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Ron mumbled the charms he might need as he prepared to follow Fleur. He sat in the common room, swishing his wand as he waited for dawn to break over the Gryffindor tower. “Stupify,” he whispered. “Expelliarmus. Petrificus Totalus. Stupify, Expelliarmus, Petrificus Totalus. Stupify, Expelliarmus, Petrificus Totalus… Do you know any other ones, Harry?” He turned to look at his friend, half-buried in an armchair, glasses askew. Harry blinked back at him, but it was clear that his thoughts were elsewhere. “Hmm? Oh, no. Those will probably do it.” “Are you sure we shouldn’t ask Hermione?” Harry was sure. If Hermione got involved, Fleur would be dragged into the Great Hall by her toes by some stupendous charm that nobody had ever heard of. It would be easy, and yet, there was a knot in Harry’s stomach that wouldn’t go away. He had convinced himself that he just didn’t want to bother his clever friend, but perhaps it was that without her, he might be able to see that gorgeous display of gluttony once more. He had been confused since the night before. Was this normal? He must have just been attracted to Fleur. Everyone was. Yeah, the swallowing had nothing to do with it! He just wanted to catch a flash of her chest one more time, right as a bulge swished past it, pushing those perky breasts aside to settle into her swollen stomach… “You okay, mate?” Harry shook his head. This line of thinking was getting nowhere. “I don’t think you should follow her,” he said. “You don’t even know if she’ll be out this morning.” “I do, actually,” Ron said, holding up a photograph. In it, Fleur was jogging out by the lake, her blonde hair billowing out behind her like dandelion fluff. “Creevey snapped this the other day. Says she goes running every morning.” “That’s creepy.” “So is swallowing people. C’mon, Harry. At least lend me your invisibility cloak if you’re going to be a wimp about it.” Harry pulled the cloak from his bag and tossed it to Ron. His friend gave him one last freckled frown before tugging it on over his head and disappearing. He didn’t say another word as his footsteps echoed across the floor, stopping right outside of the doorway. Harry could tell that he was looking at him, but he kept his eyes on the fire. The door opened and then closed. When Harry was sure that Ron was well on his way, he pulled out the Marauders Map and began to follow at a distance. --- Fleur took a left turn, then a right turn, then a left. Ron had to jog to keep up with her in the winding corridors that led deep into the bowels of the school. Apparently, the Veela had decided to take her run indoors today. She looked as slim as ever as she rounded another corner and glanced over her back. Ron ducked behind a statue, even though he was invisible. Is her illusion still active? The last time he had seen Fleur, her stomach had been stretched out a few feet in front of her, hanging low between her legs as its occupant thrashed and screamed. Fleur had enchanted it to look normal, but Ron knew that she still had to carry the weight around. It was just an illusion, after all. How fast would a human digest? Ron didn’t know. He didn’t want to know. Just thinking about the poor bloke that had been swallowed filled him with shame, as he had done nothing to prevent the horrible event from occuring. He had frozen, but this time, he would catch her in the act and drag her to the authorities himself. So caught up was he in his thoughts that Ron didn’t notice that Fleur had stopped until he had nearly run her down. He skidded to a halt a foot away from her back and took stock of his surroundings. They were in an unused section of the castle. Blank walls gave way to unmarked doors. Fred and George had said that there were storage areas deep in the dungeons of Hogwarts, but this was Ron’s first time visiting them. It unnerved him that he couldn’t even hear Peeves clattering along the hallways. They were well and truly alone. A groan made him jump. Fleur raised her arms above her head, stretching from side to side. She was wearing a dark pink sports bra and shorts. Her thin back arched as she bent forward, giving Ron a faceful of her luscious ass. It was larger than it had been in the picture that Colin had given him. In fact, the broad expanse was so large that it was disproportionate to the rest of her body. Ron gagged. That must have been where Fleur’s date had gone. “Enjoying ze show?” Before Ron could raise his wand, Fleur pulled hers out of her bra and flicked it at him. His muscles locked into place as an all too familiar curse coursed through his body. Fleur reached forward and, after a bit of searching, grabbed hold of the cloak, lifting it over his head. Her eyes drifted to something behind him, but Ron couldn’t turn to look. Fleur’s attention returned to him. She plucked the wand out of his hand. “So you ‘ave followed me? For vat purpose? To see me run? I vould ‘ave shown you anyvays. Aren’t you a cutie?” She brushed his cheek with a soft hand, inspecting him like a piece of meat. Ron strained against the spell, pushing with all of his might. He felt the magic resist him. Without his wand, there wasn’t anything he could do. “Oh,” Fleur continued, raising his chin so he could look her in the eye. “It looks like you ‘ave found out my secret. You are vondering vat I did with ze boy? He ez still here, you know.” With a wave of her wand, her body transformed. Her stomach swelled in front of her, no longer perky and tight, but large and pudgy. Her arms, legs and chest expanded to fill out her form. She twirled for Ron, letting him take in her entire body. “Et vill get smaller soon,” she explained. “How you say, digestion? Et takes a vile. Still, I told a small lie. Et vill not get smaller soon. Not once I am done vith you.” Ron’s eyes widened as Fleur brought her mouth close. Her jaw seemed to unhinge, lowering down past her throat. Her cheeks spread. Saliva dripped down onto her breasts and her breath, sweet and hot, caressed Ron’s face. Her tongue oozed onto his cheeks, down his neck, over his shoulders. Fleur pulled his shirt off of his body and tossed it to the ground, dragging her tongue across his chest as she crouched to undo his pants. “Mmph!” The spell was wearing off, but not fast enough. Fleur had his pants and underwear on the ground and was rising, her eyes smoldering with hunger. “No vorries!” she said. “Et vill not hurt a bit. Relax. You are food, non?” With that, she placed his head into her mouth, smothering him in the cusp of her throat. She held her breasts to his chest, breathing through her nose. He tasted divine. She groaned in anticipation as she lifted his body off of the ground and held it above her. His head was already clamped tight in her gullet. The muscles held him ready, and then: GULP! Fleur released the tension in her throat. Ron slid into her stomach in one slimy drop, curling into himself as his arms and legs joined him in the moist abyss. “Ah!” Fleur said, smacking her hand against her stomach. Ron swirled inside of her, his elbows and knees forming small bulges in her flabby gut. Every movement caused her to shiver. She loved this part. It was the moment when her stomach realized that she had given it a large meal; when it rumbled and bubbled, basting her prey in a mixture of juices that would soon turn it into a manageable lump. This boy was just the pre-breakfast that she needed to start her day. “You can come out now,” she called. “I knew you vere there.” Harry, trembling, came out from around the corner. The Marauders Map shook in his outstretched hand. Fleur curled a finger at him. “Come,” she said. “You can touch. I do not bite.” He walked to her side, his eyes like saucers as he inspected the landscape of her gut. Where once his friend had stood, only a mound of pudge and skin remained. It made him hot. “Touch,” Fleur demanded. She took his hand and forced it onto her stomach, gasping as the contact stirred her hunger. Harry had turned a bright red. He didn’t pull his hand away, even after Fleur went back to fondling herself. “You eat people,” he said. “Yes? Vat of et?” “Just an observation,” Harry mumbled, focusing back on her gut. He could feel his friend wriggling inside, and he knew that he should save him. Fleur wasn’t paying attention. Her wand was on the ground. It would be easy to jinx her now. But he didn’t. Instead, Harry buried his face in Fleur’s stomach, luxuriating in the feeling of her soft skin parting before him, sinking into her fat as Ron squirmed beneath him, digesting. Fleur stroked his face. “You like this?” she asked. “Yes,” Harry admitted. “Good,” Fleur said, struggling to stand. “Zis is good. You can help me with my problem.” “Problem?” “I get hungry, you see.” “Ah,” Harry said, scratching his head. He blushed as Fleur pushed her breasts toward him. They had grown with the additional prey, bursting out of her bra at the edges. “Et ez a treat,” she said. “For not telling. Touch.” Harry took ahold of one of the firm breasts and pulled it from her bra. It jiggled in his hand, huge and warm, the nipple stiff against his palm. He rubbed it, causing Fleur to gasp. She pulled away, shaking a finger at him. “No no,” she said. “Naughty boy. You do not get that much of a treat until you do more vork. You vill not tell?” “No,” Harry promised. Fleur picked up her wand and waved it over her stomach. The spell took hold, making it appear as small as when she had started. Harry looked mildly disappointed. Fleur grinned down at him. “You vill see et again,” she said. “Soon. I vill be vatching you, ‘arry.” With that, she swiped his invisibility cloak off the ground and, with a wink, disappeared down the corridor, leaving Harry to wrestle with his own guilty conscious. |
3 bodies. 1 makeshift bed. I stared at the ceiling, counting the chips in the stone, conscious of the two streams of warm breath that poured over my neck. One of them shifted, murmuring in her sleep. The other kissed my ear. “Ez thees comfortable?” she asked. “Yes,” I said. “Thank you.” My voice sounded lost in the cavernous classroom. Nobody had been down her for years; not even the ghosts. The desks had all been pushed into one corner, piled with blankets and turned into the nest of sorts in which we lay. Fleur ran a finger over my chest. I could feel her body heat through her clothes. She radiated warmth. When we were alone, she had cast aside the charm that hid her true form and revealed herself to me in her full beauty. My left arm was buried under her expansive stomach, my right wrapped around her sister, Gabrielle. “‘Arry?” Fleur asked. “Are you alright?” I took a deep breath, letting it out slowly. It felt like there was a barricade in my mind. A hastily-built, wooden barricade that kept letting memories through the cracks. Images drifted through a green haze, four bodies tied to posts, mermaids swirling around us. I knew that the Tri-Wizard Tournament was hazardous, but I never expected that someone would die. Not Cho. Not Hermione. A damp squelch echoed through Fleur’s stomach. I could feel something moving inside, testing the soaked surface of her secret nook, looking for an exit. Fleur had assured me that there was none. After swallowing her prey, it stayed until it digested. I looked at her lips, so soft and inviting, and wondered what it would be like to pass between them. She caught me looking and smiled. How beautiful she was. How magnificent in her strength. “Ez et the water?” she asked. I nodded. “‘Ermione?” Another nod. Fleur shifted, rolling further on top of me. Her heavy breasts rested on my shoulder and my body responded. It felt like we were running away from something, her and I, filling a hole with each other. How quickly that bond had formed. I was too weak to feel shame and too tired to feel lust. All I wanted to do was sleep. Was this the new normal? Was this what I was going to have to get used to? The Gryffindor common room felt like it was miles away. I didn’t want to see it ever again. I knew that I would see her face, smiling at me from the armchair, a book in her hands. I knew that I would see his face, laughing from the stairs, urging me to see something that Neville had done. Gabrielle whispered something, clutching me tighter. “Is okay, ‘Arry. Ve are here.” Here. Not there. Not under the silent surface of the lake, rifling through the seaweed. Not swimming for minutes on end, frantic, knowing that our friends were in danger. All of us had been there. Fleur, Gabrielle, and me. We had all seen the serrated teeth of the mermaids and heard their cries. Fleur had been forced to the surface midway through, but I had seen the underwater city and our friends chained to the anchors. Gabrielle, Dobby, Cho, Hermione. Only take one. Krum had exploded out of the silt, his shark head stirring as he swam toward Hermione. I had watched from the seaweed expecting resistance, but none came. He gnashed his teeth around her chain, freeing her. Her hair had risen above her shoulders and with a face like ivory she floated up toward the light. That’s when things went wrong. Cedric, fresh on the scene, had pulled his wand. One of the mermaids screamed as a red flash of light hit it in the chest, sending it backward in a stream of bubbles. Infuriated, the rest of the mermaids had converged upon us. I remembered watching as one sped toward Hermione and I had cried out as it’s jaws had opened, sucking in water, slurping down my friend in one fluid motion, holding her in its slime-filled stomach. The rest had attacked Krum and Cedric, swarming around them in a maelstrom of gnashing teeth and sharp claws. In the chaos, I sped toward the rest of the captives. A dark shadow passed over me. I swiveled, hitting the mermaid with a stunning curse before its teeth could find my neck. Gabrielle was the closest to me, so I severed her chain first, taking her upon my shoulder. Dobby was next, his tiny frame bobbing in the current. As I cut his chain as well, I heard a strangled grunt. Cho had awoken from her magical stupor and was starting to struggle. Bubbles poured from her mouth. Whatever spell had allowed her to breath underwater had ended and now she was drowning. Carrying both Gabrielle and Dobby, I swam toward her, wand outstretched. She reached for me as a mermaid came up from below and swallowed her whole. After that, all I could remember was darkness and foam, Krum’s bloodied face dyeing the water red, Cedric’s broken body impaled on a pike. Spells flew. The sea was aflame with bursts of light. Cedric managed to pull himself away from the mermaid and swim toward the surface. I wanted to help, but I could feel Gabrielle stirring. We had to hurry. The rest was a blur. Canons. Fresh air. The rush toward the pier where professors waited with towels and anxious faces. The outrage as Krum and Cedric made it to land, both gravely injured. A pair of arms, warm and comforting, wrapping around me in the midst of the chaos and a voice like spun gold telling me that it was all going to be okay. Thanking me. “‘Arry?” I jolted, starting Gabrielle. She woke up, blinking in the dim light, sighing as she snuggled closer. Fleur was looking at me, concerned. “Vas is something I said?” she asked. “No,” I muttered. “No. I was just...lost in thought.” She took my hand. It grounded me. The only sound in that abandoned classroom had been the sound of our breath and the muffled grunt and gurgles coming from within Fleur. She placed my hand on her swollen gut, allowing my fingers to sink into her flushed skin. “Sometime, you must give me a belly rub,” she giggled. “Ez very pleasurable.” I ran my palm over the massive bulge, shuddering as Fleur’s breath caught in her throat. For the life of me, I could not remember what the man inside of her looked like, only his surprised expression as he was gulped down. He had been a ministry official investigating the incidents with the mermaids. After the incident in the lake, he had been one of many that had come to talk to all of the students. Hogwarts College was in chaos. Two students dead, two maimed. It was a catastrophic failure. He had approached us just as Fleur had set out the tea, tipping his hat at us Gabrielle and I. “Good day,” he had said. “Mind if I ask you some questions?” “Ve do mind,” Fleur had said. “This eez a private arrangement. Please approach us at another time.” He had smiled at her with his crooked teeth, winking at me as if to say, ‘she’s a fiery one, eh mate?’ I had seen the expression on Fleur’s face change. She had excused herself, pulling something from her bag as she disappeared down the hall. I kept my eyes peeled as the ministry official continued to spout on about how this was a nightmare and how he was sorry for us and hated seeing young life wasted. He had just gotten to the point where he put the blame on Dumbledore when I caught a stir in the air. One of the torches flickered, as if blown by an unseen wind. The ministry official was still yammering when Fleur’s mouth appeared and engulfed him. Gabrielle rolled her eyes and continued to eat as Fleur choked the man down, shedding the cloak and sitting to speed up the process. I watched as a lump grew in her stomach. His smothered cries were eclipsed by the sound of Fleur’s stomach beginning to churn, slowly at first, but speeding up as the night wore on. I could still hear his weak groans now, dampened by hours in that caustic chamber, tumbling, melting, being turned into fat. “Does et bother you?” Fleur asked, blushing. “My eating ‘abits?” I turned my eyes to the ceiling. It should bother me, the way she consumes others, the way she consumed Ron. I wanted to think of her like those mermaids, cold-eyed and ruthless as they swallowed my friends, but it was hard when she was lying by my side, made of warm flesh and blood, as real as anything in this world. No. Right now, I needed her, and she needed me. Instead of answering, I closed my eyes and shook my head, slightly, imperceptibly. It was enough. |
Quinn wasn’t even surprised. Dierdra had eaten his last two girlfriends, so why not the third? Well, because Quinn had tried so hard to protect this one. Mai hadn’t been allowed into his apartment. He hadn’t even given her his address. When they went out, Quinn had made sure to pick spots that were miles from wherever Dierdra was hanging out that night. As far as Mai was concerned, Quinn lived in a crappy studio apartment with a bad radiator and a major leak. They had gone to her place for sex and Mai never heard a word about Quinn’s voracious roommate. Not till tonight. “How?” Quinn asked. Dierdra lay propped against a pile of pillows on her bed. She circled her swollen stomach with her hands, grinning up at him. Her cock twitched as it was rubbed by the thrashing girl trapped in her voluptous body. She slapped her stomach and laughed as Mai cried out. “You left your phone out, dude! I just told her to come by tonight. Knew you’d be playing D&D. You really should keep a password on that thing.” “Who would expect such a major invasion of privacy?” Quinn asked, stepping into the room. “Really? Really?!? This shit again? Why my girlfriends?” Dierdra put a finger to her lips. She gasped as a stray bulge brushed against her cock. “My girlfriends aren’t this squirmy,” she said. “Besides, the best part is seeing your face. You want to watch me dump this one, too?” “No,” Quinn hissed. “Let her out.” “You know I, oh that’s nice, can’t do that. Once they’re down, they’re down for good. Would you be a good boy and get me a glass of water? I forgot my bottle into the- Hey!” Quinn stormed up to the bed, thrusting his hands into the underside of Dierdra’s stomach. She kicked at him, struggling to move under the Mai’s weight. “Gerroff me! Let go!” “No!” Their bodies slapped together as they wrestled, Quinn maneuvering to avoid her flailing legs and Dierdra trying to punch him in the balls. They ended up in a sweaty heap with Quinn hunched over her stomach. His knee dug into Diedra’s inner thigh. “That feels kind of nice,” she muttered. “Would you mind, ah, yeah, like that, just keep rubbing.” Quinn flopped off of her, disgusted. He sank into the covers, watching his girlfriend’s arm move through his roommate’s stomach. Diedra propped herself up on an elbow and looked at him. “C’mon, dude. If you wanted to have sex with me, you had all this time. I just thought you were insecure that my dick is bigger than yours.” “I don’t want to have sex with you because you’re a praying mantis.” “Praying mantis? Oh! Yeah, I eat my lovers. It’s more cathartic than a cigarette, let me tell you. I’d make an exception for you, though. I need you to pay your portion of the rent. Come up here, lover boy, and wrap those sweet lips around my throbbing cock.” Quinn jabbed her in the side. The blow was deflected by a thin layer of fat. Dierdra, bored, went back to stroking herself, using the friction from her stomach to work her shaft as she played with the base. Her tan thighs clenched as precum began to leak onto the sheets. “I don’t mind you watching,” she said, glancing at him. “But could you at least get off of the bed?” “No,” Quinn said, folding his arms. “Do you have any idea how long Mai and I were dating?” “No, because you don’t tell me anything. Why are you looking at me like that?” “You’re horrible, you know that?” “So you tell me, but your girlfriends say differen- OW! Not the tits!” “One year,” Quinn hissed, pinching her nipple harder. “One year! That’s a long fucking time, Diedra!” “I wouldn’t, ow, know! Mine usually last for one night!” Quinn let go of her and Diedra rubbed her chest ruefully. She turned the other way and continued to play with herself. “Fine,” Quinn said. “Fine! If you’re going to be that way, then I’m going in too.” Diedra looked over her shoulder at him. She turned, plunking her stomach onto his chest. The heavy bulge knocked the air out of Quinn, leaving him gasping as Dierdra tousled his hair. “You want to take Mommy’s wet and wild ride?” she asked. “It starts as sloppy makeouts and ends when I drop you on the head of whoever is unfortunate enough to be standing under our window.” “Ew!” “What? You don’t want to be shit?” “No. The mommy thing. Do you do that with everyone?” “Only my shpeshal liddle boy!” She left off pinching his cheeks and got serious for a moment. “But really,” she said. “I can’t swallow you right now. My jaws are still hurting and besides, boys don’t go down my throat.” “What?” Quinn asked. “You’ve had plenty of boyfriends.” “You don’t understand,” Dierdra purred. She rolled on top of him and hefted herself upright. Then she turned and placed her thick ass over Quinn’s face. It smelled recently used. “They don’t go down the throat. They go up the poop chute.” Quinn gulped. This wasn’t how he had envisioned this. He had thought that, maybe, if Dierdra swallowed him, both he and Mai could find some way to force their way out of her. Or, at least, to die together having spent their last moments in each other’s arms. Diedra’s asshole twitched and Quinn caught a glimpse of her bowels. “How?” Quinn asked. “How would I even fit?” “Oh, I find ways,” Diedra said, prying her cheeks apart. She slipped a finger into her asshole and pulled it taut. It stretched nearly to the size of Quinn’s head before snapping closed. Diedra winced. “It’s gonna take a bit of lube, but I can take care of that too. I keep an industrial size container under the bed.” “Of course you do.” Dierdra burped into her arm as Quinn rustled under the bed for the container of lube. He came up to find Dierdra presenting her cock to him. “Give me just a few seconds and we won’t need the lube,” she said. “Your girlfriend is doing a number on me.” “Disgusting,” Quinn said, pushing her away. “What do you need me to do?” “Upend that bottle on your head and then you go up my rear-end!” Quinn did as she said, letting the lukewarm lube drip over his face and neck as Dierdra rolled onto her stomach and beckoned for him to sit on the bed. He did, folding his knees beneath him. There was no time to waste. Mai needed him. “This is gonna push me over the edge,” Dierdra said, squatting above his head. Her asshole seemed to quiver as it lowered on top of him. “So, in all our time as roommates, you can finally say that you got me off once. Happy travels.” With that, she plunged Quinn into her ass. Everything went dark. Quinn could feel her bowels tremble around him as the stimulation drove Dierdra to orgasm. Her balls slapped against his chest. She let her weight push him further into her as spurt after spurt of cum shot onto the bedroom floor. “Okay, wow, okay! Keep, ugh, keep doing whatever you’re doing. This is, a really nice, sensation and I think, urk, I might have a couple of pumps left!” Quinn was trying his hardest not to suffocate in her foul interior. Every time he opened his mouth, he caught the stench of her bowels. They wrapped around him, hugging his body in a living prison of warmth and filth, sucking him deeper with every clench of Dierdra’s ass. She rolled forward onto her hands and knees, slurping up the last of his feet, entombing him in her loud, pulsing intestines. He could hear Mai above him. He could feel her body through the labyrinth of tubes. She was with him in the darkness where every beat of Dierdra’s heart resonated through the thin passageways of flesh. His roommate was still pleasuring herself, slapping her cock against the twin bulges moving in unison. “Why have I never tried this before?” she cried. Quinn wanted to answer, but it was best that he conserved his energy. He gritted his teeth as the slow, muscular thrust of her intestines pushed him upward. Bile and refuse washed over him. Dierdra’s body wanted to break him down. He wouldn’t let it. He needed to get to Mai, to find a way out before they were both digested. At least she was alive. He could feel her. They would be together soon. Her breath was quickening. Quinn prayed that she was safe, but knew that she was not. How she moaned! Every utterance grew louder. Quinn was getting closer. She was crying out! She was begging for release. Yes, Quinn could hear it now. She wanted Dierdra to let her… to let her… Cum? Quinn’s head broke into the stomach right between Mai’s legs. She didn’t even notice him. In the airy confines of Dierdra’s stomach, unhindered by the intestinal walls, Quinn could hear her clearly. She was moaning, yes, but not from pain. He had heard these moans before several times. Mai was getting off. Yes, her fingers were sliding between her labia. She was masturbating with one hand on her clit and the other rubbing the stomach walls. Dierdra groaned around them. Quinn tried to follow what was happening, but it was all too much. Mai was rubbing Dierdra’s cock through her stomach. They were pleasuring each other. “Mai,” he called, his voice distorted by the clenching of the stomach. “Mai!” “Dierdra,” she mumbled, delirious. “Oh, just a little more. Just a little more for me, please. Ah!” Her hips bucked, slapping Quinn in the face. Mai settled into the digestive juices, propping herself against the stomach wall. Her fingers moved slower, now, but they still moved. She was purring under her breath. “I think I have one more,” she said. “Just a little more time. It burns. Yes, it burns, but that’s alright. I like it.” “Mai?” For the first time, Mai seemed to notice Quinn. They were packed together inside of Dierdra, tangled in her gut. The digestive juices were rising, threatening to overwhelm them. “Isn’t this wonderful?” she whispered. “I’ve never gotten off like that before.” “It’s okay,” Quinn said, trying to hold her. “You’re safe now.” “No,” Mai chuckled, pushing him away. “If you’re here, then make yourself useful. I can’t feel my fingers anymore and I think I’ve got one good one left. You’ll do that for me, won’t you?” Quinn struggled to breathe. All this for naut. His roommate was going to digest them. He had thrown his life away. Still, Mai’s sweet voice still called to him in the dark. He could still feel her body beneath his. The stomach walls squeezed them together, as if that was how they were always meant to be. “This is crazy,” Quinn said, lowering his head between Mai’s legs. “This is crazy.” “Maybe,” she sighed. “But it sure feels good.” |
Judy Judy sucked on her lip. Air whistled through her teeth. “Sit still,” her makeup artist hissed. She had an array of tools scattered around her on a plastic tray that looked as if it might melt in the scorching makeup trailer. Grabbing a cotton ball out of a class cannister, she shook it off before dabbing it into a thin blob of cream. The flesh-colored goop was applied in swift strokes to each of Judy’s cheeks. “I know you’re hot,” she said, holding Judy’s chin with one hand while grasping for a vial. “But you’re going to have to bear with me. This trailer is all they gave us to work with and if you sweat off this foundation, I will unleash holy wrath. And, for the love of all that is holy, please stop sucking on your lip. They’re big enough as is.” Judy realized with a start that she had been worrying her bottom lip between her teeth, pushing it back and forth the way she had done ever since she was a kid. Once, a doctor had suggested applying lemon juice to stop the chewing. The remedy had lasted all of two days before Judy’s mom caught her poking through the refrigerator. She had developed a taste for the lemon juice. “I know,” Judy said, clenching her jaw to allow the artist to dab her neck. “I can’t help it. I just wish it didn’t make that weird noise. That’s what bothers everyone.” “Like a vacuum,” the artist agreed. “Close your eyes please.” Judy did, feeling bony fingers applying a thin layer of eyeshadow. This makeup artist seemed to avoid brushes when she could help it. The photo shoot was urban exploration themed. The set was an abandoned airbrush factory out on the south side of town. Vandals had come and tagged the walls, but there were remnants of a beautiful mural that swam through the spraypaint in soft swirls. The doors had long been torn from their hinges, leaving the place open and airy. Unlike the makeup trailer. The artist mumbled something about finding a bottle of water and staggered out into the sun. Judy sat with her hair up, foam between her fingers, uncomfortably straight in her chair. She knew that if she moved an inch, it could mean another five minutes of pinching and prodding. So, instead, she sucked on her lip. The sound started as a low whistle. It hissed through the trailer, rattling off the cavalcade of glass jars and basins. As Judy sucked harder, the sound grew into a steady thrum that shook the small instruments. A cotton ball bounced over the tray. Judy payed it no mind as she inhaled, amusing herself with the only thing she felt she could do in her painted prison. It was only when the cotton ball was sucked into her mouth that she stopped. It was there and then it wasn’t. She had clearly felt it enter her mouth, but instead of sticking to the roof of it and getting glossed in her saliva, it had seemed to fold in on itself. For a moment, Judy worried that she had breathed it into her lungs and that she was going to have to cancel the shoot to go to the hospital where the doctor would undoubtedly laugh at her. Then she felt it enter her stomach and dissolve. How she knew, Judy couldn’t say. It was an instinctive feeling. The cotton ball itself had shrunk before entering her mouth. It was its essence that had been felt inside of her, neatly compartmentalized before being broken down and absorbed. She glanced at the door, wondering if it was all a dream, but no. She was still inside of the boiling hot trailer, face half-full of makeup, cotton ball absorbed into her body. The door opened with a clatter. “Okay,” the artist said, tossing Judy a bottle of water. “Now we won’t die. And let me get you a straw before you even think about putting that to your lips.” While she cursed her way through the dictionary trying to find a straw, Judy put her lips together again. The suction was enough to disturb the surface of the water. It swayed in its container, pulled by the ebb of Judy’s breath until, before her eyes, it was sucked into her mouth, bottle and all. “Okay,” the artist repeated. She turned around, straw in hand. “Where the hell did you put the water bottle? Dropped it, didn’t ya? And what did you do to your lips. They’re huge.” Judy realized in a daze that her lips were indeed larger. They shrank just as the feeling of the water bottle in her stomach got packed away. The artist shook her head, returning to her stool to poke and prod some more. To her delight, Judy stayed silent through the process. “Okay,” the artist said at last. “You’re ready, champ.” The photo shoot seemed to last for ages. Judy modeled against the walls, turning this way and that. In between shots she would change clothes, careful to avoid her face. The photographer didn’t mind her silence. He merely motioned for her to move and she did. “Pout for me,” he said, and Judy was struck by a vast urge to purse her lips. If she just sucked a little harder, opened her mouth a bit farther, what else could she vacuum up? A camera? A chair? A person? Where did they go when they broke down between her lips? Her body hadn’t gotten any larger and yet she could feel the energy like a vast reserve trapped inside of her. When the shoot was finally over, she hurried home, not even bothering to take the makeup wipe that the artist proffered to her. Excitement welled within her. She all but ran up the stairs to her apartment, not stopping to say hello to her neighbor, and slammed the door behind her. “This is crazy,” she exhaled, running her hand through her manicured curls. It came back sticky with hairspray. “There’s no way. It was the trailer. The heat addled my brain.” But, of course, that was not the truth. She knew that she only had to purse her lips to prove it. The power was there, just beneath the surface, waiting for her to unleash it. Should she? “Why not?” she said. “Why the hell not?” She locked the apartment door and turned toward her coffee table. A box of tissues sat on top of it, a printed image of Micky Mouse staring back at her. Five feet away she stopped and cupped her lips together in a silent ‘O’. The noise began. The first thing that Judy noticed was that although the box was shaking, nothing else was. It seemed as though she could control the ability merely by thinking about what she was targeting. Her lungs held an infinite supply of oxygen, pulled in by the steady stream of air that tugged at the tissues. One flew free from the box and zipped between her lips. Then another. Then the entire box flipped off the table in a lazy cartwheel and was crushed neatly into her mouth. She felt only the briefest touch of the cardboard. “It shrinks,” she murmured. “Or condenses. Or something.” A quick prod of her stomach showed a distinct lack of perforated cardboard. She could still feel it inside of her, crumpled and then absorbed. “Okay. Let’s try something bigger.” She exhaled. Her lungs deflated with a hiss. It felt as though a seal had been placed over her mouth, guiding the flow of air. There was way more suction than there should be. She aimed it toward the table, fascinated by the amount of force she was able to exert on it, pulling it toward her over the hardwood laminate. It flew towards her face and she worried that it would hit her, but instead of breaking her beautiful model nose, it shrank, passing into her esophagus without a problem. It too was collapsed inside of her, morphed into the merest hint of its former shape before being absorbed. Judy gulped. It felt appropriate. “I can’t believe this,” she said, collapsing on her couch. “This is beyond explanation. I’ve never even heard of something like this before.” She threw her legs up, remembering at the last second that the table was absorbed inside of her now. The floor underneath it was dusty. A quick flick of her mouth and all of the dust was inside of her too. It should have been gross. The dust should have coated her tongue in fuzzy motes, choking her. Instead, it disappeared. Nail clippings. Lost bobby pins. Dust. Trash. Crumpled pieces of paper. Nothing was safe from Judy’s suction powers. She laughed as she worked, elated to have something special of her very own. The possibilities excited her to her core. She cleaned her entire apartment, searching high and low for things to vacuum, worrying her neighbors who wondered why their typically demure upstairs neighbor was suddenly running around like a madwoman. And what was with the vacuum cleaner? Only when the apartment was spotless did Judy come to appreciate the true gravity of her new ability. She could make things disappear. It was pleasant, feeling them break down. The larger and more complex the object, the better it felt. “Machinery might be fun,” she said, staring at the ceiling, hands laced behind her head. She itched to suck up everything in her room. Then the apartment. Perhaps she would run down the hall and collect everyone’s trash. She closed her eyes, willing herself to sleep. Energy buzzed inside of her. An hour ticked by. Someone was stumbling around on the stairs, pounding against the walls. “Judy,” a feminine voice called. “You gorgeous bitch. Lemme in.” Judy poured off of her bed. The woman at the front door was attractive beyond all measure. Her straight, blond hair was pulled across her back in intricate patterns, held in place by a massive amount of bobby pins. A goofy smile plastered itself across her pale lips. She had gotten some work done on her nose and tits. They bulged out of her shirt as she groped for Judy. “Hey bubs,” she hickuped. “How are you?” “Cat. It’s like, 2 o’clock. Why are you here?” “Because my dumb boy toy kicked me out for breaking his TV.” “Why did you break his TV?” “I dunno. But you’re a successful model, so you should share. C’mon. Let me in.” Judy supported the girl, dragging her into her apartment and kicking the door closed. She laid Cat down on the couch, almost relieved at having something to occupy her mind. She was going stir-crazy in the bed. Cat was a model at the same agency as Judy. They had done a number of shoots together across the country. She was a bit of a bimbo and more of an annoyance than an acquaintance. Since time immemorable, she had been jealous of Judy’s superior modeling career. In infuriated her that the uglier – in her eyes – model was getting more attention than her prim and prissy self. “Posh,” she muttered, looking around the apartment. “Looks like you’ve done so well for yourself. It sucks that you can’t hold down a boyfriend.” Judy clenched her jaw. “Do you want tea?” she asked. Not waiting for an answer, she headed into the kitchen. Her head was spinning. The secret weighed on her like an overweight albatross. Her cabinet held a vast variety of teas. There was everything from Earl Grey to Monkey-Picked Tie Guan Yin. She picked up a handful and absentmindedly dumped it into a diffuser. Water boiled on the stove. “Where did your coffee table go?” Cat was standing in the doorway, swaying on her feet. What Judy did next, she couldn’t quite explain. “I’ll show you,” she said, pursing her lips. Cat giggled as the suction started. She rocked on the balls of her heels, reeling like a drunk in a windstorm. Her hair pulled itself free from the bobby pins which shot through the air and vanished one by one. Cat began to laugh. Her shirt fluttered crazily. Her tits flopped against their plastic moorings. She took a hesitant step. Judy increased the suction to maximum force. Cat pinwheeled her arms for a brief moment and then flew. She passed into Judy who rolled her eyes in bliss, feeling the complex mechanism of a human body crushed between her lips, instantly crumpled and absorbed. Just like that, the kitchen was quiet again. There were no signs at all that another person had just been standing on the tiles, ready to serenade her friend with tales of drunken shenanigans. “Amazing,” Judy said, pressing her back into her cabinets. “An entire person. Gone. Just like that. And it felt so good.” She laughed, recalling the exact sensation of a girl between her lips. It bloomed out from her chest, filling her body with bliss. It felt good. She needed more. The last one had gone too quick and been too willing. The funniest thing? It had been easy. Judy was amazed at how little effort it took to suck up and break down an entire person. With practice, she wondered if she would be able to vacuum entire crowds of people… -- “Help!” The woman clung to a stop sign for dear life. Wind ripped at her hair, pulling it out of its long braid. She clenched her eyes, expecting to be assailed by small specks and debris, but the suction was focused on her and her along. Her skirt tore up the side, revealing a slender leg. She looked behind her. Judy stood with her hands on her hips. Her lips, enlarged and puckered, were the source of the suction. She was smiling with her eyes. It was obvious that she was enjoying this. The suction seemed to be dying down. The woman’s hair fell back to her shoulders and she stopped feeling like at any second she would be sent flying. The pull on her body lagged just enough for her to put herself on the other side of the stop sign. Judy watched her, eyes glimmering. It was funny when they ran. The month she had spent training had given her precision. And power. Her lips puckered again. This time, she widened them just the slightest amount, aiming them toward the terrified girl. She had chosen her because she was pretty. Her oval face and thin neck stood out among the crowd of unwashed masses. With barely a flicker, Judy sucked again. It was a casual movement. She wanted her to know how little she had to do to suck her right up. The woman felt the pull starting again. She quickly grabbed the stop sign. Suction smacked at her arms and legs. She felt as though she were the cork in a bottle, about to blow, or a rubber band being pulled to its limit. The force was a physical thing, pulling her toward the accursed lips. It was relentless. Indomitable. The stop sign was beginning to bend. “No,” the woman yelled. How could this be happening? The entire stop sign was being lifted from its moorings. It was the only solid object within ten feet. She would have to run for it, but she knew that as soon as she let go she would meet her fate. The suction died down just the slightest bit. It was almost as if the vacuum woman wanted to tease her. Still, she had to try. The woman let go of the stop sign and sprinted for the nearest heavy object. A boulder was set in the street corner. She made it halfway to it, legs pistoning, arms pumping with everything she had. Her feet dragged against the concrete. The force was great. The woman tapped into the last of her strength and with a mighty heave, touched the boulder with one hand. Then she went flying. With a quick gulp of air, Judy increased the force to that of a hurricane gale. She didn’t even have to lift a pinky. Didn’t have to break a sweat. For all of the effort the woman put into escaping was meaningless against the power of her lips. The woman sailed into them, folding in on herself, collapsing into Judy. She felt her inside of her, squashed to miniscule proportions before being absorbed. It felt heavenly. The power was intoxicating. Judy laughed. It didn’t matter if anyone saw her. With her lips and the strength the granted her, there was nothing she couldn’t accomplish. “You had a good try,” she said, patting her stomach. “But in the end, my lips were just too strong.” There was no sign of the woman on her skin. When they were absorbed, they just became a part of her. Judy whistled her way across the street. Her cheeks were rosy with excitement. The town she lived in was awash with Saturday shoppers. Judy wove between the crowds, glancing at the faces, wondering if any of them would be fun. She was picky about her prey. She liked pretty girls. They felt the best going down. “Oh my,” she giggled. “So many snacks.” The mall rose up before her. Groups of teenagers sat on the lawn, drinking soda and shooting the breeze. It was a calm summer day. The sun beat down lazily from on high, bathing them in tepid warmth. A gentle breeze rustled the grass, bringing with it the smell of loam and a hint of autumn. Two security guards stood in front of the double doors. They were burly men, mid-twenties, good looking for their occupation and just waiting to succumb to Judy’s lips. One of them glanced at her, not so subtly eying her chest before turning his head. The other watched the group of teenagers. He looked bored. “Hello,” Judy said, stopping in front of the bored one. He started, jumping in his uniform before affixing her with his gaze. “Hey lil’ lady,” he said. “Need help finding something?” “Yes. I was wondering if this mall had a beauty store. I’m not from around here and I’m running low on mascara.” Lies, lies, pretty little lies. The security guard turned to his partner. He shrugged and pointed through the doors. “Inside, take a left at the first crossroads and you’re there. Let me know if you want someone to show you around town. I know all of the hottest places.” “Thanks,” Judy said, giving him a wink. “Where I come from is pretty dangerous. If something were to happen in the mall, would you come running.” “Of course,” the guard said, puffing out his chest. “I would do anything to save a pretty girl like yourself.” The other guard huffed. Judy smiled at them both and waved, entering the cool building. The linoleum tiles had been polished to a pristine glow. Storefronts advertised fire sales and exclusive deals. A cluster of salespeople assailed all who passed by, shouting about new products and services. Judy ignored them. Her body seemed to vibrate. She was so excited that she was sure her legs would buckle at any moment. A trembling hand went to her lips, her magic lips, so inconspicuous and yet powerful. The beauty shop was named Meringue. Three pretty saleswomen in uniforms were helping the patrons, showing them into the dressing rooms and beaming with teeth that were a shade too white. It wasn’t that Judy loathed these people. She was, after all, a model. But sucking up Cat had given her a craving for slender arms and perky breasts. “Hello!” One of the saleswomen broke from the pack and approached Judy. She waved with a gloved hand, beaming. Her hair was a honey blond, stretched back over her forehead in two wings. Sharp cheekbones accentuated her hawkish nose. “What can I help you with?” she asked. “We’re having a sale on lip products.” “Oh,” Judy said, putting a finger to her chin. “That sounds fantastic. Could you show me?” The saleswoman led her to a plastic display wheel, chattering about the various shades that might compliment Judy’s own curvaceous lips. “They’re so big!” she remarked. “Like a 50’s movie starlet. Is there anything that suits your fancy?” “Can I try the apple red?” “Go ahead.” Judy uncapped the tube and puckered her lips. The whistling started low. The saleswoman nodded politely, ever the professional, as the suction increased. It pulled at the buttons of her blouse. She fussed at them with one hand, eagle eyes watching the customer, waiting for her to apply the lipstick so that she could tell her about the more expensive brand in the back. She could already smell the sale. Thus, she noticed too late that whirlwind that tugged her. “Oh!” was all she could say as the overwhelming pressure crumpled her between those lips. Her yell startled the customers who had been looking for the source of the vacuum noise. One was unlucky enough to see the saleswoman fold into a neat package to be digested and absorbed. Then came the screams. Customers and salespeople alike tried to flee out of the front door, but all Judy had to do was aim her marvelous lips toward the entrance and that was it. People skidded over the linoleum, drawn by the gale force, fluttering like leaves in the wind toward Judy. They were sucked up unceremoniously. Judy roared with laughter. It was easy, so easy, and so immensely satisfying. Her cheeks glowed. Security had already been called, but in the meantime, one lone customer had been in the dressing room when the others had been vacuumed away like dust bunnies. Judy turned to her, grinning. “You’re lucky,” she said. “You weren’t with the others when I gulped them down. Do you want to have a chance to run?” The woman yelled, dashing for the entrance. Judy let her get out the door, in sight of the charging security guards, before she effortlessly sucked her back. The woman slammed into one of the racks. She crawled to her feet and ran for the entrance again. Again, she was pulled back. “You’re playing with me,” she said. Judy looked down at her, strewn across the floor. Her lips were now puffed up to an enormous size. The woman was dragged, inch by inch, toward the inescapable vacuum force. In her eyes was loathing. That only served to make her more delicious. Judy sucked her up, felt her go down, felt her absorb and spread that glowing warmth through her body. The security guards, including the two men Judy had talked to, were now at the door with their batons drawn. “What happened?” one of them yelled. “We heard screams. What happened?” Convenient for them to gather in such a large group, Judy thought. It’s almost like they want me to digest them. She took off her sweatshirt. The guard’s eyes bulged at the sight of her perfect breasts, cupped neatly inside of her camisole. She undid her hair, shaking it out over her shoulders. “Okay boys,” she said. “Let’s play.” Her lips snapped shut like a seal. Air poured into her lungs. This was bliss, the moment before the storm, and Judy savored the concerned stares of the feckless guards, so confident in their masculinity. Then came the wind. The uniformed men reeled on their feet but did not fall. One raised his baton and came toward her on his own accord. He ran at her, knowing that she was a danger, and she sucked him up with glee. The others gasped. One of their own had just blown into the woman’s mouth. He was absorbed, as were the others, in her stomach. He left no trace. Then they ran. Judy let some get almost to the end of the hall. They were tugged backwards, arms flailing, eyes wild as they skidded toward her. Some found purchase, hanging onto the metal rungs that secured the gate. Their comrades who weren’t lucky enough to grab ahold were sucked up, gulped down, digested. The girl stood with her arms crossed over that perfect chest, never breaking a sweat. All of those years, building muscles, worrying that they weren’t big enough was irrelevant. The strongest security guard, and the last, clung to the metal rung. His friend had all since succumbed to those lips. Arms bulging, he felt as though they would be torn from their socket. His neck snapped back and he could see her. Judy turned down the suction. “Why?” he asked. “Because it feels good.” One huge burst of vacuum force pried his fingers free from the rung. The last thing that the guard thought before folding into her mouth was that she could have done that at any time. Struggling was pointless against those lips. Judy felt him crushed inside of her. And laughed. And smiled. -- The forum was held in the old city hall. Townspeople gathered in rough clusters, milling around the open space, waiting for the meeting to begin. Nervous glances were exchanged. A few straddled the metal chairs that had been brought out to accommodate the growing crowd, each one concerned about the news that they had heard, and few believed. “For Pete’s sake,” one balding man yelled at nobody in particular. “I came out for this? Because, what? Some girls got in an accident at the mall?” “Yeah,” someone else shouted. “I’ve got my kids at home. What’s this all about?” The crowd was growing restless when a woman walked onto the raised platform. She was wearing a low-cut top spread across the curve of her chest. Strutting with poise, she stood behind the podium and adjusted her glasses. Her eyes glinted dangerously. The crowd cooled down. “Thank you for coming,” she began. “As you are all aware, this is an emergency meeting called in response to the alleged attack at Aspen Mall this afternoon. There has been some talk of a dangerous organization targeting this town. Let me put your fear to rest - That is not that case.” “Then why the hell are we here?” the balding man yelled. The woman raised an eyebrow at him. A screen was lowering behind her and the lights dimmed. She nodded at the projectionist, fingering a small remote. With a click, an image of the destroyed shop faded onto the backdrop. “I said it wasn’t an organization,” the woman said, watching the crowd. “I did not say that they were not dangerous. And still at large. They are not believed to be armed in the traditional sense.” “What the fuck does that even mean?” The woman squinted at the back row of chairs. A reporter sat in the back row, recording device forgotten in her hand as she pointed. “I’ve heard a hundred different things from a hundred different people and the stories don’t add up. They said that it was a woman who conducted the attack and that after, she just strolled out. There was talk of witchcraft.” The woman behind the podium clicked her remote. An image of Judy filled the screen, plump lips pulled back in a smile. “Yes,” she said. “It was a woman. She goes by Judy. She made contact with me this afternoon, warning me not to look into the incident. Apparently, she has powers that make her immune to traditional judgement. As proof, she asked me to review the security tapes at the scene of the crime.” “Powers? What powers? People don’t have powers.” The reporter stood up, prompting a few of the citizens to also rise up. “If this is a joke, I don’t find it funny,” she said. “People are missing and you’re saying that not only did you communicate with what is effectively a terrorist, but you believed her when she told you she had what, magic?! What a bunch of horse-shit.” “Yeah,” someone yelled. “Tell us what happened?” “What did you see?” “My wife worked there!” The woman behind the podium raised her hand. Her chest jiggled. The crowd quieted after a minute, yet anxious rumblings could still her heard. “That’s why I called you here,” she said. “Because if I told you, if I messaged you, if I went out on television and made a statement, you wouldn’t believe me. You had to see it for yourself. This girl. This Judy. She does have powers. And I want you to watch carefully.” A video began to play on the projector, clear as day. It showed the shop front. A few mall-goers wandered around. Pretty saleswoman helped customers. Everything looked normal, if muted. The footage had no sound. Then Judy walked in. To the crowd in the city hall, she had an unmistakable allure. Her lips were quirked. Her eyes sparkled. Every step she took make her shapely ass stand out in her high-waisted shorts. She walked like a model and the audience was captivated. Even more so when her lips puckered together. They watched as the surprised saleswoman was swept into those lips, her body folding in on itself. Judy held her stomach as if she had just enjoyed a lavish meal. The rest of the customers began to run. They watched her suck them up one by one, each time rolling her eyes in obvious delight as they passed into her. There was no ambiguity about the situation. This girl, this Judy, had a strength that none of them could match. The security guards didn’t stand a chance. One tried to hang on for as long as possible. He was bigger than anyone in the audience. His neck bulged. Arms swelled. Eventually, though, he was sucked up with the rest of them. And Judy laughed. It was unnerving, watching someone throw back their head and laugh in silence. Her body hadn’t changed at all, given the number of people apparently inside of it. She laughed and smiled with those ominous lips, blowing a kiss at the camera before walking out into the mall. The video cut off abruptly, leaving the audience stunned. “Was…was that real?” someone asked. “How are we supposed to believe that?” another yelled. The floodgates open, the entire crowd began to surge. Fear ran through them like the plague, infecting their hearts and causing them to flee. But, at the back of the auditorium, unnoticed in the chaos, was Judy. She smiled at the first person to meet her eye. The rest of the crowd pushed against them, then stopped, staring at her. She was wearing a see-through top over a sports bra. Her thin stomach pushed out seductively, she beckoned toward the transfixed girl. The girl, who was pretty in her own right, came to her, her eyes glazed in fear. Judy kissed her on the cheek. In the silence, her voice rang across the auditorium. “I told you, Miss Mayor, what telling the citizens would cost. You could have stayed silent, covered it up, and allowed me to continue on as I was. But no. Now I have to clean up after your mess.” The Mayor cleared her throat. She was still standing behind the podium, her knuckles white against the wood. “Judy,” she said. “Let her go. Let them go. If you have business with me, there is no need for them all to stay. Stand aside.” “She’s just a girl!” someone yelled. “Charge her.” The crowd stirred. Judy smiled. Her lips parted and the sound began, strong, like wind in a canyon. It ripped through the auditorium, staggering the masses. The girl in her arms, already close, crumpled immediately. They all watched as she was sucked, inhaled deep into Judy, then gulped down and digested. Judy patted her lips with a handkerchief. They were now massive. “Not all at once,” she said, fluttering her eyelashes. “I don’t think I could take all of you.” With that, the crowd charged. The mayor screamed at them to stay back, but they didn’t listen. They charged like frenzied animals, swinging fists and purses, eager to hurt that which they wouldn’t and couldn’t understand. Judy laughed, her mouth opening in a riotous display of mirth, her lips parted and ready. The suction began. It swept the frontrunners off their feet, filtering them deep inside of her. She shivered as the sensation of them entering her stroked her nerves. It got her hot. She needed more. After watching the first wave of five people crumple into Judy, the crowd turned, pushing into each other, trying to escape. Judy surveyed the scene. The crowd was spread pretty wide. Could she get them all in one go? She had never tried with a group this big. Yet, her lips had not failed her yet. Taking a deep breath, she inhaled with hurricane force, and the room trembled. People, chairs and debris were siphoned between her lips. Each one had a marvelous texture that made her purr with delight. She loved that they were trying to escape. She adored how easy it was to gulp them down. Even now, a few clung to whatever they could find, trying desperately to ground themselves. “Stop,” one screamed. “I have kids.” “No,” another cried. She was in her mid-twenties and gorgeous. “Please. I’ll do anything.” Judy watched her from the corner of her eye. Hmph, she thought. She doesn’t look all that scared. Just impressed. Maybe she’ll be useful. Still, she couldn’t afford to spare the vast majority of the crowd. She focused on one who had rooted herself against one of the pillars. With one mighty suck she was tossed into the air. Judy released her lips, watching the woman fly toward her, legs and arms spread in an attempt to cushion the fall that brought her right above Judy’s head. Right into those hungry lips. Judy gulped her down, tongue outstretched, enjoying the power and control that she had worked to perfect. There were maybe ten citizens left. None had made it out the back doors. Each clung to something in the auditorium. At the back, the Mayor stood passively behind her podium, watching Judy. “You couldn’t stop now,” she said. “Run and never come back. The military will be after you soon. You can’t digest this many people and expect to get away without consequences.” Judy put a finger to her lips. “Miss Mayor,” she said, “With all do respect, I think I can. In this world, the strong consume the weak. What can anyone do against this mouth, I wonder? Do they care to test the limits? No. I think they will leave me in peace, to play as I see fit. Watch.” One woman was making a mad dash toward the back exit. Her pants were pulled around her ankles, ass showing through the sheer fabric of her panties. She tripped, scraping her knee against the floor. She could feel the wind at her back. The wind increased in power, dragging her, causing her to stumble again. It pulled at her like lasso. Like a string tied to Judy’s mouth, tugging her toward it. Judy’s eyelids lowered. She could feel the energy the woman spent trying to escape from her. It made her chuckle. There wasn’t enough strength in the human body to resist her and it was time that this woman learned it. One suck. One pull. The woman cascaded across the wide space, screaming in terror, screaming for the mayor to help her before: Gulp. Folded, crumpled, digested. The mayor watched on as each of her citizens were sucked up like grain, effortlessly pulled into the maw of the beast. She may have looked like a model, but the mayor knew that behind those pretty eyes there was cruelty. Eventually, she was the only one left, along with four other women who sat dumfounded on the floor. Judy approached one of them, kissing her forehead. “How?” the woman asked, admiration gleaming in her eyes. “How do you do that?” “You’re amazing,” another crowed. “And beautiful.” “Can we do that?” Judy smiled at them, flicking a look at the mayor. It said, See? This is what power looks like. “All in due time, girls,” she said. “I have business to take care of.” The woman watched their idol step into the middle of the room, throwing her arms out in a challenge to the mayor. “Well?” Judy asked. “Where is this judgement? Are you going to give it to me?” The mayor reached under the podium. Her face was a mask of rage, and yes, fear. It showed in every crease of her features. She was getting older and here was this beauty before her, so fresh and lively, and so dangerous. She hated her. Something metallic flashed in her hands. An almost lazy suck of breath pulled it into Judy’s lips where it too was folded and swallowed down. “A gun?” she asked, shaking her head. “How original. Are you going to run now?” “No,” the mayor said, slumping over the podium. “I don’t think I’ll give you the satisfaction.” A light swung crazily on its metal axis. Rows of chairs had been pulled in every which direction by tumbling bodies. The auditorium looked like an evacuation zone in a disaster movie. In a way, Judy thought of herself as a force of nature. She looked at the mayor, now placid, goading her into just sucking her up like the rest. But now she had her own audience and they were going to watch the fun. “Okay,” Judy said. “Let’s play.” First, she sucked off the mayor’s top. The hook on the back of her bra snapped, letting the fabric flutter to the ground. Judy didn’t bother to consume them. She wanted the mayor to see what she could do to her. The Mayor stood defiant, arms crossed in front of her chest, teeth bared. “Do you think this is fun?” she said. “You’re a monster. Someone’s going to get you.” “No,” Judy said. “I don’t think so.” Her pants came next. They tore at the back, leaving the mayor shivering in her underwear. Her pale legs glowed under the florescent lights, and yet she refused to beg. She stood her ground. The underwear came off with a snap and then she was naked, standing at the head of the carnage, staring into the eyes of the woman that caused it. “I know you’re not running because you think I’d like that,” Judy said, approaching the podium. “But this is just as fun. Because, Miss Mayor, I can do whatever I want to you. That’s the power of these lips. I can play with you as much as I like and you know that without even thinking about it, I could gobble you up, make you digest inside of me with no more effort than swatting a fly. Less, even. I can see you trembling.” The mayor grimaced. Behind the podium, her legs were shaking. It wasn’t the cold. “All of the people at the mall. All of the people here. Was that fun for you? Why are you doing this?” Judy stopped a couple of steps from the mayor and put her hand against her hips. She looked dazzling in the spotlight. As if she was meant to be there. “Because,” she said slowly. “It feels good. You have no idea what it’s like when they collapse into me. It’s like having a warm drink on a winter night. Just…satisfying. And you, Miss Mayor, are the cherry on top.” “I’m not your toy,” the mayor spat. One more step and Judy would be in her range. She would lash out with an arm, covering that mouth, then she could- Judy took a step back. Her lips pursed, she began to suck. The mayor felt the air rustle around her. Her hair came loose from its bun tossing around her naked shoulders. She could feel the texture of the suction as small loose bits of debris were filtered into those lips that were larger than life and the darkness between them that was about to take her. And then she ran. She dove sideways, throwing herself between the podium and the girl, running for the exit. Five steps from it, the wind increased. Three steps from it and she felt like she was running through water. One step from it, hand outstretched, fingers groping for the doorframe and she could barely think above the sound of that suction. It felt like her skin was about to tear. With one final burst of energy, she grabbed the door. She knew it was no use. Because, even while she struggled for her life, she had seen the devastation that Judy had wrought. She was playing with her, as she had promised. And now, naked as the day she was born, knees buckling beneath her, she screamed her outrage. One finger had come unstuck from the door. Her feet were pulled off the ground, arcing toward the lips. Another finger bent. She was hanging on by her pointer, index and thumb. The muscles in her arm threatened to tear. And then she was weightless, soaring through the air, sucked up like water in a straw. The last thing she saw were those lips, pursed, bent in a grin that would haunt her as she folded, crumpled into Judy, passing through her throat and into her stomach where she was digested in a split-second. The auditorium quiet, Judy turned toward the awestruck girls. Her lips throbbed. She almost couldn’t move, it felt so good to have the mayor inside of her. The digestion was the best part. “You are a goddess,” one of the girls said, bowing. “You’re enchanting.” “Inspiring.” Judy smiled at the pretty girls, shaking her head. “I’ve got so much more to learn,” she said. “But this was a good start. Because, with these lips, nothing can stop me now. Come. Let’s have some fun.” Judy on the Beach Judy pulled down her sun hat over her curls. The mid-August heat was coming off of the concrete walkway in waves, but mixed in with the noxious smell of tar and car fumes was a brisk ocean breeze. Judy and her posse stood outside of the Hotel L’Attrait, waiting for the porter to come take their bags. She could see her talking to the clerk inside, chattering away as if there weren’t paying customers baking in the sun. “She’s got some nerve,” Francesca muttered. She wore an airy blouse over her skirt. All of the girls were dressed like movie stars, but nobody wanted to outshine Judy. Their glamorized lips perked as the porter finished her gabbing and made her way toward the door with the cart. They all glanced at Judy. She winked back at them. “Sorry,” the porter called. “Important business, busy day.” The hotel uniform did little to dampen her beauty. She stared down the group of girls with a cold professionalism that hinted at years in the service industry. Her lips perked at their obvious annoyance. “Liza,” Judy said, reading off her nametag. “Do you know how long we were waiting?” “You could have waited in the lobby,” Liza said, dumping the first bag onto the cart. She was unnecessarily rough. “Nobody said you had to stay outside.” “That’s where our bags were, so that’s where we waited.” “Ma’am, I see two perfectly good arms on each of you. Unless there is some hidden malady or, dare I say, fear of chipping a nail that prevents you from carrying your bags indoors to enjoy the air conditioning, then I am afraid that there isn’t much I can do for you.” Judy’s girls looked at one another. Francesca moved forward to say something, but Judy held her back with an outstretched arm. She was smiling. The girls shuddered with hidden glee as those perfect lips puckered. “You’re rather rude for a porter,” Judy said. “And you’re kind of dumb for a model,” Liza said, tossing the last bag onto the cart. “But I guess those two things are fairly synonymous. Sorry for assuming that you broke the status quo.” The suction started slowly. Judy put her lips together, winking broadly at her audience. The girls giggled as a low whistle swept across the parking lot, concentrating at Judy’s mouth. The porter frowned. Her arms were moving in slow motion. There seemed to be something heavy pulling at her elbows, but when she looked behind her, all she saw was the assortment of bimbos staring at her with their dull eyes. Whatever, she thought, grabbing the cart handles. I’m just tired. Back into the AC I go. She tried to walk forward, but an invisible hand pulled at her shirt. She looked back again, locking eyes with the leader and realized with a start that her lips were huge. They glistened with a rosy luster that drew the gaze and as she watched, they puckered most attractively. The suction started again and this time, Liza knew what was happening. “What?” was all she could manage as her body was yanked with hurricane force between those lips. Liza was crumpled, folded into a tiny mote that was gulped down with no trouble at all. She was digested immediately, absorbed by the woman she had teased. “Well,” Judy said, licking her lips. “If that’s an indication of the service we’re gonna get here, then I think we’ll all have plenty of snacks packed away for the plane ride home.” The girls cheered. They adored Judy. All of them had at some point been spared the harsh justice of those juicy lips and taught to harness their power. Each could, frowning in concentration, suck up a person with considerable effort. Mostly they used their powers to clean the ground that Judy walked on or take care of minor nuisances. “C’mon,” Judy said, and a girl by the name of Cass came and grabbed the cart. They headed into the opulent lobby where an unnerved concierge hobbled over to meet them. One of his legs was wrapped in a cast and he walked with an ornate wooden cane. “Hello, hello,” he said, shoving the cane under his left arm so that he could shake Judy’s hand. “You must be Judy. It’s a pleasure to meet you, really it is.” “Likewise,” Judy said. “Burns?” “At your service.” The man glanced at the cart. Cass smiled back at him. She had seen him watching through the window as Liza was sucked up. She blew a kiss. “Well,” he said, fumbling with the crease of his uniform. “I guess I should find someone to take your cart up to your rooms. You’re occupying the suite on the fourth floor, correct?” “I was told that we were occupying the entire fourth floor.” Burns spluttered as Judy flashed him a blistering white smile. He watched her lips with the fervor of a man who knew he was playing with fire. “I must have misunderstood,” he said. “Over the phone, it seemed like you had just booked a suite. That was silly of me, so silly. There are currently a number of occupants in the adjacent two suites on the fourth floor. A diplomat and her retinue. A businesswoman and three guests. If you would give me but a moment, I will evacuate them so that you can enjoy your stay in tranquility. Until that time, may I lead you to the unoccupied suite?” “No need,” Judy said. She clicked her fingers and the girls began to file toward the elevator. “I’ll have a chat with them.” Burns went pale. He opened his mouth, then thought better of it. Instead, he bowed, taking his cane and hurrying toward his desk. As Judy walked around the corner, he picked up the phone and dialed as fast as he could. -- The fourth floor lobby was, if anything, more extraordinary than the first floor. Huge picture windows gave guests a perfect view of the beach. Glistening water spread as far as the eye could see and at twilight, the sun would set beneath the waves, gilding the ocean a brilliant yellow. The lobby was filled with ornate couches imported from France that faced marvelous paintings of historical scenes. It was, by far, the most expensive place that any of the girls had ever seen - besides Judy. “Come,” she said, motioning toward one of the massive oak doors that dominated the north wall. Right as she reached the handle it opened, revealing a woman well into her 30’s. Her hair was shoulder length, styled to be quick and easy to manage in the mornings. Expertly applied makeup hid her true age, but Judy had been around enough models to take a guess. “Hello?” she said. “I’m sorry, are you my 11 o’ clock? I’m still entertaining guests, but if you would like to wait in the lobby, I can have some fruit juice and bruschetta brought out to you. I’m afraid I wasn’t expecting you quite so early.” “It’s fine,” Judy said, not moving from the doorway. “Where are you running off to now?” “The concierge called,” the woman said, clicking her tongue against her teeth. “Said that I needed to evacuate my suite immediately. He wouldn’t give me a reason either, the scoundrel. Well, of course, I am going downstairs to inform him that unless he can provide a reason suitable enough to be deemed an emergency, then I have no intention of giving up my suite. Where would I meet with you, then? In the lobby?” She rolled her eyes at the sheer absurdity. It was then that she noticed Judy’s retinue and a small frown creased her otherwise flawless features. Someone called for her in the room, but when she went to close the door, Francesca shoved her foot into it. “May I?” she asked Judy. “You may.” Squaring her shoulders, Francesca took a deep breath. She had been apprenticed to Judy since the day that she sucked up most of a town hall meeting. With fervent admiration, she had applied herself to her training, attempting to learn the secret behind the vacuum powers. Of course, she would never be able to catch up to Judy, but she hoped to be able to stand by her side. Her lips parted. The businesswoman cocked her head to the side and watched as she began to suck. “What do you think you’re doing?” she said. “I’ll call security.” “Purse your lips,” Judy said, folding her arms. “Deep breath.” Francesca’s eyes narrowed. The businesswoman became her sole focus. Her lips felt hot, then heavy. They emitted a low whine as the normal amount of air they could take in was surpassed. A button on the businesswoman's jacket flew off. Then another. She looked down at her coat, baffled by the curious display, but not desperate enough to run. Her coat fluttered in a sudden breeze, pulled toward the model’s lips. The businesswoman took a step back and found that she was walking through molasses. “Stop that,” she snapped, clinging to the doorframe. “Stop that this instant.” Judy watched Francesca with pride. She loved her then, sexy and powerful, able to stand up for herself in any situation. She knew how badly Francesca wanted to please her, so she allowed her to test her powers at every opportunity. However, sometimes the poor girl got in over her head. The businesswoman wasn’t moving. Frustrated, Francesca clenched her fists and sucked in as hard as she could. The businesswoman’s feet left the ground. She screamed. Her coat flew off, torn from her back by the force of Francesca’s lips. It was sucked down and digested. Doors were opening down the hall now and footsteps could be heard. Judy placed a hand on Francesca’s shoulder and, exhausted, she closed her mouth. There were tears in her eyes. “I’m sorry Judy,” she said. “I’m not strong enough.” “It’s okay,” Judy said, glancing at the approaching crowd. “You did good. Let me handle the rest.” It only took a second. Judy put her lips together. All at once, the air in the suite disappeared, sucked deep into Judy’s lungs. The resulting vacuum tore the doors from their hinges. Dust, glasses and guests were swept off of the floor and between Judy’s lips, each folding in on themselves and forcing themselves into her stomach where they were digested in turn. Judy closed her eyes, enjoying the sensation, enjoying the ease at which she could now command her powers. She felt the businesswoman enter her and purred with delight. It was a pleasure to digest the woman who had given her subordinate so much trouble. Francesca watched, hands clasped together in awe. Guests were pulled from the innermost depth of the suite and yet none of the furniture was disturbed. Judy was in control. She swallowed, although she didn’t have to, letting her girls watch the bob of her throat. Everything inside of her was absorbed. “You’re amazing,” Francesa said. “Amazing,” Cass yelled. “Phenominal!” “So beautiful too!” “I love you Judy.” Judy basked in the praise. It was normal for her to clear out rooms this easily, but the fact that it amazed her girls made her smile. What a life she lived, where she could do what she wanted and was adored for her efforts. Why didn’t everyone live this way? Well, she thought, stepping into the suite. Not everyone has these amazing powers. The phone was ringing when she entered. She took it from the table and answered. “Hello? Debrah? I thought I told you to leave the suite. I’ll comp your rooms. I’ll let you use the meeting hall. Just, please-” “Sorry hun,” Judy said. “Debrah just left.” Silence fell on the other end of the line. Burns cleared his throat. “P-please let me call the other room. This diplomat. They are important. I am sure that they will move if I just stress to them enough that I, ah, made a mistake in booking. Please, be patient.” “For how much this hotel costs, your service sure is crappy,” Judy said. “Do you typically overbook your rooms like this?” “No ma’am. Please. It was a mistake. I will refund the cost of the rooms to you, full price.” “Alright,” Judy said. “I am a reasonable person. I’ll wait for the next five minutes and if my floor isn’t cleared out by then, I will take it upon myself.” “Thank you.” Click. The suite that had previously been occupied by the businesswoman and her guests turned out to be a rather luxurious 5 bedroom affair. Each room had its own bathroom with a hot tub and a waterfall style shower. The girls ran about, each claiming their spot. The master bedroom, equipped with a pull-out massage table and a glorious view of the beech was, or course, reserved for Judy. She sat on the edge of the bed and looked out the window, watching the tiny specks moving about below. “Francesca?” she called. The girl approached from the door, her hands behind her back. She stood beside Judy and bowed her head. “I’m sorry,” she began. “You wouldn’t have had to inconvenience yourself if I was better at my job.” “I’m not worried about it,” Judy said. She stood and put her hands on Francesca’s shoulders. Francesca was an inch taller, but she lowered herself to Judy’s height. “You’re just starting out. Do you like what your lips can do?” Francesca’s eyes lit up. “Oh yes,” she said. “I love being able to dust a room in seconds without needing a vacuum. I like being able to move things and clean. You don’t realize how much rubbish we keep until you can make it all disappear. And when the room is shiny? It makes my skin tingle.” “That’s what I’m teaching you,” Judy said. “You don’t have to try so hard to be like me.” “But you’re so...so amazing. I know I’ll never be as good, but if I could at least be in the ballpark? That’s all I want. To be worthy of staying by your side.” Judy placed her hand on the small of Francesca’s back and led her to the window. They looked down at the beach together, each lost in their own thoughts. Judy pointed out the small figure of a woman lying on a towel. “If you wanted to, could you suck her up?” “No,” Francesca said, shaking her head. “Not from this height.” “What about if you were right next to her?” “Then, yes. Even if she grabbed something, eventually her arms would give out. I can be persistent when I want to be.” “Yes,” Judy laughed. “Yes you can be. And that’s what this is about. Being with me is never having to worry about annoyances. Life is too short to be tedious. Wherever we go we will have rooms and wine and each other. So relax, Fran. Let your hair down.” Francesca tried. Before meeting Judy, she had been nothing special. A student in-between majors. There really wasn’t a rhyme or reason to why she was at that town hall meeting. It had just been something to do. She and her boyfriend had just gone through a nasty breakup after he had left for medical school and she had been lonely. Judy promised that Francesca would never be lonely again. Humans can’t drop their worries so easily. They are, by nature, a species inextricably tied to their woes. Francesca was experimenting with happiness, dipping her toes in the water of enjoyment and letting it wash away some of the weight that life had left on her shoulders. It was nice, but in the back of her head, she wondered if it would last. “I’ll think about it,” Francesca said, frowning. She left the room, closing the door behind her. The rest of the girls were in their rooms, lounging on their beds or testing the many features of the showers. Francesca wandered into the living room, dusting as she went. The tiny particles zipped between her lips with no effort, coming as she commanded. It all disappeared with a twitch of her mouth. Crumbs, plastic wrappers and food scraps were next. Francesca couldn’t let Judy live in a pigsty if even for a moment. She clicked her tongue at the thought of the messy guests that had been digested minutes earlier. “Trash,” she muttered. A chandelier glittered above the dining room table. It was a huge mahogany affair that must have weighed two tons and cost a fortune. Francesca paced around the table, lips pursed, sucking gently at the chandelier and causing it to spin on its axis. It shed glittering light across the room, refracting the rays of the sun through the window. Francesca smiled. “Not bad,” someone said, Francesca whipped around to find Cass sitting in one of the chairs. She had been watching her for the past two minutes, silently dazzled by the display. Her own powers weren’t quite on par with Francesca, but it didn’t matter. Cass was just grateful to be a part of the crew. “What’s the itinerary for today?” she said. “The diplomat or whoever evacuated as soon as she got the call, which was smart. I’m not sure if I should absorb that concierge or thank him for his service.” “He gave us this room without much fuss and he’s scared stiff of Judy. I don’t think he’ll be a problem.” Cass hummed. She too liked the older gentleman, as far as the fact that she didn’t think he would be much fun to suck up. Cass liked to play with her food, after all. “I want to go to the beach,” she complained. “When is everyone going to be ready?” “Soon. Be patient.” The two women stared at each other. Francesca wondered if Cass had something against her. She had joined later on and by that point, Francesca was already Judy’s right hand gal. Still, Cass had never done anything to make her question her loyalty. They were cordial, if not close. “Fine,” Cass said, slumping on the table. “But I want a massage. Do you think they have cute masseurs? I want to feel Fabio sliding down my throat.” “Funny,” Francesca said. “I thought you prefered girls.” “For fun, not for food.” “Hmm.” Cass pursed her lips and began to play with the chandelier. It swayed toward her on its metal hinge. Francesca, barely aware of what she was doing, tugged it back. Cass narrowed her eyes. The two both turned to face the center of the table. Francesca opened her throat. Cass gripped the edge of the table. Tug-of-war had begun. Francesca had the clear upper hand. In terms of firepower, she had the bigger guns. The chandelier pulled toward her, drawn back by the power of her lips. Not to be outdone, Cass took a step back, focusing right on the edge. She narrowed her vacuum and took control, crystals tinkling as they changed direction. Steel strained as Francesca countered with a strong pull of her own. Cass sucked harder. Crystals hummed. The ceiling shook. Then, all at once, it gave in. The chandelier came crashing down onto the table, shattering into a thousand vibrant pieces. Both Francesca and Cass ducked. They stared at each other under the table, wide-eyed, adrenaline pumping. Then they began to laugh. “Ho-holy shit!” Cass said, pulling herself back up. “That thing must have cost a million dollars.” “They can, ohoho, charge it to the room!” Their animosity was drowned in giggling fits. Thin shards stuck in their hair and clothes. The rest of the girls had come to investigate, Judy pushing her way through the crowd. With barely a glance, the chandelier, shards and all of the ceiling plaster that fell was folded neatly into her mouth and swallowed down. “Not as good as people,” Judy said, her lips thick and glossy. “But I’ve never tried crystal before. Thank you for the treat.” All of the girls were dressed in their bathing suits. Judy herself was wearing a two-piece with fabric crossing her stomach. It highlighted her opulent breasts and long legs. The rest of the girls were wearing less-expensive, if skimpier, versions. “C’mon,” one said, bouncing on her feet. “I want to get to the beach.” “Of course you do, Sandy,” Cass said. Sandy rolled her eyes. It wasn’t the first time she had heard that joke. Luckily, Judy turned and took her by the arm, eliciting envious stares as they walked toward the elevator. “Meet us by the pool,” she called over her shoulder. Francesca and Cass both scrambled to their rooms. They didn’t have to worry about extra glass. Judy had gotten everything down to the last molecule and they had barely felt a breeze. Francesca changed into her black one-piece, snapping it into place over her thin shoulders. Inspecting herself in the mirror and finding herself up to snuff, she opened the door at the same time that Cass tumbled out of her room. “Shall we?” Francesca asked, extending a hand. “Lets!” They made their way to the elevator, skipping like schoolgirls, happy that whatever unspoken friction between them had lifted. --- The pool attendant ended up being the first casualty. She was busy shuttling drinks around when the girls arrived. She had nodded to a cluster of free chairs. “Help yourself,” she said. Sandy couldn’t take her eyes off of her. She watched the girl carry her plastic tray filled with margaritas and mixed drinks to each of the patrons, serving them with a smile. Her blond hair hung loose over her shoulders. She had freckles and Sandy was a sucker for freckles. “May I,” Sandy asked. Judy looked up from her book, glancing toward the pool girl. “Yep,” she said. Giddy, Sandy waited until she was standing beside her chair, waiting for her order. She looked sweaty and irritated in her polo and shorts, but the smile never left her face. “What can I get you, ma’am?” she asked. “I’d like a sip of you, you tall drink of water,” Sandy responded. Every one of the girls, including Judy, groaned. Sandy, true to her name, was anything but smooth. The pool girl rolled her eyes and tapped her pen on her notepad. “Not on the menu,” she said. “Maybe a piña colada?” It was a brutal wipeout. Cass and Francesca arrived just in time to see the girls averting their eyes, too embarrassed to watch the scene unfolding before them. Sandy tried another pick-up line to no avail. The pool girl was bouncing on her toes, eager to get back to her busy-work. “Look,” she said. “I ain’t picking up what you’re putting down. Not that I have anything against girls likin’ girls. You’re very pretty. However, I don’t swing that way, comprende?” “Ooh,” Cass whispered. “Total shutdown. Sandy isn’t gonna like that.” Indeed, Sandy didn’t. Her face turned a bright shade of scarlet and her fists clenched at her sides. When the pool girl saw that she wasn’t going to respond, she turned her back. Big mistake. Sandy put her lips together. Francesca moved to stop her, but Judy put out an arm. She lowered her sunglasses, leveling a significant look at her. Sandy had only ever been able to digest immobile humans and even that was a recent development. This was a test. The pool girl stopped in her tracks. She scratched at her back, annoyed at the fatigue she suddenly felt weighing on her shoulders. It was only 2pm and there were 4 hours left of her shift. She better not be getting tired. Another step forward proved futile. She frowned. Was she having a stroke? Nobody noticed the display. Sandy was subtle about her influence, spreading it without a sound. The vortex between her lips was centered squarely on the pool girl’s shoulder blades for a devious reason. When the pool girl jerked herself forward, she found herself off balance. That’s when Sandy struck. The breeze became a gale force centered directly on the pool girl’s head. She was yanked by her hair between Sandy’s lips, screaming as her body was compressed and sent down her throat only to be digested and absorbed. The scream drew attention to the girls, all of whom pretended to be looking somewhere else. Only Judy smiled at the gawking crowd. “Well done,” she said, patting Sandy on the shoulder. “That was something special.” “Thank you,” Sandy said. Her cheeks were still red. Her lips were swollen with effort. She bit the bottom one, feeling around in her stomach for any trace of the pool girl. There was none. “Alright,” Judy said. “I’m getting tired of being stared at. Girls?” Francesca bobbed her head. Cass smiled. Sandy stood, weak at the knees, but ready to prove herself once more. The rest of the girls spread out in a rough semi-circle, each pointed in a different direction. The guests stirred. They knew something was about to happen, but they didn’t know what. Only Judy looked calm and relaxed, reclining in her seat with her shades down. “Avoid the staff. I want someone around to shuttle drinks.” Francesca, eager to be the first, walked right up to the feet of a tan sunbather. The woman put down her magazine and nudged her husband, but by then, it was too late. The vacuum force ripped her from the chair. Her drink went flying, shattering against the concrete, and the guests were silent. There was only the soft glug of Francesca swallowing. No sign of the woman remained. Then, chaos. Guests were flung screaming from their chairs. The girls combined their powers to create a wind tunnel. All that were caught in the gale were pulled toward their growing lips. The guests clawed at the ground. They reached for moorings. Anyone in the pool was thrown violently against the sides as the water was pulled and pushed. All the while, Judy kept an experienced eye on the fence. Some luckier guests had avoided the initial vacuum and were trying to climb the gates. She pulled them back with a lazy flick of the lips. Had she wanted to suck them up, it would have been a trivial matter, but instead she just pulled them as far as the edge of the pool and left them to the whims of her girls. Sandy was laughing as she worked, taking the bustiest guests for herself. Her eyes were alight with childish glee. She would close her mouth right as the women got to her lips, planting a firm kiss of both of their cheeks before sucking them down. It was pleasurable, the feeling of their folded bodies disappearing into her gut. Meanwhile, Cass and Francesca had teamed up. Both were trying to outdo each other in a bid to garner Judy’s attention. Their lips were puffed to twice their normal size. They sucked indiscriminately, men and women tumbling toward them. Francesca was up to 6 guests. Cass had only 5. They both focused on the last woman, a life guard who had managed to cling to her post. “Please,” she yelled. “Please don’t.” Cass moved toward her, but Judy held her back. She would have to pull her away from the post with the force of her lips alone. Cass and Francesca leveled their shoulders, sucking the air deep into their lungs, increasing the power. When they leveled their lips at the lifeguard, it was the strongest vacuum that either of them had ever managed. The lifeguard’s shoulder was nearly torn from its socket. She screamed into the wind. Nobody was around to help her. They had all been sucked up and digested. The lifeguard clung with both hands. Her feet were an inch off the ground. She looked for all the world like a flag fluttering in a strong breeze right up until the moment that she was ripped free, shooting toward Cass and Francesca. Both dove to the side, each using the movement to try to pull the lifeguard toward them. She was caught in the deadly tug-of-war, too sore to even scream. Her eyes rolled in their sockets. Her hands were stretched toward Francesca while her feet pointed toward Cass. Both girls were advancing slowly. The lifeguard’s toes were almost to Cass’ lips. Her fingers wiggled between Francesca’s. If it had been a contest of endurance, Cass might have won. But, with their puckered lips so close to the victim, strength prevailed. The lifeguard was folded down Francesca’s throat, digested and absorbed in an instant. “Holy fuck,” Sandy said. The pool was now cleared. Most of the chairs had been caught in the maelstrom, but a few lay around in chaotic patterns. Two staff members had survived. One approached. “D-do you all want something to drink?” she asked through gritted teeth. “Yes,” Judy said. “Piña Coladas all around please. And I would like mine with a slice of orange, if that can be arranged.” “I’m sure it can.” The staff member all but ran back into the building. Judy hoped, for the sake of the hotel populace, that she came back. She turned to address her girls. “That was fantastic,” she said. “I am so proud of each and every one of you.” The girls beamed. Judy’s praise was what they lived for. Under her tutelage, there was nothing that they would have to worry about ever again. Each one kissed Judy’s hand, wandering off to hop in the pool or secure a good chair. Only Cass and Francesca remained by her side. “And you two,” Judy murmured. “You both did especially well. Would you care to join me for dinner tonight? We’ll go out on the town. The others can order some dine-in. I’ve heard that the food here is up to our standards.” “I would love to,” Francesca said. “Yes please,” Cass squeaked. Judy nodded at them, adjusting the strap of her bikini. She watched a flock of seagulls wing their way over the pool. A brief bit of suction knocked one from the sky. It wavered, flapping to readjust, head swiveling as if confused by the sudden wind. Judy smiled. She could hear the pounding of the ocean against the shore, tantalizingly close. She snuck a glance at Cass and Francesca from behind her sunglasses. The two were applying sunscreen. Francesca’s hands glided along Cass’ shoulder blades, thumbs pressed into her sides. They laughed. Judy couldn’t remember the last time she had seen them laugh together. Usually Francesca kept her distance from the group. The other staff member came back with two trays balanced on her arms, icy glasses perspiring as she passed them out. She poked a paper straw into each drink, experly vanishing the wrappers into her short apron. If she had any animosity about watching her guests devoured in front of her, she didn’t show it. “Is that all?” she asked politely. “Yes,” Judy said. “But please stay close. We’ll be heading to the beach soon and I can tell we’ll need more refreshments.” The girl opened her mouth, perhaps to tell Judy that she was a pool attendant, not a personal servant, but then she thought better of it. She stuck out her jaw and nodded. Judy reached into her clamshell purse and pulled out a hundred dollar bill. “For you,” she said. “Don’t let anybody say I’m not generous.” The girl took it and waited. “What?” “I have to be dismissed,” she said. “Or I’d get in trouble.” “Shoo,” Judy said, waving her hand. Francesca had watched the exchange with interest. She liked the stubborn set of the girl’s shoulders and the coldness of her eyes. She could tell Judy was thinking the same thing. “New recruit?” she asked. “Maybe,” Judy muttered. “Depends on how long we stay here. I’d have to break her in.” “You didn’t have to break me in.” “No, but that’s because you’re both smart and charming.” Francesca blushed at the compliment. She continued to tap on her plastic seat, scanning the windows for any unforeseen guests. A couple had approached the pool, but upon seeing the hostility in Francesca’s eyes, they had wisely changed course toward the rec center. “Fran?” Judy said. “Yeah?” “Go have fun. That’s an order.” “Oh. Yes. If you say so.” After an hour of pool volleyball and races, the girls were ready for the beach. Sandy led the charge, whooping as she dove into the cold ocean waters. She bobbed to the surface, blonde hair plastered to her shoulders, a strand of seaweed caught in her bikini. “Come on in!” she yelled. Some of the girls joined her in the water. Some stayed on the shore where they occupied themselves by sucking up immense quantities of sand. Where it should have scratched their throats, instead it went down in satisfying waves, digesting and absorbing like anything else that they managed to vacuum. Judy tutored them, adjusting their mouths for maximum impact. She demonstrated how it was possible to expand the suction in a wide range or narrow it for pinpoint accuracy. At the end of the demonstration, she gulped down two runners that happened to be passing by. The divots their feet left in the sand were soon washed away by the tide. Cass busied herself with a game of her own making. She tapped a surfer on the shoulder, burying his face in her bosom when he turned around. “Do you want to have some fun with me?” she asked. “Oh God yes,” he said. Just before their lips touched, Cass inhaled deeply. She moaned at the sensation of an entire man crumpling in her mouth. His absorption spread liquid fire through her stomach and chest. Sandy was a little less subtle. When she got bored of playing in the ocean, she found a woman sunbathing. She was lying facedown on her towel, earbuds in, oblivious to the world. Sandy tapped her on the shoulder. “Hey,” she said. “My name’s Sandy. What’s yours, cutie?” “Martha,” the woman said. “And, I’m sorry, but I’m just waiting for my boyf-” Before she could finish, Sandy planted her lips on her forehead. “Don’t worry,” she said, gliding a finger along Martha’s jaw. “This isn’t going to hurt a bit.” Martha tried to yell, but the air was sucked out of her lungs. She looked up in horror as Sandy’s lips grew, mouth focused on hers. Martha pulled back, frantically pedaling against her towel. Sandy let her get about ten feet away before pulling her back down. “I’m kind of tired of being shut down without an explanation,” Sandy said. “It’s not good for a girl’s self-esteem.” “I- I told you,” the woman choked. “I have a boyfriend.” “So? Is he prettier than me?” Martha didn’t know how to answer. This girl was insane. Sandy was crouching, grinning as she fingered a line in the sand. “Here’s the game,” she said. “I won’t move beyond this line. You will run away as fast as you can, but if I catch you, I get to suck you up. Deal?” “No,” the woman said. The color was draining from her tan face. “No. I’ll have sex with you.” “No,” Sandy said kindly. “You lost that chance. You’ll never know what it feels like to have my hot body on top of yours. But I’ll know what you feel like soon enough. Get running.” Martha did. She made it twenty feet. -- “So. How are you liking the beach?” Francesca sat in front of Judy, blowing on a spoonful of onion soup. Twin opals dangled from her ears. She was overdressed for the restaurant Judy chose, but that wasn’t unusual. There were very few places Francesca visited where she wasn’t overdressed. “Good,” she said. Cass was in the bathroom. Despite their newfound friendship, Francesca was glad to get Judy alone for a while. “It’s nice to take a break. I don’t know what I’ll do with myself when we head back to the city.” “Anything you want,” Judy said, leaning back in her chair. A napkin flew between her lips. She gulped, barely taking notice. “The world is your oyster.” “That’s kind of the problem, isn’t it? I’m not sure what I want to do. Like, lounging around is fun, but eventually my leg starts shaking and I just get this, I dunno, craving for something that I can’t define.” “I used to be like that,” Judy said. “I wanted so badly to be a model, and once I started landing gigs, I hated it. It wasn’t like anybody lied to me about what the profession was like. It just soured. Then I found these lip powers.” “And that’s your purpose?” Francesca asked. “Why not? I could tear this place down brick-by-brick if I wanted to and it would feel great. Your problem is that you’re thinking in the distant future. What do you want now? Right now? This very instant?” Francesca thought about it. The dining room was noisy. It pricked at her consciousness. Her shoulders hunched. She just wanted it to be quiet. “Quiet,” she said. Judy clapped her hands. Immediately, a server was at her side. “Is there any way we could be moved to a private table?” Judy asked. “Certainly,” the server said. The first thing Judy had done when she entered the restaurant was gulp down the occupants of the table they were sitting at now. If she wanted a private table, then the server would be damned if she didn’t get one. “See?” Judy said, collecting her purse. “Come along. Cass will find us eventually.” They were moved upstairs to a small booth tucked away in the corner. Heavy curtains were drawn around them. All noise was dampened. Francesca pricked her ears and yet she couldn’t hear a sound. “Interesting,” she muttered. There was still a pit in her stomach. She felt guilty for making Judy do something so drastic for her for no reason. “I don’t know, Judy. It just feels weird. I’m not used to it. Life was so boring before I met you and I guess I’m just afraid? That it will become boring again?” Her statements were coming out as questions. Judy leaned across the table and kissed her forehead. Her lips smacked against the bronze skin. “Relax. Let yourself relax. You’re allowed to have fun.” “I think I’m just a goal-oriented person,” Francesca sniffed. “Always have been. I’ve got a planner and a calendar app. I know where all of the girls are at all times. A real type A, that’s what I am. I’m not sure I know how to relax.” “Think, Fran. What do you want? Now that it’s quiet. What do you want right now?” Francesca knew what she wanted, but the words scared her. “I, uh, want to clear this place out,” she said. “I want us to be the only ones in the restaurant beside the chefs and maybe a server. Maybe they could play some music and we could call the girls and we’d just dance and laugh and get too drunk before heading back to the hotel, sucking up anybody who gets in our way. Sandy would pick up some girl and be too loud. Cass had her eye on one of the bellhops.” “And you?” Judy asked. “I don’t know,” Francesca whispered. It wasn’t the truth, but Judy looked so loving that Francesca couldn’t voice her greatest desire. Not yet. Maybe when she was able to suck up this entire restaurant by herself. Maybe then she’d tell Judy what she really wanted. Judy took her by the hand and pulled aside the curtain. Cass was coming up the stairs, licking her bloated lips. It looked like the server had taken too long telling her where they went. “C’mon,” Judy said. “We’re gonna have some fun.” “Goodie,” Cass said. “It’s been a while since we did something this big.” They stood in the lobby, blocking the doors. Judy folded her arms across her enormous chest, taking in the scale of the dining room. There were 14 tables, all filled. Portraits, vases, a grand piano. Carts, servers, and cutlery. Before Judy, they were but grains of sand. “Do you two want to help?” she asked. “Nah,” Cass said. “I just want to watch the fireworks.” “Same here,” Francesca said. “I’ve already texted the girls. They should be here soon.” “Then I’d better clean up,” Judy said. If she had been alone, she might have taken the time to savor every individual sensation as the first table-full of people were folded effortlessly between her lips. She particularly enjoyed the looks on their faces, powerless to stop her. Panic, confusion, and then resignation. What did it feel like, flying down her throat? The table itself was sucked up, cutlery and all, and the guests were starting to scream. One of them threw something at Judy. A shoe arcing toward her head was blown off course. “You bitch,” the guest yelled. It was the diplomat from the hotel. Her dress had been torn from her shoulder. Such was the force of Judy’s lips. A pale, perky breast jiggled in the lamplight. “You bitch,” she repeated, taking off her other shoe. “Someone will stop you. The police. They’ll be here soon. Do you think you can get away with this?” Francesca stepped forward, motioning for Judy to continue her work. As another handful of guests were pulled kicking and screaming toward her mentor, Francesca approached the diplomat. A shoe thudded against her shoulder. She didn’t flinch. “Listen,” Francesca told the trembling woman. Her retinue had all run off. The diplomat was alone at her table. Francesca stroked her hair, sliding her hand along the diplomat’s bare skin. Something in her chest loosened. Francesca smiled. There were tears in her eyes, but she laughed as she brushed them away. “I’ve had a trying night,” she said. “There’s a lot on my mind and honestly, I’m a bit of a mess. So please, don’t take this personally, but I am going to enjoy digesting you now.” The warmth of the diplomat absorbing in her stomach did little to ease her anxiety, but when Francesca looked back toward Judy and saw the pride in her eyes, she couldn’t help but feel like things were going to be okay. Judy and Francesca Francesca stood on the front porch with her coffee in hand, overlooking the valley that spread beneath the hill where their house lay perched, an antiquated Victorian protector of the grasslands below. Her robe fluttered in the late summer breeze, tickling at the bare skin beneath. The smell of flowers drifted up to her and she breathed deep. Heaven is what Francesca would call the home that she now occupied, but not because of the valley or the breeze or the way the fields burned orange when the sun set. No, heaven to Francesca could have been a two-room flat in the middle of a polluted city if it meant she got so share it with Judy. They had been living together for the past month and every day was a new adventure. Together, they had explored the vineyards that surrounded their plot of land, frequenting wine tastings during the day and eating under the stars at night. Their back patio was a circular arrangement of bricks that waterfalled down the hill. A maid would bring them drinks and they would splash the pool until exhaustion and a need for each other’s bodies drove them back into the bedroom. It had been a whirlwind existence for Francesca and a far cry from what either of them were used to. Of course, they still had their marvelous lip powers. Judy went through a servant a week. It seemed like they couldn’t go into town without at least four or five people being sucked effortlessly into her plump and precious lips. It was so easy for her that she almost forgot she was doing it until the pleasant warmth of their digestion caused her to purr somewhere deep in the back of her throat. Francesca loved to watch her work and occasionally partook herself. Most of the time, she would clean their house top to bottom, laughing as the dust was sucked cheerfully into her own glorious set of amazing and dangerous lips. It made her happy, the ease of which she could now take in chairs, benches, and vendor carts when she walked down to the lake. None of the townspeople were very happy about the arrangement, but knowing that Judy could consume their entire house in less than a second kept most of them in check. “Fran?” Dressed in a light tee shirt and shorts, Judy poked her head out of the door. Her hair was tied up in a messy bun with strands of golden hair pulled every which way by the breeze. She held a mug of tea in one hand the paper in another. “There you are,” she yawned, letting the screen door slam behind her so that she could sink into one of the porch chairs. “There should still be breakfast on the table. What’s-her-name made eggs and bacon and some kind of crescent rolls.” “Meg?” “Mmm, they go so fast that I can’t keep track.” Francesca placed her coffee on the table and sat in her lap. Her robe spread just enough that Judy could see the bare skin of her stomach as Francesca kissed her. “Ready to put those lips to good use?” Francesca asked. “Aren’t you getting cocky,” Judy murmured, but she kissed her girlfriend twice before opening her newspaper. Francesca wrapped her arms around her neck and together they read the daily headlines. “There’s a new winery opening soon,” Francesca said. “Isn’t there always?” Judy shifted, reaching for her mug of tea. She put it to her lips and pulled back. It was still too hot. “Seems like there’s another one every month,” Francesca said, turning the page. “I wonder if they’ll have good food.” “We need an in-house chef.” “You keep sucking them up.” “Oh well. The sun was well above the trees by the time Judy and Francesca went inside to shower. The front hall was lined with curios that they had collected while traveling around their small part of the world. As they walked, Judy sucked up the small bits of dirt that had collected between the slats of the hardwood floor. Their maid kept her shoes on inside, at the direction of Francesca, just so that there would always be something to vacuum around the house. The smooth whir of Judy’s lips and the satisfied hum as she sucked up the dirt and debris sent a warm shiver down Francesca’s spine. She wanted to join in. “Should we go to France?” Judy said, stripping off her shirt. “I hear it’s really nice right now. We could rent a little cottage next to Monet’s house.” “We haven’t even gone to all of the restaurants in Westmont yet,” Francesca reminded her, dropping her robe. Their shower was a huge rectangular shell of glass with a showerhead in the ceiling that rained down on them as they lathered their lithe bodies, bumping hips. “Besides, we’ve got the rest of California to explore. I heard that Sandy’s set up some kind of beauty school up near San Francisco. What?” Judy had stopped shampooing her hair and was staring at Francesca with her mouth quirked. “You’re so smart,” she said. “I’m just amazed that you stick with me.” “It’s for the house.” “Harr harr. You really have gotten more confident. Think you could vacuum up an entire restaurant worth of people without your face turning bright red?” Francesca tapped a finger against her lips. They got bigger the more she used her powers. Right now, they looked full and rosey against her bronze skin. “Probably,” she said. “Yes, remember when we went to visit Cass? She took us to that barbeque place and you had me suck up everyone and everything and I think I did a good job.” “Yes you did,” Judy said, kissing her neck. She took the soap from Francesca’s hand and tossed it onto the bench. Her lips made their way over Francesca’s shoulders and down to her hips, covering the slopes of her body. “Did I ever reward you for that?” “Yes,” Francesca breathed. “But I could use a refresher.” Judy’s hands spread across Francesca’s hips. She pushed her up against the side of the shower and kissed her once. “This is just the hors d’oeuvre,” she said as her fingers found purchase in Francesca’s sensitive slit. Her eyelashes fluttered. Their lips met again. “No dessert until later.” “Okay,” Francesca gasped, as if she wouldn’t accept anything that Judy told her at that moment. --- A scenic trail led from their house to the town. Francesca and Judy passed bikers, joggers and other merry-goers along the route, each giving them a wide berth. Judy would smile at them as she passed, nearly causing one biker to run into a fence as he swerved away. Everyone kept their eyes locked on her dangerous lips. “You have a reputation,” Francesca said. She was walking on top of the low wooden fence with her arms outstretched, ducking to avoid tree branches that scraped by overhead. The scent of apples mixed with the breeze coming off the lake. Francesca could see it glimmering through the trees. “They’ll get over it,” Judy said, reaching for her hand. “But if one more woman sneers at me over her shoulder, I think I’m going to turn this place into a ghost town.” “Then who would run the restaurants?” “Grumble grumble.” Francesca laughed, hopping the fence and pulling Judy after her. Tall grass slapped against their ankles as they walked down to the lake. In the mid-morning heat, the water provided a much-needed sanctuary for the residents of Westmont. Families had set up blankets along the shore. Kids splashed in the shallow water as their parents lay back with their books. Couples walked along the outer track, occasionally bouncing stones across the clear lake. Sand clung to the soles of Francesca’s feet. She tossed her shoes onto the grass and waded out into the water until she was knee-deep. “You coming?” she called. Judy ran a hand over her skirt. The sun was hot and the water looked nice, but the thought of her feet squelching in the mud made her stomach turn. She shook her head and made her way to a shady spot beneath one of the crabapple trees. Francesca shrugged and went back to playing in the water. The trouble started when a young woman wearing high-waisted shorts spotted Judy from across the lake. She tore off her hat and tossed it to the man she was walking with before jogging along the track toward Judy. Francesca saw her coming just as she turned in the water, but was too far to physically stop her. Instead, she pursed her lips and in a single effortless gust, pulled the woman into the lake. “How dare you!” she spluttered, blond curls sticking to the base of her neck. “Do you know how much this dress cost?” Francesca rolled her eyes. The woman’s pink dress looked like it was made from cheap linen. By contrast, Francesca’s wool shirt probably cost three times what the dress was worth. “No,” she said, pulling the woman up by the arm. “But if you don’t want to end up as a warm spot in Judy’s stomach, then you’re gonna want to keep walkin’.” The man who had been accompanying the woman caught up, taking her by the hand and tugging her back to shore. “Sorry!” he said, flicking a nervous glance at Judy, who was still lying beneath the tree. “We’ll get going now.” “Like hell we will!” the woman shrieked. “Not until that bitch tells me what happened to Penny!” Francesca followed the line of her accusatory finger. Judy peaked over her sunglasses and winked at her before settling back down. The message was clear: You can handle this. “We are really really sorry,” the man repeated, trying to get his arms around the woman’s waist. She bit at his finger and he yelped, dropping her. Another short breath from Francesca and she was back on her ass, baffled. “Listen,” Francesca said, crouching down next to the woman. “It would be the simplest thing in the world for me to suck you up right now. In fact, it would be delightful. I really like the feeling of how easy it is to gulp down ninnies like you. But, I am in a great mood today, and if you get on your feet right now and walk your ass back across that lake, then you can leave here with your life intact. Sound good?” The woman went pale. The man finally succeeded in grabbing her and tugging her back onto the track. He got her about fifty paces away before she turned and flipped off Francesca. Big mistake. Francesca squared her shoulders and folded her arms across her chest. She smiled. It was fun, taking these idiots down a peg, and besides, she hadn’t vacuumed someone up in the past day or three. The woman thought she was safe, halfway across the lake, and she might have been if she had met Francesca a month earlier. But not now. Her lips pursed together and she inhaled, slowly at first. Controlling the stream was as effortless as breathing for her. All she had to do was point in the direction and boom, no more annoyances. The woman was jerked backward by the shirt. The man watched flabbergasted as she was dragged through the mud toward Francesca. This is nice, Francesca thought. Maybe I should have given this one to Judy. Her lips swelled as her power carried the woman between them, twisting her, folding her down into her throat to be digested in her stomach. Francesca closed her eyes and gulped. The action wasn’t necessary, but it felt good. The feeling spread through her arms and legs as the woman was absorbed with no fuss at all. “I feel bad for the guy,” she said, turning to Judy. “He tried to stop her.” “Right,” Judy yawned. “There’s just no helping some people. Do you want to continue our walk?” “I do,” Francesca said. “But now I’m kind of peckish.” “Ah.” Judy smiled. She pulled herself up along the tree and stretched her stiff back. Maybe Francesca would give her a massage later. They had been trying to keep a low profile for the past week, but the incident with the woman had Judy feeling peckish as well. It was hard not using her powers when it made everything so easy. “Want to make our way to the square and see if there is any fun to be had?” Judy asked. “We haven’t run riot in a while, but people are starting to piss me off.” “Well, let’s eat first, and if you’re still itching for it, then we’ll go to the square.” “Fine.” Judy kept her head low as they walked along the trail. She watched the gentle swell of her lips as they sucked up stray branches along the ground. The tingles that she got as they were swallowed did little to quell the growing itch she had. It was pleasant, sure, but only as pleasant as a tea sandwich when one is expecting a cake. Francesca sometimes threw things into the stream of her vacuum to see if she would suck them up as well. A pinecone, a Tootsie roll, one of the shoes that had flown off the woman when Francesca had dragged her through the mud. It all disappeared down Judy’s throat. “Does that feel nice?” Francesca asked. They were approaching the town. Cyclists and pedestrians alike avoided them. When Judy’s lips were puckered, people stayed out of her way. “It does,” Judy sighed. “But I want more.” Francesca rolled her eyes. “We promised to lay off of people for a while. They’ll move away!” “You just swallowed a woman.” The memory brought back the warm sensation that Francesca got in her belly after a large meal was instantly digested. Like the taste of a sumptuous sweet, it lingered. Excuses started to filter through her head. Well, Sandy probably isn’t holding back. Neither is Cass. Why should Judy and I be the only ones missing out on the fun? Because, Francesca reminded herself. We want people to talk to us. But did they? Francesca would be content with only Judy in her life. With their suction powers, almost anything could be broken down for nutrients. They had a nice and lazy existence and nobody else fit into Francesca’s vision of heaven. Main Street was bustling despite the mid-morning heat. Shoppers ducked in and out of shops, carrying heavy bags full of clothes, goodies, and gizmos. It was a touristy part of town, so instead of stares, Francesca and Judy were greeted with polite nods and dropped jaws. They were both models, after all. Judy waved at the gawkers as she pecked Francesca on the cheek. “C’mon,” she purred, keeping her voice low. “Let’s suck em up. Clear out a clothing shop. You know you want to!” “I do,” Francesca said, tugging her along. “But we have lunch reservations at Venice.” The fancy Italian eatery was the staple of uptown dining. Outside, a cluster of tables were set up under a black and gold awning. Waters in tuxedos shuttled trays of mouth-watering entrees table to table, never faltering in their rigid display of professionalism. Even as Judy and Francesca approached, the mustachioed host merely cocked an eyebrow and shuffled two menus on the podium. “Welcome,” he said. “Will you be dining inside, or outside?” “Outside,” Judy said. “It’s a beautiful day today.” “Indeed. Follow me.” The host led them into the cool shade of the awking, weaving between diners. Their table, a small circular affair with a black tablecloth, was still being cleared by a busboy. As he saw them approach, he whisked the rest of the dishes off the table and tossed them into his tub. He started to sweep the crumbs up too, but Francesca cleared her throat. “No need,” she said. The busboy watched in awe as she puckered her lips and sucked up the crumbs. It looked so easy that he couldn’t contain himself. “How do you do that?” he asked. “Richard,” the host warned. “You have tables to clear.” “Oh! Right. Ciao.” Francesca and Judy sat down and opened their menus. The patio was edged by a magnificent array of plants. Vines crept up the black iron bars, giving the restaurant a rustic feel to it. Soft piano music played over the speakers and Francesca raised her nose as a whiff of fresh baked bread wafted by. “We should come here more often,” she said. “Hmm.” Judy was occupying herself by sucking up cracker packets and debris on the floor. The other guests were looking at her over their shoulders. They turned around when Francesca glared at them. She caught sight of the busboy still looking envious as he cleared a table closer to the podium. “Would you ever teach a man this power?” Francesca asked. “No,” Judy said, gulping down the dirt in one of the planters. None of the grainy soil so much as touched her tongue as it was crushed and compartmentalized inside of her. A satisfied murmur rumbled in the back of her throat. Her cherry-red lips had grown. “I think that this ability is best used by beautiful women like ourselves. Men are crass and have no poise.” “Ah. No wonder. That poor busboy will never feel the unparalleled delight of having his lips puff up as he sucks away his problems.” Francesca rested her chin in her hand and gazed at Judy. She loved it when her lips got puffy and large. She liked to kiss her along the edge of her jaw until she reached those lips. “Orders?” Lost in her daydream, Francesca took a moment to snap back to reality. The waitress was tapping her foot, looking over Francesca’s shoulder. She was a woman in her early thirties with orange hair that was bundled on top of her head, held together with a pair or chopsticks. Her almond-shaped eyes blinked impatiently. “Miss,” she said. “I can start you off with drinks and appetizers, but if you’re not ready, then I will return in just a moment.” Francesca opened her mouth to answer, but Judy beat her to it. “What’s your name?” she asked. “Bisky, ma’am.” “And how long have you worked here?” “Two years.” “Well I’ve been here twice and I’ve never seen you,” Judy said, shaking her head. “Seems like you aren’t all that important.” Bisky frowned. She held her notepad behind her back, spinning the pen across her fingers. She was used to the service industry. The rude comment did little more than annoy her. “Not as important as you, ma’am,” she retorted. “Now what can I get you fine, esteemed ladies?” “I’m getting tired of the sass,” Judy said. The smile hadn’t left her face. Bisky, unaware of the danger she was in, snorted and turned to walk away. She didn’t even make it a step before Judy’s lips folded her into a pretzel and sucked her deep into Judy’s stomach. That radiant warmth spread across her once more. “Well?” she said to Francesca. “Avoid the host and the busboy. Everyone else can go.” “As you wish!” The couple one table over overheard their conversation. The woman knocked over her chair in her attempt to run. The man flipped the table, hoping that it would delay his inevitable fat. It didn’t. Because Francesca had been practicing, and now, there wasn’t much aside from an iron pillar that she couldn’t inhale with grace and ease. One of the chairs rushed between her lips and she closed her eyes. It had been so long since she had last let loose like this. Even without seeing them, she could feel the trajectory of the couple as they tumbled toward her, shrinking, breaking down in her mouth. Gulping them down was as easy as breathing in and the rush of adrenaline she got from swallowing them jolted her nerves and made the experience that much more tantalizing. Her lips were huge. Indomitable. Judy was aiming for the waiters, ignoring the chairs. Small bits of debris kept passing into her mouth, but that was alright. They were appetizers before the main dish. Besides, she liked the fact that her power cleaned wherever she pointed her mouth. A waiter flew between her lips and she savored the feeling of his digestion. This was the meal she had been waiting for. It didn’t take them long to clear out the back deck. The busboy and the host stood stunned by the front of the restaurant. Francesca winked at them as she sucked up the half-eaten meals left on the table. “The food is delicious here,” she said. “Can’t let it go to waste.” “Of course, ma’am,” the host said, ever the professional. “I’m glad you’re enjoying it.” “C’mon,” Judy called from inside. Francesca followed her into the dark building. The bar was devoid of people and as evidenced by the plethora of chairs laying on their sides, the guests had either fled or were already inside of Judy. Francesca felt a pang of annoyance for having missed it. Watching her girlfriend suck people into her mouth with so little effort tickled Francesca’s fetish for control. Meeting Judy had mellowed her out a little, but she still strove for perfection. “Looks like they ran,” Judy said, hands on her hips. Francesca wanted to wrap her arms around her and take her right there on the tables. That confident smirk had melted her since the first time she had seen it. “Right,” Francesca said. “We should go after them.” If Judy hadn’t wanted the guests to run, then they wouldn’t have escaped. This was a game of cat and mouse. They walked out the front door and saw the back of a shoe as someone ducked into an alley. Judy nodded to Francesca who walked across the silent street. All of the other shop owners had locked their doors. They knew what would happen if they harbored fugitives. Francesca caught the man right as he was about to hop a fence. Without so much as a glance at him, she sucked deep. Trash, leaves and the man were all dragged into her mouth. Francesca shuddered as they passed through her. A low moan escaped her bloated lips. Unlike Judy, she couldn’t keep her composure when experiencing such a delectable meal. “Get him?” A woman screamed. Judy had her stripped down to her underwear. As Francesca watched, the bra snapped off of the woman’s slim back and was filtered between Judy’s lips. Then her panties. The control that Judy had over her powers never failed to awe Francesca. As she watched, a low purr rumbled in the back of Judy’s throat. “You shouldn’t have run,” she called to the woman. “If you had just sat in your seat like a good girl, I might have left you alone.” “I didn’t...know.” The woman hiccuped. Her arms were crossed over her modest breasts. The sun beat down on her freckled spine. As far as she knew, it was the last warmth she would ever feel. “I’m really sorry.” “Sorry,” Judy repeated, tapping her lips. “Well, if you’re sorry, then I guess you can go.” Francesca rolled her eyes. It was an easy trap to spot. As soon as Judy turned her back, the woman would run, and then Judy would have to sweep her off of her feet and digest her. The woman, trembling, nodded. “Okay,” she said. Judy smiled at Francesca and turned her back. She took three steps before turning. The woman was still there, naked in the street. “Wow,” Francesca whistled. “She’s got some backbone.” “She does!” Judy said. “I’m impressed. Maybe we could teach her a thing or two.” “Right. I’ll go ask.” The woman stood stock still as Francesca approached. Her mouth was slightly ajar. A butterfly with delicate orange wings flapped on her shoulder, then took to the sky. Francesca waved a hand in front of her eyes and she didn’t blink. “I think she’s unconscious, actually,” she called back to Judy. “Yep! Scared still. I don’t think she would do well with the girls.” “No,” Judy said. “But leave her there. She gets a pass.” Francesca jogged back to Judy and threw an arm around her waist. Together, they strolled down Main Street, keeping an eye out for suspicious movement. That’s when the police arrived. They heard the blip of the squad car approaching. It peeled away from the side street and stopped ten feet ahead of them. An officer threw open the door and stepped out onto the asphalt. He was a young man with broad shoulders, new to the force and sure of his strength. Judy looked at Francesca and rolled her eyes. “What can I help you with, Office Howard?” she asked, reading the name off of his badge. “There was a disturbance,” he said. Officer Howard swaggered up to them, inspecting them from head to toe. His eyes lingered on Francesca’s chest and his eyebrows bobbed behind his sunglasses. He spat on the street. “You fine ladies know anything about a ruckus in a restaurant?” he asked. “The caller said there was a mass panic as two women went crazy.” “No,” Francesca said. “We don’t know anything. We were just taking a walk.” The officer laughed. “You’re too pretty to cause a scene,” he said, patting her shoulder. Francesca slapped his hand away. He smiled and shook his head. “No need to get feisty. Man, the broads in this town are something else. Starting fights in restaurants. Assaulting an officer of the law.” “Assaulting?” Judy snorted. “Yeah,” the officer said, his voice growing cold. “Assaulting. I might have to take you both in unless you apologize. It’s a very serious offense. You could get up to five years in prison and they don’t treat pretty ladies too nice in prison.” “I’m quivering,” Francesca said. “Let’s go, Judy.” The officer held an arm out to stop her. His jaw clenched. His other hand went back toward his belt, as if reaching for his gun. “I’m giving you a fair shot, miss. You had better apologize and you better make it good. I just transferred here from LA and I can do whatever I damn well please. Got dirt on the chief. So, when I say I can make this very unpleasant for you, I mean it.” “Oh no,” Francesca moaned in fake terror. “The big bad officer of the law is going to have his way with me! Whatever will we do, Judy?” “Oh Fran,” Judy cried. “He’s too strong for us weak-willed women! We should just give the kind man what he wants.” “To be inside of us,” Francesca agreed. The officer had been watching the exchange, his dull brain attempting to parse out what was happening. Finally, it clicked. “You’re mocking me!” he roared, drawing his baton. Before he could take a step toward Francesca, he was pulled onto his ass. The baton tumbled from his outstretched hand, right into the sewer. He sat up, scratching his head. “Are you drunk?” Judy said, crouching behind him and poking his shoulder. “Should we call you a ride?” “He can’t even stand properly,” Francesca said. “I wonder how he passed the police exam.” The officer exploded to his feet, diving for Francesca. She took a step back. It was unnecessary. With his hands an inch away from her waist, the officer was pulled backward yet again. Francesca giggled at the sight of Judy swaggering toward him, her chest puffed out as his had been. Her lips were immense. “I thought you were strong!” Judy said. “Why, officer, will they let just anybody into the force these days?” He grunted, staggering to his feet. This time, he could see it when Judy pressed her lips together, leaving just the tiniest gap which whistled as she inhaled. It reminded her of the very first time she had used her lips powers, in the trailer as she was having her makeup applied. The day was just as hot. The feeling was just as exhilarating. Judy liked nothing better than to suck up pretty women and men who thought they were strong. “What’s happening?” the officer said. He resisted the wind to no avail. It pulled him closer to those howling lips. “Stop teasing the gentleman,” Francesca said. “I want to see you get serious.” “Serious?” Judy said, raising an eyebrow. The office were momentarily released from the wind. He sprinted toward his car. “With this guy?” “It would be very sexy to me.” Judy chuckled, but an undercurrent of lust flashed in her eyes. She turned her head toward the car and, in one easy breath, sucked it up, man and all. Her lips bulged as the entire car flew toward her, crumpling and condensing right as it touched her lips. She gasped at the sensation of the large meal passing through her esophagus. The man was there too, a small pocket of energy inside of her. Judy patted her stomach as he was absorbed and digested. “That-” Francesca said. “Was so hot.” “It’s a piece of cake for me now. Think you could do the same?” “No. Probably not. But watching it made me incredibly horny.” “Well let’s go take care of that.” Judy kept her eyes peeled for any stragglers from the restaurant, but none crossed their paths. She and Francesca played a game as they walked, each taking turns puckering their lips and pulling a stick along behind them. The stick bounced and wobbled, but they maintained control, turning it in midair and letting it fall to the ground with a clack. When Judy had it between their legs, Francesca gave it a good pull and swallowed. “Gotcha,” she said. Judy kissed her swollen lips, winding her hands in Francesca’s wavy hair. “That was naughty,” she said. “I’m going to have to punish you for that one.” “Oh no,” Francesca giggled. “Not like that police officer, I hope. Aren’t you afraid we’ll get in trouble?” “Trouble?” Judy said, ducking in front of her. “Didn’t I tell you that a life with me was a life free from trouble? These lips are here to make our lives simple.” “Nothing is simple with you.” “Hey!” Now Francesca kissed Judy. They touched foreheads. Felt each other’s breath. They had only been together for a month, but to Francesca, it was a lifetime. She loved Judy. Needed her. And, there in the hot summer sun, she knew the Judy felt the same way. “I’ll never be as strong as you,” Francesca said. “I know. You don’t need to be. I’ll protect you.” “I can protect myself.” “I know you can, sweet pea.” Hand in hand, they skipped the rest of the way to the house, thrusting past the maid and into the cool hallway. Judy laughed as they bolted up the stairs and into the bedroom. Their clothes were torn off and thrown into a pile in the corner. Her back hit the soft sheets as Francesca climbed on top of her. “I love those lips,” Francesca said, kissing her. “I hope you love the rest of me too,” Judy said. “I do.” Judy reached over Francesca and unpinned her hair. It tumbled over her shoulders, soft against her fingers. Judy ran her hands along Francesca’s back, feeling the tight muscles and the curve of her spine, cat-like and athletic. “I never thought I would date an athlete,” Judy teased. “You’re lithe. Like a tiger.” Francesca snorted, poking a finger at Judy’s own flat belly. “Says the model,” she huffed. “Every part of you is toned and you don’t even exercise that much. What did you say when I tried to get you to go on a run with me?” “That I’d rather give a bobcat a bubble bath.” Francesca fell into Judy’s arms and let herself be held, feeling the rise and fall of her girlfriends chest. One month since the night in that restaurant where Judy had asked her what she really wanted. One month since their first kiss. A terrible anxiety gripped Francesca’s chest and she squeezed Judy, burying her face in her neck. “Oh, tell me this isn’t a dream,” she said. “It’s not,” Judy whispered. “I’m here.” “And you’ll keep me? Even if I make trouble for you?” “I’ll keep you especially if you make trouble for me,” Judy said, kissing Francesca’s cheek. “Want me to tell you a secret?” The tone of Judy’s voice caused Francesca to turn her head. There was a faraway look in Judy’s eyes. “Yes,” Francesca said. “Well, you might not believe this, but when we went to that hotel, I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do with my life. I mean, these lip powers are amazing.” As if to prove her point, Judy sucked in the pile of clothes in the corner. They came as they were bid, folding neatly into her mouth, swallowed with no trouble at all. “Yeah,” Judy said. “They make things so easy. But when everything is easy and pleasant and good, life gets boring. Stagnant. Stale. There’s no challenge to anything and what I want, I can take. The thing that made me happiest was training you girls and, of course, watching you.” “Watching me?” Francesca sat her, her naked thighs spreading over Judy’s torso. She looked down at her, with her blond hair splayed across the pillow, looking earnest for once in her life. Francesca ran her hands along Judy’s sides, up her arms. “Yes,” Judy said. “Watching you. I always liked how serious you were. I wanted to make you let loose. And then I saw the way that you looked at me and for the first time in ages, it made my heart skip a beat. That was a problem I couldn’t solve with my lips. I wanted you.” “You got me,” Francesca said. “And in the end, it was a problem that you solved with your lips.” She scooted forward until her crotch was up against Judy’s mouth. Judy chuckled, grabbing the undersides of Francesca’s thighs. “So eager,” she said. “I thought we were having a moment.” “Still are,” Francesca said. “Get licking.” As Judy worked, Francesca leaned back and looked out the window at the valley below. All of this wouldn’t have been possible without Judy. She was glad that her girlfriend’s mouth was full, because she didn’t want her to respond to the embarrassing things she was about to say. “Judy, you are the love of my life. I knew that from the moment I first saw you that I wanted to be with you. You encouraged me. Kept me sane. Gave me a life so different from the one I had before and it was exciting. For the first time, it was waking up actually eager to start the day because before, I dreaded it. I hated waking up. Not anymore.” A shudder ran down her spine. Judy was listening carefully, making love to her with her lips. She made Francesca gasp, then quake. She finished it with a kiss. “I know,” Judy said, sitting up. Francesca scooted back until she was sitting in Judy’s lap with her arms wrapped around her neck. Judy’s lips glistened with sweat. “That’s why I chose you. I thought that you could use a chance. I didn’t know that I would love you then, but I do now.” “Even if I’m not as strong as you?” Francesca asked. “Even if you’re not as strong as me,” Judy assured her. “You have a much better sense of humor. And you’re smart. Smarter than any woman I’ve ever met. I don’t know anybody else that keeps three planners.” “Ones a bullet journal.” “Of course it is. The point being: I love you, Francesca. And I’m not going anywhere. --- The sex was soft and loving and when it was over, they dozed off, curled up like bunnies in a burrow. Francesca was the first to wake. She blinked in the morning light, reaching under the cover for Judy’s warm hand. Judy was still asleep, her mouth slightly ajar. She mumbled something and scratched her nose. Francesca slid out from under the covers and put her slippers on. She tip-toed down to the kitchen, sucking up the previous days dirt that they had tracked in from the streets. The dust motes danced through the air and planted themselves deep into her body, destroyed completely by her amazing power. She marveled at how convenient it all was as she entered the kitchen and turned on the coffee pot. It was chilly outside. A lake breeze had floated over the town, wiping away the sweat of the previous day and reminding the citizens that Fall would soon be there. Francesca shivered in her robe as she poured herself a mug of coffee and headed out onto the porch. Judy was waiting for her there. “Morning,” she yawned. “Morning,” Francesca said, plopping into the chair next to her. “Why are you up so early?” “Thought I would join you on your morning run. I didn’t think it would be this cold.” Francesca was taken aback. She pinched her girlfriend’s shoulder and Judy jumped. “What was that for?” she complained, rubbing her arm. “Just making sure I wasn’t in a dream.” “You’re supposed to pinch yourself in a dream!” “Well that’s just not efficient. Anyway, why the sudden change of heart. I thought you hated running.” “Well,” Judy said as Francesca went to get the newspaper. “I’ve been doing some thinking and I came to the conclusion that maybe I shouldn’t be so quick to dismiss getting a hobby.” “You? A hobby?” “Yeah!” Judy said defensively. “What’s wrong with me having hobbies?” “Nothing,” Francesca smirked. “You’re making fun of me!” “Maybe.” Francesca handed her mug to Judy and went inside to pour herself a new cup. Returning to the porch, she sat down in Judy’s lap. Together they turned their heads to the breeze, letting it wash away the weariness of the night. “Hey Judy?” “Hmm?” “Were you serious about going to France?” “Yeah? Why?” “I just thought that would be nice. A new adventure. Lots of new food.” Judy giggled and kissed Francesca’s shoulder. “I thought you wanted to explore California first,” she chided. “Why the change of heart?” “I dunno,” Francesca said. “Just thought I would try something new as well.” There they sat, content in each other’s company, waiting for the sun to rise and banish the mist that rose from the body of the valley. It was a brand-new day and they wanted to make the most of it. |
Ollie sat at the bar. He rolled a coin between his fingers, a newly-minted quarter. He turned it first with his thumb, walking it over his knuckles, then reversed the course with his pinky, sliding it out beneath his palm to begin the cycle again. The coin flourish was his opening line and also his comfort. He kept his eyes on the door behind the counter. $1000 was burning a hole in his pocket. He could feel it like a physical weight, 10 bills. The money itself didn’t matter to Ollie. He lived a comfortable life. Those same 10 bills could have just as easily been spent at the casino or the strip club. Ollie didn’t want to be a cliche, but he was a simple man with some niche complications. He didn’t want his first time to be with a seasoned veteran. No, if his $1000 was to be worth its weight in his pocket, then he was going to do it with a new timer. He could have just asked if his favorite bar was taking new staff. It wouldn’t cost him a dime. His eyes brightened every time he saw a new face enter through the front door, only to dim again when they waved to a friend or sat at the counter. The Bartender’s Choice. Non-regulars thought it was a joke item. It was written in a curly font at the bottom of the blackboard. The Bartender’s Choice came with a $1000 price tag. How good could it be? Only the regulars knew what it was truly worth. It was ordered maybe two or three times a year. Someone with a lot of cash to blow would have a few to many drinks and their curiosity would get the best of them. Strangers, usually. Whichever bartender happened to be on duty that day would put their hair up and cross the counter. “I’ll pleasure you with my mouth,” they would say. The patron would blush and bluster right up until the point where they were swallowed whole, alive, and wriggling. The bartender would then heft her swollen gut for all to see. If she was in a good mood, she might even order a round on the house. Ollie felt bad for the people who ordered it without thinking. None of them ever showed their faces in town again, probably because they were too busy drowning their sorrows elsewhere. It was a traumatic experience to be swallowed, especially with an audience, but the thought of it had made Ollie’s face burn since he had first learned about the option. Ever since, he had been waiting for the opportune moment, and today was the day. The new girl had wavy red hair that she wore in a messy ponytail. Two zig-zag strands bounced over her forehead as she walked. Her uniform consisted of a tight-fitting white tee shirt and a pair of jean shorts that were a size too small. Ollie watched the bottom half of her ass sway as she sauntered past, whistling under her breath. He waited until she had cleared some glasses, poured a fresh drink, and settled down at the register before he pulled out the $1000. “I’ll have the Bartender’s Choice,” he said. The room went silent. Regulars gaped in awe, forgetting the drinks in their hands. New patrons looked back and forth between Ollie and the regulars, not knowing what was happening, but feeling the static weight that had been dropped on the sleepy bar atmosphere. The bartender raised an eyebrow. “Are you sure?” she purred, her voice like a winter storm. “There are plenty of other items on the menu that might interest you.” “Are you turning down a thousand dollars?” Ollie asked. “I’ll even throw in a tip.” The bartender’s red lips parted in a shark-like grin. She leaned across the counter, letting her heavy breasts sag onto the scarred wood. She pushed a piece of hair behind her ear and looked up at Ollie, assessing him. “Sure,” she said. “Why not? Did you just want to challenge the newbie?” “A little,” Ollie admitted. “I thought that it would be appropriate for my first time.” She blinked. Pursing her lips, she walked around the bar. All eyes were on her as she stepped to the side of Ollie, running a finger over his shoulder blades. She was measuring him. Ollie shuddered, standing his ground as she stroked his jaw, taking his hand in hers. “It’s my first day on the job,” she said. “Be gentle with me.” “I have another request.” Ollie reached out and placed his hand on the bartender’s ass. The patrons gasped. She took his hand and pushed it further into her shorts. He could feel her thong, warm with use, and the delicate fold of her crease. She stopped when his fingers reached her asshole, allowing him to brush it once before pulling it away. “I want to take the back entrance,” Ollie said. The bartender sighed and straightened her shoulders. “I should have known that my first would be a weird one,” she said, snatching his money from the counter. “There are no refunds, you know, and I take my tips beforehand. Strip. You can leave your boxers on.” Ollie was aware of the countless eyes that watched him as he pulled his shirt over his head and stepped out of his trousers. He took out his wallet and placed another $500 on the counter. The bartender had eased off her shorts, leaving her thong in place. Her ass was larger than Ollie had anticipated. She stepped on a small lever at the foot of his stool and Ollie jolted as he was lowered down to waist level. The bartender crouched down so that they were face to face and kissed him on the cheek. “My name’s Kin,” she said. “Short for Kinsey. Thanks for being my first, weirdo. I’ll try to make sure that you go in smoothly, but no promises. Oh, and also, I ain’t cleaned out the pipes in some time, so I don’t want to hear you complaining about the smell. You take what you get.” “Sure,” Ollie said. With that, Kin stood back up and turned around. Ollie bowed his head. The patrons watched in stunned silence as the busty redhead placed her rear over the man’s face, smothering him in her pucker, grinding on him for what seemed like an eternity before, with a wet shlorp, his head vanished into her ass. The first thing Ollie noticed was the smell. Kin hadn’t lied when she said that she hadn’t purged her bowels in some time. He was bathed in the musty odor of her innards, breathing in the foul vapors of her previous meals. Her ass was tight, but slimy. Ollie hoped that it was just some form of lubricant slipping across his cheek, but he knew that was naive. He could hear Kin groaning as her asshole continued to stretch over his bare shoulders, forcing him to make himself as small as possible so that she fit him all in one go. She was sliding down his body, using her full weight as she wiggled her hips. His head entered her colon and he sputtered. Kin had closed her eyes in concentration. She bit her lip, relaxing her asshole as much as she possibly could with a live person hanging out of the end of it. This was her first rodeo and she was determined to make it count. Besides, the guy had given her $1500. She owed it to him. The patrons gasped as his face appeared through the skin of her stomach before rolling back up into a vague lump. He was in up to his waist now, his torso having been sucked into the rancid tube. Normally, when the bartenders ate people, they made a show of it. They would parade their bulging guts around the room having swallowed the patron with ease. This looked more like a battle, with the redhead forcing him into her body through sheer grit. When his feet finally slipped inside, she stood, raising a defiant fist to the rafters. The patrons roared, stamping their feet and raising their glasses. BRRAAAAAAAAAAAAP! Inside, Ollie could only hear an echo of the celebrations as the burp vibrated across his back. His body was strained to its limit, constricted by the steaming inner nook of Kinsey’s intestines. His skin was covered in refuse. His eyes and ears were smothered in quivering flesh. He no longer knew which way was up or down, only that he was approaching her stomach at a rapid pace. He could feel the gurgling sac along his back or on his chest as he wound his way through Kinsey. It growled, bubbling with viscous fluids that would eat away at his body. Despite his discomfort, Ollie was satisfied with the experience. He liked being cradled inside of the woman, dominated by her superior form, forced into her stomach like the food he was. Of course, this was little more than an advanced form of roleplay. When she let him out in the back, he hoped they would have a minute to chat before she went back to work. He heard her leave the bar. Another bartender congratulated her on the way passed, advising her to dump him away from the kitchen. She slapped Kinsey’s stomach, startling Ollie who could barely feel it through the layer of fat and muscle. His head was approaching the stomach now, being pushed into the noxious chamber with little fanfare. Kinsey moaned as he curled up inside of her, hugging her engorged gut, feeling his light struggles. “You made me work for that,” she grunted. “I’ll admit, I wasn’t sure if I could get you up there. They had me practice swallowing, but not like that.” “I’m glad,” Ollie tried to say, but his voice was drowned out by a sudden rumble. The stomach acids which had been low when he had first entered, were now rising at a rapid pace. The walls were squeezing in on him in violent bursts, battering him with enzymes, grinding against his head and neck. He cried out as his arm was forced into an awkward position, snapping in a flare of red. HYOOOOUURUUP! “Wow,” Kin said, pounding on her chest. “That really smells! You’ve got quite an aftertaste too. Kind of meaty. Kind of...musky, like that little dip in my bowels rubbed off on ya. Ah well. Time to get churnin’. Churnin’? Ollie dug his nails into the wall, but his broken arm was being continuously jostled, making him scream. There was another series of violent cracks as his body was ground into a neat little ball, being pressed tighter and tighter until, with a massive belch, he collapsed in a crunch, churned into a meaty mess of bones and goop, stewing away in Kin’s stomach. UUrrrAARP~ Kin held a hand to her mouth, feeling something wet sliding up her gullet. A pair of boxers hit the ground of the break room with a wet thwack. She flicked them with her foot, tossing them into a similar pile of garments that had accrued in the corner of the room, each carrying the unique smell of a particular bartender. She lay back on the sofa for a few moments, happy to have a break and eager to feel the warmth of a man’s body reentering her intestines, now just a log of unidentifiable scat. When her gut rumbled once more, she hefted herself off the sofa and meandered to the corner of the room. Some of the bartenders liked to tease the janitors by just going wherever, but Kin was new and she didn’t want to cause a fuss. She squatted over a polished square tile and pushed. Ollie came out in several spurts of steaming brown scat, each dusted with a fine white powder. Kin took in a sharp breath as the first bone slipped out of her asshole, causing her to shudder with delight. She reminded herself that masturbating, while not strictly forbidden, was frowned upon while she was on the clock. Ah, to hell with it. As the last couple of logs splattered onto the pile, Kin’s middle digit twitched across her clit, sliding along the wet folds of her labia in time with her clenches. Ollie’s skull came out with a pop at the height of her pleasure, and she nearly collapsed in a fit of tremors as the orgasm passed through her. “Wow,” she said, cleaning herself off with a towel. “Best. Job. Ever!” She tossed the stained towel onto the pile and dressed herself, whistling as she walked back to the bar leaving Ollie to cool on the break room floor. |
Beside the lake, there was a field, full of flowers and fragrant after the rain. Harry tugged my hand, pulling me toward the spot that he had picked. Our basket floated behind us, charmed to follow until we arrived at our destination. In a clearing surrounded by hedges, there was a secret garden. I gasped as the honey-sweet breeze brushed past my nose, whistling off through flowers and the field beyond. “This is splendid, ‘Arry,” I said. The “H” in his name was still giving my tongue a hard time. He beamed at me, a little shy, as he led me toward a small patch of grass where he had already unfolded the picnic blanket. I sat, grunting as my stomach bounced before pooling on the ground. It had grown even larger after the last ministry inquiry. If they kept sending agents, I was going to be as fat as a barn. Harry didn’t seem to mind though. His eyes flicked to my chest and I leaned forward to give him a better view. His face went red as he hurried to unpack the basket. I went back to rubbing the sleek curves of my stomach. Hot toast, muffins, seven flavors of jam. An enormous chicken salad, lobster rolls, green bean casserole. I clapped as more and more food appeared on the blanket. The basket seemed to have an endless supply. Harry was just pulling out an entire roast beef when there was a rustling in the hedges. I whipped my wand out as a voice jeered from just out of sight. “Look at Potter and his fat girlfriend. She’s not so pretty now, is she.” Harry’s cheeks went vermilion. I cursed myself for dropping the charm that masked my appearance without checking to make sure that nobody was around. Harry made me feel so safe that I didn’t feel the need to hide it around him. “What do you want, Draco?” Harry called. His own wand had been slipped into his fingers. He kept it out of sight as Malfoy came into view. His face was drawn back in a nasty sneer. He raised his eyebrows at me, glancing at my stomach. I held it out, meeting his gaze. He wasn’t going to intimidate me and, if I was going to be honest, I rather liked the extra pounds that I had put on recently. Sure, others might make fun of my lush stomach, but my Harry liked it and that was enough for me. Malfoy didn’t seem to think the same way. “Husky, aren’t you?” he drawled. Harry moved in front of me, but Malfoy had already seen the spread. “And about to get heftier, I imagine.” “You do not e-magine,” I said. “You lack ze capability.” “Ouch,” he said, dripping with sarcasm. “The French whale thinks she can insult me. Well, Potter? They’re going to have to change your position on the quidditch team. You used to be a chaser, but now you’re a chubby chaser.” “Ouch,” Harry mocked. “Get lost, Draco.” He raised his wand and Malfoy flinched, ducking behind a hedge. Harry laughed and Malfoy came back out, seething. “Not so brave without your goons,” Harry said. “Get eem closer,” I whispered. Harry looked back at me, excited. A ladybug had landed on Malfoy’s shirt. He flicked it off, annoyed, stepping into the clearing. “Want to talk about bravery, Potter?” he asked. “Where’s Hermione?” Harry went stiff. I put my hand on his back, but he shrugged me off. “What did you say?” he asked slowly. If Malfoy recognized the danger in his voice, he didn’t show it. He stepped even closer, spreading his arms. “I hear she got eaten in the lake,” he said. “Bet it was your fat fuckin’ girlfriend that did it. She looks like she eats people regularly.” “Zat would be about correct,” I said. Malfoy’s smile wavered, but before he could run, Harry had his wand pointed at his chest. “Petrificus Totalus!” Malfoy’s body went rigid. His cheek twitched as he fell forward onto his face, unable to move a finger. The full body-bind curse took effect in an instant. I couldn’t help but feel a stirring in my chest as Harry turned back to me. “Zat was brave,” I said. “Not at all,” he said. “Now, are you ready for the first course?” I nodded. I was already drooling. The sight of Malfoy’s prone body aroused such a hunger in me that I couldn’t contain myself as Harry pulled him into my arms. I dragged my tongue across his face, savoring the salty tang of his skin. He didn’t make a sound. “‘Arry?” I asked. “Yes?” “Remoof ze curse, please. I like to feel them struggle.” Harry took Malfoy’s wand out of his pocket and chucked it into the weeds. He also removed his shoes and cloak. Something small and red darted into Malfoy’s shirt, but whatever it was was gone by the time I next looked. Harry lifted Malfoy up to my lips and tapped his back with his wand. He began to thrash. “Let go of me, you pig,” he snarled. “I am the son of an important wizard. There will be an inquiry. You won’t get away with-” I would never know what I wasn’t going to get away with, because at that moment, I dunked his head into my gullet and swallowed, hardly bothering to savor him. Harry’s eyes went wide as he watched his former enemy reappear as a bulge in my throat, travelling down past my breasts and into the swollen peak of my stomach. BWWWAAAAAAARRRP! Blushing, I dabbed my lips with a handkerchief. Harry came and touched my stomach, running his palms along the mountainous curves. His fingers dented the soft skin and I hummed, loving the feeling of his touch and the raw sensation of engulfing another body with my own. “Ez eet satisfying to see your enemy swallowed?” I asked. Harry was about to answer when I bent double. Something was wrong. It felt like my stomach was going to explode. Had Malfoy managed to work magic without his wand? The skin was stretching, bubbling out over a second form that thrashed just as much as the first. I could hear their voice, shrill and feminine, screaming for release. The sudden expansion of a second person in my stomach caused a pocket of air to rocket up my throat. I threw my head back and belched, pounding on my chest to get it all out. UUUUUUUURRRrrrrrRRRRRRRRAAAaaaAAAWWWWWRRRRRRRP! Wincing, I let my throat close. Harry put his ear to my stomach, baffled. “It’s Rita,” he said. “Rita Skeeter. The journalist. She says… she is an animagus. The ladybug we saw on Malfoy… ” “Oh,” I said, bending over my gut. “That ez unfortunate.” I had never consumed two people at once. One person was comfortable. Their weight was just enough so that I could move unhindered and the feeling of their bodies turning to mush was a warm, errotic sensation that reminded me of a lover’s caress. Feeling them drain into my intestines was an unparalleled pleasure. Two people in my stomach were a tight fit, but not wholly unpalatable. I suppressed another belch, looking down at their twin shapes rounding out my plump belly. Harry seemed enamored with their quivering forms. “I didn’t know you could swallow two people,” he said. “I probably can not,” I said. “But I can apparently ‘old two people.” Malfoy and Rita were screaming. All of the movement was stirring up an immense amount of gas. HUUUURRRRRP! I sagged back onto the blanket, holding my gut. Harry giggled. “Vat is so funny?” I said. “I might have to use a silencing charm,” he said. I pushed him, suppressing a grin as he tumbled back onto the blanket and rolled back onto his knees. My shirt was in tatters, destroyed by Rita’s sudden expansion. I held the torn fabric as he came and placed his hands on my stomach, pushing down. “Be, urp, gentle,” I urged. “Lie down,” he said. Obediently, I slumped onto my back. My stomach wobbled far above my head, blocking out the sunlight. Having two people laying on top of me was uncomfortable, so I rolled onto my side, chuckling as I heard them cry out. They were surely being bathed in a deluge of stomach acids. I had also eaten a hearty breakfast. My stomach gave a firm rumble as Harry pushed his hands into it. I closed my eyes and let him do his business. His palms worked in small circles, digging just far enough into my flab to be effective, yet not so far as to be intrusive. I loved the feeling of his rough calluses on my skin. His touch was so tender that my lust was stirred and as he moved from left to right, I opened one eye and watched him. I loved that earnest face. When he got to the base of my stomach, I rewarded him with a moan, making him blush as he pushed into the doughy underside. Malfoy and Rita were much quieter. “Zey are so squirmy,” I sighed, flopping onto my back. “No more yelling. Vay more movink.” I could feel their bodies sliding across each other. They were battling for a place where their heads would be above my stomach acids. Rita dunked Malfoy into the foul mixture, sitting on him as she claimed her spot at the top. It was silly, of course. Both were going to be digested, but I guess Malfoy would be digested under the ass of the journalist. Not a bad way to go. Harry continued to rub my stomach as I basked in the sunlight, listening to the vast gurgle of two wizards churning away. “‘Arry?” I said as their bodies drained into my intestines. I stifled another belch. “Yes?” he asked. “Do you think that ze Malfoy boy vas right? Am I too, as he said, fat?” Harry took my hand and gave it a squeeze. He looked at the quivering mound of flesh and I saw his eyes narrow and his cheeks redden. Before he responded, I knew the answer. “No,” he said, shaking his head. “I think you could stand to get fatter, actually.” I laughed until tears ran down my cheeks. It was too funny. The perfect petite Fleur Delacour, a thin, precocious Veela, would not have been able to win the heart of the lanky boy at my side. No. He wanted the gluttonous giant that buried his face in her mounds of fat. “Thank you, ‘Arry,” I said with a sniff. “This ‘as been a lovely picnic.” |
The letter lay folded next to the pool chair. I looked at it over my glass of wine, wondering if it merited a response. My daughter had finally broken her silence and it was only to inform me of how flagrantly she had disobeyed my instructions. I could not be prouder. A maid came and refilled my glass, bowing before she flounced off toward the house. I watched her go, her wide hips swinging beneath her skirt, tempting me for the first time in years. It must be the wine, I decided, or the unusual heat of the spring day. I ran a finger across my stomach and downed the glass, if only to call the maid over once more. Before I rang the bell, however, I unfolded the letter. Both of my daughters. That was what surprised me. I had known that the Veela in Fleur was strong and soon the siren-like properties would lure a man down her throat, but Gabrielle had never displayed an aptitude for charm. She was beautiful, like her sister, but she did not present herself as a Veela would: with as much flesh as possible. My own, rake-thin body ached for days of my youth when, as a young girl, I had swallowed my first victim. Oh, the feeling of having a live, squirming body in my stomach had been too much for my young self to handle. I had run to my mother, who had explained that consuming others was in our natures as Veela. What followed had been a binge which had left me with such a gut that it was hard to even wash myself. I had taken to having the maids do it, waiting until they had circled the full girth of my stomach before swallowing them down for breakfast. Gone were those carefree days. The ministry frowned upon the disappearance of wizards and even if they turned a blind eye to muggle servants, too many would cause even muggle police to get involved. When I met my husband, I had curbed my gluttony. I didn’t even notice the maid until she was at my shoulder, pouring another glass of wine. “Bianca, stand in front of me,” I snapped. She did as I asked, pretty as a picture, with curly brown hair that bobbed above her ruffled collar. All of the maids wore black and white uniforms with small modifications. Her breasts jiggled as she came to a halt, curtseying. “What can I do for you, madame?” she asked. Young, beautiful, and polite. “Do you think I’m pretty?” I asked. “Of course, madame. You are as beautiful as the night sky.” I snorted. “What if I gained a few pounds?” I asked. “What if I were as fat as a barn?” She pondered the question for a second. Even her stumped expression was charming. She tapped a manicured nail on her chin and then raised a finger. “You would be just as beautiful, if not more,” she said. “Why? Is the madame considering a new diet?” “Perhaps,” I said, waving her off. The wine was getting to my head. She scampered back to the house, but I could see her in the window, waiting for the next time the bell rang. Truly, a wonderful servant. I wanted to know what she felt like sliding down my throat. The thought surprised me so much that I almost spilled my wine. I hadn’t considered eating a servant for years. Fleur’s letter must have planted a seed. If my daughter’s were getting away with it, why couldn’t their mother? Because you’re old, I told myself. You’ve lost your stretchiness. Eating people is a young Veela’s game. Even as I thought it, I wiped away a line of drool. I took another sip of my wine to steady myself and found that the glass was empty. Damn it. The maid was by my side before I even rang the bell. “Thank you, Bianca,” I said as she bent to pour. “The bottle is almost empty. Would you like me to get another?” I wasn’t paying attention. As she bent, her skirt rode up, revealing two soft thighs. I stared at them, not sure if I was envious or aroused, but a warmth was stirring in my chest. “Madame?” Now she was looking at me. The world blurred as I turned my head. Her skin was as white as expensive lace and her lips were a glistening pink. She leaned forward as I groaned and I could smell her. She smelled like lavender and warm flesh. When she reached out to check my temperature, I grabbed her hand and brought it to my cheek. She blushed. “Madame,” she said in a quiet voice. “I- I am not that kind of maid.” “Hush,” I said, putting a finger to her lips. She mouthed it flirtatiously and that was the last straw. I took her by the back of her beautiful head, opened my mouth, and swallowed her down. As her face entered my throat, I felt the warmth in my chest blossom into an inferno. The sensation of swallowing Bianca brought back years of pleasant memories. They came flooding back into my head as her mouth opened in a silent scream, her lips brushing the inside of my throat as she descended past my narrow breasts. Against my thin body, she stood out, and I had to force myself to keep swallowing, for my stomach rejected the enormous meal. Drunkenly, stubbornly, I took Bianca by the hips and sat up, pulling back my head and letting my throat open. The last flounce of her skirt tickled my lips as I closed them around her feet, savoring the taste for but a moment before swallowing them down as well. She sloshed about in my wine-drenched stomach and all of her movements were clear to me. Only the effect of the alcohol kept it from hurting as her feet pushed against my rigid skin. I leaned back in my chair, groaning, reaching for the letter and knocking it to the ground. The bell clattered against the table and I cursed. Another maid would come running soon. Taking my wand, I tapped it on my stomach. Luckily, I still remembered the spell that I used to disguise my stomach back in the day. As it slowly shrank back to its normal size, another maid bustled out of the house with a board of cheese and crackers. “I am so sorry, Madame,” she huffed. “I did not know you wanted a repasse so early! Bianca normally tells me when you have finished your wine, but I am afraid I could not find her.” HYUUUUUURP! The maid stepped back, shocked by my belch, but too polite to say anything. Bianca was bringing up enormous amounts of gas and I was having a hard time stringing words together. “She’s, urp, on another assignment right now. Thank you, Madeline.” Madeline nodded, picking up the dropped bell and setting the cheese board next to it. She retreated to the house, but I could feel her eyes on my back. Soon, the other maids would know that their mistress was drunk when all I wanted was to lie and digest. My stomach was already beginning to churn, squeezing in on the hapless maid as she pounded against the wet flesh. The motion sent a thrill through my legs and before I knew it, I was back to stroking her. Anyone watching would see me patting the air, but I could feel my fingers digging into my engorged gut, kneading the acids into Bianca as I murmured encouragement. “That’s my girl,” I said. “You’re a fighter. Keep, bwAARP, urk, kicking like that and you’ll be okay. Yeeaaaah, just like that.” It was embarrassing, a grown, sophisticated woman talking that way, but I didn’t care. An entire bottle of wine had addled my senses and now, all I wanted to feel was the weight of a woman melting inside of me, sending me into throes of rapture. The warmth crept down into my toes and up through my chest and arms, filling me until my entire body burned around hers. I did nothing to suppress the bubbles and gurgles coming from my stomach, listening to them as one would listen to Mozart, looking for meaning in every internal sound. Eventually, the sun drove me inside, waddling like a pregnant woman into the study where I collapsed on the leather couch, fanning myself. I could hear the other maids discussing on the other side of the door, wondering if I was okay. I touched my stomach and found Bianca’s thighs, giving them a rub. She had gone still, but she was alive. Her futile resistance made me gasp. “Madame?” a maid called from the door. “Is everything alright?” She was looking at me through the crack just as Bianca decided to stir again. The gas billowed in my gut and I started to see spots. BWWWWAAAAAARP! “Come in, Madeline,” I said, fighting against unconsciousness. “And shut the door behind you.” Fleur and Gabrielle might be young and hungry, but they were going to learn that their mother was the original gluttonous Veela. |
Wagner watched Kanda through the window, winding her way up his driveway toward his house. Today, she was moving slower. Today, she looked much heavier and yet, to Wagner, her ample pudge held erotic significance. Wagner ran his fingers through his tail. He couldn’t stop his foot from tapping. He wanted to run to the front door and fling it open, but he didn’t want Kanda to know that he had been watching, waiting for her arrival. So, he sat still, or as still as he could. Ding Dong! The bell echoed through his house. It rang in his ears. He took a deep breath, stood, and walked to the door. HIs cock was already rubbing against the front of his jeans. There was only ever one reason for Kanda to visit. He opened the door. Kanda, brown-haired and beautiful. Kanda, whose bust grew larger every time he saw her. Kanda, not young, not old, but right in the middle, with the confidence of a woman who knew what she wanted and what she wanted tonight was Wagner. Her plump lips broke into a smile at the sight of his face. Her long skirt hugged the curve of her waist. When she moved, the buttons on her blouse groaned, and when she stepped inside, Wagner couldn’t help himself. As soon as the door closed behind her, he tore the fabric of her shirt like tissue paper and let it drop to the ground. She was wearing a lacy black bra, but his eyes were lower, held in check by the sway of her stomach, so much larger than it had been before. A cold finger raised his chin. Two brown eyes blinked back at him. “Long time, no see, foxy,” she whispered. “You’re looking good.” “Same to you,” Wagner gulped. His ears stuck straight up as she pushed her hand through his hair until their chests were touching and their faces were only an inch apart. Kanda leaned back. Her stomach bounced against his hand. “Are you curious?” she asked, kissing his throat. “I am,” Wagner said. Sweat beaded on his forehead. His hand shook as he ran it across her smooth skin, as pale as milk, and felt for the first time the luxurious, soft surface of her fox-filled belly. It growled at his touch. “Down boy,” Kanda chuckled, patting her belly. “He was so much more agreeable last night. Most men are when they’re deep inside of me. At least until they go deeper.” “So you let him-” “Of course. Does that make you jealous?” Wagner’s answer was written on his face. He bit his lip and clenched his hands, but before he could turn or lash out, Kanda’s warm lips found his and then he was in her grasp again, caressing his way toward the bedroom. All anger faded before the majesty of her kiss and any ill feelings that Wagner might have harbored were set adrift as she pushed him onto his bed. “He’s about ready to come out,” Kanda said. “He was a fox, just like yourself, and foxes tend to digest faster than most. You’ll hardly feel it when you’re in my stomach. There will just be a brief instance of pain, a struggle, and then blissful release into my bowels. You understand, right? If you fuck me now, fox, the only way you’re leaving this room is through my asscheeks.” Wagner nodded. He didn’t care. How could he when her hand had already wrapped around his cock, pulling it free from his boxers with an experienced flick. His pants dropped to the floor. His shirt followed soon after. Their lips continued to touch; her hand continued to move. Her stomach growled again. “We’d better start,” Kanda said, straddling him. “This little foxy wants his freedom, so if you don’t finish me fast, I am going to free him all over your legs.” Her ass filled his palms as she lowered herself down onto his cock. She moved from side to side as Wagner shuddered beneath her, tamed by the heat of her cunt clamping around him. He let out a small whimper and Kanda leaned forward to bite his ear. Then, she started to rock. The first pump made Wagner’s eyes roll. It made Kanda’s stomach slosh, too. “Alright,” she grunted, thrusting him deeper. “Are you sure you want to do this, cutie? There’s no escape for you once you cum. Once you finish inside of me, I’m going to eat you and digest you. You’ll be packed into my belly and after a day or two, all you’ll be is another line of flab on my gut. Maybe a pair of love handles for another guy to grab.” If he could hear her, he didn’t acknowledge her words. Indeed, it would have been impossible to tell if Wagner was even cognizant of the danger at that moment. Kanda’s added weight only meant more pressure that she could apply to his cock with every dip of her hips. Her thighs skimmed off of his. Her stomach dragged over his chest. Kanda closed her eyes and rested her head against Wagner’s. This was his favorite part. When the talking stopped and their rhythms melded together into one warm, blissful shudder. Her cunt was squeezing him tighter than ever. He could feel the vibrations through her skin. Her breath hitched and she bucked downward in one smooth arc, burying him inside of her as her climax loosened her bowels. Wagner barely had time to register what was happening when the heat of her scat buried his thighs. “Keep going,” Kanda whined. The smell was abysmal. The feeling was gross. Nothing about the situation would have kept Wagner’s concentration except for the notion that soon, that would be him. As Kanda continued to unload her latest lover over his waist and legs, he pushed himself still deeper, his cock throbbing, thrumming with unrefined lust. “Let it go, foxy,” she murmured. “Let it all out. Then get inside of me. I want to see the shape you make against my stomach.” Her words etched themselves into his brain, growing louder and louder until they dominated his thoughts and then his body was moving by itself. He felt like a water balloon was expanding inside of him, filling him to the brim until, with a crack, Kanda pushed out the skull of her meal and Wagner saw the vulpine shape. He came and so did Kanda, their screams mixing into one dizzying yowl before fading as Kanda fell onto her elbows. Her breath was ragged. “Alright,” she said, reaching up and pinning his arms to the bed. “Now you’ve done it.” Wagner gulped. In his post-coitus haze, he could barely see his own hand in front of his face, much less the slick, dripping maw that had opened before him. Maybe if his head was clear he would have been aware of the danger that her gullet presented as it slid over his ears and across his muzzle, or the threat of the acids below. But Wagner’s head was not clear and when he was squeezed from head to toe, thrust into the deadly prison of Kanda’s stomach, all he could think about was how good her tongue felt sliding across his cock. And then all was dark. BBBrrrAAAAaaAAWWWRRRP! Kanda’s stomach quivered. She stroked the outline of the fox through her pale skin and smacked her lips before rolling off of the bed. “Do you mind if I use your shower, sweetheart?” she asked. Her stomach didn’t answer. Still shaken by the force of her last orgasm and the meal that followed, Kanda took her time making her way to the bathroom. Already, her stomach was starting to churn. The heavy gurgles filled the small, tiled room as she stepped inside and flicked on the light. HHyYYYYuuuuUURRP! “Mmmrph!” Kanda smiled. It seemed like her little snack had just realized where his horniness had gotten him. His hands ran along the slick inner walls as Kanda met them from the outside, rubbing his fingers one by one before gently pushing them back into the murk. The base of her stomach was becoming quite heavy. Her acids worked fast. “I told you,” she chided. “Foxes pass right through me.” His screams echoed along the base of the tub as Kanda stepped inside and turned on the shower. She hummed while the hot water rinsed over her, watching her skin bubble and kick. Soon it would flatten into one huge circle of flab before he was absorbed into her intestines, only to be redistributed to her assets. Circling her nipple with one finger, Kanda imagined how he might fill her out. “Men,” Kanda scoffed as her stomach gave a final ripple. Wagner’s voice was soon drowned out by the thick sound of a sludge-filled gut. “They’ll do anything for sex.” A few hours later and Kanda was small enough to fit into one of the fox’s shirts. She whistled as she stepped out of the front door with one ex in her stomach and another in a pile on the floor. Life was good for Kanda, and if the stare of the gardener across the street was any indication, there would soon be another man to fill the hole left by her vulpine neighbor. |
GLURCH! An odd noise roused me from the void. Coming back into my body, I could feel the sting in my nose where my unknown assailant had covered it with a chemical-laced cloth. With my head still throbbing like it was being squeezed in a vice grip, I opened my eyes. The odd noise begot an odd sight. I was lying on a bed. The room was windowless and stuffy. There was a chain wrapped around my neck that clinked as it was pulled… where? I blinked. My vision was still fuzzy. There was someone standing in front of me. She was naked. Her back was bare and muscular, covered in stiff brown fur. Her hair tumbled over her shoulders. It took me a second to realize that it was a mane. “Ermph mrph!” I blinked again and the world came into sharp relief. The scent of stale musk and sweat emanated from the bed and from the horse. Her ass was spread wide. In the middle, sticking out of the wrinkled crease of her asshole, was an arm. And a chain. The horse grunted. She was taller than a human, her head nearly brushing the ceiling as she looked back over her shoulder. The hand protruding from her rear grasped at the bedsheets, but with that same, wet shlorp, it was pulled an inch further into the horse. Between her legs, I could see her stomach, already heavy with the forms of what looked like two others. The chain around my neck clinked once more. “Hey,” I said, tugging at the chain. “Hey!” The horse looked at me. Her face was studded with freckles and her eyes were like huge, brown pools. There was no mercy in her expression. Only satisfaction. Grunting, she sucked the hand deep into her ass. The muffled screams faded. Her stomach bulged. I could hear them kicking, the two already in her gut. One was restrained by her intestines, only able to lash out with her legs in short kicks, but the other was in the horse’s stomach. They pounded and punched. By the sound of the low gurgle that filled the room, they wouldn’t be fighting for long. And still the horse said nothing. She just looked at me. I didn’t know how she had chosen her victims or if there was any chance of escape, but those big brown eyes stayed neutral the entire time as the chain writhed against the bedsheets. It was slack now, but soon, it was going to pull me headfirst into her ass. In the face of my own mortality, I thought about fighting. The muscles in her back and arms were so dense that there was no way that I could get the jump on her, but my own limbs were free. Maybe I could smother her with a pillow, or choke her out somehow. No. One look at her dispelled any illusion that I was going to make it out of this alive. Two others had gone before me and, I’ll admit, I am not exactly the strongest. So, instead, I focused on something that I could do. My captor had stripped me of my clothes and despite my predicament, my body was responding to the warmth and musk. To the softness of her ass and the dominance of her stare. She saw the result. She must have. With an amused flick of her head, she beckoned me. As I approached, my captor climbed up onto the bed and I got my first good look at her stomach. The skin was taut around the forms of her two other captives. One was much closer to the surface than the other. A thin glaze of sweat coated her heavy breasts as the thumping inside of her reached a new height. An agonized scream rang out, followed by swift, bubbling silence. Her stomach tightened even more. Her gaze sent shockwaves through my body. There was a challenge in her eyes. Groaning, she rolled forward onto her hands and knees, tucking her stomach up against the bed as she spread her legs and presented herself to me. Another five chainlinks disappeared into her bowels. I didn’t have much time. Shuffling forward, I took up position behind her. My cock throbbed as I rubbed it against her legs. In response, the horse bent further forward. Her cunt glistened with sweat and sex. This was it. My final pleasure. In a mix of shame and lust, I parted her lower lips with the head of my cock. Her body radiated heat. A soft moan from her was all that I needed to put my hesitance aside. With a brief prayer, I thrust forward, burying myself in the horse. Her cunt squeezed around me. It was tighter than I had expected; tighter than I had ever had in my life. My balls slapped against the base of her stomach which bulged between her thighs. Inside, I could feel the struggles of the girl in her intestines. It turned me on. As the chain around my neck grew tauter by the second, I fucked my captor. The longer we went, the harder it got to position myself. My hands kept slipping off of the small of her back and whenever I lost the rhythm, she would slurp an extra foot of the chain into her. My leash was getting short and while I knew that my climax was coming, hers was a mystery. In a desperate attempt to regain my footing, I grabbed hold of her mane. “Ah!” She bucked beneath me as I hung on tight, her cries of pleasure drowning out the distinct liquid gurgle of her stomach finishing with her first meal. Whoever the second person was, they were in for a messy ascent. My nails dug into her hips. She moaned. I tugged on her mane. She clenched. The slap of my balls against her stomach set the tempo. I could feel her heave. My cheeks were flushed. The gurgles were getting louder and the chain was getting tighter and I was getting close. Another ten pumps. Five. Three. One. She bit down on her forearm and screamed as we came. Our bodies thrashed together for one glorious moment, numb to all but each other. Then, with a rattle, the chain around my neck tightened, and my head was plunged into her ass. The first thing that I noticed was the musk. The heat. The slime covered walls that opened before me and closed around my torso, locking me into a moving prison of mucus-slick intestines. Or maybe it wasn’t mucus. Her moans followed me into her bowels, stifled by the layer of organs between us, but fuller still by her proximity. I could feel her body consuming mine. Her stomach swelled as the chain pulled me deeper. I was being squeezed through her bowels like a log of shit, but in my exhaustion, it didn’t matter. I closed my eyes and let her intestines massage my bruised muscles. One thing I never asked myself as I slid out into her noxious cauldron of a stomach was why. It didn’t matter. As her acids broke me down, as her muscles crushed me and her intestines accepted my mangled carcass once more. As her stomach softened and pooled beneath her, I let go of all questions and accepted the fact that I was horse fodder. And that was alright. --- Lydia grunted as she spread her legs wide. She lay at the edge of the bed with her ass facing the floor and she was desperate to relieve some of the pressure that had built overnight. As her asshole slid open around the first log, she closed her eyes, dug her elbows into her stomach, and pushed. “Oooh,” She could feel the cold chain rubbing against her pucker, so different from the hot glob of scat it was encased in. Her first prisoner had softened nicely in her gut. As he slid out onto the carpet, he served as a lubricant for the bone-encrusted log that followed. PLOP! A skull hit the pile. GLORP! Another dense log peeled away from the chain. Lydia’s stomach had shrunk enough for her to wrap her arm around it. With a hiss, she plunged her fingers in her cunt. Another enormous log was arcing out across the pile. White bone dotted the brown scat. She liked the way it felt rubbing against her intestines. “Come on,” she muttered. Her legs spread further. “Come on!” At last, in one winding stream of scat, the last of the chain fell from her ass, clattering onto the pile with a squelch. Lydia panted as she removed her fingers from her cunt and turned to admire her work. The first man had digested almost completely, except for his skull which had rolled beneath the bed. The woman had shattered inside of her and was mostly chips and fragments. The last man, however, was almost perfectly preserved. For a second, Lydia was tempted to pull his femur out of the pile. If it was half as good as his dick… But alas, she thought, wiping with the bed sheets, there will be others. With that, she pulled the chain from the pile. After a good rinse, it would be ready for the night to come. |
Rizza stood at the edge of the bed, her hands folded in front of her stomach, watching as her client slid out of his boxers. Eyes half-closed, her wry smile never dropped from her face, even when it became clear that his cock wasn’t a third of what she was going to need to get off. “Have you ever slept with a centaur before?” she asked. He looked up at her, eyes gliding past her belly button where a normal human would be standing, past her breasts until, finally, he met her gaze. “Er, no,” he said, clearing his throat. “I just thought it would be… you know… ” Rizza sighed. She didn’t know, nor did she have the energy to guess. There was a long night ahead of her and her client was obviously uncomfortable, so she did what she always did when they started to get chatty: Pushed them over and squatted on their cock. The result was predictable. Insecure men need a strong woman to take the lead for them and they would find no woman stronger than Rizza. Her powerful flank rubbed against the man’s legs as she found a comfortable position with him inside of her. He let out a gasp. “Okay!” he said. “Are we starting?” “You tell me,” Rizza said, keeping her face hidden. It didn’t pay for her clients to see her roll her eyes. “Just let me know when you’re close, sweetheart. I can take it as fast or as slow as you like.” “Oh, uh, what’s good for you?” Nothing, Rizza thought. She wiggled her hips once, twice. The man rubbed his knees together and moaned. You ain’t exactly a stud. The sex was over and done with in under ten minutes. The man spasmed on the bed, releasing his seed against the back of her muscular thighs. As it dripped over her flank, Rizza let out a mental sigh. A man like that was a one and done. He might want to talk for the rest of their 45 minutes, but at least that could prove more interesting than the equivalent of thrusting a pencil between her legs. “That was great,” she said, tossing him a towel. “If you wouldn’t mind wiping me off, sweetheart. It’s a bit hard for me to reach. Sweetheart?” She turned to lock eyes with the man. Far from the normal post-coital daze, he seemed alert and almost… disappointed. Rizza’s heart started to thud. That wasn’t good. Disappointed meant no tip, or even a call to her agency. What had she done wrong? She had gotten him off, hadn’t she? Skimming through her mental checklist, she tried to find the fault. Had he left specific instructions? No, she always made sure before she entered the room. Had she farted in his face or something? No, no, she had been extra careful this time. Still, he was staring mournfully up at her. Maybe it hadn’t been his experience at all. “Are you missing someone?” Rizza asked, throwing out her best guess. The man shook his head. Rizza could have slapped herself. “Was the sex okay? I didn’t hurt you, did I?” “No, no,” the man muttered. “The sex was fine. It was just... “ Just what? Rizza cantered in a circle, placing herself in front of the man. With a grunt, she knelt. Now face level, she took hold of the man’s hands. “What is it?” she asked with all of the kindness she could muster. “I… didn’t get you off.” Rizza snorted. She couldn’t help herself. She had to drop the man’s hands to cup hers in front of her mouth, but she was sure that he could see her smiling. He could definitely see her shoulders shaking. As his face fell, she put up a finger, trying to control her giggles. “Okay,” she said. “I’m sorry. I’m so so sorry, it’s just, well, a difference of anatomy.” The man looked at his cock, then back up at the centaur. “I’m too small?” Gods, hadn’t he done any research? Rizza toned down her smile into a more sympathetic variant and patted him twice on the shoulder. “Sweetheart, an actual stallion would be too small for me. You’re enormous by human standards, but I’m a centaur. My job’s just to make sure you’re happy! Don’t worry about me and don’t think for one moment that you’re not perfectly adequate.” It was only a slight lie. He wasn’t tiny, but he wasn’t exactly Chad Thundercock. Still, her words didn’t seem to have reached him in the slightest. He was biting his lip, staring down at his thighs. “So there’s no way for me to, y’know, satisfy you?” he asked. Rizza was about to tell him no. She was a moment away, in fact, but then, out of the corner of her eye, she spotted his wallet on the counter and a seed of contentment spread in her chest. There was actually one way that he could get her off good, but, well, she liked to be prepaid for the service. “Alright,” she said, putting her hands on her hips. “Do you really want to do this?” The man nodded and scooted to the edge of the bed. His cock twitched against his thigh. “I’ll do anything you ask,” he said. “Anything?” “Anything.” Rizza smiled. That was exactly what she liked to hear. Already, her stomach was starting to bubble and bake, but if the man noticed, he didn’t see anything. Most humans weren’t too familiar with the gurgle of a horse gut anyhow. Turning around, Rizza shook her ass in his face, letting the thick lips spread in a burst of tepid colon air. “What you’re gonna do,” she said, “is shove your arms deep into my pussy. Really move them around. And then, once you’re nice and lubed, you’re going to take them and you’re going to get as deep into my ass as you can go. And I mean deep, hun. I want you in up to your armpits and then some. Can you do that for me?” Hesitating for but a moment, the man put his hands on her chestnut flank, spreading her hind legs so that her cunt gaped in front of his face. Rizza felt his fingers rub against the swollen lips, taking in the warmth of her clutch before pushing deeper. And deeper. And deeper. The man seemed surprised when his elbows disappeared into Rizza’s cunt. He seemed even more surprised when, with a groan, Rizza pulled him forward an extra foot, taking in his arms up to his shoulders. She moved from side to side, making sure that she had them absolutely coated in her thick honey, then clenched. His arms came out with a pop and a slurp. Heavy tendrils of goo webbed between his fingers. The man marveled at it, rubbing his arm where she had squeezed him. “Mmm, bury them deep into my ass.” Rizza squatted, relaxing her asshole. Her horse half trembled with anticipation, knees knocking together as she prepared herself for his entry. Her dark human skin broke out in goosebumps. It was rare that she had a client ask what they could do for her and rarer still that they were reckless enough to go through with it. His thumbs glided over her asshole, eliciting a brief whinny. Encouraged, the man pushed his hands inside. In an instant, Rizza had his body sucked halfway into his bowels. He only got one yelp before his head buried itself deep in her colon. After that, opening his mouth wouldn’t be wise. Rizza closed her eyes and let the feeling of her human dildo sweep over her. His head was lodged between her legs, separated by a layer of skin and a whole labyrinth of intestines. His feet were sticking out of her rear, kicking feebly as she slurped the rest of him into her gut. And then came the warmth, the shudder, the quick intake of breath. Her horse half was lathered with sweat, yet chills ran up her back and arms. Rizza bit her lip, allowing the feeling to overtake her. It wasn’t the frantic fucking she was used to, but his struggles more than made up for it as he slid ever deeper, inch by inch, until, with a full-throated whinny, Rizza came and her nameless client plopped into her stomach. As the gurgles grew louder and the man started to thrash for real, Rizza lay on the floor, squashing him beneath a thousand pounds of horse. Soon, there was nothing left but meaty paste and one very satisfied centaur. --- The next morning, she squatted over the bed once more, but this time, nothing was going in and everything was coming out. BBBllrrrrTTT! With a fart and a grunt, her asshole opened wide to discharge a whole heap of steaming dung, littered with bones and nearly as large as the man that comprised most of it. His skull rolled off of the peak of the scat mound until it was halted by the fluffy white pillows that sat at the head of the bed. Rizza, thoroughly aroused, picked his wallet up off of the night stand. “Well, what do you know,” she snickered, stashing it in her purse. “In the end, you weren’t too small at all.” |
Emilio gagged as his girlfriend's bones clattered against the porcelain toilet, encased in a thick, viscous layer of shit. Deirdre watched him, amused. “In a few hours, this is going to be you,” she said, running a thumb along the tip of her penis. “An unidentifiable pile of digested mush. Does this even look like your girlfriend? Would you be able to tell?” “No,” Emilio said. He was knelt in front of her, right by her cock. He watched as her asshole slurped open and ejected another long, brown log of his girlfriend and wondered what it would be like to digest. It would hurt, that was for sure. His girlfriend hadn’t stopped screaming until she was drowned beneath the heavy flow of digestive juices and even then he thought he could hear her whimpering in the quickly softening form of Deirdre’s stomach. If it was going to hurt, why did he want it? Maybe it was Deirdre herself. She smirked back at him, fingering the fine layer of pudge that Lacy had left on her gut. “I’ll work this off soon enough,” she said. “In fact, maybe while we’re fuckin’ it’ll burn away. You’ll get to watch the only traces of your girlfriend disappear before you round out this big ol’ belly. Betcha squirm real nice. Urk.” PHHhrrrrUUUUP! With a grunt, Deirdre let loose a long and nasty fart which echoed in the toilet bowl. Emilio flinched and plugged his nose, but Deirdre kicked his arm. “You need to smell it,” she said, flushing the toilet. Lacy’s bones crunched down into the drain. “That’s gonna be you. If I weren’t so loose, I might even stuff you right up my ass and you’d smell a hell of a lot worse, believe me, but right now, I just want a cream filled treat. You’re gonna fuck me until I’m good and riled, and then I’m going to fill you like a pastry and swallow ya.” Emilio gulped. His cock twitched in his boxers. He had hoped that Deirdre wouldn’t notice, but her eyes flicked down at the perfect moment. A shark-like grin spread across her face. “They’re not usually this willing,” she whispered. FFrrrrTTT! SSSPLORCH! Deirdre lifted herself off of the toilet to admire her handy work. The last of Lacy lay in a heap of slimy brown shit. Her skull sat on top of the pile, empty eye sockets watching Emilio with vague dispassion. He shuddered. He knew this should be horrific, but he couldn’t help the warmth spreading through his crotch. Deirdre’s cock slapped against his face as she wiped and beneath her swinging balls, he could see something else. She noticed his interest. “Never seen a woman with a cock AND a slit?” she asked. “The slit’s the thing you’ll be fuckin’. You must have seen it last night, or were you that focused on my ass?” “I was that focused on your ass,” Emilio said. Deirdre nodded. “Makes sense,” she said. “It’s a sweet ass. Now c’mon. We’re gonna get down and dirty.” She took him by the hand and dragged him all the way to the bedroom. His palm was sweaty against hers. She pulled him through the living room. Emilio looked at the front door, wondering if he’d ever exit through it again. Part of him thought it might be a dream, or a joke, but Deirdre’s hand felt so real grasped in his and he had seen, heard, and smelled his girlfriend pass through her body. She was real and she had swallowed Lacy. She was going to swallow him too. In the bedroom, Deirdre flopped onto the mattress and spread her legs. She reached beneath her balls, pulling them aside to reveal her slit. It was already wet. “I’m sure it’s tight enough for you,” she said, licking her lips. “You’ve got a big ol’ cock. Now, give me what I deserve. Be as rough as you like. Leave me some bruises to remember you by, because unless you’re lucky enough to fill out my tits, I’ll probably forget your name by the time you hit the toilet water.” “Emilio,” he said, sliding off his boxers. “It’s Emilio.” “It could be Ronald fucking McDonald for all I care,” Deirdre said. “You’re just fast food to me.” She was taunting him and he knew it, but it didn’t matter. Emilio didn’t need incentive to fuck her. His body was already moving by itself, pulling and stroking and grabbing everything that his hands could reach. Her thighs rippled between his fingers. Her breath hitched as he spread her legs wide. “Not there,” she said as his cock rubbed against her ass. “I’m loose enough. A little higher.” Emilio nodded. He could feel the warmth of her vagina as it eased over his cock. It was a tight fit. With one, enormous thrust, he forced his length inside of her and started to pound. Back and forth, back and forth, their hips rocked and slapped together, forming a symphony of gasps and sighs. Emilio watched Deirdre’s mouth as her head rolled back. The harder he gripped her thighs, the more she seemed to like it. “You ate my girlfriend,” he said, thrusting deep. “And I’m going to eat you,” Deirdre gasped. Emilio’s eyes rolled. Her words had ignited a fire in his stomach. His body was tinder in a bonfire and he was burning up, bursting with the need to feel her squirming around his cock, and pregnant with the urge to fill her sweaty gut. She was staring at him, eyes ravenous, visualizing how he would slide down her throat. Her cunt clenched. Her cock stiffened. “Put your hand around it,” she demanded. “Go on.” He did as she asked, grabbing her dick as he continued to thrust. He was getting close. He could feel his orgasm swelling, his balls squeezing, ready to release at a moment’s notice, but a sadistic part of him wanted to wait, to linger right up until her orgasm was assured. He knew it would give her pleasure. It wasn’t revenge, it wouldn’t bring his girlfriend back, but it would give him the satisfaction of achieving the briefest instance of equality, not as humans, but as animals in heat, before she swallowed him like the glutton she was. She clenched again. He mouth hung open. Drool coated her chin. Her eyes were closed, twitching with bliss as her moans grew louder and louder. Emilio wondered if she would cum, but the thought was quickly erased as his body gave a shudder. There would be no more waiting. He needed to spill. As he pulled away from her, she locked her legs around his back. “No,” she said. “Fill me.” “No,” Emilio said, but it was too late. He was weak and she was strong and with a brief squeeze of her legs, she pushed him back inside of herself to finish. Emilio’s knees buckled as he came. His hot seed poured into Deirdre. “Good,” she murmured as he collapsed. “Very good.” Her cock was still stiff. Throbbing. She grabbed him by the arm, none too gently, and pulled him back up onto the bed. Shoving his torso into the sheets, she wrenched his legs apart. His spent cock gave a feeble shake as she plunged her own erection into his ass. “I told you,” she said, grabbing a fistfull of his hair. “You’re. Going. To. Take. It.” Every word was accompanied by a hiss and Emilio shouted, whether from pleasure or pain he did not know, but he could feel her stiffening inside of him, swelling to such a size that he was sure that any moment, she would fill him as he had filled her, and indeed, only a moment later, he felt the prick and a warm rush of cum sliding through his intestines, cream filling him just as she had promised. “Shiiiit,” Deirdre said, pulling her flaccid cock out of his ass. “That was almost as good as the one from yesterday.” “Right,” Emilio said. He felt heavy. Deirdre’s cum was sloshing inside of him, warm and tingly. The woman herself was pacing in a circle, muttering to herself. He could hear her stomach growling. He closed his eyes and lay forward on the sheets. “Alright,” she said at last. “I don’t usually do this, but I actually have to admit that you were a pretty good lay. One of the best that I’ve had in a long time. I’m tempted to keep you around as a fucktoy so that you can pound me every time I swallow someone, but just looking at you is making me feel hungry. So, I’m sorry, but you’re going down my throat.” Emilio wasn’t disappointed by the news. He turned around, his face a mask of calm acceptance as hers came closer. Her breath smelled like rancid gas and indeed, as her throat opened, the smell of her stomach assaulted him in full force. A bubbling stew of acids and slush were awaiting him at the bottom of the fleshy well, and when her lips closed around his face, he knew that he was seeing the last of the light. Soon he would be embraced by the cruel pit of her stomach, digested, and shit out just like his girlfriend was. And as his head reached the back of her throat, his cock sprang back to life. Deirdre licked it as it passed through her lips. GULP! BRRRaaaAAAaaUUuUURRRRP! “Ah,” she said, her voice muffled by the damp wall that surrounded Emilio. “Right where you belong.” Deep in her gut, drowning in her acids, listening to the soft sounds of Deirdre fingering herself, somehow, Emilio couldn’t agree more. |
There was a throbbing in my head that would not cease. I woke on the couch in my study, clutching my skull. Even the tick of the antique clock above my desk was too loud. Each turn of the hand echoed through me. There was an empty wine bottle next to the couch and a pressure in my stomach that twisted and churned. It felt like I was being squashed, but when I looked, my stomach was as thin as it had ever been. As soon as I tried to move, I realized my mistake. My still invisible stomach shifted off of the side of the couch and I went with it, landing with a wumph. To an outside observer, it would have looked like I was draped in midair, but there were no outside observers anymore. I had eaten my maids. I could feel them moving within me. Well, most of them, anyway. Reaching for my wand on the couch, I tapped my stomach and it flashed back into view. My skin was stretched to the limit, bulging out on all sides to form a massive oval of flesh. Stomach acids pooled at the bottom, providing a cushy surface for the rest to lay on and as I jiggled back and forth, I could see that my stomach was already halfway full with liquid. The maids were screaming and clawing at my innards, but a Veela’s stomach is not so easily damaged. Marveling at my rotund form, I tried to remember the details of last night. Bianca was still fresh in my mind. Thinking past the wine-addled memories, I tried to call her to the surface. Her taste. Her smell. The petite, pretty way she carried herself. Yes, she had been the first one down my throat and was probably the one I felt in my intestines at that moment. In the old days, my stomach could digest a gaggle of girls in mere hours, but now, it was going to take me days to finish off these maids. BWWWWAAAAAAAAAOOOOUUUURRRPP! The burp resounded through my study. I was shocked. Pinching my skin, I tried to count how many girls were in my stomach. 1 was a digested mess, but there were 4 more, still solid and squirming. 5 girls in total. I had eaten 5 fully grown women. “I didn’t think it was still possible,” I murmured, ignoring their cries. “It has been so long. The Veela blood that runs through my veins is strong. I am sorry, girls, but your Madame is going to digest you know.” I shouldn’t have said that. They could hear me through the skin and as they learned of their fate, they all started to move at once. My stomach twitched and I gasped. A massive stomachache was coming on. Head still pounding, I looked around the room for water, but there was none in sight, and with 5 girls to digest, there was no way that I was going to be moving anytime soon. Sighing, I closed my eyes and pressed my face into the warm flesh. It was going to be a long few days. --- Being fat is an important part of Veela culture. Our ancestors, the sirens, knew that weight was an indication of hunting prowess, and some of that has rubbed off on today’s Veela’s. Even if their “prey” is just copious amounts of regular food, Veela gatherings are often characterized by oversized, beautiful women and engaging in the basest of gluttony. For the past several years, I have tried to engage more with mainstream French culture. Petite was in. I had given up on my gluttonous ways. But now, standing in front of the mirror, admiring the soft ridges of my body, the round, delicate folds of my bloated, buttery stomach, I wondered why I had ever bothered. The 5 women had found their way onto my frame, each padding out a piece of my body. Both of my thighs melted together in the middle, my fingers sinking into them as I stroked the velvety skin. My breasts rested on top of my stomach, two enormous orbs with wide areolas and pink, perky nipples. I brought one up to my mouth and kissed it, shuddering. Every part of me was sensitive. Most changed was my stomach. Gone was the flat board of a gut that I had worked to cultivate over the years. In its place was a lush, mountainous slope of creamy skin that bounced with every movement. Who would not admire such art? I chuckled, turning back toward my study. Between two bookshelves, a portrait sat on the mauve wall. It depicted a ship in the middle of a storm, a fast sloop rising with a wave, its sails filled and billowing. Next to it was another, larger ship, fat with treasure. Sailors swarmed to the deck, screaming, their faces frozen in terror as the figure at the front of the sloop laughed. She was a whale of a woman, easily twice as large as I was, and yet she had an air of easy grace about her. Her arms were folded in front of her bosom and her teeth were bared. Purple eyes were drawn in intricate detail, narrow and fierce. Her blonde hair billowed out behind her. Everything moved in slow motion as old wizard paintings often did. The original Fleur Delacour in all of her glory. I had admired her since I was a young girl on my mother’s lap, staring up at this very painting. “Those were the days,” I said, touching the dried oil. “When a Veela did not have to hide what she was or bow to the whims of society. You were free then, weren’t you?” My stomach was starting to rumble. Despite gorging myself on her maids, I still needed regular food, and now there was nobody to cook for me. This was not a concern. Soon, I would leave the mansion, sending a final letter to my daughter to let her know that her mother would be back soon. Wouldn’t she be surprised when she sees what I have become. “I have decided to go sailing, just like you,” I told the painting. “At sea, I will not have to worry about the others. When I swallowed my maids, I could not move to grab the last one, but the Veela blood runs deep in me and misty eyed, she approached. I have had dreams of standing at the front of some yacht as men line up to be devoured and the fear and lust in their eyes will be as sweet as crème brûlée.” I placed two hands on my stomach, imagining the face of a sailor pressing out against the fat, his mouth open in terror. It made me smile. “I will sneak onto ships or seduce the captains. For days, we will sail, until on one dark and stormy night, I get too hungry to subsist off of the rations. Maybe I will make a pact with the mermaids to keep other ships away while I feed. I will have to give them some of my prey, but they are relatives, no? While my daughter feeds at Hogwarts, I shall go back to our roots.” A small gurgle made me hold a hand to my mouth. OOOURP! “Obstinate,” I growled, pushing a knuckle into my gut. The last maid was still making her way through my intestines. I swaggered to my desk and pressed my stomach against it, grinding against what was left of her. Turning back to the painting, I gasped. Fleur the Pirate had come leaping off of her ship. She swayed along the sloop as it rocked in the storm, jumping to the merchant vessel. When she got as close as she could to the front of the painting, she grinned down at me. “You have not spoken to me since I was a child,” I said. “Why now?” She stretched, showing off the globe of her stomach beneath her silk shirt. Her voice was as smooth as fresh cream. “Didn’t want to,” she said, flashing her teeth. “Why should I talk to some wet shirt pansy that hadn’t an ounce of pudge on her? In my day, that would have been enough to get you marooned. Bad form for a Veela.” “Half-Veela,” I reminded her. “Bah, it matters now. So you’re turning to piracy?” “I have been thinking of it,” I said. “My daughter-” “Is a better Veela than you’ll ever be,” Fleur said, waving her arm. “She’s named after me, so it’s only natural. But mama wants to catch up. I watched you digest those servants. That was some right fine work.” I blushed. “Thank you,” I said. “Do you have any advice?” She laughed. Stretching out her arm, she nabbed one of the sailors by the back of his coat. With a practiced flick of the wand she kept in her belt, his clothes dissolved as he thrashed, screaming, down her throat. With a mighty belch, she slapped her gut, the sailor squirming beneath her skin. “You don’t need advice,” she said. “You know how to do it. Keep a firm upper lip and a relaxed throat and you’ll find that most anybody will go down easy. Go, Apolline. Make me proud.” With that, she bounced back onto her ship and stood still at the helm, the only movement coming from the waves and the clouds. “I will,” I said, turning to the door. “And you are wrong about one thing. I will return fatter than my daughter could ever hope to become.” |
“How about her?” “Too short. She wouldn’t satisfy.” “Picky, picky. What about the blonde? She’s talking to a guy next to the bar. Think they’re dating, or nah?” “Nah, but there’s like, no way she’s into it.” “Well then, you decide.” Al propped his chin on his arms as he scanned the busy bar, a slew of empty bottles littering the table before him. His girlfriend was turned in her seat, watching the entrance. “I’m looking for someone who’d be into me,” she said. “That’s your problem. You’re looking for girls that would be into you.” “Girls or guys, we’re not picky,” Al muttered, swirling the dregs in the bottom of his cup. “But they’re usually girls. I don’t know what the deal is with that.” “Girls are less possessive and besides, most have never been with a horse. Oh! Eyes up. Look who just entered.” Al had to scootch in his seat to see past Sierra’s broad back. When he did, however, he saw that she had once again hit the mark. Blonde, short hair, average breasts. Tall enough to be a challenge for Sierra, but not so tall that she would be uncomfortable. The choker around her neck suggested that she might be up for something kinky and her dazed smile spoke of the level of intoxication necessary for her to even consider the suggestion that Sierra was about to make. Sierra, by contrast, was taller than anybody in the bar, men included. Standing a head above the burliest patron, her sleek muscles suggested a not-so-hidden strength that made her immune to all but the most daring flirts. Al watched her as she weaved through the bar, enjoying the swing of her hips. His cock stiffened beneath the table. Tonight was going to be fun. --- “Okay,” the blonde giggled, steading herself against the doorframe. “Run this by me again.” Al lay propped against the pillows, his clothes already scattered around the bed. Sierra was sitting on the edge with her legs spread. “Come here,” she said, wiggling a finger. The blonde came, swaying slightly, and sat on Sierra’s knee. Her lips puckered as she turned her head toward the horse. Sierra had to crane her neck to meet them. “I want you,” Sierra whispered, kissing the cusp of the blonde’s throat. “To bare that pretty little body of yours while I smother you under my ass. Once I get you nice and lubed up with sweat, then I’ll spread my pucker over your head and plunge you, whole and intact, right into my rectum where you will stay squirming for my pleasure as I have sex with my boyfriend. How does that sound?” “Kinda good,” the blonde muttered, turning her head so that Sierra could kiss her neck more. “Will it make your belly all big?” “Absolutely,” Sierra said. She winked at Al before administering to the blonde. Cock in hand, Al watched her melt like putty in his girlfriend’s experienced palms. “Alright,” Sierra said, rising at last. “Let’s get this party started.” As she shrugged off her skirt, the blonde got her first look at the horse’s ass. Two soft, toned cheeks, each bigger than the blonde’s head, gave way to a sweat-slick pucker that quivered as Sierra spread herself wide. The blonde, tentatively at first, but then more enthusiastically, stuck out her tongue and brought her face forward. SHLORP! Before she could lick- before she even had a chance to take her last breath of clean air - Sierra sat back and buried the blonde in her bowels, wiggling a little at the hips to make sure that she was in good and tight before standing and bracing the blonde’s feet on the edge of the bed. With a wet slurp, she disappeared into Sierra’s rectum, bulging out the base of her stomach to come to a smelly halt locked somewhere midway through her intestines. Sierra’s eyes rolled as she felt the blonde struggle. “She’s a wily one,” she said, turning her gaze on her boyfriend. “Wanna touch?” “Oh yeah!” Al lurched forward, almost tripping over the sheets as he brought his hands up to Sierra’s stomach. He could see the faint outline of the blonde against his girlfriend’s coarse brown fur, but her overall shape was indistinct given the sheer amount of guts that separated her from the surface. “I bet it smells terrible in there,” he said, bringing his hands up to Sierra’s chest. “Worse if I start farting on her,” she said. “Now let’s put that to good use.” Reaching out, she grabbed hold of Al’s cock, rubbing her thumb against the base as she lay back on the bed. With a jerk of her hand, she brought it up to her stomach and buried it under the folds. Al gasped. “It feels… real fuckin’ nice when she moves.” “Does it?” Sierra purred. “It feels nice for me as well. Oh no you don’t.” Al had started to move his hips, thrusting his cock back and forth between Sierra’s stomach and her thigh. Gently, she nudged him until he was positioned over her cunt instead. The black lips were already spread and dripping for him. Without so much as a thought, he plunged inside. “Oh!” Sierra bucked. She hadn’t been expecting the instant bliss that washed over her as the combined pleasure of her boyfriend's cock and the woman inside of her ass melted her consciousness. It was the perfect amount of stimulation. Every jolt and shudder of the blonde made Sierra’s eyes roll. Every thrust of Al’s cock made her whimper. Her stomach rocked overhead, back and forth, back and forth, sloshing with the weight of its contents and the increased enthusiasm of her partner. As they fucked, the woman slipped deeper. She was pulled, gasping and shaking, through the twisted confines of Sierra’s intestines, still in a drunken bliss that dulled her sense of danger and enflamed her lust. Her hands were between her legs , which Sierra didn’t mind, as the twitches and sighs of prey in heat were of a particularly delicious quality. It was good that her prey enjoyed their time while it lasted. And Al? He couldn’t get enough of his girlfriend’s huge, distended stomach. The way it wobbled and jolted with every slap of their hips drove him wild. He had to bite his lip and dig his nails into his arm to stop himself from cumming within the first ten seconds. “Go fast,” Sierra begged. “As fast as you can.” She was on the edge. The blonde was about to enter her stomach and at the moment that her head broke through into the toxic miasma of acids that awaited her, there was always a rush of endorphins. Sierra lived for that high. Her boyfriend’s cock filled her, yes, but the real meat of her orgasm came from the entrapment of live prey. Together they crested and together they came, both yelling as Al plunged himself deep into Sierra and let out his pent up seed at the exact moment that Sierra felt the blonde squirt into her stomach. Sweaty and panting, they inspected the results. “Right,” Al gulped. His head was still spinning. “That was… that was good.” “Indeed,” Sierra said. Oh, the blonde was stirring now. Had she just noticed where her journey had led her? Was the buzz wearing off? Sierra rubbed her stomach as it bubbled and churned, smiling at the suppressed sound of the blonde’s desperate pleas that were so easily dismissed as cries of pleasure. “You gonna let her out tonight?” Al said, handing her a towel. “No,” Sierra said, wiping herself off. “I think I’ll do it in the morning. I’ll try not to wake you this time.” --- At 6am the next morning, Sierra stirred. She sat up in bed, yawning as her back cracked and her stomach gurgled. A pressure had built overnight that needed tending to. Making sure that Al was still fast asleep, Sierra crept out of bed. “Alright,” she said, closing the bathroom door. “Do you want out now?” Her stomach burbled in response. She could still feel the blonde, having sucked her back into her intestines somewhere around 4 in the morning. “I’ll take that as a yes.” The toilet creaked as she sat upon it. Despite the fact that it had been advertised as being for large creatures, Sierra still feared that it would break beneath her one day, exposing her, er, temptations to Al. It was a miracle that the plumbing held up. “There you go,” Sierra muttered. “Nice and smooth.” Her asshole spread once more, but what came out was not the same beautiful blonde that had gone in. An enormous strand of bone-studded shit, roughly the width of a football, coiled into the toilet bowl. With a grunt, Sierra ejected a femur, a tibia, a couple of ribs. The skull was there somewhere, buried in scat, but Sierra paid no mind to it as she stared at a faint black strand of leather that had somehow survived the harsh conditions of her stomach. “Her choker,” she said. For a second, she considered pulling it out. It was cute, sure, but it had also been in her bowels. With a sigh, she tugged on the handle and flushed. Al never did ask where their night guest had gone. When Sierra crept into bed beside him, he merely rolled over and mumbled, in a tone of absolute contentment: “Welcome back.” |
“Are you sure you’ll be okay?” “I’ll be fine, I’ll be fine. Cindy is lovely.” “But she’s-” “A lioness?” Sapphire nodded, clutching the hem of her sister’s dress. Her huge brown eyes were clouded with worry. “She’s almost twice your size,” she insisted. “And she has fangs! I don’t know, Lulu, it just seems like a bad idea to me.” “You’re looking out for your sister,” Lulu said, prying Sapphire’s hands away. “And that’s all well and good, but your sister is very much in love.” “In love? But she’s-” “A lioness,” Lulu said firmly. “And that’s alright! Honestly, Saph, if you met her, you would think that she was just lovely.” “But I haven’t met her,” Sapphire complained. “You always go to her house after your dates and then you aren’t home until late and then I have to shake you and shake you to get you to take me to school.” “Saph.” Taking a few steps back, Sapphire pouted. Lulu had finished packing her purse and was checking her outfit in the mirror, adjusting the black bow she wore between her ears. Her tail lashed against the ground as she did a small spin. “How do I look?” she asked. “Like you’re going to get eaten,” Sapphire said. “Maybe!” Lulu put a finger to her nose and winked, causing Sapphire to gag. “Come on, sis, it’s not funny. Mom and dad were swallowed whole.” “I know,” Lulu said, stopping mid-spin. “I understand why you’re upset, but this is different. Cindy is wonderful and kind and very, very wealthy. She’s taken your dear sister to some rather expensive restaurants lately-” “Fattening you up,” Sapphire muttered. “-and has been talking about the future,” Lulu finished, ignoring her comment. “Something that Martin never did.” “And I hated Martin, too!” “You hate all of my partners because they take me away from you, but guess what?” Sapphire didn’t have a chance to dodge before Lulu grabbed hold of her and gave her a peck on the cheek. “I’m not going anywhere,” she said with a wink. “Right,” Sapphire sighed. “Fine. I trust you. Just… be careful, you know? I’ll bring you coffee tomorrow morning. 7 o’clock.” “Mmm, love you, sis.” “I love you, too.” Sapphire watched as her sister waved from the door. A cab had just pulled up along the curb. Taking a deep breath of the fresh spring air, Lulu flounced off toward it. As she opened the cab door, Sapphire caught a glance of a fanged grin. It was the last time she ever saw her sister alive. --- Morning came and Sapphire woke with the same weariness that all high schooler’s felt in the middle of the week. Rocking from her bed, it wasn’t until she was in the kitchen that she remembered Lulu’s date. She had gotten back way past midnight, giggling and shushing. Sapphire hadn’t bothered to check on her then. She was back home and that was all that mattered. “Cindy,” Sapphire whispered under her breath, flicking on the coffee machine. “Cindy…” She showered, she peed, she brushed her teeth. Throwing on a tee shirt, she made it back to the kitchen just in time to see the light on the coffee machine go off. Her sister’s mug was still in the sink. Sapphire grabbed a clean one from the rack and filled it halfway, adding in a splash of creamer and a whole glug of milk. Wrinkling her nose, she brought the mixture to Lulu’s door. “Sis,” she said, knocking. “Sis, c’mon, it’s 7:20. I’m going to be late.” Listening for a second, she sighed, placed her back on the door, and shoved it open. The first thing that she noticed was that the curtains were closed. Her sister always kept them open because she liked the view of the back garden in the moonlight. The second thing she noticed was the snoring, loud and brash and definitely not a mouse. Pawing her way across the room, Sapphire found one of the curtains and drew it back. As she did, her suspicions were confirmed. A lioness lay in her sister’s bed, one hand flopped across her broad middle while the lay squarely between her legs. She was beautiful in a stately way, with golden fur and powerful features, and for a moment, Sapphire was enamored, at least until she looked down. “Gross,” she muttered. The lioness’ cock was splayed out across her thigh, still slick with whatever illicit activities she had performed the night before. Lulu was nowhere in sight. Trying to avoid the lioness’ crotch, Sapphire held one hand under her eyes as she scanned the bed. Was the lump beneath the sheets Lulu? No, it was the lioness’ tail. Sapphire did a full sweep of the bed, walking from one side to the other, but if her sister was there, she was buried beneath the covers or hidden beneath the lioness herself. Just as she was about to go and check the living room, the lioness stirred and her hand slipped off of her stomach. Sapphire stared at it, blinking, unable to control her fascination. There was something magnetic about the smooth hump of fur. Something… familiar. Curious, Sapphire stepped closer. The lioness opened one of her eyes. “Y’must be the sister,” she yawned, scratching her belly. “I forgot that she said she had one.” “Lulu?” “Hmm? Oh yeah.” The lioness grabbed the sides of her gut, pulling it taut. It bounced back into place with a meaty slosh, emitting a low, satisfied gurgle. BBBwwwAAaaaARP! “Honestly, it was one of our better dates.” A piece of black fabric flew from Cindy’s lips, splatting on the ground between Sapphire’s feet. She bent to pick it up, shuddering at the warm goo that stuck between her fingers. Lulu’s bow. Sapphire felt very cold, then very hot. She opened her mouth and found that all words had abandoned her, leaving her helpless to react as the lioness looked down, playing with her pudge. With one finger, she dug a trench in her fur, tracing the path around her navel all the way down to her legs. Her cock twitched back to life with the movement, causing the lioness to purr. “You can’t imagine how good this feels,” she said. “That’s why I love eating mice. Lulu was so energetic. She wouldn’t stop pounding, even when I lay on top of her, kicking and punching until at last, she softened up. Even before that, she was… enthusiastic.” Her hand went between her legs. Grabbing the base of her cock, Cindy ran her fingers along it, sliding them up to the tip in one smooth motion. Sighing, she hefted herself off of the bed. “Ah well, work calls. Your sister was all well and good, but she’s also making me quite late. It was nice to meet you, whatever-your-name-is. Oh! You even made coffee. You shouldn’t have.” Sapphire hadn’t stopped staring. She just couldn’t tear her eyes away from that swollen hump. If she listened closely, she could almost hear her sister sloshing inside of it, melted away into nothing but a quivering mound. Back and forth it swayed; back and forth Sapphire watched. Her skin prickled. Her fingers itched. After downing the cup of coffee, the lioness turned, seeming to notice her all over again. “Oh, right! You probably want to say goodbye. Let me just-” In three strides, she made it across the room to Sapphire who stood stock still as Cindy grabbed her by the back of the head and stuffed her face into the doughy remains of her sister. Years later, Sapphire would recall the warmth of the lioness’ fur and shudder. It felt damn good. The Metropolitan Gym hadn’t started out as Sapphire’s home, but it had certainly become one for her. Carrying a spray bottle and cloth, she hummed as she worked, spritzing each of the pieces of equipment before wiping them off. All of the patrons knew her by sight. “Hey mouse,” they would say. “You with the bow.” It wasn’t what she had imagined herself doing after high school, but without her sister’s help with finances, the money dried up fast. The Metropolitan Gym had just been opening at that point and had issued an all hands on deck. Sapphire only had to look at the pamphlet to know that it was right for her. A gym for predators, by predators. Her aunt and uncle told her that she was crazy. Her friends had tried to talk her out of it. “You’ll be eaten,” they said. “Swallowed alive!” “I know,” Sapphire had answered, and they had left it at that. But she hadn’t been eaten - not yet, at least - and as the years progressed, she learned first to tolerate the predator’s hungry glares, then to enjoy them. It pleased her to feel their eyes as she traveled through the large room. Their dripping lips; their growling stomachs. Nothing gave her more satisfaction than inciting their carnal desire. So far, nobody had taken the bait, but she was sure that the day wasn’t far off. On her breaks, she would peruse through instagram, swiping through the infinite feed of predators with their jaws wide, engulfing the terrified faces of their prey. Sometimes, she would zoom in on the saliva, or the tongue. How soft it looked. She wanted it. Her feelings weren’t normal, certainly. Only a small subsect of prey fantasized about the acidic embrace of a predator’s gut, but Sapphire couldn’t stop her morbid fascination if she tried. She had dated predators, making sure to delay their dinners only to arrive as musky and appetizing as she could. None had partaken. She had wandered the streets at night, waiting to feel the strong fingers that would surely wrap around her waist right before shoving her down some unknown gullet, but the most she ever got was a cold. The gym was her last resort. The predators there wanted her. They were waiting, watching, trying to get her alone and she would tease, oh, she would tease. Wiggling and prancing through the lines of benches, she could almost feel their fetid breath as they clutched the edges of their seats. Eating an employee was an instant ban, but damn would she make it worth it. And so it was in that frame of mind, cleaning the mirrors, that Sapphire caught her first glimpse of the lioness since her sister’s demise. She was standing at the smith machine, laughing and chatting with the panther on the bench. Before Sapphire could look away, Cindy turned in her direction. Their eyes met. For a second, Sapphire thought that she saw a hint of recognition, but it was quickly erased. Cindy said something to the panther and then headed toward her, stopping at her side. “Hey,” she said. “The women’s bathroom is out of towels.” “R-right!” Sapphire squeaked. “I’ll get r-right on that, ma’am.” Cindy’s eyes narrowed. She tilted her head, scratching at the nape of her neck. There was no trace of her stomach against the flat plane of her tank top, but her cock bulged out of the side of her gym shorts. It touched Sapphire’s arm as she tried to scurry away. “Do I know you?” she asked. “You’re so familiar. It’s like we’ve… huh.” She let Sapphire go, watching her as she sprinted toward the bathroom, tail lashing between her legs. The panther finished his set and followed her gaze. “That’s Sapphire,” he said, licking his lips. “A damn tease, she is. Not sure why Metropolitan hired her. Maybe it was to make us hungry enough to buy their overpriced snacks at the counter. Oi!” Cindy was heading toward the bathroom. The panther leapt from his seat. “It’s an instant ban if you eat her,” he warned. “Don’t worry, Gary. I think that she’s an old friend. --- Sapphire bent over the sink, feeling the cold water draining between her fingers. She was afraid to look in the mirror, afraid of what she might see. Her heart was racing harder than it had since the day her sister was swallowed, thudding through every limb, electrifying her nerves. Why did she work at the gym? Was it a form of self-flagellation for failing to save her sister and her parents, or was it something deeper? A fetish, perhaps, or an instinct? She didn’t know. It had just seemed like the right thing to do at the moment. It was undeniable that she found the thought of being consumed arousing, but it came with an equal amount of shame. She was prey, yes, but even prey were supposed to have a healthy dose of self preservation, so why did the lioness captivate her? The door opened behind her, then closed. Sapphire didn’t have to turn to know who it was. She could already feel the warmth emanating from the predator’s supple body. “I know you,” Cindy said. “Yes.” “We dated?” “No.” A hand fell on Sapphire’s shoulder. Flinching, she turned, transfixed by those vibrant, golden eyes. Cindy licked her lips. “No,” she repeated. “We didn’t date, because if we had, you wouldn’t be standing here right now, would you?” “I suppose not,” Sapphire whispered. “Then why do I remember you? Those ears, that bow. It’s all so familiar somehow.” Winding her hand around to the back of Sapphire’s head, Cindy ran her finger through her fur, eyes flashing. “I remember this, too. Pushing down on the back of a mouse’s head. Oh, she was good with her mouth. When she opened wide, I knew I was in for a treat.” “But you opened wider.” Cindy let go of Sapphire and took a step back. She stared impassively as Sapphire trembled. “My sister,” she said. “You ate my sister. She was the mouse with the bow.” “Right,” Cindy said, slapping her fist on her palm. “Oh man, she was great. Would not stop squirming for the life of her. I came, I dunno, six or seven times that night and then… you brought me coffee.” “It was for my sister.” “Maybe,” Cindy laughed. “But she was indisposed, or perhaps it would be more accurate to say that she was disposed of later. Felt almost as good coming out as she did coming in.” Sapphire tried to duck under Cindy’s arm, but she stepped into her path. Taking the mouse by her chin, she tilted her head back. “What’s her sister doing working at a gym for predators, hmm?” There wasn’t a correct answer to that question and Cindy wasn’t looking for one. Still holding Sapphire, she walked her toward a stall. The mouse followed without a word. Locking the door behind them, Cindy sat on the toilet and stared. “Well?” she asked. “Well, what?” “Are you as good as your sister?” The lioness’ gym shorts hit the floor with a damp smack. Her cock was already erect, standing at attention only inches from Sapphire’s face. Looking at it, she gulped. “I don’t understand,” she said. But she did. She understood only too well. From the moment the lioness had walked into the bathroom, she had known what she was going to do, and Cindy had known too. It had been written in her expression. Why else would she work in a gym for predators? Because she had been waiting for the right one. Cindy’s fur was silky smooth as Sapphire put her hands on her thighs and lowered herself onto her knees. Cindy purred as the mouse ran a finger over the base of her cock. “Ever handled one of these before?” “No.” “Will that be a problem?” “I think I get the gist.” Sapphire opened her mouth wide, tongue lolling over her bottom lip as she dragged it across the head of Cindy’s cock. Sweat and precum mixed into a salty lubricant that Sapphire used to wet her mouth before going down on the lioness. Her cock tickled the back of her throat, then went further. “Oh, god!” Cindy muttered, spreading her legs. “That’s new. Your sister couldn’t go that deep. I still remember that ribbon bobbing up and down. Unf!” With Cindy’s stomach only a few inches overhead, Sapphire was finding it hard to concentrate. She brought one of her hands down to fondle the lioness’ balls as the other stroked her thigh. “Damn, damn, damn! You’ve got a mouth like velvet. Keep pressing your tongue up. Yes, that’s a good girl. Your sister, ah, kind of closed her lips and- Yes! Like that!” Sapphire closed her eyes. She wanted to experience the musk, the taste, the feeling of having the lioness on her lips. Thrusting and moaning, the predator was a slave to Sapphire’s mouth and soon, Sapphire would be a slave to Cindy’s. Her cock was so engorged that it was taking all of her effort just to keep the tip locked in her throat, grinding against her gullet as it throbbed and swelled, lubricating the narrow pipe with precum until, at last, Cindy came, filling the mouse’s stomach in a hot torrent that lasted a full minute. Slipping her flaccid cock from Sapphire’s lips, the lioness leaned back on the toilet and sighed. “So?” Sapphire asked, wiping her mouth on the back of her hand. “So what?” Cindy murmured. “Was I better than Lulu?” At that, Cindy chuckled. Taking Sapphire by the nape of her neck, she lifted her up to her face, giving her a perfect view of her saliva-drenched maw. “That depends on the taste test,” Cindy said. Nothing could have prepared Sapphire for her first and last dip into a predator’s gullet. From the compilations that she had watched online, she had predicted the warmth and humidity; the gooey saliva that spread between her fingers. She had seen the pink swill of the lioness’ throat opening in her mind over and over, yet what she had failed to predict was the effect of her own anticipation. Her limbs were shaking. Her heart was racing. Her eyes were darting back and forth between every crease and bump, trying to absorb everything before her inevitable slide into the all-encompassing embrace of Cindy’s stomach. When Cindy’s throat parted over her head, she moaned. She couldn’t help it. Every part of her body was being massaged by Cindy’s, kneaded between layers of muscle and flesh until she was enveloped by it. Saliva drizzled over her body with every gulp. All she could hear were the sounds of her own consumption. ULP! The stomach welcomed her by wrapping around her fur, conforming to the nooks and crannies of her body to form her own personalized prison. Soon she was soaked from head to toe, pressed into those intimate nooks like the food that she was, and still her heart raced and her cheeks flushed, for she could hear the contented sighs of the woman that had eaten her. Cindy wiped the drool from the front of her tank top, hugging the swell around her middle. It was going to be impossible to hide her carnal act and yet, what was she to do? The mouse had offered herself up and Cindy had accepted. Now there was nothing to do but digest. “It’s going to sting,” she said, heaving herself onto her feet. “But I get the feeling that you don’t mind. You might have gotten me banned from this gym, mousey, but you were impossible to resist.” “MmRrPH!” Already, her stomach was starting to gurgle and pop, compressing around her meal, marinating her in acids. She couldn’t hear Sapphire past the sounds of her own digestion, but she got the gist of what she was saying. “Second thoughts?” she chuckled, slapping her gut. “Or are you getting off on this? Your sister sure did, at least until it started to burn.” Sapphire had placed her hands at the top of Cindy’s stomach. As it unclenched, she somersaulted, dragging her fingers in a wide arc. Cindy doubled over in ecstasy, shuddering along with her prey. Her cock stiffened against her waistband. Looking back toward the stall, she sighed and pulled her shorts down once more. “It’s going to be impossible to do anything else with you squirming in there. Fight while you can, mousey, because once I’m done, you’ll be joining your sister, ah, in the toilet.” --- In the end, Cindy wasn’t banned from the Metropolitan. Nobody noticed the lump in her stomach hidden beneath her blouse as she shuffled out the door, and by the time Cindy had showered and changed, the mouse had ceased her struggling anyway. In fact, Cindy was pretty sure that Sapphire had spent her last moments with her hand between her legs, getting out one last dose of pleasure before succumbing to the pain. Cindy kept her promise. That night when she sat upon her porcelain throne, her asshole spread to release the fur-laced excretion of her previous meal. Sapphire came out in smooth coils, as easy coming out as she was going in. It wasn’t until the final flush that Cindy noticed something hidden in the creases of her scat: A single black ribbon, undamaged. |
Al lay on the edge of the bed with his hands behind his head, moping. Sierra stood in front of him, intoxicatingly close, and yet… “Come on!” he groaned. “You know the rules.” “It’s like, two in the morning. Where am I supposed to find someone for you to shove up your ass when even the bars are closed?” “Maybe you should have thought of that before you got wasted. You know that you’re a horny drunk.” Al frowned. He was a horny drunk, but he didn’t see why his girlfriend refused to fuck him without a human dildo up her bum. Was his own cock not enough anymore? To make matters worse, Sierra had been teasing him all night, taking off a piece of clothing for every shot that he took and now that she was down to her lingerie, he was all the more ravenous. Sure, yeah, he liked humping himself up over her wriggling gut. It was a domination thing. Fucking Sierra with a full stomach was basically like fucking the person inside of her. Still, a little regular sex wasn’t too much to ask now and again. “Come on,” he said. “No.” “Just a little.” “Mmm, I think you should sleep.” “You could take it up the ass.” “It’s quite dirty in there right now.” “C’mon!” Chuckling, Sierra rolled him onto his side. This wasn’t her first rodeo. She was so large compared to him that even when drunk and mopey, she was confident that she could handle his black mood. “Water,” she said, placing a pillow behind his back. “Water and sleep. We’ll try again tomorrow, hun. Find me a nice, juicy gal to keep in my ass and I’ll even ride you. What do you say to that? Big ol’ gut flopping around on your chest as you get fucked? Hmm?” “You’re such a fucking tease.” “I know.” Al bit his lip. He knew that he should drop it. Sierra just wasn’t in the mood, and yet the doubt niggling at the back of his mind wouldn’t go away. How long had it been since she had last had sex with him solo? A month? Two? He didn’t want to have to find a third party every single time he wanted to get laid. Perhaps it was time for a breakup. No. She was too fucking hot. Groaning, Al rolled back onto his stomach, thumping against Sierra who had just gotten into bed. She steadied him with a strong hand, laughing as he tried to keep rolling on top of her. “What if-” “No.” “I could-” “Nuh uh.” “Just let me finish!” “That’s the point,” she said, winking. “I’m not going to let you finish.” “Urgh!” Ducking beneath the sheets, Al reconsidered his approach. He was rock hard and if he didn’t get off soon, he was going to have a problem. Sure, he could just go in the bathroom and masturbate, but it was the principle of the matter. Tunneling beneath the sheets, he tried to make his way between Sierra’s legs. She stopped him with a hoof to the face. “Horse girls kick hard,” she warned. “I’d caution you against going any further.” Damn it! He was so close! In the glow of the lamp, he could just barely make out the outline of her thighs. As he strained to push forward, he got an idea. “Hey,” he said. “Hmm?” “What if I went up your ass?” Sierra pulled the covers away from his head. Al blinked owlishly in the light as she put a finger beneath his chin. “You don’t want to do that,” she said. “I do.” “It’s filthy back there, baby, and you know what we had for dinner. It’s a miracle that I didn’t just dutch oven you.” “I don’t care,” Al insisted. “I can finish myself in your stomach.” “Oh, honey, you don’t know what you’re asking.” She pulled him up onto her chest, nestling his head between her immense breasts. Kissing his hair, she attempted to roll him back onto his side, but he locked his arms around her. “I mean it,” he said. “Haven’t you ever wanted to try that?” “I have,” Sierra said, loosening her grip. “But there’s a reason why all of the people who go inside of me never take the same trip twice.” “Yeah, yeah, I know it’s gross, but I don’t mind a little filth as long as I can get rid of this boner. Besides, I’ve always wondered what it would be like to jack it in your stomach. Hot and tight and slimy. Bet it feel un-fucking-believable.” “Probably,” Sierra murmured. He was getting to her; he could see it in her eyes. One last push. “Just spit me out after,” he said. “Or shit me out, if that’s how you normally do it. I can just take a shower or whatever.” “That is how I normally do it,” Sierra said. Something had changed in her eyes. She was looking at him like he was a piece of meat. It was the same look she gave all of her prey before they went through the back door. “You’re sure?” she asked. “Yes!” “You’re positive?” “Yes, yes, you fucking tease. Just get me in already!” Smiling, she let him fall back on the bed as she stood. Her panties slid down to her ankles in one smooth motion. It did not escape Al that the crotch was soaking wet. “Thinking about this makes you that horny?” he asked. “Yes,” Sierra said, grabbing a bottle of lube from a box in the closet. They always bought it in industrial quantities. “More so because it’s you, cutie. You know the drill.” She handed him the lube which he upended over his head without hesitation. Sitting on the edge of the bed, he waited, trembling as her massive ass spread in front of his face, her pucker ebbing as it reached up to touch his nose. “Just sit still,” Sierra said, gliding him along her crack. “Let me do all of the positioning. Usually I have you to line up my dildos, but now that you are one, I have to make sure that you’re ramrod straight, or I might just break your neck.” With a small shudder, Al straightened his back. Sierra’s asshole passed over his chin, his lips, his forehead. He could feel her weight on top of him. Her legs were spreading. It was time for the plunge. “Hold your breath,” Sierra warned. “It’s about to be a bumpy ride.” SQUIRCH! Sierra sat, letting all of her weight descend over Al as he was thrust directly up her pipe, pushing aside the hot, gooey remains of her latest meal before settling somewhere deep inside of her colon. Groaning, she stood back up, letting his legs dangle for a bit before positioning his feet on the edge of the bed. His head formed a lump in her gut. “Stay still, baby,” she said, patting his face through her skin. “This will all be over soon.” He felt so good inside of her that it was everything she could do to keep from clenching and crushing him in her anus. Sure, the crunch would be nice, but she preferred her prey live and squirming as they made their journey. Al had been a dear, really, but he had underestimated her own prodigious lust. Leaning back, she let him sink inch by inch into her intestines, sliding along in agonizing spurts that left her weak at the knees. He was masturbating inside of her, undeterred by the rancid atmosphere, using her slime as lube. Once she got to his feet, she stood. “Oh, baby, you look good in there.” Her coarse brown stomach was distended with the form of his folded body. Al’s bottom half was still sliding through the first part of her rectum, but his upper half had made it past the first loop, plunging him back down. He would make that loop several times before coming out in her stomach and Sierra cherished every inch. PPPhHhhHRRRRTTT! He was traveling. FFfrrrAAaaAP! Oh, she couldn’t help but suck him deeper. BBbrrrrBBBLlLLRRRRTT! She wasn’t going to be able to hold it! Squeezing her thighs together, she groaned, releasing her pent up energy in a crash of lust. Her fingers dug deep into her cunt, swirling back up and over her clit as she looked for something, anything to satisfy her. Stumbling to the closet, she grabbed a dildo from the box and jammed it in. Just in time. CRACK! As she orgasmed, Al screamed. With a final slurp, she brought him up into her stomach where he lay doubled over in pain, swirling amidst the acids that had built up throughout the night. Numb to his pleading, she returned to bed, letting the dildo drop in a soggy heap. “Sorry, babe,” she said as she sank into the mattress. “I should have told you about the others, but while you’re in there, could you keep on squirming? I think I have one more good one before you turn to mush.” --- The next morning, Sierra woke with the taste of her boyfriend on her lips. She had been belching in her sleep. The pressure in her bowels was such that, despite the warmth of her bed, she slipped on her robe and sloshed her way to the bathroom. Her stomach gave a gurgle of thanks before unloading everything into the toilet. “Oh, Al,” she sighed. “You should never have offered.” Letting out the last, dense log, Sierra stood and admired the pile that he made. Her stomach had even picked his skull clean, leaving it to stare blankly at its new porcelain home. For a second, Sierra thought that she was feeling a stirring of regret inside of her, but then her stomach rumbled. “Ah,” she said. “Just hungry.” Flushing, she left her boyfriend to stew in the pipes as she went to find herself another decent meal. |
Betty stretched her mouth wide, hoping that Caleb wouldn’t notice. “What are you doing?” Oh, damn it. Her face burned red as she turned to the side, fidgeting on top of his cock. “Nothing,” she said quickly. “Don’t worry about it.” “It looked like- oh!” Caleb’s eyes rolled back in his head as she wriggled her hips, burying him deep inside of her. And, just in case that wasn’t enough, she pushed his face into her tits for good measure. Sorry, she thought as a shudder ran up her spine. You feel so good, but- Her mouth opened wide once more. --- Caleb Stevenson considered himself the luckiest man in the world. He had been nervous about going to the party. They said that weird things happened at the Gamma Phi house. Men went in, didn’t come out. The sorority sisters themselves held an oath of secrecy, laughing whenever someone asked about their pledging process. One of the rumors was that they made their pledges sleep with a different man every day of the week for a month, keeping the studs locked in their basement until freeing them when the month was over. Another rumor reported that they practiced human sacrifice. All silliness, really. “Don’t go,” his roommate had said as he put on his jacket. “The start of the year parties are where they getcha!” “There are worse fates than being used as a sex toy for a month,” Caleb said. “Yeah, maybe, or you could end up in one of their bellies.” Right. That was the third rumor: that each of their pledges had to find and eat a man before the month was up. Caleb didn’t believe a word of it. He had seen the pictures of girls with their huge, distended stomachs, but he had also seen a picture of Abraham Lincoln riding a velociraptor. So, hoping that the rumors would scare off other potential suitors, he approached the sorority house with only mild apprehension, stopping as he got to the doors. A blonde girl answered. “Y- yes?” she asked. “I’m, uh, here for the party.” “Mmm.” Caleb looked past her into the hall. There were other girls milling about, all dressed casually and all watching the door out of the corner of their eyes. Had he been duped? Embarrassed, he took a step back. “Sorry,” he said. The blonde girl stared after him. Her eyes were so blue that it was hard to look at them for long. “Maybe I got the wrong date.” “No.” Her voice was quiet. She kept looking back at the girls inside, as if looking for permission to continue. Caleb stood awkwardly in the doorway, wishing he could disappear. “Well,” he said, clearing his throat. “Come in.” She took him by the hand and led him through the door, keeping her head down as they passed by the other girls. Caleb thought that he heard a collective snicker as she led him to the stairs, but his heart was racing too fast to care. Where was she taking him? Was this part of the hazing? The girl turned to look at him at the top of the stairs. “C-can I be blunt with you?” she asked. He nodded. “I w-want to have sex.” Is she joking? Caleb’s face burned red, but his mind was turning over the possibilities. There was a good chance that it was some kind of prank. Nobody was THAT blunt and she looked nervous to boot. He wasn’t going to sleep with someone he just met, especially if they didn’t actually seem to- Before he could react, the blonde’s lips swooped down to his. Her kiss tasted like toffee. Its warmth melted all of his apprehension. “Please?” Oh, she was too fucking cute. “Okay,” he muttered, trying to play it off. He was keenly aware of the girls watching. “Sure.” “Really?!” Her face lit up as she tugged on his hand, all but dragging him toward one of the closed doors. Opening it, she led him into a very pink bedroom. The carpet was pink, the walls were pink, and all of the bedsheets were pink, a fact that Caleb came to appreciate as he was pushed down onto them, stammering excuses while the blonde crossed her arms and tugged her shirt over her head. Her nipples were pink as well. “My name is Betty,” she said. “Caleb.” “Well, Caleb, l-let’s do this!” In seconds, she was upon him, helping him out of his shirt as she shimmied out of her pants. Their clothes were tossed into the corner of the room, long forgotten as their lips met again, tongues twining, fingers groping desperately as if the brief contact was enough to excuse the fact that they had only just met. Caleb didn’t care. It had been too long since he was last touched and the girl’s previous apprehension seemed to leave her the moment her clothes came off. She wanted it. He wanted it. What was there to question? She mounted him, taking his cock with two fingers, lining it up with her cunt. He wondered if he should ask about a condom, but she didn’t seem concerned and he didn’t want to do anything that would jeopardize what was happening right at that second. As she rubbed herself up and down, a soft moan escaped her lips. After that, Caleb just stopped thinking altogether. She was warm. She was eager. Her lips caressed his earlobe as their hips connected. At first, they took it slow. Then, once they had gotten used to the pace, they dropped all pretenses and fucked like rabbits. “I’m about to cum,” Caleb said after ten minutes. He had been holding it in, but there was nothing he could do anymore. His mind was spinning. Betony looked down at him, almost disappointed. “Already?” “Yes. You’re just too, ugh, good.” She bit her lip. “You sure?” “Mmhmm.” “Okay.” There was something wrong, but Caleb couldn’t tell what. Hovering at the peak of his orgasm, it would have taken nothing short of nuclear blast to drive his attention away from her body. Her lips were spreading in a wide yawn that narrowed his view to tongue, as soft as velvet, caressing the curve of his cheek. He was about to burst. He was gonna- “What are you doing?” She stopped, her lips halfway around his head and pulled back. Even that slight motion caused Caleb’s eyes to roll. “Nothing,” she said, rubbing his chest. “Don’t worry about it.” But Caleb was worried about it. For a second, he had been able to see all the way down her throat, or at least he thought he had. Maybe he had just imagined the frothy pink crag of her stomach churning only a foot away from his face. “It looked like-” Another wriggle of her hips spun his thoughts out of orbit. He was floating on the crest of an orgasm and all he could feel were her soft thighs and her breasts, like pillows, resting against his head as she whispered in his ear. “I want you to cum inside of me.” That was all that he wanted to hear. Closing his eyes and thrusting deep, Caleb waited for the tight clasp of her cunt to send him over the edge, but what he found was only air, as Betty had slipped off of him. Opening his eyes, he only had a moment to process the elastic embrace of her throat before it surrounded him, cutting off his air. Betty threw her head back and gulped. ULP! Again. ULP! A third time. GUULP! The first gulp took his head and his shoulder. Catching him by surprise, Betty easily managed to fold his arms at his sides, although she was worried about his girth. The second gulp was harder than the first. Betty struggled to keep her throat relaxed as his wiry frame poked her at odd angles. She felt like she was choking, but she had to carry on. The third gulp, however, settled the matter entirely. Caleb gasped as a foul odor permeated his nostrils. His hair, his face, and his neck were all soaked in drool, but nothing compared to the bitter liquids that coated her stomach, guiding him into a curled up ball within her as she gulped down the rest of his body. She stopped with his cock on her tongue, pushing along his shaft with the tip until she got to his balls. No, he thought. Don’t. GULP! The heat of her mouth, the pressure of her throat, the sensation of sliding over the ridge of her gullet; all of it combined was too much for Caleb to handle. He came, body spasming, coating her esophagus in his seed as he flowed into her stomach. Betty gave one last shuddering gulp before locking him in for good. “S-sorry!” he heard her say. “They - ah, that’s tight - said that I had to eat someone to join. Er, I hope the sex was good though. You did cum inside of me, after all.” --- She giggled, then winced, clutching her gut as Caleb started to roll around inside of her. It took everything in her power to tamp down the nausea as she made her way to the door of her room where her sorority sisters were waiting. As soon as they saw her stomach, they let out a cheer. “I told you she’d do it!” “He was cute. Was it fun?” “How was your first time?” “Hard,” Betty admitted, blushing. She knew that Caleb was still listening in her gut. She hoped he would forgive her, because they were about to get, uh, pretty familiar with each other over the course of the night. “He was bigger than I thought.” “Well,” one of the girls said, clapping a hand on her shoulder. “You’re in. Diane will release your boyfriend, as promised, and you can keep the room for the night so you can get reacquainted. Diane?” She snapped her fingers and another girl stepped forward, her enormous stomach jiggling as she came to a halt. Biting her lip, Betty lowered herself with some difficulty, putting her ear to the other girl’s navel. All she could hear was a faint slushing sound. “Is he okay?” she asked. “Should be,” Diane belched, pounding on her chest. “Gave me a real run for my money, but I’ll be damned if he’s not still kicking around in there.” “And remember,” the first girl said. “You digest, or your boyfriend becomes this sororities prize gutslut before I personally turn him to sludge. Got it?” “Alright,” Betty muttered, hitching her breath. “I’ll do it.” |
“Candice!” May surveyed the bedroom, checking all of her daughter’s favorite hiding spots. She wasn’t under the bed and she wasn’t in the closet. She wasn’t behind the curtains and she wasn’t in any of the desk drawers. She wasn’t under the pillow cases and she wasn’t (May couldn’t even believe she had to check) in her coffee mug. Satisfied that she was alone, May dropped her sweatpants, sighing as the cool air washed over her thighs. Ever since Candice had come home from college, she had been on edge. The little twerp liked the shrink, scaring her from the most unlikely spots. It was a power she had gotten from her father, among other annoying qualities. “Candice, I’m about to get naked, so if you’re in here, get out now.” Nothing. Either she was very dedicated to the bit, or she was off doing her own thing. Dropping her shoulders, May stripped. Her ass jiggled against her thighs as she bent to pick up her discarded clothes. Sweat lined the crack, lubricating her pucker. Going to the gym had been a New Year Resolution, but damn if she wasn’t going to lose the pudge she had accumulated around her middle since her husband had disappeared. She didn’t notice when her desk chair moved, nor did she see the face that peaked out from beneath it, blanch, and duck for cover. Humming to herself, she wandered into the bathroom, blissfully oblivious. That’s when Candice made her move. “Alright,” she muttered to herself, unshrinking. “Let’s do this.” The sticky notes that she had hidden were in the desk drawer, nestled underneath her mother’s diary. Taking them out, she chuckled at her own joke. “I’m watching you.” “If you’re reading this, you’re going nuts!” “I hear the psych ward beds are very cozy.” “Where did I put my Valium?” Oh, this was so going to be worth seeing her mother’s fat ass naked. Candice palmed the notes, intending to spread them through the room, but before she could, she heard the squeak of feet against tile. Shrinking again, she missed the floor, landing right in the middle of the chair instead. Shit. Her mother’s giant body dominated her field of view. Candice had inherited her brown hair and oval face, but whereas her mother had a voluptuous hourglass figure, Candice was as flat as a board. What was she doing back in the bedroom? The sticky notes were scattered about on the floor. Candice took in a sharp breath as her mother nearly stepped on one, but sighed as she padded away from it, searching the top of the desk for some forgotten gubbin. Finding it, she turned away. Alright, back to the- WHUMPH! --- May bit her lip. She didn’t know what had gotten into her. Crossing and uncrossing her legs, she tried to kick the feeling, but it was pulsing, warm and familiar and urgent. Very urgent. It had started when she sat down. At first, there had been a sharp pain in her rear and she had feared that Candice had put a tack on her chair again, but then the pain melted into a gooey kind of pleasure that spread through her like wildfire, reigniting urges that hadn’t been present since her last time with her husband. Placing a hand on her crotch, May looked around the room. No Candice in sight. Sighing, her fingers began to twitch. --- “Mom! Mom!” Candice pounded on the thick inner walls of her mother’s intestines, accomplishing nothing besides coating herself in more of the rancid goop that lined the crevices. She couldn’t believe her luck. The moment she stood up, her mother sat down, aligning perfectly with her body as she buried Candice in her ass. Now she was in trouble. GgrrGGllRrggll… What the fuck was that? Pressure was building in her mother’s rectum, pressing against her eyes and ears as it filled the narrow tube. Was she going to shit her out? FfrrrAaaAAAaaaAP! Oh, come on! Candice hacked and coughed as the fart traveled over her, sputtering out of her mother’s asshole in an impressive display of flatulence. Her mother moaned as she released the pressure, shifting her weight to better ease the tension in her stomach. “Mom! You’re sitting on me! Mom!” There was no way this was happening. It was too gross. Any second now, she would wake up from her nightmare and find herself in bed with her mother already up and making breakfast in the kitchen. Any second now… BBllrrrRRRttTT! Another condensed spray of noxious odor marinated Candice as she struggled for freedom. She couldn’t grow without killing her mother and she couldn’t break the hold of her bowels. All she could do was sit there in stink, listening to her mother’s breath quicken as her hand continued to glide over her- “Mom, no!” --- Ugh, there was something wrong with her. May took a last, shuddering breath as her legs spasmed once, twice. That hot feeling that had crept into her was now resting comfortably in her stomach, a glowing coal that fueled her lust. Why was she so horny? And gassy. BBbrrrAAAP! Another fart soaked the fabric of her desk chair as she stood, looking instinctively toward the box beneath her bed before remembering that she had thrown out her toys when Candice moved back. There was nowhere that she could hide them that would have escaped the inquisitive eye of the little snot. Speaking of which, where was she? Getting up to reach for her phone, something crumpled beneath her foot. Wincing, May picked it up. “I hear the psych ward beds are very cozy? Candice!” Oh, that devil! Where had she been hiding? She scanned the room, forgetting for a moment that she was fully nude before remembering with a gasp, grabbing her sweaty clothes from the bed. As she did, the warm feeling in her stomach started to pulse. May looked down. Little bumps were appearing against the thin layer of pudge that covered her abdomen. There didn’t seem to be any consistency to the pattern, only a rhythmic thumping that was occasionally drowned out by the gurgle of her stomach. What in the world? May touched the lump, which stopped moving the minute her fingers brushed over it. She was just about to write it off as a weird coincidence when it lurched again, straining against her palm as a small, garbled voice resounded within her. “Mrrm!” “Oh! Oh my god!” May looked left, then right, panicking. Her daughter was in her stomach. What was she supposed to do? Nexium? No, that was just an antacid. How could this have happened? She looked back down at the notes - the signs of a prank gone wrong - and searched her memory. When had the feeling started? Red crept into her cheeks as she remembered the pleasure she had felt sitting down on her chair. She had even touched herself… Oh, that little twerp! Embarrassment quickly turned into anger. Candice had been trying to prank her and had gotten more than she had bargained for! She had given her several opportunities to get out of her room. Why did she never listen? “Candice?” May called, tapping on her stomach. “Are you there, honey?” “MMrph!” And, oh god, she had farted so many times, right over her daughter. At first, the fact mortified her, but a second later, she started to laugh. Actually, that was kind of funny. “You always used to plug your nose whenever I farted in the kitchen,” May said, sitting back down. “You should have steered clear of my ass.” More furious pounding from inside of her. May stroked herself, letting her daughter’s blows ricochet off of her gut. “Now you’ve got yourself in quite a pickle. I haven’t eaten breakfast this morning. You know that I’m trying to lose weight, right? Remember when your father vanished? I was a cow! You reminded me of it almost every day, poking my belly and laughing. You were never very close to your father, but your habits are remarkably similar.” Mmm, that feeling, that hot, desperate feeling. She had felt it this strongly only once before. Despite the fact that her daughter could hear her every move, she put her fingers between her legs again, rubbing her clit as the gasses started to bubble. OOuuURRP! “Excuse me, honey. Mommy’s got just a bit of indigestion. I’ve never tried swallowing someone with my ass before.” “MMRrrph!” “But I think if anyone deserves a time out, it’s you.” That did it. The lump in her stomach was getting larger, doubling in size quickly as her daughter activated her power. May just laughed. Her skin stretched taut over the quivering bulge which grew larger and larger until her stomach was the size of a medicine ball. Candice pounded away inside of her, kicking and punching, but even enlarged, she couldn’t break free of the grasping flesh. May’s acids remembered what to do with a meal this large, flooding into the moist nook as she released a deafening belch. BbbwwAAAaARRP! “Surprised?” May asked, closing her eyes. “Lyle was too. He tried to grow as well, but I never did tell him what my power was when we got married. It’s pretty...grisly.” And there was the churning. Her daughter screamed, but there was nothing she could do to stop the march of the stomach walls, clutching and squeezing, kneading her until there was nothing besides a quivering lump of dough and an essence, freed from its mortal coil, trying to escape. But May wouldn’t let it. “Oh no,” she said, patting her belly. “My food stays gone for good.” Her fingers came to a halt as her body trembled. Why had she held back for so long? Her stomach groaned as it deposited her daughter back into her bowels. Or, rather, whatever was left of her daughter. The main essence was still swirling around in her belly, trapped and terrified. May bit her lip as it started to absorb. “There you go, sweetheart. All better now.” Her gut continued to soften as she showered, and by the time she went to sleep that night, her daughter was already knocking at the other side of her anus, begging for release. The only release she got that night, though, were a series of enormous, eggy farts that billowed out the blanket as May slept. Once morning came, she tottered to the bathroom, nursing her stomach as she took her seat on the toilet. “Urk…” Digestion had not been kind to her daughter’s body. As it sloughed out her asshole as discarded waste, May watched between her legs, admiring every brown log that coiled against the porcelain. Occasionally, she would flush, and each time she did, she thought about how there would be no more pranks. No more salt in her sugar bowl. No more tacks on chairs or surprise visits when she thought she was alone. With a last, immense fart, she pushed out the last of her daughter and watched as the fudge pooled at the bottom of the toilet, lifeless. In her stomach, she felt a stirring. “That’s just what’s left of you, sweetie,” she said, patting the mound of pudge. “And right after I almost finished working off Lyle. You were a pest to the end, but that’s alright. Your mom still loves you. Go back to sleep.” |
Everything was ready. Clare had chosen an obscure location; the dressing room in the back of the theater. In between shows, nobody used it except to have sex on the grimy couch that lay beneath the full-length mirrors. The walls were relatively soundproof and, if it all went wrong, she could hit the button on the PA system next to the door and page the office. It was the perfect place for a fight. “Mandy, this has to stop,” she rehearsed under her breath, pacing the length of the room. “You won’t… you can’t… just…” Her frightened reflection looked back at her in the mirror, paler than usual. She had put her hair up in a bun in anticipation for the fight, but even a few minutes later, brown curls were escaping along her narrow back. She didn’t look strong or brave or any of the things she had told herself when she was coming up with the plan the previous night. She was just Clare, and Clare was a bit of a coward. “No,” she said, clapping her hands to her cheeks. “This has to stop. This has to stop, now.” She tried to recall the rage she had felt over the past month, but it only brought tears to her eyes. Why her? Why had Mandy chosen her as her punching bag? She wasn’t a nerd or a geek or any of the things that movies said made her a target. In fact, she had thought herself quite average before the day Mandy had first pinned her down and planted her ass on her face. It had been early October, past homecoming but before the Halloween dance. She had been walking out of the locker room when a hand had caught her from behind and then- “Hey, nerd.” Clare repeated the words under her breath, touching the back of her neck. She had turned to see Mandy standing there, smiling. The blonde was a foot taller than her and a good deal heavier, though most of the weight seemed focused on her chest and ass. Clare’s breath had caught in her throat. Her face had reddened. Mandy was beautiful and confident and they were alone and she just, well, she wasn’t sure what she had been hoping for. When Mandy told her to lay on the bench, she had, expecting the taller girl to lay on top of her but instead, Mandy straddled her and pulled down her pants. After that, all Clare could remember was the smell and the small pffft of leaking gas as Mandy dropped her guts right on her nose. After that, it became a regular occurrence. Mandy would corner her in bathrooms and band rooms. Clare had fought back at first, but what could she do? When she fought, Mandy just laughed and gassed her out harder. She liked to joke that she kept beans in her locker just for ‘her special little fart sniffer’. Well, enough was enough. Today was the day that she’d fight back in earnest, kicking, scratching, biting until the other girl conceded or, at least, came to respect her wishes. Clare’s heart rose into her throat as she heard the door to the theater open. There came the sound of soft footsteps, followed by a knock. Without waiting for an answer, Mandy entered the dressing room. She closed and locked the door behind her. In the dim light, she looked even more imposing than usual. She wasn’t muscular, necessarily, but she was big, and when she walked toward Clare, the smaller girl cowered in her shadow. Still, steeling herself, she lifted her fists. Mandy crossed her arms. “So,” she said, “you’re going to fight me? I always thought you’d go to the teachers, but I guess even a dumbass like you knows that they aren’t going to do shit for you. Remember that time Mrs. Keller caught us? I had your head jammed so far up my crack that you could barely see it and she just kept walking. Girls will be girls, eh?” “Girls will be girls,” Clare repeated. Her heart was beating fast. She had expected taunts and insults - a long, dramatic speech. This was progressing faster than she had hoped. Clare was only a few feet away from her, hands hooked in the waistband of her shorts. “So,” Mandy said. “So.” “Are you gonna throw a punch?” Clare’s palms were so sweaty that when she clenched her hands, she could barely hold a fist. Mandy was just standing there, arms crossed, not blocking at all. Trembling, Clare took a step forward. “You’re g- going to stop bullying me,” she said. “Or you’re going to hit me?” Mandy confirmed. “Yes.” Sighing, Mandy reached forward. Clare yelped and flinched, but far from hitting her, Mandy took her glasses off and set them on the powder table. “You’re not going to fight me,” she said slowly. “You’re going to lay down on that couch and you’re going to sniff my ass for the next hour, apologizing every time I let you up for air. You’re going to beg me to continue using you as a fart cushion and then you’re going to lick me until I’m satisfied because if you don’t, I’m going to do what Janet Yule did to Rory Tolcheqe. Do you remember what Janet Yule did to Rory Tolcheque?” How could Clare forget? Rory had been an annoying boy in her English class that liked to tease the girls, especially Janet. One day, when Rory was in the bathroom, she excused herself to go to the bathroom as well and returned with a huge, jiggling stomach. Nobody commented on it as she sat down, even as they heard the muffled cries and saw the bulges appear along her bowels. Even when she let out a slow, ominous fart, nobody said a word. Her stomach stayed like that for almost a month before one day she came to school 60 pounds heavier. “You wouldn’t,” Clare said. “I would,” Mandy said, pointing at the couch. “Now lie down. I’ve down a whole ten cans of beans and things are about to get messy.” There was a beat - a thread in which Clare could have conceded - and yet it was an accident that led to her fist connecting with Mandy’s chin. In her nervous stupor, she had failed to notice that one of her shoelaces was untied and, stepping forward, she had fallen, clocking the bigger girl before face planting in her tits. Shaking so hard that she felt like she was going to vomit, she looked up. “I- I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to-” But Mandy already had her by the throat, dragging her back to the couch. Throwing her onto the musty cushions, she turned without a word. Clare watched in horror as her cheeks spread beneath the fabric of her shorts. A loud gurgle filled the dressing room. Then, Mandy sat, and for the next thirty minutes, no sounds could be heard but the burst of bubbling farts and the low groans of the girl that was receiving them. FFFrrrBBblllRrrRgggRRrT! GGLllrrRPpptthhhRrrrRRrAAAP! BBlrrRT! BBlllRRrrrRT! BBllRrrrrRGgllLRRRT! After thirty minutes, Clare was released, dazed and sweating as Mandy stood. In the mirror she could see the girl’s stern expression. Her hands were back at her waistband. Her shorts were hitting the floor. “N- no,” Clare mumbled, trying to rise. Mandy pressed her back with her ass. “Please. No.” “You had your chance,” Mandy said, reaching back to take a handful of her hair. “In fact, I might have respected you if you had actually fought me, but the moment you threw a punch, you backed off. It’s pathetic. You’ve had a crush on me forever, right?” Her asshole sputtered with residual gas. Clare couldn’t tear her eyes away from it. “N- no!” “Coward.” Mandy backed up further, pushing Clare’s nose against her asshole. To the smaller girl’s alarm, it just kept going. The brown pucker was spreading over her face, bathing her in the heat of Mandy’s bowels. “I thought you’d shape up,” Mandy grunted. “Farting on you was kind of a thing for me, but you were just such a doormat that it became sad. I’m not gonna do you like Janet did Rory though. She only kept him in her ass for a month. You’re going to stay in my ass a hell of a lot longer than that.” Clare pulled back, but Mandy’s hand was still twined in her hair. It was getting harder to breathe. In the thin light that passed through her asshole, Mandy’s intestines stretched off into the distance, pink and slimy and coated in foul liquids, leading up toward her colon where a familiar sound could be heard. Before Clare could close her mouth, the fart burst over her face, deafening her. FFrrrAaaAaaAaaAAP! Feeling her prey go limp, Mandy adjusted her seat and continued to slide down Clare’s body, watching as the base of her stomach grew fatter and fatter, heavier and heavier. “That’s it,” she said through gritted teeth, rubbing the bulge. “This is where you belong. Janet said this felt amazing and she was - unf - so fucking right. Come on, now. Get in there!” --- By the time Clare woke, her body had already adjusted to the humidity of the intestines which ebbed around her, conforming to her narrow shoulders. She could hear the slow gurgle of the stomach above and the thud of Mandy’s heart, though it took her a few seconds to realize what was happening. Trying to move her arm, she found that she couldn’t. Her hands were bound. Her feet were locked together. Any attempt to struggle resulted only in a gentle sloshing sound and a moan from her captor. “No,” Clare whispered. “No, no, no.” Through the thin walls, she could hear the general chatter of a class in session. The teacher was saying something, following it up by writing on the chalkboard. A few students were talking in low voices behind her back. “Help,” Clare whispered, louder this time. “Someone, please.” The voices fell silent for a second before continuing. Two hands pressed against Clare from the outside. “Sucks to suck, fart breath,” Mandy said. “Better get used to it. You’re gonna be in there for a while.” Close overhead, Clare heard the beginnings of a rumble. In the time she had been unconscious, Mandy had finished digesting those ten cans of beans. |
