:Type of the object given. 0:Weapon. 1:Armor. 2:Potion. 3:Usable Item. 4:Food. 5:Ring. 6:Amulet. 7:Quest. 8:Book. BonusID: Bonus ID number of the bonus of the object. If no bonus, use 0. Use:Specify if the object is used immediatly 0:No 1:Yes Example GiveObject(3,0,0,0) definition: 3rd Item, weapon class, no bonus, item not used. This allows to see items that were not included in game. For best result do not include more than 20 codes at once to prevent receiving duplicate items or invalid 'Object' items. Note: Provided below each Category of Items is the proper script to receive all items of that category for best results do NOT copy the entire script and enter in the cheat menu at once. Each Object ID Item number may not correspond to the 'GivenObject' scripts numbers below. ^ not used in game? ~ Cursed $ Spell casted item or Special item transformations # Damaged Equipment 0 Weapons Object ID 1.Epee de glace ^ 2. bunny Bite ^ 3. Wolf Bite $ 4. Werewolf Claw 5. Stonegrip $ 6. Short Dagger 7. Jagged Dagger 8. Iron Swort Sword 9. Frog Tongue $ 10. Fists (Unarmed) 11. Dragon Bite $ 12. Cow Bite ^ 13. Club 14. Bear's Claw $ 15. Hand Axe 16. Half-digested Weaponsmith's gauntlet # 17. Weaponsmith's gauntlet 18. Spiked Club 19. Light Spear 20. Dagger 21. Crude Dark Elf Dagger 22. Spear 23. Metal gauntlet 24. Iron Mace 25. Iron Long Sword 26. Long Sword of Anger 27. Dagger of Lightning 28. Axe 29. Forge Hammer 30. Long Sword of Luck 31. Laurillia's Spear 32. Aprentisse Staff 33. Axe of Luck 34. Hammer of the Master 35. Short Bow 36. Mythril Dagger 37. Scimitar 38. Guisarme 39. Warhammer 40. Staff of Fireballs 41. Rapier 42. Large Axe 43. Shiallia's Bow 44. Radha's Sword 45. Dueling Rapier 46. Staff of Cure Moderate Wounds 47. Gauntlet of Strength 48. Warhammer of Thunder 49. Vampiric Dagger 50. Guisarme of Armor Piercing 51. War Club 52. Demonic Long Sword ~ 53. Demonic Long Sword 54. Trident 55. Gladius 56. Sharp Blade 57. Assassin's Dagger 58. Eles's Sword # 59. Eles's Sword 60. Battle Axe 61. Morning Star 62. Hunting Knife 63. Heavy Blade 64. Monk's Battle Staff 65. Sharp Blade of Balance 66. Composite Bow of Sleep 67. Barbarian Morning Star 68. Drusus 69. Souldrinker Dagger 70. Hunting Knife of the North 71. Barbarian Axe 72. Slasher 73. Nova Staff of Fire 74. Heavy Sword 75. Wolfbane Spear 76. Heavy Axe 77. Cold Spear 78. Cleaver 79. Knight Axe 80. Blazing Spear 81. Tanya Sword 82. Maca 83. Faerie Bow 84. Crushing Morning Star 85. Amazon Knife 86. Ice Sword 87. Amazon Bow 88. Skull Staff 89. Ornan Sword 90. Maxwell's Silver Hammer 91. Amazon Gauntlet 92. Freya Sword 93. Eugena Axe 94. Amazon Sword 95. Katar 96. Dagger of Slaying demons 97. Nice Amazon Sword 98. Maca of Oya 99. Lamia Dagger 100. Heavy Spiked Club 101. Pirate Rapier 102. Great Maca 103. Basher Sword 104. Staff of the Fire Goddess 105. Heavy Stone Sword 106. Wallara Sword 107. Giant Hammer 108. Crushing Mace 109. Blood Dagger 110. Katana 111. Holy Spear 112. Soul Axe 113. Morgan's Rapier 114. Bird Axe 115. Sea Naga Trident 116. Pugilist Glove ^ 117. Adamantine Axe 118. Lyssa Club 119. Fey Katar 120. Angelic Sword GiveObject(1,0,0,0) GiveObject(2,0,0,0) GiveObject(3,0,0,0) GiveObject(4,0,0,0) GiveObject(5,0,0,0) GiveObject(6,0,0,0) GiveObject(7,0,0,0) GiveObject(8,0,0,0) GiveObject(9,0,0,0) GiveObject(10,0,0,0) GiveObject(11,0,0,0) GiveObject(12,0,0,0) GiveObject(13,0,0,0) GiveObject(14,0,0,0) GiveObject(15,0,0,0) GiveObject(16,0,0,0) GiveObject(17,0,0,0) GiveObject(18,0,0,0) GiveObject(19,0,0,0) GiveObject(20,0,0,0) GiveObject(21,0,0,0) GiveObject(22,0,0,0) GiveObject(23,0,0,0) GiveObject(24,0,0,0) GiveObject(25,0,0,0) GiveObject(26,0,0,0) GiveObject(27,0,0,0) GiveObject(28,0,0,0) GiveObject(29,0,0,0) GiveObject(30,0,0,0) GiveObject(31,0,0,0) GiveObject(32,0,0,0) GiveObject(33,0,0,0) GiveObject(34,0,0,0) GiveObject(35,0,0,0) GiveObject(36,0,0,0) GiveObject(37,0,0,0) GiveObject(38,0,0,0) GiveObject(39,0,0,0) GiveObject(40,0,0,0) GiveObject(41,0,0,0) GiveObject(42,0,0,0) GiveObject(43,0,0,0) GiveObject(44,0,0,0) GiveObject(45,0,0,0) GiveObject(46,0,0,0) GiveObject(47,0,0,0) GiveObject(48,0,0,0) GiveObject(49,0,0,0) GiveObject(50,0,0,0) GiveObject(51,0,0,0) GiveObject(52,0,0,0) GiveObject(53,0,0,0) GiveObject(54,0,0,0) GiveObject(55,0,0,0) GiveObject(56,0,0,0) GiveObject(57,0,0,0) GiveObject(58,0,0,0) GiveObject(59,0,0,0) GiveObject(60,0,0,0) GiveObject(61,0,0,0) GiveObject(62,0,0,0) GiveObject(63,0,0,0) GiveObject(64,0,0,0) GiveObject(65,0,0,0) GiveObject(66,0,0,0) GiveObject(67,0,0,0) GiveObject(68,0,0,0) GiveObject(69,0,0,0) GiveObject(70,0,0,0) GiveObject(71,0,0,0) GiveObject(72,0,0,0) GiveObject(73,0,0,0) GiveObject(74,0,0,0) GiveObject(75,0,0,0) GiveObject(76,0,0,0) GiveObject(77,0,0,0) GiveObject(78,0,0,0) GiveObject(79,0,0,0) GiveObject(80,0,0,0) GiveObject(81,0,0,0) GiveObject(82,0,0,0) GiveObject(83,0,0,0) GiveObject(84,0,0,0) GiveObject(85,0,0,0) GiveObject(86,0,0,0) GiveObject(87,0,0,0) GiveObject(88,0,0,0) GiveObject(89,0,0,0) GiveObject(90,0,0,0) GiveObject(91,0,0,0) GiveObject(92,0,0,0) GiveObject(93,0,0,0) GiveObject(94,0,0,0) GiveObject(95,0,0,0) GiveObject(96,0,0,0) GiveObject(97,0,0,0) GiveObject(98,0,0,0) GiveObject(99,0,0,0) GiveObject(100,0,0,0) GiveObject(101,0,0,0) GiveObject(102,0,0,0) GiveObject(103,0,0,0) GiveObject(104,0,0,0) GiveObject(105,0,0,0) GiveObject(106,0,0,0) GiveObject(107,0,0,0) GiveObject(108,0,0,0) GiveObject(109,0,0,0) GiveObject(110,0,0,0) GiveObject(111,0,0,0) GiveObject(112,0,0,0) GiveObject(113,0,0,0) GiveObject(114,0,0,0) GiveObject(115,0,0,0) GiveObject(116,0,0,0) GiveObject(117,0,0,0) GiveObject(118,0,0,0) GiveObject(119,0,0,0) GiveObject(120,0,0,0) 1 Armor Object ID 1. Wolf Fur $ 2. Werewolf Fur 2. Rags 3. Phantom Armor $ 4. Night underwear 5. Leather 6. Half-Digested Chain Mail # 7. Frog Skin $ 8. Dragon Scales $ 9. Cow Leather ^ 10. Clothing 11. Bear Fur $ 12. Standard Chain Mail 13. Crude Chain Mail 14. Dark Leather 15. Premium Leather 16. Scale Mail 17. Apprentisse Dress 18. Crude Half Plate 19. Blacksmith Jacket 20. Barbarian Top 21. Melted Half Plate # 22. Chain Mail of Luck 23. Underwear of Evasion 24. Half Plate 25. Studded Leather 26. Orcish Dress 27. Ring Mail 28. Elven Chain Mail 29. Scale Mail of Shock 30. Premium Leather of Dexterity 31. Orcish Dress of the Champion 32. Robe of Resistance 33. Ring Mail of Strength 34. Shirt of Happy Digestion 35. School Uniform 36. Elven Chain Mail of Beauty 37. Demonic Half Plate 38. Chain Vest 39. Hard Leather 40. Inquisitor Armor 41. Bikini of Protection 42. Half Plate 43. Digested Half Plate # 44. Cuirass 45. Thief Jacket 46. Cuirass of Lightning Protection 47. Master Blacksmith Jacket 48. Crude Plate Mail 49. Mage Dress 50. Cuirass of Health 51. Plate Mail 52. Half-Digested Dark Plate Mail # 53. Half-Digested Tiger Leather # 54. Dark Plate Mail 55. Barbarian Leather 56. Renforced Barbarian Top 57. Zebra Leather 58. Knight Armor 59. Hunter Chain Mail 60. Faerie Silk Underwear 61. Tiger Leather 62. Improved Underwear of Evasion 63. Fur Bikini of Seduction 64. Fur Bikini 65. Voracious Barbarian Top 66. Breast Plate 67. Panther Leather 68. Ornan Chain Mail 69. High Quality Tiger Leather 70. Bear Fur Armor $ 71. Ornan Leather 72. Dragon Scales Armor 73. Panther Leather of Speed 74. Underwear of Fire Resistance 75. Ornan Breat Plate 76. Ornan Leather of the Magi 77. Fine Ornan Breast Plate 78. Abyss Adept Dress 79. Ring Mail of Enyo ^ 80. Draconic Armor 81. Premium Explorer Suit 82. Half-Digested Field Plate # 83. Field Plate 84. Fish Scales Armor 85. Angelic Plate GiveObject(1,1,0,0) GiveObject(2,1,0,0) GiveObject(3,1,0,0) GiveObject(4,1,0,0) GiveObject(5,1,0,0) GiveObject(6,1,0,0) GiveObject(7,1,0,0) GiveObject(8,1,0,0) GiveObject(9,1,0,0) GiveObject(10,1,0,0) GiveObject(11,1,0,0) GiveObject(12,1,0,0) GiveObject(13,1,0,0) GiveObject(14,1,0,0) GiveObject(15,1,0,0) GiveObject(16,1,0,0) GiveObject(17,1,0,0) GiveObject(18,1,0,0) GiveObject(19,1,0,0) GiveObject(20,1,0,0) GiveObject(21,1,0,0) GiveObject(22,1,0,0) GiveObject(23,1,0,0) GiveObject(24,1,0,0) GiveObject(25,1,0,0) GiveObject(26,1,0,0) GiveObject(27,1,0,0) GiveObject(28,1,0,0) GiveObject(29,1,0,0) GiveObject(30,1,0,0) GiveObject(31,1,0,0) GiveObject(32,1,0,0) GiveObject(33,1,0,0) GiveObject(34,1,0,0) GiveObject(35,1,0,0) GiveObject(36,1,0,0) GiveObject(37,1,0,0) GiveObject(38,1,0,0) GiveObject(39,1,0,0) GiveObject(40,1,0,0) GiveObject(41,1,0,0) GiveObject(42,1,0,0) GiveObject(43,1,0,0) GiveObject(44,1,0,0) GiveObject(45,1,0,0) GiveObject(46,1,0,0) GiveObject(47,1,0,0) GiveObject(48,1,0,0) GiveObject(49,1,0,0) GiveObject(50,1,0,0) GiveObject(51,1,0,0) GiveObject(52,1,0,0) GiveObject(53,1,0,0) GiveObject(54,1,0,0) GiveObject(55,1,0,0) GiveObject(56,1,0,0) GiveObject(57,1,0,0) GiveObject(58,1,0,0) GiveObject(59,1,0,0) GiveObject(60,1,0,0) GiveObject(61,1,0,0) GiveObject(62,1,0,0) GiveObject(63,1,0,0) GiveObject(64,1,0,0) GiveObject(65,1,0,0) GiveObject(66,1,0,0) GiveObject(67,1,0,0) GiveObject(68,1,0,0) GiveObject(69,1,0,0) GiveObject(70,1,0,0) GiveObject(71,1,0,0) GiveObject(72,1,0,0) GiveObject(73,1,0,0) GiveObject(74,1,0,0) GiveObject(75,1,0,0) GiveObject(76,1,0,0) GiveObject(77,1,0,0) GiveObject(78,1,0,0) GiveObject(79,1,0,0) GiveObject(80,1,0,0) GiveObject(81,1,0,0) GiveObject(82,1,0,0) GiveObject(83,1,0,0) GiveObject(84,1,0,0) GiveObject(85,1,0,0) GiveObject(86,1,0,0) GiveObject(87,1,0,0) GiveObject(88,1,0,0) 2 Potions Object ID 1. Natural Way Training 2. Minor Mana Potion 3. Minor Healing Potion 4. Lesser Potion of Strength 5. Lesser Potion of Dexterity 6. Lesser Potion of Charisma 7. Lesser Mana Potion 8. Lesser Healing Potion 9. Potion of the Feast 10. Potion of Sizechanging 11. Potion of Enlargement 12. Elixir of Strength 13. Elixir of Intelligence 14. Elixir of Endurence 15. Elixir of Dexterity 16. Elixir of Charisma 17. Succubus's Nectar 18. Potion of Regeneration 19. Potion of Mana 20. Potion of Healing 21. Potion of Fire Resistance 22. Potion of Defense 23. Potion of Cold Resistance 24. Barbarian Ale 25. Strange Potion of Healing 26. Potion of Easy Digestion 27. Warrior's Drink 28. Troll Blood 29. Potion of Magic Resistance 30. Berserker's Drink 31. Potion of Rejuveneration 32. Potion of Instant Snack 33. Potion of Swallowing 34. Potion of Endurence 35. Potion of Strength 36. Potion of Hunger 37. Potion of Dexterity 38. Potion of Charm Batrachians 39. Hunger Repellant Potion 40. Potion of Courage 41. Watchguard Potion 42. Potion of Speed 43. Fey Potion of Regeneration 44. Potion of Stoneskin 45. Potion of Iron Defense 46. Potion of Acid 47. Greater Mana Potion 48. Greater Healing Potion 49. Fey Potion of Dexterity 50. Potion of Acid Resistance 51. Fey Potion of Facination 52. Dark Elf Elixir 53. Vorepire queen blood ~ 54. Flower Girl Dew 55. Fey Potion of Protection 56. Fey Potion of Power 57. Elixir of Acid Fortifiant 58. Greater Potion of Magic Resistance 59. Greater Potion of Easy Digestion 60. Super Potion of Acid 61. Super Mana Potion 62. Super Healing Potion 63. Strong Potion of Acid 64. Potion of Revolting Flavor 65. Greater Potion of Strength 66. Greater Potion of Dexterity 67. Greater Potion of Charisma 68. Greater Potion of Enlargement 69. Dark Elf Milk 70. Ultra Mana Potion 71. Ultra Healing Potion 72. Raging Potion 73. Demonic Essence ~ 74. Greater Potion of Rejuveneration 75. Demoness' Nectar 76. Potion of Mass Charm 77. Greater Potion of Swallowing 78. Greater Potion of Stoneskin 79. Potion of Slow Digestion GiveObject(1,2,0,0) GiveObject(2,2,0,0) GiveObject(3,2,0,0) GiveObject(4,2,0,0) GiveObject(5,2,0,0) GiveObject(6,2,0,0) GiveObject(7,2,0,0) GiveObject(8,2,0,0) GiveObject(9,2,0,0) GiveObject(10,2,0,0) GiveObject(11,2,0,0) GiveObject(12,2,0,0) GiveObject(13,2,0,0) GiveObject(14,2,0,0) GiveObject(15,2,0,0) GiveObject(16,2,0,0) GiveObject(17,2,0,0) GiveObject(18,2,0,0) GiveObject(19,2,0,0) GiveObject(20,2,0,0) GiveObject(21,2,0,0) GiveObject(22,2,0,0) GiveObject(23,2,0,0) GiveObject(24,2,0,0) GiveObject(25,2,0,0) GiveObject(26,2,0,0) GiveObject(27,2,0,0) GiveObject(28,2,0,0) GiveObject(29,2,0,0) GiveObject(30,2,0,0) GiveObject(31,2,0,0) GiveObject(32,2,0,0) GiveObject(33,2,0,0) GiveObject(34,2,0,0) GiveObject(35,2,0,0) GiveObject(36,2,0,0) GiveObject(37,2,0,0) GiveObject(38,2,0,0) GiveObject(39,2,0,0) GiveObject(40,2,0,0) GiveObject(41,2,0,0) GiveObject(42,2,0,0) GiveObject(43,2,0,0) GiveObject(44,2,0,0) GiveObject(45,2,0,0) GiveObject(46,2,0,0) GiveObject(47,2,0,0) GiveObject(48,2,0,0) GiveObject(49,2,0,0) GiveObject(50,2,0,0) GiveObject(51,2,0,0) GiveObject(52,2,0,0) GiveObject(53,2,0,0) GiveObject(54,2,0,0) GiveObject(55,2,0,0) GiveObject(56,2,0,0) GiveObject(57,2,0,0) GiveObject(58,2,0,0) GiveObject(59,2,0,0) GiveObject(60,2,0,0) GiveObject(61,2,0,0) GiveObject(62,2,0,0) GiveObject(63,2,0,0) GiveObject(64,2,0,0) GiveObject(65,2,0,0) GiveObject(66,2,0,0) GiveObject(67,2,0,0) GiveObject(68,2,0,0) GiveObject(69,2,0,0) GiveObject(70,2,0,0) GiveObject(71,2,0,0) GiveObject(72,2,0,0) GiveObject(73,2,0,0) GiveObject(74,2,0,0) GiveObject(75,2,0,0) GiveObject(76,2,0,0) GiveObject(77,2,0,0) GiveObject(78,2,0,0) GiveObject(79,2,0,0) 3 Usable Item Object ID 1. Werebane Potion 2. Mysterious Ring 3. Draconic Potion of Sleep 4. Wand of Firebolts 5. Scroll of Cure Light Wounds 6. Throwing Knives 7. Scroll of Protection from Fire 8. Scroll of Magical Armor 9. Scroll of Summoning: Small Bear 10. Scroll of protection against magic 11. Scroll of Polymorph: Frog 12. Scroll of Cure Moderate Wounds 13. Oil of Flavor 14. Mild Faerie Dust 15. Wand of Faeries Control 16. Scroll of Nap 17. Centauress Queen Horn 18. Scroll of Uncontrolable Rage 19. Scroll of Lesser Charm 20. Wand of Fireball 21. Scroll of Summoning Snake 22. Wand of Charm Mammals 23. Scroll of Stone Grip 24. Scroll of Rejuveneration 25. Scroll of Chain Lightning 26. Wand of Cold Star 27. Faerie Dust 28. Wand of Osmose 29. Scroll of Cure Serious Wounds 30. Scroll of Drain Life 31. Dragon Scale 32. Scroll of Mass Cure Serious Wounds 33. Poisoned Throwing Knives 34. Greek Fire 35. Unicorn Horn 36. Wand of Cripple Defense 37. Scroll of Shrinking 38. Scroll of Charm Creature 39. Acid Flask 40. Scroll of Heaven Fire 41. Wand of Orog Control 42. Scroll of Voracious Hunger 43. Scroll of Entangle 44. Scroll of Enlarge 45. Scroll of Hold Person 46. Oil of Irresistable Flavor 47. Strong Faerie Dust 48. Scroll of Nauseating Attack 49. Scroll of Hyper Digest 50. Scroll of Televore 51. Ice Shards Wand 52. Wand of Mass Uncontrollable Rage 53. Wand of Shrinking 54. Wand of Heaven Fire 55. Scroll of Carrot Transformation 56. Scroll of Cacao Strike 57. Wand of Breeding Demon Summon 58. Scroll of Curse of Digestion 59. Wand of Mind Control 60. Wand of Hyper Digest 61. Scroll of Mind Control 62. Amazon horn 63. Wand of Mammals Summoning 64. Scroll of Cure Girlshroom infection 65. Scroll of Bunnie's Dreams 66. Wand of Heaven Lights 67. Wand of Super Acid 68. Wand of Enlarge 69. Scroll of Holy Shield 70. Catgirl Whistle ^ 71. Wand of Ice Crystal 72. Scroll of Improved Shrinking 73. Scroll of Mass Cure Critical Wounds 74. Scroll of Improved Paralyzation 75. Scroll of Mass Sleep 76. Wand of Mass Cure Critical Wounds 77. Oil of Divine Flavor GiveObject(1,3,0,0) GiveObject(2,3,0,0) GiveObject(3,3,0,0) GiveObject(4,3,0,0) GiveObject(5,3,0,0) GiveObject(6,3,0,0) GiveObject(7,3,0,0) GiveObject(8,3,0,0) GiveObject(9,3,0,0) GiveObject(10,3,0,0) GiveObject(11,3,0,0) GiveObject(12,3,0,0) GiveObject(13,3,0,0) GiveObject(14,3,0,0) GiveObject(15,3,0,0) GiveObject(16,3,0,0) GiveObject(17,3,0,0) GiveObject(18,3,0,0) GiveObject(19,3,0,0) GiveObject(20,3,0,0) GiveObject(21,3,0,0) GiveObject(22,3,0,0) GiveObject(23,3,0,0) GiveObject(24,3,0,0) GiveObject(25,3,0,0) GiveObject(26,3,0,0) GiveObject(27,3,0,0) GiveObject(28,3,0,0) GiveObject(29,3,0,0) GiveObject(30,3,0,0) GiveObject(31,3,0,0) GiveObject(32,3,0,0) GiveObject(33,3,0,0) GiveObject(34,3,0,0) GiveObject(35,3,0,0) GiveObject(36,3,0,0) GiveObject(37,3,0,0) GiveObject(38,3,0,0) GiveObject(39,3,0,0) GiveObject(40,3,0,0) GiveObject(41,3,0,0) GiveObject(42,3,0,0) GiveObject(43,3,0,0) GiveObject(44,3,0,0) GiveObject(45,3,0,0) GiveObject(46,3,0,0) GiveObject(47,3,0,0) GiveObject(48,3,0,0) GiveObject(49,3,0,0) GiveObject(50,3,0,0) GiveObject(51,3,0,0) GiveObject(52,3,0,0) GiveObject(53,3,0,0) GiveObject(54,3,0,0) GiveObject(55,3,0,0) GiveObject(56,3,0,0) GiveObject(57,3,0,0) GiveObject(58,3,0,0) GiveObject(59,3,0,0) GiveObject(60,3,0,0) GiveObject(61,3,0,0) GiveObject(62,3,0,0) GiveObject(63,3,0,0) GiveObject(64,3,0,0) GiveObject(65,3,0,0) GiveObject(66,3,0,0) GiveObject(67,3,0,0) GiveObject(68,3,0,0) GiveObject(69,3,0,0) GiveObject(70,3,0,0) GiveObject(71,3,0,0) GiveObject(72,3,0,0) GiveObject(73,3,0,0) GiveObject(74,3,0,0) GiveObject(75,3,0,0) GiveObject(76,3,0,0) GiveObject(77,3,0,0) 4 Food Object ID 1. Apple 2. Bread 3. Banana ^ 4. Cheese 5. Chicken 6. Chicken leg ^ 7. Meat 8. Pie 9. Pumpkin 10. Sausage ^ 11. Watermelon GiveObject(1,4,0,0) GiveObject(2,4,0,0) GiveObject(3,4,0,0) GiveObject(4,4,0,0) GiveObject(5,4,0,0) GiveObject(6,4,0,0) GiveObject(7,4,0,0) GiveObject(8,4,0,0) GiveObject(9,4,0,0) GiveObject(10,4,0,0) GiveObject(11,4,0,0) 5 Rings Object ID 1. Lesser Ring of Strength 2. Ring of the Mants 3. Ring of Fire Protection 4. Lesser Ring of Charisma 5. Ring of Intelligence 6. Ring of Hunger 7. Ring of Luck 8. Ring of Lesser Spellcasting 9. Strange Ring 10. Elven Queen's Ring 11. Ring of Mana Regeneration 12. Ring of Digestion 13. Warrior's ring 14. Ring of Regeneration 15. Ring of Meteors 16. Ring of Power 17. Greater Ring of Strength 18. Nadine's Ring GiveObject(1,5,0,0) GiveObject(2,5,0,0) GiveObject(3,5,0,0) GiveObject(4,5,0,0) GiveObject(5,5,0,0) GiveObject(6,5,0,0) GiveObject(7,5,0,0) GiveObject(8,5,0,0) GiveObject(9,5,0,0) GiveObject(10,5,0,0) GiveObject(11,5,0,0) GiveObject(12,5,0,0) GiveObject(13,5,0,0) GiveObject(14,5,0,0) GiveObject(15,5,0,0) GiveObject(16,5,0,0) GiveObject(17,5,0,0) GiveObject(18,5,0,0) 6 Amulet Object ID 1. Laurillia's Medal 2. Amulet of Protection 3. Lesser Amulet of Strength 4. Amulet of Free Action 5. Amulet of Survival 6. Amulet of Paralyzation Resistance 7. Amulet of Beauty 8. Amulet of Acid 9. Orog's Bracer 10. War Amulet 11. Labelas's Brooch 12. Vinstitute Award 13. Amulet of Stoneskin 14. Spellcaster Amulet 15. Amulet of the ogre 16. Lucky Charm 17. Warrior Amulet 18. Amulet of Leadership 19. Amulet of the Elements 20. Voracious Amulet GiveObject(1,6,0,0) GiveObject(2,6,0,0) GiveObject(3,6,0,0) GiveObject(4,6,0,0) GiveObject(5,6,0,0) GiveObject(6,6,0,0) GiveObject(7,6,0,0) GiveObject(8,6,0,0) GiveObject(9,6,0,0) GiveObject(10,6,0,0) GiveObject(11,6,0,0) GiveObject(12,6,0,0) GiveObject(13,6,0,0) GiveObject(14,6,0,0) GiveObject(15,6,0,0) GiveObject(16,6,0,0) GiveObject(17,6,0,0) GiveObject(18,6,0,0) GiveObject(19,6,0,0) GiveObject(20,6,0,0) 7 Quest Object ID 1. Assassin's Letter 2. Book of the Chosen 3. Bottled Demoness 4. Bottled Dwarven Pirate 5. Bottled Human Pirate 6. Bottled Snack 7. Chocolat Snack 8. Dark Elf Fishing Rod 9. Dark Elf Letter 10. Dark Elf Teleport Stone 11. Darna Teleport Stone 12. Elven Queen Soul 13. Empty Fey Glass Sphere 14. Empty Soul bottle 15. Full Fey Glass Sphere 16. Giant Bee Honey 17. Lesser Orb of demons 18. Letter 19. Magical apple 20. Melan's receptacle 21. Mysterious Ring 22. Obscure Ritual 23. Ocarina 24. Oil of armor repair 25. Oil of weapon repair 26. Orog's Cave Map 27. Soul Bottle 28. Wand of wonder 29. Amazon Prison key 30. Assassin key 31. Catgirl Trick 32. Dark elf bomb 33. Demonic Corruption ~ 34. Dictionary of Elven 35. Diploma of Dwarven Teachings 1 36. Diploma of Metabolism 1 37. Dispelling Powder 38. Dragon Hide 39. Eldona's permit 40. High Temple Key 41. Jhoira's key 42. Lesser Vorepire ~ 43. Lycanthropy ~ 44. Melan's receptacle # 45. Melted Gold 46. Mermaid's Belt 47. Mythril Ore 48. Naga Key 49. Natural Way 50. Northern Gate Pass. 51. Orb of Power 52. Pirhanna Flower Root 53. Queen's Gift 54. Revelation badge 55. Sister's Unified 56. Syros Key 57. True Chosen 58. True Lycanthtope's Tooth 59. True Vorepire ~ 60. Vorphilliac Plague ~ 61. Zorgan Key 1 62. Zorgan Key 2 63. Zorgan Seal GiveObject(1,7,0,0) GiveObject(2,7,0,0) GiveObject(3,7,0,0) GiveObject(4,7,0,0) GiveObject(5,7,0,0) GiveObject(6,7,0,0) GiveObject(7,7,0,0) GiveObject(8,7,0,0) GiveObject(9,7,0,0) GiveObject(10,7,0,0) GiveObject(11,7,0,0) GiveObject(12,7,0,0) GiveObject(13,7,0,0) GiveObject(14,7,0,0) GiveObject(15,7,0,0) GiveObject(16,7,0,0) GiveObject(17,7,0,0) GiveObject(18,7,0,0) GiveObject(19,7,0,0) GiveObject(20,7,0,0) GiveObject(21,7,0,0) GiveObject(22,7,0,0) GiveObject(23,7,0,0) GiveObject(24,7,0,0) GiveObject(25,7,0,0) GiveObject(26,7,0,0) GiveObject(27,7,0,0) GiveObject(28,7,0,0) GiveObject(29,7,0,0) GiveObject(30,7,0,0) GiveObject(31,7,0,0) GiveObject(32,7,0,0) GiveObject(33,7,0,0) GiveObject(34,7,0,0) GiveObject(35,7,0,0) GiveObject(36,7,0,0) GiveObject(37,7,0,0) GiveObject(38,7,0,0) GiveObject(39,7,0,0) GiveObject(40,7,0,0) GiveObject(41,7,0,0) GiveObject(42,7,0,0) GiveObject(43,7,0,0) GiveObject(44,7,0,0) GiveObject(45,7,0,0) GiveObject(46,7,0,0) GiveObject(47,7,0,0) GiveObject(48,7,0,0) GiveObject(49,7,0,0) GiveObject(50,7,0,0) GiveObject(51,7,0,0) GiveObject(52,7,0,0) GiveObject(53,7,0,0) GiveObject(54,7,0,0) GiveObject(55,7,0,0) GiveObject(56,7,0,0) GiveObject(57,7,0,0) GiveObject(58,7,0,0) GiveObject(59,7,0,0) GiveObject(60,7,0,0) GiveObject(61,7,0,0) GiveObject(62,7,0,0) GiveObject(63,7,0,0) 8 Book Object ID 1. Book of lesser charm 2. Book of Rage 3. Book of Firebolt 4. Book of Cure Light Wounds 5. Book of Icebolt 6. Book of Calling 7. Book of Lesser Strenght 8. Book of Lesser Regeneration 9. Book of Holy Projectile 10. Book of Dark Projectile 11. Book of Neutral Projectile 12. Book of Light Armor 13. Book of Fireball 14. Book of Easy Speech 15. Book of Shock 16. Book of Luck 17. Book of Nap 18. Book of Fire Shield 19. Book of Cure Moderate Wounds 20. Book of Cold Shield 21. Book of Rage 22. Book of Charm Mammals 23. Book of Paralysation 24. Book of Lesser Charm 25. Book of Cold Star 26. Book of Holy Crystal 27. Book of Luck Enchant 28. Book of Snake Summoning 29. Book of Atonement 30. Book of Chain Lightning 31. Book of Stone Grip 32. Book of Lower Strength 33. Book of Lower Intelligence 34. Book of Lower Endurence 35. Book of Lower Dexterity 36. Book of Lower Charisma 37. Book of Catnap 38. Book of Cripple Defense 39. Book of Drain Life 40. Book of Cure Serious Wound 41. Book of SoulLance 42. Book of Ogre Strength 43. Book of Meteors 44. Book of Angel Summoning 45. Book of Voracious Hunger 46. Book of Strength Enchantment 47. Book of Mystic Defense 48. Book of Cold Blast 49. Book of Phantom Armor 50. Book of Frog Polymorph 51. Book of Enlarge 52. Book of Call Lightning 53. Book of Fire Darts 54. Book of Hold Creature 55. Book of Ice Shards 56. Book of Mass Cure Serious Wound 57. Book of Improved Shrink 58. Book of Frost Ring 59. Book of Magic Motes 60. Book of Stone Spike 61. Book of Mass Uncontrollable Rage 62. Book of Wolf Shapeshifting 63. Book of Giant Frog Shapeshifting 64. Book of Entangle 65. Book of Bear Shapeshifting 66. Book of Cure Critical Wounds 67. Book of Lava Axe 68. Book of Amazon Curse 69. Book of Summoning Breeding Demon 70. Book of Summon Mammals 71. Book of Cat's Grace 72. Book of Summon Fire Spirit 73. Book of Summon Lightning Spirit 74. Book of Improved Cold Blast 75. Book of Heaven Fire 76. Book of Curse of Digestion 77. Book of Hyper Digest 78. Book of Enlarge Mouth 79. Book of Super Acid 80. Book of Holy Shield 81. Book of Ice Crystal 82. Book of Cure Fatal Wounds 83. Book of Green Slime Summoning 84. Book of Collosal Lightning Bolt 85. Book of Warrior Transfromation 86. Book of Mass Sleep 87. Book of Improved Paralysation 88. Book of Heaven Lights 89. Book of Darkness Storm 90. Book of Slow Digestion 91. Book of Demoness Slave Summoning GiveObject(1,8,0,0) GiveObject(2,8,0,0) GiveObject(3,8,0,0) GiveObject(4,8,0,0) GiveObject(5,8,0,0) GiveObject(6,8,0,0) GiveObject(7,8,0,0) GiveObject(8,8,0,0) GiveObject(9,8,0,0) GiveObject(10,8,0,0) GiveObject(11,8,0,0) GiveObject(12,8,0,0) GiveObject(13,8,0,0) GiveObject(14,8,0,0) GiveObject(15,8,0,0) GiveObject(16,8,0,0) GiveObject(17,8,0,0) GiveObject(18,8,0,0) GiveObject(19,8,0,0) GiveObject(20,8,0,0) GiveObject(21,8,0,0) GiveObject(22,8,0,0) GiveObject(23,8,0,0) GiveObject(24,8,0,0) GiveObject(25,8,0,0) GiveObject(26,8,0,0) GiveObject(27,8,0,0) GiveObject(28,8,0,0) GiveObject(29,8,0,0) GiveObject(30,8,0,0) GiveObject(31,8,0,0) GiveObject(32,8,0,0) GiveObject(33,8,0,0) GiveObject(34,8,0,0) GiveObject(35,8,0,0) GiveObject(36,8,0,0) GiveObject(37,8,0,0) GiveObject(38,8,0,0) GiveObject(39,8,0,0) GiveObject(40,8,0,0) GiveObject(41,8,0,0) GiveObject(42,8,0,0) GiveObject(43,8,0,0) GiveObject(44,8,0,0) GiveObject(45,8,0,0) GiveObject(46,8,0,0) GiveObject(47,8,0,0) GiveObject(48,8,0,0) GiveObject(49,8,0,0) GiveObject(50,8,0,0) GiveObject(51,8,0,0) GiveObject(52,8,0,0) GiveObject(53,8,0,0) GiveObject(54,8,0,0) GiveObject(55,8,0,0) GiveObject(56,8,0,0) GiveObject(57,8,0,0) GiveObject(58,8,0,0) GiveObject(59,8,0,0) GiveObject(60,8,0,0) GiveObject(61,8,0,0) GiveObject(62,8,0,0) GiveObject(63,8,0,0) GiveObject(64,8,0,0) GiveObject(65,8,0,0) GiveObject(66,8,0,0) GiveObject(67,8,0,0) GiveObject(68,8,0,0) GiveObject(69,8,0,0) GiveObject(70,8,0,0) GiveObject(71,8,0,0) GiveObject(72,8,0,0) GiveObject(73,8,0,0) GiveObject(74,8,0,0) GiveObject(75,8,0,0) GiveObject(76,8,0,0) GiveObject(77,8,0,0) GiveObject(78,8,0,0) GiveObject(79,8,0,0) GiveObject(80,8,0,0) GiveObject(81,8,0,0) GiveObject(82,8,0,0) GiveObject(83,8,0,0) GiveObject(84,8,0,0) GiveObject(85,8,0,0) GiveObject(86,8,0,0) GiveObject(87,8,0,0) GiveObject(88,8,0,0) GiveObject(89,8,0,0) GiveObject(90,8,0,0) GiveObject(91,8,0,0) 6.Extra Stuff Characters from another series: This section will reveal the certain look-a-like characters that exist in Vgame that I was able to identify and who they resemble. Merchant - Mai Shiranui (King of Fighters Series) Civilian - Kasumi (Dead or Alive Series) Talagas Weaponsmith – Cammy (Street Fighter Series) Pirate Captain – Bonne Jenet (King of Fighters Series) Reyhnos Peasant - Dixie Clemets (Rumble Roses Series) Fey Forest Adventurer - Yuna (Final Fantasy X and X2) Arena Guard – Paine (Final Fantasy X and X2) Ornan Mage - Rydia as an Adult (Final Fantasy IV DS) Rebel Fighter - Ashelia B'nargin Dalmasca (Final Fantasy XII and Series) Lightning Spirit - Terra Branford as Morphed Esper fanart (Final Fantasy VI) Pirhanna Flower – Pirhanna Plant (Super Mario Bros. Series) Queen of Khalas - Princess Peach (Super Mario Bros. Series) Turtle Monster - Wendy O. Koopa (Super Mario Bros. 3, Super Mario World and The New Super Mario Bros. Wii) Reyhnos High Priestess - Jessica Albert (Dragon Warrior / Dragon Quest VIII) Dark Elf Mage - Twilight Princess Midna (The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess) Triton – Princess Ruto (The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time) Succubus Charmer – Succubus (World of Warcraft) Barbarian Warrior – Risty (Queen's Blade) Fortune Teller, Gesha – Tomoe (Queen's Blade) Damned Soul – Cortana (Halo: Combat Evolved) Elven Queen's Soul – Cortana (Halo Series) Lamia Warrior – Lamia (Advanced Dungeons and Dragons) Ornan DemonicGirl – Morrigan Aensland fanart (Darkstalkers) Wallara Warrior - Darth Talon original character (Star Wars fandom) Wallara Seducer – Orion SlaveGirl (Star Wars fandom) Various StarWars Twi'lek girls Wallara Beserker Hungry Wallara Wallara Thief Wallara Girl Wallara Ranger – Princess Leia Organa Slave (Star Wars fandom) Various Girls that resemble Darkstalkers characters Hungry Catgirl - Felicia Catgirl Woman - Felicia Catgirl Thief - Felicia Young Catgirl – Felicia chibi Various Monster Girls taken from the Monster Grls Encyclopedia by the Artist kenkou kurosu (Kenkou Cross) listed monster names in Vgame below: Voracious Naga Poisonous Naga Young Naga Desert Warrior Double Girlshroom Mountain Bat Girl Quasit Scyllia Summoned Angel Hungry Arachne Mermaid Mage Mountain Harpy Pixie Wild Elf Warrior Harpy Rogue Minotaur Figther Summoned Creatures by the usage of items and Spells Amazon horn Summoned Amazon Horse Level 32 Scroll of Bunnie's Dreams Hungry Bunny Level 38 Wand of Mammals Summoning / Summon Mammals Summoned Amazon Horse Level 32 Wild Unicorn Level 32 Kodiak Bear Level 31 Wild Horse Level 30 Rogue Cow Level 30 Brown Bear Level 30 Savage Bunny Level 29 Monstrous Bat Level 29 White Tiger Level 29 Jungle Tiger Level 28 Magic Pig Level 24 Magic Cat Level 24 Arctic Wolf Level 20 Lynx Level 20 St-Gorgotin Guard Level 10 Wand of Breeding Demon / Summon Breeding Demon Summoned Breeding Demon Level 22 Scroll of Summoning Snake / Summon Snake Summoned Snake Level 10 Lesser Orb of demons Half Demoness Warrior Level 25 Devil Girl Level 24 Half Demoness Girl Level 24 Imp Level 21 Quasit Level 20 Summon Fire Spirit Fire Spirit Level 29 Summon Lightning Spirit Lightning Spirit Level 32 Summon Demoness Slave Demoness Slave Level 47 Summon Green Slime Summoned Green Slime Level 42 Summon Angel Summoned Angel Level 16 Bottled Snacks Demoness Slave Level 47 Bottled Dwarven Pirate Level 40 Elven Queen's Soul Level 12 Damned Soul Level 10 Small Dwarf Level 1 7.Shops Lists Charisma will have a factor on the price you end up paying for the item. Below is the Displayed price of each item. Eldona Weapons Seller Short Dagger Club Iron Short Sword Armor Seller Night underwear Clothing Leather Crude Chain Mail Merchant Grocer / Potion Apple 1 Gold Bread 5 Golds Cheese 10 Golds Chicken 30 Golds Minor healing potion 25 Golds Minor mana potion 40 Golds Eldona Region Witch Akara Spells Book of Firebolt 100 Golds Book of Cure Light Wounds 100 Golds Book of Icebolt 250 Golds Book of Lesser Strenght 500 Golds Travelling Merchant A pack of six Minor Healing Potions 125 Golds A pack of six Minor Mana Potions 220 Golds Hand Axe 60 Golds Chicken 35 Golds Loriston Region Centauress Merchant Light Spear 40 Golds 10 Pack of Throwing Knives 120 Golds Pumpkin 24 Golds Watermelon 22 Golds Centauress Shaman Book of Nap 850 Golds Ventre-Sans-Fond Smuggler Potion of the Feast 120 Golds Oil of Flavor 200 Golds Bottled Snack 100 Golds Loriston Inn 10 Golds for the night Erissa Potions / Scrolls and Equipment A pack of six Minor Healing Potions 140 Golds A pack of six Minor Mana Potions 220 Golds Lesser Healing Potion 60 Golds A pack of six Lesser Healing Potions 340 Golds Lesser Mana Potion 110 Golds A pack of six Lesser Mana Potions 650 Golds Lesser Potion of Dexterity 90 Golds Lesser Potion of Strength 90 Golds Scroll of Protection from Fire 110 Golds Scroll of Cure Light Wounds 80 Golds Scroll of Magical Armor 180 Golds Scroll of protection against magic 250 Golds Scroll of Cure Moderate Wounds 165 Golds Wand of Firebolts 480 Golds Mild Faerie Dust 175 Golds Ring of Fire Protection 250 Golds Amulet of Free Action 1500 Golds Dagger of Lightning 600 Golds Apprentisse Dress 450 Golds Underwear of Evasion 600 Golds Witch Isabelle Spells Book of Lesser Regeneration 350 Golds Book of Holy Projectile 400 Golds Book of Light Armor 520 Golds Book of Easy Speech 550 Golds Book of Fireball 600 Golds Book of Shock 625 Golds Kess Grocery Cheese 10 Golds Pie 20 Golds Watermelon 22 Golds Pumpkin 24 Golds Meat 26 Golds Chicken 35 Golds Weaponsmith Dagger 45 Golds Spear 90 Golds Iron Mace 120 Golds Iron Long Sword 160 Golds Axe 180 Golds Blacksmith Premium Leather 120 Golds Standard Chain Mail 180 Golds Scale Mail 250 Golds Crude Half Plate 280 Golds Dwarven Apprentisse Long Sword of Luck 850 Golds Kalas Toll Bridge Little Jeanne 100 Golds Saint-Gorgotin Inn 20 Golds for the night Potions / Scrolls and Equipment Lesser Potion of Charisma 100 Golds Potion of Sizechanging 100 Golds Potion of Healing 180 Golds Potion of Mana 220 Golds Potion of Easy Digestion 300 Golds A pack of six of Healing 975 Golds A pack of six of Mana 1190 Golds Scroll of Uncontrolable Rage 180 Golds Scroll of Polymorph: Frog 180 Golds Scroll of Nap 200 Golds Scroll of Lesser Charm 200 Golds Scroll of Stone Grip 360 Golds Dueling Rapier 980 Golds Gauntlet of Strength 1000 Golds Staff of Fireballs 1800 Golds Guisarme of Armor Piercing 1950 Golds Vampiric Dagger 2200 Golds Staff of Cure Moderate Wounds 2400 Golds Ring of Lesser Spellcasting 820 Golds Premium Leather of Dexterity 980 Golds Ring Mail of Strength 1200 Golds Robe of Resistance 1800 Golds Wand of Cold Star 1850 Golds Shirt of Happy Digestion 2000 Golds Elven Wizard Spells Book of Luck 550 Golds Book of Fire Shield 620 Golds Book of Cold Shield 620 Golds Book of Cold Star 1100 Golds Book of Chain Lightning 3500 Golds Elven Enchantress Spells Book of Charm Mammals 800 Golds Book of Nap 850 Golds Book of Paralysation 1000 Golds Book of Rage 1800 Golds Book of Lesser Charm 2000 Golds Book of Luck Enchant 2600 Golds Elven Blacksmith Scimitar 190 Golds Mythril Dagger 200 Golds Guisarme 240 Golds Rapier 250 Golds Warhammer 265 Golds Short Bow 300 Golds Studded Leather 210 Golds Crude Half Plate 280 Golds Ring Mail 400 Golds Elven Chain Mail 500 Golds Dryad Grocer Apple 5 Golds Banana 10 Golds Watermelon 22 Golds Pumpkin 24 Golds Giant Bee Honey 230 Golds Dryad Village Dryad Nature Mage Book of Cure Moderate Wounds 700 Golds Book of Neutral Projectile 800 Golds Dictionary of Elven 2800 Golds Witch Meyda Magic Items Scroll of Uncontrolable Rage 180 Golds Scroll of Lesser Charm 200 Golds Empty Soul bottle 500 Golds Scale Mail of Shock 1850 Golds Wand of Osmose 2000 Golds Dryad Grocer Watermelon 22 Golds Pumpkin 24 Golds Giant Bee Honey 230 Golds A pack of three of Healing 600 Golds A pack of three of Mana 750 Golds Gluttonous Pig Vore Inn Inn 100 Golds for the night Pig 160 Golds Jhoira Potions / Scrolls Potion of Sizechanging 120 Golds Warrior's Drink 340 Golds Succubus's Nectar 385 Golds Potion of Rejuveneration 460 Golds Potion of Magic Resistance 500 Golds Potion of Hunger 560 Golds Scroll of Charm Creature 660 Golds Scroll of Shrinking 680 Golds A pack of six of Healing 1200 Golds A pack of six of Mana 1450 Golds A pack of six of Rejuveneration 2700 Golds Reyhnos Inn 25 Golds for the night Merchant Apple 1 Gold Bread 5 Golds Pie 20 Golds Watermelon 22 Golds Meat 25 Golds Chicken 30 Golds Alchemist Potion of Cold Resistance 300 Golds Potion of Fire Resistance 300 Golds Greek Fire 495 Golds Greater Healing Potion 500 Golds Potion of Dexterity 600 Golds Potion of Strength 600 Golds Greater Mana Potion 650 Golds Potion of Acid 700 Golds A pack of six of Greater Healing 2800 Golds A pack of six of Greater Mana 3700 Golds Reyhnos Mage Spells Book of Stone Grip 2500 Golds Book of Ogre Strength 4100 Golds Book of Cure Serious Wounds 4150 Golds Book of Mystic Defense 4200 Golds Book of Strength Enchantment 4500 Golds Book of Phantom Armor 5100 Golds Doctor Eilistraee Treatment is 1000 Golds Reyhnos Wizard Spells Book of Meteors 3600 Golds Book of Cold Blast 3700 Golds Book of Drain Life 3800 Golds Book of SoulLance 3900 Golds Book of Call Lightning 4600 Golds Book of Fire Darts 4800 Golds Reyhnos Sorcerer Spells Book of Lower Charisma 1700 Golds Book of Lower Strength 2100 Golds Book of Lower Dexterity 2100 Golds Book of Lower Endurence 2100 Golds Book of Lower Intelligence 2100 Golds Book of Cripple Defense 3800 Golds Adept of the Natural Way Poisonous Farts contribution 1500 Golds Reyhnos Armorer Hard Leather 325 Golds Half Plate 600 Golds Cuirass 850 Golds Crude Half Plate 1250 Golds Thief Jacket 3400 Golds Mage Dress 5100 Golds Reyhnos Weaponsmith Trident 300 Golds Gladius 340 Golds Sharp Blade 400 Golds Battle Axe 450 Golds Morning Star 520 Golds Monk's Battle Staff 3000 Golds Composite Bow of Sleep 3500 Golds Souldrinker Dagger 4500 Golds Cold Spear 5100 Golds Reyhnos Student Contributions 5 Golds 10 Golds 25 Golds 50 Golds 50000 Golds V Institute University Enrollment 1000 Golds School Uniform 700 Golds Courses Available Metabolism Course 1650 Golds Dwarven Teachings Course 1875 Golds HighCliff Barbarian Barmaid Barbarian Ale 40 Golds Inn 45 Golds Barbarian Blacksmith Hunting Knife 550 Golds Barbarian Morning Star 740 Golds Barbarian Axe 860 Golds Heavy Sword 1050 Golds Cleaver 1580 Golds Fur Bikini 1425 Golds Barbarian Leather 1600 Golds Renforced Barbarian Top 1800 Golds Hunter Chain Mail 1940 Golds Breast Plate 2400 Golds Barbarian Witch Potions / Spells Warrior's Drink 300 Golds Berserker's Drink 875 Golds Greater Potion of Magic Resistance 890 Golds Super Healing Potion 1000 Golds Super Mana Potion 1300 Golds A pack of six of Super Healing 5800 Golds A pack of six of Super Mana 7400 Golds Book of Ogre Strength 4100 Golds Book of Cure Serious Wound 4150 Golds Book of Call Lightning 4600 Golds Book of Magic Motes 5400 Golds Book of Frost Ring 5500 Golds Book of Stone Spike 6200 Golds Book of Entangle 6600 Golds Book of Wolf Shapeshifting 7000 Golds Book of Bear Shapeshifting 7150 Golds Book of Giant Frog Shapeshifting 7500 Golds Faerie Realm Faerie Alchemist Fey Potion of Regeneration 650 Golds Fey Potion of Dexterity 700 Golds Fey Potion of Facination 750 Golds Fey Potion of Protection 800 Golds Fey Potion of Power 825 Golds Faerie Magician Book of Enlarge 5200 Golds Book of Hold Creature 6400 Golds Book of Improved Shrink 7250 Golds Book of Mass Uncontrollable Rage 7800 Golds Amazon Village Amazon Shamon Spells Book of Cure Critical Wounds 6800 Golds Book of Lava Axe 7100 Golds Book of Amazon Curse 7800 Golds Book of Summon Mammals 9300 Golds Amazon Blacksmith Amazon Knife 10500 Golds Amazon Gauntlet 126000 Golds Amazon Sword 14250 Golds Amazon Leatherworker Zebra Leather 1700 Golds Tiger Leather 2500 Golds Panther Leather 3100 Golds Amazon Inn Free usage if become a member of the tribe Catgirl Village Catgirl Mage Spells Book of Catnap 3100 Golds Book of Cure Critical Wounds 6800 Golds Book of Cat's Grace 7750 Golds Book of Improved Cold Blast 8800 Golds Catgirl Trader Hunger Repellant Potion 875 Golds Oil of Irresistable Flavor 1150 Golds Strong Potion of Acid 1200 Golds A pack of six of Super Healing 5500 Golds A pack of six of Super Mana 7300 Golds Maca 9100 Golds Wand of Mind Control 15000 Golds Ornan Inn 90 Golds for the night Ornan Potions Seller Acid Flask 575 Golds Greater Potion of Easy Digestion 880 Golds Greater Potion of Strength 1200 Golds Strong Potion of Acid 1200 Golds Ultra Healing Potion 3200 Golds Potion of Revolting Flavor 3180 Golds Ultra Mana Potion 3200 Golds Hunger Repellant Potion 4800 Golds A pack of six of Ultra Healing 14000 Golds A pack of six of Ultra Mana 18000 Golds Ornan Weaponsmith Heavy Spiked Club 6500 Golds Katar 7200 Golds Ornan Sword 9400 Golds Holy Spear 36000 Golds Soul Axe 38000 Golds Ornan Armorsmith Ornan Leather 3400 Golds Ornan Chain Mail 4500 Golds Ornan Breat Plate 5200 Golds Ornan Leather of the Magi 9200 Golds Ornan Mage Spells Book of Heaven Fire 10500 Golds Book of Hyper Digest 11000 Golds Book of Curse of Digestion 11250 Golds Book of Super Acid 12000 Golds Book of Ice Crystal 12500 Golds Book of Green Slime Summoning 16000 Golds Talagas Inn Free if you mention you are not a Pirate Sleepy Mermaid Chef Spicy Chicken (Pirate's Special) 35 Golds Bottled Sea Pirates 2500 Golds Talagas Shopkeeper Greater Potion of Dexterity 1200 Golds Greater Potion of Strength 1200 Golds Super Potion of Acid 1200 Golds Ultra Healing Potion 2500 Golds Ultra Mana Potion 3200 Golds Scroll of Holy Shield 3900 Golds Scroll of Mass Cure Critical Wounds 6800 Golds Scroll of Mass Sleep 7200 Golds Potion of Acid Resistance 9000 Golds A pack of six of Ultra Healing 14000 Golds A pack of six of Ultra Mana 18000 Golds Dark Elf Fishing Rod 18500 Golds Talagas Weaponsmith Pirate Rapier 8850 Golds Crushing Mace 9500 Golds Katana 12000 Golds Bird Axe 20000 Golds Talagas Armorsmith Explorer Suit 7600 Golds Pirate Suit (Trap) 8000 Golds Draconic Armor 8600 Golds Field Plate 9700 Golds Premium Explorer Suit 13000 Golds Horny Siren Club Escort service 1000 Golds Talagas Mage Spells Book of Cure Fatal Wounds 15000 Golds Book of Collosal Lightning Bolt 19850 Golds Book of Warrior Transfromation 20750 Golds Book of Improved Paralysation 21750 Golds Book of Heaven Lights 22250 Golds Ventre-Sans-Fond Ventre-Sans-Fond Potions Seller Potion of Instant Snack 350 Golds Greater Potion of Easy Digestion 880 Golds Oil of Irresistable Flavor 1150 Golds Ultra Healing Potion 2500 Golds Super Potion of Acid 3000 Golds Ultra Mana Potion 3200 Golds Greater Potion of Rejuveneration 4600 Golds Demoness' Nectar 4850 Golds Greater Potion of Swallowing 5750 Golds A pack of six of Ultra Healing 14000 Golds A pack of six of Ultra Mana 18500 Golds Oil of Divine Flavor 20000 Golds Dark Elf Mage Spells Book of Hyper Digest 11000 Golds Book of Curse of Digestion 11250 Golds Book of Enlarge Mouth 11500 Golds Book of Super Acid 12000 Golds Book of Darkness Storm 23000 Golds Book of Slow Digestion 25000 Golds Book of Demoness Slave Summoning 30000 Golds Dark Elf Farmer Dark Elf Milk 2500 Golds Dark Elf Slaver Bottled Snack 3000 Golds Bottled Dwarven Pirate 4500 Golds Bottled Human Pirate 4800 Golds Bottled Demoness 15000 Golds Caged Infected Girl 7500 Golds 8. FAQ: Why does Laurine repeat the same conversation in Chapter 6 beginning as the one in Chapter 5? This is an error with Krishna3ca prvious Chapter 7 update 3 version. Please ensure you use the Update 5 or latest version to correct this and other gameplay bugs that prevent progress. Why is at after I reach Level 100 why HP continue to decrease into the negatives if my food meter runs out? This should be repaired in the newest Vgame client released by Krishna3ca. Why is it that in the Catgirl Village after they have become friendlies; that the Catgirl Guard, pets, kittens, and other Catgirl residents will randomly become hostile when you enter or leave the screen? Krishna3ca has confirmed this is not a bug and is intentional to show the Chaotic random nature of the Catgirls as they are always looking for a snack. Where are the monsters Deertaur and Medusa and other Girls including Rikku that were found in the Final directory? Krishna3ca has confirmed that he didn't use these sprites in Vgame. Why does Chapter 7 seem to short and in Ventre-sans-Fond there is random competitors in the Dark Elf Arena but I cannot give the Mistress a Slave Girl to watch the competition? Krishna3ca has confirmed that there was no planned event for this in the beginning and he has no future plans to include. Krishna3ca has confirmed no further events will be added to Chapter 7 or the previous Chapters, as the Vgame project has been completed. What does the latest update released by Krishna3ca fix? Update 5 corrects the Amazon Apprentice conversation and Shop seller items in the Amazon Village and Reyhnos as well as other reported bugs in Vgame. Why did you take the time to develop this Walkthrough over the past few Weeks and then continued to add this extra stuff? I was bored lol. I m always curious with playing a game to achieve a 100% completion. Did you receive some type of gratuity or funds for completing this project? Absolutely NOT as this is a free game and I hope that Krishna3ca may continue to create games and will release as freeware. This was just a fan project of mine to help everyone out. A simple thanks or shout to my members page would be thanks enough. What is the purpose of the following items as they are not Scrolls, Potions or Equipment? Potion of Instant Snack – When you drink this you become a Carrot for an Instant snack for Predators. Vorepire queen blood – When you drink the blood of the Vorepire Queen you are immediately infected with the Lesser Vorepire curse and if nottreated you will become a True Vorepire and be cursed at night for eternity. Demonic Essence – Drinking this will make you become one with the Abyss as you are cursed with Demonic Corruption. Centauress Queen Horn – Using this will allow you to Charm the Centauresses. Dragon Scale- You will instantly Transfrom into a dragon for a Short while similar to the Orc Priestess that you received this from. Unicorn Horn – This is the Ultimate healing power to remove the Voraphiliac Plague. Scroll of Cacao Strike – Instantly will transform Target into a tasty Chocolat Snack. Scroll of Carrot Transformation - Instantly will transform Target into a crunchy Carrot. Amazon horn – Will allow you the power to summon Amazon horses at will. Wand of Mammals Summoning – Random creatures are summoned and are listed below for completion. Scroll of Cure Girlshroom infection – Removes the Girlshroom infection by the Girlshrooms in the caverns. Scroll of Bunnie's Dreams – Allows you to summon a Hungry Bunny. Thanks and Eka's Portal Member Mentions Thanks Primarily to Eka's Portal for allowing communication from the Forums and for allowing may creative individuals for uploading their games and Vore and other Fantasy content. Thanks to Krishna3ca for the creation and uploading Vgame. Also many thanks for the continuos hard work of providing updates and latest Chapter releases to his fans, the Gamers. Krishna3ca's friendly and convenient approach to interact with anyone at Eka's Portal Forum and to provide cheats as a temporary fix until an updated fix could be released is also recognized and was much appreciated. Thanks to Seifens for his patience and understanding to work with Krishna3ca original Vgame client and to adapt his own User Friendly game Mod that allow Open Interface to anyone skilled with programming to look at the source of the GUI interface. Also many thanks to Seifens for his hard work and willingness to release updates to repair some game hindrance bugs in his Game Mod that Krishna3ca Vgame Client did not have. Thanks to the member Challace for reviewing the posts of chapter 6 and 7 at the forums on the behalf of Krishna3ca. In order to confirm that these are the members and artists that lent a hand in providing sprites to Vgame for usage in Monster Development: justaname333 Hiccup Madness Throku Special thanks to all Eka's Portal members that continued to post threads to show that there were existing bugs and issues in Vgame and Seifen's Mod. Thanks for the communtity for continually helping out other game members that did not progress far in the game and inspired me to finally take the time and develop a full helpfull walkthrough for struggling players and fans of Vgame that want a 100% completion. After completing thisWalkthrough that I did enjoy making. I have decided that I will not be the author of any further Walkthrough projects in the future. |
Two years have passed since the fall of Honnouji Academy, the events of which destroyed the island the academy was on, as well as significant damage to the REVOCS Corporation. Unsurprisingly, when the CEO of a company attempts global destruction, said company takes a hit in popularity. At the very least, they weren’t in any real legal trouble, as no government on Earth had laws against “Trying to feed the planet to evil alien shirts”, and REVOCS had taken responsibility in funding reconstruction, anyway. While the company would never become as massive as it had been in the past, the new CEO, Satsuki Kiryuin, was wealthy enough to rebuild humanity three times over, if needed. On a more personal scale, the Kiryuin family had undergone many changes. Firstly, with the revelation of Ryuko’s true heritage, Satsuki insisted her little sister stay with her. After everything, they were the only family they had left. Naturally, if Ryuko was going to accept this, the Mankanshoku family would have to be invited, too. Satsuki may not have been thrilled to have them in such an expensive mansion, but she agreed for Ryuko’s sake. Her and Mako started dating, just like the latter made her promise. Despite this, it wasn’t until their 1st anniversary that Mako even realized she and Ryuko were a couple. Heaven knows what she thought the kisses, cuddles, and pet names were for. In addition, with Ragyo gone and her life freed from obsessing with overthrowing her, Satsuki and Nonon finally got to start properly dating, and the small pink musician even moved in with her lover. Privacy was the only real downside to sharing a room with someone you love dearly but also are keeping an embarrassing secret from. This is an issue Nonon Jakuzure became all too familiar with now that she was living with Satsuki Kiryuin. As close as the two were, having known each other since kindergarten, they weren’t quite as close as Nonon wished. There’s a secret fetish she kept from Satsuki, one she feared would drive them apart. A fetish that she was currently indulging in via her bright pink laptop. On her screen played an animation of a humanoid snake lady, swallowing an attractive woman whole and alive while she moaned in pleasure. Normally, Nonon would be free to watch her pervy videos without worry, but it was Friday night, and a vital bit of information slipped her mind. The front door swung open, and in walked Satsuki Kiryuin, exhausted from work. Her ever-loyal butler, Mitsuzo Soroi, was at the ready with her favorite tea. The tired CEO thanked him, took it, and silently marched to her bedroom. “O-oh! Satsuki! Welcome home!”, Nonon stuttered, blindly clicking around the upper corner of her screen, hoping to close the lewd video without raising suspicion. “Hello, honey”, groaned Satsuki, setting her teacup on the nightstand, and collapsing onto their bed. She let out a wide yawn, “Work… Sucked.” Nonon couldn’t help but glance at her girlfriend’s open maw, silently lusting to be swallowed. “Awwwww, well, I’m gonna, uh, go to the bathroom, but when I get back, I’ll help you relax, okay?” Nonon assured, secretly needing to go “relieve” herself, and patted Satsuki’s back. “Mmm, thank you, dear… I’ll get ready for bed...”. Nonon hurried off to the bathroom in the hall, so Satsuki could use the one in their bedroom to clean up. While she was gone, however, Satsuki couldn’t help but notice what was on her laptop. A windowed browser opened to YouTube, paused on an odd video titled, “HOT Naga Vore”. It didn’t take her long to figure out why exactly Nonon was watching it, and seemed to have watched many others, based on the sidebar. Satsuki wasn’t expecting to learn about a secret kink tonight, but that fact that she had kept it hidden for so long told her that Nonon was ashamed of it. While she didn’t quite understand it, if it was something Nonon truly enjoyed, then Satsuki was going to help her indulge, and she got to planning out exactly how when she went to the bathroom, after minimizing the window to avoid suspicion. A quick shower later, and Satsuki came back into the bedroom to see Nonon waiting for her, her laptop closed and put away. Her expression seemed plain as her eyes lazily focused on the TV across the room, signaling she didn’t suspect a thing. Perfect for what Satsuki had planned… She crawled into bed next to Nonon, wrapping her arms tightly around her small girlfriend. “Oh? Just jumping straight into snuggling? Y’don’t want me to massage you or anything?” Nonon questioned, slightly disappointed she wouldn’t get to perform her special foot massage. “Mmmmmmm, sorry, dear.” Satsuki snuggled her face deep into Nonon’s soft, almost plush, strawberry-scented hair. “Your cuddles are just too powerful, I can’t resist~” she says, teasingly. “Mmm, well, I can’t blame you. I’ve honed my techniques for many eons~” Nonon responds with a giggle. She nuzzles into Satsuki’s chest, getting lost in her pillowy breasts, and getting right into the sweet spot she loves so much. A warm, gentle moan emits from deep within Satsuki, and her steady heartbeat is just so comforting. Like two intricate jigsaw puzzle pieces, their bodies perfectly fit snugly into each others’ grip, cozy and peaceful. A peace that would be interrupted by Satsuki’s stomach growling… “Oh, pardon me. I’ve been so busy, I don’t think I’ve eaten since breakfast.” She yawned again, purposefully giving Nonon a fantastic view of her mouth, and even a slight peek into her throat. Naturally, this made her ever-so-slightly flustered. “O-oh, if you wanna go grab some dinner, I’ll stay up and wait for you.” She stammered out. “Gotcha~!” Satsuki thought to herself. “Hmmm, I don’t really feel like getting up, though. I suppose I could make do with the treat right in front of me, as long as she’s okay with that~.” The sexiest one-two combo of all time: The tease followed up by asking for consent. Nonon seemed to be nervous and scared, like a deer caught in headlights. Did Satsuki find out? Is she mocking me? Does she think I’m a freak? These thoughts whirled through her head, causing her to freeze up. Thankfully, Satsuki had been prepared for this, as she held Nonon tighter and gently spoke to her. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to peek at your computer, love, but I don’t want you to worry. You’ve been so loving and supportive of me for so long, so I want to give you a chance to indulge in this. I’ll swallow you whole and keep you safe inside my stomach, and then I’ll let you out in the morning. Would you like to try it?” Nonon was still taken aback. She had been so scared that her vore fetish would disgust Satsuki, drive her away and ruin her life. But, no, instead Satsuki was outright offering to eat her! Her fantasies were going to come true! Eagerly, she almost shouted, “Yes!! Please! Eat me, Satsuki! I want to sleep all safe and snug inside your belly!” Nonon hugged her tightly, excitedly defining her desires. Satsuki couldn’t help but laugh and hug her back, just as tight. “Allow me to give you a quick taste test~” she says, taking a looooong lick up Nonon’s face, causing her to nuzzle the tongue, the slick, soft muscle lovingly caressing her cheek. Satsuki’s tongue slides up and down, before stopping to slurp up Nonon’s hair. “Mmmmmm, you’re absolutely delicious, like strawberry ice cream~” If she wasn’t blushing enough before, Nonon’s cheeks were now as pink as her hair. “I think it’s time I eat my meal. Are you ready, dear?” “U-uh-huh, y-yes..! I’m ready! Swallow me!” Nonon replies with heavy panting, holding herself from diving right into Satsuki’s gullet. ”Ah ah ah, first things first” Satsuki reaches around Nonon’s back and undoes her bra, “Why would I eat something with the wrapper on?” “...Oh god yes.” Satsuki pulled off her bra and shirt, setting them aside. While still holding her tightly, she lifts her leg up and grabs her underwear and sweatpants with her toes, pulling them down and nudging them off the bed. Satsuki then removes her own shirt and bra, and tosses them off the bed, so they don’t get damaged by the small woman about to enter her body. Quivering in anticipation, Nonon attempts to tease Satsuki. “B-bon appet-t-t-tit~” …This only served to make her even more nervous, driving her flushed face to a shade of pink even deeper than her own hair. “Enjoy your stay, love. I’ll let you out in the morning. Now, time to gobble you up~!” Nonon watched in awe as Satsuki’s mouth opened wide, and gingerly placed her hands inside, stroking her tongue. It was soft and slick, and licked at her dainty fingers as Satsuki moaned softly. Slowly, Nonon’s hands crawled to the back of her mouth, and she began to pull herself inside. Her arms were quickly gulped up to her elbows, as her chin now rested on the tongue. As soft as it felt on her hands, it felt even softer as the muscle lovingly lapped at her face, taking long, slow licks, savoring the sweet woman. Things even got a bit steamy as it poked into Nonon’s own mouth, daring to dance with her tongue for a few brief moments, before leaving to continue the daunting task of tasting her entire body. Gulp. The sound of Satsuki swallowing her was predictably much louder from within, and Nonon’s head entered the throat, fingers poking into the entrance to the stomach. While the mouth was certainly comfortable, the throat was something else entirely. The air was humid, the walls tightly squishing her face and arms, but feeling far softer than even the tongue. If this was only a sample of the comfort Nonon would find within Satsuki’s body, then the stomach itself would be mind-blowing. Nonon’s mind snapped back to reality as Satsuki’s tongue lapped at her breasts, teasing her nipples slightly before swallowing again. Gulp. With that, Nonon’s own tummy slid into Satsuki’s maw, the soft, smooth surface quickly being explored by the tongue. The taste must’ve been amazing, as Satsuki moaned deeply, and Nonon was able to feel the body around her vibrating. Satsuki, in turn, was able to feel Nonon vibrating, or rather gently wriggling, in her gullet as her belly was tickled with licks. She didn’t intend to torture Nonon tonight, so she slowed her licking, gave a few more gentle laps, and swallowed again. Gulp. Oh boy. Nonon could tell what was coming. She just felt her hips pop between Satsuki’s lips, and it was a safe bet that… “OHHHHH..! Oh my god yes..!” Nonon shouted, her lover’s tongue had begun it’s exploration of Nonon’s womanhood, stroking, pushing, teasing and pressing. Like any muscle on her body, Satsuki’s tongue was powerful, strong and trained to be a deadly weapon if needed, but it had many practical uses, of which Nonon was keenly aware. While the act was familiar, the new position Nonon found herself in, that being halfway down Satsuki’s throat, made it even more exciting. Satsuki would take her time here. She wouldn’t pass up such a perfect opportunity to drive her little lover wild. Already, Nonon’s lustful shouts reverberated from deep within her gullet, a sensation she found immensely pleasing. Combined with the rich sweetness that came with, well, eating her out, the two were in synchronized ecstasy. Nonon was pushed to her limit until, eventually, she burst, proof of her climax dripping past her, down into the stomach. Of course, being reminded of her destination turned Nonon on even further, and she was hungry to arrive. Gulp. Finally, Nonon’s head popped in. This was Satsuki’s stomach. Thanks to the lights in the room being on, there was a faint glow, letting Nonon just barely see what it looked like. A deep reddish-pink, the entire surface covered in large, slick, smooth bumps and ridges, begging to embrace her. Satsuki lapped at her thighs until she realized something. Nonon’s knees. It was quite inconvenient of the human body to bend in two different directions, and this would have to be solved before Satsuki could swallow again, or risk hurting her girlfriend. She straightened her back and grabbed onto Nonon’s legs, turning them so the front faced her. Thankfully, Nonon was in a position where her body could easily twist around without bending in any ways she shouldn’t. While she was initially confused, it only took a second to understand Satsuki’s reasoning. Nonon’s hands gently poked at the soft walls and floor of her gut, in awe of how much softer it was than even Satsuki’s throat. Gulp. Finally, all that remained was Nonon’s tiny feet, heels resting on Satsuki’s tongue. While Satsuki didn’t have a foot fetish, that was Nonon’s obsession, she began eagerly licking at her soles, delighted that they were as tasty as the rest of her body. Using her powerful tongue, Satsuki gave Nonon the special massage she so commonly received, pressing the muscle deep into the soft feet. While she couldn’t exactly suck Nonon’s toes the way she often sucked Satsuki’s, the delicious soles, arches, and heels were lovingly licked. This brought Nonon such immense pleasure. Already, she was in Satsuki’s stomach up to her chest, but finally getting to experience this massage for herself made the small lady melt in comfort. Before swallowing, Satsuki grabbed her phone, taking several photos of Nonon’s feet in her maw, being licked or otherwise. She then prepared to record a video of… Gulp. The camera perfectly caught the entirety of the final swallow, as Nonon’s toes wriggled and disappeared down Satsuki’s throat. Nonon would appreciate these later. Now all she had to do was be patient, as her throat naturally guided the rest of Nonon’s body down to her stomach. As soon as she could, Satsuki took a deep breath, and exhaled. Swallowing an entire person, even one as tiny as Nonon, was quite tiring. The result, however, was very much worth it. The satisfying feeling of fullness that washed over Satsuki as Nonon’s whole body finally settled in her gut was incredible. “Mmmmm… burp. Oh, excuse me. Nonon, dear? Are you okay in there?” Satsuki asked, slowly rubbing her massive stomach. “Oh. My. GOD! I’m way more than okay! I’m great! It’s so amazing in here! It’s so warm, so soft, so snuggly, so cozy, it’s just all so… AHHHHHH! I LOVE IT! Thank you thank you thank you!!!” Nonon’s excitement was felt through the stomach walls as she was lovingly stroked by Satsuki. She snuggled deep into the soft flesh surrounding her, which in turn massaged Satsuki. “Ooooo~... Mmmmmm, keep squirming, love, it feels so good~...” As if feeling so full wasn’t enough incentive for Satsuki, this newfound massage-like feeling made her quickly fall in love with vore. The young couple had a newly shared kink to explore together, and surely they would in the future, but tonight, they were content to simply snuggle and enjoy each other… “...Woah, that was… That was crazy! I wonder if I should try that with Ryuko..?” Mako whispered to herself, peeking through the open door. Nonon, in her haste, forgot to close the door, and Mako couldn’t help but snoop when she heard Satsuki talking about swallowing Nonon whole. She had to go to the bathroom, but saw everything. She silently hurried back to her bedroom, her mind locked on the image of Satsuki eating Nonon alive and the two of them in euphoria. |
Christmas Surprise F/M, willing sex, unwilling vore, digestion, disposal, scat It was Christmas day, and James just got home from work. He opened the bedroom door to his girlfriend, Beth. Who was almost entirely naked beside a bit of wrapping paper covering her privates. She smiled seductively at James and made hand gestures to get him closer. "Are you ready for your Christmas present dear." Beth said to James in her seductive tone. "Yes, of course. I've been waiting all day for this." James said as he started to undress. After James was fully naked, he jumped on the bed and kissed Beth. Moving down her body, James carefully removed the wrapping paper covering her breasts and vagina. James then softly groped Beth's plump and voluptuous tits. James then slid his erect cock into her vagina. He thrust back and forth, making Beth moan in pleasure. "Ah. Yes. Faster." Beth cried out James started to thrust faster, as he was just about to climax. When it was time, James shoved the entirety of his penis into the vagina and came. His seed shot into Beth's womb, as he collapsed on the bed next to Beth. Beth sprang up and looked directly at him. "How was that, did it feel good." "That was the best Christmas present a man could ask for. "Hehe, good. I guess that means it's time for my present." "Huh, I thought you said not to bother to buy me a present this year because you're all I want this year'." "Uhuh, that's true. I meant every word of it; now I think its time to have my present." "I'm confused... what’s that look on your face." "Just shut up and enjoy the ride." While James was trying to understand what his girlfriend was talking about, he suddenly noticed something warm and wet around his feet. He looked up and saw that his feet were in the mouth of his girlfriend. "Uhhh, what are you doing." *Gulp* Instead of answering him, Beth began swallowing down James' legs. James could feel himself being pulled down the bed; he struggled to grab anything he could. However, he was much to exhausted to hold on to anything and found his torso starting to sink down his girlfriend's gullet. James was scared, but the feeling of his cock sliding against Beth's throat prevented him from trying to escape. As much as he hated the idea of being eaten, he couldn't hide his arousal. Beth smiled sadistically, as she felt his cock get erect in her throat. Before he knew it, Beth had already shoved his arms in her maw and began gulping them down. At this point there was nothing he could do to escape, he took one final look of the outside world before Beth's mouth shut over his face. *Gulp* "Ahhh that was a good *urp* meal." "I know this is a dumb question, but are you going to let you out." "I'll let you out *urp* tomorrow." "Ok..." "As for now, I think I'll take a nap and let my stomach work on you." "See you in the morning, I guess? Sleep well." "Hehe, I'll sleep just fine. Thanks for the present this really has been the best Christmas ever." It only took a couple of minutes after Beth fell asleep for the stomach to go into full overdrive. First James’ clothes dissolved, then his skin started to corrode off, not even his bones were safe from the strong stomach acids. As the night passed, James was reduced to nothing but a human stew of nutrients flowing through the intestines. The body absorbed all his nutrients and fat, leaving him as a solid mass of waste to be expelled. When morning hit, Beth was forced out of bed due to the pressure in her bowels. She hurried to the bathroom to relieve herself of yesterdays meal. She stopped momentarily in front of the bathroom mirror to admire her new body. "Nice I think my tits grew a whole cup size, and my ass doesn't look half bad either. However, I'm not a fan of all this belly pudge." She said as she stretched of her bloated abdomen. *Pffffp* "Ok, ok, I know you want out... stop being so impatient." Beth sat down on the toilet and relaxed her anus. Almost instantly brown waste started exploding out. Before she could reach the leaver to flush, the pile of stinky mud had already clogged the toilet. The mountain of shit was void of bones, fabric, or hair. She finished off her boxing day dump by expelling the contents of her bladder. The steady stream of yellow urine can to a gradual stop, reducing to just a trickle. When the release of both the solid and liquid remains was complete, she got up to admire her work. "Darn, clogged again... well I could always call a plumber. I am hungry, and i should try to get a couple more meals before the new year." |
Accidental Sadism F/M, Digestion, scat, same size, disposal, Blend s, Maika. After a long day, cafe Stile was closed for the day, and the Manager called the staff to look at the customer surveys. The surveys were positive as usual but occasionally criticized Maika for her lack of sadism. At cafe Stile, each girl was to play a specific "character." Maika's eye shape allowed her to give scary glairs easily. While her accidental glairs scared off other employers, she was welcomed with open arms as the sadistic character at cafe Stile. However, despite being the sadistic character, her creepy glair was the only sadistic looking part about the kind and gentle girl. So, it was only natural that she would get requests to improve. The Manager saw that this made Maika sad, so he made her a parfait. After everyone was finished changing, Maika sat in the employee room brainstorming ways to become more sadistic. Hmm, maybe I should practice on this parfait... Maika thought to herself. "I'm going to eat you... no, devour you," Maika said to the parfait. Just then the Manager walked in. "ack, h-h-how long have you been there, Manager," Maika said embarrassed. "I just got here." the Manager responded Maybe I should practice my new sadistic ideas on the Manager. Maika thought. "I'm going to devour you, Manager," Maika said "Huh," The shocked Manager responded. The combination of the absurd threat, as well as her sadistic glair, sent chills down his spine. However, he soon realised that she must have just wanted to work on her sadistic character. Oh Maika, you're such a hard worker. If you're trying so hard the least, I could do is play along. The Manager thought as he wiped tears from his eyes. "Why do you want to eat me, Maika?" The Manager responded, acting clueless to what she was trying to do. "Because I'm hungry, and worthless pigs like you are meant to be eaten," Maika responded while maintaining her cold gaze. Maybe I'm going too far; I don't want the Manager to think I'm weird. Perhaps i should just stop and explain things. Maika thought to herself. "Yes, please eat me Maika." the Manager responded. "W-w-what," Maika said in shock. Oh no, the Manager actually wants me to eat him. If I tell him the truth, he will be so angry at me. I guess my only choice is to eat him. Maika reasoned. "I-I-I was going to eat you, anyways," Maika said as her sadistic persona began to crumble. "Uh, Maika," The Manager said nervously as Maika walk towards him. Maika grabbed both Manager’s hands and shoved them into her mouth. She began to swallow down his hands, pulling the Manager's entire body with them. "Wait, Maika I was only kidding. Don't eat me." The Manager pleaded. But the Manager's cries fell on deaf ears, as Maika was so concentrated on keeping her mouth open as wide as possible so that she could swallow him. The manger's protests became muffled cries as the gasping maw engulfed his entire head. Maika continuously consumed more of the Manager's body as it slid down her throat. The Manager's clothes became wet and slimy as the absorbed the saliva. As Maika began swallowing down the Manager's legs, his hands already had entered the stomach. The cramped space forced the Manager to form the fetal position as Maika finished swallowing his legs. Maika removed his shoes and socks and threw them aside, as she closed her mouth over his feet and swallowed them down to join the rest of his body in the awaiting stomach. "Ahhh, that wasn't as bad as I thought it would be" Maika sighed. *UUUUUUURRPP* Maika let out a giant belch as result of all the air she swallowed along with the Manager. This caused the Manager to struggle as much of his limited air supply had just been removed. "Ow, not so rough you'll give me a stomach ache." Maika groaned. "Maika, why did you eat me. Do you hate me or something?" the Manager said while crying. "Huh, I thought you wanted me to eat you." "I was just playing along so that you could practice your sadism." "Oh..." Maika said with a stunned look. Thinking back on it, Maika realised that the Manager was struggling a lot on the way down for someone willing to be eaten. "This isn't good, how am I going to get you out," Maika said. "I thought you would know." The Manager responded. "Here, I'll go to the hospital and... *click* *click* Ummm the door is locked." "Oh no, someone must have locked it before they went home, maybe you can call someone back to unlock it." "About that... I kind of forgot to charge my phone last night, so it's completely dead." "Well someone will be back in the morning, it stings a bit, but I'm sure I'll be fine until then." "Ok, do mind if I go to sleep I'm exhausted." "Sure, goodnight Maika." "Goodnight, see you in the morning Manager." However, Maika's stomach had different plans for the Manager. When Maika fell, asleep her stomach went to work digesting its large meal. Acid began to fill the fleshy chambers, and the stomach walls churned against the Manager. The stomach acids started corroding away at the Manager's flesh. The acid's relentless attack on the Manager's body left him soft and barely conscious. The softer his body became, the more efficient the stomach walls became at pulverising the flesh into mush. It wasn't long before the acid got to the Manager's lungs and brain, where he quickly passed away inside the stomach of the girl he loved. After a while, the structure of a human body was reduced to a meaty, bloody stew at the bottom of the stomach. The meat slurry flowed into the intestines where all the usable nutrience, fat, and liquids were absorbed. Maika continued to sleep peacefully during the entire process. In the morning, Maika was awoken by Kaho who had entered the room first. Who was shocked to see Maika passed out on the floor. "MAIKA ARE YOU OK" Kaho yelled as she shook Maika awake. *pfffp* "Excuse me, I need to use the washroom," Maika said as she ran past Kaho and the others who came running after hearing the yelling. As Maika ran into the washroom, she completely forgot to shut the door. The others unsure what was going on followed her, and hid against the wall, peeking such that they wouldn't be seen. Maika had made it to the washroom just in time as the contents of her bowels were highly pressured. Logs of shit exploded out almost as soon as she sat on the toilet. Eventually, the flow slowed down to a steady pace. The remains became more substantial, as they started to contain bits of bone and fabric. After a few minutes, the flow came to a stop as something blocked the path. With a bit of pushing, Maika was able to expel the skull of her former meal. After the release of the last logs of brown sludge, she emptied her bladder of the liquid waste of the Manager. Unusable parts of his blood, as well as excess water all, came out as a steady stream of golden urine. The flow of piss sprinkled over the pile of waste and eventually came to a stop. Maika then reached for some toilet paper and wiped herself. With the pressure from her bowels gone, she was able to reason her situation. “Ouch… What did I eat last night. She felt her bra much tighter, and through closer examination discovered that her breasts grew at least a whole cup size. However, she also noticed that her belly had gotten relatively flat, apart from a layer of belly fat. "Oh no!" she gasped. She immediately got up to examine the toilet. Only see a bleached skull buried in waste, staring right at her. "Manager..." she said in shock as she ran out of the bathroom crying. The other employees quickly hid out of the way to avoid being seen. "Hmmm on the bright side this will be perfect for my next book" Miu commented. "When I called him poop, I didn't expect him to become a pile of it." Hideri added. "Let's go check on Maika, knowing the Manager it's probably his fault." Mafuyu said as she walked away. Eventually, everyone walked away to console Maika. Completely forgetting to flush the Manager's remains away. |
Masamune-kun's revenge plan gone wrong f/m, same size, Masamune Kun's revenge, digestion, disposal, scat, quick digestion After almost a year trying to make Adagaki Aki fall in love with him, Makabe Masamune was finally close enough to execute the final phase in his revenge. Nine years before this, his love confession to Adagaki Aki failed horribly. He grew up as a snobby chubby boy, as he was born from a wealthy family. This leads him to be given the nickname "Pig's foot". Soon after he was rejected, he changed his names and moved to live with his grandfather. Where he worked out until he became the ideal "hot guy". Adagaki Aki despite rejecting him, missed Makabe when he left and began to see males as selfish liars, harshly rejecting and humiliating any guy that asked her out. This lead to the nickname "Cruel Princess." To get revenge on the girl who harshly rejected him nine years ago, and countless other guys. He decided to make her fall for him then harshly reject her, revealing that he was the chubby kid that she refused to fall in love with nine years ago. Despite challenges, the revenge plan was going smoothly. He was even able to defeat Gasou Kanetsugu, the man impersonating Makabe from nine years ago to marry into Aki's family. One day, when Makabe opened his shoe locker, a letter fell out. "Come meet me in the Storage room where I usually eat lunch; I want to confess everything." Makabe clinched his fist by his chest and smiled maliciously. This was the moment he was waiting for. Despite rejecting her in a public setting, everything else was going according to plan. Arriving at the storage room, he saw a familiar scene. A stack of empty lunch boxes and Aki sitting in the back. "Sigh, when is she going to return with my bread," Aki said in her condescending tone. "You can't seriously want more food," Makabe responded. Despite being slim, Aki had to consume large amounts of food each meal to prevent her stomach from growling and to prevent her from passing out. Aki's condition makes her quickly burn off calories, forcing her to hide from her friends so that she isn't seen consuming piles of food. "Anyways what did you want to talk about," Makabe said, pretending to be clueless. "Well, um. I think we should start dating, for real." Aki responded. "Hmmm really." "It's not like that. I just, you know. Don't want people to get the wrong idea about us." Aki said while flustering. "Are you saying that you finally like me," Makabe said, trying to corner her into confessing. "Fine, alright I like you. Are you happy now." Aki retorted. "Well I'm sorry, but I'm going to refuse your offer," Makabe said smugly. "Wait, WHAT! You've been obsessing over me for the last year, and now when I want to date you, you REFUSE!" Aki shouted. "Remember that chubby boy; you rejected nine years ago. I believe you called him "Pig's Foot," Makabe said "Wait, don't tell me your..." Aki said shocked. "Yes, that was me, and now that I'm hot I decided to give you a taste of your own medicine." "So everything you said to me in the last year was just LIES?" Aki said on the brink of tears. "I guess so," Makabe calmly responded. "you're awful..." Aki whispered. "Huh, what was that" "I SAID YOU'RE AWFUL!" Aki shouted. "Calm down your overreacting..." Makabe said as he started to back towards the door. *GRRRRRRRR* At that moment Aki's stomach started to grumble again, and she remembers that she hardly ate anything, relative to her regular diet. Making her quite hungry. "You know, my bread still hasn't arrived yet, and I'm getting pretty hungry," Aki said as she sadistically grinned. "I'm sure Yoshino will be here soon..." "That girl always takes to long... but I'm sure a pig's foot such as yourself would taste just fine," Aki said as she crept towards him "You can't be serious; you can't eat a person," Makabe said petrified. "Yes I can, and with my metabolism, I could probably have you digested before lunch is over. That way, no one. Would. know." Aki whispered into his ears. "Listen I'm sorry about tricking you, but you can't be serious. I'll buy you food if you're so hungry." Instead of responding Aki started undressing him. "I think this will speed up the digestion... hey I guess you do have a pretty nice body," Aki said as she teased Makabe. Meanwhile, Makabe sat there stunned, as Aki opened her mouth and engulfed his head. Aki's saliva coated Makabe's head; her tongue licked Makabe's face. Her breath smelled like meat, rice, and vegetables. The sent only got stronger as she swallowed and Makabe's face descended her slimy throat. He could not see anything as he got deeper inside her, but instantly knew when he hit the stomach. Apart from the vile scent of digested food, his face has crammed right into a stew of her lunch. The acids stung his skin he was submerged in the pool of acid that was previously digesting her food from before. *Gulp* He could feel his arms and torso slide down her gullet, and it wasn't long before his legs were sinking down her throat as well. Aki took one last swallow as Makabe's feet slid past the closing maw. Soon his entire body was curled up in the cruel princess's stomach. *BUUURP* "Wow, I haven't felt full like this in forever. However, I doubt how long it will last, I can already feel that my stomach is hard at work." Aki teased "You won't get away with this; people don't just forget about a hot guy like me." "But they'll never find you; you know that right. Every calorie your body has to offer is going to be burned by mine and the rest... well you know." "Huh, what’s going to happen." "Oh, don't make me say it, it's embarrassing... *sigh* the rest of you... will be pooped out of course." This set of Makabe's "I'm too hot to be poop." response and triggered him to struggle violently. "Ow, you know that's just going to make you digest faster. Why don't you do us both a favour and digest quietly." Aki groaned. She wasn't kidding; the struggle ripped off chunks of Makabe's flesh that was deeply corroded by the acids and signalled a fresh wave of stomach acids. The acids quickly rose over his head, silencing him forever. The digestion process tired out Aki and she passed out on the floor of the storage room. She awoke to the sound of the door opening. Yoshino, one of her family’s servants opening the door. "Finally, it took you long enough. You know if Makabe weren't so much of a narcissistic idiot, I probably would have had you for lunch." Aki snorted "Oh I'm sorry, there was a big line and... wait Makabe, where is he." Aki looked down to see her stomach went from a large bulge to almost flat in almost an hour. Also to her disbelief her flat breast hardly grew at all. Just as she predicted, every calorie was burned. She cursed her high metabolism under her breath as she groped her small breasts. When suddenly she felt a pressure in her bowels. "urgh, already. Don't worry about Makabe, I'm going to step out for a bit. Don't you dare follow me." Aki threatened. "Ok, um do you still want the bread." "Of course, I still want the bread, you dummy," Aki said as she walked out. Stupid Pig's foot, your foolish revenge plan just made her more intolerable. Serves him right, I told him to leave it to me. I hope he enjoys being a pile of shit and fat on her child tits. Yoshino thought to herself as Aki went to use the bathroom. In the Bathroom, Aki barely made it in time. The remains of Makabe that couldn't be used by Aki's body, pressurised at her rear. She sat down on the toilet seat and relaxed her bowels. *PPPPFFFP* A loud fart roared out of Aki's butt as she started to release a log of stinky sludge out of her bowels. The logs of shit where relatively boneless, apart from small pieces of bones that stuck out. After being digested to a pulp, not even the bones where safe from the strong acid. When the nutrients were absorbed, the calories were burned almost as soon as they entered the body. All that was left of his body was currently being expelled log by log, in the school bathroom. Aki continuously flushed such that any evidence of her crime could be destroyed as soon as it left her body. After a while, Aki felt lighter. She was about to grab the toilet paper until she felt a sharp pressure in her butt. After intensely pushing, a craked bleched skull popped out of her ass and landed in the toilet with a splash. The cold water touching her sensitive butt, made her quickly jump from the seat. She took one look at the cracked skull and smirked. "Its funny how you were trying to dump me, but you ended being the one dumped," Aki said with a grin before flushing down the skull. After the skull was flushed, she sat down to both wipe her ass, and to release her bladder. After a quick swipe the last of the solid remains of Makabe, she released the last liquid remains. A golden shower rained from her urethra and turned the water yellow. The stream stops almost as soon as it started, and she flushed the toilet for the final time, before leaving the bathroom to eat her bread. "Maybe I should pay a visit to Masam... I mean Gasou, now that I know he was lying. I just hate it when they lie..." Aki said to herself as she walked away, not giving a second thought to the man she doomed to eternity in the sewers. |
Lost Treasure F/M, F/F, Dragon girl, macro/micro, digestion, scat, dispoal "And if you look over here you can see some beautiful stagalites, these are estimated to be almost a thousand years old." The tour group looked in awe as they gazed upon the rows of rock spikes hanging from the roof of the cave. The group moved along until they hit a fork in the tunnel. "Careful you guys don't get lost, some of the paths have been eroded down, make sure to keep up with me." The group was having a great time, except for the couple straggling along in the back. "Urgh, I didn't come to this cave to look at rocks." The blond-haired tourist said. "What was that dear." Her boyfriend said as he played on his phone. "This cave has a fantastic historical and paranormal legacy to it, but here we are following some bitch with a PhD is boringology pointing out different coloured rocks." "Yeah, I guess so." The husband said paying little attention to what his girlfriend was rambling about. "Like, I have read blogs online saying, pirates would hide there treasure here. Or stories about bloody raids by the French on German soldiers using it as a hideout. They say their souls still wander this place, and sometimes you can even hear gunshots ring out through the cave." The Blond girl rambled on about. "Wait, wait. You say pirates hid their treasure hear as in it may still be here" The Boyfriend said excitedly as he shoved his phone in his pocket. The brown-haired man had been trying to find a "get rich quick." scheme every since he dropped out of college. His girlfriend dragged him away from his usual schedule of lotto scratchers and internet scamming to get some inspiration for her novel. "well yeah, I've read a couple blogs about them using this as a hideout to escape the navy. Apparently, they found some shipwrecks of old pirate ships not too far from here." The blond haired women said, surprised that her boyfriend was actually interested in what she was saying. "Well, what are we doing following these shmucks, let's explore." The male tourist waited until the tour group was out of sight until he flipped on the flashlight on his phone and travelled down an adjacent path. "What for me... WHOA" While running to catch up with the eager adventurer, she slipped and fell. Panicking, she grabbed her boyfriend's leg pulling him down with her. The moist slope of the cave accelerated the couple down the smooth limestone path. While sliding the middle-aged man dropped his phone immersing them in total darkness. Eventually, after sliding for some time, the couple finally stopped in a deep cavity of the cave. The man searched his pockets for his phone to no avail as he eventually settled with a lighter. "Hey, do you have your phone" the boyfriend called out. "No, I think it fell off as he slid." "Nice job, look what you got us into. "ME!, you're the one who took off." "Just shut up and give me your something to make a torch with." The girl passed him a selfie stick and her dirty jacket, as he assembled a makeshift torch. He lit the coat on fire, only to met with a beautiful sight. He looked around astonished, all around him laid gold coins and rare jewels. He instinctively started shoving as much gold as he could until he came across a jewelled gold crown sparkling under a pile of gold. "I think we should try to escape," The blond girl said with a purse full of gold. "One sec I want this crown," The greedy boy said as he reached toward it. "Come on, you have more than enough plus that pile looks unstable." The girlfriend pleaded. Ignoring his girlfriend's advice, he yanked the crown from the pile. The unstable collection fell apart causing a chain reaction shaking the entire cave. He started backing away from the pile, just then he heard a loud scream from below. He almost screamed himself when he saw a giant naked female arise from the cavern below. The girl had two large horns, golden hair, a pair of scaly wings, and giant sharp claws hanging from her fingernails. "Ouch, I knew I should have organised the piles before I went to sleep." The Dragon girl said. The girl tilted her head to watch the two bite-sized humans run from her to find a way out. They attempted to climb out the way they came in, but it was too slippery and steep to climb. "Awwwh, come back here. I don't bite... well maybe I will, I was just rudely awakened." The dragon girl teased. Giving up hope, they walked back in shame to the giantess. She immediately noticed the bulges in their pockets and became displeased. "Um sorry we got separated from our tour group, uh could you help us get out of here." The boyfriend tried his hardest to deceive the dragon girl but to no avail. "Your lie would be more convincing if you didn't have my gold falling out of your pockets." The dragon girl saud sarcastically. "It's not your gold its the pirate's gold" The blond girl blurted out. "Pie-rats, where those the guys with the weird clothes and wooden legs... man they were tasty." "WHAT!" The girl said in shock. "Huh oh I was thinking of something else, um no those guys gave me their treasure so that I would help them escape." The dragon girl lied. "What does a person like you even need gold for anyways." "what do you mean "a person like you" I'm perfectly normal. I like it because of its shininess and stuff." The dragon pouted "Whatever, if we return the gold you'll let us out right." The blond girl said as she emptied her pockets, and nudged at her boyfriend to do the same. "Of course no... I will." The dragon girl changed her phrase as she thought of something devilish. "Oh thank you so much, miss." "Ok, so after you empty of your stolen goods crawl into my mouth, and it'll swallow you-" "WHAT! no no no no." The blond-haired tourist yelled. "The only way out is through a volcanic vent, if I carry you on my back or in my claws, you'll melt from the heat. And if you're in the mouth I can't breathe, which you know is kind of important." The dragon girl tried not to laugh at her blatant lie. "I don't know how I feel about this, I don't this thing one bit" The brown haired man whispered to his partner. "Hey, this "thing" is trying to help us. It's your own fault were down here. I just want to go back to our hotel room, take of these dirty clothes, and take a bath." The women complained. "Oh yeah clothes, take them off... I am um allergic, yeah that's it. I'm allergic to the fabric in your clothes." The dragon girl said, hiding the fact that she just wanted them to taste better. After stripping the two tourists approached the giant maw as she opened it for them to go inside. The lips closed behind them as the dragon girl swished them around with her massive tongue. It's been years since she tasted a human, and she wanted to savour it. *Grumble* Her tummy reminded her that its been years since she had eaten at all. Her hunger overwhelmed her, and she took a hard swallow. *GULP* The couple, naked and scared found themselves sliding down a steep path for the second time tonight. However, the hard limestone was replaced by soft fleshy throat muscles pulling them down into her stomach. The two travellers splashed into a puddle of awaiting stomach acid, that started burning their naked flesh. The girl quickly started pounding on the stomach walls, yelling at the top of her lungs. *URPP* A fireball came out of the dragon girls mouth as she burped from her struggling meal. "Don't worry we're almost out, just hang on a bit longer." The dragon girl teased. "Why did we stop moving then." The blond girl questioned. "Are you really that dense. Not only did you guys wake me up, but you guys also tried to steal from me. You should be happy that all I'm doing is digesting you." The dragon girl said "Does that mean you're not going to let us out." "Oh, I'll let you out... as tomorrows bowel movement that is" The dragon girl laughed evilly. "I told you this would happen, but you were just so eager to climb into this things mouth and let her eat us." The brown-haired man groaned. "Well if you weren't so greedy we wouldn't be in this mess." His girlfriend snapped back. "Well If you didn't make us go on this trip-" *UUURPPP* Another burst of flames expelled out of the dragon girl's mouth as she burped up the built-up gas in her stomach. "Hey, stop all your fighting, it's going to give me indigestion. Can't you just turn into crap like a happy couple?" The dragon girl interrupted. However, her request did not stop the fighting but only increase it. She eventually gave up and went to sleep. She dreamed about all the people she was going to eat after she finished her nap. After a while, the argument ended in a stalemate as the acids rose higher and higher, eventually drowning and dissolving the two occupants. Even the bones turned to mush by the dragons strong stomach. Most of the nutrients and liquids were happily collected by intestines. With her digestive system turned back on after years of hibernation, it only took a few hours until the dragon girl was forced awake to release all her built-up waste, alongside her most recent meal. *Pffffppff* A fart escaped her butt as she woke up for the second time. She wandered to her usually dumping grounds filled with piles of dragon shit, a graveyard of everyone who had ever entered her cave. She raised her scaly tail as she squatted down by a clean plot of land, preparing to release serval years worth of waste. After another fart, the first log of shit poked its head out of the giant anus. The dragon girl sighed in relief as the brown snake smoothly exited her rear. Log after log of brown sludge followed it as they made a growing pile under her plump ass. A mountain of smelly mud built up almost high enough to touch its own exit point. One last log slid from her butt, but this one was a different colour as well a softer texture. The dragon girl let out a moan, the feeling of fresh shit smoothly leaving her butt was one that she had missed over the years. She smiled knowing her annoying guests had finally been completely turned to shit and had gone home to do what they do best. Being pieces of shit. She was not finished yet, she still had a full bladder she ejected out of urethra onto the steaming pile below. The golden stream glowed just as much as her treasure collection. She thought how happy the two must be, to receive this much gold. The steady torrent of hot piss eventually graduated into calm drips, and then stopped as a whole. She got up and wiped the excess tourist from her ass on a nearby rock and thought about heading to be until she heard a voice from above. "If you look closely, you'll be able to see a rare species of bats, only found near this cave." She grinned sadistically as she decided to reunite the rest of the tour group with their lost members. |
