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Kathy was practicing her magic in her backyard when she found a spell she just had to try. She was a very curvy wolf girl, sporting DD breasts and a bubble butt that drove every male, and some females, crazy. She stood in her blue robe that covered her usual clothing of tight jeans and a tight shirt that ended just above her belly. "Gate of passing..." she said, glancing at the book to make sure she said the spell correctly. "Open up and show me a new world." She blinked when a large door appeared and opened up. She walked through it and it slammed shut and disappeared. "Nice safety feature." She shrugged and walked through the forest she had arrived in, wanting to explore this new place before going back home. There was a rustle in the bushes as two eyes peeked out from it and studied the girl. She continued walking, using her powers to sense if anyone was following her. It crept closer, tilting its head as it stared at her bottom. She suddenly stopped. "Whatever you are, I won't go down easily," she said, turning around as a ball of light surrounded her hands. "Relax," a voice said, the creature turning into a rather cute looking panther boy. He wore a t-shirt with a lightning bolt on it and approached her, wearing similar jeans to her own. "What are you doing out here anyway? I got lost from taking a hike." He was muscular and looked roughly a year older than Kathy. The balls of light faded as she looked at him. "Just taking a walk," she said. "Why were you following me?" "I was wondering what was making that crunching sound on the leaves," he shrugged. "I'm kind of glad I followed it. It lead to a pretty girl whom apparently can hurt me." "I see," she nodded, turning back around. "Don't bother following the sound this time. You already know what you'll find." She started walking away, her robe hiding most of her curves and only showed her head since she hated wearing the hood. "Territorial, eh?" he asked, chuckling a bit. "I doubt you'd be impressed with what I can do then if you're such an arrogant wizard." "Wizards are guys," she said, still walking. "Besides, I'm a magician and not those fake ones you see on TV." "Magician," he chuckled. "That's a mortal word, isn't it? You come from the Mortal realm?" "So, what if I do?" she asked. "You can't call me weak. I'm obviously strong enough to make it here on accident." "Yeah, yeah," he said. "I guess you're not interested in other mystical creatures then." "No," she said. "I'm trying new spells and exploring where they take me, nothing more." "Ah, alright," he shrugged. "Shapeshifters are rare where you live, but your loss." He began to walk away. "Wait," she said as an invisible force stopped him. "What do you mean shapeshifters?" "As in shift into many shapes," he smirked. "Be that way," she said, walking away. "I won't even be here long anyway. So what if I don't find other creatures." "Aw, come on, you priss," he said. "Can't I have fun? Fine. I can morph into anything at all. You name it." "Alright," she smirked, turning around. "Turn into a cute little pet puppy. Do that and I'll put you somewhere no male has ever touched." "Sure," he chuckled, turning into a very cute puppy, and then barked cutely, his tail wagging. "I guess a promise is a promise," she said, opening her robe and picking him up, placing him inside her shirt. "Don't move around too much or I'll throw you out, even if you are just a puppy." She closed her robe, shrouding him in darkness. "You sure are an unhappy girl," he sighed. "If you knew me, you'd know why," she said. "Being a magician where I live isn't exactly easy." "Oh," he said. "Well, it'd be a cakewalk here. Magical creatures infest this place." "I see," she nodded. "Where's the closest town, dog boy?" "I can't see where we're going, so I can't really say right now," he said. "You seriously need to lighten up though." "I'm not opening my robe," she said. "If you need to see, then you need to walk for yourself." "Fine then," he said. "And I'll go away, too. I'll just let you get eaten by the shapeshifters that are serious cannibals." "I can protect myself," she said, picking him up by the scruff of the neck and setting him on the ground. "I'm not some weakling, dog boy. Don't treat me like one." She then started walking away. He returned to his normal form and shrugged. He then blinked when heard a loud roar. "Uh oh," he said, suddenly seeinga dragon swoop down from the sky and toward Kathy. She didn't notice it as she continued walking. There was another roar as it nearly swiped her off of the ground. It would of done so if Justin, the name the shapeshifter went by if male, hadn't pulled her out of the way quickly. Though the dragon still ripped her robe open. "This was my favorite robe!" she growled at the dragon, shooting a very large ball of light at it. "I'll fix it," Justin growled at her. "Just don't attract attention, dammit! That thing eats wizards like candy! Haven't you heard that magic can't harm them?!" "I thought that was just a fairy tale," she said. "And if it really wants to eat me, then it would've come back and tried eating you with me. We aren't exactly running or hiding here. You're pinning me down, dog boy." "We're behind a set of large rocks, you idiot," he sighed, getting up. "Hey!" she growled. "Don't call me an idiot, dog boy!" "The name's Justin, idiot," he growled back. "Fine, Justin," she said, getting up. "That thing's gone, so I'm leaving now." She started walking away after throwing her torn robe down, revealing her tight clothing to him. "Um... I can fix it," he said, sighing. "Don't wanna get raped, do we?" "I have to worry about that too?" she sighed. "Fine. Fix it and I'll carry you to the nearest town. You can be anything that's small enough to fit in my shirt." "Alright," he said, picking up the robe. "Do you want to customize it while I"m doing this? Say anything and I can put it on it if it fits on clothes. It's a weird power I have." "Nope," she said, shaking her head. "It's fine the way it was." He shrugged and held up the robe. There was a flash and it looked good as new now. "Thanks," she said, putting it back on and keeping it partway open. "Let's go, Justin. I want to explore some more before I leave." "Fine," he said, turning into a little anthro kitten and raised his arms. "This would be much cleaner than a doggy." He looked and even sounded adorable. "Are you insulting dogs?" she asked, growling as she picked him up. "I meant the feral kind," he blinked, whining. "Put me down! I don't wanna go anymore!" He tried getting free of her grip. "Too bad," she said, dropping him into her shirt. "I don't know my way around and you're staying until you apologize enough for that comment. Dogs are dogs no matter what kind they are, Mister shapeshifter." "I'm sorry," he whined. "Maybe if you were nicer, I wouldn't of made a stupid comment." "I can't afford to be nice," she said, walking down the path. "Nice magician's get beat up on a daily basis. Mean magician's get left alone... completely." "But... There aren't any magicians at all in this realm," he sighed. "Your just like the female shapeshifters. You need to prove your stronger all of the time. You want to be feared. I'm sick of it. I try to be nice. I try to be friendly, but then I just get yelled at or beat up for being who I am." He pouted, curling up. She sighed and picked him up, setting him on the ground, then continued walking. He reformed into his normal form and began to walk away, sighing. "I honestly thought you were different," he grumbled. "Guess I was wrong about all females..." After a few minutes, a shriek echoed through the forest. It was obviously Kathy. She was being attacked by a dragon again. He heard this and blinked. He sighed and ran toward the shriek, finding the dragon and watched it carry Kathy into the air. He growled and charged after it, turning into a dragon himself as he jumped and then collided into it. The dragon released her as it fell from the sky. He caught her and brought her down to the ground gently and then reformed into Justin. "Be careful," he said and then just began to walk away. "I left you alone because you don't like me," she said. "Why did you save me?" "Maybe I do like you, but not your attitude," he grumbled. "I told you why I act like this," she said. "If you can promise me that will never happen again, then maybe I'll change. If you can't, then I might as well go back home. At least I'm not someone's meal there." "I can't promise it won't come back," he said. "But I can promise to protect you. I'm very powerful, you know." He looked at her. "And it helps that I do like you." he walked up to her and took her hand, leaning down and kissed it. "I'm a gentleman at heart, honestly. I don't want anyone getting eaten. Especially if it's a very talented magician." "Do you mind if I try something?" she asked, tilting her head cutely. "I want to see how powerful I really am. I promise it won't hurt." "Only if you promise it's not a way to get rid of me," he said. "Well, it'll get rid of this form of you," she said. "I want to try forcing you to change." "What?" he asked, blinking. "Come on!" she whined. "It won't hurt. I promise to be nice to you afterwards. I'll even make you small so you can get a ride again." "Alright, alright," he nodded. She smiled, putting her hand on his head, then shut her eyes. A light soon surrounded him, changing him back into a feral kitten. She opened her eyes and pouted. "I was aiming for a puppy," she said. "It still worked," he said in a very cute voice again, making him blink. "Like the voice?" she giggled, picking him up. "I added that because it fits better." "I don't mind it," he said, nuzzling against her softly, purring. "Sorry, but I can't hold you," she said, placing him in her shirt. "Can you tell me how to get to the nearest town now?" "Aw," he pouted. "All I wanted was a lick on the cheek... Go North though." "Maybe later," she smiled, walking North. "Get me to town and I'll let you do whatever you want as long as it's in that form." "Alright," he said. "But it'll cost you lots of head rubs for directions. I love those." "Sounds fair," she shrugged, rubbing his head softly. "You aren't a hard kitty to satisfy, are you?" "Nope," he said, purring. "That makes it easier to ask for favors if I need them then," she smiled. "Yep," he said. "As long as you keep giving really good head rubs, that is." "Maybe I'll even throw in some belly rubs," she giggled. "Am I still going the right way?" "Yep," he said, poking his head out of her robe. "Take a left up at that tree." She nodded and did so. "You look really cute like that," she giggled. "Just don't hop around too much. Being very big means being very sensitive." "I know," he smiled. "I can transform into you, you know. I don't have a set gender." "Don't," she said. "If I ever see another me, I will turn them into a rat. Not trying to be mean, but I hate copy cats." "Alright, alright," he said, pouting. "That means anyone I turn into is a copy and you'd hate it." "Just not me," she said. "Otherwise, I don't care." "Alright then," he said. She soon arrived in a town and looked around. "Is this where you live, Justin?" she asked. "Yep," he nodded. "I guess I'll let you go home then," she said, picking him up. "I should be safe in town." "But I don't wanna go home," he whined. "And no, you're not. I told you there are cannibal shape shifters. Some may eat you, but they never eat other shape shifters, so I'm safe. You're safer if you have me around and I don't wanna lose you. I consider you a friend." "Alright, alright," she said, placing him back in her shirt. "Just keep your head poked out so they know you're there. I'm going to look around." "Alright then," he nodded. "It's comfy up here, by the way. Do you make your own clothes or something?" "I do," she nodded, snapping her fingers and small booties appeared on his paws. "Very simple thing to do. It just doesn't work on robes very well. Probably because they're magical or something. "Ah," he nodded. "These feel kind of weird." "But you look so cute!" she giggled. "And I made them very special. No matter how much you jump around, you won't get hurt and I won't get horny. It's win-win." "Oh," he said. "Can they be blue though?" "Can't you change them yourself?" she asked. "I thought that was your strange power." "I've never changed boots before," he said, concentrating and blinked when they turned blue. "Woo, now another reason for you to question requests from me, heh." "What's this say?" she asked, pointing to a statue with an engraving written in his language. "It says Kit the Cat, the founder of Kittsburg," he said. She giggled a bit, walking away. "Sorry to laugh, but it sounds funny to me," she said. "Where do I find the fairy tales of your people? I want to see how similar they are to mine." "I have a book at my house," he said. "Alright," she nodded. "Tell me how to get there and I'll let you nap in there while I read." "It's that house over by the pond," he said, nuzzling against her softly, purring very cutely. She nodded and went to his house, looking for the book he was talking about. A book suddenly fell from the top of the book shelf and hit her chest, making Justin whine loudly. "Ow, ow, ow," he groaned, holding his little paw. "Sorry," she said, grabbing the book, then his paw. "Hold still." A light appeared around his paw until she took her hand away, healing his paw. "Better, little kitty?" "Yeah, thank you," he said, getting on his back legs and licking her cheek cutely. "You're very welcome," she giggled, sitting down to read the book. She started laughing as she read one of the stories about a legendary magician girl. "What's so funny?" he asked, tilting her head. "And can I return to normal now? I keep getting urges to roll around." "Aw," she pouted. "You're such a cute kitten though." She picked him up and set him on the floor, then put the book in front of him. "That's what's so funny. I match this legend perfectly." "Really?" he asked, blinking. "Hey, it describes me, too." He returned to his 'normal' form and looked at her. "Are you telling me you honestly believe that?" she asked, getting up. "This place isn't in danger. Even if it was, why would I help? I probably won't even be here by then." "Nah," he said, shaking his head. "It says the wizard and the shape shifter kiss in here anyway." "Is that the only reason?" she smirked, kissing him on the lips. "Now do you believe it?" "Um... uh..." he blinked, blushing now "What's the matter?" she giggled. "Never been kissed by a girl before? Or are you trying to say you believe in that fairy tale because I gave you a little peck?" "T-The first one," he said, still blushing. "Seriously?" she giggled. "You've never once kissed a girl?" "No..." he said, looking down. "I didn't mean to upset you," she said. "I just find it hard to believe, like that fairy tale." "Why do you find it hard to believe?" he asked. "I've barely got any guy friends..." He sighed and looked around. "Shouldn't you go now?" "Sorry," she said, walking to the door. "I'll just go back home then. If you don't want me around, I have no reason to stay here." "I'm sorry," he sighed. "I didn't mean it like that..." "No, no," she said, opening the door. "I should be getting home anyway. It was really nice to meet you, Justin." She then started walking outside. "W-Wait," he said, grabbing her hand. "I... could ask if you could stay for dinner... I mean, I kinda wanna know what its like living in the other realm. Plus... It'd be nice to have some other company other than my parents." "I guess dinner is fine," she smiled. "And if a certain kitten came home with me, I'd have a reason to return here." She giggled as she walked back inside and closed the door. "I... uh.... um..." he blinked, beginning to blush heavily. It was definitely obvious he hadn't had a girl over before. "Maybe I'll keep you in kitten form if you do come visit me," she giggled. "At least you weren't so nervous then, even if you were the first male to ever touch by big boobies." She opened her robe as she thrust her chest out, obviously showing him how huge she really was under her robe. His mouth opened a bit and then he just ran to his room, slamming the door shut, sitting on his bed and putting his head in his hands. It was obvious he thought he didn't make a friend at all. She sighed and closed her robe, just sitting back down in the chair, wondering if she should leave after all. Eventually, he got up and left his room, blinking when he saw his mother talking to her. "Oh, hey, baby," she smiled at him. "I was just speaking to your friend here. Why were you in your room?" Justin remained silent. "Oh my," his mother smirked. "My baby's got his first crush!" He blinked, turning very red this time, shaking his head, looking like he was trying to force disappointment, but just ended up looking like a boy with a cherry for a head. "It's okay, Justin," she said. "I understand if you don't like me. I'm not exactly likable, even if some stupid fairy tale says otherwise." "I like you," he said softly. "I... uh... just don't... um..." He groaned when his mother hugged him tightly. "My baby's got a crush," she teased, giggling and then went to the kitchen. Justin coughed a bit. "I hate death hugs," he whined softly. "As... I was saying... I do like you, but... I don't have any experience talking to girls as friends... I'm naturally open to helping people, but when it comes to personal stuff, I screw up and let possible friends or more slip away..." He sighed. Kathy smiled a little. "What if you were a little kitten again?" she asked. "You didn't seem so shy last time and I did like your purring from the head rubs." She walked over to him and rubbed his head softly. "If you do need to help me to open up, I'll carry you around while I take a walk outside. You wouldn't want me to get eaten by bad people now, would you, Justin?" "N-No," he said softly, purring softly as well, still blushing. "Your mom says we have time before dinner," she smiled. "Turn into a cute kitten again and we'll take a walk. I'll even hold you in my arms if my boobies are too embarrassing now, but that'll mean fewer head rubs." "No offense, but I rather just... walk with you," he said, looking at her. "I like talking to you as I am normally... And I'm sure you have questions about being a shape shifter." He smiled a bit and leaned over, kissing her nose softly. "That's how I see some guys greet adult females and girls in general here, so I think it's customary." He blinked when there was a sudden thud of rainfall on the roof. "Um... I can get you a coat if you want, Kathy...." "No need," she smiled. "I don't really mind the rain. Plus, I'm a magician. I can create a magical umbrella. We'd have to stay close for it to keep us both dry though." "I don't mind," he said, getting his jacket on, smiling a little. "Well, I can answer any questions you have, you know." Without thinking he opened the door for her, definitely proving he was raised very well, despite his mother seeming to think, talk, and act like a smart teenager. "Thanks," she smiled, walking outside. "I do have a few questions. Does anyone else know about that fairy tale? And would they believe it?" "Most of the town does," he said. "And I'll give you some random facts about my kind. When a female shape shifter gets pregnant, she has the actual ability to choose which sex is the dominant form for her child. She and my dad wanted a boy, so they got one. Unfortunately, my dad's in the military here and away a lot. I kind of miss him." He sighed softly. "He's a carnivore shape shifter and so is my mom. In fact, I was surprised she didn't try taking you out and cooking you in a pot. Luckily, they like their live creatures cooked, not raw. I just don't want to see you get eaten, Kathy. In fact, I'm really fond of you, if that isn't too weird." "It's not," she smiled as the rain seemed to stop just before hitting them. "You're not such a bad guy yourself, Justin. If I was ready to settle down and have a family, I'd definitely choose you." "R-Really?" she asked, blinking and stopped, obviously not expecting that answer, though his tail was swishing rapidly now. "W-Why's that though? I'm sure there's better guys where you live." "Sure there are," she giggled. "But none of them like me. In fact, pretty much everyone hates me because of my powers. Sure, I could force them to be my lovers or even slaves, but I wouldn't do that no matter how horrible they are." She suddenly shook and looked down, remembering how she was really treated at home. "I-I'm sorry," he said, giving her a soft hug. "Your... parents even treat you like that?" "Mmhm," she nodded, still shaking as she nuzzled him softly. "It was horrible what everyone would do to me just because I had powers." "Oh my," he said, holding her close. "That's a vague idea of what they do to you. Your parents actually hate you? That's absurd." "But it's true," she sniffed, starting to cry the more she thought about it. "I had to run away and practice in secret. Without doing either, I probably wouldn't be here now." "Then just stay here," he said softly, rubbing her back slowly. "I'll protect you, you know. I seem to be the only one that seems to care about you." "But everything I own is at my house," she said. "My spell books, clothes, everything." "I can help you get them," he smiled. "And I can definitely get my older sister to help you out with an emancipation doucment so you can get your own house here." "But..." she said, then lowered her head and stayed silent. "But what?" he asked, sighing. "But you don't want to leave home... Right?" She nodded, keeping her head down. "Oh," he sighed. "Alright then...." She sniffed and pulled away as their umbrella vanished, then ran off. "Wait... Kathy!" he called out, charging after her. He amanged to get ahead of her and stop her. "Where are you going?" "I'm only upsetting you," she sniffed. "I'm going back home." "Don't," he said. "You're miserable there..." "And I'm only making you miserable here," she sniffed, pushing past him. He held onto her, growling. "Listen to me," he said, pushing her against the wall. "You're not making me miserable! I'm not guilt tripping you or forcing you into staying here! I just ant to be able to see you again! If you go back, that may never happen!" Tears were flowing from his eyes slowly, though out of anger but also mixed with a bit of sadness. She held him close, crying on his shoulder. "Don't cry," he said softly, lifting her head up and managed to kiss her deeply. It took all the bravery he had to do so, but he did it. The kiss went on for a few seconds before he pulled back. "I care about you, Kathy. I don't want to see you miserable or hurt. I'm going to protect you no matter what. You could call me your guardian angel if you want." He chuckled a bit, hoping to make her laugh a little. She giggled a bit and nodded. "Do you mind... if we just stay like this a little longer?" she asked, still holding him close. "I'm sorry if you're wet, but my powers don't work well when I'm upset." "I don't mind," he said, rubbing her back softly, smiling a bit. "Doesn't it feel good to have at least one person care about you though?" He kissed her cheek softly, hesitant about kising her on the lips again. "Mmhm," she nodded, murring happily. "And that kiss really helped earlier." "It... It did?" he asked, blinking, but smiling. "It did," she nodded. "It's the first time I've felt wanted in a long time." "That's good," he said softly, kissing her deeply again. She moaned softly, returning the kiss as her tail wagged happily. "Now do you think I'm making you miserable?" he asked softly, smiling and then kissed her again, really wanting her to know the right answer. She shook her head as she returned the kiss, their magical umbrella returning as they were suddenly dry again. He chuckled, rubbing her head softly, then blinked when there was a very loud crack of thunder. "Let's get back to my house, okay?" he asked softly. "Can I carry kitten Justin?" she asked. "Pretty please?" "Only if you promise to let the kitten stay a dude," he chuckled. "No girly stuff." "Aw," she pouted. "I wanted to make you wear a cute outfit." "There's limits," he chuckled, turning into a small kitten again and then playfully pawed at her pant leg. She giggled and picked him up. "And what are my limits, cutey?" she asked. "I wouldn't give you a hat because that means no head rubs." "It has to look cool and cute," he laughed. "Like a little black leather jacket. And no shoes or anything like glasses." "Party pooper," she pouted. "I wanted you to wear those booties again. Otherwise, you'd get me very excited and you're the only male around." She had started talking seductively and rubbed his belly, getting very close to his cock. "Can you make the booties look like little sneakers?" he asked, blinking and purring softly. "Alright," she said, snapping her fingers. Suddenly, he was wearing a leather jacket and sneakers that were still soft on the bottom. "Normal place, cutie?" "Yep," he said, purring very cutely. She smiled and placed him in her shirt, rubbing his head softly. "Aren't I still cute?" he asked, in his cute voice again as he purred. "Yep," she nodded. "I liked my idea for you better though." "Of course you did," he said, rolling his eyes and smirking. "Hey, no one likes a wise-ass kitten," she said, tapping his head softly. "I could put you in something really embarrassing... But I'll forget about it if you promise to sleep there tonight." "Aw," he pouted. "The poor kitty's punishment doesn't even include ten minutes of deadly kisses?" He laughed softly. "I'll give him one ten minute kiss if he behaves," she smiled. "I'll make it two if you wear my outfit." "Hmm..." he said, thinking. "Will I be seen in public? Heh." "You can stay hidden in there," she smiled. "But your head has to be out if you want head rubs." "Then deal," he smiled. She smiled and snapped her fingers again, making him wear a little robe with the booties from earlier. "There," she smiled. "Now, we match." "You're wearing booties, too?" he asked, tilting his head. "Nope," she said, rubbing his head softly. "Those are just for you. Can't have you get me all horny and yiffing you senseless, right?" "Um... R-Right," he said, blushing lightly and curled up to hide his sudden hardened kitty cock. "You're an easy one to embarrass," she giggled. "Though it wasn't a lie. If I got horny, I'd come to you, Justin." "Y-You would?" he asked, looking up at her. "Why...? I didn't earn that yet... My mom told me you have to go through a relationship through different levels and sex certainly doesn't... uh... I'll shut up now." He curled up again, being dark red now. She giggled and rubbed his head softly. "Maybe I'll tell you that when you don't look like a tomato," she smiled. "But I look like a cute tomato, don't I?" he asked, purring, then blinked. "Wait. I can't be kitten if I'm gonna protect you from the cannibals. And I told you my parents are cannibal shape shifters. Or do you not believe me?" "I'll be fine, cutie," she smiled. "I can protect myself and give you a little break every once in a while." "O-Okay," he nodded, obviously worried about her. She sighed and picked him up, making the clothes vanish as she set him down and returned him to normal. "Let's go before we miss dinner," she said, walking away as she didn't even look at him. "W-What'd I do?" he asked, blinking. "Nothing," she said, still walking. "Are you sure...?" he asked, following her ad looked around cautiously. "I'm sure," she said, sighing as she saw him looking around, then stopped. "You think I'm weak, don't you?" "No," he said. "I'm just scared. I already lost a friend to my parents. I don't want to lose a girl I really, really like." He looked down. "There's a reason why I don't have many friends..." "But I can protect myself, Justin," she said, looking at him with sad eyes. "I'm not just talk. I'm very strong." "B-But," he whined. "They could be ANYTHING in here! The chair, the doorway, the table, your fork... Anything!" "That's why I wanted to hold kitten Justin," she said. "You said yourself that they won't attack another shapeshifter. Plus, you're their son." "But... They wouldn't know I'm with you," he said. "If I was like on your shoulder or something, that'd be different, but you had me in your shirt. And your robe blocks that part off pretty well." "I also didn't want to worry about you falling off," she said. "If keeping you on my shoulder is the only way you'll let me defend myself, then I'll do it that way." "I'm sorry," he sighed. "You can go home if you want. I'm the one making you miserable now." She sighed and nodded, turning back around. "Thanks for trying to help anyway, Justin," she said. "I guess I'm just too miserable to be helped." "No, you're not," he said, grabbing her arm and kissed her deeply. "You're very strong. I'm just a worried cat." "So, you'll stay as kitten Justin and sleep in my shirt?" she asked, returning the kiss. "If you allow me to protect you until then," he nodded. "Alright," she said. "Can you still be kitten Justin though? I'll let you wear your tough guy outfit." "Alright, alright," he chuckled. "Yay!" she cheered, turning him back into a kitten with his leather jacket and sneakers on, then put him on her shoulder. "There you go. Remember, you're sleeping in my shirt tonight, so hop in there when you get tired." "Alright," he nodded, nuzzling against her softly. His mother smiled at them, carrying a large tray of meatloaf to the kitchen table. "Where's my baby, sweetie?" she asked. "He normally doesn't like eating dinner with us for some reason." "He's fine, Miss," she smiled, rubbing Justin's head softly. "What are we having anyway?" "Oh, that kitten needs to go outside, dear," she said as Justin's father picked him up and then placed him down outside and the closed the door, locking it. "Now, to answer your question dear," his mother grinned. "You." "W-What?" she blinked, backing away. "Y-You can't eat me. I'm Justin's only friend." "He'll make more," she growled, showing her extremely sharp teeth. Justin's father lunged for her. She blinked and ducked under him. "P-Please don't do this," she said, moving toward the door. "Oh, sorry, dear," Justin's mother growled. "It's just how we are. You're nice and meaty, too. Justin gets over his losses fairly quickly. He didn't have to be told to get prey this time, hehe. This was luck." His father smirked, grabbing her and holding onto her now, the power within her body quickly being drained. She blinked and summoned all the power she could to knock them back and pin them to the wall. "You guys are monsters!" she growled, collapsing to the floor as she felt very weak now. "How could you do that to your own son? Consider yourselves lucky I don't have more power right now!" His mother just laughed. "He used to be like us, you idiot," she growled. "I have no idea why he changed, but you cannot keep a shape shifter down that easily!" She transformed into a smoke cloud and surrounded her, purposely trying to choke her now. <I like my meals better off dead anyway,> she hissed. Suddenly, she heard some loud bangs on the door. <Nate! Stop Justin from getting in here while I have my meal!> "You won't... get away with this..." she said, coughing. Nate nodded and ran to the door to hold it shut. She just laughed. Justin growled, continuing to bang on the door, eventually giving up and transformed into a smoke cloud himself and went in through under the door and reformed back into himself and rand over to Kathy and picked her up, carrying her to his room and shut the door, which luckily was entirely safe. He held her close, sighing and trying not to lose control of himself. Kathy had passed out, but nuzzled against him, murring softly. "I'm sorry," he sighed, speaking softly. "I'm very, very, very sorry." He blinked, hearing his door knob turn a bit, but the door was locked. "Come on, Justin," Nate said, knocking on the door. "You can't have the meal all to yourself. Come join me and your mother." "Go away," he growled. "You know damn well I won't eat her!" His mother rolled her eyes. "He's gone soft, Nate," she whispered. "We're gonna have to force him to watch the video of our heritage again." He nodded and worked on picking the lock. "I wonder..." Justin said softly, holding onto Kathy and shifted into a smoke creature again, taking her with him as he floated out of the window and then reformed into his and her normal self. "Wow. It worked." He headed toward the tool shed, which no one had used and it was used as a club house when he was six. It had a key code device on it, so his parents couldn't get into it without him knowing. Once inside, he placed Kathy down on the soft bed, sighing. He sat in the corner, facing the door and kept his eyes fixated on it. He did have instincts, urges and desire for living creatures, but he didn't have a desire to eat Kathy. He never wanted that to happen to her. Kathy started whining, then jumped up, waking from a nightmare. "W-What happened?" she asked. "W-W-Where am I?" "In my old clubhouse," he answered her, looking up. "How are you feeling, Kathy?" "Exhausted," she said, sighing. "Sorry, Justin. I guess I really can't protect myself." "They drained you," he said. "They can't drain my powers." his arms extended out and wrapped around her and he picked her up, pulling hr to him and sat her in his lap. "They also will never get you. I'll make sure of that." He kissed her cheek softly. "That means no more kitten Justin," she sighed, nuzzling him softly. "And you looked so cute." "You care more about that than being protected from my parents?" he asked, sighing. "Well, yeah," she said, looking up at him. "Is that wrong or something?" "Yes," he sighed. "You should worry more about your safety. Do you still want to go home? I think I can make a portal appear in here." "I do care about my safety," she said. "I just don't like being defended. It's never happened before and it makes me feel useless." "Fine," he said. "I'll just let them eat you." He got up, finding a small object. "Are you going home or not?" "I guess," she sighed. "I wish you'd understand why this is so hard for me, Justin." She got up as well. "Being cared for and protected is very new to me. When you're a kitten, I can feel how much you like me since you never break contact with me. That's why I rather have kitten Justin." "I thought you'd be happy that someone actually wanted you to be safe," he said, activating the small object, which created a portal on the wall. "I am," she nodded. "But I like feeling liked for once... I know. Why don't you come home with me?" "Don't you think that's a little dangerous?" he asked. "You heard what my parents said. I'm like them..." He looked down. "And it's true... That's why I don't have many friends... I don't like who I am, but I can't stop... Though I see or feel nothing but actual... feelings for you. I don't want to eat you, put you in an oven or anything. I want you to be safe and happy... Even if that means we'll be apart forever...." He looked down. "I'll just have to tame you," she said, hugging him softly. "And I have several enemies. I wouldn't mind you eating them." He blinked, hugging her back. "You... don't think I'm a monster?" he asked. "Nope," she smiled. "Now, become kitten Justin and hop in my shirt. I'll take you home and let you feast on my enemies." "I can't stay long, but alright," he nodded, turning into a ltitle kitten again and hopped into her shirt. "Hurry up, alright? My parents always figure out the new code within twenty minutes of hiding in here and that twenty minutes is almost up!" She nodded and went through the portal, arriving in her backyard. "That's convenient," she giggled. "Does the little kitten wanna eat or nap?" "Eat," he said, cutely again. "The little kitten's hungry." He smiled a bit. "Alright," she smiled, heading out to the street. "We'll start with the horrible people in school. There are plenty of people, so it'll fill the cute kitten nicely." "Good," he smiled. "Something tells me you like having a cannibal friend." "As long as he knows who not to eat, I'm fine with it," she smiled. "I might look for a yiffing friend though. You're still too nervous for even a kiss and a girl has urges, you know." "Hey!" he whined. "I can be that kind of friend!" He blinked, blushing very hard now. "Oh?" she smiled. "Maybe I'll test that after you eat." "Alright," he nodded, then looked around. "Am I gonna be a kitten when I eat or am I gonna be my normal self?" "You can be normal," she said. "It's just easier to sneak a kitten into school." "Alright," he said. "I thought you'd like to see something like in the cartoons where the tiny kitten is actually pretty dangerous, heh." "If you don't mind, I'd love that," she said. "Maybe it'll add a little fun to your reward for eating my enemies." "Sure," he said.. "I could be the innocent little kitten they come to pet, then it eats them at the last second." "Ooh!" she smiled, licking his cheek. "I'd love that, Justin." He blinked, then purred a bit. "Wow, I'm gonna do that more often if it gets me doggy kisses," he smiled. "It may also get you doggy style," she whispered in his ear. He blinked, his tail starting to swish rapidly. She smiled and took him inside, walking into the cheerleaders' practice. He tilted his head, watching the cheerleaders and licking his lips slowly. She picked him up and held him in her arms. "Hey, I found this poor little kitten outside!" she called out. He blinked when all of the cheerleaders ran over to her and began to give him all of the attention. "Are you sure you should be so close to him?" she asked. "He could be dangerous." "Nonsense," one said as she took Justin and sat on the bench, the other cheerleaders surrounding her and tried to pet Jutin. He growled, ssmirking and roaring out, then opened his mouth wide and swallowed a couple of the cheerleaders whole. A couple tried to make a break for it, but he caught up to them and swallowed them whole as well. Soon, they were all gone. "Is the little, innocent kitten full?" she smirked, sitting on the bleachers now. "Mmhm," he smirked, hopping onto her lap and burped cutely. "I'll let your meal settle before you get your special dessert," she murred, petting him softly. "Can I be normal Justin now then?" he asked, purring very cutely. "Sure," she nodded, removing her robe. "Are you sure you can handle your dessert?" He returned to his normal size and appearance, nodding. "By the way, cheerleaders taste like chicken," he chuckled. "I'll keep that in mind," she giggled, pouncing on him. "Is the kitten's food settled enough for dessert?" she murred seductively in his ear. "For the most part," he chuckled, getting hard. Suddenly, both of their clothes disappeared. "I want the kitten to be wild," she murred, grinding his cock. He grinned a bit, kissing her deeply as he pushed her off of him and onto the bleacher and rubbed his cock against her slit. "O-Okay," she moaned. "I deserve that, but can we please stop the teasing?" He smirked and pushed his cock into her slit slowly, kissing her deeply again. She moaned out loudly, returning the kiss. He soon bega to pound into her, nipping her neck and smiled at her. "Enjoying yourself?" he asked softly. "Oh yes..." she murred. "You're so big, Justin." "I can be bigger," he whispered in her ear as he continued to pound into her. "No, no," she murred. "This is fine. Maybe we'll try bigger later." "Good to know," he chuckled, kissing her deeply again and held her close as he climaxed inside of her. She moaned out as she climaxed as well, panting softly. He slowed down a bit and just held her close, smiling a bit. "I think you liked it," he whispered, chuckling. "I loved it," she whispered back, still moving on him. "Why'd you stop? I'm not tired yet." "Oh, I didn't know you wanted to continue," he said, beginning to thrust in and out of her again. "I'm a very horny puppy with no mate," she smirked. "I want yiffing to last as long as possible when I do get it." He chuckled and nodded, beginning to pound into her again. She started moaning loudly, yipping with each thrust. He began to move faster as he let her wilder side take over since she said she was very horny He growled softly in her ear as he kissed her neck again. She howled out as she climaxed hard on him, panting heavier, but still countering him. He climaxed hard again, panting as well as he began to slow down again. "You can go ahead and stop," she panted. "I'm not a horny little puppy anymore. Now, I'm a puppy that wants to be held." He smiled and held her close, kissing her softly. "I like this puppy," he chuckled. "She looks very cute." "Thank you," she smiled. "Maybe this cute puppy will just wear her robe for the rest of the day. You never know when the wild kitty might attack again." "Just the robe?" he asked, grinning. "Just the robe," she nodded, smirking. "You sure know how to make this kitten interested," he chuckled, kissing her softly again. She giggled and returned the kiss. "If the kitten keeps being so good, maybe the robe will be all this puppy wears," she murred. "You've seen how well it covers me. Imagine being the only one who knows I'm naked and ready for you whenever you decide to pounce." "Please," he groaned a bit. "I don't wanna be ready to yiff again when you aren't." "I'm sorry," she said, nuzzling him softly. "I can be ready for another round in a few minutes if you still need it." "Alright," he nodded, nuzzling her back. A few minutes later, she bent over again and wriggled her bottom at him. "Still need it, Justin?" she asked. He smiled and pushed into her, growling sodtly in her ear. "Yep," he chuckled. She moaned softly, pushing back aganist him. "Let's go a little bigger, Justin," she murred. He smiled and his cock suddenly filled her slit up completely, being the perfect size for her. She blinked and murred loudly. "Oh, god," she moaned. "I didn't think it could feel this good." "Like my new size?" he asked, whispering in her ear. "The perfect size for a special puppy, heh." "I love it," she moaned, her muscles already working on his cock. "Please start moving. I have to know how it's gonna feel." He smirked and began to move quickly, at the speed she seemed to love. She started moaning loudly, yipping happily with each thrust. "Oh, Justin..." she moaned. He smiled and continued to thrust in and out of her, kissing her deeply. She climaxed hard as she returned the kiss. He climaxed hard as well, holding her close as he played with her tongue. She pulled back, panting happily. "That was great, Justin," she murred. "Are you as satisfied as I am?" "Yep," he smiled, panting as well as he nuzzled her softly. "We should probably get back to my house before someone finds us," she said, yawning. "That'd be best," he nodded. "Though would it be safe for me to be there or should I just head back home after helping you to your house?" "I'd like for you to stay," she said. "I'm the only one there and I get really lonely sometimes." "I'll stay," he smiled, pulling out and getting up, blinking at his size. "Wow... Heh. I just tapped into your brain a bit and picked the perfect sized cock and I didn't know how big it actually was." He smirked a bit. "I do have that power to get inside people's heads, heh." "Can you see what I want to happen in the future?" she smirked, wondering if he'd like her thought. She smirked back and dug into her mind, wondering what she was thinking. She was thinking about having a huge family with him. He blinked, his cock literally shooting upward when he saw her pregnant body. "You're easily excited, huh?" she giggled, kneeing down in front of him. "Need help with this again?" "Um... Sort of," he nodded. "Shouldn't we wait until we get to your house though?" "Can you make it to my house like that?" she asked. "I'd think so," he nodded, then chuckled. "Perhaps I could be a female and accompany you that way? It usually gets rid of the boner for a bit." He laughed. "Or I can carry you as a kitten," she said. "You can relax and it won't look so suspicious." "But I'd still be a male," he said. "And still with a boner." "Does it hurt?" she asked. "If not, I'd like you to keep it. By the time we get to my house, I'll be a very energetic puppy again." "Well, no, but staring at a sexy kitten certainly isn't helping," he smirked. She tilted her head. "Who's that?" she asked. "Are you checking out other girls now?" "Uh... No," he said, rubbing his eyes. "I thought you looked like a cat for a second. I must be tired." He laughed nervously, blushing heavily. "I honestly never thought a pup would be my mate... Always imagined a kitten, but pups... uh... usually are more fun." "Good save there, little kitty," she said, turning him into a kitten and picking him up. "Pups are much more playful than kittens." "Hey, I can be fun," he whined, pouting. "True," she nodded. "You're not as stubborn as the felines I know." He smiled and licked her cheek cutely. "Are ya gonna go out like that or am I gonna see some more magic?" he asked, nuzzling against her. "I wanna see more magic, preferably." "Alright," she smiled. "We'll take the fast way home. Let me just get our clothes." She picked up their clothes and teleported home. "That was fast," he said, looking around. "Unfortunately, that wasn't enough time to make me energetic again," she said. "Looks like you might have to settle for oral." "I like the sound of oral, actually," he said, his tail swishing happily. "I can't exactly become a real pup, so you need to grow," she said, placing him on the floor. He nodded and returned to his normal anthro form, his cock still hard and throbbing. She pushed him onto the couch and got on her knees in front of him, taking his entire cock in her mouth and down her throat. He gasped out, blinking. "Wow," he said. "H-How did you take it all in at once?" he asked. She just smiled and started moving on him, suckling hard. He gasped out, biting his lower lip as he climaxed very hard. She blinked and pulled off, licking her lips. "It doesn't take much for you to blow, does it?" she giggled. "Not when someone's really good at it," he panted. "I only practiced a little bit," she said. "I can't be that good." "To me, you were great," he smiled. "Well, thank you," she said, sitting in his lap. "Since I've helped you so much, how about you be my seat for a little bit?" "Sure," he chuckled, holding her close. She smiled and licked his cheek, nuzzling him softly as she closed her eyes. He chuckled, kissing her nose softly. She murred happily, falling asleep shortly after. He covered her a bit like a blanket and fell asleep as well. The next morning, she woke up, moaning softly as she tried to get up. "I must've moved just right and had him slip in," she said softly, checking to see if he was up yet. He groaned a little, not noticing the small mess of seed they had made as they slept. He woke up slowly, yawning. "Morning," she said, licking his cheek. "Did you move me or did we just happen to end up like this?" "All I did was make a blanket for you," he smiled, chuckling a bit when his cheek was licked. "Wow, that's just too cute." "Maybe the little kitty will get a lot more of those if he isn't so shy around this pup anymore," she smiled. "Oh?" he asked, chuckling. "The blushing and all was really cute, but I want a mate who's not afraid to admit it," she said. "Can you be that mate, Justin?" "Definitely," he nodded. "Good," she nodded, murring loudly as she got up. He chuckled and watched her. He got up as well, getting his clothes and wrapped his tail around her waist, smirking a bit. "THe kitten's got his pup," he chuckled. "I see," she smiled, licking his cheek. "Can you let your pup go though? She needs to get cleaned up." "Only if this kitten can shower with his pup," he chuckled, licking her cheek back as his tail let go of her. "By the way, I can't see why your life is so rough. But I love the fact I make you happy." He poked her nose softly. "And I bet you're happy you have a strange mate, heh." "I'm very happy," she murred, nuzzling him softly. "And if we shower together, I want you to be inside me." He blinked, growing hard again, then smirked a bit as he took her hand and pulled her to the shower. She giggled and followed him, having to correct him a few times. When they were finally in the shower, he did what she wanted and pushed his cock back inside of her slit as he held her close and helped soap her up. She moved on him slowly, murring loudly from the attention. He began to thrust in and out of her after they both were lathered up and kissed her deeply. She moaned softly, returning the kiss. "How are you feeling today?" he asked softly, rubbing her head. "Very happy," she murred, nuzzling him softly. "Good," he smiled. "Wanna be more than 'very happy'? Heh." "What do you mean?" she asked. He smirked and began to push in and out of her clowly and gently played with her breasts. "Oh," she moaned happily. "This is much better." He chuckled, kissing her deeply as he began to thrust harder and began to play with her breasts slightly in a rougher manner. She moaned out loudly, giggling a bit. "If we keep this up, we'll need a shower for our shower," she said. He chuckled, kissing her again as he went even faster. "Is it wrong for me wnating to make you feel really good?" he asked in a soft tone. "N-No," she moaned out, climaxing hard on him. He climaxed hard as well and deep within her, holding her close as he squeezed her breasts again. "Can we finish our shower now, handsome?" she murred. "This is great and all, but I'd like to clean up eventually." "Only if the pup tells me if her kitten has made her feel great," he chuckled. "My kitten's made this pup feel fantastic," she murred, kissing him deeply. He blinked and returned the kiss eagerly, pulling out of her. She whined and slipped back on him. "I didn't say we couldn't stay this close," she said. "We just need to do some cleaning." "Oh," he blinked, pushing back into her and nuzzled her softly. "Sorry." "No big deal," she murred. "Can you please continue cleaning me? It felt so good." He chuckled and began to clean her again. She murred loudly and happily, often pressing against his hands, having always loved being pet. When he was done, he had gotten an idea and began to rub her head softly. She murred happily, nuzzling his hand. "Belly scratches work even better," she smiled. "I'm the happiest pup alive when m belly's being scratched. And it always make me feel better when I'm upset. Remember that just in case." "Alright," he chuckled, then began to scratch her belly. She murred loudly and happily, leaning into his hand as her tail wagged rapidly. "I've never seen such a cute girl before," he chuckled, tickling her a little. She giggled and licked his cheek cutely. "Treat her well annd she'll keep being cute," she murred. "I've never been this happy before, Justin." He smiled and kissed her cheek softly. "That's kind of the reason I wanted you to live in my realm," he said. "But then again, my parents are over there. I have to return home some time." "Tomorrow," she said. "I'll never leave your side so you can protect me. I wish I could transform too. I think we'd look super cute as a feral couple." "If you have a spell book, there may be a spell to grant you that ability or just a transformation spell," he said. "True," she smiled. "Once we're done, I'll go look." "Alright," he nodded. Soon, they were done and he was redressed, though shirtless, which was sort of a good thing because he did have some muscles. "My strong kitten," she smiled, squeezing his muscles softly. "Want to be my little kitten or my strong mate while I study?" "Strong mate," he chuckled, picking her up and giving her a piggy back ride to where her books supposedly were. "No fees, Miss. Free rides." "Ooh!" she giggled. "Now, I get to sit in your lap. Will I get lots of belly rubs as a little puppy?" "Yep," he nodded. "It'd also be the perfect disguise when you come back with me to my realm. You could easily hide inside of my backpack and as soon as we get out of sight of my parents, you can become normal you again." "A backpack?" she whined. "I never carried you in a bag." "Well, I would carry you in my shirt, but I don't have big boobs like you," he chuckled. "Do you have any suggestions? Like riding in my pocket?" "Ooh!" she said, hopping up and down. "Pocket! Pocket! The one here on your shirt." "Then you have to be kind of a small puppy," he chuckled, watching her hop up and down, then held her close. "That's making me hard again, you know." He laughed and kissed her deeply. She moaned softly, calming down as she returned the kiss. "I'll let you stay inside me while I'm studying," she smiled. "No moving though. I won't be able to focus." "Huh?" he asked, obviously not following. "When I'm studying, I can sit in your lap with your cock deep inside me," she said. "Would you like a demonstration?" "Oh," he chuckled, shaking his head. "No demonstration needed, Pup." He smirked a bit. "Ooh!" she said, hopping up and down again. "That nickname's so cute!" He chuckled and stopped her again. "Quit that or this kitten will have to ravage his Pup again," he chuckled. "Sorry," she said, blushing cutely. "You can ravage later though." "Alright," he chuckled, picking her up and chuckled. "Wow. Light as a feather." "Can you believe someone so curvy can be that light?" she giggled. "Why yes I can," he chuckled. "Good answer," she giggled. "Let's sit down so I can learn to become a cute little pocket pup." "Alright," he said, setting her down and then sat down on the couch. "What happened to my kitty chair?" she whined. "He's waiting for you to get your book," he chuckled, unzipping himself and pulled his hard on out, letting her see how big her really was now that he was the 'perfect size' for her. She quickly got her book and walked back over to him. "Make sure I sit in the right place, Justin," she said, sitting down on him. He smirked and nodded, his cock getting shoved into her slit almost effortlessly, still filling her up perfectly. She murred happily as she started reading, nuzzling him softly. "Best chair ever," she smiled. "And it'll be your chair as long as you want it to be," he chuckled, holding her close. "Good," she smiled. An hours passed and she finally found a spell to change her form. "I found it!" He had fallen asleep against her, looking very cute as he hugged her. She turned toward him and smiled, kissing his cheek as she pulled herself free. He purred softly, nuzzling against her and grumbling softly. "Guess I'm staying here," she said, nuzzling him back. "I'll nap too then." A few hours past and he was finally up, helping clean up around the house, his arm acting like a small vacuum cleaner, then pouring trash into a bag. She pounced on him as soon as he finished. "Ready to see how I look as a cute little puppy?" she asked, licking his cheek happily. "Sure," he chuckled, kissing her softly. "Won't be as sexy, but cute definitely works for you, heh." "Yay!" she giggled, then chanted the spell, turning into a feral puppy small enough to fit in his pocket. He blinked and then held her and placed her in his pocket. "At least you don't like like you were recently born," he chuckled. "Any special meals for me today, by the way?" "I'm a pocket puppy!" she giggled, hopping a bit in his pocket. "I could find someone if you're hungry." "I kind of am," he nodded, rubbing her head softly. "Pocket puppy will get to watch, if that's alright with her." "That's fine as long as pocket puppy isn't lunch," she murred, nuzzling his hand. "I don't eat cute little puppies," he chuckled. "After lunch, we can go back to your place," she said. "I'll need to sneak the poor little kitten back into school." He chuckled, rolling his eyes and made sure he had everything and headed toward the door. "Now what's on the lunch menu, Pup?" he asked. "How about some rich snobs?" she giggled. "Sure," he laughed, nodding. "Know any?" "Mmhm," she nodded. "And you won't have to hide. You just have to act like a bad boy." "How do I do that?" he asked, chuckling. "Act like they pissed you off," she said. "You already have the bad boy outfit." "Alright," he nodded. "Help me plan what I'm gonna say then, Pup." "Let's work on that on the way there," she said. "Alright then," he said, scratching behind her ear softly. She blinked and murred loudly, nuzzling his hand. He chuckled and continued to scratch that spot. "I think I found Pup's very good spot," he said. "The belly is still better," she murred. "But there's a spot there that'll make me a very horny puppy and I don't see any little kittens around the yiff me if that happens." "I'll avoid that until you're your normal self again," he chuckled, walking down the sidewalk now. "What if I wanted to try feral yiffing?" she asked, tilting her head cutely. "I bet you'd feel huge to me now, hehe." "I'd prefer Pup being a big, good-looking feral dog, honestly," he said. "It's feel a little creepy to yiff a puppy." "Fine," she smiled. "I'll yiff as a dog, but otherwise I'm a pocket puppy, unless I'm normal." "Alright," he chuckled. "And such a cute pocket puppy at that." "You bet," she smiled, sticking her tongue out cutely. "You want to turn left up here. We need to go to the mall." "Alright," he said, turning left. "You can use me to attract them," she said. "But if they insult me as a girl or a puppy, I won't be so cute anymore." She had started growling, obviously very angry with the girls she was taking him to. "Let me do the bad stuff, alright?" he asked. "I think you do enjoy seeing me devour your enemies anyway." "I do," she nodded. "I just don't like being made fun of." "I don't either," he said, rubbing her head softly. She murred softly, starting to growl when she saw a snobby girl exit the mall. "How will I lure her into our trap?" he asked softly. "Forget the trap," she growled, trying to climb out of his pocket. "I'll get that bitch myself." "Calm down," he said, stopping her and began to scratch behind her ear. "We're sticking with the trap, Pup." She blinked and started murring and relaxing, no matter how much she tried to stay angry. "Now stay quiet," he whispered. "I'll follow her and once there's no one around her, I'll strike." "But I want to show her I'm not a slut," she whined, trying to climb out of his pocket again. He sighed and began to scratch in the same spot again. She started murring and stopped struggling. "Fine," she murred. "But you better let that bitch suffer before swallowing." "Suffer how?" he asked, raising a brow. "Let her know what's going to happen to her," she said. "In fact, is there a way for you to store her? I want to be her prison until I think she's been punished enough, but I don't know how to take people inside me. I'll find you a whole team of cheerleaders if you do that for me." "There is, but not in an area above the waist," he said. "Please, make her suffer," she whined. "She's been a horrible little bitch to me." She started growling again as she remembered what happened. "I will," he said. "If you promise to tell me what happened after I get her." "I promise," she nodded, still growling. "Good," he said, continuing to follow the girl. The girl soon went into a house and sat down. "Time for action," he smirked, going up to the door and knocked on it. She answered the door and looked at Kathy, then Justin. "I don't donate to save trashy canines," she said, causing Kathy to growl. "I'm not hear for donations," he said, rolling his eyes. He just grabbed her and forced his way inside, unzipping himself and exposed his big, meaty cock. Obviously, it was the kind a girl like this girl seemed very attracted to "Look at it." He smirked a bit. She didn't even have to be told. Once he exposed it, she was staring at it, licking her lips. He let her go and pressed it against her lips. "Lick it," he growled, scratching Kathy behind the ear again so she wouldn't jump to conclusions. She nodded and started licking it expertly. Kathy tilted her head cutely, but murred happily from the scratching. Suddenly, the tip of his cock opened up, revealing to the girl a vast amount of the fluid she loved to drink. The girl suddenly dove in, wanting to reach the liquid. A sudden sucking motion started up, sucking the girl in pretty quickly, also making his cock almost double in size. Kathy blinked, having watched the whole thing, then started whining. "You're too big now!" she whined. "Nope," he said, pulling her out of his pocket and set her on the ground. "Return to your normal self and I'll show you how we'll torture her. Would you mind her being stuck inside of you for a while?" "You mean in my womb?" she blinked, returning to normal. "I'd love that! She'll have to listen to me then!" "Yep," he nodded. "I can force her in there. You don't need to learn a thing, especially if you don't plan on releasing her. Just in case, I can do that, too." "I want her to stay," she smirked. "Kate needs to learn to respect people." "Alright then," he said. "I'm warning you. I have to be forceful." She bent over a table and wriggled her bottom at him. "Rough yiff is fun too," she murred seductively. He smirked and shoved his large cock hard and deep into her slit, then began to pump it in and out of her. She blinked and moaned out loudly, yipping happily. "Oh god..." she moaned. "So huge..." He chuckled and then climaxed, sending Kate into her womb almost immediately. He stayed hard, watching her belly immediately bulge out. "Oh...!" she howled out in pleasure, climaxing hard. "Hi there, Kate." She pat her belly softly. "You're mine now." He chuckled and held her close. "Did I forget to mention pregnant-looking girls as beautiful as you get me easily excited?" he asked softly. "Did I tell you that you had to stop?" she giggled. "You can cover Kate in seed. I think she deserves it." He chuckled, beginning to thrust in and out of her again, his cock back to the perfect size. She moaned happily, smirking a bit as she felt Kate struggling inside her. "My baby is kicking," she giggled. "Oh my," he smirked. "When's she due? Heh. Five years from now?" "Maybe," she smirked. "It depends on if she learns her lesson by then." "I just love a sexy evil mastermind," he chuckled, kissing her deeply. She moaned softly, returning the kiss. "Do you mind if I speak with Kate?" she asked. "Then we can go home and I'll tell you what she's done to me." "Want me to go to another room then?" he asked. "Please?" she nodded. "You can have more of your preggo pup later." "Alright," he said, pulling out and pushing his cock back in and went to another room. "How's it going in there, Kate?" she smirked. "Nice and cozy?" "No!" Kate growled. "Wet and humid! Why the hell am I in here!?!" "Because you are a bitch," she said. "And bitches must learn their place. If you want out anytime soon, you best be learning yours." "What place?" she asked, growling. "I don't have to learn my place since I'm already at the top!" "Not anymore," she smirked. "You are now my baby. You can't rule shit anymore." "Just let me out, you bitch!" she growled. "I can't," she smirked. "You're doomed to be my baby and get covered in my boyfriend's seed forever." "This is payback for what I did, isn't it?" she asked. "That was two years ago, you idiot!" "I don't care!" she growled. "Would you rather have me use my magic and make you disappear? At least this way you might get to live normally again." "Fine," she said. "I'll stay in my stupid prison." "And you'll start calling me Mommy," she said. "I want you to know who's the boss here by the time I release you." "Fine," she said, sighing. "Good girl," she smirked, rubbing her belly. "Make Mommy happy and maybe you'll get out to play every once in a while." She didn't answer as the warm air around her finally made her fall asleep. She giggled when she heard the snoring. "Justin!" she called out. "Your preggo pup is ready to leave!" Justin came back into the room and picked her up. "Still light," he chuckled. "Of course," she giggled, sticking her tongue out at him. "And if you ever call me fat, I'll make you a permanent kitten." "Why would I ever do that?" he asked, tilting his head. "Just warning you," she said. "Even if I do get heavy, don't say I am." "I'm not mean like that," he said, kissing her deeply. "I may say what a beautiful belly you have there though." He chuckled a bit and rubbed her belly softly. She murred a bit loudly. "That feels ten times better now," she murred. "It almost makes me horny." "Really?" he asked, chuckling. "Mmhm," she nodded. "If I was rubbed from the inside, I'd be all over you right now." "Mind telling me what happened between you two first then?" he asked. "Let's start before that," she said. "Kate and I used to be friends. She even knew about my powers and still liked me. Well, a few years ago, she asked me to do something for her. When I couldn't do it, she got pissed and started hating me like everyone else." "What'd she ask for?" he asked, carrying her out the door and back toward her place. "She wanted me to make her my baby," she said. "Her parents didn't really pay attention to her. And we were so close back then." "And now you changed your mind?" he asked, raising a brow. "No, I wanted to do it," she said. "I just never found a spell... Thank you for making us close again, Justin." "No problem," he smiled, holding her close as he walked down the street. "Especially since I get to see preggo pup." Kate had started purring in her sleep, obviously happy with what's happened. When they got back to her place, Justin groaned a bit. "I forgot I had to go back to my realm," he sighed. "Take me with you," Kathy murred. "I'll be your preggo pocket pup." "You sure?" he asked. "Either I go with or you stay here," she said, clinging to him. "I finally found a great mate. I'm not losing him." "Alright, alright," he chuckled. "But you have to be careful and be a pup most of the time in my house, alright?" "Alright," she nodded. "Promise nightly yiffing? I have a feeling Kate will be more energetic after her nap." "As my Pup or a feral doggy?" he asked. "I don't care," she said, shaking her head. "We can switch each night if you want." "Alright," he chuckled. "Become Pocket Pup then." She nodded and did so, whining when her belly kept her hind legs off the floor. "I'm stuck!" she whined. "Try focusing on shrinking your belly," he said. "Turn Kate into a small feral puppy. I read that spell, you can channel it to others, heh." She nodded and did so, her belly barely clearing the floor now. "I guess it's better," she said. "I'm not stuck there anymore." He picked her up and chuckled, placing his hand on her belly, which immediately shrunk down a bit more. "There we go," he chuckled. "She's literally a little pup now." He placed her into his pocket. "Ready then, Pocket Pup?" "Mmhm," she murred, feeling Kate kick softly. "I think Kate likes actually being baby size." "Didn't she want to be a baby?" he asked, opening the portal and walked through it. "Sorry about putting you in my pants pocket, but your less noticeable this way." "I expect hours of belly rubs for it," she giggled. "And yeah, Kate did want to be my baby. I don't want to lose a good friend though." "If we can make her a real family, youd be one hell of a mother, Kathy," he said softly. "And I'll be an awesome father, heh." He gulped and headed into his house, expecting to get grabbed by one of his parents and forced to watch the Origin of Shape Shifters video again. He was grabbed by his father, who dragged him to the den and changed into a chair with straps to keep him in it. He blinked, groaning as he tried to move. "Dammit," he growled. "This is what happens when you stop acting like a shape shifter," his mother said. "If you don't start behaving, we'll make you watch this everyday until you do." "Until I want to eat any kind of living organism?" he asked. "You two are monsters!" "Don't raise your voice at us, young man!" she growled, starting the video. "This is your heritage! Keep denying it and we'll be forced to take you to the Council!" "And do what?" he asked, narrowing his eyes. "The Council will force you to keep your heritage," she said. "Starting with that little bitch you stole from us." She blinked when Kathy started growling. "What is that? Did you bring that bitch back here?" "No," she said, silently gulping. He wanted Kathy to shut up now, since she'd be eaten as soon as she was found. Kathy continued growling, wanting desperately to attack his mother right now. He managed to have a tentacle slither down to her and covered her muzzle. She blinked, but soon got the message and stopped growling. His father forced him to stare at the screen just as it showed a person getting eaten. He growled a bit, trying to get out of his straps again. His mother held him down as well. "Stop fighting it," she said. "It's better to just accept your heritage." "I already accept it!" he growled loudly. "I just don't want to devour her! I'm not heartless!" He roared out, managing to break the straps and then pushed his mother away, into the wall, licking his lips. "Someone else looks mighty tasty right now though." "Please," she smirked. "You know shape shifters can't eat other shape shifters. And we never said you had to eat that bitch. Just stop being so damn picky. In fact, we'll let you keep that bitch, but only as a pet, nothing more." Kathy nuzzled his leg softly, wanting him to accept it. He lifted her up, proving he was strong, since it was with one hand. "Then you'll leave her alone?" he asked, narrowing his eyes. "As long as she's only a pet," his mother nodded. "Making her more than that means making her a meal." He growled at her. "Fine," he said. "But you can't boss me around forever." He walked toward his room. Kathy whined softly, wanting to comfort him. He went to his room and slammed his door shut, locking it and pulled Kathy out of his pocket. "Come on, Justin," she said, licking his hand. "It's not all bad. At least I can be seen now." "Not as my girlfriend though," he sighed. "No one said you couldn't love your pet a very special way," she smirked. "I don't care what they say. We're dating. If they see a boy and his pet, then that's their problem." "Alright," he said, rubbing her head softly. "How's Kate doing?" "She's awake and happily squirming," she murred. "I don't think I need to say how it makes me feel." A wet spot had formed in his hand where her slit was. "Gonna turn back into normal Kathy?" he asked, chuckling a bit. "Can we be feral, please?" she asked. "I'll be a normal sized doggy, like we planned." "Both of us?" he asked, blinking. "Mmhm," she nodded. "Feral yiffing. Pretty please? It'll prove to your parents that I'm just a pet if they walk in. Of course, we know it was my idea." "Alright," he said. "But I don't wanna always be feral in hopes of yiffing a sexy pup." "Of course," she smiled. "You'll get normal preggo Pup sometimes." "Alright," he smiled, transforming into a dark furred panther. "I prefer being tough looking," he chuckled. "Come on, Pup. Grow up, heh." She giggled and changed into a full grown wolf, lowering her front half to really show off her slit. "Come on, tough kitty," she grinned. "Your Pup won't wait all day." He chuckled and shoved his large cock into her, nuzzling against her softly and began to thrust hard. She moaned out loudly and climaxed hard. Kate could be felt squirming wildly, trying to pleasure her 'mother' as well. He smirked, continuing to thrust in and out loudly, kissing her deeply, muzzle to muzzle. Kathy moaned softly, returning the kiss as she climaxed hard on him. He continued to thrust into her, then climaxed hard. She howled out as his seed made Kate squirm violently, climaxing hard again. "Kate, calm down," she said softly. "It's only Daddy's seed. Nothing to be afraid of." "Daddy?" he asked, chuckling. "If I'm Mommy, you're Daddy," she giggled. "Any objections, Kate? Two kicks for no." She put his hand on her belly as Kate gently kicked twice. He chuckled and licked her cheek. "Satisfied yet, Pup?" he asked softly. "A little more?" she asked, giving him her puppy eyes. "Please?" "Oh, alright," he chuckled, continuing to thrust in and out of her. "Someone needs to give me some head rubs later though, heh." "How about puppy kisses instead?" she moaned. "I don't want your parents thinking you're treating me too well." "Puppy kisses and the occasional anthro Pup cuddle," he smirked. "Deal!" she howled, climaxing hard again, panting heavily now. "I think I'll stay as your wolf for now. Help me onto the bed?" He climaxed as well and pulled out, returning to his anthro form and picked her up, placing her down on the bed. "So you'd rather be in feral form the entire time my parents are ever home or near us?" "I'll be anthro sometimes," she said, laying across his lap with her belly up. "I just want to make sure they think we're following their rules. After a while, they won't even care if I'm not a tiny puppy." "Alright then," he chuckled, scratching her belly softly. She yipped cutely, not expecting the belly scratch. "I was just trying to get comfy," she murred happily. "This is nice too." Kate was murring as well, somehow affected by the belly scratching. "You deserve it for being such a good pup," he chuckled. "I do have to warn you though, my parents are trying to fix me up with another shape shifter. Don't get angry or anything. She's similar to me and we're friends. We're alike in personality. She dislikes eating anyone she likes or likes more than a friend. We're just going along with what our parents want to hear. If you want, I could introduce you two. She's kinda bisexual though, so... expect to get hit on." "Ooh," she murred. "Would you mind if I accepted more than flirting? I have wanted to try being with a girl." "I wouldn't mind," he said, rubbing her head softly. "I know you wouldn't let me fool around with her though." "Well, you might have to for your parents to believe your lie," she said. "If it comes to that, then go ahead. Maybe I'll allow her to be your other mate if you both remember the preggo Pup." "Two girlfriends?" he asked, blinking, a bulge appearing in his pants now. "More like one girlfriend, two lovers," she giggled, feeling his bulge on her back. "You recharge quickly, huh?" "Um..." he blushed, chuckling nervously. "Want me to lick it for you?" she murred. "My face hasn't really changed, so it'll still be like I'm normal." "Um... Sure, I guess," he said, stopping his belly scratching. She rolled over and wait for him to unzip himself, licking her lips in anticipation. He unzipped himself, releasing his large, thick cock. She murred lustfully as she took it into her mouth, wrapping her canine tongue around it. He groaned out, his cock throbbing a bit. She suckled hard, licking and stroking him with her tongue. He soon climaxed, biting his lower lip. She swallowed his seed greedily and looked up at him, wondering if she should continue as she cleaned him off. "Um... How about I take you to go see her today?" he asked, rubbing her head softly. "She's my best friend, ironically. And we have... fooled around a bit. That friends with benefits thing, but it'll definitely stop." She pulled off and shook her head. "I told you it didn't have to," she murred, nuzzling his hand. "If she's my lover, she's your lover as well." "Are you sure?" he asked, scratching behind her ear softly. "Mmhm," she murred loudly, sticking her tongue out cutely. "Please, take me to her. I want to see our new lover." "Turn into a puppy then," he chuckled. "Can't I walk around as your preggo dog?" she asked. "I kinda like this form. I can still pounce and manage to knock you down, not just land on your shoe." "Then you'd need to wear a leash," he sighed. "Then leash me," she said. "It's probably for the best anyway. I'd attack anyone who calls me bitch." "True," he said, getting up and went to his door and opened it, blinking when he saw a leash hanging from the doorknob. There was a note as well in his mother's handwriting. "To keep your bitch out of trouble..." it read with an arrow pointing to the leash. "What's that say, Justin?" Kathy asked. "I still can't read your language." "Um... It says for me to use this when we go out," he said, getting the leash and then put the collar around her neck. "Come on, let's go now." "I bet I look pretty stylish in the collar," she giggled, walking ahead of him. "I bet I look like a real bad girl... or at least I would if I was normal." "Alright," he said, heading outside. "Her name's Grace, by the way. She's quite attractive." "I bet she is," she smiled. "Do you think she'll like me, especially since I'm taking her mate for my own?" "Probably," he nodded, heading toward Grace's house. "Usually she's hanging out with some other kids at school. Even thought my mom and her mom still try to force us to marry, I think she's just drifting away from me. She has begun going along with whatever the other kids do to me if people are around. If we're alone, she apologizes for everything. It's kinda why I can't like her more than I do as a friend with benefits. She's selfish, to a point past normal, but no where near max." "Oh?" she asked, starting to growl. "I'll teach her to treat my boyfriend better than that." "Huh?" he asked, blinking. "She shouldn't treat you like that," she said, growling as she tried pulling him faster. "Let's hurry up. This girl needs to be taught a lesson." "Um... Alright," he said, following her and trying not to get dragged behind. "Come on, come on," she panted, choking herself as she still tried to drag him. "Grace needs a serious dog bite for what she's done to you." "Come on, calm down," he whined. "I don't want you to hurt anyone." He groaned, tripping over something and let go of the leash, falling to the ground. She ran off, then blinked, finally noticing he wasn't holding her anymore. She turned back around to run back toward him but was stopped by another shape shifter. "Well, well, well," she smirked, grabbing the leash. "Look what we got here. Fast food." Kathy blinked and started whining, trying to pull away as she called for Justin. Justin got up, groaning and then noticed the commotion and ran to Kathy, shoving the shape shifter away. "Stay away from my dog," he growled, groaning a bit as a blood stain was on his jeans now. "Fine, fine," the shape shifter said, walking away. Kathy whimpered and stayed by his feet. "I'm so sorry for pulling," she said. "I won't ever do it again. I'll be the best doggy ever from now on." "It's alright," he said, groaning still and began to walk toward Grace's house again. She stayed right at his feet as she followed him, looking at the stain on his pants. He finally got to Grace's house and rang the doorbell. A very attractive vixen opened the door. "Hey, Justin," she smiled. "Long time, no see." She looked at Kathy. "And you even brought a pet with you. A very lovely pet at that." "Hey, Grace," he said. "Yeah. She's my new... uh... pet. I wanted to show her to you. May I come in?" "Sure, sure," she nodded, opening the door. "The pet stays outside though. I'm not going to clean up any messes, especially from some bitch." She then blinked and backed away when Kathy started growling and moving towards her. "This isn't an ordinary pet, Grace," he said. "Please, she won't mess up anything. There's a reason I wanted you to see her." "Fine," Grace said. "Just call the bitch off." Kathy growled louder and started showing her teeth as she tried lunging at Grace. "Stop, Kathy," he said, pulling the leash a bit. "And quit calling her a bitch, Grace." "Anything, just make her stop," Grace whined. Kathy smirked and returned to Justin's side, sitting calmly now. "There," he said, groaning a bit as he walked inside with Kathy. "Um... Am I interrupting anything? I wouldn't want your 'friends' to find out you still hang out with me." He sounded very sarcastic. "No, no," Grace said, shaking her head. "Just spending another boring day at home. It won't be so boring with you over though. Your... pet... might not allow it though." "Well, she doesn't mind since I told her about us," he said. Grace moved to sit next to him and Kathy started growling at her, causing her to back away again. "Kathy, settle down," he said, rubbing her head softly. "Show her your true form, alright?" Kathy hopped into his lap and returned to normal, blinking when the collar grew with her. "Grace, Kathy," he said. "Kathy, Grace." He looked at Grace and noticed her staring. "Something wrong, Grace?" "S-She's a shape shifter too?" Grace asked, staying away from them just to be safe. "No," he said. "A wizard from another realm that happens to know a transformation spell quite well. She's sweet if you get to know her." "I bet," she humphed. Kathy nuzzled Justin softly. "Isn't that the girl who always makes fun of you?" she asked. "Why aren't you as mad about as I am?" "I don't get mad unless it's needed," he said. "Though I get annoyingly sarcastic. Right, Grace?" Grace just humphed again and turned away, obviously jealous of Kathy. "What's wrong with you?" he asked. "At least she doesn't treat me like a toy that can be discarded. She was interested in you anyway." "Yeah," Kathy said. "I wanted you to be a shared lover between us, but if that's how you wanna be, then just forget it." "And now you talk, Grace," he said, chuckling. "I don't want anyway to do with that bitch," Grace humphed. Kathy started growling. "What did you call me?" she asked, trying to lunge for her again. "Grace," he sighed, holding Kathy back. "What exactly is wrong with you? You've turned incredibly selfish. You used to be sweet and kind to me." He placed Kathy on the couch and got up. "Stay, please. Grace, I've put up with you ditching me, insulting me, and everything that you left behind when you developed that figure and had a one night stand with a teacher. But you've grown selfish as hell in the process. A best friend would never do what you did. I'm sick of the way you treat me. I don't know why all the damned shape shifting kids treat me like crap. Not too sure about any other parents but my own, but the only person I know that's treated me like another person is the same person I'm forced to treat like a pet!" He had grown angry and spoke through his teth now, his face turning red. "I treated you like another person," Grace said. "And I always apologized for making fun of you. I'm only selfish now because she's acting like she owns the place. I can't even be near you without her growling and lunging." "Yet, you didn't acknowledge how it hurt me," he said. "You either just tried to amend it by sleeping with me or just saying sorry and walking away. Why the hell can't we be friends in public? Tell me why, Grace!" She clammed up and turned away. Kathy got up and hugged Justin softly. "Calm down," she said softly. "She's already afraid of one of us. I don't want you losing a friend, even if it isn't the greatest friend." Grace sniffed and ran away, locking herself in her room. "I want to know why, dammit," he growled at Kathy, looking like he was about to cry himself. "I want to know why everyone treats me like shit and expects me to do the same to others." "Sit down and relax," Kathy said softly, helping him sit on the couch. "I'll go talk to her. If anyone can get the reason out of her, it'll be me. I already made a big impression as a violent doggy." "Fine," he sighed, sitting down on the couch and put his head in his hands. She went upstairs and soon found the only locked door and knocked on it. "Grace, let me in," she said. "Why should I?" GRace asked, sniffing. "Because if you don't you'll lose two possible lovers and one definite friend," she said. "Though from what I've heard, I don't see why he still thinks you're friends." She got up and opened the door a little. "I don't know why either," she said, sniffing. "I don't know why I started treating him like this. But he's right, you know. Everyone he runs into, including his parents, treats him like crap. It's only a matter of time before you start to. I don't think it's his fault though. I was going to try talking to him until I got the urges to stay away from him. I think somethign's happened to him, like a curse or something." "I'll never want to stay away from him," she said. "I love him. I know how he feels. I was hated and attacked all the time because of what I am and what I can do. He's the only one who's ever treated me nice and I'm gonna make sure I do the same for him." "Then trust me and help me find out what's happening to him," she said, looking ver yserious now. "I'm worried about him. I always hung out with him until high school. And now, I always wanna be away from him in public." She opened the door widely now, crying visibly. "I will," she nodded, hugging her softly. "And no more calling me a bitch. I'll leave the growling and lunging for when you hurt Justin. I can't exactly wander around as his girlfriend or his parents will eat me." "Then convince Justin to let you hang out with me for a little bit so we can go searching," she said. "And I am in doing stuff with a girl, because I'm able to grow certain parts." She smiled and hugged her back. "See? I'm acting totally different when I'm away from Justin. Isn't that proof enough that it's not me acting this way, it's something else? I'm afraid he'll end up killing a family member or friend with the way things keep going for him." "I'll tell him to let me stay," she nodded. "And you do seem much nicer now. Just don't treat me like a pet. Treat me like a lover... a pregnant lover." "That wasn't me talking," she sighed. "Pregnant lover?" She tilted her head. "Justin used a skill he has to make my old friend into my baby," she smiled, rubbing her bulging belly. "I left her as a tiny feral pup, but I can make her normal size and be huge." "Cool," she smiled. "Kinda wish I could do that. Babies are just so cute!" "I would let you borrow Kate for a while, but she really wants to be my baby," she said. "That's fine," she said, nodding. "I wanna find my own pawn though, hehe." "Sure," she nodded. "Just not me or Justin." "I know that," she said, nodding. "Go convince him to leave you here for a little bit, please." She nodded and went back downstairs. "Justin, I'll need some more time to straighten her out," she said. "Mind leaving me here? I promise no killer doggy." Justin looked up and sighed. "Alright," he said, getting up. "I guess I should just go home anyway." "Promise me you won't do anything bad," she said, hugging him softly. "One violent person is enough." "I won't," he said, hugging him back, his voice sounding a little strained. He clearly though that she'd be like everyone else and eventually start treating him like crap. "I'm not gonna act like them, Justin," she said. "If I do, then go ahead and eat me. Only you though. If I'm gonna be a meal, I want to be my boyfriend's meal." "Alright," he said, kissing her deeply and then left the house. She had slipped her leash into his pocket when she returned the kiss, then went back up to Grace's room after he left. "Well?" Grace asked, sounding hopeful. "Did he really let you stay for a bit?" "Mmhm," she nodded. "If you want to take me out, you'll need your own leash though. I gave Justin back his." She smiled, nodding as she got up and pulled out a leash from her drawer. "My mom used to have a pet," she said. "Do you have to refer to me as a pet?" she sighed. "I'm Justin's girlfriend. Would you like it if I called you his wife?" "No," she sighed. "Sorry. But I have to around others." "That's fine," she nodded. "And call me Pup. If you do end up being a lover to me and Justin, you need to know my nickname." "Alright, Pup," she smiled. "Cute nickname, hehe." "Justin thought of it," she smiled. "I call him Kitty. We need a name for you though. I'd say Vixen, but people consider that an insult where I come from." "Vixen's a good title here," she giggled. "Then, you can be Vixen," she smiled, then pounced on her. "Before we start using nicknames, let's make the lover thing official. Live out your dream of being the guy or a defenseless girl." She smirked a bit, having read her mind to find that out. She fantasized about both roles, but wanted to be the defenseless girl a lot more. "Come on," she murred. "Do this for me and I'll talk Justin into reversing the roles after we cure him." "What do you mean?" she asked. "Justin will be the big strong man and you'll be the defenseless little Vixen," she murred seductively. "But I need to know what needs to happen in great detail. There's only one way to make sure I remember." "Ooh, you want me to grow a cock and be the 'boss'?" she asked, tilting her head. "Well, I certainly can't," she giggled. "I know a transformation spell, but I've only been a feral puppy and dog." She smirked, something suddenly poking Kathy's crotch and her thigh and it felt huge. "Wow," she blinked, grinding against it just like Grace dreamed. "So big... I'm not sure I can take it..." She growled, suddenly pinning her against the wall. "I'm gonna warn ya once, Pup," she said. "I'm really wild like this. I'll force myself inside of you." She nipped her neck,, growling again. "Fine by me, Vixen," she grinned. "But no marking. Justin gets to mark me first." "Deal," she said, her cock ripping her skirt in two, appearing to be massive. "Well?" she grinned. "Is there a position I need to get in or do you really want to be boss and force me into it?" She smirked and forced her onto her knees and shoved her cock into her slit hard. "Oh my," she moaned out. "You are huge. And so rough. You'll make a great lover if you keep doing things like this." She continued to ram into her, growling as she soon climaxed hard into her, but was still hard. She howled out as she climaxed as well. "That was huge," she blinked, rubbing her belly to keep Kate calm. She smirked, giggling as she licked her cheek. Kate didn't seem to mind as she purred softly. "Kate's being a good baby," she smiled, kissing Grace softly. "I should find a spell to make her my real baby, but let her keep her memories." Kate kicked a bit, as if opposing the last part. Grace returned the kiss, feeling the kick and tilted her head. "Don't you want to be my baby, Kate?" she asked. Kate kicked once. "You don't want to keep your memories?" she asked. "But I want you to remember being my best friend. I'd be heart broken if you grew up and said you hated me." "I don't think she wants to remember any of the bad memories," Graces said, then Kate kicked once. "Oh," she nodded. "I'll try to do that, Kate. You'll remember your name and how much you wanted this if all goes well. Give Mama a lick if that sounds good to you." Kate kicked once. "I wanted a lick," she pouted. "I wanted you to please Mama as she's getting pounded by Vixen." Kate then licked the inside of her womb. Grace smiled, kissing her neck softly. She moaned a bit loudly, countering Grace. "Keep moving, please," she moaned. "I want to be completely exhausted and happy." Grace nodded, thrusting in and out of her hard. "So good..." she moaned out, climaxing hard. She continued to thrust hard, blasting a huge load into her womb. She blinked and howled in pleasure, climaxing hard again. She growled, nuzzling against her softly. "I-I think I'm done, girls," she panted. "Let's get some rest, then find out what's wrong with Justin." "Okay," Grace smiled, pulling out. "Wanna watch some television while you rest, Pup?" She helped hr to the bed and laid her down, smiling, being very kind, just like Justin. "Can I lay across your lap?" she asked. "It really helps me relax, especially if belly rubs are involved." "Sure," she smiled, giggling. "Yay!" she cheered, hopping into her lap. "Want me to stay like this or be a doggy again?" "Well, can you become a cute doggy?" she asked, giggling. She transformed into her feral dog form, rolling over onto her back. "Like this?" she asked, her tongue hanging out cutely. "Yep!" she giggled, rubbing her belly softly. She murred happily, her tail wagging rapidly. "I hope Kate will he happy as a doggy, like me," she said. "I don't know the petting spots for a kitty, but I know all of them for a doggy." "Be kinda nice to have a little one that can transform like you, right?" she asked. "That's all us shape shifters can do from the moment we're born. In fact, female shape shifters are only female if their mothers choose them to be. The parents pick out the dominant sex they use most often. So Justin will be able to make her a girl again or a cute little boy." "I'd really like a daughter," she smiled. "That's all I've dreamed of since Kate first asked to be my child." "I'd want at least one boy and one girl," she giggled. "But that's just me." "Kate will be my girl," she smiled. "Justin can decide if he wants a boy when I'm truly pregnant." "Tell him that once he's feeling better," she smiled, giggling a bit. "I will," she nodded. "How are we gonna make him feel better?" "We need to find out if someone did curse him," she said. "I'm good friends with his parents still, since they don't act all bossy or bitchy if he's not around, meaning they won't hurt you anymore. Something tells me Justin's not gonna go home, just walk around." "Okay," she nodded. "So, we're going there?" "After you rest," she said, rubbing her belly now. "I need Pup to be in top shape if she's gonna help me defend myself and Justin's name, hehe." "Okay," she murred, her tail wagging happily. "You'll make sure they don't eat me, right? Just because they're nice doesn't mean I'm not still considered a meal." "They won't," she smiled. "To be safe, can you become a puppy?" "Only if you promise to carry me in your shirt," she giggled. "I want to see how Justin felt when I did that to him." "Deal," she smiled. She smiled and shrunk to a little puppy. "Ooh!" she giggled. "Very cute!" "And I look bigger like this," she giggled, showing her belly. "This is how I kept Kate." She smiled and picked her up, placing her in her shirt. "And you look so adorable in there," she giggled, then blinked. "Wait, you do know about my and Justin's parents plan to have us marry, right?" "Mmhm," she nodded, bouncing around a bit. "You're very bouncy up here, Vixen." "Thank you," she giggled, purring. "Seriously, that doesn't bug you?" She rubbed her head softly. "Hell, that's annoy the crap out of me. But we're sorta royalty, so we have to marry." "Your marriage is planned," she said. "You two didn't decide to get married, you're being forced to." "And we can't get out of it either," she said. "He's the only shape shifter I know that is willing to love two girls. Or lust for one, love another. I can't love two males or lust for them at the same time. So I cannot back out of the marriage. But since he's able to love you, you can be his mistress, definitely." She giggled a bit. "Kinda kinky if you think about it. If we get this problem lifted, Justin will be able to repeal the law that forces you to be a pet, you know. But he has to be married to fellow royalty in order to gain that kind of power." "Fine by me," she giggled, hopping on Grace's breasts now. "I won't only be his mistress though, Vixen. There's another person who'll want me too." "Ooh, mine, too," she giggled, moaning softly now. "Yep," she giggled, landing on the collar of Grace's shirt. "Maybe I shouldn't have gone so small. I was aiming for pocket pup, not booby pup." "But I like Booby Pup," she pouted. "She's really cute." "This is pocket Pup," she said. "Booby Pup would be bigger so I wouldn't have to risk falling just to look out." "Hmm... Then become Pocket Pup," she said, tilting her head. "This is Pocket Pup," she said. "I'm small enough to fit into a pocket." She then grew a bit bigger. "This is Booby Pup. Now, I can see perfectly out of your collar." Unfortunately, her bigger size caused her to squeeze Grace's breasts more, sending a much large wave of pleasure with every movement she made. She moaned out a little loudly. "Could you do me a favor and NOT confuse me?" she asked. "Sure," she nodded. "Is Booby Pup too much for Vixen? I could always change back." "Well, my boobs are kind of sensitive," she said, blushing. "I'll be more than happy to help with any problems I cause," she smirked, hopping a bit. "And you look very cute with the blush." She moaned softly now, continuing to blush. "Come on, Vixen," she giggled, sitting still now. "If you keep standing here, I'll need to relieve you again." "I'm not standing," she said. "You aren't walking either," she said, stomping her paw. "I want to fix Justin." "Hey!" she moaned out, growling. "I thought I'd let you rest first!" "I'll rest in here," she said, lying down now. "I just really, really want to fix Justin. I want to see him happy." Tears had started rolling her cheeks now, proving she was more worried about Justin than herself. "Alright," she said, getting up and rubbed her head softly. "I'll go over to his house, alright? Just stop crying." "Okay," she sniffed, wiping away her tears. She headed outside, taking her cell phone out and called Justin's house. "Hello?" Justin's mother answered. "Hi," she said, giggling. "Remember me, Misses Valedelo?" "Oh, you're the princess who's gonna marry my son," she smiled. "That is, if he doesn't give it up for some girl he met in the woods." "He won't, Miss," she giggled. "Mind if I come over? I wanna ask about Justin. He's being treated very odd lately." "Sure," she nodded. "You know I'm always happy to have you over." "Alright then," she said. "See you in a few minutes then, future Mama-in-law, hehe." "Bye," she giggled. She hung up and hummed as she walked toward Justin's. "How's that for subtle, Pup?" she asked, giggling. "Very nice, Vixen," Kathy said. "Are you sure they won't try to eat me anymore?" "Nope," she smiled. "Especially since your the princess' Pup right now, hehe." "But I'm also the girl the prince would give everything up for," she whined, starting to shake. "I know they know that I'm a little pup now." "Shh," she said. "Calm down, Pup." "I'm gonna be Pup soup," she whined, trying to climb out of her shirt. "I can't go back there. Let me out." "Now you're not," she said, grabbing her. "If you run away from me, any shape shifter will pick you up and eat you, you know." She whined and shook more, burying her face in Grace's arms. She began to hum softly, petting her back softly as she drew closer to Justin's house. It didn't seem to help as she jumped back into Grace's shirt and buried her face in her cleavage. "Pup soup..." she mumbled. "Goddamn, calm down," she sighed, pulling her out and then placed her in her pocket. She shrunk down, hiding completely in her pocket, still shaking and whining. She walked up to the door and knocked on it. Justin's mother opened the door and smiled, blinking when she noticed Grace's pocket shaking. She headed inside and looked around. "Like I said, I wanted to talk about Justin," she said. "Sure," she said, staring at Grace's pocket. "May I ask a question first?" "No," she said. "Now, onto Justin. Do you know why he's being treated so harshly lately? Even when he didn't defy you?" "No," she sighed. "Sorry. I feel horrible for treating him so badly though." "When did you start treating him like that?" she asked. "There's gotta be one day you treated him well and he respected you, but then suddenly you started treating him horribly." "About a month ago," she sighed. "That's the last time I remember being nice to him." "Did he go somewhere before that?" she asked, tilting her head. "I think so," she nodded. "He was in his clubhouse thing out back and he knows how to open portals from inside it." "Hmm..." she said, thinking. "Does he keep a journal of some sort?" "I'm not sure," she said. "He'd probably keep something like that secret." "True," she nodded. "I'm gonna go look at his clubhouse. I kinda wanna investigate what's going on." "Okay," she nodded, looking at Grace's pocket again. "Can I ask you my question now?" "Fine," she said. "What is it?" "Why is your pocket shaking?" she asked. "My cell phone must be vibrating," she said, heading out back and into the clubhouse, then picked Kathy up. "Quit shaking. I need your puppy nose to help sniff out that journal." "Pup soup..." Kathy mumbled, trying to hide in her pocket again, obviously very frightened of being eaten. She sighed, shaking her and even slapped her, but tried to be soft. "Snap out of it, Kathy!" she said. "From what I could tell, you can defend yourself, even against carnivorous shape shifters." "Not when they take away my power," she whined, still trying to hide. "That won't happen," she said. "Do you want me to shake or slap you again? Or both?" "N-No," she whined. "But I'm so weak and defenseless around them. I'm just a pathetic little puppy no matter what form I'm in. I don't even belong here. I should just go back home." "You won't," she said. "I thought you said you wanted to help Justin. Don't you love him?" "Yes, but..." she said, pausing. "I'm not sure he loves me back. He could only like me because I'm not affected by his curse yet." "He does," she sighed. "I saw how he looked at you and how he didn't ant you getting into any kind of trouble. He's never looked at me like that." "You're just saying that," she said. "You want me to cure him so you two can get married. I bet... I bet you even have plans on eating me together once he's better." She was obviously getting paranoid now from being scared for so long. "What?" she asked. "No, no." She shook her again. "I'll even call Justin and have you talk to him." "J-Just put me down," she whined. "I wanna go home." "So you don't want to help Justin?" she asked, placing her down. "Fine. I don't care anymore. I just want Justin to be happy again." She returned to her anthro form and blinked, growling as she felt someone in the clubhouse. "What is it now?" she asked, raising a brow. "Someone's in here," she growled, running to the clubhouse. She blinked, running after her. "Who?" she asked. "Wait up!" She burst through the door, looking around. She panted, catching up to her and looked around as well. "I... don't see... anyone," she said, through pants. Suddenly, she was grabbed by tentacles, even her muzzle was tied up. "She has an amazing talent," a voice said, coming from a dark corner. "Not only is she not affected by the curse, but she was able to find me." "Let her go!" she growled, blinking and turn her arm into a sword and tried to cut the tentacles off of Kathy. "Better be careful," the voice said as Kathy was turned so she'd be cut instead. "Swinging around a sword can be dangerous." "Just let her go!" she growled. "What did you do to Justin!?!" "I cursed him," it said. "And this girl is mine. If she can't help me, she could always make a great meal." Kathy started shaking and whining once she heard that, trying to pull away and hide. "She is not yours!" she yelled, running to where the voice was coming from and tried to stab the creature. "Swing and a miss," it said, now coming from behind her. "Thanks for leaving her side. I can take her without a problem now." She growled and ran back toward Kathy, trying to grab her. The girl whispered something into Kathy's ear, then jumped back before Grace reached her. Kathy then started whining loudly and shaking violently, even having tears roll down her cheeks now. She blinked, growling as tentacles shot from her back and latched onto Kathy tightly and began to pull her toward her. "I'll visit again," the girl said, then turned to smoke and disappeared. Kathy continued whining and shaking. She pulled her close and hugged her tightly. "I'm so sorry," she said softly. "But now we know what's going on." She tried pulling away. "Let me go," she whined. She blinked and let her go. "Fine," she growled. "I just saved your life. But run away, don't help Justin and lose him for the rest of your life. I won't stop you." "You just want to eat me," she whined. "That girl said so. No one here actually likes me. They just see a meal." "If I wanted to eat you, I would have already," she growled, walking past her and back toward the house. She just fell to the floor and curled up, continuing to whine and shake. She headed back inside and looked around. "I found out the problem!" she said, approaching Justin's mother. "What is it?" Justin's mother asked. "Can you fix my baby?" "Some creature put a curse on him," she said, smiling, then blinked when she heard the door open. "Quick, write it down and put it on the fridge. I think he's coming inside!" Kathy walked inside, obviously still very scared. "I-I want to help," she said, trying not to whine. She sighed with relief. "It's only you," she said. "Miss, please don't try to eat her. She wants to help Justin as well." "Why would I eat someone so cute?" Justin's mother asked. "And she makes my baby very happy." She smiled and looked at Kathy. "Do you feel better now?" she asked. "N-No," Kathy said, whining softly. "It's so scary being here right now. Everyone's tried to eat me, except Justin." "As long as Justin doesn't walk through that door, you're fine," she said. "Anyway, there was this female monster that grabbed Kathy in the club house. I don't know what her plan is, but it can't be good. I fear she may be looking for Justin now and we have to stop her. I couldn't get a good luck though, but she can produce tentacles." She nodded. "Let's go," she said. "I want to save Justin." "I don't know where the girl went, but I bet Justin went to the park," she said. "But if we get near him, we'll fall victim to the curse except for Kathy, whom we'd try to eat because she's a threat to the curse." She instantly curled up on the floor and started shaking and whining after hearing she'd get eaten. "Kathy!" she whined, picking her up. "That's why you're gonna be the best girl to help ccapture that creature. "I don't see how," she sighed. "At the slightest hint of being eaten, I turn into a huge coward." "I have a solution to that," Justin's mother smiled. "But another question... You are okay with Justin being engaged and being his girlfriend, honey?" She rubbed Kathy's head softly, sounding quite sweet and loving now. "Mmhm," she murred. "Vixen and I agreed that I'd be the mistress to the couple." "That's so cute," she giggled. "And you both look very attractive, if I may say so. My baby's got really good taste." Grace giggled a bit. "He probably thinks I always need to be saved though," she sighed. "That's all he's been doing since I got here." "Well," she said, getting a necklace from behind a portrait and put around her. "Now you have defenses, sweetie," she said softly. "You can act like a shape shifter now and easily defend yourself." "Really?" she blinked, looking at the necklace. "So my powers can't be zapped away now?" "Nope," she smiled. "Try it out if you want." "I can do anything a shape shifter can, right?" she asked. "Pretty much," she nodded. "Ooh!" she said, pouncing on Grace and changing into a skintight, revealing outfit. "Perfect disguise. Can you go to the mirror, Vixen?" "Sure," she giggled and walking over to a full length mirror, smiling. "You look very sexy in your new outfit," she giggled, changing parts of herself to better show off Grace's curves. "Do you like?" She moved her mouth down to Grace's crotch and licked her slit a few times. "I taste some juices down here. Is this turning you on, Vixen?" "Very much so," she nodded, giggling. "This is a perfect idea!" Justin's mother giggled. "While you're her clothes, Grace could be immune to the curse now!" "We could go find out," she said. "If she acts up, I could always distract her. She's almost flooding me out down here. I might have to lick just so I don't drown." "You're breathing on my slit!" Grace whined. "Sorry," she said. "Do you want me to move or give you a good licking?" "Good licking, then move," she said. "Aw," she pouted. "I wanted to lick you until we found Justin." Her tongue soon plunged into Grace's slit, along with what felt like a muzzle. She gasped out loudly, almost falling over. Justin's mother caught her and helped her sit down. "Enthusiastic, huh?" she giggled. "If she keeps that up, you won't even be able to walk straight let alone find Justin." She nodded, gasping out loudly as she continued to feel loving licks. "You're speechless," she giggled. "She must be good." Kathy heard this and pushed a nice thick tentacle into Grace's tail hole, filling it nicely. She blinked, moaning out loudly, panting as she began to move against the tentacle involuntarily. She moved her mouth to Grace's neck as another tentacle filled her slit. "I make good clothes, huh?" she asked, nipping her neck softly. "Y-Yeah," she gasped out loudly, blinking as she began to move against the tentacle. The accidentally released her 'mating scent' she usually released when she needed Justin the most. Suddenly, the tentacles thickened and grew longer, stretching her perfectly. Little sucking movements could be felt on her nipples as well. "You smell like you're in heat," she growled lustfully in her ear. "Let's see if I can't take care of that for you." She panted, moaning out loudly as she laid down. Justin's mother tilted her head, a bulge having appeared in her pants. "May I help out, honey?" she asked, grinning a bit. "Which hole do you want, Miss?" she asked. "I'll gladly give up either one if you can keep her in this same haze." "I'd love to get her slit," she giggled. "I wanna know why my baby's so happy whenever she sleeps over." She exposed her cock, which looked longer and thicker than the tentacle already inside of her and it was leaking its own seed. She pulled out the tentacle and made an opening for her. "Have at it," she said. "Do you mind if I take some pleasure from it too? I think I can move my slit over hers without robbing her." "I could have two cocks," she giggled. "That would be great," she murred. "Would you really yiff us both that way?" "Yep," she grinned, making a second cock appear. "This isn't my first time playing with a female, hehe." She then ushed one cock into Grace, which made her moan loudly. She moved her slit near Grace's, dripping in anticipation. She pushed her other cock into Kathy's slit, then began to thrust hard, which made Grace moan out loudly again, her tongue sticking out cutely. She moaned out loudly as well. The tentacle in Grace's tail hole expanded to match Justin's mother's size as the sucking movements on her breasts got rougher. She moaned out loudly, counter thrusting Justin's mother hard. Justin's mother giggled and climaxed into both of their slits, kissing Grace deeply, whom returned the kiss. She moaned out as she climaxed hard as well. "Maybe all this playing will give us both big bellies," she murred. "Imagine seeing Justin when you have a huge belly, Grace. Of course part of it would be mine too." "I like the thought," Grace nodded, moaning happily as she climaxed hard on Justin's mother's cock. "I bet he would too," she giggled. "I think he has a thing for preggos. I think they bring out his wild side." "Ooh, just like his daddy," Justin's mother smirked. "Trust me, if he's like him, you two will be sore for a few days after he yiffs you while you have big bellies, hehe." "If he's that good, I want to keep the belly Kate gives me," she murred. "I'd love to be yiffed so good that it hurts days after. I bet it feels like nothing I ever had." "Trust me, sweetie," Justin's mother giggled. "It feels amazing." She climaxed again into both of them. "I think we should focus on finding Justin now, honestly." "Fine by me," she panted, having climaxed again. "I'm staying as clothes though. Can you stay stuffed and still find him, Vixen?" "I think so," Grace nodded, moaning as Justin's mother pulled out of them both. She smiled and covered her slit again, filling it with a tentacle as big as Justin's mother's cock. "Still good?" she asked. "Very," she nodded, getting up and stretched. "Alright. Let's head to the park. Maybe Justin's still there and we'll beat that creature to him." "Okay," she said, murring, which caused vibrations to go through the tentacles. She blinked, gasping out. "D-Don't do that!" she whined. "Sorry," she said, stopping. "I'm just happy." "Finally," she sighed. "Why's that?" "We get to help Justin," she said. "And why'd you sigh? I thought you like me being your clothes." "You're not the scared puppy anymore, Pup," she said, giggling. "Plus I think we solved us both being with Justin if you love being my clothes that much." "Well, I would like to be normal around him," she said. "Can we switch places? No offense, but he might trust me better right now." "Sure," she giggled. "As long as I can wear you a little more often, hehe. And I know, but think about him pleasuring us both at the same time. He can have two cocks, too, ya know." "I know," she said, returning to normal. "I'd like to be the normal girl sometimes." "I figured that," she nodded, turning into her clothes, though not as revealing, but still sexy. "Ready, Pup? Hehe." "Yep," she giggled, looking at herself in the mirror. "You make great clothes too, Vixen. After we find Justin, you can be a little more revealing. I'm sure he won't mind." "Thanks," she giggled. "And yeah. We gotta hurry." Meanwhile, at the park, Justin was eating a small hot dog he had bought and sighed, looking at the little ones playing around and blinked when he thought some of the young mothers were even flirting with him, which was sort of part of the curse he didn't know he had. He sighed and sat at a bench, where girls kept coming up to him and giving him their phone number, which eventually started a little pile beside him on the bench. "You're a popular one, huh?" a girl asked, sitting beside him. "Not even here long and you have a nice pile of numbers." "Uh... Yeah, I guess," he shrugged. "Don't really know why, honestly." "I have an idea," she smirked. "I also have an idea why everyone else hates you. Would you like to know why?" "I'm up for reasons why my life's kinda like living hell," he nodded. "At least at my house." He blinked when one of the cheerleaders from his school came up, gave him her number and then frnechn kissed him right in front of the other girl. he blinked, going wide-eyed when she left his sight. "What the hell..." "I'll tell you, but you need to do something for me first," she smiled, scratching under his chin softly. "You need to make me yours. And yes, I do mean getting marked while yiffing. Do that and I may even be able to solve your problem." He blinked, beginning to purr softly. "You really think you can solve this problem for me?" he asked. "Yep," she nodded. "I can make everything return to normal. All it takes is making me one of yours. You can handle another girl, right?" "A-Another girl?" he asked, gulping. "It's that obvious... that I have more than one girlfriend...?" "It is," she giggled. "I don't expect a lot from you, but some attention and yiffing would be nice. I've also seen both your girlfriends. They're very attractive. I wouldn't mind being the main squeeze to the one that you don't love completely, which I think is the little vixen princess. Am I right? You love the magical bitch more than the vixen princess." "Kathy is not a bitch," he suddenly growled. "Touchy, touchy," she smirked. "I meant female canine. By that outburst, I guess you do love her more, even if she isn't the one you're supposed to marry." He grabbe d her by the collar, growling. "How the hell do you know so much about me?" he asked. "I can answer that or I can solve your problem," she smiled sweetly. "So which is it?" He held her for a moment, still growling. "Answer it after you help me with my problem and you have a deal," he said. "Deal," she nodded. "You part of the deal first though. Make me yours or I leave right now." "Yiff in public?" he asked, blinking. "Or take me somewhere private," she shrugged. "Doesn't matter as long as you keep your half of the deal." "Good," he said, getting up and took her hand, leading her toward a somewhat private restroom. "Since you want the magical girl, can I be with the princess?" she asked, following him. "I've heard she's into girls and I still want to be close to you." "Um... I guess," he shrugged. "It's up to her though." "I'll ask her when you introduce us," she smiled, nuzzling him softly. "Alright," he said, suddenly getting hard as had started nuzzling against him. "Someone looks excited," she giggled. "Do I remind you of someone else?" "Um... uh... yeah," he said, shrugging. "I guess that's why." "Do you like the idea of having the real girl and look alike both falling for you?" she asked sweetly. He groaned a bit as he got harder at the thought, though was sure that his thoughts were being influenced. "I'll take that for a yes," she giggled. "So, does that make me your second favorite then?" "Q-Quit asking me questions," he groaned. "Every time I try to answer, I get harder." He stopped walking, having to hold onto something as it hurt a little too much to walk or stand up right now. "Fine," she pouted, bending over and showing him her bottom. "Lift the skirt and have fun. I like being commando. Imagine a girlfriend who's always just a skirt lift away from yiffing." "Are you just trying to make me pounce on you and rape you," he said, having begun to growl softly, a more beast like version of himself beginning to emerge. "I like it that way," she murred seductively. "Doesn't the girl I remind you of like it too?" He just growled and then unzipped himself, thrusting his long, thick and hard cock into her slit roughly. She blinked and moaned out, climaxing just from that. "You're bigger than I imagined," she moaned, moving on him. He growled and began to thrust in and out of her hard. "Oh," she moaned out, countering just as hard. He continued to thrust in and out of her hard, soon climaxing hard and deep into her body, but also kept on moving. "What about the marking?" she pouted, moving her hair to one side. "That's the whole point of this, Justin." He just growled at her as he leaned forward, biting down on her neck. She howled in pleasure as she climaxed hard, her tail wagging happily. "Thank you, Justin," she panted softly. "You're welcome," he growled, climaxing hard again. "Is that lustful growling or angry growling?" she asked. He smirked and continued to move his cock in and out of her, nipping her neck again. "I'll take that as lustful," she moaned, climaxing hard again. He pulled out and held her close, continuing to nip her neck softly, something coming over him and he just had to caress her in his arms. "You're such a romantic," she murred, seeing Kathy running towards them. "Looks like we have company." "Huh?" he asked, letting her go and got rdressed and rubbed his head. "Huh... I have a headache. Kinda unusual for me." Kathy ran up to him and pounced on him, licking his cheek happily. "I looked all over for you," she said. "I also have your wife to be right here too." He blinked, chuckling a bit as he held her close. "Where?" he asked, rubbing her head softly. "She's acting as my clothes," she murred, then suddenly let out a moan as her breasts nearly spilled out onto his chest. "She's trying to make me hot and bothered so you'll yiff us both." The girl let out a cough, trying to get their attention. He blinked, groaning a bit as he looked over at the other girl. "Oh... uh..." he said. "Kathy, this is... uh..." "Joyce," she smiled, making sure they both saw her marking. Kathy tilted her head. "Who did that?" she asked. "Um..." he gulped, blinking. "He did," Joyce giggled. Kathy blinked, staring at him now. He gulped, looking back at her, obviously a bit frightened right now. "Can you really handle having three girlfriends?" she asked, obviously not angry with him. "Yeah, I-I think so," he nodded, still a little scared. "That's great," she smiled, letting out another moan as she started grinding against him. "Vixen is so naughty. She either wants me to climax in public or wants us to yiff in public." He growled a bit as he began to get hard, acting the same way he did toward Joyce. "Ooh, I think I'll get to see wild Justin now," she murred, moaning louder as Grace pleasured her more. "Grace won't let you do anything unless you can pleasure her too though." He smirked and a second bulge prodded her thighs, close to Grace's mouth. "Grace, will you please let him ravage us now?" she begged, grinding him hard as Grace was teasing her horribly. "I can't take your gently teasing anymore. I need relief." Grace moved the blocking attire and Justin growled, putting her down and pushing against the wall as both cocks sprang out and immediately were thrusted into both their slits. She howled in pleasure as she climaxed hard on him, moving on him hard, which meant Grace was moving on him just as hard. He began to thrust harder, nipping Kathy's neck softly. "Will you mark me too?" she moaned. "Please?" He nipped her neck, biting down softly. She gasped out as she climaxed hard on him again. He smirked and continued to thrust into her. Joyce smiled and started walking away. Kathy panted happily, her tongue sticking out cutely. "You know how to make this pup really happy," she murred. He chuckled and continued to thrust into her until he climaxed yet again and then just left his cocks inside of them both, kissing Kathy deeply. "I hope Vixen's happy, too," he said, nipping her neck again. "She is," she moaned. "I wish she'd either stop murring or take the tentacle out of my ass though." "You heard her, Grace," he said. "Do what she says." She sighed with relief as the tentacle disappeared. "Now I won't be like a girl in heat," she murred, nuzzling him softly. "I can be your normal girlfriend again." "That's good," he chuckled, nuzzling against her softly. "Mmhm," she nodded. "And Grace is being nice to you, so our little plan must be working." "Really?" he asked, blinking when he felt a sucking motion on his second cock. "Yeah," she nodded. "We thought if one of us were being clothes, then she wouldn't be affected by the curse. And apparently, she's not completely done yet." "Well," he chuckled. "If she can be nice while not being your clothes, you can see how... wild she can get, Pup. You could learn a few things, too, heh." He chuckled a bit. "I do wanna talk to her myself later though, alright? You have to be her clothes though so she won't only want to yiff me." He then blinked after climaxing hard into both of them again. "What curse?" "Someone appeared in your clubhouse and told us she put a curse on you," she murred. "What?" he asked, sighing. "Who would do that to me?" "Someone who wanted you to herself," she said. "Has anyone else, besides me, been strangely nice to you lately?" "Joyce has," he said. "In fact, I kept getting phone numbers from a lot of strange women." "Maybe one of those women cursed you," she said. "But who?" he asked. "The only other girl I played with was Joyce. That slutty cheerleader did kiss me though, but ran off." That made Grace growl a bit. "She can never stand the fact she hasn't done anything with Justin," she grumbled. "Calm down, Vixen," she said. "If that's how you're gonna act, I'll stay normal while we go talk to her." "Sorry," she said, pouting. "She's tried stealing Justin away from our engagement so many times though." She whined a bit, as if she really wanted to marry Justin. "If you promise to stay calm, I'll let you be normal," she said, rubbing both of their bellies. "But make an outburst and I'll restrain you, okay?" "I don't think that's a good idea," she purred, whining. "I'll go back to wanting to hating you and wanting to yiff Justin by myself." "I'll still be your clothes, Vixen," she said. "That was our original idea, remember?" "Oh," she said. "Okay then." "Change back first," she smiled. "I'm sure a wild girl like you can stand being nude for a few seconds." She nodded and changed back into her normal form, obviously already resisting to just yiff Justin again and then go hang out with someone else. She kissed her and hugged her close as she changed into the same revealing outfit as before. Justin blinked, getting hard again, his tail swishing a little happily, making him appear cute again. "Justin!" Grace giggled, pouncing on him and grinding against him. "I don't feel like leaving after yiffing now. I'm still very horny though." He blinked, smiling and licked her cheek softly, then stopped her. "So it really was the curse that made my best friend disappear?" he asked, raising a brow. "Mmhm," she nodded. "Your parents too." His cock was suddenly pushed into her slit, obviously done by Kathy. "I can start moving now!" She did start moving rather quickly on him." he gasped out, blinking and stopped her. "W-What did this do to my parents?" he asked, sounding worried. He thought for a moment. "Joyce! She said she had a solution to this!" "Stop stopping me," she whined. "I'm very horny. Please?" He sighed and rolled his eyes and let go of her. She kissed him deeply, moving on him fast again. Meanwhile, Joyce was at Justin's house, having made his parents believe that she was his original fiancee. Right now, she was yiffing his mother, having made her very slutty, like she did to Grace before she left. Justin's mother moaned out loudly and happily, kissing Joyce deeply. She also had a tentacle shoved into Joyce's tail hole, pumping in and out of her hard. "You make a great slut," she moaned, climaxing hard inside her. "Are you trying to hint that you want me to use tentacles on you too? Do you want to be stuffed like the little slut you are?" "Oh yes, Joyce," she moaned out happily. "Make me feel so good!" She smirked as a tentacle was shoved into her tail hole and mouth. "Do you behave like this around Justin?" she asked. "Because I think you should. I think you should try getting him to yiff you too. He's really big. Bigger than me even." She shook her head, but she had gotten incredibly wet when she began talking about her son's size, sucking hard on the tentacle in her mouth. "That's turning you on, isn't it?" she smirked. "You want to yiff your son now, don't you?" She nodded, moaning out as she had gotten so horny all of a sudden. "Such a horny little slut," she giggled, climaxing hard from her cock and tentacles. She climaxed hard as well, panting heavily, smirking when her husband suddenly picked up Joyce and impaled her on his own large cock, kissing her deeply. She blinked, moaning out loudly. "So big..." she moaned, moving on him slowly. "It's like playing with Justin again..." "Who do you think he got that large size from then?" he asked in a whisper, kissing her neck tenderly. He chuckled a bit, making her pull out of his wife and then pushed her against the wall, grinning. He kissed her deeply again and then began to thrust in and out of her hard and fast. She moaned loudly, returning the kiss as the tentacles withdrew. He continued to thrust into her, pulling back and held her up a bit. "Would you mind if I pleasured you and my wife at the same time?" he asked softly. She shook her head, her eyes slightly glazed over from the pleasure. He chuckled as a second cock sprouted, leaking his seed in an insane amount to attract his wife over to him. His wife suddenly pounced on him, unsure how he'd yiff them both. He thrust his secodn cock into her hard and then kept steady thrusts in and out of both their slits. They both moaned loudly, panting happily. He smirked and continued to thrust fast and hard inside of them, nipping his wife's neck. "You know, Joyce," he said when he began to nip hers. "You remind me of my wife when she was your age, heh." "Does that mean I'll be a great wife to your son?" Joyce moaned, climaxing hard on him. "Definitely," he chuckled. "Are ya gonna let him have two mistresses?" "Mmhm," she moaned. "I'm a really good tease, but I can't handle him all by myself." "Then you'd be making my boy live his dream," he chuckled, rubbing her head softly, climaxing hard and deep into her and his wife. They both moaned out loudly, climaxing hard as well. He chuckled and left his cock in there, letting them catch their breath. "Sowhat brought you over here anyway, Joyce?" he asked, rubbing her head softly. "Justin wasn't here. Just wanted to visit us?" "Mmhm," Joyce murred, panting softly. "And I didn't know Justin wasn't here, but spending time with you two is great too." "Ah," he chuckled, licking her cheek softly. "I wish Justin was as cute as you are," she smiled. "He never licks my cheek." "Trust me, he will as soon as you two spend more time together," he chuckled. "I hope so," she giggled. "I don't want to be the only cute one." "I'm not cute right now?" Justin's mother pouted. "I meant between me and Justin," she said, squeezing her breasts. "You're very cute, Miss." She moaned out loudly, giggling. "Thank you," she smirked. "Cute to girls, sexy to guys." She stuck her tongue out at her husband, who just pretended to be jealous and pouted. "Can we stop soon?" she asked. "I want to have some energy left in case Justin is horny." "We can stop now if you wanna go find him," he said. "Okay," she nodded. "I'll take him to my house so you two can have some privacy." "That's a good idea," she giggled. "He can also meet your folks, hehe." "Mmhm," she nodded. "If I can get this huge pole out of me, I'll go find him." He chuckled and pulled out of her. "Now you're free," he smirked. "Thank you for the great time," she said, kissing them both softly, then walked to the door as clothes formed around her. He waved good by and then smirked at his wife. "Since we're home alone," he said softly to her. "How about we yiff all over the house? Heh. Like our honeymoon." "Oh, I'd love to," his wife moaned, already moving on him as the thought made her very horny. He chuckled and began to thrust in and out of her hard again, his second cock being thrust into her bottom. "Oh..." she moaned out. "You feel huge like this... Why did we ever stop?" "Justin," he chuckled. "We stopped because whenever we yiffed, we'd neglect him." "Oh," she nodded. "Well, we won't have to worry about that much longer." "Nope," he chuckled. "Have you gotten bigger up here recently?" he raised a broe and squeezed her breasts softly. "No one drinks my milk anymore," she moaned. "Remember how big I used to get from not feeding Justin in time? That's my new normal size until someone starts drinking again." "oh," he grinned. "Is that an invite to having the milk all to myself now?" he chuckled a bit. "You know how wild it makes me." "I haven't seen wild you in forever," she purred. "Can you still make me pass out?" "Oh yeah," he chuckled. "You looked like you were in heaven and I wasn't even wild yet, heh." "Ooh!" she purred. "I want it! I want it!" He chuckled and began to suckle from her breasts hard and thrusted into her at the same time. She moaned loudly, purring happily as her tail wrapped around him. He continued to pound into her as he suckled from her breasts, squeezing the other roughly. She meowed loudly as she climaxed hard. He climaxed hard as well, growling seductively in her ear, nipping her neck softly. "Feels just like the honeymoon," he whispered. "Only without the big belly that made me even wilder, heh." "You mean like this?" she smirked, giving herself a big belly. He blinked and suddenly began to ram a lot faster and harder, growling in her ear as he went back to suckling hard from her breasts. She gasped out, moaning loudly as she countered. Meanwhile, Joyce found Justin and Grace still yiffing in the park. "Energetic, isn't she?" she giggled. "I thought I'd make a few changes to her. Do you like them?" "Huh?" Justin blinked, stopping Grace, obviously not affected by Grace's needs too much. "You... changed her?" "I made her very horny and rarely tired," she nodded. "Basically, she's a huge slut. She'll always be ready to yiff." "What!?!" she screamed, growling at her and tried to pull Grace off of him. "I made her like that for me," she said. "Calm down. You only wanted the magical bitch. I like my vixens horny and always ready for more." He finally pushed her off and then grabbed her. "What did you call Kathy?" he asked, being very intimidating when he was angry, despite that he could be weaker than most people. "I meant female canine," she sighed, giggling when Grace pounced on him again. "Let me go and I'll take care of the little vixen. You can have the witch to yourself." He groaned, rolling his eyes. "I still don't like this, Joyce," he said. "Change her back." "Aw, come on," she whined. "I promise to keep her under control. I'll call her off right now if you let me keep her like that." "Change her back," he said, trying to calm himself down. "She's my best friend and lover. I don't want her this way." "Fine," she sighed. "Can I keep her like this around me though?" "Only around you," he said. "Don't ever mess around with her like that again though. And now, since I marked you and yiffed you, tell me how to get this damned curse off of me." "I already removed it," she giggled, returning Grace to normal. "I just wanted to be yours. Now that I am, everything will go back to normal, except the vixen when she's alone with me." "Good," he said, looking over at Grace and smiled, giving her a hug. "Feeling any different, Grace?" "A little horny, but nothing I can't handle," Grace nodded. "That's good," he said. "Joyce took the curse off of me." he blinked when he was suddenly hugged, assuming that was Kathy's doing since it was very tight, making him turn red in the face. "You'll finally be happy again!" Kathy cheered. "Can I be with him now, Grace? Pretty please?" "If you don't kill him with this hug, then yeah," Grace nodded. She let go and reformed beside her, then pounced on him, licking his cheek happily. Grace giggled and reformed into Kathy's outfit. Justin chuckled, holding her close. "Thanks, Joyce," he said, turning to her. "Where'd you go anyway?" "I went to play with your parents," Joyce smiled. "They are very lively." "Play with them?" he asked. "Like games?" "More like yiffing," she giggled. "And I promised to give them some time alone. They're acting like they did when they were newlyweds. I didn't even have to change them." "Isn't that illegal for you to yiff them though?" he asked, acting as if it wasn't really that odd. "Maybe," she shrugged. "Your mom also wants to yiff you. You should've seen how wet she got after I mentioned your size." "Really?" he asked, tilting his head. "Yep," she nodded. "Can I wear the Grace clothes? I'm sure Kathy can make clothes for herself." "Why?" he asked. "She looks good on Kathy right now, heh." "Please?" she asked. "Or I can be Grace's clothes or part of Kathy's. I just want to be close to Grace since we're going to be a couple." "You can be part of Kathy's," he said, chuckling. "That way all three of my girlfriends are here at once, heh." "Fine," she nodded, forming in Kathy's robe, but more form fitting than her normal one. "She still looks good, right?" "Very," he nodded, chuckling. "You seem to be really happy yourself, Kathy." "That's because you're happy, Justin," Kathy said, nuzzling him softly. "I never saw you so happy before." "Ah," he chuckled. "Well, that's sweet. Say, Joyce, where you gonna ask me something else before you became Kathy's robe?" "Just to have some alone time with Grace," Joyce said. "I already promised your parents I'd take you somewhere else anyway. Can I pleasure Grace now? I'm sure she'll love it." "Sure, I guess," he shrugged. "Try to be quiet about it though." He gave Kathy a deep kiss, obviously very happy. She murred and impaled Grace's slit and tail hole with her cocks. Kathy moaned softly, returning the kiss. Grace moaned softly as she was imapled. Justin paled Kathy upand carried her somewhere private, his already hardened bulge rubbing against her. "Oh, Justin," she moaned. "I didn't know you were excited again." "I'm full of surprises," he chuckled, kissing her deeply. She moaned softly, returning the kiss as she ground against him. He put her down gently, grinding back against her. "Girls, an opening please," she said, moaning a bit loudly as her slit started dripping. grace made an opening, which Jutin had already pulled his cock out and thrusted hard into Kathy. She moaned out loudly, panting happily as she countered him. He continued to thrust in and out of her hard, nipping her neck softly. "Justin," she giggled. "Didn't you already mark me?" "Doesn't mean I can't nip you're neck," he chuckled, continuing to do so. "It does feel really good," she murred, giggling. "And it tickles." He chuckled and continued to nip hr neck as he thrusted hard. She howled as she climaxed hard, placing his hands on her breasts. "All your girlfriends will feel this," she murred. "It's not just me right here. Grace and Joyce added a bit to it." He smiled and squeezed them a bit hard. All three girls moaned out loudly. "Keep it up," Joyce said. "Grace is getting really energetic here." He chuckled and continued nipping Kathy's neck, thrusting hard and squeezing her breasts roughly. Kathy howled again as she climaxed hard. "Vixen is helping you out, Justin," she moaned. "She has my tail hole well stuffed." "Good," he chuckled, licking her cheek cutely. "It feels so good too," she moaned, licking his cheek back. "If this keeps up, you'll have to carry me home." "I wouldn't mind that," he chuckled. "Then keep up the great work," she moaned. He continued his assault on her and the other two's breasts. Within an hour, she could barely stand up, on the verge of passing out. "That... was... great..." she panted heavily. He chuckled and held her close as he began to walk. "Are we going to your house still, Joyce?" he asked, rubbing Kathy's head softly. He was still hard, which Joyce could easily feel. "Yeah," Joyce nodded, making Kathy move so she'd get pleasured now. He blinked, purring softly in Kathy's ear, which made it look like he was just trying to get her to peacefully fall asleep. Kathy had already passed out, murring happily, but she was still being move by Joyce. He groaned a bit, only getting harder. By the time he got to Joyce's, he was rock hard and very horny. "Looky what I've done," Joyce said innocently. "Looks like you need attention from another girlfriend." "Before I go crazy, yeah," he nodded, heading inside and then placed Kathy down on Joyce's bed when he got to her room, not seeing her parents in sight. She reformed beside Kathy, already bent over and wriggling her bottom at him. He growled and grabbed her, shoving his cock hard into her, having released his wild side, which she didn't know how long he could last. She moaned out loudly, murring happily as she countered. He continued to thrust into her, groping her breasts roughly as he did. "Oh yes," she moaned. "Justin, you're doing great." He growled in her ear, continuing to ravage her, climaxing hard and directly into her womb. She howled as she climaxed hard as well, rubbing her belly. "You're gonna make me a mother if you keep that up," she murred. He just continued to ram into her, turning her a little bit toward him and kissed her deeply. She moaned happily, returning the kiss. he continued to ram into her for over an hour, emptying his seed into her every few minutes. When they were finished, she had a bloated belly and was panting heavily. "I hope I do become a mother now," she murred. "You got really wild near the end there." He pulled out and sat down next to her, still surprisingly hard. "Do you need your third girlfriend?" she asked. "She was pretty tired, but I can change that." "Either her or another female you know," he said, growling as he nuzzled her softly. "What about your mom?" she asked. "I'm sure she'd love to see you like this, unless your dad already took care of her." "I think he did," he said, nodding. "I better get the vixen ready for you then," she smiled. Suddenly, Grace reformed and pounced on him, grinding against him. "Let's play! Let's play!" she giggled. He blinked, growling at her and then pushed her onto the bed and thrust hard into her slit. She moaned out loudly and happily, countering just as hard. "Do you like her like this?" Joyce asked. "This is how she's gonna act around me. Always hot and ready for yiffing." "I like her like this," he growled, obviously influenced by the side Joyce purposely brought out. "Good," she smirked. "I'll keep her like this then." "Good," he growled, groping her breasts roughly. Grace moaned out loudly, climaxing hard on him. He continued to ram into her and squeezed her breasts roughly again, nipping her neck. "Please don't mark me yet," she moaned. "I want Joyce to mark me first." He just growled at her and continued to nip her neck as he continued his sexual assault on her. She howled out as she climaxed again, murring happily. He climaxed hard as well, though still moving against her hard. "You feel so hard, Justin," she moaned. "Maybe you'll be a good match for me." He smirked and climaxed a rather large load into her this time. She howled again as she climaxed hard, panting happily. He continued to thrust hard into her, groping her breasts very roughly this time and nipped her neck again. She continued moaning loudly, her muscles working on him as she continuously climaxed now. He climaxed as well, continuing to thrust in and out of her for another hour before finally beginning to tire out. "Aw," she pouted. "Tired already? Can I play with Joyce then?" He nodded, pulling out of her and sat on the bed now. She pounced on Joyce, who giggled and held her close. Suddenly, these both resumed being Kathy's clothes and soft moaning could be heard coming from Grace. He climbed over to Kathy and fell asleep next to her, though still noticeably hard. Kathy murred happily as she nuzzled against him in her sleep. A few hours passed and Justin finally woke up, blinking when he felt himself get hugged tightly almost immediately. It was Grace, wanting to yiff again as Joyce had fell asleep. "Sorry, Justin," Kathy said. "I tried to tell her no, but she wouldn't listen." "Um..." he groaned. "She's still horny?" "I'm a vixen," Grace giggled. "I'm always horny. I could ask Pup if you don't want to." "You were never this horny before that curse came into my life," he groaned still. "Loosen up the hug, will ya?" "Sorry," she said, loosening the hug. "Joyce likes me like this. I like it too. Please don't make her change me back." He sighed and turned away from her, shrugging. "Don't be like that, Justin," she whined. "I know I very energetic now, but it makes Joyce happy and she's a wild lover. If you're sticking with Pup and you're happy together, then can't Joyce and I be happy together too?" "If it means turning you into a slut, then sure, whatever works for you two," he said. "Fine," she pouted. "If it means keeping my best friend, I'll change back." "Don't do what you don't want to do," he said. "But I don't want to lose you," she whined. "I'll do anything to stay your best friend, even if it means not having a lover." "I didn't say you had to lose a lover," he said. "But Joyce likes me like this," she said. "If you're with Pup and I'm normal again, I'll have no one, but I don't want to lose my best friend either." "Then stay that way," he shrugged. "It's not really my decision anyway." "But you're acting like you hate me for it," she whined, then got up. "Fine. I'll just stay with Joyce then. At least she doesn't hate me for wanting to be different." He looked at her and sighed. "I just don't like sluts that yiff twenty four hours a day or anyone they see," he said. "Sorry for not thinking like a vixen." "I don't yiff anyone I see," she humphed. "I've only been with three people. You, Pup, and Joyce. And I only asked because you were hard. I can stand being horny, even this new level of horny. I'm not just some slut." She ran out of the room, crying now. He sighed and looked down after sitting up. "Very smart," he grumbled sarcastically as he got up and got dressed. "The curse is gone and I still lose my best friend." He punched the wall a bit hard and then just left the room himself. Kathy blinked and looked around, seeing just Joyce in the room now. She walked over to her and shook her awake. "You did something to cause this," she growled. "Fix it now." "To cause what?" Joyce grumbled, rubbing her eyes. "Justin and Vixen hating each other," she said. "Because of how you like Vixen, they aren't talking anymore. Vixen ran out of here crying." "I had no part in that," she growled at her. "You changed Vixen," she growled back. "That's why Justin doesn't respect her like he use too. Change her back." "What if I don't want to?" she asked, pushing her away from her. "Then, I'll make you," she growled, pouncing on her. "Change her back now." "Why should I?" she asked, throwing her off of her. "I'm happy and Justin's under my control and so is his 'best friend'." She smirked a bit. "The only obstacle I have here is you!" "What?" she blinked, growling. "You're controlling Justin too? Stop it now! I won't allow you to control everyone!" "I'm afraid I can't do that," she said. "It'd really screw up my plan to rule over this pathetic realm and now that you're here, I can use my power here and then take over the realm your from, hehe." She smirked, suddenly dressed and up. She walked to the door as a cage suddenly appeared around Kathy. "Don't mess with the best, amateur." "Hey!" she growled, turning into smoke and trying to leave the cage. She smirked and rolled her eyes as she left, soon disappearing. She growled and left to find Justin. Justin was walking back toward his house, sighing to himself and looking down as he walked. She found him and hugging him softly. "Joyce said she's controlling you," she said. "Please tell me that's not true." "Controlling me?" he asked, raising a brow. "Why would she do that?" "She wants to take over your realm," she said. "She said I'm the only one she can't control." "Now you're just talking crazy," he said. "No one would be able to do that unless she married me." His eyes seemed blank when he talked. "Then that's her plan," she said. "But you're gonna marry Vixen, right?" "No," he said. "I'm gonna marry Joyce." "What?" she blinked, growling and slapped him. "Wake up, Justin! You don't even love her!" He didn't even react. He just turned away and began to walk down the sidewalk again. She growled and hugged him tightly. "What about me?" she whined. "I thought you loved me, Justin." "You're an obstacle," he said, rather emotionless. "But I still have feelings for you." "Take me to Joyce," she said. "If I'm an obstacle, then let her take care of me." "Alright," he said, grabbing her hand and then began to walk toward his house again. She nuzzled him softly as they walked, wanting him to remember how how used to be. Soon, they were at his house and he opened the door and brought her in. "Joyce!" he called out. "Are you here?" "Yeah!" Joyce called back. "Kinda busy though, Justin!" "Busy?" he asked. "Doing what? I brought Kathy here. She said for you to take care of her." "Be right there!" she said. Kathy sighed and kissed Justin deeply, hoping to bring back some of his memory. He blinked, then began to return the kiss, holding her close like he did before. She murred happily, her tail wagging as she held the kiss. He pulled back, blinking and looked around. "How did I get here?" he asked. "Yay, you're back!" she cheered, hugging him tightly. "Joyce was controlling you. She wanted you to marry her so she could control this realm." "I'm supposed to marry Vixen though," he said, looking around. "Where is she anyway? And where's Joyce?" "I think they're both in another room," she said. "We should probably leave before Joyce controls you again." "But what's she doing here?" he asked. "If she can control me, then I bet she's controlling others as well." He blinked and gulped. "Yeah, we should get out of here, namely you. You know what happened last time my parents weren't in control of themselves." "I'm not leaving without you," she whined, turning into a pup and jumping into his pocket. "There. Now, if you want me to leave, you have to leave too." "Fine," he said, heading toward the door. Joyce appeared in front of him. "You aren't leaving me already, are ya, babe?" she murred, rubbing his head softly. He blinked and purred softly, then moved her hand away. "I forgot to get something for my parents," he said, moving her aside. "I'll be back soon." "I already got it," she said. "Come on. Stay and play with me and Vixen." "Grace is here?" he asked, blinking and looked back. "What's she doing?" "Waiting to be yiffed senseless," she giggled. "Isn't that how a vixen always is?" "Oh," he said, sighing a silent sigh of relief. "I thought you said you had someone with you," she said. "Where is she?" "I don't know," he said. "I think she ran off." "You wouldn't be lying to your favorite Doggy, would you, handsome?" she murred in his ear. "No," he said, shaking his head, trying to resist the bulge that was forming in his pants. She noticed the bulge and purposely rubbed against it. "Am I getting you excited again?" she murred. "I'm just a very bad Doggy. Maybe I should be punished." He groaned softly, trying to get the courage to push her away now. "Come on," she murred. "You have two naughty bitches that need to be punished." "T-Two bitches?" he asked. "I thought Grace was a Vixen." "A vixen is still a canine," she giggled. "So, are you gonna punish us or what?" "Um... My parents are home," he said. "Won't they have a problem with that?" "Nope," she giggled, shaking her head. "Your parents do the same thing. Sometimes, they even join us." "What?" he asked, blinking. "My mom or dad would never..." He gulped and pushed her away slowly. "Pup wasn't crazy. You're trying to marry me for the power. " He turned and dashed toward the backdoor. "Justin!" she whined, then growled. "You're letting that bitch ruin everything again!" He made it out of the house and ran into the clubhouse out back, shutting the door behind him and panted. "Let's get out of here," Kathy said. "I can make us a portal to my realm so we can think without being bothered." "Alright," he said, nodding. "I don't even want to think how my parents are acting now." She nodded and hopped out of his pocket, returning to normal and casting her spell. "Let's go," she said, hopping onto his back. "I need to make sure she doesn't control you and make you stay." "Alright," he said, looking at her. "Can we go now?" "Yep," she nodded. "I just wanna ride piggyback." "Alright," he chuckled, going through the portal. They arrived in her backyard. "Let's go inside," she said. "And no, I'm not getting down yet. You're really comfortable." "Alright," he said, carrying her inside. "Can I have more piggyback rides?" she asked. "I give you more puppy kisses." "Alright," he chuckled. "Yay!" she cheered, licking his cheek happily. He smiled and kissed her deeply when she did that. She moaned softly and returned the kiss, her tail wagging happily. He pulled back and rubbed her head softly. "Now what do we do about Magiczilla?" he asked. "We fight her," she murred, nuzzling his hand. "Or more specifically... I fight her." "You fight her?" he asked, blinking. "I won't be affect by her control spells," she said. "Only attack spells, which is the only thing I can use on her too." "Alright," he nodded. "I don't want you suddenly dying on me now, alright?" He kissed her deeply. "I love you, Kathy. And only you." She moaned happily, returning the kiss. "I know, Justin," she nodded. "And I love you." He smiled and rubbed her head softly. "So I'll stay here then," he said. "Promise me you'll also save Grace. She's definitely not what Joyce has made her into." "I'll return Vixen to normal too," she nodded. "Though you have to admit the way she's acting is kinda hot, especially during yiffing." "I don't want her acting that way all of the time though," he said. "But yeah, it's kind of hot." "I'll make her only act like that when she really needs a good yiffing then," she giggled. "For now, I just wanna spend time with my boyfriend." "Good," he chuckled, kissing her deeply again. She moaned happily, returning the kiss. "Keep that up and this Pup might get excited," she giggled. "Go then," he chuckled. "I don't wanna go yet," she pouted. "I wanna be the cute Pup for you for a while. Please?" "Alright," he nodded. "Yay!" she giggled, licking his cheek happilg as her tail wagged. "Can the cute Pup have a belly rub?" "Sure," he chuckled, rubbing her belly softly. She murred happily, her tongue sticking out cutely. "You never did that before," he smirked. "At least not in front of me, heh." "You never gave such a good belly rub before," she giggled. "I'll do it more often if it means more attention from the handsome kitty." He chuckled and continued to rub her belly softly. She lied down across his lap, acting like a feral puppy now, then blinked. "Did Joyce excite you with her little act?" she asked. "I feel something poking me in the back." "A bit," he nodded. "Need help with that?" she asked. "This Pup wants puppies with her boyfriend." "Kitty would love it if Pup stayed his mistress then," he chuckled. "So much hotter that way." "I bet," she giggled. "Wanna try making me much hotter then?" "Is it that obvious?" he chuckled. "This Pup wants to be carried then," she smiled. "Carry her to the bedroom and ravage her all you want." He picked her up and then carried her to the nearby bedroom. "No forceful Kitty?" she pouted. "I even went commando under my robe just for you. I remember how excited that idea made you." "He'll come shortly," he chuckled, setting her down and then pushed her onto the bed and pounced on her, his cock already having sprung out and was rubbing against her slit now. "Forceful Kitty is a tease," she pouted, moaning softly. "I didn't say he was gonna be blunt," he grinned, shoving his cock into her suddenly, which filled her up perfectly again. She moaned out loudly and happily. "If getting the rough treatment means a teasing Kitty, then I like it," she murred. "Forceful Kitty doesn't come out nearly enough though." "He will once Joyce is dealt with," he said, continuing to thrust in and out hard. "If he doesn't, Pup will start acting like Vixen," she moaned, countering just as hard. "I'll force the forceful Kitty out." He chuckled and kissed her deeply, squeezing her breasts roughly. She moaned loudly into the kiss, returning it as she climaxed hard. He continued to thrust into her as he climaxed hard as well, "I didn't know you liked Forceful Kitty that much," he chuckled. "I love it," she moaned. "Why do you think I want more of him? I'd really like it if he just pounced and yiffed. No warning or asking." He chuckled and nipped her neck softly, kissing it. "I love that you've marked me too," she moaned. "This Pup wants to belong to her handsome Kitty forever." He chuckled and buried his head in between her breasts, purposely trying to tickle her. She giggled a little and moaned louder. "I'm getting really sensitive there," she moaned. "Maybe it's a sign that I'm not gonna be the only Pup in your life, hehe." "That's a good thing," he smirked, his voice soudning muffled as he looked up at her, appearing like a cute kitten. "I miss kitten Justin napping in my shirt," she sighed. "Promise to do that more often after Joyce is taken care of?" "I'll do it more often," he nodded, purring softly. "Good Kitty," she giggled, rubbing his head softly. He purred softly still, then let out a cute meow. "Ooh!" she giggled. "I love the cute Kitty. Let's save him for after forceful Kitty though. You're still really hard and I'm still really horny and really empty. I want to be filled with so many babies it isn't funny." He chuckled and climaxed hard again. She howled out as she climaxed as well. He continued to thrust, nipping her neck again and played with her breasts a bit roughly. She moaned loudly, starting to leak milk as he continued playing with her breasts. He blinked and raised a brow and then latched onto a nipple and began to suckle hard. She howled out as she climaxed hard again, a stream of milk shooting into his mouth. He purred softly and suddenly began to thrust much faster now. She moaned loudly and happily. "Kitty likes his milk, huh?" she moaned, rubbing his head softly. He nodded, continuing to drink it. "Only forceful Kitty gets milk though," she moaned. "If you don't pounce and yiff, I won't let you have any milk." He nodded and continued to thrust in and out of her hard. "Kitty doesn't want Pup tired before she fights Joyce though," he said. "I'll take a quick nap first," she moaned, rubbing his head softly. "Please don't hold back from your Pup now." He shrugged and began to thrust in and out of her hard now. "That's it, Kitty," she moaned loudly, kissing him deeply. He blinked and began to thrust even harder, returning the kiss. She howled out as she climaxed hard, panting softly now. "Pup almost tired?" he asked. "Almost," she nodded. "A little more, Kitty. Pretty please?" He chuckled and continued to thrust in and out of her hard. She continued moaning and countering him. "I want everything you can give me, Kitty," she murred. "Make me pregnant with your babies." He then climaxed hard, releasing a massive load into her body. She blinked and howled out as she climaxed hard as well. "Wow..." she murred. "That felt huge." "Thanks," he chuckled. "I think I'm pretty full now," she murred. "Let's nap, then I'll take care of Joyce." "Alright," he said, nuzzling her breasts after he pulled out and transformed into a little kitten and meowed cutely. "So cute!" she smiled, rubbing his head. "Night, little Kitty. I'll wake you up before I leave." "Okay," he said in a very adorable voice, purring happily. She kissed his nose, then close her eyes, drifting to sleep. He drifted to sleep as well, nuzzling against her softly. A few hours passed before she woke up and got out of bed, carrying Justin in her robe. He meowed cutely in her robe, nuzzling her breasts softly. She smiled, sighing as she wrote him a note, then placed it on the bed, placing him on a pillow with a small blanket. She kissed his nose softly and left, heading back to his realm. He woke up a little later, yawning and immediately noticed the note and leaned over to read it. "I love you, Justin," it said. "The fight with Joyce most likely won't end well. I'll make sure to return Vixen to normal and have her bring you back in case I'm not able to. Joyce and I are too evenly matched. The best I can hope for is a tie and even then I may not be the same afterwords. Just in case this is the last time I come to you as your adorable Pup, I want to tell you how much I love you and that I always felt safe around you." He blinked and returned to his normal form and picked the note up after redressing and placed it in his pocket. "I hope you come back, Pup," he said softly, heading out the front door, wondering what he should do while he waited. A girl, who looked like a younger version of Kathy, was hiding behind a tree, watching him. He raised a brow and walked in the opposite direction, smirking a bit, planning to draw the person closer. She did follow him, but tried to stay hidden, which didn't work very well. He stopped and then walked backward and grabbed her shirt, spinning her around. "Why hello there," he smiled. "And who might you be?" "I should be asking you that," she said, trying to pull herself free. "Why were you coming from that monster's house? Did you get rid of her?" "Monster?" he asked, raising a brow. "You mean Kathy's?" "Yeah, that monster," she nodded. "She does nothing but cause trouble around here." "She's not a monster," he said. "And what are you doing here anyway?" "I come here to spy on the monster," she said. "I haven't seen her lately though. Did you destroy her?" "No," he said. "She's been with me. And she isn't a monster. Who are you anyway?" "I'm Diana," she said. "And I know that monster better than you do. I know what kind of monster she is." "So do I and I know her better due to being her boyfriend," he said. "Boyfriend?" she blinked. "Then you're a monster too. Let go of me." "If I was a monster, you'd be dead right now," he said. "Why are you spying on her? I'm not letting go until you answer me." "Let go!" she growled as he suddenly turned into a feral kitten. She blinked and set him down, then started walking away. He raised a brow and watched her. "You have magical powers, too, huh?" he asked. "Just like the 'monster'." "No," she said. "I'm nothing like her." "When I first met her she did a similar thing in order to protect herself," he said. "So yeah, you are." "No, I'm not!" she growled, her eyes starting to glow. "I'm a normal girl! Not a monster!" He shrugged and turned away from her. "Then tell me why your eyes are glowing," he said. She blinked and turned away, putting on sunglasses, then started walking away again. He chuckled a bit. "You have magical powers," he said. "You must be related to her." "I don't have powers," she said. "Leave me alone." "You do," he said. "And I'm way over here. I'm not even following you." "No, I don't!" she growled, changing him back into a feral kitten and unable to change back. He blinked, then growled at her. "Change me back now!" he said. "Nope," she smirked, picking him up. "I just find myself a little kitten. Behave like a good little kitten and I'll think about changing you back." "One thing wrong with that," he said. "You said you had no powers." He smirked a bit. "How'd you turn me into a kitten then?" "I don't have powers," she said, setting him back down. "Either believe that or find someone else to take care of you." She started walking away again. "Fine," he sighed. "You don't have powers." he laid down on the sidewalk and sighed. "Thanks a lot." "Come on, little kitten," she said, waiting for him. "I'll take care of you as long as you don't start saying I have powers again." He looked at her and then looked away. "I'm just gonna spend the rest of my life as a kitten now either way," he sighed and then got up and walked toward her. "You'll be changed back if you behave," she said, kneeling down. "Or you can run back to that monster and have her change you back." "I can't," he sighed. "She's saving my world and she may not come back." "Oh," she blinked. "Do you even care if you stay my pet kitten forever then?" "If she never returns, no," he said, sighing. "You really care for her, don't you?" she asked, picking him up. "I'll give you a place to stay tonight and bring you back tomorrow. I can't stand seeing a little kitten upset." "Yes, I do," he nodded, looking up at her. "Don't do that out of pity, Diana. I understand if you just left me here." "No, no," she said, carrying him back to her house. "You're staying with me tonight, little kitten. You'll be returned to normal if my parents believe you're a normal kitten." "What if they don't?" he asked, sighing. "They'll kill us both," she said. "Just don't talk around them. Can't you meow like a normal cat?" "I can," he said. "I don't see why they'd kill you though." "They don't know I can do that," she said. "No one does." He raised a brow, then nuzzled her softly. "Your secret's safe with me," he said. "It better be," she said. "I don't want to have to hurt a cute little kitten." "Alright," he said, nodding. She soon arrived at her house and looked around, hoping to get to her room without being seen. "Diana!" her mother called from the kitchen. "It's about time you got home. Dinner's ready." "Okay, Mom," she said, walking to the kitchen. "Do you mind if I have a pet kitten?" "Is he vicious?" she asked, raising a brow when she looked at the kitten. "He looks tame to me." "He's a very nice kitten," she nodded, rubbing Justin's head softly. "Can I keep him, Mom? I'll take care of him on my own and everything." "I suppose it's alright," she said. "Only if you do pick up after him and take care of him." "I will," she nodded. "Can I let him have some of my dinner? I promise to keep him off the table." She shrugged and nodded. "I don't see what could happen," she said. "My food isn't horrid like our neighbor's." She giggled and sat down, placing Justin in her lap as she pet him softly. "Be a good boy and sit there," she smiled. "I'll feed you real soon." Justin just meowed cutely and purred softly. "He sounds awfully cute," Diana's mother smiled. "And so far very well behaved." "I think I'll call him Bootsie," she giggled. "Because it looks like he has little booties on his paws." Justin blinked and looked up at her, pouting. Diana's mother giggled, rolling her eyes. "It's a fine name, little guy," she smiled, rubbing his head softly. Justin purred softly, rolling his eyes a little. After dinner, she was sitting in her room, letting Justin lay on a pillow while she surfed the web. "I saw you rolling your eyes at the name I gave you," she said. "If you're gonna be a pet kitten, you need a pet name or my parents might get suspicious. Besides you never told me your name." "It's Justin," he said, nodding. "Could you have given me a slightly more masculine name though? Bootsie sounds so much like a female kitten's name." "Fine," she sighed. "What does my little kitten want to be called?" "Hmm..." he said, thinking. "How about Fuzzy? It's cute yet masculine to me." "Fine, but I get to put little clothes on you," she said. "Deal?" "Alright," he nodded. "Deal." "Yay!" she giggled, getting up and grabbing some small outfits for him. "You got to pick the name, so I get to pick the outfit, Fuzzy." He rolled his eyes and just waited for his 'punishment'. "Why are you always rolling your eyes?" she asked. "Do you not like my choices for my pet kitten?" She tossed the outfits on the floor and plopped down in her bed, covering up as she faced away from him. "Fine. I'll stop treating you like a pet. You're leaving when that monster gets back home anyway." "I'm sorry," h aid, approaching her and nudged her side, almost tickling her a bit. "I just thought you were gonna put something goofy on me. The last time I was a kitten, that did happen to me." "Just forget it," she said. "You obviously don't wanna be my pet. Go back to that monster. I'm sure she makes you happier than I do." "Come on," he whined, climbing onto her side. "I wanna be your pet. Though you have to tell me what not to do around your supposedly sadistic mother." "You have to behave like a normal kitten," she said. "That means no talking around her and enjoying the outfits I choose for you. You obviously can't do the second thing, so just leave me alone." "I will," he said. "I'm sorry. Just spray me with a hose or something if I act up again." "Fine," she said. "Go pick out something so I can put it on you." He ran over to the closet and pulled out a cute little jacket and put on some booties and then climbed back onto the bed and in front of her. "Are you sure that's not too goofy?" she asked. "I wouldn't want to disappoint my pet again." "No," he said, nuzzling against her softly. "I don't wanna upset my owner anymore." She sat up and put the jacket on him. "Tomorrow I'm choosing your outfit and I better not see any eye rolling," she said. "You won't," he said, licking her cheek cutely. "I promise." "Good," she nodded, petting him softly. "I'll give you a pillow to sleep on tonight, unless you prefer somewhere else." "I'm open to suggestions," he said. "I get sort of a bad vibe from your mom anyway. Is that nice stuff just an act from her?" "Sometimes," she nodded. "Sometimes she's actually nice though. You'd be safer being near me. Sleeping on a pillow is as close as I can think of." "Alright," he said, nodding. "Pillow it is then, Fuzzy," she smiled, petting him softly. He purred softly and nuzzled against her hand softly. "Is the pillow gonna be near you?" he asked. "It'll be right beside me," she nodded. "Anything else you want, Fuzzy?" He tilted his head a bit. "I could show you the pillow I got the last time I was a kitten," he said. "Sure," she nodded. "What kind of pillow did you have, Fuzzy?" He smiled and walked up to her and crawled into her shirt. "Here," he said, purring cutely. She blinked and picked him up. "You little perv," she growled. "Where do get off hopping into girl's shirts? You're just doing that to touch my boobs, aren't you?" "No," he said, shaking his head. "You said to show you." "I said show me your pillow," she growled. "Not show me how to be a perverted kitten." "That WAS my last pillow," he said. "What kind of pervert would let a kitten nap there?" she asked. "My girlfriend," he smiled, but then hopped off and laid on a pillow. "The monster?" she blinked. "Did she breast feed you too?" "Nope," he said, shaking his head. "Just let me sleep there. She said it was only because of me wearing special booties though." "Well, my boobs are off limits to a pet," she said. "If you forgot about that monster and dated me instead, then maybe I'd allow it." "You'd want me to date you?" he asked, blinking. "Wow, that's sudden. Normally I'd have to take a girl to dinner." He chuckled a bit, trying to be cute. "Cute," she said. "I need a mate before my heat starts again. If I don't find one, I'll use my powers recklessly and risk being caught by my parents." "I'd be willing to help with that," he nodded. "Not sure if your mom would be crazy about that idea though." "I don't think she'll mind too much," she said. "She knows I'm getting to that age. I've heard the talk and everything." "Alright," he nodded. "I meant yiffing feral kitty though." "I don't think a feral kitty will be enough for me," she said. "You didn't feel very big when I picked you up." He tilted his head. "Wanna turn me into a normal guy again and find out how big I am?" he asked. "I swear I won't run away. I'm kind of scared of your mom anyway, heh." "Fine," she said, returning him to normal. "We go my pace though. I'm not having you hurt me." "Touchy," he chuckled, removing his shirt, revealing his muscular body to her and then removed his pants and boxer shorts, revealing a hard to resist and huge hard on. "Wow," she blinked, gently putting her hand around it. "It's so huge. Can that thing even fit inside me?" "Mmhm," he nodded. "It's adjustable, heh. I'm not a normal guy, you know." "No, no," she said. "If that monster can handle it, so can I." She turned over as her clothes suddenly vanished, wriggling her bottom at him. "Do it, Fuzzy. I can take it." He blinked, raising a brow and then shrugged, climbing over her. "Tail hole or slit?" he asked. "Slit," she said. "And be gentle. I've never had a boyfriend before." "I can tell," he smiled. "You seem very beautiful from behind, heh. No male has ever ruined it. I hope I don't. And no, I'm not just trying to flirt." With that, he pressed his cock against her slit and then pushed in softly. She blinked and murred loudly, wincing just a little. "It's so big..." she murred. "But feels so good..." He smiled and began to thrust slowly. "Deeper..." she murred. "You haven't made me a woman yet, Fuzzy." He thrusted deeper, biting his lower lip. She yelped when he hit her hymen. "Do it, Fuzzy," she said, sounding a little scared now. "I want to be a woman." He nodded and thrusted a bit hard, then held her close when he felt it snap. She whined loudly, wincing when it snapped. "Becoming a woman sucks," she whined. "That hurt so much." he thought for a moment and then smiled, beginning to massage her breasts softly, knowing that calmed down Kathy. She acted very similar to her, so he thought it would work. She quickly started murring loudly again. "That feels so good," she murred, moving on him slowly now. He chuckled and kissed her cheek softly. "A beautiful girl deserves to be treated like a princess," he said softly. "Why aren't you moving then?" she pouted. "Princesses don't do all the work." "I am," he chuckled, having been thrusting slowly, but was speeding up now. "Oh," she moaned. "It feels good, Fuzzy. Faster." he began to thrust faster, playing with her breasts softly. She howled as she climaxed hard on him, countering him. He grunted, biting his lower lip as he held back his own climax. "What's wrong, Fuzzy?" she asked. "Don't hold back on my account." He began to thrust faster, chuckling a bit. "I meant the other thing," she moaned. "I'll use my magic to make sure I don't get pregnant." "Oh," he said, having already climaxed inside of her. "Sorry. You didn't say what was off limits." "I may even rethink the breast feeding my kitten too," she moaned. "Would the little kitten like some nice warm milk to eat from now on?" "The little kitten and big kitten would love that," he chuckled, continuing to play with her breasts softly. "You know all the right spots, Fuzzy," she moaned. "It's like you can read my mind." He smiled and climaxed again, always unleashing a big load into her body. "Do you mind if I ask one thing?" he asked. "As long as you don't stop," she moaned, climaxing hard again. "Would you mind telling me why you called my girlfriend a monster after we're done yiffing?" he asked, continuing to thrust. "Fine," she nodded. "But you must be little Fuzzy." "Deal," he said, rubbing her head softly. She murred happily, pulling off him. "Ready to go back then?" she asked. "Yeah," he nodded. "I think I hear footsteps, too." She nodded and turned him back into a kitten and placed him on her lap, petting him softly. "So why is she called a monster?" he asked, purring softly. "She just is," she said. "She did a lot of stuff with her powers." "Ah," he said. "Vague, but I'm not questioning it. Though don't you think it's weird that you have powers similar to her?" "So?" she asked. "I'm not out causing trouble like she was." "True," he said. "But I meant do you see no similarities between you and the 'monster'?" He nuzzled her softly and licked her cheek. "Sorry if I'm angering you." "I'm nothing like her," she humphed. "I see no similarities." "I didn't say in personality," he said. "To me, you sorta look like a younger version of her." "Do not," she humphed. "For one, I'm not as curvy as she was. She had a body that made all the guys drool, even if they were afraid of her. I never got more than a few looks." "You're kidding right?" he asked, placing his little head in between her breasts. "These are almost the same size as hers, you know. Hell, you made me that excited just lookin' at your bottom." He smiled and meowed cutely, knowing Kathy always laughed at that. "No, I'm not kidding," she sighed. "And you're different. You're forced to notice me. If you were just some guy on the street, you wouldn't even care." "Not true," he said. "If you lived in my world, lots of guys would notice you. If I wanted to ignore you, I would of. You caught my interest. Plus I like cute a little more than sexy in a girl." He smiled and nuzzled against her softly. "You're just saying that so I don't get rid of you," she sighed, placing him on a pillow and turning away. "You don't have to treat me like a little kid. I can handle the truth, even from a little kitten." "But I'm not lying," he whined, then curled up. "I'm sorry for being honest. I'll lie to you more often then." "You're not being honest, Fuzzy," she said. "You're only with me because I remind you of the monster. No boy wants me for just being me." "I am being honest," he sighed. "Fine, you're being honest," she said. "That doesn't mean you love me. I'm just a girl who resembles your girlfriend." "Well, you're pretty harsh to me," he said. "I've tried to like you, but you're making it impossible." "I can't trust anyone," she said. "Especially if they know my secret. If you can't handle that, then leave. Go back to that monster." "You can trust me," he sighed, rolling his eyes. "I'm not a normal guy, you know." He managed to get out of his little kitten form and got up. "I'm glad Kathy got away from her parents. Otherwise I would of never met her. For a while, my life was hell. I was treated like crap, forced to eat anyone that came into my house- I am a carnivore. Just not openly. Either I had to or my parents did." He sighed and got up, redressing. "Sorry for not relating to you with having to hide shit. I tried to hide this so called 'monster' from them. She's not a monster at all. I don't care what you or your parents say about her. And if ylour parents try to kill you or her, I'd stop them and gladly kill them myself for having such hate toward magical creatures." "Do whatever you like," she said, pulling the covers over herself. "I don't care anymore." "Typical teenager," he sighed, then blinked when he thought he heard the door open. Her mother walked in and blinked. "Who are you?" she growled. "And what are you doing to my daughter?" "A friend," he said. "And talking." "I didn't see you come in," she said. "You better not have raped my daughter. Diana, get up and let me check." Diana uncovered herself and laid back for her mother, obviously scared about more than just having sex. "I didn't do anything to your daughter," he said, shaking his head. Diana's mother ignored him as she forced her daughter's legs apart are started checking. "You did do something to her," she growled. "Diana, did you want this?" He raised a brow and looked at Diana. "Y-Yes," Diana said. "I-I wanted to be a w-woman." He now expected her mother to accuse her of lying And then accuse him of pressuring her into it. "You're trying to protect him, aren't you?" her mother asked. "He rape you, didn't he?" He rolled his eyes and sighed, wondering if Diana would lie now. "N-No," Diana said, trying to get away, but was held down by her mother. "Don't lie to me!" her mother growled. "Don't be like your sister! You remember the stories, right?" he blinked and suddenly grabbed her mother and pulled her away. "I hate to tell someone how to do their job, but you're doing a horrible job," he growled. "Scaring a kid shitless is not the way to do it though." "Let go of me!" she growled, pushing him away. "You raped my daughter! You're no different than that monster I kicked out years ago!" "No, I didn't," he growled, clenching his fists. "So you're Kathy's mother, huh?" He chuckled bit, although darkly. "Don't you dare say that name around here!" she growled. "That monster has nothing to do with us!" "It's not her you should be scared of though," he said, grabbing her collar and pulling her toward him. "Because with the way you treated her, you're lucky I don't kick your ass right now. And believe me, I'm more than capable. If the scared girl over there had the courage to stand up to you, then I bet she'd want to be with her sister, too. Living a better life." "Kathy's living a better life?" Diana asked. Her mother growled and raised a hand to slap her. "Don't say that monster's name!" she growled. "She's living a horrible life. One you'd never wanna be part of." He blinked and practically shoved her against the wall. "Don't you dare touch her again," he growled. "Or so help me I will kill you myself. She's Kathy's sister and I know a good soul when I see one. You're just trying to corrupt her with all you illicit thoughts!" "I didn't corrupt anyone!" she growled, trying to fight him off. "Those damn powers corrupt them!" "She's scared senseless of you," he growled. "The powers haven't corrupted her at all!" "I don't care about that monster anymore!" she growled. "I kicked her out long ago and she should be afraid of me!" "She isn't," she growled. "I'm talking about the other girl you seem to threaten if she turns into a so-called 'monster' herself." "Diana has powers too?" she blinked. "That's it. Get out, Diana. I won't have a monster living under my roof." Diana blinked and sniffed, getting up and packing a bag. "I never said that!" he growled, literally, smacking her against the wall. "You're letting her become homeless! What kind of mother are you!?" He was shouting now, his eyes looking like they turned a fiery color. "She's a monster!" her mother growled. "Monsters aren't welcome here! That goes for you too, Mister Rapist!" "Be careful what you say," he growled as his grip tightened. "I can literally be a monster, but Kathy and Diana aren't. I don't deserve Kathy myself, but at least they aren't heartless bitches that may end up being my meal." "Go ahead!" she growled. "Destroy the girl's mind! What do you think will happen if you eat her mother in front of her?" "I doubt she'd care," he growled. "You're kicking her out anyway. I could just wait until she leaves. I could strike at any moment. Nothing- and I mean nothing - will protect you from me." He showed his teeth at her, since they hard turned razor sharp. He didn't want to traumatize Diana though, so he wasn't sure if he should eat her or not right now. "Ooh, scary," she said. Diana sniffed as she packed her bag. "Let's go, Fuzzy," she said. He narrowed his eyes and licked his lips. "In a second, if you don't have a problem with me sealing your former mother's fate," he said, growling. "Fuzzy, now," she said. "Or do you want me wandering the streets alone?" He shoved her mother against the wall one last time before dropping her and then walked over to her. "No, I don't," he said. She nodded and walked out of the room, sniffing as she went outside. He followed her and sighed. "I'm sorry," he said, giving her a quick hug and then began to walk away. "I just ruined your life..." "Get back here," she said, grabbing his tail. "Either stay and protect me or leave me alone and let me live on the streets. What do you choose?" "I'll only stay if you WANT me to stay," he said. "Not HAVE to stay." "I don't really care either way," she said. "I'll get to see why my sister is so hateful to others if you leave. She was alone ever since she got kicked out. I guess that's normal for girls like us." She sighed and started walking away from him. He grabbed her hand. "I won't leave you," he said. "Your sister's fighting for my world right now and might never return. I will not lose another special girl." He hugged her close and picked her up. "I'll show you where she lives. You can stay there. And no, I won't put you down since you don't like listening to me." "Fine," she said. "But I'm breast feeding my little kitten when we get there. Say no and I run away right now." "You'd still do that to Fuzzy after he got you kicked out of your house?" he asked, raising a brow. he then blinked when he thought he felt her try to hug him, obviously confused. "You can stop me from becoming a monster," she said. "I don't want to become a monster." "You won't," he said. "Kathy isn't either. If she comes back, I'll tell her about you." "Okay," she nodded. "I still want you to be my little kitten. I can't magically make enough food for two people, so you have to live on my milk." "I can live with that," he said, rubbing her head softly. She murred softly, nuzzling his hand. "I bet the kitty can drink a lot of milk," she said as her breasts expanded to match Kathy's, filling with milk. "He can," he nodded, blinking as he stared at them for a moment. "If you were a kitten right now, you could do more than stare at them," she giggled. "I know my way to Kathy's." He smiled and put her down. "Fuzzy can be much more than a kitten, you know," he winked, purposely letting her hand touch his crotch, which had a large bulge in it. "Like what?" she blushed, quickly taking her hand away. "I'm not putting on a show in public just because you're hard." "I didn't mean right now," he chuckled. "Fuzzy could help you with a lot of problems you have since you're on your own now." He rubbed her head softly again. "Okay," she murred, nuzzling his hand. "Become my kitten, Fuzzy. I want to carry you." He nodded and became a cute little kitten, though not a baby kitten. "I wanna be able to defend you AND look cute," he chuckled. She giggled and picked him up, placing him in her shirt. "Protect me from there," she said, walking to Kathy's. "After I feed my kitten, I'll take care of his other problem." "Alright," he nodded. "You wanted a feral kitten, right? Not a baby kitten?" "Right," she nodded. "Good job, Fuzzy. I still get a little kitten to spoil... and embarrass with cute outfits." "Don't abuse that power over Fuzzy," he pouted. "Fine," she said. "I'll only put you in cute, but tough outfits." "That's all I ask," he chuckled, licking her cheek cutely. "But you have to wear cute outfits to bed," she said. "You can wear whatever you want during the day, but I get the choose what you wear at night." "Alright," he said. "But I'm not being a little kitten for the rest of my life." "Of course not," she said. "I still need a boy to help me through my heat. A kitten definitely can't help with that." "I meant I can still be a boy," he said. "And independent not-totally-depending-on-you boy. You never did ask me what I am though, heh." "Fine," she said. "You can still be normal. I just really wanted a pet kitten." "Too bad for the one hundred percent pet thing," he said, nuzzling against her softly. "If I wanted you to be a kitten all the time, I'd make it so you can't change on your own again," she said. "But that would make you hate me and you'd do things because I said so. I wouldn't like that, especially when I'm in heat. I've always dreamed of being raped when in heat... I even tried to get raped before, but no boy wants me." "One boy here does," he chuckled, smirking. "Plus you have no idea how great you look to others. Hell, I'm still hard from your watching your boobs bounce as you walk." "You're also a pervy little kitten," she smirked, then sighed. "And no boy wants me, especially if they found out I'm related to the monster." "That's what makes me cute, yet masculine," he smirked back. "I still want you." He licked her cheek softly. "Don't care about what others think and you'll make it a lot farther in this world, trust me." "But I still want a boyfriend," she whined. "And don't say you're my boyfriend either, Fuzzy. As soon as my sister comes back, you'll be nothing more than a friend." "If she comes back," he sighed, looking down. "She's facing a pretty powerful girl... another 'monster', if you will." "If the rumors are true, no one can beat her," she said, petting him softly. "There isn't a spell on this planet that she hasn't mastered." "I hope you're right," he said, purring softly. "Until she returns, I can't help but worry though." "That still leaves me with no boyfriend," she sighed, walking into Kathy's house. "I could always make a boy like me, but I hate controlling people. I like surprises." "I wish I could help," he whined. "I don't like seeing you sad, honestly." "Well, you can't," she said, plopping down on the couch. "No boy wants me, except you, but you're already taken." "Come on," he said, hopping out of her shirt. "What can I do to make you feel better, Diana?" "There's nothing you can do, Fuzzy," she said. "It's not like one can go out and find a boy that likes me." "I can try though," he smiled, returning to his normal size and held her close in a warm hug. "I'll be there for you since you ned a handsome fellow to protect you, heh. We don't want that pretty face getting messed up now, do we?" He tickled her a bit. "I can protect myself," she said, pushing him away. "And you'd just go back to my sister when she returns anyway." He blinked and sighed. "Fine," he said. "Push away a guy that actually cares about you. If that's your attitude, I don't want to be Fuzzy anymore." He got up and went into the kitchen to fix himself a snack. "Fine," she said, getting up and grabbing her bag. "I'll just live on my own, like Kathy did. I'll become even more powerful than she is too." She then walked out, slamming the door behind her. He sighed and shook his head, waiting a few moments before he came outside to see if she really left. She had, currently walking down the sidewalk. He raised a brow and then sighed and ran after her. "Diana!" he called out and then caught up to her. "Look, I'm sorry I was harsh, but you do have to get a better attitude. You grew up with a mother that scared you to death, which probably makes you unable to notice when someone wants to help you and help look after you. I'm not letting anything happen to you regardless of how you feel. Go ahead and try to turn me into something to get me to go away, but I won't give up because I can change right back to my original form. Do you want to know what I am? I'm a shape shifter. You know, those things that can transform into anything, this be able to protect anyone they want. And my diet consists of people, though only if they're horrible people like your mother. I'm sorry if you don't want my help, but I'm telling you you're getting it one way or another." He gulped a bit, hoping she wouldn't curse at him or put a curse on him like Joyce did. She ignore him and just walked past him, putting her hoodie over her head as the wind picked up. He growled and grabbed her arm. "Are you even listening to me!" he shouted, pulling her back, proving how strong he was. "If you're anything like your sister- and from the way you're acting, you are - then you need me to protect you!" "Let me go," she said, trying to walk away still. "I don't want to hurt you." "Hurt me?" he asked, chuckling. "You honestly think you can hurt me? Maybe Kathy could, but you're no where near that point." "I know enough," she said. "If you want to test me, then keep holding me." His grip tightened on her arm as he pulled her closer to him. "I'll break it if you don't listen to me," he growled in her ear. "Then do it," she said calmly. "Whatever it takes to make you let go." He just let her go, shoving her away. "Fine," he growled. "When Kathy comes back and I tell her you've been kicked out because of me and then refused to let me help you, then I'll be just as alone as well because I'm certain she'll hate me for it. Good bye." He began to walk back to the house, his hands in his pockets, sighing since he still worried Kathy wouldn't return. She yelped when she tripped and fell, but got up and continued walking, limping a bit because she twisted her ankle. He blinked and looked back and then ran back over to hr. "I'm sorry," he said, looking worried as he stopped her from working. "I-I didn't mean to push that hard. I was just trying to make a point. Come on, I don't think you should be walking anymore." "I'm fine," she said. "I'll heal it soon. You can stop worrying about me. You have someone else to worry about. Go worry about her." "I don't want to stop worrying," he said, picking her up. "I'm gonna worry no matter what." "Put me down," she sighed. "You don't want me around, so I'm leaving." "I'm not putting you down," he said, heading back inside and then placed her down in an unused bed in a second bedroom. "Now listen to me, Diana. You're a special girl, just like your sister. You have the same destiny as her- to master your abilities." He rubbed her head softly. "But you have to think of something positive." He kissed her cheek softly. "I may not be able to be your boyfriend, but that boy who can will come. Until then, focus on improving your powers and learn to live happily. I'll protect you until your powers are strong enough to the point where you don't need my protection anymore." He hugged her close. "I understand if you're still mad at me or got even more mad, but I don't care. I just want you well and happy. But I don't want you going into the world unprotected." "You're just doing this so Kathy doesn't get mad," she said, trying to get back up. "Let me go. I'll find a boy who actually wants me to protect me." He pushed her back down. "What do I have to do to convince you that I'm not doing this just so Kathy would get pleased by it?" he asked. "Let me go so I can find my own boyfriend," she said. "I don't want to take after my sister. It's bad enough as it is. I don't to take her boyfriend too." "Fine," he sighed. "I give up." He got up and left the room, purposely closing the door and then went to the couch and sat on it. She got up and went downstairs, leaving the house. He laid down on the couch, sighing. A young boy outside, groaning as he looked like he had been jumped by a bunch of hooligans walked by the front of the house, looking at his broken portable gaming console. "A whole summer's wroth of money gone," he mumbled, sighing. She tilted her head and walked up to the boy. "Can I see that please?" she asked. "Huh?" he asked, blinking, unaware of someone near him. The fact it was a girl made him gulp. "Yeah, s-sure." He handed it to her. She looked at it and turned away from him, returning it to brand new before handing it back to him. "Looks cool," she said, then continued down the sidewalk. He blinked and looked at her, then ran after her. "Hey!" he called. "How'd you fix it so fast? Or is this yours? If it's yours, I don't want it. I'd feel to guilty." "It's not mine," she said. "I just happen to be good at fixing things." "Oh," he said. "Well... Thank you." He smiled and held his hand out. "I'm Ian. Sorry that I look a little... well, badly dressed. I've got bully problems." "It's okay, Ian," she smiled sweetly, shaking his hand. "I kinda have the same problem." "Really?" he asked. "A girl like you has bullies? You look pretty tough to me though. I don't see why anyone would pick on you. I, on the other hand, would be considered like a nerd or something and by high school logic, nerds automatically get bullied." He sighed and put his game away in his jacket pocket. He was tall and he was cute. He also wore glasses, but not the stereotypical geeky kind. His hair was a little longer than the length the other 'geeks' at school and he wore what now looked like ripped up jeans. It was now evident with the bruises on his arms and even on his cheek he was also beaten up, literally. Though, for some reason, he sounded happy and polite. "You do look pretty beat up," she said. "Let me take you inside and get you bandaged up." She held his hand as she tried leading him into Kathy's. "O-Okay," he blinked blushing a bit as she took his hand. She smiled cutely and took him inside and up to her bedroom. "Sit here while I get the bandages," she said. He nodded and sat on the couch, looking around. She came back into the room with a first aid kit and sat beside, closing her legs tightly. "This will only take a minute," she said sweetly, though it was obvious she was hiding something. "Is something the matter?" he asked, looking at her. "N-No," she said, though her arousal started filling the room from her heat starting. She still started bandaging his wounds, healing him just a little. He blinked and got hard, biting his lower lip as he tried not to do anything he'd might regret. She started getting closer to him, quickly losing to her heat and just pounced on him. "Yiff me," she murred seductively in his ear, grinding his bulge hard. "Make me your bad little puppy." He blinked and groaned, purring a little happily as he grabbed her and flipped their positions and began to undress her as he unzipped himself, the scent taking over him. She was literally dripping as the scent only grew stronger once she was nude. "Do it, Ian," she growled lustfully. "Don't hold back. Be wild on your naughty little puppy." His cock sprung free, looking surprisingly large for a geek. He shoved it into Diana hard and began to thrust hard, groping her breasts roughly. "My puppy's been so naughty," he growled lustfully was well. "Oh yes," she moaned loudly. "She's been very naughty. You need to yiff that naughtiness right out of her." h growled lustfully as he thrusted and groped even harder, kissing her deeply on the lips. She moaned loudly, returning the kiss as she climaxed hard. He soon climaxed as well,, though continued thrusting pretty hard. "That's it, Ian," she moaned. "The naughtiness isn't gone until I pass out. Stop sooner and I'll just make you start again." He continued to thrust hard, growling seductively in her ear as he squeezed her breasts repeatedly. "Ian!" she moaned out. "T-This one's g-g-gonna be huge!" She then howled loudly as she climaxed harder than ever, passing out. He climaxed hard as well and then pulled out, zipping up and fell on the floor, passing out from exhaustion. The next morning, she woke up and blinked, yelping when she fell off the couch. "Oh no," she said, looking for her clothes. He blinked and groaned when she fell on him. "Ow," he whined. "Uh.. Hi to you, too. Do you mind not crushing me, please?" "Sorry," she said, getting up. "I'm so sorry for everything. Oh man. I acted like such a slut and forced you into it. I'm sorry, Ian. I didn't mean to." She was obviously worried as she quickly tried gathering her clothes and put them on, having trouble actually putting them on since she was nervous and shaking. "Why are you sorry?" he asked, getting up and then held her still for a second. "I didn't really mind it. I like helping people in any way possible." He rubbed her head softly. "You sure care a lot about my feelings though. You're the first girl to care that much that wasn't part of my family." He chuckled a bit. "B-But I forced you into it," she said. "You were so nice and I turn into a slut and force you to yiff me. I'm not normally like that. My heat took over. I'm sorry. You can leave and forget this ever happened. I'm so sorry, Ian." "I'm not mad," he said, giving her a soft hug. "I was vulnerable, too. I'm the one that should be apologizing. Don't worry about it. We'll probably never see each other again anyway. There's no way a girl like you could like a guy like me unless we meet during your heat again." he sighed and let go of the hug and headed toward the door. "I'll see ya later, hopefully. I'm not expecting to though." "Wait," she said as an invisible force seemed to stop him. "Y-You really like me? It's not just because of what happened or my scent making you say that?" "I really do," he said, blinking. "What the-? Um... By any chance is there something invisible here?" She sighed and snapped her fingers, suddenly being dressed. "Remember that monster, Ian?" she asked. "I'm her sister and just like her." She laid down and sighed, expecting him to run away now. "Um..." he said, blinking. "Cool. I always thought the 'monster' was just a person that everyone was scared of, which in turn made her more frightened of the 'normal', which is a relative term, people." "The monster has very powerful magic spells," she said. "Everyone hates her for it. I try to hide mine and be normal, but it never works." "You shouldn't hide it," he smiled. "I love magic. I kind of wish I could do it myself." "But I'll chase everyone away," she sighed. "I don't want to grow up alone and angry like my sister. You haven't even moved from that spot since I told you." "I think the invisible force thing is still holding me," he said, chuckling softly. She sighed and made it vanish, expecting him to leave still, turning away as she hugged a pillow. Instead, he went over to her and turned her back around and hugged her close. "What's wrong now?" he asked. "Come on, you can tell me. I recognize that facial expression. I had it when I transferred to school last year. I felt very alone." "No one likes me," she sighed. "I'm gonna end up alone and angry like my sister." "Then my name's No One," he smiled. "I like you." "Is it just because of what happened last night?" she asked, thinking he was staying with her out of guilt. "No, no," he said, rubbing her head softly. "You just seem like a very pretty cool girl to me. And hot, too, I won't lie." "Then prove it," she said. "Kiss me." He did just that. He made it a passionate and a deep kiss, too. She blinked and moaned softly, returning the kiss as she started glowing lightly, always having trouble controlling her powers when excited. He blinked and pulled back. "Um... Is that a good thing?" he asked, watching the glow. "Oops, sorry," she blushed. "Yeah, it's a very good thing as long as it's not a hurtful spell I lose control of." "Oh," he smiled. "Well, the glow makes you look even more beautiful, heh." "Maybe I'll just have to keep it then," she smiled, pressing her large breasts against him as she nuzzled him. "I'm not too big, am I? I can only poof up so much food and I was gonna use this to feed my sister's boyfriend after making him into a little kitten." "No," he chuckled, blushing as he got hard rather instantly. "I think that's nice. Where is he anyway? And where's your sister?" "My sister is away right now," she said, feeling his bulge. "I'll let you watch me feed him if you want to try repeating last night without my heat forcing us into it." "Um... Okay, but I don't think I can be that wild on my own," he said. "I think I can coax it out of you," she smiled. "Let me go find Fuzzy and feed him first. I'll even feed you if you like. I never run out or get smaller. I could always gets bigger though if you think I'm too small." "B-Bigger?" he asked, looking down at her breasts. "Bigger than THAT size? They're already at a size girls pay millions for in plastic surgery. Not to insult you or anything." It was clear that his erection wanted to rip through his pants. "I'm just saying," she murred, grinding his bulge softly. "I can be as big as you like, Ian. I can change anything really. I'll be your dream girl. Just name it and I'll change it." "Y-You wouldn't mind me changing you?" he asked. "Nope," she said, shaking her head. "But if I become your dream girl, you have to stop being so shy. You have to be willing to pounce and yiff your dream girl without being changed yourself." "Okay," he nodded. "But give me some time over the second part, alright?" "Alright," she nodded. "Wanna make changes now or wait?" "I can do it now if you want," he shrugged. "Change away then," she murred, grinding his bulge again. "And I want you to use this later. I can be quite the tease and by then I'll be your dream girl, so I know I'll get you to do something." He smiled and nodded. "Well..." he said, thinking, though he didn't say anything after a minute or so passed. He was also blushing a bit. "I should've guessed," she giggled, putting her hand on his head. Suddenly, her breasts grew to an solid E cup, she also grew a nice bubble butt, gained a lot of the same knowledge he had, and lost her fear of using her powers more often. She also gave herself a sexier voice and would always be light since she liked to be carried. "I feel sexy now. How do I look, Ian?" He blinked when he looked at her, seeing her also suddenly wear the same exact glasses he did. His cock almost exploded from his jeans. He then looked down and unzipped himself and blinked at his size since it seemed like her had gotten bigger and much harder than before. "Y-You look... like a hot... nerd..." he said, obviously strained. "Isn't that what you wanted?" she murred seductively, pushing her breasts against him as she sat on his lap, still naked. "If you aren't gonna use that big pole, then at least give me a kiss so I know you like it." He gulped and kissed her deeply, pressing his big 'pole' against her, having it slip inside of her slit. She murred loudly, returning the kiss as she started moving on him slowly. He groaned and held her close, playing with her tongue a bit. She played with his tongue as well, still moving slowly. She wanted to force him to ravage her when he was ready. He growled softly, pushing her onto her back and began to thrust in and out of her at a decent speed. She smiled and licked his cheek. "I knew you could take charge," she murred, adjusting her glasses. "Now, you just need to unleash your wild side and it'll be last night all over again." He chuckled and kissed her deeply. "You look incredibly hot as a nerd, you know," he whispered in her ear. "Now if I could be a handsome nerd..." He chuckled softly, thrusting hard and fast now. "You're handsome to me," she pouted cutely, moaning loudly. He chuckled, licking her cheek in a cute manner. "Thanks," he said. "Though you were hot before I made changes. Now you're a smart, sexy nerd, I bet." He nuzzled her softly. "I know everything you do," she smiled, adjusting her glasses again. "Just like you wanted. I'm your dream girl in every way, even the cute way of adjusting my glasses." "Yeah, you are," he chuckled, kissing her deeply as he climaxed hard. "I kind of wish I could of been your dream guy though. Unless a guy that's sweet, smart, and cute is your dream guy, heh." "All that and the ability to carry me," she giggled, climaxing hard as well. "If you can lift me up, then you are my dream guy. Looks aren't important, but you do rate pretty high still." "I feel shallow now," he said, purposely pouting to look even cuter. "No, no," she said, kissing him softly. "You better be able to protect me though. If you want me to be this hot, then you better be able to make others know I'm yours. You can start with a beauty mark, hehe." "Beauty mark, huh?" he asked, chuckling softly as he nipped her neck. "So far you're making a very, very happy guy." He licked her cheek cutely and then nipped her neck a little harder, leaving a mark on it. "That's the point, handsome," she giggled. "I also made sure I knew all the cute things you want your dream girl to do. I noticed licking your cheek like a puppy was high on the list." He blinked, his tail starting to swish rapidly when he heard that. She giggled and licked his cheek. "I'd do more, but we're kinda busy right now," she smiled. "Mmhm," he said, kissing her deeply, climaxing again. "Did you do something to my cock? Heh. I kind of like it." "I did make you a little bigger and more taken to my teasing," she nodded. "I wanted to make you enjoy being wild with me without actually changing what's up here." She rubbed his head softly. He smiled, purring very cutely. A lot of things about him were cute, especially the purring. "Thanks," he chuckled. "I don't mind it at all. You let me change you, so you can change whatever you want about me, even if it's only slightly changed." "I changed all I wanted," she smiled. "I want you to change up here though. Be more confident, Ian. A confident Ian will get a wild Diana." She smirked and placed his head between her breasts, knowing he wanted this big to use as pillows sometimes. He chuckled and nuzzled her breasts softly. "I think you still have to use magic for that," he joke, licking her breasts softly as he thrusted harder. "Not that kinda magic," she smirked. "I'll use the magic every woman has... a sexy body and the knowledge to drive their boyfriend mad with lust." He chuckled and nodded, continuing to thrust hard. She climaxed hard, squeezing her breasts around his head, but made sure her could still breathe. "I love these pillows," she giggled. "I can smother my boyfriend now." "Does that mean I can nap here when I want?" he chuckled, his voice sounding a bit muffled. "Yes," she nodded. "You just have to promise to drink some milk too. Which reminds me, I still need to feed Fuzzy before we go to sleep." "Alright," he nodded. "Is he like your guardian?" He then blinked, going wide-eyed. "You're allowing me to sleep over?" "Of course," she giggled. "And yeah, he's kinda like my guardian." "Wow," he smiled. "I've never been asked to sleep over even at a friend's house." He licked her cheek cutely. "I think we should finish up here," she smiled, licking his cheek back. "I have two kitties to feed before bed." He nodded, climaxing hard again and then pulled out. "Alright, done," he chuckled, sitting up now. "I'll go find Fuzzy," she nodded, getting up and leaving the room. "Fuzzy! Time to eat!" Ian smiled and nodded, being redressed now. Justin was taking a nap in Kathy's bedroom so he didn't hear her. She found him and smiled, leaving a note to tell him she was back and to find her when he got hungry, then returned to her room. "I guess I only have to feed one kitty," she said, pouncing on Ian. "My milk jugs are so big and full, Ian. How about you help out with that a little?" "Sure," Ian chuckled. "Shouldn't we go to your bedroom first if it leads to something else?" "We're in my bedroom, silly," she giggled, rolling off him and hugging him to her breasts. "Now, drink up. I saw you dreaming of this too. And it is as tasty as you imagined." "I bet this relationship will be one-hundred percent honesty," he chuckled, latching onto a nipple and began to drink her milk. She moaned softly, hugging him to her breast. "That feels so good, Ian," she murred, rubbing his head. "Drink all you want. This little doggy will never run dry." He continued to drink the milk, a bulge steadily rising underneath his pants. She noticed and smiled, squeezing it softly. "And you can use this whenever you like," she said. "But I want wild Ian this time. I'm sure if you keep drinking, he'll show up sooner or later." He chuckled, continuing to drink. After a good while, he was undressed again and pounding her slit very hard, holding her down while he continued to drink her milk. She hugged him to her breast, moaning loudly. "Now, this is what I wanted, Ian," she moaned. "Remember this for next time. I don't care if you need my milk or not." He nodded, continuing to pound into her hard, lifting his face up and kissed her deeply as he climaxed much harder than before. She moaned loudly, returning the kiss as she climaxed hard as well. "I'm gonna make you pass out again," he whispered in her ear and kissed her neck tenderly as he continued to thrust hard. "I'm gonna love it then," she moaned. "And you may use your big pillows when I do." He smiled and climaxed hard again, latching onto her nipple yet again and began to drink more milk as he used his hand to play with the other breast. She howled out loudly, climaxing as hard as last night and passed out, hugging him close as she murred happily. He climaxed a few minutes later then nuzzled her breasts softly, falling asleep on top of them. The next morning, she woke up to someone drinking her milk, murring happily. "Fuzzy?" she asked, feeling Ian lying beside her still. Justin smiled and pulled back, climbing onto her breasts and licked her cheek cutely. "Why'd you come back?" he asked. "I thought you hated me." "I found what I was looking for," she smiled, placing him back by her nipple. "Go ahead and drink up. I'm big enough to be your bed and that's only one boob, hehe." "So you're not gonna run away again?" he asked, licking her nipple cutely. "Nope," she moaned softly. "And don't tease me. Ian's not up to help yet." "I'm not," he chuckled and then began to drink milk again. She murred happily, petting him softly. "If you want to sleep there, don't be afraid to ask, Fuzzy," she said. "Ian already uses them as pillows. You can use them as a bed, but only as a kitten." He nodded and pulled off. "Is Ian your boyfriend?" he asked. "I did notice you wearing glasses now and that's made me awfully suspicious, heh." "I'm his dream girl in every way now," she nodded. "The only thing not change is my personality. Apparently, he likes girls with a little spunk." "That's good," he chuckled. "What about sweet? You seemed sweet to me. And Fuzzy would like a head rub, please." "Is little Fuzzy's belly full already?" she asked, rubbing his head softly. "He stopped drinking." "Mostly," he said, purring cutely. "Was it good milk?" she asked. "And did Fuzzy pick out his outfit for today?" "It was," he nodded. "And I wanna meet Ian first as your guardian, then Fuzzy, if that's okay. I'm supposed to do that anyway, heh." "Alright," she said. "But no prevy kitty stuff when you're normal." "Aww," he pouted cutely. "I wanted to be a fun guardian, not a boring one." "Fine, but only with Ian's permission," she said. "Otherwise, hand's and everything else off. I'm properly his mate." She showed him her marking. "I see," he nodded. "I never said I was gonna do it all the time, heh." He licked her cheek softly. "Besides, we're like family and I wanna make sure you're safe so your sister can see you again." "We could always go see her now," she said. "But I want to carry kitty Fuzzy if we do." "Alright, deal," he nodded. "Go pick out an outfit and I'll try getting Ian up," she said. He nodded and hopped of, returning to normal size and went to his room. She nuzzled Ian softly. "Sweetie, time to get up," she said sweetly. "We need to leave." "Huh?" Ian grumbled, rubbing his eyes. "Leave? Already?" "We're gonna go visit my sister," she said. "If you rather sleep, I'll make you into a feral kitten and let you sleep in my shirt." "You wouldn't mind that, would you?" he asked, yawning cutely. "Not at all," she smiled. "Just go back to sleep then. I promise to take good care of you." "Alright," he smiled, kissing her deeply and then yawned and went back to sleep. She dressed herself and turned him into a feral kitten, then placed him in her shirt. "Nice and cozy, I hope," she giggled, getting to look for Justin. Justin was dressed and coming out of his room, wearing a dark leather jacket, some jeans, and some sneakers. He smiled at Diana and then looked around for Ian. "Where'd the boyfriend go?" he asked. "He took your spot," she giggled, showing him Ian. "He's really very cute like this. I'll have to see if he'll let me keep like this for a little bit." "So I can go with ya as normal me then?" he asked, chuckling and rubbed her head softly. "I guess," she murred, nuzzling his hand. "Unless you wanna be pervy kitty again." "Nah," he said. "I'd rather be able to greet Kathy as is." "Alright," she nodded. "I'll need her spell book and need to know where she opened a portal last." He nodded and picked her up, carrying her to Kathy's room. "You'd know what it'd look like," he chuckled. She nodded and found within a few minutes. "Now, where's the last place she opened one?" she asked. He shrugged and leaned against the wall. "Well, where did you come in at?" she asked. "I can't do all the work, Fuzzy. You need to help too." "I came in after she somehow traveled to my realm," he said. "Wait, that could be a portal spell..." "I can find the spell in the book," she said. "But I'm not strong enough to use it on my own. I need to know where she used it, so I can use some of her leftover magic." "How would I know that?" he asked. "Would she have a room where she practices magic in?" "Maybe," she said. "When she brought you here, where did you walk in? Was it inside or outside?" "Um..." he said, thinking. "I think it was inside." "Show me," she nodded. Meanwhile, Kathy was panting heavily, having a long and hard battle with Joyce. "You're good," Joyce panted, smirking. "Though you're in way over your head." She made a giant ball of electricity and threw it toward her. Luckily, it was a bit slow and gave her plenty of time to cast a counter spell, which was just as powerful. She groaned, flying back into a tree from the explosion the two spells caused. "That's it!" she growled, her body lighting up. "I'm using ALL of my power this time!" "Fine," she said, her body doing the same. "We'll finish this right here with one last spell." She used all her powers and emitted a giant yellow beam that headed toward Kathy. She did the same, firing a blue beam. The beams hit and made a powerful explosion, blinking Joyce and sucking her into the middle of it. Kathy blinked and tried pulling away, but was sucked in as well. Just then, Diana finally got herself and Justin there. "I told you I could make it," she said, blinking when she saw the cloud of dust. "What's that?" A second explosion happened as well And smoke filled the entire area. About fifteen minutes later, something formed in the middle of no where, representing a circular shape. |