“Relax, honey. Let your jaw just kind of… stretch.” “I can’t.” “You can. You just have to relax.” Bolvin had just about as much relaxation as he could stand. The lights were dimmed in the apartment. Candles burned on the coffee table, the windowsills, the television stand. Low music played over the speakers and the air was thick with the scent of incense, a tendril of which brushed Bolvin’s nose and made him sneeze. His girlfriend pulled her feet away from his mouth. “You’re getting there,” she insisted. “My friends described it as kind of feeling like the muscles are made of bubblegum. Your jaw and your throat will ease open and then I can just pop right in.” “I get the theory,” Bolvin said, almost biting his tongue in frustration. “It’s just that it’s impossible. There’s something wrong with me. I can’t do it.” “Here, let me try something.” Darla climbed down from the coffee table where she was lounged and slid onto Bolvin’s lap. He blushed as her ass rubbed against his thighs. Neither were wearing clothes. As her lips came up to caress his forehead, he sighed and hugged her tight. Maybe there was another, fundamental issue at hand. “I’m going to miss you,” he said. “You’ll have me.” “It won’t be the same.” Darla’s hands were on his chest now, gliding lower and lower until Bolvin yelped and Darla smiled, and soon they were connected in a more primal way, swaying in each other’s presence until, with a shudder, both released. In that moment, Darla kissed Bolvin and took hold of his jaw. It slid open with ease. “See,” she whispered. “Relaxed.” Dripping, she stood and resumed her place on the table. Bolvin admired the agile curves of her body, like a bow pulled taut, and wondered where he was going to find anyone as wonderful. Her hair glowed black in the flickering light and her face was drawn and angular. Her almond eyes had dazzled Bolvin from first sight and now it was coming to an end. “What am I supposed to do?” Bolvin asked. “Once you’re gone?” “Well, I suspect you’ll gain a little weight,” Darla giggled, pinching his cheeks. “A widdle bit of pudge. Maybe you’ll work it off and become a weightlifter or one of those hunky firefighters they put on calendars.” “For real.” “I don’t know, Bolvin. What did you want to do before you met me?” Bolvin thought about it for a moment. “Meet someone like you.” “Well if that ain’t the sweetest fucking thing.” “It’s true!” Bolvin rubbed his jaw. It was still feeling rubbery. He knew that if he wanted to, he could summon the sensation to stretch it once more, but… but…! “You’ll be fine.” Looking up at Darla, he saw that her gaze was leveled at his lips, her mind already in his stomach, gurgling away. She had expressed the desire to be eaten by him the minute they started dating and he had known this day was coming for a while. Still, he had cherished every moment in bed together and while he had tried not to get attached, it was impossible when she was so vibrant and he was so dull. “Hey,” she said, touching his chin. “If this doesn’t work out, I’ll still be around, and if it does, you’ll have a story for the ages. A past lover, lost at sea, forever engraved in your heart. You’ll be the most interesting man around.” “You can always tell what I’m thinking,” Bolvin said, rubbing her knuckles with his thumb. “I’m going to miss that too.” “Love is tough like that. It’s only fun because it hurts. I’m going to miss you, Bolvin, but that’s why I have to do this. I fell in love with you the minute our eyes met and I knew that I had to be yours. This would… make me so happy.” Her lower lip trembled. A tear slid down her cheek, blazing in the candlelight before it dripped down onto her thigh. Bolvin felt his stomach lurch. It was time. “Fine,” he said. “I’ll try. But if this goes wrong, I want you to promise that we won’t try again for another week.” “That’s just going to make things harder,” Darla said, stroking him. “But alright, dearest, I promise.” “Okay.” Bolvin focused on the muscles that connected his jaw, then took a deep breath. The air in the apartment was warm and richly spiced. Thrumming mandolins played in the background. Letting the tension fall from his shoulders, Bolvin concentrated on everything and nothing and the world melted away leaving just him and his hunger. He wanted Darla. It had scared him at first, but in the void he knew that what had first drawn his eye was the thought that maybe she would be the one to fill him. Latching onto that thought, Bolvin felt his jaw lower. And lower. And lower. “Honey?” He snapped back to the present. Darla’s foot was already dangling into his mouth, swirling in the drool that leaked out onto his chin. She tasted divine. He needed her. Without a word, he took her calves and gently, slowly, let them drift down his throat. Darla smiled as she felt his muscles lock around her ankles, then moaned as his tongue came up to explore the back of her knees. “Keep going,” she urged. “I want to feel your stomach’s warmth. I want you to push on me when I’m inside of you. It’s okay to be rough. You could, ah, grab my face and press it into the walls and just… rub it around. Or lay on your stomach. Shake me up. Don’t worry about me anymore, darling, just keep swallowing.” His throat closed around her thighs, making Darla shudder. Her hips were wider than anything he had swallowed so far and when he came up to them, his jaw began to ache and his eyes began to water but, guiding her with his firm hands, he managed to pop her hips into his throat and swallowed them, his lips closing around her stomach. Darla clutched her breasts as his mouth came closer. She was in heaven. His body provided the warmth she had been longing for - fantasizing about - since the day she had turned 18 and now it was a reality. A few more gulps and she would be gone. His lips were at her neck. Her chin. “I love you,” she gasped as her face passed between his teeth. “Don’t be afraid, darling. Just swallow.” His tongue lifted beneath her head and she knew it was the end. His throat was a yawning pink chasm into which the rest of her body had already passed. Her legs were folded in his stomach, bulging it out. With tears running down her cheeks, Darla closed her eyes. This was it. Everything she had ever wanted. ULP! And down she went. Bolvin followed her journey with a finger, only dropping it when his esophagus finally closed over her head, locking her into his stomach. It was over and done with. There was no coming back up. And yet, far from the reluctance he had felt earlier, he was elated. Watching her settle beneath his skin, squirming to find a comfortable position - it fulfilled some deeper need. He actually managed to smile when she kicked, rubbing her as she pressed her face into the dense tissue. His stomach growled. It was eager to begin. “You wanted this,” he said, leaning back on a stack of pillows. Darla said something inside of him, but it was impossible to pick up. “I hope you’re comfortable in there, because this might take a while. I’ve never digested something this large before.” A kick. Bolvin could almost hear her saying, ‘who are you calling large?’ Smoke continued to swirl through the room. Bolvin, rocking onto his side, watched the place where his girlfriend had sat, imagining her there as she kicked and pummeled. It was all a game. He knew her well enough to know that she was enjoying every second of being basted in stomach acids and left to stew. He himself was enjoying the tight prickling sensation that sped across his limbs every time she moved. “You’re starting to slow down,” he teased. “Giving up?” WHAM! WHAM! Two dents in his stomach. Bolvin laughed, stifling a belch. “I guess not,” he said. His arms and legs curled around his stomach. “Though I think that you’re already starting to soften a little. Sorry. I couldn’t barf you up even if I tried right now. You feel too… good.” Quiet spread through the room, interrupted only by the slow slosh and gurgle of his stomach as Darla eventually found her resting place, curling up into a tight little ball to be digested. For a while, Bolvin just stared at her, his eyes half closed, and despite all of his self-assurance that what was happening was right, he couldn’t numb the feeling that came with the knowledge that his bed would be colder that night. And, one last time, Darla read his mind. She tapped on the inside of his stomach three times. ‘Are you okay?’ In response, Bolvin rolled onto his gut and squished her down beneath him and her joyous squirms and giggles were enough to bolster his spirits. |
ELF “By Royal Decree” You’re fucked. I mean, you aren’t. Not yet. But you’re pretty sure that you will be soon, because Princess Juniper wasn’t supposed to be the one that greeted you at the gates. Her smile widens as her dark eyes take in the shape of your body. “A messenger,” she says. “A human messenger.” Your fingers go to the amulet around your throat – a green stone that allows you to pass into the elf kingdom unharmed. Without it, the woods would have turned you away, but with it, any elf you meet will know you have the approval of the King. Juniper’s eyes flick to the amulet as you let it drop back against your chest. “Father has a fondness for humans.” “And you?” The words pass through your lips before you can stop them. Her tongue glides over the front of her teeth. “I adore them.” Princess Juniper. Her hair is the color of a dying star and her eyes are as black as a dragon’s heart. She stands before you with her arms folded beneath her breasts and while any man would look upon her with lust, the most you can feel is fear. Maybe it's her stomach that terrifies you. Elves are notoriously picky about their food and in all of your years as an emissary, you’ve never met an elf with a scrap of fat on their bones – not once. Princess Juniper’s stomach, however, is round. It pokes out from beneath her green shirt and jiggles as she rocks from side to side. Maybe it’s the way that she looks at you. Like a toy. Like food. And maybe, just maybe, it’s the common knowledge that emissaries that find their way into her chambers never come back. You might not have a choice, because at her flank are two armed elves in pink and green regalia – the princess’ colors, not the king’s. “It is an honor to address the Princess,” you say, managing to hold onto decorum. Her gaze follows you as you bow. “My message, however, is for the King’s ears only. I have been instructed by the court to carry this sealed letter under the decretum of –” “Yeah, yeah,” Juniper says, hiding a yawn behind her hand. “All of the messages that come through the front gate are for father. He’s a popular man.” “Then –” “But nobody thinks of little ol’ me,” she continues. You take a step back as she takes a step forward. “I never get any messages at all.” That isn’t true, you want to say, but the guards have taken Juniper’s flank as she closed the distance between you. She takes your hands in her own and brings her mouth to your cheek. As her lips brush your skin, you shudder. She notices. “Are you scared?” she whispers. “Don’t be frightened, human. You don’t even know me. We’ll have such fun.” “And if I do, er, get to know you,” you stammer, “then I’ll be less frightened?” She just smiles. The guards come and grab your arms. “Wait, wait, wait,” you yell as they start to drag you toward the gates. The woods behind you which once looked so sinister are now your only means of escape. Once you pass into the castle, you’re at Juniper’s mercy. “I am an emissary! There are laws! I have a sealed document in my pouch addressed to the king and any hindrance of my duties will be taken as an act of aggression!” The guards stop, glancing over their shoulders at Juniper. With the grace of an elf, she leans against you, pressing her prodigious breasts into your back. Her breath smells like raspberries as it tickles your throat. “Darling,” she says. “This is an act of aggression.” With that, the guards continue to drag you into the castle, ignoring your cries while the huge, oaken doors slam behind you. *** Okay, now you’re well and truly fucked. You’ve been waiting in the Princess’ chambers for the last ten minutes. After the guards threw you inside, you raced to the nearest door only to find it locked, as was the next. Shoulders slumping, you had returned to the plush armchair in the center of the room. There are no windows for you to break and you’re sure that any attempt to bludgeon down a door will be met with the interference of the guards. Instead, you look around. A tapestry on the east wall depicts a hunting scene. Five elves and a felhound are chasing after a deer the size of an elephant. Sparkling thread weaves through the scene, showing the lines of magic the elves were casting as well as the deer’s defensive barrier. Across the tapestry they raced until, at last, the elves managed to whittle it down and return triumphant to their castle. The tapestry on the west wall is more unusual. Squinting at it, you originally thought that it showed a scene from a fairy tale. At the top of a tower sits a princess clad in pink, a dragon, and a man in the regalia of a knight. Standard stuff. The knight faces off against the dragon as the princess cheers but then, in a distinct change of format, the dragon swallows the knight whole. The tapestry follows him as a bulge in the dragon’s throat until he reaches its stomach whereupon his armor is belched out in graphic detail. The princess, whom you originally thought was cheering for the dragon, is then shown to be stroking its stomach, apparently teasing the man who had come to rescue her. And the scene repeats. More men. More devourments. More adulation from the princess until, in one of the final scenes, a man seems to make it past the dragon and into the princess’ chambers. The second to last panel is just an image of the closed door. The last panel has been cut out. “Father thought that last panel was too graphic.” You jump. You hadn’t heard the door open. Juniper is standing alone at the south end of the room, staring at the tapestry. “He was always so overprotective,” she continues. “Wouldn’t let me hunt or ride or do any of the stuff my brother’s got to do.” She’s changed since you last saw her. Before, she was wearing a green silk shirt and a skirt that flowed out around her ankles. Now she’s wearing nothing but a black slip that bunched around her middle. Seeing your eyes flick toward it, she smirks. “It’s indecent to stare,” she says. “You must let me go,” you start, but before you can get another word out, she crosses the room. You shrink into your chair as she leans over you. “I must do nothing,” she says, letting her breasts tap against your chin. A flowery scent billows from beneath her slip. Her skin is warm. “You’re the first human that I’ve seen in ages now that Father won’t let me come to court.” “I don’t follow,” you say. Her breasts are hanging right in front of your eyes. In the cavern between them, you can see the pale valley of her skin as it crests upon the hill of her stomach. Juniper, watching you stare, leans forward to lightly brush herself against you, causing you to gulp. “I adore humans,” she says, pulling back. “Elves are all smooth, you know? The years sand off their rough edges and they grow dull, but humans hold onto their flaws until they die. They yell and shout and cry and make bold declarations of love.” For a second she sounds wistful. You see her head twist toward the tapestry, her red hair bright against the back of her black clothes. When she turns toward you once more, her eyes are narrow and hungry. “So,” she says. “What about you?” Sweat trickles down your brow. What does she expect you to say? “I… do most of those things,” you manage. “And I’ll admit that the limitations of human lifespans cause us to act a little bolder, but I don’t see what any of that has to do with you keeping me captive.” Juniper lets out an exasperated grunt. “Now you’re talking like an elf,” she complains. “Be more human.” She’s close. Too close. The smell of her alone is starting to make your head spin and her presence is enough to raise goosebumps on your arms. Maybe it’s her elven nature. Her timelessness. Her body, free of flaws. Maybe it’s the way she’s looking at you like she’s going to bite or claw or ravish you in some other way. Your face reddens as she places a hand on your leg and, noticing, Juniper seats herself on your lap. Her ass is large enough to conform to the shape of your thigh. “That’s better,” she coos. “Humans are lustful as well. Do you find me attractive, emissary?” Her finger traces the line of your jaw down to your collarbone where it stays, tickling your skin. You look toward the door, the tapestry, the ceiling. Anywhere but her mouth, as pink as berries, as it nibbles at your ear and croons sweet words. If someone were to come into the room right now, you’d be executed, but for now it’s just you and the princess and you’re starting to sink beneath her weight as she shifts on your thigh and her mouth gets closer and closer. “What do you want?” she asks as her nose touches yours. “Sex? I can feel you down there like a raging beast. You have no control. I like that a lot.” “I d-do,” you stutter. Her eyes are like deep pools. You can’t pull yourself away from them. “I’m restraining myself as hard as I can right now.” “Why?” she asks. “You have my permission. Even if you didn’t, I’m sure you would take me anyway. Humans do that too, sometimes.” “I-I’d never!” “Shame. I’d let you.” She kisses you then and your resistance fades. Your arms loosen around her back. The tension in your shoulders drops. All you can feel is the soft blossoming of her warm lips against your own and the thud of her heart beating through her chest into yours. When she pulls away, a string of saliva connects your tongues. “There,” she says. “Was that so hard?” You utter a low groan as she shifts against your erection. Her smile only widens as she takes it in her hand, rubbing you through your pants. “I guess so.” The door is right there. She’s not that strong. You could throw her off of you or hit her or make a break for it, but the feeling of her finger circling the head of your cock is enough to keep you sitting as she lifts herself off of your lap. “Come,” she says, pointing to another door that leads deeper into her chamber. “Let us consummate the diplomatic relations between humans and elves.” Something brings your eyes back to the final panel of the tapestry – a closed door, followed by the torn-out square. Juniper said that it was graphic. If you walk through her bedroom door now, will you share the same fate? “What happens in the last panel?” you ask. “Does the knight make it out alive?” Juniper’s hair tumbles over her shoulders as she turns her head. Her hand is on the doorknob. “I guess you’ll just have to wait and see,” she says before disappearing into her room. This… this is a test. It has to be. Maybe the King set it up to see if you were trustworthy or maybe Juniper just likes to mess with humans. Either way, the safest thing to do right now is to leave, find the King, deliver your letter, and return to the human realm with all of your senses intact. But your mouth still tastes like Juniper’s. Was that a trick? How far was she willing to go? It’s not like you have anyone waiting for you back home and Juniper is by far the prettiest girl you’ve ever met. In fact, she seems almost perfectly catered to your taste. What was the worst that could happen? You could offend the King, the last vestige of your logic whispers. You could find out why she’s the only elf with a rounded stomach and breasts the size of watermelons. “Coming?” you hear from beyond the door. “Yes,” you say and with a shake of your head, you banish your doubts and enter her inner sanctum. *** The first thing you notice is Juniper lying on her bed. She’s sprawled out on the satin sheets, legs splayed before her, and through her black shift you catch a hint of pink before she pulls the fabric around her knees. “Well?” she asks. What is she referring to? Her? The room? She’s lying on a four-poster bed that looks like it could fit your entire family. The windows overlook the forest and the river beyond and in the distance, the mountains rise like spires to heaven. Warm light floods through them, basking Juniper in the orange rays of the setting sun, and you are reminded all the more thoroughly that she is not human and that you are far from home. “What are you thinking?” she asks. “I can see a thousand thoughts flickering behind those beautiful eyes of yours. Tell me. Come.” She pats the bed beside her and you come to stand next to it. The canyon between her breasts spreads as she gets up on her hands and knees. “I’m, er, impressed,” you say. “By the view.” “Oh?” “And I’m… confused.” “Confused?” Amusement drips from every syllable. You look down to see her black eyes glimmering as she holds back a laugh. “Yes,” you say, somewhat offended. “Is that such an alien concept to elves?” “We don’t often get confused,” Juniper says, flipping onto her back. Her skirt rides up again and you can see her thighs. “We just do what we feel like at the moment we feel like doing it. Humans are the ones who repress themselves.” “Then tell me, Princess, what do you want to do right now?” Her lips quirk. The blankets rustle beneath her. “Isn’t it obvious?” she asks. “Obviously not,” you say. “You can’t guess?” “I believe that you are teasing me?” “Oh, I am,” she says. “It’s wonderful, isn’t it?” “Not in the slightest.” Juniper rolls over once more and sits up on her knees. With her hair disheveled and the strap of her shift hanging from her shoulder, she looks positively girlish. Only her sharp grin reveals the mischief hidden inside of her. “You always need things laid out for you,” she says, “But you don’t trust the conclusions that you come to yourself. And if I can’t guess the conclusion that you’ve come to but won’t admit, then you won’t believe me even if I tell you. Do you follow so far?” You tilt your head. “I guess.” “So I know what you want me to say,” Juniper continues, delighted. “You want me to say that I want to have sex with you because you want to have sex with me, but you can’t admit those feelings because if you are wrong, you think I might get offended or tease you. You have no confidence in your own ability to seduce me.” “And do I have that ability?” you ask, regretting every word. “I don’t know! Do you?” You slip off your jacket. Juniper watches with those hungry eyes as your fingers fly up the buttons of your shirt. Yes, your cheeks are red, and yes, if you’re wrong you’re going to be in trouble, but you’ve been in trouble since the moment you were dragged into this damn castle and for once, you’d like to be right. Juniper’s rapt attention shifts to your forearms as you toss off your shirt, then moves to your chest as your undershirt drops as well. Somewhat cold and feeling rather foolish, you put your knee on the edge of the bed and lean down to kiss Juniper. “Was that so hard?” she asks, smiling against your lips. “Yes,” you say. “Are you still worried?” “Yes.” “How positively human.” With a twist of her hips, she brings you down to the bed, and once she’s straddled you, it’s over. As her hair hangs in curtains, obscuring the room, her mouth presses firm against yours. Her fingers brush against your palms to twine with your own and her body, as lithe as a cat’s, eases you into the sheets. “What are you afraid of?” she asks as her lips find your neck. “Nothing,” you say. “Everything. What happens in the last panel of the tapestry? The one your father took away?” “Later,” she sighs, and your face is suddenly enveloped in her breasts. She smells like honey. Like spring. Like nature and health and running water. Breathing in her scent feels like taking a breath of fresh air and you find yourself getting lightheaded, intoxicated by her eternal youth. Two pink nipples frame your cheeks as she leans back, smiling down at you as her hips rub up and over your leg. Her stomach, heavier than the rest, sags against your own. “How does it feel?” she asks. “Good,” you say. “Want to make me feel good, too?” “Yes.” “Here.” She presses one of her nipples to your lips and, taking the hint, you encircle it with her tongue. Your arms, which were previously bound, are now free to wrap around her back as every shudder and gasp becomes known to you. Muscles beneath her skin are like banded iron. Her lips are tireless and so are yours. The motion of your bodies rumples the sheets and yet for all of your contact, Juniper never breaks a sweat. The same cannot be said for you. “Tired?” she asks, smiling at the sight of your reddened face. “No,” you say. “Just warm.” “Mmm. How about this?” You gasp as her hand slides under the waistband of your pants, brushing against your stomach. It wriggles for a bit until she finds what she’s looking for and then, grasping, she eases herself off of you, taking your pants and underwear with her. Thus exposed, you wait as her shift comes untied. Naked, she is even more beautiful than you ever imagined. Underneath her, you felt the full extent of her flexibility, but seeing her unburdened, it’s like gravity has ceased to exist. She moves as subtly as the wind. Even her stomach, which jiggles as she bends, has a natural cadence to it. You find yourself entranced by her, hypnotized by all that has been revealed before you. “That’s another thing that I adore about humans,” Juniper says. “They’re always so… amazed.” “Then you’ve been with other humans,” you say, feeling a stab of jealousy. “The courtesans that went missing.” “Not like this,” Juniper says, and you believe her. Her vagina glistens like a hungry mouth as it hovers over your cock. Juniper keeps it just out of reach, close enough to be tantalizing and yet far enough that you whimper at its inevitability. Her eyes take in your body just as greedily as yours take in hers. For the first time in your life, you feel not just adequate, but attractive. “I… I’m normal,” you feel compelled to say. Juniper's grin seers itself into your psyche. “No,” she says. “You’re extraordinary.” With that, your hips connect, and then you are on fire, an inferno of longing and passion surging through your veins as your hands wrap around her waist. You don’t even remember the details after it’s over. Just the stroking and groping – the motion of your bodies like ships at sea, heaving against each other only to crash back into the valley of every wave. You forget yourself, your duties, your past. You forget to be self conscious about your body or the way you vocalize, crying out as Juniper crests upon you for the first time. She is an elf and you are a human, but right now, you’re both just animals, and you fuck as such until your feeble human body can handle no more and you release within her, prompting a delighted moan. “T-this is f-fantastic,” Juniper says, grinding down against you. “Y-you came!” “I did,” you manage to squeak. “Is that bad?” “No. No. But do you know what that means?” “No?” “It means that I can’t let you go.” Despite her ominous words, Juniper makes no attempt to detain you, and as the headrush of your orgasm passes, she even kisses you on the lips, giggling as your cock falls limp against the inside of your leg. “Father is going to be so pleased,” she says. “He’s wanted stronger ties with the human realm for years, but the men they sent were always so stuffy and Father has no concept of taste. You were the first one that I got to choose for myself and what do you know – you are perfect.” “S-so you’ve been looking for a spouse,” you manage. “A partner. Spouses are a human thing. Elves live a long time, so they usually have many partners. I’ve chosen you to be mine.” “But –” “Do you not want to be my partner?” You look up at Juniper and know with all of your heart that you do, but there’s still one question scratching at the back of your mind. Fortunately, Juniper seems to know what you’re about to ask. She slides off the bed and opens a drawer on her nightstand. The fabric that appears in her hands is frayed along the edges. “You probably want to know what happened to the others,” she says, handing you the last panel of the tapestry. “And I guess, if we are to be bound, you’ll find out anyway, though I think you’ve already guessed.” “The stomach was a giveaway.” “You don’t like it?” Leaning forward, you plant a gentle kiss on her belly, and then, with reverence, you flip over the final panel. The image on the fabric is almost the same as you imagined it. The door, previously closed, is now open to show the princess with a large, distended stomach. Armor litters the floor as she seems to heave herself out of bed. “You ate them,” you say. “I did. They were delicious.” “Will you eat me?” “Darling,” she says, straddling you once more. “I am going to devour you.” |
“This is rather unorthodox.” “It’s perfectly natural.” “Only in the most literal sense of the word.” “I don’t see how this isn’t a good deal for you.” “Because… because…” Because it’s weird, Kytha wanted to say, but instead she bit her claws, looking over the two humans sitting at the mouth of her cave. “I’m sure you’ve eaten humans plenty of times,” the man was saying. “And we’re offering ourselves freely.” “Yes, but-” “And there’s no trick,” the woman chimed in. “You can strip us beforehand and search us with magic.” “That won’t be necessary, but-” “And we’re all ready to go! No dependents, so you don’t have to feel guilty about that and-” “I know, but why?” The man and the woman looked at each other, then back up at the dragon staring incredulously from the center of her cave. “I dunno,” the man said, shrugging. “Because it’s hot.” “Hot?” Kytha sputtered. “Sexy,” the woman said. “Y’know, it’s like, ‘woah, I’m being swallowed by a dragon’, but then you get to the stomach and it’s just so big and warm.” “Big is a bit mean,” Kytha said, pinching her underbelly. It rolled through her claws like pizza dough. “Oh!” the woman said. “No, no. Subjectively big, like, bigger than Lars and I.” “Ash had been begging for this since we started dating,” the man explained. “‘Dragons this’ and ‘dragons that’. I wasn’t down at first, but then she started describing the tongue.” “The tongue?” Kytha asked. “Yeah. Huge and slobbery. How nice it would be to be laid out on it, admiring your throat. I bet that it’s soft.” “I, er, yes, I guess so.” “And your throat,” the woman continued. “It would be like going down a waterslide, except tighter. You’d squeeze us both down and we’d be just surrounded by your muscles.” “Is that pleasant?” “I assume so,” the woman shrugged. “Have you ever eaten anyone whole before?” “I have not,” Kytha lied. “It’s a ludicrous idea. The stomach of a dragon isn’t the least bit appealing. It… it won’t smell good!” “We don’t mind.” “You’ll be uncomfortable. I’ve eaten other food. There won’t be any light in there.” “That’s fine,” the man said, waving at her. The dragon was losing her patience. “You’ll be digested!” she cried. At that, the man and the woman looked at each other. Then, grinning, they looked back up at Kytha. “Awesome,” they said in unison. Kytha peered over the human’s shoulders, suddenly suspicious. This was all a joke, wasn’t it? Some other dragon had captured a pair of humans and was using them to play a prank on her. Djagof was probably waiting right outside of the cave entrance, snickering at the exchange. He knew how… squeamish she got around human prey. She couldn’t gnaw and tear like the others did so she just swallowed, then suffered the guilt of listening to them pound away as her stomach did the rest of the work. But these two genuinely seemed to want it. “You’re insane,” Kytha muttered. “Nobody enjoys being digested.” “That’s not the sexy part,” the man said. “We want to get it on before we’re digested.” “Excuse me?” “Well that’s kind of the thing, isn’t it?” the woman said, patting the man’s leg. “We don’t mind the cramped space or the squishiness or the heat. We just want to have sex inside of a dragon’s stomach. Don’t make this weird.” “M- me!” Kytha sputtered, putting a hand on her chest. “I’m not the one trying to copulate inside of another creature!” “What do you care? You’re going to digest us anyway!” “I, well, yes, but that’s not the point. It’s the principle of the matter. You’ll end up giving me a stomachache.” “You’re just bashful.” That pushed a button. Kytha reared up to her full height, expecting the humans to cower, but they just crossed their arms as she brought her face close to theirs. “I’m not bashful,” she hissed. “You are,” the woman accused. “What are you, a virgin?” “No!” “I told you we should have picked a cooler dragon,” the man said. Kytha’s teeth snapped an inch away from his head. The man didn’t even flinch. “This is nonsense,” she spat. “Pure nonsense. I have had several partners and the thought of two humans ‘getting it on’ in my stomach doesn’t upset me, it insults me! Who do you think I am?” “A virgin,” the woman said. “Who have you mated with?” “Y- you wouldn’t know him! He was a northern dragon.” “Oh my gods,” the man laughed, slapping his head. “We really did pick the virgin!” “To hell with this!” Kytha scooped the man into her mouth, blushing as his naked body rubbed against her tongue. She could feel his arousal. The woman leapt up as if to join him, but before she could reach, Kytha unwound her neck, bringing the man up to the roof of the cave. “OO don wan me do eab you,” she growled, bouncing the man on her tongue. Everything was starting to taste salty. “Labst chan.” “Do it!” the man yelled. Kytha gulped. She could feel him slither down his throat, his girth rubbing against the upper ridges as he splashed down in his stomach. Releasing a breath, Kytha looked at the woman. An idea was forming in her head. “What if,” she said, batting her eyes, “I didn’t eat you at all?” “What?!” “Oh yes,” Kytha said, getting into it now, “What if I ate your boyfriend and just left you out here? It would solve a lot of my problems, wouldn’t it?” “That… that’s not fair,” the woman shouted. She made as if to climb Kytha’s neck, but the dragon stopped her with a claw, nudging her between her legs towards her stomach. When the woman was safely tucked away, she leaned forward, burying her in her pudgy scales. “Big and warm and soft,” Kytha said. “It’s all true, you know. I can feel your man pleasuring himself even now.” “Lars, you bastard, don’t start without me!” Kytha had been trying to annoy the human, but for all she knew, the last part was true. His back was pressed against the base of her stomach, arched slightly as his feet coursed over the slippery walls. It felt… good in a way. Kytha didn’t dislike it. It was just that when she had described the feeling to other dragons, they had laughed. “Damn,” they would say. “Kytha is a pervert.” The woman was still pounding against her scales, shouting obscenities, so, with a roll of her eyes, Kytha hooked her with a claw and held her in front of her face. Sulfuric smoke rose from her nostrils. “Are you sure you want this?” she asked. “You’re not coming back, you know.” “Yes, yes,” the woman said impatiently. “I swear to the gods, if Lars wasted his nut before I got down there, I’m going to haunt you.” “As indigestion, maybe,” Kytha said, opening her mouth wide and popping the woman inside. She played with her for a bit, pushing her into one rubbery cheek, then the other, sloshing her about until she was good and lubricated before swallowing her down to join her boyfriend. When she felt them connect in her stomach, she sighed. “There,” she said. “I hope you’re happy.” There was no indication that the couple could hear her. Under the sound of her stomach starting to bubble, Kytha picked up a giggle and slap, followed by a frantic scrabble of movement. Their bodies glided over the smooth walls, traveling deeper inside of her, and then returning in a scurry. An involuntary purr leaked from Kytha’s throat. “Okay,” she said, lying down with her head between her paws. “This isn’t so bad.” For the next thirty minutes she felt them slide all over her meaty innards. The woman moaned. The man yelled. Their hips connected and Kytha closed her eyes, following their movements, envisioning their tiny bodies in the dark, breeding like rabbits. Her breath quickened. “Maybe…” Opening an eye, she glanced at the entrance to the cave. Nobody. Drawing a rune on the ground, Kytha scryed for a mile in all directions. There were sheep and cows and humans meandering the hills, but no dragons, Scrubbing the rune, Kytha bit her lip and eased her tail up between her legs. The movements in her stomach stopped. “Holy shit,” came a soggy voice. “Is she… masturbating to the sound of us doing it?” “Yes,” Kytha said. “Keep moving.” “...alright, sweet!” The fucking continued in earnest. Kytha blushed as she buried the tip of her tail in her cunt. It wasn’t like they were going to tell anybody. She could literally feel herself digesting them and with every little bubble and pop, beads of pleasure spread across her scales. Their hands plunged into her stomach folds. Their feet slid across her ribs. Their bodies were buried as her belly clenched, only to resurface moments later, more enthusiastic than before. And Kytha enjoyed herself. Why shouldn’t she? Soon, her ragged breath synced with the breath of the humans inside of her as their bodies thrummed, brought to the same climax by some cosmic thread that pulled tighter and tighter until, at last, release. GggrrrggGLllrrggrrggLLrrrRrT! “W- well,” Kytha said, composing herself. “That was something.” She brought her tail up to rub against her stomach, searching for its occupants. After a few seconds, she gave up and lay down instead, listening to the drip of water draining from the stalactites. “I’m not lonely.” Her voice echoed around the cave. Lonely. Lonely. “This is fine.” Fine. Fine. Fine. “You’re being ridiculous.” Ridiculous. Another minute passed. Kytha turned on her side, staring at the bed of moss and lichen she was too lazy to crawl to. The tip of her tail was itchy. She could feel the humans filtering through her and the void they left behind was palpable until- “Fine!” Bringing herself up on one arm, she scratched another rune into the dirt. Before she could pussy out, it flared. Another voice echoed through the cave. “Kytha? Hey! It’s been a while since I’ve heard from you.” “I know,” Kytha snorted, looking at her bed. “Look, Arthax, I think I need a favor.” Fin. |
“Mable!” “I- I’m trying!” There was a short pause, followed by a dull thud. I couldn’t even feel her fist from the inside of the frog’s stomach. How had the day gone so wrong? It started with a quest, of course. A bard in Myth told of an enchanted shield at the bottom of the swamp that was rumored to block any incoming attack. Some adventurer or another was paying good coin for a team to retrieve it and Mable and I were flat broke. What ended up happening was as follows: ●We got led astray on the path to the swamp by a witch that nearly digested me. If it wasn’t for Mable’s timely intervention (and a swift kick to the witch’s familiar) I would have been down another charge of my resurrection spell ●Mable found the hilt of a sword in the mud and, thinking it might be magical, pulled it out only to unleash an earth elemental that chased us for a mile before giving up. ●Mable and I fucked. ●I went to go piss after said coitus and it turned out that we hadn’t quite shaken the witch after all. Que roasting in her stomach part two, electric boogaloo while Mable fought her to a standstill. ●Mable needed milking. ●While washing in a stream we ticked off a river spirit who cursed us with soggy shoes. It was far more annoying than it sounds. ●And finally: The frogs. Of course there were frogs. Why, after all we had encountered on the way to the swamp, were we expecting anything other than giant fucking frogs? I was standing at the edge of the water in my sodden socks when a bubble caught my attention. At first, I thought it was swamp gas. The entire area reeked like mouldy farts and I had tied a cloth over my mouth for protection. Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a pocket in the mud, slowly lifting, then sinking, then lifting again like the breath of a great beast. “Over here, Mable,” I said. “I think I found some-” THWIP! The tongue hit me straight in the throat, stunning me. As its slimy underside wrapped around my arms and chest, I fumbled for my knife, but a solid jerk caught me off balance and I fell. The knife sank into the mud while the looming maw of the frog crested the water, its bulging eyes locked on its oblivious meal.The damage to my throat kept me from yelling as I was dragged forward. It’s skin was green but its mouth was the acrid pink of chewed meat. There were no teeth inside of its maw, so I knew it would not chew, but as its gullet opened to admit me and the mucus coated my abdomen, I knew it would not matter. I was frog food all the same. Mable must have noticed me then, because I heard her yelp just as my head vanished into its greasy throat. I could smell the boiling mess of its acids beneath me, sharp and sweet, mixed with that noxious gas that seared my eyes and wrinkled my nose. I was sinking into the warmth, its elastic stomach opening up like a great sack. It sagged beneath me as I fell into it. With a raucous belch, it spat out my shoes. UUUuuUUUURP! Of all of the stomachs I’ve been in, this one had to be the largest. My back sank into the gelatinous walls, submerging my head beneath the goo that had accumulated at the base of my prison. Sputtering, I clawed my way out, but my feet kept slipping against the smooth surface and every time I fell, another shuddering belch would erupt from the frog’s throat. GwwwAAAAaooUUURRRRP! “Mable!” I screamed. “Damn it, Mable, get me out of here!” “Trying!” I could just barely hear her over the din of the frog’s digestive juices. Its stomach squeezed me like a wash rag, coating me in slime as the thump thump thump of its heart pounded overhead. Below came the usual glurch of the intestines preparing to accept whatever was left of me at the end of the hour. Lugel! A glittering light erupted from my fingertips, allowing me to see the interior of the stomach, and as soon as I cast the spell, I really wished I hadn’t. Great, heaving masses of pink flesh surrounded me, forming the cavern walls. Its acids were an odorous mix of greens and browns that lapped over the legs of my pants and bit holes into the fabric. Well, more holes. The hag had also done a number on my clothing. “D- do you have your herbs?” Mable called from outside. My entire environment went airborne as the frog hopped. I hung for a second, suspended, watching the stillness of the acids around me before I came crashing down. It was lucky that the stomach was padded, but even so, it hurt like a bitch.“Yes,” I shouted, fumbling for my pouch. If Mable was asking about the herbs, then things weren’t looking good out there. The herbs referred to a mixture of plants that stopped the digestive process. Actually, to be more accurate, they only paused the dissolving portion of the digestive process. There was still the ‘sliding through 100 feet of dirty intestines’ portion of the digestive process to go through that was probably just as, if not more unpleasant than flat out dying. “How’s it looking out there?” I called. “Uh!” Uh. That was all she needed to say. Sighing, I clutched the packet of herbs to my chest and waited as the stomach continued to bounce and jiggle. There was a noise like the cracking of a whip and then- “Eep!” GLUG! A wet gulp and a bob of the throat let me know to duck as Mable slid into the stomach. Despite my best efforts, her hoof still clocked me in the back of the head. “Hey,” she said. “Hey,” I said. “I got eaten.” “I can FUCKING SEE THAT!” We fumbled in the dark, trying to find the most comfortable position to wait out the next few hours. My knee kept colliding with her massive tits and her hooves kept smacking me in the nuts. When we finally managed to wriggle face to face, we were set on by a new problem. We were sinking. “Uh oh,” I said, tugging at my leg. With the glimmer spell gone, I couldn’t see it, but I could feel Mable’s legs sliding at the same pace as mine. Being smushed together in the cramped confines of a frog’s stomach was one thing, but being literally sausaged together in the hellish confines of its intestines was another thing entirely. “We’re sinking,” Mable said.She clutched at my back, smushing my face between her tits. While normally I might have welcomed that development, her combined body heat with the heat of the stomach was making me feel lightheaded. “I know,” I said. “Help me pull my leg out.” Another fumbling dance occurred to no avail. Our legs had been sucked in up to our calves and we were going down together. “I can’t believe this,” I groaned. “This is just my luck.” “I’ve never actually been swallowed,” Mable said. “It’s stickier than I thought it would be.” Goddess, I wish I could have seen her face. On our last quest, I had (stupidly) said that she couldn’t take a joke and now she would randomly spout off ‘jokes’ that were really just comments about the situation and wait for me to laugh. Wrapping my arms around her back, we waited as the intestines slowly consumed us, plunging us deeper into the frog. “How long do you think it will be until it… y’know?” Mable asked after a few minutes. “Shits us out?” I said. The intestines were squeezing around my neck. I couldn’t move my head even if I tried. “Well, yes,” Mable said. “I don’t know. Could be a few hours. Could be a day. I just hope it does its business above ground and not right in the swamp.” “That would be bad,” Mable giggled. “Why are you giggling?” I asked. “Sorry, I’m nervous. Are you sure the herbs work?” “Mable.” “Oh, right.” I was very,verycertain that the herbs worked because,as luck would have it, Mable was a sleep eater. By the time she realized that I was in there, I was already in her second stomach and there was no hucking me back up.What a cow. I took my last breath of (and I can’t believe I’m saying this) relatively fresh air as the intestines closed over my head. A second later, Mable’s chin nuzzled against my hairline. “So what now?” she whispered. “We wait,” I said. “Why are you whispering?” “I dunno. It seemed appropriate.” “Well stop.” Mable humphed and went silent, leaving us to the beautiful melody of a frog's intestinal tract. Ribbit! Ribbit! Glurch! Ribbit! Splorch! FFrrRT! SPLOP! SPLOP! We were both covered in thick, mucus-like slime that soaked into every crevice of our bodies. Our clothes had melted in the frog’s stomach. I could feel Mable twitching beneath me and I was sure that she could feel me,er,adjusting on topof her. With our arms locked behind each other’s backs, there was no way for us to break apart. We were locked in a perpetual embrace. “Okay,” I said after sliding for another foot or so. “Please talk.” “Now I can talk?” Mable whispered. I pinched her butt. “Ow!” “See, now you’re not whispering.” “Why you!” “Oh! Oh! Oh! Sensitive area!” Mable had bucked her hips, bringing my cock right up to her slit. We both stayed still for a moment, our shoulders hunched, as I slowly eased my way back down to her thighs. “Whew,” I said. “That could have been bad.”“Mmhmm.” “Now’s not the time for that.” “I agree.” The silence that followed gave me a distinct feeling of deja-vu. We had been in a similar situation once, sitting on her bed in a dingy inn, and if I remembered correctly, that night had ended with us fucking like animals. Mable’s breasts jiggled against my ears. She was trying not to moan. “It smells gross in here,” I said eventually. “Oh yeah. Foul.” “I can’t believe we’re going to be shit out by a frog.” “Mmmhmm. Gross.” We had reached a bend in the frog’s intestines and were curving around it, crushed on all sides by the weight of its fat. I really hoped that meant that we were getting closer, but I didn’t know anything about frog anatomy. Minutes ticked by. Mable hummed a tune under her breath and I focused on keeping my instincts in check. It was the warmth, I told myself. The warmth and the close contact. The problem was that Mable wouldn’t stop squirming beneath me, rubbing her thighs together like they weren’t an inch away from my cock. They were… gooey. Every once in a while, they would slip over my hips and I would have to suppress a groan as my fingers twitched against Mable’s shoulders. Once, I even bit her collar, causing her to yelp. “Sorry,” I said, spitting out the rancid bile that had gotten on my tongue. “I zoned out.” “So you tried to eat me?” Mable said. “What am I, a steak dinner?” Okay, now that one was definitely an attempted joke. It even got a little chuckle out of me which caused Mable to snort and then I couldn’t help it. I burst out laughing and she joined, our voices echoing deep in the bowels of a frog as it worked us back toward the light. --- So, what happened next? Well, we didn’t end up fucking and I’m pretty sure we have an unspoken agreement to never speak about the incident ever again. After 14 agonizing hours, the frog finally spewed us out in a field along with a lot of its other,ahem, excretions. That initself turned out to be a lucky break because we found the shield in one of the piles. Naked, we collected whatever was left of our gear and walked back to the gates. It wasn’t even an unusual sight anymore. We sold the shield and bought ourselves some clothes before spending the rest on a room with a bath. We made sure to stock up on herbs as well. I had a feeling we were going to need them. All in all, it wasn’t our most successful trip into the dungeon, but it wasn’t our worst, either. It was just another day in this new world and another stomach to crawl through. |
Looking upon Mawville Manor from a distance might give the impression that it is soft. The wooden deck sags beneath its weight and the ground around it seems to swell like a stomach. Even the walls suffer from a flesh-like quality, as if touching the bricks will cause them to bend and ripple. Rationalists attribute the illusion to unstable soil, but anybody who has walked close enough to the doors of the manor and felt the heat of its breath will tell you something different. The place is alive and it is hungry. Journal of Edmund C. Weiner Bed and Breakfast Curiously enough, all of the beds in Mawville Manor seem to be built into the floor. I wouldn’t suggest sleeping in one. Journal of Edmund C. Weiner Abigail took the drawing room, Leo took the library, Cici took the attic, and I took the master suite. Honestly, I hadn’t intended to hog the bed. It was my back, you see. A few sports injuries in college and suddenly, my muscles seemed to spasm at the slightest inconvenience. Sitting upright in a chair all day was hell and sleeping on the floor was out of the question, so when it came to divvying up the rooms, I was relieved to hear that I had been assigned a relatively comfortable corner of the manor. We arrived at 7 o’clock, just as the sun sank beyond the hill that Mawville Manor had been built on. I watched it fade beyond the turrets, darkening the windows as we trudged through the mud to the entryway. It was Abigail’s idea to spend the night. She was the group’s actual ghost hunter although, as she would readily admit, she had never actually seen a spirit. The thought excited her, of course, the possibility that something lay beyond the veil, but the rest of us usually tagged along for the fun of it. When she heard about the disappearances at Mawville Manor, she started planning that very night. “We’ll split up,” she had said, “for the greatest possible chance at viewing unique anomalies.” Cici and I were fine with it. I had never given much credence to spirits and though I didn’t cherish the idea of spending a night in a dusty manor (my allergies are murderous), I couldn’t dissuade Abigail. Cici was just interested in ancient architecture in general. Leo, however, we had to drag along. Maybe we should have listened to him when he said the house was breathing. It was true that the air was humid in the old manor. Stepping into the foyer was like stepping into a sauna and despite the chill outside, the manor was warm. It smelled like mold and something slightly rotten, with a bitterness that I now recognize as chyme. “Alright,” Abigail had said. “Good luck, friends, and happy hunting.” As the rest of the group trudged off toward their respective rooms, I trudged up the stairs. One thing that surprised me was that the floorboards didn’t creak. Given their age, I would have thought that I would have encountered a few loose panels, but the ancient wood felt soft beneath my feet, and slightly damp. I attributed this to the humidity at the time and was careful to avoid placing all of my weight on any one section of the floor. The manor seemed to groan as I reached the corridor. Maybe it was the rush of stale air. I could hear my friends exploring the lower layers, calling out to each other for comfort, but I wasn’t scared. Not yet. I found my room at the end of the hall, right where Abigail had said it would be. It was… plain looking. At least by the standards of the era. There was a chest, a dresser, and a fireplace that didn’t look like it had been lit in the last hundred years. The wood in the grate had disintegrated, leaving behind a sticky residue that I doubted was flammable. Dull, grey curtains hung over the dusty windows and lanterns sat in various positions along the walls, none at the same height. The only interesting piece of furniture was the bed. It was a four-poster with dark, red curtains that matched the heavy comforter. The reason that it drew my eye was that, unlike everything else in the room, it appeared to be brand new. The fabric was shiny, as if it had been washed, and the curtains were free of dust and cobwebs. Even the liver colored sheets seemed to have been laundered recently and the pillows were plump and full. I should have known then that something was wrong. It was too inviting. Too normal. However, my back was aching from the long car ride and my limbs were heavy and tired. I set my bag on the dresser and inspected the sheets, making sure that there were no spiders hidden under the covers before I pulled the comforter back and stepped inside. The first thing that I noticed was the warmth. Anybody who has wintered in a colder climate knows that comforters take a while to heat up, but placing my legs beneath it, I was shocked to find that the blankets were warm - hot, even. It was as if someone had been laying there just a moment ago before vacating the position, leaving a faint impression on the mattress. There was also the matter of the mattress itself. It was soft. Softer than it should have been for how firm it was. I had tried a number of mattresses for my fussy back and never had I slept on anything that cradled me in that way that old bed did. My shoulders sank into its firm surface and for a moment, I imagined that it moved. Of course, when I opened my eyes, nothing was different, so I settled back and waited. I must have fallen asleep somewhere around 9, because when my phone rang at 11, our time to meet up, I woke from a dream. My phone lay on the nightstand beside me, face-up. There were several missed calls from Leo - asking where I was, I’m sure - and one from Abigail. She always arrived at meetings early only to be pissed when people showed up on time. I lay there for a moment, trying to remember what my dream had been. I think I was drifting on some kind of raft when it started to sink. The ocean water had been warm as it soaked my back and palms, but I had just lain there, looking at the sun, unable to move as I was submerged. My back and shoulders still felt soggy. Really soggy. I reached down and touched the mattress. The entire lower half of my body was covered in some kind of frothy liquid. That’s when I felt the bed start to move. It was subtle at first. The mattress seemed to undulate beneath me, stretching and shortening as if waking from a nap of its own. As the end of the bed lifted, I slid toward the pillows, or where the pillows had been before. I don’t know when I realized that there was nothing behind me. Maybe it was just a sense that I had, like I was falling into a hole. I couldn’t turn around and look. The comforter was so heavy that I couldn’t do anything but gasp as the bed swarmed beneath me, covering me head to toe in that frothy liquid. It smelled rancid. I tried to lift my arm to no avail. There was a sound like parting flesh, then a breath. Hot, humid air pulsed over my head and shoulders. I was moving, yes, horizontal to the ground and the curtains were rushing past, but they didn’t look like curtains anymore. They looked like a funnel. A smooth, pink funnel, and then I was falling, squeezing past where the pillows should be as the mattress lapped at my legs. I don’t know how else to describe it. It was wet and soft and tensile. I don’t remember screaming on the way down. I think I just lay there in shocked silence as the walls clenched and the comforter morphed into something wrinkled and damp. There was a sound below, a gurgle, that filled me with dread. All light had been extinguished and all I could feel was the slow pulse of living flesh as it consumed me. * * * The police found me days later wandering on the beach. They said that I had fallen into some cavern beneath the manor and had entered a catatonic state due to shock. Fools. Three days, I spent in the manor’s stomach. Three days, stewing amidst the rest of its food in complete darkness, sobbing, pounding on those heaving walls. Why it let me go is a mystery. Maybe I wasn’t to its taste. Maybe it had eaten enough. Maybe I had digested, slipping through its bowels like any refuse to be shat upon the beach. If that is the case, I don’t know what it’s taken from me, but I do know one thing: I haven’t slept since. |
It came for him in the night, tap tap tapping its way up the stairs on cloven hooves. He could hear its breath, hot and heavy, outside of his door just before it creaked open to reveal the bow-legged outline of the creature. She wore little to cover her bulging stomach which moved, the pale skin rippling like an avalanche as it smacked against her exposed thighs. A skirt, cut from red velvet and trimmed with white fur, hung over the scut of her tail and her breasts, huge and supple, rippled beneath the sack cloth bra she had slung across her chest. In any other circumstance, Darren might have found himself enamored with her visage, but he saw her teeth, her horns. He had heard what she did to his sister. BBBwwAaaAaaAaaARP! Small moans spread across her fat as she stepped into the room. She had a sack slung over her shoulder and her eyes, lit coals, smouldered in the darkness. She could see him under the covers where he lay hidden, and he could see her thumping closer, closer, until she stood over him, smiling, and tore back the sheets. “Someone’s been naughty,” she whispered. Darren gulped. Her stomach hung overhead, an inch from his face, and he could see the bulge his sister made against the bottom. Krampus stooped so that it brushed against his chin. It was warm and softer than it should have been. “I can feel you blushing.” Her voice never rose above a whisper, but it resonated in his ears, causing goosebumps to break out over his body. He watched her neck bulge as she gulped. Saliva spilled over his sister’s head. “Someone’s been naughty,” she repeated, drumming her fingers against her stomach, “but who has been naughtier? Was it you?” Darren whimpered. He couldn’t even summon the courage to shake his head. A long finger brushed across his throat, traveling until it found his cock. With a flick, she had him hard. An amused purr rumbled out of her. “Your sister cheated on her girlfriend,” she said, circling his cock once more. It twitched against her hand. “Very naughty indeed. Her punishment fits her crime. Do you want to know what her punishment is?” She crouched down next to him so that her lips were right against his ear. “Digestion.” A shudder ran through Darren’s torso. He tried to speak, but all he could do was clench his chattering teeth. Her red eyes came level with his head, unblinking. “What about you?” Her finger was back between his legs. “Have you been naughty?” Her palm rubbed up against his shaft. “Very naughty?” Her thumb came up and over the tip, smearing pre-cum as it came back down. “Do you want a punishment?” Her stomach rumbled. His sister’s protests were getting quieter and the churning of her bowels were getting louder. He could hear the bubble of gas that was brewing within, growing, maturing. Krampus seemed to guess his thoughts, because she smiled and removed her hand from his boxers. “An interesting choice for a punishment,” she said, straightening up. “But it’s fitting.” The bed creaked. Krampus had put one knee against the mattress and was lifting herself up until she straddled the boy, her ass resting on his forehead. The rancid smell of her previous farts permeated his nose as she sat. Her ass was soft. It cupped him, squishing against the sides of his head even as it settled on his pillow. His ragged breathing seemed louder in her crack and he could feel, rather than see, her asshole twitching above his nose. A rumble sounded deep within her, but it was getting closer. “Naughty.” Closer, closer. The space between her legs was getting warm. “Is this a punishment?” Her stomach gurgled and he flinched, holding his breath. Krampus pushed herself down harder against his head. He was going to have to breathe at some point. “I’ve watched you. I know what you like.” The rumble had stopped right in front of him. Her asshole was squeezed shut, keeping it trapped, but the smell that leaked through was enough to set his eyes rolling. One of his hands came up to rest on Krampus’ thigh. She wove her fingers through his own, and then she let it rip. BBBBrrrAaAaaAaaAaaAaAAaAAAAAAPP! An enormous gust of air rolled over Darren’s face, soaking the pillow behind his head. Her cheeks squeezed around him. The sound was deafening. He had only a moment to register what was happening before she did it again, loosing what was left in her bowels with a tremendous, vibrating fart. PPPfffRrRRrRrrRrgggRRRrllLRrrRRrRRRRrrRRTT! SPLRCH! Darren barely caught the sound of Krampus’ stomach collapsing in on itself. All he knew was that it was suddenly sagging against his hand, doughier than it had been before. Krampus kept him locked beneath her legs for over ten minutes and when she came up, she looked over her shoulder, grinning from the darkness above. “How was that?” she asked. No response would have been appropriate. What was he supposed to say? Krampus had been holding his cock when he had released and there was no coming back from that embarrassment. Darren hung his head. His sister was working her way through Krampus’ intestines. The damp slurp of whatever was left of her echoed off the wall. For a while, Krampus lay there with her stomach on his hips, digesting, as her ass bobbed up and down on Darren’s chin. She seemed content to torment him for the rest of the night, occasionally reaching beneath her pudge of check if he was hard again. When he stiffened against her belly, she smiled. “Naughty.” Her exposed skin rippled as she drew off his boxers, burying his cock in the folds of her stomach. A rumble made Darren flinch. “Please,” he said. “Don’t.” Krampus chuckled as she pushed herself backward on top of him. “The punishment must be administered.” After that, it was a blur. She made him cum, once, twice, each proceeded with a fart loud enough to rattle his teeth. The first time, she did it with just her stomach, using the fat to mold around his cock as she brought him to a shuddering release. The second time, she used her tits, and when he came he felt her tongue flick out to clean the mess. He tried not to think of his cum washing over whatever was left in her stomach, but he couldn’t. The beginning rays of dawn light were already leaking through his window by the time he even considered the morality of his actions. “We must go soon,” Krampus said. She had been laying on top of him, humming as he squirmed. For a second, Darren saw her turn to face him. “We?” he asked. “Your punishment,” she said with a grin. Her ass bounced against his chest. In the dim light, he could see her asshole widen. “Wait,” Darren whispered. “Wait. Wait!” There was a loud, messy slurp as her ass came down to consume his head, sucking him up as if he weighed nothing and forcing him into her bowels. He had just a second to scream - one second - before her intestines came crashing down around him. Then there was silence and the sensation of movement. Tap. Tap. Tap. Eventually, the muffled effect of her flesh against his ears lifted and he could hear her body churning above him. There was the slosh of meat still fresh in her stomach and the heavy thud of her legs hitting the ground. Her intestines squelched. Her heart pounded. Her breath caught and her bowels tightened. FFFrrrRrrRrrRrRrrRTT! Heat seared Darren’s skin as the fart passed over his head. He didn’t know how far away his sister was, but he knew that she was closer now. “Naughty.” Krampus’ fingers pressed in on him from the outside. Curled up in her bowels, it felt like he was being smothered all over again. “Will you let me go?” Darren called. “When you’re finished?” The creature considered his question for a moment. “It depends on how much you enjoy it,” she said. Followed by: “Naughty.” That was the end of their conversation. Darren was forced to listen as her intestines packed and hardened, squeezed and pushed. The same muscles that were holding him still were pushing his sister toward him and he could feel it through the layers, gliding closer, preceded by fart after rancid fart. Krampus took pleasure in his attempts to escape, letting him slide all the way down to her asshole before pulling him back up. Her bowels grew hotter. His struggles got more frantic. Despite the softness of the flesh that surrounded him, the approach of that thing triggered a claustrophobia that made his breath catch in his chest. Maybe that was for the best. It was right around the bend, now. It was just above his head. “Please!” he cried, risking it all. “Please!” Her response came, as he knew it would: “You’ve been naughty.” SPLORCH! |
Mara looked up at the stockings hung above the chimney. There were only two of them this year, as there had been last year and the year before. Wind howled outside of the house, rattling the windows, and in the silence that followed, there came a groan. Mara’s seat moved beneath her. She responded by lifting her leg. BBBbrrrFffFFFffFFFFTtttTTTT! The pressure that had been building in her stomach flooded out in one long, sputtering fart, spreading down the sides of her sister’s face to warm the mattress that she was tied to. A small bell jingled as Mara sat back down. It bounced amidst the mistletoe that hung just above her ass crack. “Do you remember what you got me for Christmas last year?” Mara asked. She could feel Clary’s breath, hot against her pucker. “Do you?” Clary responded with a groan. She strained against her bindings, but the ropes held, as they had for the past hour. The pressure in Mara’s stomach returned. Her intestines gurgled. “You got me a mask,” she said. “Just a normal, white, dust mask. Do you remember what you called it?” Clary shook her head. Mara’s ass cheeks clenched around her. “You called it my gas mask,” Mara said. BBBlllrrRRRrRRRrrRTT! “You would fill it for me every day.” FFrrAAAP! “For my daily dose.” GGWWeeeeRrrRRRRRP! “Of gas.” BBBBrrrUUuuUUUuuuUGGGGlllllLRRrrRT! Clary shuddered and went still. Her fingers twitched against Mara’s thighs, but the girl was slow to lift herself. She was still looking at the stockings hanging above the chimney, remembering a time when there were four instead of two. The can of beans she had swallowed curdled in her stomach. A number of them lay empty beside her. Maybe she should have tried different combinations of food. Her sister had. Once, Mara had spent an entire afternoon strapped to the couch as Clary went through the pantry. Their aunt had just visited to check on them and Mara had made the mistake of telling her that there wasn’t food in the house. After their aunt had taken them shopping, Clary took it upon herself to show Mara just how grateful she was. The worst combination was banana and peanut butter. It came out smelling like burnt rubber. Mara’s fingers skimmed over Clary’s bare stomach, coming to a rest on her thighs. Muscles bunched beneath her sister’s skin, betraying her strength. “You always called me chubby,” Mara sighed. “I’m average, you know, just not hard like you. Probably for the best. Your ass hurt. Mine is soft.” She twisted her hips, causing Clary to gasp. “You won’t get away with this, you little fucking nerd,” Clary spat. “Just wait until I break these ropes. Just wait- mmrph!” The mistletoe tickled Mara’s tailbone as she buried Clary once more. “Don’t forget to kiss it,” Mara said. “Give me a Christmas peck, sis. C’mon. C’mon!” Her hips slapped harder against Clary’s shoulders until she finally sat back. A minute passed. Two. Clary started to spasm beneath her, but Mara didn’t relent until she felt her lips pucker against her asshole. When she came back up, Clary wheezed, resting her forehead against Mara’s taint. “I’ll fuck you up,” she said. Spit flecked her lips. Mara reached down to wipe it off. “You just wait, brat.” “I did wait,” Mara said. “I’m done waiting.” FFFrrrAaaAAaARrrRRTT! She spread her cheeks and stuffed herself back over Clary’s head. Her asshole flickered against the bridge of her sister’s nose. “You can’t hold your breath forever,” Mara said. With one hand, she reached over the side of the mattress. “Especially not when you’re wearing your gas mask.” Clary hissed and spat as Mara eased herself backwards, pressing the rough fabric into her cheeks. The sweat on her thighs made her glide against her sister’s shoulders. GGGwwwWRrrRRRRRPP! “Ugh.” A deep rumble came forth as a short, but nasty burst of gas. Clary let it soak into the fabric for a second before she repositioned herself over her sister’s face. “Here you go, sis,” she said, setting the mask over her nose. “And just to make sure you get the point-” WHUMPH! Her ass cheeks hit the mattress leaving Clary with no choice but to gasp for air. An ominous rumble echoed through the room. Mara rolled her stomach between her palms, urging it onward. When the pressure became too much, she found the point of the mask right above her sister’s nose and unloaded. BBBbrrAaAAaAaaaAAaaaAAaaAP! A scream dribbled out from Clary’s lips, but it was quickly suppressed with a kick to her ribs. With the wind howling outside, Mara didn’t think the neighbors would hear. It wasn’t like they ever heard before. “Hush,” she said. “It’s Christmas and you’re beneath the mistletoe. Give me another kiss, huh?” “Fuck yourself,” Clary gasped from beneath the mask. Mara removed it with two fingers. “You sure you want me to do that?” she asked. “Here? Right over your head?” “You know what I mean, brat.” “I do,” Mara said. “Now kiss it.” She wiggled her hips. “Kiss it!” This time, Clary kissed it without resistance, giving it a big, wet smack before falling back onto the mattress. Mara shivered as the feeling resonated through her body, but she wasn’t done. Not by a longshot. --- Clary repressed a whimper as she felt her sister’s weight shift on top of her. When had she gotten so big? The smell of the last fart had dissipated to mix with the general odor of sweat and musk, rubbing against her cheeks so that she felt she’d never be clean again. Worse yet was the sensation of spreading as Mara’s asshole twitched against her chin. She had stuffed Mara up her ass, once. It had been a joke. They were all jokes. She had been sitting on her after Thanksgiving, suppressing her screams so that her parents wouldn’t hear when an overzealous wiggle ended with a pop and the feeling of her bowels spreading over an enormous load. Mara had come out right away, nearly catatonic, and Clary had washed her off with baby wipes, wincing at the brown smears that coated her sister’s neck and shoulders. “If you tell Mom about this, I’ll kill you,” she had whispered, but in truth, she had been wondering what it would have felt like to go further. GGGwwwRrrRRRrRRTT! Sweat and scat coated the inside of Mara’s asshole, lubricating it. Clary couldn’t see it, but she could smell it as it wiped against her skin. The fart pulsed over her face and she held her breath. It didn’t help. Mara had pushed the mask back over her nose. “Do you remember, sis?” she kept saying. “Do you remember?” Yes, Clary remembered. She remembered the first time she had pinned her sister down in 5th grade, just like the school bully had done to her. She remembered the elation that came with the sensation of dropping her bowels right on someone's face, and the addiction that soon followed. She’d wake Mara up with cold water and put bugs on her pillow. She’d cut her hair with safety scissors and fill her shoes with mud. As they got older, her pranks got less juvenile. Mara had made the mistake of leaving her boyfriend alone with Clary once. Once. By the time she got back from the store, he had left, and he never texted her again. The torture got pathological. Clary knew it was wrong. She didn’t care. There was nobody to stop her anymore and if anything, it eased the pain, at least till now. Now, Mara was in control. --- There was the Christmas that Mara spent locked inside of a broom cupboard. There was the family party where she had been pushed in a creek and when she had come back up to the house, muddy and shivering, Clary had told everyone she had fallen looking for frogs. There was the incident with Robert. Mara still didn’t know what Clary had done to him - if she had fucked him or farted on him or told him lies with her venemous tongue that was now pressed defiantly against her asshole. With every memory, Mara pressed down harder, knowing that eventually, something had to give. SLURP! Pain gave way to pleasure and pleasure gave way to Mara staring at her stomach, marveling at the shape of Clary’s head clustered beneath her breasts. She was writhing - screaming even - but a well-timed fart shut her up, rumbling over her neck and shoulders. With her memories opening like fresh wounds, Mara loosened the ties around Clary’s arms and legs, following the sensation of her muscles working her sister up her ass. BBBrrrrRRRrrRRT! PPPhhhRrRrRRrrRRGggRrRrRT! Mara closed her eyes and bent her spine. Her stomach stretched until it touched the mattress and then went further, lifting her as she lifted Clary, and then she was laughing because she could feel how dirty her bowels were and had remembered the time that Clary had trapped her in hers. “Merry fucking Christmas,” she screamed. “I have a hell of a stocking stuffer for you this year, sis!” She didn’t even hesitate once Clary landed in her stomach. As soon as she felt the walls wrap around her, she began digesting, and then all of the screams in the world couldn’t drown out the torment that she had gone through, suffered through, and the wind howled down the chimney like a condemnation, chilling the house, but inside, Mara was warm. She slept wrapped around her belly which shrank overnight. In the morning, she took down Clary’s stocking and held it between her cheeks, willing herself to let it all go. SPLORCH! SPLORCH! SPLORCH! Log by log, it came, filling the stocking, overflowing out onto the bricks. Mara kept squeezing until her stomach was flat again and then, with a sigh, she tossed the soiled garment back into the fireplace. It was her first Christmas in an empty house and for once, that was okay. |
“So let me get this straight.” Sloan folded his arms and scrunched his brow, but given that he was approximately the size of his wife’s tongue, it was hard to look intimidating. The corner of her lip twitched. “The mailman,” Sloan said. “What of him?” Dierdra yawned. “His van is parked in the driveway.” “That’s awfully inconsiderate. How are we supposed to get out?” Dierdra flexed her wings and smirked. Sloan held his ground. It was hard to tell through the padding of his wife’s guts, but he thought he saw something move under the layer of milky pudge. “I’m serious, Dierdra, that’s a federal employee. He can’t go missing.” “He won’t,” Dierdra said, rolling onto her side. “They’ll know exactly where he went.” “No.” “It’s an occupational hazard.” “No.” “An unavoidable accident of epic proportions.” “Spit him out.” Dierdra craned her neck until her immense, emerald eye was level with Sloan’s head. Her smile was unmistakable now. “Do you think you can make me?” Sloan hated that phrase. She had used it since the day they had moved in together as part of the Dragon Repopulation Project and she knew damn well that, no, he couldn’t make her do anything. She was a forty feet from tip to tail, armored scaled, fire-breathing lizard and he was an amateur novelist with a borderline anxiety disorder. Of course, the council would forgive him if the mailman never returned, but his wife on the other hand… “Honey, I’m trying to help,” he said. “You say that a lot,” she said, nudging him, “but I think I’ll take my chances.” “Dierdra.” Sloan tried to keep the whine from his voice. She loved when he pleaded. It was her favorite thing in the world to say no. A wet thumping had started to emanate from her stomach and she scratched at it with one claw. It was time to break out the big guns. “What do you want?” Sloan asked. “Oh, I think you know my price,” Dierdra purred. “It’s the entire reason we’re here, after all.” Her answer was as expected as it was unpleasant. Sloan’s hips were still bruised from the time she had refused to regurgitate their laundry machine. “They’ll put you away, you know,” Sloan said. “I swear, Dierdra, the council-” “-will understand,” Dierdra finished. “A girl’s gotta eat. Besides, if I tell them that you’ve been neglecting your duties…?” “What part of this is neglecting my duties?!” Sloan lifted his shirt and turned to show her the claw marks on his back. There was still a faint set of red indents where her fangs had dug into his shoulder as well. Even in human form, she lacked self control. Dierdra merely giggled at the markings and returned her attention to her stomach. It was starting to bubble. Sloan sighed. “When?” he asked. “Oh, I think as soon as the deed is done will be soon enough,” Dierdra said. “But I want more than just one measly session.” Again, expected. “Alright,” Sloan said, “alright, how about this: three sessions, but I get to pick the time.” “He’s dying in there, you know,” Dierdra said. “Three sessions, but you pick the time.” “And?” Sloan grit his teeth. “And you can use the restraints,” he said. The ridge above Dierdra’s eye raised. It was a habit she had learned in human form that didn’t quite translate to dragon, but Sloan knew what she meant. “Four,” he begged. “God damn it, Dierdra, any more than that and you’ll kill me.” “And wouldn’t that be a shame,” she laughed, letting her tongue loll onto the kitchen floor. “You’ll have to go and get him, though. I’m afraid he’s rather deep this time.” The gooey, pink outline of her throat contrasted with the jagged, white daggers of her teeth. Her breath was hot. Sulfuric. Sloan could smell the bucket of entrails he had fed her for breakfast and shuddered to think of what they would feel like once he got to her stomach. Poor mailman. Poor him. Dierdra’s tongue ebbed as he placed his hand on it, saliva pooling between his fingers. Her throat twitched eagerly as he stuck his head between her lips, but then he pulled away. Dierdra let her jaws shut with a click. “What now?” she asked. “I’m getting the rope,” Sloan said. “You don’t trust me to spit you back up?” “Are you kidding me?” The rumble of Dierdra’s laughter shook the kitchen. “Fair,” she said, “but I could always cut the rope.” “You’re too lazy to apply for the DRP again,” Sloan said as he rummaged about in a drawer. “Besides, I owe you four sessions.” “A vibrator will suffice,” Dierdra mused. “I could keep this big house, collect the checks and nobody would be the wiser.” “Except that the checks are in my name and we have monthly visits to make sure that exactly what you’re talking about doesn’t happen. Besides, you can’t tie up and intimidate your vibrator.” “Nor can I suffocate or molest it,” Dierdra sighed. “What a bind.” Sloan blushed, pulling the rope out of the drawer. He made sure to compose himself before he turned around, though. “Open up.” Once more, Dierdra’s tongue splayed out before him and her throat glistened and spread. Sloan hooked the rope twice around an iron ring in the wall before he stepped between her lips. As soon as he was past her teeth, she swallowed. End of Teaser For the full, free story, visit snakethroatbooks.gumroad.com/l/mywifeisadragon |
All that glitters Story by Bright and KingdomOfGray 1. Introductions Our story starts in a world called Ylathal: In a northern country called Marrachia: And in a town described as eloquently as Mercenary town: It is in the this place we find the first character of our story: "Uhh..." The grey and white neko began, looking around at the old, unsanitary town. Nightengale, a member of a millitary organization in her home town of Nivia, was assigned a task to recover a questionable artifact from an town in a mid-western desert. The relic in name was a gold amulet whose powers were unknown. However, when she was told it was near a town she did not expect...this. The town easily resembled the kind of town one would see in an old western film, dirty with old wooden buildings, even the people dressed the part. But it was definitely more modernized, meaning that there were multiple races besids human, so she didn’t stick out too much as a neko. But her cloths were a different story. A white robe amongst a society with western clothing? It was easy to say that she drew eyes. But she couldent let that concern her, not at the moment. She had to find information about what she was seeking. "Maybe I should check the tavern, It works in the movies." She thought to herself, quickly making her way to the the one building labled 'Saloon'. "And don`t come back!" Was shouted out loud as a as a lean fellow with a hint of a beard was thrown out of a house nearby. The house belonged to MEAT (Mercenaries Enrollment Association Team) and happened to provide mercenaries for causes (and wallets) they saw fit. Unfortunately for Julien, his attempt to hire a few of them for an adventure was met with laughter, and when he tried to press the issue, he was suddenly grabbed at both arms, dragged to the door and thrown out into the street. "I even got a map!" He shouted back as he got back on his feet and shook his fist towards the house, although the guards paid him no further attention as they had already gone inside. He grumbled slightly before he tried to dust some dirt of his pants (which once had been blue jeans) and dark shirt (it had a color once). He scratched his blonde head and pondered upon his next action. Perhaps he would think clearer after he got himself a drink at the local waterhole. She entered the pub through two swinging doors and, as might have been expected expected, everyone stoped to stare at her. "Uhh...Hi." she said sheepishly, not knowing exactly what to do. But they just went back to what they were doing, Not even phased by the Catgirls presence. She walked up to the bar, where large, chunky man came up to her washing a small glass in his hands. "What'll it be?" He asked her blandly, obviously not interested in making formal conversation. "I was actually hoping that you might be able to tell me..." She pulled a folded paper out from a pocket on her robe, "...about this." She unfolded the paper revealing a hieroglyph-like image of a strange looking pendant, a large red gem in the core and surrounded by delicately decorated gold. The bartender took a good look at it and pushed it back to her. "Never seen it before." He said, not even bothering to make eye contact with her. She could easily sense the coldness in his voice, this was definetely a conversation he would rather not be having right now. "Well than maybe you could tell me someone who does know then?" She told him, now sharing his lack of decent tone. "I can tell you don’t want to bother talking to me, so at least show me someone else I can ask." The bartender laughed before he replied: "I might know somebody, I might not." He said mockingly. She rolled her eyes, knowing exactly where he was going next. "I might remember something If I had, oh you know, a bit of a reminder." He held out his greasy hand, expecting her to give him something. "I dont have any money with me." she replied, hoping now that he would just walk away from her. Thats what she thought he wanted in the first place, to walk away, but now she thought differently. "Oh thats not a problem miss, I accept other forms of 'payment'." He gave her a wink and she glared at him. His arm came forward, aimed at her chest. She simply slapped his hand away, more forcefully than he expected. "I would advise you not to try that again!" She demanded at him, no longer a hint of kindness in her voice. At that moment Julien came in the door, stepped in a small spill of beer that someone had dropped, before he magnificently changed his position from standing vertically to lying horizontally. The other inhabitants of the saloon just looked at him before they changed their view back to whatever they were doing, whether it be drinking away their troubles, or playing cards. He raised one hand from his current position and called out loud enough for the barkeep to hear: "Something to wet my throat, if you please." The rather large bartender glanced over the catgirls shoulder to the newcomer. "Can`t you see I am busy?" He said with an annoyed tone to his voice. "Oh right, I apologize my intrusion into the saloon in the middle of the day then." He said and got back on his feet, feeling his aching back. "I`ll just grab a drink of my own and vamoose. Or should I just wait until you are done pestering girls that don`t appreciate your forwardness." At this moment several people were looking at the barkeep, Julien and the catgirl to see if there was a fight brewing until the barkeeper then shrug his shoulders, walked inside the bar and looked at Julien with a rather sour face. "Ok, what can I give you?" "A beer if you please." Julien replied with a smug smile. "And payment?" "Can I pay you back later? I am a bit short on money right now." Whereas the brow of the barkeep swiftly darkened. Ten seconds later Julien performed a rather neat flying experience from the entrance of the bar to the ground lasting approximately half a second. "And don`t come back without money!" The barkeep shouted from inside the bar. "I have a map!" Julien retaliated. "Eat it, I don`t care. Maps are not money." The bartender came back to his spot behind the large table. "That was rather rude of you, I have no money and your not kicking me out!" Gale barked at him. "Hey, it’s like I said earlier toots." He said through a dumb grin. "I can accept alternate forms of payment." He reached out and grabed her shoulder. Her face suddenly turned into a soft grin. "Oh really. Well here's what I think about your 'Alternative payment' policy." She suddenly grabed his arm and, with little effort, threw him right out the door which he himself had thrown the previous person out. He flew out screaming and landed into a horse trough, dazed. The other people in the bar tried to hide their faces as Gale stomped out the door after him. Outside, she stood at the base of the bar and looked at at the bartender whereas he returned a frightened look. He slowly got up, keeping his distance. "Next time you touch me I’ll make sure you don’t get back up!" she shouted at him before he ran back into his bar. She turned and saw the person from eariler and, with a kind grin, came up to him. "I’m sorry about the way he acted to you earlier sir. I hope you arent hurt." "Heh," Julien smiled a bit as he got back on his feet, "I guess you are able to defend yourself from jerks and the alike." He said and looked at the woman in front of him and his thinking cogs immediately began spinning. A catgirl in white robes? That was a rather unusual sight in this town. She was kinda cute though. The white robes fit her body rather nice. He felt a slight urge to compliment her on the looks, but seeing as the last fellow who did that now walked away with wet clothes, he decided that he would bide his time and perhaps do it later. "Not that I thought otherwise." He said while looking at the wet bartender who was walking back to the bar while keeping his distance from Gale. He rubbed his shoulder a bit and heard a slight crack as he stretched it: "Oh, I`ll survive, only hurt pride for the mostly. And it is only the second time today." Julien said with a grin on his face. He reached out his right hand as a gesture for shaking: "Call me Bright, I'm a freelance worker and a hobby treasurehunter. How about you?" She reached out her hand and shook his: "Im Nightengale, but you can call me Gale for short. I’m..." She thought for a moment. She could tell him everything, but that might be a bit hard for him to swallow. She was, after all, from another realm, let alone another place. She decided to just tell him the basic information to avoid the confusion and hours of explanation: "...Well, I guess you can call me an adventurer of sorts." She didn’t exactly know why she was shooting the breeze with this civilian, after all she was on a mission of importance, but she did anyway. Without a lead, she was stuck here anyway. Then she remembered something Bright said. "You mentioned that you are a treasurehunter?" She reached into her pocket again and pulled out the same parchment with the ancient diagram on it that she had shown the bartender. "Do you have any info regarding this? I dont know what it does or where it is, but I know it’s in this area." "Nice to meet you Nightengale. And yes, I am a treasurehunter." Although not a very successful one, he thought to himself considering the amount of treasure he had found so far was rather miniscule. "But I guess I can help you." He said and took the parchment and looked at it for a few seconds. "Do you mind if we talk about this somewhere more private, considering how the middle of the street isn't exactly a good place for talking about treasure. There are much worse people in this town than a mere creepy bartender." He said, thinking about the local criminals that used to hang around in the saloon. "A friend of mine works in the local smithy, I am pretty sure we can talk in private there." Referring to a small building at the edge of town where they shoed horses along with making tools. "Along with keeping my stuff safe," he thought for himself, thinking about his tent, potions and hammer. "Certainly, lead the way Bright." Gale replied. It was true, many people here looked shady and it was difficult to tell who was friend and who was foe. On top of that, having him take her to the smithy would allow her to map more of the town out in her mind, which might come in handy later. The fact that he didn’t say that he didn’t know what it was could very well mean that he has some idea of what it is she is looking for, and if this is true she may have found the lead she was looking for. Of course, as they walked through towns and crowds of people, she began to see the setting arround her more like a old western film. What with the fight in the bar and the person seeking riches...she giggled as she thought this, almost expecting to see a camera somewhere. But she still needed to focus, the mission was top priority. "By the way, don't ask my friend about the eye. It is a bit touchy subject." He said as the two of them stood before the smithy. He knocked on the door whereas a man opened it up after a few seconds. The man was slightly giant in size, reaching above 6 feet with muscles that belonged to a real smith. His right eye was missing and the socket was covered by a black eye patch. The skin around it had a strange purple scar. His chin was covered by a thick brown beard. "Ah, if it isn't my good friend Julien Brightside. And with female company as well." He grinned, "How may I help you?" "Do you have a room where I and Gale can talk in private?" "Talk or 'talk' ?" He said while gesturing with his fingers at the last word. Julien sighed slightly: "We need to discuss treasure hunting." "Oh right. First room to the left." The room had a single table, and was without windows. Many tools were hanging on the wall, thus giving the impression that it was a storage room. Julien stood by the table and pulled out a map from his pockets after Gale closed the door. "Now, let me show you the map I have found." He said and straightened out the map on the wooden table. He smiled slightly to himself considering how he made sure that no one could find the treasure without his help. "How would you consider a partnership? 50/50?" He asked Gale while holding down the map with a finger. Gale thought hard, not about his propisition of a 50/50 split, but of the map itself. She didn't remember seeing any of these landmarks on the way to the town. Perhaps it was just the angle? who knew. She pulled out the parchment with the medallion drawing on it. "I have a better idea. " she started, tossing the parchment onto to table. "I’ll help you find your treasure and let you keep all of it, but If we find this amulet, it’s mine. Deal? I find no need for money myself, I believe it only blinds people with greed. But aside from that, I can’t help but notice that there are several 'X's on this map. Can you tell me what it all means. And the distance of all these areas, because I came from far away and saw none of the areas shown on this map." Bright thought about it for a few seconds. If she wanted the amulet only, there had to be something special about it. He took up the parchment and looked at the medallion. It was not completely alike the one on the map, but there were quite some similarities. Probably some artistic freedom involved in making of these two. "Alright, it is a deal, as long as the treasure found is worth the same as the medallion, I`m more than happy to oblige." He said with a grin, thinking to himself that he did not want to be scammed. Then again, they had to find the treasure first. "Well, there was only one x to begin with, but to prevent people from just taking the map and search for the treasure themselves, I drew several x-es. That way, only I know the location of whatever treasure there might be. As for the distance, I am unsure. I think the map only shows the locations compared to eachother, but I know one thing: If you go out of the town and look north, you can see the mountains." "So, if we both agree, do you need anything before we leave town?" Gale thought for a moment. She had travelled light to get here, carrying only what she needed. She didn’t need a sleeping bag, as she could sleep in a meditative state if necessary. As for food, she had managed to survive off of a few crackers, two bottles of water, and what the nature around her was able to produce, which was very little. "We are going to need provisions." she finally said. "I ran out of food and water on the way here and was planning to restock when I was going to leave. Also..." She looked back at the map, "This map shows locations and direction, but not distance. Without knowledge of this, I can’t say for certain how much we should stock up on. It might be wise to get a map of the local area and perhaps a few horses so that we can travel faster. But besides that, there is not anything else I need. If there is something else YOU need on the other hand we should get that too. This sounds like it might be a bit of cash though, now that I think about it. And, from what i remember from the bar, you have no money. I have nothing either. Do you have any ideas? The horses should only be necessary if the distance is going to be too far or to dangerous on foot, so I suppose a local area map would be first priority." "How did you plan on restocking if you don't have any money?" Bright asked curiously, but then just shook his head and lifted his hand as a gesture: "Nevermind, you don't have to tell me." He looked down on the map he had in front of him and pondered a bit: "I know for a fact that one might use a days travel from here to the mountains with a horse. I do not own a horse, but my friend the smith does. Without a horse, we might be walking for at least a couple of days. Our other provisions should be easily taken care, although I do not have any money, I do have the necessary food." Bright said and thought to himself that it was mostly canned food. "Max, my friend that is, might be more willing to loan us a local area map, he keeps all sorts of stuff in his house so a map shouldn't be a problem." "Alright then." She said sheepishly, realizing that she herself did not actually have a way of resupplying to begin with. "Well, I suppose I’ll follow you while you do this then, as I don’t know anyone here or where anything is. If it weren’t for you, I’d be wandering around aimlessly until I found what I was after, so I thank you kindly for what it is you are doing to help me. I will try and return the favor any way I can, but now I don’t see a way I can. If there is anything you can think of, I’ll see what I can do." She looked again at the map. "So, it will take a day on horseback to reach the mountains here in the north? That shouldn’t be too bad. Ok, so what should we do first in the way of preparation?" "Well, I trust you enough by now to tell you that we are indeed going towards the mountains. Considering that it is summer, we don't have to worry about the cold, well except for the occasional rain. Luckily, my tent is waterproof and fits for two." He said, meaning the last sentence as a friendly gesture, although it could probably be misinterpreted. He stopped speaking and tried to think: "I got enough canned food for us to last some days, but first we have to ask my friend for a horse. Come on." He said and led the way towards the smithy where Max was beating his hammer down on the anvil to prepare some metal. "Ey Max, can we borrow your horse for a trip to the mountains?" The smith looked at the two and his face expression obviously showed that he was thinking. One could almost see the cogwheels turning around inside his head. "Okay, one condition." He then whispered into Brights ear. Bright then leaned over to Gale and whispered to her: "He wants a kiss on the cheek from you." Gale was not one for such...contact, so to speak...as this man was asking for. Especially with someone who is as rugged as he was, it would be like kissing sand paper. But she knew better than to say no, after all the mission always came first. She gaged at the thought of what she had to do to get this guy to give them his horse, but at least it wasn’t like what the bartender wanted..."Alright fine." She said after a moment of silence. She lent in and gave him a small kiss on the cheek, quickly retreating back to avoid any further contact. The man who was aiding her in her mission was the only lead she had to the medallion, but the blacksmith...It would take time before she could trust anyone like that. The blacksmith grinned slightly, touched his cheek with his left hand before he nodded: "Thank you. You can borrow the horse, it is tied to a pole at the back of the house. He ain't a speedy one, but he'll be able to carry the both of you." "Thanks man, I owe you one." Julien said to his friend, looked at Gale before he turned to Max again: "Say, you wouldn`t happen to have a a map over the area?" "Sorry man, I don't travel a lot. I don't have the need for a map." "Okay, so we might not get a map from Max, but at least we had a tent and provisions." Julien thought to himself before he turned towards Gale: “A local map would have been nice, but its not necessary, only a desire.” Gale thought while looking at the conversation between Julien and the smith. "So, ever rode a horse before?" Julien asked Gale. No I haven’t." she said. It was true, she never did ride a horse before, she never needed too. But many people do it, how hard could it be? "I’m willing to do it though. I assume you have before also?" She went towards the door to the outside. "Well, we best get started if we want to make any kind of distance before sundown. I’ll wait out here till you two are done chatting." and with that she was outside, standing near the entrance to the smith and waiting for Bright to leave also, so that they could begin making headway. Bright came out soon after with his backpack of necessary equipment. He also happened to have a belt around his waist that had several small potion flasks of various colors. The horse was a regular brown working horse which looked like it had been dragging carts and wagons for a few years by now. It calmly stood by a grassy square and stared into the distance. It did not seem to give much attention to neither Julien nor Gale. "Ah, you`ll have to excuse me for making you wait. I just had to get the necessary equipment. Would you be kind and help me tie this to the saddlebags?" Bright said as he put the backpack on the ground before he began arranging the saddle on the horse. "Sure." she said, grabbing hold of the backpack. She turned to the saddle. In all honesty, she hadn’t a clue how to tie it to the saddle properly and showed this from her blank stare at the saddle. In the end, she decided to just wing it and put it on the way she felt it would best work. With an awkward knot, she managed to tie the backback onto the saddle. She was not certain that it would stay on the whole trip, but at least it was on like he asked. She awaited further instruction. Bright took a quick overlook on the horse and the saddle, not paying too much attention to the knot, merely assuming it was tied correctly. "Alright, that should do it. I guess we are ready for departure. Let us waste no more time and get going." He said, untied the horse's rope before he placed one foot at the saddle foot lock thingy, placed a hand at the saddleknot and lifted himself up on the horse. Being on the top of the horse, he took hold of the horse reins with his right hand and offered the left to Gale: "Here, lemme help you up." "Ok." She said sheepishly. Never having ridden a horse before, she was not very confident in doing so, but hoped that with Bright helping her she would have a better chance of learning. With his help, she hopped onto the back of the horse. She had no idea what to expect. The horse made a sudden jerking movement, lifting its front end and neighing, which caused her to fall off back onto the ground. Bright attempted to catch her, but was a hand short and could only watch in vain as Gale hit the ground. She sat up in the dirt rubbing her head. "I didn’t expect it to do that." She commented with a smile, obviously unharmed. She climbed up again and waited for Bright to start heading out. "Did you get hurt?" He asked slightly worried, but seeing as she smiled and seemed unharmed, he let out a silent sigh of relief. "Seems like we are all set, lets ride." He said and urged the horse to go on. They soon were on their way northwards through the grassy plains. An occasional tree dotted the landscape. "So, how is the place where you are from? Are there any forests there?" Bright asked Gale. She saw no problem with telling him about her home. "Yes, there is a forest to the east of the main city. Above the city is a great mountain range and above that a dessert. To the west and south is a vast sea . The place itself is...well, its been better. We are in the heat of war right now with an enemy that is...heh, you wouldn’t believe me if I told you." There was a small thump behind them that Gale noticed, but paid no attention to it, thinking it was simply a rock the horse kicked up. "but I’ll be honest, I really think there is more I could be doing than hunting down artifacts, I could be aiding the frontlines, but no. Here I am, sent doing things far from home while people die. Sigh...I can only hope things get better soon." Bright did not notice the thump as he focused mostly on leading the horse forward and listening to Gale. "Sounds like a nice city, except for the war...that sounds rather unfortunate." Bright said while turning his head around: "Well, war is always nasty...I`ll make sure we find that artifact as quickly as possible." "For your sake." He thought to himself shortly after, although having a slight hope that she wouldn`t have to. "What kind of enemy are you fighting? Is it pirates? Maurading forestmen?" He curiously asked. "The enemy we are fighting is...Well..." She hesitated. Would he believe what she was about to say? She doubted it, but what the heck, she might as well tell him: "We are not fighting an army, rather a single man. This man is...far from natural. He is strong, and he is cruel. I’m not sure of all the details, but I heard tales that the man has become so powerful that he proclaimed himself a god. Of course thats not true, as a mortal cannot rise to a level of that kind of divinity...but I have a feeling that maybe this should no longer be true. The reason I’m even doing this mission is because he has not shown up in nearly a year, we think he is plotting his next attack. So until further notice me and my squad are assigned normal missions, such as saving innocent people or, as in this case, locating an item of importance." "Just because he is not a god, does not mean that he can't say that he is." Bright said and focused his eyes towards the north as the mountains were getting ever closer. The remains of an old dirt road could be seen as it travelled far upwards into the mountain range. "Well, in any case, I hope I never meet such a fellow. He sounds rather nasty." Bright looked up towards the sky as the sun was setting, making the shadows long and producing a rather nice view of the sky as a myriad of red colors shone upon the few clouds. "Think it is okay if we set up the tent for tonight? The sun is setting and I`d rather not force the horse through uneven terrain in the darkness." "Sounds fair" she said. It was getting pretty dark afterall, camp seemed like a good idea. The horse came to a stop and both dismounted the steed. "I’ll get the supplies" she said, feeling around the horse to find the bag she tied on. She felt around for a good while before realizing that it wasn’t there. Then she recalled the bump she heard as they road in. She laughed sheepishly. "Hey, uhm, Bright. Exactly what was in that bag you asked me to tie to the side of the horse?" She asked. Maybe it wasn’t anything important, which would be good for both of them. But what if it was important? It would be nigh impossable to find it, even if they waited for morning. She waited for Bright to answer her before she continued. Bright jumped off the horse and stretched himself a bit back and forth. It had been a since last time he had rode a horse, thus he was getting a bit stiff. Then he heard a question from behind. Bright turned towards Gale, wondering why she asked that particular question. "Well, just the tent and most of the supplies. Why do you ask?" "Oh, well, its a bit of a funny story really." She joked, trying not to upset him. "It seems to have fallen off on the way here. I’m sorry Bright, ’Im not very good at tying a knot it seems. We could probably manage without the tents, but Im not sure what else you brought for supplies besides food." She blushed from embarasment, not knowing exactly what else to do at this point. Hopefully, this mishap would bee seen as a minor inconvinience. Bright gave out a rather annoyed sigh before he sat down on a particular rock. "Well, without the food, we'll be going a bit hungry for a while, although there might be something edible within the mountains. But without the tent, it is going to be rather cold to sleep here." He thought for a few seconds, trying to think of something that would make the situation better: "Okay, could you help me gather some dry wood? At least we can make a campfire." "Alright, I’ll help with that." She replied. She felt bad, having lost the supplies due to a mistake she could have easily avoided. But this was a mission, she couldn’t allow herself to be held back by past events. At least now she could try and make it up to Bright. She looked around the desert they were in. "Where are we going to find dry wood in a place like this?" she questioned. Bright looked around and did notice that the lack of trees would pose a bit of a problem with gathering firewood. "Hum, good point. I don`t see any trees anywhere now, just fields of dry grass. Maybe there are some trees in the shadow of the mountain, we still got some light left." "Although not much." He thought to himself directly afterwards. If they did not find any firewood, the only options would be to huddle together or just keep themselves in activity. "Alright, we can check there. But as dark as it is, It might be difficult to see what we're doing. So here, I’ll do this." She held out her hand, holding her staff tight with her other. Suddenly, a ball of light formed in her open hand and flew before the two of them, floating around effortlessly in the air. It was then that Gale realized that she had forgotten to mention to Bright what she was. This was bound to be shocking to him. Bright took a few steps back as to avoid the flying ball of light, rather surprised over the sudden light. He took hold of the reins of the horse before once again turned towards Gale: "Tell me, is that magic?" He said calm, although the tone in his voice showed that he put restraint on himself. 'Yes this is magic." She said warmly, trying not to make him more jumpy. "I failed to mention this before, but I am infact a very skilled mage. Not exactly something you come by normaly huh? he he." She paused after her sheepish laugh. "no need to worry though, I have no intent of harming you in any way. Your as safe around me as you would be with your friend from the smithy." Bright laughed along, although it was more out of courtesy than an actual laugh. "Ah well, in that case, I am glad to have you along with me." He said although what she had told him made him think. "Say, if you are a skilled mage, what can you do beside making light?" Before them, in the light of the floating ball was a tree lying on the ground, it was old, dry and had broke on the middle from what could be anything. 'Well, first off I should tell you that a mage is nothing like cardtricks or pulling a rabbit out of a hat. In my land, there are eight elements that people can control, although most are fated to use only one. Mages like myself are able to use several, I myself can use four of them. What you see here is the light element, obviously. I also have the capabilities of controling fire, wind, and thunder as well." She saw the log now. " Here, let me help you with that." "And the four others are earth, shadow,force and darkness?" Bright asked curiously, although it was a guess in the dark on his behalf as he had little knowledge of magic. "Could you use your fire magic to just put it on fire? Then we can just set up camp here." He said and casually gestured towards the log. "Can anyone use magic, or do you have to be born with it?" "You’re close." She said, holding her hand up and forming a ball of fire within it, to answer his second question through action. "The other four elements that I cannot control are earth, water, nature, and darkness. As you can guess and from what i mentioned earlier with our war, there is much controversy with the dark element. People just don’t trust it like the others anymore. Personally, I think they are wrong, they shouldn’t be afraid of the darkness, but rather the evil people who use it for their own purpose." She cast the orb onto the log and, in the blink of an eye, it lit ablaze. "But I must be boring you with my opinions. Tell me some things about yourself." "Well, I always thought magic was a rather neutral thing, whether it be good or evil depends on whoever uses it." He said and sat down on a rock close to the fire before he looked towards Gale and smiled: "And your opinions is not boring me, in fact, I find them quite interesting." He let the horse grace on some dry grass. "As a bit about myself, well I used to live in a village centered around silver mining, quite some distance to the east. Me and my parents worked in a local pharmacy, dealing with various potions and remedies. Unfortunately, the mine went empty and the village kinda emptied as no more work was to find." He gave out a tired sigh: "And thus after searching for work, and travelling for treasure and so on...I ended up here." "That’s unfortunate. I bet the place is still there, just deserted." Gale said. " Trust me though, you don’t want to hear about my life, and I mean that quite literaly." She gauzed into the flame as it danced apon the log. "It probably is there. It is just not anything one can do to get a living. I moved before my parents though. They might still be there, but I doubt it." He said and looked at Gale: "Well, if you don`t want to tell about your life, you don`t have to." They sat together in the silence for a little while before Gale coughed: "Maybe we should start looking around for food. the light of the fire should be enough to let us look around. Can't honestly say we will find much, but at least some is better than none." Bright heard her suggestion looking around for food. "Sounds like a good idea. Unlike the horse, I can`t live off grass and water." Bright said and got up from his rock. "I am not sure where to look though. There might be some edible roots around. Maybe some mushrooms." "There might be some of those lying around, but I wouldn’t expect to find them so easily." She looked up to the moon in the now black sky. it was a crescent tonight. "In desert regons like this, animals usually come out at night to avoid the heat of the day. Now might be a good time to hunt as well, seeing as such things as roots and mushrooms may be difficult to come by. Although maybe not the most 'tasteful' when it comes to food, hunting may proove more plentiful than gathering right now. I wouldn’t expect to find anything too big, not in a area like this. If you saw, there were tracks from numerous caravans that passed through this area, so the wildlife here will probably be scarce due to the lingering scent of the people who came though here." Placing her staff between floded arms and crossed legs, Gale sat with her eyes closed. She might appear to be sleeping to the average person, but she was in fact meditating. Bright thought about what Gale said. It sounded reasonable that there might be some smaller animals around, like a rabbit or a badger or something of the kind. He looked over to Gale, had she just gone asleep on a whim? He wondered if he should just wake her, or just wait it out until she woke up again. He looked up to the sky, the crescent moon lighting up a bit, but it was sometimes covered by clouds. The tip of Gales staff began to glow a faint yellow, but it was barely noticeable when shown near the light of the fire. She was, as hard as it was to believe, hunting. She was waiting for the proper moment, still listening to Bright while allowing her instincts to take over. She could feel the area around her, she could see it with her mind. All that was left to do was wait, wait for something to approach that she could attack. Bright gets up from his rock and peers into the darkness. Did he just see something move out there? The moon had just gone behind a cloud, so he could not see exactly what it was, but it was smaller than a horse, that he was sure of. He did not know what to do about it though, it is not like he could run after it, nor throw his hammer after it. Unbeknownst to Bright, Gale too had seen what he had seen, or more accurately sensed what he had seen, and knew how to tackle the issue right away. From the tip of her staff, a single bolt of lightning shot out to the sky. It arced above and crashed back down onto the animal the two of them noticed. She opened her eyes back up. "Im sorry." She began. "Did you think I was asleep? I probably should have told you that I was trying to find something to hunt, as I just did. Although I am a cat, my eyesight is still poor in the darkness, so I instead I try to sense nearby creatures and quickly and painlessly dispatch of them. I can’t say what it was, but it’s dead now, we just need to find it." "Well, you were very silent and with your eyes closed, I just assumed you were." He said: "Nothing to worry about though as it seems you hit the critter dead on. He walked a bit in the direction of where he had seen the creature get struck: "Appearantly, your lightning did fry it a bit, I can smell it. We just need to follow the smell to find it. I think it was a rabbit, looked like one at least." "Ya, I smell it too. "She said, somewhat sadly. She got to her feet once again and, with a simple motion of her hand, brought the glowing orb back to herself. Unlike last time, where it flew ahead to guide them, it stayed near Gale now, keeping the area they were at lit. "Alright, this shouldn’t take long at all, let’s hurry up and find it." Bright led the way towards the critter, guided by the light of Gale's orb. He leaned down and picked up some sort of creature, it’s once brown fur was now black and sooted. "I think it was a rabbit. Now it looks a bit cooked. I just need to skin it, and then we can eat. How does that sound?" Bright said while turning towards Gale. Gale sighed. "No, you can have it. I’ll be fine." She said, sounding rather depressed. It was obvious that she did not want to kill the animal, but survival was top priority. She figured that she could fine something else in the morning, she could survive that long without a meal. She began to walk back to the fire, deep in her own thoughts. Bright looked at Gale in a slighty awkward way as he did not share her sentiment about killing the creature, thinking that she might be hungry as well. But if she did not want to eat it, he wasn`t one to let food go to waste. Not long after, he had managed to skin the rabbit and fried over the fire. "Just tell me if you want some..." He said towards Gale, although he wondered to himself if she perhaps were a vegetarian. "No, that’s ok im fine." She said, turning down the offer of rabbit. "I’m just not one for killing things. Ive never liked it, and do it only when its nessassary, its just how I am. I suppose it was nessassary now, but I really can't bring myself to eat it...Guess im being just a bit emotional aren't I?" Bright shrugged his shoulders and began eating: "How about we keep shifts on being awake?" He asked, "I can take the first shift, then I wake you up when it is your turn." She waited again as Bright told her about taking shifts. She let out a bit of a chuckle. "No need for a watchman when you’re with me." She stood, talking her staff in both hands and holding it vertical to her body. She drove it into the ground, a wave of light washed over the earth and flowed up into the sky like a dome, before coming back to rest as it crashed above and sank back into the staff. She left it there and took her seat back. "Magic barrier. It will keep us safe and keep the harsh weather out. I’m still a bit of a novice with this kind of magic, but not much can break through it irregardless. As long as the staff stays where it is, we will have a 200 foot radius of space around us that is completely safe." Bright looked up at the sky and back to the staff, having quite the impression of awe on his face from the flashy show. He muttered a low: "Whoa..." He looked over to the catgirl, a bit surprised that such a girl could hold such powers: "That was rather flashy." He stiffled a yawn with his right hand. "Well, if that magic barrier is as good as you say it is, I`ll go to sleep then." He took of his jacket as he was thinking about using it as a pillow. Then he looked at Gale: "If you want, you can have this as a pillow, then I`ll just use the saddle." He gestured towards the horse with his hand. "Oh, thank you." She said modestly, taking the coat as it was handed to her. "well...I hope you sleep well." she walked over to the rock she had been sitting on earler and layed down, not wanting to waist any more time awake...it was pointless anyway, there was nothing left to do. She quickly fell asleep, hoping that Bright too could find a peaceful sleep. Bright took off the saddle, thinking to himself that it was lucky they had not fallen off during their ride. He looked back at Gale who was sleeping and came to the conclusion that he`d just tie it himself the next morning. He petted the horse slightly before he want back to the fire and put the saddle beneath his head. "Good night." He mumbled slightly before falling asleep. Bright woke up in the morning, feeling a slightly stiff as he was not used to sleep on the ground. He yawned loud and stretched himself before he walked over to where Gale was sleeping. "You awake? Ready to keep on going?" He said standing a few feet away. Gale groggily sat up, rubbing her eyes sleepily. "Yes, just let me get my staff." She said in a yawn. She got up and, as she said she would, retrieved her staff. There was a small flash of light where the barrier was, a sign that it fell and now they were welcome to leave. "Are we going to try and go back for the bag that fell of yesterday?" Bright shook his head. "I don`t think so. We could have lost the bag anywhere. It would be better if we just pushed on and lived on whatever nature could provide around these parts. I still have the map, thats the most important part." He gestured towards the horse: "We can get going if you just help me fasten the saddle. Just this time, let me tie it up." "I see, well I suppose that as we go farther the vegetation will be more plentiful. As long as we have the map we will be in good shape." Gale aggreed. She looked towards the horse. "Yea, it might be for the best if you tie it this time Bright...hehehe..."She told him, slightly blushing with a sheepish smile. Bright smiled slightly, but decided to not push the subject further. Anyone could make a mistake. He tied the saddle tight and right before he jumped up onto the horse. "Come on then, the mountains lie before us." He reached out a helping hand to Gale. "You got everything you need?" "Yes I do." Gale responded, taking his hand and hopping onto the horse. She was very glad that he tied the saddle this time, at least now there was a very small chance of a repeat of the previous endevor. This mission was turning out to be quite simple, not an issue in sight and not a worry of any perportion.But there was still much to do, and it only takes a moment for something to change. Bright led the horse onwards, the once flat land was turning towards a rather uphill slope, whereas the terrain around them began to look more rocky. Eventually they came to a divide in the road, whereas one path led westwards, while the other led east. Bright took the map from his jacket, looked at it slightly and then nodded to himself. "Seems like we are going west. Just tell me if you want a break or anything." As the road carried on, the two of them could see several broken trees and some stepped down bushes. The state of the trees and bushes entrigued Gale to a point. With how they were, it was almost as if something large had tromped through here at some point, but it might have been something else. Maybe Bright would know... "Hey Bright," Gale began, "Do you know what caused all of this? It seems like something large walked through here." Bright turned his head as Gale spoke, and took the state of trees and bushes into closer view. "I am not sure, I can`t really think of something that can destroy trees. " He rode a bit closer, leaned down and picked out a feather and a long strand of hair from one of the bushes. "From the looks of these...it must have been big." Gale took the hair and feather from Bright and examined them. "Well, its definetely large." Gale remarked, noticing the size of each. "But what has both feathers and hair? Not a creature I’ve ever heard of I can assure you of that. We may want to tread with caution, I can’t say for sure if the creature is hostile, but it might have a home nearby and if it is hostile it will attack without warning. I’d say we would do well to get out of here as fast as we can." Bright stopped the horse for a few seconds while turning his head towards Gale: "Well, we could turn around now, but we still got to find that treasure. For the sake of your people." He said, finishing the thought in his head: "And my wallet." "Keep the feather and hair though, I might be able to use it for a potion of sorts, if we manage to find out what kind of creature it belongs to." "Ya, we can’t afford to turn back now. I may not know what the amulet does, but if there is a possibility that it could help my people, then I will not back down." Gale said as they continued onwards. Gale wasn’t one for wealth and saw no pleasure in having money, but if that was what Bright wanted so be it, all that mattered to her was the amulet and he had the map. She held the feather and hair and looked at Bright confused. "I hope you know how to make potions from this stuff, I sure don’t." She remarked. "Well, I did work at my parents shop for a few years, and I carry with me a small book of recipes, so I might be able to do it once I figure out where they come from." He looked onwards as the mountain trail led into a what appeared to be a large cave. A couple of broken trees stood on the outside, along with a more feathers and fur that had fallen off what appeared to be a big creature. Someones blood had mixed together with the gravel and sand of the road, making a few spots of red color. "Getting a slightly bad feeling about this." Bright whispered to Gale. "I suggest we tie up the horse and move quietly from now on. From what I know, the necklace might be within this cave." "You’re not the only one with a bad feeling." Gale responded, finding it difficult to take her eyes off of the blood stains. According to Bright, the pendant was inside the cave. Hopefully it wouldn’t be too deep and they could get out before whatever lived within it found them. Gale shuddered at the thought of what it would do, but knew that it was her duty to collect the artifact. "That sounds wise. Tie the horse up out here, I’ll wait for you at the mouth of the cave. Bright jumped off the horse and tied it to the remnants of what once used to be a tree. "Wait for me at the mouth of the cave?" He looked at Gale with surprised eyes: "Gale, I can not see in the dark. Without a light source, I`ll run into a rock or something." He stopped up, did he hear something from within the cave? No, it was nothing. He whispered now: "Could you perhaps give me a ball of light or something? I don`t have any torches anymore." "But that’s the thing Bright." Gale began, looking into the cave. "That thing is in there, I can feel it. If I use that spell here, we can see but it will also be able to see us if we run into it. So here is what I’m thinking: I have the ability, although poor, to see in the dark. I can see about ten feet ahead of me in pure darkness, but I might be able to amplify that ability for a short while with my magic. Of course, I can’t do this to you, so you would have to hold my hand or something as we went in." Brights face went red for a short second, whereas he turned his head towards the cave, looked inside and when he turned back his face was his normal color again. "Okay, that sounds like a good idea considering our other options are rather moot. We should go for that. Do you need any preparations for it?" He asked with his voice still low as he did not want to attract unwanted attention. "I just need one thing before I start." Gale said. She stood motionless for a moment, seeming to do nothing, but she was infact casting a spell on herself, one that would allow her to better see in the dark. She covered her eyes with her hand. "The only problem with this is that if I use the spell during the day like this I can hurt my eyes on the light, so until we get into the cave I won’t be able to see. Grab hold of something and follow close, im ready." Bright took hold of Gale's hand after making sure that the horse was tied properly. "All right, lets go." He whispered just loud enough for Gale to hear. Then he led the way into the cave. They did not have to go far before Bright couldn't see anything anymore. "Okay, I can't see anything anymore." He whispered, not being able to see even Gale anymore. Gale opened her eyes, which now glowed in their respective colors in the darkness, one eye yellow and the other green. She could see the cave in great clarity, not able to see color but rather an outline of everything. "Alright, it looks like the cave is pretty straight forward at the moment. There is not signs of life, no bats, no insects, and certainly not that creature that produced the feather and hair we saw earlier." They continued onwards, the path seeming to be nothing but straight for a good amount of time. "So, I guess that since we are safe at the moment we can at least talk. Anything on your mind?" "I can't really see anything." Bright whispered to Gale. "I am not sure if this was a good idea...I...wait, do you hear that?" He said, thinking he heard something from the caves opening. It sounded like a female voice, although the sound of hers carried quite far. "A horse, for me? Oh so lovely. Let me ask you a riddle: I see what you see, my left is your right. I am thin, but still I contain the whole world, who am I? Neigh? That is not the correct answer. You know what happens if you answer wrong do you? No? Let me show you first hand." One could hear the horse protest before it went silent. If Gale saw towards Bright at this moment, she could see that he was somewhat out of it, not knowing what to say, but obviously having a bit of fear. 1. The creature that lives in a cave Gale also heard the situation that happened outside the cave, her mouth falling open when she heard the horse's voice fade to nothing. "Your friends horse!" She cried out. She immediatly turned around and motioned back to the entrance. "Come on, we need to go see if the horse is ok Bright." If it wasn’t clear before, it was now. Gale was an animal lover, not because she herself looked part animal, but because of her own kind heart. She could tell Bright was frightened of the cave, maybe going back out into the light would help him...or was he afraid of who or what got to the horse? Gale couldn’t tell. "Lead the way, Gale." He said, although he was not sure what to expect of whoever might be outside. Still, chicken out now was not an option as without the horse, they would be moving quite slow. The light hurt slightly in his eyes, but he soon adapted to it when they got out of the cave. "Where is it?" He said and looked to both left and right, seeing nothing but the rope left on the ground alongside some big paw marks. "Mrraaow. Aren't you the curious ones, sneaking into my cave like that." The female voice came from behind them as a really big cat climbed down from the mountain before it sat down before the mouth of the cave. It's belly was weighed down a little, obviously something it had eaten recently. Unlike normal lions, except that it was obviously a lot bigger than them, it also had a female head and two gray wings sprouted out from its back. Her face had a sharp nose, her eyes were of the brown variety and black hair flowed down to her shoulders. She did however have a few wounds in her side, and her wings were lacking some feathers. "Such behaviour should be punished, sneaking into someone elses property like that." She lowered her head so she was a couple of feet away Gale and Bright. "Or do you have anything to say to your defense?" The moment Gale had left the cave with Bright, she instantly became blinded by the light outside. With her spell still active, it was similar to looking directly at the surface of the sun, only three times as bad. She quickly covered her eyes with her sleeve and shut them tight. She could hear what was going on out side, this new presence that was talking, but she could not identify it. "Bright?" She asked, reaching her arm out to try and find him, "I can't see, not until the spell wears off. What’s going on?" She was not defenseless, she could still use magic, but it would be very chancy, without her sight she would not be able to properly aim. Bright did not know what to say, but he knew that the creature in front of them was from some tale he had heard a long tale ago. "We ran into a sphinx..." He said in a low voice. He felt Gale grab his arm. Funny how she was blind here while he was blind in the cave. "I got a name you know," The sphinx mumbled to herself before she poked Bright in the chest with a claw. "Now, tell me what you are doing here." Bright turned his head to look at Gale, but she had her eyes closed, so there wasn't much help he could get from that point. He looked back at the Sphinx: "We came looking for a necklace." "Treasure hunters eh? I'll tell you where it is if you correctly answer my riddle." "And if we answer wrong?" Bright asked. "I`ll eat you." The sphinx said with a smile that sent shivers down Brights spine. Gale did not know what a 'sphinx' was, it was not a creature that was common in her culture, but she already could tell she did not like what it wanted. The beast spoke of a riddle...would it ask the same riddle it asked the horse earlier, or a different one? But, another thing was on her mind. "You say you have a name." Gale spoke out, directed to the sphinx. "Could you please tell us? We dont know." she sounded innocent, due to the lack of knowledge about the creature. Whether or not her kindness would make any difference she did not know. The sphinx leaned down a bit, a bit curious about Gales face as she had not seen any of her race around. "You can call me Riletia. Now, I`ll tell you the riddle." She coughed a bit: "Through heat you can see through me, by wind I make you blind, by water you get dirty. I am what becomes of mountains. What am I?" Nightengale, although not stupid, was not one for riddles. She could have easily figured out the first one, but this one was a bit...out of her lead. "blinded through wind, dirty by water, mountains turn into me...It sounds like dust or dirt." Gale thought to herself, still sheilding her eyes. "But what about not being able to see in through heat?" She throught hard again, only to come out with no answer. "Bright, do you know what the answer might be?" "I think she said that if you heat it up, you would be able to see through it." Bright thought for a few seconds, although the thought of getting eaten by a rather big sphinx was rather distracting.. "But what it could be, I got no idea. I am rather stumped at the moment. Dirt or dust sounds like in the right direction though." The sphinx waited patiently, sporting a grin hoping that they would not be able to answer the riddle. "Wait a moment!" Gale shouted, finaly realizing the missing link in what she originaly thought was the answer. "I think I know the answer now. It’s not seeing through the actual object, but rather what the object becomes when subject to extreme heat. What do mountains crumble into? What makes water filthy? What blinds you in the wind? But most importantly, what makes glass? The answer to your riddle Riletia is...sand." The smile on the sphinxs face vanished quickly as Riletia had anticipated them to fail. She gritted her teeth a bit before she finally mumbled: "That is...correct." She lifted her left paw and pointed to the east. "If you go in that direction, you'll find a big tower. There you will find all the treasures that was stolen from my cave." Bright looked at Gale: "The map was probably made before the cave was sacked. Do you have any magic that will let us travel faster?" "Thank you kindly." Gale said politely to the sphinx with a bow. She removed her hand from her eyes and opened them again, blinking several times. "Oh good, I can see again." she said happily. She turned to Bright and thought about his question. "Well, I know one way I can travel faster, but I’m not entirely sure how you would react to it, plus we might miss something on the way there if we are not careful, but I really don’t see how we would be able to get there otherwise, since the horse is...a bit useless now. I have a spell that will allow me to run much faster, but it only works on myself. You would have to be practically riding my sholders for it to so much as be effective to you." Bright thought about it for a few seconds before he whispered to Gale, attempting to not make the sphinx hear them: "Well, I can think of four options. Assuming the horse is still alive, we could challenge the sphinx for it. The second option would be to ride her." He nodded slightly in Riletias direction. "The third is that we simply walk there, taking the time we need." He raised a finger: "Or, I got a growth and a shrink potion with me that works for some time, depending on how much you drink of them." He waited a bit before he continued: "I mean, I know you are strong, but I think you would be tired if you were to carry me all the way." "The potions might be useful later on, we might want to conserve them." Gale whispered back to Bright. "As much as I’d hate to say it, I’d say that it is very unlikely that the horse is still alive in there...or that if it is still alive that it would be able to go much farther. Getting Riletia to carry us seems like the best choice, although most difficult to accomplish. Call it a hunch, but I feel that we might have to do a little more than solve a riddle for her to let us ride her." She glanced over to the sphinx and looked back again. "What do you think? I doubt we will get far if we ask her, and if we jump her we will probably end up like the horse." Bright looked towards Riletia who seemed to ignore the two of them at the moment, licking her paw with her tongue. "You're right, I doubt that the horse will be of much use to us now. Seems like I have to owe my friend. Good thing he had not named it yet." He turned his gaze towards Gale once more. "I don't think we can force her. Asking her would probably be more favourable." He said and though for a second: "Does she seem like the treasure hoarding vengeful type to you? Perhaps we could propose a trade of some sort? Like, we get a ride, and she gets some of the treasure we find in the castle, tower or whatever. She did mention something about a wizard grabbing her stuff." "A trade might work, but what if she immediately demands the amulet?" Gale responded. "To be quite honest, I doubt she knows what it does either, but if she finds out its a magical relic then she might want that in turn as it would be of more worth. I suppose we really don’t have much more choice do we?" She took another quick glance over to the sphinx. "She is also obviously injured. Perhaps I can heal her wounds, which could earn her trust even more so. Unless you have any other objections, I think we have ourselves a good plan." "Well, our option is to walk, and I don't think she is very hungry at the moment." Bright said and nodded slightly to himself: "I think it sounds like a decent plan. Should you or I do the talking?" Riletia looked up from her tongue bath, why hadn't these creatures gotten on their way yet? They seemed to discuss among themselves rather much. "I’ll talk. Back me up if something goes wrong." Gale said taking a few steps twards the sphinx. "Excuse me Riletia." She spoke out to her. "Would you kindly take us to this tower on your back? If you do we can help you recover some of your treasure that was stolen from you. I would also heal those wounds you have taken if you accept our offer." She hoped that she could appeal to Riletia through kindness, as it seems to work in many cases. The sphinx stopped her tonguebath and raised an eyebrow over Gales suggestion: "A sphinx carrying humans around? I have never heard such..." She stopped midsentence as a painful expression went over her face. She grit her teeth slightly before she said in a more calm voice: "Okay, it is a deal, but don't tell anyone about it. I would be the laughing stock among my kind." She leaned down so the wounds was within Gales reach. Bright let out a sigh of relief. Seemed like something was going according to plan after all. Gale gratefully grinned as she walked over to Riletia. "Our lips are sealed." She told the sphinx as she began to cast a spell of a very faint glowing light-green aura into her hand. With a wave, the aura flew forth and onto the tattered flesh on her feline body. Quickly, her wounds shrank and her side became as if it was never harmed. "Your wing will take a little more effort and time for me to heal, I can do that on the way as you take us to the tower." Gale turned to Bright and made a motion for him to come to them. "Climb aboard then. You better hold on to the fur, don't touch my hair if you can help it. It is is a pain to get it right." Riletia said and waited for the two to climb onto her back. When both of them had gotten aboard, Riletia stretched her legs and began walking towards the steep mountain wall. "Hold on tight." The sphinx said shortly before she jammed her claws into the wall and began climbing upwards. After a minute, she had reached the top of that particular mountain, which was rather small compared to the other mountains. From where they were standing, they could still see quite the distance. A small tower was seated on a mountain top far away. "Don't be fooled. That tower is huge. It only looks small from this distance." Riletia said and began walking towards it. By the time they had been able to see the tower, Gale had finished repairing Riletia's wing. It was now in perfect condition, filled with shining feathers. Gale, on the other hand, appeared to be trying to catch her breath. "Healing something so large is...kinda tiring." She said exaustedly. "Took more magic than I thought. I don’t think I can perform much more magic today, which could be a problem if we run into anything dangerous. And, being this close, I doubt that we will be able to rest." She looked over to the tower as she listened to what the sphinx was saying about it. "It’s never easy is it?" She asked sarcasticly with a sigh. "Don't worry, if we run into anything dangerous, I`ll protect you." Bright said with jokish tune to his voice and with a smile on his face. Riletia stretched her wings and gave them a trying flap. "As good as new." She said and smiled, showing several sharp teeth. "Thanks little one. Now lets see if I still remember how to fly." She began flapping her wings up and down while her lion body got into position. Then she jumped and with the aid of her wings, floated towards the next mountaintop. When she had grabbed hold of the next one, she climbed to the top of the next one and repeated the procedure. Slowly, but certain, the tower got closer, giving proof that it was of a rather immense size. "That is seriously big, how does one build such a thing?" Bright said in awe. "Magic." Was the short reply from the sphinx. "Of course." Bright replied, slightly rolling his eyes. Gale simply smiled at Brights joke. She was glad to see everone in high spirits, even Riletia whom was only helping them for the promise of reclaiming the treasure that was stolen from her. As the sphinx took off the first time in flight, Gale was a bit nervous, not used to being up so high, but she quickly managed to get ahold of herself. Not long later, the tower came into view. "It was definetely built by magic." She commented on top of Bright's comment, "I can feel it coursing through the structure. It’s strong, but I’ve felt stronger before. No doubt though, a tower like this would have probably been build with a strong security system too. And, with magic being the source, these traps might be more difficult to locate than a conventional tripwire." She knew from experience how bad a magical trap could be, causing some really odd things to happen. "We might not, however, have to go through the tower if Riletia can fly to the top of the structure, This wizard would either have his study here or in his basement so we would have a good chance of finding him up there." "You have felt stronger?" Bright asked curiously, wondering where she might have felt a stronger magic. "Guys," Riletia suddenly spoke: "I don't think I can take all the way to the top of the tower." "Why not?" Bright asked. "See those thunderclouds at the tower? They were not there a moment ago." Bright looked up towards the tower where the skies had turned dark, but only around the tower. Riletia landed on her feline feet and the clouds vanished as soon as they had appeared. "That seemed magical to me." Bright commented, producing a small sigh from the sphinx. "I`ll carry you to the base of the mountain, but you`ll have to walk the rest of the path yourself. I still feel my bones ache from last time I met him." "The castle that graces the center of Nivia's main city was forged from several mages and designed with far greater power than this tower." Gale answered to Bright's question. Upon hearing Riletia's words and seeing for herself what was going on. "Yes, it seems that he is in the top of the tower then. No doubt that makeshift storm is a defense mechanisim so that he doesn’t get any 'unwanted guests'. I guess a little walking isn’t too bad though, just means it will take longer for us to reach what we are after is all." 1. The wizards tower Riletia laid down on her feet so her passengers could get off easily. "If you follow the road, you`ll get up there eventually. I`ll watch you from a safe distance, so don't go ahead and think I have forgotten our deal." She flapped her wings and flew towards the west, away from the tower. Bright stretched his legs and arms a bit: "I guess we should start walking. We'll get there eventually." After a few minutes of walking: "So, the country you are from is called Nivia? Are there like, magic schools there?" Bright asked, hoping to strike a conversation to pass the time. "Well" Gale began to answer Brights question. It was the first time she spoke since they started walking. "Magic is something that every Nivian can use, but there really is only one school, its large and every child goes there at one point. From there they can join the millitary ranks to learn more or settle down there to go on with there lives. You see, any being with a soul has the capacity to use magic, but that ability is sealed away inside each person. Each Nivian must go though a process called 'awakening', in which this seal is broken and their magical abilities take hold. It’s kind of a 'coming of age' ritual." She stopped to see how well Bright was swallowing what she was telling him. Bright nodded as Gale told him about magic. "Aha." Bright said shortly as he thought through what Gale told him: "So magic comes from the soul itself?" He asked curiously, considering that he walked beside someone who actually had some information on the subject. " So you can assume that anyone who uses magic has a soul of some sort?" "Yes, it can be assumed that anyone with a soul can use magic." she answered him. As the road led onwards, it became more rocky and barren. Even toughest of vegetation barely hanged on. "I think we are getting close to the top." It wasn’t long after that they came to a more rough landform. "I agree, it does appear that we are getting closer. I’m surprised this wizard hasn’t shown any outside defenses yet myself. I would have thought that he would have had something guarding the entrance of his tower, but to this point I have seen nothing. Either he is not as wise a wizard as I thought, or he has something up his sleeve that I'm not seeing. Either way, we should be prepared to fight from this moment on, just to be safe." "Well, maybe he gets his meals from travelling merchants or something?" Bright said and shrug his shoulders. "They would not come here if he had the whole path trapped." He looked at Gale who seemed to return his gaze. "Well, I don't know, we should just be thankful I guess...do you hear that? It sounds like snoring." The tower loomed above the two of them, and one would probably hurt ones neck if one tried to see to the top of it. At groundlevel there was a large wooden door and what appeared to be a green dragon keeping guard. Well, supposed to guard, although it seemed to be sleeping soundly. It had a large metal chain around its neck that were connected to a large pole of some sort that were stuck in the ground. "Well, this certainly looks convenient." Nightengale quietly said to Bright. "I can honestly guess that he does not get merchants to bring him food, probably has a place in the building where he grows his own, but that is irrelevant now. Now, we have to sneak past that dragon before it wakes up." She took a moment to look at the options presented before her. "Though, it might be difficult to sneak past. Its very close to the door and might wake should it sense anything odd. What do you think Bright? Any Ideas? I can’t kill it, most dragons have a large immunity to magic and I can’t be too careful with my spells, especially considering that I am still weakened from healing Riletia earilier." "Maybe he just assumes nobody got the nerve to walk all the way up here to break into his tower." Bright whispered back. "He's a wizard, they are a peculiar bunch from what I have heard. Bright tried to see how far the chain extended: "Seems to me that the dragon are not able to reach us from where stand, nor is he able to get inside the door. I could be wrong, but it seems like it at least." "I have an idea. I have this sleeping potion, it is very powerful, the scent alone might cause squirrels to fall down from the trees. If we place the potion beneath the dragons nose, I doubt that he`d wake up anytime soon. If one drink the shrinking potion as well, one should be able to walk without making a sound towards it." Bright looked at Gale for a second: "I hate myself a bit for asking this, but are you light on your feet?" Gale looked to the dragon and back to Bright. "I suppose. What are you planning?" She looked back at the dragon. Now, being in a land far away from her home, she was bound to find creatures that did not live in Nivia, and she had seen the Sphinx as proof of that. Dragons were not a common sight in her home, but she knew well the kinds that were there. This dragon on the other hand was not like any breed she had seen before, and thusly she did not know of its weaknesses. But, if Bright was telling truth about this sleeping potion of his, then perhaps it did not matter what the dragon was vulnerable to. "Well, if you drink this." Bright took forth a vial, "You will shrink to a smaller and way more silent size that would make you a lot more able to sneak over there and pop open up the sleeping potion." He looked at Gale for a small moment: "Or we can just lob the sleep potion over there and hope we hit the right spot." Gale took a good look at the vial of this 'shrinking potion' that Bright was suggesting her to take. "Exactly how long does the effect of this potion last?" She asked, obviously skeptical about its use. "And how much of me is this going to shrink exactly? What I mean is...well..." If it were not for her fur, one could see her begin to blush from embarrassment. "...I’m not fond of being nude out in the open, and to my knowledge there is no way a potion can affect clothing as well as the the user." "You are correct. The potion will not affect your clothes. Lets see, if you take a small sip, your height is reduced by half for around...10 minutes." "Is that a problem? I promise not to look." "Ok, then there should not be an issue then. I’ll do it." Gale replied, taking the shrinking and sleeping potions from Bright. She propped her staff up against a nearby rock and, once Bright was looking away, quickly undressed herself and tossed her clothes to the side near her weapon. Taking a small sip from the one Bright said was the shrinking potion, she set it down on the ground in tact and watched as the world around her seemed to magicaly grow to epic proportions. It worked well, she was now far shorter than before, being about three feet tall now, half her height, just as he said. She took in hand the sleeping potion and looked over to the dragon. "I’m heading out now Bright." She said to him. "Watch out for me, If the dragon starts stirring make a warning call, but don't do something that might draw its attention." Although the urge to take a quick peek was present, Bright managed to withhold himself from the temptation. Bright made a silent gesture as to signify that he had heard her. He watched in suspense as the much smaller Gale moved towards the sleeping dragon. His heart made a slight jump, but the dragon had not moved an inch, and there was little to no signs that it was going to wake up at all. He just hoped that the dragon would stay asleep for when the two would eventually get out of the tower. He looked at Gale once more, had she placed the sleeping potion yet? As Gale got closer, she could feel her heart begin to race. She was defenceless near this colossal beast without her staff, and to top it all off she was half her size, so escape would be nigh impossable should it wake. Luckily, she was able to stealthily move towards it without making it wake and managed to make it to the muzzle of the dragon without disturbing it. She let out a quiet sigh of relief before she got to work with the sleeping potion. She attempted to pull the lid off the bottle and, to her dismay, she found that it was stuck. Being half her size certainly was not helping her, as she now just realized that she is not strong enough to pull the lid off as she did the vile of shrinking potion earlier. Granted, she could STILL pull the thing off, but it would require an effort that might be costly with time. She placed the bottle down and began to pull away at the lid, praying that the dragon does not wake while she tries to pry it off. The lid went open with a small "pop", letting out fumes of the strong sleeping potion within. The dragon moved slightly, giving away a loud grumble that sounded a lot like the dragon equivalent of a snore. Bright held his breath in suspense, and then let it out again as the dragon did not move any further. "Just a sleep motion." He thought to himself, hoping that Gale would put down the potion and hopefully not take a whiff at it. Gale jumped slightly as the dragon grumbled and, although it was only a small sleep movement, she felt her heart continue to race afterwards. With the potion secured beneath the dragon's nose, it was time to head back and gather her belongings so that Bright and her could continue onward into the wizard's tower. As she began to jog back, she began to feel a little fatiuged. Imediatly she knew why; after opening the sleep potion she had covered her mouth with her arm in order to avoid the fumes, apparently she wasn't quite fast enough and ended up inhaling a small amount of the fumes. Perhaps she wouldn't fall asleep, or at least be able to make it back before she did fall asleep. Perhaps Bright even had another potion that could counter the effects of this one. regardless, she had to move fast. She continued onwards, slowed down slightly but still going. Bright let out a sigh of relief as he saw that Gale had managed to put down the bottle without the dragon waking up. He was even more relieved when he saw that she had not fallen asleep. Although she did look a bit affected as she stumbled towards his position. "Ah damn." He thought to himself. "She must have inhaled some of the fumes." He got up from his spot, thinking to himself that he would have to catch her if she passed out. The rocky ground certainly would not. Fighting unconciousness, Gale sluggishly made her way back to where Bright was, stumbling several times along the way from fatigue. Several moments later, Gale finally found her way back. She placed a hand on a nearby rock and hunched over, panting. "Man....you weren't kidding when you said that sleep potion was powerful. I can feel myself...becoming quickly too tired to move. I don't....suppose you have some kind of....antidote for this do you?" She realized that she was still naked before Bright, but at this point she found herself to tired to care. Bright shook his head: "It is not a poisonous thing I can treat. You just need to get fresh air and the fumes will get out of your system fast enough." He tried to avert his gaze as to not take advantage of her nudity. "I...I suppose you want to get dressed again? The effect of the shrinking potion should wear off pretty soon." "You don't say..." Gale responded, in terms with there being no cure for the sleeping potion that could wake her up. She staggered over to her robe and put it over herself loosely so that, when she grows back to her regular size, she will slip right into the robe without issue. She looked over to the dragon again through tired eyes. "How long do you think the effects of the potion will last on something that size?" She asked Bright. She was hoping that Bright would wait till she grew again before they continued to the tower. "Considering that the dragon was already sleeping when you placed the potion, he`ll drift into a very deep sleep now. He might be gone for the rest of the day, worst case scenario, several hours." He looked at Gale, and could not help but think that she looked very cute with drowsy eyes and clothes that were too big for her. He did not say anything about it however, she might kick him in the shins when she grew back to normal size again. Gale kept silent for a moment as she noticed the world around her becoming smaller, obvious proof that the shrink potion was wearing off. In a matter of seconds, she grew right back into her clothes with a perfect fit. She leaned on her staff like a walking stick, eyes drooped as she could still feel the sleeping potion working on her. "Well..." she began, her speech showing the effects also, "...we shouldn't waste any more time then. Lets go. I’ll follow you...I don't think I'm in any condition to lead." "Alright, let us walk quietly, just in case." Bright whispered to Gale before he looked over to the sleeping dragon. He walked over to the door, a rather sturdy wooden door with a big iron keyhole and iron handles. He grabbed the handle and pulled, appearantly someone who had a dragon for a watchdog did not have the patience to actually lock their door. The insides were dull stone halls leading off both to the left and right. Bright let his shoulders drop, it did not seem like there were any traps behind that door. He turned his head to look back, hoping that Gale had not fallen asleep behind him. Gale looked around the new area with tired eyes that drooped. She let out a great yawn as she continued to scan the area, not bothering to cover her mouth. "Well..." she began, "the door was unlocked...even with a dragon standing guard that seems rather foolish. I think he would expect people to find a way around the beast, which could mean traps. Keep your guard up, watch where you step, and..." before she could finish her sentence her head slumped forward slightly before she swiftly jerked back upright. "Sorry," she began again, still sounding tired. "I guess that potion took more out of me than I thought. But as I was saying, keep your guard up, watch where you step, and don't touch anything that looks suspicious. Now then, which path are we going to go down?" Bright looked both ways before making a decision. There were a few cobwebs hanging around and the dust was lying in various corners. Appearantly wizards were not very keen on cleaning their towers. "How about we take the right one?" He asked and looked at Gale who apparently was having a bit of trouble keeping herself upright. "Say, do you want to relax a bit first before we continue? Don't want you to fall into any traps or something." "We can't afford to stop now." Gale told Bright as best as she could. "In the time it takes me to recover from the potion, the wizard may have come to deal with us. We are in his domain now, we are in a dangerous area. I’ll do my best to stay contious, hopefully it will wear off before we get into really dangerous territory." She shook her head to try and wake herself up more. "Lead the way, I’m behind you. If worse comes to worse and I do fall asleep, can I trust you to carry me on your shoulders? I wouldn't ask if I didn't trust you enough, I just hope it dose not come to me having to burden you in that way." "Of course you can trust me, I would not leave anyone behind." Bright said and nodded. "You're right though, we probably should not wait for the wizard to come around." He lead the way further into the tower. The stair case lead downwards into the mountain. "Better not fall asleep in those stairs." Bright looked downward. "What can someone keep in a tower this size anyway?" Gale followed closely behind Bright as they desended the tower into the earth below. "Ill be fine," she yawned; It didn't seem as though the potion would be wearing off any time soon, "Wizards tend to have different wings for various forms of magic. Illusions, conjurations, alchemy, and others..." She rubbed her eyes. "I just hope we don't run into a crypt, you know what that would mean don't you?" For a moment she sounded awake as she mentioned the last tidbit. Would Bright know why that is?" Bright thought about it for a moment before he came up with an answer. "Lemme guess, a wizard with a crypt puts all his dead relatives there and they magically come alive like puppets on a string?" "Well, kinda." Gale responded to Bright's answer. "From my experiences with evil magic users back in Nivia, a crypt usualy spells out some form of necromancy. You know, the walking dead, souless minions formed from the cadavers of animals and people alike." She seemed to let out a shiver, even though she was still half asleep. "The only thing I cannot fight is the living dead. zombies, skeletons, some ghosts, I just can’t stand up against them. Their the only thing that really scare me...hopefully though he won't have anything like that here." The stairs ended in another hallway which led to the left and right. Bright took a peek to the left. There were many cages, and the eyes of many creatures could be seen peeking out through the bars. Bright could not see what kind of animals that were in the cages due to the low light in the room and the darkness within the cages. He turned and whispered to Gale: "What do you see in the right room?" They arrived at the second crossroad within the deeper parts of the tower. Looking to the left, Gale could see the same eyes that Bright saw. They were that of animals no doubt, but their gauze was anything from friendly. Altered animals probably, part of the wizard's research. Upon Bright's request, she looked to the right as best as she could. "I don't see much," she said. The room did not appear to be lit at all and was simply a wall of black to her. "But...wait." she continued as she sniffed the air. "I think I smell something over there...a kind of musky, sour smell. Perhaps an alchamy room?" Appearantly what they were looking for were not among the animals. Bright walked over to the black room and looked inside. "I smell it too. Think you could use some magic to light it up?" "Of course." Gale responded. Holding out her hand, she used her magic to create a small orb of strong light, no bigger than a soft ball. It floated out into the darkness, illuminating it brightly with its white glow and revealing what lies ahead. The room seemed to have gone unused for a couple of days at least. There were stacks of creature products and alchemy ingredients stacked in their respective containers, glass bowls and other tools of various chemistry were neatly put in the right places on tables and shelves. As the ball floated through the room, it also revealed a transparent box filled with various colored flasks in different sizes and shapes. On each was a label with strange symbols on it. The box itself was closed and locked with a rather heavy iron lock. "Hum, I do not see anything resembling a talisman or anything would belong in a treasure filled cave. Shall we explore more here or should we go up?" Bright asked Gale as he looked at the floating ball of light. "The tower is pretty huge, so there might be other rooms with other things." "There are other rooms no doubt." Gale began, her voice slowly starting to show some vigor again. "But i'm curious as to what these vials are here. You know more about alchemy that me, perhaps we can find something of use here before we go up." She walked over to one of the clear boxes and examined it more closely. "These are sturdy looking containers, and these locks look strong..." She reached out and touched one of the locks, immediately pulling her hand back as she received a shock. "and enchanted. Whatever he is keeping in here must be of importance. I can probably dispel the locks and blow them off without issue though. What do you think, worth a try?" Bright tried to think for a moment. He was unable to read the labels on the potions, thus being unable to know their effects, nor did he know how powerful the enchantment was on the lock. He then came up with three possible situations: 1. Spell backfiring and frying Gale in the process. 2. Potions being really dangerous and turning Gale into a dragon on accident. 3. Stuff in the box does not handle the magic and turns into a big explosion. Then after a few seconds he realized that his thoughts were wildly exaggarated. "Uhm, Gale, I don't think we should. For numerous reasons actually, one being that if we do break it open, the wizard will know at once when he steps in here that someone has been in his tower. Of course, if you still want to open it, I`ll be over there, behind that sturdy rock wall." He gestured towards the opening which they had gone through. "Fine. You can wait over there if you want." Gale responded, both knowing that Bright was afraid of getting hurt and slightly disappointed to see that Bright backed off so quickly. "You're not a mage like myself, but I can tell that these defense enchantments are...rather pathetic. I doubt he intended anyone getting past the dragon so easily and decided to do a quick and poor job on the defense inside." She touched her staff to one of the locks and, after a small flash of light, the lock fell off to the floor with a thud. After, she easily slid the case open and took out the vials one by one, setting them atop the container they were once inside. "See, no harm done. And if he comes, let him. Quite frankly, I'm not impressed with any of his spellcraft thus far." She sounded more awake than ever, but there was still a slight drowsiness in her voice. Bright looked from behind the doorpost and noticed that Gale dispatched the lock with ease. Considering that nothing had exploded, he decided to come forth again. "Well, out of the two of us, you know the most magic. I for one rather not mess with things I am unsure how works. Especially when there is magic involved." He bowed forward to see closer on the labels. "I can not read these. Can you?" Gale took a close look at the labels on the vials, just as Bright had. "These are a form of ancient texts, but I can’t identify what they actually say. I bet that the wizard taught himself to write and read these as to prevent others from knowing his intentions and brews." She stood silent for a moment, thinking. "I can't say for certain, but we might be able to find a way to identify these later. Chances are that there are other things that will use this language, such as books, that we might be able to use to translate the words. Can you hold on to these please? We can go back up the stairs after your ready." Bright nodded and grabbed the vials, gently strapping them to his belt to make sure they did not fall off or anything. They were made of sturdy glass, but it was better to just be carefull. "Alright, I am ready. Let us climb those stairs then." He said when he was finished with the flasks." Gale nodded and proceeded to ascend the stairs with Bright right behind her. "You know," she started to tell him, "I think that sleep potion is worn off. I feel much better now." "That is great." Bright said with a smile. "Now I don't have to worry about you falling asleep while climbing stairs anymore." Gale looked back down past Bright and back to the eyes of the animals that were caged below. Casting a brief frown, she quickly turned back and kept climbing the stairs. She felt bad for them, being caged down here, but they were already too far warped by the wizard's experiments to be saved, she could sense it. She just hoped that would be the only thing here she didn't want to see. Bright noticed Gales quick glance towards the caged animals, but decided not to say anything. As they climbed the stairs, the two of them passed a big room filled boxes and barrels of various sizes. Some of them were labelled with words like: "Wine, oranges, salted trout, salted pork etc." Another room they passed looked like a kitchen. Or whatever you would call it by wizard standards. With tables for preparing food and various urns for spices. On the floor above that there was a hallway leading into the midst of the tower. There were doors on each side of the hallway. One door was open and within was a really impressive library with books covering the walls for several meters high. The other door was locked with a decent iron lock. "You know, if the wizard climb these stairs everyday, he must be in a pretty decent shape." Bright agreed and supported himself on the wall. "I mean, these stairs just continue on and on. I don't think we are even remotely close to the top of this tower." "I'm not certain that this guy is as fit as you might think." Gale said, taking a peak inside the library. "If i'm not mistaken, some wizards have learned to teleport themselves throughout their homes, but they appear at specific points in rooms. Most likely a symbol engraved into the floor, but i'm not to sure." She opened the door more, revealing the contents of the library. "Shall we?" she asked, walking into the room. "Alright, lets do it." Bright said and stepped into the room carefully, watching where he stepped his feet. After a few steps he come to the realization that there might not be any traps in the room after all. "Seems like this room is not trapped either. Although I think I can understand, no point in putting around so many traps that you fall into them yourself." Bright walked over to a bookshelf and looked through the various books: "There is a lot of books here, many in languages I never heard of. Hum, there is one written in common." He took it out and blew some dust off: "The Catfolk of Nivia." Gale was quite surprised to hear the name of her home mentioned. She walked up and curiously eyed the title. "Catfolk?" she questioned. "I don't recall our kind ever being called 'catfolk'. But I wonder, what would a book about Nivia be doing here? On top of that, why something on the topic of such a small part of our society? The Nephka, as we are referred to in Nivia, make up only ten percent of our society." She continued to eye the book, unsure what to truly think about it being here of all places. "This seems rather suspicious. Nivia was, until only two years ago, completely disconnected from the rest of society through a magical barrier, and by the looks of things this book is much older than two years. I don't understand this...not one bit." "Maybe he collects stuff for the fun of it? Look at the shelf, there`s a lot of books here of things I`ve never heard about. Bonelords of Drefia, 101 ways to cook scoots, The flying kingdom of the S'vir etc." Bright traced the books with his fingers. "I wonder what it says about your kind in this book." Bright said and opened the old book and begun to read aloud from it. He coughed a little and kinda faked a sophisticated accent: "The catfolk of Nivia has, as the name suggests, some similarity with cats. This includes cat-ears, fur and an ability to see well at low light situations. They also seem to have a natural affinity for magic. Their limits are unknown however as I have yet to have one willingly show me their powers at their full potential. It is best to anticipate that their skills are greater than a magicians, although probably not as great as a wizards." Bright looked up from the book to see Gales reaction. Gale, seeming rather irritated by the context of the book, snatched it from Brights hand. "Did the wizard write this? Ignorant man!" She skimmed forward through the pages. "First of all, Nephka do not have a natural affinity to magic, many of them learned spellcraft during the civil war in the desert lands of Eternia because there enemies lacked such knowledge and planned to use it to their advantage, they just passed it down through the generations. I've seen many as warriors, rangers, hell the current king of Eternia is one." Gale looked to Bright, realizing that he probably has no idea what she is talking about. She handed the book back to him, apologizing for taking it, but still obviously steamed. "I suppose I should not be so mad. He is clueless, and its not like he is saying anything too bad about our kind in there." "It is probably written by some old fellow. I mean, the wizard probably didn't write these books, he just collected them." Bright said and placed the book back in the shelf. "Eternia? I thought your country was called Nivia?" He said and picked out another book from the shelf. This one seemed to have something to do with artifacts and magical accessories. "Well," Gale began, thankful that the book was back on the shelf, "Nivia is technically the capital city of the country. The country itself is named Almadora. Eternia is a desert city to the north of Nivia, a native home to Nephka such as myself...Well, most I should say. I wasn't born in any part of Almadora so to speak, I had moved there after I met my future husband while he was on a mission, just as I am currently." She glanced at the book he now held, waiting for him to look within its pages. "Ah, so you are married?" Bright asked out of habit, as if he could not control his curiousity. He looked at Gale for a second before he felt his face become sligthly red. He immediately opened the book and attempted to look for that necklace: "What did you call that necklace of yours again? I`m gonna see if I can find it." "Not yet, were not married...yet." She hesitated, seeing Bright's face become red. Was he embarrassed for asking, or was that for something else? Gale decided not to press matters further, but perhaps she could ask him about it later. "We are planning to get betrothed when the war dies down some, or ends all together." She watched as he flipped through the book. When asked about the amulet, she reached into a pocket at her side and pulled out a piece of parchment. "There was no name given," she began, "All I was given was this drawing that was lifted from a stone engraving. The text is illegible, but the sketch of the necklace is crystal-clear." "Let me take a closer look at that sketch." Bright said and bowed down to take a closer look at said sketch. He then flipped through the pages of the book, taking a few seconds to look at each. "Okay, lets see. Rings, Bracelets, tiaras, earrings,necklaces." He paused slightly. "Some of these pages have notes on them, while others have just a mark." "Aha. This one looks like what you showed me." Bright showed the page to Gale: "Appearantly the book is in a bad condition, but the pictures are still recognizeable." Gale looked at the picture, comparing it to the sketch. "Thats it alright." She said, taking a careful look at the notes also written inside the passage. "By the looks of it," She pointed at the note that said 'dumbass', "Who ever this guy is sure does not like this person. Above it says 'last seen'...perhaps he was the last person before the sphinx to have the amulet. It would also appear, at least to my understanding, that the Sphinx only kept the amulet due to its gemstone core, perhaps not even knowing that the necklace had magical properties." She paused for a moment to read more of the damaged passage, only to come to no futher understanding. She then noticed the note at the bottom of the left page. "So, our little friend does not know what this thing does either...at least, not when he wrote this. I wonder if he knows anything more about it then he did then?" "Something tells me that the sphinx might have gotten her treasures through force." Bright said and looked through the book some more. Ripped pages, text that was blurred out by age and various writings of whoever owned the book. It was annoying to read. "In any case. the wizard probably have the amulet. We just don't know where it is yet." Bright looked at Gale: "I hope you are not going to ask him. We are kind of invading on his property here." "If it comes to it, we might have to." Gale admitted to Bright, knowing all to well that avoiding a fight would be the best course of action, but would be the most difficult. "We might be able to get the amulet without alerting the wizard if we are lucky, but even then we promised Riletia that we would get her stolen treasure back. I'm not going back on my word, but trying to move all that treasure would certainly alert the wizard to our presence. I hate to say it, but it looks like we might be ending up facing him at some point anyway." She grinned at him. "No worries though, I can take him, no sweat. However, if we can find the amulet before hand, that would be one less thing to worry about for the time being." She looked back at the book, trying to make out the blurred words again and having no avail. "Perhaps he can tell us what those vials were from earlier too, assuming he would be willing to tell us after he is defeated." "Ah yes, we got to get the treasure for that sphinx as well. I think that might be easier said than done." Bright looked around on some more books. If they were to read through all of them, they would stay here for a looong time. "As for the wizard. I rather avoid confrontation as long as possible." Bright looked up and around: "Do you see any more interesting books, or shall we check the other room?" Gale took a quick look at the shelves. "No, unfortunatly." she said with a bit of a sigh. "I was hoping we could have found something to translate those vials with. All well, we might as well continue forward. Although..." she turned to Bright and looked at him for a moment, thinking. "Bright, im curious. Why did you turn red when I mentioned my fiancee? Do you find me..." she raised an eyelid while lowering the other, grinning whilst doing so,"...attractive." she giggled slightly, striding towards the door back to the hallway. "You don't have to answer that question if you don't want to I suppose. I DO like the complement though." Bright quickly turned his attention to the shelves again, although he was unable to hide the shade of red in his face. "Eh..." He began, a bit dumbfounded by the question: "I guess you could say that..." He focused on the locked door, his face returning to the normal color. "How about we find the amulet and get out of here before we discuss this further?" Gale turned back to Bright as she opened the door to the library. "Sounds fair, but I'm holding you up to that, you hear?" with that she strutted out, tail wagging with the motion of her walk, purposely trying to grab Bright's attention. It wasn't often that she got to hear someone say they liked her...at least not without them making an unwanted advance. With the war going on she rarely got to she her beloved, so such talk was rare for her to hear on a daily basis. Regardless, she wasn't going to do something she knew she shouldn't do, she was just going to have a tiny bit of fun with the idea. Later she would, but now was not the time. Now back out in the hallway, she motioned Bright to follow so that they may continue their climb. Bright sighed and put a hand on his forehead, thinking about an awkward conversation that might ensue in the future. Gales attempt to take Bright's attention did not help much on his mind. "Think you can use your magic to open this door?" Bright said and pointed towards the locked door. "It's probably locked for a reason. Maybe what we are looking for is behind it." Gale took a quick look at the door. She put her hand near it, not touching it but rather feeling the air around it. She hummed for a moment, a hum of thought. "This door...its got quite the enchantment on it." she said, looking closely at the lock. "The lock itself is just an ordinary reinforced lock, but the door itself appears to be...cursed, or something?" Slowly, she placed her hand on the door and felt around on its surface, taking it back to her side after a quick moment. "I’m not familiar with this kind of magic, it does not feel like it would do anything, yet its there...It looks that it might activate once the door is opened." She placed her hand on it again, this time a small light appeared beneath her palm, spreading over the surface of the door until it was engulfed by a glowing layer of light. She removed her hand, and the light slowly faded. "There, it should be dispelled now." With this, she took her hand again and from it shot a bolt of electricity, destroying the door's lock. "and there, now its open." Bright looked at the door, and poked at it before he pushed it open. Before the two of them it was revealed a large room, perhaps even bigger than it should have been. Upon pedestals, strange objects were placed and along the walls gold and valuables were laying in heaps. "Whoa. Someone's been busy." Bright couldn't help but comment. A quick look around gave Gale a similar reaction to what Bright was getting from the mass amounts of treasures. "This guy is loaded." Gale said, looking at her reflection in one of the shiny artifacts. She took a quick look around the area at the different oddities that littered the place. "This is defintely where this guy hides his...and the sphinx's treasures. Lets look around and see if we can find that amulet, once its secure we can figure out how to return Riletia's belongings." she began to search one side of the room, carefully looking at shelved artifacts and digging through the ones that were lying in piles. Bright looked around at the various things: "Still, it is a lot. How are we supposed to return these to the sphinx? We don't even know what is hers." Bright stopped slightly to think about it. Riletia probably wanted all of it anyway, so they didn't have to organize it. He returned his view to the pedestals. Some of them were labeled. "Teleport orb, duplicating gold coin, ring of survival, ring of immorality, etc." "We can figure that out after we found that amulet and after we know the wizard won't be a problem to us as we try to move this stuff out." Gale replied. She had dug through several piles of golden trinkets and looked through shelves of artifacts only to come to no avail. "It's not on this side, just a bunch of stuff that I have no idea what it could possibly do." She turned to Bright, whom was calling out the names of labeled items. "Doesn't sound like you're having any better luck than me over there. I'm confused, if its not here then where else could it be? Around the wizards neck?" "Maybe it is one of those piles. We just got to keep on looking I guess. Ooh, a necklace...oh wait, wrong one." Bright said as he rummaged through a pile. There was a small "thud" sound that came through the hallways, as if someone walked down the stairs. "What was that?" Gale questioned in a whisper, motioning for Bright to also be quiet. She tip-toed over to the door and stood with her back to the wall at its right. They had forgotten to close the door when they came in, giving her a good window to look out, but also giving a good window for anything to look in as well. "Hide!" Gale whispered to Bright, hearing more noise. Bright looked franticly around and then jumped behind one of the thicker pedestals, carefully hurdling together so that he could not be seen at first sight. An old voice crackled as the steps came closer: "Rats! Bickering and thieving rats!" The voice belonged to an old man, shorter than both Gale and Bright, with a gray beard that was tucked into his belt. Gale knew immediately that this man must be the wizard, and he was approaching quite fast to their position. She slowly stepped farther away from the door to the side, so that if he entered he would not see her quickly. In her hand and out of view, she began to conjure a small, green and black ball that swirled around like a tiny vortex of wind in her hand. Whatever happened next, she was well prepared for it. The wizard kicked open the door so it swung violently on its hinges. He wore blue robes that covered most of his legs, and a blue hat that covered his head. "I can smell your stench!" He said out loud and blue sparks of magic coarsed through his beard, making a few strands of hair stand out. He had not seen Gale yet. Gale watched the wizard silently as he came into the room. He certainly didn't look as threating as she had originally pictured, but she knew from experience that looks can be deceiving. She was certainly surprised to find that he didn't see her, seeing as she wasn't even trying to hide. unfortunately, she could not take this moment to put in an attack while he was unprepared as the spell she was currently casting was purely defensive, she couldn't do much unless he attacked first. Without much options she stood still, waiting to see what he would do next. The wizard continued to walk forward, spouting curses and insults of varying languages. Suddenly he raised his hand and pointed with his finger into a pile of gold, shooting a blue arrow into it. Gold coins and valuables kind fell around the room and in the middle of the pile was a dead rat. To be exact, it was a rather fried dead rat. The wizard laughed in a loud and obnoxious way while he leaned down and picked up it with a malicious grin on his face. He then turned around and noticed Gale, and thus made a rather surprised expression on his face: "Who the heck are you?" Meanwhile, behind the pedestal, Bright could not help but think a simple word: "Crap." Gale grinned a toothy, overly-exaggerated grin with wide eyes, thinking to herself the same thing that went through Brights mind. She managed to hide her spell behind her back by folding her arms behind herself, keeping it from the wizard's view."Oh crap what am I going to do?" She thought to herself again, not really knowing how to talk her way around this. Well, silence wasn't going to help at all. She needed something and she needed it fast. "I'm...a mage in training." She blurted out, that being the first thing that came to her mind. "I heard of you from a friend of mine, and he said that I should come to you for training. Well...I'm not a very social person, so I thought I would just head on in and look for you myself. Thats when I accidently stumbled into this room here. I apologize for the inconvenience sir." She hoped that he would fall for the lie...if not, she hoped that he would make the first move so that she could use her spell. The wizard raised his eyebrows and smiled in return. A smile that went back further than it should, and definitely had more teeth than what was normal. "Oh really, is that so?" He said with an amused tone to his voice as he took a step forward. "Could you perhaps tell me his name? Or if the name escapes you, how about you just describe him to me?" Meanwhile behind the pillar, Bright thought to himself that this was not good. He couldn't help but shake the feeling that this was going to end good. Well, as far as Gale knew, he was either falling for it or her was testing her to try and catch her in the lie. She had to roll with it, so long as he didn't go after Bright she was in the clear, prepared to counter what might come her way. "Well, I heard about you from a friend of mine named Adam." she said innocently, having a good idea of what to say next. "I doubt you know him though, he was told by a friend of his who travels around the world. He hears about many things that one, but he is often far away from home so I don't know him myself too well." She paused for a moment. "Come to think of it, Adam never did tell me his name. I’ll have to remember to ask him next time I see him." She added on, hoping to avoid another question such as that. "AHA!" The wizard said triumphantly and pointed at Gale: "I have no friends, therefore you must be lying!" Strands of hair stood out of his beard with dangerously blue sparks emitting from them as the wizard got himself worked up. "You're either a thief or a spy." He shouted out once more and pointed at the ground beneath Gale's feet: "Sacahin!" Undoubtly a magic word as gold coins forged themselves into chains, ready to tie themselves around someones legs. "Shit, this is getting out of hand." Bright thought to himself and looked at the potions they had gotten earlier. Perhaps if he could throw the right one at the right moment at the wizard it could do something. Though she was being attacked, Gale stood her ground with a look of indifference. "Ok, three things. " Gale began. "One, I never said anything about your friends. These people are my friends. Two, I find the fact that you have no friends down right pitiful. and three," she pulled out the hand behind her back revealing the glowing green and black orb. "I was expecting you to attack me." She lifted the ball above her head and it began to create a gust of wind that flew through the room, the chain that was forming beneath her was sucked into the orb and vanished from sight, the orb also disappearing from her hand. "Well, since you no longer trust me I might as well get to the point. My sources tell me you are in possession of an amulet that looks like this..." She pulled out the parchment and held it forward and open, letting the wizard take a good look at it before putting it back in her robes. "My source also tells me that the pendant, along with several other treasures, were stolen from a sphinx who lives not far from this location. I am only going to ask once, please give me the pendant and return the stolen property." "I have friends...had, they kinda died off." The wizard mumbled slightly before he raised his voice once again. "I knew you had a counterspell, I was merely testing you." He said, which was an obvious lie, "but that is not the point, you break into my tower and would undoubtly have stolen whatever you could carry had I not discovered you. Did you ever ask yourself how the sphinx came to get these treasures in the first place? Although your precious pendant," the wizard said with scorn,"is in this room..." His eyes went suddenly blank and fell forward. Then landed faceword on the stonefloor with a small thud. On the floor beside him laid one of those potions they had gotten earlier. Not even a crack in the glass. Bright stood by the pillar, being the one who threw said potion, and looked down on the potion. "Huh, the glass is thicker than I thought." He looked up at Gale: "I`m sorry, did you have it under control? It sounded like things were going to get nasty." "Well..." Gale began, looking at the unconscious wizard while rubbing the back of her head. "I guess it was a good thing we kept those potions after all, huh? Well, I’d better restrain him just in case he wakes up soon." She put her hand out before her and made the orb of swerling green and black light reappear. From it, the same chain that the wizard created earlier shot out and wrapped around the unconscious old man, binding his arms and legs so that he could not move. Once again, the orb vanished. "May want to cork that potion back up Bright, now that we have an idea of what it can do to people we may find uses for it later too." She looked around the room again, humming to herself in thought. "He said that the pendant was in this room, but the way he said it was odd...hmmm....do you think there might be a secret compartment around here perhaps? A kind of vault for exceedingly rare treasures?" "It is not like it was the content of the potion that knocked him out. More like the thick glass." Bright said and picked up the potion, making sure it was safe before he tucked it into his belt.He took a look around in the room as well. He didn't see anything out of the ordinary so he returned his glance to Gale. "Say, that orb of yours, does it work by storing things in some other place?" Gale noticed her mistake when she told Bright to close the bottle back up. "My bad." she said with a grin. After Gale had checked over her side of the room again and found nothing she turned back to Bright. "The spell I used takes other magic and stores in it away for later usage," she told him. "I'm not exactly sure where the magic goes, but it kinda acts like a vault." She paused for a moment, thinking again about what the wizard might have meant. Suddenly, she looked to the wizard and snapped her fingers, as if to say she figured it out. "Bright, check his neck. He said the amulet was in this room, and if he is wearing it he would be correct." "Why would he wear the amulet around his neck?" Bright thought aloud, but checked the mans neck anyway, feeling a bit queasy as the man had a bit of blood on his face from falling facedown. "Aha!" Bright said and took forth a key. Or at least something that could function as a key. In one end there was a small skull, and in the other ups and downs. He walked over to Gale with it: "This thing looks like a key, maybe it opens up something in this room." "Maybe." Gale responded, not having an actual clue as to what to expect. "But if it did open anything, you think we would have saw something to open by now, right?" She shrugged, observing the object in Bright's hand. "Want to wait for him to wake up. He isn't going anywhere anytime soon thanks to those chains, would be a good time to integrate him for everything we need to know." "Maybe it is a skeleton key that opens up any locked door? Maybe it is a magical skeleton key?" Bright said and waved slightly around, appearing slightly silly in the process. Then, as he mimicked himself locking up a door, there was a loud click and a door opened up in the far end of the room. The look on Brights face was sheer surprise: "Uhm...I didn't expect that." Gale shared Brights look of surprise. "I guess there was a secret room after all." She said, stepping over mounds of treasures whilst heading to the new open door. She looked back to Bright before looking in the room itself, and then from him to the wizard, still unconcious on the floor. "I don't think I should leave this guy alone, just in case he wakes up and has a way out of the chains." She carefully stepped back over to them. "I’ll stay here and watch him. It’s just a room after all, if you need me I will be right here. Tell me what you find in there, will you?" she asked kindly. Bright looked a bit uncertain, but ended up nodding and headed inside the room. It was a small cubical room made of stone. Within the room were three pedestals. On each pedestal there was an item, a golden lamp like the ones you read in the fairy tales, a ship in a bottle, and one particular valuable necklace that looked like the one Gale had showed him. "The necklace!" He whispered to himself and reached out to take it. A loud ZAP could be heard. When Bright came to the doorway, his hair was standing straight out and he was having a bit of short spasm. "Ouch...didn't think...sorry..." He leaned himself on the doorway for support. "Bright!" Gale shouted, running over to him after hearing the zap. Staff in hand, she began to look him over. "Are you okay? I should have figured there would be a trap, even after all we have already gone through. I'm sorry. Does anything in particular hurt? Any open wounds?" Gale made it obvious that she was concerned for Bright after that ordeal. She could heal anything he may have suffered, but she may very well be over reacting and not even realize it. Bright smiled slightly as he saw Gale looking over him: "No no, I am not hurt, I was stunned and rather surprised, that is all." He looked at his right arm, the hairs on it were singed, but no other wounds could be detected. "There`s a necklace, a ship in a bottle and a lamp within the room." He said and nodded in the direction, although Gale probably could see it from where she stood. Gale looked into the room and saw the items Bright discribed. No doubt in her mind, that was definitely the amulet they were looking for. "Alright, you stay here and I’ll dispel the traps in this room." She said, walking in. Placing the butt of her staff onto the ground within, she let loose a quick yet powerful spell to disengage the traps that littered the room. Once finished, she hastily took the necklace and looked deep into its jeweled core. "I wonder what you do?" she mumbled, as if it could hear her. Bright heard something hit the floor, and when he looked up, he saw the wizard in the other end of room with his hands free and a broken gold chain on the floor. (Pure gold makes awful chain material) He did not look particularly happy and blood were running from his headwound into his eyes. Then he raised his arms and muttered a spell. "Gale, get down!" Bright got up and threw himself towards her. The spell never hit the two of them, instead it went towards the teleport orb. 1. Forest of the fairies When Bright came too again, he could feel lush grass beneath him and on his face. Also the weight of something on his back. Nothing felt broken though. Gale had blacked out when the orb blew up, but now having woken back up she found herself staring up into a blue sky with a few small clouds floating in the air. "What....happened?" She asked, realizing suddenly that she was laying on something that was not grass. Sitting up, she looked down to find that she had landed on top of Bright. With this realization she quickly got up to her feet. "Are you ok Bright? What happened back there?" She asked again, reaching a hand down to help him up. "Yeah, I am okay." Bright said and sat himself up: "Thanks for landing on me by the way." He had a sarcastic grin. He looked upwards to the sky: "Well, last thing I remember is the wizard firing a spell at us, although I don't think he hit us..." He looked around and noticed that the gold and bricks from the tower was spread around on the forest floor. "Apparently, something has gotten us from the tower and into some sort of woods." He got back up on his legs: "Talking about the tower, do you have the necklace? Would be a pain if you dropped it now." Gale reached into her pocket and pulled out the necklace. "It's right here, unharmed...but" She looked around the rubble that came with them for a brief moment. Her expression quickly turned to a panicked one. "Oh no!" she shouted, looking around more franticly. "My staff! It's not here!" She quickly put away the amulet and proceeded to dig through a small pile of rubble. "Crap crap crap! I can't lose that, I just can't!" Finding nothing, she punched the surface of one of the rocks and growled in frustration. "I need to get that staff back!" "Well, it has to be here somewhere, I mean, the teleport took with it all the stuff within a certain distance. Lemme help you look." Bright said and began to look around, moving some rubble and shifting some stones. "Strange..." He mumbled to himself, "I could have sworn there were some gold coins here a moment ago..." Several minuets of searching later turned up nothing. "We need to go back." Gale finally said, sounding very tense. "My staff is not here, it must still be at the tower." She started to bite her lower lip out of frustration. "Perhaps the gold coins, the ones you said you saw, ended up warping back to the tower. If so, then my staff might have been here and now returned to where the coins went. If I don't get that staff back..." In her current condition it was hard to believe she was some elite mage the way she was acting now, panicking over her lost weapon. "I have no idea if it works that way..." Bright said and looked around even more. "You can't do magic without your staff?" He looked beneath another rock, then spotted a gold coin that looked like it moved on its own. It slided against the forest floor and into some bushes. "It moved on it's own?" Bright thought to himself and looked rather puzzled. "Oh no, I can use magic without it, it's just..." She began, stopping when she saw the gold coin dash across the ground. "It can't be moving on its own, it must be being pulled by some kind of force." With this she jogged to the bush. "Help me look for it. If it's being pulled back to the tower it might be our ticket to finding where to go from here. If it's still here." "Kinda like reading without glasses?" Bright asked, presuming that the staff was a tool that enhanced the magic ability. Bright jogged after Gale and stopped by the bush. He moved away some leaves, revealing a slight opening where there were some gold coins. Around the gold coins were a couple of winged humanlike creatures the size of someones index finger. They seemed to be clothed in leaves and had what appeared to be insect like wings sprouting from their back. Then they noticed Bright looking at them whereas they gave of a tiny scream and began to fly towards the deeper part of the forest, producing a small shimmering light as they did. "Well, actually... " she began, stopping when she saw the tiny little creatures. She was instantly reminded of butterflies by the way they looked, but she had no actual idea what they were. Only when they flew off did she find her voice again. "Bright, do you know what those things were? They weren't much longer than the coins they flew off with, they must be pretty strong for their size." She looked in the direction they flew and realized that they were moving pretty quickly. "Let's follow them, something tells me that they are not in league with the wizard. You can tell me anything you know on the way there." she said before Bright could respond to her previous question. She started off after them in a jog. Bright started chasing them as well, running beside Gale. "Well, there's a some old folktales about fairies living in one the forests around in this land. " He jumped over a tangle bunch of roots that were spread across the forest floor. He dodged a tree branch, spotting a few shimmering lights before them, not to mention the suns reflection off the cold coins they were carrying. "I`ve heard that they love treasure, you know, just like everything else we happen to run across..." Bright stopped talking as they had reached a steep cliff whereas he waved his hands a bit comically around, attempting to find something to grab onto. At the bottom of the cliff, in some distance from where the two were standing there was a bunch of shimmering lights and a rather large pile of gold that kept growing. Following Bright move for move the entire way, Gale was beside him when they reached the cliff. Instinctively, she grabbed Bright by his shirt when he started to show signs of loosing balance. "Well, if they have been taking treasure, there is a good chance they might have my staff. I hope they do, because if not then it might still be at the wizards tower..." She paused for a moment, looking down onto the twinkling lights of the fairies below. "The staff was a gift from my brother," she began, not averting her gaze for even a moment. "He was the only family I had growing up. I had to leave him when I was still rather young though, and that staff was the single most important thing he left me before he vanished. It was especially made for me to accommodate for my...shall I say 'unique'...magical abilities." Bright sighed noticably when he was safe back on the cliff. "Oh right, if it was a gift from your brother, then I understand why it is important to you." He looked to both right and left: "Should be some way to get down there. Maybe there is a slope over there or something?" "Let's look over to the right." She told him, pointing in said direction. "It was a gift from my brother," Gale continued as they continued moving. "But it's not just sentimental reasons that I need that staff back. I won't get into details, but let's just say you don't want to see me use magic without my staff." "Don't say that Gale, you`ll just get me curious." He said and walked towards the right. The cliff seemed to turned into a rather steep slope, whereas several trees clung to the surface, binding loose rocks barely together. "I think we can get down here if we are careful." From the time the two began climbing downwards the slope to the time they had arrived at its bottom, a particularly strange woman had appeared at the pile of treasures. She had a white robe that covered her body, and a long blonde hair that extended from her head down to her back. However, despite her looking like a normal human female, there was some uncanny details about her. Her ears were sharp and a bit longer than the usual human, her skin were flawless, akin to that of a porcelain doll, not to mention the fact that she was sitting on top of the treasure pile, eating gold coins. Considering how busy she were, it would allow Bright and Gale to see her long before she could notice the two. Gale watched in confusion as the female ate the coins, finding it very unnatural. Who...or rather what was this person? "Bright." She whispered to him silently, avoiding drawing attention. "Do you know what that person is? And why is she eating gold? I don't understand any of this." She kept looking around, seeing if she could find any of the fairies she saw earlier. Perhaps they and this person worked togeather in some way? "Sorry Gale, I have no idea whatsoever on who or what that is." Bright replied in a whisper. "Hey look, isn't that your staff?" He said and pointed on a bunch of fairies that carried the thing through midair, flying a bit slow as to avoid bumping into trees. The woman took the staff as it was presented in front of her, took a long lick at the side of the staff and where she had licked, the material looked a bit darker. She nodded approvingly to the shimmering lights and waved them away with a gentle hand gesture before she placed the staff behind her in the pile, no doubt planning to devour it later. Her head dropped a bit and she stifled a small yawn, before she took another gold coin and swallowed it. If one had been close, one would hear it clink as it landed with its brethren in her stomach. "That's one costy diet..." Bright mumbled lowly to himself as he watched in amazement. "I can't let her eat my staff!" Gale whispered, "But I don't think we can get over there without being caught, and I’d rather not face whatever they might have in store for intruders without my staff." Silently she raised a hand towards her staff and focused her mind. It very faintly twitched, making a faint sound as it went across the coins it lay upon. "I hope I don't wake her up, I'm not too certain I can do this silently." She continued to drag the staff across in intervals, making small movements to avoid a loud noise. The woman sprawled across over the gold coins, giving out snores that did not appear very ladylike. "I`ll prepare the sleeping potion in case things go downhill." Bright said and picked out his potion flask. The staff moved without making any sound, reaching the end of the pile. Bright held his breath, feeling a bit tense as the suspense was killing him. He could however not shake the feeling that someone or something was watching him. He turned his head and noticed a fairy sitting on his shoulder. "Please be quiet, please be quiet, please be quiet...." He thought to himself as he saw the shimmering creature. Now that the staff was clear of the pile of gold, she could increase the pull. In the blink of an eye the staff flew to her hand from where it lay. when she got it back she near hugged it. "Bright, I got it!" she whispered, turning to see him and seeing the fairy on his shoulder. "Well hello there little one." Gale said with a warm smile. "Don't mind us, we were just getting back my staff is all, we weren't going to bother you or your big friend over there. Now that we have it we will just leave and we won't bother you again, ok?" She hoped that by showing that they weren't a threat that the little fairy would simply leave them in peace. The fairy stood on Brights shoulder for a little bit, looking at Gales smile, showing it's tongue to Gale in a childish fashion with a loud (well, for fairies at least,), "BLEUH" before it flew off into the leaves of a tree. Still, Bright felt slightly relieved that Gale had gotten her staff back, although he did not feel all too sure about the sleeping woman with strange eating habits. "We should get some distance between us and the gold eater." Bright whispered to Gale. "I agree." Gale whispered back as she watched the fairy fluttered away. "Let's go, lead the way. We can discuss what to do next after we are a safe distance away." She wiped her staff on her robe, there was still some drool on it from the lady who licked it. "Oh and Bright," Gale added on, "I didn't finish what I was going to tell you earlier. My staff suppresses my powers, making me weaker. That might sound a bit...odd, but there is a reason for it. Trust me when I say this, you don't want to see me at my full potential." Bright pointed in a direction and lead the way, away from the peculiar woman. Being told about the staff made him think. He thought about it for a few seconds while they moved through the forest until he finally said: "Alright, I`ll just take your word for it then. Let’s hope you don't have to use your full potential." Eventually they came into a clearing. There were several large rocks spread around in a circle formation, although some of them seemed toppled over and were overgrown with vines. "Hum, this seem familiar. Let us take a break here while I check something." Bright said and stepped on top of a big stone in the middle whereas he pulled out the map. "Gale, from what I can see, and this is a bit of a guess, we are in the forest southeast of my town. If we go north, we might find a road." He stared a bit around and realized something: "Say, Gale, do you know which way is north?" Gale looked around at the forest, as if searching for something. "I could tell you if there was moss, supposedly it always grows to the north." She looked around again. "But it seems that the forest here is completely void of moss. Hmm..." She placed her hand on her chin as she thought hard. "I got it!" She said, snapping her fingers. "If we can find some water and a small metal object, like a pin or a nail, I could use my magic to turn them into a makeshift compass! Shouldn't be too hard, there is bound to be a lake or river somewhere in this forest where we can get some water, finding a needle of some kind will be difficult thought, unless you have one with you?" "I probably got something we can use, I got a lot of different things in my backpack." Bright said and looked through it. "But we still need to find water." He said and thought about it for a moment, they would have to go in one distance sooner or later. He looked up at the sun: "Which time of day do you think it is?" He turned towards Gale: "We could always use the sun to point us in the next direction." "I'm not to sure." Gale responded. "I lost track of time after we entered the wizard's tower. For all I know it could be past noon or still morning." She looked up to the sky, "And to be honest, I don't think waiting here and watching which way the sun goes is smart, we don't know if that gold-eater is going to be searching for us, and the wizard...I can almost guarantee that he is pissed and is trying to find us right now. I think we had better move deeper into the forest and look for water." "Not to mention the sphinx..." Bright said and shuddered at the thought, thinking to himself that they had managed to run across and run from three rather powerful beings in a short amount of time. "Okay, lets see..." he said and pointed in one direction: "That is where the gold-eater was and where we came from." He pointed in a direction somewhat to the right of that: "That's where the sun the is now. I suggest we go that way." He pointed in a direction opposite of the sun so they would walk with the sun in their back. He jumped down from the rock: "In worst case scenario, we`ll at least put more distance between us and that woman. Lets go." "Oh right. i forgot about the sphinx..." Gale muttered. A thought briefly crossed her mind of what would happen should all three cross them at once, it would be catastrophic! She sighed. "Well, at least its just them. Any more and it might start becoming too hard for even me." She let out a sheepish laugh. "Alright, lets go. I’ll follow." "Oh yeah, I can imagine, although they don't look like the bunch to team up though." Bright said and laughed along, although the laugh was a bit forced. Bright lead the way, trying to avoid the worst collection of trees, although it was not easy. While walking, he had a feeling of being watched, and the wind through the trees spoke: "Thief..." over and over again. However as they got further away from the gold eater, the voice became weaker and weaker until it vanished. "Say, Gale, I might just be paranoid, but I can't wait to get out of this forest, there`s something about it that creeps me out." Bright and looked up. He thought he could hear the sound of running water nearby. "Don't worry yourself Bright." Gale began. "We will be out of here in no time, and if anything does attack us I can defend us both!" Gale's head turned as she, too, began to hear the running water. "Sounds like we finally found some water. Lets hurry." "I guess I`ll just be moral support then if that happens." Bright said and smiled a bit awkwardly. Moments later they both came to a quiet and clear stream deep in the forest. "This will work just fine." Gale said. "We just need something to put some of the water in so we can make the compass." With this she knelt down to look into the water. It really was crystal clear, she could easily see to the bottom where some fish could be seen trying to swim against the current. It was then that Gale realized that she had not eaten in a while, not since she had arrived. Without a second thought she plunged her head into the river and managed to latch onto one of the fish with her jaw, pulling back up with it flopping in her mouth. Using her hands, she adjusted the fish so that it was facing down her mouth and quickly swallowed it whole, sending it down her throat as a bulge to her stomach. It was then that she quickly turned to Bright and blushed. "Heh...sometimes I just can’t control myself." She told him, rubbing the back of her head. Seeing how Gale ran to the water, Bright took a look inside his backpack and found an iron needle along with a sewing kit (could be useful, you never know). When raising his head again, he saw Gale plunge her head into the water and upon getting her head out again, swallowing the fish, thus resulting in a bulge in her neck before it vanished down. Bright just stood there and stared with his mouth slightly open. "I didn't know you could do that..." Although he was slightly hungry himself, looking at Gale just swallowing a fish whole just made him forget everything else for a moment. Then he remembered he had a needle in his hand: "I found a needle." He said as if it was not obvious that it was that he held. "Do you want to capture more fish, or should we find the direction first?" He asked, having gotten over the small shock. "Oh, no I'm...fine...just had a bit of an odd moment there." She concluded with a sheepish giggle. Quickly changing the subject, she took the needle from him and shoved it into one of her pockets. "If you're hungry feel free to catch something. I'm going to go find something to put water in and then something to make the needle float. Take your time, I'm sure that it will be a while before I find anything suitable for what we need." With this she quickly jogged off down the river. Bright stood there for a little moment looking after Gale as she ran off. "That was...strange." He said to himself and looked at some of the fish that swam upstream. He didn't know how to catch fish, well not without any tools however. Once out of earshot, Gale gave a deep sigh. "I can't believe I did that!" She shouted to herself quietly. "I need to act normal, I can't allow myself to fall into those classical neko stereotypes again!" With this she began to look around, searching for objects which she could use for the makeshift compass. Little did she know that, up inside a tree, she was being watched... After a while contemplating a plan on how to catch a few of those fish. Bright began to wonder if Gale had just left him and continued on her own. She had the necklace, the staff and the needle necessary to make a compass. "Damn, I really hope she comes back now." He said, hoping to himself that Gale was loyal enough to return. Deciding that he should at least give her the benefit of doubt, he set upon the task of catching himself some fish. A few minutes later he was wet, but he had managed to catch one tiny fish. "Yay..." he said unconvincingly, looking upon his catch. It squirmed in his grip, and he realized he wasn't that hungry after all. Not enough to eat it raw anyway. He let it go and walked ashore again, and emptied his boots of water. Several minutes of searching around finally awarded Gale with a hollowed-out turtle shell, one that was enough in-tact that it could be used to hold water. "Now that I have this I should head back to Bright." Gale told herself. Without hesitation she began to walk back, hoping all the while that she hadn't been gone too long and got Bright worried. She made in no more than several feet when she heard an unusual rustle in the leaves to her side, away from the river. She looked in the direction to find quite a peculiar sight. Perched on a branch sat a large, white bird. From her perspective she guessed it to be about the size of a human, but the elegant feather-designs that it shown on its snow-white down was familiar to her. Finally, it clicked in her mind. "It's a phoenix!" She gasped with excitement. "And a white one at that! How rare!" She waved to it innocently. "What brings you here of all places? Phoenix are not supposed to live in forests." It responded with a cocked head as it continued to stare at her with large, blue eyes that appeared to be glass. She turned and continued on her way. Not long later she made it back to where Bright was. "I'm sorry it took so long Bright, I was having a bit of trouble finding something suitable to use to hold the water, but here I found this turtle shell." She said, passing him the shell. Thankfully the weather was rather warm, thus Bright did not have to suffer with drenched clothes too long. By the time Gale had returned, his pants gone from wet to uncomfortably damp. "I`m glad to see you again Gale, I almost thought you..." Bright thought about it for a moment, he did not really want to say he mistrusted her: "...got lost in the forest." He took the turtle shell in his hand and looked at it curiously: "What is this, a turtle shell? You think that`ll work?" He took up a bit of water from the stream and looked at it. The shell didn't leak. "I guess it holds water at least." Gale waited a moment before responding to him, finding the hesitation in his voice a bit odd. "I knew where I was." She finally said. In her head she began to wonder what was going on with Bright, but she made no notion as to thinking that way. "Ok, here is the needle I took from you." She began as she took the needle out of her pocket. "Sorry I ran off with it, I wasn't thinking straight." She reached up to a nearby tree branch and pulled off a large leaf. "Alright, so now if you could put the leaf down in the shell and put the needle on the leaf I can hit it with my electricity magic and turn it into a magnet." Once all was prepared, she gently took the shell from Bright and placed it on the ground. "Stand back Bright. This is a weak spell but it could still be bad if you got hit." with the warning out of the way, she began to concentrate with a hand pointed to the shell, a few sparks flying from her hand. A small bolt of lightning shot forth and struck the needle, managing to not cause harm to any of the other components of the shell or leaf. "Alright, lets take a look at this thing." she said, leaning over the now charged needle Bright was as surprised as ever over seeing Gale do her magic. After all, it was not a thing he could do himself. He leaned over the turtle shell, looking at the needle which spun around correcting itself after the magnetic field. Hopefully the magic in the forest did not affect the needle. Suddenly, from one of the trees swooped down a large white bird, grabbing Gale with a claw and causing her to drop her staff to the ground. She gasped as it happened, but wasn't able to say much until the bird landed in the branch of another tree, hanging on with a single talon. "Let me go you stupid phoenix!" Gale shouted as she struggled in its grip. For a second Bright stood in place gaping with his mouth open. Did Gale just say that thing was a phoenix? But they are supposed to be fiery red (not to mention part of myths). He pushed aside the thoughts for now, grabbed the staff and ran after the phoenix. "Oy! Bird, let go of my friend!" Bright called out to the phoenix perched on top of the branch while waving the staff around. He pondered upon what to do next, he could always try to throw one of the bottles at it, with whatever side-effects there might be, although it might drop Gale in the process, and he did not want that to happen. The phoenix flapped its large, white wings and squaked as Bright swung the staff at it. Having enough, it tilted its head back and generated a white flame in its beak. "Bright look out!" Gale shouted, still struggling against it's grip. "A white phoenix's flame burns spiritual energy! It won't physically harm you but it can easily destroy your soul!" It released its attack in the form of a fireball, missing Bright by just inches due to its jumping around. The flame hit a tree behind him, which began to wilt and die before their very eyes. Another squak emitted from it before it began to flap its wings, beginning to take off. "Bright!" Gale shouted again. "Leave my staff and get out these woods! I’ll be fine, just go before you get hurt too!" Bright awkwardly jumped away from another flame. A quick turn around with his head showed that it would be a wise not to get hit by it. Although he did not want to, he assumed that Gale had a plan, thus he let go of the staff and ran into a random direction in the woods to get away from the bird. He turned around to see that the bird was flapping it's wings. Bright cursed himself for being such a coward and knocked his hand into a nearby tree. He came to the conclusion that he would have to chase after that damn bird if he were to consider himself a decent person. Gale knew that the bird was beginning to take off, and to her knowledge it was going to take her to its nest. That, obviously meant that it was going to eat her, or feed her to its chicks. "Please forgive me for what I'm about to do." she whispered to the bird as she closed her eyes. Suddenly, the bird felt its mighty grip being pried apart by the girl and looked down, squaking at her. With a grunt she broke its grip, revealing to the world how she had done the feat. Protruding from her back now were eight appendages, structured like the legs of a spider but covered in thick, leather-like, gray flesh. Gale, with eyes now open and a look of fury in her face, fell the short distance to the ground below. The phoenix gave another protest and opened its mouth to breath its dangerous flames. With precision and strength she leapt up to the birds eye-level and clenched its beak shut with a single hand, causing it to halt its attack and begin to flail once more, screeching to be released. The odd legs behind gale began to rear back as she effortlessly floated in place, showing their full length to be about that of Gale's height. With not a noise from her she let them loose to the bird, each jabbing deep into the bird and penetrating flesh and bone. A final cry was let out by the bird before it fell limp. She fell back to the ground and tossed the carcass into the river to be disposed of. Blood covered the appendages as she stood there breathing heavily. "Alright," she said in a low voice. "I just need to find Bright now and tell him we are set to go. But first." She gave a short grunt and, with a swift movement the legs receded back into her back, leaving only the blood-stained and torn pieces of the back of her robe to show and evidence of what happened. The painful cry of the phoenix reached Brights ears. He turned around as fast as he could, attempting to build up the courage he needed. "Gale!" he cried out and ran as fast as he could towards where he had heard the sound. Gale stood motionless for a brief moment as she heard a shout and rapid footsteps. Looking to its direction she found Bright coming back. With a slow pace she walked over to her staff and bent down to pick it up. "I would have caught up with you." she said, standing back up. "I had everything under control." She looked around for a moment side to side. "Now where is that compass?" she pondered. Without realizing it she had turned around enough to reveal her bloodstained back to Bright. "Ah, here it is." she exclaimed, finding it near the river. She picked it up carefully and brought it over. "Alright, lets try this again." Bright stood a bit motionless with his mouth slightly open. It surprised him how unphazed Gale seemed of the whole ordeal. And where had the Phoenix gone? Then he noticed Gales bloody back. He immediately believed she had been wounded seriously. "Eh, Gale? Are you ok? Your back is a bit..." He paused for a little moment: "...red." There was nothing fake about the worriedness in his words. "Oh?" Gale looked behind her and pretended to be surprised, but she was not. "That's the bird's blood, not mine. When I struck it and it began to bleed I turned so I wouldn't get any blood in my eyes, after that it fell into the river and drifted off." she was oddly calm about it. And, thought she explained the blood, that did not begin to explain the eight holes in her robe, ones that could not even resemble the talons of the Phoenix. "Alright, lets find out where we are going and get out of this place. Who knows what else could be lurking around these parts." She said with renewed kindness. She acted as if nothing had happened at all. "You're right, lets get out of this forest as soon as possible." Bright replied. Bright was still worried, but he decided to not pursue the subject further considering that Gale was in fact up and standing. "How did you defeat the phoenix? I thought they were pretty powerful. Did you use some kinda magic on it?" "Yea, I used some magic." She replied half-heartedly. "Nothing worth explaining, I mostly caught it off guard." Not being sure how to respond to that, Bright took the compass from Gale, looked at it and figured out the direction: "North is in that direction." He said and pointed towards a couple of crooked trees. After the direction was determined Gale let out a sigh of relieve. "Alright, let’s not waste anymore time here. I’d rather not run into that gold eating...thing...again. And I'd hate to see if that phoenix had a mate, cause if it did it would certainly be pissed now." Bright had a feeling that Gale was not telling him the whole truth, but he did not to push the subject. "Hopefully that woman is satisfied with the pile of gold she is already munching on, and as for the phoenix...don't jinx it. I'd just hate to get into even more trouble than what we already got." Bright said and began to walk. Soon the forest began to thin out, even revealing some sort of old road. Following the road eventually lead to the great plains where one could see far. "So, where to now Gale? Eastwards?" Bright said and looked around. As they reached the beginning of a large plane Gale too took a moment to look around the area. "I suppose." she responded to Bright. "Where will going East take us?" "Isn't that where your country is? I thought we were taking the shiny thing back to them." Bright asked, trying to remember what Gale had told him earlier. "Although we probably should pay my friend back for his horse, but that will be a bit difficult considering the lack of funds." "My country?" She repeated, confused. "Oh that's right! I only told you what the country was, now where it is. Alright, this might sound odd but after everything that has been happening today I'm certain you'll believe me." She looked off in the direction Bright was pointing too. "I did come from the east, but that is not where my country is. As I mentioned before, our land has been under the thumb of war for several thousand years. Well, long ago during the beginning of the war the elders of Almadora feared that the war might spread and engulf the world in its grip. In order to prevent this, the elders of that time preformed a magical feat that has yet to be matched by any. Surrounding Almadora in a large magical barrier, they removed it from the world and brought it to its own personal universe in order to contain the war. The barrier was thought to be indestructible and completely solid without any cracks to let anyone in...or out." Gale turned to Bright again. "But as you can see, I'm right here before you. The reason for this is how I actually got here. You see, as I have mentioned before our major enemy is a master of dark energy and, he too, has his own personal universe born from his energies. However, we have a special ally on our side whom controls a small portion of that realm, the master's son, and through him are able to make a small passage through the dark realm that his father cannot detect. This passage is in the form of a doorway that looks to be made of a waterfall of black clouds, known by my people as a black curtain. That is how I managed to get here." She shook her head, "But I'm getting ahead of myself, we should at least head back and tell your friend about the horse. You lost him during a mission involving a high-ranking member of the Almadorian military, so all losses will be covered by us." she winked at this. "I can tell you the rest of the details on the way there." Bright had a hard time believing what Gale told him, but considering what they had gone through already, he knew that she was not lying to him. It was however a tough description to swallow, but he decided to go with it for now. "Alright then." He said nodding; "At least we'll travel light. We better start marching now if we want to get there." He said and begun walking. After a few minutes of walking and thinking, Bright could not help but say: "But Gale, think of what you just told me. You gotta admit that it does sound a little bit farfetched. I mean, exactly how are we going to get back to your kingdom anyway?" "You think THAT"S farfetched?" Gale whispered, but perhaps a little more loudly that she would have liked. "Sorry, what I mean is that there are far more confusing aspects to how everything works for us. Almadorian magic is far different that what you could expect from your regular breed of magic. Anyway, as I mentioned the black curtain is our way of going into other realms. The thing is that, because of us only being able to control a small portion of the dark realm, enough that we can make only one dimensional gate at a time. Right now there is a black curtain in this world, cloaked from sight as it sits at the base of a large mountain. I can easily access it once the mission is done." After walking what appeared to be a good distance, giving Bright a lot of time to think, he decided they should take a small break. Just so they wouldn't tire themselves out too much before they reached the town. Familiar surroundings could be seen far out into the distance. Bright sat down on a stone and took a stick that was lying on the ground. "Okay, let me see if I got this correct then." He said and started drawing in the ground. "This is our world..." He drew a round circle with a globe within it. "This is your realm," He drew another circle overlapping the first, putting a small castle within the second circle. "And this is the realm of the bad guys?" He drew a third circle overlapping the second. Within it he drew a dragonlike creature. And between the first and the second circle, he pulled a line and drew a few clouds that laid on top of eachother: "And this is what the gate looks like? Gale took a good look at Bright's drawing and his theory of how everything worked. "Well..." she began, taking up another stick. "Your almost right." "The other realms and worlds are not as closely together as you might think." She drew the world and the castle, slightly off from how Bright had depicted them artistic-wise. She enclosed them again, but kept them physically apart. "This realm, as all other realms," she drew small circles about the small area, careful as to not have any of them touch. "Are separate. However..." she drew a large circle around everything she previously drew, drawing a line from it outside to a poorly drawn cartoony skull. "The dark realm is a empty void that seeps between the cracks of other dimensions, filling in the gaps. Because of this, anyone who controls the dark realms theoretically has the ability to go into any realm they desire." "But its not all that simple. If it were, the shadow lord would have already taken hold of all creation. There are strong magical barriers that protect each dimension from the dangers outside the realm, barriers that cannot be cracked with simple magic. To date there is only one known way to break these barriers, but don't worry about that, it’s unimportant right now." She drew a line from the castle to the planet, drawing squiggly lines along the line to emphasize it. "And this is the black curtain. In reality, it is nothing more than a small, changeable path that connects from Almadora to other realms, such as this one. The path is undetectable to the shadow lord, so we can use it in special situations without fear of his discovery." With a smile she turned back to Bright. "I hope I didn't confuse you any more. I'ts complicated, it even took me a full year to understand everything to the point where I didn't have to ask questions ever five minutes. I guess an even more simplified way to say it would be to say that each realm has a doorway, and the black curtain is our way of getting to that doorway." "I guess that makes sense." Bright said and gave it a bit more thought. "I am a bit confused over how someone can rule over an empty void, but I guess that is something we have to ask the shadow lord about, and we probably don't want to meet him." He got back on his feet, thinking to himself that hte break had been long enough. "But just hypothetically. Do you need someone to open the door in both realms or is it enough to open the door on one side? We wouldn't want to get stuck in the hallway." "The door in our realm is always open." Gale told him. She was happy to see him so curious, but she knew she had to keep some details hidden and hoped she did not have to tell him that she could not tell him something. "We can thank necromancers for that, but in the end it actually helped us." "This world's door is closed, but I know where it is and how to open it. And, even if this door closes, so long as the door is open on the other side I wont get stuck on the way back." Bright thought to himself for a moment. Every answer he got answered usually gave birth to another bunch of questions. It is not like there were anything more exciting to do on the road: "Did you just say necromancers? Aren't they like, rising dead people usually? "And if the door on the other side closes, we`d be stuck in the hallway between worlds then?" Bright said, thinking to himself that is was not a comforting thought to be stuck between worlds. "Necromancers do indeed bring the dead back to the life, but this was not their primary goal." She continued. "According to what iv'e read before, Necromancers in Almadora set their sights on ascending their power and becoming a creature known as a lich. These creatures possessed great and terrifying power, but their most frightening feature was their immortality." She placed a hand to her chin, deep in thought. "I can't quite remember the name, but there was once a necromancer whom tried to open a portal to the dark realm in hopes that the shadow lord would give him the power to become a lich. He failed though when the guards caught him, and the portal was only half created. After that the mages of Almadora began to try and look for a way to seal it shut again, but when the shadow lord's son came to our side he showed us how we could use it to our advantage." She smiled. "And it is also because of him that the gate will never close on our side, it is permanently open." Bright thought he could spot the town in the far distance. Meanwhile, the sun had begun setting. If they pushed forward, they would probably be able to reach the town before it got too dark. Gale noticed the sun as Bright had. "It looks like we are close to town now." she said. "I really hope I don't see that bartender again, that creep. And I also hope I don't have to kiss your friend again." She made a disgusted face at the thought. Bright smiled at Gales face at the thought of kissing his friend again: "You probably don't have to kiss him again, but we might have to apologize for getting his horse eaten. It was an accident,but we did lead the horse there." She changed the subject once more to the owner of the horse. "I hope your right. I can compensate the horse, but I he had better not make a move on me again." As they entered town, Bright looked around. The place seemed somewhat more quiet than usual. The people walked nervously about as if there were something that weighed them down. The main road through the city had marks as if something heavy had walked upon it, although what those footprints were had been erased slightly. "I got a bad feeling about this. There's something different, although I can't quite put my finger on it. Let us just hurry over to my friend." Bright said and led the way towards the smithy. Gale looked at the main street as well. Deep down she had a feeling of what might have caused this mess, but she decided to keep her mouth shut. "Well, we best hurry then. Perhaps he can tell us what happened." She looked around again. "Whatever it was, it left more than a physical toll on this place. I can see it in the few people that are still walking around." Bright opened the door to the smith and saw his friend the smith sit by the table. He looked as rugged as ever. Upon seeing Bright arrive, the smith sprung up from his chair, rushed over to Bright and gave him a heavy hug, making him squeak a bit. "Man, am I glad to see you. Do you know how worried I have been?" "Relax, we haven't been gone that long." Bright said when the smith released him. "You`ve been gone for over a week. Some days ago this cat lady thing came to town, and a day after that an old man came to town riding a dragon. I don't know where they are now, but they are looking for a man with a hammer and a catlike person with a staff." He gestured over to the table where there was a wanted poster with two pictures on it. Crudely drawn to resemble Bright and Gale. "I don't think you should stick around for too long." "A man riding a dragon?" Gale questioned, though she knew full well the answer. "It must have been that wizard! After he blew up his own artifact and send us into the forest on accident he must have gone on a search." She let out a small laugh, despite the situation. "A hammer. Poor guy still dosen't know that you clocked him in the head with a potion flask Bright." "I do have a hammer Gale, it is just that I haven't found anything that I can use it at yet." Bright said, refering to the hammer he had carried on his back. Not that it had done much, considering they had mostly either ran or talked themselves out of trouble. With her small bit of humor out of the way she looked at the wanted posters. "Where can we go? We can't stay here, at least not at the moment. Though I can't help but wonder what they blame us for, it's not our fault the wizard rode his dragon threw town...That is all he did right? Just come through town looking for us?" The smith looked at Gale, seeming happy that she was okay as well. "It is not like the man and the cat did anything. It is just they had a rather nasty mood and scared the heck out of everyone in town." He took a deep breath: "Look, I am not going to turn you in, but there are certain elements in this town who would not think twice about it. I`ll help you with some supplies, then you can load it up on the horse and get away. Return when everything is back to normal." "Umm..." Gale began, hands folded at her middle and looking away. "...About the horse. You see, we lost it a while back. It...well...ended up getting eaten by this giant lion-boddied, human-headed thing...A Sphinx I think Bright called it?" "It was an accident though, I promise you that!" she added on. "And you will be given a horse as payment by my homeland, I’ll make certain of that!" "Aw..." The smith said, seeming a bit hurt. "I really liked that horse." He shook his head slightly: "Seems from your description that it was the same thing that wandered through our town not too long ago. But if I have your word you`ll get me a new one, it is okay, I guess..." He seemed to think of something for a moment before he came up: "Okay, you`ll just have to deal with having supplies without a horse. I doubt anyone else in this town will lend you one. Give me a moment and I can find something for you." The smith went out of the room to search for something. Meanwhile Bright leaned over to Gale and whispered: "It is not the monetary value that makes him sad, he is just fond of animals." Gale's ears fell. "I know what that's like." she whispered to Bright as she waited along with him for his friend to gather supplies. "What a moment!" she burst out suddenly. "You said that the thing I described wandered through town not long ago! Do you mean to say that the Sphinx came through here too?" The smith came back into the room again with what appeared to be a bag of dried and canned food. "The sphinx? Is that what that cat lady is called? Yeah, she came through, looking for someone like you, drunk up all the stuff in the tavern before she flew off in a rather unelegant way. She might have scared off all the horses in the area too I guess." He put the bag on the table. His eyes looked upwards as if he was thinking of what else the two might need. "The two are probably out searching through other villages and towns in the area, but they might return sooner or later and it probably won't be good if you two are around." The smith gestured towards the bag: "Anyways, here's the food I can spare. Is there anything else you need?" Bright looked towards Gale: "Is there anything else we might need?" "No, there is nothing else we need." Gale said half-heartedly. She looked down in an unknown frustration, though she did well to conceal her full emotions. "Where should we head then Bright?" She asked. "Towns seem to be out of the question, if they are searching there too." Bright thought about it for a moment: "Shouldn't we head for that 'door' of yours so we can deliver that shiny thing for your people? You are the only one who knows where that is." "Well yes, I could do that." Gale began, looking down at the ground. "I have the necklace for them to examine and learn the magical properties of, but..." she started to hesitate. "All this chaos started because I came here in the first place. I can't just leave and let the problems remain, especially since you're head is on the chopping block too Bright, they want both of us." She looked up, a fire burned in her eyes. "I have to fight back and end all this...somehow. I have to undo the problems I've caused!" Bright looked a bit nervous about the subject, either purposely fight a shadow lord or something like that, or find the sphinx and the wizard. "Welll, if you feel that the kingdom of yours can wait a little bit longer, I guess we could seek those two out." The smith looked at the two, pondering himself what they were up to: "Well, whatever you chose to do, it is your decision. I don't know where the two of them went, I don't even think they travel together. But if you go by the towns, there's one by the forest to the northwest, and one by the lake by the southwest." Bright took forth the map and put it on the table, seeing how the towns were placed. "Well, Gale, where do you think we should try our luck?" Gale took a good look at the map. "We came from the forest to here," she began, "and I certainly didn't see any sign of something huge walking through, even if we were nowhere near the village we should have seen something I think." "I say we head to the lakeside town first. With the lake it should also provide to be a cooler trip, so we wont have to brace the desert or the humidity of the forest with all the gear we are going to bring." "And if that isn't enough," she added, "It will also put us a farther distance from that gold-eating creature also. That will be one less foe to contend with, because i'm certain that she has noticed my staff missing from her stash by now." Bright thought to himself that they could have flown, although it probably wasn't so important. "Now that you mention it, the lakeside town could be closer anyway." Bright looked at Gale again: "Let's see," He pointed at the map, "This map is a bit old, and I have not been to the town myself, but I know there's a road west which then branches out. We should be able to get to the town just by following that road." He nodded to his friend the smith: "Alright, we`ll be going now. We will come back sometime to repay you." The smith grinned a bit: "Just come back whole and alive. That's all I can ask." 1. The isle in the middle of the lake Description of the town: Its buildings are made of thick wood and the windows on the houses are small, unless they are in the second floor. The roads in the town are paved with cobblestones. Although the town looks like it has been living off fishing, all the fishing boats seems to be in drydock. There's not a single one out in the lake. A few fields can be seen outside of town where farmers work hard to make a living upon ground that looks a bit too harsh for farming. The lake is fairly big, whereas a small isle rests in the middle of it, covered by many trees. As the two of them walked towards the sea side town, there was a small area of trees along the way which had all of the trees broken, or ripped out by the root. The area looked rather flattened as if something heavy had crashed down. A smaller part of the area looked scorched, and in the middle of the scorched area was a horseskull along with some other bones. "I think we are on the right way." Bright commented upon what he saw, bowing down to take a look at the skull. "And appearantly someone is not taking their liquor well." Bright looked over to Gale: "Say Gale, if we are wanted, should we perhaps disguise ourselves?" He pointed at her cat-ears and tail: "You are the only around with these afterall." Before arriving at the town gate, Gale had managed to stay quiet and quite emotionless with the sights seen along the way, obvious signs of the wizard's dragon. It wasn't until he pointed out her obvious look that could give her away that she even spoke. "True, I do stand out like a sore thumb." she admitted, looking herself over. "Luckily I still have a few tricks up my sleeve," Touching the tip of her staff to her open hand she conjured a small watch-like bracelet, a simple band of cloth with a round stone talisman attached. Placing it around her wrist, she turned the stone like a dial slightly, resulting in a small 'click'. Suddenly, her body was shrouded in a small layer of light. Her tail receded into her waist and her ears sank down into her head. Once gone, the light faded and revealed a black-haired, silky-skinned woman. Her yellow eye had become green to match the other. "This is a disguise I keep with me in case of situations like this." she told Bright as she admired her new form. "Just one more small thing to take care of." Stabbing her staff into the earth, she took her powers to the metal rod and began to morph it the same way she did her body. Once finished, it looked like a simple, wooden walking stick. "And that's all I can do." Gale said through a smile as she took the stick up. "Can't do much about clothing though." "I doubt that anyone will recognize you now." Bright said with a smile, obviously impressed over Gales disguise. "How do you do that? Do you make it with an illusion or is it an actual change?" Bright had no such spells handy, so he just pulled out a red bandana from his backpack which he tied around his head, covering his blonde hair. "There`s something about this town that bugs me." Bright said and pointed towards the lake: "If it is a fishing town, why are there no boats in the lake?" Gale held her chin as she pondered Bright's question. "If I had a guess, id have to say it has something to do with the footprints and the horse skeleton we say earlier." "Question is," she continued, "who is it? Could be the dragon's work, that wizard might be foolish but I doubt he's merciful. Or it could easly be the sphinx, whom we already know has made a meal of a horse." "Oh, and something I should have mentioned before!" Gale spoke up suddenly. "I can't use magic in this form. Doing so would disrupt the cloaking device and give me away." "Let us hope you won't have to use magic then. Although if it is an emergency, don't hesitate." He replied. "If they have gone through here, they don't seem to have made any destruction yet." Bright said as they walked through the town. "They don't seem like the ones that could easily hide themselves..." He put a finger on his chin, looking upwards as if he was thinking. "Let us ask around in the local tavern. Perhaps they can give us some information." Soon they stood before a tavern named the fishermans daughter, displaying a rather well endowed woman on the sign. "Classy." Bright said with a smirk on his face. Gale glared at the sign. "Typical." she spat. "Can't go to a single tavern without something that incriminates women." "Well, lets get this over with." She motioned Bright to lead the way. "It says a bit of the tavern owner and the customers they are branching out to perhaps?" Bright said as he opened the door to the tavern and held it open for Gale. He did not want to say anything about the sign, he kinda liked it himself. The tavern was quite empty, most chairs were on top of their tables. It was rather dark as well, only lit up by a single lantern hanging over the bar. It smelled faintly of fish and alcohol. The barkeeper was big, but not fat. Something akin to the shape of a barrel. He had a scruffy moustache and really bushy eyebrows. His brown hair was cut fashionably short. He seemed busy cleaning up a couple of beer mugs. He barely lifted an eyebrow as Bright and Gale entered: "I`m sorry guys, but we're not really open. Come back when the sun sets." Bright coughed slightly: "We're not looking for something to drink. We are looking for information." The barkeeper put down the beer mug: "Alright, ask me questions, and I`ll answer as good as I can." He said with a voice that could be interpeted as friendly. "Thank you." Gale answered as the bartender said he would help. "For starters, can you tell us what is going on in this town? It's very quiet here, and we haven't seen a soul besides yourself since we got here." The barkeeper looked at the two: "Oh I see, you haven't been in this town before." He pointed at the wall: "Well, usually people are either out in the fields or inside their houses. That is not all however, you`ve probably noticed the towns unusual architecture?" Bright nodded, then the barkeeper continued: "Whenever there`s a mermaid season, they have a tendency to flood the town." Bright looked at Gale before he looked back at the barkeeper with a questioning look: "How?" The barkeeper sighed in a frustrated fashion: "I don't know, I am not a mermaid. Call it magic or something like that." "You haven't seen something like a sphinx or a dragon fly by lately?" Brigh asked, attempting to be unsuspicious. He failed terribly. The barkeeper looked at him for a few seconds before he finally replied: "Something big flew by and crashed down on the isle a couple of days ago. I have no idea what it was." Bright looked over at Gale, pondering upon whether she had any questions to ask. "I have one more question." Gale told the bartender. "Have you heard of any fugitives running about? One of them being a cat-like person?" She was curious to know if news of them had gone out this far yet. The barkeeper looked at Gale, put a finger on his chin while looking as if he was thinking hard. "I can't say I have. Is it something I should have heard about?" "Oh no, its just a hyped superstition going on that these two are behind some odd occurrences that have happened recently." Gale told him. Hopefully she could persuade him that the rumors were untrue, that way he could persuade others and help to clear their name slowly. "I think they are trying to help end what's going on, but some people think otherwise. If you happen to see them, don't let the rumor oversee your judgement...that is if the rumor even comes down this far, It might not." She bowed politely "Thank you kindly for the information." "Rumours you say? And what kinda odd occurences would that be?" The barkeeper said with a somewhat of a grin, folding his fingers as he looked upon the two of them. "Like dancing trees and disappearing rainbows. Thanks for the information." Bright said quickly and walked out, leaving the barkeeper in confusion. He hoped that Gale would follow as he had a feeling that the barkeeper was one of those types that sold information for money. Gale followed Bright outside, blushing at her foolish comment. "I can't believe I said that." she griped when they were out of the bartender's earshot. "If anything I think I gave him suspicion to us. Ugh, I'm so foolish." Turning to Bright, Gale allowed the info they did receive to float around in her head again. "So what now? He only thinks he heard something large, and the people here are hiding from...mermaids. People who are half fish and half human...I find that unlikely, but iv'e seen stranger things in my line of work." She let loose a small laugh: "So, any ideas as to what to do next?" Bright sighed: "Well, at least he has only suspicion, he has no facts. And neither of us looks like a cat-like person." He pointed at himself and Gale respectively. "As for the mermaids, you're a catperson chasing down a sphinx and a wizard riding a dragon. I don't think we are to determine what sounds unlikely or not." He said with a bit of a laugh. He coughed a bit and pointed out the isle in the lake: "Anyway, the barkeeper said something landed out there on the isle. If you still want to find the sphinx, or the dragon, I am not sure which is there, perhaps we should find a boat? "Yes, lets find a boat and take it out there." Gale replied. "A small one if possible, I really don't want to drag others into this if I don't have to. Plus, if anything comes up, like mermaids, then on a small boat I could take off my disguise and defend without being noticed." "Let us take a look at the docks then." Bright said and led the way towards the lake, assming that he would find some boats there. Although there were no boats in the lake, quite many were pulled up on the beach. They ranged in sizes, from big to a small rowboat. Among the lot of them there was an old fellow who sat by the beach and tended to a net, fixing it for all its holes. "Any idea how we are going to pay for a boat?" Bright asked Gale as they got closer. He thought he could have paid with a potion, but that required someone who actually wanted one. Gale sighed. "Well, perhaps we can get lucky and get him to take us out of the goodness of his heart?" She shrugged as she said this. "I honestly don't know what to do here. I don't have anything to pay him with, and I can guess that you don't have much of anything either." She looked again to the boats and sighed again. "Good thing my future husband isn't here." she commented. "He would just upright steal a boat, then give it back later when he was done using it. He is really brash, that one." "What is he doing since he couldn't come?" Bright asked curiously. "He is one of the people in-charge of home defense back in Almadora." Gale answered. "Chances are that even now he is doing something important near the capital. That's why I was sent to do this alone." Bright took a look at Gale and then at the old man: "Okay, let's just ask nicely and see how it goes." Bright said to Gale before approaching the old man sitting with the nets. "Uhm, excuse me? Hello?" Bright said as he walked closer. The old man turned his head and spoke with a heavy accent. It could be because his mouth seemed to lack quite the number of teeth. "Aye, what can I help ya young'uns with?" Bright spent a moment trying to understand what the old man said before he replied: "We need to borrow one of your boats." The old man looked at Bright, over towards Gale, then back at Bright again before he broke out in laughter: "Yeah, alright, if you wanna carry it with ya, then be ma guest." He gestured towards a rowboat that laid at the beach with both its oars within. "It's worthless in this season." "Summer?" Bright asked with a confused look on his face. "Mermaid season, ya daft twat. They be nasty and lurkin' beneath the water surface." He urged at Bright to come closer whereas he said in a lower voice, but still loud enough for Gale to hear. "Do yourself a favor boy, don't go out there in the water with the boat just because you want some alone time. Or at least don't take your girlfriend along. It be a pity to see her be taken under the water." Bright became a bit more red in his face, looked towards Gale, which did not help at all. He needed to focus. "So...we can borrow the boat then?" "Have ye not been listening?!" The old man exclamated, "It is dangerous out there." He mumbled something beneath his breath, sounding something like: "stupid young'uns." Bright looked over to Gale, although with a slightly worried expression on his face: "I think we can borrow the boat." After the conversation with the old man, she kindly thanked him before helping Bright lug one of the row boats into the water. "Well, at least he didn't try to make me kiss him." She pointed out. "Still, I can't help but find it funny that he thought you and I were dating. Nothing against you personally, of course. You're a fine person." She got into the boat. "Ready to shove off whenever you are." Bright thought it was a bit strange that Gale was on a mission like this alone, but he did not say anything about it. He felt glad that Gales boyfriend were not here, although a slight feeling of guilt was there at the same time. He shoook his head to get the thoughts out. "A girl and a guy walking together, probably a normal assumption." Bright said and pushed the boat into the water. When it had reached a certain point, he got himself into the boat. "Alright, grab an oar. We gotta row to get this boat forward. Ever rowed before?" He took an oar and handed one to Gale. "Of course, it couldn't be simpler." Gale answered Bright, sitting and picking up one of the oars. She placed one end into the water and awaited Bright to do the same. "Ill switch back into my normal form when we get to the island." she added on. "By then we should be far out of view of the town back there." Bright did the same as Gale and soon they were both rowing, getting the boat in motion. As they were around halfway there, it seemed to Bright that the lake was far bigger than he had originally thought. Pulling the oar through the water got harder and harder, was he that out of shape? He raised the oar with the strength he could muster, realizing that the water stuck to it like syrup. "Magic!" He exclaimed and realized he could hear something akin to a girls giggling. It wasn't Gale, but someone he could not see. "This is not good!" Gale shouted. Quickly she snapped her fingers and her disguise vanished, returning her to her former self. "Make sure your not touching the water!" she ordered Bright, hovering a hand over the thick water. Her hand began to let off sparks of electrical energy. "This water's physical density might be increased, but it is still water and will conduct electricity!" A bolt shot from her hand and into the water below. An inhuman shriek could be heard and the water returned to its normal density. Bright could not see if Gale had hit anything, but she had certainly scared it off. "That was interesting. Quick, let's get rowing again." Bright said and put the oar down into the water again. They had not come far before the area became foggy. And rather quickly too at that. Soon they would no longer be able to see the isle before them. "Someone is up to something again." He muttered beneath his breath. They would be able to hear a smooth female voice. It had a friendly tune in it, and sounded almost hypnotic: "Come into the water. It is warm." A second one, just as smooth as the first: "Come, swim with us." Bright thought he saw something within the mist, it looked like the shadow of a woman. "This is even foolish than their last attempt." Gale scoffed, standing up in the boat to properly aim at the woman's shadow with her staff. "This is your one and only warning!" She shouted out to her. "You mermaids clear this fog and leave us be, or there will be consequences! The bolt I shot into the water earlier was but a small portion of what I can really do!" Bright stopped rowing as to not distract Gale if she was about to shoot something. It did not seem like the mermaids seemed particularly frightened about Gales threat as the only thing that could be heard was a giggle. "They don't seem particularly worried." Bright mumbled. "Have it your way!" Gale yelled, firing off her attack at the shadow. It was a swift attack and would take next to a miracle to avoid, and her accuracy was excellent as usual. Bright was not sure if Gale had hit or not, but it seemed like it. Where the bolt had travelled, there were no fog, and the shadow within fog seemed to disperse into nothingness. "Nice shot, I think you managed to hit her." Bright said and tried to peer into the fog. The fog eventually vanished, making it clear that the two of them had managed to get a little bit closer to the isle. There were no sight of anything wounded or dead however. There were a shriek coming from one point, then another and a third. It increased in frequency and intensity and it became quite painful to listen to. A splash of water could be seen at the left of the boat, then at the right. A sight of a scaled tail passed by quickly. "Oh crap, I see what they are trying to do." Bright said and pointed as the mermaids swam around the boat in circles, creating a whirlpool that slowly increased in size. Then suddenly a loud angry voice could be heard from within the forest on the isle which scared up at least one flock of birds: "Keep the noise down!" Gale had covered her ears when the shrieking began, more hypersensitive to it than Bright due to her nature. But when the voice came from the island ahead of them she couldn't help but listen to it. "That voice...I think that's the Sphinx!" Gale shouted, trying to make her voice louder than the mermaids. Aiming her staff to the sky, she began to channel one more spell to stop them. "Bright!" she bellowed, "Hit the deck!" Seconds later, a bolt of electricity flew from the tip of Gale's staff and pierced the clouds, sending down countless other bolts hurling down towards them and into the water in quick, merciless succession. Bright quickly went down on all four to avoid getting hit by anything that Gale conjured. The smell of fried fish soon got in the air and whirlpool died down. "They are..." Bright said and looked down on as a scaly humanoid hand had punched straight through the wooden planks of the boat. "...persistent." The hand pulled back, leaving a hole where water poured in. "Oh you gotta be kidding me." At the same time, a big shadow passed over the boat and when Bright took a look up, he could recognize something big and furry. It was the sphinx, and one of the wings got singed by a stroke of lightning whereas she crashed down into the water, creating a big wave that came towards them. "As if the mermaids weren't enough..." He thought to himself and held on to the boat as it got swept up by the wave and carried along towards the isle in good speed. "This is not good!" Gale panicked as the boat surged towards the shore, trying terribly to grab onto the slippery boat for support. As they grew closer it became evident that they were going TOO fast, they were going to crash. "Brace for impact!" Gale shouted, closing her eyes and awaiting the inevitable. Bright tried desperately to think of something to say, although everything came out as: "AHHHHHH!" As the isle came closer way faster than it should. He closed his eyes as he did not dare keep them open. When he opened them again, and he believed he had lost consciousness during said boattrip, he found himself quite a distance into the isle. He had also been thrown through a thornbush, luckily enough, a tree had stopped him from going any further. A pair of squirrels in said tree was not too happy about it, but he could not care less about that. He mumbled something rather nasty and got back up on his legs, feeling how his whole body ached. "Gale?" He called out with a low voice at first, but a bit louder a second time. "I'm...here." Gale mumbled, standing up nearby him. Gale had managed to land in the thorns also, but was not stopped by a tree. She looked beat up, bleeding cuts ran across her body and her robe was all but a piece of ratty cloth now, barely managing to cover her. She managed to keep a grip on her staff through the whole ordeal. "I can heal our wounds, that shouldn't be an issue. But..." she took a good look at herself. "I'm going to have to find something else to wear, my robe is completely ruined." Bright looked down on his own clothes. They had a bunch of rifts in them as well, but they were probably made out of tougher material than Gales robe. He yanked out a thorn and looked at Gale. He did not mind her being less clothed, but he did not want to say it either. It still showed in his face as he was slightly red. "Eh...I`ll help you look for something. You could borrow my shirt if you want to." Gale sighed. "No, no that's fine, keep your shirt." She started to the deeper part of the woods. "Ill find some materials and make some makeshift cloths with whats left of this thing." She pointed at the tatters that covered her now. "It won't be perfect, but it will be enough for now. Why don't you start working on a shelter? Our priority is to build a new boat, but it won't be a one day process. I’ll help you out once I'm finished." With this said she wandered off into the woods to make new clothes. "Alright Gale, I`ll see what I can do." Bright said and headed towards the beach. Perhaps he would be able to find some pieces of the boat he could use. The alternative was to chop down a tree with his hammer and that could be a rather lengthy process. As he came closer to the beach, he noticed a couple of mermaids having been washed up on the shore as well. With long blonde hair and perky breasts, they were pretty alluring, although with their long scaly tails, they were just like fish out of water. Not that they had any trouble breathing however, still they tried their best to crawl back into the lake. Then something big came out of the water, it was the sphinx. Bright immediately hid behind a tree and watched as Riletia (which was the sphinx name) came out of the water, clawing herself to the beach and climbed out of water. Her long black hair was laying straight down soaking wet and her fur just as much. A part of her left wing was burnt and she had a wound at her front paw and on her side. She spat out some water and approached the couple of mermaids, stopping their descent into the water with her paws. "Where do you think you are going? Look what you did to my wing, and to my hair! You loud-mouthed sardines." There was a small moment with Riletia pondered her next move. She eventually settled for some sushi, grabbing the mermaids by their tails and lowering each one into her mouth and swallowing. Bright looked in horror as a bulge travelled down her throat for each mermaid and eventually made her belly become slightly lower to the ground. A little bit of movement could be spotted within. The sphinx yawned a bit and sprawled out on the beach to let the sun dry her up. For a second Bright thought she was kinda cute doing that, but he decided to head back into the forest to see if he could find Gale and warn her. Once within the forest, Gale would be able to spot a rather ruined building. It was built of wood, but there were stone structures around it that were quite old. It seemed as if there were years since last time someone had been there, considering how tall the grass were around the building. There were no sounds of birds or anything of the like around it however, making it a rather eerie silence. "What a peculiar building." Gale pondered, looking upon the wooden ruins. "Whoever lived there must have been quite the loner, doesn't look like there are any other buildings on this island." Under one of her arms she held a collection of large, green leaves and small vines that she had picked off of various plants. She was intending to use them and what remained of her robe to throw together a bikini, one that she hoped wouldn't be too revealing. Sitting down against a tree so that she had a clear view of the building, she began to tinker with some of the leaves and cloth bits from the lower parts of her robe. Bright moved through the woods as quiet as he could be (which was not particularly quiet, but at least he tried.) as he did not want to wake up the sleeping sphinx on the beach. He did not even dare call out Gales name, although he kept an eye out for her. He was certain she had moved in this direction, but he could not see her anywhere. Thanks to a bit of help from her magic, Gale quickly managed to make a sturdy bikini top and bottom out of the plant matter, using her old cloth as lining to make it comfortable and to latch it all together. All that was left was to put it on. With a sigh she carefully looked around to see if Bright was anywhere nearby. Not seeing him she quickly discarded what was left of the cloth hanging on her body. "I better make this quick." She whispered to herself, quickly sliding on the bottom half of her new suit. Bright came rushing out of the bushes not far from Gale. He did not notice she was naked at first, whereas he bursted out: "Gale, we got a problem, the sphinx came out of the water and she looked absolutely..." his words trailed off as he saw that Gale was not properly dressed yet: "...furious." He was not sure what to do, so he turned around quickly, facing his back at Gale. "What the hell!" Gale shouted, quickly covering her chest with her arms and dashing behind a tree. She put her top on hidden from site and popped back out from behind the tree fully clothed in the bikini of leaves she had made. "Dammit Bright!" She shouted, her tail flicking behind her. "I thought you were elsewhere! Damn near gave me a heart attack!" She sighed. "I'm sorry Bright, but I don't like people seeing me naked. It terrifies me to no end. That aside, what was it you were saying?" "Sorry, my bad." He raised his hands in defense as he turned towards Gale again. Her new leaf bikini was quite interesting, but Bright tried to remember that they had more pressing matters at hand: "Well, I was elsewhere to begin with, but the Sphinx popped out of nowhere and then I had to go somewhere." He shook his head a bit to clear his thoughts as seeing Gale naked had shook them up a bit. "What I mean is. The Sphinx came out of the water and looked really angry. Then she ate two mermaids that were on the beach before she went to sleep." He paused to take a breath. "Anyway, I didn't want to take my chances with her so I came here. I didn't meant to intrude on you." "It's fine Bright." She smiled. "It was an accident as all." Her smile became serious once more. "Well, if the sphinx is angry than it might be a good time to hide ourselves for the time being. Luckily for both of us I found this building while making my new attire." She stepped to the side to reveal the old wooden building. "Its not perfect, but it will be easy for us to move into." "And hey, look at on the other hand. If she is eating the mermaids then they will be less of a problem. That's good isn't it?" She picked up her staff and took another look at the surroundings. "She seemed to be angry at the mermaids though. I think she believes they were responsible for shooting her with lightning. I mean, she never saw you use your magical powers to attack." Bright looked towards the building when Gale mentioned it. It looked rather rundown and had probably seen better days. "Say, now that you mention it, that building was on my map as well. Do you think that means anything?" The surroundings did not reveal anything else. Well, except for some snoring in the direction of the beach. "I'ts fortunate that she thinks they did it, that should prevent us from getting another enemy behind out backs." Gale pondered for a moment. If the building was on the map Bright possessed that it must have some sort of significance. "It could mean something, or perhaps it meant something long ago? The map could be out of date a few years, because I see nothing of interest in this building in its current state." "Well, shall we take a look inside?" "Well, the map is fairly old, so it is a good chance it might be outdated yes." Bright said and nodded in agreement. "But lets take a look inside anyway." He waded through the tall grass as he walked over to the house, taking a peek through the windows as he got close. They were probably meant to hold glass once upon a time, but time had taken its toll and the glass were gone. He walked over to the door, put his hand on the handle and the whole door just fell off the hinges towards him. He had an apolegitic look on his face as if he was saying: "That wasn't me." The inside of the building looked just as rundown as the outside. The walls seperating the different rooms were practically not there anymore, and a family of mice appearead to be having a feast on one of the old bedsheets that had come from what had once been the bedroom. A hole in the roof allowed the light to shine through, putting some light onto a metal-like door in the floor. It had probably been covered by a carpet back in the day, but the before mentioned mice had taken care of that. "If we are going to sleep inside this house, I hope it doesn't rain." Bright mentioned as he looked up at the hole in the roof. It was more hole than roof anyway. "Well, at least there are walls." Gale shrugged. She bent down to take a closer look at the metal door. "If