The Tastiest Ramen Noodles F/F, Digestion, scat, anime, Ms Koizumi loves ramen noodles "Hey Koizumi-san" Yuu yelled out at the blond lady. Instead of responding Ms. Koizumi kept walking toward the exit, without long Yuu was able to catch up to her. "Hey, Koizumi-san do you want to hang out after school," Yuu asked. "No thank you" Koizumi responded as she coldly turned down her offer. Being rejected Yuu walked back to her friends. "Why won't Koizumi-san hang out with me" Yuu complained to her friends. "I don't think it's your fault," Jun responded. "Yeah, I think the only thing that girl wants to be with is a bowl of ramen," Misa added. "Hmmm, wait that gives me an idea, thank you guys," Yuu said she ran away. Sprinting out of the school, she was able to catch up to Ms Koizumi. "*Panting* Koizumi-san. Do you want to eat ramen with me," Yuu said as she was out of breath. "No thank you, I prefer to eat ramen alone," Koizumi said as she walked away. "What if you come to my house later and I make you lots ramen." Yuu imposed. Koizumi was left with a tough choice. She wasn't particularly fond of hanging out with the clingy girl, but she did enjoy the ramen she makes. She then realised that if she refused Yuu would most likely just follow her to the ramen shop she was planning to visit. "Fine, I'll stop by for a little bit-" Koizumi started to agree before her sentence was cut short. "Yesss!, You won't regret this." Yuu cheered happily as she ran home. "Hopefully not," Koizumi murmured as she watched Yuu runoff. While Koizumi was eating ramen in a nearby restaurant, Yuu was cooking a feast of ramen that Koizumi would never forget. She had been able to find a massive bowl that she planned to fill with ramen, and herself. After preparing the noodles, Yuu then seasoned the ramen with various spices. While the noodles were soaking in the water, she removed her clothing and began to step into the bowl. "Now for the finishing touch," Yuu said as she sat down in the centre of the large bowl. She didn't have to wait long for Koizumi to arrive. She had rung the doorbell, but Yuu was unable to leave her position. "It's open Koizumi-san," Yuu yelled out. Koizumi carefully opened the door to see Yuu naked and bathing in a large bowl of ramen. She immediately tied her hair back and rolled up her selves before collecting the pair of chopsticks that had been set out for her. "Thank you for the meal," Koizumi said with her hands together. She pulled some noodles out of the large bowl and blew on them; she then slurped them into her mouth. "Hehe, that tickles Koizumi-san," Yuu responded. Koizumi then did something unexpected and grabbed Yuu with her chopsticks and brought her towards her mouth. "Ummm, Koizumi-san what are you doing?" Yuu asked. Koizumi was too caught up in the momentum of her feast to respond to her, and instead just opened her mouth large enough to engulf Yuu's head. Yuu's protests became muffled after her entire head was stuffed inside Koizumi's mouth. Koizumi then began to swallow violently, dragging Yuu's body further into her mouth. After the majority of Yuu's body was consumed, Koizumi slurped down her legs like a pair of ramen noodles. Koizumi made sure to savour the taste of Yuu's skin, which had been soaking in a bowl of ramen for the last half hour. She could easily taste the incorporated flavours of the ramen as well as the natural taste of Yuu's naked flesh. Both flavours made Koizumi's face blush with pleasure, as Yuu's feet disappeared in Koizumi's maw. *Urrrrrrp* "excuse me," Koizumi said after she let out a loud burp, as a result of devouring her food quickly. However, Yuu's body wasn't enough to stop Koizumi from finishing her bowl of ramen, as she was grown accustomed to eating large amounts of ramen. Meanwhile, in Koizumi's stomach, Yuu had dropped down into a pile of half-digested ramen that she could have only assumed to be her previous meal before coming here. As expected the inside of Koizumi's stomach smelt strongly of ramen as well as various toppings she enjoyed putting on her ramen. Yuu could hear loud slurping noises echoing above her and soon felt a pile of fresh ramen noodles pile on her head. Next, a shower of all the liquid left in the massive bowl splashed on Yuu. ‘That might have been the best ramen I have ever had,’ Koizumi thought as she laid on her back, cradling her bloated stomach. "Thank you for the meal, *Urp* I will be on my way now," Koizumi said to her stomach that imprisoned Yuu. "Koizumi-san, let me out. It's hot and smelly in here," Yuu cried out. "Why would you feed yourself to me if you just wanted to be let out afterwards," Koizumi scolded back at Yuu. "I didn't feed myself to you; you ate me Koizumi-san," Yuu responded. "Why would you serve yourself to me then," Koizumi said frustrated. "I thought you would just eat ramen off me and stuff," Yuu said while blushing. "Well that has nothing to do with me," Koizumi said uninterested as she started to leave Yuu's apartment. "Koizumi-san, you have to let me out. We're friends aren't we," Yuu begged. "I don't remember ever agreeing to be friends," Koizumi responded as she walked home. Koizumi's last statement left Yuu in silence for a bit; she had finally realised her situation and that her chances of escaping her fleshy confines were meagre. Instead of crying though, she decided to accept the position as it was. "Did you at least enjoy eating me, Koizumi-san," Yuu asked. "Yes, you were a delicious addition to the ramen you made me," Koizumi responded. Yuu smiled knowing that she made Koizumi happy, she wanted to be closer to Koizumi anyways so being in her tummy wasn't that bad. Yuu thought about the lovely addition she would make to Koizumi's perky breasts or soft butt. Soon enough, Koizumi arrived at her home and got ready for bed. She decided to skip her usual ramen before bed as she already was still full from eating Yuu and the large bowl of ramen. Koizumi rubbed her bloated stomach as she fell blissfully asleep. During the night her stomach went to work on the vast amount of food she had consumed that day, including Yuu. Yuu had already passed out from the lack of oxygen in the tight cavern during Koizumi's walk home, so he didn't feel any pain while the stomach acids were rubbed against her body by the stomach muscles. Yuu's body was eventually reduced to mush by the powerful churning of Koizumi's stomach, and her nutrients rich goop was pumped into the large intestines with the rest of the ramen Koizumi had eaten that day. The bulging stomach shrunk as more of Yuu's body passed on to the eager guts. Her digestive system absorbed all the nutrients and water in Koizumi's food and distributed it around her growing body. What remained of Yuu and the ramen collected as brown mush at the end of Koizumi's bowels. Koizumi woke up the next day feeling intense pressure in her lower abdomen. She slowly walked to the bathroom to dispose of yesterdays feastings. She pulled down her pyjamas to expose her soft butt that had grown larger since eating Yuu. Noticing the extra cushioning underneath her, she groped her breasts to find they had also increased from yesterday's meal. *Pffffp* Koizumi let out a soft fart, releasing a significant amount of pressure that had built up in her bowels. A long log of poop followed the fart, as it coiled down in the toilet below. Her poop was relatively firm from all the ramen noodles in her diet as slid quickly out of her tight opening. Only small bones were all that could distinguish Yuu's former body from a significant amount of ramen she ate. After a substantial amount of the brown mud had exited her bowels, the final push approached Koizumi's butt. With a strong force, a bleached cracked skull propelled out of Koizumi's butt and splashed in the muddy water below. She let out a sigh of relief and wiped the remaining sludge from her butt and tossed it on the mountain of former high school girl and ramen noodles. However, the battle was not over yet. Koizumi still had a full bladder from the remains of the ramen soup and Yuu. A shower of golden liquid squirted out of Koizumi's urethra and sprayed the brown mess down bellow in the toilet. After a few minutes, the flow of urine came to a close and a few drips later all that remained of Yuu's body was the fat she added to Koizumi's breasts and butt. *Grumble* Koizumi's now empty stomach cried out in hunger, reminding her to eat her breakfast ramen. She approached the toilet for one final goodbye before sending her waste into the sewers. "I guess I'll miss you a bit you a bit, but ramen was always more enjoyable to eat alone," Koizumi thought as she watched her former classmate flushing away down the toilet. |
Teasing gone to far F/M, Teasing, Karakai Jozu No Takagi San, Takagi San, mean pred, unwilling prey, anime, story, digestion, scat, disposal There has to be a way to get back at Takagi-san for teasing me so much, Nishikata thought to himself as he sat on a school bench eating his lunch. "Oh, hey there Nishikata," Takagi-san called out as she ran towards him. "Hello, Takagi-san," Nishikata said embarrassingly "What do you have today for lunch," "Rice, and vegetables, how about you," "Oh, I forgot my lunch at home today," "Haha, how could you forget your lunch, your such an airhead sometimes," Nishikata said smugly, desperately trying to tease her. "Yeah, I guess," Takagi-san responded. Nishikata looked away in embarrassment, Takagi-san completely neutralised his attack. He had to think up a new way to try and tease her. "Say, I bet I could fit your entire head in my mouth," Takagi-san said casually. Nishikata went bright red and almost fell off the bench from embarrassment. How could she say something like that out of nowhere he though? Takagi-san must be trying to tease me again; he thought as he tried to brainstorm ways to counter. "Hahahaha, your reactions are always so funny, Nishikata," Takagi-san laughed "But seriously, I could easily fit your head in my mouth, maybe even your entire body." Takagi-san teased as she moved closer to Nishikata on the bench. This must be a bluff; she couldn't possibly fit my head in my mouth let alone my entire body, Nishikata thought. "Fine, then let's make this a contest. The loser has to do whatever the winner says," Nishikata said confidently. "Umm ok if you say so," Takagi-san responded. I've got you this time Takagi-san, Nishikata thought. It was the perfect plan, Takagi-san would never turn down competition, and of course, there was no way of him losing this time... or at least that was what he thought. He looked up to see Takagi-san's mouth wider then what was humanly possible; he was in complete shock as darkness engulfed his entire head. All around him his face was coated in saliva as Takagi-san's maw surrounded his whole face. However, it was about to get a lot worse for Takagi-san as he pulled deeper into her throat by a big **gulp**. He started flailing his arms in panic as his torso entered her slobbery jaws. "Alright Takagi-san, you won now stop swallowing me," Nishikata pleaded. His begging fell on deaf ears as Takagi-san started to lift him off the bench to push him further down her esophagus. Nishikata's face was pushed against a tight pucker that led him straight into Takagi-san's stomach. By this point, more then half of his body was inside Takagi-san and the other half soon to follow. Takagi-san lifted his skinny legs above her head, and with multiple powerful swallows, she slurped the rest of Nishikata into her belly. **URRRRP** Takagi-san sat back down on the bench and let out an enormous belch as she rubbed her bloated gut. "Urp, excuse me," Takagi-san said "Takagi-san, you cheated!" Nishikata yelled out as he struggled to move out of his curled up position. "Hahahaha, you're tickling me, stop that, your going to make me..." **URRRRRPPP** Takagi-san let out another loud burp, and immediately cover her mouth with her hand. "Also, I didn't cheat, I never said I would fit your entire body in my mouth at once," She pointed out. "Fine, whatever. You beat me this time, can you please let me out. It stinks in here." Nishikata complained. "Nishikata, it's rude to call a girl smelly. Maybe I should leave you in there," Takagi-san teased. "I'm sorry Takagi-san, can you let me out now," Nishikata begged. "You said the loser had to do whatever the winner says, and because I'm the winner I'm going to make you be my lunch,"Takagi-san teased again. "WHAAAAT" Nishikata yelled as he struggled ineffectively against the tight stomach walls. "Hahahaha, you never stop *urp* being fun to tease Nishikata," Takagi-san laughed uncontrollably. "Of course, I'm going to let you out later, I can't keep you in my belly forever." "Really, thank you Takagi-san," Nishikata said excitingly. "Although, you're going have to come out the other end, and I can't promise you'll smell that good," Takagi-san teased. It took Nishikata a few moments to understand what Takagi-san meant, but once he figured it out, he went bright red and started thrashing around uncontrollably. "Hahahahaha, your reactions never stop *urp* being funny, I bet your face is red too," Takagi-san laughed, as she poked at the massive squirming bulge in her stomach. "Its because it's hot in here," Nishikata said embarrassedly. "Ok, then," Takagi-san said "Takagi-san it's not funny anymore, the acid is starting to sting," Nishikata whined "Ok, I guess you have been in there long enough. I'll let you out now, it would be bad if anyone saw me like this anyways," Takagi-san said "Really?" "Yep" Wait, why would Takagi-san want to let me out, Nishikata thought to himself. Could, she be embarrassed to be seen with such a big belly. Now that I think about it don't girls hate looking fat. Nishikata thought back to the episode of 100% unrequited love he watched last night where the girl ate much too cake and was teased. Or could she be worried that people might think she is pregnant? I guess she would be embarrassed about that. She still is at school, and she must be so embarrassed right now. "Ok, are you ready?" Takagi-san asked. "Wait, I bet you can't keep me in here until the end of the day," Nishikata said "Huh, I thought you wanted to come out. Could it be that you actually like it in my belly," Takagi-san teased? "No, of course not, if I win you have to do whatever I say," Nishikata responded. "Fine, if that's what you want," Takagi-san smiled and got up from the bench. Her massive belly started bouncing up and down, as she walked. "Huh, where are you going?" Nishikata asked "Home," "What, what about classes you'll get detention," "Yeah, I guess. But it would be embarrassing if someone saw me like this. They would think I'm fat or pregnant," Nishikata never thought that Takagi-san would do something as bold as skipping class. He had to get out soon, as it was becoming increasingly difficult to breathe. The stomach acids started melting through his clothes too. "I guess you win again, let me out now," Nishikata begged "Nope, I’m not going to be tricked that easily, your staying in here till the end of the day," Takagi-san teased as she smacked her gut. **Urrrppp** "Excuse me," Takagi-san said as she walked home, not realising she just burped away the last of Nishikata's air. In an hour, Takagi-san arrived home and was laying in bed. "Hey, are you still alive in there," Takagi-san said as she poked her big belly. "I guess I'll let you out *Yawwwwn* in the morning, I'm too tired," Takagi-san said as she fell asleep in her comfy bed. While Takagi-san may have been asleep, her stomach was hard at work digesting her large meal. Nishikata had passed out a while ago, and Takagi-san's stomach wasted no time grinding him down to a pulp. As the night went on, Nishikata's once solid body was reduced to a slurry on chunks of flesh, blood, and bones. The powerful stomach muscles pressed down on the acid bleached bones, cracking them and grinding them up into nothing. The soup of the former boy was gradually moved into the small intestines where Takagi-san's greedy intestine walls absorbed all the nutrients. The remaining nutrient deficient mush was moved into the large intestines where all the water was collected. The solid waste was then stored in Takagi-san's colon to be expelled in the morning. The next morning, Takagi-san slowly got out of bed and walked towards the bathroom. She shut the bathroom door behind her, then pulled down her school skirt and panties that she forgot to take off before sleeping last night. She placed her now plumper rear on the cold toilet seat and began to answer the call of nature. She first relieved the pressure stored in her bladder, letting out a jet of hot urine composed the excess water and amino acids from her former meal. The golden stream of piss settled into a slow dripple then stopped altogether. **ppfffpppt** Takagi-san let out a loud fart, signalling the release of the pressure built up in her butt. She relaxed her anus as she released a long log of shit out of her butt. The long rope of shit sank to the bottom of the toilet and began to coil upwards. The breathed heavily as the log of shit grew more extensive as it slid out her ass. The flow of the soft brown shit eventually was stopped by a large object obstructing the rest of her former meal to be released. She got up and squatted above the toilet, and pushed powerfully until a bleached cracked skull popped out her butt. The rest of the waste swiftly followed the skull and made a massive pile of girl poop in the toilet bowl. Takagi-san grabbed some nearby toilet paper and wiped the remaining poop from her plump butt, then turned around to admire her mess. "Oh, I guess this means I won... Well, Nishikata I'm going to miss teasing you, but you really smell," Takagi-san waved her former friend goodbye as she flushed the pile of brown sludge down into the sewers. |
Lost in the woods F/M, digestion, wolf girl pred, wolf girl, mean pred, teasing, underaged prey, scat, disposal, peeing “Hah get owned!” Jake yelled at the enemy as he vigorously tea-bagged him. Jake had just bought (or rather his parents bought) the newest triple-A FPS that was just released and was playing it non-stop. He had been wearing the same clothes for the past 3 days and was equipped with several bottles and buckets to save time wasted going to the bathroom. Jake also had enough hot pockets and mountain dew to last a month. However, just as he was on a 20-kill streak, his door was suddenly opened, and he was blinded by the incoming light. "What the hell, Mom. You made me die." Jake yelled "Pause that and go outside, it's a beautiful day out." His mom told him "I can't pause it, I'll go outside later," Jake responded. "That's what you said yesterday, the day before that, and the day before that, and for the love of God clean up whatever is making that smell." His mom said. "I'll do it later," Jake responded. "Jake you will clean up your room RIGHT now, take a shower, and then go outside; or else you can say goodbye to your allowance," His mom said in an angry tone. "Fuck, fine I'll go, just give me a second," Jake said in an annoyed tone. "NOW!" His mom yelled. Jake quickly quit his game, emptied his waste, took a fast shower, then grabbed a change of clothes, his bb gun, and went outside. If he were no longer allowed to shoot stuff in his game, he would have to make do with what he could kill in his forest. Deep in the forest, he wandered around looking for squirrels, birds, and other small animals he could kill. When suddenly he was approached by an unknown girl. The girl had silky gray hair with two pointy fur-covered ears poking out, and a fluffy grey tail sticking from behind her. She was almost completely naked except for a patch of fur that covered her crotch. However, both her pudgy belly and perky breasts were visible. She also had two sharp fangs sticking out from her upper jaws. "Aren't you a little far from home," The cute girl asked him. "My Dad owns this entire forest, so I can be as far as I fucking want," Jake told her. "Your dad can't own the forest, dummy," The girl said. "Yeah, he can, he is rich. He can own whatever the fuck he wants,” Jake responded. "Sheesh, watch your mouth, you brat. You're talking to a lady you know," The girl said "Yeah right, "ladies" don't just walk around the forest naked, what are you a porn star or something," "What! Do I look like a porn star to you," The girl said, shocked by the sudden accusation. "Yeah your right, porn stars have bigger tits," Jake said smugly. "Haha, you're a cute kid... soon to be a dead kid, but cute none the less," The girl said passive-aggressively. "What are you then, some weird nudist or something," "My name is Emily, I'm a wolf girl, and I live in these woods," Emily responded. "So, your just like some homeless person who likes playing dress up," Jake said "You know you should be careful, these woods are filled with predators who love gobbling up annoying little shits like you," Emily said with angry smile on my face. "Yeah, and if meet any of them, I'll blow their fucking head off," Jake said as he cocked his bb gun. "You're pretty brave for a 10-year-old, lost in the woods, with only a toy gun to defend himself," Emily said smugly. "I'm not 10, you dumb bitch. I'm 15, and I'm not lost." Jake said aggressively. "Really, then how would you go home," The wolf girl said mockingly. "I would just go back the way I came," Jake said while pointing south-east. "I guess that would probably work... if you wanted to swim home, that is," Emily teased. "Ok then, if you're so smart then how would I get home," Jake asked. "Easy, you go down my throat, travel through my intestines, then out my butt. I couldn't think of a better home for a little brat like you, then behind some bush, " Emily teased. "Ha-ha real funny, when I get home I'll make sure to have a talk with my Dad about your current residence. I hear the lumber industry is booming lately," Jake threated. "It's going to be hard for you to talk to your dad about anything when you're a pile of wolf girl shit," Emily responded. "Like I'd let some dumb bitch eat me," Jake said as he pointed his bb gun at her. "Huh, usually spoiled brats are more scared when you tell them they're going to be nothing but fertilizer and breast fat. You know it's not too late to beg for mercy... not that it would do you any good," Emily said. "You look like you already have more then enough fat on you," Jake said as he poked her belly fat with the barrel of his gun. "Well, I didn't get this fat just by looking at annoying brats who get lost in the forest," Emily said smugly as she noticed him about to make his move. Jake quickly stepped back and aimed his gun. However, Emily was much faster. She used her wolf-like reflexes to pin him swiftly to the ground. His weapon was knocked out of his hands by the sudden attack and fell out of his reach. "Well, I think I've waited long enough. I'm starving," Emily said as she quickly grabbed his hands and shoved them into her open mouth. "Listen, I'm sorry for calling you names and shit. Please don't do this," Jake begged. *GULP* The cute wolf girl responded to his pleads with an audible swallow, which pulled his legs off the ground and his arms further down her throat. "I have money if that's what you want, my parents are loaded, so if you spit me out, I'm sure they will make it worth your while," Jake begged, as each of Emily's swallows brought his head closer to her hungry lips. *GULP* With another heavy swallow, both of Jakes arms were engulfed entirely by the hungry predator. Emily grabbed Jake's waist for additional leverage as she lifted his body towards her awaited maw. "Please, let me... mfffph," Jakes cries were suppressed as his head disappeared into the wolf girl's slobbery mouth. *Gulp* Emily opened her mouth even wider to accommodate the boy's shoulders. With a mighty swallow, the child's torso followed the rest of his body past the wolf girl's jaws. At this point, Jake's arms had already entered the wolf girl's stomach and were greeted by powerful stomach acids, burning his skin almost instantly. With each of Emily's swallows, Jake’s body was forced further inside the tight stomach, and eventually was curved into a fetal position. Once Jake's torso vanished from the outside world, Emily slurped down his slender legs with ease. She removed Jake's dirt-covered boots before taking a final swallow. The wolf girl's lips closed behind the boy's socks as they slid down her throat. *URRRRRRRPPP* Emily let out a loud burp, releasing the excess air she swallowed while devouring the brat whole. However, Jake could have significantly benefited from that excess air. "Excuse me," the wolf girl said while giggling. "Please, *sniffle* let me out, it burns," Jake cried. "Of course, its going to burn silly, its called stomach ACID for a reason. And relaxed, I’m going to *Urp* let you out before you know it. So, sit back and enjoy the privilege of being inside such a cute girl’s tummy… this would probably be the closest you would ever get to a girl in your life anyways, virgin, " Emily responded. "You're really *sniffle* going to let me out," Jake said. "Definitely, I know a great *Urp* spot by the water that is seriously lacking in wolf girl poop," Emily teased. Emily's teasing caused Jake to begin struggling vigorously inside the wolf girl's bulging gut. "Ah yes, *Urp* just like that," The wolf girl moaned, as she dug her fingers into the patch of fur covering her dripping crotch. Jake stopped immediately after realizing his efforts were helping rather than hurting the wolf girl. "Awwwh, you're going to *Urp* stop already, I haven't even came yet," The wolf girl said disappointedly. "I hope I *sniffle* cause indigestion, you dumb bitch," Jake cried out. "I hope you don't *Urp* dirty my fluffy tail when I shit you out," Emily responded. "My parents will come look for me, you won't *sniffle* get away with this," Jake cried out. "Your parents would probably thank me for *Urp* turning their annoying little shit of a son into a literal shit, if they *Urp* caught me... which they won't," Emily said Jake's speech soon shifted to blubbering as he both emotionally and physically broke down. Both Emily's cruel torment and powerful stomach acids did a number to Jake's body, and he eventually gave up and passed out inside the wolf girl's tummy. "Are you *Urp* gone already. Usually, the annoying ones have more fight in them. Well, I'm *Yawn* tired anyways, might as well call it a day, see you in the morning brat," She told her belly as she carried her massive bulging gut in her arms, as she walked back to her den. While she was fast asleep her stomach got to work digesting the large piece of meat that was formally the living body of a 15-year-old boy. The powerful stomach muscles contracted on the boy's flesh that was weakened by the stomach acids, reducing his lifeless body into a mushy stew. Once Emily's gut transformed all of Jake's meat into a puddle of chyme pooling at the bottom of her stomach, the stomach churned the child's bones until they were weak enough to snap from the stomach contractions. Then the thick slurry of stomach acid, meat, blood, clothing scraps, and bone shards were slowly drained into the wolf girl's small intestines. Neutralization enzymes were excreted to neutralize the stomach acid so that the girl's meal could be adequately absorbed by the intestinal villi. Any useful parts of the former brat, such as; lipids, proteins, or carbohydrates were readily absorbed by the intestinal tract and were either transported to cells as fuel or stored as fat for future use. Personally, Emily wished all the fat she got from meals would go to her breasts, but unfortunately that was rarely the case, and most of the time it becomes another layer belly fat on the wolf girl’s chubby tummy. Once all the nutrients were extracted, the mush of nutrient deficient waste moved to the large intestines so that water could be collected. Finally, the solid waste accumulated at the colon where it awaited future disposal. *Fppfpppp* A loud fart echoed around her cave, causing Emily to jump out of her bed in alertness. Once she realized that the gas was her own, the adrenaline quickly wore off and was replaced with a feeling of sharp pressure in her colon. "So, you're going to be a little pain in the ass till the very end, well I guess I'll let you out now," Emily said as she rubbed the hard lump in her lower abdomen. The wolf girl wandered the forest in search of a well-suited place to release the contents of her bowels. With a massive bowel movement ahead of her, she thought it would be a perfect opportunity to mark her territory. If an enormous pile of wolf girl feces and a large puddle of piss couldn't scare off other predators, what would. However, an even better opportunity presented itself. "JAKE! JAKE, WHERE ARE YOU!" The search party cried out. "Huh, so your name is Jake, or I guess it WAS Jake… now I guess your name is just wolf girl shit," Emily said to herself, as the pressure on her backdoor reminded her of her current mission. An evil grin formed on the wolf girls face as she sprinted to the end of the trail the search party was following (Not an easy feat for a person with a full colon and bladder, but hopefully it would pay off). "Well looks like your family will find you, after all. It's the least I could do after they provided me with such a tasty kid to eat," She said as squatted over the trail. The wolf girl's fluffy grey tail pointed straight up as she relaxed her butt, in preparation for the first log of shit. The piece of former brat gently expanded the opening of her anus as it slid out of her butt. The long turd coiled towards the ground and eventually broke off from the weight. The next turd quickly took its place as the tip began to emerge from the wolf girl's asshole. This turd was a bit harder than the last, mostly due to the scraps of clothing and small shards of bone that poked out against the colon walls. Luckily, they didn't hurt the wolf girl, but rather just caused a mild annoyance. The logs of shit that followed went a lot smoother, as the structure of the turds were firm enough to retain their shape as they travelled towards the ground. However, her bowel movement became more aggressive as she heard the search party closing in. The pile of wolf feces had grown significantly larger since the beginning of her bowel movement, but still needed the cherry on top. Emily clenched her fists and held her breath as she tried to expel the large mass blocking the flow of poop. With a few curse words and a loud grunt, the skull of the former child shot from the wolf girls anus and landed right on top of the pile, making a soft *plop* as it hit the hill of waste. However, the skull was anything but in perfect shape, it was bleached white from the acid and collected several cracks due to immense external pressure from wolf girl's tight digestive track and intense internal pressure from the substantial buildup of feces within the skull itself. The skull was followed by a final log of shit that slid quickly out the wolf girl's ass from the momentum of the skull. The wolf girl whipped her butt along the grass to remove any residue of the boy's remains that persisted on her asscheeks. After she was finished cleaning herself, she quickly stood up and walked to a nearby tree. There was no reason she couldn’t kill to birds with one stone, she though as she prepared to release the brat’s liquid remains. She positioned herself beside the tree and raised her leg in the air. Once she was in position, she began to urinate. A steady stream of golden piss shot out of her urethra and slid down the bark of the tree, creating a noticeable puddle on the ground. The urine contained a strong scent that told other wolf girls that they were in her territory and that they better leave quick, or they would face a similar fate to the nearby pile of wolf girl scat. The golden waterfall slowly transformed into a gentle river, that eventually subsided to just a yellow rainfall that sprinkled the base of the tree. Now that both her bowels and bladder were utterly empty she hid behind a nearby bush and waited for the group to uncover her handiwork. When suddenly, as she backed up she trip over something. Too much to her surprise, it was Jake's bb gun. "Might as well give them something to recognize you by, now that you look a bit uh... different," the wolf girl said as she picked up the gun and tossed it near the pile of shit. "JAK- hey wait I think I heard something over there," Jake's father said as he rushed over to Emily's dumping grounds. "What stinks, so ba- OH MY GOD," Jake's mother screamed as she saw the human skull sitting on top the mountain of excrement. "Yep, that's definitely him, I guess we call off the search party," Jake's father said. "Yeah, I *sniffle* guess," Jake's mother said while crying. "Don't cry, we can always have another kid… hopefully, a less shitty one," Jake's dad said. Emily covered her mouth, trying her hardest not to burst out laughing at the sudden turn of events. "No, I know that. It's just that *sniffle* that was a really expensive shirt," Jake's mom said as she pointed at the visible pieces of fabric sticking out amongst the tower of shit. Emily quickly bolted to a distance away, before laughing her head off. "Don't worry kid, your parents might think you're a useless pile of crap... and they're not wrong, but you'll always have a place close to my heart," The wolf girl laughed as she groped her newly enlarged breasts and went out in search of more prey. |
Drop kick on my dinner! F/F, digestion, cruel pred, teasing, scat, dropkick on my devil, Jashin-chan dropkick, disposal, anime, story, peeing "There you are, what took you so long. Yurine is going to be home any minute now." Jashin-chan yelled at Medusa when she walked through the door. "I'm sorry Jashin-chan but it was really hard to find," Medusa said apologizing. "I don't care, did you get the shrink ray or not," Jashin-chan replied "Yeah, I got it, it's in the ba-" Medusa said as Jashin-chan interruptedly snatched the bag from her. "Haha, now I can finally kill Yurine and go back to hell," Jashin-chan said evilly. Jashin-chan was a devil who lived in hell until the witch Yurine suddenly summoned her. Ever since then she had been desperately trying to return to hell by killing her summoner. "I wonder what I should do when I shrink Yurine to the size of a bug; I could smush her, crush her, or maybe just eat her like a small piece of meat," Jashin-chan plotted. "I really think you should stop trying to kill Yurine, Jashin-chan," Medusa pleaded. "Shut it; you've done your job, now sit back and watch me destroy of Yurine once and for all," Jashin-chan smirked. "What are you going to do to me," Yurine said as she entered the room unnoticed. "Crap where did you come from," Jashin-chan said shocked as she turned around to see the Witch standing behind her. The devil quickly regained her composure and pulled out the futuristic gun from the paper bag that Medusa got her and aimed it directly at Yurine’s head. "Say your prayers Yurine, with this shrink ray I'm going to shrink you and then gobble you up; then I can finally return to hell," Jashin-chan said smugly as she aimed the shrink ray at Yurine. Without hesitation, Jashin-chan pulled the trigger. The shrink ray started flashing and made a series of futuristic laser sounds... However, Yurine's height didn't change at all. Jashin-chan spammed the trigger furiously as she desperately tried to shrink Yurine. "Why isn't this working, you stupid devil," Jashin-chan yelled at Medusa. "Maybe because it's a toy from a 100 yen shop," Yurine said smugly. "I'm sorry Jashin-chan it was the only one I could find," Medusa said apologetically. "Whatever, I'm too hungry to punish you now, let's continue this after I make dinner," Yurine said as she walked by Jashin-chan. "Not so fast, I still have my ultimate move. JASHIN-CHAN DROP KICK!" Jashin-chan yelled out as she jumped in the air. "Fine if your so persistent I guess I'll punish you now," Yurine said Jashin-chan drop kicked down with her snake tail aimed directly at Yurine's head. However, while Jashin-chan was quick, Yurine was used to her dropkick and could quickly counter it. However, Yurine lacked a weapon so she quickly improvised by grabbing her Jashin-chan’s tail and shoving it into her mouth. Jashin-chan's momentum continued down Yurine's throat, while she promptly slurped down the devil's snake tail. "Wha-what are you doing," Jashin-chan said shocked as she was already waist deep in Yurine's gullet. Rather than try to reply with her mouth full, Yurine just merely swallowed the devil further down her throat. "It was Medusa; she made me do it. Eat her not me," Jashin-chan said "I did not," Medusa replied "Spit me out already, I'll behave for the rest of the night," Jashin-chan begged, as she flailed at Yurine's face with her hands in a desperate attempt to avoid being eaten. In response to this Yurine grabbed both of Jashin-chan's hands and shoved them in her throat alongside her abdomen then swallowed them down even further. Jashin-chan was now breast deep inside Yurine's maw with no chance of escape. She fatuously wiggled, not knowing she was actually pulling herself deeper into Yurine's guts. With almost all of Jashin-chan inside her, Yurine shoved the devil's head into her mouth and greedily swallowed the rest of the devil down into her awaiting stomach. *URRRPPP* "Excuse me," Yurine said as she covered her mouth. Medusa just stood there in silence as she stared at the giant bulge in the Witch's black and white dress that was Jashin-chan. Jashin-chan's squirming was clearly visible from the outside of Yurine's massive gut. Another loud blech brought Medusa back to reality. *URRRP* "Sorry it must have been something I ate," Yurine said as she pated her gut in satisfaction. "Are you going to spit her out later..." Medusa asked meekly. "Will she *urp* regenerate if I don't," Yurine replied. "Yeah... I think so... this isn't the worst punishment that you've given to her," Medusa said with her eyes fixated on Yurine's squirming gut. "Then I'll let her out *urp* the natural way later," Yurine said as she cradled her enlarged stomach bulge to try to restrict Jashin-chan's struggling. "Ew..." Medusa responded knowing precisely what she meant by that. Jashin-chan also clued into Yurine's comment and struggled violently in retaliation. "*URP* it seems like you want more punishment," Yurine said as she walked into the kitchen and chugged down a glass of lemonade. The lemonade quickly made its way to the stomach, as it dripped down onto Jashin-chan it stung her skin that was sensitized by the stomach acids. "Owowowow!" Jashin-chan yelled from inside Yurine's stomach. "Do you repent," Yurine asked. "..." Yurine answered her silence with another glass of lemonade. "YES yes, I'm sorry, please let me out, I'll never do it again," Jashin-chan pleaded in tears. "Good, if you behave like a good meal I won't flush you when you come out tomorrow," Yurine said smugly as she waved goodbye to Medusa and went to her bedroom. Medusa slowly left Yurine's apartment after hearing a series of muffled screams that came from her fellow devil. By the time Yurine fell asleep, Jashin-chan had already passed out from a combination of lack of air and painful torture. Yurine decided to sleep on her stomach that night to aid the digestive process. The witch's powerful stomach muscles worked effectively at pressing the devil's body into mush. The stomach wall continuously contracted the soupy mess of meat, blood, bones, and scales, until it was mushy enough to fit through the stomach valve. The stew of former devil gradually made its way into the small intestines where it was stripped of its nutrients. Anything the greedy witch body could take was quickly removed from the meaty slop and transported to her body. Anything that wasn't an immediate use to provide energy to fuel the digestive prosses was evenly stored on the witch's various assets. (It will make Jashin-chan angry later when she notices her body was used to increase Yurine's cup size). Once the small intestines removed all the fats, protein, and carbs, the nutrients mush was pushed further down the digestive tract. Once the slop entered the large intestines, the water from Jashin-chan's body was soaked up and the dry waste collected at the colon for future disposal. **Scat warning** The next morning Yurine awoke from her slumber by an intense pressure gathered in her colon. She yawned and rubbed her eyepatch covered eye. *FFPPTTPP* A loud fart escaped from Yurine's ass as she started moving to get out of her bed. "I better expel Jashin-chan before she starts regenerating in my butt," Yurine said as she made her way to the washroom. Yurine hiked up her gothic dress, pulled down her panties, and sat her newly fattened rump on the toilet seat. *Fppptt* Another burst of air escaped Yurine's butt as she began to release the first log of the former devil's body. The shit was a mix of undigestible material including but not limited too, bones, scales, nails, and hair. Another stool followed which was thicker than the last one. Yurine breathed heavily as she pushed the large pieces of feces out of her butt. What seemed like an endless bowel movement to the witch, kept going as more of the smelly slop exited her body. If she had known Jashin-chan would be such a pain in the ass, she would have just chopped her up with a knife or beat her to mush with a bat. Another piece of crap landed on the mountain of shit that was collecting underneath her; she had to reposition herself several times to avoid touching the shit pile. Just when she thought she squeezed out the last log of Jashin-chan, she felt a painful pressure building up in her anus. She squatted above the toilet seat and clenched her teeth as she felt the top of Jashin-chan's skull slowly emerging from her butt. With a forceful push, she was to propel the bleached skull onto the mountain of dung. With the pressure in her colon gone, she was able to relax and release Jashin-chan's liquid waste. Carefully positioning herself over the pile of pool such that she wouldn't dirty herself further, she let out a stream of golden piss that flowed down the sides of the shit pile. Jashin-chan had a lot of liquid in her body that Yurine needed to expel, but as well as all the lemonade Yurine drank to torture her. With the jet of piss slowing down gradually into just a small sprinkle, she grabbed a piece of toilet paper to wipe any residue that remained, then tossed it onto the pile. She then instinctively when to pull the lever to send the waste into the sewer, until she realized it was probably best to leave the crap pile there so that Jashin-chan could get a quicker recovery. However, it'd probably take a while before Jashin-chan was fully regenerated anyways. Yurine took another look at the pile of shit before turning away. "I should invite the others over for a hotpot while Jashin-chan is regenerating," Yurine thought to herself as she left the bathroom. |
Drop kick on my dinner! F/F, digestion, cruel pred, teasing, scat, dropkick on my devil, Jashin-chan dropkick, disposal, anime, story, peeing "There you are, what took you so long. Yurine is going to be home any minute now." Jashin-chan yelled at Medusa when she walked through the door. "I'm sorry Jashin-chan but it was really hard to find," Medusa said apologizing. "I don't care, did you get the shrink ray or not," Jashin-chan replied "Yeah, I got it, it's in the ba-" Medusa said as Jashin-chan interruptedly snatched the bag from her. "Haha, now I can finally kill Yurine and go back to hell," Jashin-chan said evilly. Jashin-chan was a devil who lived in hell until the witch Yurine suddenly summoned her. Ever since then she had been desperately trying to return to hell by killing her summoner. "I wonder what I should do when I shrink Yurine to the size of a bug; I could smush her, crush her, or maybe just eat her like a small piece of meat," Jashin-chan plotted. "I really think you should stop trying to kill Yurine, Jashin-chan," Medusa pleaded. "Shut it; you've done your job, now sit back and watch me destroy of Yurine once and for all," Jashin-chan smirked. "What are you going to do to me," Yurine said as she entered the room unnoticed. "Crap where did you come from," Jashin-chan said shocked as she turned around to see the Witch standing behind her. The devil quickly regained her composure and pulled out the futuristic gun from the paper bag that Medusa got her and aimed it directly at Yurine’s head. "Say your prayers Yurine, with this shrink ray I'm going to shrink you and then gobble you up; then I can finally return to hell," Jashin-chan said smugly as she aimed the shrink ray at Yurine. Without hesitation, Jashin-chan pulled the trigger. The shrink ray started flashing and made a series of futuristic laser sounds... However, Yurine's height didn't change at all. Jashin-chan spammed the trigger furiously as she desperately tried to shrink Yurine. "Why isn't this working, you stupid devil," Jashin-chan yelled at Medusa. "Maybe because it's a toy from a 100 yen shop," Yurine said smugly. "I'm sorry Jashin-chan it was the only one I could find," Medusa said apologetically. "Whatever, I'm too hungry to punish you now, let's continue this after I make dinner," Yurine said as she walked by Jashin-chan. "Not so fast, I still have my ultimate move. JASHIN-CHAN DROP KICK!" Jashin-chan yelled out as she jumped in the air. "Fine if your so persistent I guess I'll punish you now," Yurine said Jashin-chan drop kicked down with her snake tail aimed directly at Yurine's head. However, while Jashin-chan was quick, Yurine was used to her dropkick and could quickly counter it. However, Yurine lacked a weapon so she quickly improvised by grabbing her Jashin-chan’s tail and shoving it into her mouth. Jashin-chan's momentum continued down Yurine's throat, while she promptly slurped down the devil's snake tail. "Wha-what are you doing," Jashin-chan said shocked as she was already waist deep in Yurine's gullet. Rather than try to reply with her mouth full, Yurine just merely swallowed the devil further down her throat. "It was Medusa; she made me do it. Eat her not me," Jashin-chan said "I did not," Medusa replied "Spit me out already, I'll behave for the rest of the night," Jashin-chan begged, as she flailed at Yurine's face with her hands in a desperate attempt to avoid being eaten. In response to this Yurine grabbed both of Jashin-chan's hands and shoved them in her throat alongside her abdomen then swallowed them down even further. Jashin-chan was now breast deep inside Yurine's maw with no chance of escape. She fatuously wiggled, not knowing she was actually pulling herself deeper into Yurine's guts. With almost all of Jashin-chan inside her, Yurine shoved the devil's head into her mouth and greedily swallowed the rest of the devil down into her awaiting stomach. *URRRPPP* "Excuse me," Yurine said as she covered her mouth. Medusa just stood there in silence as she stared at the giant bulge in the Witch's black and white dress that was Jashin-chan. Jashin-chan's squirming was clearly visible from the outside of Yurine's massive gut. Another loud blech brought Medusa back to reality. *URRRP* "Sorry it must have been something I ate," Yurine said as she pated her gut in satisfaction. "Are you going to spit her out later..." Medusa asked meekly. "Will she *urp* regenerate if I don't," Yurine replied. "Yeah... I think so... this isn't the worst punishment that you've given to her," Medusa said with her eyes fixated on Yurine's squirming gut. "Then I'll let her out *urp* the natural way later," Yurine said as she cradled her enlarged stomach bulge to try to restrict Jashin-chan's struggling. "Ew..." Medusa responded knowing precisely what she meant by that. Jashin-chan also clued into Yurine's comment and struggled violently in retaliation. "*URP* it seems like you want more punishment," Yurine said as she walked into the kitchen and chugged down a glass of lemonade. The lemonade quickly made its way to the stomach, as it dripped down onto Jashin-chan it stung her skin that was sensitized by the stomach acids. "Owowowow!" Jashin-chan yelled from inside Yurine's stomach. "Do you repent," Yurine asked. "..." Yurine answered her silence with another glass of lemonade. "YES yes, I'm sorry, please let me out, I'll never do it again," Jashin-chan pleaded in tears. "Good, if you behave like a good meal I won't flush you when you come out tomorrow," Yurine said smugly as she waved goodbye to Medusa and went to her bedroom. Medusa slowly left Yurine's apartment after hearing a series of muffled screams that came from her fellow devil. By the time Yurine fell asleep, Jashin-chan had already passed out from a combination of lack of air and painful torture. Yurine decided to sleep on her stomach that night to aid the digestive process. The witch's powerful stomach muscles worked effectively at pressing the devil's body into mush. The stomach wall continuously contracted the soupy mess of meat, blood, bones, and scales, until it was mushy enough to fit through the stomach valve. The stew of former devil gradually made its way into the small intestines where it was stripped of its nutrients. Anything the greedy witch body could take was quickly removed from the meaty slop and transported to her body. Anything that wasn't an immediate use to provide energy to fuel the digestive prosses was evenly stored on the witch's various assets. (It will make Jashin-chan angry later when she notices her body was used to increase Yurine's cup size). Once the small intestines removed all the fats, protein, and carbs, the nutrients mush was pushed further down the digestive tract. Once the slop entered the large intestines, the water from Jashin-chan's body was soaked up and the dry waste collected at the colon for future disposal. **Scat warning** The next morning Yurine awoke from her slumber by an intense pressure gathered in her colon. She yawned and rubbed her eyepatch covered eye. *FFPPTTPP* A loud fart escaped from Yurine's ass as she started moving to get out of her bed. "I better expel Jashin-chan before she starts regenerating in my butt," Yurine said as she made her way to the washroom. Yurine hiked up her gothic dress, pulled down her panties, and sat her newly fattened rump on the toilet seat. *Fppptt* Another burst of air escaped Yurine's butt as she began to release the first log of the former devil's body. The shit was a mix of undigestible material including but not limited too, bones, scales, nails, and hair. Another stool followed which was thicker than the last one. Yurine breathed heavily as she pushed the large pieces of feces out of her butt. What seemed like an endless bowel movement to the witch, kept going as more of the smelly slop exited her body. If she had known Jashin-chan would be such a pain in the ass, she would have just chopped her up with a knife or beat her to mush with a bat. Another piece of crap landed on the mountain of shit that was collecting underneath her; she had to reposition herself several times to avoid touching the shit pile. Just when she thought she squeezed out the last log of Jashin-chan, she felt a painful pressure building up in her anus. She squatted above the toilet seat and clenched her teeth as she felt the top of Jashin-chan's skull slowly emerging from her butt. With a forceful push, she was to propel the bleached skull onto the mountain of dung. With the pressure in her colon gone, she was able to relax and release Jashin-chan's liquid waste. Carefully positioning herself over the pile of pool such that she wouldn't dirty herself further, she let out a stream of golden piss that flowed down the sides of the shit pile. Jashin-chan had a lot of liquid in her body that Yurine needed to expel, but as well as all the lemonade Yurine drank to torture her. With the jet of piss slowing down gradually into just a small sprinkle, she grabbed a piece of toilet paper to wipe any residue that remained, then tossed it onto the pile. She then instinctively when to pull the lever to send the waste into the sewer, until she realized it was probably best to leave the crap pile there so that Jashin-chan could get a quicker recovery. However, it'd probably take a while before Jashin-chan was fully regenerated anyways. Yurine took another look at the pile of shit before turning away. "I should invite the others over for a hotpot while Jashin-chan is regenerating," Yurine thought to herself as she left the bathroom. |
Don’t forget to feed your pets. f/f, digestion, disposal, catgirl, catgirl pred, neko, litter box disposal, scat, pissing, spoiled pred, "I'm home" Jessica declared tiredly as she stepped through the door after a long shift at the office. She slowly made her way to the couch and flopped down on it. However, just as she started to doze off, she was awoken by her pet catgirl pouncing on her. "You're late" Kate exclaimed. "I'm sorry I was working overtime," Jessica said apologetically. "Kate's hungry," the golden-haired neko said as she waged her fluffy tail from side to side to try to get the women's attention. "I'm sorry I'm too tired to make dinner tonight, grab something out of the fridge," Jessica said sleepily. "There is no more left in the fridge, go buy some more meat," "WHAT! you ate everything in the fridge," Jessica said shocked. "Don't worry; Kate left you all the vegetables," Kate replied. "There was like 100 hundred dollars worth of meat in there, you definitely don't need any more food. I'll buy some tomorrow.” Jessica said angrily "Nyooooo, Kate hasn't eaten for 4 hours, she'll starve," Kate whined. "You'll be fine, stop complaining. If you’re really that hungry go eat some veggies or catch a mouse," Jessica said. "Kate does not catch mouses; Kate's not a wild a-nya-mal." Kate said furiously. "Then I guess you're going hungry, now leave me alone, or I won't buy you meat tomorrow," Jessica threatened as tried to fall asleep. 'who does owner think she is, not making me food when Kate is clearly dying of hunger' Kate thought to herself as she poofed up her checks while pouting. 'Maybe Kate should just eat her, that would show her how hungry Kate is,' Kate though maliciously as she started to drool at the idea of having such a large meal. This wasn't the first time Kate had thought about eating her owner; Kate had always been curious about what she tasted like and how she would feel in her belly. However, until now, her owner had been feeding her pretty well, and she saw no reason to eat her. 'maybe Kate will just try the feet to see how she tastes,' Kate thought as she slowly and carefully shoved Jessica's feet in her mouth. A burst of flavour immediately greeted Kate as she began to lick the feet with her sandpaper-like tongue. "Ahahaha, stop, that tickles," Jessica said as she woke up to see her feel entirely in her pet's mouth. "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING" Jessica started yelling and kicking to try to get Kate to spit her out, but all the struggling just caused Kate to panic and swallow down Jessica's feet. Jessica started to be lifted off the couch as more of her body was sliding down Kate. "Kathern, if you don't spit me out right now I'll never buy another piece of meat for you for the rest of your life," Jessica yelled at her. *Gulp* Rather than feel threatened, Jessica’s last comment just made her more angry causing her to gulp down even more of the women's legs. "Wait, I'm sorry, if you let me out I'll run to the store right now," Jessica begged as she felt her foot enter the neko's stomach. Kate had initially planned to let her out as soon as she agreed to get more food, but the taste of her owner was too much to resist, and she kept swallowing the lady further down her esophagus. "Please let me out; I'll make sure to, ooooh" Jesica's begs were interrupted by her moans as the neko curiously licked her nether regions to examine the taste. Jessica had removed all her clothes when she began to lay on the couch as she usually does after a long day at work. Unfortunately, this left her defenceless to the catgirl’s relentless attack. Soon enough Jessica came inside her pet's mouth and let down her guard for a second. A new flavour struck Kates tongue as Jessica’s cum slid down her throat. This made Kate even more egger to devour the women and quickly began to grab her owner’s hands that were previously pushing down on her face preventing her from swallowing further and shoved them into her mouth alongside her torso. By the time Jessica realized her mistake it was already too late, while she was distracted by pleasure the neko had taken away her last chance of escape and had already gulped down up to Jessica's breasts. *Gulp* Another mighty swallow brought Jessica's breasts inside Kate's mouth. Kate took the time to savour the large lumps of fat then gulped them down with the rest of Jessica's body. Kate had always been secretly jealous of her owner's giant breasts as her breasts were much smaller. "Please, I'll do anything you want, just let mppph" Jessica's begging was interrupted by her head entering Kate's mouth. *Gulp* With one final swallow, Jessica's head followed her body into the catgirl's awaiting stomach. The woman quickly curled up into a ball to avoid being snapped in half by the catgirl's powerful stomach muscles. What made things even worse was that the smell of half-digested meat surrounded her as she tried to squirm into a comfortable position. It enraged her that her pet would eat her with her stomach this full. She began to punch the stomach walls violently. *URRRRRP* "Nyaaa, stop, that tickles *urp*," Kate said The response she got from her belly was a muffled mix of yelling and sobbing. Kate started feeling bad for eating her owner but enjoyed the feeling of being stuffed with meat. "Kate will let you out in a bit, *yawn* right after a nap," Kate said as she slowly walked towards her cat bed. Kate laid down on her bed and quickly entered a food coma, completely forgetting about the muffled cries coming from her stomach. Jessica could feel a small vibration around her as the catgirl purred loudly. Eventually, Jessica's struggles came to an end, and she passed out due to the lack of oxygen. With Kate fast asleep, her body could concentrate all its energy on digesting the large meal inside her stomach, Kate's stomach walls began to contract against Jessica's motionless body. The powerful stomach acids melted the women's flesh away while the powerful stomach muscles tenderized her meat. As the hours passed into the night more and more of Kate's former owner had been reduced to just a pile of bones immersed in a meaty slurry. Eventually, the bones weakened under the aggressive assault of the stomach acid and snapped under the pressure of Kate's powerful stomach muscles. Once the body was almost completely broken down into stomach chyme, the soft paste was slowly pumped into the small intestines. Along the lining of the intestine wall, thousands of villi took off pieces of nutrients from the fleshy stew and absorbed them into the body where they were to be used for energy or stored for later. Everything that could be used by the young neko's growing body was removed from the digested remains of the woman's body and was added to her own. Valuable nutrients including vitamins, minerals, proteins, and fats, were all stripped away from the gooey mess as it travelled through the small intestines. Once the slop was robbed of everything of value, it was pushed into the large intestines where it would be further processed and readied for disposal. The large intestines pushed the mass of biological waste towards Kate’s bowels, removing any available water along the way. Once the dehydrated waste finished moving along Kate’s gastral intestinal track, it collected in Kate’s bowels waiting to be disposed of. Kate woke up after a long cat nap to just a fat round belly from where her former owner used to be. Kate's cat ears twitched in curiosity as she poked the hard lump in her abdomen. "Nya, are you done being Kate's food already," Kate said to the meal that was stewing in her guts since last night. *URPP* With a loud burp, Kate expelled a giant hairball of indigestible contents that was left in her stomach. Strings of long black hair that used to belong to a young lady wrapped around pieces of fingernails and small bones. Kate looked at the slimy mess of the person she digested the night prior. *FPPPT* Kate's thoughts were interrupted by a sharp pressure in her bowels that urged to be released. She quickly ran to the bathroom and squatted above her litter box. Her tail muscles relaxed as she began to open her rectum to release its contents slowly. A brown tip pushed open the catgirl's tight anus, resulting in a cute moan from Kate. Kate blushed in embarrassment, trying to hide her pleasure as she drove the log of shit further out of her butt. Despite being more significant than her usual bowel movements, the log of poop was quite soft from all the meat in her dinner last night. The catgirl shit lacked fibre, but small pieces of bone were able to keep the shape of the logs. This resulted in a nice pile of catgirl dung emerging underneath the catgirls plump rear. She made sure to keep her tail held high to keep it clean from the stinky mess. However, after the majority of the waste was expelled from the catgirls butt, a new mass pushed against her tight pucker. Kate's pleasantly moans quickly turned into painful groans as she tried to expel the massive object from her bowels. "Nyaagh," Kate yelled as she forcefully expelled the large object from her colon with a forceful push. This resulted in the skull of the former women the catgirl had consumed to land directly on top of the pile of catgirl scat. With a loud "plop" the bleached and damaged skull slowly sank into the soft collection of neko waste. With the sudden burst of pleasure from the skull being removed, she released the contents of her bladder. She relieved herself of all the liquid waste from the woman she ate in the form of a stream of golden piss. The catgirl urine poured down the mountain of neko poop and created a dark puddle in the litterbox sand. The flow of piss gradually reduced to just a few drops of piss dripping from the catgirl's urethra. With her owner properly disposed of, she grabbed a cloth and whipped the remaining poop from between her chubby cheeks. She threw the fabric with the pile of kitty scat and piss and kicked some of the sand from the litterbox onto the pile of catgirl waste and turned around to view her creation. "Nyahaha, that's what you get for being a stupid owner and not buying Kate’s dinner," Kate said maliciously as she stuck her tongue out at the woman who made the fatal mistake keeping a catgirl hungry. |
Happy Sugar Vore F/M, Yandere pred, digestion, disposal, peeing, Happy sugar life, anime, Satou Matsuzaka, mean pred, scat, **Contains spoilers of episodes 1-6 of the anime happy sugar life** (Introduction) Satou Matsuzaka is a high school yandere girl in love with a young child named Shio Kobe. She is willing to go to any lengths to protect her life with Shio even if it involves murder. She keeps Shio locked in her house while she goes to school and work, telling everyone that she lives with her aunt. To the outside world, Shio is believed to be still missing. At one of Satou's jobs, she was asked out by Taiyou Mitsuboshi on her first shift. This made her boss angry and forced sex onto Taiyou. This has left the young man afraid of older women and more interested in girls younger than himself. He fell in love with Shio after seeing her Missing poster and became obsessed with her after meeting her after she escaped from home. He was later beaten up by a couple of punks and saw Satou caring away Shio in her arms before he passed out on the ground. Satou then sent him a note saying, "Shall I let you see Shio." "Oh, you came back to work Mitsuboshi," Satou greeted. Taiyou had been staying home from work ever since he was beaten up. "Matsuzaka can I speak to you for a second," Taiyou called out to Satou as they were working together. "Sure," Satou said as she walked over to the blond-haired boy. "I got your note, can I come over to your house tonight," Taiyou asked. "Of course, does 10pm sound good" Satou replied. "You'll really let me see Shio-chan again, right?" Taiyou begged. "You really want to meet her again don't you," Satou said coldly. "Yes, I love Shio-chan," Taiyou said creepily. 'So bitter' Satou thought as she tried to contain her composure. "Fine, 10 pm it is. I'm guessing you already know my address," Satou agreed with a fake smile. "See you then, " Taiyou said happily. That night, Taiyou approached Satou's house at 10 pm. He went to reach for the doorbell but right before he pressed it the door open. "Welcome," Satou said as she greeted Taiyou with a fake smile. "Where is Shio-chan," Taiyou asked. "Oh, she is just over here, let me open it up for you," Satou said as she walked towards the keypad of the heavily locked door and inputted the code. "It's dark in here I can't see her-mpf" Taiyou was interrupted as he was shoved into the dark room. Satou followed him and flipped on the lights, shutting the door behind her. Taiyou could hear the door auto locking behind her. "Matsuzaka, what is going on, where is Shio-chan, why is there blood stains everywhere, what’s in those garbage bags," Taiyou cried out. "Shio-chan is in her bed; unfortunately thanks to you I'm losing time that I could be cuddling with her," Satou said in a cold voice that left Taiyou in fear. "I thought you were going to let me see her," Taiyou said cowardly. "You really are an idiot," Satou said as she flipped Taiyou onto his back then crawled on top of him to pin him down. "No get off me, I'll scream," Taiyou threatened. "Scream all you want, the walls are pretty thick; I doubt you would even be able to reach Shio-chan let alone outside the house," Satou said with an expressionless face. "You don't deserve Shio-chan, she belongs with me. I love her much more than you possibly could" Taiyou cried out. "You know even though I know that’s a lie, it still makes me very angry when you say that you love Shio-chan more than me," Satou said in a dark and expressionless voice. "Y-y-you can't kill me, people will look for me, and you'll get caught," Taiyou tried to reason with her murderous intent. "I won't get caught if there is no body," Satou said as she licked her lips. "Wait!" Taiyou begged as Satou grabbed his hands and brought them towards her mouth. 'He tastes bitter,' Satou thought as she shoved Taiyou' into her slimy maw. *gulp* Satou swallowed down Taiyou's hands down her throat which pulled his arms into her saliva-filled mouth. With another mighty swallow, Taiyou's head approached her open mouth. Satou opened her mouth even wider to accommodate fitting Taiyou's head, but with a bit of effort, she was able to get all of Taiyou's head into her mouth. *gulp* Taiyou's struggles did nothing to slow down the rate of Satou's swallows and with another great gulp Taiyou's saliva coated head slid down the pink-haired girl's throat. By the time Taiyou's shoulders began sliding down the girl's throat, his hands started pressing against the sphincter of the entrance of the girl's stomach. *Gulp* Another strong swallow sent the majority of Taiyou's torso into her mouth and forced his hands into the awaiting stomach. Taiyou could feel the heat and acidity of the stomach from his hands. His hands began to sting as they pushed against the bottom of the stomach. Satou got off the boy's body and began to lift it in the air. Gravity assisted in her gulping down Taiyou's waist. 'Bitter' She thought as Taiyou's erect crotch passed her tongue. *Gulp* The majority of Taiyou's body was now inside her stomach and began to curl into a ball in the cramped space. Satou slurped down Taiyou's legs and sent them to her awaiting stomach to join the rest of his body. Satou removed his smelly shoes before his feet entered her mouth as Satou found the flavour already bitter enough. With one final swallow, Taiyou's feet disappeared from the outside world and slid down to the cramped, hot stomach. With the blond-haired teenager entirely in her stomach, she slowly got up and headed out the door towards her bedroom. *UUUUURRRPP* Satou let out a loud belch from all the air she swallowed along with Taiyou. She thought nothing of it until she heard footsteps running down the hall. "Satou-chan is that you," Shio cried out. Satou quickly shut and locked the door behind her as she saw Shio running towards her. Satou had hoped that Shio would still be asleep after she had finished eating Taiyou. As soon as Shio saw Satou, she ran up and tried to hug her, only to be stopped by her enormous belly. "Satou-chan why is your tummy so big," Shio asked curiously. "Umm, I ate a bunch of food today, that's why my tummy is so big," Satou lied. "Wow, I never knew Satou-chan's tummy could fit so much food. Do you think my tummy could ever fit that much food," Shio said "Maybe when your older Shio-chan," Satou said as she rubbed Shio's head. "I love you Satou-chan," Shio said as she hugged Satou's bulging belly. "I love you too, Shio-chan," Satou responded as she kneeled and kissed the young girl. 'so sweet' Satou said as she felt all the bitterness from Taiyou melt away. *URRP* Satou was interrupted by a loud burp. Their conversation had caused Taiyou to struggle furiously. Hearing Shio's voice gave Taiyou a whole new reason to escape. However, both his struggles and yelling were futile against Satou's strong stomach walls. "Excuse me," Satou said embarrassedly. "Satou-chan why is your tummy moving around and making weird noises," Shio asked. "It's digesting all of the food I ate," Satou said. "Die-jest-ing," Shio said confused. "It's when your belly breaks down the food you ate into mush," Satou explained. "Oh, ok," Shio chirped. "I'm getting pretty sleepy, do you want to go to bed Shio-chan," Satou asked. "Yep," Shio responded. The two of them crawled into bed together. Shio quickly fell asleep hugging Satou's massive belly. The rhythmic churning of the stomach muscles lulled the young girl to sleep. Satou stayed up a bit longer to watch Shio as she slept happily but eventually fell asleep herself. However, things weren't that peaceful inside Satou's stomach. Digestion had already started and begun taking its toll on Taiyou's body. The teenager could do nothing to stop the great stomach walls from closing in on him. The combination of the deadly hydrochloric acid and the thick stomach muscles made quick work of the teenager's skin, as the acid would weaken the surface and the muscles would press it to mush. Soon all of Taiyou's flesh pooled underneath him in a soup of meaty pulp and stomach acids. Taiyou quickly died from the damage to his body as well as the lack of oxygen. After the skin was all melted off, blood gushed out of the open wounds and filled the stomach space. Taiyou's bones suffered a similar fate; the acids corroded the bones too weak sticks that the powerful stomach muscles quickly cracked and crushed. Now that the stew of human remains, and acid was soft enough to fit through the sphincter leading out of the stomach the meaty chyme slowly left the stomach and entered the intestines. At the entrance of the intestines, the pancreas released essential neutralization enzymes that raised the pH of the acidic meat slurry so that it could pass through the intestines safely. The meaty slop was gradually absorbed by tiny villi that lined the intestine wall, each stripping off small bits of the former teenager and transporting them further inside the body through food vacuoles. Fats, carbs, proteins, vitamins, and minerals were all collected by the intestinal walls to fuel Satou's growing body. Any valuable nutrients that could not be put to immediate use to provide energy for the body were stored in Satou's many fat reserves such as her; breasts, butt, hips, and abdomen. The mush of digested body parts was eventually void of all nutrients and was then moved to the large intestine to be further refined. In the large intestine, the mushy waste was stripped of any valuable water left in Taiyou's remains. It was eventually drained of all the available water and stored in the colon for future disposal. *Scat ahead* *FPPPT* A loud fart awoke Satou that she unintentionally released. Luckily the loud fart didn't wake up Shio. Panic quickly replaced Satou's relief as she felt a sharp pressure in her bowels that urged to be released. She quickly ran to her locked room, grabbed an empty garbage bag, and squatted above it. Satou knew that her bowel moment wouldn't fit in their toilet, and even if it did, there was no way it would flush. She couldn't possibly leave a mess like that for Shio to wake up too. Her colon muscles relaxed as she began to open her rectum to release its contents slowly. A brown tip pushed open the girl's tight anus, resulting in a cute grunt from Satou. Despite being more significant than her usual shits, the bowel movement was quite soft from the lack of fibre in Taiyou's body. The Satou's bowel movement was mostly meat-based, but small pieces of bone and strands blond hair were able to keep the integrity and solidity of the poop. Satou positioned herself directly over the bag and held the bag open with both of her hands to make sure that everything landed in the black garbage bag. Luckily the bag was pretty deep, so it easily contained all of the stinky mess. However, after the majority of the waste was expelled from the girl's butt, a solid object pushed against her tight pucker. Satou's pushed hard to eject the large mass that was blocking her colon. Satou's efforts resulted in the skull of the former teenage to land directly on top of the pile of scat. With a loud "plop" the bleached white and cracked skull sat on top of the collection of waste. After all the solid waste was released, she needed to release the contents of her bladder. She relieved herself of all the liquid waste from the man she ate in the form of a stream of golden piss. Satou's urine poured down the mountain of shit and pooled at the bottom of the bag. The flow of piss gradually reduced to just a few drops of piss dripping from the girl's urethra. After her former co-worker had been completely and utterly disposed of, she whipped herself clean with a few tissues and threw them in the bag. She looked over the contents of her waste and knew that she had to do one more disgusting thing before her crime could be completed. She tied up the bag and stomped on the visible bulge in the bag that was the human skull. The digestion had relatively damaged the skull, so it only took a few stomps to turn it into bits. Afterwards, she reopened the bag and examined for any discriminate evidence of human remains. Besides the bits of blond hair and shards of bone, Satou's bowel movement was unidentifiable as once being human. She tied up the bag and prepared to hand it over to the teacher she was blackmailing so that he could incinerate it. "That wasn't too bad. Hmm, Shouko was being pretty noisy earlier I might have to invite her over as well." Satou said as she locked the apartment door and headed towards her teacher's house. |
A cell hard at work F/M, Macrophage, digestion, cell digestion, cells at work!, bacteria, disposal, scat, Hataraku Saibou, phagocytosis "Argh, this bacteria is too strong," White blood cell yelled out as the bacteria hit his blade out of his hand. "Hahaha, now there is nobody to stop me from dividing and taking over this body," The bacteria proclaimed as he stood victorious over the white blood cells. What was a quiet morning in the world of the human body, quickly lead to a deadly standoff from an invading bacterium trying to take over the body. However, even though the primary immune defence was defeated, reinforcements were on there way. "Sorry, I'm late," A mysterious woman said as she entered the battlefield. "It's big sister Macrophage," the platelets cried out in excitement. A woman wearing a white and frilly maid dress and a frilly white cap walked proudly towards the bacteria welding a massive claymore. She had a motherly aura to her and was highly respected as a mighty killer among the immune cells. "What there are more of you. Nevertheless, your no match for the mighty Escherichia coli," The bacteria said as he launched his attack against Macrophage. Macrophage quickly blocked the attack, but her weapon was knocked out of her hand by the power of the attack. "Hahaha, is that all you got. Now nobody can stop me from taking over this world," The bacteria said to Macrophage. "Oh my, it seems I underestimated you, I guess I have to use my special move," Macrophage said with a grin on her face. Without delay, Macrophage quickly jumped towards the bacteria. The sheer speed of Macrophage overwhelmed the bacteria, and he couldn't react fast enough to Macrophage's next attack. Without hesitation, the macrophage grabbed the bacteria, opened her mouth wide, and shoved the bacteria in. By the time Macrophage landed the bacteria was already halfway inside the woman's mouth. The bacteria could hardly struggle against Macrophage's iron grip as she slowly dragged him further down her throat. *Gulp* The other cells watched in horror and confusion as Macrophage mercilessly engulfed the bacteria. Soon only the bacteria's legs remained outside the woman's mouth, which soon followed the rest of the bacteria into a phagosome within her belly where it awaited digestion. With one last mighty swallowed Macrophage completely engulfed the bacteria. *URRRPPP* "Oh my, excuse me," Macrophage said in embarrassment as she rubbed her bloated abdomen. "W-w-what just happened," Red blood cell asked in confusion. "Oh, it's call *urp* phagocytosis, its when I engulf cell debris, foreign substances, bacteria... or pretty much anything that doesn't have our special protein identification, then digest it," Macrophage explained. "Wow, big sister Macrophage is so cool,” A platelet said "I want to do phagocytosis too," Another platelet said "I'm sorry, only us *urp* phagocytes can do it," Macrophage responded "Awwwh, that's too bad," The platelet responded. "You can't defeat the mighty Escherichia coli that easily lady, just wait until I get out of here, I'll take over this entire place and get rid of every last one of your immune cells" The bacteria yelled out. "Oh my, I guess I better digest you before you *urp* do that then," Macrophage said "Wait no, you can't, I was supposed to rule the world," The bacteria yelled out fatuously as Macrophage began the digestion process. To digest the bacteria, one of the Macrophage's lysosome fused with the bacteria's phagosome cage. The lysosome's digestive enzymes quickly broke down the bacteria to its core organic molecules. Any useful amino acids or simple sugars Macrophage could use and recycle she absorbed into herself. However, all the waste material she couldn't absorb was moved towards the cellular membrane where it waited to be expelled. From the outside, Macrophages bloated gut could be seen visibly shrinking in size. Red blood cell and the platelets watched in curiosity as her belly shrank to just a small potbelly entirely hidden by her sizeable white dress. *FPPPTT* "OH my, excuse me," Macrophage said as she let out a rancid fart. "Ew that smells," One of the platelets said "Ahh don't say that you'll ruin Ms. Macrophages ladylike image," Red blood cell cried out silencing the platelets. "Do you mind turning around," Macrophage said as she stood near an open pipe leading to the liver. "Of course," Red blood cell said as she turned herself and the platelets around. Now with a bit of privacy, Macrophage positioned herself over the pipe and hiked up her dress to expose her bare butt. She squatted over the pipe and began to release the waste from digesting. "*sigh* using a sword is so much easier... and much less fatting," Macrophage thought to herself as the first of the bacterial waste started to emerge out her butt. Brown mush consisting of bacterial RNA, capsules, and other unabsorbed waste flowed out her plump tush and into the pipe below her. The bacteria was destroyed entirely leaving hardly any physical evidence of its demise. The only proof within the brown turds was on the molecular scale. Even the bacteria's cytoskeleton was wholly digested and broken down into small biological molecules hidden amongst the several turds coming out of Macrophage's ass. All of Macrophage's bowel movement was sent to the liver where it would be processed and expelled from the world. Eventually, the turds came to a stop, and she wiped herself clean with a handkerchief and threw it with the rest of the crap in the pipe. However, the macrophage wasn't finished yet. She still had some liquid waste to dispose of from the bacterial cytosol. A stream of golden piss flowed out of Macrophage and into the pipe below her. Eventually, the flow of urine was reduced to a few drops, and then gradually came to a stop. "all done," Macrophage announced. "We heard there was a bacteria attack," Killer T-cell yelled out as he ran out to the battlefield. "Sorry, I already took care of that matter," Macrophage responded. In the crowd of Killer T-cells, Macrophage spotted some naive t-cells not yet fully developed. "Oh, that reminds me... *URRRRP*." Macrophage let out a loud belch, releasing some fragmented antigens that were left over from digesting the bacteria. "Here you go," Macrophage said as she passed the fragmented antigens to naive t-cells. "Ew, it's all covered in spit," the naive t-cell said as he held an antigen still dripping with saliva. "Don't you dare speak to Macrophage like that recruit. She just gave you one of the best gifts a t-cell get. Put that fragmented antigen on your, and you'll be a deadly bacteria assassin before you know it. Now say thank you," Killer T-cell said as he smacked the naive t-cell on the back of the head. "T-t-thank you, Miss," the naive said. "Don't mention it, just doing my job," Macrophage said. |