Lerome is just your average man at the club with his friends to have a good time. It was about an hour until the 22 year old college athlete until he met a woman around the same age as him. Her name is Lizzie and she has a curvy body with a dress that was hugging her round butt and her good size boobs in all the right places. They talked, flirted a bit, and then spend the rest of the time dancing with each other. Once they were finished, at the club, Lerome, Lizzie, and Lerome's friends and dates got something to eat at a local diner and everyone parted their own ways. Lerome and Lizzie went to Lizzie's apartment which was the closest to the diner and didn't waste any time with getting it on. Once they got through the front door, Lerome and Lizzie didn't waste time in taking their clothes off. They were locked in a romantic kiss while making their way to Lizzie's bed still kissing each other on the way down. The next 30 minutes was made up of uninterrupted love making by this point until they both reached their climax and both just laid in the bed exhausted. Both Lerome and Lizzie were laying on the bed exhausted. Lerome was the one that got up and about to put on his pants to leave until he turned back to see Lizzie lying flat in bed unconsciously playing with her moist womanhood while sleeping. Lerome looked at her with horny intents and thought to himself, “Might as well help myself to dessert before I get out of here”. He dropped his clothes and leaned closers towards the edge of the bed, opened her leg wider, and started to lick Lizzie’s womanhood like a little boy licking ice cream. Though still knocked out, Lizzie was still moving around and moaning pretty softly, thinking that it was all just a dream. Her moans got louder the more aggressive Lerome became, having Lizzie biting her bottom lips and clutching her covers in her hands. After about five minutes, Lizzie was about to climax and explode her load until trouble arose for Lerome. Lerome can feel Lizzie's vagina tighten up, but it also felt like he was being sucked into it. Without any time to react, he was quickly sucked into Lizzie's womanhood with Lizzie still fast asleep not even knowing. Lerome was sitting in total darkness once his body was fully inside and was very confused of what just happened. One minute he was giving Lizzie the best time of his life, and then sucked in complete darkness in a spacious, moist, and squishy place. What made it worst was that now he was hearing a female voice inside as well in the distance. “Hello...is anybody there”, the mysterious voice said Lerome is now more scared of where he is. “Yes, but I can't see a damn thing around here” “Hold on, I have a light” The mysterious voice turned on a light and Lerome can see a wall of flesh around him. What's also unfortunate is that in front of him there was a naked woman right in front of him. Her look compares to Lizzie's plus her dark caramel skin and her short dreadlocks. “Oh shit”, Lerome said quickly covering his junk in front of the woman “Oh don't worry about covering yourself”, the woman said, “I've always seen sliding that thing in and out of here” “I'm so sorry...I didn't know you in here”, Lerome said embarrassed “Don’t worry about it, how the hell you were supposed to know”, the woman said, “My name’s Tiff by the way” “The name’s Lerome”, he responded shaking her hand, “So how long have you been in here?” “Ever since this morning”, Tiff responded, “Me and Lizzie had a thing last night, I decided to give a little ‘wake up call’ just like what you did, and somehow found myself in bouncy tunnel.” “Wow”, Lerome said surprised, “How the hell she didn’t notice you in here after this long?” “The fuck I know”, Tiff said, “This girl does not notice anything no matter how hard I tried” “Shit looks like I’m going to be in here for a while…” Lerome and Tiff talked for what seem a couple of hours. Turns out they have some things in common. They have favorite food, favorite TV programs, favorite sport team, etc. It was like two best friends talking to each other or a brother and sister bonding with each other after years of being apart. “So if it wasn’t for the fact that I like women, I would totally date you”, Tiff said, “We should hang out sometimes” “I would so like that, if we could find a way out of here first”, Lerome said looking around It was almost sunrise and Lizzie is just now starting to wake up, but something just felt weird for two reasons. For one, Lerome was nowhere to be seen just like with Tiff, and two, her womanhood was still making her horny. This has been messing with her all day yesterday and it doesn’t looks like it doesn’t seem to stop; in a matter of fact, it was getting worst. She took her two fingers and pleasured herself as she never pleasured herself before. Her walls were getting wetter and more juicer than ever before which also makes a good escape route for Lerome and Tiff. “Well it look like we found our way out of here”, Lerome said “You’re right, let’s start heading for the entrance”, Tiff responded With her legs spread out, Lizzie finally reached climax and came all over the bed. Tiff and Lerome oozed all over the bed covered in Lizzie’s juices. Lizzie looked where she orgasmed and can Tiff and Lerome wiping away there juices off their faces between her legs. “Oh my gosh that’s where you were”, Lizzie gasped, “I am so sorry, I didn’t know you two was in there” Lerome and Tiff first got their composure and then started to question Lizzie “Damn, how are you able to do this girl?” Tiff said “I don’t know how exactly. apparently, I have the ability to do this ever since my ‘first time’. Let’s just say the first guy wasn’t too pleased and I only realized two days later while taking a shower. My parents weren’t happy to find him either.” “I bet he wasn’t”, Lerome said, “Is there any to change back to normal size?” “Oh, you should be turning back to normal anytime now”, Lizzie responded Suddenly both Lerome and Tiff started to grow back to normal. Lizzie got out of bed so the two can had enough room to grow back normally. It didn’t take any time at all until the two was fully back to their size all sticky and smelly. “Thank goodness we are back to normal”, Lerome said “Yea, I could go for a shower right now”, Tiff responded “The shower is down the hall” Lerome and Tiff took their showers and left from Lizzie’s apartment. Lerome and Tiff went back to Jerome’s place to talk more and to hang out. This was a weird and awkward experience that they have been through, but at the very least they got the chance to meet each other. |
Agatha slammed the door behind her, sliding down in relief. Beside her sat two large purple suitcases, and before her an empty house. After a year in charge of mechanicsburg, she now had a few weeks of personal vacation, and a then few more with friends in tow. Getting up, she explored her summer home (which she didn't know she had, until now). It was safely tucked in the mountains behind mechanicsburg, with all the protection of her fortress, just less people nagging her. Hopefully a lot less at least, because anyone unauthorized that came up to the door would be gunned down by auto turrets. The house was quite open, before her was the living room and kitchen. Both were fully furnished, with a roaring fireplace to the side and a full wall of window peering out into the snowy peaks. Above her was the second floor, which was open to the first and separated by a railing. A large staircase off to the side led up, and a large door downstairs led into the study. She dragged her luggage upstairs, where she found her special requested ‘bedroom.’ It contained one huge, semi-circular velvet bed in the middle, with two smaller queens on either side. It had a large dresser in the corner and night stands scattered about with another panoramic window facing the mountains. The large bathroom was available through a door and was complete with hot tub, sauna, and walk in shower. Agatha simply unloaded her first bag, which was full of clothes, and set the other by the bed. For so long she had been cooped up in the city, with standards of fashion requiring huge bulking dresses. Now that she was alone she immediately stripped nude, relaxing at the freedom on her skin. Her long, blonde hair draped down almost to her butt, yet it still had its signature style of flow. Her butt itself was finally free of its constraining northern-European clothing, and was able to display its true nature. It was large, round, and soft, and slightly bounced with each step she took. Her thick thighs pressed together, and her thin waist and flat stomach led to broad shoulders and massive breasts, completing her hourglass figure. Her huge breasts remarkably held their round shape, defying gravity as the bounced and jiggled freely She went to the fully stocked kitchen, grabbed a large leg of ham, and made her way to the adjoining study. It was large, filled with interesting stories and fascinating facts. She grabbed a few books at random and laid back in a chair. Slowly she read, taking large bites from the ham. She had always secretly enjoyed eating, though her body never showed it. Something about the swallowing always made her feel warm inside (in more ways than one). As she ate her flat stomach began to bulge out to accommodate the large meal, in the end looking like that of an early pregnant woman's bulge. Greedily gulping down the last of her dinner, she finished a book and returned upstairs. Laying down on the warm bed, she rubbed her gurgling tummy and went to sleep. Over the night, she had an interesting dream. Tarvek and Gil where there, gently massaging her. Slowly her belly began to grow, and her arousal went through the roof in the way only dreams can do. Her whole body felt amazing, her belly was tingling with pleasure, and she felt something slip between her legs. Suddenly she woke up with a gasp, one hand between her thick thighs, the other in-between her butt checks. She might have been embarrassed by this, if what she was about to do next wasn’t even more so. Her horrniness at full strength, she made her way to the second piece of luggage. Unzipping it, she found a metal box that required 4 different combinations and codes to unlock. After passing her security measures, she got to the prize. Carefully she lifted out of the bag a large, full, hamster cage. It was about four foot by four foot, and had a small opening at the top. Setting it down on the bedside table, she looked at it in depth. Inside were easily a few hundred tiny women, all perfectly still and perfectly nude. Before her sat the Valkyries of Rodentia, one of the hundred or so groups that had tried to siege the castle during her rule. The constructs managed to infiltrate many of the castles systems due to their ability to shrink down to the size of a rat. Luckily, Agatha had found a way to force them to stay shrunken, meaning they couldn't do any real damage until they were flushed out and caught. Afterwards, Agatha had the captives sent to her for ‘personal interrogation’, and quietly put them in a stasis field, waiting for a time to use them. Now was that time, and she turned a dial at the bottom. Suddenly the cage jumped to life. The tiny people began to move around fighting to get out, or get to the top, or get something. Agatha opened the lid and reached in, grabbing one before shutting it. Slowly she raised the girl to her face. She was around six inches tall, and looked perfectly human except for the long tail and mouse-like chittering. She was quite curvy, but not as much as Agatha. The young queen Laid down on her side, facing the cage. Slowly she turned her head up, opened her mouth, and lowered the struggling woman in headfirst. The woman's head took up much of her mouth. Agatha sucked in, bring the woman's breasts and shoulders past her lips. She tasted fantastic, and Agatha played around with her on her tongue for a bit. Eventually she decided to swallow, taking a huge gulp while pressing her down. The woman's head disappearing down her gullet, followed by the rest of her. The remainder of the woman's body slid past Agatha’s lips, and the massive bulge made its way down her neck. Agatha had never felt anything like it, with the woman struggling inside her. She had never swallowed anything close to this woman's size before, but it felt natural all the while. Agatha had honestly expected it to hurt; however all that she could feel was pleasure. Slowly she traced the wiggling bulge down her neck, where it disappeared past her collarbone and then behind her round breasts. Shortly after, Agatha could feel the struggling mass enter her stomach, where her prey struggled viciously. Feeling at her stomach, Agatha could feel the faint bulges of punches and kicks through the skin. Looking up, she saw the cages occupants staring at her in terror, right before she went in to grab another. Once again, she stuffed the struggling construct down her throat, where it joined its friend in a fleshy prison. She grabbed another, bringing the constructs butt up to her lips. She licked the woman’s soft ass and tail, right before sucking in as she stretched her lips wide. The woman folded in half, and began her journey down. The thicker bulge felt even better than before, and the group in her stomach now caused it to bulge out slightly. Once again she reached in, this time grabbing two at once. Lining them up, she stretched her jaw impossibly wide, slowly stuffing the two in. The girl's legs and butts remained flailing outside her lips. Agatha flipped her head back, using a finger and a powerful gulp to push the two down. Slowly they passed down her throat, and the bulge was almost visible between her cleavage as they went. She could feel it as the two were shoved into her full stomach, forcing it to begin to stretch past its normal size. Taking another, she swallowed hungrily, and before the woman was even fully down Agatha grabbed another. Going at it with both hands, Agatha stuffed her face with a dozen before she slowed down. She was absorbed in a trance of pleasure like she had never felt before As the urge of the moment passed and the last terrified face vanished past her lips, she looked down. Normally she could never really see her stomach past her massive breasts, but now it bulged out enough for her to look at it. Agatha’s belly had easily an extra six inches of padding on it. Through her tight skin, Agatha could see the clear outlines of the prey moving within, constantly turning over and fighting for space in its gurgling depths. After only a moment's pause to feel her belly, Agatha once again felt the hunger, the need for more. She reached in with both hands, grabbing a ball of four struggling women. Stretching her mouth to what she thought was her limit, she stuffed in the tangled mass of butts, legs, and arms. She gave a massive gulp, and the huge bulge passed down her throat. The pleasure of them struggling was unbelievable, and Agatha groped both of her breasts as it passed into her stomach. She soon grabbed another handful, swallowing it down. Then another larger group of five, during which she sent a hand down to her nether regions out of sheer pleasure, amplifying the struggling in her stomach even more. Her stomach bulged out, but still hungered for more. She got off the bed, and kneeled down next to the bedside table. Her stomachs’ occupants shifted as she moved, making her even hornier. She turned the still plenty full cage towards her and opened her mouth. Slowly she tipped it down to her, pressing her mouth up to the opening. The unfortunate women inside the cage who had nothing to hold onto fell in, slowly slipping into the wet maw. Her throat bulged out as she gulped down a stream of struggling soldiers, sometimes two or three at a time. Agatha lost track of how many she had eaten, her stomach bulge doubled in 30 seconds, and her free hand once again went to her breasts. After a few minutes of steady gulping, the flow stopped, as anyone else in the cage had found a way to anchor themselves. Smiling, she shook the cage and let the last person fall straight down her gullet before she sat it upright. Climbing back on the bed, she rubbed her bulging stomach. The cage was now half empty, and her stomach therefore half full. Her belly was the size of a woman carrying triplets, but didn't look it. The defined bulges of tiny people could be seen through the skin, facing every which way, and constantly moving. Breasts, butts, faces, feet, hands, and silhouettes all shone clearly through her stomach. She had fun giggling and poking at them for a moment. Eventually she turned her attention back to the cage. Leaning over it, she scooped a double handful of constructs directly into her mouth, bulging her cheeks before she swallowed and they disappeared down to her stomach. She was immensely satisfied on how they wiggled down her throat. Looking through the remaining pile for her next course, she realized most of the constructs were the exact same. None except for one caught her eye. She was poking her head out from the others, and instead of a look of terror on her face; she had a look of lust. Agatha watched closely as the construct grabbed one of the stray feet lying around and brought it to her mouth. Slowly the woman pulled herself after her new prey, her mouth widening as she passed her prey’s legs and reached her butt. The unfortunate construct she was swallowing turned around and made a high pitch scream. All of the others around them, including the ones that they were sitting on, suddenly made a panicked attempt to get away from her, moving towards the edges. The little woman kept going, grabbing her preys shoulders and stuffing her down her throat. Slowly the woman's head disappeared past her little mouth, the bulge of the woman's face passed her breasts and into her stomach. All that remained was a single hand which the hungry mouse quickly swallowed. The little thing laid on the wire floor, patting her struggling tummy, swishing her tail. Agatha was amazed by this spectacle, and reached in to pull her out. Raising the busty mouse and struggling belly out, she stared into her eyes. Where she expected to see terror, she saw only lust. Agatha opened her mouth, and the constructs eyes twinkled she lowered the jiggling belly and happy pred into her mouth. Agatha played around with her tongue, her mouth bulging from the full construct. She tasted amazing, and just when Agatha was about to swallow, a wave of horrniness hit her. Reaching in, she pulled out the now wet, nude, and full lady. Slowly, she turned around on her bed, getting down on all fours. Her own struggling belly’s occupants protested, and both her breasts and her belly now swung below her. Taking the stuffed construct, she reached around to her own butt. Spreading her cheeks Agatha let out a small moan as she felt the woman pressed up against her anus. Slowly she pushed her in, and the horny prey slipped inside. Agatha grabbed one of her breasts as the constructs full belly began to spread her butt wider than it had ever gone. Giving one last push, Agatha felt the preys struggling belly slide past her butt, sealing tightly once again. Only the constructs legs remained outside, which is where Agatha left them until the construct herself pulled them in. Agatha could feel the mouse crawling deeper and deeper into her soft insides. Eventually the movement stopped as the construct nestled up against Agatha's warm, wet, and soft walls. The feeling however remained, and added an extra layer of pleasure onto everything she was already feeling. Agatha once again returned to eating, the hunger was back. The cage now much emptier, she picked up the whole thing. Agatha brought it to her mouth and shook the cage until the constructs inside started falling to her. The stream flowed like water down her throat, piling nude bodies into her packed stomach. Agatha gulped for a minute straight, her stomach growing to a preposterous size. The cage was almost empty now, only about 30 out of the 300 constructs remained behind steel instead of behind flesh. Those that were left were wrapped around the mesh, holding on so they don’t fall into the wet sinkhole. Agatha set the cage down and rubbed her belly, it was now more 4 feet in diameter. It was so large that it was clearly visible from behind, and the outlines of her prey still were framed into her flesh. She grabbed two more at random, prying them from their safety. Pulling them up to her face, she realized that these two were abnormally busty. One of their breasts almost beat Agatha herself. Looking down, she realized how small her breasts now seemed compared to her belly, and a new feeling of lust overtook her. She took the two struggling girls and rested their faces up to her nipples. Slowly she pressed, and at first her breasts just squashed inwards. After a second or two, Agatha bit her lip from the pleasure of their heads popping inside her nipples. She could feel them moving, and slowly pushed their bodies in too. Moaning, she stroked the rims as they traveled deeper. The two girls breasts disappeared into her own, soon followed by their large butts. Slowly their legs and feet were sucked in, and her nipples closed again. The feel was exotic, like nothing she had ever felt. The two girls thrashed around, and Agatha could even see her breasts jiggle. Agatha then decided to finish what she started. Slowly she pried off and swallowed every girl in the cage. They all struggled on the way down, but only ended up making the journey more pleasurable for Agatha. Eventually only one was left, hugging onto a corner. Agatha pulled her off, and look her down. This one was larger than most others, both in size and characteristics. She had long hair, big bust, and a round butt. Agatha gave her a lick across the breasts and face and then once again shifted to all fours, able to rest on top of her belly. Spreading her cheeks, she slipped the girl into her moist pussy. Slowly she stroked her in and out, rubbing her belly and breasts. Her large belly now bulged out from under her so much that it rested on the bed. The movement from outside must have startled the constructs, because everyone picked up the pace on struggling. Her belly became livid with movement, the two in her breasts punched and kicked, even the one in her ass even started to massage the queen. After only a minute the Heterodyne finally climaxed. Flopping over on her side, she slid the unfortunate one she had used as a dildo to her lips fully. The construct continued to struggle inside her. Agatha let out a small burp, rubbed her tummy for a while, and fell asleep on the spot. When Agatha awoke again, she was staring at a sunrise. She must have slept for at least 20 hours, surely her stomach had shrunk a bi-- HOLY COW. Agatha’s belly had somehow grown, like, really grown. It was now over 20 feet in diameter, and Agatha could clearly see the shapes of full size people moving inside it. Not only that, but her breasts were huge. Each with the outline of a crouched person visible through them, slowly fighting at the constraining prison. Agatha was definitely not going anywhere soon. Luckily, she had two weeks to digest until… until Tarvek and Gil showed up. Agatha had done the calculations, she should have easily been able to digest the relatively small meal in time, but this was a different story. Something must have made the shrinking reverse. And she had no way of stopping Tarvek and Gil from coming, she couldn't even bar the door closed! So she did the only thing she could do, nothing. Well, she could do anything within 4 feet of her, like herself… The next 13 days was really just a lot of masturbation. Slowly her stomach's contents digested, by the third day all humanoid bulges were gone. Everyone inside her had turned to a soup of mush and bones, some of which were still visible through the bottom of her stomach. Eventually her breasts actually grew more from their already enlarged size (now almost 5 feet wide), and her butt grew to a preposterous thickness. As padding was added, somehow she began even more sensitive to pleasure. Slowly her belly shrank too, in those 13 days it went from 20 feet to about eight. It rounded out nicely, and Agatha could only feel the occasional skull bouncing around inside. Agatha was actually able to move around slowly on the last dew days. Her belly sloshed, gurgled, glorped, and it felt like a water balloon to the touch. On the last day she was capable of squeezing her way into the bathroom, which luckily had a large walk in shower. Her breasts we still swollen round, and felt like they were going to burst. The only thing she could guess as a reason why was that the women inside had somehow been converted to milk. Using what parts were lying around in the bathroom, she managed to create a pump set up. After having days with it inside of her, it felt amazing to let the milk out. After almost a full day of pumping her breasts were finally emptied. Her breasts, in their new state, were still massive. Each one was slightly larger than her head, yet still somehow remained round. She was also able to make some clothes fit her, a pair of stretchy brown yoga pants and a tan belly shirt with some homemade improvements. She had no underwear, so her butt was visible through the stretched fabric and her hard nipples could be seen poking through the shit. All she could do was wait now, so she stood in front of the bed, her still eight-foot belly in front of her. She tried to stay out of view of the front door. Finally a knock on the front door came, and she let out a flirty “Come in.” Part two is coming soon! It’s going to be mainly about the sex, digestion, and a little bit of F/M willing vore that follows. Please let me know what you think of this one below! |
“Sweetling. Dearheart. Lovey, come on. I need you awake for this.” The raccoon groans at the feeling of a soft hand gently patting her cheek, tries to respond, and then gags on whatever apparatus has been inserted into her mouth. She tries to roll over, tries to shake her head wildly to dislodge it, and finds that not only have her limbs been strapped down, but whatever it is has also been buckled or tied to her, tight enough that she can't do more than wheeze and clench her palate and tongue around it. She's able to suck in this swallows of air through a large hole in the middle of it. “Muh-uhh?” she warbles, panicked. A pretty little piebald deer titters from the side of the bed, absently twirling a blond lock of hair around dainty white fingers. “Glad you've rejoined the living, sweet thing. I'm surprised you managed to tug on those ropes that hard—I filled you with enough muscle relaxers to down an elephant.” “Mmh-mmph!!” “Oh, oh, I'm sorry. You're probably so confused. Let me give you the short version. I'm Maya, and I'm something of a... wishmaster. A djinn, if you want to try and slap a label on it. I'm here to grant the wish you made last night.” “Mmmrph?” “You'll see, you'll see... Tilly, right? I apologize for the muzzle. I've tried this before without it, and it just tends to get kind of messy. Now. Enlighten me a little bit, because I have to know... did that handsome little ferret you're dating know what you've been doing?” Tilly does her best to squirm, but trying to get free is a futile effort. After a few moments' struggling, she can only slump down on the mattress and make a distressed, questioning sound. “Oh, I just meant the sleeping around. And the holes in the condoms. Aaaand going off your pills. You must really, really want to start that family with him—or is it just with his trust fund?” “Mh-mmph-mm!!” “Sweetling, I know all about it already. Don't worry. You're not the first and I'm not even judging you, I swear. I was mortal once too, you know. I completely get the whole 'money makes the world go round' thing. I like pretty jewelry and nice clothes too, and I totally, totally get that it's got to be hard for people who can't just magic them out of thin air. You could've been a little smarter picking your side partners though, lovey. If you'd actually gotten pregnant and popped out a foal instead of a kit I think he might have gotten wise.” The raccoon only lets out a sob. Tears flow down her cheeks, dampening her fur all the way to the corners of her jaw—already aching from being held open—and her eyes roll desperately around the room as though she'll escape by sight alone. There's no respite for her in the dingy motel room, though—just hideous, beige-patterned wallpaper and yellowed ceiling tile. She can hear Maya moving around the room, but can't bring herself to look, only tug weakly at the ropes binding her to all four bedposts and pray she's just having a nightmare. It's only now, when her horror can't deepen any further, that she realizes she's been stripped naked on top of everything. She's bare and on display for the world, and with her legs tied open she can't even hope to salvage her dignity. “Now,” Maya muses, grunting with the exertion of lifting something that sounds like a wooden crate. A moment later Tilly is bounced as something heavy is dropped on the corner of the mattress. “The funny thing about wishes that no one seems to understand is that specifics matter. You're about to learn why, and so are these fine gentlemen here tonight.” Tilly clamps her eyes shut, afraid to look at whatever she's about to be shown. She hears the scrape of a jar lid, a lot of loud, strange squeaking, and an amused chuckle from her captor. “Come on, take a peek. I'd hate for you to be surprised when I do this.” Her shoulders quake with barely-restrained sobs. Timidly, she cracks open an eye and inhales sharply at the sight that greets her—Maya's hand hovers a foot from her face, and, clutched in her fingers, a tiny black and white shepherd male squirms and pounds his fists ineffectually against the digits around him. The raccoon whimpers. “It's rare that I get to kill two birds with one stone, here, but I couldn't pass this up, since your wish just lined up so well with his... and some other fellas like him. See, they all wanted to be 'inside' a girl. I get a lot of that during the summer, so I saved 'em up. And you, you wanted your belly to be 'full of life,' so I figured hey, you can help grant one another's wishes and save me some trouble!” She tries to shriek and can't, and finds her head held roughly in place by one of Maya's surprisingly strong hands. The other lowers the thrashing fur to the hole in her muzzle, and she's powerless except to thrust her tongue up against him to try and keep him out—a vain effort, as the doe simply pushes all the harder, forcing him kicking and screaming down into the raccoon's mouth. Tilly closes her throat to him, even though she can feel the way his legs and tail bat against the back of it and urge her to cough or choke or swallow—she refuses. She won't be subject to this. “I thought this might happen,” Maya sighs, reaching down toward the end of the bed and hauling up a bottle of water. “Here's how this is going to work. I'm going to pour water in there with him, and then I'm going to hold your nose. You can swallow him down and get it over with and we can move on to the next one, or I add more water. Keep in mind that one way or another every little guy I have in that box down there is going inside you, and the more water I have to use, the less room you're going to have in your tummy for them, so this is really just about how uncomfortable you want to be until we get this over with.” Water is dumped into her mouth, enough to flood it. The poor shepherd dog flails and kicks and tries to climb back up through the hole in the muzzle only to be pushed unceremoniously back down by one slim finger. Tilly resists, still, determined not to be made into a cannibal like this. “I should tell you, by the way, that once they're all accounted for, I'm going to untie you.” The raccoon freezes, staring wide-eyed up at the doe through her mussed black bangs. Her mouth is still practically spilling over with water and occupied by an increasingly panicked fur, but her self-preservation instinct is screaming at her to do it—go along with it, gulp him down. Once she's untied she stands a chance. Right now she's completely at this maniac's mercy. 'I'm so sorry,' she thinks to the dog flailing against her tongue... and in one thick, meaty GULP swallows down the water in her mouth and half of him. Her throat claims his drenched body up to the hips, and she gags, coughs, and has to choke the rest of him down quickly just to catch her breath. She can feel every angle of his body as her esophagus seizes him, and the painful lump he forms as it rolls slowly down the length of her neck, disappearing past her collar, moving lower until with a noisy slosh she hears as much as feels, he drops into her stomach. Immediately he sets against the walls and begins to stomp and pound, disquieting the organ and making it rumble and gurgle uncomfortably. “Wow. I wasn't expecting you to get him down that fast—you've, uh, had a few weekends at this, huh?” Tilly's face burns with shame. Her eyes are tearing over again. Maya, meanwhile, wastes no time in bringing the next shrunken fur—this one a thrashing, screeching badger—up to the muzzle's opening. “Grunt twice if you need water to smooth the trip down, alright sweetie?” He drops heavy and fighting onto her tongue, and she shuts her eyes tight and goes to work slicking him down, rolling him from side to side and coating his thick fur in saliva. Though he fights and struggles and she can even hear when his claws rake against the plastic muzzle, he's no match for her muscles. After a minute, she herds him to the back of her mouth and swallows again. His head plunges into her throat first, and his paws immediately plant themselves against the very back of her mouth on either side of the straining opening, trying to pull it free. A toss of her tongue steals his footing, and another well-timed ULP draws him most of the way down, only his hindpaws free to kick pathetically at the inside of her mouth. Ulp... ulp... ULP. Soon the badger is on his way to join the rapidly-tiring shepherd in the tight confines of her stomach—she's a dainty eater, and there isn't much room already. With one exhausted occupant already taking up space, the poor badger is shoved right into one slimy wall, where he continues to put up a valiant fight. Tilly can feel the way his claws lash through the thick mucous inside, not long enough to cut the whole way to the lining but enough to make her ache inside. She whimper-whines. “Thatta girl!” Maya encourages, “Just a couple more this way, I promise.” – 'A couple more' turns out to be five. A rabbit, two more dogs, a cat, and a weasel, all forced down her protesting pink gullet to join their wriggling brethren in Tilly's gut. By the time the last is choked down, her stomach is painfully distended and unable to settle for all the wiggling going on within it. There's no space for any of them, anymore, and she's forced to take regular swallows of air to keep them all from flailing in an asphyxiating panic, because she's sure if she lets them all thrash at once they'll tear her open. She can feel the way they struggle to get comfortable, crammed against each other in the too-small chamber. The way elbows and knees and paws push out against the taut walls trying in vain to make more room. Perhaps worst, she can feel the way her bloated stomach has begun to warm up and the eager gurgle-slosh of her lower bowels, and knows that they're running on borrowed time. She can't hope to spit them up with the muzzle on, and only hopes she'll be untied before the acids have begun to flow in earnest. “Aww. You look cute with a pooch, lovey. They fill you up pretty well. I bet you'll look even better when we're done.” “Muh?” The raccoon questions fearfully. She'd thought the worst was over. “We're not through yet, no. You wanted to be filled, and filled we're gonna get you.” A hand rolls over her distended belly, compressing its occupants and making the organs inside groan. “We'll just have to get creative if your stomach can't hold more, that's all. You've got other places we can put them.” That more than anything else makes Tilly afraid. She returns to tugging weakly at her bonds, and finds them no more willing to give than before. All her distraction does is give the doe time to pop open a second, much larger jar. She only even realizes that they've begun again when she sees Maya moving up to the bedside table and opening a drawer; she doesn't see what it is she pulls out of it, but hears a cap come off and gets a whiff of strawberry-scented lube a minute later. Her heart sinks. Her guts clench. This can't be happening. She's able to lift her head enough to see Maya coating what looks to be a squirming lion in lubricant, and nothing else. A second later he disappears along with the doe's hand to the space between her legs, and she tightens reflexively to keep anything from intruding into her vulva only to feel a sudden, distressing pressure on a slightly different hole. She shrieks around the muzzle as he's pushed roughly and all at once into her rectum, too slick with lube for her muscles to grip to force out. Nausea churns in her belly that isn't only from her stomach's squirming load anymore. The doe chuckles to herself—she's not done. Two pink goo-stained fingers are inserted into the flexing, winking sphincter, against the writhing lion's paws. She pushes until she feels the resistance keeping him in place abate, and then plunges her digits in up to the very back knuckle, sealing him in beyond the second, deeper valve in Tilly's body, the one leading to her colon. Tilly moans in pain and discomfort. She's taken a dicking in the backdoor before, but this is different. This is someone alive and wiggling and pushing against her inner walls in ways they aren't meant to be pushed. She's overcome by the desperate need to relieve herself, and feels her lower belly flexing involuntarily to try and force out the blockage. “Uh-uh, dearie.” Before the poor lion can come out, she's got a buck (his antlers having been graciously filed off) lined up and pressing inward next. Tilly's body resists valiantly, but can't overcome the strength of her hands. The buck is inserted right along with the first, and the reward is a wet grumble from the raccoon's violated bowels. “With any luck, this is upsetting your tummy enough that it will pass whatever's already in it along quickly and suffocate everyone I put up here before they can bother you too much. Cross your fingers!” Tilly sobs. A third fur is pushed into her colon, then a fourth, a fifth, a sixth. She can feel the hard, wiggling lumps of them as they're wedged against one another and forced deeper into her belly, curving along with her colon, moving up the left side of her gut. Seven, eight, nine. They're pushed up across her tummy, distending it further, wiggling against her stomach and drawing out new squirms of distress from its dying occupants. Ten, eleven, twelve. Down the right side of her belly, getting close enough to her small intestine that her entire tract feels like jelly. Her colon is a hard mass of bodies, trapped against the crushing peristalsis of walls that can't quite force them out in the proper direction. The thirteenth that Maya wedges inside her doesn't want to enter past her rectum, and the doe gives him such a hard shove that, down in the lower right of her gut, the poor lion's head is thrust through the sphincter into her small intestine, and his sudden, powerful flailing triggers her bowels to start passing undigested liquid (almost entirely just water) through, flooding her system and making her squeal in discomfort. Maya is prepared for this, apparently, as the second the drain-like rumble of her distressed organs is made audible there's a thick plug rammed into her anus, sealing the water and all those struggling furs inside. Their thrashing is unbearable. Tilly screams and writhes in her bonds as pain radiates up and down her now very-bloated abdomen. It's nearly three minutes before the squirming dies down and her guts settle somewhat. By then her muscles are too exhausted to continue fighting, and she falls limp on the mattress. Her face is drenched with tears and her throat aches from crying. Maya takes the opportunity to appraise the fuzzy grey dome in front of her. Tilly's usually-trim belly has rounded out considerably, and when she leans down and plants a furry ear against it she's treated to a chorus of wet sloshes and rumbles—the raccoon's stomach has begun breaking down its load already, and her intestines are practically squirming trying to reach equilibrium. The doe shudders. “Almost. One more.” “Guh.” The moxie has fled her. Tilly lets her head fall back in defeat as Maya goes about opening the third and largest jar, spurting in the last of the lubricant and giving the furs trapped in side a good rattling as she coats them all at once by rolling her hand around inside. The raccoon doesn't even fight when the first is inserted with sickening gentleness into her snatch. Her tunnel accepts him easily. The way he wiggles lamely against her velvety walls is obscene. Despite herself, she feels them moisten, and prays her tormentor doesn't notice. Luck, unfortunately, is not with her. Maya giggles, and even goes as far as fondling the engorging clit emerging from its hood for her, drawing a tight little squeak from Tilly and a clench from her walls that makes the fur inside her redouble his efforts to escape. “Finally getting into it, huh?” She feels fingers enter her next, working the unlucky male within her deeper, until he bumps painfully against her cervix. Though she's utterly given up, she can't help but whimper. “These ones are either the luckiest or the unluckiest depending on how you think about it. They're going somewhere with no acids to eat them up and no water to drown them—you're going to have to carry them around until they use up all their air. I'll bet your womb is nice inside, though. I mean, it was just made to carry living things around, wasn't it? Just imagine how much they're going to enjoy it in there, listening to your heart beat and your meal break down, your body just... cradling them. It'll be almost exactly like being a mother, except instead of creating life your belly will slowly take theirs.” Tilly can't help it—she begins to cry again. This wasn't worth it. She wishes desperately that she'd just refused to go along in the first place. Maybe if she'd let her force enough water down her throat her stomach would've split by now and she'd be dead and not experiencing the sickening feeling of having someone's shrunken body jammed the wrong way into her birth canal. Maya works him in slowly on purpose. She wants her prisoner to feel every contour of his body as it's squeezed through her cervix, until he tumbles into her innermost chamber and it seals up behind him, leaving him to flounder in her belly trying to orient himself and find a way out. Not that he'll find one—the moment he's tucked away, she's working on a second, playing with this one by pushing and pulling him in and out of the raccoon's wet cunt like a toy, until the walls are roiling against each other desperately and she can see her clit twitching with the pounding of her heartbeat. Only then does she wriggle him inward and give him the same treatment as the last, depositing him into Tilly's womb without ceremony. Tilly feels the weight of them already, feels them probing at her walls. She's never felt more sick or more ashamed of herself—the way her greedy sex accepts the next one, two, three, four is nothing short of humiliating. With six of them inside, her womb is already being forced to stretch, a feat made even more uncomfortable by the other organs already taking up more than their share of space in her middle. Five in her stomach. Thirteen in her guts. Six—now seven—in her uterus. The thought of housing any more than that makes her wish she had wished for death instead, but Maya doesn't seem to hear that one. She's too busy snatching up more unfortunate shrunken furs from the jar. Eight, nine ten, eleven. Her belly trembles, muscles straining, skin stretched taut trying to contain everything inside her. Her womb is nothing but squirming movement that jars her stuffed bowels. Twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen. She dares to peek down at it and gasps in shock at the sight of herself—her once flat belly is the size of a basketball, and quivering with the movement of its occupants. Sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen. It's difficult to breathe. Her gut is so packed she's surprised she hasn't burst. The last micro to enter her most secret depths only goes with a great deal of forcing from the doe, and her cervix is only barely willing to seal itself behind him. She looks nine months pregnant, her stomach engorged grossly. She doesn't even recognize it as herself. The thought of being released is now a distant memory, like a dream. “Hmm. Looks like we have one more.” Tilly's heart sinks. No more, she pleads to herself, no more, please. “I know where we can put him!” The raccoon's eyes snap shut again. She has no idea what's about to happen or where this last, poor fur is about to get jammed, but— And then she feels his head shoved into her urethra, and screams. Maya ignores this, of course. She's too focused on getting the broad-shouldered equine into such a tight opening. It takes work, a little wiggling, a dash of her own magic, but after some careful stretching, his upper half pops in, and the rest follows quickly. All the while he bucks and tries to free himself, and Tilly is shriek-sobbing and trying to beg her to stop, and not an iota of it registers, because she has a wish to fulfill, and it's almost done. With a quick thrust of her fingertip, he pierces the sphincter into Tilly's bladder, and it just takes a light press to send him the rest of the way inside. When the deed is done, she steps back and folds her arms and just beams down at her. “You did it! You took every last one!” Tilly is in agony. The squirms in her womb have only gotten worse as the air supply has begun to decrease—bodies, nearly two dozen of them, all in the throes of asphyxiation. Between their weight and now the struggles coming from directly inside her bladder, she can't even manage to move except to let her hips squirm, trying desperately to pass something that just refuses to fit back out the way it came in. She doesn't even notice that Maya has come up to the head of the bed until the muzzle is pulled out of her mouth, at which point her incoherent cries become tearful snarls. “You bitch. You sick fucking bitch. I'll kill you. I'll fucking kill you, you goddamn fucking bitch, I—“ “Ah, ah, ah,” Maya scolds, raising a hand. Suddenly, Tilly's voice abandons her. Her mouth moves, her throat strains with what should be ear-piercing screeches, but no sound emerges. “I said I would untie you after you took them all, and I meant it! You've got a bright future ahead of you.” The raccoon bares her teeth and pins back her ears, glowering up at the doe. A bright future? What? Her belly is stuffed with corpses. “As my dinner.” Tilly howls silently, thrashing against her restraints, but it's no good. Between the tightness of them, the load in her gut, and the muscle relaxers, she can't do more than slightly rattle them. Above her, Maya waves a hand, and then the whole world starts to swim and warp, and she has to close her eyes to keep from passing out. She feels the ropes leave her, feels the sheets shift, feels the very space around her seem to distort, and when she dares to peek, finds herself seating in an enormous field of cloth, staring up at a giant of a fur. “N-no,” she sputters, realizing only tangentially that her voice has returned to her. “No, no, no! You fucking cunt!” Though she tries to rise and run, her stomach is too overloaded, and she hasn't even risen to her paws when Maya's enormous hand reaches down and plucks her up. Her mouth opens wide, strands of saliva stretching and breaking between her tongue and her hard palate. She raises the raccoon high above her and lets go. |
Balok walked through the jungle, enjoying the day. It’s sure a good day to be alive, he thought. Suddenly, a roar rent the air. Looking up in shock, he saw a glistening purple dragon flying in circles above him. She glanced down and licked her lips. Frightened, he ran as she dove for him, and almost as he was under a clump of trees, her claws snatched his shoulders, tearing the fabric but not harming the slightest hair. Despite this, he felt nothing but unending panic and, screaming, he was carried off. She landed in her nest, depositing him on the intertwined branches. Balok backed away. "Who are you?! What do you want?!" he asked, trembling before her. She rose above him, at least fifteen feet taller than him. "My name is Meeyella," she said in a sweet, singsong voice. "And isn’t it obvious? I want you." The man was confused, staring up at her with wide, fear-filled eyes. "Wh-wh-what?" "I want you," she repeated, her tone sultry as her stomach growled, "inside of me." Realizing what she meant, Balok tried to leave. But before he could even move, her head darted toward him and her tongue shot out, wrapping around his waist. At first, he began to fight and scream, but then... He paused. The warm, slimy sensation intrigued him. As Meeyella used her tongue to remove his shirt, Balok suddenly realized what she was doing and backed away, losing his shirt, his torso coated in warm drool. Her tongue lashed toward his ankle, whipping him up into the air in front of her face, taking him by surprise and striking more fear into his heart, the intrigue gone in an instant. He squirmed. "Stop it! Stop it!" She grinned seductively. "Aw, but we were having so much fun." "This is not fun! It’s like rape or something!" "Oh, but it is fun... For me. And you know how it is, it’s not rape if you like it! And I like it. You will, too, once you adjust." Laying him down flat, softly, her tongue slithered up his pant leg. He protested. "Hey, what are you – Ooh…" he said as her tongue worked its way up to his thigh. Her eyes closed halfway in a concentrated, whorish way. Working her way up to his crotch, she encompassed his cock, pleasuring it. Balok groaned, falling into an aroused trance. Grinning, she took the very tip of his member and poked it slightly with the tip of her tongue, penetrating the head of it hardly at all and letting her pulsing tongue cause him to cum, the flood gushing out of him seeming only like a dribble to her. Pleased, she tilted her head back slightly and swallowed as he laid there, squirming and moaning. Groaning with a mixture of terror and pleasure, he allowed her to continue up to his stomach, chest, neck, and face, giving the same treatment to any new crevasse she came across. Then, she retracted her tongue so it was just wrapped around his torso. Slowly, she pulled him into her mouth, his body already glistening and dripping in her saliva. He snapped out of the trance her tongue had put him in, but he was calm now. Even if he was to die, the caring nature of his killer put his mind and heart at ease. "You know, Meeyella? You're not that bad." She chuckled, still pulling him in. For a moment, he changed his mind about how he saw his fate, and in a moment of nervousness, he asked for clarification. "Wait," he said. "You aren’t going to… eat me, are you?" She smirked seductively. "Hon, of course I am." "What?!" "Oh, don’t worry. I can alter my digestive tract." She laughed, slightly jostling Balok, who was halfway into her mouth. Balok smiled nervously. "Digestive?" Meeyella winked and pulled him completely in, her jaws closing with a wet, saliva-coated snap as the scent of her maw surrounded him. Confining him in her mouth, she finished undressing him with her tongue. Working him over again, she brought him many more shivers of pleasure as well as another cumming session, this one larger than the last as it coated the roof of her mouth as well as her tongue. Pleasured, she felt her mouth vibrating with its force. Working him toward the back of her mouth, she felt his orgasm continuing, and swallowed with a loud, slimy, hot gulp. His feet simply dipped down into the hot, smelly throat, her peristalsis sending his body further into her hungering gullet. His feet, then his calves, and then his thighs and waist were all massaged. Then, his upper body was lifted by her tongue as she swallowed again, and his face splatted against her uvula before he shivered, and entered her completely. Inside, he slowly worked his way down her warm throat, pleasuring himself as he went. 'I can get used to this...' Squeezing through Meeyella’s throat sphincter, he landed in her stomach (only slightly larger than his body size) with a squish. Like a comfortable, thick shrink-wrapper, it clung to him as she burped, the smooth, slimy walls warming him and lulling him into an even more relaxed state as the smell flooded his nose. It was rather calm, except for the sloshing of Meeyella moving around, and it was better than any sex he had ever had. Suddenly, the stomach rumbled. Expecting to feel a rush of digestive juices, he was relieved to feel the vibrations coming from Meeyella's throat as she spoke. "You in there?" "Ohhhh… Yeah, where else would I be?" "Great. Hold on!" "Wait, what?" The other end of her stomach opened up, revealing her upper intestine's entrance as a new, slightly dirtier smell wafted in. Sliding through, Balok slowly worked his way through her. Meanwhile, on the outside, Meeyella rolled over and rubbed herself, pleased. A few hours later, a tingling sensation filled her as she squeezed Balok out through her rear, smelling heavily of scat, although there was none, as she had waited to eat for a long time that it might be clean in there. He gasped, coated in her liquids, the stick substances clinging to him as he stood, rather weary. "That," he gulped, "was amazing." She chuckled. "Oh, it’s hardly over." Balok grinned, confused. "Wait, what?" Meeyella turned away from him and bent over, exposing her large, pink, awaiting vagina. "Have at it." Balok’s eyes widened in pleased shock. From meal to mate? "O-kay! Now we’re talking." Approaching slowly, he prepared himself, his erect cock prodding at her walls as he began to thrust inside with a moan. "Ooh!" The dragoness shuddered happily at the feeling of the small human thrusting into her as best he could, Balok figuring he was supposed to please her now. "But, erm, that’s not what I meant…" Balok was puzzled. "Uh…" Meeyella bent over farther, stretching her vagina even more. The scales around it glittered, as if paving an entrance. Using her muscles surrounding her vagina, it sucked open with a thwap, like a pocket, for about a foot inward or so until it naturally couldn’t gape. "Hop in," she crooned in her seductive voice. Balok was in shock. Surprised, he had no choice but to give in to his primal urges. He pushed himself in, head first. is was wet, slimy, and smelled of the dragoness's musk, and as pleasant as her tongue had been. He kept wriggling forward, the slimy interior acting as a lubricant. As he finished entering, she rolled over onto her back, closing her sex behind him. "Whoa!" called Balok. "Easy does it!" She replied by thrusting into her vagina with her tail. Pushing him deeper, it was her turn for the orgasm, cumming fast and hard around him as he was propelled deeper, into her womb as he surpassed her cervix, which acted much like her sphincters did, earlier. He was surprised to not find an undeveloped egg inside of her, figuring that that was how she reproduced. But then he remembered how she had said she could monitor herself, and realized she had made it empty, just for him. He felt her talk again. "Oh... Oh! I don’t want to stop this, but do you want to come out?" "You know, if it’s okay with you, I’d rather stay here." He wriggled around inside of her, enjoying her sensation, causing another orgasmic vibration. "You’re a cum fountain, aren’t you?" She giggled. "Yeah, I guess. So you're *pant, pant* staying in there?" "Yeah." "Okay." "Good. Really good…" She was immensely pleased. Feeling him inside of her was satisfying beyond end. She curled up and let the sun warm her bulging abdomen. He deserves a gift, for everything I’ve done to and for him, she mused. Then, with a loving, motherly smile, she began to sing. Inside, a content Balok slowly became part of her, scales beginning to cover his body as he grew a little, his nose and mouth elongating into a snout as wings burst from his shoulder blades. Surprised at his new form, the now-dragon-baby yawned happily, never wanting to leave as a shell formed around him. “Thank you, Mama…” He crooned, to which he heard her heartwarming reply. “Of course, my child. You’ll be loved at last.” |
The hot South American sun beat down upon the lush jungle, tearing through the trees and onto the back of Lara Croft, the famous archaeologist, explorer and tomb raider, confidently walking through the foliage. Her face bore a calm look as she looked around expectantly, trying to pierce some clue through the dense jungle as green blocked her vision. Her black tank top stretched from her bust; sweat dripping down through the opening in her top between her firmly squeezed breasts whilst it poured down over her flat tummy, exposed by the low cut top and down over her hips, hugged lustfully by her shorts, wrapped skin tight around her smooth ass, swaying as she walked. She glanced behind, flicking her long brown ponytail round, looking at her team of three experts, hired to aid in her search for another ancient artefact one she was unsure could be deemed safe. Closest to her was Alex, a neat black haired and lean, young hotshot who was desperate to leave his boring dig site for a proper adventure, not to mention with the gorgeous Lara Croft, whom he made sure to be close to at all times. Lara had hired him because of his brave attitude, deeming him an antidote to Jen. Jen, a fresh student with short blonde hair bouncing on her thin hourglass frame as it stumbled through the jungle, her torso and chest concealed under a small jacket making her sweat under the heat. She was very knowledgeable in Mayan and Amazonian myths, legend and culture, giving Lara her much needed information on the artefact she hunted but she had a lack of practical experience which was slowing down the group. At the back was John, who was closer to Lara’s age and had almost as much experience, having a loose friendship due to their paths crossing on many occasions. He had short shaggy hair and an unshaven face and due to his constant exploration was quite muscular though not like an enthusiast athlete; he knew the area well and was hired as a friend to help Lara through the Amazonian jungle to find her prized treasure. The treasure in question was an ancient device which priestesses used to gain power over their people, a device which regardless of whether it did in fact have mystical properties or not, appealed to Lara as a link to their beliefs and culture. Jen upon receiving Lara’s texts had managed to decipher them enough to glean their location(which earned her place on the expedition) and learn that it made the priestesses into gods, somehow. The team doubted the authenticity of these claims of magic but still made themselves weary for any secrets it might reveal. Lara halted the group and told them to rest, sitting on various trunks as she came to John for a talk. “How much further?” Lara asked, sweat dripping from her brow displaying the hours spent roaming the dark undergrowth of the jungle, closing her to the exhaustion facing the two youths of the team. He looked around as he drank form his canteen, sweat dripping over its metal surface reflecting the little light breaking through the leaves above, the sun giving him his sense of direction. “Not much, if your texts are correct and she read them right,” came the reply, obviously tired from the question having been asked many times previously. Lara Croft frowned. “Jen read them right, you sure you know the way?” she retorted, annoyed at his doubt. “Yes,” John said finally, lifting his rucksack and re-attaching his canteen to his belt. Lara ordered them back onto their feet and let John take the lead, using his hands to brush away unwanted branches and vines. They went on for another half hour before clearing the dense foliage into a small clearing, in which lay a pile of rubble, overgrown with vines and grass. “The temple,” whispered Lara Croft, her wide eyes showing some unexpected shock and satisfaction to its discovery. “About time,” exclaimed Alex, his hands rested on his knees in exhaustion as he gathered his breath. John gave him an imposing stare at the comment come insult. “So what do we do now?” asked Jen confused as to what significance the pile of stones held. Lara Croft came to be in front of the stones and saw a hole in the middle, descending into a black maw of darkness hiding the crumbling and overgrown temple below. “John and I will go down and have a look, you two stay here and watch for unwanted company,” commanded Lara pulling rope from her belt, curiously peering into the deep pit. “Out here, you’ve got to be kidding!?” argued Alex, desperate to see the temple but more importantly, not wishing to lose Lara’s company. Lara tied the rope around a tree and flung it down into the black, a soft thud signalling that it had touched the bottom. “I expect everything, you should too,” she told him, nodding to John as she took hold of the rope and switched on the torch tied to her top. John rested his rucksack on the ground and held the rope as Lara pushed herself off the edge and plunged, her luscious body sliding down the rope into the ruins depths. Her torch showed crumbling columns and hanging vines from the stone ceiling, pierced by roots and small rays of light. Reaching the bottom she looked around, seeing a large open space of carved stones and in the distance with a dim green light was an altar, covered in vines, water dripping from above. She tugged the rope to tell John to come down. John took hold of the rope and looked at the setting sun, its red and orange glow setting on the leaves. “If we’re not back in an hour, set up camp and wait until morning,” John told them. “If your not back in an hour shouldn’t we come help you?” asked Alex, bewildered and worried about the possible scenario. “Kid, if we can’t handle it, neither can you,” he said as he too slid sown the rope into the temple, leaving the two young members to sit expectantly for their return. Alex sat down and rested his chin on his hands, letting out a sigh. “This sucks,” Below Lara and John approached the altar’s green glow from the entrance, spreading their light looking for traps or hazards. Their light could not touch any of the walls, warning of the huge size of the submerged temple, engulfed in darkness. As they came closer to the altar they noticed that the stone they treaded on ended and was replaced by a circle of lush grass, circling the altar. Lara crouched and studied the altar and its circle, looking for clues of traps or hidden dangers, noticing strange symbols on the tall rectangular altar. Most she couldn’t understand but she did see a primitive drawing of a nude woman being bowed to by a dozen equally crudely drawn men. “It looks safe but I’ll go first,” she informed him, taking the responsibility of first step onto the grass around the altar. She moved cautiously and approached the altar, standing right in front of it, observing the treasure rested upon it reflecting onto her, a strange circular emerald encased in a gold frame and chain to form a necklace, shaped like a curled up snake, untouched by the surrounding vines and mosses. John stood warily, trying to get a glimpse of the object she had found. “What is it Lara,” he whispered gently to her. “I think it is the artefact we have been looking for…” she trailed off, mesmerised as she picked it up and held it close to her face her eyes wildly dazzled by its glow. John grew worried and tread onto the grass to see what Lara had found, only to be stunned as the green glow of the device glowed intensely blinding him as Lara disappeared amongst the green light. On the surface Alex and Jen sat as the light faded, making the jungle dark and mysterious. They had created a small campfire and had set up a tent, under Jen’s insistence hat she did want to sleep exposed to the jungle, much to Alex’s dismay. “You came all the way here just to sleep in a tent?” he asked her, lying on his back staring at the bright stars through the gap in the canopy. “It’s not my kind of thing,” she answered growing frightened of the night. “Suit yourself,” he said commenting finally as she zipped up the door of her tent. A green light subtly shone from below in the ruins but Alex was so transfixed by the stars he didn’t notice. “It’s almost been an hour…” he thought. When John recovered from the flash he rubbed his eyes and grabbed his torch, scrambling to discover Lara’s fate. He shone it towards Lara’s previous position and oddly found her to still be there standing casually, unharmed and unaltered. “Lara, you ok!” he yelled running to her. She didn’t reply and waited as he ran to her, stopping next to her. Her top was wet with sweat, tightening even more and letting her erect nipples show through the fabric, her wet body glistening with sweat and making her clothes hug her body exposing her lustful form. John looked at her before staring at the emerald she held. “That’s it? Doesn’t look fragile for an old piece of rock,” he said surprised by its quality. “You sure you’re ok?” “Fine,” she said placidly, placing the emerald back on the altar. John then noticed the strange symbols on the altar and unlike Lara was able to read them. His eyes widened and took on a horror as he read them, looking at Lara in between each marking, making a cautious step backwards. She saw this and looked at him, smiling. “Where are you going?” she asked teasingly, placing her hands on her hips. “When that green light appeared, what did you see?” he asked fearful of her next move. She lunged at him, grabbing his shoulders and pinned him to the ground, her legs spread over his waist, her hands restraining his arms as he struggled furiously. “What’s the matter John?” Lara said as she grinded her hips against his groin, grinning sinisterly. “Lara, don’t do this, don’t do whatever it is that it wants you to do, your stronger than this magic,” John told her, trying to snap her out of the hold the artefact had placed on her. “But I want it so bad, it makes me feel…,” she bit her lip and closed her eyes. “Just thinking about it.” “Lara I’ll not let you harm the others,” warned John despite the futile nature of his position. This snapped her out of her moment, opening her eyes she looked at John, a green tint showing a hunger in her eyes, terrorizing him. Her belly rumbled. “No you won’t!” She spread her plump lips wide, her jaw extending as she lunged her mouth over John’s head slurping his entire head into her gaping maw and its moist cavern, casting a wet breath over his face, her tongue tasting his lips as she swallowed, bringing him in up to his neck, her lips wrapped softly around it, coating his body in saliva as it entered. He kept struggling and she had to spread her mouth massively wide to accommodate his shoulders, like a snake, engulfing his body into her maw. John’s head moved into her throat, sliding down the narrow tube as he was squeezed by the soft fleshy throat muscles and met with gusts of the stomach air, his tomb. His shoulders were eventually eased in, slurped up by her lips and forced down her throat to join the rest of him, now picking him up into the air and letting gravity pull his body down into herself. His head entered the cramped confides of the stomach, covering him in juices as he slid into the fleshy sack, feeling his body pulled in behind him. From outside her belly had swollen to the size of a small beach ball, adjusting for her meal as she prepared his body. Hanging at an angle above her head she peeled off his clothes tossing them away to expose his nude form, sliding between her lips, all the way to his sex, which she played with using her tongue, arousing him even though he was horrified by the situation. Then with swift swallow his body was tugged and sunk into her mouth and down her throat, his toes kissed by her lips as she closed her mouth, sealing his fate. She let out a moan as she relished his taste, embracing the powers of the artefact. With a loud belch she looked down at her massive gut, spread out like a smooth bean bag, bumps and outlines of his body appearing as he kicked and struggled, unable to accept his fate. She placed a hand on the belly and rubbed it, caressing it in pleasure, enjoying his ceaseless squirming within. Alex stood up and double checked his watch. It had been over an hour but he didn’t know what to do, he thought abut waking Jen and going down to help them but he knew she’d tell him to forget about it, to follow orders. “Screw that,” he thought “I didn’t come here to sit around and do nothing.” He put out the campfire and made sure Jen was still asleep then grabbed the rope and headed down into the dark ruins, armed only with a torch. Hitting the bottom he let go and swung his torch around, trying to see anything other than crumbling rock and green foliage. Then over by a green glow he saw the outline of Lara, standing back towards him but with no sign of John. Alex immediately ran towards her, sprinting over rubble and vines in a brave but foolish bid to save her should she be in trouble. As he came closer something didn’t seem right but it wasn’t till he was almost right next to her he saw the huge massive belly she carried. Hearing his footsteps she turned to him, displaying the gut, ripples and shapes forming on its surface as struggles came from within, unnerving Alex. “Lara…what-,” Lara placed her fingers on his lips silencing him before turning moving her hands to her top as he watched hypnotically. She pulled off her black tank top and let her breasts fall to her belly, lying their draped over her body lustfully, arousing Alex unimaginably as he stood in disbelief as she then took off her shorts, slipping them off and sliding them down her smooth legs onto the floor, leaving her entirely nude. Alex had dreamed about this since he met her but he couldn’t shake the fear she gave him, the massive stomach and the strange looks she gave him as she licked her lips. “Take off your clothes,” she commanded as if omnipotent. He couldn’t shake the feeling but he did what she asked anyway, afraid of that green tinted lustful look she gave him, desiring him in a way he couldn’t understand. Then when he was fully undressed, ready to embrace her she pushed him to the soft grassy floor and rested her body on him, her belly pinning him down as she hung her breasts over his chest, blocking his view of her belly, further distracting him by kissing him, her lips locked in his. She began pumping her hips over his hard sex, sliding her pussy over his cock, covering it in wet juices as she pumped harder, bucking against the floor wildly as she embraced him fully, smothering him with kisses and him giving her loud moans and cries as he rubbed her breasts, playing with her nipples amongst the frantic sex. He had no idea what he was doing but he no longer cared, even with kicks coming from her stomach pressed upon him, fully engrossed in her hot embrace. For moments the excitement grew, their pleasure soared and with a climatic finish he climaxed gushing cum into her pussy which made her give a loud orgasmic cry which echoed in the empty ruins. Alex lay exhausted, breathing fast and totally confused but in complete bliss as Lara Croft, rested upon his body, both covered in sweat and love juices. Then she pushed herself off the floor and heaved as she lifted her belly to crouched position letting it rest on the floor freeing Alex. He made to stand up but she placed her hand on his chest and stopped him, using her free hand to lift her right breast to his face. “Suck,” she ordered, biting her lip as she held back moans of satisfaction still coming from the struggles within her. Still aroused he grabbed her breast and bit it with his lips, sucking gently on her breasts, making her judder with pleasure causing milk to be released and pour down his throat, quenching a thirst he never knew he had. Now he suckled furiously, her breast shaking and bouncing with the motion as he pumped his lips on her luscious flesh orb, smooth and wet with sweat. He got faster and faster until he no longer felt milk pouring from it, instead it seemed to be stuck to his lips, somehow sucking on him. Quickly he realised that the nipple was sucking on him but it was too late, it sucked his lips into the breast then, his entire head was pulled into her breast, making him struggle trying to pull away. She grabbed his shoulders and pushed him into her breast, the nipple sliding over his neck and down over his shoulders, wrapping his upper body in the milk within as it continued downwards to his sex. The nipple caressed it, rubbing his hard cock as he was pulled within, giving him momentary pleasure before his legs were pulled in, his feet slurped up by the nipple. Her already large breasts had doubled in size, the other growing to the same size as the right, as they hung across her belly, though the struggles from Alex within differentiated the right breast. Lara stroked the massive breast, feeling the squirms within, arousing her nipples and giving her shots of sexual pleasure coupled with the already pleasurable struggles from her stomach which she rubbed with her other hand feeling almost full. She desired more, a hunger had grown within her and even though she hadn’t felt it before, she knew what she wanted. Jen awoke, finding the dark night still around her alarmed to find the campfire had gone out, she quickly dived out of her tent wearing only her underwear to attend to it but a she began trying to relight it she saw Lara Croft standing by the ruins entrance, cloaked in the shadow of the night. “Where is everybody?” asked Jen worried “Did you find it?” Lara came closer still kept in the dark until Jen relit the fire, lighting up Lara’s full naked frame, her engorged gut and her huge breasts spread over her massive stomach, which wriggled and shook from the inside. Jen stared, stunned and totally confused until she remembered the texts. “The men will become her prey,” it had said but Jen had assumed it to be purely metaphorical, not literal. How was this even possible? Lara gave her a smile, that told Jen that she knew her thoughts and the knowledge they shared, much to Lara’s amusement. “You…won’t, eat…me, will you?” Jen questioned, terrified and utterly alone, slowly realising that within Lara was John and Alex. “No, of course not,” said Lara reassuringly stepping closer to Jen. “You must be uncomftarble in that underwear, take it off.” Jen hesitated, worried about what Lara would do to her, the famous tomb raider now embraced by the power of ancient… “Cannibals?” thought Jen, frightened by the possibility. She took of her bra, exposing her nice breasts and slid off her panties to have her nude frame studied by Lara who stood staring whilst stroking her massive belly as her right breast shook. Lara approached her and took her hands, gently lying down and leading Jen to lie on top of her body, rested upon her squirming stomach sprawled out over her. Lara pulled her head down for a kiss, as Jen fondled her breasts nervously afraid of what Miss Croft was doing to her, Lara leading Jen’s hand down to her pussy forcing Jen to finger her as Lara did the same to her sending them into sex fuelled ecstasy, pleasure never felt by Jen. This made her more eager and she became pumping her finger in and out of Lara, deeper and faster, pouring juices all over each other, using her other hand to stroke Lara’s left breast, still too fearful to touch the other which contained the resistant Alex. They stroked each other passionately, though confused for Jen, under the starry night sky of the jungle, echoed moans and cries from both women spread through the jungle as their sex headed for its finale. Jen reached her climactic orgasm first, roaring with the most pleasure she had ever felt, followed closely by Lara as Jen fell atop her body drained. Then once Lara had recovered she once again led Jen’s hands, both onto her left breast and pressed them against it. Jen was too exhausted to notice anything and allowed it to happen, only feeling a gentle kissing on her palms until her hands seemed to have pressed deeper than she though she could. Looking up she saw her hands not pressed on the breast but being sucked in. She panicked trying to pull them out but it they only slipped in faster, the nipple sliding up her arm, much to Lara’s arousal. “I thought you said you wouldn’t take me?” pleaded Jen desperate to remain unconsumed. Lara Croft shrugged. “I lied,” Her entire arms were in all the way to her shoulder, the milk felt against her arms caressing them whilst now her neck and head were being sucked in and quickly slurped into the breast with a wet swallow, muffling her cries. Her body swiftly followed, her nipple kissed Jens breasts giving them one last goodbye as she was pulled entirely within Lara’s left breast leaving both her breasts full, squirming and satisfied, curing her hunger for now. With all of her body gorged and struggling Lara relished in the sensations of orgasmic ripples that shuddered across her body, making her rub her body all over, feeling the movement within. Then a gurgle from deep within her belly and a belch signalled that John was leaving her system, shifting her belly as he moved through her digestive tract towards her ass. She bent over and spread her hips wide, readying her ass for the huge load to be expelled from her. She could feel John moving within her, adding to her already tripled pleasure as he sent pressures to all of her aroused spots, triggering rubs and moans of pure ecstasy. Then a sudden kick of pressure reached her behind and she began to squeeze, almost yelling as she forced him out the tight tube of her anus, letting his head pop out up to his neck covered in all sorts of internal juices and an expression of pure disgust and despair as he was too weak to struggle, looking at the two fleshy cheeks pressed against the side of his face as he looked at the fire lit jungle floor with a readiness to be free. She squeezed hard, pushing her muscles to their hardest forcing his shoulders out and with a splurdge the rest of the body slid out in an instant, leaving John lying weak in a pool of stomach and ass juices. Lara recovered and turned to face him, now with her wriggling breasts hanging over a smooth, flat tummy. John saw the movement within the breasts and hung his head in despair. “It seems my body cannot break you down,” commented Lara assessing the situation, rubbing her belly with a disappointment from the emptiness. “So, what will, you do, with me,” spluttered John, letting juices out of his airways. She thought for a moment, continuing to pat her belly as John laid helplessly, a broken man. “I cannot let you go free John but I can’t get rid of you,” she said summarising the facts in her head. “I always could try adoption,” John looked up bewildered by this statement only to see her spread her legs wide open and bring the lips of her nethers down upon the screaming John, only to be silenced as his head slid into her pussy. A good distance away, sat upon a cliff, a woman in camouflage watched with her binoculars as Lara Croft consumed a man, “unbirthing”, her agency called it. She picked up a cell phone and made a call. “The tomb raider seems to be more than capable,” the woman reported. “Good, then we know the artefact works, bring her in for questioning,” answered a cold stern voice. “Yes sir,” |
Consequences John watched as with engorged hips, the naked Amanda chased down the dozen soldiers, pinning them down with her massive butt and ripping off their gear and clothing to ease the consumption as she gulped them down without hesitation, thrusting the first two guards naked down her throat to her acidic chamber expanding her belly wide like a fleshy sphere. The guard’s guns had mysteriously vanished in the green light leaving them defenceless against the enraged and hunger fuelled woman who had already taken Lara with her rear. The next guard she pinned with his head between her legs, inches away from her pussy, as she tore of his gear leaving him in shear terror before with a slurp she plunged him face first into her nethers, the lips of her sex sliding over him quickly, pulling him into her sex with ease causing her to moan with orgasmic relief, echoing around the dark underground chamber, shaking vines and striking fear into the hearts of the remaining guards. The next screamed as her nipple sucked on his face and her breast consumed him like a piece of meat. All of the soldiers were met with similar fates, each crammed into a part of her luscious body, trapped in a fleshy prison with no escape. Amanda did not eat any with her butt however, saving it like a personal prison for her nemesis the tomb raider, lady Croft, who had ceased to struggle. A roaring echoed belch signals that she has caught all her prey and her body is now bloated with squirms and bulges, her breasts shook as they draped over her rippling belly, men in her stomach kicking against the fleshy sack and others in her womb pressed tightly unable to move. She was slicked wet with sweat, her blonde hair sticking to her face as she cried in pleasure of her full body enjoying every moment of her new gift and relishing the vengeance enacted upon Lara. With a dozen guards inside her she began rubbing herself, stroking herself in the large empty sunken temple. She thought herself alone. But she hadn’t noticed John. Inside her, Lara lay curled up like a ball within the arse of her enemy, sucked up and stored away, now forced to listen to Alex and Jen cry for help and release. Her face pressed against her large breasts, she can hear them through her skin, pleading to be let go. The red, living walls around her pulsed and shuddered as Amanda trotted around after her prey and Lara could hear the squirms of her fellow victims all around her and now she understood what it was like to be on the receiving end of her consumption. The men in her womb were the loudest, their screams and kicks echoing throughout the chamber of flesh tight around Lara, it was a surreal horror, trapped in someone’s body. Lara shed a single tear. She almost felt sorry for her victims. John crouched behind a stone pillar, the murky dark of seeped in from above as night fell and cast the temple in almost complete darkness, save for a few flickering lights outlining stone carvings and foliage leaked into the chamber hiding him well out of the eyes of the distracted Amanda. She sat next to a lamp, by the altar enjoying the meals within her massive body, with Lara squashed against the floor supporting her body and making her satisfied with the imprisonment of her adversary amongst a dozen other orgasmic squirms and movements. John’s naked body felt cold in the darkness and he slipped behind the pillar and began gently opening a crate in search for something that would aid him. Quietly he peered into the dark crate, feeling around for things other than batteries, ammunition and blankets. Pulling his hand from the crate he was clutching a near empty bottle of laxatives. Not enough to force Amanda into giving up all her meals, but maybe enough to free Lara. John still had faith in the famous archaeologist to do the right thing and prevent the spread of this dangerous gift. Peering out from behind the pillar he found Amanda still content with her body, rubbing herself all over, so he puts his arms behind his back, hiding the bottle from view and steps towards the gorged Amanda. He makes a few steps before she notices him and contrary to her size she is quick to muster, rising to her feet in seconds and swaying her way towards him, licking her lips. “John, is it?” she asks with a hungry grin, as she rubs her tummy in anticipation. He nods observing her form move towards him, bulges and ripples all over the surface of her body, unnerving him for what is to come. “I hope you don’t mind, I’ve already had Lara but you can join her if you want?” she tells him teasingly. “It won’t hurt.” John now stands right in front of her faced with her large gut, the stomach containing four victims all helplessly struggling. The belly rumbles. “Goodbye John,” She grabs him, arms at his sides, not noticing his small bottle and lifts him over her head allowing him to look down into her wet maw and the dark gullet waiting for him. He closes his eyes and is plunged into her mouth, his head enveloped between her lips and covered in saliva as he is taken in quickly towards her hungry stomach. Her tongue tastes every part of him, as she widens her jaw to take his shoulders licking his chest and without so much as a struggle he is slurped up to his hips and from there his body slides in slick with a wet pop as his toes pass between her ruby lips. John goes through her throat, squeezed through swiftly by muscles and through the red tinted darkness his hand still clenched tight as to not lose hold of his last hope. The strong waft of the thick stomach air hits him as his head enters the chamber and he is plunged into the fleshy sack alongside the four panicking guards, futile kicking and screaming. Covered in juices and bashed about by their struggles John quickly unscrews the bottle and lets the last of the laxatives enter Amanda and hopefully free Lara. He had to hope. Amanda let out a cheeky belch as she stroked her even larger belly, hanging just above her knees like a sack full of restless animals. She secretly hoped they would be done soon as she couldn’t bare the pleasure from so many; it made her weak and forced her to sit down and rest against the pillar, where the emerald medallion rested safely upon its pedestal. Her rest only lasted a moment when a gurgle in her stomach signalled that she needed to take a dump and so with a bit of effort she lifted her gigantic load and squatted to allow her butt some space, preparing herself to deal with whoever escaped. Lara felt relieved as the pressure from Amanda’s weight was relieved from the buttocks and allowed Lara a bit more space, the soft walls shifting around her which Lara instantly knew to be preparation. She knew she was right by the rear exit and so she figured she’d be the first one out, allowing her to escape. “How had this come about so fast?” Lara thought. Lara braced herself for the release, so she could be ready to run and escape the mighty Amanda. But as much as she hated to admit it, her breasts were weighing her down and would surely cripple her odds of breaking away from the woman. She needed out of here more than she did need her captives. Reluctantly Lara pressed her breasts together hard, pressure building within until with a large squirt of milk Jen’s feet poked out of her left nipples and Alex’s head from the other. Lara yelled as the pair was pushed out of the boobs achingly slow, bit by bit and into the cramped chamber covered in milk, with heavy breaths and sighs as the two pressed against each other as they curled up for comfort, unaware exactly where they were. Lara released them letting her breasts shrink a bit just as with a rumble the meaty anus chamber opened and pulled Lara out, the muscles sucking her out and squeezing her into the bright opening and through its tight space. The dim light of the stone temple greeted her as her head poked out from Amanda’s anus, squeezed by her two cheeks as she gives cries of effort, pushing Lara out. Knowing this to be her chance, Lara pushes her arms through the opening and outside with her just as Amanda screams with her anus opening for Lara’s shoulders. Reaching out, a hand on each cheek, Lara pulls herself from the butt and out onto the cold stone floor, covered in soft moss and sticking to her juice smothered body, steam rising from her. Her perfect form naked on the hard floor, Lara rises to her feet just in time as Amanda recovers swinging her still gorged hips around and letting Lara witness her prey filled body. Amanda’s eyes widen with rage. “Lara!” she screams making to lunge for her. Lara quickly dives to the side, her agile body able to outmanoeuvre the lumbering predator. Spying the exit, moonlight peering through the entrance and ceiling revealing the rope still intact, leading up and out, she runs fast towards it with Amanda in hot pursuit tumbling towards her with a building momentum. She jumps and catches the rope climbing hastily to the surface, Amanda arriving below unable to accept her escape; she grabs the rope and starts slurping it down like spaghetti hoping to pull Lara down before she can reach the exit. Lara moves faster, trying to climb faster than the rope is pulled down; inches away she leaps as the rope gives way and disappears down Amanda’s throat, Lara just grasping the edge and pulling herself out of the ruins and into the moonlit jungle. “Lara!” calls the stuffed Amanda from below. “I have all your friends, including John!” This boast causes Lara to turn and peer down into the temple, seeing Amanda stand there full of squirms and people, three of which Lara knew to be her friends. She is too weak to help them now, she needed her strength and to rest, hoping to find a way later to defeat her enemy. With a sigh of regret she turns once again to the small clearing around the ruins, finding the helicopter gone and only a few crates evidence of the agency here before. On a crate Lara finds some of her own attire, taken from her manor when they raided it for Jen’s notes. “Jen,” she thought, thinking of her former friend. Jen nudges Alex as he presses against her back, the flesh chamber relaxing and returning to normal as Amanda rests once again after a hectic amount of movement in pursuit of Lara. Alex turned to face Jen, their naked bodies pressed against each other as their faces met. “Uh, where are we?” questioned Alex awkwardly only just starting to figure out the ropes of their situation. “What happened to Lara? How the hell did all this happen and where are we now?! How did you-.” He was cut off as Jen kissed him, her sweet face and petite body showing signs of craving, for his body. She thrust her hips onto Alex’s hard sex, his cock driving into her as he embraced her feelings back enjoying the moment and forgetting his conditions. The walls pulsated as Alex pumped Jen against the wall ramming her with his hips furiously, desperate to release the tension between them. Jen moaned and cried, pleasurably as the ecstasy built until both unified they gave a climatic cry of pleasure as Alex filled her pussy with cum, releasing her and giving their sweat ridden bodies a rest. Jen felt differently. She spun her body around in the dark confides until he pussy was against Alex’s face, much to his surprise but to his horror when with a quick buck she latched her sex over his face and began letting her pussy suck him in and take him for her own, something she’d wanted to do since being released from Lara. The emerald medallion had not only affected Amanda but Jen too, as she was also present at the ceremony, albeit within Lara. He struggled using his arms to try and pry himself free but to no avail, her vagina slurped him up and into her womb, both moans of pleasure and pain as she stretched her nethers for his shoulders pulling him in up to his chest. With a slurp his hard cock slid inside her with a pop, his hips following and with a swift suck his toes slipped between her legs and trapped him within her own body. Jen, returning to the fetal position, rubbed her belly as Alex shouted and pleaded, squirming constantly and endlessly, and giving her the most pleasure she’d ever had. A belch came from her pussy and surprised she gave a little giggle. “Now how do I get out of here?” she thought responding to the orgasmic satisfaction of a single prey, making her lust to be fuller. Lara was now fully dressed, her teal vest tight over her breasts revealing her nipples and the hip hugging khaki shorts showing the curve of her hips. Her boots gave her some confidence in her walk and a water bottle had given her enough of a clean to remove all the juice from her body and hair. She was just finishing her ponytail, restoring her hot and lustful body to its glory before she had been consumed. Crouched behind a crate whilst finishing her hair she began thinking about her next course of action. She tossed her renewed ponytail over her shoulder and was about to begin looking for supplies when the sounds of helicopters roared out over the jungle, sending birds into the air and leaves into the wind. Lara didn’t waste time and ran off into the jungle and hid in the thick foliage, watching as two helicopters, one of which was the one that had taken her here, landed in the clearing, heavily armed soldiers pouring out and securing a perimeter at the edges of the clearing and at the temples entrance. From the chopper emerged the Boss, returning to discover what had happened to his troops. Still smothered in shade from the night he approached a soldier by the entrance, a team leader. “Sir, the target is down there, she’s asleep and we can catch her but…she’s,” he stuttered faltering at the final part of the report. “Captain, go on, please,” the Boss demanded coldly. “Eh, she is full, sir. Ate all of the…men,” he finished. The Boss smiled. “Secure her but do not try to remove her from the temple, once she’s restrained get the scientists down there for proper study,” he ordered to his minions. “Sir, yes sir!” The soldiers swiftly slid down into the ruins and began “securing” Amanda but Lara could only hear straps and ropes applied below unable to see anything. She wanted to get the Boss but she couldn’t take on all these men, her best odds were to get away and come up with a plan, return later and save Alex, Jen and John. For her own pleasure of course. Lara took off into the jungle, silently and headed off to find shelter. Amanda awoke, after resting to find herself restrained, and tied to a pillar by straps around her breasts, belly and legs, keeping her arms by her sides and her legs together. Her meals had stopped struggling which saved her massive naked form some embarrassment as the soldiers around her had their backs to her whilst two scientists, female twins with black pixie hair and dark lips, observed and studied her body giving inputs to their electronic pad’s, whilst from behind them was the Boss, just out of the nearby lamps reach, keeping himself in darkness. “Sir? Why are you keeping me captive?” she asked innocently and pleadingly. The Boss peered at her from behind his black tinted glasses. “You ate my men, Amanda.” She blushed as the twins giggled at her bloated form. “I…the medallion-.” She tried to explain but couldn’t find a way too manipulate him into letting her go. allowing her to eat more victims. Whilst Amanda hung her head in despair the twins gave the boss a status report. “Fifteen victims,” said one. “Five in her stomach, four in her womb, two in each breast and two in her ass,” said the other. “She’s done well, sir.” The first finished. The Boss nodded. “Applications?” he asked, monotonously. “Espionage, kidnap,” “A biological prison,” “A living prison?” he commented curiously. “Yes sir,” the twins said simultaneously. He thought for a moment. “Have the men prepare some construction and defences, this is looking to become a permanent site,” the Boss commanded to the quick response of the twins who raced of to relay the order to the troops. The Boss returned to Amanda. “What about the tomb raider, Miss Amanda?” he asked, fascinated by the shapes pressed through her skin. “Miss Croft? I had her but she got away,” Amanda replied ashamed. The Boss nodded and attended a radio. “Charlie team, back up is not necessary but the tomb raider had escaped, approach ruins and search from here.” He ordered some distant team. “Yes sir! Chopper moving to your position now!” came the loud reply over the sound of a helicopter rotor in the background. “Find her, ASAP.” Lara pushed through the dense jungle, boots crunching thick grass underneath and her arms pushing aside vines and branches. She had been walking for about an hour and had put good distance between her and the ruins but still she hadn’t found any of the villages or stops on the original trip here. Putting aside a large leaf she comes into view of a dirt road with a large wooden shack of a bar by its side, a few cars parked outside, and their metallic shells reflective of the silver moon’s light and the bright flashing colours of the neon sign above the bar. Rooms available, it said. Her belly grumbled. Lara smiled. She needed strength to fight Amanda and to combat the troops and she could think of no better place to find prey than a bar. The door swung open and Lara entered, swaying her hips sultry across the bar to the counter taking in the interior and its people. It was lit up by a damp light, shade clinging to the bars edges, a few tables in the right corner and toilets in the other, with stairs leading up to the rooms. Only a few people sat in the bar, each alone, one man serving at the counter, one sitting at it, another at the tables and a woman coming from the bathroom. Lara took a seat on the bar stool, leaning on the counter demanding attention from the eager owner. “Hello Miss, what would you like?” he asked as the woman from the bathroom sat at the counter. “Water,” asked Lara looking to the woman and men in the bar. “Just water.” As she was served she observed her fellow guests, the young woman, a lean and smooth brown skinned regular, evidently was some sort of mercenary by her combat trousers and boots with a short green t-shirt outlining her moderate chest and letting her fluid arms breath. A red bandana bunched her brown hair behind her head, a sharp face and green eyes adding evidence to her dangerous expression. The rest of her body was given little form, the combat trousers concealed her legs and the boots her feet. The other man at the counter was pale by comparison, tall and concealed his muscle underneath a leather jacket and a black top. He took a sip of his beer, a strong face with a tough jaw and clean shaven skin, wide eyes and rustled hair gave him an innocent look and though capable of taking care of himself was more likely a tourist or traveller than a mercenary. The slightly older man at the back was quiet, shadow lingering around him as he seated himself in the corner at a table head down. He had long hair, with a ponytail and a loose shirt on. Under the darkness little else could be made out. Lara content that she would have no problem here slid along the bar to the guy, still sipping his beer. “You new here?” Lara intruded, trying to get him lusting for her. “Eh, yeh, came a few days ago stopped here for the night,” he answered surprised by the intrusion. “A bit quiet out here,” she commented to his nod. “A bit lonely too.” That caught his attention and he tried to gauge her body from the corner of his eyes, a sly smile hinting that he was more than eager. Lara smiled. “Barman, how much for a room?” Lara asked sliding a few notes of currency across the counter. The barman smiled. “That’ll be fine.” Lara led the man upstairs by hand, the narrow hall dark, with creaky floor boards led them to a room, with a red door and gold handle, old but maintained. Opening it revealed a small but modest room, with only a wardrobe and a single bed, and a window behind it with drawn curtains giving the room its dim light. He closed the door as she laid herself on the bed, beckoning him to her body as she pulled of her top, her luscious orbs dropping giving him an irresistible urge. Quickly he throw off his jacket and his top revealing a well toned body as he climbed on top of her, undoing her belt allowing her to slip off her shorts. Her round hips free and her naked body ready for him he began sliding off his jeans, as they kissed passionately, two strangers desperate for company. Both naked he began thrusting his cock into her, the motion shaking the bed and exciting her, so he began stroking her breasts too as she lay back taking in his efforts to please her. He pumped faster, the bed rocking back and forth with the motion, both moaning and sweating, their naked bodies feeding one another’s pleasure. Pleasure rising, ecstasy increasing they reach an almighty finish with both moaning loudly in sheer satisfaction as the bed calms and he falls upon her, his head laid on her chest. She takes a few brief moments to recover then licks her lips. Sliding out from underneath him she steps off of the bed and onto the floor walking to the end of the bed and grabs his feet. “You’re not tired?” he murmurs. Then she slides his toes into her sex, letting it pull him in unknown to him, mistaking the feelings for kisses. This thought soon fades as the slick wet creeps over his toes to his ankles and he looks up in horror to find his feet in her pussy. “What the-,” he tries to say as Lara hastens, puling him in up to his knees then with another slurp to his hips at which point he begins screaming. Hoping to not attract attention she sucks him in faster, past his groin and up his stomach, his mouth now in reach she places a hand on it to calm him. His muffled screams do little to help him as Lara groans as she parts her legs to let his shoulders in, then a wet slurp takes him in up to his head. Just as she is to finish him a bang sounds from behind as the door is kicked in, Lara turning to face the man with a ponytail and the woman, obviously responding to the screams. Their eyes widen with shock and confusion as they view the mans head sticking out from between Lara’s legs, yelling for help and buy’s Lara enough time to attack them. Grabbing their heads she thrusts them face first into her breasts, their scream are soon diluted when the nipple sucks them inside. Two people hanging from her chest, and a man from her pussy she lets out a sigh at the impossibility of the situation. She sucks his head within her silencing his pleas forever and then attends her next victims. She removes their clothes, difficult as they struggle pushing against her with their arms and trying to kick her. Their nakedness reveals attractive bodies, well toned and very sensitive to touch. Once she had taken them off the process continues and within minutes the two disappear into her nipples with a moist pop, expanding her breasts to hang over her huge pregnant belly, dripping milk from being so full, sweat outlining the struggles in the dim moonlight, their efforts reminding Lara how much she missed being so full. Outside team Charlie, black clad soldiers, armed and hidden at the side of the road watch with scopes from the foliage. They watch through their infa-red scopes as she starts stroking and massaging herself, savouring her captive’s demise and their puny resistance. “Abnormal body heat, that’s her but we’re too late,” commented the sniper, disheartened at the scene. “Fine, the plan still sticks, it’ll be easy to catch her alive, that big body can’t match us for sure.” Back at the ruins, the men were busy setting up lights and equipment, lights and facilities in the underground temple with the sound of construction heard above on the surface. Amanda still tied to the pillar was growing impatient at her captivity and inability to do anything beyond enjoy her meals struggles. The Boss was nowhere to be seen. By the altar the twins study the intricate symbols on its surface as well as scanning the medallion, trying to discover the source of its unique properties. The writings appear to be explaining something of deep interest to them as they are transfixed by the symbols meaning. “If all that’s written is true,” comments one crouching behind the pedestal. “Then its properties have more effects than considered, more applications,” continues the other standing on the other side observing the medallion but refusing to touch. “More abilities, more possibilities, more risks and opportunities,” smiled the first coming to a stand. Facing each other they both grin wild with menacing thoughts. “We’ll say nothing.” “Boss can’t know.” “Yet.” |
Power Lust Charlie team consisted of four members, all hidden in the foliage outside the large bar, their target inside unaware as they prepared to move in. The moonlight and neon lights bounced off the leaves and kept their presence a secret, buried in shadow under the dense jungle night. Their leader was older than the rest and keen to take down the tomb raider, armed with hi-tech equipment, camouflage and ready with a tranquilliser gun. Then there was the team’s sniper, a lean women with a cap on, carrying less than everyone else and holding a scoped tranquilliser gun. The other two were young men, one more experienced than the other, bald and brooding, whilst the new guy was much leaner with rustled hair and light gear. “Right, we all split up and take an entrance each, that way we can lock the place down,” ordered the leader, calmly looking over the building. “I and Jones go in first; you two take the back entrances once we’re inside.” The female, Jones, nodded and followed the leader out of the foliage, silently under the silk cover of the night, moving low towards the building. Jones entered into a side door and the leader moved steadily through the main door, signalling the other two to move. He took each step silently into the bar, the empty main room unsettling him with its eerie unattended tables and counter hinting at the fate of the customers but leaving no sign of the bartender. His heavy boots made surprisingly little noise, barely even creaking the floorboards underneath. Approaching the stairs he raised his rifle, prepared for anything the tomb raider was capable of, as he began ascending them, softly. The leader looked up at the deep shadow waiting at the top of the stairs and braced then without warning was pinned to the floor by the weight of Lara’s massive form, her belly almost crushing him from the chest down, keeping his arms by his side, her wriggling breasts in his face. Defenceless he screamed just as Lara plunged her maw over his head, swiftly silencing him and gobbling him up fully clothed. Lara’s neck bulged with the soldier’s shape, her skin glistening with sweat revealing every bump and inch of the meal being consumed. Soon he slid down with little effort leaving her belly gorged, Lara let out a low belch and a distressed rumble from her stomach. “Fully clothed?” she thought placing her hand on her stomach. “He’s going to give me indigestion.” Jones came sprinting from the toilets at the ready, her finger itchy on her trigger coming to the aid of her leader. Upon arriving she found nothing but his rifle, lying at the bottom of the stairs with no clues as to what happened. As she knelt down to investigate the rifle a sudden force hit her from above, pressure on her shoulders as her vision went black. The tomb raider’s ass had swallowed Jones head; Lara’s hips resting on her shoulders pushing her to the ground and making her lose the grip on her own rifle, leaving her powerless. Lara took this time to undress the sniper, quickly tearing off the woman’s clothes to reveal a thin but strong frame with ample breasts and nice hips. “Shame I can’t play with my food,” giggled Lara taking in Jones shoulders with a loud effort. The rest of her body slid in with ease, the butt cheeks sliding over Jones petite body despite her desperate struggles and constant squirming, sucked up the tomb raider’s ass with a moist slurp and fleshy pop. All this was seen by the younger bald member of the team who watched in disbelief from the main door of the bar, now caught by Lara’s attention, making her plump lips curve to a smile. Frozen in sheer surprise and horror he became unable to fire. Lara’s large body before him, her shaking sack of a stomach stretched and glistening, her bountiful breasts struggling from within and her now bulging hips faced at him, bouncing from Jones kicking. “Don’t just stand there!” called Lara moving closer. “Join her!” Now Lara pounced on the soldier, pinning him to the floor with her butt, it’s moist entrance inches from his face and Jones impressions on the skin adding to the horror of his fate. Wasting no time, she tore of his boots and flung them away as he lay there immobile, pulling off his trousers and then the rest of his gear preparing him for his prison. Then with a quick bounce Lara landed her ass on his face and began sucking him in, her rear muscles working overtime, pulsating and wriggling with Jones to consume him. Within a minute he was gone, taken to join Jones in her anus. Lara quivered as a powerful orgasm struck her, making her body rattle with pleasure from the thousand struggles within, unaware she had one more meal to tend to. Outside the youngest, most inexperienced member, stood just outside the bar unable to enter for fear of what awaited him inside, the screams and noises haunting him and making him nervous. Now, everything went quiet and he was left outside, glowing in the moonlight as the bar fell silent and dead. He dropped his rifle out of fear and fell on his knees, afraid of what was to come next. He didn’t have to wait long. Lara swaggered from the main door, confidently to him swaying her bulging hips from behind the massive tanned sphere of her belly, her breasts draped over it with live prey still wrestling inside. He shook with fear. “Don’t be afraid,” she said raising his chin with her hand. “If you make this easy, I promise it won’t hurt.” He nodded in compliance. “Now take off all your clothes,” she commanded trying to distract him from the unsettling movement within her. Hesitantly he began undressing; out of fear and awe struck, until he was naked, bare in the moonlit jungle his gear in a bundle by his feet. “Now, take my breast,” she said holding her squirming boob out to him, its skin rippling with movement. Again, he was hesitant to begin, unnerved by the struggling inside but eventually he gave in and began suckling on her breast gently as milk trickled into his mouth. She smiled at him as he looked up into her deep eyes and lovely lips, almost enjoying the moment before with utter terror he screamed as his face was pulled through the nipple into her breast, entering a milk filled bliss. She began laughing triumphantly with her deception, having fooled him into some false security. Her nipple flowed over his shoulders and down his body, the slick breast smooth to his naked skin making it consume him easily and quickly, and not soon after his toes vanished into the nipple as Lara revelled in ecstasy, stroking every part of her body, her well fed breasts both expanding to hang just above her hips, making her whole body alive with ceaseless panic and fear. All her prey wrestle against her, desperate to escape and only she had the ability to release them. She had the power. Inside her breast, the young soldier made love to the female mercenary from the bar whilst in her ass the bald soldier did the same with Jones, all lost in the living confides of her dark, wet prison, flesh and juices covering them as they began to orgasm. Lara collapsed in pleasure, lying on the dirt road full, naked and empowered by the prison she had become for her victims. She loved it and now felt how strong she had become and knew she was ready. Ready to free John. Back at the ruins, the Boss had been growing a concern about the twins constant studying of the medallion, their faces constantly in its green light, eyes glimmering with its mystic glow. Their dark, skin tight leather cat suits had been in a constant green shade for hours now as the twins furiously toyed with the medallion, worryingly curious about its applications. The boss decided it was time to leave, out of both fear and boredom he decided his time was of no use here and decided to leave the ruins to the comfort of his helicopter. He told his intentions to the twins but they didn’t seem to notice, too engrossed in the artefact as he swiftly left, climbing the ladder out of the underground chamber now busy with various security personnel attending various pieces of equipment and guarding the still captive Amanda. She saw the boss leave and hung her head, knowing that her fate was sealed to being a captive for a long while yet, her attention not even curious about the intentions of the ever busy twins. Just as the moments dragged on achingly to her, Amanda felt a shift in her ass, a gurgle sounded too as she came to realise that the prisoners in her ass were due to be released any moment soon but with her butt pressed against the pillar she wasn’t sure what was going to happen. In her confusion she called to the twins for help, with only one coming to her aid. “What is it?” enquired the twin bitterly, irritated and eager to return to her work. “I need space, their…on the way out,” she told her groaning just as her ass began working its muscles into expelling her captives. The twin turned to the other by the altar. “Shall we?” asked the first. “With them?” replied the other turning her attention away from the medallion briefly. “Of course,” they both said simultaneously Signalling the two nearby guards to untie and secure Amanda, the twins moved forward with a surprised yet unsettling anticipation. The guards carefully untied the gigantic and bloated Amanda, her form freely rolls onto the floor and she begins to push the victims from her anus. This sudden movement awakens the rest of her captives and her whole body shakes and squirms with struggle causing her to be overcome with orgasmic pleasure, giving into it and with a final effort excretes her victim onto the stone floor of the dark expansive chamber. Released in a gush of juices and wet sounds, Jen lay there, her protruding stomach stretched like she’s pregnant containing Alex, no longer able to struggle out of exhaustion, it glistens with a slick mixture of sweat and internal juices, thick over her giving her a strong odour. Overcome with arousal Amanda is rendered powerless and is quickly restrained once again against the pillar, enjoying the movement within her all too much. The two guards then proceed to restrain Jen, making her kneel before the twins, and the omnipotent altar behind them. One of the twins took the medallion from the altar and lets it hang from its chain from her hand, swinging gently in front of the distracted Jen, barely aware of what exactly was happening, green light flickering in her eyes. The other twin crouched down in front of Jen and placed a hand on Jen’s swollen abdomen. “So full and yet so inefficient,” she commented. “That’s not for us,” said the first. “Not for us,” Meanwhile above the temple Lara approached the perimeter of the ruins, her now calm gorged body lumbering gently through the dense green, with the dawning sun rising behind her, its orange glow blinded the jungle, keeping her concealed in its warm basking light. Her ponytail stuck to her naked body, unable to sway in the cool, early morning breeze that passed through the trees, keeping her relaxed. From the concealment of the clearings edge she saw the soldiers, about a dozen, around the ruins opening, resting on some crates bored and clearly not paying any attention. Just as she prepared to move in silently she also witnessed the boss, still plagued by shadow in the early light, making his way to the large helicopter escorted by various personnel. As he entered the shade of the transport Lara considered going after him, to get back at him but eventually thought better of it, she had to free John first before she caused any kind of ruckus. Cautiously inching her round form forward she crushed the perimeters barbed wire softly and rolled onwards, slipping in and out of the clearing’s light foliage for cover, slowly making her way to the entrance hole, avoiding the attention of the guards distracted by conversation. With only a large shrub hiding her from the guard’s only feet away on the other side of the opening she planned her next move carefully for anyone who cared to look now would see her clearly. Her massive, gorged, sweat slick form nudged just through the shrub and leaned over the entrance looking into the dark temple below. The chamber was still as huge as she remembered but was now flooded with light, though it was unable to pierce the infinite darkness at the far reaches of the stone chamber, its peerless darkness hinting at an unprecedented and hidden size to the whole ruin. A strong rope ladder was in place at the entrance, offering a way down into the busy ruins, alive with security personnel, computers and other defences. Waiting only a few moments for a window opportunity Lara plunged into the depths as the guards below distanced from the entrance, she landed with a dull thud that made her body shake and quickly rolled into the dark behind a pillar avoiding detection by seconds as the light parted around the pillar and the guards didn’t hear anything as they observed screens and attended maintenance. Having a thorough look around she spotted Amanda still tied to the pillar, her gigantic body squeezed against the pillar as she quivered from the pleasure of her struggling prey, moving her body in rippling and bouncing motions underneath the restraints. Near to her Lara saw the altar, out of the way of the rest of the chamber, hidden away from the bustling entrance to keep the artefact out of prying hands but the green glow was no longer upon its pedestal but in the hands of one of the twins, their ample frames outlined in emerald shine, their short black pixie like hair slick and their black cat suits tight from sweating under the damp heat of the underground chamber. But the real surprise was their captive, kneeled before them under the restraint of two soldiers, Jen. Her filled womb swelled her belly outward and Lara wondered how Jen had the power and who she had consumed, then her surprise met arousal at the fine young body of her rival predator, filled with a sleeping victim. Then Lara noticed the peculiar use of the medallion, unlike everyone else who had used it the twins did not hold the emerald itself they let it hang by its chain, swinging hypnotically in front of Jen who was oblivious to her position. Lara didn’t know what they intended to do but she knew she couldn’t let them have Jen. Jen slowly became conscious of what was happening, first the glint in her eyes from the medallion, the artefact Lara had hired her to find, its strange coiled snake shape and design on the gem unsettled her with its hungry snake hinting at the power it gave its users. Then she found her hands held by soldiers, their steel vices too much for her tired body, constraining her hunger to be fuller, Alex within her barely enough to please her lust. As her attention returned to the emerald, its swinging glow holding her curiosity as the swinging and glow intensified, growing in speed and light with each swing. From behind Lara lunged from behind a pillar, to the astonishment and fear of the twins but it was too late and a ray of green light fired from the medallion, its spinning beam twirling around her and the tomb raider behind, blurring her vision in a dizzy whirl of green light as the world spun around her. Lara lunged arms ready to grab the twins and deal with them once and for all, her massive form flying over Jen towards the twins with her swinging medallion and just inches from her Lara was hit by the waves of magic from the artefact, spinning her around mid-flight and blinding her in its intense glow, before throwing her hard to the floor. The world around her was dark and suddenly much colder, she was unable to see anything, only able to feel the slight movement of her bodies gorged parts, shifting against the hard stone floor. As the blur faded and her eyes adjusted she found her self staring at a gigantic black tower shiny amongst the ruins shadow, rising over her and as she followed it she found it to be not a tower, but a large high heel, leather shoes to the cat suit of the twin, the giantess standing like a goddess above the tiny Lara. “I’ve been shrunk!” she screamed in her thoughts unaware that the medallion could do such things. Panicking she glanced around her and saw the chamber a thousand times its original size, the stone tiles of the floor like town plaza’s extended over the chamber, stretching to a distant horizon. Behind her she found a large pile of clothes, military gear of one of the security personnel restraining Jen. “He must have got caught too,” Turning back to the twin she saw the other giantess twin standing beside her, both scanning the ground for their prey. The one with the medallion saw Lara and gave a sinister smile with her black lips, her eyes glaring at Lara with a hunger that Lara knew all too well, sending a shiver down her spine and rattling her in shock at the turn of events. Tossing the medallion onto the altar she took one step towards Lara bringing it down in an almighty crash just next to Lara, forcing the tomb raider into a sprint in search of safety. She couldn’t see Jen as the other twin headed in another direction shaking the ground in search of the other prey but saw the naked security guard emerge from the sleeve of the bundle of his massive clothes. Confused and disorientated he had no idea what to do so Lara sprinted to him grabbing him and used her lumbering body to pull him away as the giantess took another step, her high heel crushing into the stone where he had been. Lara looked ahead, desperate to find a spot to hide, and then only a small run away she saw a crack in the stone, highlighted by the light of a nearby lamp, its width enough to fit them both and hopefully deep enough to get away from the twin. Increasing in speed she came closer and dived the final part, pulling the guard behind her and both fell into the dark of the crevice narrowly avoiding another trembling step by the giantess. Jen came to only moments after the ground shake with quakes and found herself tiny too, shrunk and under the watchful eyes of a giant twin towering over her now inches high frame. Jen stood in fear, frozen to the spot as the cold stone made her feet feel immobile and she couldn’t pull herself away from the leather clad beauty of the giantess even as she landed her high heel inches away shaking the ground and making her fall over. On the ground she saw the other twin chasing after other prey but if it was Lara she couldn’t tell as a bundle of clothing blocked her vision like a rocky hill. Turning on her back she looked up at the giantess as she stood with a leg on either side of Jen, her leather body spiralling omni-potently above her. The twin bit her lip. “You!” the giantess said, her voice booming like thunder over Jen’s trembling body. “You took him through your vagina!” Jen was stunned and took a moment to glance at her bloated, round abdomen and then again back at the giantess. “Let see how you like it!” the twin announced pulling the zip at her groin back, revealing the naked sex of the giantess, wet with anticipation. Then slowly the giantess descended, bending her knees slowly as she came to squat, her moist sex inches away from the stunned Jen, her eyes wide as the hot nethers filled her vision, juices dribbling over her until the sex fell over her and tightened, sucking her in and as the twin stood up, picking her victim up off the stone floor and into her slit of musty air and soft flesh, Jen had disappeared, as she now began to struggle deep within the sex of the twin. The twin moaned softly as she zipped up her fly, concealing the evidence that anything had occurred. She was satisfied. In the dark crevice Lara pressed back against the stone edges and looked up at the light overhead, the bright entrance to their hideout. The shaking around her told her that the twin was close and still looking for them. “What the hell is going on!” cried the naked guard, next to Lara, horrified by her gorged figure and terrified by the looming giant above. “Shut up!” whispered Lara desperate to hide their presence. “No, I need some god damn answers!” he yelled at her his voice trembling with fear. “Look, if you don’t quiet down I’ll eat you!” half shouted Lara trying to scare him into obedient silence. The shaking stopped, causing a moments silence between the pair as they peered around silently looking for signs of the giantess. Confident that they were safe the guard continued. “Now, you’re going to tell-,” he was cut off as a massive hand came in from above and grabbed him with two fingers and yanked him from the crevice pulling him up out of the dark and into the blazing light. As he rose into the air he was stopped in front of the huge face of the gorgeous twin, her black features terrifying and yet arousing to the tiny captive. “Tell me where the tomb raider is or I’ll eat your puny excuse for a meal!” she said bellowing over the guard, who was as tall as her finger, weak under her grip. “Please…oh god…se’s in there!” he pleaded fearing for his life. The twin took a moment to look down at the crevice then back at her small prey, taking a few seconds to think. Then unexpectedly to the little man, she unzipped her cat suit to a V over her chest, exposing the canyon between her massive breasts their mountainous flesh glistening with sweat. She dropped him between her cleavage, his body squeezed gently by the gigantic mounds of flesh, getting wet with her sweat as she zipped up her cat suit to hide his presence sending his world black under the tight leather. Lara watched fearfully from the crevice up into the light, having heard the giantess’s interrogation but unable to hear his response. She tried to press tighter against the stone walls, hoping she remained hidden. Suddenly the twin’s huge pale hand burst into the crevice, her fingers furiously feeling around for the tomb raider, touching every edge and corner as the fingers came closer to the famous archaeologist. Lara ducker under the finger and avoided capture by the black nails by mere inches and after a moment or so more of hiding found herself alone and left by the goddesses hand, letting Lara rest to think about her next move. Lara began thinking about what happened to the guard and then more importantly if Jen was ok and pondered their fates for a while whilst considering her own options. She didn’t have to wait long for her choice to be made when a strange plastic tube, like a tunnel in proportion to the tomb raider, pushed into the crevice, its tubing heading a way back up into the light of the temple above. Lara waited patiently and began to hear faintly, a sound echoing from the tubing, like gurgling or running water. “Water!” panicked Lara realizing the twin was going to flood the crevice to expose her. Above she could hear the triumphant laughter of the twin. With Jen in her sex, kicking against her inner walls and abdomen she began looking for the other guard, desperate to continue this extreme satisfaction. From afar, near the temples entrance the security gave her and her sister confused looks as they were unaware of what the two scientists were doing. She gave them a stern stare to deter their curiosity and get them back to their own work before continuing her search. Looking around she saw her sister pushing a hose into the crevice where she had found the man, she was obviously going to force out the sexy adventurer. This made her so envious of her twin. Luckily, she didn’t have to look far as only a few steps from his pile of clothes was the other guard desperately trying to run from her even though there was nowhere to go. Making a long step she landed her foot down in front of him, her tall, black leather high heel boot stopped him in his tracks, the quake caused by the step made him fall over and he knew it was over. She bit her lip in anticipation and unzipped her fly again, revealing her sex dribbling with sticky juice, hungry for more. He screamed and tried to scramble to his feet but she descended too fast however and thrust his little body into her gigantic maw of a vagina, as he struggled violently against the tight confides of her velvet sex. She pushed him in a little with her fingers and enjoyed his final futile resistance as he was plunged deep into her, to join Jen. “I know you’re upset,” she began whilst groaning in slow ecstasy. “But if you’re lucky, she’ll do it again for you.” With this final comment for the tiny man she zipped up her fly and once again relished in the pleasure of the struggles within her. The crevice filled with water, with seconds it was up to Lara’s knees, the cold liquid making her shiver under the fear of no escape. “Lara, oh Lara,” called the twin from above her voice echoing around the crevice. “I’m going to eat you, just like you ate all those people and I’m going to know what it was like.” Lara felt the water lapping at the bottom of her big hips. “Except it’ll be better for me Lara because I won’t be big and fat like you, no I’ll be the same, slim and smooth, a real beauty.” The water had reached her sex, it icy feeling tingling her sex. “There’s no escape, you’ve lost. I’ve caught your little man friend, he’s in a tight squeeze and as for your Jen, she’s been shoved up the cunt of my sister!” “No!” Lara cried wincing at the fate of her friend as the water wrapped around Lara’s juicy boobs, erecting her nipples. “You failed to save your precious John too, he’s still rotting away with a dozen others in the belly of Amanda!” Now at her chin, Lara began to float as the water rose ever faster bringing her out of the crevice, now having totally given up out of the futility of her situation. “And now,” the twin finished as Lara was brought out of the crevice, floating in a little basin of cold water, her puny fat body no match for the giant twin. “I’m going to drink you down!” Inside the other twin, Jen sucks the toes of the guard into her sex, as he disappears between her vagina’s lips making her give out an almighty cry of pleasure with the two men inside her womb both struggling to be released, against her power making her orgasm and love every minute even if she is trapped inside the pussy of a giant twin. She no longer cares. Lara battles against the current, her floating body trying to swim away from the water vanishing between the giantess’s black lips, the water reflecting light shapes onto her face as she watches with hungry eyes at the final struggles of the tomb raider but despite her strength and constant kicks the current pulls her down and her massive round and curvy naked body towards the giant lips. Her cold, wet skin meets the soft lips with a splash and in an instant the two slick surfaces collide and Lara is slurped between the lips and into the mouth of the twin who seals her lips and pulls away from the water standing back up in a motion that swirls Lara about her mouth, letting her stroke the bloated beauty with her tongue before after a moments calm, she gulps and pulls Mrs. Croft down the waterfall of her throat sliding quickly down into her stomach and entering the sack in a gush of water, landing with a splash into the water filled belly of her fleshy prison and victorious giantess. Lara floats on the surface of the water and looks around beaten, defeated and utterly without motivation. She has no one to help her and no means of escape. The giant twin burps in satisfaction at the fate she has provided for Lara, rubbing her flat stomach in some inward boast. “Time for seconds,” She pulls down the zip to her cleavage and reveals the man between her cleavage, squeezed between her mighty breasts and drenched in her sweat. Pulling him from between the squeeze she holds him once again before her face and opens her mouth wide, her black maw striking him with doom and causing him to struggle in her grip. “What’s the matter?” she teases. “Never been eaten before?” “I thought… you weren’t going to eat me!” he cries, tears rolling down his face. “You thought that did you?” the twin asks mockingly. “You spared me!” This genuinely stunned her and she thought for a moment realising her earlier actions. “You’re right,” she says. “I can’t eat you.” “Really?” he asks hopefully. “Yes, I won’t eat you,” she confirms before giving him another of her black, sinister grins, her black lips sharp against her pale skin. “You can go somewhere else.” Before he can comment she zips down her cat suit further and reveals the nipple f her breasts and quickly shoves him against it forcing him into its tiny opening, unable to squirm under her tight grip. Only a stronger push and is head is forced in, her strength then able to slide his entire body into the milk filled sack of her breast, his fate at the hands of her body. His squirms are weak in her breasts and the tomb raider seems unable to struggle at all but still, she is much satisfied and saunters over to her twin who is stroking the groin of her cat suit, eager to relieve the arousal from within her. “That was fun,” says the first twin observing her sister try to satisfy herself. “So good,” she replies still stroking the leather. “What now?” asks the first. “What other magic is written on the altar?” They both move over to the altar, where they threw the medallion, it landing firmly on the pedestal relieving them both of any concern over its safety. Just as they begin to study the intricate symbols, desperate to increase their pleasure, looking on the side for more spells they suddenly hear a strange rattling all around them , like some kind of snake, alerting the guards by the entrance who draw their weapons expecting an attack from some unseen force. Then all their attention including the twins is directed to the source of a loud echoed voice coming from the darkness beyond their lights, deep in the depths of the huge underground chamber. “Enough!” booms the voice. “No more spellssss!” The twins grew scared as the guards become nervous before they turn quickly with a jump hearing the voice now from another direction. “You are enough to feed me!” it cries with a lust hanging on the edge of its smooth, hissing voice. “You ssshould know why thisss chamber is ssso big!” There is a minute of silence as they all wait with reluctant anticipation of what is to come, only hearing a faint slither from the shadow around the chamber. “Becaussse,” the voice returns form the darkness. “It belongsss to me!” |
— Fish in a Cubicle — By WilderHoney — The phone’s screen dimmed as her head got between the light and the sensor. She groaned, as quietly as she could, and pushed again. It came loose and splashed into the water below with a loud plap! Lily cringed and sucked air in through her teeth, hoping she was alone in there. She had a sneaking suspicion that she wasn’t. No one commented. But there was another sound. In the next cubicle, she heard a light snort. Lily stared ahead at her own cubicle’s door, eyes wide, while the rest of her being cringed hard. She wasn’t alone after all. Someone had heard her. Something thudded against the dividing wall, hard. She flinched away from the sound, instinctively. The fuck was going on next door as someone trying to get in Lily’s mind raced through the potential possibilities of what would come next. any of them involved her literally being caught with her pants down. The small snort again. Lily put her ear to the cubicle wall slow, shallow breathing. very time they inhaled, they snorted. Lily frowned. nd then Lily got it. Snoring. Duh. Lily wiped and flushed, then stood up and awkwardly tried to pull up her leggings. Lily accidentally squeeed her belly in the process and farted. It seemed like a boom against the quiet, reverberate around the place. Lily froe, bent double, waiting. nother snore from next door. Lily stood up again, getting her leggings up this time. ad someone really fallen asleep on the toilet She ust had to know. That was a story to tell The time the girl next to me fell asleep while taking a shit here were the publishers She was ready for her milliondollar contract. Lily put a boot on the toilet seat. Then stopped. She rapped gently against the dividing wall. ello ou okay she whispered. They didn’t respond, ust snored. Lily climbed up onto the toilet seat, steadying herself with the wall. She rose on her tippytoes and leaned her head over the wall. The girl was fast asleep. er head rested against on toilet roll holder like it was a big, two ply pillow. The funny thing was, her dress wasn’t pulled up over her legs like she was using theply pillow. The funny thing was, her dress wasn’t pulled up over her legs like she was using the toilet. She was ust sitting there. She hadn’t fallen asleep on the toilet, she was ust sleeping on a toilet. eird, sure, but Lily didn’t feel like a total pervert at least. Lily stepped down from the toilet and left the cubicle. She washed her hands, adusted her coat so that it covered the small gap of belly between her leggings and her shirt, that had ridden up, exposing her stued belly. Lily took another look back at the closed door of the cubicle the girl was sleeping in. The lock was red. art of Lily wanted to bang on the door, then run. Instead of behaving a total bitch, she turned to the the door to leave. Lily stopped with her hand on the exit’s door handle. er belly was growling, a long continuous bubbling moan. The strange pressure built up in Lily’s bowels. Lily thought she might have to go again because twentyve minutes on the toilet wasn’t enough but then her mind caught up with her body. It was time to eat. Lily stared back at the locked cubicle. She stared through it, at the girl inside, sleeping. ildly chubby. She’d make a good meal. ore importantly, she was ust there. No hunting required. No cornering. No tricking. ust Lily devouring her prey. ish in a barrel… Fish in a cubicle. Never would there be a better chance. In the mirror, the tall black girl with the big, round belly and the glittering brown eyes smiled at Lily. She egged Lily on, gave her the condence. The image of Lily’s girlfriend kissing, stroking, worshiping her huge belly later on in their bed made her smile. Lily almost felt her girlfriends tongue in her belly button. Lily slipped her nger inside and pressed gently. Lily crept back to the cubicles and stopped in front of the one with the girl inside, hand at the lock. She stopped, looked around the bathroom, saw that she was alone. Lily walked up and down to make sure the other cubicles were empty, then returned to the closed door. Staring down at the lock, Lily chewed her lip. ow exactly was she supposed to open this thing There was a thin indent in the center of the lock itself. If Lily had a flathead screwdriver then she could ust am it in and turn the lock and the door would open. The only problem with that Lily didn’t have a flathead screwdriver on her. It wasn’t something she carried around in her handbag. er stomach growled at her, the impatient little fuck. Lily hissed at it to shut up and let her think. It didn’t seem to like that and growled at her again, louder. Lily didn’t have a flathead screwdriver, no. But Lily did have ngernails. She brought her hand up and inspected them they were long enough. But She’d ruin them unlocking the door. The nail polish. er girlfriend put in a lot of eort on them. They weren’t simple ust colors. Little flowers that had taken far too long to paint on her girlfriend had had to snap at her toLittle flowers that had taken far too long to paint on her girlfriend had had to snap at her to sit still. But, grumbling belly, desperate need to eat someone, huge belly to come later worshiped. Lily pushed her nail into the little indent. It took a little twisting and and working, but the lock turned to green on the second attempt. ulling her nger away, Lily was thrilled to see the nail was ne, the little flowers undamaged and whole, no chips. No cracks. She pushed the door. There was resistance. Lily pushed again, a little harder. The door gave. Something soft but heavy fell against the tiles. The door groaned open. Lily winced. hatever had fallen down scraped along the floor then was sandwiched between the door and the wall of the cubicle. Lily squeeed herself through the gap. It almost wasn’t enough she’d had to do a strange half turn to t her belly and hips through. losing the door behind her was ust as awkward as opening it and getting in. Lily brushed up against the sleeping girls legs, froe and waited for the hat the fuck But it never came. The girl snored louder. Lily pressed the door closed gently and turned to face the girl. She was a pretty thing. ark brown hair parted to one side, full lips, a cute little nose. They were all nice details to Lily. In another world, she would denitely be Lily’s type. In this world though, Lily’s predator brain had taken over. It noted that the girl was chubby, bordering fat. The cute round, soft belly underneath the dress, the thickish thighs, the big boobs. It all meant one thing to this Lily good eats. Lily hooked her thumbs under the waistband of her leggings. The parts of her mind that weren’t a hungry monster tried to distract her. The part of her that felt guilt told her that there would be guilt over this, yes. She’d been told that. This was still one of her fellow humans that she was about to devour. The part of her that understood the law said this was murder and that she was black. If she got caught, then she was fucked. ell and truly fucked. Lily knew all this. Lily still pulled down her leggings. Because, well, this was her nature now. This was what she had to do to live. nd she liked living. She liked it a lot at the moment. This was power. She was powerful at the moment. She looked down at the sleeping girl and smiled. She was so damn powerful right now. The girl still snored as Lily turned around and shued backwards, leggings around her knees. She wasn’t worried about the nylon stretching out and ruining them. The thought never even crossed her mind. onths ago, yes. She would have taken them o and even folded them, found somewhere to put them where they wouldn’t get dirty of damaged. Now it was all about the meal. The back of Lily’s legs pushed up against the girl’s. Lily tried to spread her legs wider so they could go either side of the girl. er leggings wouldn’t allow such movement to happen. Lily frowned at the ground. uck it. She was hungry. She could buy a new pair of leggings.er gut gnawed on itself. It was time to eat. N. The girl hadn’t stirred yet. Lily shued back a little more and reached around behind her. She cupped the back of the girl’s head gently with her hand, careful not to wake her up. ulling her head towards her backside, Lily felt it puckering up, expectantly, awaiting her next meal. She inched the girls head towards it. Lily had to force herself to go slowly. No need to rush it, wake her up and then suddenly have to stu a screaming girl’s head inside yourself. Not again. Lily had tried this in a public place before. It felt a lot like having sex in a public place. The potential of being discovered made it ust a little more exciting. hat would happen if she was found out Lily imagined herself with two people inside her. art of her hoped she was discovered. She unlocked the cubicle door, inviting the curious to try and disturb this predator from her meal. The girl’s head brushed up against Lily’s ass. inally, the girl’s eyes opened. They were sluggish at rst, her gae wooy, not quite awake yet. er breath was hot against Lily’s asshole. It opened wider, eager, impatient. The girl stared at the brown flesh right in front of her, eyes widening with confusion. Lily wondered what she could be thinking. hat a place to wake up in The girl’s gae moved up Lily’s back. er eye’s widening further as she apparently started to get what was going on and where her exactly her face was. Lily smiled down at her when there eyes met, showing a toothy smile. i, Lily said, ou’re mine now. She was thrilled with the way she said it. Like this was a fact. Hey! What’s up? My name’s Lily. I’m just gonna eat you now. With my ass. Yep. Not much you can do about it. cream i you want. I don’t mind. I thin I lie it actually. Yeah. The girl did scream. She screamed for a long time. er eyes scrunched up and her face went red. But not much sound came out. She was mued pretty strongly by Lily. hen she was nished, staring up at Lily with wet, red eyes, Lily ust smiled back down at her and pressed harder against the back of her head, rmly into the crack. The girl screamed something along the lines of N but Lily barely heard her. er asshole opened wider and the girl’s face was sinking inside it. Lily’s ass swelled wider as the girl’s head was sucked further inside. She pushed her hands against Lily’s cheeks, grabbing hold of her with her nails. Lily gasped and grabbed hold of the girl’s wrists, pulled them o. She held them up and out. They wriggled against her, making unnatural movements. The girls neck slid in easily. Lily felt the girl enter her intestines, groaned in pleasure, then in pain. The girls shoulders pushed up against her. er asshole stretched wider. The skin burned. Lily worried for a moment that this would tear her in two. She knew better of course,burned. Lily worried for a moment that this would tear her in two. She knew better of course, this wasn’t her rst rodeo, but there was still that creeping fear in the back of her mind. She bit her bottom lip to stop form crying out. Sweat clung to Lily’s forehead, dribbling down her cheeks. nable to hold it in anymore, she groaned with the eort. The girl’s shoulders were ust inside her now. nd they weren’t moving any further. Lily grunted, a guttural sound that she never thought she could even make. She tried to grab hold of the girl but couldn’t quite reach her. aybe she’d have to let her go, nd someone a little skinnier, narrower shoulders. But Lily knew she couldn’t do that. The girl might rat her out. ould rat her out. No one was supposed to know that people could actually do this. It was supposed to stay in it’s dark little corner of the web. Lily clenched, unclenched, let the girl slide out a little, then sucked. She gasped as the girl slid in fast to her waist. Lily was beginning to show, her belly pushing it out a little further under her top, pressing up against her legs. Lily let out the breath she didn’t notice she’d held, then relaxed. Like she’d been taught Let your body do what it knows how to do. on’t ask why or how, it ust knows. She took another deep breath and wiped her brow with her arm. wet slurping sound as the girl’s waist slid in and her hips pressed against Lily’s cheeks. Slowly, so slowly, they were pulled in and slithered up into Lily’s colon. Lily shued forward, using the walls for support. Leaning against the door of the cubicle, Lily rested her head against her forearm, she pued out her cheeks and moaned quietly. espite the pain, this felt so good. Looking back over her shoulder, the girl’s legs disappeared inside her ass, quicker than therest. Lily’s belly pressed up against the door, caught between her legs and the wood. She hued, willing her body to go slower. ust let me enjoy this another minute or e, she thought. The girl’s feet, clad in some very nice, expensive looking the girl’s dress had looked rather expensive too ballet flats. They caught on the edges of her asshole before following the rest of her in. Lily was left alone, panting lightly and leaning against the door. She clenched herself involuntarily. ool air inside Lily. ne of the strangest sensations Lily had ever felt. nd then there was the fully grown person inside of her, being pulled through her intestines and into her belly, with all the other food she’d eaten that day, of which there was a lot. Lily reached down and ran a nger around the the rim of her anus slowly. She brought it back around to inspect it. No blood. Lily smiled. There had been blood the rst time. Lily stayed where she was for a few minutes, half naked, listening to the groans of her body as it got ready. There was a mued wet sucking from inside her. The girl would be all the way in her belly soon. She had lost all her ght so soon after Lily started. ne day, Lily wanted to feel what is was like to have someone in her belly while they were still alive, feeling them struggle and cry out for her to ust let them go, oh god, please ust let them go. Lily felt her ass closing up. She bent down to pull her leggings up. er belly got in the way. Lily had to crouch down ust to reach them and then use the toilet seat to haul herself back up. She fell back and landed, sitting on the toilet, still holding on to her leggings. wkwardly, Lily pulled back up. Standing, Lily had to turn sideways to reach the door. She had to back out of thepulled back up. Standing, Lily had to turn sideways to reach the door. She had to back out of the cubicle, looking all around, ust in case. oping. In front of the mirror, Lily ogled at her reflection’s belly. er top had ridden up further, leaving the giant bulging brown belly on show for the world to see. er belly button piercing glinted under the fluorescent lights. Lily thought she made out part of the girl’s body against her skin. aybe an arm or something. er foot, maybe She was huge. Lily liked being huge. It felt like people treated her better when she was. aybe they thought she was pregnant, and where ust trying to treat her with respect. aybe they looked at her and her huge belly and knew exactly what was up, deciding it was safer to avoid this one. Lily found she liked both those possibilities. She patted her belly tenderly, then cradled and hefted it. It sloshed and moaned loudly. Lily’s backside had swollen out too. It did that when she ate. She could feel her underwear tight against her skin, cutting in a little. er leggings had pulled tight, a very clear pantie line visible to all. Lily winced. verybody else would be able to tell. But then again, would anyone really notice her pantie line when they got a load of her belly. She doubted they would. Lily haleartedly pulled at her top with no eect, then left the bathroom, wobbling a little with each step. Lily’s girlfriend was waiting outside with Lily’s handbag. She was staring at her her phone, scrolling. She didn’t look up as Lily waddled over to her, she ust held the bag out for Lily to take. Lily slipped it over her shoulder, then waited, smiling. She put her phone away and looked up. There was no way she didn’t see Lily’s belly. If she did, you’d never have known. She looked Lily up and down, no expression on her face. She stared for a long time. Long enough to make Lily uneasy, worry creeping into her mind. aybe this was too much. She deadpanned Lily. h, she said flatly, That’s what took you. Lily stuck her belly out, supporting herself with her hand on her back, huge grin on her face. She patted Lily’s belly gingerly. She took a little while to come around, but she always did. nd when she nally did come, Lily would usually follow not too long after. She came around to Lily’s side and let Lily lean on her, taking Lily’s arm in hers. They kissed, too long for out in public, but fuck it. Lily rested her head on her girlfriend’s shoulder and let herself be led back to their car. |
Shopping: TGODG. 2025 “Mom! I’m going shopping now.” “Kay Steph! Just make sure your choker is fully charged. We only just finished writing that missing persons report for your little sister just last week because she didn’t charge her choker!” “Come on mom, shes totally in sewers vil, as soon as you bought her that phone she totally downloaded meet and flush. All her friends say they saw her account on there for like two hours before it auto deleted itself.” Steph was putting her shoes on when her mom peeked out of the doorway. “You never know, she might turn up.” She rolled her eyes, there was no way that little slut didn’t jump down the closest anthro throat. Steph knew all of her sisters passwords because she wrote them down and hid them in her dresser. When she saw all the erotic roleplay she was doing online about being eaten, it take her long to put two and two together. The little slut probably did it because she was failing math, instead of doing her homework she shlicked it to porn at her computer. She wouldn’t have even gotten a smart phone if they weren’t so darn cheap these days. Probably floating in the sewer right this moment, the turd didn’t even turn on its GPS to let them see it floating along the cities sewer system. “Just make sure its charged, so if you get eaten I can find out quickly.” “Yea I know mom.” “And make sure you ask them to shit you out in a toilet, it will get better reception in the sewer.” “I know mom.” “And try not to spend to much money on dildos again, you have enough in your room. And if you don’t get eaten why don’t you bring home a nice boy and get knocked up! You were two when I was your age!” “Oh my god, I know mom! Jeez.” Steph finished slipping her shoes on and opened the door. “And make sure you behave yourself inside a stomach! Don’t give anyone stomach aches or sore assholes! No daughter of mine will be inconsiderate sliding out between a pair of ass cheeks!” “I don’t need my mothers help to become a bowel movement MOM! I can become a turd just fine on my own!” Steph groaned before slamming the door behind her. God her mother was such a square. All her friends always gave her shit for it. So embarrassing! Finally leaving the house, Steph was on her way towards the downtown central plaza. She needed a new pair of panties and bra, she had gone up a size and needed some new stuff. She had put on a little bit of weight because she needed to more bottom heavy. Her twerking videos needed the extra meat to clap properly. Strolling down the street, she passed by an anthro with massive tits watering her yard with a hose. When Steph got close the anthro waved at her. Steph knew Riley and Casey’s mom pretty well. “Hey Steph, still alive and kicking I see.” “Yea, there’s this concert I want to go see, its really hard to hold out sometimes but I want to experience it before I take the plunge and get flushed you know?” “Yep, well if you ever need a stomach to grind you down my daughter has expressed interest in pushing you out her ass, shes got a real big crush on you.” “MOM! AHHHH!” A scream from inside and a shorter anthro ran out, she nearly tripped shoving her hands over her mothers face. “Shut up! Shut up!” “Hey Riley.” Steph smirked waving at brown furred anthro girl. “H-hey Steph…” Riley looked everywhere but at the human girl, it was obvious that the anthro girl was totally embarrassed by her mothers antics. Her mother simply snickered and giggled to herself looking at the two of them. “Moms suck don’t they.” “The worst.” Riley rolled her eyes. Silence descended upon all of them, the awkwardness was so thick one could cut it with a knife. “Want to come inside Steph? I just need to make sure the water pressure is nominal for our toilet. Riley’s sister invited a group of friends over and ended up clogging the toilet. She’s currently training herself to digest more then one person at a time and asked for help, they were so eager apparently there is a tough math exam coming up?” “Its because you could handle two at once when you were her age.” Riley pulled her hands away from her mothers face. “Oh, that was a different time. Before sentience for anthros really took off for us, at the time my owner had a large family. Just thinking about it, it really gets the juices flowing.” Thinking for a moment, she eyed Steph up and down putting a hand on her wide hips her tail swaying side to side. “If you don’t want to come inside Steph, I could eat you right now. Drop you off in our compost heap with the pizza delivery girl from last night.” “I’ll even stop by your mothers and let them know your still steaming and fertilizing my garden. Maybe snap a couple pictures for that TickTack you all like so much.” “Oh my god, its TickTock.” Riley groaned. Her mother just smiled. “Thanks for the offer, but I already have plans. Need new clothes.” The window slid open on their two storied house. Another brown furred anthro popped her head out the window looking around till she saw the group at the front of the house. “Ma! Toilets clogged again! Betty and Veronica didn’t tell me they had fiber ass implants until they were already screaming and sloshing in my stomach! They thought it would be funny to tell me on their last orgasm!” “It’s like I gave birth to a fucking log! Oh hi Steph!” “Hi Casey.” Steph waved at the shouting form of Casey at the window. “Oh my, oh dear. I guess I will have to get the shovel again. Riley be a dear and get the sacks ready, looks like we’ll have fresher fertilizer for the garden.” “Kay mom.” Riley bounded for the shed besides the house. Just as Riley went out of sight a girl rolled up on a bike looking around. “Excuse me! I was wondering if my big sister Betty was around. Mom sent me over to see why she wasn’t answering her cell phone.” The girl kicked the leg out setting her bike up. “Oh, I was just about to grab her, shes upstairs with my daughter and her friends. Would you like to come in for a second?” “Oh sure! What was she doing anyway?” The girl followed up behind Rileys mother. “Personal training help, oh my would you also be a dear and help as well? I know my daughter Casey would be delighted for some more help.” “Sure! Will it take long? Should I text my mom that it will be a bit?” “It shouldn’t take long, come on in.” With the door closing, Steph kind of shrugged and begun her trip towards the downtown once again. She could see more and more people moving into the neighborhood, something to do with free governmental housing. And with the ban on all contraceptives something of a population boom was happening. Everywhere she looked she saw single mothers with massive bellies. It was easy to tell apart the guys and the girls even though they all wore new style woman clothing. The woman would be pregnant while the people that looked like girls were really guys with flat stomachs. The recent election saw an anthro winning the white house, one of the first things she did as president was ban all contraceptives and started the “Human Breeding Plan.” To combat the shrinking population of working aged people. If a girl got pregnant they were given a house, and placed on a payment program for the next twenty years. She also did a couple of other things like putting all public schools under the care of now ex ceo of “Graduated into a toilet.” Steph was a little bit of a political nerd, but she kept that to herself. After a twenty minute walk from the residential area, Steph found herself walking among several tall buildings of concrete and steel. It wasn’t to late in the afternoon, the sun was still in the sky so the people walking about were normal enough. Anthro’s were spotted here and there, some had obvious signs of being in the process of digesting humans. Some guts were larger then others, the sloshing of liquid chyme that use to be someone was only noticeable when Steph walked close enough. The local Burger and Buns wasn’t too busy right now so she figured she could get a bite to eat before she hit the her favorite clothing store Shirt, Shorts and Shits. Steph had her citizen information on her panties and with them being tight she needed to print her ID on a new set of panties. Maybe even get a new pair of Toilet Clogger hot shorts. They would totally look cute with a new pair of panties and a new bra. Wrapping her hand around the handle to the fast food establishment, Steph was assaulted by the smell of burgers fries and fresh bread. She could see a mother and daughter duo in front of her. What was it about mothers and daughters today? It was like a running theme she kept interacting with. Best to wait patiently behind them. The place was pretty empty around this time, the only other people inside was a group of three girls talking over a bunch of fries and drinks, one girl wearing fishnet stockings with a bunch of earrings and couple nose rings with long black hair with a shirt that said ‘Turd in Training’ written on it. A shorter girl with braces was also on her way out she smiled at Steph showing off her braces on her teeth before skipping out the store her big red backpack bouncing around innocently. Steph gave a little wave back at the girl. What a cutie. The sun reflected off the girls glasses before Steph turned back around. “Mom, I’m short a couple bucks. Can’t you just lend me some? You know the rule here. They eat customers who can’t pay. And I totally have a date tonight!” “I told you that I wouldn’t lend you anymore money honey. Its not my fault, that my daughter is a scatter brain.” “But Mom!” “No buts, now be a good girl and get eaten by the nice lady behind the counter.” The anthro behind the counter turned around to call out to her supervisor overlooking the burger flipping station. “Hey Marv, I’m taking lunch now! Customer can’t pay so ill be showing her the day time dumping special.” “Kay Silfy, I’ll start clocking your time once you go to the bathroom.” “Thanks boss woman!” The anthro turned around and pulled the girl over the counter with a yelp. She couldn’t even pull back because her mother was pushing her forward and into the awaiting maw of the anthro girl named Silfy. “Also I wasn’t born yesterday young lady. I know you were the last remaining girl alive in your little group of friends because you had the sniffles last week. And you missed out on Jenny and her sweet shitteen birthday party.” The girl groaned sliding down the anthros throat. The entire scene was a little surreal, but Steph had gotten use to it. Watching people get eaten was as normal as Tuesday, the girls mother was even kind enough to take off her daughters shoes when the anthro passed over the girls butt. “And don’t think I didn’t know you wanted to be shit out in some fast food restaurant! I am your mother after all. I know exactly where you wanted to get sloshed.” Her mother tucked in the string located to a set of anal beads sticking out of the girls butt, then gave it a couple pats when it was vanishing between a pair of lips. With her skirt flipped Steph got a view of her butt. She didn’t get to see the girls age, but she did note her birthday was in a couple weeks. Looks like the future birthday girl will be celebrating in the city pipes. “There we go, oh and honey if it isn’t to much trouble. Do you think I could watch you digest her and shit her out in the bathroom?” The woman straightened her own skirt that had hiked itself up while force feeding her daughter the fast food worker. “She’ll want to update her social media accounts with a new profile pic while she floats in the toilet. And I’ve got a bet with her teacher that she’ll be one shade browner then her own daughter.” Silfy let out a rather innocent looking belch, the girl setting up inside of her stomach trying her best to get comfy and go to town on herself and her little bean between her legs, she wasn’t wasting anytime trying to get as many orgasms as possible. Not when then stomach was already trying its best to deny her the pleasure in getting off by melting her ass down like the gut slut she was. “Wanna blow me instead while I shit her out in the toilet?” Silfy countered. Patting her rock hard anthro cock sticking down her right side. “I would be delighted~ Hear that? Mommy is going to make sure her little girl is a soupy little mess before she can get off.” This only made the daughter work furiously on her clit causing the anthro to stumble forward into the mother. With smiles moans and gurgles all around they straightened up. The anthro worker linked arms with the girls mother and walked towards the employees only bathroom, Steph could hear the cursing moaning sounds of the girl digesting away from the hissing sound of acid gurgling away at her body. “Hey Lady, think I can fuck your ass after you blow me? See if I can unload in your butt before your daughter unloads out of mine?” “Oh my~ How can I say no? Guess I’ll have to make a couple more daughters when I get home. Her father will be so pleased! We were torn between getting her flushed here or at the Clucking Chicken down the street.” She gave the girl ten minutes to live before she was masturbation material for her own mother that couldn’t have spared the three bucks it cost for the burger to save her life. One life for a burger, the world was a funny place. “Next please!” The supervisor had moved up to the till now. “Ah yes!” Steph moved up to the till. Once she gave her order, and payed for it with money and not her life like the gut slut from earlier. Steph sat down at a table and devoured her burger and fries, they seriously needed to increase the size of these things. She knew that they were loaded with growth hormones and other stuff that helped feminize the male population but the serving size was way to small. Halfway through her meal she watched the mother from earlier walk out of the store with a funny limp and a obvious trail of semen on the floor. Silfy got a talking to at the counter because she was five minutes late from her lunch. Her stomach was flat again as well. Guess the daughter was now slip and sliding through the sewers now. Her profile picture no doubt a turd in some no name fast food bathroom. Steph would have chosen the gas station down the road. The wall had a tally of names she could get added to. Now that she had a bite to eat, Steph left Burgers and Buns heading back to her clothing store. The sun had moved and now the day was getting little later. She could spot a couple working girls and couple working boys at the sides of ally’s. Sex work had been legal for awhile now, thankfully it was still warm out. Must suck to be a prostitute and work the winter months. “Excccuuussee me! Miss!” Steph stopped, turning around she saw an anthro bouncing up behind her. Not one of the working girls, but it wasn’t someone she knew either. “Yes?” “Oh thank you! I was wondering if I could eat you. My meet and flush appointment never showed up and I was wondering if I could have you instead. Then pinch you off behind that dumpers at the Burger and Buns.” “Oh, oh sorry! I totally have plans already!” Steph took a step back with a smile, she had this question asked of her quite a bit. Tempting but she still had her concert she wanted to see. “Oh, are you sure? I’m really peckish and It will be quick! I could have you steaming as a pile of shit in a couple minutes.” The anthro woman took a step closer. Ah, a really pushy woman. Steph had a really hard time with these types, they generally didn’t take no for an answer. That and she really had a hard time saying the word no at all as well. This wasn’t good. Her pussy lips were getting slick. “Uh, sorry. I really must be going, I’m sure you can find a cuter meal then me!” Steph took another step back but bumped her fat ass into a light post stopping her. The anthro moved up besides her and placed a hand on her shoulder. “But you’re cute! And I bet you can be cuter when you’re all brown and coiled behind that dumpster~” “Ah no really-” The anthro was pulling her towards one of the dark pathways between buildings. “It’s really no trouble at all, Oh I bet you’re just shy! Why didn’t you say so. Come on!” Steph couldn’t get a sentence out over this anthro pulling her towards the dumpster she was talking about. The closer she got to the area in question the more she could pick out several cooling piles of shit. “Wait, I have-” “Oh don’t worry! Its alright to be a bit shy, look a couple minutes inside my guts, you die. And I get a quick meal, you don’t need to worry cutie! Soon you’ll be sizzling in my stomach and steaming behind that dumpster as a pile of fresh girl manure.” A couple more tugs and Steph would be alone with this anthro. “Oh! How silly of me, I didn’t even ask your name. Well not like it matters~ You’ll be dead soon enough! Oh I bet that just makes you wet doesn’t it. I hope you have quick fingers because my stomachs pretty powerful~” She will get eaten and digested here. Behind the Burger and Buns- “Excuse me miss.” The anthro and Steph stopped. Turning their heads a police woman was standing a couple yards away from them. “That girl there doesn’t look willing or under contract.” The anthro woman let go of Steph and clicked her tongue. “I was just offering to eat this young lady. You know, help her along with sloshing her in my stomach.” “Then why are you pulling her?” The police girl took a step forward. The anthro woman fell silent. “Are you willing? Miss?” “Uhm, I was off to buy clothes, and she just started talking to me.” Steph replied with a subdued tone. “I see, alright. You know the rules, we’ve been getting complaints of an especially pushy anthro around these parts. Looks like we found our little stool pusher.” A pair of hand cuffs came out from the cops side. “Come on officer, a sweet human girl like her walking around the streets flaunting that ass, shes practically begging to be pushed out as a log of fertilizer. ” “Besides she never said no.” The anthros stomach started to let out a low gurgling sound. Steph locked in place felt some sweat roll down her back. Her thoughts on her very tight panties gripping her damp ass. The police officer took several steps forward and placed a hand on Steph’s shoulder. “You will have to be clear here miss. I can see some blush on your cheeks, if you aren’t clear here she’ll pull you down that ally and digest you into a log of shit.” “I-I…” Steph fumbled. The police officer pointed at a coiled pile of turds, digested braces and broken glasses stuck out of it with red backpack besides it on the ground. “That will be you in fifteen minutes if you go with her.” “Do you want to be digested?” “Oh come on! Just say yes, I was suppose to be pinching you off in five minutes ago! Otherwise I will be late for my shift tonight, just agree so I can digest you in my stomach end your life shit you out and I can get to my job on time!” “Didn’t your mother ever tell you not to be so inconsiderate!” Steph bit her bottom lip, and looked at the cop. “I really wanted to buy some new clothes… So.. I.. Uhm… Not willing.” She mumbled those last few words. “Alright, thank you for cooperating. And you, she said no so I will have you come with me to make a statement, miss pushy.” “Uuugh, come on! That’s going to make me late! Now I have to call in and let them know. You shake that ass and flaunt it like a gut slut and then act like this! If you didn’t want to get eaten then don’t wear stuff with your face on it.” “Yea, yea. You can down town. And you miss move along now.” “Thank you!” Steph turned on her heel and took a light jog down the street. She was only a couple feet away, from joining those other cooling coils of shit by that dumpster. But still, she had that concert she wanted to see. So she had to stay alive at least till then. But was it really worth it? The way her life was hanging in the balance there. How everything could have gone one way or the other. Her crotch kept tightening up, her asshole was twitching and her nipples were diamonds. She wanted to touch herself so badly. But if she started here another anthro would offer to eat her. Could she say no a second time? Or a third? There was no way she would make it a fourth. Her body was burning up now. Maybe she would invite Riley with her, then when it was all finished Riley could drop her off in one of the concert porta potties. It wasn’t the sewers like her mother wanted but Riley could easily just let her mother know she dropped her off as a deuce in one of the portable shitters. “Crap, now I’m getting wet.” Steph cursed under her breath. After a couple minutes of speed walking, Steph made it to the clothing store. Opening up in a huff she looked around for the workers. Two boys in tight skirts manned the tills, one human and one anthro. Their asses showed sticking out of the skirts with two sets of ID, one for the human and one for the anthro. Clothing ID worn by anthros was quite rare, since no other anthro would eat another one. It just didn’t happen. Three girls were looking over shirts over in the corner while one boy was looking at an array of underwear with holes in the ass for ease of access. Steph wasted no time and walked up to the till. The human boy with a bobbed hair cut and lipstick smiled at her. If not for his adams apple in his throat, she might have thought the little twink was a girl. He even had little cute perky breasts. Gifted to him by the government HRT laden food no doubt. “Hello! Welcome to Shirt, Short and Shits. Triple S for short, how can we help you today miss.” The boy smiled leaning forward his little perky nipples pressed out against his tube top. “Ah, hello. I wanted to get some ID panties engraved on some underwear, one size larger then my current ones.” Steph fished out of her pocket her wallet and a spare pair of panties laying them on the counter top. “Oh, that will be no problem. Do you want to have them the same color?” The boy picked up the underwear inspecting it. “Yes, I would also like five pairs of them. Also do you have any fresh stock of Toilet Cloggers? Last time I was here you were completely sold out.” “Mmmm…” The human boy looked at his partner in crime. “Hey Snow, do you know if we got that new shipment in today?” Snow looked up from the catalogue in front of him. “Yea, set them out not to long ago.” Snow then looked over at Steph. She could finally get a better look at the anthro boy. His fur was completely white and like the human boy this anthro could go either way in the looks department. “They’re over in the shorts section, can’t miss it. Right besides the Defecation Perfection merch. Do you need me to help you locate it?” Snow leaned forward with a kind look on his face, in truth the anthro was torn between Steph’s rock hard nipples bleeding through her shirt and looking her in the eyes. “No thank you! I know where it is.” “Alright.” “Your panties will be finished in a little bit, take your time and look around, if you don’t come back, we’ll have the clothing sent to the address on the account with our store to your next of kin.” Steph nodded, not like her mother would have much use for her ID panties if she were already floating in the sewers, Maybe she would make them into napkins or something. She skipped over to the section with shorts and started looking for her brand. They were easy to find, they had warning labels printed on their ass cheeks. With such words as ‘Toilet Destroyer’ or ‘We take no responsibility in any plumbing issues by our product.’ And her personal favorite, ‘I never became big in life, but at the end I became big enough to clog your toilet.’ That last one always made her anus twitch. She took two pairs one hot pink and one black. Behind the rack with the hot shorts was the discount bin. Clothes that were donated back to the store for in house credit. It was mostly unused ID panties, some people would wear other peoples ID panties as a way to boost their self esteem. They would find a really attractive person that was already digested and put them on, so that when someone stumbled upon their turd people would think the picture was them. It was kind of lame, but she understood that body image was only second to turd image. No one wanted to make a small shit, or fill up only half a condom as spunk. How would that look? Everyone read in magazines about the celebs. When Scarlet Bohansen finally got pushed out the ass of the anthro that played Bore for Vengers toilet game. She had produced the smoothest log of shit on set in recorded history. Magazines went wild, and dubbed it the greatest disposal on set. She won two awards for it, one for smoothest shit on set, and one for best masturbation scene while inside of a stomach. Her moans were so legendary that they are said to have caused a surge of actress’s to try and follow her foot steps. The best follow up was Emma Slatson with Beauty into the beast, when she won the award for brownest turd on set. The director clapped on set, when she was clapping out of the anthro that played the beast. They even had a documentary about the making of the film and the ending of her life. Steph thought it was a fluff piece though. Sell more Emma dolls or something. A lot of female roles actually had to be played by guys after these events since half of all female actress’s took the plunge on set. With the population in a boom right now, it wouldn’t be long before a whole new cast of actors and actress’s would explode on the scene, and into toilets across the nation. Steph peeked up and looked towards the till, her panties weren’t done yet. She walked back towards the front and saw some magazines for people to read while they waited. She took a copy of Teen and browsed through it. She was browsing an article about the new breeding programs for girls. “Huh, the average age of parents of highschool students is between twenty eight and thirty. That’s kind of nuts.” Steph spoke to herself. Snow looked up and smiled, while the gaggle of girls off to the side giggled to themselves, it looked like they were building up to something until one of them took a step up. “Eeeeexcuuuse me~” Snow closed his catalogue and gave the girl his undivided attention. “Yes?” “We were wondering, if we could get your phone number.” The girl sheepishly looked at him moving her body in a swaying motion. “Oh, I don’t do groups, you see how small I am? But tell you what girls, How about I take you out tomorrow.” He pointed at the girl talking to him. “And then your two friends on the following nights. I’ll have all three of you digested before the week is out. Unless one of you wants to take the plunge right now out my back end.” “Snow, you already used up your break with that mother earlier. I’m not getting paid enough to watch your shift.” “Boo.” Snow stuck his tongue out at him. “Sorry ladies, dates later. My Partner here wants you three lovely ladies to stay alive longer. How mean of him.” “Ugh, I could be getting pushed out of that cuties asshole right now. Can’t you like watch the store while he shoves me down a toilet?” The lead girl was no longer swerving her hips shyly and now in the second twinks face. “If you asked me nicely I might have, but now I’m not. Go become a turd on your own time.” The boy then started slipping freshly printed panties for Steph in a bag. “Pft, human males. They’re just jealous that they live longer then us girls.” The snarky bitch of a girl clicked her tongue. “I can go get sloshed anytime I want. All I have to do is ask my girlfriend to shove me down her cock and spray me on a wall. At least, I can slosh around whenever because I’m not single.” “Oooohhhh snap! Emotional damage.” Steph said with a giggle. This elicited a look from the group of girls and the boy handed her the bag with her clothes in it and rung her up. The girls bit their tongues embarrassed while Steph and the boy kept snickering the entire time. Snow kind of just smiled and gave the girls his phone number. He promised them a wonderful evening before he dropped them off somewhere special for their friends and family to eventually find. “Hey, my girlfriend loves spunky girls. If you ever want to paint a wall, give us a ring. I love to watch, and my girlfriend loves to be watched.” The twink slipped his own phone number to Steph with a smile. She blinked and blushed, slipping the number into her wallet. Waving to Snow and the twink boy Steph finally had her clothes and she walked out of the store bags in hand. The sun was now setting and she had to head home. She saw an anthro waving at her from the side. It was Riley from earlier, Steph half bounced and jogged over to her friend when she noticed Riley was currently squatting by a garbage bin. A thick massive log of shit was being pushed out of her backend. “Oh hey Uuuhhnnn~ Steph! Thought I would runnnnnnnggg into you here!” Steph watched as Riley pinched her asshole just in time to drop off a thick rope of fertilizer, two fishnet stockings landed on an already half buried shirt. She could only see ‘in Training’ written on it before Riley started pushing out a another log of shit the amount of metal in the next shit had the light bouncing off it all funky like. “A-after this, Mmmmm…” the log was smoother this time, so Riley didn’t need to grunt. “After, you wannah go see a movie…? With me?” Riley finished her question with a puff of gas before she finished up, she picked up a discarded skirt and cleaned her asshole with it before tossing it on the cooling coil of girl fertilizer. “Sure! You’re treat though.” Steph smiled skipping up towards her anthro friend. “Also Riley, wanna come with me to a concert in the future?” |
Kenai felt absolutely miserable. Hearing Koda’s story had put all the pieces into place. He knew why he was here, he knew why he was a bear, and he knew just what he had done wrong. He had killed Koda's mother. He tried to get as far away as he could, trudging through the forest so he could do anything but look Koda in the face and confess what he had done. How could he? Koda believed he had a brother and a friend, and instead he had simply made the acquaintance of a murderer. He kept on walking until his limbs felt heavy and weak, he hadn’t gone particularly far, but the thick brush of the trees seemed to be tugging him back at every turn. His mind and heart were racing, so much so that he barely noticed when Tug caught up to him. “Hey Kenai! What’s got you so spooked?” Tug asked, sounding concerned for the much smaller bear. Kenai tried to press forward and ignore him, he wanted to leave them all, but a heavy paw rested on his shoulder and tugged him back. “Nothing Tug! Nothing I don’t…I don’t want to talk about it.” “Is this about Koda’s story? It was sad and all but…” “Yeah it is, and there’s more to it, I just don’t want to go into it ok? Just leave me alone…” Kenai said, trying his best to squirm from the massive black bears grasp to no avail. Tug was easily 3 times the smaller brown bears size; his immense paw was as big as his head and easily held him in place. “Woah woah woah there little bear, calm down. I’m sure whatever is bothering you can be worked out. But you’re not going to find answers out there.” Tug managed to say in that booming yet soothing voice. Kenai paused a moment and looked ahead, it was dark, cold, and his brother was still out there looking for him, and wouldn’t be at all happy to find him. The choice wasn’t hard once he weighed his options. “Fine, I’ll go back, but it’s just…I just don’t think I can face Koda.” Kenai managed to sigh as he looked up at the bigger bear. “If it’s really got you that down, you can stay in my cave tonight, it’s a little ways away from the rest of the salmon run and no one will even see us.” Tug smiled and ruffled Kenai’s headfur, forcing a smile out of the smaller bear. “Wow Tug, thanks. You know, you bea…err, guys aren’t so bad.” Kenai chuckled, almost giving his true identity away once again. Tug simply turned and began waddling his way home, crushing smallish trees and shrubs in his path as he trudged back towards his cave. “It’s nothing, I’m always happy to help a fellow bear. Are you coming or not? It’s getting cold, and I’m getting hungry.” Tug laughed as Kenai followed alongside him. By the time they made it back, night had completely fallen. Just off in the distance the other bears lie scattered around the rivers edges, sleeping quite peacefully. Kenai scanned the scene for Koda, making absolutely sure that he didn’t see him before he followed behind Tug into the cave. The cave was absolutely massive, which fit the owner. At first Kenai thought it odd that Tug was the only one with a cave, but who was going to fight Tug for it? Kenai was amazed at how well his eyes had adjusted to the darkness, despite there being no other light source than the moon; he could see the interior of the cave just fine. “This is a nice place you have here…it’s umm, roomy!” Kenai said awkwardly as he walked towards the back of the cave, looking it over. Tug simply plopped down on his rear, shaking the ground a bit as he leaned up against a wall of the cave and got comfortable. “Well, it’s no hut, but it suits me just fine human.” Kenai froze, his fur standing on edge for a moment before he turned and looked up at the portly black bear. Their eyes locked for just a moment, but the merriment had disappeared from Tug’s gaze. “W-what did you call me?” Kenai stammered. “Human. It’s what you are, isn’t it?” “I don’t…how could I b-be...” “Now don’t go trying to fool this old bear. You don’t hunt like a bear, you don’t act like a bear, and you certainly don’t smell like a bear. I was wondering what you must’ve done to the spirits to have them make such a drastic change, but Koda’s story put it all in place.” Tug went on, a sly grin creeping across his huge, toothy muzzle. Kenai’s eyes darted around the cave, Tug blocked the entranceway with his massive bulk, and there was no way out of the back. He would’ve given anything to call for help now, but who would answer him? More bears. Fear crept over him like an icy blanket, and the brash, brave young man-turned-bear found that he was trapped. “Just like a human, trying to escape instead of facing their problems.” The big bear grunted and repositioned himself, sitting directly in front of the cave entrance now, his humungous, blubbery, and yet powerful form outlined in moonlight. “And just where would you go? You don’t know how to go back home, I’m sure the other humans wouldn’t be too happy to see you like this, and aside from that, there’s an entire forest of bears who would love to know who was responsible for Koda’s mother’s death.” “They don’t know though! And I didn’t mean to, I didn’t…” “No, you mean they don’t know yet. And whether you meant to or not, the pieces will fall into place for them just as they did for me; especially if they have big brother Tug to explain it to them.” The big bear said, folding his massive paws over his gut. Kenai felt small in more ways than one, small and trapped and panicked. “Y-you wouldn’t… you can’t…” “Maybe I wouldn’t, I can be persuaded not to. I’m sure you wouldn’t want pack of angry bears after you, and Koda, what would Koda think?” “F-fine, what do you want?” Kenai said, lowering his head a bit, completely at Tugs mercy. He knew that after his brothers and Koda’s mother’s death, he deserved whatever would come next. “Glad to hear that you’re thinking now Kenai. Being the big bear that I am, it’s awfully hard for the females around here to…ahem, accommodate me, if you know what I mean. It’s been so long since I’ve had a chance to, heheh, release myself…” “W-what?! No, I won’t! I won’t-“ “You won’t what? Make it out there alive if I tell the others?” Tug growled, rumbling the cavern a bit. “I…I…what do you want me to do?” Kenai whimpered submissively. It was bad enough that he was stuck here, but to be humiliated in such a way, did he deserve all this? “That’s better little bear… don’t worry, you may even enjoy it, once you get used to my size that is. Now come over here…” Tug rumbled once more as he leaned back, his heavy form shifting to allow Kenai better access to his member. As soon as he moved, his heavy gut pulled back to reveal a heavy, black sheath beneath it. The overpowering smell of his musk filled the cave in no time, causing Kenai to gag a bit at the unfamiliar smell. He moved towards the much larger bear slowly, hesitantly before they locked eyes again and Tug grumbled lowly, wordlessly telling Kenai to hurry up. Kenai’s muzzle was just inches away from the musky, heavy sheath at this point, strong warmth radiated from it and it stirred ever so gently as Kenai’s breath met it. “Don’t just look at it little bear, go ahead and give it a taste. You’re going to want me nice and slick when I go under that tail of yours.” Tug chuckled menacingly. The once light hearted chuckle Kenai had become accustomed to was gone and replaced with a sinister and lusty one. He opened his muzzle slowly; whimpering a bit at what he was about to do before his tongue dragged along the musky sheath, the heavy orbs shifting as his tongue pressed against them. The huge grizzly bear breathed deeply as Kenai’s tongue went to work on his musky sack. It wasn’t long before the pink, broad cockhead of his member slid from its dark, furry hiding place. Kenai caught a glance of it as it flared at the tip, pressing out slowly and growing by the second. Nothing about Tug was small, and Kenai was about to find that out first hand. “Nngh…Good little bear.” Tug groaned as he reached a massive paw down to press it against Kenai’s head. The smaller brown bear simply whimpered out again as his muzzle was shoved against the growing bear cock, rubbing its musk and pre into his fur. As it grew to its full length, it seemed to rest heavily against the huge bear’s soft middle, throbbing ever so gently at Kenai’s licks, which he didn’t dare stop. Tug released Kenai’s head and gave him a chance to gasp for air, his powerful musk assaulting his nostrils and forcing him to cough a bit. For a bear, his paws were incredibly nimble, he managed to grip the base of his member and press it toward Kenai’s muzzle, a thick bead of pre dripping from the massive cockhead. “Don’t go wasting a drop little bear, go ahead and clean that up.” Tug growled once more to the reluctant brown bear. His muzzle opened once more and his tongue slowly slide along the head of Tugs cock, making the bear grunt and groan once more, and another spurt of pre hit Kenai square in the muzzle, coating it in Tugs scent once more. “Rurrrr…it has been a while, heheh. Now why don’t you open up and put that muzzle to use for once.” “I-I don’t think it’ll fit, you’re t-too big…” Kenai managed to get out, trembling a bit at what would follow next. “Oh it’ll fit little bear, but I don’t remember asking your input. Open wide.” Tug demanded, glaring down at the bear once more. Kenai didn’t dare defy him at again, his paws could crush him in an instant, and he didn’t dare have Tug use those jaws on him. Kenai opened his muzzle slightly wider, only to have that huge paw press it forward onto Tugs thick cock. It was easily a foot or more long and Kenai couldn’t imagine how thick it was, all he knew was that his muzzle strained around it. He did his best to lick along the massive thing as it slid into his jaws, but Tug was taking control now. His muzzle pushed down although he did his best to fight back, feeling the flared cockhead press into the back of his throat and gag him. Inch after inch disappeared into his muzzle and soon down his throat. Kenai’s eyes clamped shut, a tear rolling down his cheek as the bear dominated him. He would have coughed or cried out if it weren’t for the huge bear cock in his gullet, not that he could be heard over the grunts and growls of pleasure of the massive bear that took advantage of him. His throat was so tight and Tug loved every minute of it, as was evident from the constant throbbing down Kenai’s throat. Kenai did his best to push back off of the bear’s middle, his paws digging in and pushing to no avail. Tug just shoved down harder, forcing Kenai’s muzzle against his hot groin once again. He glurked and gagged around the massive bear cock, wanting desperately to come up from air, but his struggles only drove the massive bear on, making him rock his hips a bit and fuck the smallish bears throat. Spurt after spurt of thick, sugary sweet bear pre coated Kenai’s throat and made its way directly down into his belly. There was so much of it, but Kenai swallowed it all, whether he wanted to or not. “Gooood little bear, such a tight throat…” Tug growled before he released Kenai’s head the bear quickly pulling himself back and panting for air as the heavy bear cock bounced above him. “But don’t think you’re getting off the hook that easily.” Tug grinned that sinister grin again, tracing a claw in mid air and motioning for Kenai to turn around. Kenai looked up at him, panting for air and wiping his muzzle before he nodded and turned about, shuddering a bit at the entire situation. Tug was rock hard now, his massive cock bobbing a bit as he rolled over onto his side and back onto all fours. The massive bear seemed to block out the moonlight in the cave as he reared up onto his hind paws and pressed up behind Kenai, a deep whuff of pleasure as his cockhead rubbed against the bear’s soft rump. Kenai whimpered and dug his claws into the ground as he felt the heavy appendage press against his tight opening. Tug teased him a bit, rubbing his drool and pre coated cock along his pucker before he flopped forward onto the smaller bear, his massive girth pinning him to the ground. “Let’s see if you’re tight at both ends little bear…” Tug growled and ground his hips forward, the flared cocktip slowly forcing inside the smaller bear. He was far tighter at this end and a few deep, powerful thrusts finally got Tug inside, spreading Kenai’s soon-to-be abused hole wide as just the head slid in. He gasped out in pain, biting his lower lip hard as the thick cock forced inside of him painfully. Tug held there for just a moment before he dug his paws into the ground and thrust forward, half of the bear’s foot or so of cock squelching inside of Kenai. Kenai could feel every inch and contour of the throbbing bear cock fill his guts, he panted and did his best not to scream, but the pain was nothing short of overwhelming. Tug on the other hand was in lustful bliss, his cock ached and desperately wanted to unload into his bitch bear and he would make sure that every inch of him was inside. He ducked his head down and growled lowly to Kenai, “Push back…” as he thrust once more. Kenai could do nothing but obey and he did, forcing another few inches into his stretched rear. Lust overtook Tug as he fucked Kenai, his muzzle drooling and coating the back of Kenai’s head as he whurfed and growled out. His cock was tightly lodged inside the smaller bear, and pumping pre into him all the while. He bucked his hips widely, inch after inch sliding in and out of him as he loosened Kenai’s hole. The pre helped some, but the massive bear still filled Kenai completely. His heavy, black orbs slammed against his rear, giving the bear a taste of what was to come in his future. Tugs growls grew louder and deeper as he slammed into Kenai’s guts, and it wasn’t long before a roaring wave of bliss rushed over him. A volcano of thick, hot bear cum spewed into Kenai, surprising him as well as filling him! In no time flat, his smallish bear belly bloated out with thick jizz, while thick ropes of cum oozed from his abused hole. He hoped and prayed that it would be over soon, but he could feel gallons of the thick mess flooding his frame. He clamped his muzzle shut, glorping and panting a bit as a gush of bear cum bloated his cheeks. His gut sagged heavily to the ground and sloshed some before Tug pulled himself from his rear, a flood of bear seed following it. He rested his heavy, throbbing cock on Kenai’s back, the last of his load coating his back. The two lie there in a panting, heavy mass; the abused bear however had no choice as the newfound weight in his middle, weight of the bear above him, and the pain in his rear kept him pinned. “Mmmf, much tighter than any female I’ve had before…it’s a shame all that work got me hungry little bear, I’d have loved to fill you up again…” Tug growled and chuckled to himself as he lifted Kenai’s frail, bloated frame up, a bit of thick bear cum drooling from the corner of his muzzle. He gulped it down and shuddered, too weak to do much else as Tug rested him on his belly facing him. “W-what do you mea-“ Kenai managed to groan out before he found himself face to face with the pink interior of Tugs muzzle. His eyes widened and he brought his paws up to press against Tugs broad chest in a futile effort to save himself. Tugs tongue snaked out and slurped along Kenai’s muzzle, like so many fish before him. Kenai knew the bear was huge, but he never imagined he was capable of what he did next. His head slid against his tongue as it pressed into his muzzle, slurped and drooled over all the while as the big bear groaned at the mixed taste of his own seed and Kenai’s fur. His powerful paws shoved more of the frightened, abused bear into his maw. Soon his shoulders and chest slid over the tongue which slurped and slathered them in drool. Kenai’s muzzle was forced into the tight rippling gullet of the massive bear, the heavy sound of his breathing and heaving of his chest echoed around him as he found himself in another dark cavern quite rapidly. He did his best to scream out inside the bear, but his heartbeat and gluttonous slurps and gulps of his consumption drowned them out. Tug flopped onto his back comfortably, his gut wobbling some as he landed and shoved more of Kenai into his jaws with gravity at his aid. Another deep, sickening gulp pulled Kenai’s cum bloated belly into his jaws. Kenai could feel the powerful throat muscles tugging and massaging him down; under different circumstances it would have felt amazing. Every inch of his body was groped and squeezed down Tugs gullet, there was a soft and gentle rippling noise heard as he was pushed towards the gurgling belly below him. Tugs huge and heavy paws shifted as Kenai kicked a bit, and rested on his cum stained rear. Tug delighted in the squirms of his small, but filling prey, and especially loved the newly acquired seed girth of his meal. He teasingly sloshed and slurped Kenai’s gut with his tongue before he tilted his head back and gulped a few more times, pulling Kenai’s belly into his throat until it was little more than a black furred bulge in his throat. Kenai kicked and squirmed for dear life, which ended up only exciting the hungry bear more. His muzzle and head slid past Tugs beating heart and into the tight passage into his massive belly, it gurgled and growled as he entered, welcoming him to his new ‘home’. Twice now had the smell of Tugs body overwhelmed him, but he now prayed for the musk of his sheath. Kenai felt his rear and legs slowly slip into the warm interior of the bear. That was after Tug slurped and tasted over them as well, not wasting a moment in savoring his squirming prey. Kenai felt the cold of the night seal off as Tugs massive muzzle closed around him, trapping him inside his captor permanently. As he slid down into the slimy, cavernous middle of the bear he was suddenly coated in a thick goop of what he could only imagine was what was left of his previous meals. Tug groaned out at how full he was, his paws resting heavily on his especially large bear filled belly. He sloshed and groped at it as Kenai squirmed within, trapped under fur, blubber, and writing flesh. Although his gut was spacious, Kenai felt the walls squirm and squelch against him as Tug pawed at his overstuffed belly. Kenai tried desperately to get out, pawing and pressing where he could, but only succeeded in arousing the huge bear further and tiring himself out. “Mmmmm I love a squirming meal, way better than any fish I’ve had too…” Tug growled out as he hefted and massaged his massive gut. A deep and rumbling growl echoed through the cave and sloshed the prey bear inside, as well as forcing the remaining air out. All Kenai could do now was curl up and drift off. It wasn’t so bad, all things considered. “Don’t worry little bear, I’ll just tell Koda you left. I’ll take care of him now.” Tug groaned before he rolled over to sleep, his big bear belly gurgling and squirming ever so often. The End |
It was while Steven and Greg were in space in the Gem Zoo that this story occurs. The New Crystal Gems as they were calling themselves, and sometimes, The Crystal Temps, had finished their job for the day at the Car Wash and were very tired but wanting to celebrate. They enter the beach house and find a single cupcake that was missed when Amythyst had gone on her food binge before they left for space. Connie wasn't a fan of the chocolate ones, so let the two gems fight over it, for a few minutes while she looked through some of the books that Pearl had picked up over the centuries. She was rather interested in an old book from nearly 500 years ago that she had been translating into english in her spare time. Unfortunately she hadn't gotten very far, the amount of missions she and the others had been on had kept her too busy. When she looked up from her book, she saw that Peridot and Lapis were at eachother's throats. "WHAT is going on?" she asks putting the book back exactly as she left it, knowing Pearl she would have noticed if the book had been moved even a quarter of an inch and go on a rant of someone coming into their home and spying on them. "The water gem over here told me to get something for her and when I turned my back she had eaten that mushy flour and sugar based food substance." Peridot says looking Lapis over as if she wanted to shatter her right then and there. Lapis shrugs and simply says "You turned your back, I saw the chance and I took it." she then licks the chocolate off her lips and walks off muttering about how she knows why Amythyst likes to eat so much. Connie rearranges her face back into a presentable contour and shakes her head. "You guys do realize we can make more right?" Lapis was on her in a second, her hands on her shoulders and her eyes going wild. "WE CAN? HOW." Connie suddenly felt a flash of fear spread through her as Lapis' hydrokineses kicked in and shattered a vase nearby. She had never actually come up against a full powered Homeworld Gem, but she knew they were a lot scarier than Lapis and hoped she never had to come up against one. She looked through the books on the shelf in the kitchen and found everything from sewing instructions to auto repair but no cookbooks. She figured that being Gems they really didn't need to cook, and Steven would just use the internet if he had to learn how to cook something. "Just wait here, i'll go get a cookbook." she says nervously as she backs up to the door and scurries out of the house and into the city quickly. Once her nerves had calmed down some, she actually made it to the market in town and purchased a couple of cookbooks to take back to the gems at the house. She flipped through the book first and grabbed what she needed for cupcakes as well before heading back to the beach house where she was prepared to be a teacher to explain to these super powere space rocks, how to make something as simple and mundane as cupcakes. 3 hours later, and with them all covered in batter and frosting, they had a good batch of fresh cupcakes, of both chocolate and vanilla variety and they didn't turn out too bad, at least they looked and tasted like cupcakes. After she cleaned up, she stood back in the kitchen preparing to leave. Lapis took care of her clothes for her while she was bathing so they were clean, if a little wet. Luckily it looked like it was going to rain so she wouldn't have to answer any questions from her mother when she got home. "Well, I'd better go, my mother will be worried about me if I don't get home soon." she says as Peridot stops on a page in the middle of the book. "WAIT" Peridot says just as Lapis shoves another chocolate cupcake in her mouth. "We want to cook this too." Lapis chokes when Peridot included her in that statement, but went over to see what it was anyway. She had to admit that the food on the page looked delectable. Connie gave a soft sigh when she was by the door and put her pack down on the ground. She went over to them, saying that they really didn't have time to cook anything else that evening and it would probably have to wait until tomorrow. And then her jaw dropped again when she saw that it was a turkey that Peridot wanted to cook. "Peridot, those take hours, almost a full day to get fully cooked. "So? We Crystal Gems don't need to sleep, all you need to do is tell us what to do and then you can leave." Connie really didn't have time for this, so she took the next argument. "There's no turkey, you can't cook what isn't here and all the stores are closed, there is no place to buy one anymore." Peridot looked up from her book with a disappointed look on her face before she stared at Connie. "Why can't we use you?" she asks curiously, causing Lapis to look over at her too. "Humans are in fact a meat based organism, are they not?" Connie froze, about ready to walk out of the house and leave them to do whatever they wanted, the idea struck her to her core so fast, she felt like she had been struck by lightning. She turned around slowly, to stare at the gem that asked her such a thing. She wanted to be appalled at the suggestion, wanted to be angry at her for suggesting she be killed, but the problem was that she could feel her panties sticking to her. She could feel her arousal spiking. She was a teenage girl after all, she could tell these things, after the last few times she'd experimented with herself. "I....." She gulps. "I guess." she says and slips her shoes back off and kicks them over by the door. "Everything will be fine, you humans will just return to your base form and restore yourselves after a time good as new with a slightly different look." Peridot says with an air about her that said she had studied extensively and knew exactly what she was talking about, even though she was wrong. Connie was working on autopilot as she walked into the kitchen in a daze. She couldn't believe how excited she was for this, it turned her on SO much more than the magazines she had found the one and only time she hung out with one of the Fryman boys. She found a roasting pan under the kitchen sink, and after washing it off, she knew it would be ready for her. She looked over the recipe Peridot had picked out carefully and realized they really didn't have everything they needed, but they wouldn't really know the difference. She told the two to get what they needed or the closest substitute, hoping they wouldn't try to season her with bleach, and picked out an apple from the fridge, a big juicy one that fit her jaws perfectly. She was surprised when the pair got most everything right, aside from the honey they wanted to bake her in as opposed to oil, and that Peridot had gotten a pile of rocks for stuffing. She could only guess that the gem homeworld loved to eat rocks, which she also guessed would be a form of cannibalism if she really thought about it, but then again, if any of the other residents ate her that would be cannibalism too. She blushed brightly as she removed her clothes, she knew she had no reason to be, seeing as these two were also women, but it was nerve wracking being naked in front of someone else. After she was nude, she rubbed the honey into the bottom of the roasting pan while Lapis and Peridot read over the recipe, as they couldn't ask Connie once she was in the oven. She didn't say anything about the rocks she instructed them on what to do, first by covering her from head to toe in the honey. Lapis took that job while Peridot rinsed off the rocks under Connie's direction. Lapis had only gotten her upper body done when Peridot returned with the dripping wet rocks. Once they were on the table, Lapis waved her hand lazily and the excess water shot off the rocks and back into the sink. Connie was surprised at the ease in which Lapis was able to do this. She jumped when the cold rocks touched her pussy as she was not expecting them to be that cold. She figured that when the water left them, the cold stayed behind. Peridot had to grunt to push each rock far enough into Connie's small pussy to properly stuff her, always making Connie grunt in pain. Connie's eyes shut tight and she moaned gently as she was effectively fisted over and over. While it hurt, she was still enjoying it and she eventually came, just after the last rock had been placed within her, covering Peridot's hand in her warm juices. Each time a rock passed in there, she gasped in a small bit of pain. Lapis found a lot of pleasure in basting Connie's breasts, yet she didn't know why, and was even further distracted when Connie came due to Peridot stuffing her. Peridot looked at her sticky wet hand and looked at Connie after. "What's this?" she asks curiously tempted to taste it. Breathing heavily, Connie leaned back against the pan and laughed. She didn't know how she was going to explain this to the alien space rock so she decided to lie. "That, that's just a human way to season ourselves. It's natural as we are in fact a meat based organism." Peridot nodded and used her kinesis again to pick up her notebook she had Connie get for her as she had left her recording device back at the barn. She seemed satisfied with that answer as she wrote it down. "The-the- the oven is still warm from the cupcakes, so you will need to turn it back on so it stays warm." she says helping Lapis by adding honey to her own butt, and arms. She'd have to let Lapis do the rest of her back but that was ok. By now her belly was a bit bulgy because of the rock stuffing her insides nad she felt really full with the amount of rocks inside her. She was honestly rather excited to be food, she always felt like something was missing in her life and now to her great surprise she found out exactly what that was. "Lapis, you need to put a carrot in my butt too." she says grabbing the carrot and handing it to her with one hand while playing with herself with the other. She knew that a human chef would have appreciated this, but it still felt amazing, despite the stinging the rocks and honey were doing to the inside of her pussy. As she played with herself, her clenched ass relaxed a bit and just in time too as Lapis held on to one of her thighs and pushed the carrot inside her. Connie's head tilted back off the roasting pan and she let out a hard moan. "P-p-peridot, tie my hair up you don't want to get hair in your food." she says breathing deeply to get her heart back to normal. Once she was fully oiled and some spices were shaken over her, a few things that she wouldn't have cooked with her were added to the pan, like Steven's Cheeseburger Backpack for instance. She hoped that wouldn't ruin her flavor for the gems. She started thinking of herself as a victory feast for the two for working together for the last few days without fighting, and doing a good job at the car wash. "OK girls." Connie says as she lays back on the pan. "All that's left is to tie my limbs together and put the apple in my mouth before putting me in the oven." "Why does a meat based organism have to have a fruit organism in their mouth?" Peridot asks curiously as she picks up some rope and begins tying her together. She had been the one to do the torture to captured victims for information so she knew what she was doing on that. Lapis had been mostly for aquatic combat. "You need to put the apple in my mouth because that will help me realize i'm meat now and to keep me quiet, humans, humans can't take the amount of heat that it takes to cook them, so the apple keeps us quiet when you cook us." she says not struggling as Peridot binds her slippery hands to her slippery ankles. "That makes sense, I know I wouldn't want to hear a lot of screaming, not unless i'm torturing someone for information." a brief second flitted by where her face took on the evil grin that she had before she was brought onto the team but then it was gone. The oven beeped soon after and Connie's heart skipped a beat at the sound. It was time to cook her now that she was all bound and prepared. Lapis brought the apple over and without even having to ask, Connie opened her mouth and bit down, sealing the fruit in her lips and silencing her for the most part. She wiggled her fingers and toes, it was about the only thing she could move at this point. She could feel the cold carrot in her butt, and every movement she made with her hips, she could feel the rocks moving around inside her. Peridot held her hand out and watched it begin to glow a bright white as her kinesis ability kicked in and Connie jumped as she was lifed up off the preparation table. Lapis opened the oven door and waved her own brand of ability over it, something never used before. The oven's size doubled so she'd be able to fit. "Now this will only work for a few hours Peridot so we have to eat her before the change wears off, I can't recast that so soon after the first use, it's why I never use it." "Alright Lapis." were the last words Connie said before the oven door closed and she was shut in darkness but for the soft orange light of the heating element. She was sweating within minutes and it was already hard to breathe. She forgot to tell them that they needed to baste her every 20 minutes or she'd dry out, she could only hope that basting was described in the book they were reading. After an hour of roasting and not having had the door open, Connie was losing her grip on reality. Her already dark flesh had darkened even further as she was cooked and she could smell herself, and she smelled delicious. The Cheeseburger backpack had browned and turned to ash about 5 minutes ago, then again she had no concept of time in this extreme heat. Finally, the oven opened and, thanks to the blast of freezing air, Connie returned to full wakefullness. Lapis carefully took the apple out of her mouth while Peridot stood over her. "Connie, what is basting?" Connie blinked a few times in relief that the only reason she wasn't being basted was that they didn't know what it was. She coughed a few times and moved her tongue around in her mouth to moisten her mouth to allow her to speak properly. "It's to keep meat moist and juicy while it's cooking." She spent a moment or two explaining that heat gets rid of the juice and a proper feast needs to have juice put back in. They nodded their head and basted her with more cool honey and asked her how often it needed to happen to which she responded with 20 minutes. From then on, she could slightly hear them talking in the kitchen for a while, or walking around doing what ever it was that those two did on their free time, and a slight hum of an alarm above her. This was soon followed by the door being opened and a cool brush being put over her cooking trussed body. This process repeated for the next 3 hours, making her stay in the oven totalling about 4 hours. Luckily she was a small girl and she was probably cooked all the way through. As soon as the clock outside the oven hit 4 hours, the oven slowly started to shrink as Lapis' ability wore off. It created groans throughout the house as it shrunk, alerting Lapis and Peridot that it was shrinking. Lapis opened the oven door and Peridot, already preparing for this, pulled Connie's body out of the oven, she had fallen asleep in the last hour, unable to take the heat anymore. About halfway out of the oven, the pan started to scrape against the wall of the door and Lapis knew if she didn't help their meal would be ruined. She snapped her fingers and water shot out of the sink and wrapped around her hands, though still connected so the water would keep moving. As soon as she grabbed hold of the hot metal, her hands started steaming, or rather the water around them did. With a quick pull, the pan came free with a bit of an indent on the end that was still in the oven. With the oven returned to normal size, Connie's pan was placed on the stove and they admired their meal, idly wondering where the backpack had gone. Eventually they agreed that Connie must have eaten it and leaned in to the pieces they had agreed on while she was cooking. Peridot wrapped her lips around one of Connie's nipples while Lapus did the same for her clit. They ate slowly, taking bites off with their teeth and standing back up to chew before leaning back in to get more. They each enjoyed the bites they took and wanted to see if different parts of her body tasted any different. After Lapis pulled the ovaries into her mouth, she moved on to Connie's belly steak which she fully enjoyed. Meanwhile Peridot opened wide and took in a big bite of the rock stuffed womb and her whole butt, she found the flavors mixed well and the rocks gave it a nice crunch to accentuate the soft meat around it. "You were a very satisfying meal Connie." she says to the skeleton that was still bound on the pan. She knew that a gem that was in the process of reviving could still hear and understand so she assumed humans could as well. The two took pieces of her body over the next 24 hours until she really was nothing but a skeleton. Peridot moved her skeleton to sit with her on the couch and watch the old tv show that she liked. A week later, she wondered why Connie hadn't revived yet. She just shrugged and assumed that humans took much longer to revive after being defeated than Gems did. Even the slowest revived Gems would have revived by now after all. She just shrugged again and continued watching her show. After another 3 days, they decide they've had enough of Beach City and take Connie's skeleton back to the barn with them so Peridot can use her for her Meep Morp modern art project. Not really worried about it being there, humans took 9 months to gestate after all they may take just as long to revive. |