we can get this open, we should have better cover." She began to tug at the door. "And hopefully cleaner. I hate mice." The door was rusted shut from years of weather, but since there were no holes in the floor it was quite possible that the inside would be in near perfect condition. "This thing isn't gonna give easily, lend me a hand Bright. "I wonder whats behind this metal door." Bright said and leant down to help Gale. He was not able to budge it at all. He felt with his hand at the edge of the metal door. "Rust. Lots of rust. I think I might have somehing that can solve that." He looked through his pocket and belt and eventually found a flask involving some yellow liquid. After opening it, he let loose some drops on the rusted parts. "Lets try again." He said and with a great pull the door went open, revealing a stairway that seemed to go far down into the darkness. "Let's take a look," Gale began, conjuring an orb of light. "Could be some supplies we might need down there." She quickly hurried down the steps, knowing that Bright would follow. Bright entered quickly after Gale and looked around to see what he could peer through the darkness. It took a little bit for his eyes to readjust to the dark cellar, but they eventually managed to. They had gone down into a hallway. It was quite broad so Gale and Bright could stand side by side. In said hallway were 5 stone doors. One at the end of the hallway and two on each wall. "So, which door do you want to check out first?" Bright asked Gale and tried to look at one of the stone doors. Whatever was written on it had been erased by a long time ago. "Um..." Gale began, looking at each door carefully while she stroked her chin. "This one looks like it had writing on it at one point." she said, pointing to the door Bright had recently admired. "Why not start with this one?" Walking over to it, she took a closer look at the sturdy door. "Doesn't appear to be locked or stuck shut, and the hinges are on the outside, so it can't be blocked from the inside. Looks like getting in should be a snap." Bright looked carefully over the door and found an edge he could get ahold with his fingers. "Give me some help here." After some pulling the door came open, revealing a square shaped room. Several boxes and casks were placed within. The room was a lot colder than the hallway, and smelled somewhat of rotten food. "You don't suppose this was a store room for whoever lived here before?" Bright asked and covered his nose with his hand. Gale had to quickly cover her nostrils when the door opened. Being a neko, her sense of smell was somewhat higher than most peoples, but this turned out to be bad in this situation. "I don't know what else it could be." Gale said through tearing eyes. "Quick, shut the door! Let's look in another one, we can check this one later!" Bright put his weight on it and pushed the door shut once more. "I doubt there is anything usefull for us in there. Maybe if we had come twenty years earlier or something." He took a look at the door on the opposite wall. "Alright, let us check this one instead then." 1. The man who didn’t die With a little bit of grunting, he pulled the door open, revealing a room that had various weapons and armors. Unfortunately it seemed as if they were rusty and brittle. If any of it had been magic, it had vanished a long time ago. There seemed to be some green moss growing on the wall, and some mushrooms had taken place on the floor. "I don't think there is anything of interest in here either." "An armory?" Gale questioned. Though the armor and weapons were rusted to the point of uselessness, she found their presence fascinating. "There is the remnants of food in one room, and this room is an armory. An armory, out in the middle of a presumably deserted island. Dose that seem odd to you too Bright?" Walking out of the room, she looked at still another door. "Two down, three to go." She pondered. Which one should we look into next Bright?" "Maybe whoever had this house prepared for something? Or maybe he had a lot of men? I have no idea." Bright said and walked out of the room. He did not bother to close the door. Those doors were quite heavy after all. "Okay, what about the second right wall door then?" He said and walked towards and pulled it open. It was just as heavy as the others. The room had once been the place for various shelves of books. Some shelves seemed to have some flasks of some kind. A lone table stood by the wall. It looked rather discolored and pieces of broken glass were spread around the room. Most of the books seemed rather affected by mold, others seemed to have been meals for mice. "An alchemy room perhaps?" Bright suggested with a shrug of his shoulders and proceeded to open the second door on the left side. The room was empty except for a stone pedestal which also were empty. There were some engravings on the wall however, although Bright was unable to see what they were in the dark. Gale allowed her illuminating orb to fly into the room with the pedestal. "Armor, Alchemy, a large supply of provisions, and...whatever this is?" She took a closer look at the pedestal. "I think that more than one person lived here. Perhaps this was some kind of outpost for a small army?" She waited patently for Bright to take a look at the engravings. Bright took a look at the engravings in turn. They were made rather simple, but looked quite clear. The first picture showed a tall man surrounded by lesser men. The second showed a collection of men on the left, facing a giant black hand that came out of a crack in space. The third showed a catlike person who appeared to be carrying some sort of talisman or necklace. The fourth picture showed the hand disappearing and the crack vanishing. The fifth picture showed the catperson looking to the left while a hand with a knife was on the right. The sixth picture showed the tall man holding the talisman while surrounded by many more smaller men. The seventh picture showed the man being hit by lightning. The eight picture was him and his men surrounded by a sphinx, a wizard, a mermaid and some other creatures. The last picture showed the man sitting in a chair alone whereas many men laid dead by his feet. His face looked quite similar to a skull. Bright looked back at Gale: "I think you are right." Gale moved her hand against the rough surface of the symbols, stopping over the face of the cat person. "Is this...some kind of prophecy? Could this...be me?" She questioned as she continued to ponder what she was seeing. "What could this all mean? I mean, if this is in fact some kind of prophecy. If this is me...The hand might represent the portal I used to get to this world, and the necklace..." she pulled the pendant from her pocket and dangled it before her face. "...could mean this thing." she quickly returned it to her pocket. "But what of the rest of it? This one here, with the knife...dose this mean that my life is in danger? The ones after this one make no sense to me at all." She paused for a moment to pull everything in. "What is this place? What is all this about?" Bright thought about it for a moment. "What if it isn't a prophecy? Maybe it is just the retelling of the past? It does look like the cat person is wearing different robes than you." "If the necklace was originally from your world, something must have happened that made it appear in this world." He looked at Gale: "You might not be the first of your kind to come here." Gale nodded. "Maybe...but it would have to have happened a long time ago, since there is no neko under the shadow lords hand and we had only gained access to the dark realm gateway within the past two years..." She took a moment to feel the face of the depicted neko. "Whoever this is looks so familiar...But I can't quite put my finger on it." Putting the thoughts aside, she walked away from the carvings. "Let's check out the last room before we look here any more. Could me some more clues as to what this place in there." "Alright. Lets check out the last room then." Bright said and walked over to the last door. With a grunt he pushed the door open. With the door open, light shone into the last room. It was bigger than the others, and the light barely reached into it. Within there was a throne and upon the throne sat a figure clothed in red robes. It was skeletal in shape and there was an aura of ominous dread around it. With a whimpered, Gale moved her head away from the door. "I saw it move!" She exclaimed. Within a brief moment her professional attitude vanished, replaced with could be described as childish fear. "I...I'm sorry Bright." She mumbled. "I've never been quite brave around the dead and decaying, not since I first learned about necromancers...needless to say, I learned the hard way what they can do when I first became a mage." Leaning against the wall, she took another quick peak inside. "Between the crown and the throne, I think he is...was royalty. But of what? There is not much on this island to rule." He looked back at the fellow. "He could just have proclaimed self king of the isle. I don't know." There was a small sound of wind blowing. Bright looked inside the room once. The fellow seemed rather dead and non-moving. "You sure it wasn't some trick of light?" He said and looked back at Gale. "You`ve fought necromancers?" "It's a bit of a long story, concerning the necromancers." Gale tried to change the subject. She knew she would have to respond to the man on the throne eventually, but she did well to avoid it. "But in short, it was the first time I ever witnessed the living dead...it wasn't a pleasant sight, watching those terrible things skulking around, those abominations made of sewn flesh...iv'e been terrified ever since of them." What had originally been a small sound of wind now began picking up speed, the sound being much clearer. "Is...it...you...cat? Have...you...come...to...free...me...or...taunt...me?" The voice originated from the dead king. It was as chilling as the grave, each word pausing as if he had forgotten how to speak. "If it was a trick of the light before..." Gale trembled. "That c-certainly wasn't." The voice was undeniable, some way or another the corpse had begun to talk. Shaking, Gale managed to peek into the room again. "I-I don't know what y-you mean I'm a-afraid." She stuttered back. "I d-don't know who you are." "Then you shall pay for awakening me!" The voice became louder as the corpse arose from his throne. "Heed my call men, we shall walk again!" He made some strange gestures with his hands and the feeling of magic filled the air. Not the kind of magic Gale had performed earlier, but a much darker one. A "boom" could be heard as the doors Bright had locked earlier slammed open. The sounds of barrels and armor moving could be heard as the items from each room were dragged towards the throne room. "Damn." Bright mumbled to himself. "Gale, get away from the doors!" Gale did not hesitate to move when the man in the throne began to use dark magic. Aiming towards the door back to the house, She kept looking back to see what kind of chaos was unfolding. "Come on Bright!" She shouted. "We need to get out of here and seal the door before any of them get out!" It was almost scary how he disposition changed so suddenly. A serious, dedicated mage reduced to running away at the sight of the undead. Would Bright judge her differently now because of her cowardice? This thought among others surged through her head as she arrived at the exit. Bright ran towards the door as well, carefully dodging things that flew above his head. He barely avoided a flying sword before he finally arrived at the stairs. A look back at the throne room revealed a bunch of armored soldiers that were marching towards them. Gale could have fought back, she could have helped Bright through the hatch and welded it shut to seal these walking dead off, she could have done so much, yet all she could muster herself to do was cover her eyes and mutter underneath her breath as the soldiers lumbered forward. "Go away...go away..." She kept chanting to herself, holding her head between her hands like a vice as her body shivered. Paralyzed by an odd fear, she couldn't even find it in herself to look away. Bright did not have much time to wonder about what Gale was doing, but he came to the conclusion that it was not helping the situation much. He pushed the hatchet back in place before he grabbed Gale by the arm and dragged her along. "This probably won't stop them for long. Hurry!" He exclaimed as he dragged Gale around until they had gotten into the forest. From the direction of the old house, they could hear the sound of a boom, whereas seconds later the hatchet landed a few meters away from where Gale and Bright stood. Bright looked at Gale, prepared to shake if she did not come to her senses: "Gale, we need ideas, or a way out of here. Do you have any?" "Ideas...yes...we need them...undead...heh..." Gale blabbered in delirium. She quickly shook her head, trying hard to bring herself back to reality. "I need...an idea..." She repeated, holding her head and looking around. Bright looked genuinely worried when he looked at Gale. Having a delirious mage by ones side does no exactly make one feel calm. "There is a lot of sand around here." She mentioned, looking up and seeing the approaching soldiers. Without a moment of thought she took her staff in hand and swiped it's blunt end through the sand, causing it to blow upwards and towards them with a powerful gust of wind and encircle them in a vortex. "And now, to finish it up! Stand back Bright!" He was quick to take some steps back when Gale performed her spell. The undead within looked confused (They did not have any face to show it with, but there were something with how they stood). Or maybe it was just something Bright assumed. With a powerful glow, a circle of fire began to encircle her as she channeled her next spell. From the palms of her hands shot forth a large column of fire that engulfed the vortex of sand and caused it to glow bright with great power. When all had subsided, the soldiers were imbedded in a prison of glass. Gale panted from the task she had just preformed, obviously weakened from it. "I dont know if that will be a perminant seal, but it will last us long enough to figure out what is going on." "I think we woke up something we shouldn't have Gale." Bright said with a worried voice, looking around to see if he could any more of the undead kind around. A large "CLONG" could be heard, the isle shook slightly and cracks began to form in the glass prison. "I think we have to get away from this isle." Bright said once more, his eyes looking towards the beach where the sphinx were lying. "Are you suggesting that we wake the sphinx?" Gale questioned, head flying back and forth between the glass prison and the direction Bright was facing. Once that glass broke Gale knew well that the undead would be free again as well and angry, and that was not a good thing. Biting her upper lip, she pondered the options. "There must be another way, It might be wise to not wake the sphinx." As she said this, a shard of glass shot away from the large mass and lodged itself into a nearby tree, just missing the two of them. "Well, what are we waiting for!" Gale burst out in a sudden change of opinion, "Must not waste time! Lets go see our old friend Riletia shall we?" With a hasty shove she began coaxing Bright to continue running towards the sphinx. Bright did not need much convincing considering that more cracks began to form in that glass prison. Once arriving at the beach, the two of them could see that the sphinx were somewhat awake, washing her paws with her tongue. She did not face the forest, thus Gale and Bright came at Riletia from the rear. There was a faint smell of burned feathers in the air. "Ill try to be subtle." Gale whispered to Bright. "Hopefully she is not TOO pissed at us for whats happened recently." "Oh hi Riletia!" Gale shouted, waving and putting on a rather sheepish smile. "Fancy meeting you here, of all places! So then, how have you been these past few days? Busy I bet, getting over here all the way from your home!" She rubbed the back of her head as she continued to talk, praying in her mind that they didn't need to worry about her on top of everything else that was going on, especially since that 'everything else' involved the undead and the strange shaking of the island. Riletia turned her head around to look at Gale and Bright. "Well, if it is not my little friends. I can't say I expected to see you here." She bowed her head a bit to get closer to their level. "I`ve been looking all over for you." She was showing a smile, but whether it was genuine or forced was hard to see. The whole isle shook violently for a moment before it settled again. The waters in the lake began to show some violent waves. The smile on Riletias face quickly vanished. "Please don't tell me you messed around in the ruins." Gale was relieved to see that Riletia was happy...or rather appeared happy...to see them. The mentioning of these 'ruins' discerned her though, and she soon had a realization of what it is Bright and her might of done. "Ruins you say?" She replied, trying not to make it sound to direct. "Well, we did run into this place farther up the island for what we thought we could use as shelter. But we went deeper into it and started looking around for supplies and stumbled upon this throne and some carvings in a wall and..." She suddenly stopped and dropped to her knees in front of the Sphinx. "Please get us off this island!" She finally begged. "Were being chased by undead soldiers! Please?" Her breathing started to increase. "I can't let them ruin me...not again! I can't relive what happened before!" She wasn't making any sense anymore and now appeared to simply be rambling on. Bright looked over Gale. He was surprised to see her act like that and was unsure whether or not it was an act of hers. It seemed real enough. He decided to follow her example and went on his knees as well. "Please." The sphinx gave out an annoyed sigh and placed her right paw above her face: "Oh for the love of...I should have just eaten you guys when we first met." She mumbled, although the words were quite clear. "I can't believe someone would actually be that..." She was interrupted by another shake of the isle. "You know what, forget it. Do you have the necklace thingy?" Gale ignored the part about eating, she was too paranoid to care. "We didn't know about the ruins, we were just investigating." She pointed out, reaching into her pocket to pull out the necklace. "And yes, we did manage to get this at least." She dangled it as it's red gem core glistened in the sunlight. "We would have been able to get your treasure too, but no sooner did we get this did the wizard attack us. He missed us with one of his spells and blew up some kind of artifact which launched us into a forest." She paused for a moment, pondering what exactly to say next. "Some of the gold came with us, but this large fairy-like creature was eating them of all things. Most of the treasure is still in the tower most likely." The sphinx looked somewhat relieved considering the situation: "Good, you still got it. The rest is not important." She turned around and let loose her wings: "Get on my back. We have to get out of here." Bright pulled Gale back up on her legs and urged for her to climb up on Riletias back. The isle shook once more and it seemed as if it lifted itself up a bit from the water. Gale obediently climbed onto Riletia's back when Bright urged it to her. Her fear-induced panic had begun to subside and her normal senses were returning to her. "What's going on Riletia?" She asked. "How does this necklace and what is going on with the island and the undead all connected? What is happening?" It was obvious that she knew something, or there would be no reason for her to become so hasty when the news had reached her. Something bad was happening, she could tell. Bright climbed on Riletias back after Gale had seated and before he knew it, the sphinx had begun flapping her wings and had taken off. As the sphinx flew higher, one could see that the isle in the middle of the lake was something more than just an isle. It raised itself from the water and became a rather tall tower. "It is a story that goes way back." Riletia said while flying northwards. "It is a rather long story, but to make it short. That 'thing' you woke up is the nastiest wizard that has lived...unlived..." she paused a bit while thinking of the correct term, "existed, in a long time. "He was not that powerful to begin with, but he got hold of a certain artifact, and that is when things began to roll downhill." As they flew across the land they could see a town in the distance. "Certain artifact?" Gale repeated, pulling out the necklace again from her leafy clothes and looking deep into i'ts crystal. "This necklace must be it. But that open's up so many questions. First of all, why was something like this recorded in the tome of ages, where the elders of Almadora first saw it and found a vague description of its location? And what of the carvings, specifically the one of the cat-person? I wouldn't be so finicky about it, except...the hair it had depicted on i'ts head..." She paused for a moment and lost herself for a brief moment. "...I'ts probably just coincidence, but that person depicted in that hieroglyph reminds me of my brother, Xavier." Again she paused. "I never knew my parents, he raised me like I was his daughter even though he was only sixteen at the time, and I only three. He was a bit of a tech guy, always fiddling with little devices and electronics, I think that was his job, but I never asked me and he never told me." She gave a short chuckle. "Back then I didn't even know what kind of potential I had as a mage, nor did I live in Almadora, I was just another kid." Clutching the necklace, she sighed a heavy breath. "Then came that fateful day at the age of nine. I had this pet, just a small goldfish that I won at a carnival a few days before, and I simply adored it. But for some reason it died over night. When my brother confirmed to me that it was infact dead and not 'sleeping' as I hoped it was, I began to cry and then I blanked out. When I woke up..." Gale hesitated with the next part, wondering how to explain it the best. "...The town was nearly reduced to ashes. The only person I could see was my brother, and he was wrapping some things into a sac. He handed me the sac and gave me my staff. He didn't say much, only that I had to head to the next town along a path and never turn back. It took an eternity of persuasion and tears before I finally left on the road, leaving my brother behind." She placed the necklace over her neck for better keeping, seeing no reason to hold it any longer. With a sad look she continued. "I never heard from him again. It was in that new town that I lived in a magic academy for several years honing my newly found magical talent and worked at a bar as a waitress for a while. Opportunity came to me to leave when I met Marcus for the first time, who had gotten there via a similar way I came here." She continued. "It wasn't till much later than I found out what actually happened to the town that my brother and I had originally lived in. When I first heard the reason I was thought it was just a cruel joke and was merely a lie, but as time went on..." She placed a hand over her eyes, rubbing her forehead. "...I should have figured that I couldn't keep it secret for long, not since I had to kill the white phoenix in such a manner...i suppose that I would only have to use it again soon, and there might not be a way to conceal it next time, so I suppose i'ts time I come out with the truth..." Bright listened closely to what Gale had to say. He had no idea she had such a traumatic past. He also had no idea how she had killed the phoenix, but there was a feeling that she harbored more powers than he knew. Also, he noticed that Riletia was flying rather close to the ground. In a few minutes she had landed and were now currently walking in a cornfield. "My wing is a bit..." She mumbled, "...hard to fly with." "That's ok Riletia." Gale responded, interrupting her tale for only a moment. Turning around so that Bright could see her back, Gale cast the tip of her staff over her shoulders. "As I was saying, I think i'ts time to tell you who, or rather what, I am so you don't become afraid later on." On the upper part of her back small segments of fur began to shrink back into the skin, parts of which began to change black. When the changes stopped, three large numbers were clearly visible, the numbers seven, nine, and two. "Specimen seven-hundred and ninety-two, that was my first true name." She turned back around to face Bright once again. "Just one person out of a group of nine-hundred and ninety-nine who were part of this whole ordeal. You see, it goes like this...I am, or rather was, part of an experiment that took place over the course of fifty years conducted by a wise professor. This man had found a way to create powerful, emotionless, and loyal people through a process that involved removal of the being's soul during birth. It was a secret experiment that was conducted by means of collecting the genes of various sources and using them to create artificial fetus's, which were incubated in large glass tanks for several months. I was one of them, and so was my brother, though I think his number is either two or three-hundred below mine." "The project itself was turning into a disaster from the first year from what I heard." Her eyes were glazed over, as if she had lost all emotion when describing the events. "Specimens died either after soul removal or within the first ten years of life, but that man insisted on continuing the project. When valuable workers threatened to leave he tripled their paychecks and they shut up almost immediately. after nine-hundred was reached, only fifty of the subjects were still alive, but appeared to have had no effect from the process and were just normal people. My brother was gifted with special knowledge of the working of the computers and ended up being hired as one of the hands there for a while. It was he who found out that I was forged with similar genes to his, at which point he convinced the higher ups to allow him to take care of me. They really didn't care, to them I was just another failure." Gale sighed heavily. "And then one day my brother came to me and said that we were going to leave that place for good and find a real home. His timing could not have been better, for no more than a week after he left the soul removing device suffered a critical malfunction, detonating and destroying the facility, workers and innocent people all alike dead save for a small few, including the professor whom I had met not long after I arrived in Almadora." She clenched her fist. "I hate that man for everything he had done! He told me that I was unique; unique because my soul was never truly removed! The damn machine malfunctioned once before on myself, but not as harshly. No, that machine tore my soul clear in two and left it in my body! Everyone thought it would cause no side effects, oh but they were wrong! The thing that destroyed my home, the kind people I knew in that little town, was me!" She stopped, taking a calming breath and ease her mood. "Apparently, when my soul tore it caused rather catastrophic side effects. Whenever I tried to use magic in the past the energy would be so great that access energy would seep from inside me and start wearing on my physical body, causing major fatigue. My brother found this out and created my staff in order to 'soak up' the access energy, weakening my magical abilities but making them far more stable. But that's not the worst of it, whenever I experienced powerful emotions, such as extreme sadness or joy, I would begin to 'change', so to speak." With this, Gale held out her arms to her sides. Eyes closed, she remained still. "I would loose control of my conscious and my body would begin to achieve a single goal: to absorb all energy it could before I would awaken. Animal-like characteristics. My power would grow by unbelievable amounts, and destruction would follow. Luckily, I have better control over my abilities now and can use some of them at will, but the threat of a full transformation will never leave." Her face tensed up as she focused. "This is how I killed the phoenix, and this is what I truly am..." Just as before in the forest when she was grasped by the white bird, the appendages shot out of her back like large needles, all eight bending forward to appear like the legs of a spider. "This is what I really look like, what I really am." She continued, her eyes open once more. "My torn soul has changed my physical body as well as my magical abilities. I'm a monster and an abomination of nature, and it's all that professor's fault! This of course is only a partial transformation, a full one would look far more unnatural. I vowed when I found out what I was that I would use these abilities of mine to my advantage and fight with my power in the way I see fit." She tensed up again, gritting her teeth this time. "I am NOT a weapon Glenroy!" she hissed in an almost animal-like way. She quickly shook her head. "Sorry about that last part." Bright did not see that coming at all and his face was left frozen in some sort of mix between amazed and horrified by the whole story and transformation. He opened his mouth in an attempt to say something, but he ended up closing it quickly afterwards as he had no idea what to say. Riletia turned her head to look at Gale, but she did not say anything. She just kept on walking. "Whoa..." Bright began, still a bit shell shocked from the revelation. "Is this somewhat related to your fear of undead?" "Well, yes and no." Gale said, rubbing the back of her head. The strange legs that protruded from her back began to retract into the back. "When I first encountered a necromancer he had this strange ability to summon a person's darkest fears into reality. What I ended up seeing was a group of undead that looked like the people that died because of what I did. Ever since then I have been terrified of anything dead." She looked down. "I know this is a lot to take in all at once Bright. Trust me when I say that I never wanted to show this to you. I hoped I could be done and back home before I would need to do this, but now there are all these problems we are facing. Between the wizard, that strange gold-eating fairy, and now this undead person I was bound to need to change again soon. When I alter my form like this my power increases to unimaginable points." "On the other hand." She added, trying to lift the mood a little. "There are some rather interesting aspects to my changes as well. My two colored eyes, they are a sign of my torn soul. I think they look pretty." "And yet I have to carry you around..." The sphinx mumbled to herself as she kept on walking northwards. "Well, your eyes are pretty, I just never thought that a torn soul was the cause of it..." Bright said. he was a bit confused over the whole ordeal as he had to understand the lot of information that Gale had given him at that moment. "What happened to your brother? Or how did you become a wizard?" Bright asked as the information answered some of his questions, but provided several more for him to ask. Gale payed no heed to Riletia as she mumbled beneath her breath. "Many people just assume its a birth defect." She responded to Bright. Her mood had suddenly swung back into what it used to be. "And I suppose that is more acceptable than saying i'm some kind of B.O.W. with a tattered spirit." She continued. "I never did find out what happened to my brother. I think that professor knows, but he wouldn't tell me anything I want to know anyway, even if I could find him. Slimy old man can be gone without a trace in a matter of moments it seems." She sighed. "And the whole magic thing...well, that's a bit of an interesting story. You see, normally people need to go through the process of awakening before they can tap into their spiritual energy, as I mentioned several days ago. I did not go through it and could use magic naturally, another defect of mine I suppose. When I arrived in that town after my brother told me to run away I was enrolled into a magical academy as a student. They thought I had been awakened already and never questioned me about it. I learned most of my current magic then and over time became stronger with experience. Funny idea really, science and magic together into one. I'ts kind of ironic really." "Excuse me, but did you say gold eating fairy?" Riletia asked after some minutes. After hearing the sphinx's question, she had a good feeling that she knew what it was. "Yes, it looked a lot like a regular human...save for being bloated from eating gold of course. She tried to take my staff too, but we managed to grab that back from her while she was asleep. There were a bunch of other tiny fairies too, I'm guessing servants. Why, do you know anything about this being?" Bright seemed relieved that Gale was returning back to her normal state. Riletia looked back at Gale: "Well, you could say I used to know her. It has been a long time since last time we talked though..." She paused slightly before continuing: "If you heal my wing, I`ll take us to someone who can explain the situation better." "Certainly." Gale complied quickly, turning to the singed wing and beginning to channel her magic. "Got quite a nasty burn here. What happened?" She asked. Of course, both her and Bright knew what really made the wound, but so long as she didn't know they were in the clear. White light radiated from her palm as she began to heal the wound. "And, if I might ask, what was the name of this wizard who wants this necklace. You know, the dead one." She asked curiously. "I know you said the story is long, but if by some chance this necklace is of Almadorian decent then I might be able to fill in gaps as to what this pendent actually does." "Appearantly I got struck by lightning, from clear sky nonetheless." She stretched her wing slightly while speaking. "I suspect the mermaids, although I can not remember them ever having that sort of magic before." "As for the wizard, I can't remember his name, but I think it was something along the lines of Gorgarosh. It is probably not his name by birth." "What else do you know about him?" Bright asked Riletia. She spent some time thinking about it: "He had some sort of little kingdom by that lake and he was not worse than any other of the small kings at that time. Then at some point he began consuming energy from magical objects to preserve his own life." "That doesn't sound good." Bright said. "You can say that again." Riletia said with a nod, "But he was not powerful enough to do anything majorly bad, that is, until he got hold of something. Then his power spread across the land fast and deadly." Riletia stretched her wings once again. They felt better now. She tried moving them a bit more before she once again flew into the air. "Well, the mermaids are notorious for sinking ships." Gale added to Riletia's comment about the water creatures. "Perhaps one of the ships they sunk was carrying some kind of artifact that could call lightning? Who knows? But that's over and done with, I suppose that's all that matters." Bright was rolling his eyes where he sat. Gales suggestion of what could have happened did not sound too plausible, but he did not want to say anything about that. Once in the air, she took hold of the necklace once more. "This thing is what he had before that gave him that power, i'm certain of it!" She announced, admiring it as it sparkled in the sun. "It would be nice to know exactly what it did, but the only one who would know would be the one who is after it. Call it a hunch, but I doubt he will tell us what it does unless it involves a personal demonstration." She thought deeply for a moment. "Unless..." she began. "...Riletia, was this necklace with your treasure hoard before the other wizard stole it? If not, he might know what it does. I wonder...he had this item under stricter barriers than the rest of the treasures, I wonder if he was intending to use it much like the other did before him? What do you think? It could be in our favor to try and sniff him out then interrogate him about this thing." Riletia mumbled something about that they were heading in the direction of that wizard already. Bright leant in and whispered in Gales ear: "I think there is something she is not telling us." Deciding not to respond to Riletia's mumble, Gale turned to Bright and listened closely to what the thought. "I feel that too Bright." She replied in similar tone. "But as long as we act though this little facade we could very well get what we are after. I’ll strike up a conversation, I think that our silence might make her wonder about what we are doing." "So, this wizard...how dangerous do you suspect he was long ago? I bet i've fought stronger." Gale boasted, leaning back a bit on the sphinx's back. Why she decided to become cocky not even she knew, she just said the first thing that came to mind. "Not that i'm saying he wasn't dangerous before, far from it. But let's face facts: he was just a wizard with a trinket at his disposal. And if that's enough, he had been defeated before. We have worse than that back in Almadora hands down!" Riletia was quiet for a moment before she answered: "I wasn't always like this you know..." She paused again before continuing: "If you`ve fought stronger, why were you running from him when I saw you on the isle? Besides that, I never heard of Almadora, what could be there that is worse than what we got here?" "Well..." Gale began. "I won't lie, I loose my bearings when I see the undead. Necrophobia, if you will." They began to get closer to what appeared to be a town. Meanwhile, within the towns inn: "...and after defeating the mighty sphinx, I was beset upon by two dangerous bandits, a bearded bastard and his friend that had the worst qualities of a cat. With fangs, ears and a fuzzy tail, they attacked me in the most cowardly way. But I persevered and used my magic to blast them away until there was nothing left of them but the mess they left behind." The wizard bragged to a couple of young tavern wenches while spreading both gold and gossip around the table. He took a swig of a beer mug when a man came bursting in the door: "Guys, there's a flying, big lion with a womans head coming over town." The wizard coughed on his beer and his eyes widened. "That fact aside, Our problem spans farther than you could ever imagine." She continued. "I won't get into specifics, but the greatest threat to our nation is but a single man, not a wizard like the dead guy, but a full pledged warlock and expert of the art of dual swords. I only heard rumors as to how he got his power, but this I know: He was the founder and current master of the shadow element, and over time he managed to absorb more and more of the power until he had risen to the point of divinity. In other words, he is almost a god. His strength is relentless and he has the power to conjure great masses of grotesque creatures to fight for him. He could have easily taken over the world by now, but he is waiting for the perfect moment to do so...he is one of those people who wants his final rise to be 'poetic'." "He has one major weakness however, but exploiting it leaves him stronger in the end. Other than that, the only other things worth mentioning are that he has access to all realms, far more so than we do in Almadora, he has lived for several thousand years, and his 'title', the title he gave himself, is the Lord of the Eighth, acknowledging him as the founder and god of darkness." She looked down and saw the town for the first time. "Hey, what is this place?" She asked, sitting back up in a hurry. "I`ll admit, that sounds like a really nasty fellow, but he is not here, this is not Almadora and that man you called "just a wizard with a trinket" is far more dangerous than you think. So excuse me if I am more concerned than you for something that you woke up in the first place." Riletia replied, almost snapping back at Gale. "I think you hit a soft spot." Bright whispered to Gale. Riletia landed in the middle of the townsquare, whereas most people immediately moved away. "This is Wilderweer town, situated near the town of the same name." Riletia bowed down so Bright and Gale could get down from her back. "And someone I know lives here..." She paused slightly before she shouted: "Steve! You drunk old bastard, come out! I know you're in the tavern with all the wenches." From within the tavern came a likewise shout: "It's not Steve! It is Steefous the Magnificent!" The wizard came out of the tavern door. It was the same old, gray haired, long-bearded blue robed Gale and Bright had run into at the tower. Gale couldn't help but give a short giggle at the wizards true name. "Steve huh?" She chuckled with a hand over her mouth, trying poorly to conceal it. "Well, I suppose its better than Bob or Tom." Her attitude returned to serious with the joke over. "And I’d say your far from magnificent, what with stealing from the Sphinx and then trying to kill me and my friend here. Which, by the way, would have been really difficult with your magical expertise." She insulted him yet again for his lack of magic knowledge, just as she had did back at the tower. "And, if it means anything to you at all, we where perfectly unharmed when that orb you blew up teleported us away, so I'd like to say thanks for helping us out." The wizard looked from the sphinx and over to where Gale and Bright stood. His face looked surprised, but he did not attempt to answer to Gales insults. Instead he looked over to the sphinx once again: "Why are they here? Why are they riding on your back?" Riletia looked down at Bright and Gale before looking back at the wizard: "They awoke the king." "Please dont tell me you mean the undead one on the isle of Krahe?" "Thats the one." The wizard sighed and gave off an annoyed grumble. She had already known that the release of the old wizard was a bad thing, but something else began to bother her. These two, Riletia and Steve, they way they talk to one another seems off for a pair of enemies. Looking back and forth between the two of them, she pondered to herself for a moment. "You two certainly don't talk to one another like you hate one another." She pointed out aloud. "I think its time you two started explaining what the problem is we are facing." She added, slightly flustered. "You obviously know, and I'm not fond of being kept in the dark." "We used to date back in the day..." The wizard mumbled. "Then he turned out to be a greedy drunk." Riletia said while looking away slightly. "She turned out to be a man-eating monster." The wizard said with a bit higher voice this time. "Bastard." "Glutton." "Guys, if you mind?" Bright tried getting their attention before they began fighting. "If you just started with the beginning?" The wizard sighed and gestured for them to sit at some chairs that were outside of the tavern. He took a chair and sat himself down: "Alright, I`ll start with the beginning: Somewhat 200 years ago, take or give a few decades, there was this king who ways to expand his lifespan. He did so by pulling magic from magical items and absorb into himself. He wasn't any worse than any other king at that time, although after a certain event he got hold of "the pendant". We refer to the event as "the eclipse" and that is pretty much what we know about that." He took a small break before he continued: "This pendant gave the king a hunger for magic whereas his soldiers and cult following began to spread out in the land like a disease. "To make the story short, he fought the king of another country in the fields with a big army while a small band of adventurers broke into his castle and stole his pendant. The undead king lost at the field and retreated to his tower." A waitress came out with some drinks which she placed at the table. The wizard took a sip of a drink before he continued: "Although the undead king was defeated, the group discovered that the pendant was cursed, shit happened and here we are today where the two of you break into my tower and the first thing you do is to awake the worst plague that has ever fallen upon our land." He scowled at Bright and Gale. Gale looked more than a bit stupified when she finally got the truth behind how they knew one another. With a look of denial she looked between the two of them, head going back and forth between them. "You," she said, pointing to the wizard, "and you," pointing now to Riletia, "Dating? How in the...?" She stopped with a shake of her head. "No, no, that's irrelevant. So, it would seem that the pendant gives those whom use its power a hunger for magical energy, a rather ravenous hunger at that. When the pendent was taken, so too was the power it supplied. Now that that is clear, there are a few other questions I have. First, how did you get a hold of the pendant? You say adventurers took it, and you certainly don't appear to be the adventurous type. Second, how can we stop this guy? He is released and there is no reason to complain about the cause, so we need to focus on taking him down. And finally..." She stopped a moment. "When we awakened this guy, me and Bright saw these drawings on one of the walls, drawings that depicted several events. One of them in particular caught my eye, one of what may have been a neko like myself, but male. I don't suppose you would know who that person is?" The wizard looked at Gale with a lifted eyebrow: "What's that supposed to mean? What you mean I don't look like an adventurer? I was one of the best damn adventurers back in the day." The sphinx stifled a laugh: "160 years to be exact." The wizard groaned slightly: "We were the adventurers." He rolled his eyes: "I am not sure if the pendant gives a hunger for magic, but I do know that it generates magic on its own." "What you mean?" Bright asked. The wizard looked slightly annoyed, but took the time nonetheless to explain: "Usually to make a magic item, you have an item which you pour magic into. When you use it, the magic vanishes over time. Like a bucket filled with water." "A bucket?" "Just go with it. Anyway, the pendant is like a well. It creates its own magical energy." His eyes looked over to Riletia for a second, (she was busy looking at the birds at some roof) "Unfortunately, tapping into said well can have some sideeffects..." The wizard took another sip of his drink: "I don't who the neko could have been, you`re the only one I`ve ever seen. As for how to beat the undead king, I do not have a plan as of yet, but I do know that we need more power than we currently have." Clutching the necklace, she pondered what she had heard. "Well, if more firepower is what we need I suppose I could go back to Almadora and bring back aid...but..." She hesitated for a brief moment. "Who is to say how much time we have? Due to the nature of the gateway I took to get here, only one person my travel through at a time, with at least an hour wait between each person. Amassing a proper fighting force would take a long time. And I haven't seen much in the way of warriors here, at least not where I have been." "To think, had we never found Riletia we would have never gone to your tower to recover stolen treasure and never have found the necklace. But, I suppose there is no trying to worry about what could of been...this is what it is." With this said, she yanked the necklace off of her neck and tossed it to the wizard."You hold on to it." She said, turning and looking into the sky. "I suppose I could use my 'other form', but I’ll save that for a dire situation...I'd rather not do that." She turned back to the group. "Perhaps what we need, rather than an army, is one of the strongest people in Almadora besides me. Someone who knows magic inside and out, someone who could offer knowledge to the necklace. I'ts of Almadorian decent, otherwise I would know nothing about it, so there must be someone who knows about..." Suddenly, she patted her fist into her hand. "Of course! An artifact of this magnitude would have certainly been held in the keep of the Palace of Dawn, and if you lived to see the events this necklace caused Steven then it must have taken place within the past 100 years! Then someone who has lived equally as long would know of the time that it was taken!" The wizard let the pendant lie on the table: "As the situation is now, I would rather that you take the pendant. If the worst were to happen, you could at least take it out of reach from the undead king. If I were to use it, I would unconsciously tap into it and bad things would happen. You on the other hand do not know how to use it, and thus you are safe from its side effects for now." He looked closely at Gale: "Or at least I think you haven't." "Please call me Steefous," He mumbled slightly before continueing: "The past 200 years would be a more exact number, although there could also be a case where each dimension moves at a different speed." "There's not much of an army in these lands at the moment, but I think we could some help from my old adventurers group. And if that person in Almadora is as powerful as you say he is, we might have a better chance of defeating the undead king." Bright listened closely to the conversation, although when it came to magic, he had no information to share, nor did he know anyone who had any remarkable powers besides those sitting at the table. "Alright then, Steefous, I’ll hold on to the necklace for now." She began, heading over to the table. "You are right saying I don't know how to use it, and I'd rather not find out to be honest." Taking it back up, she looked at the broken string with a bit of a frown. "Perhaps yanking it off wasn't the best idea. These clothes I made back on the island don't exactly have pockets." She turned to Bright. "Hey, could you hold on to this for me? Just for now, until i can get proper attire?" She turned back to the wizard. "Here is an idea then. We can go gather the members of your group, and after that I can direct you all to the gateway I used to get here. From there I can head back to Almadora and get the person I was talking about. We can figure out what to do from there. What do you think?" The wizard smiled a bit as Gale used his preferred name. "Alright, that sounds like a decent plan. Where is this socalled gateway of yours by the way?" Bright took the pendant, although he was a bit wary about it: "Alright, I`ll hold on to your awfully cursed necklace." He packed it in some piece of cloth before he put it in his backpack. Gale quietly thanked Bright for taking the pendant before looking up at the sky again. "Judging from the position of the sun," She started, shading her eyes with a her hand. It was approaching dusk. "The gate would have to be about northwest from here. I am uncertain as to how far, but it was formed on the side of a large overhang towards the bottom. I'ts hidden in the rock wall with some magic, but once we get to said overhang I can easily reveal it." "And what of your friends?" Gale asked the wizard. "Or...adventures rather. As I recall you told me you have no friends. Do they not like you? The wizard sighed a bit: "When we had gotten the pendant, we were easily fooled by its power. Even after the curse had taken its affect, we fought for its power and eventually we split up and went our ways. All of us resenting eachother and hating eachothers guts." "In our group, there was me, who was the wizard. Riletia," He nodded in the sphinx direction who at the moment was stuffing her face with some bird, "was our knight. Cragg, our archer went northeast to the dragon mountains. Sendra, our druid went southeast towards the fairy woods and Usâ, our cleric went towards the sea in the southwest." He paused slightly: "Everyone else I knew has probably died of age or sickness." "All out of the way from the gate." Gale sighed. "Well, I suppose that's how things work. I'ts never easy." After a brief pause, she thought of something else to mention. "You said something about a place called 'fairy woods?' I have a feeling that we may have been there at one point already...perhaps. After you blew up the teleportation orb in your tower Bright and myself ended up in some woods that had fairies in it. Then there was this other being, human-like and about our size. It was eating the gold coins that got teleported along with us, which the smaller fairies brought to it." "As a matter of fact," She continued. "Riletia mentioned that she knew who we were talking about..." She paused for a moment. "I don't suppose...that person was the druid you were talking about?" "I would not be surprised if it was her. She had a certain way to charm anyone, even fairies." The wizard said and appeared rather thoughtful for a moment: "In any case, you will have to decide which goal to pursue first. Riletia will probably be able to fly you to where you need to be. As for me, I will not be able to open that gateway of yours, but I might be able to find Cragg." The wizard pulled out a ring from a pocket in his robes (or maybe he pulled it out of thin air), and handed it to Gale: "If you show it to her, she will know that you came on behalf of me." The ring itself had a gold colored hue to it, was strangely light and upon it was a small plate which 5 stars were engraved. "So, Gale." Bright asked: "Where should we go first? From the looks of it, the gate is closest." Gale placed the ring on her finger for safe keeping. "Though the gate to my home might be closest from here," she began. "I also don't know how long it will take to find the person i'm looking for. He is a dragon tamer, so for all I know he might be out in the mountains near the capital. At most, it could take five hours to get back." "I think it would be best to gather the others first myself. Starting with whoever is closest to here, either the druid or the cleric." "Alright. You choose which way you like." The wizard said and got up from his chair: "The undead king might not be the fastest one to gather his soldiers, but we got no time to lose. Don't worry about meeting up again, as long as you wear that ring, I`ll be able to find you." The wizard put two fingers in his mouth and whistled. Quickly the green dragon from his tower came flying and landed in the town square. "May your search be successful." The wizard said and flew away on his dragon towards the east. After having waved goodbye to Steefous as he flew off, she turned her attention once more to Bright. Brushing a few feathers off of her shoulder, she contemplated their choices. A few feathers fell down from above as the sphinx was not a very good hunter when it came to birds. "So..." Bright began as he looked towards the wizard flying away. He was a bit confused by the whole conversation, but understood the most important parts: "The sea, or the forest Gale?" "Well," She began. "We have been to the forest already, so we might be able to navigate better if we find places that we were at already, like the spot where the tower's rubble ended up when we teleported." "On the other hand, she might not be too enthusiastic to see us. She was going to eat my staff, and I certainly can't allow that, yet she will most likely see it and accuse me of stealing it. Who knows what could happen from there. And if that's not enough, that phoenix I killed could have a mate around somewhere, and they are certainly not going to be happy." "As for the sea to the southwest, I have no idea what we could face. Is the cleric on an island on the sea, or what? If we wanted certainty to what we could face, I would suggest the forest. But if we wanted to avoid problems that we might have caused, then the sea seems like a good choice. What do you think Bright? Riletia?" Bright thought about it for a moment before he finally came to a conclusion: "Well, we do have find both of them I think. But from our position, the sea might be closer than the forest." Riletia coughed on a bird before answering: "The sea is in fact closer in air travel, so it should not be a problem. Whether or not Usâ is still alive, or even human, I do not know." "Alright then, let's head for the sea first then." Gale agreed with them. "Let's start heading there as soon as possible." She waited a moment before adding, "What did you mean by Usa still being human? She could change?" "She could be affected by the pendant." Riletia said and allowed Bright and Gale to climb upon her back "I know I was..." Within moments she took flight, much to the relief of anyone nearby. She flew high and towards the west, and soon they could see the coastline. Blue sea as far as the eye could see. "Affected by the pendant, like you?" She pondered these thoughts for a few moments as she thought about the curse upon the necklace. The thought of her and the wizard once dating also popped into mind once more, suddenly not appearing as odd to her as she once envisioned. "Riletia." She finally asked. "Were you always a sphinx, or is this the result of the curse on you?" Riletia was quiet for a little while before she finally answered: "I was human once...way back." Her voice sounded a bit forced, as if she was trying to hide her feelings. Riletia turned slightly south and in the far distance, a bunch of small isles could be seen. Moments of silence had passed before Gale dared open her mouth again. "This necklace caused all of this..." She mumbled. Deep down she felt sad for Riletia, knowing all to well what i'ts like to loose one's self. There was no reason for her to compare her situation with the one she faced before, so she kept silent about that. "I can't say for certain," Gale began again, "but once this is all over and I am able to take the necklace back to my world, we might be able to find a way to lift it's effects on everyone." "First things first." Riletia said and circled above one of the green isles. "If we don't defeat Gorgarosh, I might as well fly out of this country." She circled the green isle one more time before she landed. Upon closer examination, it turned out there was a real jungle. "Do you guys mind getting off? I need to rest my wings a bit." Riletia said and lowered her body so Gale and Bright could get off. "Just take a stroll around the isle or something." "We'll stay nearby." Gale responded as she dismounted. "Call us when your ready to take off." Looking about in the thicket of the jungle, Gale started ahead and admired the world around her. 1. Queen of the sea "Bright." She started softly, away from Riletia's earshot. "What do you make of this whole thing? Riletia once being human, this whole undead wizard ordeal, and all tied to that necklace which could be native to my own culture? I can't help but feel that this all seems to be far more than coincidental, it just seems too well placed together to me. And, even if by some miracle that neko in the drawing is my brother...who's to stay he is still around? I need to know Bright, I need to know what that drawing meant." Bright walked beside Gale and pondered upon what she was saying. He ended up shrugging his shoulders: "I don't know Gale, you are the one who knows magic and science. I mean, you know more about this necklace than I do. And if that is your brother in that engraving, how and why did he have that necklace?" From a small distance where Gale and Bright were standing, there were the sound of someone humming. "I don't know Bright, I don't know." Gale sighed. "But you must understand, he was the only family I ever had, and its been nearly twenty years since iv'e seen him last. I refused to lose hope then, and I refuse to lose hope now." "Our plan is quite clear at least. Defeat the evil undead king, take the necklace back to Almadora and let the scientists study it." He suggested. Bright scratched his head as he was thinking hard on the subject. "This might just be a wild guess, but what if the necklace need some sort of key? Like there's some sort of defensive measure that prevents anyone from using it." "The necklace as a key though..." She pondered, "I'ts a possibility, but I wouldn't say for certain yet. Perhaps the researchers back in Almadora know what we want to know..." She paused and looked off into the jungle. "Do you hear that Bright? It sounds like...humming?" He tried to listen for where the source of the humming came from: "You're right. I hear someone hum. Maybe it is a local of the isles?" He gestured for Gale to follow as he quietly walked forward. The humming seemed to come from a place around the corner. Peeking from behind a tree, he saw a mermaid sitting on a rock that was a bit out in the water. The mermaid could be described as big. Not as in fat (although she was by no means thin), but by the fact that she was twice the height of Gale and Bright. Her skin was pale and her tail was covered by countless blue scales. She had not yet noticed the two as she was busy combing through her long blonde hair and humming. "She doesn't look threatening." Bright whispered to Gale. "Although I did not know mermaids could become that big." "She's...big." Gale managed to push out of her mouth. "Well, she is not harming anything or anyone, so I suppose there is no reason to intervene and bother her. Let's head back and check on Riletia." No more that a second after Gale had turned her body was there a very loud crack. With a yipe Gale hunched over, finding one of her ankles having been caught between two awkwardly grown tree roots. When she turned her ankle twisted too sharply. "Grrrr!" she gritted between her teeth, a tear fell from her eye from the sharp pain. Leaning against the tree, she tried to tug on the root. "Bright, help me get this thing off please! I think...hng...I think I sprained my ankle! I can fix it if I can get it out!" She tugged again and once again winced. As the branch moved the pain for her grew, but she knew she needed to get it off or be stuck there. Gales sudden outburst caught the attention of the mermaid, although she did not do anything at the moment. "Hold on Gale. I`ll see what I can do." Bright said and tried to tug at the root without touching Gales ankle. The root was stuck quite hard in the ground. Seeing as he couldn't get any hold on the root by hand alone, Bright took out a knife and attempted to cut at the root. It was no use. The sap in the tree only made his knife stuck, no matter how much he forced it. "Do you two need any help?" The voice came from the direction of the mermaid as she had turned towards the two. Her hair conviniently covered her breasts. Gale was caught in a mix of shock and pain as she realized that she got the mermaid's attention with her little fit. With the failing efforts of both herself and Bright to break free, she regretted to realize that she would need some help from her to get out. After her experience with the previous ones, she could not help but feel frightened by her, especially with her size. "My foot!" She gritted, "I'ts caught, and I think I...Ngh...sprained it! Can you please help me get it out?" She gave it another useless tug, hoping to dislodge it before she actually got the aid from the mermaid. With no avail once again, she simply gave up and awaited for the events to unfold. Bright turned around as well and was a bit surprised that they had gotten the attention of the mermaid. "Hold on, I`ll be right there." The mermaid said and moved from her spot. She dove into the water and came up again at the spot where Gale were placed. With some effort, the mermaid dragged herself inland up to the point where Gale had managed to get herself stuck. "Let me see..." The mermaid said and grabbed the roots around Gales leg. With a concentrated face and considerable effort (and rather unladylike grunt) she pulled the two roots enough apart for Gale to withdraw her leg. Gale fell out of the roots and onto the dirt below, instantly clasping her ankle and growling with pain. Without a word she reached for her staff beside her and pointed the tip of it towards her ankle. White light flickered for a moment, but faded. "What?" She grunted. "I must still be weak after having healed up Riletia. Great!" She fell back onto the trunk of the tree that caused her injury and looked to the large mermaid. "Thank you miss." She gasped, trying to ignore the pain enough for a normal sentence. "You're welcome." The mermaid said with a smile, although she looked a bit worried seeing how Gale still had a painful leg. Her expression changed somewhat when looking at Gale. She looked down on the ground and realized she had beached herself. It was an awkward moment before she began pushing herself back into the water. "Gale," Bright said and took out a purple potion from his backpack: "You should drink this. It`ll refresh you. It is nothing special about it, just fruit and sugary water." With a nod of thanks Gale took the fluid from Bright and quickly downed it. "Thank you, it was nice." She smiled, looking around at the surroundings. "Well, I suppose that since I can't heal it yet I should at least tend to it. Bright, can you get me those pieces of tree bark over there?" She pointed towards the beach, where, sure enough, two segments of a tree lie semi-buried in the sand, petrified from exposure to the elements. "And some vine too if you can please? I'm going to try and make a splint." Bright nodded to Gale: "I*ll get right at it." He said before he walked over to the tree. With a bit of effort he managed to pull the two segments of tree out of the sand. With those secure, he began to look for some vines in the border of the jungle. Gale looked back to the mermaid, whom was now back in the water. "Thank you again miss. Can we get your name?" The mermaid had her tail in the water and raised her head to look at Gale. She looked a bit thoughtful for a moment before she spoke: "My name isn't really pronounceable by landwalkers." She paused a bit: "How about you just call me Tina?" "Alright then Tina." Gale responded with a grin. "My name is Nightengale, or just Gale for short." She looked towards Bright for a brief moment. "This here is Bright, he is a friend of mine." "You know," She continued, "You're not like other mermaids we've seen recently during our travels. The others we met tried to shipwreck us in the middle of the ocean. You, on the other hand, appear to be very generous." Bright waved for a short moment before returning his attention to a bunch of vines he had found. He began pulling at them, although he were having a bit of a trouble getting them loose from the ground. There was a small snap before he tumbled backwards and landed in the sand. Triumphantly he raised a hand full of vines. Tina looked a bit uncomfortable talking with Gale, although she did not back down into the water anymore: "They probably had their reasons...some of us are rather territorial of nature." She paused for a moment before she asked: "Did they shipwreck on this isle?" "Oh, no they didn't shipwreck us here." Gale added. She kept a low tone, seeing as she was causing Tina some distress. "We were shipwrecked on another island and escaped in one piece. Now were here for a bit resting up before we continue onward." She made certain not to mention Riletia to Tina. After all, the sphinx has eaten mermaids before and she feared that she might try and do it again. " Ah..." Tina said while she was thinking about the situation. "So you swam here from another isle then?" "Well, no not quite." Gale responded. "But I guess that really doesn't matter to much, we got away from that island and we are making progress towards our goal, that's what's important." "We are looking for a healer as it turns out, for...various reasons actually." She looked at her injured leg again, noticing it beginning to swell slightly. "And my carelessness added yet another reason to find her." " A healer?" Tina said and tried to think, "I wish I could help, but I don't know any healers around here. Maybe one of the shamans in the jungle could help, although I would not recommend it." She leaned forward and whispered: "Their tribes are rather cannibalistic..." Bright finally came over with the two pieces of wood and a long vine. He had been too busy gathering the stuff to listen to their conversation. "I got what you wanted. Here, let me help with the splint." He said and kneeled down by Gales leg. She turned her attention to Bright, whom at this point was beginning work on the makeshift splint. "Thank you very much Bright." She replied with a grin. While he worked, she returned attention to Tina. "Hopefully we can avoid those shamans then. We certainly have already had our fair share of things trying to eat us, I don't see a valid reason to attempt meeting another." "Uhm, okay?" Tina said with a skeptical face, but she did not pursue the subject further. "I don't think you should worry too much about it, I don't think the tribes are on all the isles. Some of them, yes, but not all of them. "This might hurt a bit..." Bright said and made sure the splint was tight as he was tying it up. "I think that should do. At least until you can heal it yourself." He took a glance at the mermaid who in his head was rather beautiful. Tina thought for a bit. "I know a few mermaids who practice magic. The person you are looking for, does it have to be a human?" Gale winced as Bright helped put the splint on, but was relieved when he was finished. Using the side of the tree she managed to stand up, using her staff as a cane to keep herself better balanced. "Thank you again Bright." she smiled. "I should be able to heal this thing by tomorrow sometime." Turning to the mermaid, she gave a look of gratitude as if to say thanks once again. "I can't say for certain if they are human. From what I heard, her form might have been altered due to some strange magic. She was human once, that I know, as for what she is now I can't say for certain." Bright looked at Gale to see if she would need any help getting up. Appearantly she managed fine without his help at the moment. Even with Gale standing upright, the mermaid had no trouble seeing her eye to eye, even though she was laying on the sand. She put a hand under her chin and leaned on her elbow while appearing to think rather hard. "So, let me see if I got this right. You are looking for someone who might be a healer, but you are not sure. They also may or may not be human." She looked at Bright who in turn looked away attempting to hide his interest in the mermaid. Her gaze returned to Gale: "That is not really a lot to work with. Rather vague I`d say. Does this person or creature even have a name?" Her tone seemed a bit frustrated, not that she was angry with the two adventurers, but more the fact that she had a feeling that she could not help the two. "I know it's not much to go on I admit." Gale sighed. "But it's all we have, and we have no other choice except to find her. I believe her name was Usâ, at least that's what the wizard told us. I'ts a rather long story leading up to this point, kinda hard to remember all the details." She rubbed the back of her head with her free hand. The mermaid lightened up at the mention of the name Usâ. "I know someone with that name." "Really?" Bright asked curiously seeing how this could be a clue. "Well yeah, not exactly a friend, but more of an aquaintance." The mermaid mentioned: "Anyway, she lives quite deep in the ocean so she might be a bit hard to find." Bright looked a bit puzzled before he finally said: "Ehm, we can't breathe underwater." "Oh right, that's true, land dwellers can't do that." The mermaid said with a ditzy demeanor before she went back to thinking: "I know one way to bring you down there." She paused a bit before she shook her head: "Nah, forget it, you probably would not want to do that." Gale couldn't help but feel a bit suspicious about how the mermaid just happened to know who they were looking for, but with no leads and this Tina having helped them out once already she had no real reason to doubt her intentions. Just in case however, she would be ready for anything as it came up she decided. "Bright, don't you think we should tell Riletia about this?" She asked him, not finding a reason to keep the sphinxes name hidden any longer. "She only wanted to rest on this island till she was ready to head out again, she'll want to know that we found a lead to Usa's whereabouts." She turned to the mermaid. "I'm curious though to your idea of helping us get down there. Why exactly would we not want to do it?" "Alright, I`ll go tell her." Bright said and moved in the direction of Riletia: "Don't run away on me now," He said joking before starting to jog. The mermaid thought for a while before she began drawing in the sand with her fingers. "Let me tell you a little bit of mermaids." She said and pointed at the isle. "Let us imagine that this is the place we are currently at the moment. The waves at the sides are the sea level and beneath the isle is a cave with air. The Usâ I know lives in a cave like that and some other mermaids." She looked at Gale, who appeared to have a questioning look, Tina continued: "Not all mermaids can breathe indefinitely under water, some of us are just really good at holding our breath. Anyway," She poked a hole in the sand at the bottom of the cave. "Imagine that this is the entrance, far below the threshold of what normal land dwellers can reach, due to air supply and water pressure constraints." Tina looked at Gale to see if she was following before she pointed at her belly: "This could hold both you and that other fellow and at least provide protection against the sea for a little while. I don't know about this Riletia though, is she big?" She looked at Gale: "Don't give me that look, I`m a vegetarian...most of the time." Gale remained quiet and collective as she listened to Tina's description of where Usa lived, and her fact about mermaids that she had not previously known. Her look changed to mean glare when she pointed to her belly however. "You are actually suggesting that we simply let you eat us, is that it?" She attacked, before being snapped back at about Tina being vegetarian. "How do I know we can trust you?" She brought up. "You did help me, granted that, but we still just only met you. How do we know you wont simply swim off once we are inside you? Don't think I'm judging you unfairly, think of it in our shoes for a moment." "And I should probably mention that Riletia, should we decide to do this anyway, would never fit inside you. She is quite big to say the least." The mermaid shrugged her shoulders: "I know, I know. That's why I said you probably wouldn't want to do it. Not that I would ever manage to fit in your shoes." She said with a bit of a stupid grin as she slapped her tail gently. "But honestly, it seems to me that you needed some help, and whatever you need to do sounds urgent. I`m just trying to be helpful and I can't come up any other way to do that." She looked to the right to see that Bright was jogging towards them. He was trying to say something, but it was not clear enough what he meant. There was a flapping sound from above whereas the mermaid looked up only to see Riletia swoop down from the sky, crash into the water behind her and lock her jaws around the rather big mermaid upper body. The sphinx raised her head with only the tail sticking out from her mouth. Riletia looked down at Gale and Bright who had a rather shocked expression on their faces. "Let her out!" Bright called out, shouting to the oversized sphinx, " She ain't bad. She helped us!" Riletia rolled her eyes before she let go of the mermaid with a loud hark whereas the mermaid landed a bit rough on the sandy beach. She looked a bit shocked at first. Then she saw Riletia in full whereas she attempted to crawl away from the sphinx, mumbling panicly to herself: "I hate cats...hate cats...hate cats..." Gale rushed over to Tina and took a quick look to see if she was okay before turning on Riletia. "What would make you want to react like that when you don't know who she is?!" She yelled at the sphinx. "Are you alright?" She asked Tina, trying to calm her down as best as she could. It was funny in a way, the way she chanted her dislike of cats...it reminded Gale of her phobia of the living dead in a way, but she did not speak what she thought, it wasn't needed. The events were also giving her a better sense of trust for her, slowly but surely. The sphinx rolled her eyes, pointed at the mermaid with her claw before mimicking the words with her lips: "I`m watching you." She looked back at Gale before she harumphed and turned her back on Gale. Bright jogged over to Gale and Tina: "Sorry Gale, she flew off when I said there was a mermaid on the beach. I was not able to stop her." The mermaid eventually calmed down, stopping her panicked breathing and repetive chanting. She still had some spit in her hair and there were a few tears in her eyes. "You're right, this was a bad idea...I`ll just crawl back into the ocean." She said, although her voice was still shaking a bit. Quickly, Gale placed her hand on Tina's shoulder. "Don't worry Tina," she assured, "That was just a terrible mistake that will never happen again. I promise." Another stern look towards Riletia, and she continued to talk. "We might be able to use your help, but we can wait for you to calm down first. Alright?" "Bright, do you have any more of that stuff you gave me when I sprained my leg?" She asked him. "I think she could use some." Riletia did not seem particularly impressed by Gales look, but she did keep an eye on the three of them although pretending to look somewhere else. Bright nodded and began looking through his backpack: "Yeah, I probably have some more. Just one second, ah here it is." He said and gave a small flask to the mermaid. She emptied it in one gulp and gave the empty flask back to Bright. Tina took a few more breaths before she finally calmed down. "I...just...a cat tried to eat me when I was young. Oh the horror." She looked at Gale for a moment: "You're not a cat, are you? "No, I am not a cat." Gale responded in a soothing tone. "Part yes, but mostly human. Just like all the others like me." She thought for a moment for what to say next. "Don't feel bad, I've had a bit of a panic attack recently too myself. How you feel about cats is about how I feel about undead. Its a bit of an odd tale, but long story short I ran into a bit of an ordeal with their kind before, so I know how you must feel when you're confronted with it face to face, especially so unexpectedly." It was a rather interesting sight to see the big mermaid being calmed down by the considerably smaller Gale. "Really?" She said with a bit of a sniffle. Bright remembered that moment, Gale mumbling incoherent words while paralyzed, it wasn't a good feeling. Tina dried her tears and smiled a bit: "I can still help you if you want. I won't be able to bring her with me though." She said with a whisper and nodded towards Riletia. "I figured as much." Gale joked. She was glad to see that Tina was calm now, and with this situation she has gained more trust in the mermaid. "I'm ready, though still a bit disgusted I must say..." Gale admitted. She did not find the idea of being eaten appealing, but if it needed to be done it needed to be done, no exceptions. She turned to Bright. "How about you? Are you ready? I have good faith in Tina, so I'm certain that she will help us to the extent of her abilities." "Yeah, sure I am ready." Bright said and nodded before he looked at Gale and Tina: "Ready for what exactly? Tina chimed in: "First I swallow you whole, swim down to Usâ and spit you up again. Simple as that." Bright looked at Tina first, then at Gale. He had missed the whole eating conversation earlier when going to get His look was rather skeptical: "Really, as simple as that eh?" He looked back at Tina. Despite her size, the sniffling mermaid did not look threatening nor voracious. "Well, if you got faith in her, I don't see why I shouldn't." "Hold on just a minute." Riletia suddenly said as she had been eavesdropping on the conversation. "Gale, may I borrow you for a second?" She said, more as a request than a suggestion as she grabbed around Gale, lifted her gently and placed her on the beach a small distance away from the others. "May I just say how much of a bad idea I think this is? You can't trust those mermaids. They're agressive, lying, voracious and..." Riletia had run out of words for the moment, but she nodded towards the mermaid: "Look at her, she is just planning her next evil move." The mermaid was at the moment giggling from something that Bright had just said, appearing very non-threatening. Gale did not change her expression towards Riletia as she voiced her complaints, for she felt the same way not long before. "Riletia," she began, "I understand your concerns, but I have an 'intuition' for these things. She has helped us, and she does not act like she is hiding something. The fear she felt when she was attacked by you was real enough, and the way she calmed down only confirmed what I thought." She looked back to her and Bright briefly. "Ill keep my guard up though, don't think i won't do that. If I sense something wrong I will not hesitate to retaliate." She looked to the sphinx once more. "They attacked me first..." Riletia mumbled to herself before she turned to Gale once more. "Fine, if that is what you believe, I`m not gonna stop you." She turned towards the mermaid and bowed her head down towards her: "You better bring them back,or you`ll be sorry." She gave one last ugly glare to the mermaid before she stepped off into the edge of the jungle while watching the mermaid and the two others. Meanwhile Tina had dragged herself to the water as being on land made her a bit uncomfortable. She paused for a bit before she finally said: "Alright, so if you still want to do this, would you be as kind as to leave your weapons and unnecessary stuff on the beach? I really don't want to swallow that staff or that hammer." She pointed at Gales staff, and Brights hammer respectively. Gale looked at her staff for a moment, thinking about what the mermaid wanted. "I might need this staff, magic is a bit difficult for me without it." A thought quickly sparked in her mind. "Why don't you carry it with you while you swim us down there? That way you can just give it back to me when we arrive. How does that sound?" It was a good thing that Riletia had gone off again, the idea of leaving their weapons behind might have sounded like an obvious trap to her. The mermaid thought about it for a little bit, but nodded eventually: "Sure, it'll be a bit harder to swim, but I think I can manage it. How about you?" She looked towards Bright. "Nah, I guess I can leave my stuff behind." He said, knowing that Gales staff was more important than his hammer and backpack. He still kept some potions in his belt however." Tina looked at Bright and Gale respectively: "So, who wants to go first?" There was a bit of silence before Bright coughed slightly: "You're first, oh how brave of you!" Tina said with a rather cheery voice. "What? No, I just..." He managed to say before he was pulled into a hug by the rather big mermaid. She kissed him on the forehead before her mouth expanded a bit and enveloped his head. She grabbed him by the arms, lifted him and let him slide downwards whereas she got a decent bulge in her neck that travelled down into her stomach which expanded slightly. Tina stifled a small burp: "Didn't taste bad." She turned towards Gale: "Are you ready?" Gale gulped a bit as she saw Bright get swallowed whole, the idea of letting that happen to her suddenly becoming far less appealing. Still, she knew she had little choice in the matter. It was either be eaten to find Usâ, or keep moving and hope for an alternative. With a quiet whimper she swallowed her pride. "Yes,I'm ready." Gale responded, limping towards Tina and leaning on her slightly as she handed over her staff. "Please be careful with my leg." "Here we go then." Tina said with a smile and put her hands on Gales shoulders. She pulled her close, opened her mouth wide and put Gales head inside. Gale would be able to feel strands of spit against her face and the tight envelopment of the mermaids throat as she got pulled further and further inside. As the world got darker around her, Gale would suddenly herself getting lifted up as to make gravity do some of the job. It went somewhat slower than with Bright, or maybe that was just Gales imagination. It could also be because Tina tried to be a bit more gently as to not hurt Gales leg. A few more swallows and Gales head was inside the stomach. One more and she could feel the mermaids tongue on her feet. One last swallow and she was fully within the belly. The stomach would normally have been somewhat comfortable, but with Bright inside there as well, it was a tight fit. "Do you see anything inside here? Cause I sure don't." He said and leaned against the stomach wall which was wet and squishy. "Also, I think you are sitting on top of my legs." With the space she was presented with and the presence of her injured leg, the space of Tina's stomach was made that much more loathed by Gale as she sat there in a near-fetal position while trying to cradle her ankle. "I can't see a thing either Bright." she responded. "I might have been able to see a little if there was just a small amount of light in here, but there isn't any at all." When Bright mentioned that she was sitting on him she felt below herself to confirm that she was. Indeed it was true, but she never noticed despite the fact that his legs are far harder than the mermaid's belly. She feebly tried to adjust herself, ending up only falling right back into position by the tight walls which threw her away with their tension. "Sorry Bright," she sighed, "Doesn't look like I'm moving any time soon. I hope I'm not hurting you." "It's okay. I`ll survive." Bright said and grinned a bit, even though Gale could not see it. "Oh...that taste was just awful." they could hear Tinas voice coming from the outside. It was a bit muffled due to the belly walls being between them and the outside, but the words were still audible. There was a small harking sound before the belly walls contracted violently, pushing Gale and Bright against eachother. The belly relaxed before it contracted once more, shortly followed by a heaving sound from the outside and the feeling that two big hands were pressing down on the belly to prevent Gale and Bright from coming back out. A couple of seconds passed before a small amount of seawater came into the stomach. "Sorry about that guys...I was just having a bit of a stomach trouble. Must have been something I ate. You guys okay in there?" She said and clapped her belly a bit before she dove into the ocean. Gale yipped when the walls began to push her and Bright together within the Mermaid, clutching at her ankle as soon as the opportunity arrose. "Owww...my poor leg." she moaned, giving the wall a light punch. "Please do be a bit more careful now Tina. Another unannounced contraction like that might break my weak leg." She was a bit unsure how to take her comment about 'something she ate' for rather obvious reasons, but she didn't let it concern her. As the surroundings grew more and more quiet, only interrupted by a faint heartbeat and the sloshing of some seawater within the belly, Bright finally spoke: "You know, I changed my mind, I think this is the stupidest idea we've had so far. Or at least the grossest." "Don't fret Bright." she told him after his outburst. "Have some patience and it will be over before you know it." "You're probably right Gale." Bright replied, "Although I have no idea how far we've gone. Kinda wish we had a window on the belly so we could see whether she is diving or she is lazing off on the beach." He was quiet for a moment before he spoke again: "Does this stomach feel smaller now or is it just me?" Tina felt somewhat nauseous. The hairs on Gales body had tickled her throat terribly. Swallowing some seawater had helped prevent throwing up, although there was still a hair or two in her mouth that annoyed her. She could probably open her mouth and wash it away, but it would not be good for her passengers. She would have to endure it for now. As she swam deeper and deeper, her belly became smaller as to adapt to the pressure of the deeps. Something which made the room within it tighter. Gale nodded. "The belly is indeed getting smaller, it is a sign that there is pressure being exerted on the outside in multiple directions, which can only mean that she is in fact diving down." She tried to adjust herself in the cramped belly, only to end up pointlessly squirming. "Although I must admit," she continued with a small grunt. "I really hope this can be over soon. This is about as uncomfortable for us as it is for her I can assume." She tried to adjust again, wanting to put her injured leg in a more relaxing position. Again, she failed and ended up doing nothing but hurting her leg once more. As of the moment, Bright could feel Gales breath on his face, and surely she would be able to feel his as well. That's how close they were. "I know how you feel Gale. I can't wait to get out of here." There was a small motion within the stomach as if the mermaid had stopped. Shortly after Bright could feel himself getting poked. Someone or something was prodding the mermaids belly. He moved slightly from the surprise, although his ability to move were rather constrained at the moment. "Did you feel that?" He asked Gale. "There's something going on out there, but I do not know what." The movement started again, and the stomach expanded a bit. Maybe Tina was going upwards again. Gale sighed, trying hard not to breath in Bright's face more than she had too. "I can't feel much of anything to be honest." Gale joked coldly. "Perhaps she is trying to tell us something?" Gale's question was almost instantly answered when the stomach began to open up more again, a sign that could mean good things for the cramped duo. "If we are getting more room to move," she began, "Then the pressure must be going down, which means we're nearing the surface." She thought for a moment. "You know, I just realized something. Once we get Usâ to come back with us, we'll have to go through this once more." with a groan she slumped at the idea that crossed her mind. "If it was cramped now, it would be a nightmare trying to get back with another person...unless..." as if a litghtbulb went off in her head, she leaned back up with inspiration. "Bright, remember that potion you gave me when I had to put the dragon to sleep at the wizard's tower? The shrinking potion? If you have more of that, a few of us could take it and make more room in here for the trip back." Bright thought about it for a moment, slightly relieved from the extra space that appeared in the stomach: "Well, I do have some more shrinking potion, but the amount of shrinking and the time that you are spent small is based on how much you drink. I have no idea if Usâ is big or small, and if I have to split the potion I got left on three persons, I don't think it would work." He shrugged his shoulders: "Worst case scenario, she is as big as Riletia. Imagine what would happen if Tina tried to eat something like that." He paused as he heard voices on the outside, he could not hear what they were talking about however as the belly wall warped the sound. "I think there is air outside." He said before the stomach moved. Something was pushing on the outside. The stomach contracted itself before the escophagus opened up and pushed Gale and Bright outside. The room was quite big, almost hall like in appearance. It was appearantly in some sort of cave, although the cave roof was held up by four big pillars who went up so high one could not see the top of them. The room itself was lit up by several lamps, probably magical, that was fused with said coloumns. In the middle of this room, between the four coloumns was a pedestal surrounded by water on all sides. (Most of the room was in fact filled with water.) It was upon this pedestal that Tina, Bright and Gale were situated at the moment. Bright lifted his hand and a strand of spit followed suit: "Well, that was certainly gross. Where are we?" His answer was soon followed by a bunch of long spears that pointed at his throat, along with Gale and Tinas. The holders of said spears were a group of armored mermen, their faces covered by some sort of metal helmet and their bodies had a blue-green color. Although none of them were as big as Tina, they certainly were not small, and definitely not weak either. Ejected from Tina's cramped belly, Gale was ready to say her thanks before she found spears pointed at her. Guards no doubt, judging from their armor and weapons. "We don't mean any harm." Gale said, attempting to get up before falling back down, forgetting for a moment about her leg. The guards, of course, were edgy about her movements. "We are looking for someone by the name of Usâ. She is a healer." she continued. "We were sent by a man named Steefous to see her. Please, do any of you know who we are talking about?" The guards looked at eachother for a moment before returning to their state of pointing their weapons at Gale in a threatening way. "They are not particularly talkative..." Bright mumbled while looking at the sharp spears from an uncomfortably short distance. "Be quiet, they are the royal guards..." Tina quickly said in a whisper. Shortly after she said that some more lights were revealed between the pillars in front of them. It revealed a throne that were half submerged in water. Upon it sat a woman whose eyes were hidden by her long silver colored hair, a small golden tiara placed upon her head, and her body below the waist was submerged in the dark waters. She did not seem to be wearing any sort of clothing, although her bosom was covered by her hair. On her left and right sides were other mermaids and mermen, in various colors and sizes, although there were something about their attitude that resembled the nobles of countries on land. Bright looked forward towards this collection of mermaids before he glanced to the right and left. There were other mermaids in the dark, watching the adventurers who had come here. The queen did a gesture with her hand and the guards surrounding Bright, Gale and Tina withdrew their weapons, although still holding their position around the pedestal. Something was swimming below the waters right in front of the pedestal before it appeared. It seemed to be a merman, although his sleek long body and sharp teeth had much similar features to that of a moray eel. He also appeared to be wearing a black wig and a moustache for reasons unknown. He faced the queen and bowed: "My queen, lords and ladies. Today I bring before the court of the seas..." Dramatic pause as he pointed towards Bright and Gale: "The worst criminals that has ever bothered our land. I have brought them before you so we may serve justice upon these murderers and cultists." "Crap..." Bright thought to himself before leaning over to Gale and whispering: "I didn't know mermaids had a justice system." Gale went wide-eyed at what had just unfolded before her. "Justice?" she stuttered, not used to being put on trial. She had a good hunch as too why this was happening, remembering the mermaids she had electrified nearly two days ago when her and Bright headed out to the island. Even so, how would they have known where they were...unless they were being spied on. "What happened out there Tina?" She whispered. "What is all this about? Are we even where Usâ is supposed to be?" Tina lowered her somewhat and whispered. There seemed to be some tears in her eyes: "She's the queen." She paused a bit before continuing: "The guards told me you were criminals. I had no choice but to bring you here." She looked at Gale: "Is it true? Are you criminals?" "...as my first witness, I call upon Larissa." The moray eel said and shortly after a small stone throne appeared out of the water between the court and the pedestal. A thin mermaid swam up to the throne and sat herself at it. She had a short green hair and a green spotted tail. "Now, Larissa, that is your name right?" "Yes." Her voice was rather thin and barely was heard over at the pedestal. "Could you tell us what happened that day?" She nodded before she began: "As usual I was on seaweed duty when one of the guards told me of someone who attempted to cross the lake. As usual when one of the local fishermen attempt to do that, we just scare them off by making them unable to row forward. This did not work, they shot lightning into the water and prevented us from doing that. We attempted to make the area foggy, but they shot down into the water again deliberately to hurt. As a last effort, we tried to sink the boat, but this was met with them electrifying the whole lake and paralyzing anything in it." "Can you describe the two?" The moray asked. "I didn't see them clearly, although I saw them walk on the beach together with this winged huge cat. It was a blonde human male, and some sort of female cat-faced human thing." "Can you point out the two?" "Yes." She pointed towards Gale and Bright on the pedestal. The moray turned towards the court: "Surely the court can see that these...people" he said the last word with unhidden disgust, "Knew exactly where they were going and had no intention in turned back whatsoever, even if it meant killing everything in their way." There were much boo'ing coming from the mermaids that were watching. The moray turned towards the mermaid again: "Now, if you please, could you tell us what happened after they got to the isle?" She nodded: "Two of the guards had been washed up on the isle. And then this huge cat thing came towards them and...and..." "Take your time. Tell us what happened?" "It ate them whole!" She cried out. The crowd gasped. "Now, could you please tell us what you did after that?" The moray asked once again. "I couldn't help but watch in horror, and shortly after the two of them." She pointed towards Bright and Gale again: "Came out of the forest, climbed the huge cat and flew away. Then the whole forest died, rotted before my eyes and the water began to chill. I did not dare to be there any longer so I and the others fled through the underwaters tunnels towards here so we could tell the queen what had happened." "Thank you for your cooperation Larissa. You're free to go." The mermaid nodded and swam beneath the water again. "Oh boy..." Bright whispered to Gale: "This can't be good." "This is indeed not good Bright." Gale replied. "But since this is a case of law, we should be able to rebuttal. Maybe we can get them to see our side of things." "Excuse me," Gale spoke up. She had no fear in her voice, it was instead determined and strong. "Before you go pointing fingers at us, I think it would be first be worth while to hear our side...or rather my side," she motioned to Bright. "He has had nothing to do with this, just a man who was in the wrong place at the wrong time. If you pass any judgement, you should exclude him from it." Struggling to stand again, she took back her staff from Tina and leaned on it for balance. When Gale took her staff, the mermen guards immediately reacted, and pointed their spears at her. (Keeping their distance however, allowing her to speak freely.) There was a small mumbling in the mermaid crowd when she began speaking while Bright and Tina looked nervously at her. "First of all, let me apologize for this misconception that has been brought before you today. Indeed these facts are true, this I will not deny, but your presentation of said facts is biased and weighted. I am a member of an elite core of warriors who seek only to bring places and cultures together, and in doing so we are sent on various tasks to promote our desire for unity. One such task led me to here, where the events began that lead up to what you brought us in here about today. The task was relatively simple, recover a strange amulet and bring it back for study. However, after finding said necklace we also attracted the attention of two adversaries, one of which was the Sphinx that was described only moments ago. I assure you that we have a bitter connection, we do not work together and only are temporarily teamed up do to some unfortunate circumstances, circumstances that also caused the island to begin to decay." "Now, before I get to the detail's on the island, allow me to tell the court 'why' we were heading to the island. We knew that this Sphinx was running rampant after our previous encounter, and were seeking her out to take care of her once and for all. In the town near the other side of the water we received a tip from one of the locals, a fisherman, who said he saw something like the sphinx flying towards the island. He also warned us that mermaids who lived in the area would also capsize and kill us on sight. So, after borrowing a boat, we headed off. When we were attacked by said mermaids, I defended the boat with magic under the assumption that both our lives were at stake. So you see, I acted only out of self-defense and in no way intended to harm any innocent person." "When on the island we stumbled upon what we later found out to be a tomb...or rather prison, of a powerful warlock. We accidently woke him up while investigating and had to flee the island post haste. That is when we ran once more into the sphinx, whom we had no idea had been eating mermaids, and explained the dire situation. It was then that she described to us what had been unleashed and we had no choice but to team up with her, to escape the island safely and go find more help. And this is what brought us here, the help we found was a wizard by the name of Steefous, who told us to seek out people he once knew who might help us. Your queen, Usâ, is one of those people." She held out her hand, which the ring the wizard gave her was placed upon her finger. "Look your majesty, he gave me this ring in order to identify myself. He also told me that you were once a powerful healer, and furthermore a human, and this all before you found the same amulet that I was sent here to find." She looked over to Bright. "Bright, show her the amulet, see if she remembers." When implying that the queen was once a human the crowd began shouting, and asking the queen to see the ring and amulet caused a straight uproar. Even the nobles who looked apathic to begin with were now looking towards the pedestal with interest. Even when pulling the amulet out of the pocket and holding it showed no effect at the queen. The queen eventually raised her hand and snapped her fingers. The cave was immediately filled with loud sound akin to thunder which quickly silenced the crowd. She gestured with her hand for the Moray to continue. He bowed slightly: "Let us add blasphemy and contempt of court while we are at it. You all saw it, did you not?" "What does that mean?" Bright whispered towards Tina: "She's been queen of the sea for over a hundred years. And she's blind. Suggesting she has been or is a human is..." Tina paused a bit: "A rather harsh insult." "Blind?!" Gale panicked. That was not going to help them at all. With everything she had been though in the years of her rule she must have forgotten what had happened long ago. This had to be Usâ, it just had to be, but how could she do what she needed to do? The Moray looked towards the crowd: "As my next witness, I call...you!" He pointed at Gale. The guards around the pedestal moved slightly away while stone pillars appeared out of the water leading towards the witness throne which had been raised a bit higher out of the water. "There has to be a way to make her see truth..." Gale whispered to Bright. "She doesn't seem to remember the wizard, and being blind it is increasingly difficult to persuade her. I'm starting to run out of idea's to get us out of messes like this, but..." she thought a moment, despite being pressured to hurry up onto the witness stand. "I have an idea Bright. I warn you though, should I fail do not try and defend me. No reason to pull you into this with me." "Gale, I`m in a mermaid court 1000 feet below the sea level facing cultist charges. I don't think I could be more caught up in this even if I tried." Bright said with a slight smile on his face. At least he still had his gallows humor. “Be careful now.” He said as Gale walked towards the seat. With an almost humorous wobble she made her way up into the seat, setting the staff to the side and awaiting what was to happen next. Unbeknownst to all except her, however, she had begun to channel a special spell that she hoped would help her convince Usâ to help them...or at the least, get on her good side. The stone throne was't wet, although a bit damp, not to mention a tad chilly to sit in. The Moray waited patiently for Gale to seat herself, not thinking particularly about the staff, merely assuming that it was used to support her when walking. "Now, if you would be as kind as to tell us your name and occupation?" Gale breathed calmly as she absorbed what was happening. "My name is Nightengale Amour." She began, again showing no sign of weakness in her voice. "I am a magi elite, member of the Almadorian military under the command of squad one in the PKSOUN unit, a unit specializing in tasks for the Almadorian throne and crucial military operations." She was careful with her words, this much was obvious. Court was not something they needed much of in her home land, but they did not know that...yet. Should everything go according to plan, they will know soon enough. The Moray swam back and forth, his tail being in the water while his upper body stayed afloat: "So, Amour, as a magi elite, I am going to assume that you know many magical spells. Both lethal and non-lethal. While on your way over to the isle, which was forbidden area by the way," "We didn't know that." Bright called out, shortly followed by the guards pointing at him with their spears. "Bright, please stay out of this." Gale shouted over to Bright. "Ignorance of the law does not exempt you from it." The Moray calmly stated before continuing: "Is it true, Nightingale Amour, that you chose lethal lightning spells where nonlethal spells would do the same trick? Is it true that you deliberately shot to kill?" "I do not deny that I used lightning spells, however, they were not meant to be lethal at first. Despite being a military mind, I do not take pleasure in ending life, so I weakened my spells to stun rather than kill, hoping it would drive away that which was threatening us. Our only motive to reaching this island was to eliminate the sphinx which was threatening us, whom I had heard from a local that she had flown over to said island. Had it not been for that, we would have never come." Her little spell was almost ready, she could feel it. She just needed to wait for the right moment now. "If they were not lethal at first, they certainly were so afterwards." The Moray said. "Amour, you say that the sphinx was threatening you, yet you went after it to an isle to hunt it down? Wouldn't a normal reaction be to avoid the very thing that is threatening you?" The Moray held up a finger: "Besides that, the very beast which you claim you were out to eliminate, you were seen flying away on not long after you arrived on the isle." "Indeed it would have been instinct to avoid the altercation with the sphinx," Gale began once more, "But as a member of the Almadorian militia it is my duty to eliminate anything that might threaten others. It is all part of our mission for unity, to know that we will defend others when the time calls for it." Any time now, she just needed an opportune moment to cast the spell. With her time almost done at the witness chair it would give her a key opportunity to cast the spell she had been working on. "Our partnership with the sphinx was brought on by two sides facing a common enemy." She continued, "As I mentioned earlier, while stranded on the island me and the man I came with accidently uncovered what could be described as an abandoned shelter, inside of which contained a magical being which had been trapped there for some time, an undead wizard of sorts. This wizard summoned forth an army of the walking dead which proceeded to tail us well to the shore of the island before I managed to stun them temporarily by putting them in a prison of glass. It was after this that sphinx described to us what we had done and insisted that we work together to undo what we done. Everything that happened was and is connected to the necklace the man over there is holding." Bright held up the amulet at the mention of it, although the most common reaction ws disbelief. That the thing he held did not have the power it was supposed to have. "I have no more questions for you." The Moray let Gale be on her way towards the pedestal once again. "As for my next witness. I call you." He pointed at Tina. The big mermaid looked a bit nervous, but nevertheless swam towards the witness throne, passing Gale on the way. The throne did not fit her good, but she managed to sit herself eventually. "Now, could you please tell us your name and occupation?" "Tina, I`m a pearl diver." "Could you tell us what happened between the time you met these people and you got here?" "I was sitting on a rock by one of the isles when I saw these two wander around. Nightingale got stuck in some roots, and I helped her out. They said they were looking for the queen, so I agreed to bring them here. Then the guards told me they were looking for a pair of criminals that looked just like them." "And did you see the sphinx?" Tina shook a bit: "Yes...it tried to eat me. The two of them stopped it before it could however." "So, you did not know anything about them before you met them at the isle?" "No. I did not know about them before the guards told me." "Did they tell you what they wanted?" The Moray asked. He seemed somewhat nicer towards Tina compared to Gale. "Just that they needed to see the queen." "That would be all." The Moray said and nodded. Tina swam back to the pedestal. The Moray turned towards the queen and the nobles: "My queen, my lords and ladies. You have been presented the case, and the witnesses. Their fate now lies in your hands." The nobles began discussing amongst themselves. Gale couldn't help but feel a bit worried as the nobles discussed amongst themselves about the verdict of the case. "I can't help but feel that they will be biased towards their own kind." she whispered to Bright, now back at his side. "I wish we could show the Queen this ring and this necklace, it might have jolted her memory about the events from the past." Twiddling her thumbs, she waited the verdict. "I have an ability that I want to use here...but I don't want it to seem like an assault. I must wait, perhaps I will get my opportunity." "I don't think humans and cats have a good reputation down here." Bright replied to Gale. "So, I think you're right. They probably are biased." He hid the necklace in his pocket again. No need to carelessly shove it around. The queen spoke a bit with the nobles, almost whispering into their ears. Eventually one of the nobles raised himself up, coughed slightly to get everyones attention before he spoke: "Hear hear. We have come to a conclusion. Tina the mermaid has been found....not guilty. She should however refrain from doing any contact with landdwellers in the near future. She is free to go." The noble looked at the queen for a moment before he turned his gaze towards the pedestal: "The mage and the human has been found guilty of interferring in the affairs of the kingdom and causing it harm, whether intentional or not. They have been sentenced to..." The last word he said was something genuinely mermaid and was incomprehensible to normal human ears. The effect on the crowd was good however as they clapped. "Tina, what did that last thing mean?" Bright asked the mermaid. "I am not sure how to translate it. It is a word that means both royal treatment and a meeting with the queen." "That's not bad right?" Bright asked again, unsure of what meant. "I`ve never heard of anyone leaving one of those meetings. I`m just glad I don't have to find out for myself." Tina said with a look on her face that said she was eager to get out of here. Gale grumbled quietly. "No one has returned from them. Doesn't seem much better than a death sentence when you say it like that." She paused and sighed, disappointed that the mermaids dragged Bright into this despite her claim to take full blame. "Alright, so what happens now? Do we just follow the guards?" She still had her spell safe and ready to use, shrouded from all and awaiting its purpose. "It's not like a direct death sentence. They probably could have said something worse..." Bright said in an attempt to cheer her up. "I wish you luck..." Tina said before she dove into the water. There was nothing she could do with the current situation. He was poked gently by one of the mermen guards as they pointed him towards a series of stone pillars that led from the pedestal and into the darkness. (If the court is north of the pedestal, the stonepillars lead westwards.) Bright began walking while a couple of mermen guards followed him on either side while two other mermen gestured for Gale to start walking as well. As he got closer to the cave wall, he could see what appeared to be a hole blocked by iron bars. They were lowered however when he got closer. Gale sighed. "Well, even if we are not killed off we just lost our ride back to the surface." She followed the way the guards urged her to follow without any restraint, saving for her limping movements that caused them a few delays. "Bright," She began again as the bars began to rise. "Don't vouch for me. I mean it. You had nothing to do with what happened: I attacked the mermaids, not you. If you get an opportunity to get away from this, take it. I will take full blame." "Come on Gale, it is not like I had any choice in the matter. I`ve been with you the whole way. I doubt that they`d let me go even I did proclaim my innocence." Bright said as they got closer. He stopped at the last pillar, bowing slightly forward as to see what was so special about this hole. Appearantly there were some ramp that lead downwards. Like some sort of slide. At that moment one of the mermen guards got tired of waiting and gave Bright a push where he fell forward and vanished within the depths of the hole. He gave off a surprised shout which quickly vanished. The mermen turned towards Gale and waited for her to follow, or if she didn't, force her. --- The rock slide was fairly wet and provided a rather quick slide through the darkness whereas Bright soon found himself in what appeared to be a shallow pool. Elsewhere in the room were some torches that lighted up the room and a rather large pink bed. The floor was of hard rock and in the corner of the room was a pile of various treasures. Bright got himself out of the pool and looked down on his wet clothes. He would have to get some new ones after this adventure. If he survived that is. Gale turned to the guards when they arrived at the ramp. "Is this safe with my leg in this con...EEP!" She gasped, being pushed down the slide head first, grasping tightly to her staff. At the bottom Gale landed with a thud and immediately grasped at her leg again. Grunting quietly to herself, she tried to brush off the pain and sit up to see the room around her. Through squinted eyes she saw everything Bright had seen; certainly it was the queen's chamber. "Well...ngh...I guess this is where the queen is going to greet us." she gritted through her teeth. Shortly after Gale was pushed, the bars went back in place, preventing anyone from entering or leaving that way. "I guess so." Bright said and looked at Gale holding her leg. "How is your leg doing?" With yet another sigh Gale did her best to stand up with her staff. "It's really painful, I'm not gonna lie." she laughed weakly. "I hope I can get this thing fixed soon, not used to having an injury like this over a long period of time. Can usually get it fixed within a few minuets." They did not have to wait too long for the queen to arrive. She came through a door in the wall, which when locked appeared to be part of the wall. Upon her entrance to the cave, it showed that she did not have the mermaid tail like the rest of the jury, but instead a very long silver colored snaketail. Gale stopped talking when the queen arrived, looking over her rather unique tail that seemed out of place for your regular run-of-the-mill mermaid. She said nothing and awaited to see what was going to happen next. The queen looked as if she smelled the air for a second before she moved in the direction of Bright and Gale. She slithered towards Gale, and standing next to her showed Usâ was fairly bigger than her. "Just hold still for a moment." The queen said with calm voice before she poked Gales leg. The one she had twisted earlier that is. There were a lot of pain for a moment, then suddenly, the pain was gone. The leg was healed. "Better now? So...how was Steve doing last time you saw him?" Usâ asked. Bright looked a bit surprised, but thought to himself that this situation turned out better than expected. For the first time in a while Gale placed her leg on the ground, happy to see that it was good as new. "Thank you very much you're majesty." Gale praised, hopping on her leg to get feeling back into it. "Steve is doing fine I suppose. Has he always been a such a stuck-up jerk? Seems to me that the only time he didn't want to ring our necks was when he heard about what happened on that island." "You're welcome." The queen said with a small smile. She put a chin finger on her chin upon the mention of Steve and thought about it for a second: "Well, Steve always had some sort of issues, but I guess he had a lot to deal with after the war." "So, what is going to happen to us? You all seemed very upset by the transpiring events, especially when I referred to you as being a human once...and I do apologize for that, I did not know it was an insult. It was just that Steve said that you were human once and might have had their form altered by the necklace's power, just like Riletia...Oh dear, you knew her too didn't you!?" Gale caught herself, realizing the fact in point. "The sphinx, that was Riletia. She too was changed by the necklace's power." Bright nodded while hearing Gale speak about the Sphinx. Usâ thought about it for a moment: "You have a lot of questions. Let me see if I can answer some of them." "The necklace gives power, but it also take something away. Think of it as a trade, but you might end up with something different than what you originally intended." She slithered a bit on the ground around Gale. "As for the insult, well, let us say that when the war first broke out, mermaid bones were considered a highly prized ingredient in mage spells. I changed that by making the humans fear the sea." She had gone one more round around Gale, the snake tail a bit closer to her legs this time. "And I know that you two freeing the undead king was not intentional." "It is not like there were any signs telling us about it." Bright said in an attempt to apologize their actions. Usâ stopped her moving and looked towards Bright. "I know from experience that tombs of evil should be forgotten. If they are known, they attract the wrong kind of attention." "Like?" Bright asked curiously. "Oh you know, cultists, doom-sayers, tomb-raiders, adventerous do-gooders,those kind of people. On the other hand, if you give the impression that the area belongs to a bunch of territorial mermaids who kill people for trespassing, a lot less people find a reason to go there." "Oh..." "Anyway, as I was saying." Usâ said once more and slithered another round around Gale, the tail becoming rather tight around her body. "They originally wanted to tie anchors around your legs and throw you into the depths, but their minds changed and asked me to take care of it instead." "Which means?" Bright asked, although not sure if he wanted to know the answer. "It means I would have to devour you." Usâ said and stroked Gales head slightly with her hand. Her tail tightened, preventing any struggle. She turned her head towards Gale, and this close she would be able to see beneath the queens hair that Usâ had her eyes covered by a white cloth with some bloodstains on it where her eyes were located. She opened her mouth and breathed on Gale, her breath smelling a bit like fish. "But, I`m not going to do that." Her tail loosened up and allowed Gale to move freely again. "Because you are not the criminals you appear to be." Gale couldn't help but wince from anticipation when Usa let her go from her coils. "Good for me, heh." She laughed sheepishly, looking away to sigh in relief quietly. "You seem to be the only one who trusts us, among those who partook in the court hearing. I'm thankful for that." Bright had a slight sigh of relief as well. "So then, does you sparing our lives mean you'll help us?" Gale questioned. "We are trying to gather Steve's old squad back together to fight against the evil wizard. And I promised to help by getting a trusted friend from my own home as well in the process. It could always help, especially if this person is as strong as I heard he is." She had a bit of a sparkle in here eye, a sparkle that faded when she looked down at herself and realized the shape of her, now tattered, makeshift outfit was. "Forgive me for poking my nose, but I don't suppose there is a pair of cloths lying around somewhere I could borrow?" She rubbed her arm as she asked. "I had to make these cloths I'm wearing now out of leaves on the island, and after the events that led to here they are quite tattered. I fear they won't last to much longer and...well, I'm not partial to being naked around others, especially royalty such as yourself." Usâ looked thoughtful for a moment. "Clothes? I didn't notice. Standard mermaid attire is rather..." She paused slightly: "...minimalistic." She slithered over to one of the cavern walls and stroked it slightly. Shortly after a crack appeared before it expanded it to a opening that revealed a second cavern. Within said cavern the floor was somewhat heightened and a large pile of clothes and other items were situated there. They were of both varying quality and style, some of these many years old. Usâ gestured towards the cavern: "Just pick what you think you might need. Few of these fit me, and the last ones who used them...well, they don't need them anymore." "I wonder where those people went..." Bright said and took a peek inside the cavern. "Ooh, a fresh pair of jeans. I`ll take these." He exclaimed as he picked out a pair. They looked somewhat new. Gale gave a bit of a odd glance to Bright with his comment about the people's wearabouts. "Think Bright...Lisa said that people sent back here never returned, and she just said that she would have had to have eaten us." She scolded. Digging though the pile, she picked out a pair of black sweatpants, brown hiking boots, and a blue t-shirt with a white cross on the top of the left chest that contained the word 'Libera'. Putting the clothes over her shoulder and carrying the shoes, she continued her search. "Dear me, I can't seem to find any sort of undergarments..." she mumbled, continuing her relentless search. Bright just realized he had said that out loud instead of just thinking it. "It was rhetorical question...I figured that much when we got here." Bright whispered back while he quickly changed pants. Making sure that he did not forget anything he had in his pockets. "I think I found some undergarments..." he said and picked up some sort of black-laced thong. He smiled a little bit: "I don't think this is your taste though..." "So then, your majesty," She continued half buried in clothes, "You didn't answer my question. Are you going to help us after all to stop this evil once and for all? I can only assume you mean good will, sparing us and healing me when you could have simply...well, you know." She dry-gulped at the thought of what could have happened to her. "Though It would prove tough. Mermaids need water, and who knows what might lie ahead in our journey to find everyone...that is assuming you come with us of course." The queen thought about the situation for a moment: "I can not follow you where you go, but I`ll rouse the mermaids and we'll go into the rivers and creeks and slow down any undead troops. " "And if there are no rivers?" Bright asked as he made sure his pants fit. He put on another black t-shirt which was not ripped in any means. "We'll make one." Usâ said shortly. "So, yes, I`ll make sure to help you." She looked over to Gale: "Just change if you want. I won't look." Gale sighed when Bright brought up the lingerie. "You would be right to say that." she remarked. "I wouldn't be caught dead with something like that on me..." She paused as she dug through the cloths and pulled up a bra than matched the article that Bright found. With a grumble she took the panties from Bright. "There the only things I see of what I'm looking for though, so it's either these of this tattered leafy garbage..." Another sigh, and she put the black lace with the rest of her outfit. "I suppose it's better than leaves. I'm holding you to your promise Bright, don't look." With that, Gale went opposite of Bright of the pile of clothes and did her best to conceal herself while she changed. "Well, let us hope you fare better than the last owner." Bright said with a low voice. "I was only joking though. Ah well, if they fit, I guess we are good to go." "Alright, finished." Gale emerged from the other side of the pile in her new attire; it was impossible to notice the revealing underwear beneath her more modernized fashion. She admired her new, temporary look. "I suppose it's not too bad." she commented. "Though I wish the shirt was a little bit looser...all well, I guess I’ll just have to live with it for now." She turned back to Usa. "Do you have a plan to get us back to the surface?" Usâ was facing the two adventurers and nodded: "To the surface? I`ll let you take the stairs." She turned her back on the two, slithered over to another wall and touched it. Shortly after the wall opened up and revealed a set of stone stairs that led upwards for a great distance. Bright gave off an impressed whistle. "These stairs lead to one of the isles. Watch out for the tribes though. Ah well, I am sure that two such people like you will manage fine." She slithered over to Bright and stroked his head slightly before turning towards Gale. "I have one last gift to give before you leave." She said before she gently placed her finger on Gales forehead whereas she would feel a strange tingling feeling in the head before it quickly vanished. "What did you do?" Bright asked curiously. "Specific Information. It will appear when you need it the most." Usâ turned towards Bright once more: "You don't have to leave though, I am pretty sure she can handle herself without you. You can stay here and keep me company, I`m sure to find some room for you." That last sentence made Brights spine chill and he immediately began walking towards the staircase: "Well, would you look at the time. Gale, I think it is time to go." His tone of voice was rather eager and somewhat nervous. Gale bowed politely to Usa. "Thank you again for you're time." She smiled, heading over to the stairs to begin the assent back to the surface. She turned once more, however, as something crossed her mind. "I almost forgot. Usâ, once all of this is over with and the evil wizard is eliminated for good, there is a chance that the amulet's power will reverse and revert all it had changed back to normal. I...hope that won't be a problem to you." It would be a bit awkward for the mermaids to realize their queen was human after all, at least that is what Gale thought. "Come on Bright." She called out again, charging up the stairs quickly. "You do what you have to do." Was the last thing Gale could hear the queen say before the stonewall closed in behind her. Bright rushed up the stairs as fast as he could while Gale was not far behind him. They were lit up a little bit by some sort of moss that grew on the walls. After a while, he had to take a break and went down on his knees. Luckily the stairs were wide enough for two people to stand beside eachother. "You know," he said after taking some breaths: "I did not think that the stairs were this long. How far down have we been really?" It sounded awfully like another rhetorically question. Gale kept adjusting the bottom of her new shirt as Bright talked to her, not used to wearing cloths such as that. "Well, I can't say for certain how far down we have gone," She began, "but you have to keep in mind how long it took us to get down there inside Tina, whom i can say for certain swam down faster that we are climbing. It might be a while before we get up there, or even not long at all." "That's true. Although she did swim upwards for a bit as well." Bright said and remembered the rather tight travel not too long ago. He looked a bit at Gale as she adjusted her shirt. "I guess we still got a way to go." He said and got himself back on the feet. "Were you a bit creeped out as well? I`m going to be honest, it felt like she stared through my soul." Bright said, knowing well that the naga was supposed to be blind. She finally stopped fussing with her shirt, listing intently to Bright's opinion of the queen. "Back in Almadora we have a saying: He who is without eyes can see more than what the eye reveals. The phrase originates with a powerful healer who, after becoming blind from a backfired experiment, worked day and night four teen years to find a way to restore his vision. His final creation was a spell known as the Ken-kai-set, though it did far what he wanted it to do. The spell's true effect was that, once placed on a person, it would force their mind into a submission that prevented them from telling lies. Due to this, the Ken-kai-set, was nicknamed 'the eye of truth'. Over the years the spell has been modified by some cultures and used as part of their judicial systems. For example, the Nivian version of the eye of truth prevents convicted people from holding their tongues, meaning that not only can they not lie but they must also answer any question asked of them. Another interesting variation was created in the Desert lands of Eternia, which projects a person's memories into the vision of the caster, allowing them to see the event in question." She laughed a bit. "I have my own variant of the spell too, one that I've been working on in my free time." He listened to Gales story although it made him think: "Is that a good thing? Making people tell the truth forcibly sounds like it could be misused if in the wrong hands." "That memory projection thing sounds useful, although I am not sure how someone would use it." "I suppose you're right to a point," She continued, "In the wrong hands the spell could prove to be a disaster, luckily the spell is only taught to judges, PKSOUN squad leaders, and those few striving to rise to the level of arch mage, such as myself." "PKSOUN squad?" Bright asked, curious of what the letters meant. "PKSOUN is a special part of the Almadorian army that is based in the capital." Gale re-alliterated. "PKSOUN itself stands for 'Peace Keepers and Special Operations Unit of Nivia, for which I am a member of squad one. Right now our primary goal is inside the war, but sometimes a few of us are called off from that during times of little to no fighting to do other important tasks, such as myself with the amulet." "Oh yes, now that I think about it, you might have told me about PKSOUN earlier." Bright said and helped Gale with the searching. He walked a bit: "So, you got me curious now, how does your version of the spell work?" "My version of the spell," Gale smiled, "Is still in development, but it would also the one the spell has been cast upon to see through illusions and false realities created by other magics. The only reason I am making it like that is for usage on the field, casting it upon myself of course." Well, your version of the spell sounds at least nicer than the others. At least there's no way to misuse it." The tunnel before them was starting to become brighter. "Looks like we are closer to the surface now. First thing we should do is try to locate Riletia and tell her the news." The tunnel eventually lead into something that appeared like a stone temple. Within the temple there were several stone statues of snakes. "You're right. We should do that." He looked around to see if could find an exit. So far it seemed like the light came from the many cracks and windows in the temple. "I suppose Usâ had something to do with the decor in this temple?" He suggested and shrugged. Once inside the temple, Gale took a moment to feel around one of the statues. "Maybe," She responded. "It seems more like a serpent than a mermaid though...then again, Usa was more of a naga then a mermaid wasn't she?" Moving away from the statue, she looked around the room to see if she could find an exit, which she did not. "What do you think Bright? Could probably break through one of these walls, but maybe it would be easier to take a window?" "Seems to me that the entrance to this place fell apart ages ago." Bright said and looked at a pile of rubble. "I think we might have to take a window. I am not sure if this place can take a magical hit through the walls." He said with his hand resting on his chin. "If we take one of those statues and place it beneath one of the windows, we can climb on it. What do you think?" "Well..." Gale pondered, feeling one of the statues and giving it a forceful push. "...That's easier said than done Bright, these things weigh a ton." She backed away from the stone and rammed forward again at it, managing to do nothing of use to it. "Even with us pushing together I'm not certain how well it will move, if at all." Walking around, Gale looked for a new way in which they could move the statue, not finding anything that they could use. "Well, if worse comes to worse I can move it with my, um, 'special' abilities. You know what I mean right?" She made an exaggeration of the appendages that came out of her back that she showed him earlier. Bright tried leaning on the statue as well. Appearantly they were a lot heavier than they looked. He thought a bit about Gale's certain abilities: "If you have to." Bright said, "It creeps me out a bit though. I think if you stand on my shoulders you`ll be able to get up there." He said and walked closer to the wall and looked up at the window. "Alright, I suppose that will work." Gale agreed, eying up the distance from the floor to the window. "Once outside I'll see if I can find a rope or a vine that I can use to get you out. Or maybe I'll be able to find a door and unblock it from the outside, who knows." She waited for Bright to get ready to let her up. While she waited though, his comment about being feeling scared about what she could do...what she was...it felt a bit odd to her to be called that. But what was she thinking? Of course he would think that, it's a natural thought process. Still, she felt a bit sad that he couldn't accept the fact like her mate had done, but she would not hold that against him. "Oh, and maybe you should save your magic reserves until you need them? We don't know what's out there." He as he let Gale stand on his shoulders. He supported himself against the wall and lifted her up so she could see out of the window. Appearantly the temple had been part of a greater complex as there were a lot of ruins on the outside. Several broken stone pillars were overgrown with plants and a few stone structures had just collapsed into rubble. The place looked like it had not been touched by human hands for a long time. A few birds flew around and some sort of hairy four legged creature ran across the overgrown paved plateu. Surrounding the ruins were a thick jungle and from within the jungle one could hear a sound that sounded remarkably like someone snoring. "Do you see anything useful out there?" Bright called out to Gale. "Hardly." Gale responded. "There doesn't seem to have been any human influence in these parts for years. Overgrown plants, wild animals, you name it it's here." She listened carefully to the outside world once more to hear the sound of snoring in the distance. "I can hear what sounds like something sleeping, something big. Could be Riletia." She suggested. Grabbing onto the window, she pulled herself up off of Bright and hobbled into a sitting position in it. "Ill grab a vine and toss it in for you to climb out, there are a ton of them." Gale shouted down to him before jumping over the ledge and out into the world gracefully on both legs. "I don't hear anything, but you're probably right." Bright said and tried to listen to the surroundings. He couldn't hear anything out of the ordinary. "Alright," He called back, "I`ll just wait here." He turned to look at the walls in the ruins to see if he could some time that way. There were only unreadable text and washed away drawings. Not anything useful or interesting. Being on the outside, Gale would be able to see that the building she had come from was one of three on that plateu. It had been a houselike structure, although it was really a mess now. There was another just like it a bit away. The third building however looked like a hill, although a closer inspection would reveal that it was a small pyramid, just overgrown with vegetation. Surely there would be no trouble finding vines here. "That looks like a good place to start." Gale told herself, hurrying over in the direction of the pyramid. Coming to the structure, it took her no time at all to locate some sturdy vines: thick and flexible, perfect for getting bright out of the other building. The only real problem, as Gale soon found out, was that the vine might have been just a tad too thick. As if it wasn't enough that she did not have the strength to pull the vine away from the stone it grasped ever so strongly too, she would not be able to cut it accordingly, leaving her to drag the green rope over the ground. No, she would have to find another way to remove the vine, or another vine altogether. "It's never easy is it?" Gale mumbled as she tried to make the vine detach from the building with a forceful tug to no avail. A quick scan of the area reveled no other good sources for another good vine. "Maybe Bright has a knife he can toss to me out the window?" She pondered, heading back to the temple they emerged from. "Hey Bright!" She called out. "I found a vine, but it's stuck to another structure. Do you have a knife or some other sharp object with you that I could cut the thing free with?" "Yeah, I got a knife. Just let me get my backpack. It's in there." He shouted back. There was a small moment of awkward silence before he muttered: "Oh wait, I left it on the beach." He thought about it for a moment before he remembered he had some potion flasks in his belt. He looked at them in turn until he found one yellow looking one. "I got a vial of acid here. Think you could use that?" Gale thought for only a brief moment about the offer Bright had made. "I think I’ll pass on the acid, it would work most likely but I don't trust it too much. After all, one of us would end up holding the burned end, and any residue would prove to be quite harmful." "The temple is old and is bound to have debris scattered about. Are their any pointy rocks at the least? I might be able to use one as wedge to separate the vine." Bright thought about it for a moment before he called back: "Ah, you're right. That wouldn't be nice. Give me a second, gonna check that rubble over there." Some seconds passed before Bright called back. "I found one pointy rock. Well, relatively pointy that is. Get away from the window and I`ll throw it through the window." "Ready?" He called out and threw the rock before it landed with a small thud in the grass on the outside. It was as he said, relatively pointy and big enough to fit in ones hand. The rock landed no more that a few feet away from where Gale stood, landing softly in the grass. "Good throw." Gale complemented, quickly picking up the rock and putting it in the pocket of her new sweats. "It won't take too much longer now Bright." She called up to him. "Ill be back soon with the vine i found. Keep looking around in there, might find something else that we could use. You never know." She darted off back to the pyramid with these final words, leaving Bright by his lonesome once more. Back at the pyramid, she easily located the vine she saw before and knelt before it, grasping the rock over her head. "Alright, let's do this." She mumbled to herself, striking down repeatably on the thick vine and slowly breaking it away from the rest of the overgrown building. "Well I`m not going anywhere!" He called back and began walking around a bit within the ruins. Bright spent the time looking some more at the stone walls. He found some pictures of people bowing down before a snakewoman. "Interesting." He thought to himself. "I guess Usâ have been here quite often." A closer inspection showed another picture of two men facing eachother, each of them carrying swords. Gale would have no problem getting the vine loose, well it required some effort, but it wasn't a difficult task. With one final, powerful strike down with the sharp rock the vine snapped apart, freeing itself from the old pyramid and falling limply to the ground. Tossing the rock aside, Gale began to wind up the the green rope around her arm in a number of coils, picking the rock back up before she headed back to the other building to get Bright out. "Bright!" She shouted, rushing over to the window. Tossing the vine down, she began to fasten one end of it to the rock. "I got the vine, I'm gonna toss one end into you and tie the other end to a tree." With the rock secured on the end of the vine, Gale swung the end in question over her head in a circle, releasing it only when she knew the time was right. With excellent precision the rock flew into the window and downwards, taking part of the vine with it. Once as far in as it would get, Gale tied the other half of the vine to a nearby tree. "Alright Bright, you can get out when your ready." Bright sidestepped a bit as the stone came flying in the window. "Good throw." He said out loud before grabbed hold of the vine and began climbing. It wasn't that difficult and after a small moment had managed to get out. He landed on the ground with little grace. "Alright, now that we both have gotten out, let's see if we can get going." He listened to the surroundings: "Now that you mention it, I do hear a bit of snoring. I guess that must be Riletia. It's coming from..." he paused a bit and pointed into the jungle: "That direction I think." "Lead on." Gale urged. "Nothing much here to look at accept some plants and some ruins, none of which will help us right now." She decided to leave the vine there; it would most likely just weigh them down on the way back to Riletia...or whatever that sound is if not her. As Bright lead the way onwards, the vegatation got thicker and thicker until there was only a small path that was not completely overgrown by vegetation. Obviously the road to the temple and ruins had not been used for many, many years. From where they were standing, they could see a small plume of smoke through the tree branches coming from the same direction as the snoring. Eventually they reached what appeared to be a village without much trouble. Well, to be strict it was a village in the past sense of the word as a rather large sphinx had decided to lay across several huts and crude buildings, reducing them to mere rubble. The few that were still standing were made of wood, straw and palm leaves. The smoke they had seen earlier had come from a small campfire. Riletia rolled around in her sleep and revealed that she had helped herself to some eating while Bright and Gale were gone. Her belly had expanded slightly and if one looked closely, one would be able to see some motion within, indicating that it had not been too long since she had eaten. Bright looked at Riletia, over to Gale, then over to Riletia again: "I...don't really have words to describe this." He said. "So...do you want to wake her, or shall I do it?" Gale couldn't help but wince at the sight before her. "How revolting!" She complained, watching as her the sphinx's belly moved ever so slightly with the remaining life within. Turning her back to Riletia, she took a good look around at the village's remnants. "This entire place is deserted..." She waved her hand towards the glutton. "You wake her up. If I have to talk to her I might just blow up at her, and we need her to take us from place to place. Wouldn't want to piss her off and away." Bright sighed a bit before he walked over to Riletia: "Alright, I`ll wake her. If I am able to." "Oh Riletia!" He called out in front of her face, and seeing as there were no response he tried to knock on the chin. Nothing happened. He tried rubbing her nose and this time something happened. She sneezed loudly and sent him flying backwards a couple of feet, covering him in spit. "Mhm?" Riletia said slightly and rolled around to get on her legs. She rubbed her eyes slightly with her paw. "Ah, there you are. I was waiting for you." She shifted her eyes a bit, looking away: "Not that I was worried or anything..." Bright got himself back on the feet and tried to drag the spit off. His face expression was rather disgusted. "Gross..." He mumbled to himself. Riletia rubbed herself in the hair and pulled out Brights backpack and hammer. "I got your stuff here. Didn't want it to lie on the beach so it could get stolen." She looked towards Gale: "Did it go well?" "Sure did," Gale replied, keeping her back turned. Her voice was well disguised, if she was angry she certainly was not showing it. "She can't come with us, but she has informed us that she will send her mermaid troops to hold back the wizard and his his minions. Turned out that she had became a queen of the mermaids after she left your group." "She was always clever like that..." Riletia looked up as if she was thinking. "What did you eat?" Gale asked, abruptly changing the subject. "First thing we saw coming here is your gut. Will you be too full to fly?" She looked down at her stomach: "What I ate?" She looked over towards Gale: "Livestock mostly. I was waiting for you at the beach when some people appeared at the beach. They called me names and started flinging arrows and spears at me. I got pissed and chased them down to their village." She bobbed her head as to indicate that this was the village. "Of course, when I appeared everyone got scared and ran away, leaving their cows and chickens unattended." She let out a stifled belch. "Mostly?" Bright asked. "I managed to eat one of those spear throwing bastards. Don't look at me, he had it coming." Riletia looked over to Gale again: "And I`m not too full to fly. Probably not gonna take us to the big altitudes though. At least not yet." Gale sighed in a strange mix of relief and sadness. "Only one person died then...but they acted out of self defense and fear when they saw you." She turned back to her for the first time since they caught back up to her; her expression was far from pleased. "Do show more courtesy to people will you? Now they have broken homes and one less member of their village. What if he had a wife? Children? Parents? Kin?" Gale shook her head. "Sorry, but you need to see things from my point of view... I've seen too many people die for no reason, people die for the greed and desires of others. Human life of all kinds is precious to me, It always has been." She approached now, irritation taking her voice once more. "My point, I know that you need to do what you must as a sphinx, but kindly leave all humans and all human-like people out of it! If they attack you detain them, but do not eat them! Please! You were one yourself once, you MUST have some compassion left for them!" The sphinx rolled her eyes. "Self-defense my ass, I was minding my own business when they came throwing spears at me. Unprovoked that is." She grumbled a bit: "But if that tribe fellow means so much to you..." She turned over a bit and harked and coughed. A mere moment later a wet and confused tribal member laid on the ground before he got back on his legs, shouted some words towards the sphinx. Bright didn't understand them, but it was clear they were not nice. Then the tribal member then ran off into the jungle. "Look how happy and thankful he is." Riletia said with a forced happy voice, but with a tone that sounded a lot like sarcasm. She turned towards Gale again, this time with a more stern face: "Gale, I know you mean it well and all, but look at me. I am the size of a building. How many humans do you think show compassion to me?" "They are afraid of you Riletia, can you blame them for that?" Gale rebutted at full force. "It's basic human nature: fight or flight, and being a tribe of warriors they must frown upon the later. Then you proved too much for them, so they fled. Did you even attempt to make peace with them before you attacked in turn? I bet you didn't." She paused for a moment, trying to calm herself down. "Know that you would receive no compassion at first, you could attempt to show some to them first and see if they begin to appreciate you. I mean, they can't really hurt you can they?" "My size certainly did not stop them from trying." Riletia said and reached with a paw behind her wing and yanked out a spear which she threw on the ground. It was red on the spearhead. "I think I can do without that kind of compassion." In a strange turn, Gales face became completely absent of the emotion it was showing only seconds ago. "It's a pity though...I almost wanted you to keep him..." She shook her head. "Wait what? Did...did that come out of my mouth. What the...Oh dear!" Gale covered her mouth. "Bright, do you remember the spell I told you about on the way back to the surface, the eye of truth? And do you remember the spell i was channeling if things went wrong with Usâ but never ended up using?" In a fit she began to chew on the tip of one of her fingers, perhaps a nervous habit. "The spell i was preparing was the Ken-kai-set, my eye of truth! But I never cast it, instead I forgot I was channeling it and continued to do so for all this time. The spell is starting to backfire on me...oh dear this is not good at all!" Bright turned his head around suddenly as he heard Gale say something he had not heard her say before: "Did you just say what I think you said?" He looked a bit stunned: "But I thought the spell of yours was just to look through illusions? I didn't even know it could backfire." "All spells can backfire, over-channeling is just one way." Gale said, continuing to bite on her finger. "I can't believe I made such a foolish mistake! Though it seems it was not a complete backfire: it appears that the truth-telling effects of the spell only take effect randomly rather than constantly. I suppose that is good for me, but..." She recalled what she said earlier, "I won't be able to control what I say, who is to say I wont say something out of line or completely foolish, or...undesired." Almost on que her eyes began to glaze over once more. "My fiancee's name is Marcus. He is wanted for twelve murders on the Northwind coasts where he was once an assassin for hire." She violently shook her head. "Dammit! How long until this blasted spell wears off!" He looked into her eyes as they shifted a bit. "Okay, so if I ever meet him, I shouldn't step on his toes." "I don't have a potion that can cure saying the truth, but I got one that paralyzes the tongue. then again, that isn't really helpful either." He said and shrugged his shoulders. "Ill have to let the effects of the spell wear off on their own." Gale replied. "The Ken-kai-set is far too powerful for me to dispel alone. I can't say how long it will last though, could be a few minutes, or hours, or days...I really hope it's not days." "What spell did you intend to use on Usâ to begin with?" Bright asked Gale curiously. "At least you are among friends, would have been bad if this had taken effect among the mermaids. I`m not gonna hold anything you say against you." "I will." Riletia said and bowed down to get a closer look at Gale: "I used to love gossip back in the day." Gale turned to Riletia and looked her cross in the eyes as she got her face closer. "Don't start anything!" She complained. "There are thing's in my past that should never see the light of day, just as I'm sure you have yours. You reveal anything about me to anyone who doesn't need to know, and next time I can use the spell you'll be my target; spill some of your secrets to the general public! And you wouldn't want than any more than I..." Once again she began to loose the glow in her eyes. "I lived in a place called Silverpass before I moved to Almadora, before I met Marcus. I went to a magic academy for ten years, but was kicked out when they found I wasn't awakened like the rest of the students. I worked at a bar as a waitress after being kicked out and ended up quitting after..." She shook her head and grabbed at her mouth with both hands. "Can we just go!?" She cried, "Please!?" Riletia rolled her eyes: "You are such a spoil-sport. Can't even take a small joke." Upon hearing Gale's new outburst, Bright just pretended he had not heard anything: "Did you say anything? I wasn't paying attention." 1. Return to fairy forest Riletia positioned herself so it would be easier to climb upon her back: "Alright, let's just go before I get hungry again. Where are we supposed to go now?" Bright climbed up and extended a hand to Gale to help her up as well: "Okay, so now we are supposed to go east towards the great forests, right Gale?" "Yes that's right." Gale agreed with Bright. "That is where we ended up after we got warped. The place with the strange gold eating fairy...or perhaps that was who we are looking for, I can't say for certain." With the help of his hand she climbed up onto Riletia and readied for the flight. "I don't think she will be happy to see us, that is if she still sees my staff as potential food." "Not to mention the potential of running into the mate of that white phoenix I...apprehended. It's unlikely, but still we should be careful if we see a large white bird." She gave Riletia a small nudge to get her full attention. "Keep your eyes open for it. White phoenix are notorious for the unique flame they breath; it doesn't burn the body, but it instead burns the soul and spiritual energy with it. One bad run with it, and even you could be reduced to a hollow shell of a body." "Has anyone been happy to see us so far?" Bright asked rhetorically, "because I can't recall anyone who has." "I was." Riletia chimed in. "Okay, she has been happy to see us." Riletia sighed: "Alright, I`ll keep a lookout for the white bird. Any more creatures of the forest you have pissed off while you were there?" She begun flapping her wings. "Grab hold." She said and took off, leaving the isle behind them. Bright looked like he was thinking, considering that he had a hand put on his chin: "You know, I always thought phoenixes only came in one standard variety. Are there different types? Like, black or red or..." "Green?" Riletia chimed in. "...Or green." Bright said while rolling his eyes a bit. "Phoenix are a rare species of bird, Almadora is no exception." Gale answered, Holding her hand up to her eyes to better see what was ahead of them. "The only kinds I know of other than the well known fire phoenix are the Ice phoenix, the white phoenix, the gold phoenix and..." Gale stopped as Riletia butted into the conversation. "Not that I know of, never heard of one being green. Why do you ask?" "I was just curious. I thought they came in different colors." Riletia said. The land in the distance came closer and closer. "So, the fire phoenix has fire magic I guess. The white phoenix messes with your spiritual energy and the ice phoenix breathes ice?" Bright said, thinking out loud: "And the gold phoenix is the biggest of all them? I am just guessing this." "I wouldn't know." Gale continued. "Only a small handful of people have ever seen a golden phoenix, even fewer of them are still alive today. According to what is known though it is believed that these creatures are utterly immortal, yet only three are said to exist by the ones who have seen them. And they have taken an oath of silence too, so nothing is learned from their research." Turning her head away from the wind, she checked on Bright for a brief moment before turning back. "Though that's not something for me to concern ourselves with. I doubt there are any of the birds around here anyway, let alone a golden one." "Why would the golden phoenix take a vow of silence?" Bright pondered for a moment: "Oh right, the researchers have taken a vow of silence." "Are these golden phoenixes Almadorian creatures or something from a different dimension?" Bright asked curiously. Riletia yawned slightly as they passed over the coast. A wide forest spread out before their view. "Any place that look familiar to you?" Riletia asked and looked a bit around. "Again, no one knows since the researchers have become silent." Gale repeated, looking down towards the ground in attempt to answer Riletia's question, and to no avail. "Some people believe that the golden phoenix doesn't really exist and that the researchers took the vow in order to avoid embarrassment. It makes sense I suppose, some of them devoted thirty plus years to locating these birds and if they didn't exist they would have ended up wasting their lives. But I don't believe that, there must have been a good reason for what they did." Something caught Gale's eye as they continued to soar over the forest, a pile of rubble that did not fit with the rest of the scenery. "Hey Bright, is that part of the wizard's tower that got teleported with us when he missed us?" Bright leaned forward to see and did in fact see what appeared to be a big rubble. That teleportation had after all taken out a good deal of that tower wall. "I think you're right Gale, that does appear to be part of the wizards tower. "Riletia, think you could land somewhere near there?" Bright asked whereas the sphinx nodded: "I suppose that can be arranged." She said and circled the area a couple of times before she managed to find an opening between the trees. She landed with as much grace as she could before she laid down on the ground so Bright and Gale could get off. "Is this part of Steve's tower?" Riletia said and nudged one of the big stones with her paw. "It would explain where that big hole in his tower came from." Gale turned to the sphinx when she mentioned the hole in the wizard's tower. "How would you know if there was a hole in the tower?" She questioned. "I thought you went back to your cave after you dropped us off. Besides, whenever you got close to the place a storm would kick in. Is there something you're..." Like before, her eyes fell blank and the spell took over again. "Marcus is a lycan, so he can transform into a wolf at will. It also gives him heightened abilities such as speed, agility, accuracy, and enhanced smell and hearing." Snapping back into reality, Gale looked down and sighed. "Never mind. Let's hurry this up Bright." Riletia shrugged her shoulders: "I got good eyesight. I could see the hole in the tower miles away and I hadn't got that far away yet." She looked at Gale as Gale had another condition. "But I am not the one with things to hide, now am I?" She stretched her stiff neck a bit. "Do you guys need assistance, or do you think you`ll manage without me?" "Hey now!" Gale turned back to Riletia. "I don't keep any secrets from you that are relevant. Everything this spell is making me blabber is useless information to you. Like knowing my personal background would help us in any way trying to re-recruit your ex-partners for this battle; hardly so." Her little outburst finished, she continued to answer the sphinx's question. "No, I think we can manage fine without you for now. Come on Bright, lets figure out where we need to go from here." "Alright. I`ll just stay around here then..." Riletia said and sat herself on the ground. She looked after the two until they were gone from sight before she picked one of the stones and placed it on top of the others in an attempt to still her own boredom. "We don't really have a good idea of where to go. I mean, we could search for where the fairy woman was earlier, but we have no guarantee that she is still there." Bright said and lead the way through the forest. "Then again, that pile of gold might still be there." He thought about something for a moment: "You know, I am glad you haven't said anything about the lightning incident at the isle. That would have been awkward." "I'm really glad I didn't eaither Bright." Gale replied, looking around the trees and vegetation to find anything familiar. "If I did let that slip, who knows what her reaction would have been. I know you and I both would not like to see that, I can't help but feel that letting her know that now will land us where the horse or mermaid went previously." He looked a bit around. It almost felt like the pathways had changed since last time he had been here. "There is something that feels different about this forest. Anyway, over there is the circle of rocks and stuff." Looking around as Bright voiced his concern about the layout of the forest, she couldn't help but agree. "True, it does feel different. But then again, we might not be following the same path we were following before. Lets check out that circle up ahead though, might find something useful there if nothing else." "Well, we don't know that for sure." Bright said with a low voice, "But let's not take any chances. Nothing seemed to have changed about the circle of stones since last time the two had visited it. The rocks were still standing while covered slightly in moss. Bright didn't know where to go next, so he leaned himself against one of the rocks while he thought hard about what to do: "This might be a silly idea, but last time we followed these fairies right? And I got a gold coin in my pocket. So if I put a gold coin on a rock, and we waited for a fairy to show up?" "Could work." Gale agreed with a shrug. "Besides, we don't have much else in the way of plans other than wander around and hope to find them." A brief moment Gale tightened her grip on her staff and held it closer to her. "I can't help but be a little worried about this though." She argued. "We don't know what she can do, and we both know she sees my staff as food. If we find her and she destroys this staff, I'll have no magic abilities to use...well, unless I do the thing I'd rather not do of course. You know what I mean." She shook her head. "No, we need to do this for the sake of the land. Alright, get the coin in position and let's find a place to hide." "Yes, I know what you mean." Bright said and shuddered slightly. "But hey, things worked out nice with Usâ, maybe they will work out nice here as well." He pulled out the gold coin from his pocket and placed it on a rock. "Alright, let's go over there and hide." He pointed to another rock with a rather fair size. The fairy took her time. Bright had started yawning when some small buzzing thing appeared. It shone quite bright while it flew up and down before it eventually landed on the rock. It grabbed the gold coin, which was half her size and probably quite heavy. She pulled through at last and flew away with it in a low altitude towards the south. Sitting on the ground with her legs crossed, Gale found a relatively comfortable way to watch the coin along with Bright. When the fairy finally did show up she had to fight the urge to immediately leap from her position to give chase. Instead, the neko kept a careful eye of the little flying creature as it struggled to haul off the coin. "Looks like the bait worked well." She reassured with a whisper. "Alright, let's tail it from a safe distance. Hopefully the spell will keep my mouth shut long enough to get to the big one without us scaring the fairy away. I can't control my voice's volume when I begin to speak truth." "Let's hope it's doesn't come to that." Bright said and thought of a hypothetical situation where she blurted out something. Maybe he would have to gag her? "Come on. At least it will give us a direction." He said and began to follow the small fairy. It's faint glow was easy to see in the shadow beneath the thick trees of the forest. It didn't follow any pre-existing tracks however, considering it was flying, so it wasn't that easy to follow due to the amount of bushes and tall vegetation. Following behind closely to Bright and just far enough away that the fairy would not likely spot either of them, Gale struggled to pass over some of the vegetation that blocked their path. In the end, however, the obstacles were nothing more than obstacles and did not stop either of them from making it through in the end. The area became dark as they trudged though the foliage, both from the dense forest and the setting sun. Thankfully, the glow offered by the fairy gave them a distinct path to follow and Gale's minor night vision ability provided a simple way for them both to continue to avoid the natural barricades around them. It seemed to get darker, not just because the sun was setting, but there was something else included as well. It seemed as if the very trees themselves closed in over their heads making it a lot harder to see. The fairy vanished behind a bush and it became very dark. Gale would still be able to see, although Bright did not have the same ability. A loud "flap" sound could be heard and right after a thud. Gale would notice that Bright had vanished from her side only to appear at the ground several feet behind her. "I swear...that tree just slapped me." A low sound could be heard. It sounded almost like a heartbeat, albeit a very slow and deep one. Almost as if it came from the forest itself. "Are you alright Bright?" Gale asked, helping him back to his feet. The sound of the beating was strong, almost frightening as it came from all directions. "Here, keep a hold on my hand. Remember I can see faintly in pitch black, it should be enough to prevent you from getting hurt any more." With Bright back up to his feet, The neko tugged him on. "Come on, it dashed behind that bush. If we hurry we might be able to catch up to it before it flies off too far from sight." "I am telling you, it was the tree." Bright said and took hold of Gales hand, allowing him to get back on his feet. "Alright, lead the way Gale." He said and held her hand. As Gale looked onwards it would seem like the trees had moved from their path to the sides. It seemed as if any vegetation that had stood in their way had vanished as well, leaving only a small pathway behind. The light from the small fairy shone dimly in the distance. As Bright and Gale ran towards it, they would be able to hear that the ground beneath them had gone more squishy. Like running in a field after heavy rain. Though dim, Gale could easily keep sight of the light of the fairy as they both continued through the large forest. She kept a firm grasp over Bright's hand, not wanting to loose him in this twisted maze of wood and shadows. "Can't be too much farther." the neko reassured, not actually knowing what distance might remain but more than pleased to show some optimism. As they continued forward they both would have noticed the wet ground. "The ground here is damp," She commented, "Which might mean we are near a river, or perhaps it has rained here recently. I can't say for certain, but you should keep a steady footing Bright, don't want to slip and fall now." "Relax Gale, I think I can..." Bright managed to say before he stuck his foot in something and toppled over. By the time he looked up again the fairy had vanished from sight and the surroundings had become very dark. "Alright, that's it." He exclaimed and rummaged through his backpack. "Let's see... third from the right." He mumbled to himself and picked at the various potions he had in his belt. "Look away for a moment will you." He said to Gale and poured the contents of the flask onto a piece of wood he had. It immediately burst into flames whereas Bright lifted it up. "Gale, that doesn't look like trees to me." Bright said with a rather nervous voice. Gale's jaw dropped as she looked at the 'ceiling' of wherever they managed to end up at. "Wha..what is that?" She stuttered, trying to comprehend what it was, and almost fearing that she would be correct. "Is that...flesh?" Without another word she turned back in the direction both of them had come from "Well, we lost the fairy." Gale began, equally nervous as Bright by this point. "Why don't we just head back out then. We can try again in the morning when we can better see where we are going. Nothing wrong with turning back right?" With a push to Bright's back they continued back. "Well, go on and lead the way out. Since you have a light, I don't need to use my poor night vision to guide us anymore." "I didn't really get a good look at the insides of that mermaid..." He said, remembering a certain scene from a small time ago. "But I guess this could be flesh. It certainly looks like it." He lowered the torch towards the ground and revealed that the ground was fleshy as well. Bright could feel Gale push him at the back and he was inclined to move some steps in that particular direction. "Is it me, or does this place seem smaller than a moment ago?" He moved the torch around and revealed that the wallsof their space was the same material as the roof and ground. "Smaller?" Gale questioned abruptly, trying to maintain calm as much as possible. "Well then, all the more reason to hurry out of here right?" Inside her head she recalled the events with both the mermaid and Usâ: being eaten once, and almost eaten a second time. Though it was becoming increasingly apparent to her, it might still be a little vague to Bright that Gale was developing a phobia to being eaten...then again, perhaps he did understand, after all, he did not want to be eaten either. The fleshy walls began to bring back the memories of the incidents, and she was not taking kindly to it. With another nudge on Brights back she motioned for him to pick up the pace. Bright didn't really like getting eaten either, but someone had to be the calm one here. And he tried somewhat: "Gale! This is a deadend!" Bright called out and pointed towards where they had once arrived from. The space was now nothing but a fleshy wall. The walls around them felt tighter than before. He could almost touch the ceiling from where he stood with his hand. "Do you think you could just use your magic and blast our way of here?" He said and pointed at the wall. "Use your speciality if you have to." Gale said nothing as she nudged Bright aside. "I’ll get us out of here before you know it! Stay back!" She shouted to him, bringing one of her hands out before her chest. Within her palm a small spark of fire began to dance about, growing quickly to the size of a baseball. "Fire Twister!" Her voice cried out, the flame in her grip erupting forward in a column of swirling fire that surged towards the fleshy wall. All seemed well, but nearly a foot away from the wall the spell dissipated, leaving behind only a confused caster. "Wha..." she mumbled, shaking her head. "Fire Twister!" She shouted again, launching the tornado again at the wall and again suffering the same result. Once more she tried, and another time after that, and again still after that, reaching no goal as her magic died before any contact was made. "This doesn't make any scene!" she cried, now in complete panic. Bright looked excited at first, then a bit nervous as he saw that the spells Gale threw against the stomach walls dissipated. He tried hard to think of how to get out of this peculiar situation, and Gale panicking did not help. "Gale! Stop panicking." He rushed over to the Almadorian wizard, grabbed her shoulders and shook her back and forth a couple of times. "Try using a different spell. That eye of true seeing stuff thingy you got." Gale's panic attack subdued for the moment thanks to Bright's actions, but was far from completely gone. "Th...thanks Bright, I needed that." The neko stuttered through quick gasps of air. "My Ken-kai-set is still in effect though," She continued, "It's fading off of me quickly enough that I've managed to suppress the outbursts, but as long as it is still in effect I can't use it again. Hmm..." For a brief moment Gale fell completely calm as she focused on herself. "I think I can revitalize the spell on myself, but I probably won't be able to control the outbursts again." A quick look around shown that the walls of damp flesh were closing in still. "I don't care, I need to do this for both of our survivals!" With eyes squinted and mind fixated upon herself, Gale quickly channeled more energy into herself and the effects accidentally placed by her error of judgement. "There, it's not perfect but at least now I can...oh dear." She halted, looking around aimlessly at the roof of their prison. Bright would have seen nothing, but the mage was more than willing to tell of what she saw. "Well, i can't tell exactly if this is an illusion as I can only see partially through it, but...I do believe I may have accidentally started a large forest fire." It was hard to describe the looks upon Brights face at that exact moment, but surprise would certainly cover it. That and annoyance: "Gale, of all the words I expected to hear, accidentally starting a forest fire was not part of them." He looked around, but realized he wouldn't be able to see whatever Gale had started. "Let us worry about that afterwards. Do you see any cracks we can slip through?" Through squinted eyes the Almadorain peered all around at the still-collapsing walls, being able to vaguely see through the illusion as if it were thin cloth or perhaps ice. "There!" She shouted suddenly, pointing behind the two of them towards one of the walls. "I can see perfectly though a small part of that wall! There must be a hole in the illusion, a hole which we might be able to get out through!" With a short jog Gale came to the point she had noticed and quickly jabbed her staff at the flesh wall. Just as she had predicted, the staff's tip went through the wall as if nothing was there at all. "Perfect, and it is large enough that we can crawl through, at least for now. We need to hurry, as the area shrinks so too does our escape route." Falling down to all fours, Gale climbed out of the magically-made prison through the hole she saw, knowing that Bright would not hesitate to follow her out and back into the woods." Considering that Bright did not have that illusion see-through spell, he merely saw Gale crawl into the wall of flesh and disappear. "Wait for me!" He called out, ran into a sprint and almost dove forward to follow where Gale had gone. From the outside Gale could see much clearer. The trees stood in a circle with little room between each, and a good portion of them was on fire. Strangely enough, it seemed that the trees that were not on fire seemed to distance themselves from those who were as if they had been moved out of harms way. Bright popped out of the space between the trees, stumbled slightly and almost fell over Gale. "Alright, that was creepier than the mermaids." He exclaimed. "Let's get away from the burning trees shall we?" Gale kept her balance as Bright accidentally ran into her, stumbling for a brief moment but staying on her feet. "Careful Bright." She cautioned him, looking over to the fire as Bright suggested they get away. It would be smart to run, she knew that, but she caused that fire and a sense of right tried to take over. "I can't just leave them burning like this, not after I had caused it!" She argued, walking towards the inferno. "I have to try and put them out. A little wind magic might just do the trick." With staff raised over her head, she struck towards the ground with it like one would a match on a matchbox, sending forth a large gust of wind towards the fire that had by now completely consumed the tops of the trees. Indeed the blaze buckled to the new magic, but it did only that, allowing the flames to move back into position once the breeze passed on. "This won't work, the fire is getting too intense to be simply blown out." the mage mumbled to herself, remaining at the ready. "I should try again, but at a different angle..." It was becoming quite clear that Gale wasn't going to be moving on her own, and the flame was devouring its way down the trunks like fuzes on a bomb. It would reach both her and Bright within a couple minuets unless she could manage to put the flame out, or he managed to pull Gale away from the mayhem. "Gale, do you suppose you could choke the flames instead of adding new air to the fire?" Bright said and looked at the flames with a good deal of nervousity. If nothing was done, he would have no choice but to grab Gale by her legs, lift her over his shoulder and run for it. "Huh, that's weird." He thought to himself as he looked towards the portion of the forest that was burning. The trees that were not on fire seemed to be moving away from those who were, creating a wide open space where there were no trees. "Choke the flames...right..." Gale muttered in response. Again she struck her staff like a large match, letting another breeze shoot from its tip and fly towards the fire, only this time instead of flying past is began to circle around the flames, creating a shell of circulating air. This time everything seemed to be working superbly, the inferno was dying slowly as the oxygen was vacuumed out and starved it. "It's working!" Gale sighed in relief, "It's almost out, just a few more seconds and..." With a fierce explosion the wind shell burst, a fiery burst resounding from the sudden rush of breathable air to the trees. "Crap!" the mage growled. "The fire was too strong for the shell and made it fall apart. Don't worry," She raised her staff again. "I can do this, I know it." her voice rang, signaling her desire to try once more. Because of the explosion, the fire was spreading faster down the trunks and would certainly reach them despite her attempts to silence the destruction! "Gale, I am not sure about this." Bright said while he looked at the trees burning. It was a strong contrast between the fire and the night around them. He looked at Gale and realized that the Almadorian mage was caught up in her mindset of dousing the flames no matter what, and those seemed to get increasingly close. He sighed a little bit before he rushed towards her, grabbed her around her legs and put her over his shoulder before he ran deeper into the forest. "I can do this, just need a little more, WAH!" She cried out as Bright grabbed her and hauled her away into the thicket of the forest. "What do you think you're doing!? Put me down right now! I need to put out the fire I started!" Gale protested, beating on his back with her fist lightly not wanting to harm him. Eventually she stopped, realizing it would do her not good; despite being as arcane as she was when it came to combat, Bright was still physically stronger than her without utilizing her hidden potential. Bright did notice her hitting him with her fists, but he couldn't stop now. He had to run just a little bit further before he eventually stopped. It hadn't gone completely night yet, so it was still possible to see where to go. Then one of those small fairie lights passed him, then another and suddenly a whole bunch of them seemed to come from a portion of the forest that glowed with a strange blue light. "Suppose what we are looking for are there?" He asked Gale which he still held on his shoulder. When the fairies flew by was the only other time she did anything other than sulk after her 'abduction', her hand resting on her cheek in disgust as they ran forward. "Could be." Gale grumbled. "I guess you're going to head that way then? Fine with me...and by all means, feel free to put me down whenever you'd like." He looked towards the blue light and realized he still had Gale on top of his shoulder. "Oh, sorry." He said and leaned forward so he could put Gale down on the ground somewhat gently. "Gale, I don't doubt your abilities, it's just that the fire was spreading awfully fast over there." The small fairies were still flying towards the direction the two adventurers had come from. There were quite a lot of them and it didn't seem like there were an end to them. "So, check out the blue light or are you going to run back there?" "Let's go to the light." Gale spat, still irritated that Bright pulled her away from the fire when she had the potential to stop it. Whether or not she actually would have not even she knows, but it’s the idea that she could have stopped it that ticked her off. "Fairies are heading that way, and our goal is to get to the gold-eater." She began heading that way, approaching Bright in the process. "Oh and by the way," She began as she passed, slapping him in the face relatively hard. "that is NOT a way to treat a lady!" Raising her nose to him, she lead the way to the light. Bright was rather surprised when he felt a slap to the face. It stinged slightly and he rubbed his chin with his right hand. He smiled a little bit as it seemed to him that Gale was overreacting slightly. "Sorry Gale, I was a bit too stressed to ask gently." As they walked on they could see the ground before them was paved, although it was rather overgrown. When they lifted their eyes they would see a large stone throne embraced by vines. And upon said throne sat the gold-eater. She still had her white dress and long golden hair, but her demeanor seemed malicious and she had a rather nasty burn on her left arm. There was a portion of the skin from her elbow to her shoulder that had a charred black color. "Who are you who invade my forest? Speak up or perish." She spoke with a powerful voice that echoed within the forest. With the same professional tone she had used when on trial with the mermaids, Gale easily addressed the gold-eater who sat before them, despite her tyrannical disposition. "My name is Nightengale Amour, and this man behind me goes by Bright. Both of us have been sent to locate you by the wizard Steefous. A powerful foe has awakened and we need to gather as much support as we can to take on this force. Are you by chance Sendra? The druid that the wizard spoke of?" She reached into the pocket of her pants. "Look, I have a ring he gave me to prove that we were sent by him." And she did just that, pulling the ring out and holding it out in her palm. "Bright has an amulet that is connected to all of this as well, a necklace that is said to be the reason this mage became a threat to begin with and the reason your group broke up. Ring any bells?" Bright waved his hand slightl at the mention of his nickname, but the queen of the forest seemed unimpressed over Gales speech. Her interest was piqued however when Gale pulled out the ring and mentioned her name. The woman stepped down from her throne and walked towards Gale. She picked out the ring from the palm, rested it in her own hand while she studied before she put it in her mouth. There was a small moment of silence before she spat the ring out on the ground in contempt: "Pyrite! No one but Steve makes rings out of pyrite, that cheap bastard." She looked over to Gales staff before she looked at Gale: "So I guess the dead ones are walking again?" Bright nodded. Sendra put her hand on her chin thinking before she spoke again: "I`ll help you, but tell me, what part do you have in all this?" "Well then," Gale began with a sigh of relief. "You were far easier to convince than Usa, at least we can avoid any further conflict now that that's over with." For the first time in a while she was able to smile knowing that nothing was going to escalate from this, nothing could possibly go wrong. "Well, you see, we really don't have much of a part in this ourselves. We are really just helping because of circumstance and the goodness of our hearts to be honest. And..." Bright probably knew what was coming when Gale stopped in mid sentence; the spell was taking effect once more, and she was about to blurt out more random truths. With clouded over eyes she began to do just that. "My favorite color is blue. I am not my fiancee's first love. Apple seeds contain trace amounts of arsenic, making them poisonous and slightly flammable. Bananas are the most nuclear fruit in the world..." This time seemed to last longer than the others, and she continued to babble random facts incoherently, pausing only for a moment between each tidbit. "Well, the part of the circumstance is definitely right." Bright thought to himself while watching Gale speak. He did however not like the smile that fairie woman had on her face. It just seemed fake somehow. "Oh damn." He mumbled to himself as he heard Gale burst out random facts. He immediately rushed to her side and tried to silence her by putting his hand over her mouth, or at least muffle her sounds so she didn't say something wrong. "What's with that?" Sendra looked at the two. "Oh, just a side-effect from a spell. Nothing to worry about." Bright called out with a nervous voice. "I see." She said with a rather uninterested look on her face. "Well, you won't have to worry about that spell much longer." "Oh?" Bright said surprised. Sendra lifted her hands slightly and Bright could feel vines confine his legs. "Let us say you won't be leaving this forest." She looked at their surprised faces. "What? You thought that I would just forgive you setting my forest on fire?" Gale's response to the threat by the woman and a vine grabbing her was...non-existent, her mouth still babbling random little facts and details. "Almadora serves the masters of the eight elements: fire, water, nature, earth, wind, lightning, light, and darkness, but currently darkness is the only element governed by a god. White phoenix live in this forest; the odd climate could suggest they had escaped from captivity rather than have lived here from birth. The temperature is currently sixty-four point one degrees Fahrenheit..." More useless garbage, none of which could possibly help them. "A carving in the tomb on the island depicted a cat-like person holding the necklace that the wizard found." Was she talking about the island where they accidentally brought the wizard back to life now? "Ironically enough, the necklace could be of Almadorian decent, meaning that the pendant that started all this madness could have been forged in my home realm. The cat in the carving reminds me of my brother Xavier, whom I have not seen for nearly seventeen years." Bright was unable to stop Gale from her blabbering nonsense as he was too busy with the entangling vines that were surrounding his body. He looked over to Gale but she didn't seem to be in any condition to help. The fairie queen listened to Gales blabbering for a small while before she touched Gales chin with one hand. "It's a pity that you are to go completely insane the last part of your life. It would only be justified that you were to understand the consequences of your actions. Ah well, I can do without that." She snapped her fingers and a rather big and nasty green plant appeared out of the ground. It had a somewhat spherical head, a large open open mouth whereas the vines that trapped Bright and Gale seemed to come from its mouth. "Let us go!" Bright called out, but it only caused Sendra to laugh. "Oh that is just precious...what is that?" She stopped her laughing as she heard the sound of big wings flapping. "Let my friends go!" A mere second later Riletia crashed into the stone throne that Sendra had been sitting on earlier. She extended her paw and grabbed Sendra. "Oh, so you got friends now. That's unusual for you." Sendra said with a mocking voice. "And what will you do if I don't let them go? Cry?" "I`ll bite your head off." Riletia said with a cold voice, her eyes looking maliciously towards the self-proclaimed queen of the forest. "You're bluffing. You know that won't kill me." Sendra said, her voice being a bit more meek this time. "It'll still hurt immensely." Riletia said and pushed Sendra head first into her mouth. Sendra flailed wildly with her arms and legs but Riletia held her still until the former druid called out. "Alright, I give. I give!" The vines around Bright and Gales legs loosened up and the big plant vanished beneath the ground again. Riletia took Sendra out of her mouth again, and the fairie was rather wet on her head. She looked absolutely furious and she shouted towards Riletia: "Fine! You can have your stupid friends. I never wanted them to begin with." Bright pushed the vines off his legs and looked over towards Gale. "Gale, are you okay?" He pondered whether or not to slap her if she was still talking gibberish and random facts. Once again Gale was simply too caught up in her trance to notice what was happening around her, not her and Bright's momentary capture, not Riletia saving them both, none of it. "The moon controls the tide through gravitational forces." she proceeded to babble, "The moon is also the centerpiece of the element of darkness in Almadora. I arrived here through a secret pathway through the dark realm known to us as Onyxis Prime, current home of the feared lord of the eighth, Octavian Valmora." Bright might have recalled her mentioning him long ago when their journey began, or rather a small portion of it, usually avoiding the name. "Tyranex is the hardest substance in all of Almadora, "she continued, "It was named after the first people to use it as armor, the ten tyrants. When I arrived I forgot to close the gate to the dark realm..." With this, she suddenly shook her head and grasped it with one of her hands. "Ow...what happened?" She moaned, finally back to her senses. Looking up, Gale found Riletia had arrived. "Oh, hi. When did you get here?" "Well, since you're here I suppose it's time we got ready to head back to see Steefos, tell him that we have the help of both Usâ and Sendra. You know, it's strange, I have this feeling that I've just missed out on something...all well, couldn't have been that important I guess. Well, that and the feeling that I have forgotten something...just came over me all of a sudden, strange huh?" Bright sat right in front of Gale when she came back to her senses. He was glad he didn't have to slap her after all. "You were in a trance. Again. And we almost got eaten, again." Bright said and looked towards Riletia: "And Riletia saved us." Riletia and Sendra traded some angry glances at eachother before Sendra exclaimed an angry sigh. "This is not the end of our discussion." Sendra said and walked over to one of the trees. She put her hand on it and it seemed as if she merged with the tree. The tree grew in size and changed color to white. It pulled its roots out of the ground, making them seem like two giant legs. Other trees around the two adventurers seemed to do the same and soon it seemed as if the whole forest was moving past Gale,Bright and Riletia. "Once a spoiled brat, always a spoiled brat." Riletia mumbled to herself before she turned her head towards the two adventurers: "I saw a lot of smoke coming out of the forest, so I reckoned you had gotten in trouble. You had me really worried there for a second." She looked towards the north where all the trees were heading. Wherever they had uprooted, they had left behind ruins and equipment of forgotten times. Some of it were even gold piles, probably originating from the wizards tower. Riletia turned her view back to Gale: "Can we tell him tomorrow? It is too dark to fly now." Bright looked at Gale: "You sure were saying a lot of weird stuff this time. Random facts and stuff about the moon, Octavian, Tyranex and something about a door to the dark realm which you forgot to close." "Oh she did huh?" Gale raised her brow and looked towards Sendra as she fled them. "Well, I suppose I should have expected it." She added with a sigh. "Seems to me that all of Steefos's old friends want to kill anyone who crosses them, save you at least. I hope he had better luck with the last one he wanted to find than we did with the Usa and Sendra...almost gotten eaten twice in a day." Looking around, Gale remembered that night was indeed falling upon them; its quite amazing what the little truth-telling daze can do. "I suppose I should be a little bit more careful with the Ken-kai-set from now on, when I re-powered it to get through the illusion before It also powered up the 'undesired' effects as well. I suppose it just forced itself out all at the same time rather than in intervals. Should be done now though, I hope. Anyway, thanks for coming to our aid Riletia. We can leave in the morning when your ready." Riletia nodded and and sat herself to rest at a suitable place in close proximity. There were still trees walking about, but they avoided the sphinx. "Let's not use that spell again unless we have to then?" Bright suggested with a small smile, hoping that this was the rest of the socalled Ken-kai-set spell. With a finger to her chin she pondered what Bright had told her at the end. "Well, the moon and the tyranex ore are just random tidbits, probably have no significance to anything, but Octavian...I mentioned him to you before too didn't I, when we were first heading out, before we ran into Riletia? Well, partially mentioned him: I was hoping I could keep that to myself rather than have to add more unnecessary details to what we were doing already, but now that I have mentioned the name I suppose you'll want to know more? Well, I’ll keep it simple and short: Octavian was the one who first discovered the shadow element and mastered it before anyone else, adopting him the name 'lord of the eight' on behalf of the eighth element: Darkness. Back when he first founded the element, the world was returning back into a land of peace and harmony, but he turned that all around when he exacted revenge on those who opposed his theories and wisdom. Supposedly, in doing this he destroyed one of the capitals, but no one knew he did it and everyone began to point fingers at one another while he hid in the shadows, building up his own ranks in secrecy. This man caused the civil war that has plagued Almadora with warfare for the past ten-thousand years, though the civil war had ended in the first two-hundred. After that came to a close Octavian attacked again, this time with an army of beasts and shadow-oriented people called nulls, ruining the peace treaty ceremony that would have ended the war and bringing a new enemy into the playing field." She looked at Bright. "I am not kidding when I tell you this. This man is well over ten-thousand years old and more than powerful enough to level cities by himself. The only thing holding him at bay right now is the two hero's of our land: The Eon and the Godslayer, among the other members of our militia." "I don't think you mentioned him by name before, but you did mention something about a very evil fellow who was very powerful and who was gone missing or something like." He paused slightly at the mention of the two heroes of Almadora: "Eon and the godslayer?" Bright asked curiously. Those two sounded rather powerful. "The gate? What is the deal with the gate?" He asked, this time a bit more nervously due to Gales reaction. "Is it bad?" "The two hero's of our realm," Gale continued, slightly panicked but wanting to answer his question first. "The first, the Eon, is named Adam. You see, long ago the Almadorian god of creation forged a blade from the power of his fallen mother in order to slay his vile brother and killer of their mother, the god of destruction. It said that the Eon was the only mortal who could wield that divine blade...that part of the legend was true. What REALLY happened is that the god of destruction became the favorite of the two sons in the mother's eyes, and so the god of creation sealed his brother away in an empty dimension in a fit of jealousy and fear, and then took out the mother who refused to fight her own son. He concocted the tale, and used power he stole from the mother to forge the blade to influence the story. Bit of an odd way we figured that one out to be honest." "Then there is the godslayer, otherwise known as the 'unfortold one'." she continued. "Supposedly, the sword that marks this person's stature was manufactured by a group of thirteen blacksmiths who wanted to create a weapon that could slay a god; with the sacrifice of twelve of them they succeeded in creating a great sword that could absorb the energy of diving beings and convert the energy into the wielder, permanently laying the being to rest. It ended up being to much for a mere mortal like the final blacksmith, and he ended up killing himself after absorbing too much energy; he did slay three of the ten tyrants I mentioned earlier though. The sword now rests with A man named Marcus, the same man I look to marry at the end of the war. But that's beside the matter at hand right now" She gasped for a moment, finding the words to speak. "I told you of the lord of the eighth and the shadow realm before, back at the beach with the drawing in the sand. The way I traveled to get here is through HIS realm, a secret path that he is not aware of. He will not find the half connected to my world, as that will be closed, but the one for this world is still wide open." She bit onto one of her fingers. "We need to close that gate as soon as possible, or he may find it...and wander through." Bright didn't really feel any connection to either Eon or the Godslayer. He did however get the feeling that he shouldn't mess with Marcus however. "The Tyrants were divine beings? Nevermind, just carry on." Bright said and listened what Gale had to say about the shadow realm. With a silent moment she continued once more. "Wait a moment...forgot to close the..."She jumped in terror. "OH DEAR GOD I FORGOT TO CLOSE THE GATE!!!!!" "And him wandering through to this world is bad. But I thought you said he had been gone for a very long time? And if it is a secret path, he shouldn't be able to find it, right? RIGHT?!" Bright looked at Gale with a somewhat nervous look. He coughed slightly before calming down. "So, we`ll be going straight towards the gate north of Wilderveer town as soon as Riletia can fly us then?" "Well..." she hesitated for a moment, "...he SHOULDN'T be able to find it, but it is his world and he is bound to notice a hole in it eventually; he and the world are connected by energies beyond even my understanding." With a jab she shoved her staff into the ground. "We have to prepare for the worst when we get there. He was missing for a while from the big picture, but we knew exactly where he was. I’ll explain that part later, but for now we must get there and hope the gate has not yet been breached. We leave as soon as we can and as quickly as we can...I fear if we are too late, the wizard we released into the world will be the least of our problems." "As if we were not in enough trouble to begin with." Bright said and sighed. "So what do you suggest we do until morning? I mean, walking north will take too long, and we`ll eventually just run into the walking forest." He thought about it until he heard his stomach growl. "Ah. that's me. Sorry about that. I just can't remember the last time I ate." He said with a slightly embaressed look. "Our best bet will be to wait until morning so Riletia can take us there." She pointed out. "If we attempt to go on foot we wouldn't make it before morning anyway." Gale would have laughed when Bright blushed about his hunger had the situation been a bit more up-beat. "Last time we were here there was a river with some fish." She reminded him. "With the trees out of the way, it could be easier to locate. Other than that I don't see anything else we could use for food." "Well, I don't see any trees. I don't see any river either." Bright took a look around and realized that the only source of light was a branch from one of the trees. Approximately 30 meters or so. "I don't really see anything." "Here, use this." Riletia said and threw a golden lamp towards Gale. "It`s been sticking in my side for the last hour." "Aha, we could use it for light!" Bright exclaimed. Riletia groaned: "It's a geenie lamp. Ever heard of those?" "Genie?" Gale questioned, looking at the object before them. "I only know vague stories. Are they not the creatures that grant wishes to whomever might free them from their prisons; in this case a lamp?" She took up the object and looked at it closely. "Of course, the wishes are limited by rules and they were notorious for finding loopholes in wishes." She continued. "For example, if you wished for your favorite soup, they would give you the soup but not in a bowl and you'd probably end up burning yourself. They existed in Almadora long ago according to archives, but they vanished about the time the civil war started in the desert region of the land. Some think they died, some think they left, but no one knows for certain." "Irregardless," Gale placed the lamp back down. "If we use it for light, we must be careful not to rub it or the such. The wishes might sound nice, but I wouldn't trust such an unstable form of magic." Riletia facepawed before she spoke with a somewhat annoyed voice: "Urgh...listen you two. You're not supposed to use it for light. Just use it for its intended purpose. Steve showed it to me a long time ago, it's somewhat of a household geenie and not a wish fulfilling one." "What you mean?" Bright asked curiously. "Use it to get food. I am pretty sure it will work." "And if not?" Bright asked once more. Riletia rolled her eyes: "Well, you guys talking about food is beginning to get me hungry, and I am not to keen to wander into the dark to find something to eat..." She didn't finish the sentence, she merely licked her lips while looking at Gale and Bright. "Eh...Gale, let me borrow that lamp." Bright said and gently took it from Gale before rubbing it vigourosly. The lamp shook in his hands for a second before it jumped down onto the ground. Pale smoke appeared out of the lamps hole and the smoke took the shape of a butler with clean black hair, small eyes and a rather big moustache. The geenie nodded to Bright, Gale and Riletia in turn: "Greetings Sir, Madam, m'lady, how may I be of assistance?" "Umm..." Gale began with a cocked head. "You’re a...genie? You don't certainly look like anything from the legends I've heard." She walked around the genie and tried to get a better image of what was before her. "I never heard of any Almadorian wearing sweatpants and t-shirts either madam." The geenie said with a lifted eyebrow. He did seem rather unaffected. "I am sorry that I do not meet your expected standards." "Where did you find that lamp Riletia?" She asked out of curiosity before turning back to the butler-genie. Riletia shrugged: "I found it lying in a pile of gold after the trees left." "Well Bright, since you're the one who summoned him you might as well be the one to deal with him." Bright looked at Gale before turning to the geenie: "Eh...so what can you do?" The geenie turned his view towards Bright: "Sir, I can do all sorts of household chores, cooking, cleaning, I am also an able conversationalist and an avid chessplayer." "Do you think you could make dinner for us?" "Yes sir. That I can do. Any particular desires?" The geenie asked whereas Bright thought for a moment. "Fish?" "Very well. Excuse me for a small moment." The geenie disappeared in a small cloud of smoke. A moment later he appeared with two chairs, a round wooden table, a tablecloth, two plates with a cooked fish and a lit candle. "Dinner is served. Hope it suits sir and madam." "Thank you sir." Gale politely gestured the Genie as he placed forth the banquet before them. "It looks lov...wait a moment! What did you call me!?" She announced in a sudden burst of energy. "Almadorian? How do you know that? You're not reading my mind are you, because there are some things in there I'd like to keep on a need to know basis." Even though she was eager to know more, she too quickly found herself submitting to her own hunger and sat down a the table across from Bright. "Thank you again." She bowed her head, and began locate her silverware. "I merely assumed you were one based on your looks and mannerisms. Reading minds is not anything I dabble in." The geenie said and bowed. Bright sat himself down and located a knife and fork and began eating: "We sure had some luck this time." "Ehem, what about the lady over here? I`m hungry too you know." Riletia said with an annoyed face. "m'yes. I`ll get some fish for you as well." The geenie said and a pile of fish appeared in a cloud of smoke whereas Riletia began digging in. "Now, if Madam and Sir may excuse me, I`ll return to my quarters." The geenie said, turned into smoke and vanished into his lamp once more. "Well, this at least solves the hunger problem. Right Gale?" Bright asked with a smile on his face. Gale didn't look up much and barely ate more than a third of the fish placed before her. "I guess..." she mumbled, pushing the meal around with her fork. "...but that genie, how could he possibly know anything about Almadorains? It kinda bothers me, yet it perks my curiosity, you know?" She finally took a bite out of the piece she was pushing around. "Our realm has been disconnected for many years from other realms. Then out of the blue I'm sent here to get an amulet that is possibly from Almadorian decent. Then, we come across this genie that knows where I'm from with the first words I speak and my appearance. Doesn't that sound...odd to you at all? A little more than coincidence? What if he knows something about the necklace that we don't: how it got here, what it really is...the carvings at the island..." She stopped for a moment to take another bite. "Maybe I'm just getting carried away, I don't know. But I'd like to know more." "Well," Julien said while munching on a piece of fish, "Maybe he served one back in the day? Geenies live rather long don't they? Maybe they got good memories as well." He took another piee of fish: "We don't know how long he has been here either." In the background one could hear Riletia loudly munching fish and then finish it with a loud burp: "Urp, sorry." After being slightly distracted, Bright turned his attention back to Gale: "We could always summon him again and ask him some questions. He seemed like a reasonable fellow." "That can't be." Gale protested quietly. "Our world had been disconnected from other realms until only a few short years ago. The only way he would have managed to get here is if he was at some time going through the dark realm, and the chances of anyone going through there and living to tell about it on the other side were less than slim." She stopped as Riletia let out her belch, only to continue with a sigh. "If we summon him again after only such a short time don't you think he will get irritated? You don't know if he is doing something in there worth while or not." "Well, he lives in a lamp. Maybe someone took him with them?" Bright said and put a hand on his chin, thinking hard. "But do one necessarily have to go through the dark realm to get here? Could someone just have taken a detour through other realms way back when it was still possible?" He tried gesturing a circle with the knife he had in his hand. "But if he did go through the dark realm, is that so hard to believe?" He put his utensils back on the empty plate. "I mean, you managed to do that right? You got here to this world without getting killed." Bright looked down at the table, wondering if it was supposed to disappear now that they had finished dinner. It didn't seem to go anywhere. He glanced over to the lamp lying on the ground: "I have no idea what geenies do on their spare time. I got no clue what the inside of the lamp looks like either." He thought about the idea of asking the geenie: "But hey, if you ask him politely and say thank you for the dinner, I am pretty sure he would be okay with it." "I suppose, but it would be next to impossible otherwise." Gale pointed out, taking one of the last few bits on her plate. "You see, going from one realm to another requires a ton of calculations and knowledge of both environments before hand. Even so, the last time before recently Almadora was open to the other reams was when it was first founded I believe...about five-thousand or so years ago. It was disabled because of the rise of you-know-who, thinking that we could contain him in the dark realm if we shut out the world from his. Boy were they mistaken. There is little knowledge needed to walk through the dark world to another realm; as I mentioned before it acts as a gap between realms. Just need some coordinates to open the other side and boom, your done." "I suppose if we ask nice enough he may start saying what he knows." Gale started over as she swallowed her last bite of fish. "Go on ahead and get him out. Hopefully we aren't bothering him to much." Bright shrugged his shoulders: "Well, you know more about this than I do. Maybe there are Almadorians in other realms?" "I`ll ask him then." "I...don't know. I honestly don't" Gale responded when asked if there could be people of her own kind in other realms. "If there are, I would certainly like to know how they got here." He walked over to the lamp, picked it up and rubbed on it. As last time, it began shaking and smoke began pouring out of it. "How may I serve?" The geenie said unaffected. "We would like to thank you for the dinner. It was quite good. Also, we would like to ask you some questions if you don't mind." Bright said and looked over to Gale. She fell quiet for a brief moment as Bright re-summoned the genie before them, glad to see that he was not irritated about being called again so soon...or at least looked the part. "Yes, thank you." She responded after Bright with a polite bow. "You said you knew me to be Almadorian before. I have to ask, how is it that you know anything about that place, a place that h as been sealed off for the past several millennium from other worlds until recently? I would really like to know." The geenie looked rather unaffected before he raised an eyebrow. "I used to serve a family within the upper ranks of society through several generations until they fell on hard times and they had to sell away various artifacts to pay their debts. I reckon they lost several of their members during some sort of strife, and it was hard to keep the same income as before." He paused slightly: "Nevertheless, my lamp was sold to a travelling merchant who gave it to his wife. She gave it to her lover, he gave it to someone else and so it continued. Then I was in the service of many masters over the years. Eventually I happened across this fellow called Steefous and then one day I happened to be here." He lifted his eyebrow once again: "Does that answer your question madam?" Gale remained silent as he finished. "...not exactly." She was finally able to mutter. "I was hopping for a name. Someone who could have brought you through the gap between dimensions without the use of the shadow realm. Anything at all?" Gale looked at him with pleading eyes, almost begging for a good answer. "Hmmm." The geenie said thoughtfully. "I don't know about this shadow realm you speak of. My observations of the world is limited to when I am out of my lamp after all. I do however recall the last person that looked like you however. I think his name was Xavier. I bothered to remember his name as he bothered to remember mine. He and some others were building on some type of machine last time I saw him." "And, if I may," she continued before he could respond, "Steefous is still around, you're here by accident to be perfectly honest. We can return you to him if you'd like, we were going to search for him after taking care of a...situation." "Steefous hmm? That is solely up to you. I am merely a servant. Are there any more questions you want me to answer?" Bright looked over to Gale: "Didn't you say your brother was good with mechanics? Or computers?" Gale's jaw fell as the name rang though her ears. "Xavier?" She stuttered. "You're certain...Xavier...my brother is alive?" With a sudden burst of energy she jumped forward and squeezed the genie with her arms. "MY BROTHER IS ALIVE!!!" The neko squealed. "And he must be in this realm of all places as well! How else would Steefous have gotten the lamp!" She finally let go of the butler genie, apologizing quickly for her little outburst. "Maybe Steefous knows where my brother is, or at least where he got the lamp! I need to ask him next time we run into him! As soon as possible!" Her joy was quickly silenced with a look of unwanted realization. "Oh...but that's right. We need to close that gate first thing. Then we can find that old wizard." "And genie...I'd gladly like to know your name too. I think it's only fair to give you something YOU want for once rather than the other way around, and knowing your name would be an excellent start." The geenie smiled slightly, although the rest of him looked rather unaffected. "At least he was alive when I last saw him. I have no idea where he has gone between then and now." "You can call me Gaston madam, that would be most appreciated." He said with a slight nod of his head. "Is there any more I can help you with?" In the background one could hear Riletia who had fallen asleep snoring a bit. Bright yawned slightly: "Sorry, just a bit tired. Carry on." "I wouldn't worry about his location too much!" Gale shouted, still in glee from the news "He must be here! Between this news and the carving on the island there is no doubt in my mind; he is here somewhere! Thank you so much Gaston!" Hearing Bright yawn, she forced her voice down to a whisper. "I'm sorry Bright. It's late, we should be getting to sleep for the journey tomorrow morning. Gaston, can you get us some beds please?" She asked kindly to the Genie. "And Gaston, I mean it when I say I'll help you whenever you might want it. Serving people all the time, I'm sure there are things you want to do am I right?" "You are welcome madam." Gaston said and nodded. "I can make a couple of beds for you." The geenie said, snapped his fingers and a couple of beds appeared whereas the dinner table disappeared. "Don't worry about it madam, I do enjoy serving. I`ll let you know if there is anything you can help me with." He paused slightly: "Though if you know any female geenies, let me know." "Alright, good night. Thanks for everything." Bright said and headed to one of the beds. The matress seemed to be stuffed with some fur instead of feathers. "Yes, thank you." Gale said with a bow as the genie retreated to his lamp once more. Not paying attention to the mattress itself, she fell onto the fuzzy bed and curled up beneath the covers. "It's soft." Was the last thing that went though her head before she crashed into slumber, obviously more tired than she even realized herself. Both of them had been though a lot in that single day, and they were both bound to sleep well that night. "Hey." Gale could feel a slight nudge in her side. "Hey." Another nudge in the side. Then suddenly a giant wet tongue landed upon Gales face, sure to wake her up. When the tongue came off, it was easy to see that it belonged to Riletia who was looming over Gale with a smile on her face. With her size she probably came of as a bit intimidating. "You guys are hard to wake up." She commented: "Anyway, the sun is out. Ready to go?" A look to the side would reveal that Riletia had awakened Bright as well, although she had just tipped his bed over when he had refused to wake up. He was at the moment rubbing his eyes to get the sleep out. Now that the sun was up, it was much easier to see the surroundings. There were not a single tree in sight for a long distance. Were there had once been a forest, there was now a field. With the trees gone, one could see ruined stone structures that had probably been a village many years ago. Items of many origins was spread around in piles here and there as they had probably been hidden by the trees. Unlike Bright, Gale woke up with a start as she was licked by Riletia,s huge tongue. With arms outstretched she looked down at her third outfit of the mission and how it was now damp as though she had fell into a puddle. "Bleh!" She grumbled, trying to shake some of the saliva off her arms. "This isn't sticky when it dries is it? I hate getting my fur sticky." "I have no idea." Riletia said and shrugged. "I`ve never had any complaints about that particular issue." She grinned awkwardly before she coughed and stretched her wings: "So, uhm, got any more business before we go? It's urgent, right?" Once her little fit was over, she regained her composure...at least as much of it as she could while drenched in the front. "All right, first things first: We go to the gate so that I can close it before anything comes out that doesn't belong here. Then we can find Steefous, maybe the other person he was trying to find too unless she is doing what the two we found are doing and helping on their own accord." She put a finger to her chin as a thought came to her. "Didn't we tell him to meet us at the portal's location?" She pondered. "He might be there already if not much sooner after we get there. I promised I'd go to my home and get help from there...I hate to say this, but I don't think that's going to happen. I can't risk going though the gate, if our side of the pathway is found our world will be on the brink of obliteration." Bright still looked a bit sleepy as he picked up the lamp and walked over to Gale and Riletia: "Well, with an undead king on one side, and an omnicidal maniac on the other, we might not even have the time to get help from your friend." He looked a bit thoughtful: "If you close the gate, are you able to open it again later? Besides that, doesn't your world have those two heroes to defend it?" "We do have defenders, but it's not quite that simple." Gale added, climbing onto Riletia. "If it were just him this war wouldn't be so hectic. No, we have three sides going against us. Other than the dark lord who is practically an army in himself, There are the enlightened, close followers of the dragon-god Xeiror who are trying to carry out his will while he regenerates into his full self again after being defeated by the Eon. Then there are the Legion of Starfall, run by the man who...well...overlooked the creation of me and the other 799 'subjects'. He is the only one of the three that uses technology in their fights against us, but his soldiers are mindless and plenty. He is just power hungry, he could care less about a worth-while reason to control the world." "Once the gate is closed," she continued on a new subject. "I can open it again, but it would be wise to wait before I head home, just in case. How long? I can't be certain." Bright made sure to climb onto Riletia after Gale. The sphinx flapped her wings a couple of time to warm up before she lifted off with a big jump. With the sphinx flying the ground beneath them passed by with great speed. Seeing the sun on the right, one could assume that she was flying due north. "Of course," Bright said with a small sigh, "It's never simple. This was a lot of information, so let me see if I got this right. Your home, Almadora, is both technologically and magically advanced with two heroes with big swords and such. On the other side, you got the Octavian fellow who's old as heck, has a lot of magic, and an army of shadowbeasts. Then you got Glenroy, the mad scientist who creates his own army through artificial means, and then you have Xeirors followers who I guess is either dragons or pyromancers." "Do these guys work together, and are they all dimensional travellers?" He asked curiously. He felt a slight headache coming up, as this was a tad much to work with. Bright took a small time to breathe and enjoy the scenery before he continued his questions: "Oh, and this gate of yours. Is this an actual physical gate, or is it just a hole between places? Do you have to open it at certain places, or can you open it anywhere?" "My, you sure have a lot of questions all of a sudden." Gale laughed lightly. "Normally I wouldn't have told you anything, but I guess it just happens doesn't it?" Bright shrugged his shoulders: "I can't help but get curious when you mention these things that I`ve never heard about. I mean, I`ve been with you all this way so, it would just be nice to know what we might run into." Gale nodded and began explaining: "Almadora itself is not technologically advanced, but there are several small continents over the seas who have adopted the tools from other realms over time. The largest continent is timeless and the people who live there like to live in the old ways. It's rather peaceful if you can look past the war." Pausing for a moment, she looked down to the ground below. "Xeiror is...or rather, was...the primary god of our realm, the creator of all things. While a dragon, a gold one at that, he controls all eight elements and is immensely powerful. What he wants, in short, is to find a way to destroy reality and recreate it because he thinks the world is flawed and want's to wipe the slate clean. His followers are a mix of mages and warriors alike, one of which is one of our land's most famous mages, Vladamir Lourd, one of the five existing arch mages and a master dragon tamer." She thought for a moment about the last part. "And no, he can't tame Xeiror. Though he is a dragon, he is wise to such tricks." "No one works together, it's basically an all out brawl between the three sides and ourselves. They don't fight each other, but I can guess that they will but heads should we fall to one of them." "The gate...hmm..." She began to ponder the question. "It's not an actual gate, but it's not a hole either. Try to picture a small waterfall of black fog. The one in Almadora is large and has earned the nickname 'the black curtain'." He smiled nervously: "Although I do hope we don't run into any of them. They sound like an awful bunch of people, err monsters." As Riletia flew north, the Mercenary Town came in view. It looked awfully empty, and a few houses looked like they had been burnt down. "Huh, I wonder what happened here..." Bright mumbled. Gale silenced herself at the sight below. "This looks bad." She mumbled. "Let's land nearby Riletia and see if we can't find any clues." "Alright, I`ll land here then." Riletia said and steered downwards towards the town. She landed with a small thud on the outskirts of town, allowing Gale and Bright to get off. Upon closer inspection it seemed as if the town was completely deserted. Not even the sound of birds could be heard. "Well, this is eeringly quiet." Bright said and looked around. He felt a cold chill down his spine as he realized something. "Oh damn. I got to check out the smithy." He said and ran towards the smithy that was pretty close. The place was empty. The only things left were the anvil. All the tools had been taken and all sorts of valuables had been removed. There were nothing left but a small letter left on the table. To Julien Brightside This town is becoming increasingly stranger for each day that passes. I do not know when I will see you again, but I write this letter in case we won't see eachother again. There is some sort of cult brewing, and the dead are becoming restless. I do not think there will be any good left for me here. Thus I am taking anything I can carry and I will travel east towards my hometown. From your friend Trent. -PS. You don't owe me anything. Not you, nor that cat friend of yours. -PPS. Seriously, don't come after me. Not until you`ve solved your problems. "Gale, there's nothing left for us here. Actually I got a bad feeling about this whole place, and I think we should get going as soon as possible." Bright said while holding the letter in his hand. "Nothing at all?" Gale questioned, looking around at the ruined town. "What happened here? Why am I even asking?...I bet it was the undead wizard who did this." One last look at the destruction and she had seen enough. "Come on Bright, Riletia, we need to keep going forward. The faster we act, the less damage that will be caused. We must close the gate, and after that meet up with Steefous. "There are no people here at all. It is as if everyone have just gone, disappeared." Bright said and took a quick look around. "It was probably that undead guy, but you're right. Let us go." He said before he climbed up on Riletia once more. Riletia waited until Gale had climbed onboard before she lifted off once more. "Did you find anything?" She asked. "Nothing. At least I can believe my friend is safe." Bright replied and looked onwards as Riletia set the course towards the northwest. "...At least, I HOPE it was the wizard." Gale mumbled. Fearing that either Bright or Riletia might take that the wrong way, she quickly added: "What I mean to say is that if this wasn't the wizard, it would mean that there is another major threat out there. And if it came out of the gate I forgot to close..." A shake of her head, and her expression turned to a serious urgency. "Top speed Riletia! We need to close this gate ASAP!" "Alright, hold on." Riletia said and began flying higher, her wings flapping with extra strength. Then when she had gained enough height, she put her wings closer to her body and descended towards the ground with great speed before she spread out her wings once more and floated quite fast towards the northwest. Bright held on to Riletias fur as hard as he could while feeling the force of wind brushing against his face with quite the strength. "I think I see some forest over there..." He mumbled as the wind made it hard to speak. Gale was squinting her eyes against the wind and holding as tight as she could to the sphinx. With her free hand, she tried to scan the area. "I don't recall there being many trees here when I first came though, this could be Sendra's doing." She managed to spit out with the air rushing as it was. "The portal would be on the side of a large rock formation, possibly a cliff." "I remember disguising it before I left for the first time to a town." She continued. "But I never closed it. Once I find it I’ll have to uncloak it to start sealing it off." "It's a bunch of trees, they can't move that fast." Bright said as they passed over the forest. Beneath them the Wilderveer town came in sight. As they passed over it they caught quite the attention as many people turned their eyes upward to see what passed over. With a small thud, Riletia landed in a small opening in the forest. "I...need a small break." She panted and sweat ran from her face. "If it's not far ahead, think you could walk the rest of the way?" Without so much as a word of courtesy to Riletia for flying them there or waiting for Bright to dismount the tired sphinx, Gale jumped off of the back and began to ran towards the the side of the large mountain across the clearing. "Thanks for the ride." Bright called out to Riletia since Gale didn't do it. The sphinx didn't say anything, but she gave a quick nod to Bright before he ran off after Gale. The wall she looked at looked nothing out of the ordinary: just a flat face of the stone filled with the various bumps and cracks of time and weather. No sooner did Bright arrive beside her did she raise up her staff towards the surface. "This is it..." She mumbled lightly, "...The black curtain. The natural-born gateway between this world and Onyxis Prime. Once I remove the Illusions, it's true form will be presented to you. I hope you're ready, I can't say for certain if this will be as easy as either of us have hoped." "Don't worry about me," Bright said with a small smile, "We're in a hurry remember. Just do what you have to do." He looked towards the blank slate of stone. It didn't look particularly impressive at the moment. Waving her staff slowly in the air once, she wordlessly dismissed the illusion before Bright's eyes. Now as a portion of the stone began to darken, the portal began to take its true shape. What looked like clouds of black began to trickle down in an arch that was nearly three times as high and ten times as wide as any normal human being and vanish into the ground in a continuous flow. Just like that, the black curtain had been revealed. "That is something quite different." Bright said and looked at the portal from side to side. He had never seen anything like that before. Above them, the sky began to darken and a roll of thunder announced the coming of a storm. "Don't worry about that." Gale assured Bright. "The storm is pure coincidence, I felt it coming after we landed. Instincts and all that, you know?" She turned once more to the gate. "Although, this gate is far bigger than when I came through it. I don't like it. Good thing we got here when we did, I don't know what could have happened should we have waited another day. Back to business..." She raised her staff once more to the rock face. "I almost began to worry there for a second." Bright said and smirked slightly at the mention of the storm. "Because that thunder sounded strangely ominous." He looked towards the gate. "You do your magic, and I`ll hold a look out for anything suspicious." One by one, five white spheres flew from the tip of her rod and surrounded the portal, creating the shape of a pentagon. Moving the staff's tip much like one would a pen or brush, she quickly connected the dots from her standpoint; the motions of her staff showed up on the portal as a white line ran through the dots, creating the shape of a star over the falling clouds. "Almost done." Gale announced, lowing her staff and bringing her open hand close to her face. One final orb began to form in her hand, one that would finish off the portal and seal it up tight. Suddenly, a low rumble began to shake the ground, stopping her spell. "What was that?" She asked, looking with worry towards the portal. Her question was quickly answered as a giant, black, dragonic hand shot forth from the gate in the core of the star. "Almost there...soon the gate is sealed and we can continue on our quest." Bright thought merrily to himself then noticed the hand appear out of the gate. "Well damn..."It slammed down on the ground near Gale, but with a quick jump she avoided getting hurt. "NO!" She screamed. "One of the damn dragons found the gate! It's trying to break through!" "We can't let it do that!" He called out and positioned himself out of reach before he immediately began searching through his backpack for a potion that might be usefull. He reckoned he had one with explosive qualities or maybe one with something else that could help. He picked out a blue vial that he had gotten from Steefous tower and threw it with all his might towards the dragonic hand. It smashed against the hand, broke and spread its contents over it. (well, some part of the hand at least, it was a big hand and not a particularly big vial.) Within a moment, the places where the potion had hit had its temperature drasticly reduced, making the skin and scales seem like ice. Of course, it wouldn't stop the hand from moving, but it would certainly give a cold shock to its owner. "Ehm, I`ll find another, just see if you can fix that portal!" He shouted to Gale. A roar sounded through the air as the ice affected the scales off the black dragon's hand, and it quickly pulled the appendage back into the black wall of clouds. "I can't properly close the portal if something is attempting to cross though!" Gale shouted, taking a more serious stance and preparing another spell, her hand glowing a bright white. With a roar the dragons gruesome head emerged from the gateway, a head about the same size as Steefous's dragon if not slightly bigger. It's head was crowned with ash-colored horns than pointed forward and a pair of glowing red eyes to match. Bright let out a small sigh of relief when he saw that the dragon pulled its hand backwards, only to stiffen at the sight of its head coming out of the portal again. "Take this! Lumensa!" A beam of pure white fired forth from her hand, striking the dragon directly between it's eyes, but only making it flinch for a brief moment before it opened its mouth and exhaled a stream of fire towards the two of them. Thinking quickly, Gale dashed to Bright and knocked him over, making them both just miss being incinerated. "Oh damn..." Bright exclaimed, looking at how close he had been to incineration. "This is going to require drastic measures." She said, getting back to her feet. In a turn of events, she began to take off her shirt, leaving only the skimpy bra showing that she got from Usa's lair, and tossed down her staff. With a grunt and a quick reflex, the legs from Gale's back shot out once more. "Stay here!" Gale shouted to Bright before leaping back into the path of the dragon's head, preparing another spell with both hands..." "Right. I`ll just stay out of the way then." He mumbled to himself and got back on his feet. “Maybe I had another potion I can use.” He thought to himself and pulled out a dark green vial, unaware of what it could do. He didn't want to use it yet however, he could hit Gale and he didn't want that. While Bright was thinking Gale stood before the dragon unmoving, waiting for it to make the next move. Again it threw flames at the neko with a mighty roar, this time however Gale remained unmoving and simply swiped her hand in front of her. Suddenly the fire stopped and split outwards, as if it had hit an invisible wall that was just in front of her. If one were to look past the glare of the fire, they might see Gale holding both hands in front of her, the legs from her back converging to the center between them as well. The fire faded, and no sooner did it do so did Gale unleash another ray of white light from herself, but this time it was far larger and far stronger, cast with both hands and the spider-like legs from her back. The relentless power of the attack sent the dragon's head flying back into the portal. "It will be back, but not alone." Gale muttered, moving her hand around in the air; a second star being formed atop the other, upside down, creating a massive ten-point star over the portal. "It knows where the portal is, and I can't let any of those beasts into this world..." With a single hand she began to finish what she began before the dragon appeared, an orb in her hand pointed to the core. "...closing the portal is no longer enough. I must..." She hesitated, trying to find the words to finish. A brief moment past, and the words came erupting from her. "...I must close the portal permanently! To ensure the protection of this world from that of the dark realm, no matter the cost!" The orb flew from her hand to the center of the star, creating a blinding flash of light that engulfed the area. When it faded, the portal was finally gone; Gale standing still and looking upon the wall, her only means of getting home lost... Bright had prepared to throw another potion, but he lowered his hand as he saw that Gale had managed on her own. He was forced to shield his eyes as the light eminating from Gale was quite strong, and when he could see again, there was no more dragon present, nor a portal. He put the potion back in his belt before he rushed over to Gale: "You did it!" He said rather cheerfully. "You managed to drive the dragon back. You..." He noticed her somewhat sullen look and thus he shut his mouth and just stood beside her silently. In an attempt to comfort her he put a hand on her shoulder. Retracing her appendages back into her back, Gale let out a long and depressed sigh as she continued to look at the bare wall. "It...was the only way..." She muttered to Bright. "If I hadn't...who knows what would have happened. I can't let any world fall to the darkness from that realm, even if it means cutting myself off from it." With that said, she turned to Bright and, to his surprise, smiled. "It's not entirely bad though." She added on. "My brother is here, and there is no way he could have gotten here the same way I did. There must be another way out of this realm then, and when I find him I’ll find the way back to my world! There is still hope!" She looked around the area now, searching. Bright was a bit surprised at her smile, but he decided to smile back: "Alright! That's the spirit. We can't give up yet." "I wonder if Riletia heard any of that commotion?" Gale questioned. "And where is Steefous? I thought we were going to meet here? I hope he is doing all right." "I think Steve said something that he would find us as long as we had that ring, but I don't think he said a specific location." Bright said after thinking about it for a short moment. "You don't suppose he got killed while looking for his friend in the dragon mountains?" "He didn't." Riletia said as she stepped out of the forest close to Gale and Bright. "He's in the tavern in the town." She looked around to see if she could find the portal. "What happened here? I heard a lot of sounds and saw some light come out of the forest." "Ehm, a black dragon tried to come out of the portal, but we...I mean, Gale managed to close the portal before it could get through." "Seriously, I can't let you guys out of sight for a minute before you get into trouble." Riletia said while smiling slightly. "Trouble may very well be an understatement for what happened here." Gale added on to Riletia's comment, putting her shirt back on. "I had to permanently shut the gate to prevent that thing from coming though, It would have broken the temporary seal. That also means though that I can't go back home, at least not that way." With shirt back on, she started heading towards the sphinx. "We need to get to him as soon as we can, so we can take care of this wizard problem, and so that I can have a little chat with him about my brother." "Well, come on then. He isn't far away." Riletia said and lead the two of them towards the town. The people in the town took a rather long detour when they saw Riletia, preferring to do their business in another street. The town guards recognized the sphinx and decided to not interfere in her walk. "He's in that tavern." She said and pointed at one particular one. It had white walls and had the name of: "The Sultry Pig." And a fitting picture of a big pig hanging above one door. "I can't really go in, so I`ll just wait on the outside." She checked the ground behind her before she sat herself down. She didn't want to crush anyone in the process. "…and again, I can't help but commend the owners of the tavern for their imaginative naming of the establishment..." Gale groaned sarcastically, referring to the name of the bar. "This shouldn't take long, I hope." She walked in, knowing that Bright would follow. The tavern was well lit with candles and on one of the bar stool sat Steefous chatting with one of the tavern wenches. He still wore his wizard cloak, although it's sleeves were ripped off, it was rather dirty and speckled with dried blood. Steefous himself had bandages over half his head and most of his arms. Inside, Gale stopped for nothing as she walked up to the one man in robes in the entire place; no doubt Steefous. He sure looked worse for wear, what with the blood and the bandages and tattered clothing...but that didn't seem to stop him with flirting with one of the workers, at least that's what it seemed to her. "Well, looks like you had quite the adventure yourself." Gale announced behind him, grabbing the wizard's attention. "You're not the only one let me tell you, but why don't we leave that little tale for another time. Business first after all." She cleared her throat. "Both Usa and Sendra are now helping us independently and indirectly. How about you, everything turn out alright...well, aside from injuries?" Steefous waved the wench away before he turned his attention towards Gale. "Glad to hear that Usa and Sendra is with us on this." He said with a small smile. "As for me. Yes, I found Cragg, and he agreed to help us.It took some convincing however. He had almost forgotten who he were." "And the injuries?" Bright asked curiously, pondering upon what makes a man receive such injuries. Steefous looked down on his bandages and ripped clothing: "Let us say that the convincing was not easy. But don't worry. The wounds will heal eventually." "And Cragg?" Bright asked curiously. "He's outside of town together with his 'family'. I didn't really want to bring him into town due to his size." He smiled slightly: "Anyway, you-know-who has moved from his tower in the lake towards his old castle to the southwest. His armies haven't come this far north yet, but they are constantly growing with cultists and undead. We should probably move soon." "Yes, but before we head out I have a few...unrelated questions I want answered." Gale continued, her voice slightly shaky. "But important never the less." Sitting down beside him in another stool, she turned to face him. "I must know if you know anyone by the name of Xavier. Even if it was a short meeting long ago. At the very least, tell me who gave you this lamp. Bright, can you show it to him please?" Steefous raised an eyebrow as Gale seated beside him. "Xavier? The name doesn't ring any bell as far as I know." Bright took forth the geenie lamp and showed it to Steefous: "Ah, my geenie lamp." He exclaimed it. "I thought it was lost after we met for the first time." "We found it in the fairie forest." Bright explained. "Anyway," Steefous continued: "I didn't really get this from anyone. I took it from the undead kings castle at the same time when we took the necklace." "So, you didn't see anyone who could have owned this?" Bright asked. Steefous sighed: "Listen, our attack at the castle managed to set free people that had been trapped in the cellar of the castle, but it's not like I or the others had time to stop and ask for their names. I am not even sure where they went afterwards, but it is very likely that some of them survived at least." "That's it then?" Gale questioned, almost disappointed. "Well...I know he is still out there somewhere, even if you don't know." "Sorry I couldn't be of more help." The wizard said and shrugged his shoulders. That said, she quickly swiped the lamp and held it close to herself. "I’ll be holding onto this." She announced to both Steefous and Bright. "Gaston is the only one who has any knowledge of my brother, and might very well be the only chance I have to find him...and my only chance to get back home." She closed her eyes as a thought came to her. "Actually, perhaps I will be able to use him before we head out again. I'm sure he won't mind." Bright was a bit surprised over Gale taking hold of the lamp, but he let her take it without resistance. "If you absolutely want to." Steefous smiled slightly, "He`ll probably be of more help to you to than me." "I'm sorry Bright." Gale apologized. "You know how worked up this is getting me...I have to hold on to any shred of hope I can that he is still alive. That aside, I think it's time we go back to the matter at hand." Placing the lamp down on her lap and holding it still with her hands, she returned to addressing the wizard. "We have everyone from your old team helping now. I really hope it was worth almost getting eaten several times, once not being an attempt if you catch my drift. Now that all that is done, what is our next step?" "Of course it is worth it." The wizard exclaimed before he coughed slightly: "Let me rephrase that. We need whatever we got." Steefous rolled out a map on the bar table. It showed a rather big castle in the middle, a coastline to the west and the town to the north. "The undead King has returned to his former fortress and has begun to set up defenses. There should be an army standing on guard on the outside of the castle. The current plan is this: Cragg attack from the north, I attack from the east, Sendra attacks from the south and Usâ should attack from the west. If all goes to plan, we should be able to draw out his army while Riletia flies you two over the wall to infiltrate and hopefully destroy the undead king." Steefous turned towards Gale: "Did you get ahold of your friend?" Gale looked down. "No, I wasn't able to...The gate was on the brink of being breached, I had no choice but to permanently shut the gate. Our worlds, yours and mine, are no longer connected though the dark realm and never shall be again..." "I see." Steefous nodded to the explanation Gale had provided. He decided not to push on that subject any further. "I’ll worry about finding a way back home later. Right now, the fight. You must trust well in Bright and my own abilities if you'd have us be the ones to fight the wizard. When do we head out, and what do we need to expect fighting this guy?" "Do I trust your abilities? Well, you have come so far and you are still alive. Besides that, you and Bright are probably able to work better together than the rest of us." "What you can expect from the undead king?" Steefous said and pondered a bit on what to say. "First of all, he can wake the dead without restrictions. He can just walk into a graveyard, and they will rise up. Second, he is very hard to kill." "Hard to kill...that's all you have for us?" Gale questioned. "Come on, you guys managed to beat him before. Certainly he has some kind of drawback? Weak to fire? Slow on foot? Anything?" She sighed. "Well, irregardless I'm ready to go as soon as you are. How about you Bright?" "It's not like we managed to kill him. We just managed to put him in such a position that he was forced to retreat. Besides that, we had a lot more soldiers back in the day. Although, now that you mention it, he moves rather slow." "Anyway, if we manage to defeat his army, we`ll come to your aid. And if you manage to distract him, or at least wound him, that will help us defeat the army." "If you got no more questions, I suggest we head towards battle." Steefous got up from his stool and put some coins on the bar table: "I wish you luck. Don't hold back however." He waved to them as he walked out of the door. Soon afterwards one could hear the sound of him whistling and the wings of his dragon flapping. Bright shrugged his shoulders: "I would love to stay for a drink, but I reckon we don't have the time. So let's just go." Gale rushed out shortly after Steefous; so this was it, the beginning of the end for this wizard... Rubbing the lamp she took from Bright, she summoned the Genie forth once more. "Gaston," she began in her calmest voice possible. "I have a big favor to ask of you. My brother and one of your previous masters, Xavier, is out in the world somewhere. Please, I need you to find anything you can about is whereabouts and then come back to this town and await for us to return. I'm counting on you. Oh, but please don't contact him directly," she latched the lamp onto one of the belt loops on her jeans, "If I know my brother he will be busy with something. Plus I'd like my return to be a surprise." Gaston nodded: "I will do my best efforts to find your brother Madam. Just rub the lamp if ou need my assistance." He snapped his fingers and thus turned into a cloud of smoke. The smoke then went up into the air with quite the speed before it vanished out of sight. She turned now to Riletia. "You know the plan right? Ready to take off?" "Geenies sure got got some tricks." Bright mumbled to himself before climbed onto Riletias back. Riletia nodded to Gale: "I know the plan. Come on." She waited for Gale to climb on board before she began flapping her wings. It didn't take long before she flew quite high. From the height they were currently at, they could see Steefous on the ground beneath them. He was talking to a red and a green dragon whereas two smaller green ones were sitting on the red ones back. They were a lot bigger than the dragon he usually rode around on. "What's Steve doing?" Bright asked towards Riletia. "He's talking to Cragg. Cragg's the big green one." "So then, Cragg became a dragon?" Gale asked rhetorically. "Looks like that necklace had a large impact on everyone from you're group...everyone except Steefous, he still looks very much human." "Maybe he didn't get as exposed to it?" Riletia said and slowed down her flying a little bit. There was no need to fly towards the castle before the others had gotten into place. "Don't be fooled though. He may not have a tail or claws, but he was changed nonetheless by the amulet." Twisting her body, Gale turned to talk to Bright. "Bright, I know you haven't really had to do much as of yet," She began, "But I'm going to need you're help with this; any combat skills you may have with that hammer of yours. The wizard is bound to be guarded by a part of his army, and If he is as powerful as I think he is than I'm going to need all my spiritual strength for this fight. That means that we are going to have to bash our way though to him once we get inside the castle. And when we start fighting, I need you to make certain that the fight stays between me and him, so you'll have to guard any entrance. And, should anything happen to me, you MUST make certain that he does not get the amulet at any cost!" Bright grinned and placed his right fist at his chest. "Don't worry Gale. What my hammer can't do, my potions will." 1. Castle crashers As they got closer, it seemed as if the land beneath them had gained a grayish color. As if it was drained of life. In the far west, they could see the ruined castle. The land around it was completely barren. A rather big army seemed to be at place at the base of the castle. To the far south, it looked like a forest was moving towards the castle. It wasn't moving very fast though. Riletia flied around in a small circle before she landed on the ground. "You don't need to get off. I am just waiting for Steve to show up. We want to time this correctly after all." "Well, there's Sendra." Gale announced at the sight of the moving forest. "Yeah, no mistake about that. There's not that many moving forests around." Bright thought to himself and looked at the forest. She surveyed the surrounding area. "This place is miserable and dead." She commented in a low tone. "It reminds me of what I've been told the physical plane of Onyxis Prime outside our little tunnel looks like." She looked up at the morning sky. "Save for the fact that is is always night there. Pitch black; no stars and the moon is a permanent crescent. Well, all in all, I'm glad that this will be over soon enough. I'm happy to know I can count on you Bright." the Neko smiled at him. "I really am." "I reckon I can count on you as well Gale." "There he is." Riletia said and looked to the east. Steefous was flying in low altitude with his green dragon while a bunch of strange creatures were following after him. Each of them looked like they had been put together by other some animals. "You should move now. The battle is about to start!" Steefous shouted towards them. Riletia nodded and lifted herself into the air once more. As they got higher in altitude, one could see that the army at the castle was spreading out to engage the attackers. It was obvious that the undead army was outnumbering the others with a lot, but the former adventurers were hard to beat. To the north, dragons breath great fire into the midst of the undead. To the south large trees slowly tore their way through the undead ranks. To the west the sea itself flooded over into the moat surrounding the castle and thus prevented any retreat back into the castle. And at last, from the east the wizards beasts crashed into the undead while the wizard himself supported them from above with pinpoint strikes of what appeared to be light, or he sent off spells that could not be seen, but made decently sized craters in the earth. "Hold on." Riletia said calmly before she dove towards the castle with great speed. As the chaos erupted below, Gale couldn't help but feel for her home land. "I hope my world hasn't been attacked by any of the opposing forces in my absence...I would hate to see the capital in ruins when and if I retuAHHH!" Gale's sentence ended abruptly as Riletia began to soar down at high speed. Luckily for her, she still managed to grab on and hold tight despite not doing so when instructed. The top of the structure became blurred as speed picked up, and soon Gale felt a bit of disorientation, but was still in as good a position to fight then ever. As they came closer to the castle, it was evident that the wall was not completely empty. Dozens of skeletal archers stretched their bows, aimed and fired upon Riletia. Their accuracy wasn't good, but a couple of bone arrows flew past Riletia and the two sitting on her back as they got closer. Riletia made some inaudible sounds as they dropped slightly in altitude. It was evident that they were flying in too low. Riletia saw she had only one option. She roared and pushed through, breaking through the top portion of the wall and sweeping with her a good bunch of the archers present, pushing them into the courtyard where their bones got spread in many directions. With a last effort of strength, she stepped on the remained guards on the ground. "Thanks Ril..." Bright began, "Get off." Riletia spoke with her teeth clenched, her voice slightly breaking. Bright got off rather quickly and could see why she had tears in her eyes. Her wings had gotten pretty damaged by the bone arrows, and the wall had only made the damage worse. Feathers were falling off and a portion of one wing was bent in an awkward position. Two arrows had also found their way into the side of her body, although their shafts had been broken at the impact. "The king is probably at the top." She said while nodding towards the entrance. "So go! You got no time to waste. I`ll hold them off." With a nod, Gale accepted what needed to be done. "Don't you dare die on us!" She threatened. "We will come back for you as soon as we are done! Come Bright!" Keeping her staff in hand, Gale quickly focused her strength and summoned forth once more her appendages from her back, not caring for the state of her shirt. Running to the entrance, two skeletons dashed through towards her. Barely an effort was wasted on them as the neko bashed them with one side of her strange form, four legs, and sent their bones and weapons flying in various directions. It was certainly an odd site, watching someone who, up until now, preferred to keep distance between enemies and was terrified of the undead, now charging through them like a truck. In they went, into the first section of the castle... "Aight!" Bright exclaimed before he followed after Gale with his hammer ready, preparing himself to face the worst. Except the two skeletons, there were nothing else in the long hallway but an old rotten carpet. However, as the last of the bones hit the ground, the doors behind them shut with a loud bang. The only light provided came from some windows high on the walls. "I don't like it when people come uninvited to my home..." The voice echoed throughout the hall and sounded awfully cold, and somewhat female. "It makes me rather..." The voice paused slightly: "Furious." A being cloaked in blue light appeared before the two adventurers. Unlike the other undead, she appeared somewhat etheral. She had probably been a beautiful woman back in the day, but now her face looked awfully hollow, her eyes looked dark and her dark hair looked unclean. Her once beautiful dress had been reduced to gray tatters. She opened her maw unnaturally wide, and dove straight towards Gale, and surprisingly enough she passed right through, and besides a cold tingly feeling, there were no effect. "Seems like I can't do that anymore..." The voice echoed throughout the hall. "Wait here." The etheral woman said and seemed to fade away. "I say we run for it." Bright whispered to Gale. The actions of the ghost woman, actions that would normally have terrified her, left her untouched both emotionally and physically. Not so much as a twitch came from her, only the same look of focus was present that she had entered with. "Agreed." She told Bright, starting to jog down the hallway. "For her sake, she better not run into us again. I won't tolerate any further distractions, we have to end this as fast as possible!" The hallway continued up some stairs whereas it continued in a new hallway. It was littered with various debris and ruined stone figures. A few holes were here and there showing but darkness beneath. As they ran towards the next stairway there was a sound of clinking and clanking coming from behind. It only grew stronger and stronger until the etheral woman appeared once again. "He is mine you hear! MINE!" She rose her right hand and sparkles arose from metal going against eachother in high speed as it flew through the air. "Oh crap, cutlery!" Bright exclaimed and lifted a wooden door from the floor. The sound of metal going into the door could be heard with loud "thucks" as knives and forks got stuck. Some of the weapons flew towards Gale as well, but using her extra legs like a shield deflected any that flew at her. As they moved away, she glared at the spirit with gritting teeth, angry that she once again was slowing the two of them down. "I will only give you one warning." The neko threatened, raising one of her hands towards the ghost. "I see you again, I will destroy what's left of you!" Her hand began to glow a faint white, her spell ready to be cast. "Lum!" She shouted, sending a quick, yet strong, burst of energy from her hand towards the ghost and sending her flying. The ghost fell backwards through the floor boards and vanished from sight. "Put the door down and let's go." Gale told Bright as moved once more, going into a jog. "A bit too close to comfort." Bright said and let go of the wooden door. It landed on the ground with a thud and looking upon it one would see that it was stabbed thick with cutlery. The way forward was blocked by ruins, but the doorway beside it led to an empty room where the fallen debris led the way up through a hole in the roof. It sounded like there were metal being scrap against the floor above. "I`ll climb up first." Bright said and climbed up. "Alright, it's clear." He stood in what used to be an armor hallway. However at the moment the pedestals were empty. There wasn't a single breastplate or a weapon in sight. With minimal effort Gale took one large jump, landing right next to Bright. "Keep your guard up. I don't know who that woman is, but her very presence could very well mean there are more like her out there somewhere." Gale warned, taking point again. "I really hope not. She seems awfully troublesome alone. I rather not meet any more like her." Bright said and moved carefully forward. The dust on the floor showed definite markings of something being drawn through it. "Just a thought," Gale mumbled to Bright as they continued in a jog. "When that ghost said 'he's mine', was she referring to you, or the wizard? I wonder if she has a goal similar to ours? "I don't think she was referring to me. I`ve never been here before, and I certainly have not seen that woman before." Bright said with a shrug of his shoulders. "A goal similar to us? She seems very intent on stopping us, that's for sure." He exclaimed as they moved through the ruins. “I guess it really doesn't matter if she does or not though...A thing about this form of mine: I gain power, but I seem to lose compassion and any desire to care about anything than the task at hand. Maybe that is something I should expect, I was created on the desire to become a weapon after all." Bright listened to Gale speak about her her powers and he couldn't help but look at her: "So, what are you saying? I should be careful or you might accidentaly stab me?" "No, don't perceive it as a threat." Gale answered him as they continued to climb, her voice having become rather bland and monotone as time progressed. "If I start acting odd, more hostile for example, just don't be surprised is all. I am quite efficient like this, I know how to avoid causing you harm." They climbed another set of stairs and entered what appeared to be a big throne room. It was rectangular in shape and the roof was held up by several pillars, although some of them were in bad shape and a couple were broken completely. At the very far end of the room was a throne wheras the undead king sat upon it. Between the king and the two adventurers were a pile of armors and weapons. Just as Gale was preparing to make a move, the voice rang out again of the woman: "No one..." The female voice echoed throughout the throne room. “ I warned you to stay out of the way." The neko spat, looking around to find the troublesome ghost. "...takes..." The doors slammed shut behind Gale and Bright. "...my man!" The many different armors and weapons began to form together some sort of giant metal being. Its body consisted of various metal plates and its hands ended in blades. It was a great golem of iron of iron and steel, poised to kill as gruesomely as possible. "Ah crap..." Bright pulled on the door and realized it wouldn't budge. He turned towards the metal golem. "Suggestions Gale?" "Your little toy poises no threat, only a moderate distraction." She held out her staff to Bright. "Here's a suggestion," she responded to him. "Hold this." Bright took hold of the staff and couldn't help but having the feel that Gale was just getting serious. "Gale, please don't insult the big metal sharp thing." He said, feeling a bit of nervousity as he looked upon the metal golem. The golem began to walk towards the two. Each step echoing through the hall whereas the various parts of the body clanked together. "Gale, let's split up. It can't reach the both of us as the same time." Bright said and prepared himself to run to the right. The golem raised its hand, ready to strike. Gale motioned for Bright to hurry on as he dashed to the side, but she remained still even as the Golem prepared to attack. It's giant hand came crashing down with terrible force towards the mage, but all that came out of Gale was a small electrical spark, one that shot up her body and quickly vanished. With a earth shattering crash its hand imbedded itself into the floor, Gale stood safe to the side of the arm as if the behemoth had completely missed her, but that was not the case. "With a little extra speed, this thing shouldn't be too big a threat to me." Gale mumbled, rocketing up the golem's arm with the same speed she had when avoiding its arm. Now level with its face, its arm caught in the crater it had made in the floor, she brought both hands together near her middle and began to form a ball of flame in her grasp. "Pyra!" The neko practically hissed, letting loose a column of fire directly into the face of the steel giant. The force of it flinching back helped it release its arm; Gale took this as a que to get back and jumped down from its shoulder back to the ground. The golem turned slowly around towards where Gale stood. The metal plates that made up its face had melted into an unrecognizeable shape leaving only an eyehole. Despite its face having been turned into molten slag it seemed unaffected. Actually, now it seemed even more eager to kill Gale. Bright turned around quickly to see that Gale was busy with fighting the golem. "Gale, just run. I`ll hold it off!" He shouted and picked a potion at random from his belt and threw it at the golem with all the force he could. The potion he picked had a brownish color fluid within. It flew towards the golems head, clanked against it and exploded violentlently. The golem stumbled a bit backwards, but got hold of one of the pillars and managed to pull itself back in place, although wrecking the pillar apart in the process. Gale looked between the golem and Bright, her mind racing with thoughts. On one hand, she did not know if Bright could handle the metal puppet that was attacking them and wanted to help him destroy it before it could do so to him...but on the other hand there was the king to attend with, and the faster he was eliminated the sooner all the chaos would end, and perhaps the more lives that could be spared by the war outside. Gale ran up to Bright, her speed spell still in effect, and looked him sternly in the eye. "Don't die on me, you hear?" She ordered, her voice still monotone but deep down within it there was still a shred of emotion, of concern. "Don't do anything stupid, I mean it." With her accepting his terms to fight the golem while she went after the king, she zoomed off to the undead wizard in question, leaving Bright to his fight. Bright looked at Gale for the small moment she was in his sight. He was still aware of the golem, but it was moving quite slow after the explosion potion. "I don't intend to die here Gale. Just do what you have to do." He said and saw her vanished out of sight once more. "I won't do anything you wouldn't." He mumbled to himself afterwards and looked at the golem standing before him. Those swords looked awfully sharp and the golem didn't even know the concept of being tired. It raised its arms once more and slammed down. Luckily Bright had rolled to the side just in time whereas he spent a moment chosing a random potion from his belt before he threw it at the monstrosity. The potion was one of the ones they had gotten from Steefous stash and it had a greenish fluid within. It smashed against the shoulder and the liquid within spread against the body and some even dripped down on the ground. A small tree immediately began growing from the golems shoulder and where the potion had hit the ground thus halting its movement somewhat. "A growth extract for plants?" Bright thought to himself, but didn't worry too much about that. He still had more potions and the golem was still moving. 