Spider girls can get lonely too. F/M, disposal, scat, digestion, spider girl, rude prey, outdoor exposal, external digestion, "Fuck, I'm late," Bruce said. The sound of a motorcycle roared throughout the forest. You usually would drive carefully when riding through new and dangerous terrain, but the driver, Bruce was in a rush and decided to take a shortcut through the forest to avoid traffic. He could not be late for work again since his boss threatened to fire him the next time he showed up to work late. Luckily this shortcut would save him an extra 45 minutes of traffic and would get him just in time for his morning shift. "Why haven't I thought of this before," Bruce thought to him to himself as he drove ridiculously fast through the hard terrain. However, just when he thought he was home free, he hit a tree root, causing his motorcycle to flip and for him to be launched into the air. Luckily, for Bruce something caught him mid-air, he looked around only to see that he was suspended in mid-air. He instinctively tried to escape only to find that he was stuck in some sort of sticky silk wall. He soon realized what he was stuck in, somehow, he got himself in a giant spider web. "*Yawn* what’s all that noise did my web catch something," A mysterious voice said above him. Bruce looked up to see a black-haired girl crawling toward him. He quickly noticed the girl was not normal. she had 8 legs and a large ball shape abdomen connected behind her legs. However, the upper part of her body looked completely human. She looked young in human years, she didn't wear any clothes allowing her modest sized breast to hang out in the open. She had a white skin for her human half and a black exoskeleton on her spider half. She smiled innocently as she approached her trapped victim, showing off her pearly white teeth containing two large fangs. Despite the size of her web, she was quite small, only around half the size of Bruce. "Huh, I've never seen one of these before," the spider girl said as she cautiously approached Bruce. "Hey, you," Bruce yelled out to the spider girl. "ACK! It t-t-talked," the spider girl said as she quickly backed away. "Hey, I know you can hear me," Bruce said aggressively. 'Since he can talk, I probably shouldn't eat him right... maybe he just got caught in my web because he wants to be friends?' the spider girl thought to herself as she approached him once again. "Finally, I don't have all day you know," Bruce said impatiently as the shy spider girl approached him. "H-h-hello, I-I-I'm D-d-daisy," the spider girl said meekly. "Is this your web," Bruce retorted. "Ah, yes. Do you like it, I made it myself. It took a lot of time to make because it's so big. You know a lot of spider girls don't make big webs as I do, most of them make much smaller webs..." Daisy ranted on "Yeah whatever, can you just let me go already?" Bruce said annoyingly. "W-what, already. Y-y-you just got here though..." Daisy said nervously 'Oh no, did I say something wrong. I know I'm not a great host and my web is a bit messy, but it's not like he gave me any time to prepare,' Daisy thought to herself panicking. "Fuck if I don't leave soon, I'm differently going to be late," Bruce said as he checked his watch. He increased his struggling to escape. "U-um, I'm sorry mister b-b-but could you please stop struggling, you might break my web..."Daisy said shyly. "That's the point you stupid bug," Bruce said mockingly. "I'M NOT A BUG!... I-I'm a s-spider," Daisy yelled. She found his comment extremely insulting since her diet was composed of mainly bugs, with the addition of small birds, squirrels and anything else that is unlucky enough to get caught in her web. "Whatever, you both have six legs and hard bodies," Bruce said as he continued to struggle. "Eight legs, spiders have eight legs. see, 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8," Daisy said as she counted her legs. “And stop struggling or else your going to-“ "Ah finally," Bruce said proudly as he broke his hand free from the silk, bringing along a large chunk of the web. "NOOO! my web, you broke it," Daisy said as she burst into tears. "Yeah I did, and I'll break the rest of your stupid web if you don't let me go," Bruce said proudly as he thought he had finally won against the spider girl. "m-m-my web isn't *hic* stupid, y-y-your stupid I toldmyou to stop or you would *hic* break it. waaaah," Daisy said while crying. "Oh grow up, it's just a stupid web you can make a new one," Bruce said as he tore another chunk of webbing to free his other arm. "M-m-my web..." Daisy said as she watched her web being ripped apart. "Fuck your web," Bruce said as he freed one of his legs. "Y-y-you’re the worst *hic* houseguest ever!" Daisy cried. "Houseguest? who would want to visit your ugly ass web," Bruce said as he felt the last of the webbing holding him up weakening. "I-i-if you’re not a house guess that means... Y-Y-YOU TRICKED ME!" Daisy yelled as she quickly ran over to her captured prisoner. "Wait what are you doing," Bruce said as he felt himself being wrapped up in silk. "I'm wrapping you up in that webbing you love so much you dumb prey," Daisy growled as she wrapped him up in silk she was making out of the spinnerets in her abdomen. "Prey... no there's been a misunderstanding," Bruce said as he finally realized how dangerous the small spider girl actually was. "Nuh-uh, you can't fool me twice, even though you can talk your still just prey, why else would you be in my web," Daisy snarled, as she hated being tricked. "Listen I'm sorry, I was in a hurry, and I said some stupid things. Your web is great," Bruce begged for his life as he felt his legs already tightly wrapped and his arms beginning to be tied together by the sticky silk. "Really, you think my web is great," Daisy said as she stopped wrapping him up in webbing. "Yes I do-" Bruce said as was able to break free his arm and grabbed one of Daisy's legs. ‘Ha-ha, I got you know you dumb bug, her legs are super skinny so I can probably snap them pretty easily,’ Bruce thought to himself. "Eeeek! pervert," Daisy said as she instinctively bit her attacker in the neck, injecting him with her powerful venoms. "Urghh," Bruce immediately felt the effects of the venom, letting go of the spider girl's leg and dropping his head down. "Whoops, I didn't mean to bite you. I was actually going to let you go since you apologized for all the mean things you said and called my web great… buuuut I guess it's too late for that now since I doubt you’ll survive my venom and I would hate to waste a perfectly good meal… sorry I guess," Daisy said apologetically as she tried to justify herself as continued to wrap her prey in silk as the venom paralyzed Bruce's entire body. ... "You really shouldn't grab a girl's leg, I'm really sensitive there," she said to herself as Bruce couldn't respond even if he wanted to. ... "All done, now I just have to digest you, then I can finally eat you up. I can't wait to see what you taste like. Since you can talk and stuff you probably taste like good or something," Daisy said she finished wrapping the man up in webbing. Daisy just assumed her powerful venom had already killed Bruce, so she went ahead and injected her powerful digestive juices inside his body from her fangs. However, inside Bruce's webbed coffin, Daisy's venom had only paralyzed him, and he was still alive, barely clinging onto life. Bruce couldn't scream as his jaw muscles were frozen stiff from the venom. Bruce could feel his insides melting from the aggressive cocktail of digestive enzymes, chewing away at his insides, turning them into mush. As the venom started paralysis of the lungs, he could no longer breath (not that there was much oxygen left inside his silky tomb anyways). Soon after his lungs stopped working, he passed out from lack of oxygen and then later died from his innards turning into a gooey slop. The continuous flow of Daisy's digestive juices into Bruce's lifeless body sped up the digestive prosses. The digestive mixture left no area untouched by the destructive enzymes. The digestive solution soon made its way to the outside of the body, where it melted through the skin and muscle with ease, adding them to the growing stew of Bruce's digested remains. Bruce's bones, hair, nails, and any other indigestible junk sank to the bottom of the gooey mixture, making consumption of the liquid remains even easier. *Slosh* *slosh* "Look's like your all mushy now, just how I like it," Daisy said as she rocked the human shaped web coffin containing all her prey's juicy remains. After examining the state of her meal, she opened a small hole in the webbing and started sucking up all the gooey nutrients inside. *Suck* *Slurp* The smooth goo slowly travelled down her throat as she gulped down more of the human's liquid remains. Eventually, her goopy meal all collected in her human stomach. Because of her predigesting her prey, she didn't need to digest it again in her human stomach, so it immediately started to enter her spider abdomen where it could be absorbed. Daisy knew she should stop and save the rest for later, but she loved the taste of her newest meal, so she couldn't overcome the temptation of gulping him all down in one sitting. Since Daisy was used to eating bugs and small animals, the taste of a human was entirely new for her. "Absolutely *slurp* delicious *gulp*," Daisy said as she slurped up more of the gooey mixture of human remains. Daisy's human belly expanded almost four times its average size to accommodate all the mushy stew she was slurping up. Eventually, the web cage dried up to just a human shape husk of webbing. Daisy slurped everything up to the last drop, then started eating the webbing. Daisy hated to waste webbing since it takes so much energy to make. After webbing gets old or she is finished with a meal, she eats the webbing, so she can recycle the proteins into new silk. Also, the webbing still had the taste of her last meal all over it, so it was a tasty little dessert for her. She gobbled up to the bottom of the webbing which she just threw down to forest floor since it was full of bones, hair and other indigestible stuff she didn't find tasty. *URRRRPPP* "Ah that was a great *urp* meal... maybe I shouldn't have eaten so much though," Daisy said as she sloshed around her bulging tummy full of webbing and human mush. *URRPP* All her sloshing of her gut caused her to release another loud burp. "*Yawn* maybe I should take a nap," Daisy said as she slowly crawled her way up to the corner of her web where she liked to sleep. Meanwhile, while Daisy slept, the contents of her guts slowly flowed into her spider intestines. Her stomach had already digested all the old silk into its core parts so that it could be absorbed in the intestines and reused. The nutrient-rich goo also moved into the intestines for absorption. Bruce's remains where full of carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins; all being essential to produce new webs. Carbohydrates and fats could both be broken down into usable energy, which Daisy could use to make new webbing since making new silk requires a lot of energy. Proteins would also serve Daisy well for new webbing, as she could degrade the proteins into amino acids to reassemble them into the proteins that make up silk. Most of the rest of goop just flowed through the intestines untouched since her body didn't really need it. Water was absorbed near the end of her intestines and collected in her stercoral pocket (spider colon) where it waited to be released. *frpppppp* A loud fart erupted from the backside of Daisy's spider abdomen, causing her web to shake slightly. "Huh! Did I catch more food," Daisy said excitingly as she looked over her web to find nothing but a lingering smell in the air. ... "Oh, I guess it was just my butt, whoops," Daisy said pretending to be embarrassed but knowing sadly that there was no one around to cause her to be ashamed. The pressure in her stercoral pocket reminded her that she had a large meal to dispose of. Daisy slowly crawled down to the bottom of her web, so that she wouldn't poop all over her web. At the end of her web, she pointed her spider bottom toward the forest floor. She squatted down, slowly opening her spider anus. *fpppt* She let out another small fart, then started pushing out the first log of her spider waste. The brown tube of spider poop slowly slid out her butt and fell to the forest floor. "Watch out bellow," Daisy said jokingly as she started pushing out another tube of spider poop. Her poop was quite mushy since her meal was already predigested, and there wasn't much of anything keeping its structure since she avoided eating anything indigestible. She could hear loud *splap* as her semisolid waste hit the cold hard forest floor. A third then a fourth log of brown stinky mush slid smoothly out her butt, forming a pile bellow her. The flow of creamy spider droppings decorated the ground below her one brown log at a time. Daisy didn't have any liquid waste in the form of urea to expel but instead had uric acid pellets mixed in with her poop. Eventually after a few more tubes of fresh spider dung left her butt, she finished discharging the rest of her prey that her body rejected. The collection of her bowel movement was presented as steaming pile of freshly shit spider poop in the middle of the forest path. Not far from the mountain of brown spider scat, was the complete skeleton of the former human Daisy digested. The skeleton was almost entirely untouched by the acids, with only a few cracks from when they hit the forest floor. Daisy then pulled out some silk from her spinneret to wipe herself clean of any residual waste. Daisy then threw the shit cover piece of silk on the pile of her bowel movement. She then turned around and looked at the mess she made. "You sure made a shitty friend, buuuut... I think I can forgive you since you were such a good meal," Daisy said. Even though she just emptied her stercoral pocket of all the remains of her former prey, she still felt pressure in her abdomen. She quickly realized her silk gland was full. With all the silk she made from digesting Bruce's body, she was able to completely fix all the damage Bruce made to her web and even was able to expand her web to cover new areas. She also got larger breasts and a cute little pot belly as energy reserves whenever she went short on food or wanted to expand her web. However, things weren't as great for Bruce. Not only did he get fired from his job, no one ever found out (or really cared) what happened to him. His remains were quickly found as the forest was a popular trail for hikers. However, no one bothered to clean it up as they believed it was good fertilizer for the forest. Now whenever a hiker sees the pile of human bones and a decomposing hill of spider scat, they can look up to see a spider girl on her web waving at them. A lot of them just run in fear, but the occasional hiker may wave back and even stop to chat which made Daisy happy. One day Daisy hoped to make her web all the way to the forest floor so that she could have all the friends (and meals) as her heart desired. The end. |
Eat me once, shame on you. Eat me twice… F/M, two preds, ghost girl, ghost girl pred, human girl pred, ghost prey, human prey, digestion, soul vore, soul digestion, scat, disposal, ghost disposal "So why are we going to this abandoned house," Liam asked. "Oh, you'll see," Mia said seductively as the two of them entered the worn-down house. "It's kind of dark in here," Liam observed "Hmmm, are you scared, worried a ghost might attack you," Mia Teased. "What, of course, I'm not scared there is such thing as ghosts anyways," Liam said nervously. However, there were ghosts, and one of them was watching them right at this moment. Her name was Ashly, and she was the ghost of a young kid who died 30 years ago and had been haunting the abandoned house ever since. She had white hair, pale white skin, and was semi-transparent. However, it didn't matter that she was naked since only Ghosts could see her true form. She loved to scare anyone who entered her house wither it be construction workers trying to tear the house down, or noisy couples that were on a road trip. The home was in the middle of nowhere and was known to few people. However, that didn't stop Mia from tricking her boyfriend into coming to here so that she could explore the place. Mia had always been interested in the occult and heard rumours of a house that may be haunted. "Hmmm, maybe I should play a prank on them," Ashly said mischievously as she grabbed a book on dieting and threw it at the couple using her poltergeist ability. "OW FUCK," Liam yelled as the book hit him right in the face. "What happened," Mia asked Ashly laughed at their reaction, thinking they would run out of the house in terror any second. "Some book just flew from nowhere and hit me," Liam said "Wow, do you think it was ghosts!" Mia said excitingly "No, like I said there is no such thing as ghosts," "We do so exist! Maybe another book to the face will prove it to you," Ashly said as she grabbed another book and chucked at his face. "Fuck," Liam said as he was hit with another book, "Did you see that, it must be a ghost," Mia said excitingly. "Fuck, for the last time there. Are. No. Such. Thing. As. ghosts." Liam said angrily. "Then how do you explain the books," Mia responded. "It's probably because this shitty house is falling apart, we should get out of here before we get killed," Liam said "Shitty! Did he just call my house shitty... that's it; he deserves another book," Ashly said angrily as she lobbed another book this time hitting him right it the crotch. "Owwww," Liam grunted. "Bullseye," Ashly said happily. "See, could a house do that. You probably made the ghost angry, you should apologize," Mia said "Why are you always so fixated on this occult stuff, don't tell me the reason we drove all the way here was just to look for ghosts," Liam said. "...maybe," Mia said trying to act cute. "That's it, we're leaving," Liam said he headed towards the door. "I don't wanna! I haven't even seen any ghosts yet," Mia said disappointedly. "Fine then you can stay here," Liam said. "Ok, that's fine just give me the car keys if you're going to leave," Mia said as she put her hand out waiting to be given the car keys. "No, that would defeat the purpose of me leaving, we're in the middle of nowhere remember," Liam said. "Hold on, you're just going to drive home and leave me here," Mia retorted. "You can either go home with me right now or walk home," Liam said "WALK HOME! I would literarily die, I hardly had anything to eat on the way here," Mia yelled. "Not my problem," Liam said "Not your problem! You're the one who didn't pack any food," Mia replied "You never told me too," Liam said The fighting continued as Ashly watched from afar. "Urgh they are so loud, why does she want to stay here anyway, maybe I should be throwing the books at her instead," Ashly said as she threw the book at Mia. "Ouch," Mia said as she rubbed the back of her head. "See what I'm talking about, let's just leave," Liam said sympathetically. "No, I think the ghost is trying to communicate with us, that's why she is throwing books," Mia said excitingly. "That's ridiculous; let 's just leave," Liam said. "Let's read what the book is called... 'Eating right' hmm, what does it mean," Mia pondered. "It doesn't mean anything because ghosts don't exist," Liam said annoyed. "Let's see what the others say, 'guide to young girls eating'... 'eating what you love'... 'eating in a relationship'... hey you don't think that the ghost is telling me to eat you?" Mia asked "What are you going insane, eat me? you must just be suffering from like hunger delusions or something... if we leave now we can stop at that gas station nearby before they close," Liam said, caught off guard by Mia's last comment. "Like I know its crazy, but like maybe it's a sign... let's ask the ghost," Mia said. "Ask the ghost? have you gone crazy," Liam said in disbelief. "Hey ghost if you want me to eat my boyfriend throw another book," Mia shouted out. "Hmmm... why not, this could be fun. Plus, that guy is getting on my nerves," Ashly said as she casually threw another book towards the couple. "I knew it! Ghost do exist, they just responded, and you know what that means" Mia said smugly. "Wait, it's probably just a coincidence," Liam said as he tried to reason with the salivating girl in front of him. "Let's not keep our ghost friend waiting," Mia said as she grabbed Liam's hand and shoved it into her wet mouth. *Gulp* A mighty swallow yanked Liam's hands further down her throat while his arms were pulled into Mia's mouth. Liam was now pressed face to face with his girlfriend. *Gulp* Ashly watched with both curiosity and disgust as Mia's mouth fully engulfed Liam's head. Drool dripped from her lips as her slimy mouth was filled with another person's head. Darkness surrounded Liam as his face was plunged into the mouth of his girlfriend. Liam's arms were already sliding down Mia's throat as more of him was pulled into the saliva filled abyss. *Gulp* Another swallow saw Liam's face begin to enter Mia's tight esophagus. At this point, his fate was sealed, his only chance of escape was Mia voluntarily spitting him out which was seemingly unlikely. As his face was dragged deeper down her slimy tunnel, the rest of Liam's body was pulled off the ground by the strength of Mia's swallows. Mia opened her mouth even wider to anticipate Liam's broad shoulders as they slid effortlessly into her mouth. Liam could feel his hands pressing against Mia's stomach valve as it slowly opened to accept it's the newest meal. *Gulp* Mia held Liam elevated off the ground as she gradually stuffed more of him down her hungry gullet. Another powerful swallow pulled all of Liam's torso into Mia's mouth. His legs were now elevated directly above her awaiting maw. Meanwhile, his face had just been pushed inside the tight stomach space, and the foul-smelling stomach acids instantly attacked his nose. *Gulp* Another series of swallows pulled the rest of Liam's body into the hungry girl. Mia slurped down the boy's legs with ease while removing his shoes before his feet entered her mouth. Mia closed her mouth behind his feet entering her slimy maw and took a final swallow sending the rest of her boyfriend into her stomach. As more of Liam's body slid into her stomach, he began to curl up into the space efficient position inside his tight flesh prison. *UURRRRRPPPP* All of Liam's movements inside of Mia's gut caused a burst of air to travel up her throat and right out her mouth in the form of a loud belch. She noticed a pair of saliva covered car keys flying out of her mouth as she burped. "Excuse *urp* me," Mia said as she covered her mouth in embarrassment. "What the hell you actually ate me?" Liam said as he banged the walls of his fleshy prison cell. "Of course, I did I was hungry *urp* now stop struggling you're making me gassy," Mia said as she let out a series of small cute burps. "God dam it, let me out this instant, I'm your boyfriend for god sake," Liam begged. "Hmmm, I don't know *urp* about that," Mia said "What, about letting me out," Liam asked. "No, about you being my *urp* boyfriend," Mia said. "Oh my god, you're dumping me," Liam said "No, the dumping part comes *urp* later, but yeah pretty much," Mia said. "Why," Liam asked. "Well you can't be boyfriends with your food, that's just *urp* silly," Mia said while giggling. "That... was something," Ashly said as she watched Mia talk to her squirming belly. "Wait, I have the car keys... hahaha you have to let me out... shit where are they," Liam said as he looked for the car keys in his clothes that were currently being dissolved in the acids. "Looking for *urp* these," Mia teased as she jiggled the keys in front of her bungling gut. "Fuck..." Liam said. "Yep, looks like this is the *urp* end for you. However, I think I'll stay here the night and digest you off before I go home," Mia said as she got up and looked for a bedroom. "Wait, why isn't she leaving," Ashly said as she watched Mia look for a room. "This one looks *urp* nice," Mia said as she opened what looked like a childs room. "No no no, why did she have to go in my room," Ashly said disappointedly as she watched Mia belly flop onto her bed. *Crack* "Shit, I don't know if that was my *urp* meal or the be-" Mia said as the bed broke under her. "No! my bed," Ashly said almost in tears. Meanwhile, in Mia's stomach, Liam just took two crushing blows. The jump on the bed and the collision with the floor as the bed broke, combined with the tight stomach chamber caused some of his bones to crack. This, as well as the fact that she continued to lay on her stomach, caused Liam to scream out in pain. *URRRPP* "You really shouldn't *urp* scream like that your wasting all of your air supply," Mia teased. "This girl..." Ashly though as she felt a bit of fear toward the woman in front of her mercilessly digesting her ex-boyfriend. Liam soon realized how right Mia was about wasting air as he felt the oxygen around him getting thinner as he gasped for non-existent air. Liam soon passed out then died due to lack of oxygen. "Huh you stopped squirming already, oh well I guess I should fall asleep as well," Mia said as she turned on her side and grabbed a nearby stuffed animal to fall asleep with. "Ack she took Sir fluffy bottoms hostage... and she drooling as over him, ew," Ashly said as she grabbed onto the stuffed animal and started tugging on it. However, this only caused Mia to hold onto it tighter. The two of them tugged back and forth, causing her large belly to shake resulting in a buildup of gas in her gut. *URRRRPP* Mia let out a loud belch causing the soul of her meal to be propelled from her stomach out her mouth in a burst of air. "Urgh give him back alre-umpf" Ashly was interrupted by a mouth full of Liam's ghost as well as a face full of Mia’s foul gas. The momentum of the flying soul hitting her as well as the burst of gas caused Ashly to be propelled backwards. When she hit the wall, she instinctively swallowed what was in her mouth without a second thought. Liam's ghost was relatively easy to eat since he was no longer as solid resulting in him sliding quickly down Ashly's throat. *URRRPP* Ashly let out a loud burp from all the air generated from the aggressive swallowing of her prey. "Urgghh what just happened?" Ashly said as she looked down at her stomach that was now almost ten times its normal size. "What the hell, where am I? Am I still in Mia's stomach?" Liam asked in confusion. "Uhh no you're in mine," Ashly said meekly. "Huh, who the hell are you?" Liam said in confusion. " I'm a ghost," Ashly said. "What no way, ghosts don't exist," Liam said in denial. "Yes, they do dummy, just look around," Ashly said in an irritated voice. Liam did what she said and looked around. He noticed his entire body was much paler and was semi-transparent. He also saw that he was surrounded by a light pink and semi-transparent body. He was able to see through Ashly’s stomach enough to be able to see Mia on the broken bed diligently digesting his body inside her massive belly. "Fuck this can't be real," Liam said. "I'm glad you've finally come to your senses. Too bad you're too late," Ashly teased. "Too late, what do you mean," Liam asked. "Well if you acknowledged the existence of ghosts before, maybe you wouldn't be on the path of becoming a pile of shit," Ashly teased. "Wait are you saying this is my fault, you're the one who threw the dieting books," Liam said angrily. "Huh... oh yeah I did do that didn't I," Ashly said. "Yeah now that I think of it it's all your fault," Liam yelled. "Well technically it's your dumb girlfriends fault for wanting to eat you, and it's your fault for going out with her in the first place," Ashly said as she deflected all responsibility from the situation. "You can't blame me for everything," Liam said. "I can, and I will, and as punishment, you're going to sit there and digest like a good little meal," Ashly said as she laid down beside Mia in her bed. "Punishment for what, being eaten," Liam asked "Yep, *yawn* now be quiet while I sleep you off," Ashly teased as she fell asleep next to Mia. Meanwhile, as the two girls slept side by side Liam was wide awake inside Ashly's gut. Liam was forced to listen to the sound of his body being digested by Mia's full stomach. The sounds of gurgling and bone cracking kept him awake for most of the night. What kept him awake for the rest of the night was the burning liquid at the bottom of the ghost stomach. Since Liam was now a ghost, he didn't need any oxygen, so he had to experience the full effect of Ashly's powerful ghost stomach. The hot liquid didn't feel the same as the acid as in Mia's belly. It felt like it was burning him from the inside out, which was precisely what it was doing. Ashly was digesting his soul, breaking it down to its fundamental spirit energy. *Gurgle* Liam could only imagine what was happening to his real body right now. The loud sounds projecting from Mia's stomach painted a clear picture of what was being done to his body. Liam could hear his flesh being pressed into mush and the sounds of his bones snapping under the intense pressure. He could also see through his Ashly's stomach, and he saw Mia's abdomen contract then relaxing over and over crushing his body into a bloody paste. Eventually, Mia’s stomach stopped relaxing and stayed in it's compressed form. Liam could only imagine that now the stomach was pumping his soupy remains into the intestines where all his nutrients would be absorbed. All the fats, carbohydrates, and proteins that made up his former self would be extracted and turned into usable energy for the hungry girl. Then after his body was completely drained the remaining waste would build at her colon waiting to be released. While Liam thought what was happening to his human body, he completely neglected the current state of his ghost body. His soul was mostly liquified now, and he felt the spirit acids breaking down his conscious. He eventually passed out into nothingness as his liquid soul was pumped into Ashly's intestines. Ashly's ghost intestines worked mostly like human intestines but rather than extracting nutrients in the form of sugars and fats, the extracted nutrients was in the form of spirit energy. Spirit energy allowed her to use her poltergeist abilities and to levitate. Spirit energy was usually obtained from eating the souls of plants and animals but eating a human soul was a perfect supplement of it. Once all the spirit energy was absorbed by the ghost’s digestive track, the rest of it gathered by her colon waiting to be expelled. *Fppppttt* A loud fart erupted from Mia's butt, waking up both her and Ashley. The burst of foul smelling wind blasted Ashly out of bed resulting in her landing on the cold floor. "Ew, that stinks," Ashly said "*Yawn* ok I'm going, why are you always so impatient about leaving," Mia said as she rubbed her much smaller pot belly. Mia sat on the nearest toilet she could find (which just happened to be Ashly's toilet) and began to expel what was left of her ex-boyfriend. The first brown log of her bowel movement came out slowly but surely and eventually splashed down in the toilet water below. Mia let out cute grunts as the large turds expanded her anus as they came out. Her poop was quite mushy but was held together by the hair, bone shards, and pieces of fabric of her former meal. The second log was firmer than the last one, causing Mia to push it out with a bit of force. Since most of the heavy remains sank to the bottom of the stomach mush, the first couple logs were the hardest to remove as they were riddled with indigestible content. The turds that followed came out a lot faster and were a lot easier to expel. A steady flow of feces coiled bellow Mia's butt in the toilet bowl eventually filling it to the rim. However, she still felt a pressure at her colon. With a forceful push, she propelled the skull of her former meal onto the mountain of scat. The cracked and bleached skull stood triumphantly on the top of the pile of poop. Once she was finished forming a mountain of poop, she expelled the liquid remains of her boyfriend. The stream of golden piss rained down on the pile of shit, flowing down the sides of the mountain. After all the remains of Liam were removed from her body, she grabbed some toilet paper and wiped any remaining shit residues off her butt. After she was finished, she tried to flush the toilet but noticed it wouldn't budge. "Stupid toilet is broken," Mia said as she repeatedly tried to flush. "It's not broken you clogged it, dummy,” Ashly said angrily. The toilet full of shit reminded Ashly's body of the waste that still needed to be expelled. She soon felt a sharp pressure from her abdomen, telling her that she had to relieve herself immediately. Pooping in a full toilet and in front of her arch enemy was not ideal for Ashly, but she didn't think she could make it to another bathroom without soiling herself. She swallowed her pride and squatted above the toilet. She made sure to levitate slightly above the pile of human waste so that she wouldn't touch it. It didn't take long for Mia to notice the ghost defecating inches away from her face as she noticed semi-transparent pale logs that resembled human feces dropping from the air into the filled toilet bowl. Ashly immediately went beet red when she saw the curious girl watching her bowel movement. Other then the girl standing right in front of her watching her shit, disposing of the remains of that human's soul was relatively easy. Mushy logs of ectoplasm slowly left her butt and drifted down into the toilet bowl, adding to the growing pile of scat. The ectoplasm was a pure colour and didn't contain any indigestible parts. After a few more logs of ghost shit left her butt, she was finished expelling the remains of her former meal. She had formed another pile of shit that was clearly distinct from the other collection of waste. It was a completely different colour and was only half the size of the human shit. The pile was directly on top of the other mountain of waste and completely covered the damaged skull in ghost poop. However, the skull was still visible underneath the semi-transparent pile of ectoplasm. "I see you also had fun with my ex-boyfriend, mister or misses ghost. I hope you don't mind if I take some. None of my friends are going to believe I watched a real ghost take a shit," Mia said happily as she collected some of Ashly's bowel movement and placed it in a plastic bag. "Ew..." Ashly said as she watched the human take some of her excrement and leave. "I'll visit sometime, and bring more food," Mia said as she waved goodbye to the invisible ghost. "Like I want any of your "food," you dummy," Ashly said as she stuck her tongue out at the human as she left (forgetting for a second, they couldn't see each other). As Ashly held her breasts that had grew significantly from all the spirit energy she absorbed, she thought that maybe it wouldn't be the worst thing if that human visited again. The end. |
The new Queen of Omega Liara made her way home after she was finished with the commander, her new belly and breasts barely fitting behind the controls of her transport while her ass and thighs hung over the seat. “Lousy Turian craftsmanship!” she complained as she stuffed closed the door. She had been the centre of attention on the parking dock, just like the plaza. All eyes were on her, boners were popped and panties were made sodden indiscriminately. The parking official would have been undressing her with her eyes if she wasn’t already naked as she sauntered by, only briefly flashing her pass to the purple hued Asari who buzzed her in, mouth agape. Ever since Liara had given into her baser urges, she had felt a constant arousal, paired with an ache in the pit of her stomach that only seemed to grow, her stomach rumbled and her mouth and she began to salivate as thoughts of stripping Talis suit back, revealing the young, vulnerable Quarian before she was devoured. Liara was snapped out of it by the proximity alarm, her daydream causing her to drift into the wrong grav-lane, the sound of horns being furiously sounded by angry commuters didn’t faze her with her mind on other, more cruel matters. “It is a good thing I had a tracker placed on the Normandy’s hull while she was at port. That will make this…” she paused, biting her lip, “so much easier.” Having parked haphazardly and made her way into the apartment block she squeezed herself into an elevator next to a Human who sheepishly stood in the corner, too nervous to look at her. The man piped up on the thirtieth floor, “You look…” he swallowed hard, his boner sticking into Liara’s soft thigh, “really good.” Liara smirked at the man, “You look delicious.” She leered, the malice in her voice killing all interest the man had in continuing the conversation but not his boner. Liara eyed him, deciding, to her displeasure that she would rather like to have at least a remote chance of fitting into anything. Making it to her room, she removed the tattered remains of her favourite dress, before perusing her selection of combat gear. She was not expecting Tali to go easily. Having ruled out the more constrictive suits, she eventually settled on and old white dig suit with blue straps. Moving in front of a mirror, she held the suit in front of her new, larger, frame. “This may be a little…” she paused, turning to the side and measuring herself against the suit, “tight.” However, having made her mind up, she soldiered on, stuffing her thick thighs into the constrictive weave of the suit, “It’s a good thing this suit breathes.” She muttered to herself as she began sucking in her gut, managing to cram in her lower half, stretching the material perilously thin while she slipped her arms into the slightly less constrictive sleeves. Then came the real challenge, stuffing her monumental breasts and belly into the suit which was nearly skin-tight even before her impromptu weight gain. Liara began by sucking in, a technique which was woefully ineffective before she decided to try and stuff herself in as she went which only produced a ridiculous muffin top effect and did nothing to conceal her engorged blue breasts. Massaging her temples in frustration as the zip undid itself for the third time, she looked up to see herself captivated, her abdomen on full display, breasts resting heavily atop a distended gut, it gave of an aura of sexual energy and dominance. Her body was immaculate after all, why not keep her best assets on display after all, perhaps it would entice easy meals. She could feel an aching between her thighs which she was already becoming used to before being interrupted by a ping from her omni-tool, *Normandy exit FTL, bearing 225-576-089, destination OMEGA*. Liara smiled cruelly; her hunt would be short lived it seemed. Liara booked passage to Omega immediately, if she was lucky, the Normandy would still be there by the time she arrived, her tickets were first class and complimentary, of course. No one denies an information broker’s request because no matter how spotless their record may appear, there’s always dirt they could dig up. She brought a small satchel of essentials, a change of clothes that may or may not fit, her credit chit and data pads of her favourite novels to keep her entertained. Once she was aboard, she took her seat, and the one next to it as well, deciding that anyone who had the guts to complain would become well acquainted with her own. Her travel to Omega would take around 8 hours, that time she decided to gorge herself, the hunger becoming unbearable, she ordered a fine Turian dish called guesa, a Varren cutlet prepared in a meat broth with some exotic seasonal vegetables she hadn’t heard of before. The meal was quite frankly divine but Liara needed more, the aching void that was her stomach brought about by her genetic flaw compelled her to buy more, human Burgers, pies, Krogan dishes that were surprising in their complexity given the brutish nature of the species as well as Salarian soups and bread, all of which failed to satisfy despite their rich flavours and large portions, it was as if her stomach was a singularity, pulling everything in and in without ever stopping. Come the end of the flight she had attracted the ire of all other passengers, her seats and the aisle around her covered in the discarded dishes from her many, many meals, her huge breasts and belly covered in crumbs, grease and other stains from her indulgence. “This flight has reached its destination,” the ship VI chimed, “Please remember to take all of your personal belongings with you when leaving the shuttle.” Liara rose, with considerable effort given her mass and the food baby she was carrying. Leaving the terminal and the disgruntled passengers behind her swaying hips, her breasts slapping against her belly with each step Liara contacted her informants who relayed that the Normandy had departed less than two hours ago. Liara cursed, having her prey slip between her fingers was an infuriating prospect, but if anyone knew where they were heading, it would be Aria. But news travels quickly and she likely already knew of Liara’s arrival, her intentions and maybe even... maybe even her secret. This may not be as easy as Liara first thought. She checked her Amp, fully charged, ready for a drawn-out fight, only if necessary, all Liara had come her for was information, but Asari tend to be awfully touchy about the Bodren Mikshi, especially matriarchs like Aria. Liara’s grumbling stomach snapped her out of her thoughts and back to her filthy reality. Omega was just as decrepit as Liara remembered, the vistas lit by poor or non-functional lighting, trash filling every corner and graffiti on every available surface. *A perfect mirror of the populace* Liara thought as she passed a gaggle of grubby Vorcha huddled around a vending machine, the first to not turn and ogle her. She strode her way through so many corridors that were so like each other it almost made her lose her way but eventually she passed through a set of crumbling arches onto Afterlife’s Plaza, the ‘cultural heart’ of Omega if Liara could bring herself to call it that. She made her way to the Elcor bouncer, who was currently arguing with a human who looked very appetising, unfortunately Liara had a job to do. Tapping the bouncer on their broad shoulders, “I need to see Aria.” Liara declared, “I have urgent business.” The Elcor turned ponderously, “Smarmily, The Dancers entrance is at the back, sexy” he replied in his irritatingly monotone voice. Liara was seething, her face turning a slight purple hue, her blood boiling at this insolence, how dare she be talked to this way. “I am going in.” the bouncer moved to block her, only managing the start of his protest, “sternly, get lost…” before Liara flung him like a rag doll over the railings to the city below. “I am going in.” Liara reiterated for no reason other than dramatic effect. Inside, Liara was not disappointed by the defences arranged in what must have been a very short time, tables flipped to form makeshift barriers, men at high vantage points and sniper rifles to boot, mean looking Krogan bodyguard at the side of the Pirate Queen. “Well, if it isn’t the lovely Liara.” Aria goaded from her plinth, “I know why you’re here, on any other day I’d be willing to help you but you’re an abomination, a disease on our people.” “Aria, I only want to… Speak with a friend. If you help me, I won’t have to render you down into my breast fat.” Liara warned, her stomach backing her up with a menacing grumble. “I won’t help you, and I’d like to see you try.” Aria smirked, ever the smug bitch. At this the thugs opened fire, sending Liara ducking behind a rock pillar, squeezing her large buttocks as close to the cold stone as she was able, drawing her side piece, a sleek heavily moded Carnifex with enough stopping power to put a Krogan down in one shot, not many guns could claim that. It had been a while since Liara had found herself in a situation where her biotic might wasn’t enough to get her through, she’d have to see if she was as good as she used to be at shooting things. Once a break in fire came around, she sprung from her cover with a speed that didn’t match her size, firing three shots to the upper levels, sending the snipers ducking or cutting them down, she quickly leapt over the bar top, pining an unsuspecting goon down with a thud, “I would love to eat you…” Liara drooled, “But I haven’t the time.” Before smashing his head back into the tiles. It seems she hadn’t lost her touch. Liara saw a group of thugs coming towards her, she thought quickly before they’d have her flanked, using her biotics she lifted every bottle from the shelf behind her, sending thousands of credits of expensive liquor hurtling towards them, smashing into and disorienting them before she swung around, planting them with clean kill shots. Seeing her opportunity she vaulted over the bar again, only momentarily being thrown off by Shepard’s additions before she regained her footing and ran for the plinth, her dash was cut short by the two Krogan she saw earlier, both brutish and wielding shotguns that probably weighed more than she did. Reacting quickly, she cast her Biotic barrier which took the brunt of the first blast, sending her flying off the first step and onto her behind, which significantly cushioned her fall. She ducked behind the nearest table, it wouldn’t hold up against a single shot, but she was hoping to draw the Krogan out, it’d be easier that way. “Was that all?” Liara goaded from behind her table, “A Salarian could do better than that.” “HRRNGGGHH…” the Krogan replied eloquently, charging towards the table, flipping it and bellowing his frustration “COULD A SALARIAN DO THA…” he was cut off by a deafening shot which punched straight through his shields, burrowed through his chest plate, rupturing several organs before lodging itself in his carapace. “No, they couldn’t.” Liara responded smugly. With the last real obstacle removed she brought herself to her feet, readjusting to support her new centre of gravity and walking to the plinth, holstering her weapon as the last remaining guards ran, leaving her alone with Aria. “Aria, I expected better from your troops.” Liara goaded, “why not tell me where Tali is and make this easy, I’ll be devouring you either way.” Aria gritted her teeth, “I won’t give in to you.” She screamed, “you’re an abomination!” Liara chuckled, sending ripples through her soft flesh. “Have it your way then.” Liara replied, sending out a Biotic warp which aria met midway, The Matriarch and the Maiden clashed wild biotic fire spewed out from the colliding force, scorching the rock, forcing space to bend around both of their might, the debris of battle, the tables circled the two, equally matched in strength, Liara drew on all her strength, leaning into the surge of telekinetic power, advancing one step at a time towards Aria. This was no easy task, Aria was mighty, her power honed over hundreds of years, was more than a match for Liara’s unaugment strength. *What a meal* Liara’s mind raced, If Shepard made her this strong, what wonders did Aria’s supple body offer her, her hunger drove her, the Aching void of a Borden Mikshi, she powered up the final few steps. Aria fought well, digging her heels in screaming at the top of her lungs, the exertion was too much, and her Amp blew out, sending her flying back against the wall where Liara pinned her with her mind. “You look delicious Aria.” Liara licked her lips, ripping the already revealing outfit from Aria, “Last chance to be nice Aria, I will find Tali and you will be in here.” She groped her distended gut, which gurgled its approval. “Let’s just cut out the middleman, shall we?” Aria mustered what little strength she had left, “Screw you…” Liara smiled, she didn’t really care if Aria told her or not, either way she was filling that aching void, for now. Last time Liara had eaten Shepard he had been in stasis, his movements were sluggish, this time Liara determined that a ‘live’ prey would be a much better experience. The though of Aria’s agonised writhing in her stomach made her knees weak, her nipples stood erect and on full display. It was all too much, she couldn’t wait, her arousal and huger overrode her better judgement and she ripped off her own clothes as well, such a well-earned meal should be enjoyed after all… Liara sat in Her new throne, opening her maw wide, the hot pink abyss was where Aria was headed, moving her with one hand while the other squeezed a melon sized breast, The sudden realisation that this was it hit aria. “W… w-wait, I’ll tell you where they are.” This caused a pause from the obese Asari below her before a smile, “Aria, it is a little too late for that.” Liara chuckled before she started to lower Aria to her gruesome fate “no, NO. P-please, have mercy.” *A matriarch crying for mercy… how arousing* was all Liara could think as Aria’s Lilac skin began to squeeze down her gullet. The taste was incredible, Liara arched her back, it was so rich, so… orgasmic. She moved her free hand down to her moistened vagina, quickly finding her clitoris and massaging it, sending waves of pleasure from the top and bottom of her body, she forced more of the wailing Matriarch down, her lips and tongue gliding over her smooth body as she started to enter the boiling cauldron that was Liara’s stomach, only having any trouble with her breasts which had matured fantastically over Aria’s almost one-thousand years, growing to a staggering size while maintaining their perkiness. Once past this mountainous hurdle Liara released her grip, allowing Gravity to take its course, gulping down purple shoulders, Aria’s final cry, “PLEASE, I’LL DO ANYTHING…” was cut short by the closing of Liara’s mouth, the teeth clacking shut and sealing her fate, “Aria, by the, hmnnn, the goddess.” You tasted incredible, the waves of pleasure washing over the fat Asari, her belly hanging well in front of her, the writhing causing it to buck and jerk wildly, Aria was putting up a fight, her survival instincts were strong surely. Liara continued to massage her clit to the pitiful cries from her meal, reaching a climax with a moan of pure ecstasy. Liara panted, sweating, “What’s one more.” She smiled, “I’ll treat myself.” And she began again, toying with her biotics to enhance the experience. The scene had turned hellish in such a short period, Liara’s stomach having grown more accustomed to this way of life had secreted its acids onto the helpless Asari within, locked in the foetal position, she kicked with what little strength remained. The acrid stink of this horrid pit stung her eyes and nose, the heat was like a pot it was boiling her alive. As the acids began to eat away at her she cried, the ancient Asari, ten times Liara’s elder cried. As the acid bored into her soft flesh, her skin sloughed off to reveal muscle and nerve endings which only heightened the unbearable agony. As the acid tore into her Ari’s strength failed her, her muscles weakening, falling from her bone into the thick paste that was once a Matriarch of the proud Asari. As her prey stopped, Liara felt the change, Aria’s screaming lessened to a whimper before dying out entirely, the hard bulges in Liara’s belly softened, Liara took her free hand and pressed, a wet SSHHLLRK came from within as something solid gave way, it was too much, Liara climaxed again, Aria had been so pitiful, at least John had the decency to go quietly. Liara sat back her throne wouldn’t be big enough when she was finished, she thought, her stomach rumbled, “Don’t worry, there’ll be more soon enough.” ---== Later ==--- It had only been a day since Liara’s brutal and impromptu overthrow of Omega’s former overlord, now she was its Queen. And using her newfound influence she merged her forces together, her information network which spanned much of the known galaxy combined with enforcers from the crime syndicates which she inherited from her predecessor. However, power was not the only thing Liara had inherited from Aria. She had made generous deposits on her belly, only slightly padding it out, there was now fat fold across the belly button which now hung over her crotch, her breasts had not seen much change either, now surpassing her head in size and only just now had they begun to sag, Liara thought that she would touch that up with her biotics later. But the focus of attention was her ass, Liara had all her life been an hourglass figure, and while her breasts were impressive, her lower half blew it out of the park. Thighs so thick that they were touching down to the knee with completely smooth skin, the only hint of cellulite was upon her titanic behind. Liara was unsure about the blemish to her otherwise godly figure however, if she had reached a size that was larger than she was before her first true meal without such marks she would be a freak of nature, well, more so. Snapped out of her self-fascination by her stomach gurgling for her attention, begging her to continue the hunt. “We will have her soon.” Liara licked her lips, the exotic flavour of a Quarian, that would be new to her. “I will have you, Tali Zorah…” |
Kyouko Sakura rubbed her stomach. It rumbled at her touch. "Food... I need food..." Ordinarily, she would get some snacks right about now. That sounded good, but she had a feeling her hunger was a little deeper than that this time. "I need something more... filling." --- "Heyyy! Mami!" Mami Tomoe turned. There was Kyouko, in her Puella Magi form. "Kyouko! What are you doing? If an ordinary person sees you like that, they'll-" Kyouko swung her spear towards Mami and pointed dramatically. "I don't care about that right now. Right now, I'm hungry." She licked her lips greedily. "And... you're my main course." Mami couldn't believe her ears. "W-what are you saying? What's going on with you, Kyouko?" Kyouko just laughed. "Let me make this clear, Mami, so even you can understand-" Kyouko rubbed her belly through her outfit. She relished the thought of what she would say next just a little longer. "What? What are you up to?" Mami demanded to know. "Heh heh.... I'm going to eat you, Mami Tomoe. You're going to fill me up!" Mami was shocked. Was Kyouko really serious? If so, Mami didn't know how she'd escape from this situation. Mami had at least one hope... "Don't bother calling Sayaka or Madoka. They're off fighting a witch... that I led them to." Kyouko smiled, showing her tiny fang. "As if I would rely on them! I can beat you myself!" Mami declared- but she didn't feel so confident. Kyouko dug a finger into her ear impatiently. "Eh... Why don't you go ahead and transform? I don't want to beat you in an unfair fight, but I'm getting really hungry now. Let's get this over with." Mami clenched her Soul Gem. "So it's a fight you want, is it?" Mami transformed, her form radiating dazzling golden light. "I'll give you a fight then, Kyoko!" Kyoko licked her lips. "That's what I've been waiting for." Mami sprang forward and conjured up a gun. She swung at Kyouko, but Kyouko blocked it with her spear. She made a move to shoot at Kyoko and Kyoko dodged. "Stay still, you!" Mami called. "Give it up, Mami! You can't beat me! You're as good as inside me now!" Mami lifted her skirt, revealing another gun in her other hand. Yelling, she brandished both at Kyoko and made her move. Kyoko used her spear to block one shot, then dodged the other. A red boot flew up towards Mami's hand and got rid of her second musket. "What?!" Mami cried. "It's over, Mami!" Kyoko bounded over Mami, landing behind her. Mami shot at empty air. Kyoko made her spear elongate, and she wrapped it around Mami. She caught Mami's gun arm, which then fell to her side as Kyoko started squeezing the two spear ends around Mami's back. Mami's arm and whole body was immobilized by the spear being tied around her. "Well, that was fun. Now for my reward." Kyoko said, brandishing her fang in a tiny smile. "Let me go, Kyouko!" Mami cried. She didn't want to be food for Kyouko, or for anyone for that matter! "Just accept it, Mami. I'm higher on the food chain than you are. Now shut up and get inside me." Kyouko's mouth slowly opened. Mami looked more terrified by the second- she couldn't see what was happening, but she surely knew what would be coming. Kyouko's maw expanded even more, and she tried squeezing Mami's head into her mouth. Doing that and holding Mami captive was not easy, but she got part of Mami's head into her jaws. Mami didn't like Kyouko's hot saliva in her hair one bit. She cried out as Kyouko's mouth began to moisten the back of her head. Kyouko's jaws expanded even more and took Mami's head into her mouth. Her golden curls disappeared into Kyouko's cavernous mouth. Mami was terrified. "Aaaah!! Kyouko, please stop! I don't want to be food!" She screamed as her face disappeared into Kyouko's ever growing mouth. Kyouko gulped her down happily- Mami was delicious and she also didn't have to hear her annoying cries for mercy any more. Kyouko threw away Mami's musket, then grabbed Mami by both hands and started forcing her into her mouth. Mami's shoulders disappeared, then her chest. Kyouko thought that tasted especially delicious. Kyouko could feel her belly gurgling as Mami's head poked inside it. "Soon, belly." She thought. "Soon you'll have a great treat!" Kyouko continued to swallow Mami. Mami's legs kicked a little, but her resistance was nil. Kyouko devoured Mami's waist with expedience. Only her long, luscious legs were left. Kyoko slurped Mami's supple thighs and legs. Even Mami's tights and boots posed no threat to Kyouko's mouth. Mami's shoes followed the rest of her down, and that was that. Kyouko felt Mami's legs progressing down her throat, and felt that Mami was nearly curled inside her stomach. By now, Kyouko's belly had expanded greatly, swelling from the slit in her clothes and becoming a hindrance. She could see the outline of Mami's form inside her, and she was overjoyed. She had really done it- she had eaten Mami whole and there was nothing left of her. Kyouko licked her lips and belched. "Tasty. I wish I could have her again." She went back to her normal, non-magical girl form and napped in the alley she had trapped Mami in. She rubbed her belly, and soon Mami's rhythmic struggles and her own tiredness caused her to fall asleep. --- "One please!" Kyouko's bulge emerged from her green jacket for everyone to see. The street vendor must've thought she was pregnant- his look surely said so. "Let them stare. For all they know, I am pregnant." Kyouko said when he had gone to get her noodles. She paid him and sat down to eat. She slurped up her noodles, burped when she finished, and left in a hurry. "This is going to be a new thing for me... After all, I'm eating for two, isn't that right Mami?" Kyouko rubbed her belly and felt Mami's form stretching against her stomach. "Well, in that case, let's go get a snack." Kyouko walked off to find her next meal. |
A black haired girl shifts a bit in her fur lined bed. A cool breeze blowing in had woke her, having went to sleep nude with no blanket over her. Brushing over some goose bumps she works on getting up and out of the dented bed trying to keep her stuck in the warm bed. Her lean back arching, soft cracks rumble from it as she wakes up. She works on closing a wooden hinged door for the window to keep the wind form getting inside. Putting on a Jacket made of cow hide. It was a large over coat coming just over her knee. Not feeling like putting on a skirt, granted she uses a bit of cloth to wipe off her shimmering folds to clean herself. Having a rather nice dream at one point, unable to remember what it was about already. She slips out the front door, everyone still sleep with the sun barely starting to peek out form the tree tops. The crisp air barely having wind rustle the leafs. The some what small girl scampers off into the woods. Passing a few guards on her way who give a wave to her. She gives a soft smile and waves back. The guard showing some pudge along their mid rift which makes Tess think of what her own meal added to herself! Once out of side her hands side along her smooth belly then over her ass. Nice and doughy. Having issues holding onto the buns, smushing around her fingers as she squeezed. Bitting her lip softly with a blush forming. Her moment of pleasure of her past was interrupted by Kaliyah rustling Some bushes as she out from around a tree. Tess perking up and waving eagerly. “Hey! You are up early! So how is it going?” Kaliyah smiles giving a more tired wave. “Yeah I know. Was woken up by this person then that person for this that and the other thing and before I knew it, the sun was coming up so you know.” Tess moves in to give a soft hug before kissing along Kayilah's chin. The taller red head snickers, her fingers moving to run through the other's black hair. “Take it easy, we are not dating... Yet. Anyways I wanted to tell you that I would be out in a hunting party today and you wont see me till a few days later.” Tess puffs her cheeks then nods. “Alright, just be careful, alright?” Kaliyah giving a smirk. “When am I not?” “... Always...” “Ops.” Tess sighs. Giving a cheek kiss before pulling away. Waving to Kaliyah as she walks off, waving back. Tess slips off to a large pile of rumbble. A large statue that once reached to the skys, now lay on the ground in large boulders making a large wall. With some other villagers there, working on making it useful again for their own uses. There was a small dug out hole, room for 2 people to walk side by side. Once on the other side it was a small fort of sorts. A work in progress as the other girls started working on it. Their hands softly rubbing over the rough rocks, making them nice and smooth. Tess moving to help Terra a friend that she works with, on large projects like this! The girl idly floating some rocks over her hand making soft rubbing motions before the girl takes the almost water looking rocks and smearing it along some cracks to fill them in. Tess smiling as she speaks up. “Hey Terra! How is the fort going?” The brown haired girl having it cut shot form her shoulders compared to most eyes Tess and nods. “Its going. We finished some stairs going through the stone it's self but did not flatten the top of the wall so I would be careful if I was you.” Tess nods as she looks for the wall open door way. Making her way through the door stair well with rather wide steps up to the top. Her palms lay flat on the rough stone, fingers squeezing onto it before it gives up. Smushing around her fingers before she sprawls those digits out and rubs over the rock. It squishes out in loud rumbling sounds. Kneading a nice flat path, little ridges sticking out roughly 5 feet form the other ridge to keep someone laying down on the path form easily rolling off the side. When the sun gets high she kept spreading and working the stone. Getting so far before the part of the wall she was on just falls off to the ground leaving a large hole for them to patch up but for today everyone was just smoothing it all out and making paths. Some even making nice statues in a growing garden in the middle. A small Stone home the far side form the hole inside. After hours of helping out smoothing everything and even making a gate for the hole and making it even none magic users can open the close the door... Assuming they where giants among men. She sits down and carves in soft details into the gate. Drawing Kaliyah with rather great detail along with some of the other high ranking people form her tribe. Before she knew it, bugs where starting to fly around her! The other girls groaning as they start to leave and had back to their homes. Terra calling out. “Come on Tess, no point in making it look pretty all night!” “Coming!” She gets up and scampers off. Quietly walking back with Terra. Once they got to the mid way point to their huts they gave each other a soft hug before walking off. Tess tossing her coat off, wiping the sweat form her body with a bit of cloth before plopping on her bed. Sighing to herself as she goes back to sleep. Having head an rather nice day! |
Hornet awoke with a shiver, feeling the cold groundsting her legs. She was submerged in utter darkness, and found herself unable to move her arms.Coming into full lucidity, she realized that this immobility was due to her arms being tied toa wooden pole behind her. She wrestled in her bonds, angry shouts escaping her mouth as she demandedto know where she was, and why. All she remembered before waking up here was a flash ofwhite, followed by a familiar giggle… The same giggle broke out again, seemingly comingfrom everywhere in the small cavern where Hornet was trapped. She shouted out, “Reveal yourself,coward! Hide not in the darkness like some scared fool!” At this, a familiar white figure strode out of thedarkness, pin lightly clasped in one hand, the other resting on her large left thigh. Lace, Hornetthought. Of course it’d be her. Who else would it be? Her captor approached her, and, in one swiftmotion, drew her pin and thrust it at Hornet’s chest, stopping just centimeters before impact. ThePrincess-Protector of Hallownest did not flinch. Lace snickered at her stoicism, saying, “Oh, LittleSpider! So brave, are we? Has this Kingdom not yet shown you the folly of your actions? Do youstill cling on to hope, even knowing the pain it will bring you?” “So, you haven’t changed a bit since our last encounter.Still prattling on like I could ever care about what you thought about my travels,” Hornet spat.“Tell me, if you really care so much about stopping me, why not just cut me down here andnow? You seemed very eager to do so, back in the Deep Docks.” Her captor got down on a knee, and gently lifted Hornet’shead with a hand, so that they were seeing eye-to-eye. “Oh, Spider. I can’t just cut youdown anymore! You’ve been too persistent, too hopeful. You don’t yet realize the futility ofyour actions, don’t grasp the pain you’re subjecting yourself to by struggling.” Hornet tried to pull back and headbutt Lace, but thelatter pulled back before the blow could connect. The Hallownestian shouted back, “Be quiet!I care not for this symbolic nonsense! Kill me, or don’t kill me. Don’t waste our time with thisposturing.” Lace looked back with mock disgust. She pouted, “Fine!I suppose I will just leave you in this cavern, until the elements take you! No one will becoming to help you, anyways.” A few weeks ago, this last remark would not have phasedHornet. Back in Hallownest, before she was taken to Pharloom, she really hadn’t had anybody.The closest thing she’d had was herremaining sibling, the Hollow Knight. But they’d only gotten to know one another for a week at best before she’d been abducted, taken to this strangeland. But now, that’d all changed. Her journey through Pharloomhad changed her. She’d met so many bugs, had helped so many bugs. She had connectionsnow, friends who would stand by her, and protect her when things went wrong. Hornet laughed,confidence ringing in her voice. “Oh, I wouldn’t say that if I were you. That may have beentrue of me once, but no more. I have confidence that one of my friends will find me, andsave me before I perish.” “Oh?” Lace shot back, a gleam of something strangein her eye. “Really? You expect me to believe you? Then give me a single name! I bet thatyou cannot.” Hornet snarled, the brattiness of this bug reallystarting to grate on her. “Fine, I’ll do more than give you one name! There is Sherma, the brave Pilgrim!And Shakra, the gorgeous mapmaker. And I will never forget Trobbio, the fabulous performer.Each of them is braver and stronger than you could ever wish to be, fool!” A giggle escaped Lace at this listing of names. “Onlythree? You’ve only made three companions, Spider? You must be truly lonely.” Rage and indignation blinded Hornet’s rationality,and she once more ripped into the taunt. “Fine! Do you truly wish to know the extent of yourfolly? I’ve become close friends with Carmelita, the Ant Queen, a political and physicalforce in Pharloom!” Lace feigned mock fear at this, whimpering, “Oh dear,an Ant? How will I ever defend myself?” A screen of red blanketed Hornet’s vision. She pulledat the pole with all her strength, and it even seemed for a moment that she may free herself fromthe strength of her rage alone. Growling, her voice hardly a whisper, she continued, “The ChurchKeeper of the Mossy Grotto, Garmond and Zaza, even the Flea Caravan! The mighty Forge-Daughterand her assistant-! Do you have any idea how many bugs you’re crossing by imprisoningme?” Upon hearing this final listing of names, Lace wentstrangely silent. Then, a grin broke out wide across her face. A wicked grin, of the kind a triumphantanimal gives its defeated prey. Hornet saw this, and wondered why Lace was so overjoyed.Surely she realized what this meant? To cross Hornet was to cross a whole host of bugs, allof whom could defeat her and free Hornet. This information should be scaring Lace, not excitingher.Lace, silently as a monk on pilgrimage, turned to leave the cavern. The silence only broke the moment before she passed the lip of the hole, as thesound of her stomachs rumbling echoed throughout the cave. And then, the silence emergedonce more. Hornet sat in the renewed silence, feeling as if shehad made a mistake. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next time she awoke, she was aware of the presenceof multiple bugs inside of the cavern. Her hunter's instincts were still keen, and she couldclearly make out multiple sets of tense breathing. She didn’t know when she’d nodded off.Hornet had lost track of time, all alone in that empty cave. Once, she’d just closed her eyesand not opened them, until now. And as she opened them, she realized the terriblemistake she’d made. Sherma, Trobbio, and Shakra were sitting there inthe cave, tied up, looks of horror writ large across all of their faces. All eyes were on Hornetas she stared in bleak terror. What an idiot she’d been! When she’d given Lace a list of enemies,she’d almost given her a list of targets! And of course most of these people couldn’t go upagainst Lace, Hornet herself had a hard time taking her! She wanted to smack herself, for how damnblind she’d been. Hornet wondered why none of them were talking, despitetheir mouths being ungagged. Then, she felt the warm breath on her cheek, and all wasmade clear. Hornet barked at Lace, “What have you done! These bugs have nothing to do withour quarrel!” “Oh?” Lace said, pouting. “But you said these bugswere going to rescue you. I was disappointed, they were hardly even able to fightback! And I just had to tell them to not say a word when you came to, and look, none of them dareto say a syllable! Hardly the daring rescuers you made them out to be.” Another snarl escaped Hornet’s mouth. “Fine, so theyweren’t able to stop you. What shall you do with them? Prattle away at them until they dieof boredom, as you seem intent on doing to me?” A soft, low giggle came from Lace. As her victimsheard it, the air seemed to be sucked out of the room. It was as if a bottomless abyss of despairhad just opened below them, and that all they could do now was wait to be sucked in. Whatever wascoming next could not possibly be good. The tension was too much for Sherma, who cracked,saying, “H-Hornet! I’m sorry I couldn’t help! She was on me so fast, and I didn’t have timeto-”Lace pounced over to him, and Sherma silenced himself with a yipe. Then, shockingly, Lace undid his bindings, freeing him to wriggle weaklybeneath her salivating lips. Shakra looked on, keeping herself composed as best as she could, eventhough fear shone clearly in her eyes. And Trobbio, ever the great performer, was stoically examiningthe scene, trying not to show a hint of emotion. Then, Lace’s jaws opened wide, and she said, “Youspoke first, that means you get to go first.” Sherma squealed in horror as Lace grabbed him withboth hands, and shoved him down her throat. His small form bulged in her throat as sheused her arms to shove him in, deeper and deeper. Finally, he dropped into her belly, cryingout in horror as the reality of the situation dawned on him. For a few moments, the other captives in the cavewere silent. Was this reality? Had Lace just devoured him alive? Sherma’s cries for help shatteredthe silence, and all hell broke loose. Hornet let out a primordial scream of anger, pullingthe pole to the point where it seemed certain that it would break. Shakra struggled in her bonds,suddenly pleading and begging to be spared, that all she’d done for Hornet was sell her maps,nothing more, nothing less. She didn’t deserve to go through this! Trobbio’s composure shattered, and he started screamingfor help. He was but a humble performer! He’d even done battle with Hornet! Theywere just associates, he swore! But his pleas did nothing to satiate Lace’s hunger, and shefell on him next. She grabbed him by the legs, shoving them into her mouth. And then, gripping hisshoulders sharply, she shoved Trobbio down her throat, feeling that part of her body bulgeonce more as it took the form of the larger bug. Then, as Trobbio dropped into her belly, Shermafound that he now had company. Sherma cried out again, screaming for Hornet’s help.“Hornet, please, help me! Remember all those times you rescued me? I need your help again!Please!” The wood pole seemed as if it would break into splinters.Hornet was pulling so hard it felt like she was going to break her arms, or dislocate themfrom her shoulders. But the binds, no matter what she did, would not budge. She screamed at Lace,“FIEND! I WILL RIP YOU LIMB FROM LIMB, DROP YOUR BODY INTO MAGMA! I WILL DESTROYYOU!” Lace just giggled again, saying, “If you don’t likewhat I’m doing, you’re just gonna have to stop me!” She rubbed her belly, moaning as she felt therampant struggling within it. That moan took Hornet aback. Was… Was Lace gettingoff on this? On devouring Hornet’s friends and watching her struggles as she failed tosave them? What kind of abhorrent monster was she? And how was she losing to this… this thing?Shakra was begging for her life now. “Please! I- I still need to find my Master! I need to discover who I am, and where I’m going! I beg you, show mercy!” Lace leaned down over Shakra, rubbing her belly withdelight. “Your hopes and dreams don’t mean anything to me. You’re just another piece offood for me to devour. Maybe you should’ve considered being less tasty if you didn’t want tobe eaten!” And with this, Lace took Sharka’s screaming head inher mouth, and set about shoving her inside her throat. Lace moaned again as she tasted her strugglingprey, felt her kick and punch as she was shoved down her predator’s throat, down into herbelly. As she dropped down in, Lace let out a sigh of relief. She moved to Hornet’s post,sat down, and sighed, “For some failed saviors, they sure can struggle a lot!” Hornet was blindly flailing out at Lace. She lookedlike a rabid animal attempting to escape its leash. She wasn’t even making words anymore. Justrabid, animalistic sounds of anger. Hornet was struggling so hard that she was tiring herselfout, her struggles growing slower as the minutes ticked by. Then, however, Lace did something that Hornet couldhave never expected. She moved over to Hornet’s binds and undid them, seemingly setting herfree. However, before Hornet could move a single inch, Lace collapsed on her, pinning herto the ground with her weighty belly. At once, Hornet felt her friends pressing down on her, theirstruggles punching and pushing all around her as she just had to lay there and take it. For the first time, a scream of horror escaped Hornet’smouth. She was able to hear and feel everything they were going through clearly. She heardSherma cry for help again, saying, “H-Hornet! Please! I’m scared, and I- I don’t wannadie! Help me, please!” At this, Hornet tried pushing up and into Lace, as if trying to rip herfriends out from inside of her. But it did nothing. Her friends were beyond saving now. Lace was giggling madly. Seeing Hornet in despairlike this was exactly what she wanted. She had to show this Little Morsel the reality of existingin Pharloom. She had to show her what all her struggles would amount to in the end. Lace wasgoing to break her, and then finish her off for good. Hornet’s struggles grew more desperate as she felther friends growing softer in Lace’s gut. Shakra cried out for Hornet again, saying, “It- Itcan’t end like this! Do something, anything!” And Trobbio shouted too, whimpering, “I just wantedto be a performer! You cannot let me perish in such a way-!”But their struggles and cries were growing weaker by the second. Sherma piped up again, saying, “P-please! It’s going dark, I can’t see or feel anything!I don’t want, I can’t-” Sherma never got to finish what he was saying, ashe went silent, and never said another word. Lace’s belly was growing softer and softer on topof Hornet, her friends being melted down in her rival's gut. After Sherma went silent, Trobbioand Shakra’s cries became more and more incoherent, until they stopped happening at all. Finally,after hours, there was only silence in Lace’s belly. “Ah~! All gone.” Lace said, saliva dripping from herlips as she rubbed her belly, softer than a Palace pillow. Hornet was still trapped under there,and she was still struggling. Though, it wasn’t doing her a lot of good. Lace heard angeredsobs through her belly, and almost came on the spot from the sound. Her thoughts were a jumbledmess of rage and despair. This was the worst thing anyone had ever done to her. Yet, shewas not yet broken. She just wanted to get out from under here and snap Lace’s neck like a twig.She’d avenge her friends, she wouldn’t let it end like this, she swore it. Yet, when Lace sat up, lifting her belly from Hornet’sbody, the Princess-Protector found it impossible to act. When she looked over to Lace, whatshe saw horrified her. It wasn’t just her belly, bouncing up and down with the weight of herfriends. It was what had happened to the rest of Lace’s body. Her thighs and ass were much largerthan they had been before, and they were only getting bigger as more of her friends were pumpedonto Lace’s thighs. They were already rounder and thicker than Sherma’s entire body hadbeen. The indignity of the sight stunned Hornet. No, thiscouldn’t be. Her friends couldn’t be- It was too impossible, too horrifying, to even think about.It was this moment of weakness that allowed Lace to move over to Hornet, shove her onto the ground,and then slam her ass down on her face. Another scream escaped Hornet’s throat as Lace suffocatedher with her thighs. She was so heavy, it felt like a Boofly was pressing down onher. Hornet reached up, tried to throw Lace from her, but it was no use. She was too heavy nowto toss off. Lace rubbed her belly, loving how it jiggled and wobbled with every movement shemade. Of course, it would shrink some as the rest of those fools melted away. But she’d getit back soon enough. Right now, she just wanted to luxuriate in Hornet’s failed struggles. And struggle Hornet did. She kicked and punched andtried to lift her face even a centimeter from the ground, but was unable to. Hornet just hadto sit there and suffocate as Lace’s heavy ass pinned her down. And what was worse, as her friendsmelted away, her captor’s ass got heavier and heavier, pressing her down harder and harder.Tears ran from her eyes, and cries of despair escaped her throat.Lace kept her pinned there for quite some time, still playing with her new belly as the friends inside of it were turned into chub. She noticed thather midsection was growing thicker with all the meat she got from those fools. Lace bounced upand down on Hornet’s pleading face, feeling her new body jiggle with all the new weight it gotfrom those friends. After a couple hours, Lace was finally satisfied withthis current course, and she sat up. Hornet just laid there, catching her breath, too exhaustedfor thoughts or words. She looked up at Lace, and was horrified by her new form. Her belly was aslarge as one of the dandy bugs in the City of Tears, and her thighs were almost as thick and wideas some entire bugs. Slowly, she forced herself to sit up, and glowered at Lace. Hornet wantedto fight back, but she was too tired to do so. Lace looked down at the pathetic display and laughed. “So, Little Spider,” she began, “Do you understandyet that resistance is meaningless? Continuing on in Pharloom will mean you’ll keep sufferinglike this. Is that what you truly want?” Hornet weakly managed to choke out, “You are the mostvile creature I have ever met. I am sure of no thing but this: I will avenge my friends, anddestroy you.” Lace mock pouted again. “Really, you want to keepfighting? If you want to be that way, I guess I can have another course!” “Another course-?” Hornet began. Before she had achance to finish, Lace strolled out of the cave, grabbed a couple of struggling forms, and pulledthem into the cave. To Hornet’s horror, she realized that they were Carmelita and the ChurchKeeper. “Unhand me this instant!” Carmelita cried. “I am theQueen of the Ant Tribe, and you are to treat me as such!” Listening to this, the Church Keeperlooked at Carmelita and made a hand sign to shut up. The Keeper hadn’t seen what had just happenedin this cave, but the absence of the bugs that had been taken in here was a foreboding signindeed. Sadly, it was far too late for anything like thatto help Lace’s captives. Lace just sighed sardonically, and said, “What dignity and respectshould I have for food?” “F-Food?!?” Carmelita cried. “What are you thinkingof doing to me? I’m a Queen, not some macabre buffet!-” As Carmelita finished this sentence, Lace moved tothe bottom of her form and took the Ant Queen’s legs in her mouth. This sight shocked Hornetout of her stunned silence, and she cried for Carmelita to fight back, to get out of her bondsand save them all. But it was too late. TheQueen raged blindly as Lace grabbed her harshly, and started shoving her down her throat. Though, Lace did take a few minutes to taste and admireCarmelita’s thighs, enjoying that they’d soon be added on to her own form. They were so thick,they were almost hard to get down. But Lace managed. And from there, it was a simple matterof stuffing down her slim upper form, sending the Queen entirely to her belly. Carmelita’s struggles were furious inside of Lace.She screamed, “RELEASE ME, KNAVE!” Her legs and arms were kicking and thrashing in alldirections, unable to do anything but exhaust her as Lace’s body began working her away. From here,Lace turned her eyes to the Church Keeper, who had slinked up against a wall, as if theywere trying to make themselves invisible, and licked her lips. Suddenly, Hornet charged at Lace, wanting to stopyet another one of her friends from being eaten. But she was slow and weak from her previousstruggles, and Lace sent her spiraling back down to the ground with one solid kick to the stomach.From there, she moved over to the Church Keeper and unceremoniously stuffed her coweringform down her throat. From there, the cycle repeated itself. Lace laid downon Hornet, forcing her to feel as Carmelita and the Church Keeper were digested. Carmelita’s strugglesand fighting were the worst part. She was such a proud bug, so full of strength andvigour, and here Lace was, stripping her of all of that as she was turned into a tasty meal. As her struggles grew weaker, Carmelita grew moredespairing. “You- you cannot do this! What will happen to my tribe! Who will lead them? Whatwill they do?” Lace rubbed her belly, giggling as she heard thispathetic plea. “I don’t know! I suppose they will just have to figure that out for themselves.” Then,she did something so debased it made Hornet want to throw up. Lace started humping against hermassive belly, letting out lustful cries with every thrust. Hornet might’ve tried to say somethingagainst this indignity, but it was covered up by Lace’s heavy belly and the struggles therein. TheChurch Keeper was just quiet, as if they had, with a good deal of despair, resigned themselvesto this fate. Carmelita soon felt herself on the brink of her finalblackout. Her pride shattered, and her ego overtaken by fear, she cried out for help, for thefirst time. “Hornet! P-please! Don’t let me die, there’s so much I still need to do. I-” Hornet didn’t hear the rest of this as her own cryof despair escaped her throat. All of her friends were being killed, and she could do nothing to stopit. She had to sit here and feel them melt away, feel them be turned into thick pudge, and therewas nothing that she could do to stop it.And then she’d be suffocated under those friend-stuffed thighs again, and the cycle would repeat itself. She couldn’t take it anymore, and she criedin despair. Lace, hearing this, came explosively, a sharp cryof pleasure escaping her lips. “Yes! That’s what I want to hear, Little Spider! Give in, break!” Asshe cried this, Lace humped faster, cumming more and more as she felt the prey in her belly dissolve. Shortly thereafter, Carmelita stopped struggling andshouting completely. The Church Keeper, ever stoic, just let out a small, “Hornet, I’m sorry-”before being swallowed up completely. From there, the cycle continued its trajectory. Hornetwas forced to feel Carmelita grow softer and softer above her, her body being reduced to mere fatand nutrients on Lace. Her entire being reduced to fat. And then, after she and the Church Keeper were bothgone, Lace sat up once more, and Hornet was forced to behold Lace’s new body. A belly thickerand rounder than Carmelita’s entire body, and thighs large enough that they could smother Hornetentirely. In fact, that’s just what Lace did with them, once more crushing Hornet under their weight. This time, Hornet couldn’t even move. She couldn’tbreathe, either. Lace had to lift her ass just a tiny bit every now and again to prevent Hornet fromsuffocating. As she felt her friends press down harder and harder on her, Hornet could only wonderwhy she hadn’t fought back harder when Carmelita was being swallowed and digested. Wasshe truly so weak? Had Lace broken her so thoroughly so quickly? New tears rolled down hercheeks as Lace suffocated her with her own cheeks. Lace bobbed up and down on Hornet, watching her newmassive belly jiggle with every movement. This new body of hers was something trulyimpressive. And what was most amazing was that she wasn’t even done with this indulgenceyet. There were still so many more friends to get to! Soon enough, Lace decided to help herself to somemore of those friends. “I’m gonna go grab the last of your friends that are out there, is thatalright with you, Little Spider?” Hornet didn’t reply, but part of her was darkly relieved. Finally,the end of this nightmare. If she could just make it through this, then maybe- Her captor strolled out of the cavern, and walkedback in with the last of Hornet’s friends in tow. The three bugs that ran the Flea caravan were there,as was Garmond and Zaza, both struggling fiercely against their bonds. Garmond cried out defiantly,not seeming to understand the figurative and literal weight of the situation, “Foolishwench! Me and my mount shall strike thee down!”Lace sighed, shrugged, and looked back at Hornet as if to say, “Really? This is the guy you thought would rescue you?” Hornet would’ve shot a look of disgust or anger back,but she was too tired to do anything. Even thinking was a challenge. And so, all she could dowas watch and look at Lace ate up the last of her friends. This last feast passed in a blur for Hornet. It wentthrough the same cycles as the other two feasts. Lace ate her food, laid down on Hornet, meltedthem down, and then sat on Hornet with her new ass. But despair was taking Hornet now, andshe just wanted this to be over. This was the last one she had to get through, she was certain.After that? She didn’t know. Hopefully Lace would let her sleep, as foolish as the thought was. Once more, Hornet felt her friends melt on top ofher while she was helpless to do anything about it. The Caravan members pleaded that they werebut simple flea farmers, they hadn’t done anything to deserve a fate like this. Garmond clungto his delusions of grandeur, saying that he’d slay Lace and save everybody. If Zaza said anything,it was swallowed up by Lace’s belly. Of course, all of this didn’t help them a bit. Theygrew softer and softer in Lace’s belly, growing more desperate along the way. By the time Garmondwas crying for Hornet and Zaza to save him, Hornet just wanted to cry. What had she doneto deserve any of this? Just trying to survive? To make it through Pharloom, and back home? She thoughtof Hollow, and cried thinking of how much she wanted a hug from them right now. Then, once again, the struggles in Lace’s belly ceased.Hornet knew what was coming next, and braced herself for it. Yet, she was still hit by anew wave of revulsion when Lace rolled off of her, and revealed her new body once again. Her bellywas thick and wide beyond description, and her ass looked as if it was thick enough to fillup an entire Hallownest bench, all by itself. Hornet got the feel for how heavy it was when Lacecrushed her with it this time. Instantly, it was as if all the air had been knocked from Hornet’sbody. It was the heaviest thing she had ever felt. She couldn’t even move under its weight, andjust sat there feeling it get heavier and heavier as the five of her friends melted onto it. But, at the very least, Hornet thought, at least thiswas the last time she’d have to go through this, for better or worse. It was a morbid relief, and shehated herself for feeling it. But she didn’t know if she’d be able to take a single second moreof this, her mind felt like it was going to split apart.As if sensing these thoughts from Hornet, Lace suddenly got up, her ass wobbling as she stood up straight. “Oh, I almost forgot!” Lace shouted. “I still have two more of your friends to eat! I’m oh so sorry, Little Spider! Let me go grab them.” Something cracked in Hornet’s mind. She didn’t evenhave the strength left to think of who they could be anymore. When Lace returned a minute or solater, towing Forge-Daughter and Ballow in tow, she couldn’t even be shocked anymore. Theonly thing that threw her off now was that Lace had gotten Forge-Daughter out of her big, bulkybell armor. She was shockingly slimmer and fluffier under all that metal. But Hornet didn’t have any time to ponder this beforethe old cycle began anew. Lace devoured the two of them, while Forge-Daughter protested inher heavy voice, “You cannot do this to us! We are the greatest smith in Pharloom!” Ballow, curtas always, just turned to Hornet and said, “Help, please!” These cries felt as if they came from some distantplace now. Hornet’s mind was simply too weak by this point to muster a proper response. Sheknew and felt horror and disgust, but through the cloud of a cracking mind. When Lace laydown on top of her, suffocating her with Forge-Daughters bulky form, Hornet could only meeklystruggle, sobbing weakly at her own weakness and inability to save her friends. When the two of them were melted away, Lace againcrushed Hornet’s face with her ass. It was too heavy for words. It felt almost entirely crushingnow, as if Lace would be able to crush her head entirely if she just pressed down with a bitof strength. But Hornet knew she wouldn’t do this, her sadistic captor was clearly having too muchfun breaking her. Underneath everything, Hornet felt sadness overtakeher. She had lost every single one of her friends. Everybody in Pharloom who she had ever caredabout was gone, turned into pudge on Lace. They were all gone, only Lace remained. She knew how’d it go from here. Lace would crush her,briefly let her up for air, and then go back to suffocating her, making her feel as the lastof her friends were melted onto her thighs. However, this time Lace didn’t let Hornet come upfor air. Hornet initially thought Lace was just tormenting her by giving her less air. But then minutescame by without oxygen, and Hornet began to panic. She could hold her breath a long timein normal circumstances, but Lace was so heavy that she’d knocked the air from her frame. WasLace going to kill her like this? Smothering Hornet under his ass thick from all thefriends that she had devoured? The thought was too undignified to bear.Yet, as unconsciousness rolled over Hornet, she had to accept that that was indeed what was happening. This was how it ended for her, she wascertain. As she blacked out, mind and body filled with despair, she was certain that this washow everything would end. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What felt like days later, she found out that it wasn’t.When she came to, she was strapped to a mount, similar to the one that she’d use to travelquickly throughout Pharloom’s caverns. Looking up, she saw Lace at the helm, thighs almostas long as the horizontal length of the massive bug they were riding. Hornet didn’t know whatto say. Where was Lace taking her? And why? She tried to talk, but was too parched to doso. Looking over, she found a container of water at herside. An arm was left loose enough that she could grab it, and drink its contents. When she couldspeak again, she just asked, “Lace, where are you taking me?” “I’m taking you to your home, Little Spider.” Horror and relief welled up in Hornet in equal measure.She could only hope that Lace had meant it when she said that was the last of the friendsshe was devouring. Hornet didn’t know if she could take any more of anything like that. Hermind felt like it was about to split apart into a thousand different pieces. They rode on for what seemed like a day. Lace, inthe middle of the quiet, said, “It took the Cultists weeks to get you to Pharloom on foot. We’llbe in Hallownest in just a few days. You can relax now - I think I’ve made my point.” “P-point? So you’re not going to… torment me anymore?” Lace shook her head, not looking back at Hornet. “No,”she said. “After that last batch of friends, I think you get the point. Never come to Pharloomagain, or I will finish the job.” Tears of relief came to Hornet’s eyes, and she criedopenly. It was over! She was finally free of this menace! The next day, when they came to the entrance of Hallownest,Lace undid Hornet’s bindings and tossed her off the mount like a casual piece of trash.As she turned to ride away, she said, “And stay out of my Kingdom, Little Spider.” Then, sheseemed to ride away, into the wastes. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------By the end of the next day, Hornet was reunited with Hollow. She’d cried into their large form, and explained everything that had happened. Despitenot having any words to speak with, Hollow tried their best to comfort their sister. Asa surprise, they brought home something Hornet never expected to see: A Weaver. They’d beenhiding in the Deepnest, in Hornet’s old bedroom. They’d hidden out there, riding out the Infection,all that time. So, Lace hadn’t stolen everything from Hornet after all. Hornet was clearly traumatized from what Lace hadput her through. Hollow and their new Weaver companion did everything in their power thatday to cheer her up. They made her a new cloak, baked her a nice dinner, showed her aroundwhat had changed in Hallownest, the works. When her head hit the pillow that night, Hornet, despitestill being scared, felt something strange. She felt comfort. Comfort that evaporated the moment she awoke the nextday. She heard a voice. A voice all too familiar. Lace cried into the room where she was sleeping,simply intoning, “Oh Hornet!~” She split out of bed, rushed into the living roomof the house Hollow had built in Hallownest following their freeing of the Black Egg, and sawLace downing the Weaver she and Hollow had found. Hollow was next to Lace, tied up on the floor.Hornet lunged at Lace, watching as she shoved the Weaver down her throat, and into her belly.She was still too weak, however, and Lace simply tackled her to the ground. Upon landing, Hornet was utterly smothered beneathLace’s weight. She was so big, in every way. There was no hope for her to wiggle away fromunder Lace. Hornet just cried out, utterly despairing, “But you said you’d leave me alone!” Lace giggled, again positioning her belly to smotherher. “Yes, and you were foolish for believing me! I want to see you broken, Spider. Tosee you understand how pointless your struggling is, to see that I was right when I offeredto cut you down in the Deep Docks. Now,” Lace dropped her belly onto Hornet’s body, “Strugglefor me!” Hornet screamed, kicking and punching and strugglingagainst the belly pinning her to the ground. The Weaver and Hollow were the last two thingsshe had left, anywhere. The last two bugs that Hornet cared about and loved. And now, Lacewas even going to take them from her. Her mind cracked, and she started flailing randomly,mind unable to accept what was going on. Hollow watched on, horrified. What were they goingto do? They had to stop Lace, had to protect their sister! It couldn’t end like this, itjust couldn’t-!As if sensing their defiance, Lace turned an eye to Hollow. “I think your Weaver is a bit lonely in there, Hornet! How about I send them some company!~” Hornet, not accepting what was happening, just screamed“NO!” over and over and over. Her mind was breaking now, and she didn’t know what todo. She just had to watch as Lace moved over to Hollow, took their legs in her mouth, andstarted shoving them down. Even their large, wide head didn’t seem to slow Lace at all. She justforced their horns together, and down them that way. Lace’s belly looked fit to burst, it jiggled as muchas her meaty thighs did with every movement she made. Yet, somehow, she managed to work her wayback to Hornet, and lay down on her, one last time. Hornet broke down even further whenshe felt Hollow pressing down on her. They didn’t have a voice to cry suffering with, but Hornetknew what they must be feeling, and it sent her into the depths of despair. Hollow and the Weaver lashed out and thrashed in alldirections, trying to escape the fate thrust on them. Hollow wanted to get out, save Hornet, anddefeat this terrible monster. But no matter what they did, they found that they were unable todo anything. They were just too weak to stop Lace, and it killed them inside. Hornet deteriorated further when she felt Hollow andthe Weaver soften up in Lace’s belly. She was still crying “No!” over and over, but now theybecame pleading, and desperate. Hornet didn’t want to lose the last bugs she had, the lastthings she cared for in this world. She wanted to plead for Lace to stop, even though she knew it’ddo no good. Then, Lace unexpectedly sat up. Hollow wasn’t evendone melting away yet, they were still struggling away in there. She looked down at Hornet,eyeing her up like a piece of meat. Lace saw the utter defeat in her eyes, all the hope drainingout of them, and smiled. She said, “Good job, Little Spider. I think you’ve earned yourselfa nice, long rest.” Part of Hornet wanted to ask, “What does that mean?”But she was far too weak to say anything anymore. Lace briefly crushed Hornet under her assagain. But not for too long, as it was now so heavy that it would surely crush Hornet’s head likea grape if she remained under there for more than a minute or so. Then, Lace gingerly plucked Hornet from the ground,ran her tongue up and down her slender, bare chest, and took her head into her mouth. ThePrincess-Protector of Hallownest didn’t even struggle - what was the point? It’d all end up thesame in the end, anyways. Even as Lace forced Hornet down into her belly, into the same thick soupthat had churned up all of her friends and loved ones, Hornet did not struggle. She did nothinguntil she saw the Hollow Knight in therewith her, and saw that, weak as they were, they were still fighting. Her full failure crashed down on her. She had failed Hollow, her only sibling. Goingdown Lace’s gullet without a single bit of fight. A second wind washed over Hornet, and she struggledand cried against Lace as she felt her predator’s gut constrict around her. Lace, again withmock pouting, said, “Now, now, Hornet. It’s far too late for that. Haven’t you learned your lesson?Just give in, let my body take care of you…” Lace rubbed her massive belly as Hornet and Hollowstruggled inside of it. Hornet was still too broken to really say much, but her defiant struggleswere a delicious last treat indeed. They only picked up speed and ferocity, along with her desperatecries, when Hollow stopped struggling besides her. They started being pumped into Lace’sthick body, contributing to her already gorgeous form. Fear and harrowing sadness rolled over Hornet as sherealized that she truly had nobody left. No friends, no family, nothing. Everything, everyonethat she cared about - they all were Lace now. Nothing was left except for Lace. Hornet, despite her best attempts, was doomed to notlast very long. She’d already been so exhausted. And the weight of losing both of her lastloved ones had been just too much to take. Swiftly, her struggles grew weaker, and she just criedout, mind utterly shattered. She thought of Sherma, and Hollow, and all the other friends thatshe had failed. Hornet, using the rest of her strength, managed to ask one last coherent question,“Lace…. Why…?” Lace rubbed her belly, giggling. “Why? Well, it’snot my fault you have such tasty friends!” With this, Hornet stopped crying out, and almost entirelystopped struggling. Within moments, her body started being worked away by Lace’s. Thelast thing she heard, before blacking out forever, was a pouty, “What, already?” The next few hours for Lace were spent in a sort ofeuphoric bliss. Lace finally let herself cum again, and again, and again, thinking of the eventsof the past few days, and how heavy her new body was. Y’know, her task had simply been to justkill Hornet. But breaking her down had been so much more satisfying and fun! She should reallydo this for whatever targets she has in the future, Lace thought. Regardless, she was far tooexhausted and heavy to move right now. So she just let the pleasure roll over her in waves as thelast of Hornet and Hollow were worked away into her.The next day, Lace walked out of Hollow’s den, onto the streets of Dirtmouth. Her belly and thighs were jiggling with every movement. Her stomach was about the size of if Hollow had rolled up into a tight ball. And her thighs? Wideenough that she couldn’t even reach the end of them. All those tasty friends had sure done a numberon her body, that was for sure. It was hard to even stand straight. Lace took a fewsteps, and collapsed on the bench in the center of Dirtmouth. To her shock, her ass filled the entirething, and then some. She had to force herself down in order to sorta-half sit on the bench.And then, as if in response, the metal of the thing started groaning, before giving way under hernew weight. Lace laughed, and rubbed her new thighs. What a wonderful indulgence all of thishad been! As she stood up and walked towards her mount on theedge of Dirtmouth, she felt her body. Her belly rippled with every step like the waves, andshe could push an entire arm into it without resistance. What a tasty treat all those friends were,she thought. And her thighs were the same way, wiggling so much that she almost lost balanceon more than one occasion. Her poor legs struggled to hold all the weight. But, as she sat down on her mount, feeling it struggleto hold her upright, Lace knew she’d made the right decision. A delicious Morsel like Hornetand her friends was just too much to pass up. Lace couldn’t wait to get back to Pharloom, and showoff this magnificent body of hers. And what’s more, she couldn’t wait to get her next target,so she could do all of this over again. |