Floating...was all she knew. The light, feathery feeling of nothingness surrounded her as she seemed to just glide lazily in no set direction. There was no pain, no pleasure....no worry, no troubles....just the odd empty feeling of near over whelming smooth nothingness. June wondered if this was what it felt like to die, to just cease feeling anything and just pass on. After a moment, a feeling started to enter her body, at first it was a chill like from being nude, before it turned to a prickly sensation, like her entire body fell asleep at the same time. Her ears started to hear this annoying ticking noise that wasn't regular or rhythmic, but still constant in its sound. The dull murmur of talking beings from far away joined in, ruining her moment of tranquility. June groaned as more and more sounds of life trickled into her ears, her body started to feel heavier as she felt her body start to awaken from her slumber. She groaned as she started to sit up, and was about to get pissed and start yelling until she stopped. Her eyes were still closed as memories from yesterday hit her hard, her wedding to that monster, an angry giant pounding on the walls, her 'husband' threatening her and her family, and finally....a pulsating throat, the sound of gulping and the sizzling of acids assaulted her mind. June's eyes shot open and looked around, scrambling to her feet as both shock and confusion hit her. All around her were over sized objects, a cellphone the size of a large TV, paperclips half her height, a smaller food container holding cookies, the container big even to live in and the dessert enough to feed her for two days at least. Her eyes flitted around, seeing a small swallow tray with water, a pile of random nuts, and scrap of clothe almost perfect for a towel. She looked around, the walls and ceiling appeared to be separated for some reason, the only source of light a small hole, just big enough for her to squeeze through. June stood up and shuffled over, standing to one side of the hole and peering though to see not much at first except tall carpeted walls, covered with posters and pictures of...she gasped, the pictures showed the giant...the giant that swallowed her alive, standing next to another male and two females. 'That must be his family', she thought to herself, feeling her confusion grow. 'Where....am I at his job? Oh...I...must be....in his desk at his work? Why did he bring me here?....and why did he cough me up? Wouldn't his acids desolve my....'She looked down at her self, '..OH MY FUCKING GOD IM NAKED!' She quickly covered herself up, her arm covering her breast as her paw covered her bare crotch. She looked over what she now realized is the inside of his desk drawer, but no clothes were to be found. June sighed, before now something else was made aware to her, this disgusting scent permeated the area. It took her no time She huffed and walked over to the water tray, easing herself into the cool liquid, soothing her light burns and rinsing the bile and goop that covered her body. After making sure the funk was all off her, she got out and used the scrap of cloth to dry as best she could, before here own belly growled, causing her to grab a random cashew and began munching. Mid chew she stopped as the sound of approaching footfalls grew closer. Her curiosity grew as well, leading to her standing a gingerly walking over to the odd hole in the drawer front, peering out as carefully as she could, her eyes widened at the sight of another giant, this one vastly different than her giant...Wait...no not MY giant....just...ugh, with this one being a Kanir, began talking to the Falinean that she was so familiar with. “Hey...great job on that debug job. I knew you could do it.” The canid creature smiled at his feline friend. Kaden slowly turned from his task, the lines of code stopping as he quit typing, eyebrows raised. “Yea...cause that stopped the threat of firing not long ago Kevin.” Kaden rolled his eyes as he glared at the other. Kevin sighed harshly, “Look...you know that's not all on me...I fought for you ya know....but the bosses...they saw you slipping and well...” Kaden chuckled, “I know man, just messing with ya. Ives just had a bout of....insomnia the past week or so...But I think I got it figured out.” “Whew...hope so.” The figure name 'Kevin' sighed, “Look, just in case...since we pretty slow today...take the weekend off...get nice and rested and ready for the next week.” “You sure? I can come in and...” Kevin raised his paw and cut him off, “Nope...you got that bit project debug finished...and you even got about half a dozen tech complaints filed under finished before noon...and that's with you groggy. Take the weekend, get recharged, and be bright eyed and bushy tailed come Monday.” “Deal.” Kaden smiled widely, giving the Kanir a thumbs up. Kevin turned and retreated, whistling a small tune. As soon as the Kanir was out of earshot, Kaden sighed and reached down, gently opening the drawer June was in. She had no time to act as the artificial light flooded in and blinded her, causing her to cover to eyes and bare her nude form to him. He chuckled deep and leaned in to whisper, his hot breath washing over her, carrying the scents of, oddly, fresh mint and pumpkin spice muffins. Her vision returned, and she stood tall and proud, showing no fear to this giant monster. “Look little mouse, I know you have a lot of questions and things to say. Keep them in your head, and after I punch out for the day....we can talk all you want in the car.” She glared at him dead in the eye, “And what makes you think I will or can trust you?” He merely smiled, giving her a toothy grin causing her to shudder, as he slowly closed the drawer, dimming the lights to be more manageable to her. She huffed and plopped down, grabbing another random nut and munching angrily, thinking of all the things she could say to him. June must have dozed off, with the dulled sounds and then full belly, as she was jarred awake by the drawer opening. She stood, only confused as he did not look at her, but instead held his massive paw down in the drawer, his eyes roaming over the area as if looking out. She hesitantly climbed onto his warm palm, noting a faint scent of something floral, before nearly screaming as his huge fingers closed around her, but not touching her. They seemed to form a fleshy, clawed cage area her body. June settled into his palm as his arm lifted and was placed in the large cavernous pocket of his hoodie front, the light dimmed to a dull blue as the giant began to walk briskly yet softly. After some time, the noises of the office ended, replaced by cooler rushing air and the honks and hustling noise of the city. She considered jumping and taking her chances, when she was tossed about as Kaden got into his car. He shut the doors, pulled her out of his hoodie, and placed her on the dash board. She scrambled to her feet, getting upset at the cocky smirk on his face, “Enjoy your nap?” “Fuck you,” She seethed, then took a deep breath, “Ok what do you want monster?” “Wow...no 'Thanks for coughing me up'?...'I appreciate not digesting my bones.'.” He chuckled, “That's very rude mouse.” June reached up and pinched the bridge of her nose, inhaling sharply, “Fine....I guess..thank you for not....ya know...killing me.” She looked at him, “But why?” His face grew somber, “Well to be honest..I was going to churn you down. After all, I'd want the same in your position.” June shuddered at the idea of being melted down, then raised an eyebrow, “And that would be?” “Welllll, I overheard what he said and recorded the whole thing, and realized two things; One-is that no one deserves a life like that, regardless of species.” He rolled his neck, popping the joints from sitting too long. “And...two?” She asked, crossing her arms, fighting back the tears. She did NOT want him to she her sob for joy for not dying, or for him 'saving' her. “Two:....is that I think we can help each other out a bit.” He flashed her an honest smile. June bit her lip, “And how's that? How can a mausir help a Falinean....and vice versa?” Kaden's grin grew malicious, “I can get rid of your beau....and the rat problem nearby...IF your willing to something for me...Do you trust me?” Her tears threatened to fall, “And what pray tell...would lead me to trust you?” He leaned in, whispering to her gently, “The fact I let you out...is a start.” June sighed, wiping her eyes, “Ok...but not wholly trusting right now.” She paused, regaining her composure, “So what's your plan?” Kaden smiled even wider, running his tongue over his sharp teeth, sending her into shivers, “Well...first off....” Later on, Kaden walked into his house and noticed something amiss. His package of cookies was moved, and a trail of green powder leading to it. He smiled, grabbing a chair and sitting at his counter, speaking loudly, “Really? You poisoned my cookies? That's a new low rodents.” He glanced over to see a small group forming, angry faces abound, including one he was after. The eldest of the group, his grey fur shining bright in the low light approached, with the ratican, an angry sneer on his small muzzle. His crackled voice and swollen sorrowful eye, almost made Kaden crack....but he held back for his plan, “You monster have taken the last of our souls, we have done NOTHING to you...and yet you continue to devour us, whole and alive like the evil creature you are...and we are DONE.” His voice, although small, was commanding and impressive. Kaden leaned in, in voice smooth and low, “Nothing? You call keeping me up all night, eating my food, invading my privacy nothing? I call that acceptable reasoning for my actions.” He licked his lips slowly for effect. The ratican spoke up, “You destroyed an innocent life. My precious wife had done nothing, and we were on our way to start a new clan and you took that from us.” Kaden arched a brow, “Really, cause I overheard you telling her that...what was it?....oh yea breaking her sibling legs and feeding them to me after your ratican warriors enslaved them?” Derrick gasped in shock, actually fear on his face of being found out, before coughed and continuing his crusade, “LIES...LIES by the monster. I loved her dearly, and warriors?...you are a fool if you think that can work...my clan was wiped out by other monster like you...I'm all alone in this world thanks to your consuming of my beloved.” He spun as he spoke, letting all mausirs nearby hear him, they all nodding in agreement. Kaden fiddling with his phone under the counter, getting ready to strike. He placed his closed paw on the counter and smiled, “Well...then...I guess only one person can vouch for me.” “And who is that,” The elder spoke up, “My daughter is...is...,” He sobbed, “Making her way through your belly, Derrick witnessed your murder of her. Which is why we are waging war on you.” Kaden smirked and lifted his paw, revealing the nude, and angry form of June, who stood crossing her arms and stamping her foot. Derick looked like he was going to puke, trying to come up with words to cover, “A trick, a clear trick by the clever monster.” He was cut off by her stamping over and punching the larger rodent in the jaw. “You bastard...you blackmailed me then left me to die?” “Honey blossom...I think you quite wrong...this creature has easily...” He was stopped by his own voice, echoing back at him. He turned to see the Falinean holding a small screen in his paw, a video playing, showing what had happened not twenty four hours ago. The video showed Derrick yanking June to her feet, then grabbing her by the throat and lifted her off the ground. The elder mausir saw his daughter's eyes bugging out as she clutched at the paws around her air pipe, her feet off the floor. “Now you listen here you little bitch. You will play nice and do as your told and I promise....none of your friends will die. I will personally make sure my guys keep them alive. BUT if you fight me...or try to do anything to stop us from leaving this area...I will make sure you and your sisters will be nothing more than tied down and have the males take turns on you all. Or better yet..” “I will break their legs and leave them in the open, and make you watch the giant turn them to fertilizer.” “Make your choice.” They all watched with horror on their faces as June stared hard at the larger rodent, but turned away and stood shakily, “Lets go then.” “Much better.” The video paused as the two turned and went to leave. They all turned at the pale looking ratican, before he attempted to flee, pushing the smaller ones out of the way, only to be stopped by June jumping on his back, wrapping her arm around his throat. He felt her reached around and shove something in his mouth, before punching his chest the action causing him to inhale and swallow the object. He fell to his knees gagging and coughing, turning to see the smug look on the monster's face, and the hard anger on the mausir group. The elder started his way, “You lying, deceitful, monster....I've lost enough over the years and wont loose anymore.” He raised his cane to strike him when June stopped him. A glimmer of hope in Derrick's eyes brightened for a moment, only to be squashed as she spoke with a voice of authority, “All clan members besides my father and me will return to the hideouts to await us..NOW!” Kaden felt a shudder up his spine, 'This little gal got spunk,' He watched them mutter about, then quickly retreated, leaving the ratican, June and her apparent father. She turned to the older mausir, “Father...given his crimes...death would be most appropriate.” He looked confused, then followed her gaze to the larger creature above them. He sighed, “This will cause war...the ratican clan...” Kaden cut them off, “Already taken care of...I little nerve toxin to paralyze them...and a quick caging and car trip later...well...they will get whats coming to them.” Derrick went to stand, but felt his legs give out, “What!?” June smirked, “Kaden here, knew where your den was...and I may have tricked them out and into a clear trap where they ate the same pellet...I just gave you. After a few second...you wont be able to move. Kaden here...took them all to a pet store...to be sold...and fed to pet snakes.” Derrick and her father's eyebrow's went up at her statement. Derrick could feel his body becoming numb, and was unable to even to anything about it as June turned to her father, “Dad...go the clan and prepare them to move just in case...Kaden will...take care of this monster...and wishes to speak to you and me after wards.” He simply nodded, and turned, disappearing in a small hole in the backslash of counter. Derrick was about to yell for help, when he was lifted up, high above the counter and floated before Kaden's face. Kaden smiled widely, licking his lips, before tossing the larger rodent in his mouth the dark pink and wet cavern dripping with saliva as his tongue snaked around Derrick, soaking him in the musty liquid before the head tilted back quickly, the horror filling the rat's head as A loud audible gulp engulfed his body as he swallowed hard his throat pulsing as it gripped his lower body and pulled hard. His yelled curses and obscenities as he was pulled down, the tight tunnel crushing him as the muscles moved him to his final and temporary home. Outside June watched, enraptured as Kaden made quick work of her soon to be former husband, wasting no time swallowing him down, her hand found its way to her nethers for some reason as she watched a large bulge travel down his furred neck and vanished behind his shirt collar. Kaden gasped as he was able to breathe again, “Sorry...I was more about getting him punished quick, not about enjoying it.” June blushed as her body warmed up, “Like you enjoyed me?” “Yea,” Kaden fur darkened as the under skin flushed red, “You were um...very tasty and cute so....” “Did...did you touch yourself to me?” June asked, her eyes locking with his. He blushed harder, “Yea...sorry. I get a small....pleasure from feeling live prey wiggle down.” “Hmm,” she hummed, walking over to him as he stood. He placed his belly closer to let her feel, and she could barely make out the form of the larger rat, the sloshing and glorping already kicking up, when a wicked thought hit her, “Is there....is there a way to make him melt faster?” “Oh um yea...but um.” Kaden looked away, “Your a bit small to give me sexual pleasure...I've heard it accelerates the metabalism.” June looked the larger cat over, “Well...stroke off then...I want to make sure he is GONE before I go back.” Kaden sighed heavily and undid his pants, letting them fall with his underwear, letting his semi hard shaft leghten. June was instantly hit with a wave of male musk, sending her brain into over drive. Her fingers grazed her now moist lips, “Go on big guy....Might be the only time either of us gets to show off.” She winked. He smirked as he spit a large glob on his palm, before letting his slick paw glide over his shaft, now at full proud status, he moaned headily as he felt his arousal building, laughing to himself at how long it had been. As he stroked, his body responded to the exercise kicking his stomach into high gear. Inside the hot chamber, the churning increased in speed, tossing and crushing the panicking rat about, tightening and massage him, knocking the wind out of his lungs, nearly crushing him as the hot liquid increased in volume. The acrid fumes burned his eyes and nose, taking his breath away and causing him to shut his eyes tight. A gasp escaped him as he felt his brain shutting down, the lack of air blackening his vision. The walls clenching tightly against him, pressing the acid deep into his body and pushing to go under the liquid when the most horrifying thought ever happened. He felt his arm break...the toxin was wearing off but it was too late. By the time his brain registered this information, he was already submerged, a chunk of fur floating above him. Derrick never heard the heavy grunt and panting as Kaden hit his peak, gripping the counter top as he blew his load, the pearly liquid sat thick and heavy right beside her as her own peak hit, her fluid minuscule in comparison. They both gasped in pleasure, Kaden speaking first, “That was...erotic as hell.” He huffed. June just nodded, standing shakily and wobbling over to him, inhaling deeply the scent of male cat and cum. She placed her hand on his belly and felt it relax inside, the now softening form barely noticeable, “Wow..that's just wow.” He nodded and sighed, “Now...go get your father to chat...and Ill get this cleaned up.” June smiled, “Yep, and before I go,” She knelt down and took a huge handful of his seed, bringing to her small mouth and dumping the thick liquid in. She swallowed it with a husky moan, “Hmm...there...I've been inside you....and now your inside me.” She winked and sauntered off as Kaden laughed. He wiped off the evidence and changed his clothes to discuss things with the mausir leader, feeling his gut churn the real monster away. |
MynameisSam. Youareprobablythinkingthatisablandname,andIhavetoagree.Butit'smy name.Sowhatisthisstoryabout?Well,it'smystory,toldentirelyfrommy perspective.Iwon'tspoilanythinghere,justknowthatthingsmightget...very unpredictable.Latermystorymighthavecontentyoudislike,butitwillbe obviouswhenthathappensandI'llwarnyouagain.Fornow...wellthisisjustan introductionreally.I'llgoaheadandstart. Honestly,Iwasjustnappinginmyroom.Itwasthesameasanyothernight,and Ilivedinacompletelynormalworld.Despitemyyounglooks,Iwasabitolder thanmostwouldexpect.LotsofpeoplethoughtIwas18butIwasalreadyin mytwentieshonestly.Itdidn'thelpthatIwastakinglowwagejobs,makingme blendrightinwiththeteenagers.ThepointiswhenIwokeup,Iwascertainly notinmyroomanymore. AtfirstIthoughtIhadwokenupinsomekindofhugejungle,butafterexploring andtryingmybesttosurvive,itbecameobviouswhatmytruesituationwas. Everythingwasbig,therocks,thebugs,andthegiantanimals.OnceIsawa humanfarlargerthanmepassingby,itwasobviousthatIwasjustinsome normalwoods,mebeingthetinyone.Idon'tknowhowithappened,butafter awhileitwasobviousIwasn'teveninmyworldanymore.Isawactualmonsters roamingabout,somethatseemedmorethaneagertoeatthingssmallerthan them...eveniftheycouldbeg. Ididn'tknowwhototrust.Humansseemedlikemybestbet,butevenmostof themseemed...erradict.Thisentireworldseemedtohaveaonetrackmindof eatingtheweak,oratleastthisareadid.Ididn'tfeellikeIwouldsurvivelong here,Ireallywanteditalltobejustabaddream.BeforeIrealizedit,Iheard somethingbehindme.Something...slithering...andsinging? WhenIturnedaround,itwasclearwhatIsaw.Alamia,justlikeoneIhadseen eatingwithoutremorse.OratleastIdiduntilIrealizedhowdifferentshewas. Shewasholdingwhatlookedlikeapicnicbasket,comingmywayasshewas singing.Shewasassmallasme,maybeevensmaller.IfIwasbeinghonest...she lookedcute.Likeacuteplushiekindofcute,orsomekindofmascot.Iknow thingsaroundherecanbedeceivingbutshelookedasinnocentastheycome,a wormseemedmorethreateningthanher.Shegreetedme"Hello!" "Hello."Ireplied,clearlyabitnervous,butforthemostpartlettingmyguard down.HonestlythiswasthefirsttimeIgottoreallytalkwithsomeone,notto mentionshedidn'tseemthreateningatall,allowingmetorelaxjustslightly. "SorryifIseemnervous,Iuh...justgothereandeverythingaroundmeseems prettydangerous.I'mgladyoudon'tseemthatwaythough." Withasbigofasmileasshecouldmanage,shelookedextremelycuteasshe talked."Youkindofsurprisedmeaswell!Isawyounearbyandwasworriedyou mighthavebeenafterme,butthenInoticedwewereprettysimilar.Itispretty hardatoursizeisn'tit?Iamonabitofajourney,enjoyingsomefoodalongthe way!" Iletoutasigh,takingarestfinallyafterwhoknowshowlongasIsatdown."Tell meaboutit.I'llbehonestthatIdon'tknowhowIgothere,butitisvery differentformtheplaceIwasfrombefore.EventhehumansIhaveseengive methefeelingtheymightnotcarethatI'mhumananddosomethingcruelto me.IthinkI...teleported?Doyouknowanythingaboutthat?" Iwatchedashereyeslitup,abiteagertotalkaboutthetopicapparently."Wow! Youcanteleport?Soyoucanusemagicthen?Icanusesomemagicaswell!"As shesaidsoIwatchedheruntieabagfromherwaistbeforedroppingthe contentsinfrontofme.Itlookedlikeabunchofdifferentcoloredrocks,most havingakindofsimilarmulticolortothem.Ididn'treallyunderstandwhatshe meantbycallingthismagic. Igaveashrugwhilelookingattherocks."Ican'tusemagic,Ithinksomething happenedtome.Ihonestlycan'ttellifitshrunkmeaswellorifthisplaceisjust naturallybigger.Yousayyoucanusemagicwiththeserocks?"Lookingatthem, itmightbemoreaccuratetocallthemgems,butreallytheystilllookedmore likerocks. Iwatchedherlookthroughthemabitbeforepickingoutabitofareddishone thathadamarkingonit."Thatsoundsreallyannoyingbeingteleportedoutof nowhere!Idon'tknowifyouaresupposedtobetinyornot,butthissizeis normalformeandmostothersmysize.Idon'tthinkI'veeverseenanything smallerthanmehonestly."Shethenheldouttherockshepickedupandgaveit tome."Icanmakerunesandputenchantmentsonrockslikethisone!You shouldputitinyourmouthandtasteit!Imadethatonetastelikestrawberries, anditneverfadesaway!Oh,butitwon'tfillyouupthough." Ialreadyhadnoreasontodoubther,soIputtheredstonetomymouthand triedtastingit.Justlikeshesaid,ittastedexactlylikestrawberries.Ialmost wantedtobitedownonit,whichmademethinkthisstonewasbetterforlicking ratherthanstickingitinyourmouthlikethis.WhileIwastastingitIsawher grabanotherone,thisonemorelikeaclearstonethatIcouldsortofsee through.Iaccepteditasshehelditoutandaskedwhatitwas."Isthisanother thingtotaste?" Shegavealittlegigglebeforeshakingherhead."Thisoneisagifttoyou,for beingmynewfriend.IswallowoneoftheseifIameverindanger.Likeyousaid itisverydangerousandIoftenrunintothingsthateatmesoImaketheseand swallowthem.Ifyoudoitrightbeforesomethingbadhappenstoyou,itshould keepyoursouljustfineandhelpreformyouafteraboutaweek.Theybreak afterasingleusethough,soIhavetokeepmakingthem.Ithoughtyoucould useonesinceyouaresosmalllikeme." Ialmostcouldn'tbelieveit.ItwasliketellingmeIhadasortofrespawnpointina videogame.Granted,itwouldstillbeverypainfulifIdiedanditonlyworked once,buthopefullyifIdidn'tgotoofarfromherImightbeabletogetanother intheeventIdohavetouseit."I...Idon'tknowwhattosay.Thisisreally thoughtful,thankyou.OfcourseIhopeIdon'thavetouseit,butifIdoneed it...itwillsavemylife."IslippedthestoneintomypocketandhopedIwould neverneedit. Sheworethebiggestsmileasshepickedupafewmorestonesandhanded themtome.Shewentontoexplaineachone,sayingtheywereeasyenoughto makeandshouldhelpmealot.Shegavemetheonethattastedlike strawberries,onethatwouldmakewaterifIheldittightenough,onethat wouldkeepmewarmbutIshouldn'tholdtootight,andafewmorewithsome basicfunctions.Iacceptedherhospitalityasshecontinuedonbeforepointing toasnowcoveredmountaininthedistance."I'mgoingthatway,itlooksreally fun!Hopefullyyouwon'tneedtousetheclearone,andifyoudoIhopewecan meetagainbeforeanythingbadhappens."Shestartedtoslitheraway,turning tomeandwavinggoodbye."Goodbyefriend!Ihopeyoucanfindawayback homesoon!" Iwavedgoodbyetoher,happyIwasabletomakeafriendinthisdangerous world,andhopingnothingbadhappenedtohereither."Goodbye!IhopeIcan helpyououtnexttimeifwemeetagain!I'llneverforgetthis!"Onceshewas goneandIwasreadytomoveagain,Irealizedsomethingabitunfortunate. "Oh...wedidn'ttelleachotherournames." |
Kyle’s Final Detention By: The feline named Kyle would soon hear the electronic reverb of the bell soon ring true in the room, though unlike many of his peers, he had not packed his things up like his peers on this lovely Friday afternoon. He lamented as he would soon gather his things and then walked out of his English class room, checking his watch and seeing 2:58 PM. He still had thirty minutes till his detention started. He wore his Green Puma shirt, a bit lazy as he only washed when his mom told him too, still wearing his hat in school, and had some jean shorts with some beaded sandals to boot. He was an athletic kid, and did enjoy sports to the fullest, happy to be with his friends, but aptly put, a “’Fraidy Cat.” Though, none of that would matter after today. He’d walk opposite of the students in front of him, distressed of his meeting with Ms. Clark. He had only about ¾ of his homework done, and Ms. Clark wanted it completed. After walking a short way though the corridor, he found her class. Room 1332, Ms. Clark. He would read over that name plate countless times as he made way into her classroom nearly every day, hating to go in there. He peered through the glass on the side of her door, seeing it was dark in her room, “Odd,” He thought, “Why would she be out of the room today? Am I off the hook?” And smack-dab as he thought of it, a much larger woman would come out of the Teacher bathroom, a doe, if you can believe that! She was donned in her dress shirt and black vest, looking licensed with her stockings and her purple pumps, with stereotypical teachers glasses and hair in a bun to authenticate the look. The eye liner gave her a bit extra in the bitch factor but she was only twenty-seven, so look was important. “I had no idea you were so eager to come and see me already Mr. Thompson, please do come in. We can start your detention early.” He grumbled, though looked at attention to the female, knowing he was in the doe house for yesterday, and looked about her social studies class room. He soon saw the cramped desks that were still circa 1990’s, all in rows of six by seven, with historical pictures wrapping around the room. These were the only enjoyable things in the room for him to look at. He soon looked to the front to see Ms. Clark sit and type on her laptop his already late grade, while she had her comparatively tiny rolly chair that hugged her curves and one size too small desk with a zombie flesh green chalk board standing watch behind her. The desk had the usual teacher attire, a globe, professional name tag, history books with stoppers at each end and a wooden apple. Like anyone would even delude themselves to give her one. “Come now Mr. Thompson, you have got a lot of work to do. I assume you have your paper completely finished by now?” He swallowed softly as he kept contact with her eyes and walked to the desk, taking a seat in it while getting out his usual things as though this was a normal class. “Well?” She asked promptly, looking down at the much smaller student. “N-Nearly! I just need a bit mor-“ “Incomplete work? Oh my, I suppose a 0 will make your parents happy to see that. Maybe we’ll work harder, right Mr. Thompson?” After a long sigh and a short brooding in his mind, he answered with, “Yes Ms. Clark.” “Right.” She said and stood herself up, so massively giant compared to the feline, doubling her height as she said, “I’m sure we had… oh, another 400 lines to go Mr. Thompson?” She gave a smile and turned back to her computer, grading was still quite hard work. He sighed and pulled himself up from the desk, going around her desk as he did notice a small pad cleverly hung on some nice hooks right below the desks top, like a bean bag of sorts. He looked down at the wooden area to hold the chalk, and saw that she just got resupplied with a chalk box of ten. “Why the hell do they still make those? Is Ms. Bitch over there the corporate leader of chalk?” “I don’t believe I can hear any writing, shall I add another hundred onto your total?” She sung to him, showing how evil she truly could be. He shook his head softly and groaned, picking up the bar of chalk that stained the fur on his fingers white, and began the mundane task of writing, “Those who do not learn the lessons of history are doomed to repeat them.” He checked the clock when he began at around 3:07 PM, and just as he broke the halfway point it was now 5:48 PM. Ms. Clark was still grading away on the computer, quite happy with the punishment she had given out to the sophomore boy while she would soon finish up and watch him work from her ivory tower. She smiled nicely to the boy, saying, “Your handwriting is looking better every line Mr. Thompson. I’d love to see more of it if you were in my class.” His chalk would soon veer off from his writing and snap in his hand as he said, “Wha-What do you mean?” He asked in disbelief, his parents would be quite irritated to her about that when he came home. “Oh, Mr. Thompson,” The doe said before standing up, high over the smaller male, dwarfing his size as she just would chuckle down to him and look into his eyes with her own, cold, unforgiving pair and said, “I know you tried. I know you gave at least 10 percent every day, but I had to drop you.” The feline was quite somber at those words, feeling an immense anger, but also deep, deep depression. “My parents are gonna kick me out… I-I’m an A grade student… please Ms. Clark!” He begged longingly, not hearing a soft click of doors around the class room as Jennifer Clark snuck her hand under the desk and locked all the doors soon saying, “It is quite unfortunate that you had to be dropped from my class, and honestly, I thought you could be a good student and try after today. But, now that you’re not, I think I could actually have a bit of fun with you.” Soon, the emotions he felt before were brushed under the rug as a new confusion began in him, watching Ms. Clark soon get up and close her own installed blinds in the room as she went to each door and window. He stuttered while asking, “Wha… I’m a stu… what the Hell do you mean?” “Tsk, tsk, tsk, that is not a nice thing to say to a lady.” She said sharply, still getting everything ready while the feline stood dumb founded and watched the woman go along to get everything dark in the room. She also turned off the main lights, but lit two over her desk area with a hidden switch in the back. He soon heard the loud clip clops of a heavy woman make her way back to the desk, while she would stand above the male and tell him, “So, you are not my student any more, and you are here after hours. Lucky for us, the principal knows I’m working ‘overtime’ tonight. And lucky for you, I have a great idea that we’ll both enjoy. Give me your phone Kyle.” He would hear the command from the huge woman while his heart was now racing. He knew she was too big for him. He knew that she could probably sit on him and break all his bones in an instant. He also was quite attracted to the power she held over him, looking up to her as he would then say, “O-Oh yes Ms. Clark, s-sure!” She snatched the touch phone from his hand and saw he unlocked it already for her. She went to the contacts and went to Mom, tapping it as it called her up. She only had to wait moments before saying, “Hello Mrs. Thompson, I’m calling to inform you that I’m going to need to have Kyle help me with my grading tonight… Well, he has become a teacher’s pet the last few days, and I’m happy to have the extra help!... Good Night Mrs. Thompson.” She finally saw that she had hung up and then dropped the phone to the ground and quickly stomped down on it with a hoof, shattering the screen and destroying the led screen inside, before tossing it in the trash. “No need for interruptions like that Kyle.” She said and used her foot to push him over and slipped off her pumps on him, showing those feet that lay in wake for him while she said, “I’m gonna start getting down to just my fur, while you lick on my hooves. Sound good?” Kyle was becoming a bitch to the does spell as he said, “Oh yes M-Ms. Clark!” “Please, call me Jenny. Ms. Clark is my student name.” She said as she smiled down to the male and got that bean bag out from the hooks on her desk and then pushed away her small chair as she leaned back on it and would let her large, strong supporting hooves sit up before the male, nice and musky for his enjoyment. He quickly took them in his hands and sniffed deeply, letting the flesh under the hoof stink up his smell as he would lick around the base of the hoof, licking slowly as he tasted some sweat that came from her shoes. He pushed them together softly and saw the black vest rest on the top of the desk He was getting quite heated in his own pants as he rubbed his face into those feet and purred softly, sniffing the musk up while loving those tough hooves as much as he could, soon pulling the skirt down from her knees as he pulled it over himself and pulled his own pants down with it. He kissed the bottom of those black hooves, loving the feel of how strong and powerful they felt on his face while a bra would go on his face followed by panties sinching them around his head. He stopped his worship and got his shirt off with the panties-bra head wear off, seeing a very curvy and huge Ms. Jennifer Clark lay on a very big bean bag as she would sigh and let her supple boobs sag gently on her body, a line of creamy white meeting chocolate brown as it passed through her pink nipples which were looking so lovely to touch. She would use her thick fingers to spread out her white puss, letting it gleam in the low fluorescent light while she gazed up to the male and soon saw him whip off his boxers and pants. She gazed at that 7 inch red member throb on him as she groaned and let some excess liquids wet her pussy more. “Gimmie an A grade fucking, and I’ll think about putting you back in this class Kyle.” He gripped her shoulders and looked over her face, actually seeing a smile as she praised him rather than cursed him, and he would slam his throbbing length into that cunt of hers, feeling his ramrod go in very deep as the doe gave a primal yelp as she took that dick in deep. He began to pump in and out of the large doe, hearing her whimper “Oh yes… fucking ngh… you’ve done this before, I wonder with who…” She seemed to keep her bitchiness about her while her lovely tits would bounce and wiggle, both of the two starting to sweat heavily as they were still in the very start of the love making process. His feet were firmly planted as his cock kept slamming deep into that creamy cunt of hers, while his balls would slam into her asshole, eliciting a moan from her every time those warm, fuzzy orbs made audible slaps as she smiled up to the young feline. He soon bent down as she closed her eyes and then kisses her lips lightly for a few times, before finally kissing and holding while he let her lick over his sandpaper tongue, soon rubbing around each other’s mouth while the pudge on Jenny was wobbling back and forth rhythmically to their fucking. She looked into his eyes as they kept their fucking up, smiling while that cock tip of the feline kept bumping into her cervix, her cunt taking him up to the hilt and even a little of his balls as the drool from his cock and her puss were mingling with one another to make the sounds of slipping and fucking very audible under his feline moans and her grunts and groans of pure pleasure! Soon he would feel a soft twinge in his cock as pleasure rushed through his body like a coursing wave from his feet to his head, soon yelping as he drove himself deep into her massive body over and over again, hearing the off moments when she said, “Oh yes… Kyle cum, cum because you want to be with me, because you love me, say my name!” He soon felt his hot liquids rush to the tip of his cock, soon yelling, “JENNY! FUUUUUUUCK!” In that moment his barbs went out into that very slippery vagina, and then he came ropes of thick, creamy cum with every buck of his hips, going in as deep as possible as he pushed his barbs up into her while he soon was finished. His barbs would disable as he fell into her pudge, feeling that wet gut of hers hold him up easily as he smiled up to her and flipped himself over as he soon lay on her big, sweaty belly. The next thing he felt was a finger in his ass, his world flipping around, and a sheer humid darkness befalling his upper body. Jennifer Clark felt his pounding in her body, enjoying the male in what way she could though she preferred a horse or a elephant for something that could actually fill her up to leaking point. She gave little whimpers and moans, but she was really preparing for what was to come after his little sexual adventure. She felt his body sweat as he looked at his toned body, and had to admit, he was in pretty good shape. Unfortunately, she really only liked the chubby species over the leaner meat. His cock was a good warm up prick, like at home with her medium doggie dick she used on most Saturdays and Sundays, before she would get out the bigguns or invite a friend over. Soon she felt that male shudder and quake as he soon splashed his cock into her wet puss, feeling him go surprisingly deep as she whispered out sweet nothings to him as he then drove those barbs out into that used but still tight cunt and drove those heavy sacs up as the sperm would fly into her pussy and add to the mix of juices in there, generating an actual moan from the doe before he soon ran low on stamina and fell on her belly. Where he was in his own afterglow, Jenny would be high on food lust. She flipped his body back over nicely and then take open her mouth wide, showing off her cuds and smooth top of her mouth, smelling unlike roses as saliva washed over that pink tongue of hers and the black abyss of her throat gaped open like a tunnel to a car. A very long tunnel. She laid his head and shoulders on her tongue, trying to breathe softly as she rubbed her cuds on his body gently, letting him feel her large munchers, thinking she could break him into two with them, but that was for another victim. She tasted over his back, getting the lovely salty taste of sweat that washed over his body from their recent sexing, his back also quite taught with muscles. A shame they go to waste. She soon felt his body stir as she then pushed his head past her slippery, slimy throat flaps while he soon came back from his sex coma. He opened his eyes again from after that hard fucking and saw his world much watery then he left it, with a burning smell entering his nose and a wet, slippery thing under his body as he soon was putting the pieces together! He would move his arms into that wet area, unknowingly aiding the doe as he would then feel another harsh movement as his body then was up to his shoulders in slippery flaps. This was not good. He began to struggle, slowly as he was actually regaining his energy, while sklops and glks were heard as a soft bubbling and sloshing of some liquid was down below. His upper body, eyes and mouth were filling up with saliva, his lungs taking in any air he could get as she slurped over his lower body with that tongue of hers and pushed him in more, wanting him deep inside of her as food instead of half-assed pleasure. Soon, another large gllck could be heard as more of his body was thrust into her own, his petty strugglings useless as she took in his body up to his waist with his spaztastic tail and wobbly legs hanging out of her, her neck bulging around the male while his head would softly rub up on her warm ring of a sphincter to her very acidic belly. He was soon loosing air as he was exhausting most that came with him down her gooey and gummy throat while another gnlek took in his thighs before the invisible hand of gravity pushed in his body nicely and stuffed him inside of her good! He slipped and tumbled as his fur felt more saliva wash over him before he was finally deep in that maw, giving his feet one last happy lick on those musky paws of him before a pishk made quick work of them and they bulged out on her neck. He was now trapped for the rest of his conscious life in her pot. He curled up into that huge gut of hers, the reek of acids now tearing his sensitive sinuses as he started coughing and turning blue. He could feel his back laying upon the very wrinkly surface of the killer belly, soon looking up in the darkness and figured her sphincter would open, clawing at it while the acid easily bunt into his lower body, making him try his best to get air while his vision was getting very blurry, and he became more exhausted than usual. Soon he would only softly struggle as his goal slipped so far away from him, his fur burning away to pile at the top of her acids while the epilogue of his life came to an end inside of her belly… The doe gave a loud uuuuuuuuuurp! as she finally felt the feline stop struggling inside and fall asleep as he would be sent up or down in peace. She was at least merciful in that aspect. She reached down and sighed as she rubbed over her belly, this one a bit bigger than the half-digested dog that Kyle saw in her belly the day before. She felt his soft breathing in her while her high pH acids would defile that body into nourishment for her as she pushed the cum out of her cunt easily, happy to have it gone. She burped softly as the light bathed her in her entirety before she would clap them off and lay on the bag, her belly having quite the work to do as she would slumber and breath softly while her belly would sploosh and gurk over the once male. The body was now immersed in acids as the doe slept, the fur piling at the top of her belly with patches of flesh falling off the cat and dissolving away in the clear acids inside her belly. His muscle would show under those patches, with his bones rubberizing because of the acids seeping in. In two hours his body was reduced to a husk, his lower body had passed away as many of the bones of his legs and lower spine already floated to the top in the hairy, bloody pond while the rest of his upper body was still with tendons holding it together. Four hours after that, all his body was left to be was bones, fur, and a bloody puddle that the bones floated on like apples in a bucket. Surprisingly the stomach opened up its second sphincter and released all of its contents downward. As everything entered the small intestines, things were moderately tight around the bones, but could have been tighter had the doe not been so large. Little villi fingers touched and brushed over the bones, though they really wanted the nutrients around the hard white rubbery things. This went on for a very long time, as all of those nutrients were pieced back into their original solid form but in a much different aroma when the feline entered! The newly pieced together feline would round the last bend about four hours from sun rise to fester inside of the female’s rectum, ready to be disposed of properly. ~~~SCAT WARNING: SCAT WARNING: SCAT WARNING: SCAT WARNING~~~ The doe would happily awaken after her 15 hour slumber, well rested as that large pudge on her belly had shrunk to a more negotiable basketball size. She smiled and got up, clicking the doors open while she could feel the new weight down south, knowing she needed to go soon! She put the bag in its place under the top of her desk and got the belongings of the cat. Be pretty easy to sell on eBay, make a quick buck off the kid. She gathered up her own cloths and his, setting all the desks align before she walked out of her class, down the desolate hallway in quick strides and finally made it to her modified Subaru, needing it quite big as she speed home on that Saturday morning, very very glad she did not have to use the small school bathroom to dispose of this one. After the twenty minute drive the pressure was mounting, making her leap as gracefully as she could and to the front door of her house, jamming the key in the lock as she opened it up quickly, ran to the upstairs bathroom and looked over her toilet. It was not the kind of toilet you see in your everyday house hold, unless you were in Texas. It was clear and about two toilets wide on the top, dwarfing the smaller one beside it. It was a predators guilty pleasure, and with it priced at five-thousand dollars, it was a hefty price. She emitted a little fart and stopped day dreaming about her next meal as she squatted her pudgy ass over her huge thing, able to watch herself shit and got to work! A loud fart reverberated around the bowl as her pink, tiny asshole would quickly open and show the remains of poor Kyle, a huge, dirty log filled with bones rapidly ended at the bottom of the bowl. The next log that spread her ass cheeks apart was much larger, this one was about a foot and two inches long as it creped out of that asshole, filled with the smaller bones of the feline such as the rib cage and tail bones with fur dotting it though out. She moaned at the feeling of the fur tickling her asshole and rubbing her soft, velvet flesh inside, her small tail a love from the eating gods as she never had to worry about shits like this getting in her fur, giving another murr as a rounded circular greenish-brown turd was expelled from her ass, a cracked rib bone with extra marrow that made the nice turd even bigger inside, making her close her ass cheeks softly. She breathed as she still had quite a bit to go, before letting go and feeling a huge log slump out into the bowl! The cracking and steam from the log made her fur fizz up and her spine tingle while the new greenish lump filled with the bigger bones left her ass, looking like a sausage coming from a press as the bones would only be sticking out a bit with their ends, the femurs and fibulas and tibias filling up that lump of shit while her asshole too its sweet time propelling the shit out and into the bowl, steaming like a hazardous material with the od crackle and the slump of a new shit landing on the last one, the logs getting bigger than the last one in any shape her tailhole would keep it. She felt her body get much lighter as the doe shit would soon come to an end. Her trained asshole would be sitting only a few inches over the pile as she felt something clog up her easy flow of shit, knowing exactly what the hell it was. She closed her ass cheeks together, breathing deeply and out, deeply and out before she spread them hard and got low to the pile, able to push that thing out into the pile nicely as she felt it dig in and stick, successfully shitting out the shit filled feline skull, and adding a nice little tail bone on top of it. She only needed to look in the mirror facing her toilet and chucked, stepping over the pile as she looked at the lovely mess she created below. She could see the pile still all neatly kept in the toilet, seeing gravity easily fill all the spaces below as she looked at all the bones and hair that made up the greenish grey and brown gravy that poured out of her ass. She wiped her ass gently and threw the paper on top of the pile, making sure her asshole was clean after that mondo shit she took! She happily aimed her cunt to the face of the feline skull and let her cunt showering it, saying, “A mind is a terrible thing to waste. Unless you are Jennifer Clark.” After she marked the skull with her piss and held her nose, she reached up and around her pile, flushing it down as the motors quickly took the shit down and into the sewer system and out to pasture as the small boy was gone forever, shit stains all that remained of his body as the toilet would clean those off too in a few days. She looked to herself in the mirror, seeing her nice nude body as her pudge, thighs, ass and hips were a little larger than before, loving to think of that while she rubbed her hands down her body, and felt a little sweat come off her brow as she looked to the shower a ways to the left of her toilet and knew that she needed a shower after all of yesterday. The three faucets tuned on and aimed themselves with strong streams to go all over the doe, using soap to wash the fur over her snatch as she was enjoying those powerful streams going on her muscles and especially spacious gut, feeling her belly smush and rumble while she sighed in the warm water. She loved the feel of it on her thighs and ass ass she sighed and let it run off her in those pleasantly warm rays, loving the feel before she shut it off, the room smelling much nicer than before. She looked in her room after she dried off and set a towel on herself, seeing it was 12’o clock. She figured she needed some beauty sleep after that shit and went onto her big bed, happily laying upon it and turned the TV on low volume, ready for the next day of fun to come. The last thing she thought was, “I need to try a two-in-one tomorrow…”~ |
The Unlikely Macro By: You’ve all heard of giants, yes? And you’ve heard of how they can crush things with a foot or pluck you up and send you down into a steaming belly? Has it ever occurred to you that some people find it… Erotic? All that power? The Mouse sat in her Jeep, and looked to see the sunny blue sky that washed though the windshield and onto her. She opened the window and sat her arm on the outside to feel the breeze wash over her body, giving a groan as she was finally doing what she was dreaming of. The mouse was named Amanda, and she was quite a character. She had two ears that came out and high from her head, with pink insides as she could hear quite a bit of everything going on around her. Grey fur covered her body, and made her quite noticeable in a crowd. Her red hair went a little over her face in a boyish messy sort of way and down her back to her shoulder blades. Those green eyes had fun written all over them as she looked to you with a one toothed smile, and a pink nose above it. She was a bit different, having that one tooth as opposed to two, but that’s what made her all the more unique. She was wearing a black t-shirt with a little bit of her pudge hanging out over her jean skirt, making her quite the cutie back with a certain gator. Her arms had that nice, soft fur running down them, to her fingers which had even darker grey finger nails, with the same being said for her feet. She stood at a decent five foot four inches, and was about twenty-one years old. She never wore shoes when she went out, but was always happy to go to new places and meet new people with her innocent demeanor. Sitting in the back seat was her sibling, Matthew. He was like Amanda, though a male and knew a thing or two about technology as he sat in the back with a small, handheld item in a case. “How far do we got? I’m getting a bit tired and’ll prolly sleep in the car.” He said with a yawn and stretched his arms out gently. “We’ll be there in about ten minutes, and just make sure to have the car in position to get out of here, I got a few other places on my mind after this’n.” She kept up a nice speed as she drove out, soon taking a right onto a stoplight, and then went onto a dirt road, where she went past many different trees, flora and fauna, before she made it to a large ranger area. It looked like no one was at the gate, and she drove right on ahead, crunching though the gate as this huge area was very necessary for the task she had brewing in her mind. The car revved past the main house and into the main meeting area, where she had it parked back towards the entrance. She soon got out of the car and smiled back to her brother, who soon opened the door and opened the case up, before grabbing the thing inside. It was a red gun, short and looked almost like the toy ones you’d get for about ninety-nine cent’s at your usual thrift market. He soon snapped the case back down and kept it there to get it back in before they had to depart from the scene. She looked over the thriving metropolis ahead, past the tress and smiled as she knew this place well. Old Haven had its share of dirty secrets and drug deals, just like any other city. And seeing as times this year had been a bit stressful for the family, why not relieve it with a bit of fun in the city? Being a macro was often playing the invincibility card, and she enjoyed doing that to no end, and besides, all you can eat buffet! She soon looked to see Matt had the gun in hand, before he smiled to her and gave her a worried look saying, “You know, you will have killed so many other people by the end of the say. “Matt, you know it’s mostly for revenge, but fun too! A macro mouse is always gonna be unexpected, and a lovely one like me at that!” Soon enough, she started to take her clothes off, first her shirt, and then her skirt, and took her time doing it while blushing at Matt. While she was doing that, a sudden swing of a door, and a young feline soon came out and look to the pair, saying, “The hell are you doing here? Park doesn’t open for HLK-“ A green ray was short from that gun, and soon the ranger felt himself start to shrink down easily to the ground, at three feet, one foot, nine inches, four inches, all the way down to three inches. This brought a very nice smile to ‘Mandy’s face as she then bent over to pick up the little guy and looked him over, before taking off his suit like a doll, getting him nude. After she had finished that, she soon raised the little feline over her maw, and open wide, letting him look down to that pink tongue, pearly whites, and salivating gullet, before soon enough he was dropped. He fell for a little bit of time, before he slammed onto the tongue and got the saliva all over him, before the mouth closed with a click, and Amanda swallowed him down easily, a nice lump that traveled slowly down the grey fur on her neck, before she sighed and nodded to her brother, saying, “Beam me up Matty!” Matt put his hand on the side of his weapon and cranked the knob from the shrink setting up to the grow setting, and saw that it had just enough battery to get her up and down for the day. He pointed straight at her body and gave a pull of the trigger, before soon watched her grow slowly at the start, seeing her whole body grow like a picture being resized, before a very brief exponential growth occurred, and she was shooting to the sky! He slowly began to let up on the beam, and got her a nice view over the city and a little added muscle to her frame. She felt a warm, radiant beam shoot into her body while dirt moved under her feet. She spread her arms out while she rose nicely, and soon she felt herself giving off heat from the massive amount of fur she had. She felt herself stop after a second or so, standing tall at a nice 32 feet tall so people were be pleasant dolls for her amusement. She squatted down, her snatch opening a bit with that red stripe of fur over it went down a bit, and patted her brother before looking over her new play place. She started to walk through the station crushing trees with her wake as she soon made it to a street and felt a crunch under her foot as she smiled and soon looked down to see what was inside. It was a family of deer, four in the car with blood leaking over the sides of her sole before she pealed it off and then tossed it off into the woods, hearing it snap a few trees while the city lay ahead, dormant in evacuations, while she’d soon change that for the worse. After crossing over that tree line, what lay ahead of her was a small, but very posh neighborhood of a suburb. Though it wasn’t her main target, why not have fun with it? She got into action and started stepping on houses; the resounding crushes tickled her spine as the occasional squish was felt under her sole, along with the crushing 960 pounds that rested on an unlucky person inside. She happily walked around the neighborhood for a solid ten minutes, before finally hearing sirens go up of her arrival. That was also a cause for new fun in the city. Before she left, she picked up a small sedan and smile to the people inside, before she tossed the car inside, and gave a gentle glk as it made a large lump going down her throat, joining the feline as she was ready to make her mark on the city. She walked easy along the streets, crushing many cars under her bloody feet with the people inside getting to enjoy a swift death by the lovely paws of a macro mouse, before their cars/bodies stuck to the sole and compacted another person under them, with blood spurting out on those lucky to avoid those feet. She looked to the building as she made her way through the streets, getting a bit aroused by all this action happening under her. It was a treat to have people run around mindlessly, and she did enjoy those that bumped into each other and fall flat on their asses, only for her to make them into a red jelly after passing over them. She could smell her own arousal as she kept walking through the streets; her soles coated with the blood of many an innocent individual. She was soon faced with a tall skyscraper, and gave a grin to the people inside, before she found a corner and soon bent over to spread her ass cheeks, giving the workers a nice look from inside. Her spindly tail rested high up while she exposed herself off to the helpless people whose fate she controlled, while a blush formed under her gray cheeks. Fleshy areas began to show on the girl, those pink lips of her were drenched in her juices while they were softly spread by her bending, and dripping onto hapless civilians below. Above that was a pink tailhole, creased linearly out to the corners from the center where many a brave and careless soul had disappeared, and was expelled as waste. She soon looked before here to see quite a few little people waving to her, with smiles and some pointing to her mouth. It was a bit odd to see, but she thought something else could due for the people on the building. She son got on he tippy-toes, and then turned about quickly, nearly ripping the skyscraper she was on in half with that swing, she soon presented her ass to those odd littles and heard of heard a call of triumph go from the group, while ‘Mandy just giggled to herself over the stunt she pulled. She then quickly got back on her heels, crushing the ground and any cars under them, before she quickly crushed the onlookers on the roof with a huge CRUNCH of bone, and a bit of the top of the roof as well, the mouse giving a satisfied murr at that. She started to move her ass around over the mangled bodies, feeling the blood go out over her cheeks while more arms and legs snapped and crunched under her poundage. She smiled and stood, before she wiped her ass clean of any bodies sticking on there, and sighed happy from her work. She looked about, and was a bit more in the mood for her own type of ‘fun’ with the people as she assumed about a fourth of them had left the city by now, which still meant a seventy five percent were still around for her to play with. She ran over to one of the main evacuation bridges and gave a happy expression to see that they had one of those fancy Bullet Trains that were used to go at high speeds. Amanda likes! She walked over to the thing and saw it was readying to take off, before she hopped ahead a few hundred yards and got herself on the rails, with them lifted up to her maw of a cunt. Many of the micros inside watched her lift up the track, but the train soon buckled into high gear, while everyone screamed as it quickly went into that organ of hers. It was a rush unlike she felt before, as a white light clouded her vision for a bit, before she soon gained her breath and looked to see the wheels still spinning, adding even more pleasure to the thick rod that the train was inside of her. She stood up, staggering to her feet with that lovely train hanging out of her, swinging to and fro with the bottom seconds as it almost looked like a second tail on her body, but it felt so much better then she could have ever imagined. She started pumping the top in and out of her, a few of the cars dragging along as she walked into the city to find a good place to use that big thing inside her. She leaned up against a tall skyscraper, and put her hand to the wall to see how sturdy it was, but she soon fell through and into the thing. She nearly tripped and nearly sent her whole body though the thing, but soon regained her balance, and sighed, the train had been pushing up against her cervix while she had put a hand to her cunt. She walked ahead, with heavy stomps of pleasure as the streets cracked severely under her weight, before she found a building of adequate size to put her hand upon, nice and wide for her to be able to get off with the few people that were inside of her. The passengers inside couldn’t see anything on the inside, that was, before the glass broke and was sent falling out of the newly broken main car on the sleek white bullet. She was contracting hard on the object, and gave sighs of deep lust and pleasure as she wanted it deeper in her. She kept pushing that car in and out of her sweet, creamy cunt, with white bubbly liquid drooling around that lovely thing, making her groan as some people came out with it, sticky and wet, and suffered a broken something when that landed from that high up. It was getting very intense for the girl, as she could feel her asshole clenching up with every push into her, while she soon took her hand away and leaned up on the building to tickle her clit. Her pleasure multiplied from that feeling of lust she got, and soon enough she was giving low groans, before she soon squeezed on the thing and start to crunch on the train car, giving a final squeeze before a red was added to her exotic juices, before she leaned on back on the building and let the thing slide out of her and too the ground, with only one or two people trapped inside that were alive, but severely hurt. After she was finished with the euphoric feel of her afterglow, a little pffft came from under her snatch, making her put a hand to her muzzle before she said, “O-Oh, do I have a few people from Lakeside that n-need to come out? Better not disappoint!” She said happily, and giggled again at another little fart to come out of her now full tailhole, getting up with a still dribbling cunt as she saw a nice place earlier to go. She started to go around the main city area, and made it over to the park area of the city, and smiled at what she saw. In the middle was a little bridge called, “Lovers Crossroads” though, the name would soon have to change. Along with the architectural plans. She smiled and got on over the long bridge that straddled a river leading to a small lake, feeling a few small crushes under her feet while she looked back to see even on streets without micros were filled with bloody foot prints. She let her tailhole give a gaseous fart, a long and wet one, before a log would plug her up for the moment. At the feel of this warm thing touching her anus, she took in a long breath and got ready to push. Her tailhole soon opened wide around the brownish-green log of shit that was coming out of her ass, touching the bridge with a soft plsh before she pushed more of the smelling thing out. It smelt horribly, and if one were to look closely, they could see a few bones scattered around the insides and exterior of it. Little tufts of fur were noticeable, a stripped orange and black as a tiger was passed first. It soon flumped to the ground, and made the bridge groan with its iron supports, as it was not used to taking all the extra weight of the shit of a log a good nine feet tall. She could feel another, much bigger object soon slither into place of the other log, hunkering down again as she could feel it was metallic and large in nature. She pushed gently as she then heard a pop come from her anus, with the slimy feel of car doors on the sides of the interior of her rectum, before it fell out with a loud clunk!, sending the bridge topping down into the river. She turned around to look over her handy work, and smiled at those two huge logs that shattered the bridge, before she got up and then went on her merry way back to the city, happy to leave a new land mark that would be seen for quite a while. She came back to see many people were still fleeing, which was very good for her. She would reach down into a huge group of people and opened up her maw for them, feeling them try to push away as she decided that she needed to refill what she had lost back in the park. She dropped the furs down onto her tongue and made sure all of them were in, before she brushed them all around with her tongue, loving the feel of each one struggling over the other, as if they thought they could get free. She gave a mighty swallow with all those littles filling her up, her throat making a very large bump, before it passed down into her tubby belly, and she gave a gasp of fresh air to breathe again, before hearing sirens coming down the main intersection of the city. She looked to her left to see the building she nearly went though, and saw many of the floors were denigrated from the sixth to the twenty-fourth floor, which was perfect. She went on the other side of the building, before tackling it, and watched it nearly topple, before giving one more to hear shattering glass and concrete come down upon many of the squad and regular cars, while one slid though narrowly. She quickly got her foot on top of the car, and pushed hard at the start, trapping the feline and the mare inside, before she slowly pushed down, hearing the glass shatter and the shrill screams of the two soon come to an abrupt end. She put her full weight on the roof, and felt it crumple flat under her paw, before she soon got on the ball of her food and smushed it around a bit more. She was a bit tired from the day’s activities, and soon ran with the car underpaw as she started to make her way back to her brother, waving her arms as she felt the warm ray start to shrink her back, going easy, before slamming on the trigger as she then got into the ruined forest ranger station, a good twenty-six feet smaller then when she started. She quickly took the gun from her brother, gave him a peck on the cheek, and got in the trunk and covered herself with a blanket, while the mouse zoomed out of the area, and onto a country road out to their home that was very elusive and private. He smiled back to her as he was sure they were outside of the searching area and said, “Good job back there kid, enjoyed the show, I’m sure we’re gonna need to get you a few band-aids from all your fun. Looked like you enjoyed yourself quite a bit back there. She sat up and gave a grin to her brother, looking at the sun set before saying, “Oh, we’re gonna do this again next week, and you can be the macro this time!”~ |
Borrowing a Bite Chapter One: Unlikely Friends Vela groaned with a hand on her belly as the white blur that was her legs carried her at break-neck speeds through the seemingly unnavigable darkness of the dense woods. A human wouldn’t be able to outpace her on open terrain in broad daylight, so she would have no trouble running one down while they blindly felt their way through the labyrinth of trees in the utter blackness of this moonless night. Not a single star could be discerned beneath the dense canopy of the tightly packed conifers. That hardly mattered, however, as these days, there didn’t seem to be any humans left to hunt, and that was proving to be a problem for her ever-insatiable appetite. In spite of the fact that she had maintained a relatively low profile since coming to this area, she supposed that it was only a matter of time before rumors and superstitions made their way through the meager local population like a creeping disease, and every night she would arise to find the people fewer, and the vacant houses more abundant, their occupants having packed their belongings and fled for the safety of a city under cover of day while she was powerless either to stop them or give pursuit. Not that she would have tried. While Vela was a little possessive of her human treats to the point of almost considering them her pets as opposed to simple blood-dispensers, immortality had taught her that, as far as humans were concerned, everything was fragile and fleeting, and all good things, including dependable sources or nourishment, entertainment, and even companionship must come to an end. And even though she was kind to her little cluster of country folk— never praying on the sick or on children, never drinking more from one person than someone with a healthy constitution could reasonably handle, and certainly never killing— they always collectively and inevitably responded to her infrequent nighttime callings (what she considered a display of light affection) with distrust, fear, and eventual abandonment. It wouldn’t be accurate to describe her feelings towards this inevitable abandonment as devastation. No— she had outlived too many humans for that. But her emotional capacity had been deepened, not stunted by her many years, and in some ways, she still suffered the sudden and painful attacks of moods befitting the youthful woman she appeared to be. So, when she would find that one of her recent favorites had finally elected to vacate the premises, it did sadden her. She loved them all in her own way. She would remember each and every face and name, often wondering if they remembered her in their new home, and if they spared a kind thought for her as she so often did for them. It wasn’t very likely, she knew. Often, the more squeamish ones were in a trance for every interaction they’d ever had with her, the night barely seeming more than a beautiful, strange, and perhaps somewhat disturbing dream. And she had met so very painfully few who weren’t squeamish. The house she had just paid a visit to held one such soul: a younger man who was fool hearted enough to willingly partake in a relationship that was more than a little one-sided in terms of benefits. Though, she’d be lying if she said she only liked him for his blood. He was charming. She hadn’t visited him often, or in a while, but she could tell once she was within half a mile of his family’s cottage that he, too, was gone. Her feet continued to carry her swiftly away from the source of disappointment with a mind of their own while her mind nursed abstract feelings of dejection, a feeling of growing emptiness plaguing her un-beating heart, while her empty belly nagged and pushed the beating of her bare feet. She wasn’t paying attention to where she was running. Subconsciously, she was aware that she had picked up on an old scent and her body was automatically driving her towards the prize— the meal— that might have lied at the end of the trail. She wondered, though, whether she was really hungrier for a warm drink, or some warmth of spirit. This location was drying up with regard to both. She would have to abandon this place just like the rest soon enough, and that, above all other forms of abandonment, had a tendency of saddening her. How long had she been here? Vela glanced backward introspectively to determine the answer. It hadn’t seemed like a very long time. Certainly, it was less than the last place she’d called home. People were much quicker on the uptake these days it seemed. She didn’t exactly keep a calendar, but her memory was impeccable, and she was a very fast counter. She quickly played back through all of her memories of this little spot of country and counted every single dim dusk and warning dawn she had seen in these wooded hills. Thirteen thousand, three hundred and seventy-two nights. She slowed to a walk, her body realizing it was close to the source of the scent. Had it really been that long? She probably should have left a while ago. Maybe it was perfectly reasonable that the locals were running away. She’d have to leave soon. No matter. She had arrived at a cottage in a little clearing she hadn’t been to in a long time. There didn’t appear to be any signs of life within. She spent a brief moment observing, feeling, smelling, and listening, and was almost certain that the place was abandoned like so many others. So many others that she had driven away by over-staying her welcome. But the scent of lifeblood was strong here. Perhaps they were merely away. Maybe they’d return. Should she move on to the next lead, or linger here, risking another night without sustenance in the slim, vain hopes of... something. There was one easy way to be sure. She knew this place. She knew that she had never been invited in. With trepidation in her still heart, she approached the threshold of the front door. In otherwise utter stillness and silence, she slowly extended her right hand and placed it firmly against the door. Closing her eyes, she felt for it— that feeling of inanimate yet willful repulsion inherent in all inhabited human structures. A form of precious magic they didn’t even know they possessed: what they called, ‘the value of labor,’ was a powerful protective charm that could be transferred from one human to another in the form of property through contracts which could be no more than a handshake. Perhaps the charm itself wasn’t as powerful as other protective forms of magic by species more conscious of their craft, but it was certainly marvelous that humans were still capable of such things without even being aware of it. It sure kept out creatures like Vela, that is, unless she obtained even implied consent to enter— a verbal exception to the contract, like having her name added to some hypothetical manifest. This building, however, offered Vela no such resistance. Abandoned buildings lost their protective charm, dissipating like a planet’s atmosphere once it lost the magnetic ability to retain it. She would be able to feel it in the palm of her hand by merely applying pressure to the door. It would send chills up her spine and force her to step back. But nothing happened. This was merely a building. The prior owners would not return. She knew she should move on, so she couldn’t quite explain why she reached for the door handle and pushed her way inside the empty husk of humanity. Perhaps it was because the scent was so fresh, and she wanted to live in it for a moment. Revel in it. Pretend like she was living among them still. She hadn’t really known the family that resides here, only having called on them twice over many years, and both times on a different individual. But the scents and artifacts they left behind told her a lot about them. She took them all in very quickly as she passed through the doorway and closed her eyes to imagine their day-to-day life here. Standing there in the center of the living room, she heard a faint scratching somewhere behind her and at about knee-height. Her body reacted like a spring-loaded trap, pouncing on the sonic stimulation without the need for any conscious thought. This allowed her mind to wander wistfully while her body did the work. She wondered what the sound was. Human was out of the question, though she’d have given anything to have caught a burglar here. Perhaps it was a rat. Or, even better, a raccoon or opossum! One of those would certainly tide her over. Not like a man, but almost anything would do in a pinch. But even as these thoughts crossed her mind, she knew it could not be so. In the seven-tenths of a second it took her to turn around and glide silently over to the wall where the noise was coming from, her godlike ears had determined the source had to be too small for even a rat to be in there. Unfortunate. She could never bring herself to drink from anything smaller than a rat. For one thing, even rats were almost certain to die from more than a sip, and she wasn’t keen on killing even those diminutive creatures. Aside from that, anything smaller than a rat was simply too small to sink her teeth into. At that point, she’d be eating, not drinking, and the few licks of blood she’d get for her efforts were in no way worth the disgust she’d feel at all the rest. She stared at spot on the wall behind which she had echolocated the origin of the scampering and followed the progress of whatever small creature was moving about within the space. She was only half-listening, as her mind was already returning to thoughts of leaving in pursuit of other horizons, no longer content with dwelling in this disappointing place. The hopes of a small animal had made her abandon thoughts of humans tonight. She could probably track down a deer. That would tide her over long enough... long enough to go somewhere new. This village, like this house, had nothing left to give. Vela willed her body to forget about the noise and move on, but she found it difficult. Her hunting instincts were strong, and they could be a little reluctant to give up on something so near, even if consciously she knew it to be of no use. But in her minute hesitation, Vela recognized something odd about the sounds being produced by the tiny creature’s footsteps behind the wooden wall; namely, it seemed to have the distinct pattern of a two-legged being. It sounded almost... human? She closed her eyes and listened intently. There could be no doubt. Whatever was making its way about in there was walking on two legs, not scratching along on four, clawed feet. It was some kind of mouse-sized man! Curiosity got the best of Vela. She knelt down by the wall and placed the tips of her delicate-looking fingers on the solid wood and followed the location of the presumed man with them, and then she spoke. “Excuse me,” she said, pitching her voice in exactly the tone and volume necessary to be heard clearly through the wall. “If you could just stand still for a moment.” The footsteps halted immediately, her sudden and unexpected address having the desired effect. That was all she needed. Before the tiny thing could have time to react, or even make sense of her words, her open palm collapsed into a fist as she punched through the two-inch thick wooden panel. It happened in the blink of an eye, though she was careful to be gentle. The instant her fist cleared the barrier, it opened up again and surrounded the little person without touching it. Then, she softly wrapped her cold fingers around the being, and quickly, but not violently, extracted it from the relative safety of the wall. She brought her closed fist containing the little thing up just below her face and spoke once again. “Now just stay calm. Don’t try to go anywhere. I promise not to harm you in any way. I just wanted to have a look at you,” she said in her most soothing voice, reflexively lacing her words with the usual hypnotic undertones that she so often used to paralyze men twice her size. She slowly unfurled her fingers to reveal a tiny man who, to her surprise, didn’t look terrified at all. Rather, he wore an expression of dignified perplexity, as of that of a professor who had just been told something ridiculous by one of his novice students and he was prepared to refute it. He had a sideways smirk, and one of his eyebrows were arched dramatically. His arms were crossed on his chest, and as soon as she had released the pressure on his little body, he crossed one ankle over the other to complete the visage of one totally relaxed and slightly put-off little man. All at once she forgot about both her hunger and her melancholy, transfixed by this delightful little creature resting easy in her right hand. She instantly took in all of his features and found him to be ruggedly handsome in an adorable way. He had short-cropped hair on the sides that was longer and shaggy on top. It was mostly dark brunet with highlights of blonde that practically glowed with an orange-gold in contrast to the rest. His nose was abnormally long and rounded at the end, with a soft slope that was set between two turquoise eyes that glinted under his strong brows. His lips were thin, but still appeared to have a softness to them, and his jaw was sharp and strong as it hooked back into wide and high cheekbones. He had a very distinctive face which she found extremely amusing in a man so small, though her sharp eyes closed the size gap in a way no human’s possibly could. She smiled unthinkingly with genuine elation at the little man, showing her full set of pearly whites complete with abnormally long sharp canines. Usually, she tried to hide those from newly-met acquaintances, but she couldn’t help herself— he was just so precious. His brilliant little eyes flickered down to her fangs and then back up to meet her own gaze, and he spoke, taking her by surprise. “Well, you’ve got a funny way of knocking, don’t ya?” Her eyes widened and her smile retracted into a closed-lip smirk as she tried to contain both laughter and surprise. “Well, I didn’t see a door, you see, but I was very interested in introducing myself,” she said, placing her left hand on her chest as she referred to herself. “Well, now we’ve met. I’d over you something to drink, but I don’t suppose you take your tea the way I do. Ya know, two lumps of sugar,” he said, nodding toward what she presumed to be her fanged mouth, taking his implication. “Oh, no. I’m afraid I don’t have much of a sweet-tooth,” she said, once again flashing him a very toothy grin, closing her eyes and cocking her head forward while turning her face from side to side, putting her arsenal on display for dramatic emphasis. “I’m sure the former tenants wouldn’t mind if you got into the pantry and borrowed whatever’s left. They won’t be returning, and if you don’t mind particularly, I’ll need to be getting on my way as well. Long journey ahead of me. Lots to pack.” “Oh, but I don’t eat. I only drink blood,” she said matter-of-factly. She pretended to look around the place a moment, then continued. “Don’t suppose the former tenants left any of that lying about?” She gave him another smile, looking down at him with her head turned to the side. He gulped nervously, showing a little concern for the first time, though he didn’t betray it in his voice. “No, I don’t suppose they did, and I’m afraid I’m using all of mine at the moment.” She gave him a pout, feigning disappointment. “Awe, are you sure? You couldn’t spare even a drop?” She clacked her teeth and licked her lips, playing up the suggestion. His face turned almost as white as hers, and she decided she couldn’t keep up the act. He really was too small to safely offer her anything resembling a meal, and the conversational stimulation he was providing her had all but made her forget her appetite for the moment anyway. “Oh, don’t fret, little guy. I’m only teasing. I promised not to hurt you, remember? I’m a woman of my word.” “That’s a relief,” he admitted, visibly relaxing as some of the color returned to his face. “For a second there I thought I was going to have to act in ways unbecoming of a gentleman and put you in your place.” She laughed loudly at the unexpected jest. “Oh? Were you going to hit a poor little woman?” She asked with exaggerated concern. “Only if raising my voice and using foul language didn’t get the point across,” he insisted. She laughed again, and walked across the room, setting him down on a side-table that had been left behind in the family’s haste to leave. “Please, don’t run off. I would catch you. I’m very fast,” she said. “I hope you don’t mind being temporarily detained. It’s just been so long since I’ve had anyone to talk to, and I’m a little starved for conversation.” She had noticed a small oil lantern hanging by the door on her way in, and in a flash, she had retrieved it and was back by the table. The little man could barely keep track of her swift motions as she retrieved the lamp and lit it, setting it down gently on the windowsill above, before she sat down cross-legged and gazed at him with her cheek resting in one hand. He figured she was right. She was very fast. He was confident he could outstrip a human in these close quarters, but she was something else entirely. But that was a good thing. He got the impression that she was an honest species. But that also meant he would have to entertain her for better or for worse until she’d had her fill of him. He sighed, supposing that his journey didn’t exactly have a strict timeline. If he lost one night, so be it. He’d play along and be polite. She could borrow his time. “So, do you have a name?” She asked. “Leo,” he offered, and extended his right hand to shake. She giggled, taking his hand delicately between her thumb and forefinger. “I’m Vela,” she said while ‘shaking hands,’ and then released her grip. “Were you also named for a constellation?” “Not as far as I know. I wager my mother just liked it,” he admitted, scratching the back of his head. “That’s sweet. And what sort of man are you, Little Leo?” “I reckon I’m a dashing, morally upstanding one.” “Ha! Oh, you truly seem to be. But I was asking after your background. Who are your people? I’ve never met a tiny man. I didn’t know there were any.” “Well, you didn’t seem to have much trouble ‘meeting’ me. You just never looked before.” “True. I don’t spend much time indoors. And the place has never been quiet enough for me to discern your tiny footsteps.” “You heard my footsteps?” He asked with obvious surprise. “I didn’t hear yours. And that’s saying something. I’ve never been snuck up on before.” “Well, I’m sorry for startling you. I can’t help that I tread so lightly. And, um, sorry for extracting you so unceremoniously. I didn’t think I could convince you to come out of your own free will, and I really had to get a good look at you.” “Well, that’s alright. No harm done,” he said, pretending to dust off his shirt and shoulders. “I’m known as a ‘borrower.’” “A borrower, you say. And why are you called that?” “Well, because we borrow things. We sort of make our abodes in the floors, ceilings, and walls of human residences, and borrow the things they don’t need in order to get by.” “Do you return that which you borrow?” “Erm, well, sometimes.” “Do you ask for permission before you borrow?” “Now listen here— “ “That’s alright. I don’t ask to ‘borrow’ what I take from humans either. Though I do have to ask for permission to enter if I want to ‘dine in.’” “I don’t understand. Didn’t ask me permission before you came inside here. Nor did you ask for permission to, uh, invade my home.” “Well, that’s probably because this space doesn’t belong to you; you are merely borrowing it,” she said with a wink. “Besides, it only keeps me out of human residences. You could claim this building, but that wouldn’t make its magic yours.” “I never thought of it like that.” He admitted. “My people have always depended on the human race for a kind of safety. Maybe there’s good reason for it. Though I think that the relations used to be a little more open. I think my people are also borrowing old good faith. A long-forgotten understanding that one side might not be as keen to maintain nowadays as the other.” “That’s understandable. Humans are much more prone to change as a species than most others. Their structures, their beliefs, their enemies and allies, even their hearts and minds,” she said, her voice trailing off a little bit near the end as her gaze turned toward the lantern.” “You speak of them like they’re entirely foreign to you,” Leo said, recapturing her attention from whatever sad thoughts he could tell she was slipping into. This ‘Vela’ seemed very susceptible to sudden and deep mood-swings, and though she barely portrayed them, he was very sensitive to such things. Aren’t you a, well, vampire?” She looked back to him and smiled, bearing those tell-tale fangs. “Why, yes, yes I am. What tipped you off?” She asked and tapped her right index finger on the tip of one of her fangs. “Well, other than the fact that you’ve got simply a perfect, nigh-platinum complexion, I’m not really sure,” he joked. “If I could only blush,” she teased. “But what’s your point in asking?” “Well, aren’t vampires human? Or didn’t you at least start out as one?” “No, silly man. I suppose you would think that having spent all your life around humans. I guess you’d adopt some of their superstitions, though how that myth got started I’m really not sure. What an interesting thing to fear! The idea that a visit from one of us carries the risk of ‘turning you,’ and at the same time, I’ve bitten so many people in this very town, and has such a thing ever come to pass? How can they hold such contradictory fears to be true? I’m both a killer and a recruiter? When, truth be told, I’m neither.” She sighed. “You’re not a killer?” He asked sincerely. “I don’t kill humans, no. That would be very poor-mannered of me considering I need them to survive. Not to mention, unsportsmanlike. If I drink two pints or so of blood from an adult man, he’ll hydrate and recoup his losses in little more than a day, and all he’ll get is minor bruising. I try to make it as painless as possible, of course, but some superficial damage is inevitable. And two pints is more than I’d typically need.” “Wow. I must confess, I’ve been given to believe that vampires are much more menacing. But, despite your rather overwhelming apparent strength and speed, if you’re the rule, your kind is a pretty mild-mannered bunch. I’m charmed to have made your acquaintance.” “You’re a very sweet fellow, Leo.” She smiled. “So, why is it exactly you’re about to embark on a long journey, and to where, if I may inquire?” “Well, we borrowers need someone to borrow from. And the residents of this house packed up and left this morning before I even woke up. Else I could have stowed away in their belongings. I’ve had a few others warn me that their hosts were packing up with short notice lately, but I seriously underestimated just how quickly they’d go.” He sighed. “I’ll miss them. They were a good family.” “Were you close to them personally?” Vela asked with interest. “What? Oh. No. I’d spoken with the children a bit when they were younger. More attentive and intrigued. But they forgot about me in their teenage years. They were just good folks. It was a pleasant environment. I’m sorry they had to go.” Vela frowned and looked away. “What’s the matter?” Leo asked. “It’s just... I fear that my extended presence in this town has scared off all the locals. I’ve uprooted many families by recklessly lingering too long, and now I’ve discovered that I’ve upset an entirely different race of their little companions as well.” Leo looked at her with confusion. “What on earth do you mean? You didn’t drain the wells and the mines, did you?” “Excuse me?” She asked, not understanding. “You think that humans are perceptive or organized enough to all up and leave at once because of one little vampire? Without even forming a single hunting party? No way. They’re way too stubborn. Oh, sorry. I mean. I’m sure you were terrifying and all, and it’s not like the hunt would have worked. But. You know what I mean.” “So why did they leave?” “This town was formed around a mine. Good minerals. Guess it used to bring in a lot of money a long time ago. But the mines have been on the decline for decades. And lately, they can’t even tap for water. The second they realized everyone was going to die of thirst pointlessly clinging to a barren ore mine, they all decided to split.” Vela, normally so sure of herself, found that she was flabbergasted by the news this tiny man was bringing to her. She just stared at him with her jaw dropped, unable to process this sudden change of worldview. Leo could tell that what he considered common knowledge had made a real impact on Vela and was about to offer something else up to either change the subject or otherwise distract her from her emotions when she suddenly snatched him up in both hands. She hugged him against her bosom, stood up, and began spinning around the room. “Oh, Leo! That’s wonderful news! All along I thought I was the reason that they were all leaving! I felt so guilty! But I just couldn’t bring myself to leave!” She extended her arms, holding him high above her head. He looked a little dizzy, but no worse for wear. “Oops. Sorry!” She lowered him slightly. She didn’t mean to jostle the poor man so. She was just so ecstatic at this revelation. She trusted his opinion on the matter. He did live with humans, after all. He’d doubtlessly heard many of their conversations. But learning this made her wonder if she had in fact ever been the cause of a town emptying out its population, or if people simply had their own reasons for leaving their homes, stubborn though they were. “It’s, ugh, it’s quite alright,” Leo said, holding a hand to his head to attempt to steady the lingering vertigo. He didn’t think he’d ever moved that quickly in his life. What a ride! “Just took me off guard is all.” “Oh, Leo. I’m so glad I met you! If you only understood how you’ve soothed my spirits with the simple, caring act of conversing! I could just...” She hesitated, and then gave in to glorious abandonment and brought Leo up to her lips, and kissed him square on the face, her cold, pillowy lips practically engulfing his entire head in the process. She hadn’t kissed anyone in many years, but no one had made her feel such refreshing relief in just as long, and she simply had to allow these unusual emotions to play out in the way she felt natural to honestly express them. His skin was so warm compared to her own. Her body usually formed an equilibrium with that ambient temperature of her environment, but his little body was like a tiny flame in her hands and on her lips. It was intoxicatingly pleasant. She kissed him thrice more in quick succession, and then pulled him away from her face, holding him a few inches back so she could get another look at him. Leo was in a complete daze and at a loss for words. He had been given to fear when she brought him swiftly towards her enormous lips, ashamed to admit that he had feared the worst. Images of her razor-like fangs flashed in his mind, but the shock of what followed erased all of his fears and left him feeling... something else. Her hands had been cold, so it stood to reason that her lips would be as well, but the slightly damp, soft texture invigorated and chilled him. It was like being pressed against a granite slate that was more forgiving than downy pillows. What’s more, it was completely unanticipated. Granted, Leo had found Vela to be absolutely gorgeous from the moment she had snatched him up. Here was this relatively petite, though surprisingly curvy, black haired, pink-eyed vampire vixen with pearl-white skin and a pixie-esque facial structure right down to the perfect slope of her tiny nose and wide, full lips. Even her fangs gave her a striking, distinctive appearance that he found attractive if a little frightening. He’d never dream of making it with a girl this lovely even if she was a borrower like him, let alone a vampire many times his size, and who he had believed to be asexual. But he realized his mind was running away with him, and just because she had kissed him didn’t necessarily mean anything else. After all, this woman seemed to be spontaneously unpredictable. He decided to try and collect himself and play it cool. “I, um, you...” he began, and cursed himself for losing his usual wit. Vela looked suddenly mortified. “Oh my gosh! I’m so sorry! That was extremely forward of me. How rude! I just, I need to express how happy you’d made me feel and didn’t know any other way. It won’t happen again.” She apologized while quickly moving to set him back down on the side table. He cursed himself again. His dumb stammering had made her feel somehow at fault for an act he quite enjoyed. “Vela! No! Wait.” She froze in place. Really froze. He was amazed at how quickly she could transition from movement to stony stillness. He cleared his throat. “Don’t put me do— I mean. You don’t HAVE to put me down.” “Oh? I just thought.” He held a hand up to silence her. “It’s my fault. I really liked it, what you did there.” His face was turning bright red. She must’ve noticed. “Oh-h-h. I embarrassed you! But I didn’t offend or hurt you?” “N-no. Not in the slightest. And I’m not embarrassed. I’m just...” he trailed off. “You just liked it?” She offered. “Yes. I just liked it. Thank you. “Well why didn’t you just say so? I liked it too. That’s why I did it, silly little man.” She placed a hand upon her cheek. “Granted I liked it a little more than I thought I would... you’re so warm.” She licked her lips while looking up and to the side thoughtfully. “And a little sweet!” I may ‘borrow’ a few more if I feel so inclined,” she said sweetly. Just then, her stomach let out an audible groan with a “blorch,” and a “gurgle.” Vela sighed, her elation appearing to drain a little as she once again looked out the window. “Everything alright?” Leo asked her. She paced over to the window and squinted her pink eyes, observing something thoughtfully. After a moment, she answered. “Yes. It’s fine. It’s just... the night is getting on. At this point, it would be too risky to go out and continue hunting, and as much as I’ve enjoyed this conversation with you,” she gestured around the room, “this place won’t be safe for me in the morning. I’ll have to be going. If I don’t leave soon, I won’t have time to make it back to my... well. I’d have to bury myself. It’s not my preferred method of slumbering.” “Oh!” Leo exclaimed with sudden understanding. “Of course, sunlight. Vampires aren’t fond of it, aye?” “To put it ‘light-ly,” she admitted. “Well, I would totally understand if you’d rather sleep where you’re used to, but if you’re in a bind...” he pointed down at her feet. “This place has a little hiding place underground. There’s a hatch beneath the carpet. It’s totally safe from the sun, and actually quite comfortable! They designed it to be safe from the elements so they could store food and supplies in all seasons, as well as themselves if they ever needed to hide for some reason. I’ve... erm... borrowed a lot from it over the years.” Vela looked at him and then the ground skeptically, and then smiled brightly. “Little Leo, are you inviting me to stay? What an outrageous little man you are! No one has done something like that for me in ages!” She brought him back in for another kiss, this one lasting much longer than the last few. She held him against her lips for what felt to Leo like an entire minute before pulling away. At first, Leo felt like the heat was being drained from his body through the point of contact, but after a moment, her lips actually began to warm to his touch. It fascinated him, and he closed his eyes and kissed her back, choosing to enjoy the strangely apportioned affection regardless of its intention. When she finally did pull up from the kiss, he could swear there was a strange glint in her eyes. What was he getting himself into? “So deliciously warm... well let’s have a look at my accommodations, shall we? How delightful! Gods above, I haven’t stayed with anyone in... a lifetime!” Leo took note of her choice of words, ‘stayed with...’ and pondered whether she thought he’d be willing to share the subterranean cubby hole with her, and he seriously wondered whether he was. Vela sat Leo back on the table, moved a couple pieces of abandoned furniture, and walked to the edge of the carpet. In one effortless motion, she sent it rolling across the room, and in a second, the entire heavy rug was rolled up against the wall across from her. Then, Leo saw that there was a heavy pad lock on the hatch in the center of the wooden floor. He was about to tell her he knew where to find the key when he realized there was no need. She simply knelt down, held the lock in one hand with her fingers hooked through the metal loop, and pulled the lock in two with a metallic “clang!” He marveled at her strength, wondering how she was able to handle him so gently with power like that. She tossed the pieces aside and lifted the heavy hatch to reveal the stairs to the area below. “It’s so charming! Such fine masonry, and a plush looking rug to boot! Oh, I’m sure I could sleep very well in here, indeed!” She made her way down and out of Leo’s field of vision. He chuckled quietly at how she could find a little storage charming, let alone fit for comfortable sleeping. Then again, he had no idea what her usual accommodations were. She was willing to bury herself in a pinch. Maybe vampires really did sleep in coffins and crypts. He shook his head, and hopped easily off the table, making his way to the edge of the stairs. Upon arriving at the edge of the stairs, she suddenly reappeared, immediately noticing him. He gawked up at her, this being the first time at her feet, and fully appreciated their difference in size. She wasn’t large. By human standards, she was fairly small, but he didn’t spend a lot of time this close to humans either, even though he lived with them. So, this particular perspective of a woman her size was Leo’s first. In spite of himself, he was utterly smitten. He shook his head as if to try and clear it of pointless thoughts. Vampires couldn’t read minds, could they? No. That had to be a myth. “Well, hello, Leo. How’s the weather down there?” She giggled are her own lame joke. “You know. Drafty. But the view is great!” He instantly regretted saying it and wanted to bite off his tongue to abate the physical cringe he felt at delivering the compliment, but she appeared to take it well. “Oh-h-h, Leo. I had you pegged for a charmer the moment I met you.” She said, kneeling down before him. “It’s a good thing you don’t possess the hypnotic voice, or I surely would have been your dinner by now.” She continued giggling and offered him her hand. He didn’t see any harm in it and climbed aboard. She stood up and brought him back up to bear with her lovely face and seemed to scrutinize him. “And yet, you appear to be oddly resistant to mine. Are borrowers immune to charms?” “What do you mean?” He asked her, puzzled. “Well, I only tried to charm you once, and thought it worked; that is, when I told you to stay still behind the wall. But you weren’t under my enchantment when I pulled you out, so I just assumed I’d have to keep track of you manually.” “Oh, then. You were trying to enchant me? No. I stood still because I was startled. I didn’t hear you come in, which was a first for me. Humans are much louder. “That makes sense.” “Wait, why did you try to charm me? I mean. I’m not offended. But it doesn’t seem... um... necessary.” “How do you mean?” “Well, it’s just that you’re unbelievably strong, blindingly fast, and, well...” his blush was returning. Staring into her abnormally large, pink eyes was a little enchanting. “And?” “Well, you’re inhumanly beautiful as well. I don’t mean to come on like such a flatterer, but it’s a veritable fact by about any species’ standards. You’re gifted.” She flashed him her biggest smile yet, and it made him want to melt in her cold hands. “I’ll try not to let it go to my head. Though you’re rather handsome yourself. I have an eye for these thugs. Handsome men are almost always tastier, you see.” She clacked her teeth at the air to make her point. It gave him chills, but in a good way. “So, your point is that with all of these ‘gifts,’” she gestured at her body with her free hand, “with which I am endowed, why do I need to enchant people to get what I want?” “Yes. Precisely. Any one of your assets should make conning men out of a little blood a pretty simple matter, so I don’t see the need for hypnotism.” She frowned. “It’s not a con, Leo. It’s... an intimate experience. Well, at least it is for me. I don’t have to feed exclusively on humans, I merely prefer to. It’s much more pleasurable. That’s just not always... mutual.” She appeared to ponder for a moment. “Look. For instance.” Suddenly she tightened her grip on Leo and held him close to her mouth and bared her fangs terrifyingly. They seemed to actually extend a little as if they were the retractable claws of a cat. Then she spoke to him in the most soothing tones he had ever heard. “Leo. I want to bite you and drink your blood. Would that be okay? It won’t hurt. Just a little.” Something about her voice made him shiver. It was terrifying. He could tell that this was her enchanting tone, but she was correct. It most certainly did not work on him. Then, she loosened her grip on him, and closed her mouth. When she smiled again, her fangs appeared to have returned to their normal, only slightly larger than human size. “It’s not an appealing request, is it?” “N-no. I suppose it isn’t.” His heart rate would need a minute to return to normal. She gave him a half-hearted smile. “I’m sorry I scared you, Leo. With all my being. But something tells me you’ll recover. Once humans see that side of me, though, something takes them. Humans possess an immense capacity for fear, while some of them are very courageous. But many are controlled by that fear. And if my will isn’t stronger than their fear, it’s very unpleasant. Things are just a lot tidier if I take their fear away at the get go, so it doesn’t have a chance to grow into something ugly. That’s what my voice does. It erases fear.” Leo thought he understood. It wasn’t so much a form of mind control as a form of emotional sedative. “So, when you enchant someone, you do it like you just did for me? You ask them if it would be okay for you to drink their blood.” “Yes, exactly. Once I’ve had a chance to adequately explain the situation, most mortals are willing to part with a little blood so that I may remain animate.” “And if you go too long without it?” “I’ll become inanimate.” “Does that kill you?” “Of course not. It just dries me out. I’d go into a corpse-like repose. Only the sun can kill me. But it certainly makes me vulnerable. But a little bit of blood properly applied is enough to bring me back from an inanimate state. Though you have to trust that one of your own knows where you are, or you could end up stuck that way for a very long time.” Her belly let out another loud “grrrrk!” And she placed a hand over her protesting abdomen. “Are you going to be okay, Vela?” He asked gesturing down towards her groaning stomach. “Hmm? Oh, that. Yes, I’ll be fine.” “Not going to go inanimate on me, are you?” She smiled. “No, no. Nothing like that. I’ve got plenty of time before I’d have to worry about that. But I graciously appreciate your concern. It just... hurts a little. I feel somewhat weak. You didn’t meet me at my best.” Leo frowned. He had just met this woman, but he felt already growing attachment to her. He didn’t like knowing that she was in pain. “That’s a little hard to believe.” “What is?” “That you’re not at your best. I’m almost afraid to see you at your best.” “Heh, you rascal of a man. In a way, I am at my best. Meeting you. Talking to you. Learning from you that I’m not half as big of a deal in the minds of men as I presumed I was. It’s been spiritually invigorating.” She paused for a minute, chewing her lip. “And kissing you. Well.” “It’s not a big deal, you don’t have to say anything,” Leo insisted, fearing she was regretting her displays of intimacy. “Was it not a big deal to you? Do you often kiss?” At first Leo thought she was asking a different kind of question, but then he realized she was being utterly sincere. He chose to answer with the same level of sincerity. “It was a big deal to me. I don’t often kiss. I’ve only had one intimate relationship. I’ve lived alone— with just humans, I mean— ever since I left home.” He bit his tongue, once again feeling regret for over sharing, but this time for a different reason. He had never been alone, but it was true that he had been living a lonely existence up to this point. If times are hard on humans, they’re harder on borrowers. He really wasn’t sure what he was going to do about his present situation. But the very day he had been abandoned by his hosts, this beautiful vampire turned up out of the blue. He was intent on somehow befriending her if that was possible. If she would allow it. Vela was having thoughts along the same lines as his. She had been feeling a keen sense of loneliness unbecoming of her years. By this point in a vampire’s life, most of them had outgrown such sentiments like wistful attachment issues. Most roamed as they pleased. And the very night she was feeling the spurn of abandonment by her local humans, she discovered her first borrower. He was immune to her vocal charm, but he wasn’t at all afraid or put off by her anyway. That was a rare treat. She didn’t know if they were all just like that. She hadn’t met any, but something told her that was for a reason; namely, they were a shy and elusive race. Leo seemed special. She wanted to hold onto him, but she feared to be overbearing of an independent young man. But she had to explore a little. Prod a little. She was surprised at herself for having kissed him. Kissing wasn’t something she, or any vampire, was known for. But she was secretly regretting not kissing him more at this very moment, and that agonized her, as she truly resented keeping quiet about her thoughts and feelings in the rare event that she was keeping company. Dishonesty wasn’t in her being. She would address her feelings. She would pace herself. The night still had a little longer to go, and there was still oil in the lamp. She broke the silence. “Where will you go, Leo?” “You mean when I leave here? I’m... well I’m honestly not sure.” “What was your plan before I interfered with your evening?” He chuckled. “A very welcomed interference, believe me. And I was just going to grab a few affects that I could comfortably carry and head down the road southward. I know there are a few residences along the way. Maybe one of them isn’t abandoned yet and I could hitch a ride.” He didn’t like his odds in that, and it was a long walk if he struck out on the first house. But he had to try. He knew his odds of living alone here were far worse. Vela frowned. “I came from south, tonight, Leo. There’s no one for miles. I don’t think it’s quite a ghost town yet, but it’s looking like pretty slim pickings for the both of us.” Leo considered that. He resisted feelings of despair. Somehow, he would figure something out. He’d find a new family, maybe get to a city and discover more of his own kind. But Vela interrupted his thoughts. “Leo?” “Yes, Vela?” “I know we only just met. But I have to speak about my feelings when I’m with someone, entranced or not. I’m feeling a little possessive of you. It’s quite a whimsical thing. I don’t quite understand it. But I’m detecting similar, though different, emotions from you. You don’t like to be a burden. Though it seems to be in your species’ nature to borrow help where you can get it, you’re not accustomed to asking. I’m not accustomed to asking for what I want either. So, I’m... insisting. Let me help you.” Leo wasn’t sure what to say. That was a lot, and his heart was doing little flips in his chest. He didn’t want to presume too much. This was a strange breed of woman. But she was imposing a helping hand. He felt he needed to take it. “You want to help me? How?” “I’m leaving this place within the week. As soon as I get a very good meal in me, I’ll be making a fast trek to the next densely populated area. I haven’t left these hills in a while, so I’m not certain how far we’ll have to go but come with me.” “I won’t slow you down?” “You’re light as a feather, and you make me feel a little lighter when I’m holding you. So, no. I wager you’ll help me glide all the faster. I’ll get us somewhere that’ll have what we need. And in the meantime, we’ll have each other’s company.” Truth be told, she wasn’t sure how deep her feelings of possessiveness towards this little borrower might run after spending more time with him. She wasn’t sure it would be healthy for either of them. But she was in a vulnerable place. She selfishly wanted him. She needed him to want to be had. She couldn’t soothe his fears with her voice, so she would have to plead. “I’m asking if it would be okay if I... borrowed you,” she concluded. Leo was hanging on her every word. His heart was singing at his turn of fortunes. Earlier in the day, he was fairly certain that his luck had run out. He had missed his ride. He would spend days or weeks roughing it on the roads or in the woods to be picked off by the first moderately-sized carnivore that discovered him if he didn’t starve to death first. Then, he met Vela, and even better, she liked him, and genuinely wanted to help him out! He wasn’t sure what he had done right to deserve this fortune, but he was counting his lucky stars and swore to himself that he would do anything for this woman to show his gratitude, something his kind wasn’t exactly used to doing. But he would make it a paradigm shift. He wouldn’t be a burden. He’d somehow make it up to Vela for borrowing so much of her good will. If he could read her mind, he would know that an opportunity to show his gratitude would present itself sooner than he could have imagined. Leo realized that she was looking at him expectantly. He had to say something, but he wasn’t sure how to fully express his gratitude. So, he just leapt off the deep end and said what came to mind. “I really don’t know what to say. It would be an honor to be borrowed by you, Vela.” Her pink eyed seemed to positively glow. “Yes! Thank you, Leo! This isn’t a one-sided venture. I’m so glad to have someone with me for this journey. It’ll lend some semblance of continuity to the transition, and that means more to an immortal than you realize. So many chapters close. It’s beautiful when new ones contain a small piece of the old. Quite small where you’re concerned.” She winked at him. “Can I request something in return for agreeing to this mutually beneficial lending of my person?” Leo asked, hesitantly. “Of course!” She blurted. “Can I steal another kiss?” She gasped, not taken aback, but charmed that he was instigating an advance when she had been the forward one all evening. She brought her hand containing him up to her face, closed her eyes, and pursed her wide, plump lips. Leo shivered with joyful anticipation, knowing that those cold lips would make him shiver in more ways than one. He took too steps forward and leaned into her soft lips, kissing the top one tenderly. Gods, what lips she had. He felt an electric shock at their touch and couldn’t believe that he was about to embark on a journey that involved those lips. Vela was elated that Leo had beckoned her for a kiss. She had selfishly stolen the last several and felt right as rain that he had elected to snatch one for himself. But dawn was coming. She could feel it in her bones. She knew that she was not long for this world but feeling Leo’s diminutive lips pressed against her own made her wish that the night could last forever. She reveled in his warmth and wished that she could somehow steal it all and take it deep within herself for safe keeping. And I’m the midst of that kiss he had so generously requested to ‘steal,’ her belly once again growled loudly, reminding her that she was starving. The volume of this abdominal reminder reached the ears of her little companion, and he broke off from the oral embrace, and her tongue darted after him, unwilling to let him go. The tip of her tongue barely brushed his handsome face as he pulled away, but the reflexive action was utterly explicit. She had licked him. There was no denying that. And his warm face was like fire upon the sensitive tastebuds on the cold organ. She chewed her lip and pulled him away. Leo wasn’t sure what to make of the light flick of her tongue across his face. It was a bizarre sensation to be tasted by a giant tongue, though he thought it a natural escalation of intimate kissing. It was just strange given their difference in size. The audible growling of her stomach concerned him for her sake. He worried that she was in pain. But his thoughts were being clouded by desire. Flattery was the overwhelming feeling that pervaded his thoughts at what seemed like a subconscious gesture. He thought she was really just getting carried away with him. He was correct. Though he was somewhat mistaken with where she intended to go with this. Vela was nearly spent. She had put forward more earnestness and experienced more intimate emotions than she had in decades, and the night was old. She needed to retreat to a place safe from the sun if she wanted to relax, but her physical emptiness was still a nagging issue. But it was an issue for which she had thought up a potential solution. There was no way around it. Since she had imagined this solution, she would have to put it to Leo. He would probably reject it, and she would understand. But it was a good idea, she thought, innocently. So, she would have to voice it. She had to prod. “Leo,” she said breathily. “Vela?” “Come down into the hatch with me. Spend the day. Sleep with me.” It wasn’t so much a requesting, more imploring. Leo understood that dawn was coming, and Vela needed to hide to survive. He didn’t want to end their intimacy just yet, so he would concede. “And you sleep all day?” He asked. “Necessarily.” He thought it was no matter. He was effectively putting himself on her schedule until further notice anyway. And he desperately wanted to be close to her. “Take me down,” he said. She grinned. The oil in the lamp ran out and they were ensconced in darkness. “I’ve had an idea, Leo,” she began, as she stood up and began to make her way down the stairs. “Please don’t ask me what it is. I’ll tell you. I’ll explain it. But it’s a rather big favor to ask of you.” He was drunk on her presence and felt that he would be willing to do anything for her. “Just say the word, Vela. If I can do it, I will.” She laughed weakly. “Don’t get too hasty, little Leo. I hope you aren’t afraid of the dark...” as she said that, she pulled the hatch closed above them and they were sealed off from the world together in the tiny confined space barely big enough for two humans, but rather cozy for a vampire and a borrower. It took a moment for Leo’s eyes to adjust. He, like all borrowers, was capable of seeing in near perfect darkness. She held him tightly as she lied down on the soft rug in the cubby hole, and she brought him up to her soft breasts and dropped him delicately on her chest directly above them. The stark silence was broken by a roaring “grrrrrlk!” Her belly reminding them both of its being neglected. Leo decided to break the tension with humor. “I’m truly sorry that I’m not, well, more of a man, Vela.” “And why is that, love?” Leo was a little shocked at the term. But he chose not to make a point of it. “So, I could offer you some means to fill that belly, since I know you’d never hurt a fly if you could help it.” He expected her to laugh or retort in some way, but she remained silent for a moment. He worried about her pain. “Remember I said I’d never harm you?” Vela asked. Leo didn’t know why she was bringing it up. He’d believed her. Perhaps he was a fool, but he believed that this beautiful creature could not lie. “You won’t,” he said. She sighed. “Good. Yes. True. But... maybe you... maybe you can.” Leo was confused. “Can what, Vela?” “Offer some means.” Leo peered up at her in the near blackness. He wasn’t afraid. Surely, she didn’t intend to drink from him. He’d just have to make her explain. “Was this the favor you mentioned, dear?” He could discern her smile in the dark. It was so bright. “It’s a lot to ask, but...” she began. Then she stopped moving altogether. Leo suddenly felt like he was lying with a statue. He wondered briefly if she had become inanimate. No. She didn’t lie. That wasn’t a danger. He looked up and saw that she was staring up into the blackness with a strained expression. He realized after a moment that she had become paralyzed by her own request, as if it were too much to ask. “Vela. What is it?” She moved again, her whole body morphing from stone to putty beneath him. “Okay. I must,” she said. “Leo, May I swallow you?” Leo felt like a fool. It wasn’t because he felt betrayed or lied to by this woman, but he suddenly made sense of their ongoing conversation and somewhat understood what she had in mind. He’d gotten into bed with a vampire. He wasn’t sure exactly what that entailed, but boundaries must be set. Understandings must he reached. “Should have seen that coming,” he said. “What?” “I thought you didn’t eat.” “I don’t.” “And yet you want to eat me if I’ll consent?” “What? No. I don’t want to eat you. Merely swallow you.” “What’s the difference? You said you’d never harm me. Wouldn’t that... well... be harmful?” His tone wasn’t accusatory. It was matter-of-fact. “Leo, I wouldn’t. I couldn’t,” she began. He realized he was misunderstanding something. “You’ll have to explain.” Was all Leo could think to say. There was a long moment’s silence. And finally, she opened up about her idea. “Okay. I’ve been playing it down. But I’m in a lot of... discomfort. I gave up my opportunity to hunt tonight for the much more favorable option of befriending you. But it hurts. The emptiness. It hurts. I’m too cold inside and I need the warmth only a meal can bring. And I’ve never tried this before, but an idea occurred to me when you kissed me. You’re so warm. You’re a little bolt of lightning. And you can’t be a meal, but maybe your warmth would feel really good in there and... and... I...” she trailed off. Leo’s emotions were in a whirlwind. She wanted to swallow him? But not eat him? She wanted his warmth? He didn’t entirely understand the request. The only thing he knew to do was to keep asking questions. “What would happen to me if I let you... swallow me?” “You’d be inside my belly, and it would feel so warm and light...” she said with an air of ecstasy. This was a little disquieting to Leo, but he muscled on. “And what would become of me inside your belly?” “You’d remain there while I slept.” Leo realized that she was somehow naively missing his point. He would have to be more direct. “Vela, if I let you swallow me, will I be okay? I won’t... digest?” To Leo, it was a simple matter of life and death. To Vela, this was an apparently ridiculous question. She laughed. “No, silly! I can’t digest you! I can’t digest anything! That’s not what my body is for!” “Then what happens to all the blood you drink?” Leo asked with serious curiosity. “That’s different. Blood is a spiritual elixir. It’s absorbed. But you’re a corporeal being. You cannot be. I’ve held lots of things for safe keeping in my stomach, and they’ve always come up fine. Just... never a borrower.” Leo was pretty sure that he was missing something here. He thought blood was as ‘corporeal’ as anything else. But she was the vampire. She probably knew what she was talking about. But he was understandably hesitant. “Leo, you don’t have to say yes,” she said. He felt more at ease. “It was just an idea. I’d never hurt you. I intend to keep you with me on our journey. And you cannot provide me a meal, but...” “But I could make you feel better? Borrow you some time?” She chuckled. “Yes, my little borrower. You could provide me a placeholder. Borrowing a bite.” He shuddered. Could he really consent to being swallowed? He thought about the hours they had spent together. He imagined the many days or more they would spend together venturing into the unknown. She wanted to help him. She wasn’t about to jeopardize that by putting his life at risk. She must know what she was doing. He could faintly see her serene facial expression in the darkness. Such a beautiful face. He imagined feeling those lips he had already felt press against him wrapped around him. He could almost feel that tantalizing, cold tongue pulling him inward and downward. Deep into parts of her he had never even imagined discovering with a woman, let alone without fear. Maybe it would be amazing like everything else about her was. To hell with it. He made up his mind. “Vela.” “Yes?” “I’m trusting you. I think I’d do anything for you... but...” “What is it, Leo?” “How long do you have left?” “Not long. Dawn is nigh.” She looked thoughtful for a moment, then said, “the sun will probably begin to rise in little more than an hour. I’m safe in here, but once that happens, I’ll be quite compelled to sleep. I cannot resist that for long.” Leo thought about that. He didn’t want to rush into this, but he also thought he preferred the thought of her being awake for at least a little while after they’d... done the deed. That way, she would still have time to do something if it went wrong. He stood up on her chest to address her directly. “Then, dammit, kiss me some more, and swallow me when you will. I’ll keep you warm all day long.” Vela squealed with glee. She grabbed him in both hands and held him above her face. Her elated smile seemed to light up the darkness, and those pink eyes actually appeared to glow with subtle bioluminescence. “Yes! Thank you! Thank you, Leo! It’ll be fun! And you’ll be perfectly safe, I promise!” She pulled him in and pressed those cool, soft lips against his face, planting kiss after kiss on him. He believed her. How couldn’t he? She was so earnest and sincere. He had his reservations for obvious reasons about spending the day inside her belly, but those doubts were melting away a little with every kiss with which she peppered his person. He tried to simply enjoy the thrill of her affection and let this happen without thinking too hard about the finite details involved in what he had agreed to. She stopped kissing him for a moment and held him inches from her face, ogling him adoringly. “It’s... the least I can do, Vela. You’re the most beautiful, kind, and intriguing person I’ve ever met. I’m just happy I can help. I hope it’s as good a solution as you anticipate. I hope I make you comfortable.” “I think you’ll make me feel wonderful. I cannot wait to feel you... down there... filling me up with your hot little body. Your heat will radiate through me. And you’ll keep burning brightly deep within me all day long. You won’t cool off so quickly like blood.” Leo shivered a little in her hands. He was trying hard not to let himself get nervous. He wondered what it would feel like to be surrounded in darkness by the cold flesh of her stomach. He shook the thoughts from his head and tried to focus on her beautiful face. Those eyes... those lips that were parted slightly, allowing him to peer deeper. He shivered again. “Leo, you’re so quiet. Are you nervous?” “A little,” he admitted. “I’ve never been swallowed before, obviously. But... I think you’re probably right. It might be fun.” “I’ll be gentle. You have nothing to fear. I’ll try to make it as enjoyable as possible. For you, I mean. I think that for me, it’ll be very enjoyable. Getting you down might be almost as fun as having you inside me.” Leo felt a little reassured. “O-okay.” He was shaking now. It wasn’t from the cold so much as it was adrenaline from anticipating this strange, inevitable thing he had committed to. Her mouth was so near, and it was so big and easily capable of consuming him whole and alive at any second. When would it happen? What would it feel like? Was he making a mistake? He couldn’t change his mind now, could he? He was sure she would understand, but she seemed so excited and he didn’t want to hurt her feelings. He didn’t want her to hurt at all. “What can I do to make this comfortable for you, Leo?” He considered this. She was intent on making this as pleasant as possible for him. She would probably do anything. He imagined there were probably several things she could potentially do to put him more ‘at ease,’ but shied from requesting them immediately upon the consideration. He tried to dispel such thoughts, not wanting to push his luck. And they didn’t have much time. Still... “Well, Vela... I mean... this is just such a strange thing to undertake, but even though it’s not very conventional, I guess it could seem rather...” he hesitated while searching for the right word. “Well, I guess it’s extremely intimate.” Vela appeared to appreciate his assessment of the situation. “It is, Leo. I feel very affectionate towards you. Perhaps you don’t like the comparison, given the context, but I always feel a rather intimate connection with humans when I... well, you know.” Leo got the gist. “But this is different. In a way, it’s more casual, as I’m not actually gaining any nourishment. In another way, it’s even more intimate, because you’re letting me take all of you into me. I’ve... never even imagined doing something like this before. You’ll be closer to me, in a way, than anyone ever has. It makes me feel... strange. The amount of trust. The closeness...” she was subconsciously drawing Leo nearer to her lips as she spoke, and as she trailed off in her words, her cool, sweet smelling breath wafted over Leo and left him feeling strangely enticed, like he wanted to be closer to her than they had been. He was beginning to feel like he wanted to savor this privileged closeness and trust of which she spoke. “We haven’t known each other long, Vela. There’s so much I don’t know about you, or you about me, that I can’t wait to explore. And even though our friendship is at its infancy, I have such strong, unexplainable feelings for you. But since there’s so much I don’t know, I’m almost afraid to ask for too much, afraid to misstep.” Vela’s face transformed into a coy sort of smile. “And yet you’re about to give all of yourself to me to abate my discomfort, to quell my own selfish cravings. Such modesty!” She giggled. “Well when you put it like that, this all seems a little one-sized!” Leo joked. “It doesn’t have to be. I don’t want it to be. That’s why I want to know... what you want. Leo...” her voice assumed a breather tone again that had the slightest tinge of her hypnotic undertones. While apparently immune, it was working wonders on Leo now. “I sense what’s bothering you, Leo. It’s partly my fault. Maybe I haven’t been completely forthcoming, my little, handsome treat.” She put individual emphasis on each of the last three words that was dripping with seductive innuendo. Leo got the feeling that she knew exactly how to put him at ease. “Well... I think it’s important that we’re completely honest and open with each other... before you let me inside you,” Leo said, attempting to match her playful confidence, though he was still somewhat trepidatious. “Then I should tell you that I’ve been very much holding back, my sweet.” Vela’s voice seemed laced with more of that hypnotic tone by the word, and Leo was enjoying it. They both knew that it didn’t ‘work’ the way it was meant to, but Leo was still experiencing a small portion of its intended effect— his fear was melting away. “There shouldn’t be any secrets between friends, Vela. What’s got your tongue?” She grinned. “I was willing to treat this as a somewhat utilitarian affair. Less ceremoniously. I didn’t let on to you just how inevitably and undeniably satisfying it would be for me, and that was dishonest. Selfish even. Especially if you would enjoy sharing in that... pleasure.” Leo was enraptured by her words. She paused to allow him to speak, but when he just stared at her expectantly, she pressed on. “Vampires aren’t overtly sexual in the way humans and perhaps borrowers are. We don’t express or experience such urges or satisfaction in the same way or from the same things, but we are still beings endowed with desire, and it is deeply ingrained in our cores. I’ll derive most supreme sexual satisfaction from the act of consuming you, Leo, both in the process of carrying it out, and from the feeling of having you...” she licked her lips and held him a little higher in her right hand so he could observe more of her body, “deep... down... inside of me.” As she delivered the last words, her left hand went up to her lips and dragged down across her chin as she extended her neck. She made a dramatic show of swallowing loudly and then gasped with satisfaction, her long tongue extending as her hand continued down her neck and across her torso in an ‘S’ pattern, settling on her stomach as she wiggled her hips and smiled at him with her pink, luminescent eyes seductively. Leo’s heart nearly stopped at the erotic display. She had done it. She had crossed the barrier he had been so afraid to, and in so doing had somehow transformed this situation from one of reservations and doubts into one of carnal imperative. His inhibitions were eradicated. He wanted to please this woman in the way she most desired— needed. And he would derive satisfaction from the sensations it would bring in his own way: from the knowledge that he was somehow able to satisfy this colossal, gorgeous woman, from being allowed past her perfect lips, and even from being relished and swallowed down into her irresistible body. He wanted it now. He was more than simply comfortable; he was aroused. “This is going to feel wonderful for me, isn’t it, Vela?” Her mouth hung open and she exhaled heavily, looking almost frustrated with anticipation. “Oh my, yes. I’ll make it as sweet as you can handle.” “It would probably feel better for both of us if...” he looked down at himself, “if all these dirty clothes weren’t in the way, don’t you think?” She cooed approvingly, and the pinks of her irises seemed to flare as her eyes widened with devious appreciation. “Oh lala! I wasn’t going to insist on such measures, but now that you’ve so generously offered— yes. The more of our flesh making contact, the better. I want to feel your bare skin. I want to taste all of you, my scrumptious little Leo. Dress for the part, precious man.” She held Leo a few inches from her face, and he began to disrobe. He figured he didn’t have many clothes, and it was probably best that they not be subjected to what was about to transpire anyway. His hands were shaking for a different reason now, but he was still able to make short work of the tie that held his trousers up. He realized as he was attempting to pull them off that he had forgotten to remove his shoes and cursed under his breath as he sat down in her palm and fussed with their buckles. He haphazardly kicked them off, tugged and kicked his trousers away, unbuttoned his shirt, and threw that aside as well. In a few moments, he was sitting stark naked against the cold skin of Vela’s hand, his clothes strewn about around him. She never took her eyes off of him during the process, and eyed him now with a hungry, admiring look in her eyes. “It seems that you weren’t being entirely honest with me, either, little one. You didn’t tell me you were such a fine specimen of man. Such defined musculature! I’m already eating you up with my eyes.” As she spoke, she picked the blushing Leo up from behind with her index finger and thumb under his armpits. As she lifted him away from her palm, she closed her fist around his clothes and placed them in the corner of their ‘room’ in a small pile with care. Then, she turned her attention back to him, her eyes narrowing to glowing, pink slits. “And now...” she said with the most hypnotically fervent tone he’d ever heard two, simple words imbued with, “for a much more proper taste of things to come.” She swept him into her kiss with such swiftness that he didn’t have a chance to experience the force until her lips were already pressed against his bare chest. She kissed him with rapacious determination, the tip of her tongue slipping from between her lips and giving him a little taste between each one. Then, she turned him sideways as her snakelike vampiric tongue slithered from its depths and slid underneath him. It hooked around behind his back and pulled him snugly against her upper lip as she sucked on his torso. All the while she was purring like a pleased cat, the muted vocalizations making his chest cavity rumble with soothing vibrations. Vela was experiencing complete, hitherto unequaled ecstasy at the unfettered access her tastebuds now had to this appetizing little borrower. His bare skin felt like fire on her tongue. She felt that she could actually taste his body heat. She had tasted many men, being a vampire, but she couldn’t remember ever feeling such an electric shock at their mere feeling and flavor, and her memory was very far-reaching. What’s more, that was always a precursor for piercing the skin and getting what she was really thirsting for, but Leo was better than any mere appetizer. That in mind, she couldn’t wait to move on from tasting him to consuming him. But she marveled at what this introductory stage had to offer. She was certain that borrowers had their own magical quirks as did any race, and the ludicrous thought crossed her mind that being delicious could be one of them. How were there any left? Likely because they were so elusive and lived amongst humans who weren’t known for either hyper-sensitivity or devouring smaller humanoids, though they didn’t know what they were missing. She was eager to gobble this one up, but she was not in TOO much of a rush. She had a little time to savor him. And she wanted to make this a lovely for him as it was for her. A naughty thought crossed her mind, and it made her internally giggle. This would make the little man wild. She eventually pulled him away and gave him a long lick from bottom to top, getting even his face moist with her inexplicably sweet-smelling saliva. As Vela held him close to her face, she grinned toothily, and glanced down at herself and back up quickly, her mouth hanging agape as she made a face as if to mockingly say, “oops.” Leo ventured a look at her body and saw that during their kiss, she had removed her top to reveal her naked upper body. Her modestly sized bust on full display in all of its shapely, curvy glory. She had what he’d estimate to be C-cup, perky, and positively supple breasts with small, pink areola and pointed nipples. His jaw dropped, and he could only stutter to show his appreciation for the view. “What’s the matter, little Leo? Cat got your tongue? Cause a little lion’s got mine, and I couldn’t be more pleased,” She said. Leo grinned devilishly and did something she didn’t expect. He took a step forward and leapt from her hand and landed with very precise marksmanship directly on her left breast. She hadn’t exactly planned for this, becoming quite eager to devour the delicious man and sate herself, but she supposed he was entitled to settle his own outstanding accounts as well... and was surprised to find that his warm body felt unnaturally good against the exposed skin on her chest. Leo stuck the landing and hugged Vela’s breast flesh lovingly. She giggled at him and used one hand to guide him into her ample cleavage. Then, she pressed them together, smushing him softly between the cold pillows of her pale mounds. She kept that up for a few minutes like a heavenly massage. His body heat sapping into her skin and warming her, making her vampiric skin feel more alive everywhere he was. After a while, she pinched him under the armpits again and brought him back up to her lovely face. “Did you like that, little man?” “I loved it. You’re beautiful in every way, Vela.” She made a face as if blushing, but her cheeks weren’t capable of flushing pink, remaining as bone white as ever, but her eyes flared adoringly. “Looks are just superficial, Leo. It’s what’s on the inside that counts.” Leo understood the implication. “I wager that’ll be as beautiful as the rest of you.” “It will be once you’re in there...” she kissed him softly on his chest. She kept him close. Her eyes locked onto his. He knew she was ready. He had nearly been inside that mouth not long ago and it had felt wonderful. All his discomfort was like a distant memory. She had really softened his attitude about doing this. “You really have a way of putting a guy at ease before you eat him up alive, Vela. Thank you.” She smiled in a very peculiar way that showed she found his joke particularly off-color. “Swallow. I’m only swallowing you. You’re much more to me than a meal, Leo. But I’m glad... I’ve... had the loveliest night.” “Me too. I think it’s still going to get a little better.” “I think so, too... I... I’ve never felt so simultaneously emotionally and physically stimulated. This has been wonderful. I’m so enamored. I don’t know what it is about you, but I’m positively engaged. And we’ve only just met. And I think that the best is yet to come...” Leo knee what she meant. To her, this had all been some form of foreplay. And what was up next was more than just a different variety of sex. He was going to both satisfy her and cure a deep hurt. He was so flattered that he could be both just by being himself. He was ready. “Vela... I want to satisfy your hunger for the night and make you feel full enough to sleep peacefully all day. You’ve held back long enough. Take me. I’m yours.” Her face became the perfect picture of gratefulness. “Come here,” she said, and she opened her mouth wide with her tongue sticking out. She stuck him against her tongue, his chest and face pressed firmly against it, and she let go of him. Her lips came closed around his waist, and she slurped him into her hungry mouth with a “squelch” and a “pop!” “M-m-m!” She moaned. The feeling of having him entirely inside her mouth was almost too much to bear. She couldn’t believe that it was possible to have a man so entirely encompassed, and she had yet to send him deeper. She didn’t know if her plan would work and he would really make her feel full like she hoped. She didn’t know for sure if he would suffice for a ‘meal replacement,’ but at this point she didn’t care. She knew she was loving this and that he would be safe inside her. She held him on her tongue just savoring the sensation of his existence before propelling him irresistibly onward. Leo couldn’t have been completely prepared for being stuck inside her mouth, beautiful though it was. He had always been taught that being small carried the risk of getting gobbled up and that it was something to fear, so he had never imagined that he might one day couple the experience of slipping into a mouth that fully intended to swallow him with pleasure, let alone arousal. But he was into this. He was getting off on it. Her moans reverberated through his bones and chest and all he could think and feel was stimulation. He spared a fleeting thought for the self-conscious possibility that if he enjoyed this too much, she would judge him, but he immediately understood that to be beyond ridiculous and gave himself entirely into the blissful rapture. It felt strange in many ways. Her mouth was wet and dark, and the suction was oppressive, but it didn’t overpower his libido. The sweet smell of her insides pervaded his senses. He crawled forward, compelling her to do what he knew she wanted to. He was fit to burst with anticipation. Her mouth reacted to his pressing against the back of her throat. Vela felt that Leo was actively squirming into the abyss, and she couldn’t resist any longer. She began to gulp. The first swallow resulted in what felt like his head and chest being lodged in her esophagus. She lingered with him there for a moment. She didn’t need to breathe, so it was no issue. She squeezed him with her throat and tongue with several half-swallows that kept him in place in a last desperate effort to taste him thoroughly and detected a sudden explosion of salty flavor on her taste buds. She smiled with the knowledge that at least ‘little Leo’ was enjoying this as much as she was. She knew it was time. She gulped hard. She hadn’t swallowed anything solid, let alone something the size of Leo in countless years. Regardless, Leo went slipping down her throat with ease and swiftness. He didn’t struggle. He just enjoyed the ride. In no time, Vela felt him deposited by her esophagus softly into the deepest pit of her otherwise void belly. She stared down at her belly with wide, surprised eyes. If she required to breathe, she might have hyperventilated, but her only physical reaction to shock was to stay utterly still. She remained like that for a while. She could hardly believe it. She felt Leo, a man the size of a large mouse, resting gently inside her stomach, and she felt full. She felt GOOD. “Gods above,” she whispered. “Moons and stars... thunder and lightning, heavenly bodies, comets and meteorites!” The volume of her voice had risen to a shout by her last words, but then she remembered herself, and lowered her voice. “Leo and Vela.” She finished, rubbing her belly lovingly. Leo would have been almost embarrassed at how much he had enjoyed Vela’s oral treatment of his person before sending him down her gullet, but he knew better than that, though he supposed there was no way someone as perceptive as she was hadn’t noticed his ‘excitation.’ The initial swallowing was a tight, forceful sensation that made it difficult for him to breathe deeply, causing him to grunt in effort all the way down, but it was very short-lived. In seconds, the tightness gave way to a roomier space, though he had to admit, it was a little smaller than he had thought it would be. Perhaps it was because she had gone so long without eating, or even because she never partook in solid food, but her stomach was a little on the cramped side. He didn’t mind that so much. Borrowers were quite the opposite of claustrophobic. They loved tight spaces. They felt more secure in them. His eyes attempted to adjust the his new, pitch black surroundings to little success. There was simply no light in here to utilize. He placed his hands down beside him and gave the folds of her belly a little push to get a feel for the give and spring of the stomach in case he tried to walk. The flesh was slick and utterly smooth. Besides the large, overlapping folds themselves, the flesh of the stomach was virtually without texture. His hands slipped across its lubricated surface effortlessly. He determined that walking was probably out of the question. “Not like I’m going anywhere,” he thought aloud. He could hardly believe it. He was trapped inside the stomach of a gorgeous vampire, and he had agreed to it! He had enjoyed it! And he was still enjoying it. He was fascinated by it. After a bit, her heard Vela’s voice. It was a little muffled, but he could still discern her words with little effort. She was apparently celebrating his presence. He smiled contentedly. At the end of her praises, she murmured their names. He felt a slight increase in pressure as the wall he was leaning against was pressed inwards. He figured she was rubbing her tummy. He felt extraordinarily flattered. He was so glad this was working the way she had imagined. It almost felt like a life-hack! Feeling empty? No food? Swallow your friend for a while! He laughed at the thought, and sighed. He put his hands behind his head, crossed his ankles, and slid down into a reclined position, resting comfortably in her stomach’s smooth folds. “This is pretty nice,” he admitted with satisfaction. “I’m glad you think so,” Was Vela’s muffled but audible response. He was startled. She had heard him? Of course she could hear him. Those ears homed in on his precise location behind a wall. That’s how they met. Still, for some reason he had expected this to be a somewhat isolating experience. He thought that even though he’d be this close to her, he’d feel cut off in a way. But this changed everything. “Vela! I’m so glad you can hear me! That’s comforting,” he knew now that he could tell her if he was having any problems and she would have no trouble answering his cries for help. Though, he doubted he would need help. He was feeling quite cozy. “I’m glad you’re comfortable. I’m glad you enjoyed your little journey,” she said with some implication. He laughed. “Well thank you for making it so pleasant. It was... the most exotic experience I’ve ever had. Still is.” “What’s it like in my stomach?” “Well, it’s much quieter than I anticipated. Your body doesn’t seem to make much noise. There’s... no heartbeat... and you only seem to engage your lungs before speaking. At first it was cold, but my own meager body heat seems to have actually warmed the small space considerably. It’s become very comfortable. It’s relatively dry, though the walls are moist and slick. Your belly certainly isn’t a puddle of acid like I had initially imagined. Would you even produce acid? I guess not...” he trailed off. He heard Vela giggle. All of her vocalizations had a different timber from his current vantage point. “It’s not too dark or tight in there I hope.” “No. It’s dark, yes. But I’m to be sleeping in here, so that’s nice. And I like tight. I live inside the walls after all. I love it. It’s cozy.” Vela hugged herself tightly with both arms, squeezing her stomach a little. Leo smiled. “What’s it like having a borrower in your belly?” He asked. “It’s amazing, Leo. You’re superb. It’s better than I’d imagined. I only hoped that your presence would take the edge off of my hunger, but you’ve banished it. And more. It feels... felicitous. Like there couldn’t be a more complete feeling. I’d keep you with me inside my belly forever if it were at all possible.” Leo felt very affirmed by her words. He knew she wouldn’t leave him there for good. But he loved that it made her so happy. He felt and heard her sigh and lie down. “But alas, I’ll let you out tonight.” She yawned. “Tonight, after some extremely restful sleep. Will you sleep well in there, my Leo?” He loved being called ‘hers.’ It seemed fitting. She had certainly staked her claim. “Yes, I think I will. I’m exhausted. I’m semi-nocturnal, but I don’t typically stay up until dawn,” he said. “And I’m very comfortable both physically and spiritually. Today began quite distressingly for me. But you’ve given me a feeling of... home.” Vela smiled contentedly. “You as well, borrower. I’ll be taking a little piece of home with me. I’m... so thankful for you. I don’t have many friends. None that I see frequently. I’d like to call you my friend, Leo.” Leo got the impression that the term, ‘friend,’ carried a lot of weight with vampires. He felt charmed. Blessed even. “I am your friend, Vela. Thank you for being mine.” He heard her let out another yawn. Little did he know, for a vampire, yawning twice was unheard of. It meant the sun was rising and she was resisting the irresistible. She needed to sleep, but also wanted to make sure Leo was comfortable before giving in. “You sound tired. You should sleep.” “I will now. Thank you, again, Leo, for letting me borrow your body. Sweet dreams, precious boy.” She fell asleep immediately. “Vela?” Leo asked. He chuckled. He wished he could get to sleep like that, but his eyelids were already growing heavy. It wouldn’t be long. He resumed his reclined position and began to replay the events of the day in his mind, something he always did as he fell asleep. It helped him remember the day better in the future, and today was a day he’d want to remember forever. “I love you, Vela,” he whispered, and drifted off to sleep, deep in the belly of a vampire woman. Sleeping safe and sound with his friend. |
Chapter Thirteen: Jackie awoke slowly, keeping her eyes shut for a while after the subtle awareness of her own consciousness gradually pervaded and caused her thoughts to become at once directed and less dreamlike. She shook off the phantom visions of perceived monsters both from without and from within that tended to pervade her dreams. Her mind turned to concrete things. She didn’t suffer any of the confusion some people described upon awakening. Not, at least, when she went to sleep as a woman. Jackie was immediately conscious of the light, warm sensation upon her lower abdomen and knew the cause. She smiled a little. It was weird not waking up alone. Nice. But weird. Opening her eyes, Jackie looked down without moving her head. She didn’t want to risk waking Leo if she could avoid it, but it turned out to be a moot point, as the little borrower was already wide awake. When he saw her eyes open, he sat up, apparently having been staying still out of the same kind of consideration for another person’s sleep. “How long have you been awake?” Jackie asked. “Not long,” Leo lied. He’d been lying there awake just enjoying the relaxation of Jackie’s breathing for over an hour now, but he hadn’t minded. It gave him a chance to think. Before they could exchange any additional lazy chatter, however, the slapdash hammock was jostled a little roughly. Leo looked up and to his right in time to see the smiling face of one of the smaller nagas from the night before leering over them both cheerfully. As the serpentine woman rose into view, Leo observed she had a distinct bite mark just below her left breast. He recalled where each of the “little ones” had been bitten the night prior and was thankful for the difference, because truthfully, he had trouble telling the pair apart. They were both nearly identical, “person-sized” nagas with long, nearly black hair, and had similar faces as well. Leo realized that the somewhat unique facial shape the nagas all had would have made them all difficult to distinguish if not for diversity in both size and scale colors. “Good morning, Flo-tess,” Leo said. “A wonderful morning to the two of you, indeed!” The naga gushed. “I apologize for disturbing you, but I heard voices and simply could not ignore my desire to socialize with you any longer! Come! Both of you! We have prepared a meal!” As the naga finished her proclamation, she pushed away from the hammock a little violently, causing the pair to sway abruptly in her wake. “She’s a lively one,” Jackie grumbled. “Not a morning person?” Leo joked. Jackie scoffed. “I was fine in the mornings back when I was a member of society, and I was greeted by a pot of coffee in the mornings instead of… well…” she trailed off. “Instead of by a rather hyper snake-girl?” Leo offered, finishing her thought in a way he suspected was slightly more polite than she would have. “Yeah, let’s go with that.” “Well, she did say breakfast in any case. I’m sure that can’t be too bad. Doubtful about the coffee though.” “It’s alright,” Jackie said, sitting up in the hammock with a slight struggle. She offered her hand to Leo, and he deftly climbed aboard. She set him on her shoulder and kicked her legs out of the hammock, swinging forward and slid onto the floor. “I haven’t had coffee for the better part of a year anyway. I’m past my dependency. Doesn’t mean I don’t miss it.” “I’m sure that’s not the only thing,” Leo said, immediately regretting having done so. But Jackie shrugged it off. “Meh, none of it really measures up to a good cup of piping hot coffee.” The two of them followed Flo-tess who lead them quickly to the other side of the den. She then hastily bid Jackie to have a seat at the table that was once again mysteriously present. Leo wondered how Ek-teen had gotten it back out without waking them but reasoned that she was incredibly strong and was likely capable of lifting the huge thing against the wall and getting it back down about as quietly as he could lift his satchel. Jackie took her seat and Leo hopped down onto the table. Flo-tess placed a plate in front of them. They were both impressed. Before them sat a very well-prepared vegetarian omelet. “Wow, how’d you do this?” Jackie asked without making much effort to mask her surprise. Flo-tess beamed with pride. “Flo-ren and I spent all morning on it! She found the eggs, I gathered the greens, and Ek-teen instructed us on the preparation. It’s fascinating! It was a lot of fun, cooking. I’ve never actually cracked an egg open before.” “No? How do you take your eggs then?” Jackie asked. “Like this!” Flo-tess said, reaching onto the counter next to her and retrieved on of the many spare eggs that was sitting there. She popped it into her mouth and gulped it down whole, a big lump traveling briefly down her neck before disappearing. “Ah-h-h!” She exclaimed, her long tongue hanging out. “Those are good! But I’m sure your way is good, too!” Leo laughed at the face Jackie made at the display, which was a good way of distracting himself from pesky thoughts it had inspired. “Oh. I guess that makes sense,” Jackie said dully. “Um, thanks for taking the trouble to prepare them our way. I’m not sure I could pull that off.” “Ha!” Leo laughed again. “I’d love to see you try.” “Oh, I bet you would, little guy,” Jackie said with perhaps a little more implication than was necessary for Leo to understand the nature of the jest. He grew a little red, bashful at some of his line of thinking having been so easy to guess. “Uh, what’s say we dig in?” Leo offered, changing the subject. “Oh, yes! Please let me know what you think!” Flo-tess said. “After you, little guy. Take your fill and then keep out of my way,” Jackie teased. “Or else…” Jackie eyed him in a way that essentially communicated, or else you know what might happen to you, little morsel. “Sheesh! Alright, alright! Wow, really laying into me this morning,” Leo said. Jackie bit her lip, chiding herself for what she worried was one joke at his expense too many. She looked at Flo-tess as if for some form of affirmation that she wasn’t being a jerk, but the young naga seemed totally oblivious to the humor in the exchange, probably thinking that the larger woman warning the much smaller man to be careful not to get eaten with her breakfast was perfectly logical and in no way interesting. Well, I suppose it is logical. Little guy doesn’t have the good sense to stay out of stomachs. Jackie thought. Leo took his fill of the fluffy eggs, and snagged a few smaller pieces of the vegetation sticking out and pulled them over to a corner of the plate. Once safely out of the way, Jackie dug in. It was under-seasoned. Jackie even wondered if there was any salt at all. But then, she realized that a people who all swallowed their food whole had no need for spices, so she chose not to include that in her review. “It’s delicious, Flo-tess! Seriously, very impressive. I know a lot of people who can’t make an omelet this well,” She offered. “I agree. This is really well done,” Leo added. Flo-tess looked fit to burst with excitement at the praise. Without warning, she leaned in and wrapped her arms around Jackie, hugging her tightly and shaking her a little. As far as her torso was concerned, Flo-tess was the smaller woman compared to Jackie by a considerable amount. She was young enough to still be pretty “human” in stature, and had the build of a petite young woman, while Jackie had that of an amateur bodybuilder. So, it was a little humorous to watch Jackie freeze up and shrink in posture from fear of the bubbly naga’s embrace, even letting out a little squeak. “Oh, I’m just so glad to hear you both like them! I cannot wait to tell the others that we did a good job!” Flo-tess shouted happily. She broke her embrace with Jackie and then it was Leo’s turn to cow. She snatched him up before he could think to object and nuzzled him against her left cheek before gently replacing him at the edge of the plate. “You two eat your fill and meet us outside for drinking and washing!” She said, and turned swiftly, slithering quietly out of the den. Leo and Jackie shared a look of slight exasperation and turned back to their respective meals. After a moment of silence, Jackie swallowed her last bite, and then grunted to clear her throat. “Sorry about all the… uh, razzing.” “What, the not-so-subtle jokes at the expense of my fascination with bellies?” Leo bit back with mock gruff. He saw Jackie wince a little and quickly covered it with, “no harm done, Jackie. It’s all in good fun. Besides, I don’t think Flo-tess made anything of it,” he said. Jackie felt a little relieved. “I just haven’t known you very long and don’t want to cross the line with humor.” “You’re not likely to. I’m an easy-going fella. And it is good fun,” he said, wiping his face of crumbs. “The joking, or…?” “Take your pick. You finished? We’ve got to meet up with the others outside for… drinking and washing, was it?” “Not sure I need a bath. I had one yesterday afternoon.” “I’m never one to turn down a free bath. Especially a safe one in the open. What a luxury!” Leo exclaimed. Jackie considered this while she helped him onto her shoulder. “I suppose you have a point. It’s just… I don’t know. You and the nagas seem to assign less weight to group nudity, I guess,” she confessed. Leo chuckled. “Not at all. I’m a little bashful. But I’ve felt like the only bashful person in the room lately. A little glad you can relate. Makes me feel a little less prudish.” “Huh. Me too. I guess it’s not that big a deal,” she said with less casual conviction than she’d hoped to convey. “Guess we’ve already seen each other naked anyway.” “Huh, that’s true. Who knows? Maybe in a few days we’ll both be sick of clothes.” They shared a laugh as they neared the reflecting pool, many nagas who had probably never worn clothes already enjoying a morning soak. Jackie’s eyes scanned the lot of them—dozens of snake-people ranging from half to many times her size all basking in the cool waters. Just think of them all as big, legless people. They’re just people. Hell, you can’t even see most of their snake bodies in the water. Jackie thought to comfort herself. The moment she reached the edge of the pool, however, a shadow fell upon her and Leo. Jackie turned her head to see the enormous form of Nok-toon sliding up to them menacingly. She wasn’t doing anything in particular that would make her a menace, per se, but Jackie simply couldn’t handle the speed and silence with which a woman her size was capable of moving about. She’d hardly heard the giant naga approaching. “Good morning, moonchild and Leo,” Nok-toon’s deep alto boomed. Leo marveled at the spectacle of the giantess in the daylight coming in through the sky hole in the cavern. She was much more colorful than he’d realized. Her coils were covered in scales that were deep red and pitch black. Leo had mistakenly taken the dark red ones to be a dark grey in the dark of night before. Her countless scales reflected the light beautifully as she slid past the pair, smiling at the two of them as she went. Leo waved at her politely, and her eyes narrowed happily as she turned her head away, smiling more brightly as she went. Leo thought back to the other night when he had willingly climbed into that woman’s enormous maw to join his lover deep inside her cavernous first stomach and it made him shiver with the recalled thrill of the singular experience. Jackie, apparently, was thinking along the same lines. “That right there is the measure of the difference in our nerve,” Jackie said quietly. “What do you mean?” Leo asked. “I can’t believe you fed yourself to that behemoth!” She whispered harshly. “It’s nuts! I thought my knees were going to give out with her just passing me by!” “Oh, give her a chance. She’s quite gentle. And sweet!” Leo said in her defense. Jackie considered the “minute details” Leo had censored from his story about his experience with the giantess serpent and wondered in exactly what ways the woman had treated Leo “gently and sweetly.” She shook her head, attempting to rid it of the counterproductive thoughts. Luckily, another distraction was on the way. “Good morning, friends!” Came the shrill sound of another, small, excited naga. It was Flo-ren this time. Leo took note of the bite mark above her waistline. She was flanked by Ek-teen. Jackie felt herself slacken a little from her stiff posture. Even though Ek-teen was a giantess in her own right—albeit not nearly as large as Nok-toon—Ek-teen made Jackie feel safer. Even if it was only something she was aware of subconsciously, Jackie was thankful to see her among all these strangers. She also made a mental note of how striking Ek-teen looked in the morning light. She had such lovely, tanned skin, totally free of a single blemish, and was also covered in dark red bands. But they seemed a little more vibrant and reflective than Nok-toon’s. Her lean, slender features and uniquely red-black, straight, and long hair all combined to make a very stunning woman, half-snake or not. Jackie could not deny she was gorgeous. “Good morning, you two. Flo-tess has told us that their attempt at a cuisine you would enjoy was a success,” Ek-teen said in her soft, but very audible voice. “Yes! I was so happy to hear it! We have never had the pleasure of cooking before!” Squeaked Flo-ren. “It was quite delicious,” Leo said. “Really hit the spot. But you don’t have to do that every morning. We would be happy to fend for ourselves at least a little.” “Nonsense,” Ek-teen objected, “you two will make up for it as you’re able. But leave the provisions to us. I’ve got many recipes in my head from the time I’ve spent among other species that I am eager to pass on to these little ones. They need the instruction if they are to also be emissaries one day. They need to know something of cultures.” “In that case, don’t threaten me with not having to cook. I stink at it,” Jackie joked. “Yeah, and I’d probably have a hard time cooking for her,” Leo said. “How would you ever have gotten by without us?” Ek-teen asked, shaking her head. “Guess we would have starved?” Leo said. “I was getting pretty tired of burnt rabbit legs,” Jackie followed. “I can catch em just fine. But cooking em? Not my best strength.” “Well, perhaps you can share your methods of capture with some of the other little ones. Many of them are quite fond of rabbits. And you need not teach them to cook,” Ek-teen said. Flo-ren nodded vigorously at the suggestion. “Oh, yes! Please! Teach us your way of hunting! That would be wonderful!” She shouted. Jackie looked just the slightest bit perturbed at the idea, but sighed deeply, and said, “I… guess I could do that. What’s the hurt—” but Flo-ren cut her off with a delighted shriek. “Excellent! I cannot wait! Let us bathe so we can turn to the day’s activities! Come! Come!” Flo-ren was tugging on Jackie’s arm. It almost caused Leo to fall from his perch. He was surprised that despite the small naga’s considerable overall mass, she was unsuccessful in tugging Jackie very easily. “Okay, okay! Hang on. I’ve gotta… slip out of these. They’re the only ones you gave me.” Jackie said regarding her outfit. “I, uh-h…” she turned to look at the borrower on her shoulder, biting her lip in thought. “Mind putting my clothes in the heap with yours? Less likely to get lost that way.” Leo was already stripping down seated on her shoulder as he asked this. He was determined not to make a big deal of nudity in front of the nagas, partially for Jackie’s sake. She blushed. “Sure.” She brought up her left hand and he placed his garments into it. He then deftly hopped down to the ground and approached the edge of the pool. Jackie was always a little surprised to see how the borrower could move. Drops just weren’t a concern for him. But he had his limits. “Someone is gonna have to ferry me out. It’s way too deep for me to wade in and I’m not swimming that far,” he said. He wasn’t much of a swimmer. Before Jackie had a chance to offer her service, Flo-ren had scooped him up in a flash. “I’ve got you, Leo! Let’s go wash up!” With that, she slid right into the water and slithered with fishlike speed away from the dumbfounded Jackie who was now topless, but still struggling with the tie of her makeshift bottom. Son of a… But before Jackie could even finish imagining the curse at being abandoned around a bunch of strange snake-folk, the smooth sound of Ek-teen’s soft laughter brought her back down. “Leo is quite the item of interest to the nagas in general. You’ll have to excuse their enthusiasm. None of us has ever met a borrower. It’s uncanny to make the acquaintance of what’s essentially a tiny human with none of the usual self-entitlement,” Ek-teen explained. It was as if she could see Jackie’s indignation and addressed the cause before it could be voiced. “Though you’re also a special delight. Nothing against your race. But you, too, lack that usual entitlement. So, you’ve either shed that skin, or you never wore it.” Jackie felt a little bashful under this sort of scrutiny. It made her almost completely unconscious about finally slipping off her bottom and exposing herself physically to the large naga. What’s nudity to a creature that can see through you? “Well, it’s hard to say which. I can’t say I still feel a massive kinship towards the bulk of my species. Though most of them are alright as individuals.” “The same can be said for many races. At least, the ones with individuals,” Ek-teen said with a neutral tone. Jackie smiled up at her. “You seem… really nice,” Jackie said a little dryly. Ek-teen pulled an interesting face. Jackie felt suddenly silly. “I’m sorry. What I mean is… all I meant to say,” “We make you a little uncomfortable, no?” Jackie was caught off guard by Ek-teen’s perceptive accusation. “Wh-what? You don’t.” Jackie wanted to tell her that Ek-teen, for her part, only made Jackie self-conscious, but didn’t know how to approach that. “Hah! Perhaps less than the others. But I still do, Jackie. And it’s alright. You’ve only ever lived among your own.” “Well… I knew some borrowers.” “Oh? Well that certainly explains some things…” Jackie was going to ask what she meant by that, but Ek-teen continued too quickly. “But now you know some nagas. And consider how many of them have ever tried to harm you.” Jackie did considered this. She also considered that the number of humans who had attempted to harm her numbered in the “many.” “I’m sorry. You make a point. But you have to admit,” Jackie started, slightly changing her tone to one of more casual air. “Hm-m-m?” “Nok-toon is scary!” “She is,” Ek-teen said with a grin. “But am I not?” “Not… to me. Though you’re definitely not one to be trifled with!” “Hm-m-m, I think I actually find that flattering. Now, come with me for a morning bath. It’s part of the daily routine.” Jackie blushed, and quickly gathered up her clothes and tucked Leo’s inside them, setting them on a small table near the pool. “Okay, ready when you are, Ek-teen.” “How about a ride for you, too, Jackie?” “What?” “I can’t just snatch you up like Flo-ren did Leo, but you can sit on my shoulders if you like.” “That… sounds fun.” Ek-teen lowered herself to the ground and allowed Jackie to timidly climb on. Jackie found that she could hook one leg over each of the naga’s shoulders and loop her arms around her head like a crown. She could only just see over top the large head. She felt a little childish, but there was little time for reflection on that before the naga was righting her posture and slithering at a speed that made Jackie hand on for dear life. “Not too tight now, your legs are quite strong,” Ek-teen warned. “Oops! Sorry!” Jackie stopped clamping the naga’s neck between her thighs like a vice. Ek-teen carried Jackie over to where the others she had met were bathing. Flo-ren and Flo-tess were stretched out afloat, Leo lying on the tail of the former. They were all backing close to Nok-toon. Jackie swallowed her fear and attempted to cheerfully greet them all, starting with the giantess Nok-toon. She had a lot on her mind, and she was really going to have to get past her little “aversion” to get it all sorted. They spent an hour or so bathing and relaxing before the little ones became impatient. Flo-ren had told Flo-tess that Jackie was going to be taking them hunting “her way,” and they were both eager to begin. So, once everyone had exited the reflecting pool, and Jackie and Leo had dried off, Jackie agreed to take the two little ones hunting in the direction of her stashed gear. She was willing to entertain the idea that she might come around to situational nudism, but still wanted her stuff back regardless. Additionally, she had hunting equipment in there and wanted to show the nagas how to trap and ensnare. Leo, Jackie, Flo-ren, and Flo-tess had made it to the little cave where Leo and Jackie had formally “met” by midday, and the four of them spent the next hour going over how to build and set traps, and where the best places to do that were. Once they were done, and Jackie explained that her method of hunting required returning over the following days and didn’t really involve much active “capturing” of prey, the young nagas’ interest began to wane, and they opted to show Leo and Jackie how they hunted. They, too, had spots quite like traps that they liked to check frequently, but the capturing process was much more actively hands on. They’d slither along with their torsos low, and their noses close to the ground until they crossed the path of a prey animal, and then would decide how fresh it was. If it was fresh, they’d follow it. If it was old, they’d wait by it until sundown and the animal that left the scent would likely be back along the same path at which point, they’d ambush it. The first path they picked up on was fresh, and so, they followed. Flo-ren often chastised Jackie for her loud footsteps as they followed the scent, and Leo quietly laughed at the polite correction each time. “Ms. Jackie!” she would whisper sternly. “Your feet! Must they be picked up and put down for every single step?” At one point Jackie sarcastically offered to simply slide her feet along without lifting them, but when she followed through on her mock suggestion, Flo-ren found it so ridiculous she began speaking gibberish until Flo-tess shooshed her. Apparently, they had discovered the prey. An unspoken agreement was reached between the pair of nagas, and they split up, slithering so low they could barely be seen. Leo and Jackie watched attentively as Flo-ren deliberately, but subtly, “got discovered” by the prey. The prey in question was, in fact, a large hair. It burst out of its hiding place in a dead sprint, and in a second, leapt right into the hands –and mouth—of Flo-tess, who had sprung out of seemingly nowhere to intercept the hapless creature. It never knew what hit it. One moment it was bounding along, and the next, its rear legs were kicking in the air as the young naga’s throat stretched effortlessly to accept a creature as large as her head. In a few quick gulps that ended with the rabbit’s feet frozen and sticking out straight while they slipped away, the poor creature was gone. Flo-tess licked her lips and sighed with satisfaction, falling sideways to the ground, and rubbing her tummy affectionately. Her companion quickly came to her side and rubbed her belly as well. It was very swollen with the size of the rabbit within. Jackie found it a little… too interesting. “Excellent catch, Flo-tess! That was a very good pounce. You were positioned exactly right!” “M-m-m, and you startled it in precisely the right direction, thank you, Flo-ren! We made that look very good for our friends.” “Was it yummy?” “Very! And I love the way rabbits feel when they kick a little on the inside…” Flo-tess said with visible pleasure. Leo felt just a little pity for the poor creature. He’d been in the belly of a naga just like that rabbit was in now, only, he’d been let out. He assumed the rabbit would not be. But just when he was putting it out of his mind, Flo-tess stopped rubbing her belly and looked to the other naga. “But, as it is, I don’t need it. Would you mind?” Flo-tess opened her mouth wide and with both hands, stretched her cheeks apart. Without a moment’s hesitation, Flo-ren reached into the other’s mouth with her hand and kept going. Leo and Jackie were dumbfounded. Flo-ren reached deeper and deeper until much of her arm was engulfed. She reached all the way down the throat, seemed to hesitate for a moment, smiled contentedly, and then pulled the rabbit back out by the ears. The rabbit was a little slimy and appeared to be paralyzed from fear, but otherwise seemed no worse for wear. Flo-ren kissed it on the head a few times and stroked its back until it appeared to liven up a little, and she carried it back into the brush, emerging empty handed. Leo thought he understood the reason for the exercise, but Jackie was just staring at the whole ordeal slack jawed. She was having very strange thoughts based on the display. “You, okay?” Leo said from her shoulder, shaking her from her trance. “Oh… yeah. Yeah, I’m fine. Just… why’d you spit it up?” Jackie asked of Flo-tess. “I fed a few weeks ago,” Flo-tess answered. “And… how many weeks can you go without eating?” “Depends on how active I am, but usually six to eight. It gets longer with age, as your growth slows and so does your metabolism.” “Yes,” Flo-ren chimed in, “it’s unfortunate how fast ours is at this age, but we can also take bigger prey! Well, bigger in a relative sense. We’re much more stretchy in our youth!” “Fast?” Jackie said, bewildered. “Whatever you guys say. Anyway, uh… that was pretty neat. What do you need to learn trapping and ensnaring for if you can hunt like that?” “We certainly don’t need to learn it. But it’s very interesting! And if we want to catch something when we aren’t hungry, say, to prepare for you or another human who must eat daily, then we’ll have more tools at our disposal,” said Flo-ren.” “I guess that’s fair. Can’t just scavenge eggs for three squares a day withing a convenient range,” Leo added. “Sure, I suppose,” Jackie began, “but just one more thing. Why’d you have to pull it out?” She asked, directing her question to Flo-ren. “We aren’t very good at bringing things back up on our own yet. We don’t have total control of the first stomach,” she answered. “But to be honest, just feeling Flo-ren do that when we train stimulates the necessary muscles. It’s all good practice, both for hunting and learning to control our bodies,” Flo-tess added. Jackie seemed content with the explanation. She wasn’t sure why nagas needed to know how to spit things up, but was glad to know they could, and didn’t want to ask any more questions. She didn’t want Leo giving her more side eye than he already was. “Now, come. Let us return to the cavern. It will start to get dark soon, and you two are due a second meal. Also, we are celebrating tonight.” “What’re we celebrating?” Leo asked. “Well, in part, adding new honorary members to our tribe. It’s a rare delight! But we will save the totality of those festivities for when your companion, Vela, returns safely from her journey. In the meantime, we are mostly celebrating a successful combat hunt with no casualties. That’s very auspicious! We cannot allow such a success to slip by unmarked. We will name the day, and commit it to our tribe’s annual traditions,” Flo-ren explained. As they began the trek back, Jackie and Leo picked the nagas’ brains for how they tended to celebrate special occasions. They learned that the nagas were fond of intoxication. Made sense. Most species were. Leo was particularly looking forward to a drink Flo-tess described. It was a kind of heady, dark wine with mint overtones. The nagas lacked the palette to knowledgably describe the flavors—merely the ingredients—but Leo was eager to try it, nonetheless. The nagas apparently also smoked some form of herb native to their mountain top. It was very difficult for nagas to retrieve it on their own because it simply got too cold up there for their kind to traverse. They could only fetch it on the middle of summer and then, only if it had been a mild winter. In that event, they’d send up some smaller nagas to gather it, and one of their larger members to carry it all back down. They were very fond of the weed-leaf, even though its virtues were inconsistent and depended on preparation. Sometimes it merely caused a pleasant, light-headed feeling. Other times, it had caused nagas to imagine strange visions and experience unique perspectives. Leo and Jackie both felt a little hesitant to try it, but inwardly, neither could deny that it sounded rather adventurous. After returning to the village in the cavern, Leo and Jackie learned that they were expected to soak for another hour with the rest of the community. Jackie and Leo made no complaints, figuring that there was no harm in being “too clean,” and once again made to bathe and soak with the nagas after eating another warm meal prepared by Flo-tess and Flo-ren under the instruction of Ek-teen. While they were bathing, Jackie asked a question Leo had also been mulling over; namely, where were all the naga men? Ek-teen had merely laughed and pointed to several, sort of androgenous looking, smaller nagas. Evidently there were plenty of men. Leo and Jackie just didn’t know how to look for them. Jackie made to ask, “what distinguished them as men,” but thought better of the question and decided to save it for a smaller audience at another time. After they’d spent an hour or so soaking, as the nagas seemed so fond of doing, Jackie and Leo got dressed again. This time, Jackie put on her own clothes. She was thankful to be wearing something that fit her well again and was very happy to have a real pair of shoes, as even though her feet were as tough as the rest of her, she very much preferred the feeling of protection and mobility that proper footwear offered. As the light coming through the sky hole began to dim and the torches were lit to counter it, they noticed there were many more sources of light on this evening. There were ropes with many lanterns strewn across the cavern, and there were even some paper lanterns set to float about the cavern freely. Ek-teen explained that nothing exposed in the cavern was flammable, really. So, when they were celebrating something, they liked there to be a lot of fire. The flames made all the nagas’ snake-halves glitter beautifully in the flickering light. Jackie had to admit to herself that she was getting used to seeing people slide about on titanic slithering snake bodies instead of legs. It wasn’t really their snake features that had perturbed her. Not entirely. To some extent, her eyes would frequently play tricks on her and it just looked like people were riding strange mounts until she realized there were no legs wrapped around them. No. It was a combination of their snake bodies and their size. She’d been having trouble adjusting to feeling “little.” But then, when she looked at Leo who seemed utterly at ease, this felt all the more ridiculous. She’d been warming up to Flo-ren and Flo-tess because even though they had mass on her overall with their tails, their torsos were those of women much slighter than she was. And ever since she’d first opened her eyes as a “woman” again and seen the form of the large naga gazing down at her tenderly, almost affectionately, she had been fond of Ek-teen. At first, Jackie hadn’t realized there was anything strange or different about her: just a woman there to greet her with a smile after days of violence and uncertainty. Being a werewolf was always so chaotic. There was some mild apprehension as her wits came back to her and she realized that her perspective was skewed and this woman was far too large to be human, and that was before she realized that she had dozens of feet worth of scaley tail to contend with. But the first impression was the lasting one and Ek-teen was a source of comfort. It even seemed fitting and proper that she had been the one to consume the leader of the band of thugs who had been chasing her across the countryside and into the mountains. Jackie recalled feeling the… remnants… of the man so deep within the serpentine tail and once again felt strange. It wasn’t because he was once a man, her kin, and had suffered a terrible fate. It was because she couldn’t help but imagine… something… involving Ek-teen. So, as Jackie sat gathered with Leo and several nagas around a small fire they’d started little ways off from the reflecting pool, her eyes grew a little wide as she saw the large form of the beautiful naga, Ek-teen, gliding swiftly around the pool to meet them. As she came into the light, Jackie admired the ceremonial garbs the woman had chosen to compliment her elegant, tall but slender features on this evening. She had realized that the nagas only wore clothing to fight or to look beautiful, and now she understood how that made a difference. She’d seen this woman’s naked human torso (while doing her best to avert her eyes from the surprisingly human genitalia at the waist) many times over the last couple of days, but sometimes it was about what you could not see, and the decorative, gold-plated, overlapping scales design of the top and bottom Ek-teen was wearing that only barely made her “decent” by human standards did a lot to accentuate her toned belly and cast golden reflections on her strong jaw. Jackie continued to rather obviously check her out until her eyes met with Ek-teen’s own, and she realized that her staring was surely known to the naga. Jackie’s cheeks flashed with heat, and she bashfully looked away for a moment before collecting herself and meeting the naga’s gaze again. “Good evening, Ek-teen. You’re looking…lovely,” Jackie said, attempting to sound casual. “Thank you very much, Jackie. As are you.” The two of them quietly stared at each other for a moment longer. It was long enough for Leo to comprehend that there was something strange between them going on. But before the stare became awkwardly eternal, a few nagas arrived, quietly as ever, but now loudly jostled a large stone basin. When they set it down, the ground shook. Gods their arms are like steel to be able to carry such a large stone even in a group of four, Leo thought. What was more, the stone was full of something special. “Ah! The gulkin has arrived! I cannot wait to sample this batch! Is it very strong, Bar-took?” Flo-tess asked of one of the naga who had carried the large canister up. He nodded. “Oh, yes. It’s a mighty mixture. I am sure it will be a fitting drink to mark the occasion,” the naga named Bar-took said in an assuring tone. “Oh, my yes! I’ve been dying to try this stuff!” Leo said enthusiastically. He produced a clean jar from his satchel. “One of you do me a favor and top me off!” “It would be my pleasure, little one!” Flo-tess said. She reached toward Jackie’s shoulder where Leo had taken to sitting and retrieved the small jar with delicate care. “And for you, Jackie?” “Y-y-y-yes. I think I’ll have a cup. I can’t tell you the last time I’ve had a good, stiff drink.” Flo-tess seemed delighted with this answer. There were several spigots from which to fill one’s cup, so the nagas had all formed as many lines around the giant basin to get their first fill. It wasn’t long before Flo-tess arrived back with Leo and Jackie’s respective cups. Leo watched with admiration as the naga deftly scooped Leo a full jar out from Jackie’s wooden cup. “I hope you won’t begrudge the borrower a drop, Jackie,” she said. “Not since it is only a drop, I suppose,” Jackie responded. They both accepted their cups graciously. Leo took a small, testing sip which he let sit on his tongue a moment before deciding how to “handle” the drink. He was glad he’d taken a small sip. The temperature was surprisingly cool, probably from being kept underground, but the substance was very boozy. It had its own heat. It tasted like a mixture of fermented fruits, but there was a decided bite of something stronger that made the substance burn a little. He swallowed it and it warmed his insides pleasantly. Jackie, who had not taken alcohol in more than a year, coughed initially from a much larger, less cautious gulp, much to the humor of those around her. She ignored their chuckles and took another, more careful sip, but still had to clear her throat after getting it down. “Wow, that’s some serious stuff!” She declared. “Like a fruity gin, but more full-bodied, almost like wine,” Leo followed up. Jackie nodded in agreement. “Not a drink I’d have thought to make. But it’s not bad!” Leo looked around at the nagas who all were waiting for their appraisal. They looked confused at the grade, “not bad.” “‘Not bad,’ is, ‘pretty good,’ guys,” he explained. Cheers resounded. Wooden cups were raised. Everyone drank in big gulps. Leo and Jackie both took another sip as well. Leo wondered what kind of tolerance nagas had, as a people who hardly had to eat. How well could they metabolize booze? He guessed he would soon find out and was determined not to be shown up. Borrowers were known for their drinking prowess insofar as they were known for anything besides stealing (if they were even known at all). They were all conversing and shouting merrily by their second round of gulkin, as it was called, and both Leo and Jackie were realizing that it was a dangerous brew for sure, not to be taken lightly. After a while, Ek-teen rose to her full potential height, erecting her snake body well above the crowd. She thanked everyone who had partaken in “dispelling” the violent intruders the other night. Leo remembered watching the larger naga warriors subduing and swallowing the hunters without much of a hassle and considered that “dispel” might be a misnomer for what had transpired. Ek-teen went on to say that it wasn’t a day of losses, as is always possible whenever conflict becomes necessity, but a day of gains, as they had added three members to their tribe as a consequence of rescuing them. All present cheered. Ek-teen named the three new members, “Jackie the moonchild, Leo the borrower, and Vela the nightwalker. They are all now entwined with us. And now I will name the day.” Everyone grew quiet, attentive to the name the day would be given to be celebrated annually. Ek-teen waited to dramatize the pause. Then, she continued. “The day, which will be celebrated on the night of the second new moon of every summer, will be the ‘New-Moon’s Dawn,’ for it was the second full moon of the summer that brought us Jackie as a wolf, the hunters, and Jackie’s companions, and it was the new moon which gave us Jackie as herself,” Ek-teen concluded. Everyone raised their glasses silently. “We drink to Jackie’s continued safety and health, and to that of her companions, for theirs is the health of the tribe!” Everyone cheered and emptied their cups. Everyone, that is, except for Jackie, who was dumbstruck at the announcement that the day was, in part, dedicated to her. She was stunned to silence until Leo elbowed her in the neck softly to get her attention. “Hey, girl! Lemme scoop another cup if you’re not gonna down it!” The borrower said playfully. Jackie stuttered for a moment, allowed Leo to dip his cup in her own, and then gathered herself. “I-I’m sorry. Cheers, little guy.” He slapped his cup into her own, spilling some, and they both took a big sip, but she didn’t finish the whole thing. She wasn’t trying to get too silly. She had more on her mind than ever and wanted to keep some of her wits about her. She wanted to thank Ek-teen for her words. For her kindness. For her role in rescuing the three of them. For everything. She wanted to convey her gratitude. But gratitude, truth be told, wasn’t the only thing the woman was aching to express. She looked around, and beyond all unlikelihood, couldn’t seem to spot the large naga in the crowd anymore. Where’s she gone? She wondered. But just as the question crossed her mind, she caught the most fleeting glimpse of Ek-teen exiting the cavern through a smaller opening in the back. Just then, Flo-tess and Flo-ten slid up on either side of Jackie. Flo-ren was holding two cups, one for herself and one for the human. “Oh, your cup isn’t empty!” She observed. “You’re a round behind!” Flo-tess followed. “What’s the matter, Jackie? It’s a party!” Leo jeered. Jackie looked into her cup at her own reflection in the dark drink. She made a decision, and suddenly decided she could use the liquid courage after all. She lifted the cup to her lips and gulped it down eagerly. “Ah-h! Wow, that stuff is getting smoother by the sip!” Jackie exclaimed. “That is the idea, Ms. Jackie!” Flo-ren said, taking Jackie’s empty cup and handing her the full one. “Suppose so! Say, um, Leo, would you be comfortable on your own for a bit?” Jackie suddenly asked looking at the borrower on her shoulder. Leo cocked an eyebrow but didn’t want to interrogate the woman. “Eh-h, sure? I guess. But I don’t wanna be on the ground with a bunch of drunken nagas sliding around!” “Oh! I will look after you, Leo!” Flo-tess shouted eagerly. “I will,” ur-r-p! “I will be a very responsible companion!” Leo laughed. He quickly concluded that he’d be as well off with her as anyone and consented to being put in her care. Flo-tess simply leaned forward and, with her hand on Jackie’s shoulder, let Leo walk up her arm. She shivered in delight at having the borrower settle on her shoulder by her straight black hair. “We will see to it he doesn’t get squished!” “Thank you! Sorry about this Leo. I’ll be back… in a while,” Jackie said. With no further explanation, she walked off in the direction she had seen Ek-teen exit the den. Leo was left wondering what was up with her, but as Flo-tess offered him to scoop more drink from her own, he shrugged it off. “This stuff is great!” He said. Truthfully, he’d really taken to the drink. “Just wait for the pothracan,” Flo-tess said. “What’s that?” “The ceremonial herb! It’s supposed to be a great batch this summer. We haven’t had any in a while! I just hope Jackie is back in time to get some before we burn it all.” “Well, her loss, I guess! In the meantime, let’s be merry! Introduce me to some friends!” Leo suggested. The two nagas yelped in delight and they punched into the crowed. Jackie exited the cavern and found herself in a small clearing before the forest closed back up. She focused in the near darkness, the daylight all but completely gone, and saw a trail that looked characteristic of frequent slithering by larger nagas and followed it into the dark woods. After a while, Jackie began to question taking this path, guessing she’d walked a couple of miles, but eventually, she came to another clearing. There were large, broad, flat rocks, and upon one of them, Ek-teen could be seen lounging on her back with a section of her own tail propping up her head. Her hands were clasped peacefully over her abdomen. “Good evening, Jackie. Were the festivities not to your liking? You didn’t even stay long enough to sample the breathing of this year’s pothracan,” she said without turning her head. Jackie briefly wondered how Ek-teen knew it was her, but then realized she was probably the only biped with audible footsteps for miles. “No, that’s not it. I’m sure that’s… gonna be fun. I just… I wanted to see you. I wanted a chance to talk to you.” “You’ve seen and talked to me plenty.” “Not alone,” Jackie said too quickly. The naga’s eyes opened. She turned her head to gaze upon the human. “Alone? Is there something on your mind, Jackie?” The large naga asked attentively. Jackie didn’t know how to answer. Start small. “Do you mind if I sit with you a bit?” “Please, make yourself comfortable. Plenty of room.” Ek-teen patted herself on her own coils next to where she lay. Jackie chewed her lip, then proceeded to climb upon the rock and settled down beside the inhumanly large torso of the woman, leaning against the cool, firm but forgiving flesh of her tail. She thought for a minute before finally speaking. “Thank you for everything you’ve done for us.” “I’m hardly the only one, nor the most generous one whom to thank for your current well-being, Jackie,” the naga said softly. “I know. I have a lot to be thankful for. But I wanted to thank you personally. Also, for what you said back there. I’m not sure I fully grasp the gravity of establishing a new ‘tribal holiday,’ but I feel like I just received a great honor.” “The honor, my friend, was the opportunity you gave us all to rise to the occasion and prove ourselves brave and strong.” “You’re definitely both of those things, and more,” Jackie said, and as she did, her left hand slipped off the cup she’d been cradling in her lap and reached up to stroke the scales behind her head. The gesture did not go unnoticed, and the scaly flesh twitched a little under her light touch. Jackie marveled at the amount of precise muscle control the enormous woman possessed. “You’re much more,” she said quietly. “I’m… flattered to know you think so highly of me, Jackie,” Ek-teen said with a tone that asked without asking: “what do you mean, ‘more?’” Jackie felt compelled to say something else, but she found her throat to suddenly feel very dry. Her right hand clasped the handle of her cup more tightly. She raised the rim to her lips and took a big gulp of the gulkin. It soothed her nerves. It felt warm all the way down. She took a deep breath before blurting the first thing on her mind without thinking. “Ek-teen, would you ever consider… eating me?” Jackie asked. She felt the section of tail behind her stiffen up, Ek-teen’s whole body tensing slightly at the unexpected question before it slowly softened again. There was a moment of utter quiet in which Jackie wished a swift death upon herself to spare her the humiliating fallout of asking such a stupid thing of her benefactor. “Oh…” Ek-teen muttered after a bit. Jackie thought it sounded a little… defeated? Disappointed? It was hard to tell from one sullen syllable. “I’m… I’m sorry. I just…” “It’s fine, dear. I… I understand what you know my kind are capable of, and what… we’ve done… but I genuinely didn’t think that was a fear of yours. I believed you thought better of… us,” Ek-teen said. Jackie knew she meant to say, “thought better of me.” And now it was clear that Ek-teen was saddened at the question. “Wait, I didn’t mean-” Jackie began, but Ek-teen interrupted. “I would never harm anyone who didn’t deserve it, and even then, deserving or not, I’d never harm you, Jackie. So, no. I’d never eat you. “Ek-teen, you don’t understand, what I meant to ask was—" “And besides,” Ek-teen continued, apparently not wanting to hear Jackie attempt to backpedal on the unconscious wound the naga perceived she had doled out, “you’re a child of the moon. You’re not digestible. It’s not as if nagas’ stomachs secrete liquid silver, is it? So, I frankly don’t understand your nonsensical preoccupation with-” “EK-TEEN!” Jackie shouted. The naga fell silent. She looked both surprised and a little hurt. Jackie clearly understood what she had done wrong and the misunderstanding she had caused. She cleared her throat and steeled herself to be more concise. There was no going back now. The naga’s feelings were too hurt. “What I meant to ask was, would you be willing to eat me if I asked you to?” The naga was stunned again. This time she grew more tense than before. “Oh!” She said again. This time much with no mystery in the syllable’s meaning. “So you’re not… you’re not afraid of us?” “I’m not afraid of you, if that’s what you’re really asking,” Jackie said. Ek-teen blushed as dark a red as her ventral bands at having the generalization refocused to pertain directly to her. Jackie wasn’t afraid of her, specifically. “That’s… a relief. I was a little hurt. I misunderstood.” “I get it. Don’t worry about it any of it,” Jackie said, loosely referring to the whole conversation, but Ek-teen wasn’t about to let the issue slip away. “Why, though?” She asked frankly. Now Jackie was blushing. She looked down. “It… seems like it could be… kinda… good.” She said. The naga’s eyes narrowed. “Kind of good?” “Yeah. Like it would feel good.” “Good in what way?” “Um… like… ya know…,” Jackie was a little out of her depth, as she hadn’t counted on having to defend her position. She thought it would just be understood. But now she had to explain herself and she was flailing. “I mean… Leo and Vela… and Nok-toon… the way he described it… I just thought…” “You’re… curious?” “I am.” Jackie was determined to look anywhere but up at the naga right now, so she flinched a little when she felt the soft touch of a giant hand against her right side, pulling her gently closer to the massive torso. “Jackie. There’s no need to be bashful. What you’re asking isn’t exactly a lot. I just want to understand. May I… lift you up?” “Y-yes!” Jackie said, standing quickly. The naga’s right hand was almost large enough for the fingers to wrap all the way around the muscular woman’s waist, but the way she opted to lift Jackie was much gentler. She slid her index and middle fingers under Jackie’s left armpit, hooked her pinky and ring fingers under her butt, and brought her thumb softly against her chest just below her breasts like a harness. She softly lifted once Jackie wrapped an arm around her fingers securely. Ek-teen lifted Jackie slowly and placed her on her bare belly just above the cloth covering of her ceremonial garments. Jackie tested her footing and deemed it too unstable for standing, and shakily settled down into a cross-legged sit. Ek-teens grip unfurled, but her hand didn’t depart. Instead, it simply rested behind Jackie and provided her something to lean back against which proved helpful as Ek-teen sat up a little. They stared at each other for a minute before Ek-teen broke the silence. “You know… I didn’t slip out of the party to be alone,” the naga said quietly. “No? Then why’d you steal away?” Jackie asked, thinking she knew the answer. “I hoped you might come looking for me. I’ve been getting some… interesting signals from you.” “Is… is that so?” Jackie’s breathing was getting a little labored. This sudden conversational diversion from the previous subject was making her feel exhilarated. “Yes. And when you actually did come looking for me, I was sure you were going to ask me something, but not that. So, when that’s what you asked, I was a little thrown.” “What… did you think I was going to ask you?” Jackie’s heart was pounding. “I thought you were going to ask me to make love,” Ek-teen said coolly. Jackie shuddered with the thrill of hearing such a beautiful, titanic woman even mention the act of love making with her having been in her thoughts. Jackie gulped hard, suddenly realizing she’d dropped the cup and whatever was left of her drink as she was being picked up, which was unfortunate considering how dry her throat suddenly felt. “W-would you…?” “Would I what?” “Want to?” “Yes. Considerably,” Ek-teen said as her thumb came back around and lightly brushed the underside of Jackie’s left breast. She shivered, leaning into the soft digit, even grasping it with her right hand to dissuade it from ceasing the subtle caress. Jackie was swooning. She didn’t know what had gotten into her. Surely this wasn’t just the gulkin taking. She hadn’t had enough for that, though she was thankful for the slight edge it had removed from her nerves. She’d been wanting to get Ek-teen alone all day. “Me too. I want to. I want you,” she said in almost a whimper. “Then why…” Ek-teen said as her fingers curled up around the woman’s torso and slowly began sliding her up the abdomen towards her giant face, “didn’t you ask me that? Why ask if I’d eat you ‘at your request?’” Jackie thought back to her conversation with Leo and what he had said to justify his proclivities. “I think it would be erotic,” Jackie said. Ek-teen smiled subtly and cocked an eyebrow. “To be eaten?” “To be inside you!” Jackie blurted. Ek-teen gasped, momentarily losing her composure. She gathered herself and grinned. “Okay, yes… I agree. And I do want you… inside of me… oh my goodness is that delectable to say out loud!” If Ek-teen had enjoyed saying it, Jackie loved hearing it even more. Just the feeling of being wanted by this woman was making Jackie feel levels of arousal she’d forgotten existed. The giant thumb brushed over her breasts, softly rubbing her nipple on its way by. Jackie’s back arched as she moaned quietly. Her body ached for more. “What’re we waiting for, Ek-teen?” The giantess naga froze as her eyes grew wide. She chewed her lip. Then, her grip grew a little tighter as she slowly drew a very deep breath. Jackie didn’t mean to be pushy, but she was secretly a little afraid of losing her nerve. She wanted to ride this arousal high while her head was still light and loose. “Come, have a taste…” Jackie said, rubbing the Ek-teen’s thumb and her own chest. The giant hand moved quickly, the second one joining it. One under the other, fingers splayed, they were almost Jackie’s height. The naga’s right hand lifted her torso while the left went under her legs, and together they brought the surprised and thrilled Jackie rapidly toward the eager face of Ek-teen, whose long tongue was already sliding past her parted lips. As she was lifting Jackie, her right thumb hooked under her top and lifted it, exposing the woman’s midriff. The naga extended the tip of her tongue and it contacted Jackie’s bare flesh for the first time. Her pronounced abdominal muscles spasmed and flexed hard under the foreign feeling of being tasted by such a large, slick organ. Jackie had subconsciously expected the tongue to be a scaled-up version of her own and therefore bumpy and a little rough with textured taste buds, but it was surprisingly slick and smooth. It felt wonderful. The tongue became narrower and extended dexterously, sliding up the front of Jackie’s top and sticking between her breasts. Jackie writhed and twisted her torso to the right, subconsciously repositioning herself under the tip of the tongue so it would touch her left nipple, which was still hard from the prior fondling by the naga’s thumb. Her goal was easily achieved and the feeling of having her sensitive nipple licked by the delightful tongue was electric. Jackie flinched away from it due to a temporary overstimulation. But she immediately brought both hands up and held the tongue against her breast hard, determined to endure the fullness of the feeling and all its pleasures. The tongue, however, slipped away. Its owner retracted it with a wet slurping sound and smiled through closed lips. Ek-teen’s eyes had been closed too. They fluttered open lazily, blinking a few times as if to clear a haze. “You’re… seriously good enough to eat, cute, little Jackie…” Ek-teen said appraisingly. This made Jackie really melt. She was a tall, brawny, powerful woman and didn’t at all mind being perceived as such, but in the hands of this naga she was this cute, yummy doll, and something about being made to feel that way in an adoring manner was really pressing her buttons. It was unusual, but very welcomed. The naga leaned in and smelled Jackie, running her nose against her body from waist to neck before kissing her square on the face. “And your smell… so many pheromones. You’re positively revving to go aren’t you, dear?” Jackie vigorously nodded in the affirmative. “Well then, only thing stopping me is that cloth.” Jackie immediately pulled her top off and let it fall away carelessly. She then kicked off her shoes and stuck her thumbs into her trousers, wiggling her hips until her bare ass was in the naga’s palm. Ek-teen ate her with her eyes. She’d seen Jackie’s naked body before when the girl changed back from a werewolf and during baths, but this time was different. This time she was naked for her. And this time they were both very much aroused, and Jackie’s tanned, scarred skin was flushed red all over like a whole-body blush, her nipples erect, and her lush mound soaked. Her chest was rapidly expanding and deflating with every excited breath. Her lips were parted and pouting. Her silvery hair was messy with sweat. Ek-teen had a lot in store for the little human if she was up for it all. She was big for a woman. She was fit as a fiddle, but her muscles bulged, and she was taller than some men. Ek-teen hadn’t eaten many humans. She’d never had anyone quite this beefy if she was being honest. But looking at the strong, meaty woman made Ek-teen imagine feeling her fill her up, and not just her stomach. She’s going to feel so good inside me. The naga’s tongue slid back out subconsciously as she was compelled to taste Jackie again. Seeing it coming, Jackie had the strange urge to brace herself. Now naked, she felt like she’d completely given herself over to this woman for the taking. Her eyes grew wide as some primal instinct instructed her that a huge naga coming in for a lick was somehow a bad thing, but then the tongue once again made contact, this time with the outside of her left ankle. It slid across her skin smoothly as it worked its way up and across her shins, and it brushed the inside of both thighs, parting her legs slightly as the tip squished her labia in passing. Bliss. “Gods…” Jackie gasped with a squeak. Ek-teen chuckled but continued the lick until her tongue flicked both of Jackie’s breasts and finished with a kiss on her face. She then opened her mouth inhumanly wide for Jackie to peer into, amazed. Am I really going in there? It’s so dark and tight looking! Jackie thought. She wasn’t backing down. But her mind went to Leo. This seemed a little scary, no doubt about it. And he was so small! But perhaps it was a little less intimidating when it wasn’t quite so tight! As if to punctuate her thoughts, Ek-teen suddenly swallowed open-mouthed with a loud gluck! Jackie’s eyes were wider than an owl’s. She was suddenly unsure if she’d even fit as she struggled to imagine that happening with her inside. Ek-teen, meanwhile, was eying Jackie attentively as she put her maw on display for the woman. She wanted to give her a neat display of what she was asking for. As she assessed the expression, she thought she saw excitement, not fear. The woman certainly smelled excited if nothing else, and those chemicals didn’t tell lies. Ek-teen was convinced she was correct when she saw Jackie reach out with her right hand to touch the smooth surface of her tongue past the threshold of her lips and teeth. She rubbed the inside of her mouth and Ek-teen thought she heard Jackie whisper, “so soft and warm.” Ek-teen hadn’t been sure how Jackie would actually react to playing out her initial request. But now she believed Jackie knew what she wanted, and she saw no point in delaying any longer. She had a lot she wanted out of her night. Best get started. She moved Jackie into her mouth. As the world grew a little dimmer and the black pit at the back of the steamy maw leapt forward, Jackie suffered a temporary, total termination of thought. She watched as her hand slid against the slick tongue and moved toward the back. Her head cleared the plump lips. In the blink of an eye, she was watching her hand squeeze into the tightness of the dark throat. Her head bumped into the back. It was angled down, her chin tucking tightly into her chest, and she stared into total blackness, unable to even see her right arm and hand that went before her. She felt the throat muscles flex and she was pulled in a couple of feet, her butt bumping into the upper lip that was now stretched taught. The whole mouth was stretching to accept her. It was also squeezing. It was tight. She began to worry she couldn’t breathe even though her breaths were coming faster by the second. Jackie thought she might hyperventilate. It was too much, too fast. “Wait… wait, WAIT!” She cried, and with her left arm she began to thrash and grope for a handhold. The throat momentarily became even tighter as she felt it constrict around her, but she did not proceed deeper. She was merely being held in place as she felt another form of pressure applied to her legs. Before she could make sense of it, she was yanked back out and lied soaked and sputtering in the palms of Ek-teen’s hands. The naga looked very concerned. “Are you okay?” She asked frantically. “Are you hurt?” “No,” Jackie said, and coughed. As she caught her breath, she repeated. “No, no, I’m fine. Just. I wasn’t ready for how tight it was going to be. I just wasn’t ready.” “Do… would you prefer to table this endeavor for now, or…?” “No! Sorry. No. I still want to do this,” Jackie interjected. Truthfully, at this point Jackie wasn’t entirely sure why she wanted to see this through. It hadn’t been quite what she’d imagined. If it was too scary, why push it? But for some reason she felt compelled to continue, as if backing down now would be a reproach of Ek-teen, and it would make Jackie feel oddly defeated. No, she wanted to try this. I want to know what it’s really like. “Okay, Jackie. But…” Ek-teen hesitated. “If it’s just a matter of… you wanting to be eaten, I imagine… well… Nok-toon would probably be happy to facilitate and she’s much bigger than I am, so, it might prove more comfortable,” she suggested. Ek-teen was sure she’d be able to swallow her herself now that she’d had her that deep inside, but she’d never had to spare a thought for the comfort of whatever creatures she sent sliding down into her depths and truthfully didn’t know if there was any way to satisfy Jackie’s request in a way that was mutually pleasurable. Jackie’s face went blank for a moment as she imagined being consumed by the enormous Nok-toon. She blinked the visage away and wore a stern look. “It’s not just about experiencing it, Ek-teen. I like you. I want to do this with you—be inside you. We can pull this off. I’ll be okay. Just give me a minute,” Jackie said in defense of her insistence. Ek-teen was about to suggest alternative means for getting the human inside her if that’s all she wanted when Jackie said, “Okay. Headfirst is no good.” Jackie put her feet together and raised them up off Ek-teen’s palm, making an obvious offer of them to the large naga. “Feet first it is,” she finished, trying to sound confident and suggestive. She wanted to restore the mood. Ek-teen glanced at the human’s little feet and then back to her eyes understandingly. “You’re still set on this?” “Don’t you want to?” “I’m quite sure I’ll enjoy consuming you, Jackie…” Ek-teen licked Jackie’s feet playfully and the woman giggled a little. “Okay. We’ll give it one more go.” “I’ll be okay. I’m sure it’s safe. I’ll just get a little squished.” “Are you reassuring me, or yourself? I personally love the feeling of being overfull…” Jackie blushed at the naga’s words. “You think I’ll be satisfying?” “I know it. You just have to let me do my thing and get… you… down,” Ek-teen said, swallowing at the end and rubbing her tummy. “You’ll be right here, and you’ll make my first stomach very distended. But you’ll fit.” As Ek-teen finished her little speech, Jackie felt herself getting worked up again. Her heartrate was increasing at the idea, and she was staring at the naga’s midsection wondering how big a bump she’d make. “Okay. Let’s do this. Slurp me up…” “M-m-m, alright. Hands at your sides, girl. I’ll try to make this gentle, smooth, and as quick as can be painless.” Jackie did as she was told, and Ek-teen raised her above her head in both hands and began to feed the woman to herself feetfirst. Her jaw fell open and once again her long tongue rolled out and hung low. The tip of it could extend so far that she began to lick the inside of Jackie’s thighs immediately after the woman’s feet touched the base of it within the steaming maw. Ek-teen didn’t slurp her up all at once. She paused a moment to suck on the woman’s legs while her tongue wrapped around them and teased her playfully. Then, she deliberately forced her tongue between Jackie’s thighs and flicked it once more across her now extremely sensitive vagina. Far from a precise probe, it was still more than sufficient to elicit a happy moan from the human as she shivered and squirmed while doing her best to remain still. But Ek-teen was in a teasing mood now, and she continued “accidentally” licking Jackie’s most sensitive area. “Oh-h-h, Ek-teen! You… ugh! You know exactly what you’re doing…” Jackie complained, and her right hand left her side and moved over to rub herself. Ek-teen chuckled throatily at the success she was having and redoubled her efforts. She really wanted to get Jackie going before taking her any deeper this time. She wanted the woman focused on the pleasure aspects she had envisioned in all this instead of letting her head ruin it by focusing on little pesky things like claustrophobia. The naga began a more concentrated, less coy attack on Jackie’s now dripping vagina, and the woman began to twitch and buck a little more wildly, her fingers occasionally slipping inside of herself for a few plunges before getting out of the giant tongue’s way and making quick circles on her clitoris again. She’s eating me out before she eats me. This is so amazing. I’m not sure how much more of her touch I can take. It’s been so long. She tried to tell the naga to slow down but found herself incapable of forming coherent words. As Jackie’s attempts at speech became erratic gasps and moans, Ek-teen made a decision. She closed her lips around the waist of the struggling woman and sucked on her legs while her tongue made a few final aggressive passes at her deliciously dripping arousal that was edging closer and closer to bursting and spilling over with every passing moment. Jackie’s legs took up Ek-teen’s entire mouth. Her feet were pinned against one another, already inside the snug throat, and her knees were bent at about the back of her tongue where it began to taper off into the drop. Jackie’s thighs took up the entire length of Ek-teen’s mouth. Even as she prepared to initiate the first of what would be several pulls, Ek-teen could tell this position would be much more ideal. Jackie was so close she was making nonsensical whimpering noises. So, she was only vaguely aware when the mouth that was bringing her so much pleasure began to become more active. In her foggy mind, it was only logical that as she drew near her peak, the mouth would finish with her, in a manner. Then, it occurred to her what that meant, but she didn’t care. She threw her head back and cried out with delight as she felt her butt pop over the bottom lip and her feet inter the tightness that seemed to dreadful before, but now it felt outstanding. She wanted to feel that tightness envelop her entirely. She desired to feel it quickly creeping