1. Showdown She stood before the unholy monarch, her body letting off a discharge as the speed spell wore off. "You, me, one on one, now!" the mage barked at him, not desiring to delay any further. This was truly going to be it, the beginning of the end.., The undead king looked similar to what he had looked before. A skeletal creature clad in royal red robes whereas a golden crown laid upon his head. He looked at Gale with the strangest look. Though there were no eyes in his sockets, just mere two hollow holes in his skulls. "Come...on. You...get..a...free...shot. Do...your...best." The voice eminated from the undead king and it was as cold as the grave. He lifted a bony finger and pointed towards his chest where his heart would normally have been. Gale did not hesitate to take the king up on his request for her to attack first, holding both hands out before her, spread out with palms opened wide towards the dead ruler. Beneath her the ground began to glow in a small circle around herself, small sparkles erupting forth from it and floating upwards slowly. Lifting her hands over her head now, wisps of energy flew up from the circle at an alarming rate, spinning around in a spherical shape above her head about the size of a beach ball. This continued for several seconds as the energy gathered, eventually leaving only a strange, runic symbol beneath where Gale stood and a swirling mess of white energy floated above her. Bringing her hands down to her sides, she glared back at the eyeless gauze, the orb still suspended. "You doubt my ability." She mumbled, "Typical. As usual, the one who possesses great power thinks themselves immortal. I do not doubt your ability, but you will learn the hard way to never have doubted mine." With that the mage pointed towards the undead wizard, and in a small burst the orb that was above her spit once more into the hundreds of small wisps that made it, each of which shot themselves in erratic patterns towards the king and striking him in the chest without a moments break between each strike. The king sat still in his throne and let each and every one of the wisps hit him. His body shook erratically as the magic tore through his body. When the attack finally stopped, there was a hole straight through the mans robes, through his ribcage and through the stone throne unto the other side. However if one looked at the undead King one would see that his chest was rebuilding itself rather rapidly. After a mere moment it was if had never even been attacked. The voice eminated from the king once more: "Death...is...still...out…of...reach." "Then...I...shall...take…your...life." He arose from his throne and the room became a lot colder. It was if the very warmth of the room was drained. Even the tree upon the golems shoulder withered and died. The voice of Ûsa echoed in Gales ears: "A drop of your blood upon the necklace that you carry. Use its power." As soon as the voice had given its message it was gone. It was almost as if it had never even been there. Gale's ears perked upon hearing Usa's voice, as if the queen of the mermaids was right there beside her. But what she was telling her, to use the necklace's power...certainly there was another way. Though she could not feel it before, in her form of ascended magical potential she could feel an energy radiating form the necklace...an evil energy, not necessarily dark energy, but sinister all in the same. She shook her head. "No, no I won't use that artifact!" She shouted in her head, putting herself back into the fight at hand. "I have only begun to use my true skill! He doesn't stand a chance!" Raising her hands again, the symbols that remained at her feet converted into small sparkles of light that flew up to her, forming into small, baseball-sized orb in her hand which she promptly shot forth towards the undead king as he rose. Like before it struck, but this time caused no damage. Instead, the same seal that was beneath her moments ago formed beneath him, and it glowed brighter than ever. From the various runes that made up the ring, glowing white chains shot forth and attempted to bind down the wizard. The undead king was stopped in his tracks as the white chains tore through this arms and legs, restraining him and forcing him down to the ground with great force. However, wherever the chains touched his body, they seemed to lose their magic and began to rust. Or the proper word for what happens with magical chains when their magic is drained from them. Further back in the hall there was a lot of smoke, probably stemming from one of Brights many potions. It filled the back and shortly after one could hear the golem tear down a coloumn in frustration. A disoriented grunt came from the catgirl mage as another of her spells failed to so much as phase the King. He was absorbing energy, that was blindingly clear to her now, and perhaps even using that power to increase is own. If that was the case, his attacks would have the same strength as the master-level spells she was throwing at him...definitely not good. As good as a mage as she was, having her power turned against here was not something she expected; it leveled the playing field and gave the foe an edge she never imagined he would have. Suddenly, she began to doubt her abilities in this fight. in her mind she began to play back what she heard Usa say to her, how she should use the power of the amulet. Was that really the only answer? The very thing that gave the undead king his power was the only thing that could stop him? Gale dreaded the idea of having to resort to such measures, but Bright, her, and everyone else fighting below needed to end this as quickly as possible...the realization came to her like a cold truth, it was indeed the only way. But she did not have the necklace, Bright did. How could she get it from him while she was occupied with the king and he with the golem? Maybe she could hold off the wizard if she used her spellcraft with a little more caution. Bringing her hands down below her bent knees, she shot them both upwards towards the air. In unison to her movements, a large wall of stone from the floor rose up and barricaded the undead mage in a ring, a ring that was bound to be broken by him in time, but this way she had some time. Certainly he couldn't absorb a physical barrier like he could magic. Without looking back she ran towards the action between Bright and his opponent. "Bright!" She shouted. "I need the necklace!" The stone walls did stop the undead king for the time being, although for how long no one could tell. Nevertheless, the undead king sounded awfully quiet, no doubt planning his next move. "One second!" Bright shouted back and threw another potion at the golem. He had been using up most of his supply and he was running low on effective counter measures. The one he threw at the moment was a red-brownish one and it hit the golems shoulder. The golem raised its arm once more and prepared to strike, although when the arm got up, it got stuck in mid air. The golem looked to the side confused (granted it did not have any means to make any face expressions, but Bright imagined it was confused.). The whole shoulder had rusted and it was cracking up before the arm finally fell off. Bright used the moment to pick out the necklace in its piece of cloth and gently lobbed it to Gale. "I hope you know what you are doing." Gale caught the object in her hands and quickly unwrapped the cloth, tossing it to the ground. "I hope I do too." Was all she could find in herself to say and she turned to face where she left the king, not bothering to run back towards him. Looping the pendent around her neck, a sudden feeling of unsureness struck her; around her neck was the very thing that started this chaos, the thing that could very well end it...but what would happen after? Would she be able to shrug off what the amulet was bound to do to her, or would she loose control... "Bright!" She shouted again, a small amount of water collecting from the atmosphere and shaping itself in her hand. "When all this ends, If I start acting odd I need you to knock me out, don't hold back!" The water suddenly froze into the shape of a crudely-forged knife, the blade of which she placed into her other palm. "I`ll do it! Just hurry up. I can't hold it off much longer!" Bright called out without turned towards Gale. Although the golem was lacking one arm, it still had another which was quite dangerous. The sound of another pillar getting smashed could be heard and small amounts of debris flew through the air. Before Gale the rock walls began to crack. The undead king was not going to be held back for much longer. There was no time to lose now; the king almost free and Bight struggling to keep up the fight against the golem, the time to act was either now or never. She yanked the ice knife out of her hand, leaving a rather large gash on her palm, which she grabbed hold of the necklace... In a sudden and violent burst, the area around her erupted into what may best be described as an orb of read aura, the same color as the amulet's gemstone. The light illuminated the room a bright crimson as the amulet's true power began to take affect in an almost unstable manner. Perhaps that was due to her inexperience towards the way the artifact functioned? It was only there for a brief moment, the light, before it burst like a bubble, shooting out red sparkles in every-which direction; Gale appeared unchanged, but wasn't moving. Suddenly, the glitters imploded back onto her, with them streams of a very dark-violet energy flowing forth into her form; the streams were coming from various directions, some attacked to the walls and some simply floating in the air with no visible starting point. No longer was her figure visible, for it was being drowned by the lights of the streams. In response to all of this, the golem stopped in it's tracks and looked on to the event transpiring. Was it curiosity? Who was to say, but it gave Bright a moment of leeway to make his next move. If Gale opened her eyes it would seem like time itself had stopped. There were debris floating in the middle of the air, most probably rocks from a destroyed coloumn. The undead king was standing in a strange pose stretching his hand out towards Gale, his expression as dead as ever. Looking towards the other end of the hall, Gale would see that Bright was throwing his last attack potion towards the golem. It floated in mid air and would probably go straight towards the golems head. The room itself looked rather dark however, as if someone had taken away all the walls and replaced them with darkness. As Gale looked around she would be able to notice something new. There were a couple of big doors, at least twice of Gales height, with a golden color with markings quite similar to those on the necklace. Slowly, Gale began to walk around and looked closer at the surrounding area and the effects of the necklace. No sooner had she began to look around did she turn back to where she stood originally, startled by a sudden presence that she knew was not there before. "Who's there!" She shouted, seeing a silhouette of a figure; a black figure that looked as though it was leaning against a wall. "Who are you? Speak!" "Is it not obvious?" The voice rang out. Gale was startled again as she realized who's voice was speaking...her own. "You just released the power of an artifact that allows you to collect magical energy like a sponge and then mentally select what that power is to become." "How do you know it does that?" "Don't be stupid Nightengale. You know deep down this is what is going on. Look around," the figure looked around at the doors surrounding them. "Eight doors. Each looks identical, but each is distinctly different by the gem that marks the top of each, again there are Eight of them. Do I need to remind you the significance of the number eight in Almadorian magics?" Gale looked down, then quickly back up to the figure. "That's the number of total elements that can be controlled by mortals. But I don't see what..." "And you undoubtedly felt the surge of power when you activated the necklace, per Ûsa's instructions. And even now, you feel power behind each door. Weak, but you can distinguish the different elements. It's quite obvious that this is some sort of mental state in which you convert all that energy you absorbed into whatever you'd like element-wise." It was true, now that Gale thought about it. She did feel these things, everything the other person suggested she felt. Before she could open her mouth again, she was silenced by the other woman. "To answer your upcoming question: Yes, when I say mental state I mean mental state. You are currently seeing your options inside your head as to what element to convert all that power into. Time seems to have stopped, but I assure you it has not, everything is happening very, very quickly." "Alright..." Gale agreed sceptically, an eyebrow raised. "That still doesn't explain who you are." "Why I'm you, ya twit!" The other being walked forward towards Gale, revealing through her vague form a pair of cat ears. "You're subconscious; I represent that which goes though your mind without your consent, I also represent the thoughts you suppress from the goings of everyday life...though in that sense I might as well be your evil twin; The only things you don't filter out are your precious chivalry codes and 'right over wrong' philosophies, never indulging in what you truly want, forever putting a veil over your own eyes in an attempt to seem pure of heart. But I think that is enough about you, hmm? Last I checked we had business to attend to, the king and all that." Gale stood there for a moment, still trying to grasp the realism of the situation, yet somehow managing to understand to a point. "Ill try to figure this out later." Gale shrugged, running towards one of the doors; above it's frame stood a white gemstone. "I wouldn't do light if I were you." Galess conscious warned, folding her arms. "If you are me, you should know that is the best thing to use against the forces of darkness, such as this undead king!" Gale shouted. "True as that might be, you seem to forget that your precious light didn't even phase the king before." "Ill be stronger this time! He won't stand a chance!" "Quit trying to fool yourself. You'll just end up in a rut again, and he won't be letting you utilize the amulet like this again after you leave here...call it a hunch." The silhouette dissolved into a black vapor and flew towards one of the doors, seeming to merge with it. This door, on the opposite side of the one Gale wanted to use, had a black crystal above it. "He knows the elements as much as you do if not more so, and has obviously built up a resistance to the element of light. If you want any hope of winning this battle, you're going to have to fight fire with fire if you catch my drift." Gale, with a worried look upon her face, began to stride over to the next door. "I know how you feel about darkness, exactly how you feel actually, and your biggest concern is changing into something evil. I won't lie, your personality will change slightly; It will become darker, more oriented towards your own wants, something more like...well, me, your subconscious. But rest assure, YOU will still be YOU. Now hurry, time's ticking!" She didn't hesitate any longer. Hoping that what she heard was true, she charged through the black-crystal door... On the outside, the energy that was being fed into Gale suddenly ceased, leaving her obscured only by a small radiation of remaining energy that looked like a purple flame. From within, a large ball of black connected to the fire by a bolt of purple lightning shot out towards the oncoming king and rammed him hard, sending him flying back several feet. The orb, having remained in place after striking the wizard, was then swung around like a giant flail and sent flying into the iron giant's abdomen, leaving a large dent and making him lean his head into the vial that Bright had thrown. It reacted with the impact and exploded, thus sending the golem into a wall. The following crash made the wall topple over it as well as part of the ceiling. "Phew." Bright exclaimed, feeling slight relief that the metal golem was done for at the moment. He did however get a great chill when he turned around and realized that the Gale he knew had completely changed. He would probably have found it attractive had it not been for the dire situation. With a sound like a gust of wind the fire subsided, leaving the neko standing tall from its core. With her re-emergence, however, it became clear that she had been altered in her own way from the necklace's powers. For starters, her outfit hand once again changed; now she wore a violet dress, a dress that, unlike the personality that Bright may have picked up from her previously, was low cut and revealed her cleavage in a seductive manner, split from the crotch down revealing her bare legs and black undergarments, and had a rather large collar that curled ever so slightly upwards to about the length of half her head from the neck. The legs still protruded from her back, but now they all appeared charred black and shriveled to the point where they would no longer be able to move on their own. She opened her eyes, revealing them to be altered in colors as well; yellow become purple and green become red. An evil grin ran over her face. "Well?" She barked in the direction of the king. "Get up worm food! This kitty isn't quite done playing with her new toy." Her voice had become seductive as well as frightening with her new transformation, and the power that radiated from her now was far beyond that of when she had first entered the room. "Interesting." The voice of the king spoke from the pile of rubble he had been sent into."But not enough." He stood up from the pile and tore of his robes, revealing a bare skeletal body. A skeleton of its own seemed to grown on the outside of his own body, providing what appeared to be an armor. His hand extended into what appeared to be a sword, although it was still attached to his arm. Even his own head seemed to provide a helmet whereas his eyes were limited to a couple of thin slits. Although Gale had chosen one door, there was still one that she could see in the corner of her eye. It didn't move persec, but it did appear to come closer. Above the door was the red gem of the necklace. It was different from the gates of magic. The marks upon the door seemed to slowly fill up with a red color. Gale saw the door out of the corner of her eye, yet she had no desire to go for it. The power she now felt, so much more than she had ever been able to wield before, felt amazing to her...almost intoxicating. She felt unstoppable. "You talk to highly of yourself, 'your majesty'." She commented sarcastically. "You think you are so far superior to me, yet you fail to realize what I am capable off. Now then, shall we begin?" Gale brought her left arm over her right shoulder, keeping the hand level with her head and sweeping her arm back to her side. In the sweep, a large tempest of black fire shot forth towards the king with unrelenting force. Her grin widened; never before was she able to use magic in such a powerful and destructive way. The king looked upon the fire with what appeared to be an unimpressive look. He made a small waving motion with his blade before he pointed towards Gale. "Bring your worst." He sprinted forward with his blade reached out towards Gale just as she set off her tempest of fire. It covered his body until he was nothing more than a shadow within the darkness of the fire and then suddenly he was gone. It seemed like Gales fire had not only burnt the king, but it had taken off a good deal of the floor as well. There was a black hole from the throne room into rooms below, the sides of the hole being melted stone. Bright ran forward towards Gale: "Gale, you made it!" He exclaimed happily. "You burnt him away." He said with a smile and then he noticed the changed eyes of Gale: "What happened to you? Was it the necklace?" He looked towards her suddenly gained cleavage: "And...what happened to your clothes?" Gale turned slowly to meet Bright and his optimism as he came running over, waiting him to finish speaking and watching his eyes as they began to drift, smiling again and letting out a short, low-pitch laugh. "How easily the mind of a man is taken away from the subject at hand with the smallest...distraction." She put a hand under Bright's chin and forced him to look up to her eyes. "It would appear that, along with the surge of power, the necklace has acted the part of a key." She continued, looking him straight with half-open, seductive eyes. "Unlocking a part of me I've kept hidden for ages, the more...'womanized' side of me, if you catch my drift. The outfit is no doubt part of that, and quite frankly I have no complaints about it. I see that you have none of your own to speak of either." She let him go and gave a short spin with arms stretched out to her sides. "To think, I once feared the power of shadow magic, but now that it's all I have available to me I must admit I find it rather...how should I say this,hmm...delicious. I feel invincible, like no one could stop me no matter what I try to do. And my power grows still, ever so slowly as the necklace continues to use it's power." She happened to look to the door once more, noticing that it was now much closer than before. "Hmm..Bright, I don't suppose you can see that door there?" She pointed in the direction she saw it in. Bright looked towards the direction where Gale had pointed, but he couldn't see anything but rubble. "I don't see anything but rubble and ruins Gale." He turned towards Gale once more. "Are you sure you are okay? I think you might be overdoing the whole magic thing. You remember what Ûsa, Riletia and the others had to go through right?" He looked into her eyes. Was this the same Gale he had gotten to know earlier? No, there was something different about her. He remembered what she had told him, to knock her out if she acted odd. This definitely counted as odd did it not? Besides the whole acting differently, he had a hunch that she might be heavily affected by the necklace. There was a plan in his head to hit her in the back of her head if she turned around, but he was not sure if he could muster the strength to actually knock her unconscious. "What's that?" He said and pointed towards the darkness of the hole. His nervousity might have given him away however. "Hmm?" Gale hummed, looking over to where Bright had told her too; it all seemed far too easy for him as she absentmindedly turned herself around. "I'm...not sure what I'm supposed to be looking at." When Bright swung at her head, her arm flew up at lighting speed and halted the object without any effort on her part. Slowly she turned her head to look at him, her eyes wide open now and appearing to glow in a sinister way. "Ah yes...I did tell you to knock me out if I started acting odd didn't I?" She said, surprisingly nonthreatening compared to the way she turned to look at him. "Nearly forgot." Keeping her eyes on him now, she folded her arms which, unintentionally, gave more definition to her 'assets'. "Well poo to them I say!" She finally said, referring to the necklace and what she was warned about it. "I am in control here, not this trinket. And though I might be acting differently, I am still me. Just a little more carefree now is all." Bright carefully pulled his arms back, feeling more scared by her glowing eyes and voice than he had ever been of her dark appendages. He couldn't exactly pretend that he didn't just attempt to attack her. Besides that, he wouldn't have the courage nor strength to attack her again. "Eh...Gale, you aren't just carefree. You use magic on a grand destructive scale." He pointed at the big hole in the ground where magic had melted the stone. "I don't remember you doing things like that before." A crashing sound could be heard from the hole. It would be hard to decide whether it was someone down there or if it was the castle falling apart. Gale simply waved away Brights concerns with her hand. "You worry to much. I am not evil, nor do I intend to anything of the such; I am still as kind and generous as I have ever been...more powerful yes, but that is nothing more than a positive side effect." Gale lost her train of thought as she looked once more to the door that still inched ever closer. "What is this blasted thing?" She exclaimed, walking over to the door. "It looks like the other eight I saw when I first activated the necklace...hmm, I wonder what's behind it?" Grabbing at the handles, she tried to yank open the strange door, still unsure if Bright was able to see it, though she doubted he could. "What are you talking about Gale? I don't see any doors." He looked around and noticed however that the sounds were still coming from below. "Death...is...denied....us. We...deny...death." The voices of both the ghost and the undead king spoke in unison and they suddenly jumped up from the hole Gale had created. It was a strange sight as they seemed to both exist in the same place. The skeleton of the king was still in place, although there were some burnt holes in his bone armor. The ghost however seemed to both be within the armor and overlaying the king as a whole. At the moment however they were standing in the ceiling, completely devoid of normal gravity. As Gale pulled at the handles, the door flung wide open. Within the door there was nothing but darkness that attempted to suck her in. Keeping her footing, she shielded her face as a strong suction began to act upon her through the door. Quietly she wondered what it was, only to have her thoughts interrupted by the return of the king. Frustrated, she turned to face him with a glare that pierced like a knife. "Well look at that, the ever-presumptuous king has risen from the rubble and ashes to fight anew. How story-like." Gale growled in a low tone. Raising a hand, black clouds began to form in her hand that fell like water and vanished before they hit the ground. Throwing up her hand, a large hand forged from darkness emerged from the ground and soared towards the king, attempting to take hold of his lifeless form. For now, she managed to hold her ground against the suction. Bright could not see what affected Gale, but he had a feeling it probably was not anything nice. He pulled out his hammer and looked towards the undead king. Had it not been for his adrenaline, he would probably have been completely terrified over the whole situation. The king did not say anything but instead leapt from his position straight towards the ground, barely dodging the hand of darkness that Gale had sent towards him. He crashed into the ground, sprinted towards Gale and Bright. Surprisingly enough, he didn't go directly towards Gale, but instead headed towards Bright. Bright managed to shield himself with his hammer, but the strike from the king was too fast and too strong for him to go undamaged. He was thrown back like a doll and landed in a pile of rubble not too far away. As he landed he gave out a slight groan before he stopped moving. With one part of the opposition dealt with the king turned his skeletal head towards Gale. Gale stared wide-eyed as Bright went flying back, her shock turning to a look that could only be described as pure hate...it was a look like no other she had given before, a look that might have even made Riletia shiver. As a black aura began to surround her body, she rose up to the balls of her bare feet and leaned forward ever so slightly. "There will be NOTHING left of you!" She hissed, charging at him with great force and ramming into the undead king, sending both of them through a wall and opening the room to a flood of light from the outside. Rather than let him fall to the ground below, Gale, with her hands firmly grasped around his chest plate, through him back into the dark of the room before he could retaliate. Now he stood between her and the door, which still attempted to take her into its void. Although the impact was great, the king showed no sign of being hurt. Being undead had its perks after all. When she threw him back into the room, he bounced slighty at the floor, leaving behind a crack in the ground. He stopped his movement further by extending his blade into the ground. Raising her palm again, A large ball of black fire formed in her hand as she took aim. As she prepared her spell, the king performed a stance, looking as if he was about to defend himself. Then suddenly he moved. He sprinted towards Gale in an erratic motion, moving from side to side as to make it harder to aim. Then she felt it. Within the blink of an eye, he had arrived at her side and placed something in her stomach. It wasn't his blade, but instead his leg. As the motion finished, she was thrown back on the ground close to the gate. The pull was much stronger now, it would feel as if her seperated itself from her body. Time slowed down to a halt and then everything went black. 1. Inside the necklace The next time Gale opened her eyes she was in a circular room. It was laid with rocky plates and surrounded by various doors with different ensignia (An eye, a leaf, a scale, a feather, a flame, a bone, a gemstone and one which was completely blank. The latter one didn't have any handles though). In the ceiling of the room there was a giant clock, although it did not seem to be moving. In the middle of said room stood a figure clad in Nivian robes. It was a male figure with a catlike tail. However as the figure turned around towards Gale and pulled down its hood, it revealed that it did not have a face. She jumped with a start in the new place, angry and still ready for battle. She looked around at everything, noticing each door before finally settling her sights on the figure in the center. "Who are you!?" She barked, "What is this place!? Speak!" Though she tried, she found herself unable to use her new found powers in this place and simply stood idle while the faceless figure approached. It walked towards Gale with calm steps and before she had the chance to react the figure had embedded its hand into her chest. It didn't hurt, but it wasn't exactly comfortable either. She let out a sharp gasp as the figures hand reached deep into her body and pulled out an odd creature. It was a figure alike that of a deformed octopus, black tendrils and tentacles wrapping itself around the figures arm. With a throwing motion, he threw the creature towards the blank door. It passed straight through and the mark of a cats claw appeared upon the door. As the creature left Gales body, her body and clothes reverted back to what they were before in a puff of black smoke; she regained her senses as her eyes changed back, and she could feel the outward-ness she displayed earlier fade back to the subconscious parts of her mind. Looking up at the blank face once more, something hit her that she was ashamed never hit her at first. "Tell me sister. What have you done?" The voice came from the figure. It was more curious than anything else. "B...brother? She mumbled before backing up slightly and shaking her head. "No...no that can't be right. You're wearing the robes of the Nivian magics faction. My brother was no mage, nor was he Almadorain..." "To speak the truth, I am not really your brother, but something your brother left behind." The figure suddenly got a face that resembled that of Gales brother. "I have some of his memories which he left with me in case I could ever help someone." "As for this place, where do you think it is?" The fellow lifted his arms with open hands. "If you think this is where the magic is stored, you wouldn't be wrong, but you wouldn't be right either." He pointed at the doors: "Behind each door are memories and the essence of someone. The doors only show up as long as the person is alive however." Gale thought a moment. She was happy to see that her brother was alive, or so she thought since a piece of him remained in the necklace, but she could not find herself to be happy about it. No, there was too much at stake right now to go mushy with emotions. "Each door shows the memories of the people who previously owned the necklace?" Gale asked rhetorically, "Please, you must tell me which door shows the memories of one of the previous owners, someone who is now an undead wizard and is terrorizing my friends and their world! If I look into his past, I might be able to find a way to defeat him once and for all, and spare so many lives with it." Though she asked him which door it was she sought, she had a pretty good idea. Steefous had the necklace before her, and no doubt the door next to the one she ended up marking was his, the one with the gemstone. If that was true, than the one beside that door, the one with the bone, would be that of the dead king. Her brother nodded at her question but ended up shrugging with his shoulders. "You may enter any door at any time. You may even enter all of them if you wish. For as you can see, there is no time to be wasted." He pointed up towards the clock. "I can however not follow." He paused slightly before he continued: "You should know one more thing before you enter any of them however. Any memories that exist within this space do not exist anywhere else. Gale slowly made her way towards the door with the bone image on it as she closely listened to what the fragment of her brother had to say to her. "So let me make sure I understand fully." She began, hand on the door handle. "You cannot follow me into any of these memories, and I have all the time in the world to look at everything as I please? And what do you mean by 'memories that exist within this space don't exist anywhere else'? Do you mean I can't remove anything from the memories, or is there a deeper meaning to that?" "How do I explain it..." Gales brother pondered slightly: "If a person here has a memory, the person on the outside does not remember it. It would be as if the person never experienced that moment at all. I don't see how you would remove anything from a memory, they are just events that have been transpired and recorded. Still, the space here is mysterious, so if you find a way, then maybe it is possible." She moved to pull the handle, but stopped again abruptly. "I will get you out of here and back into your body where you belong once all is said and done. After what I've seen here these past few days, when I get the necklace back to Almadora they will likely have it destroyed after a quick observation. I will not have you destroyed with it, even if you are just a piece of my brother you are still just as important to me." With that said, she finally opened the door... "I trust you to do the right decision sister." He said and smiled. 1. Memories of a dead king As Gale opened the door, she was blinded by a flash of light. When she regained sight she would be able to see what appeared to be the insides of the castle, although now it was fully restored. Great carpets hung of the walls and a big red carpet was placed on the floor. Big open windows let light into the castle and the place looked a lot more cheerful than when she had fought the undead king. The mage found herself amazed at what the place once looked like: an actual castle, completed with its regal beauty and royal allure. Gale only took a brief moment to observe her surroundings though; there was work to be done, she had to find the king's weakness. She looked at the end of the throne room. Upon two thrones sat a gray-bearded king with kind eyes and the kind of stature that comes after many years of good food and ruling, and his queen sat by his side, a mature woman with a long red dress and her blonde hair tied in a knot. Speaking of kings, a look to the front of the hall revealed the bearded man in his throne and his queen to his side. No doubt, those must have been the undead queen and the woman ghost from before, the hall they were in now the battlefield for them in the future. The child though...there was no child ghost in the present time. Quietly she wondered what might have happened to him as he passed by. A messenger came forth and kneeled before the king: "M'lord, the merchants have arrived. They are carrying all sorts of things, including rare animal skins and mermaid scales. The king nodded acknowledgingly when a voice suddenly came from behind. "Hey Dad, I just figured out something great!" A kid came running from a side door towards the king. He could not have been more than ten. He had blue eyes, a blonde hair and the kind of optimistic attitude one usually find within kids. "Not now George, the merchants are here. Maybe afterwards." "Aww, you always say that." He pouted and walked alongside the hallway before he stopped not far from Gale. He ended up staring directly at her. It was if he knew she was there. Being a memory, Gale assumed the child would walk by without a problem, but when he stopped and looked towards her she couldn't help but feel a little be startled. "Umm...hi." She mumbled to him. It was probably nothing, this may very well had been a fluke and he will just keep going in a few moments. "Hey, let me show you something cool." The boy said to Gale and grabbed her hand. In the blink of an eye the surroundings had changed, although it was still within the castle. A bit taken back by what just happened concerning the boy, Gale did as best as she could to not to gasp as she was taken by the hand and pulled off into a blur. As the world changed back into a physical room, The room looked mysteriously alike to an alchemists room. All sorts of flasks and vials, items of magic and candles were placed around the room. In the middle of the room was the same boy that Gale had seen before, although he looked a bit older now. Without taking a look towards Gale, he placed his hands around a magically lighted lamp. When he removed his hands, the lamp was drained of magic. The boy placed his hands around another lamp and it lit up as magic filled it up. She watched as the boy unlit one lamp and then another. Seemed like pretty basic magic craft to her, transferring magical energy, but the unveiling of this scene didn't make sense to her. So the boy could use magic, how could that help her? This process was done several times, as if it was some sort of training program. The surroundings changed again, just as suddenly as the first time. This time it however showed the boy looking over a pair of graves. Although now the boy had grown into a man and was now wearing the royal robes. The castle could be seen nearby as the graves were placed at western part of it close to a pair of big oak trees. A servant approached: "M'king. The merchants have arrived." "Just one moment, it is their anniversary after all." The world altered itself once more; this time the change it showed her made her think again about her theory. The boy grown up, the parents in the grave...as much as a shame as that was, it did little to confirm that they were the undead who now terrorized the real world. A new thought crossed her mind as the events played out. "What if the boy is the wizard?" she whispered to herself, hiding slightly behind one of the trees. The world shifted once more and Gale was once again returned to the throne room. It didn't seem like a lot of time had transpired since the last jump as the king had not aged noticeably. He were sitting upon his throne when the servants called out the name of a visitor: "M'king. The queen of Thardevaal." A woman stepped forth the king. She wore a black dress that looked rather expensive and which fit her black hair quite perfectly. Her green eyes sparkled slightly as she walked towards the throne before she finally kneeled at the floor. "The black witch of the southern countries, if I am not mistaken?" The king spoke with a bit of a humourous tone. "Please, call me Magdalena." She did not seem amused, but she did not call it out against him either. "I have come to ask for your aid in striking down a rebellious fire that has spread throughout my home." She looked up at him with her eyes and they sparkled mysteriously: "They are led by a group of men who aim to burn everyone who is a practioner of magic." "Very well, I will aid you in your quest." The king said without hesitation, much to the surprise of his servant. But the man didn't dare say anything against his king. ------------------------------ The next jump showed a marriage between King George and Queen Magdalena outside of the castle in an open field. She was wearing a white dress and he was wearing his royal attire. Her eyes shone slightly, but it didn't seem like anyone noticed. "With this, our lands will be as one. We will stand stronger together than anyone else." She smiled and kissed him deeply. Gale observed the next few events silently and thoroughly. The queen and king now...they were definitely the ghost and wizard, there could be no mistake about that. The queen, apparently, had an affinity for magic as well and ruled the south lands while George ruled another portion of the land; the marriage between the two, as he mentioned in one of the flashbacks, would definitely unify the two countries...or so they thought. Gale knew precisely what would happen in the future, at it was no where near as bright as they may have hopped for otherwise. ------------------------------ Another jump in time and once again Gale found herself in the throne room. Both the queen and the king had aged several years, and the king suffered from a wound to his side. His face was as pale as snow and he looked rather tired.. Occasionally a servant would walk up to the king with some sort of golden ring, or another kind of trinket that shone with some light. The king would take the item and hold it in his hand until the item became dull and grey. The king however would regain some color in his face. The mage watched the next portion of the memory with a strange awe. This man, while older and crippled, was actually absorbing magical energy into his own being! The poor fool...the neko knew that the only way he would be able to do that as efficiently as he was would be if there was an un-mendable wound in his spirit or if he was cursed to expel magical energy, otherwise the energy he was absorbing would cause him to overload in magical power. And he could very well be cursed or wounded, looking upon his pale face. A sound could be heard. A deafening and horrifying sound. The kind of sound that appears when the borders between worlds are ribbed open and terrible monsters step through. A mere look outside would confirm any suspision. It appeared as if a giant hand had torn a rift in reality and it was currently stretching out towards a small figure that ran away from it. It wasn't possible to see what was within the rift, except that it had a pair of red glowing eyes. Its hand was that of a dragon, although the size of the creature within the portal was far bigger than the dragon Gale had fought against earlier. The small figure that attempted to run away from the giant hand looked remarkably like Gales brother although the distance would make it hard too see. Before she could make any further observations, the distinctive roar bellowed from not far away. She ran towards one of the windows, looking out to see the hand of the monstrosity that barged through a gap in reality, a black gap...no doubt the gate to Onyxis Prime. The portal began to open wider and wider, allowing the dragon to pop out it's body up to it's upper chest, front legs planted into the dirt firmly. It was then that Gale made a reailzation: once, she had read that all shadow dragons were relatively small, but there was one that was far larger than the others that commanded them and was herself commanded by Octavian. She was known simply as 'the mother of the void', and was fabled to hold a grudge against any caught trespassing in the dark realm. It would seem that Xavier managed to get her attention while trying to escape; she knew it was him, who else would have randomly appeared from the dark realm within the past decade? "It's some sort of giant creature." The queen called out while her husband quickly rushed over to the window. It seemed as if his wound did not slow him down at the moment. "Indeed. We can't let it come further, or it might destroy the castle." Another jump in memory, although this one was rather small as it showed the king, queen, and all their troops fighting to push the dragon back into the rift. Xavier was still around, although he had taken position at the back with the troops. The dragon seemed rather unaffected by the archers as any arrows just merely bounced off its scaly hide. It roared and the troops faltered, running off while leaving their weapons behind. Then again, who could blame them for not wanting to fight against a dragon. "Cowards!" The queen called out, her eyes shone brightly while she put her hand to the ground. Any sword that was still around got lifted up and flew straight towards the dragon, embedding themselves inbetween scales with quite the forces. The dragon roared in retaliation and sent a blast of fire towards the queen. "No!" King George shouted and placed himself between the queen and the fireball and took the blunt of the attack. Although he managed to absorb the most of the attack, the remainder was enough to torch his clothes and scar his body. "Done." Gales brother stood forth with the infamous necklace in his right hand. Blood was smeared across the gem. Taking a better look upon Xavier, one would see that he wore unrecognizeable rags, possible from fighting, his hair was ruffled and his fur was dirty. Upon his left hand he wore what could be recognized as a brown wristwatch, although it looked a bit clunky due to the many arms. He pointed the necklace towards the dragon and a large cone of light shot from his hand, hit the dragon straight in the chest and pushed it back into the gate. It struggled quite hard, but it was forced back nonetheless. The light stretched itself towards the rift and welded it shut. After it had been shut, Xavier fell to his knees with a small grin. He was barely conscious. The battle was rather short-lived, thanks to the time skip, and it showed her just how powerful the amulet can be; her brother, she knew, was no mage, yet here he was using magic. It would appear that he had saved them, surely they would consider him a friend after that, but... Gales mind flew back to when Bright and her ran into Steefous back in the bar not long ago. He had said that prisoners escaped the castle alive the first time the king was defeated...prisoners being the key word. Why imprison the person that saved everyone's lives? -------------------------------------------------------- Another jump in time: This time Gale found herself in the kings bedroom. He looked older now and deadly ill. His queen sat by his side and held his hand. She looked slightly older herself, but still held quite the beauty. A servant came in: "M'queen. We've interrogated the assassin and executed him per your orders." "What did he say?" "Nothing, he was a silent as a rock. He carried with him Marakhian coins however." "Those cultists..." She spoke between clenched teeth. "You may leave." As the servant left the king put his other hand on the queens: "Magda, you`ve been good to me, but my time is short. You don't have to carry out vengeance for my sake." "No..." She cried and held his hand tightly. "We were supposed to live together forever..." The king smiled: "My dear, neither potion nor healing talismans can save me now. Let me leave this world in peace." Tears were running down the queens cheeks: "That's not fair...I got this...from Xavy before he left." Her face had a strange look, but then she pulled the necklace from a pocket in her black gown: "You could use this...get better." "Honey..." "Use it!" She put the necklace in his hand and clenched it real hard: "I don't want to be left here alone!" Gale's track of thought was lost with yet another warp. How long could this have been from the fight? It couldn't have been too many years, yet looking at the kings face one might argue otherwise; his illness was taking a great toll on him. She didn't pay too much attention to the servant's report, these 'cultists' they were talking about seemed rather irreverent. And that was when it happened, the event that put everything into motion: The queen gave the king the necklace in an attempt to prolong his death further. She said it was from 'Xavy'...Xavier? The room went dark. Behind Gale a door opened up, leading back into the room with Xavier. Suddenly Gale's eyes lit up. "They were...friends?" She mumbled to herself, the world falling into darkness as the door reappeared to the circular room. There was nothing left for her to see here, so she left without hesitation." "That didn't help me at all." She sighed to the fragment of her brother. "All I've really managed to learn of relevance was that Xavier...well, you, were once friends with him. But that can't be entirely true, no...I don't know what to think." "Sometimes the memories we have are skewed and strange. Sometimes they are darkened and only through gaining new information is one able to shed light upon them." Xavier coughed slightly. "A bit too philosophical to my usual tastes." He said and smiled. "I would like to answer your questions Gale, but unfortunately my own memory is rather hazy. I am nothing more than a fragment. When my original self sealed his own memories away, he was very thourough." He pointed towards the door she had just come from: "Although when you opened that door, I felt a tingling in the back of my head. I can't quite describe it, but it was if something returned to me. Maybe if you enter another door it would help even further?" "What other door could possibly help..." Gale began before turning herself to face the door with the engraving of a flame. "...you had the necklace before George. Maybe..." She began to walk towards the door, looking at it and wondering what might lie behind. "Why a flame?" She pondered in her head. "He is not a mage, he is a scientist. Why on earth would it be a flame?" 1. Memories of an archer Gale saw what appeared to be a forest and timberjacks house. Great mountains could be seen towering above the house. The memories Gale would see passed by rather quickly, although she would be able to see them quite clearly. The first was that of a dark haired lumberjack and his frail blonde wife chatting over a table while their brown eyes, brown haired boy looked at them. Said boy grew up to learn the skill of the bow and soon joined a special team of rangers that guarded the northern forests. Their task seemed to be described as keeping the monsters in and the people out. The man grew stronger and bigger and got his ranger cloak,a green cloak with a hood that could cover ones face. He also used a strong bow that was light brown in color. Another memory showed him joining up at the tavern together with the others of his group, Steve, Usâ, Sendra and Riletia wheras they shared a good meal while having a good chat. Another jump in time, he was firing off arrows at undead, the castle of King George and Queen Magdalena could be seen not far from his position. It was a hard battle and many arrows were fired, but they seemed to persevere. "If you get the necklace, take it to the wizards of the dragon mountains. They`ll figure out what to do." Steve shouted to him. Strangely enough, the next memory showed the ranger running from moving trees in a place that looked mysteriously like the fairy forest. He ran through an abandoned village before he finally managed to get on the road. In his hand he held triumphantly the necklace, although he had not gotten unscathed from the ordeal. The last memory showed him climbing a mountain whereas the winds howled around him. He clenched the necklace in his hand to make sure he didn't lose it. Unfortunately he climbed straight into a dragons cave whereas a small green dragon (the size of a large dog, a young one.) jumped up and bit him in the shoulder. He was not able to pry it off and before he knew it, both of them fell off a cliff. The room went dark, just as with the undead king. The door opened up and lit into the room. Gale had a vague idea of who this person may have been, the one that Steefous had recruited while Bright and her found Usa and Sendra. He was a dragon, similar to the one that attacked him in the final scene. What does that mean exactly? Does the necklace merge people with what is closest to them? Perhaps she would be able to view the memories of the other members of the group too, that would surly confirm or disprove that idea. As she left the door however, another thought dominated her mind. "I thought that was going to be your door." Gale scolded. "Where is your door? Is it here somewhere, it has to be." Xavier looked at Gale and shrugged his shoulders. "Some doors only open after the others have been." He pointed towards a door that had formed betweeen the snake scale and leaf. It looked like it had formed on the wall itself, although it lacked certain parts, only showing gray wall behind it. "I remember some more, although I am not sure what. I think it has something to do with you and your soul, but I can't quite put my finger on it." Gale sighed. "Looks like I’ll be going through all these doors then." She eyed up the one with the feather on it next and headed towards it. Something about her soul...Gale already knew full well what was wrong with her; her soul is torn in two, it's the cause of her 'changes'. It used to be far worse though: she used to be unable to control it, but now she could call upon it and control it to the point where it was useful. Still, it wouldn't surprise her that Xavier did not know she knew that. She'll have to remember to tell him that when they get together, the real him and her. Until then there was only one thing to worry about. She opened the door... 1. Memories of a runaway daughter Gale was transported to what appeared to be the town close to the mermaid lake. She found herself standing in the middle of a living room whereas a little girl sat before a fireplace. She had long black hair, brown eyes and wore a small white night gown. From the windows one could see that it was snowing outside. As she sat by the fire, what appeared to be her older brother came and sat down with her. She leaned in towards him and they both fell asleep. ----------------------------------------------- A jump in time, this time situated on a hill outside of the town. It was summer now: The girl had grown up to be a young woman (though a somewhat tomboyish one as she wore leather legs and a tight sitting shirt) and was currently shouting at her brother. He had also grown up, and he had cut his black hair short. He carried with him a a sword and a plate armor that looked fairly used. "Why do you have to join the war? It got nothing to do with us at all!" "I`m sorry Riletia, it's just something I have to do. Mother and father can't survive on the farming alone." "Then let me join you!" "You know quite well the military academy don't accept girls. They are not considered fit soldier material." This last sentence made the woman fume in rage as she put her foot behind her brothers leg, grabbed him by the opening in the armor and slammed him into the ground with quite the force. "I`ve beaten you in every fight since I was five, don't give me that bullshit now!" She sat herself across on his armor and held his arms down. She slapped him once before she walked off. "You better return or I`ll beat your sorry ass." She exclaimed and stepped off him. He smiled slightly before he got up: "Here, let me borrow that necklace of yours." Her brother said and extended a hand whereas Riletia handed it to him. It was a small iron circle, decorated with silver and tied together in a thread. "I always repay my loans don't I? I`ll come back with it." She hugged him and he returned the gesture. "You do that." From the sheer attitude along this girl produced during the encounter with her brother, Gale almost instantly determined that this person was Riletia. And, despite her previous squalls with the hot-headed sphinx, she thoroughly admired her resilient and defiant nature. "That's the way women should act!" She spoke out loud. "How dare they try and force her to go against her own will!" -------------------------------------------------- Another jump in time: Some time had passed and the womans hair had grown even longer and she had grown in other places as well. She was currently wearing a green gown and was currently shouting at her parents (They had black hair as well. Their clothes looked like they belonged to farmers.): "What you mean I have to marry?" "We won't be able to uphold our lifestyle forever you know. Your mother and I is not becoming any younger." Her father tried the diplomatic approach. "But the butchers son? He's a creep!" "But he's rich." Her mother joined in. "He hunts stray cats for amusement." "Merely a personality trait..." Her father tried to fix the situation. "And eats them." Riletia said, her voice chillingly cold. "Everyone got their flaws right?" Her mother tried to aid her father. It was an obvious desperate attempt. Riletia didn't say anything, she just left her parents there and walked up to her room. Slamming the door shut. Her room was simple with a bed, a cupboard and a mirror hanging on the wall. Light was provided through a window in the wall. She stared into the mirror: "Where did you go..." Then it looked as if she got an idea. She took a knife out of the cupboard, placed the knife against her hair and cut. Then came the scene with the parents. Now, she knew forced marriage was part of cultures and that the people, usually the woman, where displeased with what they were forced with...but someone who hunted cats? Gale nearly flipped her lid when she heard that part and how little the father seemed to care. She was usually subjective, but that...that was personal. For this reason, the mage nearly cheered when she got to see the future-sphinx cut her hair, the sign that 'enough was enough'. After another jump in time, Riletias intentions had become more clear. She had cut her hair and dressed herself like her brother would have. She had joined the military academy and with a helmet and armor she was unrecognizeable from the other recruits. It was not easy to determine where the military academy was situated, but due to the lack of any mountains and snow, it was probably safe to say that it was placed somewhere to the south where it would be somewhat warmer. "Listen up!" A sergeant walked into the field outside the academy. He was a stout man with muscles to spare. He had either gone through many battles, or he was terrible to dodge blows as he had many scars. "You are here for a number of reasons. To become tough, to learn discipline and to learn how to use weapons. I do not care where you are from or who your parents are. Is that clear?" The soldiers shouted in unison: "Yes sir." As it showed, Riletia were maybe not the strongest of her group when it came to training, but she wasn't the weakest either. She did her very best when it came to toiling through until the day had come when they were declared soldiers instead of just recruits. "Congratulations. You are now considering soldiers. But just so you know, you are not professionals until you have partaken in a battle and survived." The sergeant said with his usual voice, although with a hint of pride. -------------------------- Another jump in memory. It showed Riletia on the battlefield after a battle had ended. It was a harsh and dry climate and the ground was very barren. Riletia spent the time in a small white tent while counting some coins. She put her earnings in an envelope which she noted with the name of her hometown before she passed it mail gatherer that passed by. Then it happened. All the soldiers were gathered in front of a messenger who carried with him a sealed parchment. The messenger coughed slightly before he opened it. "Ahem. By decree of the high lord and all mighty king Dormius, King George is considered a threat against the empire and is as of now declared a crime against the natural order. All his titles are forfeit, all his land to be surrendered and all his troops disbanded, lest they be declared outlaws and hunted down." He packed the parchment together again. "That would be all." Now this created quite the murmur around with the troops considering that they had been fighting together for the last years. Unfortunately there was little the troops could do as they were approached by what could only be described as heavily armored cavalry. Red plated big horses whereas the troops upon carried lances. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Another jump in time. Riletia and the others of her group sat around a table in what appeared to be a tavern. Taking a look out of the window would confirm that this was the place that Merc Town would be built, although there were rather few buildings at the moment. Riletia was still keeping her hair short, but she had an armor that fit her perfectly and a rather large sword. She no longer sought the need to hide the fact that she was a woman after she had entered the mercenary business. Steve was the first to speak: "We all have our reasons to be here, and we all have our reasons to not like the current war. I have a solution however." Gale would however not be able to hear that solution as she was forced forward to another memory. ------------------------------------------------ The next memory showed Riletia running through what appeared to be stone halls. Occasionally an undead something would pop out of a gap in the walls, whereas Riletia would show her sword through the undead and dispatch it quickly and effective. She eventually reached to what could be described as the dungeon. There were not a lot of people in there, but there were a few. Some soldiers who tried to disband, some peasants who wandered too close and one particular shape that Gale would recognize as her brother. Riletia picked out a key from her armor and locked open the doors whereas the men feed. All but Gales brother who sat rather still in his cell. His eyes were rather blank and didn't seem to notice anything that was said to him. (A closer look upon the cell would reveal that there were a lot of scientific formulas written upon the wall.) "Don't just sit there. Come on." Riletia said and lifted Xavier over her shoulder. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next memory showed the group outside of the castle, whereas they were taking care of a wounded Steve. He seemed to be clenching a golden lamp in his hands even though he was bandaged across his whole chest. Strangely enough there seemed to be a growth of some sort beneath the bandages. Gales brother did not seem to be part of the group of this point. "You guys load Steve on your horse. I'll take the necklace to safety." Riletia took a horse while the others nodded. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next memory showed Riletia pushing her horse while riding through what appeared to be the southern parts of the land. (South of Merc town, North of the forest). She carried the necklace around her neck and seemed quite concentrated. Unfortunately that did not stop an arrow which embedded itself in her shoulder and made her lose balance. She fell of the horse and slid slightly across the ground before she finally stopped. "Did ya see that Nob, I hit him." A scrawny figure with a bow and a ugly mug came forth from the trees. "I see that Knod." A rather large low brow man dropped down from the trees and walked over to Riletia. "It's a her. Boss will be pleased now." "I bet he will." Riletia was pulled forth towards their boss against her will, but she was not strong enough to resist her to assailants. It was quite the large camp, too large to belong to any normal bandits. It even had a few large animals caught in cages. The bandits boss was a big man himself and sported quite the beard. "What is this? Let me go." Riletia shouted. "No, we can't really do that now can we. What kind of mercenaries would we be if we did that?" The bandit said with joking tone. "I recognize your kind, you are Marrachians, you are nothing more than bandits and thieves." Riletia exclaimed. The boss shrugged: "True enough, we have been dealing with quite the things lately after we got set here. Pillaging, plundering, poaching." He touched Riletias chin and held her head up against him: "And some more nasty stuff sweetheart. I`ll show you." As he leaned forward a particular round iron necklace decorated with gold fell forth from his armor, dangling in front of Riletia. "Where did you get that?" She asked surprised. "Oh, this little thing?" The boss took hold of the necklace between two of his fingers. "I took it from one of those fresh soldiers that were sent against us. Even when beaten down, he refused to give it up. So I cut off his fingers until he could no longer hold on to it. Man, you won't believe how he cried like a little bitch when I did that." The other bandits around him chuckled whereas Riletias face darkened considerably. "Eventually I got tired and just cut his throat. That oughta teach him a lesson. What Zorok wants, Zorok gets." It was if something within Riletia snapped as she leapt forward, out of the arms of the bandits that held her and grabbed hold of her brothers necklace: "GIVE IT TO ME!" With excessive force Zorok slapped Riletia aside so she landed several feet away on the ground. "A bit of a touchy subject there, am I right? What are you going to do about it?" Riletia got back on her feet although she was now bleeding from her lip. The blood ran down her cheek, down the chain of the necklace before the blood reached the gem. "I...am...going...to...kill...you!" She looked towards Zorok with hatred that would be hard to describe. Her whole body blinked in white once together with a cage with a lion and another cage with an eagle. Long claws seemed to grow out of her fingers whereas she seemed to instantly grow a feet in height. With her new fingers, she stabbed the first nearby bandit and slashed the throat of the next. Zorok seemed slightly concerned. Archers began firing arrows at her, but each arrow only made her angrier, bigger and more lionlike. It didn't take long before a couple of wings sprouted from her back and she was forced to lean forward. This new situation forced her to trample the bandits around her while she roared in an attempt to find Zorok. A spear got stuck in her midsection and Riletias eyes growed dangerously white, allowing her body to grow a few sizes more. "I...see...you." She remarked with a deep voice as she found Zorok running. She bowed her head down, pulled him up with her mouth, bit over his legs with a satisfying crunch before she swallowed the rest of him whole. Riletia looked towards the rest of the camp and then everything got black. The door opened up towards the circular room once more. Gale left the room without so much as a word. She was happy to see she became a successful soldier and fought well to save people, including her brother, but at the same time she felt bad for what had happened to her brother. Three things were bothering her a great deal after that door though. One: what was Xavier writing on the wall? Perhaps it was just useless jargon to her current situation, but who knows? Two, what was Steefous's big plan about the battle? Perhaps had she heard it, it would have provided her a means to fight the undead king. But alas...no info given. The third she voiced out to Xavier's fragment. "I don't understand!" She shouted to the clock of the ceiling. "Why show me these things? What good will it do? All I'm managing to learn is all the suffering these people endured, and for what? So that they could be mutated by this wretched piece of jewelry? I want to end all this, not get a memoir of all their sad tales!" A glance towards Xaviers door and she noticed it looked more whole now. "Power comes at a price Gale. Those who have entered this room were usually dragged out of it rather fast. You are different Gale. Use the information you gain to do the right choice." Xavier said with a calm face. Gale looked to the next door, the one that held a snake scale. "Is there no other way to go about this?" With a sigh she continued forward into the room. 1. Memories of a former nun As Gale entered the new room she was presented with what looked like a monastery. A woman could be see standing in the courtyard wearing the robes of a cleric. Gray robes with a hood, although at the moment her hood was down, showing off the young womans white hair. Her eyes shone of light blue. She was approached by an old nun: "Ûsa, there are things happening in the mainland that is bound to curse the land. I have felt it, and I am pretty sure you have as well. Can you inspect it?" The figure called Ûsa nodded. "I have felt it as well. I will check it out." "Good, take the ship when you are ready." As Ûsa stepped out of the monastery gates, one could see that the monastery was placed on a hill on a small isle whereas a couple of small ships were placed at its rather small coastline. ---------------------------------------------------- Gale once again found herself at the tavern, the same situation that had orccured in the memories of Riletia. Although this time it was seen from Ûsas point of view. Steve spoke: "As you all know, the war is going to tear this country apart if it is not stopped. The kings pf these two kingdoms won't stop before they've laid everything in ruin." "One would have thought that the order from the high king would have stopped the war, although king George won't likely stop anytime soon." Riletia spoke. "He has already died once. It doesn't seem like he`ll stop moving soon." Cragg spoke and stretched his bow slightly. "His army is not easy to stop either. They will probably march straight into the seat of the Marrachian king himself before they stop." Sendra commented. The druid was wearing some green robes. Steve coughed slightly to get their attention once more: "Anyway, thanks to Ûsas visions and my spies, we've gathered enough intelligence to say for certain that his source of power lies within his old castle." Ûsa nodded. "Let us move at dawn." -------------------------------------------------- Another jump in memory. This time showing Ûsa and Sendra walking through the abandoned halls of the castle. Behind in their wake laid bones scattered around or entangled in vines. Suddenly Riletia appeared in front of the two while carrying Xavier on her shoulder. "God damn Riletia, you almost scared me there." Sendra exclaimed while looking at Xavier. "What's with the cat?" "It's not a cat. It's someone with a catface." Riletia retorted. Sendra didn't look impressed. "Right. Why did you take him along?" "I couldn't just leave him there. He's unconscious." Ûsa walked over to Xavier placed her hands on his forehead. "I see what is wrong. Give me a second to fix this." Her eyes shone dark for a moment before they returned to their light blue state. Xavier opened his eyes and looked like he was back in a conscious state. "Where are they?" "Where are who?" Sendra looked surprised over the sudden question. "The necklace and the bracelet, I can't let them fall into the wrong hands." Gale found herself most enticed by the scene with her brother, to which the other tales had some connection to him. He was uncontentious, but she was every thankful to see Usa heal him. "I’ll have to remember to thank her for that later." She mumbled with a short smile. Her smile, however, faded quickly with his groggy words. The amulet AND the bracelet...what bracelet? The scene moved forward again, leaving her with more questions. --------------------------------------------------------- It was another jump in memory, although rather small considering they were still within the castle. "Cragg, what happened?" Ûsa exclaimed as she saw the ranger come running with Steve hanging over his shoulder. The wizard was bleeding, although he was still clinging on to a small bag of treasure. "There was something guarding the treasury. We gotta run. Fast!" He looked over towards Xavier: "What's with the cat?" The castle shook violently while a familiar voice echoed within the halls: "It...is...MINE!" "Don't worry about him, just run for it." Riletia pointed towards a doorway. With the final scene coming to a close, she headed back out into the circular room once more. "Xavier," The mage began, looking around at the remaining doors. "You said that your memory is coming back slowly...at least, the memory of you're fragment holds within. Tell me, do you know anything at all about anything at all that might be co-existent with this amulet, perhaps...a bracelet?" She eyed the remaining doors curiously, wondering which to take next. Xavier looked slightly puzzled being faced with Gales question: "The bracelet and the necklace do not really have a connection, but it was one of the things that I carried with me to this world from the other." Gale sighed. "Yet another mystery to solve...all well." She griped, choosing the door with the gem on it. However, as she tugged on it she found that it wouldn't budge. Another sigh as she gave up trying to open it, she turned her attention to the door with the leaf upon it. Just before she opened the door, she took a look to the forming door: Xavier's door. It was nearly complete now, and depicted a gear upon it's surface; far more fitting than the flame she originally thought would lead to her brother's memories. With a grin she continued forward into the room, ready to receive the next set of memories. The image of the leaf gave her an idea of who might lie behind, but she would have to wait and see if she was correct... 1. Memories of a moving tree Gale was brought before what appeared to be the insides of a great mansion. Within said mansion was a big hall and within said hall was a little girl in a pink elaborate dress with long golden hair. She seemed quite alone when she heard a noise. What appeared in the hall was an old woman with a grass dress, gray hair and a crooked nose. "Granny!" The girl called out and ran towards the woman whereas the old one smiled. "Here, Sendra, let me show you something." The woman pulled out a seed from her pocket and held it in her hand. It glowed before it sprouted and grew slightly. The girl showed the kind of smile with the cheer only an innocent child can show. "Cool." She exclaimed. ----------------------------- A jump in time, the girl had grown to be a woman and was seen leaving the mansion. She was wearing green robes and carried with her a backpack of her belongings. She waved goodbye to her rich parents before she continued on her road. The parents were seen crying slightly: "Now, come back whenever you feel like it." Her mother called out between the sniffles. "Will do mom." Sendra waved her hand back to her mom before looking towards the north and the decorative stone circle that were placed in the road. ----------------------------- The next jump showed the scene at the castle once more. The group of people were running out of the castle and managed to actually escape despite the threats and curses of the ghost.. Cragg laid Steve on the ground and it looked like he had some sort of growth on his chest. It was like a big eye with tendrils that went from his left shoulder over to below his right arm. "Sendra, quickly, stop Steves bleeding." Ûsa called out to the druid and immediately knelt down and tried to heal his wounds while Sendra attempted to stop the bleeding. "What the heck happened Cragg?" She called out to the ranger with a tone in her voice as if it was his fault. "I am sorry, we were just going through the treasury when the Black lady appeared. She skewered Steve with a flying sword, but then he kinda glowed, all sorts of shiny magic happened and then we barely escaped." Cragg said with a stressed voice. Sendra looked at him with a glare, but she didn't say anything. She turned her head towards Xavier who had not said anything but instead just looked through the bag that Steve had taken with him. "And you, who are you? And why are you going through our bag?" Xavier looked at Sendra: "Well, I am...I am..." He stared off for a moment: "I don't remember." He pulled out a particular bracelet (adorned with cogwheels and looks almost like a big wristwatch), put it on his left wrist and then he began tinkering with the various things on it. "Anyway, I got to bid you farewell." "Hold on! You are not going anywhere with those things!" Riletia tackled him so he dropped the bag, but when they landed on the ground Xavier vanished with a loud pop." "What the heck was that?" Sendra exclaimed towards Riletia: "I have no idea, but I am not going to wait for another thief to come by. I am taking the necklace with me to safety. You guys take care of Steve before you follow me, okay?" The others nodded. ------------------------------------------------ Another jump in memory, this time showing Ûsa and Sendra riding towards the east. "Okay, so Cragg is taking care of Steve. Riletia should have travelled this way." Sendra said while pointing towards the east. They approached the former bandit camp. There was nothing alive. There were only broken tents and broken bodies. "I foresee that Riletia was here." Ûsa spoke with her eyes closed. "The necklace was taken westwards though. Maybe we can catch up with them at the coast. -------------------------------------------------- The next memory showed that Sendra and Ûsa had regained the necklace in some sort of stone brick town. The merchants around them were selling some sort of mermaid based products, mostly shells. In the distance one could see a great stone pyramid. It appeared to be a coastal town and the trees around them were tropical in nature. -------------------------------------------------- The following memory showed Sendra and Ûsa tied together at a mast. From the choice of crew, it would almost appear as if they were pirates. A few mermaids were onboard the ship, although they were held in half filled glass tanks and placed beneath some sort of cloth to provide shade. They didn't look too happy about the situation. In a different glass tank was a big white snake. "Your visions might be great, but your ability to judge people sucks." Sendra said with an annoyed whisper. "Your pacifist speech didn't help either, flowerchild." Ûsa retaliated. "Shortsighted twat." "Treehugging brat." "You wouldn't see unfortune even if it kicked you in the shins!" "Maybe you would have fought better if you didn't have the speed of a tree!" "Trees don't move!" "Fits you perfectly then!" "Oy!" One of the crew onboard called out and marched over to the two: "Keep quiet or I`ll cut out your tongues." "Oh we'll see about that." Sendra said witha grin as countless bristles cut through the ropes and stabbed the man in the leg. Ûsa went up from her position and punched the man right in the nose. The man stumbled backwards whereas a second pirate came rushing towards her. Ûsa retaliated with some sort of sleeping spell as the pirate closed his eyes and merely toppled over. She was however unable to dodge the third. She leaned backwards to dodge his sword, but it was too fast. There was a great cry of pain as Ûsa fell down onto her knees while she was bleeding down her cheeks from her eyes. "Ûsa!" Sendra cried out, but was quickly detained by a couple of other pirates. "Such a shame Carl. You had to ruin the merchandise." The captain spoke, a thin man with his beard in a goatee. "I guess we could just use her ourselves." Unbeknowst to the pirates, Ûsa had hidden the necklace within her robes. As she bowed forward it fell out and the drops of blood fell onto the necklace. ---------------------------------------------- The next jump was rather short as Gale would find herself in a small raft together with Sendra, looking upon what appeared to be wreckage of the ship. There were no survivors in sight, except for the pair of mermaids who quickly dove beneath the water. Sendra clutched the necklace in her hands. ---------------------------------------------- Once again one could see Sendra travelling down the same road she had started her journey on. She looked thinner and more tired than she had when she first started her journey. She was in for a surprise however as the stone circle had been slightly destroyed and her home had been burnt down. She quickly turned towards the closest person she could find, a brick carver with a moustache: "What happened here? What happened to my family? "They were found guilty of using magic." He looked towards her with a sad face: "I wouldn't speak of them being your family if I were you." "But how?! Magic has never been illegal?" "The Marrachians took over when they beat the king. Magic is illegal now." The brick carver took off his hat to reveal a bald head. "Sorry for your loss." ------------------------------------------------ The last memory showed a furious Sendra having been bound to a big oak with tight ropes. Before her stood a lieutenant and many of his soldiers. All of them had red lashings across their face as if they had been hit hard with vines and poisonous plants. Some even had their arms in support. The lieutenant placed his sword at Sendras heart, right above where the necklace sitting. "You are being sentenced to death for using magic. Normally we would have burnt you, but I am not going to give you the time. Any last words?" "Just go and do it already you bloody coward. You Maracchians don't even have..." She gave off an inwards gasp as the sword pierced through her heart and then the surroundings went black. "Well, that explains what happened to Usa." Gale mumbled during the scene on the ship as the image was changing. She was happy when more was revealed about her brother, but as the other memories had done they left her with still more questions. This bracelet that was mentioned previously came into site so she knew what it looked like, but what was it exactly? What did it do? And how did he vanish? So many more questions now. There were still doors though, so hopefully by the time she re-entered the real world she would have all her questions answered. "Magic...illegal?" She pondered during the last two scenes. Has it been like that since she arrived here? Now that she thought about it, she never once did see any guards or form of law enforcement confront her for being a mage...then again, she never DID use magic in public. "I wonder why Bright never told me anything about that?" Gale wondered, paying not much heed to the last image. She was very much alive now, so the amulet must have preserved her life. Another thing that bugged her was with Steefous. He certainly was mutated by the necklace like everyone else...but with what? What matter of being would make him appear so grotesque? "It looks like something is bothering you sister?" Xavier asked Gale as she entered the circular room once more. "Did the room give birth to more questions than answers?" Xaviers door looked more complete now. It still lacked a handle though. "It did." She mumbled with a bit of irritation. "But I will remain hopeful! I have to defeat the king before he can bring any more harm to this world." With a careful eye she looked over the remaining doors: the door with the eye and her own door. She chose the eye, after all, the other door held what she already knew...some things she would rather not relive... without hesitation, she opened the eye door and stepped inside. 1. Memories of a wizard The memory Gale went into showed what appeared to be a castle embedded into the side of a big mountain. A much younger Steve stood on the outside of it on some sort of big stone balcony while look at the castle in question. He appeared to be in his teenage years and his hair was now a light shade of brown. ----------------------------------------- Another jump in memory showed a slightly older Steve and some other wizards standing in a big hall. When each of them stepped forward towards what appeared to be the headmaster (an old wizard with a big white beard that reached down to his belt.) a creature appeared in front of them, whereas the student would take care of the creature. When Steve finally approached the headmaster, a creature with the similarity of a long armed squid and a big eye appeared in front of him. It wasn't very big, small enough to sit in his hand. "What is this?" He asked curiously. "Ah, it is an Ocular." "My familiar is a what?" "An Ocular. A floating eye. It's a magical creature that gains its nourishment from lightwaves and magic. You better take good care of it." Steve looked a bit surprised at first, but he nodded: "Alright, I will." ------------------------------------------ As the memory passed, another familiar memory came into view. It was the tavern once more: "So how do we beat the former king George? I heard he was killed when he entered battle, only to rise again shortly after." Sendra asked the ones around the table. Steve thought about it for a moment. "A peculiar case. I suspect he might have turned himself into a lich." "A leech?" Riletia asked curiously. "No no, a lich." Steve corrected Riletia only to receive a blank look from the knight. He sighed: "Let me explain. In theoretical wizardy, magic power derive from the soul. The soul is bound to earth by the body, but if something kills the body, the soul goes on to whatever afterlife suitable. If someone manages to bind their soul to an object, the soul can not move on. Since it still has a connection to the body, the body can't die either." "So, we can't kill the king?" "No. Not yet. First we have to get whatever item he has stored his soul into, then either destroy the item or rip his soul from it. I don't have that kind of magic power, but I know someone who has." ---------------------------------------------------------- The scene moved on to what appeared to be Cragg and Steve moving through the ruined castle with Steves familiar floating beside him. It had grown considerably since last time and was now the size of a persons arm. They had just managed to grab some valuables from the treasury when the black lady appeared. Of course, she had long since died, but that didn't stop her from attempting to kill Steve and Cragg. She threw every sharp object in the room towards him whereas he used a spell that deflected them into the nearest wall. Unfortunately he did not see the sword from behind. Even though the Ocular bravely tried to stop it, the sword passed straight through it and into Steves back. ----------------------------------------------------------- When Gale appeared into the circular room now, Xaviers door had fully formed. Back outside, Gale found her self giving a short, hysterical laugh. "He's a lich. How beautiful!" She shouted sarcastically, throwing her arms into the air. "This just keeps getting better and better, doesn't it? He could never die in the first place!" Managing to calm down, the mage continued. "But it doesn't appear to be like Almadorian liches though...If I can find out what item he bound his soul to I can eliminate him once and for all." With a slow stride she walked over to the last door besides her own that was open...her brothers door. At last she would be able to know the whole truth about the events that took place in this realm, but also something more dear to her...what had happened to her brother over the years after she had left his side. With great anticipation, she opened the door and slowly walked in... 1. Memories of a brother As the scene began, Gale was introduced to a large, white, and very scientific room filled with various small devices. She recognised a few of them: printers, fax machines, some piled up computers that were all linked to one large screen, no bigger than 6ft wide and 4ft tall, in the middle of the back wall which showed various boxes with text opened up, most of which was confusing jargon that she barely understood. In front of said monitor was one of those turning chairs on wheels, turned just so that she could only see the back of the person's head, but the person...it was Xavier! Before Gale could inch closer to get a better look, the door behind opened. In stepped an Asian man in a black suit, who had a bowl-cut hairstyle in pure black and wore a pair of thin-framed glasses. "Mr. Amour, I hope you are doing well?" "Ah, prof. Kuriyami." Xavier turned in his chair to greet the man. He was very young by the look of his size, probably no more than sixteen. He wore a white lab coat and a pair of dress pants beneath; the coat was buttoned up to the point where she could not see any shirt. "I'm doing just fine, thank you. Just finishing up the filing on specimens six-hundred and ninety-nine to seven-hundred and thirteen, shouldn't be no more than a few more minutes before that is done. What brings you here?" "Well," Kuriyami pushed up his glasses. "I am sure that by now you've heard of the 'problem' we have encountered with specimen seven-hundred and twenty-nine? How the machine malfunctioned?" "Indeed I have." Xavier kept his hands on his lap and listened intently. "I also heard that she survived, yes?" "And that is what I am here about." The professor reached underneath his arm and handed Xavier some paper documents. "It would appear that she has a very close DNA code to another one of our earlier specimens...namely, you." The neko's eyes widened at this. "Me...are you sure?" He took the papers and looked them over quickly. "My god, you're right! But what exactly does that mean?" "What else could it mean?" The man let out a small laugh. "You are brother and sister of course." ---------------------------------------------------------- The scene moved forward what was probably several hours, now showing Xavier holding a small child wrapped in a pink blanket to the point where the face was all that could be seen; a small, pink face with eyes tightly shut in slumber. "Well, who would have thought it?" Her brother began, sounding much more like an adult than a teen. "According to prof. Rasputen the chances of this happening were exactly eleven-million seven-thousand five-hundred and twenty-three to one...amazing indeed, my little sister." He gently rocked her, walking away from a large building that appeared to be isolated in the middle of a large forest. "It's a pity they don't need my help for the next few years while they repair the extractor, but at lest they let me keep you with me...hmm...you don't have a name do you? Well, being you're big brother and only immediate family, I suppose it is my duty to give you a name. Now then...lets see..." As he continued walking, a lone bird began to sing in one of the trees; it was small and brown. "Luscinia megarhynchos." Xavier muttered, "Nightingale. It's dusk, guess it would be about the time these guys come out." From the blanket a small laugh came out as a small, pink hand reached out towards the bird. "Like that bird do you? Hmm...Hey, there's an idea! I’ll call you...Nightengale. Yea, its unique and pretty. Well then, Nightengale, I suppose we had best hurry up and to our apartment in Kaima before it gets too dark. Unitech is paying for it for tonight, but after we are going to have to move down south further. Come on." He continued walking calmly as night rode in. "So THATS how I got my name." The real Gale sighed, looking on from where she was standing. "Not exactly a cute baby was I though? All that pink, wrinkly skin..." she shuddered at the thought. ---------------------------------------------------------- Again the scene jumped, this time to what appeared to be the inside of a lightly-decorated log cabin. Xavier looked several inches taller and let his hair grow out and spikey in the back, just like she remembered it being. He wore a comfy sleeveless shirt and yoga pants and sat at a table with someone else, it appeared to be another scientist like him, a human again; he was wearing a coat and jeans and looked like he had come in from the rain. "So you're serious then?" Xavier excalmed, "It's gone? Everything?" "Yea." The man nodded. "It was on the eigth-hundreth specimin. The machine had another catastrophic failure, but this time they weren’t able to contain it. Within a matter of minuts the core had a meltdown and the entire facility had detonated. Unitech may very well never recover..." Their conversation was interrupted by a very tiny Gale, only a third of the hight she was now, skipping into the room. "Xavy!" She squeeled, lunging onto him with a big hug. "Xavy, look what I can do!" She jumped up again and started to twerl around humerously. As Gale watched what she did once long ago she laughed along with her brother and the stranger, remembering the good things from her youth. "That's very nice Gale." Xavier applauded. "Now go on into the other room, we are almost done here." "Okay!" mini-Gale turned and waved to them both with an overly-extended hand. "Bye Xavi! Bye uncle Matt!" Uncle Matt...now she remembered. Matt was a close friend of Xavier's back when she was a child. Because of his frequent visits and warmness to her she had taken to calling him uncle. "That girl." Matt giggled. "She is something else." "Sure is. Have I told you about her 'abilities'?" Xavier asked. "The magic you mean? A little bit over the phone, said that it might be some kind of side effect to the malfunction a few years back?" "That's the one. I'm thinking of enrolling her in a magics school. There is one a few towns west of here, I think that will suffice nicely." Xavier shook his head slolwy. "But we’re getting off topic. How many people survived the explosion?" Matt looked down. "All the researches made it out alright, but the others like you...none of them made it." Xavier's ears drooped at hearing this. Leaning closer, Matt let his voice fall to a whisper. "You two are all that remain of that project. Don't take it the wrong way of course, We all still see you as one of us, same with your sister." He looked over to where the child was playing. "You best take good care of her Xavier...she is quite a treasure." ---------------------------------------------------- Next scene started off with her back in the cabin. Not much seemed to have changed. "Hmm..." Gale said to herself, grinning. "I wonder what memory I'm going to relive now?" Just then, Xavier and the younger her came through the door; it appeared to be a sunny day. "You did really good at that ball tossing game Gale!" He exclaimed. "Just look at that little goldfish that you won!" "Goldfish!?" Modern Gale suddenly Panicked. "Yaaaay!" the neko girl sang, holding a small plastic bag in her hands. "My sparkly little fishy!" "Oh dear god no!" Gale began to bite her fingers. "I don't want to see this!" "Now let me get a bowl for..." Xavier began, leaning down to look at the fish but immediately stopping. "...Oh dear." "What is it Xavy?" She was very innocent sounding. And, now with a closer look, she appered to be a few more years older, about six now. "Oh...im sorry Gale, this fish is...well, dead." Xavier said, pointing to the fish floating upside down inside the bag. "It's just playing a trick! He is really good at it to, he has been doing it since we started heading home!" "No, Gale, no. It's dead." He sorrowfully took the bag from her. "Fish float like that when they have died...I'm sorry Gale." After a brief period of nothing more than a blank stare, her eyes began to well up into tears, sniffles escaping her quivering lips. "Don't cry Gale, please don't cry!" Xavier pleeded with her, but it could not stop the flood from comming. Sniffling evolved into full blown sobbing as the girl covered her eyes. Xaiver stood motionless, unable to think of what to do about this. Suddenly, her crying stopped. "Gale?" Her brother asked, putting an arm on her shoulder. No sooner did he do this did a large burst of energy erupt from the girl, sending him flying and leaving numerous cracks in the wooden walls. Sitting up after hitting the floor and rubbing his head, Xavier witnessed something than both he and the modern Gale couldn't belive, yet the later knew it was going to happen. With spurts of blood, eight appendages shot out of the kitten's back one at a time, her fur seeming to melt into a mess of a gray, leathery covering, and her body began to float over the ground several feet. Another burst shot out, and the entire house splintered and flew in many directions. To the thanks of Gale, the scene began to end before the chaos she knew would ensue came... ---------------------------------------------------------------- The world opened up once more, nightime in the city...at least what was left of the village in which Gale and Xavier lived; all that remained now was a charred ground and masses of junk that were once houses. Little Gale lied on the ground unconscious, her clothes were still in tact. Xavier, meanwhile, was talking to Matt who had recently arrived on horseback. "What the hell happened here?" Matt exclaimed, looking upon the wreckage. "I was headed here to meet up with you, but then...dear God, what happened?" "Gale happened." Xavier said with a blanke look. "The malfunction...it must have had some more nasty efects on her than I could have ever imagined...it's terrible. It seemes that whenever she has a powerful emotional outburst some kind of power is unleashed from within her. I don't know what it is, but it causes mutations and enhances her magical abilities expodentially, as well as a loss of consciousness. It's as if she was..." "A living weapon?" Matt cut in. "Xavier, I came here because I found out something about Unitech that I think you need to know. The specimins they were making, they weren’t being created to promote the future of humanity and allow for the repopulation of the dying out races in our world like we were told...no, I'm afraid both Kuriyami and Rasputin had other plans up their sleves." "What are you going at!?" Xavier barked at him, searching through the rubble of his home and pulling on a metal pole that was halfway imbedded into the dirt. "Those two are like family to me!" "All lies!" Matt took out an envelope and opened it, reading by the light of a match in his other hand. "They weren't trying to promote anything! Glenroy Rasputin wanted to create a perfect super soldier and intended to do so by altering DNA of embryos and then removing their souls after birth! That psychopath actually believes that he can take over the world using infinite clones of his perfect soldier! And Dijin Kuriyami, he's a flippin null! Apparently, Glenroy found him frozen and managed to salvage his subconscious, enfusing it to a cyborg made of nanobots. Now not only can he shapeshift but he has all the dark powers of those monsters!" Xavier managed to get the poll free during Matt's talk, revealing it to be Gale's current staff. "I’ll read that letter myself later!" He said with a scowl, swiping the note from the other man's hand. Putting it in his pocket, he moved to pick up Nightengale. "If what you told me is true, then I am in serious trouble! They undoubtably would have learned about the power fluxuation here due to her and I won't let them take her from me! They won't have my sister!" "Well, what do you want me to do!?" Matt panicked, Xavier shoving the girl onto the horse. "Take her to the next town over and enlist her in the magic school. Tell them she has been properly awakened and that she is ready to begin learning magic. Tell them to make her carry this staff with her at all times! If her emotions caused her to change like this, it is possible that casting more powerful spells without the use of the weapon will result in another transformation." "So you're giving her a weapon that will amplify her power?! Are you mad?!" "I tweeked the staff specially after she went out cold. It should reduce her magical potential now, removing any chance of her changing so long she casts spells with the staff in hand. Damn thing got stuck in the ground a bit afterwords, but other than being dirty it's fine. here!" He handed the staff to Matt. "Now please make haste! Tell her I love her!" With that, Matt rode away, and the scene became blank again. ------------------------------------------------------------- The next scene took place in another room like that which began the whole flashback, white and well lit, but this time it was not a computer room. Gale now found herself in a sort of prison, all but one cell empty. Xavier leaned against the bars of the cell in his casual wear, watching for the door to open. Rather than that, there was a small puff of black smoke, and suddenly Kuriyami was in the room. "You know," he began. "You wouldn't be in this mess if you had simply told us where seven-nine-two went." "Her name is NIGHTENGALE!" He hissed, glairing at the man with his bright, green eyes. "Get it right you freak of nature!" "Me? Freak of nature? What makes you say that I wonder, is it the fact that I am an android, or the fact that I'm a null; born with a black soul?" Dijin pulled out a gun from his pocket and aimed it point blank to Xavier's forehead. "You would do good to learn your place now, you parent-less lab rat! Ex-researcher or not, your next to useless to us now. But I see that you're not going to be giving us that location any time soon, so I suppose it's time to let you go yes?" The door flew open, Matt came running in wearing a company lab robe. "Prof. Kuriyami!" He said in huffes of breath. "There is an issue on bay six with one of the researchers and one of the janitors that needs your immediate attention! They are getting violent!" "Again?!" Kuriyami blurted, lowering his weapon. "Dammit, that is the third time this week!...Thank you." He turned once more to the neko. "I’ll be back to deal with you in a moment." With that, he vanished once more in a puff. Matt rushed over and unlocked the cage with a keycard. "There you go, you're free. Take this." Matt handed Xavier a strange looking handgun, one that had a glowing meeter on the side where the ammo casing may normally go. "Thanks! Now let's get out of here." "Wait, there is one more thing!" Matt called him back over. Reaching into his pocket, he took out the necklace that started all of the madness and handed it to him. "What is this thing?" Xavior questioned, putting it around his neck for safe keeping. "It's the reason Unitech was able to recuperate so quickly after its utter distruction five years ago. I don't know how, but this necklace is able to take element energy from any source and convert it into any other form. Rasputin has been using it to transform the energy of the surrounding area into electrical energy to power the machines. This place is stronger than ever because of it. You need to take that thing as far away from here as possible, and do it while they are running on reserve power that has been stored up so they dont realize its missing till it's too late. I’ll keep them off your tail." "You can count on me!" He said. Afterwards, neither of them hesitated any longer; both armed with identical weapons they charged out of the room and down the hallway. ------------------------------------------------- The next scene opens up to both Xavier and Matt hiding behind a few crates as shots are fired at them by security guards, an alarm blairing in the background. "The entrance is only a few more yards from here!" Matt shouted, motioning in the direction of the guards. Xavier turned around one of the crates and fired a few shots before falling back again. "Dosn't look like we will be able to get through them easily! There is at least five of them, bound to be more coming!" Xavier took a turn to fire again; the bullets that came out of his strange gun were tinted purple and could be seen like small lights that flew out at lightning speed. "Don't we have anything stronger?" Matt looked around. "No, we're stuck here!" Quickly, Xavier screwed off a plate on his gun with one of his claws and began to tamper with the cords inside. "Not entirely!" A brief moment later ther gun began to make a loud, high-pitch whine. Without hesitation, he tossed the gun underhand towards the guards which then detonated with a large, violent explosion. "Alright, lets go!" The two ran out from behind the crates, Xavier grabbing one of the dead guard's rifles as they went. Not to much farther up the hall did they come across a somewhat large room, one that contained several glass pods. "What is all this?! I thought this was the exit!" "It is! These are escape pods!" Matt pointed to one of them which was open. "You'll use that one! It will fly you out of here under their raydar and to a secrete location. From there you must find the best way to get rid of this necklace! Go now, I’ll be fine, just..." He was cut short by the sound of a gunshot, his body collapsing to the floor. Standing at the entrance was Kuriyami himself, looking anything but pleased. "I'm getting tired of you vermin!" He announced, pointing his gun towards the neko who, in turn, pointed his gun back and fired, only to have it miss as the andriod teleported to the side and fired back, missing only by a hair as Xavier rolled to the side. Dijin approached him, drawing out a knife he had in one of his pockets. With another teleportation he slashed at Xavier and managed to get a small cut on his face. "You can't win!" He gloated. "All I have to do is decide how to kill you! Any last comments you'd like to make!?" "Yea..." Came a mumble from behind him. Turning, Kuriyami saw Matt on the ground, his pistol open and beginning to make a high-pitched noise. "good night..." Using the distraction, Xavier dashed into the escape pod which began to activate. The explosion happened, which was cut out by the fade to black. ------------------------------------------- The next scene was a bit odd to Gale. It depicted Xavier tredging across a barren landscape: the cracked and dry ground was gray and dead with petrified trees sprouding here and there, they sky was pitch black save for a menicing cresent moon...this was the shadow realm, Onyxis Prime. While all she could see was him walking across the landscape, she could hear a voice like a narrarator in the background, seemingly speeking to Xavier... "My, where ever did you get this cursed thing?" The voice began. It sounded like it belonged to one of the guardians of the black curtain in her home world; that must have been where he went after the escape. "What you have here is perhaps the most fasinating, yet dangerous artifact to ever be crafted. It has no name, only it's legend." Xavier looked off into the distance and saw a large, demonic-looking castle with a great glowing orb on top of its highest tower. This was the home of the dark lord himself, Octavian Valmora. "Tell me, my nekka friend," The voice continued. It was the first time she heard the term 'nekka' in a while, others called her a neko in Bright's world. "what do you know of the legends of the ten tyrants? Not much? Well, you don't need to know all the stories to know the power of this amulet. You see, the large gem inside of it is known as the souldrinker's eye, an artifact created by the leader of the ten tyrants: Momaganon the Black, the first necromancer to ever exist in the world. His experiments, he found, cost him great bouts of magical energy. So, in order to compensate for this, he forged this gem which was fixed to a staff he weilded that would suck the souls out of his victims and add their energy to his own. After his defeat, the gem was lost. Later, during the great war between the Faithful and the Realists, a mage wanted to find a way to better combat the forces of the enemy armies. To do this, he created a special amulet that could convert energy of one element into another; this would keep an enemy guessing at their next move and ruin their chances of defending properly against the next attack. A great beast stirred around the base of the castle. It was the large dragon that had chassed him before out of the portal into the other realm. "He, unfortunately, was killed during a raid on his base of opporation, and his necklace was confiscated and never used; it ended up being a one of a kind prototype, as he took the secret to forging it to his grave. Many centuries later, a greedy wizard managed to get his hands on both of these items and had the briliant idea of forging them both togeather. He did succeed, but the athorities caught him afterwards and arrested him for theft of the necklace. The necklace was lost once again after that, at least until you showed up." Ahead of him he saw the exit, a disfigured part of the black reality that could only be a doorway. "You, however, have a very noble goal concerning this necklace; to hide it away where it will never harm anyone again. So, we will allow you to enter the curtain. Be warned though, just because the path is safe dosn't mean the other side will be. And do beware the mother, she can sence those who invade her home quite well, and will not hesitate to kill you. Good luck." No sooner did he arrive face to face with the gateway did her hear the great roar of the black dragon. Not turning back to see how close it was, he lept through the gate and to the other side, ending the scene. ----------------------------------------------- The scene picked up once more outside, with a close-up view of Xavier running from the portal and the dragon begining to squeeze through. Gale knew that it was about now that the King's guards would come to the rescue...or at least try. That would be when he figured out how to activate the necklace... The memories would show that Xavier had managed to activate the necklace, but he had not been changed in anyway afterwards. He had however been drained of energy and thus collapsed on the ground. The next memory would show him awake in a bed while the two artifacts, the bracelet and the necklace were laying on a table beside him. The queen and king stood at the end of the bed showing their outmost gratitude for the help of fighting the dragon. They offered him their hospitality, asking him to stay while he recuperated. Another jump showed him seated at their table together with some more important persons. Royal advisors and trusted servants sat by the table as well. The king spoke well of Xaviers fight against the dragon: "And then when everything seemed like it was going towards ruin, Sir Xavier here managed to perform a deed of magic that I have never seen before, and probably will never see again. The great monstrosity was forced back and the rift sealed." The people around the table clapped like the good suckups they were. "To Sir Xavier!" King George raised his glass. Later that evening when the guests had left, the queen looked at Xavier: "So tell me, how did you appear here? You are not a native to our land, no?" Xavier pointed at his bracelet: "This thing. I made it together with some friends. It allows me choose a position to jump to." "Like a teleport spell?" The king asked curiously. Xavier shrugged: "Kinda. It's not just positions in altitude and longitude, it's position within time and dimensions as well." "Ah, is it some sort of peculiar magic involved?" "Well yeah, but mostly science." The king and queen laughed heartily. "And the necklace?" "It is a cursed item. Please don't ask more about it." --------------------------------------------------- Another jump in memory, this time showing him sitting in his room when the queen entered. Her eyes were red from tears and her cheeks still wet. "Xavier, George is dying. I need your help." "I`m sorry Magdalena. There is nothing I can do about his condition." Xavier said reluctantly. "But what about the necklace, surely its power can be used to save his life." She pleaded. "I have told you before, the power within will only end up cursing him. I am too fond of you two to ever let you go through that." "I`ll give you everything you want, gold, power, men, women, slaves, even..." She paused as she could not let herself finish that sentence. "Don't. I`ll make the choice and leave." He reached for the bracelet on his table, only to find out that it was gone. He looked towards the queen only to see her holding it in her hand. "I am sorry Xavier, but I can't let you leave. Not without you helping me." ----------------------------------------------------- The scene turned black once again, and remained black as if the door was going to open. However, Gale found herself standing in nothing more than pitch black. "Well...are we done here?" She called out, hoping something might answer back. A small spark of light appeared before her this time, no image. "And...there! Finished!" Came a voice from within the light. It was Matt, but...didn't he die in the facility? "This has got to be our best project yet! To think that we were able to convert electrical energy to the point where we can warp from point a to point b in a flash!" "A lot of electrical energy at that." Xavier's voice came in. "Good thing we were able to get our hands on the good batteries. Who ever said that magic and science could never work together? The mages who powered these cells said that they would last a good two-hundred years in most appliances, so that gives us about...three years of life in this thing per battery? And that's only at its lowest setting, it would only have next to a few hours on anything higher. So, until we can find a better energy source we wont be able to go much farther than a two-hundred foot radius of our current location." "But just imagine what we could do at it's highest setting! Traveling through space and even time itself!" Matt exclaimed. "Time I'm not so certain, but space?" Xavier chuckled. "Most defiantly. Let's not get ahead of ourselves now, testing first." With that the light faded and the door finally opened. ------------------------------------------------------------ Outside, Gale saw Xavier once more. "I never would have thought that was what happened to you..." she mumbled to him, looking down. "...I'm glad to know you're alive at least. I know your only a fragment of him, but as you have told me yourself: if you exist, he must still be alive." Xavier looked at her: "I just remembered something." He put his hand in his pocket and pulled out a key. It was a rather dull key, being made of iron without any sort of engravings or anything. "Catch." He gently lobbed the key towards Gale. Gale caught the key that was tossed to her and looked at it with a confused look. "What is this thing for?" Xavier smiled and nodded towards the locked door with the symbol of a red gem: "It is a key that allows you to open locked doors." He thought about it for a moment: "Well, technically it is not a real key. More of a key in the metaphorical sense since this place doesn't really exist on the physical plane." He smiled as he looked towards her: "Let me tell you something more I remember. The amount of energy the necklace can use is determined by the souls within and normally one would have to leave something behind to use said energy. However, there is a loophole. Freeing a soul also generates energy. Something along the lines of how energy is generated when an electron jumps from one state to another." He was not sure if Gale understood and he clearly showed it in his face expression: "Eh...anyway. Short story: Whatever you do within that room will have consequences. Even I can not tell you what will happen." Xavier looked towards Gale own door before he returned his gaze towards his sister: "But before you enter the gem, are you sure you are finished with the other doors? Once you enter that room, I do not think you will be able to return." Gale quickly gathered that the key was for the locked door and that, according to Xavier, unlocking it would free her back into the real world. "When I came here, I had some new powers with me." She began, looking intently at the key. "I may need these powers to continue to combat the king. Does that mean that I need to go through it to get the powers back?" She looked to the door that was hers and looked back with sad eyes. "There are thing's I'd rather not relive..." "Besides," she continued. "I'm still not certain I know what George has bound his soul too...although..." She pondered deeply for a moment. "Death...is...denied....us. Death is denied us, that is what the king said. That doesn't necessarily sound like he things positively about what he is. And during his memory, it was the queen who forced him to activate the amulets power; he wanted to pass away. I wonder...could he want to die, but simply can't?" The mage put a hand on her chin and pouted. "Even if that was true, I would still need to head out with my powers...doesn't look like I have much choice." Xavier shrugged: "I have only memories up to the point where I used the necklace for a second time. I have no information about what has happened after that." He looked towards the door with the cats claw: "I do not decide which memories are left behind. You would not know what memories are left here before you check for yourself." With a worried gulp she faced her door. "Well...here I go..." The mage mumbled to herself, still trying to force herself to go through with it. Looking away, she finally yanked the door open and jogged into the black... 1. Gales memories Thankfully for her, the scene picked up shortly after her Brother sent her on her way to the next town over; Matt standing with her as the sun started to rise at the door of a large, three-story building. "But...but uncle Matt..." Younger Gale sniffled, holding his hand with one of her own and clutching the staff with another; at her age the silver stick easily rose over her height. "...I don't want to go yet! I want my brother!" "I'm sorry Gale." Matt sighed, patting her head. "Your brother and I will be busy for a long time. This is for the best." "But...but..." "Now, now, little Nightengale. Don't cry. We will come to visit you, I promise." Matt let go of her hand and began to walk away to his horse. "You're all signed in, just go in and listen to the teachers." He began to Gallop away, and Gale remained there for a while, her eyes tearing up. ------------------------------------------------------ The next scene unfolds in a bit of a more chipper mood; a large area filled with sand and several dummies set up accordingly. Standing on one end were two people, one was a rather short, bearded man who had a clipboard with him. The other was Gale herself, far older now but still a teenager and wore a solid-blue robe with very little decoration, still holding tightly to her staff. "Alright," the man began, "Let's see how you have been progressing. You may begin." Taking a ready stance, Gale held out her free hand and aimed towards the targets. "Pyi!" She shouted first, releasing a ball of flames to one of the targets. "Vol! Lum! Zeph!" She shouted again, releasing electricity, light, and wind powers from her hand consecutively. To end the session, a small circle appeared around her open palm, showing a red and light-green light on either side of it. "Pyieza Zeph!" With a roar a large funnel of flames erupted from her hand and engulfed the arena, torching all the targets and leaving the sand below glowing in spots. "Well done Nightengale! Well done!" The man said with a pleased chuckle, marking notes on his board. "You are progressing in your knowledge of the elements almost too quickly! And now that you understand and can utilize dual-element magics, I think it's time we promote you from level two apprentice!" "Oh, thank you very much sir!" Gale squealed with a bow. Another skip, this time to a small room with a desk and two chairs. In one sat Gale, now wearing a green robe that was golden around the neck with the bearded man from before standing behind her. In the chair across the desk sat a rather old looking woman wearing a dark-crimson dress, her gray hair put up it two large buns atop her head. "Why did you call me here headmistress?" Gale asked. "We reviewed you're records young nekka," She began with a rusty voice. "Tell me, when and where were you awakened spiritually?" The neko sat there unresponsive, trying to ponder the question. "I don't recall." She finally said, worry obvious in her voice. "And do you know why that is?" The headmistress was becoming agitated, throwing a file down in front of them. "It is because you're awakening was never documented! The only possible explanation is that you were given an illegal procedure!" "But...I..." "NO buts young lady!" She snapped, shaking her bony finger. "As good a mage as you are we must not allow someone who has never been legally awakened to continue their education at this academy! It pains me to say this, it really does," She simmered down. "but I'm afraid I have no choice. Ms. Nightengale Amour, as of this moment I hereby expel you from this school. You have twenty-four hours to collect your things and be off the premises. That is all, you can take her now." Gale sat there with her jaw dropped, her eyes tearing up again. She managed to hold onto her staff during all of this, so she would not transform like last time... The modern Gale remembered this time all too well. The headmistress was a strong-headed and law-abiding fire master, there was no arguing with her will. On top of that, she had nowhere to go after having spent a good ten years there; no money, no backup plan, nowhere to return to, nothing...the scene went black. ------------------------------------------------------- The next scene was brief. It simply showed her now working in a bar as a waitress; walking around to different tables and placing down the drinks of people from the common person to the typical sleaze on each table whiles wearing a sultry outfit typical of most women who work in bars such as that. Present Gale resented this memory the most so far...it was the worst time in her life. Being groped at by random strangers, small pay just so that she could afford the rent on her pathetic excuse for a home. It boiled her deep inside herself to have to relive the memories. -------------------------------------------------------- Then there was the fateful day when that would all end. As the scene unfolded still-younger Gale, though not by many years, was walking home during the dusk, three men following close behind her from within the same bar. Instinctively she began to pick up speed, but the men saw this as the perfect opportunity and quickly grabbed her, pulling her into an alleyway and holding her pinned down deep in the shadows. "Hey their sweety." One of them said, pulling out a small knife and holding it to her throat, blocking her mouth shut with the other. The other two wrestled down her arms and legs. "You know, me and the guys here were just talking about how hot you look in that little dress. And it got me to thinking: what would she look like without that cloth on? Well, we intend to find out...if you relax, I'm sure you'll have fun too." The three of them laughed and proceeded to try and pry her clothes off; she mumbled under her breath and began to cry, she left her staff at home and without it she felt powerless. "You three have to the count of three to haul your carcasses back home." Sounded a voice from the entrance to the alleyway. His features were obscured by the twilight behind him, making him appear like a black figure against the violet sky. The man with the knife grunted and stood up, motioning one of his lackeys to cover her mouth his his stead. "You have a lot of nerve trying to boss me around like that, you know?" The man taunted, swaying himself in an effort to look tougher. "Two." "Why don't you get your ass outa here before I..." He interrupted himself with a sharp gasp before falling backwards, a large dagger sticking out of his throat. "Three." The other two thugs flew into a frenzy, throwing Gale to the dirt and lunging towards the figure with their fists. The figure kicked out at the man in front, making him hunch forward before tossing him into the other guy with a push of his leg. Not allowing either of them to get up, the man grabbed them both by their necks and lifted them up to a wall. "If I see either of you two again, what I did to your friend will seem like an act of mercy. UNDERSTAND?!" Like ragdolls he tossed the two aside, letting them run away. "You're safe now. Be on your way." The man began to turn away. "Wait!" Gale shouted, getting back up and re-adjusting her clothes. "Thanks, but...who are you?" The man turned back once more, a tint of light could be seen in one of his eyes now, revealing it to be unnaturally yellow and slitted. "The name is Marcus." Was all he announced, the scene fading to black. Present Gale played that memory back in her head once more; after they met, she followed him to a suspected thief and helped him, after that she was lucky enough to be taken back with him to Almadora, where she joined the ranks that he also worked for. In time, the two of them fell in love, a marriage planned for when the war comes to a final end...she had to get back home. ------------------------------------------------------ The next scene never appeared, instead the area began to change like before, but this time she appeared to be surrounded by static. A voice began to echo throughout the entire area, a voice so loud and powerful that caused Gale to grab her ears. "You belong to us." It was a familiar voice...Glenroy, mentioned in a previous memory. Up until that point in her life she was happy, but she knew what was coming. "You are not a mage, you are not a nekka, you are not even supposed to exist. You are a weapon, ever since the day you were brought into this world it was your only purpose." A powerful laugh echoed through, and a dark energy began to surround Gale in the strange abyss she now found herself in. "Nightengale? Your only true name is seven-nine-two. That is what you are and that is what you always will be. I figured you a worthless waist of effort, just like your seven-hundred and ninety-nine kin, that is until the day when we found the energy readings at your home. They were off the charts. It was then that I knew that you weren't a failure, but an unintended successes. Your brother was not co-operative when we 'asked' for your location, but that doesn't matter anymore. Seven-nine-two, you will be mine once again, and there is nothing your puny and arrogant friends can do about it..." The voice ended with a bang as the dark energy collapsed onto the neko, engulfing her in a black flame as the room opened up again like before. The fire dissipated and she walked out, appearing as she did when she first entered the strange plane. Xavier waited for Gale in the room like he had done before. "I see that you have faced some bad memories sister, but remember that it is those experiences that makes us strong enough to face the toughest of tasks." He couldn't help but smile a bit of his own words: "I kinda sound like a clichè don't I?" He shrugged his shoulders: "I can't help it. Come here." He walked over to Gale and gave her a hug. "I can't help you anymore once you enter that door, so if you got any last words, you better ask them now." Gale couldn't help but smile too as she was embraced by her brother. "How will I be able to get the portion of you back to the whole?" She questioned, trying to break the hug and get back to serious business. "I still am not entirely sure how I'm going to defeat the king." She continued with a bit of sadness. "But I have something to go on now. I know him, and he knows my brother. Maybe that will be enough to go on." Xavier let Gale get free from the hug. "I don't know either. But you probably won't be able to do it from this room. I am confident in your abilities Gale, I am sure you`ll pull through." Gale looked to the final door, the gem door, and grasped the key in her hand. "Well...wish me luck." She mumbled finally, locating the lock and moving to insert it. With a gentle turn there was a loud click, though she hesitated again to open the door. "Thank's again for your help." She commented, hand on the door. "When this is all over I WILL find the real you and reunite you to him. I promise." With a strong shove the door gave way, revealing to Gale the contents inside. As she stepped in, the door vanished as it had with all the memories, but this time she knew there was no going back; her little reprieve from the battle was coming to an end. The next room was circular in shape. In the middle of the room there was a big red gem, around four feet tall and three wide. From the gem was eight chains that passed from the gem and into the wall whereas above each chain in the wall there was a symbol similar to those out in the other room. Above the gem hung a dull iron sword in a chain from the ceiling. At the other end of the room was a wooden door. A closer look upon the gem would reveal that it glowed slightly, as if there were shapes moving around inside. It sounded as if there was wind blowing in the room, although the sound seemed to eminate from the gem itself. Reaching up, Gale pulled the sword down to her hand with her powers and looked again at each chain and finally to the gem in the middle. "It looks like this could be pieces of the other people who used the amulet, pieces just like that of my brother." She assumed, looking again at each individual chain. She walked up to the closest one, which attached itself to the sign of the feather. "Well," she began again, "Let's see what happens when I do this." lifting the blade over her head, Gale swung down with as much force as she could and snapped the chain in two... …Its two halves burned up in a bright fashion, starting from the cut and into the wall and the gem whereas the feather on the wall faintly disappeared while the gem became slightly darker. As she witnessed the chain vanish from sight, an idea popped into Gale's head. "Perhaps breaking all of these will leave the necklace useless, and it will likely revert everyone back into their regular forms? This is absolutely brilliant!" She shouted with glee. "I’ll finally be able to help everyone! I’ll finally be able to..." As she took the blade over her shoulder to swing down again, this time at the chain connected to the eye, a realization came over her. "...If they revert back to normal now, they might not be prepared for it. And if they aren't ready and they are still fighting..." A vision of everyone ended up dead because of her actions flashed through her mind for a split second. "Oh god, I can't do this...not now!" She shouted, dropping the sword to the ground. "But if I don't, and I am never able to return, how will I help them in the end?" There was a small glow from the sword. If Gale looked at it, she would instead of her own reflection see what appeared to be Riletia. It was a static image, showing her biting down on an undead swordsman. Around her laid bones and body parts scattered around. It was obvious she had held her own despite her wounds. Gale reminisced in the image she saw in the blade's reflection. "It would appear that this does not change them immediately." She mumbled, picking the sword back up and eying the rest of the chains scattered around from the gem. "I had better end this fast and get back out there." She eyed the chains once more, and then back to the blade. "Let's see if I can't speed this up..." With her other hand she began to feel the edge of the weapon, channeling her re-obtained dark powers into it. A violet glow engulfed the shiny metal and, upon releasing it from her grip, it remained in place in the air. A flick of her wrist, and the sword went flying in a circle around the gemstone, spinning perfectly as it sawed it's way through each chain one by one. Once done, it lifted itself up into the air and crashed down into the stone, imbedding itself up to its hilt into the once-red crystal in the room. Gale waited to see any last effects of her actions and headed for the wooden door. The chains burnt up brightly as they were cut and the symbols vanished from the walls. When the sword hit the gem, it darkened considerably before it cracked. The room around it began to fall apart slowly, allowing Gale to reach the door before the room was completely done. "I’ll be happy to finally be done with this." the mage griped as she opened the wooden door and headed inside... 1. Redemption Gale was once more within the ruined castle whereas she was sitting on the floor. The undead king stood on the edge of the hole and looked at Gale. If Gale looked down, she would see that the necklace she wore around her neck was shining brighter for every second. It was giving off magic energy like nothing before and it shone enough to provide light for the whole room. It was becoming rather hot as well, almost burning to touch. Getting up, Gale began to slowly walk towards the king, grasping at the necklace around her neck and pointing to him and the spirit inside with the other. "I know everything that has come to pass..." Started out, tearing the burning necklace from her neck and tossing it to the ground to her side. "...King George and Queen Magdalena. That's who you both are, correct? Once rulers over this land; turned cold and dark with your resurrection by that accursed necklace." "I saw everything! You're ability to leech energy from magical sources, your parents, the people who have outlawed magic, and perhaps most interesting of all, how you were once friends with my brother Xavier...only for your queen to betray him: holding him against his will while she took the amulet to prolong your life indefinably." It was if there was something that had changed within the two. Like darkness that had been lifted. Of course, they still looked undead, but they didn't have the same threatening feel about them. "We've done many things. Not all of them forgiveable." The voices spoke in unison. The necklace shone ever brighter, causing the area around to become unbearable in heat. "Maybe redemption is possible..." The king and the queen within quickly passed by Gale and grabbed the necklace. The power of the necklace was enough to burn the bones that held it, charring them black. "Run." It was the last word they spoke before they jumped through the hole into the deeper floor of the castle. Gale was a bit confused as to what had just happened...not that she was complaining, but she wasn't expecting submission so quickly. As they jumped down together with the necklace she quickly found and ran to Bright, still unconscious. "Come on you!" She shouted, shaking his shoulders. "We need to go and NOW!" Not getting a response, the mage hunched herself over and managed to get Bright over her shoulder. With her staff and his hammer floating beside her with her dark magic, she started out the door and towards the stairs they climbed to get into the place. The heat was becoming intense, even with the amulet far below. "It must be collapsing on itself." Gale mumbled as she rushed down the stairs with Bright and the weapons floating not far behind. No sooner did the thought cross her mind did a low rumble emit from within the depths of the building. The castle shook and rumbled, cracks formed in every wall and the whole thing was falling apart. It looked like the necklace wasn't the only thing collapsing in on itself... Bright awoke slightly as a small rock fell onto his head: "Ouch!" He exclaimed: "Gale, what's happening?" Gale kept running, not showing much concern for Bright's return to consciousness. "Long story short, "She began, "We won! The king is going to take his and the queen's life, the necklace is going catastrophic, and the castle is coming down on top of us!" She reached the end of the stairs with little time to spare as a large bolder of rubble fell onto them, blocking any means of going up or down. The exit now was just a straight shot down a hallway now. With Bright still over her shoulder she dashed madly towards freedom. "Say what?" Bright exclaimed confused. For him there had only been a few moments where had been out after all. As they got out into the open the sun shined brightly upon, revealing a rather littered courtyard as Riletia had beaten up pretty much anything. Nothing around there moved anymore, well except for the sphinx, which in return looked rather glad to see Gale and Bright. "Did you do it? Did you..." She stopped mid sentence in surprise. A big cone of light had gone straight into the air from the midst of the castle, blinding out pretty much everything in a ray of light. "Whoa..." Bright said surprised. "How did you do that?" "I didn't do that, that's the thing." Gale commented, watching the great blast of light. "He did it...she did it...they did it together...they finally found the redemption they were seeking." She turned to Riletia now, dropping Bright to the ground; it would appear some of her new-found 'spunk' from the amulet was still present. When the light cleared,the only parts left of the castle were the courtyard and the frontdoor. Pretty much everything else had been obliterated, leaving nothing behind but a hole in the ground and the deeper dungeon cells. Bright got up from the ground and leaned himself on the remaining wall. He was still a bit shaky from the whole ordeal. It wasn't an ordinary thing to have castles exploding and all that. "Is everyone alive?" Gale asked directly to the sphinx. "I have much to say.” "I think they are. They were alive last time I saw them." Riletia looked at Gale when she said the words and then when their eyes locked it would feel as if something left Gale. Like a breeze that blows through ones body. Riletia shrunk in size and her hairy legs and wings disappeared into her body until they were gone. After the transformation she would appear in the nude though with what appeared like a gryphons tattoo over her chest, She looked at her own hands in disbelief as the tears began to flow from her eyes. She walked over towards Gale and in a sudden embrace hugged her tight while she was still crying. Gale had an odd feeling about her with what had happened to Riletia, a feeling she tried to piece together during her unexpected embrace. She was extremely surprised at her sudden reformation into her human form, that much was true, yet at the same time it was as if....she knew it was going to happen; a sixth sense that told her something grand was to happen at that moment. With a shrug she hugged back. "I know everything that has happened because of that relic." the mage stated. "I know of your past, your actions that lead you to where you are now...your brother and the terrible fate he met. I know that, as well as the shortcomings of everyone else cursed by the necklace." Gale gave a short tap on the back of Riletia's returned form. "Here, let's get you in some clothes." Gale suggested, a small black aura protruding from her hand and swallowing the woman's torso. As it faded, she was covered in the same clothes she was wearing during her memory sequence when she gave her brother the necklace. Riletia let go after a small moment and dried up her tears with the sleeve of her gown. "I`m sorry, it's just that you look so different from this perspective." She paused slightly while thinking over what Gale said: "There we go," She said with a smile, releasing her grasp. "Now then, lets meet up with the others. I know they will want to know what has happened." "Yes, they probably want to know what happened." Bright had finally stopped being so dizzy and walked over to Gale: "Say, are you feeling okay?" He looked down at her outfit. "I feel fine...then again, maybe not. I suppose that depends on your perspective of what 'fine' means." Gale answered to Bright, looking over her form once again. "I am now as they are, altered. I can change them back, but I am unable to revert myself. My more dominate mind set, the Gale you have come to know, is dominant now however...but I feel my subconscious self more revealing than ever, not trying to take hold but simply there. Who is to say what will wake it up, or who." She looked at her hands. "Light, wind, fire, lightning...the elements I had once mastered now feel so alien to me. Only shadow is there, the same shadow that I let into myself during the wrongly-provoked battle." "Oh." Bright said simply, though there was something about his face expression that showed concern over the whole situation. He did not say anything further however as it simply wasn't important at the current time. Gale turned to Riletia. "Let us find the others." Riletia nodded and lead the way out of the gate. The water had cleared from the area, washing away all the undead that once lingered among them. Further the castle had been surrounded by a mass of trees. In the small clearing the rest of the former adventurerers stood. Their helpers had gone from the area. Once more Gale would have the feeling as if something left her as her eyes met the group. "By the way, this is yours." Gale said as they trio entered the clearing, releasing Bright's hammer to him from her magical grasp. Her staff remained floating in the air gracefully behind her. He grabbed his hammer, somewhat relieved that she hadn't forgotten it. "The deed is done, the man who had once plagued this land with his wraith has fallen." Gale announced, in an oddly sad voice. "But not without it's toll. The poor man...his only mistake in life was to let the amulet get to his head, another example of the corruption that power can bring forth. And as you can see, I too have been altered by the now non-existent, cursed pendant. Though my change is nowhere near as physical as yours have been, I can feel it afflicting me to the depths of my soul." She drew closer, knowing that each of them were bound to reform and revert back to normal soon, just as Riletia had. "I've seen much through the necklace; memories taken and sealed away with fragments of souls. You..." She pointed to the dragon that was once Cragg. "...you were one of few enlisted to protect a vast forest, son of a lumberjack. You became a dragon when you took a wound while fighting it." She turned now to Sendra. had anyone been paying close attention, they might notice now that Gale was actually levitating several inches off the ground. "You're parents were slain by those who would outlaw magic, and they too tried to make a move on your own life. If it had not been for the necklace, you would not be here today." Now she pointed to Ûsa, though she knew she wouldn't be able to see it. "You were a healer from the start, made blind and cursed on a ship of pirates where you fell into the ocean." Her final words went towards the wizard. "And then there is you, Steefous. You look as normal and human as Bright, but I know well of your Ocular; pierced to your back with a sword it was, and undoubtedly you two have merged into one with the amulet's power." She floated back from the group several feet. "I too have merged with something, though it is not living in any form. I have merged with the darkness itself that flooded the castle, and now it had bound itself to me. No longer can I cast my true magics, there is only black that flows from my spirit now...Speaking of spirit, I think you will find now that you all shall revert back to your previous states, just as Riletia has done behind me..." Just as she had finished her sentence, the people in front of her returned to their human forms. Though they looked slightly beaten, it seemed like they had avoided any severe damage. Though unlike Riletia, they were not completely nude. Usâ wore some sort of armor, and Sendra wore a dress. Steefous still wore his robes. The only one with a bit of unfortune was Cragg who had no clothes considering he had turned into a dragon. He looked uncomfortable in the nude, but Steve fixed it by summoning some clothes for him. Riletia could be heard from behind Gale: "I call bullshit." She paused slightly to make sure that Gale had heard before she continued. "There is no more castle, no more darkness within and the necklace is probably gone as well. Why should we change back only to have you turn into something different." Gale sighed, looking to the ground. "I can't say for certain why my spirit will not heal, but there is still one soul left to repair; perhaps then I shall return to normal. I only hope Gaston was able to find him... Well, let us retire back to town then. Nothing left for us here after all." Riletia let down her shoulders as Gale explained her situation: "Sorry...Just tired after the fight that's all." She turned in the direction of the castle once more, not caring what the others thought of what she was doing. With a hand over her heart, she whispered, "Peace to you both". The mage turned again. "Let us be on our way. The battle is won, and I presume that you all want to go your separate ways. At least let there be one more night together, to celibate your victory over the king and his minions as a group." "Well, I guess we could do that. One night to celibrate would be nice." Steve said and whistled. Soon after a couple of his creatures came to carry them to the town. "I am guessing you don't want to walk." 1. Resting in the tavern Later: The people of the town didn't think much of the people entering the town. All the dragons and mythological monsters around the town as of recent had become the norm rather than the unusual. Steve paid for the drinks and food at the local tavern and let the group dig in. Though happy, there seemed to be something that bothered the various members of the group, though they didn't speak of it. Gale sat and ate just the same as everyone else, though she did not feel the cheer everyone else felt. Sitting alone from the group, she finished her food in silence, quickly draining her drink before getting up and moving to leave in her new, levitating way. Several others looked at her as she came in and as she left: some probably stared at her odd attire or abilities, others perhaps at her now-apparent voluptuous form through the generated attire...either way, she didn't care. She approached the group and gave a short bow to them. "Thank you for the meal. Farewell." was all she said before she floated out of the tavern door. It was night now, but even in the darkness one could see that Gale did not leave; she stood several feet outside and gazed up into the sky... Although Bright had enjoyed himself with finally getting something to eat and drink, and actually having a conversation with the former adventurers that weren't undead king related, he couldn't help but looking at the door when Gale left. With Gale out, the group continued talking, after all, they had a lot of catching up to do. "I`ll have to get back to you later." Bright said and left his mug and plate at the table before he headed towards the tavern door. He was somewhat relieved to see that Gale had not moved further away than the small part outside the tavern door. He walked quietly up to Gale and did not speak before he stood next to her: "Is there anything wrong, Gale?" He asked curiously, showing some concern for her in both the tone of his voice and the expression on his face. Gale didn't look to Bright as he came out, instead looking blankly into the cloudy night sky. "I should be happy like everyone else is right now...yet I feel nothing but sadness..." She said in a low, depressed tone. "A hollowed victory...one evil has been stopped, two souls claimed by the amulet free to the heavens and liberated of their curse. All is as it should be now...all except that which is not meant to be here. My job is done, the necklace destroyed and unable to be returned, yet...well, look upon me." She stretched out her arms. "I remain altered into that which I have always despised, a being of darkness. My only way home, to those who I have come to love, is forever locked under invincible lock. My brother still remains lost, a glimmer of hope reduced to a saddening realization that I may not find him. And should I do, who is to say he would even want to speak to me like this...I am literally a shadow of what I once was; a deep hate lies within me, I can feel it, still submerged but closer to the surface than ever before." Up above, the clouds had condensed further; a few drops began to fall down. "All of them inside and you, I have come to call you friends...but what happens after all is said and done? They will split ways once more, as will you, to follow the paths of our own destinies. They have nothing further to fear from the king, his minions, or the curse of the amulet. Their burdens have been lifted, but mine ever-grows." The rain had picked up, now into a downpour. "Go on Bright, go back inside and enjoy yourself with the rest of them. I still have a path to follow, and there is no further reason for either you or them to go down the same path. They will not miss me for long, they will have their newly restored lives to contend to. You as well, to find your friend and begin life anew." She finally turned to him, her eyes appearing to be glazed over. "Just go on, please. Leave me in my thoughts..." Bright was silent for a while before he finally spoke: "Gale, I might sound like a clichè here, but listen. It doesn't matter what you look like, it matters what you do with what you have." He drew some water away from his forehead: "And if your brother doesn't want to see you, he must be an idiot." He paused slightly: "You don't need to go all negative now. You didn't even know he existed in this world to begin with, and we do know that he has been here once. I mean, have you even asked Gaston after you returned? He did say all you had to was to use it." Gale would feel a hand on her shoulder: "So..come in? Don't stay out in this rain and get sick and all that." For the first time in a long time, Gale smiled. "Bright." She began. "You are a true friend. I was going to wait for Gaston to arrive alone...but I suppose you're right. I'll go back in with you," her smile faded, "but know that any happiness I show will be only for their sake. I feel nothing of the sort due to this curse. Come on then, the last thing either of us needs is a cold." "You know, if this curse is so horrible, you could try asking Ûsa if she could help you." Bright said as he opened to the door for Gale. "She is, or was a healer you know. And if she can't help, at least you would have asked." He nodded towards the table where she sat together with the others. She had her own mug of ale before her, though she did not drink with the same speed as the others. Still damp from the outside, Gale did not hesitate to intrude on any conversation the group might be having. "Excuse me, Usa?" She asked, keeping a grin on her face, though it was very obvious that she was forcing it. "If I could pull you away for a moment, I'd like to speak to you...privately." Aside to her and away from the group she began to talk about her problems. "Ûsa, I'm in terrible condition." She whispered to her, any presence of a pleasant attitude replaced with a hastened worry. "Ever since that battle against king George and my transformation my mind and spirit have been changing in an alarming way. My spirit grows dark, and any ability to feel joy is long gone. Worse, deep inside me, I can feel a meaningless hatred rising to the surface...I fear what might happen if it gets out. Please, tell me there is something you can do?" Ûsa thought about the question for a little while before she finally answered. "I can try. But first we got to go somewhere where we will not be seen." She knocked on the door to one of the rooms and upon hearing nothing, she entered. It was a standard two-bed room for the use of paying guests. There was a small window on the wall, but the curtains were pulled in front of it. "Feeding ones darkness that grows within is dangerous, I know that for certain." She said and waited for Gale to enter the room before she locked it. "I`ll help you to the best of my extent, thought what I show you here...you must not tell anyone about it." It wasn't as much as a question as a direct order. She took off the cloth that was bound around her eyes and with closed eyes she held onto Gales shoulders. "I suspect that the darkness within you is not from that necklace, nor is it from the castle. No, I think it was made by yourself in a moment of great despair." Her eyelids slowly rose, revealing darkness beneath. Though if one looked closely, it would be as if one could see stars. "Look into my eyes and they will show you where your darkness may bring you. Maybe even where darkness brought me..." Her voice sounded hollow and distant and it was the room itself grew darker until there was nothing but Gale and Ûsa around. 1. A different Gale Gale looked into the eyes of the once-serpent woman with admiration. A spark of hope erupted out of the shadows that consumed her emotions as she gazed into the void of Usa's eyes. It was wonderful, for a brief moment she felt something more than misery after the king's death. Then it happened. All of a sudden the happiness that Gale felt surging into her erupted like oil field into an inferno. All the joy she felt that someone would be able to help her mutated into extreme hate, and she found herself casting a shadowy hand from black around them and clutching Ûsa in a constricting hold. Gales sudden movement had surprised and thus she had been unable to dodge her black hand. "NO! " Gale hissed at her, her eyes glowing. "I have been locked away in the subconscious of the chivalrous bitch for FAR TO LONG! One in the same, hidden away from the world. I am what she has always wanted to be, I am what completes her, and thanks to the necklace she knows I'm here! Now we may co-exist as we always should have: one mind! One goal! One thought process!" She stepped closer in a alluring way that Ûsa would never see and leaned in to whisper into her ear. "Don't get me wrong, I am still friends with all of you, especially Bright. But I will not allow you to make things the way they were. Without me she was dull, boring, perhaps a bit too kindhearted for her own good. Seeking your help was her last little protest to change, but I assure you now that she likes it ever so much. She is stronger too: maybe unable to become archmage like she had always dreamed of doing now, but darkness has its own benefits as well. Her husband-to-be should defiantly appreciate the new, improved, and dare I say friskier version of his love, but we will just have to wait until Gaston returns with information on my brother to truly know what is next." She gave a short laugh. "Funny. No more than a day ago we were in this same kind of situation, but now the roles have swapped. Now you are helplessly bound, and I am to decide your fate. I suppose I could just let you go, but then if I did you might convince everyone else that I'm possessed or something...and we can't have that now can we?" She allowed the hand to squeeze harder over Ûsa's body. "So tell me. Is this the person you`ve always wanted to be?" She had closed her eyes once more. "Is this how you want your beloved to see you, or even your brother?" She coughed slightly as the hand squeezed, finding it a bit harder to breathe: "And how will you explain it to the others if you kill me here?" "Well," Gale began, a finger to her chin. "I suppose this is both what I want and what I've wanted to avoid. I never did tell you did I? I remember telling Bright and Riletia, but that was it. You see, not long after birth a bunch of cruel individuals tried to remove my soul, failed, and ended up tearing it in half. It lead to a few things: my two different colored eyes, my unstable powers, but lesser known was it's final effect. Think of me as...a split personality of sorts. A bit darker, a bit more daring with my mind and body, but all the same am I Gale. A great deal of my personality is forged from the dark desires deep within the recesses of her mind, mixed in with elements both minds share: loves, fears, morals...well, some morals." She stopped for a moment and smacked against the side of her head. "Silence up there. You had your turn, now it's mine." She lowered her hand again. "You should be thankful! I'm actually letting you speak, something you never let ME do, but if you keep that up I’ll just lock you away completely. So sorry Usa, had to silence the bats in my belfry if know know what I mean. The Gale everyone else knows is still there, I need her after all. You must understand, I have been kept at bay for well over two decades, and I am NOT about to go back. If that means I have to be rid of you than so be it, but I would rather not have that. What do you say? Shall we keep quiet about this whole ordeal? Chances are you won't be seeing me again anyway after I leave back to my home world." A short chuckle left the neko's lips. "Of course, if I find that you can't keep your mouth shut then I’ll have to do something, but only then would I have to. What would I do? Hmm...so many options. Ah, I got it." She licked over her mouth. "You threatened to eat me when you were still a serpent, so if you refuse to aid me the way I seek I’ll simply eat you. Yes, then I can use my abilities to go out to everyone else looking and sounding like you, perfectly thin, and simply tell them that 'Gale ran off on me'. Then, once everyone is asleep, I'll go off on my own. So what shall it be then? Will you help an old friend out? hmm?" "You know, for someone with "ONE THOUGHT PROCESS", "You seem to have a lot of problems."Ûsa said, slightly imitating Gales voice from earlier: "And yes, though we may never see eachother again, the only future I see for you in this kind of state will be one where you wander in a desolate wasteland, twisted and malformed, seeking nourishment from the remnants of civilization. You won't find Almadora, you won't find Nivia, and you won't find your beloved Marcus." Ûsa had her eyes tight, though she seemed to bleed a little bit from them. A trail of blood went down on her cheecks before it dripped onto the black hand that held around her. "I know what you are capable of Gale. I have seen your past and how you`ve hunted down criminals, downed them only to hide the result from your supervisors afterwards. And what if I refuse Gale, will you cross that line? What if Steve suspects something, will you take him too? What if your friend Bright stops you, will you devour him? Will you take on the Red Cloaks that march against us as we speak if they come in your way as well?" Ûsa had more tears of blood running down her cheek and her voice sounded slightly more hollow than it used to be. Gale appeared unamused by Usa's little speech, picking in one of her ears as she talked. "I don't think you are seeing as well as you think my dear." She finally responded. "First of all, that goodie-little two-shoes never would do anything against her high morals...it's almost pathetic really, how bland and pure she lets herself appear to be. But I digress, I would have no problem doing what you have said, and quite honestly I could care less about what happens. Think about it: even if I don't make it home I could just as easily make this place my home. My powers sharpen themselves as the night carries on and it is only a matter of time before my abilities far exceed those the king had. Do you understand me? I don't care! I don't care if I never see Almadora or Nivia again! I don't care what happens to those people out there! And I especially don't care what the secretive, lycan bastard Mar..." Her voice stopped in a gasp, the hand around Ûsa beginning to fizzle and slowly corrode around the healer. "You again!?" Gale shouted far louder than before. With the room long since returned to normal, it was likely that people could hear her on the outside. "I told you to stay quiet! What do you think you are...nngh!" The mage began to grunt and clutched her head, hunching over in pain. "Stop this at once! I am dominant now, not you!" The arm had long since vanished, leaving Ûsa unharmed while the neko floated above a single spot, clutching at her skull. Ûsa dropped on the floor and landed on her knee. "You are 200 years too young to speak of darkness." She spoke with a harsh tone in her voice before she ran forward towards the sound of Gale and tackled her midair, forcing her down onto ground whereas she placed herself on top of Gale. "Û...ûs...ûsa..." Gale gritted from her teeth quietly. "He...lp please...get...this darkness...out of...my...head..." "Grrrr....Silence whelp!" Gale shouted now to herself. "Look into my eyes!" With both her hands on Gales shoulders Ûsa opened her eyes. It was if the whole room grew dark around them. The only thing that could be seen was the glimmer in Ûsas eyes and the sound of her voice: "Fight it Gale!" Gale felt as though her head was spinning as the room fell once more into shadows. "Don't you understand Girl!?" The sinister side of Gale bellowed. "This is OUR body, and you have been hogging it for all these years! It's my turn to hold dominance!" Her hands clasped tightly over her cranium. "You’re wrong!" The true Gale argued, her fight stronger than moments before. "You are cruel and heartless! I always thought that one day I would be able to tap into my subconscious when needed and pull out the emotions that you hold dominant, but no I see that I never needed to, and never will! That's why I kept you locked away! You would have made me a tyrant, and I never wanted that!" "You don't have a say anymore! The necklace's power undid the final lock child! Your soul is now completely broken, each of us is dominant over a half, but I am the one with the magic now! I won't be sealed away in your head again!" "I agree with that last part...no more mercy, once I'm done with you I’ll make sure you NEVER come back! You need me to survive...but I don't need you! I never needed you! Be gone! Get out of my head and my body!" "FOOL! I have half your spirit! Spit me out and you will die by the hand of your own magica!" A loud shriek erupted from her mouth. "That's a chance I'm willing to take! GO AWAY!!!" Another ear-piercing scream, and in the darkness one could see as a violet half-silhouette tore forth from her body, a red glint where the eye would be. Quickly it turned, reaching towards Gale's body with its single arm, grasping as it slowly began to float away and corrode just like the hand had not long ago. It could never quite reach the neko's body after being separated from it and eventually evaporated into the black. The world turned back to normal once again, and Gale's body fell limp against the floor. Her left eye, once green, was now completely blank white. Her attire began to alter its shape once more, returning to the tank-top and sweat pants it was before she transformed in the castle. Though she was beginning to revert back, she lied on the ground with her mouth agape and eyes wide open, motionless... Ûsa breathed loudly as she had used quite a bit of her own strength to keep Gale. She held a hand to her head to hold back the oncoming headache. With this rate she was going to feel sick. She checked Gales pulse at her neck to confirm she was alive before she walked off. There was a knock at the door: "Gale, are you okay in there? I heard some shouting and stuff." It was the voice of Bright. Ûsa locked open the door: "We have a bit of a problem. Help me lift her into the bed." "What kind of problem?" He asked with a worried voice seeing how Gale was lying on the floor. "A magical one." Though Gale was breathing and her heart still beating, she was completely unconscious. As they lifted her onto a bed her body did not move, falling limp against their movements. Had Bright looked to her eyes he would have seen how one of them, the yellow one, had it's pupil shrunk to the point where it was just a small sliver in her eye, the other eye had gone entirely white. Gales sudden change in clothing didn't pass by Bright unnoticed , though his mind was more occupied with the fact that she was pretty much unable to respond to anything concerning her. He looked into her eyes and couldn't help but shiver a bit. The sudden change of her eyes was rather creepy. He looked towards Ûsa with a worried expression on his face: "What happened here?" She spoke with her eyes closed once more and tried to explain the situation as simple as possible: "I tried to help her, but her other self interrupted us. I knocked her to the ground, and it felt as if she cast away some of her magic." Bright looked at her with a puzzled look in his face: "Oookay. So..." He paused slightly and looked towards Gale once more. "...what do we do now?" He turned towards Ûsa once more. "Are you okay by the way? You got some blood on your cheeks." She took to her cheeks a bit absentminded: "This happens when I concentrate. It is not of importance right now. First we need to help Gale, then I can clean up." She walked over to the bed and sat herself at the edge of the bed: "Close the door and come over here and hold her hand. Maybe I can bring her back." She placed her hands on top of Gales head. The mage still remained silent as Ûsa placed her hands upon her head. However, a small change was beginning to make itself apparent. If one were to look at her blank eye closely they may notice that it was starting to gain a very slight hue to it, but rather than the green it was originally it was starting to turn yellow, much like the other eye. Unbeknownst to either, during Gale's previous outbreak one of the candles that lit the room was unlit and thrown to some other place, leaving a corner of the room in near-black shadows. There, a mage like Gale would have taken notice of something odd, but no one else would have been able to detect what was happening... "I think I managed to change something." Ûsa said and retrieved her hands. "Hopefully she'll come to soon." "Is something different?" Bright asked and looked at Gale. Ûsa turned her head down: "Her clothes changed earlier. I am not sure if anything else happened." "How do you know?" "I felt it in the texture of her clothes when I touched her shoulders." "Oh. So what do we do know?" "We wait. Watch over her while I get myself something to drink." Ûsa said and left the room. In the main room of the tavern Gaston had arrived. He seemed like his usual self although he carried with him a coconut and a straw. "Hello Stefous." "Nice to see you again Gaston." Steve said with a friendly tone: "Where have you been at?" "A lot of places really. Been quite busy." "And the coconut?" "The last place I visited was a tropical isle. Quite nice actually." Bright felt slightly at unease, but he didn't say anything. He stroked Gales hair: "What happened to you Gale..." He asked though it wasn't a question to anyone. Gale had not stirred at all during her 'sleep' on the bed the two of them placed her on. Bright's question, however, did not fall on deaf ears... "Do you want to know what really happened?" Rang a voice from the dark side of the room, a voice that sounded exactly like Gale's. Upon looking that way however, Bright would not see anything. "Poor little Gale here had a torn soul, as she had told you before. But what she neglected to mention was that she also had a torn mind. Through time with the people she grew up with part of that mind was bound into her subconscious where she would simply forget about it. Ah, but that was far from the end of it. As time went on and she grew up she would have her little moments of dark desire...you know what I mean right? As the voice first rung into Brights ears he looked around confused. It sounded remotely like Gale, although the tone of the voice was different. "Who's there?" He called out nervously as he saw more and more of the candles pass out before his eyes. A sexual thought here, a momentary want to kill someone annoying there, the basic every-day thought patterns. Everyone has them now and again...oh, but not Gale. Rather than express the though she bottled them up and hid them along side her subconscious. Eventually there was no more room in the back of her mind, and these little thoughts began to merge..." a few more light sources went out, leaving but a small candle that was nearest to Bright lit alone in an ever-expanding darkness. He had a slight idea of what the darkness spoke of. he had seen Gale change during the use of the necklace, though he hadn't really considered that her other half would be so angry. Though he had an idea that this was really bad as the last light went out. "Crap..." He mumbled to himself and instead of running away, he immediately tried to light a new match. "She thought she had everything under control: keep all the dark thoughts at bay and she could remain pure. Then the necklace came into play. When she activated its power, the dark energy that surged into her body destroyed any final bindings between both sides of her soul and her mind literally spitting herself in two. During the entire fight and after in her little sorrowful fit, she was unknowingly in yet another fight, one with herself...one that she could not possibly win. And so, as Ûsa began her work, the other half...myself...gained full control. But then that BITCH HAD TO RUIN EVERYTHING WITH HER HEALING MAGIC!!!" The voice suddenly began to shout out. "I would have finally be given the thing I've waited twenty-three years for: a chance to have a presence in the world! But no, thanks to her Gale was able to expel me from her body, leaving me a half-spirit freak of nature...to think that, even with Gale's protests, I would still have won and it's all HER fault!" There was a loud growl, and the last candle went out, leaving Bright with no source of light at all. From the corner, a small purple light danced forth before the window and began to take form, looking like an etheral version of Nighengale, only there were two red spots that represented eyes. "But what that little healer doesn't realize is that, being born of dark desire and the dark energies absorbed by the amulet, I am one with the shadows. So long as there is dark energy present I can regenerate my form. Already my soul is complete, and it won’t be long before I had gained enough energy from the surrounding darkness to give myself a new physical form as well. Infact..." The ghost spread out its arms, and suddenly the light of her body vanished. In a blink the candle near Bright lit strongly, revealing a duplicate Gale standing before him that looked as she did when they first arrived at the pub: black robes and all. Both eyes were red now, rather than one red and one purple. In her hand she held a black and twisted rod that looked as though it was a warped version of Gale's silver staff. "Now you know, but it's going to be a real shame for Usa when she comes back...she doesn't know." She waved her staff, causing a black gag of energy to form around Bright's mouth. "And I intend to keep it that way if you don't mind." Before he had managed to light another match, Dark Gale appeared before him whereas he exclaimed a confused: "Wha..." He was not able to finished any word as the gag had formed around his mouth. Surprised and slightly afraid he moved backwards and tried to pull the gag away from his mouth. Unsuccessfully however as it yanked itself back into place whenever he tugged at it. Meanwhile at the bar: Ûsa took a good sip out of a beer mug before she filled it up again (The bartender helped her a little bit with finding the right one). Keeping watch over Gale might take all night, so it would be nice to have something to drink while doing so. "Hey, is everything okay in there?" Cragg asked. "A little bit of magic trouble. Nightingale is unconscious, but I think she will come too eventually. We'll keep a watch over her." "So...everything is under control?" He asked with a worried tone. "I think so. Julien is watching over her as we speak." Gale...evil Gale that is...stared down the door with arms folded, staff leaning against the bed frame. "It shouldn't be long now...as soon as Ûsa opens the door she will regret ever crossing me." She giggled quietly. "Though I suppose I should thank her...her little interference allowed me to have a body of my own. Now I can have the pleasure of killing the original Gale for holding me hostage for two decades inside her little mind." She looked at Bright now. "Don't think I'm ENTIRELY evil though. I'm still Gale after all...who knows, maybe after all is said and done you'll still be my friend eh?" There was little Bright could do but give evil Gale a malicious glare. She probably wasn't affected by this at all. He contemplated taking the candle holder and knock Gale in the head with, but he wouldn't be able to do that as long as she was watching. He could do nothing but wait for an opportunity to show itself. There was a small knock at the door. Bright tried to call out, but he was still gagged so it was rather uneffective. "It's just me." Ûsa said and opened the door while carrying a beer mug in her hand. "Any change in her condition?" Evil Gale grinned to her ears when Usa entered, grabbing her staff and holding out her other hand towards the blind healer. "Oh, I think she'll be fine...I know I am..." She began, her voice in a calm and haunting tone. "Noxalma!" She cried, sending forth a massive burst of black energy towards Ûsa, hitting her near point-blank and sending her flying outwards, breaking the room's door on the way. She would end up landing a few tables past where the rest of the gang had been sitting and talking, and they were bound to take notice. The scene of Ûsa flying through the whole bar was enough to make everyone quiet. It wasn't your ordinary bar fight, thats for sure. Hovering like a leaf in the wind, the neko slowly left the room and watched the effects of her first true assault. "I bet you thought I was gone for good. A memory to be forgotten...well, as you can see, you were wrong." She stopped a few feet from the room and slammed the tip of her staff into the ground, awaiting to see what the reaction of the others would be. There was a small moment of confusion before Gaston raised his head and looked towards the evil Gale. He did not see the difference between her and the other Gale. "Hello Miss." He seemed as calm as unaffected as ever. "Should I come back later perhaps?" Bright had taken up the candlestick and threw it towards Gale. It missed her head, though she would notice it as it passed her by. Gale didn't even look back as the candlestick flew past her head, instead taking up her staff and jabbing it into the ground again. Inside the room, more dark bindings restrained Bright's arms and legs, rendering him next to immobile. Bright gave off a surprised sound as he found himself restricted into an immobile position. There was not much he could do in his current position. Doesn't mean he did not try to escape the confines. Steve used the following distraction to shout orders: "Riletia, Cragg, get everyone out! Sendra, take care of Ûsa." With that being said he placed his hand on one of the round tables, muttered: "Pondus Damnum" and threw the table towards Gale with all the force he could muster. Surprisingly it didn't just budge, it flew straight through the air. "Please do, Gaston." Gale had answered before turning to find Usa. The table flew, and she raised her staff to it as it soared towards her. "Noxeiza-pyi!" She hissed, causing a burst of black fire to erupt from the staff's tip. In a flash the table was reduced to ash, no harm done to the evil twin. "My quarrel doesn't lie with you!" The mage said, continuing to float down in the direction of Sendra and injured Usa. "Only with the one who tried to end my new life!" Gaston nodded and walked outside. No need to not adher to the lady's wish. Though she seemed a bit different since the last time he saw her. A bit more angry and violent. He made sure to bring along his coconut drink however. "Ûsa, you okay?" Sendra said and leant down over the cleric. She had learnt a few healing tricks by her grandmother , but not anything like a cleric would know. Ûsa was not exactly okay. Though not seriously hurt, she had been knocked pretty good. She was barely conscious and had scraped up her knees and elbows. Her dress had also gotten a nasty rip in it. "If you expect me to step aside, then you are more foolish than you look." Steve said and pointed towards Gale before he slammed his hand into the floor: "Ruina Orbis!" A red circle appeared on the floor below Gale. Immediately it would seem harder to maintain the floating magic. The floor below her cracked and passed down into the cellar while the roof above her began to crack as well, threatening to fall upon her. Gale was surprised when she found herself no longer floating, even more so when the floor caved in beneath her. With a quick gasp she fell down into the cellar, the roof eventually dropping in after her. This, however, was short lived. No sooner did Steefous take a moment to look for Gale in the hole did she rise from his own shadow behind him. "A good effort," She said calmly. "But only an effort." As Steve turned she clocked him in the face with her other hand and sent him tumbling into the hole. He gave out a short yelp as he fell into the hole, landing on top of a pile of rubble. Fortunately the spell he cast had been canceled when the floor collapsed or he would have had more to deal with than a couple of bruises. Leaving him, Gale turned her attention once more to Ûsa. "I warned you." She spat. "I want only the one who tried to kill me. We could all avoid this little facade if you simply complied, but no! Once again we must pointlessly struggle for what we believe in." No longer floating, she walked towards Sendra and Usa. "Wake up!" Sendra called out to her cleric friend, though she was unable to get Ûsa out of her current state. She turned towards Gale and in attempt to buy more time she pulled out a bunch of seeds from a small pouch in a belt of hers and threw it towards Gale. "Thorns!" She called out loudly and a string of green lightning sprung from her hand to each seed before each seed sprung and developed into a growth with many thorns. The bushes covered the floor and enveloped a good portion of the tavern. Each bush had many branches, and each branch had long sharp thorns. Gale stood still as the thorns grew, making a large barrier between her and her target. With the little wall made, Gale let out a chuckle: it was a sinister little laugh that would have made peoples' hair stand on the back of their neck. "Do you really think this will stop me?" She joked, bringing her staff directly before her face. At her feet a small fog of black appeared, a cloud that Gale would sink into as if it were water until her head went under, leaving a circular shadow on the ground. In a speed like walking, the shadow ran underneath the thorns as if they weren't there. Sendra would eventually find Gale rising up right next to both her and Usa, a glare of evil and pleasure mixed together on her face; she was enjoying what she was doing. "What will you do next I wonder? You, who tried to feed me to a plant, and now protecting the person who tried to end my life in that room across the hall." Sendra could do nothing but look in surprise as she saw Gale disappear into the shadow. She looked just as surprised when Gale came out of it. "You attempted to burn down my forest." She said while grinding her teeth. She reached out her hand with her palm open: "Pollen." Immediately a cloud of yellow dust enveloped Gales head, something which whould have stung normal peoples eyes at least and at least blocked her view. Within a moment after, Sendra has risen from her position and punched Gale in the stomach as hard as she could. (Though druids aren't the ones who are known for their body strength.) Gale began to cough when the spores flew into her face, moving her free hand up to cover her mouth from the cloud. When she took the punch, much to Sendra's displeasure, all the mage did was buckle forward a bit. Swiping the spores away with her hand, she grabbed the druid by the scruff of her shirt and pinned her to a wall. "I didn't burn down your forest my dear." She said, still coughing a bit. "That was Gale...not me, the other one. She would never have done it on purpose either, the little fruit...She told you it was an accident too, didn't she? Oh wait, that's right. You never gave her the opportunity. No, instead you decided to hold a petty grudge! Did you know she tried to help extinguish the fire? I bet you didn't!" She gave a short laugh. "Oh, well, none of that matters now does it?" She let the druid go with her hand, but Sendra would immediately find herself bound with the same kind of black bindings that held Bright in the other room. Gale held up her staff. "Wither..." She muttered, sending out a black mist that blanketed the ground for several seconds before fading into nothing. No sooner did it vanish did the thorn plants begin to turn brown and decay at astonishing speeds. Within moments they had decayed completely, leaving nothing behind but a fine layer of dust upon the floor. Ûsa was now unprotected by the slowly-advancing neko. "So what makes your grudge better than mine?" Sendra asked while being stuck to the wall. Ûsa had recovered slightly from Gales punch, though she was still a bit bloody beneath her nose. She wiped some of it away and turned her head towards Gale, her eyes closed. "You got your own body now..." She coughed slightly: "Wasn't that what you wanted? Not having to share with others?" Gale growled. "Why can't you people see things my way?!" She shouted. "How would you have liked to be imprisoned for twenty years, the only thing keeping you company being rejected thoughts and desires?! Too long have I been shut away, and I WILL NOT allow myself to be subject to another person's will again! I AM MY OWN DOMINANT FORCE!" With teeth gritting she grabbed Ûsa by her collar and lifted her up a few inches off the ground. "And you!" the mage hissed. "You tried to end me! To kill me! I deserve life too, and I will have life...despite your efforts! And after all you've done, I think it is only in fair treatment that I use you to sustain my own...a little irony to end your life too." Eying up Ûsa, evil Gale angled the healer's head with her own head and began to open her mouth wide. "What do you really know of me?" Ûsa whispered. It sounded like a legitimate question. She felt the wet breath of Gale on her face as the mage opened her mouth wide open: "I apologize. I tried only to save a friend..." Sendra struggled against the bindings on the wall, but they still kept her at bay: "Hey! What are you doing? Let go of her!" She called out quite loud, but at the moment she was all bark and no bite. On the outside: "Do you think that was everyone?" Riletia asked Cragg and counted the people on the outside. "I think so." He replied shortly. "I thought I heard something crash within. Should we interfere?" "Let the mages fight, I am sure they can handle it." "Oh please!" Gale said at the last moment. "Friend? After all her actions and sacrifice she would have simply been a memory to you people after you all went separate ways. That is what she was afraid of anyway, that you would all forget...another little thought she tried to push aside into me. But enough talk, time to live up to my promise!" Without another word the neko opened her mouth wide again, wider than looked natural, and shoved Usa's head inside up to her neck. Being her first time at this, she wanted to enjoy the full sensation...but with her friends around every corner she knew that was not wise. She would have to be quick. Forcefully collapsing the healer's shoulders with her arms, she began to further consume the body, quickly reaching the chest; she didn't bother removing any clothing, that would have taken even more time. The last look Gale took on Ûsas smile would reveal that the cleric smiled for some reason. Not like a spiteful one, but more of a tired resignated one. Though it wasn't a long look considering how fast she attempted to eat the cleric. Although Ûsa had taken care of many others like this, it was something different to be on the receiving end of this particular treatment. She came to the conclusion that she did not like it at all. Her struggles were nothing but mere twitches as Gale hold her in a tight embrace. Maybe she would have fought against it had she not been so tired. The fight earlier that day and the attempt to heal Gale had sapped her for too much of her strength. She could feel how the mage forced her in. Inch by inch her face was met with the wet confines of Gales throat, and soon her stomach. "For someone whos been trapped for the last 20 years, she sure isn't an amateur." Ûsa thought humourously as she was forced inside. She took a small breath and realized that the stomach was not smelling as foul as she would have expected. Then again, this version of Gale hadn't come into existance longer than half an hour ago. It was still a pretty new body. That being said, it didn't smell like roses either. Ûsa opened her eyes for a small moment and smiled. She had an idea of what to do, but she would need some rest first. On the outside of Gale, Sendra could only look in horror as her friend was turned into a bulge in Gales neck and how the mages belly slowly bulged outward. With the last of the cleric sliding down her throat, Gale too a brief moment to playfully scratch between her pointy teeth with one of her nails, grinning from ear to ear with her eyes closed, obviously pleased with what she did. "Not bad for a first time I think." She gloated, stretching her arms over her head while licking one side of her mouth. Her arms flew to her large, lumpy dome of a belly and caressed it slowly with a sedated smile, taunting the still-bound druid. "Next time I do this, I’ll have to remember to do so when I have more time and minimal threats, Want to be able to taste them before making them take the plunge." Letting her cheeks puff up, she let out a rather unladylike belch, proceeding to cover her mouth innocently afterwards. "Anyway, now that that's out of the way, that leaves the question as of what to do with you...hmm, I wonder what I could do to you?" Her grin had morphed into a sinister twist of playfulness and evil as she looked upon Sendra. It was obvious that Ûsa moved around in Gales belly as the position she was in was not comfortable at all. Then the moving stopped as Gales meal had appearantly found itself unable to do anything about the situation and just resignated. It was a tight spot after all and the cleric had been forced to curl up into a more suitable position whereas she would have her knees quite close to her chest. From an outside look one think she had given up considering how the moving had stopped, but if one had been able to see the inside of the stomach, one would notice that Ûsa was breathing slowly, as if she was in some sort of meditative state. Sendra looked upon the evil Gale with her belly sticking out of her dress: "That is pretty impressive for a first time." She said, thought with an expression on her face that seemed like she hated herself for saying it. "How do you intend to get out of here with that kind of attention though?" Sendra nodded towards Gales dome of a belly. "You sure won't become more mobile with that." In the room Bright was trying his very best to escape the constraints of the black bindings. To no avail however as they seemed as stuck as they could get. He made some annoyed sounds that got muffled by his gag whereas he rolled his eyes and tried to force himself free once more. Gale strode over to Sendra, unburdened by her stomach, and leaned towards her to get close and pierce into her eyes with her own. "My dear, you have no clue what these dark powers of mine are capable of. Getting out of here will be but a simple chore." She grabbed her by the chin lightly and held up her head. "You on the other hand...you and Steefous, wherever he is now...you two are direct witnesses of my power. It just seems odd to have two prime witnesses, I guess I’ll just have to get rid of one of them." She licked her lips again. "Perhaps I can make you into my next meal...yea, take you in seclusion so I don't have to hurry. That sounds like fun doesn't it? I’ll just have to take you with me before I head out...and I think I know the perfect way to do so." Touching Sendra with the tip of her staff, the druid began to glow with a very dark light, her body morphing out of its bindings and shrinking in size. In the palm of Gale's hand she now held the form she made Sendra take, which was that of a small, white mouse. "You should be able to speak still, if that is any constellation." The neko said, bumping the druid around in her hand before an orb of lightly-colored energy surrounded her, sealing the rodent in a small, magical cage. Placing the orb onto her staff's tip, she looked into it and gave a little growl to the mouse through a grin, trying to frighten her. "I can feel Ûsa inside me," She said finally to her little captive. "Her spiritual energy is fluctuating, she is trying to do something. No doubt some convoluted plan to defeat me from inside or something. But what she may not realize is that I'm ready for whatever she may try to do." She patted her belly with her free hand again, looking down at the mass. "I wonder how long it will take to digest her? I give her three days tops, though I am new to this...I guess we can wait and see. In the mean time, you and me are going to have some fun. I won't tell you what yet, but let's just say it has something to do with what I've turned you into." Sendra did not like the look Gale gave her, and she certainly didn't like where the situation carried her next. Confused of her transformation she was easily catched by Gale. She did not speak to the neko however, though whether it was because she was turned into a mouse or because she had nothing to say was hard to tell. Her little mouse shape ran around in the little glass orb and sniffed at the various places as if she was looking for a crack in the magic ball. She didn't find any, but that didn't deter her from looking. Suddenly, Gale burst into a black inferno which soared upwards and crashed through the roof of the building. In the nighttime sky it could barely be seen, but one on the outside may have heard her sadistic little laugh. "Uhh..." came a low moan from the room with Bright in it. Looking to where the real Gale was situated, Bright would have noticed that the mage was beginning to stir in the bed. They were just small movements for now, but at least the real Gale was going to live. Bright tried to get her attention, but his gagged mouth didn’t help the situation. It might not have been easy to see through in the nighttime sky. But the smell of burnt wood and the wreckage spread around the tavern was enough to get Cragg and Riletias interest. "Damnit." She called out and ran inside, only to see that Sendra, Ûsa and Steve was gone. Though she could hear Steves moaning from inside the hole in the ground. She cursed again. As evil Gale flew through the air she would feel a poke from from the inhabitant in her stomach. From where the finger connected, a numbness would spread. This feeling would go from her stomach, pass through her breast and into her left arm. It didn't restrict any movement. Evil Gale took immediate notice of the sensation that began in her engorged abdomen, seeing it as a threat. "Cut it out in there!" She shouted, punching at her stomach as hard as she could in an attempt to make Ûsa stop whatever it was she was doing. The view of the scene to anyone who might have looked would have looked like a large, violet and black fire soaring though the sky like a meteor. Gale had an idea of where to hid out to finish of her first meal, and then figure out what to do with Sendra in the mean time... Ûsa moved around slightly as a reaction to getting punched: "I just wanted to get your attention." She called out. "You may not like me, but the way you are heading is straight towards the Red Cloaks. They hunt magic users like others hunt animals." "I`d suggest cutting down on the use of magic, or they might find you and then we`d both be in a pinch." She paused slightly before she moved around to get into a better position. It was still tight as ever, if not tighter than before. "I may not be able to beat you, but punch me like that again and see what I`ll do." "Why should I trust anything you say!?" Gale barked at her belly. "I suppose that the next thing you'll say is that you'll help me if I let you out! I don't know who these Red Cloaks are, but I assure you they are no match for me and my newly acquired powers...still, if they ARE there like you say, I'm not exactly in any condition to fight with you." Strumming her fingers over the dome, she stopped her forward movement in a flash, the fire fading as she looked around. "I’ll just continue quietly in the air. They will never spot me in the darkness of the sky..." She looked down at her gut with anger and squeezed against her belly with her hand. "You may think that what you can do will help you, and you may think your little threats are ligament. But you fail to realize simple truth: you are food, and within a day or so you will be dead. After that, I intend to devour your friend Sendra here. So unless you'd like me to make your final prison that much more unpleasant, I would highly suggest avoiding threats." There was something about what Gale had said that made Ûsa smile. Of course she didn't trust the cleric at all, but it still appeared as if she didn't want to take any chances. With that in mind, Gale was either not that powerful, or she was doubting her own abilities for a moment. She might not be able to use that particular information for anything useful, but it could come in use later. She could feel the stomach around her press on her body when Gale squeezed her belly. "Tell me. Have you ever wondered what I see when I open my eyes?" She asked a question, but she didn't request any answer. Instead Gale would feel a tingling sensation from another poke in her stomach. This sensation traveled up to her eyes before it vanished. It would appear as if nothing had changed at all until: It was if the moonlit sky turned red and the moon was replaced with a giant eye that stared upon the earth. Gale took very little time to wonder about what she saw. "So?" She questioned, continuing to silently soar through the sky. "What am I supposed to be impressed about? You're visions don't concern me. Now enough of your little charades! Get rid of this useless vision and be quiet!" Ûsa retrieved the vision and Gales eyesight would return to normal. The plan she had formed did not work as intended, but then again her captor probably had no idea of what she had just seen either. To Ûsa it wasn't just a vision, it was how the world really was without the layers of illusion put upon it by mortals own mind. She would have shrugged her shoulders had she not been in such a tight confinement. There would be time to form another plan. That is unless Gale figured out that Ûsa had disabled her stomach with her first numbing touch. Back at the tavern: A few more twitches came from Gale as she stirred in the bed, but she still appeared to be far out of it. Pehaps now though, with some of the chaos subsided, the others would enter and find Bright and her. Cragg had found Steve a bit beaten up in the basement of the Tavern while Riletia hurried herself into Gales room to see Bright tied up and Gale on the bed. She immediately walked over to the nekos bed and shook her in an attempt to waken her: "Gale, you got to wake up!" Shen then noticed Brights awkward position, looked back to Gale and shook her once more. With Riletia's shaking Gale abruptly woke up and fell backwards onto the bed when Riletia finally let her go. "Ugh!" She shouted as she thumped down. "What happened?" She saw Bright bound up with dark bands of energy. "Bright! Are you okay?" She quickly knelt down and brought her hand across the ropes. They sparkled white for a quick moment before fading away. "Where is Ûsa? She was trying to help me wasn't she?" Her eye was now completely healed, perfectly yellow and an exact duplicate of her other eye. Bright took the moment to savor the ability speak again by drawing in some fresh air. Riletia looked at Gale worried and she spoke with speed: "Your evil twin sister took Ûsa and Sendra with her. Or they were evaporated on the spot. I am not sure." She looked frustrated: "I should have gone back to help them..." She mumbled. "Evil...sister?" Gale questioned, cocking her head to the side. "I don't know what you mean. I have a brother, but not a..." Her eyes shot open. "Oh god, I remember...Usa, she was using some odd magic to heal me, but then...listen, that wasn't my sister, that was me. Well, kinda. It's a bit difficult to explain. You remember me telling you that my soul was split in too years ago right Riletia? Well, I failed to mention that in the process my mind became divided as well, but not into two identical pieces. The smaller piece I kept dormant in the recesses of my subconscious. I was using it as a sort of...trash can to throw all my dark thoughts and desires into when I didn't want them clouding my thoughts. I guess that was foolish, it looks like that second half of my mind grew a personality of its own derived from those thoughts...and by god is it pissed! It tried to take control of me, but Ûsa stopped her. I managed to expel her from my mind, but she must have taken something else with her to be able to survive outside long enough to generate a physical form..." She gasped. "A mirror! Quickly, I need a mirror!" Bright quickly found a handheld mirror in the cupboard by the bed and held it up in front of Gales face. Riletia looked at Gale: "Is this really the time to be concerned with how you look?" She asked with a stressed behaviour. Gale quickly took the mirror from Bright and looked closely at her face. "My eye!" She exclaimed, almost in panic. "My eye is yellow! Both of them are!" She quickly dropped the mirror. Riletia only looked at Gale with a surprised look on her face as she little understanding of what the mage was talking about. "My eyes were different colors because my soul was split in two!" the mage shouted. "If they are the same color now it can only mean two things. One, my soul is whole and healed now...and two..." Worry crept over her face. "The evil version of me took half of my spirit with her. Granted, I no longer need it and I am just as powerful without it now, but if she has half of me inside her she has my powers. This would also explain how she gained a physical form: she absorbed energy from the surrounding darkness to the point where she could forge her own." Quickly the neko stood up. "I know this all sounds really strange, It does to me too. Hell, I should be HAPPY about being whole, but with her and two of our friends gone it's all bitter-sweet. We are likely evenly matched, her and I, and if she was able to defeat Ûsa and Sendra so easily...Oh dear, what if she is stronger than me? She is likely gaining more strength by the second: so long as she is in shadows she will link to the element that comprises her and draw from it, which is really easy in this world since it is no longer connected to the dark realm; no interference." She growled. "We have to stop her, or I foresee another incident like that with king George, but it will be far worse..." "Don't despair yet." Riletia said: "We were all tired and wounded from the fight earlier. She got us at our weakest." She shook her hand: "And if I see her again, I`ll beat her ugly face with..." She clenched her fist, looked over at Gale and coughed slightly: "I meant, evil...uhm. I`m just gonna get a weapon." She looked a bit embaressed over what she had said and quickly went out of the room. "So..." Bright looked at Gales eyes and realized that they were in fact the same color. "Congratulations?" He paused a bit: "I guess we can't leave your evil self running around?" Gale looked down at Bright's comment. "Thanks...I guess? I'm whole now, but half of me is causing havoc." She looked around the room, quickly taking her staff. "I'm afraid though. We are down two people and her strength is growing. We need more firepower, and fast." She thought for a brief moment as she walked out of the room. "I wonder if Gaston has come back with news of my brother?" As she stepped out, she saw the damage for the first time: the hole in the ground, the pile of ashes on the floor, withered plants in random placements...it was a sight to see. "Hey!" She shouted to the first person she saw, "Is everyone alright?" The person she saw was Cragg. He was busy pulling Steve up from the hole in the floor. With Steve up he had the time to look at Gale: "Well, depends on how you define alright and everyone." He gestured towards the door: "We got out everyone when the other you started wrecking havoc, but we are missing Ûsa and Sendra." Steve stretched a bit: "Their bodies are not here, so I am guessing they were brought along when she got out of here. Not sure how though." "I think she flew." Cragg suggested. "The question is where she has gone to now." Steve said while pondering. Then it appeared as if he suddenly remembered something: "Oh, and Gaston appeared. It appeared as if he had something to say to you." "Good, at least most of them are safe." Gale said with a nod. "And at least they know Its another me that's causing all of this...I would hate to have everyone pointing the finger at me, ya know?" Cragg looked down a bit: "You do look alike, so...don't do anything scary, if you know what I mean." He finished his sentence when she walked out. She started heading outside, looking for the Genie. "Gaston?" She asked, looking around and finding him rather quickly against the small crowd of people. Running up to him, she had a large grin on her face. "I'm glad to see you again Gaston. I hope you're search went well?" Gaston nodded when he saw Gale: "Well, hello miss Gale. You look a bit different than when I saw you earlier this evening." He looked at her clothes from bottom to top. "Your attitude seems different as well." He coughed slightly: "Anyway, as for my report: I have found a tribe of catlike persons on an isle south of Unduara. Numerous members of that tribe travels the world as mercenaries. I have not found anyone who goes by the name of Xavier, but I did find someone who looked just like him in the capitol of the empire. He did however not recognize me, but I am certain that he is the one you are looking for. Is the report satisfactory, or do you have any questions regarding the information you just received?" "How far away is this island?" Gale asked very quickly. "I have to go there as soon as possible! Lives are on the line!" With a sigh she slowed herself down. "I'm sorry, its just that...some things have come up. We have a very serious threat rising up and people are missing. We need all the help we can get, and I have a feeling in my heart that he will be invaluable to us." The mage looked around at everyone who was remaining from the group that she could see. "Wait here, I’ll be back." With that, she ran inside to where Cragg and Steefous and Bright were bound to be. Gaston nodded and waited for Gale to finish up her business inside. When he looked to the side he saw Riletia arrive out of the smiths house, wearing a plate armor and some more suitable clothes to fight in. At her side was a broad sword without any marks. She had taken her hair and put most of it in a ponytail. Within the tavern: Gale rushed in: "Guys!" She shouted. "Listen, Gaston has found my brother! He is on an island called Unduara. If we can get him here he may be able to help us track the other me, Ûsa and Sendra too!" Steve and Cragg looked at Gale with a worried expression on their faces. Bright looked curious, but he had no idea what the others were talking about. "Are you sure that is what Gaston said?" Steve asked. "Because Unduara isn't an isle close by. It is on the other side of the ocean." "And..." Cragg added to the conversation: "It's not an isle. It's a nation that occupies half the continent." "That's what he said," Gale moped; she had no idea that the land was so far away, or so large. "But he is a genie after all. Can't I just wish to be there, and then be there in a second of time?" "I never used him to travel around." Steve said while pondering: "I thought he could only make food and such." He shrugged his shoulders. "Maybe he can do that." She sighed. "I know it's not much to go on, but it is all I have. Please, if I can go there and get him we can track down everyone. He is a tech-guy, it shouldn't be hard for him to find a way. I can go with Bright to see him and bring him here, and you people can start looking around yourselves to see if you can find anyone...or at the very least a point to begin looking. With Gaston's abilities, this shouldn't take long at all." Bright walked towards Gale: "We'll find your brother. And then we`ll find Sendra and Ûsa." Steve nodded: "Then we'll see if we can find your evil twin in the meantime." He turned towards Cragg: "No time to lose. Let's get going." Gale nodded in agreement and walked out once more, heading towards the genie once again. "Gaston." The neko announced, approaching him. "Is it possible for you to take me and Bright to the place where you said you found the person who resembles my brother? And as quickly as you can as well? We need to get him within the next day or so." Gaston nodded: "Well, yes Gale. It is possible if you wish so." Bright arrived behind her. "Alright. Let us do this." Bright said as he heard Gale. She turned around to speak to him. "Bright, I don't know what the evil me has done with our friends, but I fear that if we don't find them within a twenty-four hour span we may never see them alive again. We must make post haste with what we do. When we get to the place where my brother is we waste no time: we find him, get him to come with us, and leave. No sightseeing." Gaston coughed to make sure the two were ready: "Now, I don't normally travel with company, so this might be a bit rough. Hold my hands and we'll travel to the capitol of the empire." He took hold of the hands of both Gale and Bright. The sounds deafened around them and the world seemed to swirl violently around until it was nothing more than a mix of colors. 1. Gales brother When the swirls calmed down again it appeared as if they had came into a tavern. With a bit of troubles though. Bright was laying in a bundle of broken chairs at the end of the room whereas Gale would find herself sitting on top of someones table. In the middle of the tavern Gaston stood with a somewhat puzzled expression on his face. He was sweating a bit on his forehead and his posture expressed that he was a bit tired from the travel: "Ah, it seems that I slipped. Travelling with more than myself gets very tiresome." He walked over to Bright and pulled him out of the chairs: "This is as far as I can go however Miss Gale. The castle is protected by magic wards which I can not cross." Gale tried to quickly get off the table, but tripped onto the floor in disorientation. "This is...close enough..." She stuttered, wobbling her way to a standing position. "Just point out the way...to this castle. We can...take it from here." The neko quickly threw one of her hands to a wall in order to keep upright. Surprisingly, though all that happened, Gale managed to retain a hold on her staff. Gaston put a finger on his chin. "Let's see. If I remember correctly, the way to the castle is out of the door, to the left and into the main street. Then follow the road until you get to the castle. It is a rather big one. You shouldn't be able to miss it." "Damnit, get out of here you bloody drunks!" The barkeep called out loudly and pointed at the door. "Or do I have to call the guards on you!" The last sentence was more of a threat than a question. "Sorry!" Gale shouted, stumbling out of the bar through the nearest exit. "Gaston, please help them clean up." Was the last thing she said before leaving. Gaston merely nodded and immediately helped the bartender clean up the mess they had made when arriving. He got scolded a bit by the bartender, but he didn't take any notice of it. "Come on Bright." She said with a shake of her head, much closer to normal now than before. "Let's head over to this castle." Bright looked around at the few people staring at him and Gale: "Well, we probably overstayed our welcome here. Let's get going." Outside, Gale looked to the left and quickly found the large castle. "Well, this shouldn't be too difficult. Let's go Bright." The roads were well lit by lanterns that hung off the buildings whereas one could see the moon high up in the sky. The main road was paved with cobblestones and lead straight towards the castle whereas there was a rather big wall and a gate that appeared to be guarded by a couple of guards. The castle itself was rather big and appeared to be a cluster of towers and buildings clinging on to quite the massive tower that was in the midst of it all. "So...Gale, how do we find your brother within the castle? It looks quite big." Bright said worried as he looked upon the size of the place. "Well, my kind isn't exactly a common sight." Gale responded, back to her normal self. "Even then, my coloration is unique even in my home land. He looks a lot like me. I'm sure if we ask around SOMEONE has seen someone like myself." She looked with wide eyes at the structure before them as they marched towards it. It was massive, and it was quite a structure to behold. Her brother was there...but why was he there. Deep down she hoped he wasn't in a prison cell again. "So, we just go up to the guards and ask them then?" Bright suggested as they got closer to the gate. When they stood before the gate, the guards closed the way to the entrance with a pair of halberds. The gate itself was barred with iron bars and was rather tall. "Halt, who goes there!" One of them exclaimed through his helmet. A closer look upon the guards would reveal that they were quite heavily armored, their helmets only leaving a small room for the mouth and a pair of thin slits for the eyes. "Well, it is me, Julien Brightside, and this is Nightengale Amour" Bright pointed at himself before he gestured towards Gale: "We are, uhm, travellers and we have come to visit Gales brother who apparantly lives in this castle." There was a small awkward pause as the guards looked at eachother. It was quiet until one of them broke the silence: "I didn't know he had a sister." "It's not like we've asked him about it." "Good point. She has a certain resemblance to him though." "You and Brent both lookalike to me. That doesn't make you relatives. What is your point?" "Brent got an eyepatch and red hair... Ugh, nevermind." The guard on the right turned towards Gale again: "Alright, let's say you are his sister, but how do we know that you really are who you claim to be?" "Well..." Gale thought. How could she do this? She hadn't seen her brother in well over a decade, how would she be able to properly describe him? She decided honesty would be the best course of action here. "...I haven't seen him in many years, so I can't really say I know what he is doing right now or what he may look like at this moment. But if you were to escort me to him I'm certain he would easily be able to identify me." She gave a very innocent smile to the two guards, trying to further win them over." The guards looked at eachother for a moment and spoke between themselves: "What do you say?" "I dunno. Doesn't this sound like something an assassin would say?" "Assassins don't normally walk up to the front gate though." "You wouldn't know an assassin even if they stabbed you." "Ey, that's unfair. That only happened once. It's not like you were able to spot him either. Let's take her in and take her to Wilson." "Pfft, you only say that because she reminds you of your cat." Bright leaned over and whispered to Gale: "This is getting awkward fast..." "You say awkward," Gale whispered back when the guards looked away. "I say funny. These two are fun to listen to." Eventually the two guards came to a conclusion: "Okay, here's an idea." One of them whistled and a third guard came forth on the other side of the gate. He was armored like the rest though he had a red stripe on his helmet: "What is it guys?" "Go ask Wilson if he has a sister." "Is it important?" The red stripe asked. "It is somewhat urgent." The guard replied whereas the red stripe gave a sigh and walked off. A short while after he returned: "He says he don't remember having a sister!" The guard on the left turned towards Gale: "He says Wilson doesn't remember having a sister." The guard on the right turned towards Gale as well: "Though, when he arrived here 6 years ago, he didn't even remember his own name." "That must be him then!" She responded, surprisingly chipper. "Look, I don't know if there is any better way for me to explain this, but If you let me see him it should jog his memory. Something happened to him long ago, something that took his memory away. But I have a way to restore it." Her eyes narrowed ever so slightly. "And his name is 'Xavier', not 'Wilson', okay? What is he doing that is so important that he can't come down himself anyway?" "Why, he is in the kings council of course." One of the guards proclaimed whereas the other gave a shrug towards what Gale said about the name: "Well, we`ve always called him Wilson. The king said he looks like a Wilson, so he kinda went with the name." The guard on the right turned towards the Red Stripe and called out: "She says she has some way to return his memory. Can you tell him that?" The guard on the other side of the barred gate sighed loudly and annoyed but eventually just said: "Fine." And walked off to deliver the message. While the guards stood there and waited the one on the right turned towards Gale: "So...where are you from? Ceneria? Marrachia? Somewhere further away? I don't recalling seeing anyone besides Wilson..." He paused slightly as he had used a different name than what Gale had said, but he continued anyway: "...with the kind of..." he made a rolling hand gesture as he was not sure what word to use. "...fur." The other guard put in a word. After a while waiting the Red Stripe appeared once more. "He said he is coming down. He's just getting himself dressed." Shortly after saying that, Xavier came across the courtyard in what appeared to be fine clothes. Clothes one would expect a man of the kings council to wear. The kings council? Gale was impressed by what her brother had accomplished for having no clue who he was when he arrived. But he obviously gave them a good reason to appoint him the position. "Both me an him come from...really far away." Gale told the guard. She could have told him about hopping dimensions and the dark world and all that, but...honestly, it sounded farfetched to her when she played in in her head. "It's known as Almadora, I doubt you've heard of it. Both me and him are known as nekka, a race common in the desert regions of the land. Though neither of us actually were born in the desert." "Almadora eh?" The guard said and tasted the word. "I haven't heard about it." "It's probably on the other side of the sea." The other guard suggested. Gale was just about to reply when she Xavier, her jaw dropped open...it was him, it was REALLY him. Apart from the clothes he wore, he looked just like she remembered. Both his eyes, like hers, were yellow, and also like her he was gray and white in the same areas, the same exact kind of tail sprouting from behind as hers. Though unlike her he was built broader...not buff, but not a string-bean either, and his hair spiked out to the left and right on either side of his shoulders, completely smooth in the middle, and fell all the way down to just a few inches below his shoulders. "Alright, alright. What is so important that I had to be called twice to come down here? Something about a sibling? You guys know that I'm busy when the door is closed." Gale placed her hands over her mouth and let out a short squeal, her eyes tearing up. He noticed her then, and quickly did a double take when he saw her. "So you’re the one huh? Hmm...odd, you DO seem familiar to me but...I just can't put my finger on it. What was her name again? Full name?" The mage started to bob up and down on her boot-covered feet, which initially made Xavier/Wilson look at her with a strange look. He was absolutely confused. "So that's what your brother looks like." Bright said and looked at Xavier. He saw the reaction on Gales face and it became very clear to him that this was her brother. Then when Gale and Xavier got closer, and their eyes looked into eachother, it would feel as if something left Gale and instead entered Xavier. Kinda like a breeze when it blows at your back. She approached him, having calmed down to the best of her ability but still obviously excited. "Xav-Xavier...It's rea-really you!" She stuttered. "I think you may have me mistaken for someone else miss." He said, still looking at her in a weird way as to her reaction to seeing him. "My name is Wilson, not Xavier." That is when he felt the breeze, quickly turning to look in it's direction. "Did anyone else feel that strange draft?" "That wasn't a draft!" Gale practically shouted. "That was the memories! Everything that you loss that fateful day long ago in King George's castle. Don't you remember anything yet? How you took care of me as a child when we had no parents, your dear friend Matt, you're quest that lead you here? Come on Xavier...remember!" Xavier stood looking into space for a long moment before turning to her once more. "I remember...nothing. Look, I'm sorry but you have the wrong person. I wish you luck in finding your real brother, I really do, but I must go back to my duties now." Gale's jaw dropped again. "Wha-what?" She mumbled. "I don't understand. That whole soul-process worked with the others affected by that amulet but..." She ran up into his face. "Come on! Remember! Please!" "Guards, please escort her out of the castle for me. I trust the man that came with her will follow suit." Xavier ordered. The two guards came up behind her and grabbed her by either arm, proceeding to drag her out. She refused to move her body, ending up comically trailing behind the two with her legs. "Xavier!" She shouted, nearly in tears. Her brother turned to go back upstairs. "XAVIER!!!" Bright couldn't help but look at Gale and and Xavier in turn. He wasn't sure what to do in this situation. He decided to help Gale the only way he could think of: "Get your hands off." He rushed to Gales side and tried to push one of the guards aside. Comically enough he wasn't even able to budge the guard as the armor made him quite heavy. "Listen buddy. We are just doing what we are told. If he says he's not her brother, then we just gotta follow that." "Yes. You don't want to see us angry." "Especially not him, he gets all red and his face blows up." The guard to the left turned his head: "That was an allergic reaction you twat." "You did get quite mad." "Of course I did, you tried to poison me!" "How was I supposed to know you were allergic against tomatoes?" "Don't help Bright." Gale sniffled. "We don't need to get in trouble on top of this." She was looking down at the ground with hopelessness in her eyes as they left the castle. With the call from Gale, Bright nodded and followed out of the castle without any more fisticuffs against the guards. "That girl..." Xavier/Wilson pondered as he ascended the stairs, a hand to his fuzzy chin. "...she seems familiar, but I KNOW I've never seen her before in my life. Haven't I? She looks like me, almost like a twin give or take her gender. What was her name I wonder? No one ever told me." As he ascended further he stopped at a window when a small chirp caught his ear. Turning to the window, he saw a small, brown bird sitting on the sill. "Well isn't that percular?" Xavier wondered, slowly approaching the bird as to not disturb it. "Luscinia megarhynchos: nightingale. Wonder what it's doing out during this time of day?" Suddenly, his eyes widened. "Like that bird do you?" a voice echoed in his head. It was so familiar...he could almost envision it... "Hmm...Hey, there's an idea! I’ll call you...Nightengale. Yea, its unique and pretty." Then he saw it. That face...he knew that face...he had ALWAYS knew that face. Something inside him clicked. "Nightengale...My sister...and me...I'm not Wilson, I'm...I'm..." He squinted his eyes in deep thought, trying to siphon more memories from his head. "...Xavier. That's my real name! Just like she said! Everything...It was all true!" With a quick jolt he turned around and began to run back down the stairs. "I have to find her! Tell her I remember her and myself! Tell her everything! This is grand!" He smiled a huge grin. "I never once thought this could happen to me!" "So...what do we do now?" Bright asked Gale as they stood on the main road. He took a small glance back at the guards, one of them waved like they had been friends whereas the other facepalmed. "Maybe we could ask Gaston if he could help us. Sure, he can't magically transport us over the wall, but maybe he could build a really tall ladder and..." He looked towards Gale, and seeing how she looked down, he decided to give her a hug. "Maybe Xavier just needs some time to rethink..." He said in an attempt to comfort her. "I don't know what to do Bright." Gale sobbed into Brights shoulder. "Gaston can't help us, and I won't break the law. I...I just have no clue what to do..." "Excuse me!" Xavier shouted, bolting past the guards and running down the way. He looked like whatever reason he had for going out in such a way was urgent, so the guards followed him. Further down the path, he saw the two of them in the short embrace. "Nightengale!" He shouted to her, causing her to look up from Bright's shoulder. With a short shove she moved away from Bright. "Xavier?" She questioned, immediately being tackled by her brother and pulled into yet another hug. "Gale, I don't remember everything, but I remember you! I remember me! Oh Gale, you have no idea how much I've wanted to see you after that day long ago when I had to send you away!" She hugged him back. "I missed you to Xavier." She mumbled, starting to cry once more. "I never stopped looking for you. I thought you had faced the worse, that you were...gone. But you're not! I've never been more happier to be wrong!" Considering the guards were wearing heavy armor it took some while before they managed to catch up with Xavier. Both of them were obviously panting when they got close. "What's the deal...I thought you said you didn't know her." One of the guards called out between the heavy breaths. "He seems to remember her now." The other added. Bright merely stood silent and watched as he didn't want to ruin the moment. He felt somewhat relieved that Xavier had remembered after all. "I'm...not sure how I forgot though." Xavier added on, maintaining the hug. "There are still many blanks. Can't imagine why?" "I think I can..." Gale sighed, recalling what she needed to be doing right now. She broke the embrace. "I have a bit of a problem you see, one I was hoping you could help with." "Well sure, what do you need? Anything for you Gale." "A few friends of mine are in danger. They have been kidnapped by...well, its confusing, but they have been kidnapped. I fear that if we don't find them soon they will be dead. I was hoping that, with your help, we would be able to track them down. It's back across the ocean." "Whoa, time out for a second." Xavier acknowledged with his hands. "Across the ocean? And they have very little time? Gale, how did you get here?" "Gaston took us." She paused for a moment as she saw the confused look show up again on her brothers face. "He is a genie. You knew him too, but you don't seem to remember him yet. He warped us here, but was unable to accompany us into the castle due to magical barriers. I bet he could take us back too." "I can't just leave you know. I am a member of the king's council, I have to be here at all times. As much as I'd like to help, doing so could cause me some problems later." Bright listened to the conversation and thought about what Xavier said. "What if you asked the king nicely if you could leave due to family matters?" He suggested though he quickly realized that might be pushing it even for royal council members. "Or maybe you got some magical tracking device or some other artifact that can help us?" "How could he believe me?" Xavier asked hypothetically, "Up until now I didn't even know I had family. I tell him It's family problems, I doubt he would believe me on such short notice. And yes, while I have some useful tools I doubt anyone but me would be able to use them correctly." "Ah..." Bright said and nodded. His suggestion was nothing but a shot in the dark anyway, but it was worth a try. When looking upon Xavier however, he realized that he had not introduced himself. "I`m Julien. Friends call me Bright." He said and extended a hand for shaking. He took Bright's hand. "It's a pleasure, any friend of Gale's is a friend of mine. My name, as I'm sure you know, is Xavier." With the shake he put a hand to his chin. "now then...it would probably be best If I told the king, but I need some proof...Gale, if you would follow me back into the castle I bet I could use you as proof." "Do you mind if I tag along as well? Or should I just head back to the tavern and wait for you?" Bright looked at Xavier and Gale. He had a slight feeling that he shouldn't bother them too much considering how long time had passed since the last time they had seen eachother. He might be the third wheel on the bicycle. One of the guards coughed slightly to get attention: "I am sure king Darius will allow you to present your sister at least. He's not an inconsiderate man." He turned to the two guards. "You two go on ahead, we won't be far behind." The guards nodded: "We'll be at the gate. Can't leave it unguarded you know." Xavier looked at the guards return to their post before he once more moved his gaze towards Gale and Bright. "I don't mind at all if you both come." Xavier grinned. "The more they marier as the saying goes. Besides, I have to pick some things up if I'm going anyway; It would be nice to have some extra muscle to help carry the stuff I’ll need." Hearing that from Xavier made Bright smile: "Alright, I`ll tag along then." Hearing about needing the extra muscle, he couldn't help but wonder what items Xavier actually had: "So, what kinda things are we talking about? "Can't be certain right now." Xavier responded. "If I knew the exact details of what had happened I would be able to bring specific items, but without proper knowledge I will have to take several things. You'll see when we get up to my quarters. First thing is first though, permission from the king." A mere moment later: The group re-entered the castle and continued further into a great hall. "I hope this will be simple." He said optimistically. "Your not the only one." Gale mumbled in response. The group of three was eventually guided into a hall by a couple of well dressed servants. The hall was rather big and held up by several thick pillars. Upon a golden throne sat a man clad in red robes, his face being clean and his head having been shaved bald. He seemed to be around 40 years old and seemed to have a thoughtful face. Behind the throne stood two white robed beings, around 8 feet tall in height with a pair of white wings on their backs. Each held a long thin sword that seemed fitting for their size, though for a normal human it would appear quite large. There were no other people in the throneroom. Not strange considered that it was in the middle of the night. Darius the thirds (the king) face lit up as he saw Xavier enter the room. "Ah, Wilson, my friend. I was busy producing an heir when I heard the news. I am so glad on your behalf that you finally found a girl. So tell me, when is the wedding going to be?" He looked over at Bright: "She already has a boyfriend doesn't she? And he`s challenged you to a duel for the sake of her hand?" Gale and Xavier both looked at each other with raised eyebrows before looking back to the king. "Well, actually my lord..." He said, rubbing the back of his head while letting loose a short, embarrassed chuckle. "...The girl here is my sister, Nightengale, and this is her friend Julian." He leaned in close to his sister. "You two aren't dating are you?" he asked in a whisper. "No we’re not." She mumbled back. Xavier wasn't the only one embarrassed by the assumption by the king. "So, as I was saying," he turned back to the king. "They are family and friends. They just blew in from nowhere, and my sister managed to re-awaken some of my memories from before I came here." "Talk about wild assumptions..." Bright mumbled slightly, though he found the situation somewhat humourous. The king looked completely unaffected by his off the rails assumptions and instead clapped his hands together: "That's great news. I am glad on our behalf then. Though, I don't recall you ever saying you had a sister before." He paused slightly as it appeared as if he was thinking: "I guess she must have been part of your lost memories then." He stifled a small yawn: "But I guess that this small family reunion isn't the only reason you wanted to talk to me, am I right?" "You are correct on both accounts sir." Xavier said happily. "Her memory returned to me not long after I had seen her. There are still holes granted, but I know enough. For example, my true name is not Wilson my lord...if it is not too much trouble, I would like to be referred to as 'Xavier' from now on." "Ah, but the true reason I have come to you." He clamped his hands together. "According to her, a few of her friends have been kidnapped over across the ocean and they would like me to help locate them. She has told me that she fears any and all delays could be a folly to their lives, and I couldn't have their lives fall onto my hands, especially if they were friends with my only family. You understand what I'm going at right?" He paused for a moment, holding his arms out a bit to emphasize what he says. "I would like permission to leave for a while. Not a permanent leave of course, just long enough to find these friends of hers? And perhaps to get better aquanted with my sister?" The king leaned forward and put his hands together so the fingertips touched eachother: "Alright then. Xavier." He put emphaphis on the last word before he paused. He was thinking quite hard: "Hmm. I would be a bit sad to see you leave, but if your mind is with your sister and her friends instead of with the empires issues, then I guess that would be somewhat damaging to your work here." He glanced over to Gale before he returned his view to Xavier: "I grant you the permission to leave. It would be better if you dealt with your issues and then returned here when you were done. When you return I would appreciate it if you told me what you remember." "I mean no disrespect of course sir." Xavier jutted out, even with the king's permission. "I have served under you for years and would never turn or leave, but...Up until this point I thought I was alone, the only one of my kind and without family. It feels wrong to simply deny her this small bit of aid after all she has done in her short time here for me. And I will be certain to tell you all I learn before anyone else my lord." The king smiled at Xaviers claim of loyalty. "Of course. It would be wrong for me to deny a subjects right to spend time with his family. Though I wouldn't spend too much time abroad. The other members of the court might use your time away to fill in your position." He gestured with his hands: "But I am sure you already know that." The king glanced over to Gale once more: "So tell me, what country would you be going to? Unduara? Thardevaal? Perhaps the Twisted Isles?" Xavier pondered on the king's question. "Where exactly are we going?" He asked Gale and Bright. "You said just across the ocean, but never did mention a name." "Bright help me out here..." She whispered, slightly embarrassed at the fact that she never did learn the name of the continent she was in. Bright thought about it for a moment before he whispered back: "I originally come from a village in Barathia, but I wandered west. I might have crossed the border into Marrachia. There's no clear border guard so..." He shrugged his shoulders before he spoke towards the king: "Between the mountains and the sea in what I believe is Marrachia." The king thought about this for a small while, putting his finger on his chin before he replied: "Heh. That is not across the ocean at all. What you speak of is Northern Marrachia. It is quite the way to travel, but it is the country north of this, not across the ocean." He looked towards Xavier: "I guess you won't need to borrow one of my ships after all. You are still free to borrow a horse though." "That won't be necessary." Gale cut in, "We have our transportation ready and we will depart as soon as my brother is ready." She gave him a short shove from behind, trying to make him speed up. "Yes, of course." Xavier bowed to the king. "I’ll be back soon your highness. Alright Gale, Julian, let's head up to my quarters." He turned and started walking out of the hall, heading in the direction of the stairs. The king bid them farewell before his mind wandered off to other matters. "I wonder if I should go back or get myself something to eat..." He mumbled slightly to himself. "Well, this is where I bunk." Xavier said to them as he opened the door to his room. It was a rather large room, decorated elegantly with various furnishings and artwork, a large bed against one wall covered in exotic cloth. On one wall there was a line of large bookshelves, though only two shelves had books; the other shelves had various pieces of metal and other strange parts strewn about with no apparent organization. A desk across from the bed was littered with more parts, beside that were numerous boxes of various sizes, each labeled individually. "Untidy would be an understatement I'm afraid, but I do know where everything is. He ran over to the boxes and began to siphon though them. "These are completed projects of mine. I hardly use a number of them, but then I've never actually needed to. Let's see...this...maybe this...not that, no...this will come in handy..." He placed boxes on either side of himself as he went though the entire list of gadgets and gismos. On one side he piled up ones for taking with them, a pile which was quickly becoming large. Five total boxes, each about the size of a large melon, ended up making the pile. "That should do. Say, how well armed is this person exactly? Who did you say they were again?" "I didn't." Gale said slowly, watching her brother head over to a nightstand. Out of it he pulled out a strange looking tube that was connected to a small tank with a trigger on the bottom, that and a grapefruit-sized sack which he put into a pocket. "What is that?" "Precautionary measures." He looked over the device before sheathing it just inside a cloth sash he was wearing. "This thing shoots capsules loaded with concoctions made by a town alchemist...at least they were until he blew himself up in an accident. We both learned something that day: I learned to pay money the same day I get the product and not ahead of time, and he learned what not to do with sulfur." He looked over to his sister. "Sorry, cruel joke I know. Anyway, if you two could just help me with these boxes..." he lifted one of the larger containers with both arms, heading to the door. "You got a nice room here." Julien said and looked at the various books. He tried to see if there were any titles he recognized. They seemed interesting enough, though it was probably a bit too advanced for him. "Organized chaos eh?" He said and smiled as he looked upon all the various things that were inside Xaviers room. He took hold of one of the boxes and lifted up: "Alchemy eh? I have some experience in that matter." He looked down on the box: "This thing isn't gonna explode on me is it?" "That?" He questioned, looking at the box Bright lifted up. "No, not alone anyway. That's a rather unique compound, detonates on contact with water. Figure it could be used for demolition if, say, a wall gets in our way." Gale raised a hand, lifting the other three boxes with magic. "Whoa!" Xavier panicked, almost dropping the box he was holding. "Wait...that's right, you had powers like that. I...kinda remember." He looked sternly at her. "You've been making sure to avoid Red Cloaks right?" "What are those?" Gale asked. She didn't recall running into any such thing as 'Red Cloaks' during her time there. "They are a group that hunts down magic users. They don't come to this kingdom often but they still patrol regularly." Gale suddenly was reminded of one of the flashbacks she had witnessed not long before, the one with Sendra. Those people who tied her to a tree...were they red cloaks? "Just watch yourself Gale. The last thing I want to see is your head on a chopping block...though if they came after you I could probably save you being a high officer, I can't make any guarantees." "I didn't know there were such groups around here." Bright said and looked at Xavier: "Though, we haven't seen anyone. Well, I haven't seen anyone. I dunno about Gale." His eyes went downward towards the box he was holding: "How are we supposed to take all this with us anyway? When we travelled with Gaston, he ended up throwing us aside during the landing." "Hmm...that is a problem isn't it?" Xavier pondered as Bright mentioned their less that pleasant landing from earlier. "Now that you mention it, I DO have something with me that can help us...or could, might be a better term." He set down his box and headed to the nearby desk. Opening the bottom drawer, he pulled out a small, iron box that had a lock on it. "I've had this thing since I first came to the land. It's supposed to be able to teleport people, but after I arrived here the battery wore out and I've yet to find anything capable of a replacement." He pulled out a key from his shirt, one that hung by his neck on a necklace, and clicked the lock open. Inside, the bracelet with gears that Gale had seen in her memories shined like new; untouched by time or dust. "I don't recall all the details, but.." "...It was designed by you and a close friend of yours to try and find a means to teleport between realms without having to transverse the shadow realm." Gale interrupted. "But you could never find a strong enough power source to make it do that. It could, however, go a huge distance thanks to the special battery you got your hands on." Xavier looked at her for a moment and shrugged. "I guess." He mumbled. "I honestly don't remember more than the one time it teleported me from some castle...I don't remember too much before that, but I wasn't happy. That I remember, well that and that I think I pissed some people off just before I left." "Listen." She continued. "The battery in that thing was created with lightning magic, a magic form that I am very accustomed to. I can easily charge the battery with my own spell craft, and just like that we would be out of here and back to the bar where we can begin our search." Considering that Bright had never seen the bracelet in action he was not sure what to think of it. He had not been in the memory space after all. "Can that thing really move people from one place to another?" He leaned forward to take a closer look at it. "I mean, you say its magical and such, but to me it just seems like a bunch of gears and clockwork." He looked at them as they looked at him whereas he shrugged his shoulders: "What? Not everyone has a degree in science or magic you know." He looked back at the bracelet: "Can it teleport all of us and that stuff as well?" He nudged his head towards Xaviers boxes. "Gears and clockwork...no, can't recall what the story behind that is." Xavier admitted, rubbing the back of his head. "But as I recall it could teleport people so long as they were touching, I guess the boxes would to." "And, I might also add, its not magic. It’s...well, I actually don't know what it is." Gale added on. "But I do know that the battery used to power the thing was charged with magic to make it stronger and longer lasting." She motioned her hands for Xavier to hand her the bracelet, which he promptly did. It took a bit of fiddling, but she managed to find a small compartment that contained a small black box which had a yellow rune inscribed into it. "Here it is. These are called mage batteries and come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. You see, with technology integrating itself in the far off continents of Almadora the mages found a way to cope with it. Those who use lightning magic can take jobs filling these eco-friendly, rechargeable, and cheap batteries with magical energy. They contain a far larger supply than most power sources and are used mainly for larger devices, but there are ones for your basic items. This battery in particular..." She looked closely at it, finding a label on the back. "...Looks as though it's meant to hold tons of energy. I don't know who made it, but if what I'm reading is correct it's meant to hold the same amount of energy as six-hundred power plants can output in a year." "Wow, really?" Xavier asked, looking at it in her hand. "Do you think you can fill it enough to take us from here to where you need to go?" She pondered the question. "Maybe...I'd have to directly hook myself up to the power supply so i don't end up dropping us off in the middle of nowhere." She handed everything back to Xavier. "But that can wait a bit longer. We need to tell Gaston what we are doing." Bright thought about the item. To be such a small thing, it sure could hold a lot of power. He looked at Xavier: "Aren't you the guy supposed to know this kinda stuff?" He looked back at Gale: "At least we won't have to use it to travel across the ocean." He had another thought he decided to share: "You don't suppose we could ask Gaston to carry the boxes whereas we use the thingie to travel with? I rather not offend any more tavern people." He looked towards Xavier and shrugged his shoulders: "Travel complications." "I guess." He replied. "But I didn't even know my sister until recently. I may have knew it, but I didn't at the same time." "Ah okay." Bright replied with a shrug of his shoulders. "That's understandable." Xavier looked across all the boxes that he planned on bringing with him. "I suppose we could have him take these. Would mean Gale has to generate less energy to use this bracelet." Placing the contraption over his wrist, he once again picked up one of the boxes. "Well, no more time to loose. Let's get a move on shall we?" He picked up what he could carry of the boxes and prepared himself to go: "Gaston should be at the tavern, or outside of it if he's been thrown out. The guards at the gate were the same as earlier. They recognized Xavier and Gale and thus opened the gate without any hesitation. "Going on a trip Wilson? ...I mean, Xavier." The guard corrected himself as he didn't want to get scolded by Gale. "Yes, I do not think I will be to long." Xavier said to the guards. He realized that someone carrying around three boxes with levitation, as gale was doing, might draw attention, but it was of minor importance to him. They arrived at the bar without too much issue; when the people saw him they made sure to move out of the way. At the tavern: The bartender gave the newcomers a nasty glare: "You again, why I oughta..." He looked quite surprised as he saw Xavier: "Wilson! We're kinda closing for the night, but I can make an exception for you." Gaston got up from his chair: "Welcome back. Hello Xavier." He said with his normal calm voice. "How have you been?" The tavern keeper looked at Xavier with respect and nodded his head obediently. "Yes, yes of course." He said. "That's ok sir, we wont be here very long, just meeting up with someone." Xavier commented to the barkeeper. "And I would kindly appreciate it if you would give my sister and her friend a little respect." He looked upon the genie with a cocked head. "You must be Gaston. I apologize, I can't remember much before arriving here, but you are familiar to me...there is something, but its blurry." "He lost his memories after interacting with the amulet that we were dealing with not long ago." Gale told the genie, trying to avoid making it sound like her brother forgot on purpose. "He didn't even remember me until recently. We have our own transport back to the bar, but could you please take these boxes back with you?" "It is a pity you don't remember sir." Gaston said and took hold of the boxes whereas he held them with quite the ease. "I shall take these with me at once then." And once he had said that he was gone. "Well, I guess it is just the three of us left for traveling then." Bright said and wondered if Gale was able to refill the energy and if she was able to control the bracelet. "Yep, that's all that's left to do." Xavier stated, taking the bracelet off of his wrist now that he had a free hand. "All right, we just need you to supply power to the bracelet Gale. Now, rather than have you try and charge the battery, I'm going to leave the compartment for said battery open and have you use your magic directly into the device." "Why not just charge the battery?" Gale asked, receiving the bracelet from her brother. "Because you won't be able to do that alone, despite your abilities, and the battery cannot be partially charged; it must be filled up to the max or not filled at all. I think it would be best if you conserved as much energy as possible, just in case. This way, we will keep going so long as you keep supplying power" "How will I know when I've gone far enough?" She asked, looking at the device. "You'll know." He said with a smile. "Trust me." "Okay, so..." Bright started: "Do we place our hands on your shoulder while you work the bracelet, or do we have to hold hands or something?" He suggested. He had no ideas how this thing worked. "It doesn't matter really." Xavier pointed out. "So long as we are physically touching in some way the bracelet's power should work." He placed the battery into one of his pockets and put a hand on his sister's shoulder. "Just zap into the battery compartment, making sure not to zap us of course, and we will be off. Oh! One more thing! When we arrive, be sure to stop casting your magic immediately." "Alright." She answered, not wanting to question any further. she waited for Bright to take hold as well and, with the bracelet held in one hand she channeled lightning though her staff into the open space in the device. Suddenly, the gears began to turn in increasing speed, sparking violently, before the three of them vanished in a loud pop. 1. In a dark place Meanwhile, Gale's dark half had finally descended from the sky and had taken refuge inside a dark, earthy tunnel. She had just walked in, the only source of light a few black flames that she had conjured forth. With one hand on her stomach she waddled forward into the wide open area. "I think this will make a good place to lay low for a while, hmm?" the mage hummed quietly. "A little decor would be nice...perhaps I’ll work on that next?" An audible rumble emitted from her belly, the first action of any sort that had happened from that fleshy dome for a good while. "Now what are you doing in there?!" She argued, jabbing her staff into the ground. There were some obvious magic going on in her belly, but it wasn’t affecting her directly. Nevertheless, her stomach expanded outwards until she could feel something pushing itself up her throat: "Why can't you just die already..." Her speech was cut off with a 'hurk' as she felt something starting to come back up; A white snake tail flew out of her mouth, almost disgustingly. With eyes squinted with anger she tried to send the tail back down her throat... Despite Dark Gales efforts the tail wouldn't stay down, mostly because there were no space in the stomach. The tail extended from her mouth, forcing her mouth to open wider as the tail got wider. When enough of the tail had gotten out, it wrapped itself around her legs just below the belly pulling them together. "You're 100 years too young to go around underestimating me." Ûsas voice eminated from Gales belly before the tail wrapped itself good around her legs and jerked the mage down on the floor. Dark Gale had fallen onto her belly with a thud, the sudden jolt to her middle enough to force more of Usa up her throat. New to this ability, she could not take any more abuse and found herself starting to gag. "This is nothing more than a small deterrent!" the mage shouted in her mind, unable to speak otherwise. Pointing her staff to the snake's tail, she began to sent jolts of the standard dark-colored electricity through the white serpent body. Perhaps she could stun her before she dragged herself out further. Sendra was still imprisoned inside the orb atop her staff and, while she couldn't feel the effects of the magic being used, could very easily see it and everything else. In her little mouse form, Sendra pushed against the glass in an attempt to escape. Though it was in vain considering how the glass was a lot sturdier than any mouse could break through. Gale did at least get some reaction from the spell she cast. Unfortunately said reaction was a moment of silence before the tail tied itself around her legs even tighter. Her legs would feel somewhat numb as the blood pressure was stopped. She could feel the serpent trying to weaken her, and her lack of knowing how to keep her opponent down did not help Gale one bit. Action needed to be taken. With a final decision she began to quickly throw up the rest of Usa, wasting no time to bring her up with a slimy mess. A short few minuets later, the rest of her was out and Dark Gale was thin as ever. Her body turned into a violet mist and escaped Usa's coils around her legs, reforming into her body once again nearby. "I am growing sick of your persistent fighting back!" She shouted, watching her foe carefully. Ûsa was quick to drag the slime and spit off her arms and face. It wasn't much she could do about her dress considering it was in tatters and barely covered her. She opened her eyelids slowly, revealing the darkness that resided within the eyesockets though she began to bleed instantly. She quickly closed them, but this time she was heading straight towards Dark Gale with all the speed she could muster, her hands formed into a pair of fists. Waiting for Usa to get close, Dark Gale raised one of her hands, causing a wall of rocks to rise from the ground in front of the serpent. She didn't know how long it would last, but it was but a part of her plan. While behind the wall, she quickly evaporated into a mist and vanished into the shadows of the cave. One could hear a loud "smack" as Ûsa collided with the wall. She hadn't noticed it and thus she had hit it pretty hard. From the looks of it she had been knocked unconscious. "That was easier than expected." Dark Gale muttered quietly as she re-emerged from the darkness behind Ûsa. "Better not take chances though. Hmm...I have a perfect idea." She raised her staff to the serpent and let loose a dark ray of energy which enveloped the cleric. Once it vanished, in the place of the cleric was now a small, white, garden-variety snake. "Now you have transformed too. No wories though, I made sure to make you into something you would be more accustomed to than a mouse like Sendra here." she tapped the tip of her staff. With a snap of her fingers a small glass cage appeared around the snake. The barrier containing the mouse captive vanished, leaving Sendra in the grasp of the evil neko. "I'm going to place you both together." She taunted, dropping the rodent into the case with snake Usa before sealing it shut with another dark-colored barrier. "Let us see if temptation from instinct shall surpass the bonds of friendship, shall we?" Sendra in the shape of the small rodent tried to bite Gales fingers but she wasn't quick enough as she soon was put into the cage together with Ûsa. The snake that was now Ûsa curled up in one corner of the cage whereas Sendra went into the opposite corner and sat herself down there. Apparantly the snake was falling asleep in what would appear to be a very boring moment for Gale, now that she had no meal and had to watch two animals do nothing interesting as well. Dark Gale stared at the tank for some time before she crossed her arms and let out a grunt of disgust. "Fine then, play hard I don't care. Just know that I don't intend to feed either of you." She walked away from the container and looked around the dimly-lit area that was the cave. "Now then...let's see if we can't make this old cave seem a bit more like a place fit for someone like me..." And so she began to use her magic to rearrange and reshape the cave... 1. Return to Wanderweer town The trip lasted only a few seconds, during which the only sight was a swirling mass of colors in complete silence, and oddly enough the smell of burnt rubber. The moment the colors faded the trio found themselves in front of the bar that Gale and Bright originated in earlier, almost exactly as they had left it. "The bracelet," Xavier began, "Operates with the mind of the user. You think of where you want to go and, so long as you have the required energy, you'll arrive without flaw. Of course, the device shuts off after it warps, which is why I told you to stop; all you would have ended up doing was fry the circuitry." Bright looked a bit dizzy and held his hand before his mouth: "I think I`m going to hurl." He quickly went behind the tavern and gave off some awful noises. When he appeared again, he looked a bit better. "That was seriously strange..." He mumbled. "Anyway, where shall we go next?" Just after he said that Gaston appeared with the lot of boxes. He appeared suddenly, as if one moment he just was there. "Hello again sir. Your boxes like you inquired?” "Thank you Gaston." Xavier inquired, diving into one of the boxes immediately. "I'm surprised you got so sick from that Bright." Gale commented, looking towards him. "It wasn't exactly pleasant though, I grant you that." "Maybe the alcohol from earlier reacted to it. I dunno." He said and unplugged a bottle he had left in his belt. "Maybe some water calms my stomach down." He took a healthy sip from it and swallowed. "First thing's first." The neko stated, getting up from his rummaging with what looked like a small computer, only it was strapped onto his arm. "We interview people and figure out how they escaped. I can keep the info we gather in this. Think of it as a special notebook." Bright put the bottle back in his belt. "Alright, feeling somewhat better now. So, go around ask the various people? I think we can do that." He looked around to see if he saw any people. There were some, but none that he recognized. "I think that Riletia and the other two might have already gone looking." "You’re right Bright." She said to him, trying to find someone to interview. "Its a good chance that Steefous, Riletia, and Cragg are likely gone by now, despite us taking little time." "Ok, you two take care of interviews." Xavier stated, picking up all of his still-filled boxes under his arms. "I’ll investigate the inside of the bar for clues. There has to be something after all." "Wait, I thought you said we were all..." Before she could finish her sentence Xavier manged to make it into the building. "...going to...interview...Oh well, I guess it's just you and me Bright. You were bound in the room with me when she vanished, so there is little we can provide, but maybe we can find someone who peeked in or something?" "He's probably more suited to look at the "crime scene" than us two I guess." Bright said and looked around for some people to ask. "Let's see..." He looked around and discovered someone to ask who was walking by. He quickly went by and asked what appeared to be an older gentleman: "Hey, you, have you seen anything strange happen by this tavern?" "Aye, there was a ball of fire that went up in the air and then flew south. Made an awful lot of sounds it did." He pointed southwards out of town. "Well...that was quick." Gale said; she had been standing near the two when the gentlemen told of what he saw. She turned to the man. "Was there anything else? Like, what did it sound like, or what color was the fire?" "What was that?" The man said, considering the mans age, his hearing was probably not that good anymore. "She is wondering if there were anything else you could tell us? Like, the color of the flame?" The man looked at the two and had an expression on his face as he was thinking quite hard: "Ah yes," he exclaimed, "the fire was black. I noticed because I was looking at the moon at the time." "A black fire flying through the night sky?" Gale questioned, this time rhetorically as she pondered in her head while stroking the hair on her chin. "Thank you sir, that will be all." "Bright." She brought him over to the side. "It sounds like she used a special veil when she escaped. It's a kind of dark magic, designed to hide the user's identity while making them resistant to most magics. The catch, however, is that they have to be constantly moving and that they are rather easy to find. She must have used it to escape, probably more for show than anything else." She started to head back to the tavern. "Come on, we should tell this to my brother. This should defiantly help him." The old man nodded, smiled and went on with his way. "Glad to help." He muttered slightly before carrying along. "She probably didn't expect us to go after her. Do you think we can trace her?" Bright asked Gale as they headed towards the tavern. Within the tavern Xavier would see what appeared to be a lot of wreckage. There was a hole in the floor and a rather big hole through the second floor and through the ceiling. By the bar sat the tavern owner with a bottle in his hand and a rather blank stare in his eyes. He took another sip from the bottle and from the looks of it, he was close to emptying it. Inside the bar, Xavier placed down the boxes on a table and began to dig though one of them again. "Rough night huh?" Xavier remarked, trying to lift the mood a bit. Out of the container of cardboard he pulled out what looked like a pair of strange goggles which only covered a single; it had several nobs and parts on it, making it look like he had a bionic eye once he but it on. On the side near where a human ear would be he lifted up an antenna and proceeded to type into his tiny computer. "And...connected." He mumbled, turning one of the knobs on the leans. He may have looked weird to anyone who might watch this, but to Xavier it was exactly what he wanted; in the leans he could see everything close up as well as other useful jargon that very few would understand. He began to look around, starting at the hole in the floor. The barkeep took another sip of his bottle: "Oh, you have no idea. First this catperson come out of the room and spells are thrown across the room. Then she eats one person, turns another in to a mouse and poof! Through the roof!" He gestured wildly with his hands. Mostly because of the extra alcohol. "Another catperson you say?" Xavier questioned, intrigued. "And you say she 'ate' one person. Do you mean that literally?" He began to stride away from the hole. "Gosh, the only people I know who are cats in this place are me and my sister; she never mentioned a third party. What did this culprit look like exactly? Any defining features...you know, other than being a cat?" The barkeep looked at his bottle and to his dismay, realized that it was empty. "Yeah, swallowed whole like a snake and got a real big belly afterwards. It was freaky to look at." He put the empty bottle at the bar table and pondered upon whether or not he should have another. "Defining features? Uhm, she looked like a cat. Like, gray and white, oh and she had those dark clothes." He pointed towards Gale as she entered the door: "Kinda looked like that one." He squinted his eyes: "Or maybe she is the one?" Bright stared at Xavier and whispered to Gale: "What is your brother wearing?" "I don't have a clue." Gale mumbled to Bright, having seen the weird device on his eye: "Xavier, we found out some important information." "So did I." He slid the device off of his eye and looked to the two of them. The neko's eyes were stern, much to the surprise of the two of them. "There is something you’re not telling me. I had a chat with the bartender, and he gave me some interesting commentary. Tell me, exactly what are we up against that makes him say the culprit looks like you, hmm?" Bright looked towards the bartender. He looked awfully drunk and Bright could recognize a drunk when he saw one. It reminded him that he was a bit thirsty himself, though he didn't want to take a drink now. Not when the lives of former allies were at stake. The rest of the tavern looked worse than he could remember. He looked towards Gale: "I think you might be able to explain this better than me." Gale rubbed the back of her head as she sought the best words to use. "Well, its a bit complicated to say the least." She began, forcing out a short chuckle. "You see the person who kidnapped the two people is...well, me. But not me me, me her!" "Umm..." Xavier mumbled, looking at her with a cocked head. "...you’re not a druggie are you?" "Of course not!" the mage protested back. "It's just...look, the person we are looking for looks like me, ok? It's not me per say, but the other me." A sigh escaped her as she realized she was just making matters worse. "You'll understand what I mean when you see her okay? It will make better sense then. For now, please just listen to what we found out." "I think I am beginning to get confused as well." Bright mumbled slightly to himself while listening to Gale mumbling about how her dark self was the cause of this trouble. "Alright, I put that aside for now. What did you learn?" "Well," Gale attempted to regain her composure, "we found out that, when she was escaping, this person used a dark spell that enveloped herself in fire; a spell used primarily for defensive purposes." "Fire you say?" Xavier put a hand to his chin breifly before walking over to yet another box. "I think...that might be all I need to know." Bright looked towards Xavier then back to Gale: "Tell me, did your brother always have this kinda stuff? I dunno what it does, but it seems useful somewhat." His eyes turned to Xavier while whispering to Gale: "Unless he is wearing that helmet thing for laughs." "Anyway," He spoke towards Xavier again: "You got anything that can help us track her down?" Xavier removed the eye piece from his head, removed the cord from his wrist-computer, and took out from the box before him a tool that looked like a large plate attached to what could have once been the handle of a saw that had been reinforced and had dials placed into it. Protruding from the plate was a metal rod with a cord wrapped around it and going into the plate, where it left the device. The end of this cord Xavier plugged in to where the eye piece once was. "I call this here the Bloodhound." Xavier boasted, turning it on and pointing it towards the holes. "This thing can track the invisible trails left behind by various sources: pollen, smoke, you name it. And where there is fire, there is smoke." On his computer screen he could see a visual of the bar as if the dish was a camera, but in there he could also see what looked like a cloud that rose up through the hole in the roof. "And I think I may have found where our kidnapper has gone off to. Follow me." He started walking out of the bar, slowly as not to loose the trail he had found. "Good luck." The bartender said while looking into the empty bottle of his. His attention towards the others were rather non-existant at the moment. "Appareantly dark fire leaves smoke?" Bright said and shrugged his shoulders. "We should probably follow him then." He chuckled slightly while mumbling: "The Bloodhound, heh." No sooner were they outside did Xavier come to a quick realization. "Ah, I forgot my other boxes inside." He muttered. "Gale, can you go back and get them? Just the un-open ones and the one that has the other tool I took off, no need to worry about the other two." "Sure thing." Gale said happily, returning to the bar. "So, Julian, you said earlier that you were a bit of a potion expert?" He asked in the mean time. "Why don't you tell me a bit more about the things you've accomplished in that field?" "Well, accomplishments and accomplishments ..." He said and scratched the back of his head. "I managed to make a shrink potion and some explosive flasks."' He looked at Xavier: "I probably won't be able to remake the potions anytime soon. Some of the ingredients was rather hard to come by." "I used most of them during a battle and I haven't really had the time to make new ones either, so I probably won't be able to show you any of them either." "Anyway, I heard you were a smart guy. What do you usually do?" "Ill take your word for it." Xavier looked away from his small wrist-screen and towards Bright. "As you can imagine, being a member of the high council absorbs me into helping with the creation of laws, watching over revenues, court duty, sentencing, representing my home country when visiting others; the whole package. But in my free time I like to tinker with the random pieces of equipment I am able to salvage from the armories and what not that people don't need. They thought I was nuts at first, but then the king got a glimpse of what my devices were capable of, and the rumors of me being crazy quickly vanished. I was asked on several occasions to make weapons for the troops, but I declined; I try to be as passive as I can." He patted the side of his clothes, within which his pellet shooter was still in place. "This here is the only actual weapon I've ever made, and only did so for self defense." "I'm not one for alchemy, but some of my inventions do use chemicals like the such. I 'had' someone who supplied me with what I needed, but as I mentioned not long ago he had an...accident. I've been looking for a new guy since, but I'm surprised to see how few people actually practice the art any more. Other than him, you are truly the only person I have seen who openly admits to it." He pondered for a moment. "I don't suppose your in the market for a job?..." "Like the world needs any more weapons than they already have." He muttered to himself before he looked at Xavier: "A job you say? I am kinda searching for one, so it does sound like a good deal. How about you come back to me with that offer once we're done with this whole chasing down evil and stuff?" "I'm back." Gale announced, carrying three of the boxes with her in her arms, her staff still held in one hand. "Lead the way Xavier, we are behind you." He looked at Gale as she appeared out of the tavern door: "Ah, there you are. What's left in those other boxes?" "Other than the eyepiece and the bottles of those explosives I told you about earlier, not much." Xavier explained. "I brought two boxes of the explosives, figured they would come in handy." Looking back to his little device, Xavier pointed the dish into the air and scanned the sky. "Trail goes this way. Come on." He insisted, continuing forward with a short jog. "Explosives eh? Yeah, they tend to be handy." Bright mumbled before following after Xavier in his jog. 1. Red cloaks Their way was shown by the light of the moon and the stars. Though in the far distance there was something that looked like campfires. "Sure Bright, here." Gale handed him two of the boxes, keeping a hold on the heaviest of the three. "Oh boy." Xavier sighed, lowing the dish at the sight of the campfires. "This isn't good." "What's not good?" his sister questioned. She didn't like the sudden change in his tone. "The campfire over there will be sending up smoke, and the path flies over that area. This could very well lead us into a bit of trouble. You see, the smoke from that fire could blend itself into the trail left by the kidnapper, obscuring the path and ruining our lead on this person." "Can't we just walk around them? Surly it would only affect the path that it's touching." "That is true, but suppose there was a wind. If it blew in a direction away from the path we were following we could be lead on a wild goose chase. I think we had better approach the camp, that way I can get a better look as to where the smoke ends and our path begins again." "If we walk right through, we might be able to trace the smoke on the other part of the camp. We still got a direction, so unless you-know-who suddenly diverted her path, it should be possible I think." Bright said and looked at Xavier and Gale. "Or you know, what he said." As they got closer they could see that red tents had been erected and that quite a bunch of soldiers were sitting around the campfires, chatting lively with eachother. Most notably were the facts that a good deal of them were wearing red cloaks. Most of them seemed to be young men whereas their sergeants seemed to be a bit older. "Red cloaks..." Bright mumbled to himself and looked at the camp. "Halt! Who goes there?" The sound came from a couple of guards positioned at the perimeter of the camp. "Yes, you three, I am talking to you." "Damn." Xavier whispered when the red cloak called out. "No use hiding. Just avoid magic, okay?" Xavier was the first to rise up from the bushes and reveal himself. "I am Xavier Amour, one of the high counselors of Jawhanian. I am here with two close friends on an investigation of local abduction." Gale rose next, leaving her staff in the bush and staying behind her brother; she tried her best to look calm. "I presume from your outfits that you are red cloaks?" Xavier added on. "Perhaps you would like to explain the reason for your presence here?" He folded his arms, seemingly annoyed. "I think you need to talk to the lieutenant." One of the guards said whereas the others surrounded them. "Come on." They prepared their spears and gestured towards the camp. One of the guards walked forward in advance to tell the lieutenant. The group of three were lead through the camp towards what was a bit bigger tent. The other soldiers sitting by the campfires turned their heads to look at the group, but they didn't do more than that. They stopped at a little distance from the tent whereas the lieutenant came out of the tent. He looked like he had been in his fair share of battles and his age was probably over 40. His gray hair was cut short and he had a couple of small scars on his face. Out of the tent came a woman with a red dress that went all the way up to her neck though it was without sleeves. Her head was shaved and she stood behind the lieutenant. At her appearance it was if Gales mind was filled with random noise that made it hard to concentrate. The lieutenant snapped his fingers and the guards around the group took their boxes and weapons. "Now, my guard told you were passing through in a case of a local abduction? I am curious of why a council member of the Empire decides to come all the way here to investigate something like that. It is a bit suspicious wouldn't you say?" The woman leaned forward and whispered something in the lieutenants ear whereas he got a thoughtful face. "Though I guess you could be speaking the truth. You wouldn't happen to know a group of three people that passed through earlier? A woman and two men." "Those who were abducted were friends of my sister." Xavier told the lieutenant as his devices were taken from him; even his capsule launcher was taken from his cloths. "I had to intervene, it was the proper thing to do." Gale tried hard not to make a face as the strange noises penetrated her mind like a needle. What was with that woman? She had to be the cause, the sounds started the moment she appeared. "A woman and two men?" She returned the question, thinking back with the best of her ability. "The only three that come to mind are..." Suddenly she gasped. "Riletia, Cragg, and Steefous! Where are they?" She snapped. The mage had a sense of uneasiness about herself. The lieutenant looked at Xavier, then over to Gale and then back to Xavier again. For him it was no doubt it was his sister, though he didn't think too much about why they had features resembling that of cats. "I see." The lieutenant looked at Gale with suspicion when she bursted out the names, but then he just shrugged his shoulders: "We let them go. They said that they were chasing a witch. I would have have given them some of my men if I could afford any of them, but as of the moment our mission is of more importance. Since you know their names I am guessing you are on the same hunt as well." "Your mission?" Bright couldn't help but ask. He said it in a rather careful way however as he did not want to annoy the lieutenant. "Ah yes. We happened to be guarding the southwestern border when we saw a bright light approach the sky in a coloumn. If I had to guess, the light could probably be seen all the way to the capitol. It is obvious some powerful magic were used there, and as Red Cloaks it is our duty to investigate such things. You three wouldn't happen to know anything about it would you?" Though the lieutenant said that the trio was safe, Gale still had her doubts. She wanted to say more, but she found herself unable to think of words to say with the constant whining in her head. "Indeed. It would seem that this previous group is after the same person." Xavier reasoned. He, too, felt uneasy speaking with the Red Cloaks; even with his memories still lost he never once agreed with their goals or their methods. "I'm afraid that I don't really know of this light you are talking about. But I wish you luck in your search never-the-less. On that note, I think we had better get going, yes?" "I agree." Gale mumbled in response. "These people are probably busy. Best just leave them to their work." The lieutenant looked at each of the three in turn, eyeing them suspiciously until he suddenly shrugged his shoulders and smiled slightly: "Very well then. If you have no information to share, and I got no quarrel with you, I can do nothing but wish you luck in your quest of finding your friends." He looked towards the guards: "Take them out of the camp and give them their equipment back once you are there. Then return to your post." The guards nodded. He looked towards Xavier and gave an approving nod of his head before he went back inside his tent whereas the woman shortly followed. With the orders given by their lieutenant the guards lead the group of three out of camp. Once they were at the edge of it they were given their items back. Just as the lieutenant had ordered. As more and more distance was put between Gale and the bald-headed woman, she could think clearer again as the noise vanished. Once they had walked out of hearings sight, Bright exclaimed with a low voice: "Phew, I got slightly worried there for a second." "Well, that could have definitely been worse." Xavier commented, readjusting his tools. "Never liked that lot. They say they do what they do to protect the people, but they are just looking for an excuse to slaughter magical beings. Snobby bastards." Gale placed a hand on her forehead and rubbed it hard. "Are you okay sis?" "That woman back there..." She mumbled, her mind starting to regain its focus. "When I was near her my head filled up with random noise. I couldn't think straight. What is with these people?" She looked around at the ground. "Now where did I put my staff?" "I haven't really met them before, but I have heard some rumours about them." Bright commented and looked over his shoulder just to make sure that they had not been followed by anyone. He returned his glance towards Gale: "I heard they have people in their troops who negate magic instinctively." "Anyway, Xavier, do you see the smoke again?" Xavier used his tools and looked up to the sky. "They let us out on the opposite side, so if the path is following correctly...Ah yes, there it is. We should be able to keep going forward now. Ready to go Gale?" He waited a moment, there was no response. "Gale?" He turned around to find her heading around the side of the encampment, hidden in the bushes and trees. "I'm getting my staff." she whispered over. "I left it where we came in." "We can come back for it Gale, it's not safe to go get it now." Xavier argued back to no avail; she kept going, inching her way though the plants and peeking in through the sides into the camp. "Why would you do that?" Bright asked, but Gale had already started walking. Bright looked at Xavier: "Is she always like this? I fear that if we follow her, we might gather unwanted attention. Should we just carry on and light torches so she can see where we went?" "Let Gale to her business." Xavier stated, looking at his dish and fiddling around with it. "She isn't the little girl I knew long ago, I am sure she is smart enough not to get caught." Bright nodded: "Yes, I am also sure she`ll manage." Bright said while looking over his shoulder to make sure Gale had not done anything dumb. It didn't seem like it. He changed the subject: "Is the trail still clear or..." He asked, suggesting that it might vanish. Then it looked as if he suddenly had an idea. "Can it track footprints as well?" He finished with his adjustments and looked to the sky. "It takes time for these paths to fade, but we are talking about magical fire here, not normal fire. I can't right say I know the mechanics there. Footprints though...hmm." He looked to Bright. "Are you suggesting we follow the trio's path, the three that passed by here in search of the same person? That may very well work." He looked at his tool again. "This can't detect footprints, just unseen particles in the air. The eyepiece I had on when you walked into the bar though, that could do so without a problem. Get my boxes Julian." He opened the boxes in search of that eyepiece of Xaviers: "I was just thinking that if we can't see the smoke, we might still be able to see footprints. If the trio were able to track down the evil, then it shouldn't be too farfetched for us to find it as well if we track them. We just have to make sure the smoke and the footprints go in the same direction though." He lifted a box and held it before Xavier: "I think this is the eyepiece of yours." "Thanks." Xavier stated, taking the eyepiece from Bright and handing him the dish-device, now unplugged from his computer. He put the strange tool onto his eye once again and made certain to connect it. "Let's see now..." He looked around on the ground, walking several feet in one direction, then heading back in the other direction. "I found a ton of prints, a good number of them are animals." He finally said, ticking away on his tiny computer. "Give me a moment, I can single out the ones that aren't human." Bright decided to help out by looking at the ground. At least it couldn't hurt if he looked for prints as well. He had lit a torch to get a better view, it was quite dark outside even with the stars and moon shining down on them. "Gah!" Xavier grunted, keeping his face pointed to the ground. "So many footprints, from the red cloaks no doubt. Gonna be a bit longer, I have to determine which of these are of the soldiers and those who are of Gale's friends." He knelt down and took a closer look at the prints before him. "If I had a guess, Id say that the red cloaks are wearing the same kind of boot, so i just need to determine which prints belong to them and I can pinpoint the others." From Gales point of view she would be able to see the guards easily as they stood in front of the campfires. The guards on the other hand would have a hard time seeing anyone out in the dark as the campfires ruined their night vision. She strode carefully forward, taking precaution as to not be seen by the people in the camp. It didn't take long for her to find what she was looking for. "There you are." She whispered to herself, taking up the silver rod from the bushes. Rather than head back immediately, however, she took a moment to look and listen in on the camp. What harm could it do? As Gale leaned forward she would be able to hear the louder participants of the conversation around a campfire: "Ya know, I`ve heard some stuff about one of the high kings council members being a cat, but I didn't think it was a literal description." "You suppose he got cursed by a witch or something?" Another voice pitched in. "I dunno, the rumours don't say. Maybe it is a family curse. That other apparantly was his sister." "Aye, I saw her. She looks like a fine kitty. Rawr." There was much laughing around the campfire. There was a slight pause before they began discussing again: "So...do you suppose they get fleas?" "I have no idea. They probably wash themselves the cat way." There was another pause: "So...what do you think of the mission?" "Well, I don't like it. Yesterday a forest vanishes and today a bright light blasts to the sky whereas the village to the east is completely empty. Whatever it is, it ain't your typical village witch we're dealing with here." Gale's eye twitched slightly at the comment made about her by one of the guards. Such accusations about her kind, let alone her, she found very crude. She was, after all, a nekka: a proud race of the Almadoran empire and these people were relating her and her brother to an ordinary house cat. Despite her blood beginning to boil, she kept her mouth shut and continued to move back to the group. There didn't seem to be any evidence of them lying about her friends, but she still found herself un-trusting of them. Silently she made her way back to her brother and Bright. "What if you use the direction of the boot?" Bright said and looked up to see Xaviers frustration. "Because, you know, the Red Cloaks do walk westwards while we are going east." "Relax, I know what I'm doing." Xavier told Bright, keeping his eye to the ground. He noticed Gale coming up behind Xavier. "Hey Gale, you got your staff. It went without problems right?" "No, they didn't see me..." Gale began, clutching her staff close. "...but I would really hate to run into one of them in a dark ally alone, ugh! Creepy, spiteful people the lot of them." "I warned ya." Her brother pointed out, getting back up. "Found the prints. They continue on this way, almost directly beneath the path the smoke made. This should be a long simpler to follow and, even if we don't find the kidnapper right away, we will at least find your other friends who went searching for her too." "They still seem somewhat nicer than some of the guys you know." Bright said with sympathy in his voice and a shrug of his shoulders. "At least we didn't have to fight them." "If we find our friends first, we can team up with them." He lighted another torch: "If they find 'her' first, well, I am not sure if they`ll manage to beat her." He gave the second torch to Xavier. "I dunno about you, but I don't see well in the dark and I`d really hate to trip on something I couldn't see." "So, where to now? East? South? North?" "This way." Xavier began to move away from the camp, following the trail carefully; he had handed his torch to Gale, needed an open hand to adjust his eyepiece when needed. She took it without a word. "I fear for them you know." Gale muttered, seemingly out of nowhere. "This person, if I know them as well as I think I do, is far stronger than she lets on; she will toy with them, probably with illusions or overly-flashy spells, but in the end her powers will be far greater than any of their capabilities." "I still never got a clear answer as to who this person is." Xavier butted in. "How do you know she is as powerful as you say?" "She is me!" Gale bellowed. "Look, I don't know how to explain it, but she was born from me! She looks like a complete duplicate of me save for her attire and her eyes, which are bright red!" "How could that even be possible?" He silently thought a moment. "You did have your spirit restored, loosing your green eye. I bet that might have something to do with it, but it still doesn't make sense to me." He got closer to the ground briefly, halting movement by the group. "The tracks are getting fresher. We can't be too far behind now." "I think I even see a torch ahead of us." Bright exclaimed and pointed towards a torch in the distance. "I think it might be Steve and company." As they came closer it turned out that Bright was right. It was in fact Steve, Riletia and Cragg. They looked a bit tired as they were sitting down on the ground whereas their faces looked somewhat depressed. "Hey guys. Did you find Sendra and Ûsa?" Bright asked, though he had a feeling that they might have not found them. Steve shook his head. "Riletia managed to follow the scent for a while, but we got a bit lost on the way. We had to retrace our steps back here in an attempt to find another clue." Riletia looked up towards Gale and Xavier. "Is this your brother?" She guessed, basing the relationship on the similar looks. "I'm sorry to hear that."Gale remarked, frowning. "Ah, yes,this is my brother Xavier." In response, he took the leans off of his eye and held it, offering the other hand. "That's me. I'm a member of the high council of Jawhanian, Xavier Amour...previously known as Wilson." He looked closer at the trio. "Say...haven't I seen you before? You all look familiar to me." Gale knew what he was talking about, reflecting back to the memories she had seen in the necklace. She wondered if they would remember him, and if so, would they remember him as the guy who 'stole' the bracelet they raided from the castle? Their first memory of him being a thief...something about that made her shudder. Cragg decided to shake Xaviers hand, but the others seemed rather reluctant against doing so: "Nice to meet you Xavier Amour Wilson." Riletia looked towards Xavier and squinted her eyes. She looked at him for what appeared to be a long time, but which in reality could have been seconds. She seemed to restrain herself somewhat by holding her left arm with her right, yet she didn't say anything. "How about we talk about that after we've retrieved Sendra and Ûsa." She mumbled slightly before loosening the grip on her arm again. "I'd hate to waste more time than we already have." Steve lifted his head and looked at Xavier: "We think she might have gone in hiding. Though it is only a guess considering we lost the trail." "Please, just Xavier." He told Cragg, the only one who bothered to try and shake his hand. He couldn't figure out why the other two seemed distant, but he thought little of it. Quickly the neko went back to the matter at hand. "We were tracking a trail left behind by this perpetrator from the bar, but after running into a few red cloaks decided to change tactics slightly, instead following your tracks." "We figured that if we found you, you would have already found where Usa and Sendra ended up." Gale added on. "It looks like we were wrong. What can we do now?" "Ah the Red Cloaks. We passed through their camp earlier. They said something about hearing a sound passing over them when they set up camp, though they had not seen anything." Cragg said while looking back towards the camp: "We assumed it was the sound of Gales evil lookalike. We took it for granted that we were on the right way." "They hadn't started the campfires then, so we were able to get here by following the scent of the smoke." Steve said and gestured towards the ground. "But then the trail abruptly stopped." He pondered upon the situation for a small moment: "We could head back towards the Red Coaks and try to find the smoke trail again, that would probably be the quickest route. I could try finding the trail again right here, but it's possible that we might not be able to find it in this vicinity. Your friend lost her trail, it is very possible that the smoke won't show up here either." He turned to the rest of the group. "Any suggestions?" "What if she stopped flying and started walking instead?" Bright suggested with a shrug of his shoulders. "What if she did?" Riletia asked. "Shouldn't the extra weight make her footprints deeper than others?" "I suppose she may have stopped flying and could have landed, due to the very same red cloaks no doubt." Xavier pondered to Bright's idea. "How could she have known they were dangerous?" Gale protested. "She knew about the same as me when she left, and I didn't know a thing about the Red Cloaks until after I found you." "Well, something happened that caused her to stop flying here, at least without the flame cloak." He readjusted his eyepiece and put it back on. "I’ll take a look at the shoe-prints around the area and see if I can find any out of the ordinary." He began to wander about again, looking always to the ground. "Maybe she just saw them? I think I saw a couple of small ballistas in a tent. She could just have been careful." Bright suggested. Riletia immediately got up from her sitting position and immediately began to look at the ground for clues. "Cragg, help me look. I need your keen eyes." Cragg nodded and began looking as well. A small moment passed before Riletia exclaimed: "Ey, this footprint is much deeper than the others." Xavier walked over to where Riletia pointed, looking carefully at the spot. Though the eye, the area lit up to make it easier to see. "Quite literally," He said, seeing it for himself, "No shoe at all. How can she bare to walk around barefoot out here?" "Who cares?" Gale nearly spat. "She couldn't have gone far with all that extra weight, Let's follow this track and