Light burned into the Broken Vessel’s mind as they found themselves being drawn back to awareness. The last thing they remembered was the sound of the ceiling giving way above them, followed by the force of something crashing against their shell. As they raised themselves upright, the Broken Vessel raised a hand to their head. What was going on? Why did they feel so weird? They reached upwards, and felt a heavy glob of Infection resting inside of their shell, and things clicked together. Their shell had been shattered, and then the Radiance had filled them with Infection. But why them, and why had they-? They didn’t even have time to finish that thought before a familiar shape charged at them. Looking up, Broken recognized a fellow Vessel, charging at them with weapon raised. And then, before they had processed that, there was a voice in their head, commanding them. “KILL THE PALE ONE!” It roared. On their own, Broken’s body moved. It reached for the nail discarded by their side, and used it to block the Knight’s blow. Then, they countered, strong enough to shatter the ground where their nail connected. Ghost had dodged out of the way, but they dove back in for a counterattack. This proved to be folly, as the Broken Vessel’s superior speed allowed them to effortlessly swat them away. The blow connected with such force and strength that the Knight was sent sprawling to the ground, in a defeated heap. “IMPRESSIVE!” The voice in their head roared. “YOU HAVE GREAT STRENGTH, VESSEL. I SHALL MAKE GOOD USE OF IT.” Again, their body was moving on its own. Before they could take another step, however, a new feeling rose up inside of the Broken Vessel. The feeling was anger. They had been abandoned here, at the bottom of the world, re-animated to fight their sibling, and then used as a tool? And to top it all off, the sibling they were brought back to fight didn’t even spare them a second thought, and evidently saw them as just another foe to slaughter? The anger broke through, searing their mind. They commanded their body to obey with all of their will, and it did. They staggered forwards, suddenly back inside of their own body. Immediately, they felt how strong they now were - powerful enough to bust boulders with their fists, and lay low opponents with single blows. At once, memories raced into their head. Of the Radiance, the King, everything. It all clicked together, and at once, they were in total control of themselves again, much to the anger of the Radiance.Broken Vessel looked down at themselves. The Infection had given them a boost in strength, but had done nothing to improve their slim, slender body. The same body that had given way so easily under the threats of Hallownest. They felt that something was missing, that their body wasn’t what they wanted it to be. In their mind, the Radiance’s commands still raged, but they found themselves listening to her less and less. They’d been immediately thrust into a fight upon waking up, and had mostly been acting on animal instinct. Now, though, they had time to gather themselves, think about the situation they were in, and what they should use this power for. After a few moments of pondering, their mind found an answer. Why not use this power for their own good? Weren’t they tired, of always being so weak? First the rock that shattered their shell, then the Radiance taking command of them, then having to fight their own sibling, who didn’t even seem to recognize them… Something snapped inside their mind. No more. No longer would they be at the mercy of someone else. They were going to take this new power, and use it to take control back over their life. And their first decision, would be to decide what to do with their pathetic little sibling… Radiance felt her hold over their mind almost entirely falter. She couldn’t control them now. Part of her wanted to yank that new power of theirs away, strip the Infection from their body and leave them as they were before. Yet, she couldn’t do that yet. Not without seeing what they were going to do with Ghost. The Broken Vessel stood over the Knight, who started back with frightened eyes. Averting their gaze for a moment, Broken thought about something they had used to do, before they were shattered. Vessels didn’t need to eat, but they’d taken to absorbing certain foodstuffs anyway, noting how they always added a bit of weight to their body. Perhaps their sibling, made up of so much heavy Void, would be a boon to their form… Ghost tried to crawl away. They didn’t know what the Broken Vessel was going to do with them, but they knew it couldn’t be any good. Using their nail to dig into the floor below, they crawled along as quick as they could. Their fleeing was short lived, as they’d only made it a couple of feet before the Broken Vessel kicked the nail from their hand, sending it reeling across the floor. The Knight felt themselves being pulled up into the air. The arms holding them were tense with immense strength. They kicked and struggled against the Broken Vessel’s slim body, but it didn’t give. With a malicious gleam in their eyes, Broken thought about how satisfying it would be to put one of their siblings in their place. Suddenly, Ghost was pulled tight against their sibling’s body. They looked up, and saw two orange eyes staring back at them with ill intent. For a moment, desperation was replaced withconfusion, until they started to feel themselves sinking into the Broken Vessel’s body. Ghost flailed their body, every limb swinging with wild, angered strength. These struggles only provided some chance amusement for their sibling, who was already well at work shoving the Knight into their belly. Between their legs, Broken’s cock had emerged from its slit, growing to being fully erect in a manner of moments. Everything else about them was rather slim, except for their cock, which was almost as large and strong as one of their arms. The Radiance’s Infection had given them a proper upgrade down there, too, leaving them even bigger than they had been before. If they weren’t too busy shoving Ghost inside of themselves, they would’ve reached down and jerked it. As their sibling kicked and struggled, Broken wished that they had a voice. They could just imagine how hard they would be taunting Ghost, mocking their weakness, pointing out how much weight they’d be giving to their form. The Knight had betrayed the Broken Vessel, by attacking them so viciously. It was only fair that the betrayed party took the proper payment. Ghost screamed internally as they were pulled below the surface of the Broken Vessel’s belly. They thought about their duty, their purpose as a Vessel, and how they had come too far to die. Especially in such a degrading, undignified way, turned into so much Void fat on their own sibling. Yet, as they were shoved into Broken’s belly, all thoughts turned from indignation to desperate survival. The Broken Vessel shoved in one of Ghost’s horns, the only part of them still visible on the outside. And just like that, their own sibling was melting away in their belly. Or at least, something like a belly. Their body quickly took action, sucking Ghost into its own substance, already beginning to disperse their weight around Broken’s body. The Knight’s mind turned purely to desperate struggling, while the Broken Vessel could only pat their belly in amazement. It felt incredible, all of it. Shoving Ghost in there, feeling them break down, feeling their weight begin to be added to their own - all of it. It was incandescently beautiful, as if they’d found something they’d been looking for all their life. They reached a hand down, and started jerking their cock rapidly. With the other hand, they rubbed and shook their belly, feeling Ghost growing weaker and weaker by the moment. Their gut was so strong, they didn’t stand much of a chance against it. Already, their heavy Void was being distributed around their body, giving them proper hips, a round ass, and even a good amount of thigh. As Broken felt Ghost get further dispersed throughout their body, they came, orange cum covering the ground in front of them. They wanted to jerk it again, but wanted more to feel whattheir body would be like after working away all that sibling. So they put both hands on their belly, and began to slosh it, back-and-forth. Ghost, who was already weak and just barely holding on, quickly found themselves entirely overtaken by the Void. Their struggles quickly depleted as Broken swung their belly to-and-fro, and they soon stopped entirely. Their sibling fully absorbed, Broken’s body went about dispersing its new weight. Void was a notoriously heavy substance. This meant that, despite being rather small, Ghost would end up giving the calories of one five times their size. Broken soon felt this effect firsthand, their body rounding out beyond what they had imagined possible. Most shocking was their tits. As more Ghost was pumped away, Broken felt their chest start growing. Before, they’d been so small that their cloak had covered them entirely. Now, however, their tits were being properly filled out by all that sibling. The Broken Vessel cupped them, feeling as they went from being completely flat, to being as big and round as Obble’s. And their belly, once lanky and lean, had grown out so beautifully. They reached their hands under it, lifted it, and let it wobble. It was as big as Ghost had been, before being digested. Amazement filled Broken’s eyes as they observed their new body - if only one Vessel had done this to them, who knew what multiple bugs would turn them into? But it wasn’t over yet. Below their belly, their hips and thighs were expanding rapidly. They’d grown as wide as Ghost’s nail was long, and had become rounder than even their tits. Before, they hadn’t even had thighs, or anything. They’d been entirely flat. Now, they were being filled out so wonderfully. Reaching around, they felt up their asscheeks, each one feeling as large as one of their breasts. They spread their cheeks, and let them clap against one another. If they had a mouth, they’d be drooling with delight. Their hard cock bulged with lust, on the verge of an orgasm just by looking at themselves alone. But this wasn’t enough. They knew that. This wasn’t the body they deserved. Not yet. Ghost was still being pumped through their body, but they felt the need to consume more, add additional weight to this great beauty. Imagine if they added another to their form, and another, and another! Soon, they’d have the body of a Goddess. Radiance watched on with amazement. This Vessel was something special, that was for sure. Why rip their power away now? Especially with so many other warriors she needed taking care of running about? She couldn’t control them, but she could control those under her thrall to herd additional bugs in their direction. Give them a hand with their little indulgence.The Broken Vessel stretched out, and took a few steps, adjusting to their new weight. The Knight had come here for a reason, perhaps they’d been looking for someone? If they had any friends or allies nearby, surely it was only right to send them to meet one another? The Broken Vessel’s eyes gleamed with malice as they stalked out of their chamber, and towards their next hunt. —- It didn’t take them long to find Hornet. Part of this was by design, the Radiance had already been hard at work herding adventurers towards her Vessel’s location. Another part of it was by luck. Hornet had come down here looking for Ghost, wanting to test their abilities at the blade once more. And, even though she was loath to admit it, she had taken to caring for the Vessel, and considered them a sort of friend. In a way, she did find her sibling, just not in the way that she’d probably hoped. “They had to have come through here…” Hornet murmured to herself, needle at the ready. Her eyes darted around the caverns, looking for any signs of foul play. There were no traps or tricks that she could discern, but there was a sort of quiet in the air. As if something had gone deeply wrong, and the world itself was trying to warn her. In the distance, she heard footsteps. They were heavy ones, too. Heavier than Ghost’s. Whatever fiend it was, she’d be certain to dispatch it with haste. Her needle flung to her side, and she dropped into a battle stance. Under normal circumstances, she would’ve swung her needle the moment the Broken Vessel came into view. However, their unorthodox appearance struck her. She’d never seen another bug that looked like them before, and it took her eyes a moment to register them as an enemy. There was another thing, though, that had caught her attention. Slung next to the Vessel’s side swung a nail. It was short, stubby, but doubtlessly sharp enough to cut steel. A cold pit formed in her stomach as she realized it was the weapon of Ghost. Whatever this bug was, it was clear it had dealt with her sibling for her. However, her hesitation cost her. The Broken Vessel saw her, and immediately broke into an animalistic sprint. They were still riding the lustful high of their last catch, and the promise of more prey just sent them wild. Especially since they could tell she had the blood of the Wyrm flowing through her veins. She was one of their siblings, just as Ghost had been. Hornet swung her needle outwards, tossing it towards the Vessel in a straight arc. “Stay back, foul beast!” She shouted. “Or I will tear you apart!”The Broken Vessel was so focused on their prey that they didn’t even bother dodging the Needle. It just sank pointlessly into all of their soft Void, another benefit of their newfound roundness. Hornet, panicked, tried to yank her needle out as hard as she could, only to break the thread tethering it to her arm. By the time her mind realized there was no way to get out of this but to flee, the Broken Vessel was already upon her, and pinning her to the ground with their impressive weight. “G-Gah! Unhand me! I am not helpless!” Hornet reached into her cloak and flung out one of her spike traps. Broken Vessel turned from her for a moment, but only to swat the nearby traps from the air. Then, they planted the nail right next to Hornet’s head. A show of power - they knew they didn’t even need the weapon to subdue her. She looked at the needle, and shouted up into Broken’s malicious eyes. “What did you do to Ghost?” In response, Broken Vessel grabbed their belly with both hands, and shoved it into Hornet’s face. She shrieked in shock, and shrieked again when she realized the implication. Her precious, beloved sibling had been turned into fat by this monster. They kept on pressing their belly into her, until her entire head was surrounded by fat, her former sibling. Hornet screamed and struggled, trying desperately to get away from the weight pinning her down. With horror, she realized that all of the weight on them must have come from Ghost. Every bit of fat was her sibling. That’s all they were now. Broken grinded their belly on her face, loving how desperate and afraid she was. Yes, they’d melted down her sibling, and soon enough, they were going to do it to her. They wanted her to understand this, to know there was nothing to do but melt, and get sent to meet her sibling. The Spider tried breaking free, using their hands to try and push the Vessel off of her, but it didn’t do her any good. It only ended up making her fall deeper into despair as she realized that every bit of fat she was grabbing and pushing at was Ghost. Her sibling and hope, all melted away. It didn’t take long for her to understand that the Vessel was going to do the same thing to her, causing her to scream out in terror. The cry, combined with Hornet’s desperate pleas for mercy, caused Broken to cum. Their cum splattered all over Hornet’s legs, and the bottom of their belly. Seeing this only caused Hornet to panic harder, thrashing beneath the Broken Vessel. Soon enough, they’d had enough fun with her. They might as well send her to be with her beloved sibling, the Vessel thought. So, they turned around, and sat on Hornet’s face. Hornet wasstill screaming and struggling when they pressed their cheeks in all around her, and started to absorb her. Their round ass quickly growing rounder with all that Spider. Hornet’s screams were muffled by Broken’s thick void, but they swiftly grew more muffled as more of her body was worked inside. They reached around, and shoved the rest of Hornet’s legs inside of their cheeks, leaving nothing left of her on the outside. Once she was inside, Broken’s body quickly dealt with her. Their body was already growing used to absorbing bugs, and it didn’t take long for it to pump Hornet away. Her struggles faded, and with just a few shakes of their body and ass, were no more. Hornet was all gone, pumped into the same soft void as Ghost. They didn’t even wait for Hornet to finish digesting to seek out their next prey. As they walked, they felt their body rapidly grow heavier with all of that pathetic little Spider. Most prominent was their ass, which Hornet had been absorbed into. They grew to be larger than their thighs were, rounding out to the sides of the Broken Vessel, readily visible from their front. Feeling up their cheeks, Broken found they were now heavier than Ghost’s entire form had been. Each cheek was round and wide as their belly, which was impressive considering the upgrades it was currently receiving. Their hips and thighs were growing to be even more massive. Evidently, Hornet was heavier than she appeared, just like her sibling. Their thighs grew to be twice as wide as Ghost’s nail, and easily as round as their belly. The same could be said of their hips, which were now wider than any door in Hallownest. Above them rested Broken’s wobbling belly, which was now large enough that it could’ve smothered one as big as Hornet entirely. It shook so much with every step, it was like watching waves ripple. And further up their body was their tits, which grew bitter yet with new weight. They weren’t as big as Broken’s ass, not yet at least. But they were still impressive with their massive heft and size. They were big enough now that their hands weren’t enough to cup them anymore. Yet, they were still not satisfied. This feast was far from over. They needed additional meals, to improve their beauty. They could look even better than they did now, that was one thing they knew for sure. All they needed to find were the right few bugs, and they’d become more beautiful than anyone would imagine… Elsewhere in Hallownest, Quirrel poked around a set of abandoned ruins. He felt a rumbling somewhere below him, but shrugged it off as just some errant tremor. Little did he know, that rumbling would soon come to devour him whole. |
A Princess in a Sinking and Scaly Situation Somewhere around the forest, there is a naked woman who was on a trip alone to explore the outdoors for a couple of days. Her name is Princess Daisy, the princess of Sarasaland. She’s a rough one but busty with a pack of Z cup breasts, huge nipples that have a size of a log, huge flower shaped areolas, and an ass that would let someone lie down on it as if it was a bed. She’s sexier than Peach and considered to be prey and pred at the same time due to her vorish situations before from voracious plants and animals to other fictional voracious creatures Following the forest trail, she discovers a fork in a road. One leads to the main trail while the other leads to a bog pit. A sign in the middle of the split was there. “Huh? Something about a fork in the road. That’s stupid.” Daisy said and took a route without knowing, but what she didn’t know that the path on the left is the main trail, but on the right is the bog! What’s worse is that she didn’t read the sign, which have these words below… “Warning to all people hiking on this trail: There is a huge anaconda in one of the paths. Take the left only but if you take the right, you will lead into a pit, but watch out if you need rescue. Do not trust the anaconda. Even though the anaconda will save you from the bog pit, it will have you as a meal. If you dare to have fun with it, then it is completely nice knowing you. For all people reading this sign, do not look back if you accidently take the wrong path. It will try to rape you, wrap you, and have you as the anaconda’s breakfast, lunch, or dinner (depending on time). – Unknown” Daisy kept walking as her tits bounce and jiggle and her butt keeps shaking. As she passed by, the anaconda that was mentioned by the sign looked at her and slithered to get that booty as if the anaconda was thinking… “Swiggity swooty… I am coming… for the booty!” The anaconda looked at Daisy’s gigantic ass and smacks it with a tail. “Nnnngh~ I guess nature’s being naughty. Bad nature.” Daisy said to herself and kept walking, but the anaconda kept coming and slithered to somewhere safe so Daisy doesn’t find out the snake is about to gobble her up. “This path doesn’t seem bad, but I don’t think anyone came here- AAAAAAAAAAAH!” Daisy said but screamed as she fell into a bog pit. “I should’ve read the sign. Stupid me.” Daisy grumbled. Her thick thighs are stuck inside of the pit as the stench goes into her nose. “Is this… shit and mud?” Daisy said as she begins sinking slowly into the stinky bog (with the legs going first). The anaconda slithered to the tree close by the pit, hiding now, and looked at her as Daisy tries to get out of the pit. Unfortunately for Daisy, nothing worked as the bog bubbles a bit with that stench. “Eeeeew! I hate this pit and it’s feels so tight! Please… someone help me!” Daisy said and shouted, but nobody heard except for the anaconda. The anaconda looked at her ass and thought to itself… “Extra THICK! Just the way I ordered for my lunch!” Daisy looked around and wiggles herself out of the pit, but it made her go deeper into the pit as the bog tightens up, making Daisy cum inside the pit and deep to her breasts. “Too… thick~ Too arousing, but I must resist!” Daisy said as she kept wiggling in the bog pit, but she went deeper into the pit with her cleavage almost in the bog. The anaconda looked at her and slithered close to her. Daisy looked at the anaconda and screamed, “Please! Help me! I don’t wanna die!” The anaconda looked at her in an unresponsive way but goes into the bog to free her (by gobbling her up). The anaconda was inside of the bog and opened its mouth. The anaconda gets her bog covered legs into her mouth. Unsure about what happened to the anaconda, Daisy tried to squirm one last time, but she sinks to the point her chin is close to the goop! “No no no no no! This cannot be! This is the end of me! If anyone can hear me, SOMEBODY FREE ME- MMMMMMPH!” Daisy shouted but got muffled as she went too deep into the bog. Her mouth was in the bog and Daisy can only muffle. Meanwhile with the anaconda in the bog, it gets her lower body into its mouth as it kept getting Daisy’s body into the anaconda’s mouth. With the anaconda’s “help,” Daisy felt something inside and moaned. “Mmmm~ Mmmph Mmph~ (I accept my fate today with the warm goop)” She muffled as her head goes into the bog and right into the snake’s mouth. The anaconda got out of the bog and slithered to a nearby lake with Daisy inside, having a huge bulge of her in the anaconda’s gut. As the anaconda slithers to the lake and goes in, Daisy began to moan happily. Somehow, the scent of the bog made her get turned on and swallows some of it. “It tasted like chocolate and it’s completely comfy~! Something must’ve saved my life but gobbled me up!” Daisy said as she squirms happily. The anaconda smiled as it heard what Daisy said and begin doing the digestion (in a non-fatal way). “Aaaah~! Sooo comfy~! I want more~ Whoever is doing this… thank you for helping me.” Daisy said as she masturbated inside of the snake’s long gut. The anaconda heads back to the path where the fork in the road was and wrote something on the sign by using the mud on the trail, changing the words. After finishing editing the sign, the words are changed to this… “Hello, people. If you are reading this sign and like to visit the stinky bog, take the path on the right. If you are uncomfortable with that, take the path on the left. Taking the one on the right will lead you to the famous Snake Bog. The bog is completely safe and uses huge loads of the smooth scat I have made. Don’t worry if you get trapped in the bog, I’ll use my mouth to save you and let you stay inside of my ‘hotel gut’ for a day or two. More than that is free. After your stay inside of me and your sinking situation, you’ll be back on the correct trail in no time. Don’t forget to bring sexy girls with you, it will make the adventure better! – Unknown” It is revealed that the anaconda was part of the trail. The friendly anaconda looked at the imprints of Daisy’s sexy body as she kept squirming and moaning. It slithers to a hut where most anaconda rest, which is close to the long trail on the left of the split. It looks at the clothes that the snake spat out from the previous prey and yawned. The anaconda took a nap as Daisy kept squirming. Couple hours later, it was sunset, and the anaconda woke up. It looked at its gut, which its meal didn’t move. During the anaconda’s sleep, Daisy wasted most of her energy having fun inside. Most of the bog’s goop was digested and Daisy is still ok. It slithers out of the hut and heads to the bog first to take a huge shit. The anaconda began to take a huge, smooth, creamy dump on the bog with some huge, loud farts, too. It kept shitting, making the bog bigger and more stinky. After 5 minutes of taking a load of shit, the anaconda heads to the trail and shits Daisy out. The snake kisses Daisy and take one more dump on her sexy body, including a loud… PPPPPPRRRRRRRFFFFFFFFFFT!!! The anaconda slithers away, never reappearing again for Daisy (until she does it again later). On the next day, Daisy woke up and found that she is covered in the anaconda’s dump and was full after having the bog’s goop yesterday. “Was I being h-horny again? Damn. Better get going but I need to get back to my castle. Better cover up my naked body with something.” Daisy said to herself. She got looked at the scat and licks it, making her smile. Maybe I should cover my entire body with this huge dump of shit, she thought and decided to get up and used all the anaconda’s scat. She smeared the crap on her breasts, ass, legs, and the rest of her body. She licked some and shoved the remaining scat into her nipples, which made her tits lactate. “Sweet relief. Now, nobody can see me naked with this smelly shit. Better head home now.” Daisy said and walked out of the forest. As Daisy left the forest, the anaconda reappeared and looked at her anaconda scat covered ass, meaning that the anaconda is ready for more when Daisy comes back with a couple of her friends, including a huge meal. THE END! |
Workout gone Wrong It’s 8 a.m. in the city where city where Brandon, Spuzz, Ammario, and Bomby live in the same hometown. At Brandon’s home, Brandon just woke up because he just woke earlier than his friends. As he got out of bed and took a morning wash (other term for “morning shower”), he was completely bored now. Why? He’s always bored (duh :P) all the time after repeating a “cycle over and over.” “Damn. Nothing to do today. I just wish I can find something else fun to drain off my boredom.” Brandon said to himself, then heads to his work desk and began using his PC to find somewhere to go. “There’s gotta be a new place for my friends to go. We’ve been going the same areas and I can’t stand it!” Brandon complained and pounded his desk with his fist, but that made the PC change to a website to a website that shows new building’s grand opening. The website shows that it’s a new gym in the city that many would come in with a cafeteria! Brandon couldn’t believe his eyes and grabbed his phone to call his friends. “Hey, guys! Let’s head to the new gym today! Meet me there at 10 a.m. immediately! SEE YA!” Brandon said on the phone, then turns off the phone to get ready to go to the new gym. After an hour of getting ready (from taking a morning wash to having a meal to changing his clothes), he puts on his sneakers and left the house as he jogged to the gym himself. Arriving to the gym, he made it 15 minutes before it was open. It only took him 30 minutes to jog to the new gym and he got time to spare, so what does Brandon do? He just sits down and waits for a while as he grabs his phone and watches some videos. As he watched some funny videos (including EARRAPE ones), the new gym’s open. “Finally! It’s time!” Brandon said to himself as he heads to the gym and signs up for the gym membership at the registration counter. As he got his new membership card, he tells the employee of the gym that he’s using it for his 3 friends today. Brandon then waited at a nearby seat for his friends to arrive. At 10 a.m. exact, Spuzz, Ammario, and Bomby arrived at the gym in their sexy workout uniform. “BRANDON~!” Bomby said as she ran up to Brandon and hugged him by using her super hyper tits. Brandon blushed and said, “Heh. Great to see ya. We’re just here to spend our day not being bored, but this gym got to have something great. Just begin doing your thick workout. I’ll be at the treadmills.” He gets Bomby’s tits to stop hugging him and heads to the treadmill. Looking at Brandon’s gigantic and juicy ass, Ammario and Bomby drooled and said, “Booty~!” Spuzz looked at his crotch bulge and drooled like the others but decided to head to the stretching area and do some squats, so he can get a hyper ass like the other two. Ammario and Bomby looked at each other and Ammario said to her, “Maybe we should do some exercise. We should get more sexy growth after this.” Bomby noticed what Ammario said about growth, making her blush, then heads to the same area where Spuzz is at to work on expanding twice the size of her super hyper breasts. As they go separate ways to work out, Brandon wonders how they’re doing at the new gym. I hope they’re not getting injured today, Brandon thought to himself as he kept running. Unfortunately, due to the speed that the treadmill’s going, Brandon began to sweat like a waterfall! That lead to a big mistake for Brandon as the sweat went through the treadmill’s controls, malfunctioning it! The treadmill went faster and faster, then it launched Brandon like a cannon! Brandon Wilhelm-screamed as he got launched like a cannonball and crashed to where the three were working out in, the stretching area. His ass crashed right at them as they get themselves inside of Brandon’s ass. After the disaster, Brandon got up and felt Ammario, Spuzz, and Bomby inside of his ass (squirming). “Oh no... Sorry, but thanks for being ass protein!” Ammario blushed and said, “You’re welcome, hun~ I love having asses gobbling me~” Spuzz looked at him and said, “SHUT UP AND HELP BUN AND BOMBY ESCAPE FROM HIS ASS!” Bomby didn’t care about Spuzz because she was being relaxed and pleasured at the same time while being in his slimy inside ass~ As Brandon’s ass force gets them deeper, they went from squirming to thrashing! “Hnnngh~! Ah~! Nya~! Oh my~!” Brandon said as they go deeper into his ass. “Nuuuuuu! Spuzz want out of Brandon’s ass! Spuzz needs out!” Spuzz said and kicks around as Brandon’s gigantic ass sucks the rest of them in, creating a hyper bulge in Brandon’s gut. Brandon shook his ass side to side as Bomby moaned inside of him. “Bomby’s toy~ Mmmm~” Bomby said as she cuddled inside of Brandon’s ass. Ammario did the same thing, but Spuzz wasn’t happy. “GET BUN BUN OUT OF HERE! I DON’T LIKE BEING ASS PUDGE!” Spuzz shouted and shivered in fear. Brandon smirked as he leads to the locker room and relax for a while. They were still squirming as Bomby and Ammario willingly have fun inside while Spuzz screamed for help. “B-best day… ever~!” Ammario and Bomby said. Spuzz was still squirming for help, but none came into the locker room to save him. Spuzz screamed for help but was muffled by Bomby’s tits inside Brandon’s cramped ass. Time passes by for 2 hours long and Brandon’s finally exhausted. His gut full of Spuzz, Ammario, and Bomby stopped shaking. They didn’t get digested, but they were now sleeping after squirming. Luckily, for Brandon, his ass expanded thanks to the use of prey~ “Ass fat… I love it~” Brandon said and giggled as he shook it one last time, making Ammario slide out of his ass first (covered in anal juice). “Oh my… Better get the rest out.” Brandon said as he pushes Bomby out by using his ass force. Bomby purred as she slides out from his ass slowly, but she was still asleep. Brandon pushed the rest of her out of his hyper thick and juicy ass, then prepares to get Spuzz out. “Alright, Spuzzie~ Time to get ya out~!” Brandon said as he pushed Spuzz out with ass force. “HNNNNGH~!” Brandon grunted as he kept pushing Spuzz out, but Spuzz’s thick ass couldn’t get out. “D-damn~! Bun’s ass is too much~ Welp… time to do the hard way!” Brandon said to himself and uses all of his ass force to push Spuzz out. He slides out of Brandon’s ass, all covered in excessive anal juice and giving Brandon’s ass a gigantic donut anus. “Nyaaaah~! Sweet relief!” Brandon said and rubbed his donut anus. Spuzz was still sleeping but had cum on himself. I guess he must’ve cummed while he squirmed, Brandon thought as he gets his uniform back on. Brandon leaves the gym and jogs back home without anyone witnessing in the locker room (Ya did good, sneaky Vore-sona =w=). Jogging home, Brandon’s ass began to leak with more anal juice, messing up his shorts. He didn’t mind until he jogged back home. Arriving home, he took off his clothes and puts them in the washer, then heads to the shower to clean up. Can’t believe this accident really turned into a best day for them, Brandon thought as he cleaned his ass. He rubbed his gigantic donut anus and moaned as he finished up cleaning himself. Putting on his regular uniform, he heads to the living room and lies down on the couch, watching TV and thinking of what to do next. As he watched TV, he wondered about his best friend, Bomby. “I wish I can take ya to place where it’s only you and me~ Oh, the beautiful days when we first met. I want to gobble ya and make ya ass, cock, and nut fudge~” Brandon said to himself as he cummed in his shorts. “Welp, time to watch some comedy.” Brandon said as he watched some funny shows that were on. END OF STORY!!! |
Spuzzie gets Cock-Vored It’s 11 a.m. at Spuzz’s home. Spuzz, the femboy bun bun, lives in Brandon’s neighborhood. Right now, Spuzz’s at his room in the morning, just playing with his dildos for his daily workout so he can have a bigger ass. As he shoved a huge dildo into his ass, he looked at a poster of Brandon, drooling about him. He said to himself, “Brandon~ Give me that delicious cock and use that ‘worm’ to gobble me,” as he did some squats on the dildo. Finishing up his workout, he gets the dildo out of his ass and rubs his donut anus, then heads downstairs to make some sausage rolls. “Bun bun better make some for my sexy man, Brandon.” Spuzz said to himself as he cooks some sausage rolls and grabbed a phone to call him, so he can invite him to his house. Meanwhile at Brandon’s house, he’s just watching Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle. Suddenly, he noticed his phone buzzed and Brandon got up from his couch, then heads to the phone to reply. “Hello, Brandon speaking?” Brandon asked on the phone. “Hoi, Brandon~ Bun bun want to invite you to my house for something. Could ya go there for bun bun, Brandon?” Spuzz asked in the call. Brandon answered, “Sure, Spuzzie. I’ll make it quick. I’ll be there in about 30 minutes. See ya, Spuzzie. Love ya.” Spuzz giggled and ended the call as Brandon turns off the phone and TV, then heads to his room to change to his signature latex clothes and leaves his home to see Spuzzie (Spuzz’s nickname, that is .3.) for something that he needed. After walking for about 10 minutes, Brandon arrived to Spuzz’s house 20 minutes earlier than what he expected. Brandon knocked on the door, but the door didn’t open yet. He then presses the doorbell and shouted, “Hey, Spuzzie! It’s Brandon! OPEN UP!” Spuzz opened the door and said, “Okay okay! Don’t be that rough, but seriously… You made it very early, Brandon. Bun bun didn’t mean to leave ya standing out for a bit. Just walk in and have some sausage rolls.” Brandon smiled and walked in to have some of the sausage rolls that Spuzz made. Brandon grabbed one of Spuzz’s sausage rolls and munched one. “Wow. I’m impressed. These really taste good!” Brandon said and Spuzz replied, “I used my sexy mom’s recipe to make this and about my mom… she’s married to your dad.” Brandon smirked and smiled at the same as he finished up a sausage roll. “Delicious! Say.. what do we do now?” Brandon said to Spuzz as Spuzz smirked and said, “Let’s head upstairs and do something what Bun bun like most.” Both headed upstairs to Spuzz’s room. At his room, Brandon looked around as posters of his own cock and sexy body were shown, then looked at Spuzz’s huge dildos. He asked Spuzz, “Did you really have these because you like my sexy cock and nuts?” Spuzz nodded as he grabbed Brandon’s latex shorts. “Now… I need yer gigantic and thick black dick of yours… I need it for reals.” Spuzz said as he pulls Brandon’s shorts down, revealing Brandon’s latex underwear with a gigantic bulge! Brandon blushed as he gets a gigantic erection, then Spuzz licked his underwear bulge. “Hnngh~” Brandon grunted in pleasure as he cummed a load of pudding on Spuzz. Spuzz licked the custard and cooed as he pulls Brandon’s underwear down, revealing his gigantic black dick and his hyper balls. “Oh my~ What dick and balls you have, babe~” Spuzz said as he plays with Brandon’s testicles, making Brandon moan. “Oh my~ Yeeeees~!” Brandon said in pleasure as Spuzz’s ready to do what he got to do, which Spuzz must get in Brandon’s nuts! Spuzz shoves his head into his cock and began crawls inside of him. “Oooooh~! Ah~! Mmmm~! Oh my~! You’re so nut-slutty!” Brandon said to Spuzz as Spuzz crawled deeper into his cock. “Good, bun bun~ Good, bun bun~!” Brandon said as Spuzz gets his gigantic ass into Brandon’s cock. “Sweet relief~ Bun bun needs a home like yours~!” Spuzz said as the rest of him goes inside of Brandon’s thick and juicy black cock, creating a huge bulge in Brandon’s penis. “Oh my.. Trying to be cock meat? Then, congrats! You win… nothing! Just kidding… it’s a stay in my nuts!” Brandon said to Spuzz as Spuzz giggled and wiggles inside of his urethra (cock’s ‘esophagus’). “Bun bun likes this urethra. It feels like a slide inside here when I was a little bun bun, which I got gobbled up by you.” Spuzz said and giggled as Brandon blushed and rubbed his dick foreskin. Spuzz cooed and moaned as Brandon precummed a huge load of syrup. As the syrup got blasted out, Spuzz gulped it all in one go, expanding his gut. “Maple syrup~ S-s-s-so… sugary~!” Spuzz said and slides deeper into his cock, squirming in love... It lasted for 2 hours and Spuzz is still in Brandon’s penis. Spuzz then finished up squirming as he slides into Brandon’s comfy and tight balls, creating a huge bulge in Brandon’s nuts. “Mmmmph~! It’s like a vacation~!” Spuzz said and cuddled as the ballsack muscles squeezed him. Brandon chuckled and rubbed his cock. “Yeah… That’s right, bun bun. Get all cuddly cuddly in my nuts. I hope ya want it for your summer and portable vacation home.” Brandon said, then Spuzz replied, “I always want it as a vacation home silly! When I was a little bun bun, you as a cute kid cock-vored me by accident and it made me discover that yer nuts is a complete vacation home while we’re in Miami beach! Tee hee~!” Spuzz squirmed more as Brandon’s ballsack muscles squeezed him, making Brandon cum in Spuzz’s room. As he kept squirming in Brandon’s nuts, Brandon’s balls filled up with pure creamy pudding. “Hnngh~! Nya~!” Brandon shouted in pleasure as Spuzz squirmed. His balls couldn’t stop as Spuzz drank the pudding cream that his balls were filling up with. “Hey, Brandon. I must tell ya… make me stay in yer balls for the rest of the day and cum me out by night!” Brandon nodded and smiled as Spuzz punches inside of his nuts, so Brandon can cum. Luckily, that punch made Brandon cum all over the room, covering everything that Spuzz had in his room with delicious and creamy pudding. “S-sweet firing~” Brandon said as he falls on Spuzz’s cum covered bed. While lying down on Spuzz’s bed, Spuzz began to thrash inside of Brandon’s nuts without stopping a second! “Oh my~! I’m getting tired~! There’s sooooo much squirming~! Keep going if ya want, bun~!” Brandon said to Spuzz, which Spuzz did. As Spuzz kept thrashing, Brandon kept cumming, which began to flood Spuzz’s room with pudding and slowly making Brandon tired. “M-my god~! These muscles don’t stop~!” Spuzz said as he licked the ballsack walls, which tasted very sweet like strawberries would taste like. Brandon blushed and kept cumming as Spuzz willingly have fun inside of him. After 3 hours of having Spuzz in Brandon’s balls, Brandon’s at the point he’s ready to fall into a deep sleep. “Oh my.” Brandon said as he began to yawn and become very sleepy. “Looks like it’s time for me to sleep. Enjoy being inside of my nuts as my ballsack muscles squeeze ya and drown ya in pudding. Gotta... take... a… nap- zzzzzzzzz…” Brandon said, but ended as he fell into a deep sleep. Spuzz noticed as Brandon’s balls becomes completely flooded in Brandon’s pudding semen. “Mmmgrl.. blurgl~” Spuzz said in cum, which his words are nothing but gurgles. After 7 hours of sleep, it’s already 8:45 p.m. (after Spuzz made love by going into Brandon’s dick and then into his nuts). Brandon woke up and got out of Spuzz’s cum-covered bed. As he felt his balls shaking, he looked down and noticed Spuzz is still alive, squirming. “Looks like I gotta cum you out, Spuzzie. Hang on tight because this one is going to be a big one!” Brandon said as he put on a strawberry-flavored XXXL condom (Flavored condoms do exist. If you want to know, use Google and search for flavored condoms.) and fapped. “Mmmm~ Okay then... Bun bun also needs sleep.” Spuzz said as Brandon kept fapping. Fapping, Brandon moaned and fired a huge load of pudding into his condom, which the flavor of the condom and the cum mixed together to make strawberry pudding cum. As Brandon kept fapping, he kept cumming loads of pudding while trying to ejaculate Spuzz out. “Come one.. give me luck!” Brandon said as he ejaculated Spuzz out, which Spuzz landed into the strawberry pudding-filled condom. Brandon pulls the condom off his penis and looked at Spuzz. “Thanks for the fun, Spuzz, but I must go home. Have fun sleeping in my condom. It’s still fresh for a year!” Brandon said as he puts on his clothes and heads back home. Spuzz looked, smiled, and said, “Thanks, Brandon! Bun bun will sleep in this goo~” Spuzz sinks into the cum and cuddles inside as the thickness of the goop makes him trapped inside with a side of pleasure. “Mmmm~ Thick cum~ Just like quicksand.” Spuzz said as he yawned and slept inside of the massive condom. End of story! |
Tyler’s Hyper Soiling Sensation (with Punks -3-) FYI (aka the Pre-story section .3.): This is another trade story with theswaggah. In this story, it will contain scat, soiling, weight gain (sexy belly type, not the fat belly type) and fatal digestion. The main characters of the story are Tyler (Swaggah’s “Vore-sona” =w=) and Brenda (my Genderbend-sona). Tyler belongs to theswaggah (Link: ). Bronwyn belongs to HisashiHinata (Link: ) Brenda belongs to me (brandon14, BrandonBCool#2165 on Discord). Thank you for reading this FYI message. That is all the message I have typed in. KTHNXGETREADING! The Story It’s a fine and fair morning in the city. The streets are jammed. The people are working. The kids are learning. It’s like your daily cup of joe (I mean it literally. – The author). Anyways, things are still the same. Meanwhile at Brenda’s and Brandon’s home. Brenda was just being lazy, watching TV, while her cousin is at his own shop (working atm). “Sigh… nothing else new today. I think I should call my lover, Tyler. I better get some ‘help’ immediately…” She said to herself as she gets her phone out of her pocket and press in Tyler’s phone number. Meanwhile at Tyler’s home, Bronwyn was busy cooking the meals for the entire Ludwig family until he heard his phone ringing on the kitchen counter. “Aw man. Seriously. I had to finish a breakfast dish for the family.” Bronwyn groaned as she turns off the stove and grabs the phone to accept the call. “Hello! Bronwyn here! Oh? Yes, Tyler is here. TYLER!” Bronwyn said on the phone and then shouted for Ty (short for Tyler .3.). “What is it?” Tyler asked as he left his room. “Your... friend, Brenda, needs you.” Bronwyn said as she gives the phone to Tyler. “Okay...” Tyler said as he takes his phone and heads to his room. “Hello? This is Tyler speaking. What is it?” He asked on the phone. “Hai, Tyler. Need to ask you something. Wanna walk about and hang out today? Getting quite bored at my house and my cousin’s at work.” Brenda said on the phone. “Yeah yeah... sure... where should we walk and hang out at?” Tyler asked on the phone. “Hmmmm… Maybe let’s head to downtown and buy some delicious treats, then hang out somewhere private if you know what I mean~ Hope ya brought a spare underwear. You might need it, hun~” Brenda said to Tyler on the phone as she slowly gets a bit horny for him. “Fine... don’t go overdrive.” Tyler said on the phone as he ends the call. “Sorry, Bronwyn, but I gotta be with my friend. See ya.” Tyler said to Bronwyn as he leaves the house. “Okay, Tyler. Don’t get lost or get eaten! You know there are street punks in downtown right now!” Bronwyn said. Unfortunately, Tyler didn’t hear the last sentence from Bronwyn as he left the house (Maybe… he just left the house? Meh, whatever. – The author). Couple minutes later, Brenda’s at the burger joint, waiting for the customer in front of her to finish so she can order a fondue burger for her “lover.” As Tyler walked into the joint, he saw Brenda (now ordering the fondue burger, which is for the pair). “Hey, Brenda. You told me to head downtown and meet you, yes?” Tyler said to her, which she nodded. “Indeed, babe. I’m getting the cheesy fondue burger (A pretzel bun burger with an open hole in the top bun and burger. For the hole, it gets filled with cheese fondue and fries, forming a fondue bowl. At the end, IT GETS COVERED WITH MORE FONDUE! As a result, “Bon Appetit.” – The author) for the two of us. It’s popular for the pairs because you can eat it like a fancy person. I even got some more that the cheese is sooooooo creamy that it’s like... your cum, babe~” Brenda said to Tyler. “Huh... neat, but seriously. Don’t say that cum part, Brenda. You’re gonna embarrass me here.” Tyler complained at her. “Sorry. Got a bit carried away.” Brenda apologized. “It’s fine… Let’s get the burger, finish it, and scroll around the city.” Tyler said. Brenda nodded as the customer in front of her is done ordering. Later, after they got their order that is, they got their fondue burger for two as both began to slowly have their meal together. “You’re right. No wonder this burger is so popular here.” Tyler agreed with her. “Heh. I’m always right. Oh yeah, you got cheese on your cheek.” Brenda said to Tyler as she licks the cheese fondue goop off from his left cheek, which Tyler blushed. “Um. Thanks. Let’s just finish this and then just scroll around.” Tyler said as Brenda nodded. Both continued eating the fondue burger together in a polite manner. After having their burger finished and cleaning their mouths with napkins from the cum consistency-like fondue, it was time for them to walk around the downtown. “Alright, let’s go to somewhere awesome for both of us. Where you want to go?” Brenda asked Tyler. He answered, “Not sure. Let’s walk around and find something new.” Brenda nodded and said, “Agreed, Tyler. Agreed.” Both walked around the city, looking at the amazing shops, museums, and parks along the way. “Man, these shops are so amazing, but they are not too strong to make us feel turned on.” Tyler said to Brenda. “Agreed, but… THAT’S WHAT SHE SAID! LOLOLOLOL” Brenda said, then laughed a bit. “Ha ha… good one, but don’t go too far. We got more to discover.” Tyler complimented her joke while he was in the subject of going around the city with Brenda. “Agreed, Tyler.” Brenda said, then kisses Tyler’s cheek. Tyler blushed as he wipes the blush off his face and proceeds. Both left the burger joint and heads through the streets together. As they kept walking, Brenda noticed a group of 5 female punks, destroying on a famous graffiti art wall with their graffiti. “Ha ha! We’re gonna be so famous!” One punk said. “I agree! Nobody can stop the Art Annihilators!” The leader punk said. Tyler and Brenda were both shocked by this. “NO! NOT THE FAMOUS BEETHOVEN ART! YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS!” Brenda said in shock and anger. “Tyler... you know the way…” Brenda said as she turns her head at Tyler. Tyler nodded as the 5 punks skidaddle skidoodle to the alley. Both Tyler and Brenda chase the punks down until the punks reach to the dead end. “Aw man! A wall! Now… WE’RE DOOMED!” The fraidy punk said as Tyler and Brenda get close to them. Tyler smirks as he opens his mouth and gets the 5 punks into his maw. “MMMMMMPH!” All the 5 punks said as they kicked, but no effect. Tyler swallows the 5 punks whole, giving Tyler a massive belly for Brenda to worship like a god (I don’t mean it literally, reader. It’s unliteral. – The author). “Nice one, babe! You really got what they deserve, but.. it looks like your tummy needs some romance~” Brenda said to Tyler as Brenda hugs his belly and kisses it. Tyler blushes as his prey squirmed unwillingly, very slowly being turned into sexy mush and fat. “Good girl… Keep worshipping my belly. It might make things quicker, also one question… Did you get the spare underwear?” Tyler asked her. Brenda nodded as she began to massage and lick his sexy belly. Tyler moaned at Brenda’s actions as his belly digest the 5 punks faster than before. Time passes after 2 hours in the alley (From fatally digesting the punks to fat to having their mush go across Tyler’s intestines) and both were a bit tired from the love. Tyler’s fat belly was huge enough for a lady to sleep on and his ass expanded from the punks. “So… tasty.. I really need to take a shit.” Tyler said. “Oh, really? Why not shit in yer underwear and soil it until there no more remains inside of ya?” Brenda asked Tyler. “Sure. Just stand back. This might get really stinky.” Tyler said as Brenda walked back. He removes his pants and shoes, then puts them near the alley wall. Ready to shit the remains, Tyler squatted down and slowly shits a massive log of the punks remains (Nothing but some accessories of the punks. No bones. No skulls. Just their accessories. Why? Well, I don’t like having bones in scat be in my story. – The author) while Brenda looked and masturbated herself by groping her own tits. “It’s so big like a black cock with extra growth, daddy~ Keep shitting and make me lactate.” Brenda said to him. Tyler blushed and nodded as he keeps shitting in his own underwear, which expands quite drastically from the size of his shit. He kept shitting and shitting while his underwear’s shit bulge expanded. “Nnngh... too strong for my tight ‘donut.’ I think I’m gonna pee so bad.” Tyler said as he kept grunting and shitting while his huge cock gets erect. Brenda looked at his dick and drooled as she groped her own tits harder. After shitting the rest of the punks’ remains, his underwear was like a massive bed filled with comfy, tasty, smelly shit~ “Sweet relief. I really need a rest. I mean it literally, Brenda. Literally…” Tyler said as he pees a huge load on the ground. “Hehehe~ Same thing~ My breasts are getting sweaty. Well, gonna head home. See ya, Tyler. Hearts and kisses~” Brenda said. “Heh. Same for you, babe.” Tyler said as he takes off his hyper soiled underwear and puts on a spare pack of clothes. “Best soiling ever. I should do this on more gangsters.” Tyler said as he cleans his ass by using the clean side of his soiled undies. Meanwhile back home, Brenda’s back at it… Watching some TV that is. As she watched some TV, she changes the channel to the news, which shows the incident of the famous Beethoven graffiti. “The famous Beethoven graffiti has been vandalized by a group of punks. The punks are now missing, and they are now hunted dead or alive. Right now, the people who created the Beethoven graffiti are now cleaning it, trying to remove that graffiti paint without destroying the Beethoven as a whole.” The news reporter on the TV said, which shocks Brenda a bit. “Oh yeah… that… Thank goodness that we are not on the list.” Brenda said to herself. Best heroic moment ever, Brenda thought. Meanwhile back at the Ludwigs’ home, the entire family were having a homemade lunch made by the wolf milk, Bronwyn. “So, how’s your day, Tyler? Anything new?” Bronwyn asked Tyler. He nodded and said, “Well, I did walk around and ate a group of punks. They vandalized the Beethoven graffiti, the famous art in the streets. I even soiled my underwear for Brenda. Luckily, I had a spare.” “That’s so heroic of you. Stopping the punks is a heroic thing. By the way, I think you should be a hero. With… a voracious appetite.” Bronwyn compliments Tyler. He blushes and said, “Yeah… Thanks,” As they all continued having their meal. Can’t believe I done something right, Tyler thought as he munches on his meal slowly. Fortunately for both, both had a great day… together. And that is… THE END OF A 2ND TRADE STORY WITH THESWAGGAH! THANK YOU READING! :3 |
Hisashi’s and Brenda’s Lab-tastrophe FYI: This story will only contain mass vore. To be honest, it’s not the severe kind. This mass vore content will be a regular one. No scat or gas. This is a request made by HisashiHinata on Aryion. I do not own Hisashi himself, but only Brandon (me Vore-sona) and Brenda (me Genderbend-sona). There will be transitions from back to the main characters and the mind of Hisashi. If you saw the BBQ Catastrophe story in my story folder, then you will get it. Once you get to the end, you’ll know there will be a twist. Anyways, enjoy reading this mass vore content, not the literal mass vore (just a regular mass vore). The Story It’s a normal day in the bakery where both Brandon and Brenda worked. From baking to serving to cleaning, things are just regular, but sometimes not. To be honest, one day will get a bit special for Brenda because of a special customer. Anyways, it was pre-opening day and Brenda was the first one to arrive early. Brenda grabbed her bakery apron and bow, then puts it on to prepare herself to get a first customer while the other employees come in, which they were few minutes away from the store. Then, a cute looking anthro-wolfie with glasses and a jacket comes in. The wolf boy’s name is Hisashi, a pred of the Ludwig family (Including Tyler~ Kek – The Author). As he walked inside of the bakery, even though the bakery was about 5 minutes before opening, he had something on his hand. “Hey, kiddo. The bakery isn’t open yet.” Brenda said to him. “Well, excuse me. You just left the door open for no reason. Anyways, I’m Hisashi and I was thinking of inviting ya to a lab. There’s something you might like.” Hisashi said to her. Brenda, hearing what he said about going to the lab, gets a bit amused because she had an interest to technology and machinery before. “Saaaaaaaay… About that, MAY I!?” She said in excitement. Hisashi nodded as Brenda hugged him tightly and head to the lab together. Arriving to the lab, a guard looks at them and do a hand posture of “Show me the ticket and ID.” Hisashi nodded and showed the guard his ID and the ticket that is for the lab. The guard nods and opens the door for them as the wolf boi and the lady walk in. “Looks like this is the starting point of the lab. We should remember the path when we leave, right?” Brenda asked Hisashi. He nods as he looks through the lab’s map board. “It might be a long walk, but luckily, not a lot of scientists are at that area. I guess we could be the first people to go there just for today.” Hisashi said. Brenda groaned because of Hisashi saying a long walk, “Aw man. A long walk. Fffffffine…” “Just follow me.” Hisashi said and sighs as he guides her to the cloning lab area. Meanwhile in Hisashi’s mind, Hisashi himself was just checking the monitor, which is Hisashi’s vision. As his predator instinct comes in, looking drunk, he looks at him, thinking that he could get a chance to use it. “Hey, Hisashi. I need to fuck ya and control this shit for today.” His predator instinct said to him. Hisashi looked at him and replied, “You know you’re drunk, right? I mean, you could go all willy-nilly over this and you would swallow up the entire building after you swallowed up a lemonade stand last summer.” “Shut the fuck up, dude. I could bribe ya with something.” His predator instinct said to him. “You sure? Then, what is it?” Hisashi asked him. His predator instinct smirked and said, “You’ll see,” while Hisashi blushed. Transitioning back to Brenda and Hisashi, both arrived at the cloning lab, which was completely empty except for a sign on the test room’s door. “Looks like nobody’s here except you and this sign.” Brenda said to him. “No shit, but there’s a sign.” Hisashi said as he looks at the sign, which was a volunteer needed type. The sign says… “To anyone who are visiting the cloning lab, we need a volunteer to be cloned and another volunteer to activate the cloning machine. Don’t set the machine to overdrive or else the lab will explode. By the way, some of the clones might have a growth effect if ingested, but we tested it a few days ago. Ingesting a clone with a growth effect is 1.5% possible, so do not worry if you fear becoming a giant. Please handle this with care while we are having donuts at the bakery. Thank for reading this.” “Looks like we have to handle this as if it’s like a kid.” Brenda said to him. Hisashi nodded as both head into the cloning test room where the cloning machine is at. “Hope yer ready, Hisashi.” Brenda said to him as she gets close to the cloning machine. Hisashi nodded as he turns on the cloning machine and sets the number of clones to 25. The machine shakes a bit and zaps Brenda, cloning her 25 times and leaving each clone a numbered tattoo to make sure there will be no confusion. Meanwhile back at Hisashi’s mind, his predator instinct was fucking Hisashi’s mouth while he was about to control Hisashi’s mind until he saw the monitor/vision, revealing there are more clones of that milf-like, sexy, busty Brenda (Ooo la la~! – The Author). “Heheheh. Something I wanna see. Hisashi, lick my hyper ass while I control this bitch.” His predator instinct commanded Hisashi. “Mmmmph. Yes, daddy.” Hisashi said as he gets his predator instinct’s penis out of his mouth and get his hyper ass right at his face. He began licking as his predator instinct smiled and take control. Back at the sexy duo, the clones were now ready for Hisashi, which he is about go in predator mode. “Hey, Hisashi! What do you think of me?” A Brenda clone said as she poses herself. “Not you! What about me?” Another argued at the clone and shakes her gigantic tits. “Hmph. You guys are worse. I can do better.” Another one said as she squeezes her own tits and twerks softly. As the Brenda clones began to argue, Hisashi began to drool slowly, ready to swallow all 25 clones, except the real Brenda (The one without the numbered tattoo that is. – The Author). “I’m gonna be at the spectating room, Hisashi. You handle this.” She said to him as she leaves the test room and watches them. Hisashi nods at the real Brenda, then pounces at the arguing clones and devours them one by one as if they are like “easy to swallow” gummy candy. Meanwhile back at his mind, his predator instinct still took control of the body while Hisashi is currently now worshipping his predator instinct’s cock, ass, and balls like a god. “What a sexy body you got, papi~” Hisashi said as he licks his hyper balls and cock. “Heheheh. Thank you, now, I need to do the big bang.” His predator instinct said to him as he smirked. Back at Brenda and Hisashi, Hisashi now got a hyper belly of sexy Brenda clones. Many squirmed and moaned in pleasure while one of the clones gave him a small growth effect, making Hisashi now 7 ft. Bulges were everywhere as Hisashi drooled more, imploring for more food. “Mmmm… Not full yet, Brenda, also you might wanna leave the lab, too.” Hisashi said to Brenda. “Um… okay. Cause no trouble!” Brenda said as she heads to the lab’s exit. With Hisashi alone, he looks at the machine and swallows it. After swallowing, the pressure in the cramped belly almost crushes it. His belly grew greatly as fuck as the cloning machine began to go all cloning crazy. As the cloning machine reached to overheat, his belly expanded to a size of a building. “Oh my… Looks like I got something to eat. A huge, tasty, crunchy bar.” He said as he sees a building, imagining it as a granola bar. As Brenda leaves the lab, she sees Hisashi, now tall as a building because of the belly’s volume, preparing to swallow up something structural. However, it made Hisashi hyper thick and sexy, but still HUNGRY because of one of the clones’ after effect. “Um… this is not good. I GOTTA FLEE!” Brenda said as she fled from the site. As Hisashi drools more, he opens his mouth and began devouring buildings. This went bad news as many evacuated and try to flee, but his munching is gone insane. Just before he was about to eat the entire city 100%, an echo was heard while Brenda fled the city by running. “Brenda… BRENDA…. BRENDA! BRENDA, ARE YOU OKAY?” Brenda woke up as she gets her head up from the counter (Yes, the entire story that you read was Brenda’s nightmare. By the way, WHAT A TWIST! – The Author), a bit scared. “AAAAAAAAH! WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED!?” Brenda screamed as the employee covers her mouth. “Just relax, ma’am. I heard you were going bonkers as you were taking a nap. Just get a donut that I made for you and rest at your office.” The employee said to her. Brenda nodded as she takes a strawberry donut that was finished for her and heads to her office so she could relax and eat. As Hisashi came into her office, she jumps out of her chair without dropping the donut in her mouth in panic. “PLEASE DON’T PLAN TO EAT THE ENTIRE BUILDING!” Brenda said in panic. “Whoa! Chill down. I’m just here because I got a gift for you.” Brenda got up and replied, “Sorry about that. Just had a post-nightmare problem. Anyways, what’s the gift?” Hisashi grabbed a white chocolate truffle that he made for her and kisses her on the cheek. Brenda blushed as Hisashi smiled and leaves the office. “Heh. Cute wolf.” She said as she got onto her chair and relax. And that is… THE END OF THE REQUEST STORY! THANKS FOR READING THROUGH THE END AND SEEING THE PLOT TWIST! OWO |
Beach Bash(ed) FYI: This is a non-fatal, M/M, oral vore, same size, soft and accidental vore, burp-added story. This was requested by the HandsomeKindDedede. If anyone isn’t comfortable about the content you are seeing, then please ignore and do not place any hate in the comments. If you read the comment box tip, the comment profile, then you’ll be fine because the haters will be on the menu. Anyways, enjoy reading this request story. The Story It was a sunny day at the beaches. Cool dudes surfing, busty girls tanning, kids making sandcastles, and people playing in the ocean. It was like any best beach should have. Clear and clean ocean water, bright sand, tall palm trees, and many seashells scattered around. People say it’s 5 stars and it comes with a drink stand and a food stand. To be honest, this is just the exposition’s setting. At the sandy beaches, there was one boy, half naked with his sexy swim shorts and covered with sun screen. His name? It’s Gladiatus, the boy who loves super tight bellies and a male switch. As he relaxed, a boy with a surfboard and glasses walked passed by him, interrupting his tan. “H-hey! What on Earth are you doing? You almost ruined my tan!” Gladiatus complained at him. “Dude, I, Brandon, need to do some surfing and get some ladies.” Brandon replied. “Hmph. Just don’t ruin my tan. I got to get it just right!” Gladiatus said to him as he began to do a back tan. “Alright, kid. Suit yerself.” Brandon said as he heads to the other part of the beach. As Brandon head to the other part of the beach, huge waves in the ocean appeared, knowing that it’s time for him to surf. “Well, well, well… A sweet spot!” Brandon said as he ran to the ocean with the surfboard. Once he began to surf on the ocean waves, he sees Gladiatus’ rump while grinding on the wave top. “That’s a nice rump roast, kid!” Brandon shouted at Gladiatus while he surfs away. “Wait what did you say to me?” Gladiatus asked in confusion. “NOTHING! WOOOOOOHOOO!” Brandon answered as he did the surfboard spin on the waves. Gladiatus sighed and continued his tan. After Brandon’s surf, he headed to the drink stand to get himself a beach martini and hang out with the sexy beach ladies. As Gladiatus heads to the drink stand to get himself one, he sees Brandon, soaked after surfing. “Oh… Sup, Brandon.” Gladiatus said to him while Brandon’s surrounded by sexy girls. “Sup, just having a nice drink and a talk with the ladies. I mean, I had to take a break from surfing.” Brandon replied. Gladiatus, a bit jealous with the ladies he got, grabbed a drink and said, “Well, that’s nice, but I got to tan some more.” He took a sip, then leaves the drink stand so he could continue his tan. “Yeah right. Why not surf, make sand castles, play volleyball, or something, dummy.” Brandon chuckles as the other girls blushed from his manly-like voice. After Brandon finished hanging out and his drink, he continued what he wants to show the beach girls, surfing. As Gladiatus relaxed, tanned, and have a drink at the same time, he sees Brandon surfing a gigantic wave. “Hey, Brandon! Nice wave!” Gladiatus said to Brandon. “Thanks, kiddo! Yeeeehaw!” Brandon said as he grinds on the top of the wave, but almost wobbles off. Gladiatus chuckles as he finished his drink and relaxed while Brandon kept surfing. Unfortunately for him, the ocean wave stops and does a tsunami, making Brandon surf out of control and go right at Gladiatus. While Gladiatus kept tanning, a huge shade of the ocean wave covers him. “Wait. What the hell is going on- Oh… no.” Gladiatus said but realized that the wave and Brandon are coming right at him. Knowing this, he began to flee, but it was too late. “LOOK OUT BELOOOOOOOOOOOOW-” GULP AND SPLAAASH!!! The wave took over the beach, but luckily, nobody was hurt. As Brandon was on the ground, almost knocked out, he noticed his belly wasn’t right. “Aw, brutal, dude!” Brandon said as he got up and sees Gladiatus, very cramped in his belly and revealing the detailed bulges and imprints of him. “Mmmmph.. Too.. tight. Mmmph.” Gladiatus complained in Brandon’s tight gut. “Sorry, kid. I warned you, but I guess that was too late before you ran.” Brandon apologized to him. “Mmmph… it’s fine. I forgive you.” Gladiatus said as he tried to squirm, but due to the tightness of Brandon’s belly, he couldn’t. “Thanks. Should we rest this out, kiddo?” Brandon asked Gladiatus. “Yeah, sure.” Glaidatus answered as he closed his eyes and relaxed while Brandon used his sun screen and let himself tan in the bright sun. Time passes by while both relaxed… … until it’s now 4pm. Brandon’s done with the tan as he got up and stretched, making him grunt from the pain he got from all that surf. “Man, that was a nice relaxation. Anyways, I’m gonna burp you out. Hang on and hope for the best of me.” Brandon said to Gladiatus. Gladiatus wasn’t comfortable with it and said, “Wait. Why not you rub me?” “Fine.” Brandon said and sighed as he rubbed his body bulge slowly. Gladiatus moaned and blushed as he can feel Brandon’s rubs. “Sooooo… will that satisfy ya?” Brandon asked. Gladiatus shakes his head for a no while Brandon kept rubbing him and sighed. As he kept rubbing Gladiatus, his belly puffed up, making belly bulge not tight enough. “Alright, will that really satisfy ya?” Brandon asked. He nods, then lets himself prepare to him out. Gladiatus curls into a ball as Brandon burped Gladiatus out in one go without making him stuck in the middle of Brandon’s throat. Gladiatus lands safely on the sandy ground and got up. “T-that was a good one. Anyways, I gotta go. I need a break. See ya.” Gladiatus said as he boops Brandon’s nose and walks away. Brandon blushed and smiled as he grabs his surfboard and heads home with his ride. And that is… THE END OF THE STORY! |
My (Allie Anne’s) Stranded Experience On Earth Report (The entire stranded experience took place from September 1st to October 19th, 2017, + It's a mock journal. All of these are fake so don't think that it's real. It's a mock. What do you expect? Anyways, enjoy the mock journal I made for trade with theswaggah/Tyler. All work is done on Grammarly.com.) September 1st, 2017: I have crash-landed to a place on a planet that my friends were talking about before going on a vacation to a new galaxy. I do not know what is that planet about but I think it's called Earth. My spaceship has been damaged by a meteor after losing focus on the controls. Luckily, I was not injured but the spaceship must be repaired due to the damages leading to a spaceship totaled. I hope to escape Earth and report about this. September 2nd, 2017: It's been a day since I was stranded on Earth. I looked around to find if there is any food or machinery to keep in the desert but it was no use. Suddenly, I notice a building on the other side and it was huge. Knowing that they might have food and some repair kits, I made a run for it. Unfortunately, that was my big mistake because of the security and their obsession with researching aliens. September 9th, 2017: I've been in some kind of prison in the base. I think it's called Area 88 but I was able to have only small rations of food that could satisfy my hunger for each day. I was tested by the Earthlings for a week and I feel like they'll be keeping me for a very long time. Gosh, get me the heck out of here! September 23rd, 2017: Damn it! They'll never let me go! I have to find a way to break out or else my family and friends will panic and think that I died during on a galactical vacation! I have to get out of here fast but there are too many ladies guarding the inside and outside of the base. Luckily, I kept some kind of utensils after realizing that they have some metallic scrap inside. It's time to get the heck out of here! (The other dates were drenched in water and food crumbs accidentally) October 1st, 2017: Oh my sparkling stars of outer space! I was able to escape my cell and ambush one of the female guards. Unfortunately, she was screaming in my gut so I had to digest her so she can shut up for good. I was able to sneak around the base for a while before the guards notice that I wasn't in my cell. Luckily, I found some metal and repair kits along the way but it's not enough. At the end of the night, I found a way to get back to my cell before the guards put me in a maximum-security cell. October 7th, 2017: I was able to hide my supply under my prison bed and I kidnapped some guards along the way. I refused to have food from the Area 88 staff and decide to have the members of the base for my daily meals from breakfast to dinner. They were delicious with huge gallons of milk with 5 pounds cakes and I could not resist. I got more metal and repair kits but I don't have enough to repair my spaceship. I have to escape this madness. October 10th, 2017: F-fuck~! I just found the biggest one like catching a space tuna when I was a child! Best of all, she is the sexiest security guard in the base with a backpack full of the supplies I need to escape! She had those gigantic breasts, nipples, and ass at the same time! I could not resist but I had to devour all of my special food supply and decide to get the bigger ones. Unfortunately, this gave me a tummy ache. I hope that in about a few more days will be the time to escape. October 15th, 2017: I am almost there! I am just a few steps close to the finish line! With a backpack equipped after kidnapping a lucky one, enough busty, sexy, tasty-looking security guards in handy for my entire vacation meal, and with enough repair kits and metal, it was time for me to escape. I escaped from my cell and dashed outside at night time, making sure that I do not get spotted by the security. I crossed through the landmines, followed my footprints on the sandy land, and arrived at the spaceship. All I need to do is to get some sleep and tomorrow will be fixing time! October 16th, 2017: I just fixed about 45% of the spaceship but I had to pause because all of the security guards I ate gave me a hyper scat experience. To hide all of the evidence, I had to dig up a huge hole that is about the size of an asteroid. With one huge dump, I felt like my huge tits are lactating like crazy as my huge, blue, glowing, thick scat comes out of my ass with their helmets, pieces of their uniform, and boots slide out. It was the best thing I ever felt and I feel like I want to play with my shit! After one massive dump, I continued restoring my spaceship to its former glory. October 19th, 2017: YES! I SPECTACULARLY DID IT! MY SPACESHIP IS FULLY RESTORED! I can now leave this place with my new vacation food! Thank god that was a crazy experience as a stranded alien but I have to hurry before anyone sees me. I tested the engine to make sure I can escape this planet and it was a success! The spaceship can get me back home and with the turbo ready, I made a speedy escape from Earth and back to the galactic freeway. I was glad that my spaceship had enough energy to get to a pit stop planet and upgrade my ride. Now, all I need to do is to get back to my home planet and tell everyone about my crazy escape. (End of the mock journal. Thanks for reading it!) |
It was a lovely night at the theatre. The people were at their seats with their tickets in their pockets. 400 people were there and Diane Dunsberry, the new actor in town after being fired for her performance accidents, was there. The director was chatting with the other staff members as Diane prepared for the performance to start in 10 minutes. She was confident showing herself into the spotlight in the new theatre, reciting her lines and following the actions in her transcript until the director interrupted her practice. "DIANE! You must be on stage in 5 minutes! The Boston Tea Party scene ended which the narrator is focusing on your part. Therefore, you must perform as a Boston Harbor manager. Get ready or else NO HIGHER WAGE!" "Yes, director! I'll be ready! Let me finish up my make up!" Then, once the act heads into the scene where the harbor closes down, Diane went to the front stage with the other actors. In her head, she thought to herself that she could do it. As the curtains open, Diane lost all of her confidence when she saw the entire audience, waiting for the performance to start. She was downright screwed and one mistake could make the audience boo at them! During the act, she waited for the other actors to finish up their lines and once it was her turn, she started to stutter and sweat, ruining her performance in front of 400 people! "Oh, brother! THIS ACTOR STINKS!" "Worst performance ever!" "I could throw a water bottle right at them like what I did in a Justin Bieber concert!" The insults and booing by audio volume increased to a sound similar to a siren. People start throwing their theatre food right at them, threatening the actors as the curtains close. Diane was heartbroken by this and stayed at the front stage. The director facepalmed and walked up to her. "Diane! What's the matter with you!? You ruined the entire act!" "I'm sorry, director! I have stage fright!" "Doesn't matter! You have to face your fears!... I can't believe I did this but I have an idea if you want to be off the hook." "R-really? Will that work, director?" "Correct! Diane, see the audience? What do you do when you're insulted by others?" "I devour and digest them?..." "YES! THAT'S WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT! Give the audience a permanent punishment and I'll give you a wage that is 25 times than your wage, Diane!" "A-are you sure? T-t-thank you, director!" "Go out there and give the audience something you want to do. I'll let the rest of the staff head to the backstage." The director walks to the backstage of the theatre as the curtains open again for Diane. The audience continued booing but Diane is not going to rest. Drool dripped from her mouth, then Diane unleashed a huge roar, stopping the audience from insulting and scaring the shit out of them. Her predator instinct was ready and when everyone was frozen, she devours the audience quickly like a cheetah as some of the audience make a run to the exit. Every man and woman screamed for the lives as their voices fade when devoured. After devouring about 90% of the audience, her predator instinct stopped and with a huge gut, Diane had to dispose of the evidence immediately. "Oh no... Director! I got some bad news! Some of the audience escaped and I hear the cops coming! Do something!" "Relax, Diane. Just let your mind focus on the digestion and disposal. That's what my uncle told me." Diane let out a couple of slow breaths, focusing on digesting her hyper belly. As her gut digests the audience, her thighs, belly, and breasts start to fatten up. The remains of the audience were turned into hot, creamy, thick logs of dung with some of the audience's accessories being undigested. "Fantastic, Diane, but I could hear the police sirens are getting louder, meaning that they're nearby! I'll open the trapdoor on the front stage so the cops think that it's a lie!" The director dashed to the backstage's control room and opens the trapdoor, giving Diane a huge toilet to dispose of the shitty remains. Prepared to get rid of the evidence, she squatted down and start to shit out the audience slowly. Her hyper belly deflated slowly as she kept shitting and shitting logs. The logs slid right inside of the trapdoor as the evidence slowly gets erased. Once the shit has been taken care of, her clothes barely start tearing off itself. "Oh dear, it looks like I need to buy new clothes. Got any money, director?" "I got your back, Diane. I have spare clothes in my car. By the way, you have a higher wage for a week." At the end of the night, they were successful when fleeing the scene as the cops arrived at the theatre. Fortunately for the stage staff, the cops couldn't find any evidence and claim that the incident was just a lie. Still, Diane got a higher wage for a week. |