up her body, swallowing her. She froze for a moment, two of her fingers being squeezed by the compulsively twitching muscles of her own vaginal canal. She was willing the final wave to wait just a few tantalizing seconds. She opened her eyes and looked up at Ek-teen, whose eyes were also locked on her face. Jackie simply nodded aggressively three times. It was the closest thing to a resounding “yes” she could muster. The pressure on her feet and ankles increased and Jackie felt it roll up her legs past her knees and bear down on her thighs in almost the same instant. She remembered at the last possible second to flatten her left hand against her hip, but as for her right hand, she thought she could get away with leaving it where it was. The second wave of squeezing, soft, but irresistible pressure came, and her spine arched drastically as her butt went over the edge. At the end of that surge, Jackie found that she was being held tightly by smooth, taught flesh all the way up to her shoulders. Her head was taking up all the space in the back of the throat. Her fingers began sliding in and out of herself again as Ek-teen gulped once more and for the final time. With a loud glek that echoed in the open, empty mouth, Jackie disappeared. Her ears were blocked by the tightness of the throat that rapidly slid past them on either side. All she could hear was a muffled series of guttural sounds and the surprisingly slow but seemingly omnipotent thud of the enormous heart somewhere close by. Jackie found herself holding her breath and clenching her jaw as she took the plunge, the fingers she was using to pleasure herself dug in deep and curled forward hard, almost pressed back into her own palm through her vagina’s front wall. Her g-spot being squeezed as tightly as the rest of her body, the climax was as primed as it possibly could be. So, the moment the pressure eased up a little and Jackie felt her feet hit resistance while she was deposited into the stomach of her giant friend and she was forcibly curled into the fetal position, she began to scream and thrash from total orgasmic delight, pushing desperately against the slick folds that bound her snugly in place with her almost inhuman strength in an effort to freely writhe from the intensity of the completion. On the outside, Ek-teen marveled at the enormity of the bulge Jackie made within her first stomach. But before she could adjust to it, the bulge spread out and squirmed magnificently. The naga cried out and placed both hands on her belly, curling up in a subconscious attempt to quell the fury of the woman within. It hurt a bit, but it was a novel hurt— a good hurt. No doubt this was the largest and strongest “prey” she had ever ingested, and it felt profound to feel the human put up such a delicious struggle, especially since Ek-teen understood the struggle was just the result of a doubtlessly outstanding orgasm that she had helped to bring about. She couldn’t lie and say she didn’t suffer an urgent impulse to relieve herself of the feeling by squeezing the human through the next tight sphincter, out from her less powerful first stomach and into the much larger, deadlier second one beneath. That’s what she was accustomed to doing with such large, violent animals once swallowed, and it always felt sublime to experience that sudden release that led to such deep fullness. But Jackie was no animal, and Ek-teen was old enough to be more than capable of resisting such compulsions. The woman would calm down momentarily. Ek-teen closed her eyes and rested her hands loosely on the squirming bulge and enjoyed the turmoil, riding it out. She’s climaxing so violently just from entering me. This really is all quite arousing… Ek-teen mused. Jackie continued in her throes of desperate self-pleasure while the walls around her were stretched to their limits by her spastic struggles. It was a sensual overload that she hadn’t really been prepared for. Oh, how she wished that somehow, she could still feel Ek-teen’s tongue upon her labia while she was wrapped up and embraced tightly by the same naga’s stomach. Images of the whole experience were racing through her brain as not one, but two orgasms rolled by. The second was not nearly so explosive as the first, characterized by gasping and twitching just a little more than she had been as she came down from the initial one. Finally, the tension in her limbs seemed to give out as if a marionette had been unstrung. As her body slackened, she curled up into a tighter ball than before, because she was finally succumbing to the elasticity of the stomach around her. Jackie sighed deeply as her breathing caught up to her, and she slowly calmed down and became aware of the more subtle aspects of her environment. It wasn’t oppressively hot or even very difficult to breathe as she had assumed. That wasn’t to say it was cool. But Jackie thought it was, perhaps, a few degrees below her own, natural internal temperature. It was pitch black, though that wasn’t a trifle, but a relaxing thing. Her ears were stimulated by many sounds of the naga’s internal systems busying about her, and there was always that slow, steady, powerful thudding of the naga’s powerful heart. Above all, it was slick. Jackie was covered from head to toe in thick slime, but it didn’t burn. She presumed this stuff wasn’t meant for flesh. Her hair was stuck to her face in thick clumps from it all. She rubbed herself with her hands to get a feel for it. It was strange, but not at all unpleasant. After a few minutes of what qualified as stillness when compared to the prior chaos, Jackie heard the somewhat muffled voice of her benefactor coming through the stomach walls. “Jackie, are you able to understand me clearly?” Ek-teen asked. Jackie perked up at the sound of the naga’s soft voice. “Yes, I can hear you!” She said, rather loudly. “I can hear you as well,” Ek-teen said, rubbing the large belly bump affectionately. Now that the woman had calmed down, she was finally starting to get used to the feeling of being stretched so much for so long. Normally she’d never have put up with it. “Ek-teen, I don’t think I’ve ever felt that… sexy!” Jackie confessed. “Really now? What do you mean?” “I don’t know. Just, I’ve never felt that physically turned on, and I’ve never felt like anyone was so into me as when I was in your mouth. Your tongue…” Jackie shivered at the recent memory of being tasted by the massive organ and felt a thrill of sensuality scorch through her. “Your tongue is something else.” Ek-teen felt immensely flattered at the woman’s praise. She was very pleased to have facilitated such a singular, top-tier experience. She felt very fond of the human. “What about the rest? Did you enjoy it? Was being swallowed everything you’d hoped?” “Getting inside of you was more than I’d dreamed. Being in you now is wonderfully relaxing. I see what Leo was getting at. You eating me was very erotic. What’s it like having me inside you?” “I have to admit, it’s getting more thrilling by the second. It was a little intense at first, but now that I’ve adjusted to you, I feel extremely satisfied. Your words are really resonating with me, Jackie. I just love hearing how good it was and still is for you. I’ll confess, when I directed Vela to Nok-toon the other night, I did so as a good host and tribal matriarch. She was the obvious match for such a thing, and it would have been selfish and silly for me to take it on just because I was curious… but I was a little jealous, especially when Leo volunteered to go in as well. It was only worsened when I realized they all derived such pleasure from it, and my curiosity increased. But even though a small seed of desire was planted, and I found the concept intriguing, I never would have suggested it… because out of your group, I found you the most attractive, Jackie, and I’d never have dreamt it would be something you’d go in for,” Ek-teen confessed. Jackie was a little shocked at the long divulgence. But once it sunk in that Ek-teen had fancied her the most of her trio, all she really felt was gratitude and flattery. It was a little difficult for her to accept that she was “most desired” of any group, let alone one so unique as hers. She understood why someone might be more interested in her than a four and some change inch tall borrower for practical reasons, but who could possibly compare to Vela? Jackie’s cheeks were deep red. She didn’t really know what to say. “Well, I obviously went in for it…” she said. The naga smiled. “You certainly did. I’m really glad you did.” “Ek-teen… you should… let me out.” “Why, aren’t you comfortable?” “I am. I really am. But… you just made me feel very special, and I’m gonna have a hard time paying you back from in here… if you know what I mean…” Jackie said implicitly. Ek-teen understood. It was everything she’d hoped to hear. Her heart fluttered and she felt almost nervous at the mere thought. “Oh my… very well. Let me get you out of there. I’d say hold on tight, but you’re about to be held onto tightly…” Ek-teen said. She leaned forward and cupped her hands in front of her face and started a series of undulations that could be seen as a sort of “rolling” from her waist up to her stomach from the outside. As the waves reached the stomach, each a little more intense than the last, the bulge was forced up underneath the naga’s ribs until it disappeared. Ek-teen’s face turned a little red from the exertion, but soon enough, her neck expanded, followed by her jaw, and then her mouth opened extremely wide while Jackie’s head emerged from her taught lips. Ek-teen caught Jackie in her hands and extracted her from her mouth with startling swiftness. One moment, Jackie had been inside the stomach being squeezed from all sides harder than ever before, and seconds later she was lying facing upwards in the naga’s hands, gazing into her watery eyes. Ek-teen shivered and set Jackie back down on her belly while she rubbed her throat and the sides of her jaw, clearly a tad bit sore from passing the woman through them twice in such short order. “Sorry, I’m not used to such a large meal,” Ek-teen teased, wiping some moisture from her eyes. “And at that, I usually only have to deal with passing it once every few months, not twice in under an hour.” “Well… thanks for dealing with the consequences for me…” Jackie said, a little sorry for having caused any discomfort to the naga. “I… saw one of the little one’s pull a rabbit out of the other’s stomach earlier today and thought… ya know… I’d be no sweat for you,” Jackie said. “Ha! Oh, did you, now? Interesting source of inspiration. Well. It’s alright. I’m honestly not sure which of us would suffer more from the alternative.” “You mean… if you were to have passed me along into your… second stomach.” “Yes. There’s no way you’d be able to pass all the way through me, and I’m sure I’m incapable of digesting you, but I’m also certain my body’s attempt to do so would be very unpleasant for you as well, to say the least.” Jackie considered the naga’s words carefully. She imagined what it would be like to slide into a presumably larger, more potently acidic chamber that was able to maim, but not kill her. She considered the long-term consequences for herself and her host. It wouldn’t be good. Still though… “It… would be bad. Of course. But… not at first, I suspect,” Jackie said meekly.” “Now why would you think that?” Ek-teen asked with renewed interest. “Being squeezed through another of your entrances and ending up in a deeper, more remote part of your body with more room to move around doesn’t sound all bad…” Jackie said. Ek-teen’s jaw dropped as she sharply drew breath. But she recovered quickly. “Oh, but Jackie, I have just the place for you, and it doesn’t come with any of the inherent risks associated with the place you had in mind… in fact…” Ek-teen’s hands moved behind where Jackie was seated on her belly and both slid under the gold-plated sheet that covered her most sensitive region, “it’s perfectly safe for both of us, and I’m more eager to have you get acquainted with it than I’ve ever wanted to consume anything even at my most famished state.” Jackie was almost startled at the naga’s erotic candor. “You have… another hunger I can satisfy?” “Hungrier than I’ve ever been… if only you knew,” Ek-teen said in her most sultry voice yet. Jackie was already planning on somehow reciprocating what the naga had done for her sexually, but Jackie was almost the length of Ek-teen’s forearm, so she’d never imagined the naga’s current implication was an option. All of me? Now she was aching to see just how happy she could make her host. But she was learning that she enjoyed building anticipation, so she verbally pressed the naga’s buttons. “And just how singular is this hunger? How long since you’ve… sated it?” Jackie asked. Ek-teen appeared to consider this question seriously. “Decades, Jackie,” she said. Jackie was shocked. She’d taken the nagas, in general, as a highly promiscuous species with a frequent penchant for pleasuring one another. So, why had it been so long since Ek-teen had been gratified? No matter. This wasn’t the time to ask such questions. Whatever the reason, she was determined to see to it the naga’s needs were met. “Decades? You… must really want this.” “Jackie, I don’t know if it’s because of what we’ve just done, or because of how novel and amazing what I anticipate what we’re about to do is, but never even minding how long it’s been, I’ve never wanted or needed it like I do right now. So… please…” The naga’s hands disappeared from view behind her back and her top fell away, exposing her relatively slight breasts to Jackie before the giant hands swiftly went south and removed the elegant “loincloth” that had hung over her privates, “please, give me that strong body. Let’s really entwine.” Jackie turned to look back at the naga’s lower torso where it transitioned into her snake-self. Right at the hips, where legs should have started, there was a clean line where her tanned skin turned into a matrix of scales that arched downward below her abdomen and suddenly stopped near the middle where the naga’s womanhood began. Jackie hadn’t allowed herself to stare at this region for long before but had noticed at a glance that it looked rather similar for both the women and the apparent men amongst the nagas—like simple labia on the surface. Ek-teen’s were a little lighter than the rest of her human skin, and they extended probably two feet into the scaly section of her tail before the scales once again took over. If there really was an anatomical difference between the men and the women, Jackie supposed it took place behind these lips. In part, she was nervous about finding out the differences between Ek-teen’s anatomy and her own by experiencing it blindly. But then, she’d been swallowed by the naga, and it had been exquisite, and the naga had told her that this would more or less reflect what Jackie had described as desirable about hypothetically entering her second stomach, and that’s roughly what Jackie would expect of what was essentially a giant vagina, only Ek-teen’s must be proportionately much deeper. Come on, Jackie, you know you’ll love it even if it’s just because it gets Ek-teen off, so just go for it! She thought. In truth, she was physically consumed by lust for the naga now. She’d probably have gone in for it even if it were covered in spikes or something, though Jackie was quite thankful that didn’t appear to be the case. Jackie took a deep breath and got to her feet. She took a few shaky steps down the naga’s abdomen, but found the footing became more stable as she got to the waistline where the skin turned to scales. She quickly knelt before the large slit and placed her hands on either side of it. She envisioned herself just diving right in headfirst but knew better. Firstly, she knew that she preferred to go in feetfirst for this sort of thing now. Secondly, that would be no fun. Slow is better. She placed her right hand along the inside edge of the naga’s left labia and softly stroked it. The abdominal muscles below her twitched and somehow shifted Jackie further down. She once again marveled at the naga’s inhuman muscle control. She placed both hands on the labia and attempted to spread them, but try as she might, and despite her considerable human strength, she wasn’t very successful. That said, the efforts drew a gasp and a hiss from her friend behind her. “Oh, Jackie… it feels amazing just to be touched… there.” “I can relate, though not to the extent I’m sure you feel. I’m… eager to make you feel good. How… should we…?” Jackie began to ask. “Together, I think, is how we’ll have the most luck proceeding with this… I haven’t been penetrated in so long that I’m… concerned you won’t be able to get very far alone. Here… let me just…” the naga’s hands approached from either side and settled down beside either labium. The large fingers pressed and spread, and Jackie gawked at what she saw. Even in the dark of night, the flesh inside shone light pink and reflected wetly. There were thick strands of sticky fluids connecting the walls of the tunnel to each other. There didn’t appear to be anything resembling a clitoris, but when she reached back out with her right hand and rubbed where she thought one ought to be, Ek-teen gasped and then moaned with pleasure. For the sake of experiment, Jackie rubbed the underside of the hole as well, and elicited an almost identical response. “You nagas are really sensitive all over down here, huh?” She remarked quietly. She was almost jealous. “We’re sensitive… all the way down and throughout… Jackie… perhaps even more as you go,” she said between breaths. Jackie considered this with renewed envy and admiration. “So… penetration…” “Penetration is blissful,” Ek-teen said breathily. Jackie imagined what it would be like to have the same or even greater sensitivity as her clit or G-spot all throughout her vaginal canal and was awestruck. Then, she considered how amazing it had felt to be touched for the first time in a while, and her definition of “a while” wasn’t much more than a year. She realized that her every move was going to be electric to the naga. She looked back at Ek-teen and grinned while she fell backwards and placed her butt on the naga’s waist just above the entrance. Then, she placed her left foot next to one labium, and with her right, she slowly rubbed the top, inside portion. Ek-teen moaned, her hands faltering slightly, causing the entrance to close around Jackie’s right foot. Without the immensely strong hands holding it open, Jackie was shocked by the tightness. It was otherworldly. She felt that her circulation was already cut off and her right foot below the entrance throbbed a little after mere moments of the sustained pressure of the muscular ring around her ankle. “Ek… Ek-teen! It’s… you’re so tight!” Jackie shouted with surprise. Ek-teen quickly recovered and once again spread her labia for Jackie. The relief to her right foot was immediate, though it tingled a little. “I thought I was going to lose that foot!” “I’m sorry. I’ll loosen up. You’ll see. And it’s really only the entrance that is that constricting. Though I’m… quite sure the rest of me is rather snug at this point. P-please don’t be afraid,” Ek-teen pleaded. Jackie considered this. She’d hate to feel that brunt of that constriction around her neck. She thought it would choke her out in seconds! But even though this was a different sort of fright than what she’d done with Ek-teen already, it was less intimidating in nature. Ek-teen seemed sure it wouldn’t be a problem, and while Jackie realized she might be so desperate as to say whatever she might need to at this point, so close as she was to getting a good and proper penetration, Jackie was also surer the naga would never mislead her into real peril. “It’s okay, Ek-teen… just make sure to hold your entrance open. Don’t wanna get my head squeezed off before I’m… all the way through.” “M-m-m-m, yes! Of course! How I want you all inside me down there! How—how’s this?” The naga slipped her right index and middle fingers into her hole and pulled them to the right, unevenly presenting the tunnel within. “I won’t lose my grip like this. And like I said, I’ll loosen up. I just wasn’t ready for you to… to touch my insides,” Ek-teen said a little imploringly. Jackie dipped her right foot back into the hold tentatively. The naga winced from the pleasure, but her fingers kept the hole open. That said, Jackie could see the hole flex and grow narrower as far in as she could see. Not only did the naga’s equivalent of a vagina appear to be wildly sensitive, but it appeared to have peristaltic muscular responses all the way down as well. This was really going to be something… Jackie threw caution to the wind and slid her left foot in next to her right. Both sets of toes were rubbing against the bottom wall of Ek-teen’s tunnel. The naga moaned again and continued to do so with every exhalation as Jackie scooted her butt forward and slid her feet deeper until she was in up to her knees. “Hu-u-u-h! H-u-u-u-h! Hn-n-n-n-g! Oh gods!” The giant being cried. “Wait! Wait there. That’s enough for a moment. Oh, gods in all realms, if you keep going that quickly I’ll faint. Worlds!” Ek-teen seemed to be in quite the state. Jackie felt good about having had such an impact already with so little of herself inside. Still, she didn’t want to feel too accomplished having not done much, even if half the appeal of the act to Ek-teen was simply the fact that it was she, Jackie, who was doing it. The human absently wiggled her toes against the walls within, and Ek-teen practically shrieked. She was clearly caught off guard, and without even letting her fingers slip out, the tunnel constricted and squeezed Jackie’s lower legs possessively. Hungrily. It was awesome power, though Jackie noted that the severity of pressure along the entrance had lessened significantly, as promised. Interesting. “Jackie! I said to wait! I’m sorry to have squeezed you so hard, I just—” “It’s fine. I’m fine. I know it’s my fault. But it wasn’t as tight this time. Honest.” “R-really? Thank heavens… sorry. I really want this to be easier. I’m just… so, so-o-o-o sensitive to your touch, and I’m… I’ve gotten so tight.” Ek-teen paused for a minute to compose herself. As she did so in silence, Jackie felt the muscles wrapped around her legs below the knees loosen up until there was once again a visible tunnel around them. “Okay… are you ready to go… deeper?” “So ready,” Jackie said, and without warning, biting her lip mischievously, she placed her hands on either side of her knees and picked up her butt, abruptly sliding herself inside up to her hips. The naga did lose her grip this time, her right hand’s fingers slipping away as her torso fell earthward with a crash. Anyone still sober back at the party would doubtlessly have felt that if they hadn’t heard the giantess naga’s cries of pleasure already. Jackie had taken a calculated risk. She knew her hips were both wide and very strong and she believed she could handle even the worst of Ek-teen’s super, kegel-like constrictions on that part of her body, but the constrictions seemed less severe, or perhaps just less capable the more of herself that had been inserted and the wider they had been stretched. Though they held her snugly in place now by natural elasticity alone. Jackie experienced a strong, strange, peristaltic wave course through the tunnel hugging her legs and felt the tight ring of muscle around her hips climb an inch or two. The motion was accompanied by a loud, wet schlick! The sensation was wonderful. She braced her hands against the sides of the labia again, but the waves within continued at a steady rhythm and Jackie wondered if they got going strongly and quickly enough whether the sex organ might actually be able to “swallow” her against her best efforts to resist. Ek-teen lied on her back gasping for air for a few minutes, occasionally squeaking the word “wait” in a barely intelligible manner. She struggled to sit up again, bracing herself on her elbows. “That… was dirty… and dangerous, little girl…” the naga said. She didn’t sound the least bit upset though. “You just doubled the depth and tripled the girth inside me in a second!” “Did you like it?” Jackie asked, feigning a little bashfulness. She wiggled her hips a little. The naga smiled, and, biting her lip while closing her eyes, she let out a groan and flexed the muscles in her vaginal canal which rippled and pulled on Jackie’s body, swallowing her up another couple of inches. “I loved it! And that! I’ve… got you right where I’ve wanted you all-l-l-l evening, Jackie. Go ahead and try to escape!” She teased. But to humor her, Jackie did plant her hands hard against the flesh on both sides of her labia and tried to muscle her way back out. She had a little success, but to combat it, the naga grunted from flexing the inner muscles again, and her progress was undone. One inch forward and two inches back. “Wow, fuck…” Jackie whispered. Ek-teen smiled knowingly. “You’re overpowering me with your vagina alone…” Jackie said. She twisted around again for a look at Ek-teen’s eyes. The naga was grinning from ear to ear and raised and lowered her eyebrows a couple times. “I’m going to keep doing that harder and faster until you vanish within me, human…” She said with faux menace. “How deep does it go?” Jackie asked, pitching her voice a little higher than usual. “Deeper than you are tall with a few feet to spare…” “Fuck… gods…” “And once you’re gone, I don’t think I’ll be seeing you until morning…” “Morning? Ek-teen! I…” “Shh-h-h-h, there’s no need to worry. Once you’ve finished me off, you’ll be able to squirm out if you please. But… I… suspect that I actually will pass out…” Ek-teen explained. Jackie got the picture. She had only partially been teasing. Jackie smiled, once again eager to pleasure her host. “Well then, hope this helps!” And with that, the human began to kick her feet deep inside the naga’s loins, the effect of which was a loud yelp and a sudden series of strong kegel action on the part of the naga. Jackie was quite quickly drawn in several more inches, the tight entrance now overtaking her navel, but she kept it up. Ek-teen was moaning so much it sounded like outright crying for help, but the only name she said between cries was Jackie’s, and no one was going to be coming… save for her… Jackie groaned from exertion as the tunnel sucked her in past the bottom of her ribs. It got a little difficult to breathe, and she grunted with exertions as she tried to fight against the strength of the clearly superior muscles and get a deep breath. That’s when Jackie felt the naga’s right hand overtake her again. Ek-teen placed an index finger on Jackie’s left shoulder and her middle and ring fingers on her right, and without warning, she pressed down on Jackie with fast, concise force. Jackie didn’t have a chance to cry out before she was stuffed all the way down to her armpits. She considered asking the naga to wait, but somehow understood that this action was only partly voluntary and chose to use her time more wisely. She brought her hands up and clasped them around her ears and tucked her elbows against her breasts, her forearms becoming a sort of guard for her neck so it wouldn’t have to take the brunt of the entrance’s muscles on its own. Ek-teen moaned and hissed, stuffing Jackie all the way inside herself with an audible squelch! “Oh-h-h-h-h, yes-s-s-s-s-s…” the naga cooed while her popped out from her tunnel with loud, wet slurping noises. She rested her hand over the entrance, rubbing herself as she once again got used to the sensation of being very, very full. Jackie, meanwhile, allowed herself a moment to relax and get her bearings. Now inside the giantess naga for the second time, she assessed what spending presumably more time inside here than the stomach would be like in this new environment and found it to be quite welcoming. It didn’t take her more than a few meager seconds to discover that this was everything she had hoped for when she had somewhat wistfully and not quite seriously described what she’d imagined the naga’s second stomach would be like. It was utterly black and felt very remote, as if nothing and no one on the outside could affect her now. It was soft and warm, if a couple degrees cooler than even the belly had been. It was much roomier than Ek-teen’s first stomach was, which allowed Jackie to actually stretch out as opposed to staying in the fetal position. She did just that, stretching as wide and stiff as she could, an act which swiftly brought the seemingly pliant walls back against her in swift fashion. Jackie was suddenly squished quite tightly by the living walls around her, and she was dragged even deeper into the tunnel as it happened. She could hear Ek-teen’s delighted moans of sweet affirmation from somewhere seemingly far off, and that made her remember just how sensitive the naga was in here. Her every single move, no matter how small, was enough to drive Ek-teen wild. Jackie smiled and began to throw herself about, driving her elbows into the squishy, soft flesh as it fought her back and pulled her deeper until she seemed to bottom out. At that point, all the force upon her seemed to want to squeeze her back into a ball like when she’d been in the stomach, but she was determined not to let that happen. Ek-teen came in seconds once she felt Jackie reach the deepest part of her nethers. She really was a lot more sensitive the deeper one delved, and Jackie was more aggressive in her resistance at the bottom than ever before. In no time she had the enormous naga literally crying for her to stop, but not really wanting her to, which was fortunate, because the human couldn’t seem to hear her pleas. Her consistent, inhumanly strong efforts kept Ek-teen squirming and thrashing for a half-hour all told… and she gave the naga three orgasms. The second had been the absolute peak, as she had actually had some time to build up to it, unlike the first, which had “come as a surprise.” Her tail thrashed around and took down a few nearby small trees unfortunate enough to defy her blissful abandon. The third had almost been like a comedown. At that point, Jackie was well aware of her successes and had nearly ceased in her motions, but then decided to work on herself, and while she masturbated and built toward her own third orgasm, she squirmed back up to about the middle of the naga’s canal and rhythmically gyrated her hips in sync with her self-pleasure which got the naga going as well, who also masturbated, an act that wasn’t missed to the human, even if her fingers didn’t quite reach her head. They finally finished at the same time in what was the third climax for them both on that evening, though they’d “gotten theirs” at separate times aside from the comparably quiet, almost calm, finale. Ek-teen made good on her promise and promptly passed out, barely conscious as it was while she had worked on her last orgasm. Jackie briefly entertained the idea of squirming out from within the naga’s insides, but the idea just seemed pointlessly taxing when she was already certain she’d fall asleep right where she was, suspended and lightly squeezed by her delicious insides, if she only allowed herself to. It was so comfy… She let out a deep breath she felt like she’d been holding, in spite of it all, for several days. This had been truly blissful. It was a true abandonment. Jackie didn’t suffer any delusions that Elgara Ek-teen, the matriarch of a mountain naga tribe, was in love with her. She even got the impression that Ek-teen wasn’t in a position to be taking consistent lovers (why else had she been apparently celibate for so long) but that was fine by her. She’d adored the attention and the genuine affection they’d just shared. She’d felt envious of just that—affection—and she’d been a little loathe to “take it out” on Leo, a desire she now fully accepted having harbored. She had felt so lonely for so long. And while it certainly seemed like making a move on the borrower was an option, he was spoken for emotionally. So, was it an option for Jackie to “be with” Leo without begrudging him that, or had she been too emotionally vulnerable? Less certain. Or, it has been. If Jackie was being honest, she had a difficult time caring about anything at present, not in a way that felt it could be of negative consequence anyway. Jackie’s mind went out to Vela, the lone vampire who had also been her benefactor and was now journeying off… somewhere… to learn… something. It was all quite nebulous to Jackie. But it wasn’t her problem right now. Nothing was. She was satisfied and exhausted. I could sleep… inside this naga… if I only… allowed myself… to… The two of them slept quite peacefully, miles away from the others still enjoying the festivities back in the cavern. Jackie wouldn’t mark the occasion until a later time, but it was the first night during which she had gone to sleep in many moons without worrying about the moon or the trouble it had been for her and would continue to be. She’d been allowed to forget she was cursed. And she dreamt of only daylight and smiles. There were no monsters. |
Makira would yawn upon waking on another day, the sky a bit overcast with a small drizzle of rain, nothing too bad compared to the raging storms in this region. She would lay in her own hut for a while, feeling a bit on the lazier side. She yawned a bit, deciding to masturbate a while. She rubbed her folds, after all she lacked a mate still, moaning gently at the thoughts of a futa or even a femboy harpy being on top of her as she did this. She would eventually release, her fun over. After recovering from this, she would find herself still bored, deciding to dress up and head out into the village, despite her being lazy at the moment. She would interact with the locals, helping some as well, as she would continue, solving small problems where she could. She was a kind chieftain, thinking of and protecting her people as best as she could manage to do. She even helped to incubate the eggs of the children at times when the mother needed to go do something important, like getting food, and a couple eggs had hatched under her care even. Naturally this led to a little confusion when the child thought she was the mother, though she handed them off to the real mother of course once they had returned. Despite being well liked, she was in fact rather lonely as a chieftain. She was hailed almost as if she were a god, or at least someone able to communicate with them. So she often felt she wasn’t viewed as a normal harpy either. Despite this, she happily served her village regardless, though she did still desire a mate or at least a child. She even got a bit of an idea about the latter, but she would need to wait for the next person who thought to attack her people, seeing as she wasn’t a hunter herself, just dealing with those that are or could be a risk to her people. The lamia before had been a potential risk, able to eat both harpies and eggs, and she had been near the village, so she almost certainly knew about the village when the chieftain had eaten her. Her protection of the village only served to further those thoughts about her that made her feel separated from the rest. A predatory harpy was rare in this region, in fact she was currently the only one. She sighs softly when she thinks of this. And so passes another day in her life. She once again woke and did her morning routines, and a few weeks passed without her being able to try out the idea she had gotten, though eventually it would occur. After about a month since the Lamia had attacked, a fox girl would sneak into the village, thinking she was quite stealthy. She slipped into the hatchery and took a few harpy children for herself, eating one and slipping away. Fortunately the chieftain had noticed this, awoken from an uneasiness in her sleep. She left her hut and pursued the creature by flying through the trees, though she had yet to catch up so she had to be quick about her analyzing to make sure she hadn’t yet passed the fox. “Ugh, where is that damned thing?!” Narrowing her eyes to focus in the darkness of the night, she glares down as she chases off in the direction the sly girl had run off in. Before long she would see a rustle in the bushes below her, swooping down to see what it was, only to find a bound up bunny girl, the fox’s attempt to distract her. She cut the girl free before continuing on with her chase, into the expansive forest. There were a few more distractions like this, but they were becoming fewer, meaning there was a likelihood she was catching up. And sure enough, two hours after having left the village, she caught sight of that fluffy tail, swooping down and pinning the fox down, freeing the children. “Here, take this, little fox. It’ll taste good, I promise~” but it was very nasty, as she was using an herbal substance she had made using Ipecac syrup, a diluted version of a poison from the poisonous root Ipecac, to force the fox girl to vomit up the child she had eaten, before having those children stand a bit off to the side to give her clearance for what she was about to do. She glares down at the fox girl, keeping her pinned as she began to move. And where else but pressing her slit to the muzzle of the fox, intent to curl her up in a different spot than normal, intent to make her into an egg, or cum if she couldn’t do that, as she knew she could do that much. The fox naturally squirmed below her, but her complaints were easily muffled as her muzzle begins to slip away into the harpy’s wet slit. She moans softly as she forces more in, bit by bit, but as she didn’t use this method very often, it would take plenty of time to do. She slowly stretched to fit the head inside, moaning and cumming several times as a result, even with the children watching. This sort of thing wasn’t hidden from them, as harpies are quite open from a young age about this kind of thing, especially in a tribal setting like this one. Regardless, it took a long and tiring amount of work, but she would moan and gush once more after managing to transition the fox’s shoulders inside. “M-Mph, g-get in there now~ Momma’s gonna raise you right this time, unlike the fox that raised you~” trying to seduce her into stopping her struggles, though her words only slightly lessened it. She had regardless pinned the fox girl’s arms to her sides as she slid more and more of her away into that slit, eager to accept her into that hot, humid womb. She works along her upper arms, but next would come the next major challenge, the breasts. While not near as large as those of the harpy herself, they might still be an inconvenience for her slit to claim. She would work over them slowly and carefully, though the fox wriggling in her slit caused her to moan lewdly and any time she came she had to slow down momentarily. She groans from the intense stretching that came from them, but she would eventually work them in as well. She panted a bit as she rests there a moment to recover, blushing at her belly as she sees the lumps from those breasts in her lower torso, as well as her head slipping into her womb like that. She blushes deeply as she pets her belly a bit, smiling at it before she would then continue on, moving a bit into a standing position, with the fox sitting below her, half of her upper body inside of her already. She would moan, slipping lower using gravity to help, slowly pushing those shoulders and breasts into her womb as well, as she would eventually reach those hips. “M-Mph, like a big furry dildo, hehe~” as she’s presented with yet another difficult spot on the body, the hips. This was the widest spot on the body, so if she could claim the hips, she could take all of this fox and make her into her own child. She would stand again, planting the feet of the fox on the ground as she begins to push against them this time, having came at least 10 to 15 times from the process of getting her in there, due to the friction caused by being inexperienced with this method. She would push on regardless, eager to fit the girl inside. It took a lot of attempts, but she would eventually work those hips in, the fox curling bit by bit into her womb, bulging it out more and more. She pants a bit, slowly working her way along the legs, before long left with only the paws, panting and smiling, laying down and leaving them like that a bit to tease the girl she had taken. She eventually grew bored of this though and pushed even them in, and with a bit of pushing and pulling, she had successfully worked the fox away into her womb. She stood, a bit wobbly from all the pleasure and the whole weight distribution, but she would bring the children back to the village on foot, smiling at them as they went. She would return them to their mothers before returning back to her hut, rubbing at her still wriggling belly, giggling softly. “Give in to your new mommy, little one~ Try as you might, you’re either going to be a splatter of cum, or my baby. It’ll depend on if I can do it, but it will also depend on movement. Move too much and you’ll soften yourself to the point I can’t even make a shell around you.” Obviously lying just to make her stop struggling, in which it worked. With a smile, she begins to regress the fox. The fox slowly becomes smaller as she ages in reverse slowly, though faster than normally aging of course. By morning she had returned to the size of a baby, at which time she had formed an egg shell around her, protecting her. She removed her memories, which she could choose to do, she found, as she changes the fox in the egg into another harpy like herself, except she was just a chick now. She smiles at the small round bulge in her belly, which she would now have to carry to term. Many villagers wondered who the father was, though she was always vague on this, and only the young chicks who had been there knew the truth of what was within. She seemed happier than before even, making the village cheerier as well. She naturally ate well so as to support the child, until she would lay her egg, smiling. From there she would keep the egg close to herself at all times to incubate it and keep it warm, many of the villagers also offering to help keep her warm since she had done the same for them in the past, but she was fine, she wanted to keep track of every moment. The day came a few months later, it now being a whole year since she had first unbirthed that fox girl, putting the chieftain at the age of twenty seven. She would begin to hatch, her little chick, much to the delight of the chieftain, and many of the villagers would rush over too, since she had been out in public. Little cracks would appear in the surface of the egg, growing larger over the course of several minutes, before the shell cracked open to reveal what was inside the egg, a small red harpy within, the feathers being the same color as the former fox. The chieftain smiles at this, lifting her gently out of the egg to cuddle her, swaddling her now and holding her like one would hold a baby, which of course she was. The chieftain smiles, leaning down and kissing her forehead softly, as the villagers now begin to rush about and set up a celebration for the birth of the chieftain’s child, likely to be her heir. The celebration would be a rather wild one, but the chieftain herself would calmly refrain from anything too off base, considering she would have to take care of her chick. And so Makira the Chieftain became a happy harpy mother, from a fox who had tried to steal away children from other harpy mothers. She would happily raise her of course, to be just like her mother, though she had yet to know if she would become a predator like she herself was. Only time could tell. |
"Come on, you have to continue your punishment." The girl said looking at his boyfriend that was unsure if he had to obey his girfriend. "I told you I was sorry, can't you just punish me in another way?" He asked remembering what aroused the anger of the girl, entering without permission inside her "private canyon" has cost him the ban of his pleasure relieve, all while she make him get on edge multiple times. "No you have to learn not to fuck me unless I told you, now come this will be your last punishment and you will be free to relieve your little friend. You want that don't you?" "Y-yes." "Then get naked, completly." With those words the boyfriend start to strip quickly, alomst tripping with his pants down. as she look down on him she start to strip her clothes, making the guy's erection start to make its aparition from behind its underwear prison. "Eager are you, but remember this is you last punishment." She whisper as she grab his rod and start to give little kisses around his body, before going without warning for a french kiss. The boyfriend was actually having a good time surprised that his "last punisment" wasn't bad at all, but that made him lower his guard, the girlfriend slipped a pill in her mouth before she started to kiss him and now she was slowly pushing it to the back of his mouth, and when he was distracted she managed to make it slipped to the back of his mouth. The boyfriend broke the kiss when he felt something pass down his throat. "Are you alright?" He simply nod thinking that it was probably saliva, or a bit of food that escape his or her teeths, gross, but it wasn't a reason to stop. His girlfriend decided to continue with a little tease on his dick, slowly licking it as the guy was oblivious to what was happening to him: he was shrinking! That was the pill for shrink him to a rogue 1/10 of his size, he didn't notice until he felt the lips of his girfriend covering his belly with saliva; powerless with his new size his girfriend easily lift him having him in her grasp she could continue with the punishment. Inside her hand the boyfriend tried to struggle a way out, but it was imposible for him with his punny body, while he saw glimpses of light but it was hard to know where he was going, however not long after he start to hear something moving from what he assumed was the kitchen, then it reach to him the smell of coffee, his heart rushed as he was finally released from the hand into a small ocean of coffe. He was inside the cup filled with warm coffee, warm enough like a relaxing bath that he was tempted to sleep, but the smell of the coffee prevented him from closing his eyes. "Mmmm, this cup doesn't have a name for anyone. Who ordered a coffe with a misbehaving boyfriend" She asked sarcastically as she looked down at her boyfriend. "Oh well no one is going to reclaimed it so..." She lifted the cup over her head while the boyfriend tried to swim somewhere, all in vain as the girfriend start to tilt the cup, slowly, from the cup the boyfriend could see the horizon disappear, soon the coffee start flow over to the border. A small stream of coffee started to fall out from the cup, the girl was ready to catch every drop, she tilted the cup to make the stream biiger and bigger at each passing second, the flow become a cascade for the small man in the cup, he could only swin with all his strength until the punishment ended, it all seemed to take hours but it wasn't even a minute until the stream had drained almost all the coffee, the cup was leaning enough that the guy could see his girfriend evil grin. "Regretting your decisions already? I didn't even tilted the cup too much." For him It was enough to make him fear to fall inside her mouth, unlike her womb the stomach...maybe that would be the *last* punishment he would receive. "You punishment is almost over and you must take it" She opened her mouth again ready to drink the last bit of coffee, and he was prepared to reach the bottom of the cup to escape, in one move she flip the cup letting all its contents into her mouth along with her boyfriend, who fall inside. Now trapped inside his girfriend mouth the guy could do nothing as her tongue lick and taste him all while it push him to the back of her mouth, at the entrance of the throat he could hear the faint growls of the stomach, until she finally decided to send him down, he was compressed by the throat muscles as they push him down, finally he reached the entrance and was deposited on a large chamber full of coffee and bits of undigested food, like the corpse of an unfortunate soul that gain its place among him. *Brrup* The space inside was reduced as the boyfriend got splashed with coffee. "That wasn't that bad was it? Can you hear me in there?" She said not wanting to hear an reply "Well with that concludes your punisment snack, hope you learn your lesson on how to treat a girl, I'll see you when you're ready to 'leave'." With that said she start to leave for work while her body work on the small men in her stomach. She will have to find another boyfriend if this one was enough to survive her digestive system. |
Ezra Bridger, the rebel, the jedi, was on a mission for his rebels friends, it was a rare occurrence to have a mission for himself, it was a small one tho, just go for a package and return, simply as using a lightsaber. The jedi was on a small personal ship going to the planet, the ship was on automatic and Erza had a blaster and his Lightsaber blaster and a small comunicator in case something went wrong, but it was probably going to be alright, he has been practicing some new force tecniques and creative uses with it, and he only needed an excuse to use them. Finally he reached the planet, the ship parked and he was on his way, the city was peaceful, even quiet despite the amount of people, still it was good to pass inadvertently; nobody payed attention to him as he made his way on the street. "Alright, so this package is around here." He said to himself as he reached what looked like a club, there was a big guy that served as a guard, but didn't care when Ezra entered the place, music start to blast around him as he entered the slightly more crowded club with different species enjoying from the exotic dancers, he sat down in one of the tables to not appear suspicious. He start to look around. "The package should be on the back." He thought focusing on the far away door, now he needed an opportunity to reach it. Suddendly a commotion was heard at the entrance making people turn their heads away, Ezra made his way to the door without caring on what caused his chance; the back place was awfully quiet, the music sounded muffled yet the voices of the other people were getting more prevalent, he start to search in the various closets and storage rooms, finally he found his objective in one of those rooms, a quite large box sitting on a floating lift, he didn't have the time to check any of it's interior as he finally hear the indistinguishable voice of a stormtropper. "Check over there." He heard as a door was violently open near Erza hiding place, it didn't sound like there were a lot of stormtroppers, a quick peek through show at least 3, not a lot but It was still risky. Despite being outnumbered, Erza managed to take the soldiers down, using his 2 blasters and a force push, he was about to reach for the package until her heard a particular sound, a lightsaber being ignited. "Impressive, you manage to beat down 3 of the lowest soldiers I have to use." Erza turned around to know who was talking, before him was a sith, a beautiful blue twi'lek female in black clothes and red tattos, the force was strong with her, she was a sith. "Well maybe they should have send a REAL challenge." Erza said in a cocky tone as he ignited his own lightsaber. The two sides of the force clashed, the sith swinged her saber with speed and anger forcing the jedi to adopt a defensive possition, making him get push around the hallways as he tried to avoid the cuts, but he was one a time attack, he didn't do anything to counter he would run out of space to retreat, he would need to use "that" new technique. Consume Essence, a powerful sith weapon that allows one to feed on the emotions of others to grow one's powers. In recent years the technique has been enhanced by an sith masters to feed with others flesh enhancing the powers absorb for over the original limits, while powerful the technique has been seen as disgusting, and horrific by other masters... That's more or less what Erza read on the sith holocron, his master didn't know about that piece of information, he read it out of curiosity but... It was a good moment to try; putting his mind in the power of the force she observed every move of the sith, finally she launch herselft trying to land a killing blow, Erza stopped her by grabbing her hands, she got shocked and try to swing her lightsaber again but was interrupted as her head was pulled inside the Jedi mouth. Erza pulled the sith inside his mouth, being a beautiful Twi'lek gave quite a flavour, blue berry with a weird over taste of dark chocolate, he tried to remain serious but he could not stop himself from licking her face as he pushed her deeper. The sith could not believe it, in her years feeling the dark side of the force this was the most disgusting, she felt this Jedi was strong but this was going to far for her, and he was enjoying it, her face was pushed deeper inside the mouth all the way to the back right at the throat entrance from where she could smell the foul stench of the stomach as well as hearing it anxious for it's meal. The stith start to struggle trying to get free, but Erza has her arms pinned on her body she was going nowhere other than his stomach *Gulp* Erza swallowed sending the sith down his throat, her face could be seen from the outside as she screamed on anger trying to be released as Erza swallowed again stuffing his mouth with her breasts. *Gullp* "I can't take it, this jedi should be afraid of me, not eating me." Her whole body was being embraced and coated in disgusting droll as the sound of the stomach become louder, finally her face reached the opening of the stomach as her legs were the only thing that was left outside. Erza saw the panicked movements in the legs of the sith, with the smallest of his power he force the legs to stay still and straight as he swallowed them. *Glluuppp* Finally his belly grew up with it's new occupant, receiving an approval gurgle from his stomach. *BRRrruuupp* Erza belched tasting again the sith...his meal, having a full belly was quite a strange feeling, he couldn't but to rub it as the sith start to struggle. "Well that was unexpected, but at least it worked, hey lady sith could you stop moving? It's really weird." He said feeling quite strong at the point to not feel the weight of his meal. "I can't accept this, you should be the one dying not me!" "Well sorry but you're the one that decided to fight me, I only came here for a package." Speaking of which Erza went to take it back, swinging his belly around and coating the sith in stomach juices. *BRRrruupp* His belly shrink quite a lot after release some of the air inside his stomach. "Stop belching you disgusting jedi!" Erza ignored her as he took the package and made his way to his ship, he belched again as he push his belly on the ship seat, the sith struggle were getting weaker. "Already giving up? Damn, they should have send a sith master instead of the apprentice." "I am the master." She yelled gaining another belch from the jedi making it hard for her to concentrate. Erza just rubbed his head a little modest that he actually beat...ate a Sith lord, he start to fly away sure that he would have to made an excuse for his eventual belly size, the excuse of "the force did it" was not going to work. *Bbrulp* He belched again, happy to have completed his mission and knowing that the force was inside him. |
Being usually a person of light sleep you found strange how heavy your sleep was, you sleep like a log surely late for your flight back home. Your head hurt, it felt like an hangover, your sights were foggy but you were sure that you were laying on your hotel bed and you were naked. You start to rub your eyes making the shapes around you more recognizable as the door of your room open, probably one of my friends coming to wake me up, you think. You start to apology for oversleeping. "Oh you're finally awake." That voice sounded way more impactful than it should have been, it was like someone just spoke through a speaker; then you heard steps coming to you with the same effect. As your sights returned you face with a scene from dreams. In front of you there was a women, not like any other one, a giant naked woman. This woman had brown skin and black hair...yet the first thing that catched your eyes were her E size breasts which were on full display for you. As you took your eyes away from her breasts you saw the the hotel room and the bed where you were laying were massive compared to you, meaning the woman wasn't a giantess, you were shrunk. You pinched yourself only to confirm that it wasn't a dream "Oh look at you." The giantess giggled "You're a cutie." You start to scream to the giantess, asking her who she was and what she was doing in your hotel room, the only answer you received where more giggles. "hehehe, sorry cutie you're so small that I can't hear you, hold on let me just...get a little closer." The giantess got on her knees, bringing her face to the bed and near your body. You backed up a little so you could see her better, even in your situation you had to admit that she was beautiful. "There...now what were you saying...?" You start with asking who she was but your voice didn't seemed to reach her. "Ummm sorry I can't hear you, maybe the shrinking did more to you than what I thought. Anyway you must be wondering about your situation, so I'm going to be direct. You are In my hotel room and I shrunk you down. And I know you may be questioning why, well...the question is why not? You see you may not remember me but I meet you at the club the other day." Now that she mentioned it you remember flirting with her at the club you visited couple of yesterday ago with some friends, but you did it while drunk. "And you see when you flirt with me...well...I really like you, like...you are handsome and your friends told me a lot of nice things about you. And I know this might sound crazy but I think you are boyfriend material for me and I want to be with you." Now you were sure that you flirted with a psycho that you meet on a club while traveling overseas with friends. Since the girl seemed madly in love maybe you could use that in your favor. "Now you may thing that I rush a little our relationship, but the thing is that I'm going to take you home with me. You see I was also traveling overseas and that's one of the main reasons why I shrunk you down. I didn't want to lose the chance to be your girlfriend, and I couldn't bring myself to be in a distant relationship." Seeing her crazy love eyes you decided that you will be wasting your time trying to persuade her, you start to make your way to the edge of the bed but seeing her intentions she blocked your path. "I know you may be nervous, but I won't stuff you in my suitcase, you may suffocate or get crushed, and that's why I'm going to carry you in me. I seen how you look at me, you like my body, so you will get very well acquaintance with it very soon." "Now I know you might be interested in my breasts, but the last guys I put inside them either slipped when I didn't notice or they become milk. The other option will be putting you up my pussy, but I'm very sensitive and if you were to move to much that would probably make me...moan and I don't want to to moan in front of everyone on the plane." "So I know this might sound weird, but I'm going to put you up my ass. You don't need to worry, my ass needs to feel something really big to make me moan so no one will know you're there and I keep my ass clean all the time It might smell a little but it's cozy. Here, you can check right now." The giantess turned around showing her firm ass cheeks for a moment before they were lowered near your face. The giantess spread her ass cheeks showing her lubricated small hole. "I already spread some lube so you only have to put your arms and I'll suck you up." She lowered her asshole closer to you, it twitched eager for you while you stood still. Not feeling your body In her ass the giantess sighed. "You know despite how much I love you, I've been the one doing everything, you'll need to pull out your weight when we arrive home. But for now..." Her ass came down pinning you under it's cheeks with the asshole on top of your head. Before you could crawl away the giantess push your head inside her asshole. "Oh my, I can feel you inside, oh...go deeper!" With the lube your shoulders quickly slip inside, in front of you the colon of the giantess extended far away inside. With another push the rest of your body slipped inside the giantess ass before the ass-hole close after you, leaving you with a faint light that slip inside. You try to struggle against the quivering walls but it prove difficult as the lube make your hands slipped away. "I can feel your little hands." You hear the muffled giantess voice as she giggled. "Are you scared that you are going to slip out? Don't worry I prepare for something like this." The walls start to tremble around you, the giantess start to moan and before you could ask you felt a blunt force pushing your ass deeper. You looked down to see a soft pointy shape, It was a butt plug, she was sealing inside her ass for good. "Aaahhh, for a moment I thought it wasn't going to fit me..., but there. You're mine now, snug in my beautiful ass, you feel so good inside me...oh my god! It's almost late for my flight, we need to hurry!" The giantess start move,which made your surroundings shake frantically. Now wearing jeans and a crop top the giantess was now in line to aboard her plane, she had a smile as she constantly felt her new boyfriend move inside her ass. She reached the control point where she was scanned as it was protocol. The guard took a look at the machine. "Umm ma'am..." Start the guard before being cut by another person. "Excuse me! You." The giantess turn to see the friends of his boyfriends, she saw them at the club the day she met her lover. They start to ask her about the whereabouts of her boyfriend. "I'm sorry I only saw him at the club." She lied while smiling internally at the idea that the person they were looking for was deep inside her ass. "Excuse if this is not your line you have to move away." Said the security guard making the guys go away. "Ma'am you are free to continue, but the scanning machine show a...something..." The giantess giggled "I know, it's something from a game that I'm playing with my boyfriend." The guard look again at the scan, it show the form of the butt plug along with a weird lump at the end, the guard didn't want to keep talking about it and let the giantess aboard the plane. When the giantess reached her seat she felt the tip of the plug hit her little boyfriend, she giggled as his struggles died down again. As the plane start to take off the giantess decided to took a nap, excited to reach home and play with his little boyfriend. |
It was a cold night, the only soul standing was a girl called Ukraine who was reaching her house after a long day of work. Ukraine was a woman with short blonde hair but a large bust, she was wearing a big fluffy coat to endure the cold wind. After her long day of work it appear that it was going be a lonely night for her, if it wasn't because of her little suprise that now rested inside her pocket. "Were almost there just wait a few moments little one." She said feeling one of the coat pockets as she made her way to her room, soon enough Ukraine for her pocket taking out her companion and carefully laying her on the bed. "Welcome to my room Canada." Ukraine looked at the little girl she brought home, little being literal, Canada was a girl with blonde long hair, but the girl itselft was only 10 inches tall. Ukraine had found the little girl when she took a stroll in the forest, the girl told her that she was taking a nap and woke up being small as she was now, ultimatly she asked for Ukraine's help which the giantess accepted without doubt. Now the small girl was regaining her concentration after being trapped in the warm pocket of her giantess helper. "So this is your room, it's beautiful." Said Canada tho she was more amazed by the sheer size of the place. "Thank you little one, you can stay here for tonight or until we found out how you ended being small." "Of course...I think I can fit in your nightstand." Canada joked before sneezing multiple time. "Tho it's still a bit cold." Despite liking the cold weather her small size made her shiver, she put her hand on her sides before the giantess exclaimed. "Don't worry little one, you can use my coat to warm you up." Ukraine said as she carefully wrapped Canada in her clothes leaving the busty woman with a thin shirt. "T-thank you." Said Canada not use to the attention and care. "A-Are you going to be alright with that shirt, it doesn't look very warm." "Don't worry for me little one, keeping you warm it's more important. Now you stay here while I prepare some hot chocolate to warm you up." Ukraine leaved without saying another word leaving Canada shocked. "She's so kind I wish I could do something for her." "She's so cute." Said Ukraine to herself as she prepared the drink, taking care of the small girl bring her memories of her brother Russia who she missed everyday, suddendly she start to feel a bulge growing in her pants. "I know I should help her to become big again...but maybe she'll like to play like I used to play with Russia." She said with a smile as a bulge tightens in her pants. "Mmm...it's delicious!" Exclaimed Canada as she drank from a tablespoon that Ukraine brought with the cup. "I'm glad that you enjoyed little one." Said the giantess as Canada drink more and more until she stop. "Are you alright?" "I'm fine but....but. *Achuuuu* I don't think I can drink anymore." Canada said while shivering. "Oh no, you're still cold, let me take care of it." Ukraine approach Canada only for her to put her arms up. "No no...I'm fine. You already had done so much for me I just wish I could do something for you." "But I can't-" Ukraine said as an idea pop in her head. "You know little one, there's something you can do for me and in return I can keep made the cold go away for you." "Really..." Canada said excited. " What is it?" "Well...is this " Ukraine pulled down her pants showing her flacid dick to the small girl who froze in amazement of the revelation. "I used to play this game with Russia w-where he would crawl inside me and go all the down to my balls sometimes he would even sleep inside me! So I don't see why we can't do the same...I know it might sound weird, if you don't want to. " Ukraine was cut off as she felt Canada touching her slit. "Yes I want to sleep inside you Ukraine." Said Canada as she felt the slit twitching, ready to accept her, yet it was too tight for her to get inside. "It sound weird but I trust you." Ukraine shriek of happiness. "Oh thank you little one now It might be a little tight you'll need to make me hard so you can get insi-" Canada was already on it, she start to rub around the tip occasionally inserting her fingers in the slit while Ukraine start to moan. Soon enough Ukraine arouse made her dick grow hard, making it point straight to the celling. "Oh my, didn't take me long to get hard, your hands felt wonderful tiny one." Ukraine said to Canada who was holding on Ukraine's tip. "Now You can slide your way down to your room when you're ready." Ukraine watch as Canada start to insert her feet inside, just like any slide, Canada took a moment before dissapearing inside Ukraine. The giantess watched as the lump travel down her dick, she felt Canada trying to stop her quick descent (because of surprise rather than fear), but it didn't matter as she reached the end of the slid. Canada landed inside Ukraine testicle, being recieved by a lake of cum. The small girl was move from side to side as Ukraine moaned loudly around her, Canada hold on one of the walls feeling it caress her body. Finally Ukraine couldn't hold her excitement, while moaning she start to cum on her bed, emptying her balls leaving Canada in her warm new "Room". "Ah...Ahhh...Ahhhh...That felt amazing, thank you for playing with me little one." Ukraine felt as Canada start to make herself confortable inside her. "Now let's go to sleep...tomorrow we can play a little more if you want..." Saud Ukraine as she start to lay back on her bed, happy of finding a new sister to take care off. It was another day for Ukraine, she was going on her errands when she suddendly felt something moving between her legs. She run around a corner where no one could see her, she dropped her pants revealing her hard dick which had a small lump moving up to her tip, it was no one else than Ukraine new little sister. "Canada it's not time to play I'm working, go back to your room we'll play later..." Canada answer with a playful smile, Ukraine knew what it meant so she pushed the little girl back inside her dick. As Canada travel down Ukraine arouse start to grow, she smiled again at her little sister antics as she start to pump her dick enjoying the feeling of her sister reaching the inside of her balls. "I love you Canada, I'm happy to be your sister." Said Ukraine as she felt Canada go still, no doubt going to sleep in the warm and caring balls of her big sister. |
Her Story, Cut Short Or, “Robin Food” Once upon a dismal time, There was a tale which did not rhyme. When the final line came near, It was cut short on a dime. This tale is a tragedy Of greed, envy, and gluttony. What, that stuff’s not why you’re here…? …Yes, there’s vore. Of course there’ll be. A girl, Gwen, was sad and poor. Lavish living nevermore. Envious of those with wealth, She tried settling the score. The nearby nobles, tall and proud, Stuck-up, snobby, well-endowed… Although treasures lined their shelf, Their heads were up in the clouds. They had a daughter, Adrienne, Well-known for her magic hen Laying eggs of solid gold On the floor of the chicken pen. For such treasures, Gwen did lust. Yet they sat there, collecting dust! She said, “This is getting old! I’ll just go do what I must!” “After all, they have so much cash, They must run out of space to stash It all, I’m sure. What happens then? I bet they toss it in the trash!” “If I’m caught, they’ll have my neck But they won’t miss a few eggs—heck, They’d get by without the hen! I bet they rarely even check!” So Gwen put on her tattered rags, Slung some old hole-covered bags Over each arm to hold the gold. “This’ll be no sweat!” she bragged. She knew the layout of the place, Every guard and every face, For she, too, once, in times of old, Had been a guard—in fact, their ace! Though they hired well-trained knights, These nobles were not so bright. –Clearly, since they fired me!) Gwen thought, dashing through the night. To keep the guards from looking in, They weren’t let near that chicken. So security there was weak! Gwen just couldn’t help but grin… Soon, she reached the leftmost wall Of the Cayenne family hall. The hen’s pen was just behind A couple fences standing tall. Would Gwen climb? Maybe dig a hole? She was no monkey, nor a mole. She needed neither—just to find The gap she’d seen while on patrol. When working as a guard, she’d found A spot with slightly lower ground The dirt didn’t quite reach the fence Anyone could come inbound She’d told no one, for she knew Someday this could prove useful, too Well, that day had come, and hence, She crawled down and wriggled through A premeditated trip Gwen gave every guard the slip A quick dash here, a shortcut there A smile rose up on her lip For she’d done it—she’d arrived The center of the Cayenne hive A small pen; the chicken’s lair! She’d made it unharmed and alive And so she slowly turned the knob, Proud that she had done her job. But when she took a look inside, She found not a hen, but a noble snob! “Who are you!?” said Adrienne, The daughter of Lord Cayenne, Tall, with chest and hips quite wide. She was there, but not the hen! Gwen was all too shocked to speak. “Oh, that’s right, you’re that one freak Who got caught staring, stalking me! So you’re trying to take a peek!?” “No, wait! I was… Where’s the hen?” But when she heard this, Adrienne Just laughed. “There’s something you should see. Look at the ‘eggs’ in this pen.” Sure enough, they were pure gold. Worth millions, should they be sold. Then Gwen noticed Adri’s rear— Her panties were down. –Why so bold? “Hey, what are you looking at? I simply haven’t had time, brat, To pull them up since you came here.” –Why are they down? What’s with that? “Don’t get it? This is where I go When I’m done getting rid of foes, Or any other stupid mutt. And that includes you, you know.” Gwen cowered. They were alone. “Let me show you your new home.” She pulled Gwen against her gut. Gurgle, gurgle, grumble, groan… The tall girl pulls Gwen to her face. “I’ll make you vanish without a trace.” Then she opened her mouth wide. “All who defy me end up in this place.” “You see? There never was a bird. Those were made-up, silly words.” As it clicked at last, Gwen cried, “Wait, the golden ‘eggs’ are t—mmmph!?” GULP! |
The Cat and Mouse It was a beautiful winters night and most people were inside laying by a nice warm fire and watching holiday specials. In one neighborhood one house outshined the rest with decorations. It was always complimented for it beauty. An odd couple lived here, an cat and her boyfriend who happened to be a mouse. Even in a world with anthros, humans, and even aliens this was strange. Both loved each other and were often made fun of in public. This night both lay cuddling in front of the fire they had started. The mouse lay cuddled up to the cats warm PJ’s she wore. “Hmm, its really cold out tonight huh Jess?” The mouse shivered. Jess looked down at him and wrapped her body around him and went back to stareing at the fire. “Hmmm is that better Jean?” Jessica asked. Jean smiled and wiggled his way closer to her warm belly. “Hehe yea, much better. Now if only we had some cheese…” Jean giggled. Jessica smiled and got up leaving Jean in the blanket. “I get the hint.” She giggled headed into the kitchen. As Jess entered the kitchen Jean got up and pulled on his minisweater Jess had gotten him last year. He could hear her searching the refridgerator for some cheese when out of the corner of his eye he saw something scurry quickly into his mousehole where he went for some alone time. Confused by what he may have saw he entered his mousehole to find two other mice like him but with more muscle and tattered clothes. Between them lay a wedge of cheese and they looked at Jean as if he was a threat. Out from the kitchen Jess called out to Jean. “Sorry sweety. Theres no more cheese.” Jean turned to call out when one of the two mice punched him in the face and sent Jean right to the floor. Both bigger mice then proceeded to kick the crap out of Jean. Jean called out for help and Jessica’s large hand grabbed hold of all three mice. She gently let jean go and stared at him. “Are you ok sweety?” She asked concerned. Jean slowly got up and covered his bleeding nose. “Ow, I think they broke my nose….” Jean told her. Jess turned her attention to the other two mice. “Oh, you two…. I think I will crush you..” She threatened. Jean checked his nose which stopped bleeding. “Hun I am ok.” Jean smiled. Jess smiled back and kept a strong hold on the other two. “Should we throw them out into the cold?” She asked. Jean sat and thought for a few moments before looking at them and smiling. “Hmmm, are ya hungry darling?” Jean smiled. Jess caught on and giggled. “Hmmm well it has been a few hours and I could go for a snack.” She smiled opening her maw wide so that the other two mice could see into her maw and down her throat. The two mice looked at each other and turned white with fear. “P-please don’t do that… anything but that.” They both begged. “You should have thought of that before you stole from us and beat me up.” Jean smiled. Jess giggled and closed her mouth and squeezed them alittle harder. Both mice squeeked in pain as she squeezed harder. “Besides, I know who you two really are.” Jean smiled. Jess looked at Jean confused but the two mice stared down at him in almost a panic. “Um.. we don’t know what you mean.” They both said at once. “oh I think you do. You two are the Krimling brothers. You murder other mice out of pleasure.” Jean accused the two mice. Jess stared at them and giggled. “Then it is best if I eat them after all.” Jean nodded and got closer to his love. “Your days of murder are over.” Jean smiled and waved bye as Jess brought them to her mouth. “Fine you got us. But I swear to both of you we will return and you will be the first to die.” The bigger of the two mice said stareing at Jean. Jess smiled and dropped the two mice into her salivating maw. She swished them around absorbing their flavors and playing with them using her tounge. Jean smiled and climbed up her PJ’s to her neck which he kissed tenderly. Jess giggled and swallowed both mice. A large lump traveled down her soft neck and Jean rubbed it on its way down. After the lump had passed her chest and disappeared Jean smiled diving into Jessica’s PJ’s and landed inbetween her breasts. “Hmmm, I love it when you eat.” Jean smiled kissing her breasts. Jess just moaned slightly as Jean kissed her tender nipples before sliding down to her bare belly and listening to the two mice struggle and curse at each other. Jean smiled and rubbed Jessica’s belly as he could hear it start its work on the brothers. “Hmm, darling can ya lay down?” jean asked. Jess did as he asked and giggled. “They still alive?” She asked curiously. Jean put his ear to her belly and heard nothing but gurgles and churning. “I don’t think so darling.” Jean smiled rubbing her belly. “Hmmm…. Hey jean… make me feel as good as you.” Jess smiled. Jean smiled back and slipped into her bottoms and underwear. Jess started to moan as Jean rubbed her vagina lips and she slipped her bottoms and undies off. Jean liked the nice breeze as she peeled off her bottoms and rubbed more and more feeling the lips get wetter and wetter. Jessica’s fingers pushed him into her Vagina and jean felt himself get soaked in her juices. While her was inside her he rubbed every inch of her pink inside. He felt the walls tighten and tighten the further he rubbed and soon a flood of cum almost washed him out of her as she cam. Jess panted heavily and smiled. “Oh god jean I love you. Stay in me for the night and be warm.” Jess smiled pulling her bottoms back on. Jean smiled and went deeper entering her womb. “I will darling. See you in the morning.” Jean smiled as he drifted off to sleep. That night ended a spree of mousie murders and the Kremling brothers wouldn’t be seen again for a long long time. |
New Roommate The sun slowly rose over the horizon, its warm yellow light washing over the culvisack Jean and Jessica lived in. The warm light crept into the couples room making Jessica stir. Slowly she got out of bed yawning and stretching. Jessica walked quietly out of the bedroom passing a newly made staircase and going into the kitchen to make coffee. The house had been modified with a second floor and several new rooms. The second floor project had taken about four months to finish and now that it was they could use the extra rooms for new things. One or two of the new rooms were for rent as Jessica and Jean loved meeting new people and could use more money. Jessica sighed happily as the coffee brewed and was glad all the noise was over for the second floor. Jean slowly stirred at the smell of the brewing coffee. He sat up and walked to the end of the bed opening his eyes and sniffing at the air. With a smile Jean leapt from the bed and landed on a small cushion on the floor breaking his fall. Once on the floor Jean got into a small car-like device he had built to make getting around the house easier. He turned on the car and drove himself over to the kitchen parking under the counter so Jessica wouldn’t trip over his car. He climbed up the counter with ease and stood over by the coffee Machine as it brewed. Jessica smiled down at Jean as he stood by the coffee machine. “Well good morning. Did you sleep well?” Jessica asked happily. “Mhm. I love falling asleep to your stomachs sounds.” Jean yawned happily. “Good, I slept well with you warming my tummy as well.” Jessica laughed as she poured the coffee for both of them. Jean sipped the coffee from his tiny mug and sighed happily. “Hehe so are ya happy the second floor is finished?” Jean asked curiously. Jess sighed happily and nodded. “Yea, that was getting annoying and my headaches got worse.” Jessica explained. “Ah well at least its stopped so you can relax now.” Jean smiled signaling that he wanted to climb up her arm. Jessica giggled and picked Jean up placing him between her breasts. “Stay there for now Hun.” Jessica giggled finishing her coffee. “Hmmm…. How much do you think we should charge for the extra rooms?” Jessica asked as she walked back into the bedroom. “Hmmm I would wait to see how much the tenant has and how much they make. We don’t want to take too much ya know?” Jean smiled up at Jessica from between her breasts. “You have a point. Ok so we will interview them then.” Jessica decided as she picked out what she would wear for the day. Jean couldn’t really move when he was placed in between her breasts so he just relaxed and enjoyed the warm embrace. Jessica had picked out her clothes and headed into the bathroom with Jean still in her cleavage and she started to take off her PJ’s. As soon as she was stripped naked Jessica turned on the shower and stepped inside closing the shower door. Jean struggled as he got wet and Jessica squished her breasts together, squishing Jean a little in the process. “Relax Jean, its just a shower.” Jessica giggled removing Jean from her breasts. Jean was placed in the soap dish where he started to wash himself before she took the soap and did the same. Both rinsed off, dried themselves and changed clothes. Jessica picked Jean up and kissed him before placing him on her shoulder. “Hehe all clean?” Jean asked her. “Mhm. Feels so nice.” Jessica giggled exiting the bathroom. Jean covered Jessica’s neck in his tiny kisses as she tossed their dirty clothes into the hamper and headed into the living room. “Hehe Jean…. Stop…. Your going to get me excited.” Jessica blushed. “And that’s bad?” Jean countered happily. “It is if we get a new roommate today…” Jessica blushed. “Hehe what are the chances of that?” Jean laughed kissing her neck some more. No sooner had Jean said that, the doorbell rang. “See?” Jessica told him getting up and leaving Jean on the couch. Jessica opened the door to see a very stunningly beautiful naga holding one of their flyers advertising the rooms for rent. “Hello.” Jessica greeted the naga. “Hello… Um are you the ones with a room for rent?” The naga asked curiously. “Yes we are. Please, come on inside.” Jessica smiled stepping aside. The naga entered the house and Jessica shut the door behind them. “My name is Jessica, its nice to meet you.” Jessica smiled leading the naga to the couch. “My name is Silrath, Very nice to meet you Jessica.” Silrath said sitting on the couch where Jean was, her long turquoise tail coiler up at the foot of the couch. “So… how much is the room?” Silrath asked getting to the point. “Well…. How much do you make? We want the rent to be fair.” Jessica smiled. “Don’t worry about it. Just give a price and if it isn’t too high I promise to have it on time every month.” Silrath smiled. “Ok… how about….$150 a month and you have to at least keep the room clean?” Jessica smiled. “That’s it? Not worried I may eat you during the night?” Silrath smiled mischievously. “Nope. Even if you did we would return in about half a day.” Jessica laughed. “We?” Silrath asked looking around. “Yea… Jean’s around here somewhere…” Jessica told her looking around. “Jean?” Jessica called out. Both were quiet for a minute before hearing something from under Silrath. Silrath got up and Jean lay where she was sitting gasping for air. “Why am I always sat on?” Jean gasped. “Because your so tiny….” Silrath pointed out. Once Jean had caught his breath and was brought up to date with who Silrath was and the deal that was made Jessica took Silrath upstairs to show her the room. Jean sat on Jessica’s shoulder and looked down at Silrath. “Hmmm… Why does such a beautiful naga want to live as a housemate instead of buying a real house?” Jean asked curiously. Silrath looked up at Jean surprised at the random question. “Well… I like having housemates. Plus with housemates that cant die I can eat for free all the time.” Silrath smiled mischievously. Jean blushed as he thought about being in her belly. Jessica opened the door to a simple room that was about medium sized. It held two windows and hadn’t been painted yet. “here you go Silrath, This is your room. You can paint it whatever color you want, decorate it however you want and you can have friends over…. Just not too many please.” Jessica smiled. Silrath entered the room and smiled. “This will do…. A few rocks, a Sunning rock, and black paint and this room will be perfect…” Silrath said before noticing a mouse hole. “Um… why is there a mouse hole?” Silrath asked Jean. “I have mouse holes in every room. Its how I get around the house.” jean told Silrath. “Don’t let me catch you spying on me.” Silrath warned him. “I wont. If ya catch me you can eat me.” jean smiled. “Oh I will… and I will digest slowly.” Silrath promised. “Ok… well when can ya move in?” Jessica asked curiously. “Right away. I brought a small suitcase I left by your bushes outside in case I liked the room. I will go get it.” Silrath told Jessica slithering out of the room. “Jean…. Don’t spy on her.” Jessica told Jean once Silrath was downstairs. “Oh… fine.” Jean pouted. “Hey, I tell ya what. I will make it up to you sweety.” Jessica smiled happily kissing Jean. “hehe you mean it?” Jean smiled knowing what she meant. “Mhm. I do.” Jessica smiled. “Like… right now?” Jean smiled mischievously. “Hmmm… I don’t know about now…” Jessica giggled. “Please?” Jean smiled. “Oh…. Ok.” Jessica smiled opening her maw wide and licking Jean. Jean crawled into Jessica’s mouth getting soaked in her saliva. Jessica moved Jean around her mouth getting his soaked before swallowing him down. Jean felt her tight throat muscles pushing him down into her stomach which was empty aside from himself being in there. Silrath returned upstairs with a small beat up suitcase noticing Jessica sigh happily. “Well someone is happy.” Silrath smiled entering her room and placing the suitcase in the top-left corner of the room. “Oh, yea. Just had breakfast.” Jessica giggled. “Really? That was really fast.” Silrath said wondering what she ate. “Mhm, yup. Really tasty too.” Jessica giggled before burping. “Scuse me.” Jessica blushed. Silrath noticed Jean wasn’t on Jessica’s shoulder anymore and had to ask. “Hey… where’s Jean?” Jessica smiled and patted her belly. “Hmmm… not sure. I am sure he is around here somewhere.” Jessica giggled. Silrath smiled and closed the blinds that were in the room making it darker. “You ate him huh?” Silrath teased. “Yes I did.” Jessica giggled. “Well…. Maybe you would like a taste of your own medicine? I didn’t have breakfast today either.” Silrath smiled using her tail to close the door. “Oh… um we have waffles…” Jessica offered instead. “Hmmm no thank you…” Silrath smiled wrapping her coils around Jessica slowly. “You see I am more of a meat eater and you are meat that comes back.” Silrath smiled as her coils traveled up Jessica’s form gently. “A-are you sure about this?” Jessica asked curiously noticing how she wouldn’t be able to escape now, even if she wanted to. “Yes dear… anything else you would like before I swallow you?” Silrath smiled happy to oblige her. “Hmmm…. A kiss and maybe let me kiss your belly first.” Jessica smiled. Silrath was surprised at Jessica’s requests and nodded. “I can do both of those. First the belly.” Silrath smiled pushing Jessica’s face to her soft, warm belly. Jessica smiled and kissed the soft warm flesh. “Mmmm its kind of sexy how I will end up as your belly fat.” Jessica smiled. Silrath nodded and brought Jessica’s face back to her own. “Mhm, indeed. And I would love to have you be part of me.” Silrath smiled kissing Jessica. Jessica kissed back before noticing Silrath’s mouth stretching wider. Jessica felt her head enter Silrath’s maw, dripping wet with her saliva. After sucking on Jessica’s head for a few minutes Silrath swallowed down her head and shoulders. After a few more gulps Jessica was on her way to Silrath’s stomach traveling slowly as Silrath loved the sensation of another sliding down her throat. Jessica was soaked in saliva and traveling slowly down Silrath’s dark, wet throat. The muscles massaging her every curve and sending her down to Silrath’s snake half where her stomach was. Jessica slipped into the stomach easily and found it very hot and humid. Silrath coiled around the lump Jessica made and gently stroked it lovingly. “MMmm relax and enjoy.” Silrath smiled closing her eyes and relaxing. Jessica couldn’t really move as it was cramped and she felt the stomach get hotter. Jean was already half digested within Jessica and she knew she was to become part of their new housemate. “Take care of the house while we are gone.” Jessica smiled falling asleep. “Don’t worry… I will.” Silrath promised delving into her own pleasant slumber. After about a day there was a loud POP! In the kitchen and there stood Jessica and Jean together. The house was absolutely clean and a note on the fridge read “I got some groceries and cleaned up a little. Hope you don’t mind. Signed: Silrath” Jessica grabbed Jean and placed him on her shoulder before headed upstairs. “Wow… she is really good at cleaning.” Jean said amazed. Jessica nodded and put a finger to her lips telling him to shush as they got to her room. The door was partially open and they looked inside. Silrath lay on a large sunning rock with the windows open. The walls were painted a dark grey and the room looked more like a cave now. Silrath was fast asleep and Jessica closed her door gently. “Hehe so cute.” Jessica giggled. “Cute? Try artistic genius. She found a way of turning a regular room into a cave.” Jean laughed. Jessica nodded and went back downstairs to make lunch for them both. |
A Big Night! A week! A week before the wedding and all around the house, everything was stirring, even the mouse. Jean and Jessica had been planning the wedding for the past month. Jean went with Jessica, picked out plates, silverware, flowers, food, the DJ, and pretty much every other detail of the wedding. The house was flooded with books, flowers and all sorts of decorations which Jessica was still deciding on and Lilly had even decided to help in anyway she could. Jean felt stressed, tired and above all he felt nervous. It was a BIG week and while Jessica worked on picking out decorations, Jean was in his mouse hole or his workshop. He wanted to create a surprise that would leave Jessica speechless. For about two days, Jean worked on this little invention and finally he came out for some food in the kitchen. Lilly was the first to notice him and immediately picked Jean up and set him on the counter. Jean looked exhausted as he only slept for maybe 3 hours for the past 2 days. Lilly smiles and hands Jean a slice of cheese which made Jean laugh for a moment. “Thank you. How are things out here?” Jean smiles as he starts to nibble on the cheese. “Oh just fine. You both need some time out. Shes stressing over balloons now and you…. You just disappeared for the past 2 days. What are you doing?” Lilly smiles as she relaxes next to Jean. “Something special for Jessica. You will see. And we both do need a small break. She looks like she hasn’t slept in awhile.” Jean observed as Jessica was looking at balloon designs. Lilly shook her head and picked Jean up before walking over to Jessica and tapping her shoulder. Jessica looked up and was a mix of angry, frustrated and desperate. Lilly just smiled and waved for Jessica to follow before walking off to Jessica and Jean’s bedroom. Jean squirmed and protested the whole way as he was held firmly in Lilly’s hand while Jessica was muttering about how she needed to get back to work with picking out balloons. The bedroom was decorated with cherry scented candles, the windows remained closed and a soft yet romantic song played in the background. Their bed was decorated in candles and rose petals. Lilly just smiled and while Jean and Jessica were distracted she quickly stripped them both and threw them both on the soft bed. “Both of you are too stressed. You will lay there and relax or fuck until all that stress is gone and then you may return to your duties. Stress will tear you apart if you let it into your mind. So without further interruption…. Get busy.” Lilly smiles as she walks out of the room and locks the door from the outside. Jean looked at Jessica and blushed as his naked body sat on her naked belly. “Um… I guess we have been pretty wound up huh?” Jean blushes. Jessica looks down and remains silent for a few minutes while she tried relaxing. After a few minutes, Jessica sighed and looked down at Jean. “I suppose… but theres so much to do. I want it all to be perfect.” Jessica sighs. Jean nodded and walks up to Jessica’s breasts and starts to gently rub them. “It will be angel. I promise. Lets…. Just relax and take a small break. We are both very stressed so… maybe Lilly has the right idea…” Jean smiles happily. Jessica nods as she relaxes and thinks for a moment. “Um… so what now?” Lilly smiles softly. Jean blushes and gets an idea. “Mmmm well I have been eaten… but I have never explored your… um…. Nether regions…” Jean blushes heavily. Jessica smiles and nods as she lays back and uses her fingers to spread her nether lips for Jean. “Well…. I don’t know how safe it would be but… you wont digest so go for it.” Jessica blushes as she gave Jean free reign over her. Jean smiles and nods as she walks down to Jessica’s slit and looks inside it. Pink, fleshy walls pulsated and dripped her nectar as Jean gently touched the inner walls. “Mmmm it feels…. Nice.” Jean blushes as he slowly starts to push his head into the warm and wet cave. The warm, wet and fleshy walls massaged Jean’s head and arms as he pushed himself deeper and deeper into Jessica as her juices soaked him as well. Jessica moaned loudly and used her fingers to push her future husband into her nethers, deeper and deeper. Jean noticed that he had no air the deeper that he went and squirmed more making Jessica moan louder and louder. Once all of the squirming Jean was pushed into Jessica’s vaginal canal, Jessica started to push her fingers deeper and Jean would feel her vaginal walls tighten and start to squish his tiny body. Jessica pants heavily and after a few more rubs and squirms, Jessica cries out and cums hard. The tight vaginal walls around Jean finally loosened and instead of flooding out with the cum, Jean is forced into her womb. Jean feels his body get pushed into a small, tight chamber where there was alittle air and he felt his body get massaged and soaked in even more juices. Jessica just lay on the bed, panting heavily and rubbing her wet slit. “Mmmm Jean…. How was it in me?” Jessica pants as she hadn’t looked down to see if Jean was out. “Um… I’m not out… you pulled me deeper. I think I may be in your womb…” Jean blushes as he tries to push his way back out. Jessica feels Jean pushing and trying to get out which only made her moan more. “S-s-stop! W-we will get you out somehow…. Just relax…” Jessica pants softly as she lays back. Jean nods and stops moving around so that the sensitive womb walls could just massage him. “Lilly! Please come in Lilly…” Jessica calls out as she feels a mixture of relaxed and super horny. Lilly enters the room after a few minutes looking like she had just had a work out and blinks curiously. “Yessss?” Lilly smiles happily. Jessica waved Lilly over and pointed at her nethers. “Jean went in… and he is stuck in my womb. How do I get him out?” Jessica blushes heavily. Lilly giggles and shakes her head as she exit’s the room and returns about 5 minutes later with a small vial. “You could digest him into cum and then squirt him out or…. You could have me pull him out which could be painful and blissful. I would assume you want the less painful route.” Lilly giggles as she hands Jessica the vial. Jessica looks at the vial and opens her mouth only to have Lilly put her hand to Jessica’s mouth. “You don’t drink this. You pour it into your nethers.” Lilly smiles as she takes the vial and opens it. “Jean darling… this will tingle. Then you wont know whats happening and you will sleep.” Lilly smiles as she pours the liquid deep into Jessica’s slit. Jessica moans and wiggles alittle as the cool liquid felt weird and different. Jean felt the liquid actually enter the womb and his whole body started to tingle. “After this Jessica, you will be able to digest whatever is in your womb on will.” Lilly smiles. Jean blushes and tries wiggling only to find his body unresponsive and within minutes he is asleep, not knowing that he is digested into almost living cum. Once Jean had quieted down and the small lump inside of Jessica disappeared, Lilly smiles and straddles Jessica. “Mmmm… now do you need help releasing him?” Lilly smiles happily. Jessica blushes and nods. “mmm yes please. Do whatever you wish…” Jessica pants softly as she could feel she needed a release. Lilly smiles and nods as she transforms into a living toy with hands and feet to move around and push herself deeper. Lilly pushes her head into Jessica’s wet slit and started to force herself in and out of Jessica, getting lubed up by Jessica’s warm and gooey juices. Jessica moans and grips the bed sheets as she feels Lilly go deeper and deeper into her. “Mmmm lick… do something…” Jessica pants as her 2ed climax starts to build. Lilly smiles and makes her mouth appear and with each thrust inside of Jessica’s slit, her tongue darted out and licked all over the warm fleshy walls. Jessica pants heavily and after a few more licks she cries out and cums once more, all over Lilly. Lilly started to giggles and transforms back to her normal form as she licks Jessica’s slit dry. “Mmmm…. He should return shortly. For now, sleep.” Lilly smiles. Jessica nods and lays back in the bed, closing her eyes and relaxing as she slowly slipped off to sleep. Lilly watched over Jessica until Jean reformed and slept on Jessica’s belly. “Goodnight you two. Sleep well and in the morning you may continue your shenanigans.” Lilly smiles as she gets up and leaves the room. Jean cuddled closely to Jessica’s belly and smiled as they both slept. In the next few days, they would be married… |
Kari sniffled her last sniffle for a long while as she had just conquered her little sickness. She felt a little bad for not being able to go on a trip like her friends but she'd rather her friends not get sick and ruin their trip thus she stayed home. But now that she recovered, she was thinking of joining them. She knew where they were going and was in her usual green school attire. The skirt was rather short and showed off her rather silky and youthful legs all the way down to her thigh-high socks. She was humming a little tune, deciding to take a backroad to get to the station faster. She kept on the road, a smile on her face until she stopped mid-walk, noticing someone on the ground ahead of her. The groggy murmurs of a crazed, homeless woman could be faintly heard by the twisted oak tree she was half snoozing on. Truth is she was bored, not sleepy, just keeping her eyes shut to pass the endless amount of time she had on her dirtied hands. bare feet looked filthy and covered with smudges of dirt and grass stains, they wore floppy sandals that looked like they were falling apart and dug out of a trash. "Jackal headed jerks, don't know nothing bout nobody. They think they know me but that tripe wasn't filling anyone's hole. I get better stuff out of the woods than that white hat house, they think they're soooo smart," she griped to herself. She blinked when a girl approached her, cherry red locks were in a tangled mess; like someone ran it through a mud bath. She was wearing ratty black pants and a multi stain colored dark brown shirt that had both the sleeves torn off, revealing muscular but dirty arms. "Yeah.....what? You fall off your pony princess? Why you nosing about my neck of the woods," she spat out a twig she was chewing on like a toothpick, "You act like you've never seen a homeless woman before. Not my fault the government don't care bout my needs, bah, can't even feed me right," she hissed under her breath, occasionally looking at Kari. Not really sure why this girl was sticking around though, least not yet anyway. "Wadda ya want?" Kari sighed with a shake of her head and a smile. "I've seen plenty and by the looks of things, you need a shower pretty bad." She kneels down to get a better look at all the grime and muck over her body. "Maybe more than just one." she remarked, her shapely legs just bending in the woman. Her supple thighs showed she was a bit of an athlete but even more visible were her kitty-themed panties just seen through the crack of her legs. "I think I can help you out. Maybe make you up a nice meal too." she said with a smiling face. So used to dealing with people like these, she knew just how to give them something they wanted...or at the very least something they needed. She giggled, making a joke whilst a strand of hair slipped down her graceful cheeks. "Or I could just leave you here and let you talk to the tree some more." her giggle was slightly nasally but sweet overall. Her green attire seemed to echo with her laughter quite nicely, showing off a rather slim yet shapely form of her bust. The soft smacking of her dried lips indicated a strong reaction to the word...meal. She also heard that nasally sound. Hopefully it was on its last legs, because if the mad hobo girl was planning on doing what her dark, devious little mind was thinking about doing; last thing she needed to do was eat something gamey. But still, how often do chances like this come along? Sally looked like she was older than she appeared, though it could be the dirt smudges and baggy, tattered clothes that made her look that way. "Your serious? You sure you’re not running from men in suits and shades too?" she half joked, her raspy voice had a sharp edge to it. Still...this girl didn't seem bothered by her. Perhaps this is worth investigating, least it'd get her off the grass and cardboard box bed. "You know, a meal sounds nice. People don't look past me without seeing devils and dirt so the fact you’re being so...ahem...generous, makes me think who the real cuckoo bird is here," she snickered. Accepting the girl's offer, she decided to walk with her to her house. Though Sally kept hidden behind trees and trash cans. "Don't want anyone calling the cops on me ya know, just til were at your nest princess," her eyes gleamed a bit at Kari's youth. Like a breath of fresh air in her lungs. "Name's Sally by the way, people call me lots of things but Sally's the nicest thing," she followed Kari all the way to her home. Still moving as if someone was following her, she was paranoid like that you could say. "Hikari Yagami is my full name but most folks call me Kari. So, just call me Kari, Sally." she said, giving her a firm handshake as they walked to her home up in the apartment complex. Her ragged self wasn't the worst the youth had seen. She'd seen much worse in the past. Just imagining the ordeal Myotismon put her and her absent partner through flashed through her mind briefly. She sighed contentedly, thinking a little bit about Wizardmon and how tattered he looked. But that was in the past. Right now, she had another 'orphan' to take care of. She watched as the girl hid behind things which in turn made Kari give a skewed smile. It took all kinds. She was going to go on a trip but now she had someone to take care of. Her thoughts were so filled that she didn't notice a sudden breeze that made her cry out and fall nearly flat on her face. Thankfully she was in the grass when it happened but it ended up blowing up her skirt, fully showing off her thighs and panties with a shapely bum. She groaned as she got up slowly, moving her left leg which caused her calves to twitch. "Well that was graceful of me.." she grunted out, rising to her feet finally and looking back to give the woman a sheepish smile. Her cheeks were pinkened and her tongue stuck out followed by a giggle. "Good thing is we're almost there." She dusted off her skirt hurriedly and picked up the pace while keeping an eye on her new 'friend'. Every now and a again, there'd be a stray wind that lifted up the back of her outfit, revealing the smooth small of her back. Even more so as she ascended the stairs up to her home. Sally almost forgot the need to hide when she saw that smooth, lush, gloriously delicious backside of this fresh young girl. The homeless nut job looked at Kari's thighs and rump like they were the finest porterhouse steak in existence. Like Kari should be hanging from some butcher's window she was so succulent and tempting, she felt like she should gobble her up right this instant. "You've got the clock on your side, clock is slow sally girl, remember.... clock is slow" she muttered as she followed Kari up the stairs to her home. It smelled like Kari. The crazed woman felt like she could be wrapping her lips and teeth into this girl's fine meat any second now, but patience was needed now. First, those dark, inky blue eyes needed to be sure things were secure and this really wasn't just another delusion the men in black convinced she had daily. She entered the home, surveying every possible means of entrance and escape, but more importantly: who else lived here? "Quite the shack Kari girl, been a while since I've been in a place this quiet" her ears perked up, listening, in this case it was a good thing. "Guessing you live with the 'rents, place seems awfully muted. Anyone gonna be around for a while or will it just be us" she paused and licked her lips "girls?" The answer was exactly what Sally wanted to hear. She couldn't contain her dark smile, "I bet were gonna get along like two meatballs on a plate of pasta. Speaking of meat, you're one fine looking hunka girl meat missy, bet all the boys drool over you" she wiped some dirty locks from her eyes and winked at her seductively, "Bet the girls do too." She didn't know which way this girl swung her tastebuds, but if possible, Sally wasn't against using some sex appeal to make the dinner theater pre-show more entertaining. Kari answered earnestly. "Yeah. Parents are out of town and so is my brother and his friends. It'll be just us here." she giggled a little, shutting the door behind her and taking off her shoes showing off the cloaked visage of her feet trapped within the confines of her socks. She raised her head when she talked about the boys...and the girls. The boy part made her chuckle nervously, thinking about T.K. but when she talked about if the girls were into her too, she got a little red in the face. "W-Well there's a few hehe...I sort of like them too..." she clenched up her face as if she had just sucked on a lemon then shook her head then slapped her cheeks to psyche herself out of this mindset. "Anyway...let's get you cleaned up first...oh I can wash your back for you if you need me to." she suggested, slipping out of her socks slowly. Her dainty feet peeked out from them. Her toes gripped the other sock and removed it as well to reveal the other tootsie. They seemed too adorable for words on her. They were small, smooth, and well taken care of. Not a blemish to be found. "Dinner I can cook up in just a few minutes so I can go either way." It was up to Sally. Kari was smiling sweetly no matter her decision. Her toes flexed restlessly upon the polished wooden floor, ready to move along with her legs at a moment's notice. The sliding glass door was opening which made a breeze lift up her front a bit to show her flat and sleek midriff. "Betting no cell phone service where they are?" she secretly prodded, she wanted to know how safe she was here. So far, Kari seemed too good to be true, or maybe she truly was.... angel food sent by the heavens to reward her for her hardships in life. or maybe Kari is too sweetfully stupid. Sally was so hungry and dirty; she didn't know which need she wanted fulfilled first. But then again, she couldn’t';t think straight knowing she was covered in all this filth, and the last thing she wanted to do was enjoy her meal while being reminded of what a filthy animal she had become out there. "Tell you what cuteness, why don't you help me wash my back towards the end, then we can settle on something fresh and young to eat" she almost purred, finding her shyness very intoxicating. Oh she loved to play with her food. She walked by with a smug smile, trailing a soft finger under Kari's chin "And if you like, we can gab a bit about swinging for the other team. After all, it’s just us girls here, no one's gonna know if you like. Just promise me you won't tell anyone about me, I'm not exactly popular with the outside world right now." She vanished into the bathroom. A half hour later of washing all the filth and gunk from her body, she sat comfortably in the tub, her back exposed and waiting for Kari. She smirked hearing her come in, cherry red locks looking flawlessly beautiful and radiant now that its clean. She peeked at Kari's body, mouth watering at her pristine young girl flesh. "Heh, yeah I was right bout you kitty cat, you'd really make the girls go wild for you. I'm feeling all sorts of hunger pains just looking at ya. I can tell you keep in good shape." Kari was merely showing off her legs and stomach...and arms. She was in a rather small two-piece swimsuit she usually wore. Though they were held up by some pretty easily pulled strings. Still, she blushed when entering and came in with a sponge in hand. Her body looked quite the perfect size; both thin and elegant. Her legs were especially long with her bare feet squeaking upon the ground as she came in. Her skin was almost like pure alabaster and no tan lines at all. Even the vanilla-colored bikini looked too dark on her. Her chestnut short hair slumped off to the side as she sidestepped. "Ready?" she asked quaintly, dipping the sponge into the water and squeezing the water out. The water trickled down her arm and dribbled from her wrist, wetting her toes. Her bust was ample, not big or too little as was made apparent by the attire. She knelt down gently beside the tub. "Well you certainly do look loads cleaner than before...hehe...ah..." her eyes darted around at Sally's risqué comments. "...you...you really think so? Well usually it's the boys all crowding around lately..." she lifted her leg up, her bottom portion of the outfit stretching a little so dangerously close to revealing her nethers, then dunked the leg into the water. "But the girls? Well it's not as bad but they do give me some pretty loving looks. I kinda like it." She then dipped her other leg in and squatted behind Sally. "Back in the day, I was on the fence but now? Now if a girl were to ask me out, I would actually consider it." She dunked the sponge again then raised it up, cleaning the back of Sally of all the dirt and junk on it. "Just thinking about it makes me feel real fuzzy inside." She grinned and licked her lips, almost lovingly; sadistically with a slow purr at Kari's rubbing motions, though more at the smell and feel of such fine girl meat being so naively blind to the ravenous danger she brought into her house. If it weren't for her family, she could live here and get off the streets for good. But if not, at least she'll get the best meal in town. "I know just what you mean Kari, more than you'll ever know" her stomach rippled a bit, the hunger pains were getting more vicious and demanding of the prize behind her, but she was having too much fun. "Tell you what, why not sleep on it? Since I'm nesting in your little bird house, I'd be happy to give you some" she leaned back and licked the side of Kari's cheek, stealing a taste and sending all sorts of things through the silly girl's mind, "Pointers. You've been so kind to a crazy hag like me, it’s the least I can do," her cheeks and eyes batted such beautiful looking charms Kari's way, it’s amazing what a good wash can do to a person's perception. She stood up, grabbing a towel and finishing her drying off before exiting the room. Sally found a new pair of clothes from Kari's room, some yellow pajama pants with cat faces on them and a large teal and yellow shirt, similar to TK's one might say. the mad woman was rather neutral during dinner, eating but never seeming to be filled up. Almost like it.... wasn’t enough. She yawned loudly and stretched, heading to the guest room Kari prepared for her "Sleep tight kitten and remember, keep everything to yourself. I'd hate to have anyone spoil our girl time fun by being nosy about some facebook post or text message," she made a shh motion to Kari, touching her lips playfully before going to bed. She waited til Kari fell asleep, then tip toed her fresh clean bare feet into Kari's bedroom. For the rest of the evening, that lick made the youthful girl think of all kinds of rather delicious thoughts. The pristine stature Sally compared to what she was made Kari wonder about her offer. It sent chills down her spine and made her wonder even further about more than just if she was into girls. It made her wonder what it would be like to sleep with one. After dinner, she was content with the meal she made and sleep came rather easy to her. Except for thoughts about Sally doing a striptease in her mind. She woke up only once but drifted to sleep again shortly after. She was in her nightie which was quite revealing although not intentional. The fabric drifted up revealing her smooth stomach and of course her feet and legs were mostly uncovered. The blanket she was under was parted down to reveal her waist as she turned in her sleep, mumbling incoherently. She licked her pearly lips with her velvety soft tongue then turned to her side, her bum facing out toward Sally and the heels of her feet posed alongside the knees she was almost hugging. Sally couldn't believe what a paradise this girl had granted her. If her parents only knew how easy it was to tip this girl's world upside down, and she hasn't even gotten to the best part yet! But that comes later, tomorrow maybe, for breakfast or for lunch...she hadn't decided yet. But tonight, it was all about sampling the main course in a little midnight raid. Sally tip toed easily into the girl's room without making a sound, she'd become an expert in ducking in and out of restaurants without anyone noticing. Her prize so beautiful, so lush and divine, thank god her friends and family weren't around to protect her from all the dark fun these two would have over the weekend. "Let's have an appetizer shall we?" she lustfully whispered, almost ghost like. leaning she picked up a bare foot and began to slowly, hotly, suckle upon her toes, licking wetly between them and even smoothly dragging it down her soles. She could almost taste her toenail polish she was licking them so tenderly, warmly drooling as she licked across her soles, even nibbling at her ankles. Sally continued to play with her new toy, making sure she was still asleep, she would always bolt if she wakes up and chalk it up to a weird dream. She approached the back of her legs and did soft swirls with her tongue on the back of her knees. The thighs were next, "My favorite parts" she crooned. She took long, slow, steaming licks up her thighs, almost nibbling on them like a pair of large suckers. Tasting her thighs and even curling her tongue and fingers against her rump cheeks; tugging down her panties for the briefest of tastes of pure bare rump meat. "Mmmm" Sally crooned, she vanished the instant Kari would awaken. Nearly all of her licking would get a rather surprising reaction from Kari. She moaned gently hugging her blanket tightly. Every lick and suckle would get a different noise from the girl. A squeak, a moan, a tiny yelp, even a purr. Some even mixed. "Oh Mimi...you're so naughty hehe..." she mumbled in her sleep lazily. Who knows what kind of dreams she was having right now...likely about another girl she knew. She didn't even awaken as her panties were being drawn down. She trembled a little but showed no signs of getting up anytime soon. The gleam of the moon caused the parts Sally lick to cast the shine of saliva off of them. Her slender fingers kept hold of her blanket that was pretty much a body pillow at this point. Unconsciously, the petite waist twitched and her bum's cheeks squeezed together briefly. She seemed pretty much at peace right now being none the wiser to Sally's motives. Her toes flexed against her soles and her smooth legs crossed. Sally let her lips part and take some naughty bites against the skin of her rump. Not daring to break such succulent skin, just enough to get some flavor in her mouth as she licked the rump cheeks ever so smoothly, never going deep enough to taste anything else other than fine rump meat. She even licked just inches from between her thighs, teasing the flesh and letting it dance upon her tastebuds. Teasing between her thighs and letting her own face ride against the thighs as if using those upper thighs as pillows herself. Sally's hair flashed like wild fire in the night light, briefly tickling against her legs. Freshly cleaned hands picked at the girl's feet, licking between her toes and even wrapping the ankles around her neck to feel her calves against her cheeks. Sally purred lustfully, almost growling as if whispering things to her brain "Tomorrow night, I'm gonna gobble you up. My fresh piece of meat." She gave her rump a hearty slap, as if claiming it as her own and then dashed off to bed, wanting full rest for tomorrow. The next day, she yawned lazily scratching her pits, smiling from ear to ear. She wore a bagger soccer jersey as she stepped down to the kitchen to see how Kari was today. Kari was wide awake and cleaning the dishes from the dinner they had last night. This morning, she was wearing especially short khaki jeans that displayed her rump in all its glory. Next was a white tight-fitting shirt coupled with an apron she was wearing up front. "Oh hey, Sally! Morning. I was thinking of getting some stuff done around the house today." She was wearing sandals at the time, seemingly unaware of what happened last night until she stopped whilst washing a dish and blushed. "...I erm had a really ah...naughty dream about my friend, Mimi. It was ah...p-pretty vivid." she chuckled, now resuming washing the dishes. "Could swear I could feel her licking all around my legs and my.... ahem..." She finished the rest rather hastily then took off her apron. She rubbed her own backside with a little grunt, wondering why it felt distantly sore. "So ah...since no one's around, think we could try something later on in the day...?" she asked hesitantly, keeping the syllables apart while touching her index fingers together shyly. The lick and now her dreams made Kari especially curious. She was still young and quite the delectable find. Sally chortled in dark delight "Yeah....imagine that, dreams can be the wildest fortunes told sweetie. They're like live wires to our spines, send all kinds of signals our way." The crazed woman knew she had her right where she wanted her, even in her own madness, she knew how to twist a normal person's mind to bend like hers. It was her last night with the girl and the girl's last night on earth, why not make the dinner game a little more interesting? "Tell you what, you go around and lock all the doors, close all the drapes and windows and make sure everything is sealed tight. We don't want anyone to spoil my...err I mean your fun. I bet your school has a cheerleader outfit, right? Maybe you could slip it on and we can have some fun. Or maybe just your bra and panties will be" she leaned close and grabbed Kari's rump, giving it a forceful squeeze. Who would've imagined taking in a homeless woman would change her life so intensely? "Enough" she purred with her lips. "But you gotta tell me you want it Kari, you gotta tell me you want to be the piece of meat that I'm craving. Make me HUNGER for you, make me starving for you," she leaned back and snickered, leaving her with a teasing lick to the ear "Only then will I... try something with you." The girl yelped, almost squeaking like she had done in her sleep last night. Her heart was starting to pound against her tiny chest and her eyes they wandered all around the place. "I erm.... I-I think I can do that." she nibbled on her thumb and somehow, deep down, she could feel the 'hunger' that Sally desired...but only of the voluptuous kind. That seemed to bring out a hidden desire in her body to swell up. "...I could also just not wear anything at all. since well...everything's going to be locked, closed, and hidden from sight." she chuckled weakly to herself, her cheeks brightening up. "Gosh heh...it's getting a little hot in here." She took some time to let it all settle in then nodded to herself. "Alright...then..." she leaned in close and spoke in a subdued type of voice. "...I am th-that piece of meat.... s-see?" she turned in place winked and leaned forward, rubbing her legs down then doing the same pose but with her rump facing Sally. "...does...erm...this doing anything for you? I wouldn't know...hehe...still learning..." She felt increasingly nervous and anxious about the whole thing but if this happened, thoughts of what she could do with others made her imagination run wild. "I like a show though, it adds more flare and fun to the flavor and besides" she tugged at her shorts, almost yanking it down her legs to her ankles. The sight of such adorably cartoonish underwear made her stomach and lips squirm with even more flesh craving desires. Oh it was almost criminal how easily Kari mistook her desire to devour her for something more intimate. "Your panties and bra are so cute, I could just eat you up", she grabbed her head and licked her neck, as if trying to mentally force her to see herself as food. "Your meat, fresh, hot young meat. Your only lot in life is to be devoured by me" she sounded like she was commanding her, brainwashing her, but in truth.... Sally just loved it when her meals said that kinda stuff.... even when they have no idea they are meals. Her hands firmly rubbed Kari's stomach, even brushing along her breasts, using physical desires to hammer in this "game" of hers. "This is how we play the game cutie. Become my supper, admit you're only purpose in life is to be eaten. No one will miss you, you don't care about the things you haven't accomplished, you are meat meant to be eaten. Put your body to the use it was made for, surrender yourself to my hunger. Want me to eat you, I assure you no boy or girl will give you what I will give you. It’s so much better this way," she ripped off Kari's shirt, almost thinking of forgetting the show and just getting right to it right now. "You were made to be my food, that's what you deserve", she licked Kari's lips, kissing them passionately in seconds next, almost forcing her out of her sandals. "So what do you say?" she grinned hungrily, tempted to shove an apple in that mouth before she could even finish, she was so easy to manipulate she may as well be named lunchmeat. It was at this point that Kari was trembling and shaking with unknown emotions to her body. She was frightened yet aroused. Happy yet uneasy. And now it was pretty clear what it was she wanted from her now. She had seen it in other worlds and getting devoured was something she was wanting to try but also...the secret desire to just be the meal flashed through her mind rapidly. But this was just a game, right? Pretending to be a meal? Warning signs went through her head but those signs were broken apart but what was being offered. The temptation way too great to pass up. She shook as she was kissed, closing her eyes to grant a kiss back when she was able. Now she was more than game to play along. Still thinking it to be a game and trying to make the girl before her happy, she spoke. "What do I say? I say..." she blinked a few times with a smile, eyes almost in a trance. "...better make some room for me~" She couldn't believe the words that just came out of her mouth! Strangely enough, it felt a bit right. "...and also...why wait til later?" She quickly flew to the doors and windows, locked and blinded them accordingly then found herself panting heavily, her cheeks bright red... her chest heaving in and out...her supple thighs and darling feet all begging for attention...her red eyes now shone a lust within them atop it all. Sally managed to do the impossible; tease the wild side out of Kari. "...all yours~" "Those are the magic words my belly has been waiting to hear all day my little cupcake" Sally said in an almost heated, demonic lusting voice. Her face turned witch like as her ravenous true nature came spilling out. Soft, green painted fingernails latched onto Karis cheeks, seeming preparing those moist, pursed and pulsating lips for passionate kiss. But all those dreams of experimentation took on a nightmarish twist as the jaws kept on stretching wider. Sally lunged forward and locked lips right over Karis adorable and naive face. She slurped right down that head, gulping down the neck in voracious fashion. Those strong arms of hers pushed under Karis chest and shoveled her into the mouth, bloating her cheeks and bulging her neck with a fleshy mask like indent of Karis features. She lapped at her bare belly, oozing her tongue over that skin. Greedy hands stuff Karis arms and hands in, feverishly gulping down to her waist. She was being quite literal! Kari couldn't believe just how much of a turn of events this was! She cried out initially, her voice muffled by the warm muscle and tissue of Sally's throat and mouth. She struggled, her muffled voice calling "Ah! No! You're going to get an upset stomach! Let me go! I taste horrible!" She grunted and tried her best to get free but to no avail. Her body was literally most of the way inside. Her curiosity died and she was now more concerned about saving herself. Her bare feet kicked about helplessly and her chest thumped against the insides of her predator. She was a feisty one, putting up quite the fight despite being in a very bad situation. "Grgh! Come...on!" Poor sweet, stupid, succulent little girl. All this time she thought she was doing the right thing: taking her in, washing her back, giving her fresh clothes and fresh food.... especially that last part. All this time promising some sort of new delightful experience to overwhelm her wildest dreams. The silly little tart even told her everyone in the home was away on a vacation and she had kept all of their encounters a secret: she practically shoveled herself into this stomach all by herself. The jaws stretch and slurp across her rump, naughty grabbing hands spanked and squeezed those rump cheeks under the panties, feeling them so firmly and gumming them as if devoid of teeth. SNAP! The wild woman yanked the panties right off Kari's body, tasting bare rump right up against the ceiling of her mouth and gullet, GULP! Down it went too. The oversized T-shirt she wore ballooned with the extra girth of her growing stomach, Kari's lumpy features filling up all over. Next were those thighs she idolized. Sally suckled her legs hotly, letting drool soak down her thighs and trickle across her calves, she even sucked them like suckers before adding them to the gullet's wet muscle tissue. Her calves dangle, Sally chuckled as her fingers poked them and squeezed them tightly with her tongue muscles. Finally, it was just a pair of bare feet, Kari's whole future in school and life.... reduced to a pair of feet, which Sally maniacally tickled and licked to elicit all sorts of giggles from her before GULP! Down she went. Kari's little enjoyment forcibly achieved through tickling was short-lived as the rest of her body was now forced into the tight cramped quarters of Sally's stomach. Everything was so humid and she could hear her obviously excited heartbeat above. Everything was squishy where she moved not that she could move around much at all. She was still struggling as best she could, using her legs and arms to push up against the walls with all her might. "Gngh...let me out! " her muffled sounds came directly from Sally's swollen belly. "Is this how you show appreciation to someone who's given you hospitality? Ungh!" she used both hands balled up into fists and pounded as best she could against the walls once more. She tried standing up but she only slipped around, landing on her back. Sally fell onto her back, laughing and gloriously cradling her globe sized gut, feeling her squirm and complain; it was music to her ears. It had been months since the strait jacket people had allowed this cherry haired mad woman to enjoy the flesh of another human being, it felt like years after tasting how ripe and fresh Kari was slipping down her gullet. She smacked her lips with wet thwacks of her tongue and lips, even licking the last bits of flavor from her fingers. "No, I have a different method of showing it, all you need to do is wait and you'll see" she chuckled darkly, "Don't worry Kari, I'll make good use of your money and clothes. Your family won't have to worry about your needs anymore, and you my dear," her belly acids started to churn, they rapidly started to climb around Kari, "Well you can enjoy being digested. Thanks for giving this homeless gal the BEST home cooked meal in ages" she dropped back and sighed, lazily squirming with joy as she felt her digestive juices start to engulf Kari. The air got thin and her little body was surrounded by tingling, burning fluids. "N-No! Not like this! Ah...!" She was panting for breath but it wouldn't be much good. She still put up whatever fight was left in it with weak kicks and even less so bangs of her elbows. The acid literally chewed through what little clothing remained on her leaving her a nude helpless prey. She made rather cute albeit weak grunts as she tried once more to get up, managing to at least sit upright. There was no use talking to this girl anymore. She was only looking for a very filling meal which ended up being her. Her energy was spent and she could no longer put up any sort of fight at all. She closed her eyes and weakly called out the two names that mattered most to her. "Gatomon...Tai..." she then resigned herself to her fate, not squirming and just letting herself become nutrients for Sally's body. The gurgling reduced her to mush, absorbed into her body like a sponge. Sally stood up and almost wobbled from the newly extra added weight to her gut and body. "Hmmm stranger things are clicking inside like clockwork" she gasped softly as she felt her breasts become...shapelier...nicer. Her ass being more well defined and toned. Even her eyes had small streaks of Kari's natural eye color. It was like parts of her had aided in making her body stronger, healthier.... heh...even sexier. "Mmmm" she rubbed her hands over her own body, lips curving into a foxy smirk, "I made the best use of your body imaginable, full tummy AND a smoking figure to go with it. Guess your life was worth something after all" she cackled and began clearing out Kari's home for money and resources. Nothing left here but a pair of torn panties and a vacant room, "Urp" she coughed up Kari's slime soaked bra. "That too." |
Challenge Accepted Part One A short unbirth story by: Yummy Tummy “ Oh yeah, well I bet you can’t put you leg behind your head!” Sydney laughed as she demonstrated the dare with her own leg. “Can to!” Olivia replied as she followed suit, folding her lag behind her head as she stuck her tongue out at her friend who burst out laughing. I had been your typical girls’ night out. A ride into town in the car packed full of their friends; Jello shots that were followed by half a bottle of vodka and sprite, then by more jello shots, and finally alone in Sydney’s bedroom out of their wits drunk in a dare contest over who got the bed and who got the couch downstairs. It was your typical girls’ night out for Olivia and Sydney. Sydney was twenty three and Olivia was twenty four; both we inseparable. Olivia was the artist and Sydney was the musician, each were as equally as talented as they were beautiful. Olivia had vivid blond hair, cut short around her jaw line, slightly pudgier than her counterpart but what she lacked in the fitness department she made up for with her curves. “Double D’s and proud!” She had once exclaimed to Sydney as she pushed her friends face between her breasts nearly suffocating her. Olivia had deep blue eyes and a slender face with soft features, and her nose perked upward ever so slightly. Something that Sydney had ritually made fun of her for since High school. Sydney was short and of minor size; her curves were smaller than Olivia’s but her features made up for that with light blue eyes, thick pink lips, and her wonderful hair color. Sydney enjoyed styling her hair, and as of today the hair color was blue, tomorrow she would dye it another color as she usually did every other week. Sydney flopped back on the bed and sighed. “I think that’s it, we’ve compared everything, there’s like nothing that one of us can do that the other can’t!” Sydney slurred as she took a sip of her wine glass that sat, half empty next to the bed. Olivia burped lightly and sat silent for a moment; then as if a flash bulb went off inside her head, her eyes light up and she almost leapt from the bed as she squealed with satisfaction at her new idea. “Oh, oh, oh, I’ve got something we could try!” Olivia exclaimed as she clapped her hands together. “What!?” Sydney questioned as she hastily dropped her wine glass onto her nightstand causing it to spill to the floor. “How much can you hold at once?” Olivia asked with a mischievous grin. “What are you talking about?” Sydney asked as she scooted across the bed to within a few inches of her friend. “You know, how much can you fit in?” Olivia patted her crotch with one of her hands as he grin grew even bigger. “Olivia! You’re such a pervert!” Sydney burst into a shrill laugh as tears streamed across Olivia’s red cheeks from laughter. “We couldn’t compare that! It’s impossible unless we had some guys here, and even knew any who would come over here a three o clock at night on a Sunday evening?” Sydney coughed as she wiped tears from her eyes and clenched her gut with her free hand. “Yeah, I guess your right…” Olivia sighed as she began to get up from the bed. Sydney sat silent as Olivia stood and yawned loudly, staring at the ceiling as she began to fall asleep. “Eleven.” She said drowsily. “What?” Olivia responded as she plopped back down on the bed. “Eleven inches, that’s how much.” Sydney slurred as her eyes closed. “Ha, that’s nothing- I’ve shoved an entire rubber dog bone up mine!” Olivia returned, suddenly excited by the revival of the topic. “Bullshit.” Sydney chuckled as she turned over on her side, nearly asleep by now. “No, I’m serious! Here…I’ll show you!” Olivia said as she leapt from the bed and began to dig through one of the side tables at Sydney’s bed. “What are you doing? I don’t want to watch you shove stuff up your twat!” Sydney sat up suddenly more aware of what Olivia was doing. “Nope, you said I was lying; now I have to prove it.” Olivia returned as she continued to rummage through her friends night stand. “Okay, but what are you going to find in there?” Sydney asked as she began to crawl over to the side of the bed that her nightstand was on. “This will do!” Olivia gasped as she withdrew a pint sized bottle of hand lotion. “Wait, no, not my hand lotion! I get all flakey in the winter!” Sydney pleaded as she scratched at the back of her hands. “Don’t worry you big baby, I’ll wash it off when I’m done!” Olivia moaned as she rolled onto the bed and lay on her back propped up on her elbows, the menacing grin spreading across her face once more. “Okay, now watch this…” Olivia purred as she undid her pants and pulled her laced panties around her ankles. “How many times have you done this Olivia?” Sydney asked as she bit her lip nervously. “Oh, bunches…okay here we go.” Olivia blushed as she spread the lips of her pussy apart with her fingers, stretching her vagina until it was fully open, and about eight inches across. “Jeez Olivia, Toby told me you wee loose but…damn.” Sydney watched in awe as the lotion bottle moved from the bed to Olivia’s gapping twat. Then she shuddered in excitement as the bottle slid further and further in. “This is the easy stuff too.” Olivia smirked as she pushed the bole deeper until it was fully emerged inside her. “Holy cow!” Sydney exclaimed as she leapt across the bed over to her friend who was satisfactorily rubbing her womb with one of her hands. “Neat isn’ it? I’ve gotten all kinds of stuff up there before. Cucumbers, Calabasas, dog toys, rolling pins…” Sydney poked her friends belly with her finger and shuddered with delight. “What’s the biggest thing you’ve ever gotten in?” Sydney asked eagerly as she continued o probe her friend’s slightly rounded belly. “Oh, I don’t know…I guess it would have to be that stuffed bear in my room, you know that one you got me when we were kids?” Olivia blushed as she let her friend massage her tummy with her hands. “You put Mr. Snuggles up your snatch!?” Sydney asked, her jaw dropping in shock as she did so. “Well I mean, Toby had just broke up with me and I was lonely-“ Olivia began “That stuffed bear is almost the size of me!” Sydney interrupted as she sat up straight. “I know, it was a real bitch too because it got stuck and I walked around the house like I was pregnant all damn day!” Olivia laughed as Sydney moved over to the side of the bed and turned her back to her. Olivia looked over at her friend as her laughing slowly subsided. “Are you mad about the lotion bottle, cause’ it’ll come out after a while.” Olivia asked, her voice sounding more concerned than she actually was. Sydney turned around; the smile on her face was so bright you’d have thought she had just won the lottery. “I know how we can settle the contest…” Sydney smiled as she began to crawl over to Olivia, the gleam in her eyes more frightening than mischievous. “How’s that?”Olivia asked as she slowly began rubbing her belly again. “You shove me up there and you get the bed, if you can’t fit me in, I get the bed.” Sydney smirked slyly as she crossed her arms and waited for her friend’s response. “Challenge accepted.” She smirked as Sydney began to undress. To be continued… |
Challenge Accepted Part Two A short unbirth story by: YummyTummy Sydney tossed her shirt to the side and began to undo her pants; her fingers working quickly to undo the small button above her zipper. “Are you absolutely sure about this? You could get stuck you know…” Olivia warned as she sat at the far end of the bed, watching her friend strip naked. “Well, if I lose then I get to spend the night in your tummy, and it’s can’t be o bad in there right?” Sydney giggled as she kicked her pants down around her ankles before flinging them across the room. “I guess…” Olivia replied, the uncertainty in her voice was noticeable now. “Don’t tell me you’re backing out now. You made a big deal about me calling you a liar, and claimed that it was ‘So easy.’ Well now you’re being made to prove it and you want to quit?” Sydney said as she stamped her hands into her hips and mocked her friend. “Hey screw you! I’m no liar!” Olivia blurted angrily as she crossed her arms. “Then spread those legs.” Sydney smiled as she undid her bra, her tits pouncing from their confinement as she undid her laced undergarment. “Fine, but don’t say I didn’t warn you.” Olivia warned as she spread her legs; her twat was already getting tight at the thought of something this big working its way inside. “There!” Sydney smiled as she stood completely naked on the bed in front of her friend who was spreading her twat as wide as it would stretch. “How should I start?” Sydney asked as she made her way over to Olivia. “Just go feet first, that way you can help push yourself in.” Olivia explained. “Doesn’t matter because there’s no way your fitting me in anyways.” Sydney reminded her with a smirk. Placing her feet against Olivia’s pussy, Sydney shuddered. “So wet and warm!” she exclaimed as she wiggled her toes inside. Sydney’s smirk slowly disappeared as she realized that she was now ankle deep inside her friend’s pussy. Olivia had by now thrown her head back in pleasure as her friend slowly pushed inside her. “Don’t wiggle around so much; if you make me come it’ll be way harder for me to fit you all the way in.” Olivia moaned as she squeezed her breasts in pleasure. “Holy shit Olivia; my foot just touched that lotion bottle!” Sydney exclaimed as she slowly eased herself into Olivia’s twat until she was submerged up to her knees. Olivia rubbed her tummy in pleasure as Sydney’s feet wiggled and kicked about, trying to force their way further and further inside of her. Olivia slowly began to ease herself forward, pushing Sydney further into her womb; her belly was now swelling to almost the size of a volleyball and it was growing every second. “Slow down Olivia, I can’t—“ Sydney was cut off as Olivia surged forward; her lips enclosed around hers. Resisisting momentarily Sydney tried to push away from Olivia but found that she could no long move her arms; now that Olivia had slipped them into her twat. Sydney moaned as her torso began to slip into Olivia’s pussy; her own vagina pressed against hers; and began to rub against the walls of her womb. “You’re actually doing it!” Sydney exclaimed in disbelief as Olivia placed her hands on her shoulders and began to force her farther into her womb. Olivia moaned in response but continued to push harder, enveloping Sydney’s torso completely and began sliding around her belly. Sydney was riveted by the euphoric contractions of Olivia’s womb as she was sucked further inside of her. Olivia leaned back; bringing Sydney up with her as she fell on her back. Sydney squirmed as she was rocked by a powerful orgasm; her moans of pleasure were soft and long as she fell deeper and deeper into Olivia’s pussy. “I’m going to look so preggers!” Olivia moaned as she took her hands off of Sydney’s shoulders and rubbed her engorged belly with both hands as she began to thrust to the movements of Sydney as she wiggled around inside her. “I…It feels so…good!” Sydney moaned as she was hit with yet another orgasm. “Mhmm.” Olivia replied as she licked her lips hungrily; placing her hands back on Sydney’s shoulders she pushed harder as her friends shoulders began to slide inside her. “How much more can you get in?” Sydney questioned as she helped to wiggle her shoulders deeper into her friend’s womb. “Not…much more.” Olivia replied as he she strained to get Sydney’s shoulders inside of her. “Looks like I might get the bed anyways.” Sydney laughed as she felt Olivia’s pussy swallow her shoulders and move up to her neck. Olivia strained and moaned, gasping for a breath she lay back on her back and clutched her massive belly and clenched her teeth. I’m not going to lose! She screamed to herself. “So how do I—“ Sydney began but was cut off as Olivia’s hands clasped around her head muffling her voice. Taking as deep of a breath as she dared Olivia gave one last push as she sucked Sydney’s head inside of her pussy with a tremendous effort that caused her to fall back on the bed almost instantly. Feeling her friend squirm and wiggle about in her tummy Olvia began to fondle herself euphorically. “Mmmhm…keep struggling honey!” Olivia moaned as she clutched the bed sheets and flopped back and forth on her sides as Sydney came inside of her, kicking and tumbling around inside of her belly causing it to stretch and contort drastically. Olivia screamed as a body tensing orgasm shook her body with such intensity that she soaked the bed sheets through to the mattress with her juices. Sydney rolled around in the juiced that filled Olivia’s belly; her pussy contracted with multiple orgasms as she rubbed herself erotically. She moaned but no sound left her mouth as the warm insides of Olivia’s tummy muffled all of her noises and left her feeling overly tired. Olivia suckled on her fingers; licking her cum off and rubbing it around between her legs and over her belly. Sydney had stopped moving as much and was now curled up in the bottom of her womb, sound asleep. “I told you I could do it.” Olivia said drowsily as she patted her belly satisfactorily. Olivia tuned on her back and caressed her breasts; her eyes slowly closed as she massaged her tits and belly and wondered how she would explain this to her boyfriend when he came to pick her up in the morning… TO BE CONTINUED… |
Babysitter’s guide to Kiara: Part 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Urrrgghhh…” exhaled an exasperated Emily as she sat down at the kitchen table with her coursework. “Seriously, how the fuck am I supposed to get this done on time?” she muttered, opening her folder and the work document on her laptop. She began taking out a bundle of paperwork to try and find what she needed to get starter with her work, when from behind her she heard quiet footsteps approach. “Oh, sorry, I just wanted to get a snack…” It was Kiara, the daughter of Emily’s friend Jennifer. “It’s fine…” said Emily, unable to make out what Kiara had actually said; she was so quiet and shy that most of the full sentences Emily had heard from her were never directed at her, but rather at friends online or in anger at a game. Kiara was a very nerdy girl who felt most at ease talking to people through a screen instead of face-to-face. She had long, frizzy, reddish-brown hair which she wore down her back, pale white skin and freckles on most of her body – she wore thick-rimmed glasses and most of her wardrobe consisted of loose-fitting, dark jumpers and hoodies with pictures from her favourite TV shows on them (mostly anime from what Emily could gather). She’d often wear similarly loose jeans outside of the house and would wear sweatpants and slippers when she was at home. Emily figured that her shy demeanour had resulted in a preference for comfortable clothes that she could enjoy looking at in the mirror. She was a slightly chubby girl with what Emily could only describe as a “slow-developing chest” at a lacking 32B. In contrast, Emily was almost a foot taller than Kiara, and had shoulder-length, silky hair that she’d died red. She also had what she thought of as a pretty well-sized chest, and she wasn’t really wrong, sitting pretty with a considerable 36HH. She preferred loose-fitting clothes too but mostly wore crop-tops and leggings to keep up appearances at university. Although she would frequently wear baggy shirts and shorts when she was sitting for Jennifer, and had attempted to have several conversations with Kiara about the way she dressed, but they all ended in failure. It’s not that Kiara didn’t like her; it seemed more like it was just due to her reclusive nature. Emily had even once managed to get Kiara to talk to her for a whole half hour before after she’d been caught, by Kiara, watching a video of “Gintama funny moments”. She was laughing hysterically and figured she’d disturbed Kiara’s gaming, but after she saw what Emily was watching she burst into a monologue about how incredible Gintama is and started quoting parts of the show to Emily. Once the two had gotten to talking she couldn’t be stopped, referencing episode numbers and character dialogue that Emily didn’t understand, but every so often would find hilarious until eventually Kiara asked what Emily’s favourite anime was and she suddenly froze, realising that lying and saying “Gintama” should only make things go awfully, so she came clean about it being her first real experience to it; she thought that would be fine since she hadn’t lied about anything, but Kiara saw the way she had listened and laughed to the previous monologue as a form of lying and had suddenly gone quiet, finishing the cheerful conversation with a simple, “oh…” Emily had tried to strike up conversation a few times after that but knew that even if she asked for suggestions, she probably wouldn’t like anything besides the jokes and would likely never watch anything Kiara suggested. “That was a few months ago…”, Emily thought as Kiara started searching in the fridge, “…surely she’s forgotten all about that slip up by now and I could tell her that I tried to watch a few things and ask for her opinion, now could be a good chance to try and get her to open-up to someone!” But Emily couldn’t bring herself to say anything before Kiara had already managed to make a sandwich and go back to her bedroom. “AAARRRRGGGHHH!” Grunted Emily, planting her head firmly on the table in disappointment, “Why did I bother watching that shit if I can’t even bring it up to her? At this rate she’s gonna go through all of her teenage life without ever being able to make a real friend!” ------- It was true, Kiara had once had friends, but lost them to more popular students when they all started Highschool. She became shunned as the “nerdy girl” and was often made fun of by the other girls at the school for smelling “funny” and for not wanting to get changed in the same room with them, instead going into a disabled toilet to get changed. Emily had heard about this and had thought on several occasions that she could talk to Kiara about how puberty can cause these kinds of things, but was shot down by Jennifer and asked to let her handle that topic as her mother, which Emily had reluctantly, but respectfully, accepted. Still, in all the time that she’d known Kiara, she hadn’t noticed her gaining any friends since that started happening. She’d only been her sitter for about 2 years after every so often looking after her a couple of times prior, but now that Emily was nearing the end of her degree and Kiara had gotten older, it felt less like she was a sitter and more like she was just hanging out at Jennifer’s house. Jennifer had been very persistent when Emily brought this up though, asking that she do it to make sure that everything is fine because she was worried about Kiara, and with how she was acting and from what Emily had heard about her school-life, she figured Kiara probably did need someone just to be in the house with her to make sure everything was alright. ------- Emily shrugged, smirking at all of these thoughts about her relationship with someone she’d once seen as a child becoming one that she considered close to friendship; after all, there was only a 7 year age gap between her and Kiara – she was closer to Kiara in age than Jennifer, who was 9 years older than her, “So why should there be an issue if I’m a bit friendlier with Kiara than the average adult?” Emily muttered to herself as she finished designing the layout of her project. “Well… I’m kinda tired after all this working and thinking… think I’ve earned a drink and some relaxation time, hehe!” she jumped up from the table and went to grab a beer from the fridge. “Huh…” she said with a squint in her eye as she stared at the 6-pack now reduced to 5 cans. She figured out what had happened fairly quickly. “Well, she’s been having a rough time, and she’s practically an adult now anyway, what’s the harm in her own home, y’know?” she thought to herself, “Besides, I’m here to keep an eye on that kind of thing, aren’t I? If she starts getting to loud or too quiet, I’ll know and I can check on her…” After deciding to not go charging in, Emily went to quickly check on Kiara. As Emily approached the door, she heard… very little. In fact, she wondered why it was so quiet. She knocked, asking, “Hey Kiara, are you okay in there?” “...” No reply was pretty common if there was noise, but not if it was this quiet. She knocked again, louder this time and received a very quick “ONE SEC!” “Kiara… shouted?” she thought, wondering what could have caused that. Sure, most kids would probably shout in annoyance at someone who knocked like that, but Kiara had never been like that. She tried to come up with reasons for why the normally too shy to talk Kiara would suddenly shout, but was quickly met with a small sliver of Kiara peeking at her through the slightly opened door. “What’s happening Kiara? You’re really quiet tonight…” She was disgruntled, and really desperate to hide something in her room; “normally she’d have opened the door and walked away to hide in her bed… what’s going on...?” “I’m just playing solo tonight, I had my headphones on cos I wanted to—” She suddenly cut herself of and looked away, her face was bright red like a tomato, and she was sweating badly, “Is she scared about the beer?” Thought Emily, smirking slightly and trying to get a glimpse over the frizz of Kiara’s hair into her room. “I mean…” she suddenly said, closing the door a little further “I wanted to hear which way the enemies were…” she muttered. “Huh?” said Emily, unable to understand what she’d just been told or if she’d even heard it right. “It’s a gaming thing, you probably don’t get it but it’s a thing we have to do for some games… ok?” Emily didn’t know what to say but decided it was best to just leave it for now and check in again later, “Oh… okay, sorry I don’t get really get it but I trust you. Just remember, I’m only downstairs if you need me.” The door closed as Kiara responded “yeh…” Another response too quiet to hear, but Emily at least got it from the sound, deciding her job was done and heading back down to the living room. Emily leapt onto the sofa and turned on the TV as she chugged her beer, “Pahhh!” She exhaled with joy as she finished beer after beer and laughed at the TV. About half an hour later, Emily decided she was getting too tipsy and wanted to eat something before she started working again. She had the house to herself over the weekend… well barring Kiara… since Jennifer had said she’d be too busy to get back until late Sunday night before wishing Emily luck and saying goodbye Friday afternoon, so she figured she’d be fine to work a little late tonight and get back up to speed over the weekend in order to finish her coursework for Monday afternoon. Just then, Emily had the great idea to open the last two cans together and only drink a little out of each so Kiara wouldn’t get any more ideas – “the old ‘I licked the can so now nobody else can have it’-trick. A classic.” She thought, taking action to prevent anymore issues, “not that it should be a problem if Kiara has a beer or two at home…” she thought to herself, “…but Jennifer probably wouldn’t appreciate it.” Emily quickly opened and sipped both of the remaining cans, placing them on the table and sitting back to prepare the difficult journey off of the sofa and back into the kitchen for food. Emily was somewhat of a lightweight, and she knew and owned it. In Emily’s mind, Kiara was probably better handling that one can than she was, “body mass being taken into account and all…”-“I mean, I’m kind of a stick when you get right down to it, heehee-hic” Emily said, not even realising she was speaking instead of thinking now. As she stood up to go to the kitchen, Emily suddenly felt very light-headed, stumbling around the table towards the TV and back to where she started facing it, eventually losing her balance and falling backwards onto the sofa again. “Phew… guess three cans is more than it used to be… hehe…” Emily tried to shake it off and get back up to go to the kitchen, but suddenly felt a heaviness in her hands and feet, stopping her from moving to get up. “Wha- The fuck...?” She began tugging left and right to stand up but found herself slowing down even more, as though she’d been covered in glue all of a sudden. Within mere seconds she found herself unable to even lift or move her arms and legs, desperately trying to pull herself up from the sofa with her head and body alone. She began to shout in anger and confusion; “What the shit?! The fuck is this!?! I can’t move! HELP!” She felt like she’d gone numb, was it “the beer, an allergic reaction, food , some weird jet-lag shit” She didn’t know what to do or think, she wrenched her neck to look at her arms as she began feeling strange in her lower body, but what she saw was terrifying. “Where… Where’s my arm…” she said to herself quietly. She dragged her head to look at the rest of her body – no arms, no legs, her lower half had began merging with her clothes into a strange, glossy material, she was becoming some kind of object. “OH MY GOD! HELP ME!! KIARA!!!” She screamed as she lost view of the stairs over the back of the sofa. “What is this… how can this be happening? Why is this happening? Please… someone… Kiara… Help me!” And that was it… Emily tried to move around again, look around at herself, but she could move her head anymore, all she could see was the sofa cushions she’d been sitting on. “What’s happened… I don’t feel strange anymore but I can move…” from what she could tell, she could still talk, and that gave her some hope that whatever had happened hadn’t killed her. “I don’t understand, I couldn’t see or feel my arms but they’re back, aren’t they? I swear I can feel them again… and my legs – but I just can’t move at all. I can only look at what’s right in front of-” *thud, thud, thudumph” Emily was cut off – the sound of heavy footsteps coming down the stairs fast felt like a beaming bright light of hope, “KIARA! Quick, I’m on the sofa! I can’t move! Kiara?! What’s going on?!” The footsteps grew closer, but there was no response, they were stopping every so often and sounded unsteady – just what had happened to Emily that made Kiara so afraid to go over, why wasn’t she talking… was it that bad? All these thoughts flew through Emily’s head before suddenly she saw Kiara come around the corner. “AT LAST! Thank god you’re here Kiara, I don’t know what’s going on but I can’t move. Something’s not… Kiara?” Kiara wasn’t responding to Emily, in fact she hadn’t really stopped to look at her, instead she’d gone around to the front of the sofa. *Fwumph* She sat down on the sofa, and on Emily, suddenly squashing her head into the cushion. “OW! OWOWOW! GET OFF!! KIARA! GET UP! YOU’RE SITTING ON MY HEAD!” “Huh? The hell is this?” Came the muffled, but clearly louder voice of Kiara as Emily once again saw the light of the room and the dull brown of the sofa before raising up to look at Kiara. “What the fuck?” Exclaimed Kiara with a strange, puzzled look on her face. She stared at Emily for a few seconds before finally sighing out an “ohh… I know what you are!” “Huh?!” Exclaimed Emily back. “What do you mean, ‘What’ I am, I’m Emily… What’s going on Kiara?!” She suddenly started looking all around – up-down, left-right – “Wha-?” She was staying focused on Kiara as she looked around before suddenly hearing something, she’d never imagined she’d hear, least of all from this frizzy haired, freckled, shy as can be girl… “You’re one of those ‘flesh-light’ things, right?” Emily was shocked and silent. She didn’t even know where to begin with a response. But she wouldn’t get her chance as Kiara began laughing and hiccupping. Suddenly Emily realised – Kiara was drunk from that one beer. She couldn’t think straight, and as soon as she’d found this strange looking thing and realised what it was, she lost sight of the reason she had come down – to help Emily. “N-no… Kiara, it’s me! It’s Emily! I’m not…” Emily knew that something was clearly wrong, and if through the drunk Kiara’s eyes, she had been told the truth, then… what was going on? She was a “fleshlight”? She wanted to deny it with every fibre of her being, but couldn’t bring herself to keep going. Kiara wasn’t listening or couldn’t hear her, she’d been told she was a sex-toy by the person she’d never imagined would even know what one of those was, so now she had only one thought… “How do I get out of this?” Kiara was clearly not going to be of any help, but Emily couldn’t move and was seemingly unable to actually speak to others, so how could she tell Kiara that it was her even if she wasn’t wasted. “Woah!” Suddenly Emily felt herself being swiftly yanked around, but all she could see was the inside of Kiara’s hoodie pocket. She was taking her somewhere. After a few moments she felt a quick thud and emerged into the light. As Emily’s eyes adjusted to the light change, she couldn’t believe her eyes. It was Kiara’s room. She’d brought her into her room all of a sudden. But she realised something else too… she could smell… the room stank of what she could only describe as “geeky teen-girl-spirit”. But it wasn’t over. “Heheheh…” came a quiet laughter from the side of Emily. It was definitely Kiara, moving around the room and shuffling things about, but what was she doing… suddenly Emily understood what Kiara had meant by listening to which side the enemy is on with headphones. When she couldn’t turn to look around all she could think was “what on Earth is happening over there?” A few minutes later, Kiara picked up Emily and quickly turned around, allowing Emily to get a full – if brief – view of the room. Full of books, random clothes, games, costumes, stuffed toys, figured, plates, and general mess. Emily remembered fondly, trying to get Kiara to talk to her about this stuff and not being able to get by the doorway afterwards, yet now she was inside the most heavily-fortified room in the house. She felt a slight hint of joy as she realised that she’d gotten to enter the room once again, and was remised that she had to be in this state to enter it… but then it hit her as she stopped and saw the other half of the room, the one that had been hidden from her for the past year or so after that incident. Emily had become a fleshlight, and Kiara had suddenly started acting happy about it. But why? Even if she was drunk, “why did Kiara suddenly get so giddy about finding a fleshlight – a sex toy for men”. Emily wished the thought had crossed her mind sooner but could only weep at the realisation that even had it occurred to her, there was nothing she could have done then or now. As she began to shed tears at the sight of what could only be described as, a small pile of filled condoms and a variety of oddly shaped sex toys covered in various fluids and stained from overuse, she realised all too late that the geeky, frumpy, freckled girl who was too shy to even look her babysitter in the eye, was actually hiding an incredible secret with her everywhere she went… “Kiara…” she tried to say as she was once again lifted around to face someone, she once thought she knew everything about, “…I’m so sorry… please, don’t do this…” But the begging was pointless as she was stared at by a completely wasted Kiara, licking her lips in anticipation and grinning as she moved Emily to face downward at a short, uncircumcised, and most likely unwashed, cock. Emily tried shouting and screaming, she began trying to move herself away, but nothing would work. As Kiara quickly started clicking on her computer before squirting lube all over her cock and rubbing it. Instantly it began to get erect, growing to over twice the original size and throbbing as the head emerged from the foreskin, getting closer to Emily’s face – she’d realised now which parts had gone where in her new form, and she was terrified. She started begging again; “please… Kiara, don’t do this, you’re better than this. Please, hear what I’m saying…”, she choked on her words as tears rolled down her cheeks… but the drunken Kiara was already too far gone, stroking herself one last time she pulled down at the base and popped out the head of her now seemingly enormous cock, and let out a sigh of pleasure as she did. Within a second, Emily could feel it – the size of it felt like it was going to make her explode, she’d lost her ability to talk and could barely think as the drunken Kiara thrusted here back and forth on her cock. After the initial thrust, Emily opened her eyes to see a terrifying sight… it was only the head so far… Due to the fact that Emily was ostensibly “unused”, she was practically as tight as a straw. Kiara felt immense bliss from just her head poking in, and began trying to slide Emily down further, and further. But Emily felt like she was going to vomit, the size of it was bad enough, but now that it was moving deeper, and deeper, it felt like her stomach was being pumped full, and the smell and taste was more than she could bare. She felt like she was going to vomit, but there was nowhere to vomit through, and even if there was, “would it work?” Afterall, she was now pretty much just a lump of silicone, unable to move of her own free will. As Kiara moved Emily slowly down the enormous cock, their minds both began to go blank, Kiara with utter and complete pleasure, and Emily in immense and total pain and disgust. After about 10 minutes of thrusting up and down, and what felt like a millennium of torture, Kiara let out a loud grunt of joy as a huge load of thick, salty cum filled Emily’s insides. Emily was just barely conscious enough to attempt to cough out what she could, but her attempts did nothing to remove the massive amount of cum now trapped neatly inside her new “stomach”. Kiara stood up, covered in sweat and cum, and slowly wandered over to her bed in a daze. She flopped onto it, Emily still tightly suctioned onto her cock, and sighed a few times before whispering to herself. “I just… need to reload… I think…”, Emily began to spark back as she heard this, “I hope Emily doesn’t come again, before I get this cleaned up… the door’s locked so… I should be… alright… for a… *yawn*… a while”. Emily quickly tried to regain her thoughts and compose herself; she began trying to move around and pull away, screaming in her head “WHAT!? NO! WAIT! KIARA?! KIARA!!! DON’T FALL ASLEEP! WHAT’RE YOU DOING!! I’M STILL ON Y-WOAH!” Emily was suddenly thrown around as Kiara turned onto her back to get comfortable, snoring loudly as she settled back into place on her bed. “Oh god… why… why me… why this…” Emily began weeping again as she saw her new view for the night “… I can’t try to come and check on you again… I’m right here…” she sobbed, looking up at the cum and lube-slathered cock and balls of Kiara, now rolled into an upside-down position underneath the musky, sticky genitals of the girl she was supposed to be babysitting - her thick thighs like enormous walls blocking vision to the rest of the room and containing the smell of sweat, lube and cum. The thick, semi-erect cock still throbbing in Emily’s mouth, pleasuring itself on the feeling of its brand-new toy. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To be continued… |
Kaku was feeling very weird, it was a bright sunny day, not too hot, and it looked like there was no chance of any rain, and yet Kaku was feeling very anxious. Because right now he was in the back seat of a car, with his heavily pregnant classmate, Lami. “Are you ready for this?” She asked “I...I dunno. I’ve never done anything like this before.” Kaku replied, his voice shaking as his heart raced. “First time huh? I know it might not seem like it, but it’s mine too.” The blue haired girl said, looking deeply in his eyes. She scooched over closer to him, her round bump pushing into his thigh. “Don’t be nervous, it won’t be easy, but it’ll still be a lot of fun.” Kaku gulped. “Ok...if you say so.” “So you two excited?” A male voice asked from the front of the car. “Shut up, Shinji! We’re psyching ourselves up for the convention!” Lami shouted out at him. The man driving the car was actually Lami’s older brother, this was Kaku’s first time meeting him, or anyone from Lami’s family for that matter. He was tall, wore glasses, and seemed to be very pleasant unlike his sister most of the time. Shinji looked to be about ten years older than Lami too, in fact Kaku recalls him saying the car he was driving them in was his own. It wasn’t said aloud, but Kaku figured he’d gotten roped into her spontaneous plan as well. The young man thought back to this morning, the first day of his summer vacation and he had no plans, he felt totally at peace. Just has he made himself some coffee and prepared to get some manga work done, Lami was already knocking at his door. She stood there with a bag of clothes in one hand, tickets in the other, and a mischievous grin on her face. Lami was going to Comiket, and Kaku was coming with. Now he was dressed in an orange gi, clearly supposed to be a Dragon Ball character, though he wasn’t sure which one. Lami, on the other hand was clearly cosplaying as Launch, sporting a green striped top and yellow short shorts. Both were so small that her large pregnant belly jutted out for all to see. Normally this was something Lami wanted to avoid, not the biggest fan of unwanted attention towards her unusual pregnancy. Today however, she was positively giddy, practically bouncing in her seat. “You can still back out ya know...just don’t blame me when I start giving out free copies of your private work to everyone.” Lami grinned. Kaku only grimace, on paper the idea of going to the biggest manga and anime convention in Japan would sound appealing to someone that wants to break into the manga industry. However Kaku wasn’t looking forward to crowds, lines, and obviously being the mule that carried all the conventions swag she bought. “Look, Lami maybe I should…” “We’re here!” Shinji cheered as the car stopped. Suddenly Lami pounced like a lioness on unsuspecting prey, climb over onto Kaku, her massive swell pushed into his lap. “Whoa hey what are you doing!?” Kaku stammered, his face flushed. Suddenly Lami would grasp hold of the car’s door handle and pull herself outside. Seemed she was so excited to go, that she’d rather climb over the poor boy than just walk around the car. “See ya later bro, thanks again.” Lami shouted to Shinji, not even turning back as she went up the steps. Kaku was a bit more polite, thanking him with a bow before following after her. A few steps up and there it was; the Tokyo Bigsite. “Wow...just, wow.” Kaku blinked, sure he’d seen it in pictures and on television, but this was his first time being there in person. It was honestly rather overwhelming and got him a bit excited. Not as excited as Lami however. It almost terrified him how big of a smile she had on her face. “Jeez, I knew you liked anime and games, but this is a bit surprising.” Kaku said as he walked over to her. “You kidding? I’m not that big of a fan--oh gosh, Kaku look! A Fire Force cosplayer! That series is so good!” Lami blurted out pointing towards the person in the crowd before turning back to him. “Uhhh…” For once Lami was the embarassed one while Kaku had a cocky smirk on his face. “Ok fine, I love this kinda stuff. At first it was mild interest but after recent...events…” Lami looked down, giving her large belly a few rubs for emphasis. “They became a good distraction.” Kaku still smiled, though now it was less because he was being cocky and now that he was happy she had let him in a bit more, giving him a boost of energy to take on her plan for the day. “Ok, so, what are we doing first?” He asked. Lami just smiled, grabbed him by the wrist, and off they went. The first hour of so they were having a lot of fun, Lami seemed to have the whole place mapped out and knew when and where to go. First they wandered around the main hall for a bit, checking out cosplayers and showing off their own. People wanted pictures of Lami, Kaku wasn’t sure if it was because they liked her cosplay or just wanted pictures of a hugely pregnant girl, but Lami was actually happy to be photographed. Not many people noticed him, however a few girls asked for his picture, which he agreed and even did a bit of a pose for them. Though in the middle Lami waddled over and gave him a bump with her belly, saying it was time to go elsewhere. Kaku had no idea why those girls ran off as fast as they did… After that they would hit up the vendor’s room, where Kaku browsed a few interesting doujinshi, even buying some for reference material for his own work. Lami meanwhile browsed figures, soon finding one she really liked of Zamasu from Dragon Ball Super. “Kaku~ Buy this for me~” She pleaded. “Huh? Why me? Don’t you have any money!?” Kaku asked. “I couldn’t fit my wallet in these shorts…” She said turning and showing them to him, tugging at the small pockets. “Uh...Huh…” He said not believing that story for a second. He knew she was hoping he’d buy her everything she wanted on this trip, well he wasn’t going to fall for it. “Come on, please~?” She begged, getting closer and pushing her huge, round, bare belly into his waist. “I...I...gaaah, fine.” He caved and Lami cheered. Next they headed over to an event room, where a guest signing was being held, which sadly meant they needed to wait in a long line. “I’m shocked you want Ora Ono’s autograph, her whole deal is food manga.” Kaku asked. “Are you kidding? Foodacolypse is amazing, plus the recipes in each chapter are super easy to make, I even tried a few at home.” Lami smirked. “Oh yeah? How’d they turn out?” He asked with a laugh, already guessing the answer. “Sh-Shut up you!” Lami shouted, bumping him in the back with her belly a few times. A few more minutes passed and the line’s progression was slow, which was draining for everyone involved. Lami was entertaining herself, playing games on her Switch (which Kaku had no idea where she was hiding), until she heard a low growl. “Hey Kaku, I’m hungry, go get some food.” She demanded, bumping him in the back a few more times. “Hmm...yeah I’m kinda hungry too. Plus it is faster if I go. Hold my spot ok?” Kaku asked as he stepped out of the line. Lami chuckled and patted her belly. “I think I’ve got you covered.” Kaku wandered around until he found a vendor, effectively trading one line for another, but it was at least a bit shorter. After a few minutes he’d have his turn. “Two number fives with green tea, please.” He ordered. Suddenly he’d feel a familiar round firmness push into his back. “Oh come on Lami, I was only gone a few minutes, can’t you wait that...long...uhhh.” He would turn around, only to find it wasn’t Lami at all. This woman was totally different, for starters she had long raven hair, glasses, and was much taller than Lami...maybe even taller than Kaku. She was also clearly not Japanese, if Kaku had to guess she might have been American. “Oh! I am sorry, was not paying attention. Please forgive self rudeness.” She said. Her Japanese was shaky, but she was able to get her point across. Kaku didn’t say anything, only staring wide eyed at her. This woman may not look like Lami, but they had one thing in common. She too was sporting a massive, round, pregnant swell. In fact, Kaku had to admit...this woman was even bigger. The woman felt a bit awkward, clearing her throat and introducing herself. “Uhh...I am Jess.” “Oh uh, I’m Kaku. Sorry I was just a bit surprised to see someone so...foreign…” Kaku said, catching himself from focusing on her size. “You’re from America, right?” He asked, judging by her accent. “Yep, America is where I’m from. Very smart of you.” Jess smiled at him. Just then the vendor would get Kaku’s attention that his food was ready, quickly handing it to him. “Uhh well it was nice meeting you…”Kaku said before walking off. Jess gave a scared look before following him. “Uh a-actually...could you help me?” She asked looking rather anxious, Kaku would blink as he stopped to look at the tall and round beauty. “You see you’re actually the first person I’ve talked to since I got here. I actually won a raffle to come to japan and I just had to come to this convention. I actually run a comic shop back home you see…” Kaku’s eyes went wide in amazement. “An American comic book store? Like with Spider-Man and Hulk?” The boy loved manga, but he always found himself enjoying American comic characters as well, even drawing some inspiration from them into his own work. “Y-Yeah! Guess you’re a fan? Well you see I came to this convention in hopes to find out what the next big manga and anime was going to be. However, the problem is my japanese isn’t the best and reading it is even worse...you think I can ask you for your guidance?” Jess pleaded, trying to give the look of a lost puppy. Kaku’s mind was on the verge of a meltdown, not only did his heavily pregnant classmate drag him to this convention, but now a heavily pregnant American woman wanted to spend time with him too!? The boy wasn’t sure if he was blessed or cursed at this point. “Well…” Kaku rubbed the back of his head, trying to gather some composure. “I could help you out, but I’m here with a friend. If she doesn’t mind...I guess it would be alright…” “Really!?” Jess gasped. Suddenly a shadow would cover Kaku as Jess wrapped him up in a large hug. “Oh thank you, thank you, thank you!” She said holding him close. Jess’s anxiety of being a fish out of water quickly melted away, as Kaku’s anxiety of being in a vice grip squeezed against a pregnant woman’s massively protruding bump was rising. “Uhh J-Jess…” Kaku wheezed out, his face a blushing red mess and on the verge of fainting. Jess blinked before realizing what she was doing, quickly dropping him. “Oh sorry. I forgot the Japanese aren’t that big on physical contact…” She concluded to herself. That wasn’t the actual problem, but Kaku wasn’t going to correct her with the truth. Meanwhile, not far from them, Lami was waddling around the main hall in search of her friend. “Where did he get off too? It’s been forever…” Lami grumbled, in reality it was at most fifteen minutes, but the blue haired pregnant girl was too hungry to keep track of something so trivial. “Uggh trying to find one skinny, pale, otaku at Comiket is like trying to find a needle in a--hey! There he is!” She smiled a little as she spotted him...but then that smile quickly faded as she saw whom he was talking to. “Who the hell is that!? Tall, older, foreign, and she’s...oh god she’s huge! She’s more pregnant than I am!” That last part was debatable. Lami felt frozen in time, trying to process not only that Kaku was talking to another girl, but also a heavily pregnant one, and knowing Kaku’s dark secret interest in pregnant women, her mind was about to go into overload. “HEY!” Kaku jumped at the sound of the shout, even in a crowd he knew that harsh tone all too well. “H-Hey Lami…” He would be met with a strong belly bump into his side. “You’ve been taking forever and I’m starving. How could you just leave me in line like that and go talk to some strange foreign woman!” Lami shouted at him. Jess just blinked in confusion, she was shocked to see a young girl with such a large pregnant middle, all out and bare for all to see. So Jess was able to see it wasn’t cosplay, this highschool girl was actually that pregnant. “Um...is this your girlfriend?” Jess asked, jumping to a logical conclusion. “N-No!” Both Kaku and Lami shouted out in unison, faces flushed at the assumption. Jess’s eyes raised in surprise at their immediate reaction. “Ooooh…” Jess had consumed enough media on romance and dating to know what was going on. “They’re totally in love with each other and don’t know it.” Jess thought to herself. “A-Anyway, Lami. This is Jess, she’s from America a-and she wanted help from someone to show her around the convention…” Kaku explained. Lami looked to Kaku and then to Jess. She waddled over to her and slowly pushed her belly into the other woman’s. “Hmm…” Lami stared into Jess’s eyes, as if she was sizing her up. She was so close, Jess could actually feel some kicks from inside of Lami’s belly...which was a very new sensation for her. In fact, Lami turned away suddenly to give her belly a few rubs in hopes of calming her overactive brood, seems they were getting as hot blooded as her. “...fine!” Lami huffed while snatching up one of the sandwiches Kaku bought earlier, stuffing it in her hungry maw. “Do whatever you want, idiot.” Lami spat. “So...it is fine then?” Jess asked, to which Kaku just nodded. The pregnant comic shop girl would then think back to her first meeting with Kaku. She noticed him staring at her belly, which at first she believed to be because of how huge she was, but now that she’s seen his friend...she began to think it was for a different reason he was staring so much. Then a devious smile crept across Jess’s face, she needed to test a theory. From then on the convention continued on as normal, though Lami seemed a lot less excited. Now Kaku and Jess were calling the shots on where they went, which was mostly towards stands selling manga. Jess would waddle up to them interested in the art and Kaku would translate if the story seemed any good or not. Lami didn’t like feeling like a third wheel during her own trip, so she decided to make Kaku suffer. During the walk up a flight of stairs, Lami was in the lead with Kaku behind her...when suddenly she made a sharp turn, shoving her round middle right into Kaku’s face. “Wow look at that cosplay!” She cheered, totally pointing at nobody in particular. Lami grinned with pride as she looked down, expecting to find the boy a blushing mess, only to find she went a bit overboard and knocked him over into Jess’s arms. The young man was dazed as Jess held him up, resting against her huge pregnant swell. “Wow that was a close one. Are you ok?”She cooed. Kaku realized what he was resting on, quickly jumping back to his feet with a beat red face. Lami just growled in frustration of her failed plan. A bit later Jess and Kaku watched the trailer for an upcoming anime series on a large monitor, all the while Lami sipped on her bottled green tea annoyed. “This anime doesn’t even look that good…” She grumbled to herself, taking another swing before getting another devious idea… “The art looks very good. I have not even heard of the manga.” Jess said, dazzled by the trailer. Kaku nodded in agreement. “It’s rare one with such cult following gets one, but looks like they’re going all out with--” “Whaaah~” A sudden cry would get both their attention, turning to see Lami standing there with spilt green tea on her. Little brown droplets would pool and cascade down her large, round belly. “I-It just slipped out of my hand. Kaku...could you wipe it off for me...I can’t reach…” Lami lifting her hands out to show off how large she was. “I...uh...uhhh...don’t have…” Kaku was looking to be on the verge of a nose bleed, Lami’s plan was working. “Here. I have tissues, they were given at the front.” Jess spoke up as she waddled over to Lami. Quickly the American woman would bend down and start dabbing the tissues across Lami’s belly, soaking up the tea. “Gah! W-Wait, stop!” Lami yelped, feeling Jess’s own belly occasionally bump into hers as she helped clean her up. Lami looked to Kaku, seeing him wide eyed and a little woozy from the sight of it all. “E-Excuse me…” Kaku said before stumbling away to go and get some air. “Grrr! You’re ruining everything!” Lami shouted at Jess, giving a more forceful bump into Jess. The woman needed to steady herself a bit as to not fall over. All the while the blue haired girl just gave a “Hmph!” and waddled away. Jess stood there feeling rather awkward, looking in both directions the two went. “Hmm...looks like things have gotten a bit heated.” Jess said, now speaking to herself in her native tongue. “Guess now’s a good time to test my little theory…” She said with a grin. Kaku would be resting against a wall in a more secluded area of the convention, attempting to catch his breath and slow down his heart’s acceleration. “Jeez, I don’t know how much more I can take. I’m used to hanging around Lami, but now two huge pregnant girls...this is getting to be really har-er, difficult…” He thought. Suddenly a voice broke his concentration. “Feeling any better?” Jess asked, suddenly next to him. “Gah! Jess? What are you doing here!?” Kaku shouted, almost jumping out of his orange cosplay gi. The amercan woman just smiled. “You looked troubled. I wanted to make sure you were alright…” “Y-Yeah, I’ll be ok. Think it was just heat stroke heh heh…” Kaku nervously laughed. Jess just nodded at what he said. Kaku looked away from her as there would be a bit of an awkward silence between the two. “So…” Jess broke the tension after a few seconds. “You have a thing for pregnant girls, do you not?” She asked. Kaku’s eyes went as wide as possible, his face so pale it was practically transparent, and he was pretty sure he could actually see his heart jump out of his chest. “Wh-What!? No, I don’t really, that’s ridiculous, I just happen to know about some and I--” The boy began to ramble, but Jess ignored him and moved over to face his front, her belly just an inch away from him. “When we first met, you were staring at my bump. I first thought you were shocked to see a woman so large, which is a totally normal reaction; I am pretty big…” Jess reminded him, rubbing circles across her huge belly. “But then, I met Lami and things started to not make sense. Why would a boy who hangs out with a girl so huge, stare at another one just as big? Unless you were not staring at my belly because you thought it odd...you stared at my big, round, bump because you like it…” Kaku tried to speak, but the words refused to come out. The best he could make were rasps and fractured syllables. “I don’t mind…” Jess smirked, leaning closer she would put her lips right next to Kaku’s ear and whispered. “In fact, I think it’s really cute…” Kaku was dead, that was his reasoning, he died before he woke up this morning and was now in hell. No other way could he explain what was going on in front of him at this exact moment as Jess, pushed her belly right into him. It wasn’t rough like when Lami would do it to tease him, this was a soft yet firm push, as if to keep him in place. “You know...I’ve got a hotel room not too far from here.” Jess purred in his ear, her voice so low nobody around could hear her. “What do you say? It could be fun and you have been such a big help to me all day. It is only natural I should reward your hard work.” The young man was shaking, this was some kind of dream coming true right before his eyes. He felt his nose starting to bleed from all the pressure building up inside of him. She couldn’t actually be serious, could she? “When we get there, you could feel my huge, round, massive belly all you want. It’s rather smooth, but sometimes it can really itch and I can’t reach it all. It’s really terrible to have an itch that needs scratching, know what I mean?” Jess smirked and Kaku trembled. “And after you’re done feeling my belly, you can feel all sorts of other places, all night long~. So what do you say? Let’s ditch your friend and go have some fun…” Just then something would click inside of Kaku’s head. “...N-No.” He finally spoke. “I...I won’t just bail on Lami!” Suddenly he would feel a sharp snapping pain on his forehead, Jess having just flicked him there with her finger. “Well then go tell her that, you moron.” Jess chastised him. Kaku looked up at her with pure bewilderment and she just smiled at him, looking rather proud. The boy suddenly understood, gave Jess a nod of determination, and ran off. “Phew!” Jess gave a sigh of relief as soon as he was gone. “That was a close one, don’t know what I would’ve done if he took me up on that offer. Still...he’s a good kid.” On the other side of the convention, Lami was sitting on a bench and stuffing her face with all the confections she was able to grab along the way. “Stupid MUNCH raven haired CRUNCH glasses SLURP cow, why I aughta…” She ranted with her mouth full. “Lami!” Kaku shouted as he suddenly found her, surprising Lami and forcing her to gulp down her food suddenly, she thumped on her chest to force it down. “Kaku, you jerk! Don’t scare a girl when she’s...eating…” She would slow down when she saw him, panting and catching his breath but also sporting determination in his eyes. Lami was taken aback by this look, but quickly remembered she was mad at him. “So where’s your new American friend?” She humphed, turning away. “Lami...I’m really sorry.” Kaku spoke up. “...this whole trip was your idea and you were having a lot of fun. Then I met Jess, and without asking I brought her along with us and...that’s why you were trying really hard to get my attention and stopped having fun...I never wanted to hurt your feelings like that, because honestly…” Kaku paused and Lami looked back to him with bated breath, gazing into his eyes, and blushing a bit. “I...I...I’ve been having the most fun today too. So can we please enjoy the rest of this convention...together?” He pleaded, his hand outstretched to her. Lami just stared at his hand, shocked his spoke up with determination she never knew he had. A smile crept across her face as she took his hand, having him pull her up to her feet. “Ok fine. Though you know you’re really cheesy sometimes.” She teased, bumping him with her belly. “And Jess can still hang out with us, she’s honestly kinda cool.” Lami snickered. Kaku just smiled back at her, relieved that everything had settled back to a semblance of normal. “Uh excuse me.” A man spoke up with a camera in hand. “I really like your Launch costume, can I get a picture?” He asked. “Sure!” Lami said with a smile. Kaku was about to back away to get out of the shot, but Lami quickly grabbed hold of him and pulled him close to her. Then she took his hand and placed it right on top of her exposed bump. “I wanted Tien, but I guess it’s not too bad to have Yamcha as a baby-daddy.” Lami laughed. Kaku just smiled as the picture was taken. “Heh yeah, not too bad at all--Wait! Have I been cosplaying Yamcha this whole time!?” He shouted. After pictures were taken, Kaku and Lami went back to meet up with Jess. From then on the convention was back to being fun for all three of them. Lami and Jess were getting along well, and Lami was even giving her her own opinions on upcoming series, though being a bit cheeky and saying “Kaku only likes it for the waifus.” to tease him. That aside it was hours of chatting, shopping, reading, and just a good time. Unfortunately, like most things, the sun began to set on this convention day. “Hmm...the convention still has some stuff open.” Kaku said, looking at the clock on his phone. “You girls wanna hit up anything else?” He would turn to see the answer to his question. Both Jess and Lami were slouched on a bench, looking absolutely exhausted. Lami was guzzling down a huge bottle of water, Jess was fanning her face and pulling at her t-shirt to cool herself off. “No freakin way, my feet and back are killing me~” Lami groaned as she rubbed both the small of her back and her belly. “Yes, if I see another line, I think I am going to die.” Jess added with a huff wiping some sweat off her underbelly. Kaku should have known that this would happen eventually, but he had to admit these two heavily pregnant girls lasted a lot longer on their feet then he expected. “Well what should we do? Your brother won’t be here to pick us up for another hour.” Kaku reminded Lami. Lami thought deeply, but Jess spoke up looking a bit excited. “I have an idea. There is a bathhouse not far from here. I have always wanted to try an authentic Japanese one!” The American said, sounding rather chipper. “Wow that’s a great idea! Sounds totally refreshing!” Lami beamed. Kaku just thought of seeing the two huge women in nothing but bath towels...if there were any big enough for them that is. With renewed vigor, they said good-bye to the Tokyo Bigsite and made their way to a small little bathhouse. “Well...I should’ve seen this coming.” Kaku sighed, soaking alone in a massive bathtub, exclusively for male patrons. “Of course it’s segregated, and I should be happy. After today, I don’t think my heart could take much more.” He sighed trying to relax after such a long day. Meanwhile in the women’s bath, Lami was dipping into her tub with a long sigh of relaxation. “Ooooh that’s right stress and tension, melt away~” She grinned, not even caring that the way she sat in the tub caused her bump to poke out of the water, like a deserted island in the middle of the ocean. “Wow this place is so nice.” Jess said as she slid open the door to enter the bath, only a towel covering her torso, they actually had ones big enough to just barely cover up all that belly. She waddled over to the tub, dipping in a toe before sinking into the warm pool of relief. “Ooooh that’s the stuff.” “Pfft heh heh.” Lami snickered. “You wear a towel in the bath?” She teased. “Wh-What? Is this not how it’s done?” Jess blinked, feeling a bit embarrassed. “You’re too modest, loosen up.” Lami reached forward, swiping the towel and tossing it away. After a good laugh between the two, there would be a few minutes of peaceful silence. The only sound was that of a dripping faucet rippling through the top of the bath. Lami was feeling more relaxed, but something inside was eating at her and she needed to get it out. “Hey...I’m really sorry for what I said earlier today…” Jess blinked and looked to her. “Hm?” “About you ruining everything, it wasn’t true and I’m sorry I said that. I just lost my temper...hormones ya know…” She gave a soft smile, rubbing the top of her exposed island belly. Jess just smiled back at her. “No need to explain, I completely understand and all is forgiven.” The raven haired woman would scooch over to her, causing a little wave in the bath, and soon there would be another belly island next to Lami’s. “So I have to ask...Kaku is not…?” Jess put a hand to Lami’s bump. “N-No! I’ve never...uhh…” Now Lami was the one with the blushing face. “It’s...a long story.” She sighed. “No need to explain, I know how those can be. Still though...you might want to act fast with that boy.” She informed her. “He may be a bit odd, but he’s honest. You should be honest with him too…” She looked to Lami, the blue haired girl with the now bright red face didn’t say anything. However she would look like she understood what Jess was saying. “And if you ever need some advice, about a lot of things, not just about being big and pregnant; give me a call. Think of me like a big sister.” Jess smiled. “I’ll...think about it…” Lami replied, indeed having a lot to think about. “But honestly you’re more like an aunt with how old you are.” She quickly teased. “Oh you brat!” Jess shouted, giving a splashing belly bump at Lami with a laugh. The sounds of laughter and splashing water were so loud that even Kaku could hear it from his side of the bathhouse, a bit of jealousy rising within him. Soon the trio was refreshed and clean, after some strawberry milk they would say their good-byes. Jess gave each of them her contact information, should they ever need her for something or if she needed more manga advice. Kaku was surprised to see Lami actually give Jess a hug before she left, or rather as close to a hug as two large bellied women could get. And with that she waddled away back to her life. “She was really cool, I’m honestly gonna miss her a bit.” Kaku said, a little sad to see his new friend go. “Well yeah of course you’ll miss her, she was huge.” Lami teased, though Kaku was too tired to get all riled up. As they walked towards the meeting spot where Shinji should be waiting for them, Lami thought back to what Jess had said to her in the bath. The girl then leaned over to Kaku and wrapped her arms around his own. “Huh? L-Lami?” Kaku yelped in surprise. “My back still hurts a little from all the walking. So just...support me until we get there...okay?” She asked as she waddled by his side, not able to look up at him while she clung to him. Kaku looked down at her, mouth open and unsure what to say. Then he just smiled. “Yeah sure, hang on as long as you want...it’s been a big day…” |
Wailing, uncontrollable and loud wailing. The sobbing was so dramatic that the two girls could have heard it even if they weren’t standing next to the closed door. “Should...should we go in there?” “I dunno, I’m honestly a little terrified of what we’ll find.” “Ya know, when we signed up to be spies I expected weird stuff to happen to us, but this is, like, seriously out there.” “I know what you mean, Clover. Still...Alex is our friend, we gotta support her...no matter what.” Said Sam, the intelligent redhead of the team, as she grabbed hold of the door handle, taking a deep breath to prepare herself for whatever was causing Alex such distress...though she did have a guess. About a week ago, the stylish spy team of WOOHP Sam, Clover, and Alex, put a stop to an evil modeling agency and their crazy CEO Tuesday Tate. The agency had been kidnapping models and using a machine to swap their ‘perfect’ body parts to create their own super frankenstein supermodels. Par for the course with the spies, they got caught in the scheme and each of them had their parts swapped with models. Legs, hair, skin complexion, what at first seemed to all be superficial. Eventually the best friend trio were able to stop the evil agency’s plan and have their parts returned to them...or so they thought. About a week after the events of the mission, Alex was acting very strange. She was still her same bubbly self, but Sam and Alex couldn’t help but notice that she was really enjoying...food. At first it started small, Alex quickly gave up a trendy new diet she seemed excited to try, then she began getting extra helpings at lunch period or picking off her friends plate after finishing her own. Soon the tan brunette was picking up fast food on the way home from every trip. At this point Sam and Clover couldn’t help but notice, especially since all the extra eating started to turn Alex’s washboard middle into an obvious...paunch. Alex didn’t seem to really care or even notice her new habits, but her besties knew something was up. After getting in contact with Jerry, they did some digging and found out that the model that switched features with Alex had another occupation; competitive eating. After using WOOPH tech to run tests on the girl it was confirmed that, unbenounced to Alex at the time, she had swapped her small diet trained stomach for a stomach with incredible hunger! Now, due to the part swapping machine being dismantled, Alex was stuck this way... “Are you ready?” Sam asked as she held the door handle. “Like...as I’ll ever be.” Clover gulped. Once they opened the door to Alex’s bedroom, Clover and Sam got an eyeful of just how much this new stomach was affecting her. They gasped at the sight, the floor was a sea of wrappers from dozens of fast food restaurants. Crumpled up on the ground, the lingering scent of melted cheese or chocolate that still stuck to the paper. The duo’s eyes follow the trail towards the other end of the bedroom, where their brunette companion sat upon the floor, sniffling and crying. Her mouth was smeared in a lip gloss made of grease and sauce, stains of ketchup, mustard, and mayonnaise ran down her expensive high-end striped top, leading towards Alex’s most prominent new feature. One week ago Alex was gaining a paunch, but now it wasn’t even a belly, in fact she now had a full blown enormous gut. It was so huge and packed full of food that it looked to have broken through Alex’s tight jeans from a desperate need to be free and grow further. “A-Alex! Are you ok?” Sam shouted. The shock faded as she rushed to her friend’s right, Clover quickly on her left. “No! Look at me, I’m a whale!” Alex cried, her tears causing her onyx mascara to run down her cheeks. “This stupid new stomach is horrible! I’ve stuffed myself to the point I look like I'm about to drop triplets, and I’m still hungry!” She wailed for a second, taking a break to bite into a cheeseburger, and then wail again. Clover would rub Alex’s back to try and soothe her. “Look Alex, I know it’s rough right now, but we promise we’re gonna help you get on a new diet and get these new food cravings under control. You’ll be back to your old self in no time!” She smiled. “No, you don’t understand! I need it to stop now…” She paused to finish her burger, as if having a mind of its own, her hand reached for another one out of a nearby paper bag. “I’ve got a date tonight.” “What!?” Both girls shouted in shock. “With who?” “Jason McLusky, he asked me out a few weeks ago.” She answered, seeming to have calmed down from her hysterics a little. “That gorgeous guitarist hunk that writes his own songs!?” Clover’s mouth dropped. “I thought he was too into his music to date, I was trying to get his attention forever! Why didn’t you tell us?” “He just asked me out of the blue, then the mission happened and then all...this.” Alex emphasized her point by shaking her round bloated belly with both hands, followed by the sounds of all the junk food she inhaled sloshing around in there. “I totally forgot about it until he texted me today...I got so stressed about it, then I got hungry, and then I...I…” She started sniffling, about to go into a meltdown again. “H-Hang on, hang on.” Sam spoke up, trying to calm her down. “Can’t you just cancel or reschedule with him?” “Oh no way, Sammy. We can’t do that.” Clover interrupted. “Jason is a sensitive musical type that rarely dates. If we stand him up tonight, we’ll never get a second chance!” “Clover, Alex is in no condition for a first date tonight...also why are you saying ‘we’ so much?” Sam questioned. “Simple, Sammy. Because we are going to help.” Clover took Alex’s hands and looked her in the eye with the confidence only a girl with so much dating experience could have. “We’ll help you and make this date a success. No matter what.” “You mean it, Clover?” Alex looked back at her with hope. “Then ok, let’s give Jason a date he’ll never for-BUUUUUUUUURRRRRAAAAAAAAAPPP!” That deep belch erupted right in Clover’s face, knocking her onto her back. Sam pinched her nose. “This is...gonna be a lot of work.” Jason McLusky stood outside on a street corner downtown on a Friday night, so many a couple were passing him by as they made their way to their locations, as he just looked at the time on his phone. The musician was tall, tan skin with sandy blonde hair, and wearing a somewhat grungy outfit. Jason let out a sigh, it was twenty minutes past when Alex was supposed to meet him, so he was starting to feel stood up. “Hey~ Sorry I’m late.” A voice called out, getting Jason’s attention as he saw Alex walking through a crowd of people. “I was having a seriously hard time figuring out what to wear.” She said nervously. Alex would finally get out from the crowd and stand in front of her date, wearing a frilly layered tank top with pinstripes, and solid black yoga pants. Jason was stunned, mouth agape as he looked at her. Normally it’d probably be at her cute attire, but in this case it was due to her bulging tan belly jutting out, bare for all to see. Not to mention the tight leggings that were hugging her hips, thighs and behind, all of which had been seriously plumped up due to her new appetite. “So how do I look?” Alex asked innocently. The young man blinked as he tried to collect himself. “Oh wow really...unique.” She just grinned back. “Aww thank you. My friends helped me pick it out.” Alex thought back to just an hour before. “Are...you sure this will work?” Alex asked, looking over her date attire as picked by Clover. “Letting it all sorta...hang out?” “Absolutely. No corset in the world is gonna hold in that gut, so you’re gonna have to own it, girl.” Clover instructed, giving her friend’s belly an encouraging pat. “Some waterproof lipstick should also help.” Sam interjected as she rummaged through Clover’s makeup drawer. “Just in case your stomach gets the better of you, we want to--huh? Clover what’s this?” Sam would pull out a box from the drawer, with a picture of a happy girl eating cookies on it. In a flash Clover grabbed the box out of Sam’s hands and hid it behind her back. “N-Nothing, just...ya know, a souvenir. A-Anyways Alex…” Clover quickly changed the subject. “The most important thing tonight is to try to keep your cravings under control!” Alex quickly saluted back to her friends. “Roger!” Now Alex was feeling very confident as she looked at the building they were standing in front of. It was a restaurant that had just opened up in Beverly Hills, trendy, high-end, and best of all; tiny portions. Jason was still processing his date's new look. “Uhh, are you feeling ok?” He said unable to not glance at her bulging tum. “Oh I’m fine, maybe a little bloated.” She forced a smile and pulled at her tank top some, not able to fully own her new figure. “But I am starving, should we head inside?” She asked. “Oh sure, follow me.” The boy composed himself and started crossing the street. Alex blinked. “Huh, you mean we’re not going in here…?” He turned back and laughed. “Oh no sorry, that place is way too expensive. But trust me this place is great.” He pointed across the street to their real location; All Nation’s Buffet. “Oh...a buffet…” Alex gulped both from fear and from her own mouth watering. “Oh no a buffet!” Sam gasped from a few yards away, both her and Clover watching their friends while dressed in inconspicuous trench coats, hats, and sunglasses. Sure they could do better in the disguise department, but this was short notice. Clover watched as Alex followed Jason inside. “She’s doing good so far, but I don’t think she can control herself there.” “We’ll have to see for ourselves. Come on!” Sam instructed before they both ran towards the restaurant. Jason sat down at the booth they chose with a simple salisbury steak and baked potato, he was a bit hungrier than that but thought it best not to go overboard on a first date. Though he would soon see that Alex had other plans. Coming towards the booth she held a tray packed high with food. A stack of blueberry pancakes, an assortment of sushi, a thick ribeye, three stacked cheeseburgers and an entire pepperoni pizza. Jason’s eyes went wide at the sight of all that food his date put down on the table. “W-Wow Alex, uhh I appreciate it, but I already got my food.” He spoke up. Alex was in a food trance, staring at the spread with a greedy grin on her face, but his words broke her out of it. “Huh? Oh r-right that’s why i got so much…” She chuckled. “Well...can’t really put it back…” She shrugged before grabbing a knife and fork. The tan girl said she would show restraint, but she hadn’t eaten a single thing since her earlier binge, and was starving! “Uh oh…” Clover winced, sitting with Same two tables over. Sam turned her head. “I can’t watch.” Alex went into the pile of food at full force, she first went for her steak and tore into it like a lioness. The savory meat juices running down her lips as she polished it off in under two minutes. Next was the blueberry pancakes, six buttery flapjacks stacked high with sweet syrup; Alex split them all in half and shoveled them in. Licking the syrup from her lips she looked down with a devilish grin at all the tasty food still waiting. “So good~” All the intake was having more of an effect on her figure too, as her belly was swelling out more and more with each massive gulp of her meal. Her frilly top was inching back more and more as her gut curved outwards. As she started in on the cheeseburgers she would need to widen her legs to make room for her bulging middle. “Oh man, here comes the pizza.” Clover gasped like she was watching some kind of slasher movie. “Ok self control clearly isn’t working.” Sam sighed. “Time for plan B!” Clover noded. “Damage control!” They both stood up and went towards their booth. Alex’s date was sitting there in stunned silence as he watched the girl pack away all the food that she brought. His eyes followed her hands as they reached for each slice of pizza and when she ‘accidentally’ grabbed his baked potato and swallowed it down whole. Finally he worked up the nerve to speak. “Look Alex, you’re nice and all...but maybe I should g--” “Ahem, excuse me young man.” Jason looked up to see the two girls in trench coats and large hats. “We couldn’t help but notice the...how you say, beautiful girl you are here with!” Clover said doing a rather forced accent that sounded as though it were from a nationality nobody had ever heard of. “Do...do I know you?” Jason said as he looked at them, seeing something familiar. Alex’s feasting stopped as she noticed them. “Sham? Crovar?” She asked with a mouthful of sushi. Sam slammed her hand on the table to distract them. “What my friend means is…we’re both super secret fashion magazine writers.” Sam was thankfully doing no sort of accent. “And we can’t help but notice your date is the spitting image of Beverly Hills’s next hottest look!” “She is!?” He blinked “I am!?” Alex forced down the sush in her maw and took a break from eating to listen to what they had to say. “Oui, oui amigo. You see she has what we call the three B’s~” Clover pulled Alex up out of her booth. “The boobs, the butt..” She quickly turned her friend for demonstration. “And the piece de resistance, the belly!” Now standing upwards, they could see the full scope of her gut after that stuffing session. Her tan belly looked like a massive torpedo ready to blow. Clover slapped it like a drum, making her now engorged gut wobble and shake. “Come next year this look will be all the rage, mi amore.” Jason wasn’t sure what was going on, utterly perplexed by these strangers and what they were selling him. However he wasn’t totally against it all… “Plus think of it like this!” Sam stepped in. “Don’t you hate when a girl says she’s not hungry, but then turns around and picks off your plate? Well now with a stomach this large, you’ll always be able to hear when she’s hungry.” Sam said, giving Alex’s packed belly a shake, acting like a car salesman. “Oph careful, that’s sensitive~” Alex whined. Sam continued on.“Plus tasty meals will make much better gifts than jewelry, cheaper too.” “Not to mention a man like you needs a lot of woman, and those hungry lips aren’t just for eating. They also work for smoochin’.” Clover added with a wink...forgetting she was wearing sunglasses. The bloated Alex looked to her two best friends as they talked her up to her date, the fact that they were so willing to help her and also made her feel so much more confident in her new form. The feeling of love just welled up inside of her. “...URRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRP!” or it was just serious gas. “...and did we mention deep belches for that tomboy flair?” Sam laughed nervously. Jason looked up at the three girls, absorbing everything they said to him, and just sighed. “Come on Alex, let’s go for a walk.” He said as he stood up. Alex felt a pain in her chest as he said that, but slowly waddled behind him...though she did grab a hotdog on her way out of the buffet. The two walked along the street in silence for a moment, Alex had no idea what to say and Jason kept looking at her bulging gut as it wobbled and swayed with every step. “Listen Alex, I think you’re great but--” “No wait…” She turned, blocking his path with her huge belly. “I know what you’re gonna say and I guess I understand. Just first...can we at least have one last thing of fun tonight?” She would point to a nearby photobooth. The grungy dressed teen looked to it and her, she looked to him with pleading puppy dog eyes. “Well...I guess it couldn’t hurt.” He gave a small smile before heading over. From a distance, Same and Clover watched him get inside and Alex followed...needing to really suck in her gut and cram herself in first though. “Well we did all we could.” Clover sighed, feeling down for her dear friend. Sam put a hand on her shoulder. “It’ll be ok. We just gotta help Alex through this and she’ll be back to her old self in no time.” Clover smiled at her. “You’re right. Besides, it can't get any worse than this!” Suddenly Alex would let out a wail from inside the photo booth. The girls rushed to it as fast as they could. “Alex!? Are you ok!? What’s going on?” Sam shouted. Clover quickly pulled back the curtain “Ok you rock band creep, if you did something to her I swear, I’ll--” She’d be cut off as a wave of round tan flesh came crashing down on top of her. Alex would roll out of the booth and on her blonde bestie, her belly now doubled in size. “Alex!? What happened!?” Sam asked, momentarily more concerned for her than Clover. Alex tried to talk but her crying was getting the better of her. “I-I dunno...in the booth...we were there...but then I got...really hu-hu-hungry. And I...I…” Before she could finish, the photobooth finished printing the six pictures it had taken. Same picked the strip up and looked. She’d see them smiling, then Alex giving Jason a peck on the cheek, then they would go for a full on deep kiss...and then Alex’s mouth stretched open very wide…”Oooh...oh.” Sam looked at the mountain of belly, clovers hands and feet poking out from under it, and seeing movement from inside causing some bulges. Alex looked up with those pitiful eyes. “...help?” Rubbing her engorged gut as it gurgled and groaned. “Don’t worry Alex, I’ve got you covered!” Clover said, her voice muffled by all the weight of her bestie’s belly, patting it to signal she was still there. With a few grunts and a hard push, Sam was able to roll Alex off of her. Now back on her feet, Clover reached into her coat. “Ta-da!” She would pull out a stylish looking mechanical belt. “The WOOHP heimlich super belt. Figured you may need it...though for choking on regular food, not having a boyfriend in your belly.” Quickly the two girls would strap the belt under Alex’s gargantuan gut and turn it on. The belt began to rhythmically tighten and press upwards into her stuffed stomach. “You guys, I can feel something...I think it’s working! I think it’s wor--HRRK!” Sam and Clover had to avert their eyes. In a few moments Jason was freed...though now a little wet. Now they both just sat there on the sidewalk looking at each other, Jason in stunned shock and Alex in a mix of shame and regret. “If...if you never want to see me again, I understand…” Alex whimpered. Jason looked to her, stood up, walked to her and knelt down. He took her hand and looked her in the eyes. “...will you go out with me again next friday?” “WHAT!?” All three girls shouted in disbelief. “But...but I just ate you!” Exclaimed Alex. The young man looked around and blushed a little. “Yeah um...I’m kinda into that?” He mumbled a little, embarrassed to be saying it out loud to anyone. Especially a girl he liked and (to him) two random secret magazine writers that were following them. Alex blinked. “But if that’s true, then why were you so ready to end the date?” He looked around more embarrassed. “Well...you look great and your belly is amazing. I just kept thinking how much I would want to be in it...but know it would never happen. So looking at it was like torture for me...until now.” He smiled. Jason got to his feet and helped pull Alex upwards, giving a grunt with how heavy she still was. “So uhh...what do you say?” Alex would look up at him, covered in stomach juice and grinning like an idiot. “Hmmm...I’ll think about it.” She smiled before bumping him with her belly, making it shake and grumble. Jason laughed a little. “Ok sure. Can I at least walk you home?” He offered. Alex wrapped herself around his arm. “Better yet, walk me to the nearest ice cream store. Momma wants dessert.” She licked her lips and they waved to her friends as they went off into the night. Sam and Clover stood there in disbelief. “Huh…” Sam spoke up. “Guess it goes to show that no matter what you do or what you look like, there’s someone out there for everyone.” She smiled. “Or guys into weird stuff…” “Yeah, even the hot ones...hmmm…” Clover quickly turned around and started running. “H-Hey where are you going!?” Sam inquired. Clover turned back but kept running. “Just gonna grab something from my room. Don’t wait up~” The redhead sighed, reflecting to be the only sane in her team of international secret agents. |