get this nightmare over with shall we? We have wasted enough time as it is." "That's odd, you didn't seem this angry before about her Gale." Her brother pointed out. "Is something the mat..." "She is angry." Gale continued, arms folded and staff clenched tight "I can feel it. It's making me angry." Xavier tilted his head to this, confused. He shrugged it off though and followed the path close, allowing the others to follow suit. "I wonder why she would be angry." Bright mumbled to himself and looked in the direction of path. "But if you can feel it, does that mean we get closer?" "I think can smell something." Riletia said as they followed the path closer. "Yes, we are getting close." Gale mumbled, following closest to Xavier. She said nothing further. "I think I smell it too." Xavier stated, keeping his eyes focused on the path. "What do you think It is? You seem to have a better sense for this than I." Within the cave the mouse and snake within the cage followed evil Gales movements carefully while pretending to be asleep. "This simply won't do!" Evil Gale shouted, pacing back and forth. The room no longer looked like a cave, but rather a somewhat large throne room...though there was not to much to it, save for the perfectly smooth eight walls that made the room, a smoothed out floor and a throne that appeared to be made of large blocks; everything was the color of stone, the only light source a few black flames that illuminated each wall and on either side of the uncomfortable-looking throne. "Why does everything look so boring and generic? This stinks! I might be able to craft the walls with some earth magic, but I can't make finer details; this place looks like something out of a math textbook!" Her rant halted with a sudden shock to her mind. A sly grin grew on her face. "They are near. I can feel her..." She cast a hand to the square opening to the room, beyond which still looked like a typical cave. A large stone rose up, blocking the only way in and out. With a dash Gale took to her 'throne' and sat down, leaning on her arm and gazing towards the door. "I'm going to make this as interesting as possible, just like something out of the fairy tale." She looked over to the glass case in which Sandra and Usa had been contained, unimpressed by the lack of anything actually happening inside. With a wave of her staff she opened the container and allowed for the two animals to float in her direction, holding them up to her face. "But this will not end like your typical fairy tale, oh no. For you see, the supposed 'protagonist' in this story is a heartless witch who would dare keep her sister imprisoned in shadow and, when the opportunity came for said sister to finally be free from her prison the others tried to shove her back into that cell. But now she is free for good, despite those efforts, and in the end I will have my revenge on her and her friends who dared to not even give me time to adjust to the world. No, as is typical human nature they immediately jumped to negative conclusion." She jokingly flapped her eyelashes and spoke in a higher-pitched voice: "Oh, she is dark at heart and is trying to take over my friend, therefore she must be evil. Let's seal her back in-no, better yet let’s let her out then try to kill her." Her expression grew extremely hateful, turning to the two before her. "You never even gave me a CHANCE! You never once thought that I might deserve to live! You never once thought that I might be defending my own life when you offered to 'cure' Nightengale! NO! You took one look upon me and immediately assumed me a monster!" Settling down, Gale let out a chuckle. "...and perhaps now I am, but only from what you have all made me." Raising the tip of her staff to the Ûsa and Sendra, she cast a violet force field around them and let them hover over her rod as she leaned back once again. "Let them come. She will die first, the others will follow suit...how weak they will be, without the key to even hope of defeating me..." She let out a loud, evil laugh. "For only she contains the power to defeat me, the magic of Lum." The snake laid around the edge of the violet forcefield whereas the mouse sat upon the snake. They both seemed dormant as if they were just waiting for the right opportunity. It was almost as if they had managed to keep their intelligence, though unable to do anything it due to the lack of human body parts. They did not seem particularly impressed over Dark Gales behaviour or decor. Then again, had they been able to give any critique, it would probably not matter to Dark Gale. 1. Fight for friends "I think I smell something more. Reminds me a bit of sulphur." Riletia said while holding her right arm. She was breathing heavily as if she was restraining herself. A couple of golden hairs were sticking out of the holes in her armor and it seemed like her clothes were tight around her limbs. "We are getting closer." "I think I can see a cave entrance up ahead." Bright exclaimed and pointed forward. "Looks like she took refuge in the cave." Xavier pointed out, seeing the footprints going forward into the mouth of the cavern. "This is it then, this is where she is hiding. Looks like the search is over." "Riletia," Gale spoke up, looking back to her. "Are you okay? You look a bit...different." Her bought of anger had since subsided and she had returned to her normal, kindly self. "I will be once we have rescued Ûsa and Sendra." Riletia said and let go of her arm and instead taking hold of her sword. "I am just a little bit worked up." She bit her bottom lip a little bit before she lead the way into the cave. The other two of her team prepared themselves, Cragg took forth his bow and an arrow from his quiver while (Which I assume he got before they left the town.) Steve on the other hand took a handful of small rocks from the ground and put them in his pockets. "I guess we can't wait for her to come out. Not if we want to rescue the two." Bright said and put the hammer in his hand and followed suit. As they journeyed further into the black cave, only a small amount of light came forth from some recently-lit torches that lined the walls of the narrow passage. It was not long before they ran into a dead end. "The wall here..." Xavier mumbled, looking still through his eyepiece. " It's smooth...and the footprints continue onward past it. This wall was placed here. Good thing I brought some of my boxes of high-end explosives." "Exactly HOW high end are we talking?" Gale asked as he dove into one of the boxes he placed on the ground. He pulled out a vial of orange liquid and proceeded to splash its contents onto the flat wall. "I would recommend taking cover." He replied, taking heading far back from the wall. As soon as the others were behind him he pulled out his capsule shooter and loaded it with a clear pellet. "This is filled with just water, but It will blow that barricade to kingdom come when it touches the compound. Aiming carefully, Xavier shot out the pellet with a thunk straight at the wall... Inside the room, Dark Gale was beginning to dose off from waiting, but no sooner did she close her eyes did a large, earth-shattering boom wake her. "WHAT THE HELL!?" She screamed, jumping in her seat. As the smoke cleared from the far side of the room, the closed wall along with bits from the surrounding walls and ceiling were reduced to rubble, the group heading into the makeshift throne room. "You were right." Bright coughed as rubble fell down from the ceiling and the dust settled. He readied his hammer just in case. "I definitely want the recipe for that one." As Dark Gale looked towards the opening she would see Cragg, his bow ready and arrow drawn, Steve with his right hand stretched out and filled with small pebbles and at the side she would see Riletia with her sword drawn, pointing towards the throne. "Hand over Ûsa and Sendra and we`ll leave. You are trapped and outnumbered. We won't hold back if you resist." Steve spoke with a stern look upon his face. Dark Gale only watched with amused eyes as the group came in, calming down quickly after the explosion. Gale, like the rest of them, took arms and raised her staff to the ready; Xavier, on the other hand, remained behind the group just so that he was hidden from sight. "Trapped and outnumbered perhaps." She hummed, "But certainly not out-skilled." She tapped the tip of her staff to the ground and, with a silencing puff all the torches in the room went out, leaving the group in complete darkness. "Typical hiding tactics." Gale growled, letting a small light emit from the tip of her rod. It was enough to give a dim image of the world around them; enough to show that Dark Gale had vanished completely, Sendra's and Usa's prison lay unprotected on the throne. "Quite an obvious trap isn't it?" Xavier whispered. He had not yet seen the kidnapper, again because of his position behind the group. "Does she really expect us to fall for it?" Bright gave out a small eep as he quickly attempted to lit his torch again. He did not like the idea of being trapped in the darkness with some evil sorcerer. "Where could she be?" He muttered as he manage to a spark to his torch. He pointed towards a place on the floor somewhat right of the throne: "Tumulus vis" He spoke and the floor cracked from the force exerted upon it. "Did you see anything?" Cragg whispered. "No, but it was worth a try." He whispered back. Riletia stepped forward, but she was held back as Steve held up his left hand: "Hold on. She's probably still here." Gale let her own hand fly out to block Riletia again after Steve attempted to flush her twin out. "You're not going to flush her out like that." She stated, pointing her staff onwards towards the throne. The ball of light that formed on it earlier flew off into the middle of the room where it proceeded to glow stronger still; it was bright, but surprisingly did not cause any of them to squint. "It was rather foolish of her to hide in the shadows, especially knowing that I could fight against it. She won't be able to pop up anywhere where there is light now, so her means of showing up are very slim. Let me get them." With that Gale walked forward, her guard still up, towards the captives in the magical orb that lay upon the throne. "Alright you two, let's get you out of..." Gale took hold of the orb and looked deeply into it to see Sendra and Usa, who she presumed to be inside. Something, however, was wrong, something that the mage noticed when she saw the button eyes on the two figures inside. "...These are dolls!" She panicked. "And you are a fool." In a burst of violet light the orb in Gale's hands transformed into a likeness of her; no one else but Dark Gale. Before her good side could react the witch grasped her by the shoulders and bit deeply into her neck. Gale shrieked in a morbid combination of pain and surprise at the assault and found herself unable to move. "Gale!" Riletia and Bright shouted out in unison as they saw that the Dark one had bitten her. The two of them rushed forward to help Gale, Riletia took her sword on the left whereas Bright took his hammer and ran to the right in an attempt to flank Gale. Steve and Cragg held still though they still aimed in the direction of the throne. They couldn't use either spells nor bow since they would hit Gale if they missed. It was not something they would do. They were still prepared though in case they would get a clear shot. Seeing both Bright and Riletia approaching quick, Gale's duplicate unlatched and fell backwards towards the throne, vanishing into the floor as if it were water. Gale, meanwhile, staggered slightly before falling to her knees. "I can't...quite see straight...I feel...odd." The mage stuttered out of her mouth when the other two came to her side. "Yeah, that's bound to happen." The witch's voice rang from all around the room. "She was right about one thing: with that pesky light about I can only arise where there is shadow, come disguise or otherwise; which is why it was ever so nice of Gale to cast her shadow onto the fake orb I turned into, wasn't it? Ironic, how the light, bane of shadow, ended up aiding me." Gale tried to stand up, only to fall back to her knees. "Oh, and one other thing: thanks to a few new skills I've picked up courtesy of the dark energy I have been taking in, my bite has a bit more of a kick to it than usual. That's right ladies and gentlemen: Venomous fangs. Right now it only causes brief boughs of disorientation, but given time I bet I could turn it into lethal toxin." "GALE!" Xavier shouted, running through Steve and Cragg to his sister's side. He saw the bite as he approached; a pair of holes covered in slowly leaking blood on her shoulder. "Gale, are you alright?" "Who is that?" The evil twin's voice shouted out. "That voice sounds familiar...oh well." A large black, withered hand began to pool out of the floor, grasping for the orb of light in the middle of the room. With it gone, the whole room would once again be encased in darkness. Bright dropped his hammer and immediately went to support Gale. Riletia attempted to strike at Dark Gale, but were only able to strike the floor. "Damnit." Riletia exclaimed. "Where could they be..." She mumbled, referring to Sendra and Ûsa. "Come out and I`ll give you a bite of my own!" As Steve saw the hand arrive from the ground, he immediately cast a spell in its direction. A circle surrounded the hand whereas heavy gravitation was forced upon it, making it extremly hard for it to move fast. Cragg was the next to move, he aimed with his bow, pulled and released an arrow which pierced the wrist whereas the arrow got stuck halfway through. Shortly after firing the arrow, Cragg had pulled out another and was ready to fire anew. The hand, from the efforts of the two, withered back into the ground. "You two do realize that I can just keep summoning those things right?" “And we'll continue to beat them down." Steve mumbled to himself as he looked around the room for another dark pool. "Your little coward tactics are just pathetic, you know that?" Xavier barked into the room, letting the voice bounce around the room. "Who the hell is that!?" Emerging from behind the throne, where a shadow was cast that the light of Gale's orb could not reach, the twin looked for the first time upon the neko. In response to her coming out in the open Xavier stood, showing his full self. "Can...it be?" She gasped, striding forward. "Is that really you brother?" "I am no brother to you." He sneered. "I am Gale's brother, and Gale's brother alone." "But don't you see? I am Gale, just the same as she is! We are like twins. Come now, surely you are just as glad to see me as you were her?" She was just close enough to him than any attack against her from the others could just as easily hit the wrong target. She reached up, gently patting the side of his angry face. In response, and perhaps to the surprise of a few people, Xavier brought back his fist and slammed it into the side of Evil Gale's face, sending her tumbling backwards onto the floor. "All I know is that you just made a try on my sister's life before my own eyes, all in cold blood!" He scolded. "My sister would NEVER do something like that! Now let me say it again: I am no brother to you bitch!" The witch looked up with tearing eyes, a sniffle leaving her along with a trail of blood from her now likely broken nose. Suddenly, her fist clenched, along with her teeth. "Fine...I don't need you...I NEVER NEEDED YOU!" She jumped to her feet, crouched down as far as her legs could go; she looked like she may have even been sitting at some angles. Throwing her staff to the ground, the nails on her hands suddenly lengthened out to nearly half a foot in length and became sharp as razors. "I'LL KILL YOU FOR ABANDONING ME!!!" Like a true feline might do, the dark mage pounced forward towards Xavier, with every intent to maul him. When Dark Gale leapt forward Riletia stepped forward before Xavier, lifted her hands and soon a sickening sound of flesh and armor breaking was heard. Riletia had blocked the attack with her hands, though the claws from Dark Gale pushed through to the other side. Riletia had changed however, her arms had grown in size and looked more similar to a lions legs than a humans. She had also became taller, towering above Dark Gale, not to mention the other people present. Her hands grew bigger and more pawlike until they enveloped Dark Gales own, her claws extended and pierced the skin of her arms. "Where...are...my...friends?" She said the words one by one while keeping the pain and rage at bay. She closed her paws around Dark Gales hands, making them ache from the pressure. "You're able to revert too?" Dark Gale grunted as blood seeped from the wounds caused by Riletia's huge hands. "Ûsa did the same thing!" Her painful grunts were only momentary however, replaced with low-tone, sadistic laughter. "You forget Gale's origins. Do you really think that your little boost in strength will help you? She was created for war, and so to am I." A velvet aura encased the witch where she stood; Riletia would be able to feel her pull against her grip, slowly coming loose despite her power and her claws. From around the ball of light at various angles several hands began to rise, only a handful of them were headed towards the light to consume it however, the rest reached towards Steve and Cragg. "Come on, get up already!" Xavier, having been saved by Riletia, turned his attention to his still-incapacitated sister. "Look at all the colors..." She mumbled, looking around randomly. "How potent is this venom!" He shook her by the shoulders. "Snap out of it, we could really use you right now!" "Let me try something. I saw my father do this with a snakebite once." Bright pushed Xavier away, grabbed Gale by the shoulders and put his lips around the pierced wound at her neck. Then he sucked in attempt to get the poison out. "This is bad." Steve mumbled as he looked towards Riletia and Dark Gale: "Cragg, watch out for those hands." "Got it." Cragg launched arrow after arrow at the dark hands. "I hope she doesn't lose it completely..." He mumbled, hoping that Riletia could keep her cool long enough and relapse into a berserk state of mind. Steve took one of the pebbles he had picked up earlier and prepared to flip it. "Motus maximum verto pondus maximum." He mumbled and snapped his fingers at it so it flew with great speed through one of the black hands, piercing it before it got stuck in the cave wall at the other side. Riletia grinded her teeth as she could feel Dark Gale retracted her claws out of Riletias paws. "I don't care about your origins. Where are my friends?" She said with a focused voice, ignoring the pain and blood coming out of the wounds caused by Dark Gales claws. "Oh, don't you get all melodramatic with me." The witch grinned, tearing her claws free from Riletia's big paws. "You'll see them again...in another life." taking a deep inhale, Dark Gale let out a terrible and highly focused screech in the form of a sonic wave, throwing the warrior clear across the room and cracking one of the walls. Allowing her claws to retract, she waved her hand and brought her staff back to her side. The hands fell one by one, dissipating like clouds when they were struck only to be replaced by another. From behind in the dark, earthy cavern a hand reached out and clutched at Cragg. Steve was now in a bad position: if he helped his friend escape the light would be destroyed, but if he continued to protect the orb who was to say what would happen to the archer? "Nghhh...Marcus, not until we're married..." Gale mumbled as Bright attempted to suck out the poison. It appeared to be working: something was coming out of the wound after all. "She's getting married?!" Xavier exclaimed before shaking his head. "No, I’ll worry about that later...need to focus..." He turned to the mirror image of his sister and pulled out his pellet shooter, loading it as quickly as he possibly could with a small, blue pellet. "Nox" A wave of black energy flew forth from the witch's hand, sending Xavier onto his back. "I’ll deal with you later. Right now I have more dangerous matters to deal with. Isn't that right my hate-consumed juggernaut?" She laughed a bit at Riletia as she said this. "Like you're not melodramatic?" Riletia spat as she pulled herself out of the cracked wall. Steve came to the conclusion that he had to save Cragg. Losing another friend would only make it harder to defend the orb of light. He shot a pebble towards the dark hand and it was hit straight in the wrist (or whatever counted as a wrist with this strange summon). Bright blushed slightly as he heard Gale, though as he sucked on her wound he got a sour taste in his mouth. He spat it down on the ground. He looked to the side only to see Xavier pass by him and land on the ground. Riletia didn't see the humour in it as Dark Gale laughed at her. Her armor broke into several pieces as her body grew even bigger and making her look more like a lion. Her body was no longer able to keep her standing on two legs and two pair of wings sprouted from her back. She leapt with great speed, not towards Dark Gale as her anger told her, but instead towards the floating light orb whereas she landed on the dark hands and snuffed them out by crushing them beneath her paws. Dark Gale watched with a small grin as Riletia flew past her to help protect the light. "Underneath all that rage you must be afraid of me." She commented. "Why else would you purposely attempt to keep me weak in the light?" She turned to Bright and Gale, seductively walking towards them with her hips swaying; perhaps she though of it as a kind of taunt, but who was to say? "YAAHHHH!!!" Xavier bellowed, tackling the witch from the side. They both landed with a thud on the cold ground, He had her pinned to the with his body. "Didn't expect you to recover so quickly." She admitted; they had landed face to face. "Do you really expect this to hold me?" "It doesn't have to hold you long!" The high councilor grunted in his own fury. "Just long enough!" Again she giggled lightly, offering next to no resistance. "You know, I had to spit out Ûsa when she reverted back into a naga inside my gullet." She said though a grin. "So, as you could probably imagine, I have still yet to eat anything during my time here. How about this: You get off me, and I won't down you with your sis..." She stopped when he bashed her head with his own, causing more blood to pour from her nose. "You don't even need to finish that sentence to know my answer!" Once again her smile vanished. "So be it. I’ll make sure you two die together. It will be bitter-sweet." Riletia trampled the dark hands as they appeared from the floor, making it seem like a cats game with a rodent in a hole. Bright only dared to take a single glance at Dark Gale. It was Gale, but at the same time, it wasn't her. All in all, it was kinda confusing, and he might even have been fooled had it not been for the different clothing and the different behaviour. Steve and Cragg had Dark Gale in their sights, yet they held their shots as they could not risk taking Xavier down as well. They could do nothing more but to keep on defeating the hands. Hopefully they would drain Dark Gale of her energy as they did. Bright spat out another suck of the poison. He could not feel if he had gotten it all out by now, though he had a feeling that some of it had probably gotten into Gales bloodstream. Nothing to do but to let her own body take care of that. All he could do was to see if he could get Gale awake again. He tried shooking her shoulders like Xavier had done earlier, though he eventually came to the conclusion that he needed something more effective. He pulled out a flask of water, unplugged it and cast the contents of it in Gales face. Gale responded almost immediately to the water, shaking her head back and forth. "Wha...huh? Oh, Bright. What happened?" She didn't even need him to answer the question; all around her were the happenings of her sinister clone. The hands kept coming unceasingly, and even her brother was starting to struggle to keep the vile witch pinned. "You might as well give up you're pointless effort." Dark Gale said to her supposed brother. "You can't hold me down forever. It will be mere moments before I have YOU pinned." Xavier said nothing in turn, keeping his grip tight on her hands to keep them away from him. "Gale, you got poisoned." Bright quickly told her anyway. "We need you to do some magic or we'll be dead in a moment." He paused for a moment: "Do you suppose you could expand the light orb? Vanquish the shadows?" "Poisoned?" Gale questioned, getting to her feet with a wobble; she had a wobble in her step still, most likely the effects of the little remaining poison. Suddenly, realization dawned on her as the full reality of the situation sank in, especially between her brother and her double. "GET AWAY OF HIM! Lumalma!" With a sweep of her staff a large wisp of light shot forth towards the two of them grappling on the floor. "Goodbye." Xavier said with a sly grin, leaping away from his sister's attack. It bashed into her like an angry bull, sending her flying far off into the room whereas a squal was the only thing she could emit. As the light hit the wall, it faded. "Lum!" She shouted again, letting loose a thin ray of white light into the orb she had conjured not long ago. It grew in size and it grew in brightness; soon the hands began to dissolve as they approached the light. They would no longer be able to get the light, but they still continued to spawn from the ground; this time moving towards the mage who was generating the light. "Keep them off me!" She shouted out, focusing on the spell. Bright did his best to support Gale. He did not want her to topple over like a sack of flour. Though she seemed to manage to stand on her own after using her staff. Steve gave out an impressed whistle as he saw the light pass by him and hit Dark Gale. "Nice one." He muttered with a smile. As the dark hands changed their directions towards Gale, Steve, Cragg and Bright formed a defensive circle around Gale whereas they did their best to vanquish the hands as they appeared. Riletia on the other hand continued to step on the hands that approached the light orb while trying to keep an eye on where Dark Gale had gone to. They were successfully keeping the appendages off of Gale as she strengthened the orb in the room with her magic. It wouldn't be long now before the battle would fall completely into their favor. "Damn them all..." Dark Gale grunted, hiding off to the side as the battle commenced. He gauze was locked in particular to Riletia, who had literally become a lumbering beast. If only she could use that strength to her advantage...A smile erupted onto her face, an idea was forming. She crept into the shadow of the hallway leading out and faded into the darkness. She had reappeared again off to the side just beside the throne, in just the perfect position that only Riletia would see her; in one hand she held the mouse that was Sendra, in the other was Ûsa, still locked up in her ball of energy. Letting out a sharp whistle, she grabbed the warrior's attention. "Looking for these?" The witch taunted, waving the two of them in front of herself before tossing Sendra into her maw, letting one of her cheeks bulge out as she continued to taunt the sphinx with a grin. She waved at her with her free hand before taking a large gulp, making sure to emphasize the bulge going down her throat. Now all Riletia needed to do was fall for the bait... Riletia was busy crushing dark hands beneath her feet when she suddenly heard a sharp whistle. She turned her head towards Dark Gale and knew within a moment exactly what the witch was holding in her hand. Then as she saw the witch swallow the mouse it was if something snapped within her. She let out a mighty roar that could be heard all across the room, despite the fighting. Her body grew slightly more in size whereas her teeth got more feline, or in other words, a lot sharper. Her claws got longer and pierced the floor whereas her current weight made the floor crack beneath her feet. She stretched her wings and they were close upon the ceiling. Riletia gave Dark Gale a stare that would make even trained knights shiver in their armor. She took a step towards the throne and another one. "Crap." Steve exclaimed. "She relapsed. She's impossible to reason with in this state." Dark Gale could only chuckle as Riletia completely reverted. "Aww, did I piss the kitty off?" She taunted, waving her finger towards the enraged sphinx. "Au Revoir." With that she jumped behind the throne and vanished once again in its shadow. With her paw, Riletia smashed the throne apart. She was however not fast enough to hit the witch as Dark Gale had vanished into the shadow. With her claws she scratched after Dark Gale at the floor. "How is she able to move so fast?" Xavier questioned. "Isn't the light supposed to weaken her?" "It is." She answered briefly. "But she is stronger than she looks. After all she has been feeding on dark energy all the time she was waiting for us to find her. And on top of that..." She looked to Riletia with worried eyes. "...She is clever. You said that in this state she would be hard to reason with? I'll bet anything that she is planning to use Riletia's blind rage against us." As if on que, The witch reappeared in one of the group's shadows from behind. In her hand she still carried the encased snake, in the other her staff was grasped tight. "Yoo Hoo! Over here!" She waved to Riletia to get her attention once again. She smacked her flat belly with the tip of her staff. "And so are your friends! What are you waiting for you tub of lard, come and get me!" At the angle they were at and the height of the ceiling Riletia would have to plow through her other friends, and the orb, to get to Dark Gale. Would she be wise about her choice, or would she follow instinct? Her ears perked as she heard Dark Gales words once more. She turned around slowly to figure out where the sound was coming from. With squinted eyes she tried to peer through the strong light that came from the light orb. "Crap. Cragg, preemptive strike." Steve said, moved slightly and touched Craggs arrow with the tip of his fingers. "Motus maximum verto pondus maximum." He said whereas Cragg aimed towards Gale and let loose the arrow. He had missed by an inch as Dark Gale had moved slightly during the shot. It would feel as if her hair had just been moved by a blast of wind and a few strands of hair had been ripped apart. Cragg picked up another arrow. The witch only frowned with anger as the arrow whizzed past her head and Cragg took up another arrow. "You people are far too stubborn." She growled, bashing the tip of her staff into the ground. With an odd buzzing sound three duplicate Gales flew forth from the original, creating a squad of four that now stood against the the group. "When will you realize you can't win?" All four clones taunted in unison. "Gale's light is the only thing keeping you alive, and once her life is extinguished so too will be your precious light, leaving me nigh unstoppable to anyone. So long as I thrive in the shadows my power is next to infinite, while you are all bound to your current abilities and not much else! But that doesn't matter anymore, the fact of the mater is that you've already lost Riletia, and soon she will be trampling over all of you to get to me, whom will safely fall back into the shadows. Even if it does not manage to kill you, it will at the very least destroy that accursed soul beacon that binds me..." It was then that she looked up and realized that, while she cloned herself, she did not clone the orb which held Usa. Each of them proceeded to grasp at the bridges of their noses, grumbling together in foolish irritation. "Of course." They grumbled. "Soul beacon?" Bright asked curiously, stopping his movement for a moment. Cragg fired another arrow. He didn't aim for the one closest to the floating orb, but instead the one closest to him. It was more of a motion already decided than an actual thought process. Steve went down on his knees, placed a hand on the floor and shouted: "Ruina Orbis." A mere blink of an eye after, a purple line travelled from his hand along the floor and made a circle around the Dark Gale with the orb. The floor beneath here seemed unchanged, though a portion of the ceiling directly above that particular Gale cracked and loosened. Riletia squinted her eyes as the light hurted her eyes. She ended closing them and instead began using her nose. She slowly moved towards where Dark Gale was located, stepping carefully with her big paws. Gale watched with a low growl as everyone joined in against her. Already one clone faded due to Cragg's arrow, and now with the efforts of Steve and his magic her little delay tactic was falling to pieces. Beyond the light she could see how Riletia's actions changed; she was thinking straight, she was using her nose to find her and she wasn't going to be charging into them. Everything was starting to crumble: her plans, her perfect revenge, even her makeshift throne...all of it was going to ruin, and fast. "A soul beacon," Good Gale addressed, "Is an orb of light that usually acts as a lantern, but with just the right amount of strength it can become a ward that can kill lesser shadow beings while deterring the stronger ones." A strong spark came from the orb. "And...Done!" She shouted, releasing her connection to the sphere. The effects were quite immediate, as wisps of black began to evaporate from her dark clone. "And it looks like you're done with it!" The other two clones puffed out of existence almost immediately; the orb that contained Usa fell to the ground and shattered like glass, freeing the snake to the world. Sendra, however, was still trapped inside of the witch's belly. Gale walked up to her weakening twin, kicking the black staff from her hand. "It's over. Hand over Sendra!" The witch, bathed in the light, had been grunting it pain; however, upon Gale approaching her those signs of pain mutated into an odd mix of that and sinister laughter. "Make me." Gale then grabbed her by the folds near her bosom and shook her. "I wasn't ASKING!" She hissed. The witch coughed harshly in response. "Look at you now. Without me to use as a trash bin for your negative emotions, your quickly becoming tyrannical." She again tried to laugh, becoming harder still; Gale did not respond. "But I suppose I should thank you for at least one thing..." "Oh really? And what exactly might that be." Her grip tightened. "For casting your shadow." Suddenly, Dark Gale slid from her grip and fell into her shadow on the floor. The good twin stood bewildered at the error she had just made, after so much preparation. She shouted in disgust and stomped the ground. The snake that was Ûsa slithered across the floor and into the hands of Steve whereas he lifted her up. "I think I can break the curse, but I am not sure if I should do it here and now." He muttered and looked down on the snake. Riletia began to scratch with her claws at where the Dark Gale had disappeared. She shrank in size as the battle had stopped for now and rage lessened. She was still of considerable size, but not the raging behemoth she was before. "That shadow ability is rather tiresome." Bright said and looked around. "How big of a shadow does she need?" He asked and stared down on his own shadow. It wasn't very big considering his position to the soul beacon. "I`d hate to think of her just reaching up and grabbing my leg through my own shadow." "Oh, not to big." Came a voice that echoed from the whole room. "Grabbing up though the shadows hmm? Actually, that's not a bad idea. Thanks Bright." With that, Shadow Gale's hands emerged from the shadows beneath Bright's form and grabbed him by the ankles, quickly pulling him into the ground. He gave out a surprised yelp as he disappeared. "Bright!" Gale shouted, reaching for him to no avail. He descended into the black shadow before she could reach him. Through his eyes, Bright would now see a strange sight: above him was the room, devoid of color save for certain splotches, other than that there was nothing but black. With a startling bound the witch pounced on him, pinning him to the ground with her face right up into his. "Hello Bright." She said softly, giving him a small kiss on the forehead. "Allow me to personally introduce you to the 'siphon layer' of the room we were just in. In here, light cannot enter; in here there is only shadow; in here we see them, but they cannot see us. You'll notice that most of what is above us is black and white, but what of the colored areas? Those, my dear little Bright, are the shadows of your friends and the only escape from the layer. Interesting, no?" "Well..." He began. He certainly didn't want to piss her off now that he was in her grip. He had a feeling he should avoid questions that might get him killed. "It is quite interesting."He paused a bit: "Tell me, are you also in love with Marcus?" The witch looked at Bright with her eyes half opened, frowning slightly. "You know, I do realize that your afraid me and that your just trying to avoid making me angry. I can smell it." She got up off of him and brushed herself off. "My qualms do not lie with you; you have yet to try anything to kill me, unlike the rest of them up there." "Well," Bright said and got back on his feet as well. He looked towards Dark Gale, but his gaze looked slightly off towards the colored splotches above him. "Let's say you hypothetically manage to defeat all of us. What do you intend to do afterwards?" He asked curiously while being a bit defensive. He knew attacking alone against Dark Gale would be rather useless at the moment. Especially since he dropped his hammer while being dragged in. "What do I intend to do afterwards?" Gale questioned again, as if she had not really thought of the answer. "I suppose I would just go and live my life. It's not like I’d be some evil and hated sorceress, like the king, but I would have zero tolerance for those who tried to go against me!" She quickly turned to Bright. "Ever since I arrived on this earth, ever since I got a life of my own everyone has been doing everything in their power to kill me. It started with Ûsa, who tried to use her powers to cure Gale of my Presence...Cure, as if I was some kind of disease! My qualms lied then with but her and Gale, the wretch who kept me imprisoned in the dark depths of her mind and used me as a trash bin for all of her dark and vengeful thoughts...That's how she acts like such a saint you know, she took all those negative emotions and dumped them right into me! But then the others had to butt in; they tried to kill me too, so now I'll end them just like they tried to end me! Then I saw our brother, that was the only time in my short life I've ever felt joy, and what did he do?! You saw what he did to me just as I felt it!" Oddly enough, her voice started to sound choked up. Bright listened to Dark Gales speech and he couldn't help but feel a little bit of pity towards her. Maybe she was doing her tricks again, but to him it looked like she was on the verge on crying. He took a few steps forward until he stood close enough so he could look into her eyes. Then he hugged her. Dark Gale did nothing to stop Bright's advance; she knew he meant good...or at least wanted to look like he meant good. "I can't feel anything but fury towards the lot of them," She gritted through her teeth, "I want them dead for their cruelty towards me! But no one cares, all I am to them is a monster...perhaps that is even true, but if it is true than it is all Gale's fault!" She broke free of the hug. "She thinks her precious light will keep everyone safe; she is sadly mistaken. That wench has no idea what I'm capable of!" Bright looked at Dark Gale for a moment: "You sure you can't just spit out Sendra and then we can all be on our way without any more bloodshed?" He paused slightly before continuing: "I mean, you said you weren't gonna be like that king, but if all you want is revenge, what makes you better than him?" He had a feeling he might be walking on thin ice, but being trapped in a shadow room together with a dark witch with a killing attitude left little room for possible actions. "I am nothing like that king." She growled low, "He hated and killed for the sake of ruling the world. My qualms lie only with those who struck me first! Besides, I give up now after everything they would just strive to kill me again: I know they will." With arms crossed across her chest, she stood beneath one of the colored patches above. "I only brought you here so that you would not be caught in the crossfire." Was all she said as she jumped forth, back into the real wold. On the other side Steve muttered some words beneath his breath before he looked over to Gale: "Gale, do you know any quick remove curse spells?" "I don't know any in particular," Gale began looking at the snake. "But if she used shadow magic to transform her, then it's likely that light magic can remove the curse." She looked to Ûsa and, placing her staff down, held out her hands as if she was about to pray. " Lum Restra" She spoke smoothly, opening her hands and letting a few ribbons of light float down onto the serpent. Engulphed in light, her form began to change back into that of the naga." Steve gave out a groan as Ûsa gained more weight, and he had to quickly set the snake down on the floor. Shortly after the shape of Ûsa began to grow and change until she was back to her normal size. "Thanks." she said when she finally had regained her original size. Then she became rather dizzy and had to lean on Steve whereas he complained about her weight. "You're alright then?" Gale asked, looking Ûsa's normal and massive form over. "She didn't burn you when she...you know..." "Hold on, wait a moment." Xavier interrupted, looking around at everyone. "What is going on here exactly? Our foe is a twin of my sister, the warrior turned into...whatever she is now, The snake was a lady, there was a mouse in that orb too who I have to presume is the other person kidnapped." He looked to Gale, hopping for answered. "I can tell you everything later, about the events that lead up to this and all of that." The mage explained. "Right now we need to figure out how to pull Bright and her out of the siphon layer." "I`m okay." Ûsa said and focused on breathing normally. "I`m just a bit tired. Her eyes were closed and her hair was a mess. Cragg looked at Xavier: "It's a long story. "If she appears again, I think I can hold her to this realm." Ûsa muttered. "That's a big if." Gale told Usa. "None of us can reach her or Bright or Sendra, and nothing is forcing her to come out. We can only hope that her desire to have me killed is enough to draw her out of hiding, otherwise we could be in serious trouble." "So we have no way of dragging her out besides that?" Steve asked curiously. "No," Gale replied. "I don't have the abilities to go in there, or even to reach in and pull something out as some mages do. I haven't mastered any dark magics yet. We are just going to have to..." A swooshing sound ended her sentence abruptly as the witch reemerged behind her, a black aura engulfing her body. "Noxalma Dex!" She screamed, opening her arms out; a large wave of black energy errupted from her like a bomb, striking forth at all who were in the room. Both Gale and Xavier went flying in opposite directions, stopped only by the walls of the cave. The orb that had provided the light during the battle had gone dim, and no longer seemed to be affecting her in her bitter rage. "But..." Bright tried to say, but he was not able to say what was on his mind as Dark Gale once again vanished out of sight. This was not leading anywhere, though he wondered about the words that she had said. He immediately looked up towards the colored splotches. He ran forward and tried to jump through one of them. He would find that, despite having jumped into a colored section above him, he could not pass though and simply bumped his head. Looking up, he would have seen a brief moment where everything went black due to the Witch's attack. Bright made an ouch noise when he hit the ceiling. "Curses." He muttered to himself. How the heck was he supposed to get out of this mess? He pondered and pondered and suddenly he got an idea. If there were no shadows available from above, what if he made one from below? He picked out the contents of his backpack and realized he still had a torch left along with a couple of spark stones. It was worth a try he thought. Steve and Cragg had been blown back by the energy as well. They tumbled along the ground like a pair of thrown dolls. Riletia had been affected as well, though her weight made sure that she stopped before she hit any walls. Ûsa had thrown herself to the ground and thus escaped much of the blast. She got herself back up and turned head directly towards Dark Gale. She suddenly opened her eyes wide and a darkness settled in the room that made it seem like Dark Gale and Ûsa were the only ones there. The naga reached out with one hand and grabbed a piece of air. Though once she had done that, Dark Gale would feel a thread tugging at her right hand at the wrist. The thread shone of white, was tied around D.Gales wrist whereas Ûsa held the other end. "I am done with you!" She hissed at the naga, tugging on the cord; Ûsa would have some trouble holding onto it, her pull providing to be quite strong. From behind her, just like those of her twin's, eight appendages erupted forth, but these had a far different appearance; while Gale's were boney and appeared to be covered in what looked like leathery, gray flesh, those of Dark Gale appeared to be slim and black, covered in a bumpy flesh with several sharp spikes emerging from the back. With a flick of the cord, the shadow mage managed to hook the string around Ûsa's wrist and, with a powerful tug, began to pull the serpent towards her a foot at a time. "Well, I am not done with you!" Ûsa replied and curved her tail around a piece of rock that had been a part of the throne earlier in an attempt to not be dragged towards Dark Gale. She reached out with her free hand and seemed once again to grasp thin air, though this a green thread appeared in her hand and it seemed to go directly through Dark Gales skin and into her stomach. She yanked her hand backwards and the thread vanished. It seemed as if the spell had failed, though Dark Gale would feel a strange sensation within. It was if a seed had begin to grow in her stomach, like into a thorn bush or poison ivy. Dark Gale did her best to ignore what was happening within her abdomen: It was likely just another illusion by the cleric and would pass with her. "So be it, I'm done with the little tricks and I'm done being tormented by you and your precious little friends!" Crouching, the witch pounced with great speed towards the serpent, her appendages bending back behind her in her flight. A sound like a squish shot out; one of the sharp mutations pierced into the human belly of Ûsa. "I am sick of the illusions!" She pulled out the leg and jabbed it back in with each sentence, "I am sick of people attacking me! I am sick of everyone treating me like dirt! I am sick of having to be reminded again and again of how worthless people think I am! I am sick of having to hide in the darkness because the light hurts me! I am sick of being unhappy! I am sick of being angry! I'll make you pay Gale! You caused all of this suffering! You will meet your end by my hand! Even if I have to carve my path to you through each of your new friends! One! BY! ONE!!!" With tremendous strength and a rage that made tears fall from her eyes the witch took hold of Usa's entire body with all her appendages and threw her away in behind herself. Surly THAT would make the illusions fade, or so she hopped. Ûsa landed on the ground behind Dark Gale with a soft thud whereas she was rather quiet. No movement, no speech, just low breathing as she tried to heal her extensive wounds. Though the darkness lifted itself from Dark Gales eyes, the feeling within her stomach persisted. Not only that, whatever made the feeling also made her stomach extend a little bit. A small burning sensation travelled upwards Dark Gales throat. It would almost feel as if she had just swallowed a bunch of vines. That was however not the only thing that happened around Dark Gale. From her right she could feel herself getting hit by a rather big cats paw, though with that size and speed coming from Riletia, she might as well have been hit by a brick wall. Within the shadow realm Bright got a spark on the torch and within a moment he had a flame going on. Perhaps this would be the light he needed to make a decent shadow to pass through. Granted, he had no idea if this would work or not, but it was worth a try. "Oh god, Ûsa!" Gale shouted. She, along with everyone else who had recovered from the initial attack, would have witnessed the brutal assault against the cleric and how Riletia swatted her away into one of the walls. "Cover me, I'm going to go help her." The mage announced, heading over to the unmoving mass. "We'll cover you." Steve and Cragg got back on their though they were a bit ruffled after the current attack. They prepared themselves and stood in a matter that defended Gale and Ûsa. Enraged, Dark Gale got up as if she was not even hit to begin with. She placed a hand over her belly, feeling it begin to swell. "Damn cleric!" She grunted. "She must have done something to Sendra inside me!" Looking around, she saw Gale running over to the naga she had just incapacitated. With a hiss towards the mage, she looked over to Riletia, who would undoubtedly block her path with her body and strength if she tried to attack her double. "Noxalma!" The witch shouted, bringing her appendages together along with her hands; in the core where they all met a great ball of shadow formed and sparked with energy, before being released as a massive beam towards Riletia; the beam hummed with power, and struck Riletia's head. Riletia merely gave Dark Gale a malicious stare and what could be possibly seen as a cats hiss, or at least the sphinx equivalent of one. The sphinx did not have the necessary magical abilities to withstand a direct attack. She stood her ground until the beam dispersed, whereas she gave out a whimper, bent down on her knees and toppled over. Dark Gale would be able to feel that there were something coming up her throat and out of her mouth. A closer inspection would reveal that it was in fact vines. The pieces of it that came on the outside dropped small seeds on the ground whereas the vine itself tried to itself around Gales arms and appendages. Dark Gale almost smiled at having toppled the big sphinx, but her rage and the pain she felt growing still in her middle prevented it. Her attention now turned to Steve and Cragg, who stood guard as Gale rushed to tend to Ûsa. Holding out her hand, two beams shot forth from her palm and to the ground beneath each of them, causing a black pool to form at their feet. From these pools rose two figured, one before either of the men; completely black duplicates of the people whom which they now faced, weapons and all. "Kill them!" The witch ordered; the figures jumped back several feet, the figure of Cragg drew and arrow from seemingly nowhere and took aim while the figure of Steve put its hands together in silence as a black circle began to form beneath the wizard; unlike his powers which increased gravity, this seemed to be making the ground want to surge up towards the ceiling. With them presumably occupied, Dark Gale walked past them and continued towards her twin. "Come on Usa, stay with me!" She muttered, using her magic to try and heal the wound. She was unaware that the witch was approaching from behind. Meanwhile, Xavier, not accustomed to combat, was just starting to rise up from the blast, holding his head in pain. Even after the torch was lit, the layer was still dark to Bright. However, he would begin to notice that directly above the torch in the black and white ceiling a small splash of color was starting to bleed through. What might happen if it touched? Bright looked at the splotch of color that appeared in the ceiling. He had nothing to lose so he jumped up and touched it. Wherever the seeds landed on the stone floor, something green began to grow. It looked like grass to begin with, though it could be something more. The vine travelled outside of Dark Gales mouth and circled itself around one of her appendages whereas the vine suddenly grew small thorns, embedding them into the flesh of the appendage. As the vines latched onto the spider-like legs that protruded from the witch's back, she finally took the time to do something about the bother. Nothing changed in her outer appearance, but momentarily after the vine grew spikes it began to blacken and wither, the infection spreading down the plant. At the same time, she bit at the vine in her mouth, injecting several doses of her venom into the plant; she knew not what it would do to a plant, but it was bound to do something to benefit her. The plant immediately rotted and turned into dust. All the seeds on the ground were unchanged however. Cragg dodged the arrow launched by his dark opposite whereas he shot one of his own and in turn missed as the clone dodged as well. He couldn't focus elsewhere as it took his whole concentration just to keep the clone at bay. Steve thought of a spell he could use, but he wouldn't have time to use if he was to dodge the spells cast in turn by this fake. He rolled off the pedestal of stone that he stood on. Xavier had finally gotten back to his feet, only to notice Dark Gale's new form. A flood of memories that his true sister brought back to him, from the past before they had parted ways and the fate that beheld the poor town that they lived in, all of them returned in an instant as he gauzed upon her body. "She can control it!?" He exclaimed, grabbing at his head with both hands in disbelief. About to speak again, he looked to the side and noticed a hand poking thought the floor; not like one of the hands that were attacking before, this was a genuine human hand. Without another thought he grasped down and grabbed the hand, pulling Bright slowly out of the ground. "Julian! Good to see your still in one piece!" Julien blinked a bit as he got out of he ground: "Glad to still be in one piece." He looked towards Dark Gale being a bit preoccupied with the plant. "We're still in trouble I see." Ûsa was still alive, but she was in a pretty bad shape. Her breathing was irregular and she looked rather pale. Her wounds was closing slowly, but she was still loosing blood and breathing hard. "Just a little longer Usa, you'll be fine." Gale promised, focusing deeply on the recovery. Dark Gale continued her approach, the vines erupting from her mouth were dying rapidly and continuing to decay down into the belly while the clones continued to keep Cragg and Steve at bay. She did not know that Bright was free and that Xavier was awake. "We need to do something." The neko commented, reaching for his pellet shooter. "I'm going to load this thing with a choking gas pellet. I need you to distract her so I can get close enough to have an effective shot; Can't say for certain how well this will fare, but I'm going to aim directly for her mouth, that has to do something." With this he began to keep along the rubble, using both it and Riletia's unconscious form to keep from sight. The numerous seeds that had landed on the floor took root in the floor an grass began to grow wherever they had landed. They seemed to grow in the same speed as the vines in Dark Gales mouth decayed. "Uhm, right." Bright said and looked around the room. His hammer was on the other side of the room. Then he thought that Dark Gale perhaps wouldn't kill him outright considering that he hadn't done anything rash against her. He began to run towards Dark Gale, perhaps he could tackle her when she wasn't looking. Hiding behind Riletia's head, Xavier took aim towards the twin of his sister, waiting for the perfect shot at her throat. "Almost...Come on Ûsa, say something." Gale mumbled; the wound in Usa's abdomen was still present, but with Gale's aid the wound would become less and less fatal. She wouldn't be able to heal her completely, she needed to retain as much strength as she could to fight the witch. She knew she was approaching, and that she had little time left to help her friend. Ûsa gave off a small groan. It wasn't a word specificly, but at least it was a sound. It seemed as if she was regaining consciousness. "Ûsa!" Gale shouted with a high heart. "Thank god your ok! If you can hear me, just take it easy and let me heal you a bit more. You saved me and Bright from death only days ago, now it's my turn to save you!" Ûsa smiled and formed an "ok" with her mouth, though she didn't actually say the words. Bright was getting pretty close to the witch. Apparantly she had yet to notice him. Riletia was still alive, though when Xavier got close, he would be able to smell that her hair had been burnt somewhat. She was however unconscious at the moment and would probably not be of any help any time soon. Dark Gale stopped suddenly, neither speaking or moving and only a few yards from Gale and Ûsa. "How did you escape the layer?!" She roared, her voice cracking in strange ways, likely due to the immense power she had gained releasing her extra appendages. "No matter. I’ll send you back in bindings. Abruptly turning to face him, she stomped forward with an arm outstretched. "Perfect." Xavier whispered, taking careful aim at the witch. "Come on Julian, make her open her mouth one more time." "Eh..." Bright began, not even sure what to say. "I don't know?" He was rather nervous, maybe even scared from the situation as it felt as if he was receiving a scolding. "I`m sorry`?" He attempted an apology as if he had been a child grounded. He took a step backwards to avoid Dark Gales hand, tripped over a stone, waved his hands comically for a small moment before he fell backwards onto the stone floor whereas he exclaimed a loud ouch. Looming over Bright, her hand began to emit a light black vapor. "Return now to..." A small thunk sounded to the side where Riletia lay; Xavier took his shot while she was speaking. The small black pellet flew directly to its target, who proceeded to swallow it on impulse. There was a brief moment of silence before the witch reacted, a small cough at first escalating to gags as she gasped for air and clutched at her neck. "Well..." Xavier spoke, walking out to help Bright up. "I wasn't expecting her to swallow the pellet, but it works all the same. The stuff is potent in small doses, but the whole thing...consumed at that...it's not going to be pretty." She put a hand suddenly over her mouth as her cheeks bloated up. Tripping to her knees, Dark Gale could hold on no longer and regurgitated, releasing a clear liquid and black fog from her mouth; along with these a mouse popped out along with dead foliage, it was Sendra! Xavier, despite the success, found himself putting a hand to his mouth. "I can't watch any more of this, or I might throw up." He mumbled, turning around. The witch fell to her side, continuing to hack and wheeze violently. As her appendages fell limp after twitching since the ordeal began and a streak of blood dripped from the corner of her mouth and began to pool on the cold ground, her movement stopped... As the witch fell to the ground, the copies of Cragg and Steve halted their movements and began to fizzle before evaporating from existence. Steve and Cragg both gave out a sigh of relief as they saw the clones evaporate from existance. They had barely dodged their enemies attacks and it had been pretty close sometimes. Steve had to rely on Craggs shoulder for a moment as he begun to get tired again. Unable to ignore the sounds behind her, Gale turned from healing Usa, who was now safe from death but still injured, and beheld as Dark Gale collapsed. More importantly, she noticed the mouse that popped out of her. "Sendra!" She shouted, gently leaving Usa's side to get to the mouse. The mouse laid very still, even when Gale picked it up. "Sendra?..." Gale mumbled, holding the mouse in her hands. Just as a grim sense of mourning was about to come over her she heard Sendra's voice not far from where she was kneeling down. "You do realize that is just a dead mouse right?" Sendras voice came from behind where she stood leaning on a tree that had grown from the midst of the grass. She looked pale, tired and somewhat wet, but otherwise fine. (She was also wearing a green dress that looked like the texture of grass.) "Thanks Xavier." Bright exclaimed as he took Xaviers hand and got back on his feet. "I really thought I was a goner for a moment there. He looked over at the fallen Dark Gale: "Did you kill her? She sure doesn't look good." He looked back at Xavier: "Do you use this often? That's just nasty." "It should have." Xavier hoped, seeing the twin of his sister lying motionless on the floor. "I usually only carry one of the things with me when I know danger is afoot. It's supposed to cause a distraction, but taking it like that...must have hurt a lot." "Sure looked like it." Bright commented. "I hope you`ll never use that thing on me." "Sendra, you're okay!" She exclaimed, looking back down at the dead rodent before throwing it aside in childish disgust, even muttering "Eww." while she did so. Jumping back up, she looked over to Usa once again. "Well, in the end it looks like almost everything turned out perfect. No one died, I found my brother. Now I can focus more of my energy and completely fix up Ûsa and then Riletia before we leave." She looked down, her moment of glee having halted. "I'm sorry guys, this is pretty much my fault. I mean, look at her, she IS me. I should have found a way to keep control after fighting the king, but I couldn't..." Xavier walked over and placed a hand on her shoulder to comfort her. "No one is blaming you for all this...at least I would hope not." He assured her, looking to Sendra as if for conformation. Sendra shook her head: "No, we don't blame you. It wasn't you directly that attacked us." She looked over to Riletia: "Hold on, I`m gonna wake up the cat." "Shall we get out of here?" Steve said while massaging a sore shoulder. "I don't like this cave." "Yeah, it is about time we packed up and left this place behind us." Gale agreed, lifting her hands towards the dim orb of light. Dispersing into sparkles of light into the air around them, the orb shrank down back into its original size; just the small orb that the mage used earlier as a lantern. "We should get Usa back to good enough health though that she can turn back into a human, Riletia too. Wouldn't want those red cloaks back there to attack us after all we've been through right?" Xavier stood above the witch, looking down at her and her blank, glassy stare. Something about it was drawing his attention, yet he nor anyone else could begin to guess what that might be. Suddenly, he felt a breeze pass him, one such as the one that passed him when he first reunited with his sister. "You said that she might have taken a portion of the memories you held that were supposed to have been given back to me, right Gale?" He asked, turning away after the sensation faded. "That's what I assumed yes." she replied, tending further to Ûsa's wound. "Why do you ask? Wait...do you remember everything now!?" her excitement almost made her jump away from Usa, but she managed to restrain herself. "Not quite..." He placed a hand on his head, smiling all the same. "...but felt something strange, something I felt when I first laid eyes on you back in the castle. If it is like before, it might take more time than anticipated." As he talked to his sister, he would fail to see a small twitch from Dark Gale's hand... "Riletia, you okay?" Sendra said to the big sphinx as she awoke her. "Yeah...did we win?" "Yes." "Great." Her voice was glad, though she was too tired to celebrate loud and clear. With a bit of an effort she forced her body into her old shape. "Help me get my clothes will you? Probably just rags and scrap metal now though." "Let's just leave the carcass and get out of here." Steve said and moved towards the exit. "This cave gives me the chills." "Where to? Back to town?" Cragg asked. "That could work." Ûsa coughed slightly and her snakeparts turned into human legs once more. "That sounds like a fantastic idea!" Gale exclaimed, "Let's head back to town and leave all this chaos behind us." "You know," Xavier started, waiting for the others to start heading out before he followed himself, "perhaps you should be a bit thankful this happened. If not for this 'chaos' as you call it you would still have two half-souls in your body and you may have not found me. In the end, not only did everyone survive but you have gained from the experience as well." "I suppose you're right." The mage responded sheepishly. "I'd rather have avoided the whole life and death scenario, but I can't rewrite the past now can I?" "No, I suppose you can't." her brother chuckled, walking out after the rest of the group. Gale followed suit, staff in her hand and held close to her body. No sooner did she reach the mouth of the tunnel, however, did she stop and look behind herself again. "What's the hold up Gale?" Xavier asked, touching her shoulder. "Come on, we are just a couple minuets walk away from the town." "Wait..." she mumbled, taking a step back into the now pitch-black chamber. "Wait for what?" he asked again. "Gale, she's dead; you wanted to put this behind you, so lets do that alright?" "Shush!" Gale whispered through gritted teeth. "Something doesn't feel right...it's hard to say what, but there is something off." "I think you're just tired." Xavier joked, immediately getting silenced again by his sister. Though it was still night outside, time had obviously passed since they entered the cave. One could see from the position of the mon as it moved somewhat. "You know, for a moment I thought I wouldn't see the moon again." Sendra commented. "I know the feeling." Cragg answered. "Shall I seal the cave?" Steve turned arund and looked at Gale and Xavier. "I can collapse the mouth of it if you want. Just give me a sec and I`ll have some spells for it." Gale did not answer Steve, taking further steps back into the dark cavern. "Gale what are you doing?" Xavier wondered, reaching forward after her. "Come on, we have to..." He paused, seeing a small movement inside the darkness of the cave. The mage's orb flew out into the darkness, revealing the sickly figure of her clone, hunched over on her own black staff and barely breathing; between this, the blank stare and the blood that was trickling down from her mouth still it was almost like looking at a walking corpse, but Gale knew better: the witch was still very much alive. "Uh...guys, sh..she's still alive!" Her brother stuttered. "N..noxxx...alllmm...aaa...," she managed to moan, clearly in pain from the previous attack. As energy began to Gather in the twin's hand, Gale took the moment to bring her own hand up towards the evil. The others showed surprise as well when they saw that Dark Gale was still alive. Though tired from the previous battle, they drew their weapons and prepared a spell in case they would get a clear shot at the witch. They would however have to hold back for the time being as they didn't want to accidentally hit Gale as well. "This ends here! Lumalma!" Gale shouted, white energy flowing into her palm in unison to the other's dark power. With a woosh both attacks fired off, a ray of white and a ray of black rushing towards one another. They collided with a large boom, an orb of grey forming between them as the two wrestled their willpowers to strike the opposite down. With an ever-slow push, the white beam of energy was pushing back that of the witch, whom was struggling on her last legs to keep her own magic alive. Even in the presence of the element that once gave her strength, Dark Gale's attack was beginning to clearly buckle under the pressure of her opponent, though she could not muster any extra energy to protest. "Good riddance witch!" Gale bellowed, shoving greater force into her attack for the final blow. With one last, loud boom the mage's attack burst through the dark magic, shooting forward without being held back any further and engulfing the evil twin. Only when it dissipated did she run back into the room, lantern revealing the large crater, the center of which was Dark Gale, even worse in her condition. "I can't believe this!!!" She shouted again, having gotten a close look at her twin. "She is STILL alive...just barely...I have to admire you willpower at least, but it is starting to get on my nerves." "Just leave her here." Xavier tried to persuade her. "Look at her: she can't survive for much longer, not after all the abuse we put into her." "I wish it were that simple," She continued, "but if we leave her here in the shadows she will recover, and I'm running low on strength myself; I'd rather not leave a light in here and hope it will fade after she has passed." "What do you plan to do?" Bright asked, wondering what plans Gale might have. "If you need our magic, we`ll be more than willing to help." Ûsa said. "You don't have to stand alone." Sendra and Steve nodded. Cragg and Riletia were too busy supporting eachother to be of any help now. Gale looked back to the rest of the group, nodding to Ûsa's charity. "You're right, I will need all the help I can get." She looked back to her unconscious twin, "She was once sealed inside my mind, but after tonight and all the power she has gained I dare not try and put her back where she once was. She needs to be sealed away once again, but this time somewhere where she will not be able to threaten anything or anyone with her blind fury again. We need to bind her; seal her away in a dimension she can never escape from, only then will she no longer be a threat." "Sendra, Steefous, help me." Ûsa said and placed her hands on the ground. Steve and Sendra did so as well, forming a triangle around the unconscious Dark Gale. Vines formed around the witch, binding her down to the ground. A purple circle formed itself beneath Dark Gale, made by Steve. And at last, Ûsa opened her eyes and it seemed as if the ground beneath Dark Gale unravelled itself like a bunch of threads. It was if a gate to somewhere else had opened, revealing only darkness. "Now Gale. Use your magic to push her in!" Ûsa exclaimed. With a nod Gale pointed her staff towards her twin to finish the seal. A short, weak cough came from Dark Gale, awakening to find for the first time her fate. "I...hope...y-your...happy...k-killing me...off..." She choked, not bothering to even look at her. "Very." Was her only reply. Another orb of light emerged similar to the beacon she was using and hovered forward, stopping just inches above the witch's form. With a powerful surge downward the sphere stuck, taking Dark Gale into the void beneath along with the vines that bound her. Moments later the hole closed with a loud snap, ending the fight once and for all... "Well, that takes care of that." Gale sighed, smiling. "Now that all that's done, lets head back to town. Once Xavier recovers his memories we can say our final goodbyes. I'll finally be able to head home!" "So...we're done?" Bright asked curiously. In one way he was glad that Dark Gale was gone, that she could no longer hurt his friends. Though there were a hint of doubt in his eyes. It kinda hurt to see Gale vanish into a dark portal, even though that version happened to be a dark witch. Ûsa cracked her knuckles: "If I have to do more magic or fighting now, I think I`ll pass out." Steve nodded: "I know how you feel." 1. Goodbyes and farewells "We're no longer in a hurry. I guess we can just walk around the camp of the red cloaks. Or what do you guys think?" Bright said. "Actually, I think there might be a village to the southeast of here that might be closer." Riletia said. She looked at the others: "What? You want to walk all night again?" "Sounds like a plan to me." Xavier agreed with Riletia. "Anything to avoid those red cloaks. Said it before and I’ll say it again, I never liked them or approved of their ideals." "From what I've seen, I’d have to agree with you." Gale replied. By now, everyone had left the cave for good and were following Riletia as she lead them to the town in the southeast. "Seen, and felt. That bald woman still bothers me; just looking at her clouded my thoughts with nonsense." "I'm not sure what you mean, but I'm sure its no big issue." He put a finger to his chin. "As I recall, magic has always helped me more than hinder me, even though I use none of it myself. Like at the castle, there were these people who pulled me out of a dungeon to safety, and they used...magic..." he hesitated, "Wait, did that happen?" "Yes! It did!" The mage exclaimed, turning to him. "That must be part of your memories returning; the queen stole away the amulet and used it to prolong the king's life as the undead! They put you in the dungeon afterwards, and that's when you were found!" "Actually...yeah, that sounds very familiar...Of course! I remember now! I remember how they took me in after I first arrived here and cared for me, I remember how we got along so well, even though they were royalty and I poor, I remember the queen's attempts to prolong her husband's life by letting him use the amulet's power, I remember being rescued from the prison after so long in isolation with people too scared to make conversation by a group of adventurers, and then I remember reclaiming my bracelet from..." He looked at the rest of the group ahead of him and Gale, a bit of a worried look appeared on his face. "...and they thought...I robbed them...and I thought you guys...looked a bit...familiar...heh, heh..." "Ah, so now you remember?" Riletia said with a malicious grin. "If I wasn't so tired, I'd slap you." "Riletia..." Cragg said with a low voice. "I mean, I`ll save it for later." The town was peaceful. Not surprising considering how late in the night it was. A simple guard looked at the group as they arrived. He gave them a suspicious glare, but he let them pass anyway as he didn't see them as any threat. "Relax. We`ll get some lodging at this inn and then we`ll hire some horses for the trip back later on." Steve said and paid the barkeep at a local inn. A scrawny fellow who owned a four-stories tall establishment. (Whereas the fourth floor looked a bit unstable, kinda like the owner. The sign at the front door was that of a tall tree) He turned towards the fellow: "Suppose you can make us some food as well?" "I`ll get some for you right away." He answered, gestured towards a table and some chairs whereas he quickly disappeared into the kitchen. "So..." Bright looked towards Gale: "When will you be going back to...Nivia?" Since the relapse of memory he had, Xavier appeared to be avoiding being within several feet of Riletia; it was clear despite how inconspicuous he was trying to be, moving to another side of his sister to put distance between her and himself whenever the warrior moved. "When am I going back home?" Gale repeated, taking a seat at one of the tables; Xavier made sure to sit next to her. "Well...I suppose whenever I can. I have the bracelet that will take me home, the power to do so within me, and the amulet I was sent here to find has been destroyed...the people who sent me are not going to be happy since they wanted to study the relic, but this is one of those 'better off gone' situations: who knows what kind of chaos that thing could have unraveled back home." "Nivia, that sounds familiar. I wonder if I`ve read that somewhere..." Steve mumbled to himself as he heard Gale speak of her home. "You live in Nivia now?" Xavier asked, remaining as calm as he could; just looking at the sphinx-woman intimidated him. "Thats quite far away from the island we grew up in. What do you do there that would have sent you here? You become a researcher or something?" "Actually...to put it simply, I'm a member of the elite military force. First squad." "WHAT!?" It had been a good thing no one had gotten their food or drinks yet, he may had just spit it out there. "You're a...a battlemage!?" "Well, technically I'm an archmage-in-training. I've been told I'm very gifted in the magical arts." "A-arch m-mage?" He stuttered. "Archmage? You're not joking with me are you? There are only 4 in existence, and you're in training to be one of them?" "That about sums it up, yeah." "Gale...thats so much more that I ever expected you capable of!" He squeezed her in his arms. "I'm so proud of you! That school I sent you too before I left paid off so very well!" "Heh...about that." She rubbed the back of her neck. "They kicked me out a while back, some kind of technicality that you didn't know about when you signed me up. Took em a good seven years to find the problem though, so I did get something out of it." "Well, I can say I never saw that coming..." Their conversation continued for a great while, leaving the rest to listen in to random tidbits from Gale's past and Xavier's past. It continued well until the food arrived, and well after it was eaten... "Four in existance? That's quite impressive." Bright exclaimed when he heard Xavier speak about them. "I knew you were talented, Gale, but that's really neat." "And at such a young age as well. Impressive." Steve said, though he didn't know the requirements for the title, he assumed it was not something easily gained. Riletia stopped glaring at Xavier once the food arrived. It seemed to be bread and various leftovers from yesterdays dinner, including some meat and various vegetables. She ate to her hearts content. Looking out of the window of the inn, one could see the first glimmers of sunlight. Xavier was glad that Riletia took her attention away from him when the food arrived. The thought of her going after him was bad, but he found himself reminded that she could turn into a sphinx; now THAT would be bad for him. Doing his best to ignore the idea, he continued to slowly eat what little he was given; he wasn't very hungry. "Thanks Steeve." Gale responded with a smile to his comment. "But there is still much for me to do before I can think about attempting to earn the right to be called archmage. First, I need to master all eight of the Almadorian magical elements. So far I've mastered light, electricity, wind, and fire and have some experience with water and earth, leaving me to study mostly the shadow and nature elements. I'm over half way there." "I thought you already knew how to manipulate the darkness?" Xavier pondered. "After all, your...um...'double' could use it quite well." "That was the amulet that caused that, not me. I had used it to try and slay the undead king, and it ended up filling me with dark energy from the room. I bet that had it been any other form of element dominant in the room that would have been her primary element. All that was coincidence." She looked down at the empty plate; she wasted no time emptying it, having skipped the previous meal. "Before I even attempt that though there are other things to accomplish when I get back home. I was only supposed to be gone for a day, yet here I am almost a week later: they must all be worried about me, and what if they need me? We are not exactly in peaceful times." Turning back and forth into a sphinx probably burned a lot of energy which would explain Riletias hunger as she filled up her plate a second time. She looked up from her plate: "Almost a week? It's been at least one week since I first saw you. It might not have seemed like it, but you did spend a lot of time in the forest and in the ocean." Hearing Gale speak about the elements made Steve wonder: "Hmm, I do not know how your academy puts their standards for mastering an element, but if you ever wanted to learn more, you could probably visit Ceneria. It's a country south of the empire filled with mage towns. Or maybe you could learn them something, hehe." He took a sip from his mug and had a hint of nostalgia in his eyes: "I was there in my youth once..." He kinda drifted off in his own thoughts. "As interesting as that proposal is, I'm afraid I have to decline." Gale responded to Steefous. "I must learn the Almadorian arts in Almadora. It's tradition. I don't know the exact details of the ceremony yet, but I will when it begins. To think, this hasn't happened in the past 300 years and within at least a few more I will be in the same place...At least I hope so." "Well, you probably got some good teachers back in Almadora so I am sure you`ll manage." Steve said and smiled: "I`ll wish you luck on your endeavors." Bright looked at Gale across the table: "They expected you to be back within a day? They sure put a lot of faith in you." She turned to Bright. "Well, the original concept of the mission was to go in and retrieve the necklace. We never knew that it would be guarded, at least not by some undead being who would cause so much trouble. I may not know exactly how long it has been, but it's been far longer than they would have expected." Bright looked at Gale and shrugged his shoulders: "Surely they didn't expect you to find a powerful artifact unguarded?" "We didn't know what the artifact was capable of. To be honest, I think the only reason I was sent for this was because if there was any unexpected trouble they knew I could handle it." Gale told Bright. "You know," Xavier spoke up, "We should keep in touch somehow. Since your only way home is the bracelet, it will be tricky, but it could be possible. You can take the battery with you; charge it up and send the device back to me with a letter attached or something. I’d send it back of course when I was done, with a response." "I think I could do that." She giggled. "Well, you need to worry about getting home first. Its been quite a long day, come back to the castle with me and rest up, you can journey back when your at full strength." "Thank you, I'll be sure to take you up on that offer." Xavier looked at Bright: "Oh, and Bright, I haven't forgotten what I promised you. I’ll be sending you a letter within the next week or so concerning getting a job in my homeland. I'm certain that your potion-making skills will go hand and hand with the vast resources offered. So long as you don't blow yourself up like the last guy." Bright looked at Xavier: "Can't you just give the letter to me when you got it? I have no reason to stay here at the moment, so I might as well journey to the capitol." He took a sip from his mug: "And relax, I don't plan on blowing myself up anytime soon." "I know the circumstances are a bit odd, but I'm going to need to make arrangements before I hire you. Credentials, paperwork...the boring stuff. It would be better for both of us if you took some time to prepare to head over, maybe grab a friend to go with you; its going to be a heck of a journey without my warping device." He looked towards Xavier: "Ah...I understand. I wouldn't make it unpractical for your other work in the castle. I`ll figure out something to do." "Speaking of which, what ever happened to your blacksmith friend Bright?" Gale cut in, "Or Gaston for that matter? I figured the little guy would have warped back when he was finished cleaning up our little mess at the bar, but I haven't seen him since. And your friend, last we heard of him was when the town before we ran into the island where the king was sealed and that was just a note he left behind." Bright returned his view towards Gale once more: "Well, not that you mention it, I last saw Gaston stand by the ruined bar after he had brought the boxes. Did you bring his lamp, if so we could just call for him right away?" He took a sip of his mug: "As for my friend, I guess he went back to his old home in one of the towns east of here." "Does our ways part here?" Sendra spoke suddenly: "I mean, considering that all of us are no longer cursed, the necklace is destroyed, the king is gone, and your evil twin is banished?" She looked at Gale. "You got to go home, and I am sure that Xavier must go back to his duties as..." She looked towards Xavier: "What were you doing again?" "Im a member of the high counsel of the Jawhanian Empire, formally known as Wilson due to my amnesia to my true name at the time." He answered. She looked towards Xavier: "Ah. I guess you're a bigshot then?" Gale looked to Sendra; she couldn't help but notice that Sendra seemed saddened ever so slightly by the news. "Yes, mission complete, I'm going to be needed back home. I’ll try and keep in touch with everyone. If I can, I’ll also try to invite you to my archmage ceremony; by then the war will be over and we should be able to open the dark world again, making it a safe form of transit. I know I said that there was no way to open it, but I fibbed just a bit: It can only be opened from within the dark realm, and only by a strong force. It's a major project higher-up mages will be working on once the shadow lord has fallen, reopening the other universes that we had sealed for various purposes." Sendra looked at Gale and nodded: "I sure wouldn't miss your archmage ceremony. Especially if you're the first in 300 years." From beside Gale Riletia stifled a burp as she had downed another plate. Appearantly this was enough to settle her hunger for now. "I won't take too long to get you that letter." Xavier assured Bright. "A week tops. I want to spend a little more time with my sister, and the other work involved shouldn't take to long." He looked to Gale with a large grin. "She is going to need to recover anyway: the energy she is going to have to spend on the bracelet to make it take her back home in another realm will take a lot out of her no doubt. And there is still a lot we need to catch up on after so long." "Indeed." Gale nodded. "That thing took quite a bit out of me from there to the bar, I can only imagine what traveling planes of existence will be like. I can fill you in on whats going on in the world, the status of the war, the people I've met..." "Marriage?" Xavier questioned abruptly, lifting an eyebrow and letting his smile fall down into a straight expression. "He at least pulls his own weight doesn't he? Not letting you do all the work?" "What, how did you know?" the mage couldn't help but be surprised when Xavier mentioned the marriage. "Of course he pulls his own weight, I'm not stupid enough to fall for a bum! He happens to be in the same position as me in the capital's militia, one of our best warriors!" "I'm just looking out for my little sister is all. After everything you've accomplished, I'd hate to see you loose it because of someone else." He tried his best to ignore the unlady-like belch that erupted from Riletia and kept going. "Archmage...I can still hardly believe it. We never lived in Almadora, but even on that island to the northwest we still knew the great stories about them and their feats. Soon you'll be one of them as well. I couldn't be more proud of you." He paused, hugging his sister. "Now then, you never did answer Julian about the lamp." "Oh, I think I left it in the bedroom at the other pub." Gale sighed. "Darn, I forgot to take it with me when we went to see you with Gaston." "That's alright, I doubt anyone will attempt to get into there to take it, not with the giant crater in the middle of everything anyway. It's probably still there. We can go grab it on our way back now that everything is taken care of. Once we get that we can warp back to my home and you can recollect your strength for the journey back to our homeland." "Ah, I understand." Bright said upon the mention of Xavier catching up with his sister. He couldn't help but smile as Gale defended Marcus. Steve put his thumb and index finger at his nose upon hearing that Gale had forgotten Gaston back at the tavern. He did however not say anything about that. "I think I have a teleportation orb in my...oh wait, nevermind. It's broken." He said and gestured for the conversation to go on. Steve eventually got up from his chair: "I am heading to bed. See you in the morning." Riletia, Ûsa, Cragg and Sendra did the same shortly after. Bright also got up from his chair afterwards: "I'll head to bed. You two probably got some catching up to do." Gale looked outside as Steve, Riletia, Usa, Cragg, and Sendra went to bed. "See you in the morning?" She quietly questioned with a giggle, watching the sunrise. "What do you think Xavier? Should we head out now to get the lamp or should we also head off to bed?" "We'll wait." He said, yawning. "We should see your friends off before you leave for good. It would be best to do that once they are awake." "What about the lamp?" Gale questioned. She too was tired, but showed nothing of it save for droopy eyes. "Aren't you worried about it falling into someone's hands?" "I’ll send a short letter to be delivered post haste to the tavern when the postal worker begins his rounds, tell him we have a lost item that we will pick up later today and where to find it. You go on ahead to bed Gale, I’ll take care of this and join you." "Alright, see you soon." Gale mumbled to him, getting up and heading towards bed as well. "You should go too Bright." Xavier told him. "We can all say our goodbyes to one another when we wake up." "Alright Xavier. Good night..." Bright said and looked outside, "Or good morning or something." He yawned, waved a small gentle gesture while he turned towards his room and went to get some sleep. Later that day Bright got out of his bed once more and went down into the main room of the inn. There was some more people around now, farmers and others who had the need for a good drink, a good meal or a good bed. He looked around to see if the others had appeared yet. It was very likely that he actually was the first to get up. He massaged a sore shoulder, he was going to need a week of rest after all that running about and fighting for the last days. Moments after Xavier awoke from his own sleep, he carefully walked out of the room as to not disturb Gale, whom slept in the same room on a separate bed. He had sent a letter before he crawled into bed to ask the bartender in the next town to look for and hold the lamp, thus preparing him and his sister for the trip back to the previous town and, soon after, back to his home. When he walked out into the hallway he was half tempted to jump back into the room after seeing Riletia in the hall as well, still fearing whatever kind of wrath she might invoke. She saw him though, and he figured that he should at least go into it like a man instead of hiding like a child. And so he continued, the look on his face still showed that he was a bit frightful of her. As he had feared, his path was blocked by the warrior. She moved closer to Xavier so she was in arms reach: "I haven't forgotten that you ditched us back there at the castle, trying to take away what we had fought for." She slapped him so that his cheek stinged. A short moment passed before she grabbed him by the collars of his clothes. She was giving off a rather initidimating presence as she held strongly on to them. "Oh dear god she is going to kill me!" He screamed in his head, folding his ears down and wide eyed. "But I am grateful that you helped save Ûsa and Sendra." To his surprise, the next move she made wasn't pummeling him into the hardwood flooring but instead her pulling him close for an unexpected, intimate kiss. "Y-our w-wellc-come?" He barely managed to mutter as she walked away, leaving him shaken up. "See you in the lobby." She let go of him and walked towards the staircase. "Not the smoothest lady's man are you?" Came a voice from behind, making him jump. Gale was poking her head out from the door, a wide grin on her face. "How long have you been there!?" He panicked. "Long enough." She stepped out from the room and up to him, proceeding to squeeze his cheek. "I'm never letting you live that down you know?" "It's not like there is anything going on between us! She just thanked me for helping save the two from yesterday!" "Quit protesting, I'm not that naive as to think that she likes you that way. Besides, if she were to kiss you like that over and over again she'd get a hairball." She laughed and walked ahead of him. "Well come on, no reason to be standing around in the middle of the hallway." In the lobby Bright and the others were waiting. They chatted about various things while Steve paid up for their stay that day. The innkeeper smiled, though it was mostly because he got paid. He was fairly busy already with the other customers so he paid little attention to the group. To him it was just another bunch of adventurers. While the others weren't looking, Riletia pulled out a small hair from her mouth and threw it away. The sound of footsteps in the staircase made group look up at Xavier and Gale as they came down: "Alright, you are here. Shall we go then?" Sendra asked. "Steve has already paid for our stay so we have no unfinished business here." "Nothing left for us here, lets get moving." Gale announced, stretching her arms up over her head. "So then," Xavier began as they walked out of the busy building, "Are you all going our way one more time, or is this were we go our separate ways? You know that Gale and I are heading back to get the lamp, which I’ll hold onto after she leaves for Almadora. Your fine with that, right sis?" "Of course. Poor guy would probably feel out of place back home; hardly anyone knows what a genie is save for the people who have heard of them in other travels." Xavier still averted his look from Riletia when he could, but it was no longer out of fear; it was more for a sense of embarrassment, but he kept this well hidden from most of them. "He didn't really seem affected by it." Bright said and looked at the others: "I mean, he has a really cool temper." The others in the group looked at each other before they turned towards Gale and Xavier once more: "We'll follow at least part of the way." After a while of walking, the group came to the place where the Red Cloaks had camped the night before. The place was abandoned now, though the ground was still hot some places from the camp fires. The ground was a bit trampled, which is to expect when a large group of people camps at a place. "I guess this is where I`ll leave you." Steve said and bowed his head: "I got a tower to, you know, rebuild." He looked at Gale and Bright, but he didn't say anything. "I`ll tag along with Steefous." Cragg said. "The home of my..." he paused a bit as if wondering how to choose his words: "...family is in the same direction." He looked north towards the great mountains that could be seen even from this distance. "I got some trees that needs guidance. I guess I`ll be leaving you as well." Sendra said and bowed her head in respect for Gale. "I`ll be needing a ship to get home. I'll be tagging along with Sendra towards the south." Ûsa said, having her head turned towards Gale. "Thanks again for your help." "I`ll be following Ûsa and Sendra. Us girls need to stick together you know." Riletia said and grinned a bit. "Perhaps we'll meet again." Bright looked at Xavier and Gale: "Uhm, I don't have anywhere to go at the moment, so I`ll just follow you to the town." There, as the party began to split apart and continue on their own paths once again, Xavier and Gale waved farewell to their new allies and friends. It was a bitter-sweet passing, having to leave them after only a short time, but each of them knew it was for the greater good. Now that only Bright remained, they continued towards the town. "You know, the council advises us not to interfere in the business of other realms we visit for more discreet matters, but I would not have gotten this far without doing so; new friends, my spirit has been healed when no one else know how it would be possible, and above all else I found my long-lost brother." She leaned against Xavier as they walked. "They are probably going to be sore about the necklace's destruction, but I think they will get over it." "Much more than mission accomplished eh?" Her brother joked, laughing lightly. "I'm sure they will be pleased just at the fact that you're coming home well and in one piece." "I think it is better destroyed. I mean, you probably don't want any of the council to fall into pits of corruption. At least now no one can use it against you." Bright commented. The trio soon arrived at the next town, where Xavier went into the bar and came out with the lamp in hand. "Shall I call him now?" He asked, getting a nod from his sister. He promptly began to rub the side of the artifact. The tavern was empty except for the barkeep who was quite busy cleaning up the mess that had been made by the fight earlier. When Xavier entered he was quite busy trying to fix the floor as he didn't want anyone to fall into the cellar. As soon as Xavier rubbed the lamp, a piece of smoke came out of it that quickly formed into Gaston. He looked as unaffected as ever: "Ah, glad to see you again sir. How may I be of assistance?" "It's good to see you again Gaston." Xavier proclaimed, grinning. "We don't need anything right now, we just wanted to make sure you were okay. You might be a genie, but we still care about you as any other friend." Reaching into his clothes, the neko pulled out the esteemed bracelet and tossed it to his sister. "You can take us back whenever your ready. I trust you have the strength to get us back to Jawhan after that rest?" "I do Xavier." She chirped, catching the object with ease. The mage turned to Bright, looking a slight bit depressed. "Well...I guess this is it, where we part for now. Despite all the hardships, I am glad everything turned out the way it did. And I'm especially glad that you stood by me this entire time. I am glad to call you a friend Bright, and I will keep in touch as much as I can. Thanks again, for everything." With that said and a final wave, she began to prepare the gear-encrusted bracer to be charged by her energy. This was it, she was to begin her journey back home... Bright smiled and gave Gale a last hug: "It was nice meeting you to. I don't know how you`ll keep in touch, but I`m sure you`ll find a way." He waved to Xavier and Gale as the bracelet got charged up. And in the small moment he blinked, they vanished from sight. He stood still for a couple of minutes looking at the spot where Gale had been standing and then went on to get a beer from the tavern. Character list: Nightingale Amour: A mage coming from the land of Almadora. She has traits quite similar to that of a cat. Her fur is gray and she carries with her a staff. Julien Brightside: A mercenary an adventurer who has a tendency to carry with potions which do all sorts of things. He carries with him a battlehammer. Steve/Steefous: A wizard living in a rather tall tower on top of a big mountain. Ûsa: The queen of the mermaids. She has the shape of a human from head to waist, and from the waist down she is like a white snake. Her hair is white and due to humans she have no eyes. Sendra: A queen of the fairies. She has absolute control of the forest. She appears in the form of a young blonde woman. Cragg: An archer turned dragon. Riletia: A sphinx with black hair and quite the size. Not to mention temper. Trent: A smith and a friend of Bright. He is quite tall and burly and is lacking an eye. Gaston: A genie with a marvelous moustache. Xavier Amour: Nightingales brother. He is a nekka like his sister. |
Golden eyes squint at the business card being carefully held between two fingers, then turn up to the sign hanging from the building in front of him. Hydra Cafe the sign says, displayed in bright colors that shift like a moving rainbow, the gemstones embedded into the top of the sign occasionally reflecting some display that most people would find innocent. Him, on the other hand? He knows what it means. Purple claws draw through similar-colored hair, avoiding the curved black horns, to check that what's on his head is still properly groomed. He can't do much about the strip of fur all down his spine, nor about the fur on his tail's tip, but at least his head looks brushed. And hey... you gotta make a good impression the first time you go into a high-scale place like this. Claws click on the pavement as he heads towards the door, pushing it open and stepping inside. Almost immediately, he's hit by the scent of incense and food, mingling together in a way that anyone would think be choking, but smells pretty good. As he peers through the door, taking notes of the bits of stage and tables he can see from here, the hostess coughs loudly to get his attention. "Hello, sir! Table for one today?" "That's right," he answers, nodding cheerfully. "Got it! Are you willing to answer a few questions on the way to the booth?" "Questions?" "Nothing important." She smiles, tail swishing, as she picks up a clipboard. "The owner's just trying to get an idea of what visits most, so he can make a few 'themed nights' around them." "Well... interesting, I guess?" He shrugs after a moment. "Sure, why not?" "Thank you!" Grabbing another clipboard, she waves for him to follow, heading into the restaurant. Once past the door, he lifts his head, noting that there's music playing. Huh... seems everything's muted if you're outside. "Species?" "Eastern dragon." He can't hide the amusement in his voice as he flicks his horns, gesturing at his tail and his back. "You can kind of tell from the lack of wings." "And the white scales," she muses. "Most western ones are darker colored." He shrugs at that, answering the simple questions she fires off until they get to the booth. He's a little surprised by it, actually... a curtain that he bets is enchanted is what acts as the door, but more importantly, that couch. He's pretty sure they stole that from a sultan or something, with how richly red it is and how comfy it looks. No main tables... but there are side-tables. Probably for drinks. "So! What can I get you?" He takes the book once she offers it, flipping through it curiously, before his eyes land on a specific one. Hello there... a young llama boy, with dark brown fur, and more importantly... a huge stomach. "Huh. You sell pregnant prey here?" "If they come to us that way." She glances at the book to see where he's looking, grinning a bit as she nods. "Oh yes! We got him just a week ago. He's fresh out of training, so he might be a bit awkward. Is that all right?" "Perfect." He nods eagerly, flashing the hostess a toothy smile, which she is all too happy to return. "Just wait here then, please, sir." And with that, the fox leaves, leaving him to stretch out and get comfortable on the couches. The first waiter that comes has just brought him some tea, but the second that pushes back the curtain comes with his ordered meal. He draws his tongue slowly over his teeth as she nudges the boy forward, taking in his looks eagerly. Young, he notices first. Around 15 at most. Heavily pregnant, probably around seven months maybe, and with a frame so delicate and feminine that his state shows really clearly. The fur's definitely dark brown, nice and pretty, but he notes the black spots he missed on the book. Polished hooves, and pretty, pretty blue eyes. They really dressed this kid up. Well, figuratively, anyway. There's not a single shred of actual clothing on him. "Hello, sir..." The boy's voice is a bit unsteady, almost nervous, but the dragon just flashes him a smile, careful to keep the teeth hidden. "Don't worry, little snack. We're gonna have a fun time together." The cat that brought him in moves to get something from her bag -- oil, he sees after a moment -- and begins to soak the boy in it. "Yes, sir!" he answers, ignoring the woman for the moment. "I will be your dinner for tonight. Please, enjoy me thoroughly." "I'm sure he will," the cat purrs -- literally, as he can hear it from his seat. Her fingers play over that slim little body, rubbing at his sides and caressing his belly as she steadily works the oil into him. "You're such a pretty thing, after all, and you came to us like this! All stuffed up to be such a filling meal for our friend here." The llama whimpers a little in pleasure at the words, the dragon shifting to sit up himself. Ooh, now that's an alluring thing to hear. "You look pretty soft and tender, too," he calls out, tail swishing and betraying how eager he is. His stomach gives a low, faint growl. "Those are the best kind of prey." "That's right. You're going to taste so delicious~." The cat smiles brightly, pulling away with a satisfied look. The boy's been completely soaked now, covered in that pleasant-smelling oil and ready to be devoured. His predator sits up, licking his teeth again and letting his eyes roam over that cute body. It's been way too long since he had something this pleasant, he thinks. He's gonna have to come back here again sometime. He waves a hand at the cat after a moment, the woman bowing before vanishing out through the magical curtain. Lifting his hand, he beckons the llama close with a claw, musing over how to do it. On the one hand, he wants to get his tongue all over that cute face, timid and flushed as it looks, but on the other... the boy seeing himself go down, all the way, would mean he got to hear all of those cute sounds. Yeah... that seems like a plan. "Lay down on the couch, with your feet towards me." The boy blinks at the order, but moves to do so, hands lifting to support his belly as he gets into position. The dragon reaches out a clawed hand to rub along it, feeling how full his dinner is. This is going to take a bit of effort to get down, but he can do it. He's swallowed bigger things than that. Licking his lips, he grasps the boy's hooved feet in one hand, pulling them up to be even with his mouth. His long, serpentine tongue flicks out to tease those slim feet, drawing along the bottom and hearing a soft noise from his little dinner. Opening wider, he pulls them in all the way, closing his jaws over the boy's ankles and drawing his tongue around them properly now. It's a delicious taste, he notices, the natural flavor of the boy mixing with that oil to make something more prominent. It also seems to be getting a few more sounds out of him. Cute. Reaching down, he closes his claws over the llama's rump, grinning at the sharp yelp of surprise it gets him. Using that grip, he pulls the boy in closer, feet sliding down into his throat as he begins to swallow up his meal's lower legs. He can hear the boy gasp at it, still trying to keep his stomach balanced. "I-It's hot... and tight..." He grins again, giving another squeeze and earning a sound that almost seems pleased this time. His tongue continues to draw along that pretty fur, tasting his meal curiously. Mmm... he really does feel tender, now that he has his mouth wrapped around the kid. He's glad he came in here when he did. No doubt, this one'd be snapped right up by the very first person who saw him otherwise. He swallows again, groaning as he feels slim legs slip down into his throat after feet and bring those cute hips closer. He shifts a bit, moving to lay on the couch somewhat to make this a little bit easier. It takes a bit of work, but he manages to get his jaws to work up enough to close over the boy's hips, hands holding onto his side as he notes the gasp that comes when he does. His tongue flicks up along those slick thighs, teasing his meal a bit, before he draws it all the way up, pressing against his balls and length. The cry this time is much louder, drawing a grin out of him as he begins to lick and suck on the cock currently stuck in his mouth. "H-haaah, wait-! Th-that's-! Aaah-!" The boy's voice is already full of moans and whines, arousal spiking up in him way too easily. The dragon can feel his length harden under the attention, especially once he wraps his tongue around it to tease all of it at once. Up to the head, down the shaft, then wrapping around those cute balls... it only takes a couple sets of that to get him nice and erect. And of course, that's where he draws his tongue away, giving a powerful gulp to send those hips sliding into his throat. The whine the boy gives is one of confusion and disappointment, pained by the arousal he's now been given. "W-Why did you...?" He only chuckles, ignoring the pitifulness in that remark. He pauses where he is, thinking for a moment as he enjoys the whimpers and moans from his prey, before he reaches up to help steady that big stomach. Taking a deep breath, he opens his jaws up wider, slowly snaking his lips up along that massively swollen belly. He can feel the wriggling inside of the boy as he does so, his own tail jerking back and forth at the thought of having this delicious thing inside of him, and it's a thought that only gets more alluring as he feels the hooves slip into his stomach. "I-It's really... really tight... Ow..." Yeah, he knows, kid. The dragon just gives a slight growl in response, focused on swallowing down this huge belly. He has to keep shifting both of them to do it, working his mouth up it inch by inch, and he can feel his throat filling with it before he's even fully done. The slim legs push out into his stomach as he makes progress, starting to swell it outwards even as he makes another swelling disappear. Finally, however, he feels himself reach other side, closing his jaw tighter as he works down the slope of that pregnant tummy. He pauses there again, giving both himself and the boy time to breathe. The cute noises of arousal and frustration are quite a nice sound track to listen to, and after a moment he shifts again to get a better angle. "Already-?" The llama speaks again as he starts to swallow him down, gulping harshly to force that pregnant belly down into his throat. Reaching over, he grasps the boy's hands, shoving them into his mouth to make him easier to deal with. Reaching up, he takes hold of those slim shoulders, starting to push him down even as he gulps hungrily. Those pretty hips slide out into his stomach as his chest vanishes into the dragon's maw, claws moving away once his jaws have worked their way up to the boy's neck. He pauses there again, letting him take one last, long look at the light. "H...ot..." The boy's only word is a repeat, panting harshly at the tightness that's gripping him. Chuckling, the dragon lifts his hand, pressing one claw to that furred head to push it down. His tongue slips up to draw all over the llama's face as it slides into his mouth, the boy whimpering and whining as he's teased. Just a bit more, and then he snaps his jaws shut, sealing him away from the world for good. One hand lifts to rub the bulge in his throat, feeling the wriggling and sounds from the boy as he begins his journey down into his new home. It takes some effort to force that pregnant stomach down, and once it slips into his stomach it swells it out significantly enough that he looks pregnant himself. The kid's chest and arms soon follow suit, his claws playing over that cute face as it slips deeper and deeper, until his meal's head finally slides out into his stretched stomach, the exit sealing behind him. "Aaaaaaah~! You hit the spot." He flops back onto the couch, grinning a little at hearing the distressed noise from inside him. One arm is thrown up on top of the couch to rest there, the other moving to start massaging his dinner slowly. "Thank you... I'm so glad to hear I satisfied you." The boy's voice is muffled, but still audible enough. "Before I get busy," the dragon muses. "What's a kid like you doing here?" "Me?" Shouldn't he have asked that before? Or... maybe he just didn't care. "I ran away from home. My parents threw me out once I got this far, so... since I knew about this place, I volunteered to be prey. There's nowhere else I could go, so... it'd be better if I could at least become part of someone stronger." "Well, you got your wish, my little runaway meal." The dragon pats his stomach, closing his eyes and letting his body get to work. He hears a sharp gasp as the walls begin to squeeze and rub against the tender form inside of him, acid beginning to drip down and dissolve the fur where it touches. "You were sweet, soft, and tasty, and you went down so good. And now, you're gonna be meat." "M-meat?" The boy whines in response, finding it hard to speak while being treated so roughly. "That's right. Meat. You're just my dinner now, and that's exactly how I'm going to treat you." He runs his hand along his stomach again. "I'm going to squeeze and rub you all over, rub my acids all in you. They're going to break you down, bit by bit, and turn you into thick soup inside of me. Every last bit of you and your kid is going to be absorbed by my body and used for me." "Nnn..." The boy's voice is soft, and he can't quite tell if that's in pleasure or unease. No... from the way he feels the kid move, he's definitely wrapped his hand around himself, so that's gotta be pleasure. "Now, hush. Meat doesn't talk." Sighing happily, the dragon shifts to lean back on the couch, closing his eyes to relax. The gurgles and groans of his stomach grow louder as the walls massage and squeeze the boy inside of him, drawing more gasps and whines from the little llama. The acid soaks into him from all directions, burning where it touches with a strangely painless sensation. He can feel his fur begin to melt and break off, dropping down to join the liquid down below. It doesn't last long at all -- it's barely a few minutes before his whole body's been exposed, the acids working quickly even despite the thickness. His strokes himself faster as he feels it begin to work on his skin next, whimpering a little as his whole body begins to turn red. Where it's soaked into him, his skin is coming off, broken down in chunks or falling loose when other pieces around them are digested. He can feel his hooves start to dissolve as well, hunks and pieces breaking off as the acid works mercilessly on it. It's hard to shield his cock like this, but he does his best, not wanting it to break down before he gets off. Patches of muscle begin to show through the holes in his skin, the massaging of the walls getting rougher and faster as if they can sense that. He whines as he feels the acid seep into them, spreading into deep parts of his body and working over him there. His backside, submerged like that, is entirely bear, and he cries out as he's forced down a bit when the muscle there is digested faster. He can't wiggle his hooves very well anymore, with most of them digested or loosened hunks being broken down, only a little bit left clinging onto his foot. It soon turns into nothing, the llama crying out as he feels the muscles holding them there digest quickly and loosen them enough to come off, causing him to slip a bit again and leaving him with no feet at all. It's as he slips that he jerks his length a little harshly, drawing out another cry as his climax finally comes. The seed splatters over him, most falling into the acid to be dissolved away like the rest. The acid continues to rise, covering his hips, hands, and lower arms now that he's in a little more awkward of a position. His dick is digested quickly, the acid soaking into every hold in his body it can find to work on his insides. It feels like all of his skin has come off completely by this point, leaving him covered only by his muscles. His fingers, thin as they are, break down quickly, the redness dissolved to reveal the white bone underneath and snapping them off, one by one, from his hand. First his right, then his left... and then, with a gasp, his whole lower right arm comes off, the acid having broken down his elbow and detatched it. He lifts his other out, pressing against the stomach walls, but the only response he gets is a lustful groan. His backside breaking down further slips him lower into the acid with another cry, and with its still-rising level, leaves him up to his shoulders. His legs are barely holding on now, large patches of muscle digested to reveal bone underneath. After a moment, he shifts, submerging them entirely to let them break down faster. He moves his arm to wrap around his stomach instead, holding it even as he feels the muscle under it breaking apart. His left leg dissolves in pieces, with the acid breaking it down all over and cutting bones loose to float up and join the rest of him. As his lower leg completely breaks apart, he can feel his lower right arm tear into pieces as well, all of them digested rapidly and leaving him in just the stew. His right leg manages to stay mostly intact, but as the digestion moves from his backside up into his hips, it and his leg leg come off entirely, plunging him under the acid completely. As if feeling this, both legs are broken down rapidly, muscle digested off bone and bone melted after it. The walls constrict tightly around him once that's finished, shrinking the chamber he's in and squeezing out the last bit of air so that all he's in is just acid. Like this, the sounds of the dragon's gurgling stomach ring louder in his ears, and he can only gurgle back in response. His stomach is broken down in too many places now, the acid seeping into it and down his throat to get at the inside of his body. As he clutches it tightly, he can feel it degrade further, holes in the muscles getting bigger and bigger and letting more acid in. The remaining pieces of his arms are soon done away with as well, what's left on the bone digested and the bone itself left to float as it melts slowly around him. Like this, there's nothing he can do but make helpless sounds, feeling his face burning away and pieces of his horns break off in large hunks. The acid swallowed down begins to work there, breaking down his lungs and insides to fill what's left of his body with more of it, while the acid seeping in from the holes manages to digest enough of the muscle to get at his womb. He gives a gurgled cry as he feels it fill up with acid, breaking away the last of the muscle that's left of his stomach and digesting it and the child alongside it. Like this, there's barely anything left of the little meal, and he goes still as the rest of his body is stripped to the bone, the bones left to soak in the soup before they, too, are melted down to add to it. The dragon gives a low "urp" once he feels that, both hands reaching down to massage his stomach as it steadily shrinks, leaving him flat once more once it's all absorbed. "Mmm... good kid. Gotta get another one like that." He drops the payment on the table with a tip for the waitress, striding out cheerfully and patting his belly. |
him the prey instead of the predator. Because of that, once he'd entered this country, he had been forced to come up with a plan. Here, the Pokemon live together in tight-knit communities, he had been told. Small villages with houses close enough together that any yells could be heard and others would come running, so even small mistakes could be costly. This same closeness was their weakness too, however they were rather naive, and would never think anything bad of one of their own, or their little village. Idiotically trusting, and he had used that to his advantage. It was simple. First, find one young enough or gullible enough to talk into putting a "special strengthening agent" into the nearby water supply during the morning, then come back to meet him at night for a special surprise. The "agent" would work all day, tiring them out and numbing their bodies, so that by nightfall, they were all deep asleep. Once the water was spiked, dispose of the evidence -- and that was easy enough to do. Cookie's stomach is still wiggling with said 'evidence' of his latest trickery, though the struggles are weak. The Squirtle wasn't much of a meal, after all, and certainly not why he's come here, but appetizers sometimes made the main course all the sweeter. As the last of the wiggling stops and the moon rises into the sky, so too does the furret, his eyes on his dinner tonight -- a red-roofed house right on the path leading out. Picking his way down the cliff is easy enough, and since everyone's asleep, it's even easier to just waltz down the road and to the door. A quick twist of the knob shows that it isn't even locked, just as he'd hope. This will definitely be easy, and he's picked a perfect target to feast on. The soft snoring draws his attention, Cookie closing the door behind him as he heads into the living room. Ah... perfect the Charizard there is laid out on the floor, snoozing contently thanks to the work of the drug in the water. He won't stay that way forever, of course, but it will be plenty enough for what he has to do. Slipping over to the top of the lizard's head, Cookie seizes it in his hands, licking his lips before he closes his jaws over it. Hot, as expected... but a very nice kind of hot, and one he's going to take great pleasure in enjoying. Grabbing the dragon's throat, he begins to pull him closer, groaning pleasantly as he gulps his first course down. There's so much neck that he still isn't done with it once the head pushes out into his shoulder, and after a moment he shifts to grab hold of the wings and use them to pull his prey closer. His teeth scrape against the Charizard's shoulders after some effort, letting him shift his grip again to hold onto the arms. He slowly works his jaws over those broad shoulders now that he's got a better position, drawing his tongue all along the other Pokemon and hearing him groan in response, a rather pleasant sound since it's half-muffled by his body. Once the shoulders are in his mouth, it's slightly easier to work with the rest, Cookie gulping down the hot body up until he gets to the wings. Those take him a minute to fold down, opening his jaws much wider so he can close them halfway down the Charizard's chest. Phew... like this, the rest should definitely be a piece of cake! His hands slide down to grasp the dragon's hips as he begins to swallow again, his stomach swelling outwards as those thick shoulders press out into it. Acid is already starting to soak the unfortunate Pokemon, though he's not letting it burn just yet. Where would the fun in that be? Slowly but surely, gulp by gulp, that delicious body disappears into him, Cookie's tongue drawing all over the Charizard's stomach as it slips past into his throat. Like this, enough of him is inside that there's no hope of getting out, which is precisely what he wanted. For a moment, he lets his acid burn -- as hot as he can get it -- and just as he hoped, that jolts his pretty prey fully awake. "What the-?!" the Charizard's yelp is shocked, the lizard struggling frantically and drawing another pleased groan out of Cookie as he does so. He stops the burning again, teasingly licking his meal's leg as he forces those hips into his mouth. "Let me out! You bastard! What do you think you're doing?!" The snarl is laughable, really, especially with the grunt of pain and discomfort the other Pokemon gives as more of his body is shoved into that tight space. Cookie gives a strong gulp, letting the Pokemon's legs slip past his jaws and into his throat as well, leaving just that burning tail out. "Hah! You can't go further with that, huh? So you better-" His tightly packed meal doesn't even get to finish his sentence before Cookie slurps up his tail like a noodle, giving a loud, satisfied groan once it slides down to join the rest. It's true that the fire is a little hot inside of him, but a predator like him has developed more than enough to deal with that. "H-How?" Of course, the Charizard sounds shocked, just drawing a little laugh from the furret as he moves to flop onto the floor, getting comfortable. His stomach begins to groan and gurgle around the new meal inside of it, causing the lizard Pokemon to start wriggling around in fear and draw another pleased sound from Cookie. His hands drop to rub at that clear outline eagerly, every part of him pleased. "H-Hold on! Don't do this! Let me out, please!" "Why?" Cookie yawns, a wicked grin crossing his face. "I could give you-" "Nothing I want." Ooh, that was a nice kick... "After all, I have it right now! What I want from you is for you to be a nice, delicious meal, jerking and moving around like that." "I'm not a meal!" "Oh, I know!" comes the giggled response. "Big, scary Charizard, the one eating everyone else... and now you're the one that's been eaten. After all that big predator stuff, you're nothing but prey, trapped inside of me to be gurgled away by my gut." Speaking of which, those gurgling sounds are getting louder, the Fire-type yelping as the acid begins to fill that stretched-out stomach, burning at him with a heat he can say for sure he doesn't like at all. It drives him to wriggle around even more, bouncing Cookie's stomach about as he makes delighted little sounds. The Charizard continues to protest, of course, but it's not any good anymore -- the sounds of groaning from the furret's stomach are starting to block them out, only letting the tone of the cries and begging get through. Inside, the stinging liquid is pooling quickly, the awkward position the Charizard has struggled himself into meaning his head is rapidly sinking underneath it. "W-wait! STOP! Anything! I'll do anyth-" he cries, cut off as his muzzle is submerged and replaced with the gargled sounds of inhaling acid as he tries to speak. Those slim fingers rub him through the fur and skin easily, massaging all over to make absolutely sure that acid is being worked into that strong, powerful body. "Really~? Then make sure to digest good for me!" The gurgled response, mingling with his stomach's own hungry moaning, just gets a grin from Cookie as he pokes the outline of the lizard's horrified face, taking delight in seeing the movements of his claws as he scrabbles desperately for a way out. It's still just as futile, little dinner... but it sure does feel good. Orange begins to turn red as the digestive juices start to work over it, the walls of that trapping stomach contracting tightly and beginning to rub the Pokemon over. The Charizard's struggles are only helping in that regard, pushing him against them more and rubbing his body down harsher in response. His hide begins to break into pieces, hunks of skin rubbed off or torn off by his thrashing and falling to join the pool that's rising quickly to cover him up. His muzzle is already the worst affected by it, the redness of muscles being bared quickly on the lower jaw thanks to the immersion and the skin above it quickly being digested off even as he thrashes. The movement is soaking the rest of his body too, the thin strips of aqua between his wing bones becoming full of holes as the acid eats away at them, the results dripping down off him to thicken the pool that's filling up Cookie's stomach. Bit by bit, the struggles and the harsh squeezing strip the Charizard of his hide, exposing thick red muscles underneath it for the acid to eagerly begin to burn away. First, the exposed parts are only patches, but as Cookie's meal writhes more and more, the patches instead become what hide is left, the muscles the majority of what's exposed. His head has become completely covered thanks to the still-dripping acid mingling with the digested parts of his body, leaving his arms, head, and part of his neck fully under now. Those sharp fangs are quickly developing holes in them, pieces breaking off in small amounts or huge chunks to float up and be broken down just as mercilessly. A few even come out mostly whole as the gums are burnt away, disappearing equally fast into that thickening liquid. The skin on his upper neck and face is stripped away entirely within a couple of minutes, Charizard gurgling in helpless pain as the inside of his mouth and throat are attacked. Those horns are the first to fully burn away, the thin strips of muscle eaten down until the bone is exposed, then the bone itself bleached white before it, too, is broken down and added to the stew the beast is making. The muscles on his arms and legs begin to bubble away as well, exposing bone in bits there as he tries desperately to get them out. The back of his body is still mostly intact, with just small bits of muscle that are being digested and dripping down him, but as the acid's level rises to cover it, it isn't staying that way for long. His lower tail is being digested rapidly as well, the tip of it with the flames held up towards his wings to try to preserve it. It's a futile effort, because even as one of his arms comes apart, the acid having broken up the muscle holding it to his body, the level finishes rising, filling Cookie up completely and submerging every part of his unwilling, violent meal in that hot, burning soup that's working him over. "Oh, yes," the furret moans, rubbing even harder now as his tail swishes back and forth along the floor. "You're all down in it now... Keep struggling like that for me, huh? It feels really good, snack." Of course, there's no verbal response, but the wriggling is all he needs. The fire has been put out now, the upper part of that tail and the Charizard's wings burning away rapidly now that he's submerged. The last tiny bits of orange skin are burnt away, leaving just the deep red muscle left for Cookie's stomach to eagerly gurgle up. His face and back legs are bared down to the bone, those pieces and claws being digested eagerly even as the thin strips of tendons on his wings are torn apart. It doesn't take long for them to come apart completely under that onslaught, the bones from it pressed against him and helping to rub the muscles away until they're bleached, then broken up, every little shard of them dissolved with the rest of the Charizard's body. Cookie's hands roam over his stomach, noting the thinning of the outline. "Oh, you're getting so much smaller... Aw, and it feels like those wings came apart! Too bad, but they were really good~... Are you going to last much longer, huh? You are doing pretty good so far, dinner! Keep it up!" His tail breaks apart in sections, first around the middle, then the loose part broken into a handful more that are pressed against him a few as those walls squeeze him, up until they're digested too. His face and legs are patchwork now, more bone than muscle showing as pieces of them come apart to be broken down as well. His stomach doesn't last long, the acid eating away at the weakest points until a few holes are burnt away, then eagerly flooding into it. Through that, and through his throat, his body is filled with it now, the thick liquid digesting him from the inside out. Throat and lungs are dissolved quickly, his stomach going a bit slower but following them behind as more holes appear in his body, letting it flow in and out of him easily. There's not much left to struggle with at this point, the beast going still and met with a sigh from his dominator in response. "Really? Well... you did pretty good, at least..." The bits of muscle and organs left are quickly digested away now that his dinner is still, the bones left behind bleached clean as the acid eats away at the tiniest specs left on them. Soon enough, all that remains is about half of the lizard's hot skeleton, Cookie rubbing his stomach contently as they, too, begin to melt, leaving him squishy and full of an overly-hot meal. The swelling begins to flatten as it's absorbed, the furret stretching contently until he's back to his nice, shapely self. "Mm... not bad, not bad at all. Ooh, but you're eager to get out, huh?" Standing up, he grasps his length in both hands, body relaxing as yellow begins to stream out of the tip of it to soak the ground. The pressure on him eases quickly as he relieves himself, carpet quickly soaked with the piss made out of his recent meal. He doubts anyone's going to come by... but it'll make a surprise once they do. And with his business done, Cookie slips out of the door again, closing it behind him and striding back off into the night. Mm... with the villages like this, he's definitely going to have to come back again... |
"Oh, come on, don't act so upset! ♥ Pft, as if. She makes another pleased sound as the heavenly host writhes inside of her, crying out in pain from the burning that her acid is doing to him. Reaching down, she rubs him happily, licking her teeth as she feels the progression of his body. She'd only swallowed him down a scant few minutes ago, sure, but already he's gotten nice and soft, that pretty hair of his broken down and that gleaming, pearly skin burned away in patches. Angels really make the best food, she thinks idly, sighing contently as another move bounces the acid around him in her. Glancing over, she wraps her magic around the things she'd discarded before swallowing him down, examining the metal boots and hair tie as they float up in front of her. "Oh, how pretty... you really take care of your equipment, huh?" The sharp gurgle from her stomach is the only reply, and she giggles as it melds into the host's own gurgling, the position he's in submerging him in that searing, merciless acid. "Well, don't you worry! I like taking trophies, so I'll be suuuuuuuuuure to keep it nice and safe, all along with the other souviners from my meals, okay? ♥ A loud groan answers her this time, the succubus moaning a little as she sees the outline of the host's face and hands press out from her belly as he desperately fumbles for some way out. Reaching down, she presses her own hands against him, pushing him back in and giggling seductively. By now, her acids have risen enough to completely cover him, which means his cries have been entirely replaced by the gurgling and groaning of her body breaking him down. Her fingers draw over herself as she feels her stomach contract around him, working hungrily and eagerly on that pretty angel inside of her. What's left of his skin is quickly burnt away, the muscles exposed from their removal soaking quickly and beginning to digest just like the rest of him. His thrashing isn't stopping at all, much to her delight, even as those working muscles are peeled off, breaking into pieces and being dissolved into the stew that's thickening around him. Before long, white bone can be seen, the angel's gurgled cries silencing as the acid eats through his throat and pours into more parts of his body. Stomach and lungs are being broken down and taken apart from it, filling his body up with more of that soup on the inside as the outside of it works on him. "Oh, it's like a filled candy," the succubus moans happily. His struggling only makes the acid work harder, holes appearing on his stomach before it's finally eaten through and bursts open, allowing what filled him up to flow out and join with the rest of him. As she runs her hands over her shrinking stomach, his struggles slow down thanks to the lack of muscles, then still entirely as his body becomes to come apart. Arms and legs separate from his torso, fingers and toes and hands and feet separating further from that and floating around in her body. A last, pitiful gurgle is all he can give, masked by the louder gurgle of her stomach as -- sensing the last flicker -- it kicks into overdrive, rapidly digesting muscle and remaining bits of meat until there's nothing left but bones floating in that thick food. "Haaah. ♥ The stew is absorbed eagerly by her body, her hands on her stomach as it shrinks steadily until it's a small fraction of the size it was. Like this, that cute little skeleton is outlined starkly against her skin, and she gives a happy little sigh, reaching up to grab her now-grown chest. "Oooh, look at that! The pretty angel is now pretty boob fat, huh? ♥ Just what she wanted! Stretching once more, the succubus floats up to her closest, looking through her empty vases curiously until she finds a nice, big blue one. Taking off the lid, she sets it on the floor, pulling off her skintight suit and sitting on it carefully. "Time to put you away!" Groaning, she tenses up, pushing hard to force the bones in her stomach to travel down low. Bone by bone, they slide through her body, all the way through her until they reach that back little entrance of her. Another sharp push starts forcing them out, drawing another groan from her as she feels the first bone, gleaming pretty bleached white in the light, slip free from her ass to clatter down into the vase. Another thick bone follows that one, with a few small ones coming out all at once after that, then another two slipping out at the same time. She keeps pushing until all of his skeleton slips free of her body but for one piece, the demon giving a devilish little giggle at the feeling of the last one. Taking a deep breath, she pushes hard, the host's skull spreading her asshole as it slides out of her, little by little. A sharp gasp escapes her lips once he escapes her body, the succubus turning around to examine her pretty pot full of the prettier, pure white skeleton. "You look much better like this!" she coos to the skull sitting on the rest of it, smiling menacingly as she reaches up to squeeze her breasts again. "No, actually, you look the best as nice big tits for me." She claps the lid on top of the vase, moving over to place it with the others as she stretches again, heading off out of her room. Maybe she can find another angel... |
Young Jessica awoke in her bed, this cold morning. Her village was quiet as the sun slowly climbed to its proper place in the sky. Jessica’s morning routine was normally helping her father in the fields, collecting carrots or tomatoes to be shipped off to the King’s kitchen, but today was not a normal day. Her father didn’t seem to miss her presence as Jessica’s head turned out to the window. From her bed, the world looked so peaceful. Farmhands slowly filled the scene and went on as if she was never a part of the family. Or, rather, it was as if she was already dead. For years it had been custom for the small village of Justicar to offer a tribute in exchange for a blessing. Justicar depended on farm life for survival, establishing trade with nearby settlements as well as the central kingdom itself. This far away from the big cities of the land, the small farm town needed help to survive happily. This desire to live comfortably came at a cost. Ten years ago today, Jessica’s father returned home from a late-night council. The mayor and nearly every father in the Justicar had been, and when Jessica’s father entered the house she expected a gift. She ran up to hug his leg, asking “Did you bring me something? What was your meeting? Did you forget I turn eight, today?” Her bright face smiling ear-to-ear while her father leaned down and gently answered, “Jessica, I have great news. You were picked to be the princess of Justicar. When you are of age, you will offer your tribute to the spirit of nature and save the whole village, all by yourself. You get to be a hero.” Jessica closed her eyes, resting an arm on her belly. She tilted her head down to look at her now adult body. She wasn’t tall, but she had grown into a woman’s form. Today was the day in a girl’s life when she is wed and begins a new family. But, for Jessica, her marriage would be only to the duty of tribute. Slowly, she climbed out of bed and put on a simple but elegant white gown. With a somber demeanor, Jessica felt no desire to shed a tear. She had prepared for this day for the last 10 years. The time had come where the last blessing had dried up, and if there was any hope for another successful decade Jessica had to fulfill her duty. At least, that is how everyone in the village felt, happy enough Jessica was the one chosen by random draw. Breakfast passed, but she did not harbor an appetite. Instead, she sat outside and watched the wind blow the grass in elegant waves and pondered what it would be like. To be a farmer’s daughter one day and become a part of nature the next was a strange and unsettling feeling. Fearing she may get too nervous, Jessica rose and left her home without a word to her remaining family. They knew she would leave, and it was easier for everyone to go on without ceremony. The sun showed noon, the shadows casting little. It was a bright day, and clearly the spirits were eager to accept her. Jessica walked down the dirt road and saw up ahead a small gathering of villagers. The mayor was reciting a poem to celebrate the traditional tribute’s honor and glory as farmers’ wives kissed her hands and lifted her into a small carriage. A whip of the horse’s reigns and after a long ride into the fields she found herself being escorted down from her seat. The mute driver pointed his finger down a smooth path marked with signs in strange languages. The carriage set off for Justicar, and she was at last alone. She took two steps forward before stopping. Before her was the final walk she would ever take. Trees now surrounded her, and the beaten path lead down a dark road. Shadows grew more insidious with foul intention as the leafless branches cast claws eager to grope every inch of her body. For a moment, Jessica felt that with no eyes upon her, she could flee. She could run in any direction and no one would have to know. “Responsibility,” she thought aloud. This was why she was born: to save her home and family for another 10 years. Her bare feet cracked a few dried leaves as she at last caught site of the shrine built to appease the emissary of nature’s spirit. The stories were told to her since birth. The emissary was a kind and gentle angel sent by nature itself to keep an eye on the wild and the civilized alike. It was said this angel could see you everywhere, and you must always show respect for nature and the world around you. Only those little girls who were truly beloved by this angel would have the privilege of being chosen to join her. Jessica saw this somber, black marble temple and did not feel privileged as the breeze sent a chill down her spine. The thin white gown and her long golden hair was the only bright sight to be seen for miles. There was a fine, but aged wooden door with intricate carvings showing flowers of the earth and stars of the heavens. It was heavy, but Jessica managed to push it in with a small creak that echoed through the stone hallway. Little light seemed to get in, but down the line of black was a sliver of candlelight shining through a pair of small doors. The floor was not cold, but it was unforgiving. After the soft dirt outside, suddenly this foreign environment startled Jessica into remembering where she was. Her walk was slow, but she knew it had to be finished. Brief hesitation held back her hand before she rapped on the door. The silence was unbearable. The line of candlelight danced back and forth on her face as she prepared to turn around without looking any further, but before she could move a muscle a woman’s voice answered. “You may enter, if you wish.” Jessica’s hand shook violently before she steadied by grasping the iron doorknob. The door pulled open, and before her was a library. Walls covered with books as rows boggled her imagination. Jessica never learned to read, since it was assumed she would have no need to use such luxury in her short life. There had to be more books than she could read in anyone’s lifetime. Surely, this wasn’t the angel’s library. What need did an angel have for such worldly knowledge? The soft voice sounded again, “Hello, young lady. I see a familiar cloth on you. Are you here for tribute to me?” Jessica was paralyzed. She couldn’t see anything. Was this angel invisible? Was she hiding? Gracefully, a beautiful woman with stark black hair rose from behind a small desk and a pile of stray books. She wore an emotionless, but pleasant face. Her eyes seemed vibrant, hiding behind her long bangs. She wore a white dress embellished with emerald patterns and ribbon. “You look very nice, Youth. Are you here for tribute to me?” she repeated. The ‘youth’ bowed quickly, breaking eye contact out of respect. “J-jessica, milady. My name is Jessica. I
” an audible gulp echoed through the rows of books, “I am here for tribute.” The strange angel grew a faint smile as she motioned to a chair across from her desk. “Please, be comfortable.” Jessica heard the soft voice and started walking before the thought had crossed her mind. It was clear: there was no turning back, now. Her foot navigated carefully around one book, and then another, and then brushed against something strange. Something that was moving. Her head whipped down to see the tail of a snake escaping into a pile of more paper. A muted shriek escaped from behind her hands as they slapped over her mouth. Maybe this was nature’s emissary after all. Jessica sat at the desk. She gently lowered herself to the seat, but could not shake the feeling that this was not a friendly visit. No one ever said how the tribute was offered. All that anyone knew was every ten years, a young lady of the village would walk to this temple with nothing but her white gown and her generous wish. “Youth, where do you come from?” “Justicar, milady.” “Justicar. So, you wish for pleasant harvest, no?” “Y-yes, milady. If it pleases you.” The angel giggled, “You are sweet. So well behaved. The last maiden from Justicar did not show such manners.” Jessica looked up to focus on those eyes once more, “Why? You are so wonderful to bless our village. And so fair to gaze upon.” The angel smiled again, “You are afraid. You can’t hide that. I offer you once. Any wish in my power. Your village sends me flesh and wishes for vegetables. Vegetables that grow on their own. I told the last maiden from your village, and she tried to flee. She shouted ‘no wish was worth dying for’. So, she had no wish. I took what was given to me, and she slept for nothing. I offer you once: any wish in my power.” Jessica started to shiver. That snake’s tail had shown itself again, slowly wrapping up her leg. This was so much to process. She heard so little and so much. “Flesh
any wish
” it was too much. Paralyzed, the snake below seemed to be growing larger than she had imagined. Slowly, her head lowered to see it was not a simple forest creature. This lizard was large enough to grab her with its tail alone as the body could hide behind the desk. It could even reach as far as the angel. At last, it made sense. The angel’s body began to rise into the air, her dress cut off to reveal scales below her belly. This was not the angel in her storybook, but a monster. The naga reached her hand forward, grasping firmly at Jessica’s gown as she climbed over the desk. Without any words, the clothes were taken and the monster was groping and testing Jessica’s body all over. Her thigh, her arm, her neck, her breast. Now, foot after foot of scales coiled around her body as the naga eyed her up and down. “Youth. Your name
Jessica? Jessica. Jessica. I am Salem. My name. And I offer you one wish within my power. I accept your tribute, and await your request.” The soft voice seemed so much more terrifying now. Salem’s tongue dragged up Jessica’s cheek before her fangs swiftly latched and toyed with her ear. Jessica was in shock. This wasn’t at all what it should be. This was no privilege. This was no heroic sacrifice. This was a deceitful monster too shrewd to hunt like any other beast would. The library was so quiet, it was maddening. Jessica closed her eyes, trying to hide from the reality as all her fear manifested in one lone teardrop that ran down her cheek to the naga’s waiting tongue. Playfully, Salem lapped at Jessica’s face like it was nothing more than a plate before she leaned back. “No wish? Another free meal for Salem?” Her smile was wicked and here eyes hungry. The tail began to tighten around the catch just as Jessica could smell the hot breath of her host bearing down against her face. “I want to live,” she whispered. “Please, no. I don’t want this.” The naga stopped her aggressive actions, still holding Jessica in a bind. “Live. You wish to recall your tribute of flesh?” Now, the tears began to flow. “Please, please I didn’t ask for this. This isn’t why I came,” she cried. Jessica’s voice was trembling more than her body in the firm grasp around her. “Life. You want life. What would you do with life? Home? Go home? Go where for every sour vegetable your name will be cursed? You want a traitor’s death by the morrow? So eager to throw away your life without a wish? You can have something, or be wasted flesh as any other person.” The naga’s face was still and somber. Her eyes locked with Jessica’s. Golden with small black slits down the center. Seeing her so close, Jessica felt foolish to believe this angel was sent by a spirit to watch over Justicar. This was a monster, and there was no talking her way out of this. Salem continued, in her broken language, “I see you want life. Normal. But, do what with life? Walk north to the dragon’s watch? Wander east to the wolves? I pay for flesh. Others are not kind, as I.” Jessica’s cheeks were wet and her eyes red. She dropped her head, giving up. This morning she awoke just like every morning for the last ten years: knowing she would be offered in tribute. Her life was thrown away when she turned 8. She was already dead to her family, her friends. There was no safe haven. There was no turning away. But, a wish? What power does this naga have if not the power to bless crops? What can a monster do? This was a shrewd and evil monster. A strong creature that could tempt any sailor with her beauty and subdue him with her might. Maybe there was something Jessica wanted after all. Trembling, Jessica tried to speak, but no words escaped her delicate, untouched lips. She tried again, only to cough on a lump in her throat. Salem leaned in again, cupping her ear with a hand and pressing it near to Jessica’s mouth. One last time, she whispered her answer to the beast. Salem’s eyes wandered around the room before suddenly catching interest in the request. That sly smile returned. “So bold a request. I accept the tribute. Your wish I can grant. First, I want my gift.” Almost destroyed, Jessica knew her fate was finally sealed. Eighteen years of life fulfilled on this night. She looked out the window to see the first budding star of the night. The last star she would ever gaze upon. Her naked body in embrace against a hungry monster. Her eyes out of tears. Jessica’s attention turned to Salem. The human half of the creature was so lovely. The supple breasts, the straight, clean hair. Would it be so bad to slide into that body? With little other options, Jessica chose to believe this was nicer than being torn by wolves or burned alive by her family. Maybe these were lies she told herself, but they were lies she needed to hear. Salem’s hands cupped Jessica’s cheeks, thumbs wiping tears away as she revealed a pair of small fangs. Jessica’s eyes widened as they became lost in the thought of entering the throat she could now almost see down. The wet, red tunnel growing nearer and larger as rows of teeth passed her peripheral vision. Light shrank away as warm saliva coated her face. Jessica’s spine lurched in reflex, but the powerful tail kept her steady enough to feed in. Her shoulders were now becoming wet as a slender tongue played with her chest. The tight muscles pressing against her face made it difficult to breathe as she felt this flesh running over her. Her arms constricted tightly against her side while her hands extended, desperate for anything she could clench to calm herself. Her small rump and thighs followed in, faster now that most of her body has been swallowed. The scent of rotting flesh and raw hunger was almost more present than the endless walls of flesh enveloping her body. Her legs tied together as hot fluids coated and seeped into each fold of her body. It was a surreal feeling, Jessica thought, when at last her feet passed over that playful tongue. Flesh now surrounded every inch of her body, and she was now nothing more than raw meat to sate a monster’s hunger for a week or so. Jessica continued to slide deeper into the naga’s stomach, but the panic was fading as her energy drained. Jessica thought of what it might be like to join nature. She didn’t think it would be as simple as being fed to an animal. She just wanted her final thoughts to be of how she had saved her village. She wanted to think of the pride her father would feel and the happy life awaiting her younger siblings, thanks to her sacrifice. Instead, she soaked in a hot bath, finally settled still inside that large tail she had once been outside of. Those cold scales were so dry and hard, but on the inside they were her only family. A warmer, more loving embrace than her blood family ever offered. Jessica’s mind wandered more as the last bits of breath left her. She had hoped to die thinking of hope. Instead, she wondered if her host would fulfill that wish. That simple wish summed up in two simple words. There was no room to move. There was no energy left to fight it. Her mouth slowly filling with a strange, hot fluid that seemed only fitting to take in. Jessica’s womanly form barely showed through the thick snake body laying gracefully content in its library home. That strangely graceful hand now stroked a full, scaled stomach. Salem was watching the stars outside, waiting until it had become dark enough to begin. Dressing in a dark layer of robes, she slithered through the stone temple and into the tall grasses toward the village of Justicar. Silent, she held back the urge to giggle at the thought of the little wish her sleeping passenger asked for. Those two little words. Salem found herself at last in sight of Justicar and wondered to herself just how long it would take her to “kill them”. |
The tavern was bustling with a certain stereotypical amount of life. At this hour, it was perhaps the only noise in the small town. The bartender was just handing a pint to a regular customer when the doors swung open. The patrons all turned to see a muscular, foreboding silhouette. She was a dragonborn, one with particularly rough horns growing from her scaled head and particularly dark scales, betraying her ancestry to be less than savory. Though dragonborn were not to be feared, necessarily, they were very uncommon in this part of the world and this one carried a rather large axe and noticeably wore relatively little armor. A few plates adorned her arm and shoulder, but mostly she carried only fur trophies and leather draping over parts of her body. She turned her head to survey the tavern for a moment before approaching an empty table. As she took her seat, the room began to return to its original sense of energy, if not a bit diminished. The dragonborn pulled from her satchel a piece of parchment folded over several times. Unraveling it, she reviewed the text, “Looking for gloree. Treasur and gloree to be found. If ye be adventer us enuff, come join me for gloree. I am alone. Please find me at Fat Rat Tavern tonight and we will go find gloree.” The language of Common was easy to speak and write, but she was beginning to question her spelling. Copies had been made and hung at places of interest throughout the small town. The smells of the room were beginning to get to her as she dug back into her satchel in search for spare coin. There was enough for one drink, she hoped, but this would be her last night in town. After this, alone or not, she would need to move on and find work or plunder elsewhere. The lantern at her table danced with a bit of light, distracting her as time passed. It had been only half an hour before a voice called to her from behind. “You there, the tough gal
is this your poster?” She turned to see a young man holding up one of her flyers. She nodded, gesturing he take a seat, “I take it you have a hunger for glory?” He looked back at the flyer once more with a squint before taking a seat. “I am looking for work, I would like to see the world. My father’s farm is not making enough all alone, and I know my family deserves more. I want to see the world and bring home treasure or knowledge that might help. From this poster I take you are a treasure hunter? A mercenary? I do not know what you expect but I would very much like to try and impress.” He was a sweet boy. A farmhand with muscles to prove it, but a charming sort of blonde hair and pure eyes that betrayed his ignorance of the world. His clothes were typical and he did not appear to carry a weapon with him. She wondered just how juvenile her first applicant was, but saw no reason to shoo him away just yet. She nodded in reply, “Yes, yes, something like that. Though I cannot guarantee your success or survival, the goal is indeed to find value in our travels. I am Dhekkia, your name?” “Boran, ma’am. Boran Light. Though I might ask, are you alone? I thought travelers as such would stay in groups. It is dangerous in your line of work, isn’t it?” Dhekkia laughed at the boys question, picking up her flyer and waving it a bit. “Yes, yes, indeed. Hence my request for more, you see. My former party did not fare so well and I need replacements.” Boran gulped with wide eyes, “I-I
I see
what, uh, happened to them, if I may ask.” Dhekkia chuckled at the question, looking in her mug at the last of her drink. “Well, I’m sorry to say, there was a death in the party and the others did not
handle it very well. I think they blame me, in a way.” The boy shifted in his seat, leaning forward with a fearful expression, “They blame you?” The dragoness gulped her ale down, her neck muscles flexing before the boy. He was at first focused exclusively on the dragonborn’s monsterous face and horrible horns, but for the first time was made aware of just how little she was wearing. As he stared down her neck he eventually met her chest, her breasts suspended by a thin wrapping that exposed her midriff. Her hand came to rest on her belly, stroking it slowly. “Yes,” she added, “They blame me. I disagree, his plan was a bit foolish just the same. You see, we were contracted to retrieve an idol from a group of cultists. It was a religious trinket, and a church some ways west of here believed its safety to be the only thing protecting the town under their god’s blessing. With the cultists in possession, they were very afraid. They hired me and my companions to track it down. I thought it a simple fight to overpower them, but my comrades thought non-violence may be the answer. Dom was his name, a Halfling with a tendency to overthink his plans. He researched the cult and decided they would not be rough on a pregnant woman. It was his idea, still do not know why, to crawl down into my belly like food and
” she gestured how large her stomach must have grown, “fill me out, as it were. If I were with child, he assumed they would let me waltz in and take what I want. If a fight were to begin, I need only cough him up like a fire.” She laughed at the thought, grabbing for her empty cup with disappointment. “Needless to say, when I tried to take the idol and a fight did break out, he refused to leave.” Boran’s jaw had dropped. He could not take his eyes away from her stomach at the outlandish tale. “You mean to say
he was happy inside you?” Dhekkia shrugged, “I could feel him kicking, it seemed urgent, but when I tried to release him he wouldn’t come up. It wasn’t long before he stopped kicking and, well, he kept me well fed for a few days, at least. Passing his shoe buckles was less than fun, I tell you though!” She laughed, slamming her fist on the table in a tone not quite as grim as the reality of the situation. Boran slowly pushed his chair back from the table and stood, “B-by your leave, ma’am. I do not believe I’m quite cut out for this line of work
” Dhekkia threw her head up with wide eyes, “Oh! Oh no, please! That was the first time anything like that ever happened, I really do not eat my comrades!” He tried to force a smile as he waved, “No, no, not at all a problem. J-just, maybe I shouldn’t leave the farm, you see. I might upset mother, and all
” He quickly shuffled out of the tavern. Dhekkia watched him leave with a sad expression, noticing only now the number of bar patrons staring at her with wide eyes of shock or disgust. She looked down to her exposed flat belly, poking it with one claw, “This is your fault, you little prick.” More time passed and the hour was beginning to grow late. With no more takers and no drink to occupy her mind and belly, Dhekkia finally stood and exited the tavern. She had paid for one more stay in her room across the road, but by sunlight it would be her final day in this small, easily forgotten town. It was not a place for brave souls to grow, she thought to herself. Perhaps she would find more fruitful encounters on the road anyways. As she settled into a decent bed, she let her mind wander back to her story of the Halfling. Though it wasn’t the entire truth of the tale, she did wonder what the odds were of finding another willing meal. The feeling of filling her belly was comforting enough to lilt her to sleep before the next leg of her journey. |
Waking up with start, Sam rolled over in her bed to check the time. It was only 3AM, making a face at her clock she decided to try and go back to bed. She had been in the middle of a weird dream where she was ravaging her town as a giantess. She wasn't shocked to be dreaming that sort of thing because it was one of her fetishes. Being a long time fan of the idea of swallowing people whole and using them as her own personal dildos just thinking about it here in her bed made her a little wet. Giving up for now on trying to go back to sleep, Sam thought she might as well play around a little more with her dream and snatched her phone from her nightstand. She kept a stash of images and stories she had collected over the past few years she enjoyed getting off to. Flipping through her phone she found one image that she rather liked that she had just recently found. It was an image of a massive woman swallowing five people at a time down her stretched gullet. Her belly was that of a four hundred pound woman at regular height. Sam was a fan of bigger woman as being bisexual, she found that is was more fun in bed when she had more to hold. There were people running from and even to this giantess in the picture from either fear, or lust. She was sitting down and leaning against a building that had been obliterated by this woman's huge butt. Rubble surrounding the area and covered in her cum as she shoved three people into her gaping, hungry pussy with her other hand. This image alone was enough to send Sam over the edge into a shattering orgasm. She sunk down under her blanked and drifted off to sleep hoping to dream about this wonderful woman she so enjoyed. A few hours passed and Sam was still asleep in her bed., her phone discarded to her side with the image of her fantasy woman still encapsulated on the screen. A small vibration from her cell created a stir in her sleep and she slowly rose from her deep sleep. Feeling groggy she tried to sit up in her bed only to come to realize that her room had somehow became smaller to her. Thinking she was still asleep she pinched her arm. With the pain in her arm not waking her up, she decided to try and stand up and get some water. With a loud CLANG Sam wailed in pain as her head hit the ceiling of her room. Grasping her head with her hands Sam now understood just how tall she was. She guessed that she was around twelve feet tall to be able to reach her tall bedroom ceiling. During her epiphany she accidentally stumbled into a wall with a CRASH. Lucking it was her room's bathroom and not one to the hallway as her family might have heard her and woken up. Getting up soaking wet from the now newly broken sink she tried to think of what had happened, and what to do next. Remembering that her best friend Alex worked at the local university as a science class student teacher she thought giving him a call might help. Looking for her phone under some broken up plaster from the wall she finally found it. Picking up her now tiny cell she realized that with her huge fingers making a call wasn't going to be an option. Running out of options Sam resorted to having the idea of just driving over to the College and talking to Alex directly. Still wearing her night clothes she had slept in that not were ripping at the seems, she looked through her closet for anything that would fit her mighty frame. Her breasts had grown to the size of kickballs, and her ass was now wider than her dresser. After discovering that nothing she owned was going to fit her Sam got desperate. She slowly crept into the bathroom and snatched the shower curtain and a few beach towels from the closet. A few trial and error mistakes later Sam had a makeshift bra and a pair of panties that left little to the imagination. Tiptoeing out into her living room Sam grabbed her keys and left out the garage door because she wasn't going to fin through the regular front door anymore. As she got to her car another epiphany hit her. She was way too big to fit into her car. Fear and panic crept into her for only a moment before she calmed herself down and surrendered to the idea of just running to meet with Alex. The university was only a few blocks away and if she was fast she could make it there before most of the residents in the area got up to leave for work. She dashed from her lawn and down the street with her breasts jiggling and butt swaying as she ran. She prayed that her clothes would hold until she at least have it to the school. Taking a shortcut through the alley she and her friends used to hand out in, she suddenly felt light headed. Not wanting to stop she continued on her route pushing the feeling aside. As she was nearing the end of the alley the aching in her head became more painful and Sam had to take a moment to collect herself. Without warning she suddenly felt her heart racing faster and faster and eventually blacked out. When Sam awoke she had throbbing headache and her whole body felt as if it was burning. Her surroundings were a blur, she had a ringing in her ear and she heard faint sirens and people whispering and talking around her. Opening her eyes Sam slowly tried to comprehend where she was and why she could hear so many people around her, and why she was cold. Then with a shock, she what had happened to her this morning. Looking down she was able to discern a few things off the bat. She was completely naked, and that she had grown to an astoundingly greater height of roughly sixty feet. Without knowing what else to do, she tried to get up. Still feeling groggy Sam tried to stand up. Forgetting that people were still around her Sam accidentally stepped on someone hearing and feeling a loud CRUNCH underfoot. That was a tipping point for Sam. The sensation of taking a life like that on accident with little to no effort. Screams from people fleeing from her accidental killing of the man echoed through her head as it reminded her of the night before and the picture she had masturbated to. Trying to control her urges as her pussy started drooling for attention. Without even thinking Sam reached down into the dispersing crowd and plucked one of the people running away from her. She quickly shoved them into her awaiting folds with a wet and soothing SQUELCH. Moaning as her pussy gobbled up her first catch she wanted more. This time when she reached into the crowd of people she snatched up a handful of them and dropped them one at a time into her mouth past her full lips onto her tongue. She swashed them around taking her time to enjoy their flavor as if she was tasting a fine wine. When she was finished tasting her squirming morsels with a mighty GULP she sent them down her gullet into her awaiting stomach acids to slowly digest. Reaching into her still dripping pussy to pull out her current captives she realized that they were no longer there. Instead when the dove her hand into her a massive gush of cum escaped from her. Coming to the understanding that her new meals could not only provide her belly with food, but they also digested into more cum in her pussy that realization sent her over the edge for the first time as a giantess. Sam's first orgasm as a giant was more pleasurable than she ever could have imagined. Her screams shattered windows for miles and her vagina flooded the streets with cum sweeping people off their feet. As she recovered from her high of sex and the feeling of others slowly melting in her stomach she moved on from her neighborhood and started heading to her original destination of the school, only with a different plan for it. |
It was another usual day at Vorono High for Suni. Running through the school, evading Gira's plots to make him “hers”, and avoiding being swallowed in one way or another by one of the school's many other preds. Today was getting better for him though, as he hadn't seen Gira for a few hours, and thought she must have either gone home, or was plotting again. Whichever one, he was fine with for now because that meant that he could concentrate in his favorite block of classes, Art, Math, and History, taught by none other than Ms. Frances. Her full name was Helga Francis, and she was the most...popular teacher at Vorono. She had this title for many different reasons, the main one being that she weighed roughly six hundred pounds, and it all was in the right places. She stood almost ten feet tall, and was a giant of a woman. She had the widest hips anyone had ever seen, and the chest to match. Her butt was something to be feared too, because if you acted out in her class too much she might just flatten you with it. She used her sexy body to help her students get excellent grades. Flaunting her bust right before a big test, or opening her sweater she wore every day to where you could see into her never ending cleavage. If her entire class ever got an A on a test, she would hug each and every one of them the next day. Her methods proved to be quite efficient. Ms. Francis was also the most disciplined of the teaching staff. Meaning she would deal with students that got on her bad side, and rewarded those on her good side. If a student were to get on her bad side, on a bad day for Helga, she would just send them to permanent detention within her gullet, never to be seen again. Or if they disrupted class one or two times, she would flatten them with her colossal butt. Students that were fortunate enough to be on her good side, like Suni, would receive gifts of pleasure whenever they did well. Helga would tuck them into her massive canyon of cleavage under her thick sweater. If they were lucky, she would occasionally let students she really was proud of, spend class inside of her panties, where it was as warm as a burning fire. Suni loved this class, but not for the rewards. Not for the trip down his teacher's cleavage, that actually scared him, or the lucky stay in her pants, that terrified him even more. He liked it because the biggest pred in the school, who happened to also be his teacher, liked him, and never tried to eat him because he was small. Mostly because he would be less than an appetizer for her, but he didn’t like thinking of it that way. He wasn't in danger of being devoured, or stuffed into another frightening orifice. The only setback of that was, was that Gira was also on her good side somehow. On several occasions, Suni had ended up with Gira in Helga's breasts. She had never tried anything, because disrupting class in any way, in this case eating another student, was absolutely unacceptable in class. That rule had already sent half a dozen students down Ms. Frances's throat to add to her girth. They weren’t killed, just bloated her ever inflated belly. Sometimes is a student kept disrupting class, she would keep them in her for a week. Gira knew this, and never tried anything but stuff Suni down her own shirt without alerting Helga. He was never able to protest because Gira's own enormous breasts would smother him until he passed out. Sumi now had a chance to do his work, and study in peace now that Gira wasn't here to pester him. She would sit behind him and would constantly blow on his neck, and whisper stuff like “you're mine”, or make obscene sounds to annoy him. She liked to chew a huge wad of gum with her mouth open as she chomped. All without alerting Ms. Helga to her antics because she sat in the back. Gira actually was at class today, but instead of being at her desk, she was watching Suni. She was observing how he acted without her being in class. Gira wanted to catch Suni off guard, and Ms. Francis’s class would be the best place to do so. Every man that took her class ended up drooling over her beauty. The older teacher didn’t look a day over thirty, her light purple hair in a bun, and classic librarian glasses made men, and women drool. Even though she knew she would never get to him in class with Helga watching, she had an idea of how to get Suni in trouble, so that he would be isolated. For now, she watched, and noted how calm he was, and thought of when to put her plan in motion. Usually Gira never required help to catch Suni, she actually didn't like asking for it. He was hers, and she would catch him on her own. Today, she wanted more, she wanted Suni where no one could see them, and he was her toy. So today, she asked...well, really threatened Jonathan, to sit a few spots behind Suni and wait for her signal. At the right time, she would send the signal for him to switch out Suni's homework with a copy that had all the answers wrong. Ms. Francis didn't like any of her students falling behind one bit. Even a student with an A in the class, if they turned something in that had a few wrong answers, she would ask to stay behind for extra lessons. No one could say no to her, because if they refused lessons, she would sit on them until they agreed, or swallow them for a few days with their textbook to keep them company. Suni always, even with Gira in the room, completed his work and got it right every time. Several times in the past Helga had walked up to Suni, picked him up, and brought him to her face to plant a huge kiss on him. Her lips covered his entire face, and every time he feared she would toss him into her maw, and swallow. Suni was good at testing, he earned a kiss like that for getting the highest grade in the class. Whoever got the highest grade, with, or without permission Helga would shove them down into her boiling panties to spend the day sweating next to her nether lips. It had been about twenty five minutes, and Gira had kept a diligent watch over Suni the entire time. Finally, Suni got up to sharpen his dull, well used pencil, and Gira threw the signal to her accomplice Jonathan. Quickly, but quietly getting up from his chair, Gira's plant took Suni's work and replaced it with the fake. Turning too fast for his feat though, Jonathan tripped. Crashing down the elevated steps in the classroom, he landed at the foot of Helga's desk. “Oh well hello Jonathan, would you mind telling me what you're doing interrupting class again this week?”, Ms. Francis questioned, looking down at the shaking student. See, Jonathan was one of the students already on Helga's bad side, and this disruption was his last strike. “You know what happens to students that continue to bother my class, don't you”, she said while sauntering her mighty frame from her huge desk. “Please Ms. Francis, I only tripped coming down the stairs, it won't happen again, I swear!”. “Oh I know it won't be happening again Jonathan, because you're going to spend the rest of today churning in my belly with Philip and the others from this morning's detention”. Moving quickly for a six hundred pound woman, Helga swung her waist down, and snagged him by the collar of his shirt and brought him up to her waiting, and dripping maw. She didn't take her time with troublesome students, as they were just a snack for her. Merely just meat for her stomach to lap at. She shoved Johnathan down her throat in one quick motion, and a single GULP later, he was making his way down to her rotund gut. Gira had watched the whole thing, while stroking her pussy, and twisting her nipples of course. Her plan could not have gone more perfect. Not only had Jonathan done his job, but he managed to tie up her only loose end, himself. “Sorry Johnny, it was either going to be her, or me”, glad I got to see you take the short dive though. During the entire event that had just transpired, Suni had been cowering in the corner of the room, clutching his pencil. He didn't like seeing Helga eat other students, not that they didn't on some level deserve it, but it scared him to imagine being sent down to gurgle in her belly. Shaking the feeling, he stood up, and carefully made his way back to his desk. Forgetting to check his completed work, he relaxed in his chair, trying to stop thinking about Jonathan's fate. The last thirty minutes of class, Suni and the other students turned in their work to Helga to grade. She did this so that if a student needed help, she could take note of who, and act accordingly. Marking the usual suspects, she got to Suni's paper. Usually flawless, Helga was supersized to find that not one thing was right on his work. Thinking something might be wrong with Suni, and not just him getting them all wrong, Helga thought to have a private chat with him after class. “Suni, would you come here please?”. Suni shot up from his desk, not wanting to make his teacher wait. “yes Ms. Francis”, he quickly, but calmly stated. “Suni, I noticed on your paper that you were missing a lot of the answers, compared to your usual work, this has me concerned”. “I...but...which ans...”, was all he could get out before Helga spoke again. “It's alright Suni, you're not in trouble, I just would like to see you after class so I can talk to you, that's all”. Not wanting to argue, Suni simple replied once again“yes Ms. Francis”, and returned to his desk, puzzled to how he got his answers wrong. He found the work easy enough, so what could have went wrong? He spent the rest of the class going over his book, trying to figure out where he went wrong, and almost didn't hear the bell. He sat at his desk as the classroom emptied. Ms. Francis got up from her chair after the last student had left and shut the door, and with a click, locked it. She turned to face Suni, still buried in his book. “Suni, come to my desk please”, she asked in her sweat, but demanding voice. He placed his book onto his desk and walked down to her. She sat in her throne of a chair as he arrived. Suni had only been to extra lessons one time, and that was from within Gira’s belly. Afraid that she would punish him, he waited for her to instruct him what to do next. “I am worried that you might be slipping Suni”, “you’ve been doing well in class, as always, but I feel like you are distracted”. Suni didn’t know where she was going, but he didn’t like it. As Ms. Francis was talking to him she was unbuttoning her blouse, and she had let her hair down. “You know how I feel about my students being distracted”, helga said as she stood from her chair, and started to saunter over to Suni. “I know you’re a smart boy Suni, lessons wouldn’t help you”. Now Suni was beginning to worry. She only talked this way when she was about to do something like eat a student, or sit on one. “I am going to remind you just how much I care for my class”. Helga said, pulling Suni by his shirt closer to her desk. “M.mm..Ms. Helga wait”. “It’s ok Suni, come, feel my curves”. She pulled him into her now bare chest. Her soft, warm globes of flesh were left bare for Suni to now see. She draped her blouse over her chair, and stuffed Suni into her boobs. Suni struggled as much as he could while encased in her breasts. Her salty cleavage sweat covering his body, soaking his shirt. Helga plopped her rear on top of her desk, and with Suni is her tits, began to fondle and rub her stomach. She mashed Suni between her breasts, pushing them together with both hands now. “Does that feel good Suni?, do you want to warm up a bit between my legs?”. “I will motivate you Suni, I will inspire you to become a more confident student”. Helga lifted Suni from her tits, and rested him on her tummy. “You’re lucky today Suni, this’ll be more like a hot bath than the usual warm rinse”. Helga removed her dress pants, letting them fall to the floor. Reaching her fingers under the thin straps of her damp, purple lace panties, she slid them off. Bringing them up to Suni, she tied her undergarments to Suni’s feet, not wanting to lose him like last time. “Have fun Suni, see you in a bit”. “W..w..wait Ms. Helga, please, I might drown!” Suni, now shaking, managed to stutter out before he was plunged into Ms Francis’s ocean of a pussy. “Then I hope you save your breath hum”, Helga said as she brought a nipple to her mouth to suck on. Still spying on her work, Gira watched from the window looking into Ms. Francis’s classroom. She couldn’t believe what that fat bitch Helga was doing with her Suni. She just wanted to mess with Suni be embarrassing him in front of his class, but now someone else but her was using HER suni as a sex toy. Wanting to see just how far Helga would go with Suni, Gira continued to satch, and secretly pleasure herself to the view. Pinching her own massive tits, and rubbing her clit, Gira would wait until she was just ready to cum, then intervene. A torrent of cum smashed into Suni’s face as he breached the outer, and inner folds of Ms. Francis’s pussy. He wasn’t able to struggle, the make shift panty rope around his legs made sure of that. Any flailing he did with his arms, resulted in them just sliding off her rippling, convulsing walls. Helga didn’t lie when she said it would be like a bath. Suni was submerged in her cum, everything but his nose was above the lake of cum. He didn’t know how long it had been, but Suni could feel himself running out of air. Helga’s water tight folds prevented any air from entering her vagina, he felt his lungs start to burn. On the brink of passing out, Suni felt a tug on his legs. Yanked from his underwater-prison like pussy, Suni fell onto Ms. Francis’s desk, coughing up what seemed like gallons of her cum. “Oh Suni, you are absolutely drenched, here let me clean you off”. Suni had heard that phrase before, and tried to wiggle from his teacher’s grasp. Bringing Suni up to her lips, Helga took his whole body into her mouth. Passing into her chamber like mouth, a wave of hot air coated Suni’s face. Looking into her maw, was like looking down into a bottomless pit, which in reality, was actually what it was for Helga. Thick strands of her saliva stretched over Suni as he was placed into her mouth. Her arm-like tongue slithered over his whole form. The wet, slimy muscle of hers left no surface unchecked as she sucked on Suni like candy. Every time she would swallow down his flavor, mixed with her own cum, Suni thought he would be going down her stomach with it. “Mmmmhmmmm, Suni you taste amazing”, I might add sucking to your next reward in class as a special for you”, helga said, even with a mouth full with her student. After cleaning his body, Helga spit Suni back out, returning him to her desktop. He lay there, soaking wet from cum, and drool. His lungs ached for air, and he felt extremely dizzy. Relieved to be in the open air again though, all Suni thought wanted to do was rest for a few minutes. Before he got a chance to do so, Helga began to walk to the other end of her desk. Suni, I hope what I am doing here has helped stress my concern with your attitude in my class. To show you the other side of things, the way I punish my students, I will suck your now lathered body, into my rear. Again, without giving Suni time to protest, Helga slammed her titanic sized ass onto the table, engulfing Suni into the void of darkness, and stale air that was his teacher’s own personal hellscape detention. Seeing her toy Suni being eaten my Helga’s ass sent Gira over the edge. She hadn’t intended on cumming, but with a sight like that, how could she not. Sure she hated that this giant of a woman was using her Suni, but the kinkieness in which she did amused Gira. She hatched yet another plan, and ran to confront Ms. Francis about her new idea. “Ohhh yes Suni, do you like being Ms. Francis’s butt plug?”. “I bet it’s hotter in there than my poor, lonely pussy”. “Here, let me give you a gift from my colon, I am sure you’ll love it”. With a small rumble from Helga’s gut, her lunch today came to say hello to Suni in the form of a loud Pfffffftt. The fart shook Suni’s whole being. Helga’s smart-car sized ass cheeks even wavered with the power of it. “Hmmm, that was a good one”, she sighed, giggling at the thought of how Suni had reacted to her flatulence. Helga was going to let Suni bake in her ass for a while, when suddenly she heard a rather loud knock at her classroom door. She put her blouse back on, but not her pants, and headed to see who had come to visit her. Opening the door, Gira was standing there, face flushed, and panties obviously wet. “How may I help you Gira?, and can you tell my why you weren’t in class today?” “Stuff it, you man stealing fat cow!, you used my toy, and I am hear to retrieve him”. “Gira!, you know better than to talk to your teacher in that manner”, you’re usually such a good student”. “If you are referring to Suni, I am reminding him how I motivate my class”. “You could use the same treatment young miss”. “I am here to be with my Suni, in any way possible”. Gira said with a stern look being shot up at Helga. “Where do you have him tucked in that bloated body of yours?” Helga had never seen Gira talk this way to her before, and remembered to keep her teaching composure. “He is currently tucked into my oven, thinking on what happens to students that cause problems”. “Your oven?, you mean your ass”. “I saw you shove my man up there a earlier”. “Gira, were you spying on me when I was teaching Suni his lesson?” ASking her question, Helga remembered eying Gira’s wet pants when she was in the doorway. “Ohh, I see you liked what you saw then?”. Ms. Francis said as she pointed to Gira’s spot between her legs. “Yeah, what of it, you make all the men in Vorono drool, why not women?”. “Fair point young miss, would you like to join in on Suni’s final trip through my body today then?”. Gira knew that question was coming, and was all too ready to give her answer. “Yes, I want you to swallow both of us down into that fat stomach of yours”. “Just as long as we are together, I don’t care if it’s sloshing in your belly”. “Well that settles it then, just let me retrieve your man, and you two will be on your way down shortly. Reaching under her colossal ass, Helga pulled onto the panties she still had tied to Suni’s legs. With an unceremonious yank, she pulled Suni from her dank cavern. “You’re free Suni, sit up like a good lad as I untie you. Suni was relieved to hear those words as he slowly made his body sit up. He rubbed his eyes, and took a few deep breaths of fresh air, and looked around. What Suni saw, frightened him more than anything Ms. Francis had just done to him. Gira was standing right there, naked. Her own gigantic breasts, which somehow still defied gravity, were pointed right toward him. Her nipples looked rock hard, and her pussy was dripping, for Gira knew what was about to happen. The grin on her face gave away the game, and Suni asked Helga what Gira was doing here. “Mm..m..ms. F.f..francis, w..wa..why di...did you le..le.let Gira into the room?”. Suni asked, his voice back to his stuttering ways whenever Gira was close to him. “Sweety, Gira is also a student of mine, and can come, and go as she pleases”. Today though, she came here wanting to be with you, and I am going to help her with that”. “Wh..wha….what d..do you me….mean?”, he asked. “Well hum, I was going to swallow you down, and let you melt into an obedient student, but Gira here is going to join you”. “Did you hear that my Suni, you and me are taking the plunge TOGETHER!” Shouted Gira, intentionally striking more fear into her toy. She loved to mess with him by doing that. Getting excited over Suni was so easy for her, it was fun. Watching him, eyes wide as ever, legs shaking, and his mouth agape, it made her pussy flair up just standing there. “Well, it looks like it’s time to start class people”, Helga said in her teacher voice. “Who would like to be first?” “Can we go together Ms. Francis?” Asked Gira, in an almost childless girly tone. “Oh, well i don’t see why not, as long as Suni is ok with it” Not letting Suni answer, Gira picked up the helpless, frozen boy and stuffed him between her tits. “Oh he would love to, wouldn’t have it any other way”. “If you say so”, shrugged Helga, walking over to the pair of students. “Come over here, and stay still, in order to take you both, I’ll have to almost deep throat you down to your feet”. “Sounds hot”, stated Gira, making Helga actually blush. “Oh thank you dear, it’s really nothing with my size though”. “Now hold still and have fun churning, I’ll see you later when you’re both my salves”. “Slaves?” Gira asked, but didn’t get a response, as Helga’s maw descended down onto Suni and her. Like helga said, it only took a woman of her mass a single gulp, to swallow them down. Suni was trying to flail his body, but being wedged between Gira’s boobs prevented him from doing much still. “Soon it will just be you and me in the biggest, gurgling gut in the entirety of Vorono my pet”. “Boiling and churning in her stomach, imagine the fun it will be”. “I’m not sure what fatty meant by becoming her slaves, but whatever it takes to be alone with my toy, is worth it. Suni was able to shove on of her tits off his face, taking in air for the first time since being swallowed with his stalker, Suni got a few words in. Gira, I..If you h..had ever paid at..attention in class, y.you wou..ld know tha..that Ms. Francis h..has the ab..ability to turn her students in...into her slaves. “She can do that?” “Y..yes”. Suni gasped for air in between words as they slid down Helga’s slime-coated, rippling throat, that was wide enough to swallow a car. Now with some air in his lungs, Suni was able to talk. “Anyone she swallows, and leaves in there, is melted and churned into one of her slaves. It’s how she has so many obedient students that used to be disruptive” “She’s going do to that to us?, cool”. “That means you’ll be forced to be around me, and I won’t have to chase you. The significance of being slaves seemed to be lost to Gira. They were both going to be mindless students, keen on doing their work, and getting good grades. AFter what he had been through today, Suni simple accepted that he was going to be his Giant of a teacher’s snack, along with Gira. Then come out the other end, as a slave, ready to work. They reached Helga’s stomach and splashed down into the cavern of acid. “Well, here we are toy, want to mess around?”, asked Gira in the darkness of the belly. Suni didn’t want to move, he was so tired, digesting almost felt good to him now, as long as he got to sleep. Gira wasn’t going to waist this though, she was going to use Suni whether he liked it, or not. She found his body next to hers, and straddled his face with her pussy. “Get sucking Suni, it’s the only way you’re going to get any air”. You’ll have to suck the oxygen out of my pussy to breath, and there isn’t much of it. Not having much of a choice here, Suni began sucking Gira’s sticky lips. Every time she gyrates her massive hips over his face, Suni sucks out as much air as he can, while choking on her cum. He didn’t know half the time, if he was feeling cum, sweat, or stomach acids covering his face. After face fucking Suni, Gira saw that his cock was actually hard. “Ohhhhh, Suni….are you happy that you’re being fucked by me, or that you’re in the stomach of Ms. Francis, slowly being digested into one of her pets?” “Or is it both, you dirty toy”, Gira continued, further pressing Suni’s erection. “I’ll assume it’s for me, seeing as you can’t really talk with my clit in your mouth. Bending over, still keeping her vagina totally covering Suni’s face, Gita began to suck his cock as if it was the last blow pop in the world. All the while this is going on, Helga was in her chair, enjoying the vibrations of the two rather busy students in her gut, and the soft gurgles of digesting them slowly. She was caressing her bloated belly, and sucking one of her nipples. Remembering she had dropped Jonathan from her ass earlier as a fresh slave, she called him over from where he was quietly sitting. “Jonathan, come over here and bury your face in my hungry vagina”. “Yes teacher”, replied Jonathan, getting up and walking over to Helga’s drooling cunt. Kneeling down, he began to suck on Helga’s fist sized clit. “Hmmm, bot, you’re skilled yes, but my starving cunny needs more”, placing a hand on the boy’s head, and drove his body all the way inside. “Much better”, she said, now with a stuffed belly, and pussy. Helga began to use Jonathan as a human dildo, pushing and pulling him, in and out of her, she sat back and waited for her meal to digest. Inside of Helga’s churning gut, we return to a the slightly melted forms of Gita, and Suni. Gira was currently sucking Suni’s cock, and engulfing his entire face with her nether lips. The sloshing, and sucking sounds coming from Gira’s mouth echoed through the inside of Helga’s stomach. Suni had already cum half a dozen times from this, and his mind had slipped into unconsciousness. So at this point, Gira was fucking a mindless piece of food for Helga. The level of fluid surrounding Gira and Suni was rising as Helga’s stomach entered full on digestion. Having eaten many prey in the past, Gira realized this, and planned accordingly. As she feld her body begin to soften up, Gira pumped Suni’s limp cock as fast as she could. Suni’s cock came for the eleventh time, and Gira let his raw meat fall from her lips. Sitting back onto Suni’s face, her legs starting to become numb, Gira shoved Suni’s head into her own pussy. Wanting to be as close as possible in their last minutes together in Helga’s belly, she sucked Suni completely into her cunt. “Woah!, Suni you fit in there easier than ever before, must be how soft we are from Helga’s juices eating at our bodies”. Gira laid down into the slop of acid and the digested fat from their bodies, and fingered her pussy to the feeling of Suni filling her pussy. She closed her eyes, and listened to all the sounds of Helga’s mighty stomach start to work on her body at full strength. The echoing gurgles, and sloshes, paired with the moans of Helga herself soothed Gira to sleep. Her eyes fluttered, darkness was consuming Gira’s mind slowly as the churning stomach worked on her meat. Helga had finished with Jonathan at this point, he was lying in a pool of cum at her feet. His mind, though tied to her will, was broken in spirit from the pleasure he received from Helga’s tunnel of a pussy. She sat back in her chair, gut churning away the remains of her meal, and her pussy drooling from pleasuring herself with her human dildo. Oh what it was to be the queen of Vorono. Ms. Francis relaxed now that she had turned the two lovers in her belly to unrecognizable slop, soon to be reformed as her slaves. It would take a few hours for them to be processed through her body and reformed, then all she had to do was slide their wet, naked bodies out between her gelatinous cheeks. So until then, she would take a well deserved nap, content that soon her class will be running at full speed again for the coming test. Hours passed, and Helga awoke to a familiar feeling in her gut. Her new pets were ready to be reborn from her ass, as loving, straight A students. She sauntered to her own personal bathroom in the back of her room, and sat upon her mighty porcelain throne. It was made to hold her new pets as they exited her back door. Helga huffed, and puffed as she pushed her pets out of her gaping hole. She could feel them approaching, their bodies slithering out together, not making it any easier. Squeezing with all her might, Helga felt their two heads crown her ass. Not wasting her efforts, she pushed their bodies from hers. Slipping into the large bowl, Gira and Suni plopped down in a heap of slime. Suni, of course was under Gira’s own ass cheeks, but he showed no struggle, and no panic. Helga looked at her recently created slaves, they were beautiful. She did a test run on the naked forms in her toilet, “Students, step out of the toilet, and bring me my pants”. As she said, Gira and Suni left the bowl they were reborn into, and gathered Helga’s pants and panties. Each of them had to use both hands to carry the large articles of clothing. Offering them to Helga, they waited for further instruction. “Good slaves, now go back into the classroom, get dressed, and start studying for the test next week. I expect both of you to get an A, and I don’t need to remind you what happens if you don’t. “Yes Ms. Francis, they both replied. Turning and leaving, they left Helga to get dressed. She fixed her hair, and makeup, then exited her restroom. The sight she saw as she entered her classroom caused her massive heart to flutter. Her students were doing as she asked, sitting quietly together, not fighting, and reading their books. She never got tired of seeing this, maybe someday she would start working on her own teaching staff and co-workers to turn them into better performing professionals, and teachers. For now though, she would stick with rewarding, and disciplining her class as she saw fit, though she was fine with either, as the results were relatively the same to her. |
Un repas est toujours meilleur avec une amie La journée passait lentement. Suzy aimait ses cours, mais ses professeurs n’était pas très énergique. Elle n’avait qu’une envie, que la pause arrive au plus vite, pour pouvoir aller marcher un peu. L’université où elle étudiait était assez grande, et elle faisait souvent de petites promenades entre les cours. Elle n’avait pas beaucoup d’amis avec elle, alors elle appréciait vraiment ces petits moments. Malgré l’ennui, elle arrivait à rester concentrée, mais elle accueillit la fin du cours avec joie. Elle attendit que la plupart des autres étudiants soient sortis avant de ranger ses affaires et de sortir à son tour. Dans le couloir, quelqu’un l’interpella. « Dis, Suzy, je peux te demander quelque chose ? » La jeune femme se tourna vers celle qui venait de parler. « Vas-y, je t’écoute. » Son amie Jane sourit. « Samedi, je reçois des amis à dîner, que je n’ai plus vus depuis un moment. Je veux leur préparer quelque chose de bon, quelque chose qu’ils aiment. Et pour ça, j’aurais besoin de ton aide. -Bien sûr. Comment puis-je t’aider ? -C’est simple. Ils aiment beaucoup un certain type de plats, un peu particulier. Ce n’est pas si rare, mais pas non plus très courant. Et pour préparer ça, j’ai vraiment besoin de toi. -Ah ? Et qu’est-ce que tu comptes préparer ? -Eh bien… toi. » Suzy regarda son amie. Celle-ci, l’air un peu gêné, se tenait contre le mur du couloir. Il y avait des gens autour, alors Jane parlait tout bas . « Tu as dit que tu voulais me préparer ? demanda Suzy en s’approchant pour ne pas parler trop fort. -Oui, confirma Jane. Bien sûr, tu n’es pas obligée d’accepter, si tu n’as pas envie, s’empressa-t-elle d’ajouter. -C’est ce genre de plats que tes amis aiment ? -Ils adorent ça. Je me suis dit que puisqu’on ne s’est pas vus depuis longtemps, je pourrais leur servir quelque chose d’excellent. -Et tu penses que je ferais un excellent repas ? -J’en suis persuadée. » Suzy réfléchit quelques instants. Elle aimait beaucoup Jane, mais elle ne savait pas trop quoi penser de ce que son amie lui avait demandé. La servir à ses amis pour le repas de samedi ? Elle n’avait aucune idée de ce à quoi ça pouvait ressembler. Bien sûr, elle avait déjà vu des femmes être préparées, cuisinées et cuites pour être servies, mais seulement sur Internet. Elle avait trouvé certaines recettes jolies ou intéressantes, et elle avait pu lire que les gens qui y avaient goûté adoraient ce genre de plats. Les femmes qui faisaient office de plat principal semblaient aussi majoritairement avoir aimé cette expérience. Le fait qu’elles « reviennent » après avoir été servies et mangées, s’il pouvait paraître surprenant la première fois, était selon elles une très bonne raison d’essayer, car si cela ne plaisait pas, il n’y aurait pas de conséquences. Suzy se disait qu’elle pourrait tenter aussi, puisque ce n’était pas un problème et qu’il n’y avait rien de définitif, mais elle n’en était pas tout à fait sûre. « Comment voudrais-tu me préparer ? demanda-t-elle. -Je ne sais pas encore, avoua Jane. J’avais pensé à… -Tu peux me le dire, assura son amie. Je ne t’en voudrais pas. -Tu es sûre ? -Absolument. -Merci, répondit la jeune femme aux cheveux noirs avec un soupir de soulagement. J’avais pensé à un rôti, avec sa sauce et ses légumes, mais j’hésite avec une dinde fourrée. Le rôti serait peut-être mieux, vu que je n’ai jamais essayé de cuisiner quelque chose comme ça. » Malgré ce que lui avait dit Suzy, elle semblait encore embarrassée. Ses yeux noisette semblaient s’excuser de ce qu’elle venait de dire. Son regard se perdait dans les cheveux blonds de celle à qui elle demandait de servir de repas. Son amie s’en amusa et lui sourit. « Écoute, je veux bien y réfléchir, et je te donnerai ma réponse demain. Ça te va ? -Vraiment ? L’idée ne te dérange pas ? -C’est un peu… spécial, mais je suis curieuse. Et ça ne me dérange pas que tu aies pensé à moi, ou que tu aies déjà prévu des recettes. -Je le répète, tu n’es pas obligée d’accepter. J’ai d’autres idées en réserve, si besoin. -Je vais y réfléchir, et je te dis demain. Si j’accepte, c’est que ça me va, d’accord ? -Tu es géniale ! » s’exclama Jane en lui embrassant la joue. La fin de la journée s’écoula tranquillement, et Suzy rentra à son appartement. Après avoir travaillé ses leçons et mangé un morceau, elle se rendit dans la salle de bain. Elle se déshabilla et repensa à ce que lui avait demandé Jane. Du coin de l’œil, elle vit son reflet dans le miroir. D’après ce qu’on lui avait dit, elle était assez jolie, avec le visage assez fin, de petits yeux verts et des cheveux blonds descendant jusqu’à ses épaules. Son corps n’était pas moche non plus, bien qu’elle aurait aimé avoir une poitrine un peu plus grosse. Elle prit ses seins dans les mains, et se dit qu’ils étaient bien assez gros. Suzy n’avait pas de grosses cuisses ou des fesses très visibles, mais l’ensemble rendait bien. Elle rentra dans la douche et fit couler l’eau sur son corps. Si elle acceptait d’être le plat principal samedi, cela voudrait dire qu’elle serait nue devant des inconnus, qu’ils verraient tout son corps et qu’ils le goûteraient. L’idée ne lui faisait pas peur et ne la mettait pas mal à l’aise. Une fois sa douche terminée, Suzy s’allongea sur son lit et ouvrit son ordinateur portable. Elle se rendit sur des sites spécialisés, qui présentaient des recettes à base de femmes. Plus elle lisait, plus elle regardait, et plus elle se demandait ce que devaient ressentir ces femmes, si l’expérience était vraiment aussi plaisante qu’elles le disaient. Petit à petit, l’excitation monta en elle, et, toujours nue, elle commença à jouer avec son corps. Une demi-heure plus tard, elle referma son ordinateur, prit un dildo et se l’enfonça dans l’anus. Elle aimait cela, et ce soir elle s’imaginait qu’elle était préparée, et cela l’excitait de plus en plus. Après avoir fini de s’amuser, elle alla se coucher, fatiguée mais heureuse. « Alors, tu as pris une décision ? » Suzy avait prévenu Jane qu’elle avait une réponse à lui donner. Son amie attendant impatiemment la réponse, elle sourit. « Oui. J’ai réfléchi, et j’accepte. Tu pourras me préparer pour tes amis samedi. » Jane la serra dans ses bras et l’embrassa sur la joue. « C’est génial ! T’es la meilleure ! -Ça me fait plaisir, et je suis curieuse. Je veux savoir ce que ça fait. -Compte sur moi, je ferais de toi le meilleur repas possible ! » Elles discutèrent encore un peu avant que les cours ne reprennent. Il faudrait attendre cinq jours avant que Suzy ne découvre ce que cela faisait d’être préparée. Elle commençait à avoir hâte, et le soir venu elle retourna sur les sites qu’elles avait consulté la veille. Elle fit ainsi tous les soirs, jusqu’à samedi. À 9h, elle se présenta chez son amie, qui l’accueillit le sourire aux lèvres. « Pile à l’heure ! -Évidemment, il ne faudrait pas qu’on soit en retard pour tes invités. -J’ai encore un peu de mal à croire que tu aies accepté, avoua Jane. Mais je ne vais pas m’en plaindre ! -Je suis sûre que bientôt tu ne penseras plus qu’à préparer un bon repas. -J’y pense déjà, assura Jane en entrant dans la cuisine. Je te laisse te déshabiller pendant que je prépare tout ». Suzy pénétra à son tour dans la cuisine. Elle vit un large plat posé sur la table, qui lui était destiné. Elle sourit et retira ses chaussures, qu’elle posa dans un coin. Puis elle enleva sa robe et ses sous-vêtements, et attendit que Jane ait terminé. Le soleil entrait par la fenêtre et caressait sa peau nue. Elle sourit encore et se dit que ce serait sûrement une expérience agréable. Jane se tourna vers elle, visiblement heureuse. « Tu es magnifique ! Je savais que tu serais un bon choix. -Contente que je te plaise. Alors, tu as décidé pour la recette ? -Oui, ce sera un bon rôti. J’en salive déjà. -Alors n’attendons pas, s’amusa Suzy. Par quoi commence-t-on ? -D’abord, je dois huiler ton corps avec une huile spéciale. Mais je dois le faire avec tout ton corps. -Pas de souci, fais-toi plaisir ! » Jane commença à huiler son amie, en commençant par les épaules. Elles discutèrent, pour que Suzy ne s’ennuie pas. La jeune femme blonde ferma les yeux en souriant lorsque Jane arriva sur ses seins, et à nouveau lorsqu’elle passa entre ses cuisses. La chef complimenta son corps, surtout le bas, ce qui la fit rire et la soulagea. Une fois complètement huilée, Suzy s’allongea sur le plat. « Maintenant, la vraie préparation commence. J’espère qu’elle ne sera pas désagréable, lui dit Jane. -Ne t’en fais pas, prépare-moi comme tu as prévu de le faire. De toute manière, je suis de la viande, maintenant, alors ne te soucie pas trop de moi. -Entendu. » Jane la ficela complètement, en commençant par les chevilles et en remontant jusqu’aux épaules. Elle ajouta quelques herbes, du sel, du poivre, et de l’accompagnement comme des oignons. Suzy, bien attachée, sentait cet assaisonnement sur son corps, et cela la rendait heureuse, en plus de l’exciter. Elle ne regrettait vraiment pas d’avoir accepté cette requête. « Bon, il ne reste plus que des détails, lui dit Jane après un moment. Est-ce que tu as déjà reçu quelque chose dans les fesses ? -J’utilise souvent des jouets, oui, répondit Suzy. -Parfait. En voilà un autre, fit son amie en lui insérant quelque chose. Une petite carotte pour le look. Et maintenant, ouvre la bouche… super , ajouta-t-elle en y plaçant une pomme. J’ai juste à attacher tes cheveux pour la cuisson, et voilà, tu es prête ! Vraiment appétissante, j’ai hâte. » Jane, heureuse de sa réussite, jeta un œil à l’horloge accrochée au mur. Son sourire disparut, remplacé par une mine pensive. Elle regarda ses ustensiles, réfléchit quelques instants, puis sourit à nouveau. « Bon, je me suis un peu précipitée. Il reste encore un peu de temps, je ne pensais pas que ça irait si vite. En attendant, je vais commencer à préparer le reste, comme ça tu pourras profiter un peu, d’accord ? » En disant cela, elle avait tapoté les fesses de Suzy, qui restait immobile. De toute manière, elle n’avait pas le choix, attachée et préparée comme elle l’était. Elle entendit Jane sortir une casserole, et ferma les yeux. Elle n’était pas dans une mauvaise situation, bien au contraire. Le soleil, à travers la fenêtre, l’empêchait d’avoir trop froid, et elle appréciait le petit courant d’air sur sa peau. Elle ne pouvait pas beaucoup bouger, mais elle se forçait à rester parfaitement immobile pour ne pas ruiner la préparation, malgré toute son excitation. Après ce qui lui sembla une dizaine de minutes (elle ne pouvait pas en être sûre), Jane revint vers elle et huila à nouveau son corps, puis alla chercher quelque chose. « J’ai réfléchi, et ce serait dommage de ne pas garder un souvenir de ce moment, tu ne penses pas ? J’aimerais faire quelques photos, si ça ne te dérange pas. » Suzy sourit simplement, et Jane prit plusieurs photos. « Parfait ! J’en prendrai quelques-unes après, pour comparer. Maintenant, direction la cuisson ! lança-t-elle en ouvrant le four et en plaçant le plat dedans. À tout à l’heure ! ». Elle referma la porte, et la chaleur fit frémir Suzy. Elle avait un peu de mal à respirer, mais elle appréciait l’intérieur du four. Rapidement, elle se réchauffa suffisamment pour se détendre. Elle songea à l’enthousiasme de son amie, sa joie tout au long de la préparation, et elle sourit. Elle espérait qu’elle serait aussi bonne que Jane le prétendait, mais elle n’était pas très inquiète. La cuisson était assez lente, ce qui lui permit de sentir plusieurs fois la porte du four s’ouvrir, et Jane l’arroser pour éviter qu’elle ne soit sèche. Plus le temps passait et plus Suzy était détendue. Elle ne se rendait même plus compte de la difficulté qu’elle avait à respirer. Au bout d’un moment, elle finit par perdre conscience, dans l’agréable chaleur du four. « Et voilà ! Le rôti que je vous ai promis ! » Jane apporta fièrement le plat qu’elle avait cuisiné avec tant d’enthousiasme et le posa sur la table. Ses amis regardèrent avec intérêt le rôti qu’elle leur présentait, puis la complimentèrent. « Je ne savais pas que tu savais cuisiner ce genre de viande, remarqua Lara. -Et tu as l’air d’avoir plutôt bien réussi, ajouta Mark. -C’est la première fois que j’essaye, confirma Jane. J’ai bien suivi la recette, donc je pense que ça ira. Et je suis sûre que la viande est de qualité ! -Tu as été l’acheter quelque part ? -Non, c’est une amie à qui j’ai demandé si elle était d’accord. -Tu as de la chance d’avoir une amie comme ça, lui dit Lara. Elle a aimé ? -Je pense, oui. En tout cas, elle avait l’air. -Alors on pourra recommencer, c’est bien. -Avant ça, il faudrait la commencer, intervint Mark. -Tu as bien raison ! approuva Jane. Quel morceau ? » Les trois regardèrent le rôti fumant qui trônait sur la table. Jane avait détaché les cheveux de Suzy, qui retombaient sur ses épaules. Toute sa viande, qui avait pris une délicieuse couleur brune, dégageait un arôme qui éveillait l’appétit. Tous les morceaux, de ses pieds à sa tête, semblaient délicieux. Chacun se servit, et le repas put commencer. Lorsque Suzy revint à elle, elle se trouvait sur la table de la cuisine. Les volets fermés indiquaient qu’il était probablement tard. Elle se redressa, s’étira et descendit de la table. Dans le salon, elle trouva Jane, qui regardait la télévision. Lorsqu’elle la vit, son amie se leva et vint à sa rencontre. « Suzy ! Comment tu te sens ? -Très bien, répondit-elle. Un peu fatiguée, mais très bien. Comment s’est passé le repas ? -Tout a été génial, s’enthousiasma Jane. Tu étais parfaite, ça s’est super bien passé. -Vraiment ? Donc j’étais bonne ? -Délicieuse, même. On en a repris plusieurs fois, même si on n’a pas réussi à tout finir. Tu veux voir les photos ? -Oui, je n’ai pas arrêté de me demander à quoi je ressemblais. » Jane alla chercher son appareil photo, et Suzy put voir ce que son amie avait vu. Les photos avant la cuisson lui rappelaient celles qu’elle avait vu sur les site, et elle les trouvaient très bien. Les photos après la cuisson lui mettaient presque l’eau à la bouche. Si elle les appréciait autant, elle ne pouvait qu’imaginer ce qu’avaient ressenti son amie et ses invités, à la vue de ce magnifique rôti, avec son arôme et sa couleur. « Alors ? Tu en penses quoi ? -Franchement, je comprends pourquoi tu en avais envie. Ça rend vraiment bien. -Donc ça t’as plu ? -Oui, vraiment, confirma Suzy. Mes derniers doutes ont disparu au moment où je me suis allongée sur le plat. -Donc tu recommencerais ? -Certainement. » Jane sourit largement. Elle prit les mains de son amie et l’embrassa sur la joue. « Je suis tellement contente de t’avoir demandé, t’es la meilleure ! -Bah, c’est pas grand-chose, répondit Suzy un peu embarrassée. -Dis pas ça, n’importe qui n’aurait pas accepté. -Au fait, quelle heure est-il ? On est le soir, non ? » Ce fut au tour de Jane d’être embarrassée. « On est dimanche soir, oui. -Dimanche ? -Je t’ai dit qu’on n’a pas réussi à te finir hier, donc j’ai mis les restes au frais. Je n’ai pas beaucoup mangé hier soir, ni ce midi, donc je t’ai finie ce soir. -Ah, je vois. -Tu m’en veux pour ça ? -Non, ce n’est pas grave. Je n’avais rien de prévu de toute manière. -Super, ça me rassure. Bon, je vais te laisser rentrer chez toi. » Suzy retourna dans la cuisine et se rhabilla. Au moment de partir, elle demanda à Jane : « Tu as déjà prévu la prochaine fois que tu veux me cuisiner ? -Non, pas encore. -N’hésite pas à le faire quand tu veux, d’accord ? -Ok. » Elles se dirent au revoir, et Suzy rentra chez elle. Elle ne pensa pas trop au week-end qui venait de s’écouler, jusqu’à que qu’elle s’installe dans son lit. Elle y réfléchit à nouveau, se dit que vraiment elle avait apprécié, et qu’elle avait bien fait de le dire à Jane. Elle s’endormit en pensant aux recettes que son amie pourrait utiliser pour la préparer. |
A lunch is always better with a friend The day was slowly passing by. Suzy liked her courses, but the teachers weren’t very lively. She wanted but one thing, that the break would come, so she could take a walk outside. The university she studied at was quite big, and she often went for a stroll between classes. She didn’t have many friends with her, so she really enjoyed these moments. Despite boredom, she remained focused, but she gladly welcomed the end of the lesson. She waited for most other students to get out before packing her things and getting out herself. In the corridor, someone called her. “Say, Suzy, can I ask you something?” The young woman turned back to face the one who just talked. “Yeah, I’m listening.” Her friend Jane smiled. “On Saturday, some friends that I didn’t see for a long time are coming over for diner. I want to prepare something good for them, something they like. And that’s why I need your help. -Of course. How can I help you? -It’s simple. There is a certain type of meal they love, a bit of a special type of meal. It’s not that rare, but not that common either. And to prepare that, I really need you. -Oh? And what are you planning on preparing? -Well, it’s… you.” Suzy looked at her friend. Jane, a bit embarrassed, was standing against the wall of the corridor. There were people around, so she was keeping her voice low. “You said you want to prepare me? asked Suzy, getting closer to her friend to avoid speaking too loudly. -Yes, confirmed Jane. Of course, you don’t need to accept if you don’t want to, she added quickly. -It’s that kind of meal your friends like? -They adore it. I was thinking, since I didn’t see them for a while, I could serve them something excellent. -And you think I would make for an excellent meal? -I’m sure of it.” Suzy thought about it for a moment. She liked Jane a lot, but she wasn’t sure what to think about what her friend asked her. To be served to her friends on Saturday? Suzy had no idea what it’d look like. Of course, she had already seen women being prepared, cooked and served, but only online. She found some recipes pretty or interesting, and she read that people that tasted it loved this kind of meal. Women that served as main course also seemed to mostly enjoy the experience. The fact that they “come back” after being served and eaten, if it could be surprising at first, was for them a very good reason to try, since if it wasn’t pleasant there would be no consequences. Suzy told herself she could try too, since it wasn’t a problem and nothing was permanent, but she wasn’t totally sure. “How would you prepare me? she asked. -I’m not sure, Jane admitted. I thought of… -You can tell me, I won’t mind it. -Sure? -Absolutely. -Thanks, the black-haired young woman answered with a sigh of relief. I thought about a roast, with sauce and vegetables, but I’m hesitating with a stuffed turkey. The roast might be better, since I never tried cooked anything like that.” Despite what Suzy said, she still seemed a bit embarrassed. Her hazel eyes were looking like they were sorry about what she just said. Her gaze was lost in the blond hair of the girl she just asked about being her meal. It made her friend smile. “Listen, I’m fine thinking about it, and I’ll give you my answer tomorrow. Is it good? -Really? The thought doesn’t disturb you? -It’s a bit… special, but I’m curious. And it doesn’t bother me that you thought of me, or that you already planned some recipes. -I’ll say it again, you are not forced to accept. I have other ideas, if needed. -I’ll think about it, and I’ll tell you tomorrow. If I accept, it means I’m fine with it, ok? -You’re awesome!” shouted Jane, kissing her cheek. The rest of the day went by quietly, and Suzy headed back to her flat. After working on her lessons and eating a bit, she went to the bathroom. She undressed and thought about what Jane asked her. She caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror. Others told her she was quite pretty, with her thin face, small green eyes and blond hair falling on her shoulders. Her body wasn’t ugly either, even though she’d had wished she had a bigger chest. She grabbed her boobs, and thought they were big enough. Suzy didn’t have thick thighs or a large butt, but overall it looked nice. She entered the shower and let the water flow on her body. If she accepted being the main course on Saturday, it would mean she would be naked in front of strangers, that they’d see all of her body, they’d taste it. The thought didn’t scare her or make her feel uncomfortable. After she was done showering, Suzy lied down on her bed and opened her laptop. She went on several specialised sites that presented recipes based on women. The more she read, the more she looked at the pictures, the more she wondered what these women were feeling, if the experience was really as pleasant as they were saying. Little by little, she got excited, and, still naked, she began playing with herself. Half an hour later, she closed her laptop, took a dildo and stuck it up her ass. She liked that, and that night she was thinking she was being prepared, and that excited her more and more. After she was done playing, she went to bed, tired but happy. “So, did you make a decision?” Suzy had told Jane she had an answer to give. Her friend impatiently waiting for the answer, she smiled. “Yes. I’ve thought about it, and I accept. You can prepare me for your friends on Saturday.” Jane hugged her friend and kissed her on the cheek. “It’s awesome! You’re the best! -It makes me happy, and I’m curious. I want to know how it’s like. -Count on me, I’ll make you the best possible meal!” They talked a bit before classes resumed. Suzy had to wait five days until she could discover what it’s like to be prepared. She began to look forward to it, and in the evening she went again on the websites she checked the day before. She did so every evening until Saturday. At 9 AM, she arrived to her friend’s house. Jane welcomed her with a smile. “Just in time! -Of course, we shouldn’t be late for your guests. -I still have a bit of trouble believing you accepted, admitted Jane. But I won’t complain! -I’m sure soon you’ll think about nothing but preparing a nice meal. -I’m already thinking about it, said her friend while entering the kitchen. I’ll let you undress while I’m preparing everything.” Suzy entered the kitchen herself. She saw a large plate lying on the table, waiting for her. She smiled and took her shoes off, then put them in a corner. Then, she took off her dress and her undies, and waited for Jane to be done. The sun, coming in through the window, was caressing her bare skin. She smiled again and told herself it would surely be an enjoyable experience. Jane turned to her, visibly happy. “You’re beautiful! I knew you would be a good choice. -I’m glad you like me. So, did you decide on a recipe? Yes, it’ll be a good roast. I’m already hungry. -So let’s not wait any longer. What do we begin with? -First, I have to oil your body with a special oil. But I need to do it over all of you body. -No problem, enjoy yourself.” Jane began oiling her friend, starting with the shoulders. They chatted so that Suzy wouldn’t get bored. The blond-haired girl closed her eyes smiling when Jane put her hands on her breasts, and again when she went down between her thighs. The chef complimented her body, especially the lower part, which made Suzy laugh and relieved her. “Now, the real preparation begins. I hope it won’t be unpleasant! said Jane. -Don’t worry, prepare me like you planned to. Anyway, I’m meat now, so don’t bother too much with me. -Got it.” Jane tied her completely, starting from the ankles and going up to the shoulders. She added salt, pepper, some herbs and some seasoning and onions. Suzy, tied up nicely, felt the seasoning on her body, and it made her happy and excited. She really didn’t regret accepting that request. “Ok, now there are only details left, said Jane after a moment. Did you ever receive something in your butt? -I often play with toys, so yes, Suzy answered. -Perfect. Here’s another one, smiled her friend while pushing something in. A little carrot for the looks. And now, open your mouth… very nice, she added while placing an apple in. Now to tie your hair, and you’re ready to go! Looking very tasty, I can’t wait.” Jane, happy with her realisation, quickly checked the time on the clock. Her smile disappeared, replaced by a thinking face. She looked at her tools for a moment, then smiled again. “Well, I was too quick. There’s still time, I didn’t think it’d be that fast. I’ll prepare the rest for now, so that you can enjoy it a bit, ok?” When she said that, she patted Suzy’s ass, while the other girl stayed immobile. She didn’t have a choice, anyway, tied up and prepared as she was. She heard Jane taking out a pan, and closed her eyes. She wasn’t in a bad situation, quite the opposite. The sun, through the window, prevented her from being too cold, and she enjoyed the little breeze on her skin. She couldn’t move much, but she forced herself to stay perfectly immobile to avoid ruining the preparation, despite her excitation. After what seemed like a dozen of minutes (she couldn’t be sure of that), Jane came back to her and oiled her again, then went to get something. “I’ve thought about it, and it would be kinda sad to not keep a memory of that moment, don’t you think? I’d like to take some pictures, if you don’t mind.” Suzy simply smiled, and Jane took several pictures. “Perfect! I’ll take some after, to compare. Now, off to the cooking! she shouted while opening the oven and putting the plate inside. See you later!” She closed the door, and the heat made Suzy shudder. She had a bit of trouble breathing, but she liked the inside of the oven. Quickly, she warmed up enough to relax. She thought about the enthusiasm of her friend, her joy throughout the preparation, and she smiled. She hoped she would be as good as Jane was saying, but she wasn’t very worried. The cooking was slow, so she could feel several times the door of the oven opening, and Jane basting her so that she wouldn’t be dry. The more time passed by, the more Suzy was relaxed. She didn’t even notice her difficulty to breathe any more. After a while, she lost consciousness, in the enjoyable heat of the oven. “And here it is! The roast I promised you!” Jane brought proudly the meal she cooked with so much enthusiasm and put it on the table. Her friends looked with interest at the roast she was serving them, then complimented her. “I didn’t know you could cook this kind of meat, Laura remarked. -And it looks like you were quite successful, Mark added. -It’s the first time I try that, Jane confirmed. I followed the recipe closely, so I think it’ll be fine. And I’m sure this is high quality meat! -Did you buy it somewhere? -No, it’s a friend I asked if she was ok with it. -You’re lucky to have a friend like that, Lara told her. Did she like it? -I think she did. At least, it looked like she did. -Then we’ll be able to do it again, it’s nice. -But first, we need to do it once, Mark said. -You’re totally right! Jane approve. Which morsel?” The three of them looked at the steaming roast that was lying on the table. Jane had untied Suzy’s hair, which was falling on her shoulders. All her meat, being now a delicious brown, gave off an appetising aroma. Every part of her, from top to bottom, seemed delicious. Each of the three picked a part, and they began eating. When Suzy came back to her senses, she was on the kitchen’s table. The closed shutters indicated it was probably late in the evening or night. She sat up, stretched a bit and got off the table. In the living room, she found Jane watching TV. When she saw her, her friend got up and came to her. “Suzy! How do you feel? -Very good, she answered. A little tired, but very good. How did the meal go? -Everything was awesome, Jane said enthusiastically. You were perfect, it went very well. -Really? So I was good? -Delicious, even. We served ourselves several times, even if we couldn’t finish everything. Wanna see the pictures? -Yeah, I couldn’t stop wondering what I was looking like.” Jane went to get her camera, and Suzy could see what her friend saw. The pictures before cooking reminded her of the ones she saw on the websites, and she found them pretty. The pictures after cooking almost made her hungry. If she liked them that much, she could only imagine what her friend and the guests had felt, when seeing this delicious roast, with its aroma and colour. “So? What do you think? -Honestly, I understand why you wanted it to happen. It looks very nice. -So you liked it? -Yeah, really. My last doubts disappeared at the moment I lied down on the plate. -Then, you’d do it again? -Most likely.” Jane smiled largely. She took her friend’s hands in hers, and kissed her on the cheek. “I’m so happy I asked you, you’re the best! -Oh, it’s nothing much, Suzy answered a bit embarrassed. -Don’t say that, not everyone would’ve accepted. -By the way, what time is it? It’s evening, right?” Now it was Jane’s turn to be embarrassed. “Sunday evening, yeah. -Sunday? -I told you we couldn’t finish you yesterday, so I put the leftovers in the fridge. I didn’t eat much yesterday evening, or today at noon, so I finished you this evening. -Oh, I see. -Do you mind? -Nah, it’s not a problem. I didn’t have anything planned anyway. -Nice, I’m relieved. Well, I’ll let you go back home now.” Suzy went back to the kitchen to get dressed. Before going, she asked Jane : “Did you already plan the next time you want to cook me? -Not yet. -Don’t hesitate when you want to do it, ok? -Ok.” They said farewell, and Suzy went back home. She didn’t think too much about the week-end she just went through, until she put herself in bed. She told herself she really enjoyed it, and that it was a good thing she told it to Jane. She fell asleep thinking about the recipes her friend could use to cook her. |
Spoils of war The rising sun was lighting the camp, slowly waking its occupants from their nocturnal slumber. Ethil was looking at her soldiers. She was the captain of that company, and she would lead them to battle a bit later. Her two lieutenants, Sephe and Keles, joined her. “Everything’s ready? asked Ethil. -Yes, confirmed Sephe. We can head to the planned place. -Perfect. Once everyone is awake, we’ll go.” The kingdom of Medheste, for whom the three women were fighting, was at was with its neighbour, the kingdom of Arethna, and a battle was to be planned for this day. When all of the camp was awake and clean, each of them prepared their equipment, and the company began walking towards the place the two armies were to clash. Once the two armies arrived, each sent a messenger to the other, and when they came back, the battle was about to begin. “The time is now, said Ethil to her soldiers. It might not be the most important battle, but do what you need to win it. I’m counting on you, and our kingdom through me!” Enthusiastic shouts answered her. Quickly, she saw the enemy going forward, and sent her troops to battle. Arrows flew, swords hit, shields parried, and on both sides people fell dead. Chiefs were giving orders, roaming the battlefield to try and take advantage of the enemy’s weaknesses. The battle lasted several hours, none of the sides seemingly stronger than the other. Ethil was wondering how to triumph, when the sound of a war horn resonated, three times. Not aware of the meaning of this signal, she stepped back, attempting to see what was going to happen. In front of her, the enemy was stepping back and regrouping. “Do you think they are withdrawing? asked Sephe when she got close to her captain. -No, said Keles. Look, they are making a passage.” The enemy army indeed created a way between its ranks. When she saw what was coming to them, Ethil quickly turned to face her own army. “Retreat! shouted the captain. Get back to the camp! We can’t win against that for now!” Her subordinates transmitted the order, and the army started to withdraw. The closest soldiers to the enemy could see what was the reason behind their captain’s order: orc mercenaries, well equipped and numerous. Ethil didn’t understand why they were here, since the orcs usually did not ally themselves with humans, but she didn’t want to know. She only thought about how to avoid losing too many soldiers. Her army, well disciplined, could flee in time, but the captain needed to buy some time so that the orcs wouldn’t catch up to them. She was standing there, facing them, her lieutenants at her sides. The orcs knew they couldn’t ignore them, and prepared themselves. The fight went on for a while, but the three women couldn’t win. Finally, when they were too exhausted to keep fighting, they surrendered. The orcs disarmed them, tied them up and brought them to the enemy army’s chief. “My, my, what a nice catch, smiled Nêlhea. It’s the first time I catch you, Ethil. -And I sure hope it’s the last. -And your two lieutenants are as pretty as you, I’m delighted. Take their armours off and put them somewhere safe for tonight.” One of Nêhela’s lieutenants brought the three women to the side. There, they were undressed, their armours and clothes taken away by a soldier. Naked, still tied up, Ethil and her lieutenants took a look at the victors. “They are looking for survivors, said Ethil. -What will they do with them? asked Keles. -If they are important, keep them for a ransom. If not, they can either kill them or keep them for tonight’s feast." Keles shivered. She almost forgot that custom, where prisoners of war would be used for victory feasts. For simple soldiers, it often meant the end, because they were too poor to afford equipment or spells that would allow them to come back from it. For well-equipped officers, however, the feast wasn’t definitive. After the feast, they were sent back home. It was, for some, a great humiliation, but it was also a way to end wars, either because officers were kept for a later feast or because they were sent home with a proposition of peace. Keles sighed. With her captain and her friend, they would be prepared for the feast, and while it meant they would soon bring a peace message back, she would be cooked and served to her enemies. Ethil didn’t mind much, because she was used to eating enemy officers. She was curious, and wanted to know how it was like. As for Sephe, she was resigned and waited, shuddering from the cold. Finally, an officer came to take them to Nêhela’s horse and tied them up to the saddle. The general wanted to enjoy her spoils of war, so she decided to have them walk behind her. Her long, white hair, floating in the wind, made Ethil a little jealous, because she kept her own black hair short for fighting. The captain was followed by Keles, with her messy red hair, and Sepeh, whose brown hair fell on her shoulders. Once they reached the camp, the officer took the three captives to a small, closed courtyard, where he freed them. The young women stretched, walked a bit, then starting chatting. After a few hours, they were taken to the kitchen. Guards were here, to prevent them from trying to run away. “Very pretty, very nice morsels, smiled the chef when he saw them. We’ll be able to do something very nice. Come here, you.” He grabbed Keles’ ass, her breasts, then got close to the instrument he chose for her. “You’ll fit very well on the spit, my good sow.” He began oiling her body, and despite his hands going over her breasts or but, Keles let him do it without protesting. She was exhausted, and she couldn’t oppose this treatment. When the chef put her on all four, and she saw the spit, she came a little to herself and resisted a tiny bit, but a guard kept her pinned down, and the spit quickly ran through her. She felt the chef tie her arms up in her back, and her ankles to the spit. The fire burning under her warmed her, but she was still exhausted, so she quickly relaxed and let go, despite her still being a bit annoyed by what was happening to her. “Your turn, now. A pretty turkey you are.” Sephe smiled, and let him bring her to the worktop. After being oiled, the chef put her on her back and spread her thighs. He stuffed her vagina with vegetables, as much as he could, and closed it with a carrot. He did the same to her anus, then took some string tie her arms and thighs up. He added some spices, an apple in the turkey’s mouth, and put the plate in an oven. “And now, the main course. You’re the captain, right? -Yes, I am, confirmed Ethil. -The general asked for a special preparation for you, lucky one, smiled the chef. -Oh. I guess it’s good news. -Absolutely, I’ll take good care of you.” The chef came close to Ethil, enjoyed the looks of her body, before oiling her delicately everywhere. The young woman let him do as he pleased, jumping a little when his hand went between her thighs. The chef then placed her on a plate, on all four, and patted her ass. He made her lean forward and rest her head on her head. Ethil was starting to be looking forward to know what the chef would make out of her, and the chill air on her naked skin excited her. She felt the man seasoning her, and noticed some of the herbs he used. He rubbed her whole body so that the seasoning would be spread all over, and that excited the woman even more, but she remained immobile. She was losing her focus, and wanted only one thing: that the preparation would be done and she would be put into the oven. After several minutes, the chef complimented the docility of the meat, took a carrot and placed it deep into her anus, making her moan. He put an apple in her mouth, smiling. “You’re really perfect, told the man enthusiastically. If only every meat was like you. I hope you enjoyed it, now is the time to visit the oven!” The chef took the plate up, and the few movements of Ethil, and so of the carrot, made her moan again. Once put in the oven, already hot, she relaxed completely. “So that’s how it is to be captured and cooked, thought the captain. It’s quite good, actually. I wonder what the other too think about it.” She smiled, despite no one being able to see it, the open oven providing an enjoyable view of her rear. Keles was not thinking about the humiliation any more. The heat proved stronger than her exhaustion, and her reasoning, and she was enjoying being a spit-roasted sow, slowly roasting over the fire. She even hoped she would taste good enough for a real feast. Sephe was as peaceful as before. The oven’s heat was a bit challenging, but she was happy with her situation. She didn’t panic knowing what would happen to them, because she often remained neutral in her emotions. However, the physical stimulation of the preparation and the state she was in made her quite excited, and she giggled from time to time to play with the vegetables the chef stuffed her with. She really wanted to be the best possible turkey, to make a good impression to the general that captured them. Ethil was feeling happier as time went by. She didn’t think she would enjoy being cooked that much, and the fact that Nêleha explicitely asked her chef to prepare her in a special way flattered her. Shortly before losing consciousness, she told herself it was too bad such a custom wasn’t more in use, and maybe something had to be done there. “Madam, the sow and the turkey you caught this morning.” The chef bowed, presenting the two plates he prepared earlier. The smoking meats gave off a mouth-watering aroma. “They look absolutely delicious, once again you’ve done an amazing job, complimented Nêleha. -The meat is of high quality, I just helped it deliver all of its flavor. -And it is a great success, added the general after tasting the two lieutenants. Did you do what I asked for the third one?” As an answer, the chef bowed again, before going and coming back himself with the little cart the main course of the feast was placed on. “And here is the centrepiece, the heart of the feast, a magnificently roasted Ethil!” Nêleha looked at the plate with big eyes. She perfectly recognised the captain, and she admired the awesome brown of her skin, the presentation, everything made her want to jump on this delicious meat waiting for her. “You are truly awesome! She’s perfect! -You’re flattering me. May I have the honour to serve your her fillet? -Of course. Let that begin the feast!” The chef delicately cut Ethil’s fillet and served it to his general, who enjoyed it with the greatest happiness. He then began serving the other officers that were partaking in the feast. The next morning, Ethil, Keles and Sephe were standing in front of Nêleha, wearing only simple pieces of clothes to replace their previous clothes. “I’m trusting you, I know you’ll do what you can to make them understand. -Of course, answered Ethil. And when all of that is done, I think I’ll come back around here. -Oh, really? You liked it? -A lot, I wasn’t expecting that. As far as I understand, we pleased you too? -Yes, you were delicious. I can’t wait to do it again. -Same here, maybe also inverting roles. -One day, maybe, who knows?” They saluted each other, and the three young women went back to their camp. Ethil was looking forward to discussing the peace offer with her superiors, to put an end to the war as quickly as possible. Sephe hoped they wouldn’t have to fight again, because this experience made her want to go home and rest, practice peaceful activities, and sometimes be a turkey for who would have her. Keles, not daring to say it, really enjoyed the spit, and she only wanted to try it again. She was thinking that once the war would end, she would come back here, too, and would end up on the spit again, as much as possible. |
Butin de guerre Le soleil levant éclairait le camp, tirant lentement ses occupants de leur torpeur nocturne. Ethil contemplait ses soldats. Elle était capitaine de cette compagnie et elle devait les conduire au combat un peu plus tard. Ses deux lieutenantes, Sephe et Keles, vinrent la retrouver. « Tout est prêt ? demanda Ethil. -Oui, confirma Sephe. Nous pouvons nous rendre sur le lieu prévu. -Parfait. Une fois que tout le monde sera réveillé, nous partirons. » Le royaume de Medheste, pour lequel se battaient les trois femmes, était en guerre avec son voisin, le royaume d’Arethna, et une bataille devait se tenir dans la journée. Lorsque tout le camp fut réveillé et rangé, chacun se prépara, et la compagnie prit la route vers le lieu prévu entre les deux armées pour la bataille. Une fois les deux armées arrivées, chacune envoya un messager vers l’autre, et lorsqu’ils furent revenus, le combat fut sur le point de débuter. « Le moment est venu, fit Ethil en s’adressant à ses soldats. Ce n’est peut-être pas la plus importante des batailles, mais faites ce qu’il faut pour la gagner. Je compte sur vous, et notre royaume à travers moi ! » Des cris enthousiastes lui répondirent. Rapidement, elle vit l’armée adverse avancer, et lança ses troupes dans la bataille. Les flèches pleuvaient, les épées frappaient, les boucliers paraient, et des deux côtés les morts tombaient. Les chefs donnaient leurs ordres, allant d’un bout à l’autre du champ de bataille pour tenter de prendre l’avantage. La bataille dura plusieurs heures, aucun des camps ne semblant plus fort que l’autre. Ethil se demandait comment triompher de leurs ennemis, lorsqu’une corne retentit au loin, trois fois. Ne sachant pas à quoi correspondait ce signal, elle recula pour tenter de voir ce qui allait se passer. Devant ses yeux, l’armée ennemie reculait et se regroupait. « Tu penses qu’ils vont abandonner ? demanda Sephe en rejoignant sa capitaine. -Non, intervint Keles. Regarde, ils font un passage ». L’armée ennemie avait en effet créé un chemin entre ses rangs. En voyant ce qui s’avançait, Ethil se tourna rapidement vers son armée. « Retraite ! hurla-t-elle. Repliez-vous vers le camp ! Nous ne pouvons pas gagner contre ça maintenant ! » Ses subordonnés transmirent l’ordre, et l’armée commença à reculer. Les plus proches de l’ennemi purent apercevoir ce qui avait poussé leur capitaine à donner cet ordre : des mercenaires orcs, très bien équipés et très nombreux. Ethil ne comprenait pas pourquoi ils étaient là, les orcs ne s’alliant généralement pas avec des humains, mais elle ne cherchait pas à savoir. Elle se contentait de réfléchir à la manière de limiter ses pertes. Son armée, disciplinée, parvint à s’enfuir à temps, mais la capitaine devait gagner du temps pour lui éviter d’être rattrapée par les orcs. Elle se tenait face à eux, ses deux lieutenantes à ses côtés. Les orcs savaient qu’ils ne pouvaient pas les ignorer, et se préparèrent au combat. L’affrontement dura un moment, mais les trois femmes ne pouvaient pas gagner. Finalement, lorsqu’elles furent trop fatiguées pour combattre, elles se rendirent. Les orcs les désarmèrent, les attachèrent et les conduisirent à la cheffe de l’armée ennemie. « Et bien, quelle belle prise, sourit Nêleha. C’est bien la première fois que je t’attrape, Ethil. -Et la dernière, j’espère. -Et tes deux lieutenantes sont tout aussi jolies, je suis vraiment ravie. Enlevez leurs armures et mettez-les à l’abri pour ce soir. » L’un des lieutenants de Nêleha conduisit les trois jeunes femmes captives à l’écart. Là, elles furent déshabillées, leurs armures et vêtements emportées par un soldat. Nues, toujours attachées, Ethil et ses lieutenantes observaient ceux qui venaient de triompher. « Ils regardent s’il y a des survivants, dit Ethil. -Que vont-ils en faire ? demanda Keles. -S’ils sont importants, les garder pour obtenir une rançon. Sinon, ils peuvent soit les achever, soit les garder pour le festin qui se tiendra ce soir. » Keles frémit. Elle avait presque oublié cette coutume, qui voulait qu’on utilise les prisonniers de guerre pour les festins de victoire. Pour les simples soldats, cela signifiait souvent la fin, car ils étaient trop pauvres pour avoir de l’équipement ou s’offrir des sorts qui leur permettraient d’en revenir. En revanche, pour les officiers, qui étaient très bien équipés, le festin n’était pas définitif. Une fois le festin terminé, les officiers étaient renvoyés chez eux. C’était, pour certains, une grande humiliation, mais c’était aussi un moyen de terminer les guerres, soit parce que l’on gardait les officiers pour un festin plus tard, soit parce qu’on les renvoyait chez eux avec une proposition de paix. Keles soupira. Avec sa capitaine et son amie, elles allaient être préparées pour le festin du soir, et bien que cela veuille dire qu’elles allaient bientôt apporter un message de paix, elle allait être cuisinée et servie à ses ennemis. Ethil n’en faisait pas grand cas, car elle l’avait l’habitude de manger des officiers ennemis. Elle était curieuse et voulait savoir ce que cela faisait. Quant à Sephe, elle était résignée et attendait, frémissant à cause du froid. Finalement, un officier vint les chercher et les conduisit auprès du cheval de Nêleha, puis attacha la corde qui les reliaient à la salle. La générale voulait profiter de ses prises, alors elle avait décidé de les faire marcher derrière elle. Ses longs cheveux blancs, battus par le vent, attiraient le regard d’Ethil, un peu jalouse, car elle gardait ses cheveux noirs coupés courts pour le combat. La capitaine était suivie par Keles, avec ses cheveux rouges en bataille, et Sephe, dont les cheveux bruns retombaient simplement sur les épaules. Une fois arrivées au camp, l’officier détacha les trois captives et les conduisit dans une petite cour fermée, où il les libéra. Les jeunes femmes s’étirèrent, marchèrent un peu, puis commencèrent à discuter pour faire passer le temps. Quelques heures plus tard, on vint les chercher pour les conduire aux cuisines. Des gardes s’y trouvaient, pour s’assurer qu’aucune des captives ne s’échappe. « Très jolies, très beaux morceaux, sourit le chef en les voyant. On va pouvoir faire quelque chose de très bien. Viens par ici, toi. » Il palpa les fesses de Keles, ses seins, puis l’approcha de l’instrument qu’il avait choisi pour elle. « La broche t’ira très bien, jolie truie. » Il commença à huiler son corps, et malgré ses mains qui passaient sur ses seins ou ses fesses, Keles se laissait faire. La fatigue l’avait gagnée, et elle n’arrivait pas à s’opposer à ce traitement. Lorsque le chef la mit à quatre pattes, et qu’elle vit la broche, elle retrouva un peu ses esprits et opposa une résistance de principe, mais un garde vint la maintenir, et rapidement elle se trouva complètement embrochée. Elle sentit le chef attacher ses bras dans son dos et ses chevilles à la broche. Le feu qui brûlait sous elle la réchauffait, mais sa fatigue ne disparaissait pas, et rapidement elle se laissa aller, bien qu’elle soit toujours un peu agacée par ce qui lui arrivait. « A toi, maintenant. Une bien belle dinde que tu es. » Sephe sourit par réflexe, et se laissa conduire près du plan de travail. Après avoir été huilée, le chef la plaça sur le dos et lui écarta les cuisses. Il lui farcit le vagin avec des légumes, autant qu’il put, et referma le tout avec une carotte. Il fit de même avec son anus, puis prit de la ficelle pour attacher ses cuisses et ses bras. Il ajouta quelques épices, plaça une pomme dans la bouche de la dinde, puis porta le plat dans un four. « Et maintenant, le plat principal. Tu es la capitaine, c’est ça ? -Oui, c’est bien moi, confirma Ethil. -La générale a demandé une préparation spéciale pour toi, tu en as de la chance, sourit le chef. -Oh. C’est une bonne nouvelle, je suppose. -Tout à fait, je vais bien m’occuper de toi. » Le chef s’approche d’Ethil, apprécia son corps, avant de l’huiler délicatement et dans tous les coins. La jeune femme se laissa faire, sursautant lorsque la main du chef passa entre ses cuisses. Le chef l’installa ensuite sur un plat, à quatre pattes, et tapota ses fesses. Il inclina la tête de la capitaine vers l’avant et la posa sur ses mains. Ethil commençait à avoir hâte de savoir ce que le chef allait faire d’elle, et le petit frisson de l’air sur sa peau nue l’excitait. Elle sentit l’homme l’assaisonner, et reconnut quelques-unes des herbes qu’il utilisa. Il frotta tout son corps pour qu’il s’imprègne de l’assaisonnement, et cela excita encore plus la jeune femme, qui resta cependant immobile. Elle commençait à perdre sa concentration, et ne voulait plus qu’une chose : que la préparation se termine et qu’elle soit enfournée. Après plusieurs minute, le chef félicita la docilité de sa viande, avant de prendre une carotte et de lui enfoncer profondément dans l’anus, ce qui fit gémir Ethil. Il lui plaça une pomme dans la bouche, en souriant largement. « Tu es vraiment parfaite, s’enthousiasma-t-il. Il faudrait que toutes les viandes que l’on cuisine soient comme toi. J’espère que ça t’a plut, maintenant il est l’heure de visiter le four ! ». Le chef souleva le plat, et les quelques mouvements d’Ethil, et donc de la carotte, lui arrachèrent un autre gémissement. Une fois placée dans le four, déjà chaud, elle se détendit complètement. « Alors c’est ça d’être capturée et cuisinée, pensa la capitaine. C’est plutôt bien, finalement. Je me demande ce qu’en pensent les deux autres. » Elle souriait, bien que personne ne pouvait le voir, le four ouvert donnant une belle vue sur ses fesses. Keles, elle, ne pensait déjà plus à l’humiliation de ce qui lui était arrivé. La chaleur avait eu raison de sa fatigue, et de sa raison, et elle s’était mise à apprécier d’être une truie embrochée, en train de rôtir lentement au-dessus du feu. Elle espérait même qu’elle serait assez bonne pour un vrai festin. Sephe était toujours aussi tranquille. La chaleur du four était un peu éprouvante, mais elle était contente de sa situation. Elle n’avait pas paniqué en sachant ce qui allait leur arriver, car elle restait souvent neutre dans ses émotions. Cependant, la stimulation physique de la préparation et l’état dans lequel elle se trouvait avaient fait monter son excitation, et elle gigotait de temps en temps pour jouer avec les légumes dont le chef l’avait farcie. Elle souhaitait vraiment être la meilleure dinde possible, pour faire bonne impression auprès de la générale qui les avaient capturées. Ethil se sentait de plus en plus heureuse. Elle ne pensait pas qu’elle aurait pu à ce point apprécier d’être cuisinée, et le fait que Nêleha avait expressément demandé à son chef de la préparer spécialement la flattait. Peu avant de perdre conscience, elle se dit que c’était dommage qu’une telle pratique ne soit pas plus répandue, et qu’il faudrait peut-être faire quelque chose en ce sens. « Madame, la truie et la dinde que vous avez attrapées ce matin. » Le chef s’inclina en présentant les deux plats qu’il avait préparés plus tôt. Les viandes fumantes dégageaient un arôme qui mettait l’eau à la bouche. « Elles ont l’air absolument délicieuse, tu as encore fait de l’excellent travail, le complimenta Nêleha. -La viande est de qualité, je n’ai fait que l’aider à délivrer toute sa saveur. -Et tu as parfaitement réussi, ajouta la générale en goûtant les deux lieutenantes. As-tu fait ce que je t’avais demandé avec la troisième? » Pour toute réponse, le chef s’inclina à nouveau, avant d’aller lui-même chercher le petit chariot sur lequel se trouvait le plat principal du festin. « Et voilà la pièce maîtresse, le cœur de la soirée, un magnifique rôti d’Ethil ! » Nêleha s’extasia devant le plat que lui apportait son chef. Elle reconnaissait parfaitement la capitaine, et elle admirait la magnifique couleur brune de sa peau, la présentation, tout lui donnait envie de se jeter sur cette délicieuse viande qui n’attendait qu’elle. « Tu es vraiment incroyable ! Elle est parfaite ! -Vous me flattez. Puis-je avoir l’honneur de vous servir son filet ? -Évidemment. Sur ce, que le festin commence ! » Le chef découpa délicatement le filet d’Ethil et le servit à sa générale, qui le dégusta avec le plus grand bonheur. Il s’occupa ensuite de servir les autres officiers qui participaient au festin. Le lendemain, Ethil, Keles et Sephe se tenaient devant Nêleha, habillées de simples pièces de tissu qui leur avaient été fournies pour remplacer leurs vêtements. « Je te fais confiance, je sais que tu vas faire tout ce que tu peux pour qu’ils comprennent. -Bien sûr, répondit Ethil. Et quand tout ça sera fini, je pense que je reviendrais visiter par ici. -Oh, vraiment ? Ça t’a plu ? -Beaucoup, je ne m’attendais pas à ça. De ce que j’ai compris, on vous a plu aussi ? -Oui, vous étiez délicieuses. J’ai hâte de recommencer. -Moi aussi, et peut-être d’inverser les rôles. -Un jour peut-être, qui sait ? » Elles se saluèrent, et les trois jeunes femmes repartirent en direction de leur camp. Ethil avait hâte de pouvoir discuter de l’offre de paix avec ses supérieurs, pour mettre un terme à la guerre le plus rapidement possible. Sephe espérait qu’elle n’aurait pas à combattre à nouveau, car cette expérience lui avait donné envie de rentrer chez elle et de se reposer, de pratiquer des activités tranquilles, et de temps en temps d’être une dinde pour qui voudrait. Keles, bien qu’elle n’osait pas le dire, avait vraiment apprécié la broche, et elle ne pensait qu’à réessayer. Elle se disait que lorsque la guerre serait finie, elle reviendrait et finirait à nouveau sur la broche, autant que possible. |
[Disclaimer: the story is quite long, so I divided it into 4 parts, separated with -----, with the first 2 being about building the story, and the last 2 being about the preparation, the meal and a tiny conclusion. Since I wrote this as a try for a larger world, it ended up being quite a lot at once, so if you don’t care about the world building and just want to read the cooking part, jump to the third part and read starting from there.] A festive meal for a poor family Syhën-Tehai is a fantasy world, where numerous races and species coexist. This world is vast and follows its own rules, sometimes a bit weird. Ohendam is a big city, whose inhabitants are mostly humans, in the country of Alkion. A few great families are ruling over the city, but society is more homogeneous than somewhere else. The streets in Ohendam were very lively, in this period where people were preparing the end of year’s parties. In less than a month, they would celebrate Tinselham, a great celebration that marked the beginning of the last month of the year, and everyone was busy preparing for that special occasion. The shopping streets, most notably, were so densely traveled that it was difficult to find a way among the crowd. For this reason, some people preferred to visit the calmer, less crowded streets. One of them was Cecilia Hetheram, daughter to one of the city’s great families. She enjoyed exploring these little streets that less people attended, where the shops weren’t looking too fancy but the owners were keen to talk with anyone. Followed by her servant, Ethan Wayard, she was walking in the snow piled on the soil, looking at the shops. With her pretty blond hair, flowing under her shoulders, her black dress with fur, her silk stockings and her white gloves, she was catching the eye of bystanders, not used to seeing such a pretty young girl walk in these streets. She did not mind it and kept looking at the shops, when she felt someone bumping into her. “Oh, I’m really sorry! the woman that just hit her shouted. I’m in a hurry, and I didn’t see you, she added while picking up the things that had fallen from the sock. -There is no problem, Cecilia answered, smiling. -My deepest apologies.” The woman seemed panicked. Part of what she had bought had fallen in the snow, and she feared the food might not be edible. Cecilia watched her trying to save what could be, checked that her own belongings were still intact, and proposed her something. “If you need, I can accompany you to buy what’s lost. -R...really? -Of course. -No, I can’t accept.” She was reluctant, maybe because she was afraid the girl would claim money for that. Cecilia looked at her thick dress, her calloused hands, and thought she was most likely quite poor. “It is an offer I make without a counterpart, the girl affirmed. -Why would you do something like this? -Because I can afford to, and I don’t want you to end up in troubles because of me.” Cecilia was smiling, and the still hesitating woman ended up accepting. The girl helped her get back on her feet, gave what she herself had in hands to Ethan and took the woman’s hand in her own. “My name is Cecilia Hetheram, pleased to make your acquaintance. -It’s… it’s a pleasure. My name is Myriam Severt, the woman answered, trying to smile. -So, Myriam, tell me what it is you need, and I’ll buy it for you. Don’t be afraid. -Th…thanks.” They spent the rest of the morning buying what Myriam was looking for, and Cecilia insisted to buy some more things. “I’m back!” Cecilia and Ethan had accompanied Myriam to her house, a little wooden building that looked quite old. The inside, despite not being very luxurious, was maintained well enough to avoid a collapse. Some constructions could be seen here and there, but nothing too worrying. Footsteps were heard, and quickly two children appeared. “Mom! a young boy shouted. -You could buy everything? his older sister asked. -Yes, thanks to this very kind young lady, their mother answered. Thank her, too, kids.” They looked at the girl that helped their mother. Despite her warm smile, they were a bit intimidated, because they weren’t used to seeing someone so well dressed from so close. She was probably a noble, and that scared them a little. “Hello, began the girl. My name is Cecilia Hetheram, and here’s my servant, Ethan. You must be Myriam’s children? -Yes, the daughter confirmed. My name’s Becky, and my brother’s Alan. It’s a pleasure to meet you, she added while bowing. -Hello, her brother repeated, bowing as well. -They are well educated, Cecilia complimented. -Thanks, Myriam answered. We aren’t very rich, but I make it a duty of mine to educate them properly. Please, come in.” She brought the young girl and her servant inside, after her children had taken what she had in her hands. The two guests sat on the old couch, and Myriam gave them a fruit juice, before going back to the kitchen. A short while after, a man appeared before them. “Hello, I’m Bruce, Myriam’s husband, he introduced himself. I heard you earlier, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.” He bowed very low, and his voice proved his sincerity. Cecilia smiled again. “It’s nothing much, and it makes me happy. -For us, it is a lot. It’s the first time something like this happens to us. -I believe you have difficulties living decently? -Yes, sadly. I usually work on yards, but these days there are almost none, and Myriam lost her job as a maid recently. -I see. I hope today’s meal will bring you some joy. -I’m sure it will. Will you stay with us to share it?” Cecilia refused at first, saying they should keep the food for themselves, but Bruce insisted, and the young girl accepted. She took off her coat, and talked a bit with Bruce, while Myriam and the children were preparing the meal. She learned a bit more about their everyday life, the difficulties they had to face, their dreams, and when the meal was ready and everyone sat at the table, she told herself this family deserved better. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Thanks again! You made this meal really awesome. -It was a pleasure. I’ll come back to see you again when I can.” Cecilia had spent an enjoyable moment with the Severt family, and she was planning on helping them again. On the way back, she discussed it with Ethan, thinking about what could fit them. Tinselham was getting close, and obviously they wouldn’t be able to celebrate it correctly. There were many things to prepare, and she could most likely help them, but she wanted to offer them something they’d remember for a long time. While waling by a certain shop, she stopped, thought for a moment, and an idea came to her. “I think I found it, she said to her servant with a smile. -Are you sure? -It looks like an excellent idea to me, don’t you think? -Think about the consequences there may be, Ethan insisted. -Do you really think that would be a problem? -Well, I think it is a possibility. But I don’t really know. -I’ll think about it.” Once back home, she went to ask her mother if she would find a problem with her doing something to help the Severt family. After listening to her storyn Helena Hetheram smiled to her daughter. “I’m very happy that you acted like you did. If you think this family deserves your attention, then I trust you. -So I can help them however I want? -Of course, why couldn’t you? -Ethan told me to think about the potential consequences. -And he’s right. However, we are lucky enough to be able to do a lot of things, and we aren’t as restrained as the others are. I myself chose to be the head of the tailor’s guild, despite others wanting me to do something else. -Really? I thought it was forced upon you. -No, it is my choice. And despite some of my antics, no one ever asked me to go away, because they know what my value is. For this reason, do what you want, as long as it doesn’t go against other’s well-being. The really important persons will recognise your value no matter what you decide to do. And we’ll be supporting you in your choices. -I see. That’s a true relief, thank you so much!” She kissed her mother on the cheek, happy from what she just heard, and went to find Ethan in her room. “It’s all good, she’s totally fine with it! she announced enthusiastically. -Really? Did you tell her everything you’re planning on doing? -Not exactly, but she told me I could do whatever I wanted as long as it didn’t go against other’s well-being, so it’s fine. -You seem really sure of that. -I think there won’t be any problems, knowing what my mother did in the past.” Ethan sighed. Helena was known to love the feminine body and the clothing, and younger she opened her own gallery, in which she performed with other young women. The events, varied in nature, included “animated sculptures”, when young women would pose for the day, often lightly dressed, receptions where the waitresses wore exotic clothing, sometimes whole shows with numerous actresses. Helena herself participated a lot, and the high society of the city had seen her body numerous times. “That’s true. Even your father isn’t exactly “conventional”, so I guess it’ll be fine. -Isn’t it? So I’ll do it, and well. -You are as stubborn as your mother. -I’ll take that as a compliment.” Ethan shook his head, then smiled. He was serving the Hetheram since numerous years, and he had seen his young mistress grow up to become the one she presently was. Since she decided herself and was planning on following her decision to the end, he would support her as much as possible. Cecilia began to undress and quickly ended up in her underwear in front of her mirror. “I’m really thin, aren’t I? -Yes, even for your age. -Thankfully, I have a whole month to address that. -Don’t go overboard. -I won’t, don’t you worry. I just need a bit more thighs and bottom. Tell me, do I look acceptable to you? -Of course. -And what about the texture? -I think everything’s fine too. -Don’t be afraid, touch to see if you’re right. -Come on, milady… -Please.” Ethan sighed. He had difficulties refusing this kind of small request, since they weren’t hurtful and had no bad consequences. He still worried a bit for this one, but he trusted Cecilia. He touched her thigh, something he hadn’t done in ages, then the young girl took his hand and put it on her bottom. He hesitated, then seeing Cecilia’s smile he felt her butt. “So? What do you think? -Everything seems fine. -Very well. I feel like it will all go smoothly!” ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- During the following month, Cecilia visited the Severt numerous times, bringing with her each time some little decorations to prepare Tinselham. She brought them food, and the family had quickly welcomed the young girl as a friend. She liked their company very much, and enjoyed their simplicity. She was preparing herself for the party, and assured she would take care of the meal, while keeping it a surprise. When Tinselham’s day arrived, she came to the family in the morning, with lots of presents in her hands. “It’s awesome! Becky shouted. -There’s so much! Alan added. -I hope they’ll please you, I tried to choose well. -Yes! I’m sure they are all fine. -Did you bring dinner? the young boy asked. -Yes, and I’d like you to bring your parents. There’s something I want to tell you about this.” The child shook his head, then went to find his parents and bring them in the big living room. Myriam and Bruce welcomed Cecilia and Ethan, look with sparkling eyes at the presents, and served their guests juice. They talked a bit, before the girl interrupted them. “About tonight’s meal, there’s something I’d like to tell you. -Is there a problem? asked a worried Myriam. -No, no problem, but I wanted to tell you before this evening. -Go on, tell us. -I wanted to prepare a nice surprise for you, and offer you a meal you would remember, Cecilia began. After thinking it through, I decided to choose something you most likely can’t afford often. I chose a nice turkey. -Indeed, we can’t afford something like this most of the time, Bruce confirmed. -But it’s not all. A simple turkey is surely a good meal, but it’s nothing worth remembering. You needed something better. And a shop gave me that idea. -Something better than a turkey? What did you find? -I thought a long turkey was better than a regular turkey, especially for a festive meal.” The Severt looked at each other. A long turkey, that meant taking a girl and prepare her like a regular turkey. The practice was relatively usual, but it was quite expensive, and people like them couldn’t afford it. They always heard that type of meat was very good, even for the less noble morsels, and they always had wanted to try it, if only once. Did their benefactor buy morsels, or even better, a whole long turkey? “You bought one for us? Myriam asked. -Better than that, I prepared one just for you. Well, I hope it will be enough. -It’s too much, you shouldn’t have. -It’s a pleasure for me, Cecilia smiled. -Seems like you didn’t bring it with you, are you keeping it for later? Bruce wanted to know. -No, I did bring it. -Oh? Where is it? -Right before your eyes.” It took them a few moments to understand that the young girl was talking about herself. They looked at each other again, and frowned. “No, we can’t accept. -It’s way too much honour, you are worth much more than that. -Come on, don’t make it sound like that. I assure you it’s a real pleasure for me. -But you are a noble girl, you shouldn’t do that, Myriam insisted. Think about what people will think of you. -My mother is the founder of the Body’s Gallery, and that didn’t do her any bad. -Maybe, but you’re still young. -I’m not a child anymore, I’m totally able to take responsibility for my actions, Cecilia assured. -Do you know what it is like? asked Bruce. -I already saw what it looks like, and while I never tried it, I think there won’t be any problem.” The Severt were still hesitating. The young girl seemed quite confident in herself, but could they really accept? “Oh, and if that worries you, I of course prepared a spell to come back after. A meal won’t mark the end of my life. -You can do that? You’re even more of a noble than I thought, Myriam confessed. -I’m quite well ranked, Cecilia admitted. So, since there’s no danger, since I chose that myself, and since I’m offering myself gladly, will you accept? -We need to discuss it between us, asked Bruce. -Of course, please do.” They got up, walked aside and discussed it in a low voice. After a while, they sat down, and Myriam began talking. “We want to thank you for everything you’ve done for us. It might not look like much, but it truly helps us; As for your offer, we think you’ve thought about it a lot, and we trust you. -It’s an honour. I suppose you accept? -Yes, we agree for you to be our long turkey for tonight’s meal. -That’s perfect! I’m sure you’ll love it.” They looked a bit embarrassed, but happy. After all, since a month now, they were living a dream. They invited Cecilia and Ethan to eat with them, and talked about various things. After some time, Myriam brought Cecilia into the kitchen, to prepare diner. She closed the door, and found herself alone with the young girl. “I think you’re the only one to cook, Cecilia remarked. -Yes, Bruce doesn’t know how to. He always worked a lot, and never could learn. -I see. He should take lessons, someday. -Maybe, yeah.” Myriam began preparing her tools, and Cecilia undressed. She took off her dress, that she folded and put in a corner. The kitchen, simple but clean, was welcoming, and she was feeling at ease. She took off her underwear, then her stockings, and ended up naked. When Myriam turned back, she quickly assessed the girl before her. “How do you find me? -Very good, you’re perfect. -Thanks. I tried to fatten up a bit to make sure you’d have an enjoyable meal. -You are really generous. Are you really sure you want to do this? -Absolutely, so don’t be embarrassed and prepare me as well as you can!” Myriam was still hesitating, but she began the preparation. She oiled the girl’s body, making her shiver but smile to reassure the woman. Cecilia decided to talk with her to help her relax, and Myriam quickly let go. She started with the girl’s shoulders, and by the time she arrived to her thighs, she was confident. Once her turkey was completely oiled, the woman made her lay on a platter, to season her with a special mixture with herbs. She put her on her belly to make sure the mixture would be evenly distributed on the whole turkey, then put her on her back. She stopped. “Something wrong? Cecilia asked. -Well, before you came, I thought… I thought about preparing a stuffed turkey, as usual, but… -It’s not a problem, keep going with your recipe, the young girl encouraged her. -Are you sure? -Certain.” Cecilia’s smile convinced Myriam. She spread the girl’s thighs and began stuffing her, making her squirm and moan a bit, although the girl tried to remain immobile. When the woman had finished stuffing the first hole, she closed it with a carrot she pushed in as much as she could, and did the same with the second hole. When her turkey was well stuffed, Myriam folded her thighs, then took her wings and laid them following the turkey’s body, so that her hands ended up close to her ankles. She tied it all together, and added white frills for turkey at the end of the legs and wings. Once tied up, Cecilia looked at herself. “So that’s how it is to be prepared like a turkey. -How do you feel? -Very good. I didn’t expect it to be that enjoyable, the young girl admitted. -All the better. I’m almost done.” Myriam added some more seasoning to her turkey, and walked some steps back. She looked at her dinner, still having some difficulties believing her benefactor would be her meal. She was telling herself that maybe Cecilia would go back on her word at the last moment, change her mind, but the girl was smiling, which was reassuring. To avoid any problem, and for the looks, the woman grabbed an apple and placed it in the turkey’s mouth, then looked at it again, satisfied. She could see that Cecilia put effort into fattening up, her thighs having become thicker than they were the first time they met. She wasn’t the thickest, but she looked delicious, her light skin tempting to take a bite. What she lacked in chest, she compensated for in a pretty lower body, her plump thighs, her thin hip. The woman put her hand on the turkey, felt her thigh, thanked her once again and checked that the oven was ready. She only had to put the turkey in. She looked at her in the eyes, smiled, lifted the plate and put it in the big stone oven. After a few moments spent looking at her turkey,a huge smile on her face, Myriam started to prepare the rest of the meal, because she wanted to be sure everything would be perfect. In the oven, Cecilia was thinking about the month that just went by. When she had decided to be the Severt’s turkey, she didn’t think it would be that interesting, nor that she would enjoy it so much. She had always wondered what the girls that offered their meat, that were cooked felt, and seeing a shop specialised in this kind of meat gave her the idea of mixing present for the Severt and curiosity. After gathering some information, she had decided to fatten up, because she wasn’t very thick. Thankfully, the fat was going first to her thighs, which is perfect for a turkey. Ethan had helped her do it well, which reassured her. Little by little, the young girl had begun to truly enjoy what she was doing, helping the Severt, eating, looking at herself in the mirror, and she was very confident for the upcoming meal. Her preparation had made her very happy, including the stuffing, much to her surprise. Seeing herself completely tied up, like a normal turkey, made her feel very enthusiastic, and the cooking only reinforced that feeling. On her back, eyes closed, an apple in the mouth, she felt exactly at the right place. She could also enjoy Myriam making sure she wouldn’t be dry, and felt unconscious progressively, full of joy. When the night had come, the festive atmosphere was all over the house. The Severt had invited Ethan to stay for the meal, arguing that he couldn’t miss his mistress’ debut. The servant had refused at first, but the family had insisted and he had agreed. They were sitting at the table, waiting impatiently the meal that would most likely be delicious. After a little while, to perfect the presentation and the preparation, Myriam brought the smoking turkey and put her on the table. She had turned a pretty brown, and just seeing her made everyone hungry. Her juicy thighs were appealing, as much as her stuffed rump. Everyone was looking with wide eyes. Never would they had dreamed of such an event, and the morning’s worries had disappeared. Myriam gave everyone some of the vegetables that accompanied the meat, then served the turkey. The thighs were asked for first, then the rump. Everyone took second turns, and Ethan thought that her mistress’ idea was very good. They left almost nothing, and left the table happy and full. It was the best Tinselham the Severt had ever lived. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cecilia came to her mind the next morning. She was naked, lying on the kitchen’s table. Still half asleep, she got up, stretched and looked around her. The kitchen was clean, and the light coming through the window indicated that it was quite early. Her clothes nowhere to be seen, she got off the table and went into the living room. There, she found the family, resting, as well as Ethan, waiting for her. “Hello, milady. -Hello everyone! -Cecilia! Alan shouted. You were delicious! -Oh, really? -Yes, Becky confirmed. The best meal I’ve ever had! -I’m delighted to hear that. -We can’t thank you enough, Myriam told her. Thanks to you, Tinselham was the best celebration.” They talked a bit more, the family thanking Cecilia, the young girl telling them it was nothing and that she enjoyed it. Ethan reminded them that they had to go back home, and gave his mistress her clothes. Once she was dressed, Bruce saw them to the door. “Once again, thanks. You are truly awesome. -Come on, stop that, you’ll embarrass me. And I liked it as much as you. While I’m at it, do you have something planned for new year? -Not yet, we can’t plan so far ahead. -Then let me take care of it as well! -No, we can’t… -Trust me.” She was smiling and winked. Bruce hesitated, then told himself this young girl had enough spirit and determination, and that he could let her handle things. Also, he really enjoyed last day’s meal, and wanted to taste her again. He accepted, saluted her, and the girl went away, followed by her servant. “I believe you really enjoyed all of this? -You have no idea. I can’t wait to do it again. -You won’t stop, will you? -I plan on enjoying it as much as I want. -You’re stubborn. -And proud of it. And with all that, I have a project, but that will require time and experience, so might as well start it now.” Ethan sighed. Cecilia was as stubborn as her mother, and now that she had something in mind, she wouldn’t lost sight of it. He shook his head, smiled, and decided at the same moment that he would keep following and supporting her, no matter what her project might be. |