The diner was crowded. Valorie led Camilla to the counter, deftly squeezing past a group of Lamia standing at one of the high-top tables. The diner obviously catered to Fey, with larger than average booths and high tables for its patrons, as well as a regular counter and seating for the more human-like occupants. Valorie slid onto one of the stools, carefully arranging her tail as to not pinch it and patted the seat next to her. Camilla sat down and looked around. She was used to Fey, but had never been to a diner like this. She made a mental note to take Jess here when she got the chance, if Jess didn’t already know about it. A cute bunny girl in a low-cut top finished with her group of customers and came over, beaming as she caught sight of Valorie. She dodged past a cook and grabbed a pot of coffee as she came over. “Val, hi!” she exclaimed, setting down two mugs and filling them with fragrant coffee. “It’s been a while, Liz. How is the place?” The kitsune picked up her mug and sipped, closing her eyes and shivering with pleasure at the bitter taste. Valorie had a special place in her heart for coffee. “Good good! Busy, but what else is new?” said Liz, grabbing a plate full of food from a passing waiter and placing it in front of Camilla, who smiled in thanks. The waiter blinked his owlish eyes disapprovingly, but didn’t say anything as he went back to fetch more scones. Valorie seemed deeply engrossed in her coffee, so Camilla took a scone off of the plate and bit into it, her eyes widening at the sweet taste. Liz laughed as Camilla crammed the rest of the scone into her mouth and chewed. “Good, eh?” said Liz, pouring Camilla a glass of milk, which she quickly guzzled. “Human’s aren’t used to the taste of feyspice, but it’s kind of a staple in most Fey food. You must be a special kind of gal if Valorie is bringing you to this place.” Camilla smiled shyly. The bunny girl had her face in her paws and was staring at her across the counter. She laughed as Camilla looked away before she headed back into the kitchen space. Valorie sighed deeply, placing down her drained cup of coffee. “I haven’t been to this place in a month or so and I honestly can’t say I have ever had a better cup of coffee anywhere else in the world.” Camilla laughed slightly as Valorie licked her chops and pawed at her face before remembering to grab a napkin. The fox cleared her throat in a dignified way as she wiped herself clean. The noise of the diner lulled for a moment and Camilla could hear Liz joking with some patrons behind her. “So,” began Valorie. “I have to say sorry again for what happened with Millie. I didn’t think she was into that kind of thing and it’s honestly a miracle that you survived. Did she spit you out or something?” Camilla sighed as she swirled her coffee around with her finger. “No, I went all the way through her. From her warm and sloppy gut all the way out of her tight asshole. It seems that I can’t be digested.” Valorie gasped in mock shock, clasping her face dramatically before seeming to ponder a question. “And you like when that happens?” Camilla spit out her coffee and, horrified, tried to wipe it off the counter as the owlish waiter glared as they came out of the kitchen. “No,” she stammered as she cleaned. “It’s incredibly gross and inconvenient. I hated every second of it.” Valorie tilted her head to the side. “But you seemed to be getting along just fine with Millie when I walked into the bathroom.” Camilla blushed scarlet. She wanted to forget about that, but found herself fidgeting in her seat at the memory. There was something intimate about having been inside another person, she thought. Shaking the feeling from her head, she glared at Valorie. “She was just washing my back,” said Camilla. “It was the least she could do after the mess she made of me.” Valorie blinked at Camilla who stared back defiantly. Valorie wagged her tail as she waited for Camilla to speak again. Finally, Camilla broke eye contact and went back to her breakfast. “So, who did you want me to meet,” she said eventually. Valorie simply nodded to the seat next to her. Camilla turned and gasped. A cat girl had her nose an inch from her face, smiling in a way that revealed her shiny canines. Camilla scooted back in her chair and the girl leaned back in hers laughing. “I didn’t mean to startle you!” she started. “I just thought that would be funny.” Camilla looked behind her to see Valorie masking a smile behind her sleeve. She turned back to inspect the new girl in front of her. Her shoulders raised just slightly at the uncanny resemblance of this cat girl and the one who had been the first to eat her. The neko had light brown hair with a silver streak running down the side. She had it pinned up in a bun which accentuated her soft-looking darker brown ears. Her face was rounded in a jovial way and underneath her crop top, a rather prominent stomach was on display. Her long tail curved out of her jean shorts and it swayed as the girl rubbed her thick thighs against the fake leather of the stool. “My name is Diane,” said the cat, holding out her hand. Camilla regarded her warily before shaking her hand. She didn’t see the wink that was shared between Valorie and Diane as Valorie slid off of her bar stool. Grabbing her bag, she waved at Camilla. “Bye honey! I already paid for your breakfast. Play nice with Diane!” “Wait!” yelled Camilla, but it was too late. Valorie had already slipped through the crowd and was out the door. “But she was my ride home.” “I can give you a ride!” Camilla looked at Diane with fresh eyes. The neko was staring at her in a way that made her uncomfortable, but she didn’t think there was any other choice. Taxi’s didn’t really run this way and she just wanted to get back to her dorm. “I’ll take you up on that,” said Camilla. The cat perked her ears and grinned an impossibly wide grin. Camilla shuddered again. She really did remind her first time in another girl’s stomach. However, she found that after a brief glance she couldn’t peel her eyes from Diane’s stomach and throat as she quickly scarfed down her own food. The neko’s pudgy belly shifted hypnotically inside her shorts and Camilla had to force herself to look for Liz in the crowd. “Alright,” said Diane, burping slightly. “Let’s get this show on the road!” Camilla followed the girl out of the diner and was surprised to see her turn toward the bike rack where a silver moped sat tilted against the wall. Diane climbed on, hefting her considerable girth onto the seat. She slowly backed the moped away from the wall and onto the street before patting the space behind her. Camilla cautiously straddled the bike, taking the helmet that Diane proffered to her. She quickly grabbed hold of Diane’s waist as the moped jolted forward, taking them at a brisk pace along the street. Taking the corner fast, Camilla was afraid that the moped would simply tilt over. She gripped onto Diane even tighter, pressing herself against the cat girl’s wide back. As they cruised along the winding streets of the Fey District, Camilla found her hands straying toward the exposed skin of Diane’s stomach. She held herself back, mentally chiding herself for even beginning to think in such a manner, but the next sharp turn they made, she wrapped her arms around the soft belly. The pudginess gave a little as she squeezed and Camilla was thankful that Diane couldn’t see her face turn beet red. She held on like this until the moped came to a slow stop in front of a squat brick house. Camilla looked around. They were on the outskirts of the Fey District now, but still about ten minutes away from her campus by bike. Diane propped the moped and swung herself from the seat, helping Camilla down as well. “I thought you were taking me home?” asked Camilla as Diane began walking toward the door. “I am,” said Diane as she fumbled for her keys. “We have to go inside first.” Camilla didn’t move. She watched as Diane swung her door open and stepped inside before calling back over her shoulder. “What are you waiting for? I promised I’d take you home didn’t I? I get why you wouldn’t want to step into the home of someone you just met, but I promise it’s not all that messy.” Camilla couldn’t help but smile just a little. She thought of her own dorm which currently looked like a disaster zone. She made her way up the walkway and into the front hall. Diane closed the door behind her. The first thing Camilla noticed was the smell. It was sort of musky in the house, even though it looked fairly clean. The hall veered off to the left, leading to what Camilla assumed was the kitchen. There were a few doors along the hall, and a staircase on the right side leading up to the second floor. Beige carpeting lined the hall, giving the house a distinctly domestic look. Diane put her helmet on a coat rack beside the door and walked upstairs. Camilla waited in the front hall, taking in the scenery. She waited for about three minutes, but she could still hear Diane walking around upstairs and then a shower turning on. Camilla sighed. Typical. It was going to take forever for her to get home. After briefly contemplating stealing the moped, Camilla made her way down the hallway and into the kitchen area. The right side of the room was a cute-looking kitchen while the left side was a carpeted living area with a couch and a low table. Camilla made her way to the couch and slumped down on it, listening to the faint singing from the bathroom upstairs. She turned in her seat, stretching out and mentally going over the activities of the day. She couldn’t believe that she had spent the night inside of a dragon, and she couldn’t believe that a part of herself missed it. She wished she remembered what led to it though. The musky smell was stronger in the living room. It seemed to be coming from behind a door in the kitchen. Camilla tried to ignore it, but curiosity got the best of her. Walking softly toward the door, she stopped outside of it and, making sure that she could still hear the sound of the shower, opened it. A dark stairway greeted her. Camilla flipped the switch in the wall, revealing a set of wooden stairs leading into the basement. The smell assailed her, more powerful than ever. It was rank, like fertilizer. Camilla considered that Diane might be growing weed in her basement, solidifying her need to find the answer. She crept down the stairs, keeping to the edge to make sure that she wouldn’t make a sound. The last stair creaked loudly as she put her weight on it and Camilla stopped and listened. No new noises from upstairs. Satisfied, Camilla continued into the basement. The room before her was hidden in gloom, and Camilla couldn’t see the light switch. She pulled out her phone, turning the light on and searching the wall. The light switch was set a few steps into the room. Throwing it, Camilla found herself inside of what looked to be some kind of sex dungeon. Dildos and buttplugs lined the walls on wooden shelves. These shelves also contained a number of glass vials of varying shapes and sizes, each meticulously labeled. There was a bed against the back wall, with shackles set into the headboard. All kinds of toys were strewn about the room and Camilla was sure there were more in the chest at the foot of the bed. The middle of the room was dominated by a gigantic dildo that seemed to be stuck to the floor, almost five feet tall. Camilla found herself embarrassed to have trespassed on such an intimate area of Diane’s life and tried not to judge her too much, but she couldn’t. This was ridiculous. The smell seemed to be coming from a half opened closet door on the other side of the room. Making her way past the human-sized dildo, Camilla gagged as she stood outside of the closet door. Edging it open, she saw that the smell seemed to be coming from a full black garbage bag. Wanting to turn around, but having already come so far, Camilla eased open the top of the bag and jumped back with a yelp. Bones. Bones and shit. The entire bag was filled with excrement that was strewn with what seemed to be a humanoid skeleton. Camilla placed a hand to her mouth and backed away, stumbling upon a string of beads lying on the floor. A noise from behind her caused her to look up. Diane was standing halfway down the stairs. She had been surprisingly quiet for her weight. “Oh sorry honey. I didn’t mean for you to see my previous guest. Rather rude of me to leave them there actually, but I’m not quite finished with them.” Her stomach rumbled loudly. Not again, thought Camilla. How does this keep happening to me? Edging herself along the wall, Camilla looked for another way out. There were a few small windows but the room was tall and the windows looked too small to wriggle out of. If running wouldn’t work, Camilla would fight. Diane laughed out loud as Camilla took a whip off of a shelf on the wall. She started to make her way down the stairs, with Camilla backing up until she was standing with her back against the closet door. She swung the whip experimentally, but it merely flailed in front of her. Diane moved closer. “I’m not going to hurt you, honey. You were expensive. I want you to last for a very very long time, and as you can see, I take good care of my toys.” Diane stood only five feet away from Camilla, whose knees were beginning to shake so hard that she had to press one of her hands against the wall. “E-expensive?” Camilla asked, her eyes locked on Diane’s wide mouth. “What do you mean, expensive?” Diane practically purred. Her narrow eyes widened as she watched the frightened girl, her tail swaying like a predator about to pounce. Moving away from Camilla, she sat on the side of the bed, patting the comforter. “Come here. The door is locked anyway.” The fight seemed to leak out of Camilla. Putting down the whip, she sat next to the neco. Diane stroked her face gently, surprised to find that her finger was wet. Taking Camilla by the chin, she looked into the crying girl’s eyes. Lifting her head, Diane planted a kiss on Camilla’s lips. The tears stopped. Camilla stared back into the cat’s eyes, surprised to find that her body was relaxing and she was able to think clearly again. “There,” smiled Diane. “A cat’s kiss usually does the trick. Don’t worry, it’s not anything nasty,” she said as Camilla rubbed her mouth vigorously. “It just puts you back into balance is all.” “Yeah?” asked Camilla. She stared hard at her captor. “And who exactly did you buy me from?” “You really are simple aren’t you?” Camilla sighed. “Valorie?” “Valorie.” Camilla was going to skin that fox. She thought about her meeting the party. The drinks Valorie had handed her. Her fanged grin and her barking laugh. She should have known. She should have known with Millie. And now she might not get the chance to get back at her. Diane looked pleased with herself. “Well, it’s not too bad. I am only renting you after all. Seems that you’re quite popular with that neat little power of yours. But you’re mine for the month.” A month, thought Camilla. I can survive for a month. And when I get out of here, Valorie is dead. This thought burned into her mind like a mantra, repeating over and over again. Even when Diane opened her mouth impossibly wide. Even when her face was between the fanged teeth, laying on a wet tongue. Even as she slid down the narrow tube of Diane’s throat and oozed into her large stomach. The fox. I will get the fox. |
Lily was naked, but then again, she always was when she was in the house. Cornelius wasn’t sure if it was some subconscious result of their parent’s divorce, or if she was truly more comfortable that way. It didn’t bother him. The two siblings lived alone in a corner apartment and were afforded a base level of privacy. No, what bothered Cornelius was that his sister was naked and there was a stranger in the house. One that she was clinging to quite stubbornly as she stared up at her older brother. The man looked between the siblings, obviously uncomfortable with the tension in the room. “Absolutely not,” said Cornelius, crossing his arms, and glaring at the stranger. Lily clenched her jaw, but did not move. She pulled the man closer to her as she continued staring. Cornelius spoke again. “You’re doing this to piss me off, and it’s working.” The man gulped. Cornelius was large for a 19-year-old. Much larger than Conrad had imagined when Lilly first described him. Conrad cleared his throat before thinking better of it and remaining silent. A minute ticked by. “Why not?” cried Lily, breaking the standoff. “Because you are 18 and he...,” Here Cornelius scanned Conrad, taking in his leather shoes and cut-offs. Conrad was quite a bit shorter than Cornelius, and a lot less muscular. His frown deepened, and his eyes grew contemptuous. “He is 22 and barely even looks like a man.” “Hey now,” said Conrad, but Lily cut him off. “You have no right to insult my boyfriend,” said Lilly. “He’s a lot nicer than you. And, as it seems you keep forgetting, you are not my father, so quite trying to control me.” Cornelius’ jaw clenched, and he took a step forward. Conrad stepped back, but Lily held her ground. She was used to her brother’s temper, but he had never hit her. She was his princess and she knew it, wielding her influence like a royal scepter. He had been this way ever since she had come to live with him, but now that she was finishing high school, she was starting to find his love stifling. “I’ve been working my ass off to keep us comfortable,” Cornelius began. Lily sighed. This was a speech she heard often. “I spend my days working in the gas station before coming home to make you dinner. I write articles instead of working nights because you said you were lonely when I left the house. I’ve put up with the boy band posters and the messes and the crying and the yelling and that time that you and Rick broke up and you punched a hole in our television set. And what did I ask? What is the one thing I ask? That you keep strangers out of our house.” “Then I’ll just go live with Uncle Todd.” Bullseye. Lily grinned as she watched her brother go red in the face, choking back a stream of unintelligible words. She grabbed Conrad’s hand as he turned toward the door, placing it squarely her right breast in some kind of mock boy scout salute. Conrad gasped and blushed, but Cornelius nearly went purple. Kissing him on the cheek, Lily led Conrad through the entryway. “Wait for me in the car,” she said. “I’ll be with you in just a moment.” “But, your brother,” Lily put a finger to his lips, smiling sweetly up at him. “Brother is just having a bit of a temper tantrum. He will calm down eventually. Just leave him to me and we will have a nice date tonight, I promise.” Conrad nodded, but waited as Lily walked back into the apartment. Her tight ass bobbed up and down as she walked. He was smitten with her, but downright terrified of Cornelius. He knew guys like that and they liked to fight. Besides that, he didn’t like the way Cornelius looked at his sister. It was a little too carnal, just bordering on sensual. As he walked to the car, Conrad wondered if involving himself with Lily would be worth the crazy brother. However, glancing at the backseat and remembering the night before, Conrad decided that Lily was just too good to lose. He resolved to stand his ground next time. Lilly found the front hall empty as she walked back into the apartment. It seemed as though Cornelius had gone off to sulk in his room, or perhaps the kitchen. Lily didn’t care. She only needed some clothes for her night out. It was as she was rummaging in her dresser that she heard a noise behind her. Turning, she found Cornelius blocking the door to her room. “You’re going to be wearing that,” he asked pointedly, nodding at the frilly slip she was holding. “What do you care?” asked Lily. “I am naked most of the time that I’m home anyway and that’s never bothered you.” “I wouldn’t say that,” muttered Cornelius, but Lily didn’t hear. She merely brushed past him, grabbed her purse, and left the apartment. Cornelius hear the car door slam and the sound of his sister driving off with a stranger. Locking the front door, Cornelius walked back into his sister’s room and sat on her bed. He took in the messy floor with clothes strewn across it. Two controllers sat on her nightstand, attached to the console that had been Lily’s 15th birthday gift. Cornelius remembered her smile as she had opened it, sweet as honey, as though she could think of nothing that would make her happier than being able to play games with her brother. He missed those days. They were simpler. Cornelius found his eyes locking onto a pair of lacy purple panties that Lily had left draped over a lamp. He took in the little flower pattern and the black highlights. Absentmindedly, he unhooked the underwear and brought it to his cheek, rubbing it against himself as he thought. Conrad was going to be a problem. Cornelius knew that his sister was thinking about leaving him, but she had no job and no money to speak of. Their parents had disappeared years ago and the only one left was their creepy uncle who they only talked to on Christmas. No, Lily was stuck with him, and that’s exactly how Cornelius liked it. He hadn’t minded the high school boyfriends. They were quickly discarded by his fussy sister. But now she had gone and found someone stable. Someone with a job. Someone who could take her away. Did he even care? His sister was annoying, lazy, and downright stubborn. Nothing like the sweet child he had whisked away when their parents left. He had always been fascinated with her growth, especially when puberty hit and he watched her transform from an adorable child into an attractive woman. It wasn’t decent, and he knew it, but he didn’t care about that. He didn’t care as long as he possessed her, and now even that was slipping. Maybe it was time for her to go. Hauling himself off the bed, Cornelius resolved to solve the problem soon. The movie lasted around two hours and as the crowd herded through the exit doors, Lily and Conrad were getting pretty hot and heavy. They were still in their seats when an usher walked into the theatre, did a 180° turn, and left to find someone who would deal with this shit. When Conrad finally resurfaced, red in the face, he took Lily by the hand and led her out of the theatre and back to his car. An hour later, walking back to his car after a long and arduous shift, the same usher watched in disgust as the car parked next to his rocked, its windows fogged except for a pair of handprints on the back windshield. Telling himself that he would quit the next morning, the usher pulled away. At the chime of midnight, Lily and Conrad collapsed on each other in the backseat. Lily’s hair was a mess and Conrad could barely think, much less move. “I love you,” gasped Conrad. “I know,” said Lily. “I was hoping you would say it though.” “I’m serious,” said Conrad, looking her in the eye. “I want to come live with me. Just the two of us.” “Oh, you naughty boy,” said Lily, gripping him by the chin and kissing him. “You’re going to whisk me away, just like that?” “Yes,” said Conrad. “Somewhere far away from here. I have a job prospect in Seattle. My cousin runs a salon there and promised me a spot. Her dad, my uncle, owns a bookshop and is looking for a clerk. It’s not the most romantic of jobs, but it’s open for you.” Tears welled in Lily’s eyes. She saw her future widening before her and it was just as beautiful as she had always imagined. She could not speak, but nodded once. Lily unlocked the front door, opening it slowly and glancing around the darkened front hall. She tugged on Conrad’s hand twice, motioning for him to follow. Quietly. The two tiptoed down the hall. Lily eased her bedroom door opening, pulling Conrad in and shutting it quietly behind him. “Why are we doing this here?” he whispered, taking off his shirt. “If you’re brother catches us he’s going to shoot me.” “He doesn’t own a gun,” said Lily, chuckling under her breath as she wrapped her arms around Conrad’s neck and pulled him onto the bed. “And besides, it gets me so hot and bothered to have you act like such badass.” “Oh, I’m a badass now?” said Conrad, kissing her neck. “Maybe I will put your meathead brother in his place then.” “I can only get so aroused, Conrad.” The two slipped into each other, melding at the hips as they made love in the dark. One room over, Cornelius sat with his back to the wall, listening. Sunlight filtered through the curtains, filling the room with a youthful dawn. Conrad woke up with a sneeze. His face was buried in Lily’s auburn long hair. Spitting out a stray strand, he rolled over and stretched. Lily shifted beside him, moaning sleepily. His eyes still closed, Conrad enjoyed the beams of sun that warmed his face until a large hand covered his mouth. Cornelius stood over him, a finger pressed to his lips. He dragged his hand from Conrad’s lips to his throat, the implication clear. Conrad nodded once, softly. He had soiled himself but was too terrified to care. The warmth dripped down his leg as Cornelius quietly dragged his naked body out from underneath the covers. Keeping his hand on Conrad’s neck, Cornelius led him out into hallway, closing the door behind him. When they made it into the kitchen, Cornelius threw Conrad against the table. Conrad gasped for air, holding his injured side. He looked up to see Cornelius standing over him, smirking. He barely had enough time to catch his breath before he was violently brought to his feet. Cornelius held him at eye level, his breath making Conrad flinch. “So, you liked fucking my sister, huh?” Conrad tried to speak, but Cornelius shook him like a ragdoll until he was quiet. “You gonna put me in my place?” Conrad’s face drained of color and he shook his head. Cornelius only laughed, his cruel face lighting up as his prey sweated. He narrowed his eyes. “I could kill you, you know.” Conrad’s head bobbled back and forth. His body jerked like a marionette as he struggled against the bigger man’s grip. His eyes rolled and his breath came in ragged gasps. Cornelius licked his lips and laughed. “Oh, calm down. I’m not going to kill you. Yet.” Cornelius’ head snapped toward the door where his sister’s sleepy head peered around the corner, confused. “Hey bro, what are you doing?” She looked from Cornelius to Conrad, who was still naked. She scratched her stomach absently, nonplussed by the scene in front of her. This was pretty average behavior for her brother, but she could control him. “Your brother is insane,” said Conrad, pulling back his arm and swinging as hard as he could. Cornelius ducked under it before backhanding Conrad with enough force to snap his neck back. “There she is. I wanted you to watch this, Lily. I wanted you to watch what your big brother does when you don’t listen.” Conrad, dazed and seeing in a dizzy blur, barely registered what was happening at first. Lily was yelling and Cornelius was fending her off with one foot. He felt himself being lifted and his face was plunged into a wet, elastic darkness. Lily continued to yell as her brother lifted her boyfriend above his head, shoving his shoulders into his throat. With each gulp, Conrad fell deeper into the dark confines of Cornelius’ gut. His head was squished and pulled until the tight gullet gave way to a spacious stomach. Panicking, he began to kick, but Cornelius had his legs and continued to gulp, his saliva coating the entirety of Conrad’s lower body. Lily watched in horror as her boyfriend’s face bulged against her brother’s stomach, expanding and contracting with every swallow. Nearly fainting, she sat down hard in a chair and watched as Cornelius’ stomach rippled and grew. Giving one last gulp, Conrad’s body now fully occupied Cornelius’ innards. Her brother burped as he turned his grotesque stomach toward her. Lily could hear Conrad yelling and pounding on the stomach walls. She watched the small bumps appear across Cornelius’ skin as her boyfriend kicked and struggled. Cornelius licked his lips in a lazy daze. His shirt was ripped and as Lily watched, he unbuckled his pants and slid them down to his ankles. Her brother had one hand on his stomach and the other stroking his hard dick. He sat down with an exaggerated sigh. “Are you mad at me Lily? I am going to turn your boyfriend into a steaming pile of shit.” Lily opened and closed her mouth, but could not find the words. Instead, she stood up and stumbled toward her brother, fists clenched. Cornelius watched amused as she swung at him, her fists pounding harmlessly against his chest. He felt his food jump in his stomach and it gave him such pleasure. There was something about watching his sister, who he had desired for so long, realize that her boyfriend would soon be clogging his intestines that awakened the sadistic hunger within him. Tears poured silently down Lily’s face as she continued to hit him. Cornelius gently took her by the wrists and guided her hands to his stomach. Lily nearly threw up. She could physically feel the fight leaving her boyfriend. She wanted to do something, anything, but her brother was watching her. She needed a weapon. Behind her brother, on the kitchen counter, lay a steak knife next to a load of dirty dishes. Trying to be subtle, Lily lowered her head and sniffled as she tried to maneuver behind the chair. Cornelius stopped her with an outstretched leg, pulling her onto his lap. She recoiled as the skin of her leg brushed against her brother’s erection. “Don’t be scared Lily, I’m not going to do anything bad to you. You’re my dear little sister after all, and I want to give you what you want.” Lily looked up into her brother’s smiling eyes. The same eyes that she had been looking into since her parents divorced. The eyes of the man who had taken care of her for so many years. The eyes of the man who had eaten her boyfriend and gained erotic pleasure from it. She wanted to be sick. “Oh Lily, I want to give you everything you ask for,” said Cornelius. “That’s what your brother wants.” “You always have done what I wanted,” said Lily, regaining her composure and sitting up straight. “Yes, I have.” Said Cornelius. “I love you like nothing else. I just couldn’t help myself though, seeing you with that sissy. I didn’t know you wanted to be with him that much.” “I do,” said Lily, back to her petulant self. “I want to be with him. That’s what I want and that’s what you’re going to give me, stupid brother of mine. You always give me what I want.” “Oh, I do,” said Cornelius. “I’ve always had a hard time resisting you. That won’t be a problem anymore though, since you and Conrad will be together forever. He can take care of you.” Lily smiled sweetly before diving out of her brother’s lap, hand outstretched. Cornelius caught her, but not before she had grabbed the knife. Whirling, Lily stabbed wildly. Cornelius, bulkier than usual, could not dodge. A gash appeared on his right forearm as he tried to defend himself. It was over in a few seconds. Lily stopped swinging and as she did, Cornelius kicked the chair into her. Shrieking in pain, Lily dropped the knife and fell to the floor where she was promptly pinned. Cornelius’ wriggling stomach pressed the air out of her chest as he lay on top of her, regaining his own breath. She could hear Conrad moaning. Lily looked up into her brother’s furious eyes, blood running down the gash on his arm, hot as it trickled onto her shoulder. “You’ll be with Conrad forever. I promise. Goodbye Lily.” With that, Lily watched her brother’s mouth open impossibly wide before her head was shoved inside of it. His tongue was squishy and wet and rancid as it glided over her face. Cornelius’ teeth grazed the skin on the back of her neck and he slurped her up. Her world went dark and then cramped as his throat squeezed against her head and shoulder. Cornelius swallowed slower now, savoring the moment. He sat back on the kitchen floor with his sister half hanging out of his mouth. One hand played with her ass as he licked the salty skin of her stomach. With the other hand he began to stroke himself again, gripping lightly as he brought himself closer and closer to climax. Lily’s head finally slid into his stomach, where it was met with Conrad’s thigh, slick with acids. The rest of her body followed, expanding the walls of the already cramped stomach as she glided in. She felt her brother rock, his breath ragged and his heartbeat loud in the confines of his gut. “Lily,” came a voice, weak in the darkness. “Conrad?” she whispered, her knees pressed against her throat. “This is crazy,” came the hoarse voice. “He has to let us out. I’m being digested.” Lily could not see, but she knew it was true. Conrad’s thighs were already melting and she herself was already getting tossed around in the wet gloom. The stomach gurgled around her, eager to begin breaking her down. On the outside, Cornelius was in heaven. He could barely move with the weight of two people in his stomach, so he placed his back against the table and continued to build himself up. It was orgasmic, feeling his sister and her boyfriend struggle inside of him as his stomach turned them into mush. Soon enough they would just be a pile of poop, together forever just as he promised. He slapped his stomach and burped lazily. Inside of him, Lily felt Conrad go still. His leg was mostly melted through and her own body was going soft. Finding a new burst of energy, she kicked and yelled and pounded to no avail. She could hear her brother moan with pleasure as he felt her wriggle. “Keep going, sis.” His voice came as a distant echo, loud in the cavernous space. Suddenly her world was flipped as Cornelius laid on his stomach. She felt his whole body shudder in orgasm as he gave a cry of pleasure. The meager air seemed to be thinning and her world began to spin. As she drifted off, the last things she heard was her own digestion and the ragged breath of her brother. Cornelius could feel his sister and her boyfriend being packed into his intestines, the slurry that was their bodies further breaking down inside him. He knew that releasing them was going to take a while, so he dragged himself into his sister’s room, plopped himself on the bed in front of the tv, and began playing a game. After an hour he was ready. Lifting himself up, he began to push, his asshole widening as the first log began to rumble out of him, his bowels clenching hard. The first steaming pile of poop landed on his sister’s pillow. Cornelius smiled as he imagined what Conrad would have though about this turn of events. Sleeping with his sister one day, shit the next Continuing to push, Cornelius felt his body lighten as his sister squeezed out of him, forming a neat brown log on the sheets that wrapped several times around. It astounded Cornelius that this hot, smelly pile of poop used to be his annoying sister. In the end though, he did get what he wanted. With one final plop, what was once Lily and Conrad lay neatly on the bed. Cornelius wiped with a pair of his sister’s panties, tossing them over his shoulder as he left the room. He wasn’t going to clean them up just yet. He had, or course, promised that they would be together forever. |
“Wake up.” You reluctantly open your eyes. Your body is sore and your head is foggy. Something happened the night before. As you reach for the glass you keep at your bedside, your hand brushes against something large and squishy. You squeeze experimentally, confused to find that a small hard lump is growing in your palm. Rubbing harder, your hand sinks into the smooth surface. Ahh! It feels kind of like… Your eyes snap open. Your mistress lies over your, her face a deep shade of scarlet and her breast between your fingers. You jolt back but find that your legs are trapped beneath her thick thighs and her chubby stomach is flopped over your own. “Well,” she hisses. “Finish what you started.” You reluctantly obey, fondling her breasts until her perky nipples are hard against your fingers. The dragoness places her hands on both sides of your shoulders and kneels over you, her stomach sagging onto your chest. “I don’t eat you and this is how bold you get. Well, I’ve never been one for doing things in half-measures, so let’s go all the way then. You gulp. She obviously noticed the considerable bulge between your legs and was going to punish you for your impudence. As you close your eyes brace for the pain, her claw trails down your stomach until your member is firmly in her grasp. And then warmth. You open your eyes to find that your mistress has placed you between her own legs. Her feminine fluids drip down your cock, pooling against your balls as she moans. She dips downward, letting you brush against her clit and sending a shiver of pleasure up her tail. Her heavy breasts flop above your head. “This means nothing,” she gasps. She’s rubbing against you vigorously now, her stomach slapping against your chin and only then do you notice. Her stomach! It’s huge. Her slitted eyes narrow in mirth as she laughs. “Oh yes. After you failed to provide me with any pleasure last night, I went out and found a new plaything. They were much more…obliging.” GRRRGLE POP You flinch back as she rests her gut on your face. You can’t believe there’s another person on there! Was another person in there… “Don’t you understand? This is your punishment. I am not doing this out of love. I am doing this to show you that your actions have consequen…OH!” Not paying attention, your mistress allowed you to slip inside of her. She bites her lip and pulls back, shuddering. “I, uh. I didn’t expect it to be that big. You humans are so much smaller. I didn’t…oh.” The dragoness sits up straight and lets her full weight rest on your thighs. Your cock is buried deep inside of her as she grabs your arms and forces your hands onto her breasts. You obediently take the milky orbs and begin to knead her nipples between your fingers. In response, your mistress starts to pump. “Ah! Ah!” Memories from last night begin to flicker into your head as the fog of sex holds you in its numbing embrace. She ate you! You were in her stomach! The same stomach that was currently bobbing in front of you, fat and squishy, should have been you! The memory makes you mad. The nerve of your mistress! She eats you and then expects you to behave like a perfect little servant? No! You grab her by her love handles and pull her down hard against your cock. She screams with pleasure as her entire body is wracked with orgasm. Her cunt clenches against you as her claws bite into your shoulders, but you’re not done. “No,” she whispers pathetically as you pull out and rub yourself against her clit. Her mouth is hanging open and you’ve got a perfect view of the back of her throat. Saliva drips onto your face as she licks her lips and pants. You push yourself back inside of her. Her hot cunt pulls at you eagerly. It tightens as you pump, gliding against your shaft. Her scaly stomach drags across your own and gurgles. It’s ready to let its occupant out, but your mistress won’t let it. “I…will get you…for this,” she pants. Tears well in her eyes. She isn’t used to being used and is finding the feeling…liberating. Your orgasm builds inside of you. It feels as though your entire body has been straining for an eternity, holding up the weight of the world. It is time to put down your burden. You cum inside of your mistress, filling her with your seed as she greedily pumps at the base of your shaft, eager to take in every last drop. Completely spent, you flop back into the soft bed. Your body is drenched in sweat. Your mistress lies on top of you, her bulk pressing you into the mattress. “I…” she begins, but her stomach suddenly gives a loud rumble and she blushes. “I have to go.” |
Eris’ stuffed belly shook like a water bed. Its occupants pounded against its insides, pressed tight against the thick, elastic fat that engulfed them. It was dark inside the draenei, and cramped. The unfortunate prey that had happened to fall victim to Eris’ covetous throat kicked against each other in the hot, damp confines, yelling for help. Their bodies coated in digestive fluids, they knew that they only would soon be digested and added to the draenei’s considerable curves. So, they struggled. And her husband enjoyed it. Victor lay in bed with Eris, his cheek pressed firmly against her quaking stomach. It gurgled into its ear, promising him that his wife would soon be soft and squishy. He closed his eyes and let his fingers sink into her pudge. She was warm. He felt safe lying by her side and, despite her flaws, found that he loved her very much. Eris smiled down at her husband and hugged him close. “You always look so apprehensive after I swallow them,” she whispered. “Why the long face, my sweet?” “It’s silly,” he said. “And you already know.” “Mmm. I do. But don’t worry. Soon they will be mush and you’ll still be my husband. No matter how many morsels I go through, you’ll always be by my side.” The blush that spread across Victor’s cheeks was half arousal and half jealousy. Underneath his fingers, he could feel the woman pounding weakly. She was getting tired and there wasn’t much time left. Victor knew that he should not envy her situation. He was sure that it was painful, but he couldn’t help it. He dreamed of sliding down Eris’ hot throat, her tongue lapping against his back as his feet broke into her tight, eager stomach. Eris’ body would surround him and he would listen to the sound of her breathing, as he often did when she slept. Love is all consuming. “You’re such a greedy girl,” he whispered, rubbing her gut. The skin bounced back against his hands. “Two at once? You didn’t even think about it before you shoved them into your gluttonous maw.” Now it was Eris’ turn to blush. She covered her throat self-consciously as she burped into her hand. The two women in her stomach were making her gassy. When she licked her lips, she could still taste them. “You know I can’t help it,” she whined, turning away from her husband. Her stomach jiggled. “And I know that you like it, so there.” She stuck her tongue out at Victor and pretended to sulk. He kissed his way up her arm, grabbed her horn and began sucking on her ear. Despite herself, Eris sighed with pleasure. “That’s cheating,” she murmured, tingles shooting down her spine. Her hooves tapped against the bedframe; a sure sign of her arousal. “Is it, my voracious darling? My voluptuous, exotic pet? My plaything? You don’t dream of their squirming bodies entering your own? Of breaking them down and getting larger and fatter until I can sleep on your stomach as comfortably as I can sleep on our couch? You don’t dream of me feeding you until your boobs are so big that I have to cup them between both hands?” Eris’ cobalt eyes opened wide, drool trickling down the side of her hips. “Ooaaah! You tease.” Victor slipped a hand between her legs and she nearly fainted. “It’s, urp, bad to do this while I’m digesting. My body can’t take it.” “Greedy girls like you deserve a punishment, my darling. Gluttonous, insatiable greedyguts deserve to be fucked into submission.” GLORP! Guuurgle. Eris’ stomach gave a violent shake. A loud, muffled cry resounded for a moment before dying down into a defeated whimper. The draenei’s guests had nearly completed their journey into her bowels and her stomach was getting impatient. It growled and bubbled and sloshed as the girls began their final attempt at exoneration. Grabbing Eris by the legs, Victor dragged her to the edge of the bed. He had to strain to get her considerable bulk to move, but in the end, her chubby legs were thrown over his shoulders and their hips were aligned. Victor rubbed himself against his wife, dragging his cock along her slit and letting her feel him. “You’re already so big,” he whispered, teasing her. “It just takes more and more to satisfy you. Are you sure you want little ol’ me?” Before she could answer, he plunged himself into her wet pussy. She gasped, her eyes rolling back in her head as the sensation rocketed through her body. He pulled himself out slowly and continued to tease her. “It didn’t sound like you liked that, darling. Fat girls like you are so hard to please.” “Please,” Eris begged. “I need it.” Victor laughed. “But you digested those poor girls,” he said, sinking his hands into her engorged gut. It slapped against him, quiet for once. The girls were already packing themselves into her intestines. “I shouldn’t reward you for that.” “You, BWAAARP, fed them to me.” Eris started to rub her legs together, but Victor pushed them apart again. “True,” he said. “I guess you get a pass this time.” They started slow. Victor teased and taunted and let her orgasm build as the two girls broke down in her bowels. His chest slapped meatily against the underside of her stomach. Eris’ fat thighs were heavy on his shoulder, but Victor didn’t care. He was lost in the beauty of his wife and she was lost in post-food bliss. She came, her breasts clutched tight in her hands, her legs wrapped tightly around Victor’s neck. She looked at him expectantly, the almost childish look of joyful apprehension the same as when she had walked down the aisle. “Greedy greedy,” Victor muttered. “You aren’t even satisfied with just one orgasm.” “No,” she purred, rubbing herself against him. “I’m not.” He laughed and thrust harder, letting the friction bring him to the edge himself before pulling out and unloading onto her stomach. His cum dripped between her fat rolls and into her navel. Before he could back away, Eris grabbed him with her tail. “Where do you think you’re going, honey?” Victor tried to pull free, but Eris had him trapped. She dragged him forward until his face was level with her massive ass. It’s hot, musty scent assailed him. “You don’t want to end up there, honey. No no. So, be a good boy and give your greedy wife the orgasm she deserves, hmm?” Victor nodded. Her hands wrapped gently around his head, Eris brought his face to her clit, waited expectantly for him to stick out his tongue, and then shoved it forward. He began to lick eagerly, his face smushed between her chubby thighs. Eris groaned, her gut bulging over her as her back arched. Already, it was beginning to grow larger. An hour passed and Victor lay in his wife’s lap. Her heavy breathing caused small ripples through her body and, just like before, he was listening to her gurgles. “You are,” he whispered, “by far, the most beautiful creature to ever walk the earth and I am so glad, every day, that I married you.” Eris smiled through a yawn. “I can’t imagine life without you anymore,” she said. “Seeing you happy is my greatest pleasure. Without you, the world would be a darker place. I would say that my heaven would be reliving this day over and over again, but that’s not the truth. Because, no matter how good today is, knowing that you will be here tomorrow is even better.” Victor, for once, was silent. He had fallen asleep, curled in his wife’s lap, dreaming of an even better tomorrow. |
“Jeremy! Jeremy, c’mon. You know I can’t move too fast like this. I’ll get indigestion and die and then you’ll feel bad about it forever.” Emily dragged her stomach through the bedroom door and waddled to the living room. Jeremy sat with his back to her. He didn’t look when she entered. The crouch creaked as Emily sank into the cushions. A stifled shout gurgled through her fat gut. She rubbed it as she watched Jeremy press his forehead against the window. Part of her wanted to apologize and part of her wanted to pull him onto the couch and bury him in her affection. Emily didn’t feel bad about the man she had eaten, nor was she overly concerned with his eventual fate. She just wanted Jeremy to pay attention to her. Her tail twitched. “I could look like anything, you know?” Although she couldn’t hear it over the gurgling, Emily thought she saw the window fog as Jeremy huffed. She continued. “I prefer the shape of women and I typically enjoy being humanoid, but there were a lot of options to choose from. I spent weeks staring down at this town. I wanted inspiration, you know? That’s when I saw you.” Emily placed a hand on Jeremy’s back. When he didn’t shrug it off, she scooted closer to him, resting her kicking gut against his spine. “You looked so shy,” she whispered. “Like you were waiting for someone to hurt you. And your face was beautiful. There’s tragedy in your eyes as well as naïve hope. I like the way your nose curves. I wanted to press my lips against yours and hold your small body to my chest. I wanted you to pin me down by my shoulders and overpower me.” She laughed as Jeremy blushed. He tried to elbow her, but when his arm brushed her stomach he stopped. He turned until their noses almost touched. Emily could feel his warm breath on her cheek. It excited her. It always had. “So why this?” Jeremy asked. “Out of everything you could have been, you chose a pink-haired cat girl. You could have been a model.” “Well,” Emily said, resisting the urge to kiss him. “It’s because I thought this was what you liked. This body is lithe and mobile and cute. I like to twitch my ears and the tail is really fun. I could have gone with small boobs, but I think you like these more.” Emily thrust out her enormous chest. Jeremy followed it with his gaze as it bounced and quivered. “I love you, Emily.” Now it was Emily’s turn to act flustered. She stuck out her bottom lip and crossed her arms. “Then why are you so mad at me?” She huffed. “You always storm off and act like you hate me and then I have to come running after you every single time. Sometimes I think that it would be better for you if I left.” Jeremy kissed her. Emily had been waiting for it. She grabbed the back of his head and let the kiss deepen. Her head spun. She couldn’t breath and she didn’t want to. If coming up for air meant breaking this kiss, then she would gladly suffocate. Eventually, Jeremy pulled away. He smiled at her. She melted. “Never leave,” he said. “Never ever leave me. Stay with me for the rest of my short human life-span. I couldn’t bear a day without you.” A loud rumble filled the room. The occupant of Emily’s stomach had settled down and was starting to relax in her digestive tract. The firmness of her stomach was starting to round out and soften. “I think,” Jeremy said, rubbing his hand over Emily’s thigh, “That I felt like I should be mad about you eating people.” “Why?” she complained. “You didn’t know them. And besides, you love it when my tummy is big and soft like this.” “You’re right. I didn’t know them and I do love it. I love watching them press against the inside of your belly. It’s so soft looking. I want to bury my face in it. Part of me wants to be inside of you too and part of me is happy to watch from the outside. It’s confusing.” Emily cradled Jeremy’s head in her arms. She laid him gently across her stomach and pressed his ear to it. He listened patiently to the sounds of digestion. They soothed him. He wanted them. He wanted Emily. “Is that all?” she purred. “Was that your only hang up?” “They’re dead,” he said. “You digested them.” “Does that upset you?” “No. But I feel like it should.” “Then what do you want to do?” He wrapped his arms around her gut and hugged it close to himself. It vibrated gently beneath him. Emily let him luxuriate for a minute before she pushed him into the cushions and laid her weight on top of him. Squashed beneath her fat, Jeremy allowed himself to relax for the first time that day. He reached around her back and grabbed the base of her tail. Emily inhaled sharply. “Hey now, kitten,” she said. “Careful with that.” Ignoring her, Jeremy continued to play with her tail, running his finger along the underside. Emily arched her back and purred. The motion buried Jeremy further beneath her. He grabbed her ass and enjoyed the squishiness. Soon they were making out, the sun setting outside of their tiny apartment. The rest of the night was a blur of pulled hair, biting and two sound complaints. -- In the morning, Jeremy woke to the soft sound of Emily’s breathing. She snored with her mouth open, pink tongue poking out. Her legs were twisted in the sheets, arms splayed at awkward angles. Her chest rose and fell in gentle waves. She sniffled and licked her lips, but she didn’t wake up. Jeremy looked around their bedroom. Their clothes were scattered across the wood floor. Sunlight filtered through the blinds, illuminating the remains of the Chinese takeout they had ordered and left abandoned on the nightstand. The day they had met, Emily had insisted that they take a photo to commemorate the moment. In it, Jeremy’s embarrassed grin was forever immortalized, plastered across his face as the girl of his dreams leaned against his shoulder. “Maybe I have become a touch more adventurous,” he mused, staring at his lover. He chuckled to himself before rolling over on top of her. She greeted him with a sleepy kiss. |
“You chose the wrong room.” The girl screamed, but the sound was muffled under Ren’s ass. She sat back and let the girl suffocate beneath her for a moment before easing up. The girl’s lips brushed against her asshole and Ren shuddered before letting out a gut-wrenching fart. FRRRRRRRRT! “Enjoy it while you still can,” Ren purred as the girl coughed. “It will be worse on the inside. You’ll be snuggled up with the last snack that made his way to my chambers.” “Mmmrmmph!” The girl’s arms were bound behind her head. Ren hadn’t bothered with her legs. Let her squirm. Let her kick and scramble and scream her pretty little head off. Let her call for help and when it doesn’t arrive, let her succumb to Ren’s body. She loved the moment when they pleaded for their life. She could shove them down her throat, fart on them or force them to eat her out, but please spare their life! Sometimes she would. Sometimes she would allow the brave ones to simmer in her ass for days on end, living among her excrement. She would carry them around the castle, gut bulging for all to see. For shame! Maybe she would let their head out between her asscheeks and let the onlookers gawk at their shit-smeared faces. Oh yes, when she was done with them, they didn’t want to live. Soon this pretty little blond-haired bimbo would be looking at her colon, but for now? Let her squirm. “I can feel you shaking down there,” Ren called over her shoulder. “Are you so eager for another snack that you can’t wait? Let nobody say that I’m anything but kind.” FRAAAAAAAP! The girl’s cheeks filled with Ren’s gas. She swallowed, allowing the rancid air to enter her body. Ren shuddered with delight. This was the breaking point. “How did it taste?” she asked. “Good? There’s plenty more where that came from. Maybe you would like it straight from the source.” There was no response. The girl’s face, slick with sweat and juices, had already slipped into Ren’s fat ass. She lifted herself into standing position and caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror. The girl’s head and shoulders were trapped in her derriere, pinioning her arms to her sides. Ren braced the girl’s feet on the headboard and shoved. Her ass glided over her thin arms, locking around her navel. Now, only her legs remained outside. Ren could feel the girl gasping for breath in her packed intestines. Her hair would be covered in slime and whatever was left of her lunch. The girl pushed against her innards but only managed to make Ren moan. It felt good to be full, and the imprint that the girl’s face made in her tummy was to die for. She looked so confused! “Why you?” Ren mocked, pulling her asscheeks apart. “Why were you the one who stumbled through my door? Did you do something wrong? No. You were just unfortunate. Life’s a bitch, isn’t it?” She squatted and the girl’s legs slorped into her gut. The girl twisted in her intestines. She couldn’t move an inch. Ren feel back onto the bed and began to trace her progress, letting her finger glide over her bulging belly. “It must be hot in there,” she laughed. “And I’ll bet it smells really bad. It’s so tight that you have to breath from your mouth and that’s so much worse. Because then you have to eat my farts. They taste horrible, no? Be grateful. They’re your only food. And at the end of the ride, you’ll be in my stomach and I’ll feed you to some other idiot. It’s the circle of life.” Struggling. Screaming. Kicking. None of it mattered. The girl would slide and stew and cook until she was ready to be digested and then she would be forced to make the same journey in reverse. Ren laughed. “Welcome to The Castle. Enjoy your stay.” |
The adventurer plunged through the door and found himself inside the castle’s foyer. The stone walls were festooned with ornate tapestries depicting scenes of feasts long past. A wood fire crackled in the fireplace, casting its flickering light over a pair of comfortable armchairs. The adventurer watched the shadows along the walls, his caution replaced by a growing exhaustion. Then he caught a flash of movement and heard the click of the door locking behind him. “Where is the treasure?” he asked, squinting into the dim light. Laughter echoed through the chamber and a figure rose from one of the chairs. Despite her small stature, the adventurer gulped. Her eyes were two different colors. Trickster. Bad news. Her bodice wrapped tightly around her substantial chest, tapering off before her pale midriff. She wore hot pink cutoffs over black and red leggings. Her belt buckle was a five-pointed star. Her hair was white and black. A thick tail wrapped around her hips. She wasn’t even trying to hide her inhuman form. The adventurer’s heart sank further. It meant that she was confident that she didn’t have to. “Who are you?” he asked. Hand behind his back he tried the door. Locked. “Sorry pal,” the trickster said. “I’ve made a deal and been paid in full. You won’t leave this room for the next two days. If the sucker who bought my cooperation hasn’t stolen it by then, I’m sure you’ll have a go at that treasure. I’m Tizzy, by the way. I’m sure we’ll get real intimate before these two days are up.” The adventurer didn’t like the way she smiled when she said that. “What’s to stop me from leaving,” he said, holding his fists in front of him. A loud gurgle filled the room. Tizzy laughed again. “I believe that I’m more than enough,” she said. “You don’t even have a weapon.” “They…they told me to leave it at the gate.” “Potions? Equipment?” The adventurer was beginning to sweat. “It was part of the riddle to make it through the front door,” he said. Tizzy shook her head. “You really are an idiot. I’m starting to feel bad for the man who summoned me. You wouldn’t have made it past the stairs. She leaned against the back of the armchair and yawned, her mouth opening impossibly wide. Even in the dimness, the adventurer could see all the way down her pink throat. The sinking feeling deepened. “What did he pay you?” he asked. “I can pay more.” “Hmm, it’s not my policy to disclose a client’s bargain, but I guess you aren’t going anywhere but my gut,” Tizzy said, holding her thin stomach. The adventurer paled as Tizzy licked her lips. “He paid with a bit of his strength. A touch of his luck. Two years of life and a memory most dear to him.” “I can do better!” Tizzy shook her head. “A deal’s a deal. I’ll give you my business card when this is all over.” She approached the adventurer. Twenty feet. The adventurer fumbled with something behind his back. Ten feet. He pulled off the bronze safety measure. Five feet. He couldn’t let her get closer! With a shout, the adventurer whipped a bottle at Tizzy, greenish flames illuminating her bored expression. She caught the bottle with no effort and let it fall harmlessly onto the carpet. “Alchemist’s fire,” she purred, putting a hand on the adventurer’s chest. “I guess you’re not such an idiot after all. But no matter.” “What…what are you going to do to me?” the adventurer stammered. Tizzy looked up at him. Her left eye was purple and her right eye green. “I am going to keep you right here,” she said, placing the adventurer’s hand on her bare stomach. “But don’t worry. You’ll be alive and whole throughout the entire process, although it’s a long, hot ride through my intestines. And I can’t promise I won’t have a little fun while you’re in there.” Tizzy opened her mouth. She pressed the adventurer against the door, his hand still on her stomach, and made him watch as she gulped. He felt the spit splash into her stomach. He felt it rumble in anticipation. Tizzy let her chest slide across the man’s ribs and come to a jiggling halt beneath his chin. He flushed. Tizzy giggled. “I’ll start with your arms.” The adventurer found his hands covered in hot saliva as Tizzy drew them over her tongue and into her throat. She gulped and he felt a tug, his hands squeezing into her small body. Only when they were up to his elbows did he begin to panic. “Let me go!” he shouted. “I’ll give you anything.” Tizzy rolled her mismatched eyes at him and gulped once more. His head was now being pulled toward the dripping maw. Her tongue rose to greet it. She licked his face, soaking him in her slobber. Her stomach groans were coming more frequently now, and the adventurer could swear this his fingertips had already broken into the caustic sac. Warm, stale breath washes over his head and neck until, with a moan, Tizzy swallowed it whole. Inside of her ridged throat the adventurer tried to yell. Her tongue continued to lubricate his chest as gulp after gulp sent him further and further into her body until his head squeezed into her stomach. It stretched to accommodate his frame as his chest, hips and legs finally filled the tight space. Already, he was covered in stomach acids and mush as Tizzy waddled back to her armchair, jiggling him incessantly. She poked at her round gut, letting it hang over her legs. The adventurer slid from side to side, slipping through her insides and pressing against her navel. “You’re magic,” the adventurer cried. “Why did you have to eat me.” Tizzy burped and a wet piece of the adventurer’s tunic flopped onto the carpet. She toed it into the fire, arching her back. Her stomach wobbled. She smiled as the adventurer kicked and thought that maybe she should digest him after all. It would definitely keep him from seeking the treasure in the immediate future. “Personal preference,” she said, resting her cheek on her palm. “Now start thrashing before I get bored and decide to digest you.” The adventurer did as he was told and for two days nobody disturbed them, although those that passed the door thought they could hear a series of thumps and the cruel, unapologetic laughter of a woman who got the better end of a deal. |
The couch wouldn’t support the weight of their lovemaking and so they had to move to the bedroom. Joy shed her dress in the hallway, letting the fine fabric drop to the floor. If Tyler hadn’t been so distracted by her voluptuous form, he might have frowned at the waste of resources. He was still a miser at heart. Joy’s mountainous stomach leapt as Anette struggled desperately against its soggy interior. She kicked and pleaded, wheedled and cried. Unfortunately for her, Joy loved the pounding sensation inside of her and purred as she pressed against the soft lumps of the other woman’s form. It was satisfying to feel full. It was satisfying to be able to do whatever she wanted to her guest. She would enjoy the softness of her gut in the morning when Anette would be absorbed throughout her body, giving her boyfriend more to play with. Speaking of which… “You were mean to me tonight,” Joy said. Tyler was already flopped on their enormous bed. He looked up from the satin sheets and smiled. “Darling, you’re smarter than me in so many ways, but sometimes you can be real dense. That’s why we take care of each other. You’re my queen, baby.” “Queen you say?” Joy purred, crawling onto the bed. Her body engulfed Tyler’s, squashing him under her fat. “And what does that make you?” Tyler barked with laughter. “Certainly not a King,” he said. “What’s the male version of a mistress? Whatever Rasputin was, I want to be that.” Joy dipped her breast against his face, letting it conform to the shape before dragging it off of him. She did it with the other, smothering him until he tapped her shoulder. He gasped. It was hard to breath with Joy’s stomach pressed against his diaphragm. The cries had grown quiet. “What’s the matter, bitch?” Tyler asked. “Done for the night? It’s too bad that you’re still moving, because we’re about to shake you up real good.” While Joy maneuvered into a better position, Tyler slid his pants off. To say he was endowed would be an understatement. Only the most ‘talented’ of men would even be able to penetrate Joy, much less give her the kind of pleasure that Tyler could. It was what had initially drawn him to the whore when they were both on the streets. “Go easy on me tonight, baby,” Tyler said. “I’m still sensitive from the last time.” Joy squeezed his balls and Tyler gasped. She ran a finger across his thighs and along his shaft. He was already hard, but Joy knew from experience that she could get him throbbing. She sat on top of him, a queen on her throne, teasing him. When she burped, her entire body shook. Tyler grabbed her love handles and squeezed, his eyes on her stomach. When he was hard enough, Joy crouched above him, letting her hot juices drip onto his cock. The sensation drove shivers up Tyler’s spine. He wriggled beneath her, trapped by her fat thighs and loving every second of it. Slowly, Joy lowered herself onto his cock, inch by inch until he was deep inside of her. Tyler could feel the rumble of her gut from within and even the faint final struggles of the trapped girl. Joy’s cunt squeezed along his shaft as she rose and then slammed back down. Her stomach slapped against Tyler’s chest, driving the air from his lungs. She continued to fuck him, every thrust turning to lightening in her veins. Her weariness departed. The girl bounced around her gut which gurgled mightily, invigorated with the exercise. Tyler grabbed at her thighs and gasped. “Baby,” he said. “Baby that’s too OH- too fast. Ah god.” The thick smack of their skin echoed through the room. Joy’s fat ass spread across his legs. She grinded herself on his cock, pushing it deeper and deeper. Her body pulsed. She was nearing completion. Anette had begun to trickle into her intestines. It felt so good. Just a few more pumps. Just a few more… Release! A moan broke from Joy’s throat, rising with her pleasure as wave after wave of warmth throbbed within her. She tightened around Tyler and he gasped, the sudden heat pushing him toward his own orgasm. With a grunt he let go, spraying Joy’s insides with his seed. Joy rolled onto her back and held her legs in the air. Sweat lined the bed. Tyler stared at the ceiling in a daze, peaceful for the first time that night. Joy’s stomach gurgled in the still air. Her body was working overtime to push the girl through the winding loops of her intestines, breaking it down into manageable pieces and distributing them throughout. Joy held the base of her gut and heaved. The skin wobbled hypnotically. Despite feeling like she had melted into the bed, Joy knew she had to get up. “Bath?” she asked, stepping gingerly onto the carpeted ground. “Sure,” Tyler muttered. “Run it hot for me. Should help with digestion.” “Alright,” Joy said, shuffling to the bathroom. The night wore on and the two ex-thieves settled down for a well-deserved rest. Outside, twenty stories down, a detective sat in his car staring up at the building. Staring up at the top floor. |
Oni. Red. Puck watched the creature from behind a shelf. She held her dagger at her side. Despite the apparent danger, she couldn’t help but gawk at the antics of her would-be adversary. Tara was drunk. She held a wineskin in both fists and was alternating between them, sitting on an open cask. Hiccupping, she tried to hold one of the skins under the spigot but ended up falling off of the barrel. She lay on the ground giggling to herself. “Why do they pay me to watch the stairs when there’s an entire pantry worth watching?” she mumbled. “Someone has to make sure that nobody steals the snacks.” She raised a muscled arm toward the shelves, then let it flop onto the ground. “Are you going to steal the snacks?” she called. Puck froze. She had been padding silently toward the back of the pantry, but somehow the Oni had caught wind. A dagger flew from her hand and slammed into the barrel, right next to Tara’s horn. Red wine spewed from the gap and Tara let it trickle between her lips. Her white sash was already stained crimson. “Mm-thanks. I couldn’t, hic, work the handle. Life is hard for a guard, but as long as you aren’t taking anything, I don’t mind your company.” Tara sat up and beckoned with a clawed finger. Puck approached from the shadows, her dagger tucked under her cloak. Tara squinted at her in the gloom, a smile spreading across her face. “Hey!” she yelled, staggering to her feet. “You’re really pretty. I bet people tell you that all the time.” Puck blushed. “I want no fight with you, guard,” she called. “I am just searching for a secret passage. My intelligence suggested that the pantry was a likely hiding place. Do you know of it?” “Yeah,” Tara said. “I wondered why they put a door under the wine! I thought it was so the cook could uh, the cook could sneak it any time he wanted. But I’ve been watching! Yeah, I’ve been making sure that nobody takes the wine.” “I won’t steal your wine, but perhaps you would let me through the passage,” Puck said, easing closer to Tara. The hidden blade shook in her hand. She would loath to stab the friendly Oni, but she’d do what she had to. “Sure!” Tara said. “But you’ll have to put down that dagger. Makes me nervous.” Shit, Puck thought. There was a snap second where she considered lunging, but the Oni towered over her. If she had noticed the dagger, then she would definitely be able to react to the attack in time. Instead, Puck dropped her weapon and cloak. “Wow!” Tara yelled. “You’re even prettier up close.” Puck stood shivering in her skivvies. All she wore under her cloak was a white shift and a pair of loose shorts. Tara sniffed her golden hair. It was chopped short to avoid giving an opponent something to grab, but Tara ogled it for so long that Puck began to get embarrassed. Tara touched her arm and she flinched. “You’re really really cute,” Tara mumbled, rubbing her smooth skin. “Why are you even in this castle? It’s dangerous.” “I know,” Puck said. Her face was an inch away from Tara’s chest. It wobbled under her nose, tantalizingly close. “But my family is in danger. The village where I grew up is going to be raided. I heard that the treasure this castle holds will grant my wish.” “Why didn’t you say so?” Tara said. Their lips were nearly touching. Puck gulped. Tara’s hot breath caressed her cheek. “I like you a lot. I’ll scare away the mean ones. Let me take care of you.” “I-” Puck began, but Tara kissed her and it didn’t matter anymore. The Oni took her in her strong arms and swept her off her feet. Puck’s shoulders rose, then sank as she melted into the kiss, letting her worries wash away. Warm tears trickled down her face. “It’s been,” she sniffled. “So scary. I didn’t know what I was doing. I’ve been so worried.” Tara stared at Puck as if she were the most beautiful thing in the universe. Her drunken brain couldn’t comprehend the full gravity of the situation, but she knew that she loved this girl. Her mind made up, she gently lifted Puck to eye level. “I will protect you,” she said. “You don’t have to cry anymore. You don’t have to fight anymore. Tara will protect you.” Puck laughed as Tara gripped her around the waist and held her over her head. Tara opened her mouth, opened her throat, and dropped Puck into her waiting stomach. She swallowed her with a single gulp. “Don’t worry,” she said as Puck pounded against the slimy interior. “I will let you out. But the castle is dangerous and until we get outside, I have to keep you safe. Trust me, human. You can rely on Tara.” “Okay,” called Puck, nestled into the warm nook of Tara’s stomach. It hummed against her cheek, swinging when Tara moved. “Okay, I trust you.” Tara patted her stomach, bending to collect her discarded wineskins. She considered trying the spigot again, but decided that cracking the lid open was much easier. Tara filled the first skin and brought it to her mouth before remembering her new occupant. She beamed. Puck felt so close inside of her. She burped and Puck laughed. Tara laughed too. She would protect the girl and when her work was done, maybe Puck would come with her. At the castle doors, Tara looked back and stuck out her tongue. Foo on their treasure! Tara had already found hers. She stumbled out into the open world and smiled. Her gut heavy against her hips, she strolled over the bridge and into a bright new future. |
She…I can’t believe it! Nel’s managed to get Einar’s cock in her mouth! She has him pinned! She’s gulping levels like crazy! The arena was a dusty haze, but the audience could make out the combatants in the middle. Nel had the giant pinned on his back, his arms trapped under her knees. Her colossal ass sank onto his face, suffocating him in her sweaty crack as she continued to slurp away at his cock. The giant roared. His humiliation was being broadcast in front of thousands. A voice crackled over the loudspeaker. Here it comes, or should I say, here he comes! The giant’s cock throbbed, a bulge traveling from the base to the tip and disappearing into Nel’s throat. She swallowed, her muscled body growing. Einar’s head was now completely engulfed by her ass, his bearded mouth dangerously close to her wet slit. In a motion, she could bury his head in her cunt. For now, she continued to suck away his power. That was 15 levels of power. Nel has stolen a total of 23 levels, bringing down to 46! If this continues, I’m not sure how much fight he’ll have left in him. GULP! Another gulp and another 6 levels swallowed. Nel disengaged, letting his saliva coated cock fall between his thighs. It was much smaller than when she started. She turned, letting her massive stomach drag over the giant’s chest. He groaned. She was taunting him. Him! Einar the Great! Brother of the current champion. Who was he to be bested by this upstart? Einar roared. He dragged his legs out from beneath Nel and flipped onto his feet. He swayed, but did not fall, bringing all of his latent power into his fist as it rocketed toward Nel’s head. Then stopped. Nel’s eyes flashed up at the combatant. The pattern was hypnotic. He couldn’t look away. He tried to move his arm forward and could not. He was charmed. She smiled at him, brushing off her red skin. Her chest guard had torn during the scuffle and her breasts flopped to the sides of her immense gut. Einar gritted his teeth as she stood. She was now taller than he was. “I rather like your charm ability,” she said, spreading her arms for the crowd. They cheered, the raucous chorus filling the stadium with fiery chants. She’s stolen his charm ability! His signature move! Einar is completely under her power! How will he ever escape? “Never thought it would backfire, huh?” Nel asked. She grabbed onto Einar’s arm and twisted. He screamed in pain, falling to a knee. The audience’s roar grew to a dull whisper. Einar the Giant hung his head in shame. There was nothing left for him to do. There was no honor in this defeat. Even in his charm-addled mind he knew that there would be no mercy from Nel. She pushed him onto his hands and sat on his back. His knees buckled and he fell to the floor, squashed flat by the sheer weight of his opponent. “Did you forget? I have so much of your strength now. It felt good, right? My lips on your cock? I put the head of it right against the back of my throat. It was worth it, right?” Einar was rolled onto his back. Nel’s stomach towered over him. She let it drop onto his face as she sat, guiding his cock into her. “You’re hard? Hilarious. I’m sure you like being dominated, don’t you? Is that why you fight? So that a woman will eventually add you to her curves? Your wish will be granted.” She’s riding him! Her belly is flopping up and down, slamming into his face! You can barely see his legs under her ass! We have some jealous fans here in the stadium, I tell you what! Another bulge flowed from his cock into Nel. She took his legs, pinning his feet together and lifting them into her cunt. He hung underneath her as she paraded around the stadium, dripping viscous liquid over his entire body. “Eat him up! Eat him up!” the crowd chanted. Nell raised and hand and the crowd went quiet. She sat on the floor, pulled Einar out of her, and planted his head against her moist slit. Her eyes flashed and he found himself uncharmed, yet powerless to stop her. He was dragged screaming headfirst into her cunt, to the applause of the audience. Is she? She is! Nel is masturbating with the champion’s brother! Has she no shame? Of course not! Nel roared with pleasure. Einar thrashed inside of her, rubbing against her clit and riling her up even more. Her orgasm was building. Her body was quivering. She had a man’s torso inside of her and it felt. So. Damn. Good! She came and the audience went wild. Einar’s soaked body lay motionless on Nel’s thighs. “Shall I finish him?” she yelled, and the audience started another chant. “In your ass! In your ass!” they chanted. Nel looked down at the pathetic would-be contender. “Looks like you’re going into my ass,” she said. Einar groaned. Nel placed his head against her asshole and he could smell the musky odor of her bowels churning above him. He looked at her pleadingly, hoping to maintain even a scrap of honor. Nel didn’t even look at him as she shoved his lubed-up face into her bowels. She’s doing it! Einar’s head is in her ass! She’s spreading her cheeks and he’s being sucked in! Slurped up! His arms are pinned and there is nothing he can do. Is that? Yes it is! You can see his face through her skin. He looks like he’s having a hard time. Einar writhed inside of Nel. Her intestines were slimy. They smelled awful. It was dark and he could barely hear the crowd beyond the rumbles of her colon hard at work. She was going to turn him into shit! Right in front of everyone! Just as he was about to give in, he felt a tug. He slid backward through her ass, his bare chest gliding out into the sunlight. His head exited with a pop and the world was loud again. The audience was laughing. He lay in a daze as Nel grabbed a bucket of water and poured it over him, washing away the muck. His vision blurred, then snapped back into crystal focus as Nel grabbed ahold of him and lifted him above her head. Here she goes, the loudspeaker blared. The swallowing technique! She’s only allowed to do this in the tournament, so she better stock up on fighters while she can! It took Einar a moment to realize that his feet were already inside of Nel’s mouth. She sucked against his calves, staring up at him as she lowered them into her throat. “No!” he bellowed. “You can’t! Please!” Nel ignored him and continued to swallow. He felt as if he was being lowered into a wet cavern. The walls of her throat pulsed against his legs. Her spit warmed his thighs and to his embarrassment, he got hard for the third time that fight. Nel’s tongue wiggled through his knees and up to his cock. She licked it, letting it flop over her tongue as she dragged it across his balls. Another gulp and he was halfway inside. His chest was between her teeth now. He reached out and touched her moist lips, running a finger over them. Maybe this wasn’t the worst thing, being consumed by Nel. Her lips closed over his head and he was left in the dark. She opened her mouth one last time and the audience caught a glimpse of Einar’s face in the back of her throat. He tried to say something, but she swallowed, sending him down into her stomach. A hologram popped up in front of her chest to reveal his level as he churned inside of her. 16! 13 and dropping fast. 10. 8. 6. 5. 4. 2. 1! 1 more level and Nel will have absorbed Einar. She’s grinning at the crowd? Will she do it? Bwaaaaarp! With a large burp, the number hit zero. Nel’s blue hair gained a grey highlight down the center, a sign that she had completely absorbed the other fighter. Her stomach sloshed and jiggled as she made her way to the exit. She blew a kiss to the audience before disappearing into the pits. -- “You have a lot of nerve, coming here.” The champion stood with his arms crossed in front of his barrel chest. Even with Nel’s growth, he stood a head above her. His eyes were as grey as a storm at sea and his hair was a tangled black. Muscles bulged against his skin, giving him a statuesque appearance. He was immovable. He was invincible. He was Throm, the Destroyer. “Release my brother,” he said. “Release him and you will leave the battlefield tomorrow with your honor intact. If not, I will be forced to cut your stomach in two and tear him from your entrails. You will die in the dirt like a common pig. This I promise you.” “Shove it,” said Nel, bulling past him. “I’m covered in dust and grime and I want to take a shower.” Throm grabbed her arm and she pulled herself free. “I wouldn’t do that,” she called over her shoulder. “The last man who grabbed me like that ended up inside of my ass. I went easy on him, but I bet that you could last a full week inside of me. You look strong enough.” “Forget the battlefield,” Throm yelled, picking up his axe. “I shall have my satisfaction here and now!” He charged and Nel turned on her heel, looking him dead in the eye. He stopped, axe raised, his face a mask of confusion. “How?” he asked. Nel ramped up the charm. Throm began to feel dizzy. “Your brother had a unique ability,” she said. “And I’ll bet you even knew about it. You meatheads are all the same. You think that your strength will save you. Well guess what? Your strength belongs to me now. Throm already had his pants around his ankles. His enormous cock hung loose, taking up the entire bench. Nel shuddered, eager to have it inside of her. She stroked the shaft, using her entire hand to tease it into arousal. It began to stiffen, growing even larger under her tender ministrations. Throm sat pacified as Nel wrapped her mouth around it and fed it down her throat. “Ah,” he murmured. “I’ve never had anyone do this before. It was always too big.” “I swallowed your brother, hun. Your cock is no big deal.” Throm just nodded. Nel’s tongue pressed against the base, gliding along until his balls smacked against her lips. The tip of his cock broke into her stomach. Nel cradled his balls in her warm hands and drew her head back. “You’re going to cum,” she said. “Right into my stomach. Right onto your brother. Is that okay with you?” “Nnrg.” Throm tried to fight against the charm. Nel’s eyes continued to flash. Maybe he would have been able to break free if some part of his brain didn’t want to see what happened next. The hot pulsations of her throat against his cock had shattered his will. His eyes dulled again and he just nodded. Nel took him in her mouth and continued to deep throat him. Every thrust brought his cock deeper into her stomach. Nel kneeled at the end of the bench, letting her gut rest on the floor as she worked, sucking the champion for all he was worth. She didn’t drain levels. She wasn’t doing this for glory. She was doing this to prove a point. Cum began to build inside the champion. His balls grew tender and his cock throbbed against the slick flesh of her throat. He pumped and pumped and pumped until, at the height of pleasure, he came, erupting into Nel’s stomach with the force of an earthquake, filling her gut with cum. “Was that good, sweetie?” she asked, wiping her mouth. “Yeah,” said Throm. “That was good.” “Good,” Nel said, sizing up the champion. “Can you do one more thing for me, sweetie?” “Mmhmm.” “Could you see if my throat looks okay? I think you might have bruised it on the way out.” Throm leaned forward on the bench and looked down her throat. The inside was a wet, pulsing display of muscle all the way down. Her tongue tickled his beard as he looked closer, dipping his head into her mouth. “I don’t see anything,” he said. “Keep looking, baby.” Nel’s breath was hot against his face. He could smell the gurgling concoction of her gut, a mix of cum and half-digested food. And sweat. Sweat? Something in Throm’s mind clicked. His brother! His brother had been in her gut when he…came. He had filled her gut with cum, regardless of her brother. Nel followed Throm’s face as it glided down her throat. She didn’t swallow, just let him slide until his legs kicked their way past her lips and down into her body. Throm thrashed and fought, but there was nothing he could do to damage Nel’s fleshy interior. He settled into her core, his body covered in his own cum and her juices, trapped in her belly like his brother had been. Her fat pushed against him, squishing him. OOUURRP! “Can’t tell how many levels I’m sucking from you until I get to my room, big boy. Have fun in my gut until then.” Nel passed by several other fighters on the way to his room, but nobody could tell that there was somebody resting inside of her. Her ass clapped as she walked. The ground shook. Making her way to her bed, she lay with her gut high above her. A scanner ran over her and she grinned. “Still level 80, huh? Let’s fix that.” She strained and her stomach began to gurgle. Acids crashed against Throm and the walls began to squeeze against him. His entire body was being massaged into her fleshy interior. “67. 64. 50.” Throm yelled, but nobody was around to hear it. The sound died, cut off by Nel’s fat and muscle. She was just too big. “48.” His vision was getting dark. “45.” He couldn’t breath. “43.” Blackout. -- Throm awoke on an unfamiliar bed, covered in cum and wondering where he was. He put a hand against his head. Pain thudded against his temple, making it hard to think. What had he been doing the night before? He glanced at the clock and froze. 3:30? Morning or afternoon. He opened the blinds and squinted as bright sunlight filtered in. “Shit!” he yelled, running from the room. “The fight!” -- Nel was waiting for him when he entered the arena. She wasn’t wearing any armor. She didn’t have to. The Champion appears! But what’s this? He looks much smaller than usual. Throm looked down at his body. It was about as muscular as always, wasn’t it. Then he looked at Nel and his jaw dropped. She loomed over him, a full three heads taller. Just one of her boobs was bigger than his entire chest and when she opened her mouth and burped, the entire stadium rocked. A piece of his armor, soaked in saliva, slapped against his chest. “Excuse me!” Nel called. “Don’t you remember our date last night? How you bloated my big, fat stomach?” A gasp went up from the crowd. Throm looked at the scanner and shook. Nel’s level? 142. His? 40. He turned and Nel had him in her giant fist, flinging him across the arena and into the stone wall. He crashed against it, breaking the bricks as he fell to the floor. 142! Her level is 142! An unprecedented high! We have never seen it in this arena. Look on, folks. We are witnessing history. The ground rumbled as Nel approached. Throm took up a fighting stance, waiting with his fists in front of his chin. When Nel was close enough he swung, the air crackling under the pressure of his punch. His fist slammed into her gut. And bounced. His entire body was thrown backward as his punch rebounded, sending him flying. He landed in the middle of the arena, groaning. Nel’s ass blocked out the sun as she stood over him, giving him a fantastic view of her underbelly. The sight of her powerful hips descending toward him made Throm hard. He wished he hadn’t been. His cock slipped into Nel and the audience gasped. She slid down the length of it, her ass entombing his entire torso and head. His face was pressed directly into her asshole. Her pucker opened to meet him, the hot, rancid air washing over him as it slipped over his head and onto his neck. Then Nel sat up and he was freed. He gasped for air, putting an arm beneath himself, intending to rise but failing. His cock throbbed in the warm embrace of Nel’s cunt. She shook herself over his head, then began to sit again. She fucked him reverse cowgirl until the sun began to set. His face and shoved into her ass time and time again, the sweaty crack swallowing him whole. Nel screamed her victory and the audience called back. Her body began to shake with orgasm and his legs were splashed. Throm’s cock thumped against her cervix and he let go, cumming deep inside of her. When she lifted herself off of him, he glanced at the scanners. 20 levels. Throm only has 20 levels left. What can he do against such dominance? Nothing, thought Throm. There is nothing I can do. Nel stood with her legs spread apart, waiting for him to stand. He rose to meet her, his head barely tall enough to graze her pelvis. The heat from her cunt washed over him like hot breath. He couldn’t see her face from under her stomach, but he knew what she wanted him to do. It would be the ultimate degradation. “Lick,” she demanded, loud enough for the audience to hear. “Lick and I might let you live. Lick like the dog that you are. Pleasure me like a man and keep your honor.” “Lick her cunt, lick her cunt!” This was the ultimate spectacle. Throm looked between Nel’s legs at the sea of faces, each one waiting for his him to make his choice. Would he die with honor like a warrior? Or would he pleasure his opponent like a whore? The announcer was yelling over the loudspeaker, but he couldn’t hear it. Throm put his fist against Nel’s mountainous thigh, stood on his toes, and licked. Nel sat on the ground and spread her legs. It was the same way she had humiliated his brother. This time, instead of forcing him into her, she waited for him to come. He knelt between her legs and took her clit in his mouth. The salty taste nearly made him gag, but he kept his composure as he ate out his hated opponent. Overhead, the entire thing was being broadcast on the big screen for all to see. The crowd jeered at him. They laughed at the fallen warrior. They mocked his name. The entire time, Nel sat still. She didn’t move an inch. It was as if she was saying that a man like him could never satisfy her. Throm licked harder. He took her clit in his hands and let them glide over it. Nel never even shuddered. She just stared at him. She reclined and put her knees to her chest, spread herself with her hands and waited. It was a proposition. Would Throm crawl inside of her? If he couldn’t pleasure her with his tongue, then he must use his entire body. He looked into the pulsating wetness of her cunt and wept salty tears before bringing his face to it. Bracing himself against the ground, Throm the Destroyer shoved himself into Nel. She accepted him into herself, sighing as he wiggled deeper until even his feet were gulped up and he was alone in the dark. Nel was so large that Throm could turn inside of her. He let his arm run over the folds inside of her vagina, feeling the warm embrace of her cunt as it contracted around him. Solace. Being inside of Nel was a solace. Here, the hateful eyes of the crowd couldn’t see him. He didn’t care if she took his power, as long as he lived. Throm would live. He would fight and grow and consume all in his path until he met Nel again. This her promised himself. This he promised his brother. His head must have hit the right spot because Nel began to heave around him. He sputtered as gooey strands of cum covered his face and soaked his skin. Her contractions squeezed his chest and legs, running over his body. Her stomach rumbled above him. And there he is! It looks like Throm gave her quite an orgasm! He must have liked it in there, because he’s looking pretty confused. 10 power left for the Champion! Will Nel leave him with anything, or will she take it all? “Take it all?” Throm asked. He had been thrown into the center of the arena. “She promised she would let me live if I suffered for long enough. Are you not entertained?” The crowd booed at him, but he didn’t care. All he wanted to do was live. He could find a new land to set up in. He had started from the bottom before. Nel was on her knees now. She smiled at him and brought her lips close to his ear. “We promised them a show, didn’t we?” Throm froze. “You wouldn’t,” he said, backing away. “You promised.” Nel grabbed him with an easy sweep of her hand and held him to her lips. She belched in his face, saliva streaking his hair. The crowd laughed. One final humiliation. “In her ass! In her ass!” they chanted, but Nel stood and they quieted. “Throm has fought hard and pleasured me well,” she called. The audience laughed again. “He has been the reigning champion for many years, defeating numerous formidable foes. As such, he deserves your respect. Please join me in showing Throm our respect as I swallow him whole.” With a flick, she tossed Throm high into the air and stood under him with her mouth open. Throm screamed as he fell, dropping directly into Nel’s mouth. She swallowed once. Twice. The audience stood still as Nel raised her hand again. A number rose above her gut, displaying the power level of its occupant. 10 Throm felt a squeeze. Nel’s stomach began to fill with digestive juices. 9 Throm screamed, pounding against the rubbery sac. Nobody could hear him. 8 Nel burped and the space in her stomach grew tighter. There was no more air. 7 Throm prayed to his gods, hoping for divine intervention and finding none. 6 Nel paraded around the arena, opening her mouth wide for all to see. 5 The audience rose and began to applaud. They had waited for this moment for years. 4 The juices rose over Throm’s head. He took one last gulping breath and hoped it would hold. 3 Nel held up a finger and bid all to be quiet. 2 The stomach walls contracted, squeezing the air from Throm’s lungs. 1 Nel’s eyes flashed grey. A streak of black appeared in her hair. She thundered her approval to the heavens, calling her challenge to any that would accept it. 0 Nel punched the ground and it shattered beneath her. The entire arena shook. Spectators gasped. A hole had appeared in the middle of the ring. Nell stood, both arms raised and looked directly at the cameras. “Come,” she said. “And face the reigning champion.” |