Rhonda the Filthy Alligator Slut - An Unusual Request - Kinky Pleasures "Rhonda, darling," said Johnny, descending down the stairs two-at-a-time. He only rarely came down here in person, and it usually meant he had a special request of some sort, whether willing or not. Rhonda was his go-to for quick disposal. "Johnny," said Rhonda, reaching out with her fat stubby arms, "it's been too long." Johnny came over and hugged her, planting a kiss on her cheek. She giggled. "I got a request coming down the pipe," said Johnny. "Now, when I heard about it, first thought that came to mind was 'Rhonda. I want Rhonda on this one.' I think you'll enjoy it - maybe you've even done it before. "Mmm... what is it? Just tell me already, I'm dying of suspense over here." Rhonda's flat, rasping voice made it hard to pick out emotion, but anticipation was barely discernible in there. Johnny, of course, had been working with Rhonda for forty years, and knew what to listen for. "You're gonna love it," said Johnny. "It's three guys, right? All at once. But not just a vorgy - you unbirth one, while you eat the other two. Digest them, shit them out. Then the unbirthed guy... well, that wasn't specified. But he signed up for the full experience, dig?" "That is... different," said Rhonda, shifting. "Why not go to Yvette, or better yet Sasha? Both have the bodies for this kind of thing, and with Sasha the clients will feel it that much more." "They didn't specify a pred, true," said Johnny. "But you're the one with the most experience here. Sasha's been here a little while, true, but she's too... gentle for this one. These guys are lookin' for something rough... no hard stuff, of course, but rough." "What about Yvette?" "Still in hibernation," said Johnny, shaking his head. "She hasn't done unbirth yet, anyway. You've got enough experience with both unbirth and oral to be able to do this. Brittany's too thin for this, of course." "And Zetro being male, I'm really your only option," said Rhonda, earning a nod from Johnny. "All right, I'll do it." She chuckled dryly. "This should be fun." "Great," said Johnny. "I've shown them your pamphlet - seems like they're really excited about it. They should be down shortly." Johnny ran upstairs and closed the door behind him. Double vore and unbirth. Rhonda had done multiples for oral vore, anal vore, unbirth, and had done various "fringe" types of vore (usually with some shrinking involved) including breast, naval, ear, nasal, and on one occasion, ocular. Each time, the interior of the orifice in question had been altered to allow for digestion... but Johnny had said that there were no set plans for the third client, except that he'd signed on for the full experience, meaning he wouldn't be allowed to leave. Her mind started wandering as she contemplated how that could turn out... Soon enough, the door opened and the three young men came downstairs. They were frat boys from down the street; two were standing arm-in-arm, grinning widely. The third, trailing behind, had a shy smile on his face. He would be the unbirthee, it seemed. "Well, hello, boys," said Rhonda, greeting the two rats and the badger. The rats whistled and laughed at this, enjoying the spectacle. They would likely struggle, which would enhance the badger's enjoyment of the unbirth. "Now, who's doing what?" "We want to be vored," said one of the rats, pointing to the other. "And this freak wants to go in your hole - can you believe that?" The two set to laughing, and Rhonda laughed right along, her eyes never leaving the badger, who smiled indulgently all the while. "Well, for the full experience, I'd better unbirth the badger first," said Rhonda, and the badger nodded, stripping. His name was Rex, and his two friends - Tim and Tom - were two of a large litter of rats, from a mother who had birthed many such litters. The fact that they had made it into anything like a post-secondary institution was astounding - not being largely inclined to individuality, most rats were scroungers, with little to no education, out of choice. The badger, who was slightly overweight under his clothes, began getting hard at the sight of Rhonda spreading her legs, and his two friends were too busy staring in awe to make fun of their friend. "Head first or feet first?" Rhonda asked Rex. "Head," said Rex firmly. He'd clearly already planned this out - but Rhonda had her own plan, and only hoped Rex would let her implement it. Rex crouched down in front of Rhonda, touching his muzzle to her sensitive vaginal lips. He ran his tongue softly over them, earning a shudder from Rhonda, before going to town, tongueing her inside and out. The action reminded Rhonda of an earlier human client who had done the same thing, although he hadn't been anywhere near this good. She'd ended up sticking his head inside of her to get any real satisfaction, but with Rex, she was roaring and panting rather quickly with no action on her part. He twisted, slurped, and savoured in all the right places at all the right times, and when Rhonda came, he swallowed every drop. Then, wordlessly, he began to push his muzzle inside of her, and she helped to push him in. Rex's head slid inside of Rhonda, sweat beading on his head both from the heat and from the lust he was feeling. Finally. He pushed himself in with his feet until he was in up to his knees; her slimy inner walls pulsated around him, threatening a second orgasm. He squirmed and wriggled until he triggered it, again swallowing every drop that came to him. Rhonda grabbed his feet and pushed him in, pushing his head into her womb. This brought another roar, and after some hard contractions, Rex was inside, curled up and cumming uncontrollably. The rats watched with wide eyes and dropped jaws, and one of them asked, "can I do that, too...?" Rhonda chuckled, this one a warmer one, with a predatory, almost motherly satisfaction behind it. "Sorry, boys," said Rhonda. "You signed up for vore, remember?" The two rat boys looked at one another before nodding. Tim - or Tom - stepped forward first, kissing Rhonda on the lips. She adored a good pre-vore kiss, and as they were finishing, she opened her maw to show him just how deeply she kissed. This rat - Tom - was lost in a sexual frenzy as her maw closed around him. Being a rat, he was significantly smaller than she was, and fit easily into her mouth; she swallowed, sending him down to her rancid stomach. She had already swallowed her digestive pills and the stomach was in full gear when the rat arrived, a third full of churning stomach fluid and growling for some food. The second rat soon joined the first and, being no strangers to casual incest, they began jerking each other off. Rhonda sat back and hummed contentedly at the struggles inside of her - the rats offsetting the badger in her womb perfectly and sending her into a state of sheer bliss. She dimly reflected that she had never had such an experience, and would have to ask Johnny about making it a little more... regular. He was good that way. As Rhonda slipped into more of a daze than true sleep, the badgers begun to digest, the stomach acids searing at the flesh of their unconscious bodies. The meat began to melt into nutrients for the alligator, and their bones, once exposed, were quick to dissolve in the acidic environment. Soon, all that was left was a rancid mush that made its way through Rhonda's intestines, adding to her rolls of fat as it made its way to its final destination. And Rex the badger felt it all, moving against the womb, and silently congratulated himself on his brilliance. Rhonda woke up several hours later and walked over to her tub, voiding her bowels. She felt fresh squirming within her and remembered the badger. Walking over to her cardboard mat, she said, "What am I to do with you, then?" in a carrying voice. Silence. Then, "I don't know. Can you... absorb me into your womb?" "Not without one hell of a lot of acid," said Rhonda. "The drug, not acid... down there." She shuddered. "And Johnny's pretty strict about drug use around here... unless it's prescription. "Damn. Well... you could always re-birth me and eat me, I'm into vore too..." "I have a better idea," said Rhonda, explaining. Rex's questioning affirmations turned into "...yeah... yeah! Yeah, yeah! But wait... aren't you a reptile?" "Well, yeah," said Rhonda. "Don't worry, it works just the same as for mammals, up to a certain point." Rhonda closed her eyes and shut off her mind, focussing on her womb. Soon, using a techique taught to her by Johnny who had learned it from an all-female sect of anthro monks from the Far East to attach an umbilical cord to his naval; although alligator's were egg-layers, Rhonda's anthropomorphization allowed for mating with humans; as such, her reproductive system had elements of both, and subtle variations made her more compatible with one species or the other. Rhonda didn't know all of this; all she knew was that, with her client taken care of, she could enjoy vore twice as much, and her client would love the whole experience. Rhonda had lived a hard life, and, being capable of turning off her reproductive system at will, she never got pregnant. So there was something keenly satisfying about the whole prospect here. Rex lay inside of Rhonda's womb, nutrients provided via the umbilical cord. He was enclosed in a soft egg-shell, similar to the one found inside mammalian reproductive systems, and frequently jerked off to the various meals being processed through Rhonda's body; due to her excessive eating habits, he actuallly gained some weight while inside. Johnny gave the go-ahead, under the stern condition that Rex would work for Johnny when he was reborn. He didn't notice as his fur receded, giving way to scales, or the various other changes; his awareness dimmed during this time, and soon enough Rhonda laid him. The egg was rather large, since it housed a full-grown creature, and it strained even Rhonda's considerable flexibility. She lay, panting, as the egg cracked open; Rex flopped out, patches of black and white fur still visible here and there. His scales were a mottled grey, and, upon further examination, he was hermaphroditic. Damn. "Rex," said Rhonda, and Rex turned to look at Rhonda. Along with the feelings of lust, he felt a strange connection; not mother-son, but something closer than the average lover. Neither spoke, simply looking each at the other. "Rhonda," said Rex. His voice hadn't changed much - it had a gravelly undertone now, but that was about it. "The condition he gave me was that you would work for him. As part of the staff. I think you get to choose where." "How long was I in there?" "...several months, I think. I don't know. I've never been good at keeping track of time, and I don't really leave this room." The door opened overhead and Rhonda motioned for Rex to move into the side of her "bathroom" closest to the exit, so as to avoid being seen. They needn't have worried - it was just Johnny. "So where is he?" said Johnny, and Rex stepped out. Johnny whistled. "Not bad, kid, not bad... you sure got your money's worth, eh?" Rex grinned sheepishly. "I like that... didn't think anyone could really get more than what they paid for here, but you beat the system. I can respect that. However, you work for me now, dig?" "I dig," said Rex. "Where will I be working?" "We could put you in as a consistent prey for various non-fatal vore and endosomatophilia fetishists," said Johnny. "We could also put you in on the predatory side of things, if you're into that. I like my staff to be into what they do - makes the customers spend more money here, see." "Persistent prey sounds good," said Johnny. "I do feel a lot more predatory now, though. Can you have me on-hand to do both?" Johnny stood in silence for a moment that stretched on, making Rex worry that he'd offended the proprietor, before Johnny embraced him, laughing and lifting him up into the air. "My god, if only all my staff were as flexible as you! The profits I'd make!" He put Rex down and wiped a tear from his eye. "We've got a spare room available - as you begin earnin' your keep around here, we'll see about customizin' it for ya. How's that sound?" "Great," said Rex, grinning. He turned his head towards Rhonda and said, "will I still be able to see Rhonda?" "Tell ya what," said Johnny. "Sometimes the customers like multiple preds, or there's only one client for a vorgy - you two can collaborate then, howzat?" "Great," said Rex and Rhonda together. Johnny grinned and led Rex upstairs, talking about his plans for the gator/badger. As the door closed, Rhonda sighed, looking at the scattered pieces of eggshell on the floor in front of her. After a moment, she gathered the stray pieces into the mostly intact bottom and set it behind her, her gaze lingering before she positioned herself. The door leading upstairs had just opened. |
Jeff and Stacy 2 - Mistress and Slave Jeff grunted as he came inside of Stacy. He marvelled at the fact that she wasn't pregnant, considering how often she'd had him, but only dimly; mostly he was intent on pleasing this mistress who so controlled his life. It had been two months since Jeff had fallen off of the face of the earth, and at his request Stacy had brought him newspapers with his story in them. He'd gone from the front page to the sidebar, slowly being shuffled further back. There was no obituary, because they had yet to find the body Stacy had planted, which was likely at the dump by now. Jeff wasn't sure they'd ever find it, but he found it increasingly hard to care. Stacy came, too, before leaning back; she'd had Jeff take her from behind, and now she lay down on him, pinning him to the bed. He turned his muzzle aside and she left him just enough space to breathe. "Good," she said. "Not bad at all." She got up, pulling on Jeff's leash. He got up quickly - failure to immediately comply resulted in punishment. The two left the room, Stacy first with Jeff in tow, and headed down the hall for the bathroom. A number of showers took up the far wall, with stalls lined up on the right with lockers on the left. Each locker had a corresponding room number, and Stacy walked over to hers, with Jeff almost having to jog to keep up. She liked to walk fast to make him struggle to keep up; once, as punishment, she'd run back and forth down the hall with Jeff's ankles in handcuffs; she'd dragged him along until she'd worn away the fur on his stomach, leaving a raw red patch. He shuddered to think about it. Stacy opened the locker and removed Jeff's collar, putting it and the leash inside of her locker. Stacy put her towel inside, and pulled out a custom-made leather strap; once around her waist, it contained a muzzle of sorts for Jeff, tethering him to her as she showered. He would then have several minutes to get her to reach orgasm, or else. Stacy waited as Jeff got on his knees before fitting the muzzle onto him, pulling a trap around the back of his neck so he wouldn't be able to get out. There was one small hole at the end, just large enough for Jeff to fit his tongue through; he did so, having learned that this gave him a bit more time once the shower started. As Jeff's tongue began lapping at Stacy's vagina, one of her friends, a bovine named Trish, came in. The two were both rather fat, and there had been increasing talk lately about getting together for a threesome. Jeff didn't think about it much; he found it was easiest to just do what was asked of him now, rather than dwelling on what was to come. The two got to talking, and Jeff strained to listen, in case it concerned him. He had to adjust himself as the two began washing each other - a rather common practise. Jeff's dick poked out from its sheath a little. "So, what've you been up to?" asked Trish. "I haven't seen you around lately." "Oh, you know," said Stacy, patting the back of Jeff's head and setting him back about fifteen seconds as he struggled to bring his head into just the right position to lick her clit. That was the only sure-fire way to get her to cum. Trish laughed. "You should get out more," she said. "Don't want to become too attached." "Mmm," said Stacy, and Trish changed the subject. Jeff filed that away for future reference - why shouldn't Stacy want to become too attached to him? He began listening again. "All set for tonight, then?" asked Trish. "Yes," said Stacy. Jeff could tell from her tone that she was smiling - he'd learned to pick up on various nuances in the past weeks. "I'll be looking forward to it. Which apartment should we do it in?" "Oh - mine," said Trish. "There's SO much more room." "You're right," said Stacy, and Jeff had the distinct impression that Stacy had cut Trish off. It didn't matter; he'd heard what he needed to hear. That threesome was going through after all. "See you tonight, then." "Yeah - see you," said Trish, and she left. The water stopped running, along with Jeff's heart. Stacy hadn't hit orgasm. "Disappointing," she said, tightening the strap holding Jeff's head in place and causing him to wince in pain. "Since you seem so intent on hearing us talk..." She began walking, with Jeff trailing between her legs. He lifted his hands and held on to Stacy's belt-strap, so he wouldn't run out of air. Jeff saw them approach a bathroom stall, and watched the door open and close. Stacy adjusted the strap, moving Jeff's head; once in position, she sat down on the toilet. Jeff's head was underneath her. He screamed. "That's it," she said, as he began to struggle. "I want to hear the terror in your voice." She began to relieve herself, urinating on the back of Jeff's neck. He squirmed as the warm liquid trickled around his neck. His head was pointed down so he wouldn't choke, and it trickled down to the end of his muzzle, dripping into the water below. This wasn't so bad, he rationalized. Then Stacy stopped peeing. Jeff closed his eyes as the first turd hit his head, and held his breath as she continued to shit - she'd joked about having eaten three alley rats the other night, and judging from the amount of shit now covering Jeff's head, she hadn't been exaggerating. It stank horribly and brought with it a deep-seated sense of shame, but also a bit of arousal; Jeff had stopped asking why things turned him on after the first week, and his first punishment. Finally, Stacy stopped, bringing her legs up onto the toilet seat. She looked down at Jeff, who was whimpering involuntarily, and undid a strap on her belt. His head fell forward into the toilet and he brought it up quickly, having just enough sense to stop before he hit Stacy's rear. She nodded and stood up. "Clean yourself off while I go get dry. If you're not clean when I get back..." She stopped there, heading over to the lockers. That was how her threats worked - leave it up to the imagination. Jeff brought his hands around and began undoing the muzzle before wiping the shit off - no need to get it trapped under, where it might get him sick. He flushed the toilet, and stuck his head all the way under once it refilled; it was the quickest and easiest way to get clean, no matter how disgusting. He was just cleaning off the muzzle when a hand grabbed the back of his neck and lifted him up. "I don't recall giving you permission to take the muzzle off," she said, before pushing him into the wall. She was in a sadistic mood today, it seemed. After a moment, she said "Good. You've learned not to argue with your mistress. Well, since you seem to enjoy disobedience, we'll see how much you enjoy this." Setting him down, she ordered him onto his knees, and he obeyed. Adjusting him until he was bent forward, sitting on his feet, she turned and pushed her asshole onto him; on command he put the tip of his muzzle to her pucker, wondering how long she would want him to rim her. Jeff wanted to scream as she pushed his head into her ass, but couldn't - her pucker held his mouth shut. The smell hit him immediately, and he had to work not to throw up - in this position, he would drown. She pulled him in further, and he wisely closed his eyes as the larger part of his head entered her. She stopped just before his ears entered, and he had to work not to give in to the crushing pain of the sphincter. "I'll leave you in there until tonight," she said. "We'll see how well you behave yourself when we go over to Trish's. Keep this up, and you'll exit that same hole." She pulled his head the rest of the way in, and he gasped for air, both due to the lack of oxygen and the constriction on his neck. He quickly got to his feet and walked bent over so that he wouldn't choke quite so badly; a casual observer might have mistaken Stacy for a cat-taur, with four sets of legs like that. They stopped, and Jeff could dimly make out Stacy's room door being opened; they entered, and the door shut closed behind them. The hours passed agonizingly slow for Jeff; he passed into a kind of daze, partially asphyxiated by the stench. Stacy lay down on the couch, on her belly with Jeff on top of her, his head still in her ass; turning on the tv, she watched some pornography, fingering herself as she did so. Internet was out of her reach until the current contract with the cable company ran out, and she was counting the months now. Finally, that evening, Stacy pushed Jeff's head out. His neck had an angry red ring around it, and his head stank; Stacy ran his head underwater briefly to wake him, holding it there longer to wash him off. "Going to behave yourself now?" asked Stacy, and Jeff nodded vigorously, suppressing a wince at the pain in his neck. She put his collar on, pulling him by the leash as they exited Room 201, heading down the hall for Trish's room. Jeff rubbed his neck, mentally hoping he wouldn't piss Stacy off any more. Although... she had more than implied that she would eat him, and as he watched her walk, the idea turned him on. Becoming nothing more than another layer of fat... Stacy said she liked to swallow prey whole, but had to settle for eating the meat the way she did to give her poor system a break from it (and also to make it easier to store the food). Churning inside of her, and feeding his mistress like that; he had to shake his head to snap out of it. Stacy noted that and smiled. Trish's room was almost bare, with a layer of hay; most anthros lived like humans, but some still lived as though they were feral, giving in to more primal instincts. A growing movement was advocating a movement towards the humans's style of living, saying that living feral was sinful; Stacy, of course, thought it was a load of bull. Trish was sitting in the corner of the room; her face lit up as Stacy entered. The room smelled like a barn, and Jeff saw a pile of manure in the corner; Trish probably sold it to a greenhouse. He hoped so - that would mean Trish was a vegetarian. "I brought him," said Stacy, and Trish nodded. There was a hungry gleam in her eyes that Jeff didn't entirely like. "You get him first, as promised." "Oh, yay!" she said as Stacy handed off the leash. Jeff gulped and stood there, waiting for the naked cow's instruction. "Get on your knees," she said harshly, and when Jeff complied, she giggled, smiling at Stacy. Having someone obey her every whim was obviously a new experience for her. "Now, hmm... what shall I have you do..." "Might I suggest some oral?" she said. "He's quite good at it... usually." Jeff cringed, feeling ashamed despite himself. "All right," she said, standing in front of Jeff. "Make me howl." Jeff did, sticking his muzzle inside; her hips were a lot wider than Stacy's, and she howled, putting a hand on the back of his head and pushing. He pushed back, and they mimicked a thrusting motion; when Trish came, Jeff pulled his muzzle out and began to drink the fluids; he'd already experienced the consequences of not doing so. She laughed again, this one deeper in her throat, and she grabbed his head, pushing his muzzle into her vagina once again; unlike before, however, she kept pushing, and Jeff had to let it happen. Jeff wanted to pant as he breathed in her natural musk; it was cramped and wet inside of the bovine, but he wanted nothing more than to go deeper in. Jeff's shoulders were admitted after some struggling; Trish sat down and spread her legs wide to accomodate Jeff. After his shoulders, the rest of him went relatively easily; his muzzle hit some resistance before pushing through into what must have been Trish's womb. It was wet and dripping in here, too, with a pool of fluid in the bottom. Trish produced a lot of fluids as Jeff went further in; by the time his feet joined the rest of him inside Trish's womb, it was half-full and rising. He began drinking, hoping to stem the tide a little. Outside, Trish rubbed her swollen gut and moaned. "Oh, god," she said. "I might have to find a stallion after this. Get a few little ones..." "Now, now," said Stacy. "Having children is a lot different. Not nearly as pleasureable." "Oh, but you get a good meal afterwards..." said Trish, giggling. "I thought you were a vegetarian!" said Stacy, feigning shock. Trish rolled her eyes and sighed. "Only for my stupid job," she said. "If I have any meat, I can't produce good manure for at least a week. And that's a lot of money lost. Not all of us have trust funds like you." Stacy just smiled, keeping mum on where the money really came from. Trish adjusted herself and sighed. "I guess I'll have to let him out, huh?" "I wouldn't mind parting with him for a night," said Stacy. "I can come back tomorrow and have my turn then." "Oh, goody!" said Trish, clapping her hooves together in delight." "You'll have to send some food in for him," said Stacy. "He should be all right thirst-wise." "Oh, that'll be no problem," said Trish, closing her eyes and giggling at the thought of sending more things in. "I would recommend carrots - they're the easiest, for obvious reasons." Trish just giggled. "I'll come back tomorrow night for him. Do what you want with him until then... just return him in one piece, all right?" "Okay," said Trish, sighing and feigning disappointment. The two had sex for a while, Trish donning a strap-on, and by the time Stacy finally left it was nightfall. Jeff had no idea what was going on. He thought he'd be coming back out so that Stacy could have a turn with him, but the two had just had sex (judging from the jostling and noises) before Trish settled down and went to sleep. It wasn't exactly unpleasant in here, Jeff reasoned, and he masturbated once before going to sleep himself. Jeff was awakened by something prodding his thigh. He thought at first it was Stacy, her strap-on ready for action, but Jeff was surrounded by a squishy, slimy membrane on all sides. He reached behind himself and pulled up what seemed to be a carrot; he ate it, remembering where he was. The day passed slowly for Jeff - in order to make the most money, Trish sat around and grazed all day, and Jeff could feel food pushing past him all day. Later on, she relieved herself, and feeling the mass push past him got Jeff hard; he was in the perfect place to jerk off, after all. The womb was rather risky for this, too, Jeff thought dimly as he cleaned up; what if he got Trish pregnant? More food for Stacy, probably. He settled back into a doze. Stacy came back that evening and coached Trish through the re-birthing process - mostly, how to get the most pleasure out of it. Eventually, Jeff was on the floor, dripping with sexual fluids, some his own. Stacy gave him a quick tongue-bath before ordering him to her own vagina. Stacy was a lot tighter than Trish had been, but there was still enough room for Jeff to fit, although his shoulders went in sideways. She yowled as he entered her, and Trish did him in the ass with a strap-on, eventually transferring to Stacy as Jeff was pulled in. The two spent the rest of the night doing this before finally falling asleep together. In the morning, Stacy pushed Jeff out - she was a lot quicker about it than Trish had been - and they headed back down the hall to Stacy's apartment. Once inside, Stacy put Jeff's collar on a hook and pulled out some meat, sitting next to him on the couch and eating. After a bit, Jeff said, "Mistress?" Stacy turned to him, one eyebrow raised, and Jeff said "Am I forgiven, now?" Stacy chewed thoughtfully, and swallowed. Finally, she said "You made Trish rather happy last night, and you didn't struggle too much... I guess so." Jeff sighed in relief and looked at the door, wondering how long this would last. He registered the bone from Stacy's snack landing in front of the tv to his right. Jeff wasn't prepared when Stacy picked him up and set him on her lap, licking him. It was an uncomfortable position, but as Stacy purred, Jeff relaxed, curling up naturally as she cleaned him up. She even spent long enough on his dick to make him climax, and swallowed every drop of his cum. Then she laid back on the couch - unless they were fucking, Stacy left the hide-a-bed alone and fell asleep. After a while, Jeff followed suit. |
Pucker Up - BlazBlue AV Story The sun was starting to set in the 13th Hierarchical City of Kagutsuchi, meaning that the monorails were shutting down for the night. Many of the workers and people who were waiting to leave the City had to go back to their homes or hotels. The Kagutsuchi port was shutting down as well, however, it was still filled with life. Many of the citizens would stay at the port and listen to the music that some would play and they'd dance and drink, or simply stand around and talk to friends. But, when the first lightning bolt struck and thunder boomed in the distance, many of the citizens left. Then a downpour of rain started to fall. Everyone left the port then. All except for one person dressed in a NOL coat and an almost military-like beret. The coat was black and so was the beret. There was some gold-looking details on them, but not enough to draw attention. In fact, the uniform was meant not to draw attention, seeing as how the young woman wearing it was an NOL spy. But, no matter what she wore, she would almost always stand out. She did have a squirrel tail after all. This young NOL spy was none other than the squirrel Beastkin named Makoto Nanaya. She stood in the rain for quite awhile, until she got bored of standing and getting her fluffy tail wet. She started to walk into an alley where the rain had a harder time getting to. Makoto sighed in annoyance as she took off her black beret and rubbed her squirrel ears some. The beret always made her ears irritated for some reason. She was tempted to take off her NOL uniform and just wear her unique and rather revealing combat uniform, but she knows Kagutsuchi is the type of town where wearing something like that is dangerous. Makoto giggles as she thinks what she'll do to some perv that'd try to touch her. She laughs some, but then she realizes that she's pretty much a pervert too. This makes her laugh even more and even louder. The squirrel Beastkin continued to stand in the alleyway for a long time, the rain was still pouring down almost endlessly. The alley and the many streets and sidewalks of Kagutsuchi were illuminated by Ars Magus powered lights. However, some streets were still using the obsolete streetlights that were used three centuries ago. Makoto found the combination of old 21 century technology and Ars Magus powered technology appealing in an odd way. Her stomach began to growl and she rubbed her belly as though she was trying to soothe it. Makoto: "Shhh, I know you're hungry, belly. But almost every shop, store, and restaurant near the port is closing down for the night. Well, there are the many restaurants in Orient Town. It's a little bit below this level of the City though... And I'm really just too lazy to walk down there..." The squirrel Beastkin saw someone walk by the alley she was in and she chuckled at what popped into her mind. Makoto: *Mutter* "If only I could eat people~. I know that Noel and Tsubaki taste pretty good~. Hm hm hm, and in more ways than one too~..." Makoto's ears twitched as she heard some footsteps at the opposite end of the alley she was in. It was two dark on that end to see who or what it was. She could tell one thing though. It was two people. One pair of footsteps sounded soft and light, the other sounded heavy and metallic. She sniffs at the direction of the footsteps and her tail swishes as she thinks she knows who the smaller one is. Makoto: "Carl? Is that you? Hehehehe, oh, I know it is~! There's no use in trying to hide from me, you little cutie~." A young boy named Carl Clover stepped into the light. His face had a blush on it and he shyly looked at the ground. He took his top hat-looking hat off as a sign of respect to Makoto. Carl: "H-Hello, Miss Makoto... It's b-been awhile, huh?" Makoto ran up to Carl and picked him up and hugged him tightly. She unknowing pushed his face into her large breasts, making the young boy blush even more. Makoto: "Hahaha, it's good to see you, Carl~. So, is someone else with you? I could've sworn that I heard..." As if on cue, a large metallic figure stepped out into the light. It was in the basic shape of what a female would look like when wearing a dress. However, it's arms were long and the fingers were almost blade-like. It was a relic of a darker time. Makoto set Carl back down and looked at the automaton with caution. Makoto: "C-Carl, why do you have Deus Machina: Nirvana with you?! Carl Clover glared angrily at Makoto Nanaya after hearing what he said. Carl: "Th-That's not my sister's name! Her name is Ada! Now I'm going to make you pay for calling her that! Too many people call her that and I had enou-" The young boy's speech is cutoff in mid-sentence as Makoto interrupts him by throwing her NOL coat into the air and revealing that underneath it she had on her unique combat uniform. The real reason why Carl stops talking is because he blushes a very deep red at Makoto's uniform. It shows almost all of her breasts and the extremely small skirt and tight black strap panties leave very little to the imagination. Carl: "Uhhhh... M-Miss Makoto...I was kinda in th-the middle of a speech..." Makoto: "Heh heh heh, so it's a fight you want, huh, Carl~? Well, let me warn you, I won't hold back~. And if I win, I get to keep you all to myself for a day~!" Carl: "I-I-I never agreed to you k-keeping me!!!" Makoto: "Too late, cutie~!" The squirrel Beastkin playfully pounces on Carl and starts to lick his face. Obviously she was joking when she said she was gonna give it her all. Makoto: "Hm hm hm, you taste pretty yummy, Carl~! Who knew that a cutie like you would taste so sweet~?" Carl doesn't know the difference between a playful and friendly fight, and a serious one. So, in response, he kicks Makoto in her female bits. Making her shriek in pain and let go of Carl. Makoto: "Wh-Why did you hit me there?! Even though girls don't have balls it still hurts!!!" Carl tilts his head some and looks at Makoto's waist as she stand up. Carl: "H-How can it still hurt that bad if you have l-lady parts...?" Makoto: "Well, I really don't have time to explain it, and you've kinda pissed me off some! So, I'm just gonna make you apologize~! Makoto pins Carl to the ground again and grins deviously as she proceeds to sit on his face. He squirms and yells out muffled words. Makoto teasingly grinds her cheeks into his face. The squirrel Beastkin was still playing. Makoto: "Heh heh, now Carl, I'm going to take my booty off of your cute face, and when I do, I expect you too apologize~. Okay~?" She does as she says and takes her rear off of young Carl's face. But when she does, Carl immediately bites her cheeks and makes the squirrel-girl yip in surprise and pain. Makoto: "Ouch!!! Carl, I was just playing around! Jeez, can't you take a joke? Well, now I'm actually gonna punish you by sitting on your face!" Makoto stands up all the way and is about to bring her rear back down on Carl's face. However, before she does, the automaton, Nirvana, lunges at Makoto. Its bladed fingers try to slash at the squirrel Beatkin. Makoto seemingly avoids all of the swipes and slashes, with each attack the machine uses, it seems to be slowing down as well. Eventually Nirvana is attacking at a snail's pace. Makoto uses this time to perform a counter attack. Her unique tanfas begin to light up, she's charging up her Distortion Drive. Makoto then brings both fists forward, she yells out the name of this move. Makoto: "ASTRAL IMPACT!!!" Before Nirvana has enough time to react, Makoto's now energized wrist-mounted tanfas strike the metallic woman right in the chest. The attack knocks Nirvana back and imbeds her into a wall at the end of the alleyway. Some sparks and electric bolts emanate from the automaton's body. She appears to be malfunctioning or simply out of power for the time being. Either way, it seems Makoto won. Carl Clover, who's still laying on the ground, looks over at where Nirvana is at. Makoto on the other hand, was dancing a bit, her tail swishing happily. Makoto: "Hahaha, did ya see that, Carl? I kicked that thing's ass with one blow!" Carl: "A-Ada! Oh, I hope you're okay, sis. Once you recharge, I want you to-..." Makoto looms over young Carl in a rather ominous way. It seemed very out of character for her. She giggled a bit and smirked. Makoto: "So, where were we, cutie~? Oh, heh, that's right, I was about to sit on your face again because you kinda pissed me off earlier by bitting my ass and kicking me in my lady parts. I mean, who actually does that?!" Before Carl can answer, she brings her rear down on his face hard. However, she blushes a bright red and moans after what has just happened. There was a snapping sound as her panties snapped and Carl's head ended up sliding into her smelly pucker. She was known for being able to handle things that most others couldn't, but she didn't know she could do this. At this point in time Carl was really starting to squirm and yell. Which made Makoto moan more. She blushes more as her pucker starts to automatically slurp the 'poor' boy further into her rear. Makoto: *Moan* "Mmmm, I d-didn't know I could do that~... Mmm, it f-feels good..." Carl: *Muffled* "It smells really bad in here, Miss Makoto! It smells like a really bad fart!!!" Makoto: "Hm hm hm, well, you are being slowly slurped up my pucker and into my bowels, so that's probably why it smells~!" Carl: *Muffled whine* Makoto, please let me out! It smells REALLY bad and it's all slimy in here...!" The squirrel-girl's bowels and pucker continue to slowly pull Carl into Makoto's rear. Soon his chest was being slurped up. He continues to struggle and whine, which made Makoto moan yet again, but she didn't want to make a mess. Makoto: "C-Carl! Stop squirming so much or else I'll fart on you and then it'll really smell bad in there~! Besides, you really don't wanna make me cream myself~. It would get all over you~." The squirrel-girl teases the boy while she slowly pulls him into her rear. She giggles a little bit to herself. Carl continues to blush, especially from what Makoto told him. He feels his chest slide past her pucker, his abdomen is next. Her bowels seemed to be coated in a slimy substance, soon Carl was coated in this substance as well. Carl: *Muffled* "Pl-Please, Makoto! I don't wanna be inside your smelly bowels! Do y-you know how gross that is?!" Makoto: "Well, I know that poop comes out of there, hahaha, so, I guess right now you're just a piece of crap, huh~?" Carl: *Muffled* "M-Makoto, this is really gross... Can you please push me back out? I'm really sorry..." Makoto: "Well, heh, sorry, Carl. Should've thought about that before hitting me. And besides, I don't really know how to stop this. You're kinda just being slurped up automatically. Hahaha, I guess your just destined to be slurped up by my smelly pucker~." Makoto's pucker continues to slowly pull Carl up inside her bowels. His abdomen was now fully inside, his waist was being pulled in now. The feeling made Carl blush extremely deeply, it also made him somewhat uncomfortable. The squirrel-girl's anus flexed lightly around him. Carl: *Muffled* "M-Makoto...please..." Makoto: "Shhh, stop whining, Carl, you're almost in already. Only your legs and feet are still out." Carl's legs slide in with extreme ease, for some reason, it feels almost natural to Makoto by now. She takes off his boots so his feet can slide in easier. The Beastkin playfully tickles the boy's feet using her tail, then she slurps them up as well. Now all of Carl was inside her bowels. She moaned lightly and giggled. She could see that she had a bulge on her lower abdomen. It slowly moved upwards towards her stomach. She began to think. Makoto: "Hmm, heh heh, I bet you're getting even slimier now that my bowels are rubbing up against you as your slowly pulled up. Now that I think about it... I think I just ate you with my booty~!" Carl: "Ugh, the smells getting worse, and it's getting hotter...and the slime is... Yuck! W-Wait, what did you say...?" Makoto: "Which part? The part about eating you with my ass?" Carl: "Y-Yes, that bit... Why did you say it like you ate me...? You just somehow slurped me into this...smell hole and now I'm trapped..." Carl sounded defeated when he said that, like he was gonna have to stay in her filthy bowels forever. Makoto: "Oh, haha, you're not stuck in my bowels. I can see your bulge slowly moving towards my stomach. That's why I said I ate you with my booty. I mean, when you eat something it ends up in your stomach, right?" Carl: "H-How on Earth is all this possible? Surely this is a dream... And if not...am I gonna get digested once I reach your stomach?!" Makoto: "Heh, you're not havin' a dream, little Carl. I mean, the smell should've gave that away. And about you digesting... Eh, I'm not really sure. I'm sure you'll be fine though. And if you do digest, well, I guess I'll just get a bigger booty and bigger boobs~!" Carl: "Aahhh!!! Makoto, please tell me you're joking... You can't just digest me, I'm just a kid, a-and there's no telling what my sis would do to you if she found out you digested me!" Makoto: "Haha, oh, come on, Carl, relax. I'm not gonna digest you. Well, actually, I might. But we have Ars Magus, so I can just use it to reform you. But I'm not gonna do that tonight. For now, I'm just gonna put an Ars on you that keeps the acids from melting you down into goop." The boy stops squirming as much in her bowels, now he was just complaining or whining. He's gotten use to the smell a bit, either that, or he was getting closer to her stomach. Makoto feels Carl coming to a stop. A small opening appears and Carl slides into her stomach. Her belly bulges out more. Carl has a bit more room in her stomach than in her bowels, so he's grateful for that. And it doesn't smell as bad. Now the only thing that smells is his entire body from being covered in bowel slime, and the strange and slightly acidic smell of Makoto's stomach. The squirrel-girl pats her belly bulge some, smiling widely. She feels unbelievably full, the feeling is amazing. The best part is that she has a living creature inside of her. She figures that she can simply control her stomach acids, she learned that a long time ago, but just to be safe, and to calm Carl down, she uses Ars Magus to make his skin acid proof. Her belly lights up for a moment when the Ars is cast, then it slowly fades. Makoto: "There, feel better now, Carl? You have an acid-resistant Ars on you. Even though you don't need it, because I wouldn't have digested you. I mean, not without your permission of course." Carl: "Th-Thank you, Makoto... Can you cast an Ars that cleans all this gross bowel and now stomach slime off of me?" Makoto: "Hmm, I could... hahaha, but why would I? Besides, you can just wash it off using the acids and juices in my stomach." Carl sighs and places his hands on his face, Makoto tilts her head and pats her belly. Carl: "Wouldn't that defeat the purpose of it? If I wash off the slime using acids and juices, well then I'd be covered in those! How did you even graduate from the academy...?" Makoto: "Oh, heh heh, I suppose you're right. Hey! That was mean, Carl! You should actually be nice to me. Seeing as how I'm keeping you all safe and protected in my stomach." Carl: "I didn't even ask to be protected by you, especially in this humiliating and idiotic way! I have Ada to protect me." Makoto's squirrel ears twitch lightly and she scratches them. She feels rather strange. Despite the fact she devoured Carl using her rear, she feels like she has to burp. Makoto: "Hmm, how old are you again, Carl? You're using some pretty big words. Heh, it feels like I have to... *Uurrrrpp*... Ooh, haha, excuse me. Hmm, what was I saying again?" The burp makes Makoto's stomach walls lightly squeeze around her young prey, making him blush again and squirm some more. Her stomach walls were very warm, and actually surprisingly soft. Carl continues to squirm and struggle though. He continued this for what seemed like an hour and a half. Meanwhile, Makoto simply sat down and rubbed her belly. Makoto: "Hehehe, struggling isn't gonna do you any good, Carl, but you can squirm all you like though, it feels kinda good~." Carl: *Pant pant* "Y-You gotta... *pant*...let me outta here, M-Makoto...it's g...gross and...and... Uhh..." Makoto tilts her head when she hears Carl stop talking. She smiles when she feels Carl nuzzle into her stomach walls. Apparently the little guy squirmed so much that he tired himself out, and the lovely feeling of her stomach made him fall asleep. Makoto giggles and caresses the belly bulge gently. She can easily see the outlines Carl makes on her stomach, which she lightly traces over using her fingers. Makoto: "Aww, hm hm hm, that's sooo cute~. I have a cutie like him sleeping inside my tummy~. It makes me feel all nice and warm inside~." The Beastkin continues to smile warmly and rub her belly bulge for awhile. However, she looks over at the end of the alleyway to see Nirvana start moving again. The automaton starts slowly walking towards Makoto. She tries to get up and run, but she knew that she'd be too slow to run or fight with Carl inside of her. Makoto closes her eyes and expects the worst. However, when she opens her eyes again, she sees Nirvana sitting next to her, staring at her belly bulge. Makoto: "Oh, haha, you must be wondering where Carl is at, huh, Nirvana? Well, he's all safe and cozy inside me tummy, see~? You can hear him snoring if you listen closely." The metallic woman presses her ear against Makoto's belly, she hears Carl snoring and then looks back up at Makoto's face. The squirrel-girl is smiling happily. Makoto: "Haha, see, I told you. So, Carl calls you Ada and sometimes sis. Why is that?" Nirvana: "..." Makoto: "Heh, ya don't talk a lot, huh?" Nirvana: "...." Makoto: "Or at all... Well okay then. Hmm, heh, you can rub my belly if you'd like. I'm sure it's kinda soothing to Carl in there." Nirvana places her metallic hand on Makoto's belly and starts to lightly rub it. Despite being metal, her belly rubs felt really nice. Makoto: "Ooh, that feels good~. Hmm, speaking of that, do you mind if I keep Carl in my stomach for a few day? Or a week? Or, you know, a month. I'll keep him safe and sound in there. You can even follow me around and see." Nirvana continues to rub Makoto's belly bulge while she looked back up at her. She nods her head to show that she'll let the Beatkin have the young boy all safe, warm, and cozy in her nice stomach for a long while. Makoto grins from this, giggling some. Makoto: Haha, thank you so much, Nirvana. You can tell you made the right choice, I can tell. Hmmm, maybe one day I'll slurp you up my smelly pucker and you can be in my stomach too~. Nirvana: "....!" Nirvana doesn't answer, like always. However, the automaton begins to act a little strange, almost like the idea of being slurped up Makoto's stink-pipe and then end up all curled up in her stomach made her embarrassed. The squirrel-girl giggled from this and winked. Makoto: Hm hm hm hm, that's what I thought your answer would be, Nirvana~. The squirrel Beastkin ended up sleeping in the alley, having a stomach filled with a young prey apparently made her very sleepy. Nirvana made sure that no one messed with the sleeping squirrel-girl or Carl sleeping inside her stomach. By the time morning came, Carl was already awake. He tried to stretch, then felt some slimy and fleshy walls surrounding him. He was sort of hoping that all this was a dream. He began to lightly squirm again. This made Makoto wake up moaning blissfully. Makoto: "Hehehe, well, good morning, my little meal~. Did ya sleep well?" Carl: "As well as I can inside your gross stomach smelling like crap..." Makoto: "Aww, haha, it sounds like someone's cranky~. Well, maybe I should tell you something that'll make you feel great?" Carl: "Wh-What is that, Makoto...?" Makoto giggles mischievously and smirked, she gave her belly a few pats before answering. Makoto: "Hm hm hm, well, you're gonna stay in my stomach for quite awhile, and Nirvana even thinks it's a good idea~. Hahaha, you might even end up staying in there forever~!" Carl: "Oh...geez... Really, sis...?" Nirvana playfully rubbed Makoto's belly, giving Carl his answer. The young prey blushed from the idea of being trapped inside the squirrel-girl's stomah. Makoto: "Heh, well, think of it this way, Carl. At least the rain can't reach you in there." Makoto smirks deviously and snickers to herself, patting her butt and giving a small little toot. Makoto: "Hahaha, well, you might not be in there forever after all~. I might just have to use the crapper soon~." Makoto walked out of the ally, some people gave her strange looks, some people thought she was pregnant. Only two people and a Nox Nyctores knew that the truth was she had a young fighter inside her stomach, and he might be leaving soon, and smelling very bad. The End 悪盾ェヌ「ゥ烽オ黷ワケ Akushū ga yoi kamo shiremasen |
After a couple of hours of chit chatting and playing games. Zane bring up his topic. "Hey, Sophia, Do you think eating someone is possible by chance?" He asked her as she thought about this. "Well, Yeah. It's been done before, and I have before! So why ask?" He was incredibly surprised one of his best friends has preformed these type of acts before. "Well.. I wanted to try it." He said as she was excited she could teach him! "Well! First off! Find something you want to eat, and just eat it!" She said. He took this to serious. An hour passed as he sat in the chair. The big gut in his lap being rubbed as he smiled. "Sophia.. You were so filling.. How did you forget you were the only other person in the house?" He laughed to himself as the belly responded with more struggling. He laid down as he sighed and patted his tummy. "I will see you tomorrow!" He laughed as she got comfy and slowly drifted in a deep sleep as the food in his belly was being processed into soup that would circulate into fat on his ass. He woke up and yawned as he got up and stretched. He looked down at the little pudge on his tummy. "Hmmm.. I see you're still here! Well, I probably made the right choice, cause this is was amazing!" He said as he walked to a mirror and observed the ass as he smiled. "Good thing in the back room too!" He laughed and slapped it as he sat down, and started to play a game near his couch. ----------------------SCAT ENDING--------------------- He woke up and yawned as he got up and stretched. He looked down at the little pudge on his tummy. "Hmmm.. I see you're still here! Well, I probably made the right choice, cause this is was amazing!" He said as he walked to a mirror and observed the ass as he smiled. "Good thing in the back room too! Cause It seems it's time to let you out!" He laughed and slapped his ass as he walked to the bathroom. He pulled down his pants and underwear as he sat down on the toilet. Letting out a nice big coil of shit just to get rid of the rest of the pudge. "Ahhh~ That felt amazing coming out!" He said as he wiped and got up, looked at the shit noticing the bones and hair of Sophia. "You look so cute this way.. Well.. I can't keep you forever! Goodbye, Sophia! I will keep my ass as a memory of you!" He laughed and flushed the toilet as he walked back down to the living room after pulling up his underwear and pants. He sat down on the couch and played some video games. Always remembering how his best friend will always be the best PUDGE on his ass. |
It's another dreadful year of high school for Zane. Last year was absolute torture as kids would fight, eat each other, and even more. Zane let out a soft sigh as he walked into the school and got ready for Class. As days and days pass Zane started to notice something, or someone. It was a pink haired girl who silently watched whenever she could in places that you wouldn't normally look. Zane tried to ignore her a few times and kept going on with his life in general. A month passes and Zane met a nice girl. They talked, laughed, and more! Zane invited her to hang out at his place and she agreed. After the school day ended they both started to head out towards Zane's house. The pink haired girl silently follows and after Zane and the girl arrived she quickly ran towards her house. It was a fun night for the Girl and Zane, they played games, ate Snacks, and even became a nice couple. (How Adorable~) Weeks pass this time as Zane noticed the girl hasn't shown up to school. Zane tried to text her, but then suddenly a text came. "I'm sorry, but this isn't working out Zane. I hope you can forgive me." Zane didn't know what to say so he kept calm and kept going on with his school day. In the bathroom at lunch is when he started to cry. The pink haired girl walked in after hearing Zane and walked over to the curled up Zane in the corner. "What's wrong?" She softly asked with a smile. "N-Nothing.. W-Wait! Why are you in the boys bathroom?!" He asked her as she just giggled softly. "It doesn't matter. Did something happen?" She asked as she sat down beside Zane. "W-Well.. Sort of.." He said as she knew clearly what happened, but didn't say a word as she whispered to not get caught by teachers. "Go on." Zane sighed and started to talk about the girl he was dating and had so many fun times. Then the sudden break up. After he got it out to her, he felt much better. The girl smiled and got up. "Well.. Zane.. My name's Yuno.. I hope to see you later when you're happier." She smiled and walked off. Zane had no clue how she knew his name, he never told it to her. He just softly shrugged and got up heading to lunch. Months pass and Zane was in and out of relationships. Nice girls he found and then a week or two later they give a sorry and break up with him. He was now just use to this treatment as he was silently sitting near a tree, then he noticed Yuno silently watching him with a smile nearing some football equipment. He tried to not pay attention as he laid his head back and tried to fall into a deep slumber. This was his big mistake. He'd wake up, arms strapped into a chair as he had no idea where he was. It was pitch black and everytime he screamed it'd be muffled due to the ducktape. Then a light turned on and Yuno silently walked down. Zane noticed something. How Yuno's figure always grew after every girl he broke up with.. He tried to think of it as nothing but stupidity of himself. "Ah.. You're finally awake.." She softly said as she walked over to him and softly got on his lap. "I've been dying to have my chance.." She said once as she got closer to Zane's ear. Where she whispered the girl's names he's dated, and how did they look on her? Then Zane went wide eyed. He figured it out.. SHE.. Was eating them.. She giggled with a smile as she softly brung out a knife. "I wanna see those beautiful lips of yours.." She softly said as she put the knife to the ducktape.. "If you scream.. You'll join your.. ex's.." She giggled like a maniac as she cut the ducktape and Zane just sat there silent. She ofcourse started to kiss Zane, forcing a make out, until she broke it.. "Ah.. Your taste.. Is so good! I just.. Can't hold it!" She said as she cut his arms out the rope and forced him to the ground in a hurry. "I just want you ALL to myself Sweetie.. I know how to do that as well.." She said softly as she slowly started to take off her skirt, and panties. Zane couldn't see as he tried to struggled. He was turned over and then blinded as Yuno slammed her ass into Zane's face, her anus spreading to take his whole head inside. He started to struggle and scream as the smell in her ass was awful.. Yuno giggled silently and with a small moan as she started to softly suck more of Zane into her Anus. She got to his shoulders and pushed him up with mighty strength and with a soft pop.. They got in. Yuno smiled as the hard part was over, time for an easy ride. She continued to push Zane in further, soft moans coming out as she kept going. Eventually after a few more soft pulls Zane's head entered her stomach. He didn't know what to say or do as he had no options. Yuno on the other hand was on his legs now as she softly pushed him quickly to his feet. She smiled and softly removed his socks and pushed them in. A soft pop was heard when his feet when in.. Soon a nice Zane bulge was visible on Yuno's stomach. She giggled with a smile. "See Zane!~ Together.. Forever!~" She laughed with a smile. She slowly walked to her room and got in the bed with a smile. She softly rubbed the bulge as she cuddled it. She slowly fell asleep, cuddling Zane that was soon gonna be nothing more than breastfat and pudge.. ---------------- SCAT WARNING STOP READING IF YOU DON'T LIKE SCAT --------------- The next day came as she yawned and looked down. A bit of pudge from Zane was on her stomach as she giggled. "You silly~ Trying to make me fat!" She said as she softly groped her new assets. The breasts growing atleast 2 sizes, looking like watermelons. The ass of hers was amazing! No one would dare to look away from this gorgeous ass! A soft groan came down from her stomach as she smiled. "Well Zane.. I better let you out!" She said as she walked to the toilet and slowly let out toils of turds that has softly fragments of Zane, like hair, pieces of shirt or pants, and even a ring! It was a ring given to him by one of his girlfriends. Yuno saw this and grabbed it, cleaned it throughly and smiled. She went back to the toilet that was right beside her and wiped. Throwing the toilet paper in she whispered. "Good bye, Zane~" Then flushed the turds. She put on the ring with a smile as she was happy Zane got her something before he left to be ass fat! |
Naga King's history, part 1 Members of Naga species were known for showing off their masculinity, features and power, especially before the mating season, typical for a patriarchal community. Except, Nagas were hermaphrodites, meaning they had both male and female reproductive organs. Naga children never had the features from neither male nor a female. After a few decades, their hormones would start to react differently: some youngsters develop into muscular predetermined males, some remain smaller than usual with soft and gentle scales, representing the predetermined females, while others remain neutral as they were before. The predetermined males could still lay eggs and females could fertilize other females, but their looks put them in the hierarchical order. The strongest were the leaders, hunters and guardians of the village - they had the right to eat, mate and go where ever they want first, just like any elite class would do. The rest were common Nagas, working as cooks, cleaners, collectors, workers and in nurseries. If a common Naga was lucky enough and looked appealing and beautiful to other Nagas, it would work as an entertainer, dancer and would be among the first ones which will mate with the elite. Kalyan was just one among many Nagas in the village. He was a predetermined male with a strong, tight and stretched jaw, golden cat-like eyes and long black hair, which shone scarlet red and was as hard as thin, elastic cords. Bright ruby-like plates decorated his neck, chest, abdomen and lower part of his serpent body over which he crawled. The rest of his body was dark gray, covered with crocodile-like hard scales. His dominant dark colors made him noticeable among common Nagas, tough he was still young -he was only 20 feet long. His masculine side started to kick in and mating season was about to start. Nobody told him that he didn't have the right to mate, all Nagas were just too busy. And he didn't know that he was too young. What happened next was that he fell in love. He fell in love with predetermined female called Shesha. On her child-like face stood long, curly blond hair and was decorated by wild green eyes. Shesha was 13 feet long and about the same age as him. Usually, when two or more elite Nagas want to mate with the same female, they will battle among each other. Whoever rips off more meat or badly hurts another Naga, that one is the winner. The winner loves his mate only during mating and pleasures her, just to forget about her when she delivers his offspring. That's why bigger predetermined male Nagas tend to mate with a few common Nagas at the same time and swallow them all later. They don't love them nor they are bound to them, but they do it to keep the species alive and produce stronger generations which will cope with new future dangers easily. Females will develop 2-10 eggs, depending of her size, and born her babies alive in about 4 months. Kalyan was just lucky enough to fall in love with Shesha before the mating season started, so he cheated and claimed her as his. At that moment, if anyone found out about it, Kalyan would suffer great consequences and punishment for his actions. I never imagined that love can hit you so easily. Elders told me that Nagas rarely fall in love, but if they do, they are able to love for centuries, to feel it the same way they felt it for the first time. My body never felt so wobbly, I could have sworn that she was the Sun itself, trying to melt me away. And later, when she told me that she felt exactly the same, I was overjoyed with happiness and wanted to love her and only her, forever, never to leave her side. He would have never guessed that the age and size will make a nightmare from their romance. The lovers wanted to be alone, so they found a refuge deep in a cave, far away from all the commotion in the village. After laying down on the ground, I reacted by pure instinct at her sight and started to rub my scales over her soft body just to activate her female hormones. And she did enjoy the touch and moaned for more, placing her cloaca close to mine. I appreciated the move and cuddled her gently, wanting her, daring to enter her. My body contracted, preparing my greatness to exit. Oh, she was so tense, so tight around, I thought that when the time comes, she'll refuse me and leave me to beg and plead to finish what I started. But so far, she was letting me in. Her groans told me that she wanted more. But we were both inexperienced - neither one of us was sure what to do next. But somehow, we managed to please one another, to please each other's needs. I dared to enter more, my contractions urged me to. Shesha never told me to stop tough I saw by her bending that she was getting uncomfortable. I lowered myself and took her head in my arms, cuddling her hair, calming her down. And she trusted me, kissing me back. It took me by surprise when one huge contraction made me burst inside of her. She bended her spine and sweated, savoring the moment, not letting any voice or yell escape from her. She breathed heavily and enjoyed it. Tough I couldn't see it, I felt the cold sensation my juices made around us. It was so ecstatic, a true joy. My body was in frenzy; it became wild and trashed, savagely wanting more, contracting even harder. She finally let out the scream of both pleasure and pain. I panicked, stopping my actions on the spot, wanting to apologize to her, to tell her how sorry I was... but her blissful smile and look in her eyes told me otherwise. With a slight gentle touch on my chest, she reassured me that everything was ok. Again, I tried to be gentle but my body had a mind of it's own and emptied everything I had, emptied so hard and rough, filling every possible hole in her, the cold sensation bursting out of us and seeped onto the ground below. Nagas never excrete neither urine nor feces. They digest their meal whole, with bones, fur, roots and leaves. They aren't picky about the food they eat, just as long as it's filling and organic. That way, lots of toxins and unhealthy chemicals enter their organism. Toxins, in predetermined female's skin and in other Nagas which have soft skin and scales, leave the body through pores. Predetermined males have hard scales, so most of the unhealthy chemicals remain in their bodies, making their saliva and sperm venomous. After fertilization, if a male leaves a female or dies, she will die from poisoning. That's why males swallow females - their bodies create a cocoon-like chamber where the mixture of chemicals, venom antibodies and stomach juices surround the female. That makes anti-venom, protects the female and allows her to breath for a certain amount of time. After a few more orgasms, when he gave her all what he had, they were both exhausted. With all his will power, Kalyan gathered his remained strength and let his instinct guide him. He began to swallow her whole, from head to tail. Trying with all his might not to hurt his beloved one, he rose up, allowing gravity to help him out a few times. And she was relaxed, letting him do it, finish what he started. After he swallowed her, Kalyan just fell on the ground, tired, unable to move or speak. He fell asleep like that, not knowing that he won't wake up any time soon. Males will hibernate until they feel the female is ready to give birth - if they don't hibernate, the females will die in them from lack of oxygen. At the start of hibernation, males use all of their extra energy to create a calcium round shell around females and protective fluids which later look like a huge egg. That way, stomach juices won't digest anything and will make them starve. After waking up, they immediately need to hunt to feed themselves and up-coming family cause they won't be able to later. During the labor period - the period where organism pushes egg with female outside of the system - males are most vulnerable. After 4 months, Kalyan suddenly woke from 2 excruciating pains - one coming from inside his stomach, growling for food and second from a swollen roundish place just above his cloaca. Adrenalin overflowed his organism and he rushed toward the near-by underground stream, immersed his head and drank the water just to lessen the urge to put something in his mouth. After calming down for a bit, the immense bulge continued to hurt. He barely moved and twitched after every wave of pain that hit him. 3 days passed when his agony just increased. He screamed, yelled and begged for help while his cloaca was breaking, bleeding, revealing the egg as white as snow. His whole body contracted and trembled. As soon as the egg pooped out and broke, the blue fluid from within it began to heal his gaping wound. He took as much as he could and covered himself with it, just to relive himself of the pain. Then he noticed Shesha among the fluid. Kalyan came close to her and realized what just happened. I have never felt so confused in my entire life. She was there, my beloved one. I saw that she was pregnant: her breasts were full with milk, food for our offspring, and her belly filled with our babies. Warm emotions passed through me as I took her arm, waiting for her to open her eyes, to speak... to say how she loves me. She was so cold, as cold as that blue fluid I just put on myself to ease the pain. I managed to move close to her and rub her with my body gently, cuddling her wet hair and face, wanting to warm her up. She was so cold.... and she didn't move. Panic struck me. She had to move by now, why isn't she? She was so cold, yet I tried to make her warm. She's supposed to at least breathe.... WHY ISN'T SHE?!? In an instant, I took her mouth and started to inhale the air in her. I inhaled it in her for who knows how many minutes, maybe hours. I tried and tried... but she didn't move, not a single bit. I became desperate, kept pounding her heart, hoping it will start to work. Then I realized I might hurt the kids... The kids? Have they hatched from the eggs? Are they alive? Quicken inside? Maybe I can help them get out. Yes, I'll get them out. I'll make them breathe. I'll rip that flesh. Rip it apart. And they'll live. ... I can't feel them. I can't feel them move. .... No... She's too dear to me. I can't harm her. I love her. I can't feel the children... Struck down, hurt deeply, he felt torment like never before. His wife... his mate... his Shesha laid in front of him with all of their kids dead. Kalyan couldn't do anything but cry. He was one to blame. He was too young to mate, too small to lay females... And he didn't know anything of it. He learned it now, the hard way. All he wanted to do was to lie down, die next to her and never leave her side. Tired from everything, he cried himself to sleep. *** I heard a moving from a far. Barely, but I heard it - another silly dream, just to torture me more. Steps. One by one. Slowly. As if I heard a fast heart beat. Maybe that's my Shesha? No, she's dead. And the smell! That smell of the wild reminded me of home, my village. It was so overpowering that I gulped trying to taste it. Everything was so dizzy. A shiver passed through my spine. There was something in the air that made me feel sick. I lifted my head and dared to look around me. Carcass. Half eaten probably by Harpies, Moches or other vultures that lived here in the cave. Then I noticed the strands of blonde hair. I wanted to throw up so badly, but my stomach was empty. My body made me do it, but only saliva came out. I looked in front of myself. Thinking it was a part of the carcass, I started to follow the line of ribs. It took a while till I realized that those ribs were mine. Steps. Again that smell. Now I could clearly see the source of the smell since it was standing right in front of me. It was a young centaur, 5 feet long, maybe 10-15 years old. His dusted brownish horse-like body smelled of earth, grass and bruises - I assumed he fell from somewhere. Short silky golden hair waved while he moved blindly through the cave. Tough there was a bit of light, Centaurs were known for their bad, almost human vision, so he couldn't see me quite well or maybe he thought that I was dead. My body was near death so it decided to wake me up with a loud growl coming from my stomach. The sudden noise startled already scared youngster and he tripped over a near-by rock in an attempt to run away. I didn't want to waste any more precious moments, so I launched myself to him. Not realizing my own strength, in a try to grab him, I snapped the little one's arm as if it were a twig. His scream woke up some nearby dozing Moches and scared them off. Coiling my tail around him to prevent him from moving, I hungrily swallowed his move-less arm. The taste of blood on my mouth and moments later, the tiny patch of warmth from his arm in my stomach, made me groan in pain - The throes were so terrible I just couldn't stop groaning. They made me realize just how much I was starving. If he hadn't showed up, I would have probably died. So I decided to be extra careful with the little guy from now on. The little Centaur cried, trying to break free from my tight squeeze. Stomach urged me to continue what I started, but I wanted to savor the moment a bit longer, so I pressed it firmly to make it silent. When the youngster began to fight for extra air, I took the opportunity and shoved his head and shoulders down my throat. I could finally enjoy his smell from close up. His short and tiny hair on his horse part looked so tasty, I just had to try it out. Rising up, gravity started to work. The young one began to move and trash around when he slipped deeper inside, so I grabbed him for the legs to make him still. I swallowed him very slowly, trying not to harm him. My stomach muscles contracted mischievously - they grew larger, wanting the Centaur inside me so desperately. When I finally devoured him whole, I laid to rest on one cave stone and relaxed. He was still kicking inside of me, making my aches fade a bit. I appreciated his effort, so I had to stroke him. My mouth was still drooling from all the pleasure he gave to me. He was a meal I didn't have for months - he deserved to be eaten alive. What was most unusual for me was that the little one stopped moving after a short while. I could have only assumed that he gave up on struggling. No matter, he'll be easier to digest. *** For days Kalyan rested in the cave, moving just to have a drink of water, digesting his meal. He would have never guessed that the young Centaur's family will go around the forest and search for him. Not until a pair of them showed up right in front of him. I was drinking some water when I noticed a bright light coming into the cave where I laid, immediately fallowed by two mature centaurs. My sight was blurred as if I were drunk from my last meal, so it took a while until I noticed their brownish coloration, ropes and spears on their backs. I knew what they were looking for. Their face expression changed from worry to disgust as soon as they've noticed me. - Greetings Naga. I just looked at them. - We are looking for our lost brother. - He's been missing for 5 days now. - We have a reason to believe he fell from a hole above in here and tried to find the exit. Have you stumbled across him? - He is half our size, has similar coloration like we do. Kalyan stared at them. If he ever tried to swallow either one of them, his gut would explode. They were simply too big. And he was in no condition to fight. - No, I haven't seen him. - Are you sure? - Yes. Both Centaurs kept staring at me. One of them moved his view to my oversized belly. - You had a nice meal... What did you eat? - A Harpy. - A Harpy? That big? - Yes. - And you caught her all by yourself? - She had a broken wing. - Eating animals in distress! You know we don't approve that. - I was starving. - So starving you couldn't go outside and eat some fruit and berries? I didn't want to explain my actions to those nature loving, tree hugging freaks, so I kept staring at them, giving them no answer to their previous question. Remembering the death of my beloved was enough suffering for one day. - No matter, that's not important at the moment. Right now we'll look around for any clues and try to find our brother, hope you don't mind? - I don't. Go ahead. And with those words, the pair of Centaurs went further into the cave, leaving Kalyan alone once again, deep in thought and in silence. It was just the matter of time when the warmth of his body made him cozy again and he fell asleep. Something awoke him from his slumber, rudely and suddenly. In a flash, he found himself upside-down, his arms tangled in ropes. His immediate reaction was to bend around and try to free himself, but it was no use. His both hands were tied up to a big loop going around his cloaca. The rope was tied around it again and was bent over one huge protruding mineral in a stone wall, finally ending into four Centaur hands. The loop was slicing Kalyan in half while he wriggled. - LET ME DOWN NOW! - I screamed while twisting around, trying to free my arms. - We'll let you down in no time, be patient. - We just need to check if you were telling the truth. In a mater of seconds, my whole stomach and most of the weight pressed the chest. I still moved, lifting my torso up, but soon later my meal got the best of me. I didn't have the strength to battle with it - it was just too heavy and moved around freely. All that commotion and tumbling made my stomach upset. I started to tremble. Sickness kicked me and drool came out of my mouth. I knew what was about to happen. As soon as gravity started to work, this time against me, I started to empty the contents of my stomach. 1 litre of fluids and stomach acids burst out from my mouth before the main content came. I battled to swallow it, my throat and neck were in agony, yet it came pushing onward. I couldn't keep it in myself anymore, so my jaw and neck streched, trying to make the upcoming less painful and easier to pass. Nagas rarely vomit. They do if something really bad and rotten upsets their stomach and if the meal was small. Naga might swallow a pebble and live with it for the rest of its life. If they are forced to swallow a rock or a big stone, they will die after some time from internal bleeding, organ failure or gut explosion. They can be forced to vomit if they are turned upside-down, especially after having a bigger meal. When the huge meal fell on the ground, Centaurs let go of the rope. I fell onto my own vomit, struggling not to throw up again. The sudden weight loss was obvious on my body as I could once again count my ribs. Now thin serpentine tail passed easily through a loop. As soon as it was loose, I started to release my arms. Centaurs approached me. I was still hiding the view of my former lunch with my own body, so they pushed me aside. A large saliva-like sack formed around the bigger pray and Centaurs were unable to see what was inside of it. They took their weapons and started to rip it apart. A bad case of cramps formed in my throat and stomach. My whole body was trembling from the shock and I struggled to remain lift up. But my brain still worked and I forced myself to crawl deeper into the cave while Centaurs were distracted with saliva sack. I don't know how much time did they need to discover what was in that sack and realize that I was gone, but in no time a stampede of hooves was gaining on me. I was going through pitch black darkness and managed to see my way through it. I jumped into the water stream and swam a while in it, just to clean myself and my tracks a bit from the angry pursuers. They were getting closer. Being too week to fight or run anymore, I crawled inside the first hole near cave walls I stumbled upon. Centaurs never searched, believing that I continued to run from that place. They searched later, but never peeked inside the whole where I was hiding. - WE KNOW THAT YOU'RE SOMEWHERE INSIDE AND WHEN YOU DO LEAVE YOUR HIDING PLACE WE'LL KILL YOU! And with those words, they went out of the cave. I knew I was safe inside as long as I don't venture too far. But for how long? And how will I survive in this place? It didn't took Kalyan long to remember why he was in the cave. He missed Shesha dearly, both her and their children. Just thinking about her brought tears to his eyes. If only they remained in the safety of the village, none of this would have happened. If only he knew that he was too young to have mate and care about her. He missed the safety of the village. With all his heart he wanted to go back home, but he knew that now there was no possible way, not until Centaurs are waiting for him to appear. Depressed, beaten, he cried and thought about his future. After a while, Kalyan spotted some black bugs, as big as his arms, crawling around him. His stomach growled in protest when he managed to grab one but he didn't react. He knew that he wasn't going to find anything better than that so he swallowed the bug whole, appeasing his upcoming urge. For now. |
*** - Don’t come home way too late sweetie! - I won’t! - Bye bye Kalyan! - See ya Frey! And with those final words, Kalyan waved and slithered onward to the forest. The thought that Frey and kids were all alone was still bothering him a little, so he whistled to calm his nerves…. Today’s plan was – no guarding the cave, no tending to nagalings’ needs, no picking the flowers and fruits for Frey (he hated the flower part the most) and no children screaming if they were cranky or if they haven’t slept well! Today was Kalyan’s day off! After few minutes, he turned around to check if Frey could see him. When there was no Frey in sight, his grin widened from ear to ear. Overjoyed, he threw himself onto the ground, slithering and coiling his snake part faster than ever and clawing his way forward! (You could almost say that it was Kalyan’s way of running as fast as he could!) There was not a single care on his mind! Throwing himself around like a wild train stampede, making a ruckus where ever his tail slithered, there was only a single thought on his mind – Cabbit den! Cabbit den! Cabbit den! – and he kept repeating it constantly like a broken record. Both his mouth and brain started salivating at the thought! Hands started clawing onward even faster than before out of pure adrenalin…… ….and finally, he arrived! In a flash, he stopped and prompted himself on his tail as high as he could and started checking the surroundings. No birds were chirping, even wind went silent. Trees, bushes and plants were the silent standing guardians of the forest, as usual. No peep in miles. Even the sky was blue and cloudless, as if it was telling – Go ahead, it’s your day! Everything shall be nice and according to your whim! Kalyan let out a quiet: “Yaay!” and turned his attention to a huge rock before him. If you looked at the rock yourselves, there was nothing special about it – there were many rocks rested upon this little hillside in the middle of the forest, probably remainders of a long ago abandoned house materials, some big, some small, all covered in moss – except that Kalyan was standing in front of one. With a sudden heave, the naga moved the rock to the side, revealing a 3-feet wide hole – enough wide for a naga of his size to squeeze through. Around the time Kalyan was ready to jump inside, his stomach started growling. - Shhhhhhhh….. – said Kalyan to his stomach while petting it: - We don’t want to spook all those cabbits down there now. If we do, they won’t come to play with us anymore. We don’t want that, no, no…. we’ll have to eat branches, fruits and leaves again. Truth be told, Kalyan was starving for a more meaty diet. Guarding and parenting the newborn nagalings wasn’t easy and it required his and Frey’s constant attention. Frey, being a vegetarian, took the job like a champion, occasionally strolling nearby to pick some flora (whatever was available at the moment) and thus sustained him. On the other hand, Kalyan hated everything flora-related, but had to eat plants since his hunts were risky and could last for hours! One time, after an entire day hunt, he came back exhausted, managing to catch only a hedgehog that he ate on his way home – of course, after barely managing to talk, he swore that he’ll always remove the spikes from anything prickly before devouring it. And besides – chewing branches reminded him of bone grinding, so branches were acceptable. Not that he loved bones, but still it was something! As Kalyan grew more miserable as the time passed, Frey, being the sensitive one, would give Kalyan a day off and let him hunt just so he could return to his normal and usual self the day afterwards. Of course, after that Frey wanted his day off to visit the nearby human village, learn how to cook delicious vegetable pies, collect animal skins and blankets for the newborns and be on his own for a while….. so the one day off became frequent for the naga pair. Anywho, after murmuring some sweet food related words to his belly, just like that - it stopped rumbling. Kalyan took the opportunity and slithered in the hole. His cat-like eyes quickly adjusted to the new surroundings – huge stalactites spread across the entire cave ceiling, covered in yellowish plants that glowed and illuminated the entire space where he was in. On the sides of the cave walls grew the entire jungles of those freakish yellow plants…. And dozens and dozens of cabbits fed peacefully upon them. Cabbits knew that somebody entered the cave and immediately turned around to check who that was. Wiggling their noses, they sensed a familiar presence and hopped and ran right towards it. Yes, it wasn’t Kalyan’s first time that he ventured into this particular cave. In fact, he was the one that started this colony a few years ago, deciding that he’ll keep them for the “desperate days”, when he won’t be able to hunt bigger animals or if he wanted to grab a snack or two. For some strange reason, cabbits were friendly and docile creatures. If spooked, they would run of course, but for the most part, they just kept greeting everyone who gets near them. That’s why all the wild members were long extinct. Humans kept breeding them as pets since they were so fluffy and could be trained to do simple tricks like – jump, sit, stand and come on command. By pure luck, Kalyan snatched a few and brought them in this cave. The environment and the climate in the cave suited them, so they quickly started multiplying. Now, dozens of cabbits stared at Kalyan, blinking obliviously, sniffing, wiggling their rosy noses. A few of them prompted themselves on their hind legs to see better. Kalyan slowly and carefully started spreading his tail, gently making space among them, trying not to harm a single cabbit while doing so. Some cabbits hopped to side and some were pushed over the massive tail among them until Kalyan made a huge circle with it. His intention was to circle as much cabbits as he could with his tail and pull them closer to himself. Even though there were dozens of cabbits inside his body barrier, many more were still standing outside. A few hopped onto his tail. Then Kalyan started talking: - My sweet little darlings, Kalyan has come to bring you more food, more nutritious than these ordinary plants you eat every day! There are so many carrots, cabbage, tomatoes and leaves for you! Not for all, but Kalyan loves you very much and tried his best! Only the first few will have their fill, so come, come quickly! The naga lowered himself enough to gently take one cabbit into his hands. All the others stared and barely moved. - Jump little one. Jump inside. – said Kalyan, before opening his jaw wide, rolling his tongue out. The cabbit in his hands stood up on his hind legs, moved his head sideways for a second and jumped right in. Since the little fella was stuck in the throat with only his hind legs peeking outside, Kalyan immediately rose, straightened and gulped. Every cabbit in the cave followed a small bump on Kalyan, travelling all the way from his throat to his stomach, where it stopped. Kalyan couldn’t suppress a sigh of relief. The cabbit was as tasty as he imagined! The meat will do him good… All of a sudden, his stomach growled loudly and the bump on his stomach started moving. - See? He’s having the time of his life! He opened a hidden stash of munchies! – said Kalyan and lowered himself again: - Jump and you’ll have your own share! He barely managed to open his jaw on time - the cabbits nearby started jumping inside like crazy! The first time he gulped, two cabbits were inside his throat. The next time, there were three. His jaw widened. Next gulp – four. It quickly started to get heavy to eat them in one gulp. He had to get out at least one from his mouth to make it easier. Still, they were swarming around him! Some even jumped on his back since they wanted to escape the crowd in front of the mouth. And the quicker he gulped, the heavier he got. His stomach kept pulling him downward the more cabbits it got. In the meantime, Kalyan was overrun by pure happiness, not just by cabbits. He didn’t feel so full in a while and meal that is throwing itself to be eaten? Now that was pure bliss! Until he remembered: “Damn, what did Frey tell me about not stuffing myself?” He tried to remember Frey’s words before leaving. And so he did: “Kalyan, don’t stuff yourself too much. Remember those fishes that you had a few months ago? You barely crawled in bed from your own weight when you came! And you ate them too fast, remember? I told you not to do it and you didn’t listen! You had such a terrible indigestion, you moaned for days! I couldn’t sleep because of you! Don’t eat too fast Kalyan!” Yes, it was a terrible indigestion. Only upper part of his body was cramped with food and none of the other intestines were willing to expand and make some room and relieve the pressure, thus he got bloated and even the tiniest movement of his stomach hurt like crazy! Even breathing was hard! By the time he remembered the full story, he was lying on the ground, obliviously gulping the cabbits and salivating extensively. His belly ached from the pressure and he needed to roll to the side. Although only a minute or two have passed, the cabbit numbers were drastically depleting. He closed his mouth, licked his lips and rolled onto his side. A few cabbits still tried to jump into his mouth. - No, no, that’s enough, no more, there’s no more space… - babbled Kalyan while pushing the persuasive cabbits away from the mouth and generally the head. He gulped for the last time and heaved. Out of frustration, a few cabbits jumped onto his expanded stomach and thumped on it. While trying to make his jaw back to normal, to breathe and recover himself a bit from the massive feeding, Kalyan took the time to inspect himself. His gut, now extensively bloated, has at least tripled its size. He couldn’t do anything but smile in admiration while some cabbits squirmed inside, making him all fluffy and warm inside….. literally. The belly started happily churning. It took him all his strength and finding a proper position, but he managed to push himself upward, away from the ground. Even though his massive gut had a will of its own, he managed to keep himself steady and balanced with his tail. It took some effort and holding onto the cave walls, but he did it. And he found quite amusing the way his stomach wobbled – he pushed it to the right - it went to the left and then stopped. Kalyan compared it to a bag of water that churned and groaned. He giggled…. then pushed it a bit strongly again. It went to the left, then right, then left again and stopped. Kalyan giggled and this time went too far by pushing strongly than he intended. The stomach went on sideways and pulled the entire body with it. Not being able to hold his ground, Kalyan fell, stomach first. He let out a painful burp and moan and the same time. While he miserably lay down on the floor, stomach groaning from discomfort, the remaining cabbits were looking at him. - The show is over. You can continue doing whatever you were before….. urp…. before this…. – waved away Kalayn with his hand: - Shoo now! Shoo! Kalyan wasn’t even sure why he was talking to the cabbits. He was sure that they didn’t have a clue what he was talking about… but maybe they learned the command: “Jump” and wanted to use it, to please their master…. Just maybe. Two cabbits remained, staring at the bloat that now was the naga itself. - Damn, don’t look at me like that with those eyes…. You look way too adorable…. One cabbit even got closer to Kalyan and sniffed his head. - Curses, I can’t stand such cuteness… - said Kalyan and showed the closer cabbit into his mouth and then grabbed the other one. This time, the second cabbit started struggling while the naga was swallowing the first one. It was pointless since he quickly followed his buddy the same way it went – down Kalyan’s throat. This time it was easy to swallow them since the throat got used to the constant food consumption – it stretched and went back to its normal state in a matter of seconds. Kalyan licked his teeth and sprawled across the floor. The pain from the fall was still throbbing his stomach, but the utter happiness and warmth from such a filling was growing again. Those last two cabbits were just the thing to make the naga happy again! He wagged his tail from joy and managed to lift himself again, but this time, Kalyan embraced his stomach with both his hands to make it steady and more balanced. - I’m going now little ones! Take care and see ya next time! – waved Kalyan to the remaining cabbits and slithered himself towards the hole. Firstly he extended his arms to give him an extra push outside, as he would usually do when leaving the hole. As soon as he tried to push his torso out, his stomach got stuck. - Damn… - cursed Kalyan and pushed together with his arms outside and his tail inside the cave. His face red and hands shaking from effort, he tried to pull himself out…. and didn’t succeed. Breathing heavily, resting, Kalyan checked his progress – only half of his bloated belly was sprawled on the ground. The pressure at the middle of his gut started to get unbearable and he instantly tried again, not wanting to hurt himself and remain stuck. He pushed and pushed, this time sweating and shaking. His tail trashed around, searching for more support down below and when it was found, it coiled, making one huge muscle mass and pushed onward too. He was ready to give up, when he suddenly fell on the green grass, with a loud: “POP” followed by a thump. This time he remained out of breath and tried to get as much air as he could. Kalyan knew that all nagas would be out of breath in a matter of seconds if they used all of their energy on a single act – like jump on prey or run from predators – but this was too much even for him. He needed to rest for a while. Now he started to wonder – how will he get home? |
Kalyan’s advices about diets Reporter: How do you lose weight? What are your suggested diet methods? How do you accomplish them and what would you recommend to our readers? 1. *Chases a squirrel and after a short while stops. Is exhausted* Don’t… *pant* …..eat…. *pant* ….fast food. *pant* 2. *sigh* It’s not hard if you’re hungry all the time and can’t eat all the time… *stomach rumbles loudly* 3. Just sleep it off for a few days…. *looks overeaten, yawns* You’ll get hungry again in no time…… *zzzzzzz* 4. *look of complete discomfort* Just keep eating twigs and leaves….. *chews on a branch* 5. ….and vegetables…. *chews on a broccoli looking bored* 6. On a nice day, just suntan. It gives you extra energy you’ll need during the day…. *is spread outside on the valley, enjoying the Sun* 7. Don’t… *wheeze* overeat…. *looks SERIOUSLY overeaten and in pain* ….ow…. *wheeze* …eh…. *Frey looks worried and massages the huge area where his stomach should be* 8. Eat fish…. *swallows a humongous fish in a matter of seconds * ….in decent amounts. *burp* 9. ….And waste all your accumulated fat? *shows at the fat on his tail* Are you kidding? HOW WILL YOU SURVIVE WINTER WHEN ALL THE FOOD IS SCARCE?!?!? 10. Don’t get pregnant… *shoves everything that is remotely like food into his mouth* 11. Get…. *hic* ….seriously….. *hic* ….drunk……. *Looses balance, almost falls over. Suddenly gets greenish, places both of his hands over his mouth and slithers off somewhere.* 12. *grumbles* I hate diets…. *stomach growls* Frey made me do it cause I look too fat….. *Frey gently places a flower in his spouse’s hair* 13. Sexy time…. *you can see Frey’s arm flailing in distress* 14. Meat is your friend. *devours a cow* 15. Don’t go on a diet at all! *pats his full stomach and licks his lips while wagging his tail happily* 16. *his body is just ribs and bones, looks emaciated* If there’s no food around…. *breaths heavily* ….starvation will get to you. 17. *Kalyan is sick and emptying his insides on the ground – everything from stomach juices to still living and moving chickens. Reporter leaves disgusted and terrified.* 18. Don’t forget – just take one piece of the pie! *Kalyan quickly finishes a pile of culinary treats and in the end, just one piece of pie* 19. If you want to quickly lose weight, just sit and do nothing…. *after a few seconds of not moving, Kalyan’s stomach roars with emptiness* ….for a few days…. *;_;* 20. I can always eat you…. *closes in on the reporter* ….you’ll get thinner in no time…. *drools* |
Bowsette Begins Ganondorf, King Dedede, King K. Rool, Wario, Ridley, Dark Samus, and Wolf were all gathered in the throne room of Bowser’s Castle. They were waiting for the arrival of Bowser himself, so they could discuss their plans for the upcoming Smash tournament. Suddenly, the door open, revealing the silhouette of what appeared to be Princess Peach… only taller… and with horns… and a shell and tail? The princess seemed to be holding a large writhing bundle. She stepped through the door, revealing the body of Princess Peach, only taller with Bowser’s horns, a smaller version of his shell and tail, a black dress, and spiked cuffs like Bowser usually wore. The assembled villains’ jaws dropped, Dedede’s literally to the floor. K. Rool’s eyes bulged out of his head in surprise. Ganondorf was the first to recover. “Bowser, what happened to you?” he asked with concern. “I discovered this strange crown in a box this morning,” Bowser Peach explained, her voice sounding like Peach’s only lacking the sweetness to it, “You can call me Bowsette.” “Look Bowser, uh, Bowsette,” Ganondorf said, “I know Mario thwarted your attempt to marry Princess Peach, but this is not a good way to cope!” “I’m not coping with anything!” Bowsette growled, “Oh, I almost forgot, I brought dinner!” She reached inside the writhing sack and produced a flailing Toad. She beemed as if proud of herself. “Help me!” the Toad cried. “Bowsette,” Ganondorf said, pointing at the Toad, “That’s not dinner. That’s a Toad.” “What’s the difference?” Bowsette asked, sincerely. The other villains continued to stare at her in stunned silence. “I think we’ll pass,” Ganondorf answered. “Oh well, more for me!” Bowsette said cheerfully. She opened her maw wide and shoved the Toad in up to its chest. It screamed and flailed its arms. Bowsette put a finger on its cap and pushed the Toad deeper into her throat. The others watched as a visible bulge appeared on her neck. Bowsette kept pushing until her hand was nearly in her throat itself. She extracted her hand and put both hands on the bulge of her neck. GULP! She felt the bulge descend until it disappeared behind her breasts. Her belly distended outward, looking nine months pregnant. Puah! Bowsette let out a breath. Toad punched and kicked inside her stomach, causing bulges to appear on the surface of her belly. Ganondorf’s finger drooped. King Dedede fainted, falling on his face. Bowsette beemed. “That was delicious!” she exclaimed, “But, not nearly filling enough… Good thing I brought seconds!” She reached inside the bag and produced Toadette this time. The pink capped toad with pigtails flailed and kicked even harder than the first Toad. “Let me go!” she cried, “Mario will get you for this!” “Oh, I’m counting on it…” Bowsette cooed, “But, you won’t be around to see him, unless he has to do some plumping work after I’m done with you… Gwa ha ha!” Toadette kicked and flailed even harder after this comment. She looked at the crowd of shocked villains with pleading eyes. But, nobody moved to help her. They were perhaps even more terrified of Bowsette than she was, except for Dedede, who was simply passed out, and Ganondorf, who didn’t really care about some insignificant mushroom retainer. “If you were hoping someone would save you from becoming a Bowsette bowel movement,” Bowsette taunted, “You came to the wrong place… Oh, I should show you guys how the crown thing works!” She produced a Super Crown from… somewhere. Bowsette placed it upon Toadette’s head. Toadette transformed into Peachette, a Princess Peach look-a-like that looked a lot closer to the actual princess then Bowsette did. This resemblance seemed to anger Bowsette, most likely confirming Ganondorf’s original theory. She took hold of Peachette’s legs and dangled her upside down. Bowsette tilted her head back and opened her maw wide. She dangled Peachette over her mouth. Peachette stared into the dark, salivating cavern in fear. She flailed about, squeezing her eyes shut so she wouldn’t have to see when she got shoved inside. “Plea-Please don’t! I don’t want to…” Peachette begged, “MAAAARIO!” Ganondorf looked away as he saw Bowsette move to shove Peachette inside her mouth. He could still hear the muffled cries of Peachette, the sick, low moans of Bowsette, and the wet gulps as the Koopa Princess took down her meal. ULP! He heard the final gulp that sent the last bulge to meld with Bowsette’s overstuffed gut. Only then, did he look back. Bowsette’s belly had more than doubled in size with the addition of Peachette due to the other girl’s firm dress. The gut quaked and bulges appeared periodically on the surface from the punches and kicks of Peachette and Toad. Wet gurgles and sloshes came from the stomach as it began to digest Bowsette’s dinner. “Ah… That hit the spot!” she sighed, “Well, let’s get down to business!” She stomped over to her throne, her belly sloshing and swaying the whole way. She sat on her throne, which was meant for a bigger occupant, allowing Bowsette to spread her legs. Her bloated belly rested between them. Ganondorf got King Dedede up as gently as he could. The penguin wobbled a little on his feet at the sight of the bloated Bowsette, but Ganondorf managed to stabilize the King. He began to share his plan for the upcoming tournament. The other villains were happy to be able to focus their attention on him rather than Bowsette. Bowsette listened for a little bit, but she soon found herself distracted by the squirming in her stomach. She could feel her tummy rhythmically churning against Peachette and Toad, melting them down into nourishment for her body. Muffled cries emanated from behind the taught flesh. The constant punches and kicks felt really good. Bowsette leaned against the left arm of her throne. She rubbed her left fingers together. A tingling feeling was growing in her loins. Her stomach grumbled wetly. Peachette and Toad began struggling more frantically. Bowsette bit her lip. She pulled her dress open and stuck her left hand under her belly. Her snatch was moist from her meals’ struggles. Bowsette stuck a few fingers in and began pumping rhythmically. She let out a low moan as quietly as she could. The other villains did not notice at first, they were too busy discussing the plan. Then, Bowsette’s stomach began gurgling very loudly. Peachette and Toad were desperately struggling, but their struggles were growing weaker. Bowsette began pumping harder as she felt her stomach churning them towards their imminent demise. She gasped and moaned lewdly. All this noise got the attention of the other villains. The group gasped in collective surprise. King Dedede fell on his face again. Ganondorf clenched his fists in anger. “Bowsette?! What are you doing?!” he demanded, “We’re trying to have a meeting here, if you’d rather do… that, go to your room and do so! What if you’re kids were here?!” “Nff… I think I’ll-uh-stay right here,” Bowsette huffed, “My-mmm-castle, my rules. Ngah! My wimp kids have to-oooh-grow up eventually…” Still she pulled her hand out of her slit. She could feel the powerful churns of her stomach finishing off her prey. Peachette and Toad had ceased struggling and screaming. Faint crying was all that could be heard from them now. Bowsette’s stomach contracted hard suddenly. RAWRRRRRP! She belched loudly, a little fire coming out as she blushed and put one hand on her belly and one above her breasts. She’d lost control of the belch and spit fire at first because she came hard at the feeling of her meals being turned to mush. Ganondorf’s right eye twitched with disgust. Bowsette’s belly was now rounder and smoother. It gurgled quietly. Bowsette sighed, bathing in the aftermath of her powerful orgasm. The other villains all looked between Ganondorf and Bowsette, except for Dedede of course. Ganondorf’s eye continued to twitch. He turned with a swish of his cape. “We will continue this tomorrow morning,” he announced, “When our host will perhaps be in better control of herself.” He stormed out, dragging Dedede by the foot. The other villains waited awkwardly for a moment before taking their leave as well. Bowsette smirked. She stood from her throne slowly, feeling the contents of her tummy shift. She lifted her belly and let it fall, enjoying the deep slosh it made. Bowsette went up to her room. She closed and locked the door, then closed the windows to ensure no flying minions intruded. PPPPFFFRRRRRTTT! As she approached her bed, a loud stuttering fart escaped her peach shaped rear. She blushed but giggled at the idea that those wimps were already giving her gas. After, she stripped of her dress, bra, and thoroughly soaked panties. She set herself gently on her bed. A deep blush on her face, Bowsette stuck both sets of fingers into her womanhood. She began pumping, enjoying how she was able to slosh her belly while masturbating. This time, she was not pleasuring herself to the fates of the current victims of her digestive tract, but to the fantasy of Princess Peach herself being the one trapped in her belly, moaning for Mario to come save her. Bowsette couldn’t decide on how she felt about Mario. On the one hand, digesting him into dung would be a satisfying way to finally destroy the pesky plumber. But on the other, it might have been her Peach side talking, Bowsette kind of wanted him to do things to her while she gurgled up Peach. She began pumping harder, gasping and moaning freely this time. She arched her back as best she could with a spiky shell attached to it. She felt a powerful orgasm coming. Kamek, Bowser’s surrogate father, approached the door to his adopted son’s room. He knocked at the door first. When he got no response, he tried the handle. The door was locked. He put his ear to the door to try and hear if Bowser was sleeping. It seemed early for the Koopa King, who liked to plot his next princess pilfering around this time. “OH! YES!” a muffled feminine voice cried from within, “I’M CUMMING!” Kamek blushed super hard. He ran back down the hall, his mind very confused as to what was happening in that room. Bowsette laid panting on her bed. Her thighs, underbelly, and the sheets in front of her were soaked with feminine juices. Her guts burbled softly. As sleep began to overtake her, Bowsette couldn’t resist playing with the sloshiness of her belly for a bit... The next morning, Bowsette awoke feeling quite refreshed. She could no longer see her belly, but her breasts were very prominent now. They must have gotten a good plumping from her meals. She sat up. Her belly was now just a small dome of pudge. Her hips and thighs had widened, as had her derriere. Bowsette smirked. She’d be the center of attention now. Peach would be jealous of her. Mario would definitely want to do things with her. She’d be on top of the world. Bowsette got out of bed. She opened her drawer and was surprised to find a fresh set of panties waiting for her. She put these on, getting a feel for her rounder rump as she did so. She donned a fresh dress. She began to walk out of the room. Glorp! Gurgle! Blorp! She clutched at her rumbling colon. She needed to make a stop at the toilet on her way to the throne room. Bowsette entered her private bathroom. She closed the door behind her and approached the toilet. She squatted as she pushed her dress back. RPPBtFRPPrRtP! A loud burst of flatulence escaped her rear. Bowsette smiled wickedly. She pulled down her panties. FRRRRT! Another trumpeting toot sounded from her exposed bum. Peachette’s pantyhose flew out with the gas, landing in the toilet. Bowsette blushed. She sat upon the toilet, her shapely cheeks fitting on the seat comfortably. Her anus expanded as a huge stool forced its way between her chubby cheeks and splashed into the bowl below. Another massive turd followed the first one and then another as Peachette and Toad’s remains quickly vacated the Koopa Princess’s body. Bowsette’s thunderous farts and grunts of effort filled the room. Anyone outside in the hall or in the rooms above or below was likely hearing the princess take a dump. She didn’t care anyways. The Toads may have given her the toots, but they’d also given her a great time. The mound of feces at the bottom of the bowl began to rapidly fill up the sides as the sewage continued to pour from Bowsette’s round rump. Despite the size of the meal, there was very little evidence visible in the poop to indicate that the princess’s meal had once been a Toad and another princess; just the pantyhose buried beneath the pile. The last of the princess and Toad’s remains came in the form of a long, unbroken turd that coiled as it topped off the heap in the toilet. Bowsette gave a deep sigh of relief as the final log ended in a stuttering fart. She let a stream of urine spray onto the pile. She stood and wiped her bum. Bowsette tried to flush the toilet. The mound moved a little but did not sink. The toilet was clearly not designed for a bowel movement of such scale. Bowsette smirked. It seemed Peachette would get to see Mario one last time after all. Ganondorf and the other villains had gathered once more in the throne room, waiting for Bowsette to show her face and hopefully be a little more dignified. When Kamek had let them in, Ganondorf had noticed that the Magikoopa’s eyes had been wide like he’d seen something he could never unsee. Ganondorf just hoped that Bowsette had gone to bathroom before coming to the meeting. He’d lose it if she thought it was funny to fart every few seconds. Bowsette strut into the throne room, clearly trying to show off her improved assets. Everyone did their best not to drop their jaws again and act like this was normal. Bowsette was not pleased by their ignorance. Fortunately, she still had a little gas pent up from her gluttony the night before. She stood facing her throne. She began to laugh as she squatted and pulled her dress back, revealing her panties. PhuRtoooooow! Bowsette ripped a pyro poot that washed over the other villains. The others ran or ducked. Except for Ganondorf, who simply let the fire wash over him and further fuel his fury. Bowsette turned and sat on her throne smugly. Ganondorf’s right eye twitched intensely. “I HAVE HAD ENOUGH!” he roared. He transformed into the Demon King: Ganon. He swung one of his giant golden swords at Bowsette. She and her throne were sent flying through several walls. Bowser Jr. arrived just as Ganon transformed back to Ganondorf. The Great King of Evil seethed with rage for a moment longer. Then, he spotted the Super Crown bouncing to the foot of the rubble where the throne platform had once been. Ganondorf quickly picked up the crown. He teleported away. He went somewhere that only he knew of. He opened a vault and set the Super Crown inside. “Never again,” he said solemnly. The vault door sealed. But, was this truly the end of Bowsette? |
A Night with Zelda It is a day that does not yet hold any special significance for you or anyone else you know. One day, far in the future, it will come to be known as Picori’s Day, but for now, it’s just another day. Well, maybe not just any day. It hadn’t been just any day when you fulfilled your destiny as chosen hero and slew the foul Demon King Demise, driving the legendary Master Sword straight through the fiend’s black heart. And, it isn’t every day that you get to go on a more serious date with your childhood-more-than-friend and the Spirit Maiden: Zelda. You two had been planning this night for a while. You are both old enough to go sit at the bar now, but you weren’t about to go to the kind of seedy place that most people your age went to. A fancier place meant higher prices but also better drinks and a better atmosphere. Zelda wears a plain green dress with a bow tied around her waist in the back, green flats, and a four leaf clover in her hair. You wear a green suit with a white undershirt and pocket square. Sitting down at the bar, you order your drinks. The restaurant is fairly empty. It is a weeknight after all, so most people had things to do the next day. The bartender serves your drinks with a knowing smile before leaving the two of you alone. Zelda takes a sip of her drink, closing her eyes for a moment after swallowing. Then, she turns towards you, smiling pleasantly. “This is nice, <Link>,” she says, “We don’t get to go on dates often. You would think that things would have calmed down after Demise’s defeat, but I suppose building a home on the Surface is a whole new adventure. At least this time we’re together. I wouldn’t want it any other way.” You smile back, feeling your cheeks flush. You think the same thing. You’re just a bit more shy about expressing it. You think as you take a sip of your drink. That’s what got you bullied back at the Academy, being too quiet to express yourself. Zelda always tried to come to your rescue, was always concerned for your well being, but you had regrettably taken her for granted somewhat. Things had changed slowly in Skyloft, so you’d thought that Zelda would be around forever. The two of you would happily live out all your days as best friends in the peaceful island in the Sky. So, when Ghirahim’s tornado had taken her from you unexpectedly, you had been understandably devastated. At first, you’d thought Zelda was dead, so you weren’t sure there was any point in going on. Then, Fi had informed you that Zelda was very much alive. Your determination to find her and bring her back home safely had driven you to the Surface, where you faced many challenges. At times, you’d felt dreadfully lonely or hopelessly stuck, and in those moments you missed the comfort of Zelda’s presence more than anything. In the end, however, you had overcome those hardships to reunite with her… Only for Ghirah— “Hey… <Link>?” Zelda asked softly and gently, nearly in a whisper, “Are you alright? Is it the bad memories again? It’s okay, <Link>, I’m here. We’re safe now. Don’t let those memories worry you any longer.” You notice that your hand is shaking. Your face flushes with embarrassment now. This was hardly the time or place to be breaking down. Suddenly, Zelda wraps her arms around your chest, resting her head against yours with her eyes closed. Or maybe this was the right place? Here, you at least had someone to comfort you, someone who understood what you went through. Her embrace soothes you, ceasing your trembling. Zelda holds on for a moment longer before gently letting go. “Feel better?” she asks. Nodding, you smile gratefully at her. Zelda smiles back, pleased. She takes another sip of her drink. You decide to do the same. “Good,” she says, “Tonight is going to be a happy night.” You can toast to that, tapping your glass lightly against hers. You finish your first drinks together before ordering a second round. Two drinks later and Zelda is feeling a pleasant buzz. She’s picking through a basket of fried cucco and nursing a glass of water. You, on the other hand, are on your fourth drink. You’re starting to feel a little tipsy, but you’re sure you’ll be able to finish and still be fine. “Remember that time… hee hee… when we pranked Groose by putting his dumbbells in chu-gelatin?” Zelda giggled, “He was so mad… but… but… when he tried to tell my Dad, Dad thought it was hilarious… so he told Groose to eat the dumbbells out…” And he actually did it, you recall. You laugh at her story, maybe a little harder than you should have, and then proceed to tip over in your seat. Zelda notices, gasping in shock, before reaching and grabbing your arm before you tip over completely. Your drunken mind spins for a moment, unsure of what to do. Zelda strains as she keeps from falling but can’t pull you upright from your awkward position. “<Link>,” she says, “Grab my arm.” Her arm…? What does she mean? Then you realize, quickly grabbing her arm. Using both her arms as well, she manages to pull you upright. Zelda sighs with relief, laughing slightly. The bartender comes over as he notices the near accident. “Everything alright over here, ma’am?” he asks Zelda. “We’re fine, just a bit too much to drink,” Zelda replies, “Could you take that for me?” She gestures towards your unfinished fourth drink. The bartender picks it up, scrubbing the spot where it had been. You groan. You overdid it again. Surely this time she’ll be mad at you for it. Instead, she chuckles to herself before looking at you, smiling. “It’s cute how you always over do it,” Zelda says, “It’s like your old sleeping habits…” She looks away for a moment, as if that was intended to be a segway into something she didn’t want to say yet. You try to focus on her with the alcohol spinning your view. Zelda thinks for a moment before her face deepens in color a bit. She turns towards you. “Hey… speaking of that, <Link>,” she proposes, “Why don’t we go home? I have somewhere soft and warm for you to ride this out in.” You smile drunkenly, nodding your head a bit. You know what she’s offering, and you’d be a fool to refuse. Zelda stands, wrapping your right arm over her shoulders as she helps you up. She looks longingly at her fried cucco. “Any chance I can get those to go?” she asks. “Sure, ma’am,” the bartender replies, “One moment while I box them, please.” Once Zelda has her food, the two of you walk slowly back to your house. She holds the box while you shakily feed the remaining food to her. She’s patient with you, even when you can’t quite line up her bite. The sides of her mouth are steadily covered with grease from you gently poking the cucco into them. Mmmrrp! She puts the box to her chest as she stifles a burp after finishing a piece. “Excuse me,” she says politely, “All that chicken and spirits are making my tummy bubbly.” You don’t mind. She is always very well mannered, so a mild lapse while slightly intoxicated is no big deal. You reach your house, and Zelda helps you inside. She closes and locks the door while you make your way upstairs. You enter your room, beginning to slowly undress. Zelda enters behind you, closing that door as well, before beginning to undress herself. Stumbling towards your bed, you collapse into it, wanting the throbbing in your head to stop. Zelda finishes undressing and stands at the foot of the bed. She arranges you a bit before returning to her spot. She gets down on her hands and knees before your feet. You go limp, ready to let her take over. “Are you ready, <Link>?” she asks. You acknowledge. You feel her hands wrap gently around your ankles. This is followed by the feeling of your feet entering somewhere warm and wet. Gulp! Your feet are pulled into a soft, squishy tube as more of your lower legs enter the warm and wet space. Glork! She’s swallowing you, sending you to the safety of her warm, comfy tummy. Gluck! Another swallow brings your knees into her throat. You feel your heart rate beginning to increase with anticipation. Gulp! Your lower legs are in her mouth now. This is something special the two of you do to express your love, a level of intimacy unmatched by anything else. Glurk! Your bottom fills her mouth. You only do it on really special occasions as it indisposes the both of you for the whole night and then much of the next morning. GULP! With a powerful swallow, she pulls your glutes into her gullet. Gently, you insert your hands into her mouth by your sides. You sigh happily. There was no greater feeling than this: total, utter love for one another. Glurp! Your abs begin to pass between her lips. The first time Zelda swallowed you was actually an accident when you were kids. You’d stuck your whole hand into her throat because she’d been curious if it would fit. Her natural instincts had taken over, and before you knew it, you were curled up inside her tummy. At first, you were both scared because the assumption was that she would digest you. Her father had quickly intervened though, explaining that the process wasn’t harmful at all and would actually feel good. You both had felt quite happy afterwards. The next day, you’d come out a little dirty but otherwise none the worse for wear. Glurk! Zelda is up to your chest now. Your lower body feels warm and comfortable inside her throat and stomach. Gulp! Another swallow brings your chest into her mouth. Only your head and neck remain outside of her now. Her blue eyes look into yours, sparkling with the pure love she feels at the moment. You lean in and kiss her on the forehead. She closes her eyes. You can feel her tremble with happiness. Gulp! She swallows your chest, pulling your shoulders and neck into her mouth. Your chin rests against her soft lips now. It’s like a preview of what the rest of you is experiencing inside of her. Glup! Swallowing, she pulls your head into her mouth. Her lips seal over you as she tilts her head back slightly. GULP! Zelda swallows. You enter her throat. It’s completely dark, but the comforting kind of dark that lulls you to sleep at night. The throat is warm and wet, expanding to accommodate your head as you make your final descent into her stomach. Her heart drums soothingly near you as you approach her tummy. Passing through the muscular ring at the top of the stomach, you slide slightly in the sloshing broth of alcohol and partially digested fried cucco. Errrrrrup! Zelda belches as you settle and bring up some gas. It sounds muffled thanks to the soft walls between you. A faint thumping above you indicates that she’s patting the top of her belly. “Excuse me, <Link>,” she apologizes, “I couldn’t hold that one in.” You blush to yourself. In some cultures that also meant she enjoyed you. The liquids of her stomach slosh about as she stands. You brace yourself as she climbs into bed and lies on her back. There’s no way to indicate it, but you knew she was gently caressing the large bulge you made on her lovingly. Now that she’s settled, you can snuggle in at the bottom of her belly. Nowhere is quite as soft and warm as Zelda’s tummy. The pool of her digested dinner surrounds you, acting like a pleasant hot spring to further soothe your pounding head. The steady beat of her heart would lull you to sleep any minute. Part of the reason Zelda loves this so is because it makes her feel like she is your world, not in a dominating or possessive way, but in a protective one. Nothing could touch you while you were inside of her. It made the bad memories from your adventure—your separation from her, Ghirahim, the resurrection of the Demon King—seem like a lifetime ago. Now, there are only the two of you, close as can be. “Comfortable, <Link>?” Zelda asks, “I am.” You are comfortable, more comfortable than you can get any other way. You love this because it brings you so close to her. To you, she is your world, and letting her express that in a physical way is immensely satisfying. There is no better way to fall asleep at night than knowing you and your partner are both as happy as can be. Your eyes are beginning to droop. The warmth, softness, heart beat, and alcohol were getting to you. The tummy shifts a bit as Zelda rolls onto her left side. A slight pressure indicates she’s cuddling her belly. You snuggle in a little more. “I love you,” she whispers to you. And you love her with all your heart. Zelda’s breathing grows heavier, indicating that she’s now asleep. It doesn’t take you long to do the same… You awake sometime the next morning. It is still dark, because you’re still inside Zelda, but now it’s warmer than before. She must be outside where the sun can hit her belly. Your deep inside her now, somewhere in her lower intestinal tract. You wriggle a bit in an effort to get more comfortable. Zelda notices the motion. “Good morning, sleepyhead,” her voice calls cheerfully from above, “Did you get a good rest? How are you feeling this morning?” You realize that you don’t feel any symptoms of a hangover. You wriggle pleasantly to tell her how you feel. Warmth spreads through Zelda, indicating her happiness. She gently pats her belly about where she thinks you are “Good, I’m glad you’re feeling better,” she replies, “I’m out running errands right now, but I don’t think you’re quite ready to come out yet either. Feel free to sleep a little longer if you’d like.” If she is out and about, she is in the cute flower dress she wears when you’re in her belly. It is large enough to drape over the front of her abdomen and cover her legs while showing the top of her bump. She’s probably wearing that cute straw sunhat too. You snuggle a bit in her intestine. You don’t feel tired anymore, but you’re more than happy to relax inside of her until you’re ready to come out. Your concept of time is lost as you listen to Zelda go about her morning. You hear her talk to various vendors and villagers, happily gushing about you whenever asked about her belly. This makes you tingle with pride, being complimented so while still inside her. As she walks about, you slowly are pushed along her intestinal tract. Eventually, you feel something warm and sticky beginning to coat you. This means you’re nearly at the end of your journey through her. A pang of regret passes through you, not wanting your time inside of her to end. But, you know that Zelda can’t lug you around all day. The hungry rumbles coming from your own stomach also remind you that you can’t eat while inside of her. You’re now covered head to toe in the sticky stuff, which you happen to know is a rather distinct brown color. Your head bumps into a sphincter that doesn’t budge. You feel Zelda straighten up at the familiar sensation. “Oh, feels like someone’s ready to come out,” she states, “Hold on a minute, <Link>. I just need to get ready.” Her colon rumbles around you, slightly impatiently, as she readies the bathroom for your arrival. She’ll have laid out a mat for you to land on and a chamber pot to take her liquid waste as you exit. The sphincter before you twitches as you feel her squat. With a happy sigh, Zelda begins to push you out. Your head exits her anus first, sliding between her spread cheeks. You almost always exit head first unless her stomach is feeling off. The organ turns you over while the two of you are sleeping, much like how a baby will turn over before being born. It’s a bit cold in the bathroom after residing in the heat of Zelda’s body since the night before. You shiver slightly as more of you slides out onto the mat. When you were kids, it had been awkward to be pooped out by Zelda. Now, you saw it as more of a rebirth after being cleansed inside the body of your love. You look back to see her squatting, hands on her knees and face scrunched cutely in concentration. She’s pushed out your upper half already. Your arms freed, you push yourself off the mat slightly to reduce the friction of you sliding against it. You don’t dare claw your way out or she might be hurt by it. You can’t help but wonder which of the former meals plastered to your body currently were ones the two of you shared together. Once upon a time, the thought might have been gross, but now it seemed like a normal question to ponder. Your knees exit between her ample, athletic cheeks as the last of you slides out of Zelda. She sighs with relief as your feet exit her anus and fall to the floor. She stands up as her butt relaxes. She wipes it and tosses the paper in the chamber pot. She turns to look at you, showing off her young, perky breasts. You roll onto your back, still caked in her butt fudge. “You’re still cute, even covered in my poo, <Link>,” Zelda says, “But… I’d prefer you clean up before I give you a hug.” She picks up the chamber pot, smiling at you. You return a smile of your own as she turns to exit the bathroom, winking at you as she wiggles her butt a little. You sigh happily. How good it is to be young and in love… Happy Birthday, linkever! Happy St. Patrick’s Day! |
May the Fourth be with You, Zelda Spring of Wisdom, Mt. Lanayru, Hyrule. Era of the Wilds. “I could hear your voices once… Goddesses… Zeldas of eras past… Grandmother… Mother…” Princess Zelda knelt in the waters of the Spring of Wisdom, eyes closed, and hands clasped before her chest. This was a pose she had often held 100 years prior when she had been trying to unlock her sealing power. All those efforts had been in vain, as the secret to unlocking her power had always laid somewhere other than prayer. One might wonder why Zelda had returned then, dressed in her prayer outfit, her dress cleaned after her long struggle against Calamity Ganon, to do something she knew to have not worked before. “They’re not going to answer, are they?” she asked, “I’d hoped that because I had unlocked my powers, I would still be able to hear their voices if I went to a place strong in spiritual energy, even if my powers had dwindled over the past 100 years. I guess I was wrong. It’s as pointless as it was before…” Her chosen knight, the Hylian Champion and Hero of Hyrule, Link stood watchfully at the edge of the spring as always. He was wearing warmer clothes than Zelda as he was not in the hot spring. He listened patiently, stoically holding the Master Sword in its sheath in front of him. In the past, he always kept his back to Zelda while she prayed to respect her privacy. Now, however, he would turn to look at her if she started talking to him. As the Great Calamity approached, Zelda had warmed up to him a great deal, considering him her dearest friend. The pair had not started out so close, with Zelda acting cold at first due to several reasons she realized had nothing to do with Link. So, she extended an olive branch and managed to become one of the few people Link would actually talk to. Then, the calamity had happened, nearly killing Link, and separating them for a hundred years. Once Link had awakened and helped Zelda to finish off Calamity Ganon, the princess had grown even more comfortable around him. She would not have been nearly as okay with him looking at her in the spring with her back turned before. At one time, he would have only seen her long, golden locks running down her back and nearly touching the water, but Zelda had cut her hair recently, and now he could see everything from the shoulders down. Zelda was proud of her new hair, and Link thought it looked quite nice. His idle musings were interrupted by her hands splashing into the waters of the spring, a sign of defeat. Link set his sword down gently and waded into the waters, kneeling beside her. Zelda’s head hung sadly, and he could hear her sniffling now. Link felt a tug at his heartstrings. He never liked to see her sad, but unfortunately Zelda’s life had been full of sadness pretty much since she was six-years old. Taking her left hand in his, Link wrapped his right arm around her shoulders. He rubbed her knuckles soothingly, letting her cry into his shoulder for a bit. His calm, quiet demeanor helped Zelda to feel more vulnerable and thus work through her emotions more easily with him. After crying for a bit, she pulled her head away to look up at him with her beautiful teal eyes, tears still watering at the bottom of them. “I miss them, Link…” she explained, “I’ve missed my mother since I was six, but during those 100 years of darkness, where I was all alone physically, her voice was there along with the others: Grandmother, other Zeldas, even the Goddesses themselves. Always there to comfort and encourage me when I needed it most, to cheer with me when you woke up, and help me when I finally sealed Ganon away. Once he was destroyed though, they left, just like the voice inside the sword. I’d feel so lonely if it weren't for you, my knight, always faithfully at my side.” Zelda managed a smile as she brought up a hand to brush against the side of Link’s face. He smiled back. The Great Deku Tree had once described her smile to be like the warmth of the sun. He agreed with that assessment wholeheartedly. Zelda sniffled again before wiping away her tears. She was starting to feel better now that she had gotten her frustrations out of her system. “Love was the key to unlocking my powers,” she stated, “I thought it might bring them back but perhaps not. Prayer certainly was as useful as always.” She gestured to the spring in a manner that made Link chuckle. Zelda’s smile grew more playful as she stood up. Link followed her lead. “Well, I guess my powers are permanently decreased,” she said, “I had a small hope I might be able to restore them, to hear Mother’s voice again, but I’ll just have to accept that I can’t. Let’s go home, Link, I’ve made you stand out in the cold long enough.” Link’s House, Hateno Village. Later that day. “Tomorrow I should visit Impa and tell her what happened up on the mountain.” Zelda sat at the dining table as Link did the dishes after dinner. They had had some creamy heart soup after braving the snowy mountain earlier in the day. As Link worked, Zelda rested her chin in her palms. Despite her telling him she accepted her powers dwindling, she could not get it off her mind. It felt like she was right back where she had been a hundred years prior. As far as she knew, she did not need them anymore following Ganon’s defeat, but having her powers had been comforting, especially when she could hear the voices. She sighed, though a bit louder than she meant to. This caught Link’s attention, and he turned towards her. Zelda turned her head towards him, an apologetic look on her face. “Sorry, Link,” she said, “I’m still thinking about earlier today. I can’t get it off my mind. Do you mind if I help you? It’ll help me distract myself.” Link made room for her to help him scrub the cooking pot and dishes. Once they finished that task, Zelda decided to read for a bit up in the loft while Link did some training down in the main room. He had been nice enough to grab her some books from the castle library after Ganon’s defeat. She would have gone with him, but she was not able to muster up the courage to return to her ruined home yet. There were still so many painful memories to bear within. Lately, Zelda had been reading a book on the history of Hyrule’s magic. The volume was dense, compiled over thousands of generations, and certainly not an easy read. That only made it more enjoyable for her. The princess loved challenging research into the past. She also hoped that she might learn the secret to restoring her powers, though that seemed to be a long shot at this point. After their evening activities, it was time for bed. While there were two beds in the loft for each of them, sometimes they would squeeze into a single bed together to snuggle. This occurred most often when one of them woke to a night terror spawned from the traumatic events in their pasts. Sometimes, though, one of them had a rough day and just wanted to feel the comforting presence of their partner nearby. Zelda was feeling in such a mood after the events up on the mountain earlier that day. Dressed now in her nightgown, she crawled into Link’s bed with him, snuggling beside him under the covers and resting her head on the upper left side of his chest. He put his left arm on her back, rubbing it soothingly. The sound of his heartbeat reassured Zelda, lulling her into a peaceful slumber. After nearly losing him 100 years ago, feeling Link’s warmth and hearing his heart brought her comfort. Link rubbed her back slowly for a bit longer before he himself passed out. The night passed uneventfully at first for the pair, snuggled up cutely in their bed. The sky was clear and full of brilliant stars as the moon made her nightly journey. Around four in the morning though, something strange happened. “Zelda…” a voice whispered. Zelda murmured something incoherent in response, shifting slightly next to Link, but she remained asleep. The voice came again though, stronger than before. “Zelda…” it prompted, now clearly a man’s voice, “Come find me, Zelda.” “Huh…” Zelda mumbled, “Who… Who’s there?” She sat up, her eyes half-open. She rubbed her eyes sleepily as Link began to stir from her moving. Listening closely, she heard nothing but the soft ambience of the early morning. She noticed Link waking next to her. Zelda put a hand gently on his chest. “It’s okay, Link,” she soothed, “You can go back to sleep. I’m just going to step outside for some air. I’ll be back in a moment.” Link almost looked like he wanted to protest for a moment, but her gentle smile and lack of tension in her form convinced him to follow her advice. Zelda extracted herself from the bed and tiptoed gently down the stairs. Opening the door quietly, she stepped outside into the cool morning air. A light breeze was flowing, fluttering her dress and hair slightly. She walked towards the left side of Link’s house, where a field of trees grew. The sky was dark, but a hint of blue was beginning to appear on the horizon as the sun approached. Folding her arms behind her head, Zelda stretched, closing her eyes. She took a deep breath of the fresh morning air. It was quite peaceful at this hour. She relaxed, enjoying the moment. That seemed to prompt the voice to reach out again. “Find me in the Korok Forest,” he called, “Come alone.” Now that she was more awake, Zelda realized that the voice was telepathic. She almost screamed with joy. It was not the voices from the Spirit Realm, only a single, male voice, but it was more than she had had recently. The request for her alone was strange, but she could feel that the voice was trustworthy. It would be nice for her and Link to have a day to themselves. Standing there a moment longer, she smiled at the horizon before turning and going back inside. Korok Forest. Midmorning. After explaining to Link at breakfast the next morning that she needed to travel to the Korok Forest alone, Zelda allowed Link to escort her to the entrance to the Lost Woods before they went their separate ways. She had navigated the woods before, so it was no trouble for her to find her way once more to the Korok Forest. What surprised her was the fact that she was not the only human in the sunny forest this time. An older man sat cross-legged, hands on his knees, levitating above the pedestal where the Master Sword had rested. He had short, dirty blonde hair that was in the process of graying and a neatly trimmed beard. He wore a gray cloak over white homespun robes. His eyes were shut, but he smiled as he sensed Zelda approach. “I see you did hear me last night,” he stated, “Good. I am here to help.” He unfolded his legs and opened his eyes, gently floating to the ground. “My name is Luke Skywalker,” he explained, “I am a Jedi Master, once tethered to one universe, now free to explore many different ones to learn about the Force and to aid those who are in need of a teacher. You feel lost, don’t you Zelda?” “Yes,” Zelda admitted, “I thought I understood how my powers worked, but it seems that after defeating Ganon, I’ve lost them. I don’t know how to get them back.” “Your proper teacher died when you were only six,” Luke replied, “A subtle manipulation on Ganon’s part to protect himself upon his return. Your mother knows the secrets you need, but you have been cut off from her. Come, sit like I was.” He gestured to the ground before the pedestal. An apparent multiverse traveler should have been a startling and potentially unsettling discovery, but Luke radiated a calming sense of peace and purpose that told Zelda his desire was to teach her what she so desperately wanted to know. She stepped forward and took the position, looking up at him expectantly. Her eagerness to learn made Luke smile, and Zelda returned the gesture. “Good. Now, tell me: how did you try to unlock your powers originally?” he asked, “What did you do and who told you to do it? What were the results?” “Well… At first, I tried praying,” Zelda explained, feeling some apprehension at remembering the difficult times, “I would go to the Springs of Courage and Power almost daily. It was what I thought would work originally… and it is what my father demanded I do. Most of my other mentor figures were at a loss to any other method than that. The efforts didn’t result in anything though… I was left feeling frustrated, desperate, anxious, and like I was a failure…” “So, there were results,” Luke replied, “Just not the ones you wanted. Your repeated efforts left you to compound those negative emotions. You started to focus on your anxieties, your fears, which were blocking you from your goal. Your father is at least partially to blame for this. By focusing on his own anxieties, he projected that onto you. You couldn’t find your center, the balance you needed to truly unlock your powers. What worked then? What let you unlock your powers when you needed them most?” Zelda looked down for a moment, the memory of the darkest day in her life coming back. “It… It was inspired by something the Zora Champion Mipha said right before Ganon’s return,” she said finally, “That when she used her healing powers, she thought of… something. She didn’t get to finish because at that exact moment was when Ganon emerged, but my first thought was of how I felt for Link; that if I had healing powers, I’d channel my feelings for the person. I don’t really know why, but it just felt right. Then, when the moment came, the Guardians were going to kill Link, I knew I wouldn’t let them hurt him, hurt the person I had grown to love the more we got to know each other. That’s when my powers awoke.” Luke was smiling, a proud look on his face. She seemed to have said something he liked. “Exactly. It was at that moment you discovered something stronger than your fear: your love. You had longed to feel love after your mother died and your father turned cold,” he explained, “Your friend Urbosa was almost like a mother to you, but your father’s influence was too great at the time for you to break out of your anxieties and find balance. As you and Link began to grow closer, you undoubtedly began to ease out of them somewhat, having a constant companion to discuss your frustrations with and weather the storm of your trials with you. It was when all seemed lost, that many of your fears were no longer relevant and your concern was for Link’s safety, so much so that you were willing to sacrifice yourself for him, that you were able to overcome your fear with your love.” “The Jedi preached selflessness as one of the tenants of the Light Side of the Force alongside compassion. Self-sacrifice embodies both these concepts, and it requires you to confront your fear. You found your moment then, Zelda, and were able to finally awaken the light within you. Just as important as overcoming your fear, however, was your intent. You didn’t want to destroy the Guardians. You wanted to protect Link, with your own life if necessary, and that allowed your powers to manifest in a way that saved both of you. Had you not really meant it, or if you’d been driven by malice or self-interest, they wouldn’t have worked or reacted in a completely different way.” “So, what about now?” Zelda asked, “I intended to seal Ganon away after Link defeated him, but I didn’t intend to reject my powers. In that moment when I reunited with Link, it was the happiest I had felt in a hundred years.” Luke did not respond for a moment, simply closing his eyes and bowing his head. “For a time, your powers were exhausted from containing Ganon for so long and the effort of sealing him away,” he answered, “He had also been slowly draining them to free himself. He was tiring you on all fronts to exhaust your powers and escape. After his defeat, your body needed some time to recharge and replenish its energies from the world around you. This planet is incredibly strong in the Force, thanks to its creation by three who wielded the power on a cosmic scale. You are as strong as you were before, but you’ve lost your center again. Tell me, how did you feel this morning when you heard my voice for the last time?” “I felt calm, at peace,” Zelda said, “Grounded, yet free.” “Yes, and that moment I could sense you more clearly than before because you were immersed in the Force,” Luke replied, smiling, “You were in the right state of mind. If you had intended it, you could have responded telepathically. Yesterday, on the mountain, you felt the same frustrations that you had before because, even before praying, your old anxieties came back about the act. So now, I have an exercise for you. Close your eyes. Clear your mind of everything but your intentions, and then reach out. Tell me what you see.” Zelda did as he instructed. Eyes closed, she took deep breaths to quiet her mind. The Korok Forest did put her at ease, the same way the early morning had, allowing her to center herself. She reached out, not physically but with her mind, and she could see the world around her. “I see… the forest: the grass, the trees, the Koroks, and you,” she stated, “It goes beyond that too… I can see Hyrule itself, all of it. Live, death, creation, destruction, order, and chaos… It’s in balance, all of it.” “Good, and between it all?” Luke asked, “What connects it, binds it together?” “There’s a force…” Zelda said, “The same kind of energy or tension I felt when using my powers… It matches the descriptions of what magic users felt in the days of old.” “Indeed. Your magic is the expression of the Force,” Luke explained, “It binds all things together and comes from all living things. It is more open to you because of your heritage, but anyone attuned to it can harness its power if they are of the right mindset and intent. Do you feel that, Zelda? Do you feel its call as you once did? Can you hear their voices?” “No. Or, not exactly…” she replied, “I can see it and almost feel it. It’s there, but something is separating my connection from it.” “Fear,” Luke stated, “Something still makes you anxious. What is it?” “The castle… my home,” Zelda said, “I’m afraid of the memories that are inside of it, what I might find if I go there. Even looking at it can fill me with a sense of dread.” “Then that’s where we must go,” Luke responded, “If you face this fear, your powers will return to you. It doesn’t have to be far, but you must at least enter it.” Zelda tensed slightly, opening her eyes. “Are you sure?” she asked, “I don’t think I’m ready…” “I know, but you are ready,” Luke replied, “Your fear is telling you otherwise, but I know that you’ll realize this once you’ve journeyed inside. Come. The sooner you go through this, the better.” He strode past her towards the exit of the forest. Zelda quickly stood and followed him. “We’re going right now?!” she cried, “Master Skywalker, wait up!” Hyrule Castle Gate, Hyrule Castle. A few minutes later. “Are you sure about this?” Zelda stood staring at the gate as Luke raised his hand toward it. The metal door was pulled open by seemingly nothing, revealing the grounds behind them. The path was gray, barren, and dead, but Zelda swallowed nervously anyways. Luke turned towards you. “The only thing that’s in there,” he explained, “Is that which you take with you.” Zelda took a deep breath to try and calm her nerves. She took a nervous step and then another until she was past the gate. Already she started to feel a little more confident. A door inside the castle itself laid just up the path. She started to walk up there until she could no longer see Luke because of the gate. Entering the castle, she felt a rush of memories come back, a wave of unfortunate nostalgia as she walked the halls. “So… you’ve finally come home,” a voice echoed from in front of her, “It took you long enough. I was starting to think you’d never come back.” Zelda’s heart jumped into her throat as she realized it was her own voice. She froze as she approached herself. Well, it was her, but she still had her long hair. “What’s the matter?” she asked, “You look like you’ve seen a ghost?” “Y-You’re not real,” Zelda stammered, “Just a f-figment of my i-imagination…” “Is that so?” the other Zelda asked, “Could a figment do this?” She was suddenly very close to Zelda, and she licked the original princess’ cheek. This made Zelda whimper with fright. The other Zelda moaned as if enjoying a taste of good food. “Your fear is delicious,” she stated, “And so very potent. You're afraid of this place and now me as well. Soon, you’ll be afraid enough for me to DEVOUR YOU!!!” She suddenly turned all black with glowing red eyes and sharp teeth before reverting to her normal appearance, chuckling coldly as Zelda jumped in fright. She paced around the princess, like a predator preparing to strike. Her green eyes were staring hungrily into Zelda’s. This was it. She was done for, doomed to be devoured by herself in the place she feared most… Wait, no, this was what Luke had meant by her taking something with her. This other Zelda was not real, just as she had said. It was merely a manifestation of her fears and anxieties amplified by the darkness that lingered inside the castle. She would only be devoured if she let herself be. Standing tall, she centered herself. The Dark Zelda retreated slightly, watching her with tension. Zelda could feel her powers coming back, the disconnect being remedied at last. She put her hands on her hips. “No,” she stated, “You’re a part of me. But I won’t let you control me any longer.” Dark Zelda hissed as she returned to her true form before roaring and charging towards Zelda with her hands raised and maw agape. Zelda held out her right hand, intent on stopping the manifestation of her fears. She heard the sound that came with her starting to glow as Dark Zelda was stopped in her tracks. Beginning to slide backwards, she tried to continue towards Zelda, but she could no longer make any headway against the light blasting into her. “NOOOOOOOOO!” Dark Zelda screamed. Darkness began to dissolve off her body before she disintegrated into streaks of darkness. Zelda lowered her hand and sighed. The castle walls around her no longer felt so foreboding. “Zelda,” a woman’s voice called. “Mother?!” Zelda replied excitedly. “Yes, my little bird,” her mother’s voice said, “I am here. I’m so proud of you, Zelda.” “Mother…” Zelda stated, starting to tear up slightly, “I’ve missed you… I…” “Shhh… I know, sweetie, I know,” her mother soothed, “I am here now. I will always be with you. Just as the others are. You can go home now.” “I love you, Mama,” Zelda said, smiling. “I love you too, my little bird,” her mother replied. “Master Skywalker! Luke! You were right! I did it!” Zelda ran towards the castle gates. She noticed that they had closed while she was inside. Slowing her approach, she reached out towards them with the intent of them opening. The gates were pushed open. Zelda looked at her hand, smiling, before she ran out onto the bridge. “Master Skywalker?” she asked. Luke was gone. Even reaching out into the Force, she could no longer sense his presence. Her mother’s presence returned to her. “Luke has moved on,” her voice explained, “He was called here to help you, and with that task complete, he was sent to the next person in need of his guidance.” “Oh… that makes sense,” Zelda replied, “He was very helpful. I hope the Goddess smiles upon him, wherever he winds up next.” She spotted Link riding his horse into the ruins of Castle Town. He stopped before the fountain, dismounting. Zelda noticed there was a slight look of concern on his face. He knew she did not like the castle, so her being there would certainly put him on his guard. “Link!” she cried happily. Running forward, she squeezed him in a hug, letting him know everything was okay… well, better than okay. Link returned the gesture as Zelda giggled and started to cry tears of joy… May the Fourth be with You, Always |
Revenge of Revenge of the Fifth ???, ???, Hyrule. Era of the Wilds. How long had it been? A second? A minute? An hour? A day? A week? A month? A year? A decade? A century? A millennium? All of eternity? Ganondorf no longer knew. He only knew that he was stuck here… wherever here was. He no longer knew that either. He had been trapped for far too long. He no longer even remembered how he had been trapped here. He knew that he was trapped here, otherwise he would have tried to conquer Hyrule by this point or died during the effort. He preferred death to being sealed. Death sent all his essence to regroup beyond the boundaries of time and space. He could reincarnate in a fresh body after building up enough hatred and malice to spawn a new one with both intelligence and power. Being sealed, on the other hand, left him alive to slowly go mad in the isolation. It left him with only two things to do: drain the power of the seal and think. He would plot his revenge: how best to adapt to the next evolution of Hyrule he would face and how to conquer it. He would also toss around philosophical questions or come up with a piece to play on the pipe organ the next time he was free, but the longer he was trapped, the more these thoughts began to jumble together as all he could think of was his hatred and rage, which steadily drove him insane. This time was worse, however. When they had trapped him, they had also ripped away his more powerful, destructive form: Ganon. Ganondorf felt empty now, and his body had gone stiff and mummified over… however long it had been. He had only a small bit of the power used to craft this body… whenever he had done that in some bygone era. Perhaps he had been here since time out of mind? Was he really the first great demon king who had come to be known only by what he brought about: Demise? No. He was not the original Demise. When he had awakened the power of Ganon within this Gerudo form he had constructed, he had become aware that he was the reincarnation of Demise’s hatred. He was to be the second demon king: the new Demise. He had not wanted to call himself Demise though. He was not actually Demise, not the actual reincarnation of the first demon king himself. Demise had died long before Ganondorf had emerged for the first time. That he knew. He also knew why he had not simply called himself Demise in honor of his creator’s desire. Demise had failed. He had fallen and been forgotten when he died for good. The only legacy of Demise was his curse. The curse of a being born of his hatred that would endless reincarnate to haunt the blood of the Goddess Hylia and the spirit of the hero, desiring to conquer the world. That was him. And, he wanted a name for himself. A name Hyrule would never forget, even if he died and did not reincarnate for eons. His legacy was never forgotten. He lived on Hyrule’s legends as their great calamity. He had surpassed Demise to become the ultimate being of darkness. It helped that Demise had constructed him out of pure darkness elements: hatred and malice. Demise may have been a demon king, but he also still suffered from more animal instincts. He had had carnal desires for the Goddess Hylia. Ganondorf pitied him for having such a mortal weakness. No wonder he had failed and been forgotten. A name came to his mind: Zelda. Besides his own name, it was the only name Ganondorf never forgot. It was a legendary name of one of his eternal foes, the descendant of Hylia’s mortal bloodline. She was cunning and wise, not to mention admirably determined. He remembered almost nothing from when he was last sealed, but he remembered her face. Her lovely face set with a look of utter contempt for him. It was a face he often saw on Zeldas. It usually brought out his smugger side. He did not remember the hero. Maybe there had not been one? Maybe Zelda and the hero had been one this time? Maybe he did not actually remember his sealing at all, and his mind was simply constructing a face Zelda often directed towards him? He could not feel anymore. His body had long since been held in the same position by that weird hand. That was the only part of his sealing he truly remembered. The hand kept him trapped here, separated from his power. Without the intelligence stored in this form, the part that had separated from him could never truly achieve the sentience it needed to conquer Hyrule. It might have some basic thinking skills and the ability to perform subtle manipulations like corrupting or killing beings, but nothing beyond that. Ganondorf wondered if Ganon was still sealed. Was he above or below him? Just in the other room? Had he risen again without him? If so, how many times had he risen? So many questions and no answers… He would sleep, if that were possible, but his body was trapped awake as it tried to fight back against the seal. He should have broken it by now, that much he felt was true. Perhaps he was incapable of breaking it? Had they finally defeated him for good? Ganondorf stopped asking himself questions he knew could not answer. He decided to reach out with his mind and see if he could connect the world around him. He felt nothing. His influence was still trapped. Perhaps he could reach out to touch the more cosmic part of the great universal power? He let his sense of self fall away to become immersed in the cosmic energies that governed the universe. “At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi. At last we will have our revenge.” Voices came to him. They were not ones he recognized, but Ganondorf felt that they held dark power, considerable amounts of it. He immersed himself further. “Wipe them out. All of them.” “What if I told you that the Republic was now under the control of a dark lord of the Sith?” “The Dark Side has clouded their vision. Hundreds of senators are now under the influence of a Sith lord called Darth Sidious.” “Join me, and together we can destroy the Sith.” “As you can see, my Jedi powers are far beyond yours. Now, back down.” “I have become more powerful than any Jedi. Even you.” “This is just the beginning!” “I have good news for you, my lord. War has begun.” “Excellent. Everything is going as planned.” “There is a disturbance in the Force. Your assassin, she has become very powerful.” “Yes, my lord. She is quite important to me.” “Too important.” “Master…” “Silence. I can sense her powers growing stronger. I would hate to think you are training your own Sith apprentice to destroy me.” “Never. My allegiance is to you and you alone.” “Then you must prove it. Eliminate her.” “She's my most trusted…” “I said eliminate her!” “As you wish, my lord.” “The Sith control everything. You just don’t know it.” “My hatred kept my spirit intact even though my body was not. As I was lost and became a rabid animal, and such is how you found me, brother. Discarded, forgotten… I have missed so much. The Force feels… out of balance.” “Yes, we will start with revenge…” “In a galaxy at war, Savage, there is only one way to get the attention of the Jedi. Slaughter of the innocent. Mercilessly and without compromise.” “You have forgotten me, but I will never forget you! You cannot imagine the depths I would go to stay alive. Fueled by my singular hatred for you.” “Your master, Qui-Gon Jinn. I gutted him while you stood helpless and watched. How did that make you feel, Obi-Wan? Your rage has unbalanced you. That is not the Jedi way, is it?” “Always two there are, my brother: A Master, and an apprentice. And you are the apprentice.” “I sense a presence, a presence I haven’t felt since… Master?! Master.” “I am most impressed to see that you have survived your injuries…” “I used your training, Master, and I have built all this in hopes of returning to your side.” “How unfortunate... that you are attempting to deceive me…” “Master?” “You have become… a rival!” “Remember, the first and only reality of the Sith. There can only be two. And you are no longer my apprentice. You have been… replaced.” “Have mercy! Please, please!” “There is no mercy.” “You cannot stop what is to come.” “Why not let him go? Let him die, and you can stop all that I will do.” “I sense great fear in you, Skywalker. You have hate. You have anger. But you don't use them.” “Good, Anakin, good. Kill him. Kill him now.” “Do it!” “All who gain power… are afraid to lose it.” “Good is a point of view, Anakin.” “Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise?” “I thought not. It’s not a story the Jedi would tell you. It’s a Sith legend. Darth Plagueis was a dark lord of the Sith so powerful and so wise, he could use the Force to influence the midichlorians to create… life. He had such a knowledge of the Dark Side; he could even keep the ones he cared about from dying.” “He could actually… save people from death?” “The Dark Side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.” “Wha-what happened to him?” “He became so powerful that the only thing he was afraid of was losing his power, which eventually, of course, he did. Unfortunately, he taught his apprentice everything he knew, then his apprentice killed him in his sleep. It’s ironic. He could save others from death but not himself.” “Is it possible to learn this power?” “Not from a Jedi.” “The Dark Side… has never been stronger.” “Justice is merely the construct of the current power base. A base, which, according to my calculations, is about to change.” “Too late for what? The Republic to fall? It already has and you just can't see it. There is no justice, no law, no order. Except for the one that will replace it. The time of the Jedi has passed. They cannot defeat Sidious. But together, you and I can.” “Every choice you have made...has led you to this moment.” “We’re all going to burn! We’re all going to die!” “My mentor taught me everything about the Force, even the nature of the Dark Side.” “I am the Senate!” “It’s treason then…” “ARRAAAAAAAAAAAH!” “I have the power to save the one you love! You must choose!” “NO!” “POWER!!! UNLIMITED POWER!!!” “I pledge myself… to your teachings.” “Good. Good. The Force is strong with you. A powerful Sith you will become. Henceforth, you shall be known as Darth… Vader.” “Do what must be done, Lord Vader. Do not hesitate. Show no mercy.” “Once more the Sith will rule the galaxy!” “Commander Cody, the time has come. Execute Order 66…” “Now you will experience the full power of the Dark Side…” “From my point-of-view, the Jedi are evil!” “You underestimate my power!” “I hate you!” “I’m afraid, in your anger, you killed her.” “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” “You have failed me Inquisitor.” “You would be wise to surrender.” “Submit.” “We shall see.” “Such hatred. You would have made an excellent Inquisitor.” “Yes. Strong in the Dark Side. I can feel it inside of her.” “Your master has deceived you into believing you can become a Jedi.” “The Apprentice lives.” “Revenge is not the Jedi way.” “Ahsoka.” “Then you will die!” “He will… avenge… us…” “Be careful not to choke on your aspirations, Director.” “Don’t be so proud of this technological terror you've constructed. The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the Force.” “I find your lack of disturbing.” “Don’t underestimate the Force.” “The circle is now complete. When I left you, I was but the learner. Now, I am the master.” “Your powers are weak, old man.” “The Force is strong with this one.” “You have failed me for the last time, Admiral.” “What is thy bidding, my Master?” “There has been a great disturbance in the Force…” “The Force is with you, young Skywalker, but you are not a Jedi yet.” “Impressive. Most impressive.” “Obi-Wan has taught you well. Now, release your anger. Only your hatred can destroy me!” “No. I am your father.” “Luke, you can destroy the Emperor. He has foreseen it. Join me, and together we can end this destructive conflict and rule the galaxy as father and son!” “I hope so, Commander, for your sake. The Emperor is not as forgiving as I am.” “Everything is proceeding as I have foreseen.” “You don’t know the power of the Dark Side…” “I’m looking forward to completing your training. In time, you will call me master.” “Your faith in your friends is yours.” “You want this, don't you? The hate is swelling in you now. Take your Jedi weapon. Use it. I am unarmed. Strike me down with it. Give in to your anger. With each passing moment you make yourself more my servant.” “It is unavoidable. It is your destiny. You, like your father, are now mine.” “The Alliance... will die. As will your friends. Good, I can feel your anger. I am defenseless. Take your weapon. Strike me down with all of your hatred and your journey towards the dark side will be complete!” “Good! Use your aggressive feelings, boy. Let the hate flow through you!” “If you will not be turned, then you will meet your destiny!” “You cannot hide forever, Luke.” “Give yourself to the Dark Side. It is the only way you can save your friends. Yes, your thoughts betray you. Your feelings for them are strong. Especially for... Sister. So, you have a twin sister. Your feelings have now betrayed her too. Obi-Wan was wise to hide her from me. Now his failure is complete. If you will not turn to the Dark Side, then perhaps she will.” “NEVER!!!” “Good! Your hate has made you powerful. Now, fulfill your destiny and take your father's place at my side.” “So be it, Jedi.” “If you will not be turned, you will be destroyed. Young fool. Only now, at the end, do you understand. Your feeble skills are no match for the power of the dark side! You will pay the price for your lack of vision.” The sound of lightning crackling filled Ganondorf’s ears. The being speaking these words seem to have the most powerful dark presence of all the voices he had heard. “Now, young Skywalker... you will die.” Then, there was silence. The voices had all died away, but the most powerful presence persisted. He seemed to be biding his time just as Ganondorf did after his own defeats. Just when he thought that perhaps the voices were over, somehow the last one returned; the dead spoke. “At last… Snoke… trained you well.” “My boy… I made Snoke. I have been every voice…” “...you have ever heard…” “...inside your head.” “I have died before. The Dark Side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.” That line again. It was the second time the voice had uttered it. He had used it to cheat death it seemed. The Dark Side… the Dark Power… the Darkness… Ganondorf was the embodiment of these concepts. The monsters derived their power from him. If he were ever truly destroyed, they would go with him. He had long ago deployed monsters in an initial test of Hyrule’s strength, some time before he awakened in his first body. A hero had appeared and imprisoned these monsters, allowing a wind mage to use them later. Demise had been the source of the monsters before him and had controlled the Demon Tribe as well. However, it seemed that Hylia was much more thorough in the destruction of the demons, as none remained for Ganondorf to rule. Still, he felt more focused after immersing himself in the dark voices of the cosmos. He had an idea to free himself. He could not break the seal, but he suspected that Zelda and whatever hero she had with her could. Ganondorf need only draw them to him. The Princess of Hyrule was always vulnerable to prophetic dreams, so it would be simple enough to bring her before him that way. He reached out with his mind, waiting for the moment that he sensed she was asleep... |
Romance of the Fates Link was excited. He hadn’t felt this giddy in a long time. As he rode his crimson Loftwing towards the pillar of light that led to the Faron Region of the Surface, it wasn’t the exhilaration of flying at high speeds that made his heart pound eagerly with anticipation. It wasn’t the power of his newly upgraded sword either. It was because of who he was about to reunite with again. He had toiled through treacherous dungeons and Silent Realms, braved dastardly foes, and tempered the Goddess Sword into the Master Sword with the Sacred Flames. All of this he had done to unlock the Gate of Time at the Sealed Temple, so he could reunite with the person most important to him: his best friend Zelda. Ever since the Demon Lord Ghirahim had torn her from the Sky with his black tornado, and away from Link, Link had been determined to find her and bring her back. He had nearly succeeded at both the Earth Spring and the Temple of Time, but both times he’d been denied. The second time, Zelda had disappeared into a Gate of Time with her mysterious Sheikah companion Impa, who had destroyed the gate. Not even this separation of time would not stop him. He remembered back to that moment just before she had disappeared into the gate. “I’ll see you again!” Zelda had declared, “This isn’t good-bye, Link! I promise!” And now, that promise was about to be fulfilled. Link remembered all their times together. He remembered the morning of the Wing Ceremony: Zelda excited to show him her special outfit, himself all flustered because of his strange feelings for her, but most of all, the warm smile she’d had when seeing him. The happy memories of her sent a wave of calm over him before his excitement about getting to actually see her returned. He reached the hole in the cloud barrier above the Faron Region. Link dove from his Loftwing and passed through the cloud barrier. Diving towards the Sealed Temple, he closed his eyes for a moment and smiled as he felt the wind in his hair. He pulled out his sailcloth, the one Zelda had made herself with the hope he’d win it, to slow his descent. He ran along the wooden platform that Groose had built around the pit in the Sealed Grounds with the fences placed on it as some sort of track. He entered the temple and approached the old woman who had guided him in the direction of the Sacred Flames originally. “Ah, your sword! There can be no doubt. The sacred flames have purified this blade. Well done, Link. That sword holds tremendous power. That power is a sacred force,” she observed, “It is a divine power left to us by the gods of old. The same power that is spoken of in the Ballad of the Goddess. To look upon you is to see that same great power, now flowing through you and the sword you carry.” She turned her attention to the stone slab that was the dormant Gate of Time. “Come, Link. You must now open the Gate of Time. Now that the sacred force dwells within your blade,” she continued, “Strike the Gate of Time with a Skyward Strike and it will surely awaken. Climb upon the pedestal, and show the gate your sword’s power!” Link ascended the short flight of stairs onto the pedestal in front of the dormant slab. He unsheathed the Master Sword and raised it skyward. The blade charged with holy energy, readying a Skyward Strike. As soon as he did so, however, the world itself seemed to shake. Link recognized what this earthquake meant. “WHOA-HO!” Groose cried as he and the old woman stumbled. “No… I fear the seal has given way once again. That terrible beast is awakening even as we speak,” the old woman said, “It is likely that the monster reacted to the sacred power given off by your sword. I wish it had not happened, but there was no other way to open the gate. So it goes… Link, you must imprison the beast once again.” The ground continued to shake. It was just as Link had suspected. Of course, there had to be one last complication before he got to see Zelda. If The Imprisoned wanted another round, he’d be sure to smash its toes and seal it again, so he could enjoy his reunion in peace. Groose seemed to have a similar fight to him this time, unlike last time when he had watched helplessly as Link battled the beast. “All right! Bring it on!” Groose cheered, “This is what I’ve been waiting for. It’s time to break out my new toy! Trust me, that flabby bag of teeth doesn’t stand a chance. Well? What are we waiting for? I’m heading out there!” He ran outside. Link followed after him. “Hey!” he shouted, “Link!” Groose was standing up next to a catapult with wheels for the track and a giant bomb flower loaded into the scoop. “Duh huh huh! Try not to drool on your shirt as you stare at this amazing superweapon I’ve been working on! I call it… the Groosenator!” he called, “Leaves you speechless, doesn’t it? That’s only natural. You wouldn’t believe how much time I put into building this beauty. Here—check it out!” He ran a hair through his pompadour before showing off his creation. “First, I got all of the fences cluttering the area out of the way. Then I laid down rails for her to run on. All by myself, of course. I don’t know what came over me! I had no clue I had the talent to make something like this, you know? Anyway, you just tell me where you want me to place my shots, and I’ll put a hurting on that ugly monster! I don’t care how beefy you are—you’re bound to stumble for a few moments after taking one of my big bombs to the body!” he explained, “Hang on, though… That monster showed up a smidge sooner than I was expecting. There are a few final adjustments I gotta make before she can move on the rails I’ve put down. I’ll call out to you when she’s ready for action. Till then, do whatever you can to hold off that beast!” Link turned and jumped down into the pit, using his sailcloth to safely descend to the seal. A red light was pulsing back and forth within the seal that had been laid down when Link had resealed the beast the last time. Pungent darkness leaked from beneath the pillar again, smelling distinctly like old farts. An eerie noise came from the pillar. As Link approached, the darkness began to leak more rapidly before expanding outwards from beneath the pillar, forming a black pool on the ground. A pit seemed to open in the pool, and then The Imprisoned emerged from its seal once more, chomping at the air as it did. The beast lowered its head to look at Link, and at the same time, revealed a new feature to this form. The Imprisoned now had arms. It roared before beginning to march forward, once again ignoring Link in its quest to reach the temple. Its feet were already charging with red electricity with every step it took. “Look at that. Seems like our ugly friend grew itself a pair of hands. Great timing!” Groose called, “I hope it knows how to catch, because my machine has a mean right arm! When she’s all loaded up, I’ll let you know. Until then, do what you need to do to stop it!” As The Imprisoned stepped forward, Link avoided its stomping foot in favor of attacking the vulnerable toes on the passive foot. He switched between them, using spin attacks to deal with the three toes more effectively on the front of each foot. Taking out the toes on the beast’s right foot, The Imprisoned was forced to limp forward, and Link was able to focus on the left foot. Suddenly, the beast stopped by the wall and reached up to grab onto the path above them. It was trying to climb it! “Hey, Link, the machine’s all loaded and ready to smash!” Groose shouted, “If that flabby sack of teeth tries to climb the wall, I can blast it off from here with a bomb! When you want some backup from me, just send the signal with ╈!” With The Imprisoned’s left toes already heavily damaged, Link simply destroyed them. The beast’s fingers were destroyed as a result, and it lost its grip, slipping and falling onto its back. This made it simple enough for Link to bash the sealing spike into The Imprisoned’s head with the Master Sword. The feeling was rather cathartic, given this beast had decided to further delay his reunion with Zelda by escaping its seal again. Unfortunately, just like last time, once wasn’t enough, and the beast got up, forcing the spike back out of its head. It roared as it regenerated its fingers and toes. Why couldn’t these battles ever be one-and-done? The Imprisoned resumed its march. Link had an idea, however. Groose still was ready to launch a bomb, so why not stun the beast with one now to help speed up the process? He sent the signal. “Awwright!” Groose declared, “It’s time for Groose to explode into action!” He adjusted the position of the Groosenator to line up his shot with The Imprisoned. He lobbed a big bomb, and unfortunately, The Imprisoned did manage to catch it. Fortunately, however, the rampaging beast was not the brightest and decided to try eating the bomb. The explosive detonated in its mouth, causing smoke to billow from its maw, before it hung its head in a daze. “Hah! She packs a mean punch, doesn’t she! I tell you, I was in love the first time I pulled this lever!” Groose called, “Though, I wasn’t expecting that scaly sucker to try and eat the bomb. It’s big and dumb, I guess. I’ll start loading her back up with another bomb, so keep beating on big ugly till I give you the signal!” Link quickly ran over to the nearest updraft, rode it up, and jumped down onto The Imprisoned’s head. He bashed the spike in again. The beast shook him off before falling forward onto its belly. Its body glowed red with rage as it slithered forward a ways. Rather than chase it, Link took an updraft to the level above it as it forced the spike back out of its head. That was also when Groose happened to reload, so he was able to get a direct hit on the beast’s body with another big bomb. The Imprisoned was stunned again. Link leapt onto its head and drove the spike back in. This time it stuck, with The Imprisoned’s body pulsating as it chomped aimlessly at the air. And with one final roar, the beast exploded into a burst of its scales. The sealing pillar returned to the center of the pit, and the scales were sucked beneath it. “Now, Link!” the old woman called, “Strike the sealing spike with a Skyward Strike, and restore the seal! Quickly!” Link jumped back down into the pit. Approaching the floating spike, he raised the Master Sword skyward. He charged a Skyward Strike and launched it into the spike. The metal pillar began to glow, and Link felt the urge to slash in the shape of a tilted hourglass. When he finished, he pointed the Master Sword towards the ground. The spike impaled itself into the earth, and a new seal was burned into the ground around it, the shape Link had traced at the center of it. “Nice work there, Link! Course, you couldn’t’ve done it without me, but no need to thank Groose. I know I saved your tail,” Groose called, “Now let’s get that Gate of Time thing up and running. I’ll go on ahead!” He wasn’t entirely wrong. The Groosenator had proven to be a great help in the battle. But there was no time to worry about that. The Gate of Time awaited, and behind it, so did Zelda. Link headed back up to the temple. The old woman and Groose were waiting for him inside. “It seems you were successful in imprisoning the monster again. You have my thanks, Link,” the old woman said, before turning to Groose, “As do you, Groose. I do not wish to dwell on what may have happened if you two hadn’t been here.” “Duh huh, aww… you give me too much credit, Grannie,” Groose replied, “You were the one who got me to stop feeling sorry for myself and put my energy into doing what I could to help.” Before when Groose had called the old woman “Grannie,” he’d meant it as an insult. Now, Link could tell he meant it as a term of endearment. He clearly had developed a deeper relationship with the old woman. “I did what was necessary to get you to realize your full potential,” she said, before turning back to Link, “Link, you must be wondering just what it is you’ve been fighting out there in the great pit.” Link was cautiously curious as to its origins. The beast’s strange smell, and what had Faron called it that one time? A “literal walking turd.” He wasn’t sure he wanted to know about that part, but he did want to know its true identity and why it was so determined to get to the temple. “There is much I could tell you, but suffice to say it is the root of the evil we face. When you pass through the Gate of Time, you shall learn more,” the old woman explained, “We may seal it and reseal it into its prison a thousand times, but it will always shatter the bonds that confine it. Such is its awesome power. We must destroy it at its source or suffer this fate again and again. There is no time to lose. Hit the gate with a Skyward Strike.” “Come on, already!” Groose added, “Charge that sword of yours with that sacred stuff Grannie was talkin’ about, and zap the Gate of Time! Right on, Grannie.” “...Indeed,” the old woman replied, “Now, Link, go. Go to the gate.” Groose’s mannerisms clearly left her a little confused. Link ascended the short flight of stairs onto the pedestal in front of the dormant slab again. It was time to do what he had come here for in the first place. Drawing the Master Sword again, he charged a Skyward Strike. He launched it into the Gate of Time. The holy energy struck the slab, and the crest on front of it began glowing. More of the symbols began to glow before a surge of energy traveled up the front, illuminating some of the cracks in the slab. Then, the ancient glyphs at the top started glowing. Trios of squares in L-shapes began illuminating before the whole slab glowed with a bright white light. The light grew brighter until the slab exploded into much smaller cubes, rectangular prisms, and L-shaped blocks. Link gasped while Groose stumbled back in shock. The pieces swirled around before beginning to fit together, taking on a new shape: the shape of a giant cog. With a flash of light, the cog materialized, looking like part of the Gate of Time that had been at the Temple of Time, but with a smooth, shiny purple surface. Blue energy portals appeared at the top left and right of the cog. Pieces of two other cogs came through them, each with a dark blue surface that had symbols on them in a slightly lighter blue color with glowing purple lines towards the center. Before the main cog, more glowing symbols appeared in the air, including the crests of the three Golden Goddesses floating in a triangular pattern. The symbols spun around in the air before burning themselves onto the cog. Then, it began to rotate with the movements of the other two cogs, just like the Gate of Time at the Temple of Time had. Link sheathed the Master Sword before turning to look at Groose and the old woman. “Do not fear it. This is what we have waited for. At long last, the gate has been reactivated,” the old woman explained as Groose got up behind her, “Standing before you is a path that transcends the flow of time. It is a portal to the past… to the very place where Zelda now waits. Go bravely, Link. If everything is as I suspect, the reunion with Zelda you’ve fought so hard for lies beyond this gate.” Link nodded before turning towards the gate. Finally, the reunion with Zelda. At the most difficult moments of his quest, this moment was what drove him to keep going. Zelda was what drove him to keep going. He couldn’t wait to see her again. He approached the gate, about to activate it, when he had the sudden urge to look back at Groose. His rival… no, his friend had taken the perilous dive to the Surface to try and save Zelda too. “Nah, don’t worry about me. I’m gonna hang back here, Link. That stupid monster doesn’t know when to quit, and Grannie here keeps yapping on and on about how we never know when it might bust free again. Someone’s gotta stick around and guard the place. Might as well be me,” Groose said, smiling, “Besides, if I’m not here, who’s gonna look out for the old girl? And you know what…” He turned, putting a hand to the back of his head. He started to walk away. “Naw, forget about it…” he continued as he approached the door, “When you see Zelda, tell her I said ‘What’s up?’” He headed outside. Link nodded. Groose had grown so much since he’d fallen from Skyloft. He may not be “the big hero that gets to save Zelda,” but he was a hero in his own right. His willingness to put himself on the line to protect this strange land proved it. And he seemed to have finally gotten past his improper feelings for Zelda. It was time for Link to go. He himself could wait no longer to see her again. He raised his hand, a bit apprehensively, towards the Gate of Time. As his hand drew near it, a white light rippled out across the surface. His hand passed through, and the inner surface disappeared up to the glowing circle around the edges, revealing an endless black void on the other side. Inverted blue cogs appeared within the void, getting closer and closer to Link until they formed a rotating tunnel. He lowered his hand, steeled himself, and ran without hesitation into the gate. He seemed to be running on thin air as he disappeared into the darkness... Link emerged from the Gate of Time. The surface of the cog reappeared behind him. He seemed to still be in the Sealed Temple, but on the other side of the pedestal from where he had entered in his own time. He was now in the past. Impa stood nearby. He went over to her. “...At last. I’ve been expecting you, Link. You are doubtless overwhelmed, so I will explain things as simply as I can. This is the Temple of Hylia, though it will come to be known as the Sealed Temple sometime in the future. You stand in the past, ages before your own time. Here the goddess, Hylia, has only just sealed away Demise…” she explained, “And little time has passed since the goddess sent the outcropping of rock into the sky that would one day become Skyloft. It is true to its name. You have passed through the Gate of Time to an era in the distant past. You will have many questions. But for now, you must proceed back through the great doors behind you. It is there that the person you’ve risked life and blood to defend waits for you.” Behind Impa, the stairs led up to a large set of doors. A bright light shined down in front of them, sparkling mysteriously. Link ran up the stairs. His heart was racing with excitement now. She was just behind those doors. The light disappeared as Link approached the doors. He stepped through… More ethereal light shone down onto a pedestal at the other side of the large chamber. On this pedestal, standing with her back to him, was Zelda. She wore the same white dress she had the last time he’d seen her. Hearing him enter, Zelda turned her head to look at Link. “You’ve come so far, Link…” she greeted, “I’m glad you made it.” Link stood in the center of the room, his excited mind still catching up to the fact that he was at last with Zelda once more. “I imagine Impa filled you in on everything. We’ve traveled very far from home… to the distant past. In this era, the wounds inflicted on the land during the battle between the goddess and the demon king known as Demise have not yet healed,” she said, “All the fairy tales about that war we heard growing up in Skyloft… Incredible as it may seem, they appear to be all too real. I think it’s time you learned the whole story. Let me try to explain…” She looked up into the light. The old gods created a supreme power that gave anyone who possessed it the ability to shape reality and fulfill any desire. They called it the Triforce. In his thirst to make the world his own, Demise readied a massive army of monsters for war. He sought to take the Triforce for himself by force. The goddess feared for her people. She used her power to send both them and the Triforce into the sky on a slice of earth she cut away from the land. This floating rock became the new home of our people. In time, it came to be known as Skyloft. After a long and fierce battle, the goddess, Hylia, succeeded in sealing away Demise. However, soon after the demon king was imprisoned, it became clear that the seal would not hold long against his fearsome power. Hylia had already expended so much of her divine energy in her battle with the demon king and when she split the timeline itself after the old gods sealed another wicked being away. She knew that if he broke free again, there would be no stopping him. And if the demon king were to free himself, it would mean the end of the world for all beings of this land. In order to put an end to the demon king, Hylia devised two separate plans and set them both into motion. First, she created Fi. She made the spirit that resides in your sword to serve a single purpose: to assist her chosen hero on his mission. Her second plan… was to abandon her divine form and transfer her soul to the body of a mortal. ...She made this sacrifice, as you have likely guessed, so that the supreme power created by the old gods could one day be used. For while the supreme power of the Triforce was created by gods, all of its power can never be wielded by one. Knowing this power was her last and only hope, the goddess gave up her divine powers and immortal form. Zelda had walked down the stairs during her explanation to stand at the bottom of them, facing Link. “You’ve probably figured it out by now, haven’t you, Link? You are the chosen hero, and I, Zelda…” she revealed, “I am the goddess reborn as a mortal.” Impa was watching them from the top of the steps outside the door. Zelda began to walk towards Link. Link knew he was the chosen hero. Well, at least, he’d been told by numerous people that he was. However, Zelda being the mortal reincarnation of the goddess was news to him. He had heard her referred to as the Spirit Maiden, but no one, not even Ghirahim with his tendency to overshare, had told him this. Still, goddess or not, this didn’t change how he felt towards her. “The day of the ceremony, Ghirahim’s tornado tossed me out of the sky and down to the world below. I was nearly captured by demonic forces, but I was rescued at the last moment by the old woman who lives in the Sealed Grounds,” Zelda continued, “I had no memory at all of my existence as Hylia, but she explained it to me. She helped me to remember who I was… and what I had to do.” Impa looked down, almost sadly, before heading down the stairs. “I set out to pray at the goddess statues located in each temple across the land. Each statue stirred up memories in me. After I visited them all, Impa, an agent of the goddess, led me here… to the past,” Zelda said, stepping closer to Link, “...All of this is part of the same great effort to prevent the revival of Demise. Stripped of his true physical form by the seal that binds him, he takes the shape of an abomination. But even in his hideous state, he’s more than capable of devouring this land if we allow him to do what he desires.” She looked down to the side sadly. Link’s mind had settled down, and he was now able to focus more clearly on what she was telling him. The Imprisoned monster he had battled twice now was actually a partial form of Demise, broken free from the seal placed on him by Hylia herself. If Link remembered the stories of how the goddess defeated the demon king correctly, and the fact that Zelda was Hylia’s mortal reincarnation, that explained the smell the beast and its darkness gave off. “We must stop him from freeing himself from the seal that imprisons him. At any cost…” Zelda explained, “That is why I intend to remain here in this time and place… To sustain the seal as best as I can. As long as I continue this vigil, we may be able to prevent the demon king from fully reviving himself in our own time.” Link gasped. She was going to stay? But… But… Surely there was another way? He knew that as the goddess reborn, Zelda had the power to do what needed to be done, but he had come all this way to bring her home. He wasn’t sure he could leave her again. The way she had paused after “at any cost” meant she likely felt the same way, but having been here longer, she had made a difficult decision. It also explained her sad expression. “I must maintain the seal that Hylia—rather, that I—created so long ago and keep it strong for as long as I am able,” Zelda stated, “With the memories of my former life returning to me, I can see now that this is my purpose.” Link… didn’t want to accept this. Surely, there was more meaning to Zelda’s life than to stand in for the goddess and keep Demise sealed. He knew that she meant more to him than just that. She closed her eyes. “Link, the goddess created Fi and the great blade she’s part of for very specific reasons,” she continued, looking him in the eyes now with a serious expression, “For the task of standing against Demise in the monstrous form he now assumes rests solely on your shoulders. Back in our own time, you’ve already driven him back into his prison twice now. I can’t thank you enough for that, Link.” And he would drive the beast back a thousand times more if it meant he could bring Zelda back to the present with him. She seemed to be moving on from this point, however, but he hoped to bring it back up before she tried to make him leave. “During your long journey, you’ve grown so much. You learned wisdom from solving devious puzzles and traps. You gained power by honing and tempering both yourself and your sword,” she said, “And by overcoming the trials set before you by the goddess, you’ve found true courage. Now that those quantities reside in you, you are worthy of wielding the power the old gods left behind for our kind. You can claim the Triforce.” Zelda held out her left hand, palm up. Link put his right hand in it. He kneeled, putting his left hand to his chest. No matter what happened next, he would be just as devoted to her as he always had been. There was no denying that it felt good just to have some physical contact with Zelda again after all they’d been through. Her hand felt the same as it had before, bringing a strange comfort to Link. Zelda bowed her head slightly and closed her eyes. “Valiant hero, you have endured many hardships and journeyed far in your quest to reach this place. Along your travels, you have found wisdom, power, and courage, and for this I shall bless your sword with the goddess’s power. May it give you and your sword the strength to drive back the abomination that threatens this land!” The sacred crest of the Golden Goddesses appeared on the back of Link’s right hand again, all three triangles of it glowing. “The mark you see upon the back of your hand is proof that you are the hero of legend and that within you dwells sacred power,” Zelda explained, “It is the mark of the Triforce. Stand now, Link. Draw your sword.” She dropped her hand away from his. Link dropped his arm before reaching back towards the Master Sword. He stood and pulled it from its sheath. The wings of the cross guard extended to their full length. A ring of white light expanded out from the gem on the hilt, brightening the overall color of the sword. The Triforce engraved on the blade was now glowing. The Master Sword’s blade was surrounded by a halo of golden, divine light. A golden sheen ran up the blade. “The goddess has blessed your blade, and the Master Sword has at last achieved its ultimate form! The sword is now imbued with the mythical power to drive back demons, and only Link may wield it!” Link lowered the true Master Sword as Zelda turned away from him. “Link, before I say another word, I feel like I owe you an apology. You see, the mark of the Triforce on your hand is a symbol of the greatest power in this world,” she said, bowing her head sadly again, “If you can obtain the actual Triforce, we will have the power to vanquish Demise once and for all. The problem is, among the countless souls in this world, only a select few—those with an unbreakable spirit—can wield its might.” She began walking back towards the stairs, stopping at the bottom of them. “It is impossible to know the true reason why the old gods created the Triforce. But I have a theory of my own. The gods created the Triforce, yet they specifically designed it so that their own kind could never use its power,” she explained, “Somehow, I think that may have been their way of giving hope to all mortal beings of the land. ...Which brings us back to you.” Zelda paused for a moment before saying the last word. Something was bothering her about his part in this, something she felt in some way responsible for, but Link couldn’t be sure what. As far as he knew, she’d done nothing to wrong him. “To face Demise and give the land hope, the goddess, Hylia, needed someone with an unbreakable spirit. That someone is you, Link. But spirit alone wasn’t enough,” she continued, “You had to overcome many trials and awaken the hero within yourself so that you could wield that supreme power. And so Hylia… I mean, and so I… I knew that if it meant saving Zelda, you would throw yourself headfirst into any danger, without even a moment’s doubt…” That last statement was indeed true. He was willing to do whatever was required to keep her safe. “At any cost…” He now realized that he and Zelda were one-in-the-same in that regard. She was willing to do whatever was required to keep the whole world safe. But how had Hylia known that? Link had yet to be born for several millennia by that point. How would she know he’d be so devoted to her mortal reincarnation? She must have had some control over time, and not just through the Gates of Time she had created. “I…” Zelda said, “I used you.” She began climbing the steps, taking her position back on the pedestal. Used him? Link didn’t feel used… Not by Zelda at least. Neither of them had known about the goddess’s plans in the beginning. Maybe Hylia had used him, but he had gone after Zelda to save his best friend, to save the person he— “I can’t begin to tell you how sorry I am for pulling you into all of this, Link,” she apologized, “But you have to understand this is a war, and the fate of the land hangs in the balance. I need your strength to tip the scales in our favor…” Zelda stepped into the light shining upon the pedestal. “All that may be well intentioned and true, but it doesn’t mean it’s right… and it doesn’t excuse my actions,” she continued, “But I’m prepared to pay the price for what I’ve done.” “Pay the price?” How could she pay the price for actions taken in another life? That hardly seemed fair, and Link didn’t care if he’d been used in some divine game. He just wanted to bring Zelda home, so they could be happy together again. All this destiny stuff could surely be figured out in time. “To ensure that the seal holds,” Zelda explained, “I will remain here in this time… deep in sleep for thousands of years.” She turned around, her face now truly showing sadness and regret. Link gasped. A slumber of thousands of years?! Surely that was an extreme price to pay for actions taken by Hylia that set Link on his dangerous quest. Although perhaps the punishment reasoning was Zelda’s way of justifying undertaking this difficult task to herself. The pain in her face showed she clearly would have preferred to go with him. Link tried to think of something, anything that might change her mind. “Link… I can’t say it enough. I’m so sorry for the way I had to involve you in this,” Zelda confessed, “But until my memory of things before our lifetime returned to me, I had no idea we were fated to carry such a heavy destiny. Before all this, I was happy just spending my days hanging around with you in Skyloft. I wanted that feeling to last forever.” Link knew he felt the same. It was why he was so determined to get her back. He wanted to go back to it being the two of them together, just happy to be together. Suddenly, the golden light became a massive beam engulfing Zelda’s body, silhouetting her. Link ran forward desperately. No… No… No… She couldn’t! There had to be another way to keep Demise at bay! Zelda became encased in a crystal. Link could still see her outline, and he banged desperately on the crystal, begging for her to consider some other option. Her mind had been made up, however, long before he had arrived. “While it’s true that I am Hylia reborn, I’m still my father’s daughter and your friend…” Zelda said, now strangely calm, “I’m still your Zelda.” She was. She was still his Zelda. That was why he needed to get her out of there. Link tried banging on the crystal again, but it seemed to be far stronger than he was. The divine light shining around them, a reflection of Zelda’s power, was making Link’s feelings for her return. He needed to get her out of there because— “When Demise is finally gone, there will be no need for the seal that binds him, and then I’ll finally be able to wake up,” Zelda continued, “So I’m going to ask you a favor, sleepyhead. Ever since we were kids, I’d always be the one to wake you up when you slept in. But this time, when all of this is over, will you come to wake me up?” Her calling him “sleepyhead,” her affectionate nickname for him since childhood, hurt a lot more than he was prepared for. Of course, he promised he would come to wake her up. For a moment, they stared into each other’s eyes. Zelda seemed to have nothing more to say. She was just looking at him. He realized that she was taking her last look for a long, long time. That she wanted the last thing she saw before going into her deep slumber to be him. And that was because she— The crystal began to glow even brighter, forcing Link to look away as the light became almost blinding. When it faded, Link was able to look inside the crystal once more. Zelda was perfectly preserved within, her eyes shut as she slept. Link’s heart broke. He dropped his hands from the crystal and hung his head sadly with his eyes closed. It was no use trying to get her out now. Zelda had accepted her destiny. That didn’t make it any easier for him. All this time, he’d wanted so badly to save the person he loved. Link had finally realized what his strange feelings for Zelda were. He loved her, more than anything, and now he couldn’t even tell her. If only he had realized sooner! There was no point beating himself up about that, however. He was young and figuring out such feelings at his age was difficult. He managed to look at the amber crystal again. He looked at Zelda. At least she looked peaceful. Link hoped that by taking her last moments to look at him, she would have pleasant dreams over the next several thousand years. He knew that she loved him in return. It wasn’t some assumption of hubris or ego. It was a deduction from her actions and even some of her last words to him. Her desire for him to be the one to come wake her up. The fact that he finally knew hurt, but it also gave him some solace. It gave him even more drive to return to the future and find the Triforce. Turning to leave, he kept looking for her as long as physically possible before walking down the stairs… Impa was still waiting out by the Gate of Time. She turned around as she heard the door shutting behind Link. She noted his pace was much slower than when he had arrived, and his posture and expression displayed his sorrow. He nodded at her, confirming what she knew had happened. He walked down to her. “I see you’ve said good-bye. Now you must keep the promise you made to her. You must find the Triforce,” Impa said, crossing her arms, “Return to your time. There is work to be done there. Do not fear for Zelda. I will watch over her here. Go now and fulfill your destiny.” Link went back to the Gate of Time. There was nothing more he could do here for now anyways. He opened the gate and went back through it. Returning to his own time, he was greeted by the old woman. “So you’ve returned,” she stated. Going to her, Link recounted his reunion with Zelda. “Then you know everything… On the other side of that gate, Zelda waits, suspended in a sleep without end. But do not despair, for she is still alive and well. True to legend, the Triforce is the one thing with the power to vanquish Demise. It is thought to have been hidden within Skyloft by the goddess,” she explained, “Sadly, that is all we know of where it rests. All other clues to its whereabouts have been lost to the ages. Link, you have likely come to the same conclusion, but I will spell it out just the same. The key to finding the Triforce must be in Skyloft. Go now, Link. Find the Triforce.” “Whoa! Whoa there! Hold up!” Groose beckoned, “Link, there’s something I gotta tell you.” Link walked over to him. “So, Zelda… How’s she holding up?” he asked, “Was she OK when you saw her?” Link had been dreading that he might lead with this question, even if he did appreciate that Groose was concerned for her. He knew that after what they’d been through, however, that Groose deserved to hear the truth from him. His friend took it better than he expected. “That’s terrible. It’s gotta be so hard for the poor girl,” Groose asked, “But you’re going to do something about this mess, right?” Link had every intention to. “Link… I’ve made up my mind. I’m not going back. I’m staying right here with Grannie. Aww, don’t look so bummed out. Do I look sad? Nah, I’m doing what I want to do!” Groose explained, “I don’t know how to explain it. I got this feeling in my belly that there’s work to do here. Someone’s gotta watch that big, ugly monster, and someone's gotta make sure Grannie’s doing all right. It ain’t as action packed as what you’re doing, but maybe this is my destiny. Know what I mean?” He truly had grown so much since their days in Skyloft. The old Groose would never have been this noble or put so much faith in Link… well, put any faith at all in Link. Despite what he’d just gone through, Link could still see that some good had come of this quest, even if it was in an unexpected way. “Besides, it’s not so bad here. Living up in the sky was OK, I guess, but don’t you just love the way it smells down here?” Groose asked, “What? That’s not weird to say! Check it out.” He turned to look at the small green hill behind him with a hole at the top of it. “Zelda and Grannie have brought life back to the land here. I bet even the weakest sapling could grow into one beast of a tree in soil like this,” he observed, “It’d brighten this place up a little too. I mean, sure, it’d take a few years for it to grow, but as far as I’m concerned, I got nothing but time. It’s weird to say out loud, but that’s just how I feel right now.” Groose turned back towards Link. “So… yeah… you know. When you get back to Skyloft, do me a favor and let people know I’m doing OK down here,” he requested, “Cawlin and Strich might get a little emotional since they look up to me, but you tell them I’m happy, OK? Thanks, Link.” Talking to Groose had helped Link to feel a bit better himself, which would have been weird a few days ago. His new friend had a sense of optimism that helped reinvigorate Link after the emotional pain he’d just experienced. He took his leave of Groose. It was time once more to return to Skyloft. As Link headed for the nearest bird statue that would let him return to the Sky, he contemplated a few things. All this time, the demon king had been a nameless threat looming in the background, someone he thought wouldn’t be a problem as long as he kept Ghirahim at bay. He had seen Ghirahim as his archnemesis and the most dangerous threat to Zelda. Clearly, this evaluation was flawed. The Demon Lord was little more than a pawn serving Link’s true enemy: Demise. The Demon King had been the one plaguing Link’s dreams in his Imprisoned form just before his adventure began. Demise sought to either subjugate or devour the entire world depending on his state of being. Either option would bring about the end of the world for Link, Zelda, Groose, and everyone they cared about. Zelda was keeping him at bay for now, but that was keeping her separated from Link again. Link had defeated the Demon King twice already, but his latest encounter showed that even Demise’s sealed form could grow stronger. Demise desperately wanted to reach this temple, and now Link knew why. The Demon King wanted to destroy Zelda to stop her from keeping him sealed. Such an outcome was completely unacceptable, just as Ghirahim using Zelda to fully resurrect his master was. Perhaps Demise would know or perhaps he wouldn’t, but his days in this world were now limited. His minions would be no match for the power of the true Master Sword. Even Ghirahim would hopefully meet his end on its blade. And once Link found the Triforce, he would use it to put a permanent end to Demise. Nothing would stop him from fulfilling his destiny and finally, truly reuniting with Zelda… |