The Bottom Lady of the White Forest The White Forest was very busy that night. Located at a crossroad, where two roads that many people were always taking met, the inn was well-known for the services it provided. Company, good meals, nice beds, fair prices, a lot of wanderers of all kinds, adventurers, merchants, travellers, had their habits of stopping there whenever they were around. The inn also had a good number of regular customers, coming from the villages nearby. Mama Shelza, the owner, was a strong woman in her forties. Tall, muscular, brown hair tied into a ponytail, eyes of the same colour and very easygoing, she was managing the inn she built long ago as a shelter for wanderers and a nice place to spend some time at. She was often seen in the main room, talking with the customers, laughing with the regular, solving the problems that needed to be solved. But the main reason she was staying in that room was to keep an eye on her employees, one of the main reason strangers came to her inn. “Thanks for your order, please enjoy your time here!” One of the youngest employees of the inn, Alsëe was a quite enthusiastic young girl. Having come to Shelza a few weeks after she turned fifteen, from one of the villages, to earn some money for her future, she quickly took a liking to the place, although she had had some troubles getting accustomed to the diversity of species, races and other characteristics among the customers. Despite her early uneasiness, she did her best, and two years later she was enjoying her work a lot. Her cute, fresh face, long and straight blond-grey hair, slender body and nice personality earned her success among both the regular and the wanderers, and some of them had a ritual of coming to see her every now and then. She had feared competition with the other employees, but Rekkem and Soyze, the two oldest of them, quickly appeased her. The man helped her with dealing with the customers, while the woman made sure she would learn the work in a way she’d be efficient and like it. As a result, Alsëe was now one of the poster girls of the inn, along a boy a bit older than her, named Tel. “Yes sir! We have free beds today, please ask Mama Shelza. Prices are quite fair, so do not hesitate!” Despite her age, she was quite mature, which had prompted Shelza to take her in for a trial period, proving satisfactory. The woman was afraid of some customers trying to abuse her, but that didn’t happen, much to her relief. “No, sorry, I’m not available for this kind of service.” Part of the services that made the inn that successful were services you couldn’t find everywhere else. Alongside the usual inn services, it was possible to ask the employees, male or female, if they agreed to provide some sexual services. It wasn’t considered humiliating or insulting in the region, and it wasn’t uncommon for brothels to be official and well-run. However, the employees of the White Forest were inn-workers first and foremost, so they are not required to perform these services. They could, if they wanted, put their name on a list showing who was fine performing what, after receiving Shelza’s approval. She wouldn’t have agreed to put Alsëe’s name on the list, but the girl didn’t seem interested anyway. What she had agreed to try and eventually came to like, however, was the other most known service of the inn. “Yes! I’m on the menu today, so give it a thought! Please note that I’m only available as a whole, not in cuts.” The White Forest had established its reputation on the quality of its services, and expanded its fame by offering its employees as meals. As for the sex services, only the willing employees, male and female, could put their name on the corresponding list, and they had several organised shifts so that they could still do their inn work and have their free time. Alsëe, when she began working, was more curious than scared, and after a while she agreed to put her name on the list, since some regulars told her she would be very good at it. Shelza had thought it through, asked the girl if she was fine ending up naked, possibly stuffed, cooked and served to people, to which Alsëe answered yes. It was different from the sex services, since once cooked you can’t be abused by people, whereas it could happen with sex, so the Mama accepted. Two years later, Alsëe did not think about stopping at all, and she put herself on the menu at least two evenings a week, most often three or four. “The system is quite simple, the girl told a new customer. It’s a bidding system. You start from a defined price, and when someone wishes to order one of us, the bidding begins. The highest bid gets to order, or the first to bid what we call the ‘prime order price’, the price at which we are considered a normal order. Basically, if you’re rich and really want to eat one of us, go directly for that price instead of the bidding.” Shelza smiled. Alsëe loved helping others, and she could often be seen explaining to people how the inn works. It was a great help, and it made the atmosphere even friendlier. A bit later that night, one of the regulars came in and ordered the prime order price for Alsëe, as was his habit. After taking his order, the girl came to Shelza, who was the one cooking the employees most of the time. “The usual? she asked to the girl. -The usual.” Both headed to the kitchen, smiling and talking. While Alsëe undressed, putting her white dress and her underwear aside, Shelza checked on one of the oven, when another of the girls was already roasting. She began oiling the girl, while Alsëe told her about her talks with the regulars. The girl liked the oiling a lot, even though it made her shiver each time. Once fully oiled, Shelza had her lie on a large silver platter, made specially for her. Alsëe was quite known for her lower body, so much so that it earned her the nickname ‘The Bottom Lady’. As such, most of the regulars ordering her liked to have her prepared in a way that emphasised her lower body, and the one that ordered her that night was no different. “Been a while I didn’ ask, how’s the book goin’? -I haven’t made as much progress as I’d want to, but it’s going quite well. -Think ya can have it done next year? -I think so, yeah. Most of it is written, and I have ideas for the rest. Just gonna need some time to get it on paper.” Alsëe was, as well as an inn worker and a cute and delicious roast, an aspiring writer. She wanted to work at the inn so that she wouldn’t have to go to a city and would still have time for herself. Shelza was supporting her as much as she could, often giving her more free time than she should, and making sure her shifts weren’t too tiring. As always when they were talking about the book, Alsëe got overly enthusiastic, and she began talking about her writings extensively. Shelza didn’t mind, because she enjoyed listening to her, and the girl could remain focused on something else. Once she had prepared everything for the recipe, she tied the girl’s ankles together, put her butt up in the air, spread her arm a bit and tied them as well. She also tied Alsëe’s hair so that it wouldn’t fall during the cooking. The woman then stuffed the girl’s ass, and closed it with a carrot, making Alsëe squirm a bit. She then began seasoning the girl that was was still telling her about what she had recently written. The customer loved her meat well seasoned, so Shelza was putting a lot of spices and herbs to make sure Alsëe would have a stronger flavour than usual. She also applied some of her secret mixtures, ones that earned her lots of compliments. Some onions cut added to the mix, and Alsëe was ready to go. Shelza put a little object, consisting in two vertical bars supporting a horizontal one, under Alsëe’s hips, to ensure her butt wouldn’t fall during the cooking. She waited for the girl to be done talking, before putting an apple on her mouth. She looked at the meat, satisfied, and patter her butt. “Lookin’ great as always. I’m glad you’re getting closer to your objective, but a bit sad that you might decide you don’t need to work here anymore. But it’s no time to think, let’s get you cookin’!” Alsëe smiled before closing her eyes. Shelza lifted the platter with the girl on it, having more than enough strength to do it alone and without much effort. She put the platter on one of the free ovens and closed the door, before checking again on the other roast. That one would soon be done, so she waited for it to be ready to bring back to the customers. In the oven, Aslëe was enjoying herself. It took her a few weeks to get used to stripping naked in the kitchen, being oiled, seasoned, tied and put to roast, but gradually she came to like it and look forward to it. Even being stuffed, be it the ass or the pussy, was not a bad thing, especially since Mama Shelza was taking extra care of her. The girl felt like she was more of a daughter than an employee to the woman, and she liked the special link between them. The support the owner gave her for her book, too, was very important to her. She thought it was only natural that she did that much for the inn in return. Besides, she genuinely enjoyed working there, talking to customers, spending time with their regulars. She even accepted to participate in the ‘special dressings’ events, where the employees would dress differently. Aslëe had a weak spot for lingerie, and she often wore some while working. One would think people would come just to stare at her, and other employees, but the customers were also genuinely interested in the inn, the workers, their personalities, their company. It was a mutually beneficial relationship. Because of that, the young girl didn’t mind being cooked and served at all, even to a wanderer. The hardest part to withstand was the heat of the cooking, when she just entered the oven, but even that wouldn’t last long. The ovens were imbued with a special magic that ensured a fast, even and efficient cooking, allowing the meals to be served less than an hour after they had been ordered. That, plus the magic mastered by Mama Shelza that allowed the eaten employees to come back after diner, was a great advantage for the inn and its business. Alsëe was feeling very good, and after a while she began enjoying the heat. Being roasted was a nice way for her to relax, since she appreciated being prepared, the heat was more good than bad, and she didn’t have anything to do. She lost consciousness some time later, peacefully roasting. Once the meat was done cooking, Shelza took Alsëe out of the oven. She smelled delicious, and the woman often ended up hungry while preparing the meals. She took the bars off the meat, and put white wrist cuffs and white socks on it. It was one of the inn’s signatures, and people greatly appreciated these. She added some more herbs on the meat, and dressed the plate with salad and fruits on the platter, and some apple slices on the girl’s back. As a last touch, she unties Alsëe’s hair, and it falls on her side. After that, she lifts the platter and place it on her shoulder, supporting it with her arms. She walks into the main room, Alsëe’s butt directed towards the customers, and goes to the table where the one that ordered the roast was sitting. “Here ya go! One lil’ roasted Butt Lady, smokin’ hot!” The customer thanked her, and he and his friends admired their meal before beginning to eat. The rump was Alsëe’s most prised morsel, and each of them carved a part of it. Then it was her legs, as delicious and tender as her ass. She truly made for a delicious meal every time. Alsëe woke up after the inn closed. She was the last one in the kitchen, the others having already awaken and walked out. She stretched, breathed, and took her clothes in her hands before going to the main room. There, she found Mama Shelza, cleaning up. They discussed a bit, Alsëe asking about how the evening went, then she headed upstairs to her room. There, she put her clothes on a little table and quickly slipped into her bed. She had to wake up early, to get as much writing time as possible. She smiled, thinking once again that her current lifestyle was really a pleasant one. |
Travelling to the forest with a half-dragon “Sure is a nice day today, isn’t it?” The girl was standing next to the brushes, looking at the deserted road going through the forest. “Zumia, you still need to help me, you know.” Hearing that voice coming from behind her made her sigh. “C’mon, Mylin, give me a break. I’ve carried everything all day. -And I did it for two days before that.” She sighed again. She knew she couldn’t win against her comrade, simply because she was taking it easy. She turned back to help the immensely tall girl she was travelling with setting up their camp for the night. She stared a little at Mylin, and as usual she felt a little jealous. The tall girl was quite something, with her long, dark-blond hair, her pretty face and well-rounded body. She had strong assets that drove everyone’s eyes to her. Her breasts, particularly, were so huge many people couldn’t help but look at them with either lust or surprise. Zumia was sure Mylin could knock her off if she hit her with these enormous pillows. She wasn’t too small herself, rather average, but because she was average everywhere, standing next to Mylin made her almost disappear for most people. That’s where she drew her little jealousy from, but it never lasted for long, because she had her own specific features she was proud of. “When you’re done staring at my butt, help me prepare everything, ok?” Zumia blinked. She was thinking too much about their bodies and forgot to help Mylin. She began unpacking their belongings, still thinking about herself. It took only a quick look at her hands to calm down and reassure herself she was as interesting as her friend. After all, being a half-dragon had its perks. Physically, that meant that her hands, forearms, feet and lower legs were dragon-like, with claws and covered in orange scales. She had scales on her chin and a fine line around her face, and two short horns coming out of her forehead, the same orange as the rest, and as her long, straight hair. She had scales on some places of her body, too, but they usually weren’t seen by anyone but Mylin. A thin, orange tail was following her movements, sometimes looking alive on its own. Last but not least, her slit pupils, in the middle of her orange eyes, were as captivating as Mylin’s body. “There, should be good. Uwah, I’m beat. -It’s true that we’ve been walking for a while, Mylin acknowledged. I guess you deserve your rest.” Zumia sat and sighed loudly. It had been three days they kept walking towards their destination, which was supposed to be close now, just after the forest they were in. She was exhaust, so she welcomed the rest she was given. Mylin, on the other hand, seemed very fine. That was because she was a powerful magic user, and she cast some spells before their departure to ensure she wouldn’t be too tired. After some time, Zumia resting eyes closed and Mylin checking some things, the half-dragon got up and asked her comrade. “Say, there’s something I’ve been thinking about today. -What is it? -Well, I’m tired, and hungry, and I could really eat a good meal.” Mylin looked at her and smiled. “Been a while since the last time, right? -Yeah. It’s always a while. -I understand you like me so much, but you can’t eat me every day. -I know, but that’s why I’d like to have some good meat today.” The tall girl sighed, smiled again and patted her friend’s head. “Well, it’s true that you were a good girl so far. You deserve a nice meal. -Thank you! -My pleasure. Shall we get the spit ready now, or will you wait a bit? -The sooner the better. I’m really hungry.” Mylin laughed and made a little hand movement, opening a little gate to a hand-dimension. She then took a long, metal spit out of it, followed by the rest of the setup. Zumia went to collect some wood to burn, and when she returned everything was ready. Mylin was in the middle of undressing, taking her top off. Seeing her breasts bounce made Zumia even hungrier, and she smiled. Her tall friend then took off her boots, pants and underwear, standing there naked. The half-dragon looked around, to see if there would be someone, but they were in something of a remote place so most likely no one would disturb her meal. “Afraid of having to sharing me? Mylin teased her. -I don’t want to give you to someone else, Zumia replied. -I know, her friend smiled, amused. Well then, let’s not wait any longer.” She gave the spit to Zumia, and got on all four. They had done this several times, so they knew what they had to do. The half-dragon carefully inserted the tip of the spit in the bottom of her friend, making her shiver a bit. She pushed it slowly, and before long it emerged from Mylin’s mouth. Zumia then tied her friend’s hair to her back, so that it wouldn’t fall in the fire, and did the same with her arms. Mylin laid down so that her friend could tie her legs to the spit. Now that she was fully prepared, Zumia was feeling very hungry. She lifted her meal without trouble, thanks to her innate strength, and put it over the little pile of wood she had gathered. She breathed on the wood to make it burn, and she took a step back to look at her delicious dinner. Her fire wasn’t exactly a normal one, so it wouldn’t take more than an hour for Mylin to be cooked exactly to Zumia’s taste. The girl really missed this, seeing her friend over a fire, slowly roasting to perfection. She loved looking at Mylin’s legs, rump, and even more at her enormous breasts while they moved slowly because of the rotation. She was so hungry that she didn’t take the time to season her meat or anything, but natural flavour was nice too, once in a while. They had stuff to do lately, preventing Zumia from eating her friend too much, so she would make sure to savour that meal. Seeing Mylin’s smile reminded her that she really cook her more often, since her friend enjoyed it as well. After a bit less than an hour of cooking, Zumia decided that her meat was ready to eat, so she toned down the fire enough to stop cooking the meat while keeping it warm, and used a huge knife to cut off a big portion of meat. She decided to start with one of Mylin’s long, pretty legs, and quickly began biting it with her fangs. The taste of that precious meat that she hadn’t eaten in days, maybe weeks, made her close her eyes and enjoy the pleasure. After a little thinking, and some more bites, she decided to leave the breasts, her favourite morsel, for the end of the meal. It took Zumia some time to finish her meal, but she didn’t leave anything. After some more time, Mylin got back up thanks to the “comeback” spell she had cast on herself. “So how was it? -It was awesome! I’ve missed that so much, now I want to do it every day for a week straight. -We don’t have the time for that. We’re almost there.” Mylin put her clothes back on, and the two girls prepared something of a bedding to spend the night comfortably lying on one another, the first happy at the thought they might arrive at their goal the next day, the second sleepy from her delicious meal. After another day of walking, the pair finally arrived at their destination. It was a well-known inn whose speciality was the reason the girls travelled in the first place. “At last! I couldn’t have walked any more day. -What a weal girl you are, Mylin mocked her friend. -I’d have needed a whole meal for that. -Well, there’s a good chance you can get one here, so let’s get in.” And they entered the inn known as the White Forest. The main hall was crowded, with many customers and several employees going from table to table. The place was noisy, too, because of the amount of people. The two girls waited a bit at the entrance, then decided to go forward. One of the employee quickly came to greet them and lead them to a small, free table where they could sit. “My name is Alsëe, pleased to meet you. I don’t remember seeing you here before, so I guess it is your first time at the inn? -Indeed, Mylin confirmed. We heard about this place and its good reputation, and decided to come and see for ourselves. -Then I hope you will enjoy your stay! Is there anything you want to know? -We heard that your inn offers special services among the normal ones, is that true? -It is! Some of us are offering intimate services, their names are listed on that paper. And of course, there’s the main reason the inn is so successful.” At the moment Alsëe said this, the two newcomers could see what she meant, and that what they heard was true. A strong woman passed by, carrying a huge plate, going towards one of the tables. On the plate, a smoking, well-cooked girl, very good-looking. She was part of a whole meal, with seasoning, vegetables and side dishes. At this sight, Mylin smiled and looked at Zumia. The younger girl was completely captivated by the meal she just saw, and her hunger was visible in her eyes. “We at the White Forest really give it our all to make the stay as good as possible! Alsëe told them proudly. I believe that’s why you came here? -Exactly. We were very interested to see if the rumours were true, and I think we’re both delighted that it is. -I’m sure you’ll find someone to your taste, then.” They were interrupted by Mama Shelza, who came to them after serving the other customers. “Hello there, ladies! First time I see ya here, so welcome to the inn! -Thanks, Myling answered. It seems like a fine place you’re running. -Sure is! Make yourself comfortable and enjoy! -Can we… order one of the girls? Zumia ask relatively timidly. -’Course you can! As long as she’s ok with it and available. One of’em caught your eyes? -Not yet, we’ll take our time, if that’s fine with you, Mylin answered. -Got it. Aslëe, we’re fine handling the customers, so you can help them get started here. -Understood!” Shelza walked away, and Alsëe took a chair to sit at the table with Mylin and Zumia. She welcomed the break and would gladly talk with the two girls. They discussed the inn, the business, the customers. Mylin was interested in all these things, pursuing knowledge as a whole. Zumia listened without really talking too much, as she was kinda shy and not at ease with all these people around. They came to learn that Alsëe was working here for more than two years, and writing a book at the same time. The discussion went on for a while, before Mylin told Alsëe she had heard of a city where a girl was trying to create a similar system to the inn regarding the girls’ meat. The young employee was interested, and quickly wanted to to go there and see for herself. Going to a huge city could also help to publish her book. They discussed it a bit more, before asking Shelza her opinion. “Don’t see any problem with that, besides having this girl go away, the woman laughed. But you’ll have to give me something to know if I can entrust her to you. -That should suffice, I believe, Mylin told her while showing a little badge. -Oh? What’s an Academic Mage doing here? -I’m wandering for myself, and spending time discovering things. Is that enough of a proof for you? -Could’v asked for more, but I’ll take it. So when do you want to go? -We don’t know yet, Aslëe answered. I think we should take a little time to think it through. -I agree. You can stay here until you decide, the owner told Mylin. -That’s very kind of you, but we can pay for our stay. -Don’t fret it, this one’s on the house. But it’s getting late for talks, so what about a meal now? -I second that, Zumia said. I’m getting really hungry from all that meat I’ve seen here. -Haha, good girl, Shelza laughed. Know the one you want? -Not really, sorry. -Then what about that lil’one over here? There’s none of her regulars today, and she’s the poster girl you’ll be escorting, so might as well have a taste, dont’cha think? -I’d be glad to be your meal! -Then it’s settled! You can go back to your table, I’ll bring her to you when she’s done.” The two girls went back to sit at their table, happy from everything that happened so far. It wasn’t that long a wait before the owner brought them their meal. Alsëe was lying on a silver platter, her head resting on her hands, a red apple in her mouth, her greyish blond hair falling on her back. The said back was well seasoned, with vegetable slices and herbs, going as far as the butt, where a carrot was planted. The lower part of the girl’s legs were up, lightly spread as to give a good view of her butt. Mylin really enjoyed the way she was presented, and Zumia look at every part of her body with delight. They enjoyed their meal a lot, Aslëe being very delicious and cooked very skilfully, and complimented Shelza for everything. They insisted on waiting for Aslëe to be back up to talk a little with her, then everyone went to their respective room. The next day would be very welcomed by all of them. |
Getting started “I sure will be missing ya. Come back here when you’re as famous in the country as you were here, got it?” Shelza was standing just outside of the inn, facin Aslëe, Mylin and Zumia. The group was ready to go, and the innkeeper couldn’t help but feel a bit sad the girl she saw as her daughter was leaving. “Of course! There’s no way I won’t come back, I promise! I’ll miss you too.” The girl herself wished she wouldn’t have to leave the inn, something of a second home to her, but she knew she had to if she wanted to fulfil her dream of publishing books. A few other words exchanged, Shelza making sure Mylin and Zumia would take care of Aslëe, and the three left the inn for the city. They had to travel for a few days, something like a week if they weren’t too fast, so they decided to leave early in the morning. They met some people despite the sun still rising, mostly going to the fields. Some recognised the young girl and saluted her, chatting a little bit, but none stopped them more than a few moments. “You seem to be quite known around here, Mylin remarked after their third encounter with one of these peasants. -Yeah, most of them came to the inn at least a few times, so they at least saw me work or be served there. -And I’m sure the ones that tasted you told it to all their friends, Zumia added. You were so delicious! -Thanks, hearing that makes me very happy. -You’ll definitely be a big hit when we get there, better prepare yourself.” While Zumia usually wasn’t very talkative and rather careful around strangers, she quickly bonded with Aslëe, because the girl had a very nice and easygoing personality, and she was young too (Zumia was in her late 20s, but she still had a young mind, since half-dragons usually were considered until at least 50 years). Eating her also helped, since it meant Alsëe was confident enough to accept doing so with someone she didn’t know, someone she planned on travelling with. The half-dragon knew Mylin being an Academic mage most likely helped, but she genuinely liked Alsëe. Because of that, she wanted to support her with everything, be it the books, the cooking or whatever. The two were talking quite a lot while walking, Zumia asking Aslëe many things about her life, her dreams, her books, and the gray-haired girl wanting to know more about dragons, half-dragons and things like that she never saw herself. That friendly talk between the two young girls, as Mylin thought of them, made her smile a lot. Despite not being much older than Zumia, she was acting more like an older sister, sometimes even a mother, while the half-dragon was very much still a child. Being an Academic Mage, she held some authority and most people respected her, making her life much easier despite the usual uneasiness around her comrade. “Aslëe, do you think you can stay up late at night? Mylin asked. -I’m not really sure, the girl answered. Most of the time I stay up late, it’s either because I’ve been ordered and I’m waking up after we’re closed, or because I have some work to do, but I would say I usually don’t go past midnight. -Then we’ll have to carry you, so that we can be a bit faster. -It’s fine by me, but can you do that? -Of course. You are light, and our little friend here is quite strong, despite how she looks. -What do you mean, “how she looks”? Zumia reacted. -You look great, her friend smiled. Just a bit frail in regard to your body type.” The friendly banter went on for a while, before the topic changed again. They stopped a few times, to eat something and let Alsëe rest a bit, and when night came, the exhausted girl got on Zumia’s back, leaving the other two walking through the night. That went on for a few days, before they arrived at the city. “Ohendam, uh? Looks like a huge city there. -It is the biggest city around here, Aslëe told Zumia. -Way too big. -She doesn’t really like very crowded places like these cities, Mylin explained. But she’ll make some efforts, so let’s get in and see where we should go.” The three girls entered the city through the front gate. Zumia was on her guard, because of the huge amount of people all around her, as was the case with every city of this size. Once inside the walls, Aslëe looked at everything with eyes wide open, while Zumia kept an eye on everyone getting close to them. In particular, she didn’t want anyone stealing her friend’s bag. Mylin asked people if they knew where the girl they were looking for lived, and after a few tries she finally learned where they had to go. Once they arrived there, at a huge building built with woods and stone that looked expensive, the three of them smiled. “Finally here. Was quite the long way, Zumia said. -I’m so glad to be here, thanks to you! Alsëe told them very excitedly. -It’s a pleasure for us as well. Now shall we get in?” Mylin pushed the door and entered the building, followed by the two other girls. Inside, they found what resembled an inn, albeit larger with much more space. Many people were sitting next to large wooden tables, sharing a meal or a drink. The building looked like a very large house that had been adapted for its new purpose, and it looked quite nice. Mostly made of wood and stone, like the outside, it reminded the girls of countryside houses owned by richer people. But despite the building, the relaxing atmosphere and the noise, the three visitors rapidly saw what they were looking for: two waiters passed between tables, carrying a huge silver plate on which a smoking, appetising roasted girl was lying. At the sight of that delicious meal, Zumia stopped, her eyes captivated by the girl resting on her back. Her mouth opened a little bit as if she was getting ready to eat herself. Aslëe was looking all around, so excited that she didn’t know what to do. Mylin, after a sigh, reminded them they were here to see someone, and managed to bring the girls with her to what looked like an administrative area. “Welcome to the Smoking girl! an employee greeted them. How may I help you? -We are looking for a meeting with your employer, Mylin said. For business talks. -I’ll tell her, please wait here in the meantime.” The girl then went in another room, and the trio looked around again. Mylin had a little trouble making sure Zumia stayed put, but she had to admit her friend was behaving much better than she had anticipated. After a little while, the employee came back to take them to her employer. They entered a small room, containing a lot of documents. At a wooden desk, where papers were scattered in a mess, a young girl, with pretty long, blond hair. When the trio entered, she looked up and smiled. “Hello, my name is Cecilia, and I’m the owner of this establishment. Pleased to make your acquaintance. -A pleasure for us, the tallest girl answered. My name is Mylin, and here are Zumia and Alsëe. We came to see you about the business you’re conducting. -Guessed so. What do you want to know? -We are interested in participating, so we’d like to know if you’re willing to associate with us. -That might be possible, depending on what you are offering.” The discussion then began to take a more practical turn. Mylin and Cecilia, despite the latter’s young age, seemingly close to Alsëe, were talking about specifics like contracts, matters of money or law, things that Alsëe didn’t understand too well, but she listened carefully nonetheless. She learned that her two comrades were planning on helping Cecilia’s business develop and export it in lands farther away. She became even more interested and carefully listened to what was being said. Zumia, on the other hand, couldn’t focus much on the talks, and her eyes were looking everywhere in the room. It took some time, but finally Mylin and Cecilia came to an agreement. The three girls would participate in the business’ activities, to learn everything about it, and eventually get themselves on the menu, if they wanted. After a while, they could be associated to the decision-making process, and if everything went well, they would be in charge of opening another building somewhere else. “I’m glad you came to me! Cecilia smiled. I’m sure this will be a fruitful collaboration. -I am certain of that as well, Mylin answerd while returning her smile. I also have a little favour to ask. -Go ahead. -This young girl here wishes to publish her book, thus she came here to have a chance. Would you happen to know where she could do that, or who she could contact? -Yes, I know several people that are very much into the books business. I’ll contact them for you, so that she can present her writings. -Thanks, that is really appreciated.” The girl in question had a hard time believing what she heard, but she smiled as well. She thanked her new associate-employer vigorously, making Cecilia smile even more. Then, since she had work to finish that day, the owner proposed to the girls to go out and have a look at the city. She’d be free in the late afternoon, or at evening, so Mylin and her comrades accepted and spent the rest of the day visiting the city. When they came back, the sun was setting behind the city’s wall. The hall, much like an inn hall, was still crowded and noisy, so they headed directly to the administrative quarter. There, they found Cecilia, exhausted by her day of work, but smiling nonetheless. She asked them if they enjoyed the tour, and proposed to have dinner with her so that they could relax and talk around a good meal. Of course, the three accepted, Mylin because she wouldn’t decline such an invitation, Aslëe because she was curious about the meals, and Zumia because she was very hungry. Cecilia led them to a back part of the building, where some of the girls and boys were resting. She asked one of them if she would agree to be their meal, and the girl smiled and accepted. The group then headed to the kitchen, since Cecilia wanted her new associates to see how things were going, and to introduce one of her chefs. “Here’s my most skilled chef, Myriam Severt, Cecilia proudly said when they were in front of the woman. -That’s more than I can accept, the chef smiled a bit embarrassed. -Don’t listen to her, she really is that skilled. These girls are my new associates, she added while talking to Myriam. I want to celebrate, and Juys already agreed to be the main course. I’ll leave everything to you, is that fine? -Understood. I’ll do the best I can.” The woman smiled more confidently, and began talking to Juys, the girl Cecilia asked earlier. Quickly, Juys began undressing, putting her dress and underwear aside, and Myriam began oiling her carefully, but energetically. Zumia was already looking at the girl’s butt, and Mylin knew she couldn’t wait to get a taste of the pretty girl they had in front of them. After she was completely oiled, Juys hopped on a platter on the kitchen table, putting herself on all four. Myriam then started to season her, confidently, with many things that indicated the meal would be of quality. After a little while, Juys looked like a very delicious meal, with her head resting calmly on her hands. It was obvious she was used to that, and most likely that she enjoyed it. The herbs and vegetables all around her, on her body, back, legs, butt were looking very great. Myriam told her some words, patted her back and inserted a carrot into her butt, which made Juys giggle a bit. She tied the girl’s short dark-pink hair, put a bright red apple in her mouth, and placed her in the oven. “Now we just have to wait for her to be done, Cecilia said to the other three. It won’t be more than two and a half hours, so we won’t have to wait too much!” They all went to the main hall, to relax and enjoy discovering each other a bit more. Some two and a half hour later, the four girls were sitting at a large table, close to the main desk. One of the waitresses brought them the long-awaited meal: a nice-smelling, good-looking, well-cooked pink haired roast. The meal was as delicious as it looked, dripping with juice, very tender and tasty. It made for an exceptional way of cementing the agreement the girls had previously come to, some of then expecting themselves to be as delicious in a short time. |
[Disclaimer: one of this story’s character is young, but it isn’t an accurate, realistic representation. That character behaves like a much older character, and her mind should be considered as such. It probably doesn’t amount to much, but I wanted to say that here just in case. Peace of mind, something like that.] The bell rang, getting the little girl’s attention. “Ah, she’s here!” Ney stopped reading her book and instantly got up, while her mother went to open the door. The little girl knew who had rang the bell: it was her babysitter, Cherry. She went to the door, where her mother was greeting the young woman. “Thanks again for coming so often, you’re a life-saver, said the mom. -Don’t worry about it, I like taking care of Ney as well, answered the young woman. -Welcome back! shouted Ney. -Hello cutie.” Cherry entered the house, chatting a bit with Ney and her mom. She came several times a week, for either day or night, since Ney’s parents were very busy, and the girl was mostly home-schooled. Despite being only eleven, she was very smart and mature, like a high-school girl at least. Because of that, she taught herself many things, using the online resources she could find. That was the reason her parents had to find a babysitter that was often available and wouldn’t hesitate to come a lot, but also one that was trust-worthy. Fortunately, Cherry was all of that, and even more. She was a kind, generous university student that had a lot of free time with her courses. She had began babysitting Ney a few years ago, and never stopped since. The young girl loved her babysitter, with her long, blond hair tied into a braid, her pretty dresses, long, skinny legs and huge breasts that she often used as pillow. “Well then, I’ll be off. See you tomorrow!” Ney’s mom left, and her daughter dragged Cherry into her room. She wanted to show her friend some things, before going outside to play in the morning. After a while, they went to the park nearby, to play some games and sports. They spent the rest of the morning playing, then bought a quick something to eat at a little shop, before going back home. “Wanna take a bath? proposed Ney. -Sure. That will be nice.” Both girls headed up to the bathroom, and Ney filled the tub with hot water. She then turned to Cherry, who was getting some towels. “Say, can we bathe together? It’s been so long since we did it. -You want to? It’s true that it’s been a while… Ok, let’s do this. -Yay! You’re the best!” Ney hugged the young woman before undressing. With her light silver hair going down to her waist, her fair skin and green eyes, she considered herself pretty, even though she didn’t have any forms at her age. What she was the most proud of about her body was her slender legs, and she often wore skirts and shorts. Of course, she couldn’t compare to her babysitter friend. At twenty-four, Cherry had a body that many people would enjoy if they could. Ney was aware of that, and often took any pretext for skin contact. She loved seeing Cherry’s body, and she was happy she had agreed to bathe together. Once they both were naked, Cherry hopped into the bath, followed by Ney. The girl, playful and energetic, had difficulties staying immobile to let her friend wash her hair, but they managed it. They then took some time to relax and enjoy the bath and each other’s company. Ney decided to rest her head on Cherry’s chest, which made the latter smile. After a while, though, the girl turned to the woman and asked: “Hey, can I play with your boobs? -My breasts? What do you mean, play with them? -Well, play. Nothing bad, of course. -Well… if you want, I guess.” Cherry was a bit surprised at Ney’s request, but she thought it was just the girl being mischievous, so there was no reason to refuse. They were very close to each other, so she didn’t mind it at all. She smiled when Ney took her breasts in her tiny hands, not fitting at all, and started moving them sideways. She giggle a bit when the girl squeezed the breasts and pressed her head into them. She closed her eyes, and let out a little surprised noise when Ney started licking her breasts. Before she found anything to say, the girl bit at her nipple, which made her let out another noise. “Hey, is that what you mean by playing? asked Cherry. -Yup, it’s a good play, answered Ney cheerfully. -Where did you discover that? Online? -Yes, there are many interesting things, and I want to try them!” She bit the nipple again, and started sucking it, making Cherry moan a little. She was really surprised, not expecting such a play from the girl she was supposed to watch over. She wondered if it was okay, but couldn’t focus as Ney’s hand descended on her leg. “That’s not my breast there, you know. -I know, but it’s to have more fun!” Ney caressed Cherry while sucking at her breast, much to the woman’s enjoyment. They kept doing that for a while, Ney moving her hand over Cherry’s body while keeping her nipples in her mouth, Cherry offering her breasts to the girl and enjoying the moment. When Ney stopped, Cherry, panting, took a look at the clock and saw that hey played in the bath for a dozen minutes. They decided to get out, dried themselves and each other, but since it was a bit hot they decided not to get dressed. Ney only put her panties back on, and Cherry stayed completely naked. It was not the first time they had done that, so they had no problem being naked together. The girl wanted to watch a movie, so the pair went to the main room and turned the TV on. Cherry sat on the comfortable sofa, and Ney, just as usual, on her lap. She often let her head rest on Cherry’s chest, and the woman often put her arms around the girl. She felt a bit weird, after what happened in the bath, but Ney didn’t say anything, so they both relaxed and enjoyed the movie. It was a long one, but it was good and interesting. After it had ended, Cherry stretched, while Ney got up and turned to her. “Now there’s something else I want to do! -And what is it? -Follow me, you’ll see.” Cherry got up and followed Ney to the kitchen. Wondering what the girl wanted to do, she thought to herself that today she was really assertive. Ney took out a huge platter that she put on the table. “Lie on this platter, on your back, said the girl to her friend. -What are you going to do? -First, I’m going to give you some nice massage. -Oh, I’m looking forward to it.” She smiled and put herself on the platter. The setting was a bit weird, but the platter was probably here so that the table wouldn’t be dirtied. “Close your eyes, relax and enjoy!” Cherry nodded and closed her eyes. She heard a few electronic noises, but didn’t pay much attention. She felt Ney getting on top of her, because the girl was too tiny to give her a massage without doing so. The girl took her right arm and massaged it, with what seemed like massage oil or something similar. It felt and smelt nice, making Cherry smile. She then did the same with her left arm, so that Cherry could rest her head on her arms. “Now I’m getting to the good part!” Ney was really enthusiastic. She began massaging Cherry under the neck, slowly going down towards her breasts. Once she got there, she took her time, applying the mixture really carefully. She wasn’t as aggressive as she was in the bath, so Cherry peacefully enjoyed the massage she was given. It was really pleasant, meaning that Ney probably learnt how to do it online. It took a while, but eventually the girl moved from the woman’s breasts and started massaging the rest of her body, belly, hips and sides. Then, the hands caressed the inner thighs, and gave Cherry a shiver when they reached the pussy. The blonde wanted to say something, but she remembered the play in the bath, and she kept silent. Ney massaged her pussy as carefully as her breasts, and even went inside, making Cherry moan a little. She moved her fingers inside, putting the mixture everywhere, then took them off and massaged the legs. Once Ney was done with the legs and feet, Cherry felt her lean forward and give her breasts a kiss. She then slapped them gently and asked that the woman got on her belly. “I’m gonna do the other side now, so show me your ass! -You’re really confident today, aren’t you? -Yes, I thought it was about time that I took matters in my own hands. Do you dislike it? -No, I quite like it. -Good, because I’m not stopping. I’m coming now.” She started massaging her shoulders, and Cherry sighed. Her shoulders were often stiff because of her breasts, and it felt good to have them massaged like that. Ney was doing great, moving down towards the lower body, and Cherry relaxed so much she got drowsy. After a little while, the girl arrived at her butt. It wasn’t as big as her breasts, and not as sensitive, but she enjoyed feeling the girl’s little hands on it nonetheless. She even kissed it before moving forward, making Cherry smile. Thighs, lower legs, feet, and Ney was done with the massage. “You’re really tender, you know. -Tender? What do you mean? asked the blonde. -Well, tender. Your whole body is tender, it’s a pleasure to feel it. -Mh, I’m glad you like it then. -I love it!” Cherry was still drowsy, but she genuinely appreciated the compliment. She didn’t feel like moving, nor opening her eyes, and thought she could let Ney do what she wanted, because she was mature enough anyway. She heard some noise, and felt something on her ankles. “Are you tying me up? asked the half-asleep woman. -Yup. It’s for the blood flow. -The blood flow? -Yes. Don’t worry, I know what I’m doing.” Cherry nodded and let Ney do her thing. The girl tied her ankles together, then proceeded to tie her legs together around her knees, both under and above. She also did it right under Cherry’s ass. The blonde had been tied quite tightly, so that she couldn’t really move her legs if she didn’t move her whole body, but she didn’t want to anyway. After thinking a bit, Ney tied her just above the ass as well, even though Cherry wasn’t very chubby there. Another round of string under the breasts, and she finally tied Cherry’s elbows. The woman lifted her head to let Ney tie her, and put it back after she was done. She was now lying on the platter, the head resting on her crossed arms, tied up on several parts of her body. She didn’t understand how that was supposed to help her blood flow, but she didn’t mind as it felt quite nice, and Ney was having fun. The girl slapped her ass once again, and made some more noise. Cherry felt something on her body, and asked what it was. “Just some herbs and berries, with some oil. Nothing much. -Does it help with the blood flow, too? -No, it helps with the smoothness of your skin, and it’s taste and scent. It’s also very aesthetic. -Is that so? You seem to be knowledgeable in all that stuff. -I did my research.” Cherry knew Ney was smart, but that was still surprising. The girl applied the mix of herbs, berries and oil to all of her body, gently but firmly. After a while, she felt herself completely oiled up again, which was a funny feeling. “Are you done yet? asked the blonde. -Almost. There’s only the finishing touch needed. -Then you’ll untie me? -Don’t worry, you’ll see. Now open wide.” Cherry obeyed, and when something was introduced in her mouth she closed it slowly. She wasn’t sure, but it seemed like an apple. “Nice! Very lovely. Be right back, I need to take some pictures.” Cherry was feeling more relaxed than she had been in a while. It was a bit weird, considering what happened in the bath, and the position she was in, but she didn’t care. She heard Ney come back, and the girl put her head straight. “Don’t move, ok? And obviously, don’t bite the apple.” Cherry stopped moving and obeyed the command. She could hear the phone taking pictures, Ney moving all around her. She wondered what she looked like, but she didn’t want to disturb the girl. “All right! We’re almost done. Now you’re gonna have some hot time, and it might be a bit difficult to breath, but I can promise you’ll enjoy it. Try to keep your head up, and don’t bite the apple, and it’ll be fine.” She dragged a finger on Cherry’s back, kissed her ass, slapped it, and opened something. She then managed to make the platter slide, lifted it a bit, and made it slide even more, carefully and with the support of a special tool. With her eyes closed, Cherry could somehow see the light diminish while the platter was sliding, and the air getting hotter. Once the platter stopped, the woman was in hot air, without many light. “Perfect! I’ll come and check on you every now and then, so you don’t dry out. Enjoy your stay!” And she pushed the door back. Once everything went silent, Cherry began thinking a bit. She wondered what exactly had happened there. She remembered the events since she entered the kitchen, and tried to figure out what did Ney exactly do. She had been massaged and oiled up, all of her body, then she got tied up. The girl added herbs, berries and oil on her, and put an apple in her mouth. She took some pictures to look at, and had the platter slide somewhere hot and dark. After thinking it through, and focusing a bit despite the heat, the blonde eventually understood what had happened. Ney had oiled her, tied her up, seasoned her and put her into the oven. That was the electronic noises she heard at the beginning, and the noises she heard after were the oven’s door being opened and closed. That was the only possible scenario: Ney had prepared her and was roasting her in the oven. Strangely, even after understanding that, she didn’t feel scared or anything. Rather, she was pleased: the whole day had been very interesting, she enjoyed it, and it was a proof of Ney’s smart mind. She relaxed and thought that she wanted to be the best meal possible for her favourite little girl. With that in mind, she began thinking about various, pleasant things while she was slowly roasting. Ney was proud of herself. She managed to put Cherry into the oven without any problem, and couldn’t wait to taste her meat. She didn’t feel as if she had manipulated the blonde though, more like she just led her there. Cherry wasn’t stupid, she was just very kind to Ney and often went along with her schemes, so that was a bit like usual, despite the peculiar outcome. And now that she was roasting, the girl couldn’t feel anything but joy. It had been a little while since she wanted to have some fun with her babysitter, and a little less longer that she wanted to eat her, and she was pleased she managed to do it. Her body felt amazing earlier in the bath, and she definitely wanted to play more with it. Massaging her and preparing her was also really nice, and she looked very delicious. Ney took a quick look at the few pictures she took of Cherry, and smiled. Those were good pictures. Still wearing nothing but her panties, the girl sat on the sofa and turned the TV on again. She would watch it while her meal was roasting, having set up alarms to go and check on it. Every time she went in the kitchen, opened the door and took the platter out, she couldn’t help but feel like she had made the right choice. Using the special tool, a mobile platter that could be elevated if needed, Ney had managed to take her meal out of the even and put it on the table in the dining room. The meat, steaming and glowing, seemed absolutely delicious, and the girl took pictures of it like she had done before. She removed the strings, licked her lips and planted her fork on the rump. She took a somewhat huge piece for her tiny mouth, and tasted it. It was insanely good, maybe even better knowing the roasted meat was her babysitter’s. Looking at Cherry’s thighs, ass and boobs, she had a hard time deciding what to eat first, but she eventually settled on the ass. It took her a long time, but she managed to eat all of the meat, since she was quite the voracious eater at times. She put the platter back on the kitchen table, went back to the sofa, lied down on it and waited for sleep to come. Cherry woke up after some time, in the kitchen where the lights were turned off. She was still a bit dizzy, but she remembered clearly what had happened earlier. She got up, stretched and walked out of the kitchen. She quickly saw Ney sleeping on the sofa, putting a smile on her face. The smart, strong little girl she was guarding, that took her over, played with her, roasted and ate her. She kissed the girl’s forehead, and went to close the windows and prepare for the night. She brought Ney back to her room, in her bed, but when she was about to leave, the girl grabbed her arm, so she decided to sleep with her. The sleeping girl hugged her smiling babysitter, and both slept well that night. “Did everything go well? -Yes, absolutely. Ney is the same loveable, kind and energetic girl as always. -That’s great.” Ney’s mom smiled and patted her girl’s head. A little more chit-chat, and Cherry said goodbye, going back to her home. She was looking forward to the next time she’d come, since she was curious what Ney would like to do with her next. It made her happy to be so close to the girl, to be part of her development, her growth, and to have her as a life-long friend. Ney was also looking forward to the next time she’d be alone with Cherry. There were so many things she wanted to try, so many plays, so many recipes, and she couldn’t wait. It was a good thing she had those pictures, it would help her wait, and she vividly remembered her babysitter’s taste. They grew even closer, much to her pleasure, and she would be sure to make good use of that genuine friendship. |
“Ah, I love this weather, it’s so great! -It sure is. Good for walks, outside events and little chats like that. -Yeah totally. I’m so gonna enjoy it!” The sun was shining bright, a gentle breeze helping bear with the little heat of this spring. Not many people were outside, a few of them walking in the streets, a few sitting at the cafe’s and restaurant’s terraces. Sitting at one of the tables, Jazz was relaxing after a week of intense work. At thirty-eight, she was living a comfortable life, as an executive of a middle-sized company. She loved what she was doing, but it could be tiring at times, so she enjoyed taking a break. That day, she was out taking some time off with her best friend, Rose. “I’m glad you could take your day, Rose said. It’s been a while since we last hung out like that. -I know, I wanted to meet you before but we’re having so much to do recently.” Jazz slid her hand into her long, dark-blond hair, looking at the sky. Rose, whose light brown hair was a bit shorter, took a sip of coffee. They both had a similar figure, although Rose looked a bit younger than Jazz, despite being one year older, due to having a much calmer life. To try and compensate for that, the blonde often tied her hair up into a ponytail, and dressed like a debuting woman in her twenties. She had grown to like this style, and used it ever since. She took a quick look at her friend, thought about something, but decided that it could wait a bit. “Well, that was a great day! Thanks for coming. -My pleasure. I had lots of fun too.” The sun was setting, bringing the day to an end. Jazz and Rose were walking in the empty street, the former accompanying the latter to her house. Once they arrived, before parting ways, Jazz decided to ask the thing she had in mind. “Say, there’s something I want to ask you. -Sure, go ahead. -You know that we are having our end-of-spring company meeting next week-end? -Yeah, I remember. -Well, as the vice-CEO, I’m in charge of the preparation. Part of it, anyway. So I’m going to take care of the meal, and for that, I’d like to ask for your help. -How can I help you?” Jazz smiled. She was confident as always, but she didn’t want to scare her friend. She took a breath, then asked what she had in mind since a while. “I’ve been thinking about what would be good, and I’ve settled on something that’s got quite well received in recent years. I believe you know which one I’m talking about. -To be honest, there are several things I can think of, but I don’t know much of them, I haven’t been keeping in touch with them. -Ok, I see. This one’s what they call gynophagia, I bet the name helps. -Oh yeah, it does. It’s that trend of eating women, right? -Exactly that. -So you want to cook me? -Not only you. We’ll be quite a lot, and we’ll have guests as well, so we’ll need more meat than just you. -It’s a little bit weird to hear you say that, but it’s funny. So who would you need with me? -Well…” Jazz hesitated for a second. She was about to ask something kinda huge, and she didn’t know how far she should go. Rose smiled confidently and put her hand on her friend’s shoulder. “Don’t worry, I won’t get mad at you for asking what’s on your mind. So what do you want exactly? -I’d like to have you and your daughters, if that’s possible. -My daughters? The three of them? -Yeah, that should be enough quantity-wise, and I’ve heard that young girls have a distinct taste, that would be nice for our guests. -I see. It’s certain that four girls would be much more than one. -But I don’t want you to feel forced or anything, obviously. -Don’t be afraid, I told you I don’t mind. And more than that, I think I’m willing to help. -Really? -Yes, you’re my best friend, and this is a very important event for you, so I’d be glad to help you out. -Even knowing what it is? -Yup, no problem. -Thank you so much! -My pleasure. I’ll talk to my girls about it, and tell you how it goes. -I love you, you know. -I love you as well.” They embraced each other, and separated. Jazz was really happy her friend agreed to be the main course for the meeting, and she couldn’t wait for the next week-end to come. Rose, amused by her friend’s worrying, was also looking forward to that meeting. She had remembered what she had seen of the gynophagia trend, and that looked interesting to her. She walked back into her house, wondering how things would be like. After diner, Rose asked her daughters to wait for her in the living room. She looked at each of the girls, thinking about whether she should really talk about Jazz’s request, but decided it was worth a try. “You know today I’ve been hanging out with Jazz. She’s requested my help for something, to which I’ve already agreed. She also would like you to help, and that’s what I’m gonna talk to you about. -Is it something fun? the oldest girl asked. -I think it is, yeah. -Then I’m in. -Wait for me to tell you what it is, before agreeing on it.” Her daughter was smiling. Aged eighteen, Shelly was a playful girl that always wanted to fun fun. Next to her was Rose’s second daughter, Susan. Despite being fourteen, she was much calmer than her older sister, although she wasn’t one to refuse the fun when it came to her. Both had their mother’s hair colour, and it looked like they would also have a similar body shape. Shelly’s breasts were already quite big, and Susan’s would surely grow as well. On the other side of the sofa was Rose’s last daughter, Milly. A quiet, shy but smart nine-years-old, she took more of her mother’s mind than body. She was quite slender, her hair closer to a grey colour, and it seemed like her main physical features, when growing up, would be her legs and her butt, which was already well-shaped for her age. She was waiting silently for her mother to tell what this was all about. “So, I think you heard about that thing called gynophagia? -Yeah, people have been talking about it a lot at school this year. Seems like everyone that has tried it enjoyed it. -Is that what Jazz wants help with? Susan asked. -It is. -And you’ve already agreed to it, you said? -Exactly. She’s my best friend, it’s for an important work meeting, and I kinda want to try it. - -But what does it have to do with us? -She said there will be a lot of people, so she wanted to ask you if you’d be fine with it, too. -She wants to eat us at that event? -Indeed. I promised her I’d tell you about it, but you’re not forced to do it, so just think about it and give me an answer, ideally tomorrow, ok?” They nodded, and everyone went back to their room. Rose knew that her daughter would think seriously about it, and she didn’t mind whether they would accept or refuse. If they accepted, they were mature enough to understand what it meant. If they refused, she’d just tell Jazz, and her friend could prepare accordingly. Shelly always thought it would be fun to try and be cooked, and everyone she knew that either was cooked or had eaten a girl enjoyed it greatly. She wouldn’t be bothered by being naked in front of people, as she liked being naked, and she wished she could go outside without clothes. There was no reason for her to refuse lending herself to Jazz, and she even thought about someone else, someone she would talk to about it the next day. Susan was curious about that whole gynophagia thing. From what she had seen, it seemed to be a pleasant experience, but she wasn’t sure how she would feel being naked in front of people, knowing they would see and eat every inch of her body. Despite that, she thought it wouldn’t be that much of a problem, since everything would be done by professionals, so there wasn’t any risk. Things would probably go well, and she might even end up enjoying it. She decided to think it through and let the night be her counsellor. Milly had heard about gynophagia, but she only knew that girls were being cooked and eaten. She also knew that they had to be naked, so people would see, but she didn’t know whether it was a bad thing. She had troubles determining what most people would consider good or bad, or even what she herself would like at times, so it was quite hard for her to make a decision. She really wanted to help Jazz, as her mother’s best friend, but she was getting too tired to think about it, so she just went to sleep. The following day being a week day, it wasn’t until the evening that Rose could settle with her daughters for some calm time for dinner. The mother brought the meal, a smoking roasted chicken with potatoes and vegetables. It looked delicious, and the girls were hungry. After everyone got served, and began eating, Shelly started the discussion. “So, Mom, I’ve thought about Jazz’s request for her meeting, and I’m in. I’d be glad to help her and be served there. -Really? That’s lovely of you. But did you think about it carefully and know what it means? -Of course, I’m not stupid. And I discussed it with Charlie, she even showed me pictures of it. It didn’t make me horrified or anything, it made me want to do it. -Oh, ok, I get it. I’m glad you like it and want to help Jazz. -I want to help, too, Susan said. I know what it is, and it doesn’t seem like it’s bad. Besides, there will professionals, right? So there’s nothing to be afraid of. -Are you ready to show yourself to people? her older sister asked. -I think. I probably just need to get used to it, I guess. -Well, if you’re fine with it, everything’s alright, their mother smiled. -What about you, Milly?” The youngest daughter was waiting silently for her turn. She hesitated a bit, but she finally gave her answer: “I’m ok with it. It helps Jazz, and I’m curious, so I want to do it. -Are you sure? -Yes. -Then it’s settled. You’re very lovely, I’m so glad you are my daughters. I’ll call her after dinner to tell her the happy news. -Say, think she could use one more girl? Charlie said she would like to come herself. -I’ll tell her about it. -Also, we could ask Flora and her girlfriend, Susan added. -Your cousin? You think she would be interested? -I’m sure she would. -Then I’ll ask her. Now, for the time being, let’s eat or else it’ll get cold.” Dinner began, while the upcoming meeting was on everyone’s mind. They wondered how it would go, what it would be like, and if they would look like the chicken they were about to eat. Once dinner was done, and the girls went back to their rooms, Rose picked up her phone and called her friend. “Hey, what’s up? -Today has been so tiring, I’m glad you’re calling. At least one good thing that happened. -Is that so? Well, another good thing is about to happen. -You’re talking about my request? -Exactly. I’ve asked my daughters, and it turned out they all want to help you! Isn’t that wonderful? -It’s awesome! I didn’t think the three of them would agree. -And there’s more. Shelly’s best friend, Charlie, said she wants to come and be part of it, too. -Wow, that’s more than I could have ever hoped for! -I take it you’re fine with that? -Of course! There’s nothing such as “too much meat” when it comes to this. -Well, that’s nice, because there might be even more. -Even more? Are you kidding me? -I’m not. Susan said that my niece might be interested, and she’s in town with her girlfriend. I need to ask them, but there could potentially be two more girls on your menu, if that works for you. -I’d be delighted! Seven girls to prepare for the meeting, that would be amazing! I’m sure everyone would love that. -And it would help you with work relations, too, wouldn’t it? -Yeah, I think so. It would be very nice, given how difficult things are at the moment. -Then I’ll do my best to convince them to come. -Thank you so much, what you’re doing is insane. -Don’t sweat it, I’m happy to help.” A little break, and Rose took a sip of water. She was glad Jazz could take all of the girls in, and she expected the meeting to be a great success thanks to that. After a little while, her friend began talking again. “Say, there’s another thing I’d like to ask you. -Go ahead. -You know that we aren’t exactly young any more, and that impacts our bodies. Yours is still pretty good, but it’s not like it used to be twenty years ago. -Tell me about that. It’s a bit painful, but it’s sadly how it goes. -Well, I’ve thought about a little something that could with that, in regard to the meeting. -I’m listening. -I’d like for you to comer over at my house, so that I can tenderise you. -Tenderise me? Am I that hard a meat? she laughed. -No, I’m sure you’re delicious, but some of my colleagues have delicate palates, so I want everything to be as good as possible. And we could play together a bit again, too. -Well, that can certainly do. Alright, I’m in. When do you want me to come? -I’m gonna have less work this week to prepare for the meeting, and some other things, so if you could come all days that’d be nice. You can even stay, if you’d pref. -Let’s do a girl’s week, then. I’ll be coming tomorrow and you’ll take care of me. -Thanks, I’m so looking forward to tomorrow. -And so am I.” They laughed and kept chatting a bit. When Rose headed to her room to sleep, she was feeling happy and enthusiastic. It had been a long time since she had some fun with Jazz, so it would certainly be a very nice week. The following day, Rose came to Jazz’s house after work. They greeted each other and had a nice evening together. Late into the night, Jazz brought Rose to her room. “Well, now to the fun part. Remember why you’re here? -You want to tenderise me, isn’t it? -Exactly. -I’m looking forward to it.” Jazz took her clothes off, and Rose did the same. The blonde caressed her friend, eager to begin tenderising her. She assessed Rose’s body, which was surprisingly not too firm. Still, she needed some tenderising, so Jazz got on the job. She slapped her butt. “You didn’t lose as much as I though you did, that’s great. -I’m taking good care of myself. -Even though you’re single? -That’s not a reason. Something like this can happen. Besides, I still want to be as fresh as I can. -I know, right? Now put that delicious ass on the bed, so that I can get started.” Rose giggled and hopped on the bed, giving her butt to her friend. Jazz looked at it with delight, caressed it a bit, then slapped it again. She spanked her for a while, gradually augmenting the strength, until it turned red. “It has been so long since I received a good spanking like this. -And there’s more to come.” Jazz put a strap-on on her hips, teased Rose a little, before going in, making her friend moan. It wasn’t the first time they had sex together, and they both missed it, so they really enjoyed being reunited again. After an hour of play, tired, they took a quick shower and went to bed, very satisfied. The week went by in a flash. Rose spent all days at Jazz’s home, mostly naked since she didn’t have to go outside. She eagerly waited the moment Jazz would come home, so they could spend some time together, and she was looking forward to her tenderising. Jazz not only fucked her well, she also made sure that her whole body would be tender and delicious. During the day, she cleaned the house, tidying up the messy room of her friend, and relaxed watching TV or reading books. Every day, she checked on her daughters, but there was nothing to worry about. Shelly and Susan were quite mature, and they handle the house very well. They also took care of Milly, so nothing bad had happened. The next Saturday was already here, and the family had joined Jazz in the great hall of the building she had chosen for the meeting, next to a lake with a pretty view. With them were also Charlie, Shelly’s best friend, Flora, the girl’s cousin, and Rey, Flora’s girlfriend. The couple, both aged twenty, was quite close to Rose’s daughters, and they got interested in the event Jazz had been preparing, so they agreed to be part of it. Now, they were all standing with the businesswoman, in the kitchen of the place. “First of all, thanks a lot for coming! You’re really a life saver, that’s so sweet of you to have agreed to be the main course today. What’s gonna happen, in short, is that a renowned chef will arrive soon to prepare all of you. Of course, that means you’ll have to undress, and let him touch your bodies and prepare them however we want, but I’m sure you’ll enjoy it. Then he’ll put each of you to roast, so that you’ll be ready for dinner. There’s nothing to be afraid of, as our company has the technology to scan your bodies and mind and have you come back by synthesising your flesh again once you’re done. It’s technical, so I won’t give the details, but it works well. It shouldn’t go too late into the night, so you’ll be able to get home before midnight. Is everything fine with you? -Perfectly fine, Rose answered. -No problem at all, Shelly added. -I’m sure everything will be alright, Flora said. After all, your company is quite well-known around here, I’m sure you wouldn’t run into problems head-on. -Exactly. So, since everyone is ok with everything, I propose that you get naked now, so that we don’t lose time when the chef arrives.” The girls nodded, and they all undressed. They put their clothes in special boxes that Jazz prepared, and chatted while Jazz led them to the machine that would analyse them. It was a huge metal box, looking like a scanner that could fit a whole person standing inside. Shelly put herself inside, Jazz started the machine, and with a moving, blue light that reflected on her body’s curves, accompanied by some electronic noises, it recorded Shelly’s mind and body entirely. All the informations about her appeared on a black screen, before being saved in the machine’s memory. The other girls took turn walking into the machine, and before long they were all scanned. A short while after, a man arrived into the building. “Hello girls, sorry for being a little late. My name is Paul Wellen, and I’ll be the chef today. -Glad to meet you, Paul. I’m Jazz, the one that engaged you. -Pleased to make your acquaintance. I suppose all these lovely ladies are the main course I’ll prepare? -That’s right. Think you can make something good out of them? -Of course. Young girls are always a success, and it seems the pretty woman over there is in good shape, too. I’m sure they’ll all turn out well. -I’m glad to hear. Then, if you are ready, let’s get started.” The chef prepared his ingredients and tools, before turning to the girls. Jazz had described him what the girls looked like, and he had brought ingredients with recipes in mind. He thought a bit, then got close to Milly. “I’d like to start with the little one, if you don’t mind. I’ll prepare her, then put her in the fridge to cool off a bit before roasting her. -Fine by me, Jazz answered. Is it ok with you?” Both Milly and Rose nodded. Paul patted the girl’s head, and brought her closer to the table. He took out a bottle of oil, and put some on his hands. “Come closer, girls. I’m gonna show you how it’s done, so look at your sister. First, I need to oil her up, with a special cooking oil. This way, she won’t dry too much while roasting, and her skin will take on a pretty golden-brown colour.” While he was explaining that to the girls, he rubbed his hands against Milly’s body, slowly oiling her up. The girl tried her best to remain immobile, but the oil was a little cold, so it wasn’t easy. She didn’t move when the chef rubbed her upper body, jumping a little when he reached her inner thighs. “This oil is not the same oil I’ll use with you all, the chef said. Since I’ll be putting her in the fridge for a while, I need to use a different one, but the feelings are roughly the same.” He oiled the back of her legs, her butt, then lifted her, put her on a plate and pushed her on her back, so that he could take her feet and oil them. “Once she’s properly oiled, I can move on to the preparation. -What recipe are you gonna use? Jazz asked. -I was thinking about making her a nice stuffed chicken with herbs. -Sounds good.” Shelly and Susan looked at each other. They remembered their conversation, where they agreed to become the meeting’s main course, and smiled. So in the end, it was Milly that got to be the chicken. Paul took a cooking knife and opened Milly’s belly, then began filling it with vegetables. Once he was done, he sewed it back up with some kitchen twine, then got some string to tie her up. He folded her left leg, tied it at her ankle and below her knee, and did the same with her right leg. Then, he took the girl’s arms and put them lying on her body, around the bulge made by the stuffing, tying them with her legs and ankles. As a finishing touch, he put white frills on her feet and hand, then turned to the other girls. “So that’s how it looks like. This one’s a simple recipe, so it didn’t take long and it isn’t spectacular, but it’s a good way to understand the process. Now, as I said, I’ll be putting her in the fridge and move on to the high-schooler and her friend. Open wide.” Milly opened her mouth, and Paul put an apple in her mouth. She then closed her eyes, and he lifted the plate to go and put it in the fridge. While he was doing that, the other girls thought that it was very interesting, and they couldn’t wait to see how it would turn out with them. The man then approached Shelly and Charlie. “Now on to these two little ladies. I’ve got a nice idea that I’m sure you’ll enjoy. For starters, what about you oil each other while I’m preparing the veggies? -Oh, great idea!” Shelly was very excited, and Charlie was very much into it as well. Paul gave them a bottle of oil, with a slightly different colour than the one he used on Milly, and turned to the ingredients. The hyperactive Shelly quickly put the oil on her hands, and once her friend had done the same, they began massaging each other, starting from the shoulders. Both were playful, so they were talking and laughing. “Well, seems like these ladies will get some time to be oiled up, and I wouldn’t want you to wait on the side, Paul said to the remaining 4 girls. You can play like them, and oil yourselves as well, if you’d like.” Flora and Rey nodded, took the oil and started playing with it and themselves. They weren’t as playful as Shelly and Charlie, but since they were lovers they took their time. Since they weren’t the next ones to be cooked, they focused a bit more on having some sexual fun together rather than oiling the other. Rose and Susan, on the other hand, were being serious with that part of the process. They were paying attention to be sure every inch of their bodies would be covered in oil. It took some time, but eventually they were all properly oiled. Paul took Shelly and Charlie by the shoulders and placed them next to the table where another, large plate was placed. “Ok, so what I want you to do is hop on this platter and sit in front of each other. Lean on your back a bit, and rest on your forearms, got it?” They nodded and got on the platter. They sat as instructed, and once they were in place, the chef placed them as he wanted. He put their butts close to one another, their pussies almost touching. He folded the girls’ legs and placed Shelly’s inside Charlie’s. Then, when they both were in place and leaning on their back, he tied their ankles together, and linked them to their wrists. He also tied the girls’ arms together, so that they would prevent each other from falling on the back. Once he was sure the girls wouldn’t move too much, he began applying a mixture comprising several edible herbs, in addition to the oil the girls had put on themselves. As a finishing touch, he took a long, thick zucchini and placed it in the girls’ pussies, linking them together. The two fidgeted a bit, but they remained mostly immobile. “That’s for some more taste during the roasting, and it’ll make you feel a bit better. I’ll change it after some time, but I don’t think you’ll still be awake by then. I’ll also leave your mouths free, so that you can talk and not get too bored. Ok, now into the oven you go!” He lifted the plate with Jazz’s help, and they put it in one of the huge pre-heated ovens. It was wide enough for the plate to be placed in such a way that the two girls were visible through the transparent window on the oven’s door. This way the chef could keep an eye on them without having to open the door too often. He moved closer to Flora and Rey, inspecting them. They did a good job of oiling themselves, so he directly put them on another platter, lying on their bellies, face-to-face. “Lovers are always a nice choice, people really enjoy seeing two loving girls being roasted together. I’ll make something nice to look at.” He made sure the girls were aligned, then raised their forearms and intertwined their fingers. Flora was a bit taller than Rey, and her brown hair was lighter, but they were still close enough that looking at them this way was like a reflection, with some little variations. The chef then raised their shanks and tied their ankles to their necks, so that they would remained up in the air. Since the girl’s hair were long, he split it and placed it on each side of their bodies. After he was satisfied with the presentation, he began seasoning the two, with herbs, condiments and sliced vegetables, like cucumbers and potatoes. He arranged it for be visually pleasing, and soon the girls looked like proper high-class meals. “Did you already try having something shoved up your ass? he asked the pair. -Yes, we often do anal, both of us, Flora answered. -Great, that’ll make it easier and better.” He took two long carrots and pushed it inside the girls’ asses. “Ok, you’re good to go. I’m gonna leave your mouths free, as well, so that you can talk and kiss, stuff like that. I’m sure you’ll love it.” Again, Jazz helped lift the platter and put it in another oven, in the same way Shelly and Charlie were displayed. Paul smiled and turned to the remaining meats, Rose and Susan. “Alright, it’s only you left. Ma’am, I want you to sit on that platter on your knees, your breasts in hand. Your daughter will be lying in front of you, understood?” The two nodded and hopped on the platter. Rose sat as instructed, on her knees, with her legs going outwards. She put her hands below her breasts to support them and pressed them a bit. Susan put herself in front of her mother, and Paul helped her get ready. He folded her arms and legs on the side, in order for her to be close to Rose. He then tied her up, did the same to Rose and linked them together. He used some string to attach Susan’s arms to Rose’s, to help the woman support her own weight and her breasts and not fall on her back. Once that was done, he moved on to the seasoning. It was a different mixture than all the previous ones, to add variety to the menu. After the seasoning, he took a big eggplant and inserted it in Rose’s pussy, then in Susan’s, much like he had done with Shelly and Charlie. The girl wiggled a bit, while her mother didn’t move an inch. “Same as the two earlier, I’ll change that one after some time, but you’ll probably not be aware of it. We’re just in time, so let’s get you roasting.” Rose smiled, but Susan was still a bit confused. One last time, Jazz helped Paul lift the platter and put it in the third available oven. While looking at her best friend through the oven’s window, the businesswoman couldn’t help but think she had made the right choice asking her to be her main course. She checked on each of the dishes, while the chef was putting everything back in its place. Aside from the obvious success of the upcoming meal, and the compliments she would most likely receive, the blonde was getting into that gynophagia trend, just by seeing the girls being naked and prepared, although she would probably stay on the eater side. Happy with the prospect of tasting her best friend and her daughters, she thanked Paul for coming and left him in charge of the meals, going to another room to prepare the rest of the meeting. In the fridge, Milly was feeling very calm. She was surprised at first, feeling the man’s hands all over her body, but he was gentle so she didn’t mind it too much. The preparation was a funnier step than she expected, and she took it as a challenge to let herself be tied up and stay immobile. So far, she was satisfied of herself, although the cold of the fridge was helpful. After a while, while she was barely conscious, the door was opened, then someone, probably the chef, taking the platter out. He opened her mouth and put something inside. Milly heard him say something, but she didn’t get what exactly. She just managed to understand that what she had in her mouth was an apple. The platter was lifted again, and then she was in a dark, hot place, with another door being shut. The girl guessed she had been put to roast into an oven, and the contrast in temperature made her feel a little weird. Still immobile, she thought it was nice to be cooked like that, and quickly she start to lose consciousness. Once she saw through the window that only the chef was left in the kitchen, Charlie decided to say something to her friend. “So, how do you feel? -Pretty good, Shelly answered. -Same. You know, seeing you like that, and being prepared together with you… it’s kind of exciting. -I get what you mean. It totally is. -It made me realise how much… how much I want to fuck you. -You know what? I was just thinking about how much I wanted you to fuck me. -Then, I should do it, right?” Shelly answered with a smile, and Charlie began moving her hips forwards, pushing the zucchini inside her friend’s pussy. She moaned, and they kept going at it, as much as they could without breaking their presentation, until they were too tired from the heat. They looked at each other kindly, then closed their eyes and let themselves be properly cooked. After some time, Flora opened her eyes, and stretched her neck to be as close as possible to her girlfriend. “Was it good? -Yes, very. And you being here made it even more pleasant. -Oh, you’re so cute. Now I kinda wish I’d be the one to gobble you up. -You’ll have to wait for that. But we can still have some fun, like he said.” They began kissing, moving as little as possible. It was a really enjoyable experience, and they would gladly do it again. “Mom? -Yes? -How do you feel? -Pretty good, and you? -Good, too. -That’s great. I’m glad you like it.” Rose smiled. It seemed like all of her daughters, like their cousin and her girlfriend, were enjoying the cooking. She herself found it quite interesting, and she wouldn’t mind doing it again. Although it wasn’t that easy staying immobile, she managed to not move too much, preserving the chef’s aesthetics as long as she could. Susan, after some time in the oven, was enjoying herself. She wasn’t completely at ease with being naked and feeling someone’s hands on her, but the preparation wasn’t too bad, and she liked lying in the oven while slowly roasting. “And I thank you again for coming to our meeting. Now, without further ado, I invite you to our buffet. Please make yourself at home and enjoy it to the fullest!” A wave of applause, and Jazz led the guests and her colleagues to the dining tables. On one long table was the main course, made of several girls roasted to perfection. The chef made sure the way he presented each girl was preserved through the roasting, leaving them exactly as they were before entering the oven, except their skin was now a delicious golden brown instead of the usual white. Jazz loved her friend’s look, she just wanted to sink her teeth into that delicious meat she spent time tenderising. But she couldn’t do that, she’d have to wait for the guests to be served before choosing some morsels for herself. Instead, she took several pictures of the banquet, like other guests did. Thankfully, her boss, proud of what she managed to accomplish, offered her to be served her friend’s filet, as well as Milly’s. She gladly accepted, also cutting some more of Rose’s meat for herself and taking some vegetables, before going back to her seat. The meat was delicious, and everyone seemed to agree on that. Even Paul, who had been invited by a high-ranking official of the company to seat at their table, was enjoying the meal he so carefully prepared. The feast helped everyone relax, and the end of the meeting went better than expected, thanks to Jazz’s efforts. When the girls awoke, one after the other, they were back in the kitchen, on the platters. Jazz and Paul were still there, cleaning the place. Once she saw them, the blonde walked up to them. “Hey there cuties! You came back through the machine, and we put you back on the platters, instead of letting you lying on the floor. How are you feeling? -I think everything’s ok, Flora answered for everyone. -Great. Thanks to you, tonight’s been a real feast, it was awesome. Every single one of you was absolutely deliciours. -We’re glad to hear that! -I took a few pics, want to know how you looked like? -Yes, please!” Jazz took out her phone and showed the girls the photos she had taken. They all liked them very much, discussing them quite vividly, complimenting each other and remembering how good it felt. “Well, I bet you made a killing like that, Rose said to her friend. -Even more than that. I’m already in charge of the next event, it’s insane. -I’m sure you’ll manage something huge again. -I definitely will!” Since it was relatively late, and everyone was tired, the girls put their clothes on, teasing each other a bit, before going outside. They said goodbye to Jazz, who still had things to take care of, and everyone went home. They all were thinking about that wonderful experience, very pleased with the outcome. Surely they would take on the opportunity to be cooked again, hopefully sooner rather than later. |
A strange bunny and a peculiar wolf The forest was as calm as usual. A gentle wind breezed through the leaves, animals were coming and going. In this pleasant day of spring, that place was giving an eerie feeling to the few outsiders travelling near the woods. The Fae Forest, as it was named by most people, was a large, remote forest in the west of Kerenthra, one of the continent’s biggest countries. It’s real name was the forest of Dëhcken, but people called it the Fae Forest because of its high number of non-human inhabitants. As a result, there weren’t many that wandered inside, the risks outweighing the benefits for the majority of outsiders, humans or not. It was a still wild, untamed and unexplored piece of land. That day, the temperature was warm, but not hot, and the wind was just enough to feel refreshing. Many animals and creatures were playing or hunting outside, after several rainy days. Among them was a blonde, smiling bunny girl taking a walk in the spring woods. She had been wandering this forest for a while, and enjoyed it a lot, spending most of her time outside. Taking a new path, she went into a part of the forest she didn’t know too well, appreciating the scenery and the atmosphere. The flowers were resplendent, their vivid colours a feast for the eye, their delicate mixed scents a pleasure for the nose. After some time walking through this eerie land, the bunny arrived to a small wooden house located right next to the wild path. In front of the house was a closed garden, where vegetables were growing alongside flowers. The bunny, curious, got close to that garden, and saw someone picking vegetables on the ground. Coming closer, she decided to talk a bit. “Hello! How are you? she asked the person. -Oh my, hello there. I’m quite fine, and you? -Very fine, thanks!” The person was a woman, looking relatively young, with black wolf ears and tail, wearing a long, flower-patterned dress. She got up, breathed heavily and put a basket containing some vegetables aside. She opened the closure, smiling at the girl she just encountered. “Would you like to come in? -Sure! It seems that you are picking vegetables, do you want some help? -Oh, thanks but I can’t ask that of you. -You’re not asking, I’m offering. -Then I’d appreciate it, yes. Thank you very much.” The bunny came into the garden, quite enthusiastic. “My name’s Lily. Pleased to meet you. -Pleasure is mine. I’m Seliese.” They shook hands, and got back to picking vegetables. The wolf woman was surprised that someone was wandering around her place, even more that it was a rabbit girl, but she appreciated the help, and was looking forward to some company, since she was usually by herself. That was the lifestyle she had chosen, but from time to time she wished for some talks with someone else. The girl that was helping her was a peculiar one, as well. Seliese couldn’t see that clearly, but it looked like the bunny had eyes of two different colours. A quick look at her showed some silver lines amidst her long, blond hair, under her same-coloured ears. Her cream dress, which seemed to go all the way down to her ankles, revealed her golden, round fluffy tail. She had open flat shoes, a bit weird considering where the house was located, but nothing too unbelievable. All in all, Seliese was happy that the girl was here, helping her pick what was ripe. “Here, I believe it’ll be enough. Thanks again for your help, it was very kind of you, she said to the bunny girl when they were done. -My pleasure, it was fun for me as well. -May I invite you for some tea? That’ll be my way of repaying you. -Oh, you don’t need to worry about that! But I’ll accept your offer, I’m a bit thirsty.” They crossed the huge garden to get to the wooden door. Inside, Lily discovered rather small, but comfortable rooms decorated with many things. She wondered how the wolf woman got her hands on so many different objects, but suspected travelling to be the main reason. Seliese led her to the main room, where she found a little wooden table and a few seats. She sat on one, while the wolf went back to the kitchen to prepare the tea. The main room was decorated in the same style as the rest of the house, giving off a very traditional and relaxing vibe. Once Seliese was back, she sat at the table and started talking to her guest. The bunny girl happily answered her questions, telling her that she had a habit of wandering into forests because she liked that type of environment. She wasn’t native to Dëhcken, but had been living there for a while, maybe a year or so. She was getting along with most of the forest’s inhabitants, despite some of them having their quirks, even for Faes. She had her own little house, not that far from Seliese’s, but had been busy and didn’t really check that area before. “So you didn’t know my house was there? the wolf woman asked. -Not at all. I didn’t think anyone was living around here, to be honest. -Interesting. I was wondering what you had in mind coming here, but turns out you just weren’t aware of my presence. -Why would you think I had something in mind? -Well, you understand what I am, right? -A wolf, I believe. -Indeed, and you clearly are a rabbit. Given the usual relationship between rabbits and wolves, I wouldn’t expect you to come in nonchalantly like you did.” Lily smiled and sipped her tea. She remained silent for a while, staring at the wooden walls, letting her host enjoy her own tea, before saying something. “It is true that a regular rabbit wouldn’t have come close to your house, rather quickly fled the scene. But I am no regular rabbit, as you may have guessed by now. -Indeed, you seem quite different from the other rabbits I encountered in the past. Not only are you more… open to the outside, you also wander alone without visible protection. It makes one wonder what exactly you are. -You yourself are a peculiar one, if I may say so. I’ve never seen a wolf living alone, in a relatively remote place, inhabiting such a refined house and gardening instead of hunting in a pack. You also are much calmer than most of other wolves, no matter the sub-species. I must admit, that got me interested. -Well, I am a weird wolf, that much is true, Seliese laughed. I used to live in a pack, but that was a long time ago. I much prefer being alone, on my own, rather than having to follow the leader’s orders and the strict hierarchy of a pack. Gardening is a hobby of mine, a really calming one. And it provides me with plenty of vegetables that, along with what I can get in the surroundings, make for nice meals. -You’re not eating any meat with them? -I am, from time to time. Depending on my mood, I can go hunt some small animals, there are more than enough around here. -I see. That is really not your typical wolf, but it is very interesting. -Would you like us to discuss it further? -I’d love to!” They spent a long time talking, about the wolf’s life, about the bunny’s wandering, about the forest, while drinking tea and eating biscuits. After a while, Seliese went to her kitchen to check was she had in store, and came back to Lily. “Would you like to stay here for dinner? I should have enough ingredients to prepare something you’ll like. -It’d be a nice moment, thanks for offering. Is there a recipe you want to go for? I can adapt, it won’t be a problem. -Mmh, let me see…” Back into the kitchen for some moments. When she came out of it, she looked a bit embarrassed. “Is something the matter? Lily asked. -Well, I have vegetables, that is not a problem, but… to be honest, our talks made me think about something else, too. -What is it? -I kind of want to add some meat to it, since we talked about it earlier, but I would need to hunt some, and I’m not sure I should prepare meat for you, either. -Oh, is that all? Don’t worry about that! I can eat meat just like you, and I like it, even. As for gathering it, I don’t mind waiting. -Oh, really? That is good news! -What type of meat would you like to get? -That depends on what I can find, especially since I’m not picky. But it can take a while, and I can even not find anything at all…” The wolf was thinking hard about what to do to not make her guest wait alone for too long while preparing a nice meal for her. A few instants latter, her train of thoughts was broken by Lily talking to her. “You know, if it’s about meat, there’s another option. -Oh? What is it? -You said you hunt small animals, right? -Yes, I did say that. -What about bigger animals? -You mean the biped ones, like us? I used to, in the pack, but I haven’t done it in years, and I’m not sure I want to do it again. -Why, if I may ask? -Well, because I am a weird wolf. I don’t like hurting innocent people too much, and that includes hunting. Besides, there aren’t that many people around here, because of me. -There would be much more if they knew you, I bet. -Probably, but I don’t mind it. I don’t seek company that much, and as I told you, I can live without it, or without meat like that. -Don’t you miss it, though? Both the interactions and the meat. -I suppose so, some times, Seliese sighed. -Well then, rejoice, for I provided the former today, and I can also provide the latter! -What do you mean?” The bunny got up, came close to the wolf, looked up because she was almost a head shorter and smiled. She put her hands behind her back and tilted her head a little. “I am a rabbit, which means I’m a prey. If you want to eat tasty meat again, why not cook me for tonight?” Seliese, surprised, did not move at first, her black eyes locked into the bunny’s. Her left eye, a deep shade of blue, and the right one, like an amethyst, were a stunning combination from up close. She thought she misheard, but knew that wasn’t really the case. “Oh, uh, well… thanks for offering, but… -Are you afraid for me? -I mean, it’s a bit definitive, isn’t it? -I usually is indeed, but do not worry! I am able to come back to life after something like this, so everything will be fine! -Really? Is that even possible? -It is, although one needs either knowledge or tools, and in both cases the appropriate magic, for that to work. Luckily, I have knowledge, I can get tools, and I make good use of magic, so I’m a nice fit for that! -But, even if that’s true, why would you say that? -Because I want to help you! You’re a nice person, and I’d like to give you something you enjoy. Besides, I did it in the past, and it was quite enjoyable, so it’s also a win for me.” The wolf was a bit confused. She knew that there were a lot of different types of magic, and it wouldn’t surprise her much if the rabbit could use it, but that was the first time she heard of such a magic. That was probably because she never spent much time outside of the forest, and because she was still quite young at only twenty-six years of age, but it was a bit strange. Nonetheless, Lily was still smiling confidently, with nothing but kind determination in her eyes. Seliese tried to determine whether it would be fine, if she could do that from a moral standpoint. The more she thought about it, the more confident she was getting, and the more she wanted to try it. She sighed, then smiled at her guest. “This is something I don’t know at all, but I feel like I can trust you on that. I’ll accept your offer, and have to thank you a lot for that. -No worries! I’m glad you can try it with your mind at peace, and I promise you won’t be disappointed! -I am convinced of that. How should we do it? -You never cooked anyone? -No, in the pack, we ate them raw, or we cooked small cuts when we had time, but I never was in charge of that, and I don’t remember at all. -Doesn’t matter, I believe it was quite simple and rustic anyway. Come, I’ll help you.” Lily headed to the kitchen, followed by Seliese. She looked around a bit, trying to see what was available. “I see you have a huge oven there, that’s good. -Yes, I often bake several cakes or snacks at the same time, so an oven this big is quite useful. -It’s perfect, large enough for me to fit in! I’ll need to see if you have any oil, and have a look at your vegetables, too.” The wolf showed her everything she had, and Lily inspected the ingredients. She smiled, took a bottle in her hand and put it on the side. “That one will do. Last but not least, show me your biggest platter. Oh, and some string while we’re at it.” The wolf took a large silver platter out of a drawer and placed it on the table. She then went to gather string while the bunny inspected the platter. Once she got back in the kitchen, she found Lily on all four on the platter, her shoes taken off and put aside. The rabbit then got off the platter and smiled at Seliese. “Everything’s perfect, you even got the string! It will be very nice. -So, how are we going to proceed? -You’ll have to get some wood to start heating up the oven first. Then, you’ll just have to prepare me like you would do with any piece of meat. I’ll help you with that part, don’t worry. As for the rest, I’ll tell you when we get there. -Got it.” The wolf went outside to grab wood. Once again back to the kitchen, this time to see Lily completely naked. Her shoes and dress were on a drawer on the side of the kitchen, and she had the bottle of oil in her hands. “The first step will be oiling me completely, but that means touching my body. I’m totally fine with you doing that, but if you prefer, I can do it myself. -Is it better if I do it? -It doesn’t really change anything, but I do prefer it this way, so that we can both enjoy it. -I’ll do it, then. Just let me turn the fire on.” She put the wood under the oven, lit the fire and waited a moment to see if it was going well. The wolf then turned to the bunny, took the bottle and started oiling her. Following Lily’s guidelines, she started with her face and slowly went down. She had been feeling uneasy at first, but not being alone for that task, and talking with Lily while oiling her, made her feel more at ease. By the time the wolf was arriving at the bunny’s breasts, she was oiling her confidently. The breasts, not really big but not too small either, were light, as one might expect from a bunny that was probably quite light herself. Seliese pressed them to make sure they would be properly oiled, which made Lily smile and moan a bit. Then followed the belly and the back, taking more time than the upper body. After she was done there, Seliese stopped and looked at Lily’s eyes. “Do I also have to… go down there? -You can, it’s fine. But if you don’t feel like doing it, I can, it’s no problem.” The wolf thought about it. She wasn’t sure she should be doing it, but Lily had been so confident, so cheerful, and she offered herself so eagerly that Seliese felt she needed to muster her courage and go forward, both for her guest and for herself. She oiled the inner thighs of the bunny, then moved on to her pussy. Lily moaned again, but told Seliese to keep going, even to go inside, and so did the wolf. Next step was the ass, and that was easier now that the pussy was done. Seliese took her time, grabbing Lily’s ass in the process, to feel her tenderness and her forms. Then, the thighs, as tender and plump as the ass, and the rest of the legs. The wolf was starting to notice Lily’s figure, and told herself her lower body was indeed looking quite good. The girl sat on the platter and lifted her legs for Seliese to oil the very bottom of her body, including her feet. “That’s very good! Now, is there a recipe you have in mind? -Not really, I’m afraid. -So I’ll guide you. First, take the string and tie my limbs like I tell you.” Lily got on all four again, her elbows touching her knees. Seliese tied her wrists together, then her ankles, then her elbows and knees. “That’s good! Now, I have an idea. What about a stuffed rabbit for dinner, how does that sound? -Really good, but that means I have to stuff you, right? -Of course, but it’s good for everyone. Good for you because you get an even tastier peace of meat, and good for me because I like being stuffed! -Oh, I get it. Well, stuffed rabbit it is, then.” The wolf selected vegetables she wanted and thought would go well with the bunny, and started inserting her in Lily’s pussy. The bunny squirmed a bit, pleased by the stuffing. Once Seliese told her she was done stuffing her, she asked if there was a carrot, to close the hole and get a better look. Once the carrot was in place, deep enough that it wouldn’t move even if someone wanted it to, Seliese started stuffing Lily’s ass the same way, because she wanted a lot of vegetables. A second carrot, and the stuffing was done. “Very good! I’m not properly oiled, tied up and stuffed like I should to be the most delicious roasted bunny! How did you like it? -It was better than I expected, Seliese admitted. It helps that you were the one offering yourself to me, and leading me the right way. -I’m sure it made you at ease enough to enjoy it to the fullest. -It is most certainly the case. And I do have to say, you look quite appetising now. -Thanks, that’s a compliment I like to hear! Now, I’m ready for the oven, but don’t forget to check on me regularly so I don’t dry out. You can prepare other vegetables as side dishes, too, my meat goes well with it. -I’m glad to hear that. But I’m thinking about something, I might not be able to eat all of you in one go, since I’m not a glutton, quite the opposite. -It’s totally fine! If you have a cold place to keep your aliments and meals safe, put what’s left of me in there, and you can finish me tomorrow, or the day after if you prefer. Magic will help preserve my meat, so it won’t lose much taste or go to waste, and I don’t mind coming back a few days later. To be even more sure of that, put a thin cloth on my remains before putting me in a cold place, that’ll be better. -Oh, that’s very convenient, isn’t it. -Magic can be very convenient, the bunny smiled. -So, I guess that’s it, then. Next is the oven? -One last thing, that’s not exactly needed but it’s better for the aesthetics, and for me. If you have an apple, preferably a red one for me, since it’s the season, could you put it in my mouth? -Sure. I’ve got some right here.” Seliese took one bright red apple and put it in Lily’s open mouth. The bunny, stuffed, tied up and gagged, smiled at the wolf, and she smiled back. She checked the oven, looked at her soon-to-be meal, then lifted the platter and placed it inside the oven. Being a traditional oven with a simple stone structure, fire burning underneath, it was open enough to see the whole meal cooking inside and grab it, but not enough that the meal would take ages to cook. Seliese was very happy with how the day turned out, took her time to enjoy looking at Lily’s stuffed butt roasting, then went out of the kitchen. She was very careful about not letting her meat burn or dry out, and prepared side dishes when it was the right time. In the oven, Lily was having a very good time. The wolf woman she met was a very nice and interesting person, and she would be sure to come here again. It had been a pleasure helping her pick vegetables, talk with her about all sorts of things while sharing tea and biscuits, and offering herself to be the wolf’s meal for that day. It had been quite a while since she was last roasted, and she was happy to be cooked again. Despite her lack of experience, Seliese prepared her quite well, even if it was just following her own guidelines. The blonde was convinced she would be a delicious stuffed bunny for her host to enjoy, as much as she enjoyed it herself. Some time after, Seliese took her meal out of the oven and placed it on her table. The hot, smoking roasted bunny was smelling very delicious, and she couldn’t wait to taste her. She took her time admiring her, as she was the very first person she saw prepared and cooked, and that new thing was very interesting for her. But the hunger quickly put an end to that, and she sat down. Taking her fork in one hand, her knife on the other, she wondered how best to begin her meal. She settled on the back, the most appetising part, and sliced a part of Lily’s butt. The meat, tender with a nice brown colour, was mouth-watering. Seliese thanked Lily for becoming her meal, even though the rabbit couldn’t hear her, and she tasted the meat. She smiled widely when the delicious meal entered her mouth. It was so good she couldn’t stop herself, alternating between some bites of rabbit meat, a few bites of vegetables and a bit of water sometimes. She ended up eating Lily’s rump, most of her legs and a bit of her belly. Satisfied, she grabbed a white cloth she found somewhere in her house and put it all over the remains of her meal, which she then took to her basement. It wasn’t usual for a house in a forest to have a basement, but it was pretty useful for an umber of things. In particular, keeping things fresh. She found a place for the covered platter, put it there and looked at it. It was a bit hard to know what was underneath just from the looks, but Seliese was looking forward to her next meal. Lily woke up on Seliese’s kitchen. The light indicated that it was still daytime, but she couldn’t know how many days had passed. She got up, stretched and looked around. Everything had been cleaned and put back in it’s place. On a corner, the bunny saw her dress and shoes. She got off the table, grabbed them and dressed quickly. Checking the other rooms, she found Seliese sewing where they took tea together. “Hey! -Oh, hello! How are you? asked the wolf. -I’m totally fine, thanks. What about you? -I’m fine as well. I have to thank you, because you were absolutely delicious! -I’m glad to hear that. It felt really good for me, too. -I had no idea that kind of meat was that great. -Yeah, once you’ve tried it you’ll want to eat it all the time. Did you have a hard time finishing my meat? -A bit, she admitted. I’m not a big eater, and I ate quite a lot at first, so I had to put you away. It took me three days to completely eat you. -I see. Well, you did it, so everything’s fine. -And I’m glad to see you’re well. You didn’t tell me what to do after I was done eating you, so I figured I should just let what was left of you somewhere, and it’d work out eventually. -Yes, my bad. Kinda forgot that, but you did what you had to.” Lily then asked the wolf more details about her meals, how much she liked it, what she would want to cook with it, and other similar things. Seliese then took her to the door and opened it. “Again, thanks for everything, I’m very pleased to have met you. -Pleasure is mine. Mind if I drop by again? -Not at all, your company will be very appreciated! -And my meat, of course. -Of course. -Well then, see you next time!” She waved her hand to the wolf, who waved back, and went away. That meeting had been a very good one for both of them, and they were looking forward to seeing each other again. It would surely be the beginning of a nice friendly relationship between two peculiar individuals, in a remote part of a wild forest somewhere in the huge world. |
The bell rang, indicating the end of classes for today. Everyone finishes writing, then packs their bag quickly to leave the classroom. I do the same, but at a slower pace, I’m not in a hurry. Most of the other students are already out, when a girl comes at my table. “Before you go, come see me, behind the trees in the yard.” I smile and shake my head to tell her I’ll come, then she leaves the classroom. By the time I’m done packing my bag, there’s only me left in the room. I walk out of the room, closing the door, going towards the stairs. Even in the main hall, there’s no one left. I go outside, to the rendezvous point. The setting sun, behind the trees, makes for a very enjoyable view. In a relatively isolated part of the yard, there’s the girl from earlier, Rebecca. “I’m here. You wanted to talk to me about something?” She looks a bit uneasy, looking around. She breathes, then finally talks. “Yeah, there’s something I want to ask you. -I’m listening.” She hesitates again and looks at me. People often look at my body. I’m quite tall, more than most other students, and I have long blond hair that many people are interested in. My face is sweet, a bit round, and my blue eyes are pretty, but what others look at, generally, is the rest of my body. I am a quite huge girl: my breasts, in particular, are really big, especially compared to other students. I also have long legs, but they aren’t really thin. Like my butt, they are rather chubby. All that gives me a peculiar silhouette that many people look at. But since I have a somewhat eccentric personality, doing things on my own, my way, not many want to hang out around me. I guess that’s why Rebecca is hesitating. “Did you hear what people say about you? she finally asks. -Quite a number of things, yes. -Nicknames? -Some of them.” She bites her lip and looks away. With her average size, braided brown hair, white top and black skirt, she easily goes unnoticed among other, more remarkable students. Despite that, she makes lots of efforts, for the class as well. She’s a good girl, so I smile at her. “Don’t be afraid, you can speak your mind. I promise I won’t get angry. -Really? -Promise. -Ok, she answers sighing. You see the small friends group I’m often with? -Yes, I don’t know all of them, but I see who you’re talking about. -Well, we were talking the other day, and at some point, we told ourselves that there were some things we should do before graduating and entering university. The discussion was heated, and.. I dropped something. -Is it about me? -Yeah, I told them… that to celebrate, I’d serve them the fat blond cow they are always ogling.” She’s still uneasy, and I understand why. Here, many students are quite mocking, playful, a little like some delinquents. Because of my body and my peculiar personality, some of them gave me nicknames not really flattering. Rebecca’s friends group is more prankster than harm, but they aren’t really exemplary students. It doesn’t surprise me they call me this way, but it seems like it bothers Rebecca. I like her, even though we don’t talk too much, and I know she has troubles with others, so I want to help her. I smile again. “I understand. When you say serve, I suppose it is for a meal? -Yeah, they said they have always thought a cow like you would be delicious. -So you told yourself it would be a good opportunity, that it would please them and that you could impress them. -Exactly.” She had always felt a bit out of place, trying to get into others’ groups. If they want to eat me, it’s normal that she decided to take care of it. If she succeeds, she should get closer to them. I don’t know why she wants to do that, since the group isn’t really anything like her, but I want to help her even more. “It’s ok, I agree. -Really? she asks, surprised. -Yes, no problem. You can serve me to your friends. -Are you sure? -Yes, if that helps you, I’d gladly do it. -But you know what it means?” She’s really worried, despite wanting to please her friends. She really isn’t a bad person, and that convinces me to help her. “Yes, I know what it means. I’ll be naked, you’ll cook me, roast me, and when I’ll be roasted you’ll serve me to your friends, who will see me cooked and will eat my meat. -And even knowing that, you’re ok with it? -Yes, even knowing that. -Why? You have no reason to agree. -I told you, I want to help you. So don’t worry, rejoice that I accepted, and think about how you want to prepare me.” Rebecca looks a bit lost. I guess she didn’t expect me to accept, much less that easily. She thinks a bit, then closes her eyes and breathes. When she opens her eyes, she smiles. “I really didn’t think you’d be ok, especially that quickly. But understood, I want to focus on that meal. -That’s a good idea. Do you already know what you want to do? -I think, but I need to check some details. I’d also want you to give me some informations about you. -No problem. Tell me what you want to know, and I’ll give you these informations as fast as possible. -We’ll see that through phone, I need to get going. -Got it. Did you already choose the day? -Yes, it’ll be Saturday, but I’d like you to come to my house on Friday’s evening, to begin the preparation. -Fine by me. We’ll see the details through phone, then. Good evening and see you tomorrow.” I shake my head to say bye, she smiles back, and I leave the school to go home. Once I’m back in my apartment, I put my bag on the sofa and go directly to the shower. Rebecca’s request was a bit surprising, but thinking back I find it logical. After all, it’s a common thing to cook people, even if it’s rarer in high school. With a body like mine, it was only a matter of time before someone asked me to get on their plate. I step out of the shower and look at my phone. As planned, Rebecca told me which informations she wants to know. She wants me to tell her my height, my weight, the size of my chest, my thighs, my butt. It makes me smile. I check everything before sending all the informations she’s asking for. A quick thinking, then I go to my room, place myself the back in front of the mirror, and I take a picture so that she can see my whole body, front and back, while I’m still naked. I send it to her, hoping she will like it. I lie on my bed, watching some videos before sleep. Rebecca saw my messages, but didn’t answer, so I guess she’ll talk to me about it tomorrow. The next day goes just like the others. Rebecca is with her friends, so I won’t bother her. Like yesterday, she comes to give me rendezvous behind the trees after the last class. Like yesterday, once my bag is packed, I go downstairs, outside to meet her. “Hello, Rebecca. I hope my informations were useful to you. -Yes, thanks for sending them, it’s very kind of you. -Do you need something else? I ask because she hesitates. -Well, maybe, yes. -Related to the picture? -Also. -Did you like it? -Yes, thanks. -Glad you did. What do you need? -In fact… I tried using what you sent me, but I’m bad at imagining what it would be like. And your picture made me want to go a little bit farther, so… -You’d like me to come to your house? -That’s it. -Sure!” I smile, and she smiles back. She comes closer to me, and lift her head a bit to look at me in the eyes. “You really surprise me, but in a good way. -It makes me happy. Do you want me to come over today? -If possible, yes, since there are only two days left before Saturday. I live close to your home, I think, so you won’t have to worry about that. -No problem for me. Let’s get going, then.” She nods, and we leave the school to head towards her home. We quickly arrive at the little house she shares with her older sister. “We’ll be alone, my sister is working from 6Pm to 4AM.” We get inside, put our belongings in the living room, then Rebecca leads me to the kitchen. “Can you… undress, please? -Of course.” I take my clothes out, my top, my skirt, my shoes. I notice Rebecca looking at me, so I smile at her, before taking off my thigh highs, then my panties and my bra. Now, I’m standing before her, completely naked. She’s a little bit intimidated, which makes me laugh. “So? Do you like what you see? -Yeah, yeah, really it’s...very good. -It’s better than a picture, isn’t it? -Absolutely. -Wanna touch? Go on, don’t be afraid.” I take her hand in mine and put it on my breasts to help her feel confident. She hesitates, then take my breast in her hand and press it a bit. She caresses my chest, then goes down to my thigh, before going up on my butt. “Am I as fat as you thought? -Roughly, but it looks better than what I expected. -All the better. So what do we do now? -Can you hop on the table and lie in this plate?” She points her finger at the huge glass plate on the table. I do what she asks me, and I end up lying entirely in the plate, arms close to my body. There is enough space for me to have them close to my head, but no need. Rebecca looks at the result, then picks up a marker and draw a line on the plate. Then, she asks me to get off the plate. “I know that you sent me your infos, and I trust you, but do you mind if I measure you myself? -Not at all, do what you want.” She goes in the living room to grab a scale and a measuring tape. She puts the scale on the floor, and I get on it. It indicates 72kg, like what I measured yesterday. Then Rebecca checks my height: 175cm, also identical to my measurement. Then she moves on to my breasts, my thighs and my butt, all round and plump. She looks satisfied. “Well, everything’s perfect. Your body really is awesome, with perfect shape for a meal. -Glad to hear. -And my plate is just big enough for you, so all is fine. -I’ll be able to enter the oven? -Yes, it is large enough for the plate to be put inside. -Nice. Everything’s ready, then. -Yeah, now we just have to wait until Friday.” I put my clothes back on, say bye to Rebecca and go back home. I take a shower, trying to imagine what awaits me with pleasure. The more I think about it, the more I want it to happen. Before going to sleep, I lie on my bed, take a picture trying to focus on my butt and send it to Rebecca. The next two days quickly and quietly go by. Rebecca smiles at me to say hi, but I don’t disturb her. Friday, last class, I pack my back, shoulder it along the one in which I put some spare clothes, and I go outside to find Rebecca waiting at the school’s gate. We talk cheerfully on the way. Once we’re there, we let our belongings in the living room, and head to her own room. She tells me we’ll begin the preparation later, so for now she wants to talk more with me. She offers to play a game at the same time, and I accept. “Make yourself at home. -At home, I’m usually naked. -No problem. You’ll be naked later anyway, so you can undress now.” I thank her and take my clothes off. She looks at my body again, smiling, then we sit on her bed to play and talk. Later in the evening, Rebecca gets up. “It’s time to move on to the preparation. -I’m following you.” We head to the kitchen. The oven is on, and the plate is on the table. Rebecca points her finger at it, so I lie in it like a few days ago. This time, I put my hands under my head, to rest. I turn my head towards Rebecca, who’s holding an enormous pan. She comes close to the plate and start pouring the content on me. This mixture smells really great. “Here you go, says Rebecca once she’s done pouring the content of the pan. I spent yesterday’s evening preparing this marinade, and I’ll let you marinate all night. I’d like you to move a bit, too, to make sure you marinate properly. -No problem. I move while sleeping anyway, so I’ll get on my back several times. -Nice. So you’ll spend the night in the oven, but not for cooking, just for the heat and the marinade. -Don’t worry, prepare me the way you want too. -Thanks again, you really help me there. -It’s a pleasure. -Well, let’s put you in the oven, I want to go sleep.” She opens the oven’s door, drags the plate, succeed in lifting it enough to push it inside. She wishes me a good night before closing the door, and rapidly goes out of the kitchen, turning the lights off, leaving me alone in the oven. It’s hot, but not too much, just enough for the marinade. The smell is really great, it helps me relax. I feel the marinade covering my body, but not entirely. My butt is a little bit above. I turn on my back, to make sure I marinate well, but then my breasts also are out of the marinade. It doesn’t matter, since when I’m turning on either my back or my belly, all of my body gets covered. The plate is really comfortable, so I quickly fall asleep. When I wake up, it’s daytime, the sunlight bathing the kitchen. I feel well marinated, like I should, but I still turn on myself some more times. I wait for Rebecca to come and open the oven, comfortably installed in my plate. A little while later, the girl arrives and takes me out of the oven to put me on the table. “Hello, Lily. Slept well? -Very, yes. It was very enjoyable, and I marinated well. -Nice. We can move directly to the preparation for later today. Can you get out of the plate and lie on this platter, so that I can take the marinade out?” I obey, lying on a huge silver plater. Rebecca empties the plate, puts it back on the table and asks me to get back in. She places my arms along my body, then starts to truss me. “I’ll tie you up to make sure I get all of your fat’s flavour out.” She’s right, I have a lot to use when it comes to fat. She ties my ankles together, my thighs, my belly and my arms, in several places. Once I’m properly trussed, I feel her seasoning me. Salt, herbs, some onions, a different sauce than her marinade. “Does it… does it bother you if I put carrots in your holes? -Not at all, do as you wish.” She slaps my butt in thanks, before spreading my thighs a little, as much as she can, and shoving a first carrot in my vagina. Then, she does the same with my butt, using another carrot. I’m used to inserting toys in my vagina, but not in my butt, so it’s a bit surprising, but not unpleasant. “Ok, everything’s good. Now just have to put you back in the oven to bake you. -Great, I can’t wait. I hope I’ll be delicious. -I’m sure you will. Again, thanks for accepting, it’s very kind of you. -Once again, it’s a pleasure for me. I like you, so I’m pleased to help. -Even knowing I called you a fat blond cow with the others? -Yes, I know it’s mostly their influence. I never understood why you were their friend, since they really don’t look like they are a good match for you, but it doesn’t bother me. And well, I don’t mind you calling me a fat cow. I’d even say it’s amusing. -Really? -Yes. With what happened these last few days, it got me thinking, and I take it rather on the good side. -I see. It’s a good thing, then. -Yes, don’t worry. -Ok, now time for cooking. One last thing? -Could you take some pictures? I want to see what I look like. -Of course!” She grabs her phone and takes several pictures. Once she’s done, she takes a look, satisfied, then come closer to me. “Bon appétit, enjoy!” She smiles, slaps my butt, then opens my mouth to put an apple in it. She opens the oven’s door, drags the plate inside and closes the door. The heat is stronger than yesterday, since it’s meant to cook me, but it doesn’t bother me. What I told her is true: I’m pleased to help her, and I really enjoy everything she did to me, inviting me to her home, playing with me, the marinade, the preparation, even the cooking. I wouldn’t have thought it would be so enjoyable for me. And the fact that she calls me “fat cow”, strangely, is funny and pleases me too. Because of that, I can’t wait for her to serve me to her friends, to know what they think of me. After a while, Rebecca opens the door, drags the plate outside and sprinkle me a lot. I shouldn’t get dry, and feeling the air on my hot skin makes me shiver. When she closes the oven, I relax. I’ll try to enjoy the situation and let go. --------------------------------- I wake up inside Rebecca’s kitchen, on the silver plate. It’s night, and the lights are turned off. I get up, on my legs, and go in the living room. There, I find Rebecca, watching TV. “Ah, Lily. -Good evening. How was the meal? -Awesome. You should’ve seen their faces, they were astonished. They didn’t think I’d manage to convince you to let me cook you. -Happy you succeeded. -It’s thanks to you, you were absolutely delicious. The best meat I’ve ever eaten. -You’re flattering me. Can I take a look at the pictures? -Yeah, come here.” I sit beside her, and she shows me the pictures. She also took some after I was done cooking, to compare. It’s true that the way I was prepared, I look very appetising. Once cooked, I really look like a good fat cow. We talk about these pictures for a while, before I tell Rebecca what I decided. “If you want, you can cook me again, with pleasure. I’d be more than happy to be your fat blond cow. -Really? You’d do that? -Absolutely. It was really good, I enjoyed it a lot, and I want to be your friend, so if you want me, I gladly offer myself to you, be it for cooking or something else. -It’s… really, I appreciate it a lot. Thanks.” We smile, and I take her in my arms. She offers me to spend the night at her place, which I accept. We go to her room, she puts on her pyjama, and we slide in her bed. I take up a lot of space, but we manage to fit in. She thanks me again, before coming closer to me and putting her hands on my butt. She rapidly falls asleep, so I close my eyes to try and do the same. I can’t wait to see what she’ll do with me. |
[Check the tags before reading. Nothing harsh there, but just in case.] The New Meat Festival Ohendam was very lively since a few weeks. It had been several months since Cecilia Hetheram began working towards her goal of making human meat available to everyone and founded the Smoking Girl, a restaurant that quickly became one of the most renowned in town. It had built a name for itself, associated with quality, originality, affordability and a really nice atmosphere. Cecilia was really good at her job, running the restaurant, expanding her business and network, while involving herself with the city’s affairs. Inspired by her mother Helena, she had decided to create something celebrating her own “field of expertise”, but she felt like opening a gallery or something of the sort wouldn’t be fitting. Instead, with her associates, she decided to settle for a great festival across the city. It would be an opportunity to gather people for a joyful event, as well as cementing the cooking of people as a solid tradition-to-be. The day the event was to take place was very close, making most people in Ohendam excited and busy. Cecilia herself was among the most active, having to oversee a lot of things at once. “I’m so tired! I just want to be at the beginning of the festival already. -It’ll come soon, hang in there, Alsëe told her to cheer her on. -The hardest part is one, Mylin added. -I know, but it still is exhausting. -Think about the outcome, it is worth the effort. -It totally is. Well, I can stop here for today and get some rest.” The three girls went out of Cecilia’s office, going through the restaurant’s main hall. There, they found Zumia, finishing a little meal. “We’re going outside for a walk, want to join us?” The half-dragon was more at ease with people than she was two months ago when they arrived at the city, but she wasn’t at ease enough that she’d be fine being on her own. She quickly finished her meat and left the table to join the other three. The crowded streets prevented them from going too fast, especially since quite a lot of people came to them to talk, thank them or cheer them on. They managed to have an enjoyable walk, almost an hour long, before heading back to the Smoking Girl. There, an employee told them that two women they never saw before wanted to meet them, waiting for them in the office. Cecilia thanked the girl and the group headed to the room they used for work. There, they found the aforementioned girls: A bunny girl, whose long blond hair had silver linings and eyes were of different colours, and a wolf girl, with hair, eyes and tail pitch black. They stood up as soon as the group entered the room. “Hello! My name is Lily, and my friend is Seliese. Pleased to meet you! -I’m Cecilia Hetheram, pleasure is mine! My associates are Mylin, Alsëe and Zumia, the girl added, introducing the others. -I’m glad we could see you, we’ve been travelling from a faraway land for that. -Oh, I’m flattered. You must be tired, so let me offer you a meal. It’s a custom here that we discuss with our guests while sharing a good meal. -We wouldn’t want to trouble you, Seliese answered. -It is no problem, in fact we were already planning on having a meal ourselves. Please join us, I promise you won’t be disappointed. -Very well, we’ll share your meal then.” The other three shook hands with the newcomers, before they all headed towards the main hall, following Cecilia. She brought them to her own table, on the side, under some wall ornaments. They sat on the benches, three on each side. “There’s already a girl being prepared for us, so I hope you don’t mind that meat, Cecilia told the guests. -Not at all! In fact, that’s precisely why we came here. -Yes, we heard about you and your restaurant, and wanted to come and see it ourselves, Seliese added. -Then I reckon you will appreciate it, Mylin smiled. The cooks here are very skilled, especially the head chef. -I can’t wait to try their cooking! -You wanted to see us personally, is that right? -Yes, we came here to discuss the opportunity of collaborating. -We’re always open to business opportunities. How are you thinking about collaborating with us?” Lily and Seliese looked at each other and smiled. Cecilia was enthusiastic, since she loved expanding her activities, but remained calm and professional. Mylin was, as usual, smiling lightly, making it impossible to decipher her emotions and thoughts. Alsëe was curious, but didn’t say a word. Zumia was looking at the two animal girls, seemingly lost in thoughts. “We are experienced in cooking girls ourselves, Lily said. We have been doing that for a while now. Well, it’s mostly Seliese that prepared them, but I am as knowledgeable as her. In addition, we are interested in helping your activity develop and reach as large a public as possible. In short, we’d like to help with your business’ growth. But it’s not all we can offer. I am pretty much what you would call a prey myself, and Seliese trained her cooking skills a lot on me. She always tell me about how delicious my meat is, and she isn’t the only one that has said that. Because of all that, I offer myself to be put on the menu. I believe it will add variety to what you can serve to people, and that shouldn’t be a bad thing. Here’s our offer.” The associates listened carefully, each thinking about what they just heard. Zumia was more interested by the possibility of eating the bunny, since she didn’t bother with the paperwork in the first place. Alsëe was curious about both the wolf’s cooking and the bunny’s taste, so she would gladly welcome them. Mylin, still smiling, was trying to guess whether the two girls would be an asset or a hindrance, but she didn’t feel anything bad coming from them. Cecilia, considering every thing she could think of, decided that the wolf could undergo a trial period, and adding bunny meat to their menu could help get even more customers interested. She smiled cheerfully. “Alright, I accept your offer, if you accept to be tested during a trial period. -Of course, that is perfectly fine. -Then it’s settled! We’ll do the papers after the meal. -I’ve got a very nice idea! Alsëe shouted. What about having them participate in the festival? -A festival? -Yes, we’re organising a new festival to help boost our popularity and get more people to eat our meat. We’re going on the menu ourselves, so it would be nice if you joined us! -Oh, I’d be delighted to participate! -No, thanks, I will stay on the cook’s side, Seliese answered. -That’s fine, no need to push yourselves, Mylin told them. -So we have a bunny to add to the feast, that’s great! And while we’re at it, what about you, Zumia?” The half-dragon jumped a bit, surprised. She had been listening with one ear, but hearing her name pulled her back to reality, especially being asked something like that. “Er… I didn’t plan on participating… -But why wouldn’t you? It would be amazing, and people would surely love getting to eat a half-dragon. -Well… maybe, but… -Don’t you want to try it? It could be more pleasant than you’d think, Cecilia added. -Mh… it might, maybe… -And it would help you overcome your timidity.” Mylin was smiling, but that smile was warm. Zumia felt a bit embarrassed, but if Mylin was convinced it would be helpful, she believed her. “Well, I guess I can participate, then… -Wonderful. I’m sure you’ll love it, the tall girl told her while hugging her. -But… I’ll have to tell you how to take my scales off, because they aren’t edible. -Don’t worry, we’ll see the details later. For now, why don’t we enjoy our meal?” She pointed her finger towards said meal that was being brought to them by two employees. Lily and Seliese smiled hungrily at the sight of a pretty black-haired smoking girl, prepared in a very classy and expensive way. All the girls around the table enjoyed that delicious dinner, discussing various things, appreciating the delicious meat they had before them. After they were done eating, Cecilia brought Lily and Seliese to a guest room, where they could spend the night. Everyone went back to their room, the mind busy and happy with all the things that were happening. After roughly a week, the day of the festival finally came. The whole city was coated in a joyous atmosphere, everyone waiting for the event to truly begin. Cecilia herself had troubles containing her enthusiasm, running from one place to another for last-moment checks. Once she had made sure everything war ready to work, she met with her associates. The girls were waiting for her in a closed yard, with many other women of all ages. “Everything ready? Alsëe asked. -Yes, we can now begin the festival! Everyone, it’s time to start!” Cecilia shouted to make sure all the girls would hear her. She then undressed, and they all did as well. Soon, none of the girls had any piece on clothing covering her body, much to the embarrassment of Zumia. Her friends joked a bit to help her feel more at ease, but it wasn’t easy. That was the first time someone other than Mylin was seeing her naked, with her scales around her hips and privates, and it would take some time for her to get used to it. Cecilia then walked towards the gate of the yard, leading all the girls outside. The first part of the event was a long walk across the streets, to show everyone the girls that were at the core of the festival, so that they could be admired and celebrated. It was nothing shameful, for the girls were either already employees of the restaurant, and thus used to being seen naked, or volunteers, not feeling ashamed or embarrassed. The crowds were kept on the sides of the streets , allowing the girls to walk without problems. They were all waving and smiling at the people acclaiming them, except Zumia, who was trying her best not to hide herself among the others. There were roughly a hundred girls, volunteers and employees, walking up the streets towards the main place of the city. Once they arrived there, a huge team composed of the restaurant’s usual kitchen team, under Myriam’s orders, Seliese and several other cooks, mostly women but with some men among them. The skilled cooks were paired with non-experienced ones, to ensure there wouldn’t be any mistakes. Cecilia, Mylin and Alsëe guided the girls towards the cooking teams, until only the young lady and her associates remained. “Everyone, thanks for coming today! I’m really, really happy we got so far with our new activity, happy that everyone involved find it enjoyable, happy that we managed to make it grow into that big an event. As a way to celebrate that growth, and to thank you for everything, we’re joyfully offering ourselves to you, and with us, all these girls and women that wanted to try it out. So, hoping we will please your tastes, enjoy us!” The crowd answered with a loud applause. Cecilia then turned to Myriam to let the cooking begin. The woman, very proud of standing there that day, was smiling. She turned to the rest of the participants, to let them know it was time, then back to Cecilia. She put a piece of paper on the girl’s head, and after a moment the paper disappeared with a little smoke. It was a charm to ensure the girl’s head wouldn’t suffer from being cooked, and would remain identical as what it was when the charm was applied. Once that was done, Myriam oiled and seasoned Cecilia, calmly, while everyone else watched the process. Once the girl was ready, she laid herself on a table, and Myriam placed a spit right behind her butt. She slid it in, and it quickly came out of Cecilia’s mouth. The crowd’s applause resumed, and the cook, helped by another girl, tied Cecilia to the spit and placed it over the fire that had been prepared. Myriam then bowed to answer the applause, and the other cooking teams began preparing their assigned girls. The newcomers were to be either grilled or roasted in open ovens, and the employees of the Smoking Girl would get spit-roasted. Myriam was moving everywhere to provide assistance where needed. Mylin got skewered and tied up by two of the main cooking crew of the restaurant, her huge breasts drawing the closest people in the crowd’s attention. She had already been served quite a lot at the restaurant, and many people enjoyed her body and meat, so many of them had come this day to appreciate both the event and the rare opportunity of tasting a spit-roasted Mylin’s meat. Alsëe got skewered next to her, enjoying the event very much. She hadn’t been able to publish her book since coming to Ohendam, but she had a meeting planned in the following week, so she was feeling both stressed and anxious. The festival was a very nice distraction, and she deeply appreciated being one of its poster girls. It was also the first time she’d be spit-roasted, making her looking forward to that. Once the spit was in place over the fire, she was sure that was a cooking method she’d enjoy greatly. Seliese was taking care of Lily, showing she was experienced in both cooking girls and spit-roasting them. The joyful bunny gave the crowd a good look of her distinctive features before hopping on the table to receive the spit. A skewered bunny was a fine addition to the show, and it was obvious she herself was very pleased by the spit running through her body and the fire below. Last, but not least, the half-dragon had garnered a good part of the crowd’s attention. The overly enthusiastic atmosphere had helped her feel more at ease, and while she was still a bit uneasy, she smiled back at the people, before letting herself get skewered as well. The cooks had to tie her tail to her body to avoid letting it fall in the fire and burn. Almost no one in the city had seen a half-dragon before Zumia came in, and obviously none had seen a half-dragon being cooked, so it was quite the experience. Shorty, the main cast of the restaurant was displayed in front of the place, spits in place, slowly being rotated over the fires, while every other girl was receiving the final touch. The event then moved on to the next step: various stalls were opened for people to spend time and money at, waiting for the girls to be roasted to perfection. Each person involved was enjoying it: the roasted girls, especially, really loved that day. Even the newcomers had felt extremely well walking around naked, and there wasn’t a single one that thought “I don’t like being cooked, it’s painful”. Zumia, too, was pleased by the outcome. She hadn’t been cooked a lot before, only a handful of times, and only for Mylin, so she wasn’t sure at first how she’d feel, but walking with the others and being roasted with them made her much happier than if that had been done with her alone. In the end, it wasn’t a bad thing she participated. Several hours later, the girls had all been properly cooked, so it was time for the crowd to come and get a piece of meat. All the girls were displayed on huge silver platters, and the cooking teams were in charge of making sure the meat would be distributed equally. To avoid meat shortage, a number of the employees and the newcomers would be resurrected and roasted again through the rest of the day, but the most prized meats, Cecilia and the others, wouldn’t, because it would’ve required too many charms. As a result, only a handful of chosen people would get to taste their meat in this event, although they would still be on the restaurant’s menu afterwards. They were all presented in the same way, lying on their bellies, arms still tied in their back, facing the crowd. Their head had been cut off and put right on front of their bodies, eyes closed. The same had been done with the restaurant’s most known main courses, while the other girls were presented with their heads still attached and roasted. The addition of Lily, with her bunny features, and Zumia, whose scales had been taken off her roasted body following her indications, were a huge plus for the event, with many asking if they would be on the menu as well. After a while, when Cecilia and the others had no meat left on their bones, said bones were taken away by Myriam, and their heads were placed on poles with supports at the tip, so that everyone could see them from afar. The event went on until the night had fallen, with people slowly going back home. Once everything was finished, all the meat given to people, and nothing left to do but pack everything and head home, Myriam helped the cooks, then went to the restaurant, followed by a few of its cooking employees. There, they put the girl’s remains in the kitchen, careful as not to mix them up, then went back to the main hall. The last part of the event, as Cecilia put it, was to use their heads as ornaments, both for the looks, to keep the event “ongoing” for a little while, and to allow lesser known girls have their chance to end up on a platter. The heads were attached to specially made trophy plates, then hung up on the walls, not too close to each other. Once that was done, Myriam stood under Cecilia’s plate, smiling at her. The charm made it so that all the girls affected were still alive and conscious, albeit being only heads, so the young lady would hear the cook’s report. “Be proud, Milady, for your event was an absolute success. The crowd enjoyed every bit of it, and our teams were very good, too. It was a nice idea to get our crew to help the beginners. And from what I’ve seen, all the girls on the spits and grills were very pleased, too.” She paused, letting her employer appreciate the news. The girl couldn’t move her head or say something, so the staff had to make her smile, much like the other heads. After a moment, Myriam resumed her report, with nothing but positive news to share. When she was done, she said goodbye to Cecilia and her friends before leaving the restaurant. Cecilia was very happy with Myriam’s report. Her first big event, one she had poured her soul and mind into, was a success. She was still feeling a bit dizzy and confused from all the commotion during the day, but she knew for sure she would organise many more things. And she was confident her friends would participate, again, because they loved it without any doubt, and they would want to help her and enjoy themselves again. |
A delicious accident I love vacations, much more than classes. During vacations, I can relax, do what I want, and spend time with others, like my best friend Debby. We spent all the day together, walking around, shopping, talking about everything. A good day. Before parting ways, she leans towards me. “Say, Lily, there’s something I’d like to ask you. -Go on, I’m listening. -I was thinking you could come over to play a bit, if you know what I mean.” I smile. Of course I know what she means, it’s been a while I’m thinking about it. “I’d love to! -Super, that’s awesome. -Wanna do that tomorrow? -No, tomorrow I have things to do. The day after, in the afternoon, fine? -Ok for me. -Perfect. We’ll see each other in two days, then.” We kiss rapidly, then we say goodbye and go back to our homes. I soon arrive at my house, put my stuff in my room and look at the clock. It’s quite late, but we had a busy day. A shower will help me, so I head to the bathroom. Even if I only have a crop-top and shorts, I really want to take my clothes off, so I undress quickly. The mirror’s reflection amuses me. I’m not very tall, but my chest is decent, my ass and legs pretty, and that makes a good amount of people look at me. No surprise Debby is also interested. I untie my ponytail, to let my blond hair flow on my shoulders. The hot shower is really relaxing, so much so that I close my eyes to enjoy it a bit longer. Once out, I dry myself and let the towel on my shoulders. I grab my phone and take a picture, smiling wildly, for Debby. Tired, I quickly put my stuff in place, then go to the living room to watch TV. The evening passes by quietly, and I go to bed. That’ll be all for today. New day, I get up stretching. I’ll stay home, so no need to dress up. Breakfast, some chores, then I go outside to take care of the garden. There, I meet my neighbour, a young man a bit older than me, waving his hand at me. We are in good terms, and it doesn’t bother me that he sees me naked, or that he ogles me, so I have no problem talking like this. Quite the opposite, I love being naked, and if it makes him happy it’s all the better. Morning passes by quickly, since I woke up late, and he offers me to come eat lunch with him. This way, I won’t have to prepare anything myself, so I accept. I put my tools away, and I jump over the fence, ending up in his garden. He compliments my body, slaps my ass and tell me to sit and choose something to drink. I put my butt in a garden chair, and soon after he brings me some juice, before sitting next to me. We continue talking, he sometimes get up and check the roasting food, then when it’s ready we sit at the table. The meal goes as peacefully as the rest. Once we’re done eating, I thank him, he slaps my ass again, and I say goodbye while passing over the fence again. Now that I did what I had to do, I might get bored. Ah, right, tomorrow I’m going to Debby’s place to play with her. Weather’s nice, I’ll take some more pics, she’ll like it. Front, back, sides, top, bottom, all my body, I’m having lots of fun, and it makes for a lot of pictures. By the time I choose some and send them, the afternoon is already close to the end. I head back into my house, to my room, and still wonder what I’ll do. In fact, I can’t wait to be tomorrow, so it’s difficult keeping myself busy today. Then I realise: I can play alone, too, while waiting to be with Debby. I smile, then turn my computer on to go look at some pretty pictures, and some videos. I have no idea what Debby will want to do tomorrow, so I’ll just pleasure myself. I love looking at gorgeous women, and I have a huge collection of photos and pictures for that. I often imagine myself playing with them, of them playing with me. I spread my legs, I lie on my bed, I play with my hands, my boobs, my ass, some toys from time to time. I take some more pictures of myself for Debby, but I’m mostly busy making myself feel good. I’m so busy that evening comes without me noticing. I pleasure myself one last time, then get up to go shower. Next, meal, TV, and bed. I need some time to fall asleep, between the pleasure of today and the excitation for tomorrow, but I manage to. I wake up much earlier than usual, still excited. Debby told me in the afternoon, so I’ll have to wait. I take my breakfast, play a bit with myself, put some stuff in order. TV, meal, some videos. Two hours of waiting, I think it’s good. I rapidly put clothes on, a small top, short pants, shoes, and I’m ready. I go outside, close the door and head to Debby’s house. She lives nearby, so it doesn’t take me long before I arrive. I ring the bell, and the door opens. “Lily! Come in, I was waiting for you. -Thanks, I was waiting for that too! -I guess. I love your pictures, they are superb. -Thanks, I’m glad to hear that.” We talk a bit more, I help her finish what she was doing, then she takes me to the kitchen. “I thought about something that could be very fun and enjoyable, she tells me. -What is it? -First, take your clothes off, I’ll explain after.” She slaps my ass, and I smile. I don’t know what she has in mind, but I’m sure it’ll be interesting. I undress and put my clothes in a corner. Debby looks at me attentively. “The real thing’s always better. Ok, come here. I have to oil your body first. -Oil? What are you going to do, exactly?” She smiles, puts oil on her hands and start applying it on my body. Doing that, she tickles me, caresses my boobs, my thighs, my ass, making me laugh. That oil smells really good, but I don’t know what it is. Debby gets up and looks at me again. “I’m almost done. Now, sit on that plate.” I obey, sitting on the huge silver platter she has put on the table. She kneels down to oil my feet completely, then gets up again. “Here. Now that you’re properly oiled, I can tell you what I’m planning to do. -I’m listening. -You see what it is like, when you cook a girl? -Yeah, I’ve seen that already. -Well, I thought it would be fun to imitate it, without going to the oven obviously. -Oh, I see. It’s true that it could be funny, and being oiled wasn’t bad. -Wasn’t it? Then let’s move on to the next step. Kneel on the platter.” I kneel, and Debby makes me lean forward. She pinches my ass, complimenting it, then we began talking about other things. While talking, she takes my arms and places them between my thighs, to get my hands close to my feet. She ties them up tightly, then it’s my thighs she pushes close to my body and tie up, as tight as the rest. “You know, I won’t escape, I tell her while laughing. -I find it better, visually speaking. And I always wanted to tie you up. Can you still move? -A bit.” I shake my butt to show her. She thinks, then tie my thighs together with my back, very tightly. She adds several strings and looks at me. Because of the position she put me in, I’m almost completely lying on the platter, head towards her. “And now? -Much better. Even if I wanted to, I couldn’t do anything. -Perfect. We can move on.” We resume talking, while she peels various fruits and veggies. Once she’s done, she places some on the platter around me, and some on me. She adds herbs, onions, other condiments. “Aren’t you putting a bit more? -Don’t worry, we’ll reuse all that for tonight’s meal. No wasting! -Ah, it’s fine then.” Debby takes my hair in her hands, split it, place it on both of my sides and tie it to my body. She thinks again, then places herbs in my hair. “Here, done or almost! So, what do you say? -It was really nice! I’d never have thought I’d enjoy it so much. And I must admit that being tied up like this is awesome. -Glad you like it. Only one or two details left, and it’ll be the photo shoot. Open wide.” I smile and open my mouth. Debby places an apple inside, then puts my head on the platter. Then, she takes parsley to put in my ears, pushing it deep, so I can’t hear much things. I close my eyes for the pictures. Her offer was really surprising, but I’m happy I came. If that’s what the girls feel when they are cooked, it makes for a good last moment. The mix of oil, herbs, fruits and veggies, the fact that I’m naked in a kitchen, the air on my body, all of that is exciting and pleasing. Debby tied me up really well, and even if it hurts a bit because I’m not used to it, I love it. Had I known, I’d have let her tie me up more often. I hear her moving around me, I guess she’s taking a lot of pictures with various angles. She really wants to enjoy it, and I’m fine with that. Then her phone rings. She picks up, but I can’t understand what she says. Shortly after, she puts her mouth close to my ear and tell me, loud enough for me to hear despite the parsley: “Sorry, this call’s important, I need to answer. I come back as soon as possible, but if it’s too long I’ll ask my sister to come for you.” Without waiting for an answer, she leaves the room, letting me alone, tied and oiled up, on the platter in the kitchen. It was quite sudden, but in the end it isn’t bad. I can enjoy it a bit more. The silence is nice, and I relax. It makes for a nice change compared to my usual unrest. The excitation goes down, but not the pleasure. I can’t wait to see what I look like, it must be pretty. After a while in the silence, enjoying the preparation, I hear someone coming in. Debby or her sister? “Hey cutie. You look healthy.” It’s her sister, Mira. She moves around me, looking at Debby’s work. I follow her with my eyes when she’s in front of me, but I remain idle. It looks like she likes what she sees. She stops behind me and pinches my ass. “Debby has something that just came up, she has to go for a while, so she asked me to take care of you.” It happens, sometimes, Debby often has things to do. I don’t mind, especially since she always makes sure it wouldn’t bother me too much. This time, she asked for her sister’s help, and Mira stands before me, a large smile on her face. “I knew she wanted to prepare a girl, but I didn’t think she’d choose you. Well, I won’t complain, it’s a pretty nice choice. Let’s see…” She thinks for a bit, then grabs something. I feel her adding some more herbs on me, and something else. “She never puts salt on her meals, but it won’t hurt.” So it’s salt. Shortly after, I feel a liquid on my skin. It smells nice. “I know this sauce, it’s easy to make and we have what’s needed.” Sauce? She’s really going at it. I wonder if Debby wanted to add it after the photos, to take some more. But it doesn’t bother me, quite the opposite, it’s more immersive. Mira adds a few more things, then heads to the oven. I didn’t notice it was on, but I suppose that Debby wanted to prepare something while we were playing. “One last thing, you lack carrots.” Seconds later, she pushes something in my pussy, and I guess it’s one of the carrots she was talking about. She pushes it deep, making me moan. She then does the same, but with my ass. “Ok, everything looks fine. Now, for the final part: roasting.” She comes close to me and lifts the platter. Is it me she wants to put inside the oven? Did Debby forget to tell her? I try to wiggle and tell her she’s mistaken, but I can’t move, and the apple prevents me from talking. “Don’t worry, it’ll be alright. You’ll see, I’m sure you’ll love it.” I keep trying to make her understand, but she places me in the oven, still smiling. I shake my head from left to right, but it doesn’t change a thing. “It’ll be super. And don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll be delicious, Debby will be very pleased. Ok, if I don’t let you roast you’ll never be ready for dinner. Relax, enjoy, and see you later!” She closes the oven’s door, and through the small window and I see her leaving the kitchen. She really thinks Debby wanted to cook me for tonight! I try to move, but I can’t do anything, I’m tied up too well. Anyway, I could never open the oven’s door, and much less get out of the oven. I have to stay there, tied up, seasoned, roasting in the oven. I hope Debby will come back quickly to take me out of here. It’s probably several dozens of minutes that I’m in the oven, maybe a bit more, and Debby still hasn’t come back. Mira came once, to open the door and sprinkle me, but I didn’t have enough energy to move. She closed the door before I could react, and I’m still roasting. I wonder if Debby will come back, and if that’s the case, will I still be in good shape when she’ll take me out of the oven? I still think she didn’t want to eat me, and it’s a misunderstanding, but it doesn’t make a difference. At least, my situation is enjoyable. In addition to all my preparation, the roasting made me excited again, especially because I feel all the seasoning on me, the carrots in my holes, the strings keeping me tied up tightly, and my meat roasting slowly. Strangely enough, I like it a lot. And, in the worst case, Debby doesn’t come back, or not in time, I keep roasting, and she’ll eat me tonight. That idea pleases me, even if I didn’t plan on having my life end this way. I try to convince myself it’s not the best way to end things, but I don’t manage to do it. I relax and enjoy these new feelings as much as I can. ----------------------------------------- When Debby finally comes back home, she calls her sister. “Mira, are you here? -Yes, she answers from the living room. -Did you take care of Lily? -Yeah, don’t worry. I added few things, like sauce, and she’ll be ready in time for tonight. -Ready in time?” Debby heads to the kitchen, noticing the platter isn’t on the table anymore. She comes close to the oven, looks through the window and see that what’s roasting inside is nothing else but her friend. The girl, surprised, looks at the clock. She spent half an hour in her room, then went outside for two hours, so Lily’s been roasting in the oven for two and a half hours. At that point, it was too late to take her out. Debby leaves the kitchen and goes to her sister. “Mira! Why did you put her in the oven? -Well, that’s what you asked me, isn’t it? -No! I wanted you to untie her. -Ah? -Yeah, we were simply playing, not cooking her. -With all that seasoning? -It was for the pictures. -The sauce, the oven? -I was waiting to prepare dinner later, while we were playing. -So she wasn’t the meal? -Not at all.” Mia is confused. She really thought Debby wanted to roast Lily for dinner, and that it was the reason the kitchen was ready. She didn’t think the two girls would just be playing. Debby is really pissed off, but it’s too late. “I’m really sorry, dear, I was sure you decided to ear her. -If that was the case, I’d have told you. -Sorry. I made a mistake, and I’m ashamed, but I’m afraid we can’t do much about it. -I know. It’s been two and a half hour she’s roasting, it’s too late for her. -The best, now, is to enjoy her as much as you can, don’t you think so? I think she wouldn’t want you to stay angry, and I believe she knew very well you didn’t manipulate her, that I made a mistake. -I think so too, but… it pisses me off. -I imagine. If you want, you can go and calm down in your room, and I’ll take care of the rest. I’ll call you when she’s ready, ok? -I don’t have anything else to do anyway. -You have her pictures, that’s that at least.” Debby sighs, but accepts. Yes, she has Lily’s pictures, lots of them, and videos, but it isn’t the same thing. Anyway, Lily would become a roast she knew would be delicious, and she couldn’t do anything about it. As Mira said, the best course of action was to calm down and enjoy the meal. The girl climbs the stairs, heads to her room, takes her clothes off and looks at the pictures she has taken. In a way, she can play with Lily, so she wants to enjoy it. ----------------------------------------- After two more hours of roasting, Mira takes the roast out of the oven. She adds sauce, some herbs to replace the ones that dried out, then takes the plate to the main table in the living room. She calls Debby, who arrives after a few minutes. The girl is naked, a bit tired. “You don’t want to get dressed? -No, I want to stay naked, if that’s fine with you. -No problem. Come see the result of your work.” Debby sighs, but follows her sister. When she arrives in the living room, she discovers her friend, perfectly roasted, still smoking. “I must admit, she looks delicious. -See? I’m sure you’ll love her. -I loved her before, no reason for it to change.” Seeing that unplanned but appetising roast makes her smile. She grabs her phone and takes more pictures, to make sure she’ll remember it. Once she’s done, she sits at the table, while her sister comes back with a big meat knife. “Which morsel? -Ass, please. I wanted to it eat, so I’ll do.” Mira smiles and cuts the strings that were tying the meat. She then carves a good chunk of Lily’s rump, to serve to her sister. Herself takes a morsel of thigh, then sits to taste it. “She’s absolutely delicious! -That’s true, I didn’t think she’d taste so great. But I’m still a bit sad not being able to play with her anymore. -It’s no use sticking to bad thought. It’s done, so might as well make the best out of it. -You’re right, and I don’t want to waste this superb meat. -Here, give me your plate.” Mira gets up, carves Lily’s filet and serves it to her sister. The girl smiles, takes a picture of her plate, then resume eating. That accident, that unplanned roast, that delicious meat, the day had been surprising, but ends on a very good note. Debby decides to do it again, to prepare other girls, while remembering her delicious best friend. |
To sell one’s meat Shana was enjoying the good weather, talking a walk after a Sunday spent studying for the upcoming test. She liked walking in the small streets of her village, close to a town’s size without becoming one. This spring was very nice, so the girl was taking on every opportunity she had to go outside. That day, she was walking down the shopping street, looking at every shop there. Clothes, accessories, books, various objects, the possibilities were numerous. Shana had a little amount of pocket money with her, and she wanted to spend it, she just had to find what on. After a moment looking at the facades, she stopped. The shop she had before her eyes had always intrigued her, but she never dared to enter. She didn’t know what people would think of her if they saw her, especially her big sister that lived with her. She looked around, but there was no one. Maybe it was the time to try? Anyway, it would only be entering a shop to buy something. She breathed, looked around again and entered. “Hello young miss, welcome to The Good Thigh!” The boss, a man in his forties, was smiling at her. She said hello too and came close to the desk. “Is it your first time here? -Yes. -Then I’ll let you look at what we offer, take your time.” Shana thanked him and let her eyes wander on the products. There was no one else in the shop, and it wasn’t late, so she could spend some time there. “If you have questions, don’t hesitate!” The boss, still smiling, was trying to help her feel at ease. His wife, coming in a bit after, did the same. They were aware of what a high school girl could feel entering their shop for the first time. After all, a girl’s meat shop could make her feel uneasy. Shana, however, was calm, calmer than what she’d have expected. There were a lot of meat cuts, breasts, rump, ribs available for the clients to see. The young girl was discovering some of them herself, like shank, and wondered how they were prepared. But what was highlighted the most was the thighs, from which the shop got its name. There were several, in various sizes, whole or in cut, well presented. Seeing them made Shana hungry, but the prices were too high for her. After a moment thinking, she made a decision and got close to the desk. “I’d like two fillets, please. -Of course. Small ones? -Medium.” The boss nodded, took two fillets among those which were presented and weighted them. Meanwhile, Shana looked around the rest of the shop. Outside of the products it was selling, it was a classic meat shop. The only notable difference was on the desk and on some shelves on the wall. Eyes closed, hair dressed, several girls heads were aligned, the ones on the desk resting on one another, the ones on the shelves a little away from the next. Shana did not find that weird or disturbing, rather pretty, and a certain tranquillity came from the ensemble. “Those heads, they are the girls… the girls you’re selling? -They are. Since we need their head for them to come back at the end of the day, we keep them where we can make sure they won’t move, and they also decorate the shop. -I see.” She paid, thanked the boss for his kindness and left the shop. Her house was nearby, so she quickly arrived home. Once inside, she found her sister Katleen in the living room, watching TV. “Good walk? -Yeah, there weren’t much people. And on the way home, I bought that.” Shana gave her sister the bag containing what she bought earlier. Katleen took it, opened it and inspected its content. She smiled and gave it back to her sister. “At last you decided to get to it, uh? That’s good. -Don’t know if that’s good, but I want to try. -You’ll see, you’ll like it. Put them in the fridge, I’ll take care of them later.” Shana went to the kitchen to put the fillets in the fridge, then went to her room. She opened her laptop, sat on her bed and started a video. She was happy she did enter that shop and bought some girl meat. Her sister had prepared some for her at times, but rarely, and she’d never bought it herself before, so it was a great step forward for the young girl. The shop was nice, with a warm and attractive atmosphere, and its peculiar decoration was very pleasant for Shana. She was keen on going back there, especially if the meal was as delicious as she expected it to be. Once the evening had come, Katleen called her for diner, and Shana quickly went into the kitchen, excited at the thought of tasting what she bought. She sat before her already full plate. “Here, a pretty fillet just for you. Bon appétit!” She thanked her sister and began eating. The fillet was indeed delicious, and Shana told herself it was a good thing she bought it. The texture, the taste, the cooking, everything was pleasant. Once the meal was done and Shana back into her room, she opened her laptop and decided she’d watch videos about cooking girls. Her time at the shop and her diner had made her curious, so she wanted to learn more about the process. She spent the rest of the evening watching videos, looking for documentaries and forums, and kept the links to look at them later. For now, she had to focus on the test next day, so she went to bed early. She dreamed about test, meat, spring and pleasure. The test went well, so Shana told herself she deserved a little treat. After classes, she went to The Good Thigh again, and entered without hesitating. “Hello! -Hello miss. Did you like the fillets? -Yes, a lot. -What do you want today?” The young girl took some time to think, looked at the meat, before asking for breasts for two. Since Katleen and her weren’t used to quantities, the boss offered her two pairs of small breasts, to get an idea. She accepted, paid them and left the shop after thanking him. Once back home, she told her sister about her purchase. “Well, I didn’t think you’d like it that much, but I won’t complain. -Can you prepare them tonight? -Of course.” Shana thanked her sister and went into her room. She took her pyjama, headed to the bathroom and undressed. A quick look into the mirror made her smile. With her long black hair, her young face, her hazel eyes and her thin body, she was rather pretty, even if her chest was quite small. Thankfully, her legs and ass compensated, so she didn’t have to be ashamed of her body. She entered the shower and opened the water, just wanting to go and eat. While showering, she thought about what she saw the day before, in the various videos. It didn’t seem unpleasant, each girl smiling or at least completely relaxed. It even looked enjoyable. The girl got out of the shower and went back into her room to keep watching videos until Katleen called her for dinner. She quickly arrived in the kitchen and sat before her full plate. “Here, some pretty little breasts with herbs. Enjoy!” Shana smiled at the sight of her meal. The two small breasts her sister served her, still smoking hot, with herbs and vegetables, looked perfect, and she hastily tasted them. As expected, they were delicious. Dinner went on well, and Shana asked Katleen something. “Say, do you think I could do it too? -What? -Be sold at the meat shop. -Oh, you’re interested? -I don’t know. I looked up the cooking, with videos, it looked nice, and I wondered during shower. -Well… it could work, yeah. After all, you’ve got a nice little ass, and pretty thighs, so I don’t see why it wouldn’t work. -Really? -For me, yes. But I suppose you’d have to ask them directly. -Yeah, that’s true. I’ll go Wednesday, after classes. -I’m sure they’ll tell you it’s good. I, for one, would do so.” Shana smiled and kissed her sister. Once done with the meal, she went back to her room and resumed watching videos about cooking girls. Before going to bed, a thought came to her. She took her pyjama off, gently caressed her thighs, smiled and put herself under the blanket. It’s been a long time she didn’t sleep naked, and the feeling of the blanket on her skin was refreshing. She fell asleep trying to imagine herself in the place of the girls she saw in the videos. The next day went by without a problem, same for the Wednesday. After classes, Shana headed to The Good Thigh enthusiastically. She entered the shop smiling. “Hello! -Hello miss. -Thanks for the breasts, they were delicious. -Happy to hear. What do you want today? -In fact, I have a question for you. -I’m listening.” Shana took a quick look at the aligned head, still as peaceful as before. She was a bit nervous, but the peculiar atmosphere of the place helped her focus. She breathed, smiled and asked. “What is required to be one of your girls? -One of the girls we serve? -Yes. -Generally, when we’re looking for a girl, we post an ad on specialised networks. After, there’s a little meeting, we discuss the girl’s motivations, what we expect from her, we try to find an agreement. If it works, we sign a contract, and we take care of the rest. The girl just has to come in time, the days she’s working here. Well, the days we work her. -I see. And what are you looking for in these girls? -It depends on what we need. It can be a specific body type or shape, a certain ethnicity, a precise part. We also choose according to the texture and quality of the meat. -Oh, sounds difficult. -Not that much, with experience, it’s not a problem. Why are you asking?” Shana hesitated. She didn’t think that thing could be this complicated, and she was starting to doubt whether she had a chance. The boss was smiling, knowing that the young girl needed a bit of time to organise her thoughts. After another look at the shop, she decided to ask. After all, she didn’t have anything to lose. “In fact, I was wondering… I was wondering if I could work for you. -For us? As meat? -Yes. It’s been a while I’m thinking about it, and I want to discover everything about it. That’s why I came here, on Sunday, and that pushed me to ask you that. -I understand. First, do you have an authorisation? -Yes, I’m living with my sister, I talked to her about it, and she’s okay with it. Here, I had her write it. -Ok. Are you sure you want to do it? Did you think about what it implies? -Yes, I thought about it thoroughly. If I’m accepted, I’ll have to undress in front of you, let you manipulate my body, and obviously cut me in several pieces. You’ll place the cuts in the shop, and my head as an ornament. Is that it? -It is. You just missed some little things. I’ll have to weight and measure you, clean you and make sure your head is intact. Also, we ask our girls to come the day before, so that they can spend the night in the cold chamber. That way, we don’t have to worry about the meat. -Oh, I see. -So are you sure you want to try? -Yes, absolutely. -Got it. Wait here, I’ll talk to my wife about it. -Ok, thank you very much.” The man went to the back of the shop, letting Shana wait at the desk. If he was going to talk about it with his wife, it meant he was ready to take her in, at least for a trial. She smiled, satisfied. Her eyes wandered around, on the walls, the ceiling. With some luck, soon her head would join the few others that were decorating the place, and her meat would be available to buy. That simple thought was enough to lighten her mood and excite her. Shortly after, the boss came back to her. “You’re lucky, we were about to post an ad. Several of the girls working with us are either on vacation or gone, so we’ll have to renew our stocks. We’re ok to take you for a trial period. -Really? Thanks a lot! -I’m the one thanking you. We happened to be thinking about taking a girl your age, it’s a type of product we don’t have yet and that is generally successful. You asking avoids us the trouble of posting and waiting. Girls like you aren’t always very available, so it’s lucky to have one coming by herself. -I understand. I’m happy to be able to help you. -I suppose you have classes during weekdays? -Yes, I’m in high school. -So we’ll have to work you during weekends. Are you free next one? -Yes, no problem. -Is it ok if you come on Friday evening, so that we can prepare you? -With pleasure! -So we’ll see you Friday at 9:30Pm, eat something before coming. We’ll try you this weekend, and we’ll see after how it goes, if we can find an agreement and sign a contract. Good for you? -All good, I’m ready for Friday. -Perfect. One last thing, I guess you never tried before, but ask your sister if she’s ok cooking you before Friday. You’ll discover reformation, from your head. -Got it, I’ll ask her. Thanks again, it makes me really happy! -No problem. See you Friday, then.” Shana waved goodbye to the man and left the shop. She kept her smile on the way home, and once inside her house, she proudly stood in front of her sister, still lying on the couch. “Seeing you smile, I guess it went well. -Very well. I’m having a trial period this week-end, and if it works well I’ll have a contract with them! -Oh, congrats. How will it go?” Shana sat next to Katleen and told her her meeting with the boss. Her sister, happy for her, reacted positively to what she was hearing. When the young girl was done telling, she relaxed on the couch. “To say that my little sister will serve her little ass to people that’ll want to buy it. I hope it’ll work, and that everyone will be happy. -Yeah, I hope so too. -There’s no reason. You’re really cute, so I’m confident you’ll also be very tasty. And apparently, I’ll have to check on that. -If you can. -Of course I can. It’s Wednesday, and you begin on Friday, that means I still have tomorrow to take care of you. -Will it be alright? -Yeah, I know that on Thursday your classes end early, and I know recipes that do not need too long a cooking. Don’t worry, you’ll have your ass roasted perfectly! -It’s good to hear. I was afraid you’d not want to. -Me, not wanting to taste my delicious cute little sister? I’d never miss on that opportunity.” Katleen was smiling, and she caressed Shana’s thigh. The little sister was satisfied with the way things were going, the big sister happy to help her and enjoy it. The dinner was as joyful, and Shana quickly went to bed, eager to be the next day. Classes went by quickly, and in the middle of the afternoon Shana was able to go home. She kissed her sister, dropped her bag in her room, and joined her in the kitchen. Katleen was busy there, and the young girl noticed the already on oven, as well as a huge plate on the table. “So, how do you feel? -Very excited. -I guessed so. Let’s not waste any time, take your clothes off.” Shana obeyed, and quickly she was naked. Her sister took a look at her body, smiled and patted her ass. She complimented her on her physique, making Shana laugh, and began oiling her. She progressed while discussing, playing a bit with her little sister’s body, making her moan in the process. Katleen then had her sit on the platter to finish oiling her properly, and asked her to lie on her belly. “For your first time in the oven, I decided to make something simple. You’ll be a good roast with herbs, a mushroom sauce and some veggies to go with you. -Sounds very good. Can you take some pics so that I can see what I look like? -Of course. Now, stay still. I’ll tie you up to make sure everything stays in place.” Katleen placed Shana’s arms along her body, and still talking she began tying her up with cooking string. She first tied the ankles, then got up to the shank, the thighs, the hips, the chest, tying tight enough to prevent the arms from moving. Once her sister was tightly wrapped up in string, Katleen moved on to season her, with various herbs and condiments. Soon, Shana was ready, and Katleen walked back to look at the whole picture. “Almost perfect, there’s only one detail missing.” She took what looked like an apple and was in fact a cooking item serving as a gag, then put that fake apple in her sister’s mouth. Satisfied, she picked her phone and took numerous pictures, with various angles. The photoshoot done, she took the apple out of Shana’s mouth. “Here you are, ready for the oven! A last thing to say? -Thanks again, and bon appétit!” Katleen kissed her sister, placed the apple back into her mouth and lifted the platter to put it in the oven. She closed the door, smiled thinking about what her sister would be going through, and left the kitchen. In the oven, Shana was feeling quite good. The restraint that was the string, completely preventing her from moving, wasn’t as bothersome as she thought, and even the heat was fine. The preparation was really nice, and she almost looking forward to be roasted so that her sister could eat her. She was wondering what she looked like, especially with the apple in her mouth. Being cooked wasn’t what she was going to live at the shop, but it wasn’t unpleasant, and she told herself she should do it again from time to time. She felt several times Katleen opening the oven’s door and sprinkle water on her, and after a while she lost consciousness. After a few hours of roasting, Katleen took her meal out of the oven. Still smoking, with a nice brown colour, her sister looked delicious. She put the platter on the living room’s table, and took some more pictures. Then, she cut the strings that were tying Shana, thought for a few seconds, and began carving the morsels she wanted. She chose her fillet, her breasts and a bit of her rump and thighs. Savouring the moment as well as her little sister’s meat, she thought it was a good thing she cheered her on. When she came back to her senses, Shana was a little dizzy. Reformation was a new process to her, so she needed a moment to get her mind back to work. She was on the platter, in the kitchen, lights off. She sat, stretched and breathed. TV was on, and Katleen was probably in the living room, so she went there. “Ah, here’s today’s star! How do you feel? -Rather good. A bit dizzy, but it’s fine. -That’s nice. I heard that the first reformation is a bit tiring, so don’t hesitate to go to bed. -Yeah, I’ll go soon, but first I want you to tell me if it was good. -Very good! I had lots of fun, and the result was totally worth it! And for you? -Really nice too. I liked being tied up with that apple in my mouth. -I see, it’s true that you looked good with it. Wanna do it again some time? -With pleasure! -I’ll send you the pics, this way you can look at them all you want. -Thanks. What morsels did you choose? -Your breasts, your fillet, your rump and your thighs. I didn’t eat everything because that’s a lot, but that was delicious. -Glad to hear. I’m a bit tired, so I’ll head to bed, if that’s fine with you. -Absolutely. Good night, my delicious little sister.” They kissed, and Shana went to her room. She grabbed her phone, sat on her bed and looked at the pictures her sister sent her. Seeing herself tied up, oiled, seasoned and roasted made her hungry, and she was starting to really want to do it again. The result was as pretty as the whole thing had been enjoyable. The young girl turned her phone and the lights off and entered her bed. She fell asleep hoping her job at the shop would be as good. |
Vendre sa viande Shana profitait de la douceur du temps pour se promener, après avoir passé un dimanche à travailler pour l’interrogation qui arrivait. Elle aimait marcher dans les petites rues de son village, qui approchait de la taille d’une ville sans pour autant en être véritablement une. Le printemps était agréable, et la jeune fille sortait dès qu’elle en avait l’occasion. Ce jour-là, elle descendait la rue commerçante, jetant un œil aux différentes boutiques qui y étaient installées. Vêtements, accessoires, livres, objets variés, les possibilités d’achat étaient nombreuses. Shana avait un peu d’argent sur elle, et elle voulait le dépenser, il lui suffisait juste de trouver quoi. Après un moment à observer les devantures, elle s’arrêta. La boutique qu’elle avait devant les yeux l’avait toujours intriguée, mais elle n’avait jamais osé y pénétrer. Elle ne savait pas ce qu’on penserait d’elle si on la voyait faire, surtout sa grande sœur avec qui elle vivait. Elle regarda autour d’elle, mais personne ne se trouvait dans les environs C’était peut-être l’occasion d’essayer ? De toute manière ce n’était qu’entrer dans une boutique pour acheter quelque chose. Elle inspira, rejeta un œil aux alentours et entra. « Bonjour mademoiselle, bienvenue à La Bonne Cuisse ! » Le patron, un homme dans la quarantaine, lui souriait. Elle le salua en retour et s’approcha du comptoir. « C’est la première fois que vous venez ici ? -Oui. -Alors je vous laisse regarder ce que nous avons en rayon, prenez votre temps. » Shana le remercia et baissa les yeux sur les rayons. Il n’y avait personne d’autre dans la boutique, et il n’était pas tard, alors elle pouvait passer un peu de temps ici. « Si vous avez des questions, n’hésitez pas ! » Le patron, toujours souriant, essayait de l’aider à se sentir à l’aise. Sa femme, qui arriva peu après, fit de même. Ils avaient conscience de ce qu’une lycéenne pouvait ressentir en entrant dans leur boutique pour la première fois. Après tout, une boutique de viande féminine avait de quoi la mettre mal à l’aise. Shana, cependant, était calme, plus que ce à quoi elle s’était attendue. Dans les rayons, de nombreux morceaux de viande, poitrine, croupe, côtes étaient étalés pour que les clients puissent les voir. La jeune fille en découvrait certains, comme le jarret, et se demandait comment ils devaient être préparés. Mais ce qui était le plus mis en valeur, c’était les cuisses, dont la boutique tirait son nom. Il y en avait plusieurs, de différentes tailles, entières ou en morceaux, bien présentées. Les voir donnait faim à Shana, mais les prix étaient trop élevés pour elle. Après un moment à réfléchir, elle prit une décision et s’approcha du comptoir. « J’aimerais deux filets, s’il vous plaît. -Bien sûr. Des petits ? -Moyens. » Le patron hocha la tête, prit deux filets parmi ceux qui étaient en rayon et les pesa. Pendant ce temps, Shana jeta un œil au reste de la boutique. En dehors des produits qu’elle vendait, c’était une boutique de viande classique. La seule différence notable se trouvait sur le comptoir et sur quelques étagères au mur. Les yeux et la bouche fermés, les cheveux bien coiffés, plusieurs têtes de filles étaient alignées, celles sur le comptoir posées l’une contre l’autre, celles sur les étagères plus espacées. Shana ne trouvait pas cela glauque, plutôt joli, et une certaine tranquillité se dégageait de l’ensemble. « Ces têtes, ce sont les filles… les filles que vous vendez ? -C’est exact. Comme nous avons besoin de leurs têtes pour qu’elles puissent revenir à la fin de la journée, on les garde là où on peut s’assurer qu’elles ne bougent pas, et on en profite pour décorer la boutique. -Je vois. » Elle paya son achat, remercia le patron pour sa gentillesse et quitta la boutique. Sa maison était proche, alors elle arriva rapidement chez elle. Une fois à l’intérieur, elle trouva sa sœur Katleen dans le salon, devant la télévision. « Bonne promenade ? -Oui, il n’y avait pas grand-monde. Et sur le chemin du retour, j’ai acheté ça. » Shana tendit à sa sœur le sac qu’elle avait obtenu plus tôt. Katleen le prit, l’ouvrit et inspecta son contenu. Elle sourit et rendit le sac à sa sœur. « Tu t’es enfin décidée à t’y mettre, hein ? C’est bien. -Je ne sais pas si c’est bien, mais j’ai envie d’essayer. -Tu verras, ça va te plaire. Mets-les au frigo, je m’en occuperai tout à l’heure. » Shana alla dans la cuisine pour ranger les filets au frigo, puis se rendit dans sa chambre. Elle ouvrit son ordinateur portable, s’installa sur son lit et commença à regarder une vidéo. Elle était contente d’avoir enfin pénétré dans la boutique et acheté un peu de viande de fille. Sa sœur lui en avait déjà préparé, mais rarement, et elle n’en avait jamais acheté elle-même, alors c’était un grand pas en avant pour la jeune fille. La boutique était sympathique, elle dégageait une atmosphère chaleureuse et attrayante, et sa décoration particulière avait beaucoup plus à Shana. Elle était bien décidée à y retourner, surtout si le repas s’avérait aussi délicieux qu’elle le pensait. Le soir venu, lorsque Katleen l’appela pour manger, Shana se rendit rapidement dans la cuisine, excitée à l’idée de goûter ce qu’elle avait acheté. Elle s’assit devant son assiette, déjà remplie. « Et voilà, un joli filet rien que pour toi. Bon appétit ! » Elle remercia sa sœur et commença à manger. Le filet qu’elle avait pris plus tôt s’avéra délicieux, et Shana se dit qu’elle avait bien fait de le prendre. La texture, le goût, la cuisson, tout lui faisait plaisir. Une fois le repas terminé et Shana de retour dans sa chambre, elle ouvrit son ordinateur et décida de regarder des vidéos de cuisine de fille. Sa visite à la boutique et son dîner avaient éveillé sa curiosité, alors elle voulait en apprendre plus sur tout le processus. Elle passa le reste de la soirée à regarder des vidéos, chercher des documentaires et des forums, et nota les liens pour les consulter plus tard. Dans l’immédiat, elle devait se concentrer sur l’interrogation du lendemain, alors elle alla se coucher tôt. Elle rêva de l’interrogation, de viande, de printemps et de plaisir. L’interrogation s’était bien déroulée, alors Shana s’était dit qu’elle avait mérité une petite récompense. Après les cours, elle se rendit à nouveau à La Bonne Cuisse, et entra sans hésiter. « Bonjour ! -Bonjour mademoiselle ! Les filets vous ont plu ? -Oui, beaucoup. -Qu’est-ce que vous voulez, aujourd’hui ? » La jeune fille réfléchit quelques instants, observa la viande, avant de demander de la poitrine pour deux. Comme Katleen et elle n’avaient pas l’habitude des quantités, le patron lui proposa deux paires de petits seins, pour se faire une idée. Elle accepta, paya les seins et quitta la boutique en remerciant son patron. Une fois rentrée, elle fit part de son achat à sa sœur. « Eh bien, je ne pensais pas que ça te plairait autant, mais je ne vais pas m’en plaindre. -Tu pourras les préparer ce soir ? -Évidemment. » Shana remercia sa sœur et alla dans sa chambre. Elle prit son pyjama, se rendit dans la salle de bain et se déshabilla. Un rapide coup d’œil dans le miroir, et elle sourit. Avec ses longs cheveux noirs, son visage jeune, ses yeux noisettes et son corps fin, elle était plutôt jolie, même si sa poitrine était assez petite. Heureusement, ses jambes et ses fesses compensaient, alors elle n’avait pas à rougir de son corps. Elle rentra dans la douche et fit couler l’eau, pressée de manger. Tout en se douchant, elle repensa à ce qu’elle avait vu la veille, dans les différentes vidéos. Ça ne lui avait pas semblé désagréable, chaque fille avait le sourire ou était complètement détendue. L’expérience avait même l’air plaisante. Une fois sortie de la douche, elle retourna dans sa chambre pour continuer à regarder les vidéos qu’elle avait trouvées, jusqu’à ce que Katleen l’appelle pour le dîner. Elle la rejoignit rapidement et s’assit devant son assiette pleine. « Et voilà, une belle petite poitrine aux herbes. Bon appétit ! » Shana sourit en voyant le plat devant elle. Les deux petits seins que lui avait servi sa sœur, encore fumants, accompagnés d’herbes et de légumes, lui paraissaient parfaits, et elle s’empressa de les goûter. Comme prévu, ils étaient vraiment délicieux. Le repas se passa très bien, et Shana finit par poser une question à Katleen. « Dis, tu penses que je pourrais le faire aussi ? -Quoi ? -Être vendue à la boutique de viande. -Oh, ça t’intéresse ? -Je ne sais pas. J’ai regardé la cuisine, avec des vidéos, ça avait l’air bien, et je me suis posé la question pendant la douche. -Eh bien… ça pourrait marcher, oui. Après tout, tu as un joli petit cul, et de belles cuisses, alors je ne vois pas pourquoi ça ne fonctionnerait pas. -Vraiment ? -Pour moi, oui. Mais j’imagine qu’il faudrait demander aux gérants, directement. -Oui, c’est vrai. Je passerais mercredi, après les cours. -Je suis sûre qu’ils te diront oui. Moi, je te dirais oui, en tout cas. » Shana sourit et embrassa sa sœur. Une fois le repas terminé, elle retourna dans sa chambre et se remit à regarder des vidéos sur la cuisine de fille. Au moment d’aller se coucher, une pensée lui traversa l’esprit. Elle retira son pyjama, caressa rapidement ses cuisses, sourit et se glissa dans son lit. Cela faisait longtemps qu’elle n’avait pas dormi nue, et la sensation des draps sur sa peau lui faisait plaisir. Elle s’endormit en essayant de s’imaginer à la place des filles qu’elle avait vues dans les vidéos. Le lendemain passa sans souci, de même que le mercredi. Une fois les cours terminés, Shana se rendit à La Bonne Cuisse, enthousiaste. Elle passa la porte en souriant. « Bonjour ! -Bonjour mademoiselle. -Merci pour les poitrines, elles étaient délicieuses. -Content de l’entendre. Qu’est-ce que ce sera, aujourd’hui ? -En fait, j’aurais une question à vous poser. -Je vous écoute. » Shana jeta un œil aux têtes alignées, toujours aussi tranquilles. Elle était un peu stressée, mais l’ambiance particulière du lieu l’aidait à se concentrer. Elle inspira, sourit et posa sa question. « Qu’est-ce qu’il faut faire pour devenir l’une de vos filles ? -L’une des filles que l’on sert ? -Oui. -En général, quand on recherche une fille, on poste une annonce sur les réseaux spécialisés. Ensuite, il y a un petit entretien, on discute des motivations de la fille, de ce qu’on attend d’elle, on se met d’accord sur tout ça. Si ça fonctionne, on signe un contrat, et on s’occupe de tout ce qui reste. La fille a juste à venir à l’heure, les jours où elle travaille ici. Enfin, les jours où on la travaille. -Je vois. Et qu’est-ce que vous recherchez, chez ces filles ? -Ça dépend de ce dont on a besoin. Ça peut être un certain type de corps, une certaine ethnie, une partie précise. On choisit aussi en fonction de la texture et de la quantité de viande. -Ah, ça a l’air compliqué. -Pas tant que ça, avec l’expérience, ce n’est pas un problème. Pourquoi ces questions ? » Shana hésita. Elle n’avait pas pensé que les choses pourraient être aussi complexes, et elle commençait à douter d’avoir une chance. Le patron lui souriait, comprenant que la jeune fille avait besoin d’un peu de temps pour organiser ses idées. Celle-ci, après un autre regard à la boutique, finit par se décider à demander. Après tout, elle n’avait rien à perdre. « En fait, je me demandais… je me demandais si je pourrais travailler pour vous. -Pour nous ? En tant que viande ? -Oui. Ça fait un moment que j’y pense, et que j’ai envie de découvrir tout ça. C’est pour ça que je suis venue ici, dimanche, et ça m’a poussée à vous demander ça. -Je comprends. Déjà, est-ce que tu as une autorisation ? -Oui, je vis avec ma sœur, je lui en ai parlé, et elle est d’accord. Tenez, je lui ai demandé de vous l’écrire. -D’accord. Vous êtes sûre de vouloir le faire ? Vous avez pensé à ce que ça implique ? -Oui, j’y ai bien réfléchi. Si je suis prise, je devrai me déshabiller devant vous, vous laisser manipuler mon corps, et forcément me découper. Vous placerez les morceaux en boutiques, et ma tête pour la décoration. C’est bien ça ? -C’est ça. Il manque juste quelques petites choses. Il faudra que je te pèse et que je te mesure, que je te nettoie et que je m’assure que ta tête est bien intacte. Aussi, on demande à nos filles de venir la veille au soir, pour qu’elles passent la nuit en chambre froide. Ça nous permet de ne pas avoir à nous inquiéter pour la viande. -Oh, je vois. -Donc tu es sûre de vouloir essayer ? -Oui, parfaitement sûre. -Entendu. Attends-moi ici, je vais en parler à ma femme. -D’accord, merci beaucoup. » Le patron s’éclipsa vers l’arrière-boutique, laissant Shana attendre devant les rayons. S’il allait en parler à sa femme, cela voulait dire qu’il était prêt à la prendre, au moins à l’essai. Elle sourit, satisfaite de l’échange qu’elle venait d’avoir. Son regard se promena sur les rayons, sur les murs, au plafond. Avec un peu de chance, bientôt sa tête rejoindrai les quelques autres qui décoraient l’endroit, et sa viande serait disponible à l’achat. Cette simple pensée suffisait à la réjouir et à l’exciter. Quelques instants plus tard, le patron revint la voir. « Tu as de la chance, on n’allait pas tarder à poster une annonce. Plusieurs des filles qui travaillent avec nous sont soit en vacances, soit parties, alors il va falloir qu’on renouvelle nos stocks. On est prêts à te prendre à l’essai. -Vraiment ? Merci beaucoup ! -C’est moi qui te remercie. On voulait justement prendre une fille de ton âge, c’est une gamme que nous n’avons pas en rayon et qui a généralement du succès. Ta demande nous évite de poster une annonce et d’avoir à attendre. Les filles comme toi ne sont pas toujours très disponibles, alors c’est une chance d’en avoir une qui vient d’elle-même. -Je comprends. Je suis contente de pouvoir vous aider. -J’imagine que tu as cours, la semaine ? -Oui, je suis au lycée. -Alors on va devoir t’employer pendant les week-end. Tu es libre celui qui arrive ? -Oui, aucun problème. -Ça te va si tu viens vendredi soir, pour qu’on te prépare ? -Avec plaisir ! -Alors on se voit vendredi à 21h30, mange avant de venir. On t’essaiera ce week-end, et on verra ensuite si on te propose un contrat. C’est bon pour toi ? -Tout bon, je suis prête pour vendredi. -Parfait. Une dernière chose, j’imagine que tu n’as encore jamais essayé, mais demande à ta sœur si elle veut bien te cuisiner avant vendredi. Comme ça, tu découvriras la reformation, à partir de ta tête. -Entendu, je lui demanderai. Merci encore, ça me fait vraiment plaisir ! -Pas de souci. À vendredi, alors. » Shana salua le patron et quitta la boutique. Elle garda son sourire sur le chemin du retour, et lorsqu’elle fut à la maison, elle se planta fièrement devant sa sœur, encore allongée sur le canapé. « À voir ton sourire, j’imagine que ça s’est bien passé. -Très bien. Je suis prise à l’essai ce week-end, et si ça fonctionne bien j’aurais un contrat avec eux ! -Oh, bravo. Comment ça va se passer ? » Shana s’assit à côté de Katleen et lui raconta son entrevue avec le patron. Sa sœur, contente pour elle, réagissait positivement à ce qu’elle entendait. Lorsque la jeune fille eut fini de lui raconter, elle s’enfonça dans le canapé. « Dire que ma petite sœur va servir son joli petit cul aux gens qui vont l’acheter. J’espère que ça ira, et que tout le monde sera content. -Oui, j’espère aussi. -Il n’y a pas de raison. Tu es très mignonne, alors je suis sûre que tu seras aussi très bonne. Et apparemment, il va falloir que je m’en assure. -Si tu peux. -Bien sûr que je peux. On est mercredi, et tu commences vendredi, ça veut dire qu’il me reste demain pour m’occuper de toi. -Ça ira ? -Oui, je sais que le jeudi tu termines plus tôt, et je connais des recettes qui ne nécessitent pas une cuisson trop longue. Ne t’inquiètes pas, tu passeras à la casserole comme il faut ! -Ça me rassure. J’avais peur que tu n’aies pas trop envie. -Moi, pas envie de goûter ma délicieuse mignonne petite sœur ? Jamais je ne manquerais cette occasion. » Katleen souriait, et elle caressa la cuisse de Shana, qui souriait aussi. La petite sœur était contente de la manière dont les choses avançaient, la grande sœur contente de pouvoir l’aider et d’en profiter un peu. Le repas fut tout aussi joyeux, et Shana se dépêcha d’aller se coucher, pressée d’être le lendemain. Les cours passèrent rapidement, et au milieu de l’après-midi Shana put rentrer chez elle. Elle embrassa rapidement sa sœur, déposa ses affaires dans sa chambre, puis alla la rejoindre dans la cuisine. Katleen s’y affairait déjà, et la jeune fille remarqua le four déjà allumé, ainsi qu’un grand plateau posé sur la table. « Alors, comment tu te sens ? -Très excitée. -J’imagine. Ne perdons pas de temps, déshabille-toi. » Shana s’exécuta, et rapidement elle se retrouva nue. Sa sœur jeta un œil à son corps, sourit et lui tapota les fesses. Elle la complimenta sur son physique, ce qui fit rire Shana, et commença à huiler son corps. Elle progressa tout en discutant, jouant un peu avec le corps de sa petite sœur, lui arrachant quelques gémissements au passage. Katleen la fit ensuite s’asseoir sur le plateau pour finir de l’huiler correctement, puis elle lui demanda de s’allonger sur le ventre. « Pour ta première fois au four, j’ai décidé de faire quelque chose de simple. Tu seras un bon rôti aux herbes, avec une sauce aux champignons et des légumes pour t’accompagner. -Ça me paraît très bien. Tu pourras prendre des photos, que je vois à quoi je ressemble ? -Évidemment. Maintenant, tiens-toi tranquille. Je vais t’attacher pour être sûre que tout tienne bon. » Katleen plaça les bras de Shana le long de son corps, et tout en continuant à discuter elle commença à l’attacher avec de la ficelle. Elle attacha d’abord les chevilles, puis elle remonta sur les mollets, les cuisses, les hanches, la poitrine, en prenant soin de serrer suffisamment pour que les bras ne bougent pas. Une fois sa sœur bien ficelée, Katleen se mit à l’assaisonner, avec différentes herbes et des condiments. Rapidement, Shana fut prête, et Katleen recula pour observer l’ensemble. « Presque parfait, il ne manque qu’un petit détail. » Elle prit ce qui ressemblait à une pomme et était en fait un objet en céramique qui faisait office de bâillon, puis plaça cette fausse pomme dans la bouche de sa sœur. Satisfaite, elle sortit son téléphone et prit de nombreuses photos, sous tous les angles. Une fois la séance photo terminée, elle retira la pomme de la bouche de Shana. « Et voilà, plus qu’à enfourner ! Un dernier petit quelque chose ? -Encore merci, et bon appétit ! » Katleen embrassa sa sœur, replaça la pomme dans sa bouche et leva le plateau pour le placer dans le four. Elle referma la porte, sourit en pensant à ce qui attendait sa sœur, à sa détermination, et quitta la pièce. Dans le four, Shana se sentait plutôt bien. La restriction que représentait la ficelle, l’empêchant complètement de bouger, n’était pas aussi embêtante qu’elle l’avait pensé, et même la chaleur lui allait. La préparation avait été plaisante, et elle avait presque hâte d’être cuite pour que sa sœur puisse la manger. Elle se demandait à quoi elle ressemblait, surtout avec la pomme dans sa bouche. La cuisson n’était pas ce qu’elle allait vivre à la boutique, mais ça ne lui déplaisait pas, et elle se disait qu’elle devrait recommencer de temps en temps. Elle sentit à plusieurs reprises Katleen ouvrir la porte du four et l’arroser, et au bout d’un moment elle perdit conscience. Après quelques heures de cuisson, Katleen sortit son repas du four. Encore fumante, avec une belle couleur brune, sa sœur avait l’air délicieuse. Elle posa le plateau sur la table du salon, puis prit d’autres photos. Ensuite, elle découpa les ficelles qui entouraient Shana, réfléchit quelques instants, et commença à se servir les morceaux qu’elle voulait. Elle choisit son filet, sa poitrine et un peu de sa croupe et de ses cuisses. Savourant l’instant en même temps que la viande de sa petite sœur, elle se dit qu’elle avait bien fait de l’encourager dans cette voie. Lorsqu’elle revint à elle, Shana se sentait un peu étourdie. La reformation était un processus nouveau pour elle, alors il lui fallut un moment avant de retrouver ses esprits. Elle se trouvait sur le plateau, dans la cuisine, dans le noir. Elle s’assit, s’étira et inspira. La télévision était allumée, et Katleen devait se trouver dans le salon, alors elle alla la rejoindre. « Ah, voilà la star du jour ! Comment tu te sens ? -Plutôt bien. Un peu groggy, mais ça va. -Tant mieux. J’ai entendu dire que la première reformation est un peu épuisante, alors n’hésite pas à aller dormir. -Oui, je vais bientôt y aller, mais d’abord je veux que tu me dises si c’était bien. -Très bien ! Je me suis beaucoup amusée, et le résultat en valait largement la peine ! Et toi, ça t’a plu ? -Oui, c’était vraiment bien. J’ai bien aimé être attachée avec la pomme dans la bouche. -Je vois, c’est vrai que ça t’allait bien. Tu voudras recommencer ? -Avec plaisir ! -Je vais t’envoyer les photos, que tu puisses les regarder autant que tu veux. -Merci. Tu as goûté quels morceaux ? -Ta poitrine, ton filet, ta croupe et tes cuisses. Je n’ai pas tout mangé parce que ça fait beaucoup, mais c’était délicieux. -Ravie de l’entendre. Je suis un peu fatiguée, alors je vais y aller, si ça ne te dérange pas. -Pas du tout. Bonne nuit, ma délicieuse petite sœur. » Elles s’embrassèrent, et Shana alla dans sa chambre. Elle attrapa son téléphone, s’installa sur son lit et jeta un œil aux photos que sa sœur lui avait envoyées. Se voir attachée, huilée, assaisonnée et rôtie lui mettait l’eau à la bouche, et elle commençait à avoir vraiment envie de recommencer. Le résultat était aussi joli que l’ensemble avait été agréable. La jeune fille éteignit son téléphone, la lumière et se coucha. Elle s’endormit en espérant que son travail à la boutique serait aussi appréciable. |
To sell one’s meat part 2 Friday went by relatively slowly, partly because of the classes. Shana happily welcomed the bell and quickly went outside with her friends. Before leaving them, she smiled at them. “By the way, there’s something I have to tell you. -What is it? -I found a job! Well, I’m having a trial period this week-end. -Oh, where? -Do you know The Good Thigh? The girls meat shop? -Yeah, we go there from time to time, their meat is really good. -I’m going there tonight, and tomorrow I’ll be sold there! -Oh, really? -Yeah, it’s been a while I wanted to, and after buying some cuts, I asked them if they would take me in. I was lucky, they were looking for a girl like me, so they’ll try me. -That’s awesome, I’m so happy for you! -Me too! -There, if you want to taste me, don’t hesitate to come and grab a bite!” They nodded and went their separate ways. Shana rushed home, excited at the thought of going to the shop later. Her sister was working in the living room, so she quickly said hello and headed to her room. The young girl dropped her bag, chose clothes lighter than her uniform and moved to the bathroom. She undressed and looked at herself in the mirror, smiling. Her body would please, she was convinced of that. The shower she took was long, making sure she would clean herself properly even if she’d be cleaned again later. Since she wouldn’t be able to do it during the week-end, she started playing with herself, thinking about the day before, when she was cooked, and about what she’ll go through. Once the shower was over, she went back to her room to watch videos until her sister called her for dinner. “So, ready for your first evening of work? -Yeah, can’t wait. -Dressed well, too, despite the fact you’ll be butt naked very quickly. -I thought I should make a good impression. -That’s right. Now eat, so that you won’t be late.” The meal, light, was quick, and the sisters sat on the couch to watch TV while waiting for Shana to leave. Around 9PM, she got up, made sure she had her phone and her ID card with her, kissed Katleen and left for the shop. She opened the door and waited a moment for the boss to arrive. “Good evening! -Good evening, girl! How do you feel? -Very well, I can’t wait to begin, sir. -Call me Richard. Could you ask your sister to cook you? -Yes, and it was really great. Reformation was a bit tiring, but no problem. -Perfect. Follow me, we’ll prepare you.” Richard locked the shop’s door, turned the lights off and went in the back of the shop, followed by Shana. He brought the young girl in a large room with various things, tables, chairs, drawers. “First, you have a paper from your sister confirming she allows you to be sold in our shop, right? -Yes, here it is. -Perfect. Now, I’ll ask for your ID card.” Shana gave him the card, and the man looked attentively at it. He put it on the closest table, took a little notebook and noted some informations. “Ok, I’ll explain what will happen. You’ll start by undressing, and I’ll weigh and measure you. -Everything? -Yes, it’s important. Don’t know if you saw it, but for every girl we have in shop, we make a little informative card containing all of her infos, so that clients know what they are buying. Traceability is very important, and people like to have informations about their meat. -Oh, I see. That’s why you noted what’s on my ID card on your notebook? -Yes, that’s for the card. Then, once you’re weighted and measured, I’ll take some pictures, to decorate the card and describe you precisely. Then we’ll get you all clean, and I’ll lead you to the cold room, where you’ll spend the night. Tomorrow early in the morning, we’ll take you out and prepare you for the sale. Since you’re new, I’ll place you on a separate display, to allow our clients to discover you and get an idea of what your meat is like. -Ok, I can’t wait for that. -It’s good to be enthusiastic. For now, take your clothes off and put them on that table. I’ll store them in a drawer with your name on it. -Is it fine if I take some pics? -Yes, absolutely. -And could you maybe take some too, please? -Sure. I’ll ask my wife, Melanie. -Thanks a lot.” He left the room, and Shana undressed. She made sure not to damage her clothes despite her excitation, and soon she was naked, her belongings on the table. While waiting for the boss to come back, she took some pictures of herself in the room and sent them to her sister and her friends. Richard came back shortly after with his wife, and Shana gave her her phone. The man then brought her in the back of the room, to a huge scale. She stepped on it, and the machine gave her weight: 49 kilograms. She wasn’t that thin, but not that thick either. Then, it was her height: 156 centimetres. She was average for her age. Then Richard measured her three sizes, also average. He took some pictures, front, side, back, close, further, of Shana’s body parts. Followed a series of questions about her, her daily life, her eating habits, her activities, and the girl answered as best as she could. Richard closed his notebook and took her into another small room, even further back, where was the shower. It was a large shower, wide enough to wash oneself completely. Melanie came close to wash Shana instead of letting her husband do it. She placed the young girl in the shower and let the water run. It was lukewarm, but not unpleasant. The woman was talking with Shana, the girl answering happily. After a while, she stopped the water, and poured a gel on her hands. “It’s a natural products-based gel, to make sure the meat is preserved while in the cold chamber and to help you sleep properly.” She began applying it on Shana, including her hair. Seeing that the girl was having fun, Melanie wanted to please her and played a bit with her breasts and butt, still putting the gel on her. She also put her fingers inside Shana’s pussy, making her moan. Since the gel required some time for its action to be effective, they kept talking a few minutes, until Melanie opened the water again to clean the girl. Once well cleaned, still wet, Shana took the pose for some pictures, then Melanie dried her with a huge towel. She then took her in another room, the cold chamber. When entering, Shana shivered because of her nudity. She looked around and could see several bins containing meat, probably what hadn’t been sold that day and would be the next. There were also two girls, hanged by the feet to a hook linked to a system of metallic bars on the ceiling. “Here, soon you’ll be like these girls. How do you feel? -Even more excited and enthusiastic. -Perfect, it should be fine in this case. Come, Richard will hang you up while I’m taking some pics.” Shana obeyed and went to Richard. He made her lie on her belly, on a table whose height could be modified. He tied her hands in her back, and her hair with them, then her ankles with a rope he linked to the hook. Next step, he lowered the table’s height, and Shana felt herself slowly hanged by the feet. Soon, the table disappeared under her, and she was completely hung. “Are you feeling ok? -Very good, yeah. -Perfect, you’ll need a bit of time but you’ll get used to it, and you shouldn’t have any trouble sleeping upside down. I can also pull the rope to get you a bit higher, spreading your legs, if you prefer. -It should be fine for tonight, thanks. -Understood. In that case, we just have to leave you to enjoy your first night here. -Thanks again, I’m really happy to be able to help you and be sold in your shop. -We’re thanking you. Now, enjoy yourself and good night.” Richard and Melanie turned off the lights and left the room. Once the door was shut, the cold chamber became calm, leaving Shana alone with her thoughts and feelings. Her excitement didn’t disappear, and the situation she was in was extremely pleasant for her. She saw Melanie take pictures, so she didn’t have to worry about it. Feeling herself hang upside down in a cold chamber was a new, but enjoyable experience. She told herself she’d try to do things normally, even though she would probably have appreciated being hung with her legs spread. After a moment in that calm environment, she began to feel tired, and fell asleep with a smile on her lips. When Shana woke up, the lights were turned on. She took a quick look around her and saw that one of the other two girls had been taken off the hook. The other was still there, eyes closed. Maybe she was still asleep, it was quite early after all. Shana closed her eyes and remained immobile, waiting for her turn. She was still excited, but her wish to do things properly was stronger. Shortly after, she heard the door move and someone, probably Richard, enter. He came close to her and grabbed the other girl. He unhooked her, put her on his shoulder and left the room. Now that she was fully awake, Shana could enjoy her situation properly. She was a bit stunned after spending the night upside down, but thanks to the gel she had been cleaned with, she felt good. So far, she really liked her new job, without any flaw. She had to wait a bit longer before Richard came back to the room to take care of her. “Did you sleep well?” Shana, eyes still closed, nodded. Richard patted her butt, unhooked her and placed her on his shoulder. He left the room after turning the lights off, and soon Shana felt herself be laid on a table. The man untied her hair and wrists, then turned her on her back. He spread her arms and legs a little to have a clear view of her body. “One last thing: if you want, you can stay conscious even if it’s only your head. You just have to focus and tell yourself you want to stay conscious, and you’ll see, it’ll work. I know that not all girls do that, but I wanted to tell you, in case you’d be interested. Of course, you have to be perfectly immobile, a head that moves on her own won’t really fit with the decoration. Ok, I’ll move on to the preparation.” Shana felt his hands on her body, and soon after it was his instruments. The girl did her best to remain still, focusing on her consciousness like Richard told her. The cold and the gel were helping her be immobile, and she didn’t feel any pain. After a while, she noticed it was only her head left, indicating that Richard would soon be done with her. A bit later, he picked the girl’s head and moved it somewhere else. He placed it on what Shana guessed to be the display he told her about. The man arranged her mouth in a little smile, put her hair around and took a step back to look at the result. “Perfect, you look really good. Now that everything’s ready, we can open the shop, and you’ll get to discover our clients.” He opened the shop’s door and stood at the desk. Shana was still very excited, but the absence of her body allowed her to remain calm and immobile. She wanted to open her eyes to look at the display, but she managed to not do it. Shortly after Richard had opened the shop, someone opened the door and a familiar voice was heard. “Hello sir! -Hello miss. -I’m Katleen, Shana’s sister. -Ah, pleasure to meet you. I put her here.” The girl heard Richard walk to her, followed but her sister. Looking at the display, Katleen stopped. “Very nice presentation, it’s adorable. -Thanks, I tried to show her best side. -And you succeeded, really. Is it fine if I take some pictures to show her? -Yes, go ahead.” Katleen picked her phone and took several pictures of the display. “She can hear you, she remained conscious, if you want to tell her something. -Oh, nice. Well, my dear little sister, presented as you are, you are adorable and look delicious, I can’t wait to show you the pictures. Ok, I’m not here only to take pictures of her, so I’ll buy something. -Of course, what do you want? -Her fillet and her right breast, please.” Shana heard Richard pick the morsels her sister asked for and bring them to the desk. She was very happy that the first person to buy one of her cuts was Katleen, and she really wanted to see the pictures she just took. “Thanks again for accepting my sister, she really dreamed about that. -With pleasure, she really matches what we wanted. I’m sure she’ll be a success. -I think so, too. I have one last thing to ask, if it’s fine with you. -I’m listening. -Tomorrow, if she’s completely sold before the end of the day, could you reform her earlier and let her come back home? I know that usually you wait for the day to be done, but since it’s her first time I’d like to prepare a little surprise for her, and I’d need her. -Sure, when she’s sold I’ll send her home. -Thanks a lot! Have a nice day. -You as well.” Shana heard her sister leave the shop. What she had just heard pleased her, and she hoped she would be sold quickly the next day. She had no clue about what that surprise could be, but she trusted her sister. The rest of the day went by calmly, the shop having quite a lot of clients. Several times, Shana could hear some of them come close to the display where her meat was placed, take their time to look at her, read the informative card. Most of them ended up buying one of her cuts, sometimes more. Despite her enthusiasm and the agitation, the young girl remained calm and immobile until the end of the day, when Richard grabbed her head to take it back in the room from the day before. Some more back-and-forth, then the man stopped. A few moments after, Shana felt his hand on her head, and a thought started to appear in her mind. A simple word, “Reformation”, that seemed to come from outside, like if Richard was pushing it into her. Progressively, she felt something under her neck, but she couldn’t open her eyes to see what it was. She couldn’t tell how long it lasted, but she heard noise around her, so she opened her eyes as soon as she could. She also stretched, and her arms met something. Other girls were, like her, stretching after the reformation. “Good evening, girls. The day was very good, I hope it was for you too. -Yes, all good. -No problem. -Perfect. As you heard this morning, we have a new girl here. Her name’s Shana, she’s in high school, and this week-end she’s on a trial period to check if she can continue to work with us. I’ll let you introduce yourselves, be kind with her.” The six girls nodded and turned to Shana. They were very friendly and enthusiastic, but the girl didn’t feel overwhelmed. She talked with them, about her life, her day, why she wanted to try. The table they were sitting on was wide enough for all of them, but some got down to come closer to Shana. The talk lasted for a while, until Melanie came to tell them dinner was ready. The high school girl followed the others, through a back yard, and arrived in a little building in which the owners were living. The girls sat around a large table, big enough for at least a dozen persons. Shana placed herself between two slightly older girls, and kept talking while waiting for the meal. It was delivered quickly, and everyone was delighted. The girls explained to Shana that the meals were always well-balanced to make sure the meat’s quality wouldn’t deteriorate. Richard and Melanie ate with the girls, in a lively atmosphere that made Shana feel at ease. After dinner, the girls had some time to relax, in a special room with large cushions and couches, a TV, some books and various objects the girls brought themselves. Shana sat in one of the couches to watch TV, feeling already at home, mostly thanks to the girls’ kindness. A few hours later, Melanie came to pick the girls up. She led them to the multi-roles room, where Richard was waiting. Two of the girls stepped into the shower at the same time, and Melanie got to wash them like she did Shana the day before. Everyone was joyfully talking, two other girls entering the shower while the first two were drying themselves. When all the girls where cleaned, they followed Richard to the cold chamber. Shana shivered again, but she entered the room as well, still talking. The man told her to come near the table in the middle of the room. “Since I’ll take you out last, I’ll hang you first. Lie down.” She obeyed, and Richard tied her up like the day before, wrist together, then the hair, and lastly the ankles. Since it was her second night in the cold chamber, Shana thought she could try what Richard had offered her. “Could you please hang me with my legs spread this time? -Yes, no problem, there’s enough room for that.” The man checked the hook, then spread Shana’s legs. He lowered the table, and soon the girl felt herself hung, her legs wide spread. Richard hung the other girls, one after the other, until they were all upside down. He wished them a good night, turned the lights off and left the room. The girls wished each other a good night as well, and the silence came. Shana was feeling very good, among the others, hung like her. She fell asleep smiling. The following day, Shana woke up the same way, with lights and noise. She heard Richard unhook the girls, one after the other, then it was her turn. Like last time, the boss unhooked her, placed her on his shoulder, brought her to his work desk, untied her, turned her on her back and began working her. This time, the girl allowed herself to pay more attention to Richard’s work, although she remained focused on her head and consciousness. She felt his instruments taking care of her body, cut her, and the feeling was rather nice. Again, her head was moved and put on the display, and the day began. She heard the clients, as numerous as the day before, some picking her cuts. After a while, Richard came to the display to grab her head, and Shana thought she was completely sold. He brought her in the same little room, and put his hand on her head to begin reformation. Once back in one piece, Shana stretched and noticed Richard next to her. “So, how did your first week-end here go? -Very well! I loved it, and you were really awesome, the girls too. -Glad to hear. As for us, you were perfect, and we could taste your meat, as good as I expected. -Oh, it’s nice to know that. -I suppose you want to keep going? -Of course! -Then you can come back next Friday, a little bit earlier, with your sister, and we’ll talk about your contract. Ok for you? -With pleasure! -It’s all for today, I’ll let you go home, since your sister is waiting for you.” He opened the drawer with her name on it and gave her her belongings. Shana dressed quickly, turned her phone on and looked at the pictures that were in. She found them both very pretty and very exciting, and she was really happy to have them. Katleen had sent her the ones she took of the display, which was indeed cute and nice-looking. The young girl thanked Richard and Melanie, then left the shop to head home. She walked fast, excited at the thought of discovering the surprise her sister planned for her. “I’m back!” Her sister was in the kitchen. When she heard Shana open the door, she came to see her and embraced her. “How is my delicious little sister doing? -Very good! It was awesome, from the moment I took my clothes off to the moment I left the shop, everything was nice. And the pictures are superb. -Good to hear. You’ll send them to me, I want to have them too. -Of course! -Come, you’ll tell me everything, but I need to prepare the surprise I talked about yesterday.” Katleen brought her sister in the kitchen. She took a quick look at the clock on the wall and smiled. “Perfect, we have lots of time. Take your clothes off, and I’ll tell you what we’ll do.” The girl obeyed and put her clothes in a corner of the kitchen. “Since you were so tasty when I roasted you, and I have some regrets being the only one to enjoy it, I decided, to celebrate your debut in the shop, to prepare a little feast to which I have invited your friends, and with you as the centrepiece. What do you say? -Awesome idea, I approve! -So come here, let me prepare you, and meanwhile tell me about your week-end.” Shana approached and began telling her sister what her week-end was like, while she was preparing her like a few days ago. Her sister oiled her whole body, then laid her on the platter. She seasoned her, then placed her head on her hands and tied them together. “I’ll have you roast like this, and I’ll present you correctly after. And don’t worry, I’ll be taking pictures.” Shana smiled, and Katleen placed the fake apple in her mouth before putting her in the oven. Like last time, Shana relaxed while enjoying the roasting, being sprinkled from time to time. She was eager to see the result, so she let herself go. When her sister was roasted, Katleen took her out of the oven, took some pictures, then began working on the presentation. She untied her arms, laid them before her, cut her head off and placed it straight on her hands. Then, she lifted her shanks and pushed her feet upward, and added some seasoning, sliced vegetables and herbs as ornaments and a little bit of sauce. Satisfied, she took some more pictures, then brought the platter in the living room. “And here’s today’s star, the centrepiece, my delicious little sister!” Shana’s friends looked at it in awe and clapped. The young girl was really pretty and appetising, and they couldn’t wait to taste her. They talked a lot, Katleen showing all the pictures she had, while enjoying their friend’s meat. She was a truly formidable meal, and they promised that next week-end, they’d go and buy at least one of her cuts. That news would certainly make her feel very happy, and push her more into this path. Katleen, very satisfied, promised herself she’d always support her delicious little sister with her dream, the girl’s tender fillet leaving a smile on her lips. |
Vendre sa viande partie 2 La journée du vendredi passa relativement lentement, en partie à cause des cours que Shana devait suivre. Elle accueillit la cloche avec soulagement, et sortit rapidement dans la cour avec ses amies. Avant de les quitter et de rentrer, elle leur sourit. « Au fait, j’ai quelque chose à vous annoncer. -Qu’est-ce que c’est ? -J’ai trouvé un job ! Enfin, je vais faire un test, ce week-end. -Ah, c’est quoi ? -Vous connaissez La Bonne Cuisse ? La boutique qui vend de la viande de fille ? -Oui, on y va de temps en temps, la viande est très bonne là-bas. -Et bien, ce soir j’y vais, et j’y serais vendue demain ! -Oh, vraiment ? -Oui, ça fait un moment que j’avais envie, et après avoir acheté quelques morceaux, je leur ai demandé s’ils voulaient bien me prendre. J’ai eu de la chance, ils cherchaient justement une fille comme moi, du coup ils me prennent à l’essai. -C’est génial, je suis super contente pour toi ! -Moi aussi ! -Voilà, si vous voulez me goûter, n’hésitez pas à passer et prendre un petit morceau ! » Elles acquiescèrent, et chacune partit de son côté. Shana se dépêcha de rentrer, excitée à l’idée de se rendre à la boutique un peu plus tard. Sa sœur était en train de travailler dans le salon, alors elle la salua rapidement et alla dans sa chambre. La jeune fille posa ses affaires, choisit une tenue plus légère que son uniforme et se dirigea vers la salle de bain. Elle se déshabilla et se regarda dans le miroir en souriant. Son corps allait plaire, elle en était convaincue. Elle prit une longue douche, s’assurant de bien se nettoyer même si elle allait l’être à nouveau plus tard dans la soirée. Puisqu’elle ne pourrait pas le faire durant le week-end, elle commença à jouer avec son corps, en pensant à la veille, quant elle avait été cuisinée, et à ce qu’elle allait vivre. Une fois la longue douche terminée, elle retourna dans sa chambre pour regarder des vidéos jusqu’à ce que sa sœur l’appelle pour manger. « Alors, prête pour ta première soirée de travail ? -Oui, j’ai hâte. -Bien habillée, en plus, alors que tu vas finir à poil très rapidement. -Je me suis dit que je devais faire bonne impression. -Tu fais bien. Allez, mange, histoire de ne pas être en retard. » Le repas, léger, passa rapidement, et les deux sœurs s’installèrent devant la télé, en attendant que Shana quitte la maison. Vers 21h, elle se leva, s’assura d’avoir son téléphone et ses papiers d’identité avec elle, embrassa Katleen et partit pour la boutique. Elle passa la porte et attendit quelques instants que le patron arrive. « Bonsoir ! -Bonsoir jeune fille ! Comment tu te sens ? -Très bien, j’ai hâte de commencer, monsieur. -Appelle-moi Richard. Tu as pu demander à ta sœur de te cuisiner ? -Oui, et c’était vraiment bien. La reformation a été un peu fatigante, mais aucun souci. -Parfait. Suis-moi, on va te préparer. » Richard verrouilla la porte de la boutique, puis éteignit les lumières et se rendit dans l’arrière-boutique, suivi par Shana. Il conduisit la jeune fille dans une grande salle où se trouvaient divers meubles, des tables, des chaises, des armoires, des casiers. « Déjà, tu as bien un papier de ta sœur qui confirme qu’elle t’autorise à être vendue en boutique ? -Oui, le voici. -Parfait. Maintenant, je vais te demander ta carte d’identité. » Shana lui donna la carte, et l’homme l’observa attentivement. Il la posa sur la table la plus proche, prit un carnet et nota quelques informations. « Ok, je vais t’expliquer ce qui va se passer. Tu vas commencer par te déshabiller, et je vais te peser et prendre toutes tes mesures. -Toutes ? -Oui, c’est important. Je ne sais pas si tu as vu, mais pour chaque fille que nous avons en boutique, nous faisons une fiche qui récapitule toutes ses informations, pour que les clients sachent ce qu’ils achètent. La traçabilité est très importante, et les gens aiment avoir des informations sur leur viande. -Oh, je vois. C’est pour ça que vous avez noté ce qu’il y a sur ma carte dans votre carnet ? -Oui, c’est pour la fiche. Ensuite, une fois que je t’aurais mesurée et pesée, je prendrais quelques photos, pour décorer la fiche et te décrire précisément. Puis on te nettoiera bien comme il faut, et je te conduirais dans la chambre froide, où tu passeras la nuit. Demain matin, on te sortira et on te préparera pour la vente. Comme tu es nouvelle, je t’installerai sur un présentoir à part, pour que les clients puissent te découvrir et se faire une idée sur ta viande. -D’accord, j’ai hâte d’y être. -C’est bien d’avoir de l’enthousiasme. Pour le moment, déshabille-toi et pose tes affaires sur cette table. Je les rangerai dans un casier à ton nom. -Ça vous dérange si je prends quelques photos ? -Non, pas du tout. -Et est-ce que vous pourrez en prendre quelques-unes aussi, s’il vous plaît ? -Aucun problème. Je vais demander à ma femme, Mélanie. -Merci beaucoup. » Il quitta la pièce, et Shana commença à se déshabiller. Elle fit attention à ne pas abîmer ses vêtements malgré son excitation, et bientôt elle fut nue, ses affaires posées sur la table. En attendant le retour du patron, elle prit quelques photos d’elle dans la pièce, qu’elle envoya à sa sœur et à ses amies. Richard revint peu après avec sa femme, à qui Shana donna son téléphone. L’homme la conduisit ensuite au fond de la pièce, où se trouvait une grande balance. La jeune fille monta dessus, et l’appareil indiqua son poids : 49 kilogrammes. Elle n’était pas toute fine, mais elle n’était pas non plus très épaisse. Ensuite, ce fut la taille : 156 centimètres. Elle était dans la moyenne pour son âge. Puis Richard mesura ses trois tailles, là encore dans la moyenne. Il prit quelques photos, de face, de dos, de profil, de près, de plus loin, des différentes parties du corps de Shana. Ensuite, une série de question sur elle, sur sa vie quotidienne, son régime alimentaire, ses activités, auxquelles elle répondit du mieux qu’elle put. Richard referma son carnet et l’emmena dans une autre petite pièce, à l’arrière, où se trouvait la douche. C’était une grande douche, avec suffisamment d’espace pour se nettoyer complètement. Mélanie s’avança pour s’occuper de laver Shana à la place de son mari. Elle installa la jeune fille dans la douche, puis ouvrit l’eau. Elle était tiède, mais pas désagréable. La femme discutait en souriant avec Shana, qui lui répondait avec plaisir. Après un moment, elle coupa l’eau, puis se versa un produit sur les mains. « C’est un gel à base de produits naturels, pour éviter que la viande ne s’abîme dans la chambre froide et pour t’aider à dormir correctement. » Elle commença à en badigeonner Shana, y compris les cheveux. En voyant que la jeune fille s’amusait, Mélanie voulut lui faire plaisir et joua un peu avec ses seins et ses fesses, en continuant de répandre le produit sur son corps. Elle passa également ses doigts à l’intérieur du vagin de Shana, ce qui la fit gémir. Comme il fallait laisser le gel agir, elles continuèrent à discuter quelques minutes, jusqu’à ce que Mélanie refasse couler l’eau pour nettoyer la jeune fille. Une fois bien nettoyée, encore mouillée, Shana prit la pose pour quelques photos, puis Mélanie la sécha à l’aide d’une grande serviette. Elle l’emmena ensuite dans une grande pièce, la chambre froide. En entrant, Shana frissonna à cause de sa nudité. Elle observa les alentours, et put voir plusieurs bacs contenant de la viande, probablement les invendus de la journée qui seraient resservis le lendemain. Il y avait également deux filles, accrochées par les pieds à un crochet relié à un système de barres métalliques au plafond. « Voilà, bientôt tu seras comme ces filles. Comment tu te sens ? -Encore plus excitée et enthousiaste. -Parfait, ça devrait aller dans ce cas. Viens, Richard va t’accrocher pendant que je fais quelques photos. » Shana s’exécuta et s’approcha de Richard. Celui-ci la fit s’allonger sur le ventre, sur une table dont la hauteur était modifiable. Il attacha ses mains dans son dos, et ses cheveux avec, puis ses chevilles avec une corde, qu’il relia au crochet. Il baissa ensuite la table, et Shana se sentit progressivement pendre par les pieds, la tête en bas. Bientôt, la table disparut sous elle, et elle se retrouva complètement suspendue. « Ça va, tu te sens bien ? -Très bien, oui. -Parfait, il va te falloir un peu de temps mais tu vas t’y habituer, et tu ne devrais pas avoir de souci à dormir la tête en bas. Je peux aussi tirer sur la corde pour te remonter un peu, en t’écartant les jambes, si tu préfères. -Ça devrait aller pour ce soir, merci. -Entendu. Dans ce cas, on n’a plus qu’à te laisser profiter de ta première nuit ici. -Merci encore, je suis vraiment très contente de pouvoir vous aider et être vendue dans votre boutique. -C’est nous qui te remercions. Allez, profite bien et bonne nuit. » Richard et Mélanie éteignirent la lumière et quittèrent la pièce. Une fois la porte refermée, le calme s’installa dans la chambre froide, laissant Shana avec ses pensées et ses sensations. Son excitation n’était pas retombée, et la situation dans laquelle elle se trouvait lui faisait extrêmement plaisir. Elle avait vu Mélanie prendre des photos, alors elle n’avait pas à s’en inquiéter. Se sentir accrochée, tête en bas, dans une chambre froide était une expérience nouvelle, mais agréable. Elle s’était dit qu’elle essaierait de faire les choses normalement, même si elle aurait sûrement aimé être accrochée les jambes écartées. Après un moment dans le calme, elle finit par se sentir fatiguée, et s’endormit avec un sourire aux lèvres. Lorsque Shana se réveilla, la lumière de la chambre froide était allumée. Elle jeta un œil autour d’elle et vit qu’une des deux autres filles avait été décrochée. L’autre était toujours là, les yeux fermés. Peut-être qu’elle dormait encore, après tout il était tôt. Shana referma les yeux et resta immobile, attendant son tour. Elle était toujours excitée, mais l’envie de faire les choses correctement était plus forte. Peu de temps après, elle entendit la porte de la chambre froide s’ouvrir et quelqu’un, sûrement Richard, entrer. Il passa à côté d’elle et attrapa l’autre fille. Il la décrocha, la plaça sur son épaule et quitta la pièce. Maintenant qu’elle était bien réveillée, Shana pouvait apprécier sa situation. Elle était un peu étourdie d’avoir passé la nuit tête en bas, mais grâce au produit avec lequel elle avait été nettoyée la veille, elle se sentait bien. Pour le moment, elle appréciait véritablement son nouveau travail, sans aucun défaut. Elle dut attendre encore un peu avant que Richard ne rentre à nouveau dans la chambre froide pour s’occuper d’elle. « Alors, bien dormi ? » Shana, les yeux fermés, fit oui de la tête. Richard lui tapota les fesses, la décrocha et l’installa sur son épaule. Il quitta la pièce en éteignant la lumière, et peu après Shana sentit qu’il la posait sur une table. L’homme détacha ses cheveux et ses poignets, puis la retourna. Il écarta un peu ses bras et ses jambes pour avoir une vue dégagée de son corps. « Une dernière petite chose : si tu veux, tu peux rester consciente même s’il n’y a plus que ta tête. Il te suffit de te concentrer et de te dire que tu veux rester consciente, et tu verras, tu le resteras. Je sais que toutes les filles ne le font pas, mais je voulais te le dire, si ça t’intéresse. Bien sûr, il faut que tu restes parfaitement immobile, une tête qui bouge toute seule de son côté risque de ruiner la décoration. Allez, je vais passer à la préparation. » Shana sentit ses mains parcourir son corps, puis rapidement ce fut au tour des instruments de la toucher. La jeune fille s’efforça de rester immobile, en se concentrant sur sa conscience comme Richard le lui avait dit. Le froid et le produit nettoyant l’aidaient à ne pas bouger, et elle ne ressentait aucune douleur. Au bout d’un moment, elle se rendit compte qu’il ne restait plus que sa tête, signe que Richard avait bientôt terminé. Peu après, il prit la tête de la jeune fille dans ses mains et l’emporta ailleurs. Il la posa sur ce que Shana supposa être le petit présentoir dont il avait parlé. L’homme arrangea sa bouche en un petit sourire, fit glisser ses cheveux autour, et recula pour observer le résultat. «Parfait, tu as l’air vraiment très bien. Maintenant que tout est prêt, on va pouvoir ouvrir, et tu vas découvrir notre clientèle. » Il partit ouvrir la boutique et s’installer derrière le comptoir. Shana se sentait toujours excitée, mais l’absence de son corps lui permettait de rester calme et immobile. Elle voulait ouvrir les yeux pour voir le présentoir, mais elle se força à ne pas le faire. Peu de temps après que Richard eut ouvert la boutique, la porte s’ouvrit et une voix familière se fit entendre. « Bonjour monsieur ! -Bonjour mademoiselle. -Je suis Katleen, la sœur de Shana. -Ah, enchanté. Je l’ai mise ici. » La jeune fille entendit Richard s’approcher, suivi de sa sœur. Devant le présentoir, Katleen s’arrêta quelques instants. « Très jolie présentation, c’est adorable. -Merci, j’ai essayé de la mettre le plus en valeur possible. -Et vous avez réussi, vraiment. Ça vous dérange si je prends quelques photos pour lui montrer ? -Non, pas de souci, allez-y. » Katleen prit son téléphone et fit plusieurs photos du présentoir. « Elle vous entend, elle est restée consciente, si vous voulez lui dire quelque chose. -Oh, super. Eh bien, ma chère petite sœur, présentée comme tu l’es, tu es adorable et tu as l’air délicieuse, j’ai hâte de pouvoir te montrer les photos. Bon, je ne suis pas venue juste pour la photographier, alors je vais vous prendre quelque chose. -Bien sûr, qu’est-ce que vous voulez ? -Son filet et son sein droit, s’il vous plaît. » Shana entendit Richard prendre les morceaux que sa sœur avait demandé et les emmener au comptoir. Elle était très heureuse que la première personne qui achète l’un de ses morceaux soit Katleen, et elle avait tout aussi hâte de voir les photos qu’elle venait de prendre. « Encore merci d’avoir accepté ma sœur, elle en rêvait vraiment. -Avec plaisir, elle correspond très bien à ce que nous voulions. Je suis sûr qu’elle aura du succès. -Je le pense aussi. J’aurais une dernière requête, si ça vous va. -Je vous écoute. -Demain, si elle est complètement vendue avant la fin de la journée, pourriez-vous la reformer plus tôt et la laisser rentrer ? Je sais que d’habitude il faut attendre que la journée soit terminée, mais comme c’est sa première fois j’aimerais préparer une petite surprise, et j’aurais besoin d’elle. -C’est d’accord. Quand elle sera vendue, je vous la renverrais. -Merci beaucoup ! Passez une bonne journée. -Vous aussi. » Shana entendit sa sœur passer la porte de la boutique pour sortir. Ce qu’elle avait entendu lui faisait plaisir, et elle espérait qu’elle se vendrait rapidement le lendemain. Elle n’avait aucune idée de ce que cette surprise pouvait être, mais elle faisait confiance à sa sœur. Le reste de la journée se déroula tranquillement, la boutique ayant une clientèle assez importante. À plusieurs reprises, Shana put entendre des clients s’approcher du présentoir sur lequel se trouvait sa viande, prendre leur temps pour l’observer, lire la petite fiche d’information. La plupart se laissaient tenter et achetaient l’un de ses morceaux, parfois plusieurs. Malgré l’enthousiasme et l’agitation, la jeune fille parvint à rester calme et immobile jusqu’à la fin de la journée, lorsque Richard prit sa tête pour l’amener dans l’arrière-boutique. Encore quelques va-et-vient, puis l’homme s’arrêta. Quelques instants après, Shana sentit sa main sur sa tête, et une pensée commença à se former dans son esprit. Un simple mot, « Reformation », qui semblait venir de dehors, comme si Richard la lui transmettait. Progressivement, elle sentit quelque chose sous son cou, mais elle ne pouvait pas ouvrir les yeux pour voir ce que c’était. Elle n’aurait pu dire combien de temps ça avait duré, mais elle entendait du bruit autour d’elle, alors elle s’empressa d’ouvrir les yeux dès qu’elle put. Elle en profita pour s’étirer, et ses bras rencontrèrent quelque chose. D’autres filles étaient, comme elle, en train de s’étirer, après la reformation. « Bonsoir, les filles. La journée a été très bonne, j’espère que pour vous aussi. -Oui, très bien. -Aucun souci. -Parfait. Comme vous avez pu l’entendre ce matin, nous avons une petite nouvelle en boutique. Elle s’appelle Shana, elle est au lycée et, ce week-end, je la teste pour savoir si elle peut continuer à travailler avec nous. Je vous laisse faire connaissance, soyez gentilles avec elle. » Les six autres filles acquiescèrent, puis se tournèrent vers Shana. Elles étaient très amicales, bien qu’enthousiastes, mais la jeune fille ne se sentit pas mal à l’aise. Elle discuta avec les autres, à propos de sa vie, de sa journée, de pourquoi elle avait voulu essayer. La table sur laquelle elles se trouvaient était suffisamment grande pour toutes les accueillir, mais certaines étaient descendues pour venir plus près de Shana. La discussion dura un moment, jusqu’à ce que Mélanie arrive pour leur dire que le repas était prêt. La lycéenne suivit les autres, à travers une cour à l’arrière de la boutique, et arriva dans un petit bâtiment dans lequel vivaient les propriétaires. Les filles s’installèrent autour d’une grande table, assez large pour accueillir au moins une dizaine de personnes. Shana prit place entre deux filles légèrement plus âgées qu’elle, et continua à discuter en attendant le repas. Celui-ci arriva bientôt, et toutes se réjouirent. On expliqua à Shana que les repas étaient toujours équilibrés pour assurer la qualité de la viande. Richard et Mélanie mangeait avec les filles, dans une bonne ambiance qui faisait plaisir à la nouvelle venue. Après le repas, les filles avaient du temps pour se détendre, dans une salle aménagée, avec de larges canapés et fauteuils, une télévision, des livres et divers objets que les filles apportaient. Shana s’installa dans un des canapés devant la télévision, se sentant déjà parfaitement à l’aise, en grande partie grâce à la bienveillance des autres filles. Quelques heures plus tard, Mélanie vint chercher les filles. Elle les conduisit dans la salle multi-rôles, où les attendait Richard. Deux des filles entrèrent dans la douche en même temps, et Mélanie entreprit de les nettoyer comme elle l’avait fait avec Shana la veille. Tout le monde discutait joyeusement, deux autres filles entrant dans la douche pendant que les deux premières se séchaient. Lorsque toutes les filles furent nettoyées, elles accompagnèrent Richard jusqu’à la chambre froide. Shana frissonna à nouveau en entrant, mais elle les suivit à l’intérieur, discutant toujours. L’homme lui fit signe de s’approcher de la table qui se trouvait au centre de la pièce. « Comme je vais te sortir en dernière, je vais t’attacher en première. Allonge-toi. » Elle obéit, et Richard l’attacha comme la veille, les poignets ensembles, puis les cheveux, enfin les chevilles. Puisque c’était sa deuxième nuit dans la chambre froide, Shana se dit qu’elle pouvait essayer ce que Richard lui avait proposé la veille. « Est-ce que vous pourriez m’accrocher avec les jambes écartées cette fois ? -Oui, pas de souci, il y a suffisamment de place pour ça. » L’homme vérifia le crochet, puis écarta les jambes de Shana. Il baissa la table, et bientôt la jeune fille se sentit accrochée, les jambes écartées, tête en bas. Richard accrocha les autres filles, les unes après les autres, jusqu’à ce qu’elle soient toutes suspendues. L’homme leur souhaita une bonne nuit, éteignit la lumière et quitta la pièce. Les filles se souhaitèrent bonne nuit à leur tour, puis le silence s’installa. Shana se sentait vraiment bien, au milieu des autres, accrochée comme elle. Elle s’endormit en souriant. Le lendemain, Shana se réveilla de la même manière, avec la lumière et le bruit. Elle entendit Richard décrocher les filles, les unes après les autres, puis ce fut son tour. Comme la veille, le patron la décrocha, l’installa sur son épaule, l’emmena sur son plan de travail, la détacha, la retourna et commença à la travailler. Cette fois, la jeune fille se permit de faire un peu plus attention au travail de Richard, mais elle restait concentrée sur sa tête et sa conscience. Elle sentit ses instruments s’occuper de son corps, la découper, et la sensation était plutôt plaisante. À nouveau, sa tête fut déplacée et installée sur le présentoir, et la journée commença. Elle entendit les clients, aussi nombreux que la veille, certains choisissant ses morceaux. Au bout d’un moment, Richard vint chercher sa tête, et Shana se dit qu’elle devait être complètement vendue. Il l’amena dans la même pièce que la veille, et posa sa main sur sa tête pour démarrer la reformation. Une fois redevenue entière, Shana s’étira et remarqua Richard à côté d’elle. « Alors, comment as-tu trouvé ton premier week-end ici ? -C’était super ! J’ai adoré, et vous avez été vraiment géniaux, les filles aussi. -Ravi de l’entendre. De notre côté, tu as été parfaite, et nous avons pu goûter ta viande, très bonne comme je m’y attendais. -Oh, je suis contente de le savoir. -J’imagine que tu veux continuer ? -Évidemment ! -Alors tu peux revenir vendredi prochain, un peu plus tôt, avec ta sœur, et on définira ton contrat. Ça te va ? -Avec plaisir ! -C’est tout pour aujourd’hui, je vais te laisser rentrer chez toi, comme ta sœur t’attend. » Il ouvrit le casier à son nom et lui donna ses affaires. Shana s’habilla rapidement, alluma son téléphone et jeta un œil aux photos qui s’y trouvaient. Elles les trouvait à la fois très belles et très excitante, et elle était vraiment contente de les avoir. Katleen lui avait envoyé celles qu’elle avait prises du présentoir, qui était effectivement très joli et mignon. La jeune fille remercia chaleureusement Richard et Mélanie, puis quitta la boutique pour rentrer chez elle. Elle se dépêcha, excitée à l’idée de découvrir la surprise que sa sœur lui réservait. « Me revoilà ! » Sa sœur se trouvait dans la cuisine. En attendant Shana rentrer, elle vint la voir et la prit dans ses bras. « Comment va ma délicieuse petite sœur ? -Très bien ! C’était génial, du moment où je me suis déshabillée jusqu’à ce que je quitte la boutique, tout était super. Et les photos sont magnifiques. -Tant mieux. Tu me les enverras, je veux les avoir aussi. -Bien sûr ! -Viens, tu vas pouvoir me raconter tout ça, mais il faut que je prépare la surprise dont j’ai parlé hier. » Katleen emmena sa sœur dans la cuisine. Elle jeta un œil à la pendule accrochée au mur et sourit. « Parfait, on a largement le temps. Déshabille-toi, et je te dirais ce qu’on va faire. » La jeune fille s’exécuta rapidement, et posa ses affaires dans un coin de la cuisine. « Puisque tu était si bonne quand je t’ai rôtie, et que je m’en voulais d’être la seule à pouvoir en profiter, j’ai décidé, pour célébrer tes débuts à la boutique, de préparer un petit festin auquel j’ai convié tes amies, et dont tu seras le centre. Qu’en dis-tu ? -Excellente idée, j’approuve ! -Alors viens là que je te prépare, et pendant ce temps raconte-moi ton week-end. » Shana s’approcha et commença à raconter son passage à la boutique, pendant que Katleen la préparait comme quelques jours plus tôt. Sa sœur huila tout son corps, puis l’allongea sur le plateau. Elle l’assaisonna, puis plaça sa tête sur ses mains et les attacha ensemble pour les faire tenir. « Je vais te faire cuire comme ça, et je te présenterai correctement après. Et ne t’inquiètes pas, je prendrais des photos. » Shana sourit, puis Katleen plaça la fausse pomme dans sa bouche et l’enfourna. Comme la fois précédente, Shana se détendit en profitant de la cuisson, arrosée de temps en temps. Elle avait hâte de voir le résultat, alors elle se laissa aller. Lorsque sa sœur fut cuite, Katleen la sortit du four, prit quelques photos, puis se mit au dressage. Elle détacha ses bras, les allongea devant elle, découpa sa tête et la posa droite sur ses mains. Ensuite, elle leva ses mollets et tendit ses pieds, puis rajouta de l’assaisonnement, des légumes en tranche et des herbes pour la décoration et un peu de sauce. Satisfaite, elle fit plusieurs photos, puis emmena le plat dans la salle à manger. « Et voilà la star du jour, la pièce maîtresse, ma délicieuse petite sœur ! » Les amies de Shana ouvrirent grand les yeux et applaudirent. La jeune fille était très belle et appétissante, et elles avaient hâte de pouvoir la goûter. Elles discutèrent beaucoup, Katleen leur montrant toutes les photos qu’elle avait, tout en appréciant la viande de leur amie. Celle-ci constituait vraiment un formidable repas, et elles se promirent que le prochain week-end, elles iraient acheter au moins un de ses morceaux. Cette nouvelle lui ferait sûrement très plaisir, et l’encouragerait dans cette voie. Katleen, très satisfaite, se promit de toujours soutenir sa délicieuse petite sœur dans ses rêves, le tendre petit filet lui laissant un sourire sur les lèvres. |
Playing the turkey Even if the classes are interesting, I easily get bored, today just like any other day. We’re Friday, and the schedule is lighter than the rest of the week, but I still don’t really think about what the teacher’s saying. “Lily, focus, it’s almost done.” My best friend, Sarah, pats my arm to get me to focus on the lesson. I look for a moment at her pretty face, her little black eyes, her brown hair, before sighing. “You know I have troubles with concentration. -Do your best, there isn’t much time left. And this week-end, we can have some fun. -I know, I can’t wait.” We planned on spending the week-end together, going out, watching movies, playing games and talking about lots of things. Thinking about it makes me want to be there, and time goes by a bit more quickly. Once the lesson is done, we leave the university, I rapidly go home to grab my stuff for the week-end and join Sarah at her house. It’s a little peaceful house, a bit on the side, that she’s renting with two friends, but they aren’t here this week-end. Sarah welcomes me with open arms, I put my stuff in her room, and we go out for a walk. The rest of the afternoon goes on quickly, and we come back to her home for a pizza evening watching TV. After we’re done eating, Sarah goes to shower while I clean the place. When she gets out of the bathroom, with her wet hair and her short pyjama, she looks really pretty. We talk a bit, then it’s my turn to shower. I undress and look at the mirror. I’m not very tall, and my breasts aren’t very big, but I have a nice silhouette, and the bottom of my body is rather nice. I wash myself, get out of the shower and dry my body before putting on my pyjama. I chose an open top and a mini-short, because I like to sleep lightly clothed and to let Sarah enjoy my body. “Your thighs are as good as ever. -Thanks, I’m glad to hear that. -It’s late, so let’s head to bed.” We go to her room and enter her bed. We often sleep together, and she uses that to put her hand on my ass, but I like it, so I let her do as she pleases. Today, since we’re quite tired, she just caresses me a bit, and we rapidly fall asleep. The rest of the week-end goes by the same way, rather chill. We alternate between going outside, gaming, resting, some little enjoyable things. Sarah also shows us their big hen house, with several poultries. It’s really spacious, they are lucky to be there. Saturday night, we relax with a movie before heading to bed. Sarah has more energy than yesterday, so she plays with me a bit more, so that we’re really tired. Sunday is calmer, but still fun. Again, Sarah plays with me in bed, as a good end to the week-end. The next day, we get ready and go back to the university. In the morning, an idea pops in my mind. A little idea, fun, that I think about more during the day. I’m so focused on it that I don’t really pay attention to the classes, but it doesn’t matter. Once the day is finished, I wave Sarah goodbye and head home quickly. I put my stuff in my room, then go to the bathroom. I undress rapidly and step into the shower. The water running on my skin is pleasant and helps me relax. I stay there for a while before stepping out and drying myself. I take a light meal and go back to my room, on my laptop. There’s something I want to check. A quick search, some pages to consult, and I smile. As I expected, I can absolutely do what I had in mind. I keep browsing things for the rest of the evening, before becoming too tired to keep going. I enter my bed, set my alarm clock to an earlier hour than usual and turn the lights off. If everything goes well, tomorrow will be an excellent day. The clock rings at the planned hour, and I quickly get off of bed, enthusiastically. I head directly to the living room, where I prepared yesterday everything I need. A pen, paper, a picture of a turkey, one of Sarah and a list of things to say. I smile, even if it takes some seconds to realise that I’m about to cast a spell. I write on the paper what I searched yesterday on the laptop, I trace the necessary symbols, I place the turkey picture in the middle of the paper and Sarah’s in another circle. Then, I get up, look at the list and begin repeating the words. It’s a bit long, but I’m focused, so I don’t make any mistake. Once I’m done reciting, I feel a bit weird. After a little while, I notice feathers on my arms and above my butt, pretty brown feathers. I smile widely. The spell worked: I became a true turkey. If everything goes as planned, people shouldn’t notice me until Sarah sees me, and she should see me only as a turkey. Excited, I walk outside and head directly to her house. I want to surprise her and be a turkey in her hen house for a while, I think she’ll like it as much as me. I arrive at her door, a bit earlier than I expected, so I wait. Despite me being naked, I’m not feeling cold, and people aren’t looking at me, showing that the spell works. Finally, I hear the key in the lock, the door opens, and Sarah runs into me. “Well, what do we have here? You’re a pretty turkey, ain’t you.” She comes close to me, smiling, and I smile back. The spell works perfectly, and now everyone will see me as a turkey. Sarah looks at me, walks around me, pats my butt and stop in front of me. “I don’t know where you come from, but if you’re here, might as well take you in. Come, follow me.” She waves her hand, and I follow her to her garden. We head to the hen house, and Sarah opens the door. “Get inside and make yourself at home, I need to go to classes today but I’ll come see you tonight. I’m sure you’ll like it here.” She shows me inside the hen house, and I walk in. It’s really wide, so I don’t need to lower my head to enter. “Nice. I let you make some friends, I need to go. See you tonight!” Sarah locks the door and leaves to garden to go to classes, leaving me in the hen house with the few chickens there are. They walk around me, intrigued, but quickly get used to my presence and leave me alone. I look around, seeing that the hen house is well equipped. There’s even a plastic chair to sit on. I still have some little troubles realising I’m a turkey in a hen house, but the feathers on my body help me with that. I walk a bit, enjoying the available space, especially since the chicken are only five, far from filling the whole hen house. There’s enough space where they sleep for me to find a place, if I crouch. After checking on the rest, I sit on the chair. I enjoy the view on the garden and let my mind relax and get used to my new situation. To cancel the spell, I just need to be in front of Sarah, to focus on her and tell her that I’m not a turkey, so I can cancel it any time I want. For now, I’ll enjoy it a bit more, and like that I don’t need to worry with lessons. I spend the rest of the morning moving around in the hen house, watching the chickens, the garden, the sky. I’m getting hungry around the middle of the day, so I go and check the bird feeder. There, I find the mashed mix of vegetables and seeds Sarah and her friends feed their chickens. I know it’s edible, since they prepare it themselves, so I taste it. It’s cold, not really tasty, but not unpleasant either. I eat until I’ve sated my hunger, and I go sit in a corner of the hen house. The afternoon goes by peacefully, and the evening comes. Sarah approaches, looking at me. “I’m back! I hope your day was nice.” I nod, hoping she’ll understand. She does and smile. She opens the door, and the chickens run outside. I follow them more calmly, and Sarah pats my butt again. “Well, well. Go get some exercise, you deserve it.” One last pat to push me forward, and I end up in the garden. I stretch and begin walking. The garden is wide, arranged, with a little pond. After spending the day in the hen house, it’s good to be outside, and I enjoy it. A while after, Sarah comes to bring me inside the house. In the living room, we find Sarah’s two friends and room-mates, Mel and Abby. They just got home, their stuff still around. “Look what I found this morning before the door! An awesome turkey! -Oh, lucky you! She’s pretty. -Yeah, I was surprised, but since she was at our home, I thought we should take on the opportunity. -You did well. She has nice thighs, that’s great. -Yes, she reminds me of Lily with these thighs. -Let’s call her Lily, then. -Good for me.” They take a closer look at my body, complimenting me, appreciation me. I smile without saying anything, afraid of cancelling the spell by accident. I feel their hands on me, on my thighs and my butt, and I must say I find it really enjoyable. Since they keep talking, my eyes land on the TV. Sarah notices it, and she brings me to the couch to have me sit on it. Then she goes back to the other two. I hear them preparing dinner, but I leave them in peace to relax a bit. After a while, Sarah comes back to me. She grabs a chair and sits on it, telling me to join her. I sit on her lap, still facing TV. “Open wide.” I obey, and she places a spoon in my mouth. I close it, and I feel the mashed mix that’s also in the bird feeder. She keeps feeding me the same way, until the little bowl she has in hands is empty. We get up, she goes to the kitchen to put the bowl there and comes back to sit on the couch. She picks my arm and make me lie on my belly on the couch, my butt on her knees. She begins caressing my bottom, and I feel one of the other two girls sitting next to her and doing the same with the bottom of my legs. It’s really relaxing, and I soon feel a bit sleepy. At the end of the evening, the girls have me stand up, I stretch, and Sarah brings me back in the garden, to the hen house. “We’ve had a very nice evening, I hope you liked it too. We’ll do it again tomorrow, and every day if it goes well.” I nod, she smiles, I enter the hen house and she closes the door before heading back to the house. I go to the corner to sleep, I crouch and close my eyes, among the chickens. I’m really satisfied with my day, happy with my decision. I don’t know how long I’ll remain a turkey, but I really want to enjoy it a while more. The next day goes on the same way. I spend the day in the hen house, and when she comes back home Sarah opens the door for us to run around in the garden. A bit later, she brings me inside, with Mel and Abby. I sit on the couch, after dinner Sarah comes and feed me like yesterday. This time, the mashed mix has a taste a bit different, a bit more texture, and I find it slightly better. Then we go back to the couch, me lying on them, and we enjoy the evening. When the girls go to bed, Sarah brings me back to the hen house where I spend the night. I enjoy myself so much as a turkey that I always push back the moment I’ll stop. After a few days, I notice that Sarah has augmented the amount of mashed mix she gives me. It doesn’t bother me, and I keep eating everything, and another few days later I notice that I’m beginning to get fatter, especially around my thighs. It’s then that I realise: since I’m a turkey, Sarah is probably fattening me. It’s perfectly logical, and since she did it pretty naturally, I think that’s the case. It makes me smile, but it doesn’t change our routine. I keep alternation between the hen house, the garden and the couch, she keeps feeding me, fattening me and caressing me, and everyone’s happy. Three months pass, still following the same routine, until we reach the end of December. I enjoy my turkey life so much that I decided remain one until Christmas, for a great surprise for Sarah. Despite the temperature, I’m not feeling cold thanks to my feathers and my fat. With the good mashed mix Sarah gave me, I became quite fat, and my butt and thighs have become really plump. Since Sarah was on vacation these last two weeks, I spent them inside the house, doing nothing, but I still slept in the hen house. Today is finally Christmas, the garden is covered in snow and I spent the morning outside. Around the middle of the afternoon, Sarah calls me inside, in the kitchen. She’s smiling. “Today, it’s Christmas, the perfect day for you! You’ll be tonight’s star! Come here.” She sits on a chair, waving her hand at me. I come close, and she puts me on her knees, my butt before her belly. She starts a video on her phone, then she grabs my arms, or my wings, and brings them backwards. Just after, I feel her picking on a feather, then another one, and I understand that she’s plucking me. It’s a bit of a weird feeling, but an enjoyable one, and I let her do it without moving. Once she’s done with my wings, she moves on to my rump, plucking it as efficiently. Soon she has taken all of my feathers out of my body, and she lifts me. She places me, lying, on a platter on the table. “Now, a little massage for my pretty turkey!” I hear her pouring something on her hands, and she begins massaging my back. With the scent and the feeling, I guess that what’s on her hands is oil. It’s really pleasant, especially since she’s massaging me well. She does all my back, then moves down to my plump rump, massaging it slowly and deeply. Then, it’s my plump thighs, and the rest of my legs. After that, she turns me on my back and begins oiling the front of my body. She starts with the upper body, moving down to my breasts, playing a bit with them, my belly, my hips on which she spends a bit more time, and the front of my thighs. She calmly finishes my legs, my feet and my wings, and soon I’m completely oiled. Sarah, still smiling and watching her video, picks something up before coming back to me. She has a knife in hand and approaches the table. Seeing that, I tell myself it might be the time to tell her I’m not a turkey, to cancel the spell. Even if I remained a turkey for three months, I didn’t forget about the spell, and the fact I have to cancel it. I turn my eyes to her, close to telling her, but she’s the one to talk. “I’m really happy that you came to us. Thanks to you, we’ll have a wonderful Christmas. I invited my family, and Mel and Abby did the same. I’m sure you’ll be delicious, with how much care I put into fattening you.” Her smile is sincere, and her eyes are joyful. She caresses my body, my belly, my thighs, gently. That surprises me a bit. “We initially planned on spending Christmas only the three of us, but when I saw you, before our door, I told myself it would be the perfect occasion to meet our families, since you would surely become plump enough to provide enough meat for everyone. So it’s really thanks to your presence here that we managed to prepare this Christmas.” It’s a bit off-putting, and at the same time very pleasant. It’s thanks to me that her Christmas is going to be awesome, but as a turkey. I should tell her, but I don’t really want to ruin her party. I don’t know if we’d have the time to find her another long turkey for dinner, given the time. “You know, you remind me of a friend, that went away some months ago. You have really nice thighs, a pretty rump, and an aura that makes you feel at ease. That’s why we gave you the same name, and that’s why I’m sure you’ll be really delicious, perfect for the party.” She’s smiling even more, her hand sliding on my crotch, and I smile back at her. I can’t ruin her day, not after all the efforts she put to have it succeed. I don’t say anything, and a moment after she plants the knife in my belly. She opens me and I feel her emptying me. Once I’m empty, she places something inside, and I quickly understand she’s stuffing me. It takes a while, but she manages to place all the stuffing inside me and closes me with some cooking string. My belly is really big, so big that I couldn’t move at all even if I wanted to. Then, Sarah picks vegetables that she had chopped up and places them inside my pussy. It’s really stimulating, but I remain silent and immobile. Once she’s done stuffing my pussy, Sarah closes it with a carrot. Then, she takes my legs, lifts them up and pushes them back. They are on each side of my stuffed body and my head, and she ties them to make them stand in place. Since my butt is well exposed, Sarah begins stuffing it as well, closing it with another carrot once she’s done. She grabs my wings, places them close to my body and ties them up as well. Now that I’m stuffed and tied up, she finishes with the seasoning, with herbs and condiments and some other vegetables, then stops to think. She takes some white feet-hiders, perfect for a long turkey since they are very big, and places them at the tip or my legs, both thighs and wings. Satisfied, Sarah smiles, steps back and look at the clock. “Perfect, we still have some time. I’ll take some pictures, to always remember you and that Christmas.” She takes her phone out of her pocket and goes for some pictures, before stopping again. She grabs a red apple she places in my mouth, steps back again and resumes her photo shoot. After a moment spent looking at these pictures, she opens the oven’s door and approaches the platter. “It’s time to put you in the oven. Really, I’m super happy you’re here, you’re an awesome turkey. I can’t wait to taste you and show you to everyone. You’ll see, it’ll be very good. Enjoy yourself.” She caresses my butt one last time, then lifts the platter and places it inside the oven before closing the door. I see her leaving the kitchen through the door. That’s it, I’m a stuffed, tied, seasoned turkey, roasting in an oven. It wasn’t what I had planned, but in the end it wasn’t unpleasant. I loved my turkey life, and it’s my fault I ended up in the oven. That being said, it really makes Sarah happy, and I’m glad I can be useful to her. Being stuffed was surprising, but enjoyable, like the oil massage or having my thighs up in the air. Since I’ll end on the table for dinner, and there’s nothing I can do about it, I relax and try to enjoy my time in the oven as much as I can. I hope I’ll be as delicious as Sarah thinks. At the heart of the evening, when everyone is sitting at the table, Sarah gets up to check on her turkey. As planned, the cooking is done, the turkey is now a pretty brown and smells really appetising. Sarah takes her out of the oven, places her on a little tray and takes her to the living room. “And here’s the turkey!” Exclamations and applause welcome the turkey that Sarah prepared with care and pride. Her plump thighs are eye-catching, and every guest is eager to taste her. Once on the table, Sarah unties the wings and the thighs and begins carving morsels for the others. Herself served, she sits, and everyone begins tasting the meat, delicious as they thought. It makes them compliment Sarah again, and they all take seconds. Sarah is really happy from her success, silently thanking her turkey to have come to her, enjoying her tender meat. A thought for her friend Lily, whose name is also the turkey’s, and Sarah tells herself she’d had loved being there, sitting at the table, with them. She had to enjoy it for her, and she was determined on not wasting a bite. It was her most successful Christmas, and she would always remember Lily the turkey. |