“I am going to skin her and wear her tail as a hat.” “That’s disturbing.” Jess clutched her own tail to her chest, fluffing it between her hands as she sniffed at the coffee in front of her. She was pretty sure the mug was dirty. Camilla saw her blanch and chuckled. “Sorry friend,” she said. “Until the investigation is complete, the campus coffee shop is the only one for me. At least the muffins are pretty good.” “Better than whatever you got in Diane’s gut, am I right?” Jess ducked under the thrown muffin. “Hey!” she cried. “Who was the one that saved you?” Camilla raised her hands to show that she had made peace. Jess crawled out from under the booth. She licked her finger and picked up some of the crumbs, popping them into her mouth absently. A waitress shot them a glare as she threw away the muffin. Besides them, the coffee shop was empty. Most of the school was at the football game. “I’ve bought you so many drinks that you can’t hold that over my head anymore,” Camilla said, dabbing her mouth with a napkin. “But thank you. Again. The police said that there were traces of over 20 bodies found in her basement.” “Some of the Fey are up in arms about it. Most didn’t approve of Diane, but it’s always hard to see one of your own go down.” Camilla eyed the kitsune. Jess saluted with a manicured hand. “Not a supporter. Obviously. It’s only the crotchety older generation that’s still talking about the ‘good ol’ days’. I’m a young’un.” “My parents wanted me to move,” Camilla said. “My mom was especially freaked out. She was nervous even when I was assigned to the same dorm as you. Wanted me to sleep with pepper spray in hand. She shouldn’t have bothered. You’re useless at magic.” Now it was Camilla’s turn to dodge a thrown confection. “Ahem.” The waitress pointed toward the door. Jess flipped her off behind her back before walking out of the shop. Camilla followed. “Speaking of magic,” she said, as the two walked through the empty campus. “Have you found out anything about Valorie?” Jess pursed her lips. She had visited the Fey district several times after the raid on Diane’s house, but word seemed to have spread that she was the one who called the cops. Most of the Fey ignored her. Some of them were outright hostile. None of them would talk. “Not yet,” she said, hopping onto the short wall that ran next to the sidewalk. “But I’ll keep my ears perked. She’s hard to find, even if you know her. I wouldn’t be surprised if she holed up until this whole thing blows over. More people have gone missing. Humans. Some Fey even.” “Why doesn’t anybody do anything about it?” Camilla mumbled. “I’d be the last one to call you insensitive,” Jess said. “But that’s a hot button issue right now in the Fey community. There’s a lot of support to move back to self-governance. Keep an eye after our own, right? Things get messy when human police get involved, especially in cases with magic. Most of the politicians want to wipe their hands clean of it and move on. Besides, rumor has it that most of the humans were bad sorts. Sleazy. Serial cheaters. Loners.” “And they deserve to get eaten?” Camilla yelled. Jess frowned down at her friend. Camilla lowered her shoulders. “Sorry,” she said. “Sorry. I shouldn’t take it out on you. You’ve been so wonderful, Jess, and I want to be a godmother to your children, no joke. Do Fey have godmothers?” “Only the wicked kind.” “Okay, maybe a bad term.” The two looked at each other and laughed. A brisk wind tugged at Camilla’s hair and Jess’ fur. The sun was beginning to set. The stadium lights would come on soon. Jess hummed a tune as they took the long way back to the dorms where they knew that the returning football crowd would be waiting and rowdy. On their way past the rec center, a woman approached. Jess put her hand on Camilla’s shoulder and stepped in front of her friend. “Can I help you?” she called. “I doubt it,” the woman said. “But I can help you.” “Yeah, I don’t know about that,” Jess said. The woman stopped in front of them, her hands clasped behind her back. She was in her early twenties, but her face had a timeless quality. Her smile was too broad. There was a trace of lipstick on her teeth. Jess took an immediate dislike to her. If it was a disguise, it was a good one. There was no obvious magic at play. She wasn’t a kitsune, of that Jess was sure, but she wasn’t quite human either. Humans didn’t have golden eyes and what would a half-fey want with them? “I have information,” the woman said. “About Valorie.” Camilla pushed past Jess and grabbed the woman by the shoulders. She stood calmly while Camilla shook her. “You know about the fox?” she asked. “Where is she? What’s she been doing.” Jess pulled Camilla away. “Where did you get this information?” Jess asked, wrestling to keep Camilla still. “I keep my ears open and my nose to the wind,” the woman said. She tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear. It glowed red in the dying light. “This tidbit came from a café. There’s going to be a transaction tonight. I scribbled down the address.” She held out a cocktail napkin. It fluttered in the wind. Camilla lunged to take it, but Jess held her back. “Why are you giving us this?” she asked. “She’s been…troublesome,” the woman said. “And it seems like we may have the same agenda. You could use an ally. Think about it.” Camilla broke free from Jess and snatched the napkin. The woman smiled and began to walk back along the cracked sidewalk. She was soon lost in a sea of drunken students returning from the game. -- “This is dumb, Camilla, even for you.” Jess floated an inch above her bed, watching her friend pace around the room. She had been staring at the napkin for over an hour now, muttering to herself. Jess decided that the best thing to do was prepare for bed. Maybe Camilla would take the hint. “We didn’t even catch that girl’s name,” Jess said, stripping off her shirt. “We don’t know if she goes here. She could be a shapeshifter.” “Come off it,” Camilla said. “You know all of the shapeshifters in town.” “She might be a new one.” “They have to be registered. The neighborhood association hands out pamphlets with their name and face each time, like they’re tagging a sex offender. It’s a little creepy.” “Maybe they’re not from around here.” Camilla stopped pacing and glanced at Jess. The kitsune wasn’t normally such a worrywart. In fact, before the incident with Diane, Camilla had always been the one to worry. She wondered if something had changed inside of her. She wondered if it was something gained, or something lost. There was one thing that she knew for certain: She was pissed. “Jess, if there is any chance that Valorie is going to be at this address tonight, then I have to go. I’ll be careful. Nobody will see me. You know what that fox has done to me, right?” “Yes, Camilla. I know.” Jess was picking her fingers. It was a nervous habit carried over from childhood. Just the thought of Camilla in the Fey District at night sent chills up her spine. The woman’s golden eyes flashed again in her memory, and she began to get a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach. She decided to switch tact. “What will you even do if she is there?” she said. “You can’t use magic. She’ll just turn you into a dildo or something and scram.” It was true. The fox outclassed Camilla in both magical and physical strength. Camilla wasn’t actually sure what she would do if Valorie was at the address. Would she even have time to speak her mind? Would it do any good? But Camilla couldn’t sit still. She remembered the days she had spent in Diane’s ass, smeared with shit, cursing the fox’s name. When the police had busted down the door, Diane had immediately swallowed Camilla. They couldn’t get her to vomit her out, so an entire cadre of police officers in the jail had watched her slide out of the other woman. It had been humiliating. Then there were the classes she had missed. The calls from her parents. The interviews with the news. The stares of her classmates. She couldn’t walk from her dorm to the dining hall without someone making a joke. Jess might be right, but Camilla wasn’t going to let this chance slip from her fingers. “Fine,” Camilla said. Jess’s ears perked up. She had been preparing a full speech in her head. “Really? You won’t go?” “What’s the point?” Camilla flopped onto her bed. “She’d probably just eat me or something. I hear the football team won. Want to go celebrate and forget our woes for a night?” Jess was suspicious, but she also rarely turned down the opportunity to drink. Besides, Camilla could use the pick-me-up, right? “I hear there’s a party in Sean’s room.” she said. “Isn’t he our RA?” “So?” “Point. Let’s go.” -- It was nearly midnight and the warehouse looked abandoned. Camilla double-checked the address on the napkin. This was the place. Giving Jess the slip had been easy. After drinking for three hours, her roommate had barely been coherent enough to stand, let alone chase after her. Just to be safe, Camilla had pulled a boy from the room, winking at Jess as she left. The kitsune had shouted to ‘use protection’. Camilla kissed the boy for his trouble and then left him baffled in the hallway while she went to hail a taxi. “It’s midnight,” she muttered. “She’s supposed to be here by now.” A light flicked on in the second-floor window. A shadow moved inside. Heart racing, Camilla tip-toed to the staircase leading up the side of the warehouse. The old metal creaked beneath her as she climbed. There was a door leading inside. Camilla checked the handle. It was unlocked. Camilla pulled a metal cylinder from her pocket. She had stolen the cooking oil from the dorm kitchen when waiting for the taxi. Now she was putting it to good use. She sprayed a generous glob onto the hinges, and another on the lock itself. The door still squeaked when she opened it, but the sound was muted. This was it. If she was going to bail, now was the time. Camilla stood with her hand on the handle, listen to see if the sound had alerted anybody. She couldn’t hear any movement. Panic threatened to overwhelm her, but she had to know if the fox was inside. Camilla opened the door and stepped into the warehouse. The first thing that hit her was how fancy the hallway was. From the outside, the warehouse had looked like a crapchute. The metal door was rusted over. The windows were boarded up. Besides the light in the window, there wasn’t any indication that the warehouse had been used in the last ten years. In contrast, the hallway was carpeted. The dark green paint on the walls looked new and there were even a few paintings hung up. It looked like an apartment. She walked up to the first door and put her ear against it. Nothing. From somewhere in the warehouse, she could hear the clink of dishes, but the noise was scattered in the massive space. The next door was also a bust. Camilla cracked it open and peaked inside, revealing a luxurious bathroom. Hideout, she thought. The fox had a hidey hole. A place for her to stay when the waters were hot. Well Mrs. Fox, I’ve found you. And you’re going to give me some answers. The end of the hallway widened into a foyer. The foyer narrowed into another hallway. Camilla was beginning to worry that she was going to get lost in the massive space when a door opened at the far end. Thinking fast, Camilla popped into the first room she could find. She sat in the dark and watched through the crack as a figure ambled down the hall toward her. Their footfalls were soft against the thick carpet. As they passed, Camilla got glimpse of grey fur. Did Valorie have grey fur? Camilla couldn’t remember. The night they had met, she had been so flustered that she barely remembered the events, much less the color of her host. But what about in the café? Wasn’t it a reddish brown? So consumed was she with her thoughts that Camilla didn’t notice the shadow pass over the door until it was too late. “I didn’t even have to walk all the way to the kitchen to find a snack.” Acting fast, Camilla kicked open the door, catching them in the face. She dashed for freedom, but the Fey stuck out her leg and she tumbled to the ground. Before she could get up, a wave of static hit her, and she found that she couldn’t move. “Fucking paralysis,” she said through gritted teeth. From her position on the floor, she could see that the mysterious figure was not a fox, but a bunny. Her ears protruded from a pair of slits cut into a nightcap. Her nose wiggled as she inspected Camilla, clicking her tongue against her overly large teeth. “She said that if I left the door unlocked, my meal would walk right in, but I really doubted it. There’s been so much hussle and bussle about Fey swallowing humans that I thought you would all hide in your safe little corner of the city, but here you are. Granted, you probably would have been smart to stay at home. I am going to eat you.” She’s fucking done it again! Camilla was so angry that it felt like steam would come out of her ears. She didn’t even care when the bunny started dragging her toward her den, stripping her clothes along the way. The fox had set her up! She had used a plant to lure her off of the campus and once again she was going to end up in the gut of some feckless wannabe who had paid a stupid amount of money to swallow her. And now her weekend was shot. The den was a humble affair. Two armchairs sagged in front of a brick fireplace. An antique clock tocked on the mantle. The bunny girl propped her up in an armchair in front of the fire and sat in the one opposite her. She licked her lips and motioned toward the clock. “Midnight exactly,” she said. “That’s when she said you’d arrive. I tell you, I wasn’t sure about her, but I’ll have to use her service again sometime. It’s really top notch.” Camilla rolled her eyes. The bunny was a dunderhead. She would probably start monologuing soon. “My name is Raphy,” the bunny said. “And I have been curious about what it would feel like to have somebody kicking in my stomach since fifth grade. At recess, this fox girl took my friend by the ears and dipped her into her mouth. Swallowed her in one gulp. I watched the lump that was my friend slide down her throat and begin to trash in her stomach. She made me listen to her as she cried for help, begging me to save her. But do you want to know what? I didn’t want to. All I was thinking about was asking the fox how she did it. She wasn’t that big. When I asked she laughed at the idea of a bunny swallowing another girl, but she taught me the spell. She was the first one that I ate.” “I don’t need your life story.” Camilla’s jaw was still tight with the paralysis spell, but she could muster enough movement to speak. “I don’t need to know what twisted shit you’re into,” she said. “You’re going to let me out of here.” “Oh?” Raphy said, getting up from her chair. “The only place I am letting you out of is my cute little asshole.” “I think you’ll find that I’m hard to digest.” “She said you were wily. I hope you struggle a lot in my stomach.” “Eat shit and die.” Did Valorie not tell this girl anything about Camilla? She couldn’t be digested. Millie had known it. Diane had known it. Why hadn’t the fox told Raphy that her meal was only temporary? Camilla only had a moment to ponder this before she felt the now-familiar slimy sensation of her face being shoved into a salivating maw. Raphy had her by the shoulders and was choking her down, savoring her salty taste. Instead of lifting Camilla, Raphy knelt on the floor and allowed gravity to slide her down her throat. Her thin, furry belly expanded with the meal. Soggy heat spread across Camilla’s body, covering her skin in gooseflesh. It felt like sliding into a wet sleeping bag in the middle of summer. She held her breath at first, but with her chest being squeezed and kneaded by Raphy’s gullet, she couldn’t hold it long. The bitter taste of gastric acid coated her tongue as the sphincter slipped over her forehead and nose, her hair plastered to her forehead as she dipped into the bubbling gut. Then there was a pause. Raphy let her hang halfway inside of her, Camilla’s legs still on the armchair, her feet pressed into the upholstery. Saliva dripped onto her ass. Raphy’s throat kneaded at Camilla’s back. Honestly, if it weren’t for the unpleasant journey through the bowels, Camilla wouldn’t mind the process of being eaten. It was almost relaxing. The soft gurgling of the digestive juices. The bunny’s breath. The constant heartbeat. Her stomach was a warm cocoon. However, there was such thing as consent in this world, and Camilla would be damned if she let this bunny-bitch have her way with her. When her feet were safely sliding across the back of Raphy’s tongue, being gulped down to the rest of her, Camilla made her move. She had been running her hands over the rough gastric folds, searching for a crease. Finding it, she jammed a finger into Raphy’s pyloric sphincter. “YEOWCH!” “Let me out you bimbo!” Camilla did a front-flip, her entire body gliding across the slick stomach walls as Raphy swung her from side-to-side. Mashed food smeared across Camilla’s boobs. Centering her back against where she figured Raphy’s belly button would be, she pushed with her legs. The bunny watched as her stomach expanded further and further before rubber-banding back into place. She tried to make her way onto the chair, but Camilla was relentless. Every time she tried to stand, her center of gravity would switch and she would fall back down. Laying on her stomach, she felt Camilla’s hands sliding over her insides. The sensation sent shivers down her spine. “Stop,” she pleaded. “You’re food now.” “When I get out of here, you’re going to catch Hell.” Pleading turned to anger. “You aren’t getting out, you stupid bitch,” Raphy shouted. She jumped up and banged her gut against the wall, driving the air from Camilla’s lungs. Raphy burped, the wet, gross expulsion rippling across her fur. “You’re in there for good. You’re bunny shit. So. Stop. Kicking.” “…no?” “ARGH!” Raphy danced around the room, pounding her gut on every surface she could think of, but it only hurt her stomach. She lay on her side, heaving. Camilla was still turning flips, testing the elasticity of her prison by running in circles, knees to her chest. The sensation was akin to an entire flock of butterflies turning cartwheels inside of her. This continued for two hours until mercy descended upon her in the form of sleep. Camilla’s legs were surreptitiously encased in the bunny’s intestines. She folded her arms and waited in the dark as they pulled at her, worming her into their gross embrace. They expanded to meet her hips and stomach. Camilla wiggled her toes. The stomach was hot, but the intestines were hotter. She sighed, building her resolve. With one last breath of noxious air, her head was tugged in and she was sent creeping toward her final destination. -- Raphy was concerned. It had been a full sixteen hours since she had swallowed the girl and yet her stomach wasn’t getting any smaller. She poked it. It bounced back. “There should be some jiggle,” she said. “You should be mush.” She lay on her bed, stomach high above her, pressing against the hard form inside. It still shuddered every once in a while, as if it were still alive. But that was impossible. Humans had no magic. No way to stave off the effects of digestion. So, after 24 hours of fretful waiting, she was ecstatic when a disgusting fart let her know that it was time to shit out the troublesome girl. “You weren’t worth your weight in gold,” she hummed, squatting over her double-wide toilet. “I don’t think I’ll ever use this new dealer again. She really fucked me over.” Raphy pushed and pushed. Her asshole widened. A pair of legs slid out. She watched in horror as knees became visible, then quads. A pelvis. A stomach. Two arms. A neck. And finally, one very very pissed off head. Camilla sat in the toilet water, face between Raphy’s ample buttcheeks, whole and very much alive. Raphy flushed. The toilet water swirled around Camilla, washing some of the viscera from her skin as she glared at the bunny. The bunny attempted to swallow the lump in her throat. “This, wasn’t supposed to happen,” she said. “You suppose?” Camilla said. “Because, I have just spent an entire day clogging up your bowels and now, free at last, you’re just sitting there like an asshole. Get me some hot water.” Soon, the tub was filled with steaming bubblebath. Camilla took a bucket and splashed herself, flooding the tile floor. Raphy bit her lip but said nothing. When she was somewhat cleaned, Camilla stepped into the tub and sank beneath the surface. The water turned a gentle shade of brown. “Well?” Camilla asked. “Scrub me.” Raphy couldn’t think of what else to do, so she grabbed her brush from the shower and scrubbed the girl that she had eaten. She ran her paws over Camilla’s lithe body that should have broken down inside of her. Her stomach felt strange. It wasn’t guilt, but bewilderment. Once Camilla was washed and dried, she snapped her fingers. Raphy raised a paw to protest, but Camilla grabbed her by the front of her shirt and dug her nose into her cheek. “Listen now and listen close,” she said. “If you ever fuck with me again, I will turn you into a towel. Are we clear?” Her voice was filled with such venom that it was all Raphy could do to stop from pissing herself. She nodded vehemently. She didn’t think of trying to paralyze her again. If eating her didn’t work, what could magic do? Camilla fetched her clothes from the hallway, tugging them on while muttering to herself. She looked out of the window at the misty night and cursed. Jess would be looking for her. The police might be looking for her. She had already been confined to the campus and now she might be locked into her dorm. It was a mess, a real mess. She stormed down the metal warehouse stairs, not looking in front of her, and ran smack-dab into another woman. “Sorry,” she growled, then stopped. It was the woman. The golden-eyes woman. She was pale, her dainty fingers covering her lips as she inspected Camilla. Surprise melted into concern. “You’re alive!” she said, “I can’t believe it. I am so glad!” “Did you expect me to die?” Camilla asked. “Is that why you sent me here? You’re one of Valorie’s goons?” The woman stepped back, holding her hands in front of her. “No no no,” she said. “Valorie and I don’t get along at all. I heard that she would be meeting the bunny last night and I heard that you were looking for her. Our interests aligned.” “Yeah, whatever.” Camilla took a step to the right and the woman blocked her. There was something wrong with her smile. Camilla didn’t like it. She wanted to go home and sleep. “Back off,” she said. “Of course,” the woman said, not moving. “But Raphy is dangerous. She eats people. How did you escape alive?” “Wouldn’t you like to know.” “I would.” The woman’s smile widened. Alarm bells went off in Camilla’s head. She brushed past the woman, bumping against her shoulder as she stormed down the street. The woman didn’t follow her. She just stood in the alley, fists clutched to her chest. “Interesting,” she whispered. Her hand unclenched. She dangled Camilla’s school I.D from her fingers, inspecting it for a brief moment before rattling the keys to the warehouse. “That bunny,” she said, turning toward the stairs. “Has some explaining to do.” At the top of the stairs the metallic pounding of her footsteps ceased, replaced by one long, slithering slap of a tail dragging across carpet. |
Hazel drags your bruised body into the locker room, throwing you onto the tile floor. A slew of girls in varying states of undress look down at you, disgust clear in their eyes. Some mutter to each other and point. Some look away. Others just laugh. You are naked. Hazel tore your clothes off when she wrestled you to the ground, forcing your arms behind your back before sitting on you with her considerable bulk. This was especially alarming considering you had been minding your own business up until the point when she shouted at you. “Well,” she sneers. “What do you have to say for yourself?” Well, what DO you have to say for yourself? You assume Hazel was talking about how you pleasured yourself to her social media. She was a bit chunky for a cheerleader, her muffin top showing over the tight skirt. Her breasts had to be bound before being stuffed into the sheer fabric. Every photo of her filled your chest with fire and although you knew it was wrong, your crush was stronger than your will. She looked down at you with her green eyes and upturned nose, amused. “I don’t know what you mean,” you say, playing it safe. The girls groan. One of them kicks your shoulder. You scramble backward until your butt hits the lockers. There’s nowhere to run. You’re cornered. “We saw you,” one girl says. “Yeah, fess up,” another adds. “Saw me what?” you ask. This earns you a round of groans and disgusted noises. It’s embarrassing to be naked in front of so many people. Especially your peers. These girls were in your English class, your gym class. Some had gone to grade school with you. Now, as seniors in high school, you were exposed to them in full. Your face turns red. You start to stammer. You have no clue what is going on. One of them aims a kick at your balls and you close your legs. Her shin ricochets painfully off of your own and you both gasp. More girls had shown up. A few try to cover their meager forms. Others stand proudly. You gulp. If they don’t care about you seeing them, then it only meant one thing: They didn’t intend for you to leave. Hazel steps forward and addresses the crowd. “It’s pretty clear that he’s been spying,” she says. “He liked one of my swimsuit photos last night. I think he just wanted to see me naked. Really, I can’t blame him.” This garnered a chuckle. Hazel was taking responsibility. You almost wanted to kiss her for it, but then again, you wanted to do that anyway. She looks back at you and smiles. It isn’t a kind smile. “Well,” she says. “Since you came all this way, I guess I’ll give you what you want. But this special treat comes with a price. This kind of sexual harassment can’t be rewarded. So, you’ll get to have sex with me right here, right now and, when we finish, I am going to eat you.” Eat you? She’s going to eat you? The rational part of your brain tries to process this information, but it’s being blocked. Because Hazel Muller says she is going to fuck you. Despite your best efforts to contain it, you get hard in front of everybody. There are a few whistles in the crowd as Hazel approaches you, throwing off her shirt and stepping out of her skirt. She sits on your lap, straddling you, wrapping her hands around your back and bringing her lips to your ear. “Unhook my bra,” she says, her breath hot on your cheek. Obediently, you snap off her bra, letting it fall to her pale legs. Her breasts spread in front of you, nipples hard in the humid air. Instinctively, you put one in your mouth. Hazel’s breath hitches. She pulls back. “No,” she says, her voice barely above a whisper. The crowd behind her was beginning to buzz again. Someone had pulled out a smartphone and was filming. It only made it harder to contain yourself. Your cock was rubbing up against Hazel’s panties and when she leaned back, you felt like you could cum. She grabbed you by the shoulders and slammed you into the lockers, using it as an excuse to whisper to you. “They want a show and I’m sorry, but you’re the clown. Play along and you might get out. Don’t blame me for what happens next.” “You’re so eager,” she says loudly. “But this is for me. Grab him.” Before you can react, two beefy girls have you by the arms and are standing you up. Hazel bends in front of you, stripping off her panties. They fall to the floor with a wet plop. She teases herself on your cock, letting you get a taste of her hot cunt but never quite letting you enter. Laughter ripples around the locker room. Your face is bright red. You squirm against the girls, but the two of them are stronger than you and you can’t get free. Hazel spreads her ass, fingering her pink pucker. She backs up onto you, again gliding you across her cunt, but this time you’re ready. You strain with all of your might, angling yourself perfectly to plunge right into Hazel. She squeezes around you, the wet pull of her hot cunt too much to handle. You both gasp. Then one of the girls hits you. “Bad,” says Hazel, stomach flopping against her sweaty legs. “I didn’t say you could have me. Put him on the bench.” She snapped her fingers and the girls knocked your legs out from underneath you, forcing you onto your back on one of the wooden benches. A circle forms around you as Hazel hovers over your crotch again. “You’re so eager,” she says, careful to keep herself out of your range. “But, I remind you once more, this is for me. So, let’s get that into your head.” Your view is cut off as Hazel eases up your body and lays her cunt on your face, the slime dripping over your lips as she pleasures herself. You stick out your tongue, a salty taste filling your mouth. Her clit isn’t hard to find among the folds. You lick it, pleased with her shudders. Her ass spreads across your chest. She’s heavy, but you don’t dare complain. With barely enough air to fill your lungs, you continue to eat her out. Eventually she lifts herself. You stare around blearily. Some of the girls look excited. Some of them look sick. They are watching something behind your head. A shadow blocks out the fluorescent lights as an immense stomach wobbles over you. You can hear labored breathing and you immediately know who it is. Mandy Harker is a large girl by every standard and she’s about to sit on your face. Hazel moves down to your crotch, taking it in her hand and winking at you before the fat girl sits down. Her huge, sweaty cheeks spread over your face. Her asshole is hot against your mouth. She laughs, the vibrations traveling through your body as the audience claps and cheers. Hazel is still playing with your cock, dragging her fingers along the shaft in preparation. Braaaaaap! Suddenly, your mouth is filled with a noxious burst of gas. You try to cough but you can’t. Mandy is too heavy. You have to swallow her fart, gulping it down in front of everyone. Mandy lifts herself, giving you time to gasp in a single breath before smothering you again. Hazel takes pity on you. Her thighs drag across your own. She’s straddling you now, bringing herself down on your cock. You yell, the sound muffled in the fat girl’s ass cheeks. The stimulation. The heat. The feeling of pumping inside of her. The humiliation. It all mixes into a sensory overload that blasts your brain to bits. The girls are taking turns with your cock now. Hazel is helping them straddle and ride you for a few seconds at a time. Mandy continues to fart on your face, giving you just enough air to live, but never letting you get comfortable. Your balls are full. You have to cum. Every time you get close, the girl changes, until finally Hazel takes over. She slams your pelvis into the bench, her hips grinding against your own. Her breathing is labored. Her cunt is tight around you. Every beat of your carnal dance is agony. Heat spreads through your body. You have to cum but you can’t. You don’t want it to end. She’s going fast now and grunts with every thrust. Her hands scrabble desperately across your chest. Girls laugh and jeer. Mandy’s weight threatens to drive you into unconsciousness. You cum and the world goes white. It’s as though a percussive note had struck your brain and was ringing so loudly that it drowned out the world. Your cock throbs inside of Hazel. It gives her everything and she takes it all. Mandy eases off of you and yet you still can’t see clearly. The girls are chanting something. What are they chanting? The ringing lessens. You can hear their call: “Eat him,” they cry. “Eat him, swallow him, gulp him down.” You realize that your body is at an angle. You try to look down and nearly faint again. Your legs are already halfway down Hazel’s mouth. Her tongue laps over the back of your knees. She gulps, spit washing over you, her throat pulling you down down down toward her stomach. Her fat stomach. You find yourself wondering what it will look like hanging over her cheerleader’s shirt after she is finished digesting you. It will probably bulge quite far. The entire school will know that she has eaten you. You shudder. Her mouth is hot and rigid. Her lips are wrapped around your navel. You want to grab her hair or face and tell her to stop, but there is no fight left in you. She’s taken it all. So you lay still, letting her feed you into her gut, slathering you in saliva and juices. The rest of the girls cheered loudly. Some of them even came and gave you a kiss goodbye. You don’t care. You’re inside of Hazel, the girl that you’ve wanted to be inside of since you both began high school. GULP! Her throat slips over your face. You are sent into her stomach, confined and content. You expected it to be uncomfortable, but you weren’t prepared for this level of confinement. You can’t move an inch. Your arms are pressed against your chest and your legs are bent backwards. Your face is half-submerged in some kind of slimy fluid. Her heartbeat quickens overhead. She burps, once, twice. You can hear the girls in the locker room cheering as she jiggles you, showing off her immense gut. She pulls on clothes, making a show of trying to fit her shirt over you, squeezing you tighter and tighter. The fabric rips. You hear it tear. More laughter. More jiggling. The air is running out. The stomach gurgles. It wants you. It wants to digest you. You’re going to suffocate inside of your lover and become fat. Vaguely, you hope that you go to her chest. It’s quieter now. Less movement. It seems as though Hazel has entered a car. The gentle thrum of the engine caresses your skin. “I’m going to try to get you out,” she says. You can hardly hear it. Even in the black pit of her stomach, white flashes are playing at the edge of your vision. Your mouth still tastes like Mandy’s farts. The girl’s chant plays through your mind. They wanted you to digest. Unconsciousness comes fast. You pray that you’ll make it out on time. If not, there were worse ways to go than feeding the girl that you loved. |
“Move your leg, fatass.” “You move your leg.” Wap “Dad, Gabi hit me.” Their father tilted the rear-view mirror so that he could see them both in the backseat. Emily had her legs up, trying unsuccessfully to stick her toes in Gabi’s mouth. Gabi was pelting her with crackers that she had found in the cupholder. “Gabi, you’re making a mess,” he said. “Stop pestering your sister.” Emily stuck her tongue out and went back to playing with her phone. Gabi just rolled her eyes and looked out the window. She could see her mother in the side mirror, book in hand, sipping on the iced coffee she had gotten at the last gas station. Her luggage was bundled in her lap. Their little Impala didn’t have enough trunk room for 4. The mountains whizzed by outside, shades of white and brown mixing with the stunted trees that grew along the road. Fat clouds passed overhead through gray skies. They had checked the weather before they left for vacation, but it sure did seem like a storm was approaching. Gabi’s father insisted it was just the climate. “It’s always gloomy up near here,” he had said when she asked. “When I used to stay at The Pines as a child, there wasn’t a sunny day in ten. But the skiing is amazing and the hot chocolate is to die for.” “You don’t go to a hotel just for hot chocolate,” Gabi had said. Her father just laughed. “Call reception sucks up here,” Emily complained. She was holding her phone an inch from her face, as if that would make the image load faster. Gabi caught a glimpse of a large, bloated stomach before Emily turned the screen away. “Trying to go on your weird website,” Gabi whispered, poking her sister. “It’s not weird,” Emily snapped. “Nothing’s weirder than you are. And I’m bored. We’ve been in the car for hours.” “You could read a book,” their mother said. “I brought a few just in case.” “Blech. You read romance. They’re all the same.” Gabi chuckled. She had picked a few of her mother’s books up over the years and they really were formulaic. Girl gets lost in the woods and meets a secret millionaire. They hook up. Something tears them apart. They get back together. Gabi wondered if her mother just wasn’t content with their father’s 9-5 job. The vacation had been a last-minute idea of their father’s. Emily had just gotten out of school for winter break and their mother had been given an unexpected week off. That’s how they had found themselves bundled into the car and shipped off to the gloomiest resort Gabi thought she had ever seen. The pictures seriously looked like something out of The Shining. The winding road seemed to extend to infinity. As far as Gabi could see, bald pines rose toward the sky like broken needles, dotting the landscape. Every once in a while, a deer would peek out from the woods, their eyes flashing as the car passed. “There, there! Girls look. We’ve made it.” The hotel crept into view, the lone feature on an otherwise barren hill. Black gates marked the entrance. The building itself was a grand jumble of stone and brick with yawning archways. At some point, a statue garden had been commissioned and then cancelled. Half-finished sculptures of children at play stared out from behind overgrown hedges. “Those are creepy,” Gabi said. “And I’m hungry.” “You’re creepy,” Emily said. “And you’re always hungry, fatass. Why don’t you just eat the bellhop on the way in?” “Why don’t you shove your head in a blender? It looks like you already did.” “Why don’t you grow a personality. Oh right, it’s because you have tits.” “Girls!” The sisters jumped at their father’s stern tone. They had pulled into a parking lot where, surprisingly, most of the spaces were filled. Their mother was already out of the car, unpacking her luggage and handing it off to a uniformed gentleman who tossed it onto a cart. Gabi opened her door and stretched. She didn’t miss the look the gentleman flashed at her chest before he went back to loading the cart with the rest of their gear. Neither did Emily. “Eat him,” she whispered. “No!” Gabi whispered back. “Stop trying to get me to eat people.” They walked with the cart through the doors and into the lobby. Emily and Gabi gasped. On the outside, the hotel didn’t look like anything special. The inside, however, was something to behold. Ornate wooden balustrades lined a double staircase that dominated the end of the lobby. A number of people in fancy uniforms carried trays up and down the steps, waving to each other on the way past. Crystal chandeliers glimmered overhead, giving the entire room a sparkling, mysterious aura. The light played off of the polished marble countertops where their parents were already checking in. “Snow storm,” the concierge was just getting finished saying, mustache wobbling over his mouth. “We apologize, but the ski lodge will be closed for at least the next day. We have, of course, taken necessary precautions. There will be no shortage of luxury items during your stay. In fact, to apologize for the inconvenience, we have arranged for care packages to be dropped off at your rooms this evening. Feel free to lounge by the pool or stop by the restaurant. The bar will be open till 1.” “Thank you,” their father said, taking the key. “When can we head up to our rooms?” “In just one moment. An employee will arrive shortly to show you around.” Gabi stood with her thumbs hooked in the waistband of her jean shorts feeling out of place in the opulent hotel. Emily was already rolling on the couches and sampling mints from platters scattered around the foyer. Gabi was envious. She was adult now and although she didn’t believe that meant she couldn’t have fun, it did mean she had to show a certain level of restraint. She was rummaging through her backpack when the front doors were thrown open again. Two young men entered, laughing and shoving each other. They were wearing parkas and goggles. Their clothes were covered in snow. “Did you see those clouds?” one of them was saying. “I nearly had a heart attack when they started calling us over the megaphone. I thought we had done something wrong.” “Nah, dude,” said the other. “Those things were wild. I wouldn’t want to be stuck out there when that beauty of a storm comes rolling.” “Rolling. Like you after you fell on your ass?” “Fuck off, Teddy.” Loud, thought Gabi, watching them hand off their coats to an employee. One of them had long, sandy blond hair pulled up into a messy bun. He had an easy air of confidence, his chin held high as he talked. His eyebrow was pierced with a trendy steel ring. His friend, the one he had called Teddy, kept his hands folded behind him. He seemed more reserved, nodding when asked questions. Gabi noted that he had a slight limp. They looked over at her and she smiled politely. The blond one waved. Teddy nodded. Gabi wondered if she should go and greet them, but Emily was already at her elbow. “This is boring,” she said, her mouth full of mints. “When can we go to our room?” “I’ll know when you know,” Gabi said. Emily swallowed with difficulty, staring in the direction of the two men. They were making their way up the stairs, still bickering. She glanced back at Gabi. “I know what you’re thinking, freak,” Gabi said. “And no. I am not going to eat them. You need a new hobby.” “Aw.” An employee arrived shortly after and they followed him up the grand staircase to their rooms. They passed through ornately carpeted hallways, complete with light ornaments in the shape of swans. The employee stopped in front of two oak doors. Gabi’s mother and father disappeared into their suite. She and Emily shared a smaller one with two beds. “Did you hear dad?” Emily asked, throwing herself onto a bed. “He said that we might be snowed in here for an entire day. Maybe two!” “Yeah?” Gabi said. “So what? We were planning on staying for two days anyway before heading to Auntie’s.” “So what? Because we won’t be able to snowboard! I was really looking forward to trying it.” Gabi side-eyed her sister. It seemed like the only time she wanted to go out and do something was if she could get Gabi in trouble by doing it. She wondered what kind of scheme Emily would have planned for her on the ski hill. Tripping her on the way down? Knocking someone off of the ski lift and into her throat? The possibilities were endless. She was glad that nothing much could happen in the hotel. “Alright,” she said, opening her suitcase. “I think I am going to start with the pool. Are you going to stay here?” “Yeah. Give me a few minutes. I’ll be down in just a second.” Gabi shrugged and changed, straining to clip the bikini top behind her. She had grown again. Casting one last look back at Emily, she left the room and began her search for the pool. -- “Did you see that girl in the lobby? She was about to bust out of that top.” “Did you, Stephen? Or were you just looking at her chest.” “Have some faith.” “What color was her hair?” “…fuck you, Teddy.” Teddy chuckled. He pulled his soaked undershirt up over his head, dropping it in a pile with the rest of his snowboarding clothes. Stephen was changing in the bathroom because, quote, “Two guys sleeping in a room together is gay enough.” Teddy didn’t mind. He was the quieter of the pair and he was happy that Stephen took the initiative on socialization. The ski trip would have been boring without him. In truth, he had seen the girl in the lobby. She had looked out of place in the huge, open area in her crop top and shorts. Didn’t she know how cold it was? Her family had been meandering around, but she was the only one taking in her surroundings. Delicate, blond hair hung loose around her exposed shoulders. She had a small, upturned nose, long eyelashes and, as Stephen would call it, a bangin’ rack. Shaking the thoughts that were forming from his head, Teddy kicked his pile of clothing into the corner and changed into his bathing suit. Stephen threw open the bathroom door and flexed. “How do I look?” he said. “Think that hot piece might glance my way if she saw these bad boys?” “Yeah, Stephen. I’m the gay one.” “Fuck OFF, Teddy.” Teddy laughed. Stephen had the tanned body and the abs, but his personality tended to make for short relationships. He was as shallow as a kiddy pool and twice as transparent. They walked into the hallway, flip flops slapping against the patterned carpet. Night was falling past the picture windows, casting the halls in red pallor. Their voices echoed in the dimness. “It’s quieter today,” Stephen noted. “There were like, ten families running around when we left this morning.” “Yeah,” Teddy said. “The parking lot looked emptier too. I think that people are fleeing before the storm.” “It’s gonna suck being stuck here if they can’t get the snowplow out this way for a while. There’s the pool and the restaurant and not much else. I guess there’s a fitness room somewhere.” “There’s a bar.” “There is a bar, but the only ones who hang out there are old men trying to cheat on their wives.” “What a cynical view of the world.” They could smell the chlorine before they saw the pool. The doors were fogged up, glass dripping from the heat of the hot tub. Stephen swiped his card and they entered. The first thing they noticed was how empty it was. A massive skylight made the room look cavernous. The sunchairs, carefully arranged, lay empty of occupants. Towels lay in tall stacks, unused. The rumble of the hot tub was the only sound. It vibrated through the soles of Teddy’s feet. The second thing they noticed was the pool’s only occupant. She sat with her hair tied up, individual strands coming loose around her neck. A book rested on top of the kick board. The girl lazily turned a page, not looking up as they entered. “Hey,” was all she said. “Why hello there,” Stephen replied. Teddy glanced over. Yup. He was flexing. The girl looked up, her eyes refocusing in the yellow fluorescent light. She quickly placed the book on a towel at the edge of the pool and patted down her hair. Her cheeks flushed and Teddy couldn’t figure out why. The kickboard slipped slightly, revealing a bikini strap. Her top had come loose. Teddy and Stephen looked away as the girl readjusted her top, clearing her throat when she was finished. “Did you see?” she asked, menace creeping into her voice. “Nuh uh,” the pair said, shaking their heads. The girl relaxed slightly. What was she going to do to us? Teddy tried not to stare at the pale globes of flesh that floated in front of her. She was clearly self-conscious and he knew how she felt. He himself was always nervous at the pool, especially when his scrawny frame was compared to the likes of Stephen. Sometimes, even those with good looks were wary to flaunt them. “So,” Stephen said, dipping his toes in the water. “What’s your name?” “Gabi,” she said. “I’m here with my family because apparently my dad likes the hot chocolate.” Stephen threw back his head and laughed. Teddy rolled his eyes. It hadn’t even really been a joke. Stephen was just trying to get laid. “What about you guys?” she asked. “Stephen, the hot one.” “Teddy, the sane one.” Gabi snorted. It seemed like their cheesy humor had defused the earlier tension. Her shoulders relaxed slightly and she let the kickboard drift a little further. “Sorry for the brief greeting,” she said. “I thought you were my sister. She was supposed to meet me down here, but she got caught up on her phone.” “Gen Z, am I right?” Stephen said. “Want to join us in the hot tub? My entire body is aching from snowboarding and it would be kind of awkward if the only other person here was in the pool.” Damn, Stephen worked fast. Gabi walked over to the stairs, giving both of them a perfect view of her ass pressed against the sheer fabric of her swimsuit. She had long, slender legs like a movie star and moved gracefully through the water. Teddy gulped and looked away. Stephen stared. She was cute. Attractive in a girl-next-door sort of way. That was entirely within Teddy’s strike zone and his heart was already racing. “Are you, uh, staying here long?” he asked, immediately cursing himself for the cliched line. Stephen snickered. “Just two days,” she said, dipping a toe in the hot tub. She pulled it out, gasping, then lowered it back in. Teddy realized he was drooling, watching that long, muscular leg flex in front of him. Stephen’s eyes were a bit higher. They were both smitten with her form and the adorable way she entered the hot tub an inch at the time until finally, she was fully submerged. “Well?” she said. Stephen jumped right in, grunting as the sudden heat turned his skin red. Teddy eased in as Gabi had. All three sat in a circle, watching each other. “So,” Gabi said. “Are you students?” “Yeah,” Stephen said, throwing his arms up on the edge of the pool. “We both go to Northern. Teddy studies computer science. I’m a communications major.” “Communications?” Gabi said. “The coward’s journalism major.” Now it was Teddy’s turn to throw back his head and laugh. “You’re right,” he said. “He started in journalism and switched after the first reporting class. Said there was too much grammar involved.” Stephen glared at him, but he didn’t care. This girl was funny. “And you?” he said. “Are you a student?” “Yeah. I’m studying nutrition. It’s been a bitch and a half though because of—” The door to the pool swung open again and Emily trounced in. She swung her head around, searching for her sister, making a disgusted face when she saw her in the tub with two guys. She walked over. “Hey,” she said. “Hey,” they called back. Her face screwed up a little as she tried to ascertain the social dynamic in the hot tub. Teddy pitied her. He knew what it was like to be the younger sibling, having three older brothers himself. “Come on in,” he said. “We were just talking about school. Are you in middle school?” “High school,” Emily snapped, dipping her foot in the water. “And it’s too hot in there. I’m just going to sit on the side.” Gabi was glaring at her sister. Teddy knew that look well. It was a “get the hell out of here, you little squirt” look. These sisters apparently didn’t get along, but Emily had already settled on the sidelines and was waiting for the talking to start. “So,” Stephen said. “Gabi. You were saying?” “Oh. That it’s been a bitch and a half trying to finish this chemistry class. I need the credit, but it’s impossible. I’ve already failed once.” “Yeah,” Emily interjected. “She’s always bitching about it at home. I told her that she should just quit taking it.” Teddy cringed. Gabi and Stephen seemed to have decided to ignore her, continuing to chat in quieter tones. Emily strained to listen to them, her face growing bleaker and bleaker as they continued to ignore her. “Hey. What do you do for fun?” She turned to Teddy, brightening slightly. “I browse forums,” she said. “Do you know anything about forums?” “Yeah,” he said. “I’m a computer science major. I don’t usually tell people because they find it kind of nerdy, but it’s really interesting to see all of the things people create. It’s a good slice of humanity.” “Right? Gabi never understood why I liked them. She’s a complete airhead and really really selfish. All she has are her boobs.” “I heard that.” While Gabi turned to try to hit Emily, Stephen threw Teddy a wink. Teddy’s stomach dropped a little. He was losing his chance to talk to her and he had just been gaining traction too. Maybe he could think of a way to integrate Emily into the conversation better. He couldn’t bear to see her squirming on the sidelines. Their voices rattled through the empty pool. Snow was falling against the skylight, huge flakes crowding together and obscuring the night sky. It built against the windows and the doors, gentle at first and then faster. The storm was beginning in earnest, muffling the mountain with its icy maw, swallowing its occupants whole. “It’s really coming down,” Teddy murmured. They all turned to look out the window. “Yeah,” Gabi said. “They weren’t kidding when they said we’d be snowed in. It must have snowed at least three inches by now and its only just started.” “Think there will be enough food?” Stephen asked. “I hope so,” Gabi said. Teddy raised an eyebrow. Stephen laughed. “If not, we’ll have to eat each other,” he said. “Although I don’t think I’d mind being swallowed by a girl as pretty as yourself.” “You mean it?” A shiver ran down Teddy’s spine. The tone had changed. Emily was visibly excited, her fists clenched at her sides. She whispered something to Gabi, but the older girl swatted her away. Even Stephen seemed to notice the shift. “Yeah,” he said, scratching his head. “I guess.” This was getting weird. Suddenly, the quiet of the hotel seemed oppressive. Snow was piling against the doors, trapping them in with each other, and Teddy was starting to feel claustrophobic. The heat was making his head swim. He eased himself up onto the side of the hot tub, sitting across from Emily. She adjusted her top, giving him a meaningful glance. He put his hands up placatingly. He wasn’t going to stare at a teenager. Gabi and Stephen were chatting again. An hour passed. Teddy and Emily talked about forums, but Emily wouldn’t tell him which ones she was a part of or what kinds of topics she liked. He assumed it had something to do with girl stuff. He tried to engage her on his insights into practical web application. She yawned. They lapsed into silence, equally distant from the animated chatter coming from the hot tub. “I need to get out,” Gabi said suddenly. “My skin is getting all pruny.” She lifted herself up, carefully dislodging her bikini bottom from her asscrack. Emily reached to try to unhook her top and got her hand slapped away. “Prude,” she muttered. “Are you going to the room?” “Yup. We have to change for dinner. I’m sure mom and dad have been texting us.” “Oh yeah. I call the shower first. “No way! You didn’t even get in the pool.” They argued their way out the doors, leaving the men alone in the empty pool. Teddy walked over and picked up the book that Gabi had left on the towel. It was an organic chemistry textbook and it was also his alibi to talking to her again. He hid it in a towel as Stephen came prancing over. “I think I have a good shot with her,” he said. “She looked super into me. You know, it’s going to be kind of lonely trapped in this spooky hotel. She’s going to need a man to keep the ghosts away.” “Yeah?” Teddy said, drying himself off. “I’m not so sure about that. She doesn’t really seem like the ‘hook up’ type. More like the, ‘I am talking to you because I pity you’, type.” “You’re just jealous because you got stuck with the kid. Gonna tap that jailbait?” “You’re disgusting.” “You’re a virgin.” The corridors were desolate. Somewhere around the corner, a door opened and closed. It felt weird to be walking around such a large space in a swimsuit with only the muffled sound of a television coming from one of the rooms. Their feet left wet marks on the carpet. Every window that they passed was whited out from the outside. They creaked under the pressure. The hotel was getting ready to hibernate. “Think the storm will break any windows?” Stephen asked. “No,” Teddy said. “But it might do some damage to the roof. I doubt it, though. A mountain resort like this must be built for snowstorms. I’m surprised that they didn’t close the wooden shutters.” “Probably because we’re on the second floor.” Teddy stopped. “Oh shit,” he said. “The snow’s piled this high already?” “I’ll bet it’s just stuck to the windows. Let’s throw clothes on and head to the first floor. I’ll bet it looks really cool.” They threw on pants and shirts and all but ran to the lobby, skipping down the grand staircase. The area was abuzz with movement. Employees were carrying up boxes and sacks from the basement. The cleaning crew was counting cards. The mustachio’d concierge had a large book open in front of him and was directing uniformed men. “Don’t worry about the kitchen,” he was saying. “We’ve already taken care of it. Most of the guests are in the dining room eating now. There will be no charge tonight. We will sort out tips later. Maybe we can organize a game night in the ballroom. We don’t want anyone getting stir crazy.” “Damn,” Stephen mumbled, moving aside as a disgruntled employee pushed past. “This is more serious than I thought.” “Yeah,” Teddy said. “The windows are latched tight and it looks like they’ve already barred the door.” Indeed, a large wooden beam was being fitted into its slots along the door. Being an old building, the doors opened inward instead of outward. Teddy assumed that the beam was to keep them from being blown open by the storm, but it was still disconcerting to watch the main exit being blocked. “No worries,” the concierge said, strolling toward the men. “This is all standard. We’ve weathered worse before. The only thing that I’m worried about is who’s going to handle the overtime after this. Ha ha!” “Right,” Teddy said. “Could you point us to the bar?” The concierge gave him a knowing wink. “Of course, lad. Of course. Just go down this hall to the left. It’s across from the restaurant. Don’t forget to get some real food in you before going on a bender. It would be a bad time to get sick.” He wandered away, whistling under his breath. Teddy rubbed his arm. If there was some sort of emergency, nobody would be able to get to them. An ambulance couldn’t make it up the mountain. The power lines might go down. It wasn’t helping his sense of claustrophobia. “C’mon,” he said to Stephen. “I really need that drink.” “Actually,’ his friend said, taking him by the shoulders. “I promised Gabi that I would get a drink with her. And it would be a really bad look if my bro was just hanging out beside us.” Douche. “Fine, whatever.” Teddy said, pulling away. “I’ll be back in the room. I brought a few movies.” -- Emily was bored. Dinner had been a droll affair with caviar and lobster and other icky things that people pretend to like to be fancy. She had picked at her own plate before wandering to the buffet, coming back with a chicken tender. Her mom shot her a look, but said nothing. They were on vacation. She could eat what she liked. The dining room itself was kind of neat. There were sliding paper doors and colorful lanterns hung over the table with symbols that Emily didn’t understand. She munched on her chicken, watching the servers go by, and wondered how she would entertain herself that night. Gabi had made it explicitly clear that she wasn’t supposed to follow her to the bar. Emily had wracked her brain, trying to figure out how she would sneak in, but so far, no plan had stuck. Maybe she could use her makeup kit to make herself look older and just hang out. Fancy hotels like this served drinks to minors anyway. Maybe. It infuriated her that her sister got to hang out with people and chat and laugh while she had to go back to the room. Perhaps she could go and find Teddy. His conversation had been boring, but at least he had talked to her. He seemed pretty niffed about his friend getting all of Gabi’s attention though. He probably had just talked to her because he couldn’t talk to Gabi. Hot envy coursed through Emily’s veins. Why did Gabi get all of the good stuff? What did she have that Emily didn’t? Well, besides everything she wanted. So, she feuded, picking at her food and excusing herself when dessert came. The hallways were clear at this hour, with only a few people hanging out by the bar. She saw the guy from earlier sitting on a stool, chatting with another man. Stephen was his name. He kept glancing back at the door like he was expecting somebody else. Emily began to put the pieces together. Her hackles raised. Gabi was blowing her off to hang out with some guy?!? That wouldn’t do at all. She walked into the bar, hands behind her back, hoping to avoid the notice of the busy bartender washing down the tables. She sauntered up to Stephen and poked him in the side. He jumped, glaring down at her. “Oh,” he said, easing up. “It’s just you. I’m not sure you should be here.” He looked over at the bartender as if hoping he would come and kick her out. That just made Emily madder. “I have some tips,” she blurted out. “For dealing with Gabi. You like her, don’t you?” That caught his attention. He said something to the man he had been talking to and slid off his stool, motioning for Emily to join him at a table. Apparently, she might look older if she was sitting down. He pulled out a seat for her and pushed his drink toward her. She started to pick it up when he cleared his throat. “Don’t actually drink that. It’s just that nobody will come over here if you have a drink in front of you already.” Oh. Emily hadn’t known that. She had never been in a bar before. “So,” Stephen said. “You said that you had some tips for me? I was under the impression that you and Gabi didn’t get along.” His eyebrow piercing glittered in the dim light. Emily had never gotten why people did that to themselves. She thought it looked dumb, having metal sticking out at every which angle. She liked things that were soft and mushy or big and smooth. Not things that were hard and jagged. “Yeah,” she said. “We usually don’t. But I do care about her and she seems to like you a lot.” “Really?” Stephen scooted closer. It was clear that he had taken the bait. ‘What did she say?” he asked. “Well,” she said, putting a finger to her lips. “She thought you were really cute. She kind of goes for that bad boy type and you’ve got the long hair and looks that her ex had. Gabi likes a guy that knows what he wants and isn’t afraid to ask for it.” “Interesting, interesting. I thought she was more shy than that.” Emily smiled. Time to reel in the fish. “That’s just an act,” she said, swirling her drink. “She actually likes forceful men. She told me that one time when she was drunk. Nothing gets her riled up quicker than a clandestine meetup and a guy that just takes. She’ll never make the first move and if you don’t, she’ll lose interest really quick.” “Huh.” Stephen sat back in his chair, tapping his fingers together. Rowdy laughter was filtering back to them from the bar. Dessert would be over soon. Emily had to get out of there and she didn’t have time to wait for this indecisive loser. “Look,” she said. “I promise that if you start to feel her up, she’ll let you get inside of her.” Stephen’s face turned a bright shade of scarlet. “That’s uh, an odd thing for a sister to say.” Emily rolled her eyes. “She already kicked me out of the room tonight, so she was definitely planning to sleep with someone. I just assumed that would be you. But if you bitch out like this, then I have to deal with her whining all night instead of playing videogames in one of the empty rooms. I don’t even want to think about the sounds she’d make after getting shunted like that. She’s a bit of a freak.” “Yeah,” Stephen said, eyes foggy. “Yeah alright. I’ll give it a try. But if it doesn’t work and you’ve punked me, I swear.” Emily raised her hands and smiled. It was time for her to leave. She pulled back her chair and slid the drink back in front of Stephen. He took it and downed it in one go, the faraway look in his eye still present when Emily walked to the door. As she reached it, it opened. Gabi looked down at her. “And what do you think you’re doing here, weirdo?” she asked, crossing her arms. “I wanted to see if they had kiddie cocktails,” Emily said. “You know, sprite and cherry juice? They didn’t have them at the restaurant.” “And?” “And what?” “Did they?” Emily tilted her head and tapped her foot. She could feel Stephen’s eyes on her back. Gabi couldn’t suspect that she had tampered with him or she might bail. Emily pulled out her trump card. Tears sprang into her eyes. She hugged Gabi close and buried her face in her stomach. “No,” she sniffled. “And then I got kicked out. The bartender is a real jerk. You should just stay in the room with me. We can play cards.” Gabi’s shoulders lowered. She patted Emily’s head and guided her out of the bar. “It sucks that they yelled at you for asking about a kids drink, but you shouldn’t have been in there in the first place,” she said gently. “Look, I won’t be long. Just hang out until I get back, okay?” “Okay.” Gabi waved to her and stepped into the bar. The door closed behind her. Emily waited a few seconds just to be safe and then re-entered the bar. Nobody noticed her as she walked in. She sat at the same table that Stephen had just been at, snatched a half-empty glass, and tried to make herself look as unapproachable as possible. There was no way she was going to miss what was about to happen. Stephen was already playing the part of the bad boy. He had unbuttoned his shirt and mussed up his hair. He sat with his leg up on the barstool, talking to Gabi with animated gestures. She didn’t look impressed. “C’mon,” Emily muttered. “C’mon idiot. She’s not impressed. She’s not buying it. You’re just a loser playing a bad boy. You’re going to have to do something more than just talk, or she won’t sleep with you. C’mon. Feel her up. Her boobs are just hanging out.” One of the servers gave her an odd look as he passed by, doing a double take but then he saw that she already had a glass in front of her and shrugged. The situation was weird enough already, what with the snowstorm and all. He didn’t care if a kid had snuck in. Someone had served her a drink. Not his business. The bar was starting to clear. One of the old men yawned and paid his tab, knuckles scraping on the counter as he grabbed a handful of peanuts on the way out. A husband and wife called for their ticket. Gabi was starting to look uncomfortable. “C’mon,” Emily muttered again. “Go for it. Try your last out. Touch her tit.” Stephen waffled about. He scratched his neck. He pulled at his shirt. He shifted uncomfortably in his chair, trying to keep a confident grin on his face, but it all was lost on Gabi’s indifference. Emily saw her sister shift. Something changed in Stephen’s eyes. He wrapped an arm around Gabi’s back, pressing his lips against hers. His hand slid up her shirt. She yelped. And then it happened. Gabi’s mouth widened. Stephen gasped in terror as he was presented with the void of her throat descending upon him. Emily watched it engulf him in its wet embrace, guzzling him down into her sister’s stomach where he kicked and screamed, the cries deadened by the layer of skin and fat between him and the outside world. It was everything Emily had hoped for. It made her skin burn. She yelled with delight, drawing Gabi’s frightened gaze as the bartender and server took notice. Gabi grabbed the bartender by the collar and drew him close. “I’m really sorry about this,” she said, shoving him between her dripping lips. Her neck bulged as the bartender passed through it. Emily thought she would faint. It was always a treat, watching Gabi binge like this. Her stomach stretched out wide with two occupants kicking inside of it. Emily ran up to it and hugged it against her, feeling the movements within, reveling in their struggles. “This is so cool,” she said. “Emily,” Gabi said, suppressing a burp. “The waiter.” The man was standing beside the bar, pointing with his mouth open. Emily thought he was staring at Gabi’s stomach, but then she followed his line of sight. The force of two men going through her had pulled Gabi’s shirt up. Her lacy bra was in full view, as well as her enormous tits. “Want a closer view?” Emily asked, pushing him forward. Right as the man turned to look at her, Gabi pounced. The man was swallowed unceremoniously. Her stomach sagged to the floor. “They’re moving a lot,” Gabi complained. “I knew you were up to something. I knew it as soon as I walked into the bar. Admit it!” “What did I do? That jerk totally felt you up. I was just worried about you.” “Yeah right. When do you ever worry about me?” Hurried footsteps halted their argument. A woman that neither of them had noticed had gone sprinting from the room, screaming about a monster. Gabi paled. “Oh no,” she said. “I thought I had gotten all of them. She’s going to tell everybody.” “Yep,” Emily said happily. “And now you’re going to have to eat the entire hotel.” “I really am, aren’t I?” -- The screams started around midnight. Teddy had been laying back on the bed, playing on his phone and flipping through the channels when the power had flickered. The television screen faded into a static black, giving Teddy a good view of his own frightened face before the back-up generators kicked in and the lights came back on. That’s when the screaming started. “It was just a blackout,” Teddy muttered, kicking his legs off the bed. “Nothing to scream about.” A picture of a meadow hung on a wall the color of fresh meat. Teddy could almost imagine it dripping with some kind of goo. Wind howled outside of the window, throwing the snow up in furious bursts. The storm was upon them. For once in his life, Teddy wished that Stephen was with him. His friend knew how to ease his anxieties with a joke. The storm was starting to get to him. Here he was, on vacation, and he felt trapped. He shook his head and chuckled. Classic Teddy, afraid of a bit of snow. He assured himself that the hotel had been prepared for a prolonged siege. The foyer had been filled with supplies. Nothing was going to happen. Nothing- There was a knock on the door. Teddy jumped, nearly knocking the painting off the wall. “Hello?” he called. “Stephen?” “Run.” The word rang out and then the sound of footsteps disappeared down the hall, leaving Teddy scared and alone. “Okay,” he said pacing. “It was a joke. One of the kids that’s stuck here got bored. They’re running around and yelling to stir up trouble. Nothing to be afraid of.” Pulling out his phone, Teddy dialed Stephen’s number. There was no call tone. He glanced at his phone and his heart dropped. No signal. “He probably went to her room,” he said. “He’s probably having the time of his life right now. The kicked out Emily. She was probably the one running through the halls. Yeah.” He began to calm down. It made sense. The girl was bored enough that she would go about scaring strangers. Stephen was getting some. Jealousy replaced fear. Teddy was never the one to kick Stephen out of the room. It wasn’t even that he was that bad looking, it was just the Stephen was so much more confident. Now he was getting to fondle that goliath of a chest and bury his face between those strong legs. Teddy huffed. Friends indeed. Something heavy was being dragged down the hall. Teddy could hear it rustling against the carpet, the sound vanishing and appearing again, as if the object were being picked up and put down. There was a grunt of exertion, followed by a low moan. Then a scream. Teddy burst into the hall. It was empty. A chill ran up his spine. All of the doors were open. There was movement inside one of the rooms. The sound of a struggle and something slurping. Low voices could be heard. “I found the registry behind the front desk,” a man’s voice called. “It had all of the guests listed, as well as the staff that would stay during the storm. There are far fewer families than we originally thought. Only about thirty people. Can you handle that many?” Muffled affirmation, like they were answering with their mouth full. Teddy crept further along, stopping right outside the door. A burp rang out. “How many more?” someone gasped. “Besides this woman here? Six. Four guests and the two servants who ran out of the foyer. They can’t have gone far. All of the doors are blocked.” A woman screamed. Teddy peaked through the door. He froze. The center of the room was dominated by a flesh-colored ball. Its form shifted and twisted as movements from within pressed against the outer layer. Teddy could make out the shape of feet and arms. Faces contorted in silent screams. Then he noted the legs on top of the ball and looked forward. It was Gabi. Her mouth was open wide and a pair of arms were sticking out. A child’s tear-stained face stared back at Teddy before it was gone, sucked into her gullet. Into her stomach. The new form writhed against the others, creating a wave of motion in the taut skin. Gabi swallowed twice, clearing her throat. “I’m really sorry,” she said to the woman, who must be the mother. “I didn’t want to eat him, or your husband. It’s just that, well, we can’t have you telling other people.” “Of course not,” the man’s voice called. “It’s been a minor problem ever since you were young. I’m sure they will forgive you for it.” The mother bowed her head. She was in shock. She didn’t even react as Gabi’s father lifted her into Gabi’s waiting mouth, stretched to grotesque proportions. Her tongue swirled around the woman’s chest, tugging her further and further down until her lips closed around the woman. GULP! Teddy felt like he was going to faint. He couldn’t believe his eyes. He had just watched a woman swallowed alive, right in front of him. Apparently, her entire family had been swallowed as well. It defied reality. There was no reasonable explanation for it. Teddy tried to look away, but he couldn’t. Something held his gaze. A face had appeared, stamped into Gabi’s stomach. Its mouth was open in a silent cry. And it was familiar. The nose, the ears, the mouth. The eyebrow piercing, circular against the hard features. “Stephen,” Teddy muttered, backing away. “Oh no. Oh no no no.” “Hey!” Someone called out from the end of the hallway. Emily stood there, hand cupped around her mouth. “There’s another one right outside of the door! He just watched the entire thing!” Footsteps from within the room. Teddy ran. He ran faster than he ever had in his life, vaulting the railing at the stairs and diving down into the lobby. A woman stood behind the counter, smiling at him. She had a register in her hands. “Oh,” she said. “One escaped. That’s unfortunate.” Teddy’s chest heaved. His eyes were wild. He glanced around for an escape and found it. The front door was unbarred. Someone had tried to open it. He sprinted for it, the woman watching as he reached the handles, tugging open the double doors. Snow piled around him, forced in by the motion. The entire entryway was blocked. He was trapped. He left the doors opened and ran back into the hall, careful to make sure that the woman couldn’t see which way he ran. As he passed the stairs, he caught another glimpse of Gabi. Her stomach was now a heaving mass of bodies. Her father and her sister had to prop it up to allow her to move. Multiple voices called out from within, but one rang out above the rest. “Connor,” it called. “Baby, run!” A young boy appeared near the banister. There was a small alcove under the stairs where cleaning supplies were kept. He had been in hiding, drawn out by the sound of his mother’s voice. The boy started to walk up the steps. “Connor, run!” it called again, followed by a massive gurgle. Digestion was starting to kick in. The boy continued up the stairs. “Mama,” he cried. “Mama, mama!” Teddy dashed for the stairs, feet pounding the tiles. He had to make it to the kid. He had to make it. Two steps away from Connor, Emily grabbed him beneath the arms and tossed him. He disappeared with a wet thump, straight into Gabi’s jaws. She swallowed. “No!” Teddy screamed. The family stared back at him. Gabi looked concerned. Her mother and father were the picture of apathy. A cruel smile had spread across Emily’s lips. “You can make this easy,” she said. “We won’t have to chase you. Just climb on in and be done with it.” “No,” Teddy said again, backing away. “It really would be easier,” Gabi said, holding her groaning stomach. “I wish it didn’t have to be like this.” “You ate Stephen,” Teddy said. “I saw him. I saw him inside of you.” “He groped her,” Gabi’s father interceded. “I think that warrants punishment.” “Punishment isn’t dying,” Teddy said, pointing a shaking finger toward Gabi. “It’s not that.” “I really am sorry,” she said. “Someone ran and started shouting. If they hadn’t, I might not have had to eat everybody. You should just come and get it over with. I’ll be really gentle. If you run, it’ll just be harder for me. My stomach aches so much.” It rumbled beneath her. The shouting rose anew. People started scrambling, especially in the lower third of her gut, trying to escape the rising stomach acids. Teddy closed his eyes. It was too horrible. They were being digested. Entire families were going to be melted down inside of her. Gabi’s mother put a hand on his shoulder, snapping out of his reveries. He pushed her away. “I’m going to get out of here,” Teddy yelled. “I am going to warn the world. You’ll face justice someday.” Even as he said it, he knew it was not the truth. There was no way out. No way to survive. He would be caught and dragged kicking and screaming into her mouth. He ran then, passing through the empty halls. The dining room, the conference, the ballroom. All were too open. Maybe a cabinet or a ventilation shaft. There was another scream behind him. Someone else had been caught. Only four more people were left. A sound from the bar made him stop. He turned, catching a fleeting glimpse of movement before it disappeared into the back room. Teddy looked down the hall. The family hadn’t pursued him yet. He ducked into the bar, padding lightly toward the back where a swinging door led into a small kitchen. A woman sat huddled in the corner, her eyes wild, a knife in hand. She shook it toward Teddy. “Back,” she said. “Stay back. I saw. I saw it all. You can’t fool me.” Teddy raised his hands, peaking through the swinging door. Still, nobody had followed him, but it was only a matter of time. They were too cut off in the bar. They needed to move somewhere where they could run. “Hey,” Teddy said. “My name is Teddy. I am a guest here. I saw that girl, the blond one, eating people too.” The woman yelped and dropped the knife. Her hands were shaking too much. She scratched at the linoleum floor, clawing at it until her nail beds were shredded and her fingers started to bleed. Teddy advanced and the woman stared, but she did not move and when he put his hands on her shoulders, some light returned to her eyes. “Hey,” she said. “Do you think we might make it out of here? We’re snowed in. There’s no escape. We’re going to be eaten.” “No,” Teddy said gently. “We’re going to get out of here. We’re going to find help. Eventually, the cell towers will be back up and the police will come and rescue us. We will make it out of here. What’s your name?” “Lorena.” “C’mon Lorena. We can’t stay here.” Teddy took her by the bloodied hand and led her through the kitchen. They entered back into the bar, ducking behind the wooden counter as a shadow passed in front of the door. It wasn’t big enough to be Gabi, but it was probably one of the parents on the move. Teddy put a finger to his lips, signaling to be quiet before tip-toeing to the door. He put his ear against it, listening for movement. Hearing none, he gently opened the door. A pair of hands swooped from the left, missing him by an inch. “Shit,” Teddy yelled, rolling out of the way. He got back on his knees just in time to see the father grabbing Lorena’s arm and dragging her down the hall. He made as if to give chase and then froze. Because at the end of the hall lay Gabi, blocking the exit. “You got one, dad!” she said, clapping her hand. He chuckled, tossing the screaming woman into her waiting arms. Gabi’s mouth opened to inhuman proportions and Lorena screamed even louder. She was fed into the jaws like cattle to slaughter. They closed around her. GULP! The sound resonated down the hall. Teddy couldn’t strike it from his mind. The wet gulping sound of a woman being swallowed. A woman that he had given hope. He rose weakly to his knees and ran. Up the stairs, around the corner, all the way to the pool. He kicked open the door, wild eyes searching for an out. A cart caught his attention. Discarded towels lay along the bottom. Teddy hurriedly threw more in from the clean stack and nestled down among them, covering himself. Then he waited. The windows creaked. The hot tub whirred. Time passed and nobody came, but time was something that the monster had a lot of and when the door opened, Teddy knew that his time was up. Flip-flops slapped the concrete. Someone coughed. They seemed to be searching the outer edges and the locker room. It was hot inside of the card, but Teddy didn’t dare move. He hid his breath as best he could despite his rising heartrate. Surely someone could hear it thumping against his chest. The flip-flops got farther away. The door closed. The cart started moving. Teddy stayed ducked down, hoping beyond hope that whoever was pushing him didn’t know he was there. The wheels squeaked as the cart turned, moving from the hard concrete of the pool to the soft carpet of the hallway. Teddy contemplated standing up. If he could take out the person that was moving him, perhaps he could find a weapon of some sort. He could disable the rest of the family and confront Gabi, cutting open her stomach from the outside and saving the occupants. He would defeat the monster. The cart stopped, and Teddy waited. Someone was breathing heavily. Someone close by. “Come out.” Dread weighed heavily on Teddy’s shoulders as he stood up, coming face to face with Gabi, lying atop the mound of bodies in her stomach. They were alone in one of the guest rooms. She was blocking the exit. “I’ve never had this many people inside of me before,” Gabi said. “It feels…weird. Some have stopped moving. It’s going to take me forever to digest.” “That’s what you’re worried about?” Teddy asked, his voice wavering. He doubted that Gabi could move in her condition and he was out of reach. Still, she was blocking the exit. “You’re worried about the indigestion?” “I said I was sorry,” she said. “I had to eat everybody. They saw me eat Stephen.” Teddy laughed. Something inside of him at broken, snapping like a piano string and driving the fear from his mind. He stepped forward, nearly within Gabi’s reach. She watched him warily. “You’re so selfish,” he laughed. “It’s comical. You have no self-reference. You’re eating people with no regard for any life but your own, just trying to avoid punishment. And you apologize and apologize, but it all means nothing. Your actions speak for themselves.” He took another step closer. He had to crane his head to look her in the eye. “You like this,” he spat. “You like eating people. It’s not because they touched a tit. It’s not because they saw you. It’s because you want to continue.” “Yep!” Before Teddy could react, Emily gave him a sharp shove from behind, throwing him right into Gabi’s arms. She opened her mouth, her throat widening for his consumption. Below Teddy, he could see a mountain of wriggling forms. Mothers hugged children close to their chest. Servants prayed on swallowed rosaries. Some reached for the light and others didn’t move at all. “Please,” he said, watching his fate unfold before him. “Please don’t do this. You don’t have to do this. You could let me go. I won’t tell anyone.” The mouth closed. Gabi stared back at him. Hot tears burned on his cheeks “Hey,” she said. “Don’t cry, don’t cry. This isn’t going to hurt at all.” “I don’t want to die,” Teddy sobbed. “I don’t want to be swallowed whole.” “Of course not,” Gabi said, brushing her hand against his jaw. “Of course you don’t. But those are the rules. C’mon, Teddy. I’ll be gentle with you. I promise.” His head was between her lips now, her tongue wet on his cheek, licking away the tears. Hot breath dampens his hair. Her throat expanded, waiting for him, eager to feel him slide down into the depths of her stomach with the rest of the unfortunate hotel patrons. Teddy kicked, but Gabi held him firm as he travelled down. Her mouth closed around his legs and she swallowed. Teddy splashed against the other bodies which pushed beneath him. Elbows jostled his sides. What had been but a low moaning from the outside was now a cacophony of voices, praying, calling for help. Children cried for their parents, unable to see them in the dark. Hands pushed against the elastic membrane that was stretched thin over them. Teddy himself screamed and kicked and punched, achieving nothing but bruising his own arms and fists. The people beneath him protested. Time was nothing in the confines of Gabi’s stomach. Every now and then, she would gulp and a glob of saliva would splash against Teddy and he would see a brief flash of light before he throat closed again. There was no movement from the outside. Nothing to denote where they were in space. The rumblings of their prison continued, growing louder. Spluttering sounds echoed, marking the passage of the digested remnants into Gabi’s intestines. The pile grew shorter. The stomach grew tighter. One by one they were made into mush and shuttled off into their captor’s bowels. She sighed above them, her heartbeat the only sound to break the surreal experience. Teddy’s skin was beginning to tingle. The people beneath him had long since stopped moving. He himself was unsure of when he had last blinked, swallowed, made any sign that he was alive. He flexed his fingers and found that he couldn’t feel them. They wouldn’t obey the signals that he sent. But he could still hear the ominous gurgles below. He knew that he would be the next to join the families that were reunited in the twisting flesh of her intestines. Their forms would jumble together into one big pile of waste, of which Stephen had been the first. This was supposed to have been a fun trip, a break from the tedium of college life, and it had turned into a living nightmare. How many people had Gabi eaten? How many more would she swallow in the future? Teddy didn’t know. He was beginning to lose all sense of self. The air was thin. When had he last breathed? He tried to force himself to inhale and found that he couldn’t. Perhaps he smiled. It was over, finally over. He could sleep. He could see Stephen once more. -- “Wake up, girls! We can finally head out.” Gabi opened an eye, unsticking her face from her pillow. Her hair lay in messy strands. Emily muttered something groggily, turning back over in her bed. “Hey,” Gabi said, throwing a pillow at her sister. It hit her square in the back of the head. “Get up, freak. Dad says that the snowplows finally came.” “You’re the freak,” Emily mumbled. “How do you even swallow 30 people? That’s got to be a record.” “Yeah, so you’ve said about a dozen times in the past five days. Get up, don’t you want to go to Auntie’s?” “Mmrmph.” Gabi showered quickly, letting the water wash away the grime of the past couple of days. It had taken her longer than usual to digest and she had been immobile through the process, a fact which Emily had taken great delight in. She would come in the room and hug herself against Gabi, laying on her stomach like a waterbed, and teasing her. “You’re so lucky I’m a good sister,” she would say. “What would you do without me? Probably continue to be a fatass.” Gabi would try to throw whatever was close to her, but eventually she ran out of ammo. “I know you let the woman in the bar go,” she would yell. “You just wanted me to eat everybody.” Emily would snicker and flee from the room. In the fogged-up bathroom mirror, Gabi caught of glimpse of her body. Most of the energy gained from swallowing people went directly towards digesting them. Whatever remained went to her chest. Her tits were now massive, bigger than any bra she owned could handle. She had to make do with just a tee-shirt, flopping up and down as she walked. It was embarrassing. Emily slapped her tit on the way out of the bathroom, fleeing through the door before she could do anything. “Hey,” Gabi yelled. “You need to stop doing that.” Emily tittered behind the locked door. Gabi rolled her eyes and packed up her things. They hadn’t planned for a long trip and so she didn’t have much to shove in her bag. Zipping it up, she met her parents in the hallway. Her mother gave her a hug. “Morning, hun,” she said. “Sorry for the abrupt wakeup call. Someone came by earlier to tell us that they had plowed the area. We should be able to get the car out, but you’ll want to wear warmer clothes than just a shirt. We still have to unbury the car.” Gabi rummaged through her suitcase for her coat, finding it right on the bottom. She held it up in front of her, dubious about the size, but her mother was waiting and she didn’t feel like arguing. She thrust her arms into the sleeves, wrestling with the zipper until it pulled over her breasts, squishing them and making it hard to breathe. “Oh dear,” her mother said. “We’ll have to buy you a new coat.” “And why don’t I ever get new coats?” Emily said, dragging her bag into the hall. “Because you never grow,” Gabi said, earning her a nasty glare. They walked together, past the pool, past the swan light fixtures and down the grand staircase. Nobody came to bid them goodbye. The front doors were open and sun poured in, illuminating a path through the shoulder-high snow. Their father waited in the doorway. “They said they’ve carved a path all the way down the mountain,” he said. “I called as soon as we regained cell service. It’s been a real whopper.” “Nobody uses the word whopper anymore, Dad,” Emily said. “Oh yeah? What do they call it then?” “I don’t know. Not a whopper.” Their father laughed. He led them through the virgin snow, letting them marvel at the sun reflecting off the crystals, bathing the path in golden light. They tramped to their car which, as their mother had predicted, was buried under a mound of half-melted slush. “Bet that’s what those people looked like in your stomach,” Emily whispered as their dad pried open the trunk. “A bunch of mushy slush.” “Shut up,” Gabi hissed. “You know I still feel bad about that.” “Not too bad. You were talking in your sleep. Something about how yummy that last boy was. What was his name? Thomas?” “Teddy,” Gabi said. “And I did not!” “Yes you did.” “No I didn’t.” “Yes you did.” “Girls!” They snapped to attention. Their father had two brushes and handed one to each of them. “If you have time to bicker, you have time to brush off the car,” he said. They swept the snow off the car, pushing it into massive piles. Their mother had a shovel and was carving a path back into the parking lot. Even in the freezing weather, Gabi was sweating by the time they finished. She threw her suitcase into the trunk and plopped into the car, taking her customary position behind the passenger seat. Emily got in on the other side. “Well,” their father said, starting the engine. “Does anyone have to go to the bathroom? It’s an almost five hour drive to Dorothy’s and I am not stopping for gas. We are already late by a couple of days.” “That wasn’t our fault,” Emily said, already playing on her phone. “That stupid storm had to come and ruin all of the fun.” “I don’t know,” their mother said. “I kind of had fun just snuggling in and playing Monopoly with my family.” “Even though dad always won.” They all giggled. Their father was a champion Monopoly player. He pulled out of the parking lot and into the plowed trail, going slowly until they made it out of the gates and back onto the mountain slopes. Gabi looked out the back window, watching the hotel fade into the distance. She wished they had time to ski or do much of anything. She had spent most of the time sleeping. “Mom,” she called over her shoulder. “Did we bring any snacks?” “Oh dear. We forgot to raid the kitchen before we left. We’ll order pizza when we get to Dorothy’s. You can have the delivery boy.” “Thanks, mom.” Gabi tore her eyes away from the hotel, erasing it from her mind. It really had been a boring vacation. |