The Legend of Zelda The Chosen Hero of Goddess Hylia, Link, stood on the small platform atop the clasped hands of the Goddess Statue in Skyloft. It was here that he had completed the Wing Ceremony with his best friend and one dearest to his heart, Zelda, in what felt almost like a lifetime ago. That had been before he had known of his or Zelda’s great destinies, before he had met Fi or drawn the Goddess Sword, before he had found out Zelda was the mortal reincarnation of the Goddess Hylia or she had sealed herself away to keep the Demon King Demise at bay, and now, before Link had obtained the ultimate power in this world: the legendary Triforce. He looked up at the face of the statue, thinking about how the goddess had sacrificed herself after sealing Demise to pass her power to a mortal so one day the Triforce could be used to destroy the Demon King’s evil once and for all. Suddenly, there was a bright golden glow from Link’s chest. The three pieces of the Triforce—Power, Wisdom, and Courage—emerged from the glow, growing to full size. They rotated in the air in front of him for a moment before assembling into one large triangle. The supreme power of the Triforce was now Link’s to command. This had never been his goal in life originally, which was another reason among many others he had been deemed worthy to wield the Triforce. Those who live their lives desiring ultimate power were doomed to be corrupted by it eventually. Even now that he had the Triforce, it was really Zelda’s wish, not his, that he sought to have granted. Sure, he also wanted Demise destroyed so the Demon King couldn’t devour the world, but Zelda had been the one who wanted to use the Triforce to prevent this originally. Link’s desire was to destroy Demise so Zelda could wake up, and then they could finally be together again. He wanted to live out the rest of his days happily with her, just as she had said she’d wanted to before falling into her endless slumber. Fi emerged from the Master Sword. Normally, she always looked at Link to address him upon doing so. This time, however, she looked upon the Triforce. Even the emotionless, computer-like sword spirit was awed by the presence of the sacred artifact of the old gods, the original three Golden Goddesses. “Master, I believe at this juncture that a prayer is required,” Fi stated, “The ultimate goal we have traveled so far for is now within reach. Focus now, and wish with all your might for the destruction of Demise.” Link nodded. Turning to face the Triforce, he closed his eyes. He wished with all his heart for the complete and utter annihilation of Demise. He wanted no trace of the Demon King, whether it be his true form or his Imprisoned form, to remain in this world to threaten it or the people in it. His desire was for the very idea of Demise and his evil to be fully eradicated from the world the Golden Goddesses had made. The Triforce rotated its pieces for a moment before assembling back into its full form. The mythical golden power emitted a blast of golden light, shining brightly, as it began to fulfill Link’s wish. Suddenly, the Isle of the Goddess began to break away from the rest of Skyloft! The wooden bridge that had once connected the two islands broke apart. Link stumbled about on his perch while Fi floated calmly. He fell onto his hands and knees. The island began to fall from the sky. The light of the Triforce still shined brightly as they fell. Passing through the cloud barrier, the island rotated while it plummeted to the Surface. Down in the Sealed Grounds, The Imprisoned began to emerge from his seal once more. He had no doubt been awakened by the power of the Triforce being activated. Unfortunately for him, his pit was the exact landing zone for the island. Sky Keep fit perfectly into the ramp leading out of the pit, explaining why the two designs looked familiar to Link. Darkness fell upon The Imprisoned as the island drew close. Demise’s partial reincarnation was crushed beneath the island. The Triforce emitted another bright glow. Darkness blasted out from around the edges of the island. It rose into the sky ominously for a moment before dissipating into particles that were blown away by a golden gust of wind. The ground had finally stopped shaking, so Link was able to stand up. The Triforce floated behind him and Fi, glowing with divine light. Above them, the clouds in the sky dispersed, allowing sunlight to shine down from the bright blue sky. The structures that had surrounded the Goddess Statue had lined up and completed the broken pieces of the Sealed Temple, revealing they had once been one structure before Hylia sent the Triforce into the sky for safe keeping. “Master Link, I have news. I have confirmed that the Isle of the Goddess, which was formerly a part of Skyloft, has returned to the surface,” Fi stated, looking towards the sky, “Furthermore, I have detected the successful eradication of Demise. Your prayers to the Triforce have been heard. In light of these factors, the seal Zelda maintained through her agelong sleep is no longer necessary. My projections indicate she will wake momentarily.” Link beamed with joy. Finally, his true reunion with Zelda had arrived. “I advise you make your way to the Sealed Temple as soon as possible,” Fi said. Link nodded. Fi returned to the Master Sword as he dove from the statue, using the sailcloth Zelda had made for him to slow his descent to the ground. He pushed through the door of the Sealed Temple. Inside, the old woman and Groose were standing in front of the Gate of Time. They nodded their approval, and Link nodded back. Then, they turned to look at the large doors at the other end of the chamber. Behind those doors was where Zelda had encased herself in the crystal she slumbered in while maintaining the seal on Demise. A bright light was shining from between the slightly ajar doors. The light shined brighter, and then the doors began to open. Link headed up into the room. Zelda’s crystal was still there. In the thousands of years she had slept, nature had crept into the room, wrapping the roots of a tree around the top and bottom of the crystal. Inside of it, a golden light seemed to be pulsing around Zelda. A crack appeared suddenly on the front of the crystal. She was waking up! The crack grew bigger, and the glow was growing stronger with each pulse. The light grew blinding. Then, the crystal shattered, its pieces flying away from Zelda. She floated gracefully to the floor of the pedestal the crystal had floated on. Zelda lifted her head slowly, still waking up from her long sleep. Opening her eyes, her expression softened when she saw Link standing before her. He had kept his promise to her. Link was smiling, his heart beating with excitement at the sight of Zelda awake once again. Zelda began walking towards him. Her pace was a bit slow as she had to get used to walking again after so long. She took the steps carefully. Stopping at the bottom of them, she closed her eyes and started to fall forward. Link gasped, his eyes going wide, and he ran forward to catch her. He grabbed her sides and eased her down onto her knees, her head hanging tiredly. They were doing an awkward sort of hug, but Link found it to be very comforting. Just to be able to touch Zelda, to feel the warmth of her body and know that she was alive, gave him a great sense of relief. They sat there for a moment while she fully woke up. “Good morning…” Zelda greeted, tiredly but warmly, “Link…” After a bit, she was able to stand and start walking like normal. Link and Zelda held hands as they walked. While his heart had been beating excitedly earlier, now that he was with Zelda, Link felt himself at ease again. Having her hand in his made it feel like this crazy adventure was finally over, and they could go back to being together. Zelda looked at him, closing her eyes and smiling warmly. She was clearly quite pleased that he had been there to wake her up and that they were back together again at last. They left the chamber where Zelda had slept for the past few thousand years. Link and Zelda walked together around the Gate of Time. The old woman stood up by the gate while Groose stood before them. His posture straightened, and his eyes went wide at the sight of Zelda, safe and sound. She greeted him warmly. Groose was speechless for a moment before he began to sob in relief, covering his eyes with his arm. Link and Zelda looked at him for a moment before looking to each other and laughing at their friend’s silliness. Groose put his hands on Link’s shoulders, nodding before giving him a few playful shakes. He gave the hero a pair of proud pats on the shoulders before running over to give the old woman a gentle hug. Link rubbed the back of his head while Zelda giggled again. They looked at each other, smiling warmly again, before turning to walk over to Groose, who turned to walk to them… Then, with the inconvenient timing that only a plot twist can have, a blast of dark diamond magic knocked all of them over. With a sinister chuckle, Ghirahim emerged from behind a pillar, stepping back into his role as Link’s archnemesis with Demise gone. His appearance was the same as at the Fire Sanctuary, though he had his red cape back. He stopped and seemed to glare at you. Yes, you the Reader. “This is all very touching, really,” he stated, “But I’m afraid I have to cut this emotional moment short.” He teleported and reappeared next to Zelda, who was out cold. Link tried to push himself up, but he found that his limbs were slow to respond. Zelda must have taken the brunt of whatever foul magic this was. “It’s best for everyone if you forget about your friend,” Ghirahim declared, “The little goddess is mine now!” Link managed to get on his knees. There was no way he was letting this happen. He had fought so hard to get here. Ghirahim was not going to be allowed to swoop in at the last moment and snatch Zelda away from him again. The Demon Lord began to levitate her. “My master may have perished in this age, but in the past he lives yet! I’m taking this girl back through that gate to help me revive the demon king!” he said, now carrying Zelda over his shoulder, “You’ve been so adorably dogged in your quest to get in my way, and as much as it has delighted me, I can no longer tolerate you nipping at my heels.” “...Link…” Zelda gasped weakly, barely awake. The desperate look on her face caused a surge of fury to shoot through Link, and with a shout, he rose to his feet, drawing the Master Sword and Hylian Shield. He would not allow Ghirahim to harm her. The Demon Lord glared at him, clearly not amused by this show of defiance. “...You know, boy, you’ve really pushed me too far. The moment I’ve sweated and bled for is at hand,” he growled, “I don’t even have the time to grind my heel into a worm like you. Not now.” He disappeared with Zelda in a flash of diamonds. Link, Groose, and the old woman looked around for him. He reappeared before Groose and the old woman, who blocked his way to the Gate of Time. Groose scrambled back on the floor slightly. Link tried to walk forward, but his limbs suddenly gave out on him again. He fell to his knees. The old woman stood firm before Ghirahim, and Groose stood to join her. He held out his arms, blocking the way, though his teeth were chattering slightly. “...Stand down,” Ghirahim demanded with a flat expression, “You’re in my way, and the sight of your appalling hair makes my gorge rise.” Lunging with his right leg, he kicked Groose and the old woman out of the way. Link gasped as he watched them fall to the side. He still couldn’t stand. Ghirahim activated the Gate of Time. He began to walk towards it before turning around. “You’ve done a fine job of spoiling my plans to revive the demon king in this age, so I see no point in dawdling here,” he taunted, “But the past… oh, the past… So full of possibilities. I shall resurrect him there with the divine soul of this golden-haired girl!” He chuckled sinisterly, turning and entering the gate. Only once it had closed did Link find the strength to stand. Groose and the old woman had recovered as well, but there was no time to talk. Whatever plan Ghirahim had, it needed to be spoiled before it was too late. Link’s heart was racing. He couldn’t believe he had been so careless as to forget Ghirahim! He ran up to the gate and activated it. He couldn’t let Zelda be harmed, or worse, sacrificed to resurrect Demise, whom they had just used the Triforce to kill in this age. As he ran through the gate, Link felt his righteous fury return. How dare Ghirahim return and ruin their reunion? The Demon Lord should have accepted defeat when the Triforce destroyed his master. It seemed instead the Demise simp needed to be given one final lesson about trying to hurt Zelda. He arrived in the Temple of Hylia in the past. Impa was on the ground before the gate, propping herself up with one arm and holding that arm with her other. “Urgh… Link…? It’s Ghirahim…” she groaned, looking away in shame, “He appeared out of thin air and got the drop on me. Don’t worry about me… You must chase after him! He ran through the great doors at the front of the temple. You may yet catch him before it’s too late. Hurry!” Link hurried over to the doors and headed outside. Zelda had told him that they were in a time when the land hadn’t yet healed from the wounds of the Great War between Hylia and Demise, so he was not sure what to expect. He found that the Sealed Grounds looked much the same as they had when he had first arrived at them. Down in the pit, standing near the sealing spike and seal, Ghirahim raised his right hand and snapped his finger. Giant yellow daggers rained from the sky, creating a fence that prevented Link from jumping straight into the pit. Looking down, he saw Ghirahim dancing around Zelda, appearing and disappearing. He was humming his own theme song. Zelda laid on her back with her eyes closed, and her hands resting on her belly. Link felt his adrenaline surging. His fight response was prepping him to run down there and save her. Ghirahim held his hands over Zelda, concentrating for a moment, before spreading his arms as he caused golden sparkles to burst from Zelda’s body. The sparkles collected back around Zelda, giving her a glowing halo. Whimpering, she began to float off the ground. Link tensed. What was he doing to her? Zelda floated just below Ghirahim’s arms. He waved them over her. “Hear me, my hordes! The spell is nearly complete! The demon king returns! Until then, you WILL keep that whelp from interfering with my ritual,” he commanded, “I don’t care if the whole lot of you get lodged on the end of his blade. You will buy me the time I need! Do not fear him… Fear my wrath if you fail me!” Dozens of red Bokoblins began to appear from bursts of diamond magic. They roared before charging up from the bottom of the pit. The sound of the approaching horde’s footsteps thundered up towards Link. He looked around as the sky blackened overhead. The Bokoblins ran up behind him. He turned with a stoic expression of determination on his face, reaching up to draw the Master Sword. Despite the numbers he faced, Link’s courage did not waver. He was a hero of legend, and he would do whatever it took to save Zelda. If he still had only the Goddess Sword or even the Goddess Long or White Swords, he might have been more concerned. However, Link possessed the true Master Sword. Its power could vanquish a red Bokoblin with a single strike. Ghirahim would be disappointed when his whole horde did wind up destroyed by the blade. The first wave was easily turned to dust by Link. He was the finest swordsman in Skyloft. To wield a sword effectively, its wielder needed to see it as an extension of themselves rather than a separate entity. Link had mastered this, which was why he had made it this far. The Master Sword took this a step further. After being blessed by Zelda’s power, it now literally felt like an extension of him. Each swing was like Link directing his own power towards his foe. The blade also responded to his emotions, and the anger brewing just beneath the surface made each strike come faster and hit harder. He kept that anger in check though, lest it make him lose focus. A cloud of purple monster dust surrounded Link. His execution was merciless, cutting down monsters left and right. The spin attack proved to be especially effective at destroying the red Bokoblins when they tried to surround him. Stronger monsters, like Stalfos, blue Bokoblins, and Moblins were summoned to try and slow him down, but Ghirahim had set himself up to lose by taking Zelda. No matter the monster, Link struck it down with a few efficient slashes from the Master Sword. Soon, he made it to the bottom of the pit. Ghirahim raised his right hand and snapped his fingers again. A ring of yellow diamonds appeared around him and Zelda. Then, with a flash of more diamond magic, another horde of red Bokoblins appeared. Link easily cut his way through them with a few quick slashes, hitting the monsters before they had a chance to raise their guard. The protective ring disappeared from around Ghirahim. Link stood across from the Demon Lord, who was still waving his hands back and forth over Zelda. “You’re far too quick, boy!” he complained. Link approached, swinging down the Master Sword. This game was over. “I realize a simple child like you knows nothing of magic, but spells like this take time and a steady hand! Can’t you wait quietly like a good boy? HMM?” Ghirahim continued, holding his hands to his face in frustration, “You petulant brat… You’ve pushed me too far. I’ve waited my whole existence for this! This is my moment!” It was well established by this point that he was unhinged, but this was kind of just sad. Swinging his hand under Zelda, he sent her flying up into the air. Link started forward but stopped when he realized it was too late for him to try and stop it. “You know what? Fine!” Ghirahim shouted furiously, “If you’re so intent on hurrying to your grave, I’ll be happy to show you the way!” Zelda’s ascent stopped, and she squirmed in her unnatural sleep, whimpering in pain. Link looked up at her, ignoring Ghirahim’s mad ramblings, and instead feeling his own fury stoked by the discomfort this was causing Zelda. “This time there will be no heroic escape,” the Demon Lord continued, “I was a fool to toy with you and let you walk away with your life before, but I won’t make that mistake again.” Link focused a death glare at him. He felt the same feeling about foolishly allowing Ghirahim to escape the last time they met. This would be their final confrontation. Hurting Zelda had sealed the Demon Lord’s fate. Ghirahim leaned forward, orange diamonds creating a flaming circle around him. His cape fluttered unnaturally. It disappeared as the diamonds turned black. “That, I promise!” he declared. Holding up his hands, his body was engulfed by a pillar of the black diamonds. The ground shook slightly as yellow and orange diamonds appeared beneath their feet. A platform made of them began lifting Link and the raging cloud of black diamonds containing Ghirahim into the air. The edges of the platform expanded a bit when they reached the Demon Lord’s desired height. Link looked around before taking a ready stance. Nothing Ghirahim could do would waver his determination. The Demon Lord emerged in his true form with black and dark gray diamond-patterned skin, white diamond patterns crisscrossing his body. His hair was now slicked up into a point. He walked forward slowly, still hunched with anger, hands in front of his face. “If only I’d put you in your place from the very beginning. Show a human a little mercy and next thing you know, he thinks himself your equal! Given my station, I had to maintain some semblance of dignity, so I let you run with your life…” he bemoaned, “Twice, even. Such a guilty pleasure… But instead of scurrying away like any creature with a basic instinct to survive, you just kept coming back. Again...and again...and again.” He straightened, crossing his arms over his chest, leaning his head back. “I’ve let a mere boy make a fool out of me for the last time,” Ghirahim declared, “You stand before a demon… or should I say a weapon without mercy!” He transformed into a massive black sword that looked not unlike the Master Sword, though the proportions were thicker and edges sharper. It even had wing-like cross guards and a red gem in the hilt. He turned back into himself. Link gasped before his expression returned to a determined, angry glare. It didn’t matter who or what Ghirahim really was. He was still going down. Ghirahim straightened his head to glare back. His eyes were pure white now, his teeth white with pointed canines, and a white diamond-shaped gem sat in the middle of his forehead. “For you, boy, I’ve prepared a most appropriate and humiliating death. I even have a pet name for it—I call it the endless plunge! First, I will take my time bludgeoning you, and when I grow bored of it, I will drive you to the edge and deliver a last strike to send you falling to your doom!” he explained, “I’ll delight in casting your body into this pit and snuffing out the flame of your life! Your broken body will serve as fine sustenance for the demon king!” There was no way Link was going to be food for Demise. He’d play Ghirahim’s little game but with a twist. The Demon Lord had told him exactly what to do. Demon Lord: Ghirahim didn’t bother drawing any weapons this time. He also didn’t do his little sword blocking hand trick. He would have been incapable of taking the true Master Sword away from Link anyways. Link rushed at his foe, hitting Ghirahim with a flurry of blows. The Demon Lord’s skin was impervious to damage from another sword, but he could still be knocked around. He seemed unprepared for such a furious assault, even though Link’s performance in the horde battle and expressions after should have given away his righteous anger. He quickly drove Ghirahim to the edge. The Demon Lord tried to retaliate with a simple punch, but Link knocked him off the edge. Letting out an oddly satisfying scream, he fell for a moment before summoning a platform beneath himself. He landed hard on his back and did not get up immediately. Link dove from the platform above and drove the Master Sword straight into the metal diamond in the center of the Demon Lord’s chest. Ghirahim expanded the platform as he got up for round two. The diamond on his chest was slightly cracked now, revealing a fiery glow within. The Demon Lord was slightly more aggressive this time, adding kicks into his attacks. He also electrified his hands and held them in front of him at angles to block Link’s sword strikes. This was not enough, however, for Link was bringing only his SS-game to this fight. Soon, Ghirahim teetered on the edge of the platform before being knocked from it, screaming again. Link jumped after him and impaled him in the chest once more. The diamond on his chest was now heavily damaged, revealing a red diamond-shaped core beneath it. Getting up a bit more slowly this time, Ghirahim expanded the platform before continuing into round 3. He was not any more aggressive than before, perhaps tired from the previous two rounds already. Link knocked him from this platform before impaling him in the chest one last time, shattering the cover over his core. The rules of three satisfied, Ghirahim did not get up this time, and the platform lowered down to the floor of the pit. Link watched as it did. The platform dissipated as Ghirahim’s back hit the sealing spike, and he comically slid down the front of it to sit on the ground. Link landed on his feet. The Demon Lord stood up slowly, looking at his chest. His core was exposed, and the edges of his otherwise indestructible skin were cracked and damaged. He looked up, growling, before snapping his left fingers. A saber appeared in his right hand as the second phase of the battle began. Raising his sword, Ghirahim charged his blade with orange energy before launching an evil Skyward Strike of his own. Link slashed in the same direction as the ring, knocking it back. He and Ghirahim volleyed the ring back and forth before it was knocked into the Demon Lord. He was stunned, allowing Link to run and jab him in the chest several times. Recovering, Ghirahim teleported away. He summoned a ring of daggers in front of him before launching them rapid fire at Link. The hero simply blocked them with the Hylian Shield. The Demon Lord charged his sword with another evil Skyward Strike. He and Link volleyed this one as well before Ghirahim was struck by it. Stunned once more, he was left vulnerable to more stabs to the chest. His sword disappeared in a flash of diamonds as he staggered back against the sealing spike in the center of the pit, clutching at his chest. “You wretched brat!” he screamed furiously. With another snap of his fingers, he summoned a larger sword with a dark grey center and light grey edges. He held it before him in both hands. The third phase of the fight had begun. Ghirahim swung his giant sword over his head and down towards Link. The hero jumped to the side to avoid it. He retaliated by slashing at Ghirahim with the Master Sword. The Demon Lord blocked the strike with his sword, but the edge of it was cracked. Link attacked some more from the same angle, cracking the blade to expose an orange core even as Ghirahim tried rotating it to make him lose focus. When he struck the core, the sword shattered, and his opponent was staggered. He stabbed Ghirahim’s core again. The Demon Lord teleported away. He reappeared with a fresh sword near the sealing spike. He began steadily approaching Link, but like last time, the hero shattered his sword and struck his core again. This was the final hit Ghirahim could take, and the battle was over at last, the rule of threes satisfied once more. He staggered back, clutching at his chest. His core had darkened slightly. Falling to his knees, the Demon Lord took labored breaths. “This… This is preposterous. Driven to my knees by a simple child of man. Laughable!” he demanded, “No matter how many times we clash, I can’t prevail! You think I can’t defeat you? You think I can’t win?? Boy… what are you?” Link was the hero of legend. It was his destiny to confront and overcome evil like Ghirahim. The Demon Lord just couldn’t accept that. Hugging his chest, he bowed his head but began to laugh. A red glow emerged from beneath the sealing spike, filling the seal burned into the ground. Link felt his heart drop into the pit of his stomach. He knew what that meant. “Ah… But never mind that. Victory is still mine to savor. While we fought, the ritual I started continued…” Ghirahim chuckled evilly, “At last, it’s complete! The demon king shall devour the soul of the goddess and resurrect in his full glory!” The ground began to shake as the red glow grew stronger and particles of magic emerged from it. Smoky darkness leaked from beneath the sealing spike, just like it always did just before The Imprisoned emerged. Above them, Zelda floated helplessly, trapped by Ghirahim’s magic. Link felt hopeless for a moment. What could he do to stop this? Then, he remembered the advice the Divine Researcher had given him. “This legendary sword has the power to dispel foul magic, and even oppose someone if they were in possession of the Triforce,” [Zelda No Vorsu] had said, “If you find yourself in a situation where Zelda is under the influence of demonic magic, I think you know what to do by this point. A Skyward Strike will not harm her in such a scenario…” Link looked up at Zelda, tuning out Ghirahim’s laughter behind him. Would a Skyward Strike have enough range? He had to try for her. Closing his eyes, he raised the Master Sword skyward. He felt it charging with holy energy, and as it did, he poured his own power into it as well. He fed it his determination, his desire to protect Zelda. He couldn’t let her be harmed. He would not let her be harmed. The glow around Zelda became brighter as more light was pulled from her. She began making panicked sounds. The red energy in the seal was bright now, streaks of light coming from it. The darkness began to spread out from the sealing spike, and Ghirahim teleported out of the way. Link kept his focus. The blade of the Master Sword flashed with bright white light. Opening his eyes, he shouted as he launched a Skyward Strike towards Zelda. The ring glowed with holy white light, and the mark of the Triforce appeared in the center of it, indicating that it had been strengthened by Link’s will. The Skyward Strike connected with Zelda, and there was the sound of energy clashing as the holy and demonic energies battled one another. Link turned, raising the Hylian Shield to block the clouds of darkness coming towards him from the emerging Imprisoned. The beast was free once more, stomping forward into the center of the pit. However, he was revived too late. The Skyward Strike won out, and Ghirahim’s ritual was broken. Zelda began to fall, free of the glowing aura around her. Ghirahim’s eyes went wide with shock. “NO!” he screamed, “What have you done?!?” He tried to charge at Link, but the hero stabbed him in the core again, knocking him onto his back. Link sheathed the Master Sword and put the Hylian Shield on his back as he ran towards where Zelda was falling. Holding out his arms, he dove and caught her, landing on the ground with a crash. A cloud of dust went up. When it settled, Link pushed himself to his knees, holding Zelda in his arms. She opened her eyes slowly. “...Link?” she asked, sounding exhausted and confused. Link smiled at her, feeling a great sense of relief. Then, he heard The Imprisoned roar behind him. Setting Zelda down gently, he drew his sword and shield, turning to protect her. The giant abomination was looking up at the now empty golden aura floating in the air. Opening his giant maw, he inhaled this aura before looking down at Link with what could almost be seen as a smug grin. The grin turned to a frown before his body was surrounded by a flaming purple aura, red energy crackling inside of it. A giant gust of wind swirled around him. The Imprisoned’s body began to glow white. Ghirahim stood, and while he had panicked a moment ago, he was now filled with glee. He held up his arms, laughing maniacally while watching the beast transform. “Don’t you see? It’s all over! You and your kind have lost!” he taunted, “This world and everything in it now belongs to darkness! They belong to my master!” Link continued to shield Zelda from the black wind. When the transformation was over, there was a purple fog hanging in the pit. It slowly dissipated, but there was no sign of The Imprisoned or what it had transformed into. Zelda managed to stand, using Link to support herself while her strength recovered. Ghirahim, Link, and Zelda looked around. The sealing spike lay on its side on the ground. Had the lack of Hylia’s full soul caused Demise’s transformation to fail, and he had vaporized himself in the process? Link certainly hoped so. “Ghirahim!” a squeaky voice suddenly shouted. Everyone’s attention turned to a tiny figure standing in the center of the pit. It was Demise in his true form, but because he had only gotten a residual taste of Zelda’s power, his form was still mostly sealed, causing his shrunken nature. He was hard to see because his body was mostly the color of the darkest depths. His face and upper chest were a stony grey, and his eyes were orange with glowing yellow pupils. “What did you do?” Demise demanded, “What did you do?!” At his size, and with his squeaky voice, he was hardly the imposing Demon King that the stories made him out to be. Despite this, Ghirahim still bowed deeply in apology. Link and Zelda felt they were able to relax a bit. “My apologies, Master,” Ghirahim said, “This wretched boy interfered with the ritual. I had the little goddess ready for you to devour the soul of, I swear!” “This failure will cost you dearly, Ghirahim,” Demise growled. “Please, Master,” Ghirahim begged, “Have mercy! You must understand that this boy is no normal human. No matter what I do, I cannot beat him.” Link and Zelda found themselves laughing at the scene unfolding before them. “What are you laughing at?” Demise demanded. He turned, pointing at them while glaring. “I’m sorry,” Zelda said, “But I can’t take you seriously at that size.” “You may have the power of the Goddess,” Demise growled, “But you only have the body of a mere mortal. You should tremble in my presence like all your kind did when that soul belonged to her.” Zelda began to walk towards him. Link walked with her, putting himself between her and Ghirahim just in case. At Demise’s current size, Zelda towered over him as a golden-haired giantess. “You know, I do have Hylia’s memories. I remember exactly how she defeated you the last time,” she stated, “I think history ought to repeat itself…” Demise’s face betrayed fear. He tried to back away, but Zelda snatched him up. She held him at face level. Gruuuu… A rumble of hunger came from her stomach. Opening her mouth, she revealed the squishy pink cavern behind her lips, lined with a row of pearly white teeth on the top and the bottom, a strand of saliva connecting the roof to the taste bud covered red carpet of her tongue. Demise recoiled as her hot breath rolled out to greet him. “N-No!” he cried, “Not again!” His voice grew distant when Zelda shoved him into her mouth. His legs kicked outside her maw until she tilted her head back and used her tongue to pull him all the way in. Closing her eyes, she sealed her lips over him. GLUP! A loud, wet swallow came from her throat. Zelda sighed as she opened her eyes and righted her head. Guuurgle… Her stomach gurgled happily with her snack settling inside of it. She patted her gut. “Only this time,” she stated, “You won’t be coming back after, Demise.” Ehuorrp! Suddenly, a loud belch escaped from between her lips. “Excuse me,” Zelda apologized, blushing and covering her mouth with her hand. GrrroOOWl… Some more bubbling came from her tummy. Link found himself blushing noticeably now, and he held the Hylian Shield closer towards his crotch. Zelda devouring Demise like that really got his blood pumping. “Master!” Ghirahim howled, holding the sides of his head, “NO!” There was still the matter of dealing with him. No matter what Link did, he didn’t seem to be able to kill Ghirahim. His status as a sword spirit made him difficult to destroy. Perhaps if he was melted down, he could be disposed of permanently? Link wondered if Fi was hungry… WURgle… With a loud gurgling of her gut, Zelda grunted and doubled over, clutching it. Link gasped, looking at her in concern. Sweat formed on her forehead. She closed her eyes, moaning in discomfort. Ghirahim floated off the ground, his arms extended straight out at his sides and his legs pressed together. His body began glowing orange. A ball of red light appeared in front of his core. From it, the hilt of his sword form, the Sword of Demise, began to emerge. Ghirahim cackled madly. Energy crackled around his chest as something continued to pull on the sword until it burst free spinning through the air horizontally towards Zelda. Link couldn’t stop it because it shrank down rapidly. Zelda’s mouth opened, allowing the sword to fly inside, and then closed. Burble… After a moment, her stomach made another distressed burbling noise. Ghirahim dissolved into a cloud of fiery diamonds and energy. Zelda opened her mouth again and inhaled him. Her neck glowed orange while he disappeared down it. Only once Ghirahim was completely gone, was Zelda able to open her eyes again. She straightened slightly, but she was still slouched and kept her left hand on her aching stomach. Her expression was pained. Link wanted to know what was happening. Fortunately, Fi emerged from the Master Sword, looking at Zelda. “Master Link, Your Grace, I am running calculations now,” she stated, “I can sense high levels of dark magic in your stomach, Your Grace. It seems Demise is attempting to continue the ritual of absorbing your soul from within. Master, we must find a way to excise the Demon King’s darkness.” “Link… please… It hurts,” Zelda pleaded, “I need you to go inside me and kill Demise once and for all… It’s the only way…” If the circumstances were less serious, Zelda asking to eat him might have made Link blush. However, the pain and desperation in her face along with Fi’s analysis instead caused him to furrow his brow with determination. He nodded. He would end this once and for all. Fi looked at him. “Master Link, I have important information for you,” she explained, “Once you enter Her Grace’s mouth, my analysis indicates a 0% chance that you will be able to return, unless you are able to vanquish your foe. Are you ready to proceed?” Link looked at Zelda before looking back at Fi and nodding. “Understood, Master Link. Know that even in Her Grace’s stomach, I will be with you…” Fi stated, “And, Master… good luck.” She returned to the Master Sword. Link took a deep breath, readying himself. “Before you go, Link,” Zelda said, “I want you to know I—” Gruuun… Her stomach cut her off, causing her to double over in pain again. Eyes closed, she opened her mouth and began inhaling a vortex of air. Link swirled around in it, shouting in surprise. He shrank down until he was small enough to easily fit in her mouth. He slid across her tongue, entering the much more humid air of her maw. Link fell feet first into Zelda’s gullet. GULP! A swallow boomed around him. He was pushed down her tight, slimy throat by its muscles. It was growing warmer the deeper he descended into Zelda. It was completely dark. He could feel the slick but kind of soft muscles pushing him down, hear her rapid heartbeat, and smell… Actually, he wasn’t sure what he smelled, but it certainly didn’t smell of an approaching stomach like when the Water Dragon had swallowed him. And he was starting to be able to see again. A light was approaching rapidly, which didn’t make much sense. He entered the light… Link landed in a strange place. He definitely didn’t think Zelda’s stomach normally was filled with a seemingly endless landscape of centimeter high water or a bright blue sky with clouds and a sun in it. He looked around confused for a moment before gasping. Before him stood Demise. The Demon King was much more imposing at full size. He was twice Link’s height. He stood with his back to Link. His hair that had looked black when he was tiny was now a mane of orange fire, spewing from what appeared to be an ancient wound on his back. In Demise’s right hand, he held the sword that contained Ghirahim. Particles of golden light were being pulled into his body while he took steady breaths. Link stepped towards him. Demise opened his eyes and turned his upper body to look at the hero. While Ghirahim’s face had always been expressing one emotion or another, the Demon King’s face seemed to be set in a stony expression of hate. A white glowing X sat in the middle of his forehead from where he had been impaled with the sealing spike. The black portion of his skin appeared to be made of scales like on his Imprisoned form, and where that gave way to gray skin on his chest, darkness steadily pumped in and out at the edges. “Ah, so you’ve decided to meet your end in battle. It pleases me greatly to see such misplaced valor, human. ...So you are the chosen knight of the goddess. Intriguing…” Demise stated, “The goddess lowered herself to a mortal existence to keep me imprisoned. How pathetic. The bag of flesh around us pales in comparison to the magnificence of her previous form.” Link glared furiously at him, tightening his grip on the Master Sword. How dare this… this… Link tried to think of an insult Groose would hurl at Demise… grease wad think himself worthy to insult Zelda like that. His anger made the Demon King smile. “Oh? Do my words anger you, human? Interesting…” Demise mused, “How very interesting. I can sense your anger originates from strange feelings towards her… Feelings of… love? And not the reverent love most of your kind feels for the goddess. No, you feel… Buh huh huh, hah hah… Romantic love! Ah hah hah hah hah hah hah!” He cackled madly, like this idea was the funniest thing he had ever heard of, bending forward practically in stitches and pointing at Link tauntingly. Link recoiled slightly, looking very offended. His feelings for Zelda were no laughing matter! Demise composed himself, though he retained a bemused smirk. “You grow more amusing by the moment, knight. I am glad that of all the humans I could have met upon my return, besides the goddess’s mortal form, that it ended up being you,” he continued, “The humans I’ve known were weak things. Hardly more than insects, shivering under rocks and ready to flee at a mere glimpse of me. When last I walked this world, they did little more than scream and cling to their goddess, mewling and praying… Counting on her to protect them. How amusing to think those cowards begot someone like you.” And Link had thought that Ghirahim had a superiority complex. Clearly, the Demon Lord had inherited his extreme arrogance from his master, who saw Link as nothing more than an entertaining animal. Link raised the Master Sword against Demise. He had heard enough of this. The Demon King chuckled. “You grow more fascinating by the second, human. I never imagined I’d meet one of your kind who wished to stand against me in battle. Take a moment to appreciate your surroundings, for where we stand shall serve as your tomb until I draw upon enough of the goddess’s soul to implant myself in her womb,” he explained, “Then, you shall be digested by her. Take some small solace knowing you’ll be a part of your special one in some way until she gives birth to my new body: one possessing my power and consciousness with the blood of the goddess. An invincible form mighty enough to defy the old gods themselves!” He began walking to Link’s right, his giant feet splashing the water heavily. “The hate for the gods that has boiled in my veins…” he decreed, “You will taste all of it in the bite of my blade.” Demise finally turned to face Link fully. His stony look of hatred had returned. “The only question left is how long you will manage to remain standing before I take your life,” he asked, “Try to keep it interesting for me, would you?” Oh, Link would make it interesting from him alright… when he beat this smug son of the darkness for trying to steal Zelda’s soul, use her body to create a new one for himself, and just generally being a cold, heartless, evil being that had tormented this world for too long. Demise bared his teeth, reaching out with his left hand. He curled his fingers like he was preparing to grab something. “And when you do fall, know that your world and everything in it is mine to dominate… Mine to subjugate… Mine to rule!” the Demon King declared, clenching his fist and holding it before his chest, “When I finish with you, you can take solace in knowing your friends and next of kin will soon follow, as I wipe all who oppose me from the face of this world!” He swung his hand into the air above him, and the bright blue sky was consumed by dark clouds. Link stood his ground, raising the Master Sword. He swung it forward and entered a ready stance. “...It won’t be long now. At last, the almighty power I’ve sought for millennia… I will take the Triforce for my own…” Demise said, swinging his sword down dramatically, “And the world shall be under my foot for eternity!” The final confrontation that would decide the fate of the land that would one day become Hyrule, nay the fate of the entire world, had begun! Demise steadily approached Link, in no rush to try and end things. His overconfidence was on full display. He held his sword out in front of him, ready to cross it with the Master Sword. Link slashed at the Demon King, but Demise easily blocked the strike. Unlike Ghirahim, he seemed to have the common sense not to block only in one or two directions and leave himself vulnerable to attack, only switching his guard after being hit. This active guard would be more difficult to overcome. Link quickly slashed in another direction, but Demise blocked the strike just as easily. He retaliated by swinging down with his far larger sword. The blade was large enough to slice the hero in two with minimal effort if he wasn’t careful. Raising the Hylian Shield just as Demise’s sword came down, he bashed the Demon King’s sword away. Demise was caught by surprise and left exposed. Link hit him with several determined and well-placed slashes. Even the Master Sword left only minor scratches on the Demon King’s body which soon healed. No wonder Hylia had struggled to put him down in the past. Still, the strikes did cause Demise to grunt with pain, so they must have had some kind of effect. He recovered and blocked further attacks. He tried going in for a punch with his left fist, but Link shield bashed that too. The hero got some more free hits on the Demon King. Demise recovered and resumed his guard. He continued to block strikes, only offering a slash or two in retaliation. Clearly, he was still toying with Link, seeing what the hero was capable of. Link jumped back from another wide slash before surprising the Demon King by quickly jumping back in with an overhead slash of his own. He put all of his might into the jump attack, and to his pleasant surprise, the attack connected, sending Demise flying onto his back in the water. A glowing white slash burned on the Demon King’s chest for a moment as he lay groaning. Then, the slash healed. The darkness surged more heavily into Demise’s chest before he leapt back to his feet, ready for the second phase of the duel. The dark clouds all around them lit up with bright flashes of lightning. Demise raised his sword skyward, and a bolt of lightning struck it. He lowered his blade, now glowing blue with stored electricity… GRUMBLE~ Outside, Zelda’s belly rumbled with the thunder of the raging storm inside her stomach. Her abdomen was slightly distended now. She had her left hand over her slightly plump, aching tummy. “Ugh, what is happening in there?” she groaned in discomfort. BRRT! FORP! PFT! Suddenly, a trio of toots blew from her booty. Zelda’s cheeks burned red with embarrassment. She was glad no one had been around to hear that. With impeccable timing, Groose appeared running down the ramp, just missing her break wind. “Don’t worry, Link!” he shouted, “Groose has got this!” He stopped running when he noticed only Zelda down in the pit. “Wait a minute… Zelda? Where’s Link?” he asked, “And that maniac with a poor taste in hair? Grannie said they, or at least Link and the Demon King, would be here.” “G-Groose, stay up there. It’s not safe down here,” Zelda explained, “Link and Demise are having their final battle inside my stomach.” Groose gasped, his eyes going wide, before he regained his composure. “It’s all on Link now,” he stated, “I… I know he can do it. He’s all we’ve got.” Back inside Zelda, Link was sent flying. He screamed in pain as lightning coursed through his body after being struck by a ring of it launched from Demise’s sword. He lay helplessly on his back for a moment while the Demon King watched him writhe and suffer. “That’s more like it, human. I can sense Ghirahim’s satisfaction at your suffering. To best him not once but thrice in battle is commendable,” Demise stated, “To last this long against me is exemplary. But I grow impatient. Feel free to expire any time now!” Leaping towards Link, he swung down with his sword, a trail of darkness following the blade, intending to finish the hero off. Link recovered just in time, his determination to defeat Demise and save everyone overpowering his pain. Rolling out of the way, he got on his knees and thrust the Master Sword forward with both hands. Demise was still finishing his swing at where Link just was and didn’t have time to block the attack. He let out his own wail of pain as the Master Sword sliced into his left side above the hip. The strike managed to pierce his tough skin and caused a burst of thick, black blood that oozed onto the blade. Demise growled and swung at Link, who just barely dodged out of the way. The hero hopped to his feet. Lightning flashed overhead. Raising the Master Sword skyward, he allowed the blade to be charged with electricity. He launched his own ring of lightning at the Demon King. It struck Demise, and he groaned as electricity coursed through his body. Link slashed at him several times. Each strike caused a white flash at the point of impact surrounded by a burst of black blood. His attacks seemed to be really doing some harm now, even if Demise’s skin still stitched itself back together for the most part. They both raised their swords and charged them with lightning. Launching their rings of electricity, the two combatants cancelled each other’s attacks out. Demise surged forward, intending to slash at Link. The hero jumped out of the way, raising his sword in the process. More lightning charged it, and he stunned Demise with another blast. He slashed the Demon King a few more times. Demise was knocked onto his back again. Link leapt towards him, charging his sword mid-jump, intending to finish the duel with a fatal blow. However, Demise was able to recover and roll out of the way in the nick of the time. The Master Sword stabbed harmlessly into the water. Link extracted it, narrowly jumping out of the way of a vertical ring of lightning from the Demon King. He charged his own sword again and managed to stun Demise with another blast. He knocked the Demon King back onto his back. Leaping towards him, Link charged the Master Sword with lightning again, but still Demise managed to roll out of the way. Once more he dodged a retaliatory attack before charging the Master Sword with lightning, launching a ring of electricity at Demise to stun him, and slashed at the Demon King to knock him onto his back. Link leapt into the air. More lightning charged the blade of the Master Sword. Time seemed to slow as he stabbed downwards. This time felt like the one. The rule of threes would be satisfied. While he descended, he thought about who he was doing this for: his fellow students at the Knight Academy, the citizens of Skyloft, the Kikwis, Parella, Mogmas, Gorons, Ancient Robots, the three legendary dragons, Instructors Owlan and Horwell, Gaepora, Impa, the old woman, Groose, the Triforce, and most importantly of all, Zelda. The Master Sword struck true. The Blade of Evil’s Bane stabbed into Demise’s chest, impaling straight through his black heart. The Demon King grunted involuntarily, holding up his arms and legs for a moment before dropping them heavily. A blast of lightning erupted around the point of impact, and Demise’s skeleton was briefly made visible beneath his skin as the electricity coursed through his internal organs. His fiery mane was extinguished. The orange glow of his eyes faded to black. The Demon King was dead. Pulling the Master Sword from Demise’s chest, Link did a backflip off of him. The dimension the Demon King had transformed Zelda’s stomach into began to rumble. Holes with glowing purple rings appeared in the skyline, revealing the churning walls of the digestive organ mostly hidden in shadow. The floor was beginning to dissolve as well, revealing dark pools of liquid that looked blackish green. Suddenly, Demise’s body glowed orange. His spirit rose from it, purple flame floating ethereally in the air around him, his body translucent with an orange aura. He appeared the same as he had just before their duel. He reached down to grab his sword still clutched in the hand of his corpse. His hand came up empty, and he looked at it in astonishment, realizing he could no longer affect objects in the corporeal realm. The sword began to steam around its edges as a purple-ringed hole opened beneath it. Exposed to Zelda’s stomach acids, it seemed Ghirahim would finally be destroyed as well. “Extraordinary. You stand as a paragon of your kind, human,” Demise stated, staring at Link with a look of both hatred and begrudging respect, “You fight like no man or demon I have ever known. Though this is not the end.” The stony grey portions of his body pulsed with darkness still as he channeled the last of his dark power. “My hate… never perishes. It is born anew in a cycle with no end!” he continued, gritting his teeth and raising a hand to point at Link, “It shall rise again! Those like you… Those who share the blood of the goddess and the spirit of the hero... They are eternally bound to this curse.” Behind him, a dark shadow appeared. It formed into a humanoid shape that towered over even Demise, with muscular appendages and hair that stuck up into several points atop its head. The purple flames of hatred surrounded several parts of its body. Its eyes glowed yellow, and in the middle of its forehead, sat a third yellow eye with a slit pupil. “An incarnation of my hatred shall ever follow your kind, dooming them to wander a blood-soaked sea of darkness for all time!” Demise decreed, “Free of the mortal urges that distracted me, composed of pure Malice, and completely immune to that wretched Power of Vore that aided in my downfall twice!” The shadow morphed. Its posture became more hunched and beast-like. The flames turned into a fiery mane running down its back and forming a tail. The shadow’s head morphed into the visage of a boar with large tusks. Demise’s spirit began to glow white. Despite this, he chuckled then broke out into one final maniacal laugh. He held up his arms as his body began to fade away, laughing the whole time. Having cast off the great, eternal hatred that gave him power to reincarnate as its own being—a Great Calamity that would one day threaten the land itself—he could no longer maintain his spirit form. Demise fell backwards, let out a growl, and disappeared completely. The great shadow of his hatred arched its back and let out a thunderous roar. Link readied himself to face a power even greater than the Demon King. Instead, the shadow dissipated as it lowered its head to look at Link again. It would need more time to gather its dark strength before it could truly take form and threaten the world. A cloud of dark essence floated where Demise’s spirit had disappeared. Steam was rising from his body as it was exposed to Zelda’s stomach acids. Fi emerged from the Master Sword. She looked at Link before turning towards the cloud of dark essence. VWWWMM! She began inhaling, sucking all the essence into her. Her belly distended into a bloated pot belly, glowing slightly orange. Some of the essence tried to travel back up her throat, evident by the glow traveling up her neck. Gulp! Fi swallowed it back down, intent on keeping it trapped within her. She returned to the Master Sword, where the essence would find escape to be impossible. “I have confirmed the eradication of the demon king,” Fi stated, “His residual consciousness has been absorbed into the Master Sword… and is now sealed away.” The dimension collapsed completely around them, returning Zelda’s stomach to normal. Rather than his vision being filled with the darkness of the stomach, however, Link found himself blinded by a bright white light... Link opened his eyes. He was back in the Temple of Hylia, standing before the steps that lead up to the Gate of Time. Impa stood on the small platform before the gate, looking down at him. “You have done well, Link,” she stated. Then, she gestured with her head to look behind him. Link turned around. There stood Groose with his hands on his hips and, with her hands by her heart, Zelda. He was relieved to see she was okay after everything they had just gone through. Finally, there was nothing, no one, standing in the way of their reunion after this long, and at times harrowing, journey. “Link… Thank you,” Zelda said, “I think it’s over… Finally… it’s all over.” Tears began to form in her eyes. Lowering her head, she covered her eyes with her hands as she started to cry, releasing all the emotions from the experience she had just gone through as well as the relief that the Great War had finally, truly ended with Demise’s destruction and the salvation of the world felt by both her past life and this one. Link walked closer to her, while Groose walked past them towards Impa. “Nice going, you two,” he said, “You guys were totally amazing in this little adventure I like to call the Legend of Groose. ...That’s a little joke.” Link wrapped his arms gently around Zelda, letting her cry into his shoulder while he held her comfortingly. Closing his eyes, he took a moment to breathe and finally relax himself. It was over. They were safe at last. “Joke or not, your contributions to our efforts were heroic,” Impa replied to Groose, “You have my thanks.” “Aww, well, you know… Just glad I could make myself useful,” Groose stated, rubbing the back of his head, “I’m happy things turned out OK.” He turned towards Link and Zelda, who were now standing next to each other. “Hey, so things look pretty sewn up here. What do you say, guys?” he asked, “Ready to head back to our own time? Grannie was really worried about you two. We don’t want to keep the old girl in suspense too long.” Link and Zelda nodded, ready to return home at last. Suddenly, Fi’s blue light emerged from the Master Sword as she appeared above the pair. She still possessed her glowing orange pot belly, but the consciousness of the demon king made no move to try and escape again. “Hylia, Your Grace… Or perhaps you prefer ‘Zelda,’” she stated, “It pleases me to know you are safe. ...Master, I must speak with you.” With the last statement, she looked away, almost as if the thought of the coming conversation was difficult for her. Once more she almost seemed to be expressing emotion despite not having any. She led Link back to the pedestal behind the Gate of Time and before the doors to the room where Zelda had slumbered to hold the seal on Demise. Link looked down at the pedestal as she turned towards him. “Master Link, you have successfully protected the goddess reborn and defeated Demise, fulfilling your role as the hero of legend,” Fi explained, “My purpose here is complete. Therefore, I ask you to dissolve our arrangement as master and servant. Drive the sword into the pedestal before you, and I will return to the sword to enter a sleep without end.” Link turned towards her, gasping in shock. He had no problem leaving the sword behind. With Demise defeated and Zelda safe, he didn’t need it anymore. Fi though… Despite her emotionlessness, he still had grown to see her as a friend, if a slightly eccentric one. He had already had to let Zelda sleep for thousands of years. Did he really have to let another friend sleep forever? “Master, you have achieved the purpose you were chosen to fulfill,” Fi insisted, “Please, set the sword in the pedestal and bring the goddess’s mission to an end. Now, Master. It is time to conclude our necessary companionship.” She flipped into the air, turning into a ball of light once more, before returning to the sword. He turned and looked down the steps where Zelda stood. She must have been listening, so whatever she suggested, he would do. She had Hylia’s memories, and the goddess’s resolve, so she would know what to do. She nodded slowly, closing her eyes for a moment. She knew this was hard for Link, but it had to be done. He nodded back, accepting her decision. Drawing the Master Sword, he held it skyward one last time. Then, he swung it around, ending with the blade pointed down, and held it with both hands. Link raised the Master Sword over his head. He thrust it into the pedestal with all his might. A dome of blue energy erupted from within. The sword began to glow, brighter and brighter. Then, as quickly as it began, it ended. The Master Sword sat unassumingly in the pedestal now, but Link felt it would take a great deal of effort to remove it again. Groose had joined Zelda at the bottom of the stairs to watch him. Link looked at the Master Sword for a moment longer. Then, he turned and walked down the stairs. Suddenly, the sound of Fi activating came from behind him. Link turned around. The Master Sword was glowing. “Link…” Fi’s voice echoed around him. He looked around for a moment before resting his gaze on the sword. “Link, hear me. My purpose was to obey the command of the goddess and lead you, the chosen hero of this land, on your quest,” she continued, “When I first awoke and began this task, I perceived it as merely serving my function as a servant to Her Grace. However, I have come to consider the information corresponding to our time together among the most precious data I have on record.” Link walked back up the stairs as she emerged from the sword one last time, floating towards him. “I do not have the capability to fully understand the human spirit, Link… But now, at the end of my journey with you, as I prepare to sleep within the Master Sword forever, I experience a feeling I am unable to identify,” she explained, “I lack sufficient data to be sure of my conclusion, but I believe this feeling correlates closest to what your people call… happiness.” So, in the end, it seemed Fi was capable of feeling. Link smiled for her. “Our partnership is at an end, and even as we speak, I feel my consciousness fading away. Before I enter the sleep that calls me to the sword,” she concluded, “I wish to relay to you words that I recorded many times over the course of our journey. Many have said them thus far, but I now wish to say them for myself… Thank you, Master Link. May we meet again in another life…” Link closed his eyes for a moment, remembering their journey together. When he opened them, Fi was gone. He gasped in surprise, frowning sadly. The Master Sword continued to glow with white light for a moment longer before the light faded away. Link watched as it did before turning around. He took a step down the stairs before gasping at the scene unfolding down below. “What? Impa, why?” Zelda asked in shock, “Come with us!” Impa stood before the Gate of Time with Zelda in front of her and Groose still nearby, watching the difficult conversation unfolding. “Zelda, Your Grace, you possess the memories of the goddess. You must understand why that is not possible,” Impa explained, “I am a being of this age. My place is here.” Zelda took a step forward. “I know that, but…” she said sadly. Impa turned away, looking at the Gate of Time behind her. “You must return to your own time,” she stated, “I will take care of the gate once you have passed through.” Zelda ran up to her, bowing her head sadly before looking Impa in the face. “I… can’t do that. You and I have been through so much together,” she replied, “I don’t want to leave you alone. Please, Impa. Come back with us.” Her expression showed the hurt that the thought of leaving Impa behind caused her. Impa placed her right hand on Zelda’s left shoulder, and Zelda looked down at it sadly. “Zelda, at the command of the goddess, I passed through the Gate of Time. I did so to protect you and aid in the fight to prevent the world’s destruction,” Impa explained calmly as Zelda looked back at her face, “The last remnants of Demise are decaying slowly within the sword. Someone must stay behind to watch this blade. His spirit must not reawaken. He must never be allowed to threaten the world again. This is the nature of the task given to my tribe. As a member of the Sheikah, the goddess’s chosen guardians, I gladly welcome this duty.” Zelda looked down sadly again, knowing this was an argument she couldn’t win. “Zelda, I shall watch over the Triforce.” Impa continued, “Its power is too great to leave in the grasp of man. Dependence on its might is an invitation to disaster. When it has served its purpose, it must be secreted away to lie dormant once again… the knowledge of its existence hidden from mortal history. These are the words the goddess spoke to me long ago. I remember them well. As do you, I’m sure.” Looking up, Zelda nodded slowly. Then, she reached down and removed the ornate blue bracelet—which looked like the crest of the goddess wrapped around with the Triforce above the center of it—from around her left wrist. She offered the jewelry made of otherworldly looking material to Impa. “Do not despair, Zelda,” Impa said, “You and I will surely meet again someday.” She placed both hands on the bracelet before taking it. Zelda lowered her arms slowly. Holding the bracelet in her left hand, Impa gestured towards the Gate of Time with her right. The gate opened, ready to take Zelda, Link, and Groose back to their own time, back home... Zelda, with Link and Groose on either side of her, stepped through the Gate of Time back into her own time. She looked to both her male companions before turning as the gate closed behind them. They gasped when the gate was suddenly consumed by a bright, golden light. It disappeared with a few sparks of light, destroyed by Impa in the past. The power to travel between ages so freely had served its purpose and was now too dangerous to be left available. The old one stood behind where the gate had been. Up the stairs behind her, the Master Sword still rested before the great doors. It seemed Demise’s spirit had been unable to awaken, and by now, Fi had likely digested it during her great slumber, using the extra energy she had obtained from Scrapper. Zelda remained where she was while Link and Groose ran excitedly over to the old woman. Looking closely at the woman’s left arm, she saw that the old one was wearing the bracelet she had given Impa on her left arm. She started walking forward steadily. Link and Groose were excitedly filling the old woman in on what had happened in the past. They parted as Zelda walked between them, tenderly holding out her right hand. The old one raised her left hand. Zelda grabbed it gently before holding it in both of her hands. “...See?” the old one said slowly, smiling, “I told you we’d meet again.” Zelda smiled at her before closing her eyes and nodding, acknowledging that the old woman was in fact an elderly Impa. She gasped as Impa began to fall backwards, dissolving into particles of golden light. But they had just… Link and Groose watched with dropped jaws, Groose especially. Zelda knew he had formed a close bond with the woman he had come to affectionately call “Grannie.” The bracelet Zelda had given her fell to the ground, clinking loudly. They all stared sadly at where she had just been. Groose fell to his knees. Zelda closed her eyes, putting her hands to her heart, and bowing her head. Link and Groose bowed their heads as well. The reunion had been all too brief, but Zelda knew that Impa would always be with her. “Impa… Thank you,” she said solemnly, “Thank you for everything.” Truly, Impa had played a key role in the defeat of Demise, guiding the three of them in two different forms practically from the moment each of them landed on the surface. She deserved the rest passing into the Spirit Realm would bring her. Golden light shined brightly from between the doors behind the Master Sword before they began sliding open as they had after the Triforce had vanquished Demise initially. The space behind the door looked just as it had after Zelda had woken up. Link stepped forward. He looked at the sword, smiling fondly… Zelda, Link, and Groose left the Sealed Temple. Waiting for them out in the courtyard before the statue of the Goddess was Gaepora. Zelda ran excitedly to her father before he embraced her briefly. She looked at his face while her and Link’s Loftwings landed behind him. A bit further up in the sky, Groose’s Loftwing flew down, along with Cawlin and Strich on their Loftwings. The Triforce still floated before the breast of the statue, glowing with divine light. Cawlin and Strich waved down at the others. Once they had landed, Groose showed them a taste of surface life, including the much smaller birds that resided there. He stood with his arms crossed, watching his friends' shocked reactions with amusement. Up on the statue of the Goddess, Link played the Ballad of the Goddess on the Goddess’s Harp. Zelda stood next to him with her hands clasped before her chest while she listened and looked out at the land of the surface stretching before them. She lowered her hands as Link finished playing. She watched Groose and his friends take off on their Loftwings, headed back towards the sky. Groose gave her a simple, friendly wave. Zelda returned the gesture. She and Link watched the trio head into the bright blue sky above. Although Groose had told Link he planned to stay on the surface, that had been when The Imprisoned was still a threat and Impa had been around to keep him company. Now that his friends were back, he intended to return to Skyloft at least for a while. Besides, Link had told him about this cute blonde girl who ran the Item Check in the Bazaar and had a lonely heart. The Triforce floated behind Zelda and Link, a shine going across the three golden triangles occasionally and still giving off its heavenly glow. Zelda gazed back out at the land before them for a moment. Then, she suddenly turned towards Link, looking excited. “Look around us! As a child, I always dreamed of a world below. I wanted to see the surface with my own eyes and feel the land’s warm breeze on my skin,” she said, “I… I think I want to live here. I always want to feel solid ground beneath my feet, see the clouds above my head, and watch over the Triforce. What about you, Link? What will you do now?” If she was living here, what other options were there for him? None. Link smiled warmly at her. He would be wherever Zelda wanted to be. She was his world, and he wanted her to be happy. She noticed his lack of hesitation in responding. This made her… blush? Zelda held her hands together below her waist and got a bit fidgety. “You… You didn’t even need a moment to think about, did you? You would have gone wherever I wanted to be,” she stated, “Because… Because you have feelings for me. Don’t you, Link?” Link gasped, blushing as well. He rubbed the back of his head. Well, there was no point in denying that he was in love with her. Zelda turned to her left, closing her eyes and bowing her head. She rubbed her upper right arm, smiling while her blush grew brighter. “When I told you I wanted the happiness I felt just hanging around in Skyloft with you—the blissful peace and joy it brought me—to last forever before I went to sleep, I meant it, Sleepyhead. I had finally realized what those feelings were the morning of the Wing Ceremony,” she explained, “I had meant to tell you after you won, when we were out flying together. I was about to tell you just before the tornado appeared and this whole crazy adventure started. Link…” Zelda turned suddenly, looking him right in the eyes. Her eyes were sparkling. “I love you,” she confessed. Link gasped softly. His eyes were sparkling now as well. He had suspected this after she had told him about her feelings earlier but hearing her say it aloud still came as a pleasant confirmation that they were indeed in love with one another. Zelda pulled closer to him, just as she had during the final part of Wing Ceremony when they found themselves alone together on the statue. She seemed to be glowing now, and she smelled really nice this close. “I would have told you before I went to sleep, but I knew that was going to be hard enough as it was. I didn’t want to break your heart more,” Zelda explained, “Instead, I took my last waking moments to look at you, my best friend, so I could take some part of you with me while I slept.” Link wondered if it had worked. “I think it did. I had the most fascinating dreams. I think they may have been of the future. In them, my descendants and the heroes of their ages stood against great evil, just like we did,” she said, “Though they faced great trials, in the end, their love won out over the darkness’s hate. And when it did, they almost always did this after…” Zelda started leaning her head towards his, her eyes now half-closed. She rested her arms on his shoulders. Link’s heart was beating wildly. Were they about to—? Wait a minute. He’d been here before. She wasn’t about to throw him off the statue again, was she? Zelda put a hand on the back of his head, pulling it gently towards hers. No, they were about to—! Link closed his eyes, putting his hands on her lower back. Their lips came together, and they had their first kiss. The Triforce shined brightly in reaction to Zelda and Link’s expression of love. Their Loftwings took off into the sky, leaving the young couple behind to live out a long and happy life together in the land that would one day come to be known as Hyrule… The End |
The Judgement Chamber of the Grand Temple of the Golden Goddesses in the heavens was not a place one wanted to find themselves if they were in the seat facing the stand where the three supreme goddesses sat. Yet, here I, [Zelda No Vorsu], the Divine Researcher, found myself. Nayru, Din, and Farore were seated behind the curved stand in a manner that aligned them in similar positions to where their piece of the Triforce sat in the almighty artifact. Nayru had an apologetic expression on her face, Din looked stern, and Farore was unreadable. “You already know why we summoned you here,” Din stated. “Of course,” I replied, “I knew my actions would have consequences.” “And yet you still went through with them,” Farore said, “I admire the courage, even if what you did violated our mandate.” “I did what I thought was right,” I countered, crossing my arms. “What you thought was right? You played a dangerous game with the fate of the world,” Din accused, “You messed with the events you foresaw at the peril of the very people you were trying to help. Your role is to guide subtly as needed but never to directly interfere unless absolutely needed.” “Plus, your distribution of divine knowledge puts the mortal mind at risk,” Farore added, “Though you chose what you believed to be sturdy minds, there was still the risk that you could have overloaded their brains and reverted them to a more primitive, timid form.” “I kept my knowledge to Gaepora and his fellow scholars vague enough that I knew they would be safe. Link is the Champion of the Goddess,” I explained, “He had the strength of mind, body, and spirit, not to mention will, to wield the Triforce. He was more than capable of surviving what I told him. And by doing so, I prevented Zelda’s soul from being devoured by The Imprisoned. I see that as a net positive.” “But by doing so,” Din replied, “You caused her to use the Power of Vore.” “And risked a more powerful form of the Demon King being born,” Farore said. “We all knew Link would stop at nothing to defeat him,” I stated, “My calculated risks that minorly changed the timeline were worth it. Besides, what was the divine plan to save Link from Faron when she used the Power of Vore?” “On that, you are not being tried,” Din conceded, “That was the only interference you should have made. These others demonstrated a lack of control. When we allowed you to leave this universe to train with that Jedi, we’d hoped you would return with a better handle of yourself and a sense of balance.” “In all my interferences, I adhered to the lessons Master Yoda taught me,” I explained, “I used my powers only for knowledge and defense. I never took it upon myself to explicitly solve any problems other than the Faron one for Link. And I never risked interacting with or helping Zelda directly, knowing what a delicate journey her awakening would be for her.” “I think that does demonstrate his restraint,” Nayru chimed in. She had been noticeably quiet so far during the hearing. “Sister, you have something to add?” Farore asked her. “I said my peace when we made our decision before this,” Nayru answered, “I know I can’t change your minds, even if my son did act out of the same compassion that I would and demonstrated great wisdom and care in his actions.” Although all three Golden Goddesses were my mothers, each contributed a piece of their power to create a new god, Nayru had overseen my development and imprinted her primary virtues, wisdom and love, upon me, making me her son. “That may be so, but you were overruled on this,” Din said, “We must uphold our principle of non-interference to ensure none of the gods take it upon themselves to ‘do what they think is right’ for the mortals and end up ruling over them. Hylia understood her place as guardian of the Triforce, but the mortals still ended up relying on her to shepherd them, and they became helpless against the Demon King and his hordes, which led to her ultimate sacrifice.” “It’s for this reason, we shall strip away your title as Divine Researcher,” Farore decreed, “And you will be demoted to janitorial duty for this temple. In time, you will be allowed to prove yourself worthy of a more important role once again.” I bowed my head, accepting the judgement for my actions that I had known to be inevitable. I was the Divine Researcher no longer. Now, I was the Divine Janitor… Zelda’s Adventure The gentle sound of her best friend’s kind voice. Her father saying her name. The rumbling of thunder. Frightful sounds of violence, war, and death. Maniacal, demonic laughter. Her own, full stomach gurgling around a bully when she was a child. The roar of the black tornado. Her own voice screaming to her best friend as she was torn from the sky. These sounds echoed in Zelda’s ears when she began to awaken. Some of the sounds she knew well, but some of them—the war and the demon—she had never heard before, yet somehow, she recognized them. She began to slowly push herself up, opening her eyes. What happened? Where was she? The last thing she remembered was flying around the clouds on her blue Loftwing with her best friend in the entire Sky: Link. They had been close friends since childhood, and Link had just completed the Wing Ceremony with her to become a full knight. Zelda had been so excited for him, and she had been about to tell him something… but she couldn’t remember what. She suspected it had to do with how she felt for him though. The thought of him made her anxious. That tornado had appeared out of nowhere and torn her from the Sky, but what had happened to Link? Was he safe? Was he alright? And where was her Loftwing? Every Skyloftian formed a deep connection with their winged companion gifted to them by the goddess, yet Zelda could not sense her bird’s presence. It had been pulled down with her, she thought, and she prayed her poor bird was alright. She did sense another presence, however, and quickly turned her head, gasping. Up the path of the strange place she now found herself in, stood a figure that wore a red cloak which stuck up in a large, curved point from their head. Under the cloak was a wise, wrinkled face that had clearly seen many, many years. They wore simple blue garments and had a braid of long, white hair tied into a circle near the ground that swung like the pendulum of a grandfather clock. On their right arm, they wore a shimmering blue bracelet that Zelda felt strangely connected to. “Hello there,” they greeted warmly, “Do not be afraid, Your Grace.” Despite the strange circumstances she found herself in, Zelda found that she could trust this stranger. What had they called her, though? “Your Grace”? That seemed an odd way to address her. The warmth in their voice made it seem like they already knew who she was and perhaps even had some sort of connection to her. “H-Hi? My name is Zelda,” Zelda asked, “Can you help me? I’ve been separated from my friend and my bird, and I’m not even sure where I am anymore.” “Of course, dear Zelda. It would bring me great joy to aid you again after all these years,” the stranger replied, “Can you stand? You’ve had quite the busy day.” Zelda managed to get on her feet, though she was a bit shaky at first. After what she had just been through, she was a bit amazed she was still in one piece. She noticed that her harp had fallen with her and also survived the landing. Looking around her, she saw several tall walls with stone reliefs built into some of them. This seemed to be some sort of ancient ruins. She glanced up and saw that the clouds were far, far away now. She realized where she was. “I… I’m on the Surface!” she gasped. Her voice held surprise and wonder rather than fear. She had always wanted to see the Surface of legend after reading about it in her father’s ancient texts. Her method of arrival could have been less rough, but still, Zelda actually stood on the surface. The friendly stranger smiled knowingly. “Your insight serves you well, Your Grace. You’ve always possessed great Wisdom,” they complimented, “Let us head to the temple nearby. It will be safer there, and you should rest after your rough landing. I will be able to fill you in on more of the details of what is going on there.” Zelda started to walk towards them before stopping and looking around. “Before we go, might you tell me your name?” she asked, “And did you happen to see where my bird fell? I can’t feel it anywhere.” “My name… Ah, it is so long since I’ve had a proper name. Some have called me Grannie or simply the old woman in the past,” the stranger explained, “Now, I am known simply as the Old One. As for your bird, I did come across it. The poor thing was beset by monsters on their way to capture you. It did it’s best to try and fight them off, but it became overwhelmed. I scared the beasts off before sending your bird back to the sky to recover.” “Monsters?” Zelda asked, sounding concerned, “Yes,” the Old One said, “Come. I will explain at the temple.” Glancing behind her at the seemingly peaceful path, Zelda gripped her harp a little tighter before following the Old One. Together, they headed for an old but still grand temple, slightly reclaimed by nature. The Old One had Zelda sit on the ground of a circular platform before a set of stairs that led up to a grand set of doors, which were slightly ajar. The older woman brought the younger woman a bottle filled with water and a bowl filled with some berries. Zelda was grateful for the snack. The berries were sweet and juicy, quite tasty actually, and she soon found that she’d eaten all of them. Her lips were a bit red from the juice, but the old one had a handkerchief for her to use to clean them. Urp! Zelda blushed, covering her mouth with the cloth when she accidentally let out a small burp. Her belly was nice and full now. “Oops, excuse me,” she apologized, “Thank you for the food.” “You’re welcome. I suspected you might be hungry after the rough start to your adventure,” the Old One replied, “Take a moment to sit and let your meal digest. There is much I need to explain.” It would have been nice to relax, but there was something Zelda needed to ask. She dreaded the possible answer after learning her bird had been attacked. She needed to know though. “You saved my bird,” she inquired, “But by any chance did you also come across my friend Link? We were flying together when that tornado appeared, but I couldn’t tell if it sucked him down as well…” Please let him be alright… She couldn’t bear the thought of him being hurt or… or worse. The Old One smiled sadly, clearly noting Zelda’s distress. “No. I didn’t come across him,” she explained, “I knew I wouldn’t, however, because he is still in the Sky. No doubt, he is recovering right now from the injuries he sustained. That tornado was not intended to pull him down here.” Zelda put a hand to her heart, sighing with relief. She hadn’t realized she had been shaking until she relaxed. “You care deeply for him,” the Old One observed. Zelda looked away, blushing. “I… I do. He’s my best friend,” she said, “But also, he makes me feel in a way no one else does… Whenever it’s just us hanging around together, I feel this pure happiness that I wouldn’t trade for anything. I think… I think I’m in love with him.” “I know. There is no question about it,” the Old One replied, smiling warmly again, “And there is no doubt either he feels the same about you. That is why he will follow you down here. Together, you will fulfill the great destiny set before you.” Her saying that Link loved Zelda back made the young woman smile, even after what had just happened to her. Zelda’s heart fluttered slightly with excitement about him coming down to get her. She had been about to confess to him before the tornado had shown up. She’d just have to do it on the Surface instead. The thought of them having a little adventure together before she told him sounded rather romantic to her actually. Still, it would be a bit before he arrived, it sounded like, so she might as well learn how she had ended up down here in the first place. “You said the tornado was not meant to pull Link to the Surface, but I’m guessing it was meant to pull me down then. Why?” Zelda inquired, “And why does it seem like you know me? We’ve never met before…” “Ah. Let me start with the tornado,” the Old One replied, “It was created by the enemy. A Demon Lord known as Ghirahim used almost all of his power to create it, so that he could pull you down to the Surface. I had hoped that he would not be successful, even though I knew that it was destined he would be.” “Demon Lord?” Zelda asked. “Yes. Ghirahim currently leads the Demon Tribe that once ravaged this land in a past age. He himself is no longer a demon, however,” the Old One explained, “He was transformed into a spirit that inhabits the sword of the demon king. Quite literally, he serves the right hand of the Demon Tribe’s true master. Do you know the dark one’s name, Zelda?” “No,” Zelda replied, “The fairy tales I’ve heard of the Great War only ever referred to him as the demon king.” “Hmm. That does not surprise me. After the devastation he caused, the humans would not want to even utter his name,” the Old One continued, “The demon king’s true name was lost long ago, before he even faced Her Grace, Goddess Hylia, in battle. By then, he had become known only by the end he brought. He is called Demise.” “Is?” Zelda asked, “Why do you say that like he’s still alive?” “Because, my dear, I’m afraid he is still alive. Human legends likely say he perished during his final confrontation with the goddess. Unfortunately, that is far from the truth,” the Old One explained, “Her Grace’s powers had been greatly exhausted by the time she faced Demise, and so she was only able to seal him away. Ghirahim seeks you in order to free his master from this seal.” “Me?” Zelda gasped, “But why me? I’m just an ordinary human.” The Old One smiled while shaking her head. “Zelda, deep down you know you are more than that. You’ve just never been sure of why that was,” she said, “And so I shall tell you. Zelda, you are the Spirit Maiden. Within your noble spirit resides the very soul of Goddess Hylia herself.” Zelda’s eyes went wide. She was what?! “I’m… I’m the goddess reborn?!” she stammered in shock. “In a way, yes. Her Grace’s consciousness still exists as part of the cosmos. When she sacrificed herself, passing her on her soul to one day be housed within you, she also shed most of the aspects she contained within herself. Those will one day awaken with other mortals, who will be gifted sages with those powers,” the Old One explained, “Hylia, however, is the Goddess of Time, and time cannot be destroyed, so she remains a part of the universe, maintaining the flow of time from the Edge of Time. One day soon, you will meet her, so she may pass her memories onto her mortal incarnation and awaken the divine power that now flows through your veins.” Zelda needed a moment to process this. She, Zelda, was actually Hylia reborn in mortal form. Part of Hylia still existed as divine, but for the most part, she was Hylia since she had the goddess’s soul and power. Did that mean she was still Zelda? Was she still her father’s daughter? Was she still Link’s friend? Or had she made those assumptions in error, not knowing who she truly was? No. She might have possessed Hylia’s soul, but her consciousness and her spirit were still hers. She was still Zelda. She liked her name, and Hylia’s divine consciousness and will were still at work in the universe. That meant they were two entities who shared a soul but unique identities. She would not steal Hylia’s identity from her, even if she did have the goddess’s power now. And she knew for certain that her feelings for Link were real. They were too strong, too pure not to be. Having thought through her doubts, Zelda found herself strangely at peace with this new fact about her. The Old One smiled as she read the Spirit Maiden’s body language indicating as such. “So, you have accepted the truth. It is only natural you would have the great wisdom of the goddess to be able to understand this without too much uncertainty,” the Old One said, “I am a servant of the goddess, and I have served as caretaker of this temple for a long time, waiting for you to return. This Sealed Temple is your birthright, Zelda. Unfortunately, you cannot stay here for much longer.” “What? Why?” Zelda asked, “I thought Link was coming to get me.” “He is, but not for a while longer,” the Old One replied, “Ghirahim will be coming for you sooner than that. Even now, I can sense his strength returning, and his wrath is too strong for me alone to contain at my age. You must head deep into the woods behind this temple. There, you will find a spring where the goddess once bathed herself. You must purify your body in these waters to allow Her Grace to transfer her memories to you and awaken her power within you.” “I have to go alone?” Zelda inquired, “Isn’t that dangerous?” She didn’t have any sort of weapon to protect herself, and even then, she’d only been an average student when it came to the sword. Academics and bird riding had always been more where she excelled, while she enjoyed watching Link’s prodigious skill with a blade. The way he moved while wielding a sword was… mesmerizing. “Your concern is not unwarranted given what I just told you, but the woods are not particularly dangerous yet. If you hurry, you can pass through them before Ghirahim can deploy his forces to pursue you,” the Old One stated, “And you do have a way to defend yourself. Come. I will show you.” She stood and beckoned for Zelda to follow her. They exited through the main door at the front of the temple. Outside was a great pit in the ground, and at the bottom of the pit, Zelda could sense an endlessly dark presence, one that caused her great unease. Fortunately, they walked around the edge of the pit where there was a railing rather than down into it. Two plant monsters reared their large, bulbed heads with slobbering mouths full of teeth. The Old One destroyed them with a simple spell, turning them to dust. Up the path, Zelda saw two more dormant bulbs that were a bit more spaced apart. “Such troublesome weeds, those Deku Babas. However, they shall serve as good practice,” the Old One said, “You secretly enjoyed slurping Chuchus in Skyloft, yes?” Zelda blushed. There was supposed to be an emphasis on the secret part. “Um, yes,” she replied, “They’re tasty and very filling, if only for a little bit.” “This will be somewhat like that then,” the Old One explained, “The head is a little more solid, but you’ll still be able to fit it in your mouth and swallow it down. Approach the Deku Baba to awaken it, and tempt it to bite at you, but stay out of its reach. You’ll have a moment after it bites to grab it before its head retreats.” Zelda hesitated for a moment. Her father had told her to use this power only if desperately needed for defense. Her secret excursions to the waterfall cave to snack on Chuchus to sate the sometimes-great hunger that awakened in her had always been a guilty pleasure of hers. But it seemed she would need to use it to defend herself on the more treacherous surface. Deku Babas seemed riskier to try and gulp in her opinion. “What… What if bites me?” she asked nervously. “In this case, I will protect you with my magic,” the Old One answered, “But that is the risk you run out there when trying to use this power. Stealth and speed should be your main means of avoiding danger, but if left with no other option, you’ll need to take this risk, Your Grace.” “Alright, I’ll try,” Zelda replied. “No. Try not,” the Old One stated, “Do. Or do not. There is no try.” Zelda wasn’t exactly sure what she meant by that, but she interpreted it as commit or don’t commit to her actions rather than half committing expecting to fail. Bracing herself, she approached one of the Deku Babas. It emerged from the ground, licking its lips grossly at her. The thought of it finding her tasty turned her stomach, but Zelda knew in this situation it was eat or be eaten. She stepped closer, tempting the plant monster. The Deku Baba pulled back and shook as it prepared to strike. Zelda jumped back when it did, and she was able to grab its head. Opening her mouth, she pressed it against the plant, and she found her jaw was naturally able to stretch to accommodate the bulb of the plant until she had fit the entire thing inside. Her cheeks bulged rather comically, and she drooled slightly around the head of the Deku Baba. It squirmed, trying to break free, but Zelda stepped back and leaned away from its base until the monster’s stem snapped off. GULP! The sudden snap caused her to fall back on her bum and swallow hard, sending the bulb as a bulge down her neck before it distended her stomach and made her look pregnant. UORRRRP! A loud belch worked its way up after, bellowing out from her wide-open mouth. Zelda blushed and covered mouth with her right hand after. “Excuse me…” she apologized politely. “A good start,” the Old One stated, “But try not to fall with the next one.” She expected Zelda to eat both of them? Fine. She probably did need a little more practice after slightly embarrassing herself. Approaching the second Deku Baba, she coaxed it into awakening. She braced herself, needing to account for the extra mass in her gut. Zelda stepped back sooner when the monster reared to strike. It seemed incapable of correcting its course once it reared back. Once the Deku Baba lunged, she grabbed its head. She shoved the head into her mouth and started pulling back again. She planted her feet this time to ensure the force of its stem snapping didn’t knock her on her butt again. With a loud snap, the Deku Baba’s stem snapped, this time at the base. GULCK! Zelda swallowed its bulb. Slllllllllurp! The stem spun around as she slurped it up like a piece of thick, green, spaghetti. Her bulging belly swelled to just over twice its previous size, a round orb the size of two pumpkins in diameter that pulled up her dress in the front a bit. ERR-urrop! Putting her right fist to her chest, Zelda closed her eyes and let the big burp, which bloated her cheeks out slightly, escape casually. The relief this brought to the pressure in her stuffed stomach outweighed her need for modesty. “How was that?” she asked, spinning around to look at the Old One. “Well done, Your Grace,” the old woman stated, “I believe you are now ready to begin your journey. Let’s return to the temple. I have something to give you before you go on your way.” Heading back inside the Sealed Temple, she presented Zelda with a new set of clothes. They consisted of a simple, flowy white dress with a U-cut collar that had the Goddess’s Crest stitched around the edge in the front, a pair of fancy bracelets not unlike the one the Old One wore on her right wrist, a set of ornate sandals, and two new wraps for her hair in the front. Other than the dress, all these objects were made of the same otherworldly blue stone. Zelda felt a connection to these clothes. “These clothes… they’re beautiful,” she asked, “But are they the most practical for wandering around in a strange land? My current outfit might work better.” Her current clothes had boots, pants, and less flowy sleeves. “Ah, but Zelda, these are your clothes,” the Old One explained, “You wore them in your past life, and you must wear them again if you are to purify your body at the springs. Your current garb you stitched to honor the goddess when you played her in the Wing Ceremony, but now you must not just play her, you must be her.” “Okay…” Zelda replied, “Let me change.” She took the clothes from the old woman. “I will watch over your old clothes,” the Old One said, “And also, be sure to take off your underwear as well. Her Grace never wore anything beneath her dress.” Zelda could only blush in response to this request. But what if there was a strong breeze? As a goddess, Hylia probably hadn’t needed to worry about such things, but Zelda would just have to play along and pray she always stayed on solid ground in low wind areas. She went somewhere a little more private and stripped. After doing so, she took a moment to look down at the bare bulge of her belly, running a hand along the surface of it. Glorple… Her stomach was churning away at the two Deku Babas. Even though it had been a lesson in defending herself, she still felt a bit weird about being asked to eat another creature, let alone two. Slipping into her new dress (or her old dress from a certain point of view), she found it fit easily over her plump middle, disguising the curve slightly. Zelda put on the accessories before returning to the Old One. “It stirs old memories of mine, seeing you this way,” the old woman reminisced, “Fond memories of happier times and darker ones as well. Don’t forget your harp.” Zelda traded her neatly folded clothes for the harp. “That harp also belonged to Her Grace,” the Old One said, “Guard it closely, you will need it for now, but eventually Link will need it as well.” They exited out the side door of the Sealed Temple. The Old One led Zelda to the entrance to the woods, near where the Spirit Maiden had originally landed. Zelda looked out into the woods, her heart being in anticipation. “Beyond this archway lies Faron Woods,” the Old One explained, “Deep in the woods you will find a temple. There, you will find the first spring to purify yourself in. I will remain here and wait for Link to arrive, then send him after you. With the gods willing, your reunion will come not long after. Take this.” She handed Zelda a strange trigger. “Use this to detonate the bridge to the temple and activate the traps inside the temple,” she continued, “That will slow Ghirahim’s forces down and buy you the time you need.” “Won’t that also slow Link down as well?” Zelda asked, taking it. “Indeed, but he must overcome the trials if he is to prove himself,” the Old One answered, “In time, you will know why. We must say goodbye for now, Zelda. May the old gods smile upon you.” Zelda turned to thank her, but the old woman had vanished unexpectedly. Looking back into the woods, she took a deep breath before heading in… Elsewhere, Ghirahim kneeled in the woods near the pit in the Sealed Grounds. He breathed heavily, the hood of his red cape over his head, and his arms and legs flickering between the clothes he masked them with and the skin of his true form. It had taken all of his power, and support from the dark power in the pit, to create the massive tornado that pierced the goddess’s cloud barrier and pulled the golden-haired girl he needed down to the Surface. He could sense her presence here now, and all he needed to do was wait for his minions to bring the helpless little goddess to him. He had waited so long for this moment. The surface-dwellers had foretold the return of the Spirit Maiden from the sky, floating down surrounded in golden light. He had already taken that from them. Now, he would use their “savior” to help bring about the end of their world. Ghirahim would use the girl to revive his Master in all his dark, demonic glory. He heard a rustling and dragging sound behind him. Good. His minions had returned, but they had better not have harmed the girl too much. He needed her alive for this to work. Turning, he saw that only a single Bokoblin had returned, dragging itself along the ground because its legs had been blasted off. “What…” Ghirahim demanded, his eyes twitching with fury, “Happened?” The Bokoblin recalled its squad's fatal encounter with the Old One. Ghirahim’s face contorted with the pure wrath boiling inside of him at this news. He summoned a cloud of daggers over the Bokoblin before dropping them one at a time into it. The monster’s tortured, dying squeals helped to relax him somewhat. “That goddess-serving dog…” he growled, “She won’t stop me! I’ve come this close to achieving my goal. The demon king will return! You will find the girl and bring her to me or die trying. Anything else will earn you an equally prolonged and excruciating death by my hand.” With a snap of his fingers, he summoned more Bokoblins along with a Stalfos. The monsters ran off in the direction of Faron Woods to carry out the Demon Lord’s dark will… Zelda hadn’t gone far into Faron Woods when she came across a most curious creature. It was short and stout, covered with fur, but had a plant bulb growing from its back. She found it to be rather cute. Her currently bloated form cast a shadow over the creature. It turned around, shaking with fright. “Hi there!” Zelda greeted warmly, “My name’s Zelda. What’s yours?” Guuuurgle… Despite her kind, smiling face, the creature couldn’t see past her glutted, gurgling gut. It imagined her devouring it ruthlessly, leaning back against its fellows cruelly with piles of fertilizer that had been others still steaming nearby while laughing and enjoying the struggle-bulges created on her big belly as the creature squirmed desperately inside her stomach, a burp interrupting her laugh only to make her laugh even more evilly. “KEW!” it shrieked, “Don’t eat me!” It ran off deeper into the woods. Zelda’s posture slouched, and her smile faded. “Oh,” she stated. Looking at her belly sternly, she poked a finger into it. “This is your fault,” she scolded. Groooo… Her stomach growled in response. URRP! It made her belch again. Zelda huffed before continuing further into the woods. She saw more of the creatures, but they all kept their distance from her. If only there was a way she could convince them she meant them no harm. Eventually, she came across a much larger one of them that did not run away. “Kewwww?” it stated, “You’re a new one.” “Hi, my name’s Zelda,” Zelda greeted, “I’m a human from the sky.” “A human, you say?” it replied, “There haven’t been any humans around here since the goddess was with us. My Kikwi have been the only inhabitants of these woods since. My name is Bucha.” Zelda considered telling him about her relationship to Hylia, however, she suspected keeping that identity a secret was better. The Kikwi seemed harmless enough, but there was always the possibility they could be coerced into telling Ghirahim or his underlings about her. Instead, she merely smiled and curtsied. “Nice to meet you, Bucha,” she said, “I’ve tried to talk to some of your friends, but they all run away from me scared…” “Don’t take it personally, young one. The Kikwi are rather timid, and they are afraid of being snatched up by strangers walking through the woods,” Bucha explained, “Those red monsters in particular try to make my poor friends their snacks. I suppose they would also be intimidated by your belly.” Glorp! Zelda put a hand on her gut, looking at it as it made a digestive noise. “The only reason I have this belly was because I needed to defend myself from some monsters. I wouldn’t eat your friends unless they tried to hurt me,” she stated, “I’m on a quest to find a forest temple somewhere in these woods. Might you be able to point me in the direction of it?” “If you are also an enemy of the monsters, then I will try to tell my Kikwi as much,” Bucha replied, “I believe you refer to Skyview Temple, kew. It is in the deepest part of the woods. If you head past the structure on the other side of the big tree, you will find yourself on the path to the temple. Before you go though…” “Sorry, I haven’t much time,” Zelda apologized, “Thanks for your help!” She vaulted off his belly before heading in the direction he had indicated. She found an ancient stone structure of some kind. At the top of it, there was the path that led into the deep woods. Glrnch! As Zelda headed along it, her stomach suddenly contracted hard. BURRRP! She let out a loud belch, a small cloud of purple dust coming out with it. Prrp! Frrt! She blushed as some toots slipped out from between her butt cheeks. Her belly was about half the size it had been before, and a bit more dome-shaped than orb-shaped. Patting her tummy, Zelda resumed her walk. The deep woods were narrower than the area before, and she had to cross some tightropes that were strung across deep chasms. Fortunately, her compacted belly made the process easier. She soon made it to the back of the woods. Before her sat Skyview Temple. It was a large building, bigger than any in Skyloft, and clearly quite ancient. Zelda felt some excitement at the thought of exploring it. She crossed the bridge over the chasm that led to the temple. Looking at the device the Old One had given her, she saw there were two buttons on it. One had a picture of the bridge drawn on it, and the other was a picture of the temple. She hovered her finger over the bridge button. Zelda felt bad that it would make extra work for Link, but she knew he would understand if it was for her safety. BOOM! When she pressed the button, explosives detonated beneath the bridge, sending it crumbling into the chasm. Prrrrrt! She yelped at the loud sound, letting out a trumpeting toot of fright, and turned to see that the bridge was gone. Zelda put a hand to her chest and took a deep breath to calm herself. “Guess I should have expected something like that,” she stated. Turning, she headed into Skyview Temple. The inside of the structure showed just how old it was. Parts of it had crumbled, and strange mushrooms had grown inside. Zelda couldn’t delay too long, but she looked around while she headed to where she sensed the spring, marveling at the temple. She entered a large, circular chamber with a smaller chamber in the center. She wondered what it had been used for. While she walked around it, she spotted an open chest behind some bars in a small room built off the smaller chamber. If Link was going to have to explore the temple soon, he might find a way to open these bars. It would be disappointing for him to find only an empty chest though. Zelda closed her eyes, putting her right hand over her heart. She wished she could leave him something, anything, to remind him of her, to let him know she was alright and thinking of him. Suddenly, she felt a strange warmth beneath her hand. Pulling it away, she saw a Piece of Heart, a literal manifestation of a piece of her love for Link, floating above her hand. The warm feelings for him radiating from it made her smile. This would do nicely. Not only would it feel good, but it might strengthen him somehow for the trials ahead. Zelda slipped it between the bars. The Piece of Heart fell into the chest, and the chest shut on its own. No need to risk someone else picking it up when it was meant only for Link, though maybe only he could use it regardless. Zelda headed to the back of the temple. She found a large, almost ominous, door there that sat open. Walking through it, she found herself in a circular antechamber. She could sense that the spring was just ahead. Gloooo… A low rumble from her colon caught her attention. Zelda hadn’t noticed that her belly had flattened out during her walk through the temple. Fbrrrt! Another toot rippled her booty cheeks. Since she was in private, and she needed to purify herself in the spring, it was probably best to empty her colon of the Deku Babas’ remnants. Zelda leaned forward and stuck out her butt. BUUURRRRMMPT! She bit her lower lip, eyes rolling up with pleasure while her brow furrowed in concentration, as the plant monsters were farted out of her butt in a massive waking of wind that fluttered the back of her dress. A cloud of purple dust was expelled with the gas, and when she was done, the dust formed two horned skulls with sad expressions that floated up before dissipating. With her colon cleaned out, Zelda headed through the door to enter the spring. She was a bit surprised at how pleasurable pooting out her plant prey had been, but she also didn’t want to question it too much. She did wonder if that antechamber had been built for pilgrims to the spring to do their earthly business before coming to bathe. Walking up the stone steps to approach the spring, she found herself in an open-air space surrounded by cliffs to keep it secluded. Waterfalls ran down the back curve of these walls to form the spring. The path led to a square pedestal jutting out into the waters from the natural ground. Facing this pedestal but divided from it by the waters of the spring, was a statue of the goddess sitting atop a stone altar. Zelda held up the trigger the Old One had given her again. Taking a deep breath, she pressed the remaining button, activating the traps in the temple to slow down Ghirahim’s approach. She once again felt slight guilt for making Link’s journey more difficult, but she had faith he would survive. He wouldn’t give up when it came to finding her. Zelda walked to the center of the stone platform. She looked at the statue, wondering how accurate the representation of Hylia was. It didn’t look that much like her, but then, she didn’t know if she looked all that much like Hylia. As far as she knew, there were no surviving portraits of the goddess, if there had been any created at all in the first place. Zelda nodded at the statue before looking down to see a crest of the goddess carved into the stone. Lifting the front of her dress slightly, she gently got down on her knees. She clasped her hands and held them before her chest. Zelda closed her eyes and bowed her head. Some birds landed on the stone path behind her, minding their own business. Beginning to pray, she wasn’t quite sure what to pray for or to who. If she had Hylia’s powers, would praying to Hylia do anything? Perhaps she needed to ask the goddess for her blessing to use those powers? She would try that. She would also ask for guidance from the Spirit Realm, the heavenly domain the old gods had retreated to after forging the world and where the spirits of non-evil beings transcended to after death. She wished she knew the names of the old gods, but the records of them had either been destroyed, or the humans of old had focused on Hylia because of the fact she walked the earth with them. Perhaps once she gained Hylia’s memories, the names would be known to her. The old gods had created Hylia after all. Zelda tuned out the world around her. She centered herself as best she could, and she listened. Her father’s books said the reason humans had pointed ears was so they could hear the gods’ voices better. It was time to find out if that was true. While she was tuning out the secular world, something began banging on the door to the spring, but that door was magically sealed until Zelda completed her purification process. “Zelda…” a voice—a voice very familiar to her—called from the beyond. “M-Mother?!” Zelda gasped in surprise. Opening her eyes, she found that she was standing in the spring, but the world around her had turned darker, bathed in a shimmering blue light. The sky above her was a deep blue and full of stars. Her own body was surrounded by a green glow of sorts. Before her, her late mother floated above the water of the spring, also surrounded by green aura, with blue spirit flames floating around her. Her mother looked like an older version of her, but with brown hair and green eyes. Zelda had gotten her blue eyes from her father, though the origins of her golden hair had always been a bit of a mystery. She suspected now that she had gotten her hair color from Hylia herself. “Hello, my little sunshine,” her mother greeted warmly, “It’s been a while.” “Mother…” Zelda replied, tears in her eyes, “I’ve missed you so much.” “I know you have, sweetie, and it’s been hard to have to watch you grow from afar,” her mother said, “But unfortunately, our reunion must be brief. Even now, that vile Ghirahim is trying to break into the spring to get to you.” “He is?!” Zelda gasped, looking back at the door. She could not see any attempts at an incursion on this plane. “I am afraid so. Do not be afraid, however, my child,” her mother continued, “There will be enough time to finish the purification ritual. Link shall soon arrive to face Ghirahim and buy you more time.” Zelda’s heart sped up with excitement at the mention of him. “Link’s almost here?” she asked, “Will he be coming with me?” Her mother closed her eyes, bowing her head while smiling sadly. “Not this time, Zelda. In order to purify your body and spirit, you must let go of your attachments to this world. Me, your father, your bird, and, yes, even Link,” she explained, “It’s ironic because Goddess Hylia’s power stems from her compassion, her deep caring for this world and its people, which makes the light she and the other gods wield stronger. However, until she has properly awakened her power within you, you must become like the other gods and be willing to withhold from interfering in the affairs of mortals unless absolutely necessary.” The hope in Zelda’s heart was crushed. She… She didn’t like this idea. She didn’t want power. She wanted to be able to be with Link and her father. She wanted to be able to cherish the memory of her mother. All the power in the universe would be worthless if she was all alone. Her mother sensed her dismay. “Sweetie… I know it’s hard, but you need to do this,” her mother said, “If you don’t purify yourself, Goddess Hylia cannot give you access to her divine power. Without it… the world will end.” Zelda closed her eyes and took a breath. She knew that the end of the world would mean something far worse. It would mean the death of everyone she cared about. As much as it pained her to have to let go of her feelings for Link for now, meaning she couldn’t tell him them even if they met again, there was no way she could allow him to die because she selfishly couldn’t let go of him. She remembered the old adage “if you love something, let it go.” “I’m sorry, Link…” Zelda muttered, feeling the tears return. Then, she confronted her attachments, each of them, before allowing them to leave her mind without trying to hold onto them. She didn’t promise to get them back eventually, knowing she’d hold onto the promise and defeat the purpose of this exercise. She needed to be in complete control. Opening her eyes, Zelda saw that the spring had lit up with golden light. Her mother’s spirit was beginning to fade away. “By severing the hold of your attachments over you, you have gained Courage. You now have the resolve needed to do what must be done, even if in the short term it causes discomfort or pain,” her mother recited, “And in doing so, you grow closer to the form of the divine. Your body becomes purer. From here, you shall be transported to the spring in the Eldin region, where a second trial awaits you. Pass it, and your body and spirit will be ready to house the memories of the goddess. You will unlock the divine powers of Hylia herself.” The spirit faded fully. Zelda herself dissolved. Back in the main plane of existence, she opened her eyes. She felt… strange. Her body felt clean, like she had been really dirty before kneeling to pray, which was weird because she hadn’t been dirty, and she’d bathed before getting dressed for the Wing Ceremony. Although, she wasn’t sure it was the same day anymore. The clean feeling went beyond the surface level. Zelda felt clean on the inside as well. She had succeeded in purifying her body at this spring. A golden portal appeared before her. A great heat came from the other side. Despite this, Zelda stepped through, ready to embark on the next portion of her adventure. Not long after, the door to the spring opened. Link stepped through to find the spring empty save for the birds... |
Rain poured from the sky, forming puddles on the ground. Wisps of red energy blew through the air. Rubble sat in some of the puddles, as did a strange piece of white ceramic. Fire burned pieces of wood. Suddenly, a giant claw stomped down in a puddle. It belonged to a large, autonomous war machine designed by ancient members of the Sheikah tribe, known as a Guardian. The machine’s eye and other lights glowed a bright, sickly violet. The Guardian was just one of many sources of the fire and destruction around it. It fired a blue laser beam of ancient energy. Other Guardians were crawling around the burning wreckage of the city that had once been the mighty Castle Town of Hyrule. The war machines fired their lasers indiscriminately, contributing to the tragedy unfolding. The center fields of Hyrule Kingdom were swarming with an army of these Guardians scuttling forth to lay waste to the rest of the kingdom. Flying versions known as Skywatchers passed over the advancing horde. The once mighty, glistening Hyrule Castle, a symbol of the kingdom’s strength and prosperity, lay in ruin. More Guardian lasers fired into the sky around it. Hyrule Castle had fallen under a dark shadow. Four great pillars surrounded it now, composed of the same ancient Sheikah technology as the Guardians and similarly corrupted with glowing red lights. A smoky cloud in the shape of a boar’s head swirled around the base of the castle, violet energy pulsing within it. Hyrule Warriors One of the castle towers, one containing the study of the kingdom’s princess, was struck by several laser blasts. Items shook on their shelves, and some, including an assuming wooden box, fell to the floor. The lid of the box was slightly opened as books fell to the floor beside it, revealing what appeared to be a deactivated, diminutive, egg-shaped Guardian within. Age of Calamity Elsewhere in the kingdom, in a region to the southeast of the castle past a pair of split mountains called the Dueling Peaks, more Guardians had cornered a pair of Hylians in the Ash Swamp. One of them, the chosen knight of Hyrule’s princess and the Hylian Champion, was supporting himself with his legendary Sword that Seals the Darkness. Both the knight and his sword were badly damaged. Before them, however, stood the Princess of Hyrule herself, bravely facing the looming Guardians to save the knight her heart had grown fond for. Her body glowed golden with the sacred sealing power she possessed due to the blood of the goddess that flowed through her veins. On the back of her raised right hand, a glowing mark appeared composed of three sacred triangles stacked to form a larger triangle. Her power glowed in front of her hand before exploding outward to hit the Guardians, even as they targeted her with their lasers. The orb of sacred golden power expanded rapidly. It filled the swamp with light and shot a beam high into the sky that was visible all across Hyrule. This included her study back at the ruined castle. And with this long-awaited awakening to her inner power, golden beams of light shot out of the windows of her study as well. The beams had originated from the box containing the little Guardian, whose eye activated with a pure blue light. Using one of its legs, the little Guardian kicked the lid off the box. It started to rock the box back and forth with its body until it knocked the box on its side and rolled out. The diminutive Guardian righted itself, standing on a trio of legs. It looked around, confused, and beeped, the top of it sliding up and down as it made the noises. It scuttled forward slightly, beeping and looking around some more. Clearly, it seemed to be looking for someone. The Guardian climbed up to one of the windows and pushed aside one of the shutters to look outside. Its eye focused towards where the beam of light was originating from. Telepathically, it saw an image of the princess fighting back the other Guardians. “I must protect… everyone!” her voice echoed, carrying her despair in it. The little Guardian beeped, nodding its body. It was acknowledging this desire of the princess as its primary objective. Lo, but it was far too late now for that. The diminutive Guardian had awakened in the midst of one of Hyrule's greatest tragedies: The Great Calamity. Already, much of the kingdom was devastated. The King of Hyrule and most of the kingdom’s greatest defenders had perished. The Hyrulean Army was decimated. The other Guardians, designed originally to aid in preventing a tragedy such as this, had been turned against the kingdom. Only the princess remained to face the great evil now with her knight so gravely injured. Despite these insurmountable odds, the little Guardian had a surprise hidden within it. It played a tune, which echoed across the ravaged castle grounds. A blue portal with white runes swirling within it appeared. Unfortunately, this caught the attention of the darkness enshrouding the castle. There was a loud crash at the door to the study. The diminutive Guardian turned its head towards the source of the noise. Another crash knocked it from its perch, and it hung on desperately to the windowsill while some debris was sucked into its portal. One of the corrupted Guardians appeared in the door. It tried to ram its way inside, but the door had not been designed for something so wide. The fallen machine changed strategies, activating its targeting system for its primary weapon. It took aim at the smaller, uncorrupted Guardian that had climbed back onto the windowsill. The little Guardian looked down to see the reticle focused on the center of its body. Beeping in alarm, it jumped slightly before turning and scuttling for its portal. The big Guardian began coalescing ancient energy in front of its eye to fire its laser. The diminutive Guardian leapt over the laser and towards the portal, but a small explosion from the laser hitting the windowsill caused it to spin out of control. It disappeared into the portal it had opened. The portal began to close, but before it could, whisps of the malign energy corrupting the big Guardian flew off from its body and into the portal as well. And a single, purple orb of a different kind of corrupting energy snuck in among them… The little Guardian spun through its portal, a portal through time and space itself, to arrive a few weeks prior to the Great Calamity it had awoken in. The time-traveling Guardian’s tale would be continued soon enough, but for now, the strange purple orb that snuck into the portal behind it will take the focus. This orb flew away from the portal and the diminutive Guardian, but it traveled at first with the other malicious energy that it had snuck in with. The orb split away, however, when it approached the barracks for knights of Hyrule’s army stationed to defend the heart of Hyrule itself: Hyrule Castle. Its target was a knight who looked all too similar to the one accompanying the princess in the future, though now he wore only standard knight’s armor and carried a standard-issue sword. The purple orb flew into his back. Staggering forward with a grunt, he looked back to see what had hit him, but there was nothing there. He raised a confused eyebrow before turning back to what he was doing. Groooowl… Suddenly, he found himself to be rather hungry... |
Heart of the Yiga Clan The days were running short before the birthday of Hyrule’s Princess Zelda and with it, the prophesized return of the primal evil Calamity Ganon. With her sacred sealing power remaining frustratingly locked to her, the burgeoning scholar was understandably stressed. Everything and everyone else were in place to combat the Calamity’s return. Four Champions had been chosen to pilot the Divine Beasts: the ancient Sheikah tribe superweapons designed to weaken Ganon’s power. A knight had been found who could wield the Sword that Seals the Darkness. Only Zelda’s power was missing now. This made her feel that she was the only one who could not live up to her own potential. Her closest friends and mentors were doing their best to offer support and keep her from feeling like a failure. Unfortunately, her father was not providing any support and instead insisted Zelda train harder like she hadn’t been trying that for the past 10 years. It might seem a little strange that the princess had traveled to the mountains of the Hebra region then, where there were no sacred springs for her to attempt to purify her body in and no ancient Sheikah technology to uncover. Most of the Guardians, the ancient automatons that protected the princess and the knight during the battle with Calamity Ganon, had been found much closer to Hyrule Castle itself. They too were for the most part ready for the coming battle. Zelda loved to research the ancient technology in all its forms, and she took refuge in her research when she was feeling especially stressed or depressed by her lack of progress with her sacred duty. However, when the Royal Ancient Tech lab had constructed a small, personal divine beast for her to ride, based off a design for the hero of old, known as the Master Cycle, it was discovered that the princess had a need for speed. This may have been another way to find some freedom from the stresses of her responsibilities, but the wind whipping through her hair as she sped across the kingdom brought a huge, happy smile to Zelda’s face. And so, for this reason, her knight, a young man named Link, had brought her to the slopes of Hebra Mountain to try out a similarly exhilarating activity: shield surfing. Zelda had never been before, though she had seen Link use it in battle against the hordes of Calamity Ganon. He had lent her his nigh indestructible Hylian Shield for their little one-on-one adventure together, while he used the standard issued shield given to the Knights of Hyrule. The princess had been reluctant to go at first, so ingrained that she should either be trying to unlock her sealing power or researching ancient technology, that she like she was slacking off by having a little leisure time. Her best friend, the Sheikah Matriarch Impa, had rebutted that line of thinking, telling Zelda that she worked harder than anyone and needed a break for her mental health. Link had agreed with a silent, supportive smile. The two had promised to face Zelda’s father for her if asked what she had been up to that day. Then, it had just been Zelda and Link for the trip up to the mountain. The knight had let the princess vent her feelings of frustration and stress before offering his quiet, gentle understanding and encouragement. He’d come to be someone she could truly rely on and go to for comfort when she felt lost and alone. After they reached the mountain, Link had taken Zelda through the basics of shield surfing. She had done a few practice runs, and now she was having the time of her life. “Woooooo!” the princess cheered. As she raced down the mountain, her sunshine golden hair and winter coat tails whipped in the wind behind her. Snowflakes whizzed past her on her way down the slope. Zelda’s lovely green eyes were filled with pure joy, and her smile was wide and carried warmth like that of the sun in springtime. She held out her arms to balance herself. Sliding across the finish line for the course, she skidded to a stop before hopping off her shield. The princess picked it up and dusted the snow off the front of it while Link came across the finish line himself. The past few times down Zelda had beat him. He didn’t mind, since it surely felt good to her to have something she could feel she was getting better at the more she practiced it. “This is so much fun, Link,” she said excitedly, “Let’s go again!” Link smiled. Her enthusiasm only endeared him to her more. He nodded, happily consenting to another surf down the slope. Zelda rarely got to be this happy, and he was willing to keep going until she was ready to leave. She summoned the Master Cycle to drive them back up to the top of the slope. Link climbed onto the bike behind the princess, holding onto her middle so he didn’t go flying off when she accelerated. Being this close to Zelda, he found himself blushing a bit. He could feel her warmth this close and smell whatever she washed her hair with. He wasn’t sure what the smell was exactly other than that it was nice, and it might have just been that Zelda smelled nice in general. Touching her in the manner that he was currently felt almost improper. He’d grabbed her hand before to pull her to safety, but touching her middle like this, even with her winter clothes over it, felt much more intimate. It didn’t seem to bother the princess at all though. She almost seemed to be more relaxed when she felt him holding on. Their current seating arrangement also placed his groin so that it was almost touching her buttocks, and he really blushed at that thought. Then, Zelda revved the bike, and Link’s thoughts were left behind as he held onto her while they raced up the mountain again. When they reached the top of the slope, Zelda noticed that Link’s shield was looking a bit beat up. “This should probably be our last go, Link,” she stated, sounding a little crestfallen, “Your shield might break if we do anymore.” Link looked at his shield and agreed with her assessment. This would be the last run after all. Well, they’d better make it count then. Zelda hopped onto the Hylian Shield and started her descent. Despite being the last one for the day, she felt no less exhilaration than she did before. She decided to take some riskier turns just for the fun of it before arriving at the end of the course again. As she skidded to a stop, she turned to look for Link. Only, he wasn’t right behind her like normal. Little did Zelda realize, Link’s shield had been weaker in integrity than either of them had suspected. It had broken on the way down, causing him to tumble for a bit. He’d feel a bit bruised, but he was otherwise fine. Unfortunately, he was a way up the slope and would need to walk the rest of the way down. That left the unsuspecting princess exposed for the moment. And she was not alone. An Ice Wizzrobe skipped up behind her, its magical footsteps in the air masked by the winds blowing on the mountain. It pointed forward with its wand, casting a ball of ice towards Zelda’s feet. They were frozen in place as a result. “Huh?!” she gasped in surprise. The Wizzrobe skipped up to right behind her. It grabbed her upper arms with its spindly hands before beginning to lift her from the ground. As her head tilted back, her eyes filled with fear at the sight of its grinning maw widening to accept her. Before she could even cry for help, Zelda was tossed in the monster’s maw. She disappeared into it without any sort of resistance or sound, almost like she was falling into a portal rather than being swallowed by some beast. Her boots, still frosted with ice, were the last thing to disappear between the Wizzrobe’s pointed teeth before it snapped them shut in satisfaction. It floated in place for a moment, almost like it was finishing the swallowing process. The princess made no bulge in the beast’s belly, and as soon as it was done “gulping” her, it turned and skipped off merrily with its hidden meal like nothing had happened. There was almost no trace of the crime save for the block of ice left behind with Zelda’s boot prints in it and her discarded shield. Link came down the slope moments after. He immediately noticed the princess’s absence, the block of ice, and the abandoned Hylian Shield. He then saw the Wizzrobe skipping away in the distance. Going into maximum overdrive of his “Protect Zelda at All Costs” mode, he drew the Master Sword from his back, picked up the discarded Hylian Shield, and charged after the fleeing monster… Inside the Wizzrobe, Zelda laid curled-up on either a circle of white light or frost, surrounded on all other sides by endless darkness. She suspected the circle was of frost because of the light snow falling upon her and how absolutely freezing it was. Even in her winter clothes, she was shivering dreadfully. No one had ever catalogued the inside of a Wizzrobe’s digestive tract before since their bodies faded immediately upon death. Their feeding habits weren’t all that well documented to begin with, unlike most other monsters, which could be observed in the wild. Zelda would have known what to expect if she had been eaten by a Lizalfos, Hinox, or even a Lynel. Mostly a crushing, burning, and just overall hellish ten minutes or so in their stomach before she ran out of air. After that it was fairly standard digestion, the bulge she made on their belly steadily shrinking away as her body was reduced to a form more easily passed through their intestines, turned into energy and flab, before being passed out the other end as excrement. In a Lynel, that meant being a bulge first in the humanoid torso before finishing in the equine torso. She didn’t know for a Wizzrobe though. No scat had ever been found and catalogued as belonging to them. This certainly wasn’t a standard stomach either, given the lack of crushing walls and presence of freezing air. Would the monster simply absorb her into its magic? It would be sorely disappointed then, since hers was still locked away, meaning she wouldn’t have much to provide. That, or it would be able to tap the blood of the goddess running through her veins, and she would be the most nourishing meal possible for the magic-based being. Could she even be a meal right? She certainly wouldn’t be around to provide research notes on this after. It seemed her destiny was to go extinct like her favorite flower after all. ‘Enough of those thoughts,’ she chided herself. Zelda needed to focus on staying alive. Link had surely noticed what had happened and would soon rescue her. That meant she needed to still be there for him to do so. She still had the Sheikah Slate, but her body refused to move, simply remaining curled and shivering. The best she could do for now was think warm thoughts. The caldera of Death Mountain. Death Mountain’s hot springs. Gerudo Desert during the day. A warm, sunny day on Hyrule Field. A motherly smile from Urbosa. Leaning against Urbosa after a long day of field research. Being hugged between Urbosa and Link by Daruk. A much-needed hold from Link when she was feeling down. Link’s smile. Link. Link. Link… “Link…” Zelda whispered between chattering teeth. He was the warmest thought she had. He made feel warm, happy, and safe. For a moment, this almost seemed to spark something inside of her. Her body flickered. Then, the doubts, the uncertainties returned. What would her father think if he found this was what had happened to her, digested by a Wizzrobe after slacking off from her duty? Urbosa, Impa, the friendly little Guardian… they’d all be devastated. And Link… she couldn’t even bare to think of how he’d react. “Link…” the princess whispered again, “I’m… sorry…” Like her creeping doubts, the cold overtook her. Zelda closed her eyes, her mind going dark as she prepared to (hopefully) join her late mother in the Spirit Realm… GAME OV— “Not!” Zelda’s eyes slowly began to open. She felt… warm? Almost hot even. After the frigid belly of the Wizzrobe, she thought she’d never know warmth again. Where was she? She definitely wasn’t dead, unless the Spirit Realm looked like the canyons of Gerudo Desert, which she seriously doubted. She tried to move her arms, but she found they were tied straight out at her sides. Her legs were bound together at the ankles. Then, she noticed person sitting with crossed legs in front of her. Zelda wasn’t dead, and she also was surprised that she wasn’t already. The top banana of the Yiga Clan, a group of former Sheikah and other malcontents who worshipped Calamity Ganon, sat in front of her, watching her. “Well,” Master Kohga said, “Look who’s finally up from her nap.” “Y-You?” Zelda asked, “What’s going on? W-Why am I here?” “Honestly, that’s a good question, Princess. I’m not really sure myself,” Kohga explained, laying on his side lazily, “Three Eyes had the monster bring you back here and spit you up. Then, he had Sooga tie you up back here in my favorite napping spot and tasked me with watching you, since even a ‘lazy imbecile’ like myself can watch over a half-dead princessicle.” “I feel fine now though,” Zelda noted. “Well, yeah,” Kohga replied, “I nursed you back to health.” “W-Why?” the princess inquired, “You wanted to kill me before.” “You looked miserable princess, and I wasn’t sure you’d survive just thawing out. If you’re going to be my prisoner, then it’d be dishonorable for me to let you die like that,” the Yiga Master elaborated, “And even if we do end up killing you later, I’d rather you have a somewhat dignified end at least. We might be assassins, but we do have a code of sorts. And also, killing you is like more Calamity Ganon’s directive than some burning desire of mine.” “Then, what do you really want?” Zelda asked. “Mostly to be able to eat mighty bananas and nap all day,” Kohga said, “And for the Yiga Clan to feel like they’ve fulfilled their purpose. We’re supposed to kill you in order to stop you from sealing Lord Ganon away, but you don’t even have that power and now you’re our prisoner, so I don’t know if I see a point in doing that anymore. It’d be messier than this arrangement. Three Eyes is pretty adamant about it though. He really works Sooga hard to try and get you killed. I would have just sent two or three guys after you every now and then. Can’t risk too many of them getting lodged on that Link guy’s sword or zapped by Urbosa’s lightning.” “It sounds like you care a lot about your friends,” the princess replied. “Well, uh, I mean…” the Yiga Master stated, standing and rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly, “I’ve got to have underlings, right? What good is being the stupendous chief of the Yiga Clan if there’s no Yiga Clan to be chief of?” “Then let me go. Come with me to see my father,” Zelda suggested, “We can get you and your clan full amnesty. What you need is for us to listen to your needs and wants. Calamity Ganon will only give you destruction. You won’t have your friends, bananas, or naps anymore if Hyrule is destroyed!” Kohga seemed to be caught off guard by this revelation. He paced around for a moment, holding his chin. Zelda really hoped he’d make the right choice. She was getting a bit hot since she was still in her winter clothes, so it would be nice to get cut down so she could find a change of clothes. Finally, Kohga stopped pacing. “Sorry, Princess. No can do. We Yiga have been sworn to serve Calamity Ganon and aid in his conquest of Hyrule ever since your family wronged us by taking away those not at all scary or dangerous superweapons our ancestors developed,” he stated, “Besides, Three Eyes would kill us with the monsters he keeps for betraying him. Hey, you seem kind of cool now that we’ve been talking, and I had to watch you sleep for a while. Want to join the Yiga Clan?” “What? No. I couldn’t do that,” Zelda replied, “Calamity Ganon is my fated enemy.” “Right, right,” Kohga said, “That would be awkward. Oh well, it was worth a shot.” He turned and sat back down, almost looking a bit disappointed. “Master Kohga,” the princess inquired, “Who is ‘Three Eyes’?” “Him? Oh, he’s this seer who showed up one day with a strange Guardian,” Kohga explained, looking back at her, “His name is Astor. He’s kind of a jerk, but he claims to be Calamity Ganon’s right hand, so we have to do what he wants.” Seer? Three eyes? That sounded like the one who had attacked Zelda and Link in the Korok Forest when Link had pulled the Master Sword. He hadn’t had a strange Guardian with him at the time though… Grooouu… Zelda blushed as her stomach rumbled loudly with hunger. “Hungry, Princess?” Kohga asked. “Um, yes,” the princess replied, “Might you have anything to eat?” She wasn’t sure how long it had been since the last time she had eaten. The Yiga Master stood up and walked over to her. He produced a mighty banana. He started peeling it, and Zelda opened her mouth. She loved fruit after all, so she wasn’t going to complain about this snack. Kohga noticed her lack of hesitation. “Hey, you like mighty bananas too?” he asked, “We really could’ve been friends.” “Kohga!” a new voice growled, “Just what do you think you’re doing?” The Prophet of Doom, Astor, had appeared before Kohga could feed Zelda the banana. “She was hungry,” the Yiga Master explained, “I figured a little snack wouldn’t hurt.” “We don’t show compassion to the enemy, you moron,” Astor spat, “Besides, we brought something more than a light snack for her.” The Right Hand of the Inverted Eye, Sooga, was accompanying the dark prophet. Over the blademaster’s right shoulder, he carried an unconscious Link, who looked rather battered and bruised. Zelda simultaneously felt the joy that he had tried to rescue her with the terror that he had been beaten and captured himself. What were they going to do with him? What had Astor meant by “more than a light snack for her”? “Link!” she cried. “Quiet, Your Majesty,” Astor snapped, “It’s not good to get attached to one’s food.” “W-What?” Zelda gasped. “You heard me,” the prophet replied, “You’re going to eat up this irksome knight. You said you were hungry after all. He should make for a good meal.” “N-No! I won’t!” the princess protested, “I can’t! It’s not physically possible.” “Don’t play games with me, Your Highness,” Astor said, “You know perfectly well it’ll be possible for you to do so. Sooga, put him in.” “As you wish,” Sooga capitulated. He approached Zelda with Link, but she shut her mouth tight and turned her head away. “Oh, don’t be difficult now, Princess,” Astor sighed, “Kohga, you’ll have to hold her mouth open until Sooga can get enough of him in.” Master Kohga didn’t move, however. When he learned that it was his responsibility to assassinate the daughters of the Royal Family of Hyrule, he had been much younger and more eager to please the leaders of the Yiga Clan, his ancestors. Over time, he’d risen to that role and started to care less and less for the task, focusing instead on making his clan happy and a welcoming place to the discontents and strays of Hyrule, who had nowhere else to go. Astor had been one of these discontents, at least so he thought, but with a more direct connection to Lord Ganon himself. Astor had become leader fairly quickly, however, and began demanding more aggressive moves against Princess Zelda. Kohga had gone along with it then, even if he had his misgivings about putting so many clan members in danger. When Astor had proposed this monster plan, Kohga had been more willing to go along with it. He had liked the Wizzrobe plan better since it kept the Yiga safe. Granted, Zelda being absorbed by the monster or turned into robe fluttering farts and an icy pile of monster poop was rather humiliating and undignified, but it was the natural result of a monster eating a Hylian, so Kohga could still stomach it. When it was revealed they were capturing her instead, he had liked that idea the best and had been happy to keep watch over the princess. Talking with her a minute ago, she didn’t even seem to be that bad. He would have happily kept her prisoner until Calamity Ganon had finished his work. This though… Forcing her to devour one of her friends, so that she slowly and painfully killed him herself while she was forced to experience every sensation that came with the deed was disgustingly evil, and he would have no part in it. “Sooga, stop,” Kohga ordered. “Master?” Sooga asked, sounding confused. His loyalty to the Yiga Master was absolute, however, so he did as commanded. “What are you doing?” Astor growled at Kohga. “We’ve had plenty of chances to kill her,” Kohga replied, “Why haven’t we? Why are we doing this? It just feels wrong.” “We’re doing this because to hasten the revival of Calamity Ganon,” Astor explained, “We must commit acts of unspeakable evil. Forcing her to kill the person she cares about most in a slow, dehumanizing, and painful manner, so she is fully broken before we kill her should be more than enough.” Kohga felt his stomach turn. Astor was completely insane. And if he was willing to go to such lengths to speed up Calamity Ganon’s return, to treat his enemies so callously and cruelly, there were telling signs he could do the same to those he considered “allies”. He already berated the Yiga as it was. The Heart of the Yiga Clan had made up his mind. “Then, I want no part in this anymore,” he stated, “Sooga, put him down. We’re—” Grunting, he was cut off by a blast of Malice from Astor’s corrupted ancient core that sent him flying. Sooga’s feelings on this affair were not known. However, his undying loyalty to Master Kohga was. And whether he believed in Kohga’s allegiance change or not, Astor attacking the Yiga Master meant he was now an enemy. Sooga dropped Link and drew his blades, swinging towards the seer. Astor blocked the attack using a dome of purple energy with corrupted Sheikah constellations in it. “What are you doing?” he growled. “You harmed Master Kohga,” Sooga explained simply, “Now, you deal with me.” “Hm hah ha ha ha! This alliance was never meant to last. Calamity Ganon foretold it,” the prophet cackled madly, “But if you two want to hurry to your deaths, then so be it.” He summoned the four Malice doppelgangers of the Champions known as Hollows. The imitations had all of the Champions’ skills but none of their heart, soul, or personality. They had nearly overwhelmed Link in the Korok Forest before he had drawn the Master Sword and easily destroyed them. Master Kohga and Sooga at least had the advantage of being outnumbered only two-to-one rather four-to-one, but they were still at a disadvantage. “Master, go,” Sooga requested, “Take the princess and the boy and get to safety.” Kohga contemplated this course of action only for a moment. “I can’t split!” he declared, “You’re my best lackey!” That was Kohga-talk for “best friend”. Sooga accepted his decision. “Very well,” he stated, “Then I will defend you to my last breath.” For a tense moment, the two Yiga stared down the four Hollows. Then, they sprang into action. Sooga blocked a swing from the Hollow of the Gerudo Champion Urbosa with one of his swords before dodging under another swing from the Hollow of the Goron Champion Daruk. He knocked Urbosa back by hitting her shield with his free sword before agilely kicking Daruk in the face to stagger him. Meanwhile, Kohga dodged a barrage of arrows from the Hollow of the Rito Champion Revali by disappearing in a cloud of smoke. Reappearing over the Hollow of the Zora Champion Mipha, he slammed down butt first upon her. His admittedly pudgy backside was heavy enough to knock her to the ground, flattening her a bit while he sat on her back. Urbosa charged towards him, but he rocked his body for a moment before rolling into a surprisingly agile flip for a ninja that had a plump belly rather than one lined with abs like Sooga had. Kohga raised an energy screen in front of himself with his right hand to block Urbosa’s sword while holding his left hand behind him. He swung it forward, and a spiked, metal ball with the Inverted Eye of the Yiga on it slammed into the Hollow’s face. She was sent tumbling through the air before landing on her feet and sliding backward in the sand. “Oh, you have no idea how cathartic that just was,” Kohga taunted. Urbosa looked rather angered by his slight of hand. With a snap of her fingers, Kohga was struck by a bolt of lightning. His body convulsed for a moment before smoke rose from it. “You gotta be kidding me…” he groaned before falling forward. Zelda gasped audibly at this. While she somewhat wished Kohga had heeded Sooga’s words and freed her, she also knew that the blademaster surely would have perished, and that would have devastated Kohga. Really, she wished she could do something to help them. Astor was a problem that was best dealt with before Calamity Ganon’s return. Unfortunately, the princess’s arms were still bound, and even if they weren’t, they’d confiscated her Sheikah Slate. Zelda looked down at Link. His weapons were gone too, and he didn’t look in any condition to fight anyways. The princess had to pray that the Yiga could overcome this trial or at least hold out until someone else came to rescue her and Link. “Master!” Sooga cried. He countered an overhead death blow directed at Kohga by Daruk. He followed up with a trio of explosive daggers that knocked Revali from the sky. Then, he spun towards Mipha with his swords, knocking her away. Sooga quickly helped Kohga up. “Are you alright, Master?” he asked. “I’m fine, Sooga,” Kohga replied, “Not the first time that’s happened.” He noticed Revali laying on the ground. “Give me a boost,” he requested. Sooga nodded before taking a ready position. Kohga ran forward, did a jump followed by a flip, landing in Sooga’s cupped hands, before the blademaster launched him into the air. Kohga did another spin before spreading his arms and legs. He fell belly-first towards Revali. The Hollow just had time to open its eye in surprise before it was body slammed into a cloud of purple dust. In the meantime, Sooga got one of his blades lodged in the prongs of Mipha’s trident. However, rather than her using this to disarm him, he turned it around, quickly twisting the blade with his superior strength to remove the trident from her grip. He then impaled her through the chest with his free sword. As he pulled it out, the Hollow’s eyes went dark, and she collapsed into a cloud of purple dust. The remaining two Hollows took a defensive position in front of Astor. Sooga swung his swords in his hands before taking a ready position. Kohga joined him. The playing field had been leveled now, though the Yiga were at the disadvantage of reduced stamina from defeating the two other Hollows. “Stop hiding by phantoms, coward,” Sooga demanded. “Yeah,” Kohga chimed in, “Show us the real ‘might’ of Lord Ganon’s ‘right hand’.” Before Astor could respond, the clawed foot of a Guardian slammed down in the sand. A pulsating red eye blinked into life with a warbling, electronic, unholy squeal. From the shadows of the door back into the Yiga Clan Hideout, a diminutive, egg-shaped Guardian emerged. Zelda gasped at the sight of it. The Guardian looked just like her little one, only with the red eye and a black shell like that of a rotten egg rather than the friendly time-traveling Guardian’s white casing. “I have a better idea,” Astor stated smugly, “Why don’t you experience the might of Calamity Ganon himself. Harbinger Ganon, these two fools have betrayed us. Kill them.” Zelda heard Kohga audibly gulp in fear. The corrupted Guardian made more electronic warbling in response to the prophet’s request. Unlike the endearing beeps and slide whistles her little Guardian made, Harbinger Ganon’s noises were unsettling. It split open its shell, revealing a central spine that connected the top and bottom of it. A pair of arms began to expand away from the spine with a squeak. Just as ancient weapons formed at the ends of these arms, the little Guardian transformed into an abomination of Malice. It had a slender spine supported by a flat, round base with four legs sticking out of it. Four arms stuck out of another Guardian base on its upper body, armed with ancient weaponry. Its head was a flattened, disk like version of its previous form, retaining the singular red eye. Making more unsettling noises, it charged up a beam in its eye before shooting it towards the two Yiga. Sooga barely pushed Kohga out of the way in time. Harbinger Ganon descended upon them, swinging with its deadly ancient energy blades. This unfortunately left Astor and his two remaining Hollows to do other things. “Now, Your Highness,” he said cruelly, “Where were we?” “No, you can’t! I won’t!” Zelda protested, “Kill me if you must, but please let Link go.” “You had that chance in the Korok Forest,” Astor replied, “This boy decided he was going to save you instead. With that sword in his possession, he’s a threat to Calamity Ganon’s vision second only to you. He must be dealt with. Put him in.” Urbosa held Zelda’s mouth open. She tried to struggle, but the phantom of the Gerudo Champion’s grip was like a vice. Daruk picked up Link. The knight’s eyes opened for a moment, and he mumbled something when he saw the princess before he fell limp again. Zelda felt tears forming in her eyes. She didn’t want to cry in front of this villain, but she had no other reaction left to the horror he was about to make her commit. Her stomach would be hellishly hot, humid, and cramped. It would also most likely smell horrendously. It would churn against poor Link, burning him with powerful acids while slowly crushing him until he was reduced to a meaty slurry that would better pass through her intestines and eventually out her butt… as her poop. Her face grew hot with indignation and shame at the thought of being forced turn the man she cared about into nothing more than her next bowel movement. “Look at you, pathetic. Crying like a scared little girl who’s lost her mother,” Astor taunted, “To think you were the one that was supposedly the greatest threat to Calamity Ganon’s plans. You couldn’t even unlock your powers to do so. Now, you’re going to kill the knight who was supposed to help you in a monstrous way, debasing him and yourself. All of this culminating in your death, marking the final chapter in the ‘Legend’ of Princess Zelda.” Daruk began to push Link’s head towards Zelda’s mouth. Part of her prayed that his head would simply bump against her lips, much too big to fit inside. Ahhhmph… She knew this was too good to be true, though, and soon enough her cheeks were bloated with the boy’s head filling her maw. Her blush of shame increased when she accidentally savored his flavor and found it to be quite nice, which made sense since she thought he smelled nice too. There was a sweetness that was likely a result of his personality and demeanor towards her. Gulp! Fortunately, the flavor was soon replaced by the less appealing taste of his tunic when Daruk pushed on him until Zelda instinctively swallowed. Squeezing her eyes shut, she refused to watch this happen even if every other sense of hers would be forced to experience it. With Link’s head now a bulge on her neck, stretching out the fluffy collar of her coat, Urbosa let go of the princess’s mouth and aided Daruk in forcing her to tilt her head back so gravity would aid in swallowing. Glork! Another swallow caused the bulge of Link’s head to move behind Zelda’s breasts. Gulmp! The next turned the bulge into a bump on her belly. So, this was what it had come to? Forced to swallow one of her best friends whole while the Yiga Clan of all people tried to protect her from Calamity Ganon’s minions? Could this really be her destiny, the fate the gods had designed for her? Had they grown tired of Hyrule’s existence? Had the mortals committed some deadly sin so heinous as to earn this final, humiliating destruction? Gluck! Slurp! Gulp! With each swallow, Zelda’s belly expanded further until it popped open the front of her winter coat. At least that brought her some relief from the heat. Soon, Link’s boots sat in her mouth, the last part of him outside of the princess. Daruk pounded on the bottom of the knight’s boots with his stony fist. Gulck! This caused Zelda to take the final swallow, turning the boots into a bulge that slid down her neck, behind her breasts, and into her belly. Her gut was grossly overstuffed now and hung down to her knees. It was mostly round with a few bulges on the surface from parts of Link, who was curled-up completely inside of her stomach. Buuuhrrrrp… The princess let out a lengthy burp of shame as her knight finished settling inside her, not bothering to try and save her modesty, before hanging her head in defeat. “Disgusting,” Astor complained, fanning the smelly gas away, “Though I suppose you could hardly be considered a princess at this point anyway. I wonder if Harbinger Ganon has finished playing with your new ‘friends’ yet?” He and the Hollows turned to watch the battle. Zelda opened her eyes to look at her swollen middle. Once digestion got far enough along, she was going to be really gassy, so maybe that could be some small form of revenge for her and Link against the prophet. The knight wasn’t moving all that much inside her stomach. He was still recovering from the beating he’d taken while trying to rescue her. The princess hoped that his spirit would be able to forgive her for what was about to happen to him. She also hoped it could just escape through the walls of her belly, and she didn’t have to further humiliate him by passing it with gas. Guuuuuurgle… An ominous groaning came from her gut. Zelda could see her belly moving slightly with the churning of her stomach starting within. She hoped it would be— ‘Enough of those thoughts,’ she chided herself again. They hadn’t helped before, and they wouldn’t help now. There had to be another way out of this. For a decade, her powers had eluded her, but they could only do so for so long. It was now or never for them. This was her most desperate hour. With her powers, Zelda could save the man she loved. She could protect Link. She could protect Master Kohga and Sooga. She could protect her friends and family. She could protect Hyrule itself. Somewhere in the Yiga Hideout, the Master Sword laid on the floor abandoned. Only those chosen by the sword could wield it, so naturally none of the Calamity Ganon worshipping Yiga or monsters made of his very Malice could do so. However, all on its own, it began to levitate into the air. The sword’s blade began to glow blue… Meanwhile, Master Kohga and Sooga were struggling in their battle against Harbinger Ganon. The abominable machine fought ferociously; unlike any foe they had faced thus far. Every attack they threw at it was either blocked or seemed to bounce of it harmlessly. The two Yiga were really beginning to tire now. “Gah! I liked you better when you were an egg!” Kohga growled. He slid backwards on his feet in the sand as his latest attack was repelled. Sooga followed his master’s attack with one of his own. He tried to swing each of his blades at a different angle, but this was easier said than done. On the other hand, Harbinger Ganon easily blocked the strikes with its four different appendages. It sliced at Sooga’s left sword, striking the blade in the center. This caused visible damage that made the blademaster question the integrity of the weapon. His distraction allowed Harbinger Ganon to rear up its four arms before lunging towards Sooga. “Sooga!” Kohga warned. However, this had all been a ploy by the blademaster. Sooga had pretended to show concern for his damaged weapon to trick the machine into making an aggressive move towards him. Kohga’s legitimate concern helped to sell it as well. With his undamaged sword, Sooga suddenly lunged forward and impaled Harbinger Ganon in its “chest”. Sparks of ancient energy and a cloud of Malice puffed from the impact point. The machine warbled, almost in surprise. When Sooga pulled his sword out, Harbinger Ganon collapsed onto its base, the lights of its armor and eye going dark along with the Malice composing its body. “This is over,” Sooga declared. “Nice work, Sooga,” Kohga said, “Now, Three Eyes, where were we?” He began approaching Astor with Sooga at his right. Before either party could engage further, however, there was the sound of an explosion accompanied by an unholy squeal behind them. The two Yiga turned on a dime to see that Harbinger Ganon had transformed. Its body had swollen into a massive, muscular-looking torso with two giant arms of Malice with three little Guardian arms on each side of its torso. Three additional appendages were attached around its head. One of the giant arms sported a massive club with several spinning ancient blades on it while the other formed a pincer of sort with ancient blades at the tips of it and Malice Eyes around the claw. The machine’s head and base remained the same. Harbinger Ganon had become Mutated Ganon. The beast slammed its two giant arms down upon the Yiga. Kohga was trapped in the pincer, using two energy screens to shield himself as best he could. Sooga used his swords to keep the spinning blades of death away from his body. It took all his strength to push back against the giant arm. Unfortunately, his earlier ruse to defeat Harbinger Ganon came back to bite him as his left sword broke under the pressure. Sooga extended both his arms and used his remaining blade to try to fend off the spinning blades. The momentary buckling of his left blade, however, allowed the blades to get closer. They cut through his suit and began slicing into his skin while also chipping away at his mask. “RAHHHHHHHHHH-AH!” Sooga screamed with pain and effort. “Gah! I think…” Kohga cried as the pincer squeezed against him, “I think this it!” “Hm hah hah ha,” Astor chuckled with a sadistic smile, “Now you fools pay the price for betraying Calamity Ganon. I’d always planned to cut your threads once the great one returned, but you two decided to accelerate my disposal of you.” Although all hope seemed lost for the two Yiga in the clutches of Mutated Ganon, their best hope was now awakening behind the prophet. Zelda had come to an import realization. All this time, she had been told that she needed to pray the gods to awaken her power. She’d done so for the past 10 years with only frustration as her reward. That was because the gods were not the ones to gift her with her sacred power. While the power had been passed down through her family from a goddess originally, it was her power. Only she could awaken her inner power. One part of doing so was understanding this, and the other part was finding a purpose pure enough to provide the key. The purification rituals at the springs were just to purify her body and balance her spirit to allow the sacred power to flow more freely within. However, her spirit had struggled to find balance due to the nagging sense of worthlessness caused by her power’s inability to manifest and her father’s frustrations with this fact. In this moment though, now that she understood the truth, those were gone, providing her spirit balance. And Zelda had found a purpose most pure. She had always possessed a boundless compassion and willingness to put others before herself, pure virtues that made her worthy of her power, but this simple but utterly important purpose, to protect others from harm, particularly the one she had grown to love that currently was in mortal danger as well as the two Yiga who had stood up to their misguided beliefs, was what provided the spark she needed. Only the everlasting light of Zelda’s love could truly repel the darkness of Ganon’s endless hate. “I must protect,” the princess stated, “Everyone.” Suddenly, the Master Sword flew into her right hand. Zelda slowly raised her head with a look of determination mixed with righteous fury as the spark within caused her body to begin to glow golden with power. Breaking free of the chains binding her easily, she held out her left hand. The two Hollows on either side of Astor began to turn around before they were obliterated into purple smoke by the wave of golden light that emanated from the shining point in Zelda’s outstretched hand. Astor was staggered forward by the blast of holy energy. The wave continued outward, expanding more rapidly by the moment. Mutated Ganon was knocked back from Kohga and Sooga. It fell onto its base, head slumped forward, as its body went dark. The dome of holy energy soon expanded to be visible above the cliffs surrounding them. A beam of golden light also shot up directly from Zelda, visible almost everywhere in Hyrule. This included in the fields where a frantic search for the princess and her knight was currently underway. The little Guardian was accompanying the search party, and when Zelda’s power activated, it immediately turned its head towards the beam of light, feeling the power resonating within its own body. Whistling excitedly, it pointed in the direction of the beam of Light. It got the attention of Impa, who was among the party. “The… The princess?!” she asked, barely containing her excitement, “Are you sure?” The diminutive Guardian did an excited little spin in the air and beeped a response. “Then we have no time to lose,” Impa stated, “Everyone, follow me. We found her!” Back at Master Kohga’s favorite napping spot, Astor turned around to see the light shining from Zelda’s left hand. His corrupted ancient core had stopped floating and fallen into his left hand. “That light…” he gasped, “No. NO!” Zelda swung the Master Sword at her side, slowly tracing it up until it was straight out at her side. A trail of light followed the blade. Then, she swung it forward, launching a sword beam towards Astor. It struck him square in the chest, sending him tumbling across the sand towards where Mutated Ganon sat. Kohga got up and went over to Sooga, helping the wounded warrior to his feet. Raising the Master Sword over her head, Zelda held it in both hands as she charged the blade with her power. She turned it before swinging it down straight in front of her, a task made slightly difficult by the bulging belly she currently possessed. A massive sword beam launched from the blade. It flew straight towards Mutated Ganon, and then sliced through the beast vertically down the middle. Mutated Ganon began to fall backwards before exploding with a cloud of Malice, reverting to its egg form. The sword beam crashed into the cliff face behind it and created an explosion of dust and stone. “Glad she doesn’t consider us enemies anymore,” Kohga muttered to Sooga. “Hmm,” Sooga replied simply. Astor and Harbinger Ganon laid before the two Yiga. The Guardian was completely devoid of life at the moment. The prophet groaned, pushing himself onto his forearms. “This… humiliation cannot be my destiny,” he bemoaned, “It cannot be!” “Oh, just wait, Three Eyes. It gets better,” Kohga said, “Yiga Clan assemble!” Dozens of Yiga assassins and blademasters appeared from puffs of smoke surrounding Astor. Noticing the disheveled state of their leaders, the clan members took aggressive stances towards the false prophet. “I want you all to see where our loyalty to Calamity Ganon has led us,” Kohga declared, “And to witness Three Eyes getting what he deserves after how he treated us.” He held up his left hand, pointing two fingers towards the sky. A spiked, metal ball with the Inverted Eye of the Yiga appeared. It began to steadily pulse with red energy, then grow. “My monsters…” Astor growled, “Will tear you to shreds.” “Your monsters aren’t going to do anything right now, and you know it,” Kohga replied confidently, “The princess’s power left you and Harbinger Ganon completely helpless.” His ball was now large enough to cast a shadow on the fallen prophet. “Now, feel the Yiga Clan’s vengeance!” he declared. He swung the ball down towards Astor. Just before it impacted, some of the prophet’s power returned. He quickly grabbed Harbinger Ganon in his arms before teleporting away. The ball slammed down, sending up a cloud of dust. “Curses!” Kohga raged, stamping his foot, “He got away!” “A coward like him was bound to have one last escape trick, Master,” Sooga said. “Don’t worry, Master Kohga. We’ll find him in time,” Zelda stated, “You were both very brave defending me and facing that horrible machine. Thank you.” With his mask on, Kohga’s face was hidden, but his blush could be seen in the way he awkwardly rubbed the back of his head at the gratitude from his once hated enemy. “Aw, you know, it was nothing, Princess,” he said, “That’s just the Master Kohga way after all. Looking out for the little guy, or girl in your case, though maybe not that little currently.” “Indeed, the Master Kohga way is most honorable,” Sooga added, “But what are we going to do about the Princess’s current—?” He was interrupted by the sound of a familiar lullaby echoing down from the cliffs above. Zelda looked towards the source of the music, and her face lit up with an excited smile at the sight of the little Guardian standing at the edge of the cliff. “Little one!” she called up happily to it. The Guardian beeped excitedly back. “Ack! Another one!” Kohga cried. “Don’t worry, Master Kohga,” Zelda said, “The little one isn’t like Harbinger Ganon.” “Princess Zelda!” Impa’s voice called. She ran up alongside the diminutive Guardian, Urbosa accompanying her. Gerudo and Hylian soldiers appeared along with the other three Champions. Urbosa saw Zelda’s belly before glaring at Kohga. “Yiga!” she shouted, “What have you done?!” “Oh, great,” Kohga muttered, “Here comes the lightning…” “Wait!” Zelda cried, holding up her arms, “They aren’t our enemies anymore!” “Huh?!” Impa and Urbosa gasped, looking at each other… Somewhere in Hyrule Field, Astor reappeared. He fell to his hands and knees with a pained gasp. Harbinger Ganon tumbled from his arms. He noticed that the Guardian’s body now had a vertical line burned cleanly down its middle. “Look what she did to you…” he muttered, almost caringly. Harbinger Ganon’s eye suddenly reactivate. It slapped Astor’s hand away. It emitted several angry warbles at him. He bowed his head before it. The Guardian turned and started to walk away from him. “Yes, Calamity Ganon,” he said, “Everything will still proceed as I have envisioned…” To Be Continued… |
Princesses’ Odyssey Tostarena Toots Over the horizon came the break of dawn, shining warm sunlight across the many majestic waterfalls of Cascade Kingdom. The light warmed the peaceful, sleeping face of the lovely Princess Zelda. She let out a soft groan as this woke her from her slumber. Laying on her right side on the ground, she used her cloak for a makeshift pillow. Her pretty green eyes slowly opened. Her cheeks puffed up slightly. Buuurrrrrp! A low, lengthy belch blew from between her lips, deflating her cheeks. Zelda kept it as quiet as she could to avoid waking the others. Looking down at her belly, she saw it was much smaller than the night before, when a bunch of Burrbos and a Chain Chomp had been bouncing around inside. Her tummy was still plump, making her look around nine months pregnant, though the bulge was less firm, the bottom of it flattening a bit against the ground. Grabbing it with her left hand, Zelda shook the fleshy orb gently. She didn’t hear any metallic jingling inside, which was a good sign. The metallic frame of the Chain Chomp had been crushed by her stomach, but then the squishy, pasty remains of the Burrbos had covered the metallic shards while her tummy juices ate away the sharpest parts. All of her feast now felt like it was traveling her large intestine, which meant it had a while to go still before it was ready to come out of her. Guuurrrgle… A gassy gurgling came from her gut, and Zelda felt some gas pressure build on her bum. Rather than release it, she stood up, stretched while being sure to clench her butt cheeks, and wandered away from where she had fallen asleep. She found a good set of bushes to do her morning business in, pulling down her tights and squatting. Brrrmmfft… The built up gas in her backside rumbled out deeply, though not too loudly. The princess sighed in relief before beginning to empty her bladder with a steady trickling stream. A few normal sized bowel movements squeezed out of her beautiful bum with soft crackles, the remnants of her breakfast and lunch from the day before. Even her frog snack from Bonneton still needed a bit of time in her tubes before it came out of her butt. Her morning bowel and bladder needs satisfied, Zelda wiped her bottom clean with some biodegradable toilet paper she always carried in her adventure pouch in case she needed to answer the call to nature in, well, nature. As a princess of the wilds more than a castle, she had no problem doing her business outside if she had to. She stood and pulled up her pants. Producing a bottle of soapy water, she used it to clean her hands before heading back to where she had been sleeping. Her friend, Princess Peach, slept on her back, using her pith helmet that was part of her archeology outfit as a makeshift pillow. Her tummy was similar in plumpness to Zelda’s, rising and falling gently with her breathing. Zelda picked up her cloak from the ground, putting it back around her shoulders. She felt her Bonneter companion Cloaky stir inside, but she gently rubbed the edge of her cloak to encourage her friend to keep sleeping. “It’s all right, Cloaky,” she said gently, “You can sleep for a while longer.” Since Peach was still asleep, Zelda figured she could do a little more exploring and research before they left for the next kingdom. She grabbed her research journal and the Sheikah Slate, wandering off to do just that. Peach did look rather peaceful, dozing on the grass nearby. Her stomach still had a bit of pudge from yesterday’s feast, though most of it had been liquified, making her stomach all sloshy. Pffft! Peach was awoken by an abrupt outburst from her backside. The smell wasn’t too bad to her, but for the sleeping Tiara, it was another story. Even though she lacked a nose, the stench wafted up, jolting her awake. However, she was still exhausted from last night, so she tried to get Peach to move away. “Peach…” she said sleepily. “Wake up, I’m too tired to move…” “Hmm? Oh! Sorry, Tiara.” Peach apologized. “It’s been a while since I had someone on my head, I forgot how I can be at times.” She rose to her feet, the warm sun shining down on her. She slowly walked over to the waterfall nearby. Peach was not as used to sleeping outdoors as Zelda was, only really sleeping at her castle bed or more often, one of Bowser’s towers. The rush of water revitalized the two a bit, feeling refreshing on their faces. “Usually, I don’t sleep so close to another person,” Peach explained. “Only occasionally with Mario, and I think he’s used to my… outbursts by now.” “It’s- yawn …fine, princess,” Tiara yawned. “Do you mind if I get some more rest? I’m still a little bit tired.” Peach agreed, and Tiara shut her eyes once again. This gave Peach an opportunity to look around, spotting Zelda in the distance. She seemed hard at work in her journal, examining a rock pillar nearby. Peach waved at her to get her attention, before running over. “Oh, hello Peach,” Zelda greeted her friend. “These pillars… they confound me! Why do they seem to hold blocky versions of Mushroom Kingdom inhabitants? How come they all conform to a square shape? Who even made them?” “Sounds like you’ve been up for longer than I have,” Peach laughed. “To be honest, I’m not completely sure, but if you like these pillars, you’ll love what the next kingdom has in store for you.” “Oh?” Zelda asked. “More pillars?” “Something like that,” Peach replied. “I can guarantee you’ll enjoy it.” “Well, shall we be off, then?” Zelda said. “I wouldn’t want to keep the group waiting on my research.” “Sure, let’s go!” Peach said, before running off. The two princesses walked over to the Odyssey, Peach setting their destination on the globe. It was slightly more challenging than before due to their sleeping companions, but they managed to figure it out. The ship rose into the air once more, off to their next destination. The ship soon arrived at its destination, its landing sending sand particles into the air. When its passengers left the ship, they were left with a nasty surprise. “Cough! This kingdom is a lot sandier than the last two!” Zelda coughed. “It reminds me of the desert back home in Hyrule!” “Yeah, this place—cough—is covered in the stuff,” Peach replied, her eyes wandering. “We should find a place inside so we can change into something more appropriate for the weather!” Their outfits, while Peach’s was meant for a warmer climate, were no match for the desert’s blistering heat. Fortunately for the pair, a nearby town could be spotted, which they quickly rushed for. The town of Tostarena welcomed them, filled with bright colored buildings adorned with flowers, and a delightfully cool fountain in the middle. Peach spotted a local skeleton to ask for directions. “Excuse me sir…” Peach asked. “Where would my friend and I be able to change? These outfits simply won’t do.” How are they alive? Zelda pondered. Some kind of magic? Their star shaped eyes seem to hint towards something peculiar… “Ah, welcome, señoritas!” The local greeted them, shaking his maracas. “There should be some baños over there, through the third door on your right!” “Thank you!” Peach thanked him. “Come on, Zelda.” Peach pulled her friend away, who was inches away from trying to see what happened if one were to poke the skeleton’s eye hole. They entered the building, each entering their own stall to change into clothing suited for the climate. Although Zelda had intentionally packed light, she had packed an outfit for desert climates. The outfit itself was just very light, and she wanted to get Peach’s approval on it before going out in public. Otherwise, she could just do what she did back in the Gerudo Desert of Hyrule and eat some cool food to give her some temporary heat resistance. Stripping out of her current outfit, she stood nude in the stall for a moment. Zelda put her hands under her still plump tummy and hefted it a bit. She thought the bulge looked a little smaller already after the fight, perhaps now around 8 months in size. Glunk! When she left it go, its contents sloshed about heavily within. Phhht… A soft hiss of gas leaked from her bum, causing her blush slightly. She hoped Peach hadn’t heard it. Fortunately, over in the other stall, Peach was focused on other things. Like Zelda, she had also stripped down and was taking a moment to observe her slowly shrinking belly bulge. She ran her hand over the surface, enjoying how smooth it felt. Grrr… A soft growling from her gut accompanied the familiar urge to move her bowels. Peach needed to take her morning dump just as Zelda had. She sat down on the toilet conveniently in the stall and relaxed her lower body. Prrruuurrt! The first thing to escape her plush posterior was a trumpeting toot. Tiara started awake on her head, covering where her nose would be and flying up out of the stall. “Excuse me, everyone,” Peach apologized with a blush. Ploop! Plop! Plunk! Several pieces of “fudge” slid from between her curvy butt cheeks and splashed down into the toilet bowl beneath her, accompanied by a steady stream of pee. Despite the uncouth noises, she sighed with relief. Peach looked at her chest and noticed her breasts seemed a little bit larger and softer than when they’d started the journey. The case was the same with her hips and thighs. Over in the other stall, Zelda was blushing from discovering the same thing about herself, the sounds of Peach casually doing her business, and the fact she’d just snapped a picture of herself for Link to see later. She put on a fresh set of underwear but didn’t bother with a bra. Instead, she put on the top of her new outfit. It was a Gerudo vai outfit, a bit fancier than the one Link had worn to sneak into Gerudo Town since it was for the princess. A piece of flowy, light blue silk covered the front of her breasts, a belt held a light blue silk scarf that went halfway down her thighs and parted over her right leg. Translucent, silk, light blue sleeves covered her arms, and a mask of the same material covered her mouth. Golden jewelry held the pieces on. A golden circlet went around her head with a blue gem sitting over her forehead. All she needed was the veil piece to complete the look, but since she wouldn’t be wearing her cloak, Zelda figured it was time for Cloaky to change as well. “Cloaky,” the princess requested. “Hmm?” Cloaky replied sleepily, “Yes, Princess?” She emerged from Zelda’s cloak with her eyes half open. Her eyes snapped open at the sight of the princess’s new, much less modest outfit. The Bonneter blushed. “Is something wrong?” Zelda asked, blushing herself. “N-N-No,” Cloaky replied sheepishly, “You’re just… really pretty.” She looked down while rubbing her right arm sheepishly. “Oh, thank you,” Zelda said, “Here, put this on, and we can be pretty together.” She offered the veil. Cloaky accepted it hesitantly. “You mean it?” she asked. “Of course,” Zelda assured. Cloaky merged into the veil before settling on Zelda’s head. The princess took a picture of them together in her complete desert outfit. In Peach’s stall, the princess wiped her bum clean before flushing the toilet. She changed into the outfit she usually wore in the Sand Kingdom: a short sleeved white shirt with a collar, a pink skirt that went down to her knees, a pink scarf tied around her neck, and a large, floppy brimmed white hat with a pink ribbon around the base of it tied into a bow. Tiara merged into the hat. Peach didn’t put her belt on yet since she still had her post-vore pot belly pushing up her shirt. She exited her stall at the same time Zelda did. Unlike her outfit, Zelda’s left ample breathing room for her post-meal gut. Peach found herself staring in surprise at her friend’s much less modest attire. Zelda blushed and rubbed her right arm, feeling subconscious. “Wh-What do you think?” she asked, “Is it too… revealing?” “You look great!” Peach replied quickly, recovering, “It’s perfect just as it is.” “Thanks… I was worried it might be a bit much,” Zelda said, “I don’t want to look like I’m trying to show off, but, um, Link’s worn this type of outfit before… It was for his quest, but I wanted to try it myself since it’s made with a woman in mind.” “Oh… Well, I think it’s a perfect fit, Zel,” Peach stated, “I know you aren’t trying to ‘show off’, but if anyone has a problem with it, well, we can take care of them if that happens…” Growl… Her stomach seemed to rumble with hunger at that moment. “Now, shall we go do a little exploring?” she suggested. “We shall,” Zelda replied. The pair of princesses ran off to see the sights of the kingdom, Peach leading the way as usual. Their first stop on their tour of the kingdom was the large tower in the distance, looming over the town. The trip was mostly uneventful until the two reached the base of the tower. “Odd… it doesn’t appear this tower has any stairs,” Zelda pondered, looking around the base. “No, but we have something better!” Peach gestured. She pointed to a blocky pipe, reminding both princesses of the olden times of their respective kingdom’s pasts. “Oh, that’s a ‘warp pipe’, right?” Zelda asked. “Mario seems to use these a lot.” “Correct, but this one is different,” Peach explained. “Here, I’ll demonstrate.” She entered the pipe, leading Zelda to question where it went. She examined the wall, and noticed a moving picture that resembled Peach, except much blockier. She also wore her classic white and red outfit from 1985. “Oh my! She’s gone two dimensional!” Zelda exclaimed. Peach waved to her with her pixelated hand, gesturing for Zelda to join her. Cautiously, Zelda entered the pipe, turning 2D herself. She wore a longer, simpler blue dress, with her hair longer once again. The difference this time is that Zelda was much shorter than Peach, only half the size as the other princess. She tried to speak up, but the sound came out as some kind of unintelligible mess. Peach giggled and gestured for Zelda to follow her up the spire. It took Zelda some time to adjust, not used to moving in two dimensions as Peach is, but eventually the two popped up at the top of the tower. “So, how was it?” Peach asked. “Very strange!” Zelda admitted. “I think I’ll stick to three dimensions, please.” “Oh right, I forgot you’ve never been in 2D,” Peach laughed. “I started off there, so I’m more used to it.” “That must have been quite the challenge!” Zelda worried. “One question, though, why was my picture form shorter than yours?” “Not sure,” Peach shrugged. “It could be something to do with your ancestor, I really don’t know. But we should head on to the next part of our tour.” The craziness of the pixelation had caused her to miss her surroundings, but now she spotted a floating upside down pyramid behind her, with a power line connecting to the tower. “Wow! A floating pyramid!” Zelda marveled. “Want to take a closer look?” Peach asked, capturing the power line nearby and zipping to the top. “Certainly!” Zelda replied, joining her. The view from the top was breathtaking, overseeing the entire kingdom, and then some more. The townspeople looked like specks, and the buildings like toys. “This is quite a sight!” Zelda wowed. “How does it stay afloat?” “Again, no idea,” Peach admitted once more. “Magic, probably.” Peach examined the area ahead, reminiscing about her first visit here. “You know, this was the first time I saw Mario again since Bowser sent him to the Cap Kingdom,” Peach remembered. “I was worried that he was hurt, and that he might not be able to catch up to me and Bowser’s airship, but he pulled through in the end. He always does.” “The feeling of hope is always a welcome one,” Zelda replied. “Once Link finally awoke from his 100 year slumber, I was so relieved, I almost accidentally released Calamity Ganon from our seal. What a calamity that would have been…” “I could have never done what you had to go through,” Peach admitted. “Knowing the whole kingdom is relying on me is one thing, but knowing the entire world is at stake is definitely another.” “The entire world?” Zelda questioned. “Didn’t Mario once help save the entire universe from Bowser’s clutches? I think you have me beat there.” “Well, I guess when you put it like that, it was rather remarkable. Thanks, Zel”, Peach replied. “We should probably finish our tour, though. I’m getting a bit hungry, and I’ve heard the cuisine here is excellent.” “Oh, I am as well,” Zelda said, tummy growling in protest. “Is there a fast way back to the town that you know of?” Peach grinned. “Actually, I do. Have you ever heard of a Jaxi?” After a quick Jaxi ride back to the town, Zelda fascinated by the living stone creature of course (though not inexperienced with such beings) and thrilled by the creature's wild speed, the pair of princesses entered the local restaurant. The smell of sizzling Tostarenan meats filled the air. The aroma made the princesses’ mouths water and their tummies rumble. They approached the counter staffed by one of the locals. “Welcome, señoritas,” the skeleton greeted, “What can we get for you?” “Hmm. We’ll sample a little bit of everything,” Peach replied, “This is my friend’s first time here, and I want to give her a chance to try all the unique dishes in your cuisine.” “Very good, señorita,” the skeleton said, “Please have a seat. We will have that prepared for you in a few minutes.” Peach and Zelda sat at one of the tables while Tostarenans in the kitchen got to work preparing a sampling of their cuisine. After a few minutes of cooking, they brought several plates with quesadillas, tacos, tamales, corn tortilla chips with refried bean salad dip, Tostarenan rice, chicken fajitas, enchiladas, and a chicken torta ahogada. The fresh, spicy aroma of the food made the princesses’ mouths water. The pair eagerly dug in, trying the different dishes in front of them. Peach had eaten this cuisine before, so she provided suggestions for Zelda to try. “Oh, you must try the enchiladas, Zel,” she said, “They’re delicious!” The princesses stuffed their faces, filling their cheeks with food and surrounding their lips with sauce. Despite their still plump tummies, they were both quite hungry since they hadn’t had breakfast, and their meals from the previous day were pumping through their lower intestinal pipe works. By the time they were done, Zelda had found she’d eaten three quarters of the torta herself, and the sub-like dish hadn’t been small. Peach had eaten most of the tacos and quesadillas with the rest more evenly split between them. The pair finished with churros that they dipped in chocolate. Urpf… Zelda put a fist to her mouth, stifling a belch. Peach massaged her belly. They were both slouched a bit, and their guts had bloated back up slightly. Nothing had gone to waste though, with all the plates on the table picked clean. “That was delicious,” Zelda stated, patting her tummy gently. “I’m glad you enjoyed it,” Peach replied, “Now, what would you like to do next?” “I certainly wouldn’t mind touring through those ancient ruins north of town,” Zelda said, “Either that or a nap would be nice…” They both looked a bit sleepy after all that food. “Ha ha, I feel that,” Peach stated, “We’ll take it easy on our walkthrough then.” They left the restaurant after paying and headed to the ruins. Grruuuu… Zelda felt her stomach noisily churn as the pair entered the ruins. This was accompanied by a momentary gas cramp in her bowels that seemed to resolve itself once the gas bubbles causing it moved deeper into her tract. Stopping to take a picture of something, she leaned forward to do so, her tummy pressing into her thighs slightly. Grrrumble… The gas cramp returned with a vengeance, her bowels bubbling ominously, and then it caused a pressure on her posterior she wasn’t prepared to try and control in time. FRRRRRRTTTTTTT! A massive burst of flatulence erupted from Zelda’s royal rump, blowing up her scarf in the back. She straightened up immediately after, covering her butt with her hands, and turned bright red in the face, eyes wide with the shock from accidentally ripping a loud one like that. Peach was staring in shock, as was Tiara from her cap. Gurgluuu… Zelda looked down at her swollen belly, the feeling of more gas bubbles rushing south accompanied by another gassy gurgling. Brrtphrrffth! Following that warning, another long, windy toot squeaked from between her butt cheeks. The princess was terribly embarrassed. She didn’t mind letting a small one slip out while out in the wild, but these big, beefy booty belches were too unladylike even for her. All the beans in her lunch, the size of her lunch, and the fact she had a minor spice intolerance was upsetting her poor tummy. “E-Excuse m—” Zelda started to apologize. Prrtthbbrthrr! She cut herself off with another fat fart, muffled only by her hands covering her chatty caboose. Her face only turned further red with the third trumpet toot of gas. “Zelda,” Peach started to ask, “Are you—?” Brrt! She gasped as a small toot squeaked out of her own rear, holding her left hand towards her face in surprise. FRRRRRRRRT! It was followed out immediately after by a much louder, more sonorous rumbling expulsion of flatulence that blew up her skirt in the back. Peach was as red in the face now as Zelda was. “Gah!” she cried, “Excuse me!” Grrrooouu… Clutching her grumbling gut, she leaned forward slightly, feeling more gas bubbles racing southward through her pipes towards her royal “peach”. All the food in her tum, beans, and spice were getting to her as well. BrraPPFFFFt! Peach farted again, having not been this embarrassingly gassy since the time she had chili cheese fries for lunch. FFFRRRRNNNT! Another fart rumbled out of her rump, and the ending felt concerningly wet. “I-I’m sorry,” she apologized in a strained voice, “They. Just. Keep. Coming.” BFUOORRT! Another beefy blast blew up her skirt. Having given up on any hope of modesty, Zelda was now also clutching her bubbling belly. BRRBPLURT! Another fat, wet fart belched out of her backside, blowing up her scarf again. Each time she tooted, her already red cheeks momentarily deepened with the color of embarrassment. BROOOOOOT! She farted again, and this gassy outburst was the one that finally drove Cloaky off her head. The Bonneter covered her nonexistent nose with her hands. “P-Princess!” she complained, “Ew…” “Sorry, Cloaky,” Zelda apologized, “I’m really gassy right now…” Gritting her teeth, the princess leaned her upper body forward a bit, closing her eyes as she felt another wave of gas bubbles surging through her intestines towards her digestive tract’s exit. PBBLBLT! BLBLRRRT! PPT! BRRRRPT! BRT! She grunted while a series of toots noisily exploded out of her tush. It sounded like Zelda had set off a flatulent firecracker behind her beautiful butt. PLRRRRT! Peach ripped another sonorous rumble of gas from her plush rump shortly after, blowing up her skirt again. Tiara quickly vacated her head, also covering her nonexistent nose. “Ugh, real princess-like, you two,” she groaned. “Pardon us, Tiara,” Peach apologized, “Lunch is hitting us hard right now.” The two Bonneters flew off to get some fresh air away from the pooting princesses. Brrrrrp! Pppprrph! Frvvrrrb! Poot! A quartet of raucous farts blew from Peach’s butt trumpet shortly after. She and Zelda had given up on trying to preserve any sense of modesty at this point. Their bowels and buttocks had chosen comfort over modesty. BBrBPbrt! PrBrrsssBrt! Zelda let out some more scarf fluttering farts. The second one contained a hiss that brought concerns of a more solid waste type that exited her bum to mind. Grrruuu… Her guts churned with a familiar heavy shifting in her bowels. She clenched her cheeks preemptively. “Uh, Peach,” she stated, “I’m going to head back to those baños now.” Peach felt the same ominous movement in her own bowels. “I’ll join you,” she said, sounding slightly strained. The princesses headed back to town, pooting and tooting the whole way. They returned to the bathroom they had changed in earlier, entered the same stalls, yanked down their panties, and rolled up the clothes over their bums before sitting on their porcelain thrones. GURGGLUGLE… A long, gassy gurgling emanated from Zelda’s guts. Rubbing her tummy, she felt her bowels preparing to move. “Ohhh…” she grunted, “Here it—hnnng—comes!” BFLRRAPP! A “Breath of the Butt” trumpeted loudly into her toilet, causing her to fan away the accompanying “Smell of the Wild”. Then, the princess grabbed the sides of her “throne” and leaned forward with her face scrunched and red in concentration. SPLRRPP! A nasty wet sound belched from her backside as a large, wet, sloppy bowel movement exited and plopped into the bowl beneath her. Several more mudpies followed out after, quickly filling the bowl and turning the water brown. At the same time, Zelda started voiding her bladder. GROAAN… Over in Peach’s stall, her belly let out a “need to poo” groan of its own. BLLRRT! A deep, wet blast of gas escaped her butt into the toilet, causing her to blush a bit harder. She heard Zelda flush next to her to prevent the other princess’s potty from clogging. “This is…” Peach groaned, “Going to be—hrrrg—a big one!” PLFF… SBLURRT… A wet burst of gas from her booty was followed by a large ball of butt “fudge” squeezing out of her royal rump. It splashed down in the waters below. Straining, the princess began pushing out additional “baked goods” she’d been preparing in her “oven” after ingesting them during the trip so far. BFLRAPP! Zelda let another stinky one rip over in her stall. She’d relaxed a bit on her porcelain seat and was fanning the air in front of her face to try and ward off the foul smell her body was currently producing. Already, her belly had lost half of its size as she did her business. She’d flush whenever the bowl seemed to be getting too full, trying to avoid an embarrassing clog. Zelda was very thankful the Chain Chomp she had eaten was coming out smoothly. Her tummy had managed to soften the metal that composed its body into smooth, black beads that were embedded in her poop. BRRRT! Between the sheer size of her meal from yesterday and all the spicy food she’d eaten at lunch, her tushy was tooting up a storm still on the toilet. It made her blush a bit, but she took comfort in the knowledge Peach was going through the same thing in the stall next to her. BLRRRT! Princess Toadstool was tooting less than her friend was, but she still had the occasional noisy outburst from her bum. She was likewise voiding her bladder and occasionally flushing to avoid an embarrassing clog. Her gut was shrinking back towards its original flat shape. Pound after pound of poop poured from the princesses’ pooters until their paunchy tums were plump no more. PRRT! BlURT! FRRT! Zelda ripped a few final, dry farts to end her dump. The two ladies let out sighs of relief. From their stalls, they could be heard standing, ripping off some toilet paper, wiping their bottoms, flushing their toilets, and then pulling up their underwear. They stepped out shortly after, each fanning the air of the stench still wafting from their respective waste receptacles. Both still retained a light blush. “That was…” Zelda started to say awkwardly. “An experience?” Peach offered. “Yeah,” Zelda replied, rubbing her arm, “Sorry for being so… noisy…” “Don’t feel bad, Zel. I was barely any better,” Peach said, “I guess with our diet plans for this trip, we needed to get this awkward first time out of the way at some point. Better to do it earlier than later. Let’s just try to keep these experiences to only after a big meal when possible…” “Agreed,” Zelda stated, “Let’s get out of here. It still stinks…” “I think we could do with a visit to somewhere relaxing after this,” Peach suggested, “I know just the spot. Follow me.” Another quick ride on the Jaxi saw the princesses at the kingdom’s oasis. Like others of its variety, the oasis had a couple trees and a small lake. Zelda could see a couple Cheep Cheeps below the sand underwater, considered another snack, but decided against it. The duo was still full and gassy from their lunch. Dipping her toes in the water, Zelda flinched at the water’s low temperature compared to the rest of the desert. “Ah!” Zelda exclaimed. “Cold!” Peach dipped her own feet in the water, shivering. “You’ll get used to it soon enough,” Peach said, lying through her teeth. After warming up, Peach and Zelda finally had a chance to relax. Bonneton, Fossil Falls, and Tostarena, while fun, were all one sight after another, never giving them a break. Their bodies relaxed before… TOOT! Zelda blushed, shameful for her residual outburst. “Excuse me…” she said sheepishly. Peach laughed. “Oh, don’t you worry about it. I’ve dealt with worse, after all, I have Daisy as a cousin.” Zelda remembered Peach’s stories about the gassy menace that was Princess Daisy. She distinctly remembered Peach saying something along the lines of: “She’s like Wario, but somehow worse, even though she doesn’t hurt you like he does. Just your nose…” “Oh yes, I remember,” Zelda recalled. “Plus, it’s just us here,” Peach replied. “So if you want to relieve yourself…” BRAPPPP! Peach let out a fart of her own. “O-oh, I see,” Zelda said. “But enough of all that,” Peach said. “Let’s get back to business, shall we?” She pulled out a map of the kingdoms. Peach couldn’t recall what way Mario had gone during his trip, and the map seemed to fork between two kingdoms. She gestured to Zelda to examine the map with her. “So, Zelda, which way do you want to go?” Peach asked. “We can either go to Lake Lamode of the Lake Kingdom, a cozy little pool where I got my wedding dress…” She pointed towards the other option. “Or the Steam Gardens in the Wooded Kingdom? They specialize in flowers, and the entire place is upkept by robots!” “Oh, those both sound like excellent options…” Zelda pondered. The duo weighed their options, not sure where to go. Sensing each other’s reluctance to make a decision, the two spoke up with their opinions. “Personally, I’m eyeing the Lake Kingdom myself,” Peach started. “Their dress catalogue is immense, and the seafood there can’t be beat. Plus, we can get you a nice swimming outfit!” “The Wooded Kingdom interests me more,” Zelda countered. “I’m a bit of a botanical expert, myself, and seeing more types of flowers is always interesting. Not only that, but the gardeners are robots? We have to go there!” Too polite to fight back, the two came to an impasse… Which way should the princesses go? [Vote via comment or poll!] 1. Lake Kingdom. 2. Wooded Kingdom. |