Jouer la dinde Les cours ont beau être intéressants, je m’ennuie facilement, et aujourd’hui ne fait pas exception. Même si on est vendredi, et que l’emploi du temps est plus léger que le reste de la semaine, je pense à autre chose, pas vraiment à ce que dit l’enseignant. « Lily, concentre-toi un peu, c’est bientôt fini. » Ma meilleure amie, Sarah, me tapote le bras pour me recentrer sur le cours. Je regarde quelques instants son joli visage, ses petits yeux noirs, ses cheveux bruns, avant de soupirer. « Tu sais bien que j’ai du mal avec la concentration. -Fais un effort, il ne reste plus beaucoup de temps. Et ce week-end, on pourra s’amuser. -Je sais, j’ai hâte. » On a prévu de passer le week-end ensemble, à faire des sorties, regarder des films, jouer à des jeux et discuter de plein de choses. Y penser me donne envie d’y être, et le temps passe un peu plus vite. Quand le cours est fini, on quitte l’université, je passe rapidement chez moi chercher des affaires pour le week-end et je retrouve Sarah chez elle. C’est une petite maison tranquille, un peu à l’écart, qu’elle loue avec deux amies, mais elles ne sont pas là ce week-end. Sarah m’accueille à bras ouverts, je pose mes affaires dans sa chambre, et on sort pour aller se promener un peu. La fin d’après-midi passe rapidement, et on rentre chez elle pour une soirée pizza devant la télé. Après manger, Sarah va se doucher pendant que je range ce qui traîne. Quand elle sort de la salle de bain, avec ses cheveux encore mouillés et son pyjama court, elle est vraiment jolie. On échange quelques mots, puis c’est à mon tour d’aller me doucher. Je retire mes vêtements et jette un œil au miroir. Je ne suis pas très grande, et ma poitrine n’est pas très grosse, mais j’ai une bonne silhouette, et le bas de mon corps est plutôt bien. Je me lave tranquillement, puis je m’essuie avant d’enfiler mon pyjama. J’ai choisi un haut ouvert et un mini-short, parce que j’aime dormir peu habillée et pour faire profiter Sarah de mon corps. « Tes cuisses sont toujours aussi belles. -Merci, ça me fait plaisir. -Allez, il est tard, allons au lit. » On se dirige vers sa chambre, pour s’installer dans son lit. On dort souvent ensemble, et elle en profite beaucoup pour me mettre la main au cul, mais ça me plaît, alors je la laisse faire. Aujourd’hui, comme on est assez fatiguées, elle se contente de me caresser un peu, et on s’endort rapidement. Le reste du week-end se déroule de la même manière, assez décontractée. On alterne entre sorties, jeux, repos, quelques petites choses bien agréables. Sarah me montre aussi leur grand poulailler, avec plusieurs volailles. Il est vraiment spacieux, elles ont de la chance d’être ici. Samedi soir, on se détend devant un film, avant d’aller au lit. Sarah est plus énergique que la veille, alors elle joue un peu plus avec moi, histoire de bien se fatiguer. Le dimanche est plus calme, mais tout aussi amusant. Encore une fois, Sarah joue beaucoup avec moi au lit, pour bien terminer le week-end. Le lendemain, on se prépare rapidement et on retourne à l’université. Dès le matin, une idée me vient. Une petite idée, amusante, à laquelle je pense un peu plus durant la journée. Elle m’occupe tellement l’esprit que je ne fais pas très attention aux cours, mais ce n’est pas grave. Une fois la journée terminée, je salue Sarah et je rentre chez moi rapidement. Je pose mes affaires dans ma chambre, puis je me rends dans la salle de bain. Je me déshabille rapidement et entre dans la douche. L’eau sur ma peau me fait du bien et m’aide à me détendre. J’y reste un moment avant de sortir et de m’essuyer. Je prends un repas assez léger et je retourne dans ma chambre, sur mon ordinateur. Il y a quelque chose que j’ai envie de vérifier. Une petite recherche rapide, quelques pages à consulter, et je me mets à sourire. Comme je m’y attendais, je peux tout à fait réaliser mon idée. Je continue à regarder des choses pour le reste de la soirée, avant d’être trop fatiguée pour poursuivre. Je me glisse dans mon lit, met mon réveil plus tôt que d’habitude et éteint la lumière. Si tout se passe comme prévu, demain sera une excellente journée. Le réveil sonne à l’heure prévue, et je sors rapidement de mon lit, enthousiaste. Je me rends directement dans le salon, là où j’ai préparé hier tout ce dont j’aurais besoin. Un stylo, du papier, une photo de dinde, une photo de Sarah et une liste de choses à dire. Je souris, même s’il me faut quelques secondes pour réaliser que je m’apprête à lancer un sort. J’écris sur le papier ce que j’ai cherché hier sur l’ordinateur, je trace les quelques symboles nécessaires, je place la photo de la dinde au milieu du papier et celle de Sarah dans un autre cercle. Ensuite, je me lève, je regarde la liste de choses à dire, et je commence à répéter ces mots. C’est un peu long, mais je suis bien concentrée, alors je ne fais pas d’erreur. Une fois la récitation terminée, je me sens un peu étrange. Après quelques instants, je remarque des plumes le long de mes bras et au-dessus de mes fesses, de belles plumes brunes. Je souris largement. Le sort a réussi : je suis devenue une vraie dinde. Si tout se passe bien, les gens ne devraient pas me remarquer jusqu’à ce que Sarah me voie, et elle devrait uniquement me voir comme une dinde. Excitée, je sors de chez moi et je me rends directement chez elle. Je veux lui faire une surprise et être une dinde dans son poulailler pendant un moment, je pense que ça lui fera autant plaisir qu’à moi. J’arrive devant sa porte, un peu plus tôt que prévu, alors j’attends. J’ai beau être nue, je n’ai pas froid, et les gens ne me regardent pas, signe que le sort fonctionne. Finalement, j’entends la clé dans la serrure, la porte s’ouvre, et Sarah tombe nez à nez avec moi. « Mais qu’est-ce qu’on a là ? T’es une jolie dinde, toi. » Elle s’approche de moi en souriant, et je souris aussi. Le sort fonctionne parfaitement, et maintenant tout le monde me verra comme une dinde. Sarah m’observe, tourne autour de moi, me tapote les fesses, puis s’arrête devant moi. « Je ne sais pas d’où tu sors, mais si tu es là, autant que je te prenne avec moi. Viens, suis-moi. » Elle me fait signe, et je la suis jusque dans son jardin. On arrive au niveau du poulailler, dont Sarah ouvre la porte. « Rentre là-dedans et installe-toi, je dois aller en cours aujourd’hui mais je viendrais te voir ce soir. Je suis sûre que tu vas te plaire ici. » Elle me montre l’intérieur du poulailler de la main, et je grimpe la petite pente pour rentrer. Il est vraiment très grand, alors je n’ai pas besoin de me baisser pour passer la porte. « Super. Je te laisse te faire de nouvelles amies, moi je dois y aller. À ce soir ! » Sarah verrouille la porte et quitte le jardin pour aller en cours, me laissant dans le poulailler avec les quelques poules qui s’y trouvent. Elles se promènent autour de moi, intriguées, mais rapidement elles se font à ma présence et me laissent tranquilles. Je jette un œil autour de moi, pour voir que le poulailler est bien équipé. Il y a même un siège en plastique pour s’asseoir. J’ai encore un peu du mal à réaliser que je suis une dinde dans un poulailler, mais les plumes sur mon corps m’aident à m’y habituer. Je me promène un peu, appréciant l’espace disponible, surtout que les poules ne sont que cinq, loin de remplir le poulailler. Il y a suffisamment de place à l’endroit où elles dorment pour que je puisse m’y installer, si je m’accroupis. Après avoir inspecté le reste, je m’assois sur le siège. Je profite de la vue sur le jardin pour laisser mon esprit se calmer et s’habituer à ma nouvelle condition. Pour annuler le sort, il suffit que je sois devant Sarah, que je me concentre sur elle et que je lui dise à l’oral que je ne suis pas une dinde, alors je peux l’annuler quand je veux, ou presque. Pour le moment, je vais en profiter un peu, et comme ça je n’ai pas à m’embêter avec les cours. Je passe le reste de la matinée à bouger dans le poulailler, à regarder les poules, le jardin, le ciel. Vers le milieu de la journée, je commence à avoir faim, alors je vais jeter un œil à la mangeoire. J’y trouve la purée de légumes et de graines que Sarah et ses amies donnent à manger à leurs poules. Je sais qu’elle est comestible, comme elles la préparent elles-mêmes, alors je la goûte. Elle est froide, pas trop de goût, mais pas désagréable. Je mange jusqu’à ne plus avoir faim, puis je vais m’asseoir dans un coin du poulailler. L’après-midi passe tranquillement, jusqu’à ce que le soir arrive. Sarah s’approche du poulailler en me regardant. « Me revoilà ! J’espère que tu as passé une bonne journée. » Je hoche la tête, en espérant qu’elle comprenne. Le message passe, et elle sourit. Elle ouvre la porte du poulailler, et les poules se précipitent dehors. Je les suis, plus calmement, et Sarah me tapote à nouveau les fesses. « Parfait, parfait. Va te dégourdir un peu les jambes, tu l’as bien mérité. » Une dernière tape sur les fesses pour me pousser en avant, et je me retrouve dans le jardin. Je m’étire rapidement, puis je commence à me promener. Le jardin est grand, aménagé, avec un petit étang. Après avoir passé la journée dans le poulailler, ça fait du bien d’être dehors, et je profite de l’extérieur. Un moment plus tard, Sarah vient me chercher pour m’emmener à l’intérieur. Dans le salon, on retrouve les deux amies et colocataires de Sarah, Mel et Abby. Elles viennent visiblement de rentrer, avec leurs affaires encore à côté. « Regardez ce que j’ai trouvé ce matin devant la porte ! Une magnifique dinde ! -Oh, quelle chance ! Elle est belle. -Oui, j’étais surprise, mais puisqu’elle était chez nous, je me suis dit qu’il fallait en profiter, qu’elle était là pour une raison. -Tu as bien fait. Elle a de belles cuisses, c’est bien. -Oui, elle me fait un peu penser à Lily avec ces cuisses. -Appelons-là Lily, alors. -Ça me va. » Elles regardent mon corps de plus près, me complimentent, m’apprécient. Je souris sans rien dire, de peur d’annuler le sort par accident. Je sens leurs mains sur moi, sur mes cuisses et mes fesses, et je dois dire que ça me fait vraiment plaisir. Comme elles continuent à discuter, mon regard se porte sur la télévision, pour m’occuper un peu. Sarah le remarque, et elle m’emmène sur le canapé pour m’y installer. Je m’assois, toujours devant la télévision, et elle repart avec les deux autres. Je les entends préparer à manger, mais je les laisse tranquille pour me reposer un peu. Au bout d’un moment, Sarah revient vers moi. Elle tire une chaise et s’assoit, en me disant de la rejoindre. Je m’installe sur ses genoux, face à la télévision. « Ouvre la bouche. » J’obéis, et elle me place une cuiller dans la bouche. Je la referme, et je sens la purée de légumes qui se trouve aussi dans la mangeoire du poulailler. Elle continue à me nourrir de la même manière, jusqu’à que ce que le petit bol qu’elle avait dans les mains soit vide. On se lève, elle va le poser dans la cuisine, puis elle s’assoit sur le canapé. Elle m’attrape le bras et m’allonge en travers du canapé, mes fesses sur ses genoux. Elle se met à me caresser le bas du corps, doucement, et je sens l’une des deux autres filles s’asseoir à côté et faire de même avec le bas de mes jambes. C’est très relaxant, alors je me détends et me met à somnoler. À la fin de la soirée, les filles me relèvent, je m’étire, et Sarah me reconduit dans le jardin, au poulailler. « On a passé une très bonne soirée, j’espère qu’elle t’a plu aussi. On recommencera demain, et chaque soir si ça va bien. » Je hoche la tête, elle sourit, je rentre dans le poulailler et elle referme la porte avant de retourner à la maison. Je vais m’installer dans le petit coin pour dormir, je m’accroupis et je ferme les yeux, au milieu des poules. Je suis très satisfaite de ma journée, contente de ma décision. Je ne sais pas combien de temps je vais rester une dinde, mais je compte bien en profiter encore un moment. Le lendemain se déroule de la même manière. Je passe la journée dans le poulailler, puis quand elle est rentrée Sarah vient nous ouvrir pour qu’on se défoule dans le jardin. Un peu plus tard, elle m’emmène dans la maison, où l’on retrouve Mel et Abby. Je m’assois sur le canapé, après le repas Sarah vient me nourrir comme la veille. Cette fois, la purée a un goût un peu différent, un peu plus de consistance, et je la trouve légèrement meilleure. Puis on retourne sur le canapé, moi allongée sur elles, et on profite de la soirée. Quand les filles vont se coucher, Sarah me ramène dans le poulailler où je passe la nuit. Je me plais tellement dans mon rôle de dinde que je repousse en permanence le moment où je vais arrêter. Après quelques jours, je remarque que Sarah a augmenté la quantité qu’elle me donne à manger. Ça ne me dérange pas, et je continue à tout manger, puis encore quelques jours plus tard je remarque cette fois que je commence à grossir, surtout au niveau des cuisses. C’est à ce moment que je réalise : puisque je suis une dinde, Sarah est probablement en train de m’engraisser. C’est parfaitement logique, et comme elle l’a fait naturellement, je pense que c’est bien le cas. Ça me fait sourire, mais ça ne change rien à notre routine. Je continue à alterner entre le poulailler, le jardin et le canapé, elle continue à me nourrir, m’engraisser et me caresser, et tout le monde est heureux. Trois mois passent, toujours en suivant la même routine, jusqu’à la fin décembre. J’ai tellement apprécié ma vie de dinde que j’ai décidé d’en rester une jusqu’à Noël, histoire de faire une bonne surprise à Sarah. Malgré la température, je n’ai pas froid grâce à mes plumes et ma graisse. Avec la bonne purée que Sarah me donnait, j’ai bien engraissé, et mes cuisses et mes fesses sont devenues bien dodues. Puisque Sarah était en vacances ces deux dernières semaines, je les ai passées surtout à l’intérieur, à ne rien faire, mais je dormais toujours dans le poulailler. Aujourd’hui, enfin, c’est Noël, le jardin est couvert de neige, et j’ai passé la matinée dehors à en profiter. Vers le milieu de l’après-midi, Sarah m’appelle à l’intérieur. Elle m’amène dans la cuisine, souriante. « Aujourd’hui, c’est Noël, le jour parfait pour toi ! Tu vas être la star ce soir ! Allez, viens ici. » Elle s’assoit sur une chaise, en me faisant signe. Je m’approche, et elle m’installe sur ses genoux, allongée, mes fesses au niveau de son corps. Elle met une vidéo sur son téléphone, puis elle attrape mes bras, enfin mes ailes, et les tire en arrière. Juste après, je la sens tirer sur une de mes plumes, puis une autre, et je comprends qu’elle est en train de me plumer. C’est une sensation un peu étrange, mais agréable, et je me laisse faire sans bouger. Une fois mes ailes nettoyées, Sarah s’attaque à ma croupe, la plumant tout aussi efficacement. Bientôt elle a retiré toutes mes plumes, et elle me soulève. Elle me pose, allongée, sur un plateau sur la table. « Maintenant, un petit massage pour ma belle dinde ! » Je l’entends se verser quelque chose sur les mains, puis elle commence à me masser le dos. À l’odeur et au contact, je devine ce qu’elle a sur les mains : de l’huile. C’est très agréable, d’autant qu’elle me masse très bien. Elle passe sur tout mon dos, puis descend sur mes fesses grasses, les massant lentement et profondément. Ensuite, c’est au tour de mes cuisses dodues, puis le reste de mes pattes. Quand elle a fini, elle me retourne et commence à huiler l’avant de mon corps. Elle commence aussi par le haut, descend sur mes seins avec lesquels elle joue un peu, mon ventre, mes hanches où elle passe un peu de temps, puis l’avant de mes cuisses. Elle finit tranquillement mes pattes, mes pieds et mes ailes, et bientôt je suis complètement huilée. Sarah, toujours souriante et regardant sa vidéo, récupère quelque chose avant de se retourner vers moi. Elle tient un couteau et s’approche de la table. En la voyant, je me dis que c’est peut-être le moment de lui dire que je ne suis pas une dinde, d’annuler le sort. Même si je suis restée trois mois une dinde, je n’ai pas oublié le sort, et le fait que je dois l’annuler. Je plonge mon regard dans le sien, m’apprêtant à lui dire, mais c’est elle qui parle. « Je suis vraiment heureuse que tu sois arrivée chez nous. Grâce à toi, on va passer un merveilleux Noël. J’ai invité ma famille, et Mel et Abby ont fait la même chose. Je suis sûre que tu vas être délicieuse, avec tout le soin que j’ai mis à t’engraisser. » Son sourire est sincère, et ses yeux sont tout aussi joyeux. Elle me caresse le corps, le ventre, les cuisses, doucement. Sa déclaration me prend un peu au dépourvu. « On devait faire Noël toutes les trois, mais quand je t’ai vue, devant la porte, je me suis dit que ce serait une occasion parfaite de réunir nos familles, parce que tu pourrais sûrement devenir assez grasse pour fournir assez de viande pour tout le monde. Donc c’est vraiment parce que tu es là qu’on a pu préparer ce Noël. » C’est un peu déconcertant, et en même temps ça me fait plaisir. C’est grâce à moi que son Noël s’annonce très bien, mais en tant que dinde. Je devrais lui dire, mais je n’ai pas vraiment envie de ruiner sa fête. Je ne sais pas si on aurait le temps de lui trouver une autre longue dinde pour le repas, vu l’heure qu’il est. « Tu sais, tu me rappelles une amie, qui est partie il y a quelques mois. Tu as de très belles cuisses, une jolie croupe, et tu dégages une aura qui met à l’aise. C’est pour ça qu’on t’a donné le même nom, et c’est pour ça que je suis sûre que tu seras vraiment délicieuse, parfaite pour la fête. » Elle sourit encore un peu plus, sa main glissant sur mon entrejambe, et je lui souris en retour. Je ne peux pas ruiner sa journée, pas après tous les efforts qu’elle a fait pour la réussir. Je ne dis rien, et quelques instants après elle plante le couteau dans mon ventre. Elle m’ouvre et je la sens me vider. Une fois vide, elle commence à déposer quelque chose à l’intérieur, et je comprends rapidement qu’elle est en train de me farcir. Ça prend un moment, mais elle finit par placer toute la farce et me recoudre avec du fil alimentaire. Mon ventre est vraiment gonflé, tellement que je ne pourrais pas du tout bouger même si j’en avais envie. Ensuite, Sarah prend des légumes qu’elle a coupés en morceaux et commence à les placer dans mon vagin, en les poussant bien au fond. C’est très stimulant, mais je reste silencieuse et immobile. Une fois qu’elle a fini de me farcir la chatte, Sarah la bouche avec une carotte. Ensuite, elle prend mes pattes, les relève et les pousse en arrière. Elles passent de chaque côté de mon ventre farci et de ma tête, puis elle les attache pour les faire tenir. Comme mes fesses sont bien découvertes, Sarah commence à les farcir aussi, les fermant avec une carotte quand elle a terminé. Elle attrape mes ailes, les rabat près de mon corps et les attache aussi. Maintenant que je suis farcie et attachée, elle finit l’assaisonnement, avec des herbes, des condiments et quelques autres légumes, puis s’arrête pour réfléchir. Elle prend des caches-pattes blancs, adaptés pour une longue dinde car ils sont très grands, et les place au bout de mes pattes, cuisses et ailes. Satisfaite, Sarah sourit, recule et jette un œil à l’horloge au mur. « Parfait, on a un peu de temps. Je vais faire quelques photos souvenir, pour toujours me rappeler de toi et de ce Noël. » Elle sort son téléphone et prend plusieurs photos, avant de s’arrêter à nouveau. Elle prend une pomme rouge qu’elle place dans ma bouche, recule à nouveau et reprend des photos. Après quelques instants passés à les regarder, elle ouvre la porte du four et s’approche du plateau. « Il est temps de t’enfourner. Vraiment, je suis très heureuse que tu sois là, que tu sois une si belle dinde. J’ai hâte de te goûter et de te montrer à tout le monde. Tu verras, ça va être génial. Profite bien. » Elle me caresse une dernière fois les fesses, puis elle soulève le plateau et le place dans le four avant de refermer la porte. Je la vois quitter la cuisine, me laissant seule. Ça y est, je suis une dinde farcie, attachée, assaisonnée et enfournée pour rôtir. Ce n’était pas vraiment ce que j’avais prévu, mais au final ce n’était pas déplaisant. J’ai adoré ma vie de dinde, et c’est de ma faute si j’ai fini au four. Cela dit, ça fait vraiment plaisir à Sarah, et je suis content de pouvoir lui être aussi utile. Me faire farcir était un peu surprenant, mais pas désagréable, comme le massage à l’huile ou avoir les cuisses relevées. Puisque je vais finir sur la table pour le dîner, et qu’il n’y a rien que je puisse y faire, je me détends et j’essaye de profiter au maximum de mon séjour dans le four. J’espère que je serai aussi délicieuse que Sarah le pense. Au cœur de la soirée, alors que tout le monde est attablé, Sarah se lève pour aller vérifier sa dinde. Comme prévu, la cuisson est terminée, la dinde a pris une belle couleur brune et dégage une odeur alléchante. Sarah la sort du four, la pose sur un petit chariot et l’emmène dans le salon. « Et voilà la dinde ! » Exclamations et applaudissements accueillent la dinde que Sarah a préparé avec beaucoup d’attention et dont elle est si fière. Ses cuisses dodues attirent l’œil, et tous les invités ont hâte de pouvoir la goûter. Une fois placée sur la table, Sarah détache les ailes et les cuisses et commence à découper des morceaux pour servir les autres. Elle-même servie, elle s’assoit, et tout le monde attaque la viande, délicieuse comme elle s’y attendait. Cela lui vaut d’autres compliments, et tout le monde se ressert, parfois plusieurs fois. Sarah est vraiment heureuse de sa réussite, remercie silencieusement sa dinde de s’être présentée chez elle et apprécie sa tendre viande. Une pensée pour son amie Lily, dont le prénom est aussi celui de sa dinde, et Sarah se dit qu’elle aurait adoré être là, à table, avec eux. Elle devait en profiter pour elle, et elle comptait bien ne pas gâcher un seul morceau. Ce fut son Noël le plus réussi, et elle se rappellerait toujours de Lily la dinde. |
A fitting meal for a reunion The office was bustling with work as usual. The company was on a relatively busy period, not enough that workers needed to be hired, but enough that the employees were looking forward to each break. Luckily for them, that wasn’t a bad company to work in, and they had several small breaks throughout the day. During the second break of the afternoon, Rachel Sutton, working in the IT department, headed to the break room available on her floor. It was a small room, large enough for a handful of people, because there weren’t that many workers on that floor, and the room was packed with furniture and items aimed at allowing everyone to properly relax. The woman enjoyed that place a lot, because there she could truly disconnect her mind from work. She was only 33, but she had been working in that company for several years now, and since there usually was a relatively high turn-over in her department, she often had to work more than her job required so that everything remained afloat. Of course, she was paid accordingly, but she wouldn’t be able to do it without the breaks and her weekends of rest. She arrived at the door, pushed it and entered the break room. Despite the hour, later than most breaks on that floor, she found someone inside, sitting on a comfortable couch, looking at her phone. Rachel smiled and walked in, sitting next to the other woman. “Didn’t expect you here, but it’s a pleasant surprise.” “Well, my breaks are usually earlier like everyone else’s, and I don’t always come here. But I’m glad I did, today.” The one that answered was Gwen Hadwood, one of Rachel’s co-workers and good friend. While she was working in the same department, her desk was on the other side of the floor, and because Rachel’s breaks were later than Gwen’s, they rarely met at work outside of meetings. Because of that, they were both happy to meet each other in that break room. They began discussing happily about everyday life, work and other things that came to their minds. Rachel, a woman of average height, comfortably installed on the couch, seemed almost too small next to her friend, who was sitting closer to the edge of the couch. She didn’t have a memorable figure, but she wasn’t ugly or plain either. Her most notable features were her red hair falling on her shoulders and her young face, making people mistake her for a student that just entered college when she dressed casually. She used to be a little jealous of Gwen, because she was always considered pretty by everyone, with her long, jet-black hair, her well-balanced figure, her shapely bust, her long and thick legs often complimented by the slim trousers she liked to wear. That jealousy, however, didn’t last long, as she very quickly had to work with Gwen on several important projects, with herself as the lead developer and her friend as her main assistant. From that experience, she understood that Gwen was a nice person, friendly, open and efficient, and one that didn’t like to flaunt her body too much. Realising her jealousy had no reason to be, Rachel got over it, and before she noticed she became good friend with her then-new co-worker. A few months ago, the workflow got changed, and they were given different responsibilities, so they didn’t have as much opportunities to spend time together as before. “It’s really nice we got to find each other here.” “Totally is. We should do something out of work, too.” “Oh right, that makes me remember. I might need your help for something.” “What is it?” Rachel turned her head towards her friend, roughly in the same position as her. “In two weeks, I’ll be hosting a meeting with my former classmates from high school, and I need to prepare everything. I got most of it done in my mind, but there’s still one thing I need to figure out, and that’s what I’ll be serving them for the meal. I want something good, something they would enjoy and remember, but I’m not sure about what I should pick.” “And you want me to help you choose?” “If you don’t mind.” Gwen smiled, then looked at the watch on her wrist. “Not at all. I’ll be able to help as much as I can, but that’ll have to wait, my break’s kinda over now.” “It’s fine, no need to rush. You can give me a call when you thought of something.” “Sure, I’ll do. Well, time to get back to work. It was lovely meeting here, and I’ll give you a call soon. See you next time!” “See you.” Gwen got up, waved at her friend and left the room. Rachel was happy the black haired woman was willing to help, and while she was at it she’d look for something they could do together. It had been a while since they last went out, so it would be nice to do it again. Once her break reached her end, the redhead left the break room, walked back to her desk and resumed working until the end of the day. She packed her bag, waited for the elevator to bring her to the first floor, left the building and headed to her car. The way home was crowded, so she tried to think about something for the meeting, but nothing sticking with her. Ideas were coming and going, but there was none that really seemed good enough for such an occasion. No better idea came later that day, despite Rachel relaxing at home. She decided to not force things, as she still had two weeks to determine what the meal would be. All that thinking and the busy roads had tired her, so she directly went to her bathroom. Luckily, her company didn’t use any uniform, so she could dress however she wanted. She took off her light black jacket and her white shirt, put them aside, then emptied her trouser’s pockets before taking it off as well. A quick look at the tall mirror on her door put a smile on her face. She wasn’t ugly, quite the opposite, but she didn’t have that much going on for her besides her face. Her breasts weren’t big, and she knew that very well, but she couldn’t help to feel a bit sad because of that from time to time. Thankfully, her figure as a whole was decent enough that she didn’t have to worry about being looked at. She freed her body from her pink bra and panties before stepping inside her shower. The hot water on her skin was refreshing, and she began relaxing. It cleared her mind, and she decided that the meeting’s meal would be the subject of another day’s intense thinking. Once she was done showering, she dried herself with a towel, picked up her used clothes and left the bathroom for her own room. She put on a matching pair of orange panties and bra and sat on the couch to watch some TV before dinner. The following week was one filled with lots of works and projects. Rachel didn’t have much time for herself, preventing her from finding what she was looking for. She was so busy with her job that she couldn’t check what she had in mind before a few days, making it either too short a delay or a missed opportunity. She had thought about going for a large feast with lots of different meals, but with her work she wouldn’t have the time to prepare something like that. Following that idea, she wanted to call a professional for the preparation, but she couldn’t find any that was free on the meeting day. Extending the idea again, she looked for a place to go for the whole event, like one of the various old establishments around. These were available for booking, and you’d spend half the day there, with the owners taking care of the food and drinks. Sadly for Rachel, there was no place available on the meeting’s day either. Cursing her bad luck, she kept looking for something, hoping that one booking would be cancelled, trying to find another solution, checking every site she knew, to no avail. Frustrated, she pushed her search aside for a few days, focusing on work and chilling at home. Gwen came to her one day, but apologised that she hadn’t been able to think about the meeting either. She had even more work than Rachel, so her friend didn’t hold any grudge against her. When the week-end came, the redhead invited Gwen to spend a bit of time together, walking around town, checking shops, visiting a nearby museum, doing some more activities, all in order to relax and forget about that heavy load of work. It was a much-welcomed distraction, and they both enjoyed their time together a lot, since it had been a while they didn’t do anything similar. Around the end of the afternoon, they entered a cafe, sat at a corner table and ordered drinks, a cappuccino for Rachel and a gin for Gwen. They were starting to feel exhausted from their day of adventure, so they took their time enjoying their break. The discussion brought them to many places, before it eventually came back to Rachel’s soon-to-come meeting and the meal she still hadn’t figured out. “So you couldn’t find anything in the end?” Gwen asked after taking a sip of her gin. “Nothing that seemed good enough to me.” Rachel replied with a sigh. “Maybe you should lower your expectations a bit. You’re the type to be very demanding, and not everything or everyone can match you.” Gwen smiled. Rachel breathed, sighed again and looked through the window. She knew very well her own expectations were high, since that’s how she grew up, but she wanted to stick to them as much as she could. That was a strong wish of hers, but she had to admit it might be impossible in that case. “Maybe you’re right. It’s a shame, but I really wanted to do something amazing for them. It’s not everyday they gather to meet again.” “I’m sure even if you don’t host an awesomely expensive party in one of these old castles, with a royal feast, they’ll love what you’ll prepare for them.” Gwen was still smiling, trying to comfort her friend. “I guess so. But I still need to decide on what I’ll prepare.” Rachel was looking around, trying to find some inspiration. “Well, if it’s something simple, that won’t be too hard. You still have one week left, anyway, so don’t worry too much.” “Yeah, I’ll think about something. Thanks, Gwen.” the redhead told her friend, smiling back at her. “My pleasure. I’ll try to think about something, too.” The atmosphere now lighter, the two colleagues enjoyed their remaining team time. After a while, their glasses empty, they headed to the desk to pay and left the cafe. Since it was later than they had thought, they waved each other goodbye and went their separate ways. Rachel was feeling better thanks to Gwen. Even if her party wouldn’t stand out too much, at least she’d pour her heart and soul into it, so it would still be a success. Once back home, she decided that a good shower would be of help. She headed to the bathroom, undressed, looked at herself in the mirror, found that her joyful face was better than her worrying one and stepped into the shower. She spent a relatively long time in there, but eventually she stopped the water and got out of the shower to dry herself. Now more self-confident, she sat on the couch to watch TV, convinced that she would find something to prepare in no time. She enjoyed a relaxed and peaceful sleep that night. Exhausted from her week of hard labour, Rachel didn’t feel like putting in too much effort for whatever on a precious Sunday. She spent the day lazing around at home, but still spared a thought for the meeting on the next Saturday. There would be fifteen to twenty people, so the meal required a lot of food. A vegetarian banquet would’ve been a nice idea, and she knew about several recipes that weren’t much used in that part of the country, but from what she recalled not many of her former classmates would like a vegetables-only meal. Because of that, she had to put some meat on the menu, but she didn’t want something cheap, and she wasn’t sure she could manage to grab some high-quality meat at an affordable price on such a short notice. The ideal meal would be a balanced mix of good-quality meat, more affordable pieces of meat and well-prepared vegetables, with a good wine to go with the meat. Rachel took an hour and a half to look up recipes and ideas, but she didn’t feel convinced by anything. That didn’t worry her, though, because she realised there were a lot of decent-to-good morsels she could easily buy, so if worst came to worst she would just pick some of them and prepare something around these. She could even call it a “meat-mix party” or something, if needed. Satisfied with her search, she took a break, but found an interesting movie and decided to watch it. It was a very enjoyable Sunday, but not a really productive one, she told herself with showering. Despite that pseudo-lack of action, she still managed to get a better idea of her party, so she was fine with it. Her bed felt really good, so much that for a second, she thought about not going to work on Monday, but brushed it off as soon as that idea appeared in her mind. Surprisingly, and refreshingly, that Monday was much calmer than usual. Rachel’s workload was the same, but everything was going smoothly, with some good surprises here and there. She progressed faster than she had expected, so she decided to take her afternoon break earlier and go see Gwen at her desk. Her friend was working in a very relaxed manner, so she probably didn’t have any trouble either. She approached Gwen’s PC, smiling. “Hey Gwen. My work’s going pretty well, so I thought I could have a break now. Wanna join me?” The black-haired woman smiled back, looked at her screen, then back at Rachel. “Sure, mine’s going good too. Let me finish this, and I’ll join you in the break room.” she answered, before resuming typing on her keyboard. “Got it, I’ll be waiting there.” Rachel told her, heading towards the rendezvous point. The room was empty, because it was still too early for most of the people that used it to take their breaks. Rachel sat on the couch, finding it even more comfortable than usual despite its relatively old age. A few minutes after, she was joined by Gwen, who sat just next to her. “Phew, I’m so glad we managed to finish last week’s project in time. Today there’s almost nothing hard to do, I missed not having to worry about time.” she sighed. It had been a while since the last time she could work at her own pace, so she enjoyed not being put under pressure. “I sure love taking it easy.” her friend smiled. Even if her work was different, it was still very tiring, and she enjoyed every little moment of peace she could find. “Did you find something for Saturday?” “Nothing” Rachel sighed. “Got some ideas, but they weren’t good enough.” “I knew that would happen.” Gwen laughed a little. “Let’s try to think something up, then.” They discussed the matter, but nothing caught Rachel’s attention. The redhead was getting angry, mostly at herself for not being able to decide such a simple thing. In a last attempt to help her friend, and to appease her anger, Gwen sighed and looked at her with a smile. “Well, since we’re not getting anywhere, I have an idea that matches your criteria, and I think it’s perfect. I was keeping it to myself in case you’d find something, but now I suppose I should go with it.” Rachel turned to Gwen, intrigued. “What’s that idea?” “You said you are looking for meat, and a special type at that, so I might have just the right thing for you.” “Come on, don’t tease me like that. What is that meat you’re speaking of?” “Sorry, sorry.” Gwen laughed a little. “I was thinking, if you want some good, high-quality meat in decent quantities, what about me?” “What about you?” Rachel didn’t understand what her friend meant. Could she provide the meat for the party in her stead? “What about using me as your meat? I’m quite confident in my body, and I would make for a good meal.” she said, still smiling. That idea came to her mind when Rachel told her she didn’t find anything good, and she has been thinking about it since. “Are you sure about that? I know that quite a lot of girls are doing that, and it doesn’t seem to hurt them or anything, but still, that’s something.” Rachel said, surprised by what her friend just said. “Absolutely. I’m totally fine with it, I’ve already thought it through. Just take your time and decide whether you want to go with that, alright? Tell me when you’ve found your answer.” Gwen got up, smiled again to her friend and left the break room to go back to her desk. Left alone with her thoughts, Rachel was looking into space. Sure, if she used Gwen as meat for the party, she wouldn’t have to worry about the quantities, and she was convinced her friend would taste very good, given how well she was taking care of herself. That would also tick her “special and remarkable” box. It seemed like a very good idea, especially since Gwen herself was the one that proposed it, and she said she was totally fine with it, but Rachel couldn’t help feeling a tiny bit unsure. First, would she really be fine being seen naked by so many strangers? Judging from the tone of her voice, Gwen already knew that, and it most likely wouldn’t be a problem. After all, she often uploaded pictures of herself on her social networks, so she was probably fine with showing herself. Besides, Rachel was quite interested in seeing her friend’s naked body, too, so she wanted to accept her offer. Having her whole could also make for a pretty visual, and the redhead was already thinking of some presentations she could go for. The more she thought about it, the more she was convinced by the idea of serving Gwen to her meeting. Her main concern was her own ability to prepare that meat properly, she knew how to do it, she had already done it, but it was relatively long ago, and she didn’t want to waste such an opportunity. Focused on the now-decided meal she would be taking care of, Rachel forgot about the time, until her eyes moved down on her watch. She swore, almost jumped out of the couch and walked back to her desk. The meeting would have to wait until the end of the day, because a new project had to begin, and Rachel couldn’t spend more time thinking about something not related to work. A nice, hot shower followed by a good beer and a light meal while watching TV was a pretty good way to end the day. The new project wasn’t something too heavy, so Rachel could allow herself to relax and enjoy some chilling at home. Since her mind was free for worries, she took that opportunity to think about what Gwen offered earlier this day. She examined it thoroughly, trying not to forget anything. No matter how she approached it, serving Gwen as the main course for her meeting seemed like the perfect course of action. With that, she’d most likely leave a lasting impression on her former classmates. Gwen said she was fine with it, but there was a possibility she was, more than just fine, quite into it as well. They had already talked about meatgirls on several occasions, and each time her co-worker expressed interest in that field, be it as a consumer or a “practitioner”. She would probably be looking forward to being prepared as well, so that was one less thing to worry about. The more Rachel was thinking about that whole thing, the more convinced she was. By the time it was late enough for her to head to bed, she had decided to take up her friend’s offer and cook her on Saturday. Satisfied, she undressed and drowned herself in the comfortable blanket. Now that she had her main course, she only needed side dishes to go with it, and a dessert to end the party on a good note. And for that, she had an idea in mind. She fell asleep, happy with how things had turned out. Tuesday went by quietly, without any incident. Since the work they had to carry out was advancing as planned, meaning they could afford to leave a bit earlier than usual, Rachel invited Gwen to the cafe they went to a few days before. They sat down, ordered some drinks and chitchatted before said drinks arrived. Then, after a quick sip, Gwen smiled. “I suppose you didn’t invite me just to go out, right?” “Indeed.” Rachel smiled back. “I’ve thought about what you said yesterday, and I’m convinced you’re the most fitting choice for Saturday’s party.” “See, I told you. Glad to hear you’re ok with me.” “I’m more than ok with you, I’m looking forward to seeing your naked butt, preparing it and having it roasted to perfection and served on my platter.” “Oh, really? That’s even better.” Gwen looked really happy. “I can leave everything to you, then.” “Yeah, you can. I have an idea about where it’ll take place, should be available, and I’ll take care of the preparation myself, so no need to pay a chef.” her face was showing a confident look, much to Gwen’s amusement. “My, I didn’t expect you’d take care of everything. I’m a lucky one.” “Sure are.” she paused to take another sip of her drink. “There’s something else I want to ask, too.” “Oh? What is it?” Gwen looked at her friend, a bit surprised. Was there something else she could provide, outside of her body and meat? “You see, a good meal doesn’t end with the main course, it ends with the dessert.” Gwen nodded and took a sip. “So I need to find a nice dessert, something good enough to go with my delicious main course.” they both chuckled, Rachel because of her friend having just become that main course, Gwen because the redhead seemed already sure she would be delicious. “And I think I found what would make an awesome dessert. Two awesome desserts, in fact.” “Two? What are they?” Gwen was really interested in knowing what Rachel had come up with. Two desserts instead of one was a surprise that would surely be welcomed by the guests. “Well, since you offered to be the main course, I thought it would be nice if I could have your daughters be the dessert.” “Oh, that’s a very interesting idea.” Gwen approved. She had twin daughters, soon to turn 12, that were a lot like her in many areas. “I’ll ask them if they’d like to help you, but I think the answer will be positive.” “Really? That’s awesome, you’re so so nice.” Rachel smiled widely. “I’ll have to treat you to something really expensive next time.” “No, you don’t have to worry about that, I’m happy to help. And I’m sure my girls will be, too.” They kept chatting happily, both looking forward to Saturday and the meeting. Once she was back home, Rachel took a long shower, enjoying every single moment of it while thinking about her upcoming success and the delicious meal they were going to have. She prepared a copious meal as a reward, and when she was done eating she decided to watch one of her favourite movies. As a perfect conclusion to that already very good day, shortly before heading to bed, she received a message from Gwen. Her friend said that her daughters were both happy to help Rachel and agreed to be the party’s dessert. The redhead smiled, thought about the delicious recipes she would go for, and sent her answer: “You’re the best friend with the best daughters, love you!” and entered her bed. She hoped she could focus on her work during the rest of the week, but that surely wouldn’t really be a problem. As expected, Rachel’s week of work was nothing to fear. Everything was going smoothly, and she took it easy knowing what would be happening on Saturday. She was very excited, and coming home every day was a pleasure because it brought her closer to the party. Then, finally, after hard work came the reward, and Rachel woke up on Saturday. She got out of bed earlier than usual, both because she was excited and because she needed time to prepare everything. A quick shower, a quick meal, she quickly dressed with a pretty red short dress, her favourite heeled boots and a discreet necklace. She packed her handbag and hopped into her car. As soon as she heard the engine, she pressed the accelerator and headed to the meeting spot, a nice cozy place she booked for the day. It didn’t take long to arrive there, and she was the first bar the owners. She parked her car, entered the small building, and was greeted by the couple how ran the place. They smiled and offered to guide her around and show her the facilities, to which Rachel gladly accepted. The building was fairly simple, easy to remember and pretty clean. The hall in which the banquet would be laid was very spacious, all the guests would fit without any problem. Last, but certainly not least, the wide kitchen, full of tools and work tables, looked just like a professional kitchen in a high-end restaurant. Rachel walked in, eyes sparkling, already full of joy from the simple sight of such a pleasant kitchen. She complimented the owners for their business, and talked a bit more about the details, then the couple wished her a nice party and left the kitchen. Rachel took another look in the main hall, checking that everything she needed was there. Shortly after, she heard someone calling her from the door. “Hey Rachel! That’s a very nice place you found there.” Gwen, smiling, wearing a long blue dress and short boots, was looking around her while walking to her friend. She was followed by her daughters, a pair of twin sisters named Ella and Jean, with the same black hair as their mother, tied in ponytails, one on the left and one on the right. They were wearing two short dresses with flat shoes in various colours and patterns. Rachel came forward to greet them. “Yeah, I’m really happy I could book here.” She smiled widely as she took Gwen in her arms. “As you see, it’s not gonna be crowded. And the kitchen’s amazing!” she added while patting the two girl’s heads. “I can’t wait to see that. Is everything good?” “Yeah, I’m just done checking, so we can head to the kitchen right now. The oven’s heating up, as well.” Rachel said, still smiling. “Let’s do that, I really want to see that kitchen. And the girls, too.” Gwen patted her daughter’s heads, and the girls smiled and nodded. “Good. Girls, you’ll help with preparing your mother, then I’ll have you help with setting everything up, alright?” They nodded again, and the group headed to the kitchen. There, Gwen had the same sparkling eyes reaction, and her smile widened. She’d never seen a kitchen like this outside of TV programs, so she was really happy she could enter one. Followed by her daughters, she stepped inside, looking at everything, letting her hand slide on what she had before her. “Damn, that’s really awesome! I’ve always wanted to be in a kitchen like this.” “Yeah, it’s a pretty good one, I agree. This place really is high-quality and not too expensive, that’s a blessing.” Rachel put her hand on the main table, looking at Gwen. “First, I have to give that to you, so that we’re sure you won’t be gone for good. Open wide.” Gwen opened her mouth, and Rachel placed a blue pill inside. They both knew that pill, it was a very special one that would make her brain register her whole body and mind and store it somewhere in her consciousness, allowing her to get herself back once people would be done eating her, so long as her head was fine. Gwen swallowed it without difficulties, waited a bit to make sure nothing went wrong, and they smiled. “Now take that pretty dress off and get your butt here, so that we can get started.” Gwen smiled, approached Rachel and started undressing. It was quick, as she only had to take off her boots and dress, wearing nothing underneath. Her excitement was visible not only in her eyes, but also by the fact her nipples were already erect, at the tip of her round, medium-sized breasts. Rachel looked at her body, from head to toe, walking around to get a good view of her rear, then gave her an approving smile. She slapped Gwen’s butt before picking a bottle nearby. “You look lovely as always. Now I have to make sure you’re even better than usual.” “I’m sure you’ll manage, you’re a pretty skilled woman after all.” “Thanks, but I’m not that good. But enough talking, we need to get working. Girls, come here, I’ll give you some oil we’ll be applying on your mother.” Ella and Jean came to receive the oil, and Rachel poured some on their hands. They laughed, not used to the contact of a cold liquid on their skin. “That feels weird!” Ella shouted. “Yeah, but it’s funny!” her sister added. “Don’t splash the oil everywhere.” their mother told them. “I need it on me, not on the floor.” The twins nodded and approached Gwen. They looked at her for a bit, because it had been a while since they last saw her naked, and they were enjoying the situation. Then, they began oiling her, following her guidelines, their little hands running on the woman’s body. They were rushing it at first, but Gwen told them they had to be gentler, so they slowed down and made sure the oil would penetrate her body properly. The girls had started with the waist, because it was right in front of them, and they were going down their mother’s body, keeping the upper body for later. That way, the oil they’d apply on her shoulders would flow on her body and add to the previously applied oil. While the twins were oiling their mother, the four of them, including Rachel, were talking happily, despite the uniqueness of the situation they were in. The discussion was interrupted several times, when Ella oiled Gwen’s pussy, putting her fingers inside on her mother’s command, then when the little hands were tickling the woman on various places. After a little while, Rachel inspected the twin’s work, smiled and patted their heads as a reward. “You did a pretty good job for first-timers. Now, the three of you have to get on that table, so you can finish your work” she said while indicating the spots on the table with her hands. The three others nodded, Rachel laid a long, metallic platter for Gwen to sat on, and her friend hopped on the table, soon followed by her daughters. Ella and Jean were on their knees, barely reaching their mother’s height. The redhead gave them more oil, and they resumed the oiling process, starting from the shoulders and neck. It was even more ticklish, so Gwen laughed quite a lot, but they managed to keep the discussion going. Everything was progressing smoothly, until the mischievous daughters started playing with their mother’s breasts, making her moan a little. Rachel let them play, but had to remind them she needed Gwen to be prepared and placed in the oven quite soon so that she wouldn’t be late for their guests. “Listen to her, it’s a really important event for her, so be good girls and behave.” Gwen smiled gently, caressing her daughter’s heads. “If you want, I’ll play with you some at home tonight, ok?” Ella and Jean happily accepted, and resumed oiling. It didn’t take long for them to be done, and Rachel was soon looking at a fully oiled Gwen with a delighted smile. “You look awesome! And you’ll be even better when I’m done with you.” she said while caressing the dark-haired woman’s thigh. “I’m looking forward to it!” her enthusiastic friend answered. “Please take good care of me!” “Oh, I will, don’t you worry. Now, girls, I won’t be needing your help for a while, so you can go and play. I’ll call you when it’s time.” It didn’t take more for the twins to burst out of the kitchen, much to Rachel and Gwen’s amusement. The redhead complimented her friend’s daughters, and they resumed chatting while she prepared everything she needed. She had Gwen lie on her belly to spread aromatic herbs on her, from head to toe. She took the opportunity to give her a little massage, that the woman really appreciated, especially when Rachel arrived at her butt and thighs. Once the back was done, Gwen pivoted on her back, and her friend seasoned her in the same way. Again, a little massage, spending some more time on her breasts and inner thighs, helping her friend relax. “Ok, now that you’ve got your herbs, I have another little thing for you. Two, in fact.” She turned to pick these things, and Gwen’s eyes widened when she saw Rachel holding a long carrot and a zucchini. “Are those going where I think they are going?” “Of course, where else? Now be ready, I’m placing them in.” Gwen, very excited, relaxed as much as she could to make sure her friend could insert the vegetables inside her holes without problems. Rachel put her on her belly, inspecting her ass closely, grabbed both cheeks and spread them wide enough to insert the carrot slowly. Gwen wasn’t restraining herself and moaned all along. She loved being touched, and grabbed, and having something long up her ass was really enjoyable. She often played with anal toys, so the carrot went in very smoothly, especially with all the oil she was soaked in. It didn’t take long for the vegetable to be completely inside the woman’s ass, except the tip and the leaves. Rachel pressed Gwen’s ass cheeks around it, making her moan even more, patted her butt, and put her on her back. The black-haired woman, knowing what was next, spread her thighs a little to give her friend an easier access to her completely wet pussy. Another moan could be heard when the zucchini entered its destined place, and it didn’t stop until the vegetable was firmly in place, which wasn’t that hard because it was a big one. “There you go. Now, just have to tie you up, and you’re ready for the oven.” Rachel smiled. “Oh, that’s perfect, I love being tied up!” Gwen said, not able to contain her excitement. “I know, I know. Now, let’s move on, shall we?” The cook picked up some cooking string and approached her meat. She placed the string around Gwen’s neck, grabbed her left leg and lifted it up, tilting it a bit to the left. She tied it right under the knee and linked it to the string around the neck, to keep it up in the air. She then did the exact same with the other leg, tilting it to the right and maintaining it. The next step was tying the ankles together in such a way that the feet were quite close to each other. Satisfied with the result, Rachel took a moment to think, then tied Gwen’s forearms to her thighs, binding the arms behind the legs and tying the wrists together. That way, Gwen had both her legs up, her arms resting in her thighs and her hands free to play with the zucchini. The result was also visually very pleasant, especially looking at Gwen’s butt. “So how do you like it?” she asked of her soon-to-be meal. “It’s awesome, really!” Gwen answered energetically. “I really like being oiled up, it’s a nice feeling, and being tied up is always good for things like these. How do I look?” “Absolutely delicious! Now open wide, I’ll give you the finishing touch and take some souvenir pictures.” Rachel picked a bright red apple in a basket of fruits and placed it inside Gwen’s open mouth. Both very satisfied with a smile on their faces, the standing woman took out her phone, the lying one closed her eyes, and the photo shooting began. Rachel walked around the table where her work of art, as she was thinking of it, was resting, enjoying the sight and making sure the pictures would do it justice. She took roughly twenty pictures, with various angles and lighting, before deciding that was enough. “Ok, got everything I want. We’re right on time, so let’s move on to the final step. I can’t thank you enough, and I’m sure you’ll be a big hit, so now I can only wish for you a happy time in the oven.” she said with a large smile on her face. Gwen didn’t open her eyes, but smiled as well, and Rachel patted her butt. She walked to the oven, opened it, checked the very hot inside and walked back to the table to put on a pair of kitchen gloves before grabbing the platter’s handles. It took a little effort, because she was physically tired after a week of work, but she managed to lift the platter and place it inside the oven. Since it was a kitchen specifically designed for that kind of cooking, the oven was wide enough that Gwen could fit in without having her legs hit the top or the sides. The cook took a moment to stare at her work, then closed the door. It was equipped with a transparent door, so she could check on her meat without opening, and it made for a really inviting sight. Gwen’s ass and legs were looking really great, she couldn’t wait to taste her friend. But she had other things to do, so she couldn’t really afford to stand there watching. Moving to the main room, she found Ella and Jean playing together. Clapping her hands to get their attention, she walked up to them. “Oh girls, your mother’s enjoying her hot time in the oven. I’m not going to prepare you yet, because you don’t need to cook for as long as she does, and you’ll be desserts so you’ll be served later. For now, I’d like you to help me prepare everything for my guests, alright?” “Yeah, no problem! Just tell us what we have to do.” Ella answered. “See these folded tables there? If you could unfold them and place them close to that wall, it’d be great.” Rachel told them while showing the wall she wanted the tables close to. “Got it!” the twins replied before getting to work. Rachel smiled again, amused at the twins’ cheerful personalities, before heading to where the numerous chairs were stored. There were also round tables, because she wanted the meeting to be not only about discussion, but also some games and activities together. She moved the tables and chairs to the main room, making sure everyone would have enough space to sit without bothering anyone. Ella and Jean were done with their task before Rachel could finish hers, so they came to help her. Once all the tables and chairs were in place, they decorated the room with some things Rachel had picked up, ribbons, origamis and other cute things. It took them a while, but they eventually managed to do something that Rachel was satisfied with. “Ok, I think it’s time we got you prepared. We’ll check on your mother, too.” “Yes! I really want to see how she looks.” Jean said enthusiastically. “And I really want to see how it feels!” her sister added. “Good girls.” Rachel complimented them, petting their heads. “Come on, let’s head to the kitchen.” The twins happily followed her, almost rushing to the oven to see what their mother had become. Through the door, they looked at Gwen’s bottom, with wide, interested eyes. “So that’s how it looks like, it’s… pretty, I think.” Jean told her sister. “It is.” Ella approved. “I’m glad you like the view, but step back please, I’ll take her out to check on her.” Rachel asked, waiting for the twins to let her reach the oven to open its door. With the kitchen gloves on, she took the platter with the steaming meat out of the oven, just enough for it to be accessible, while the girls were watching with mesmerised eyes. Gwen was just like when Rachel had placed her inside the oven, except her hands that were a little bit lower, and the zucchini that was a little bit deeper. That made the cook smile, and she turned to take some water to sprinkle her meat. It had been less than an hour, so Gwen wasn’t dry yet, but Rachel thought that she’d need to check on her more often. Once the meat was sprinkled enough, she put it back in the oven and turned to the soon-to-be desserts. “Well, as you just saw, she’s a really nice piece of meat, and I’m really glad I got to cook her today. Now, it’s time to move on to something just as delicious as her. Take those dresses off so that I can begin working on you.” The twins nodded and undressed rapidly, excited by the sight of their roasting mother. Within seconds, they were wearing nothing but their sandals. “Say, Rachel, can we take some pictures? It looks so fun.” Ella asked. “Sure, but first swallow these pills, so that your mother can meet you again after today.” the cook answered while giving the girls the same pills she gave Gwen earlier. The twins swallowed the pills easily, then Jean took her phone and they started shooting some naked twins pictures while Rachel checked all the other ingredients she needed. She let them play some more, then stepped in to stop the merry twins. “Sorry to interrupt, but I don’t want to be late, so I’ll have you stop here.” “Oh, right, sorry. We’re ready!” the girls smiled. “Don’t worry, everything’s fine. I’ll have one sweet girl pie and one pretty girl cake, who’s what?” the woman asked. The twins looked at each other, whispered something and smiled, then turned back to Rachel. “I’m the cake!” Jean shouted. “And I’m the pie!” Ella added. “Good, I knew I could count on you. Jean, take that pill, too, it’s needed for the cake. Meanwhile, Ella will help me prepare the pie.” The twins nodded, Jean swallowed the new pill she was given while Ella and Rachel were preparing the basis for the pie. So far, it was a classic, albeit very large pie, with classic dough and sliced apples and pears waiting to be put on it. They placed the fruits around the edge, then Rachel turned to Ella. “Very good, now you can jump there. Don’t forget to take your sandals off.” she told her while patting her head. Ella nodded, freed her feet from her sandals, hopped on the table and sat inside the pie. The plate was large enough for her to almost lie on her back, with her head, shoulders and knees poking out. Feeling the dough under her and the fruits around made her even more aroused than she already was, but she didn’t move too much to let Rachel finish the pie. The woman placed some more fruits around the girl, then paused to think. She spread Ella’s legs a bit, inserted a slice of pear in her pussy and placed a side of apple to cover it. She added fruit slices on the girl’s body, then began adding another layer of dough, covering the girl in the process. It was ticklish, and Ella was laughing, talking with Rachel and Jean, but she remained immobile enough to not ruin the whole thing. A third layer of fruits was then applied, followed by a decent amount of light cream, and a last thin layer of dough. A step back, and Rachel and Jean were looking at a nice, pre-cooked Ella pie. “You look yummy!” the girl shouted. “I’m glad I do!” her sister answered. “I’ll take some pictures, so give me a nice smile.” Rachel told her. Ella complied, and nice pictures were taken. When she saw them, the girl couldn’t help but smile even more and feel very excited. “Now then, my delicious sweetiepie, it’s time to give you a taste of what your mother’s feeling right now. I’m sure you’ll love it too.” Rachel kissed Ella’s forehead, then put on her kitchen gloves, lifted the plate and placed it inside another hot oven, with her bottom facing the door. That way, she could see the movement outside, and Rachel could have a quick look at her whenever she wanted. A waving her to say goodbye, and she closed the door. “Now there’s only me left! What are we going to do?” Jean asked the cook. “It’s pretty simple.” Rachel answered. “The second pill I gave you will turn you into the tasty cake I’ll be serving, so there’s not much to do. I’ll just add some nice little things to go well with you. Take your sandals off, hop on the table and lie on this platter, on your belly.” she explained, showing the third platter waiting on the table for its own girl. Jean, happy to finally have her turn, obeyed the orders, put her sandals next to her sister’s and lied on the platter. Rachel let her hand run on the girl’s back, from the shoulders to her thighs, squeezed her ass and grabbed a bottle. She emptied it on Jean, and the cold liquid made the girl shiver. “Some cream for you, too. It’ll make you smooth and soft, even more than you already are.” Jean smiled, but didn’t say anything. She was enjoying the treat, satisfied with the more passive take on the cooking. She enjoyed when Rachel massaged her to make sure the cream would impregnate her body, too. The woman then added some sugar and a bit of edible ornaments, and took the cooking string she used on Gwen. “Get your head and legs up, will you?” she asked of the girl. Jean obeyed, placing her head on her hands and lifting her calves. Rachel tied her ankles to her neck and her wrists together, tight enough so that she wouldn’t move an inch. “That’s it, good girl. Now, just like your sisters, pictures and oven. Give me your best smile.” Jean did her best, and Rachel was very pleased with the pictures she got. Showing them to the girl made both of them feel perfectly satisfied. “I’m really lucky to have you, I’m thankful for that.” Rachel said with a calmer voice. “I’m sure you’ll make today a huge success, and I’m sure you’ll love it as well. Thanks again.” she kissed Jean’s forehead with an affectionate look in her eyes. The girl smiled back, but didn’t say anything. She closed her eyes, and Rachel put on her kitchen gloves for the third time to lift the platter and place it inside a third oven. It was wide enough to have it sideways, allowing for a nice view of almost of Jean’s body. She closed the door, looked around, took a moment to rest, and began cleaning the kitchen. She had some time before her first guests were supposed to arrive, but she didn’t want to be late now that her meal was on the way. After checking everything for the seventh time, Rachel finally welcomed her first guests. Two guys and a girl from her high school time, happy to be there, to meet each other again. They shook hands, discussed a little, and Rachel brought them inside. They didn’t have to wait too long before more guests arrived, since it was almost the planned meeting hour. Shortly after, the main room was filled with most of the expected guests, the others having already warned they’d be a little late. The meeting itself went really well, all the people delighted to meet each other after several years. Talking, playing card games, watching the videos Rachel had prepared, everything worked as intended. The festive atmosphere reminded the organiser of the parties they used to throw back in high school. Rachel was enjoying herself, free of any worries now that the meeting was running perfectly. She had been running from one table to another at first, but eventually settled down and began talking with a girl she hadn’t seen in years. They shared memories, news and other things, but Rachel didn’t forget about the upcoming meal she had been boasting about. Every thirty minutes, she went to the kitchen to check on the meat and the desserts. They were turning into very fine plates, much to Rachel’s satisfaction. Each time, she sprinkled her meat, made sure the desserts were going the right way, took some pictures of the process and closed the doors before going back to the main room. She couldn’t wait to show everyone what she had picked for lunch. In the first oven, Gwen was feeling awesome. She had truly loved every bit of the whole cooking process, from the moment she got naked to her fun time in the oven. The position Rachel put her in was original for her, since she wasn’t used to have her legs up for so long, and when she was on her back, her arms were usually resting on her sides rather than tied to her thighs. The oiling process made her really interested in such plays, and she thought she could do it again, with her daughters if they wanted, and they probably would want to given how enthusiastic they were. Being stuffed with the carrot and the zucchini was a very enjoyable moment, too, feeling similar but different from her usual toys. That would surely make for an interesting time in bed, but the oven was a very good place to be in too, despite the heat that Gwen took some time to get accustomed to. The cherry on top, though, was the fact Rachel didn’t immobilise her hands, so that she could pay with the zucchini in her pussy. A while after she entered the oven, once she was used to the heat, she put her hands on the vegetable and started pushing it deeper, feeling it slide easily. That mix of feelings, the pleasure, the physical contact, the eat, the oil, was maybe the best part of the day. The zucchini, going back and forth, pleased the woman a lot, especially when she pressed it against her very sensitive clit. She managed to hold back her orgasm for a while, until the zucchini got dry and it began to feel too rough to keep pushing it in. Thankfully, the slowly roasting Gwen didn’t had to wait for too long before Rachel opened the oven to sprinkle her. The contact of the fresh air on her hot skin was another new feeling, but Gwen was already beginning to lose consciousness, so she couldn’t open her eyes or hear anything around her besides the crackling of her skin in contact with the water. Once she was back into the oven and the door closed, she resumed her play with the zucchini, albeit on a much slower rhythm. Her excitement reaching its peak, she used her remaining strength to get back some rhythm, A few more minutes, and her orgasm finally came out, leaving her completely exhausted but absolutely delighted. Now, she only had to relax, keep enjoying her roasting, and hope she would be as delicious a meal as Rachel was expecting her to be. The second oven’s guest was as excited as her mother, but she couldn’t move as much. Being a nice sweetiepie, as Rachel called her, meant that Ella couldn’t afford to move too much, or she’d ruin the whole pie, and that was something she didn’t want to happen. She tried her best to remain immobile, and lasted quite a while, but eventually she gave up and decided to do something about her excitement and arousal. The dough had gotten a bit more solid, but not enough to restrain the girl completely or break if she moved only a little. Because her arms were supporting her, and her legs were spread with her knees pointing upwards, she thought that the best way for her to satisfy herself was to stay in that position and only move slightly back and forth, like she was having some very light sex. That wasn’t a problem, as it has been a few weeks now that she got interested in these things and wanted to try them out. Oiling their mother, together with her sister, had been a much appreciated first experience, and she was eager to do something similar again. The second experience, when she undressed and took naked selfies with Jean, was equally as interesting. Ella absolutely loved taking these selfies, and the result was very good, so she wanted to take other, more elaborate explicit pictures of herself. Last but not least, hopping into the pie, being covered in fruit, dough and cream, and having some of these fruits being inserted in her pussy had brought her arousal to its maximum. If all of this was already that good, she couldn’t imagine how much pleasure she would feel during sex, but she was now extremely tempted. She thought about the few videos and pictures she had seen, and began imagining herself during various sexual intercourses, although they all involved her on her back like she was in the pie. Since she was already on the brink of orgasming from all her excitement, she forced herself to not move too much, so that she could keep thinking about sex for longer. Despite her efforts, though, she didn’t last as long as she would’ve wanted, because of her absolute lack of experience and her relatively low stamina, made worse by the oven’s heat. The pear inside her stimulating her a lot, Ella felt herself squirting a little, and her excitement calmed down right after. Now that she had experienced it, she felt really satisfied with what she had just gone through, and wanted to do it for real even more. Exhausted, happy and dizzy, she closed her eyes and let herself be baked as a proper pie. The third oven’s inhabitant was calmer than the other two. Jean had always been less hyperactive than her sister, and to an extent than her mother, and that day was no exception. The oven was the most peaceful part of her day, and she enjoyed the silence there. She was in a comfortable position, one she really loved, and often used for pictures, just like the ones they were taking earlier. Eyes closed, head resting on her hands, it was almost like she was asleep, but she remained conscious a long time, maybe because the oven’s heat wasn’t the same as the one their mother was cooking in. That had been a fun day, and she really enjoyed herself, even though she wasn’t as enthusiastic about everything sex as her sister. Still, taking nude selfies with her was pretty nice, and oiling their mother wasn’t a bad time either. Not undergoing as much preparation as them didn’t displease her, and she was totally fine being just tied up while lying on her belly. At first, she wasn’t sure she would like being prepared and baked, but both her mother and sister really wanted to do it and help Rachel, so she accepted as well. Now that she felt herself slowly turning into cake, thanks to the pill Rachel gave her, she could say she was glad she didn’t turn them down. It made for a peculiar experience, but that was a good one to have, especially in such a friendly environment. She wasn’t particularly entranced by it, but she didn’t think of it as unpleasant or anything of the sort. She would probably accept it if someone asked her to be food again, as long as they were as kind and gentle as Rachel. Knowing strangers would see her naked, offered to them as food, as a cake, wasn’t that much of a bother, since she would probably not even meet them, and they wouldn’t do anything besides eating her, and maybe taking some pictures. She wasn’t ashamed of herself, so it didn’t really matter. Since it wasn’t that hot, or at least she didn’t feel it was that hot, she could feel her flesh slowly turning to cake, although she didn’t know how it worked or what would the result be like. She lost consciousness some time after Rachel checked on her for the second time, curious about her taste and if people would like her. “Ok, everyone, I present to you today’s main course, a delicious oven-roasted turkey I personally picked and prepared!” Rachel shouted while bring the mobile table on which said turkey was resting. A round of applause welcomed the bird, steaming from having just been taken off the oven, dripping with juice. The meat was placed on one of the tables next to the wall, where all other side dishes were already waiting. The guests were taking pictures, showing Rachel she had done her job well. After a moment, she cut the string that was keeping the wings and legs in place, letting them fall on the platter, and some more pictures were taken. “This meat is high quality, I can guarantee it.” the woman told her impatient guests. “Just come and tell me which cut you’d like.” The ones that were the most eager to taste that juicy meat formed a line, while the others picked their side dishes first. It took some time, but eventually everyone got a piece of what was formerly Gwen and had become a delicious turkey of a main course. Rachel herself, as the organiser of the whole event, had the pleasure of going with Gwen’s fillet, a piece of her thigh and a piece of her ass. She sat at her table, with the girl she spent a lot of time talking to. That girl complimented the way she had prepared everything, especially that awesome turkey, making Rachel smile proudly. She took a bit of her own cuts, and her face brightened. The meat was indeed delicious, since Gwen had always been taking great care of her body, and her excitement added to her flavour. She did taste a bit like a regular turkey, but not enough that one could be mistaken. It was truly a delicious meal. Rachel, just like everyone else, went to get seconds, and by the end of the meal nothing was left of Gwen but her pretty head adorned with her apple. The redhead waited a moment to make sure everyone was finished with the main course and the side dishes before announcing she’d bring in the desserts. A minute after, she emerged from the kitchen pushing another cart, on which were the two desserts she was eager to show. “Here they are! A sweet cake and a fruity creampie, of the same breed as the bird we just ate. I’m confident they’ll be just as delicious in their own right.” Another round of applause and pictures, and the desserts were placed on a table next to the one with the remains of the turkey. Everyone took a moment to look at the two girls, one peaceful icy cake, and one happy creampie. They really look like their mother, and that was a nice addition to an already amazing feast. Rachel served slices of the Jean cake, and her friend served the Ella pie. Since there were quite a lot of guests, the meat from the main course wasn’t enough to satiate everyone, and they all wanted to taste these very cute desserts. Just like before, all got the part they wanted, although it didn’t make much of a difference in this case, and they greatly enjoyed it. Rachel took a bit of both, a piece of Jean’s delicate butt and one of Ella’s fruity breasts. She was very happy with how they turned out, they were really tasty treats. Seconds were again asked for, and soon the two plates were empty, safe for both girls’ heads. The atmosphere was really festive, and Rachel thought that she managed to make this meeting a huge success. The meeting went on well into the afternoon, helped by alcohol and the delicious food Rachel had brought. The sun was already setting when the first guests left the place, and by the time the last one passed the door and got outside, it was almost night. Satisfied, but exhausted, the redhead carried the platters with the remnants of her friend and her two daughters into the kitchen. Now that everything had calmed down, and their heads were back in the kitchen, the pills’ effect would soon begin and they’d quickly be back. In the meantime, Rachel began cleaning the room, which would take her quite some time but was needed since the owners of the place would come and get the keys in less than an hour. Roughly ten minutes later, she heard noise in the kitchen, so she headed there and saw Gwen stretching, while her daughters were already standing on the floor. “Good evening, my delicious friends.” she greeted them with a smile. “How did you like your time here?” “It was very nice, thanks!” Ella immediately answered. “I agree, that was quite good.” Jena added. “For me as well.” Gwen said. “How did your event go?” “Perfectly, and that’s thanks to you. Everyone loved seeing you, smelling you, tasting you, and I sure loved it too. You made this a huge success.” “I’m glad to hear that! Are you done cleaning?” “No, and I could use some more hands. Feel free to get your asses over there.” The other three smiled, Gwen got off the table, and they all went back to the main room. Rachel was amused seeing her friend and the two girls walking around naked, carrying the chairs and tables, but she couldn’t slack off now, so she participated. Within twenty minutes, the room was clean, just like it was when Rachel got the keys. “Alright girls, just got a message from the owner, they are waiting for us outside. Go put your dresses on, so that we can give them the keys back.” It didn’t take long, and shortly after the four of them left the building. On the parking lot, the owners were talking, and came close as soon as they saw them. A little chitchat, Rachel telling them how well it went, and she gave them the keys. The owners went to close the building, waved at them and left. “Well, that’s it for today.” Rachel sighed. “Truly an awesome day, thanks again. Couldn’t have managed it without you.” “No problem, it was good for us as well.” Gwen told her. “Don’t hesitate to call us again if you need some good food.” “I will. I’m so tired, I just want to head home, eat a salad and sleep, so I’ll say goodbye here and see you on Monday. As for the twins, I’ll think about something too.” They smiled, kissed each other, Rachel patted the twins’ heads, and they went their separate ways. The redhead thought that this whole event showed how well she can manage it, and made her want to participate in another one, partly to eat delicious girls. She’d have to find an occasion to roast Gwen again, and she wondered how good the twins would do as meat. Gwen was still full of joy and pleasure, glad she offered herself for the feast. It was her first time as meat, but definitely not the last, and she decided she’d look up recipes she’d like to try and places she could go to do so. Ella’s energy level was as high as before she had been turned into a pie, especially after being praised for how good she tasted. She’d appreciate being food again, but her next main objective was sex, after spending so long naked and aroused. Maybe she’d ask her sister for that, or her mother, or both. That sounded like the best way to go. Jean was more tired than her sister, but as happy as her. All in all, it had been a fun day, filled with interesting things, and she didn’t regret it one bit. She really wanted to go for pictures again, and she was interested in naked ones in particular. If she did well, maybe she could even upload them online, and see if people liked them. She would definitely remember that pleasant day for the rest of her life. |
The reality-bending naked girl I’ve never been one to enjoy classes much, but most of the time it’s at least interesting. This morning, though, it’s not. I’m here to draw and learn about the industry, not the uninteresting stuff they are talking about right now. It’s fine wanting to teach about the possibilities other than the purely graphical jobs, but they could do it right and make it so that people want to listen. But well, I have to bear with it. After all, there’s something much more exciting this afternoon, so I’ll wait and try to listen. A decent meal with my classmates helped me shrug off my sleepiness, and once we’re in front of our own classroom, I’m filled with excitement. We enter, we say hi to our teacher that’s already there, and everyone heads to their place. They all sit down, but I just walk straight to the teacher’s desk and put my bag next to it. She smiles at me, looks at the class and ask my classmates to get ready for today’s session. Everyone takes their drawing materials and move the chairs around the little pedestal standing in the back of the room. “Ok, everything’s good, so you can get ready too.” The teacher pats my back, smiles at me and moves towards the pedestal. Now’s the moment I’ve been waiting for: smiling happily, I take off my jacket and put it on the desk, before taking a quick look at the class. They are all waiting for me, so I shouldn’t waste their time. After my jacket, it’s my top, then my bra, and now that I’m topless I can already see some of my classmates looking my way. I smile, and I get to the rest of my outfit. First my shoes, then my socks. I turn around, so that my ass’s facing towards my classmates, and I take my pants off. A bit of stretching, then my panties fall on the floor. I pick them up, put them on the desk with the rest of my clothes, and I head to the pedestal. “Thanks, Lily. Ok, everyone, today’s session will now begin. We’ll go for a simple standing pose, for now.” That’s right, today’s nude posing, and I’m the model! I love that, and I’m glad my teacher does too. My body’s probably playing a huge part in that, and it’s true that I have a pretty figure for most people’s taste. Long blond hair tied into a ponytail, of medium height, medium boobs, with a pretty nice ass and a good, long pair of legs, I know that people like to look at me, and I like to be seen too. Posing is a win-win, and I do it often. Once on the pedestal, I take a simple standing pose, as I’ve been asked, and I stop moving so that my classmates can practice drawing a nude girl. Despite what one might think, they are all very focused, and none of them is looking at my body in a lustful way. It’s a serious class, with a nice atmosphere, and it makes it all the better. The lesson goes on for another hour until it’s break time. I’m not tired, since I’m used to pose for extend periods of time, but I always welcome these moments to relax and talk with my classmates about their work. Looking at what they’ve done, I can see that they all improved with drawing female bodies. Some need to correct a thing or two, but overall they are doing great. We keep chatting until the break ends, and the teacher asks me to take a more complex pose. I grab a stool, a white cloth and take an elaborate pose that should be enough a challenge for my classmates. This one’s a bit trickier, since I need to be completely immobile and find the exact same pose after the next break, but it’s not the first time I’m doing it, so everything goes fine. Second break is just like the first, except that my classmates aren’t progressing as fast because of the more complex pose. It quickly passes by, and I get back on my stool to return to my pose. I manage to find it again, exactly like it was before the break, and everyone resumes drawing. One hour before the first break, two hours between breaks, one hour after the second break and the day’s done. It’s already late in the afternoon, because that class starts at 2PM, so everyone quickly packs their stuff and leave the classroom to head home. I stay behind to talk with the teacher a bit, and when she finally leaves, there’salmost no one in the room, only me and another girl. She’s cleaning the room, as she usually does. I walk up to her and smile. “You know, Mina, you don’t have to bother with that, I can do it.” She turns to look at me, our eyes meet and she smiles herself. “Thanks, Lily, but it’s fine, I like it.” She’s a bit taller than me, so I have to lift my head a bit to talk to her. She has longer hair than me, shining black, a quite pretty young face and eyes the exact same colour as her hair. Thanks to that, and her clothing style consisting of rather long and ample shirts, vests, pants or other pieces, she looks decently attractive. Despite that attractiveness, though, she doesn’t interact with people too much, and they usually leave her alone because she’s often doing things like helping cleaning the rooms, reading or doodling. As a result, not many people truly know of her, outside of what happens in class. Since I stay behind all the time, I’m among the few that know a bit more than just her looks, and she’s a nice girl, so I want to get along with her. “Maybe, but that doesn’t mean you have to do it all the time. Let me help you, at least.” I grab some stuff and begin moving them back to where they are stored. I catch a glimpse of Mina smiling and nodding, and she resumes her cleaning. It doesn’t take long for the two of us to have everything sorted out and put back in place. Once we’re done, Mina grabs her bag and turns to me. “Thanks for today, I appreciate it.” “Don’t worry, it made me happy too.” I reply with a smile. “Want me to wait for you? Since we’re heading in the same direction.” she offers. “Sure!” I pick my clothes up, fold them properly and place them in my bag. Once it’s done, I put my socks and shoes back on, put my bag on my shoulder and face Mina. “I’m ready to go!” We close the windows, head to the door, turn the lights off and walk out the room before locking the door. There aren’t that many people in the corridors, which is nice because we can enjoy more tranquillity. We chat a bit about various things, taking our time as the bus we both take to go home won’t be coming before a while. Once we’re outside, it doesn’t take long for us to arrive at the bus stop, where a few people are already waiting. We’re in spring, so the weather is quite nice, and we don’t have to hide underneath the shelter because of rain or sun. We keep talking until the bus arrives, and we resume once we’re both seated. She’s really a nice girl, easy to talk to, and we have several things in common, so we’re getting along well, as I hoped. It takes roughly half an hour for the bus to arrive at Mina’s stop, and when it does I wave her goodbye. “Thanks for today, I loved it!” “Thank you, I loved it as well.” she replies with a smile. “See you tomorrow!” Now that I’m alone, I relax in my seat. Ten more minutes, and the bus is at my stop. I get off the bus and walk towards the entrance of the building I live in. When I pass the door, I meet one of my neighbours, we say hi to each other, and I enter. The inside is a typical housing building one, albeit cleaner than average. A couple doors, a corridor, an elevator, nothing out of the ordinary. I like that elevator, though, because is it quite wide and has a nice mirror on the back wall. I often take a look at myself in that mirror, so it’s good it’s there. Fourth floor, where my flat is. It’s nothing too fancy, but it’s quite good for the low rent I pay. Once I’m inside, I take my shoes and socks off, go to my room, put my bag on my bed, take my clothes and throw them in the washing machine before entering the shower. It’s always a very relaxing moment, feeling the hot water on my bare skin, and I stay a little longer than I should, maybe. Once that is done, I work on my lessons and drawings until dinner. Today, it’s a light meal, because I have another activity later in the evening. Some more work, until there’s only fifteen minutes until the clock reaches 10PM. Hastily, I go back to my room, open my laptop and set up my stream. I’ve been doing that for a while, and I love it, just as much as people online apparently, since they are always a lot to come and watch me play. Today’s no exception, and soon there are several thousands people waiting for my stream to being in less than ten minutes. The closer we get to the moment I’ll begin, the more excited I get, just like every other time. “Hello everyone, thanks for coming today!” I tell the stream once the clock hits 10PM. Lots of replies appear in the chat, making me smile. “I’m happy today, so I feel like giving you some extras! I guess you’re ok with that?” Everyone agrees, and I smile even wider. “Here I come, enjoy the show!” I stretch, pushing my chest forward to give the viewers a nice view of my boobs. I don’t have that much to show off there, but I try to make it as enjoyable as possible. That’s something of a pre-show, I guess. I love playing with myself on stream, and since people enjoy what I do, I don’t have to think too much about it. I usually start with my upper body, massaging my breasts, playing with my nipples, showing different angles… and I keep talking to people at the same time. It’s not just being a camgirl, it’s also interacting with the viewers while I’m entertaining them. Once I’m done with my chest, I move on to the most interesting part of my body, the lower one. My viewers love it, so I spend more time playing with it, and I go all out: angles, caresses, close-ups, toys, my hands, I use everything I can depending on my mood and what the chat asks for. Surprisingly, most of the time they prefer when I give them good looks and erotic moments rather than full-on porn, although they like it as well. As a result, I usually go for a lot of erotic moments, with a few playful moments thrown in, until there’s only like half an hour left, then I switch to my porn things. One of the basic patterns I use is: showing off while standing up, a bit like a mannequin, then I sit close to my laptop, to talk with viewers while giving them closer looks on my legs. Then, I like to spread them, play a bit with myself, moving around, moaning a bit. Next step is my ass, with which I do the same, using various toys and positions. The session usually ends with another bunch of playful moments with toys, be it for my pussy, my ass, or both. I also like to suck on different things, specially made and flavoured toys, food like bananas, and other things I might come across. Throughout the stream, I get quite a lot of donations, and it’s a nice income since I’m not working, so I feel really satisfied being able to provide nice content to my viewers. Now that it’s a little past midnight, I take the dildo out of my ass, get up from being on my back to face my screen, catch my breath and smile. “Ok everyone, that’s it for today! Hope you had fun, because I sure did. Thanks for coming, and see you next time!” I wave goodbye to my chat while they all thank me, and I turn the stream off. I’d like to stream some more, but I need to get up tomorrow for classes, so I have to stop here. I prepare my stuff for tomorrow, then dive into my bed. Playing a bit more with myself leaves me as satisfied as my viewers, and I quickly fall asleep. I wake up when my alarm rings, and I get out of bed reluctantly. It’s a crime to wake up that early, but I do it nonetheless. Breakfast, morning routine, bag, I’m almost ready to go. I ponder which clothes I should choose for today, but ultimately I decide that no clothes is best. I just pick a pair of socks and my trainers, and I leave my flat. Just like any other classes day, I head to the bus stop, and get in when it arrives. It’s close to the beginning of the line, so there usually aren’t many people inside, allowing me to pick whichever seat I want. I decide that the same as yesterday is good, so that’s the one I go to. A while after, I see Mina get in the bus, and she looks my way. I smile, and she comes to sit next to me. We chat a little, mostly about our uni work. The rest of the morning goes pretty normally too: we arrive at uni, we go to our classroom, we listen to the lecture, and once it’s over we head to the cafeteria for lunch. Today, it’s only the two of us, because the others have different classes so they will eat later. We sit at a small table, perfect for two, and we talk about various things. Mina really is a good and interesting girl, I’m glad she enjoys my company. She talks quite freely, although I can feel that there’s something on her mind. After we’re done eating, we head to a calm place, in a part of the main building that not many people come to because it’s a bit on the side. There, we sit on the small stairs leading to the next building, and we keep discussing. At some point, I decide that I should ask Mina what’s bothering her. “Feels like there’s something you’re thinking about. Wanna talk about it?” She smiles and blushes a little, then look at the floor. It’s best to let her some time to decide, so I just look around, waiting for her answer. “You… you won’t get mad at me, right?” she finally asks shyly. “Promise I won’t.” I reply with a smile. “Ok, thanks. So… I’ve noticed yesterday that you… that you didn’t put your clothes back on after the class ended.” “Oh, you saw that?” It is a bit of a surprise to me, I must say. “Yes. And… today, I can see that you’re naked as well.” Yeah, a real surprise. “So you can see that too? That’s interesting.” Mina looks at me with a confused look on her face. I smile and begin to explain. “Yeah, I’ve been naked the whole time yesterday, and I’m naked as well today. Didn’t think you’d notice, though, because normally it doesn’t happen.” “It doesn’t? How would people not notice?”“It’s a bit hard to explain, but some time ago, I discovered that I can influence the world. I means I can think about something, and it happens, one way or another.” “Really?” she asks, the confusion still visible on her face and in her voice. “Yeah, it sounds weird, but that’s real. And for what we’re talking about, I’m thinking “I don’t want people to realise I’m naked”, so they don’t. I have some experience with that power now, so I can just feel it, but I used to need to actively think about it.” “That’s… I didn’t expect that, and it’s a bit hard to believe.” “Totally is, so instead of talking, why don’t you feel it?” I offer with a smile. She looks at me, but she’s hesitating, so I take her hand and put it on my thigh. Since she knows I’m naked, she can see me, she should be able to feel my bare skin. Indeed, her eyes tell me that she realises I have no clothes on me. “That’s incredible! I never knew something like that could happen!” she tells me with a surprised look on her face. “Me neither, but I’m not complaining at all!” “So, do you do that often?” “Being naked outside? Yeah, a lot. I like to do a lot of things, actually, that’s only one of them.” “Can you… can you tell me more about it?” She’s really interested now, I can feel it. I lay back, look at the ceiling and think a little about what I’ll answer. “Well, I don’t mind. I don’t know why you’re able to see me now, maybe because I’ve been wanting to get closer to you, but I have no problem showing you everything, if you don’t mind be being quite a big and weird pervert, that is.” I smile and look at her, expecting a puzzled face, but all I see is a very enthusiastic girl. She takes my hand in hers, and brings her face closer to mine. “Not at all! I… actually, I’m really interested in you, so… I want to learn more about you. And I have no problem with you being a pervert, I promise.” “Even if at some point you witness weird things with me?” I ask, a bit surprised by her energy. “No matter what you do, I’ll respect it and stay by your side!” I smile again and laugh a little. I didn’t expect that at all from her, but it’s a refreshing sight. I didn’t wish for that to happen, but I’m pleased it did, so I’m sure it’ll be fine. “Ok then, I’ll gladly welcome you in my life! I won’t show you everything right off the bat, but with time you’ll discover more and more about me.” “Thank you very much!”She shakes my hand like it was a very official agreement, and we laugh a bit. It’ll be soon time for this afternoon’s classes, so we head to the next classroom. There’s not many people inside yet, so we can choose our seats next to each other. Once we’re seated, Mina turns to me and asks me something in a low voice. “Can I… can I let my hand on your thigh?” I look at her slightly embarrassed face. She wants it, but she’s not sure she should be asking, I guess. I pat her back and smile. “You know, when you’re with me, you can talk normally, no need to lower your voice.” “But…” “Look.” I look around, then say out loud “Hey everyone, I’m a big fucking slut!”, but no one seems to have noticed. “See, I didn’t want them to hear that, so they didn’t. Or rather, their brains didn’t react. So don’t worry about others, when you’re with me, only what we want matters.” “Oh, I see. I’ll try my best to get used to it.” “I’m sure you will! And as for your question, sure, you can put your hand wherever you want.” She hesitates, but after a moment she nods with confidence and puts her hand on my thigh. It feels nice for me, and most likely for her as well, since shortly after she begins caressing my thigh. With no bad reaction on my part, she keeps going, and she does that throughout all the afternoon. Once the day is done, we head to the bus stop, and when it arrives we get in. At that moment, I turn to Mina. “I’ll show you something I can do with my power, so I suggest you seat there and enjoy the show.” I tell her while showing her a seat close to where people stand in that bus. She nods and take that seat, while I stand next to the metal bar used to keep one’s balance. A bunch of people get in, but the bus isn’t too crowded, which is perfect for what I want to do. Once the bus closes the door and moves forward, I look at Mina. She’s showing curiosity on her face, and when our eyes meet I smile. She keeps looking at me, waiting for something to happen. It takes her a moment to stop staring at my face and notice that a man has grabbed my butt and started massaging it. I see her surprised look appear on her face, and that amuses me. A look at the man tells her that he isn’t looking our way, but more than that it seems like he isn’t even really focused or aware of what’s happening. Mina’s eyes go back and forth between my face and my butt, until she calms down. Now that she’s got a good look, I think I can push it a bit forward, so now the man’s behind me, his other hand groping my boobs. He acts perfectly naturally, and I’m starting to enjoying myself, especially since Mina is looking at us. She indeed is staring again, and in her eyes I see what feels like a mix of curiosity and enjoyment. Motivated, I keep going forward, and before long the man’s hand move to my pussy. He doesn’t put fingers in, because I want to stay at the playful stage, but it’s enough to make me very excited. Now that he’s doing what I want, I decide to let him play as he likes a bit. He really likes my nipples, and because they are sensitive it makes me moan several times. In the mean time, he caresses my thigh, my ass, my pussy, grabbing something here and there. I let him play with me until we are close to Mina’s stop. A moment before, I decide to let him put hisfingers inside, and it makes me moan even louder. He then steps back, the bus stops, and Mina gets up. She doesn’t know what to say, but I pick my bag and step out of the bus, so she follows me. Once outside, she comes close to me and look at my eyes. “So that’s what you do with your power! That’s really nice!” “Oh really? So you like it?” I ask. “I do! I love watching porn, and I really love those “ordinary life” scenarios!” she replies very enthusiastically. “I’m glad you do! You’re lucky, because I love doing that, so you’ll have plenty of scenarios to look at.” “I’m so thankful, I can’t believe it!” I smile, and our gazes stare at each other for a while. Then, she realises what she just said, and she looks away blushing. “I’m sorry, I got carried away…” “No, you’re fine, don’t worry.” I tell her with a comforting voice. “I actually really like being watched while I get off or am played with. I even do live streams quite often.” “Really?” Her enthusiasm is back. “Yup. Give me your numbers, and I’ll send you the link. I’m not streaming today, but tomorrow I will.” “Thank you very much!” We exchange our numbers, she shakes my hand energetically, and we part ways. I’m really happy about that encounter, even if I didn’t expect things to go this way. Today’s sleep will be very pleasant. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Last night’s sleep has been good as expect, and I woke up feeling quite happy. Remembering that I’m streaming tonight and that I gave the link to Mina makes me feel even better. Like yesterday, I eat my breakfast, then pick some socks and my usual shoes before heading out. Once Mina’s in the bus sitting next to me, we begin chatting enthusiastically, her being excited at my sight and the thought of watching my stream, me from talking to her and anticipating today’s stream. She compliments the ponytail I made, and I thank her proudly. The day passes by fast, thanks to the interesting classes we’re having, and especially because the last lecture is much earlier in the day than for the rest of the week. We decide to stay a bit at uni to talk before heading to the bus, and Mina asks me a lot about the stream. At first, I don’t want to reveal too much, but she’s so eager to hear about it that I give in. The more I talk about what I usually do, the more her face brightens. She must really love these things, and I hope what I do will please her. She’s so excited that I end up showing her a few of my previous streams. While she’s watching, I stretch and caress my boobs a bit. Shortly after, Mina asks if she can caress my legs, and I nod happily. While she’s stroking me, she tells methat my streams are awesome, that she likes it a lot, more than the other girls she watches from time to time, and other praises that make me blush a bit. She’d have kept going on, if another girl didn’t come in and interrupted her. “Hey girls.” “Oh, hey Naelle.” She’s another of our classmates, one that we don’t see all the time because she has some different lectures. She’s also quite the busy and popular girl, so we didn’t really spend that much time with her, but from what I’ve seen she’s a good person. “Sorry to butt in, can I sit with you?” “Sure!” I nod, and she sits next to me. I look at her and smile. She’s only slightly taller than me, and we have relatively similar body figures, so we do kinda look like each other, especially since she also has a ponytail today. However, hers is shorter than mine, because her hair is shorter, and a pretty scarlet when mine is a clear blond. She’s wearing a brown crop-top and blue shorts, with the pink runners she likes a lot, making her look like what she is: a sporty girl. I’m not really fat or anything, but she’s even slimmer than me, and since she has smaller breasts than mine she seems like she’d be one of those marathon runners. Her small face, in addition to the rest, often draw people to her, and she does have a cute charm to her. She noticed that I was looking at her, though, because her lively green eyes are locked into mine, and she smiles back. “I heard you talking about streaming, is that right?” she asks without losing her smile. “Oh yeah, I’m the one streaming.” I answer. “Although it’s not the kind of stream everyone would want to watch.” “Oh? What is it then?” I look at Mina, but she clearly doesn’t know what to do. I smile at her and turn back to Naelle. “Well, it’s what you’d call adult things, I guess.” Her smile is now replaced by an interested look. “Adult things? Like porn?” “Yeah, that kind of things.” “So you livestream porn?” “Not exactly porn, although I might try one day. For now, it’s only me being naked and chatting, playing games, or playing with myself.” “Oh, now you’ve got me interested! Where can I watch it?” She’s as excited as Mina was when I told her about my streams. It makes me feel happy knowing that people I barely know are that enthusiastic. “Let’s exchange our numbers, and I’ll send you the link. I’m streaming tonight, if you want to come and check.” “I’ll be sure to be there! Now that I know what you do, I wouldn’t want to miss it.” We laugh together, including Mina, and we chat a bit more before we have to leave for the bus. I turn to Naelle and decide to ask her something. “Say, how are you seeing me right now?” “How? Well, with a pretty black top and a matching short skirt, your hair tied into a ponytail, and your face very happy, why?” So she doesn’t see me naked like Mina did. After a bit of thinking, I feel like it’d be fun to let her know. “Because it’s wrong. I’m actually naked right now!” “Really? You sure don’t look like you are.” “It’s because I have a weird power allowing me to influence the world and have it do what I want or behave how I want. From now on, I want you to see me how I am, so you’ll see that I’m buck naked. Ready?” She nods, and within a few seconds, needed for the power to change, her face takes on a surprised face. “That’s amazing! You can do whatever you want with that!” “Yeah, but I mostly use it for things like that.” “Going around naked?” “Yeah, I like it.” “That’s great too, you’re pretty, and seeing you naked is totally a good sight.” “Thanks, I appreciate it. You’ll be able to see more of me being naked tonight, so be ready for that!” She smiles and nods, and we part ways. On the way home, Mina and I talk about the streams, my power, Naelle and her newfound interest in me. The closer I get to my flat, the more excited I am. Since I have time, though, I work a bit before it’s time to relax taking a quick hot shower, then I get everything ready for the stream. I’m going to chat and play some games before the show, and I hope the two girls will be there to watch. I’m streaming early today, but even with that I still have quite a lot of viewers. As always, I’m naked, having only socks on, but surprisingly enough, my chat is very chill even when I’m not playing with myself. The stream goes on peacefully, just like any other time, and I don’t see anyone with a name that could make me think of Mina or Naelle. It’s no surprise, they probably want to remain anonymous even if they are talking in the chat. After a few hours of chatting and playing, I move my laptop on the floor, and I get some of my toys for the “intimate play” part of the stream. I don’t know if the girls are here or not, but seeing as they were both very excited at the thought of watching my stream, they probably are. With that inmind, I go for a more complete session than usual. I spend a lot of time caressing myself, giving close-ups to the stream, showing every inch of my body. The viewers seem to like it, because there are lots of donations, more than usual. That makes me happy, too, so I mentally note to plan for some heavier playing sessions in the future. After a while, I move on to the next step, and apply a special oil on my body. This oil will make my skin shiny and acts as a lube as well, enabling the direct use of my toys. In particular, the ones I stick up my ass are well-received today, because people love seeing my pretty legs and my ass get stuffed. It’s good, because I love it as well, so I spend maybe more time than I should playing with these. After some time, I turn to show my front to everyone, spreading my legs as far as I can. I like that position because I can see the chat and interact with viewers more easily, while giving them a nice view of my pussy. I keep talking and playing with a lot of different toys, until we approach the end of the stream. There’s something I wanted to do, and now’s the time. I grab a toy that’s shaped like a dick with a tank at one end, open that tank and fill it with milk. I close the tank, put the other hand into my mouth and start sucking on it. That’s a new toy I received yesterday, and I absolutely wanted to try it on stream. It’s pretty good, the material it’s made of has a nice texture and feeling, and it’s transparent so people can see the milk inside. Everyone seems to love it, so I get even close to my camera, showing different angles and playing with my eyes as well. A quick look at the clock tells me that I should end the stream soon, so I begin stroking the toy even harder. After a few back-and-forth, I start pressing the flexible tank to push the milk out of the toy just like a real dick. I take it out of my mouth to let the milk flow both inside and outside, and soon the tank is empty and I’m covered in milk. “Phew! Gotta say, I love to be a slut every once in a while. Hope you liked it as much as I did!” The numerous positive messages in chat tell me that my viewers indeed loved my performance. I smile widely, thank everyone for coming and close the stream. I head to the shower to wash myself, take the carpet I installed under me and throw it in the washing machine, and I dive into my bed. Very satisfied with today’s stream, I quickly fall asleep. My dreams tonight are filled with toys, dicks and girls all around. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I wake up a bit earlier than usual because I’m feeling very excited. Yesterday’s stream was very good, and I can’t wait to ask Mina and Naelle what they thought of it. I meet the first on the bus, and she precipitately comes to sit next to me. “It was amazing!” she smiles very enthusiastically. “Hehe, glad you liked!” I reply with a wide smile myself. “I loved it! Even the beginning when you were just chatting and playing, it was very chill, and the people were nice too. And when you started to jerk off, I… it was so good, I was playing with myself all the time. I even came a second time in the end when you started using those new toys.” “That’s nice! Those toys seemed to have a lot of success.” “Yeah, I was talking with some viewers, and from what I’ve seen everyone loved seeing you using them, especially that dick filled with milk. That ending was soooo nice.” Seeing her so happy about my performance makes me feel very good. I’m glad my new toy was well received, too, because I wasn’t sure since it’s an artificial toy, not looking that much like the real deal. We keep discussing my stream, and Mina tells me how much she loved watchingme jerk off, as she says (she uses that a lot, I guess she really likes it), how nice the people in my chat were, and similar things. She still doesn’t talk that much overall, but when it comes to that topic, to everything sex-related, she has a hard time stopping herself. It takes a loud noise coming from my behind when we’re at uni to have her pause. “Hey you two! How’s my favourite slut and her peeping buddy?” Naelle greeted us loudly, with a slap on my ass. She’s cheerful, so I guess my stream was good for her too. “I’m pretty well, thanks. What about you?” She smiles widely. “Very good! Loved your stream, I don’t usually watch things like that, but I gotta say it was nice seeing you shake your tits and wag your butt for us. And you got some nice toys, too.” Her hand’s still on my butt, massaging it as she speaks. It feels great, so I let her do what she wants. “Good to hear, I’m happy this slut here is good enough for you.” “Oh, she’s more than good enough, trust me.” she replies with a wink. “I’d love to talk more, but classes, so let’s see each other later, ok?” she adds while grabbing my ass once last time. We wave at her and head to our own classroom. The day itself is pretty normal, and we just follow our lessons without much trouble. After the last class of the day, we find Naelle outside waiting for us. She doesn’t take the same bus as us, so we sit down to chat a bit before going our separate ways. We learn that Naelle likes porn too, but she’s more of the dom kind, so she appreciates when she can find a livestream with a girl like me that goes all out on the slut part of herself. She also likes sports, and she often goes for a run, music, games, and girls obviously. She really likes girls. “I’m glad I talked to you, that’s a very good decision I made!” Naelle smiles. “I’ll be sure to talk more with you two, and to watch your delicious streams. Also, one of these days I’ll come over, if you don’t mind.” “Oh not at all, I’d be happy to have you both at home. Please stop by whenever you want!” We say goodbye, and she leaves to head home. We get to the bus stop, then into the bus, and keep talking until Mina drops off. I feel aroused now, so I leave my sit and walk up to the metal bar, hugging it and scrub myself on it. Shortly before the bus arrives at my stop, I make a very luscious face, take a selfie and send it to both Mina and Naelle. Satisfied, I get off the bus and head home to have a chill evening. From that point onwards, my days have been filled with more pleasure and enjoyment. For some time, we kept our routine of going to uni, streaming, watching the stream, doing some lewd things in the bus and taking pictures, and we all appreciate that. One day, though, Naelle finally takes the initiative. “Ok, I think it’s about time we get into that den of yours, wouldn’t you say?” Mina smiles, and I nod in agreement. “Sure, it’s been a while after all. Wanna come today?” It’s a day off stream, and I’m not too tired, so it might be a good time to have them. They look at each other, then smile and nod. “Then it’s settled, you’re both coming home with me today!” Just have to go through the afternoon classes, and once it’s done we happily run to catch the bus right before it goes away. I let the two of them sit, and I decide to show Naelle how I use my power in public. Against the metal bar, I wait for a man to start playing with me, positioning myself so that the girls can see very clearly what he’s doing with me. That one isn’t the type to go slowly, and he’s soon putting one hand on my breasts, the other caressing my inner thigh, inserting his fingers in my pussy. He doesn’t stop until he gets off the bus, leaving me very aroused and the girls enjoying that sight a lot. In order not to ruin the mood, I keep playing with myself until we arrive at my stop and get off. “So, how did you like the show?” I ask, trying to catch my breath. “Pretty cool, I must say I didn’t think I’d enjoy watching you go at it in public as much as I did.” Naelle replies. “Lovely as always!” Mina adds cheerfully. “Good, the mood’s all set up. Let’s have some fun between girls tonight!” They nod, and we walk into my building’s hall. Once in my flat, we put our bags away, and our evening starts. Games, TV, discussions, food, it’s nothing too out of the ordinary, but I’m happy to spend time with these two. Once it’s gotten late, we head to my room for the night. “I only have one bed, so we’ll have to share it. Good thing it’s wide.” “I don’t mind, I’m delighted at the thought of sleeping with two beautiful girls.” Naelle tells me with a smile. “Totally fine with me as well.” Mina adds. “But of course, we’re not sleeping right now, are we?” Naelle’s smile isn’t just a friendly one to end the evening. She’s looking at me with lustful eyes. I know it’s been a while she’s wanted to fuck me, since the first time she saw my stream, or maybe even earlier, and today’s the day she’s going to do it. I smile back. “We sure aren’t!” “Is it fine if I just watch and touch myself?” Mina asks a bit shyly. “Absolutely! More Lily for me, I won’t say no to that. Feel free to enjoy yourself!” “I will!” Naelle puts her hand on Mina’s shoulder, then she starts to undress. I just have to take my socks off and put them away, but by the time I turn back to the girls Naelle is already completely naked. That’s impressive, maybe she’s got experience from changing into sport clothes so often. Her body looks really slender without clothes, and her petite chest poking outis a cute sight. She’s a pretty sporty girl, I have to say. Shortly after, it’s Mina that offers us the sight of her body. She’s well-balanced, but her breasts are big enough to attract the eye more than the rest. “Well then, let’s get to it. I’ll tell you what to do if you need me to, but I’m sure you’ll understand very well yourself.” She sits on my bed, facing me, and spreads her leg, giving me a clear path to her clean pussy. I feel Mina’s excitement behind me, pushing me to begin. I smile to Naelle, then get on my knees, my head close to her pussy. It’s been a while since I last had sex with a girl, so I’m glad I have an opportunity to do it again. Slowly, I begin licking her, with application, It’s a feeling I missed, and I’m doing my best to make sure I provide enough pleasure to Naelle. It seems to be working, as we caresses and pats my head, telling me when she wants me to go faster or slower. At some point, she closes her legs on me, immobilising my head. She then grabs it and presses it against her crotch, leaving me with barely enough space to breath. From time to time, I can hear Mina moan, and I imagine she’s having a pleasant time herself. Once she’s satisfied with my licking, Naelle frees my head and hop off of the bed. “That was pretty good. Now, get on, it’s time for more action.” I nod and get on the bed, on my back. She caresses my inner thighs, and I spread my legs as wide as I can. A smile appears on her face, and she begins rubbing her crotch against mine, slowly, then a bit faster. It feels really great, both for me and for her, and I can see Mina on the side. She’s playing with herself, one hand on her breasts, the other down between her thighs, and a pleasured smile on her face. I can’t appreciate it more, though, because Naelle bends forward to lie on me, our chests pressing against each other. She doesn’t stop, and I can hardly catch my breath. It doesn’t help that she’s taking that opportunity to kiss me, barely letting any air enter my mouth. I finally manage to breath again when Naelle gets off me, keeping my eyes on the ceiling. When I lift my head and look at the red-haired girl that’s enjoying me, I see that she’s put a strap-on and is ready to penetrate me. “You’re doing good, so let me reward you.” I nod, we both smile, and she gently insert it in my pussy. What’s not gentle is her thrusting faster and faster, at the pace she decides. It’s been a while since I last got fucked, and I’m tired from the foreplay, but she doesn’t seem to care in the slightest. The only times she slows down is when she plays with me using her hands, but she quickly goes back to thrusting. After a while, she pulls out and tells me to get on my knees. I obey, and I can feel her hungry gaze on my ass, right before she caresses it. Next, it’s her tongue that’s roaming my butt, between a few kisses, and it dives between my ass cheeks. Once she feels like she’s eaten my ass enough, she pulls back, and I can feel her standing on her knees. It’s not long before she thrusts inside my pussy from behind, and she’s going even stronger than before. She’s leaning on me, I feel her boobs on my back, she feels mine with her hands, and she keeps telling me things like “Good girl” or “That’s what I want”. The more she fucks me, the less conscious I get, and before long my face has fallen on my bed, my ass being held tight by Naelle. It lasts an indefinite amount of time, or at least it’s what it feels to me. I’m so lost in the pleasure that I don’t even feel what Naelle is doing to me anymore. Finally, when we’re both satisfied, she pulls out for good, and I slowly try to calm down. “Wow, didn’t expect it to be that good. I was damn right to have my eyes on you for so long, and damn right to come and take care of you today.”I slowly get up, turn towards them and nod silently. I’m still catching my breath, but I share her enthusiasm. I’m really happy I had them come to my place, I’ve missed being fucked by someone else, and I’ll certainly let her do me again and again. Mina will come back, too, she’s as wet and exhausted as I am despite only watching and playing with herself. “My shower is big enough for two of us to go at the same time.” I finally manage to say. We agree that Mina and I will shower while Naelle will grab something to eat. We’re both too tired to play more in the shower, so Mina and I just talk about the session we just had, and how enjoyable it was. I learn that she has always loved watching others do sexual things, and that’s how she gets off herself. She can appreciate participating, but it doesn’t beat watching from the side. I feel her pretty body a bit, and she gets a taste of my ass and boobs, but we clean ourselves quickly. Once we’re out, Naelle goes in, but she spends even less time than us, and soon we’re clean and dry. “Big bed, so we can fit, alright with you?” They nod, and we slip under the sheet. Even though we’re going to sleep, Naelle makes me turn to her and kiss me while having a hand on my ass. We smile at each other, her because she has found a new toy, me because I had so much fun, and the three of us quickly fall asleep. The following morning, we wake up roughly at the same time. I head to the kitchen, prepare breakfast and sit to eat with the girls. When it’s time to prepare, Naelle turns to me. “Hey, with your power, you can hide me or something, right?” she asks. “Yeah, I can do that.” I reply with a smile. “So today I can try walking around naked, got it.” She said that with a wide smile and slapped my ass, making me giggle. Once Mina’s dressed up, we pick our bags and head to the bus stop. We’re not exactly in the mood for more play, but we enjoy spending time together. As expected, no one notices Naelle being as naked as me, and it seems she enjoys it at least a bit. Maybe not as much as me, but she likes it. The day goes by quite simply, but Naelle decides that going home isn’t as good as going to my home, so the two of them end up coming again. This time, though, we’re not just going for sex, it’s a real relaxing evening. Even going to bed is peaceful, although Naelle once again grabs my ass like she was saying “you’re mine”, and I’m totally fine with that. Today becomes our daily routine: we wake up, we eat breakfast, go to uni, me often naked, Naelle sometimes, Mina only a few times, and once the day is over we all come back here. When I have my streams, they let me stream, helping me from time to time, and when I don’t, we either relax or have a nice sex session. The more Naelle fucks me, the bolder she gets, and the harder she goes. I didn’t think things would’ve been like that, but I ended up asking her to fuck me silly the second time, and from that point onwards she never stopped. The sessions often end with me almost passing out, and Naelle doing whatever she wants with my body. At some point, she started taking pictures of me, and I liked them quite a lot, so we ended up creating an online gallery to upload them. They are well-received, so we just keep doing that. That’s our everyday life for a good few weeks, until the winter vacation comes. “I have something planned for this vacation, so I thought might as well offer you to participate.” I tell Mina and Naelle the week before. “Sure, what is it?”“I have a nice house in the mountains, and me and my best friend are going there. Want to come too?” “We’d love to!” Mina shouts very enthusiastically. “Right, Naelle?” “Of course we do!” “Then it’s settled, you’re in! Let’s celebrate and have some fun tonight!” That night was a very festive one, and I got fucked real good. Not sure why, but Naelle decides that the last week before vacation is the best time to get wild in bed, and my body sure feels the energy. I’m not complaining, though, and we spend some good time together, the week passing by in a flash. It’s finally Saturday, and we are currently waiting at the train station for my best friend to arrive. Naelle is wearing a red crop-top and matching shorts and runners, while Mina dons a long, thick black dress with platform shoes. I’m not using my power to modify the weather, and despite the sun it’s relatively cold, even if we don’t have any snow. That said, it doesn’t seem like Naelle is affected at all. I’m fine as well, and for once I’m not naked. I chose a cute deep blue top and a matching skirt, with a pair of simple shoes. It feels good to dress every once in a while, and I’m getting a bit bored of being naked all the time. We still have time before the train arrives, so we’re enjoying ourselves talking. After a while, we’re joined by a girl our age, wearing green winter clothes matching with her mid-length jade hair and emerald eyes. She’s not as slender as Naelle, but she isn’t fat either, and her face really looks young, a bit like Mina’s. When she sees us, she smiles and waves, before walking towards us, her heavy case rolling behind her. Arriving at our level, she comes to me, and I stand up to hug her. “It’s good to see you, Shirley.” I tell her warmly. “I missed you, Lily. I’m glad to be here today. And I’m glad to meet you.” Shirley replies, nodding towards Naelle and Mina. “Pleasure’s ours.” Naelle smiles. I’ve told Shirley about them, and our situation. She already knows about me, and my streams, and my habits, and learning that others share that knowledge makes her happy. She had always wanted me to get closer to other girls, and now that it’s done I can feel her enthusiasm. We keep talking, discovering and sharing, until the train finally arrives. We board and head to our seats, now waiting for the train to depart. The journey is nothing special, and I must admit it’s really nice to things normally. I should do that more often, I guess. After a few hours, we arrive to the closest town to where my house is, and we board a public bus to get us up there. Then, a little walk from the bus stop to my house, on a mountain path, and at long last we arrive. Mina and Naelle are astonished by the view, with on one side the valley and other mountains, and on the other my typical wooden chalet. We let them enjoy a bit, before heading in. The inside is what you’d expect of a high-class chalet, and I’m really happy I have this one. I mean, I could have whatever I wanted, but it’s nice like this. Since it’s already quite late, I show the girls the two room we’ll be sleeping in, and after everyone is done unpacking their belongings, we head to the living room to enjoy a relaxing evening. Drinks, snacks, pizzas we ordered, TV and chatting, it’s a good way to begin our vacation. We go to bed early, because we are tired from the day, and we decide that Shirley will sleep with me, because it’s been a while we didn’t see each other and she misses me. We take turns in the shower, Shirley going first, but right as I finish drying myself and step outside, she comes to me and puts her hand on my ass. “Sorry, but I missed you a lot, and I want to catch up right now.” She smiles, and I smile back, knowing full well what she means. “You know my ass is yours whenever you want.” She comes close and kisses me. Our relationship is a bit weird, by most people’s standards, we aren’t exactly a couple, but we’re more than just friends. Guess it’s some sort of open couple. And we often had sex together, back when she had enough time for that. She’s gentler than Naelle, much gentler, in everything. She likes to spend more time on the foreplay, too. Even with the time we spent away from each other, she remembers exactly how to do me, and I can see that my body still has no secret for her. After having been fucked so hard by Naelle so many times, it’s refreshing to have a gentle, calm and very intimate session. Shirley prefers to fuck me from the front, because she loves looking at my face when I’m under her. She has brought her own toys, which are softer than mines, and they feel very good inside me. While she’s slowly thrusting it in, grabbing my body in the process, she tells me about everything that happened these past few months, and I tell her what happened in my own life. I missed these little relaxing times, and I enjoy this one a whole lot. After some time, she takes the strap-on out of my pussy and pushes it in my ass, and she resumes thrusting. We keep going at it until we feel to tired to talk. When we reach that point, Shirley thrusts stronger and faster, and I quickly cum from the pleasure. Then she pulls out, we clean and put the toys away, and we slip into the bed. A good-night kiss, we hug each other, and we let ourselves fall asleep. The next day, we take it easy. We wake up late, we spend time chilling home, and in the afternoon I bring the girls to a nearby forest. I want to take some nice pictures, and we’re here to scout locations. We spend quite a lot of time doing so, and by the time we’re back home, the night is falling. Dinner, TV time, then rest, and again Shirley is having her sweet time with me. Another day of relaxing nothing, and the day after, in the afternoon, we go back to the forest for the photoshoot. Once we’re at the first spot we noticed, we check the conditions, the wind, the light, and we settle for it. I undress, keeping only my shoes, and Shirley and I test some poses to see which ones are good enough. Mina and Naelle stay with us in the beginning, admiring my pretty body in the wild and Shirley’s serious and talented work, but after some time they decide to go for a walk, leaving us working together. We start with aesthetic photos, before moving on to erotic ones, and we end the shoot with a few fully explicit pics. I’m happy because it’s something I had wanted to do for a while, and I’m sure the results will be pretty good. That spot done, we move to the next one and repeat the process. Both Shirley and I are kinda perfectionists, so we end up spending more time than expected shooting, but it’s totally worth it. Back home, we find Naelle and Mina already preparing dinner, so we go straight to the shower before eating. The evening is all about looking at the pics, choosing them and editing the ones we picked before going to sleep. Once again, Shirley is playing with me, but we don’t last as long as yesterday because we’re tired. Right before I fall asleep, I can feel her nibble my ear and my tit, and I smile before losing to the night. Another day, another photoshoot, but this time with a picnic planned, so we head outside in the late morning. Today’s not really special, but we manage to get good pics, so we go back early to relax and look at them. It’s almost 4PM and we’re in the living room, Shirley and I looking at the pics, Mina and Naelle watching TV, when my best friend looks at me. “Say, Lily, there’s something I’ve been thinking about.” “What is it?”“You can do everything with your power, right?” “I think, yeah. At least it feels like it, and I’ve already tried some weird and exceptional things to check, so it’s probably the case.” Shirley hesitates, looks behind me to the large fireplace, and back at me. “Think you could, like… avoid dying? I mean, stay alive no matter what happens to you?” That’s a good question. In theory, I can, judging by what I’ve already tested, but I’ve never tried that specifically, so I can’t be 100% sure. “I think I can, yeah. Not that I can be sure, but should be able to.” I finally reply after some thoughts. “Then there’s something I’d really like to try, if you don’t mind.” “Anything you want.” I tell her with a smile. “Your fireplace can be widened if you want to roast something inside, right?” she asks after smiling back to me. “Yup, did that a few times, it’s pretty great. The spit’s electric, too, so no worries to have.” “Is it wide enough to have someone fit?” “Someone? Yeah, at most it’s wide enough to roast two big pigs together, so someone will totally fit inside. Since you asked me that earlier, I suppose you’re thinking about having me as the pig?” She smiles timidly and nods. It’s understandable that she’d be embarrassed despite us being that close, if she didn’t really know how I’d react to her asking if she could roast me. Fortunately for her, I have no problem with that at all. “Sure! Actually, I’ve been thinking about that for a while myself, I just never really got in the mood enough to really try.” “Oh, that’s great! I was afraid you’d find it gross or something.” “It’s all good, don’t worry. How long have you been thinking about that?” “To be honest, almost a year now. I’ve always been interested in cooking girls, and I’ve eaten some already, but it’s only last year that I realised I wanted to eat you, and seeing you naked in the forest made that though come back to me.” “I see. Well, I’m happy to help! I guess you want to roast me today?” “Yeah, I really want to try it, if you don’t mind.” “No problem. Mina, Naelle, we’ll need your help.” The two girls leave the couch and come to the table. “You heard everything? Nice, I’ll ask that you go to the kitchen. There, you’ll find a large platter, a few bottles of oil and a steel spit with cooking string. Can you bring all these here?”They nod enthusiastically, so I guess they are as eager to eat me as Shirley is. While they go to the kitchen to find what I asked, Shirley and I head to the fireplace. “See that button here? When you press it, the fireplace widens, and you can choose the width. This one gets the supports for the spit out, and this one let you move them on the sides to adjust to the meat’s length. Got it?” Shirley nods, the system is quite simple, so she should be alright. Naelle and Mina are back with the platter, the spit, cooking string and a few bottles. “We got what you wanted, and we picked some herbs as well.” “Good idea. Now, put the platter here on the table.” They place the platter on the large table, put everything else on the side and wait for the next instructions. “Ok, so it’ll be simple. You girls need to oil me, season me with those herbs, then spit me, tie me to the spit and put me over the fire. Shirley, I can let you take the lead, right?” “Count on me!” She’s full of energy and enthusiasm, and I know she’ll do a very good job. I sit on the platter, ready for the oil, and Naelle and Shirley put said oil on their hands. Mina’s on the side, watching with interest. I stretch out my legs to offer them to my cooks, and they begin oiling them, with application. Once they are done with my calves, they move to my thighs, and that oiled massage feels really great. When there’s no more thigh to oil, I move completely on the platter to get on my knees and offer my ass. Rump, hips, belly, boobs, arms, after a bit of time I’m completely oiled. It’s a new feeling, but I have to say I love it. I lie down on my belly, and I can feel the girl’s hands pressing my body to put the herbs on. I think it’s Naelle that takes this opportunity to grope my butt quite a lot. “Ok, you’re almost ready. Now to make you ride the spit!” Shirley’s enjoying herself there, I’m glad her embarrassment disappeared. “Please spit me!” I giggle, and shortly after I feel what I believe is Naelle’s hands spreading my butt cheeks. I move as little as possible, to let Shirley place the spit correctly. She does it pretty well, and it’s not long before the metal rod enters my anus. It’s quite cold, but thanks to the oil it slides in easily, and Shirley pushes it in with confidence. She does it faster than I expected, and after roughly a minute the spit’s almost too far for me to talk. My friend understands it, because she asks me: “Something to say?” “What can I say except Bon appétit?” We laugh, and she resumes the spitting process. A bit more, and by looking down I can both see and feel the spit coming out of my mouth. It’s a long one, so Shirley pushes until it’s maybe 20 or 30 centimetres further than my mouth. “Perfect! Now, the string, and you’ll be good!”She’s right. It feels enjoyable, so I didn’t think too much, but it’s the truth: I have a metal spit running through me. The thought’s good, though. I stretch both my arms and legs, and Naelle and Shirley tie them to the spit. They also tie my hair to my body so that it doesn’t fall in the flames. “You look absolutely delicious!” Shirley shouts. “We have to take some pictures.” I can hear the three girls take out their phones, or her camera for Shirley, and they move around the table to take pictures from different angles. I’m sure those pictures will be posted online like the others, and I hope people will like them. “Ok, now the final step: over the fire you go!” They lift me, and carefully move to the fireplace. They quickly figure out how to place the spit on the supports, lock it in place, and Shirley pushes the button starting the rotation. “All right! Just a little more wood, and everything’s good.” I hear them add the wood, take a few step back and enjoy the sight. They are really happy with what they just did, and I can totally understand that. I’m sure I’m a sight to behold right now. As for me, I’m still processing these new feelings. It is a bit strange to be in that position, above the fire in the fireplace, looking at the wall, but so far I enjoy it a lot. The spit through me is quite enjoyable, even if I suppose it will feel a little weird when I’ll get hotter, and I love the warmth of the flames below. Enjoying myself, I close my eyes to focus on the feelings. My boobs falling all the time when I rotate is a pretty funny thing, and it makes me aroused, so I try to go back and forth on the spit, even if I can’t move much. I can hear the girls looking at me, waiting for me to cum, and I do my best to offer them that sight. It takes me a while, but I manage to cum on the spit. At that moment, I feel a lot of things, mostly positive. With the spit rotating on its own, there’s nothing left to do but for me to enjoy roasting, and for Shirley to baste the piggy from time to time. I have no problem staying conscious, and I feel her basting me, another pretty good thing. Time goes by, but eventually I hear the girls say I’m done, and they stop the spit to take me out and put me back on the platter. They untie me, take the spit out and compliment the way I smell and look. It’s not long before I feel someone cutting my meat to serve to the others, and I feel absolutely everything when the knife enters my tender meat. It’s not unpleasant, quite the opposite. The dinner goes very well, with my friends enjoying the spit-roasted Lily piggy they are eating, and the piggy enjoying herself being carved and eaten. My consciousness lingers, and I decide to just focus on staying alive. When I come back to my sense, I’m on the platter, whole and dry. I stretch and get off the table. The three girls are on the couch, watching the TV. I walk to them. “Your favourite’s piggy is back! How did you like the meat?” “Absolutely delicious!” Shirley shouts energetically. “I knew you were a very good pick.” “Yeah, your ass is as tasty as it is in bed, and the rest is just as great.” Naelle added in agreement. “What about you? Did you like being spit-roasted?” “Yeah, it was great fun, and both my body and mind loved it. If you want me on the menu again, I’m totally down to it!”“That’s good, because I had an idea.” Shirley smiles. “Since Christmas is soon, I thought you could be this year’s turkey.” “Oh, that’s neat! Alright, after the Lily piggy, you’ll get your Lily turkey!” “Nice! Think you can get some more meat on your bones by then?” “Nothing’s impossible.” We giggle, and everyone decides it’s bed time. I think my meat has some energising properties, because for once Shirley fucks me hard, not as hard as Naelle, but hard nonetheless. The next day is another photoshoot day, focused on snowy scenes. I love being naked in the snow, so we spent the whole day outside taking pictures. The roasting yesterday, Shirley fucking me and feeling the snow on my skin made me very excited, so in addition to the pretty shots, we got for a lot of sexual ones. We go back to the chalet quite late, and we have a nice heavy meal to compensate for the activity we had today. As Shirley asked, I’ll be fattening up, slowly (as in, not in one day), but fast enough to be ready for Christmas. The following days, we take more pictures, and I stay relatively thin for them, but once it’s done, I get sensibly fatter after each meal. Being fucked now at least twice per day helps making sure I remain tender, and after a week of that treatment, I’m now a plump, juicy and tender turkey waiting for her delicious destiny. My breasts are a bit bigger than before, like my belly, but the real progress is on my thighs and ass. They are so round and thick that it’s a bit of a surprise the girls managed to hold back and not roast me before, but they did. Finally, it’s Christmas, and I’m in the kitchen with Shirley. Smiling, she caresses my breasts, before groping my butt and thighs. “Perfect. You’ll be even more delicious than last time.” “I sure hope that’s the case!” “Let’s not waste time, I want you to be ready for tonight.” She’s still as close to me and sensual as before, but now I can feel some lust and hunger in her voice and movements. That’s totally normal, given the appetising turkey she has in front of her. She begins oiling me, and even though she’s being careful and professional, she’s fast, her hunger surfacing. It doesn’t take long for me to be completely oiled up, and the cook moves to seasoning me with herbs and condiments. The next step is tying my arms and legs (I mean, my wings and thighs), just like a regular turkey’s. Pretty easy, and I can see my meaty thighs looking really tasty. Something I didn’t expect, though, is what Shirley does now: looking at the ceiling, I can only feel her pushing something inside my pussy, and I understand she’s stuffing me with vegetables. She does so until she can’t fit anything else, then proceeds to do the same with my butt. When she’s done, I am so full I can’t move without feeling all that stuffing moving as well. Some more seasoning, and Shirley puts the white frills used for turkeys on the ends of my wings and thighs. Satisfied, she takes pictures, a lot, before coming close and leaning over my face. “I am really happy you’re my friend, and really happy you allowed me to eat you. I love you.” She kisses me, a long deep kiss, then she pulls back to close my mouth with not an apple as I’d have thought, but a long peeled zucchini. I close my eyes, she lifts the platter, places it inside the preheated oven and closes the door. There’s a glass on the door, so it’s not too dark inside, but I keep my eyes closed, the glass being for the cook to check on the meal (and enjoy thesight). Now that I’m in a calm place, I can focus on my feelings. It’s the first time I’m a fat juicy stuffed Christmas turkey, and all I can say is that I love it. I love everything, being a turkey, fattening up over time, being prepared, tied up, stuffed, roasted, even the meal itself is pretty good. The stuffing is making me so aroused I want to touch myself, but I can’t move an inch. That’s where the zucchini comes in handy: I suck on it as much as I can, thinking about the dicks I’ve sucked on the bus. I managed to cum not once, but twice, before feeling too exhausted to keep going. I relax and enjoy the comfort of the oven. From time to time, Shirley takes me out to baste me, then puts me back. I lost track of time very early on, but I know it’s been a few hours when she finally takes me out of the oven because I’m done roasting. She brings the platter and the turkey to the main table, where Naelle and Mina are waiting. Once the platter is on the table, I hear Shirley say very loudly: “And here she is! The best turkey you can find, the tastiest peace of meat I know, my favourite meal, the stuffed Lily turkey! Enjoy your meal and merry Christmas!” The other two clap their hands, then I hear some more pictures taken, and they finally dig in. Again, the knife cutting the string, then my meat, is enjoyable. I feel a good part of my thighs being cut, as well as my pussy and a breast. From everything I hear, I know that my three friends are enjoying my meat even more than the last time. It fills me with happiness, and I’ll 100% be their meat again. I can’t wait to see what my viewers will think of it, too. I will probably do more photoshoots as meat, and I’m sure the girls will be happy to help. Indulging in pleasure both physical and mental, I let go of my consciousness, knowing that I’ll come back anyway, and let the girls enjoy their turkey. It’s like I’m made for that, and I won’t stop here. Can’t wait to get my tasty rump roasted again. |
Sara It was a dusty day on eos, nothing out of the usual. Pro dromos was flourishing after the efforts of the Pathfinder and it showed, the people were happy there was plants and wildlife and the general mood was just more uplifted than it had ever been on the small desert world. The Pathfinder's team was on shore leave and they all left the tempest to find something to do, Sara decided to explore on her lonesome. Using her jumpjets she scaled the cliffs near pro dromos, eventually coming to a plateau with a great view of the tidy little Outpost and beyond. Although the air was now breathable and not radioactive there was still the ever present threat of the kett, something that always had to be considered when adventuring far from the Outpost. Sara began to march out into the sands toward a small rock formations with a little tree growing atop it. As she approached the rocks something nearby glimmered in the desert heat, Sara looked suspiciously toward it expecting it to be some sort of mirage, a solid theory given the heat, but as she noticed it move, very suddenly and with purpose. Without any team members Sara didn't want to risk a fight but she drew a gun as a precaution. "Who's there? Show yourself!"Sara exclaimed to the wind. Out of the corner of her eye she noticed more movement. She was being surrounded. The sand shifted in front of her and a large beast decloaked as it charged her. "Ah crap, wraiths" Sara muttered under her breath. The creature picked up speed as it moved towards her and lept into the air as Sara began to shoot at it. A few shots landed on the mark and the beast howled in protest, it winced as it landed in front of the Pathfinder. Sara had to reload and she wanted to put as much distance between the monster and herself. As she began to run Sara turned around only to find herself face to face with another wraith. With no ammo in her gun Sara attempted to swipe at the creature with her Omni blade. "Take this you boney creep!" But the beast was quick, and hungry. It jumped to right to dodge Sara's swing and threw itself at her, biting, clawing and headbutting in one swift motion. Sara screamed as the monster overpowered her and took massive chunks out of her armour. To stop the human's screaming and protesting the wraith hit her one more time with it's large paw, knocking her unconscious. Sara awoke, dazed and angry, how had she let such a stupid beast beat her? "Wait a second, where am I?" Sara asked herself as she looked around. Her hair was covered in sand and there was a trail of shifted sand leading off into the distance. The wraith had dragged her out into the middle of no where. "Sam where am I?" Asked Sara, but there was no response, either she was out of range or the wraith had given her an impressive concussion, enough to knock sam loose. But there was bigger problem and it was skulking around Sara as she tried to get her bearings. Sara tried to remember what the initiative knew about these crafty monsters but clearly there was still much to learn about them. Sara tried to stand up, but she winced in pain and fell back into the warm sand. To make things worse the wraith was now practically on top of her, it decloaked and made an awful chuckling sound. The ugly beast placed it's large claw on Sara and what was left of her armour, it sniffed at her and she could smell it's horrible breath. "Wanna get yourself some breath mints mister?" Said Sara coyly. The beast growled at her and went back to pacing around her, sizing her up. Sara was getting visibly worried, without a team or Sam she was all alone out here with the wraith, any other situation would be nice. Without warning the beast approached Sara from behind, opened it jaws and moved Sara's head into its mouth. Sara was taken completely aback, her world just went dark, slimy and very dark. "Let go of me!" Screamed Sara as the monster bit down onto her chest. From outside the creature Sara's muffled screams were heard by nobody. The wraith rolled over onto its back bringing Sara with it, she attempted to break free but to no avail, the beast had a good grip. It's tongue began to probe under her armour licking aggressively at her boobs, "hey!" Sara exclaimed as the monster began to hungrily lap at her face and chest. Sara meanwhile was not enjoying herself, she was being violated by an alien and being eaten at the same time. She tried to adjust her eyes to the inside of the mouth of the beast, seeing nothing but a gaping hole that led to her doom. The beast adjusted and began to swallow Sara, her head plunging into the slimy gullet, the powerful throat muscles gaining a grip on her frail body. Outside her waist was sliding into the toothed crevasse of the beast, Sara's legs dangling in the air. "No!" Sara screamed, but it was too late, she was food for the hungry kett dog. The wraiths tongue now had more access to her woman hood, Sara was helpless as the alien probed her vagina with its sticky wet tongue. She began to cry in? the throat of the alien, as the muscles caressed her figure. Fortunately for Sara the beast didn't want to play with her for too long, and instead began again to swallow her, she could hear the heart beat of the animal, beating quickly in ecstasy. Sara could also hear the growling Sounds of an eager stomach, waiting to accept the generous meal of a Pathfinder. The wet walls of the throat continued to forcefully massage Sara's well looked after body as her legs were thrust into the waiting maw of the beast, only her feet remained outside, desperately trying to gain a hold on anything to save her, but the wraith was no-nonsense and sucked in her dainty feet and wriggling toes. It was done, Sara was now entirely inside the monster and completely at the mercy of it's stomach. As the throat pushed her further down her head was moved into a bigger chamber, the stomach, figured Sara as she was helplessly deposited into the sack. Her head hit a pool of mystery liquid first, followed by her shoulders, boobs, navel and eventually her slender legs, the space was cramped and tight, it forced her to move into a fetal position. Sara was dumbstruck, she had been swallowed whole by alien beast and was waiting for it to probably digest her, she began to cry and lash out, how could this happen to her? The beast rolled over again and tried to walk but couldn't, not with a full, supple human inside it, so it lay down in the warm sand. Sara could feel the beast moving around and screamed constantly as the warm liquid washed over her body, it matted down her hair and tingled her skin. The air was getting hard to breath and the weight of the beast on top of her was becoming unbearable. Outside the beast could be heard screaming and whimpering, was she going to be let go or was this the end for sara? "Please, let me out" pleaded Sara, but the beast yawned and chuckled, "did he just laugh at me?" Sara asked herself. "So this is it" she cried as she was slipping into a drowsy state of mind. The beast had won and was pretty intent on keeping her, it rolled over again and poked it's inflated, human filled belly. Sara could feel a touch on her back as the monster toyed with her, the fluids in the stomach had reached her own stomach, they were doing much more than tingling now, she was being digested alive. Sara screamed and beat at the walls of the stomach, but the beast was asleep, even aliens suffer food comas. She resigned and gave in, her arms plopping back in the liquids, the monster had won and now she was lunch, all her panic and anger had gotten her nowhere and now Sara's Andromeda adventure was over. |
Cynthia chow In a whip of wind and feather Cynthia's Pegasus swept through the trees , desperately trying to break the chase of the great lumbering monster behind them. It stood 10 feet tall with gross discolored purple skin and it ran with outstretched hands grasping at the flying horse just out of reach. It's hunch back housed two small goblins snickering at the entertainment before them and occasionally shooting a stray arrow in the general direction of Cynthia. She was panicking now , looking back every second to judge the distance between her and the troll eager to knock them from the sky, it howled at Cynthia and she caught a good look of the ugly monsters gaping maw. More arrows whizzed past her Pegasus and she whinnied in fear as the red fletching plugged into the trees next to the fleeing pair with a resounding thunk noise. It should have been easy, Cynthia was told merely to get to the top a cliff near to their camp to get a good view of the valley and improve the army's scouting efforts. But the top of the cliff housed a wyvern nest, full of eggs, eggs that were being poached by a pair of greedy goblins. When the goblins saw the mighty Pegasus and her perky rider they fled to resting spot of a huge troll. The great ugly beast stood up and began a deadly sprint after Cynthia and her flying horse. - Just when she thought she had gotten some distance between her and the disfigured monster a goblin arrow sailed through the branches and planted itself in the wing of her Pegasus. She immediately began to spin out and Cynthia was thrown from her mount and collided with a tree that approached her at great speed, knocking her into a daze. Thankfully her armour caught most of the blow, but it was constricting her chest now and she fiddled with the buckles to tear it off as quick as she could, without a chestplate she felt a little naked, only having a cloth top and skirt that blew gently in the breeze. But Cynthia had bigger problems now, the great footsteps of the troll were nearby and the incessant chuckling of the goblins on its back gave it away. She composed herself and managed to spot a bronze spear poking out from a bush a short distance away, in a swift motion she grabbed the spear and lobbed it at the troll, but the undergrowth was damp and she lost her footing, slipping over and crashing into a pile of dead leaves. Her javelin throw remained true though, the troll ducked, but the spear caught both the idiot goblins on its back and they plummeted to the ground, chuckling one more time as their lungs rattled and gave in. The troll was not amused, this human had to pay it thought, and new exactly how. It smiled with its horrible mess of a mouth as it stomped over to where Cynthia was gathering herself for another attack but without a weapon Cynthia was out in the open without a plan and she didn't like her odds. The troll swiped at her knocking her into the ground again, she was winded pretty bad this time and the troll could see that, with its dextrous fingers it clawed at her clothes and tore them from her body, revealing her quaint petite form. Cynthia squealed as she began to realize what this troll had in mind, she tried wriggling away but this only made the troll laugh as he grabbed her legs and hoisted her Into the air. The ugly monster pinched her chest, squeezing her boobs and playing with her bra, Cynthia tried to bat away the trolls huge hands but had no luck as he kept on fondling her cute little body. Play time would only last so long though, the troll had a greater idea in mind for the slender, adorable girl. Cynthia was once again looking down the maw of the troll, and it was just as gross as the first time she saw it moments ago. Using it's great arms the troll began to lower her into the slimy grey pit that was it's mouth, Cynthia tried to prevent it by grabbing the sides of it's mouth, but the the monster was determined and it rammed her down into the back of it's mouth. Cynthia screamed the whole way, surely she was close to the camp, someone might be able to help her out of this, but the screams fell on deaf ears, no one was around to witness the dinner she was about to become. Her underwear wasgetting soggy now and she tried to correct herself inside the mouth of the troll, clawing her way up the tounge grasping at teeth, anything to free her from this predicament but as she scrambled around the mouth her foot lost its gripping and landing in the throat of the troll. With no way to get a good grip because of all the saliva she began to slip more inside the beast getting pulled down to her knee. The gullet was sucking hungrily at her lubricated body and she didn't want to get torn in half on the way down, she shivered as she pushed her other leg into the throat, trying to balance out the pain, but soon realized this was an awful idea as it gulped and pulled her down to her hips. The smell of the mouth was overpowering her making her feel delirious and clumsy, the throat gulped again pulling her further down into the troll, she made a last ditch effort to grab anything but her flailing around just let her slip even further down. Tears were swelling up in her eyes as she felt the powerful muscles pushing against her small chest, it felt vaguely similar to the crushing armour sensation only minutes ago. Now the troll was chuckling, and with a few more gulps Cynthia plummeted toward the trolls digestive tract, her hands sticking out of the back of the throat wiggling her fingers around desperately before vanishing entirely. The journey down was most unpleasant, the throat muscles caressed her delicate form and she was in full crying mode, further lubricating her journey down. Her hair was clumping and sticking to the warm slimy throat muscles and her bra comically came off, exposing her bare plump breasts to the fleshy prison walls. Suddenly she felt freedom around her feet as she began to enter the stomach, her legs dangled over the stomach acids before the rest of her was dumped into the hot wet chamber. Cynthia grasped at her chest trying to hide her breasts from an imaginary audience, as she lay in the fluids and tried to get her bearings she could hear the racing heartbeat of the troll, and her own thumping rapidly in her chest. The walls of the stomach were slimy like chicken breast before being cooked but they kicked at her as she tried to get a grip, throwing her back into the puddle of digestive fluids. The troll poked at his stomach area, prodding Cynthia in the back and pushing her around inside himself. He was enjoying this experience, far from was Cynthia was feeling, she was panicking now, pounding on the walls and trying to shove her fingers back up the throat, any way to wiggle out of this horror. Her time was getting limited very quickly as she could feel herself becoming more faint, losing oxygen to her brain. She fell to her knees and began pleading with the troll, begging it to release her, but it didn't speak human, and it wasn't going to forgive her for killing it's goblins, least of all was he going to let a delicious human being run off to it's camp to safety. It pondered the idea of spitting her up and swallowing her again just to teach her a lesson, but decided against it, she was a quick one and could probably get away, best to just lie here and let her digest. Cynthia meanwhile was thrashing around could feel her consciousness slipping from under her, just as her legs slipped on the stomach muscles, and she landed in the fluids again. The troll was asleep now, enjoying it's delicious human Pegasus rider meal and Cynthia began to fall asleep herself resting on a stomach wall that wasn't going to slush her up while she slept, or so she thought. - |
“All present and correct. Good. Now we can finally be ready to set off.” Nora yawned as she stood beside the other huntresses at the port, her usual energy was low and she knew it. Maybe it was due to not having enough pancakes for breakfast today or maybe just because Glynda had been running down the list of things, they needed to do for what felt like a full hour. Nora needed action! She needed to be moving, doing something! No matter what it was! Alas, as she stood rank and file among the rest of the students, she knew she’d just have to wait. She cast her eyes hungrily down the line towards Team RWBY, looking equally bored and restless. They’d been out of her tummy for far too long, the longing feeling inside of her was gnawing at her. By Oum, what she’d give to just stuff them all into her gob right now and be done with it. But, not in front of Glynda. She’d just have to be patient. Glynda had them all lined up on the landing pad as they were awaiting their ride, a Bullhead to take them to the Eternam Resort, a special place built somewhere within the Forever Fall forest. A series of wooden lodges set on a mountain in the woods, a retreat for prospective hunters and huntresses to practice their skills in the wild with a safe place to flee to in times of true trouble. The resort was staffed with expert hunters to lead them and help them train, along with Glynda herself who would be chaperoning their trip. Though to Nora, she was just a nuisance, reassuring that she couldn’t do her usual thing. “Now, I shall be going on ahead in a smaller craft to prepare things for you all, so behave yourselves and listen to the pilot. I’m trusting you all as adults here, so don’t take my trust for granted.” Glynda nodded sharply, studiously gazing at the students. As if on cue, two vehicles flew down and landed on the helipad, one Bullhead and a smaller Airbus, which Glynda swiftly stepped on. The doors were open for the Bullhead. A smile crept across Nora’s face. Now was her chance! “Hey, you guys get on ahead!” Nora called to her team. “I forgot one of my bags at the stairs.” “Again?” Jaune looked back at her. “Okay Nora. Don’t be long!” Pyrrha dismissed and waved a little. Unbeknownst to Nora, of course, Pyrrha knew what she was about to do and wanted to give her space. She ushered the rest of JNPR onboard as Nora hurried over to RWBY. The girls looked at her knowingly. “So, wanna do this before we get there? I’ve got room!” Nora patted her flat tummy. Grrrrwwwwwl
And her tummy pitched in to agree! “Should we really be doing this before we get to the lodge?” Weiss asked, wincing a little. “We might get in trouble.” “Oh please, Glynda has no idea.” Yang reassured her with a grin. “Nora can just say we went on ahead to our rooms!” “And if she checks our room?” Blake asked. “Uh
pillows under the blankets?” Yang suggested. “That didn’t even fool Dad when you tried it.” Ruby reminded her, much to Yang’s chagrin. “Enough talk, tummy time!” Nora didn’t wait any longer for their arguing and opened wide! Pyrrha could see Nora sucking on her fingers and licking her lips as she stepped aboard the Bullhead. The ship noticeably dipped under her foot, as if Nora suddenly weighed a lot more than she usually did. But Pyrrha of course, knew why that was. Team RWBY were no doubt once again dwelling inside Nora’s greedy tummy, not a simple complaint or struggle to be seen from Nora’s bulging middle. She took her seat beside Pyrrha and idly patted her stomach. Pyrrha’s face went a slight shade of red as she glanced to Nora’s midsection, recognising the round hill of a tummy she sported. She of course knew what this meant by now and the mere idea got her all hot and bothered. Trying not to think about it only made her imagine it more and think about how quickly and easily Nora must have gulped them all down. As the Bullhead took off and flew to the lodges in Forever Fall, Pyrrha continued to steal glances at Nora’s bulging midriff and shuffled around in her seat. Jaune and Ren beside her were totally oblivious, of course. “S-So um
are you, excited? Nora?” Pyrrha tried to strike up a conversation to take her mind off of her frantic mind. “Hell yeah! Kicking Grimm butt all week and working with the best!” Nora punched her fist into her palm, her grin wide enough to put a Cheshire cat to shame. “I just hope they serve pancakes for breakfast, or at least a bottle of syrup. I need my fix.” “Yeah, I hope so too.” Pyrrha nodded, fully turning to speak to her. “It’d certainly be better than Pumpkin Pete’s every morning
” Alas, the tribulations of being a commercial icon always inconvenienced Pyrrha at breakfast. “I hear that! That stuff tastes like cardboard. And-“ Before Nora could finish, however, someone in her stomach dislodged something and she tried to cover her mouth, to no avail. Uuuuuuuuurrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaap!! Without warning, Nora belched right into Pyrrha’s face! Pyrrha’s eyes widened despite the gas, gazing into the deep dark hole that was Nora’s abyssal throat, that which could devour huntresses whole with barely any concern. Her heart hammered in her chest just seeing it for herself, even as saliva speckled her cheeks and forehead from the force of Nora’s belch, so powerful it could even make a bear turn on its heels and flee! “Oops!” Nora grinned guiltily when she’d finally finished burping into her friend’s face. “Sorry Pyrrha! Must’ve been something I ate earlier.” “Y-yes
it must have been.” Pyrrha nodded dumbly, turning her head once again as now it matched her hair in colour. So much for trying to take her mind off of the whole thing! Luckily for her, the Bullhead soon touched down on the ground and she was rescued from her awkward situation. Though even she noticed the Bullhead leaning down slightly when Nora got up to get off the ship. Getting down from the helipad, the lodge area itself opened up before them. The helipad was on the east side and a dirt path led to the middle of the lodge area where a roaring campfire was burning. Wandering off the path, some of the students found the housing area with their various rooms off to the north east side, large wooden buildings with sloped rooftops and stone chimneys merrily puffing smoke. Pyrrha peered through a window in the large northern building, discovering a huge training area complete with hunter weapons on a rack designed for anyone to use and training dummies painted black and wearing masks akin to Grimm. Nora looped around behind the building on the north west side, finding the mess hall, currently empty but a sincere promise of food she found highly enticing, licking her lips. Behind the lodge she also noticed a set of stairs leading up a nearby hill to a wooden tower, perhaps some kind of outpost or radio tower used for calling in trouble. They did have to take care of the students after all, supposedly. Glynda was already waiting and ready at the lodge, standing close to a campfire. The students began to line up in front of her and stand to attention, with JNPR soon joining them. Glynda looked up and down the line with all the pomp and circumstance of an Atlas general. “Welcome to Eternam Resort, everyone.” Glynda said. “While you’re here, you are still students of Beacon, so I expect you to behave yourselves. Remember that, at all times, the lodges will be safe from Grimm, so if you are being overwhelmed, return here immediately.” Glynda walked up the line. “You can all unpack in your rooms, then we’ll spend the afternoon tracking and hunting Grimm in the area. I expect you all to
” She stopped at the end of the line and a frown settled on her face. Nora gulped nervously. “Where is Team RWBY?” She asked, turning her head back down the line, finding the four-girl team absent. There were exchanged glances of curiosity all around, no-one had any clue. Except for two girls of course, both of whom were feeling the pressure. “Maybe they ran off to go cause trouble.” Sneered Cardin Winchester. “Don’t spin rumours, Cardin.” Glynda shook her head at him. “Until I find Team RWBY, no-one is going anywhere. This is a dangerous place you know.” Nora’s heart sank. Her greed had caused her one hell of a problem, what was she going to do? If she could just have a minute, she could get the girls back out again and swallow them later, but Glynda was watching the line like a hawk! “Umm, Miss Goodwitch?” Pyrrha spoke up, stepping forward. “I think I saw where Team RWBY went.” “And where would that be, Miss Nikos?” Glynda turned to her. “Let me show you!” Pyrrha put on an act of wanting to do the right thing, stepping out of line and pointing to the treeline. “They went over there to scout ahead.” Glynda turned her head to follow Pyrrha’s pointing. Nora didn’t wait for a second, slipping away from the group and running behind the mess hall building. She knew she was going to give her poor tummy an ache over this, but she couldn’t have Glynda watching them all too closely for the day. She’d never get her belly pets for the whole week if she didn’t! She put her hands on her belly and pumped it hard, working her guts to force the girls up her throat. Uuurrp! Mmrrp! Blurrp! UUURRRRP! A series of four belches followed, ringing out in the forest but thankfully not alerted the other students. One by one the members of Team RWBY flew out of her mouth and collapsed into a pile before her. Yang was the first to land on the soft grass, then came Blake who went headfirst into Yang’s breasts, Ruby then ploughed headfirst into Blake’s butt and Weiss then followed into her own! Nora couldn’t help but giggle a little at the pile of girls before her. “Oogh
geeze Nora, I was just getting comfy.” Yang grumbled, picking herself up. “Yeah, what gives?” Ruby hopped to her feet. “No time, Glynda’s looking for you, get out here!” Nora hurried them along, pushing them out from behind the building before they had time to clean up or get some of the drool off of themselves. Good thing too, as Pyrrha had run out of ways to distract Glynda and she was looking back at the line again. RWBY got into line beside Nora quickly. “
what? What are you doing there?” Glynda approached the team quickly. “We uh, we were exploring the lodge!” Ruby claimed with her most innocent smile. “Just got curious about the place!” “You’ll have plenty of time for that later.” Glynda scolded them, wagging her finger. “We’re supposed to do orientation BEFORE you wander off on your own, for safety.” “Sorry Miss Goodwitch. We won’t do it again.” Weiss apologised, using her class and sophistication to sway the teacher. That seemed to placate her for the moment. “Well, don’t wander off again.” Glynda nodded. “Now, go and unpack your bags in your rooms.” As the students dispersed to their various lodges, Team RWBY turned to Nora. “
Nora, you DID bring our bags with you, right?” Blake looked at her with concern. Nora blinked emptily. “Bags?” she repeated. All of RWBY collectively fell down with a THUD! “You mean these bags?” Pyrrha asked, several bags surrounding her that she’d grabbed with polarity earlier. Besides the earlier hiccup, their time at the lodges began to pass far more easily. Nora found herself a half empty bottle of syrup to satiate her grumbling gut so she wouldn’t be fighting both Grimm AND her hunger and they were all taken out to the Forever Fall forest to begin their expeditions in hunting the local Grimm. And what a time it was! While many of their kind were familiar to the girls by now, the Beowolves, King Taijitus, Nevermores and Deathstalkers, they even encountered some more unusual types such as a Beringel and a Griffon. Their battles were long and tough, but JNPR rose to the challenge and Nora in particular was busting heads like nobody’s business. She was sure she’d be doing better if she had a belly full of RWBY, but with the adult hunters and Glynda watching them closely, Nora knew she’d just have to wait and have them later during the night. At least she had something to look forward to! As did the rest of RWBY, she was sure. As they continued their battling and hunting through the forest, they occasionally came across other groups of students doing their best against the hordes. She spotted Team CRDL off in the distance with Sky Lark’s legs hanging out of an Ursa’s mouth. How he’d managed to get himself in that kind of position, Nora couldn’t fathom. While she’d opted not to help, Pyrrha had ‘accidentally’ shot a round into the Ursa’s paw to give CRDL a chance before they left. Whether Sky got eaten or not after that apparently wasn’t their concern. “It should help them learn, at least.” Pyrrha mused with a little giggle over doing something so naughty, hiding her inward thoughts about the parallels between that scene and what she’d been seeing with Nora over the past few weeks. Next they came across the second year team of CFVY who were faring much better. They turned up just in time to see Coco Adel lighting up a King Taijitu that was rearing up in front of her, peppering its scaley belly with holes, turning it into more of a pepper pot than a Grimm, impressing Nora. Velvet and Fox were fighting back to back while Yatsuhashi was showing his strength by bench pressing a Beowolf overhead with his sword piercing through its belly. Nora was sure she could do that barehanded
she just hadn’t yet. “Looks like they don’t need our help.” Jaune remarked. “What a team.” “We could learn from them.” Ren agreed with a slight nod. Then moving along from CFVY, Nora spotted another group traipsing through the woods off in the distance. She didn’t recognise them, however. They didn’t look like students she recognised anyway. One was wearing a revealing red dress. Another was quite short in a white jacket while the third had green hair and her midriff was showing off a nice pair of shorts. Nora wondered what they were doing out here if they weren’t staying at the lodge. They certainly seemed to be up to something though, they walked with such purpose and speed between the trees. A single Grimm went after them and it seemed to spontaneously combust before it could even touch them! Nora decided it was best not to go and bother them. After that, it was more Grimm slaying, more team moves they were finally pulling off and before they know it, the forest was bathed in the golden glow of the setting sun, a good time for them to head back to the resort for the night. Nora’s muscles ached a little as she crossed the wooden threshold into the dining hall and ate enough food to satiate an entire class in one sitting. Nothing worked up her appetite than a long day of hunting Grimm! But something ELSE was stoking her appetite for later that night. She was so eager to enact their deal once more
And fortune was on Nora’s side when she got to their room for the night. They’d been split into girls’ and boys’ rooms and Nora just so happened to be sharing a room with Team RWBY! Oh! And Pyrrha too. All Nora had to do was make sure the redhead didn’t see what she was up to
Pyrrha was ready for bed, dressed in her rather dull brown button up shirt and pyjamas pants. Team RWBY were also getting ready for bed. But she of course knew they wouldn’t be sleeping atop any mattress. They were all just waiting for Nora to arrive to enact whatever little deal they had going. Pyrrha was huffing and panting slightly as she felt particularly steamy. She wanted to see it happen for herself, she wanted to watch it all! But she knew that Nora would never do it as long as she was in the room. It WAS supposed to be a secret, after all. So, what was she to do? Casting her eyes around the room briefly, Pyrrha happened upon her answer. There was a large vent cover on the ceiling of the room. That must mean this place had air vents, perhaps to keep everything cool during the summer months. If she could hide herself inside those vents, she might just be able to watch the show without being seen! Now if she could just find another cover somewhere else
“Hey!” Nora suddenly kicked down the door in her pyjamas, startling the redhead. “Who’s ready to sleep and get to more butt kicking tomorrow?!” “We were, until you kicked the door.” Blake muttered from under her covers, a pair of yellow eyes piercing out of the darkness. “Yeah Nora, don’t wake everyone else up.” Weiss frowned as she brushed her hair. “Sorry! Just feeling damn good.” Nora flexed and grinned. Grrllll
Another tell-tale rumble from Nora’s belly gave Pyrrha her cue. “I’m uh, going to get a glass of milk before bed.” Pyrrha got up from her bed. “Be right back!” she slipped out the door before anybody could argue. Now she was out in the hall, she had to find the air vent and get into position above the room. Searching the ceiling, Pyrrha spied another cover. Just what she needed. She reached out with her polarity semblance and carefully removed the vent cover. Then, she used it on herself to magnetise herself upwards into the ceiling, sliding into the square hole with ease. Then she curled her body up so she could fit into one of the long vents and slid the cover back into place. She was in. She carefully crawled through the vents, following specks of light to find the room she wanted to spy on. However the first vent hole she peeped down, she found not RWBY’s room, but instead she found one of the boys’ rooms instead. She spied Ren and Jaune below her playing cards. Funny, she didn’t know Jaune could play cards at all! “Go fish?” Jaune said. “We’re playing poker, not Go fish.” Ren replied. “Then why am I drawing two cards?” Jaune asked. “You shouldn’t be.” Pyrrha decided to leave them to it and continue on her trek down the vent. She spied another light up ahead coming from the floor. She drew closer and closer and a single sound told her she was heading in the right direction. Gulp~ Pyrrha got right close up to the light and peered down, looking just in time to see Weiss’ underwear through the skirt of her nightie. She was upside down and going down Nora’s throat and Pyrrha had the best seats in the house to see it. She got to watch Weiss’ legs slowly slide down into Nora’s maw from above, sinking inch by inch til only her feet were left. Then Nora pushed them down with one hand and they sank into her throat. She didn’t even close her mouth, so Pyrrha got to see them disappear into her throat. She felt herself getting flustered again, trying to make herself not tremble so she didn’t alert them from the vent! “Ahh!” She heard Nora chuckle and pat her bump, barely even showing she’d just devoured a whole person. “Next on the waterslide!” she joked. “I should be making that joke.” Yang ribbed Nora as she stepped up next, dressed the skimpiest of any of Team RWBY. “Just don’t lick my hair, okay?” “Why would I?” Nora grinned. Pyrrha was utterly stunned at what happened next as Nora opened wide and casually leaned over to Yang. Her jaws stretched over Yang’s entire head and upper body slid right inside faster than Pyrrha had ever seen. Then Nora leaned back and tilted her head up, flipping Yang upside down and, much like Weiss, leaving her legs sticking out of her mouth. Pyrrha wondered how Nora had gotten so proficient at devouring team RWBY in such a short time. Maybe she was destined to become a serpent with how stretchy her mouth was! Either way, Yang was smoothly descending down Nora’s throat now, Pyrrha barely even saw her swallowing, just a slow easy slide down the girl’s throat. She saw Yang’s trim tummy disappear, then her hips and thighs, her lovely legs soon going in next and her feet trickled down after. Nora simply closed her mouth around her after that, content in her consumption of the pretty blonde. “See? Told you I could!” Nora grinned cheerily to the two remaining members of RWBY. “Yeah, guess I own Yang 5 Lien. Again.” Ruby sighed. “Alright, I wanna go next. But I wanna go feet first, I don’t wanna be upside down.” “Works for me! Just tuck your arms into your sides, okay?” Nora said, lying down flat on her back, her slight bulge of a belly shifting on her hips. “Now step in!” “What?” Ruby tilted her head. “Just
step into your mouth while you’re on the floor?” “Yeah! You wanted to go feet first, so hop in!” “I feel like she could just lie on the bed.” Blake commented with a sideways glance. “Less fun! C’mon, I’m trying something new here!” Nora insisted again. Ruby winced slightly and took a step forward. Pyrrha above understood it a little more clearly. Nora was such an experienced predator now? She was actively to experiment with how she swallowed the girls to make it more fun. Wow, she thought, not realising one of her hands was actively cupping her breasts, getting even hotter watching the spectacle unfold. Ruby gingerly stepped into Nora’s jaws, getting both dainty feet stuck into her maw, like an innocent maiden stepping into the mouth of a bear. Nora waited a few seconds, then pushed herself off of the ground and swallowed at the same time, taking Ruby down to her knees, her very normal knees, in under a second. Ruby yelped as she tried to keep her balance in Nora’s jaws like a very odd circus performance. “Ah! N-Nora, you didn’t say-“ Glulp~ But Nora didn’t wait for Ruby to finish, instead she swallowed, sucking up the girl’s cute strawberry patterned pants down into her suckling lips. “Y-you meanie! You shouldn’t-“ Ulp! Ruby sank further down, her ample bottom now sliding into the predator’s waiting mouth, Pyrrha saw her noticeably shiver in reaction. She didn’t complain any more as Nora continued to swallow, drawing the young prospective huntress deeper inside herself, the bulge in her throat clear to Pyrrha to see going downwards, noticeably shrinking and compacting as it entered her middle. Ruby tucked her arms into her sides as Nora lapped over her thin belly, nothing stopping her in swallowing Ruby as soon even her chest was over Nora’s lips. “R-really Nora
this is fine
b-but-“ MMGLP! And just to really rub it in, Nora sucked down and swallowed Ruby’s head in one go to hush up her complaints. The little huntress disappeared into Nora’s form and Pyrrha found herself covering her mouth at Nora’s rudeness. It was somehow even more exciting thanks to that! “So! Just you like, Blakey. How’re you going down?” Nora licked her lips promisingly. “I don’t care.” Blake shrugged. “I just wanna sleep.” “Hey! We need some pillows down here!” Pyrrha heard a little voice from Nora’s middle, sounding like Weiss. “Say please, Weiss.” Yang added. “Fine, PLEASE.” Weiss groaned. “Hmmm
oooh, I got an idea.” Nora’s creative mind went to work as she snatched up four pillows from the beds and laid them out. Then she grabbed Blake, yelping in protest, forcing her to curl up before placing her between the sets of pillows. “I made myself a Blake burger! Extra cheese!” Nora joked with a laugh. “Not funny.” Blake mumbled, head poking out of the pillows. “Ah shut up and GET IN MY BELLY!” Nora boomed and shoved the entire little creation into her mouth at once! Pyrrha’s eyes widened at just how WIDE Nora’s jaws stretched to fit her entire creation in at once, how her cheeks swelled up just to contain it as Blake’s form slid deep inside. Nora didn’t even swallow yet, she just let the entirety of her ‘Blake Burger’ fill up her mouth and bulge it all up! “MMPH!” Nora groaned around her huge mouthful as she closed her jaws around it. Pyrrha saw her bend her knees and raise her fists as if she was drawing on all her strength. Her eyes closed, her body shook, her face went red, all resulting in one huge ear popping
MMMMGGGLLLLLLLMPPPHHHH!!! And in that one epic swallow, the entirety of the Blake burger was forced down Nora’s gullet, bulging out her entire body cartoonishly as it went down before shrinking down and settling in with the rest of the bulge in her belly. “Ooohhh yeah
” Nora groaned blissfully, grabbing her tummy and rubbing at it as all of RWBY was once more inside her, for the entire night. “Feels soooooo good
” Nora sighed, drumming her fingers over her belly some more, Pyrrha could see her marvelling over her voraciousness and how easily she consumed the girls. “Mmm
” Pyrrha moaned, then clapped her hand over her mouth realising what she’d done. Nora was going to look up! Pyrrha backed away quickly into the vent, using her polarity to reduce the noise and hide her presence. She crawled further and further into the vents to make sure Nora couldn’t see her. She breathed a sigh of relief once she was sure she was out of sight. But in her hurry to get away, she hadn’t even noticed her pyjamas trousers had fallen down and left her half naked! She had to stop herself yelping in embarrassment. Now she REALLY had to find her way out of here before someone found her in such undress! But she was distracted once again, hearing a strange sound to her left somewhere. And maybe it was the thought of Nora and RWBY’s activities still ensnaring her thoughts, but she felt a need to investigate. She found another vent looking down into another room. And rising up through the vent cover? Moaning. Pyrrha’s voyeuristic gaze found the room below, and within, Glynda Goodwitch in her room. But to Pyrrha’s surprise, she found the teacher in a most unusual state. There was a ball gag in her mouth and her arms had been tied behind her back and handcuffed while bound in leather. Her legs were also curled behind her and tied together, making her almost entirely unable to move. She was floating in the air and wriggling slightly, moaning every few seconds. Pyrrha’s face flushed redder than ever! This must be what was called BDSM. And to think, the most graceful and respected teacher of Beacon was into it! How lewd indeed! She also realised Glynda must have used her telekinetic semblance to bind herself without aid of anyone else, same as how she was currently levitating in the air. How unconventional, yet clever. Glynda continued to pant and moan in her bindings, gasping around the ball gag, her almost naked body on display for Pyrrha to see. Those soft large breasts and those round hips. Her teacher was truly sexy
and Pyrrha couldn’t help but want to lean closer to see more of Glynda. Clnk! But quite suddenly, the vent beneath Pyrrha gave way and fell down into the room below. Pyrrha fell through the hole and spun in the air, crying out in surprise. Glynda’s head wrenched upwards to see the redheaded huntress falling down upon her. The teacher’s eyes widened as she noticed Pyrrha was lacking any underwear and was coming down at her head with legs unintentionally spread! Glynda tried to shout, but the ball gag muffled her words. Shhlrrrrrrrrp! Nora tucked herself under the covers of the bed and wriggled into a comfortable position. A familiar feeling of warmth and fullness spread up from her stomach as Team RWBY settled in and found their own sleeping positions with their pillows. How much Nora had grown accustomed to the feeling of her tummy being full should’ve made her worried if she had any sense about it? But she had none. All she cared about was devouring them and keeping her belly pets tucked away. Nora wondered how long she’d be able to keep them inside once they woke up with Glynda being far more watchful right now. She could try and push through breakfast at least, really stuff herself on pancakes and syrup to make up for the emptiness she’d feel without RWBY inside her. The creak of the door to her room alerted her to someone coming in. She recognised Pyrrha by her ponytail, shadowed in the light outside, but Nora was under the covers, so no chance of Pyrrha seeing her rounded tummy. However, just for a split second, Nora was sure she could see Pyrrrha sporting her own large belly, about the size of someone who was six months pregnant! But before Nora could be certain of this, Pyrrha had quickly moved to get into her own bed. Nora shrugged it off, probably just a trick of the light or something. She could always ask her about it in the morning, why take away from her wonderful pleasant feeling? Nora settled down and got ready for a nice long sleep. Beside her in the other bed, Pyrrha was a permanent shade of red as her hands probed her swollen belly, Glynda Goodwitch currently sealed inside her womb by sheer accident. Her teacher had been very wriggly and muffled shouts and groans had been coming from Pyrrha’s middle for a while now, but her teacher’s bondage gear was keeping her from being TOO active in there. For now, she’d stopped and quieted down. Pyrrha hoped she was alright in there
As she relaxed in her bed, she wondered if this odd sensation in her middle was what Nora felt with Team RWBY inside her stomach? No, it probably wasn’t the exact same considering where Glynda was. And while Pyrrha wanted to just indulge in how good this all felt, she could only wonder how she could get her teacher out again.
if she even COULD get her out? Both prospective huntresses were soon drifted off to sleep, both their bellies round and full in different ways. On the morrow, they might have to explain themselves to one another. Or perhaps they’d just find new ways to hide their misdeeds. Who knows where such a twisting tale will end? Meanwhile, on practically the other side of Remnant, a homely kitchen in Menagerie was bubbling with activity. Kali Belladonna was moving back and forth between countertops, preparing a large meal for herself and her husband. It had been some time since they’d had a nice savoury leg of lamb and today, she had the time for it. And she was in a good mood too. Partially because her stomach was currently swollen and wriggling actively with a fresh meal inside. Kali patted it affectionately and continued to work her way around the kitchen. It was so much work making food while food was so active inside her. “Hmm must roast those parsnips and steam the vegetables. Now where did I put that jug?” Kali bent down to open a cabinet and take the just, when she suddenly felt a shifting in her guts. She grunted a little and then found herself gasping as something bulged out of her backside. “KALI!” A voice shouted as her skirt began to lift behind her, her prey trying to force its way out of her particularly fat backside. “Let me out of here! You can’t do this to me!” “Oh, but I can and I will, Sienna. You shouldn’t be trying to get out of your grounding so soon.” Kali tutted and smirked, looking over her shoulder in amusement at Sienna’s head wiggling around under her skirt. “It’s your own fault for behaving in such a way, I remind you.” Her scroll suddenly buzzed and she pulled it out of her cleavage, a place she only hid it when Blake wasn’t home. “Hold on Sienna, I should check this.” With a flex and a bounce of her fat Belladonna booty, she slurped Sienna back inside with a little gasp of satisfaction. “Now think about what you’ve done some more, or you won’t be coming out again.” She teased with a little pat on her round tummy. The message on her scroll was from both Blake and Beacon Academy’s system. Blake had sent her messages about how she’d arrived safely at the lodge, which Kali was relieved to hear about. And the other claimed that parents of students at the lodge could come to watch their progress if they wanted. Kali smiled at the idea. A surprise visit for Blake and those friends of hers
she briefly wondered how they tasted and if Blake had made some truly delicious friends or not. |
“Uggghhh….” a feminine groan filled the air. A forest green hoof lifted, slowly reaching back to rub at half lidded eyes, revealing the orange irises within. Private Duckweed had been careful… the pegasus mare had left her armour behind to go incognito, she’d been sent with her partner to an arranged meeting, showing up at the Slapped Ass to make their offer to the next assassin… but then what happened? With an unsteady push, Duckweed climbed to her hooves, her head still ringing as she clutched at it. Her face seemed so sticky... “Mmmmrrrppphhh!” a muffled yell caught Duckweed’s attention, the mare freezing mid-step. She turned around, taking in the wooden, sparsely decorated room of what was no doubt a tavern for seemingly the first time as her vision searched for something, before settling on a pair of wobbling mounds of copper that took up the foot of the bed. Skyheart. That was right, Shining had sent her and Fishhook to meet with the dreaded pirate, Captain Skyheart. She’d been waiting for them at a table, and in order to maintain their cover the two of them had chugged down the cheap filth that Skyheart called grog along with her. Her eyes blinked as she swore she saw something between them, shaking in the gap of the cheeks. Cautiously she stepped closer, a hazy thought going to her missing partner when she saw his sword hanging from one of the bed posts. Skyheart had agreed to take the contract… or rather to ‘churn up yer mate for a chest of doubloons’ in her own words. Duckweed saw the long black tail of the pirate mare flick upwards, revealing a stained and sticky marehood, and a plush thick-rimmed ponut. The ponut seemed to shake, before a quiet squish came from the stretching flesh… and a brown stained lump began to slide outwards. Duckweed gagged, the mare starting to turn in disgust when she saw the lump moving, some of the brown sloughing off to reveal a light blue beneath, the matted texture of fur. Her eyes widened as that plush ponut spread just a little wider, a pair of horrified green eyes emerging, locking onto Duckweed’s as she heard a raspy, wheezing, “Help…” “F-fishhook?” the mare gasped, backing away when she felt that long black tail slap her flanks. She squealed, stumbling forwards and tripping with her forehooves held outwards. The two wide cheeks squished under her touch, the doughy flesh giving way enough that she felt it squeezing around her wrists. “Ahh! No! Please!” she cried out. “Hmmph?” Skyheart gave a questioning groan as she was woken by the sudden scream. Her tailhole clenched subconsciously, a loud, wet squelch signalling Fishhook vanishing once more into those bowels. A second later the cheeks rumbled as a hot and heavy burst of utterly rancid gas came pouring out of her ass, pummeling Duckweed in the face with the wretched stench of rotten meat and wasted lives. It was enough to make her stumble back choking as she fell to her flanks behind that plush booty. With a louder grunt, Skyheart forced her body to roll, the mare flopping onto her back, her butt pancaking beneath her own weight. Over the bulge of the shaking and squirming guardspony in her guts, Skyheart grinned. “Ooh, was just dreaming about what I’d have for breakfast,” she declared, forcing herself to sit up properly, her body shaking as she slid her hooves down off of the bed and perched her rump up on the plush fabric. “Forgot I already had company…” Duckweed whimpered, but her eyes flashed to Fishhook’s sword. “H-haven’t you had enough… my friend is still up your butt! And why… why am I so sticky?” Duckweed asked, playing herself clueless as she backed away at an angle that brought her closer to the sword than the door. The pirate captain burst out in a hearty guffaw. “Woulda thought you’d be able to handle ye grog better than yer did,” Skyheart remarked, the pirate seeming to almost force an accent, it coming in thicker now she was focused. She gave a slap of her belly with a hoof, it giving a hungry grumbling in response. “Last night you and yer mate were all over me. Shame ye can’t tasty my sea-salt this morning, ye were crazy fer it last night.” Skyheart laughed again, before grinding her rear against the bed, her intestines still bulged with squirming pony. “Oof, just keep wriggling you horny cur… be a shame when you digest, heck of a buttplug you made,” Skyheart groaned loudly. The guardsmare’s eyes shifted to the side, and then she lunged. Her hoof wrapped around the hilt, a *shink* accompanying it sliding free from its sheath, milliseconds before she heard a *click*. “Wouldn’t try that if I were you, snatch slurper,” Skyheart’s voice was right in her ear. Duckweed never expected such a huge mare to move so fast, but she’d managed to jump up and jam the barrel of one of her matchlock pistols against the side of her head so fast she’d have missed it if she had blinked. Duckweed’s heart was in her mouth, the mare trying to swallow as she tipped her hoof slowly. With a clatter the sword hit the floor. Skyheart smirked, spinning the hoofcannon around to boop her nose with the handle. “Good choice, cunt chow…” Skyheart said with a grin. Her hoof grabbed the back of Duckweed’s head, pulling the mare forwards, toppling her onto the bed. “W-w-wait! Stop!” Duckweed cried in horror as she was pulled towards those thick, greasy labial lips, the protruding curtains parting as her snout was pulled into them. Skyheart moaned crudely as she ground the struggling mare’s head into that cleft, her panicked breaths tickling her marehood. Duckweed’s hooves shot upwards to grasp at Skyheart’s chunky thighs, trying to push her back, but Skyheart only laughed as she shoved harder. “Ooh… yeah… get in there nice and deep,” the pudgy pegasus groaned eagerly. Her stomach kept on squirming, her buttsnack wedged nice and deep and on their way to churning into chocolate pudding. “Come on slut, you were all over this last night…” Skyheart grunted, her hoof pressing harder against the back of the guardsmare’s head until there was a satisfying *Squelch* and a muffled scream from the entrance to her pussy. “Mmm… fuck… ugh…” Skyheart groaned and moaned in alternating delight as she kept on shoving. Her teeth bit into her lip as those shoulders tried to resist, forcing her gash to slip wider apart, stretching around with the distinct sound of joints popping. The muffled cries from her crotch got increasingly more frantic, those green hooves being dragged back as the top of those forelegs was squeezed inside the slippery tunnel before a loud slurp followed by a tight squeeze had Duckweed jammed half inside, her rear wriggling and legs kicking as she desperately struggled, fighting for her life in that cramped passage. “Mmphhh… you’re going to make… some sexy ass pussy pudge…” Skyheart teased, both her hooves between her legs, groping against the squirming mare booty sticking out of her slippery snatch. Duckweed couldn’t believe what was happening, the mare more than awake now as she was stuffed into the muggy, musky hole, the labia slapping around her waist and then slowly squelching further. Everything was so tight, each clench almost crushing her as she was guided towards the womb. Her head squeezed through the entrance, swelling it outwards as her face appeared stencilled against it, like she’d gotten her head trapped inside a latex ball. “This is going… to be a fucking… awesome orgasm…” Skyheart moaned so lewdly, her tongue hanging from her open mouth, oozing drool. Another squelch and her pussy lips squeezed over the hips… Skyheart tensed, panting in delight as she wriggled both hooves against that ass. “Time to walk that plank and sink into my cunt,” Skyheart teased, lifting her hooves upwards and then slamming down. Skyheart’s scream no doubt echoed through the entire tavern, the mare shrieking in absolute pleasure as Duckweed’s ass vanished into her pussy. Those kicking legs were splattered in thick, dense cream, it erupting from the depths of Skyheart’s vagina and spurting downwards with all the strength of a waterfall. The juices completely soaked down her toy’s legs, splattering into the mattress as those hooves were pulled upwards, slapping against the soaked and juicy lips and staying there. Hot, heavy panting filled the air, the pegasus pirate lying there in delight as two green hooves wriggled against her pussy lips, perfectly parting them. More sticky honey oozed around them, leaving Skyheart as she fondled her belly bulge in one hoof, and then the womb bulge pushing out below it, feeling the two undercover guards fighting for their lives and merely providing entertainment for the powerful predator. With a final grunt those hooves vanished with a squish, tugging Duckweed firmly and finally inside. “Mmmph… thanks… for the entertainment,” Skyheart panted around a moan, stroking those two bulges softly. “Breakfast in bed… and a show to go with it… delicious…” she stated, slowly dragging herself upwards into a sitting position. “I’d love to wallow here for a few more hours… but now I got a job to do. I’ll tell yer bosses they forgot to make the intact employee advance payment after I burn ‘Kindle’ into calories…” With an almighty heave and a creak from the bed, Skyheart set about waddling towards the door, the muffled screams from her gurgling stomach and churning womb earning a smile on her face. Her body jiggled despite the firm bulges, her copper rump shaking and quivering especially with every step she took. With a shove she pushed the door open and then stepped out, it creaking shut behind her. ------ The black expanse of latex clad ass rippled with the shake of a pair of shapely thighs. Black glass peered downwards at the busy streets of Manehattan’s Little Neighsia. Ponies thronged the streets, filled out balconies as costumed ponies danced and cheered their way down the street. On a large float well into the parade sat a huge wooden tub, filled with an expansive purple serpent who waved his eager claws to an adoring crowd. Scales covered his form, ones of a lighter shade on his belly. Immaculate and stylish ginger hair sprouted from his head and was styled back neatly. Though his pride was clearly set on his refined and stylish moustache. Kindle stretched out one of her yellow wings, twisting it around to bring a nimble wingtip to her ear and gave it a tap. The feathers pushed against an earpiece lodged in her admittedly fluffy ear. “Target identified. HVT is in the parade float and coming your way,” Kindle said quickly and firmly. “Copy that,” a male voice replied. “I’ll get in position.” “I have eyes on a guard air patrol. Stay low and be careful,” a female voice pitched in. Spitfire smiled, her pearly whites showing in her muzzle. Looked like the guard had paid at least some attention to her anonymous tip. This was her chance to do some real good. The infamously skilled sniper that went only by “Headshot” had needed a three pony team for the job, and he’d happily taken ‘Kindle’ and some other mare who went by Stiletto. Things went well and she’d have both of them behind bars… she just to play this one carefully. “Hold position and wait for my signal,” the male voice stated. “Roger that,” Spitfire replied with tactical neutrality. Her wingtip clutched around the comms device and plucked it from her ear as she twisted away from the window. With a toss she threw it onto the floor and away from herself. Now was the time to strike. She ran a hoof through her burning orange mane and cricked her neck audibly. “Showtime,” she said to herself quietly as she walked across the empty loft of the building and to a window on the side before pushing it open with a shove. The festival of the Neighsian New Year celebration was in full swing throughout the streets below. Streamers and lanterns filled the air along with the powerful scents of spices and those distinctly oriental aromas. Spitfire spread her wings, those goggled eyes ignoring the bright colours and dancing below as she fixated on the dojo-style roof of a nearby building. She clicked the side of her goggles with a wing tip, changing her regular vision to thermal, and lighting up a pony shaped figure lying prone, his hooves no doubt gripping a weapon. With a smirk she spread her wings and hopped out of the window, flapping her way across. Down below a rather heavy set copper pony attempting a geisha style mane-do and facepaint gave a grin, before spreading a pair of her own. ------ “Stiletto, I’m seeing activity on the left side. Report,” Headshot called into his comms, leaning his head to the side so his shoulder would activate the broadcast. The jade green earth pony was laying prone across the sloped roof, using the curvature to brace his rifle. His .50 cal sniper rifle was guaranteed to blow the serpent’s brains out of the other side of his head. With a slight adjustment of his scope he settled on the purple serpent’s forehead. “I have a shot. Repeat, I have a shot. Stiletto tell me what’s going on?” he called back into his coms more insistently. *Slurp* *Squelch* *Gulp* Stiletto’s radio started to broadcast, but the sounds coming from it were most distressing. After all, any assassin recognised the sound of a pony being eaten alive. “Shit. Kindle. We’ve got a problem,” he declared, his voice louder as he looked up from his scope. “Damn right you do,” Spitfire replied smoothly as Headshot looked up right into the stretchy black latex of her ass. It almost completely filled his vision, the musky scent of those jiggling, sweaty cheeks making his nostrils twitch as the two mounds of butt blubber gently shook right above him. “Kindle… what are you-” Headshot began to ask with his voice raised when Spitfire just slammed her ass straight downwards. Her heavy cheeks squeezed together as they soared straight down, the stallion’s eyes widening to saucers as what happened next would be obvious. His rifle clattered from his hooves and onto the tiled roof as he tried to shove the booty back but reacted much too slowly. *SQUASH* With a heavy splat, Headshot’s head was completely covered by that wide black rear, it bouncing on his face and grinding his muzzle against the sticky and sweaty crack. Spitfire suppressed a groan of delight as her award winning ass ground across the sniper’s front, those firm but also squishy cheeks pressing so heavily onto his face. “Oh I’ve been waiting to feel this for a long ass time~” Spitfire commented as she added more weight, pressing down so her rump squished outwards slightly, those sweaty latex clad cheeks spreading over and around her target’s head. “Been so very hard to find you, Headshot… Only took going undercover as a criminal to catch the most wanted of your ilk,” she remarked, lifting a hoof to her hood. She pulled upwards, yanking off the head part of her suit to reveal her all too distinct face. The Wonderbolt sighed, her goggles up around the top of her head as her orange eyes gazed down on Headshot’s kicking lower legs. His forehooves pushed and shoved at her rear, ramming into those heavy cheeks and simply sinking into the expansive suited booty. The thick wide rump ground back and forth, that sticky sweaty coating grinding over his face, soaking his fur and making him sputter and cough. She pressed harder and harder, her rump almost flattening him to the floor before she lifted it back up slightly with a smirk. As much as she’d love to draw out toying with him, she still had Stiletto to worry about. She reached her hooves back against the rear end of her suit and started to spread them apart as she lifted her ass slightly. A rush of air reached Headshot’s lungs, the stallion panting as he inhaled the musky stench of her ass crack. Before him he saw her cheeks spreading, the fabric slipping away to reveal a pert and primed ponut, the thick rim pulsing as her tail lifted out of the way. “N-no…” he gasped as Spitfire’s legs fell again, and this time his muzzle was lined up right with her tailhole. *SQUELCH* Spitfire’s hefty ass slammed down with force once more, the sweaty cheeks guiding his muzzle right to the centre of her butt. “Mpph… get in there, scumbag…” Spitfire huffed as the black latex of her ass cheeks spread around her target’s upper body. His green head was directed right into that plush ponut, it engulfing his muzzle and muffling any future attempts to yell. The feel of him yelling and squirming had the Wonderbolt bite her lip, an unprofessional moan slipping out of her as those plush cheeks slid around the curve of the shoulders, smacking together to meet around the top of the upper torso, locking his forehooves to his sides. Spitfire turned her head down, grinning as she saw his rifle still set up. Reaching forwards she took hold of it to strip out the clip, then set about dismantling the weapon. At this point the assassin was so jammed up her rear that he lifted off of the ground, her pucker loudly slurping up his chest as his legs lifted off of the ground, starting to desperately kick. “Mmmppphhh!” the cries of the stallion were muffled by the depths of her booty as it quaked back and forth, jiggling as she slid his weapon apart with textbook precision. *Schlurp* His hips slipped across that engorged ponut, it briefly pressing against his crotch before it passed over it, sealing him on the inside of the heated bowels beyond. She placed the parts back into the case they had come out of piece by piece, slipping it all neatly back into place before she dropped the lid and sealed it with a click. Standing again she stepped over it, making a mental note to come back to it later. Headshot’s flanks had vanished inside her cheeks moment before, his legs trailing behind as they weakly twitched, slowly vanishing into the black expanse of those latex clad cheeks. For a brief moment two hooves rested against her butthole, before a last squelch claimed them. His tail seemed set to follow but it was then Spitfire clenched, pinching it with her anus and leaving it dangling outside. “Just keeping you in there until you can stand trial. You’ll still gurgle, I’m sure of it, but I want to do it on television,” Spitfire commented as her butt cheeks clapped back together. Satisfied with her method of detainment, Spitfire didn’t spare any more thoughts to her rumps extra jiggle, to the muffled cries in the depths of her ponut as it squeezed and squished against that tail. She had one more fish to fry. Spreading her wings she flitted over to the next building, hopping from one roof to the next. A rooftop pagoda sat before her and she rushed to it, lowering her shoulder and smacking open the door. She could still smell the incense burning at the small shrine from before… but there was a much stronger stench in the air. One of female arousal and the distinctly sulphurous smell of bowels. Spitfire recoiled, her eyes instantly searching for the source and snapping on the pony before her. Stiletto had been a grey unicorn of tall but skinny stature… the pony before her was anything but. “Another one? Really?” the unknown pony complained, a hoof rubbing against her bloated brown gut. A large pair of wings stretched out from behind her, her purple eyes settling squarely on Spitfire. “Can you come back in an hour? Give me time to finish with your mate?” she asked, her tail flicking outwards and revealing it was long and thin, more like a griffon’s than a pony’s. Spitfire’s eyes settled on her long purple mane, that distinct tail, and then moved to her cutie mark. Sure enough it was an egg with an eyepatch crossed with bones. Spitfire knew every pony on the most wanted list by cutie mark and name, and the mare before her was pretty high on that list… not quite as high as Headshot, but even he was much lower down than this mare’s best known affiliate. “You’re Seras… the first mate of Captain Skyheart…” Seras snorted at Spitfire’s words, the mare’s belly letting out a muffled scream so she gave it a firm thump with her hoof to shut it up. When she looked back up it was with a frown on her face. “Hey now, I’m a lot more than the Captain’s second fiddle! I could devour her fat ass whenever I want!” Seras growled almost threateningly. “Yeah, keep telling yerself that one, Seras. Maybe one day you’ll actually try it and I’ll show you just how deep I can stuff you up that fat ass!” Skyheart’s unmistakeable voice bellowed from behind Spitfire, coming from the door she had passed through. Instantly the Wonderbolt span around, her entire body twisting as she leapt back and flared her wings. “Won’t be saying that when I churn you into shit…” Seras grumbled back but by now Skyheart had entered the pagoda, and her sky blue eyes fixed right on Spitfire. “There yer are, Spitty. Been looking fer ya. ‘Or is it Kindle now?” the chunky pirate mare asked conversationally as she tossed the two fans she had been carrying earlier onto the floor and reached up with her wings to pull the two chopsticks out of her mane, letting the long black hair drop back down over her shoulders. Standing back up properly her heavy and wide gut bounced downwards, smacking against the floor as she pushed back onto four hooves, her butt still jiggling as she looked over at Spitfire. The Wonderbolt had her back end raised, her front lowered, the mare ready for action as she glared at the dangerous pirate. This was a lot less than ideal. Multiple approaches and situations ran through her head, but two on one with these two would end very badly for her, that much was clear. “Doesn’t matter, Skyheart,” Spitfire replied, almost spitting her name. Skyheart chuckled at that, the plump pirate taking a few steps closer. “Not really. Yer contract had both written on it…” “Hmph. Reduced to doing assassin work now? Is there anything you won’t sink to?” Spitfire snapped in response. “Didn’t get to the best part yet, Spitty. 50,000 bits! That’s a lot of noughts for a pair of crosses in yer eyes,” Skyheart retorted. That one caught Spitfire off guard. A huge sum… and it had her assumed name and real name on it… Was she being burned? “Come on, Seras, let’s bag ourselves a bitch... Seras snorted, the mare leaning back against her forehooves as she propped them on the wall behind. “How about you do it yourself, Miss third most wanted,” she grumbled, a sentiment shared by her stomach as it let out a gurgling churn, the pony shape inside her gut softening rather quickly. “What?! Don’t you give me no lip, Ser-” Skyheart shouted, turning her head when a hoof suddenly slugged her in the cheek. The mare staggered to the side, almost stumbling when another hoof slammed against her spine. Spitfire flipped back, her wings flapping as she landed behind Skyheart, already moving for the door. On a lesser pony the classic one-two strike would have had them floored and groaning, but Skyheart didn’t get to her size without taking a few knocks. “Oh, if it’s a fight you want, then bring it bitch!” Skyheart roared, the mare twisting into a sudden charge. Spitfire had just shoved the door open when Skyheart’s bulk crashed into the back of her. *CRASH* The two mares slammed into the door, it flying off of its hinges and onto the floor as the two pegasi were sent rolling out into the rooftop garden. The bright light of the moon cast down on the two of them as they jumped back up to their hooves, the pegasi facing one another with die-hard glares. “I’ve been dreaming of the day your fat ass was mounted on my wall, criminal scum,” Spitfire growled as she flared out her wings, her hooves digging into the floor.Skyheart burst out laughing in response. “If yer spend so long dreaming of my ass, then yer should feel honoured when I cram you up it!” The pirate replied as she plonked her rump down and both forehooves suddenly grasped at the brace she worse squeezing into her gut. Two hoofcannons lifted, the locks clicking as they pointed at Spitfire, but the mare was already in the air. It was good timing that fireworks were pelting into the sky around them, covering up the inevitable sound of gunfire. *BOOM* the first shot whisked by just under her ass as Spitfire leapt into the air at the last second possible. *BOOM* Spitfire flipped to the left as the second came so close that it shredded a clear line down her suit, tearing through the latex in a clear line. Spitfire flipped again, this time rolling her hind hooves to the front as her momentum carried forwards into a savage spin. Skyheart rolled her body back, her head skirting just beyond the kicks range as instead Spitfire found her hind hooves slamming into the pirate’s gut. They sank deep with a vicious *CRUNCH* Skyheart wheezing as air rushed from her lungs. Then the belly bounced back, Spitfire feeling it smack outwards, her hooves suddenly having no footing as she ended up thudding onto her back. A satisfied grin sat on her face though, that was a decisive and meaty blow.“Timber….” Skyheart coughed, the mare still cracking a joke even as she oriented her body to tip forwards. Spitfire’s eyes widened at the ocean of pirate gut suddenly filling her vision. She beat her wings, pulling herself forward an inch, but Skyheart already crashed down with a loud and hard *THUMP* The pirate pony gasped for breath, her thick stomach pressed down against Spitfire, the yellow mare squirming under the heavier weight. “You… might have had… me just then… but you… forgot that… I had pony… for breakfast,” Skyheart declared with a grin. Her rotten breath spilled over Spitfire’s muzzle making her gag as she tried to lever the mare off.“Disgusting pig of a mare!” Spitfire snapped, grunting as she pushed upwards, beating her wings to try and drag herself out. She could feel the chunks of meat and broken bone that she had kicked so hard sloshing around her in that belly. Spitfire couldn’t pull free, and she felt Skyheart start to press, the weight increasing over most of her body. “Damn it… I liked this suit too…” Spitfire mumbled as she worked a hoof down around it.*SQUELCH* Spitfire’s sweat soaked form burst from her suit, her wings catching the rush of air and beating to pull herself upwards as her latex trappings fell limply beneath Skyheart, earning a snort of annoyance from the pirate. “Really? Well… at least you saved me shitting that suit back out…” Skyheart pulled herself back to her hooves, kicking the sweat soaked suit out of her way as her stomach glorped and sloshed at the recent activity. She felt something brewing and a grin crossed her muzzle. “Going to fly away with yer tail between yer legs now?” Skyheart taunted, her hoof gripping her cutlass and sliding it from her belt, lifting it before her. “You’re going to wish I did…” Spitfire growled, the mare scanning the the rooftop, before settling on something she could use. Slowly she started to fly around Skyheart, the pirate pegasus not seeming to want to take to the air. Skyheart seemed to be stepping backwards, creating more distance. “Last chance to turn yourself in. I can promise you won’t become the warden’s rape toy if you do,” Spitfire remarked, grinning at her words. Skyheart responded with one of her wings, raising the centre feather of the tip and earning a smirk from Spitfire. “Then hope your ass can handle the entire staff,” Spitfire added, before bursting forwards, her speed going from stationary to ridiculous in the space of a second. Fire streaked from behind her, chasing her… and then she smelled gas. She took one snort of the rancid, eggy odour of pirate ass, and then realised Skyheart’s plan. *BOOOOMM* “Hahahaha, you really do make good kindling!” Skyheart burst out laughing, slapping her knee as Spitfire vanished in a fiery explosion, before hurtling out a moment later and flying towards Skyheart. The pirate raised her cutlass, twisting it around to face the blunt side towards her and then whacked her with it like a bat, launching Spitfire off to the side. The flaming, blackened and dazed mare had no idea where she was banking until her front slammed into some kind of pipe. Skyheart sighed as she trotted over, stopping only to slap a copper hoof against that ample, yellow ass and make it bounce and shake. “Oof, I can just feel all the jello you’ll add to me with a good gurgling… and oh…? What’s this?” Skyheart lifted Spitfire’s tail to see a black one still sticking out from that pucker. “Ooh, a two for one deal! Dinner and dessert, how kind of you, Spitty!” Spitfire groaned something along the lines of, “Buck you.” The wonderbolt’s tail was singed, her fur scorched. The pipe was wrapped around her waist like a belt. Everything in front of that was crammed in the tight pipe… and then she felt a creaking from above. A scent suddenly filled the vent, that of sticky sweat and musk and… “Don’t you dare…” Spitfire growled.*PHHHHBBBBRRRRTTTTHHH* The eruption of rancid ass gas came pouring out of Skyheart’s ass with a resounding rumble, causing her ass cheeks to bounce and shake on top of the fan cover she was sat on top of. The roof mounted air conditioner wasn’t quite fully assembled. The pipes that should have led into the building exposed, and right where she’d batted Spitfire, trapping her in the tight spot where the only air came in through the non-functioning fans… which slowly started to spin as the toxic gas came pouring out of her ass. “Oooof… forecasts been reading gale force winds!” Skyheart declared with deep, belly laughs as her ass rumbled and quaked. The gassy orchestra began with a long and deep brown note, the stench enough to have Spitfire gagging and retching in the disassembled air-con unit and that was just to start. What followed next was a crescendo of gassy butt blasts, starting low and getting higher and higher, finishing off with a squeak. Inside the unit Spitfire groaned, the mare saturating in the rancid, thick stench of pirate bowels, of rotten meat and expired everything. “How you handling it, Spitty? These ain’t favourable winds, that’s for sure!” Skyheart called down, laughing crudely at her own joke yet again as her thick ponut relaxed and gaped with every potent ass ripping, the dense green fog of bowel stench concentrating around Spitfire’s face as it blocked the pipe. Another thick and loud *Frrrrttttt* had her rump shaking as she peered over to see Spitfire’s frantic kicks were degenerating into slow, sluggish squirms. “Thought you Wonderbolts could handle a storm?” Five more minutes of near constant bottom belches, of thick outpourings of nauseating gas and Spitfire felt her limbs stiffening. That ass above never stopped rumbling, the messy and lewd parps and poots hinting at how she scraped the barrel, and then finally Skyheart lifted off. Spitfire would feel something gripping her hind legs, her hooves sinking into something soft and plush, yet everything was just so… hazy. “Come on, Spitty! I didn’t want to gas all the fight out of yer!” Skyheart remarked crudely as her copper ass cheeks spread around Spitfire’s hind hooves. They squeezed inside with a *squelch* pressing apart the doughy hole and plunging into the dark depths. “Mmmpphhh… yer going to push me right up to the number one spot on the Most Wanted list… this be a special occasion!” Skyheart announced, laughing to herself again as her anus squelched up around Spitfire’s ankles… then a slurp started to work up those athletic legs. Spitfire tried to focus, her head swimming as she felt herself slowly sliding back through the pipe. She wriggled her hindlegs, feeling her ankles encased in something tight and slimy, squelching as if they were stuffed in gum boots filled with mud. She was dimly aware of a mocking voice, but could only groan as inch by inch she was pulled back, worked in pulses as her hind legs sank into the squishy hole behind her. “Wonderbolt… going to be… Wonderbutt soon enough…” Skyheart commented, the mare unable to not crack terrible jokes as her primed ponut pulsed, pulling the petrified pony from the pipe. Her rubbery anus was already slick with hot, fresh juices which eagerly slathered across Spitfire as she was slurped up inside. In a gesture almost like a maw the ponut squeezed and mashed tight, then loosened again, then tightened once more as it feasted upon the athletic mare, dragging her deeper and deeper into her bowels. “Oof…” Skyheart groaned, her ass having to spread wider and wider to accommodate Spitfire’s hips as the award winning ass cheeks were squeezed together by the doughier pair of the pirate’s booty. “If I wasn’t...a wanted criminal… I’d have been the best… swimsuit model…” Skyheart remarked, giving her rump a shake to try and help cram Spitfire’s into it. It was a tight fit for sure, Skyheart grunting and groaning with the effort… though as it slipped so too did moans from Skyheart’s lips as her marehood starting to glisten with arousal. Spitfire could feel it. Her nostrils flared desperately, her mind willing her body to breathe past the gas as her trademark ass slowly slipped into the depths of that grubby pirate butt. “S-s-stop…” she mumbled, trying to pull forwards, but Skyheart’s suction was too strong. Her hips vanished into that same slimy dark hole, slurping up after her hooves. Tears entered Spitfire’s eyes, the mare wishing she had signalled for back up now. Skyheart gave the biggest grunt yet, and a sudden *pfffff* of gas leaked out around Spitfire as she tried to make room, her anus clenching and mashing those butt cheeks like jaws with chewing gum until finally a *POP* slipped it right in. That engorged, thick rimmed ponut slurped its way up, pushing up Spitfire’s waist until it kissed right against that pipe. “Bear with… Spitty. Got a blocked pipe,” Skyheart remarked with a chuckle. The pirate pegasus spread her wings, stretching them outwards and leaning her body forwards. “Ready? One… two… pull!” Skyheart beat her wings and dove forwards, a sudden scream coming from the pipe as Spitfire was stretched and then a *splurch* had her burst from the pipe. Skyheart tumbled onto her stomach with a thump, and Spitfire into her ass with a slurp, only her shoulders catching on the edge of the rim to stop her being fully dragged all the way in. The fresh clean air had Spitfire coughing, voiding her lungs of rancid bowel stink and recirculating air to her body. “Let… go of me. You fat… criminal… bitch!” Spitfire roared, the mare’s head shaking against that rubbery rim as it slipped up around her shoulders, squelching as it slapped against her neck. “‘Fraid it’s the end of the sky for ye, Spitty. Ye had a good career… but sometimes a pony is just better than ye in every way… like me!” Skyheart declared, laughing as she tensed her ass, and with a squish Spitfire was dragged deeper, the anus sliding around her head, sealing on her snout. Spitfire had a last breath of clean air, and then her muzzle vanished with a *pop* and vanished entirely into the jiggling pirate booty. Skyheart groaned as she felt her sliding through her intestines, worming her way up from the stinking bowels and to her belly. “Honestly, Spitty… would have done this for free. But never going to turn down bits,” Skyheart said to her gut, giving it a fondle as she trotted back across the rooftop towards the pagoda, ignoring the fireworks going off in the sky and instead watching the bulge of the Wonderbolt sliding its way across her form as she was squeezed from organ to organ. For Spitfire it was tight, slimy and hot. The intestines pulsed, dragging her upwards at a surprisingly swift pace as villi scrubbed her fur, spreading a solution against it that burned and seared. In no time at all she was pushing against the sphincter, her hooves leading the way as she was squeezed into a stomach full of meaty mush, fragmented bones and the stench of rotten meat saturated in acid. *Phhhhhhbbbbbbbbbtttttt* Another enormous burst of gas tore from Skyheart’s ample booty, seeming to carry the muffled sound of screaming along with a puff of yellow feathers and a pair of goggles that smacked against the floor behind as it came tearing from between her cheeks, leaving them shaking in its wake. “Really?” Seras remarked dryly as Skyheart passed through the open doorway. “Good job you didn’t have to be stealthy or some shit,” Seras added. The ‘quarter griffon three quarters pony’ was reclined with her back against the wall, only one of her purple eyes open to watch Skyheart enter the pagoda. “What?” Skyheart replied with a shrug, the action rolling through her entire body and making her already jiggling and shaking gut bounce again. The imprint of two desperate hooves hammering against the inside were plain to see, occasionally a screaming face pushing out to join it as the Captain of the Wonderbolts began to gurgle and glorp into pirate meat. “You know what, Lardheart. I ain’t having you stink up my pagoda. Shove off,” Seras snapped back. By now her own stomach was barely squirming, Stiletto not seeming to last so long in that digestive system. Skyheart chuckled at Seras’ comment, the captain just keeping on trotting inside. “Cap’ns on deck, Seras. Shouldn’t you be salutin’?” Seras repeated the gesture from earlier, stretching the middle feather of her wingtip up and earning another chuckle. Seras let out a sigh, and then sat up properly, snapping her other eye open. “Seriously though. What’s the plan? We sticking around or heading back to the ship or what?” The larger mare’s response was to lift a hoof and give her gut a slap, earning more muffled screams from inside. “Figured you’d help me gurgle this bitch first,” Skyheart said with a grin, stopping right before Seras, filling the other mare’s vision with her gut. “Only if you eat me out,” Seras returned, earning a grin from Skyheart. “Done,” the pirate captain replied near instantly. Skyheart spread out her forelegs and then flumped onto her back, causing the floor to shake with an almost too loud thump. The motion travelled through her body, her belly bouncing as surely as her pancaked cheeks beneath them, culminating in a sudden heavy and thick *UUUURRRRRAAAAPPPP* tearing from her gob, her cheeks shaking as feathers, fur and even a hoof knuckle from her earlier meal splattering onto the floor. She clapped her lips together greedily, sampling the flavours there when Seras leaned over her. “Do that from the other end and I swear I’ll stick your head up my cunt and egg you,” Seras snapped again. “Just get on my face,” Skyheart replied flatly. Seras didn’t hesitate there, the mare leaping up with a flap of her wings and crashing her own rather curvy rump against Skyheart’s face. The cheeks weren’t nearly as doughy or wide as Skyheart’s, instead carrying a firmness and almost toned look but they still had some nice curves. Skyheart rated it as eight peaches out of ten; only her own ever earned the full ten. Seras ground back and forth to get into position, sliding her crotch against Skyheart’s face, dragging her musky labial lips atop her captain’s muzzle. “Here’s your dessert, Cap,” Seras declared with a crude grin. Skyheart didn’t seem to mind as she parted her lips, leaning up to slide her plush tongue across those two labial lips. Seras’ thighs tightened, the mare letting out a soft sigh as Skyheart grazed her slick tongue against those musky lips, slapping against the stains that clutched there and slurping through them. Her warm, sticky saliva slathered over them, causing Seras to grind herself down more, the mare groaning at the stimulation. As much as Seras acted the bitch, she wasn’t greedy. She leant forward, tilting her body so that as Skyheart slurped against thick labia two hooves pressed down into her belly, pushing against the gurgling mass and massaging the bulge inside. Her hooves pressed down, finding the hardy lump of Wonderbolt Captain and starting to knead against it. Muffled screams responded, hooves punching upwards to stretch the gut before they were shoved back in. “Come on, Spitfire. There’s no way you’re getting out of there, so just quit being a pain and digest,” Seras whispered down to the belly. The pirate captain moaned when Seras’ tail reached down and stroked over her own already wet marehood lips. The purple tuft at the tip tickled over it like a feather duster, before sliding in between, the thicker part grinding between her labia, sliding into the lips and brushing against Skyheart’s clit. Such stimulation spurred Skyheart to return the favour, her hot breath spilling over Seras’ crotch as her tongue slipped up between the labia, her lips kissing against the sopping pussy with wet squishes and squelches. Spitfire thrashed and screamed, the hooves rubbing against her helping to grind the acid into her skin, to set it on fire with itching and burning as more of her yellow coat peeled from her body, joining her feathers in the acidic soup around her. She still felt thrashing in her own butt from the stallion she had crammed up there. “You’ll burn for this!” she screamed in pain, when those hooves rammed against her again, grinding the acid coated stomach wall all over her front and earning more muffled cries. “Ooh, right there, Cap… that’s where you’ll go up when I eventually mutiny…” Seras teased, sliding her lovehole downwards, squelching it around Skyheart’s face. The labial lips slapped around the base of Skyheart’s snout, but the Pegasus didn’t stop slurping up against those inner walls, digging deep into Seras and earning loud moans from the other mare. In return she swished her tail harder, having her Captain groaning hot air into her eager marehood. The debauched display went on for more than a few minutes, the hot moans and wet squelches sounding out amongst the backdrop of gurgling and churning. Seras rose and dropped on Skyheart’s face huffing louder and louder as she pretty much stomped on Skyheart’s gut. Spitfire’s screams reached a crescendo, before giving way to just a glorping gurgling churn. That though enough had Seras clench, and moan hotly as she gushed her thick, sticky juices all over Skyheart’s face. Her Captain eagerly slurped up all she had to give, gulping it down as her own marehood clenched around that fuzzy tail tip and then burst forth with a deluge of pirate honey, squirting it out all over the floor. A few last gulps of that musky marecum and Seras rolled off of her face and to unsteady hooves. “Thanks, Cap… you know how to keep a mare loyal,” Seras panted. With a push upwards Skyheart shifted, giving her belly a last slap and then grinning. “And you know how to mash up my brig,” she replied. “Fun playing with ya, Spitty,” she added as a final taunt before pushing to her hooves. “Mph… let’s get back to the ship…” ---------- Skyheart hammered against the bathroom door with her ass, striking the wooden frame with her hefty flanks. “Hey! Hurry it up!” she yelled. From inside came the sound of a hard plop, and the splash of water. “I’m working on it, Fatflank!” Seras yelled from the other side. The beige mare was sat on the airship’s only toilet, her ass rumbling as another log of brown crested from her anus. “Mpph… not my fault you made me eat that bitch last night!” she added with a groan as the thick log slowly started to sink downwards, sliding from her trembling pucker as her face crossed with effort. “Urrgghhh… fine! Take yer damn time ye mangy quarter catbird! I’m stepping out!” Skyheart shouted through the door. “Fine! But if you shit on any of my stuff though you’re going to be the next thing filling this toilet bowl!” Seras bellowed back, the mare tensing as the fat mass of brown swayed beneath her ass, dangling in place until it snapped with a heavy thump into the toilet bowl beneath. Skyheart snorted in annoyance as Seras guessed exactly what she had planned to do. Fine. She’d find something else to shit on. She headed up to the top deck, the airship lazily flying through the air at a gentle speed, slower than any pegasi. She looked over the edge, and smiled when she saw they were coming up on a very fitting place. With a spread of her wings she took off. The pirate captain set her sights on the academy now below her as her belly grumbled, groaning so audibly with the meat of a mare and her own meal stewing in her guts. “Mph… stop hammering at me poop deck. I’ll let ye slip out of me porthole in a moment,” the pirate captain soothed, massaging her forehooves over the bloated sack of her stomach, feeling the mush inside as she sloshed it back and forth. More flaps of her wings carried her forewards, angling her down as she let out an eager chuckle at what she had planned. In the centre of the academy lay the gleaming, golden statue of the famed Captain Spitfire. The youngest mare to ever become a Wonderbolt Captain stood tall and proud, propped up on two hindlegs. Her officer’s shirt and shades were perfectly formed in solid gleaming gold. Skyheart snickered at the sight as she would soon change that. This late at night there wasn’t anyone watching as Skyheart set herself to start hovering, beating her wings as she dangled her rump down. “Ready… aim…” she stated as she aligned her rump, her hooves peeling those two wide cheeks apart to reveal the crevice between. “Fire!” Skyheart called with a devious laugh as she clenched her bowels and loosened her pucker. There was a resounding and wet *Squelch* as her ponut pushed open, the thick rim kneading against the quickly emerging head of a mushed up mass of brown. It squeezed out inch by inch as Skyheart clenched, the mare shaking her rump slightly as she felt it sliding its way out of her. “C’mon… unclog… that cannon…” Skyheart groaned, using her wings to shake her body vertically until a sudden *Splroch* carried the mass sliding straight out of her. She looked down with a grin, watching the messy brown torpedo lock onto its target, flying down until with a meaty and thick *SPLAT* it crashed against the top of the statuesque Spitfire’s head.“Bullseye!” Skyheart cheered, watching downwards as the log deformed around the top of the golden mane, covering it in crumbled bone and chunks of sticky mess. Only a few yellow hairs and feathers identified what the meal could have been… but Skyheart had plenty more stewing inside her to add to it. “Oof… priming the secondaries with stink shot,” the captain grunted, forcing her anal muscles to clench, squeezing the tailhole open to reveal a boney hoof knuckle grabbing at nothing but the open air. A rich, scented burst of bowel gas leaked around it, buffeting the hoof until it slid out of the mess, revealing the ankle was still attached. In fact an entire femur was slowly sliding out of Skyheart’s bowels, pushing from her pucker surrounded by the dense mushy coating of hot, thick waste. The log dangled, shaking back and forth as it refused to clip from her rear, the mare having to shake back and forth to grind it until with a final pop it burst out of her ass and went whistling downwards.*SPLAT* The log impacted against the back of the statue this time, breaking apart as some smeared its way down the back while other parts clung to the metal surface, staying in place. From below it was like a most unpleasant shower. Every minute or so another thick log of feces fell from the sky to crash against the statue, splattering brown all over the immaculate shine and staining it brown. Bones clattered, though most crunched on impact with the floor, the acids having weakened them enough the hard knocks shattered them into indistinguishable fragments. Skyheart took to lazily flapping to and fro, the pegasus pirate’s face flushing red and her breathing getting harder with every ejection from her steaming bowels. Her butthole was gaping slightly, gas leaking out of it like smoke from a barrel as she readied salvo after salvo. “Ugh… how much longer do I have to keep up me broadside?” Skyheart groaned, squishing into her belly and earning another squelch from her ass in response. A mess of ribs were sticking out the current log, prickling out the sides and curving upwards, though the acid washed bone merely bumped her sphincter on the way out making her moan and gasp with every push. Eventually the log fell, slapping just against the front of Spitfire’s main and then oozing down her face, sliding across the carved features. It took a grand total of twenty minutes for Skyheart to empty her bowels. The guard from earlier, Spitfire and then Spitfire’s own meal had gathered together to create a lot of steaming waste, it coating most of the statue, leaving Spitfire looking smeared all over.The clumps that slid down gathered at the bottom, Skyheart grinning as she felt a final pressure and let rip. *Phhbbbttt* a gassy burst from her anus carried out a thick, round skull and sent it tipping. Skyheart watched it spin until it crashed into the statue’s head and crunched into fragments, leaving no sign at all of the deed. “Consider yerself keelhauled,” Skyheart remarked with a chuckle, giving her ample booty a slap and then flying away. ------ The next morning Shining Armor stood in the courtyard of the Wonderbolt Academy in his fine armour. The pegasus officer before him looked most distressed as he explained Spitfire’s absence, at how she had missed her check in. Shining sighed, his eyes more focused on the shit covered statue that was still being cleaned by a cadre of cadets with buckets and sponges. “I don’t know what to say, Sergeant. We’ve heard nothing from the Captain on any of her operations. All I can recommend is to keep looking. After all, she might be closer than you think…” Shining stated with a knowing smile. As Shining trotted away he heard the rookies complaining. “Can’t believe Spitfire’s missing… just yesterday she was chewing me out for not being punctual enough.” “Yeah, well, good job she’s not here. She’d be fuming if she knew somehow had dumped this disgusting, slimy crap all over her statue.” “Yeah, it’s disgusting. An insult to our Top Bolt. The most decorated Wonderbolt in history. No way she’d stand for this.” “Yeah. Let’s just get this shit cleaned off and flushed away before she comes back.” Shining laughed privately at the irony. |
Roger's course of action had seemed like such a good idea at the time. Stealing was something he had wanted to do for a long time. For the life of him, Roger didn't know why. He had a decent job, decent income, and just about everything he could want. Perhaps it was the rush of adrenaline that came from his wrong doings, the feeling that he was above the mob of society. The perverseness of law-breaking. It didn't really matter though. In the clutches of the authorities, Roger had a hunch that he wasn't going to experience such a feeling again for a long time. He had only made it so far before the authorities caught him. Roger should have expected no less, he was not a big guy, nor could he ever hope to outrun the strict arm of the law. "Listen, fellas, I can make this up to you if you'll just-" Roger immediately shut his mouth the instant those cold, unfeeling eyes of his captors met his gaze. He knew well enough just how bad he was at making negotiations and talking himself out of things. Roger was the equivalent of a small child trying to convince his parents to buy him a toy. It would take a miracle for the authorities to let the man loose. Roger heard stories of the unrelenting strictness of "Big Brother". In this community, you could practically be shot for sticking your tongue out at a cop. And here, Roger had just stole from a convenience store. He could only hope to god that they would go easy on him. The cold air shocked Roger as the steel prison entrance swayed open. His nervous footsteps echoed as he was carried into the harsh, stone prison. Dirty cells lined the walls, most of which were empty. The one's that weren't could be heard from miles away. Malicious growls and threats were spat from the mouths of the hardened prisoners. Roger was scared to even pay them a glance. Most of the prisoners he managed to identify were not human. There was an unsettling abundance of wolves, felines, and other creatures of similar nature. Their unwashed scent was apparent from each cell Roger was forced past. The animalistic beings always had a distinct scent compared to the rest of the population. Humans were the majority in this society. Roger knew his home was no utopia. Animals were often discriminated and ridiculed. Roger had seen these beings beaten half to death by the cruel hand of mob mentality. And now he was terrified. Roger was like a rodent among cats. He trembled, his mind raced. Thoughts of his inevitable mauling tormented his already shaken state of being. Things only got worse as the prisoners, their grey uniforms tattered with claw marks, being calling Roger out directly. His ears rung of wretchedness. The few phrases he managed to make out in the unrelenting noise consisted of "bite", "tear", "throat", and "eat". Fortunately for the fearful human, Roger was taken into a significantly quieter room, away from the violent prisoners, at least for the moment. A temporary feeling of relief set in as he untensed his shoulders. The walls in this room were painted beige, giving it a warmer look than the cold, brown walls of the rest of the prison. A camera sat in front of a stained, white sheet draped against the concrete wall. "Citizen, remove your clothes." Roger didn't think twice. The animalistic shouts made the human authority figure sound like a little school girl. Roger was slipped into a slim-fitting grey uniform, marked with a barcode on the back. This upset Roger. Was he just some object now? Of course, the last thing he wanted to do was complain, god forbid he be faced with those savage creatures again. "Stand up against the wall, and look at the camera" Doing as he was told, Roger flinched as the blinding light flashed. He assumed the beads of sweat could still be seen in his photograph. Roger was promptly taken to another room by a single officer, the other marching off elsewhere in the prison. This room had nothing but a small extension protruding from the wall, clearly meant to be used as some kind of makeshift bench. The officer cruely shoved Roger into this room, and immediately slammed the door shut, leaving him completely trapped and alone inside. Roger sighed, brushing himself off before half-heartedly slouching down onto the bench. "I never should have stolen, I never should have stolen..." For hours, he waited. That thought replayed over and over again as Roger slumped. He was tired, oh so tired from the intense fear and emotion that had plagued him earlier. He lied down flat on the bench, and again, he waited... - "Get up." Any hope that this whole experience was just a dream dissipated into nothing as Roger was rudely awakened by the grabbing of his collar. He didn't know how long he had been asleep for, but judging by the now calm ambience of the prison, it was nighttime. Once again, Roger was being led down the prison corridor. He closed his eyes tightly, and would not dare to open them. He could practically feel the feral breath of the few prisoners who were still awake at this hour. But aside from a couple mean-spirited snarls, the prisoners were significantly less aggressive this time around. Roger let himself calm down just a bit... ...That was, until he was led down a hallway he had not noticed before. This wouldn't have alerted the wary human so much, if it weren't for the insidious chuckles and shouts that erupted from the nocturnal prisoners. Unable to resist, and letting his fear get the best of him, Roger's eyes snapped wide open again. In front of him laid a single cell. The first thing Roger noticed was just how much wider this cell was compared to the rest. It had to be at least twice as big as any other cell in the prison. The second thing he noticed was how dark it was. The whole second half of the cell was completely obscured by darkness, leaving no way for Roger to see the prisoner. He had no time to imagine what horror laid inside, as the officer reached for his keys. Whatever was in there, Roger was about to find out, first hand. He panicked, more so than he had before. His mind screamed at him. He wanted to be just about anywhere else but here. He wanted to shout, to tell the officer to throw him in any other cell, just not this one. But his jaw was locked, he could not speak. The most he could do is let out a small, pathetic whimper as the cell was unlocked. Before he could do anything else, he was pushed inside, and the cell was locked behind him. Roger clung to the cell door, and watched as the officer thoughtlessly marched away, not caring what would happen to their new human prisoner. He was, to say the least, a sitting duck. Roger was in a state of utter panic. He breathed heavily, the fear enhancing his sense of hearing. He froze at every single noise his brain perceived. The prisoner was most likely asleep, so Roger felt his best bet was to remain completely still and silent. Of course he could only do this for so long. Essentially, Roger was completely screwed from the beginning. In an effort to calm his nerves, Roger attempted to convince himself that the cell was actually completely empty. Being a human, he considered the possibility that this was just some kind of special treatment: A larger, less confined cell. He only considered this up to the point when he heard the booming footsteps of a creature erupt from the darkness. Roger could swear he had just pissed a little. Whatever was down there, it was now advancing, quickly. There was only some much room between Roger and the dark end of the cell, he knew his end was near. All he could do was cower against the very opposite end of the cell, and pray. Within mere seconds, the creature, far from human in appearance, presented it's true form from the darkness. Roger was absolutely shocked to his core. The creature was no less than twice his height. It was feline, a lion no less, and clearly female, judging by the perking breasts. Her straight, black hair rested over her face, obscuring one of her eyes. Upon closer inspection, her left ear was pierced with two black rings, that shined with what little light the large prison cell presented. She displayed the same grey uniform as the rest of the prisoners. This, however, is not what first caught Roger's attention. What truly terrified the smaller being, was the lower half of the lioness. The creature was a quadruped, boasting the lower half of a feral lion, contrasting with it's more anthropomorphic upper body. Her muscle tone was clearly visible, signifying her raw strength. Although Roger had heard stories of such beings, "taurs" as he remembered them, he never imagined he would meet one face-to-face. And now, he was stuck with a criminal taur. Roger could not pull his gaze from the towering creature. He trembled like never before, his eyes wide like a scared child being shouted at by their mother. What didn't help was the look the taur gave him. It was a look of disgust and loathing. Her visible eye squinted and her lip raised, she sneered at the seemly inferior being. "So, this is who I’m to rot with in this infernal dungeon?" Roger did not respond, fearing that any acknowledgment of the lioness would be his undoing. The huge being swayed her hair, and placed her hands on her hips, an aura of attitude rose from her figure. "And just what are you in for?" Roger bit his lip, his tongue still. The lioness quickly grew frustrated. "What?! You deaf or something?!" "I..." The human struggled for words. He was quickly cut off. "Pft, how typical. You humans are all alike. You degrade us, call us "monsters", thinking you think you have all the power..." The lioness advanced menacingly towards Roger, her paws patting loudly against the cold, unwashed floor. Roger whimpered once more. "...But without a wall between the two of us, you back down, crying like a little bitch..." The lioness continued its slow pace towards the human, who was hyperventilating, drenched with sweat. Her glowing yellow eyes burned holes into his very soul. "...So... What's it like being small, human?" Roger was completely backed against the corner. The lioness crossed her upper limbs and placed her large, powerful paws up against the wall which the human clinged to. She glanced directly down into the human's panicked stare, awaiting an answer with little patience. Roger for a moment expected his new cellmate to rip his head clean off. The lioness snarled, before turning her attention elsewhere. Roger was clueless when the lioness broke her gaze from the human's eyes, staring downward. For a second, he didn't know what to think. The lioness looked mildly confused, before flashed a smug look, cruelly enlightening Roger as to what she was staring at. He had hardly noticed the clearly visible erection protruding from his prison uniform. Roger blushed, this unusual sense of arousal mixed with unrelenting fear greatly confused and embarrassed the little man. He wanted desperately to conceal his bulging manhood, but no such thing could be done with the hulking lioness arched upon him. With a sneer, the huge feline taur spoke once more. "Are you flattering me, human?" The taur dismounted from the wall, giving Roger the little breathing room he so desperately needed. The once cold prison cell has grow at least 20 degrees hotter. Roger didn't even bother to hide his prominent erection, the lioness knew. She remained right up in Roger's face as she prowled close to him. "Look at you, you're pathetic...! You can't even keep yourself from bulging in the face of a female!" Roger felt ashamed of himself, letting the lioness's rough femininity get the best of him. The lioness flashed an insidious smirk at the human, changing her tone somewhat. "Then again, I suppose I can appreciate my own little 'cat-toy'..." The lioness spoke seductively as she swayed her large, feral backside past Roger's glassy stare. He felt himself grow ever harder at the gesture. The lioness turned, and grabbed the blushing human by the shirt collar, yanking him away from the wall. He gave little resistance. Roger did not speak as the lioness stared him down with those burning, yellow eyes. He felt the heavy breath of the lioness shake his very being as precum began to drench the inside of his once clean prison uniform. A thick layer of pheromones filled the cell as the two diverse species mingled. Roger was rudely shoved once again that day against the side of the cell, not breaking his gaze with the dominate being. Roger felt his excitement grow further as the lioness gave a devious hiss, before turning around and raising her tail up high. He saw everything, and only grew harder as he took in the details of that pink, fine slit. The taur laid flat on her belly, blowing dust from the floor into the air as her wide underside collided with it. She placed her hands on her hips once again as she presented herself. "Care to get a closer look, human?~" Roger didn't need to be asked twice. He promptly fell to his hands and knees, and positioned himself directly in front of the glorious rump. He was swept away by a whiff of the creature's feral musk, drawing him closer and closer to his prize. The human leaned forward, his face mere inches from the creatures nether regions. Through the corner of his eye, Roger saw the tail twitch. It all happened so fast. Roger's eyes widened as his face was pressed against the lioness's genitals. With her powerful tail, the lioness had control over the little man. Roger was beginning to think this wasn't such a good idea. He placed his hands against the lioness's rump, and pushed. He didn't budge, so he pushed again, and again. Roger could hear a deep moan of pleasure from the taur. Worry crept over the restrained human. Before he could even consider his next course of action, he felt his face pressed deeper. Vaginal fluids began to creep down his neck as he was pushed further between the plump ass cheeks of the dominant lioness. His fear was justified when, with yet another push, his head was sucked up into the creatures nether regions. Roger's panic arose once again. The musk that had previously drawn Roger in was now overpowering his senses. The lioness's moans arose from the outside. Roger had no idea what was going on, or what to expect. Things only got worse for Roger as the lioness gave yet another push with her amazing strength, sending the man further into the birth canal. Finally, Roger screamed, screamed for the very first time that frightful day. He pushed on the rump with all of his might, flailing his legs in a desperate attempt to free himself. But it was no use, he knew damn well it was too late for that, he knew just how strong this creature was. Down to his chest in the taur's pussy, Roger was being drenched by the sticky vaginal excretions that lubricated the fleshy, pink walls. The musk was unbelievable strong, and Roger could now feel the lioness trembling with pleasure as she tormented her victim. "Hah... Stupid human... You should have know this was coming... Now you're mine, and I'm going to put you in your place...!" Roger cried out from the canal, his voice muffled by the lioness's fleshy confines. "What's wrong? Is the smell too much for you? Hah... It only goes on from here...!" The lioness gave a sharp moan as her muscle contacted, sucking the little human deeper and deeper inside. Deep, squelching, slurping sounds filled the lioness's fleshy innards as Roger was driven tightly and mercilessly through them. The heat, while pleasant compared to the cold prison cell, was becoming too much for Roger to handle in his panicked state of mind. He screamed once more, begging and pleading for her to stop. He knew that once he was in the lioness's womb, there was no coming back out. The sadistic taur only laughed at this pathetic attempt at freedom. Roger could only feel the cold, fresh air of the outside world against his flailing legs, which would soon be sucked up with the rest of him. "That's it, human... Hah... Hah... Keep squirming... 'Cause there's no way you're getting out of there...!" The lioness mounted herself up against the concrete wall, Roger's legs were completely soaked with lubricating fluids. With one final, stimulating contraction from the lioness's body, Roger was completely slurped up inside the giant taur. All he could do was wriggle around as his body was pushed through the warm, pulsating birth canal. "Mmm... That's right, human... Soon you'll be in my womb, helplessly squirming like the weak, little scum that you are...!" The lioness lustfully licked her lips, moaning as the wriggling human continuously stimulated her insides. As Roger reached his final destination, he felt his body compress further. The womb was tight, and even more humid that the rest of the birth canal. Roger was still for but a moment before continuing his desperate squirming. He pleaded once again, knowing such pleads would fall on deaf ears. "Aaah... you are a fighter, aren't you?~" The lioness rubbed her now bulging underside, satisfied with her devious act. The thought of having complete control over the helpless human only furthered her arousal, her pussy still dripping with fluids. Roger was hopeless. He cursed himself. He cursed the poor choices that got him thrown in prison. He cursed his stupidity in falling into the lioness's lustful trap. He knew the lioness had beaten him, and yet he was still so aroused. Assuming that these would be his last few moments, Roger undid his pants, and began fondling himself inside of the feral womb, using the strong-smelling fluids as lubricant for his shaft. Things looked bad, but Roger could not deny his utter horniness towards this predicament. After all, he had just been shoved inside the vagina of a larger female, such feelings were not so unexpected. It wasn't long before the lioness took notice of the moans arising from her still squirming womb. Roger was wriggling not just out of fear and desperation, but out of pleasure. "...Still feeling pretty horny in there, human? Hah... Hah... That makes two of us." Despite everything, the lioness and the human were sharing a moment of utter pleasure. Moans could be heard throughout the prison as the 2 beings grew closer and closer to climax. Roger grinded up against the tight walls of the womb, his squirming stimulating the lioness, who was drooling with pleasure. A mighty roar erupted from the taur as her innards contacted all around Roger, who ejaculated against the walls of the fleshy confines, crying out in utter pleasure. And then... Everything went black. - Everything was cold, so very cold. The light was blinding, and the air was dry. Roger could not move, nor could he think straight. Was he dead? "Good morning, human.~" Roger gasped at the sound of that voice. That damned, feminine voice. He immediately rose to his senses, leaping to his feet. The lioness stared smugly at her little toy. With her head tilted to one side, and her hands on her hips, she looked just as smug as ever. "You... What the hell do you want from me...?" The lioness only chuckled, an evil, toothy sneer on her feline face. "Come on human, I know you're not dumb enough to forget what happened last night!" It all came flooding back to Roger. He groaned loudly, throwing himself against the wall at the thought of the humiliating act he had been subjected to the night before. Any fear he had once felt for the taur had drifted away, such a feeling had been replaced with a sense of loathing for the creature. She had made the human her bitch! And yet, here he was. Alive and well. At first, he was confused. The taur responded as if reading his mind. "You really put up a struggle last night! Hehehe, for a human, I really enjoyed your company." "Wha- I don't even..." Roger, once again, was at complete loss of words. "Oh come on, human, I can see right through you! Don't pretend like you didn't enjoy our little game.~" With a smug sway of her black hair, the lioness approached the little man once again. All Roger could do was blush, as sweat trickled down his forehead. "Hmpf! I thought so.~" There was a slight pause, before the lioness spoke up once again. "So... You just gonna let it hang out all day?" Roger yelped with utter embarrassment upon realizing that he was completely naked. He rushed for his grey uniform, only to find out it was still drenched with the fluids of his "tormenter", who gave a devious snicker at the embarrassed human. "Welcome to prison! My name is Freynoir, and I’ll be your new cellmate.~" The lioness taunted lustfully. |
A pleasant breeze swishes through the air as the thin clouds slowly drift by. You breath a content sigh as your feet patter against loose bits of gravel lining the path. Lightly jogging along the edge of the rutted mountain surface, you really don't care where you're heading. It's on days such as this one that hiking is your favorite activity. The mellow warmth of the sun serves as a pleasant reminder as to what the wilderness means to you. It's what one may call "the perfect escape". Out here, you were free. You could run, think, and embrace the freedom that the outside world provided you. This was not the outside world your parents and teachers would continuously warn you of back home, the mundane blue-collar job you'd be forced to work just to put food on the table, no. This was the true manifestation of the outside world. The word "naive" would hardly begin to describe such a perception. Your blissful train of thought was rudely intercepted by the irksome ringing of your smartphone. You pause for a moment, letting your feet settle to the ground as a cloud of dust trails off the elevated edge of the mountain into the bright blue sky. Reaching into your pocket, you whip out your phone. It's mother. Letting out a groan, you place the phone to your ear and answer the call. "Hello?" "Hey, where are you right now? I've been trying to call you for, like, an hour now!" You frown at the sudden realization of just how far out you must be right now. The reception is terrible out here! "Eh... I'm just out hiking, mom." You mutter with a nervous smirk. "Hiking?! Where? My god, I hope your not out there all by yourself!" Dragging your hand down the side of your face, you scowl as your mother's incessant nagging rings through your phone speaker. Was it so much to ask for some peace and quiet, away from the clutches of humanities rules? You loved your mother, how couldn't you? Of course you realized she was only looking after you, as a parent should do. But hiking served as your thinking time, and all you wanted was some peace and quiet. You force a smile, not mattering as you were speaking over the phone. "I'm... with a couple friends, mom, it's fine." It hurt to lie. "Well, I hope they're looking after you." A hint of concern could be heard in your mother's voice. "Yeah, they'll be here for me, I promise." You feel your heart sink as you speak these words, but you don't know why. "...Okay... Well as long as your back before sundown... Have fun out there..." "Alright, bye ma'." "Bye, love you." You promptly hang up, and without another thought, you run. - You move up and around the mountains at a constant rate, higher and further. The sweat begins to pour as your breathing increases. It isn't long until you need to stop and take a breath. Plopping down onto a large, flat rock, you reach into your bag and pull out a water bottle, taking a prolonged chug of the crisp, cold fluid. As the heat and pressure of a strenuous sprint stiffens your legs, you take a look at your phone once more. Seeing that it was only mid-afternoon, and knowing that it would be awhile before you'd need to head back, you decide to take a prolonged rest, toying around with some time-wasting apps on your phone. This wasn't the first time you hiked on this route, but it was certainly the first time you went this far down the path. It was usually so quiet, with nothing but the ambience of birds and wind ringing faintly in your ears. Which is why you almost drop your phone off the edge of the mountain at the sudden harsh wail of an animal. You scramble to your feet, shooting darting glances in every possible direction. You almost excuse the sound as a product of your imagination, until a snarl tolls through the air in your direction. This was the first time you had actually considered the possibility of wild animals out here in the wilderness, shockingly enough. The typically peaceful nature of these grounds was enough to convince you that it was you, and you alone out here in a place you considered your safe haven. Although this creature was out of sight, it didn't take a genius to realize just what it was... It was a goddamn mountain lion. It's at that moment that your apparent safe haven warps itself into a treacherous land filled with vicious, voracious, mindless animals that would want nothing more than to feast on your delicious flesh. You tremble where you stand. You want nothing more than to get the hell out of these mountains, never to return. You have 2 options: You can run as fast as you can, back to your car, and hope to god that mountain lion won't even notice you. Or you can wait, holding your ground to let the mountain lion wander back off into the horrid den from which it arose. Although the feline is most likely distant, your nerves get the better of you as you take off sprinting. You can almost feel the jagged claws of the hungry cat digging into your soft, fleshy back already. Faster and faster you go, hardly paying any mind as to which path you take. All you want to do is get down that mountain, one way or another. Your throat burns and your vision blurs. You run for so very long, the rough gravel taking it's toll on your stamina. You need to stop, just for a moment to catch your breath. Throwing yourself up against a large, tilted rock, you gasp for what little oxygen your lungs can take in. The sense of dread you originally felt was overshadowed by the horrendous aching of your whole figure as you coughed. The taste of blood rose from your throat with every breath. "Oh... Oh my god... what the hell am I doing?" You smirk, and then, you let out a hoarse, painful chuckle. How could you be such a child? That mountain lion you were running from? It was probably so far off in the distance it couldn't even smell you! These lands were so incredible vast, and you figured that mountain lions could be pretty loud if they wanted to, so it was no surprise you heard one from so far away! You rest for a solid 20 minutes from that point on, gasping in a desperate effort to regain your stamina, before meekly pulling yourself to your feet, and continuing back down the path, still cursing your paranoia. You just want to get back to your car, go home, and put this whole thing behind you. The path goes on and on. It seems longer than usual, but then again, what do you know? You've hardly been keeping track this whole time, what with all the mindless sprinting. Much to your dismay, however, your suspicions are confirmed as you reach what seems to be a dead end. Your shoulders slouch as you let out a rather loud groan. All this distance you walked, all for a blatant dead end. The rocks and trees obscured the usual nice view you had from this altitude. You're faced with no other choice but to half-heartedly turn around, wondering if you'll ever find your way off of this wretched rock. You turn around and walk a couple steps before you nearly scream at the top of your lungs. You cover your mouth, falling right on your rear at what stands but a few feet in front of you. The mountain lion. Had it followed you? Perhaps it knew you were here the whole time. Perhaps it was toying with you, tailing you this whole time, just waiting for the precise moment to strike, as felines were prone to do. Soon, it wouldn't matter. You let out an audible obscenity as the large cat turns its head towards you. If you run, it will pounce you. If you stay, it will pounce you. Placing your hands up, you back away slowly, not breaking eye contact with the fearsome predator. It prowls closer. And you do the only thing a human can do when faced with imminent death. You run. This was your most obvious mistake. The cougar snarls with such unbelievable malice. It's claws dig into the gravel, and it leaps, it's powerful feline legs send it flying in your direction. In no more than 2 seconds, you are beneath the nimble creature, who stands proudly over it's meek prey. Your senses drift away, and you are left with no time to say your final goodbyes as you brace yourself for the inevitable mauling. And yet, the cougar stalls, staring directly into your widened eyes. You do not move, you do not make a sound. "Caught you!" If you weren't in a state of utter delirium before, you were now. Maybe you were already dead, and what stood before you was nothing but a hallucination brought on by your brain as your body shut down completely. "What's wrong? Cat got your tongue?" The cougar spoke once more with a childish snicker at such a meta pun. "...What?" Was the only thing you could mutter. "Oh, that's right, gotta do the whole 'Yes, I can talk' explanation, right? Typical!" The cat huffed in what seemed like frustration. "I'm Marlowe, by the way!" "...I don't understand, what's going on?" You asked timidly, still sure you were dead. "Didn't you hear me before, human? I caught you!" As your senses return, you begin to examine the predator that stands above you. The cougar sports a white underbelly, ears, and muzzle, all fringed with a black outline. The rest of it's coat is a light beige, which glares in the still present sunlight. Upon closer examination, you catch sight of the ever present slit on the cougars crotch, leaving little to the imagination as to what gender the animal was. Your attention is quickly drawn back to the bright blue eyes of the supposed predator, who lets out another mischievous snicker. "Heh... Ahhh~" You spout nervously. "Yep! You caught me alright, good job! You're clearly the winner here...Uh... Marlowe..." You begin to disarmingly inch your way out from under the larger female. Without warning, Marlowe immediately folds in her legs, falling directly on top of you. You gasp as the vast weight of the big cat knocks the wind out of your fragile being, an immediate sense of nervousness comes over you. The potentially dangerous animal is officially way too close now. Marlowe stares into your frightened eyes, almost expectantly. Her fluffy yet firm pelt almost smothering you, causing you to break a sweat as body heat builds between the 2 of you. "Uh... Can you please get off?" You ask in the most passive way you can possibly muster given your current position. The cougar merely giggles like a schoolgirl. "Aw come on! You really thought I was just going to let you go?" Your stomach drops at her surprisingly menacing response. "Wait... Just hold on now..." Your voice shakes with a building sense of desperation as you shuffle yourself under the big cat's surprisingly strong figure. Just what did this feline plan to do to you? "I'm a predator, you're my prey." Marlowe informs, an almost smug edge to her voice. "I thought that was the obvious part." Before you can even think of your next response, a ravenous, booming groan erupts from the cat's stomach. Her abdomen shakes with such primal hunger, and with Marlowe still spread out on top of you, you feel it all. You are overcome with such a feeling of panic and dread, the likes of which you've never felt before. This was the feeling of a man on death row, being brought down a cold corridor to his fate at the electric chair. The feeling of staring directly down the barrel of a loaded gun, a ruthless killer with his finger pressed against the trigger. That look in the cat's eyes, that famished stare meant one thing and one thing only. You were going to be her lunch. You want to scream, fleeing as fast as humanly possible. You want nothing more than the hungry cougar to lift it's dreaded weight off your profusely sweating body. Before you can think another thought, you're interrupted by the sudden sensation of a wet, slimy object being pressed against your face. You sputter as the wretched thing drags up past your lips, nose and eyes, leaving a disgusting trail of warm stickiness in it's wake. "Mmm, such a zesty favor!" Marlowe shivered with pleasure as your flavor spread across her taste buds, your sweat only making you that much more delicious. You wince, but before you can protest, the cat spreads it's repulsive tongue across your face once more, coating it with yet another glob of shimmering saliva. An unpleasant odor fills your nostrils as layer after layer of filthy slobber drenches your contorted visage. Marlowe's hot, humid breath spreads all across your face with every taste, clouding your vision. You couldn't speak even if you wanted to with the long, flat tongue spreading over such a large portion of your face. The licking goes on and on for a good minute or so before Marlowe lifts her head, taking another good look at the face of her treat. You see a gleam of satisfaction beam in the cougar's eyes as she smirks. White, pointy teeth poke out from a crease in her black lips, a good portion of saliva still seeping from them. A rather loud grumbling erupts once again from the cat's gut, sounding deeper than before. Marlowe presses her lips, and leans in close. Your eyes focus as she looms down back over your face. Suddenly, her maw spreads wide open, her tongue hangs, and you are greeted by a sickening, wet belch that erupts from the hungry cat's throat. Bits of saliva spread across your face once more as you grimace. The foul stench of feral, unwashed breath overwhelms your senses. You can only assume the smell came from the past victims of the predator's torturous game. You wonder just how many others had came down this path, and were unfortunate enough as you to be caught by the ravenous cougar. Her bodily functions work well in serving as a cruel reminder as to your eventual fate. "Oh~ Excuse me... That was a ripe one! How rude of me!" The cat spoke, swaying her large paw from side to side in an exaggerated fashion. Marlowe's mocking playfulness alone is enough to make you want to vomit. "Well, I think you and I have waited long enough, time to get to the main course!" Your disgust was overshadowed by a returning sense of dread as Marlowe spoke conclusively. You weakly struggle once more, despite knowing just how futile your efforts were. Marlowe finally lifts herself off of you, much to your short-lived relief. It felt good to not have the large cat breathing directly on your face, but it was a feeling that certainly would not last. The split second of freedom would have been your best chance to flee. But long before you can muster up the physical strength to pull yourself off of the ground, Marlowe swiftly wraps her long, thick tail around your waist, pinning your arms to your sides. No... She can't possibly... And yet, she does. Marlowe effortlessly vaults you up off of the ground using nothing but the white tipped tail protruding from her rear. You never thought of such a feat to be possible, but then again, you never assumed a cougar could talk. With your arms bound and your legs dangling, you are briskly flipped upside down. You gasp as the pressure immediately builds against the inside of your skull. The worst is yet to come as you're brought face to face yet again with your tormenter, her snout ever-so-close in your field of vision. "Hello there!" The feline spoke with a false sense of innocence. Up until now, you could have denied it. You could have denied that such a thing were true. But there is doubting it now, as the cat slowly spreads her powerful jaws wide open, revealing a pink, glistening cavern, lined with rows of the biggest, pointiest teeth you've ever seen. As the hot, noxious breath of the cat spreads all across your face and into your lungs once again, you know it to be true. You are food. Any restrain you once had is stripped away as you scream. "No, wait!! I don't want to be eaten!! Stop, please!!" Marlowe closes her jaws, only to dismiss your final pleads. "If you didn't want to be eaten, you shouldn't have gotten caught." You feel the miniscule sense of spirit you have left shatter into a million pieces at this final statement. It hits you, the cruel reminder that this, all of this, was your own fault. You could have just stayed home, better yet, you could have just stayed where it was safe. You could have stayed home, playing video games. You could have hung out with your friends, or went shopping, anything! But no, instead, you came out here. Out here in the vast wilderness, all by your lonesome, left to face the previously dismissed dangers lurking around every corner of this horrid place. You lied to your mother, and that would be the last thing you would ever do. Nobody would ever find you out here. In fact, you'd probably end up as a mound of waste sitting at the edge of the accursed mountain, long forgotten by the predator who would surely be your undoing. You are harshly snapped back to reality as the maw spreads once again. Thick strands of saliva stretch all around the fleshy insides. Behind it all, you see the round, quivering tunnel that was none other than the cat's throat. You can do nothing but let out another scream as you're suddenly lowered into the wide, hungry orifice, flailing you legs and twitching your still bound arms. Within seconds, your head is plunged directly into Marlowe's throat, a sickening slimy sound surrounds your range of hearing, the slippery flesh muffling all else. The pungent stench of cat breath only gets worse as you're driven deeper and deeper into the warm tunnel that would surely be your demise. Moans of what you assume to be pleasure erupt from the famished feline as you slid down her dripping throat. Your screams of terror are nearly muted by the horribly tight walls that surround your head. The grotesque sound of gulping rings loudly in your ears. She's swallowing you. The thought of being plunged deeper into the disgusting caverns only worsens your panicked state of mind. You're down to your shoulders in the cat's throat before you hear another moan of pleasure. You feel a considerable struggle from Marlowe as she gulps down your shoulders. The tightness surrounding them is enough to make you flinch. With the widest part of your body out of the way, it would only be that much easier for her to swallow the rest of you. Another gulp, and deeper you go. The smell and humidity grow more intense the further you're forced down into the hungry cat's body. You squirm, jerking from side to side in a humorously futile attempt to free yourself from these fleshy confines. If anything, it only makes the experience that much more enjoyable for the feline, as another sharp moan can be heard. You feel a pressure placed up against your lower abdomen, which is already sliding down Marlowe's throat. The pressure circles all around, spreading more and more saliva across your belly. It's Marlowe's paw. She moans sharply, again and again before placing her other forepaw onto the fleshy bulge that is your head, which has already slide down into her midsection. You feel the cougar's whole body begin to tremble as waves of pleasure spread throughout it. The sensation of you slipping down the feline's body was profoundly gratifying to her. So much so that she stopped swallowing for a brief moment, continuously rubbing the wriggling bulge protruding from her throat and midsection. When she's had enough of the rubbing, Marlowe treats herself to yet another gulp. Won't be long now. You're already down to your knees the the feline's body. You can feel yourself beginning to daggle from underneath the cat, her torso already hanging like some kind of pudgy hammock as it supports your weight. You kick what little of your legs still remain outside that gaping maw, but with every movement, you feel them slide deeper. As her jaws close around your twitching feet, you feel your shoes and sock slip right off. Marlowe had shut her teeth around your ankles as your feet slide in, obviously preferring a barefoot prey sliding down her gullet. And then, you hear it. The last couple gulps it takes to send the rest of you right down into the stomach. The gulps are grotesquely deep, deeper than the ones previously heard. You feel your whole body slip down the full length of Marlowe's throat, effectively sealing your fate. And before you know it, you're sitting in her stomach. An elongated sigh of gluttonous relief rings from the voracious cat as she feels the last of you curl into her bulging gut. "Ahhhhh~ Right where you belong..." Marlowe spoke with pleasure trailing in her voice. You scream once more. This wasn't right, not in the slightest. Throughout the fleshy prison, deep gurgling and bubbling can be heard, coupled by the faint sound of a heartbeat, still quickened by the near ecstasy of the feline. Beneath you sits a sticky puddle of thick, gooey saliva. Your own stomach turns in disgust at the foul smell of the atrocious cat's groaning belly. Surrounded by the pulsating walls of the stomach utterly terrifies you. You know damn well what the stomach is designed to do. You don't want to believe it. You don't want to accept that your whole life has led up to you being food for this horrid creature. In a state of utter terror, you begin to plead, begging for your life, just barely audible to the cougar. "P- please let me out... I don't want to die, please!!" In response, you hear a sadistic roar of laughter rise from the feline predator. "Sorry, but you're kitty food now, human! Have fun down there!" Marlowe spoke, patting her squirming gut. "No... I..." You can no longer hold back your tears. "...I want to go home..." Your squirms and your pleads only seem to make the experience that much more enjoyable for the vile cat. Marlowe purrs as she lays on top of her squirming bulge, rubbing all around to enhance the overwhelming sense of pleasure tingling throughout her entire body. Feeling your struggles and hearing your futile begging was, to say the least, utterly orgasmic. "Mmm~ What's the matter? You want out?" Marlowe spoke with such insidious taunting, obviously with no intent on letting you out from her wretched stomach. With a deep grumble from her slimy innards, the cat lets out yet another wet, disgusting burp from her voracious maw. You cease, quitting both your struggling and your pleading. You've exhausted yourself, both mentally and physically. You simply can't muster up the strength to continue your futile efforts any longer, as your body falls limp and your vision blurs. Feeling the stomach walls shake, you are alerted by the cougar's feminine voice once again. "Hm... Well, if you don't want to keep struggling, I could always digest you." The thought of such a thing immediately shocks you out of your trance as you resume your pointless struggles. Somehow, delaying the inevitable seems like your best option. The cougar's incencient purrs persist as you continue your aimless struggles, still in utter terror of being digested, broken down into nothing but nutrients and fat for the feline. With every caress of the fleshy walls, you feel Marlowe tense up. Soon, her purrs turn to huffs, breaths of ecstasy. The thought of her warm breath is enough to make you sick once again. "Hah... hah...! That's it, prey...! That's it...!" The huffs grow louder, soon taking the form of sharp moans as the cougar reaches what you can only assume to be the pinnacle of pleasure. You fear you'll be digested at any moment now. You want to scream once again, but you feel so utter drained of any energy, you merely continue your meek squirms against the fleshy prison. Finally, the moaning stops, and the feline falls silent, save for a few muted breaths from the still shaking creature. You feel the immense weight of the cat lift off of you, leaving you to assume she stood up off of her squirming belly. This is certainly it. Pretty soon, Marlowe would be going to sleep, and you would left to digest. Nobody would ever find you out here. Everything you've done up to this point has been for nothing. Pretty soon you'd be nothing, nothing but nutrients, fat, and a mound of literal waste. With one last feeble struggle, you close your eyes. - The first thing you notice as your senses return is a distinct odor, one that shakes you to your core. Everything is blurred, and for a few seconds, you don't know what is going on. That is, until a deep groaning sound immediately reminds you of the horrid predicament you were last left in. You are still in the feline's horrid belly. It surprises you that you haven't been digested yet, not even close actually. In fact, you seem completely unscathed. You must have dozed off for no more than a few minutes. And yet, part of you wishes the cat's digestive system would just get it over with. You've lost all hope, the thought of having to sit here for even another minute was enough to make you wish you had a gun so you could put a bullet through your head. One thing that catches your attention is the distinctive feeling of movement all throughout the stomach, as if you are being swayed. What could it be? Was the predator taking a nice stroll after enjoying it's meal? Probably trying to walk the fat off, you think to yourself with a sigh. Suddenly, the swaying stops. Before you can wonder why, however, your train of thought is interrupted by... gagging? Had Marlowe actually choked on something? You thought that was absurd, considering how little effort it took for her to swallow a full grown human such as yourself! You flinch as the stomach wall seem to suddenly get tighter, squeezing up against your fragile being. This prison was already small enough as it was, any tighter and you would surely suffocate! You struggle once more against the pink, fleshy walls, grunting in distress as you feel yourself pushed upward from the saliva pooling where you sat. You gasp as you head is pushed up through the top of the stomach, the slimy confines are definitely smothering you now. Another gag rings from Marlowe, and your eyes widen. You can almost feel a smirk trickle across your face as you're pushed further through the familiar flesh tunnel. Up you go, further and further. You can see it now, a light at the end of the tunnel. Your face beams as your reach for it. Almost there... And just like that, you lie flat on your back, the orange sun beaming down upon you, as if God himself is smiling. The sticky saliva pools beneath you, still warm as you gasp. Fresh air, it's been so long. Your blissful sense of freedom is shattered as the flat snout of a feline butts it's way into view. "And hello again!" Marlowe spoke with such infuriating innocence. You don't speak. You don't even move. You feel your heart sink as you realise your freedom will only last so long. If you run, she'll pounce you again. If you stay, she'll pounce you again. Not wanting to strain yourself in another one-sided chase, you choose the latter. That's when you look up, noticing the one thing you had hoped you could reach this whole time. It's your car. Your lovely, beautiful car. You could swear it didn't even look this good the first day you got it. But... Why were you here? You turn your attention away from the vehicle, and back to those bright blue eyes of the cougar. "Hm? This is your car, isn't it?" Marlowe spoke with a tilt of her head. "What? I don't understand..." Confused did not even begin to describe what you were feeling. "Oh, you must have really though you were going to die." The cougar spoke once again with a false sense of innocence. "Well, haven't you ever met a cat before? We like to toy with our prey!" She gave a tilt of her head, followed by a deceitful giggle. You pull yourself to your feet, almost glaring at the feline, trying to comprehend what just took place. She ate you, whole and alive! And now she was just going to let you go? Had it all just been a sick game? The cougar approaches disarmingly, causing you to take a good few steps back. She paused for a moment. "Hey... It's okay... I'm not going to hurt you." You feel a sense of comfort overcome you. But how could this be? This cat, this creature had put you through such horrors for her own selfish benefit! You were forced into her stomach, treated like a lesser being, and... and... Looking back on it, part of you enjoyed it. You don't know what it was, but seeing past the fear, there was something to be gained from the experience this cat had subjected you to. Hell, the whole reason you were so terrified in the first place is because you really and truly believed the whole time that you were going to die. But now you knew, that simply wasn't the case. You had become so distracted by your internal monologue that you didn't realise the cat was now standing mere inches from your face. You can still feel the hot breath from her nostrils, and it never felt so welcoming. She places a large, furry paw up against your cheek, sending a warm tingling sensation all throughout your body. And then she kisses you. That long, feline tongue of hers moves affectionately all throughout your mouth, stimulating your mind and your body. You happily return the favor, closing your eyes and embracing the warm kitty. You're still coated in thick saliva, but you don't care, and neither does she. You thought she was an enemy. You thought she was nothing but a mindless, feral predator who would end your life without a second though. But you were wrong. And so you sat beside your newfound love, grooming through her beige pelt as she purred. For awhile, you talked. You talked about the world, what it was like seeing it from 2 points of view, the eyes of a human, and the eyes of a cougar. You told stories, stories of the times you had spent out here in the wilderness, with little but the wind, the birds, and your thoughts to keep you company. And now you realised, you didn't want things to be that way anymore, the same goes for the both of you. When the time comes, the 2 of you say your goodbyes. You watch in awe as the majestic feline leaps off into the distant mountains, directing a flirtatious wink at you as one final send-off. You sit down in you car, watching the magnificent, orange sunset through the front window. Breathing a content sigh, you drive off down the road, knowing this would not be the last time you'd see these wonderful mountains. |