Glinda sat before the trickster, wondering what she was going to do with her luck. The trickster inspected the iron trap around its leg. It shrugged. “It seems that I have been captured,” it said, its voice everywhere and nowhere. “You would force a dealing.” Goosebumps crept up Glinda’s arm. She couldn’t keep her eyes on the trickster for long. It looked human at first glance. It had eyes and a nose, a mouth and a chin. It stood on two legs. Everything was solid, from the top of its bald head to its manicured toes. The problem was that it was too perfect. It was neither male nor female. Perfectly symmetrical, the trickster simply Was. Its body was merely a frame on which it draped disguises. Your neighbor, your lover, your parents and friends. All could be found in the smile of a trickster. “I have a request,” Glinda said, shaking. “And you are going to grant it to me.” “Of course,” the trickster said. “Although, I must have something in return.” “What!?” Glinda bristled with indignation. She had caught the trickster fair and square. With its leg in an iron trap, the being should be beholden to her. The exchange was its freedom. “You walk out of here alive,” she said, poking a finger into the trickster’s chest. “That’s my deal.” In response, the trickster bent the chains with its bare hands, stepping out onto the concrete floor of Glinda’s basement. Candles flickered in every corner of the room. The sigils that Glinda had used to summon it burst into flame. In an instant, the trickster’s form wavered and changed. Now, a young woman shook out her mane of pink hair. She smoothed it over her cat ears and smiled. “Better,” Emily said, sitting down. “I prefer to take a form when I make dealings with humans. And, make no bones about it, this is a dealing. My capture only ensures an audience, although the iron certainly has an effect.” “Fine,” Glinda spat. The trickster’s hands and leg were covered in rough burns. If it hurt, she didn’t show it. Glinda didn’t care. She had waited too long for this moment to be hampered by such a setback. “You will make me a predator,” Glinda said, throwing her arms wide. “I want to be able to swallow my enemies whole and feel their struggles inside of me.” Emily raised an eyebrow. People wished for many things, but predation was among the stranger requests. Money, power, fame. Those were easy. A simple biological change was even easier. She snapped her fingers once and the deed was complete. “I’ll be off now,” Emily said, turning toward the door. “You’ll find that you’re now able to swallow people at will. I will come to collect my payment on the longest day of the year.” With her final words still ringing in Glinda’s ears, she disappeared in a puff of smoke. -- Her fat stomach bulged with her latest meal. It banged against the fleshy interior with its arm, crying out as the movement did nothing but send a heavy ripple over Glinda’s heaving breasts. Her mouth hung open in a gluttonous stupor. One hand stroked along her thigh while the other travelled over the hump of her belly. A wet burp agitated the man inside of her. “Ooourp! Oh, pardon me. You could feel that, right?” Glinda giggled. The fat that she had gained from her previous meals weighed down on her current one. He was squashed beneath her, subject to her every whim. It didn’t matter what she did to him. The result would be the same: A quick and smelly trip through her intestines. The man was the fifth that she had eaten that week. At first, she had limited herself to one or two. She had been careful to choose people with no connections and had been picky about their appearance and hygiene. Now, she just used tinder. A message blinked on her phone. She had a new match. “Oh my,” Glinda said, resting her arms on her gut. “They would like to come over! It seems like you might have a friend in there very soon!” The man screamed, his voice barely audible. Glinda slapped her stomach, causing it to wobble. When that didn’t calm him down, she pushed herself out of her comfy chair and flopped onto her stomach. The man now buried under her considerable weight, she sent a quick reply. -- Her tinder date ended up being a young man with a scar running from his ear to his chin. He shuffled nervously on the front porch, checking his watch. It was his first one-night stand. Was he supposed to have brought flowers? Just as he was about to turn back, the door opened. Glinda beckoned him with a finger, placing a finger to her lips. The man entered, confused, glancing nervously at her stomach. Glinda shut the door behind him. She led him into her bedroom where she undressed quickly. The man gulped as her breasts slapped against her stomach. Then he heard the screaming. “RNN,” someone called. Their voice sounded like it was coming from underwater. “RMMph!” “Hey,” the man said, but Glinda had him beat. She was already stripping his pants off, taking his hard cock in her hand and giving it a firm squeeze. He jumped, then relaxed. “That’s right,” Glinda said, turning him around. “Just relax. You came here to have some fun, right sugar? Just close your eyes. Your name is Hunter, right?” Hunter nodded. He could feel her body heat behind him. Every time she brushed his skin he flinched. Her hands made their way down his arms to his waist where they tightened, holding him steady. Glinda opened her mouth. This was her favorite part. She gently lifted the unsuspecting man, turned him around and, catching the briefest glimpse of his panicked expression, squashed his face into her tongue. He spluttered and struggled, but it was no use against an experienced predator. She dipped him in and out of her mouth, each time sinking him deeper into her fat body. Properly lubricated and barely coherent, Hunter slid into the back of her throat. He twitched once. Glinda gripped his feet and pushed. He disappeared into her flab. Now two men were kicking inside of her. The earlier occupant was getting pretty soft, but he still had some fight left in him. “Calm down boys,” Glinda said. “You both have my undivided attention.” She pulled on a shirt, heaving it over her gut until it hugged her bulky frame. It was a treat, having someone to massage her slick innards. She rolled onto her side, dragging her stomach over the sheets and letting it sag. As full as it was, she couldn’t make out Hunter’s shape. She could hear him though. “Let me out!” he cried. “Let me out, let me out!” “No,” Glinda said, relishing the word. “I don’t think I will. I think that you’ll have to travel all the way through my intestines and out of my ass before you can taste fresh air again. Now please continue to struggle. It amuses me.” BUUUUURP! The older man expired in the middle of the night, but Hunter lasted until the morning. Glinda greeted him, yawning. She peeled her sweaty shirt off and threw it in the corner. Daylight trickled in through the shades, causing her to blink. She rubbed her stomach. “You were a good meal,” she said, licking her lips. “But you were my dinner. I have to find some breakfast now.” The rough rumbling of her busy gut accompanied her to the shower where she washed herself with a loofa, taking special care to jostle her meal as much as possible. The rumbling became so insistent that she had to step out of the shower to relieve herself. Feeling much refreshed, she carried on with her usual routine of stuffing herself silly. “You know,” she said, munching on a piece of toast and brushing the crumbs off of her pants. “People don’t taste as good as I thought they would. I mostly just like the feeling of having someone inside of me. It’s kind of heavy and warm. Goopy, almost. I wish you could feel it.” Hunter didn’t respond. In the slimy, unbearable atmosphere of her stomach, it was all he could do just to stay alive. The deep gurgles of her intestines beneath him gave him some idea where he was going. He curled up in a ball and waited. “You’ll get yours someday,” he whispered. -- Lying in bed with her boyfriend, Emily smiled. She kissed him on the forehead and gently pulled off the sheets. He murmured something, wrinkling his nose. Emily tip-toed out of the room and made herself a cup of tea. She looked out of the window, sensing the desire of a human willing to make a deal. This one was on the cusp of expiration. “You’ve been busy,” she said, smiling. “I hope you’ve enjoyed your power.” Glinda might have pulled one over on her, but the summer solstice was fast approaching and Emily was coming to collect. |
My boyfriend stood in front of me, hands on his hips, ready to be eaten. I tugged at my shirt, fingering the hem. “Are you sure?” I asked nervously. “We could wait another week. I’ll be alright.” He placed his hand on my shoulder and winked. His bravado was what drew me to him in the first place. In ancient times he might have been a sailor or some kind of tradesman. My eyes were drawn down the curve of his slender chest and muscled arms. I realized I was drooling. “Nah,” he said, running a calloused hand over my stomach. “If eating people is the only thing that keeps your curse off, I’ll gladly take a trip into the beautiful tummy of yours.” I kissed him. I couldn’t help it. His beard tickled my chin and I could feel him grinning against my lips. “You’re drooling,” he said. “I know. I can’t help it.” “Alright. I guess this is goodbye.” We stood at arm’s length. I tried to keep from crying. He was so brave. I doubt he fully realized the consequences of me swallowing him whole. We had had sex right before, but already I was itching to take his stiff member one last time. “I love you,” I said, wrapping my hands arounds his thighs. He steadied himself as I lifted him, laughing all the way into my gullet. Salty sweat coated roof of my mouth. I held his head in the back of my throat, smothering him with my tongue to prevent him from screaming on the way down. It could be a bumpy ride. I tilted my head back slowly, taking on his weight. He must be getting dizzy in there, I thought, loosening my throat. His arms were starting to twitch. Perhaps he was having second thoughts. I didn’t wait for him to start struggling in earnest. My throat had loosened enough to admit his head and shoulders and with that, he sank into my gullet. I followed his progress with my hand, noting every gasp and grunt. Face flushed, I halted his descent, gripping him by the ankles. His face was in my stomach now, but the rest of him was trapped. Sorry love, I thought, snaking my tongue between his legs. I wanted a final taste of you. He trembled as I played with his cock. The shaft was stuck against my uvula. Every time I breathed, it throbbed. I had to be careful. I didn’t want him to burst in my mouth. I fondled is balls with the tip of my tongue and, when I was sure he was about to cum, swallowed. He spread his seed all the way down my throat. My belly bounced. I sat down on the ground and rested it against my legs, feeling my boyfriend acclimate to his new surroundings. He was heavy, but I was a strong girl. I lifted him without much effort, laughing at the way his body dented my skin. “You look good in there,” I said, “But you’re going to look better as a nice layer of fat.” “If it stops your curse for another month,” he said, “Then I’ll gladly digest for you.” “There was never any curse, you idiot.” This was my favorite part. I felt him stop. He tried to sit upright, but the slick walls of my stomach wouldn’t let him. The acids were already leaking into the narrow sac. I burped, tasting the beginning of his digestion. “What?” he said. “Wait, Robin, what are you saying?” “Curse?” I laughed. “How naïve are you? I broke that curse with the first man who willingly entered my stomach. The stupid warlock was the next one to find his way into my bowels. The idiot let me keep the ability to swallow people. Probably thought it would teach me some kind of moral lesson.” My boyfriend, or should I call him my food? He was silent for a long time. “What about the last two weeks?” he asked finally. I could barely hear him over the sound of my stomach preparing to break him down. “The meteor shower? The boat ride?” “Listening to your boring philosophy and sweet nothings? Totally worth it. You’re going to fill me up for a full week.” Now he thrashed. They always did. He bit and pulled and pressed, but my stomach may as well have been made of rubber. It pushed his arms and legs back into position as a subservient ball in my gut. He panted. I tapped his head. “That felt kind of nice,” I said. “Can you do that again?” “Fuck you!” he yelled, kicking. The vibration made its way down between my legs and I shuddered. I’m sure he could feel it when my hand travelled down to my cunt. “Yes,” I said, breath hitching. “That’s what I intend to do.” He cried. He screamed. He pounded away and all it did was turn me on. These men, they never learn. They think that brute force is the only way, but once they’re in my gut, there’s nothing they can do. What he should be doing is pleading. Would I let him out? No. But it would be a nice change of pace. You see, there is a sort of sexual gratification that comes from being in control. Some people tie up their lovers and torment them. It’s a nice idea, sure. But if you want to feel real power, I dare you to swallow your lover and let them squirm around inside of you for a bit. Their weight inside your gut. Moaning. Fragile. Once they start digesting, you can actually feel yourself getting stronger as you break them down. Then, once they are just flab on your ass, you can find a new lover to shove their face into it. I certainly will. Anyhow, I was a muddle on the floor. My food was quiet. He was probably coming to terms with his fate. I rolled onto my side. He didn’t react. I rolled onto my stomach. It caved in. “Oh,” was all I said. “You didn’t last long at all.” Girls digesting is a smooth process. Boys make me gassy. That little morsel clogged my guts for nearly four days, coming out in raucous puffs of air. He was always a loud one. When it was time, I let him out in one long, continuous log. My intestines were efficient. There was no clattering of bones against percaline, just the smooth sound of shit smacking against the sides of the bowl and the occasional flush. “Okay,” I said, heaving myself off of the toilet. “You left me with a bit of flab. Hopefully I can find some chubby-chasers to wash you down with, eh?” The shit said nothing as it swirled down the drain. It usually didn’t. |
Chapter 1 "Raphy stepped out of the shower. The blush on her cheeks wasn’t gone when the warm steam subsided; it wasn’t that kind of blush. She stepped onto the bathmat and thought of what had just happened. All very strange, all very fast - and only now did she have the time to process it all. She had spent a good while scrubbing the bath clean of residue, and while that was nice and mindless work, it didn’t help the thoughts flow any faster. Only when she stepped into the tub did she manage to put it all in place. Camilla, that strange girl sent to her by Valorie, had seen parts of her nobody else had seen and lived. Well, ‘seen’ was perhaps a stretch, as the depths of her digestive tract weren’t exactly well-lit, but - oh, but that was neither here nor there. She stood before the mirror and flicked a floppy ear aside. At the edge of her vision, something moved. She blinked; there was nothing there. Raphy sighed and ran her wet comb through the delicate strands of her hair, taking great care to untangle them without pulling. It had been kind of her contact to give her running hot water in her safehouse. It was almost like she expected it to be necessary. Raphy was starting to feel more than a little foolish. She turned off the tap, and the room went dead silent. A nearby rustling, moving closer. Raphy smiled. She didn’t even avert her eyes from her own reflection. “Back for round two, Camilla?” With the flick of a switch, the room went black. From the gaps in a sea of crimson scales, Raphy saw a glimpse of the world. The light hurt her eyes. “Good evening, friend.” The voice came to Raphy through the scraping of scales. It was warm and rich, with only a touch of mockery. She felt a finger run alongside the length of her ear. It sent a shiver down her spine. The serpentine coils shifted. The gap widened. A smile met Raphy. An upside-down one. And yellow eyes. Yellow eyes on a mostly human face. Raphy squinted. “What do you want?” The drooping mane of hair swayed from side to side. It was almost hypnotic. “To chat,” said the figure. “We have a mutual friend. I’d like to”- a finger tapped against Raphy’s scalp -“pick your brain. I’d advise you to play nice. I haven’t had a proper meal in ages, and unlike most of our brothers and sisters, I don’t play favorites with food.” “Camilla?” The lamia smiled. “Camilla Arquette. Student at Park University. She came here to die today, but I just saw her walk out the door. You gave up a meal and let a witness go.” Raphy opened her mouth to speak, but the muscular tail squeezed the breath out of her lungs. The lamia shook her head. She wasn’t finished. “I’d call it sloppy work, but the truth is, you’re not the first or the second one to let Camilla walk away, are you? There’s something more to it. And you’re going to tell me what it is, right now.” The lines on Raphy’s face softened. “Fine,” she whispered between raspy gasps, “I’ll tell you what you need to know.” Microexpressions betrayed her intent. The slight raise of a cheek. A glimpse of teeth. Without warning, the lamia’s grip tightened like a vise, and discomfort became pain, then lightheadedness. “Now, now, no dirty tricks,” the snake said. “I’m holding myself back, here. It takes so much effort to keep my tail from just snapping you like a twig… if I see you trying to use magic again, I might just lose focus. Let’s try that again. You let Camilla go, because...” “I couldn’t digest her.” The lamia’s hand rested against her lips in feigned surprise. “Oh, my. The big bad predator had a crisis of conscience? I find that hard to believe.” Skin folded and scales pushed together and Raphy held back a pained groan. “No, you don’t understand. I just couldn’t. She can’t be digested. She literally cannot be digested.” The pressure built. The snake wasn’t buying it. Static crept into the edges of Raphy’s vision. It advanced, blotting out that smug grin, those glimmering yellow eyes. “A girl who can’t be digested…” the lamia mused. “What a strange predicament. A wily little fox like Valorie could make a fortune out of that freak. My friend, you have been taken for a mark.” As the grip loosened, so did Raphy’s consciousness slowly return. Soon, there was no pressure at all over the bunny girl - only the limp weight of a massive reptilian tail curled around her. She wiggled herself towards freedom, emerged from between the coils, and immediately filled her lungs with air. The lamia smelled like peaches. “Ah, all the pieces are fitting together. Oh, Valorie, Valorie… someone hit the jackpot, indeed. And now you’re selling her out to innocent, law-abiding predators like my friend, here.” “Raphy.” “Whatever you say, dear.” Blood rushed to Raphy’s face. Her fingers dug into the soft layer of pudge that covered the snake’s tail. She had always expected reptiles to be cold and stiff, but this one certainly wasn’t. She took a deep breath. “Look, I know who you are. You’re the troublemaker. Valorie’s after you - everybody says so.” “Oh, she’s taken notice so soon? How flattering.” “Yeah. I hope you get her. She’s horrible, she makes the rules and punishes those who eat humans - and then sells us the right to do it anyway, if we can afford her prices. And even then, well… sometimes you get shafted,” Raphy said. “We’re on the same side. I’m a long time fan of your work.” The lamia tilted her head. “Are you now?” “Yes.” Each of Raphy’s word rushed out faster than the previous one; she saw a way out and took it. The snake seemed to be responding to praise - if she played her cards right, she’d be home in time for dinner. “You’re the new order. You can run this town better than that lying bitch ever could. You can take her crown.” She took a deep breath. Her lip curled into the first hint of a hopeful smirk. Beads of perspiration rolled down her forehead; her rabbit ears twitched with excitement. The serpent pulled closer. Their bodies pressed together; one hot and sweaty, the other tepid and relaxed. “My friend, the problem is,” she whispered, “I don’t want a crown. All I want is a meal.” The lamia’s embrace went from tight to crushing. It slithered around Raphy’s form, soft scales belying a mass of muscles. It wrapped her up like a present, no room to move. Raphy gasped, her lungs only half-filling before her ribs hit the unyielding wall of the lamia’s tail. Chuckles rippled through the fatty flesh that surrounded Raphy; before she had the time to wonder why, the answer came to push past her lips and plunge into her mouth. Instinctively, she suppressed her gag reflex. A predator’s trick. The tip of the snake’s tail tasted cold and lifeless in her mouth. It curled in her mouth, flattening her tongue and stretching her jaws; it silenced her. Defiantly, Raphy swallowed - and the lamia’s tail slid down without difficulty. The corners of Raphy’s lips curled upwards only slightly. The snake’s grip around her weakened. More of the tail pushed in. As it widened, it stretched her lips to new limits. A heavy, steadily advancing front descending through her gullet. Her swallows became hesitant as it continued. Each was more difficult than the last. Her stomach filled, but the snake kept going. Wider than Camilla had been, even at the shoulders. Her temples hurt. Jaw muscles started to ache. She stopped swallowing at all, only to find the tail still slithering its way in, still pushing into her stomach and bulging out her throat. Still it kept going. And still the coils wound up around her, covered every inch of her skin. The hubris. Raphy no longer smiled. Her lips were too spread apart. Her nostrils flared, desperately trying to take in air through the squeezed tube of her trachea. The lamia bid her time. She waited for a second wind, a moment’s defiance, whatever trick Raphy had up her sleeve. Nothing came. The lamia felt almost bad for Raphy. That was her big plan? “Not everyone is as helpless as your usual fare. Let me show you.” Squeeze. A hot breath washed over Raphy’s feet. Soft lips brushed against her fur, spread around her toes, gently suckled at her. Raphy blushed a bright red. Her fur stood on end. This wasn’t supposed to be hot. Squeeze. Pull. Raphy’s toes swirled over the lamia’s tongue. Thick saliva covered every inch of them, steadily advancing. Crawling. A welcome respite from the crushing tail. Welcome, but insidious. Gluk. The advancing wall of warmth spread to her ankles. It sent goosebumps through her skin. The insides were sweltering, a sauna. They made Raphy sweat. The heat only built. No way to cool off. The scales that pressed to her skin absorbed her warmth and released it back twofold. Suffocatingly hot. The lamia’s gullet welcomed her. It guided her in, and she was lowered toward the sticky miasma. Wet flesh squished around her legs. Slippery, slimy. It clung tightly to her form, easing her weight in, always pulling." |
“You want me to eat you?” “After having sex, yes.” Fanny raised an eyebrow. She lounged against a weathered wooden fence, tight jean shorts chafing the underside of her bulging gut. Something inside sloshed against the surface, visible against the soft skin until she patted it back down. My eyes were drawn up toward her milky breasts. They sagged beneath her shirt. Heavy. Fertile. She smiled, beckoning me closer. “Well,” she said, placing her face close to mine. “You’re certainly cute enough. What’s with the death wish?” Her breath was warm. I blushed, finding myself staring at her elegant nose and those red lips which parted, moistened, ready to take my cock and then the rest of me. Her blonde hair hung down in one solid braid, like a stinger. She blinked at me. “Sorry,” I said. “It’s a personal reason. Let’s just say that I think you’re the sexiest woman alive and I’d be honored if you’d digest me.” She threw back her head and laughed, belly jiggling. “Bold,” she said, clapping me on the shoulder. “Fiery and young, just like I like em’. I’m sorry, but the likes of you doesn’t belong in my stomach. However, I’m sure I can take care of that first request.” My cheeks grew red. She leaned against me, taking my head placing it against her chest. Beneath the rough fabric I could feel her breast. Fanny wasn’t wearing a bra. Letting me quake with anticipation, she began to lift her shirt up and over my head. “You’re young,” she said. “Got a lot of vigor. You’ll probably fuck like a horse in heat and I want that. But first, I’ve gotta shake that nervousness outa ya.” Her arms wrapped around my back, burying me further into her heaving breasts. It was hot beneath her shirt. She smelled like sex and old leather. My shirt rode up for a second and my stomach pressed against hers. For the first time, I felt it kick. Something was moving underneath me. “Don’t mind him,” she said, rubbing the back of my head. “Cattle rustler. Didn’t even make for a decent meal and now he won’t stop squirming. You’re going to help me with him.” “I am?” I asked, lips squished against her nipple. “Sure are! Sex is better exercise than a mile run.” A hand fumbled with my belt for a second before tearing it off. My pants fell to my knees. Her fingers lingered at the elastic lining of my briefs, letting the anticipation rise. Then, instead of pulling them off, she reached in and grabbed my cock. I yelped, but she quickly pressed my face back into her chest. A finger ran its way along the length of my cock, tickling the head. She swirled it around and I gasped, shudders running up my spine. Precum leaked onto her fingertip and she used it to lube her hand, sliding it deftly along my shaft. Her first strokes were light and fast. She gripped me at the base and pulled. In the darkness beneath her shirt, I groaned. “Yeah,” she said. “That’ll do.” My briefs were pulled down around my ankles. I felt the brief chill of the spring morning before my cock was plunged between her thighs. She rolled them together, masturbating me with her legs. I felt like a prized stud ready for breeding. There was something wild about it. Still, she held me tight, making sure that I couldn’t see what she would do next. Blorp! All at once, her stomach seemed to unroll on itself. Where before it had been firm and compact, it now draped across my waist like pliant rubber. Her captive must have felt her muscles unclench, because the kicking began in earnest. The man yelled, but I could barely hear it over the sloshing. His bare legs thumped into the meaty inner flesh. The blows were dampened by layers of fat and muscle. It was easy to see why nobody escaped Fanny. I pulled away, sliding out from beneath her shirt. My face was flushed. Fanny grinned at me and kissed my sweaty forehead. “Yeah,” she said, licking my ear. “He’s gotta go. Want to humiliate him before I send him into my intestines?” My entire body was hot. Hints of my timid nature were still present, but they were repressed by the roaring lust that filled my mind with thoughts of soft flesh and hard sex. I wanted to tear all of her clothes off. I wanted to fuck her against the fence, balls slapping her fat ass every time I thrust until I finally burst inside of her. I wanted her to beg for more. She must have seen the change in my expression, because her playful gaze took on a cruel glint. “If you want it,” she said, slapping her stomach. “Come and get it.” I charged, tackling her at the waist and slamming her back against the fence. It shattered, sending us both to the floor in a tumble. Her shirt was torn free by the fall. Her breasts hung down onto her flabby gut, imprinting it with their girth. Then her hands found my shoulders and she was on top of me. “You had a good run,” she said, laying her stomach on my face. “But I don’t let just any man take the reins.” It was difficult to breathe. My nose was pushed into her skin. I took shallow breaths through my mouth, strength fading fast. She slid off her shorts, letting her wet cunt drag across my waist. If I was going to escape, it had to happen now. My fingers found her cunt. The slick vulva wrapped around the back of my hand, slurping at it until my fist was covered in my juices. It was hot inside of her vagina, but I couldn’t fall for its allure just yet. My thumb slid across her clit, triggering a satisfying shudder. “Bad,” she said, breathing heavily. She leaned down harder. The air began to leak from my lungs. Desperate, I rubbed my thumb back and force, hoping for some kind of reprieve. “Oh no,” she groaned. “Stop that. Stop that right now. You’re gonna make me-” Guuurgle glorp glorp. Her stomach let out a sputtering sound. Her captive yelled and acid filled the chamber. I could feel it sloshing against his skin. It squelched and stung. Weighty gurgles rumbled within, deafening me. I found myself lashing out, jealous and angry, wishing for the fate of that poor cattle rustler about to enter her intestines. I pushed with everything I had. Her stomach lifted off of me as Fanny fell onto her back, legs in the air. Her hips trembled. She bit her lips. Her eyes were closed and her hands clutched at the grass. It was clear that she was on the brink of an orgasm. I held her fate in the palm of my hand. Her stomach hung slightly over her cunt. I pushed it up, leaning it against my chest as I placed myself between her legs. My cock brushed against her and she gasped. “I won’t say please,” she said between gritted teeth. “Okay,” I said, pulling back. “Then you don’t get this-” Before I could finish the sentence, her weight hit me full force. My back hit the ground and I lay stunned as she positioned herself over my cock. She squatted until her labia squeezed at the head and her juices dripped down my shaft. I knew she was clenching. I knew what was coming. Preparing myself as best as I could, I prayed that I wouldn’t come on the first pump. Then she plunged down onto me and it all went red. Her cunt gripped at the base of my cock, hot and throbbing. When she pulled herself back up, my hips went with her, then slid back to the floor. Just one pump was enough to send me into ecstasies. I looked up at her over her stomach to find her eyes closed, an expression of sheer bliss on her face. We were in the middle of a field, fucking like animals, and it somehow felt right. “This is good,” she said, pushing back down. “A good start. Grab my stomach, please?” “I thought you weren’t saying please,” I said, placing my hands on her stomach. It was now heavier than ever, filled with acid and getting ready to liquify its occupant. Despite the morbid implication, it made me harder just thinking about it. “You like that,” she purred. Her strokes were coming faster now. Our hips bucked in unison, creating a feral rhythm for us to fuck to. “He’s not a man anymore. Just food. And you’ve got a thing for big, floppy guts, don’t you.” “Yes,” I said, drawing out the ‘s’ as the warmth of her cunt spread across my groin. Her first orgasm was a small one, but it got the engine running. We fucked faster. I was filling up. Conscious thought was impossible. At some point, she stopped and ground herself against me and I nearly came. Her vagina clenched over and over again. She arched her spine and gulped. I watched her throat bob, imaging my body sliding down it and into the recesses of her gut. The cattle rustler must have been goop by then, but I felt a sudden burst of hatred toward him and toward Fanny for choosing him over me. I grabbed her sides and thrust hard, nails biting into her flesh and sending her into new heights. She screamed and I followed, pumping my seed into her until I had nothing left. On the grass we lay in each other’s arms, exhausted and yet buzzing with a new kind of energy. I stroked her breast, admiring her beauty. She turned a cheek toward me and I kissed it. “Still want me to eat you?” she asked, watching the clouds. “Kinda,” I answered. “But not now?” “No,” I said, rolling on top of her. “Definitely not now.” |
Angie placed a hand on the lacy fabric of her lingerie. Ample breasts conformed to her fingers. She pressed, massaging herself through the thin material as she inspected herself in the mirror. There came a knock on the door. “Angie? I need to take a shower. Are you almost done?” “Yes,” she called. Her eyebrows furrowed. This was a sleepover. It was supposed to be idiotic revalry and ghost stories up until the point where sleep-drunk and hyper. Then the discussion would turn to boys. Or serial killers. Jenn was really into serial killers. So why, on tonight of all nights, did her self-image issues have to flare? Angie knew the answer. It was Rebecca, her host that was right now kicking the bathroom door with the ball of her foot. She was thin, her boobs were huge, and she had a boyfriend to boot. Besides that, she was nice. Too nice. The kind of nice that you question their intentions even though they’ve never given you a reason to doubt them. In comparison, Angie was a bedraggled stick. Her hair hung over her shoulder in one long, blond braid that whipped against her waist when she walked. Thick glasses sat on the bridge of her nose. She would be blind without them, but even so, she thought they were ugly. “Angie!” “Alright! Coming!” She put together her peppiest face and stepped out of the bathroom. Rebecca rushed by her in a waft of cinnamon-smelling air. “Cookies in the kitchen! Jenn is already eating. Really gotta pee.” The door slammed shut behind her. Angie glared at it, then sighed. She knew it was useless to be mad at Rebecca. Instead, she made her way toward where the kitchen. Jenn was already sitting at the table in an oversized tee shirt. “Nice undies,” she said, spewing crumbs over the table. “It’s a pajama party. This is what I sleep in.” “Seems cold. Tee shirts are the way to go. I just steal one of my brother’s when they start to get smelly and throw the used one in his laundry.” “Smart.” Angie sat down at the table and took a cookie from the tray. It was warm and gooey, just the way she liked them. The kitchen was bathed in the dim orange light of the open oven. Jenn was obviously trying to set the mood. She had her face in her hands, fiery pigtails framing her round cheeks. Space cadet is what they called her. Jenn was always off in her own head. “Alright,” Angie said. “Tell me which famous serial killer I remind you of.” Jenn bounced in her seat. “Don’t you think this is a great horror movie scenario?” “How so?” “Three girls having a sleepover. One girl in the shower. Suddenly, the power goes out. One of us, unfamiliar with the house, goes to the basement to find the breaker box. They hear a scream from upstairs. Then, the door of the basement opens and footsteps are heard. The girl hides under the stairs, trying not to breath, until a flashlight turns on an inch from her face and-” “God, Jenn, save it for your novel.” Just then, a door slammed. Both girls jumped. “Rebecca said her parents were gone,” Angie whispered. “I thought she said they were out of town.” “They are,” Jenn whispered. “I don’t know who that is.” The color drained from Angie’s face. They could hear the intruder putting something heavy down by the front door. It walked down the entry hall, around the corner from the kitchen. There, whoever it was kicked off their shoes. “Do robbers take off their shoes?” Jenn whispered. Angie put a finger to her mouth. She slid off of her chair and began to cross the cold tiles. The intruder seemed to have entered the living room. She crept around the corner and stopped. Rebecca was in the shower. Angie could hear her humming. Should she warn her? The bathroom was on the other side of the living room. She would have to sneak past the entrance if she wanted to help her friend. Adreneline filling her veins, she moved forward until she was right outside of the living room. Carefully, she stuck her head in. There was someone on the couch. He had his back to her, but by his size and shape, Angie could tell he was around her age. He turned. Angie screamed. The water in the bathroom shut off as Rebecca shouldered open the door. She was stark naked but, in a moment of sheer bravery, had grabbed a bottle of hairspray to bash over the head of the intruder. She rushed to Angie, soaking her as she grabbed her waist and prepared to defend her. Then her arm fell. “Chris!” she shouted. “Oh my God, knock before you enter.” Jenn came out from where she was hiding near the kitchen. “So that’s the boyfriend,” she said. Chris stood from the sofa, his hands woven behind his head. He was tall, broad shouldered. His face had the relaxed quality of a guy that didn’t take much seriously. Shaggy brown hair stuck out at odd angles that ended just below the jaw. He smiled, and Angie could see why Rebecca dated him. It felt...warm, if a little distracted. “Hello,” he said. “Didn’t mean to scare you. I got off of work early today and figured I’d pop in on Becca.” “Yeah?” Rebecca asked, crossing her arms in front of her bare chest. “Well text me before you just decide to stop by.” “Sorry!” Rebecca exhaled through her nose and turned to the bathroom. Chris’ eyes followed her swinging rump the entire way. “You can’t hang out,” she called over her shoulder. “It’s girls night tonight and I can’t have you ruining all of that sweet sweet gossip. You can have a cookie before you leave. A cookie, you hear me? Those are for us.” “Yup.” A silence fell over the living room. Jenn inspected Chris, unabashed by her near nakedness. At least she had a tee shirt. Christ tried to keep his gaze locked on Angie’s forehead as she attempted to cover the pale peaks of her breasts. “So,” he said. “It’s nice to meet you.” “Same!” Jenn said. “Want some cookies?” “Sure. I’m starving.” A chill went up Angie’s spine. She could hear the gurgling pop of Chris’ stomach. He was a stranger, he was hungry, and he wasn’t leaving anytime soon. Awkward didn’t even begin to cut it. Why didn’t Rebecca kick him out? Chris was still looking at her. There was something in his expression that unnerved her. She tugged Jenn’s arm, pulling her toward the kitchen. Chris followed. In the orange oven-light, the room looked soft and otherworldly. It was hot, almost sweltering, but Angie still felt cold. Jenn, however, had no such problem. She was shedding her tee-shirt, tossing it onto the counter. Her tan shoulders flexed as she stretched, showing off the alluring curve of her spine. Purple panties could barely contain her plump ass. “This ain’t a peep show,” she said, sitting at the table. “Ya’ll look like you’ve never seen a woman before.” Both Angie and Chris gulped. Jenn’s breasts were significantly larger than either Angie’s or Rebecca’s. She wore her slight pudge with the easy grace of someone who is happy to indulge in the occasional sweet, trading slim beauty for voluptuous contempt. While Angie looked away, her face hot, Chris continued to stare. “You’re gorgeous,” he said. “Tell that to Rebecca, lover-boy. I ain’t up for auction.” “No,” he said, shaking his head. “But you make it hard to resist.” Jenn rolled her eyes and reached for a cookie. Chris grabbed her wrist, sliding his thumb up the crook of her arm. He wasn’t looking at her tits, but rather surveying Jenn as a whole. There was a hungry look in his eye and Angie realized too late that it wasn’t lust. Chris picked Jenn up by the waist. She struggled in his grip, shuddering with exertion as he lifted her high above his head. “Sorry,” he said, opening his mouth wide. “I really can’t resist a snack.” Jenn, for her part, took it like a warrior. She didn’t say a word as her delicate feet were placed on Chris’ lukewarm tongue. The appendage wrapped around her ankles, taking in her scent, gulping her down until her toes were right at the back of his throat. Jenn placed her hands on Chris’ shoulders. Despite resisting, she seemed to be helping him as he guided her feet into his gullet, savoring the sweet taste of her naked urges. Angie watched as he gulped once and her friend was tugged into him up to her chest. His tongue dragged over each breast. Jenn - strong, independent Jenn - moaned as he consumed her. Her face wavered once as it passed between his lips, but with a strong bob of his throat, she was swallowed. Angie retched. The tight skin of his stomach was sealed around the form of her friend. She could make out every groove of Jenn’s body. Her legs were curled up beneath her, soft ass bulging against Chris’ abdomen. He ran a hand over his gut, passing over Jenn’s terrified face and coming to rest on one of her boobs. “You were quite the meal,” he said, fondling her nipple. “Almost looked like you enjoyed it for a second there. Rebecca should have known better than to have friends over when I’m this hungry.” “Jenn?” Angie called. “Jenn, can you hear me?” Jenn tried to nod her head. It strained against Chris’ innards, moving only slightly before being forced back. He watched with glee, moving his hand from her boob to her ass. “Man, you’re curvy,” he said. “Really filling me up. And what about you, gorgeous? Do you want in?” Angie backed away, but Chris grabbed her arm. He brought his face close so that she could feel his hot breath on her skin. “I saw you staring,” he said. “Don’t you want to get inside of my stomach so that you can have your body pressed against your hot friend? Don’t you want to glide over her, wet with my juices, able to fondle her all you want?” “No,” Angie whispered. The thought of being eaten was too terrifying. Her throat was dry. She pulled way, but Chris tugged her back to him, forcing her hand onto one of Jenn’s asscheeks. It squished under her fingers and despite herself, Jenn quivered. At least until she caught sight of Chris’ open jaws. “No!” she yelled, but it was too late. Her face was already moist with saliva. Teeth scraped the back of her neck as her head was forced forward into his gullet. Strong muscles gripped at her cheeks and jaw. Every gulp smacked against her ears. She was sliding downward in the dark, her struggles useless against the strong man that held her steady through her descent. His tongue grazed over her stomach, then between her legs. She bit her lip, enduring it, just wanting to see the end. Her ass was in his mouth now. He cupped it between his lips. Angie’s head was being squeezed into his stomach where it collided with Jenn’s hard skull. She tried to apologize as she passed, her lips meeting Jenn’s in the darkness. It was a brief exchange and yet it gave her comfort as her face glided over Jenn’s breasts, past her stomach, and halted right between her legs. The foul smell of stomach acids was tempered slightly by the alluring scent of Jenn’s juices. Chris played with her feet for a moment, rubbing his fingers against the bridge and sliding them up to the toes. They felt good against his tongue and even better being swallowed. Finally, both girls were safely packed inside of his stomach. He sat at the kitchen table, watching them squirm. “That’s better,” he said. “Isn’t that nice? You’re all tucked in and oh so filling. I just wanna stretch out and take a nap.” In response, Jenn tried to kick him. Her foot made a nice indent for him to toy with before her leg retracted. One girl in his stomach was enough to make him bulge pleasantly. Two was a heaven that he rarely got to experience. Angie was cramped, hot, and horny. She hated Chris for swallowing her and hated him even more for being right about Jenn. Having their bodies forced together in the damp confines of a stomach was doing something to her. Every time Jenn breathed, Angie could feel it on her ass. It was loud inside of Rebecca’s boyfriend with the constant gurgle of stomach acids and the labored breaths of their captor. His intestines were right below them, waiting patiently. Chris hefted his gut and let it drop. Its occupants squirmed. He did it again, this time digging his fingers into Angie’s ass. “Take it easy in there,” he said. “Make like good food and stop moving.” This caused them to struggle harder, which Chris was counting on. He liked watching the sharp impressions of their arms and legs against his skin. With a flex of his abdomen, they were forced back into place. He would relax and the struggling would start again. He did this for an hour, luxuriating in their presence. Eventually he moved from the kitchen to the living room. His stomach wobbled as he flopped onto the sofa. The two girls were starting to slow down inside of him. He rested his chin on one of their chests, probably Jenn’s by the feel of it, and settled down for a nap. The heavy The bathroom door opened. Rebecca appeared in the entrance to the living room, wrapped in a towel, halfway down drying her hair. The towel dropped as she marched up to Chris, poking his enormous stomach. “Christopher!” she yelled. “Are you kidding me right now? You ate my friends.” “Yeah,” he said, stifling a burp. “I didn’t think you would mind.” “I was saving them for a midnight snack.” “Oh, whoops?” Rebecca prodded one of the trapped girls. They responded with a shake of their tush. It was hard to tell in the compressed belly which was which. She drew a line up to one of their lips, tracing over the contours of their face. It was Angie. “It’s weird seeing this from the outside,” Rebecca said. “Normally I’m on the other side of those meaty walls.” “Oh yeah.” “Got room for one more?” “I just might be able to squeeze you in.” The two girls began to shout in unison. Rebecca peered down Chris’ throat as it opened, briefly illuminating the two panicked faces within. “Calm down,” Rebecca said as she climbed inside. “He’ll let us out of here eventually. In the meantime, let’s continue the sleepover.” GULP! |
Anna woke up in a cold sweat, clutching the covers to her naked chest. She blinked in the morning light that filtered through the heavy curtains leaving trails among the dust motes. The bedroom was quiet except for the soft snores of the dragon lying beside her. All was still. A dream had disturbed her slumber. In it, she was squashed into a tiny space, pounding against the walls. They moved around her, soaking her paws, drowning her cries and eventually consuming her body. The scream was what woke her. Not her own pitiful mewlings as she melted into slush, but the full-bodied cry of agony that threaded ice through her veins. It was Clover, finding out she was dead. Anna wiped a tear from her cheek. A hand reached out and buried itself in her fur, stroking along the small of her back. She turned to see Clover, bleary eyes half-open, concern on her angular face. “You havin’ that dream again?” she asked. “Yeah,” Anna said. Clover opened her arms and Anna nestled into them. They lay in the trickling streams of light as Anna’s breathing slowed. Her ears, which had been raised in alert, once again lay flat on her head. She felt Clover’s hot breath on her neck, heavy with sleep. Still, the dragon’s eyes stayed open. “Maybe we should stop,” Clover said. “No. You make me feel safe.” “But the dream?” “It’s not your stomach.” When Clover’s eyes didn’t close, Anna kissed her. Once. Twice. Her hands wrapped around Clover’s back, pulling her tight against her. Their legs twined together. The kiss deepened. When they broke it off, a thin line of saliva connected their tongues. “Maybe we shouldn’t visit my family,” Clover said, wiping her mouth. “Maybe we should run away to the valley and start a farm. I could get you pregnant and you could watch me from the porch with one hand on your bulging belly while I till the field.” “This isn’t the first time you’ve voiced this fantasy,” Anna said. “I’m starting to think you just want to get me pregnant.” “I’d rather see you with the large belly for once.” “You don’t like when I’m in yours?” Anna teased, pressing her hands into Clover’s thin gut. “What about last night when you were moaning and groaning and I could swear I could feel you-” “Oh that’s it!” Anna shrieked with delight as Clover tried to wrestle her into the mattress. The dragon was strong, but the wolf was crafty. She squirmed out from under Clover’s arm and sprang for the edge of the bed. If she could make it onto the floor, she won. Right before she could dive for freedom, a hand caught her by the ankle and yanked her off balance. Anna crashed back onto the mattress with Clover straddling her, pinning her arms above her head. She blew a stray strand of hair from her face, grinning at her riled girlfriend. “Awake?” Anna said. There was a hard bulge between her legs and when Clover shifted, it pressed against her slit. A low growl sounded in the back of Clover’s throat. “Don’t you know you should never poke a dragon?” Clover asked. “It feels like the dragon’s poking me.” “Yeah? Well the dragon is about to fuck you silly for waking her from her slumber.” “The wolf eagerly awaits said fucking.” “I can never punish you properly.” “That’s because you’re a massive ner - Oh! Okay. Keep hitting that spot. Good dragon. Good dragon!” --- The plane landed in the mid-afternoon. The sun was just beginning to set against the mountain peaks as a car arrived at the airport. Anna, happy to be able to stretch her legs, had to be fetched from the gift shop as Clover rushed to get all of their luggage in the trunk. They were staying for the entire week, so of course Anna brought two bags full of clothes. She wagged her tail and leaned into Clover’s shoulder. “We made it,” she said. “I’m excited to meet your folks.” “Yeah? Well we’re excited to meet you.” Clover stepped out from behind the car. Anna’s stomach did a somersault. She looked up at the dragon she was holding hands with. Clover looked down at her. Anna’s head was starting to spin. “Babe,” Clover said, squeezing her hand. “I told you I had a twin.” “Ooooooh! Right. Yes.” The twin flashed Anna a fanged grin. Now that she looked closer, she could spot the differences. There were small things, like a tiny scar under the cheek or slight coloration changes, but there was also the look in her eyes. Clover was meek and protective. The twin looked hungry, fierce, and just a little bored. Anna felt her chest clench slightly. “Nice to meet’cha,” the twin said, extending a hand. “My name is Aloe.” “Anna.” They shook. Anna winced. Aloe continued to look down at her. “Aloe,” Clover cautioned. “This one’s not for sharing. Now c’mon, or we’ll be late for dinner.” “Right, right. All aboard.” Anna and Clover packed into the back seat of the car as Aloe took the wheel. They peeled out into the cross-traffic and soon they were heading along a back road, Fleetwood Mac blaring on the radio. Clover was nearly asleep. She kept bumping against Anna’s soft shoulder, blinking awake only to drowse off again. Anna was watching the stunted trees whiz by and marveled at the red skyline that illuminated the mountains from behind. They looked like jagged black fingers reaching up from the ground, grasping toward the sky. Every once in a while, Anna would catch Aloe’s eye in the mirror. Clover’s twin would blink back at her before looking back at the road, but Anna had a feeling she was appraising her. Maybe she thought that she wasn’t good enough for her sister. Maybe they shared the same taste, and Aloe wanted her for herself. The second thought lingered. She tried to remember what Clover had told her about her family. Her parents were fairly well off. They worried about their wingless daughters, doting on them both in the mountain pass that they called home. Clover had grown up among the goats and sheep that called the mountain home, but few sentient creatures made the climb. It was a lonely existence, but dragons were lonely creatures. Aloe had acclimated far better than Clover had, despite also being wingless. When Clover left, her parents had sent her care package after care package. Even now, years later, Anna would find them outside the front door. Anna picked at her hands. Dark had descended on the mountain and now the only light came from the stars and the glow of the headlights winding through the curved road. Aloe didn’t try to talk to her. Instead, she hummed her way through the classic station, arms relaxed. “So,” Anna said finally. “How are you?” Those eyes caught hers in the mirror again and Anna was struck with a sense of familiarity. It felt like she was underwater. Those eyes, those eyes, she had seen them before. She wracked her brain, trying to figure it out. Perhaps in a crowd. Perhaps in a dream… No, it was a mistake. It was Clover’s twin sister. Of course her eyes would be similar. Still, when silence fell in the car after the final notes of a song died away, Anna heard a familiar gurgle and shuddered. “I’m well,” Aloe said. “We’re nearly there. I’m sorry that I didn’t talk much. I figured you would want to rest after the plane ride.” “That’s considerate,” Anna said, glad to have the conversation over with. The car began to slow as they reached the top of one of the peaks. The sky unfolded its carpet of stars, proudly displaying them among the white mountain slopes. A house was coming into view in the distance. It was a large log cabin, with a smaller one in the distance. Anna could make out huge stacks of firewood propped against the side. There was a pen with a few animals milling around as well as an outhouse. Anna hoped there was indoor plumbing. Her feet felt cold just looking at it. “Sis,” Aloe yelled. “Wakey wakey. You’re home.” “Hmm?” Clover blinked herself awake, yawning cavernously. Anna blushed at the sight of her supple tongue, so warm and inviting. Clover had told her that they would probably be in separate rooms, but if she could swing it, then Anna was going to pay her a visit tonight. She kissed Clover’s cheek, eliciting a blush. They stepped out of the car, feet crunching in the fresh snow. Aloe helped them unload the trunk and together, they stepped up to the front door. Clover’s father answered after the second knock. He was a large man. Not fat, just portly, and his eyes glinted with a keen intellect that told Anna that he probably made a lot of dad jokes. He was wearing a hand-knitted sweater with the words, “I love my dragon daughters” lovingly scrawled across his chest. “Really dad?” Clover said, giving him a hug. “That sweater.” “Yep,” he chuckled, kissing her on the forehead. “I wanted our guest to know just how much I love you.” “Context clues, dad.” He held out his hand to Anna, assessing her with the same hungry gaze that Aloe had given her at the airport. Apparently that gene had recessive. He nodded his approval at her firm handshake. “You’re just as pretty as Clover said you were,” he said. Anna blushed, unsure whether she should thank him, or remind him that he had liked a Facebook photo of hers a few weeks back. “Anyhow, come on in!” He led them into a large living area where a merry fire crackled in the hearth. The wooden floors were lined with sheepskin rugs. In fact, most of the walls, chairs, and sofas were decorated in a similar fashion. Anna marveled at the dusty antiques that lined the hand-carved shelves and coffee tables. Clover gripped her hand, sniffing the air. It smelled like home. “Dinner is almost ready,” Clover’s dad called over his shoulder. “Aloe will show you to your rooms.” Separate rooms. Drat. Aloe didn’t look too enthused about her assignment, but she led Anna to a pristine guest room. A small, cozy-looking bed was shoved into one corner along with a night table. Dried mountain flowers had been carefully arranged in a vase. It smelled like pine-sol and laundry detergent. “Here,” Aloe said, dumping Anna’s luggage on the bed. “And don’t even think of sneaking out tonight. Dad’s okay with some covert lovin’, but mom will wig out if she catches you.” “Okay,” Anna squeaked. Aloe stood with her hands across her chest, staring her up and down. “You look tasty,” she said, then shouldered her way past Anna into the hall. The dream came back to her in a flash. Wet, gurgling walls. A cry for help. Struggling and then darkness. Anna stumbled toward the bed, collapsing on top of it. She was shivering. “Anna?” Clover peaked in from the door. When she saw Anna on the bed, she yelped and ran to her. “Are you okay?” she said. “Is it the air? Too thin? I told them that it would be a bad idea to bring a mammal up here. We’ll get you to a hospital.” “It’s not that,” Anna said. “I’m fine. Just a random wave of dizziness. I think the travel got to me.” “Are you sure?” “I might be pregnant.” “Really?” “No.” Clover punched her in the arm and soon they were tussling on the bed, laughing and flipping over each other. They nearly knocked aside a portrait of a clipper ship at full sail and the vase tottered precariously on the nightstand. Aloe cleared her throat. “Guys,” she said. “Dinner. C’mon.” “Whoops,” Clover said, kissing Anna on the cheek. “To be continued.” “Mom will kill you,” Aloe said. She led them back into the living room and into a small kitchen where the table was set. A sumptuous smell was coming from the oven where a large, female dragon whistled as she worked. She had on an apron over her blouse. Her skirt rustled around her feet. “Dears,” she said. “Can you pour drinks?” “Yes, mom.” She dusted off her hands and stood with a huff. There was flour on her brow. She surveyed the room, finding Anna and making a beeline toward her. “So you’re the girlfriend!” she said, squeezing her tight enough to pop her back. “I am so glad to finally meet you. I told Clover to bring you over sooner. I said, ‘dear, you can’t keep these lovers a secret from us’. She always was a terrible fibber. Anyway, when she finally showed us your pictures, I was overjoyed! You make my baby very happy. Very happy indeed.” “Thanks,” Anna choked. “I love her very much.” “So do I,” Clover’s mom said, winking, and in the twinkle of her eye, Anna caught an implicit threat: Harm my daughter and you’ll suffer the consequences. Was everyone in this family besides Clover completely insane? Anna guessed it was a natural reaction to being alone in the mountains for so long. Cabin fever. She would have to check the food to make sure they weren’t serving her the neighbors or something. Contrary to her expectations, dinner was a tame affair. There was roasted lamb with garlic sauce, served with mountain vegetables and bread rolls. Clover held Anna’s hand under the table and they talked about work, astronomy, and different kinds of cooking. Clover’s dad wanted to know what it was like in the city. Did everyone have a car? Could you really go to more than one restaurant if you wanted? His curiosity overtook any hostility and soon he and Anna were merrily chatting about the public transit system while Clover and her mom cleared the dishes. “She’s cute,” Clover’s mom whispered, placing a dish in the sink. “Do you think she’s the one, honey? Does she know about your...affliction?” “Yes, mom!” Clover snapped. Her face was bright red beneath her scales. “And how does she know that?” “I told her on our second date and she said it didn’t matter much to her because she loved me.” “Ah.” Clover’s mom looked over her shoulder again, and this time, there was a spark of affection in her eyes. She was going to have to get to know this girl if she was going to give her grandchildren. Whistling, she brought out pie and they talked long into the night. Even Aloe seemed to drop her shoulders somewhat. When all of the dishes were cleared and goodnights were exchanged, Anna lay on her back in the darkened bedroom. The sheets were comfortable and the bed was warm. A clock ticked somewhere on the walls. Anna watched the snow blow past the window, piling against the shed and then swirling off down the trail. Her body was exhausted, but her brain was buzzing. She kicked against the sheets, rolling from one side to the other. Finally, in a huff, she kicked them off entirely. Her paws slapped against the wooden floor as she made her way to the door. It opened without so much as a squeek. Ears raised, Anna walked into the hall. There was a light on in the kitchen. Someone was rustling around. Anna thought about heading to where she knew Clover’s room was, but on the off chance that the one in the kitchen was her, she snuck toward the door. In the yellow glow of the refrigerator light, a dragon was pulling out a jar of mustard. Half of the fixings for a sandwich lay on the kitchen table and as she turned to grab a knife, Anna saw that it was Clover. She was wearing long pajama pants and a tee shirt with a bunny on it. Anna giggled. “Hey,” she whispered. “Hey!” Clover jumped, nearly spilling the jar of mustard on the floor. She wiped her head and continued to make her sandwich. “You scared me,” she said. “Mom doesn’t like when we’re out after she goes to bed. ‘Kitchen’s closed’, she likes to say. You should go back to sleep.” “I know,” Anna said, tapping her fingers together. “I couldn’t sleep. There’s something about being in an unfamiliar house that makes me nervous. Would you mind if I spent the night in your stomach? Just this once? You can let me out in the morning and I’ll sneak back to my room. Nobody will have to know.” Clover looked at the sandwich in her hand and promptly tossed it in the trash. She stood over Anna, hot breath ruffling the fur on her forehead. “Are you sure about this?” she asked. “You look very tasty, but my stomach is harsh. I’m not sure you’ll make it out, wolfy.” Anna blushed. This was the kind of roleplaying she was always prompting Clover to participate in. Perhaps she was feeling just as out of place as Anna was. “Yeah,” Anna said, wrapping her hands around Clover’s neck and kissing her. “Gobble me up. I’ve been a naughty wolf.” Clover shrugged and lifted her up by the waist, tilting her body head-first into her mouth. Anna sighed as the comforting warmth of Clover’s tongue enveloped her, lapping at her nose and ears before wrapping around her neck. She gulped, washing Anna down into the crook of her esophagus where the fleshy ridges tightened around her skull, guiding her down and down into the dark depths of Clover’s stomach. Her body was enveloped, squeezed, and coddled. Moisture and heat rippled her fur. The hungry swallows resounded in her ears, mixing with the wet gurgles of a stomach preparing for digestion. Inside of Clover’s throat, Anna squirmed and giggled. She knew that Clover liked it when she brushed against the fleshy walls, making them bulge out with her voluptuous body. Sometimes, Clover would hold her there, massaging her with her esophagus when Anna had a hard day at work. Globs of saliva coated her tail, plastering it between her legs where a familiar warmth was spreading. It was Anna’s happy place, packed tight beneath the scales of her girlfriend. They had discovered it together by accident one day when Anna was trying to get a hair out of the back of Clover’s throat. She hit her uvula, Clover gulped, and that was the end of that. Now, though, it was a nightly ritual. Clover would cradle her in her stomach, keeping her digestive juices at bay long enough for them both to fall into a cozy slumber. In the darkness, filling in the nooks of Clover’s gut, Anna waited patiently for her feet to be swallowed. With one massive gulp, the rest of her body joined her in the tight pouch, a resounding burp shaking Anna to her core. Clover took a step back, wobbling with the new weight. She steadied herself on her haunches and used the furniture to guide her back to her room. She passed her parent’s room, where both of them were on their backs and snoring. She passed Anna’s room, where moonlight fell on an empty bed, sheets spread across the floor. She passed Clover’s room, where the dragon tossed and turned, wondering if enough time had passed for her to visit Anna. And as Aloe opened the door to her own bedroom, she rubbed her gut, eager to begin digesting. Anna felt something stir on the outside. She was violently flipped around as the dragon flopped on her back, sighing with relief. There was the faint noise of sheets rustling and then an arm was draped across the stomach. Two fingers planted themself beneath Anna, twitching sporadically. “That’s naughty,” she teased. “Did you really want me inside of you that badly?” She was answered by a hearty belch and a smack on the rump. Aloe continued to masturbate, heavy with her meal and the thought of digesting her sister’s girlfriend. She was squirmier than the goats Aloe usually swallowed. The dragon let out a low purr, content with a change of pace. She released more digestive juices into her stomach. Things were about to heat up for the poor wolf. A knock sounded on the door. Both Aloe and Anna jumped, the former hastily covering herself with a sheet. She had thrown her shirt to the floor and the slight bulge of her stomach was in plain view. Frowning with concentration, she halted digestion, afraid that the noise would give her away. “Yes?” Aloe hissed. Clover stood in the doorway. She glanced down the hall before gently closing the door behind her, plodding over to the bedside. “Have you seen Anna?” she asked, her voice dense with concern. “No,” Aloe whispered. “Keep it down. Do you want mom and dad to wake up?” “No. But Anna wasn’t in her room and her sheets were on the floor.” “Did you check the outhouse?” “No! Thanks Aloe!” Clover turned to leave, but Aloe grabbed her arm. Her eyes flashed in the darkness as she pulled her sister down on top of her, locking lips with the confused Clover. They stayed like that for a warm minute, tongues intertwined in an intricate pushing contest. “You should stay,” Aloe panted, locking her arms around Clover’s back. “I can’t. Besides, what about Anna?” “She’s not a dragon. She can’t please you like I can. Don’t think that I didn’t know that you were leaving tomorrow.” “That’s because-” Aloe silenced her with a kiss, shoving her tongue between her sister’s lips. A hand went to Clover’s crotch where a bulge was already forming. With three deft movements, Aloe had Clover’s pants her ankles and her cock firmly in her grip. Clover bit her lip, but refused to give in. Aloe pressed her thumb into her shaft, coaxing her, teasing her. “C’mon,” she said. “Fuck me like you used to.” “...fine. What Anna doesn’t know can’t hurt her.” But Anna did know. She knew from the moment that she had heard Clover’s voice outside and had begun to shout when a practiced hand muffled her mouth from. Panic was welling inside of her. The walls, previously padded and cozy, turned stiff and hostile. While they kissed, Aloe had let digestion resume. The low grumble of her stomach was starting once more, and this time, Anna knew that it wasn’t a joke. What she didn’t know was that at that very second, her girlfriend was lying on top of her, cock in hand and ready to fuck her captor. The first push set Clover’s instincts at edge. Her eyes narrowed. Her stance widened. Aloe lay meekly beneath her, grinning up at her sister with her hands behind her head. She spread her legs further, inviting Clover to plunge deep. Her cunt locked around the tip of Clover’s cock, squeezing it from her head to her balls which slapped against Aloe’s ass with a satisfying smack. “Help,” Anna gurgled, but the twins couldn’t hear her over the sound of sex. She tried to press outward, to somehow alert Clover to her presence, but Aloe merely flexed her abdomen and Anna was squished back into the muck. Digestive juices were flowing freely now, soaking into her fur and smothering her. It took all of her energy to keep her head above the liquid that stung her skin. “Harder,” Aloe said, wrapping her arms around Clover’s back. “C’mon. Fuck me like a real dragon. “You asked for it,” Clover said, locking her teeth into Aloe’s shoulder. Together they gasped, adjusting to the rhythm of each other’s hips, allowing their lust to mount into one swirling, cataclysmic cloud that threatened to overtake them. It was the tight kind of love that squeezed and coddled. The type that build around them in electric clouds, spreading through their chests and down to their crotches. Clover pricked inside of her and Aloe latched onto the feeling. She locked her inside, letting her cunt pull the orgasm across the entire length of Clover’s cock and into her womb. Clover shuddered, but didn’t give in. Her balls were full and sloshing. They ached for release. She arched her back, digging her hands into the covers and closed her eyes. “I’ve missed this,” she whispered. “Nothing beats another dragon.” Despite the acid biting into her ears, separating the fur from the skin, Anna heard that whisper and it destroyed her. She curled into a ball, thoughts racing, the hostile stomach tugging at her consciousness as her tears mixed with the juices. One year. That’s how long they had been together. Anna had loved Clover from the moment she laid eyes on her and the day they began dating was the happiest of her life. Nothing beats another dragon. Was that really what she thought? Was that what she had always thought, even when she was so deep in Anna that she could feel her in her womb? What about all of the times they had cuddled together after sex, wheadling away the night hours, passionate in the afterglow and submerged in each other’s love? Was it a fluke? Was it a sham? Betrayal, was what Anna felt in her heart. Bitter, disgusting betrayal. Her chest heaved and she realized that she could no longer breathe. The acid was flooding her lungs. The hostile stomach clenched and squeezed, pounding her into mush. Fur floated around her in clumps. Her ears were a patchwork of holes. It ate through her skin and feasted upon her organs, melting them into a nutritious puddle. She groaned. She screamed. She wailed for Clover, asking her if she had ever truly loved her, but the words were an illusion of the dying brain. In the end, she couldn’t ask Clover anything. Her girlfriend continued to fuck her sister, oblivious to her demise, even as Aloe’s gut gave a massive groan, feeding her remains into the dragon’s intestines. Clover was close. She pounded Aloe with a ferocity that would have broken the hips of anyone but her sister. This would be her last chance, after all, to share the bed of a dragon. Not until the last stroke did she even think of Anna, but the sweet guilt only added fuel to the fire that swept through her as her cum made a mess of Aloe’s insides. She strained to get every last drop out and Aloe let her. She took her sister by the back of the head and locked lips with her. Clover opened her mouth, expecting that questing tongue, and instead received a burp. It shook its way down her throat, spreading through her body. BWAAAARP! “Oh,” Aloe said, wiping her mouth. “Sorry. Did that taste familiar?” Clover understood. She took her sister by the throat and shook, throttling her against the pillow as her gurgling laughter billowed out. “You wanted it,” Aloe choked. “You wanted it.” “No,” Clover said, hot tears streaming down her cheeks. “I didn’t. I didn’t want that. You knew I didn’t want that.” She let go and placed an ear against Aloe’s stomach. It was soft with digestion now, Anna’s body being assimilated into fat deposits. Nobody would have trouble telling the twins apart tomorrow. “Why?” Clover asked, not moving. Aloe stroked her cheek and pressed her further into her gut. She smiled at her sister, stifling a small burp. “You didn’t actually love her,” she said. “C’mon. You fucked me with barely any cajoling. You were just using her as a comfort doll until you came back home, right?” “No.” Something in Clover’s voice sent a shiver up Aloe’s spine. She looked down to find her sister white in the face, stock still. Her breath was shallow. Barely present. “Hey,” Aloe said, shaking her. “Hey! C’mon. Clover, c’mon. Don’t be such a drama queen. You didn’t care when I ate the last one! You even wanted to watch when I shit her out in the outhouse.” “Anna was different,” Clover whispered. “Aloe, you shouldn’t have done that. I don’t think I can sleep anymore.” “Nonsense,” Aloe said, dragging her sister up into the crook of her arm. She laid Clover’s head on her chest where, for the rest of the night, she listened to Anna wind her way through her sister’s digestive tract. Aloe forced her to watch the next morning as she disposed of the wolf. She squatted over the toilet bowl, locking eyes with Clover as she strained and the first log passed between her cheeks and plopped into the water. White and brown patches of fur stuck out of the mushy log that splattered on impact. Aloe continued to strain and Anna came out, piece by piece, bone by bone in one horrible strand of scat. Clover felt like she couldn’t breath. She wanted to take the scat into her hands. She wanted to apologize to it. When Anna’s head emerged, Clover nearly passed out. The hollow eyes of her skull had been filled with shit. It almost looked like she was winking. As the last log fell into the pile, Aloe let loose a long, satisfying burp that filled the outhouse with its toxic fumes. She slapped her soft belly, grinning at the sound it made. “C’mon, Clover,” she said, kissing her. “I’ll take your mind off of Anna.” Clover started to leave, but stopped in the doorway. The dream. The nightmare that used to wake Anna in the middle of the night, fur drenched in sweat. Clover wretched, doubling over and collapsing on the ground in front of the outhouse. “It’s not your stomach.” Clover’s throat rended itself apart as she screamed in agony, her voice echoing through the mountains and reaching far beneath the earth. She hoped Anna could hear her, wherever she was, and know that the pain of her loss felt like a hot knife in Clover’s chest, destroying her heart. |
She came on the longest day of the year, as she had promised. The door to Glinda’s house was unlocked. What did she have to fear? With the power of predation, anyone who stepped through that door was liable to spend the night in her bowels. Emily listened in the foyer, ears twitching. She was rewarded with the sound of a low rumble and a cruel laugh. Glinda was home. “You were pretty,” came her voice, drifting through the hallway. “We’ll see how pretty you are in an hour. All that fighting is just going to make it go faster. Relax. Enjoy the ride.” Emily ignored the pained grunt. She had little pity for the human wrapped in Glinda’s gut. She walked down the hall, padding lightly. The door to the bedroom was open. “There you go,” came the voice. “All settled. Yeah, I had fun with you. You were all over my stomach. Quite the chubby chaser. Well, love? Now you get to be a part of it.” Her shirt was stretched tight across her chest, holding down her massive tits. Her stomach sloshed on the bed, the skin glistening as beads of sweat rolled over the dense surface. The movements inside barely registered against the gentle hills of fat. It lay between two thick thighs, feet splayed across the bedsheets. Glinda rested her arms on top of her gut. She leaned into it and pressed down. “It’s hard to feel you down there,” she giggled. “You weren’t all that strong to begin with. Now you’re melting. I can feel that much. It won’t be much longer. Be patient.” Emily wrinkled her nose. This was gluttony, pure and simple. There was no craft to the way Glinda chose her prey and there was no thrill of the hunt. She had obviously been busy in the last few months. Her boobs looked like overripe cantaloupes. “Having fun?” Glinda’s eyes flicked to the door. “It’s usually polite to knock,” she said, rolling onto her back. The girl she had eaten made one last herculean effort to escape. The flesh on her stomach pushed outward in a grotesque ripple. Glinda raised an eyebrow. Her stomach pumped once. There was a sound like water down a drain, and the girl settled back into a ball to melt the rest of the way. Urp “Pardon me,” Glinda said. She pulled a half-digested pair of panties out of her mouth, tossing them onto the floor. “Come to chastise me?” “Something like that,” Emily said, sitting on the end of the bed. “Have you been a naughty girl?” Glinda snorted. “No naughtier than usual. Besides, cat, we made a deal. I thought your type never went back on a bargain.” Emily placed her ear against Glinda’s stomach. The soft skin molded to her cheek. She listened for a while, taking in the noise of digestion and a body glutting its way through the intestines. It made for a unique symphony of pops and gurgles. One that Glinda would be making soon enough. “Mmm, seems like you have a lot of misconceptions about tricksters. You’re right that I can’t take away what I’ve given you, but that doesn’t mean that I can’t come to collect payment.” Now Glinda was paying attention. She propped herself up on the pillows, nudging Emily with her leg. Emily grabbed it, kneading her fingers into her flabby thighs, pressing a little too hard. Glinda gasped. For the first time, she looked scared. “Payment?” she spat. “I told you. Your payment was getting out of that basement alive.” “And I told you that I could have done that at any time. It wasn’t an equal exchange now, was it?” “And what do you want?” Emily brought her face very close to Glinda’s. She could smell the prey on her breath and the fear in her sweat. “Satisfaction,” she purred. “I demand satisfaction.” Over the last month, she was watched Glinda go from being an annoyance to an absolute terror. While a missing person here or there wasn’t going to turn many heads, she had been busy clearing out the dregs of dating apps and society was beginning to take notice. A girl didn’t gain that much weight eating chicken wings. Time and time again, Emily would feel her skin prickle with the wish of a nearby human, calling out from the pit of Glinda’s stomach, begging for a deal to be made. And it gave her power. “Yes,” Emily said, tracing a finger over Glinda’s breasts. “I just want a little bit of fun. Nothing too harmful. You’re okay with that, right?” “Like hell I am!” Glinda pulled herself to the edge of the bed and collapsed. She gasped on her side, stomach wobbling precariously over the floor. “What have you done to me,” she said, her face going white. “Nothing much. I gave you a bit of extra strength when we made our deal. Enough to hold all of those snacks of yours. You didn’t think that you could carry a 200 lb person without any consequences, did you?” Glinda wheezed. She lashed out with a leg, but in her weakened state, it did little more than scuff Emily’s arm. Emily hopped off of the bed and walked around to where Glinda’s stomach folded over the edge. She pushed on it, eliciting a groan. “Hush, you big baby,” she said, playing with the flab. “Gosh, even my meals don’t make this much noise.” “I’m not your meal.” “Oh, yes you are.” Emily licked Glinda from her hip to her forehead, letting her get a brief glimpse of the back of her throat. She held her neck over the woman and swallowed. Glinda’s eyes followed the spit down her esophagus. “I can give you food,” she said. “Anyone you want. They could be yours.” “I want you.” Strong hands forced Glinda’s shoulders into the mattress. She grunted as Emily crawled on top of her, mounting her gut like a waterbed. She ground her ass against Glinda’s bellybutton, the fabric of her tight shorts warming slightly. Emily closed her eyes and enjoyed the sensation of the powerless woman beneath her. It had been a long time coming. “I’ve imagined this,” she said, scooting forward. Her ass pressed down on Glinda’s neck. She gulped beneath her. “I touched myself to it, too. Does that upset you at all? Me masturbating to the thought of swallowing you?” “I’ll do anything,” Glinda murmured. Emily’s ass found her face and she was silent. “Good pet,” she said, shaking her hips. “Stay quiet for a second. Your master needs to prepare herself.” The muscles in her jaw went slack. It was as if all of the tension had gone out of her throat, giving it elasticity. She stretched it once or twice to be sure and, satisfied with the result, lifted herself off Glinda. The woman gasped and groaned. Emily didn’t blame her. Her ass was sweaty. She pushed herself off the bed again and stood at the base, Glinda’s feet in front of her. Glinda tried to look at her over her stomach, but it was too large. Emily licked her toes so she would know where she was going. “It’s okay,” she said, jaw widening again. “You had a good run. But now it’s time to pay.” Her tongue slid across both calves. Toes tickled her throat. Emily lifted Glinda’s legs and pulled them into her humid gullet. They slid down with a soft *gluk*, bathed in saliva. She swallowed, allowing Glinda to feel the pull of her muscles before spitting out her feet. “Did you like that?” Emily teased, brushing her hands over Glinda’s sides. “Do you want to know what it’s like in my stomach? It’s a little bit harsher than yours, I’m afraid. You’re not going to have a good time in there.” “Please,” Glinda said, eyes wide. “Please, please. I’ll give it up. You can take my powers back. I’ll serve you if I have to.” “No,” Emily said, shaking her head. “I told you. I can’t take your powers back. A deal’s a deal after all. So no, you’re going down my throat. It might be hard to swallow you, given how fat you’ve gotten, but I’ll enjoy every tubby inch. And once you’re down there, I am going to play with you until the acid gets going and then I don’t think you’ll give me much more trouble.” Glinda attempted one last futile punch. Emily grabbed her by the arms and pinned her to the bed. Her only regret was that her boyfriend wasn’t here to watch what happened next. Emily dug her hands into Glinda’s stomach and pulled her out from underneath her, raising her above her head. Her jaws slid over Glinda’s terrified features. She sloshed her head in her mouth, pushing it against her cheeks, making sure that it was good and lubricated for her throat. A small burp marinated Glinda’s body. Her breasts slapped against Emily’s neck. When she swallowed, they were pulled into her mouth. Emily savored the taste of her meaty tits before swallowing them as well. Head, neck, shoulders, chest. Nothing gave Emily trouble until she got the colossal gut. She could feel Glinda’s face against her ribs. Her hands were still wiggling against Emily’s tongue. Emily closed her eyes and let her muscles relax once more. Her jaw slid over the soft hill of Glinda’s stomach. It jiggled between her lips. It wobbled over her tongue. It was like swallowing a big bowl of jelly in one go. Emily gulped and the belly slid, inch by inch, into her body which expanded to take the load. Standing, the trickster let gravity do the rest of the work. Glinda settled in her stomach, smashed flat by her own body. “OOOURP! There! If you weren’t so fat, maybe you’d have a little more room.” Emily’s stomach was now twice as large as Glinda’s. She slapped it with a satisfied belch. The first stage of digestion was already underway, coating Glinda in layer after layer of digestive juices. “Please!” Glinda shoulder, fingers digging into the frictionless viscera. “I’m sorry.” “You’re not. Get cozy.” Thinking of the long hours she was going to have to spend on her back, Emily phoned her boyfriend. Soon they were going at it, Emily pulling back her massive gut so that Jeremy could fuck her like she deserved. All the while, Glinda yelled. “She’s really loud,” Jeremy said, wiping the sweat from his brow. “I, ah, know. She’s really – okay. Okay, keeping doing that.” Jeremy stood at the end of the bed, face pressed against her stomach, deep inside of Emily and getting close to climax. His penis slid across her inner ridges, filling her, lighting a fire in her loins that burned across her entire body. She could feel Glinda kicking. The satisfaction pushed her over the edge and she came, body thrashing, stomach sloshing, and legs kicking so hard that Jeremy almost lost his grip, but in the end the contractions were too much and he burst inside of her. And, in Emily’s stomach, Glinda listened to their post coitus talk. She gritted her teeth as Jeremy’s weight descended upon her and then groaned when they began again. All the while, the sweltering heat of Emily’s interior chipped away at her consciousness. She was aware of the burning sensation and the rough sex, but nothing else. And, when she finally passed, the digested contents of her own stomach mixed with her in Emily’s intestines. |