Al dente By Supernova / Alternative ending by Zero Senin A commissioned work Speed walking over a dry, cracked sidewalk, Amanda knew it was almost time to start boiling the water for her dinner “date.” Knowing she was possibly going to be late, she knew she had to get home quickly in order for everything to be ready by the time she had promised her mother. After living alone with her for over a year, Amanda knew that she had to start pulling her own weight around the home in spite of the exhaustion she felt as a full-time student. Long, black hair bounced next to her thin face as she heard her flats pitter-patter against the ground. Squinting her eyes, she saw some ditzy-looking bitch standing in the middle of the sidewalk staring at her phone. Ugh! She didn’t want to get her socks wet in the dewy grass. “Well, I could always use one more!” Still walking with intent, Amanda raised her right hand, on which was a gaudy bright pink ring. “Hey, bitch.” She said with a deep, commanding voice. As the woman’s head turned, Amanda pressed a tiny button on the palm-side of the ring, causing a bright flash of light, almost like a camera flash, to blink before her. In a split-second, the woman was almost gone. Looking downwards, she saw the same woman, only less than a centimeter tall, crawling backwards on the pavement. “Yeah, yeah. Bad day. I know.” Amanda stated as she squatted down and gently picked up her victim. The shrinking ring, both mysterious and useful, always gave her a certain powerful sensation within her chest. As she continued walking, she peeled the clothes off of the tiny, squirming woman with her fingernails, reveling in how formidable she felt in doing so. Upon reaching the front door of her home, she realized that she didn’t exactly want to expose the little box of “spices” to the open air just yet, so she reached under her jacket and pressed the little squirmer between her D-cup breasts. That should hold her for however long this would take. Immediately getting the food prepared, Amanda unboxed the spaghetti, heated up the sauce, added a few extra ingredients as per a beginner-level recipe she found online, and sighed. “Hi mom!” She shouted down the hallway. “Hi dear! I’m excited!” Her mother responded. “Why’s that?” Amanda asked, loudly, as tiny bubbles appeared at the bottom of the water-filled saucepan. “You’re making dinner for once!” Rolling her eyes, Amanda yelled down the hallway “Yeah, yeah! I know!” Tapping her foot, she reviewed her ulterior motive within her own mind. “What am I missing?” She asked herself, trying to figure out what she forgot. “Glasses.” Stomping down the hall, Amanda quickly turned into her mother’s bedroom and deftly snatched her mother’s thin-framed glasses from the nightstand and slipped them into her jeans pocket. “Can’t have her looking too closely at it.” She thought, feeling some relief as she found the water rolling to a boil. Snapping the pasta strings in half, she dumped them in the bowl as the sauce continued to simmer. After several minutes of staring at her phone, stirring, sighing and looking at the clock, she felt as though time slowed down as she saw her mother walk down the hallway. Wearing a thin goldenrod sweater that hugged her shapely figure, Amanda considered herself very fortunate that she inherited her mother’s voluptuous body type. Seeing her mother sit down at the pre-made table, Amanda knew it was time to begin plating. Scooping the softened pasta strands on the plate itself, she knew she would have to wait until after she poured the sauce before adding the “spice.” Licking her lips, she felt her heart begin to beat more quickly as she used a large ladle to spill the tomato-and-parsley mixture over the spaghetti itself. Looking down, pleased with her presentation, she turned her back and clinked the plate upon the counter. Without her mother noticing, Amanda deftly and subtly picked out a small, plastic tube from her front pocket. The spice. As if she were adding salt, Amanda tapped the sides of the tube itself and watched as almost twenty shrunken people all poured from the lip at once, plopping into the red mixture below. Their thrashing was extremely clear to Amanda, but she knew it’d be nearly invisible to her usually-bespectacled mother, who seemed to have “misplaced” her glasses. Watching them writhe within the steaming red mixture was exciting in itself, but Amanda knew it was absolutely nothing compared to what was to come. After plating her own “spice-free” plate, she poured two glasses of wine. In her mother’s glass fell the last two shrunken squirmers. Perfect. Gourmet. Turning her body towards the table, Amanda traipsed towards her mother carrying both the plate and glass. Leaning forward, she clinked both right in front of the older woman. After taking a few steps to set her own plate, Amanda sighed as she sat back down and smiled. Everything was relaxed. “Thank you for this, sweetie! I’m excited to see how this turned out.” Her mother said, with a sweet tone to her voice. The daughter smiled. “Oh, you have no idea! This is gonna blow your mind, I guarantee you.” As Amanda’s mother picked up her fork, rolling her eyes as if her daughter made a silly joke, a light buzzing echoed through Amanda’s chest. The seriousness of the situation gripped her as she experienced a dream-like haze take over her body. Watching her mother’s fork begin to descend towards all of those tiny, terrified people, she couldn’t help but stare. Eyes wide. Focused. Amanda gasped as a unique feeling exploded within her chest. It wasn’t an erotic thrill, but it was close. Blood coursed through her so quickly that her veins felt as though they were lightning bolts booming across a dark sky. She felt truly alive as an electric chill vibrated under her skin, feeling as though she were in a shadowy trance. Almost shivering, she attempted to prevent herself from displaying any outward signs of the dazzled excitement she felt in every cell of her body. Wanting to bite her lip, she refused herself. Even the reflex to breathe heavily had to be actively repressed. This was just a normal dinner, one which she had made lovingly. Nothing strange was going on whatsoever. Watching her mother stab the spaghetti strands with her fork and twist, Amanda grit her teeth, unable to keep her eyes from widening. To her great shame, she could also feel the familiar sensation of heat between her legs. A fiery churn burst in her gut as she attempted to reconcile these feelings as they were happening. A war raged within her inland empire. The vibration under her skin reached her eyes as her line of sight appeared as though it were buzzing. Time slowed down as Amanda’s focus became razor sharp. Everything else other than the twisting strands over the fork became so irrelevant to her, her brain blacked it out. The sight of the writhing, sauce-covered hands, feet, and faces all tied up in the tornado of pasta added an uncanny, freezing sensation to the brilliant light already emanating from her deepest core. Each subtle motion was caused by a real human life reduced to nothing but a topping, a spice for her mother’s dinner. A spice that only she knew she added. As the fork itself left the plate, Amanda could see at least three people slithering around in the carb-ridden mess on her mother’s fork, as well as a fourth hanging from the stray strand dangling below. Gazing upon the fork rising up to a pair of parted lips, Amanda threw any sort of shame out the window, she subtly slipped her phone out of her pocket under the table. Letting out a sigh, she unsilenced it with a “click,” pressed it up against her crotch as hard as she could, and squeezed her thighs. In spite of the fact that she was wearing jeans, some tactile sensation was better than none. She had never seen her own mother this way. Before this event, she was just “mom,” but now, due to her own actions, she transformed her into some kind of frigid death-goddess consuming living beings with no care. The cocktail of emotions mixed within Amanda were both confusing and awe-inspiring. Not only could she use the shrinking device to transform herself into an insatiable beast, but also whomever she pleased. Bringing her hands over the table itself, Amanda twisted the pink ring over the skin of her ring finger. Though she knew this was almost like playing with a gun, with all its intricate triggers and deadly potential, it was unavoidable given how quickly her heart was beating. Seeing the strings themselves come into contact with her Mother’s tongue, Amanda couldn’t help but grunt. Pretending she was suppressing a cough, it was the closest she could get to fully suppressing the desire to let out a sexual moan. With her mother. At dinner. The putrid guilt that spiced her emotions gave an added sting as she watched the twisted cylinder of spaghetti slide away from her mother’s fork with only one stray strand remaining outside the reach of her burgundy lips. With a little sucking sound, she watched the last string slither between the pair of lips, her mother’s wet, glistening mouth gliding over the tiny, naked woman with a heart-pounding quickness. Coinciding with this slurp, Amanda’s phone buzzed as she received a text. “G’nh.” Amanda couldn’t help but grunt again as she gripped the edge of the table hard enough with her fingernails she could feel them sink into the hardwood. Why did that have to happen at the exact wrong moment? The warmth within her crotch grew to levels that couldn’t be ignored. She could feel her own body heat radiate from her torso. A thin sheen of sweat grew on her forehead as she watched her mother’s jaw lower, her cheeks puff out rhythmically before a low, wet gulp. “Are you okay, sweetie?” Her mother asked. Amanda, knowing she was blushing, squeezed her knees together as hard as she could. “Yeah, I, uh.” She sighed. “I’m just nervous giving you my cooking.” Her heart was pounding within her chest as she thought of the four people now traveling down her mother’s throat, who were now inevitably landing into the fetid pit of her stomach. She had just doomed several human beings to a disgusting, painful fate and her main goal was to behave normally. Failing to suppress any thoughts of the tiny people writhing in her mother’s gut, Amanda gave her mother an extremely fake-looking smile. Neither her eyes, nor brows, moved whatsoever, but she knew she had to at least try. Her mother shrugged, her dyed blonde hair bouncing slightly on her shoulders. “Well, okay! It tastes fine so far!” She rolled her hazel eyes as she lowered her fork towards the plate of spaghetti the second time. “There’s no reason to freak out, Mandy.” As the fork clearly scooped up a couple, a man and a woman in a terrified embrace, Amanda responded “Oh, I know. No reason to freak out at all. Everything is fine. Normal.” The fork quickly ascended towards her mother’s mouth. Amanda could see the scattered bits of red sauce and pasta splattered over her tongue. Her teeth were very white, especially for her age. Every detail of her face appeared in bizarre clarity as Amanda experienced another trance as the couple were lifted closer and closer to the cavernous, damp mouth of her own mother. Seeing the contours of her mother’s face shift as her jaw lowered, Amanda’s eyes scanned the rest of her upper body. The very body that this couple was going to become one with. Knowing she looked very similar to her mom, she saw almost the same nose she saw in the mirror every morning, complete with the attractively flaring nostrils and low bridge. Though she knew she mostly inherited her father’s eyes, her mother’s eyes were pretty nonetheless. A beautiful green color, Amanda saw a few subdued splotches of brown in the mix. The slight crows feet at the corners betrayed her age, but Amanda understood that her mother looked beautiful for her late forties. Her high cheekbones and defined jawline all combined into a bewitching allure. A twisted sickness fluttered within Amanda’s gut as she watched the tiny couple scream as they were held before the wide-open mouth. Squeezing her legs together, Amanda grit her teeth, knowing she was experiencing a deeply forbidden oedipal attraction. Seeing the cords of saliva stretch and break within the deep pink mouth as her mother’s breath wafted over the two tiny victims, she couldn’t help but feel envious of them. To be able to caress her mother’s - Georgina’s - mouth with their nude bodies. To slither against her wet heat. Her mother’s mouth closed without placing the forkful inside. “Normal.” The older woman stated. With the tiny human beings still stuck to the end of the utensil, strings swinging below, her mother continued. “I’m not gonna lie, you’re acting a bit weird. Are you on your period?” “Mom!” The shock of the question snapped back Amanda’s mood like a broken rubber band. Gasping as she watched the mass of food enter the mouth unceremoniously, her mother continued, talking with her mouth open. “What? I mean you’re acting weird is all.” She still hadn’t swallowed, the couple were still splattering around within her mother’s hot oral chamber. With her mouth still full, the blonde woman stated “It’s spaghetti. You can’t fuck up” She gulped loudly. “Spaghetti.” Amanda couldn’t help but trace their path down her mother’s throat with her eyes. Landing behind her mother’s busty chest to join their fellow victims. To be digested and become one with a complete stranger. “I know, I know. I’m just new to cooking is all.” Amanda smiled. Her mother raised an eyebrow. “Is what?” “I’m new to cooking! That’s it. I’ll get better soon, I promise!” She smiled back, regretting that she wore a low-cut shirt. “Yeah, but your chest is all red and you’re acting all hormonal. The pads are under the sink.” Amanda scoffed, now feeling a sense of offense at how her mother was now weirdly probing into this specific subject. “I know where the pads are! I don’t need them right now, anyway!” “So what you’re telling me is that you’re pregnant.” Amanda’s upper body darted so far backwards, it almost felt as though her head was going to roll right off her shoulders. “WhaaaAAAAaaat!” She almost screeched. “I’m not pur-egg- nant!” Her voice was tinged with such indignation that she couldn’t help but mispronounce the dreaded “P-word.” Her heart now twisting in its chamber, Amanda almost stood up and pointed a finger, but like her arousal, she knew better than to express it openly. “I resent the imp-uh-li- cation, too, maaahm!” She crossed her arms and looked off to the side, furrowing her brow. As she heard another one of her mother’s quick, throaty gulps, a shiver down her spine raised up the hairs over the back of her neck. “Yeah?” Her mother asked. “Then why haven’t you even touched your plate yet?” Raising her eyebrows, the blonde woman said “I know. It’s ‘cause you’re feeling nauseous.” Turning her gaze back upon her mother, she furrowed her brow. “The only reason I’d be feeling nauseous is because you’re bringing up periods and shi- er stuff at the dinner table. That’s rude, y’know.” As her mother lifted her glass of wine, Amanda noticed the two little swimmers she placed in there begin to really thrash hard as the deep red fluid bounced from side-to-side. A series of low gulps shook Amanda to her core. Seeing her mother’s throat bounce several times caused her to dip back into the trance-like state she experienced earlier. “Any one of those gulps could be someone sliding to their death inside mommy’s tummy.” She thought, embarrassing even herself. Clinking the wine glass back on the table, empty of any tiny human beings, but still half- full with wine, the mother gripped her fork yet again. “Oh, come on. We’re both girls here. We can talk about periods and shit.” “Fine, you want me to prove I’m not nauseous? Watch.” Amanda lifted up her own fork, spun a rather large wad of spaghetti through the tines, and shoveled the heavy bale of pasta between her lips. As she worked her teeth through the big mouthful, she watched her mother take in her own. To her amazement, she saw a tiny person embedded within a red blob of sauce on her mother’s lip. Amanda stopped chewing. As her mother’s tongue slipped out of its wet chamber, Amanda couldn’t help but choke a few times as she watched the soft, pink, warm, bumpy surface drag the miniscule woman into the hot darkness. Holding her breath, Amanda attempted to suppress every single one of her emotions, trying to find some element of calmness within herself as she swallowed her own chewed mouthful. In spite of this, she couldn’t help but think of the people who had passed through her own throat. Or of that woman she met that morning, thinking of how she writhed and screamed before she was lodged between a massive pair of tits. She pondered how much different her mother’s stomach was from her own. If they felt different. If they even smelled the same. “See? You choked. You’re definitely not yourself tonight, Mandy. I know you.” Her mother dragged her fork across the red sea of red pasta sauce on her plate. Three lost souls were waving their hands, as if trying to signal an SOS in an open ocean. Now they were on her mother’s fork. In less than one second, Georgina lifted up the tomato mixture and dumped it over her tongue, swallowing immediately. Bouncing between both reality and her imagination as to the machinations of her mother’s inner workings, Amanda couldn’t help but try to picture herself in the position of those poor people. In the light and thrashing one second and pressed through a tight, slick tunnel the next, never to see light again. “I just took more than I can chew because I’m being rudely pressured.” With an emphasis on the word “Rudely,” Amanda reached over and found her own wine, gulping it with a noisy fervor. Immediately feeling the alcohol reach her head, she couldn’t help but feel her arousal grow. Watching her mother swallow another mouthful, her throat jumping, she couldn’t help but feel attracted to her. To her beautiful face, to her curves, to her shiny hair that glinted under the light fixture of the family kitchen. She knew this emotion was as close as one could get to inherently wrong, but in the privacy of her own mind she knew she was safe. Taking in another mouthful of her own meal, she thought of how intoxicatingly sick it was that she was forcing those people to sacrifice their own bodies. Their blood would become her mother’s sweat. Their tears would become her saliva. What she couldn’t use of them would become her - - “Shit. Look. Amanda. You keep zoning out, as if you want to tell me something. I know you’re not pregnant, or whatever. But something else is going on.” “Can we talk, about, like, anything else, mom?” Amanda replied as her mother looked at her quizzically. Though she was now off the peak from the beginning of the meal, Amanda’s heart kept pounding in her chest, noting that her mother didn’t call her ‘Mandy’ as she usually did, instead calling her by her full, preferred name. “We can, as soon as you’re actually eager to talk about things for a change.” Georgina’s tone dripped with impatience from her tone of concern, emphasizing the middle of her sentence so that her words may pierce the thick of her daughter’s ears; which were all too busy picking up the burbling noise growling out of her gut anyways, like sonars focused on scouting for signals of life in the stars. Or more aptly in this case, for the final echoes of those already sacrificed to her mother’s hunger. Before the younger woman could fan away her mother’s flack, her speech was intercepted by the gritting screech of wood dragging on the tiled floor. Pulling back from the table, Georgina placed her fork on the platter, so that the prongs erected a four-cropped cliff above the dish, while the handle bridged it to the mantled surface. Another scritch later and she stood from the table, taking a few steps towards her daughter still in her seat without taking her eyes off her nervous gaze. “I’ll give you some space to clear your mind a little while I go to the ladies’ room. Don’t worry, you won’t have to worry about getting suffocated by your dear mama while she’s taking a shi- I mean, doing stuff in the bathroom” Temperate concern swiftly turned into sneery glee as the matron delivered her sentence. She just couldn’t wait for a better chance to stir up her daughter with her own words, and her giggling paid off as she drank up the flustered shock singed in Amanda’s face. “M-MOM! I’m sti- I’m-!” True to her stutter-locked expression, Amanda couldn’t find her words nor finish groveling over her mother’s slack; although for entirely different reasons than Georgina expected. Her eyes swiftly darted from her mother’s smirk and down to her pronounced middle, where her mind instantly wandered to the scene unfolding right behind the hills of her bust that borrowed her sweater their bulk for contour. How many now? Eight? Ten? More? The exact count fleeted her at the moment, but she could picture them just the same; about a dozen people, a varied assortment of many walks of life, screaming for mercy, thrashing helplessly against a pool of corrosive sludge as it stirred them with the bolus of mushed-up pasta and sauce and a dash of wine. Nothing to save them from digestion, not a single oar to paddle the creek they were rushing towards; in part, the same place her mother was heading to right now. “Oh, cheer up, Mandy! I’m just trying to turn that frown upside down! You know you can trust me with anything!” Having sated her fill of giggles, Georgina kept her tone uplift while also taking a step closer to her daughter. She was just concerned with her after all. So she clasped her daughter from her shoulders and pulled her close for a motherly hug, like she would do whenever her daughter felt unease; whether she was ten or twenty years old. “Yeah… I know…” The younger woman however, far from feeling soothed by her mother’s gesture, was further torn apart by the secret behind the veil that only she and her victims knew of. It didn’t help that her look on her mother had shifted irreversibly from this dinner onwards, and no longer was this just a loving hug from a parent to her daughter, but to her, it had become much more; for the better or for the worse. Having her face pressed against the middle of her mother’s paunch no longer felt like a snug, cozy shelter now that she fantasized on the hell it housed within, and the power which with it utterly liquidated her victims without quarter to spare. The way Georgina’s chest pillows cradled over her scalp similarly held a deeper meaning to her now, as if the way her mother’s heaving bust engulfed her head was intended to assist her in listening to her inner workings, not to the lulling bassline of her heartbeat like she might have sought ages ago in her arms, but rather to the havoc wreaking within as the ravenous chamber below claimed her meals as prize. Grrrwoool… Amanda gritted her teeth while barely edging herself from biting her lip; she could listen to her mother’s bowels quaking in advance. A series of quick burbles popped in and out, while a heavy slosh overwhelmed every other noise in the soundscape like a tsunami enveloping the land. Breathing deeply of her mother’s scent clinging to the cloth, she tried to focus on hearing a sound that should definitively not be there without her meddling. And for a moment, she thought that she found it. It was shrill, faint, almost impossible to pick up if she didn’t search it actively; but there was no mistaking it, that was a woman screaming just now, before her pained yells got buried under another wave stirred inside, likely as she was entombed in chyme as well just now. Right where you all belong Lust was overflowing in her and building up further with the moment, Amanda could barely keep her legs straight at this point. Her crotch felt absolutely soaked under her pants, and if it wasn’t for the drunken mist clouding her head with desire, she would worry that her mother could find her scent any moment now. Being this drunk in her own excitement turned her away from being torn in her newfound taboo desire for her mother and instead her choice was split between wishing her mother to turn away so she could indulge in her craving and her staying so she could keep her head nested in this haven she coveted so dearly. But that choice would be Georgina’s to fulfill as she pulled away from her daughter’s embrace. She threw a glance to Amanda’s eyes to find them slightly watery, although she no longer seemed flustered with shyness but rather captivated. “Aw’, no need to get all teary, sweetie. It doesn’t matter if you want to talk about it or not, mommy will always have room for you.” With a smooch on her temple, Georgina broke away from her speechless daughter and retreated down the hallway. For her part, Amanda’s libido streak would remain unbroken for a few moments more; as her gaze swerved from her mother’s bust to her full lips and finally to her sizable behind as she strutted away. Her lip dimpled with her bite now that she had some sort of privacy, and her thighs grinded frantically together while her stare fixed on the ample load of Georgina’s black bottoms sway with each step, mesmerizing her daughter with the jelly-like wobble her pants oh- so-easily failed to conceal. That’s where they’re headed. Amanda gasped under her breath, her fingers now itching at her navel to slip towards her crotch. Her thighs were nearly fuming with friction, it became clearer and clearer that she was reaching the point of no return; or at least, the next milestone in line that she was barreling towards. She doesn’t even know. They could be slithering through her colon right now and be next in line to slip through her crack tonight; and she doesn’t even know a thing. Fuuuuuck. Her hand quivered as she hovered it above her pant’s V, pulling on a hair-thin leash that yanked her leash ever closer towards; up until she couldn’t rein herself any further and gave in, just as her mother turned around a corner and out of her view. Without the risk of being found out by Georgina reeling her back, the lecherous daughter unleashed her desire upon her waiting sex, rubbing frantic circles on her jeans just inches away from her gushing lower lips. Her thoughts never wandered from the group already swirling in her mother’s bowels, particularly the woman whose final screech she was the sole witness to. Who was she anyway? The one she caught loading groceries in her car at a parking lot? Or the girl she fished up from the sink at the faculty’s restroom? At the club, bar, in an alley; it didn’t matter where or who, only what she was now: nothing more than a fleck of spice in her mother’s meal, just one more flake of oregano lost in the sauce of her spaghetti. Amanda stifled a moan and nearly bled her lower lip in the process, she was quickly reaching her edge just by focusing on the woman’s final moments over and over, drawing streams of warm moisture through the fabric that perfumed her fingers; until her furious grinding paid off when her lips clenched into her underwear and a jolt of raw pleasure shook her body from her loins. Fuck… That was AMAZING! When her head leveled and her mind loosened its grip from her sadistic and mildly incestuous fantasy, her attention was drawn back towards the plate now sitting unoccupied across the table from hers. Unlike her nearly-untouched own, her mother’s plate was close to being finished as there were only a few noodle clumps left sitting on the dish. Honestly, her hidden intentions aside, Amanda felt deeply warmed that her mother would like her cooking that much; or in the very least, that she would eat so much of it for her sake. She would have to improve her recipes in the future if she wanted to make meals that she could truly feel proud of; plus, it would mean more opportunities to feed her with the special ‘spice’. Speaking of which… How many are there still left in the plate anyway? Stepping away from her chair, the overwinded daughter adjusted her pants around her waist and plucked out the tattletale camel toe back to its normal fit. She then circled around the table so she could inspect her parent’s plate thoroughly, hoping to make a headcount of those yet to join her lovely mother for dinner and for eternity. Admittedly, it was hard for her to tell apart the tinies from the resulting chaos of Georgina’s eating that scrambled the dish contents so haphazardly, let alone for a middle-aged woman’s near sight to spot on a whim; but by narrowing down and steadying her gaze she was able to track down a few moving dots scurrying about in the sauce. One, two, three, four- she managed to locate up to eight more passengers waiting at the station for the next express ride straight to Georgina’s gut. Her squinted gaze helped her to watch how these people, these sacrifices, spent their final moments before her mother and their goddess returned to seal their fate. Some were busy trying to stand up on the sauce, rippling a splotch once their footing betrayed them over and over; others were struck in place in between rolls of pasta tubes, whether in plain awe of her or breaking down from the apocalypse they were spared from, if only for a minute; and a smaller minority even were trying to reach the edge of the dish, trenching up a beeline through the sauce towards the fork ramping the plate. “Ah-ah-ah! Not that way, thimble-tacks!” She whispered with a tinge of malice inking her foggy breaths, picking up the utensil away from their reach. The only way you’re climbing that fork is by riding it all the way to my mom’s mouth. Instantly the tunnel-diggers stopped in their tracks, their advances dashed along with their hopes as they craned their necks in unison towards the cruel she-devil that took their only chance away. Amanda for her part reveled in the fact, although she was seldom content to leave the would-be escapees so close to the plate’s edge where they could still risk jumping off onto the table; and so, with the very fork she plucked from their graces, she sunk the prongs back into the sauce close to her targets, and promptly whipped the tasty, thick goo towards the center. She was certain to collect all the stragglers in the first go, stirring them along with their fellow captives at the center and the largest cluster of noodles; making sure not to drive them too hard as she did, she wanted them to meet their end in her mother’s gastric depths after all. If you all think it’s hot and heavy now, just wait until you’re all swimming in a pool of warm puke in a few minutes! For a moment, Amanda thought about bringing the fork to her lips carrying a passenger for herself to indulge in. So much she had fantasized about their experience in being devoured that she neglected to think about the flipside of the coin; did they taste any different? Feel any different? She wouldn’t think so, as even Georgina would have figured her out if that was the case. But being fully aware from the start, would she find their devourment as intoxicating if she pulled the deed, as opposite of watching her mother doom the strangers in blissful ignorance? Her eyes fixed on the fork, clipping along with a couple tinies stuck at the side-most prong with a noodle strand. It would be nothing for her to raise the bite to her lips and find out for herself; how would she feel if she were the one to snuff their lights from existence. Her hand quivered once more with her hold, while the flame in her loins enkindled once more. No. She must do it; this is her dinner. I did it for her, and she will enjoy them to the last bite. Ultimately, she continued to stir around the contents, her wrist braked from the doubt she just settled. These were tributes for her. Today would mark a definite change in her relationship with her mother. She had already turned her into a maneater, doomed dozens of lives to end within her, and even climaxed hard upon the realization of the fact. Georgina had warped before her eyes, to Amanda, she was much more than her mother now, and certainly much more than anyone could be for the tiny populace at their mercy. She was their executioner, their goddess, their be-all and end-all, their lives were now stock to her feeding. And as her daughter, it was her duty to ensure her goddess mother had a steady supply of sacrifices to feed her, to relinquish their very essence to her bountiful shape that she now coveted so much. That she lusted for, and whose beauty, grace and might would now populate her deepest, fieriest fantasies for ages to come. Amanda gasped as her flames fanned alight once more. Her brow was dripping with sweat, while her legs were trembling loose from all joints; she wasn’t sure if she could keep up the charade once Georgina returned, now that she had undone the seal to her desire. Her hand found its way to her navel once more, this time taking a moment to unfasten her bottom to reach her flooding tunnel all the more easily, and once there, it worked in tandem with the stirring twin as both limbs geared up on their circling motions each. All she wanted was for her to sit back down so that she could keep eating, sending the remaining few to the pit of her emptied stomach and her head straight to the clouds with delight. She definitively wanted to collect a new batch of ‘spices’ to add to her current plate, or even as a second serving; even one more soul packing up her mother’s stomach now would be nitro for her hand to find her release tonight. Wait… Of course! Her eyes lighted up with the bulb over her head. There was the bitch from this morning, her latest catch and the only tiny that she saved up from Georgina’s appetite until now. Until now- This bitch will look fantastic in mom’s tits; better than she feels in mine anyway. Amanda schemed as she placed the fork back on the plate, confident that no further attempt would be made to reach it as she had buried her victims in tomato paste, and raised her hand to her chest, where she dug into her vast cleavage in search for her tastiest ‘spice’ yet. Should be right- he- huh?! Parting her doughy mounds with one hand was an expertise of her, however, being so caught up with her debauchery plagued her dexterity with much jerking and fumbling. It was then that she grasped upon her prize buried deep within her upper body valley, but her collection was followed with the unexpected as she felt an odd sensation, that of trapping a cold, metal and crystal-like surface in between the narrow walls of her bust. Realization sobered Amanda’s senses in a flash as she yanked out her hand from the confines of her top, but by then, it was too late for her. SHI-! A sickening stone sunk in Amanda to the core upon being dazzled with the blinding gleam that until now, she had only seen engulf other people whole; such as the miniaturized woman that was flung from Amanda’s cleavage when she pulled out her hand. In the span of a moment, Amanda’s sight blacked out and her ears rung deaf, then her body felt as she was plummeting in place before the floor vanished under her feet, so that she then dived through the air instead. Her pulse rocketed its frequency from the overwhelming despair that had seized her all too suddenly, and only climbed further the longer she was subject to the drop. Amanda thought that she would pass out before she saw the end of it, either that or that she would hit the floor and break on impact. Splish! Until finally, the fall ended almost as soon as it began; with one splash popping in Georgina’s plate and another one in her glass. The household’s younger had her senses unfrozen one by one as her head caught up with the rest of her body, noting that despite the horrifying experience she just endured, no harm had befell on her; at least, not physically… not yet. The fall had seemingly broken above a viscous heap that sunk with her weight-loaded impact, yet cushioned her from whatever force could have shattered her otherwise in full. Amanda cleared her eyes and opened them after the flashing daze had subsided, resuming her normal view once more. Her tears gave way to a strange fluid, warm, somewhat mushy, and strikingly familiar; something that now coated her in goop from head to toe. No… It can’t… Please, don’t let it be so..! Amanda gasped over and over, unbelieving, unwilling to accept the reality of her landing spot despite how much it clung to her skin with a coat of fresh, zesty red paint. Whether her eyes lied or not, her remaining senses betrayed the truth to her; and the more she refused to acknowledge, the longer she would be subject to the sickening squish that the ‘ground’ made as her back sunk deeper into the pile of puree whose overwhelming fragrance crossed from the homely and into the imprisoning. I’m in- I’m- No… NO! Cycling between terror and denial had Amanda shorting out her nerves one after another, she scrambled to pull herself up from the thick red paste of her own making, which proved a tall task of its own as the very mound that cushioned her fall was also bulky enough to accommodate her ever-sinking form. It took a few solid tries that earned her a greater spread of the goop across her body, until her eventual rise was more becoming of an abomination rising out of its home swamp rather than a terrified young woman trying to avoid drowning in her own backfired trap. Once her footing was more or less established, she wiped as much sauce as she could from her face and brow, even spit out some that had clogged her mouth, leaving her dripping buckets of red as she scouted her surroundings. Nowhere around Amanda’s surroundings matched the dining room of her house proper anymore, the table and the furnishings around it had simply vanished from sight. Or rather, as she knew deep under the veil of delusion, they were present still, only miles away from her reach and exploded in size well beyond any skyscraper could measure in size; well behind a sea of red that expanded for miles in front of her; freckled with odd lumps rising and sinking in the distance and choired with the wails of the damned to establish itself easier as a circle of hell. One that would only precede a much harsher punishment down the line, as she had witnessed a minute prior. I can’t stay here… Where’s the ring?! Where’s the edge?! Unable to shield herself from her situation any further, Amanda hastened her view’s circling of her new environment in hopes of finding an exit to her immediate danger; as long as she could find a way to climb down, she could locate the ring and try to reverse her misfortune. If mom doesn’t come to finish her plate first. She thought, trying to suppress her worries before those too overwhelmed her with despair. But wherever she looked, it all seemed the same to her, an endless expanse of crimson plains cobbled with odds and evens that all lead to her home’s dining room an unfathomable distance away, almost as if her own fate was taunting her with the illusion of safety being within reach in any given path. “Look, over there!” A distant yell turned Amanda’s attention towards her far side, and she gasped in equal parts disbelief and anxiety when she located three figures threading on the sauce from that direction. Those were unmistakably people, victims of hers that now found themselves in equal footing, stumbling one step after another in an obvious attempt to approach her, and who would have every reason to want her drawn and quartered for their grief. “I see her! That bitch is right there!” “YOU WHORE, GET US OUT OF HERE!” Without sparing a second to figure out the trio, Amanda swiftly turned around and began waddling through the knee-high paste slog away from her pursuers, almost losing her hard- earned footing from her sudden counter-step. Whatever direction she took would work for her at this point, just as long as it placed her outside the reach of her vengeance-seekers. Her mother’s return tapped off its concern on her, she probably wouldn’t live enough to worry about her if the trio caught up to her first anyway; although her gripe didn’t stop her from staying aware of her peripherals in case she risked running into another tiny-turned-fellow-trapped flanking her path. The trail would have been an odyssey in itself even if she wasn’t tailed in hot by people wanting to season the dish with her blood, but with the chase pressuring her to advance ever faster across the bog, every step became an exercise in caution that she couldn’t bother to pass if it meant a faster getaway; and even if her feet slipped or got stuck every few steps or so, her haste paced her in level with her hunters, who were just as reckless as their target from seeing more red on Amanda being within reach of their justice than hours of swimming in the pasta sauce could twist their eye’s palette. During the pursuit the panicking woman had no shortage of yelling hurled at her to act as crop to her throttle, ranging from insults to demands to insults then demands to various degrees of venom in between. Amanda would only look back to check the distance between her and the attackers, yet not even a field splitting them apart would feel far away enough to feel safe from them. Not until they gave up, or she reached the plate’s edge first; or… Thud. Thud. Thud. Thump. Thump. At first, the tremors were distant and dwindled enough to slip under the constant squelching of Amanda’s frantic trailblazing. But as they became closer and picked up bars on the volume, they became harder to ignore even to Amanda or her violent followers. Once they were loud enough and the quaking increased to ripple the sauce around them, the four waddle-runners, along with the whole lot still present in the plate, came to a stop to watch the return of their death-goddess in horrid awe. “MANDY? MANDY, WHERE DID YOU GO?” Georgina’s shout blasted the ears of her unwitting guests into submission, making more than one sauce-bathed tiny to wince and clutch their ears if only to shield themselves from a couple dBs out of hundreds. Amanda herself was struck frozen upon witnessing Georgina’s arrival, her jaw barreling towards the floor while her eyes opened as wide as the very plate she was standing on. Whatever newfound feelings she had developed for her mother, all the reverence, grace, even the lust that bloomed from her unwitting display of power; all of it exploded upon having her kind and caring mother-turned-maneater standing for miles to the ceiling and her features likewise amplified for Amanda to fawn over further still. Urk- She’s so… Mom- I- Fuses popped all inside Amanda’s brain from its struggle to process the picture before her eyes. Words flickered in and out of her conscious which then proceeded to fail leaving her mouth as her breath shorted out in turn, her air drying up despite the moist warmth that radiated from the meal; causing her to swallow a rock-like lump of her own disbelief in turn. Although she couldn’t keep her eyes of her, Amanda couldn’t settle on where on her mother her gaze would fix upon; Georgina’s colossal form was utterly too much for her not to address all of her. Starting from the base of her view where the older woman’s hips rocked idly at the edge of the table, Amanda could barely grasp the massive girth of the struts her mother boasted at their trunk; a sturdy build which they shared along with the base the pair connected to, as her waist stretched wide to her sides far enough apart to extend to over two-thirds of the table’s side width, and at this size, Amanda could watch the black denim-like bottom that her mother wore strain to contain her navel area, hemming itself downwards from the vacant beltline to make room for her paunch to spill over under her sweater. Higher up Georgina’s body, her belly domed out from her abdomen even under the layer of creamy cotton to the point it halfway eclipsed the rest of her upper body; and even now it held much of Amanda’s attention, questioning whether any riders of the previous trip remained still behind that massive wall of blubber and cloth. Upper still and her eyes were drawn to the droopy hills that not even a fitting top could hide from wanting leers, which now summed up the woman that they nursed decades prior, watching them cradle and sway gently over the woman’s tummy, not as wide apart as her hips below yet not asking up to match in size either. And all the way to the top, Amanda watched her mother’s eyes dart around quizzically back and forth, the few wrinkles and features she would otherwise miss on the distance being compensated in appearance by the sheer difference in scale. Now that she could witness her mother while standing along with the rest of the tributes that she had doomed to her consumption, Amanda could truly bask in her insignificance under the titan’s shadow; chances are, she wouldn’t fare any better in grabbing her attention for help than the people already stewing in her guts ever did. Yet despite the futility of it all, even in part because of it, Amanda wouldn’t sway from her new appreciation for her mother. When the others knelt in despair before their fate in Georgina’s meal, Amanda’s heart pumped with excitement in higher octane than it did with horror, albeit that didn’t stop her fright from crawling on her flesh. This view, this scale that showcased her mother’s might for her to watch from the front row, marked the final stage in Amanda’s deification of Georgina; the turning point in which her own daughter, loyal follower willing to spend endless lives for the sake of her sustenance, would join the ranks of her sacrifices to find her end as part of the goddess’ meal. Part of her wanted to echo her fellow victims in bursting with despair and shrieking their lungs off at the world-wide woman; but her loudest half was the one that drove her to gaze in silence against her wishes and keep relishing as the remaining people became fuel to her Aphrodite’s day. “That girl… I hope I wasn’t too harsh on her. She was red enough as she was already.” The humongous woman followed her previous shout with a softer whisper, talking to no one but herself as far as she was concerned. Her secret guests plus one were then subject to the screech of the chair legs scraping against the floor a second time, then a third after Georgina sat her immense coal-clad rear upon the sturdy seat and adjusted herself near the table. “Hmm… I should finish this; after all the effort she put into it just to cook for her mama.” However much height she may have relinquished upon sitting down, Georgina still towered quite a few miles above the minuscule form of her remaining subjects, her middle and bust alone seeming as a nearby hill from their vantage point at the plate that lead up to the cliff of her jaw; and in fact was much more terrifying before their eyes now as not only they had the chance to size her up within a stone’s throw, but as she picked up her fork from where Amanda had parked it last, she would now resume her feeding that had claimed so many lives in such a short time, and would probably result in more casualties as she emptied the dish of contents, passengers and all. A soft humming tune set the score during the few moments before the fork descended upon the woman’s meal and her unwitting prey, masking the scene’s true gravity with the sheer serenity of a kindly matron sitting down to enjoy her daughter’s cooking. Nor Amanda nor her pursuers, not anyone present at the plate, could break away from the hovering ship-sized utensil that loomed above and began diving after them. Only when the metal tips crashed on the surface to pierce the largest clump of pasta at the center, only then did the fragile little world contained inside the plate burst in screams of panic and frantic scrambling by its last few dwellers. “RUN!” “IT’S COMING THIS WAY, OH GOD!” When the ground trembled under her feet from the impact, Amanda could only remain snared by her stupor while her hunters broke away in any direction they could; her feet had become still as if the paste had become a solid concrete case around them, and she simply couldn’t lift her gaze from the disaster unfolding right at the impact zone. The mesh of wheat wires that previously landmarked the far end of the plate had become unraveled by the fork, with her mother screwdriving the spear in place so that the tasty twine spooled around its prongs instead. Even when looking from a whole field afar, the shock-locked girl managed to scout a few of her fellow shrinks whose luck had cashed out since the last round; men and women alike trapped from their waists, their chests, or even all in save for a single limb writhing out between the vines, all of them dragged along screaming for the ride. Following the reeling of her pasta bite, Georgina then swept the fork’s payload around the plate, collecting as much sauce as she could while at the same time picking up a couple more ‘extras’ that couldn’t get out of the way of her path. Amanda watched mesmerized how the binding thread pushed forth a sauce tsunami that arched towards her, only to swerve midway back to the center of the plate; and then for it to hoist all the way up to Georgina’s face, where her mild wrinkled stare locked back upon her while still missing her completely, making her feel so near yet so unreachable at once. At which point, her mother’s lips parted and the vessel along with its passengers vanished whole together behind the woman’s wine smile. A rush overcame Amanda’s senses upon watching the fork undock empty from her mother’s lips only for her jaws to piston away afterwards. She ignored the utensil’s prompt return and the faint screams she heard over the horizon, her eyes were fixed once more in the see-saw movements of her parent’s mouth grinding her bite, and even gasped and gulped a leaded knot as she heard Georgina release a small moan of delight, no matter how quiet or brief it may have been. The girl’s legs quaked again since her mind wandered back to the moment she was sitting across the table, watching her still, and now that she had a more direct view of the events to compare, she felt a fulfilling warmth clash against her raging survival instinct, as if now she had witnessed the full experience somehow; or at least as much as she could observe from afar without coming close enough to- glp Her heart bounced in her chest with the echo, a bead of ice hailed from her pale brow to melt a trail down her cheek. Amanda traced the lump that blinked in Georgina’s neck down to her chest, where her eyes fixed on the heaving bust range that held its final prison behind its fatty, creamy corner. That was the moment that her legs failed her for good and she fell back on the goop; Amanda gasped dry puffs, her chest heaved to pump in as much air as she was cycling out. There was a new surge pulsing through her sourcing from under her navel, itching for her hand’s repeat attention. Yet, when she tried to lift her wrist to brush the sauce from her nethers, she couldn’t budge her own limb an inch from place; there were so many things coursing through her at the moment that she could barely keep straight without overloading, and once her sex had awakened from awing at her goddess’ devouring of her fellows, it finally tipped her over. She could only watch and squirm back and forth from terror and lust, but she could no longer act of her own without moving a mountain in her mind first. For the next minute that followed, Amanda remained anchored to the plate as more and more people were scooped up by her mother, only to vanish from the world behind her lips forever. Each time the fork came down for a bite it managed to trawl one or two more tinies in its catch; and as the pile of noodles remaining dwindled away at every run, so did the people that were left for Georgina to slurp them up with, as was the amount of sauce that she could dip the pasta in, whose shore pulled back at every turn towards the plate’s border; all the while her absent- but-not-really offspring grew madder the longer she watched the scene unfold, with her psyche becoming a winded blend of helplessness, thrill, terror, joy, and anything in between. Finally, it all came down to singles left in Georgina’s plate, when the bolus of her latest bite plunged into her throat and she aimed for the next, there was but a single spool’s worth of pasta left to eat from her plate. Along with a single dip worth of sauce. And a single pinch of her daughter’s special ‘spice’ left to season her meal; that being, the chef charged with setting up this dinner herself. It all happened in a blur, one that saw Amanda painted like a doe frozen before the honking stampede of a speeding van for the last time; one moment the girl watched the fork barrel towards her while rolling a wave of red, then her sight went dark the moment she was reached and struck by the train-like utensil, until she finally felt herself soar through the air from within a thick glob of spiced goo. She spat away her own cooking on reflex, having since become unfazed by the flavor, and opened her eyes in time to watch an empty, dirty circle leave her from below as her ark rocketed to the heavens, joined by the table and later her own chair sitting empty across. The forces at play sickened her to no end, seemingly tipping the scale at last in favor of sheer horror, it was like riding a coaster that had never seen any bars or brakes on it and was prone to jetting her into a wall at any second. Unable to withstand the speeding any further, Amanda could only shut her eyes and empty her lungs shrieking until her ride slowed down; but as the fork’s height rose it pulled a sharp turn that sunk its sole passenger’s heart down to the pits of her core, nearly causing her to faint in shock. But she endured, despite her own body begging to shut itself down before the worst came to happen; and her reward for daring to open her eyes again would not only leave her speechless but drive another spike through her chest. Mom… Before Amanda’s bite-bound form, Georgina’s face stretched for miles across from cheek to puffy cheek as if she watched a stadium’s display up close. But it was live in the flesh, all of her mother’s features, wrinkles, blemishes and all, for her to find up close; being but a few dozen yards away from touching her face, Amanda only missed her face above the corner of her eyes, although her focus would remain up front and center as she knew, with no end of grief, what fate was in store once the blimping gates parted before her. The crinkled wall of deep red up front lifted its upper half and offered a brief glimpse of its inner secrets to its newest entry; bathing the younger woman with a suffocating mist that carried the fragrance of the dish she was so familiar with at this point, blended with an enervating scent of stale. Within the plush lips that Amanda couldn’t stop gawking at before, she was met with a vast cavern shrouded in shadow, where the only feature that was plain for her eyes to see was the slanted pink floor that quickly rose to extend itself towards her shuttle, much like a roll of red carpet unfurling at her feet to welcome her to the matinee of the spectacle that she had orchestrated on her own. That is, her karma. Amanda hadn’t finished gasping and choking on the stale air when her shuttle slammed its payload against Georgina’s tongue, which thankfully came short of burying her under the whole bite as she was pulled towards the middle. Then the whole place became pitch-dark when the jaws closed shut behind her, and her ears nearly popped off from the explosion of squishes that erupted as Georgina sucked the bite off the fork. Without a moment to gather herself, little Amanda sloughed off the fork’s contents in a mudslide, where she then landed on a damp, spongy surface that seemed to bounce and quiver underneath her. Exhausted, but mortified even more, she summoned whatever strength that her body could still answer to claw a rickety pace away from the mess just unloaded behind her. Far from being a difficult task, it bordered right on impossible since the ‘ground’ was too treacherous for her to grasp coupled with a dimming grip that couldn’t secure a hold as much as she tried; as a result, the few inches she managed to skid across the lumpy carpet was thanks to Georgina readying up to chew her bite rather than Amanda’s own effort. As an added punt to her near-shattered psyche, the drag over her mother’s tongue had Amanda lathered in gallons of thick, hot spit and towing scraps of her meal that were spared from the previous gulp, which stuck to her skin thanks to the sticky fluid she was swamped in. However, the final punch thrown at her was the lowest yet, as being weighted down with a blend of thick sauce and spit while sliding over Georgina’s tongue had Amanda hugging the living carpet with her whole front. It’d have been humbling enough on its own if she had moped her short trail like that, but as she wiped across the bumps, her weighted clothes became stuck on the surface easier than she did; tearing through the thinner sections of her wear, while fastening the sturdier ones away from her, threatening to pull her clothes away on a whim. Roaring bellows filled the cavern that soon erupted in a concert of wet noises and thunderous crashing as Georgina’s tongue bucked away, tossing the noodle clump towards the side so her molars could begin their work. Much to Amanda’s luck, she remained glued to the pink bull even as the environment became a storm of spit and wads of pasta bits swinging about, although it did nothing to shield her from being pelted with a hail of wadded pellets of various sizes; and it helped even less with her stability to remain in place as the jaw movements swept her back and forth on her mother’s tongue, caking her flesh with more grime and wearing down her nerves with anxiety, much like they were thinning down her clothes. It was a couple of seconds into the disaster until- Schriip! The result was a shocked gasp from the reserves of her breath as her bottoms slid from her waist towards her knees, so that her bared sex was free to scrub along the rough, rubbery texture of the tongue. It was an outcome so sudden that it introduced shell-shocked Amanda to a new angle of her punishment; that is, to feel her own mother’s tongue rub against her naked pussy. For one, she believed it as the ultimate indignity – at least, the worst that could befall on her yet – that she had her most intimate corner exposed to someone she wouldn’t dare think of sexually in her whole life, prior to this day that is, and on top of that, to lap her naked labia against the nasty film of gunk that greased Georgina’s licker; however, despite the endless shame that the broken taboo filled her with, her gripe bent as well in how she liked, nay, rejoiced at the contact. Amanda clutched her nails at the crackled floor, how could she reconcile the pleasure she just felt with the terror that enveloped her at the moment? Her mind zipped back and forth between fear for her life and her forbidden lust for her mother; all while the woman in question kept raining her with mushy scraps and wiping her tongue on her. Despite the queasy and discomfort brought by the setting, or maybe because of the woman it displayed, Amanda didn’t fight back when the next turn of her mother’s jaw swerved her a few yards further across her tongue. Part of her didn’t want to, but the winning, vocal part drove her to ram her nethers against the floor. She felt the brunt of Georgina’s tasting in full, every movement that swept her across feeling like dragging herself across a filthy, wet towel; but in particular, she wanted to ensure her pulsing labia to have as much exposure as possible. In her eroding state of mind, Amanda craved to grind her cunt against the woman that she owed her life to. Could she even feel her? Taste her? She fired up with desire, bucking her loins against every which way the tongue dragged her to; if she was going to die like another meaningless speck in her mother’s meal, if she was buying every ticket to hell in stock by dragging twenty plus lives down with her and flooding off as Georgina devoured them, then so be it, but she would make the last orgasm in her life be the most intense yet if that was the case. So she did. With little to lose at this point, Amanda sunk her hips on Georgina’s tongue and unleashed her libido upon it; and although there was a faint voice at the very back of her mind begging her not to sink any lower than she already had, she couldn’t care to heed it anymore. She couldn’t care about anything at all; other than getting off. As the world around her quaked her with her mother’s chewing, Amanda only steeled whatever semblance of a grip she held on the dimpled rug beneath her and crossed her legs at the knees, bringing her snatch up front so as to maximize the exposure her lower lips got on the writhing mass; circling her hips against the rhythm of Georgina’s jaw with furious fervor that would be only reserved to the deepest treasures of her bottommost drawer. Thus continued the jaw-to-hips feedback cycle between unwitting mother and daughter; for every bite that the elder’s jaws milled her meal with, Amanda would buck her loins and hump the floor three more times or so, sometimes in rhythm, sometimes without, as either woman pounded at their own chaotic pace each. That she could be flung aside at any second ceased to matter, and so did the slime and ground-up bits that reached her sex in the process; her whole being was bent to reach her climax, and nothing short of a (greater) calamity would pry her from that goal. Not even as the chewing stopped blasting her ears did Amanda stop her humping; the short stop that the quaking floor pulled just drove her to increase her fervor on her hips to make up for the stillness. She acknowledged the ground picking up a slope just barely, and even with the warm gust drifting behind and a landslide forming up form further ahead, she didn’t pay much mind that Georgina was about to send her to her depths. If anything, that just incensed her libido more than it already was, bringing her ever closer to her breaking point. With the rising peak threatening to seal her fate and Georgina’s gullet looming behind, Amanda throttled her hand into her sex while she still could. Having ridden Georgina’s tongue like a raging bull, her hand’s delicate-yet-precise intervention finally pushed her over the edge. Her petal-shaped floodgates clenched in her fist before gushing out her squirts of relief, just in time for the syrupy fluid to flow along the river of marinara spit into the void. Chunks of the pulverized bolus rolled past the girl and towards the edge of the matron’s mouth, most of which dodged Amanda save for some smaller bits that pelted her with all the fury of a tepid snowball. All the while the girl was spared from sliding down the slope as she was fixed in place with the glue-like spit; leaving her panting to recover from her afterglow, far too exhausted to mind the avalanche falling around her. By the time that Georgina’s tongue lapped her palate and the mass of chewed noodles was all set to freight into her gullet, her daughter had barely set a foot back down on Earth. However, even in the mist of her bliss she couldn’t ignore the deafening slurch of the squishy mass crossing the threshold of Georgina’s throat, followed by a suction pull strong enough to nearly knock her downhill and a burst equal in volume as the bulk vanished down her gullet. Gllk-GLLP And just as it started, the blare stopped to leave dripping and squelching to reign over the cavern’s volume once more. Likewise, the beast bedding its lone occupant at the center and back returned to its idle stance, quelling its writhing down to a stable minimum. Brief as it was, the moment of peace not only brought some much-needed breathing room to Amanda, even if said supply was tainted with hot, abrasive winds; but also, it allowed her a chance to reflect on what had just transpired. How the ring backfired and she shrunk, she was on the verge of being devoured by her mother, and she just had squeezed her tongue for all its worth just so she could cum. That last bit was the stone that sunk the hardest in her chest, an awakening that overcame her with a terribly shallow feeling. Putting the harm and despair she had brought to a couple dozen people aside, her guilt was rather aimed in how she just used Georgina to sate her own desire; without the high of her fantasy to wind her sail, Amanda came crashing with regret. She felt sickened with herself, rotten to the core, dirty, filthier than the grime that encased her even; she just wished she could scrub herself of the sin she just committed. For the next few moments that followed, Amanda could only wallow in her grief in the stillness that overcame her surroundings. Sure, the air kept belching heavy fumes upon her and the ground still wriggled under her skin, though none were as intense as the calamity she just zoned out from. All of the faults of the terrain that hadn’t bothered her previously, be it the damp, moldy carpeting full of bits or the dripping that rained her with thick ropes of slime that pooled around her, now she couldn’t ignore in her misery; yet at the same time, couldn’t help but feel that she deserved worse still. Far behind her precarious perch above the pit of her mother’s throat, she listened to the echoes rising from the bottom of her depths; all that squelching, that growling, that beating and bellowing, Amanda knew that was the fate that awaited her, and much as it terrified to follow the path of her victims, pangs of remorse would beckon her that it was the best outcome she deserved. Then, as if to answer karma’s call, the tiny woman was struck with a beam of light piercing through the gates in the distance. It wouldn’t matter how bright it was in reality, for to Amanda’s adjusted sight even a dash of daylight would daze her like high beams from a truck; and as far as things were going, she might as well expect a fatal collision coming her way soon. The humming that filtered through the background of wet noises paved out to a soft, muted gasp as a gentle slosh could be heard faintly in the distance. When the grieving girl’s sight tuned itself for the second time, she found the world peeking at her from outside her mega-massive mother’s mouth. A simple picture in itself, just a view of a window within her window, yet so special when she watched it from the brink of oblivion. The limping rug bedding her stretched for miles forward towards freedom, closed in with column upon column of pearly stacks that glimmered faintly in the dim lighting. She reached a hand to the outside, feeble and futile as the gesture may be, longing for a second chance to return to her life. Only, her gesture was answered, but not in any way that Amanda would have wanted it to; her pulse sank like a stone when she noticed a clear wall approaching fast then tilting to rest on her mother’s bottom lip, and a wave of wine to rise higher on it the lower the slope became. Amanda wanted to brace herself ahead of the incoming flood, but couldn’t catch a grip anywhere on the spongy carpet. She could only watch helplessly as the drink’s shore finally eclipsed the crystal wall of its container, spilling a cascade of bloody mulled that found a course down the length of the grooved valley she was currently in the middle of. It didn’t take longer than a blink’s span for the rapids to reach her, at which point her sticky haven lost much of her holding powers and she was swept backwards, closer and closer into the void. Between coughs and gargles, the doomed daughter realized hers was a hopeless case finally sealed in the envelope; the moment she was flushed into her mother’s gullet she would be as good as dead, sentenced to share the many fates she fawned over from the safety of her seat minutes ago. And all for what? So she could claim yet one more life snuffing away to her newly devoted obsession of painting Georgina as a goddess? Oh, she would get that wish now, the final claw in the monkey’s hand had curled, and now it was time to pay the price. As if it wasn’t enough that she was already drowning in deluxe drinks and sailing away to her tomb, Amanda was finally struck with the last push to send her over the edge. At first she heard it as an uncanny echo rising over the gushing and sloshing of the river’s path, something like a bloodied scream that quickly raised its volume in between bursts. It couldn’t be herself, despite how much it matched her terror, but the source seemed to approach as fast as the liquid traveled. Until the yelling reached its loudest, at which point she was struck with what felt like a solid piece of debris rushing in with the wine; except, it felt more like she was kicked in the shoulder with all the fury of a disgraced karate master. The impact dislodged her from the tongue immediately, making it all the easier for the wine to wash her down its course; and if the shorter clock to her demise wasn’t enough punishment for her heart, she also felt a presence clamp to her leg from behind. Her turbo-beating engine jumped in shock as she kicked not to swim but rather to push away whatever it was that clung to her that then caught a grip further up her limb, seemingly intending to dragging her all the way down to hell. Whether it was real or her sanity finally snapping away, Amanda didn’t have to mind the clawing much as she crossed past the arch at the very back of Georgina’s mouth, where all the wine was pooling at. Her drifting slowed down, and for a moment it seemed like her phantom attacker would keep ascending her body; but that was just a brief instant while their matured host gathered all the likewise finely-aged drink from her cup. The girl could only detect the slightest shift in the river’s course diverting downwards, even if her thoughts were elsewhere at the moment; but then... GLllp! Her ears popped from the sonic eruption of Georgina swallowing down her drink, and everything it carried along with it. Amanda first felt the hands slip away from her legs as the liquid flushed downwards, but couldn’t find any relief from it as she then followed in the plunge down the duct. Soon she was traveling down the length of her mother’s throat, encapsuled within a bubble of wine that didn’t offer much room for her breathing, which didn’t help her panic-addled mind in the slightest as she craved to gasp for breath, even if it was the fumes of marinara and spit again. The trip itself down the tube was rather short, although to its rider, it might as well have lasted hours; Amanda couldn’t shake off the feeling that she was plummeting off a dozen stories, and couldn’t help but to get queasy whenever the walls hugged close and she slipped on the tunnel’s slick, pulsing surface. After enduring a descent as short as it was abrupt on its end, Amanda slithered through a tight, wrinkly opening at the bottom of the fall where all the tainted grape spirits drained to as well; and after slipping through the hugging loop, she got belched into the other side, where her reckoning awaited proper. Her karmic payback, her circle of hell; the punished-to-be was summarily greeted with a warm, pungent haze that didn’t spare her a moment before singing off her nostrils with its stench, that which reeked heavily of her very own cooking that her mother cherished her for, now warped nearly beyond recognition into a putrid picture of itself. A short fall later and Amanda plunked butt-first into a heap of thick muck, burying her waist and lower under the liquefied mass. At this point, the girl was far past her breaking point, yet her endurance had barely lasted thus far without granting her the mercy of passing out; she just wouldn’t find an easy break from her torment. But the moment she felt the tepid sludge rub on her skin, a new level of terror entrenched itself within her shattered mind, that of her mortal fears coming to realize. Despite her blank stare, she didn’t doubt her location for a second; she was unmistakably in Georgina’s stomach, waiting to be digested with the rest of her cooking. Her hand stroked lightly across the burbling slop swamping her, skidding her fingers on the wet gravel-like texture; already she suffered a dry itch plaguing her hand, a coarse tingling that also spread throughout her lower body. Worse still, her mound proved to be far from dry as she felt the slime level rise above her navel, then to her ribs, and finally all the way up to her chest; then again, it was not only the slurry that was gaining on her, but also her weight that was sinking down into it! Words couldn’t begin to describe how hopeless Amanda felt now, only fit to spell that she was utterly fucked. It was as if a switch flipped in her brain just now, one that suppressed all coherent thought and only left her flight response in charge; and it didn’t waste any time in triggering a spring in her arms to clear herself out of the grimy clutter before she was buried to her neck in it. In part she was successful as she managed to remove a good chunk of the bits so that her gunk-caked sides were dug up; however, that victory only lasted until the ground rocked her from beneath like a prank bag under her seat made from a depth charge and pushed her aside, this time towards a bulkier pile of mush. Just as disgusting, just as deadly; she resorted to her second wind to dig herself free again, only for the swill to juggle her again without a care. And again, and again after that, over and over, she was tossed around in seemingly random ways and bounced against all sorts of debris in all kinds of states ranging from semi-solid chunks – those were the most painful to trip into as it was akin to slamming a clay deposit – to next-to-liquefied bits that broke apart with her touch. No matter how much her emergency reserve borrowed her, the tiny woman, much like the many before her, was no match for the raw organic strength of her mother’s stomach at its busiest. The arrival of wine sealed Georgina’s gut like an aged cask left to simmer its contents into a much richer concoction – at least as far as her body was concerned – and pretty much sealed the casket for the dozens of people who would never escape the ordeal, her own daughter included. Amanda’s screams, frantic, endless, and ever increasingly agonic, joined those of a counted bunch that too suffered through advancing stages of digestion; some to remain for a while, others to voice their last before the bubbling tides swept them under. Much like them, she lacked a way of retreat proper, and could only react in shoving as much of the caustic goo away from her blistering flesh she could, hoping to reach some dry patch devoid of the muck in the process. Yet it was as futile as trying to stave off the sea by pushing out a wave with a hand, while still bobbing on the surface; and little by little, the begs and pleas counted fewer voices, while the sloshing, burbling and popping just grew more intense as the matured woman’s tummy pumped out more acidic syrup and stirred its soup more fiercely for her body to have more gloopy chyme to collect in short. Amanda was among the last few passengers of this deadly ride, which in turn made her one of the unluckier ones by default, and her situation one most undignified by far. It wasn’t just her nostrils that clogged with the foul substance her loving and caring mother cooked from the depths of her gut, but also her mouth and ears and pretty much every orifice present on her body. Having her nethers flooded with puke on both ends would’ve been enough cause for therapy on its own, but this being less spit-milled grain and more digestive concentrate, it had the added ‘privilege’ of also inflicting unbearable searing in her tender cavities. It went without saying that her shape had seen better days, and wouldn’t fully recover even with the best intensive care and several skin grafts that money could afford; but that would seldom be an issue she would have to worry about. With the pool of slop rising and the pit seemingly caving in itself, the few survivors left were huddled together to resume their blind panics all the closer, so they could have an easier time trying to drive each other deaf with their frantic screams before the woman’s blaring gastric processes beat them in that regard, or just plain entombed them with more crud that they could finally rise out from. More than once did Amanda had to shove what her touch told her was a human body apart so that she could carve herself back to the surface; not knowing or caring whether the recoil she received was an active response or just plain the stew mixing an unfortunate ‘spice’ her way. But her streak then ended with just as much turmoil as it endured; as she felt a bony grip latch onto her ankle from under the mush. Her immediate response was to try and kick free, but she was intercepted by a sequel grasp claiming her thigh, this time with more strength behind it to keep her secured. With her pulse skyrocketing past its peak, she attempted to clamber away; only for her success to be thwarted when the boldened grapple yanked her back downwards, sinking her to her waist under the fetid mass. Then another hand clung to her side and pulled her down as well, bringing the level to her chest; where another grabbed her from the breast and repeated, burying her up to her shoulders. Amanda was losing height at a blink’s pace and could only scream for help to the choir of terrified pleas that couldn’t be bothered to answer from their own struggles; her despair cemented upon her spine’s shoe when she realized her calls would go ignored, even when she used the last of her breath to ask them to her mother, goddess and devourer. Her shoulders were next to get hooked and sunken under the swamp. She tried to punch or at least swipe around where she thought her attackers was, yet the goop was too thick to allow her retaliation, let alone seek the offender. Lastly, her hair was yanked from her scalp, and she was brought completely under the surface. Having spent her air reserves yelling, her strength was as depleted as her will; she couldn’t do a thing to prevent the frothy slime from filling her remaining cavities, worsening the burn that scorched her to its worst degree. Her skin burned, her lungs burned, her soul burned to the core; she was helpless to do anything but sink and allow her mother’s gastric juices claim her whole like a scrap of meat. Soon her ears stopped picking up the ceaseless gurgling and produced only white static. Her rate slowed, although her terror never left, she just felt an unnatural calm overtake her as her body became numb piece by piece. The last gesture of her consciousness would be a single tear shed from her ravaged eyes over her cruel fate, thinking lastly of the mother she gave everything to feed, including her own life. Amanda became a lifeless husk lost among the bits and pieces yet to soften up in Georgina’s belly. It wouldn’t be long before the last couple of people followed her to the otherworld in the same fashion. A little later still, there wouldn’t remain much solid evidence to point towards the first and only guests the single mother ever welcomed into her digestive tract; being much less in size and substance than the pasta that fed her proper, they would be utterly dwindled away into nothing except a collective spoonful of chyme in the batch, to refuel the woman’s day and be resettled as excess in her voluptuous build either as strain for her top or as cushion for her bottom. Zesty and just a little spicy, the flavor was still great, a little too salty and bitter on the last bite, but maybe that was just a clash in aftertaste; overall, other than that, Amanda’s first attempt at cooking had earned her mother’s seal of approval. Having cleared off her plate, Georgina took one last sip of her wine to wash down the last of her meal. There wasn’t much left in her cup to swish around, but just enough to wet up her throat afterwards; a great ribbon as any to wrap up such a special dinner from her daughter. “Hmm~ That girl… She needs to open up sometimes. There’s nothing so bad she could’ve done that she couldn’t talk it with her mother.” Still talking to nobody in particular, the mature blonde rested her back on the chair and stared off to the blur of sunlight filling in through the window’s thin drapes, her thoughts now fixed on her absent daughter. With one arm cradled under her heaving bust, she crutched her opposite elbow on her hand, while the rested arm swished around the empty cup in her fingers. A couple runaway drops remained within, swirling around the glass while her thought bubbles did the same hovering over her head. Did we really grow so far apart that she can’t trust me with a little secret? It’s not like she’s dealing in drugs now- I hope. But what can it be that’s troubling my baby girl so much? Something about her daughter just didn’t peg a shape in the right hole, yet she couldn’t quite place the cause for her off-key. Could it really be that catering for her had put so much strain on her that she couldn’t stay to hear her final verdict? She had been keeping a hawk’s stare on her for the most part, becoming so focused on her that she didn’t even touch her own plate past a single bite; and even then it seemed like she was waiting to hear her give a more thorough review on her cooking. Poor girl, it didn’t matter if it was something as simple as spaghetti as if it was a ten-course holiday dinner, as long as she put herself into it, it’d be the tastiest meal a mother could ask for! Maybe she should send a few kind words her way to boost her confidence when she shows up again. Georgina sighed after weighting in her conclusion, wishing she had Amanda in front of her so she could talk to her right away. But figuring that she probably took off in a walk to clear her mind, the mother could only drown her concerns with a second helping of wine; and since there wasn’t telling how long it’d be until her daughter returned, she might as well empty her cup rather than let it sit unattended on the table. It was while setting down her empty glass to reach for the cup of chateau rogue that her palm grazed over an object on the table. She released a short gasp thinking that she almost sat the glass on her fork, but she realized it couldn’t be as it felt too small and round for it to be the utensil. Curious, she picked up the strange item and raised it to her face, close enough that even with her handicapped gaze she could dissect it. To some extent at least. The cotton-candy-colored, stud-like object was about as wide as her index, and upon giving it a slight twirl between her fingers, she noticed the hollow that tapered it through the center, resulting in a tell-tale hoop shape that would clue her to the real answer. Oh, it’s a ring. Is this yours, Mandy? I hadn’t seen this on you before. Georgina inspected the piece of jewelry to the full extent that her near sight allowed her to. Needless to say, she couldn’t make out any feature proper on the accessory; other than a surface detail that felt a different kind of smooth than the main body and had some loose fit to it, there wasn’t a separate texture across its solid pink surface. As far as the woman’s crutched gaze could tell, it had to be some mood ring that her daughter had taken off and left on the table. That girl… always leaving her stuff around. Georgina sighed; what did a pink mood meant anyway? She could only guess it could relate to a bubbly feeling, hopefully Amanda would be feeling as such by now, rather than gloomy from waiting for a harsh critic score from her that Georgina wouldn’t dare to give even if her skill with the pan deserved as much. Which it absolutely did not. But oh well, it wouldn’t benefit her daughter any more if Georgina sweated over her skittishness as much as Mandy worried about her mother’s feedback. Leaving the full plate waiting for her daughter’s return, Georgina stepped up from her chair, ready to reroute her priorities into running her own errands next. “I wonder if Mandy has seen my glasses…” I hope so, I don’t want to end up sitting down on them again. Oh Gina, you blind old bat, you. Georgina yawned as she stood up, allowing her weight to resettle after enjoying such a filling meal. As per usual, her clothes felt their smallest when tasked to drape her loaded belly; making her pants feel one size too small around her waist and her sweater to hug her paunch as tightly as it packed her creamy, sagging jugs. Mmph- Oomf- Not exactly the most comfortable conclusion for a tasty dinner, but a clear sign as any that she enjoyed it nonetheless; now if only Mandy could see how full she was and take it as proof of her cooking’s prowess… No, stop worrying about it, she’ll know for sure soon enough. Georgina shook her head, trying to divert her thoughts elsewhere. While stretching her arms behind her back, the matured woman was absently kneading the ring in her palm, not really paying any attention to the accessory whatsoever. She thought she might have heard some buzzing behind her at some point, but she dismissed it as her yawn popping her ears from air. It was then that she turned around to dock the chair back under the table, when she noticed an off-detail that not even her foggy gaze could miss. Huh? Where did the chair go? |
Ding-dong! “Coming!” You hear a distinct feminine voice yell in response to the doorbell, presumably from one or two rooms away from the front door if your ear is to be trusted. With your call acknowledged, you pull your touch from the ornate brass plaque housing the ringer beneath a wreath motif and step back into plain view from the entry’s spyhole, where you resume tapping your foot in wait for the homeowner to show herself. It’s been a while since you last paid a visit to your neighbors from across the street, not because of animosity or indifference, but rather because until just recently, they seldom populated their own home in favor of touring the state and sometimes the country for straight weeks on end. They were a pleasant couple to hang around with actually, at least that’s what you gathered from the few times that you actually got to spend together; the husband was a sharp man with a post in a high-end facility from the tech park, while the wife was a kind woman that also had her set of accolades under her belt if the many frames adorning the living room were anything to go by; and both shared a warm sense of hospitality that made them an integral part of the neighborhood, even if they weren’t actually around for most of its cookouts. That was until the end of last week, when the lady of the house, Naga, happily announced that she had been promoted at work, moved up into a position that she could tackle comfortably from her own home. She had even taken the time to visit each of her closest knit’s doorsteps to deliver the good news personally, you could still see the giddy sense of joy imprinted on her face while she was choiring all about finally being able to keep up with her friends and not being ankle-chained to the same crushing two-by-two cubicle every day anymore; if there ever was a picture to pair up with the dictionary definition of joy, it would have to be her face that day. A fine compliment to her striking beauty, one more tally to her long list of pleasant plusses, at least, the list that you kept track of, although not one that you would tell anyone of, anyway. Part of you can’t really agree that you found a taken woman so attractive, but hey, it’s natural after all, and it’s not like you’re making a move on her. What’s not to like about her? A merry woman of Indian descent; she’s smart, hard-working, and she’s got some good looks on her; what with her soft chestnut skin with not a single wrinkle to be seen despite her age, coupled well with her shapely build that she managed to keep well spread throughout her body, despite her natural slim framing, granting her a firm hourglass figure that didn’t punish her waist at all. Add to that her dimply cherub smile and a snappy cut that accentuated her petite features, bridging her look flawlessly between ‘cute’ and ‘beautiful’. What you wouldn’t have given in exchange for a chance with her while she was availa- Clink-Tchnk! A sharp clicking sound brings you back to your current-day shoes as you watch the knob turn on the engraved mahogany door. The handle spins in place a couple of times before the door swings open towards the house, and waiting to greet you at the entryway is the slender figure of the woman of the house; whose hazel gaze you lock into as she greets you into her home, whereas a zesty citrus scent does the same for your nostrils. “Oh, hey!” she chirps out as her lips curl into their cheeriest shape by their fringes;” I’m glad that you could come and visit this early!” “Here, come inside!” she sidesteps on the spot and gestures you to step forward, which you soon oblige to, leashed towards her by her curled hand pulling the air a second time. Once you take her cue, Naga closes the door behind you and takes point in walking you further into the house. “I was just about to pour some coffee. Want a cup?” She turns her face halfway to the side and asks you as you leave the lobby and cross into the living room. You decline her offer politely, since you just had a couple of cups earlier before coming to visit. In response, she “Alright”’s you back and leads you to the three-seater piece at the core of the room. Gesturing a hint to you once more, she stretches her hand towards the nearest corner on the couch and splits off from you, turning around to face you again in the process. “Take a seat if you want, I’m going to fetch me a cup of Joe. Be right back!” She taps on the headrest a couple of times, to which you “Sure” and thank her in return as you take your seat on the upholstered cushion; after which she strolls away towards the kitchen a doorway over. Then a few moments later, she returns to the living room, slurping a temperate sip from her cup, and sits down next to you by the middle of the couch. As soon as she takes her seat, you’re grazed by the scent of her brew, a fine dark roast of a blend with a potent, bitter fragrance lingering off. “Are you sure you don’t want a cup? This is from a blend I got back as a souvenir from my last trip to Paris.” She quizzes you right before breaking her sentence with another drawn- out sip from her cup; at which you rehearse your polite denial once more, despite noting how tasty it smells. “Okay, suit yourself, but you don’t know what you’re missing out yet.” She remarks right after finishing her sip, giving you a smugly side-smirk in the process, and afterwards places the cup onto its holder tray, which she then places on the coffee table in front of the couch, next to a small platter littered with crumbs and a fork, and further away from the main clutter that populated the table. Your eyes trailed off from her cup and back to the dense packing of stuff currently sitting at the center of the long slab, the which included things like office supplies – pens of varying colors, liquid correctors, some paper sheets – along with a laptop and some statuettes for decoration; among which however, one object in particular nets your gaze: a thin white bar sitting solely by the corner of the table closest to you. At first glance you would have guessed it as the AC control, what with its button layout, eggshell-white plastic body, and black square LED screen, but it also had some features that only built up to its irregular appearance, such as the chrome brackets reinforcing it and the small metal box joined to its bottom half, along with the nozzle-like pointer where its infrared bulb should be. All in all, it definitively was the most out-of-place item in the whole collection. “I know, it’s a mess. Sorry, I haven’t had the chance to set up my home office yet, so I’m making do with whatever I can. But hey, at least it’s much more comfortable than my previous office! All the leg space I want, for one thing!” Realizing that your stare became fixated on the mess, she was quick to apologize, before rising her tone back to its usual cheery state. You reassured her that it was alright, especially since she just came back from abroad and how she must be tired from her trip; yet at the same time, you can’t help but to inquire her about the mysterious remote-like object. “One of Jack’s friends from the office came to deliver it last night, said it was for him when he got back from the con in Atlanta.” Naga paused to take another sip from her coffee, without taking her glance from the peculiar gadget resting on the table. After drawing on her slurp for a few moments, she pulled the empty cup from her lips and held it over the sunny frill of her dress at her knees. “He didn’t tell me much about it, only that Jack should take a look at it as apparently, it doesn’t work like they expected it to. He must’ve been in a rush to get back home however, since he left without saying anything.” Naga’s eyes drift back and forth between yours and the little remote thing on the table as she recalls its delivery, she then sighs briefly and resumes; “Oh well, and here I was about to offer him a slice of cake for his trouble.” You listen intently to her tale, yet all it does is to fuel your curiosity for the gadget. What could it possibly be? A design so simple that managed to become otherworldly just with a few changes; it makes you wonder what could it be that it does. A controller for a drone perhaps? Some other utility tool of sorts? Or perhaps something more complex altogether? Unable to keep your theories to yourself, you can only ask Naga for her two cents on its true purpose. “Oh, I couldn’t tell you what it is if I tried to guess it, darling.” She answers back, just as perplexed as you are, and with the slightest tinge of shared disappointment to her tone; “You know how Jack and company are with their jobs, they never want to talk a word about it once they clock out. Poor things, they are so overburdened that they can’t escape work even at home.” In response you nod back and share some sympathies for her husband, although the same could be said for her now and it’d be even more accurate. Still, you can’t shake the little gizmo from your head, you just need to take a closer look at it, if only so you could hazard a better guess on its nature; so, you turn back to Naga and ask her if it would be alright if you handled the device, very carefully of course so as to avoid breaking it any more than it seemingly was already. “Oh, sure thing darling.” She chirps back at you, before standing up from the couch and collecting her cup from the table; “Just please mind your touch, I don’t want it to trouble my Jack any more trouble than it has already.” You reassure her that you will treat it as if it were live ordnance, collecting the device from its rest with both hands and not taking either away from its grip. “Thank you, hon.” Content with your caution, she beams a warming smile on you and proceeds to unfurls her dress down her legs before walking away towards the kitchen; “I’ll be back in a moment, gonna get me a refill. Some milk will do wonders for this coffee.” With an acknowledging nod in response, you shift your attention from her leave and back to the gizmo currently sitting in your hands, but not before snapping a mental picture of her shapely form swaying away with each step. Now, you don’t have much of a clue of what could be the purpose of this gadget, or make out its working parts for that matter; but surely, flipping it and turning it around to spot-check its every corner will surely yield an answer if you stare hard enough. Because if life has taught you anything, is that anything complex can be understood if you just handle it like a Rubik cube. Then again, perhaps you shouldn’t take that lesson too literally. It’s not like there’s many nooks and crannies for you to scope out in the entirety of the compact device; in fact, there aren’t any labels or buttons for that matter. Its sole interface seems to be limited to the black square over its ‘upper’ side, whose display – you assumed – wouldn’t show you the time of the day, let alone a single digit to shred the slightest bit of its mystery. Since there’s not much of an input otherwise, you figure that you might as well try sweeping a finger over the obsidian-like glass surface. It’s not like you’re wasting any more efforts at this point, so you swab your digit over the glossy surface, expecting to trigger a reaction. … Ding-Dong-Ding-Dong! Well, well, it seems like you have finally coaxed a response out of the device and were rewarded with a cheery tune for your curiosity. Or it would’ve seemed so, if you didn’t recognize the jingle as your own ringtone. Sighing in resigned frustration, you stand up and reach into your pocket for your phone, while also reaching down to place the weather control-like device back on the coffee table; throwing your glance to the side, you call out to your hostess and excuse yourself to take the call outside. In response, she “Okay”’s you back from across the kitchen, just as you hear an electronic Ping dot her off. Just as you’re about to take your phone out however, you hear a soft hum pick up from somewhere nearby. You freeze with a quizzical frown on your face for a second, trying to piece together its likely source, while it develops into a full-on buzzing on your ears. Your eyes swivel around the room for an answer, although none of the devices seem to be faulty whatsoever to produce such noise; not her laptop nor the TV nor anything else for that matter. --X*X*X--ZZRRTZZ--X*X*X-- It’s then that a sound which you could only describe as an electronical glitch manifested from beneath your waist. By the time that you point your gaze towards the cause however, you can’t jump away fast enough; your sight bleaches away to a solid wall of white and your ears drown in a sea of buzzing. You barely manage to clutch your chest and gasp as the flash overtakes you, mortified that you might be suffering a stroke, although while you can definitively feel your heartbeat spike, it doesn’t really feel like it’s failing just yet, just weird like the tingle swarming all across your skin. Finally, in the span of a blink, you lose all sense of self as your body and mind clear out faster than you can register what’s happening; the last thing that you feel is a steep fall on your whole being as you detour your palm from your chest up to your temple. After a few moments of being submerged in total whiteness, your senses start to reboot one by one; still, you’re too taken aback by the situation to even process what just happened to you. One moment you’re getting up to answer your phone, and then the next you’re suspended in static snow land for what seems like a few moments yet somehow feel like whole hours at the same time. First thing you notice after landing from your clouded trance is that the freefalling sensation is no more, but instead it’s replaced by a weighted load across your frame that makes you slunk over to compose your balance. Then color starts returning to your eyes, even if it’s all a blur where you can barely tell the end of one tone and the start of the next; your eyes are slower to return to normal than your standing was, as shapes are piecing back together a bit at a time, adding one more issue to your compound migraine. Bit by bit you come back to, and after a few blinks in groggy stupor your eyes finally adjust back, so that you can see the nozzle tip of the device pointing at you to greet you back, just about eye level, next to the rest of the tabletop clutter just out of focus. That would just mean that you woke up on the couch, right where you were seated at. Except, you could swear that you were still standing up while looking at it, as you could feel yourself on your legs even now. But just to be sure, you take a peek down; you nearly had a stroke after all, so your mind might not be in the most trustworthy teller right now. However, that doubt becomes quickly debunked as you look down and indeed, you can see your legs stretched down to the floor; the strangest thing that you notice is not that you’re standing, but where are you standing on, as the sandy thread-like flooring is nothing like the scarlet rug that you were stepping on. Then you return your eyes forward to the gadget, which remains unmoved from your height, and that’s where you realize the next hint that you might just have hit your head after all: how the ‘ground’ that you’re stepping on fields a vast split between you and the table, with a steep gap cutting you off each other’s reach. It feels so strange, to know that you’re so close to something, while at the same time getting that feeling betrayed by your own eyes spotting your focus from what seemed like miles away. Likewise, the rest of the table’s contents lay in place at your level still, only now they seem to spread out for miles in the distance; as in, not only out of arm’s reach, but so far away that you’d actually have to walk for hours just to reach them. Everything else in the room is pretty much out of the question, your neighbor’s lobby might as well have become an unreachable background at this point; even the couch, the very piece of furniture that you’re standing on, had its backrest turned into an impossibly tall wall, a mountain range that could well span several towns on its foot. There’s no doubt about it, you’ve definitively suffered a stroke and are now delirious. How else could it be that you’re shrunk so small? Still, it feels all so livid, much more than any dream could be; and until you don’t start punching water or floating away, you’ll be well in your right to doubt your sleeping state. Whatever the case may be, you just hope that your neighbor calls an ambulance soon enough once she finds you. Speaking of the woman herself, a string of bassy thumps then stumble on your ears, and you feel the accompanying quakes rumble the cushioned ground under your feet. You just have to raise your eyes past the armrest walling off your plain in the distance for your neighbor to come into view, and like every other occupant of your hallucination, she’s exploded in size for what seems a thousand times over normal; however, unlike the static landmarks cluttering her ornaments, seeing such a massive titan in motion has you taken aback from the lowest blow to your size just yet. You can’t help but to swallow a knot as you watch the mount-sized woman that is your neighbor move with such smooth grace that would seem impossible for her size; just looking at her hips sway with each step she took planted some sort of semblance in your mind, this is a woman that could knock down the Rockefeller if she as much as bumped into it by mistake, while also bulldozing whole neighborhoods flat under her soles along the way, and she walked with the same celerity of a prancing gazelle in the prairie. While your gaze remains glued to the mesmeric sway of your neighbor’s lower waist, Naga keeps strolling back to the couch, carrying a dish in each hand with a brim-blacked cup in one and a sandwich in the other. Humming to no one but herself and an unfathomable audience, she then circles around the armrest to take her seat, however, rather than her previous spot by the opposite end of the three-seater, she instead moves to the middle of the row, closer to her laptop. Before taking her seat, she places her coffee cup dish down on a clear spot at the table, then lays back to sit on the couch proper so she can start enjoying her breakfast. Meanwhile, as she leans over to deposit half of her carrying load, you’re struck breathless, gawking at the display that followed just as she turned around however brief it was. Naga may be a petite woman the shape, but you try remembering that when her bowl-molding rear is hovering above like a flying saucer – or more appropriately, a blimp – and she’s leaning forwards so that her dress has little choice but to cling to her curves so closely, drawing up just shy of forming a wedgie. She wasn’t even hovering right above you, more like a brisk walk away, but even with the distance between you, her form loomed so imposing above that it mortified you that you’d be smothered beneath her shapely cheeks all the same. That fear soon dissipates as she relaxes her leaning and sits down, although your tension remains an all-time high as you’re still pulled closer towards her from the slope raised by her weight sinking into the cushion. Thankfully, since Naga leans more towards the feather side of the scale, your slippage is likewise slim, leaving you just a little closer and free to watch the house-parked professional’s morning routine at an impossible scale. Stunned, your eyes fix on her face, so far away that you might as well be looking at the sculpted peak of a mountain, and felt in part relieved that of all feverish dreams possible, your delirium placed you in a familiar spot and within reach of a friendly – and rather pretty – face. Still, there’s a reason that your peace of mind didn’t arrive in full, and it became obvious fast again once she brought the sandwich to her face for the first time. That sense of calm began to crack when you saw her cheeks rise and spread and her lips part wide enough to easily dock the corner of her meal, then shattered fully as her mouth clamped down for the bite. If proportion was anything to go by, then she just crunched up part of a block- spanning building, and she had plenty of room to house it all. This is when the weight of scale finally squashed you, when you felt less than insignificant, when something several times your volume can straight up vanish behind the lips of a bronze goddess and then proceed to get pulverized to oblivion by her jaw see-sawing over and over. The sight of her mouth ceasing motion and the muscles in her neck tensing afterwards didn’t help much either. Yet despite the helplessness of your circumstances, or maybe because of them, it is in Naga that you find a semblance of solace in this outlandish experience. She’s the kind of woman that you could resort to in a difficult situation after all, and being stuck down to a measly fraction of your size would surely count as a gargantuan hardship of about her size. Still, with only your clothes following you into this cuckoo dreamland and no megaphone within reach, you can only think of one way to get her to help you. Tilting your head slightly, you set your sights on your next goal at her head; you were going to reach for her ear. It’s an Olympian task as it gets, but you don’t really see any alternatives short of starting a new life as a couch mite; you better start working fast if you want to catch up while she’s still sitting down. Your journey proper begins after a thankfully short walk down the slope of her seat, where you reach the titan’s monumental rear clad in fine red silk that could dress entire regal dynasties of your ant-sized brethren. The fabric of her dress is so finely spun that even at your tic-tac-towered height you can’t really find any loose threads or tears for that matter, although to your luck, it still offers a firm gripping surface for you cling on and begin your ascent, managing a steady one-two rhythm right away; finally, all those long hours at the gym would pay off! Still, even if your endurance wouldn’t be an issue, climbing all the way up to your neighbor’s ear was looking forward to befit a whole-day task and a half. Getting around the curved cliff of her hip only takes you a few minutes, after which you are left craning your neck all the way to the ceiling just to grasp how truly huge the woman has become before you, and sigh in reluctance and hope that you can really make it all the way up to her face from your current step at her waistline. You just have to watch out and brace ahead each time that the wall starts to shift around, or you could end up flung off to the void whenever the goddess adjusts her seat for comfort; and from the force of her sway at idle as is, it wouldn’t even have to be a full swing of her hip to send you away, just a slight nudge to the side and her butt would catapult you back to the couch with all the fury of a tropical storm. -x-x-x-x-x-x-x- Meanwhile, while you were busy tracing a needle’s seam with your hike, Naga just took the second bite from her delicious breakfast sandwich; she savored with delight the tasty blend of flavors from the butter-fried egg and a couple slices of ham sizzled in the same pan, glued together with a square of gratinated cheddar and finally packed together in between two slices of lightly-browned toast. Chewing through the savory bunch, she leaned forward once more to pull her laptop closer to the center, though not before cautiously wiping the grease off her hand with a napkin she held under the plate; one power push and a login screen afterwards, she clicked on her favorite daily broadcast from her list of bookmarks. Might as well catch on some news while enjoying her breakfast. Sipping from her coffee afterwards, Naga then returned to laying her back on the couch rest as the feed from the channel began to buffer. -x-x-x-x-x-x-x- With her next bite of her ham-cheese-egg-wich comes a new sense of dread over you, embodied by a light hail of crumbs pelting your way from the many little bits that circle around her plate and rain onto her lap. You wince in place as you watch her jaw quiver with its busy task, before the muscles in her neck tense up and you hear the echo of her swallow bring a dumper’s worth of meal down her throat. It certainly drives your vulnerability home when her bites are probably many times your size and she’s munching them away like it was just a light noon snack. Because, in all fairness, it is just a light noon snack. Despite being hailed with discouragement however, you’re not swayed from resuming your climb in the slightest; because if there was anything more disheartening than suddenly finding gnats a sizable threat, it’s being stuck like that without having anyone to help or even know of your predicament. Your best bet is to begin scaling Mt. Naga right away, starting from the woman’s thigh and up her waistline, hell-bent on getting up to her ear fast at all costs. Now, keeping a steady pace of rising an arm’s length at a time every few seconds would be a sizable feat, if you weren’t… well, if competition wasn’t fierce and had three times as many legs, to say the least. Not to mention, even if you had the most upbeat of 80’s training montage songs soaring your sails, that wouldn’t help much with your climb rate averaging to about ten cloth stiches per minute. At least you don’t have much to worry about as far as air is concerned, as even with your ascent reaching taller heights and your breath getting winded-up, your lungs don’t run short on supply; in fact, they get filled up more and more by your neighbor’s scent, which only gets stronger the higher you get. It goes without saying, but you really get to appreciate Naga’s choice in body wash over her laundry detergent very soon in your climb. While you cling like the Hercules of all flea-kind to her midsection, Naga keeps enjoying her breakfast in small bites, sending a few more light avalanches your way, while her computer finally loads her video and starts playing a news broadcast anchor, giving you some much appreciated background to your ascent. A few minutes pass in which the only highlights are a couple more crumb rains pelting your Sisyphean hide and the broadcast in the background changing topics from time to time; it’s actually a neat way for you to gauge your progress up your neighbor’s peaking height, because you sure can’t tell how much higher it is until you reach her face from the seemingly never-ending climb of crimson fabric. At most you can tell whenever you cross past certain features of her body, like her waistline and so on, based on the “depth” of the wall section that you’re latching on at the time, but it doesn’t clue you all that much on your placement either way. Some minutes later however, you manage to reach a sloped milestone much easier to notice thanks to how pronounced it is. That, and you recognized the golden-like weaves of the upper part of Naga’s dress that printed a butterfly-shaped pattern on her chest. Your cheeks would be flashing like a stoplight now if your mind wasn’t fixated with more urgent issues now; such as not looking down for any reason whatsoever. At least you have the daily droll of pundits and reporters behind you to keep your mind elsewhere, although there’s also the counterpoint of the calamitous sounds of the woman eating that keep you anchored to your current reality, ranging from the crash of her teeth pulverizing her bites to the dip of her neck flexing to accommodate its passage and all the way to the alien-like growling and burbling going back and forth just behind your climbing wall as her body processes her meal, now louder even since you’re much closer to their speakers, especially the latter one. Despite feeling quite accomplished in managing to reach such an insurmountable point in less than an hour however – let alone a day as you previously thought – you’re well aware that it’s also a long drop back to Naga’s lap should your strength fail you now, and no matter how cushioned it is, a drop this tall could wipe you out even if it was marshmallows waiting to break your fall. It’s not like vertigo hasn’t followed you for a while now, but with the upcoming hill in your path, your anxiety begins to mount ever faster, compounded with your awareness that you’re still seemingly days apart from your goal. While you grasp on eggshells to circle around her bust, Naga meanwhile has finished the last bite of her delicious sandwich. Three whopping schlucks pop off her fingers as she sucks them clean of grease and dribbled cheese, savoring the last of her breakfast with the same gusto that she did in every bite. Satisfied, but not full just yet, she wipes the remaining excess from her lips after a quick lap and stands up from the couch. In the process, she sweeps her hand across her dress, dusting the crumbs off her wear that her plate couldn’t catch in time; oh well, such was the price to pay if she wanted her bread nice and toasty for her sandwich. It was while you were halfway up the cliff that you felt the whole world tremble in your grasp as Naga leaned over to stand up, almost as if you were clinging to the side of a rocket during take-off. Your eyes weld shut and you steel your fists around the threads as tight as you can, feeling the momentum pick up on your whole body as you’re carried away with your neighbor’s own motion. Since your grip on the woman’s threads wasn’t all that ironclad to begin with however, you can’t really hold out for much longer, or indeed at all, as she stands to her full height in one spring step. Your hands begin to slip from the cloth as soon as she leans forward, jerking at you with all the force of a raging typhoon. The moment that her hand touches down to broom away, you are helpless from being swept along with a tide of wheat flecks sprinkled on her chest. Unable to withdraw yourself from the flurry of G’s that followed, you yelp out in helpless despair as you’re flung from your neighbor’s dress before she’s even done bouncing back on her feet. Mortal dread seizes a hold of you in the moments that follow, in which you can’t do anything other than flail against the wind and scream terrified that you’re going to splat down onto a hardwood grave any second now. So close to your goal, yet you’ll get to meet your end splattered on her floorboards instead! No matter how much you cry out and yell for a saving grace, nothing ever answers your pleas as you plummet stories towards your doom; your only hope at this point is that all of this is just indeed some delirious nightmare! You fall and fall for what seems like an eternal blink frozen in tortuous eternity, all too fast yet excruciatingly long, dropping what felt like miles into the void until your fall breaks just as abruptly as it endured. SPLASH! Rather than ending a gory mess forever lost to the dust beneath her furniture however, you find that the unforgiving hardness of the teak floorboards feels rather liquid, and not too floor-like for that matter. Instead, you’re soaked in hot water as if you had fallen through a wormhole and straight into a hot-tub. Admittedly, this trip to Neverland is just taking weirder and weirder turns, but you can’t complain too much when the alternative would’ve ended with you as a ketchup stain on the floor. Still, it doesn’t take you long to wear off the first shock and notice the… peculiarities of your landing pool. Past the rising warmth of the liquid, you also pick up a familiar flavor from the mouthful that floods into you when your screaming paves way to gargling for air. It’s bitter, with just a faint hint of lingering sweetness to soften the flavor a little, tasting of a dark roast from a very fine blend. Your relief turns back to utter despair as you pick up the hint, and in a frantic scramble you compose yourself and kick up out of the liquid. There’s no way that this pool can be what you think it is, your luck can’t be that bad, fate can’t really want you dead like this… Only when you surface and find yourself suspended in a white tub full of steaming crude with your neighbor’s face looming a few couple dozen yards up away does your newest pitfall sink in. The shroud of denial lifts from your eyes so abruptly that you can feel it chaff your face, although that might just be a mild burn from the coffee all the same. You can’t find your voice at the bottom of your lungs to yell out at this point, even if breathing didn’t burn from dark French fumes you couldn’t muster enough will to break away from the awe; the only thoughts that registered in your mind at this point were remarks on how even at this scale, your neighbor didn’t lose her beauty to any of the faults or blemishes that only at this gigantic size would be obvious, as well as how helpless you are sitting in the middle of her drink, while she doesn’t seem even remotely aware of your mortal ordeal. She just looks as pretty as ever, even warm and welcoming still, albeit her obliviousness paints her in a much more sinister light now that she could end your life with just a sip of her coffee. A simple, yet all-too-important matter that becomes much more obvious as you feel the black tide slosh you all around the cup, while also rising up closer and closer towards her face! You turn your head to look all over your surroundings, desperate to find anything in the world that’ll give you the slightest hope of waking up from this nightmare, or even for the next most outlandish thing to tell you that this is indeed a nightmare, that this isn’t a vast sea of black coffee that you are bobbing in like a piece of driftwood, with nowhere to go but into the void hidden behind your macro-morphed neighbor’s approaching lips. Scrubbing over your eyes, pinching yourself on your arm again, even choking from taking in the coffee into your nose, you try whatever you can think of that will place you back under the covers on your bed, convinced in your delusion within a delusion that something must provide you a lifeline away from this hectic, twisted dreamland; because you are already convinced that absolutely nothing will keep you safe from the incoming disaster that looms from the massive woman’s lips descending like a meteor upon your pond. But nothing works, and instead, your hopes take a chute-less nosedive while you watch your neighbor’s face vanish behind her own massive pair of lips as they draw nearer towards the rim of your cup-shaped death row. The rugged slope lifts away from its bottom twin to pave way for a gaping abyss to dominate your field of vision instead. A solid fence of stained ivory greets you from inside the dimmed cavern, behind of which a pink hill rises and splay further into the void. Her breath fans out and breezes over you, tinged faintly with the scent of her breakfast still; it’s by no means a refreshing gale arriving just in time to cool you off, but on your cup-steamed skin, it feels milder than you could actually hope for. Finally, the cup reaches her face, where your tub swiftly tilts to the side in order to ramp onto her lower lip, and in turn, flips your world to the side and sets on the next disaster in cue for your tiny little ecosystem. A swift gale then blows your way, that is less a warm draft and more a scorching heat wave, that ferries a mist of the woman’s breath with it; perfumed with the stale fumes of her mouth’s water blended with the ghost of her recent breakfast, its stench pelts you so fiercely and suddenly that it nearly knocked you out gagging from its strength alone. If only fate was so merciful with you… Within moments of the shift, your pool tilts towards the lowered wall of the tub, carrying you along with its newfound current as it begins gushing out in rapids down the length of Naga’s tongue. Gallons, if not entire tanks worth of caffeine spill from the safety of the cup and vanish into the void of the woman’s mouth, taking with it both spittle bubbles and meal crumbs alike to meet the fate that the just barely the first time, and that you’re about to share with, very so intimately. Despite your best efforts to kick and paddle back towards the cup, you’re ultimately overpowered by the current and swept with the flood across the great pink channel into the abyss. Even if you never touch the floor under the raging tide, you can easily gauge your place by the shape of your ceiling, and know just how irremediably screwed you are once it turns from a pale porcelain dome into a frayed pink overhang that leads into utter darkness. Your cup shuttle bids you goodbye as it pulls back from Naga’s mouth, having delivered you to your death row, before the gap shuts behind it, leaving you utterly blind to your surroundings. At this point, your body no longer works on coherence and retreats to its core instincts of survival in order to stave off filling your lungs with coffee and spit. Sure, adrenaline helps keeping you afloat and alive, and is pretty much the sole reason that you have any strength left to keep your face above the river’s surface over and over despite the tides rocking you under; but your strokes are hardly a match for the sheer hurricane-like force of your colossal neighbor’s thirst. Your ears buzz in record time from the roar of her lips slurping up the coffee, deafening you with the ruckus of your own demise blasting from your entire surroundings. With so little in the way of lighting and the fast pacing of the river overall, you don’t get much in the way of sights from inside Naga’s mouth; although perhaps, it’s for the best that you don’t get to see anything from this point forward, especially with the kind of sights that would be awaiting you in a few moments and a steep fall later. You really don’t need to know how a tasty ham-egg sandwich looks after a date with a woman’s molars and a swim in her gastric fluids, especially when that could easily be your fate as well soon enough. But as far as environment goes, the inside of your neighbor’s body proves to be not only bereft of nearly all light, but also much warmer and damper than her breath sampled earlier on, and much heavier on your nose with the lingering smell of her meal now blended with her spittle air. Having no clue to compass yourself in the woman’s mouth nor an oar to paddle away from the inevitable cascade, your only recourse left to map your placement and how close you are to your doom, is by how fierce her tongue jilts you whenever it bucks up, and how loud the gulping echoes above the raging currents afterwards. Up until you feel her tongue bump up right underneath you and lurch you further in, at which point a window briefly opens to your eyes after the rest of the world had shut off behind you, in which the veil pulls briefly from your eyes you can faintly see the many little bumps weaving the vast pink carpet that’s bending itself over to ensure your consumption, along with a few other meal scraps unfortunate enough to surround you in this final trip; only some ways ahead you can witness a few of her mouth features framing a circling void in the center, like staring into a black hole surrounded by flesh. Once that moment passes and you’re returned to current reality, a sharp lurching sideblinds you beneath and pitches you forward, where you bullseye into a slick wall that bounces you downward in recoil, and from there, it’s a short slip down the back of Naga’s mouth until you detach and slide down the slope that meets her tongue; just in time for the lumbering serpent to connect with the ceiling and grant you and the stream of coffee into her gullet. The last thing that you hear from within the woman’s mouth is a resounding plunk that pops your ears, and then you’re plummeting down, down, down into the depths of her throat. While by some ounce of luck you weren’t dunked inside the cascade of coffee as it flushed down the track mere moments before you did, that didn’t save you from following its course along the stretch of Naga’s food pipe. Lower and lower you descend into the upper half of the woman’s GI tract, assisted against your will by a single wall of flesh that quivers and ripples every so often to tilt-and-tumble your helpless shape all the way to the bottom of her gastric pit, keeping you slick and moist thanks to the coating of slimy lube that cuts you from braking at any point other than where you’re intended – where her food is intended to arrive. The drop carries on for what feels like minutes, in which you grow increasingly sick not only from the safe-less flume-like ride, but also from the lingering haze of coffee and spit with the ghastliest tinge of fried eggs that becomes ever unbearably warm the longer you suffer it through; in addition to the many sounds of your neighbor’s daily engine at work: thumping, squelching, bellowing and gurgling, which also pick up some bars the closer you get to her core; and while these were still noticeable during your climb, they lacked their current ear-splitting qualities that strengthen them to the point of overcoming your panicked shrieks rising from the tunnel’s length. Finally, another shift occurs once you approach what you assume is the bottom of her throat, arriving just in time to splash in the pocket of coffee from the very tail end of Naga’s latest sip. The restless down-squirm then pulls its only stop once a whirlpool forms under your feet and begins siphoning the glob of slimy coffee through the other side of the valve; which as you soon realize with a sting, leads to the true horizon from which you’ll never return. At first the vortex is only large enough to allow the drink through, but it quickly expands to match your girth just in time for your legs to slip through the hoop as well; you don’t even stand a chance to cling onto the edge of the wrinkled ring before you’re flushed along with a cascade of coffee past the circled gate guarding your neighbor’s gastric chamber. All this torment that her organism puts you through, and it does so without splitting a hair away from its usual intake; you’re squirted into the woman’s stomach like any regular fleck of food might at any moment, any day, and wash right into a muddy mound of sludge whose origin you wouldn’t need to guess but didn’t want to delve into either. You just brace yourself to the drop and plunk bottom-first atop the squishy mound of bile and chunks with a wet, loud splurch! Shortly after being poured into Naga’s gut and making kindred acquaintances with some pork and chicken, a second stream of morning thin-tar drizzles into the pit, scalding you with a new rinse of near-piping hot coffee at first; however, after its way-past-warm- welcome, it soon beings pushing apart the more tar-like gunk at your landing, while at the same time skidding you away from the splash zone and further away into the unknown that is your humongous neighbor’s stomach. You can’t even try to get a hold of yourself in the pitch void’s contents as you’re swept across the mushy slop currently filling the pit, which further bogs you down by lathering you in a layer of its rich and thick goop-of-the-day. Shortly afterwards, after a few regretful moments of paddling stick-less and trying to outpull the chyme’s whim to swirl you into a sloppy grave, you come to drift ashore at a taller mound of gunk rising above; which you haste to cling and scramble atop of as fast as your weighted arms can lift you, cramps and pulls be damned, you just wanted to escape the whim of the stirring gastro-gravel pool at all costs! Meanwhile the black-brewed waterfall has dried up behind you, which you can only picture from the fast, gushing noise waning to extinction; only to be replaced by the natural sounds of the pit that you had just arrived at. Low-tone burbling and popping now populated your ears as they adjusted to the cavern’s echo, broken in between by a slosh that surged from far and near, then by a short, squishy chirring not unlike sweeping the floor of a flooded rubber castle with a pool toy. One by one your senses keep catching up with you, having lost track since all the way from Naga’s mouth, and next to show itself back home was your smell, at which point you were struck by the stench, far more overpowering than anything found on your final voyage into your neighbor so far. Nothing in her maw could compare, not the damp breeze of her morning breath nor the mild waft of her gastric vent, against the raw, unfiltered stench of the ongoing digestive process of a middle-aged woman tearing apart the remains of a full breakfast with a flood of noxious enzymes meant to soften up any organic matter that it could drench in the foul brew of gut-gravy. Your nostrils are assailed without mercy by the fumes of a thick layer of greasy cheddar and ham mush being stewed in a spoiled stock of the woman’s stomach acids, driving you to retch and heave up your own contents as you regret to the core that you didn’t inhale enough of the scalding drink to cripple your sense of smell while it still was a pleasant scent to wither it to. Unable to truly pry the fetid mist away before it sings off your nostrils, you can only resign yourself and inch back atop the muck heap and away from the bubbling soup that could once have been a majestic fowl specimen if it wasn’t destined to become this woman’s breakfast instead; praying to the whole divine phonebook that, against all chances, this fetid mess of cholesterol, coffee, and craploads of chyme won’t become your grave. All things considered, it would take a joint-effort miracle to return your life at this point; everything now pointed towards your funeral arriving in short order, with this last bastion of high – if also very disgusting – land doubling duty as your ferryman to an afterlife filling the slim woman’s waistline. Just when you think that your day can’t possibly get any worse, hell, that your life cannot end in a worse manner – helpless and lost inside someone that you trust most – your rotten fate shows its putrid face once more just to throw one more stone your way. It starts as an odd noise that you nearly don’t tell apart from the onslaught of digestion, but as you pick it up you can only guess it sources from somewhere far off in your neighbor’s body. It’s a weird echo to listen to – and that’s saying something when you’re already surrounded by an otherworldly symphony blasting away at your melting eardrums – somewhere between clicking and tapping, that cycles on and on for a few moments before ceasing shortly altogether. However, its true nature becomes painfully clear once its respite arrives in the form of a resounding Ulp that awakened some tragic moments from your recent memory; followed by a series of increasingly louder squishes and the mimic sound of fine gravel grinding against the walls of a pipe. You didn’t need any more clues in order to connect the dots and know that you would get some much unwelcome company soon, instead, you desperately prayed that your crawl across the putrid bile and its relentless quickening motion combined were merciful enough to place you far from the valve leading back to Naga’s gullet, and thus, away from the avalanche that was about to rock the muddy waters in her stomach. Surely enough, a string of loud squelches started once the faraway ones reached their lowest point, which paved way to splashing and grinding as the ball broke up in chunks trying to pass into the pit of Naga’s stomach. The landing sent strong ripples across the surface of the swamp that nearly knocked you back on your hind, yet you still endured to remain anchored on foot atop the foul murky substance; if only in the broadest sense in which your back meets with solid-ish ground and not with the surface of the stingy brew again. Finally, the wave settles down as the whole chamber shudders and groans, as if messaging that it’s about to pump up its score in order to mulch its newest addition. That’s how you catch the message at least, with the underlying understanding that said increase would mean a thinner thread for your life to hang from as soon as the whole chamber throttled up its pace. Your brow, already leaking with nearly enough iced beads to rinse off the layer of tepid goo, scrunches up like the rest of your face as your nose collects a clue from the latest plot taken in your neighbor’s graveyard of a gut. It’s not long after the load gets dumped inside Naga’s stomach that the gastric haze pervading inside dyes with the tinge of toasted bread and cheddar, only stripped from the tasty, mouth- watering fragrance they might have once had and instead spoiled by the rot of the woman’s digestive enzymes starting to metamorphosize the bite into another helping of gooey chyme for you to suffer through. As soon as the boulder of a heap comets into the bog, it sends a tsunami of goo crashing across the whole chasm, which nearly sweeps you off your feet if your ankles weren’t anchored in the muck at this point. The tide of thick gunge rises up some more as the ripples smooth down on the surface, staying just above your knees once they return to their usual swirl. By that time, however, you can hear another round of crushing setting off in the distance, which surely enough, peaks with a second gluk echoing through the roof. You winced, tussled in a mix of raw fear, pain and exasperation, you knew what was coming next, how it would be followed by more to come still afterwards, and how utterly powerless you were to stop it or even shelter yourself against it. Sooner or later, Naga’s stomach would fill up with food and fill in a swamp of her corrosive gastro-sludge; this woman, a friend whom you could always look up to this day, would become your living tomb in the most painful and undignified way possible. And as if your heart couldn’t sink any further from it, you were struck with one final realization: that she wouldn’t know anything about it; as far as she was concerned, you walked out to answer your phone and just vanished into the ether. Tears of frustration well up in your chyme-brazed eyes, no matter how much you swivel your head out of a screw around it, you cannot even begin to understand just how your day could come to this. All you wanted was to welcome your friend back to her home, and now you’ll never leave her side again; at least, whatever that her body rakes in from you won’t be. Soon the tides begin stirring up inside the boiling por-sac again, this time not from a new prisoner of the woman’s hunger arriving at death row but rather from the happenings outside the tepid tomb. Waves of goo slosh and jostle about, raining bits and chunks sponged with acrid slurry over you as a few thumps’ bass throughout Naga’s body. Your best guess – if you weren’t busy screaming your face off from getting masked with sizzling bile, anyway – was that Naga was walking off somewhere. Until she gets to that ‘somewhere’, you can only buckle up and endure getting pelted and soaked as your haven proves it wasn’t as safe as you previously thought; since it gets flooded just as easy with every wave of liquified gunk that tips over it, and you end up catching everything netted within, from muddy balls of mush that break over your chest, to sturdier solids that have yet another acid-wash cycle or two left before they’re just as soft; some of which feel awkwardly thin and bone-like even as they club you unmercifully so on anywhere but the head, some chicken bit from last night perhaps? The swirling sea of stomach-batter hasn’t yet finished suffering through Poseidon’s wrath when another splash echoes sharp in the near distance, followed by a jolt surging across the rising sludge. You can barely listen to it all at this point, having become deaf to all things beyond this raging caustic cauldron. The only other clue that you get is the scent of sweetness reaching your seared nostrils, somewhat untouched by the stench of digestion just yet. Great, one more stone to weight down your splitting back, Naga is topping her packed breakfast with a sweet bow to wrap up the bunch; from the hint of it, something with fried batter and honey. Pancakes? Waffles? It didn’t really matter to you at this point, it will end up a piling heap of mush over your grave all the same; a fact that you’ve come to resign over as another batch breaks through the glorps of her busy gut. You would never have guessed that your friendly neighbor could pack away so much at her size, yet here you are, swamped chest-high in the slop of her breakfast; devoured like a fish inside a whale while waiting for the slurry to reach your face so that you can finally pass out, before her acidic goo can finish sloughing off your flesh. One more splash, this time one large enough to summon a tidal welcome on its crater that tosses everything over. Naga’s stomach broadcasts a bellowing groan on its arrival and follows with an excited encore of squelching and burbling. It would be the cherry topping of your concern sundae, if you hadn’t become numb to further warnings that you couldn’t fight against; so, all of them, really. Coasting through this last storm alone had withered your final reserves just from shoveling away mush and grating your lungs with the noxious fumes of her brewing gut. You can’t really endure anything at all anymore, only lay back and take however it is that Naga’s hunger decides to deal with you. And so, it casts its verdict by pouring even more sizzling goop into a mix that’s already brimming to the top of the pot. This, along with the fervent churning that resumes after the last load’s arrival, ends up spelling the last bloody ‘M’ of your doom. With so little stock left in your buffer, it takes all of a few couple turns and a little cramping from Naga’s stomach until it too slips under the rising tide of churning goop, and like its good captain/sole passenger, you can’t help but to sink along with it. Immediately you feel the sting of the woman’s freshly-pumped acids sear your flesh, noting them to be much more potent at this stage of digestion than when you first arrived – brought up to speed by her caffeine take without a doubt. It’s the worst that you’ve suffered yet, as the sizzling, warm slime pierces through your numbed senses to rocket you into new heights of grief. Your whole body feels like it’s melting in raw sewage, and knowing that, all things considered, that could very well be the case, coupled with your utter helplessness to avoid such a grisly fate any longer, drive you to scream bloody murder one last time into the burbling void. Alas, like your live red flesh, your last call is consumed raw and greedily by the woman’s hungry pit of doom. A contest of sloshing, squelching, bloops and bubbles quickly shut down your death cry, as well as the last kicking whimpers before your body is swamped entirely, stuffing your exposed cavities with the foul brew. At last, you pass out from the shock shortly afterwards, cutting your misery short while leaving your mortal remains at the mercy of the gastric machinations of a woman in her thirties. Unlike your lifeline, your body holds out during the prime of Naga’s metabolism for a while longer. However, much like the unfortunate fellow that preceded you last night, and whose bone greeted you a while ago, it will stand no chance against the full slaughter of the woman’s greedy appetite, and after a full noon of cycling in her acidic wash and rinse, only the barest trace of your visit will remain buried in the tomb of her gut. -------------M E A N W H I L E------------- Having now sated herself with a tasty breakfast, Naga gulped down the last bite of her ham egg-which and slurped up the last few sips of her refilled coffee, swishing the last of her drink in her mouth, rinsing her breath through and through before flushing it all down her pipe. “Mmph- Aaah~” Her contented gasp fired off her step towards the kitchen, carrying the platter and cup in her hand, both vessels empty save for a few crumbs and a measly puddle at the bottom of either. A day as busy as hers always started her off with an appetite to match after all, even now that her schedule would be much more stationary and distant, it didn’t mean a skim in her activities in the slightest; she would still need every ounce of fuel that she could fit in every morning. Ping! KRATCH-TCHUNK! As such, she had left the last lap of her course meal warming up in the toaster so that it would be steaming warm and crunchy by the time she returned to the kitchen. Naga placed the empty cup on the counter and collected a couple of golden, puffy waffle squares from the toaster. From the slot to the plate, she then drenched the pair with thick, heavy ropes of maple syrup, and filled half of her cup back up with cold milk. A rather light snack, yet just the right choice to bind up her breakfast in a sweet note; Naga swiftly tore through one square after another while sipping from her milk in between each waffle. Just as she finished her dessert and refilled her cup with coffee for the third time now, the bronzed woman heard the front door creak open over the news broadcast that was still running on. At first, she thought it to be her friend returning from a rather lengthened phone call; that is, until the true arrival announced himself from the welcome mat. “Naga! Sweetheart, I’m home!” It was none other than her husband, chirping out with high cheers fanning his voice; no doubt he was just as pleased to return to their nest as she had been some time before. Leaving the twice-emptied dish sitting alone on the kitchen counter, Naga sprung a hasty step to meet with her beloved husband by the lounge. “Honey! Welcome back! I missed you so much!” Naga sang-sung back to her soulmate as she found him racking up his travel coat by the entrance, giving her a moment to place the steaming cup back on the table so as to receive him with her arms wide open; while Jack meanwhile had just finished hanging the padded coat on the hook, turning around to face her just in time for her to plant her lips right on his cheek and peck a smooch on his face. Their arms wrapped tight around each other as she suckled on his face, slowly creeping her lips closer to his, until they locked into a kiss proper, which although it extended for nearly a whole minute of restless tongue- wrestling, it barely made up for all the time they’ve been away from each other. “Huff- Glad to have you back, darling. How was your trip?” Naga panted out as they broke from their kiss first, then from their hug. She then walked back to the couch, swaying her strut ever so alluringly for her husband until she seated herself by the corner, in front of her cup. “It was alright, honestly, I just napped it out all the way since the plane shift.” Jack sighed, catching up to his wife to the lobby’s centerpiece; “Glenn then gave me a lift here from the terminal. He said that Mick was looking for me yesterday though; but I couldn’t take his calls on the air.” “Mick? Oh, he came by yesterday.” Naga caught up as her husband took a seat next to her, taking a sip from her coffee before resuming; “He dropped by in the evening, saying he had been trying to call you all day. I told him that you’d be flying back home and wouldn’t get reception until today. He seemed a little upset, but said it was okay.” “Huh, I guess he missed me almost as much as you did.” Jack chuckled, crossing a leg while reaching an arm behind Naga’s back; “Didn’t he say what was the hurry, though? He couldn’t be that eager to go out for drinks.” “He didn’t say much, really, he just said it was something important from the job and that you needed to take a look at it- “Naga recalled quaintly, placing the cup back on the table to swap it for the unknown device in her hands; “He left this thing here though. Asked me to hand it to you when you arrived.” Against all of Naga’s expectations, presenting the device to Jack didn’t summon any immediate answers from him, but instead a quizzical look on his face that wasn’t unlike her very own when she had first seen the gadget yesterday. She brought the gadget closer to her husband’s reach, at which point he took it gently from her hands and began scoping it across in his grasp. “Ah-hrrm… Yes- Well, I think that I should probably ask him what is the matter. Did he leave or say anything else?” Jack pondered, fidgeting with the curious little object in her hands while keeping his touch away from its visible buttons and knobs. “Mm-Hmn- “Naga shook her head in denial; “I asked him but he said that he didn’t want to bother me with technical work stuff, and that he would talk it with you as soon as he could. Seemed like the stress of it was eating him alive, since he tried to call you again even after I told him that you’d be traveling. Didn’t even stay for a slice of cake that I cut for him, I ended eating seconds by myself.” “Huh, I got some calls from him early in the afternoon, but none in the evening. I was going to call him back while in the terminal but I was too tired to deal with anyone just yet. I better reach him back just in case.” Jack raised his brow and dug his phone out of his pocket, hoisting the screen to his face in order to surf through the registry. Indeed, there had been many incoming calls from the same number all through the afternoon, yet not a single one had entered while he was landed in the connecting airport. He was about to push on the call icon when Naga’s hand blocked his phone and seized his wrist, gently lowering her hand away from his handsome cover-booking look. “Oh, come on, Jack, you just got back home from work and you’re already thinking about office matters? Just take the day off, I’d say that you’ve earned it.” Her tone peaked for a moment, before smoothing out to comfort her husband. Naga then released her grip over her man’s hand so that she could gently string her palm across the length of his arm instead, then thinning the trail to just her finger at the final stretch to her shoulder, at which she teased with a few pokes to dot her point across. “Thanks, honey; you’re right, I think I should lay off for a while. I feel pretty washed out already. I’ll just call Mick and tell him that I’ll be looking at this with him later; then we can spend some quality time together.” Not that it would take much convincing from his wife to make him drop the office anyway, still, Jack cherished her more and more every time that she would look out for him that way; especially since how much of a hard pusher she was herself. He brought his grin to her hand and planted another smooch on its back, earning back a soft chuckle and a puff of blush over her tanned cheeks. “Fine by me, I think I could use some time off myself. Give me a moment, I’ll bring you some coffee, I want you to try this brew I brought back from France.” Fueled with a whole tank from her latest cup today, Naga didn’t wait to detach her lip from Jack’s face before springing up from the seater, cutting off the suckling on his cheek just as she turned around to rise fully. She then circled around the couch and strolled back towards the kitchen, leaving her husband to tinker with the broken controller or whatever it was that fiddled in his hands. “Ooh-la-lah, you’re the best, honey. Two spoons sugar and don’t cut back on the half-n’- half, if you wouldn’t mind.” Her man sniveled just as she was about to turn down the doorframe and out of his sight. Even if she would just chuckle back at him, Naga loved when he dipped his voice in order to pull off an accent, even if only in jest. “Oui, oui, mon sieur.” Not one to waste the chance, Naga batted the tone back at him, wearing the best franc tone that she could work on during her stay; before slipping away from his smile and towards the counter. Jack couldn’t help but get flustered from Naga’s tenderness; she always knew how to make his arrivals first class, no matter how dull the trip itself would be. He was such a lucky man to have met her. Even as she left around the corner, her gleaming beauty was printed in his gaze; he couldn’t wait to share with her some of that drink that she vouched so much for and just sit back and catch up for a while. Then maybe they could go out for a stroll, or a dinner at their favorite candlelight table, or perhaps just stay at home and enjoy each other’s side for a while; after being away for so long after all, even a sit down at the porch with Naga would make an outstanding holiday out of his return. First however, he would need to ensure that this afternoon would be truly his after all, and unfortunately, that would mean trading some of that free time for a bit of tech support with the little gadget twirling in his hands. Although he had the faintest idea of Mick’s pet projects, he had yet to discuss with him the details of each knick-knack that the savant poofed into existence. So, Jack figured, the best way to help his friend troubleshoot his own invention, was to hit him up and ask him what was the gadget all about in the first place. Thus, without hitching his eyes away from the fistful of plastic block in his hand, he fished his phone from his pocket and zig-zagged between tapping and sweeping the screen until Mick’s contact scrolled up. ‘Mickelangelo’, with all and an accompanying orange-masked turtle thumbnail to match; Jack tapped over the ‘Call’ icon on the screen and hoisted the phone over to his shoulder. Right away his speaker started beeping its waiting tune- at least until it cut down half a tone in to announce that the number requested was out of service. However, Jack wouldn’t get the chance to blame Mick for failing to pay his service bill on time, as his attention was swiped by the gadget in his hand suddenly whirring to life. Perplexed, his eyes caught upon the LEDs jeweled on the tablet’s side suddenly lighting up in a see-sawing pattern; had he just fixed the problem without even looking at it? Whatever it did, it certainly behaved more actively – or indeed, at all – now; perhaps he wasn’t sure how he did it, but if it meant that he could spend his day with his beloved wife right away, Jack wouldn’t mind saving his questions for the office. Scoring a triumph in the coincidence, Jack stood up from the couch with his hands full still, wanting to set his friend’s little miracle aside somewhere that he wouldn’t forget in the morning. He made it as far as a step in towards the middle of the table, when the gizmo’s buzzing-turned-ringing exploded in volume and a blinding light zapped him whole static. ------ “One steaming cup of genuine French roast, coming right up for the husband of the year~” Naga chirped gleefully, skipping her feet back to the lounge with her husband, carefully blowing some cloud from the cup as she shuttled it back. She made sure to tailor the drink to her husband’s tasted down to the mark, with the fine cut of milk and sweet that only she knew made for his favorite cup. She couldn’t wait to see his smile curl up with joy after just a sip. Too bad that she would have to wait a bit longer to share their morning fuel, as Naga came to notice when she strutted back into the lobby proper, that Jack was nowhere at the couch where she had left him. “Honey? Are you still in here? I got your coffee- “ Since hollering across the hallway yielded no response from her husband, Naga just assumed that he had stepped outside for whatever reason. Maybe he had to make a call as well? It wouldn’t be the first time today honestly, and it wouldn’t surprise her in the slightest; coverage around the block was so spotty at times, it almost seemed like a ploy from the provider to make her keep the landline on. Unfazed, but mildly irked by Jack’s sudden absence, Naga vented out a deep sigh and muttered under her breath. ‘That man, I swear, he should be asking for a time off while he has them on the line; this job will be the end of him’. Sauntering to her seat back by the middle of the couch, her concern for her husband’s saturation didn’t overlook her own schedule, and so she set Jack’s cup on the table by his seat, just a few inches next to hers, ready to resume her own tasks while her husband tailed his. Noticing that her own cup had emptied of steam already however, Naga figured that there wouldn’t be any harm in getting a head start on her husband and take a few sips while it’s still warm. Nabbing her No.1 from the table, she brought the cup to her lips and sucked in a deluge of the warming, bitter thin-tar, while booting up her screen from sleep. She swished the drink to and from in her mouth for a moment, tasting up the zing of the first sip, then gulped down the mouthful. It felt refreshing… and a little grainy on the aftertaste, to be honest. Not chunky by any means, just solid enough that she could feel an itchy trail run down her throat. Immediately she broke out with a light cough that could barely scratch that rasp; tiresome, but nothing that another rinse wouldn’t fix. A second trip of the cup to her lips helped her flush the bothersome tickle down her throat, followed by clearing up the tube from the feeling entirely. Slurrrp… “Ehrrm, alright, I should check the filters. This is the second cup today that’s got some grounds in it…” |
MIA THE ADVENTURER AND MAGRA THE OGRESS Here is a new story happening in the world of Vorastra. This story is about a young girl named Mia. This apprentice adventurer answered the call of some villagers from the village of Ersteinbourg, a quiet little village that had never had any problems before. But recently, strange disappearances have taken place and impossible to find the missing without venturing into the gloomy woods, located a few kilometers from the village. This wood is infested with goblins; only a little equipped adventurer going into the woods and check out what happened to the recently disappeared villagers. Mia accepted their quest and set out to investigate to this forest. The young woman did not feel worried by these woods however. For a long time, she had trained all her life in the practice of the sword which she kept at the waist. It was even her reason why she became an adventurer, in order to find an opponent at her height. A real nemesis that she would have to overcome in order to surpass herself. But according to her, some goblins will not be up to the task, ignoring the presence of other creatures in the woods With a firm step, she ventured into the forest in search of evidence or survivors because if the goblins were the cause of these disappearances, they tended to take prisoners either to eat them later or, if they were females, to mate with them to increase the size of their horde. In any case, it was an option to consider. But our young adventurer hoped for a more epic battle against a mountain troll or a group of orcs because they were much stronger and sometimes possessed some precious objects took on other richer or better equipped victims in their marker. Mia arrived very quickly in a more open area and noticed pieces of women's clothes hanging from a tree. The high height where the clothes were was not normally a good sign for most adventurers but our budding adventurer hoped that it was not the wind that brought these clothes to more... Proud to have made such a discovery, the young woman decided to redouble her efforts for her research. She pulled her blade out of her sheath before heading back to the road a slower step, scrutinizing the surroundings carefully so as not to be surprised by the creature that had left these shreds of clothing as macabre decorations. As she advanced, she began to think about the possibilities of strategies to be used to defeat a monster of this size, without imagining for a second a escape plan in case of difficulties She fell a little further on corpses of goblins, a good ten at first sight. They were dead crushed or crushed like insects. This explains why the forest seemed so peaceful when the goblins still have a reconnaissance patrol in front to intercept the intruders; this patrol had encountered a creature much stronger than it. The corpses were several weeks old and hopefully if there were any other goblins in this forest; the creature may have had to slaughter them. Just a hypothesis but a hypothesis to be verified. Our heroine continued through the forest and reached the foot of a mountain. Other corpses of goblins were there but more surely their den or at least what was their den. Mia in the face of this began to examine the blows on the corpses as well as the fragments of goblin huts lying around. It seemed to be a club that had done so much damage, but it seemed immense, massive, carried by a giant. It was one of his tracks, either a giant, a troll or an ogre. The three perspectives were then reinforced when she came face to face with a huge imprint on the ground. That was a massive foot. But best of all: Mia now had a lead on the direction to take. She set off again, always ready to discover it with her prey. After a good half hour of walking following in the footsteps, our heroine felt a fire nearby. She arrived on the scene but the fire had been extinguished for a few hours. She saw other pieces of cloth from women and men and soon found human bones scattered all over the place but some of them were amassed in a more precise place, which meant that the creature was either alone or they were two maximum. She analyzed the area in more detail to see if one or two of her creatures were present. After analysing the area, she was able to determine that there was only one creature and that she had only recently left. Suddenly she heard a heavy strand behind her. Mia suddenly turned to see the creature behind her. He was indeed an ogre, or rather an ogre in view of his generous point of view and his facial features reminiscent of that of a woman. She seemed surprised to see a human in front of her as she returned from picking. The young woman then warned herself ready to fight "So you're the one who's taking the peasants out of the area? So know that I, Mia, will put an end to this" She declared heroically awaiting the reaction of the ogre The ogre looked at the human from top to bottom and said. "Hum! Another dinner with several layers on it. Magra love dinners with several layers! They be better when well cooked!" She said while licking her massive lips at the thought of tasting our beautiful adventurer. "You will have to catch me for that big one." At these words, the swordsman engaged the fight by running towards the ogre blade forward. She managed to hit him twice in the legs, but she noticed that the thick skin of the creature was a very good protection. She recoiled as the creature laid down her big bag full of plants and spices The ogre looked at her laughing and raised her mace and then shot her on the adventurer. Mia narrowly avoided the blow but was propelled by the shock wave due to the power of the blow. If she had taken the blow head-on her bones would have been broken instantly. "Fast, little human! But not enough for Magra!" And another blow went to our heroine, who had just recovered from the previous one. Mia shake by the blow of the ogress noticed this assault quite fast despite the size of the creature. She could easily dodge and implemented one of her plans. The adventurer clung to the long hair of the ogre to stay on his back before hitting him several times, one of which was a bit piercing the pulpit. Magra felt the pain and perdid the balance by a false movement with his mass. Mia didn't have time to get away as the ogre fell on him in his fall. Under the weight of the creature, Mia realized the mistake she had made. She tried to get out as quickly as possible, but before she got up, the ogre had the reflex to take her leg Magra shook from left to right Mia who dropped her weapon and lost several objects such as her emergency knife, which was attached to her belt. Magra then said, "Magra not happy! Dinner hurts Magra so Magra will play a little with dinner now!" Our panicked heroine tried to think of a plan when suddenly the ogre put his huge hand on his armor. "Let me go fat! I'm not a toy or a dinner!" She screamed before she felt her clothes being ripped off by the huge hand of the ogre, leaving her in her underwear. She then felt the ogre move towards her camp looking for something while Mia half-naked was suspended by the leg Magra was singing and looking for a utensil, finally if we can call making hoarse noises with the mouth a form of singing for the ogres. Magra found what he needed and shouted, "Ah! That's how dinner waited! Big pot to cook dinner! " The ogre took out a pot that must have seen better days and surely had to serve a human family before ending up in the hands of the ogre or even that the unfortunate old owners of this pot had to be cooked inside it. she set it up ready with a tin fire and began to take pieces of wood to rekindle the fire as quickly as possible because there were still perennial embers. Our heroine attempted a conversation with the ogre to find out what was going to happen to her. "What are you going to do to me ogres?" Asked the young woman as the ogre tied her by the feet to a tree branch to examine her more closely. His skin was pale enough and his forms not very generous, but his flesh seemed firm, as a result of his sword training. During, the adventurer was trying to struggle to escape, without much success Magra replied. "Magra see that you are like poultry, not a lot of meat on the bones but must taste good. Magra will first marinate meat before cooking it well in the oven with large carrots in good little poultry!" Magra licked Mia's body and added. "Hummmm yes! Good poultry!" "I'm not a chicken, I'm a human!" She retorted as she saw the ogre take the pot to fetch water. The adventurer took the opportunity to wipe the drool leave on her skin before trying to undo these bonds. His head down was beginning to hurt because of this position which was felt on his actions. But miraculously, she managed to loosen up before falling to the ground. Unfortunately for her, the shock of the fall made her vulnerable to magra's return, who noticed her lying on the ground Magra heard the noise and walked towards Mia very calmly. "Oh, poor little poultry that can't steal you fall from the tree, so Magra's going to tie you up so you won't hurt yourself before dinner." Magra took another rope and tied Mia's hands and feet so that she could not move. Magra fetched water nearby as there was a small river a few hundred yards away. "Nooo! Release me! I don't want to end up like this!" She screamed as she saw the ogre tie her up like a hanging pig and rip off her last clothes before fetching water. For once in her life, Mia was scared. She shook herself in every direction with a tearful start to her eye. She would have preferred to die on a battlefield rather than devour by an ogre. She then saw her come back with something surprising. In a small pouch at his belt, there was a sort of wreath of flowers Magra put the crown on Mia and added. "There you go! Little poultry! Not crying because it makes the meat sad when Magra eats it. Then I give me a little present. You are prettier with beautiful flowers on you." Magra put the pot on the fire and blew on the embers so that the fire would remain alive. She began to add spices and multi-vegetables that she had kept in a basket not far from the fire. In spite of this, Mia couldn't help but cry as she felt the fear make her tremble nervously. She felt the smell of spices rising to her nose which made her even less well at the thought that she was going to be plunged into this pot. Magra then picked her up before taking her in her big hand to take her to the pot. "Please... Don't do that..." She begged with tears in her eyes. Magra looked at the girl and decided to do something else. She put Mia on her lap and took a vial from her pocket. Magra poured the vial into her hand and began brushing Mia with it. Magra then said. "Here you are, little poultry, with this you're going to feel better!" Mia didn't understand, she was covered in oil from head to toe and it made her even more uncomfortable. Slowly, Mia felt a weird effect, an effect of relief and excitement. She wondered if this was due to the bizarre oil that the ogre had poured on her body. "What is it?" She asked as she saw the ogre wipe her tears away with a nice smile. The adventurer then approached her, opening her arms almost irresistibly, seeming attracted to the ogre and what she was going to do to him "Calm, little poultry. It is a potion that helps the meat to be softer and to hang pleasure before dinner. Magra discovered this one day by mixing several spices! Magra often uses on humans because they cry a lot and Magra not like it because bad for meat and Magra not love orinouin humans!" Magra looked at Mia laughing and shaking in every direction on her. "It's... Nice. Thank you so much." The young woman answered as the ogre took her in her hand and brought her to the pot. Mia, though frightened, also seemed to enjoy being in this situation. She smelled the good smell emanating from the water as she looked at the ogre with sympathy Magra let Mia slip into the pot. The water was hot but not yet burning. Mia knew that the temperature was going to rise little by little and that she was going to start cooking slowly. The smell of spices was sublime. She even began to wonder if she was going to be delicious with this marinade. For fun, she plunged her head in the water so that her hair would also be scented with spices. She then raised her head to Magra, who seemed happy as she looked for vegetables in her bag. "What's the spices in it?" Did she ask out of curiosity Magra looked at her and did not know what to answer because the ogres did not give much importance to the names of the plants just to taste. "A little spice that smells strong and stings, a few small green leaves that smells good and several vegetables like that" Magra opened her bag of vegetables and then also showed the pots with the spices concerned so that Mia could understand. Mia was able to observe the vegetables in question, carrots, zucchini, tomatoes and potatoes. But the most interesting was the spices, rosemary, thyme and herbs of Provence. This mixture gave a special note to this marinade. The water was starting to get warmer but Mia was no longer paying attention to it and thought she was enjoying this good "bath" with an intoxicating fragrance. The adventurer, despite the situation, lay down in the water, leaning on the edges of the pot. She knew she'd end up eating, but she didn't seem more worried than that. "Do you always want like that with your prey?" Did she quietly ask the ogre who seemed to gather wood Magra replied. "When a beautiful meat is worth it then Magra will do everything to keep beautiful meat tender for dinner!" Magra stirred the mixture a little more in the pot with a large wooden branch. "And how am I a beautiful meat?" Asked Mia who let herself be drawn into the roll of the mixture with some amusement. Then she noticed a large stone structure that looked like a bread oven. There was also a kind of wooden spatula and a stone tray "Well..." Magra looked at Mia's gaze at the stone oven and decided to explain to her what was going to happen. "Magra sees that small poultry this asks what big stone oven do there. Oven be there to cook delicious little roast. Magra will finish cooking delicious poultry in the oven with good preparation after marinade, yes!" Magra licked her lips at the thought of the delicious meal to come. "And what will you do with the marinade? A sauce? A broth? Soup?" Asked the young woman who seemed to be caught in a curiosity difficult to explain, even for herself. But as time went on, she really began to feel good and enjoy the company of this ogre "Magra will cover little poultry with good marinade, no mess! As this small poultry stay tender and will not be burned during cooking in the oven!" Magra then took a wooden spoon from her belt, a spoon that would have been used to mix a soup in a large pot for humans but for an ogre it looked more like a tablespoon. She tasted the marinade and then pinched the tip of Mia's right breast and added. "Not ready yet! Must still let it marinate a little, little poultry! Not ready for oven!" "I see. I hope I don't take too much time either." The young woman retorted as she noticed the wound she had done in Magra's back and began to feel unwell. His feelings jostled in his head so much that the ogre noticed his sad look Magra was surprised by Mia's reaction. "Magra never heard a meal complain about not being ready before." Magra saw the girl's gaze towards her back with a sad and added look. "It doesn't matter. Magra heal from wound very quickly! It heals in a day or two!" She said in a playful tone. 30 minutes later. "Aaaaah! Small poultry seems to be ready for oven!" It had been 30 minutes since the young woman had been dabbling in Magra's marinade. However, she had kept a sad face, without crying. She then looked the ogre in the eye as she cried her pulpit with her fingertips "Can I ask you something?" Magra stared at her and was surprised that her meal asked her such a simple question "Yes! You can ask Magra. What do you want?" "You know, if I'm here, it's because the humans who live here are angry. You eat a lot of them and they want you dead. And when I see you, I don't want that to happen to you. So I would like before I die, that you promise to stop eating humans..." Mia said it was hard to feel tired of being marinated for so long. She seemed genuinely worried about the fate of this ogre who did not seem to be a cruel creature "Humans of the village? But Magra hunts only humans with several layers and crosses Magra territory. Magra not eat village humans because they don't have enough to eat on them and not nice meat. It's the goblins' fault! But Magra have killed a lot of goblins in recent days so humans from the quiet village as long as they don't come on Magra's territory!» "I understand. But still try to give a chance to those who get lost here. I'm not going to do that?" Asked the young woman looking at Magra looking a little more reassured. "Magra not quite understand what little poultry want. Small poultry must understand that Magra must eat also otherwise Magra die. So Magra hunted good meat on her territory to feed! Do you understand? You hunt any small poultry and other animals to feed humans so it's the same." "I understand I understand. So in this case I have nothing more to tell you. So it's time for the oven if I understood correctly." Said Mia smiling slightly as she thought that eventually fewer peasants will be killed now that Magra is stalking the goblins in the forest Magra gently poured the pot into a large rectangular, curved stone dish and doused Mia, whose skin was now more browned due to the marinade bath prepared by the ogre. Mia found herself on her stomach surrounded by vegetables and could not fight even if she wanted to because she was too exhausted after her stay in the pot. "Hummmm! Little poultry to look really delicious! Magra is happy, she's going to eat well today! Yum yum!" Magra placed the dish at the entrance of the oven and then turned to take two large carrots and a beautiful red apple. "Well... I won't be enough to tell you, except that I hope to live up to your expectations..." Declared the young woman looked at the inside of the oven where many logs were piled in a circle, without paying attention to the hand of the ogre palpating her buttocks After inspecting Mia's vagina and anus, Magra gently inserted the first carrot into the vagina. Mia opened her mouth due to the penetration of this object into her private parts and Magra took the opportunity to insert the apple into her mouth as it was open and welcoming. "Mmph? Mph mh mmph mhmmph?" She tried to articulate the young woman by smelling the vegetable in her sex and noticing the second that the ogre was holding between her fingers The second carrot was larger and Magra looked Mia in the eye as she gently thrust into her anus. The marinade bath had relaxed Mia's flesh, which made it easier for the carrot to be stirred, which returned to three-quarters of Mia. With a carrot of this size, Mia couldn't move much during cooking. Magra added a few last words before putting Mia in the stone oven. "So little poultry, ready for cooking?" Mia, sensing some form of unhealthy pleasure in feeling her anus getting stuffed in this way, shook her head shyly as a sign of acceptance Magra pushed the dish with Mia into the already hot oven. Mia was already feeling the heat invading her when she had just entered the oven. This heat was drier than that of the pot. She could no longer move much due to the two carrots in her private parts and began to perhaps delirious because of the heat and take a form of pleasure to her current fate. The adventurer, who felt herself sweating with drips, then began to wave her butt as she could. These movements caused the two carrots to shake, giving pleasure to the young woman roasting After half an hour, Magra took out the dish with Mia to add a little marinade and keep the girl's flesh moist enough to prevent it from being overcooked on the surface. Magra saw the girl squirming, moaning that was fun. Magra smiled and said then. "Delicious little poultry seems to like Magra's carrots and also how Magra prepared it. Magra would like to find more little good creature to eat like you and who likes magra to cook them. So simpler life for Magra, less hunting and more cooking problems" Mia hearing this tried to smile without much success as the cooking drained her of her strength. She was happy, however, to feel Magra's hand caressing her hair before plunging her one last time into the oven After a few hours, Mia was finally ready for dinner. It was perfectly cooked, the skin was browned as if it had gained a tan of several days in the sun in a few hours. His luscious mouth surrounded the apple firmly. The mixture of juice and marinade flowed along his skin. The two carrots had come to an end due to the heat and juice of Mia's cooking. Magra settled by the dish with a barrel of water near her that would serve as a glass. But despite her current state of cooked meat, Mia was still alive, albeit very weak. She could only hear what was going on around her, including the sharpening of the ogre's knife "Magra will now eat delicious little poultry! You feel very good! Yum yum!" Magra gently cut Mia's right buttock and carried it to her mouth. The ogre seemed to be surprised by the texture of Mia's flesh and by the richness of her meat "Magra will eat well! Very good little poultry!" Mia seeming to be delighted by the opinion of the ogre on her taste managed to relax while Magra continued jovially her feast by a breast of her poultry "Magra will now taste little chest. Hummmm, delicious and firm!" Magra decided to attack her meal in more detail and took a leg from the roasted girl and tasted her thigh. "Huummmm! Very tasty and rich for a little leg of poultry." The weakened adventurer eventually fell asleep for good, leaving her carcass with good heart to this peculiar ogre. She felt one of her arms separate from her torso before dying Magra greedily devoured every inch of the young adventurer taking advantage of the vegetables of the marinade that blended very well with her meat. After a few minutes, all that was left were the bones of our young warrior who had served as a dinner for an ogre. "Ah! It was delicious! What a pity that Magra will no longer be able to eat such a good little poultry ... Magra still had plenty of recipe to test..." Suddenly, the girls' bones began to disappear. The ogre was even more surprised by this but had heard of people who could come back from among meals, an all-personal version of the interpretation... Mia had woken up in the small inn where she had stopped. She remembered that, but she was mostly convinced that it was not a dream. The young fighter then made her decision: she will return to Magra, and until she defeats him in a duel, she will be her little poultry. The End |
MIA L’AVENTURIERE ET MAGRA L’OGRESSE Voici une nouvelle histoire qui se passe dans le monde de Vorastra. Cette histoire est celle d'une jeune fille nommée Mia. Cette apprentie aventurière a répondu à l'appel de quelques villageois du village d’Ersteinbourg, un petit village tranquille qui n'avait jamais eu de problèmes auparavant. Mais depuis peu, des disparitions étranges ont lieu et impossible de retrouver les personnes disparues sans s'aventurer dans le bois lugubre, situé à quelques kilomètres du village. Ce bois est infesté de gobelins, seul un aventurier équipé peu se rendre dans le bois et vérifier ce qui est arrivé aux villageois disparus récemment. Mia accepta leur quête et se mis en route pour enquêter vers cette foret. La jeune femme ne se sentait pas inquiétée par ces bois cependant. Depuis longtemps, elle s'était entraîné toute sa vie à la pratique de l'épée qu'elle gardait à la ceinture. C'était même la raison pourquoi elle est devenue aventurière, afin de trouver un adversaire à sa hauteur. Une véritable Némésis qu'elle devrait vaincre pour se dépasser. Mais d'après elle, quelques gobelins ne seront pas à la hauteur, ignorant la présence d'autres créatures dans les bois D'un pas ferme, elle s'aventura dans la forêt à la recherche de preuves ou de personnes survivantes car si les gobelins étaient à l'origine de ces disparitions, ils avaient tendance à faire des prisonniers soit pour les manger plus tard, soit si c'était des femelles, s'accoupler avec elles pour augmenter la taille de leur horde. Dans tous les cas, c'était une possibilité à envisager. Mais notre jeune aventurière espérait un combat plus épique face à un troll des montagnes ou un groupe d'orcs car ils étaient beaucoup plus fort et possédaient parfois quelques objets précieux prit sur d'autres victimes plus riches ou mieux équipées dans leur repère. Mia arriva très rapidement dans une zone plus ouverte et remarqua des morceaux de vêtements de femmes accrochés à un arbre. La hauteur élevée où se trouvait les vêtements n'était normalement pas bon signe pour la plus part des aventuriers mais notre aventurière en herbe espérait bien que ce ne soit pas le vent qui aie porté ces vêtements à plus de 3 mètres du sol mais une créature plus massive ... plus épique ! Fière d'avoir fait une telle découverte, la jeune femme décida de redoubler d'efforts pour ses recherches. Elle tira sa lame hors de son fourreau avant de reprendre la route d'un pas plus lent, scrutant les alentours avec attention pour ne pas se faire surprendre par la créature qui avait laissé ces lambeaux de vêtements comme macabres décorations. Alors qu'elle avançait, elle commençait à réfléchir aux possibilités de stratégies à employer pour vaincre un monstre de cette taille, sans pour autant imaginé une seule seconde un plan de fuite en cas de difficultés Elle tomba un peu plus loin sur des cadavres de gobelins, une bonne dizaine à vue de nez. Ils étaient morts broyés ou écrasés comme des insectes. Cela explique pourquoi la forêt semblait si paisible alors que les gobelins ont toujours une patrouille de reconnaissance en avant garde pour intercepter les intrus, cette patrouille avait rencontré une créature bien plus forte qu'elle. Les cadavres dataient de plusieurs semaines et avec un peu de chance si il y avait d'autres gobelins dans cette forêt, la créature avait peut être dû les massacrer. Juste une hypothèse mais une hypothèse à vérifier. Notre héroïne continua dans la foret et arriva au pied d'une montagne. D'autres cadavres de gobelins étaient là mais en plus grand nombre surement leur tanière ou du moins ce qui fut leur tanière. Mia face à cela commença à examiner les coups portés sur les cadavres ainsi que les fragments de huttes gobelines gisant autour. Cela semblait être une massue qui avait fait tant de dégâts, mais elle semblait immense, massive, typiquement portée par un géant. C'était l'une de ses pistes, soit un géant, soit un troll ou un ogre. Les trois perspectives furent alors renforcées lorsqu'elle tomba nez à nez avec une empreinte immense sur le sol. C'était bien là un pied massif. Mais mieux encore : Mia avait maintenant une piste sur la direction à prendre. Elle se remit en route, toujours prête à en découvre avec sa proie Après une bonne demi-heure de marche en suivant les traces, notre héroïne senti un feu à proximité. Elle arriva sur place mais le feu était éteint depuis quelques heures. Elle aperçu d'autres morceaux de tissu de femmes et d'hommes et très vite, elle trouva des os humains disséminés un peu partout mais certains d'entre eux étaient amassé en un endroit plus précis, cela voulait dire que la créature était soit seul soit elles étaient à deux maximum. Elle analysa plus en détails la zone afin de savoir si une ou deux de ses créatures étaient présente. Après analyse de la zone, elle pu déterminer qu'il n'y avait qu'une seul créature et qu'elle était parti seulement depuis peu. Soudain, elle entendit un brin lourd derrière elle. Mia se retourna soudainement apercevant la créature derrière elle. C'était bel et bien un ogre, ou plutôt une ogresse à la vue de sa poitrine généreuse et ses traits de visage rappelant celui d'une femme. Elle semblait surprise de voir une humaine face à elle alors qu'elle revenait de la cueillette. La jeune femme se mit alors en garde prête au combat "C'est donc toi qui enlève les paysans de la région ? Alors sache que moi, Mia, je vais mettre un terme à cela" Déclara-t-elle héroïquement attendant la réaction de l'ogresse L'ogresse regarda l'humaine de haut en bas et dit alors. "Hum ! Un autre diner avec plusieurs couches sur elle. Magra aimer les diners avec plusieurs couches ! Eux être meilleur quand bien cuit!" Dit-elle tout en se léchant ses lèvres massives à l'idée de déguster notre belle aventurière. "Faudra m'attraper pour ça ma grande" A ces mots, l'épéiste engagea le combat en courant vers l'ogresse lame en avant. Elle arriva à lui porter deux coups aux jambes, mais elle remarqua que la peau épaisse de la créature était une très bonne protection. Elle recula alors que la créature posait son gros sac plein de plantes et épices L'ogresse la regarda en riant et leva sa mace puis elle l'abattit sur l'aventurière. Mia évita de justesse le coup mais fut propulsé par l'onde de choc dû à la puissance du coup. Si elle avait pris le coup de plein fouet ses os auraient été brisés sur le coup. "Rapide, petite humaine! Mais pas assez pour Magra!" Et un nouveau coup fonça vers notre héroïne à peine remise du précédent. Mia secouer par le coup de l'ogresse remarqua cet assaut assez rapide malgré la taille de la créature. Elle arriva sans peine à esquiver et mis en application l'un de ses plans. L'aventurière s'accrocha aux longs cheveux de l'ogresse pour rester sur son dos avant de lui asséner plusieurs coups dont un estoc perçant un peu la chaire. Magra senti la douleur et perdis l'équilibre par un faux mouvement avec sa masse. Mia n'eu pas le temps de se décrocher que l'ogresse lui tomba dessus dans sa chute. Sous le poids de la créature, Mia se rendit compte de l'erreur qu'elle avait faite. Elle essaya de s'extirper au plus vite, mais avant qu'elle ne se lève, l'ogresse eu le réflexe de lui prendre la jambe Magra secoua de gauche à droite Mia qui lâcha son arme et perdis plusieurs objets comme son couteau de secours qui était attaché à sa ceinture. Magra dit alors. "Magra pas contente ! Diner avoir blessé Magra alors Magra va jouer un peu avec diner maintenant !" Notre héroïne paniquée essaya de penser à un plan quand soudain l'ogresse posa son énorme main sur son armure. "Lâche-moi grosse brute ! Je ne suis pas un jouet ni un dîner !" Hurla-t-elle avant de sentir ses vêtements se faire arracher par l'immense main de l'ogresse, la laissant en sous vêtements. Elle sentit alors l'ogresse se déplacer vers son campement en cherchant quelque chose tandis que Mia à moitié nue était suspendue par la jambe Magra chantonnai en cherchant un ustensile, enfin si on peu appeler le fait de faire des bruits rauques avec la bouche une forme de chant pour les ogres. Magra trouva ce qu'il lui fallait et cria. "Ah! Voilà comment attendri le diner! Grosse marmite pour cuire le diner! " L'ogresse sortit une marmite qui avait dû voir des jours meilleurs et surement avait dû servir à une famille humaine avant de finir entre les mains de l'ogresse voir même que les malheureux anciens possesseurs de cette marmite avait dû être cuit à l'intérieur de celle-ci. Elle l'installa prêt de feu étain et elle commença a prendre des bouts de bois pour rallumer le feu le plus vite possible car il y avait encore des braises vivaces. Notre héroïne tenta une conversation avec l'ogresse afin de savoir ce qu'il allait lui arriver. "Qu'est ce que tu comptes me faire ogresse ?" Demanda la jeune femme alors que l'ogresse la ligota par les pieds à une branche d'arbre pour l'examiner de plus près. Sa peau était assez pâle et ses formes pas très généreuse, mais sa chair semblait ferme, conséquence de son entraînement à l'épée. Pendant, l'aventurière essayait de se débattre pour fuir, sans grand succès "Magra voir que toi être comme volaille, pas beaucoup de viande sur les os mais doit avoir bon goût. Magra va d'abord faire mariner viande avant de bien la cuire au four avec grosse carottes dans bonne petite volaille !" Magra lécha le corps de Mia et rajouta. "Hummmm oui! Bonne volaille!" "Je ne suis pas une volaille, je suis une humaine !" Rétorqua-t-elle alors qu'elle vit l'ogresse prendre la marmite pour aller chercher de l'eau. L'aventurière en profita pour essuyer la bave laissée sur sa peau avant d'essayer de défaire ces liens. Sa tête en bas commençait à avoir mal à cause de cette position ce qui se ressentit sur ses actions. Mais miraculeusement, elle arriva à se délier avant de tomber au sol. Malheureusement pour elle, le choc de la chute la rendait vulnérable au retour de Magra qui la remarqua allongé au sol Magra entendit le bruit et se dirigea vers Mia très calmement. "Oh, pauvre petite volaille qui ne sait pas voler toi tomber de l'arbre alors Magra va bien t'attacher pour que toi plus te faire de mal avant diner." Magra pris une autre corde et attacha les mains et les pieds de Mia afin qu'elle ne puisse plus bouger. Magra alla chercher de l'eau non loin de là car il y avait une petite rivière à quelque centaine de mètres. "Nooon ! Libère moi ! Je veux pas finir comme ça !" Hurla-t-elle alors qu'elle vit l'ogresse l'attacher comme un cochon suspendu et arracher ses derniers vêtements avant d'aller chercher l'eau. Pour une fois dans sa vie, Mia avait peur. Elle se secoua dans tous les sens avec un début de larme à l'œil. Elle aurait préféré mourir sur un champ de bataille plutôt que dévorer par une ogresse. Elle vit alors cette dernière revenir avec quelque chose de surprenant. Dans une petite pochette à sa ceinture, il y avait une sorte de couronne de fleurs Magra mit la couronne sur Mia et ajouta. "Voilà! Petite volaille! Pas pleuré car ça rendre la viande triste quand Magra va la manger. Alors moi faire petit cadeau. Toi plus jolie avec belles fleurs sur toi." Magra posa la marmite sur le feu et souffla sur les braises afin que le feu reste vivace. Elle commença à ajouter des épices et plusieurs légumes qu'elle avait gardé dans un panier non loin du feu. Mia malgré cela ne pu s'empêcher de pleurer alors qu'elle sentait la peur la faire trembler nerveusement. Elle sentit l'odeur des épices lui monter au nez ce qui la rendait encore moins bien à la pensée que c'était elle qui allait être plongée dans cette marmite. Magra alla alors la décrocher avant de la prendre dans sa grande main pour l'amener à la marmite "S'il te plaît... Ne fais pas ça..." Supplia-t-elle les larmes aux yeux. Magra regarda la jeune fille et décida de faire autre chose. Elle pose Mia sur ses genoux et prit une fiole de sa poche. Magra versa la fiole dans sa main et commença a badigeonné Mia avec. Magra dit alors : "Voila, petite volaille, avec ça tu va te sentir mieux!" Mia ne comprenait pas, elle était couverte d'huile de la tête aux pieds et cela la mettait encore plus mal à l'aise. Lentement, Mia sentait un effet bizarre, un effet de soulagement et d'excitation. Elle se demandait si cela était dû à cette huile bizarre que l'ogresse avait versée sur son corps. "Qu'est ce que c'est ?" Demanda-t-elle alors qu'elle vit l'ogresse lui essuyer ses larmes avec un gentil sourire. L'aventurière se rapprocha alors d'elle en lui ouvrant les bras presque irrésistiblement, semblant attirée par l'ogresse et ce qu'elle allait lui faire "Calme, petite volaille. C’est une potion que aide la viande à être plus tendre et à pendre du plaisir avant le diner. Magra a découvert ça un jour en mélangeant plusieurs épices! Magra utilise souvent sur les humains car eux beaucoup pleurer et Magra pas aimer ça car mauvais pour la viande et Magra pas aimer ouinouin des humains!" Magra regarda Mia riant et se secouant dans tous les sens sur elle. "C'est... Gentil. Merci." Répondit la jeune femme alors que l'ogresse la prit dans sa main pour l'amener à la marmite. Mia bien qu'effrayée semblait aussi prendre du plaisir à être dans cette situation. Elle sentait la bonne odeur émanant de l'eau alors qu'elle regardait l'ogresse avec sympathie Magra laissa glisser Mia dans la marmite. L'eau était chaude mais pas encore brulante. Mia savait que la température allait monter petit à petit et qu'elle allait commencer à cuire doucement. L'odeur des épices était sublime. Elle commençait même à se demander si elle allait être délicieuse avec cette marinade. Par amusement, elle plongea sa tête entièrement dans l'eau pour que ses cheveux soient également parfumés aux épices. Elle releva alors la tête sur Magra qui semblait contente alors qu'elle cherchait des légumes dans son sac. "C'est quoi les épices dedans ?" Demanda-t-elle par curiosité Magra la regarda et ne savais pas quoi répondre car les ogres ne donnaient pas grande importance aux noms des plantes juste au goût. "Un peu d'épices qui sent fort et qui piques, un peu de petites feuilles vertes qui sent bon et plusieurs légumes comme ça" Magra ouvrit son sac de légumes puis montra aussi les pots avec les épices concernées pour que Mia puisse comprendre. Mia put observer les légumes en question, des carottes, des courgettes, des tomates et des pommes de terre. Mais le plus intéressant était les épices, du romarin, du thym et des herbes de Provence. Ce mélange donnait une note particulière à cette marinade. L'eau commençait à être plus chaude mais Mia ne faisait plus attention à cela et pensait profiter de ce bon "bain" au parfum enivrant. L'aventurière malgré la situation s'allongea dans l'eau en s'appuyant sur les bords de la marmite. Elle savait qu'elle finirait mangée, mais elle ne semblait pas plus inquiète que cela "Tu veux toujours comme ça avec tes proies ?" Demanda-t-elle tranquillement à l'ogresse qui semblait rassembler du bois Magra répondit : "Quand belle viande vaut la peine alors Magra tout faire pour que belle viande reste tendre pour le diner!" Magra remua un peu plus le mélange dans la marmite à l'aide d'une grosse branche en bois. "Et en quoi je suis une belle viande ?" Demanda Mia qui se laissa entraîner dans le roulis du mélange avec un certain amusement. Puis, elle remarqua une grosse structure en pierre qui ressemblait à un four à pain. Il y avait d'ailleurs une sorte de spatule en bois et un plateau en pierre "Eh bien ..." Magra observa le regard de Mia vers le four en pierre et décida de lui expliquer ce qui allait se passé. "Magra voit que petite volaille ce demande ce que grand four en pierre faire là. Four être là pour cuire délicieux petit rôti. Magra va finir de cuire délicieuse volaille dans four avec bonne préparation après marinade, oui !" Magra se lécha les lèvres à l'idée du délicieux repas à venir. "Et que fera tu de la marinade ? Une sauce ? Un bouillon ? Une soupe ?" Demanda la jeune femme qui semblait être pris dans une curiosité difficile à expliquer, même pour elle même. Mais au fur et à mesure du temps, elle commençait réellement à se sentir bien et à apprécier la compagnie de cette ogresse "Magra va couvrir petite volaille avec bonne marinade, pas de gâchis ! Comme cela petite volaille rester tendre et ne sera pas brulée pendant la cuisson dans four !" Magra prit alors une cuillère en bois de sa ceinture, une cuillère qui aurait servi pour mélangé une soupe dans une grande marmite pour des humains mais pour une ogresse cela ressemblait plus à une cuillère à soupe. Elle gouta la marinade puis pinça le bout du sein droit de Mia et ajouta. "Pas encore prête ! Doit encore laisser mariner un peu, petite volaille ! Pas prête pour four !" "Je vois. J'espère que je prendrai pas trop de temps non plus." Rétorqua la jeune femme alors qu'elle remarqua la blessure qu'elle avait faite dans le dos de Magra et commençait à se sentir mal. Ses sentiments se bousculaient dans sa tête si bien que l'ogresse remarqua sa mine triste. Magra fut surprise de la réaction de Mia. "Magra n'avoir jamais entendu un repas se plaindre de ne pas encore être prêt avant." Magra aperçu le regard de la jeune fille vers son dos avec un air triste et ajouta. "Ca pas grave. Magra guérir de plaie très vite! Ca guérir en un jour ou deux!" Dit-elle d'un ton enjoué. 30 minutes plus tard. "Aaaaah! Petite volaille semble être prête pour four!" Cela faisait en effet 30 minutes que la jeune femme barbotait dans la marinade de Magra. Cependant, elle avait gardé une triste mine, sans pour autant pleurer. Elle regarda alors l'ogresse dans les yeux alors que cette dernière tâtait sa chaire du bout des doigts "Je peux te demander quelque chose ?" Magra la regarda fixement et était étonné que son repas lui pose une question aussi simplement "Oui ! Tu peux demander à Magra. Que veux-tu?" "Tu sais, si je suis ici, c'est parce que les humains qui habitent ici sont en colère. Tu manges beaucoup d'entre eux et ils veulent ta mort. Et en te voyant, je veux pas que ça t'arrive. Alors j'aimerais avant de mourir, que tu me promettes d'arrêter de manger les humains..." Déclara Mia bien difficilement dû à la fatigue d'être marinée pendant si longtemps. Elle semblait réellement inquiète pour le sort de cette ogresse qui ne semblait pas être une créature cruelle "Humains du village ? Mais Magra ne chasse que humains avec plusieurs couches et qui traverse territoire de Magra. Magra pas manger humains du village car eux pas avoir assez à manger sur eux et pas belle viande. Ca être faute aux gobelins! Mais Magra avoir tué beaucoup de gobelins ces derniers jours donc humains du village tranquille tant que eux pas venir sur territoire de Magra!" "Je comprends. Mais essaye quand même de laisser une chance à ceux qui se perdent ici. D'accord ?" Demanda la jeune femme regardant Magra l'air un peu plus rassurée "Magra pas comprendre bien ce que petit volaille vouloir. Petite volaille doit comprendre que Magra doit manger aussi sinon Magra mourir. Donc Magra chassé bonne viande sur son territoire pour se nourrir! Toi comprendre ? Vous chassez toute petite volailles et autres bêtes pour nourrir humains donc ca être pareil." "Je comprends, je comprends. Alors dans ce cas je n'ai plus rien à te dire. C'est donc l'heure du four si j'ai bien compris." Déclara Mia reprenant un léger sourire en se disant que finalement, moins de paysans seront tuer maintenant que Magra traque les gobelins dans la forêt. Magra versa doucement la marmite dans un grand plat en pierre rectangulaire et incurvé et y fit glisser Mia dont la peau était maintenant plus brunie dû au bain de marinade préparé par l'ogresse. Mia se retrouva sur le ventre entouré de légumes et ne pouvait lutter même si elle le voulait car elle était trop épuisée après son séjour dans la marmite. "Hummmm! Petite volaille à l'air vraiment délicieuse! Magra est contente, elle va bien manger aujourd'hui! Miam miam!" Magra plaça le plat à l'entrée du four et ensuite se retourna pour prendre deux grosses carottes et une belle pomme rouge. "Eh bien... Je ne serai pas quoi te dire, sinon que j'espère être à la hauteur de tes attentes..." Déclara la jeune femme en regarda l'intérieur du four où bien des bûches étaient entassées en cercle, sans pour autant prêter attention à la main de l'ogresse lui palpant les fesses Après avoir inspecté le vagin et l'anus de Mia, Magra inséra doucement la première carotte dans le vagin. Mia ouvrit la bouche dû à la pénétration de cet objet dans ses parties intimes et Magra en profita pour inséré la pomme dans sa bouche vu qu'elle était bien ouverte et accueillante. "Mmph ? Mph mh mmph mhmmph ?" Essaya d'articuler la jeune femme en sentant le légume dans son sexe et remarquant la deuxième que l'ogresse tenait entre ses doigts La deuxième carotte était plus grosse et Magra regarda Mia dans les yeux pendant qu'elle enfonçait doucement dans son anus. Le bain de marinade avait détendu la chair de Mia ce qui facilita la pénétration de la carotte qui rentra au trois quart en Mia. Avec une carotte de cette taille, Mia ne pourrait plus beaucoup bouger pendant la cuisson. Magra ajouta quelques derniers mots avant de mettre Mia dans le four en pierre. "Alors petite volaille, prête pour la cuisson ? " Mia sentant une certaine forme de plaisir malsain à sentir son anus se faire fourrer de la sorte secoua la tête timidement en signe d'acceptation Magra poussa le plat avec Mia dans le four déjà chaud. Mia senti déjà la chaleur l'envahir alors qu'elle venait à peine de rentrer dans le four. Cette chaleur était plus sèche que celle de la marmite. Elle ne pouvait plus beaucoup bouger dû au deux carottes dans ses parties intimes et commença à peut être déliré à cause de la chaleur et prendre une forme de plaisir à son sort actuel. L'aventurière qui se sentait transpirer à grosses gouttes se mit alors à agiter son derrière comme elle le pouvait. Ces mouvements en provoquaient pour les deux carottes qui en s'agitant ainsi, donnaient du plaisir à la jeune femme en train de rôtir Après une demi-heure, Magra sorti le plat avec Mia pour rajouter un peu de marinade et garder la chair de la jeune fille assez humide pour éviter qu'elle ne soit trop cuite en surface. Magra vit la jeune fille se tortiller en poussant des gémissements qui ressemblaient à du plaisir. Magra sourit et dit alors. "Délicieuse petite volaille à l'air d'aimer les carottes de Magra et aussi comment Magra l'a préparée. Magra voudrait trouver plus de petite créature bonne à manger comme toi et qui aime que Magra les cuisine. Alors vie plus simple pour Magra, moins de chasse et plus de problèmes de cuisine " Mia entendant cela essaya de sourire sans grand succès tant la cuisson la vidait de ses forces. Elle fut cependant heureuse de sentir la main de Magra lui caresser les cheveux avant de la plonger une dernière fois dans le four Après quelques heures, Mia était enfin prête pour le diner. Elle était parfaitement cuite, la peau était brunie comme si elle avait gagné un bronzage de plusieurs jours au soleil en quelques heures. Sa bouche pulpeuse entourait la pomme bien fermement. Le mélange de jus et de marinade coulait le long de sa peau. Les deux carottes s'étaient attendries dû à la chaleur et au jus de la cuisson de Mia. Magra s'installa prêt du plat avec un tonneau d'eau prêt d'elle qui lui servirait de verre. Mais malgré son état actuel de viande cuite, Mia était encore en vie bien que très affaiblie. Elle ne pouvait qu’entendre ce qu'il se passait autour d'elle, notamment l'aiguisage du couteau de l'ogresse "Magra va maintenant manger délicieuse petite volaille! Toi sentir très bon! Miam miam!" Magra trancha délicatement la fesse droite de Mia et la porta à sa bouche. L'ogresse semblait être surprise par la texture de la chair de Mia et par la richesse de sa viande "Magra va bien manger! Petite volaille très bonne !" Mia semblant être ravie par l'avis de l'ogresse sur son goût arriva à se détendre alors que Magra continua jovialement son festin par un sein de sa volaille. "Magra va maintenant gouter petite poitrine. Hummmm, délicieuse et bien ferme!" Magra décida d'attaquer plus en détails son repas et pris une jambe de la jeune fille rôtie et gouta sa cuisse. "Huummmm! Très savoureux et riche pour une petite patte de volaille." L'aventurière affaiblie finit par s'endormir pour de bon, laissant de bon cœur sa carcasse à cette ogresse si particulière. Elle sentit l'un de ses bras se séparer de son torse avant de s'éteindre. Magra dévora goulument chaque centimètre de la jeune aventurière en profitant des légumes de la marinade qui se mariaient très bien avec sa viande. Après quelques minutes, il ne restait plus que les os de notre jeune guerrière qui avait servi de diner à une ogresse. "Ah ! Elle était délicieuse! Quel dommage que Magra ne pourra plus manger une si bonne petit volaille ... Magra avait encore plein de recette à tester ..." Soudain, les os de la jeune fille commencèrent à disparaitre. L'ogresse fut encore plus étonnée de cela mais avait entendu parler de personnes qui pouvaient revenir d'entre les repas, une version toute personnel de l'interprétation d'entre les morts pour les ogres. Magra se dit alors que peut être un jour elle reverra la jeune fille et pourrait à nouveau la cuisiner avec autant de plaisir que cette fois-ci. Magra décida de garder les vêtements et objets restants de la jeune fille comme souvenir mais aussi au cas ou elle voudrait revenir chercher ce qu'il en reste. Magra avait eu un bon repas et avait rencontré une charmante petite volaille. Mia s'était surprenament réveillée dans la petite auberge où elle avait fait escale. Elle se souvenait de cela mais elle était surtout persuadée que ce n'était pas un rêve. La jeune combattante prit alors sa décision : elle reviendra vers Magra, et tant qu'elle ne l'aura pas vaincu en duel, elle sera sa petite volaille FIN |
Au milieu de la Forêt des Roches Vertes, connues pour sa présence de monstres, les humains évitaient de s'y perdre sans une bonne raison. Ogres, gobelins, orcs, tous ces monstres raffolaient de la viande humaine et les paysans des environs en payaient assez cher chaque mois. Mais en cette journée d'été, une présence surprenante pouvait être vue. Ilyana une jeune magicienne était au milieu d'une petite rivière en train de se laver de manière insouciante. En réalité, elle voulait servir d'appât à ogresse pour son amie Mia. Cette dernière voulait retrouver et surprendre l'ogresse Magra qui l'avait défait il y a quelques temps. Les deux étaient aux aguets alors que l'odeur de la magicienne se rependait en partie dans la forêt. Soudain, un bruit se fit entendre. Un pas lourd mais qui essayait de se faire discret. Typique d'une démarche d'ogre en maraude à la recherche d'une proie pour son diner. Mia entendit le bruit et se prépara à bondir si besoin était. Elle se rapprocha tout doucement de la source du bruit. Ilyana sentait une tension dans l'air comme si quelqu'un la regardait avec envie. La jeune magicienne fit mine de paniquer et s'allongea dans l'eau, attendant de voir la créature qui allait arrivée face à elle. Mia au sommet d'un arbre remarqua alors ce qui semblait être une ogresse juvénile à en juger sur la taille et les formes de la créature. La magicienne dans l'eau vit alors qu'elle l'avait remarqué avec un regard affamé. La jeune ogresse commença à saliver tout en se déplaçant doucement vers la jeune fille dans l'eau pensant qu'elle l'avait vue mais que celle-ci était trop paniquée pour bouger. Elle se dirigea lentement vers elle en se léchant les lèvres, quand soudain Mia passa à l'attaque. "Halte là ma grande, le repas ce n’est pas maintenant." Déclara l'épéiste héroïquement en se lançant à l'attaque dans le but de désarmer l'ogresse de son gourdin. llyana dans l'eau retrouva ses esprits et allat se cacher dans un arbre près de l'eau pour observer la bataille. L'ogresse n'ayant pas prévu cela essaya de s'enfuir et dans la panique, elle secouait son gourdin devant elle pour éviter Mia d'approcher tout en reculant. "Non ! Non ! Toi, pas approcher !!" "Tu paniques ? C'est dommage." Mia trop rapide pour l'ogresse arriva à escalader sur son bras gauche et en profita pour lui faire un salut de la main. Elle poursuivie sur le bras droit avant de s'agripper au gourdin qui tomba assez facilement au sol du fait de la mauvaise prise de la créature dessus. L'ogresse tomba à la renverse de surprise et regarda Mia dans les yeux. "Non ! Je... Tata ! Tata, aidez Arza ! Tata Magra ! Arza, pas bien !!" Cria la jeune ogresse paniquée pare ce qu'il venait de se passer. L'aventurière fit mine d'attaquer Arza à la tête... Pour finalement poser sa main délicatement sur son épaule. "Allons ma grande, c'est pas grave. Tu t'amélioreras en combat" Déclara-t-elle avec un grand sourire alors qu'Ilyana encore nue descendit de son arbre pour aller voir son amie. L'ogresse se releva pataude et demande à Mia ce qu'elle comptait faire d'elle. "Moi savoir, vous pas manger viande d'ogresse. Alors vous tuer moi maintenant ?" Dit-elle sur un ton paniqué. "Non. Je suis une connaissance de ta tante Magra, et je voulais lui tendre un petit piège pour la défaire en duel." Rétorqua la jeune femme donnant sa main à l'ogresse pour la relever. La magicienne elle s'était rhabillé dans sa petite jupe et sa cape. "Uh ? Tata Magra pas avoir de connaissance humaine. Elle juste avoir délicieuse recettes pour humaine. Comment toi connaitre Tata Magra ? Et piège comme toi faire, pas marcher sur Tata. Elle plus maligne ! Elle connaitre ruse des humains !" "J'ai été l'une des délicieuses recettes de ta tante. Et j'ai envie de la revoir. J'ai envie de la vaincre. Et puis si je perds, elle m'aura à nouveau au menu" Déclara Mia rengainant son épée dans son fourreau alors que l'ogresse était à nouveau debout. La magicienne tandis la main poliment à Arza pour la saluer. "Moi c'est Ilyana..." "Toi être bizarre... Toi être une de celle qui reviens d'entre les repas ? Alors pourquoi toi vouloir encore essayer attaquer Tata ? Toi aimer être repas ? Moi pas bien comprendre... Toi vraiment bizarre !" Arza regarda la jeune Ilyana et lui sourit tout en lui disant bonjour. L'ogresse regarda le corps d'Ilyana et son ventre se mit à gargouiller. "Oh ! Pardon ! Toi être très appétissante alors Arza avoir estomac qui gargouille." "Ce n’est pas grave..." Répondit la magicienne alors que son amie regarda l'ogresse dans les yeux assez fières et déterminée. "Alors ma grande, tu veux bien nous amener voir ta tante ? Je suis sûre qu'elle sera contente de toi à voir ces deux humaines que tu as avec toi" Déclara alors Mia avec enthousiasme. "D'accord ! Tata voulait tester nouvelle recette aujourd'hui donc oui, elle être très contente quand voir vous ! Vous suivre !" L'ogresse guida la marche vers l'antre de sa tante. Mia assez enjouée se mit à suivre la créature en portant un gros sac sur son dos, réservant une bonne surprise à sa chère ogresse. Ilyana qui marchait juste à côté de Arza la regardait de temps en temps, se demandant des choses assez coquines dans sa tête. Arza regarda Ilyana se dandiner et lui demanda. "Quoi toi avoir, petite humaine ? Toi sembler tout excitée ? Toi vouloir être repas de Tata aussi ?" "Je... Oui... Mais j'aimerais aussi goûter à sa cuisine..." Déclara la jeune femme assez gênée de répondre ça à cette créature si particulière. L'épéiste de son côté essaya de s'imaginer comment vaincre Magra afin de se surpasser. L'ogresse fut surprise par la réponse. Elle regarda Mia puis regarda Ilyana. "Toi vouloir gouter ton amie ? Toi bizarre aussi ! Deux très étranges humaines ! Et Pagra dire que Arza bizarre..." Les trois compères continuèrent leur route vers le camp de la tante de l'ogresse qui allait surement être très heureuse de voir sa nièce ainsi que les deux jeunes humaines si bizarres. Mia se dégourdissait les bras suite à son combat alors que son amie se contentait de marcher le regard vide dans la direction du repaire de la grande ogresse. Magra vit arriver Arza et souri avant de changer d'expression vers l'étonnement. "Quoi toi ramaner là ?! Toi avoir bien chasser cette fois ! Deux belles volailles ! Uh ?" Soudain, Magra fut surprise de voir Mia en vie devant elle après les dernières actions culinaires effectué par Magra sur Mia. "Salut, ma grande" Déclara joyeusement la jeune femme en posant son sac sous un arbre alors qu'elle vit la joie dans le regard de l'ogresse qui avait laissée tomber son poste de cuisine. Ilyana fut témoin de la scène aux côtés de la nièce de la cuisinière si heureuse "Petite volaille est de retour ?! Toi vouloir encore te battre ?" Demande Magra avec étonnement. "Toi avoir ramené autre volaille pour dessert ?" "En effet ma chère. Je veux te vaincre pour prouver que je peux devenir plus forte" C'est alors qu'un énorme grondement se fit entendre dans le campement, surprenant tout le monde. Toutes cherchèrent l'origine du bruit... Pour se rendre compte que c'était l'estomac d'Ilyana qui produisait ce grondement si puissant. "D... Désolé..." Déclara la jeune magicienne dont l'estomac venait de lui dire qu'elle avait très faim. "Oh ! Elle avoir estomac aussi affamé que Arza après journée de chasse ! Arza toi donner à manger à petite volaille. Moi et délicieuse Mia avoir mise en bouche à faire ! " Magra prit sa massue entre ses mains et regarda Mia. "J'attendais que tu me dises cela." Déclara la jeune femme dégainant sa lame attendant que la nièce de Magra et son amie ailles ailleurs dans le campement pour laisser le terrain libre. Mia ne perdit pas de temps et fonça vers Magra tête baissée, prête à feinter l'ogresse. Magra tapa du pied sur le sol comme si un mastodonte venait de frapper le sol ce qui envoya Mia en l'air. Magra lança alors sa massue vers le corps de Mia. L'épéiste arriva grâce à sa lame à dévier la massue de l'ogresse pour ensuite la contourner et atterrir sur l'épaule de Magra. Elle bondit alors sur son bras pour essayer de désarmé l'ogresse. "Toi pas avoir appris ?" Magra lâcha sa masse et lança son bras avec Mia dessus vers le sol. "Aïe..." Remarqua la jeune femme sentant son corps filler vers le sol pour un gros impact. C'est alors que Magra se ravisa en tenant Mia au dessus du sol, par la jambe, la regardant avec un grand sourire. "Toi avoir perdu ! Toi savoir quoi se passer maintenant ?" Dit Magra en souriant de toutes ses dents. "Je sais oui... Mais j'ai pensé à toi et j'ai une petite surprise..." Déclara la jeune aventurière donnant sa lame à l'ogresse avant de regarder son sac avec un regard de plaisir, se demandant la réaction de Magra en voyant ce qui l'attendait. "Une surprise ? Autre volaille pour cuisine ?" "Tu vas voir. Ferme les yeux et ouvrent les seulement quand je te le dit. D'accord ?" Demanda la jeune Mia à côté de son gros sac alors que l'ogresse posa son épée sur sa table. "Bizarre... Bon d'accord..." Magra resta quand même sur ses gardes car on ne sait jamais ce qu'un humain peut avoir en tête. La jeune humaine passa derrière l'arbre le plus proche afin de pouvoir se déshabiller tranquillement pour enfiler le costume qu'elle avait prit pour l'occasion. Quelques minutes après, elle se remit face à Magra en lui demandant d'ouvrir les yeux. L'ogresse vit alors sa petite volaille dans un léger costume orné de dorure, d'une coiffe de plumes et d'un pagne de longues plumes comme si elle avait une jolie queue de dinde. "Oh ! Petite volaille être vraiment petite volaille maintenant ! Hummm... Encore plus appétissante ! Moi vouloir enlever plumes de petite volaille pour bien la préparer maintenant." Dit Magra tout en salivant à l'idée de manger cette délicieuse viande en face d'elle. "Tu veux que je fasses une petite dance de volaille ?" Demanda la jeune femme montrant que sous sa queue, elle n'avait pas mit sa culotte. "Oh, oui ! Après ça, Magra va t'attraper et t'enlever tes plumes ! Oui oui ! Magra va préparer une bonne volaille aux feu de bois !" "Tu feras attention à mon costume d'accord ?" Demanda la jeune volaille avant de se mettre à agiter son corps sous le regard de l'ogresse semblant de plus en plus affamée en voyant les courbes de sa proie se mouvoir sous ses yeux. Le ventre de Magra se mit à gronder très fort. Ce fut trop pour l'appétit de Magra. "Hum ! Magra t'attrape maintenant ! Miam miam ! Il est temps de préparer la bonne volaille !" Magra attrapa Mia et la posa délicatement sur la table tout en la déshabillant de son costume. "Comment je serai cuisinée cette fois ?" Demanda Mia voyant alors son pagne être retiré par l'ogresse qui lui laissa quand même sa coiffe de plume sur son corps dénudés toujours aussi ferme mais doux. "A la broche ! Mais Magra te mettre sur la broche ! Comme ça, toi pouvoir apprécier ma cuisine ! Recette ogre ! Petite dinde au miel cuite aux feu de bois ! Ca être très bon ! Miam miam !" Magra commença a masser le corps de la jeune fille pour la détendre avant de la badigeonner avec du miel. "Broche ? Empalée comme un cochon sur un marché ?" Demanda la jeune femme sentant alors le miel couler sur sa peau et voyant l'ogresse enjouée lui faire un bon massage pour que sa viande soit bien détendue avant la cuisson. "Non, toi être sur la broche ! Car Magra va ajouter une grosse carotte pour l'arrière et une belle pomme pour l'avant. Toi avoir aimé avoir grosse carotte dernière fois ! Toi avoir beaucoup remué après ça, beaucoup de jus." "Oh... Je vois bien cela..." Mia resta calme alors que l'entièreté de sa peau était sous une épaisse couche de miel tiède alors qu'elle entendit l'estomac de l'ogresse gargouiller assez fort. "Voilà, petite pomme pour l'avant !" Magra introduisit doucement la pomme dans la bouche de Mia. "Maintenant, la bonne grosse carotte pour l'arrière !" Magra lécha le bout de la carotte avant de l'introduire dans l'anus de Mia petit à petit. Mia ne pouvait plus bouger dû à l'énorme carotte dans son anus. La jeune femme sentant ses fesses complètements bouchées par la carotte les secoua en essayant de montrer son sexe encore assez libre et en demande d'une carotte lui aussi. "Oh ! Je vois que toi aimer la préparation de Magra ! Toi vouloir plus ? Magra va mettre grosse patate douce dans zone humide et délicieuse !" Magra prit alors une grosse patate douce de son panier à légume et la poussa délicatement dans le vagin de Mia qui gloussa subitement de plaisir. Magra se lécha les doigts en allant chercher la broche. La jeune Mia une fois attachée sur la broche fut placée au dessus du feu prêt à être rôti par Magra qui lui caressa une fois de plus les fesses enduites de miel en se léchant les babines. Magra badigeonna le corps de Mia avec du miel pendant que celle-ci émettait des gémissements. Pas des gémissements de souffrance mais de plaisir. Pendant ce temps Arza et Ilyana discutait et Ilyiana se demandait ce qu'il pouvait bien se passer avec Mia et Magra. Quand tout à coup, une odeur de viande rôtie commença à lui monter au nez. Cette odeur la faisait saliver au point qu'elle voulait savoir d'où cela provenait. "Tu... Tu crois que c'est Mia ?" Demanda la jeune magicienne semblant saliver en sentant cette douce odeur lui caresser les narines. C'est alors qu'elle remarqua qu’Arza portait un gros sac avec elle, ce qui l'intrigua assez. "Snif ! Snif ! Oui ! Odeur de viande humaine entrain de cuir. Ton amie être au menu pour aujourd'hui. Miam miam ! Arza espère Tata faire un bon rôti avec délicieuse humaine ! Nous voir comment elle être préparé pour diner ! Arza vouloir la recette car sentir très bon !" Dit Arza tout en demandant à la jeune fille de la suivre. "Il y a quoi dans ton sac ?" Demanda la jeune Ilyana alors qu'elle commençait à reconnaître une odeur assez sucrée ce qui lui donna encore plus faim. "Ca être pour dessert. Toi vouloir voir ? Bien." Arza se baissa et montra ce qu'il y avait dans son sac à Ilyana. "Waaaaah..." La jeune femme fut émerveillée par la quantité de friandises dans ce gros sac de toile. Elle regarda l'ogresse avec une certaine joie, se demandant si elle pouvait en grignoter. "Prends. Prends. Moi avoir assez pour dessert !" Arza tendit une poignée de friandise à la jeune fille puis elles reprirent la route vers l'endroit d'où provenait la délicieuse odeur. La jeune femme se plongea dans le sac avant de commencer à se baigner dans ces friandises et commença à les manger goulument sous le regard amusé de l'ogresse voyant cette jeune femme s'agiter dans ce sucre. La jeune ogresse et Ilyana arrivèrent là où se trouvaient Magra et Mia. Elles virent rapidement que Mia était presque cuite et que du jus coulais de son corps. Le diner était bientôt prêt. "Aaaahhh ! Vous être là ! Mia être presque prête pour repas ! Arza toi venir gouter et dire si ça être bonne viande." Arza s'approcha et coupa un léger bout de la fesse de Mia qu'elle porta à sa bouche. "Huuuuum ! Ca être très bonne viande, Tata ! Quoi toi avoir mit sur elle pour gout si tendre ?" Magra répondit. "Du miel ! Ca attendrir la viande !" "Elle sent très bon en effet..." Remarqua la magicienne sortait de sa nage au milieu des bonbons pour aller face à son amie dont la peau était complètement cuite. Elle s'assit alors qu'elle vit Magra retirer Mia de sa broche "Repas être bien cuit ! Petite volaille quoi toi vouloir faire pendant que Arza et Magra mange autre petite volaille ?" Magra plaça Mia sur une énorme assiette déjà remplie de légumes et de patates. Elle laissa lentement le jus du corps de Mia couler sur l'assiette et la garniture afin que les légumes s'imprègnent de son gout. "Je... Je peux goûter ?" Demanda timidement la jeune femme salivant en voyant un tel repas face à elle. Mia servie sur le plateau se sentait divinement bien alors qu'elle entendit Magra prendre sa propre épée pour couper sa chaire. "Boh ! Toi vouloir manger ton amie ?" Magra et Arza étaient très surprises par le demande de la jeune fille et ne comprenais pas trop pourquoi elle voulait cela. Mais après tout Mia était déjà assez bizarre pour Magra donc elle coupa un bout de cuisse de Mia et la donna à Ilyana pour goûter. Ilyana dégusta une bouchée de la viande, tombant sous le charme de la saveur de ce plat. "C'est si... Délicieux..." Déclara-t-elle en continuant de manger la viande de Mia sous le regard circonspect des deux ogresses. "Etrange petite volaille... Vraiment étrange." Magra et Arza commencèrent à déguster Mia. Magra donnait de temps à autre un morceau des autres parties de Mia pour que Ilyana puisse goûter. Après 20 bonnes minutes, il ne restait rien du délicieux corps Mia à part les os. Et comme la dernière fois, les os et l'équipement de Mia commencèrent à disparaitre. Ilyana ayant mangé bien des parties de son amie semblait être ravie d'avoir eu un si bon repas. Elle décida alors de monter sur la table face aux deux ogresses pour enlever en partie ses vêtements "Vous... Avez encore faim ?" Demanda-t-elle avec une certaine innocence. Les deux ogresses étaient encore plus surprises qu'auparavant. Elles se regardèrent toutes les deux et sourirent puis regardèrent la jeune volaille. "Magra et Arza avoir toujours faim ! Toi vouloir être dessert ? Bien ! Arza toi préparé plat avec petite friandises ! Moi aller chercher potion pour aider petit volaille pour devenir bon dessert !" Dit Magra tout en se déplacant vers son sac qui était ranger non loin de la table. "Je serai un bon dessert vous pensez ?" Demanda la jeune femme voyant Magra la prendre par la jambe pour ensuite la ligoter sur son épaule. "Oui ! Toi faire très bon dessert ! Mais toi d'abord boire potion pour être encore meilleur !" Magra sorti un flacon de son sac et le porta aux lèvres de la jeune fille qui malgré une odeur très forte décida de la boire. "Une potion ?" Se demanda la jeune magicienne assez curieuse alors qu'elle bu la moitié de la potion forcée par l'ogresse. "Toi tout boire ! Aller ! Aller ! Pas être difficile ! Sinon Magra pas contente !" Arza venait juste de finir de préparé le plat de bon et avait au préalable mit chauffer du chocolat. "Arza avoir tout prévu ! Arza avoir prit chocolat humain pour meilleur dessert !" Dit Arza, toute contente de sa proposition. "Idée bonne ! Ca donner plus de goût à dessert !" "Je vais être un gâteau ? C'est... Merveilleux." Remarqua la jeune Ilyana alors qu'elle fut placée au milieu d'un immense plat à gâteau alors que les deux ogresses s'occupée autour d'elle. La jeune fille sentit tout doucement son corps changer et son corps semblait de plus en plus léger. "Aaaaahhh ! Potion semble bien marché sur cette belle nourriture bientôt un beau dessert à manger ! Miaaaaam !" Le corps de la jeune fille commençait à devenir de plus en plus mou et malléable. Sa peau se transformait petit à petit en pâte et doucement, elle perdait le sens de la réalité alors que son corps devenait de la pâte à gâteaux. La jeune femme vit alors le chocolat coulé autour d'elle reposant dans un grand moule dans laquelle seule la tête d'Ilyana dépassait alors qu'elle était encore consciente, observant comme elle pouvait sa situation. Arza prit le plat avec Ilyana toute chocolatée et le poussa dans un four à bois qui se trouvait prêt du feu de bois où Mia avait été cuite. Magra avait doucement allumé le bois en dessous du four pour qu'il soit à bonne température pour cuire l'humaine en pâte à gâteau. "Hum... Maintenant attendre que petit humaine-gâteau soit prête pour dessert ! Nous préparer table pour bon repas ! Toi, bien cuire maintenant !" Dit Arza qui se dirigea vers la table à manger où Magra préparait déjà la place pour le gâteau. "J'espère que je serai un bon gâteau" Déclara la jeune femme maintenant bâillonnée par une pomme alors qu'elle fut placée au milieu des flammes infernales de ce four, attendant patiament la fin de sa cuisson pour être un bon déssert. Après une trentaine de minute, notre jeune magicienne n'était plus qu'un gâteau à forme humaine couverte de chocolat. Magra et Arza sortirent ce gâteau du four et le placèrent sur la table. Arza ajouta des bonbons par dessus le chocolat du gâteau afin de le rendre encore plus appétissant. La jeune femme encore consciente sentit la bonne odeur qui émanait d'elle maintenant. C'était un magnifique gâteau qui allait régaler les ogresses pour déssert. Ilyana ferma alors les yeux, acceptant ce délicieux sort. Magra prit un couteau vu que la lame de Mia avait disparu avec ses restes et commença à découper Ilyana comme un gâteau. Elle coupa la jeune fille de haut en bas et servi deux belles tranches à Arza puis autres tranches pour elle-même. Elles commencèrent alors à goûter ce délicieux dessert. "Très bonne humaine ! Elle faire délicieux gâteau ! Miam ! Merci, Tata Magra !" Dit Arza toute enjoué par ce délicieux repas. "Ca être vrai ! Encore une délicieuse humaine très bonne à manger !" Les deux ogresses continuèrent à parler pendant qu'elles finissaient leur bon gros gâteau et se demandèrent quand nos deux jeunes humaines allaient encore revenir car c'était très amusant et appétissant d'avoir une livraison à domicile de nourriture fraiche sans devoir la chercher. Elles continuèrent à parler et à imaginer comment les cuisiner la prochaine fois qu'elles viendraient tout en attendant la nuit se coucher. Le lendemain matin, Mia et Ilyana se réveillèrent dans une pièce prévue à la résurrection des héros dans une capitale non loin d'où elle avait retrouvé Magra. Mia se sentait bizarre après ce qui c'était passé et son envie de combattre n'était plus la même, elle ne savait pas pourquoi mais elle se dit que peut être elle avait perdu le combat contre Magra inconsciemment pour que Magra la cuisine et la mange comme une bonne grosse volaille. Mia ne savait quoi trop en penser. Soudain, elle vit Ilyana se réveiller à côté d'elle et se rappela de vague souvenir qu'elle avait goûter à son corps rôti par l'ogresse. Ou bien est ce que c'était son imagination et qu'elle souhaitait que son amie goûte à sa délicieuse viande. Elle n'osa pas lui poser la question de peur de sa réaction. Ilyana expliqua ce qui c'était passé tout en omettant le passage où elle avait mangé de la cuisine de Magra et donc de Mia. Toutes deux ne savaient comment gérer cette dernière expérience mais chacune d'elle regarda l'autre et une envie profonde au fond d'elle même leur disait de retourner là-bas pour revoir Magra et Arza. Mais voulaient-elles y aller pour les vaincre ou pour autre chose ? Cela est une autre histoire ! FIN |
In the middle of the Green Rocks Forest, known for its presence of monsters, humans avoided getting lost there for no good reason. Ogres, goblins, orcs, all these monsters loved human meat and the peasants in the area paid quite a lot of it every month. But on this summer day, a surprising presence could be seen. Ilyana a young magician was in the middle of a small river washing carefreely. In reality, she wanted to be an ogre bait for her friend Mia. The latter wanted to find and surprise the ogre Magra who had defeated him some time ago. The two were on the lookout as the smell of the magician partially spread in the forest. Suddenly, a noise was heard. A heavy step but trying to be discreet. Typical of a marauding ogre gait in search of prey for his dinner. Mia heard the noise and prepared to pounce if need be. She slowly approached the source of the noise. Ilyana felt a tension in the air as if someone was looking at her with envy. The young magician pretended to panic and lay down in the water, waiting to see the creature that was about to come in front of her. Mia at the top of a tree then noticed what appeared to be a juvenile ogre judging by the size and shapes of the creature. The magician in the water saw when she had noticed him with a hungry look. The young ogre began to salivate while moving gently towards the girl in the water thinking that she had seen her but that she was too panicked to move. She slowly walked towards her, licking her lips, when suddenly Mia went on the attack. "Stop there my big, the meal is not now." Declared the swordswoman heroically as she attacked the ogress from his club. llyana in the water regained her spirits and went to hide in a tree near the water to observe the battle. The ogre did not foresee that tried to escape and in panic, she shook her club in front of her to prevent Mia from approaching while backing away. I said, "No! No! You, not near!!" "Are you freaking out? It's a shame." Mia too fast for the ogre managed to climb on her left arm and took the opportunity to give her a hand salute. She continued on her right arm before clinging to the club, which fell quite easily to the ground due to the creature's poor grip on it. The ogre fell backwards in surprise and looked Mia in the eye. I said, "No! I... Tata, Tata! Tata, help Arza! Tata Magra! Arza, not good !!" Cried the panicked young ogre adorning what had just happened. The adventurer pretended to attack Arza at the head... To finally place his hand gently on her shoulder. "Let's go big, it doesn't matter. You'll get better in battle," she said with a big smile as Ilyana, still naked, came down from her tree to see her friend. The ogre got up and asked Mia what she planned to do with her. "I know, you don't eat ogre meat. So you're killing me now?" She said in a panicked tone. I said, "No. I'm an acquaintance of your aunt Magra, and I wanted to set a little trap for her to defeat her in a duel." The young woman retorted, giving her hand to the ogre to lift her up. The magician had dressed herself in her little skirt and cape. I said, "Uh? Tata Magra have no human knowledge. She just have delicious recipes for human. How do you get to know Tata Magra? And trap like you do, not walk on Tata. She's smarter! She knows human cunning!" "I was one of your aunt's delicious recipes. And I want to see her again. I want to defeat her. And then if I lose, she'll have me on the menu again" Declared Mia re-entering her sword in her sheath while the ogress was standing again. The magician then politely hand to Arza to greet her. "I'm Ilyana..." "You're weird... Are you one of the ones who comes back from the meals? So why would you want to try attacking Tata again? Do you like to be meal? I do not understand well ... You really weird!" Arza looked at the young Ilyana and smiled at her, saying hello. The ogre looked at Ilyana's body and her belly began to gurgle. I said, "Oh! Excuse me! You be very appetizing then Arza have stomach that gurgles." "It doesn't matter..." The magician replied as her friend looked the ogre in her eyes rather proud and determined. "So, grandma, will you take us to see your aunt? I'm sure she'll be happy for you to see these two human beings you have with you." Mia said enthusiastically. I said, "Okay! Tata wanted to test new recipe today so yes, she would be very happy when to see you! Follow you!" The ogre led the walk to his aunt's lair. Mia, rather playful, began to follow the creature carrying a large bag on her back, reserving a pleasant surprise for her dear ogre. Ilyana, who walked right next to Arza, looked at her from time to time, wondering about some pretty naughty things in her head. Arza looked at Ilyana waddling and asked him. "What to have you, little human? Do you seem all excited? Do you want to be Tata's meal too?" "I... Yes... But I'd also like to taste his cuisine..." Declared the young woman quite embarrassed to answer that to this particular creature. The swordsman, for his part, tried to imagine how to defeat Magra in order to surpass himself. The ogre was surprised by the answer. She looked at Mia and then looked at Ilyana. "Do you want to taste your friend? You're weird, too! Two very strange humans! And Pagra say that Arza weird..." The three companions continued on their way to the camp of the ogre's aunt who was probably going to be very happy to see her niece and the two young men so strange. Mia stretched her arms after her fight while her friend was content to walk empty-eyed in the direction of the great ogre's lair. Magra saw Arza arrive and smiled before changing her expression to astonishment. "What are you picking up here?! You've been hunting well this time! Two beautiful birds! Uh?" Suddenly, Magra was surprised to see Mia alive in front of her after Magra's last culinary actions on Mia. "Hi, my big one" The young woman cheerfully declared, placing her bag under a tree as she saw joy in the eyes of the ogre who had dropped her kitchen station. Ilyana witnessed the scene alongside the cook's niece so happy "Little poultry is back?! Do you want to fight again?" Ask Magra in amazement. "Did you bring any other poultry for dessert?" "Indeed, my dear. I want to defeat you to prove that I can become stronger. It was then that a huge rumble was heard in the camp, surprising everyone. All searched for the origin of the noise... To realize that it was Ilyana's stomach that produced this rumble so powerful. "S... Sorry..." Declared the young magician whose stomach had just told her that she was very hungry. I said, "Oh! She have stomach as hungry as Arza after hunting day! Arza give you food for small poultry. Me and delicious Mia have put in the mouth to do! " Magra took her club in her hands and looked at Mia. "I was waiting for you to tell me that." Declared the young woman drawing her blade waiting for Magra's niece and her friend to go elsewhere in the camp to leave the land open. Mia wasted no time and rushed towards Magra headlong, ready to feign the ogre. Magra tapped her foot on the ground as if a mastodon had just hit the ground, sending Mia into the air. Magra then threw her club towards Mia's body. The swordsman managed with his blade to deflect the club of the ogre and then bypass it and land on Magra's shoulder. She then leaps on her arm to try to disarm the ogre. "Didn't you learn?" Magra dropped her mass and threw her arm with Mia on it to the ground. "Aïe..." Noticed the young woman feeling her body spinning towards the ground for a big impact. That's when Magra turned around holding Mia above the ground, by the leg, looking at her with a big smile. "You've lost! You know what to do now?" Says Magra, smiling with all her teeth. "I know yes... But I thought of you and I have a little surprise..." Declared the young adventurer giving her blade to the ogre before looking at her bag with a look of pleasure, wondering how Magra would react when she saw what was waiting for her. "A surprise? Another chicken for cooking?" "You'll see. Close your eyes and open them only when I tell you. I'm not going to do that?" Asked the young Mia next to her big bag as the ogre put her sword on her table. "Weird... Okay..." Magra was still on her guard because you never know what a human can have in mind. The young man passed behind the nearest tree so that she could undress quietly to put on the costume she had taken for the occasion. A few minutes later, she met with Magra and asked her to open her eyes. The ogre then saw her little poultry in a light suit adorned with gilding, a feather headdress and a loincloth of long feathers as if she had a pretty turkey tail. I said, "Oh! Small poultry be really small poultry now! Hummm... Even more appetizing! I want to remove feathers of small poultry to prepare it well now." Says Magra while salivating at the idea of eating this delicious meat in front of her. "Do you want me to do a little poultry dance?" Asked the young woman showing that under her tail she had not put her panties. "Oh, yes! After that, Magra will catch you and take your feathers off! Yes, yes! Magra will prepare a good poultry with a wood fire!" "Will you pay attention to my suit okay?" Asked the young poultry before starting to shake his body under the gaze of the ogre seeming increasingly hungry when he saw the curves of his prey moving before his eyes. Magra's belly began to rumble very loudly. It was too much for Magra's appetite. I said, "Um! Magra is catching you now! Yum yum! It's time to prepare the right poultry!" Magra grabbed Mia and gently placed her on the table while undressing her in her suit. "How will I be cooked this time?" Asked Mia, when she saw her loincloth being removed by the ogre, who still left her feather headdress on her bare body, still as firm but soft. "To the spit! But Magra put you on the spit! That way, you can enjoy my cooking! Recipe ogre! Small honey turkey cooked over a wood fire! That's very good! Yum yum!" Magra began massaging the girl's body to relax her before brushing it with honey. "Spit? Impaled like a pig in a market?" Asked the young woman, feeling the honey pouring on her skin and seeing the playful ogre give her a good massage so that her meat is well relaxed before cooking. "No, you're on the spit! Because Magra will add a big carrot for the back and a nice apple for the front. You liked having big carrots last time! You stirred a lot after that, a lot of juice." "Oh... I can see that..." Mia remained calm while her entire skin was under a thick layer of lukewarm honey as she heard the ogre's stomach gurgling loudly. "Here, little apple for the front!" Magra gently inserted the apple into Mia's mouth. "Now, the good big carrot for the back!" Magra licked the end of the carrot before introducing it into Mia's anus little by little. Mia couldn't move because of the huge carrot in her anus. The young woman feeling her buttocks completely blocked by the carrot shook them trying to show her sex still quite free and in demand of a carrot too. I said, "Oh! I see you love Magra's preparation! Do you want more? Magra is going to put big sweet potato in wetland and delicious!" Magra then took a large sweet potato from her vegetable basket and gently pushed it into Mia's vagina, which suddenly giggled with pleasure. Magra licked her fingers while picking up the pin. The young Mia once attached to the brooch was placed on top of the fire ready to be roasted by Magra who once again stroked her honey-coated buttocks by licking her lips. Magra brushed Mia's body with honey as she groaned. Not moans of suffering but pleasure. Meanwhile Arza and Ilyana were talking and Ilyiana was wondering what could happen with Mia and Magra. When all of a sudden, a smell of roasted meat began to rise in his nose. This smell made her salivate to the point that she wanted to know where it came from. "You... Do you think it's Mia?" Asked the young magician seeming to salivate, feeling this sweet smell caressing her nostrils. It was then that she noticed that Arza was carrying a large bag with her, which intred her enough. "Snif! Snif! Yes! Smell of human meat in leather. Your friend being on the menu for today. Yum yum! Arza hopes Tata make a good roast with delicious human! We see how it will be prepared for dinner! Arza want the recipe because smell very good!" Said Arza while asking the girl to follow her. "What's in your bag?" Asked the young Ilyana as she began to recognize a rather sweet smell which made her even more hungry. "It's for dessert. Do you want to see? Good." Arza stooped down and showed what was in his bag in Ilyana. "Waaaaah..." The young woman was amazed by the amount of sweets in this large canvas bag. She looked at the ogre with some joy, wondering if she could nibble on it. "Take it. Take. I have enough for dessert!" Arza handed the girl a handful of treats and then they headed back to where the delicious smell came from. The young woman plunged into the bag before starting to bathe in these treats and began to eat them greedily under the amused gaze of the ogre seeing this young woman stirred in this sugar. The young ogre and Ilyana arrived where Magra and Mia were. They quickly saw that Mia was almost cooked and that juice was flowing from her body. Dinner was soon ready. "Aaaahhh! You're here! Mia almost ready for dinner! Arza will come and taste and say if it's good meat." Arza approached and cut a slight piece of Mia's buttocks, which she carried to her mouth. "Huuuuum! That's a very good meat, Tata! What did you put on her for such tender taste?" Magra replied. "Honey! It's softening the meat!" "It smells very good indeed..." The magician noticed that she was swimming in the middle of the candy to face her friend, whose skin was completely cooked. She sat down as she saw Magra remove Mia from her brooch "Meals be well cooked! Little poultry what do you want to do while Arza and Magra eat another little chicken?" Magra placed Mia on a huge plate already filled with vegetables and potatoes. She slowly let Mia's body juice flow onto the plate and filling so that the vegetables soak up her taste. "I... Can I taste it?" Asked shyly the salivating young woman when she saw such a meal in front of her. Mia served on set felt divinely good as she heard Magra take her own sword to cut her pulpit. I said, "Boh! Do you want to eat your friend?" Magra and Arza were very surprised by the girl's request and didn't quite understand why she wanted it. But after all Mia was weird enough for Magra so she cut off a piece of Mia's thigh and gave it to Ilyana to taste. Ilyana tasted a mouthful of the meat, falling under the spell of the flavor of this dish. "It's so... Delicious..." She declared, continuing to eat Mia's meat under the watchful eye of the two ogres. "Strange little poultry... It's really strange." Magra and Arza began to taste Mia. Magra would occasionally give a piece of Mia's other parts so ilyana could taste it. After 20 minutes, there was nothing left of the delicious Mia body except the bones. And like last time, Mia's bones and equipment began to disappear. Ilyana having eaten many parts of her friend seemed to be delighted to have had such a good meal. She then decided to get on the table in front of the two ogres to remove part of her clothes "You... Are you still hungry?" She asked with some innocence. The two ogres were even more surprised than before. They looked at each other and smiled and looked at the young poultry. "Magra and Arza are always hungry! Do you want to be dessert? Ok! Arza you prepared dish with little treats! I go get potion to help little poultry to become good dessert!" Said Magra while moving to her bag which was tidy not far from the table. "I'll be a good dessert, you think?" Asked the young woman seeing Magra take her by the leg and then tie her up on her shoulder. I said, "Yes! Make you a very good dessert! But you first drink potion to be even better!" Magra took a bottle out of her bag and carried it to the lips of the girl who, despite a very strong smell, decided to drink it. "A potion?" The curious young magician wondered as she drank half of the potion forced by the ogre. "You drink it all! to go! to go! It's not going to be hard! Otherwise Magra not happy!" Arza had just finished preparing the good dish and had previously put heat chocolate. "Arza have it all planned! Arza have taken human chocolate for best dessert!" Said Arza, happy with his proposal. "Good idea! It gives more taste to dessert!" "Am I going to be a cake? It's... Wonderful." The young Ilyana noticed as she was placed in the middle of a huge cake dish as the two ogres took care of her. The girl slowly felt her body change and her body seemed lighter and lighter. "Aaaaahhh! Potion seems to be walking well on this beautiful food soon a beautiful dessert to eat! Miaaaaam!" The girl's body was beginning to become softer and more malleable. Her skin gradually turned into a paste and slowly lost her sense of reality as her body became cake dough. The young woman then saw the chocolate poured around her resting in a large mould in which only Ilyana's head protruded while she was still conscious, observing how she could her situation. Arza took the dish with Ilyana all chocolate and pushed it into a wood-burning oven that was near the wood fire where Mia had been cooked. Magra had gently lit the wood below the oven so that it would be at the right temperature to bake the human in cake dough. "Hum... Now wait until little human-cake is ready for dessert! We prepare table for good meal! You cook well now!" Said Arza who went to the dining table where Magra was already preparing the place for the cake. "I hope I'll be a good cake" Declared the young woman now gagged by an apple as she was placed among the infernal flames of this oven, waiting patiament for the end of her cooking to be a good desert. After about thirty minutes, our young magician was nothing more than a human-shaped cake covered in chocolate. Magra and Arza took this cake out of the oven and placed it on the table. Arza added candy over the chocolate from the cake to make it even more appetizing. The young woman, still conscious, felt the good smell that emanated from her now. It was a beautiful cake that would delight the ogres for desert. Ilyana then closed her eyes, accepting this delicious fate. Magra took a knife as Mia's blade had disappeared with her remains and began cutting Ilyana like a cake. She cut the girl up and down and served two beautiful slices to Arza and then other slices for herself. They then began to taste this delicious dessert. "Very good human! She make delicious cake! Yum! Thank you, Tata Magra!" Says Arza all cheerful with this delicious meal. "That's true! Another delicious human very good to eat!" The two ogres continued to talk as they finished their big cake and wondered when our two young men were coming back again because it was very fun and appetizing to have a home delivery of fresh food without having to look for it. They continued to talk and imagine how to cook them the next time they came while waiting for the night to go to bed. The next morning, Mia and Ilyana awoke in a room set for the resurrection of the heroes in a capital not far from where she had found Magra. Mia felt weird after what had happened and her desire to fight was not the same, she did not know why but she thought that maybe she had lost the fight against Magra unconsciously so that Magra cooked and eaten her like a good big chicken. Mia didn't know what to make of it. Suddenly she saw Ilyana waking up next to her and remembered vaguely that she had tasted her body roasted by the ogre. Or was it her imagination and she wanted her friend to taste her delicious meat. She did not dare ask him the question for fear of his reaction. Ilyana explained what had happened while omitting the passage where she had eaten from Magra's cuisine and thus mia's. The two did not know how to handle this last experience but each of them looked at the other and a deep desire to go back there to see Magra and Arza again. But did they want to go there to defeat them or for something else? That's another story! End |