Vanessa crawled through the window. Her flat stomach skimmed the carpet as she dropped into the house on all fours, careful not to make a sound. The hallway was quiet except for the soft snores coming from behind the last door on the left. Vanessa blended with the dappled shadows on the walls, becoming darkness itself as she moved closer to the door. It opened without a sound, admitting her to the bedroom. Her mark was fast asleep. Finley Je’Nais, 22 years old. 5 feet 3 inches tall and around 113 pounds according to his last check-up. His shoulders were 14.6 inches wide, with hips that were around the same. He had blonde hair, green eyes, and a mole right above his left butt cheek. Vanessa had studied his diet, his habits, his comings and goings. She had broken into his doctor’s office and confirmed her measurements. By all metrics, he was perfect. So why was she so nervous? She stood at the side of his bed, snaky head tilted to the side. Her yellow eyes glowed like fireflies in the dark. With shaking hands, she pulled back the covers, staring at her soon to be meal. “Cmon,” she hissed to herself. “Like we practiced.” Her palms were sweating. The man looked so calm, smiling in his sleep. He clutched at the sheets like they would protect him from the dark. Well, sorry hun, but Vanessa was hungry and nothing was going to protect him from the dark pit of her stomach. She hadn’t eaten anything for 48 hours in preparation. He was going down her gullet no matter what. The covers were pulled down to his feet. Finley twitched his toes, curling up tighter as the cold air assaulted him. It made Vanessa’s heart twinge. She wanted to crawl in bed with him and cuddle him against her flat chest. His body heat would seep into her while she smelled his hair and he’d roll over and look up at her and- No. No no. Food. She tugged off his pajama pants. He slept without a shirt or boxers, she knew from days of meticulous research. His flaccid cock slapped against his leg and she blushed, knowing that it would soon be in her mouth. What if he got hard inside of her? She gulped. Better not to think about such things. His toes fit perfectly into her mouth. Her tongue flattened as her jaws elongated, stretching around her prey. Finley sniffled, but didn’t wake up, even as his feet made it past the first ridge of her throat, bulging in the scaley skin. Then Vanessa gagged. She had been trying so hard not to wake the boy that she had forgotten to repress her gag reflex. Why did a snake even need a gag reflex?!? Her muscles constricted around Finley’s feet, tightening around his ankles as she fought the urge to spit. There were tears in her eyes. She grabbed his calves with both hands and jammed them into her mouth, swallowing as hard as she could. His body was pulled into her, piece by piece. Her stomach growled. His knees jammed against the roof of her mouth and caused her to wince. His legs were now hanging down into her gullet, only a few inches away from her stomach. It was getting hard to breathe around the bulk of his body. Her hands slid under his thighs and gripped his soft skin. Pull. Gulp. Gag. Repeat. If she could just get him into her stomach, she would be safe. She had practiced on a whole chicken once, but it wasn’t alive. And the feathers had been plucked. And the bones removed. Really, she had just swallowed a gutted rotisserie chicken while her sister laughed at her, but she didn’t like the feeling of feathers in her mouth and bones were just so hard to digest. “Whatcha doing?” Vanessa coughed so hard that she disgorged half of his legs. She looked up to find Finley leaning on his elbows, staring down at her. He didn’t look mad, just disappointed. It made it so much worse. “I’b eatem yub.” “I can see that.” Finley pulled on one of his legs. Vanessa clutched at her throat, praying that her muscles would hold out. She gulped, managing to keep him inside of her, but her stomach was roiling and she could feel the bile pooling. If she didn’t swallow him soon, she never would. Closing her eyes and, trusting her instincts, Vanessa picked Finley up by the hips and let gravity play in her favor. Her throat opened with a wet smack, admitting the lower half of his body with relative ease. Finley kept his hands on her shoulders, guiding his own descent, holding still as the scaley glutton continued to choke him down. His cock slapped against her lips and she yelped. “You’re not very good at this,” he mused as his cock was folded against the hard upper palate of her mouth. He shuddered when it got to the soft meat of her throat, soaked in warm saliva. “Shub ub. I’b try-ung.” Vannessa could feel his feet in her stomach. His toes swished around in the growing pool of acid as if he was unworried about his imminent digestion. Indeed, his entire demeanor gave off an air of indifference. It made Vanessa want to cry. She was trying so hard to keep him steady, but she kept gagging and every time she did, she could feel his cock in her throat and it made her so nervous. What if he came? Icky. Salty. She didn’t want to think about it. She wouldn’t! Vanessa steeled herself and managed to get his stomach down. His arms were still around her neck. One finger rubbed in circles around her collarbone, causing her to flinch. “Stob,” she said. “Ticklish?” The finger brushed against her neck, right beneath her ear. Vanessa jumped, releasing his waist. It slid back into her mouth, his ass depressing her tongue. His cock slapped against the roof of her mouth, and this time, she could taste the salty precum. It made her gag again. She was blushing. This was all too much. She should have researched longer. Her stomach was roiling and her throat was bulging and the muscles just wouldn’t listen to her anymore. She spat out the rest of Finley in a pool of saliva and bile. His lower half was absolutely coated as he lay panting on the sheets. “Damn,” he said, wiping the perspiration from his brow. “You almost got me!” “Really!” “Yeah,” he said. “One more second and I would have came.” Vanessa’s shoulders slumped. She sat on the edge of the bed, back to the man, and rested her chin in her hands. This wasn’t the first time she had failed to swallow her mark, but it was the most embarrassing. She wiped her eyes with the back of her hand. What kind of snake-woman was she? Her sister could swallow her classmates when she was just 12 years old. Her parents had met after their stomachs smashed against each other on their way through a door. Why was she the one that was different? A hand fell onto her shoulder. Vanessa brushed it off. The last thing she wanted was to be comforted by her would-be food. “Hey,” Finley said. Vanessa ignored him. He wrapped his arms around her waist and hugged her. His chest was warm on her back and his breath felt nice against her neck. He held her for nearly a minute, feeling the shuddering rise and fall of her back as she vented her frustration. “I’m sorry,” he said. “I wasn’t being a good sport.” “You shouldn’t hab to be ib I’m gonna eat you,” Vanessa sniffled. Already, her grief was numbing itself into exhaustion. She just wanted to leave and find her own cold bed in a house that didn’t feel like a home. “Yeah,” Finley said. “But you got pretty close. Maybe next time, you’ll get there. Try grease or something to make the sliding easier.” Vanessa chuckled. It was all so ridiculous. Now her prey was giving her tips on how to eat people. She was pathetic. “Do you want to die?” she asked. “Not particularly. I didn’t think you would actually do it.” It was like he had bashed her with an iron skillet. Vanessa’s tail went completely flaccid and the light dimmed in her eyes. Of course. Of course she wouldn’t have. She had known that the very moment his toes touched her tongue. There was no conviction behind her desire to eat people. Just loneliness. She tugged off her hair tie and let her golden curls cascade over her shoulders. Finley moved to the side as she lay down, arms spread, staring at the ceiling. He lay down beside her and neither moved. A tree branch scratched against his window. It was windy outside. “I just moved here,” he said. “I know.” “I don’t have many friends.” “I know.” “Nobody would miss me if I were gone.” Vanessa turned on her side and glared at him. “I know,” she hissed. “That’s why I chose you.” “I figured,” he sighed. “But I just wanted to confirm it. I don’t know if you noticed on your way in, but this place is kind of a mess. My life is kind of a mess.” Vanessa didn’t respond. She could feel the dull thump of his heart and smell the blood in his veins. He was about as lonely as she was, but at least he was normal. He could live a good life if he chose to get his act together. Vanessa would never be normal. Not in her parents eyes, or her sister’s. “Why don’t you move back?” she said. “Money, mostly. I’ve been trying to scratch by with a part-time job. I moved because it felt like the only thing that was left to do, and I needed a change. It didn’t help, of course.” He chuckled. “What’s so funny?” “Oh,” he said. “I just thought that if you had actually managed to eat me, the antidepressants might have helped you a whole lot.” Vanessa laughed. She laughed so hard that tears filled her eyes and then she laughed some more. It hurt to breathe. It was all so funny. So dumb. Finley laughed with her and together they filled the empty house, just for a little, with mirth. “This is so stupid,” Vanessa said. “I hate myself.” “Same,” Finley laughed. “God hates us.” They had gotten closer. Finley rested his head on Vanessa’s shoulder and she let him. His heat was welcome in the cold house. She grabbed the comforter with her toes and pulled it over them, scooching them toward the pillows. They lay cuddled up, numb, and yet dreading the coming daylight. Whatever they had right now was good. Neither wanted to change. “Hey,” Finley whispered, mouth against Vanessa’s neck. “Mmm?” “Want to try again tomorrow?” She opened her eyes and rolled toward him, pulling him to her chest. He looked up at her and she could feel a seed of warmth sprouting in her stomach. She hugged him closer, running a hand through his hair and letting his body mold itself to hers. “I’m not sure,” she said, and it was the truth. |
Charity was a godsend to the oil riggers. Isolated for months at a time, there was little creature comfort to be had on the metal structures that floated miles off the shore. Charity’s cam shows, smut though they might be, were a wind-down ritual for the fourteen men that occupied the rig. She was warm. Familiar. She always thanked her donators and, every once in a while, she would hold a contest. Paul Masters, one of those fourteen lonely men, logged into his email one night to find a surprise. There was a message there from Charity. It read as follows: “Hiya, Masters! ;) Lucky boy! Are you so eager to cum inside of me? Ah well. I’m glad to have a volunteer. This is something new and exciting, so please forgive me if I go too fast. I’ll miss your donations, but once I’m through with you, I’m sure those horny boys will be so jealous that they’ll beg me to do the same to them. You can tell them what it’s like inside my throat once you’re a permanent part of the show. Love, Charity.” Paul may not have been the smartest man in the world, but he knew a world class offer when he saw one. He packed his bags that night, thanked his site manager, and took one of the boats to land as his coworkers saluted from the rig. One of them elbowed his partner in the side. “Didn’t think Paul would go for that deal,” he said. “Newfangled thing, ain’t it? I may be eager to get inside of Charity, but that ain’t the way I would go about it!” “True,” his partner said. “No wonder Paul got chosen. Not a damn fool would think of entering that contest and Miss Charity doesn’t have a huge audience anymore, anyhow.” “He ain’t particularly literate, is he?” “Now that I think about it, no. Think he knows what he’s in for?” “Well now, I guess we’ll have to see. If he looks damned happy going down, though, I might have to kick myself for not entering” “Even in your fantasies, that’s the only way you’d ever get into Miss Charity.” “Go fuck yourself, Liam.” -- Charity had voluminous golden hair that hung in puffy curls. Her long eyelashes fluttered with coquettish charm. Her skin was as pale as fine honey and smoother than the most expensive silk. If she had been born a century earlier, she would have been found charming the sailors from the sea at some classy tavern. Instead, she was trying to make rent in a two-room flat. She couldn’t tell you where her life went astray. If you asked, she would probably blame her parents for turning her out at 18. She had an eye for art and wished to study the classics, but a degree was expensive and she knew she couldn’t make tuition with a part time job. Cameras were cheap and her dignity was cheaper. It was easy work. Turn the camera on for a few hours on a Friday night and rake in a couple hundred dollars. Repeat on Saturday, or as many times as it took to make rent. Charity enjoyed the interactiveness of the streams and for a while, everything was good. But sex work comes fast and when she was undercut by a slew of new girls who would do more for less, she had to study the trends. That’s when her despair grew. Anal, chokers, BDSM. There were girls in makeup dressed like clowns who were raking in thousands. Most who couldn’t make it solo found partners. Charity was flabbergasted. The point of a solo show was to connect with the audience, making them feel like they were part of the action. They would choose her toys and she would flatter them with vague compliments. Now, watching her donations dwindle, she found herself face to face with the new generation: Deep throating. Men, just off camera, getting their dicks sucked by enthusiastic women. Pretty women. High end goods. They were making well over 5k a stream and that was on a slow night! Charity slapped her cheeks and steeled her resolve. This was for her art degree, damnit! She posted a classified ad. Responses came in droves. She chose the man that seemed the cleanest and set up a time. He came. She conquered. She made $7,000. That worked for a while. She would use the same rotating cast of characters, each elated to be paid for getting their dicks sucked. Charity didn’t care. The fifty she handed them when she was done was just insurance money to get them out of the house. She moved into a nicer apartment, bought a nicer camera, and, on one giddy afternoon, signed up for art school. Three months later, she hit a roadblock. It turned out that her most fervent viewers had all been part of the same highway crew up in Alaska. The young bucks moved on, leaving Charity high and dry. She needed a new audience. Fast. Well, wasn’t there just the thing for a desperate girl with a flexible gullet! She never thought it would work, but Charity posted the contest anyway. There was one response, and now he was knocking at her door. --- Charity could tell from one look at Paul that he was the perfect target. Young, average-looking and dumb. When she opened the door, he stood with his hands behind his back, grinning from ear to ear. “Gotcha somethin,” he said, pulling out a bouquet of roses. Charity took them, flashing him a plastic smile as she held the door open. He ogled everything in her apartment. “You sure have a lot of art,” he said. “I do,” Charity hummed, fetching a clipboard. “And before we begin, you’re going to have to sign this paperwork. It just says you’re okay with being on camera, et cetera.” “Oh yeah!” Paul signed the papers without even looking at them, following Charity’s finger as she flipped from page to page. Waver complete, she pried it from his hands and tossed it into her kitchen drawer. When she turned around, his shirt was already off. “Not yet, silly!” she said. “We gotta get the camera on first.” “Oh. Right!” Leading him into the bedroom, Charity couldn’t help but roll her eyes. Art degree, art degree, art degree. He giggled like a child as she stripped off her sweatshirt and pants, tinkering with the wide-lens camera she had bought just for the occasion. Most of the time, she wanted to focus on a specific spot. Tonight, the viewers were going to need to see her entire body. Laptop on and waiting, she turned back to Paul. “You’re going in head-first,” she said. “Keep your arms at your sides. I don’t need you pulling my hair or something.” “Of course, miss. I’d never.” “Alright.” Charity said, taking Paul by the arm and placed him in the center of the room. She wrinkled her nose at his naked body. At least he looked clean. “Head up, shoulders back, don’t say a word. Just smile and nod and don’t come on camera until I say. Got it?” “Yes. But Charity?” “Yes?” Paul tapped his fingers together. His cheeks were flushed red. “Some of my friends might be watching,” he said. “Could you, uh, go easy on me? This is my first time.” “Of course,” she said. “It’s mine too.” He laughed at her ‘joke’, standing still while she evened out her lingerie and checked to make sure the bed was made. When everything was in order, she took a deep breath and turned on the camera. Immediately, her whole demeanor changed. She stood taller, smiled wider, and talked in the sultry voice she had adapted for her current persona. “Hello,” she said, pushing out her chest. “Welcome to Charity’s stream. We’ve got an extra special show for you tonight, so I’m going to wait until the room fills up. Until then, let’s do mail.” While she read from a small stack of letters, Charity kept an eye on the viewer count. Typically she had around 24 consistent viewers. Tonight, she had 100 and rising. Donations were flooding in, each marked by a robotic reading of the donators message. “Good luck, Paul!” one $20 donation said. “Can we see the aftermath?” “I’ll help you work him off, if you need.” $100, $35, $200. The donations kept coming. Charity’s heart was racing. She kept her composure, reading through the rest of the mail. By the time she was done, she had over 500 viewers and her chat was filled. “Silly boys,” she purred. “I’ll read your messages in just a second, but I promised you a show.” She opened her mouth wide, bringing it right up to the camera. The viewers got a wonderful view of the back of her throat, moist and undulating, saliva dripping from her tongue. She swallowed, following the motion with a hand. “I have a volunteer tonight,” she said, motioning behind her back at Paul. He shuffled into view, hands in front of his cock. When he saw himself on the screen, he blushed a violent shade of scarlet. “Hullo,” he said.. Charity stepped on his foot. This was going to go downhill fast if he was allowed to speak. She had to expedite matters. “Alright,” she said. “The moment you have all been waiting for. Let’s get to the action.” Paul was erect when she approached him. She took his shoulders in her hands, breath coming in ragged gasps, eyes dilating. Her throat relaxed, just like she’d practiced. He was looking at her with his puppy-dog eyes and it was distracting her from the task. She focused instead on the top of his head. “Hup!” She lifted him, nails digging into his arms, praying that he remembered to keep them straight. Whether he remembered or was too shocked to react, Charity didn’t know. The only thing she could focus on was his head in her throat. Gluk! The top half of his body vanished in a wash of saliva. Her tongue waggled over the small of his back. His erection slapped against her chin. Charity grasped it, fondling it before folding it into her mouth. It twitched as her tongue wrapped around it. Charity just hoped that it would show on camera. A quick sideways glance nearly made her heart stop. The view count was at 1,000 and somebody had just donated 5 grand. “That is so fucking hot,” the robotic voice called out. “Show us your huge belly.” She turned so that the audience could see Paul’s head breaking into her stomach. It pressed against the skin, mouth silently gasping for air, hands scrabbling for purchase in her throat. She swallowed again and her stomach bulged outward. Her hands guided Paul from the outside, making sure he was curled up nice and tight. The audience would want to watch him struggle. With one final, resounding gulp, his entire body was encased in flesh. UUUURP! Charity held a hand to her mouth, stifling another burp. Her head was spinning. The tendons in her throat ached so bad that she couldn’t think straight. Paul was thrashing about now, stirring up the gasses in her stomach and forcing her to choke down another burp. “There, urp, we have it,” she said, fingering her belly button. “My wonderfully volunteer is all nice and tucked away. Don’t you wish you were here?” Her stomach, unused to dealing with such a large meal, was having a hard time. A sharp lance of pain caused Charity’s eyes to water. This wasn’t worth it. Even sitting on the bed, his weight was a constant burden. Every kick, punch and headbutt bruised her insides. Art school, art school. The laptop flashed. Her chat was going absolutely nuts. She waddled over to it, stomach sagging between her thighs, and almost choked. Someone had just donated $20,000. “Soooo hot,” the robotic voice said. “I’ve got another $20,000 for you if you digest him.” She tried to smile for the camera, but her heart was racing so fast that it came out a grimace. “Wow,” she said. “So generous. I want to believe the best in my fans, but even I would have a hard time digesting someone and then learning that there had been a chargeback.” Silence in the chat. Then, another $1000 flashed on the screen. “Check your bank account.” Charity didn’t need to. She could see the email on her phone. The money had been wired directly to her account. “Oh,” she squeaked. Paul was yelling. Charity rubbed the back of his head, mashing his face in her fleshy innards as she weighed her options. She had intended to let him go. It was in the contract, after all, that he couldn’t sue her for something he had signed up for willingly. He would be mad, but she would have sucked his dick and given him $100 and that would have been the end of it. $40,000? That would pay the rest of her tuition. “Okay,” she said finally. The gasses were building up. Her stomach bubbled around Paul, eager to begin its grisly work. Charity waddled back to the bed, heaving herself onto the sheets. “Okay, new plan. The stream is going to go on for the next few hours folks, but we have to meet a donation goal. You’re asking a lot from a girl, you know?” The next hour was awash with donations. The chat cheered when Charity had to take her bra off. Her boobs rested heavily on the top of her taut gut. They cheered again when she unleashed a gargantuan belch, shaking the bed. Paul was no longer moving, not that anybody cared. They just wanted to watch the beautiful model churn him down while her lithe body grew. The unknown benefactor donated two more times, both to the tune of $20,000. After three hours, it became clear that Paul Masters was no more. BWWWWWAAAARP! “That’s, ugh, it for tonight. Please join my mailing list so that I can send you a link for the special episode where I let this guy go. Until then, this has been Charity, signing off.” She turned off the camera, nearly toppling over. Paul was a compact ball in her stomach. She was going to have to get used to the new weight. “Sorry hun,” she said, collapsing on the bed. “If it’s any relief, you’re giving me massive indigestion right now. But, after I release you, I think I’ll have enough scratch to last me the entire year. Or…” Charity shook her head. Her phone was flashing every few seconds. Donations were still coming in. Her mailing list was gaining subscribers by the hundreds. “Maybe,” she muttered, shifting on the bed. “Maybe I’ll do another contest.” |
Arvin couldn’t see the blackboard past Nissa’s fat ass. He was okay with that. Who needed math anyway? Arvin didn’t. He was on the fast track to his dad’s fortune in aluminum packaging and there was a cushy job waiting for him in the summer. College was just a formality. Nissa Litwin sat right in front of him. She was a brunette, had her cartilage pierced, and wore her jean shorts a size too small. From what Arvin knew, she actually gave a shit about algebra. She would always stand when she asked questions, the bottom of her ass cheeks waving right in Arvin’s face. She was taunting him. He was sure of it. He arrived for class early on a Wednesday to find himself alone. Hungover, coffee in hand, he stumbled toward his seat, glad that nobody was around to see his walk of shame. He sat down hard and planted his head on the desk. It smelled like pine-sol. One more missed class, his teacher had told him, and he would be ejected. Whatever. Nissa’s ass was all he needed for motivation. The door creaked open. Arvin didn’t raise his head as the intruder dragged their bag across the tile floor. He only looked up when a shadow fell over his chair. Nissa Litwin was looking down at him. Her v-neck wobbled as she bent over, inspecting the seat. There was nobody else in the classroom. Arvin tried his hardest not to look down her shirt, instead opting to keep ramrod straight. Nissa didn’t say a word. She just stood over him. Something in Arvin’s brain clicked and he turned around. He was in the third row, two seats back. His seat was the next one over. “Oh shit,” he said. “Sorry!” “It’s not a problem,” she said. As he tried to rise, she tapped on his shoulder. Mystified, Arvin sat perfectly still as Nissa took one last look around the room before dropping her short. She shimmied out of her panties, stretching them down around her thighs. “What?” Arvin asked, but Nissa put a finger to his lips. She turned around, bending to give him the perfect view of her ass. The creamy cheeks were just firm enough to be shapely, but flexible enough to look soft and inviting. Her asshole glistened with sweat. Nissa reached back and fingered it, pulling it with unusual elasticity. Arvin could see the winding corridor of her intestines and smell the musky scent of her bowels. Nissa, using both hands, pulled harder. Her ass was close to her face. Arvin could count the ridges. He could hear the groans. The ass began to move backward, encircling his head, coating him in sweat, burying him in the vast, pulsing coils of her intestines as she sat down on top of him. There was a slick, muffled sound as her body enveloped his. She slid down his head and his torso, wiggling over his shoulders and folding his arms into her bowels. Arvin was squeezed, piece by piece, into the living flesh. It sucked at his face. He reached up to take ahold of her legs, but she pushed his arms back down, sinking further and further until her legs were on top of his. Nissa looked at the imprint that he left on her body. She wasn’t sure what his name was, but he sure felt nice inside of her. Every movement sent a jolt up her spine. Her cheeks burned a bright shade of pink at the thought of her classmates entering the room. Not because it was embarrassing for her to fill her gut with a random boy, but because she was soaking the seat as he squirmed. She had to bite her lip to keep from yelling out. She stood, gasping. His body has shifted inside of her. Fingers brushed along the ridge of her intestines, sending a fresh wave of pleasure through her legs. No, this wasn’t going to work. She needed relief. Arvin himself wasn’t particularly put off by this turn of events. If Nissa fucking Litwin wanted to use him as a dildo, who was he to complain? It was a bit smelly and more than a little cramped, but that was the price you paid for admission to a hot piece of ass. She finished slurping him up, crying out as her asshole closed around his feet, locking him inside of her. Her stomach was a wobbling tower of flesh. Inside of her colon, Arvin heard the slam of a car door and the rumbling vibration of the engine. His neck was bent at an awkward angle. Nissa seemed to have shoved him up against the steering wheel to keep him still. The immense pressure of her intestines kept him from moving, so Arvin endured it as she drove back to her house. He thought about what it would be like to be a part of her ass. In his daydreams, she would giggle as she sat on him, teasing him lightly, playing with him in the shower. She would slap him with a soapy hand, spreading her fingers across the fat he left behind. His daydream was shattered when he heard her pick up the phone. “Hey sweetie,” she said. “I’m having some real trouble over here. Yeah. It’s driving me crazy, I can’t reach. Mmm, he’s big, but not as big as you. Alright, get here quick.” What the fuck? Arvin wanted to scream. She had a boyfriend. He tried to struggle, but Nissa flexed her stomach, pushing him back into place. The strain of her intestines was enormous. There was now way for him to move without her say so. “Don’t worry,” she said, cupping his head through her stomach. “I’ll take care of you. I never did get your name, but I always thought you were cute. Not cute enough to fuck, but cute enough to want you inside of me, you know? You look good tucked away in my tummy. I like all of your little lumps and bumps.” She flexed again. The joints in his arm creaked. He was bent at an angle, head mashed against a long strand of intestines with his legs folded beneath him. Her stomach rested on his hair, separated by only a thin layer of flesh. Arvin wondered if that’s where he would be deposited. Inside of Nissa, he could feel every movement. When she took a breath, he knew. If she itched her arm, the scratching echoed through the flesh walls. Every bassy fart that whizzed by his feet shook his body. He was a part of her. Nissa’s boyfriend arrived just in time to find her with her legs in the air, stomach hefted onto her chest, reaching desperately for her clit. Her fingers twitched, but as hard as she strained, she couldn’t reach. “Help,” she gasped. Her boyfriend shrugged his backpack off of his shoulder and kicked off his shoes. He had been in class, but this opportunity was too good to miss. He smiled as he ran a hand over the bumps in Nissa’s stretched stomach. Somebody moved underneath. “Poor guy,” he mocked as he unbuckled his belt. “Must be pretty nasty in there. I’ll help move you along faster.” His cock flopped out of his boxers. There was a wet hole that needed to be pounded and by God, he was going to pound it. He set Nissa’s calves on his shoulders and positioned himself against her vagina, letting the heat wash over his cock. She kicked as he thrust into her. Every inch of his cock burrowed deep, pushing against the weight of her stomach. Nissa’s boyfriend held her enormous gut, using is as leverage to fuck her hard and fast. Arvin could feel every stroke. He could hear every slap of his balls against her ass, the animalistic grunts, the low whine as Nissa bit her pillowcase. Her intestines contracted and Arvin gasped. It hurt. The pressure was mounting along with Nissa’s orgasm. A shudder ran along the walls. Arvin struggled, but that only turned her on more. She groped for him, taking his face in her grip and shoved him into the slimy embrace of her bowels. Nissa used him to push her to orgasm and with a last, colossal thrust of her boyfriend’s cock, she came. Arvin screamed as the walls constricted around him. His joints popped. It echoed in the fleshy chamber, drowned by the gurgling crescendo of the nearing stomach. One of his arms bent at the wrong angle and with another shudder, broke in a red flar. Arvin fought. He cried. His body was a mass of bruises, used and torn for the sake of another’s lust. Faithful to his promise, Nissa’s boyfriend made short work of him. By the end of the night, his hands were sinking into the sloppy, jiggling belly that was once Arvin. They made love on the bed, the couch, the kitchen table and the sink. Her new curves drove him wild. And, when morning came and Nissa dressed for school, she had a nice new bit of padding to stretch the fabric of her panties. |
The alien sat with her back to the cave wall, huge stomach stretched over her thighs. She dug her hands into the viscous flesh, trilling to herself. She could feel the girl stirring inside of her, arms pinned by her innards. Warm, safe, encased in moving, dripping flesh. That’s where she should sleep tonight. Suddenly, something stirred. The girl was screaming. The alien watched her stomach bubble and roil, panic welling in her chest as the girl continued to scream and kick. What what what? The alien attempted to touch the girl’s emotions and was violently repelled. The only thing she could feel was pain. The girl was in pain. Then, she went still. The alien pressed against the underside of her stomach, lifting the girl to her esophagus and opening her throat. She thrust, guiding the girl up through her throat and back between her lips. Tess was tossed onto the ground in a pool of bile and acid, hair plastered to her scalp. Her thin body was shaking. “Nina?” The alien cocked her head. She licked the girl, washing her with her tongue. Her chest was rising in short bursts. Humans weren’t meant to breathe the carbon-rich air of the alien’s planet. Nina longed to gulp her down again, down to what she had previously thought to be the only safe place for the fragile human. Why had her stomach harmed the girl? “Nina?” Tess called again. “Something is different.” Nina curled up around Tess, holding her close. Tess rested her head on one of Nina’s heavy breasts, taking shallow, almost tentative breaths. Her eyes flickered. “The air. I can breathe it.” Her oxygen tank lay beside a shallow pool of water. Tess stumbled to it, lifting the mask to her mouth. She immediately devolved into a fit of coughing. Hurt? The question came as a feeling, not as a word. Tess shook her head, touched by the alien’s concern. “No,” she said, fingering the mask. “Not hurt.” Stomach hurt? “Yeah. But why?” Tess inspected her skin, half-expecting it to be blue. She looked back at Nina, whose slitted eyes were wide with concern. “Strange. First, your transformation. Now this? What changed in the past day?” Lust rolled over her in waves. Nina was transmitting it so strongly that Tess nearly staggered. Her chest felt hot. The area between her legs stirred. The alien’s tongue unrolled from her lips, multicolored eyes narrowing as she approached. “Oh,” Tess muttered, right before Nina pounced, pinning her to the ground. “That might be it.” It started when the oxygen tank broke. The pale-blue mists rose through the crags, fogging Tess's mask as she crouched atop a shallow hill. She was watching the creature below. “I’m not sure it can see,” Tess whispered, raising her voice recorder to her helmet. “The alien appears non-hostile. While it took note of my presence as I approached, it didn’t show any sign of aggression. Its eyes are one solid pupil cut into the side of its conical head. Several tendrils hanging off of it. Their purpose is unknown to me at this point. The alien is a quadruped, perhaps two and a half meters long. It does not make any noise, thus my name for the creature. No iris, non-articulate. Nina for short.” The nina raised its head. It didn’t have any nostrils that Tess could see. Instead, it unfolded its split-jaw, revealing the moist blue-green flesh of its throat. No sound came out. “Perhaps there is some sort of sensory input in its mouth. Instead of two pieces, its jaw is comprised of three, unfurling at random intervals. It eats the small hopping creatures that Dallas spotted along the rock pools, moving at a blinding speed. Its skin looks soft, covered in some kind of liquid sheen like a protective layer. It’s pointing its snout at me right now and - oops!” A pebble dislodged from under Tess's foot. It rolled down the hill, coming to rest at one of the nina’s flat paws. It lowered its head toward it, then turned and batted the stone away with its tail. Tess adjusted her mask, fascinated by the behavior. The alien was exhibiting signs of play. She stepped forward, foot sliding along another loose rock. Tess waved her arms, trying to adjust, but the ground gave way and she fell, tumbling to the bottom of the hill. She landed with a whump at the foot of the nina. It stared at her with interest, bright eyes glinting in the hazy sunlight. Tess scrambled to her feet, backing away with her arms outstretched. A high pitched whine rang in her ears. She shook her head, but the sound wouldn’t stop. A concussion, perhaps? No, the air in the mask was getting thin. Tess's heart rose into her throat. She felt like she was choking. She unhooked her pack as fast as she could, all the while watched by the silent alien. The metal canister rolled over in her hands. There was a jagged puncture mark in the side, leaking precious oxygen into the poisonous atmosphere. No, no, no! Tess tore open her backpack, searching for the backup canister. She flung off her mask, holding her breath as she dumped the contents onto the ground. Journals, pens and batteries scattered against the rocks. Tess sifted through them, flinging the notepads to the side. The nina was closer now, right at her shoulder, its wide shadow falling on the hapless woman. The base was too far away. In thirty seconds, Tess would be rendered unconscious. She briefly considered placing her mouth against the hole in the canister, if only to take one last gulp of oxygen before her lungs collapsed. Her body was seizing up, ears ringing. Her limbs felt heavy, like gravity had been turned up. Then, she spotted it. The spare oxygen canister was between the massive paws of the nina. It stepped toward her, nudging her with its enormous head. Maybe it was responding to her stress, or maybe it sensed something that she couldn’t, but its demeanor had changed. Its jaws unfolded in front of Tess until her entire vision was dominated by the fleshy tube of its throat. Tess screamed as it descended upon her, burying her head in its esophagus. |
“This pressure…” Lucia hung over her squirming gut; arms folded against the naked skin. The man had torn her shirt on the way down, bulging past her throat and chest, all the way into her stomach. Now, he was thrashing. “Ugh.” Saliva dribbled down Lucia’s chin. The man pounded against her insides. She could hear the fleshy swish of his fist on wet tissue. Her stomach was a rounded ball for him to play in. Lucia groaned, cross eyed, squeezing the man between her legs, letting his violent struggles fill her consciousness with the beat of his fertility. She had swallowed the man in his prime. “Please,” she moaned. “No more.” Her pleading had the desired effect. The man redoubled his efforts, stretching both his arms and legs and pushing against the corners of her stomach. Lucia cried out as it expanded to its limit, the man’s fingers brushing her arm before her gut constricted around him, forcing him back into the moist confines of her spongy core. There would be no escape from the inside. He was her food. Her midnight snack. Just another plaything to be digested along with the others. But the others? The others didn’t make her feel this way. Lucia flopped onto her back, ragged breaths smothered under the weight of her own stomach. Her face was flushed. Red bangs clung to her forehead, damp with sweat, feverish with exertion. The man was fighting hard, as if he knew how much it turned her on. Was this for her pleasure? Probably not. But Lucia wasn’t one to overthink, much less think at all. She circled her nipple with a finger, her other hand clasped against her roiling stomach. Her tongue poked from between her lips, her eyes half closed, legs spread. She shivered. Having someone inside of her normally made her sleepy. Overfull and satisfied, she would lay on her side, stomach spread against the sheets, listening to the dull thud of their heart beating inside of her. Their breath would wash over the curve of her innards. They were hers. Trapped. An intimate part of her, heavy and comforting. With this man, rest was the last thing on her mind. Every kick was a new brand of pleasure. Every jolt, a delicious wave of bliss. It caught in her throat, built in her limbs, branded her with fire that spread from her loins to her toes and back through her ribcage. Winding, clenching, purifying flames that burned away her senses until her hips bucked and her back heaved and she screamed, clutching the sheets, nails biting into her palms, stomach flailing above her, rampant with the man’s dissatisfaction and her own feral passion. She came. Again. And again. She came until there were tears in her eyes and her sheets were covered in her love which pooled beneath her, soaking the backs of her legs. Her thoughts came as a ringing in her ears. She couldn’t hear. Slowly, her back touched down on the mattress and the muscles in her legs unclenched. Her eyes fluttered open, the dim light of her lamp forming rings in the corner of her vision. The mountain of her stomach quivered. The man was encased in her intestines. Lucia placed the back of her hands against his body and pushed. She could feel him slide further along the rancid tubes that constricted his arms. Lucia leaned forward and kissed her gut. “C’mon,” she purred. “I’m trying to help you here.” The man flexed his hand. Lucia bit her lip. Never before had she let someone live long enough to travel through her intestines and the sensation was exquisite. Her stomach rubbed up against her clit. Needles ran down her arms. She couldn’t breathe. The man’s foot was the last thing to slurp into her intestines and then he was trapped even tighter than he had been before, pulled deeper and deeper into her bowels. Lucia groaned. Her body was drenched in sweat. She clenched her abs and the man responded, kicking out against the hostile muscles. His foot and knee dragged over her cunt. “Wow,” Lucia hissed. It was almost too much. Her body felt overfull, stretched to the limits. Pleasure and pain mixed together into an intoxicating cocktail that was just out of reach and Lucia knew that the moment it came together, she would be addicted. No longer was she satisfied with placid prey. She wanted them live and squirming. She wanted to tame them with her innards. The man’s head broke into her colon and he gagged. It wasn’t the sterile sac that the stomach had been. Still, the extra room revitalized him. If he was moving, he was alive, and getting closer to the exit. Little did he know that Lucia was also getting closer, her arm hooked around her gut, fingers planted firmly in her mound. An orgasm came and went. Lucia used the momentum to squeeze the man further. The big one was coming and if he was still inside of her when it happened, then she would never be able to swallow him again. He would be squeezed to death by her body, absorbed, and disposed of. She quickened her pace. Her fingers flew. Her moans filled the room like the beating heart of her lust. Faster. Faster. The man was nearly at the end. His head was pressed against her anus. It stretched over his hair, his eyes, his lips. She heard him gasp and at that moment, seeing him birthed between her legs, she came. It crashed down on her, pinning her to the bed. Her chest heaved. She screamed. Fists clenched into balls as the muscles in her abdomen pushed out the rest of the man who fell to the floor in a heap. He scrambled to his feet and fled. Lucia hardly noticed. —- She found him again the following week. It had taken a few favors, a threat, and copious amounts of stalking, but she had done it. Now, she stood in front of his apartment, rain-drenched and drunk as a skunk. Lucia looked down at the bottle in her hands, surprised to find it nearly empty. She shook her head. The liquor was there to calm her nerves. With a shaking hand, she rang the doorbell. Footsteps approached. The man opened the door and Lucia jammed her foot into it before he could slam it shut. He turned to flee, but she caught the corner of his shirt. “Peace,” she slurred. “I ain’t her ta kill ya.” “No,” the man said, his eyes flicking to the umbrella stand. His hand inched toward it. “Then why are you here.” “I uh, wanted to see if you’d go out with me. It felt, hic, really good when you were inside of me and it seemed like you kind of liked it. You were really squirmy.” “Oh yeah?” the man asked. His hand closed around the umbrella handle. He swung it full force toward her head, but the tip caught on the wall. Lucia disarmed him with a flick and slammed the door shut with her foot. She clicked her tongue. “Don’t,” she said, stumbling on her words. “Don’t do that. That would hurt. Just, uh, kiss me and I’ll buy you dinner or something. We could have sex.” The man’s face flushed. Lucia’s shirt was soaked and clung to her enormous chest. Her face was narrow and pretty, with a spray of freckles highlighting her cheeks and nose. If she hadn’t followed him into the bathroom and swallowed him a week prior, he might have considered it. “No,” he said. “Get out of my house.” “Nah.” Lucia grabbed the man’s shoulder and tore his shirt from the collar to the base. “You look good,” she mumbled, tossing one half over her shoulder. The other half she shoved in the man’s mouth, silencing his screams as she did away with his pants and boxers. She licked his cock for good measure. Then, one warm hand planted firmly on his balls and the other holding his side, she swallowed him. “Mmmph!” She gulped. Her uvula sucked against his forehead. His nose was shoved into her tonsils which parted around him, showing him the pit he knew all too well. Lucia squeezed his balls, feeling his cock harden between her thumb and forefinger. She stroked the base. Another gulp buried him in her throat. His cock reached her lips now and she slurped at it, eager to feel him squirm once more. He obliged her and, in the throes of orgasm, slid down her throat, spreading his seed along her tongue and tonsils on the way down. He landed with a solid thump. “There,” Lucia burped, sitting against the wall. “Squirm real good or you don’t get out.” The man did. He kicked and thrashed and yelled and bit and clawed. Lucia’s head lolled over her stomach. The pleasure was numbed by the alcohol. It was nice. Colors started coming in waves as her head spun. Her orgasm didn’t bring clarity, just a warm splash against her legs. She pressed her hand into her stomach and felt around for the man, finding his face. “You’re, uh, my boyfriend now.” Her eyelids drooped and a soft snore escaped her lips. The man was left to pound inside of her as the juices pooled and lapped at his shoulders. An hour later and there was nothing left. Lucia was fast asleep. —- Her mouth was as dry as British humor. Lucia smacked her lips, reaching for the water bottle she kept at the edge of her nightstand. Her fingers brushed the umbrella rack. Eyes gummy, head pounding, she stared at the blob that was now her belly, mush and bones filtering through her intestines. “Aw, fuck.” Lucia heaved herself to her feet and wobbled to the bathroom. The rumbles and wet, smacking gurgles vibrated against her knees as she rested her stomach between them. Nearly cracking her head on the sink next to her, she turned the knob and splashed water on her face. Some of it trickled over her cracked lips. The first log spread her asshole wide. It came out in one continuous package, compact and smelly with bones dotting the brown surface. Lucia squeezed it into the bowl and flushed, wincing as the clatter of the bones assaulted her hungover senses. A ripe fart rippled the water. More gurgles. Another log. “I usually like this part,” Lucia sighed. “But everything hurts. I’m sorry, my guy. Didn’t mean to digest you like this.” Her stomach was evening out. There was still a ball in her lower abdomen, but a massive heave passed it between her cheeks and the man’s skull splattered into the pile. Most of the bones hadn’t flushed. Lucia lifted herself from the seat and wiped. “I’ve got to go find me some breakfast,” she called over her shoulder, flicking off the lights in the bathroom. “I just hope he squirms as good as you.” |
“Pebbles scatter across the old cobblestones as you trudge your way through the portcullis and enter the courtyard. The dragon’s occupation is clear. Scorch marks litter the walls and gate, carbonizing the tough rock. Here and there you can see the remains of the adventurers that have come before. Suddenly, the ground begins to shudder, and from the top of the castle a winding shape unfurls itself and- “ “Dominate Monster.” Ceria looked over the DM screen at the pasty nerd that had just interrupted her exposition. His glasses were smudged and his hair was a rat’s nest, but he was grinning as though he had just won the lottery. “Excuse me?” Ceria said. “Dominate Monster. It’s an 8th-level spell that requires a wisdom saving throw to overcome. If the dragon doesn’t make the save, then it is charmed for the duration. My wizard, Agavant, casts Dominate Monster on the dragon.” Flipping through the Player’s Handbook, Ceria found where the spell was listed. The rest of the party waited as her eyes narrowed and a smirk crept across her lips. It was bad news when Ceria smiled. She snapped the book closed and leaned over the screen, her considerable chest sagging against the table. “Dominate Monster has a range of 60 feet,” she hissed. “The dragon is hovering 100 feet in the air. Your spell can’t touch it- “ “Distant spell. I expend one sorcery point to double the casting range of a spell. Now the range is 120 feet, which, if it’s 100 feet away, my spell can reach.” The three party members high-fived as Ceria slumped back in her chair. Her fingers caressed the smooth upper folds of her stomach. The latest casualty was still kicking, his feet bulging out against her skin. By the feel of it, he would soon descend into her fat tail to be digested fully. Nimbal the Rogue should have watched out for traps. “Fine,” Ceria said, folding a stray hair behind her ear. “You dorks never learn, do you? If you would just run away, I wouldn’t have to stuff my gut with your frail bodies. Three chubby nerds down, three to go.” The party giggled. Ceria knew what was coming next. Diego, the cleric, clasped his hands together and sung in a high falsetto. “Lonely Lamia, looking for a party of capable adventurers to complete a challenging dungeon. Be warned: Failure will result in a one way trip through my digestive system.” “Lonely Lamia,” Lester chuckled. He tossed his sorcerer figurine up in the air and caught it behind his back. “It sounded like a personal ad. You sure you don’t just want to have sex with us?” “Dream on,” Ceria muttered. “Then we game!” Ceria pushed herself up by her tail. The emerald scales were marred with irregular lumps where the remains of two previous party members churned through her digestive system. One was already a pile of waste in the garden. Even though Ceria had made the rest of the party watch as she dumped their friend, they still continued to grind through her dungeons. These nerds were insane. Still, Ceria didn’t mind. They were easy food, and she needed to pack on the pounds for the winter. Her stomach pooled over her snakey underbelly. “Fine,” she hissed, picking up her dice. “The dragon takes its wisdom save.” She rolled the dice and, cursing, tried to cover it, but Diego saw the result over the screen. “Nat 1, baby!” he shouted. “That dragon is toast! Total domination!” “I wish I could cast Dominate Monster on Ceria,” the third party member said. “You’re a fighter, Marco. Shoulda chosen a better class! Anyhow, Ceria, you gonna reward us for the good roleplay?” Her stomach gurgled in response. She belched, silencing the party as the fumes watched over them. There was a low rumble as the rest of Nimbal descended into the winding chamber of her bowels. Her stomach flattened and her chest grew. “Ceria,” Marco whispered. “Yeah?” “We...we can see your titty.” Ceria looked down to find that her shirt had slipped over one of her breasts. She pulled it back down, but not before the rest of the party caught a glimpse of a pale pink nipple. Her face a vibrant shade of red, Ceria glowered at the nerds. “The dragon uses its legendary resistance to make the save, or had you nerds forgotten it could do that? It opens its jaws wide and unleashes a holocaust of flames onto the adventurers that dared to enter its domain. Reflex saves all around.” Diego rolled, then flexed. “32. Dragon ain’t touchin’ this.” Marco rolled, then grinned. “27. No way, José.” Lester rolled, then sighed. “Does a 13 make it?” Slithering from her seat, Ceria rounded the table and leaned over Lester’s shoulder. She gently took his character sheet from his trembling hands and glanced over the stats. Her grin broadened as she went back to her seat and took a handful of dice, rolling them and counting the numbers. “That’s 83 damage, Lester. How many hit points does your sorcerer have?” “62,” he mumbled, already taking off his shirt. The others watched as he stripped and stood shivering on the cold kitchen tiles. “Bullshit roll. I should have had Etherealness cast, but we didn’t even get to take initiative.” “It’s called a surprise attack, dumbass. Now, stand still. This will only hurt a little.” Lester picked up his character sheet and gave it one last glance over before he took a pen and slashed an X onto the paper. He tossed his figurine to Diego and his dice bag to Marco, then saluted. His friends nodded back at him. “It’s been real, Agavant the Great,” Diego said. “You were the best sorcerer I have ever played with, and damn, did you make it far. Bullshit roll, man. Catch you on the flip side.” “Say hi to Nimbal for us!” Lester bit his lip, raised his arms, and waited as Ceria’s warm hands ran over the small of his back. Her breath washed over his hair, stale and intoxicating. She drew up to her full height behind him, cradling him against her chest. Her red lips parted and a strand of drool splattered onto Lester’s shoulder. He shuddered, but held firm. “Are you sure you want to do this now?” Ceria hummed. “Maybe we should wait until I clear out some space. You’ll have a front row seat as I shit him into the nerd pile and your journey might be a bit smoother. Besides, I’m already gassy.” As if to emphasize the point, a gross, rolling fart erupted from the Lamia, stinking up the entire kitchen. Diego and Marco pinched their noses, but Lester stood firm. He turned toward Ceria and held out his arms. “I’m ready,” he said. Ceria leaned forward until they were nose to nose. Her mouth opened, her throat expanded, and she let loose an enormous belch right in his face. Lester didn’t flinch. He watched as the mouth widened, Ceria’s wet tongue uncoiling to slither over his neck and shoulders, washing him in her rank saliva. She tasted up and down his chest, stopping at his chin and pushing her tongue into his mouth. For the first time, Lester’s calm demeanor broke as Ceria kissed him. “No fucking fair!” Diego shouted. “Do me next!” Marco said. Ceria ignored them and cupped Lester’s cheek in her hand. She kissed his forehead, letting her lips spread over his hair and ears until he was firmly pressed against the back of her throat. She lifted him up over the table and threw back her head. The others watched as Lester became a lump in her throat, gliding down into the slimy depths of her stomach. He landed with a splash in the last dungeon he would ever explore. Ceria patted her stomach and belched. “OOooARP! You nerds are too much. I can’t believe that you refuse to run.” She unpinned her hair and let it unfurl over her back like a black wave. Her shirt rode up enough for Diego and Marco to see the firm outline of Lester against the Lamia’s skin. He gave them a brief thumbs up, then curled into a ball to wait for digestion. “Probably the closest to a woman that he’s ever been,” Ceria said, massaging his immobile form. Her tongue flickered out of her mouth. “And he was tasty, too! You dorks sure you want to keep playing? All of these nerds are making me quite gassy. This kitchen is going to get steamy in a minute or two.” “Oh, shut up, Ceria,” Marco said. “We ain’t leaving until we beat your game.” “Yeah,” Diego said. “You’re a much better DM than our last one, and nobody else would let us play for an entire week straight. This has been great!” Ceria rolled her eyes and sat back down behind the DM screen. She had to pull out the chair to avoid bumping the table with her stomach. “Fine,” she said. “But don’t say I didn’t warn you. You’re four party members down and staring at an Adult Red Dragon. If you both die, you’re going to have to share the space in my gut.” Marco and Diego looked at each other. “Yeah,” Marco said. “I’m cool with that. We game on.” “I think I have a plan,” Diego said. “It involves that Bag of Holding we got earlier. If it works the way that I think that it works, then things are about to take a turn for the awesome.” “Right,” Ceria burped. “Well then, I guess we pick up where we left off. The charred remains of your wizard are still burning on the cobble. What do your adventurers do?” |
BWaaARAP! “Nice one, honey.” Leon pressed his ear to his girlfriend’s chest. He could hear the gurgling rush of gas expanding in her stomach, pushing against her esophagus, eager to escape. Melonie guided his head lower until it rested right over the crest of her gut. An immense rumble vibrated against his cheek. “UUUURP~ Oh! That was a big one.” Melanie shifted higher on the couch. Her ginger hair hung down her back in twin braids, both tied with small bits of black ribbon. Two silver bells were attached to each ribbon. When Melanie moved, they jingled. Leon took one in his hand and fiddled with it as he listened to the melodic sound of his girlfriend’s stomach. It was a Friday night and they had nowhere to be. “You’re a tummy-lover,” Melanie said as Leon ducked his head under her tee-shirt. She could feel his lips against her bare skin, kissing its way up her stomach. The sight of her shirt stretched out made her feel weird. The sight sparked a memory, or perhaps a dream. “Yeah, well you’re a burp-lover. I’ve never met someone that belches as much as you do, and I grew up with six brothers.” Rolling her eyes, Melanie dragged Leon out of her shirt and planted her lips on his. They melted into each other, sharing their warmth and weight, kissing and pawing at each other’s clothes. The shirts came off, then the bra. Twenty minutes later and they were a puddle on the couch, sweaty and thoroughly content. Leon lay on his back, his head between Melanie’s legs with his eyes half-closed. Melanie bathed in the afterglow. The only sound was the whisper of their breath and the deep rumble of Melanie’s stomach. “Hungry?” Leon mumbled. “A bit. Do you mind?” “Go ahead.” Melanie shifted him off of her legs and wandered into the kitchen. Two boxes of Chinese leftovers caught her eye. She pulled them out of the fridge and piled a plate high with rice and egg rolls. When the microwave beeped, Leon stuck his head through the door. “Chinese?” he asked. “Mmmhmm.” “I don’t see how you can eat so much without getting fat.” He ducked behind the door as a chopstick flew past. Melanie sat at the table, gulping down the first spoonful of steaming rice. She enjoyed the sensation of it settling in her stomach, filling her gut and displacing the gas that had built up within her. Leon sat at the other end of the table and watched her eat. “I know I tease,” he said. “But you really do like to eat.” “I like to feel full,” Melanie corrected, swallowing. “Where does it all go? Certainly not your ches- ” Whap! Leon rubbed his cheek where the spoon had hit him and passed it back to Melonie. She pushed it aside, opting instead to pick up the plate and let the food slide right into her mouth. Her throat widened and in one awesome gulp, the entire mound of rice and chicken disappeared. A gurgle filled the kitchen. BWWWWWARP! The force of the burp sent Melanie sprawling in her chair. She was sure that Leon was going to tease her, but he wasn’t looking at her face. He was looking at her stomach. A vision came to Melanie, clear as still water, of her stretched out gut jiggling over her legs. She could feel the weight of her insides, that fullness that she had been chasing, as her stomach churned and squashed beneath her palms. It took her a moment to realize that Leon was talking. “Was that enough food, honey?” Snapping back to the present, Melanie shook her head. It was the truth. There was a pit in her stomach that just never seemed to fill. Leon looked like he was on the verge of saying something, but the words stuck in his throat. A heavy atmosphere had settled on their shoulders. Melanie realized she was blushing. So was he. “I,” he managed to get out. Melanie passed him a glass of water and he downed it, wiping the sweat from his brow. “I have something to tell you.” “What?” Leon took a deep breath, then another. Dread seeped into Melanie’s consciousness, spreading like ice across her back. The normally jovial Leon never looked so serious. Was this a break up? Things had been going so well. Too well. Melanie wanted to cry. She was going to. The tears were right there. Then: “I want you to swallow me.” Melanie blinked. Leon looked like he was on the verge of throwing up, but he held her gaze, his knuckles white against the table. “You what?” “I want you to swallow me. I’ve been thinking about this for a while. I want you to swallow me and digest me and turn me into gas. Maybe then, you’ll be full.” He said it fast, as if the confession would scorch his throat. Melanie let both relief and concern wash over her in alternating currents. What was he even saying? She couldn’t eat something that large, nor had she ever tried to. The image of her engorged gut cut through her mind, clearer than ever. “Why?” she managed. “Because, well, you see.” He was blushing. His face was red from his neck to his ears, and now that he had said his piece, the embarrassment was catching up. He picked at his fingernails and didn’t look at her. “Well, uh, it’s kind of… a thing for me? Like, you know, it would be really warm and tight, and you could carry me around in your stomach. I’m sorry. This is silly.” Instead of laughing, Melanie stood and crossed the kitchen. She stood over him, taking him into her arms and holding his head to her stomach. Neither had bothered to put their clothes back on after sex. He lay against her bare skin and kissed her. Not knowing what she was doing, but operating on instinct alone, Melanie lifted Leon onto the chair. He didn’t blink as her mouth spread over his nose and eyes, coating them in her hot saliva. Her tongue slid beneath his chin. Melanie concentrated and her throat began to widen. Inch by inch, more of Leon fit into her mouth. Inch by inch, he descended into the ridged warmth of her throat. It coddled him and confined him, beckoning him deeper with every gulp. Melanie had him halfway inside of her when she realized what she was doing. By then, it was too late. Gravity made short work of Leon. His head broke into Melanie’s stomach in a slow glide, coming to rest in the slick, porous embrace of the pliant walls. They dipped around him, spreading with his shoulders and back. He could feel the strong push of her muscles with every loud gulp. The air was stale and hot. All he could hear was the motion of Melanie’s throat, her heartbeat, and the bells in her hair, muted through the thin skin that separated him from the outside world. As soon as his feet were squeezed out of her esophagus, an enormous rumble of displaced air vibrated against Leon’s naked flesh, traveling upward and out through Melanie’s mouth. OOOOURAAAAP! BRAAAAAAOOURRRRRP! “Ahhhhh!” Leon’s prison quaked around him with each goliath belch. He could feel Melanie shiver and kick. She collapsed onto the chair and he bounced, her stomach hitting her legs with a meaty slap. “Wow,” she said, hugging him to her chest. “Wow, wow, wow! This is, well, I don’t even know how to describe it.” Her voice echoed around him. He smiled in the dark. “I wish I had done it sooner,” he said. “I love you, Mel.” He was answered with another belch, then another. Melanie had taken ahold of both sides of her stomach and was pushing, forcing the air up through her throat. She gazed at her stomach, enamored with the bloated roundness. The vision, the dream that she had been seeing; this had been it. All at once, the pit that had been with her since her childhood seemed to fill, then expand. Her throat shook as another burp soiled the air and rattled her boyfriend in his fleshy cage. Stomach heavy against her legs, Melanie clutched at the writhing outline of her boyfriend as he tried to get comfortable in the tight mesh of innards. Her stomach boiled and kick, converting the meal from a man to a seething mass of putrid air. Every other breath was punctuated with a belch, each longer than the last. BWWAAAAROOOUURUP! Urp… Her stomach was shrinking. Melanie’s eyes rolled back as she clutched at the last part of her boyfriend locked within her, eager to digest and yet not wanting the pleasure to end. The unique vibration of each burp had been the height of bliss. Normal meals would never suffice. Her skin glistened with sweat. Her breath came in ragged clumps. The bells slapped against her back as one final belch exploded out into the kitchen, echoing off the tile. The last of the air fled from her gut and then there was silence. Melanie looked down at her compact stomach. There was not a hint of her boyfriend left, except for the added swell of her breasts and the healthy lustre of her rounded physique. She tried to stand, but fell back into her chair. Digestion had taken a lot out of her. The belching pleasure lingered in her relaxed limbs. She felt like she was floating. “That was nice, Leon,” she said. “I’m glad you got what you wanted, but I’m afraid that after that, normal sex is never going to satisfy me. I’ve got another hole to fill.” Her phone lay on the table. She picked it up, blinking away the black spots as she added an event on Facebook, then let the phone slip from her fingers as she stumbled her way to the couch. --- Facebook invite from Melanie: >Party Tomorrow? -Accept (7) -Decline (3) -Maybe (2) |
“Showers! All of you, hit the showers. You all reek!” Ceria narrowed her eyes as the three party members grumbled and pushed their chairs back from her kitchen table. Dice and pencils scattered across the floor as Stacy, the druid, stumbled. Her boyfriend caught her arm. “C’mon, babe,” he said, winking. “Some hot water will do us good.” Both Ceria and Diego groaned as the couple trounced off to the first floor bathroom. They had already domesticated the guest room, leaving Diego to sleep on the couch. “Did you have to let them join?” Diego asked, fingering his cleric figurine. “Yes,” Ceria hissed. “And they’re going to be food anyway. Why do you care?” “Because they suck!” Diego said, sitting down hard. He pushed aside the take-out boxes and dice towers and laid his head on the table. “It was so much better with Lester and Marco, but then you pulled that bullshit with the dragon and that weird pit trap. Why would a wizard hide a sphere of annihilation in a pit? Wouldn’t that cost a hell of a lot of money to conjure?” “I’m not arguing this with you again.” “You know they want to make it in your belly, right? Like, they want to die together in-game so that you swallow them both so that they can get down and dirty.” “Right,” Ceria said, scratching her scales. Her hand sank into her pudgy tail. What used to be lithe muscle had turned into sagging fat. Ceria’s humanoid stomach hung down over the edge of the table. She hardly bothered to wear a bra anymore. “I don’t mind having the lovers for lunch, but I also don’t want any hanky panky going on in my gut. Sounds like indigestion.” “Well, they’re in the shower right now…” “No, Diego. Besides, it takes more than a skinny nerd to satisfy a lamia.” “You’re like, the most reclusive lamia ever,” Diego said, ignoring the warning glare. “When’s the last time you’ve had sex? You make fun of us virgins all the time, but I’ll bet you’ve never done it either.” “I so have!” Ceria shouted, slamming her tail on the ground. “I am not taking this from some sad yuppie looking to die a quick death in my gut. Be glad you’ll even have a chance to be the tit fat of a woman of my caliber.” “Always deflecting,” Diego shouted back. “You’re just as sad as the rest of us, so get off your high horse. Who’s going to want you anyway now that you look like a whale.” Ceria lunged after Diego, but the man was quick and she was fat. Not used to the weight, Ceria overcorrected and slammed to the ground. A D4 stabbed into the side of her stomach. “You’ll pay for this, vagrant,” she said. “You saw what I did to your friends. I churned them into-” “Mulch,” Diego finished. He stood with his arms crossed, glowering down at her. “Yeah, you made us watch you take a shit. What a lady you are. I’m sure that’s a fetish for you, or something.” Her tail came around too slow. Diego hopped over it, dodging to the other side of the table. Ceria pushed herself up on her forearms, groaning as her strained abdominal muscles pulled her back into an upright position. Her hair was a mess. Stray pieces fell over her eyes and ears. Red in the face, she brushed herself off and slithered back to the head of the table. Diego sat back down. “Whoa! Drama alert!” Stacy giggled into her hands. She wore a pair of overalls over a grey sweater, both slightly damp from the bathroom. Her boyfriend, Orlando, put his arm around her waist. “Put a shirt on, Fabio,” Diego said. “What?” Orlando asked, running a hand over his tanned abs. “You jealous? We can hit the gym together sometime if you’re tired of being skinny.” “A lot of wasted effort when your whole goal is to be brutally digested.” “While having sex,” Orlando clarified. Stacy purred, tracing a finger over Orlando’s stomach, batting her eyes up at him. “I would have given myself to this boy the day we met if I could have,” she said. “But only a few humans can swallow a person whole. A lamia, on the other hand...” “Thanks for using me as your garbage disposal,” Ceria grumbled. “I guess it’s ‘pick on Ceria’ day. Get your asses back in your seats and let’s start. Orlando, put on a shirt.” He shrugged, choosing a graphic tee shirt out of the pile in the corner. Wasn’t like the previous occupant needed it. They all sat in a semicircle, placing their figurines at the start of the dungeon. Orlando put his barbarian at the head of the party. “Alright,” Ceria said. “When we left off, you had received word that the Blade of Sneed, the only weapon capable of killing Ajax the Oafish, had been hidden in this labyrinthine complex deep in the heart of Rim. You stand at the gaping mouth of the cavern. It smells of dust and rot. The tiled floor appears hazy as you step into the abyss.” “I check for traps,” Diego said, tossing his dice. “22. What do I see?” “A tripwire strung out an inch from Orlando’s foot. It appears to be attached to a series of blades cleverly hidden in the dark ceiling.” “Careful, Orlando,” Diego said in the gruff voice he used for his cleric. “There’s a trap right in front of you.” “Right,” Orlando snorted. He never used a voice for his character. “I step over it.” “As do I,” Stacy said. Ceria smiled. She pressed her palms flat against the table, her slitted eyes narrowing at the party. “This dungeon was designed by a great architect,” she said. “One that took no chances. The greatest way to conceal a trap is to hide it behind an obvious one. As Orlando’s foot lands on the tile beyond the tripwire, the whole room starts to shake. Dexterity saves.” “Danger sense,” Orlando said, rolling his die twice. “That’s an 18 and a 27. My barbarian makes it to the entrance.” Diego looked at Ceria. She grinned back at him, nodding at Stacy. Of course the DM had known about the barbarian’s ability. His dexterity was one of his highest stats. Stacy, on the other hand… “Does an 8 make it?” she asked. Her rose-colored lips trembled. She curled a piece of her golden hair over her finger, twisting it with nervous energy. For a second, Diego’s heart went out to her. “No,” Ceria said. “You don’t make it to the entrance as vapors waft up from the holes in the floor. Make a constitution save.” Diego raised an eyebrow. That was Orlando’s best stat. Like the dungeon’s architect, it seemed that Ceria also had contingencies. Stacy rolled, exhaling a small puff of breath as the die settled. A natural 1. “That’s not fair!” Orlando shouted. “My barbarian lugs her over his shoulder and runs with her to fresh air.” “No he doesn’t,” Ceria said. “Your barbarian saved himself, leaving the druid to fester in the noxious vapors. Hold on, I think I had something for this.” A deep rumble filled the room. Ceria curled a finger at Stacy, who leaned her head in to hear what she had to say. BWAAAAAAAAAAARP! The putrid belch sent Stacy reeling, clutching her nose. Both Orlando and Diego coughed. Ceria sat back on her tail, laughing. She took Stacy’s figurine and popped it in her mouth, swallowing it in a single gulp. “Instant death,” she said. “What a wicked wizard he must have been to build a trap like that. Your poor druid crumples to the ground, clutching her throat, eyes burning. She has just enough time to turn toward the burly barbarian before her lungs dissolve and she dies in a pool of her own spittle.” “Shit.” Stacy took Orlando’s hand, squeezing it tight. “I’ll jump in the nearest pit,” he assured her. “Or I’ll find a dragon. Or I’ll eat a crossbow bolt. Just hang on until I can get to you, okay?” “Alright,” she said, kissing him. “You promise?” “I promise.” Ceria licked her lips as the woman pulled on the straps of her overalls and let them fall from her shoulders. She shimmied out of them, then pulled her shirt and sweater over her head. Diego gaped at the intricate black tattoos that looped around her upper body, swirling in crisp lines up her back and around her biceps. Muscles stood out against her skin. “What a waste,” he muttered. Orlando gave him the stink eye. Stacy took off her shorts and panties, tossing them into the pile in the corner. She stood with her arms crossed, resolute in the face of digestion, ready to accept her fate. Ceria did not keep her waiting long. Stomach groaning, the lamia picked her up by her thin waist and tilted Stacy’s head onto her waiting tongue. Ceria’s humid breath washed over the hapless victim as she slurped at her. “I lub a clean snack,” she said with her mouth full. “Tashtes goob.” Ceria tipped her head back, opening her throat just enough for Stacy to begin sliding down past the clenching muscles. Hot flesh pulsed around her. Ceria didn’t even swallow. She just let her slide, watching her boyfriend, content to follow his gaze as he traced the path of Stacy’s bulge past Ceria’s chest and into her stomach. When she settled, she hardly made a dent in the thick layer of blubber. Ceria burped, clutching her stomach with both hands. “Oof, she was good. Sorry that you can’t join her, lover-boy.” “Uh, Ceria?” Ceria’s smile evaporated when she saw what Diego was pointing at. Of course, his character had been within range of the traps. He had rolled both times. The results were plain to see on the table. A 2 and a 3. “Well,” Ceria muttered, biting her lip as she felt Stacy kick against her innards. The sloshing in her guts made her tingle. She liked that heavy feeling of prey deep inside of her, and now she was getting a 2-for-1 special. “Well well well!” Her grin returned. This was perfect. The whiny Diego was out of the picture and she could bask in the full feeling of two innocent youths dissolving in her stomach as the boyfriend watched. It made her wet just thinking about it. “Sorry Orlando, but I guess that’s just the way the dice fall. Diego is going to be the one sharing the ride through my intestines, and I don’t have to deal with anything gross while he does. Poor Stacy.” The woman couldn’t hear the lamia through her fat, but she seemed to know that it was her that they were discussing. She kicked out hard, causing a lump to form in the skin. Ceria massaged her gut. “Diego, strip.” He hesitated for a moment. Ceria took him by the arm, pulling him up so that his head was level with her breasts. She guided his hand to one of her boobs and leaned forward. Their lips touched. She stared into his eyes, gushing over his desperate expression. It hit all of the right spots. “Sorry you never got to have sex,” Ceria whispered. “But here’s the next best thing. You got to second base with a lamia. Now, strip.” “Fine,” he said. “You’re a real cunt, you know that?” “I know. I can live with that.” Diego tugged off his shirt and pants, tossing them onto the pile. Orlando caught his arm as he went to take off his underwear. He squeezed it hard. “No chance, dork,” Orlando said. “You’re not rubbing up against my naked girlfriend.” “Yes he is,” Ceria said. “I don’t do well with fabric and if it messed with my bowels, I would dump your girlfriend right into your mouth as recompense. What’s it going to be?” “Fine,” Orlando spat, digging his nails into Diego. “But no funny business. I swear, if I see anything, I’ll kill you.” Diego pulled his arm from his grip. “I’ll already be dead, idiot, but thanks for the macho display.” He finished taking off his underwear and stood with his arms crossed and his jaw set. Ceria ran a finger over his bare leg. “So that’s what you were hiding under there,” she teased. “Maybe I should have taken you up on your offer.” “Fuck off,” Diego said, but naked as he was, it was impossible to hide his arousal. Frustrated, he raised his arms and closed his eyes. Ceria picked him up by the armpits and guided his feet into her mouth. She swished him around, smothering him with her tongue, clamping her lips around his chest and moaning. “I cab feel you,” she said. “Rubbing again my throab.” Her lips closed over his face. She took his arms and pushed, aiding his descent with a couple of hearty gulps. It didn’t take long for him to reach her stomach. Diego’s foot hit something hard. Before he could orient himself in the seething pit of Ceria’s stomach, Stacy was upon him. She wrapped him in her arms, covering him in slime. Her lips found his in the darkness. “Oh Lando,” she cooed. “This is what we always wanted.” Diego’s response was cut short as Stacy’s hand found his cock. She wrapped her fingers around the shaft, using her thumb to play with the head as they made out. Their hips came together with a wet smack. Bracing her back against the wall, surrounded by the gurgles of their imminent digestion, Stacy moaned. She positioned herself over Diego. He didn’t say a word. Was it immoral? Sure. Did he care? No. Diego had gone through too much shit to die a virgin and in a way, he was glad he could stick it to Ceria one last time. --- “What are they doing?” Orlando asked. He had his ear to Ceria’s gut. She kept twitching, exhaling short puffs of breath as she tried to keep control over her instincts. The roused couple in her gut set off every indicator in her body. Her snake half coiled and uncoiled. It sought to squeeze and tug and crush. The lips of her cunts slurped open, seeking the nearest source of warmth. “Can’t you hear?” she gasped. “They’re making love.” “I fucking knew it!” Orlando shouted. He drove his fist into Ceria’s gut, causing both her and her occupants to gasp. Stacy giggled, then screamed. Orlando knew that scream. He knew it well. That bastard, Diego, had gotten her off. Red in the face, he pulled back his arm for another blow, but Ceria caught it. Her eyes seemed unfocused. Her mouth was open, tongue dragging over her moistened lips. She heaved forward, burying Orlando beneath her gut, tackling him to the kitchen floor. Wrapping him in her fat tail, she had the sense to pull him onto the pile of clothes. She tore the shirt from his back, and then his pants. Her tail slipped beneath his underwear and pulled out his cock. “Listen, lover-boy,” Ceria said. “This is a once in a lifetime experience I am giving you. Your partner is as good as dead. You can feel her digesting. But, I have an itch that needs to be scratched and you’re going to take care of it one way or another.” Her breath washed over Orlando. It smelled like Stacy. He closed his eyes, breathing in his girlfriend’s scent mixed with the pheromones that the horny lamia was emitting. Orlando was confused. This wasn’t the plan. Ceria’s tail felt good, stroking him. Her lips felt good on the side of his neck. Even her fat stomach pooling over his own fit abdomen felt nice. He was hurt that Stacy had chosen to have sex with Diego. He could use a little nice. “Fine,” he said, and as soon as the words left his lips, his cock was pulled deep into Ceria and together, they heaved. Her tail wrapped thrice around him, squeezing his legs together. His face was buried between her sweaty tits. They hugged his head and he kissed them. Ceria pulled his head around to her nipple and forced him to suck. Between the squirming in her stomach, the cock inside of her, and the stimulation to her breasts, Ceria was in heaven. It had been so long since the last time she had gotten off in the proper fashion. Masturbation only did so much for the lamia. She needed a man. Orlando’s hips bucked. He was in the rhythm. Ceria’s hips swayed to follow his lead, consuming him, urging him to go deeper. Harder. Faster. She needed this. Gods, she wanted this. Still, at the crest of her pleasure, right before the avalanche of orgasm, she hit a roadblock. “Deeper,” she hissed. “Deeper!” “I can’t,” Orlando gasped. His own orgasm had come and gone. The world was a blur of colors to him. Pleasure crashed against his brain, over and over, like the tide beating against the shore, but the tide was on its way out. He was tired and softening. Diego and Stacy were also hitting their limit. There was only so much frantic motion a couple could muster in the hot and humid confines of a stomach. Diego now had his mouth over Stacy’s cunt as she ran her fingers through his hair. He didn’t care about the taste of stomach acids in his mouth. This was his birthright. Ceria could feel them slowing. It wasn’t fair. She needed this. She took Orlando and pushed his face into her belly button, using him as a prop to stir up the Stacy and Diego. It worked. The two wriggled, sending a new wave of pleasure through Ceria, but pleasure was not enough. She needed stimulation. In a rush of desperate agony, she took Orlando by the hips, lifted him above the pile of clothes, and drove him into her cunt. Blissful release. Ceria bucked over and over again, each convulsion sending a rippling wall of muscle over Orlando, pushing him deeper into her cunt. Her slick innards consumed him. He had time for one last gasp of breath before his face disappeared inside of Ceria, never to be seen again. She followed his journey through her cunt with one hand, the other wrapped around her breast. Her eyes were closed. Sweat trickled down her back. She lay on top of the pile of clothes. Two people settled in her gut to sleep and another continued his futile struggles in her tail. Ceria glanced at the table, looking at the line of figurines. “I’m going to need a new party,” she yawned. “And a new shirt.” Then she slept, and her stomach did what it did best. |
The Yule Ball was in full swing when Harry realized that he needed to leave. He nudged Ron, nodding toward the door of the great hall, decorated to look like a dragon’s maw with the red carpet as its tongue. The redhead gave a sigh of relief. Neither had had much luck with the dancing. Hogwarts College’s grounds had been decorated for the season. Every hallway had enchanted snowflakes swirling down from the rafters, dissipating before they hit the floor. Swathes of white and gold banners lined the staircases and even the ghosts wore festive hats and broaches. Harry noticed none of it as he stormed through the doors, red in the face. “What?” Ron asked, when the music had faded behind them. They found themselves in a seldom used hallway filled with open doors. The walls were curiously absent of the magical portraits that watched over the students. “I don’t know,” Harry said, running a hand over his scar. “A feeling. Like I had to be somewhere else. Maybe it was the room, or the dancing, but it felt...wrong.” “Well, mate, I’m sure that you needed your peace and quiet, but we could have at least gone to the common room. Where are we?” Harry looked around for the first time, noting the absence of the portraits and the stark stone walls that surrounded them. A subtle wind blew down the corridor, causing the friends to shiver. There was a sound, like a whisper, then louder. Behind one of the open doors, a voice called out. Harry doubled over, the feeling intensifying. “What is that?” Ron whispered. He placed a hand on Harry’s shoulder, but the wizard shrugged it off. Harry crept toward the open door, the feeling inside of him growing, gnawing. He knew that he shouldn’t be sneaking around. Not during the triwizard tournament. He should at least wait for Hermoine, but the door called to him. The shouting had abated, replaced by a muffled cry. Harry crouched at the edge of the door and looked around it. His eyes widened. There, in an empty classroom, stood Fleur Delacour. The quarter-Veela stood with her back to the portal, her dress shimmering in the magical lights that floated around the ceiling. Harry blinked, eyes adjusting to the dimness when the cry came again. Somebody was moving in front of Fleur. “Come now dear. Zis is not so bad, is eet?” Harry blushed. Fleur had come to this empty room for some private time with her date and here he was, peeping. Why had his instincts told him to come? A hand brushed his back and Harry bit back a yelp, pulling out his wand. Ron put his hands up, nodding at the pair. He pantomimed a woman taking off her dress and made a crude gesture. Harry hit him, then went back to watching. Fleur unzipped the back off her dress. Still blocking Harry’s view of her date, the quarter-Veela tugged the straps off of her shoulders and let the glimmering fabric pool around her ankles. Ron’s grip on Harry’s arm tightened as they beheld her pale, slender back arching. Fleur stretched and shook out her hair. It tumbled over her neck as she unhooked her bra. “Lucky git,” Ron hissed, drawing a glare from Harry. Ron just motioned to the door, like you’re looking too, aren’t you? Harry didn’t have anything to say to that. Fleur turned and Ron and Harry caught their first glimpse of the date. Their faces went bright pink. The date, an unassuming brown-haired man, was magically bound. There was a gag across his mouth and his eyes rolled as he tried to push away from the desk that he was tied to. Fleur put a finger to his lips. “Eet is not so bad,” she repeated. “You vere useful, no? Now do what boys do best.” The man uttered one last cry, thrashing against his bindings, but the magic held. Fleur had her wand drawn, muttering an incantation. Neither Harry nor Ron recognized the spell. Fleur dropped her wand on her clothes and, with surprising strength, lifted the man above her head. Harry had to slap his hand across Ron’s mouth to keep him from crying out. Fleur’s jaw had dropped past her breasts, nearly to the lithe curve of her stomach. The man wriggled in her grip, then went rigid as she fed him into her mouth, dipping him into the saliva-filled pit of throat. She pulled him back up, drenched and terrified, smiling her delicate smile. “Yes,” she said. “Useful. You vere a good date. Now please, be quiet vile I digest.” With that, she dropped the man who reappeared as a bulge in her throat, traveling down through her chest and into her stomach. The quarter-Veela sagged against the desk, using it to prop herself up. Her breaths came in short puffs. Her eyes were crossed. Sweat trickled down her brow, smudging her perfect makeup. Ron and Harry ducked out of sight. The hair on the back of their neck stood on end. Ron’s face was a mixture of horror and revulsion. Harry’s was filled with curiosity and guilt. He snuck a peak back into the room. Fleur was rubbing the distended bulge of her gut. The man’s elbows and knees were visible through the thin skin, moving in slow circles. His hands appeared, only to be pressed back by Fleur. The gluttonous Veela smiled down at her prey, kneading him, carrying him as a pregnant woman carries her child. “Good,” she purred. “Very good. Et is right for you to digest. I vill not speed up ze process. You vill have to soak in my stomach acids for a good while. Still, I think I vill go back to ze dance.” Staggering with her new weight, Fleur began braiding her hair, whispering sweet words of encouragement to her partner as he kicked inside of her. Soon, her hair was piled back on top of her head, and she stood looking at her dress. “Zis vill not do,” she sighed, picking up her wand. With a flick, the fabric bustled, flowing out from the middle to create a hump in the dress. Fleur pulled it on, giving her stomach one last pat before covering it. The sequins moved pendulously as Fleur jiggled into the rest of her dress. Harry couldn’t pull his eyes away. Something warm stirred inside of him. Something eager, and hungry. Ron was tugging at his arm, urging him to run, but Harry almost wanted to shout instead. He wanted to run into that room and confront Fleur, but for what end, he did not know. Would she eat him? Ron? Would he care? Fleur had her wand drawn and was muttering a spell under her breath. The air around her hazed and bustled, a shimmering hallucination. When it dissipated, the hump around Fleur’s middle was gone. It was if she had never eaten her date. “Good,” she said, patting a foot away from her toned stomach. Harry saw the illusion falter at her touch. For a moment, the squirming stomach flashed back into view. Ron was tugging on his arm again, pulling him away. “Harry!” he hissed. “Come on!” Harry followed him through the empty halls, back into the wing where the portraits stirred, up the stairs and into the Gryffindor common room. Luckily, nobody was back from the dance yet. Ron collapsed into a chair by the fire, sagging into the worn cushion. He glanced at Harry, freckles creased in a frown. “I can’t believe it,” he said. “I know,” Harry said. “She ate him!” “She really did.” “It was...grotesque,” Ron said, putting his hands on his throat. “The way her neck bulged. The muffled screams. That poor bloke just had to watch himself go down her throat. It must have been so wet and tight. And like, her skin just molded to him. He’s down in the dark, thrashing about in her tummy. Absolutely horrifying.” “Right,” Harry said, not paying attention. “Very scary.” “And then she cast that illusion spell!” Ron continued. “Nobody will be able to tell! We can’t go to the professors with this. They’ll think we’re crazy! Or worse; that we’re trying to ruin her image in the triwizard tournament. Do you think we should tell Hermione?” “No,” Harry said, shaking his head. “Let’s keep this between us, alright? Like you said, they’ll think we’re nuts. We’d have to catch her in the act.” Ron’s frown deepened. He fiddled with his wand. “We could have,” he muttered darkly. “We could have hit her with a Stupefying Charm and hauled her back to the Great Hall for everyone to see. Curses. We should have.” “Mhmm.” “Fine,” Ron said, standing. “Tomorrow, I will follow her, and try to get to the bottom of this once and for all.” Harry nodded, but his heart wasn’t into it. The scene replayed over and over again. The wet gulp. The thin stomach stretching, straining to contain the struggling man. Fleur’s loving expression as she looked down and caressed her gut. What was this feeling, and why did it only make him want to get to know Fleur Delacour better? |
Subsets and Splits