Once upon a time, there was a young thief named Heather who was a little too obsessed with wealth and risked her life for a few brilliant charms that were valuable in order to get a good price on the black market. In each of her adventures, she had always managed to get away with it in spite of the danger. Will her luck always be there or will she end up touring. Let's discover him in his new adventure in the heart of an orc village that possessed a jewel of great value for both the tribe and the black market. This treasure was sacred whoever tried to steal it ended up executed or worse, on the tribe's menu. The jewel stood atop the statue of their god of fertility, punishment and cooking. And yes, sex, punishment and cooking could be a good mix for the orcs of this tribe. One could mingle with the other in certain circumstances for a most appreciable result. Our low-level thief peered through the village from an overhanging hill in search of where this coveted gem could be. Armed with binoculars, a small number of daggers and some experience, the young woman with long golden hair had spent several days observing this village of orc made up only of females. She had a track she could exploit to steal the jewel: nap time. With the latter, the guards would be fewer and therefore easier to avoid. So she went down the hill to put this plan into action. She then waited for the village to be limited to a few guards who would remain in positions in front of the entrance to each important building. Heather had noticed that a part at the back of the main tent, where the statue and therefore the jewel was located, was damaged which would allow her to pass from behind without being noticed. Meanwhile, three female orcs held guard in front of the tent in question and chatted. The young thief was able to walk inside the tent without making a sound. She climbed the statue without lowering her guard before seeing the famous stone so precious for many people. She then took out her dagger and came in a clever motion to place it so as to pull out the stone with a swinging motion while it was still not detected She managed to get the stone out of its location without any problems when suddenly the statue's eyes opened and looked at the young thief. Seized with fear, the thief let out a cry, forgetting the guards at the entrance of the tent who quickly rushed to find out where the cry came from. Heather seeing that things were getting messy dropped from the statue to bring one of the orcs to the ground with the shock. She immediately got up to run to the exit of the tent, hoping to distance the guards before they put their hands on her Alas, the third orc was the most massive and prevented him from going out. She was armed with a well-crafted hallebard that must have seen other fights long before. The young thief then took out her daggers because she had no choice. She was going to have to fight to get out. The young woman leaps over the orc to blow her a blow that was parwo shot before she strikes a second time in the legs to surprise the warrior in front of her. The orc warrior was trained in combat and easily dodged the attack of the thief, to whom she hit a violent halberd handle on her right shoulder. Heather was badly injured and had to make another strategy to get by. She pulled the stone out of her purse and threatened to break it with her blade if she did not go out The orc warrior smiled and the one who had been knocked to the ground and the other who had been distanced ended up behind the thief. Heather, in a desperate move, struck the gem of her dagger. The dagger broke on contact with the gem and a discharge of energy penetrated his body like an electric shock which caused her to fall to the ground unconscious. She had not at all anticipated that this stone would make such an effect on her. In her unconsciousness on the ground, she could still feel the orcs lifting her and discussing them. "Another idiot! She wanted to play the malignant and now she's in the vapes." Says a strong female voice. "What are we going to do with her? She has committed sacrilege in our tribe!" Says another voice less loud and clearer. The first voice answered. "She will be executed at sunset like the others before her." "What a pity... It looks quite delicious and very vigorous. Can't we put it on tonight's menu?" Asked for a third voice softer than the other two. . "We'll see. Let us bring this thief to our leader, she will decide her fate." When Heather opened her eyes, she felt that many things were wrong. She hung upside down above the ground while completely naked. She then noticed that she was inside a sort of tent guarded by two orcs at the entrance. The latter seem to be arguing. The chief orc entered by the three guards who had managed to stop the thief and who were now standing in front of our poor Heather in a very unfortunate posture. The chief looked at the girl but asked no questions. She was probably used to thieves, so asking the same questions would be pointless. She began to feel the naked body of our young thief. "I see you're very talkative..." The thief noticed with irony as she felt the chief's hands all over her body. She also saw that her hands were not tied unlike the feet. "And you with your tongue hanging well given your situation." Says the orc chief laughing. She passed her hand over the thief's buttocks before slightly spreading her thighs and slipped a thick finger into her vagina. She stirred a lot in this one c which did not leave indifferent our thief. The chief then laughed and pushed her thumb into her anus as far as she could go. Heather had a clenched face due to the big finger that was slowly seeping into her anus. The chef removed both her fingers and licked the one that had been in Heater's vagina to add. "Mmmm. It tastes like honey. It will be perfect for the meal. You three! Prepare it so that it will be more presentable at my table later!" The chief left the tent and left the three orcs with the thief. "I see... I did something stupid I deserve a punishment..." The young woman said as she saw the three orcs examine her body carefully. The young thief, however, was quite happy to see that these creatures were not devoid of charms. Upon noticing their beautiful shapes, she began to sketch a smile at one of her who seemed less raw than the one that had stopped her. The three orcs discussed with each other and then turned to Heather. The greatest added. "Punishment? Oh yes, you're going to get a punishment and it's going to be a pleasure." The three orcs began to undress in front of Heather, which was beginning to excite her a little. Then, once naked, they headed to a basket from which they pulled out three outfits resembling leather panties but with a kind of sleeve on top resembling a phallic shape of good size. After putting on her very thin and well-kissed panties, the three of them went to the thief and began to caress her. "It's a chance to have lovely creatures to have a good time" Heather took advantage of the proximity of one of the orcs to swing and grab her head with her hands. She was then able to place her mouth on the creature's mouth so that she knew the sensation of kissing such a ravishing orc. The orcs lowered Heather and detached her feet. Each of the orcs licked part of the young thief with delight and imagining the feast to come with this delicious piece of meat in front of them. The larger tasted the lips and the top of her body up to the breasts. The youngest had fun licking and biting the foot of the thief's legs with great pleasure. The last one when she reveled in Heather's private parts while enjoying her bouncing buttocks she was feeding on the nectar of her vagina. The young thief, who had never hidden her attraction to other women, let herself be comfortable as she felt these three gentle creatures caress her body like never before. She wrapped her arms around the neck of the tallest in order to embrace her with desire and sensuality. After a few minutes of mouthing, the female orcs brought Heather to her knees to prepare her for the rest of the day. The older one invited Heather to moisten her wooden limb erected right in front of her face. Meanwhile, the little one crept under her body and began to pass her piece of phallic wood at the level of our thief's vagina while playing with her welcoming lips. And the last one was preparing for the anus of the intruder by playing with it so that it is ready for the entry of a good sized object. "At least this day will have had some good times..." Noticed the young woman who then began to lick the false polished wooden sex of this female Orc. She watched it for the duration of the humidification, taking the opportunity to feel the creature's buttocks from time to time as her own rear was preparing for the next experiment. The most massive orc looked at him with envy and said to him with a perverse smile. "I see that you seem to like it very well in this case it's time to move on to the main course!" The three female orcs added a strange oil to their phallic extension and then began to take care of the wet orifices of our young girl excited by all the attention on her body. The most massive female orc repositioned itself in front of the thief and told her. "So taste this special oil. She's going to take you to the seventh heaven!" Heather ran and after just licking the end of the wood, she began to suck it frantically as if nothing could stop it. Instinctively, she stretched out her other orifices to receive the same pleasure in her most intimate parts, and the two orcs were not expected. They penetrated the body of young Heather who was drunk with pleasure. She moaned like a madwoman and her eyes revulsed from time to time during the act. The powerful aphrodisiac used by the Orc clan had taken its mind. She was no more than a prey subjected to the throes of carnal pleasure. The young thief deprived of her mind began to ask for excessive sexual stimulation while the three creatures took a crazy pleasure in stuffing her orifices as well. She looked at the three orcs with an overflowing sexual appetite, so much so that she threw herself on one of them in full turn to suck ever more. After 3 hours of intense sexual activity, Heather was broken and exhausted. The three orcs sweated after so much activity and were also exhausted. They took off their panties and changed quickly before moving on. They took Heater's body and placed it on a table not far from them. Heather, who was no longer really conscious of exhaustion and drugs, was trying to say words, but it was incomprehensible because she was gasping at the same time with ecstasy. The three females began to brush Heater's body with aromatic oil and stuffed an apple into his mouth, a carrot in his anus and a zucchini in his vagina. Heather did not fight in any way and even loved it. The largest of the females went to get a utensil to prepare Heater for a good barbecue session. Said utensil was a kind of pliers that the large orc used to test the firmness of human meat as it was cooked. Heather felt the latter used on her buttocks and breasts which gave her a certain amount of pleasure, almost asking to continue. She had fun however waving her butt to feel the vegetables waving in her anus and vagina in order to excited her more and more. "She's ready! It's time to take her on the fire for cooking this delicious and juicy thief. It's time to put it in the meat-cooking vice." Says the orc has his other companions. 'The vice?' The young woman scoundrel wondered before seeing the other two orcs come with some sort of cage worn on some sort of pin on both ends. The orcs began to place the young woman's limbs in each designated location. His legs, arms and bust were quickly blocked by ties that were linked to this strange device. The young thief couldn't move. She could just contemplate the smile and the appetite on the faces of the three female orcs. The latter, stuck in such a special position, had no choice but to let it happen, admiring in passing the bodies of the orcs who were well carved. She looked at one of her and winked at her to see her reaction to have fun. The female orc smiled and got up at the thought of the meal earlier and this delicious meat that accepted her fate with pleasure. The two largest of them each took one side of this handmade brooch. The largest was in front to raise the thief so that during her visit to the village we can see her face. They came out of the tent while the other females were still working in the village. The inhabitants of the village saw the thief past and paused for a brief moment to look at her and salivate with envy because they knew what would become of her and that tonight's meal was going to be tasty. Heather on this path paved with admirers of her beautiful body could see the finality: a big pile of wood with forks to support the pin on the side as well as the village chief seeming to wait impatiently for the meal as the other inhabitants. The orcs placed each end of the brooch on the forks and the smallest lit the fire below the girl with a special oil that allowed both to light the fire but also to give off a most intoxicating fragrance. The young thief, seeing this, tried to breathe as much fresh air as possible before the smoke from the fire smothered her with cooking. She looked at the orcs gathered around her in order to observe almost religiously her cooking and their future meal Little by little, the vapors of the oil rose to her nose and this made her euphoric. Gradually she seemed to sink into the madness that was due either to the intense heat of the fire or to the exhilarating fumes rising to her brain. She began to smile and laugh as her skin slowly began to turn a browner color and thickness of sweat flowed from her body. Heather then saw the orcs take turns to spin it over the flames so that it is a uniform cooking. She closed her eyes from time to time so that she could rest as she fell more and more into fatigue. She had one last start before sinking and saw the three smiling orc females who gently applied sauce to her body which was almost ready for the meal. The young thief felt more and more weakened by the cooking and then closed her eyes completely while her skin was more and more browner and a good smell of grilled meat came out of her body. An hour later, Heather was just a spit-cooked roast. His body was perfectly cooked and dripping with cooking juices. The whole village began to gather while the body of the thief was placed on a tray covered with local vegetables. She was placed all her length on her belly with her arms that acted as a head pose to hold it. The village chief was honored with the first piece and chose her vagina. The three female orcs who had captured him with them also chose their share. A piece of buttocks for the larger one then a piece of the chest for the average one and finally a piece of one of the thighs for the smallest one. The village shared the other pieces by rank of importance in the village as well as by the high-facts made by them. It took only about fifteen minutes for the girl's entire body to be distributed and barely a dozen to be consumed by the village. It was not a great banquet but enough for a traditional meal within the orc tribe. After several hours when her body was nothing more than a skeleton, Heather awoke in the small inn in which she had stopped the day before. She remembered all the sensations that had caused her this cooking and this feast. She then got up, trying to devise a new plan to make money without denying the desire to see this tribe of orcs again. |
On a cold winter night in a makeshift camp guarded by a royal convoy troop, a group of three mercenaries were on the lookout for the purpose of their contract. A gift that was to be given to the king of the neighboring counter as a sign of peace between the two nations. But some people did not see this in a good light and it could disrupt their business. That's why our three makeshift mercenaries, Ira the Lamia, Rou the Oni and Isha the Feline, were recruited for this difficult mission. Ira: "Okay! It looks like we're going to have to fight about 20 armed guards. I don't see the captain of the guard yet. He must be inside." She says while using her human heat detection skill. Among the guard of this convoy was a young woman whose red and pink armor cut with the rest of the soldiers. Jill, originally from Daien to Tellius, normally straddling her wyverne, but she had left it in the city, as winter temperatures were not conducive to reptiles. She was equipped with a large axe and seemed very focused on this mission despite the cold. This was quickly spotted by Isha, whose piercing view had noticed the young warrior. Isha: "My dear comrades, I have already spotted a choice for the trip when we have cleaned up. I just hope there's enough for three." Rou: "Okay, shall we go? I want to fight here. Staying in a corner and waiting is not my thing!" Ira: "Let's try to get slowly closer to the camp and get rid of the guards one by one." The young soldier then returned to her tent, another soldier having taken over for the guard of the night camp. She wrote to her father who had stayed at home to warn him of his situation and reassure him about his condition. She then seemed to relax from this rather trying day without dropping her vigilance or her axe in case of problems. Ira: "Okay! We're going to go slow and...." Rou: "BANZAÏ !!!" Ira: "No! No! NOOOOO!! Isha: "Aaaahh... I said that an Oni in a group is always the misery for strategy. But have I been listened to? Nooooo. There you go... Well, when you have to go, you have to go." The warrior Oni threw herself head fucked on the guards who were surprised and did not have time to draw their weapons. With her enormous mass, she knocked towards the guards at the entrance and three guards were caught under the momentum of her mass. They were propelled to the other end of the fortress. The others tried to pull out their swords, but alas for them, La Lamia and The Feline threw themselves at them. Isha cut two of them with a single blow from her powerful claws. Ira crept around another and broke his bones, squeezing him like a small rodent. The few remaining guards gathered and one of them raised the alarm with his horn. Jill heard the sound of the battle and the horn, and she came out of the tent axe-to-hand ready to fight. She then saw the wounded or dead bodies of soldiers while the others organized to attack the three monsters that had launched the assault. She ran closer to the Lamia, thinking that it was surely the most problematic in view of its powerful tail and its flexibility. Jill: "Stay in your human holes!" She exclaimed, warning herself. She came close to Ira but Isha threw herself at her without further ado and looked her straight in the eye. Isha: "Hello, delicious meat! It's nice to be out to welcome us. I was starting to get a little hungry. Raaaaahh!" A fight ensued between the Feline and the warrior. One was fast and flexible and the other powerful and organized. The captain of the bastion in turn left the kitchens, redeveloped to serve the troop stationed, with a chicken leg in hand. He saw the attack and several of his men on the ground and spat out his piece of chicken that he had in his mouth as well as his chicken leg. He tried to draw his sword, but Ira was already on him to give him no respite. Ira: "Oh no... You're not going to embarrass us! Hisssss!" She gave a powerful tail and disarmed the captain and then bit his neck in order to inject him with his venom. The captain's veins blackened and he fell to the ground. His lifeless body. Ira: "Problem solved! Just need to clean up the rest!" The young soldier, quite organized in her method of combat, managed to surprise her opponent several times by adopting a very airy style due to her experience in the sky to ride her wyverne. But the battle then began to drag on and when the rest of the soldiers fled the battlefield where he had been killed, Jill was the only one still standing, surrounded by the three monsters and exhausted. But she did not give up, she always had the ardour of the fight in her. Jill: "Come to me!" She screamed between two puffs of air. The Oni came before her, powerful and proud. A dominant aura included the warrior Oni who smiled in front of Jill. Rou: "Here I am! Let me introduce you... My hammer!" Rou struck with his mass with both hands towards the warrior. Jill: "Enchanted the mass. Here's my axe." Despite her exhaustion, the young woman was able to dodge the heavy blow of the oni which pulverized a rock before running at her ready to hit her head with the edge of her weapon. Rou smiled and let go of his sledgehammer. She stopped Jill's axe in her stride to her surprise. She lifted Jill still tied to her axe and swaying weakly to make her let go. Rou: "It seems that you're the only one left, my little one. Everyone else is dead." "Never will I give up: Victory or Death, this is the motto of my homeland" The young woman rose to attack her opponent with her fists despite her completely exhausted condition. His eyes burned with almost fanatical combative ardor. Rou: "Bah! What do we do with this one?" Ira: "Kill her like the others. It's not all we have to do and I'm starting to get hungry with that smell of cooking. There's probably still something to eat in it." Isha: "Ah no, eh! This one, we're going to eat it! I'm hungry and she'll be perfect for my meal so we don't damage her anymore!" Rou: "Eat this one? Hmmmm. My time is not a bad idea." Jill didn't care about the discussion of the three monsters. She was on top of them ready to fight, my fatigue caused her to lose her balance and she fell to the ground at the feet of the three attackers. Rou: "Boh! I think the fight is over." Isha takes a stick and starts stinging Jill's body. Isha: "Yeah, it looks like it's good for the pan. Hey!" Ira had already gone to the kitchen and looked at what she could find. Ira: "Girls, come and see! There's still enough to eat here!" Isha: "And there will be many more very soon!" She looked at Jill, licking her lips. Jill: "N... Never... I..." The young woman on the ground hearing the women's words tried to crawl towards a sword not far from her, less to continue the fight than to end her life. His muscles barely responded, his heart was heavy and his honor flouted. Isha: "Well. Let's move on to the first part of the kitchen. Removed what covers the meat." Rou: "Okay!" Rou and Isha began to violently undress the girl by ripping off her armor or cutting off her clothes. It took very little time for our two mercenaries to lay bare the fighter. Jill: "That... Someone... Kills me... Please..." Jill's mind was confused due to combat fatigue. She tried to preserve what little dignity she had left after she was laid bare by asking for a death more honorable than that reserved for her. Isha: "It's coming. A little patient. Well, we're still going to tie it up, it's going to avoid nasty surprises." Isha found a thin carry rope nearby and asked Rou to tie the girl up like a ham. Meanwhile, Ira looked from afar a little embarrassed to see what was going on with the young warrior while eating a grilled chicken leg. The young soldier, feeling what was happening to her, began to cry knowing that her death would not be honorable. She was no longer trying to fight, hoping that these monsters felt sorry for her enough to run it quickly. It only took a few minutes for Jill to tie up like a little pig. Rou: "Here we go! What do I do with it now?" Isha: "Let's go and see what we can find in the kitchen to prepare our meal with the "raw materials" at our disposal." Rou and Isha headed to the kitchen where Ira was already. They quickly saw a stock of food that could be served for 2 to 3 days for a small armed group and therefore enough for the meal of our three mercenaries. Isha: "Perfect! We have carrots, apples, herbs, oils, pepper and even salt. Oh but that..." Isha's gaze stopped at the large oven in the kitchen. An oven large enough to cook several dishes at the same time for a troop or for a large dish worthy of a banquet. Isha: "Girls, tonight we're going to eat baked turkey!" She says while looking at Jill. Jill: "No... Please... Not that..." Supplied Jill with tears in her eyes as she also noticed the presence of a rather large pot that the oni had also noticed. The poor woman had nothing left, she felt pitiful and unworthy of her homeland Rou: "In my village, we cooked the humans by marinating them in a mixture of spices to create a broth and soften the meat. Since it is quite tense, I think it would be a good way to prepare it." Isha: "Very good idea! Slurp! It'll make us turkey broth to enjoy while she cooks in the oven!" Ira: "More poultry? ... Okay, that's fine with me! Need help?" Rou: "I'm going to make the base of the broth by mixing herbs. Prepare the pot and heat the water during that time." Isha and Ira: "Yes, chief!" The tied-up soldier stayed inside the kitchen while these monsters tried to prepare everything she needed to cook. She saw the Oni begin to cut the herbs with a knife with a bone handle. She tried to get her attention by trying to agitate despite the string. Rou: "What do you want, future snack? Stop fidgeting you'll be in our stomach soon enough!" Jill: "Kill me now... I beg you... Devour my corpse if you will, but kill me..." Asked the young woman with despair in her eyes fixing those of Rou Rou: "No! It's going to ruin your taste of your meat! But don't worry too much, I'll add a special spice that will help you during your "bath"." Rou added a spice from his pouch that hung from his belt. Rou: "It serves as well in combat, as for food and sex! Oh, that's what I' Jill: "Please... You've already taken everything from me... Have mercy on me... Slice my head or hang me... But don't make me go through this..." Begged Jill finally starting to cry again under the gaze of the Oni in the middle of preparing the broth Isha: "The water is ready for meat. Let's take it down, chief?" Rou: "Yes. I'll add the spices at the same time it should calm her down ... She was so proud during the fight and now looks like a goblin to scare. What a disappointment... Anyway, I'm starting to get hungry too." Isha and Ira took Jill and plunged her into the hot water, which was not yet boiling. Only the young woman's shoulders and head exceeded water while the rest of her body was tied in what was a hot bath at the moment. She looked around and noticed what seemed to be a little tenderness in the eyes of these creatures. Jill: "Why... Why are you doing this to me? And why are you looking at me like that?" Asked the young woman whose despair had hidden behind the embarrassment. Isha: "Bah... We're a little hungry! Your body is still very appetizing. It would be a shame to waste such a beautiful meat." Rou stood up and spoke firmly to Jill. Rou: "Yes! You should be proud of your body and be a delicious meal for us! It's a pleasure and an honor to prepare a beautiful meat like you!" Jill: "You stripped me of all honor by doing this to me... It's humiliating to end up like this... How would it be an honor to devour a person who has nothing left?" Asked the young Jill who lamented her fate as she began to feel the water heating Rou: "It's always an honor to be the meal of a member of the Oni’s clan! We eat and cook only important leaders or our most powerful enemies to gain strength and power for battle! That's how we live!" She says with passion. Isha: "Ah well?" Ira: "Hush! She's trying to galvanize the meal right now!" She said it down to Isha. Jill: "I... I am... A powerful enemy?" Asked the young woman with a hint of hope in her voice when she heard these words. From this point of view, she could retain some honor if for these creatures she had been a fierce adversary. Isha and Ira looked at Rou, his eyes creased. Rou answered with a sparkling look. Rou: "Yes!" Rou did not move from his pose and smiled. Jill: "It's... It's... Nice..." The young woman's cheeks voted red when she heard this, she seemed a little happier to know that. The heat of the pot was beginning to rise as well as the smell of spices. The special addition of Rou was also beginning to make an impact on our young warrior. Jill: "It's... Strange... I feel... Ok... What's happening to me?" Asked Jill while she felt rid of a heavy emotional weight on her heart. Rou: "The magic of Snusnu spices! We use this as an aphrodisiac in our village to excite our partners for sex, weaken the judgment of our enemies in combat or soften humanoid meat for the meal!" Jill: "Oh... It's... Nice. I feel good for once... Th... Thank you" The young woman seemed to relax in the bath as if nothing was going to happen to her while the three creatures were still looking at her with appetite. After half an hour. Rou: "Let's see where the cooking is." Rou dips a wooden spoon into the broth and tastes it. Rou: "It looks good and let's see the meat." Rou lifted the young warrior a little by the ropes that tied her body and stung in her buttocks which made young Jill tremble with pleasure. Rou: "Perfect! We're going to be able to move on, Isha!" The young woman's fatigue and euphoria had partly caused her to lose her mind when she seemed to love being in this situation. She looked at the creatures with affection and excitement, wondering what was going to happen. Isha and Ira took Jill out of her "bath" and placed her on a large tray. The girl no longer struggling which facilitated her preparation for the rest of her cooking. Isha went to get an apple, a carrot and a large white radish to fill the openings of the meal. Ira untied the ropes around Jill and placed her all the way down her belly, arms on the side of her body. Isha putted the apple in her mouth and then headed to the back of the girl for the rest. Jill muffled by the apple could no longer say anything to these three ladies who seemed delighted to see the curves of the young woman from this angle. She looked in their direction as she wondered what they would do next. Isha: "Now that the front is done, it's time to take care of the back! Ohohohoh!" Isha took the carrot and inserted it into Jill's vagina, which giggled during the introduction. Isha then took the white radish and gently inserted the tip into the girl's anus. She gradually pushed the huge radishes that dilated the size of Jill's anus to the point that she uttered a rattle of pleasure when it was over. Isha: "Well! It seems that this your more my succulent! All that remains is to finish decorating the tray and brushing you with spices and then you will be good for the oven." The young woman who felt her orifices being destroyed by the introduction of vegetables had a head overflowing with pleasure. She did not understand why, but her body and mind were very receptive in this situation of humiliation under the sneers and remarks of hungry women. Ira covered the body with spices and added some of the beverage created by cooking in the pot to keep the body moist for the rest. After placing various types of plants and accompaniments. Isha and Ira put the girl in the oven and began to heat it gently so as not to spoil their future meal. The young soldier tied up on this tray could do nothing but undergo this ordeal while the mercenaries had their broth. She began to sweat under the oil layer while her mind seemed to be very excited by smelling it all. After an hour. Isha: "Ahhhh! The broth was delicious! I hope our beautiful roast will be as good." Ira: "Yes! I'm not used to eating humans but I have to say that this broth put water in my mouth for the rest of the meal." Rou: "If his meat is as good as this soup, then I think it's going to be a delight. Let's see where it's going to be." The young woman's meat was a good way to be a great meal. Jill had closed her eyes for a certain time while her body had a beautiful color. The latter if oiled reflected the light which made the roast shiny and therefore even more appetizing. Rou: "Yummy! She looks right! It's time to serve it!" Rou took Jill out of the oven and placed the tray on the table. Each of our three mercenaries salivated at the thought of tasting the deliciously roasted girl. Isha: "It's time to eat all this! Slurp! Good appetite to all!" Every part cut and served by the young woman was a treat. His muscles kept a fairly firm texture due to the meat soldier training. But the more intimate parts were tender as a good leg. Breasts, buttocks, sex, it was all a feast for the three creatures eating until Jill's last crumb that in the oven knew she would end up like this. It was then that she was very surprised when she opened her eyes shyly while she felt lying on her stomach and completely naked. She then saw a metal collar attached to her neck attached to a rope that acted as a leash. It was morning and the young woman seemed to be quite surprised that she was alive when she had felt her body being devoured. The three mercenaries were looking at the girl. Rou: "Ah! It worked the way you thought Ira." Ira: "When I saw her armor I suspected that she would surely have a magical bond of resurrection surely a spell that was paid for by her family. And I was right! Look, she's already waking up." Jill: "What... What do you want? What is that ?" Asked the young woman rising from the table wearing this heavy necklace around her neck like a young slave ready to be sold at auction. Isha: "Let's say we enjoyed having you as a meal and after Ira's revelations about you. Ira has prepared a special magic necklace for you because we're going to keep you as a "survival ration"! So we're going to cook you over and over again to use all the recipes you can on your delicious meat." Rou: "Well, it's time to go. We got what we came for at the base and with it we won a bonus. An inexhaustible source of meat! I still have plenty of recipes to test and his meat will do just fine." Jill: "But will you ever release me?" Asked the young woman whose despair had once again invaded her voice when she saw her freedom completely destroyed by this gift of regeneration, which had become a curse in view of her future as a mere inexhaustible meal. Rou: "Maybe... But in the meantime you're coming with us! We've got a long way to go and you'll save us food." Isha: "Come on, girls! On the way to new adventures! " Ira: "Hey? But I'm just here for the gold!! Finally we'll see ... Let's do it." Jill saw her belongings being picked up by the 3 mercenaries while she had to follow them naked in the snow. Her last experience as a meat had been exciting, but she didn't want to stay in that position forever. But for now, she was only the slave of these 3 creatures who will have a lot of fun cooking it in all sauces. Langue source Lors d'une nuit froide d'hiver dans un camp de fortune gardé par une troupes de convoi royale, un groupe de trois mercenaires était à l’affût afin d'accéder au but de leur contrat. |
Once upon a time there was three little demon girls trying to live alone near the woods by building their own house. The first little demon girl was red and very lazy. She didn't want to work at all and she built her house out of straw. The second little demon girl who was green worked a little bit harder but she was somewhat lazy too and she built her house out of sticks. The third little demon girl who was grey worked hard all day and built her house with bricks and stones. It was a sturdy house complete with a fine fireplace and chimney. It looked like it could withstand the strongest winds or blows. The next day, a big bad goblin happened to pass by the lane where the three little demon girls lived; and he saw the straw house, and he smelled the red piggy inside. He thought the girl would make a mighty fine meal and his mouth began to water. So he knocked on the door and said: “Little piggy! Little piggy!” “Let me in! Let me in!” But the little red demon girl saw the goblin's big hands through the keyhole, so she answered back: “Oh no! No! No! Not by the hairs on my pussy puss puss!” Then the goblin showed his teeth and said: “Then I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll make your house burn and cook you inside.” So he putted some fire on the straw then he huffed and he puffed and he made the house burn; cooking the demon girl inside! The goblin served the red demon girl on a plate with an apple in her mouth and a carrot in her ass. He swallowed her in no time to go on another house for next course. The goblin continued down the lane and he passed by the second house made of sticks; and he saw the house, and he smelled the green piggy inside, and his mouth began to water as he thought about the fine dinner she would make. So he knocked on the door and said: “Little piggy! Little piggy!” “Let me in! Let me in!” But the little green demon girl saw the goblin's pointy ears through the keyhole, so she answered back: “No! No! No! Mmmm… Or only if you want to eat my pussy puss puss!” Then the goblin showed his tongue and said: “Then I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll cook you in your house !” Then she answered back: “Oh yes! Yes! Eh…I mean… Oh nooooo! Don’t cook my tender pussy puss puss!” So he putted the fire on the wood then he huffed and he puffed and he putted the fire to the house. The goblin was hungry but he waited a bit to let the green demon girl cook a bit more. When the fire stopped and the girl was done. He putted her on a plate with slices of pineapples on her boobs and a zucchini in her pussy. In no time he devoured the girl to go on her next meal on the road. The goblin went down the lane and he passed by the third house made of bricks and stones; and he saw the house that looked more like a big oven made of bricks and stones than really a house, and he smelled the grey piggy inside, and his mouth began to water as he thought about the lovely feast that she will become after he cooked her. So he knocked on the door of the oven and said: “Little piggy! Little piggy!” “Let me in! Let me in!” But the little grey demon girl saw the wolf's narrow eyes through the hole, so she answered back: No! No! No! You must take some wood on the right and put them under the oven. Then add some fire on it to cook my pussy puss puss first! So the goblin was suprised and said: “Then I’ll put the wood and I’ll put the fire on and I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll cook you in that oven-house?” The little grey piggy answered: “Yes! Yes! Yeeeeeessss! And you will eat my pussy puss puss!” Well. He does what he said then he huffed and he puffed. He puffed and he huffed. And he huffed, huffed, and he puffed, puffed. After two hours, the grey demon girl was cooked. She was already prepared by herself when he took her out or the oven. She was on her belly with a pepper in her mouth and a white radish in her ass. He ate the last demon girl then he huffed and puffed because he was so full after all those delicious piggies of the day. The End |
Our story begins in the office of an evil entity that had received a special request for the world government itself, after hearing of the great reputation of Wicked Inc. in getting rid of dangerous people, apparently since the shichibukai was officially abolished the marine has been having troubles in arrest the now pirates that used to serve the world government, so the request was to recapture the pirate empress and queen of the Kujas Boa Hancock, after the last float failed to retrieve her, however after an interesting exchange of info the World government decided that the ex-shichibukai will be executed instead of being send to Impel down like a common criminal. Zevourius: "I see... this is perfect !, we were going to need a big amount of girl meat for the great opening of the “Lucky Goblin Casino” (a colossal floating casino made of gold), according to our intel there would be more than hundred women on this island and therefore enough meat to organize a banquet worthy of an emperor. It is specified that the threat is high on this island and that three powerful women are there, one of whom is particularly dangerous. She possesses a petrifying power and a great physical strenght for a human.” He reflected and turned on his seat while reading all the information of the quest. Zevourius: "I can't send Del because she's busy with DD to find out where the emerald empress is. Spycia is on a mission with Tesla for "special items to recover" in universe 456. I can't send San, she will destroy everything on the spot or end up as a meal on a misunderstanding... Well I think I'm going to have to stick to it...” A creature with white skin and hair appeared behind him. She had two horns white as her skin and white eyes whose iris was a light blue deep as ice. She was wearing a light blue and white revealing kunoichi outfit barely enough to cover her body. Shade: "I can take care of it if you want...” Zevourius: "OH! You're here. The mission was a success ?” Shade: "It could have been better if my counterpart hadn't wanted to play the malignant ones!" The shadow of the white demon began to move and stir her buttocks while hitting one of her. Shade: "Stop fucking me! You wanted us to finish grilled to dine in their place!” The shadow materialized and came out of it a demon similar in appearance to the previous one but his body and hair were black as the shadow. Her eyes were black with a yellow iris and a cat pupil in its center. His eyes were like those of a predator. His body was naked and you could see all his curves. Shaw: "Maybe. But then the master would have come and would have had something to eat for tonight! He would have had two good big chunks of well-cooked meat.” The shadow demon approached the white while looking her in the eyes. Shaw: "With the juice that would have flowed from our bodies still warm and tender. The smell of a wood fire that would have enriched our personal aromas. Not to mention the slices of its exotic fruits on our body which would have given an even sweeter taste to our meat. Hmmmmm... You can imagine how delicious we would have been...” Zevourius: "Yes, I guess so. Uh... I mean yes it would have been very... boring.” He blushed for a moment as well as the white demon as he looked at his reaction to his words while the one in black smiled with a perverse air. Shaw: "Maybe next time...” She lowered herself in front of her master handing her buttocks to her face and showing a little her current excitement visible in her vagina. This one was starting to get ideas and a little drool. Then he recovered. Zevourius: "Hum hum. Well, if you wish here is a mission of high importance with a lot of reward at the key on a world of pirates. » Shaw: "Cool! And what will be the reward?” Zevourius: "You don't want to know what's in store for you?" Shade: "If you can tell us...” Shaw approached his master and looked him straight in the eye. Shaw: "What will be the reward? Hmmmm... » The dark entity looked her straight in the eye and answered. Zevourius: "What do you want?" Shaw: "You get what I want! Hmmmm...” Zevourius: "Very well... I agree.” Shaw: "Perfect!" Shade: "What about me? I stink, right? I have nothing to say?” Shaw: "You know very well that you want the same thing as me... After all, we are the same entity. I can't wait for our reward! Let's hurries to finish this!” Shade: "First of all we need all the information to carry out our mission" Shade had a cool head compared to her warm-blooded shadow counterpart. Zevourius explained to them in detail that it was their mission and the threat on the spot. Shade: "Finally a little bit of action. The last mission was too easy with these knights in golden armor.” Shaw: "Indeed, they weren't very hard to beat. They missed their time concentrating! We didn't even have to get down to business!” Shade: "And this 'goddess' was easy to cook. She said that bronze knights would come to rescue her quickly before a weird clock reached 12 strokes.” Shaw: "We cooked it in 2 shots! Hehehe! The customer was satisfied but a bit grumpy.” Zevourius: "I see.... Good. In this case, I open a portal to the entrance of the island in relation to the spatial coordinates given by the client. And remember, you can eat some of the amazons on the spot but not the three main targets. OK?” Shade: "No problem. And I'll watch it if it goes wrong.” Shaw: "Tssss... Not even funny!” Their master then opened a portal and the two demons rushed into it before coming out at the entrance of the island. Shade: "Wouldn't you cover yourself a little bit now?" Shaw: "Not necessary! The master is no longer there I no longer need to show my curves so appetizing worthy of a good roast.” The shadow demon covered her body with a light outfit made of shadow just to hide her private parts and chest. Shaw: "That's it! Forward to the mission!” Shade: "Pffff... I swear to you! Well, let's find our targets." The two demons moved to the island without taking cover and approached a group of young women. Shade: "Excuse us, pieces of meat. We are looking for the mistresses of this island, can you tell us where they are?” The amazons bandaged their bows and took out their swords. Amazon: "Foreigners on our island? What are you doing here? But...” Suddenly, the amazons noticed the appearance of the two demons and began to panic and one of them then said. Amazon: "Some... Some... Onis! My sisters, they are there to devour us!” Shaw: "So yes and no, in actually we're here to capture you and then we'll cook you later for a banquet! So it's not for now don't worry! Hehehe.” With these words, some amazons charged towards the two demons and the one armed with bows fired at them. Shade: "Ah bah bravo! Here they are terrified! You know it doesn't give a good taste to meat! » Shaw: "Oh, that's fine! They are afraid for nothing more! Well, you stop them or I do it myself. » Shade: "Tssss.... » With a gesture of the arm, Shade created a cold, frozen air that froze the legs of their assailants on the spot. Shade: "It's your turn." Shaw looked at the arrows coming in their direction and she created a shadow shield that swallowed the arrows without a single one passing through her. Shaw: "Easy! Good! We grill one before continuing?” Suddenly, an alarm sound was heard. The whole island seemed to be on alert. Shaw: "Ah bah... no, it looks like.” Soon, several amazon troops headed towards Shade and Shaw. They were quickly surrounded by more than sixty of them. Frozen Amazon: "Be careful, sisters! They have the fruits of the devil in them! They are like the Onis of legends! And they want to eat us!” Shaw: "Hey! I said we wouldn't eat you now! OK?!” Shade: "Hmmmm... Here we are sandwiched...” Shaw: "With the sauce and everything? Hmmmm... We're going to be delicious! Hmmmm! But the master is not there... So it's not funny! I reject this situation!” Shaw became annoyed, cast shadows under various amazons in every way. Quickly, the shadows attacked amazons at random and shadow creepers formed around them in order to put them on the ground completely attached. Shade: "Well, I guess we'll finish quickly and head for our targets. They will be ready for transport after all.” Even before the arches could shoot with their bows, a thick fog formed around Shade and began to freeze all the amazons present within a radius of 20 meters. Most of the amazons were frozen on the spot and no longer moved. Those who had not been captured by the cold or shadows began to scream and flee to the main palace of the island which was in its center. Shaw: "That's it! Well we follow them? I think they will get us where we need to.” Shade: "yes... I hope it will soon be over. I'm bored to die here! They are zero from home.” Shaw: "Oh, that's fine! There is only the master who excites you or the other demons! All this to finish the ass in the air and make you grill your ass!” Shade: "But not at all! I... Finally.” Shaw: "Hey! You can't lie to me because we are one and the same entity so forget! And I like it when they grill our buttocks! I feel so good that I will eat myself if I could!” Shade: "It can always be done if I eat you." Shaw: "Oh yes! I hadn't seen it that way. Good forward! Dinner doesn't wait!" The two demons headed for the area where there was a large courtyard and a palace built in the rock. Shaw: "Well here we are! And I see that the remaining inhabitants of the village seem to be there too! This is the final level! The boss will appear! Yessss !” Three beings appeared at the great gates of the castle and looked at our two demons below. Boa Hancock: "Foreigners! You are on Amazon Lily Island, the domain of kuja warriors! I am the queen of pirates, Boa Hancock! Why are you attacking my sisters like this?! “ The woman with long black hair and a long, graceful body, stared at them until she was one of her sisters, the most massive next to her leaning towards her to talk to her by ear. Boa Marigold: "My sister, look! They are devil fruit users given their appearance. They are certainly dangerous!”, the 4 meter tall orange haired thicc gorgon sister replies. Boa Hancock: "Who sends you? The navy or another rival pirate? I have a lot of enemies who want my head at the end of a spade!” Shaw: Someone way above the navy, you’ll see, we are not just here to strip u from your tittle as warlord (among other things) but to make u disappear, you know there is one thing that the world government hates more than pirates and that is a traitor, they discovered your special relationship with strawhat Luffy and how u helped him to infiltrate Impel Down as well as attacking former marines to helping him at Marineford, as well as your lil secret (The white demon pointed at her back) am I right tenryuubito’s bitch ?, and with the abolition of Shichibukai they are very pissed at you to the point that they want your head, But we just want your ass on a grill! The head is not very supplied with meat!” Boa Hancock: "What?! Are you here to eat us?!”, the queen replies ashamed while remembering her slave mark on her back. Shaw shook his head sharply while Shade sighed his hand over his face. Boa Hancock: "You won't get us so easily no matter what your powers or strength are! We are the most...” Shaw interrupted the queen of pirates during her monologue. Shaw: "Can we fight there? Because I have an ass to get screwed!” Shade looked at Shaw, blushing with shame. Shaw: "Well what? Isn't that true maybe? We're just thinking about that.” Shade turned as she rallied. Boa Hancock: "How dare you...... Very well! I'll finish this quickly then!” The queen of pirates joined her hands in heart towards the pair of demons and said then. Boa Hancock: "Mero Mero Mellow!" A heart-shaped pink wave heading towards the two demons and covering them for a moment. The two demons looked at the queen of pirates with astonishment and then looked at each other again and then looked at the queen with big eyes. Boa Hancock: "That... My power doesn't work on them? What for? That's impossible! My beauty didn't seduce you?! Am I not the most beautiful of all?” Shaw: "You have to calm down, my little lady! You're appetizing but that's it! We must not take ourselves for the centre of the world! Then we are much sexier than you! We are literally to chew!, besides your mere mortal beauty is nothing special to immortal being like us, Hehehe!” The three sisters began to bubble on the spot. Boa Hancock: "My sisters! It's time to punish his monsters with our fists!” The queen's two sisters began to change shape and took on a look closer to a gorgonian. They descended and placed themselves around the two invaders while the queen jumped in front of them and created a crater where she fell. Shaw and Shade went back and back looking at it all. Shaw: "Oooohhh finally a little show! Let's have fun!” Shade: "We'll see. But I don't hope for much.” Marigold spat venom towards Shade who immediately froze him with his power and smashed himself to the ground like a piece of ice. Boa Marigold: "Not bad...” Sandersonia, the green haired sister created hydras with his hair and attacked Shaw. Shaw dodged the hydras by moving in the shadows and sliced two with shadow blades. Shaw: "Easy! It's like cutting algae!” Seeing that her sisters were struggling with intruders. She propelled herself into the air and fell sharply on Shade who cashed the blow with her arm. Shade: "She has strength that one!" While she was distracted, Shade took a raping tail blow from Marigold in the lower abdomen which sent her waltzing further. Shaw: "Raaaahh! But stay focused! You take blows for nothing!” Shaw attacked Sandersonia who dodged her attacks from the shadows as if she knew where she was going to strike and when. This disturbed Shaw, who did not see Hancock's leg coming to him in the face. It was propelled next to Shade like a pebble. Shade: "Ok... They are not zero. Not zero at all!” Shaw: "yes... it's not going to be easy." Shaw and Shade got up and attacked the pirates in turn. While Shade materialized ice pikes that she threw at Marigold, Shaw threw shadow blades at Sandersonia again. The two gorgonians dodged the attacks without difficulty. Marigold: "What's all?" Sandersonia: "You don't understand that we can read your movements in advance, thanks to our observation haki, My poor little ones!” Shaw: Haki ?, "Oh yes. You see them coming we do not know how but the problem is precisely there. You see them coming... hehehe.” The shadow blades and ice pikes that the two gorgonians had dodged turned around and fell towards them from behind. Boa Hancock: "Watch out, sisters!" Marigold and Sandersonia narrowly turned to counter part of the attack, but they were wounded by the attack. Shade: "That's it! There is a way to touch you after all!” The queen of pirates began to get upset when she saw her sisters wounded and turned to Shade and Shaw with unsurprising fury. Boa Hancock: "Both of you! You will suffer!” The Queen activates her conqueror haki exuding an aura of such power that Shade and Shaw were blocked for a moment. Shaw: "What is...” Hancock threw himself at them coating her legs in armament haki and began to kick them without giving them a single respite. Shaw and Shade flew to the stairs of the castle in blood. Shaw: "Baaa... What's that?” Shade: "I don't know... it felt like hardened willpower, but that's not what was planned...” Both were injured on the ground. The queen of pirates raised her hand and the last archers of the village prepared to shot their haki imbued arrows in the direction of the two demons. Boa Hancock: "This is what happens to intruders who dare to threaten us! And now die dirty wenches!”, the empress shout while bending her back behind in a cocky gesture. She lowered her hand and the arrows began to fly towards the two bloody demons. Shade and Shaw looked at each other and smiled. Shaw: "We're going to make it cold." Shade: "We're moving on to the serious thing...” Just as the arrows were going to fall on them, time froze for a few moments and a bright light was made. When the light disappeared, the arrows had reached their target but no trace of the two bodies on the ground. Boa Hancock: "Where are those...” A shadow passed by her and made her shudder. She turned around and saw what had brought her close. (Music of the moment: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A_hwVqpsex8) Boa Hancock: "That.. What are you?” In front of her and all the other pirates stood a creature with white hair like the moon and a black skin like a dark night. She had a long garment made of shade of smoke emanating around her. She had on her head a white horn on the right and a black horn on the left, both bent and forming like a planet or a star above her head. Her eyes were closed and she was not moving. She was waiting. Boa Hancock: "You must be a Mythological Zoan fruit user, My sisters, on the attack! Kill this thing! I have a bad feeling! » In her words, all attacked this new threat when suddenly she began to open her eyes. One eyes was white and the other one was black. When the eyes were completely opened, all the pirates were stopped and soon most of them fell to the ground, trembling at the sight of this eyes. Hancock and sisters trembled under the aura released by what lay before her and resisted the fear felt. Boa Hancock: "This... It's not haki! What's that? This power... This aura is terrifying! I've never seen that...” Marigold threw himself trembling on the monster with his axe. A thick layer of dust formed and when it dissipated his axe had been stopped by the demon. Unrealia: "That's it?" Unrealia stopped the axe with one hand and frozed it with her fingertips. The frost slowly progressed towards Marigold, who dropped his axe in fear. Unrealia broke the frozen axe effortlessly. She directed her eyes at Marigold, who could no longer move in fear. Hancock threw himself at Unrealia with his legs and continued the attacks against her without any downtime. After a few moments, she threw herself back and noticed that her legs had suffered injuries as if she had hit a block of very thick and hard ice, despite her armament haki. Unrealia turned to her and smiled. All the conscious amazons gathered around the demon. They were no more than a handful trembling like fallen leaves in front of her. Hancock stood before her despite her wounds and fear. Unrealia: "You have courage, we admit. It's rare... For the trouble, we will give you a chance. If you manage to block our attack, we will leave you alive with the other amazons? When do you say?” Unrealia looked at her with a smirk and while her hand opened towards Hancock. Hancock hit his cheeks with his hands and put herself in a fighting position in front of her. Boa Hancock: "Come, dirty monster! Me, Hancock, queen of amazons and pirates! I would never waver in front of anyone!” Unrealia: "Never say never little queen...” (Music of the moment: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Fkj1q8MAUg) Below Unrealia's open hand formed a well of darkness, she took out a huge sword handle that she grabbed with her hand and then she took out a giant sword protected by a scabbard covered with forbidden symbol and incomprehensible language. She grabbed the scabbard with the other hand and barely clearing the sword from it, the power that emanated from it brought to the ground the last pirates who resisted the aura of Unrealia as well as Marigold and Sandersonia. Hancock held firm despite the pressure. Unrealia: "Let's finish this ! I’m bored...” She pulled the huge sword out of her scabbard at a speed not noticeable to anyone but despite her pride, Hancock's instincts took over and she dodged the attack by moving to the side, for fear of it. Time froze for a moment before Unrealia put her sword away in a huge cursed sheath. Unrealia: "You should have countered this attack. Too bad for this island...” Suddenly, the castle split in two and quickly a crack was created under the feet of Unrealia who moved a step to his right before the whole island cracked in two. Hancock was terrified of the damage caused by the attack replying that the monster has the same slicing power of Hawkeyes, then she and her sisters sank unable to swim due to their devil fruit. Unrealia: "We are very disappointed. We expected more from a “warlord”, Few manage to make us feel alive it would seem. Finally after that, we will ask for a good fight as a reward. He will not be able to refuse after all.” Unrealia reopened the well and let the titanic sword sink, then with a wave of her hand she froze the part of the water in which the kuja amazons were floating, trapping them in ice before the other 3 could sink to the bottom of ocean, then she contacted her master through their mental bond and informed him of the situation. The latter was surprised and furious that they had cut another island in two once again. He sent Del'Luscious and Ex'Quisite (DD) to help Unrealia transport all these delightful women to the big kitchen inside the even bigger floating casino to be prepared before the banquet. Sam, a very powerful witch and co-founder of Wicked inc. was waiting for their arrivals to launch the ovens and grills on site. They had to hurry because the island could sink at any time. After transporting all the amazons to the facilities, Sam summoned the cooking staff, composed of more than 100 magic female clones of different races and dimensions to prepare the army of Amazon for the big opening, with a snap of her fingers the cooks started to stripping all the kujas off their battle gears, and placing all the naked women in oven, cauldrons and grills to start the cooking process, meanwhile Sam turns her attention to the last 3 women resting over special platforms, all wearing Sea stone collars provided by the world government, the top chef hastened to prepare the queen of amazons and contemplate her generous forms. Sam Wicked: "What a choice piece! Worthy of a king! I'm going to cook it like a doe!”, she says with passion since she loves to work with high quality specimens, without further ado the green skinned sorcerer remove Hancock’s one piece Chinese red dress, releasing a big pair of bouncing tits adorned with light pink puffy nipples shining like rubies, “My, my, what the naughty queen we have here, she don’t even wears a bra at all, come to think of it the island was inhabited only by amazon warrior so it makes sense no one wears any further clothing than her battle attire “, she thought while removing her red shoes exposing her perfect white tender feet, then she bends to pick then when suddenly she felt someone’s hand grabbing her posterior, a lil startled she turns around finding her business partner Zevourius squeezing her butt, smiling at her. Sam: kuh, kuh, kuh, you sure have hyperactive hands my dear goblin, can’t concentrate with u groping my buns” she replies with a smirk to the being in front of her that despite being called goblin was indeed a 1.79 m green skinned humanoid wearing a black tuxedo and purple glasses hiding his deep grey eyes. Zevourius: hello my star chef, I came here to check the whole process and of course to verify the quality of our 3 v.i.p main dishes” he winks at her while looking at the unconscious empress and 2 sisters. Sam: yeah right... ok but tell shade and Shaw to help me undress the other 2 first, then you can inspect her all u want”, she finishes while sliding Hancock’s black panties over her long silky legs, showing her delicious bald pussy. Zevourius agrees snapping his fingers summoning the black and white beings then he points to the left turning their attention to the other 2 sleeping figures over the platforms, those amazons were massive, even in their human form, with a height of more then 4 meters they were bigger than Spycia and certainly more meatier , so Shaw started with the orange haired one, she was thicker than her sister and a lot more muscular but still very feminine, her big breasts each one as big as pumpkins, she pulled a silver dagger from his pocket and began cutting the clothes, on her side Shade finished stripping Boa Sandersonia, following by a good rubbing session of special olive oil making all they enormous curves shining. Next to where the demoness were, the Ex-Shichibukai Boa Hancock slowly opened his eyes, noticing that they no longer where at Amazon Lily, on top of being stripped of her clothes by a mysterious green woman, she tried to move and use her Mero Mero beam but nothing came out of her hands. Sam: “Fat chance queen, your collar isn’t just for fashion, a lil present from your friend the world government, I must say the sea stone is quite handy when u want to cook Devil fruit users like that pink haired ghost girl, mmm her ghosts were quite annoying but her tits were very juicy”, she says licking her lips, “just like your are gonna be”. Boa Hancock: ugh !... why you... release me and my sisters now !, I am the pirate empress of Amazon lily not a piece of mea... mmmgh ?!. Sam: (shoving an apple in her mouth) “Yes you are, In fact since you are just a runaway slave, I can pretty much treat u however I seems fit, and right now being a tasty long pig seem fit to me”, the witch finishes tying Hancock’s slender legs behind her back, spreading her ass and genitalia in a pretzel pose. Sam began brushing Hancock's body with honey, stroking his chest, buttocks, hips, and feet with great attention. She turned it on her rear and grabs some stuffing and shoves it in her anus. The queen of pirates did not move an inch. The fight before and the fear had had to tired her to the point of not being able to make a move, she just stood there, with a defeated look, thinking on her words, she hates to admit it but the witch was right, hard as it is she is a slave, she was never released by the tenryuubitos, she escaped and hided her Mark all this years hiding under her Warlord tittle, but now that the world government doesn’t need them anymore she lost the protection on Amazon lily and her future is dire. Once his ass was filled she switches to her pink soft pussy repeating the process then Sam added 2 carrots to bite the whole thing. She added slices of pineapple on her legs, belly and plump tits followed by some secret spices before putting the queen to cook in a preheated oven. Sam Wicked: "And one! Next one !” she cheers while a magic clone of Yamato dresses as maiden approaches with the big nude form of Aphelandra over a floating platform, “oh well look at that, and i thought the 2 sisters were the only big amazon on the island, mmm the merrier the better”, the witch states grabbing a long metal pole, pointing at the ass of the tall unconscious amazon. Meanwhile the cyan and grey demoness Del'Luscious and Ex'Quisite had already started preparing some of the amazons on the grill or on the spit and they cooked calmly like good poultry, as well as guiding the army of magic clones to do the same with the rest of amazons, Shaw and Shade had finished and rested quietly in a corner of their "hard" work. Sam Wicked: "Shade! Shaw! I need you for those two! Bring back your buttocks!” Shaw: "We're punctured! Let us do the biggest part of the job!” Sam Wicked: "Move your ass! And I would say to Zevourius to give you an "extra"...” Shaw: "Ok! I'm here" Shade: "Raaaah! Oh, shit!” Sam Wicked: "Hey! For these two I will need something more powerful to stuff them!” Shade and Shaw turned the two massive women on their backs and Sam arrived with a water lance connected to a huge cistern filled with nut and almond stuffing. She began with Marigold and filled his anus with the spear before attacking Sandersonia in turn. Once the two sisters were full, Sam added two huge magic-boosted carrots in their anus. She did the same with two apples that she enlarged and then put them with her magic in their mouths. She installed the two sisters on armoured barbecues and reinforced for the occasion. At evening everything was ready for the opening banquet, the customers were going to be satisfied and everyone would have plenty to eat with the hundred or so roasted women planned, as the customers arrived to the main hall inside the casino all got greeted by a very large buffet of many Amazon women prepared in different ways, bbq grilled, baked, stewed, broiled and even as sushi, all began to enjoy the tender meat, being served by an army of magic clones, meanwhile way up inside the V.I.P section two masked figures approaches the big table adorned with all kinds of expensive desserts and entrées, and in the middle 2 colossal steamy trays were presented, the 2 masked beings sat at the table, one wearing black suit, having white horns, and deep red eyes while the other was wearing a red suit with small black deer antlers and fox like ears popping out the mask. They were saluted by both, the goblin like businessman and the green skinned witch while a big red demoness and a cyan succubus lifted the cover revealing the massive cooked bodies of Marigold and Sandersonia, both shining in a pretzel poses, the two beings devoured the amazons with gusto while discussing important business with the owners, after 1 hour and with their bellies almost full the witch made a toast. Samantha Wickedstone : “For the evil !” she exclaims while rising her glass of wine, the others agreed with wicked smiles. Samantha Wickedstone : “I hope u saved room for the main course, right from Amazon Lily I present u our 80.000.000 berry dish, the pirate empress Boa Hancock ! She lifts the cover and in a cloud of steam the delicious body of the pirate beaming in a nice reddish tone, the 2 guests and even Zevourius stare in awe at her perfect frame, she rested over a bed of cooked vegetables on a classic suckling pig pose, over her tummy with her arms and legs bended down her showing her melon size breasts looking all juicy and shiny adorned with erect bite size brown nipples, then her wasp waist and shapely rump in the air with the carrots still shoved inside her lower holes, a line of pineapple rings alongside her back and tits, and a shiny apple in her mouth finishing the presentation. Then without further ado the four beings start digging on the delicate meat, enjoying her sweet tits, firm ass and tender pussy until nothing was left on their plates, after the meal the horned figures firmed some contract, shake their hands creating and aura of green energy and left through a dark portal. Several hours later the casino closed and far far from there in Mariejois a humanoid pink cat enters a room with a big empty throne, delivering a package to a hooded figure wearing a crown, inside the package there were 3 black small chests, the hooded one opened them, inside three devil fruits can be found: the hebi hebi no mi model Anaconda and king cobra and the Mero Mero no mi, the mysterious one nodded in approval and crossed Hancock’s wanted poster with a x. Im sama: “one light less” In the Wicked Inc. , Zevourius arrived at the meeting room with Sam, when Shaw and Shade arrived at him with big eyes. He immediately understood what they wanted. Zevourius: "It's okay, I understand. I will take care of you personally.” Sam made a nod to Zevourius and a hand gesture to say to increase the reward. Zevourius: "Ah... I see. Well I'll do the all-in this time! Prepare your buttocks because I do not intend to lose and I will surely be hungry after our little fight.” Shaw was all excited even too much and fell asleep. Shade blushes and says nothing. She picked up Shaw, who was speaking in incomprehensible language while asleep and goes directly prepare themselves for the big “reward”. Another mission successfully completed for Wicked Inc.! And many others to come... END |
On this eve of Valentine's Day, Zevius was preparing a good meal for the evening of Valentine's Day. He had exceptionally asked his demons at heart to leave the evening quiet with Sam Wicked because she had had a lot of problems lately and deserved a good comfort meal. Shaw, Shade and Valera accepted this for once. Spycia was moderately in agreement and left quickly without saying a word a little annoyed. Ex'Quisite didn't like the idea but asked in return to be on the menu the next day and alone just for him, which he accepted unconditionally. But for Del'Luscious , it was a different story. She was the first and his favorite among the demons and although she accepted the others around him, Sam Wicked was another story. This green-skinned witch who stared at him most of the time and refused to be his dinner party every once in a while was going to get some attention from him. A blasphemy for Del'Luscious . She didn't want to admit it but even if it had been one of the other demons it would have been the same. Del'Luscious : “I refuse this request! I had something planned too! Why would it be her before me? Ex'Quisite : "Do you mean us?" Del'Luscious realized that the eyes of all the demons were on her. Del'Luscious : “Uh… Yes! Of course ! All of us! Haha !” She said with a little annoyance in her voice. Zevius : “Listen girls I promise you that once this evening is over I will accept your requests and fulfill them tenfold! Is it okay for you ?” This proposal was tempting to sacrifice an evening to earn ten times more. Everyone seemed happy. All except Del'Luscious who grumbled on the spot because on the one hand she was going to be able to ask him certain things that she wanted to ask him for quite a while and hours and hours of intense pleasure with him and his clones of darkness for having no not one but 10 Zevius at the same time! The dream for her. But on the other hand, she should let Sam have a night out with him. What would be the plan of this demonic witch who could steal the attention of her beloved master and that she will never accept! She would raze everything in her path to take him back if that were to happen. Zevius understood that with her he had to overbid to hope to make her change her mind. He thought about a proposal and offered him a supplement. Zevius : “Good and if in addition I add a special extra menu with a good fight as you like them…” Del'Luscious got a little excited at this first proposal. Zevius : "Follow up on your request with my clones..." Del'Luscious began to shake on the spot. Zevius : “And to finish, a cooking on stone with all the attention of your body in every corner of it before being devoured with pleasure and appetite!” He told her, looking her languidly in the eyes . If Del'Luscious had been a bottle of champagne, its cork would have popped off a long time ago and only the froth would be flowing. Del’Luscious : “I…. I… Grrrr … I accept that you saw her tonight exceptionally.” Zevius was satisfied with this answer. The other demons too it seemed . Spycia : “Okay, I'm going to go hunting, it'll relax me! I'm thinking of going hunting for an ice giant. I spotted one not bad at all from some stories about it. A gothic giant with icy power and stronger than most giants! This is already making me hungry! Mmmmm … Well I leave you girls! And boss, I very much look forward to you keeping your promise!” Zevius : “No worries. You will have all that is promised. Shaw, the black demoness then thought about something and saw that she was connected to Shade , the white demoness, by thought. Shade smiled brightly at his idea. Both looked at each other and laughed with a wide perverse smile before addressing their master. Shaw: “No problem. We're looking forward to that…” Shade : “Yes, we won't disturb you during your discussion tonight! I promise…” Shaw and Shade : “See you later! I hope you have a good appetite for your Valentine's Day meal! “ Shaw and Shade left the room laughing and rocking their beautiful bodies that could make the boldest of valiant hearts capsize. Zevius felt they had a few things in mind but didn't know what yet. You should be wary of them because they are unpredictable when they have an idea in mind. Valera: "I'm going to buy myself a diamond or something like that!" There is a tribe of amazons on an island of the planet Zilax of the 304 universe who have a blue and green diamond. I admit to being interested in this one for personal reasons…. I'm going to say hello to them and maybe I'll stay for dinner too… Ahahaha …” Valera left the room quietly and set off on her quest. Ex'Quisite : “I'm not very happy with the idea you have to please Sam Wicked but… For once I'm willing to accept. Would you like some help tonight? I can help you organize this meal if you wish.” Ex'Quisite proposed this not without a second thought in mind because she sometimes seemed very simple and the kindest of demons but she was much more tactician and manipulative than all the others put together. Zevius : “It's nice to propose. Are you sure that doesn't bother you ?” Ex'Quisite smirked most smugly at this response. Even if his smile seemed sincere, his ideas were much less so. She was going to take the opportunity to monitor the evening and arrange so that nothing happened near or far between Sam and Zevius . And who knows, maybe earn points and become the first demon in his eyes. Ex'Quisite : “Very good! I will prepare and organize this perfectly! Do you have a plan and menu for tonight?” Zevius : "Oh…uh…yes!" But I was thinking of going to find some good meat myself before the meal and…” Ex'Quisite : “Don't worry! I'll take care of it ! Del'Luscious was amazed that none of the others said anything and unflinchingly accepted their master's choice. She had to do something otherwise her darling master might be stolen from her and never! Ex'Quisite observed the attitude of Del'Luscious and despite that they get along very well and share the place in the bed and the table to put them together from time to time see very often. She was still his main rival. Tonight, Ex'Quisite wanted to win favors and she knew the unstable side of Del'Luscious who, as she was not going to accept that a witch from the depths of a lost town was going to try to take the only being from them. gave pleasure and made them feel immeasurable pleasure in their lives. Ex'Quisite : "My dear Del, would you like to help me hunt and organize dinner tonight?" I feel your desire to help our master boil in you! And together we will be more… Efficient. “ She said in a very specific way to make herself understood by her rival. Del'Luscious understood that she had something up her sleeve and wasn't going to retreat as easily as the others. Del nodded and immediately calmed down. Ex'Quisite : “You can count on us, master. This evening will be unforgettable for you and Sam Wicked . Can I have the list of what we have to hunt for tonight, master?” Zevius held out a paper without too much confidence in his two because he knew very well that when these two demons agreed on something it was because there was an interest somewhere. He knew it well enough with these two who fought for his favors all day long. Ex'Quisite : “Choice prey… It shouldn't be a problem for both of us. We'll take care of that! Get ready and rest if necessary. We take care of everything. See you later , Master Zevius .” Ex'Quisite left the room followed by Del'Luscious . Del'Luscious : "What are you up to?" I know you and when you're like that, you have a plan in mind.” Ex'Quisite : “Indeed! And you might like it. My goal is quite simple, to prevent Sam from getting his hands on our beloved master!” Del'Luscious : " Oooohhh ! " In that case, you can count on me, my dear “sister”!” The two of them looked at each other and shook hands with a mischievous and perverse gaze united for the sole purpose of this evening being for their benefit. But what Del'Luscious didn't know is that Ex'Quisite planned to use him if necessary to destroy this evening between Sam and Zevius and make Del'Luscious take the blame and thus kill two birds with one stone. strokes. The day passed in a most strange calm and the beginning of this evening of Valentine's Day began. Ex'Quisite had, using his powers which were tied to darkness lightning, created metal golems powered by his electrical and magical energy. Although his golems have no intelligence of their own, they are sufficient to perform simple preparation and maintenance tasks as well as being used to conquer a stronghold or the like with a few 10-meter-tall golems. The only problem was finding the materials needed to create these. Thanks to Del'Luscious, who could melt almost any metal, Ex'Quiste only had to model the pieces of metal as he pleased and create perfect golems of iron, copper or other metal sensitive to light. 'electricity. A handful of golems were created after Ex' Quisite and Del'Luscious found the "raw materials" for tonight's dinner. Ex'Quisite : “It was quite simple! I expected better ! This garrison was not very well guarded. Just an army of 50,000 men! No but I swear!” Del'Luscious : “If I had known I would have left alone. At worst, I could have tested recipes on the elves and humans present. Anyway, mission accomplished.” Ex'Quisite : "Do you have the 'meat'?" Del'Luscious : " Yep ! " Del'Luscious snapped his fingers and a portal opened. Two girls fell from it. Two warrior princesses to be more exact. Princess Ryuko and Satsuki , two warrior sisters of a world in perpetual combat that Zevius had been able to visit lately and he saved his two there for this evening because he knew that Sam wanted to eat these two there. She had spoken about it during a visit to the 4065 universe but their version in this universe was quite disappointing. So Zevius set out on a secret quest to find a version of his two there worthy of a sumptuous meal. Zevius came into the room and looked at the two succubi. He saw the condition of their clothes at first glance . Zevius : “I see you have returned from a mission. Everything went well with the targets?” Ex'Quisite : “Yes, master. It was quite easy and it didn't pose any real problem for us.” Zevius : "I see you're all dirty. I'll fix this quickly!” The shadow of Zevius passed under the two succubus who shuddered with pleasure thinking that this shadow was going to devour them raw. The shadow covered them completely for a moment and then slid down their bodies revealing elegant new garments perfect for evening duty. Their skins had been washed and they were less "fragrant" shall we say. Del’Luscious : “ Ooooowww . Not even a little bite or a good big penetration?” Ex'Quisite said nothing but thought no less than Del'Luscious and was quite disappointed. Zevius : “Sorry, ladies. That will be for later. I prefer to keep you whole and in good shape for this evening. Well, I'll leave you to Sam soon. And one more thing...” The mood suddenly darkened. Zevius : “Forbidden to spoil this evening. Otherwise…. You will be punished and you will have to work 10 days and 10 nights at the bistro without me touching you during his 10 days there! » The two succubus were seized with an immense fear at the idea of not being touched and tasted for more than a week. It was inhuman for them. And one could even say in their case, overdemonic ! Ex'Quisite : “No problem, master. You can count on us ! “ Del'Luscious : "Yes!" Everything will go as planned! Do not worry !” Zevius : “Very well. Ah! By the way, Shaw and Shade texted me that they would be busy tonight but had ordered dessert for the evening. So you just have to manage the starter and the main course. I count on you !” Zevius left the room and left the two succubi alone in the kitchen. Both looked at each other with a knowing look and smiled with an evil face. Ex'Quisite : “Well, it's time to put our plan into action. But why Shade and Shaw decided to offer a dessert for this meal… Or else they would already be aware of my plans and they would try to take me over….” Del'Luscious : "Our plans, you mean?" Ex'Quisite : “ Ah… Yes indeed! Our plans! But that disturbs me a little… Anyway, we will advise at the appropriate time! It's time to prepare the entrance! My golems will do the service and the two of us will watch the evening each in turn and if we see anything too romantic, we find a parade to cut it short!” Del'Luscious : « Well said sis! One for all! All for the master's stomach!” The evening began and Sam Wicked arrived at the entrance to the castle through a magical portal. She was wearing a long black dress with a low back that stopped just above her buttocks and an extremely plunging neckline. Zevius came out to greet her. He had taken his Hobgoblin form in order to gain quite a few centimeters in height and to be slightly taller than Sam. Del'Luscious and Ex'Quisite seeing this through the window had bulging eyes and furious to see like this witch it was dressed for this evening. They too would have liked to be dressed like that, even not having any clothes and going straight to the pan. No need for a Valentine's Day meal for them, they would be the meal they said to themselves in their heads. They were both more motivated than ever to prevent anything tonight from happening because this witch was dressed to say "Eat me or it's time for sex". They knew it too well because they even dressed like that. Ex'Quisite : “We had better be careful tonight. She's hungry and not just roasted girls!” Del'Luscious : “Yeah… We'll do what it takes for that…” Both returned to the kitchen to prepare the meal and make sure that everything goes well. While Zevius escorted Sam to the dining room to get settled. He noticed her dress accompanying him and it whetted his appetite a bit. Meanwhile in the frozen plains, a red demon faced ice giants and crushed them one by one. Spycia : “So, where is your champion! All these fights made me hungry! “ After these few words , a cold and icy air was felt to the point that Spycia felt it despite the heat given off by her body and by the fight. A woman dressed in cold weather hunting gear approached her. She had white skin and very short snow-white hair. Skaldi : “Who are you? And what are you doing here? Spycia : “ I'm looking for a good fight and a good roast for after this one.” Skaldi : “ You already had your fight! My men are almost all defeated. Only a handful of them and myself remain. Maybe we can offer you a good meal to calm you down?” Spycia : “Really? Do you want to offer yourself? If so, it is with joy that I accept your offer to be my meal!” Skaldi : “ Excuse me?! Do you want to eat me?” Spycia : “Yes and thank you in advance for your non-negotiable participation in my meal!” Skaldi : “Ah yes! Prepare yourself I'm rather cold compared to your idea!” Skaldi threw an ice dagger at Spycia who melted her with his searing breath. Spycia : “Let me warm up my request for you and add a good mass slam !” Spycia materialized a huge two-handed obsidian mace and threw herself at the giantess, screaming. On another planet, Valera arrived at the place she wanted to investigate. A place guarded by humans and elves who guarded a statue of their god it seemed and over his left eye was the diamond in question. Valera approached slowly before being spotted by a magic detector. She quickly realized that she had been spotted and that there was no longer any point in playing it discreetly. Valera: “So? Don't like night tours? I, who wanted to pass and take this eye, feel too many problems… Anyway… Let's move on to the good method watch!” Although the guards didn't understand his language, they knew his intentions very well and prepared to attack him. The halberds were pointed at her as well as the arrows of the archers. This amused her and she formed into daggers blending the power of shadow and ice. She threw the first one in the air and caught it with her tail then formed two others for each hand. Valera: “Let's play a little. Maybe it'll entertain me and relieve the stress I currently have! Yah !” She lunged at the halberdiers and in moments dodged the weapons that tried to hit her. The arrows were flying towards her direction but she managed to dodge or dodge the arrows. She sliced through her opponents with unparalleled vivacity, both with the daggers in her hands and those manipulated by her tail. She knocked down more than half of the guards before an alarm horn was blown and more guards arrived. Valera: “Well! It will give me a lot of exercise. Come on ! ” At the same time, the Valentine's Day meal began at the castle and Ex'Quisite followed by his golems placed various appetizers and other dishes so that Sam and Zevius could begin to eat. Del'Luscious remained in the corner of the room to observe the scene and to master his jealousy because only one thing crossed his mind. How to make a good witch's roast tonight. You could feel a certain tension emanating from her and Ex'Quisite noticed it quite quickly which disturbed Sam a little and started to bother Zevius . She left the room and grabbed Del'Luscious by the tail to drag her towards the kitchen. Ex'Quisite : “Stop your nonsense! Otherwise you will ruin your my plan!” Del'Luscious : "Your plan?" Leave this witch next to our darling master without doing anything! I cannot accept this! Never, you hear!” Ex'Quisite : “Poor idiot! You think I'm gonna let you ruin my plans like this? If you want I can still add you to the menu so he can eat you and the other witch in the evening dress!” Del'Luscious : "Ah yes?! » The two demons looked at each other. The truce was over. The time had come to settle this matter with the force of fists and demonic powers. A terrible fight began in the kitchen of the castle. Meanwhile, Spycia had defeated the giantess with difficulty and had already tied her up to take her to a warmer place and roast her. Spycia : “What a beautiful piece! It was worth coming! All this meat for me... There may be too much... I should propose to Zevius if he wants to share this beautiful giantess with me… But he's with Sam and he said not to disturb him. Raaaahhh !” Spycia paused for a moment and considered. Suddenly, she had a genius idea, it didn't happen to her often but for once the idea wasn't stupid. Spycia : “I just have to cook it at the castle and then give it to them, saying it's a gift from me! Hehe ! Besides, I'm sure he'll want to thank me later for this gift. Sam will love the meat of this ice cream giant and Zevius will be too interested in wanting to taste this good meat and especially her huge feet to refuse such a proposal. It's decided ! Direction the castle go hop you come with me, titanic roast! Skadi stirred a little but was plunged into a deep sleep after a well-placed sledgehammer from Spycia to his jaw. Spycia opened a portal to the castle while dragging the giantess. At the same time in another world, Valera had defeated all the guards who had to protect the blue and green diamond. She took it in her hand and looked at it. Valera: “It's beautiful! Blue and green go very well together… » On her words she thought of an intense sex scene between her and Zevius whose two colors would mix in a torrid and intense passion. This idea made her blush on the spot. Valera: “No, but what am I thinking! I came for the diamond and that's it… Mmmm … I wonder how the evening is going… Maybe I should have gone for a walk to see if everything is going well… And then… Oh shit! I'm going and then I'll see!” Valera left this world taking with her the diamond but also embarked two of the guards whom they had found very appetizing and who could serve as an excuse to interfere between Sam and Zevius during the evening. After all, those guys were often easier to coax with a good piece of meat than with fine words. Let's go back to the kitchen where our two demons had… Let's literally trash a very big part of it. Both were exhausted and their clothes were in tatters on the floor. They were stark naked and sweating profusely. Del'Luscious : “You…have…enough?! Eh ?” Ex'Quisite : "And... And you?" Do you have... Your count?” Del'Luscious : "We can do it again whenever you want… I'll never give up!" Aaaaahh …” Ex'Quisite : “Me neither! Raaaahh …” The service golems entered the room. The one with a voice asked if the main course was ready as Zevius and Sam were getting hungry. Ex'Quisite paused for a moment and observed the carnage in the kitchen and much of the food provided for the evening had been destroyed. Ex'Quisite : “ Nooooo ! We are going to be punished! We have to do something…” Del'Luscious : “We still have the meat so it's ok…” On his words and looking at where the two sisters were for the meal. Del'Luscious could see that they both broke away and took advantage of the fight to sneak away. Ex'Quisite : “ Nooooo ! They ran away! " Del'Luscious : “Yes… And besides, I'm too tired to chase after…” Ex'Quisite : “Me too… It's all your fault! Aaaaahh …” Del'Luscious : “My fault… You wanted to use me for your shitty plans! Bitch!” Ex'Quisite : « We need a solution… Otherwise we will be punished for 10 days! But first I'm going to take a nap… Too tired… Mmmmm …” Del'Luscious : “ Raaaahh I'm having trouble too… Wait until I recover… You'll see… It's not going to happen like that… Aaaahh …” Both lay down on the ground exhausted from their fight and started to doze off when the golem spoke up and asked what to prepare for the main course. Ex'Quisite said a few words to him before falling asleep. Ex'Quisite : "I don't know... cook what you can... A big, well-cooked piece of meat will do, or even two if you find it... I'm going to rest a bit..." Ex'Quisite also fell asleep. The golem looked around the room and looked for meat to cook. Most of the pieces of meat had been damaged and looked more like porridge, some vegetables still seemed usable and could be used to prepare a good roast. But the problem was where to find a piece of meat in good condition. The golem analyzed the situation and quickly came to a simple conclusion. His orders were clear from his creation and it was to do everything possible to satisfy Zevius and Sam during this evening. The golem analyzed the situation again and found a solution so that the meal could continue. He told the other golems what to do and they all got to work preparing the main course. An hour after this chaos, Spycia arrived with the giantess and headed for the kitchen. She entered it and noticed the golems who were at work and organizing the kitchen. She knew Ex'Quisite had something to do with it because it was the type of golem she usually created. She lowered the giantess to the ground and addressed the golems. Spycia : “Okay golems, I don't know what Ex'Quisite asked of you, but I need the oven to cook this beautiful, still fresh meat! Unless you could cook it for me?” She said sarcastically. The golem who organized the others explained to her as best he could that the oven was occupied and that the giantess she had brought could not enter the oven. She then asked where Ex'Quisite was and he explained to her that she was indisposed for the moment. Spycia was a little annoyed by this announcement and looked in the next room for the location to be able to spit-grill a nice prey or even several. She asked the golem if they planned to use it. The main golem replied no and invited him to use the location to cook his giantess. Spycia wasted no time in accepting the proposal and getting to work quickly. Another person entered the room, it was Valera charging with her two guards whose armor she had removed in order to transport them more easily and be able to cook them at the castle. She too arrived in the kitchen and saw Spycia preparing the fire to grill a huge giant. Valera: “Well! I see your hunt has been successful!” Spycia : “Indeed! She put up a good fight and that made me hungry! Then… I thought that considering its size would be a bit too much for me, so I…” Valera: “Have you decided to offer it for tonight's meal so that you may be invited to participate?” Spycia : " Mmmmmm … Yeah… There's that…" Valera: "Let's just say I…maybe…Had a similar idea." She said smiling towards Spycia.” Spycia : “Come on! We're going to prepare something for them and then we'll join them without being empty-handed! They won't be able to refuse when they see what we have prepared !” Valera: “ Very good! I'm going to cook these two in the pot! It will make a bit of diversity like that” Both of them started to laugh and immediately got to work when suddenly they turned around and saw what had just been cooked in the oven for the main course. Spycia : "But what..." In the banquet hall, Sam and Zevius were discussing this and that, future projects, current mission requests and future delicious girls to add to their menu. Zevius : “My dear Sam it will soon be time to consider…” The golem butler arrived with a huge tray that seemed quite heavy. Dinner was ready and Zevius and Sam were going to be able to contemplate the delicious meal he had planned for tonight. Curiously, Del'Luscious and Ex'Quisite were not present. Yet they hadn't let go of the whole evening. Maybe they were preparing something else or they were too tired after their hunt and the organization of the meal. The huge covered dish was placed in front of Sam and Zevius . Zevius was preparing to lift it when suddenly he had a feeling of deja vu or rather deja vu “felt”. Zevius : “Don't tell me that…” Zevius lifted the lid and quickly noticed that instead of the two sisters he had ordered, his two demons were on the plate for their meal. Del'Luscious was served on her stomach with her arms tied behind her back and her legs tied at the ankles. When at Ex'Quisite , she was placed on her back with her arms tied behind her back and her feet behind her head. Both had been cooked to perfection by the cooking golems and now found themselves in the place of the main course with a carrot in their ass, an apple in their mouth, pepper sauce covering their entire bodies and a few slices of pineapple on their buttocks, hips or the rest of their body. Both still conscious looked at their master despite their current state and communicated through a mental link. Zevius : “(Someone explain to me?)” Ex'Quisite : “(Well…)” Del'Luscious : "(It's all Ex's fault! She forced me! I didn't want to! I wanted to respect your choice! She manipulated me!)" Ex'Quisite : "(Liar! You wanted to do it just because you didn't want Sam to do anything with the master tonight!)” Del'Luscious : “(And maybe not you? Dirty manipulator!)” Ex'Quisite : “( Grrrrr …)” Zevius looked at Sam and prepared to apologize when suddenly she tells him. Sam Wicked : “It's beautiful! It's been so long since I wanted to taste these two! Oh thank you ! Thank you very much ! I would never have hoped that you would accept that I taste them! And in addition they served themselves! Thank you girls ! I can tell you that I take great pleasure in tasting you!” Del'Luscious and Ex'Quisite : "( WHAT?!)" Zevius : "Ladies, you're going to have a good punishment tonight." This will teach you how to hatch crappy plans to put a nice evening together. And for the trouble you are going to be our dinner! » Del'Luscious was torn between two ideas, one is that her master was going to nibble her during this evening and that she secretly hoped. But the other is that Sam Wicked was going to feast on her body and there was nothing she could do about it. This conflicting feeling combined with the cooking was tiring her beyond measure and she didn't know if she should be happy or not. Ex'Quisite was pissed, her plan had been a total failure and she was going to serve as a meal for Valentine 's Day between Sam and Zevius . She should be in Sam's place and not the other way around. Sam was about to plunge her fork into Ex'Quisite 's ass when a portal was opened and another tray appeared at the end of the table placed by a dark hand. Zevius asked one of the golems to bring the dish back and place it next to the other where Del and DD were already ready to eat. Zevius looked at the new platter as Sam had stars in his eyes to see yet another dish being brought from who knows where. Zevius could see a small note with "Bon appétit!" Marked above. Once again he had an effect of already "felt" and lifted the lid. Shaw and Shade were served on their stomachs with their breasts exposed and their buttocks in the air while their meat was well roasted. They were both covered in topping. Shaw was covered in Liquid White Sugar and Chocolate Shade . Both had an apple in their mouths and a thick stick of cane sugar in their ass. They were both very happy with their situation and to participate in the meal in their own way. After all, they did say they offered dessert. It was not specified which would be this one. Shade and Shaw were very pleased until they turned slightly to see Del'Luscious and Ex'Quisite in a similar pose being served as the main meal. Shaw: "(Hearty! You stole our idea!)" Shade : "(That's right! Since when did you plan to be the main meal? It's not fair we had the idea long before !) " Ex'Quisite : "(We didn't want to! We had... problems and we ended up like that by mistake!)" Shaw: "(Error my ass! Considering how you are, you still wanted to end up on the menu rather than 'to be put aside! )” Del'Luscious had nothing to do with his two there and just wondered if for her this evening was a victory or a failure. It was the only thing that interested him. Ex'Quisite : "(What about you two? You don't mind how Sam is going to eat you for fun and not our master?)" Shaw: " (Well actually, he's going to eat us too.)" Shade : "( So we still win!)" Shaw: " (After all we know very well that Zevius has a very big appetite so he's going to eat the biggest part of us! So we're a winner! Hey !)" Ex'Quisite : "(You're just two big sluts who only think about getting eaten by the first comer! I understand why you're so easy to end up on the menu!)" Shade : "(Speak for yourself! You saw your ass at the moment ? Looks nicely roasted and ready to be devoured by any hungry mouth!)” It was not realized in their minds. Sam had tears in his eyes. Zevius turned to ask her what was going on. Sam Wicked : “It's… It's wonderful! So you didn't prepare me either one or two demons but four as a Valentine's Day meal! Thank you Zevius … You deserve a little reward…” Sam grabbed Zevius and kissed him on the mouth. Which awoke Del'Luscious who began to shake a little on the dish with eyes filled with vengeful flames. Shade and Shaw were also a little disturbed. They didn't think they could be jealous of a simple kiss but they were. And for Ex'Quisite , she imagined a thousand and one ways to get revenge on Sam and thought of a way to roast her for good! Her gaze was that of a vengeful madwoman unlike Del'Luscious ' gaze of war fury . Zevius blushed at that but quickly two other people were behind them. Spycia : “Are you bothered?!” Valera : “We came to bring a few things… But I see that Madame Sam had other meal plans… Like goblin tongue for example?” Sam Wicked : “ Mmmmmm …I got a little carried away. It's just the emotion and the pleasure of all these delicious gifts! I really did not expect this!” She wasn't the only one who didn't expect this. You could even say that in most cases, no one thought that this evening would end like this. Spycia : “Okay… I was passing by and brought the ice giantess back to… Participate in the dinner. Because I thought it would be better to eat her at, several… Not to mention that she has huge, plump feet and I thought that would make the boss happy so…” Zevius smiled and emitted a small laugh. Valera: “And I… was going through it after my action tonight. You know a diamond to steal… Blue and green… Intertwined… And I also had two delicious guards on hand and I thought you'd like it so I put them in the pot… To help a little with the meal and also… Maybe… Dinner with you tonight? If I don't bother of course… Mmmmm …” Spycia and Valera were embarrassed by this situation and didn't know where to put themselves. Zevius smiled even more and shook his head slightly. Zevius : “Ah you all… What am I going to do with you others… But thank you… Come and take a seat at our table. After all the other four are already literally on it.” All the demons were at the table both next to the goblin and on the table itself. You could tell he was well surrounded. Zevius : “My dear Sam if you don't mind, I'll start by devouring dear Del'Luscious . I know that's what she expects and that it will certainly calm her that I taste her noblest parts. I'll let you start with Ex'Quisite . It will serve as punishment for his plan tonight.” Sam Wicked : “With pleasure!” Del'Luscious : "(Wait….Does that mean my master is going to eat me first and mostly devour me tonight?! BEST. VALENTINE. EVER!)" Ex'Quisite : "That's not fair…This it's never the most Machiavellian plans that win in the end! Anyway, let's take the good side of things Sam won't be able to do anything with Spycia and Valera in the room. So tonight's goal has been achieved... And then I hope that my master will also taste me as soon as he feels like it.” She said to herself, looking at him and moaning to get his attention while giving him a wink to invite him to devour her too. Spycia and Valera brought in the roast giantess and the two guards to add more meat to the table and prepare to partake in this Valentine's Day dinner in their own way. Morality, if you are a goblin, an evil entity, a perverse witcher , a manipulative demon, a jealous fury, a sneaky thief, a brawler hot as embers, an obsessive duo , a perpetual victim, a meal on paws or a hunter in the making everyone needs love and attention. And one of the best times for this is beautiful though on Valentine's Day. Happy Valentine's Day to all!!! Epilogue: Not far from the castle, someone seemed to be watching the scene through the window. And take pleasure in seeing what happens. This person was biting their lip seeing the goblin and the witch enjoying their meal and the multitude of girls who had offered to participate in this one as a menu. In this dark night, only two bright and deep red eyes stared at the scene, and strange tribal tattoos emanated a dark aura. Unknown: “Enjoy dear demons and witch because next year I will be there in your place. My little plush goblin will be all mine and only mine! I take what I want and I don't share! Hahahaha !” Who could this strange stranger be and what could she want with Zevius ? Will Del'Luscious and Ex'Quisite ever stop fighting? Will Valera accept her evil side? Are Shaw and Shade really sister? Will Sam end up on the menu one day? And above all, will this damned goblin stop collecting demonic women like a pokemon collector ? All his questions may find an answer in a future story… End |
The Darkside of The Meat The Lost Episode Our story begins with the senator Amidala with the chancellor Palpatine. The chancellor asked the senator to go meet a possible ally on a ship from the rebellious fleet. He seems to have important information for the Republic about the rebels and maybe more about their leaders and their plans. The senator accepted but asked for some protection because the mission seems dangerous and maybe a trap too. The chancellor accepted and asked for the help of the Jedi masters. Master Shak’Tii and Master Secura were chosen for this mission and to help with the negotiation. Anakin Skywalker was a bit worried about that mission too and asked her padawan, Ahsoka Tano, to help them too. She accepted with great pleasure to prove to her master that she can do the work like any other jedi. The group was quickly dispatched to where the ship was near the Hutt space not so far from Tatooine. Padmé : "I hope this negotiation is going to be successful and it's not another trap from Dooku or Grievous." Aayla : "Worry not senator ! If something bad happens we are here to help you." Shaak Ti: "Indeed. You have three jedis with you after all. All is going to be alright." Ahsoka : "Padmee, All is going to be ok ! Master Skywalker is sure that we are going to be alright and if something must happen I have that communicator to call him at any case and a fleet will be here asap." Padmé : "You are right. But I have a bad feeling about this..." On the rebels's ship two entities were waiting their arrival. Tall figure covered with a dark coat : "Master, they will be here soon !" Little entity covered with black cloths: "Good! Gooooooddd! Let them come! We were waiting for them after all... Ahahaha. I will prepare the room for them! I let you take care of them and prepare them for diner! My apprentice...." Tall figure: "As you wish! My master." The jedis and the senator arrived at the bay of the ship and were able to land in it without any problems. After that they went down the ship and were received but some troopers with green and black armors standing on the side of their path. There were at least a hundred of them in the bay and surely more in the ship. One of them arrived at them and asked them to follow him to their meeting. Little trooper: "Welcome senator. Our master is waiting for you in the main room. He was waiting for you." Padmé : "Very well. For my security I have the masters Shaak Ti and Aayla Secura to accompany me as well as the apprentice Ahsoka Tano. I hope that doesn't bother your master but I had to take some protection for myself. We don't trust very much the rebels faction and they always try something to weakened the Republic or the Senate." Little trooper: "There is no problem at all. In fact, he always prefers when there is more splendid girls like you that want to meet him. He have a good taste.... For women after all." Those last words seemed strange for Padmé and made her worry about the encounter but still she had to talk with this informant and ear what he knows and how he can help the Republic. Padmé : "Very well. Led us to your master!» Little trooper: "Follow me please !" Padmé bowed her head near Ahsoka. Padmé: "Prepare yourself. I think it's a trap. They accepted us too easily and something seems wrong with this situation. Call it an intuition." Ahsoka: "I know what you mean. I can't say what it is but I sense something strange here. Like the force is telling me to just leave the place and to not advance anymore." The two masters heard that and seemed to be of the same advice. The group followed the little guard until their arrived at a big door. The trooper invited them to enter the room. Little trooper: "The master is here. You can enter no ones will disturb you." The group entered the room not without having their hands on their lightsabers or their gun for Padmé. It was a very large room with two characters waiting for them at the middle of it. Right after the group entered the room, the doors closed behind them. Little entity: "Welcome! I was expecting you, Senator Amidala. And I see that you brought some jedi with you for your security. What a marvelous idea !" The senator sighted and looked back at the masters jedi after those word from their contact. Padmé: "It's a trap isn't it?” Little entity: "You already figured that out? Oh well I won't lie on that because yes it's a trap. And I'm pleased that you brought more delicious.... girls with you." The masters jedi took their lightsabers like the padawan and Padmé took her gun too. Little entity: "Ahahahaha ! Marvelous! Already ready for the fight! Mmmmmm... What a tasty view. Well soon I will see you at my table... But as diner!” Padmé: "What?! You want to eat us?!" Little entity: "Yes! But don't worry I'm not a savage! I will cook you first! And for the tenderizing part... I will let you in the hand of my apprentice! She knows how to prepare girls like you before diner. Ahahahaha !" Padmé: "Chew on this then!” She fired with her gun at the head of the small entity but the shoot goes through it. Little entity: "Ahahaha! I will see you later at my table, sweet jedi and senator!” The little one disappeared like he wasn't here and only the tall entity with a dark coat where still standing there. All the girls looked at her waiting to see what she will do. Shaak Ti: "What is this?! Some Sith's powers? But that means... We are again new Siths! A master and... His apprentice!” Tall entity: "Well let's play, girls! I must admit you look tasty... Ehehehe. I will savor this moment before I roast your asses up a nice fire for diner!” The tall one removed her coat and took her lightsaber behind her back. She was a very tall girl of at least Eight feet tall. Her skin was red like a Sith's crystal and she had black hair with two big black horns. She had a tail too with the ending of it looking like the end of a spear. She was wearing a very short outfit ta was only covering the more naughty part of her body. She activates it and first one ligh blade appeared another one on the other side of the lightsaber. It was a double-blade lightsaber like Darth Maul has. The Jedis stood on their feet ready for the fight. Darth Mace: "Oh but what are my manners! I must tell you my name or else you will die without knowing who beat your asses. My name is Spycia but you can call me Darth Mace! And now Let's begin! I'm starting to get hungry by looking at your delicious piece of meat!” Darth Mace launched herself at the masters Jedi, making turn her double-blade lightsaber in her hands before trying to strike Master Shaak Ti. Shaak Ti stopped her at the last moment with her lightsaber and looked at her in the eyes. Darth Mace: "Nice move! You smell good! I think I will cook you over a nice fire! Ahahaha!" Shaak Ti repelled her lighsaber back and Master Secura tried to go for her head. Darth Mace dodged the lighsaber and gave her a kick with her left leg that sent the master Jedi flying to the side of the room with an heavy chock on the wall. Ahsoka: "Master Secura ! How dare you?!" Ahsoka jumped on the red Sith who looked at her with a big smile on her face. Some flames started to appear in the mouth of the Sith apprentice and she launched them at the poor Ahsoka Tano who took the flames directly. Ahsoka : "What the... Noooo!!!” Ahsoka was on fire. She falls on the ground and turned on herself quickly to stop the flames. Padmé went to her help to save her and stop the flames. While that was happening Darth Mace and Master Shaak Ti were still fighting with their lightsaber and sometimes Darth Mace used her fire breath to try to burn the Jedi in front of her. But Master Shaak Ti used the Force to push back those flames. The flames on Ahsoka stopped but she was already half cooked because she didn't take care about the direct attack. Padmé: "Ahsoka ! Ahsoka ! Stay with me! We must escape! Ahsoka, you must call Anakin now!” Ahsoka: "I... I can't do it." Ahsoka showed the communicator was burned by the attack and is now completely destroyed. Padmé: "No.... We must escape or else..." On those words she saw Master Shaak Ti flying over her head and hitting heavily the doors behind her. Shaak Ti was out of the fight and seemed badly injured. Darth Mace approached the Senator little by little and laughs at her. Darth Mace: "Thanks again dear Senator to have brought those delicious pieces of meat with you! It's going to be a feast again today! Ahahahaha ! It's seems that one is already half cooked! I think we will feast on her first then!” Padmé was angry when she said those words and tried to shoot at her but the red girl was faster and with a movement of her lightsaber, she cutted of the gun of Padmé. Padmé: "Aaaaaahhh! You monster!" Darth Mace: "I prefer devil or demon than monster but thanks for the complement! Well seems you are ready for the dinner table...." Master Secura stood on her feet and was holding her lightsaber in both hands facing the red Sith. The red one looked at her and advanced directly to her without taking any defensive stance. Secura attacked her but the red one dodged the attack and disarmed her with a single kick. Secura tried to use the force and to push her back but Darth Mace used her feet on the metal ground of the ship to stand her ground. The ground was melting over the heat she was producing on her feet so she wasn't pushed back by the force's pushes. Secura looked terrified by the enormous girl in front of her just at some centimeters of her face. Darth Mace raised her head then give a big head butt to Secura that fell on the ground from the heavy shock. Darth Mace: "Well three down and the last one seems ready to abandon all hope. It's seems we can start the next part of this "meeting"!" Dart Mace returned near Padmé Amidala but Ahsoka stood up and lighted up her two light sabers that were still working. Darth Mace dropped her lightsaber on the ground and approached the padawan who was half naked and half roasted by her previous attack. She started to smile again with flames slowly taking form in her mouth. Ahsoka was shaking to the view of her but quickly she tried her last move on the Sith apprentice and slashed with both swords. Dart Mace stopped her moves with both her hands by catching those of the padawan. She lifted Ahsoka in the air and look at her in the eyes. Padmé: "Please ! Stop ! Don't do it ! Pleasseeeeee !" Darth Mace smiled at her and just after she unleash her fire breath on Ahsoka. The poor padawan wasn't able to do anything and quickly all her clothes disappeared and she dropped her lightsabers. In a very short time her body was cooked to perfection by the breath of Dart Mace. Darth Mace: "I don't want to burn that tasty piece of meat to much. Slurp! My devil! She smells good!” The red girl took the right leg of Ahsoka and took a bite out of it. Darth Mace: "Mmmmmm ! So good! I must add some sauce on that piece of meat! She is well roasted!” Padmé saw that with terror and was terrified at a point she fall asleep from the shock. Some moments later, Padmé awaken slowly. She quickly saw that she was naked and attached at her ankles and with her hand behind her back. She saw the horror she was in by looking at the situation the other girls where in. Shaak Ti was naked and attached at a metal pole over something that looked like a fireplace that you mostly do on the outside to cook some big piece of beast. Her body was covered with some sort of oil and she was gag with a red apple and a big green vegetable in her ass. Secura was installed on a device with grids. She was naked too and seems to waking up slowly too with an apple in the mouth. The poor Ahsoka on the other side was on the table with her body place on her belly and her ass up the air. She had an apple in the mouth and a big carrot in the ass. Her body covered with a sauce with green and black pepper and there was some slices of a yellow fruit that you can find on some strange black markets on her back. Someone was already eating her behind her and that person saw that Padmé was awake. The entity was a little green creature with black hair attached behind his head with a big nose and large ears. Darth Green: "Hello again my tasty Senator! Like you can see I started to eat your delicious protégé! She is tasty I must say! I have never eaten a piece of meat like her! Thank you for bringing her here again! But let me introduce myself! I'm Darth Green!" Padmé: "What a poorly choose name!" The little green one was pissed off. Zevourius: "Very well! I tried to respect your lore and all but you can call me Zevourius! You bad piggy!” Padmé: "What are you going to do to me? You! Monster!” Zevourius: "Good question... Spycia, any idea?" Spycia : "It's Darth Mace... Meh... Forget it! Well one is already cooked by my flames, another will soon cook over a nice and warm fire and will turn like a pig while the other one will cook over the grill with a good spicy BBQ sauce. So we can cook her in an oven like the bad piggy she is? No?" Zevourius: "Good idea! And I suppose you want to do the stuffing and preparation for this one?" Spycia: "Oh yes! I like that idea!" Zevourius: "Very well then! But first I let you start the fire on the two others and I will take care of them while they cook. And we must not forget our first piece of meat to finish too." Spycia: "Of course! Well I will start with her tasty ass! But first..." Spycia blocked one of her nostrils and sent some little balls of fire on the wood under Master Secura and Shaak Ti. The fire started immediately and their bodies started to cook. Shaak Ti and Secura: "Mpfhmmmhmmm! Uhuphuuuuu! (No please we don't want to end like that! It's too hoooooottt!)" Spycia took Padmé and placed her body on a big plate. Padmé was terrified by the idea of what will happen soon to her and she hoped in secret that Anakin will come to save her before the end. Spycia: "Well what a nice piece of food we have here! I will take pleasure to prepare you before..." Before she could finish her words, the alarm was activated by something that appears near their ship. 11 crusaders from the Republic appeared near the ship ready to fire at it. Padmé was pleased by this side of view and directly attacked verbally the two monsters. Padmé: "You will pay with your life for what you did today! Now the Republic is going to make your regret what you did!" The green little one smiled and looked at her. Zevourius: "Oh really? I expected that to happen so I prepared a counter measure for it! EXECUTE ORDER 69!" While he told those words, two girls that where over the ship appear with some light clothes and no to help them breath in this space. One was a tall green girl with black hair while the other was grey with white hair. Both had big horns on their heads and a very big tail too. One was more muscular than the other one. Del'Luscious: "Well time to follow the plan! And don't forget the winner won a good night with the master while the other will be the roast of the night! Ah! " Ex'Quisite: "I did not forget that! And I will win easily! Watch this!" She emitted some dark and grey lightning around her and jumped from the spaceship to encounter one of the spaceships of the Republic. She stroked it with her power and she entered the ship without any problems. Del'Luscious: "Hey! Not fair! I can do that too!" The green one emitted some green fire around her body and jumped too on another ship. She entered it without any problems too and started her rampage by destroying it from the inside. Padmé saw that and started to cry. Quickly one of the spaceships exploded and from it she saw a green light getting off and flying at another ship while right after it the ship where the grey one was exploded and a grey and dark light jumped off it and stroked another one. She knows that quickly the fleet sent to save her will fall if no ones can stop them. Quickly she had a deep pain in her ass. Spycia started to put some stuffing in her anus. Padmé: "Nooooo ! Stop! I'm not a simple piece of meat! I'm a senator!” Spycia: "Senator or not, you are our diner for today! So stop complaining and accept your fate!" Padmé: "Noooo I...” Spycia took a red apple and putted in the mouth of the tasty senator while Zevourius was basting the body of Secura with BBQ sauce and spices. Shaak Ti was turning slowly helped by some dark tentacles that were turning the metal pole. Padmé: “Ruhunmpf! Urulugu! Hmpf! Uruluguuuu! (Let me go! No! Let me gooooo!)" Spycia took 7 more good hands of stuffing and stuffed Padmé at the limit of her asshole then she took a big carrot and slides it directly in her ass. The poor one fell asleep again after the big shock and rested on the plate like a big piece of meat. Spycia: "What?! Already?! Crap! I wanted to play with her a bit more... Oh well let's finish her then. I have a padawan to eat now! Ahaha!" Quickly, Spycia added some basting on the body of the girl and some slices of different vegetables and spices. She opened the oven to put the senator in it and started the heat to cook her slowly and keep her for the end. At that same moment, the two girls that were destroying the whole fleet arrived on the spaceship at the same time and appeared in front of each other. Del'Luscious: "I'm at five and you?" Ex'Quisite: "Five too!" Del'Luscious: "Well let's see who destroy this big one first! The one at the main reactor first and destroy it won the game!" Ex'Quisite: "Fine!" The two girls irradiated of their power and destroyed the walls of the ship and doors while they were running in it to destroy it. Meanwhile on the ship of Zevourius, three delicious guests were cooking slowly but surely. Shaak Ti started to roast nicely over the fire while Secura was already turned on her back to cook on that part. Padmé was roasting nicely in the oven and our duos were eating the already cooked Ahsoka. After three hours, Shaak Ti and Secure was served both on a plate with their boy well cooked. There was some slices of pineapple on their asses with a cherry in the middle. Zevourius had the ass of Shaak Ti in front of him while Spycia at the one of Secure ready to be carved for her diner. Both quickly ate the two girls with a big appetite. They started with the asses of the girls then their legs and feet. Del'Luscious and Ex'Quisite returned in the ship. A bit tired and pissed off and yelled on each other in the way to the room where Spycia and their master were eating the jedi masters. Del'Luscious : "I did it !" Ex'Quisiste : "No you don't ! I did the final blow! So it's for me! I won!” Zevourius : "Girls calm down ! " Del'Luscious: "But I won! I destroyed the last ship! Meh...." Ex'Quisite: "It was my lightning that stroked that ship first!" Del'Luscious: "Not it was my fire!" The goblin stopped eating for a moment and was thinking how to calm those two before they destroy this ship too. Zevourius : "Well girls. You did a great job both so for this time why we don't say that both of you won this game so I will take care of both of you at the same time?" Del'Luscious: "And you will eat us both two after it?" Zevourius: "If you desire it..." Both girls seemed to be satisfied with the answer and accepted the offer. Zevourius invited them to feast on the last part of the jedi masters before attacking the main part of this "meeting". Spycia opened the oven and a delicious odor covered the room. Padmé was perfectly cooked and her body looked like a delicious pig served on a plate. Zevourius : "My devil ! She smells better than she was pesky piggy! Well girls, what do you say? Should we dig in?" The three demon girls smiled with a hungry look over the roasted body of the senator before they started to jump on it and eat like in a fast food each parts of the delicious girl. After this diner, Zevourius asked the girls to rest a bit before their return in their home world. Zevourius left the room and took the direction of the main deck of the ship. There is started a communication with the ones who wanted the senator Amidala out of the screen. Zevourius: "The contract has been honored and now she is resting in our bellies." Darth Sidious: "Good! Now my plans to corrupt the young Skywalker will succeed without any problems. Ahahahahaha !" Zevourius: "Yeah yeah. Don't forget the payment! Or you know what happen..." Darth Sidious: "Don't play with me, fool! I know well your power and I respect it! But I have a whole armada to help me!” Zevourius: “And I have a whole group of demon girls ready to strike back if needed." Darth Sidious: "Ahahaha. Very well you payment will be sent shortly. It was a pleasure to deal with you! And sense the Force is strong in you and your girls..." Zevourius: "More the Hunger! But still it's true that we have some strength on our side." Darth Sidious and Zevourius laugh at that and at that succeed. Maybe another day Zevourius and his team will have another mission for the dark side. But that will be in another story. THE END. |
It was a calm, warm Sunday morning. Melissa, a gray wolf in her 40’s, was sleeping soundly under her covers. She was quite fit herself and was deemed a milf around the neighborhood. It didn’t bother her, in fact, she liked the attention. Ever since her husband died 16 years ago she didn’t have much action herself. But life was good Then, she quickly jolted when she heard her door slamming open. And two identica lyoung men entering the room each carrying some gifts for their mother while shouting “HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY!” They were her rowdy twin sons, Gabriel and Zackery, who had a darker shade of fur and were also wolves like her. They kept her company for their 18 years they’ve been together. She quickly turned to the clock and saw that it was still just 6:27 a.m. She groaned as her drowsiness wore off and said, “Why so early…” Then she noted one thing. Her sons were in their birthday suits. Utterly naked and with raging hard-ons. They were quite handsome themselves. Both were swimmers and had a good muscular tone, but not quite bodybuilder type. Melissa was sleeping only with a bra and panties and was shocked for a moment before she bellowed, “Go to your rooms and put on some pants right now!” Zackery, or just Zac, grinned mischievously and handed her a bouquet of flowers and a sheet of paper. “We don’t need to. Read this.” She frowned and read the paper and her frown turned into deep shock when she realized what it was, “Wait…You two can’t be serious!” Gabriel then placed a vial with a green liquid beside her then replied, “Yes we are. You see. You are a super mom to us and had to put up with a lot of shit we did. Zac and I talked a lot about this and we decided that we wanted you to eat us.” Zac then continued, “We came to the conclusion that we really would not be able to get decent jobs if we get any at all in this economy. Our grades aren’t that great and we don’t have any skill other than our looks.” Gabriel gave a light laugh and continued, “We could try be prostitutes, but even that is a bit saturated.” The paper they had given their mother was basically an agreement to be consumed. To be turned into life for her. Since both were still 18 years old, she would rejuvenate around 20 years after consuming both. The liquid in the vial would change her body to allow the consumption of another person and the amount there was enough to be able to digest two people at the same time. But its effect would last only for a day or so. Also, only legal adults could sign to such agreement. Her eyes were starting to tear up, but her sons quickly wiped them clean. “Bullshit! I know that your grades are good enough for college!” She said as she tried to get a hold of herself. “Don’t be sad, mom. We know we’ll die, but we want to die for you. You did so much for us. We want to give you your youth back. You can get re-married and have more kids.” Zac said sitting to his mother’s left while his brother sat on her right. “Yeah. We want you to be happy, to party hard for a few years and enjoy life more. This is our final gift to you. Please accept it, mom.” Gabriel tried to convince her while rubbing his own muzzle next to hers. His brother quickly did the same. “What if I don’t want to eat you two?” Melissa asked looking down. The brothers looked at each other and Gabriel said emphasizing with puppy eyes, “Then…we might find another person who wants to eat us. Would you rather have a total stranger eat your awesome sons?” Melissa laughed and after a few minutes of thinking she sighed in defeat. She knew all too well that her sons were serious. If they wanted to give her their lives, she would receive them. She silently picked a pen from her drawer and sighed the paper on the assigned place for the soon-to-be predator. Then she drank the vial and wondered how she would feel. But she was shocked to know that Zac wen behind her and undid her bra letting her magnificent round boobs free. “What are you doing?” She almost shouted trying to cover herself. “Come on, mom. You’re about to eat us and this is the weird part? Let us have one fun moment together.” Zac said, wagging his tail as his dick poked his mother from behind. She sighed, but then smiled, “you two are impossible…Alright then. I’ll make sure mommy will make you two feel great before I gobble you two up.” The twins laughed and both kissed their mother simultaneously. This surprised her a bit. She never thought that she would even find herself having sex with her own sons., but the thought of it sure made her wet. Zackery kept kissing her while massaging her boobs, playing with her nipples, while Gabriel licked his own fingers and then put his hand into Melissa’s panties and gently fingered her making her gasp and moan. He then removed her light blue panties and kept massaging her clitoris, making sure to rub it in the best way he could. Then both brother grinned to each other and each one moved their heads to their mother’s boobs and each started to suck from them as if they were newborns. Melissa couldn’t help but to laugh between her moans at the scene. She enjoyed how they expertly handled her body. She suspected her sons weren’t virgin anymore, and it clearly showed that this wasn’t the first time they had sex together with a woman. “Get ready, mom!” Zac said nodding to Gabriel as he raised her to face him and gently made her sit on his cock. The vagina was warm and was quivering from the sensation of having a nice and hard 8 inches long cock into her. From behind, Gabriel adjusted himself and also penetrated her into her vagina. This made Melissa gasp “I feel so full.” She said Gabriel grinned, “You felt nothing yet.” And started to fuck her alongside his brother. They rhythmically fucked her and the three of them were going crazy with pleasure. The woman felt the two thick cocks rubbing her turning on her pleasure center and she felt extra good from having Gabriel leaning to kiss her and massage her back while Zackery licked and played with her breasts. The brothers were having the time of their lives as well. They loved the sensation of their mother’s cunt. It was much tighter than they had anticipated, but she wasn’t feeling any pain, which was good. Also, they loved how each cock rubbed on each other. The brothers were actually bisexual and had sex not just with each other but also with other guys and girls. And they always did it together. They came to the world together, they felt good together and now they would leave the world together. As they approached their climax, they sped up and right before shooting both of them knotted their mother making her gasp and cum at the same time as them. Both Gabriel and Melissa collapsed over Zac and the three of them were sweaty and panting. They all had silly grins in their faces. They remained like that fur a few minutes just enjoyed the contact of each other in silence and when the knots deflated the boys removed their cocks from their mother. They kissed her again and told her it was time. She merely nodded and asked them what was their exact plan for this. They told her to lie with her belly up and spread her legs. As she did so, Gabriel approached and started to lick her vagina. This made her moan again as she realized how her son was going to get eaten. She had no idea of what to said other then, “I love you, Gabriel. I’ll never forget you.” He stopped and also told her that he loved her. He smiled again and returned to his task. He loved the sweet taste of his mother’s cunt. He could taste not only her cum, but also his own and his brother’s as well. This made him hard again and he was extra happy when his brother came from behind him and lubed his ass. This made him moan alongside his mother and then Zac said, “See you in the other side, brother.” As he shoved his cock into Gabriel’s ass. The moment Zac penetrated him, Gabriel’s muzzle was shoved into Melissa’s vagina, making her moan loudly. Each thrust from Zackery made his brother go deeper and deeper into their mother. Gabriel was loving the sensation inside of his mother’s cunt. It was so inviting to him. The smell aroused his so much as he was fucked like he never was before. The walls of the vagina expanded to accommodate him better and compressed his body massaging it to the point he thought he was going to cum soon again. In fact, right when Gabriel was halfway into his mother both brothers orgasmed once again at the same time. Zac was panting a lot, but could see his brother’s tail wagging happily. He then removed his cock from his brother after his knot deflated and helped him get inside. He somehow found it strangely reassuring once Gabriel’s feet disappeared into their mother. He placed an ear over her belly and could hear some sounds inside. He could tell that his mother was already starting to digest his brother and he didn’t want to keep him waiting. So he moved next to Melissa’s face and kissed her. They a nearly identical goodbye lines as Zac opened his mother’s jaw and pushed himself into her throat. Melissa had to try to sit down to have the gravity help her with this, but it proved a bit hard given that Gabriel was slowly digesting into her. Gabriel was still alive as he noted some patches of fur slowly melting away. He grabbed his cock and jerked furiously as he could. Since he had already orgasmed twice he could not reach a third one, but it felt very nice to rub his meat as he felt some movement from his mother as he realized Zackery was now being eaten as well. He smiled to himself as hoped that his brother’s demise was as nice as his own was being. Zac was enjoying the massage of his mother’s esophagus and wondered if Gabriel had a similar experience. Once he reached the stomach, he curled up and felt part of his fur tingling a bit because of the acids. He started to jerk off to take his mind off it and, as if reading her son’s thoughts, Melissa burped a lot to cut the air supply of her son. Soon both boys stopped moving altogether. She was starting to feel a bit bad herself, but she felt very sleepy and then she took a nap. She only woke up at 9 pm of that same day and when she realized her belly had finished digesting both of her sons and when she went to the bathroom she saw that she had indeed rejuvenated. She looked like she was around 19 years old. She couldn’t help but to feel a bit sad that her sons were now gone, but she knew they wanted her to be happy. She also knew that she would have to take that paper she had signed to the court to finished all the legal things needed, after all she didn’t look exactly like her ID card anymore. Some time later Melissa found out she was pregnant. She didn’t know which one of her sons was the father, but she decided to keep who was the father a secret from the others, after all, she wanted to keep it to never forget about her beloved sons who died to give her more time in this world. |
For those of you who took your time going through your second or third play through of the other games before you play Mass Effect 3. You might not want to read this story, because it may spoil the end of the game for you. I do hope you heed this warning, for it will be your one and only time that a Disclaimer will be posted before a chapter is put up. This Epilogue is more of a test to see my audience so please bear with me as there will not be anything really explicit yet. But trust me, if the support is there, than the story will come! Now The Story Begins. MASS EFFECT Aftermath. Prologue “What do you mean not working?” A frantic female voice erupted over the radio. One voice, mixed into the millions of transmissions, coming in from vessels drifting a few hundred miles off the once proud Busy Relay of the Crescent Nebula. The Relay slowly drifting apart, as from out of nowhere a large blue beam of energy slammed into it, before racing off as if a laser had bounced off a mirror breaking it in the process. Could this have been a reaper attack? Trapping us here to wait to be harvested? Or was it something else? The reapers already laid the Asari Peoples pride and joy Illium, to nothing but a smouldering pile of ruin. The massive two kilometres tall Synthetic life forms crawling against its surface, like ants crawling around an anthill. It was saddening, as many of the Asari had lost bond mates in the attacks. Killed or converted into Banshees, as the soldiers now respectively call them. “Mam, Reports coming in the hundreds, The Reapers, they just stopped,” She says starting to laugh. “Just falling right on the spot…” She paused tears started streaming down the face of the blue skinned woman “Their dead mam. Shepard did it!…” She said at first quietly, her voice carrying enough power to silence everyone on board. “SHEPARD DID IT!” She yelled starting to jump up and down turning and hugging the closest thing alive. This action soon after turned the CIC of a professional warship, into a disorganized laughing and screaming mass. The ship a small stealth corvette was one of the few left behind to lead hit and run missions against the Reapers. While the main fleet, including that of the Destiny Ascension went to join the battle for Earth. Even the Captain herself, was showing signs of joy as she turned to kiss her Bond mate, the Gunnery chief aboard her ship. Thankful that she was one of the few that managed to keep her Bond mate alive, through this deadly blood soaked conflict. Taking a moment with a large smile on her face she turned back up the ramp to look over her crew. All who had looked up to her for, guidance, and faith, that she would keep them alive. “Helm, take us home!” she smiled looking forward, getting a swift thumbs up from the stunningly beautiful Asari helmswoman, as she sat down and began to punch the co-ordinates for their home world Illium into the holodisplay. The Captain always enjoyed the feeling she got as the Mass Effect Core of her ship powered up. It sent a feeling of static throughout the ship, tingling her soft skin at such a deep level, that it was almost pleasure full. Back on Illium, there was a much different tone. The sound of a female screaming as the red beam cut through, vaporizing an Asari. The beam cut up through one of the still standing structures, practically slicing it in half. It was small, only two stories in height, but it was big enough to house the squad of Asari Commando’s. “Come on you bitches, get the led out!” a powerful voice erupted into a room, more than likely the senior Commando, This voice sounding so distant to the room, where a group of Civilians huddled. A younger Asari close to the edge of the group resting her head into the small of the back of another, crying softly Scared to death, of the Destroyer standing a few kilometers away. The sound of another red laser streaking towards the structure, followed by the sound of deathly screams, than perfect silence. Made every last Asari in the room fall silent. There was no more commandos yelling orders, no more sounds of weapons fire. The quiet felt like an eternity before the sound of the destroyer reverberated through the room. That bone chilling base filled roar the things made, before even it fell silent. The machine probably took off to go find some other fight. “I… Is it safe?” A young Female Asari voice quivered, lifting its head to look at the woman kneeling in the middle of the group, a young, but surprisingly calm looking Asari woman, clad in a red Jumpsuit that clung tightly to her form, almost as if it were her second skin. The group looked at her as she stood slowly. “Let me check.” The woman says stepping over the other young women. It was sad; all of these women were in their early hundreds, too young to really have any life experience. That wasn’t saying that she wasn’t in the same age bracket, being only one hundred and twenty two. Her “parents” both dead, Assassinated, by a man she probably will never see again, hoping in the back of her mind he was vaporized by the Reapers. “Chell… B… Be careful!” The terrified young woman said to her. Yes. Chell, Chell Talloke. That was her name; So much was going on around her, So much adrenaline pumping through her veins, that she actually forgot her own name. Slowly, she crept to the edge, the once artistic form of the room, decimated by fire and brimstone. The scars of war ever present as she peered around the corner, the Reaper beam had cut through the structure like a hot knife through butter, vaporizing the squad of Asari Commando’s, that promised to keep them safe. Looking out the gaping hole, the edges still burning red hot, saw that the Destroyer had disappeared. The dull orange blaze of their sun Tasale, bathing this battle ground a hue she would rather forget. “It looks clear!” Chell would say, and almost as if it was planned, the Shrill of something she wanted to never hear again rang between her ears; the air around her seemed to vibrate, as a blur of blue exploded into the dark room full of scared Asari. “BANSHEE!!!” one of the Asari cried out. The group all standing and scattering, trying to make it to the doorway, which Chell stood, in total shock and awe of what she was witnessing. The heavily mutilated, changed body of the woman before her. The Ex- Asari twisted by the Reapers Indoctrination, grabbing one of the young women by the neck. It’s long naked lanky form lifting her high above its head, staring at her for a moment, as if deciding her fate. The captured woman struggling for her life, twisting and writhing in the grasp of this deadly Ex-Asari, moments before the unthinkable happened. One of its arms diving through the choking Asari’s belly, exploding out her back causing her to make one last gut wrenching sound, before ultimately, she stopped struggling. The deep blue purple blood beginning to stream from the now gaping hole, as she gagged and gasped for air, before tossing the now corpse of a woman off landing in a heap. The Banshee turned screaming; as she repeated the process one at a time to all the women in the room, launching a few through a window with its dangerous biotics, until all that was left was Chell. Who still remained perfectly still, in shock as to how effective a predator this woman was. Chell didn’t even move as the Banshee grabbed her, lifting her off the ground cutting off her airway. Chell inclined to accept that she was going to die, at the hands of an Indoctrinated Reaper, but could never have expected what came next. Moments before the beast dived its long lanky arm through her, it stopped completely. Becoming still before throwing her, getting her to scream and snap out of her dazed state. Landing against a couch with a grunt, she watched as the blue field of energy burst through the window, seeming to come from everywhere. Instantly the Banshee’s body caught fire, watching in a sort of strange fascination, as it twirled, screaming as if in pain, before ultimately disintegrating, collapsing down into a pile of ash to be blown about in the wind. A few moments passed by with complete silence, Chell sitting against the couch unable to move. Eventually, she had to see what happened. Why she was spared. Making her way to the windows broken frame, looking out beyond the bodies of the dead Asari she was once huddled around. Out to the corpses of three large Reapers, collapsed, destroyed. The faint sounds of cheering could be heard off in the distance, mostly female, probably Asari cheers. It would seem that. It’s over, was this whole nightmare ending? Could her being saved at this time have meant she was destined for greatness? Or was it only a precursor to a long, slow painful death to come? |
Some rustle in the bushes distracted Zola from his way home, his view moved towards the thick scrub after he was even able to hear someone panting deeply. Zola pushed the scrub aside, together with a few thick lianas that blocked his sight and found for his surprise a small circular meadow with lianas surrounding it completely like curtains, few single obelisks were placed scattered over the ground with a huge Reshiram in the middle, which was the source of the heavy panting. The Reshiram had a size that was roughly guessed around 6 meters height. The coughing changed towards a moaning as her already quite big belly bulged out further pulsating with smaller bulges on it's surface. Zola gazed at the lower part of the belly, there was some sort of slit opening and something seemed to be squeezed through. With even louder panting and moaning of the Reshiram a baby Reshiram rolled out of the slit, she had the same size like Zola if not a little bigger. With a cute roll she overturned itself a few times before to stop and sitting on her rump, she rubbed her eyes and looked at Zola, who looked back at the baby. Zola could look into the big blue eyes of the baby Reshiram which sparkled full of cheer and happynes to see him, while it reached out for Zola with her wings. With open mouth and a bright smile she wished to be picked up, she was simply to cute and sweet not to fall in love with. Zola being caught in the charm of the Pokemon, his heartbeat raised ever so quick he lost fully his sense for the surrounding. The lovable unity in this very moment where Zola reached for the baby found a abrupt ending, as the eyes and face of the baby was covered by a Reshiram maw that was just slightly bigger than the maw of the baby Zola tried to pick up. Zola fell backwards on his rump from shock, scared and ripped out of the trance from the happening. The body of her was lifted up with ease let alone by the maw of the other baby that wolfed her down and with a loud "Pfumb!" she vanished in towards the belly of the other baby. Zola stood up, running towards the other baby and pressed the maw of it open to see where his beloved one vanished into, the throat was deep and dark, he could barely now see how the Walls of the stomach embraced her and literally grew over the blue eyed Babys form, like she would sink into quicksand more and more she sank into the flesh that pressed on her from all sides until she was fully swallowed. With a last lustful moan of the bigger baby she vanished fully into the other baby, which belly became smoothly round, as the bigger Babys belly grew from it. Zola stepped slowly back, with his view moving aside the baby, just to see how one baby after another rolled out of the mothers slit. They seemed to walk aimlessly around and some seemed to begin to devour each other as soon as they managed to grab or see one another. Some seemed even hungrier than others but all of them seemed only be driven by pure instincts. One of the Babys that slipped out stayed laying in front of the slit and rubbed it's big eyes, while Zola observed it as it stretched as well it's wings towards him with a smile. Before two white wings grabbed beneath it's arms, pulling it right back into the slit. Loudly slurping another baby slipped out of the slit, that suckled on the baby that was in front of the slit before, that vanished hanging head over in the other Babys mouth. Zola could only observe how the amount of Babys shrank eating each other up, while he kept his safe distance from the Babys he moved closer to the mother being horribly fascinated by the whole process, his view moved towards the mother as she replied towards him. "My children are hungry, they thirst for food, they devour and consume each other totally and will unite one with each other. Driven by their unsatisfiable appetite and greed for more." she snickered and lifted up one them, rubbing her nose at the youngster own, instantly the young Reshiram attempted to devour it's own mother and the mother shoved her muzzle into it's body as far as possible, bulging it's belly out, before she would pull her muzzle out again. "They would even swallow me if I would let them grow big enough." With a smile she picked another small baby and fondles it with her claw, she held one in front the other and shoved the bigger one into the smaller ones mouth, after the bigger baby had been gone half way in the smaller baby took a deep breath and literally vacuumed the rest of it down into the gut within seconds, the belly being big and round before it shrank making it's belly grow. Zola stood with open beak in front of the Reshiram and was speechless. "What is wrong? Do you like what you see?" asked the mother with a big smirk. She leaned forward and moved Zola to her belly a wing as soon he got close enough and pressed his head against. Zola was able to be hear how the Babys grew inside while the mother smiled down on him "Nothing is lost in the circle of life. All my children will be reborn and the circle begins a new. Their existence itself could end and yet they will always come back, so will my daughter that you seem to like." she said with a evil yet caring smile. Slowly she began to lift Zola up and pressed him onto her chest, while she groomed over his back feathers with her wings. "You want to see her again don't you? I saw how you both looked at each other." Zola nodded, gazing straight into the distance unsure what to answer. "If you like I could turn you into a Reshiram of her age and size so you could play and stay with her." Zola nodded blushing deep red under his feathers and his mind dazed by the motherly caressing of the Reshiram, he never had a mother before. The Mother placed Zola slowly and carefully down in front of a baby slightly bigger than himself, he could see into the light blue eyes of the baby these were the same eyes he saw first, the eyes of the first Reshiram he saw, the eyes he fell in love with "Go ahead and let yourself be merged with my child Clarice~" Only the half of him had to be inside the baby, for the rest to be wolfed down sealing his fate by the hungry baby. He stared at Clarice as she opened her maw as much as she could, which was apparently wide enough to easily slip over Zola's beak and reached out with her arms for him. The Mother grinned and left no time for Zola to rethink, placing a finger on the back of Zola and pushed him forward, letting him fall on his knees in front of the baby that held him in a tight grib, that he couldn't fight off. It pulled Zola forward and sticked his beak into it's muzzle, suckling on him like a popstickle while salivating over his beak, using the streamlined form of his beak as help to press more of him into it's maw, while the lips slipped soon past over the beak and his face using the form of his beak for aid to stretch her muzzle more wide over him, the silky walls of the baby began enclosing around his head while it sucked him down. Everything went black and dark for him, with the rippling flesh that dragged him deeper. Weakened by the strong muscles he couldn't fight back at all and only let it happen. Even for a Babys muscle it seemed virtually impossible to get back out again. The dark hot moist embrace pulled him deeper and deeper, right in towards the stomach which walls seemed to be such soft to the touch that they would mold around his form while he got pressed against, like they did with the baby he saw being merged, meeting the same fate as her soon, he wiggled his hips and legs outside. The Reshiram mother smiled and lifted Clarice upwards and pressed Zola deeper into the Babys gullet with a finger "Have no worry's, after a few days you won't remember your old life anymore and be a full part of the family." With her finishing the sentence Zola had been gone deep into the baby and the walls began close against each other fully sucking up the rest of Zola's body in a speed that made the rest of him vanish into the baby's body within moments with a loud "Thumb" having his body fill Clarice belly out completely, being cramped tight inside. Zola could feel how the baby's mind took him over and absorbed him totally, leaving not even his soul free to be reborn elsewhere, as his soul did merge with baby's body. Even the Clarice who swallowed Zola alive, shared no other fate than himself, with the Reshiram feeding her to another baby. The baby's that were left kept on eating each other and the mother waited patiently until all of them had gone except one, that was the biggest now, that got the honor to be eaten by herself, the biggest and most round baby of them all, all the baby's shares the desire to eat their own species like the mother had, but they would never age above teenage. They lived to eat, anything that was from their own species with a unsatisfiable hunger. With a happy grin The mother lifted the last baby that was left all way up towards her muzzle, opening her maw making her hot moist breath wash over the baby's face causing the baby to close her eyes. Reshiram rolled her tongue out and placed the baby on the tip of it, rolling the tongue up around it, with the mouth closing shut, a big swallow had send the baby down the tight throat into the Reshiram's body that began to eat all the baby's that was left to satisfy her own hunger. Soon the Circle would start a new with Zola being trapped within, as one of the baby Reshiram together with the young female Reshiram he fell in love with. Zola's soul merged utterly with the child that devoured him, together with others that might followed they all became a true unity, a single being, after the mother ate the last one left, all their existence was devoured by the Mother, merged utterly and trapped within her for all time. Zola was now forever her child... Zola could only see darkness as his senses came slowly back within, wherever he tried to move he seemed to push with his own body against another soft body. He felt different than he used to be, his arms where more short and his body felt a bit smaller and a lot more soft like pudding. The Reshiram mother was right that she would turn him into one of them. As he tried to move through the mass of Babys inside the womb, he could feel how his paw pressed against the lips of a fellow Reshiram baby that wasted no time to grab his arm and sucked him up literally. He squirmed helplessly as the soft lips slipped over his arm and face, as he got devoured even before he was born. His face pressed against the wet warm wall of the maw, while the massaging walls dragged him deeper and the maw began to engulf him whole within moments. As Zola learned slowly the rules of his new live, he had no choice but to devour what came to close for his own safety, each Reshiram he ate caused his body to feel a blissful feeling that would suppress his memory more and more, after many attempts he managed to slip out of his mothers womb without being eaten, even though he was never the first that got out. He sneaked up on another Reshiram of his size going to grab her with his maw wide open, while she devoured just one of the other baby's, he stopped as she turned around, the legs of the baby kicking with the hips sticking out of her lips as she made the baby vanish with a single swallow and Zola starred speechless into her azure eyes, the same of the baby that he saw when he came here and again she had catched him in her spell. While Zola could only stare at her without saying a word, Clarice made him beautiful eyes, before he found himself within the maw of a another Reshiram that had sneaked up on him. He could only manage to slightly see her between the teeth of the predator, while he could see and feel how the maw roof pressed more against his own muzzle as the maw went shut, pressing him deeper down, he managed to turn his head slightly just to see the twitching saliva dripping tunnel of darkness ahead where he was going to be pressed into. Meanwhile Clarice observed the happening in shock how Zola's head moved deeper and deeper as bulge while his body got shoved after. She rushed towards Zola and grabbed his kicking legs and dragged at him as strong as she could, well knowing what would might happen. Her claws were dragged through the dirt, getting more and more close to the other Reshiram, as more of Zola disappeared before suddenly the other Reshiram stopped swallowing. Unnoticed another Reshiram began to devour the tail of the one that caught Zola. With a mighty pull Clarice fell back over and managed to pull Zola out of the Reshiram's gullet that was surprised about being eaten itself. Zola layed soaked and wet on top of her belly, her tail covering his face. She couldn't help but chuckles and pressed his own tail away from her face. "Hey, off from me~"she laughed some rolling Zola off from her body, able to see how the Reshiram that tried to eat him got swallowed by the mother. "Hey here I'am~" said Clarice and offered Zola a paw to help him up. "Ehrm... Why does it come, that you aren't driven by instinct like the others?" She had to smile, lapped with her tongue under his chin. "Who said I'm not?" Zola had to breath hard as his heart beat increased. "Why I'm eating without thinking like the others? Well I'm her only true daughter. All the others are soulless driven by their instincts. But tell me... what is your name?" Zola rubbed the back of his head "Ehrm... I think I'm Zola..." she chuckled some "You think?" he smiled back "Yes, I don't know anymore... " Clarice nodded and smiled warmly "Do you really want to forget everything and become like them?" Zola shook his head and took her paw "I-I wanted only to see you..." she blushed red and looked to the side. "You should go..." Zola shook his head "But I don't want to!" Clarice pulled her paws away "You must, else she will keep you here forever and you will forget everything..." his mood dropped and he shook his head in response "But what if I want that... if I want to BE forever together with you!" The Reshiram sighed deeply and pushed Zola back for a moment, she really did not know what she should do.... it was not like she didn't wanted it as well... but Clarice knew that this was not his world and it would never be. With her claws digging into his chest fur she pulled him back close to her into a deep passionate kiss, Clarice claws running down his sides before they tightens against his body again lifting him up before she swallowed him merciless down, whispering a sad "I'm sorry..." within her mind while tears ran down her cheeks, as she felt how the wiggling bulge of her friend slipped smoothly down her silky wet flesh and his hips slowly disappeared within her body soon to be absorbed once more into her body. Zola found himself captured for a unknown time within the Circle of life and his memories faded more and more while his instincts took over and all he thought about was to satisfy his virtually endless hunger to feel the pleasure of eating, but the thought that something was waiting outside of this place for him did never leave his mind. One day it came that he thought to have something seen back in the bushes, something catched his attention and he walked towards the noise and rustling scrub. Clarice noticed how Zola walked away from her mother and the other Reshiram's, that swallowed one another like there was no tomorrow. Turning her head looking after Zola she knew she had to let him go, she took out any other Reshiram that was going to interrupt her slow walking friend. Not even the Mother noticed that one of her children was walking away until Zola was already out of reach for her claws. She looked stern after Zola, but when she looked into the face of her daughter her heart warmed up and she pressed her daughter onto her belly. She knew that Zola wouldn't be happy where he was... not yet, not now. He had still something to finish outside of their realm. The farther Zola walked away from the Reshiram's, the more he remembered who he was and the feeling that something was waiting for him drove him to go further. He did turn around a last time to take a look back at his family... He knew it wasn't his real family, but it still was his... and with tears in the eyes he looked back, clearing his eyes with his wings from the tears that covered his vision close to cry. While the Mother and the child watched him walk on his way. Clarice buried her face into her mothers womb and cried, she had to let her friend go and she knew that, but still she couldn't face it... Her mother stroked over the back of her head and let out a soft sigh "You know.... you should go after him... I did saw that you fell in love with him... go after him, you have my blessing." Clarice looked up at her mother and smiled "R-really?" The mother nodded and gave her a kiss with her lips that covered the top of her head. "Now go and find your brother, make sure he won't get in any trouble while he's out there. I will wait for the day my sibling will return to his mother." The young Reshiram cleared her eyes with her arm from the tears and smiled. "Yes mother, thank you for everything..." she said before she moved ahead as well the path that Zola took. Even though Zola left the Pokemon World, being back in his own World and had regained the shape of his former being by entering his own World again, he would yet still always be her son and always one of them. |
Sam sighed as she rested her head on her left hand. Nothing interesting had happened in weeks; ships came and went, trading mostly with one another, checking in with Sam only to ensure that their passports were still valid. It was a long way from Hayward to any other planet, and so it was rare that anyone stayed for more than a few hours. Thus, the Cinder Corporation had left only her to keep watch. “Not like anyone is going to be passing illicit goods through here. It’s too hard to do, since I can keep such a close eye on everything. If only this station were busier…” she sighed as she flicked her finger across the screen, looking at the scans of each of the crates passing between the two ships currently docked. There was a buzzing sound, as someone requested entrance into her room. Sam looked up and waved her hand to the left to activate the motion sensors. The door slid open. Standing on the other side was a kami; eight feet tall, with long fangs, and a slender body. The kami wore a tight outfit which did little to disguise her curves or her breasts. “Hello,” the woman said, standing at the threshold. “What’s up?” Sam asked. “I have a problem with one of my containers, and I was wondering if you could take a look.” Sam sighed, and pushed herself up from her desk. “I can spare a few minutes,” Sam said. “Are you in the Sotti ship?” The kami nodded as Sam walked towards her. “My name is Hera,” the woman said. “Sam,” Sam said, extending her hand. Hera took Sam’s hand in both of hers, holding it for a second, running her fingers over Sam’s palm. “Uh,” Sam said, pulling back, “I was going to give you a handshake.” “Apologies,” Hera said, her eyes looking down towards Sam’s. Sam walked past her, the door to her office closing. Hera followed close behind, the sound of her boots much louder than Sam’s. And slightly unnerving. It was a short walk to the tram that led towards the “north” end of the station where Hera’s ship was docked. The tram’s interior was spacious, with a yellow light overhead which turned blue once they were both within. Sam stood on one end, grabbing one of the handholds, and Hera stood uncomfortably close next to her. The door closed and the tram accelerated quickly. Sam tensed, holding onto the bar, her fingers slipping a little as they always did. She felt Hera’s hand on her shoulder, pushing slightly as though Sam needed help to keep from falling over. “I’m fine, thanks,” Sam said, as the acceleration slowed. “I wasn’t sure,” Hera said kindly. Sam resisted the urge to look up at Hera’s face for too long. Sam had heard rumors that kami sometimes interpreted direct eye contact as a threat, or a challenge. She didn’t want to accidentally trigger anything. Hera was tall, although Sam had heard of kami who were much taller. There was a particle blade on Sam’s wrist that would activate with a quick mental impulse. So; Sam wasn’t afraid of dying, just afraid of having to kill an otherwise cooperative customer. “How do you like it here?” Hera asked. “It’s alright,” Sam said. “It’s work. I usually spend my time on the internet. Where are you from?” “Wren,” Hera said. “I heard that’s a nice place,” Sam said. “It’s very pretty in the summer.” The tram slowed, and this time Sam was grateful that the deceleration pushed her away from Hera. She remained clutching the bar, even after the deceleration was slow enough to let go without falling over. The tram came to a stop, the light above turning yellow and the door opening on the far end of the room. “We’re here,” Sam said, as though there were any doubt. They stepped out into the docking hallway, towards the airlock that led to Hera’s ship. Sam glanced up at Hera and saw her eyes looking ahead, and Sam sighed. She hadn’t spent much time around any kami but she was starting to hope she wouldn’t have to stick around for much longer. The airlock opened, and they stepped through onto Kami’s vessel. The interior was bronze colored, compared to the steel grey of the station, with soft red lights that somewhat resembled lamps. “Which way to the cargo hold?” Sam asked. Hera put a hand on Sam’s shoulder, startling her, and began to lead her right, towards a staircase that led down. Sam tried to shrug away the gesture, but Hera kept her hand there, as though Sam were a child that needed to be led. Down the stairwell and along a long hallway. They came to an elevator at the far end, made to look like it was of rusted steel and covered in dirt. As Sam stepped into it, she got the impression that it was supposed to resemble a lift, the kind that was used in the mines back on Earth. Hera let go of Sam’s shoulder to pull a lever that was above Sam’s height, and the elevator began to descend, making a rickety noise and shaking slightly. “Interesting décor choice,” Sam said. “I think it’s nice, don’t you?” Hera asked, looking down towards Sam. Sam looked back. “Yeah. It’s kind of rustic. In a good way.” Hera smiled, her fangs pointing out slightly over her bottom lip. The elevator ride ended, and the door folded to the side to let them leave. The cargo hold matched the theme of the elevator; the ground was dirt and the walls were rock. There were faux wooden platforms, upon which were a variety of crates which betrayed the atmosphere of the room. The crates were all made out of the gray steel that resembled the station. Cinder Corporation logos were stamped on their sides. “Which way to the offending cargo?” Sam asked. Hera pointed along the length of the room, towards the far end. Sam started walking away before Hera could place her hand on Sam’s shoulder again. They walked for three or four minutes, Sam listening to the sounds of their soft footprints across the dirt. She could hear her own breath, coming and going faster than she wanted it to. Betraying some of the fear that the room brought out in her. To say it was cavernous would be redundant, but that was the only thing Sam could think about as she looked up towards the ceiling, where there were yellow lamps flooding light down on top of them. They came towards the end of the room, towards a container that was open on one end as Sam stepped towards the opening; she commanded her wrist weapon to turn on its light. She shone it into the darkness of the container and saw a cot, a toilet, and a bench. Sam froze, feeling Hera standing behind her. “It will be easier for you if you don’t struggle,” Hera said. Sam took one step in, and then turned, activating the particle blade on her wrist. She swung it in an arc, hoping only to scare Hera back enough to give Sam a route to run away on. But Hera merely bended backwards out of the path of the blade and grabbed Sam’s hand. With her other hand she grabbed the mechanical rigging from which the blade projected, and ripped it away, the metal tearing at the skin around Sam’s wrist. Sam grunted, and kicked out at Hera’s legs, but Hera reached her other hand and placed it around Sam’s throat, holding Sam back. “Calm down,” Hera said. “What’re you doing?” Sam asked. Hera began to lift and Sam put her free hand around Hera’s, to keep the pressure off. “I merely did not want any interference.” Hera stepped into the crate, and then pushed Sam backwards. Sam kept from falling, stepping backwards several times. Hera leapt back, and then pulled a lever. The end of the container slammed shut, leaving Sam in the darkness. Sam found the cot behind her, and sat down onto it. She figured there was no use trying to escape. Sam had no mechanical augmentations, no genetic enhancements. She was a lowly human, who had hoped that her position in the Cinder Corporation would protect her. When she felt tired, she laid down, nursing the scrapes on her wrist. Her throat felt sore, but she had no trouble breathing. She tried to keep her eyes open, but as the hours passed, she fell asleep. Sam’s eyes opened. She was no longer in the dark. There was a tall woman standing at the far end, silhouetted from the light shining through. It took Sam a second to identify her, to remember what her situation was. “Sam,” Hera said. “You can get up. I will take you back to your office, and I will leave, my business concluded.” “You won’t really do that though, will you?” Sam asked. “I plan on setting you free,” Hera said. “The deal I made was permanent. You can do nothing to reverse it.” Sam shifted into a sitting position, her legs hanging over the side of the cot, her shoes touching the floor of the container. “Alright,” Sam said, deciding not to push her situation. Sam knew she was no match for a kami while she was unarmed. Hera stepped back when Sam reached the end of the container, and extended a hand. Sam looked at it curiously before taking it. Hera began to lead her back through the cargo bay. The wooden shelves were gone, and Sam didn’t fail to notice that the crates from earlier were gone, all except for one enormous crate at the center of the room. It was large enough to hold a shuttle or two. Sam heard a noise from within it, as something shifted. “What’s in there?” “My sister,” Hera said. “Does she really need all of that room?” Sam asked. “She does,” Hera said. “Would you like to see her? I know that she would be… amused to see the person I had to subdue in order to buy her freedom.” “She was a slave?” “Yes,” Hera said. “But what I traded for her was simply other slaves.” “So you’re a slaver?” “No,” Hera said, as they turned to walk towards the large crate. “I am simply a woman who desperately wanted to free her sister.” They stopped in front of the box. “Why is she still in the crate?” “She was asleep,” Hera said. “And it was easier to transport her within it. The interior is not uncomfortable. But now is a good time to let her stretch her legs.” Hera stepped up to the side of the crate, and Sam heard another sound from within. Someone yawning. Hera placed a key against the crate’s side, and once the key adhered, the top of the crate opened, like a box being pried open by invisible hands. When the kami stepped out, Sam froze. She was similar looking to Hera, except much taller. Sixteen or seventeen feet tall. Her teeth were the same size, proportionally. But Hera’s sister was completely naked. She was slightly heavier than Hera, curvier, and with larger breasts. Her skin glistened with cryogenic fluids, and her eyes were half closed. “Mara?” Hera asked. “How are you feeling?” “Good,” Mara said. “Who’s this?” “She is the officer on deck at the station. I held her captive to stop her from interrupting the transaction. Now that you’re safely on my ship, she can do nothing to stop us.” “Oh,” Mara said. She looked down at Sam, who felt tiny and insignificant. Mara stepped out from the crate, and then bent down towards them, so that she only had to look down at them a little less. “She’s small, isn’t she?” “Five feet and six inches,” Hera said. “One hundred and twenty pounds.” Sam felt uncomfortable that Hera seemed to know so much about her. “What is your name?” Mara asked, looking over, seemingly to acknowledge her as a sentient being. “Sam,” Sam croaked. “Nice to meet you.” Mara reached a hand out, and Sam flinched. Mara slowly caressed the side of Sam’s face with her fingers. “Thank you,” Mara said. “Even though you had no choice.” “You’re welcome,” Sam said, a little bit more confidently. “It was nice meeting you.” “Are you leaving so soon?” Mara asked. She looked over at Hera. “I would like to keep her for awhile.” “Sure,” Hera said. “Wait,” Sam looked over at Hera. “I need to get back. If the Cinder execs know I’ve gone missing they’ll…” she almost said Fire me, “…come looking for me. It’ll be safer if you drop me off.” “It doesn’t matter,” Hera said. “I guided the ship towards an asteroid field after Mara was safely aboard. I was going to fly back but it will be just as easy to keep you here and fly away, towards Wren.” “But you said I could go back…” Sam said. She felt Mara looking down at her. She pivoted on her feet, and glanced back up at her. “Not that I don’t like you or anything.” “If you like me, you should stay,” Mara said. “It’ll be fun if you stay!” “Fun?” Sam asked. She was starting to become tired of being treated like a child. “Yes,” Mara said. “Fun.” Sam sighed. Hera began to walk back towards the elevator. “I will leave you down here for now, Sam,” Hera said. “I’ll be back in awhile.” “Alright!” Mara said. Sam looked between Mara and Hera quickly. As Hera walked away, instinct told her to follow, to chase after her. But she knew it’d be no use. “Here,” Mara said. Sam turned around in time to see Mara reaching out towards her with both hands. Sam took a step back, but before she knew it, Mara lifted her up, holding Sam under her elbows. “Uh,” Sam said, “What are you doing?” “I said it would be fun with you here, didn’t I?” Mara asked. Mara sat down, crossing her legs, and then set Sam down on her ankles, just in front of the set of lips between Mara’s legs. Sam felt warmth all around her. She looked up at Mara, and saw her bending slightly forward, looking down at her. “Alright,” Mara said. “It’s time for me to have fun. And maybe you too.” “What?” Sam asked. Mara put one of her hands on the back of Sam’s shoulders and then pushed her face first between Mara’s thighs. Sam threw out her arms on either side of the opening, and pushed back against Mara’s warm flesh. “Awe,” Mara said. “It’ll be easier if you don’t resist.” “Hey,” Sam said, struggling to keep her hands from slipping out. “You could have just asked, maybe then I would have—” Mara pushed slightly harder, and Sam’s hands slipped. She was pushed into the opening up to her shoulders, her head trapped inside. Sam kept her mouth and eyes closed, well aware of the lubricants spilling around her. She felt Mara place another of her hands around Sam’s arms, and pull back slightly, before pushing again against Sam’s back. She became more uncomfortable as she heard Mara softly moan above her, and the motion became faster and faster. Sam gritted her teeth, hearing Mara moan more and more until she released her hands from Sam’s body and screamed happily. Sam felt a moment of suction before she pushed herself out, placing her hands back around the opening and pushing. She opened her eyes again, and looked up to see Mara panting, her stomach moving in and out, her breasts heaving up and down. “Ok,” Sam said, spitting fluids out from her mouth when they dripped in. “I guess you had your… fun.” “I did,” Mara said, between breaths. “A lot of fun. But now it’s your turn.” Smiling open mouthed, still breathing, Mara grabbed Sam again and lifted her up and out of her legs. She set Sam back on the ground in front of her. Mara uncrossed her legs, and then stuck them under her, so that she sat on top of them, her thighs pressed on her feet. Sam started to stand, but Mara leaned forwards, pushing Sam onto her back. Mara crawled over her, placing her hands on either side of Sam’s body. Her breasts dangled out over Sam’s legs. Calmly, Mara said, “Please pull off your pants.” “I don’t know if I want to,” Sam said. “I’ll do it for you,” Mara said, reaching down. “Ok ok!” Sam said, “I’ll do it.” She curled up into a semi seated position and unbuttoned and unzipped her jeans. She grabbed on either side and pushed them off, revealing her black panties. “And those too,” Mara said, backing up enough to look down at her legs. Sam sighed, and pulled those off too. The lower half of her body naked, she figured there was no use keeping any of her clothes on. She pulled off her shirt, tossed it aside, and then reached behind to undo her bra strap, when Mara lowered her head down between Sam’s legs and stuck out her tongue. Mara licked up and down Sam’s legs as though they were candy. Sam shuddered when Mara ran her tongue up and down between her legs. Mara ran her tongue up across Sam’s belly, and then back down again. “Uhn,” Sam said quietly, shuddering too much to try to crawl away. Mara quickened her pace, licking faster. Sam did nothing but let it happen, deciding to try and enjoy it, and moments before climax she thought, maybe this isn’t so bad after all. And then she cried out, and her body drew up. Mara ran her tongue up along Sam’s body, between Sam’s breasts, and then licked under Sam’s chin, as Sam laid back down on the ground. “Fun?” Mara asked. “Yeah,” Sam said. “I guess.” “Are you ready for one last thing? And then I won’t ask anything more of you?” “Well,” Sam said. “I could… I could maybe get used to this.” Mara smiled, leaning down, her breasts across Sam’s stomach. She kissed Sam more or less on the lips, although they slid across Sam’s cheeks and nose, slickening them with saliva. Sam opened her mouth, extended her tongue to try to kiss back. She rubbed it against Mara’s. Her eyes closed, she felt the lips move wider, up and over her forehead. Sam opened her eyes, curious. She saw Mara’s tongue, resting under her chin. Sam shrieked. “What? No!” Hands wrapped around her waist and she felt herself being lifted up into the air and pushed further into Mara’s maw. Her shoulders passed Mara’s fangs, rubbing against them before sliding through, aided by saliva. Mara’s tongue moved against the upper half of Sam’s body. “Stop!” Sam shouted. She felt Mara’s hands lower, one by own, around her thighs. Mara continued pushing her in. Mara lightly closed her teeth around Sam’s thighs. Sam’s head slid onto the back of Mara’s tongue, and she saw the throat, pulsing open and closed in front of her. Mara pushed Sam up against the roof of her mouth with her tongue, Mara’s palate against Sam’s back. She shook with fear, and began pounding her fists against the tongue, although it was hard to move in such a cramped space. Mara giggled, the noise loud and uncomfortable. Mara slid Sam further in, and saw the throat loom up, inches from her face. This is it, Sam thought. And then she felt the teeth open up. Hands reached in and tugged at her buttocks, pulling her out. Sam slid against the tongue, her breasts and face moving slickly out. The teeth opened wider when Sam’s upper body moved past them. And then Sam was in the air, coated in saliva from the waist up. Mara held Sam under her armpits in front of her, like a kitten. Mara was seated cross legged again, still open mouthed, smiling. “Kind of fun, right?” “That was completely terrifying,” Sam said. “Please don’t ever do it again.” [NON CANON OR WHATEVER] Mara frowned. She opened her jaw wider and placed Sam back in. This time she sucked, pulling her head back towards her throat. Her tongue curled, pulling Sam’s stomach. Mara tilted her head back and Sam slid down, screaming, into Mara’s throat. It pulled, and outside, Mara kept feeding Sam in, hand over hand. Sam felt her shoulders pass, her chest, her ribs, her stomach, and then her legs passed through quickly. She fell through, the walls of the throat pushing her along, until she stopped, in a slightly less cramped enclosure. Mara’s digestive liquids around her, Sam shouted, and squirmed. Outside, Mara grinned. Hera entered the room just in time to Mara slurp Sam’s legs in. Mara’s throat pulsed as Sam was swallowed, the lump easily visible as Sam was pulled down. Mara’s stomach pressed out slightly, and Mara placed her hand over it. Hera smiled. “That was fast.” [/NON CANON OR WHATEVER] |
Preview of Fairly Standard Busty Maid Story The building was constructed to conform to the ancient standards of the Victorian era; the twin doors at the front were carved from rich, dark wood and covered in a shiny resin. As Tasia stepped inside, she saw a room of red and brown colors, with the smell of candle smoke rich in the air. The room was empty as she turned and closed the door behind her. “Hello?” A soft voice called. Tasia faced the room once more. A woman had stepped out from an archway on the right. She wore a black and white maid’s outfit, her skirt halfway down her thighs, black stockings running down to her shiny black shoes. The maid’s hair was tied back in a bun, and her lips were painted with a bright red lipstick. She was voluptuous, her breasts pushing out against her shirt, over the bow tied on the front, her hips stretching the fabric of her skirt, her thighs wide. The maid was also at least a head and a half taller than Tasia. Probably a genetic enhancement. “I’m here for Lunete?” “You must be Tasia,” the maid chimed. “Lunete is not yet here, but if you’ll follow me, I’ll take you to her office, where you can wait for her.” Tasia walked across the floor towards the maid, adjusting her purse strap, her high heels clicking against the varnished floor. The maid waited for Tasia, only turning and walking down the hall once Tasia was close enough to smell her flowery perfume. On either side of them were paintings and sculptures on pedestals, all of them in too pristine condition to have been anything other than replicas of the originals. Almost all of the art depicted women, all of it in renaissance and colonial styles. It must have been expensive to maintain such a collection. Tasia’s eyes wandered down, occasionally, to the back of the maid’s skirt, the sides pushing out, alternating with each step. Tasia wondered how expensive the maid was, and then reminded herself that she was here to see Lunete, not her help. At the end of the hallway was a single door with a gilded handle, a snake carved into the gold. The maid pulled the door open, holding it for Tasia to enter. “Thank you,” Tasia said, stepping past, through the cloud of the maid’s aroma. “Of course,” the maid said, striding into the room as she closed the door. The office’s two walls were lined with bookshelves, all of which seemed to be full to bursting with thick, dusty tomes. Lunete is not one for light reading. There was a desk, in front of which were a trio of leather padded chairs. Behind the desk was a painting of a castle on a mountain, high above clouds and a green field. At the rear of the room was a queen bed. “Does she sleep in here?” Tasia asked. “Sometimes her work keeps her up late,” the maid said. “She often doesn’t feel like walking up to her chamber on the third story.” “I see,” Tasia said, walking over to the leather chairs. Each one of them was large enough that Tasia felt she and a clone could have comfortably sat side by side upon them. She laid her purse against the leg in front of it, and then turned, putting her hands on the sofa to help push herself up onto it. She smoothed the wrinkles on her tight brown slacks. “I’m to give you every comfort,” the maid said, walking along the side of the chair until she stood in front of it, looking down at Tasia with a playful smile. “Lunete believes that her clients should feel at home in her office.” “Ah,” Tasia said, looking up at the maid’s face, the smirk enhanced by the lipstick. Tasia decided to play dumb. “Well, if you have any tea...” The maid stepped closer, resting her shins against the front of the seat, her knees on either side of Tasia’s. When the maid climbed onto the chair, putting her knees on either side of Tasia’s hips, Tasia realized why the chair was as big as it was. She reached up, placing her hands on the maid’s hips, sliding them back to grip the maid’s rear, relishing the smooth silk of the skirt and the warm flesh, soft under her fingers. The maid gyrated between Tasia’s hands, reaching up to her bow, tugging apart the knot. She pulled it around in front of her, grabbed the dangling end with her hand, and lowered it around the back of Tasia’s neck, draping it around Tasia’s shoulders like a scarf. Tasia moved her hands up around the maid’s waist, feeling it rocking back and forth. The maid softly took Tasia’s hands, for a moment making Tasia think that she was going too far, and then placed Tasia’s palms over the bottom buttons of the white shirt. Face flushing hot, Tasia’s fingers fumbled at the first, pulling it free after a few seconds, and then moved onto the next, undoing the button with greater ease. The maid put her hands on the back of the chair, as Tasia unbuttoned more and more, and pushed her waist against Tasia’s stomach, inching up and down. As Tasia reached the last button, the maid reached down past Tasia’s face, pulling the bottom of her shirt from the waistband of the skirt, and then spread the shirt wide. The maid’s breasts were restrained by a black lace bra, each almost the size of Tasia’s head. Tasia took a deep, shuddering breath, as the maid leaned forward. The maid pushed Tasia’s face against her stomach, Tasia’s forehead pushing against the bridge between the bra cups, as the maid pushed Tasia against the soft leather back of the chair with her torso. Tasia pushed her hands against the maid’s lower back, massaging the smooth flesh with her fingers. With a soft sigh, the maid leaned back, shrugging off her shirt, moving her hips and stomach forward and back in a wavelike motion. As the last sleeve of her shirt fell from her left wrist, the maid hummed. “Do you want to know a secret?” “Mmhmm,” Tasia said, moving her palms over the maid’s flat stomach, feeling it move up and down. |
Lara wiped a trail of sweat from her forehead as she stepped back from the tent. Though, with the lamia due to arrive at any second, it was more like a circus tent, given the size, than a tent for a camping trip. She was only wearing her black sports bra, running shorts, and her brown hiking boots. With the midday sun beating down on her, she needed to be as clothes free as possible to keep from burning up. And she had some pride in her finely toned body, not like a bodybuilder but like someone who wanted to look like an athlete. She idly swatted a cloud of gnats away as she inhaled the fresh summer forest scent she’d so adored as a kid. Being a fitness instructor meant she spent most of her time indoors, when the weather was best. And this camping trip should have been great, if not for Lara’s friend’s declining enthusiasm for the outdoors. Lara’s friend, Kara, sat a few dozen paces away in a lawn chair, her shapely legs up with her feet on the beer cooler. She had a book in her lap, and in her own method of dealing with the heat had unbuttoned her light shirt halfway, exposing the tops of her breasts and her black bikini. She’s probably never seen a real day’s work in her life… Lara thought, approaching. “Great work, Lara!” Kara lifted a foot, and used it to flip open the top of the cooler. “Thanks,” Lara said, a little out of breath as she stalked over to the cooler, wondering if she should have a word with Kara about actually helping, when she reached into the cooler. A few dozen bottles of beer, a can... but there was at least a pair of water bottles. She slipped one out, twisted open the cap, and heard a soft slithering coming down the trail. Lara stepped over closer to where the trail entered the flat campground and spotted the lamia, Valeriie. A human upper half, an attractive one at that with eyes to get lost in and a shy but cute smile, which led down to a snakelike body. “Hello, there,” Lara said. The lamia had chosen an oversized t-shirt with some kind of logo on the front. Probably related to a video game, Lara thought, dismissively. Video games were bad for fitness, even ones with motion controls claiming to be cardiovascular. “Val! Hi!” Kara said, getting up from her chair. She hurried over toward Valeriie, her breasts shaking side to side as she threw her arms open wide and hugged Valeriie around the waist. In terms of proportions alone, Valeriie looked much like a human of their size, but the snake lower half elevated her a bit. “H-Hi,” Valeriie said, looking down at Kara who’d clung to her so tightly. “Th-Thanks again for inviting me out here, I…” “You don’t get out enough!” Kara said. “Lara agrees, you need to spend more time out in the sun. Lamia do that, you know? Sun themselves? Why don’t you try some of that. I can show you how.” Poor thing, Lara thought, looking at how Valeriie seemed overwhelmed by Kara’s barrage of suggestions. But hopefully we’ll be having fun by nightfall. “Uhm, sure.” Valeriie said, frowning. Lara went off to prepare the bonfire. She had a shovel, a bottle of water, and she wanted to make s'mores. Kara had always been interested in lamia, in general. As she led Valeriie out of the camping ground toward the lake, she kept glancing back over her shoulder. “Really, I’m just so happy you decided to join Lara and I.” “Thanks,” Valeriie said. She smiled, tucking some of her dark black hair behind her ear. “You were right, by the way. I don't get out enough.” Her hips swayed as she slithered after Kara, the long tail trailing behind, leaving a wavy path through the grass and dirt. “You'll have to lose that shirt, by the way,” Kara said. “You won't get a good tan if you’re covering yourself up top..” She watched the lamia's expression change, but found herself puzzled as to what exactly the expression meant. Kara wiggled her hips with each step to imitate Valeriie, and she smirked as she watched Valeriie's eyes track down toward her rear. And did Valeriie lick her lips? Kinky. In time, the lake came into view from between the pine trees and brush. Kara went slowly, watching her footing while she made her way across some unstable rocks. Valeriie seemed to have no trouble, her underbelly making it easier to navigate above the little pits that would otherwise give someone a sprained ankle. Which gave Kara an idea. “Hey… Valeriie,” Kara said, as Valeriie passed by, her tail trailing. “Mind if I ride on your tail? I’m having some trouble here.” She lifted her left foot to pretend to be off balance, though while pretending to be off balance she found herself tipping and cartwheeled her arms until she found her balance. “My tail?” Valeriie asked, looking back over her shoulder, as though she hadn’t noticed it before. She’s such a nerd, Kara thought. I’ll bet she feels lucky to be around someone like me. I’ll have to see if I can get her eating me out before we get back to Lara. “You can ride,” Valeriie said, with a nod. She wiggled the base of her tail over toward Kara, until the scales brushed Kara’s waist. Kara trembled for a moment, putting her hand against the sun-warmed scales. Oh, look at me, she thought, as her cheeks warmed with an unmistakable blush, her heart thumping harder. “Awesome,” Kara said, climbing up onto the scales. As Valeriie slid forward, Kara threw her arms around Valeriie’s hips to keep from tipping over the curved surface, her face nearly pressed up against where Valeriie’s rear would have been if not for the snake lower half. “O-Oh!” Valeriie said, glancing back over her shoulder. “About to fall off?” She asked. “I could always carry you.” Kara noticed a blush on the lamia’s face, and Kara realized she’d get her wish sooner rather than later. She wouldn’t even need to keep up the facade. I’m gonna get with a lamia… maybe she’ll even wrap me up in her coils… She shivered in delight. “I like it back here. You have such a lovely figure, you know…” “I do?” Valeriie asked, looking ahead with a slight, embarrassed smile. “Thanks… The lake is just up ahead, and I can see a flat rock.” Kara leaned off a little as she felt the rippling muscles of the tail between her legs. If she sat just right, she could get a little bit of friction… “Yes, that rock there,” Kara said. “That rock would do very nicely.” A flat slab of stone, smooth and grey. She didn’t see much in the way of sand, not on their side of the lake. But she could just stay on Valeriie’s coils for fun. More comfortable and more pleasant to be on the tail. She imagined the coils under her like a couch, her legs spread, Valeriie bent forward, working away between her legs. Don’t get ahead of yourself, Kara, she thought. It’s no fun in if Valeriie doesn’t want to. But the fantasy would only ever be a fantasy. Valeriie curled on the rock, and the scales sliding underneath Kara as she tried to get comfortable made her uneasy. Sliding off without a word, she stepped up to the edge of the rock and gazed out over the lake. “Pretty nice out here,” she said, holding her hands behind the small of her back as she thrust her chest out and turned back to Valeriie. “What do you think?” She asked. “Looks… nice.” Valeriie said. She played with her hands. “Did you take me out here alone for a reason?” Kara blushed, startled as Valeriie slithered up closer to her. She took a step back, coming to the edge of the stone, the water a quick drop behind her. “I… may have had ulterior motives…” As Valeriie loomed above her, almost over her, Kara realized she had to say it now before the moment passed. “I have a thing… for lamia....” She squeaked as she managed to say it, as Valeriie looked down at her with an expression which seemed to be interested before a change in the light revealed it to just be a curious expression. “A… thing?” Valeriie asked. “Like… a fetish?” Kara nodded, no longer retreating. “For lamia,” she said, taking a step toward Valeriie now, with a deep breath. “I’ve always seen your tails and… wanted to feel them around me…” Just squeezing a little… to feel the muscles wrapping around me… “If you want me to,” Valeriie said, still looking a little confused, with a blush of her own. She took the end of her tail and hooked it behind Kara’s back, corralling her forward before she brought more of her tail forward, and turned the hook into a curl around Kara’s shins. As the warm, smooth scales slid against her, Kara took a deep, shuddering breath, a little giggly as they wound up around her knees, gripping her as they covered her thighs, her waist… “Like that?” Valeriie asked. “Just like that,” Kara said, with an enthusiastic nod. Sweat dripped down the end of her nose, down between her breasts as the tail rode up and coiled around her chest, Kara’s arms trapped to her sides. From underneath the smooth underbelly she could feel weaker muscles rippling against her body. And just as the coils wound up around to her shoulders, she cried out with a giggle. “Oh, that’s perfect!” Valeriie blushed, but this time she was grinning. “Could we go a little further?” She asked, bringing her face closer to Kara, her mouth hanging open a little. “I’ve… I’ve got something of a fascination myself. I like the idea of…” She closed her eyes, shaking her head. “No, you’d think it was crazy. You’d probably even laugh at me.” “No, no, I swear I wouldn’t laugh,” Kara said. “In fact, I have to know. This feels… even though we hardly know one another, I feel like I’m in love. That pleasant feeling you get holding hands but, like, turned up to be like a constant sexual presence, just from being wrapped up in your tail…” She bit her lip. “How can I… make that feeling happen for you?” “Well…” Valeriie said. “There is one way…” The coils tightened a little further. Lara sat back down at the campsite with a huff. Though she knew she had come out here to do work, she had gone a little overboard with it, she supposed. Had she really needed to set up a tent and a bonfire pit? She had a set of steaks ready to cook, though when she thought back to how big Valeriie was, she figured she’d have to eat light that evening to let the lamia have her fill. Intending to try to make the most of the evening, Lara plucked a beer from the cooler by the neck and sat down beside the bonfire on a dark red towel, sipping from the end of the bottle as she let her mind wander. “Lara?” Lara turned to look over her shoulder. Valeriie was slithering back from the forest, from where she and Kara had gone. “Valeriie,” Lara said, with a nod. “Did you two have a fun time?” Valeriie licked her lips. “You could say that…” She smiled. “So what’s for dinner? I’m hungry.” She patted her stomach, too, though Lara couldn’t see it much underneath that shirt she wore. Did it seem to bulge slightly? A little ways down the tail? “Well,” Lara said, “once Kara gets back, we can talk about that a bit. For now… well, I have to apologize, I must not have gotten enough steak. I didn’t really think about how big you were, and how much you’d need to fill your tail.” “That was… pretty considerate of you!” Valeriie said, with a slight smile. “But that’s fine, you can eat your fill. I won’t mind. I’ll just get something for myself later.” “From where?” Lara asked, walking over to start cooking the steaks. “I mean, I could drive out and get some more…” Valeriie smiled a little wider. “I can hunt. Lamia are pretty good at it. And I feel kind of energized right now, too.” She slithered up a little closer to the bonfire and curled up next to it, resting on her tail and--no, it couldn’t have been a squirming lump under Valeriie’s human half. Lara shook her head as she got back to cooking the steaks, wondering where Kara had gone off to. Flesh pressed against Kara from all sides, her soft body covered in acids and saliva, the tail stomach kneading against her. Her breath had grown hoarse from screaming, both when Valeriie had swallowed up her head, and then all the way down until she came to a temporary rest in the stifling, stale air of the human stomach. When Kara’s rear had been in Valeriie’s mouth, Valeriie had taken some time to nibble and lick, her hot tongue probing and dancing across her skin. Kara’s legs had slid inside neatly afterward, and Valeriie had smacked her lips once Kara’s feet slipped through, taken down in a final gulp. “W-Wait, this isn’t what I meant!” Kara had whimpered. But Valeriie’s moans had drowned out her voice, and a little while afterward, Valeriie had hummed. “You made yourself such easy prey… how could I have resisted?” Her fingers had pressed down against Kara, kneading her through the flesh of the stomach. “But now… I think it’s time to move you a little further down. Lara can’t see me with a bulging stomach, after all…” And since then, after a time of feeling the tail swaying side to side, they’d come to a rest. She’d even sworn she heard Lara’s voice, but Kara had grown too weak. Her eyes fluttered as the kneading intensified. Her clothing was all but disintegrated by now, and her skin tingled. How could I have been so… stupid… she thought. Valeriie had watched as Lara cooked and tore into the steak, gulping down greasy bits of cooked steak with a ravenous hunger that only served to reignite Valeriie’s. Kara had been turned to mush by the time Lara finished, licking her flingers and lips of the sauce she’d poured on the steaks. “Mind if I rest on your tail a bit?” Lara asked, walking over. She looked as if she were about to burp as she plopped down without waiting for an answer, but suppressed it. “Ah, excuse me.” “Of course…” Valeriie said, before she felt her own burp rising up. She opened wide to let it ripple through the air, and Kara’s bra flung itself out and fluttered, landing with a wet splat on the ground in front of Lara. Valeriie reached down to grip Lara’s shoulders just as Lara muttered. “Is that… Kara’s…” With a swift grip and lift, Valeriie stuck Lara’s head into her mouth. Lara kicked feebly, her feet sliding against the scales. Valeriie slurped and suckled the sauce from Lara’s lips, sticking her tongue into Lara’s mouth to lick away the residual sauce there. She covered every inch of Lara’s head before pushing it deeper as Lara’s legs flailed. Unlike Kara, Lara’s modest, perky breasts posed no problem, and Valeriie moaned as she slipped them into her mouth with the shoulders, pushing Lara’s head back into her throat with her first gulp. As Lara’s muffled protests reached Valeriie’s ears through her throat, Valeriie giggled and licked the sides of Lara’s waist, scooping up the salty flavor of sweat as she shifted her grip to Lara’s hips, holding them still as she lifted them up. Lara slid in, inching deeper as the kicking grew less intense. She’s too full of steak to put up much of a fight, Valeriie thought, the hips popping into her mouth. She chewed lightly without drawing blood on Lara’s right rear before pushing it down into her throat. “P-Please, let me out!” Lara cried, her head and shoulders entering Valeriie’s human stomach. “You ca-can’t eat both of us! It’s not fair!” Valeriie worked her way along the legs, lapping and slurping as the toned thighs and shins slid inside. She slurped, nibbling and tickling the toes with her tongue before a loud gulp sent those down too, joining Lara’s curled form in the bulging stomach.”It is fair…” Valeriie said. “I mean… it’s not really my fault that Kara wanted me to coil her up… I love coiling plump ladies like her before eating them. And you… well, you didn’t get enough steak for me…” She sighed. “I can’t really control myself when I get hungry.” “Spit me back up, please…” Lara whimpered. “Ah, sorry, but the opposite will be happening…” Valeriie said, putting both hands down on her stomach and pushing, coaxing her tail stomach to accept Lara. As the tail stomach swallowed Lara down, Valeriie imagined Lara sliding into the mushy remains of Kara. There wouldn’t be anything recognizable of course, but it would be smelly and disgusting, maybe. Valeriie lay on her scales beside the warm fire, holding onto her tail as Lara cried out and pushed at the kneading tail stomach. She closed her eyes, drifting off... |
Mary’s chest had even swelled a little, an awkward tell for a succubus that she was feeling particularly in-the-mood. Whether it was in the mood for sex or a meal Katy didn’t think she’d ever figure out. But it never failed to make Katy forget what she’d been doing. That’s gotta be the reason behind it. “Fine, I’ll go to my room and leave you alone,” she said, trying to get away, pushing against the slick tail with her hands. “That way you won’t be tempted.” Giggling, Mary tightened the tail. Gasping, Katy kicked her feet as Mary lifted her up off the couch. “C’mon!” She grunted, trying harder to push back. “You? Tempting me?” Mary asked. “Oh, silly, silly human. I’m the succubus, not you. In fact, don’t you find yourself wanting it?” She brought a hand up to her lacy bra and slipped a finger under the cup, tugging it down until her breast--both of which had swelled past the size of Mary’s head--popped free, the dark purple nipple on display. “After all, it’s not just food I’d like you for. How about some sex to pass the time? Hm?” Katy tried to avert her eyes, but her face was already hot, her underwear moist. Damn them… she thought, pulling, begging to bring her eyes away from the plump, bouncy breast that just begged for Katy to suckle on it, to grab it… Mary giggled, lowering Katy down toward the nipple, and Katy reached out despite herself. If I can… satisfy her… then she’ll leave me alone, Katy thought, trying to fit her mouth around the oversized nipple, her lips stretching wide to accept it. She teased it with her tongue, feeling it stiffen enough for her to give up and draw back, nibbling instead as Mary moaned. So close to Mary, Katy could smell the sweet scent of flowers, and the taste of her flesh was like plump fruit. “Ah, so eager…” Mary said, as she reclined, lying Katy down on her torso, Katy kneeling atop Mary’s abdomen as she wrapped her arms around the breast. With the succubus’ scent and aura, Katy knew her own arousal wasn’t entirely her own, but she didn’t care as she suckled, nibbled, licked the juicy nipple. She could even taste a little bit of milk, though it was blueberry flavored, with the slightest hint of some kind of liquor. Katy moaned, sucking the few droplets as she found them, gulping and slurping as she felt the tail slipping between her legs, the heart shaped end shrinking slightly as it slid under her panties and slipped into her slit. She gasped as the tip grew a little bit once inside, grunting as Mary thrusted in little bursts. |
As Liz and Cherry watch the waves, their eyes scan the horizon. Not two days past they came within range of a vessel they’d believed to be a harmless trading galleon, only to have it fly the Armada colors before opening fire. Under the watch of Captain Rayna, they’d emerged victorious. But they’d lost a few to the combat, and Captain Rayna had punished those who’d faltered in their duties. So Liz and Cherry hoped to be the first to spot any other Armada vessels before they could come within range. “See that?” Liz asked, pointing at the horizon. “It almost looks like a ship, don’t it?” Cherry yawned. “You’re seein’ things,” she said. “Remember we don’t really want to see somethin’.” “Why the blazes not?” “It means we’re in for another battle,” Cherry said. “So?” Liz asked, tilting her head as her blonde bobcut hair bounced. “Battles are bad, thickhead,” Cherry snapped. “Sure, it’d be great if we got on Cap’n’s good side, but…” Something splashed opposite starboard. Might have been a whale, but Cherry didn’t hear the telltale blast of air, the gushing water from a blowhole. And as she started to turn, something long and wet and green descended upon them, coiling around them tight. Tales of krakens filled her mind as she fought to spot some suction cups on the long appendage, but as she squirmed and punched at it, the thick muscles unyielding, she followed the appendage to its source. “It’s the Deep Mistress!” Liz shrieked, her body trembling against Cherry’s as she seemed to have locked up in fear. While Cherry kicked and slapped against the tongue, Liz remained still. “We’re… we’re doomed!” “No, no,” Cherry said, turning to face the Mistress’ cruel smile, the eyes wider than Cherry’s body. The Mistress looked human save for her finned ears and greenish skin. The irises unnatural as well, the pupils dancing though black as night. “We can… we can reason with her.” She cleared her throat as the tongue drew them closer to the Deep Mistress’ maw. “Great Deep Mistress!” Cherry cried, as the lips loomed closer. “We wish only to speak with you!” The Deep Mistress drew them into her mouth and closed her lips behind them. “She… she ain’t list’nin,” Liz wheezed, as the tongue slathered them in saliva, the light only a pale pink. (from page 2 of 6) |
Lama lifted up the hem of her shirt and pointed at the taut curve of her bottom. “What do you think, Inora?” She poked it, and pushed her butt out toward the catwalk where Inora sat, red faced and sweating at the giantess’ rear now a few feet away from her. And closer and it would have crushed her, but Lama always seemed so in tune with her body spatially. Lama only had a pair of white panties on underneath that left her rear cheeks half exposed, her tan skin smooth to the point of shiny. “Go ahead, poke it.” Inora put her palm against it instead and gave it a slight push, Lama giggling. Moments like this, Inora thought, reminded her of how very human the mechia were, though they could be a sixty, or even a hundred feet tall like Lama was. Just as if a human had been scaled up. “It’s uhm, very, uh…” The other mechia in the room was a bit taller than Lama by a few dozen feet. Black haired, in a dark uniform--though she was wearing a knee length skirt rather than no skirt. “I like seeing engineers like that,” the other mechia said. Her name was… something like Lisse? “Humans in general, all flustered. It’s very cute.” “W-Well,” Inora said, as Lama wiggled her rear and even brushed against her face with the hot flesh, “I’m supposed to be helping you, uh, healing and…” “Oh, you know I called you here because I like having you around,” Lama said, turning and squatting next to the catwalk, almost at head level. Up closer, she had a wide, friendly smile, her bright blue eyes focused on Inora. “Though my next question is whether Lisse or I have better breasts. We like to debate it during downtime, between missions, you know.” Inora glanced away, but Lama had already pulled her shirt up over her head as Lisse sighed. “It’s clear Lama’s bigger,” Lisse said. “She just likes showing it off.” But, though she seemed to be frowning, she’d already started unbuttoning her shirt. “Maybe you can get her to shut up about always talking about it and give it a rest.” “W-Well, if my opinion really is that important to you,” Inora said, looking back to find Lama in just her bra and panties, Lisse with her shirt unbuttoned down far enough to expose her own black bra and breasts. And as they both walked to the catwalk and knelt down, Inora realized both seemed more than modest. They even rested their chests on the handrail, the flesh squishing a little. “I… I…” “Maybe if you… crawled in,” Lama said. “You could get a much better idea of the size.” “Sure, that would make sense,” Lisse said, looking down at Inora. “That way you can feel the pressure and have that help you judge things. But which of us first, hm?” Inora shifted on her feet. Left… or right? Lama, or… “Me!” Lama said, leaning forward, pushing her cleavage down atop Inora’s head. The flesh squeezed around Inora, holding her in place as Lama leaned backward. Caught in the tight, warm flesh, Inora wiggled and squirmed a little, trying to free her head. “No, no,” Lama said, pressing down between Inora’s legs, “you have to go deeper.” She pressed Inora down between the breasts and let go. With flesh pressing from all around, Inora found herself sweating. Mechia kept a slightly warmer body temperature than humans, so it must have been above body temperature. Inora tried to press out against either side to get a better idea, but the flesh kept her tight in place. Lama’s heart beat around Inora, it seemed, each vibration running through Inora’s body. Flesh covered almost every inch of her, leaving only a little bit free. “A-Ah,” Inora said, “it’s…. It’s a little too much,” Inora said. “How much is too much?” Lama said, her voice seeming to come from all around Inora. “Like, out of ten?” “A… a seven?” Inora said, fighting to keep enough room between her face and the stretchy skin to breathe and shout out. “Just a seven?” Lama asked. “Hmmm…” “Yeah, a s-six, it’s--” Inora gasped as the pressure increased, the breasts pushing tighter on either side until she was completely covered. Pages 1 and 2 of 11 |
Leaning back in the chair, Hastra rubbed her stomach, running her clawed fingers gently over the fetal, feminine form trapped under her skin. A pair of boots stuck out from her mouth, feet still wiggling inside, and she pulled them off, one by one, leaving the bare feet in the open air. Bringing up the end of her tail, she tickled the toes, hearing a frustrated grunt from the human inside. With a dark chuckle, she swallowed, freeing up her mouth for a soft sigh as her stomach filled out with the human’s legs. “I told you it was pointless to resist,” Hastra said, locating the human’s head under her skin. She patted it with one hand while she massaged the human’s rear. “I wasn’t resisting!” The human cried, her voice muffled through Hastra’s greenish tinted skin. “I was trying to reason with you! A few scales and claws don’t make us so different, there’s no reason we can’t c-co-exist!” She squirmed, her bare feet pressing out against the stomach. The tight skin revealed every inch of the human’s curvy form, her plump rear and thighs most evident, the human facing inward almost as if to prevent Hastra from admiring that aspect too. Truly, the human was not completely wrong. Hastra’s species only different from humanity in the greenish tint to their skin, scales dotting the surface in places. A holdover from the reptilian genes they had been mixed with. But humanity lacked the scleran strength, and the maw that could stretch to swallow a human whole, the skin to contain them. “There’s no point in reasoning with a few days’ worth of nutrients,” she said, now glancing over toward her fellow scleran, Araza. Azara smiled, her thighs parted to allow room for her bulging stomach to hang. She had taken a seat on the bed, having arrived a few minutes before Hastra. Inside were a pair of humans, their motions sluggish as Azara’s stomach gurgled, rounding with the acids churning inside. “Mine didn’t make any kind of conversation,” she said, frowning. She slapped the side of her stomach, the shapes inside jiggling. “Just cried for help. You should ask of your own her name, to remember her by.” “It’s Julia!” Hastra’s meal said, still squirming. Hastra ran her palms over Julia’s plump behind and squeezed slightly. “Julia, hm? No, I will call you Sazari instead.” “Sazari?” Hastra’s meal asked, the struggles slowing. “That’s… that’s a word from another language, isn’t it?” “It means something like… a small meal, insignificant,” Hastra said, slapping the side of her stomach, her meal yelling in surprise. “Something you eat quickly and forget about soon afterward.” “I think the word you’re looking for is snack,” Azara said. “Sazari means snack. And I think even that would be too generous for this human you have…” “N-No, please!” Julia cried. “Let me out! If you don’t, I’ll… I’ll…” “Do what?” Hastra asked, licking her lips. Her stomach growled, and she felt as the muscles squeezed against Julia, her digestion beginning. Acids would be pouring in around Julia as the muscles prepared to help break apart her fragile form. “Digest? Give up!” Julia cried out in anguish, giving a powerful shove with her feet, the shape visible for an instant. Hastra bent forward at the motion, a little surprised. It almost felt as if it had done something. A moment later, Hastra opened her lips to expel a rippling belch. The shapes in Azara’s stomach squirmed at the noise, Azara giggling just before a high pitched whining sound drowned out the rest of that. From something small. After another moment, Hastra recognized the sound. Julia fell silent. “I g-give up,” she said. “But please, leave…” Pages 1 and 2 of 14 |
Subsets and Splits