He slowly becomes aware, although it is as though he is peering through a haze, through half-lidded eyes. There is a tongue that toys with his own as it lolls from his slack-jawed mouth. There is soft, warm breath that touches his face, and a sound like a cat’s purr that touches his ears- teasing, tickling. There is the sensation of a body touching his- a feminine feeling touch, but powerful- muscular. He realizes that the hair atop his head is in the grasp of a hand, a grip that holds him close- to her face. Her hair mingles with his as she holds him- so close. With her other hand, she is trailing her fingers up and down his chest- tracing the curves of his abs and pectorals. She seems to be taking the measure of him, even as her hand eases its way downward, until it finds the hardness of his manhood. Sleepy- so very much wanting to sleep, to succumb to the pleasant sense of comfort that has taken him over. He breathes deeply more of the perfume that she exudes all about him. The touch of her hand upon his throbbing member recalls to him the bliss of moments just past, of the powerful orgasm that wracked his whole being as- “As what?” he muses idly, like he is viewing himself from some distance. Thinking is such a chore, he decides, slipping back into a reverie that is fixed upon her- upon everything that she is doing to him in these tender moments. Slipping, he decides. Sliding. No, more like what it must feel like to be swallowed whole. Liquid, surrounding him. Warm. Comforting. And muscular the sensation of his whole body being kneaded, guided inward, drawn into a soft and tender place. She purrs. She toys with his tongue and laps at his cheek, playfully. He would turn away, if only he could, to avoid the insult. But nothing is working. His cock throbs, but hands, arms, and legs won’t obey. He breathes softly- gentle pants owing to the exertion of his orgasmic moments of ecstasy so recently past. Without words spoken, she is reassuring him- by her touch, by her guidance, by her luxurious taking of him inside her. He is falling into her, as she beckons him with a peristaltic motion that he cannot resist. No more need to resist. He is hers, and she will welcome him to his final resting place deep within her. Pulses, slow and insistent, guide his descent. Even if he were able to resist, it would prove futile. He is becoming more aware, moment by moment. But by the time he could be awake enough to feel fear and panic, it is too late. His powerful cock, still oozing with the cream of his ejaculate, is embraced in several languid pulses of her cleft- slowly disappearing from view within the warmth of her vagina. A powerful and sensual cleft just below her tummy that he is becoming part of. Settling, deeper and deeper, his waist surrenders to her relentless advance. There is no need to hurry now. He is truly hers- spellbound and content to give her whatever she wants of him. With her arms around him, she holds him to her bosom- his face warm where it snuggles against her bountiful breast. It is a lover’s embrace that he doesn’t want to end, as his own arms are bound within her and his chest rhythmically settles deeper, deeper into her. First rising up a bit, and then down- a bit deeper with each pulse. Lips- those tender labial lips that surround him bathe him in a warm, soft liquid that eases his passage. There is such a sensual perfume that teases his senses as the lips entreat him to venture deeper, deeper. His biceps, shoulders so square and strong, all give way to the tenderness that luxuriously surrounds and smothers them now, as vulva lovingly close down to frame his neck, and his face that gazes up at her, with a last entreaty for her to be merciful. There will be mercy, but not of the sort that he would expect as a being of this world. Settling ever deeper, the sensual lips caress his cheeks, enfold his nose as his nostrils flare, and with his last look upon her beautiful face the lips urge his eyes to close. The disappearance of the world without inspires his last bit of struggle to resist what is being done to him. The crown of his head slips into her and his long hair jerks several times, until a few moments pass, and his tousled locks glide, wetted by her juices, into her depths. One can hear her purr, as she watches her sex take him. She places her hands on either side of her nethers, and slowly follows the bulge within her as it settles into a warm and gentle place from which none who venture ever return. A large bulge in her lower serpent’s body that in a short time finds its home where hips should be, and settles there, to become one with its lover. She reclines, in the softness of the bracken and grass surrounding this place, and contemplates what has just happened. Almost too easy, she decides. These humans are such easy prey. And oh, so delicious… |
The Gynecologist By: Cameilla Something wasn’t right. For the past few days Katie had been having this weird pain in her abdomen. No matter what she tried, nothing seemed to help. Katie was becoming frustrated that nothing seemed to work! She began to think something was seriously wrong, so she made any appointment to see her gynecologist Dr. Stedwell. Katie arrived early for her appointment and took a seat in the large waiting room. Katie always arrived early to everything; it was a habit of hers. As she sat in the waiting room, a sharp pain ran through her abdomen. Katie cringed and grabbed her waist to try and stop the feeling. She held it until the pain subsided. “Maybe I’ll read a Magazine to distract me,” she thought as she spotted them on the table beside her. Katie grabbed the closest one to her, which just happened to be Cosmo, and flipped it open. It opened to a section on tips for masturbating and Kate started reading. As she read about the different toys that make maximum clitoral stimulation she began to get turned on. Hearing about the different toys made her think of her “little pearl” vibrating across her clit, and she began to get horny. She looked around the waiting room and noticed that no one was there accept for her. “What the hell.” she thought, “No ones here and I’ve got plenty of time.” Katie held the magazine in her left hand, and slowly tucked her right hand down her pants. She gently pushed the lips of her labia apart and searched for her clit, which was already swollen and easy to find. She slowly began rubbing it, sending tiny waves of pleasure throughout her body. Half a minute into it the sharp pain ran through her abdomen again. She immediately pulled her hand out and clutched her waist. “Well that was a mood killer,” she said to herself once the pain subsided again. She put down the magazine and resigned herself to waiting quietly. Soon Dr. Stedwell came out to get her. She led Katie through a long sterile hallway to a room at the far end. When they entered the room, Katie put down her bag and Stedwell said, “There is a gown on the bed. You know the drill. Take off all your clothes, put the gown on, and I will be back shortly.” She smiled as she closed the door and left Katie alone in the room. As soon as she was alone, Katie began to strip down. She took off her shirt and her pants and placed them in a pile on the near by chair. She then slowly took off her bra, exposing her perfect breasts to the cold air. Last to come off was her panties. She slipped off her g-string freeing her pussy. She put on the gown that was laid out for her and plopped herself on to the bed waiting for Dr. Stedwell to come back in. Soon Stedwell came back into the room. She pulled the stirrups out and told Katie to assume the position. Katie complied, and put her feet in the stirrups, exposing her pussy to the doctor. “So, you’ve been having pain in your abdomen?” She asked. Katie nodded. “When was the last time you had intercourse?” She asked politely. All gynecologists were required to ask this question, and Katie was not embarrassed. She replied, “Not for a couple of months now.” “Well I’m going to give you a pelvic examine and see if we can find out what’s wrong with you, okay?” Dr. Stedwell put on her rubber gloves, squeezed gel onto the two forefingers of her right hand, and gently pushed them into Katie’s waiting vagina. As soon as her fingers went in, Katie felt the pain in her abdomen, and it was stronger than before. “Be careful,” she said. “Did that hurt?” Stedwell asked, concern starting to show on her face. “Yes,” said Katie, trying to fight the feeling. Stedwell proceeded with the exam, trying to be more gentle, but the pain continued unabated. “Oh…be careful please...” said Katie. She was trying her hardest to hold back. Stedwell saw the look on Katie’s face. “Does it hurt that much?” she asked, her concern rising. “No…it’s just…” Katie could no longer control it. She gave in and let out a yell as her vagina began to expand. Stedwell looked on in terror as Katie’s vagina slowly began to devour her hand. She tried to pull away, but Katie’s vagina was too strong. “What’s going on?!” She yelled. “What the hell is happening?!” Katie’s vagina began to expand even more and suck in her whole arm. Katie screamed out in pleasure at the feeling of another person entering her. She was wet and Stedwell was sliding in easily. Stedwell’s head and shoulders began to disappear inside. One last final scream left Stedwell’s lips as her head was devoured. Once the shoulders were inside her, the rest of the body slid in with ease. As Stedwell’s body entered the deep, dark recesses of Katie’s vagina, she kicked and scrapped, trying her hardest to escape. All the movement just heightened Katie’s pleasure and as her body passed through Katie’s cervix and into her vagina, she orgasmed in an explosion of wondrous pleasure that she had not felt in months. Once the orgasm subsided, Katie looked down at her swollen belly and smiled. She could feel Stedwell still kicking inside her, trying desperately to free her self. “That was great, thank you,” she said to her swollen belly. She got up off the bed, rubbing her belly, picturing the look on Stedwell’s as she pulled her inside. Katie took off the gown, and took a brief moment to stare at her naked body in the mirror. She smiled at the image of her pregnant self. Katie then went over to her bag, and pulled some clothes she had brought with her. She watched herself get dressed in the mirror and placed her clothes that were now sizes too small into her bag. As she left the room, Katie went straight for the front desk. As Katie approached the desk she spotted Nancy, one of the nurses she always made small talk with. “How’s the baby doing today?” Asked Nancy. “Good.” said Katie with a smile. “But she’s kicking up a storm today.” “Isn’t that just the way with babies!” She said. “Yes it is.” said Katie as she turned to the person behind the desk. The lady, whom Katie knew as Stacy, looked up from her computer and asked, “How was your visit hun? Is there anything I can do for you?” “Good,” said Katie. “But I need another gynecologist.” |
Divine Mess By: Cameilla Eiron was a bored. The life of a god was one of leisure and Eiron was tired of just sitting around. He would sit all day, watching the lives of the mortals below, and today he decided he was done sitting and watching, he was going to join them. Eiron spoke to his father, explaining his desire to visit the mortals, and was granted a one day pass to earth. Eiron left immediately, not needing to take anything with him except the clothes on his back, and flew down to earth. Eiron landed right smack in the middle of the Boston Commons, and looked at his surroundings. He was not sure where exactly he was, seeing as he had never been to earth before and although he had watched the mortals from above, he had no idea of what they called this place. Eiron wandered around the commons, stopping to stare at the swan boats with the mortals riding on their backs. As Eiron watched them swimming along the pond, he was suddenly knocked to the ground. When he realized what had just happened he noticed a beautiful woman standing above him with eyes the color of dark chocolate and hair the color of beach sand. She was reaching her hand out toward his and he gladly accepted it, using it to pull himself up to his feet. When he was standing again he brushed himself off and stared back at the lovely woman who had helped him up. “I’m so sorry,” she said. “For, you know, knocking you over.” “It’s okay.” He replied. “No, really it’s not okay. I should have been paying attention. I do that all the time” “Knock people over?” He asked. “Not pay attention to where I am going. Occasionally I do knock people over.” She said with a smile. Eiron was very intrigued by this girl. He never thought any mortal could be as beautiful as the one standing before him. “My name is Eiron,” he said, stretching his arm out to shake hands with this lovely creature. “My name is Cameilla. Nice to meet you…Eiron.” She said accepting the invitation of his hand and shaking it. “Sorry again for knocking you over.” “Well, do you want to make it up to me?” He asked. “Sure, how can I make it up to you?” She asked, a little hesitantly as she wasn’t sure what he was going to ask of her. “Show me around this place. I am new here.” Cameilla was relieved that that was all he wanted her to do, and agreed. “By the way, what is this place called that I am in?” he asked. “Boston,” she replied “and you are going to love this city.” Cameilla took Eiron to all the touristy places of Boston, showing him the public gardens, Faneuil Hall, the freedom trail (the red line that goes through Boston leading to all the major historic sites) and finally to the Aquarium, her favorite place in the whole city. She showed him the dolphins, which were her favorite, and they ended up going through the whole aquarium twice. Once they were done they stood outside looking at the docks with the ships rolling by and Cameilla asked, “So do you like Boston?” Eiron smiled. “Yes, I did enjoy myself,” he said, “But there is one thing that I still want to do.” “And what is that?” Cameilla asked, curiously. “Have dinner at your place.” He said. Cameilla looked him up and down. He was hansom, she thought, and had beautiful eyes. She wouldn’t mind inviting him to her place for dinner. “Okay,” she replied, “Lets go to my place and I will make you some dinner.” They hailed a taxi and arrived at her apartment a half hour later. Cameilla led him up four flights of stairs to her apartment. When she unlocked the door she held it open and gestured for him to enter first. He apartment was exquisite he thought, very elegant and beautiful for a tiny apartment in Brookline. She showed him the living room and gestured for him to take a seat on the couch. “Would you like anything to drink?” she asked. “No, I’m fine thank you.” He replied. She then sat down next to him on the couch, and began conversation. “We still have plenty of time, so before I start dinner I thought maybe we could talk, get to know each other.” She smiled. “So, what brings you to Boston?” “Um…curiosity I guess.” He replied. Eiron couldn’t help but stare into her beautiful dark eyes. He didn’t know why but he had an urge to throw her down on the couch and fuck her right then and there. But he stifled that urge. He wasn’t sure what the ramifications would be for a god having sex with a mortal. Cameilla noticed him staring into her eyes and decided to cut to the chase. “I like you.” She said very candidly. “I like you, and I find you very attractive. All day I have been thinking about jumping on top of you and riding you until we both come.” Eiron was a little taken aback by this. He had no idea she had felt that way towards him as he had felt that way towards her. He didn’t know what to say in reply so instead he grabbed her head, pulling it toward him, and kissed her passionately on the lips. To hell with the rules, he thought, I want her now. As Eiron kissed her, Cameilla took that to mean he wanted the same thing and she began to unbutton her blouse. They stayed locked in the kiss as she proceeded to take her bra off, exposing her supple breasts and tender nipples. They released their lips and Cameilla could see that Eiron was beginning to bulge from his pants. She had to release it from its prison, and began to unzip his pants. While she was doing this all that was running through Eiron’s mind was I want to be inside her, I want to feel myself inside her. Once Cameilla had unzipped the pants, she reached her hand inside and gently pulled out his penis from its fabric prison. Once it was free, she gently situated herself on her knees on the ground between his legs, and began to stroke it. Eiron was in ecstasy. He has never been touched like this by a mortal before and he was enjoying it immensely. He rolled his head back, closed his eyes, and let her do what she wanted. After a minute or so of stroking, Cameilla began to lick it up and down. Pleasurable sighs uttered from Eiron’s lips and Cameilla knew she was making him feel wonderful. She then stuck the whole thing in her mouth, pulsating up and down. Eiron made noises he had never made before as his pleasure grew even more with this. She moved up and down in rhythm, being sure to use her tongue to stimulate the head. Eiron was getting so close and Cameilla couldn’t take it any longer, she wanted him to be inside her. She released his penis from her mouth, stood up, and began to pull down her skirt and thong. Once they were on the floor, she crouched down on Eiron’s lap, facing the back of the couch, and placed his penis inside her. The feeling of his erect penis sliding so easily into her wet vagina was absolutely amazing. Cameilla then grabbed onto the back of the couch for support and began moving her hips back and forth, moving the penis around inside her. Eiron was in absolute ecstasy. He grabbed her hair with one hand, pulled her neck towards him and began to kiss her neck as she continued to shift her hips backward and forward. Her neck tasted good, Eiron thought, but what about her breasts. Eiron released his grip on her hair and grabbed her nipple, placing it in his mouth. Her breasts were fantastic, and he used his tongue to feel around her nipple which caused Cameilla to scream out in pleasure. Nipples were her weakness and they always made her come much faster, although Eiron didn’t know that. As Eiron sucked on her nipple Cameilla got closer and closer, until finally she came, squirting juice all over Eiron’s genital area. As soon as he felt the contractions of her vagina as she came, Eiron too could no longer hold it in, and came inside her, filling her with cum. Once Eiron had released, he began to feel dizzy. Eiron wasn’t sure why and he tried to pull himself out and noticed that he was stuck inside her, he couldn’t pull himself out! As Eiron attempted to pull out he realized he was beginning to shrink and was being pulled into her vagina. He had no idea what was happening and no matter what godly power he tried to use, nothing worked. He watched the room get bigger and bigger around him, as he got smaller and smaller. He was soon just small enough to pass through and he struggled, tried to fight against her, but she was too powerful. He attempted to push against her labia, trying to pull himself out but he was now small and weak. He was pulled deeper and deeper inside her, feeling the muscles walls of her vagina contract around him. It was wet and slippery and once he was completely devoured, he tried to push against the walls but couldn’t get a grip. Cameilla was enjoying this immensely. Eiron’s struggling was turning her on again. She could feel him pushing against her g-spot while struggling to get out and it felt fantastic. After minutes of struggling Eiron little arms were growing weak and he could no longer struggle any longer. He gave up and let himself be sucked from her vagina into her uterus. Once Eiron was inside her, he tried to pound the walls, but nothing helped. He was trapped inside. Eiron curled up into the fetal position and laid down, wondering what was going to happen to him. Cameilla sat down on the couch, rubbing her swollen abdomen. “Thanks Eiron,” she said, “You have made a goddess very happy.” |
Gardaran: Gardaran had just stripped out of his tank top in the change rooms of his gym, the big bull sweaty and sore after a marathon workout. He opened his locker, searching for a clean towel in his bag with one hand as he tossed his dirty shirt into the bag in the locker to grab later. The bulls muscles rippled across his bare back as he moved, pulling out a towel and a bar of soap and setting them down on the bench, before he pushed his bag back into the locker and began to pull down his sweat pants. [14:14] Ignatius Copperhorn walked into the locker room, the ram was a new member of the Gym, though he was already excellently toned and fit, likely one who worked out near constantly. He caught an eyeful of the large bull and a plan started to flow through his head, that body was delicious looking and he wondered how good it'd look as a jizz stain. [14:16] Gardaran had just dumped his sweatpants on the bench and he stood in a jockstrap, showing off his furry, muscled ass in the immodest underwear. He looked up and noticed the fit ram and gave a small smile. "Heya! New here?" He raised an inquisitive eyebrow, pausing in undressing for a moment. [14:18] Ignatius Copperhorn nodded. "Aye, name's Ignatius, just signed up 'ere today, last gym started to look more like a ghost town after a few months of me working out there, dunno why though." Which was a lie but, he'd never tell anyone that he was the reason that the last gym he went too was his former hunting ground when he was in the mood for big sexy men. [14:20] Gardaran nodded. "Well, welcome! I'm sure you'll like it." He didn't give much of a thought to the mention of Ignatius' last gym, it wasn't too unusual. "Call me Gardaran. Let me know if you need any help." He offered a smile, and pulled down his jockstrap. A big, flaccid bullcock flopped out along with two furry orbs the size of oranges. He tossed it with his other clothes and slapped his towel over his shoulder. [14:23] Ignatius Copperhorn nodded. "Aye, I will. By the by, you got a towel to spare? Been workin out rather hard and I forgot mine at 'ome." He'd explain as he'd move to the locker he got at registration and started to strip himself down, the ram's chest was muscled with a bit of a paunch on his gut, he definitely worked out though didn't seem interested in getting much bigger likely a speed over strength decision like a swimmer would make, his pants coming off to reveal a pair of well padded asscheaks and the back of his own jock strap. [14:24] Gardaran: "Probably, lemme check." He moved back to his back and dug into it, moving around clean clothes and other odds and ends until he pulled out a white towel from the bottom. "Its a bit screwed up, but clean." He tossed it to the ram as soon as he was sure he was paying attention. "Good body you've got there, must work hard on it." Gardaran complimented. [14:27] Ignatius Copperhorn nodded at that with a smile on his face. "Aye, takes a bit o work but, certainly comes with a perk or three, can easily lift over five hundred pounds if I need to." He'd say as he'd drop his jock strap showing off his massive balls easily the size of large ripe pumpkins as well as the thick canon barrel of a sheathe he was packing. "So, mind if we shower together big guy?" He'd say having to lean up a bit to look at the bull. [14:30] Gardaran widened his eyes as he took in the size of the ram's cock and balls, subtly impressed. "Hey, I've got nothing to be ashamed of." He gestured to his nude body, and smiled casually. "And from the looks of it, neither do you." He gestured between the ram's legs and whistled. "That is some manhood you got there." [14:33] Ignatius Copperhorn chuckled. "Aye, got some good genes, that and proper care really made it grow." He said with a smile as he'd look at the bull not so subtly fondling his own orbs. "Yeh've got quite a set on yeh too~" [14:35] Gardaran laughed. "Proper care?" He questioned, his hand gently massaging his own sweaty sack. "I mean, what can do you do to make em that big? They look like they'd be able to hold someone!" He chuckled at the idea. [14:39] Ignatius Copperhorn smirked knowingly at that but he wouldn't outright admit that was how they got so large. "So, how about we 'ave that shower big man? Maybe... a bit of getting dirty before we clean up eh?" He'd tease. [14:41] Gardaran grinned. "Well, no point cleaning up if we're just going to get all hot and sweaty again." He hinted teasingly, his hands still groping his own balls, which was causing his bullhood to slowly fill with blood. "I mean, its just saving water right? [14:43] Ignatius Copperhorn nodded and he'd start to rub his own sweaty nuts allowing his own cock to start doing the same as he'd motion for the big bull to lead on. "You take the lead, yer the senior at the gym~" [14:47] Gardaran moved closer to the ram, releasing his own balls and falling to his knees on the cold tiles. "Well, it'd be disrespectful not to show these huge balls a good time." He grinned, and gave the sweaty orbs a long, thorough lick. [14:49] Ignatius Copperhorn tilted his head back and moaned softly as his balls were licked, causing his cock to start to emerge from his sheathe so much more, filling the air with his musk it was a spicy, earthy scent. [14:53] Gardaran grinned, inhaling the strong musky scent of the other male and enjoying the salty flavour of his skin on his thick tongue. It was strong enough to massage and jostle the other males balls, and he slid it up to wrap around the base of Ignatius' cock, squeezing and massaging the hot flesh. [14:55] Ignatius Copperhorn groaned as his spire was now easier to see, his cock was rather unique in how it looked, the coloring a deep brown nearly black with glowing yellow veins giving it the appearance of volcanic rock, and the heat his heat was intense though not in a bad way. [15:00] Gardaran groaned. The heat of the other males cock was intense and it made him lust for it all the more it was the most exotic cock he had ever laid eyes on. He moved his hands up to stroke down its sides, collecting the dripping pre to lube the length of maleness. [15:04] Ignatius Copperhorn groaned out as his cock was practically worshiped by the big bull. "Mmm, yer good at this~" [15:06] Gardaran grinned, and moved his way up the cock with his dexterous tongue, slicking it with saliva, until he reached the top and paused to stroke with it and play with every inch, moaning at the heat in his mouth as he slid it around the top inch of Ignatius' cock. [15:07] Ignatius Copperhorn groaned out at that gently reaching out to grab the bull's horns as he felt him cresting his cock, wondering if he should take him now or after he forced him to drink his load. [15:13] Gardaran: The bull pulled back, his lips popping off the cock, a string of saliva still connecting him to it as he looked up at the ram whose hands were wrapped around his horns. "You're a pred, aren't ya?" He questioned with a curious glance to his face and down to his huge balls. "Only explanation, really." He said, caressing that sack with his hands. [15:14] Ignatius Copperhorn chuckled. "Yeh figured it out did yeh?" He'd say looking down at the bull as pre leaked heavily from his cock tip causing a glowing orange line to flow down his dick and over his balls. [15:17] Gardaran: "I'm guessing ya want to churn me into cock snot, right?" He questioned, still stroking the cock, the orange pre collecting on his hands. [15:22] Ignatius Copperhorn nods. "Aye, that was kinda the plan once yeh started sucking me off." He explained with a blush at being caught. [15:23] Gardaran nodded, and gave the other males cock a lick. "Well, what ya waiting for? I'm some prime beef, just waiting to be turned into a hot salty load." [15:26] Ignatius Copperhorn blinked at that. "Well, alright then... go ahead and shove your head right in then~" He'd say as he'd lean his cock in such a way that his cum slit seemed to leer at him like a hungry mouth [15:27] Gardaran nodded, and moved his head close to the hungry slit. "Just make a big mess with me, right?" He said, before shoving himself head first into the slit, spreading it wide open. [15:31] Ignatius Copperhorn nodded and moaned. "Mmm fuck yes~ I planned on it you big sexy cum stain~" [15:33] Gardaran forced his shoulders into the hungry cock, the slick pre making the trip easier, as his own cock leaked non-stop onto the floor. [15:36] Ignatius Copperhorn groaned out in pleasure at that. "Mmm you feel so damn good~ Oh fuck yes gonna make a mess all over with you~" [15:40] Gardaran wiggled his way in further, hooves slipping on the tiles, his cock unsatisfied with his arms now captured at his side. The thought of becoming nothing but sperm was so humiliating and hot. [15:40] Ignatius Copperhorn groaned and he'd start to stroke that thick bull cock as he'd work more of that thick slab of bull meat down his cock. [15:43] Gardaran let out groans and little moans, his muscles rippling as he managed to get a grip on the floor and with a heave of his powerful legs, propelled himself down to his navel into the hungry cock. [15:44] Ignatius Copperhorn groaned as with him being down to his naval the ram could fully tilt his cock skywards stroking the entire length to encourage his hungry cock on with it's meal. [15:45] Gardaran flexed his cock, slapping it against his abs, just as the cock slurped down over it. Pressing it between ram manhood and his own body, making him groan. [15:46] Ignatius Copperhorn groaned glad that he didn't have to see his cock bend at that weird angle it could as he slurped him down, gravity now working to help pull the bull down into his nuts, the bull's horned head likely starting to peak into one of the orbs by this point. [15:48] Gardaran inhaled deeply as he began to enter the ram's balls, pure male musk swirling up from the thick pools of cum below him. He let out a cry as he began to cum, his own cock spurting cream down, splattering the front of his own body. [15:49] Ignatius Copperhorn stroked his cock furiously now able to press down on the bottom of the bull's hooves to work the rest of him down with relative ease. "Mmmph, fuck yeah... you're all mine now~ Nothing but, thick musky ram seed in the making~" [15:52] Gardaran soon plopped into the ram's balls, his legs easy to swallow - like noodles, really. He found himself curled up, though the stretchy walls stopped him from being too cramped. Groaning, he wrapped a hand around his thick cock. "Oh god, yes . . . just wank fuel for you." He moaned out, not sure if he could be heard. [15:53] Ignatius Copperhorn rubbed his heavy sack feeling the bulge the bull made in it. "Mmm yeah, you're gonna be my next pleasure session, maybe I should blow you all over the lockerroom?" [15:55] Gardaran began to furiously stroke himself, even though he had just cum. "Oh god, please. Leave something so they knew who it is. That is so humiliating." He blushed. [15:58] Ignatius Copperhorn smirked. "I'll leave your jockstrap in it~" He'd tease as he'd stroke his cock to work on digesting the bull. [16:00] Gardaran groaned out as he spurted his final load all over the walls of his cage, the cum dripping began down into the ram's own load, and with a grunt he settled back into the cum, rubbing it idly into his fur. "Mmm, fucking cream me already!" He taunted. [16:02] Ignatius Copperhorn grunted as his balls started to squeeze and press around the bull eager to work him into a thick load of cock snot. [16:03] Gardaran squirmed as he began to liqueify, his fur sliding off him, turning white, and his extremities melting down. [16:05] Ignatius Copperhorn groaned and dragged his heavy sack over to Gardaran's locker and shoved all his clothes and possessions down his hungry member, making sure everyone would know exactly who the cumstain was. [16:06] Gardaran: The bull let go of solidity a moment later, with a loud "BLORP" as he ceased to be a male and become a pool of rich semen. It bubbled slightly, sweaty gym clothes floating in it, as the creamy ex-bull got ready to come out again. [16:08] Ignatius Copperhorn panted hotly as he'd stroke his thick member aiming it directly into the deceased bull's locker, he was a bit sad he'd likely not be able to come back to this gym for a week but, hey this one one hell of a meal~ [16:14] Ignatius Copperhorn grunts and pants as he finally hits his peak, sweaty gym clothes, a towel, and whatever else was in the Bull's locker erupting from his cock one after another bathed in a marinating sause of their former owner now nothing but, a thick cumshot that actually dents the locker's back a bit with the force of his cumshot, and pools out along the floor with it's volume "Mmm, fuck yeah... goodbye Gardaran~ Thanks for the workout~" He'd say as he'd towel his cock off and toss it into the creamy remains of the bull before showering and leaving the gym, acting as if he hadn't just ended a sexy bull's life. |
That Shrinking Feeling, Copyright 2010. A groggy Jamey woke from what felt like a night-out, he never had more then a few glasses of alcohol, he never drunk himself stupid. When his vision cleared up, he noticed the alleyway where he lay in. It was the one he passed out in, only thing was that the alleyway seemed larger. Everything was bigger, turning around looking about Jamey the dirty place, he began to worry. Jamey soon heard a clip-clop coming from behind him, turning around Jamey found what looked like a wild wolf approaching him slowly. Being the size of a can (soft drink can) Jamey didn’t want think, he just turned and ran. The so called wolf started trotting after him, seeing a large bin Jamey dashes over praying to escape from the predator. Hiding away in the dark, fearing the massive wolf he closed his eyes. When he didn’t hear the sounds of claws on metal or cement, opening his eyes he could see the wolf, laying down looking at him. It wasn’t staring at him, just looking and waiting. Judging by its fur, it looked like it had a ruff life. Its eyes golden eyes almost seemed as if it was begging, having a thing for wolves Jamey stepped out from his hiding place. He walked over the wolf, which lay in the middle of the ally. As he came close, the wolf lowered his nose, after sniffing Jamey a few times. The wolf lifted its head, showing its dog tag. Seeing the words on the shiny metal coin, reading ‘Wolf/dog’ on the top and ‘Shy’ on the second line. The words “wolf/dog” screamed in his head, looking up at Shy, asking, “Shy” The wolf/dog replied with a whine, Jamey then asked, “Your friendly ant you?” From where he stood, Jamey noticed its tail wagging. Thinking to himself Jamey said, “Well I’m not food already, that’s a good sign” Wanting to know its sex, Jamey walked towards the rear. Feeling as if he’s being watched, he turns around seeing Shy giving him a questing look. “I want to know your sex” he answered. As if the wolf/dog fully understood what he said, it stood up exposing her vulva. “Female” he shouted. Shy turned herself around, lying back down. Her paws sat just a head of Jamey, she seemed to be showing an understanding on his size and words. Seeing Shy as a shield against the world, Jamey said, “Come closer Shy” She lowered her nose down too Jamey, he then said, “Can I climb up?” Shy only opened her muzzle a little, Jamey took this as an invitation, using her nose and teeth as steps, Jamey made his way up her head. As he climbed up her skull, he stopped at one of her ears. Reaching out with his hand, scratched Shy’s inner ear. Seeing her eyes close, he knew that this was a sweet spot. Jamey pulled his hand back, before finding a safe spot between her ears. “OK, girl take me to your home” Jamey ordered. Obeying Shy started on her way home, she soon approached her old territory. Pushing through the wooden fence, Shy stood in the over grown yard. Seeing the abandoned house, he knew she was also abandoned. Patting her head, Jamey said, “Don’t worry, if I ever get back to normal, I’ll take you in” he then could feel her tail wagging. Only trouble was that he lived across town, not wanting to trust a stranger with the both of then, he said, “I live across town, let’s get going” exiting her old place Shy stood tall waiting to be told where to go. Jamey point her out of the suburbs, just as she came up too the forest, she stopped in her tracks. Letting out a cry of complain, she refused to move forward. “What’s wrong girl?” he asked. She only let out another cry, Jamey said, “Put me down” Shy obeyed lowering her head to the ground, letting him off. Standing above him she licked her lips, not understanding her gesture he asked, “What?” Shy then tried scratching her belly with her right forepaw, looking down at her belly, before looking back at him. “I still don’t get it” Jamey replied. She then tried lowering her muzzle and opening her jaws, she swallowed twice, before pulling back. This had freaked out Jamey, but since she did eat him, Jamey didn’t try to run. He only stared at her confused. Growing tired of his clueless, Shy lunged her open jaws at him. She snatched the helpless human off the ground, as she tossed her head back. Shy only meant to show her hunger, she chewed him to the back of her maw. Under her squishy slapping sound, he cried “Please...don’t...eat....me” Hearing she hadn’t gotten her message, she swallowed only wanting to scare him. But to her mistake, and his position she sent him down her throat. Looking up at the annoyed wolf/dog, he felt worried. Without warning she lunged her open jaws at him, Jamey soon found himself in between a set of moving canine teeth. Reacting to his slimy hold, he cried, “Please...don’t...eat....me” With her chewing jaws, he lay helpless within the carnivorous muzzle. Her gullet opened sending, the now slimy Jamey down Shy’s ripping Esophagus. The force of her throat send Jamey screaming down, he soon pushed passed a strong mussel, into a growling cave. He now knew what she wanted, but now he was her meal. Feeling the end coming, Jamey felt sick from the smell of her stomach. Just as he was wishing he had a knife or a gun, he was pushed back into the relentless tunnel. He soon dropped onto the cold ground, just as he felt is ordeal was over. A giant tongue lapped over his body, it tossed him about cleaning all the muck off his body. Sitting himself up to see a sorry looking wolf, he said, “Hungry right” with a little fear in his voice. He then said, “Well lets raid a house” Shy lowered her upper body down, so that her muzzle could be climbed. When he sat upon her head, the two went back into the town. After trying a few back doors, the two soon found a house with an unlocked back door. The two easily found the kitchen and the refrigerator, before having Shy open the refrigerator. Jamey has her turn on the tap, Shy had herself a drink and Jamey cleaned up. Popping open the fridge, they found a few plastic boxes. Shy sniffed each one, before choosing one that she liked the smell of. Pulling it out of the fridge, she knocked it over spiling pasta out onto the floor. As Shy started lapping up her share, Jamey approached slowly both the food and Shy. Seeing her wolfing down the pasta, Jamey felt strange. But he soon shacked that off, seeing that she didn’t growl, he walked up and started eating. When Shy was polish off the last of the pasta, the front door opened then closed. Only reacting Shy snacked Jamey from where he stood, she then bolted out the door. Jamey hearing the front door open, and then closed. Looked up to Shy, thinking he’d see her worried look, he found her open jaws lunging at him. Before knowing what was happing, he found himself back in her muzzle. Her breath smelt of pasta, he also felt her saliva building up all around him. Only thing was that his legs where dangling outside her muzzle, with each step Jamey’s legs thrashed about. It wasn’t long before Shy stopped her running, releasing Jamey carefully onto the ground. He fell to the ground looking at his legs, seeing the dents from Shy’s incisors he looked up at her saying, “Now you meant well, but that could have broken my legs” she gave him a sorry expression. Shy lowered her nose, giving him a sniff and a kiss. After her friendly gesture, he reached out scratching her nose. “Ok girl, if we are going to keep going” Jamey stood before adding, “You’ll need to pick me up, carefully. Now here is what I want you to do, pick me up using your tongue, ok” Listening to his words, Shy understood what he wanted. Seeing this as a direct order, she turned away trotting away. Standing a few feet away, Shy planed her move. Run, grab and lick. Jamey noticed Shy’s tail rise, as a wolf would while in hunting. She then charged towards him, in a flash he found himself back inside her maw. As Shy ran, she lapped Jamey between her teeth, before closing her muzzle shut. She ran for a bit longer, when she stopped, Shy dumped Jamey’s soaked body on a rock. After a few heavy breaths, he stood up seeing Shy looking at him with a questing gaze. “Yes, now that’s better girl” Jamey said. Happy wagging her tail, Shy nuzzled and kissed Jamey, before allowing him to climb back into her head. Jamey pointed the way and Shy ran wanting to see her new home. Hours later, the two where making there way through a ghost street, the sun started to set. Shy stopped looking at the sun set, “Yes, I think we need a place for the night” Jamey said. A run downed two story house, sat across the road. Pointing out the house, Shy trotted over to the house, pointing her way inside. She sniffed around before locating a room, which seemed safe. She sat down on the ground and laying her head on the ground, letting Jamey off her head. Running over to the wall, Jamey dropped his pants and urinated. Shy watched, before she stood up, making her way over. Seeing Shy standing over him, pulling his pants up Jamey stepped back. As he walked away, Shy lowered her nose, sniffing is urine. Before turning her rear to the wall and marking the wall, Jamey was lucky not to be splashed. She then trotted back to her spot on the floor, laying her head flat on the floor, she gave him a cheeky grin. Walking over to the, grinning wolf/dog Jamey scratched her muzzle before giving her a hug. As the last rays of the sun set, making his way to her underbelly Jamey wondered where he’d sleep for the night. Seeing her hind legs forming a furry cave, seeing this as an option, as he walks over to Shy’s hind legs, she follows him with her nose. Just as he was about to start climbing her leg, Jamey feels a large, wet, soft and warm thing push him up and into the cave of fur. When he was between her legs, Jamey turned around facing Shy’s muzzle. He could only see the front part of her muzzle, without warning her tongue lapped out, giving Jamey a good night kiss. “I love you too girl” Jamey said. He then turned away, falling asleep. Shy laid her head down, also falling asleep. The next morning when Shy woke, she lifted her head yawning. Not seeing her little friend, she sniffed between her legs. She could tell that he was still asleep, Shy nuzzled her muzzle between her hind legs she licked up the sleeping Jamey. Lapping the last of his body in behind her jaws, Shy kept her muzzle shut as she stood up stretching herself. The sun hadn’t risen yet, but she could easy see. Making her way out of the house, she looked about outside the old house before making her way she had been pointed. Keeping on her path, Shy made her way to Jamey’s house. Long after the sun was in the sky, Shy felt Jamey stirring. She stopped trotting, lowering her muzzle to the ground, she opens her jaws. Jamey felt and smelted dog breath, opening his eyes he made out large white teeth. When Jamey fully woke, he felt a swaying. When the swaying stopped, he felt himself being lowered. The sharp teeth opened, seeing the outside world he crawled out of from his living cage. Jamey stood up stretching. Before shacking of the drooled that covered his body, turning around to find Shy looking at him, with her muzzle close to where he stood. Placing his right hand on her muzzle, he said. “Thanks for not waking me” seeing her muzzle lower, so it was easy to climb. Sitting atop of her head, Jamey pointed the way. Hours later, the two approached the outlining houses. Shy passed still in the woods, she lowered her head allowing Jamey to climb off. Standing on the ground he asked, “What is it girl?” with that question Shy lowered her muzzle, she opened her jaws and waited. Seeing Shy’s open gob Jamey wondered what she wanted, he soon understood what she wanted, him in there. Stepping forward he said, “OK, pick me up” Hearing his response she lapped her tongue out, licking him off the ground. To anyone watching, it would have seemed like Shy was eating him. After picking him up she chewed a bit, the chewing was her moving Jamey so that his head was facing the front of her muzzle. Shy then closed her muzzle plunging Jamey into a slimy darkness, she then moved on forward into the town. As Shy made her way into the town, she kept an eye out for trouble. At every street she would stop, open her muzzle she waited for directions. Before closing her jaws and continuing on. Reaching his street, Jamey said, “I live down here” keeping her muzzle open Shy made her way down the street, arriving outside his house, Jamey said, “Where hear, around back ok girl” closing her muzzle Shy made a runner for the fence. Shy only just cleared the fence, now the two seemed safe, Shy lowered her muzzle to the ground, letting him out. Shaking off her drool once again, Shy allowed him to climb up onto her head, he then guider her to a back window. Having the wolf/dog claw the fly screen open, Jamey entered his house. Unlocking the window, Jamey ordered her to brake in. Using her full body weight, Shy pushed opened the window and broke the fly screen. Jamey then closed the window, and locked it, which was surprisely easy. Turning to Shy she started acting like before when she was hungry. “OK, OK I get it, calm down and I’ll get you something to eat” Jamey told Shy. Leaning her head against the window, Jamey climbed onto Shy’s head, the two then made off for the kitchen. Shy didn’t need to be shone the refrigerator or what to do, she easily opened the door. Jamey pointed out a box and she picked it up, putting the box on the ground she kicked off the lid, forgetting where Jamey is sitting. Shy lowers her head to start eating, sending Jamey down into the cold stew. Noticing what she had done, Shy played a little joke. Seeing Shy’s head lower to the cold stew, Jamey tried holding onto the canine’s ear. Sadly he wasn’t able to keep any kind of grip on her ear, and slipped off her head landing with a splash, in the think stew. By the time he was able to tell Shy to stop, she had started wolfing down the stew. Jamey knew she wouldn’t hear him, Shy was being quite noisy as she ate. Trying to stand himself up, only ended with him landing face down in the stew. The only thing left to him now, was too try and keep away from Shy’s hungry jaws. As the last of the stew disappeared down her throat, she eyed Jamey’s stewy body, licking her lips with hunger. Seeing the hungry giant staring at him, he cried, “Shy please don’t eat me” Hearing his cry, Shy lowered her ears and let out a whimper. Staring up at the canine, he said, “O now that was a cruel joke, Shy” Lowering her muzzle to his side, Shy lick her tongue out, kissing Jamey’s head. Seeing her jaws and tongue swallow the stew she licked off, he said, “You can clean me” Shy’s tongue lapped out from her muzzle, she gently cleaned off the stew from Jamey’s body. As she cleans the last of the stew from his legs, Jamey reaches out with his hand, patting Shy’s muzzle. The wolf/dog held her muzzle on level with his head, swallowing the last of the stew. Remembering a wooden toolbox, left on the bench and his floor air vent would allow him to clean up. “OK girl, I need to get up onto the bench” he said pointing up. Shy looked up then back down at Jamey, knowing what he wanted. Shy licked her tongue out, she pulled him into her maw, licking the last of his legs behind her lips. Jamey could only curl into a ball, as Shy licked him up. This wasn’t what he had in mind, so he allowed Shy to do what she wanted. Hiding away behind her jaws, Jamey waited in his smelly, slimy and wet trap. Once he bounced around a bit, he was lowered down and dropped into his kitchen bench. Shy stood atop the bench, she watched as Jamey made his way over to the sink. He turned on the tap at a level so it wasn’t too hot or two cold, also made sure that it wasn’t to strong. Using what was on the bench, Jamey set things up so that he could get himself out of the sink without Shy’s help. After washing himself up, Jamey escaped from the sink and turned off the water. Jumping into the wooden toolbox, he looked up at the wolf/dog saying, “OK girl, put the toolbox and me on the ground” Shy leaped off the kitchen bench, before turning around and with her jaws she picked the toolbox off the bench, she then put him on the floor. Jamey then took off to a vent which sat across the room, Shy laid herself down, watching Jamey as he undressed putting his wet clothes on the vent, he also laid down on the vet so he too could dry. Sometime later when his clothes where dry, Jamey dressed himself, before approaching Shy, saying, “Want to see my house?” Shy stood up off the ground, happily wagging her tail. She lowers her nose down to Jamey allowing him to climb up, sitting between her ears. The two explored his house together. Shy made her way into the living room, where she lay down, allowing Jamey off her head. Standing on the carpet, Jamey scratched her muzzle. Looking into her one of her eyes, he said, “I’m going to give you a belly rub” thumping her tail on the floor, Shy rolled herself onto her side. While he walked around to her belly, seeing her furry wall, Jamey felt around with both his hands into her thick fur. When he found one of her nipples, he started too feel around. Shy laid still as Jamey gave one of her nipples his attention, sometime later Jamey stopped his rubbing. Shy opened her eyes, she sat eyeing Jamey with a questing gaze, “OK girl roll over onto your back” Shy laid back down rolling onto her back, as she was asked. Jamey noticed he couldn’t climb the wall of fur. So he took the second option, making his way over to her rear, standing up onto her tail. Jamey got a view of her tail sphincter, climbing up between her. With each tug of her fur, Shy would flinch. As Jamey reaches her belly, he tried using her vulva for footing. This wasn’t the best idea, his foot slipped passed her lips. His foot pushed into Shy warm vulva, he felt a thick slime soaked his foot. With nothing to rest on, Jamey tried to use his free foot to help himself out. As he tried to gain a footing, his foot slipping his foot into Shy’s vulva. Jamey said, “No”. Jamey’s arms went that strong, despite his best attempts, he wasn’t able to free himself. As Jamey’s legs seemed to sink deeper into, the wolfdog’s organ he knows he wasn’t getting out of this by himself. Jamey yelled, “Shy help!”. Shy didn’t move in response, but her vulva flinched, pulling his legs in deeper. Jamey helplessly slipped in deeper, he tried screaming for help, and as before his cries were ignored, by the giant canine. Losing his grip on her fur, soon half of Jamey’s body was now inside her vigina. Jamey tried kicking her inner fleshy walls, all that caused was a presentable moan. Her vulva surged a second time, plunging Jamey up to his lungs. He really started to freak, any deeper and she will swallow him. Trying to prevent himself from being sucked all the way in, he used both of his arms to hold himself up, trying to push his way out as Shy’s vigina walls began to ripple, slowly pulling him in. As his arms bent under Shy’s strength, Jamey screamed her name out, as her hungry vulva slurps the last of his body into her birth canal. Shy was in utter heaven, with what she felt her new owner was up too. She heard his cries for help and chose to ignore them, it wasn’t until his cry was cut off did she open her eyes. Swallowing her pleasure, she approached her rear to find Jamey’s arms sticking out. Her eyes widen knowing this wasn’t a good position, but her body had other ideas. Shy felt herself pull on his body, making his little arm slip passed her juicy lips. Reacting to what she’d seen, Shy pushes her muzzle into her vulva, before lapping her tongue out. This made her shudder a bit, but Shy quickly got over the feeing. Shy plunged her tongue deep into her vulva, luck for her she found Jamey’s helpless body. Sucking and licking Shy managed to pull Jamey’s body out from her organ, and safely between her jaws, or so the wolfdog believed. With Jamey’s body soak in her juicy, he didn’t hold the same taste as before. Shy’s mind told her to swallow what she held in her maw, she didn’t fight her sense of taste. And Shy gulped down, what was believed to be a small tasty treat. Jamey soon found himself back in his new pets rippling esophagus, that feeling of her firm walls pulsing his body down into her depths. There wasn’t anything he could say at this point, Shy was really the only reason he was still alive and at his home. Before long Jamey’s weary body pushed back into the canine’s stomach, as soon as he can move, Jamey is up and heading towards the stomach wall, if only he can draw her attention, then he may escape from this cave of death. But just as he was about too reaches her stomach wall, everything thrashes about. When things calm down, Jamey notices he’s back between Shy’s teeth. Jamey soon felt his fleshly cage swaying, despite his position Jamey felt safe deep in Shy’s carnivorous maw. He soon felt lift, before being placed into his cold kitchen sink, as his vision cleared Jamey made out Shy’s paw turning the tap on. Without the water pushing him down the drain, he washed himself clean, getting rid of Shy’s stomach muck, was his first thoughts. Feeling that he is clean, Jamey takes a few steps back, looking up at the wolf muzzle, which has its eyes trained on his every movement. Watching as one of her paws hovers across the sink to turn off the running tap, Shy soon started to turn away, Jamey shouted, “No STOP” with that said Shy titled her head down and ears erect. “Put your head in, girl?” Jamey used questing voice. Without question Shy lowered her nose to the base of the sink, seeing his options Jamey asked, “Just open your muzzle a little” Seeing the her maw open as he asked, Jamey used her incisors as a footing and her nose to climb up onto her muzzle. Jamey was careful not to cut his foot on her teeth. His hands and feet had irritated her sensitive canine nose, without warning Shy’s muzzle violently shook for a second as she sneezed. Lucky for Jamey he had held on at the right time, as her eyes opened Jamey pat her muzzle saying, “Sorry girl” with that said, her ears dropped flat. He then continued up onto her skill, without much to hold into. Jamey sat atop of Shy’s head, he said, “Well let’s go” Shy fell off the countertop, she then trotted off to the living room. She laid herself on the carpet, before lowering her head between her forelegs. Jamey safely climbed off her head, onto her right foreleg and the carpet. Jamey moved up too her nose, before he could speak, Shy’s tongue lapped out licking his body, she repeated the process until he pulled back. Looking up at her eyes, Jamey could tell that she was sorry, with the expression all over her muzzle. Wanting to show he wasn’t angry with her, he stepped forward only to be assaulted by her tongue. Well he knew this wasn’t going too stop anytime soon, and felt standing and taking it would be the best way to handle this. At least she was only trying to apologize, for her actions before paw or hand. Jamey hadn’t taken notice of the time, but when Shy did finally stop her wet apology. His front was well soaked and slimy, not wanting touching his chest, Jamey was about to speak when Shy lunged at him. This time she did take most of the drool she had left behind, her nose on the floor again. Jamey hugged her muzzling saying, “It’s all right girl” The slight wobble from Shy’s body told him her tail was wagging. Jamey felt it was worth a second try, he felt a second try was in order. Giving the top of her wet rubber nose a little rub, he said, “Want to the belly rub a second try, girl?” Hearing his request, Shy slowly stood up off the ground, she being careful walked over Jamey as he stood there looking up at her. Shy gave him a full view of her under belly, before lying herself down and rolling into her back. Will it was easy to see that Shy wanted to a belly rub, as her tail pointed out stare and her legs sat in a v shape. Jamey carefully stepped forward, recalling what had happened the last time he tried this. Hoping he wouldn’t have a repeat, Jamey swallowed approaching Shy’s mammoth rear, with both her anus and vulva exposed. As he stood near her massive furry nether, Jamey had one last deep breath, before starting his climb. To Shy the feeling of Jamey’s climbing had been an uncomfortable for her, she also held back her irritability towards it. Soon she felt him on her lower belly, and he seemed to be thrashing about in her thick fur. It wasn’t for another few minutes later, when Shy felt him feeling one of her nipples. Her eyes opened for a second , before closing them with pleasure. This time Shy wasn’t able to keep her vocals to herself, she moaned and groaned as he seemed too continued. Shy let her little friend do as he pleased, she seemed to melting with his touch. Some hours later, Jamey had grown tired and he stopped. As Jamey started his rest, he didn’t notice a shadow approaching from behind him. He was shocked to feel a large wet tongue, lick his back over and over, Shy didn’t seem to be giving up on her appreciation. Jamey couldn’t help but roll over, as Shy’s onslaught never seemed to end, as his front now was on the receiving end of Shy’s gratitude. Jamey had made a few futile attempts at having Shy cease her affliction, but as her tongue withdraws back between her ivory teeth, Jamey thrusting his arms forward was causing him to be lapped into Shy’s carnivorous maw. Shy had tasted Jamey’s little body between her lips, she tossed his helpless body around a few times in her drooling jaws. She then closed her lips, holding Jamey safe behind her teeth. Shy then rolled herself over, lying down flat on the floor. With her muzzle out from between forelegs, Shy slowly opened her lips. As the chaos of being tossed about inside Shy’s maw had come to a stop, keeping his eyes closed Jamey laid flat on what felt to be her tongue. He soon opened his eyes, to a view of Shy’s deep gullet. To his surprise there was no movement, nor was it dark. Confused Jamey sat up turning around, he could see out through Shy’s jaws into his living room. Jamey slowly made his way out of Shy’s trap, as he stood up on the ground. He felt Shy’s tongue lick his back, Jamey turned around to find Shy with a big grin on her muzzle and her ears laying flat. Jamey then said, “Guess you really liked that?” he was met with a wet kiss, to show appreciation. He stepped forward hugging Shy’s muzzle, as she kept lapping her tongue out. Noticing the time and long since loosing what he had to ware, Jamey said, “Well looks like its dinner then bed, girl” Shy was so happy with the idea of dinner she lifted her head, along with Jamey attached to her muzzle. He wasn’t able to fully take in what happened, as he was tossed into the air. Before falling into Shy’s wide open maw, as he fell into Shy’s gullet, her body reacted without her thinking. Shy swallowed passing him into her stomach, as Jamey arrived inside the canine’s stomach, he was tossed about. Everything stopped for a few minutes, before everything thing went vertical, Jamey soon lost conscious as he lay at the bottom of Shy’s stomach. Shy leaped into the counter top, she would have been cursing herself by now, if she could speak. Shy worked on her stomach, before she managed to extract him from her stomach. Feeling his little body back inside her gullet, with ever so much care, she worked him around her maw before, trying to clean his fragile body. She soon lowered her muzzle down to the sink, where she opened her jaws carefully disposing his body on the cold steal. Shy watched his body with all of her attention, she noticed he wasn’t moving. Lowering her nose to his lifeless body, she nuzzled his body. Once she’d tested him twice, without movement, a chill went down her spine. It hit her that this time she had killed him, with a whimper and a sad howl. Shy licked Jamey’s lifeless body back into her muzzle, she licked his body into her hungry maw. Knowing this would be the final time she would taste his flesh, Shy wanted to saver his flavour. Lifting her muzzle up, she allowed her whole tongue access to his body, careful not to cut or make him bleed. As she drawled his body to the back of her gullet, and her saliva started too drools from her lips, Shy tossed her head back. She didn’t swallow at first, but allowed herself a few moments to say goodbye. Jamey soon woke in a deep, slimy, soft and warm place. Opening his eyes to find he was at the far end of Shy’s jaws, in a moment of terror, he thrashed about and tried to scream, but his mouth was covered with slime. The fleshly trap which he sat on, opened sending him down into her esophagus. As he once again given a free trip into Shy’s processing cave, but before he passed all the way to her stomach. The follow of her esophagus changed, pushing him back up into her gullet. But as he wished she would drop him from her maw, her teeth closed trapping him in darkness, wanting out Jamey said, “Hay, I’m alive in here” he could tell that she had heard his voice, after all he was moved to the middle of the wolf/dogs tongue. Jamey soon felt he was being lowered into down, before his living cage open. Depositing his weaken body into the sink. Shy’s jaws closed above his helpless body, before her lifting muzzle up away from him. Jamey’s body shivered from the cold steal which he laid on, in his weaken state, he knew the sink wasn’t the best place. Looking up at Shy, he asked, “Can I recover in your muzzle?” each word had a breather brake. He didn’t have to wait, after his last word was said, Shy lowered her head back down to Jamey, she then lapped her tongue out over his head and chest. Opening her jaws a little wider as his body slipped between her razer sharp teeth, Shy closed her lips sealing Jamey inside. Jamey at first laid face down on Shy’s tongue, but her saliva might have drowned. He soon rolled over, even in the deep warm dark he could seek her corrugated hard palate. He felt her leap off the countertop trot off somewhere close before lying down. An hour later, Shy felt a far amount of movement behind her jaws, before hearing a muffed voice, saying, “OK girl, take me back to the sink” With that said Shy stood up off the ground and she made her way back too the kitchen, as she leaped up onto the countertop, Shy had taken two steps forward, and before she was about too lower her head into the sink, Jamey said, “Wait! Put me on the bench first” Shy stepped back as she lowered muzzled to the countertop, as her muzzle opened, Jamey started to climb out from behind her jaws. Shy slipped her tongue out a little, allowing him too easily get out. She then pulled her head back a little curious as to what he wanted, he asked, “Please turn around and lay down, girl” Shy did as was asked, lying herself down on the countertop and waited. Jamey had felt that Shy had been the only reason why he was still alive, he knew what she enjoyed, and felt that before washing up, he should do something for her. He looked at Shy from the rear, the only words he could use was, “A furry mountain” he approached her rear ducking under Shy’s tail. Hoping that he wouldn’t be sucked in, Jamey knelt down reaching both his hands out. He started rubbing her lips, with his first touch. Her whole body flinched, and rose a little, Jamey stood up managing too keep his hands on her vulva. Shy soon let out a low growl pleasure, she also spread her legs, squatting over Jamey. He hadn’t noticed the position he now was in, if Shy sat down it would send his body into her vagina. Jamey worked is hands over Shy’s vulva as it become puffy and warm, as Jamey’s hands slipped passed her lips, he felt a little rumbling, which wasn’t coming from her growling. It wasn’t long before his brain clicked, it was her stomach. Putting off dinner wasn’t such a good idea, Jamey pulled back both his hands. Seeing his position, Jamey quickly moves from under the giant canine’s rear. Shy had taken notice the lack of attention, and she stood on up. Turning around Shy gave Jamey a “Why did you stop?” expression. “You need to eat” he said looking at the wolf/dog. Shy’s eyes focused on Jamey, and her mozzle opened a little, when her huger become known, Shy licked her lips. Too Jamey’s shock, he was snacked up into Shy’s maw. Even before he had a chance to react, Shy had started to knock him around, inside her wet maw. When she stopped, Shy held his body behind her jaws, before leaping off the countertop and towards the refrigerator, lucky for Jamey he kept a lot of cooked food in plastic containers. As Jamey waited in fear he soon noticed, Shy taking a plastic containers from the refrigerator. From behind her teeth, he could tell that she was placing it on the floor, before opening it with ease. Holding her muzzle over her dinner, Shy opened her jaws allowing Jamey to fall into the cold soup. As Jamey lift his head, Shy dove her muzzle into the soup and started lapping up her dinner. Jamey tried moving to the edge of the tub, but he was knocked about as Shy wolfed down her meal. Shy finished off the last of the soup, she stared at Jamey’s tasty soup covered body. Jamey begged, “Please Shy doesn’t...” as his last word was said, Shy licked him up into her carnivorous. She tossed him about before holding her self still, Jamey had no idea what would be next. Then without waring Shy served to her right and bolted forward, before leaping up. Jamey soon found himself back in the kitchen sink, looking up at the mischief canine, Jamey said, “Guess you didn’t like going hungry, huh girl?” Shy gave an angry growl, before lowering her ears and giving Jamey a wet kiss. She then used her forepaw too turn on the tap, only having water, Jamey cleaned up as Shy watching with anticipation. When Jamey had finished washing himself, he looked up at the mammoth canine muzzle, she in turn switched off the running water. Jamey called Shy down, when her nose was close to the sink base, Jamey poked his feet into her muzzle as a footing, as Jamey’s last toes left her lips, Shy licked her lips twice, Shy found his taste divine. As Jamey made his way up Shy muzzle, he was almost thrown off, by her tasting. Jamey quickly dashed up onto the top of her head, Jamey then given the wolf/dog instructions which led the two, into Jamey’s bedroom. Shy approached the bed, before resting her muzzle on the bed sheets, Jamey quickly got off Shy’s head. Jamey had taken a number of steps, before he could hear a whimpering coming from behind. He stopped turning around, to see a sad canine head still in the same place, with her eyes trained on his little body. For a moment Jamey was worried, it wasn’t long before he realized she wasn’t eyeing him as a meal. “Come on, girl you can sleep with me” As Jamey ended his words, Shy leaped up onto the bed. Since the bed wasn’t all that old, Shy’s weight didn’t cause the bed to sink. But there was a small dips where paws stood on the sheets, Jamey had a wondered if this was such a good idea. Allowing such a large canine to sleep with him or was it just he was too small, but any threats put towards him most likely wouldn’t come from her, and Shy would be his best chance to survive. Jamey looked up at Shy, whom yawned before curling into a ball on the bed, Shy’s muzzle stretched open, Jamey had a real good view of the inside of Shy maw. Jamey then made his over to his pillow, just as he was about to dive under the sheets. Jamey’s back was given a wet kiss, he turned around being face to muzzle with Shy. Jamey gave Shy a scratch on the nose, saying, “Night girl” he was soon given a second kiss, before her nose withdrew to her side. Jamey then placed himself under the sheets, it wasn’t long before he himself fell asleep. The next morning, Jamey woke with a muzzle in his face, but this time I wasn’t bigger then him, but seem to barley be bigger then his face. He was soon was greeted, with a kiss to the face. Jamey sat up looking at the wolf dog, while she was big she was no longer monster size. With his size back to normal, Jamey jumped out of bed, before dashing over to his computer. He had wanted to see if anyone else had suffered the same fate, looking at a few news websites, Jamey had uncovered about fifteen percent of the area had also shrunken. But there was no reason given as to why, and only five percent of people had lived. To what had been known to the local police. Looking down over at Shy whom sat in the doorway, he said, “First I have a shower, then you get breakfast, OK girl” Shy seemed to understand as she soon stood up and trotted off, as Jamey set off for the shower. The End. |
Mama Malamute 1 Vanessa walks into her studio apartment at roughly twelve thirty at night, and leads a male German Shepherd to her bed. She met the dog at the local bar, and after he bought her a couple of drinks, she insisted on paying him back. Tonight will be the night the dog will never forget. Vanessa is a twenty-nine years old Alaskan Malamute, and she stands roughly seven feet eight inches. Her body is bulky with muscle, but not too big to where it scares off the other sex. Her cup is size DD, or what she likes to call double damn. The dog she brought home is six feet nine inches, and goes by the name of Hexes. She didn’t bother asking him for his age, but figures he’s in his thirties and single. Her status is the same thing. She can never make a relationship last longer then a night it doesn’t bother her one bit. Vanessa wastes no time undressing, and made sure Hexes watched her take off her shirt. Her breasts are pulled up, and bouncing back down as she tosses her shirt on the floor. She watch the German Shepherd struggle with his belt, an decides to help him strip, She giggles as she holds the dog’s shirt up to her breasts. In a little over a couple of minutes they’re both out of their clothes and horny. Vanessa admits Hexes is pretty big for a dog his size. “Before I give ya a taste,” the bitch said, sitting on her bed and massages the dog’s cock, “mind tasting me first?” “Mmm, I can do that.” “Just swell.” Vanessa leans against the head board, and spreads her legs: revealing a rather large vagina. “Go in as deep as ya like ta.” “Was plannin’ it.” Hexes crawls between the bitch’s legs, and licks his lips when he leans towards the source of the special sweetness. The first couple of licks he licks the opening, and slowly works his tongue in. Soon his snout is right against it. He growls sexually when his nose is pulled into the vagina, and decides not to pull himself out just yet. He figures the bitch will pull him out. Vanessa plays with her breasts as her vagina pulls in the dog, and spreads her legs a little farther. The German Shepherd moans in pleasure when his head is completely inside the bitch. Surprisingly he’s finding it easy to breath. His fur is getting soaked in fluid. Deep in his mind he’s being told pull himself out before he’s in too deep, but ignores the voice. He’ll let the bitch have some fun and doubt’s he’ll go in any farther. Vanessa groans when her vagina pulls in the dog’s shoulders with ease. Despite the pain, she’s enjoying every minute. Hexes opens his eyes lazily wondering when the bitch will pull him out. He squirms lightly hoping to get her attention, but feels his chest being pulled into her vagina. He tries to pull himself free, but his arms have become useless. Hexes can hear his voice telling him he’s an idiot for not doing anything earlier. Vanessa hums quietly to herself, and rubs her growing belly. It’s the closest to feeling pregnant she’ll ever get. Hexes stops struggling knowing it’s useless. The bitch’s heartbeat is making him feel calm as his waist is pulled in. His body is curling up into a ball inside her womb. The one place he thought he would never be in twice in a life time. Ironically enough his life started out in one, and he’s certain this is where his life is going to end. In a couple of minutes the Alaskan Malamute closes her legs when her vagina pulls in the dog’s feet. Hexes shifts his body around, and wraps his arms around his knees. His eyes grow heavy. Not so from the lack of air, but from the bitch’s heart. That’s the only thing that’s making death disturbingly pleasant. Slowly his heart comes to a stop. Vanessa rubs her belly and notices the kicking has stopped. In a couple of days the dog will only be a memory. Stretching her legs and shifting her body around, the Alaskan Malamute reaches into her night stands and pulls out a photo album. Inside it is roughly one hundred fifty IDs from previous nights. Most being from teenagers. She flips through it without a sign of guilt. When she first realized she can pull somebody in with her vagina, she was both shocked and amazed. The second and third time she wanted to see if she could still do it. Once she got use to taking a life, she vowed she’ll stop the moment she’s caught. That is, if they’ll ever catch her in the act. Yawning, she puts the album away and places a pillow behind her head. The doctor told her she needs as much rest as possible when she’s pregnant. Tomorrow afternoon she’ll add Hexes’s ID card to her collection, and maybe count them to see how many she has. 2 A lot has happened over the past year. Not only are relationships rocky, but the two rabbits were thrown back into prison for having a cock vore relapse, and that’s where they’ve been for the last couple of months. The two relationships that are in trouble are between Charlie and Balto, and Nick and Jurassic. Roughly three months ago Charlie and Nick had an affair, and since then Balto been staying with Kodi, and Nick and Jurassic been sleeping in separate rooms. So far the only advice Nick told Charlie is to give Balto time to think, which something he’s done with Jurassic is. Despite all the turmoil, the VTF of Burien managed to put away ten voreaphiles and one of the owners to the site. Within the week of arresting the owner Nick learned the remaining ones brought on an over-weight wolf, and the only thing he knows about him is he’s in his mid forties. So far they’re working on two cases, and one of them isn’t like the rest. They’re both are over a year old. On the sixteenth of March, Nick is busy clearing the till when Kodi enters the store. “Got ya a package.” “Uh, thanks Kodi,” Nick said slightly nervous. “Don’t worry, I won’t chew you out,” Kodi said. “Already did that.” Signing for the package, the human said. “There isn’t much you can say that you hadn’t already have said.” “Yeah, I know. What’re you doing tonight?” “Not much. I’m thinking of taking Jurassic out.” “You two talking?” “Small talk, that’s about it. I’m glad he hasn’t left yet,” Nick said. “How’s your dad?” “How’d you expect? He’s still hurting. I’m not sure if he’ll ever forgive Charlie,” Kodi said aggressively, taking his clipboard. “I got other deliveries to do.” “See you around.” “Got no choice.” Nick takes a deep breath as Kodi leaves, and goes back to emptying the till. “And I see our slips are here,” Jon said, standing beside Nick. “And I see Kodi didn’t chew you out. Again.” “He would’ve if he didn’t leave.” “And I’d’ve asked him to leave. Yes, you and Charlie did a dumb thing, but no need to keep throwing it back in your face.” “I don’t blame him though.” “Yeah, but still,” the mutt said, elbowing Nick. “Go on. Get the hell out of here, and try and patch things up with Jurassic.” “You sure?” “Yeah, I’m sure. It’s been slow the past hour. Rockie and me got the tills.” “All right. I might be in tomorrow.” “I know the drill,” Jon said. “One question though.” “What’s that?” “Why the hell are you still here?” Chuckling, Nick clocks out and grabs his sweater. In a little over ten minutes he enters his apartment. “Hey Jurassic, you here?” “Yeah. What of it?” “I’m taking you out for dinner. Come on.” “Why?” Jurassic said, walking out of the bathroom. “Today marks our first year anniversary.” “But we’re not really a couple.” “So what? Jon still takes me out on ours, and I plan on doing the same for you.” “Meh, I guess I can’t pass up a free meal.” “There’s a good way to look at it,” Nick smiles. Smiling weakly back, the fox asks. “Before we go, I have stuff to ask you.” “If it’s about Charlie and me, you know I didn’t now he had feelings for me.” “Shut up. I know. What about you, though? Do you have feelings for him?” “No. I only view him as a really close friend, and that’s it. Nothing sexual.” “That answer doesn’t surprise me. I know you two are close,” Jurassic said, chuckling lightly. “I think I’d understand it more if it were you and Jon.” “And I can’t stop myself for having feelings for him.” “I know, and I don’t expect you too. You two known each other for over a decade.” “Can’t get over ten years in a snap,” Nick said, opening the door. “Come on. The night’s still young.” “Where are you taking me?” “To your favorite restaurant: Applebee’s.” “It’s been a while since we’ve been there,” the fox said, looking at Nick. “And tonight you can sleep with me.” “You have-“ “Doesn’t mean I forgave you. I feel it’s time to start moving on.” “And as I was saying, you have no idea how good it feels to hear you say that,” Nick said. “And I wouldn’t want you to forgive me.” “From here on out, no more talking about what happened.” “Second.” Looking at the human, Jurassic asks. “Working on any cases?” “A couple, and one looks like one we haven’t worked on before.” Throughout dinner Nick told Jurassic everything regarding the latest voreaphile cases, and how he and Charlie feel they’re close in nabbing Carface. The pair also makes doodles for a game idea Exile is working on. Once they return to their home, they give each other dessert. 3 Early the next morning Nick is in front of his computer going through the list of missing people. A little over a half are male and in their late teens. The rest are in their mid to late twenties and early thirties. He’s considering labeling one of the cases as a CV, but thinks it’s too soon. The human goes through the list, and puts some of the names in bold. These being the ones they found no remains too. Already he doubts those that aren’t in bold are related to those that are. Nick shakes his head and sighs. He hates being at a loss. “Working hard?” Balto asks quietly, sitting beside his partner. “Yeah,” Nick said, tapping his screen with a pen. “I’m certain they’re not from the same suspect.” “That’s what Steele thinks. Anything else?” “I’m not sure if I should consider it as another one of those cases.” “One of my favorites,” the wolf-dog chuckles lightly, “but it wouldn’t surprise me.” “Same here,” Nick said, looking at his partner. “We saw your car last night. Did you?” “We talked, nothing more. We’ve agreed to try and takes things slowly. What about you and Jurassic?” “He let me move back into our room.” “Good to hear you two are moving on. Maybe some day I will too.” Nodding, Nick looks at his screen and asks. “Will Charlie and Steele be in today?” “They told me they will,” Balto said, standing. “I’ll let you get back to work. I got some stuff to do as well.” 4 Vanessa watches him get off the bus, and judging how low he hangs his head, he’s a loser. It becomes confirmed when teens still on the bus throw some paper at him. She keeps her eyes on the teen, and notices he’s a sixteen years old skunk. Once the school bus drive by, Vanessa turns on her car and pulls up to the loser. “Hiya,” the bitch said, “you good with technology?” “Sort of,” the skunk mumbles. “Why?” “I’ma having problems with mine, and I’ma wonderings if you would be kind enough to help.” “There’s others.” “But I want you,” Vanessa said. “I’ll give you two hundred. Cash.” Looking at the dog, the skunk said. “Two hundred?” “Yep. And in cold, hard cash.” “I.. I guess I can, but I’m not good.” “Oh that’s fine. No biggy if you can’t fix it, but I’ll pay ya just the same. Whatcha name?” “Jonathan. Yours?” “Vanessa.” “When should I com over?” “Now if you’d like. I don’t live. That is if ya ain’t busy.” “Naw, other then homework.” “Well, you can do that at my place as well.” “Hmm, all right,” Jonathan said, getting into the front seat. “Excuse the mess,” the Malamute said, tossing pairs of pants to the side. “I’ma sloppy person.” “My room’s messy too.” Giggling, Vanessa said. “I see we have a thing in common.” “Heh, yeah,” Jon said, looking around. “So where’s it as?” “Right here,” the bitch said, pointing and opens her laptop. “How long you think it’ll take?” “Can’t say. Five minutes maybe.” Nodding, the dog asks. “Ever done it nude?” Choking, the dog asks. “What?” “Ever been at your comp cloth less.” “Uh, no.” “Care ta do so now?” C.. can’t say I.. I’m in.. interested.” “Oh come on Jon. Tis the best feeling,” Vanessa said, taking off her shirt. “Besides, I ain’t interested in sex.” “I, uh, I’m not eighteen.” “So? What happens here stays here. So what do ya say?” “I.. I guess I can.” “And while you’re stripping, I’ll type my password.” Jon nods as he struggles to unbutton his pants. After several tries he finally manages to drop them. He gulps when he spots Vanessa glancing at him. Taking a deep breath, the skunk pulls off his shirt and drops them by his pants. Jon looks over his body and smiles. He never felt so free. The skunk looks at the Malamute and sees she’s completely nude. The first thing he notices is how big her vagina is. “So whatcha think?” Vanessa smiles. “I, uh, I never seen one, uh, so big,” Jonathan said, cringing. “I’ma amazed too. Want a closer look?” “Uh.” Walking towards the skunk, the bitch said. “It don’t bite. Or not the last time I checked.” “That’s, uh, that’s nice.” “Yes, it is.” Jonathan gulps as the dog stops inches from him. Deep down he doesn’t want to, but there’s something in Vanessa’s voice that’s getting him to relax. Closing his eyes, the skunk slowly raises a hand and rubs along side the dog’s area. Soon he’s rubbing it with both hands. “Stick them in if ya want.” Smiling weakly, Jonathan sticks his fists into Vanessa’s vagina and opens his eyes. The first thing that comes to his mind is how disturbingly interesting it is. He pushes his hands deeper into the dog’s opening, and wonders how far she’ll let him go in. Jonathan’s up to his elbows and she still hasn’t said anything. The skunk grunts when he struggles to pull himself free, but stops when a soothing hand rubs across his face. For several seconds he forgets where he’s at. He hardly notices his arms being pulled in. Vanessa does her best to keep the young lad from struggling the deeper he’s pulled in. soon she gently pushes the skunk’s head into her vagina, and smiles to herself. She still has it. Then again, it doesn’t take much to coax teen losers into her car. She figures it’s time to go after the horny ones. Vanessa gasps loudly when her vagina pulls in the skunk’s chest. She rubs her growing womb and smiles. Jonathan should’ve known it was a trap the moment he got into her car, but it’s too late to do anything about it now. He can hear his teachers from his younger years telling him not to get into stranger’s cars. The skunk sighs. Maybe in his next life he’ll be smarter then what he is now, and maybe not have to deal with bullies. Jonathan figures there’s one good thing about dying, and that is he’ll no longer have to deal with assholes at school. Jonathan closes his eyes as his body curls up into a ball inside Vanessa’s womb. The Malamute’s heart is making the whole thing more relaxing then what it is. The skunk slowly drifts off into a deep sleep as his knees are pulled in. Vanessa giggles as he tickles the skunk’s feet before they disappear into her body. She takes a couple of seconds to admire her pregnant belly before kicking up Jonathan’s pants. The bitch laughs out loud when she catches them on the first try. In less then a second she finds his wallet, and pulls out his school’s ID card. Tossing the blue jeans back on the ground, she sits against the headboard and pulls out her album. She opens and lays it against her belly, and sticks Jonathan’s card besides Hexes’. As of now she has a total of one hundred fifty-three spanning over close to two years, and she currently has no intention of stopping now. 5 Late Friday afternoon Steele and Nick are in their office going over the latest file. “Another teen,” the human said. “I think it’s time we start going to their schools, and see what type of students they were.” “I’m doubting that’ll give us lead nor a connection,” the Malamute said. “It might give us a minor connection. Plus it’s something we should check out.” “You’re right, we should,” Steele said, seeing Ramone walk in. “Who is it this time?” the fox asks, sitting. “A seventeen year old skunk named Jonathan, and it looks like he went to Tyee,” Nick said. “And that’s it when it comes to info.” “Hmm, not much to work with. Then again, we rarely do,” Ramone said. “Tell me about it,” Steele said, leaning back in his chair. “The more I think about it, the more I feel the schools the missing went to will give us our first break. If we get more info about the teens, and maybe follows some of the buses, we might get something,” Nick said, going through the files. “What’re you looking for?” Ramone asks. “Seeing which schools all the other teens went to.” “Once you get those, I’ll try and find the routes,” Steele said. “Here we go,” the human said, “and it looks like they were going to Tyee and Hiline.” “What you suggest we do? Question all the students as a possible voreaphile?” the fox asks. “If we have to, yes. Same can be said with the staff,” Nick said. “Why not the bars?” “Those are all over the place,” the human said. “Come to think of it, you’re right about the schools. Weren’t most of the missing still going?” the dog asks. “From the looks of it, yes, and more then half of the missing are teens.” “Sounds like we’ll be having a meeting,” Ramone said. “When do we start going back to school?” “Once we agree on a plan,” Steele said. Through the remainder of the day Steele and Nick type the schools the missing teens went to while Ramone called all the agents. By early evening they agree they’re finally going somewhere with a case that’s close to two years old. 6 Vanessa knew him ever since she moved to Canis Village, and now would be the perfect time to give him what he wants. The young, muscular fox she knows as Jackal is one horny bastard. It wouldn’t surprise her if he’s a lady’s man. Tonight she plans on giving him a taste of what a real woman can do. Tonight will be a night Jackal will never forget. With his parents out for the night, Jackal couldn’t pass up the bitch’s offer. It been close to a week since the last time he had sex, and his wrist is starting to get sore. He also needs to get some new socks. As for the bitch, he’s been wanting to fuck her ever since he saw her move in. he can’t put his finger on it, but there’s something about the bitch that drew him in. Jackal also figures she’s a slut, and knows what to do. The amount of guys she’s been bringing home should mean something. If not, oh well. Tonight he’ll be sure to show her what he’s made of. He may only be sixteen, but he has experience. Vanessa leads Jackal to her apartment, and lets the fox enter first. She makes sure nobody is watching before closing and locking the door. She giggles heartily and shakes her head. The fox is already stepping out of his pants. “Ain’t ya gonna strip?” Jackal asks, stopping himself from saying bitch. “Give me a sec tough guy,” Vanessa said, pulling off her shirt. “Ya sure do look bigger then the last one I had.” Playing with himself, the fox said. “Ya ain’t seen nothin’ yet.” Giggling lightly, the dog said. “And neither has you.” Jackal looks in awe at how big the bitch is. She’s the biggest he’s ever seen. He’s going to have plenty of room to do his thing. “But of course,” Vanessa said, walking towards her bed, “there’s one thing I a ask of ya.” “What’s dat?” “Ya let me play with ya, and if you win, I’ll do whateva ya want me ta do.” “And what do ya want me to do?” “Lay down on my bed, chest down, and no peeking.” “Dat it?” Giggling heartily, the bitch said. “That’s it.” “Well all right.” Vanessa smirks as the fox does what he’s told. This getting easier every time she does it. She lies on top of the fox and mumbles sexually in his ear not to cheat while rubbing her vagina against his ass. Shifting her body around, she leans back on the headboard and spreads out her legs. To make sure he doesn’t cheat, she puts her heal on the back of his head and lightly pushes down. That should hold him. She rubs Jackal’s calves and slowly sticks his feet into her vagina. Once it pulls in the fox’s knees, she lifts up her foot. “The game I’ma playing is tug of war,” Vanessa said sexually and coolly. “And you may look” Jackal grins greatly when he props himself on his elbows and looks over his shoulder. His grin quickly disappears when he sees a third of his legs are in the dog’s body. “Why ya.. ya.. ya bitch,” he cries. He ignores her cruel giggle and taunt as he struggles to pull himself out. The bitch had better hope hoe doesn’t free himself, or she’ll be heading straight to jail. He knows who to call. The only question is will he be able to get out of her apartment. Alive. The fox is able to bench press close to four hundred pounds, but after a minute of struggling, his arms are tiring. Soon his abdomen is pulled into the bitch’s vagina. Jackal pleads to Vanessa to let him go, but all he gets is a cold, hearted chuckle. Even promising not to say anything got him nowhere. The fox whines when the bitch’s vagina pulls in his chest. His arms slowly become useless. Jackal gasps become more quiet as his head, and his snout disappear. Vanessa shifts her body around when her vagina only has the fox’s arms to pull in. She rubs her belly and giggles sweetly when she feels Jackal kick. Jackal was such a feisty canine. Too bad he didn’t have more respect for the other sex. She sings softly to herself as the rest of the fox enters her womb. Soon his ID will become part of her collection. 7 Early Sunday afternoon all the VTF agents are in the conference room. After hearing Nick and Steele go over the plan, Linda asks. “And you think going to those schools will help?” “It’ll help us know what kind of students they were,” Nick said. “But we don’t even know those missing took the bus,” Moby said. “How are we going to figure that out?” “That we don’t know, but that’s why follow the routes,” Steele said. “This really is the only break we’ll get,” Balto said, going through the list. “The closest one we’ll get.” “Yes, but when do we start?” Charlie asks. “I called the schools on Friday and they said it’s okay if we start on Monday,” the human said. “Nervous, Charlie?” the wolf-dog asks. “Aren’t we all on the first day?” the German Shepherd chuckles lightly. “What about following the buses? How should we go on doing that?” Ramone asks. “We go in pairs,” Steele said, “and Retna is willing to lend us a hand.” “And Jurassic is willing to go with me,” Nick said. “I guess he doesn’t trust us being alone.” “Don’t go there, Charlie.” “Let’s avoid going down that road,” Linda said, waving her hands. “Should we check out the bars?” “No. They’re too wide spread,” the Malamute said. “Sounds like you think they’re all the non-popular students,” Moby said to Nick. “What about the teen from last night? He sounds like he’s rather popular.” “If the suspect(s) go to these schools, going after the losers would be the perfect prey,” the human said. “Schools don’t really care for losers.” “Okay, but what about Jackal?” “That could be a sign of cockiness,” Nick said, “but I also doubt the suspect(s) goes to those schools.” “But lets not rule it out,” Charlie said. “Anything else?” “Yeah, one. If I have to, I’ll go undercover.” “Wouldn’t one of us be a better choice?” Linda asks. “I’m more likely to look like a teen. All I need to do is shave.” “He would be the best bet,” Balto said. “If it comes to that point.” “I’m certain it will,” Steele said. 8 Within the next two weeks the VTF found out the majority of the teens were indeed losers, and they all took the bus to and from school. During the time close to a half dozen more went missing. Over half of those were popular. Once the agents got the bus routes, every day and afternoon they’ll follow the buses. So far they’ve got nothing. By then end of the third week, Jurassic and Nick are following bus 115. They can’t help but to joke about how they feel like stalkers. Slowing down and clearing his throat, the fox said. “I’ve made my mind up about something.” “What is it?” “Don’t worry, I’m not breaking up with you. I love you too much,” Jurassic said. “It’s about you and Charlie. I’ll be okay with you two being alone when it comes to this kind of work, and if it’s work related. Maybe later one I’ll okay with you two hanging out by yourselves.” “Just so you know, the only time we’d really be by ourselves is through work,” Nick said, spotting a teen walking up to a car. “What’s this?” “What’s what?” “Pull over. I think I got something.” Jurassic follows Nick’s eyes and nods as he parks the car on the shoulder. Looking through a pair of binoculars, the human writes down some notes and said. “Got the description of the car and what I can make out of the owner, and I got the car’s license’s plate. AUB-215.” “And it looks like he’s getting into her car,” Jurassic said. “So much for what we learned in school.” “Heh, yeah.” “And there she goes. Shall we follow?” “No. Let’s head back to the office,” Nick said, pulling out his cell phone. In less then an hour Nick tells everybody what himself and Jurassic saw, and that it’s time he goes undercover. Nobody disagrees. 9 Vanessa has been playing with him for close to twenty minutes. For every ten inches she pulls in, she’ll pull him back out and moan sexually. A battery vibrator is the best way to go. By the time his waist enters her vagina, the vibrating slowly dies down. Vanessa giggles heartily. If she had a dick, she’s certain it’ll be throbbing like crazy. When his knees are inside her, she no longer has the desire to play with him. The bitch breathes calmly as her vibrator’s feet slowly disappear into her vagina. The batteries are dead. One hundred seventy-one. 10 Nick sighs when a spitball bounces off his head. What he went through his first year of high school floods back into his mind, and hopefully he won’t have to put up with it for much longer. The human shifts his backpack around. His drop off is getting closer. He does a quick check to make sure everything is working. If everything goes according to the plan Charlie, Linda and Balto should be close behind the bust, and Steele, Moby and Ramone should already be at Vanessa’s apartment. The rest is all up to him. Nick knows he should be use to going undercover, but he still gets butterflies whenever he has to. The bus slows down and comes to a stop. Now he wishes he was just getting off the damn bus. Now is do or die. Vanessa spots a scrawny looking human exit the bus, and giggles heartily as he trips over his own feet. If he isn’t a loser, then she doesn’t know who would be. Once the school bus drives by, she stops beside the human and rolls down her window. “Hiya,” she smiles. “You good with computers?” “Sort of,” the human said. “Either you are or ya ain’t.” “My comp. teach. Says I’m good.” “Well, that’s good enough for me,” the bitch said. “I’ma having problems with mine. Care to take a look? Give ya two hundred dollars.” “I dunno,” Nick said, shaking his head. “Oh I don’t live far, and I’ll bring ya home once ya’re done.” “I.. I guess I can.” “Terrific,” the dog smiles greatly. “Name’s Vanessa. Yours?” “Michael or Mike.” “Well Mike, nice ta meet ya.” Charlie, Balto and Linda watch Nick get into the car. “Get ready,” Linda tells Ramone. “She’s on her way.” “Gotcha.” Shaking his head, Balto said. “No matter how often he does it, I still can’t help but be nervous.” “Same here. He’s already had enough close calls, and he wasn’t even an agent with a couple,” Charlie said. “He’ll be fine. He knows what he’s doing,” the vixen said. “Yes, but lets hope she doesn’t know who he is,” Charlie said. *** In a little over ten minutes, Vanessa lead Mike into her apartment. Already she feels something isn’t right about the human, but isn’t sure what. For one she never seen him get off of the bus until the past week, and she’s not buying his story of him just moving to town. Mike, if that’s his real name, may very well be an agent. It won’t be too long until they’re one short. “Is it password protected?” Nick asks. “Uh, yeah,” the bitch said. “If it’s all right with you, I’d like to strip. Can’t stand being these damn things.” “If you must.” He just said the wrong thing. Now she’s certain he’s an undercover agent. Doing her best not to get violent, Vanessa types in her password before taking off her shirt. By the time the human is sitting down she’s stepping out of her shorts. “I’ma certain you’ve never seen one this big,” she said, playing with herself. Glancing over his shoulder, the human said. “It’s big.” “Yes, yes it is. Now if you want, I can give ya a closer look.” “Thanks but no thanks.” “Oh but I insist,” Vanessa said, lightly rubbing the human’s neck. “It’s the last you’ll get, liar.” Vanessa tightens her grip around the human’s neck, and lifts him off the chair. She knows she won’t have much time to work with. Tossing Michael onto her bed, she get herself into her usual position and shoves his head into her vagina. By the time she pulls in the human’s chest, her door is kicked down. The moment they hear a struggle, the three agents jump out of their car and rush to the bitch’s apartment. Steele kicks in the door. For a second they can’t believe what they see. A third of their partner’s body is in where babies come out of. In a heart beat Steele and Moby push the bitch onto her back, while Ramone try to pull Nick free. The fox growls in frustration as the bitch keeps him away. Once Moby managed to hand cuff he hands, Steele grabs her legs and holds them up. Gritting his teeth, Ramone pulls Nick out of the bitch’s vagina. Half his body is covered in fluid but he’s still alive. He helps the human to the bathroom as Steele and Moby pull Vanessa off her bed. “What’s going on?” Charlie cries, sprinting into the room. “I a almost killed one of yar own,” the bitch giggles happily. “Ramone helped him to the bathroom,” Steele said. “Let us know what you guys find.” “We will, Steele,” Balto said. As the two dogs leave with the suspect, Linda finds a photo album and picks it up. “Hey, take a look at this,” she said, flipping the pages. “It’s filled with IDs to those missing.” Looking over her shoulder, the German Shepherd said. “And mot of them are school IDs.” “Well now we know what she did,” Ramone said. “Whatever the hell you want to call it.” “I’m sure Nick knows,” Balto said, going through the closet. “And this should help prove something,” Charlie said. “All these span close to two years,” Linda mumbles. “At least we solved one.” “Now onto the other,” the fox said. “I found a couple of trunks,” Balto said, carrying one into the living room. Opening it, Charlie said. “I wonder if those belonged to her victims.” “Only way to know is have the family point them out,” the vixen said. “How’s Nick?” “From what I know he’s fine, but he’ll have a bruise on his neck.” “Good thing he knows to bring extra sets of clothes,” the wolf-dog said. “I guess there isn’t much to do but grab the photo album, the trunks and her laptop,” Charlie said. “Steele can look at it.” “We can stay here and finish things up,” Ramone said. “Once Nick is done, you guys go on home.” “Thanks,” Charlie said, looking at Balto. “You want a ride to Kodi’s?” “No. I’m ready to go home,” Balto said. “I’m ready to give you a second chance.” Charlie smiles at what he just heart, but knows there’s still a long road up ahead before things are back to what they were before he screwed things up between himself and Balto. 11 It’s been over two weeks since the arrest of Vanessa and her bail has been set to one million dollars. The agents are certain nobody will pay for it, except for one. Throughout the weeks the families collected the belongings to their loved ones the day they went missing. For some they view it as a closure to so much heartache. The only thing that’s left is the trial to the bitch that destroyed so many lives. Early in the evening, Nick and Charlie are heading home after another long and grueling day. Whatever happened between them is long behind them. Their lives are back to what they were before the affair. Both Balto and Jurassic gave them permission to hand out, but under strict rules and with a threat of what’ll happen. If. Grabbing dinner at Burger King, Charlie and Nick are on 509 heading home when a black car pulls up along side of them. They do their best to ignore it, but they can’t help but to think it could be him. A smoke bomb is fired into the back seat. In seconds the car is filled with smoke. Coughing, Charlie drives his car off the road and into a hill. Even with the windows down, the two agents pass out. A black van pulls up to the car, and six dogs jump out. In less then a minute they have the against in the back. As they speed off they hear an explosion. Charlie’s car is nothing more then rubble. By the time firefighters and the reporters are on the scene, the black van stops along side a building. In a little over thirty minutes they have the dog and human in a cell. Steele, Balto, Jurassic, and Jon watch the breaking news in horror. There’s only one explanation to what happened: Carface is back. |
Enticing 1 Cheryl and Richard have a lot in common. They’re both tall for red foxes, over eight feet, and got teased for it throughout high school, they were both rather big, and by their senior year they became voreaphiles. At first they went after other classmates, but by graduation they went after whoever they could devour. During their freshman year at college, Cheryl and Richard did form a relationship, but a year later they agreed to stay friends. They still take each other out on special occasions. Throughout the years, Cheryl and Richard put on a weight but in a different way. Even with her eating healthy, the vixen became overweight. During high school she was around two hundred fifty pounds, normal for a vixen of her height, but now she’s close to seven hundred. She figures becoming big runs in the family. Almost everybody on her mom’s side started out skinny, but became huge by the time they hit their late twenties to early thirties. Richard, on the other hand, became muscular. He was chunky during high school, but while in college he began to pump iron. At first he only wanted to tone his body, but he slowly became interested in building muscle mass. By his twenty-eighth birthday he got the body he desired. The fox has a rock solid eight pack, a chest to match, along with massive legs and arms. He never bothered to measure his thighs or biceps. All he knows is his strength makes it easier for him to bring home more victims. Richard’s muscles weren’t the only thing to grow. A year ago Cheryl managed to become a member to a vore site, which prompt him to see if he can receive one. A week later they accepted his registration, and from there he found some sort of growth stuff called Engrowther. One is a potion buyer’s drink and the other is a lotion. The fox can’t believe how much stuff a vore site would have to sale, and it looks like they’re trying to add some sort of shrinking potion to the list. At first he thought the lotion form of Engrowther was a scam until he saw some results. Shrugging, the fox orders a case of it, and with a couple of weeks a small package arrives. Again he’s nervous about using it, but when he read up on more results, he couldn’t wait to use it. Close to a year later, and Richard is one happy fox. His cock is now two feet three inches long, and eleven inches thick. Impressive considering students use to call him midget in the waist. For a while he didn’t know what to do with it until he saw a video of a horse devouring his victim with his cock. When the red fox did it for the first time, he couldn’t explain how great it felt. He wouldn’t go as far as saying it’s better than jacking off, but it’s pretty damn close. Of course he has to be more careful when he masturbates. He came close of destroying his computer and TV the day after he pleased his testicles. Since then he makes sure to use a towel, or to aim it at a trash can in a corner of his room. For a while, Cheryl wasn’t sure if she should use it. The vixen did watch videos of females rubbing it on their vaginas, and then devouring males and other females with it. Unbirthing they call it. She didn’t have any interest what so ever to devour her victim through other means. Six months before he twenty-seventh birthday, Cheryl caved and began to use the lotion form of Engrowther. She doubts she’ll devour somebody with her vagina, but it wouldn’t hurt to get it ready for when she does. When they finished college the foxes moved into a spacious, and soundproof, two bedroom apartment. Of course neither of them got a job in the field they studied for. Out of a nowhere a magazine called ‘Buff and Stuff’ got a hold of Richard, and asked if he’d be interested in becoming a model. The fact there’s hardly any foxes of his height and muscle mass made him a must have. When the publisher said there’s a chance he’ll be pose nude in a couple of photo shoots, the fox agreed to give it a shot. He can’t wait to show off his new size. However, Cheryl wasn’t having any luck. When she made a blog on the vore site a couple of months ago about her struggles, one of the owners asked her if she’ll work for them. When the vixen said yes, the owner told her all she has to do is send him her victim’s wallet to him, and once a month she’ll receive a five thousand dollar check. Of course she’s free to keep whatever cash she finds. Being paid to please their needs isn’t a bad way to make a living. For a while the vixen had to do a lot of convincing in order to get a soon to be victim into their apartment, but it all changed once she bought her first case of Enticing. Now it’s as easy as one, two, three. Cheryl can spray it into her mouth, dab a little bit on her wrist, or do a mixture of both. Either way, once her victim smells the substance, they’re all hers. The effects seem to last for a couple of hours, but it’s long enough for her to take them home and have her way with them, and/or to prepare them for Richard. The one thing Richard and Cheryl agreed on is they won’t go after their own species, unless they know they work for the Voreaphile Task Force. Not once did another fox tease them for being so tall. By their senior year, Richard and Cheryl became bodyguards for their own kind. Plus there’s plenty of voreaphile who go after vulpines. Neither of them will watch a video where a red fox ends up as a meal, nor do they condemn others for devouring a red fox. When somebody attacks them for not going after their own species is the only time they’ll get upset. So far one member has been banned for constantly harassing them for being racist. The foxes do their best not to let what other members say get to them, but they will defend themselves if somebody says something rather cruel. It’s late in the afternoon, and Cheryl is ready to look for her second victim of the day. The vixen steps out of the bathroom looking like she’s going in for an interview. She makes sure she has everything before leaving. As she walks out of the building, she squirts some Enticing into her mouth. Time to see who the lucky guy will be this time. Cheryl licks her gums. For the last couple of weeks she’s had a craving for a rabbit, but the only ones she sees have been female. The vixen doesn’t know why, but she always preferred to go after males. Part of the reason might have to deal with being blown off during high school. It could also be why Richard will go after females, but it doesn’t explain why he’ll devour his own sex, unless he’s a bisexual fox. Cheryl shrugs. Voreaphiles have different taste. Thirty minutes later she spots a gray, six foot five inch tall rabbit. He looks good enough to eat, and buff enough to fill her up. Cheryl licks her gums, and stops herself from rubbing her stomach as she looks around. Besides of a couple of bystanders, the area is quiet. The vixen heads towards her prey while looking through her purse. She could’ve sworn she brought her lipstick, but it looks like she forgot it at home. Cheryl curses under her breath when she stumbles over a curb, and drops her purse on purpose. Shaking her head, she drops to her knees and picks everything up. She smiles as the rabbit helps her. So far everything has gone according to plan. “Thank you oh so kindly,” Cheryl said, making sure her breath reaches the rabbit and thinks. “Cause you’re about to die, tasty.” “No problem, miss,” the rabbit said, noticing something strange going over him. “Wish I could only do more.” “Oh I’m fine, but I think I might’ve forgotten an item or two at my apartment.” “Let me follow. I’m sure I can find it for you.” “Perfect,” Cheryl thinks and said. “Thank you kindly.” The vixen takes a deep breath and smiles. She still can’t believe how strong Enticing is. She didn’t even breathe all that hard in the rabbit’s face, but it was enough for him to fall under a trance. Cheryl will be sure to give him a kiss once they’re back at her place. She allows the rabbit to enter first, and locks the door behind her. Not that she has to worry about somebody walking in on her. Of course if somebody was too, and they’re small enough, she’d save them for later for either herself or Richard. While the rabbit looks around, Cheryl sprays some mort Enticing into her mouth and smacks her lips. The stuff tastes like cherry. The vixen leans forward just as the rabbit faces her, and kisses him on the lips. She grins coldly as his eyes become glossy. He’s all hers. The vixen tells him to go into her room and take everything off. Cheryl thought about waiting for the stuff to wear off, but she’s hungry. The vixen asks the rabbit to crawl on her bed and lie down on his back while she closes her curtains. She smiles sexually and takes off her clothes. Licking her lips long and hard, Cheryl crawls on top of the rabbit and gives him another kiss before opening her mouth. The vixen slowly sticks her victim’s head into her mouth, closes her jaws, and pulls him into a sitting position. Not that it matters, but she wraps her arms around her body. One massive gulp sends the rabbit’s head and shoulders down her throat, and comes close of laughing as his ears tickles her. The one downside about devouring an anthro with long ears. The tickling sensation glides deeper into her throat as she swallows her victim’s chest. Now she remembers why she tends to ignore rabbits. Their ears won’t stop tickling her esophagus until they’re in her stomach, which can make things a little difficult. Thankfully things are going better than last time. Cheryl lifts the rabbit off of her bed, and moves her arms to his legs. He doesn’t seem aware to what’s going on. The vixen smiles as she gulps down the rabbit’s waist. She knew he would squirm. It never fails, and it’s one way to get them to forget where they’re heading if they’re not under the influence of Enticing. The only downside is they may climax in her throat. That has happened to her a couple of times, and luckily nothing bad happened. Cheryl tilts her head back, and gulps down the rabbit’s legs in four swallows. She licks her lips as her victims feet glides down her throat. Soon the bulge fills out into her stomach. The vixen hiccups and chuckles. It’s something she doesn’t do unless her victims begin to struggle inside her, and it looks like the rabbit is aware to what’s going on. He can fight all he wants, he won’t be getting out until he’s reduced to shit. Chuckling under her breath, Cheryl pulls out a small bottle of Digestible from her nightstand and drinks it in one gulp. The vixen rubs her stomach as the rabbit continues to give it an internal massage. She does a couple of burping hiccups. Those should help calm the rabbit down before her acids go to work. Sighing, Cheryl climbs out of bed and goes through the rabbit’s clothes. The first thing she finds is a gold ring. Looks like there’s a chance she caused another woman to become a widow. She’ll give it to the owners’ of the site, and see what they can do with it. Jewelry has never been her thing. The next thing she finds is his wallet. The vixen licks her lips as she looks through his photos. More kids won’t be growing up with father figure. Pity she can’t tell them how good he tasted. Cheryl pulls out a large amount of bills, and gasps when she realizes they’re all fifties and twenties. She has to be holding at least five hundred dollars. She’ll be sure to give half to Richard as a late birthday present. The vixen digs out all of the change before tossing the wallet into a box, and on Thursday she’ll be sending it to someplace in Colorado. 2 Ludo isn’t surprised to know Nick is still alive. He figured something was up at his funeral, but didn’t want to bring anything up. Watching Charlie act is what raised his suspicion. In the end, he’s happy to hear the human is fine, and understands why he went into hiding. Ludo would’ve done the same thing if he had a psycho like Carface constantly trying to kill him. The fact Nick was able to relearn to walk proves he’s not to be taken lightly. He would like to have the young man help them with a couple of cases, but it sounds like he already has his hands full in Seattle. Having to prove he’s still alive being one of them. Ludo is a forty year old Grey Wolf, but he looks twenty-five. Being six feet eight inches tall doesn’t help. Throughout his thirties he couldn’t stand it when people got his age wrong, but on his fortieth birthday he learned to laugh it off. Ludo did marry his high school sweetheart a year after graduating, and she was the one who encourage him to go to law school. Six months before turning twenty-five, the wolf got a job with the CIA. By the age of thirty he was a dad to a son and a daughter, and his bond with his wife couldn’t have been any stronger. Months after their tenth anniversary, Ludo came home after pulling a twenty hour shift to an empty house. At first he thought his family was staying over at somebody’s house, but a bunch of phone calls the next day proved him wrong. For months nobody in Fargo, North Dakota heard a damn thing. Close to two years later he helped arrest a Zebra not knowing what he did until he searched through his house, and that’s when he found what the suspect did. Later in the evening the light grey wolf cried. A damned voreaphile killed his family. On his thirty-sixth birthday, Ludo became a Voreaphile Task Force agent. He didn’t know what to do his first couple of months, but with help from a Jackal named Hank, he began to figure things out. For one it takes different tactics to track down and arrest voreaphiles, and making an arrest may involve having to take a chance. The lack of evidence makes it hard to arrest a suspect, something he shouldn’t known since arresting the Zebra. Having strong relations with the public helps them with their cases. If it weren’t for statements from witnesses, they would have nothing to work with. With judges beginning to understand how voreaphiles work is helping them get warrants to search homes, and to make an arrest despite the lack of evidence. The rest falls onto the jury’s verdict. Before Ludo joined, Hank was the only VTF agent in Fargo. Not once did the wolf thing he would be mentored by a thirty-five year old agent. Then again the Jackal has been a Voreaphile Task Force agent for close to five years. Besides of some minor issues, the pair does make a good team. From what Ludo heard, it sounds like Hank moved to Fargo because he enjoys the small city life. Close to a year later they agreed to bring on more recruits. A thirty-one, six foot five inch tall, black and white Border Collie named Harry soon joined the team. The one thing Ludo can’t believe is how long the dog’s fur is, and it’s not just around his neck. From what the Grey Wolf saw, the Border Collie has lengthy fur on his thighs, knees, biceps, elbows, shoulders and feet. Turns out Harry does try to keep it trimmed, but every once in a while he slacks off. Despite how he looks, Ludo is happy to have him working for them. In mid two thousand seven, the agents were able to move into an office of their own. Although small, they have their own office. The fact rent is cheap was another reason why they took it. Only downside is the location of the bathroom: it’s in Hank’s office. Ludo, Hank and Harry did agree to try and make their office as secure as they can. Only two FBI agents have a card to get in a twenty-nine year old Arctic Vixen named Cybil, and a thirty-eight year old River Otter named Markus. As of now they’re part time VTF agents, but that might change within a couple of years. It all depends if Ludo and them are able to get a bigger office. Something they don’t plan on doing anytime soon. Ludo reads the rest of his e-mails, deletes all of the spam, and puts his attention on a couple of files Markus brought in. Three anthros went missing yesterday: a wolf, a Rabbit and a Rat. They were all seen following a large Rex Vixen. There is a detailed description of the possible suspect, but it doesn’t tell him where she lives. Plus there are at least three vixens that live in Fargo who fit the description. Up until now, he didn’t think foxes could so big, but remembers the same can be said with all species. The strangest looking suspect he ever saw was that Born Again Christian human from Seattle. Ludo shakes his head as he reads the rest of the files. They were all married with kids. God knows what they’re going through. Sighing, the wolf closes the files and pushes them to the side. He looks up when he hears a faint beep, and watches Harry walk into his office. “Mornin’ Harry,” Ludo said, accepting a cup of coffee. “You wearin’ sandals? Why?” “Don’t like being barefoot, but can’t really stand shoes, so these are the next best thing,” Harry said, pulling up a chair and puts a foot on his knee. “Plus got a little tired digging gum out of my fur.” “I agree with that. It does get tirin’.” “Those be the latest files? What are those about?” “Usual. More gone missin’, and more description of an overweight vixen. Those who went missin’ were also husbands and fathers.” The Border Collie cringes and said. “Sorry, man. Bet those hit home, right?” “Yes,” the dog said, taking a deep breath. “Also thought you’d know Nick isn’t dead.” “I’ve heard. Thought it be rumors, but Hank told me this morning. He’ll be here soon. Went to check things out.” “Understand why he did it?” “I do, man. To hide from crazed ass Bull Dog. Nick.. he’s a strong one.” “He is. No questions asked,” Ludo said. “Well I better be getting to my space. Can’t get much done with us yammering.” Ludo nods and chuckles as the dog leaves. It’s typical of Harry not to do a lot of talking, but when he does say something, it’s important. The Border Collie is a pretty damn good problem solver. The Grey Wolf covers a yawn, and drinks some more coffee. Like many times before, today will be another long one. For the past month Hank has tried to find this vixen, but so far he hasn’t found a damn thing. When he thinks he found her, it turns out to be a fake. They may fit the description, but nobody follows them. As they shouldn’t. Knowing one thing, the Jackal can’t wait to bring the sick bitch in. That is if they can figure out who this vixen is. He’s happy people are giving them a detailed description, but the only thing they haven’t given them is a name, and that alone would help him and his partners. A lot. Hank parks his car in a parking lot and drinks some water. He’ll drive around for another hour before heading back to the office. By then Ludo and Harry should have something. The Jackal looks around. Nothing. Then again it’s noon. Everybody is either at work, in school, or doing a bunch of other things. The canine shakes his head when he notices a rather large vixen trips over her own feet. It was obviously planned. Hank would’ve ignored it if a Siberian Husky didn’t help her up. The Jackal bites his lower lip as the dog follows the vixen. He can’t see how anybody would follow a cow. Hank starts up his car. He can’t believe he almost shrugged it off. Some ten minutes later Hank watches the vixen lead the dog into a three story apartment. The Jackal bites his lower lip. That has to be where the suspect lives, if she’s the one they’re looking for, but now he has to figure out how the vixen convinces males to follow her? Is she offering sex? Hank shakes his head. Unless she’s really good at not crushing somebody, he would not even consider it. The Jackal sits there for thirty minutes. Looks like the Siberian Husky won’t be coming back out. The canine sighs. He doesn’t want to think about how many will lose their life before they can arrest the cow. The agent heads back to his office to tell his partners what he found. 3 He finally has a couple of days off, and the first thing he plans on doing is make room for a lucky individual. Making sure Cheryl knows not to interrupt him the Red Fox takes off of his clothes, grabs a towel, sits on his chair and goes to a porn site. It’s the only thing Furaffinity has that’s worth looking at, and if it wasn’t for that, Richard would have no reason to visit a shitty website. At least it’s a nice break from the vore site. He enjoys making and sharing videos, but watching them isn’t quite his thing. It’s something he can’t really explain, and doesn’t have the need to do so. Within a couple of minutes his cock is fully erect. Richard squirts a quarter size amount of lotion into his left hand, and begins to massage it. He starts out nice and slow, but increases the speed and pressure as his cock throbs. Pre-cum oozes out of his urethra. The Red Fox grits his teeth, and covers the tip with the towel. He jerks his cock a couple of times, and yells as he climaxes. Richard may never get use to releasing that much cum in one load. At least his friend doesn’t have to clean his towels. Another hard jerk sends a second load up his urethra. His heart pounds against his chest. Engrowther does a lot to one’s manhood. Not only does it makes it larger, it also gives the person the ability to feed it and explode like never before. Of course their testicles has to digest somebody in order to release a large amount of semen. Richard takes several deep breathes as he cleans his dick. Time to give it something to suck on. An hour later the Red Fox is out hunting, and tonight he wants a couple, and he doesn’t care what sex they are as long as they fill him up. Plus he needs to catch up to Cheryl’s number. If it wasn’t for his job, he’d be devouring way more. Although he has made a couple of broom pushers disappear during a photo shoot, and his muscles did a good job of hiding the bulge. He can’t say for sure, but it wouldn’t surprise him if some of the other models are voreaphiles too. Richard licks his lips every time he thinks about it. He would like to host a special party, but isn’t quite sure how he should pull it off. Someday he’ll figure out a plan with the help of his friend, but right now he has other things on his mind. Richard drives by a theater and notices a young couple walking away hand in hand. The site brings back memories of when he and Cheryl were going out. Of course they would leave a building with a full stomach. The Red Fox follows the couple and licks his lips. They’re perfect. Two German Shepherds should hit his spots just right, and it looks like they’re opposite sex. Excellent. Richard speeds up ahead, parks his car and within a minute has everything ready. As they walk by, the Red Fox throws a large sack over them and tosses it into the back of his van with ease. Nobody saw a damn thing. The canine crawls in while licking his lips. Kidnapping has never been so much fun. Richard ties up the bag, climbs into the driver’s seat and heads home. The first thing Richard does after he dumps the two dogs on his bed is take their clothes off. The Red Fox nods his head as he admires the female. He’d rape the bitch if he didn’t have to worry about tearing her in half. Of course he’ll do the next best thing, and give her the honor to replenish his seed. The fox takes off his clothes while the German Shepherds moan. Maybe it’s best they’re both still out. It’ll make it easier for him to devour them. Richard licks his lips as he pulls the male off his bed. He’ll save the bitch for dessert. By then he should have an erection. The Red Fox holds the German Shepherd over his head, and runs his tongue up the dog’s body. Interesting taste. Richard pulls back his lips and opens his mouth. The German Shepherd really must be out of it if he hasn’t become alert to what’s going on. The Red Fox gulps down the dog’s head and shoulders. Nothing. Richard sits on the foot of his bed before swallowing the German Shepherd’s chest and abdomen in two massive gulps. He smiles the moment the dog jolts back to reality. He must’ve figured out where he’s at. Richard massages the dog’s testicles with his tongue while tilting his head back. That should get him to forget once again, even if it’s only for a couple of seconds. Richard devours the dog in four massive gulps when the bitch begins to stir. He stretches his jaws as the bulge glides down his throat and stands. Time for dessert. Richard massages his cock while sticking the bitch’s feet in his urethra. He should be able to ignore the movement coming from within to enjoy his dessert. The bitch’s knees disappear into his urethra. Richard smiles coldly when the female looks over her shoulder and shrieks. The German Shepherd can struggle and beg all she wants, he won’t be letting her out until she’s something more useful. He belches loudly, and informs the female he can taste her boyfriend on his breath. The Red Fox laughs at her reaction. It always brings him great pleasure to bring his victims to tears. The vulpine licks his lips. His cock only has the bitch’s head and arms to pull in. He places a hand on his testicles. The bitch is rather feisty. A shame she won’t be shitting out kids. Richard holds his cock vertically to allow gravity to help. Within thirty seconds the bitch becomes nothing more than a bulge. Taking a deep breath, Richard sits on his bed and massages his sack. A shame the squirming in his stomach had to end so soon. The Red Fox belches loudly and smacks his lips. German Shepherd has never tasted so good. He pats both bulges. The dogs did a good job hitting both spots. Richard stretches his arms and yawns. He’ll go through their things tomorrow. Right now he’s ready for bed. The vulpine lies down and chuckles. Sounds like Cheryl decided to play with her meal. Fritz the coyote can’t believe what’s going on. All he did was help a vixen to her feet, and now he’s fighting for his life. What’s worse he doesn’t even know how he got into this situation. The last thing he remembers is the vixen breathing in his face. When he came around it looked like the vixen was about to eat him. Instead she told him she’ll give him a chance at freedom. Easier said than done considering his arms is pinned between her legs, and her belly rests on top of his chest. Still, Fritz had to try. However, whenever he made progress, the cow would shift her weight around. He can’t move. The coyote gave it all he had and now he’s spent. His heart pounds against his chest as he catches his breath. Once again the vixen lies down on top of him. Fritz squirms when the cow opens her mouth. There’s no reason for him to try and fight. Just as his world goes black, a calming sensation comes over his mind. Soon he forgets where he’s at. Hearing a faint pounding against his head is rather soothing. Fritz closes his eyes. He can listen to it all day. Was this what he heard when he was in his mother’s womb? Cheryl is in hurry to devour the coyote. She wants the canine to enjoy his current state of mind before waking up in the depths of Hell. Plus he did put up a good fight. The only reason why she sprayed more Enticing into her mouth. The vixen pinches the coyote’s rump while gulping down his abdomen. Such a nice and firm butt. Cheryl twirls the tip of his tail around her finger. If she wasn’t hungry, she would’ve played with him a little longer. The vixen considers giving the coyote’s sheath a good massage, but decides against it. He isn’t in the state of mind to really enjoy it. Close her eyes, Cheryl tilts her head back and allows her throat muscles and gravity to pull down the coyote’s legs. Fritz coughs when something stings his lungs and blinks his eyes. Where is he? The coyote sighs. He’s in the vixen’s stomach. That fact doesn’t surprise him. It’s where the cow wanted him the moment she tripped in front of him. God knows how many males ended up in the same situation and all because they were helping somebody. Soon Fritz is in a tight ball. Blind. The stomach acids have already done their things to his eyes. A large amount of air rushes out. The coyote breathes in one last breath before growing still. Cheryl belches a little too loud and covers her mouth with a chuckle. She pats her stomach. A shame the coyote isn’t giving her an internal massage. The vixen shrugs. Maybe the next one will put up a struggle. She lies down on her back while yawning. Her system should be able to deal with the coyote’s fur without the help of Digestible, and she’ll go through his wallet first thing tomorrow morning. 4 Hank got the same results from weeks of watching her, and for the longest time he couldn’t figure out the whys and how. How is the cow getting them to follow her, and why would anybody want to go into her place? He doubts all of those who fell under her trap were chubby chasers. It wasn’t until a witness told them she breathes on those who help her. The Jackal forgot what it’s called, but he remembers an agent in Colorado finding a substance that’ll make it easier for people to control others. If they figure out they name, Hank is certain they’ll be able to get a warrant. A week after sending out the e-mail, Ludo receives one from a fox named Jesse with the information they need. The stuff the vixen might be using is called Enticing, and a sniff of it is all a person needs to lose their mind. From what all of the reports say, there’s a good chance she uses it. Even with everything they have, the wolf doubts they’ll be able to get a warrant, which might be a good thing. A couple of reports describe a rather tall and muscular Red Fox living in the same building. If he’s living with the vixen, then there’s a good chance he’s a person of interest. Ludo doesn’t care how upset Hank will get he will request assistance from the FBI. There is no way the three of them can arrest two large voreaphiles, who could be using Enticing, with ease. Two weeks later the agents are trying to figure out if they should try for a warrant, or take a big risk by allowing the vixen to bring one of them into her apartment. Either way, there’s a strong chance something bad will happen. The one good thing to come out of their meetings is Cybil and Marcus agreeing to help in any way they can. For the last couple of days the two FBI agents have been at their office. It could be a sign they’re ready to become full time VTF agents, or they’re in need of a break from their old office. “You guys sure did gets a lot of info.” Cybil said, looking through a bunch of reports and notes. “How often is she seen, Hank?” “A few businesses have seen her at least two times a day. In the morning and the afternoon. A couple of bystanders even saw her during the evening.” “Wow,” Markus said, shaking his head. “She must want a record or something.” “No kiddin’,” Ludo said, “and there ain’t much we can do until we act.” “The bit which pisses me off,” Harry said aggressively. “I say we just try and get that damned warrant.” “But there’s a sure chance we might not get it,” Hank said. “The judge will ask us how do we know this Enticing stuff works like the way Jesse said?” “Don’t hurt to try, man,” the Border Collie said. “No matter how we get after them, we’ll be risking our lives, and the reports should be enough to convince the man in charge.” “He’s gots a point,” the Arctic Fox said. “Listen, me and Markus will try for the warrant. You three try and find her name is.” “Maybe we should check out some banks,” Ludo said. “Those might get us somethin’.” “Good thinking,” the Jackal said, patting Ludo’s back. “I’ll tag along when you go tomorrow afternoon.” The next day, Hank and Ludo received more information than what they asked for. They figured out a vixen who fits their description does go to Wells Fargo, plus it turns out she deposits a five thousand dollar check once a month. The fact the checks become lost raised a small amount of suspicion. The agents agree somebody working in the bank could be hiding something. They did, however, get a transcript of their suspect’s account, and it looks like she buys a lot of stuff from a site. The agents aren’t certain, but it wouldn’t surprise them if the place happens to be the vore site. What they have had better be enough to arrest Cheryl. 5 She’s horny. For the last week she tried to ignore it, but it became harder every day. Raping several of her victims didn’t do a damn thing either. Cheryl didn’t want to do it, but it looks like she has no choice. Her next victim will take a trip into her womb. If that doesn’t work, then having sex with Richard should. The vixen doubts they make dildos for girls of her size. She did ask a couple of females how wide it can stretch, and it sounds like it’ll be safe for somebody of her size to send a seven feet anthro to her womb. Watching a couple of videos helped prove it. The next night she’s playing with a Samoyed. The dog turned out to be a nice vibrator. Cheryl is no longer horny, but she can’t seem to stop herself from playing with her toy. Having a large, fuzzy thing going in and out is rather soothing. No wonder so many females enjoy it. Taking a deep breath, the vixen let’s go of the Samoyed’s shoulders and lies down on her back. Cheryl smiles warmly as her vagina pulls in the rest of her toy. She rubs her belly. There’s a good chance she’ll never have any kids, and this will be the closet she’ll get into knowing what it’s like. She has no interest in giving birth. Even if they’re not dirty, she’ll be sure to clean her sheets. Her vagina pulls in the rest of her toy. She lies there for a couple of minutes before climbing out of bed. The sensation was great, and she’s no longer horny, but she’ll stick to the oral way of devouring. Cheryl tosses her sheets into the drier some forty minutes later. Once she fixes her bed she’ll see if she can find herself another man. There should be a couple of stranglers out and about considering the time is only ten thirty. If she knew she would want one more, she would’ve asked Richard to bring home two for her. Cheryl shrugs. Wouldn’t be the first time she went out this late. As she’s about to go back on her computer, she hears something being slipped under the door. Her heart jumps into her throat for a couple of second, but nothing bad happens. The vixen bites her lower lip as she picks up the envelope. For the next couple of minutes she stares at it not sure what to do. For a while she considers waking up Richard, but told herself not to. Her friend deserves a good night sleep. Taking a deep breath, she opens it and pulls out the contents. A key card and a typed letter, and both are from one of the owners to the site. Sounds like the VTF in Fargo are getting close in making an arrest, and they’re to dispose of them. The key should open the door to their office, which will also become their doom. Once they’re done with their thing, they’re to head straight for a small town in Colorado. The last thing the letter tells them is somebody will be buy to take care of everything, and they’re allowed to bring three suitcases, each, of clothes and belongings. Cheryl reads the letter a couple of more times and nods. She knows where the office is at. The vixen smiles. It’ll bring her, and Richard, great pleasure to do away with a couple of agents. 6 Richard pulls into an empty parking spot and shuts off the car. In the back seat is everything they could bring clothes, pictures, computers, movies, books, magazines, and other things. Finding where the VTF worked wasn’t too hard. Cheryl has known of the place for at least a month. Since then they’ve wanted to find a way inside, but they couldn’t. Neither of them could fit through the windows, and they didn’t have a card to open the door. Until now. The foxes aren’t sure how it happened, but somebody on the vore site managed to create skeleton card keys. Richard and Cheryl agree. Looks like the Voreaphile Task Force will have to increase their security measures. Making sure they have everything, the friends climb out of their car. From the looks of it, all three agents are present. Waiting. Ludo can’t stand it anymore. They have more than enough information to make an arrest, but they have to wait for a damned warrant. Cybil and Markus are capable of doing things on their own, but it might’ve been better if somebody who worked on the case from the beginning talked to the judge. Instead, they’re all in their offices going through other files. It’s the only thing they can do to stop themselves from going crazy. The wolf hears a small beep and looks up. He didn’t think the two FBI agents would be able to get a warrant that fast. Ludo can’t believe what he sees when he looks up. An overweight vixen is in his doorframe, and he could’ve sworn he saw a rather muscular fox head down the hall. Voreaphiles really are becoming bolder, and this only proves it. The wolf takes a deep breath as the vixen walks into his office. There’s now way for him, or his partners, to escape. “Hiya big boy,” Cheryl said, allowing the door to close behind her. “Working hard?” “Per usual,” Ludo said. “How’d the hell you get in here?” “Tis a secret.” “Like hell.” “My, aren’t we tense? Maybe there’s a something I can do ta ya to calm you down,” the vixen said and thinks. “Before I kill ya.” “You can leave is whatcha can do.” “Oh, I’ll be a leaving all right, but only after I pleasure ya.” Cheryl kisses the wolf on the lips and smiles sexually. God she loves Enticing. She knows he shouldn’t, but figures it wouldn’t hurt to give the agent something before he dies. The vixen tells him to unzip his pants. The wolf obeys. Once he reveals his sheath, Cheryl places the canine’s hands on his armrests, and licks her lips as she studies his package. He’s of good size. She licks it long and hard. Her sexual assault won’t last long. Ludo squirms as he comes out of the trance. He’s trying to block out the sensation, but the vixen is doing a damn fine job. He hates it. The wolf closes his eyes and grunts. He’s growing an erection. Without warning, her assault comes to an end. She squirts something in her mouth, and kisses him for a second time. Once again his mind becomes foggy. The wolf groans happily as something warm and damp glides over his head. The stuff must’ve worn off. Lifting her head out of his lap Cheryl sprays some more Enticing into her mouth, and kisses him on the lips. In a matter of seconds his eyes become glossy. The vixen pushes the wolf’s head into her mouth. She pulls him off of his chair, pushes it out of the way, and lies down on the floor. It’s the only way she knows how to devour her victims. Several massive gulps send the agent’s head, shoulders, chest and abdomen down her throat. She can still taste his fur despite the amount of clothes he has on. It’s a good thing they brought several bottles of Digestible. Cheryl tilts her head back and begins to gulp down the agent’s legs. Ludo nearly throws up when he smells something foul. It must be what’s left from the night before. The wolf shakes his head. Why couldn’t the stuff last until he was dead? He does not want to be awake as the acids break down his body. Once he’s completely inside the vixen’s stomach, Ludo tries to get himself into an upright position. If it worked for Balto, it might work for him. Plus it’s the only way he’ll be able to save himself. As if it’ll do him any good. The wolf closes his eyes and whines as air rushes out of his fleshy prison. He still has room to move but not much. The agent sighs. There really is no point in trying to force the vixen to get sick. She’ll only devour him again. Ludo manages to keep himself calm despite the amount of pain he’s going through. The good thing to come out of this Hell is he’ll be seeing his family once again. “Daddy’s coming home,” Ludo mumbles. Cheryl staggers to her feet and pats her stomach. The wolf sure is putting up a fight. Like it’ll do him any good. The vixen sits in the agent’s chair, and looks at everything on his desk and computer. A couple of clicks and she removes all of the information regarding several suspects. The files on the desk are now hers. Cheryl covers her mouth as she burps a couple of times. Those got her stomach to calm down. She pulls a bottle of Digestible out of her purse and drinks it. Richard walks into the second office while a rather furry Border Collie struggles from within, which also caused him to become horny. The Red Fox blinks when a Jackal runs into his erection. At least one of them was smart enough to try and run for it. Richard closes the door, pulls down his sweats, and picks up the agent. He holds the canine so his back faces him. Time to see how fast his cock can devour a fool. Richard sticks the Jackal’s feet into his urethra, and belches. That should help keep his mind off of the movement going on in his stomach. The Red Fox begins to count. By five the agent’s knees are in his urethra. At least he knows his cock can be forced to devour an unfortunate figure. At eleven and he’s already half way done. Richard chuckles heartily when the agent struggles. He won’t be coming out anytime soon. The Red Fox licks his lips as he places both hands on the Jackal’s head. At twenty-six and it’s the only thing sticking out, and by thirty-one he’s squirming inside his testicles. Richard sighs as he pulls up his sweats. Too bad he can’t enjoy it more. He grabs a couple of things from both offices, and comes close of bumping into Cheryl. “Sorry,” Richard said. “It’s okay babe. Done?” “Yesh. Listen, won’t mind driving? Don’t think I can.” “I told ya not ta do that.” “Hey, I got rid of two, didn’t I?” “Whatever. Come on.” Richard shifts his testicles around as he follows Cheryl. He’s not use to walking while they digest somebody. The Red Fox puts all of the files into his suitcase as the vixen starts up their car. In a day or two they’ll be in Colorado. *** Markus and Cybil show up with great news: they got the warrant. When they walk into the office, they’re greeted by silence. The FBI agents look in all of the offices. They didn’t think Ludo, Harry and/or Hank had other plans, and if they did, why didn’t they tell them? They agree to head to the suspect’s apartment. Markus and Cybil arrive thirty minutes later to find the place empty and clean. The Arctic Fox talks to the landlord while the otter calls the agents’ cell phones. No answer from either of them. Cybil and Markus ask a couple of residents, and from what they tell them, a moving truck came by and grabbed everything from the suspect’s apartment. The FBI agents head back to the VTF office to see if they can find anything. Nothing. The otter is the first to figure everything out, and tells his partner. The Arctic Fox agrees. There’s a good chance Ludo, Harry and Hank is dead, and the suspects are long gone. They were so close in making an arrest, but so far. Now comes the hardest part: informing their family members. At least Ludo will be reunited with his. 7 For the most part he has no idea where he’s at, nor does he care. The only thing he cares about is his payment. For the last year or so, Ben has been going to several locations and doing what his boss tells him to do. Mainly to clear out warehouses and/or do away with a small number of Voreaphile Task Force agents. From what the last couple of letters hinted at, it sounds like he’ll have a partner. An eighteen foot plus tall Kodiak Bear named Clayton. The lion prefers to do things on his own, but he’ll do what his boss tells him. He just hope the bear is able to fit in his van. He doubts they make automobiles anymore bigger than what he’s driving now. Sunday afternoon. Ben is to remove the rest of the workers in a small building in Chicago, Illinois. Voreaphiles throughout the city has picked off the workers one at a time, and as of now there’s only ten left, unless they hired more. The letter didn’t say why, but he figures his boss wants to use it for another purpose. The directions tell him to park in the back at around three. Less foot traffic, and there’s a good chance the remaining employees will be present. Ben licks his lips as he parks his van. It’s a good thing he didn’t have breakfast. The big lion enters through an open rolling steel side door, and quickly devours two Alaskan Malamutes. He walks into an office to find a Doberman Pincher talking on his phone, and waits for him to end his conversation before gulping him down. While heading down the hall, he bumps into a female Persian. The lion stuffs her into his pocket. Ben finishes his job a little over thirty minutes: seven in his stomach and four in his testicles. By nightfall he’ll have his next set of orders. |
Twenty Feet 1 This isn’t happening. It just can’t. What he saw before being picked up is only a thing of nightmares. He’ll wake up soon and chuckle nervously to calm down. A grown Grey Wolf shouldn’t be scared of a dream. Dreams can’t hurt people. His surroundings jolt every five seconds. Where is this creature taking him? Does he even want to know? Something tells him he’s about to find out whether he likes it or not. The wolf grunts at the hard landing, and slowly stands. It appears he’s in a rather, large cabin. Everything about it is huge. God knows who lives in a place like this. The Grey Wolf chuckles. This is Alaska. He hears movement and turns around. His jaw drops. Standing in front of him is a Kodiak Bear that has to be at least eighteen feet tall. The wolf gulps while studying the anthro. Everybody about the bear is huge. The canine takes a quick glance at the bear’s feet as he steps forward. Those have to be knocking at being eight feet long. The wolf gulps when his eyes watch the Kodiak Bear’s testicles sway. It wouldn’t surprise him if he could be on his hands and knees. Thankfully the bear doesn’t appear to be horny. The wolf looks farther up and bumps into the wall. The bear’s snout? Easily five and a half feet long. Maybe longer. Soon he finds himself lying face down on the bear’s hand. His feet rests on the Kodiak’s wrist, and his head at the tip of the bear’s middle finger. The wolf closes his eyes when a soft but moist mattress snakes up his legs, and pulls him back. That’s far from being a mattress. It’s the bear’s tongue. A large gust of warm air rushes up his back and across his face. Why couldn’t the Kodiak Bear have minty fresh breath? The canine studies the bear’s figures as he glides across the bear’s palm. Hasn’t his mother ever told him to never play with his food? The wolf looks straight ahead as the tongue glides under his hind, and pulls him into the bear’s mouth. He watches the jaws slowly come together. At least he has a good amount of room to move around in. The wolf folds his arms under his chin and sighs. Why isn’t the Kodiak Bear swallowing? His feet and calves are already in the esophagus. The canine lifts his head when the jaws open. Is the bear giving him a chance to try and escape? He better not pass up the opportunity. The Grey Wolf grabs onto the kodiak’s canines, pulls his head out of the mouth, and rests his chest on a couple of teeth. He holds his breath when the jaws close around his body. The Kodiak Bear doesn’t bite him in half. Every once in a while the back of the bear’s tongue pushes up on his legs. The wolf looks down and gasps. Even if he could escape, how would he get down? He let’s go of the canine’s when the kodiak pushes him back in, and watches his world go black for a third time, His body glides back. This is it. He’ll never see another glimpse of light. The wolf fights the urge to dig his claws in the bear’s tongue. That won’t do him any good other than causing the bear some discomfort. The tongue lurches up and pushes the rest of his body into the bear’s esophagus. He tells himself the trip down is like a water slide. The wolf chuckles and shakes his head. At least his second landing wasn’t as hard. He isn’t sure what would’ve been worse: landing in a pool of stomach acid, or end up in a large amount of gunk. The canine chuckles. He’s sitting up straight and the muck still comes up to his chest. Just like the rest of the Kodiak Bear, the stomach is big. Too bad he doesn’t have a flashlight so he could see. Then again, there’s more than one way to find out. The wolf grits his teeth as he struggles to stand up. He can’t be certain, but it appears the bear’s stomach is at least four feet long. The canine sits back down with one question on his mind: what the hell did the Kodiak Bear take to grow so big? The Kodiak Bear pulls up an arm chair, props his feet on a foot stool, and lays his right arm across his stomach. Wolves have always been one of his favorite desserts. Of course with him being so big, he’s free to send whoever he wants to his stomach, among other places. The bear chuckles and smacks his belly. He loves it when his dessert moves around. The bear inhales deeply. This should keep the wolf alive a little while longer. His parents named him Junior because of how small he was at birth, and students teased him throughout grade school and junior high for being a short Kodiak Bear. It wasn’t until summer after his sophomore year he took off, and by graduation he was over eleven feet. Nobody said a cruel word his last couple of years in high school. During his last year of high school, he had a thing of causing bullies to disappear. He didn’t care how important they were and/or if they’re female, if he caught them harassing another student, they had a one way trip through to Hell. The school might’ve looked at him as the prime suspect, but they never had enough evidence to charge him. Junior did try to end his murderous ways after graduation, but it didn’t last long. Devouring others went from revenge to a desire, but he never became aroused whenever somebody struggled to death in his stomach. Junior moved to Anchorage to attend college, and went two months without devouring anybody. Once school began and money became rather tight, he went back to his old ways. Even if it meant taking a life, he had to find ways to keep his stomach full. The Kodiak Bear gave himself some rules throughout his sophomore year, and those mainly consisted of staying away from pre-teens and parents with toddlers. Adults, both young and old, of any sex are fair game. He joined a voreaphile site on his twenty-seventh birthday, and became interested in one of the members. A lion rubbed and bathed in Engrowther, and within a year it caused him to grow an additional five feet. Junior didn’t think it was true until he saw a couple of pictures and videos. Out of curiosity he bought himself a case of the stuff, and copied what the African Lion did. He’s twenty-nine and no longer lives in Anchorage. Instead he lives in a cabin on the outskirts of a small village that’s a mile east of Diamond Lake. Throughout the last year he grew over eighteen feet. His height did bring him fame, but it also gave him a lot of problems. Clothes and furniture have to be made to fit and withstand his size he can no longer go to places with his friends except for camping, and going into restaurants are out of the question. Despite all of the drawbacks, he enjoys his new home. The best part is the amount of privacy he has. There are over five hundred residents, and they consist of Polar Bears, Brown Bears of several species, and a couple of Black Bears. An additional bonus comes from the amount of hikers that stop by for supplies before going off into the woods. Junior smiles lazily. Who knew a small village in the middle of nowhere could bring in so many choices? The Kodiak Bear yawns loudly and stretches his body. It’s early, but he’s ready to call it a night. 2 Junior wakes up to the sun shining on his face, and lies there for a couple of minutes. He has a long list of things to do. The bear climbs out of bed, and makes a fire. Getting more wood is one of several items he needs. He looks down and smirks. Shame he has no campers to use. Junior places a black pot over the flames, and makes himself a large amount of oatmeal. His week’s supply of groceries should be in town. He may even use his time to snatch a couple of campers for later. His dishes clean and put away, Junior pulls out a pair of clothes and examines them. One more thing he’ll need. The bear smiles. Getting more clothes tailored for him isn’t too bad. A half hour later he’s in town reserving a truckload of wood, which will be at his place sometime midweek. Junior checks to see if his food is ready, and tells the clerk he’ll pick it up later. Right now he’s ready to see the one bear he cares for the most. A female Kodiak Bear known Elizabeth steps out of her store when she spots Junior. The one bear that’s hard to miss unless they’re blind. The one thing they have in common. They’re both tall for Kodiak Bears, although she’s nowhere the size as her boyfriend. Elizabeth stands at around fifteen feet, and despite her intimidating looks, she’s one of the friendlier bears in the village. The fact she’s twenty-eight and not going anywhere doesn’t bother her. Elizabeth hugs Junior and rubs her head against his chest. He may not come to town often, but when he does, it makes her day worthwhile. They stand in front of her store while holding hands. “You’ve should consider coming in more,” she said with a worm smiles. “I miss you.” “Yeah, I know, but I feel crowded when I stay too long. A big guy in a small town? “I know, I know, and I bet I know what you want. More clothes?” “Yeah. More the same. How long?” “Oh the usual. Couple of days.” Junior nods. “Care to bring ‘em over when you’re done?” “Sure. I love your place. So quiet.” “It’s nice. It’s even nicer when you’re there.” “I bet. Must got lonely being there by yourself.” “I’m not lonely when I’ve got you to think about,” Junior said, kissing his girlfriend on the cheek. “Sorry to split this early, but I’ve got other things to do.” “I know, I know, and I understand I’m busy too.” “Then I’ll go. Don’t like keeping you.” “Yes, I know. Don’t be gone too long.” “I won’t.” Elizabeth smiles. Junior isn’t much of a talker, but he’s sweet. Just like herself. Her smile fades. From the first time they met, she always wondered what he’s up to. There’s no way a bear can stay in the woods like that, and not get into things. She’ll keep her eyes on him for as long as she can, even if it means doing things she would never do. Junior goes for a walk after he puts everything away, and returns with a couple of campers. The bear tosses them into his kettle and slams the lid on it. He may use one for his soap, and the other for something else. Junior smiles sexually. A camper and his right hand has a date. 3 Ike and Burton work for the Voreaphile Task Force, but they don’t help out with cases that involve Anchorage. Along with twelve others across Alaska, the pair takes care of problems that involve the back country. Ike’s and Burton’s territory is the southern east portion of the state, excluding the islands. Unlike other VTF agents, they wait until there’s enough evidence and/or the suspect(s) appear to be staying in one spot before making a move. With them going into the woods, and most of the time on their own, the government gave them permission to shoot on sight if they have no other choice. Burton is a six foot four inch tall, thirty seven year old Arctic Fox, and James is a six foot eight inch, thirty-five year old Grey Wolf with white fur. Both canines worked ten years for the CIA before becoming Voreaphile Task Force agents. Within a year the pair agreed to take care of the backwoods. Burton and James were married at one point, but that doesn’t stop them from acting gay whenever they need too. They did give each other oral, but that only happened after a night of heavy drinking weeks after their divorces. Once Ike and Burton realized what they done, both canines swore off drinking. Two years later and they’re still straight. The wolf and fox agree sharing a two bedroom apartment plays a role. Burt and Ike arrive at the VTF building at around ten, and take care of business before going into their office. The Arctic Fox unrolls several maps of their territory, and watches the Grey Wolf lay out a bunch of notes. “I think,” Ike said, looking at a map on the wall, “we should mark Lake Diamond as our main focus point. Most of the recent were around that area.” Burton nods and places a red thumb tack on the map. “We try and get villages to speak, or go at it alone?” the fox asks. “Let’s wait. Can’t risk giving our suspect and/or suspects a chance to run.” “Point, but what if he, she, they don’t live in a small place? Perhaps he, she, they live by the lake.” “Stop saying that. It’s annoying,” Ike said, rubbing his chin. “Strong possibility, yes. Question is: where?” “More needles in haystack. Say we fly over that area? Think we find something?” “A flyby? May alert our person, but may not. Either way, worth a look. Say we go after lunch?” “Whenever. To avoid alerting... them, we circle only twice. Should be long enough to search.” “Plenty of time.” Ike stands behind his desk and makes a phone call. Their main pilot agrees to fly them around Lake Diamond, but they have to do so now. The canines grab everything they need and leave. Neither of them have any hope in finding anything big. They return an hour later, and with some interesting finds. Burton found several campsites that seem to be unoccupied, and for quite some time from the looks of it. Ike, on the other hand, noticed a rather large cabin a mile or so east of Lake Diamond. The canine makes a date to search the ground, but they only have an hour to do their thing. Not so for their safety, but for the pilot who will be taking them. 4 Junior looks to the sky as an airplane flies around, and shakes his head. Has somebody finally figured out something’s wrong? The bear licks his lips. He would love to see somebody try and arrest him. It’ll be their biggest, and last, mistake they’ll ever make. Then comes the debate on whether to crush, devour, play with, or send them to a special place. Junior chuckles. Decisions, decisions. Eleven o’clock. From what Elizabeth told him when he pair her a visit, three canines are camping near the lake, and being the kind of bear that he is, feels the need to pay them a visit. He may even leave behind a couple of clues behind for the agents. Junior finds the campsite with ease and grins. He’s been in a playful mood ever since seeing that plane. The bear drops to the ground, and studies the tent. There’s already an opening. Good. The Kodiak bear lowers his head, opens his mouth, sticks his tongue inside and waits. A Samoyed mumbles something in his sleep and wakes up. What a dream. The dog lies there half awake. His nostrils pick up something awful. Where is that smell coming from? The Samoyed sticks his snout into his sleeping bad. Not coming from him. He sits up. How did it get so muggy? Growling under his breath, the dog crabs a flashlight and climbs out of his bed. The dog freezes when he reaches the flap. What the hell is on the floor? The Samoyed crawls through the open flap, and shines the beam in front of him. Since when was there a cave by their tent? The dog crawls further in to investigate, and shakes his head. Out of all the caves he’s been in, this one happens to be the weirdest. The floor is soft, hot air rushes up and down his back every second, the stomach makes him want to hurl, and there are several other odd features. He shines the light down a black hold. How far does the cave go? The floor pulls his him in. Junior smiles. It didn’t take long for somebody to crawl into his mouth. He pulls his tongue in, and slowly closes his mouth. The Samoyed looks over his shoulder and gasps. He isn’t in a cave. It’s a mouth, and judging by how the teeth look, it’s that of a Kodiak Bear. The dog gulps as the jaws slowly close. He never had a chance at getting out the moment he crawled in. A sudden jolt causes him to drop his flashlight. The Samoyed watches it fall into the black hole, and digs his claws into the bear’s tongue as he slides forward. The bear raises his head off the ground and snickers. The figure in his mouth must be short. Junior closes his eyes, tilts his head back and swallows and licks his lips. The Samoyed picks up his light the moment he lands, and shines it around. “So this is what it’s like to be in a belly?” he mumbles. The dog leans against the fleshy wall. His friends and himself were looking for a different kind of trip, and this one doesn’t become any stranger. The Samoyed chuckles when his Alaskan Malamute pal lands on his rump. Junior pulls out the second camper, gulps him down, and reaches back into the tent. Nothing. Shrugging, the bear stands up and heads home. He spots a Siberian Husky on the path, and watches him fall back. The bear pretends not to notice as he’s about to crush the canine. A Siberian Husky picks up firewood for the morning. He would be asleep, but insomnia has taken over once again. The dog shifts his load around and heads back to camp. He hears a thunderous sound in the distance. How can there be a storm when there are no clouds? The husky shrugs and continues his trek back to camp until a large bear walks in his direction. The husky drops his wood, and yells as he falls back. The Kodiak Bear doesn’t stop. The dog throws up his hands as a foot come down. It doesn’t crush him.. Junior stretches his foot. It’s been a while since he crushed somebody, but he isn’t done playing with his food. The bear licks his lips. He knows what he can have the dog do. He lifts his foot, slams it beside his toy, leans down and picks it up. He returns to his cabin. “Hey,” the bear said, holding the dog up to his face, “you good at climbing?” “Y-yes.” “Good, cause here’s what you gonna do. You gonna climb up my body, understand? When you’re able to, grab my upper lips that’s under my nose, and hang on. I’ll then open my mouth and stick out my tongue, and you gonna drop onto your hands and knees and crawl in from there. You’ll meet up with your buddies who’s waiting for you. Understand?” “I-I understand.” Junior drops his shorts. “Good, and don’t think to run. My feet haven’t crushed anybody in a while.” The Siberian Husky nods and jumps out of the bear’s hand. Climbing up a large wall of fur shouldn’t be too hard. The dog climbs onto a foot and stands. He’s six foot five, and his head comes short of the Kodiak Bear’s knee. Gulping, the dog begins his climb. Why didn’t the giant crush him instead, or devour him when he had the chance? The Siberian Husky shakes his head. Why did he agree to this trip in the first place? Then again nobody knew this would happen. The dog stops when he reaches the bear’s stomach and stares at it. Are his friends already in there? He’s about to find out. The husky gulps. Climbing the bear’s body was harder than he thought. He looks up and notices the bear looking down. It takes him a while to realize why. Sighing, the Siberian Husky reaches up, grips the upper lip, and hangs on as the bear raises his head. The dog looks down. Up until now, he was never scared of heights. A strong puff of hot air slams into his body. The bear’s tongue slides under his feet. Closing his eyes, the husky completes the rest of his trip. Junior can’t wait any longer. He pulls in his tongue, closes his mouth and swallows. He pats his stomach and licks his lips. Tomorrow may be his night to have a crushing good time. 5 A German Shepherd closes his eyes. A fun trip turns into a horror flick. One moment his pals and himself are having a blast, and the next some creature puts them in a cage of some kind. Sometime later they learn their captor is a really tall Kodiak Bear as he plucks them out one of a time. The German Shepherd whines. Is he the lucky one? All the bear did is roll him in a ball, wrap him in a some dough, and rolls him into some sugar and cinnamon. How is that lucky when his friends were skinned, chopped up, and placed into a stew? The dog cries himself to sleep. What’s in store for him next? Junior dumps the rest of his ingredients into the stew, sends the rest of the body parts to his stomach, and cleans up the blood. The Kodiak Bear sniffs the air. His bread is close to being done. He pulls the table away from the wall and sets it. He wants his dinner with Elizabeth to be romantic. Junior looks outside. She should arrive some time now. Elizabeth fixes her dress and looks at her boyfriend’s place. She almost backed out of their dinner date. Almost. Calming her heart down, the Kodiak Bear knocks on the door and steps back. Junior opens it a couple of seconds later. “Hello gorgeous,” he said, kissing her on the lips. “The dress looks beautifully nice. Make it?” “I did, I did. You should know I made all my gowns,” Beth said, sniffing the air. “Smells good.” “Few more minutes and it’ll be done. Give you time to rest.” “You such a sweetie.” “My mama raised no meanie.” “Hm-mm, she did a good job,” she said, looking at a small, round piece of dough. “What’s this?” “Something I made with left over bread dough. You know how I hate wasting scraps of food. You’re the guest so I figure you should have it.” “Why thank ye, thank ye. Don’t mind if I do,” she said, picking it up. “Looks tasty.” Grinning, Junior said. “Just swallow, please?” Elizabeth smiles and sticks the snack into her mouth. She sucks out the flavor before swallowing it. The German Shepherd wakes up at the sound of two voices. Moments later somebody picks him up, and sighs. Judging by the look on the bear’s face, somebody is about to have him as a snack without knowing it. The German Shepherd cries as the jaws of another bear closes. The tongue pushes up against his face before pushing him back. Junior serves his stew and flirts with Elizabeth when she asks him what’s in it. For the next hour, they discuss this and that until the soap and bread are gone. He tells her not to, but Elizabeth insists on helping him clean dishes. Shame she won’t give herself up. Elizabeth leaves an hour after cleaning up, and can’t wait to be back in her home. Something just didn’t seem right about that ball of sugary dough. Part of it seems a little fuzzy. The Kodiak Bear locks her door. How can her boyfriend trick her into taking a life? She may die, but she can’t stand somebody kill those who bring so much her village’s local economy. 6 Ike and Bert return to the spot of interest three days later, and quickly notice something different. Scattered all over the place are several tents. Some look brand new, and others appear to be months, maybe years old. The Grey Wolf goes over a tent that looks the news, and hears the Arctic Fox taking pictures. Bert walks to each tent and snaps several pictures. The Arctic Fox studies some of the shots. Somebody had to have placed all of the tents close to the lake, unless there are a lot of campers who are sloppy at setting them up. Something isn’t adding up. Bert shakes his head, turns around, and stumbles into an odd shape hole. The fox studies it. “Yo, Ike. Might’ve found a big clue.” “Oh, yeah? Where?” “Walking out of it. It’s big.” Ike looks at his partner ready to ask him what he’s talking about, and notices the small cavity. “What I tell ya, Ike?” Bert said, taking a couple of photos. “I see. What you think made that?” “Looks almost like a footprint.” “No way, Bert. Not possible.” “Possible,” the fox said, showing his partner the picture. “Looks that of a bear’s print.” “Impossible. No bear is so big to leave a print like that.” “Maybe it’s true, Ike. Remember that Engrowther type stuff?” “Christ, you’re right,” the wolf said. “I think we’ve gots plenty. Time to head back.” “Agreed. Can’t risk the pilot’s life.” “No. We may come back in a car next time.” “When is the next time?” “Dunno. Have to wait and see.” 7 Junior didn’t think it could happen, but it did. He had a goal to reach twenty feet before the age of thirty, and last night his dream came true. Thankfully he made his cabin to fit his dream. The downside involves having to update his entire wardrobe, and explaining to Elizabeth on why his latest growth spurt isn’t a big deal. Junior will dispose of her if he has to, and it might be sooner than he thinks. The Kodiak Bear rubs his lower jaw. Either a tooth is rotting away, or his bone didn’t keep up when the rest of his body grew. He rubs his tongue against his teeth and sucks in air. Some discomfort but nothing serious. Regardless, he makes a request for a dentist to pay him a visit. Junior sneers. Two canines, a Siberian Husky and a Grey Wolf, are the only ones who check the villagers’ teeth, or it’s what his girlfriend told him. The pair must have nothing to live for, have strong stomachs, are paid well, or a mixture of all three. There’s no way in hell he’ll crawl into somebody’s mouth to clean and fix teeth. Junior rinses out his mouth with homemade mouthwash. It’s the least he can do for the fool who will be crawling inside. The bear shakes his head and chuckles. Not once has a canine been inside his place and live to tell about it. Today will be his ultimate test to control himself. Hopefully the doctor has a sense of humor. Junior puts a small kettle of water over the fire, and sighs when somebody knocks. This is it. The bear opens the door for a Siberian Husky. “Good afternoon there, sir. Name’s Ashton, and I’ll be your doctor,” the dog said, looking at his patient. “My you are a big bear.” “Name’s Junior, doc.” “Yes, I know. One the name of Elizabeth told me. Know her?” “Yep. She’s my lover.” “Nice pick if I do say so myself, and I don’t mean to come off as hitting on her,” Ashton said. “Where be the problem?” “Somewhere around here, doc,” Junior said while pointing. “I see. Well, I’ll see what this problem is.” The bear nods and lowers his hand. Having somebody stand in his palm is another first. Junior raises his hand and sits on his arm chair. “Now there are some simple rules,” Ashton said, putting on a headlamp. “Swallow lightly, keeps your jaws open, and don’t drink anything. If I go missing, they will know.” “Gotcha.” “Whenever you’re ready, Junior.” Ashton looks into his patient’s mouth and inhales a cinnamon scent. Good. At least some patients have the decency to use mouthwash. The doctor crawls towards the area in question, and turns on his light. Besides of some tarter build up, there’s nothing wrong. Ashton notices something between a couple of molars, and pulls it out. Feels fuzzy. The doctor sticks it in his pocket, and goes to work on his patient’s teeth. Junior stares at the wall and keeps his hands folders across his lap. Every now and then he dries the corner of his month. The bear closes his eyes. How long does he have to keep his jaws open? Junior yawns greatly, and for a split second forgets about the dentist. At least he didn’t glide down his throat. He raises his hand to his mouth. “Sorry about that, doc,” Junior said, stretching his jaws. “So didn’t mean to do that.” “No worries. You did your best.” “How bad are they?” “Not bad. Not bad at all. If you’d like, I can come by tomorrow and clean then all.” “Yeah, sure. I’m game, doc. When?” “Around now, perhaps some time earlier.” “Fine with me,” Junior said, lowering his hand. “See ya then. Doc.” 8 The bear promises he’ll go somewhere else if he’s able to pull himself out, and that alone is enough reason for the Coyote to not quit. The canine loses his grip on the kodiak’s lower jaw for a couple of seconds, but manages to grab onto a K-9 thanks to a sudden surge of energy. The Coyote grits his teeth as he pulls himself up. Quitting was never an option. Junior closes his eyes and touches his cock. Looks like the Coyote will end up in a different place after all. He pulls the canine out of his mouth, studies him for a couple of seconds, and brings his hand down to his mid-section. In a couple of seconds he watches a small bulge disappear into his testicles. Junior licks his lips and pulls up his pants. There’s a special place the Coyote will go to, and it involves his girlfriend. Elizabeth arrives ten minutes later,, and immediately takes off her clothes. Soon thereafter they’re both on his bed making out. Junior slowly enters his girlfriend’s body. The Coyote shakes his head. Why isn’t he dead yet? He’s been in the bear’s testicles for quite some time now. The canine places his hands against the walls. He should’ve just sent himself to the bear’s stomach. The Coyote yells when a large amount of cum pushes him back up into the urethra. Junior closes his eyes and keeps thrusting his hips as he climaxes. Elizabeth keeps her legs wrapped around her boyfriend’s thighs and blinks her eyes. What the hell just entered her body? Either tonight or first thing in the morning she’ll contact the Voreaphile Task Force. Elizabeth closes her eyes. Shame she can’t help the poor soul that’s in her now. 9 Junior sits on his armchair. His teeth are clean, and the doctor is nowhere to be seen. The Kodiak Bear licks his lips. He knows he’ll get in trouble, but he’ll be long gone before they find him. Then again he would love to see somebody try and arrest him. The bear skims through a letter he received last night. Looks like somebody from the village turned him in, and they want him to team up with Ben the lion. When and if he’s ready to leave, he’s to call a number. He’ll do as the letter asks, but he has a couple of things to do. Noon. Jack packs the last of the things he needs, and writes a note explaining what he wants done to the rest. This time tomorrow he’ll be long gone, and his house owned by the village. The bear hears a knock as he zips his suitcase, and looks outside. It’s the rat. Junior smiles warmly and lets Elizabeth in. He slams the door, and shoves her hard. “What was that for?” she yells, facing her boyfriend. “You the one who told aren’tcha? You told them VTF bastards.” “All right. All right, I admit it. I had to. I couldn’t stand back and allow somebody, you, to destroy our economy. Those campers you kill are our big source of money, Junior. If they stop coming, we become a slum. You want that hanging over your head?” “Nothing came of it for how long I’ve done it,” Junior said. “Can’t believe it. I can’t believe I gave myself to a murderer.” “You be as guilty.” “Hey, I didn’t know. If I’d known you placed somebody in that ball of dough, I wouldn’t have aten it. Excuse me, I’ve gotta go.” “Nope, don’t think so. You ratted me out, and you must go,” Junior said, throwing both hands around Elizabeth’s neck. “You must go to Hell.” Junior tightens his grip and grin as the bitch struggles. He uses his strength and height to push her to the ground, and kneels on top of her. Soon the doctor will have company, although she’ll be dead by the time she’s in his stomach. Elizabeth’s arms slowly grow limp. Junior digs his claws into her throat. Her chest rises for the last time. The bear tares off of her clothes, and places it in a pile. The Kodiak Bear sticks her head into his mouth, and swallows. The fact he could choke doesn’t faze him. Which he shouldn’t. Junior remembers watching several videos of tall suspects devouring their rather short victims with ease. He gulps down Elizabeth’s breasts. Now that the hard part is over, the rest should be a snap. Junior positions himself onto his rump, keeps his hands on the bitch’s legs, and tilts his head back. The bear quickly gulps down the rest of his ex, and pats his growing stomach. He should consider changing his diet. Those under ten feet just don’t fill him up. 10 They’re going on a suicide mission. Ike just knows it. But besides of having a fight with his partner, he agrees to go to the place of interest by car. If it was up to him, he’d wait until they had mass back up. God knows what the size of the bear truly is. Ike wants to tell his partner how stupid this is, but instead focuses on the rough road. The wolf agrees with the Arctic Fox on one thing, they hope Elizabeth is alive. They drive through the small village without stopping to ask any questions, and turn on a small road that leads into the woods. If this doesn’t lead to where they’re going, then nothing will. If possible, Ike would rather stay in the car. This way they’ll have a chance of getting away whenever they run into trouble. The wolf looks down the road, notices somebody standing in the way, and slams on the brakes. Both agents drop their jaws as the look up. Standing in front of them is a twenty foot tall Kodiak Bear. There’s no question about it. This is their suspect of interest. Ike is the first to jump out of the car the moment the bear walk towards them. Bert follows seconds before their suspect walks over it. The Grey Wolf watches in horror as the bear steps on his partner, and raises his gun. “You don’t believe that’ll harm me, do ya?” the bear said heartily. “Toss it.” Ike takes a deep breath and does as he’s told. “Good boy. I’ll allow you to live, but as for your partner, I’m afraid his life comes to a crushing end.” Ike stares wide eyed as the bear lifts his foot, and brings it down hard. The sound of bone and flesh crushing will haunt him until he dies. The wolf looks away as the suspect grinds his partner into the ground. Ike doesn’t even watch the bear walk away. He takes a deep breath. His partner: dead. Car: destroyed. The wolf does his best to ignore the bloody mess, and heads down the path. For an hour straight he browses through what has to be the bear’s house, but finds nothing of interest. The pile of clothes on the floor tells him Elizabeth might be dead. Pity she had to do something stupid. Drying his eyes Ike pulls out his satellite phone and informs the VTF headquarters what’s going on. 11 Ben exits a warehouse in Houston, Texas at two in the morning with a full stomach and testicles, and with a canine up his ass. The lion calls a number and nods. The usual amount has been put into his account, and it sounds like he’ll a partner: a twenty foot tall bear named Junior. Ben smiles. It’s nice to know he’ll be working with somebody who used his idea. Ben listens to watch his boss tells him and hangs up. He’ll know more once he meets Junior at an airport, but he has an idea on why. It’ll take more than one to clear out a small town. |
Cruise 1 He doesn’t want to go, but knows his partners need time to think things through. Especially Charlie. Nick packs the rest of his clothes, makes sure he has enough cigarettes, and helps Chance. The human still finds it hard to believe Aeturnus came close of killing his boyfriend, which is the main reason why they’re going on a thirty-five day cruise. Of course once Jon’s dad found out about the trip, he insisted on paying for everything. Their taxi arrives right on time. Nick and Chance grab their things and leave without saying a word to their roommates. An hour later Nick and Chance meet Linda and Nate, board the Ms. Rotterdam and check in. They make sure they have each other’s numbers before going their separate ways. Room service leads them to their ocean view staterooms on the Dolphin deck, and tells them not to be scared to ask any questions. Nick makes sure it’s okay for him to smoke on board, and where the smokers’ sections are. After room service gives them a tour of their room, Nick and Chance spend the next forty-five minutes unpacking. They meet Linda and Nate on the Main Deck at four fifty-five to watch the ship deport. While Nate and Linda do their thing, Nick and Chance walk around the ship to see where everything’s at. The human makes plans to go into the casino and see if he can pull off tricks Charlie taught him. Nick pulls out his cell phone, thinks it over and calls his roommates. The conversation he has with the German Shepherd lasts five minutes. The pair make it back to their room with little problem, and share a shower. The moment gives them additional reasons why they agreed to take the cruise: to give them a chance to become close, and to celebrate their one year anniversary of being together in the States. Nick and Chance put on clean clothes, admire their room one more time and meet Nate and Linda for dinner. Other than a couple of passengers complaining about their presence, their first evening on the ship goes swell. After eating, Nick and Chance take a long stroll on the patio holding hands and admiring the view before heading back to their room. The pair doesn’t rush things. The rocking of the boat and the moon shining through their window makes the evening that much more romantic. When they do enter each other’s bodies, they make it last. For the first time since arriving to the States, the Siberian Husky enters the human’s body several times. By midnight they’re sound asleep in their arms. Going on a cruise may be the greatest thing they’ve done since becoming a couple. *** Two Ligers, a male and female, check in at four and lead to their room. They each give room service a hundred dollar tip. The two felines spend the next two hours learning the ship. Once they have an idea on the layout, the pair goes to work unpacking and setting everything up. The male Liger opens a program on his laptop, sticks their cards in a special slot, and within ten minutes create two skeleton keys. Now they have the freedom to enter whatever room they want. The female checks their tools to examine jewelry didn’t become damage during their flight to Seattle. The thirty year old male is known as Clyde, and he stands close to nine feet eight inches. The upper half of his body has the features of a lion while the bottom half has characteristics of a tiger. The twenty-nine year old female is known as Missy, and she stands at around nine feet six inches. Her entire fur tone is a mix between a lion and tiger. Both Ligers are lean with muscles, and their appearances always seem to turn heads wherever they go. The couple makes a good living at being criminals. Once they have their own set of skeleton keys, they break into as many rooms as they can throughout the trip and steal whatever they can. For the first year they made sure the occupants weren’t around before doing their thing, but at the star of their second year they agreed to devour them instead. By their third, and with help from a couple of products, Clyde and Missy can devour their potential victims through other means, and have used them as their personal sex toys from time to time. At the beginning they did things for the hell of it, but now the Ligers do it just to see how long they can keep getting away with things. Throughout the years, Missy and Clyde came up with a simple but effective plan. For the first day, day in a half they do nothing but scout out perfect targets. The felines go by what their victims wear and/or buy. Once they have an idea on who might have items of interest, they strike. Either by themselves or as a team. The big cats usually go over their loot the following day. Missy and Clyde easily steal roughly two hundred fifty to five hundred thousand dollars in jewelry, watches, and other items. As of now they have over five million dollars in several banks and credit unions, and they’re hoping to have six million by the end of the year. 2 Nick wakes up before Chance, takes a shower and writes a note before leaving. The young man checks the batteries in his camera, and takes a couple of pictures. Hopefully tomorrow he’ll be able to watch the sunrise with his boyfriend. At seven he receives a text from his boyfriend, and sends a reply. The human grabs a table, sees he’s alone, and smokes a cigarette. He puts it out when Linda walks towards him. “Didn’t have to do that. I’m use to that smell,” Linda said. “How long ago you start up again?” “I try to be considerate of others,” Nick drinks some water. “A week or so after I came home from the hospital. Things were too intense.” “I’d imagine. Let me get this straight, you have a condition that prevents you from felling hungry?” “Yep.” “How long have you had it?” “At least twenty years, if not longer.” “And your parents never took you to see the doctor?” “They didn’t believe in them. If it weren’t for their holy guy, they would never have taken me to see anybody, and I don’t think they took his word seriously.” “I’ve heard from Charlie your parents were pretty religious Christians, right?” Linda sees Nick nod. “Unreal.” “Growing up in their house wasn’t fun.” “I’d bet. I have to ask, how can you not feel hungry?” “I just don’t. I can go days without eating and never feel it. I’ve had doctors tell me it’s a bad thing, but there’s times it can do me some good, When Jasper had me comes to mind when it does me some good,” Nick said. “There are procedures I can go through to get rid of it, but the risks are too much.” “Yeah, side effects can be pretty bad,” Linda said. “Nate’s meeting me, or suppose to meet me there, at the Lido Restaurant. You and Chance interested in joining us for breakfast?” “Hm, sure, just have to text him.” “By the way, remind me to thank Jon’s dad personally. It was really nice of him to cover the trip.” “I will. Give him a chance to really get to know you two outside of work.” Nick sends Chance a text, and follows the vixen to the restaurant. They wait outside for their lovers to arrive before allowing a server to seat them. Throughout their meal, the canines and human discuss what they plan on doing during the cruise. A half hour later Linda and Nate head back to their room, Chance puts on a thong and relaxes in a hot tub, and Nick goes to the casino. He leaves an hour later one thousand dollars richer, and joins his boyfriend. That night, Nick and Chance are in their bed cuddling. They don’t plan on making love. Commotion from next door ruins their moment. They listen as demands turns into yells for help, and within a couple of minutes, dead silence. The human and Siberian Husky tightens their grip and slides under their covers. An hour goes by and nothing happens. Figuring things are safe, Nick and Chance turn off their lamps and go to sleep. 3 Nick wakes up at seven, dresses, and despite his boyfriend telling him not to, heads next door. He has to see if their neighbors are okay. The human hears voices coming from inside, and notices the door is ajar. He enters without knocking, and spots a male African Lion and Spotted Hyena looking around. An Alaskan Malamute stops him before he can offer his assistance. Romeo looks around the room and growls. Once again he can’t find a signal thread of evidence. The sheets and blankets are clean, items appear to be missing but there’s no fingerprints to be found, and no eyewitnesses, but he knows something happened or passengers wouldn’t have said anything last night. He, and his partner, don’t even know how their suspect(s) are breaking into each room without breaking down the door. As always, Romeo is at a loss of words. Romeo is a thirty-four year old, eight foot nine inch tall African Lion. His partner, Igor, is thirty-three and stands seven feet one inch. They’ve been assigned to track down those responsible for the disappearances and robberies of passengers for years, and they have yet to receive shit in evidence. To make things worse, other agents won’t lift a finer to help. Romeo isn’t sure about Igor, but he plans on quitting once he’s solves the case. If he solves it. The feline doesn’t see the point in working for an agency if they’re not going to offer assistance to a couple of rookies. Romeo looks up when he hears a strange voice and spots a human. The one thing he hates the most has to deal with other passengers getting in the way of things. The African Lion motions for the Alaskan Malamute to kick out the annoyance, but he insists on helping. He watches Igor walk up to him and demand to see a badge. “Nick Keller. I’m a computer specialist for the Voreaphile Task Force,” the human holds up his badge. “Now will you accept my assistance?” “Yes, yes, I suppose,” Romeo said annoyingly. “Not I don’t expect you to be of any assistance.” “Wouldn’t you be shocked. Heard of Nathan Betterman?” “A’ight smart guy, help us figure out how whoever’s doing this are able to break into the rooms without busting the door,” Igor said. “They probably have a program that allows them to create skeleton keys. I know the software I need, I just have to make sure this ship has what I need, and the captain doesn’t mind lending me a card key.” Romeo licks his teeth and studies the runt. “Okay Nick, you wanna help, that’s your assignment. Show us how to make a skeleton key.” “I’m on it, but before I go, can I get your cell phone numbers?” Nick hands the hyena a card. “There’s mine, and I’ll get you Nate’s and Linda’s if they agree to help as well.” Romeo keeps his eyes on Nick as Igor gives him their contact information. He asks a couple of his questions, and watches the VTF agent leave. He agrees with Igor. They should except Nick’s help and be happy with it. It’s better than nothing, and it appears he knows a thing or two about computers. Nodding, Romeo adds Nick’s number and goes back to work. 4 Missy heads down the hall on the Main Deck at twelve thirty in the morning barefoot. Besides of a few passengers, the halls are quiet. It’s one of several reasons why both she and her mate do their thing at night. The Liger digs a piece of paper out of her pocket. There are two males on her list, and they’re canine, rich and alone. Easy targets for the likes of her. The only downside is they’re on different decks. The one farthest away will be the first to go, and knows the perfect spot to send him. The Liger licks her lips. She’s in the mood to please her stomach and uterus. The feline arrives at her first destination five minutes until one, and looks around. The hall is clear. In a matter of seconds she’s in the room. Missy studies her prey with hungry eyes. Pity a good looking German Shepherd sleeps by himself. The Liger takes off her shirt and bra. She’ll fix that for a minute. Missy crawls onto the canine. Her breasts pushes against his chest as she licks his face. The German Shepherd shivers as a warm puff of air rushes over his face. A thin coat of something covers his fur. He tries to ignore it, but notices somebody sitting up. The canine turns on a lamp and sits up. Kneeling in front of him is a female Liger. The German Shepherd study’s her body. The feline’s abdomen appears to be muscular, and her breasts are perfect for somebody of her height and size. The canine sighs calmly. He has seen her wondering around before. He’s not upset she broke into his room. “How can I be of assistance to you?” he asks. “Just thought I’d give you some company,” Missy licks her lips. “Shame a sexy canine as yourself has to be by him lonesome self.” “Yes, well, I’m quite happy.” “But don’t you desire a pair of these?” The Liger leans forward and shoves his head between her breasts. The smell and heat coming from her fur is rather soothing. The German Shepherd closes his eyes and pushes himself away. He leans against the wall unsure of what she wants. The Liger leans forward and licks his chest and head. He shivers at how slow the rough tongue glides over his face. A thin layer of drool covers his fur. “Mm, tasty. I want you in me.” “I’m... not interested... in doing that.” “Oh don’t be silly. I don’t want that in me,” Missy chuckles heartily. “I want you inside me.” The German Shepherd realizes what she means. Seconds later he finds himself staring at the back of the Liger’s mouth, and can clearly see the opening to her throat. The canine doesn’t blink the closer it becomes. The warm, stiff air and drool doesn’t faze him. The German Shepherd continues to stare blankly into the black hole as his world goes black. He lays his chin on the back of the Liger’s tongue. He didn’t even ask for her name. Missy lifts her prey into the air, grasps his feet with one hand and smiles. She loves being massive. One third of the German Shepherd’s body is already in her mouth. The Liger opens her mouth as wide as she can. She wants the canine to see his fate. The feline continues to smile. Her prey doesn’t even appear to be struggling. Missy moves her tongue around with ease. She’s in no hurry to devour the canine. The feline closes his jaws and hold the canine firmly between her fangs. She tilts her head back, but doesn’t swallow. Missy glides the tip of her tongue under the canine’s belly, pulls him in and swallows. The German Shepherd has to be over seven feet, but seems smaller now that he’s in her mouth, unless it’s bigger than she thinks. The Liger rubs her tongue against the canine’s body and moans. Canines always tend to have the best flavor. Missy rubs a little harder. This one being no exception. A massive gulps sends two third of her victim’s body down her gullet. His feet stick out of her lips. She pushes them in with two fingers, swallows and lazily sucks on her claws. The bulge glides down her throat and into her stomach. The German Shepherd doesn’t struggle once during his trip down the Liger’s esophagus. In fact, he finds the warm air and thick drool enjoyable, and the tight, muscular tube pleasant. He squirms when his testicles glide across the feline’s tongue, but nothing comes of it. His mind doesn’t pick up the slight tickling sensation coming from his feet. His head pops through a ring. Her stomach. The German Shepherd figures this was to be his fate: pleasing somebody else’s hunger. Moments later he’s in a tight ball. The canine shifts his body, but can’t find a comfortable position. The German Shepherd closes his eyes and fades into unconsciousness. Seconds later a large amount of air rushes out. Missy covers her mouth, pats her stomach and chuckles. She may have to go after more German Shepherds. This one has an extraordinary taste she craves, and it’s something anthros and humans don’t seem to have. The Liger licks her lips and pats her stomach. It didn’t take her acids long to being the process of digesting her victim. Missy climbs out of bed, puts on a pair of rubber gloves, and searches the room. She finds three kinds of Rolex watches, a gold ring, a pair of diamond cufflinks, and a leather designer wallet. Not a bad haul from a bachelor. The Liger puts on her bra and shirt, and leaves. Housekeeping will pull the sheets before the FBI and CIA has a chance of collecting any DNA samples. Missy heads to the Dolphin Deck. Her next target is the same as the last a lone male who seems to be loaded. The one difference: this one’s a Grey Wolf. The Liger smacks her lips. Devouring the German Shepherd has made her horny. Tonight she might not use her victim as a vibrator, but next time she will, and it may involve Clyde. Missy licks her lips when she arrives to her destination, looks around and enters. She spots the canine sleeping with the covers off. Too easy. Missy steps out of her pants and underwear, stands at the foot of the bed, spreads he legs, and sticks the wolf’s feet into her vagina. His calves disappear within seconds. Missy purrs at how fast the canine stirs. The Grey Wolf growls in his sleep. He threw the covers off, so what’s preventing him from moving his feet? The canine slowly wakes up. Now he can’t seem to move his legs. The canine swears under his breath, props himself onto his elbows and looks over his shoulders. It takes a second for his vision to clear up. Standing over him is a Liger, and he’s being pulled into her body. The canine wakes up in a snap, and tries to pull himself out. Moments later the feline’s vagina pulls in his waist. The Grey Wolf grits his teeth. Still nothing. He gives it another try before quitting. By then it’s up to his chest. His heart pounds against his ribcage as his head squeezes through into the small hole. Missy plays with her breasts and groans at how fast the bulge grows in her uterus. It’s not as good as sending somebody to her stomach, but it’s still enjoyable. The Liger watches the wolf’s arms disappear. Once they’re no longer visible, she steps back into her clothes and goes to work. She finds more of the same: watches, rings, and couple of necklaces. The feline checks the stain on the bed and floor, and uses a voice box to send a message to housekeeping. As usual, they’ll take care of it before anybody can use it. Missy returns to her cabin, places both bags on a desk, and climbs into bed only in her underwear. Tomorrow she’ll see how much each piece is worth. 5 Nicks hangs up after talking to his business partner, bites his lower lip and calls his roommates. He talks to Balto and Steele for close to an hour. Hopefully things will be calm by the time he and Chance return. During the afternoon the VTF works on several sketches, and receives a commission from a couple. A quarter after two Nate joins him. “Still see you do sketches,” the Doberman Pincher said. “It’s keeping me sane,” Nick puts out a cigarette. “That’s what Chance told us. Shame you had to pick up smoking. Again.” “I know. I keep telling myself to quit, but nothing comes of it.” “Smoking’s a hard habit to quit,” Nate places a notebook on the table. “Now that we’re alone, for once, thought you should have this.” “What is it?” “It’s one of your sketchbooks. I took it when I thought you were dead, but seeing as how you’re not, I figure you should have it.” “Man, I forgot about this,” Nick flips through the pages. “What did passengers say about all this?” “Those who stopped to look bought some, and a couple even asking for a portrait. I got a snapshot of them standing near the railing holding each other. One thing they want me to add is a sunset.” “Nice to hear.” “Yeah. Here, you keep it,” Nick pushes it towards Nate but pulls it back. “Just a sec.” “Well, make up your mind.” The human turns to a blank page. “Allow me to do something with you and Linda, and then you can have it back.” Nate nods, “Any suggestions?” “A nude one, if possible.” “I think we can handle that. Just let us know when.” “I’ve got an idea,” Nick said. “You two are getting serious.” “You could say that, but something’s holding us back. Me, anyway.” “It has to deal with Ramone, doesn’t it?” “It does.” “What I remember from him, he’d want his wife to be happy. If she makes you happy, and you make her happy, I don’t see why you two wouldn’t go that extra step.” “When you put it like that, we do. She never made me feel like the way I do.” “Yeah, I noticed she chiseled away some of that roughness you’re known for.” “I noticed that myself,” Nate chuckles and stands. “I’ll get out of your hair so you can get back to work.” “See you later, and call me an hour before dinner.” Moments after Nate leaves, Igor takes a seat. “What you’ve heard from you business partner?” “I’ve got some good news and bad news,” Nick said. “The good news is he’ll ship what we need once he orders it.” “And what’s the bad news?” “We have to wait until Hawaii before I can pick it up. He could’ve shipped it elsewhere, but from what I saw on the schedule, we’ll be staying at Hawaii for two days. Don’t worry, he’ll ship it first class, and it should be there when we do, it’s just-“ “I get it. Not much to do about it but wait,” the Spotted Hyena said. “I need to issue an apology to you. Did some background search and learn you are good at what you do.” “Don’t worry about it. I’ve been through that before.” “Surely. What do you suggest we do in the mean time?” “You said this been going on for three years, right?” “Yeah. That’s correct.” “I suggest we get statements from several banks and credit unions and go from there.” “Hm, never really thought at that, but who’ll help?” “Nate and Linda said they’ll help in anyway, and my friend said he’ll do what he can.” “I wasn’t born yesterday, pup. I’ve seen you two talking about holding hands. It don’t bother me none.” “Okay,” Nick gathers his things. “When do you want to get to work?” 6 Clyde pushes his mane back, stick his card key into a slot, and looks over his shoulder as he enters the room. It’s not as late as it should, but he’s horny as hell. Ever since the Liger saw his target during lunch, his dick wants to grow. Clyde would need a new pair of pants if he were to allow his cock to become fully erect. At least they’re baggy enough to hide the soon to be bulge. The feline studies his target and licks his lips. A lone Siberian Husky who seems to have more stuff than he knows what to do with. After tonight that’ll no longer be a problem. Clyde steps out of his pants, and kneels on top of the canine. He purrs loudly while playing with himself. His heart pounds against his chest as his cock become fully erect. He’s on top of the canine’s legs, and the tip of his cock comes close of touching his chin. The Liger licks his lips. He was rather big growing up, but using Engrowther has made him bigger and hungrier. He rubs his massive cock with both hands. The canine gags when a strong, musky scent rushes over his face and slowly wakes up. He notices somebody kneeling on top of him. The Siberian Husky opens his eyes and jumps. The last thing he expected to see is somebody’s dick in his face. Another strong blast of musky air rushes over his face. The Siberian Husky looks up and sees a Liger. No big shocker there The canine grits his teeth as he tries to move but fails. There’s no way for him to escape, and yelling for help might not do him any good. The canine takes a deep breath and gags. Why him? The Siberian Husky studies the mouth of the urethra and shivers. It appears to be alive. The canine grunts as he tries to push the cock off of him. No use. The Liger seems to be pushing down on it. He lies there studying the motion. The feline’s masturbating all right. The musky scent strengthens as something oozes out. Pre-cum. Moments later cum gushes out. The Liger pulls his cock away. The Siberian husky cringes at how heavy, warm and sticky the substance is. It’s preventing him from sitting up and freeing his arms. Clyde breathes in the smell and looks at the Siberian Husky. Cum covers one third of his body. One of these days he’ll see if he can cover somebody from head to foot in the stuff. Of course it’ll require him save what he digests in his testicles for a long time. Clyde watches the Siberian Husky struggle. There’s nothing he can do but put the canine out of his misery. The feline looks around. He’ll collect what he can then call room service. The feline pulls up and sits on a chair, and holds his cock level to his prey’s feet. Within seconds it pulls them in. Even with the amount of weight preventing the canine from moving, his urethra is strong enough to suck him in. Clyde leans back and watches a bulge form in his cock. The Siberian Husky gulps as his eyes swells up. So this is how it’ll end for him. Judging by how big the Liger is, the agents won’t be able to stop him or his partner, if he has one. The canine squirms when the feline’s cock sucks in his waist. He grits his teeth. It didn’t take the cum on his chest long to harden. His heart pounds against his ribcage as the Liger’s cock devour his chest. The thick, musky scent overwhelms his sense of smell. It’s up to his neck. The Siberian Husky tilts his head back and whimpers. Seconds later his entire body is in the feline’s cock. The light at the beginning of the muscular tunnel shrinks. The canine closes his eyes. Soon everything will come to an end. Clyde props his feet on the foot of the bed and watches the bulge disappear into his testicles. They don’t stretch out much. The Liger crosses his legs and stretches his toes. How he would love to stay in one place while his victim becomes something of use. Growling annoyingly, Clyde puts his pants back on, along with a pair of gloves, and goes to work. Other than two gold watches and five thousand dollars in cash, he doesn’t find shit. Clyde puts five hundred on a desk and picks up the receiver. “Hello, yes. Room service? I’ve made a rather big mess, by accident mind you, on your bed, and I’d like someone to clean it pronto. There’s a fairly large tip for those who do. No, I’ll be outta the room. Don’t want to disturb them while they clean. Okay. You have a goodnight too.” 7 At first, Romeo thought going through bank statements would be a waste of time, but once they went to work, he changed his mind. From the looks of things, their suspect(s) has been making ten to twenty-five thousand dollar deposits a week and a half after a cruise for close to three years. The African Lion figures the longer the trip, the more they make. Romeo likes the connections they’re making in certain areas, but wishes they could be doing other things as well. While Igor takes Nick and Nate into town during their stop at Hawaii, Romeo and Linda come up with a plan. Neither of them likes it but there’s no other choice. Somebody, whether they be single or in a relationship, will receive a brand new Rolex watch with a couple of stipulations. One they have to allow at least one of them to go through and mark their jewelry, which should make things easier for them to find what’s been pawned if they can’t solve the case during the cruise. The other: there’s a strong chance whoever receives the watch won’t be seeing the end of the cruise. They return from the post office at one thirty, and Nick goes straight to work unpacking and installing everything. Other than Vista giving him some problems, things appear to be working. An hour and a half later he sticks the CDs into his suitcase, and begins the process of creating a skeleton key. Nick bites his tongue as Romeo looks over his shoulder. Within fifteen minutes he pulls out a card and hands it to the African Lion. “Now you have access to every room on board,” Nick said. “Told you he’s good, mate,” Chance said. “Yes, I see now. I’m impressed,” Romeo studies the key. “But will it work?” “Try it and find out.” The lion nods, leaves the room and re-enters in a couple of seconds. Still doubting it works, Romeo uses the key card on another door and nods. Pity the FBI didn’t get Nick on the case sooner. He returns to the human’s room and calls Igor. The hyena shows up a couple of minutes later. “Here. Now you’ve got one,” Nick hands Romeo’s partner a key. “Okay, but does it work at all?” Igor asks. “It does. I’ve tested and confirmed it myself. It works.” “But how does it help us with the case?” “Now you know it is possible for hackers to create their own skeleton keys,” Nick said. “Only downside, there’s no way for the captain to stop them, unless he goes back to regular keys, but even then.” “Either of you have any ideas on who might be behind it?” Chance asks. “None,” the hyena looks at Nick. “Unless you’ve got some, smart guy.” “I might. You noticed those Ligers? There’s one that looks like a cross between a tiger and lion, and the female-“ “We know. We’ve seen them around. What about ‘em?” the African Lion asks. “Ever notice how they study passengers? I mean really study them?” “Come to think of it, I have,” Igor said. “Honestly, I’ve had a hunch but wanted to avoid raising any suspicion. Not with them doing what they might be doing.” “Smart move, mate,” Chance looks at his boyfriend out of the corner of his eye. “I don’t have to worry about you, do I?” “If you mean following them, I did but not on purpose. Today I noticed the female Liger trailing behind another passenger, and paying attention to the details of the halls.” “You know, we’re going to have to start doing that,” Romeo said. “Get descriptions of the suspects’ targets, maybe a picture, and see how long it be until they go missing.” “Which we’ll do,” Igor heads for the door. “You’ve done more than enough for us, Nick. Thanks.” Once the agents are gone, Chance faces his lover. “I’m disappointed in you, mate. We’re here to relax. Not work.” “I know and I’m sorry,” Nick said, getting to his knees. “Allow me to make it up for you.” *** Igor types up the rest of his report, saves it and turns off his laptop. He looks at the time on his cell phone. It’s minutes shy of becoming a new day. The Spotted Hyena finishes the rest of his beer, takes off his clothes and crawls into bed. He lies there thinking about the case. Odd how they couldn’t find shit until now, and with help from somebody who never truly worked for the FBI. There’s still a lot of work they have to do, but he and Romeo seem closer of making an arrest then before. Igor closes his eyes. Maybe he’ll become a Voreaphile Task Force agent once he’s done with the case. The FBI agent enters Upper La Fontaine Dining Room and eats breakfast by himself. Half way through his meal he notices a couple of Ligers studying another couple. While keeping watch out of the corner of his eyes, Igor jolts down the description of both couples and snaps a couple of pictures. Neither of them notices a thing. The Spotted Hyena sends a text message to Nick, Linda, Nate and Romeo and asks them to meet him at his room by ten. For a second he regrets sending one to the VTF agents, but figures it wouldn’t hurt to keep them informed. Plus it’ll give him a chance to ask them questions regarding their kind of work. 8 Missy follows her partner to their next destination and licks her lips. Tonight two Red Foxes, a male and female, will take part in a different kind of trip. The Liger studies Clyde. He’s in the mood to make love, she just knows it, and she’ll allow him to be in her if he doesn’t mind doing something for her. As her partner is about to unlock the door, she places a hand on his wriest and whispers what she wants. Missy licks the side of his face and smiles. She knew he’d say yes. Clyde allows Missy to enter first and studies her ass. He can’t wait to enter her body, but first there are a couple of canines they need to dispose of. His partner gives him permission to devour the vixen, which he does in six gulps. Once he becomes erect, he goes to work on the male fox. Clyde shakes his head. Lately their victims don’t seem to have the desire to scream for help, or put up a struggle. Two things he misses the most. The Red Fox closes his eyes and cries quietly. Watching his wife disappear took his will to live away. The Ligers can do whatever they want to him, he just wants to do it quickly, but it appears he won’t receive hi wish. The feline’s cock sucks in his chest. The canine opens his eyes when the Liger lifts him off of the bed with ease. The Red Fox doesn’t do or say anything when he finds himself entering the female Liger’s vagina. Clyde crawls on top of Missy and wastes no time entering his body. His cock stops devouring the Red Fox as he thrusts his hips. The female Liger gasps at her partner’s size, and wraps her arms around his body. The extra figure increases the pleasure greatly. Missy groans loudly the harder he thrusts. His cock swells. Clyde grits his teeth. Having somebody still in his urethra while having sex causes him to work twice as hard, but doesn’t mind doing it considering Missy enjoys it. His cock pulses. Clyde goes in deep, arches his back and climaxes. Missy gasps as the Red Fox and a large load explodes inside her. His heart pounds against his chest at how fast everything happens. One moment he’s being devoured by a Liger’s cock, and now he’s inside the womb of the other. Plus he isn’t dead, yet. The Red Fox does his best to calm down. Soon this nightmare will come to an end, and he’ll reunite with his wife. The canine slips into unconsciousness while something digs into his body. Semen. The Red Fox dies by the time the Liger’s sperm buries themselves into his body. Missy lies there with her hands on her stomach. Once again Clyde’s sperm are helping to turn the canine into cum. The Liger smiles. It’s better than feeling her stomach digest her victims. She props herself onto her elbows and watches Clyde put every piece of jewelry into plastic bags. Tomorrow she’ll go through them and see how much each piece is worth, as usual. 9 Romeo and Linda make a couple of changes to their plan. Besides of convincing somebody to put their life on the line for them, they’ll give them a watch and necklace as a gift without saying anything. The vixen purchases the jewelry, writes down the description and takes pictures. Romeo carves RL into both pieces, places the items into a small box and wraps, and drops it off at a random door. He doesn’t look to see who takes it. At noon Igor and Romeo examine a room somebody claims to have been robbed. The African Lion dusts for fingerprints while the Spotted Hyena asks the neighbors if they know who the occupants were. Once they finish checking everything, the agents inform the captain of what’s going on and meet the VTF agents in the Explorer’s Lounge on the Upper Promenade deck. “Well, what’s going on?” Linda asks. “Two Red Foxes disappeared last night, and they fit the description I gave the other passengers, and the ones the Liger were eyeing the other day,” Igor said. “Everything about the room is like the others we searched through.” “What about your plan?” Nick asks Romeo and Linda. “As of today, it’s in place. Just have to wait to see where they pop up. If,” Romeo said. “Can’t be fooled by our suspects.” “No we can’t,” Nate said. “How do we go about arresting them?” the vixen asks. “There are a couple of Ligers willing to help take them down,” the human said. “And hopefully meeting like this isn’t raising any flags.” “Oh I’m sure it might,” Linda said. “As always. Maybe from now on we do our meetings by phone.” “Or computer if everybody has a laptop and Internet.” “Either or will work,” the Spotted Hyena stands. “Unless there’s more, I suggest we leave before they’ve seen us.” 10 Nick spends the rest of his day with Chance. Whenever Romeo and Igor called to see if he found anything new, he tells them he’ll get back to them tomorrow. The computer expert turns off his cell phone during dinner and keeps it that way for the rest of the evening. The FBI agents should understand why. The moment they return to their room, Nick helps Chance undress and joins him in the shower, where he scrubs his boyfriend from head to toe and proceeds to dry and brush his fur. Once in their boxers, they head into the living room. Nick places Chance’s feet onto his lap and trims his claws. At nine thirty the canine crawls onto bed and lies down on his stomach. He closes his eyes and moans happily when his love massages his shoulders and upper back. Tonight makes up for Nick working on a case during their time together. “Say, mate, I’ve been meaning to ask,” Chance positions himself on his elbows. “What if I don’t become a citizen?” “Then I’ll go with you back to Australia.” “You sure? Seattle’s your home.” “True, but I want to stay with you. You’ve made me happy. I’m not sure if I can handle being away from you.” “Some way, mate. I’ve never thought I’d feel this way towards someone, but what if we can’t stay together forever?” “Then we’ll find away,” Nick places his chin on Chance’s shoulder. “Where’d this come from? You’ve been clear for the extension, right?” “Last week, mate.” “Then what are you worried about?” “That citizenship test. What if I don’t pass?” “You’ll do fine. I’ve seen your studying like crazy, and taking that isn’t for at least another year. Please stop worrying about it.” “I can’t, mate. If I don’t, then my mind stays on the case you’re working on.” “Then maybe this’ll help,” Nick said, kneeling. “How’s that search for a new bike going?” “I’ve told you to refer to them as Harley’s, mate,” Chance rolls onto his back and sits. “How often have I told you that?” “Plenty, and I know what’ll you do if I keep calling them bikes.” “Nick, you’re asking for it.” “I know,” the human grins. “Think you can teach me to ride a bike?” Chance growls playfully and shoves his boyfriend. They wrestle around for a couple of minutes, which ends with the Siberian Husky lying on top of the human. Nick doesn’t do or say anything as Chance lifts his feet into the air, and enters his body. While the Siberian Husky thrusts his hips and pants heavily, the human wraps his legs around his body and inhales his breath. By midnight they’re both sound asleep in each other’s arms. 11 Clyde and Missy noticed the agents getting closer at solving the case, but aren’t too concerned about it as of now. They’ll allow the FBI agents to put more of the puzzle together before doing away with them, but haven’t decided on what to do about the VTF agents. Missy and Clyde enjoy having somebody try and stop them. It forces them to try and stay one step ahead. The Ligers agree to have their own rooms on their next cruise, and to go over their loot at a hotel room. If they have too, they’ll move their operation to the east coast. The felines return to their cabin after breakfast, and separate what they have on their bed. They don’t have as much as previous cruises, but the watches and jewelry appear to be more expensive. Clyde examines the leather wallets and nods. They should make nice gifts for friends and family. The Liger places them in a small box, sits on an arm chair, places his laptop on his lap and types up what they have while Missy examines and places a value on them. “Hm, interesting,” the liger mumbles. “What’s hm, interesting?” Clyde asks. “This here watch has ‘RL’ carved in the back. Very small. Hard to read without this here loupe in mah eye.” “Just place it aside. Might be more.” “While I do that, bring up the FBI agents stalking us.” “Will do.” Missy picks up a necklace, studies the charm and nods. “Bingo. Nother one with ‘RL’ carved in it. Whatcha got so far?” “Only one with an R in his name is an African Lion named Romeo. Not sure about the L, unless it from one of those VTF agent bastards.” “Tis possible. You thinking what I think you’re thinking of doing?” “I’m sure you are, babe. I think it’s time I do away with this Romeo fool.” “What about the other. The hyena?” “Let him be, for now. Let him let the FBI know.” “Tis risky.” “I know, but fun. Gotta keep what we do interesting, you know what I’m saying?” Missy nods. “I do. Now what we do about these?” “Keep them for ourselves. Let them morons know we’re onto their little plan,” Clyde said, licking his lips. “Always wanted to taste FBI on my breath.” Once they finish going over the rest of their loot, the Ligers discuss a plan to trick the African Lion. What they come up with is simple but could be affective. Missy will call the agent, tell him what’s going on in a room while Clyde waits. If all goes according to plan, it’ll be the last time the agent enters a room. 12 Clyde knows he should wait, but he’s ready to do away with the FBI agent now. The one problem: he didn’t know where the African Lion sleeps until yesterday. With help from five hundred dollars, a crewman tells him the cabin number and the desk it’s on. The plan he and Missy came up with is no longer in play. While his partner does her thing, Clyde breaks into an empty room to keep watch of the agent’s movement. Later that night he goes over his notes. The FBI agent leaves his cabin at around nine thirty, returns at twelve and heads back out at one, and comes backs for good at eight-thirty. The Liger nods. The best time to do his thing is in the morning. Clyde takes a shower at seven, downs a cup of coffee and heads to his destination. He shakes his head. It’s been years since he had to get up this early. The feline covers a yawn. He’s going back to bed once he’s done with the agent. Clyde licks his lips. He can’t even remember the last time had a lion in his stomach. Clyde stops in front of a door. Time for his date with the agent to begin. Romeo brushes and runs his fingers through his main. When they return from their trip, and if there’s time, he’ll get it cut. The lion slicks it back and takes a closer look. There are a couple of gray strands. Not too surprising, considering his job. The lion stands there in his boxers. Maybe he’ll do what Igor plans on doing, and become a VTF agent. The cases might be more stressful, but the agents don’t seem to mind helping each other, or it’s the vibe he picks up from Nick, Nate and Linda. Romeo goes to pull out some clothes when somebody knocks on his door. What the hell is room service doing out this early? Growling annoyingly, he opens his door a crack to tell them to come back later, but jumps back when somebody barges through. A Liger, and chances are it’s one of their suspects. “So it seems we finally meet, Agent Romeo,” the Liger said, licking his lips. “Wh... what? How’d you know my name? Explain yourself, now.” “Wasn’t planning on it, but what the heck. You ain’t going anywhere. Name’s Clyde. And I’m one of two suspects you and your partner are coming after, but it seems I’ve caught you.” “That does not explain how you found out.” “You think we that dumb? We’ve know about yours and what’s his face asses for months,” Clyde said. “Me and my partner didn’t agree to go after you until we found the trap you planted. What, didn’t think we’d miss it?” “Damn it. Should’ve known,” Romeo mumbles. “Now, now. Ain’t no reason to swear.” “What else do you have in store for me? I’m sure it just isn’t to tell me I mucked up.” “You’s a smart one. What I’ve got in plan for you is something you’ll find out in about, now.” Clyde jumps and lands on top of the agent. He sneers. It didn’t take him long to immobilize the lion. The Liger repositions his body and leans down with his mouth wide open. Romeo squirms under the weight of his suspect. He should’ve known they were onto them the moment he saw the female wear the necklace Linda bought. The lion sighs. There’s no way he’s getting out of the situation. Romeo pulls back his lips as he sees Clyde’s fleshy throat. This is not how his career is supposed to end. The African Lion grits his teeth the harder he tries to push the Liger off. A large rush of foul air rushes over his face as his world goes black. Clyde pushes the lion’s head into his mouth and sneers. The agent must think there’s still a chance for him to escape. The Liger pulls the agent into a sitting position, and grasps his waist. He doesn’t pin Romeo’s arms. He wants to see how hard the weakling struggles before he realizes it’s pointless. Clyde swallows and nearly gags. He hates it when his victims have shit on their head. The Liger gulps down the agent’s shoulders and closes his eyes. The awful taste disappears. The African Lion’s chest glides across his tongue and into his esophagus. Pity Missy isn’t present to take pictures and video of the bulge going down his throat. Clyde smiles. The agent must’ve realized there’s no way for him to go escape. Romeo places his hands on the Liger’s shoulders and tries to pull himself out of his mouth. His head glides into the muscular tube the harder he struggles. The thick drool stings his eyes and plugs his nostrils as the esophagus wraps around his face. The lion stops struggling. There’s no point now that a third of his body is in the Liger’s throat. He grows limp thinking that’ll make it difficult for the feline to devour the rest of his body. It doesn’t. Tears fill his eyes as the Liger lifts his legs into the air. This is it. There’s nowhere else for him to go but down. His head pops throat a tight, muscular ring. The air is thick and muggy. The Liger’s stomach. Romeo kicks his legs and cries. He doesn’t want to end his life in somebody’s stomach. The lion stops kicking and pretends he’s somewhere. It works until his face pushes up against the stomach’s fleshy wall. Romeo clenches his teeth. Why couldn’t the FBI send them help when they requested it? More of his body glides through the tight ring as he wonders what Igor will do once he hears the news. Hopefully the hyena will become a VTF agent. Soon he’s in a tight ball. Clyde likes the agent. He put up quite a struggle, even when one third of his body is in his throat. The Liger stops at the agent’s waist, sits on the foot of the bed and tilts his head back. The lion’s feet don’t touch the ceiling. Smiling, Clyde goes to work devouring Romeo’s legs. Things could not have worked out any better. The lion’s head pushes against his stomach. The Liger leans back on his hands, and gulps down the lion’s calves. He wraps his tongue around the lion’s feet before sending them down his esophagus. Clyde licks his lips and purrs as the bulge glides down his throat and into his stomach. He sits up straight and puts a hand on his belly. The lion doesn’t seem to be putting up might of a struggle. Clyde licks his lips and grins coldly. Maybe he’ll see how long he can keep his victim alive during the digestion process. The Liger gulps down some air and stops himself from belching. He lies down on his back with his hands on his stomach and burps weakly. Clyde swallows more air. He leaves the room an hour later unsure if the lion’s still alive or if it’s just this stomach working hard. *** Missy doesn’t care if the hyena she’s playing with is the FBI agent, all she wants is something to play with and he just happens to fit the bill. Like several times before, she sticks her toy’s feet into her vagina and waits until half of his body is in her before using it like a vibrator. The more her victims move, the more pleasure she receives. Fifteen minutes later and Missy is on her back watching the hyena struggle to free himself. The Liger pushes him out until the count of five, then pulls him back in. She wants the dumb hynk to think he’s strong enough to escape, which only adds to the pleasure. Missy grows bored within a half hour, holds the hyena’s hands to his side and pushes them in her vagina. The Liger stares off into space as her victim disappears into her body. Pity she can’t take one home with her. She bites her lower lip. Next time she might. The hyena doesn’t have anything else to offer, plus he’s already more than two thirds in her womb. Missy takes several deep breaths as her victim’s head disappears into a pool of cum. She lies there until the movement stops before sitting up. Missy looks at the clock. Time to see what her partner in crime is up to. Placing two hundred dollars on a night stand and making a call to room service, the Liger puts on her clothes and leaves. Nobody asks her when she’s due. 13 Nick looks at the videos he and Chance has and goes over the description of the two Ligers. There are no questions about it. They’re the ones Igor and Romeo are after. The young man makes a couple of phone calls and sighs. Knowing one of the agents won’t be present when they make the arrest won’t be easy. He makes another call to see if two security guards, who are also Ligers, are available, and sends a message to room service. Fifteen minutes later Igor, Nate and Linda are in his and Chance’s room. “You’ve contacted Romeo, yes? He should be here with what you’ve got to say,” Igor said. “That’s the thing. He’s no longer here, I’m sorry to report.” “Wait, what? How’d you know?” Linda asks. “Watch for yourself. That’s one of the suspects we’re after, right? Look at the room he enters,” Nick pushes play. “That’s Romeo’s room all right, but how’d you know where’s it as?” the hyena asks. “And how’d you get that video?” “Romeo had me show him a couple of things on his laptop, and we talked a little bit about what I do in the VTF,” Nick said. “As for the video, I followed.” “But why didn’t you help Romeo? Now he’s gone thanks to you.” “Trust me, I would’ve, but sadly, there’s nothing I could’ve done that would’ve saved him. I hate saying that, but it’s true. When you’re dealing with voreaphiles, you have to use extreme caution, even if it means not being able to help a friend,” Nick looks at Igor. “There’s nothing I could’ve done.” “What he says holds some truth,” Nate said. “I see it. I understand it, but it’s hard to know Romeo went that way.” “I know the feeling,” Linda nods. “What else you got, Nick?” “I convinced Chance to get follow the female Liger and get video of her entering a room. See?” “Hiding in the shadows was no picnic, mate,” the husky said. “Never is,” the Doberman Pincher said. “They do match our description, but how we to know for sure?” Igor asks. “Just a sec,” Nick makes a quick a call. “She’ll be here in five minutes.” “Okay, but what of capturing them?” “Two guards are on stand-by once we’re ready.” Linda nods. “Now let’s just hope we don’t get in trouble for making an arrest without a warrant.” Chance opens the door the moment he hears somebody knock, and leads a vixen into the living area. “Would you like a glass of water before we begin?” Nick asks. “Naw. I’m fine. What can I answer?” “How long have you known about what’s been going on?” Igor asks. “Oh for years. Makes me ill thinking what been happenin’ to our passengers, and how long it’s been going on. I just was scared to speak. Honest.” “Don’t worry. You’re not in trouble,” Nick sits in front of the vixen. “Have you heard any of the crewmen talk about the suspects?” “Only that they leave big tips in certain cabins. Couple of hundred dollars. I’ve cleaned a few myself. Disgusting what I had to do, but I told the captain and gave him what I could’ve used myself. Don’t ask what the mess was.” “We’ve dealt with that ourselves,” the human said, pointing to his laptop. “Do they look familiar to you?” “Oh yes. I’ve seen them leave plenty of cabins while rubbing their bellies. Didn’t say anything though. Couldn’t. Didn’t want to run the risk of having the same fate,” the vixen shakes her head. “Makes me ill what they’ve done. We’ve lost plenty of business cause of them.” “But are you certain these two are behind what you’ve said?” Nate asks. “Cross my heart.” “Thank you for your assistance,” Nick smiles. “If you don’t get in trouble, you can stay here for a while.” “Oh I won’t. Boss gave me all day off, but why?” “For your safety.” Nick nods when Linda and Chance agree to stay behind, and makes a call. Within twenty minutes two guards arrive ready to lead the agents to the suspects’ cabin. The halls are clear. One of the guards open the door, and they walk in to find the Ligers looking over jewelry. They don’t put up a fight. Nick, Nate and Igor wait for the guards to take the suspects away before going through the room. An hour later they receive vital information from Missy and Clyde. |
Public Transportation Walter steps onto a subway and looks around. With the exception of a red fox, the car is empty. Good. At least he doesn’t have to worry about some random asshole bother him after a long day at work. The German shepherd walks by the vulpine without making eye contact. It’s strange to see a passenger stand when there are countless seats available. The canine shrugs as he claims a seat and puts on his headphones. Jax ignores the passenger as he walks by. The show that’s on his cell phone has his full attention. The red fox smiles at a funny part. The vulpine looks up to see how close the subway is from his stop, and returns to the show. He’s happy a friend convinced him to give it a chance. It’s one program he’ll binge watch over the weekend. The muscular red fox grits his teeth in anger. There’s movement down below, and it doesn’t appear to be going away. This is a problem when it happens at home, in fact enjoys watching his testicles and cock grow, but it annoys the fuck out of him when it happens in public, and to make things worse, he’s on a train. There’s nowhere he can go to cover things up. Jax grinds his teeth in frustration. He has no control of this. It’s like his penis and testicles have a mind of their own. The vulpine uses his backpack, but that does little to cover things up. He closes his eyes in embarrassment. He doesn’t need to look down to know his manhood is about to rip his cargo pants to shreds. The fox looks to the right. Empty. He looks to the left. There’s one passenger and he doesn’t seem to notice a thing. Jax licks his lips. Now he knows why his penis decided to grow: it’s hungry. Walter closes his eyes. The week has been hell. It’s been nothing but twelve plus hour days, people don’t show up and those who are present expect him to do everything. At least he doesn’t have to work during the weekend. The German shepherd is one subway ride away from home, and with any luck, his biological clock will allow him to sleep in. The canine growls deep in his throat. The other passenger is right beside him. He can sense him. Walter opens his eyes and turns his head to curse out the fox, but what he sees leaves him speechless. The German shepherd heard stories regarding hyperness and growth, but to see it in person is completely different. He just wishes the fox wouldn’t shove it in his face. “Impressive, isn’t it?” Jax rubs his members, “and it’s nowhere done growing.” “I don’t care,” Walter mumbles annoyingly. “Of course it’s annoying when it decides to become large in public.” “I’m sure. Now could you please leave me the hell alone?” “Oh but I can’t. You see, it requires substance when it grows.” “Uh, what kind?” “Anyone it can suck down. Today, that anyone happens to be you.” His world goes black, and a strong, musky scent invades his sense of smell. Walter places his hands on the head of the fox’s penis, pulls his head out of the urethra and takes a deep breath. A chill runs down his spine when he notices the member still growing. The fox pushes him back. Walter grits his teeth. The vulpine has the advantage. The only thing the German shepherd can do is stop himself from being another casualty, but that may not prove impossible. He can’t even move his legs. His eyes grow wide. The fox’s cock rests on top of his snout. At least it’s unable to suck him in this position, but that can change. The German shepherd isn’t sure how it happens, but he receives the leverage he needs to throw the fox off of him. The canine grits his teeth and uses all of his strength to do so. He scrambles out of his seat, but doesn’t make it far. The canine falls onto his back. The fox kneels on top of him seconds later. The weight from the vulpine’s testicles prevents him from moving. “Well, that was fun, and I’ll give you credit for putting up a good fight when most just give up,” Jax licks his lips while calmly wagging his tail. “It the end, however, it doesn’t matter. In the end, you would’ve taken the trip just like the rest, and become nothing more than a distant memory. Now, be sure to take everything in.” Walter’s can’t believe what he sees. The fox’s dick has to beat least three feet long and over a foot thick. The vulpine pushes the head into his face. The German shepherd notices the opening to the urethra open and close, kind of like a fish’s mouth. It’s a strange sight. Soon it engulfs his entire face. It pulls his head in. Walter grunts as he tries to free himself, but he can’t free himself like before. Soon the urethra sucks in his shoulders, making it impossible for him to do anything. Walter isn’t sure if it’s his mind playing tricks, but he hears a strange sucking sound. On top of that, the musky scent is stronger than before. It isn’t long until half of his body is in the fox’s cock. Jax licks his lips. If he was at home, he would half some extra fun by having an orgasm and watching the German shepherd struggle in his cum before devouring him again, but since he’s in a public setting, the only thing he can do is enjoy the show. The fox lifts his cock into the air so gravity can help make quick work for the dog’s legs. It isn’t long until his cock sucks in the canine’s feet, and he fills out into his testicles. The fox pulls a pair of sweats out of his backpack and puts them on. Walter closes his eyes as he digs into his pocket. He may be in a bad situation, but he isn’t about to throw in the towel. The German shepherd holds up his cell phone and curses under his breath. No signal. All hope is gone. He turns on the flashlight app and looks around. This is the last thing he’ll see, but it’s somewhat fascinating to be in the fox’s testicles. He notices cum oozing out of the pink, fleshy walls. Perhaps this is a blessing disguise. He longer has to deal with society’s bull shit. Jax steps off the subway. His sweats look funny, but they do an excellent job of hiding the bulge between his legs. At least he has the strength to carry the extra weight. Shame there isn’t more movement from within. At least his cock is back to its regular size, and his testicles will shrink back to their normal size during the night. The fox ducks on his tongue. Perhaps he’ll buy some condemns at a drug store before heading home. |
Meet and Greet 1 Nick stares out the passenger side window. The last couple of weeks have been interesting to say the least. The good news? They agree to let him go home. Both he and his captures have done everything they can to convince each other they’re trustworthy. Now it’s time they test it. Of course, his freedom comes at a cost, and he’s not sure how his parents will take it. The young man studies the German shepherd that’s behind the wheel. The canine’s been on the FBI’s most wanted list for as long as he can remember, but that won’t be the case by tomorrow. The same can be said regarding a Siberian husky they know as Steele. He will get into an argument with his parents when he removes their pictures, but it needs to be done. At least Charlie Barkin is a good driver. He returns home by ten o’clock and embraces Jon. He joins his boyfriend in the shower early the next morning, but that’s the farthest things go. Nick’s out the door once he eats breakfast. Balto, Carl and everybody else will be happy to see him live and well, but there’s a good chance things won’t remain pleasant for long. In the end, their reactions won’t matter. He made a deal with the devil, and he needs to see it through. Nick puts out his cigarette and enters the building. He hears some familiar voices and a couple of unfamiliar ones. They’re bound to introduce him to whoever’s new, but first things first. The young man storms into the conference room, ignores Nate’s and Alex’s greetings, and removes Steele’s and Charlie’s pictures from the bulletin board. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Retna yells. “Keeping a promise.” “So, we’re making deals with criminals now? Maybe we should have bake sales with Carface.” “What’s going on?” Nate enters the room with Alex and Balto trailing behind him. “Nick decided to remove a couple of pictures from the board. I’m sure you can figure out who.” “Care to explain your actions?” Alex crosses his arms. “All you need to know is I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for them, and you wouldn’t have found where those huskies killed and buried their victims, so yes, I do owe them.” “Okay, you have a point there,” Balto said, “but why’d they abduct you?” “Just to see if they can trust me and vice versa.” “Let me guess, you’ve agreed to help them?” Alex asks. “I have. Charlie knows more about Carface than any of us, and the same can be said regarding Steele. If we have to make a deal with the devil to stop somebody, then so be it.” “That’s certainly an interesting take on things,” Balto said. “Only other thing I’ll say, and I’m sure we all can agree on, is be careful.” “I’ll be as careful as I can with the job we have,” Nick said. “Providing nobody has nothing else to say, the only thing left to ask is what I’d miss?” “What needs to be said has already been said,” Nate said. “We brought on a couple of new agents, which I’m sure you’ve heard. A German shepherd named Gerald and a couple of red foxes, Ramone and Linda. We’ve placed them in the computer lab, but that may change later on.” “The more, the merrier. What about cases?” “We’ll fill you in throughout the days,” Balto said. “Right. With that out of the way, I’ll be in the lab.” Nick has a nice chat with Carl before entering the computer lab and bites his tongue at what he sees. He doesn’t like how much room the cubicles take in their lab, and with any luck it won’t be permanent. How is he and Jesse supposed to do their job when they have little to no room? The young man smiles when the raccoon places a firm grip on his shoulder and welcomes him back. The young man spends the rest of the day reading reports, looking up information for everybody and spending time with the new agents, all of whom he worked with in the past. Gerald is thirty-three years old with blue fur and appears muscular like Nate and Carl, and Lynda and Ramone are in their early to mid-thirties and have the typical characteristics of every red fox. Despite some of the sacrifices they have to make, he’s happy to see their numbers grow. 2 It’s two o’clock in the afternoon. The weather is nice for early fall. Loud cheers can be heard from a small stadium in Federal Way known as Race and Drag. Fans from all over western Washington, and even Canada, watch and bet on several races. Some walk away losers, others leave with big grins and massive payouts, and a lucky individual has the chance to meet some of the racers in person. Horses from around the region take part in several events. Clydesdale, Heavy Draft, Shires and other large horses take part in their version of drag racing. Every horse pulls a cart that weights over a thousand pounds for a hundred yards, and to the owners’ surprise, it’s one of the more popular events. The other set involves Stallions, Appaloosa and other medium sized horses running on a track. There are several reasons why the races are popular. It gives sport fanatics and gamblers an extra source of enjoyment, some enjoy it for the simple fact the stadium isn’t owned by a major company and the sport itself isn’t part of any major franchise, and small number enjoy watching muscular male and female horses work up a swear. One of the biggest names belongs to a thirty-five years old black and white Heavy Draft horse named Roger. Most of the horses respect him for giving them pointers on how to become better racers, and the one spectators enjoy the most due to his size. Roger stands at around nine feet seven inches and weighs over six hundred fifty pounds. His entire body is thick with muscle. Roger takes part in three races and comes out on top in each one. Those who bet on him are bound to receive a nice payout. The Heavy Draft smirks. It’ll be interesting to see how many spectators were against him. If only he could see their expressions. The equine wipes sweat off his forehead and drinks some water while scanning the crowd. Today it’s his turn to have a meet and greet with a spectator, and with any luck it’ll be a wolf. He’s been craving lupine for the last week and knows it won’t go away until he receives what he wants. The massive horse takes off his harness and follows the of the racers into the locker room. The maintenance crew will take care of everything before the day’s over. Roger looks at the other horses. There are only fifteen racers a time, and only a small percentage take part in certain activities. Who shows up and does what on certain days depends on the roster. Roger washes off the day’s sweat and enjoys some small talk with the others. He decides not to put on any clothes. Instead he wraps a towel around his waist and enters a small room. He wants his body to prevent his fan from leaving. Roger sits with one leg hanging over an arm rest, unties the towel and waits. Soon an individual is lead into the room. The Heavy Draft licks his lips. It’s a wolf. “I, uh, was told to come here,” the lupine said nervously. “You must’ve won the bet,” Roger shifts his body around. “Not quite, but came close.” “In that case, you’ve got something the winners didn’t receive.” “Yeah, getting to meet the racers are nice. Would’ve been better to meet more. The same can be said with how this meeting’s going.” “What, not to your liking?” “No, it ain’t that. It’s seeing in the buff.” “Understandable,” Roger stands, “but what do you think of the view.” “If I’d a thing for guys, not bad,” the wolf dances around on his feet. “Where are the others?” “Either taking a shower and/or already left.” “Then I better git so you may leave.” “Going so soon?” “I have to. Mate and all. Plus I ain’t got anything for you to sign.” “Your mate can wait,” the massive horse steps forward and flexes his chest. “I’ve yet to show you my secret.” The wolf gulps nervously. “It… it’s one I ain’t interesting in knowing.” “I insist.” The Heavy Draft lunges forward and punches the wolf across the face. The lupine collapses to the ground. He’s out cold. Roger removes the canine’s clothes and holds the unconscious form in front of his face. “Time for my treat.” Roger reclaims his chair. He removes a large clump of fur from his front teeth and rubs the bulge in his stomach. The equine does find lupine’s to be rather tasty, and he curved his craving, the down said is they tend to shed like crazy. He shrugs. Just a small price to pay to enjoy a snack after the races. Roger yawns. Now that he has a full stomach, part of him wants to take a quick snooze, but that’s one thing he’d rather do at home. The equine finds the wolf’s wallet and knocks on the door. 3 It doesn’t take Nick long to get back into his routine. He reads several cases, looks up countless information and logs into the website for brief moments, and go over possible connections. The one difference? He doesn’t take as many smoke breaks, but he will doodle if he becomes a little stressed. It’s one thing his partners don’t have a problem with. There are a couple of cases that should be easy to solve. One involves Race and Drag. It’s clear as night and day the business has a secret to hide. The amount of disappearances that’s linked to the business proves that much. On top of that, Nick has a hunch an agent hasn’t been giving them all of the files, but that’s another issue he needs to be careful on who he speaks too. Of course it’s bound to take some time before they can storm the building and arrest the suspects, not when they have little to no evidence to work with. Other cases involve disappearances at several campsites, individuals following others out of a club, and suspects using several websites and other forms of social media to lure their victims in. With help from Ramone, he’s able to build connections with some files, but others are still a question. By noon he’s back on the computer looking up additional information. The young man strikes several keys and leans forward. “That’s not it.” “Huh, what?” Gerald leans back in his chair. “Ya say something?” “Just trying to find information regarding Race and Drag. I’ve found info on how long they’ve been around, who their top horses are but nothing else. I’ve read comments from people who lost family members and/or friends, but we’ve already got the files.” The German shepherd sits beside Nick. “No offense, but doubt ya gonna find a whole lot online.” “Nothing useful, outside of when they open and close and who races on what days,” Nick said. “Which means there’s only one thing we can do.” “And that’s what?” Linda stands behind Nick, followed by Ramone. “We go there when it closes and see how many cars are in the parking lot. If any of them belong to the latest person that goes missing, then we take it to the next level and watch the races.” “That’s risky, Nick, especially the latter,” Ramone said. “I agree, but it’s a risk we have to take,” the young man said. “I don’t even want to think about the number of victims that’ll disappear before we solve the case.” “It’s a bitter pill to swallow, but not much we can do outside of working long hours,” Linda nods. “When do ya suggest we begin?” Gerald asks. “ASAP. The sooner, the better, and since they close at around five, I figure we should try and arrive at five after. The parking lot should be pretty much empty and I doubt the horses would’ve left by then.” “Before we actually go, isn’t there a way you can watch it from the satellite? I’d rather have you do that before we head there in person,” Ramone said. “I’m sure I can do that, maybe even get some live feed just to see how long it takes everybody to leave,” Nick said. “The other question is how long do we wait before moving forward?” “For this, a couple of days,” Linda said. “As you said, give us a chance to see how long it takes them to leave. The other question, how long do we drive around the parking lot before we investigate the actual races?” “That, I’m not sure of. Maybe a week, if not two. Give us a chance to figure out who we’re dealing with,” Nick said. “I know they’re horses, but their website only mentions a small number of racers and what races they take part in, along with their history...” “What’s on ya mind?” Gerald asks. “The place was established back in the mid-nineties. Can any of you see if there are any reports that go that far back?” “I’ll look into it, but we may not find anything useful,” the vixen said. “True, but it may tell us how long it’s been going on, and if the owners are behind it,” Nick said. “I’d say they are,” Ramone said. “I’m sure they’re aware of what’s going on, but don’t seem interested in actually stopping it. I’m sure we can figure out why.” “Money, although I doubt gamblers’ll have that much in their pockets,” the blue German shepherd said. “With that, give me a sec,” Nick turns to his computer and types up the website. “I wonder.” Linda leans forward. “What are you looking up?” “Just seeing if this place links Race and Drag and... Look,” Nick moves the curser and points. “It’s linked. Now I know how the owners make money.” “Wait, what? Explain, and what is this place?” “It’s called Devoured and it’s where these suspects post videos and images of them doing their thing. I’ll explain how I gained access some other time,” Nick said. “One way the owners make money is by collecting their victims’ cards, and basically steal their identity long enough to wipe out their accounts. It’s also how they’re able to pay their employees big bucks, and so much more, or that’s what Steele told me.” “I’ve noticed that,” Ramone nods, “and I’m guessing this Steele use to work for them? That’ll explain the argument you’ve had with everybody.” “I won’t touch into that. I may not agree, but you’ve got your reasons,” Linda said. “We have several pieces of the puzzle, but now we need to put them together.” “And like with every other puzzle, we start with the edges and take things slow,” Nick shakes his head. “I know what ya mean by that,” Gerald stands and pats Nick’s shoulders. “Least we’ve got some strong coffee for these long nights.” *** Nick returns home by nine and sighs. Working for the FBI has made things difficult for him and Jon, and going back to work the day after he came home hasn’t helped. With the exception of work and school, they weren’t apart for long, but now the only time they see each other is morning and evening. It’s clear his career has put a strain on their relationship, and with any luck Jon won’t force him to choose. The young man locks the door front door and finds his boyfriend in their office. Nick chews on his lower lip as he studies several paintings on the wall. The FBI does give him the chance to flex his muscles when it comes to computer, but it put up a major roadblock when it comes to art. He still sketches, but it’s been a long time since he painted anything. The young man smiles when Jon picks him up. The mutt places Nick on the ground after giving him a hug. “Have you had dinner yet?” “A light one, but I’ll enjoy whatever you made.” “At least you’re eating,” Jon studies the young man. “Hard to say if you’ve lost weight. You’ve always been skinny.” “I’ll weigh myself in the morning.” “Damn well better. I don’t want your ass losing too much.” Nick follows Jon into the kitchen. “How was your day?” “Sit your ass down. I’ll heat everything up,” Jon orders. “Not bad. The store was busy for a Wednesday. What about you? Worked on any cases?” “A couple. One involves campers disappearing at several campsites.” “Good thing we don’t camp. Anything else?” “And the other involves Race and Drag. Doesn’t Rockie go there from time to time?” “Every once in a while, yes. Why?” the mutt places a plate of pasta in front of Nick. “I highly suggest we tell him to stop. Last thing I want is for your parents and/or Linda calling and seeing if you’ve seen Rockie.” “I’ll call him tomorrow. You don’t have to explain anything else, not with the kind of cases you work on,” Jon sits in front of Nick and watches him eat. Nick nods. “Anything to say regarding our roomies?” “Nothing. They’re paying their rent, keeping things clean and helping out with everything. I doubt Balto would like it if we were to say anything bad about his son.” “We’re fine when it comes to that. Balto told me not to hold anything back,” Nick rinses off his plate and sticks it in the dishwasher.” “That’s good to hear,” Jon picks Nick up. “I’m ready for bed.” “Same here. Tomorrow’s bound to be another long day,” the young man wraps his arms around Jon’s neck. The mutt sighs. “It is the career you wanted.” “Is there a problem?” “I just miss spending time with you. Even when you returned the other night, our reunion didn’t last long,” Jon carries Nick into their bedroom and places him on the floor. “I know, babe.” “And don’t say you’re doing it to help us stay together. Not when you’ve came close of dying multiple times.” “The only thing I’ll say is please drop it. I really don’t want to go to bed angry.” “I’ve said what I wanted,” Jon tosses his shirt into the laundry basket and steps out of his pants. “There’s more I’d like to say, but I know that stubborn ass of yours won’t listen.” “Damn right I won’t,” Nick pulls back the covers. “You know I enjoy what I do despite the risks.” The young man lies on his back and chews on his tongue hen Jon crawls into bed. He had plans to cuddle and maybe do something sexual, but their argument ruined the moment. Nick thinks it over. No, he shouldn’t allow something petty to ruin his plans. He scoots closer to Jon and goes to wrap his arms around his boyfriend’s body, but his heart sinks when the mutt pushes him away. At this rate, there’s a good chance their relationship won’t last past the Holidays. 4 Monti looks at the numbers and smiles. Today’s been another successful day. Gamblers and spectators bring in plenty of business, and tomorrow they’ll receive twenty thousand dollars for all of the cards he mailed in. He already has a long list of things he would like to improve for both the racers and spectators, but he may use some of the money to install cameras in the meeting room. Race and Drag has three owners, and from what he can tell, he’s the only one who takes part in the extra activities. One does ask questions regarding the large sums of money they receive, but the other either doesn’t seem care and/or isn’t aware. The same can be said with the racers. They have close to thirty horses, but only a half dozen take part in their little meet and greet. In the end he doesn’t care who takes part providing they keep their mouths shut. The forty-two years old, black and grey Clydesdale places his hooves on his desk. It’s a shame more FBI agents don’t make the mistake of thinking they can walk in and ask questions. There’s a nice reward just for doing away with one of those bastards. Of course, he doesn’t blame them for wising up. It would be foolish for them to think they can bring down Race and Drag with ease. Monti stands and stares outside. The last race should be winding down, and soon another spectator will have the chance to meet one of the racers. The Clydesdale licks his lips. Perhaps he’ll snag an easy target later tonight, and record himself turning it into a snack. The massive horse looks at the time. He has one more meeting to go through, and once the racers are gone, he’s free to leave. The equine hits a button on his phone. “Cindy, where’s my last appointment?” “He has just arrived, sir.” “Excellent. Send him in.” “Very well, sir.” He turns off the speaker and looks up with a smile when a light brown Shire walks in. Monti shakes the horse’s hand and invites him to sit. He knows the figure as Simon, and he’s the second business owner, and just like with all of the other large horse breeds, he’s over nine feet tall and very muscular. The Clydesdale offers his business partner a drink. “I’m fine, thanks,” Simon leans back in his chair. “I do want to keep this short.” “You’ll have no complaints from me,” Monti sits. “Then I’ll cut to the chase. Our accountant had me look over our monthly earnings, and I notice we receive a large sum of money at the end of the month, and it’s been going on for at least a year. He told me he sent you messages about it, but you’ve never respond. Care to explain where they come from? And don’t say they’re donations.” “We do have investors and sponsors that give us money,” Monti sits across from Simon. “Yes, that’s true, but there’s usually a description of their business. These don’t. I ask again, care to explain where this extra money comes from?” “All I’ll say is it’s from a private business, and one that wants to remain that way.” “I don’t buy it. There’s more to it then what you want to say,” the Shire shakes his head. “In the end all I have to say is we better not have to worry about the IRS coming after us.” “There’s no need for any concern,” Monti smiles. “All you need to do is enjoy the extra cash.” “Trust me, I do, but where it comes and how we receive it concerns me.” “As I’ve said before, I’ve got it all under control. Everything’s kept under wraps.” “For out business’ sake, it had better,” the Shire said. “I don’t want that to be our downfall.” “Speaking of the business, I’ve been brain storming,” Monti hands Simon a piece of paper. “Ideas for other races. Give fans and gamblers something else to watch, and our racers something else.” “Hm, interesting. Some of these I do like, but I’m unsure of the others. These’ll be discussed at our next meeting,” the Shire folds and sticks the paper in his pocket. “I’ve said what I’ve wanted. Unless you’ve anything else, I’ll get out of your mane so we may take off.” “I’ve nothing else to bring up.” “Then I’ll see myself out the door,” Simon stands. “Until tomorrow.” Monti nods and watches the Shire leave. He narrows his eyes. The Clydesdale doesn’t like how his partner keeps sticking his nose is things that isn’t a concern. On top of that, he’s the only one who questions where the extra money comes from. If, and when, it comes down to it, he’ll pay one of the racers to do away with him. All it takes is one individual to ruin things for everybody else. The large equine leaves an hour later and sees two cars in the parking lot. His and somebody else’s. There’s a good chance the individual isn’t around anymore and thus it’ll have to be towed. A simple phone call will take care of that, and it’ll destroy any chance the FBI has at finding any evidence. As if they’d find anything in the first place. Monti makes the call, climbs into his car and leave. The Clydesdale returns home with a German shepherd. The horse licks his lips as he studies the canine through the rearview mirror. It never takes him long to force others to do what he wants. Monti orders the German shepherd out of his car and points to his house. At least the dog’s smart enough not to fight back and/or yell for help. He shoves the canine into his house. “You’ve brought me here, now what the hell do you want?” “Patience, dog,” Monti locks the front door. “How’m I to have patience?” “Just relax and enjoy the view?” The Clydesdale stands tall as he faces his fuzzy toy and takes off his shirt. The shirt shepherd drops his jaws. Monti licks his lips and flexes his biceps and chest for good measure before reaching for his pants. He kicks them off to the side. The massive horse smirks when the canine takes a step back. “Go on and take it all in,” the horse said heartily. “It’s bound to be the last thing you’ll see.” “Huh, what? What’s that to mean?” “Oh you’ll learn soon enough. The night’s young. Think I’ll enjoy it while I can.” Monti grabs the back of the German shepherd’s head, forces him to his knees and shoves his face into his crotch. The Clydesdale smirks. The canine does put up a fight, but it doesn’t last long. His victims are quick to realize it’s pointless. He becomes hard. The horse lifts his dick upward and let’s go. It smacks the German shepherd’s face. Monti releases his grip on the back of the German shepherd’s head and repeats the process. The impact causes the canine to fall onto his hands and knees. The Clydesdale stands beside his prey. It’s been a while since he shown off his strength. The horse kicks the canine onto his back, grabs him by the neck and pulls him to his feet. Monti takes a deep breath as he tightens his grip, and does a little bounce with his legs before lifting the German shepherd high into the air. The equine tightens his grip while he strokes his member. Watching life slip out of his victim’s eyes brings him great pleasure. The German shepherd’s arms fall to his side. His eyes roll into the back of his head. Monti licks and smacks his lips. The canine may not be dead, but he’s close enough. The equine grabs a hold of his victim’s torso and opens his mouth. Soon the German shepherd takes the one-way trip to his final resting place. The Clydesdale grabs a sock and sits on the edge of his bed. It’ll be a shame to ignore his erection after being hard for so long, and with a full stomach. 5 A white Appaloosa with brown spots and a light brown head walks onto the field. It’s cloudy by overall pleasant. A perfect day for races. The twenty years old look around. He’s been part of the crew for a couple of weeks, and he already made a name for himself; both with the racers and spectators. The horse smiles. It never fails. Regardless of where he goes, his boyish features seem to win over the crowd. The lean and muscular horse licks his lips as he studies the crowd. It’s like being at a candy story. So many choices, so little time. The fact he’s bi-sexual makes it even better. It’s nice to have individuals of both sexes clean his eight feet six inches frame after a long day on the track, and it’s even better when he uses them for other needs. He looks forward to taking advantage of his looks once he knows the area a little better. His parents named him Walter, and they too were racers. The Appaloosa remembers how proud his parents were when he received his first gig, and that was four years ago. Of course they weren’t too happy with his move to Seattle, but they understand why. It doesn’t hurt to move somewhere new, but that isn’t the main reason. He desires a bigger selection of toys to play with than what Butte, Montana had to offer. Walter looks over his shoulder and smiles when a black Stallion sprints up to him. He knows the equine as Max and they have a lot of in common. They’re close to the same height and build, they’re both young and from Butte. The best part? Max’s bisexual as well. The Appaloosa smirks. It’ll be interesting to see what else they have in common. “See all them folks?” Max wraps an arm around Walter’s shoulder and gestures toward the crowd. “And not one’s cheering for you.” “Ya sure about that?” “Since you say, maybe some,” the Stallion playfully pinches Walter’s cheeks. “You’ve got that childish look.” “Shh, don’t spill the beans,” the Appaloosa whines jokingly. “Can’t have ‘em know my secret.” “Ah, I see. Understood. Say, if there’s one thing you’d want ta do, what it’ll be?” “Ya won’t look at me strange if I say?” “Naw.” “Lean closer,” Walter whispers in Max’s ear. “I’d like for us to play with a spectator.” “It can be arranged,” the black Stallion whispers back. “I’m sure, but right now, we’ve fans to please. Com’on. Let’s stretch.” Walter sits on the ground and stretches his legs with Max’s help, and returns the favor. They discus what they want to do after the games during that time, among other things. The Appaloosa smiles when the Stallion helps him to his hooves. He hasn’t known the other equine for long, but he’s already to take things to the next level. It wouldn’t surprise him if Max has the same thoughts. The races come to an end at five o’clock. Walter follows the other horses off the field. Today wasn’t his day. He took part in ten races, but only won three. Chances are those who made bets on him aren’t too happy, and he doesn’t blame them. The Appaloosa shakes his head. He has a lot of work to do if he wants to avoid a repeat. He notices a female stand back. “Nice race. Thought you’ve had me a few.” “Next time ya won’t be so lucky,” Walter teases. “What’s up, Claudia?” “Nothin’, other than just to chat. We’ve not done that much since you’ve been here. How you likin’ it so far?” “It’s been pleasant. I do enjoy what the area has to offer. Just wish it wasn’t expensive.” “Yeah, that’s the sucky part. You rent or own?” “As of now, rent. I’m unsure if I can afford to own.” “Give it time. Where’d you come from?” “Butte, Montana. It’s not a bad place, but doesn’t have much to offer. Yourself?” “Native. Born and raise in Western Washington.” “That’ll explain why you don’t carry an umbrella when it rains.” “It’s a law we don’t,” Claudia smirks. “It’s how we tell the locals from the non-locals apart.” “I’d bet,” Walter smiles. “Listen, do ya know what Max and a few others do after the races?” The female horses’ expression becomes serious. “Yes, and it’s one thing you’d best not take part of.” “Why’s that?” “All I’ll say is it’s not good. Now drop it.” “But-“ “I said drop it.” Walter twitches his ears. Her attitude changed in a heartbeat. The Appaloosa shrugs and enters the locker room. He doesn’t need her approval for anything. Max licks his lips. He overheard every word between Walter and Claudia. The Appaloosa may be a rookie, but the Stallion would like to share the place’s tasty little secret. Of course he needs to ask one of the veterans before doing so. He smirks when he spots Roger down the hall. Talk about perfect timing. “Hey Roger, I’m aware he’s still new, but I’d like to invite Walter to our little circle.” 6 Gerald puts down the latest file, closes his eyes and rubs the side of his head. At least twenty individuals disappeared over the course of two days. Some could be linked to the cases they’re working on now, or it could be something new. The German shepherd takes a deep breath. It’s crap like this that makes their job difficult, but it’s a challenge he enjoys. The FBI looks around the office/computer lab. Having a good team does help. Everybody here has a knack of finding connections with what they have, and then there’s Nick. Jesse’s more than capable of looking things up, but the young man will do things the canine had no idea were possible. The fact Retna brought him on board once he turned twenty-three proves how capable he is. The German shepherd steps out of the break room with some coffee, and heads into the conference room. He needs to step away from his desk, even if it’s only for a couple of minutes. Gerald leans against the table and studies the map while lapping some coffee. The map has close to two hundred pins of various colors along with a small picture and some information of those who went missing. “Enjoying the view?” Gerald turns his head and sees Alex standing in the doorway. “Just needing a break. Who’s idea was the map?” “Balto and Nate’s. They figure it’ll be easier to see a connection. Carl was the one to suggest we only stick pins when we do have a connection or notice one.” “Understandable. Wouldn’t want things to become crowded.” “That’s what he brought up,” Alex said. “It does help. It’s nice seeing things without having to look through a bunch of files over and over again.” “And ya use different colored pins.” “That’s Nick’s idea. I’m sure it was the artist in him talking, but having things in different color does make it easier to see who’s working on which case. Of course if you stand back you do see a rather interesting design.” Gerald does what the Belgian Malinois said and smirks. “Ya do see something.” “I’ll admit me and Retna thought the idea was silly, but now that we’ve seen it, that’s no longer the case.” “Yeah, I can imagine,” the German shepherd nods. “What was ya first thoughts on Nick?” “I wasn’t sure, but the longer I worked with him, the more I learned how smart he is, and how hard working he is. Hearing Carl and even Retna praise him proves how good he is. He’s also not scared to get his hands dirty, and because of how small and skinny he is, he’ll crawl through vents and other tight spaces,” Alex frowns. “That’s my one complaint with him. He tends to take too many risks, and it almost cost him a couple of times.” “That seems to be everybody’s thoughts on the rookie.” “I’d avoid calling him that. Yes, he’s only been an official FBI agent for a year, but he worked for us before he turned eighteen.” “Ya won’t get any argument from me. He certainly takes himself seriously.” “He knows when to be serious, and he knows when to make jokes,” Alex nods in agreement. “Has his... sexuality been an issue? I’ve seen the image on his screen of him and his boyfriend kissing.” “There was a miner thing between Nick and Carl, but it isn’t and wasn’t a big deal,” the Belgian Malinois looks at the German shepherd. “What’s with the questions? And why not just ask him yourself.” “Just curious and I prefer learning from others.” “I don’t mind talking about Nick, or anybody else, but in the future don’t talk about personal stuff. I doubt you’d want me to tell them why you got a divorce.” “Ya right, I wouldn’t,” Gerald folds his ears back. “I’ve a bad habit of not stopping.” “We’re aware, just be careful,” Alex said. “And just so you know, Nick’s sexuality isn’t an issue. Outside of some simple conversations, he keeps it to himself.” The German shepherd nods. “And it shouldn’t.” “I agree with that and thankfully nobody here has a problem with it,” the Belgian Malinois pushes off the table. “We better get back to work.” Gerald follows Alex out of the conference room, and watches him returns to his office. It’s to nice hear the amount of respect everybody has for Nick, especially from those who are hard to please like Nate and Retna, and to a lesser extent, the Belgian Malinois. Gerald looks forward to traveling with human, and with any luck, he’ll receive whatever Nick gave Carl. The German shepherd returns to his office and smirks when he spots the young man at his computer. Speaking of the devil. “Have ya found anything yet regarding that one place?” “There were a couple of cars left in the parking lot an hour or so after the place closed, and one was towed away. We might’ve lost the chance to go through it, but chances are we wouldn’t find anything big. I already know who drives it,” Nick looks at Gerald. “You’ve got any files?” “Several,” the canine grabs the stack off his desk and hands them to Nick. “There ya go.” “Thanks,” the young man flips through them and pulls one out. “A black lab named Brett disappeared while he was there, and he drove a dark blue Honda Accord.” Gerald leans forward as Nick shows him a clip of the car he described being towed away. “But how do ya know it’s his?” “I looked up his license place, and his information popped up,” Nick hands Gerald what he has on Brett. “Nice. Something tells me ya’ve done this before.” “Yep. It’s what I did when I first helped Nate and Carl,” the young man strikes several keys and points. “And here’s who drives the other car.” “A possible suspect. I know horses are tall and all, but this guy’s huge.” “That’s putting it lightly. Needless to say we’ll need some assistance when it comes to making arrests.” “Yeah, ya won’t get any argument from me.” Nick picks up several pictures. “At least we’re slowly putting the puzzle together.” “Progress’ progress,” Gerald nods. “I’ll be at my desk.” Gerald smiles at Nick’s comment as he sits. The German shepherd wants to discuss what else the young man found, but it’s hard to concentrate when he’s about to pitch a tent. He had a wife and does consider himself to be straight, but why does he have that kind of interest in a human of the same sex? He should have no problem controlling himself when they work on an assignment together, but he’s unsure of on how well he can hide it. 7 The next couple of days are repeat. Nick travels with Linda, Ramone and/or Gerald to Race and Drag early in the evening, gathers what he needs and leaves. Once they’re back at their office, the young man looks everything up and within ten minutes or so he has the information they need when it comes to a possible suspect and victim. “I’m stating the obvious, but it’s pretty clear on who the suspects are,” Nick looks at everybody. “Do we move on to your next plan, or continue to wait and see who’s left?” “We could do a mixture of both,” the German shepherd said. “Some go in and see what causes people to disappear, and others do what ya have done.” “That could work, but there is one big question we need an answer to. Do all of the suspects work on the same day, or do different ones come in at different days throughout the week?” Linda asks. “That is one thing we do need to keep in mind when we’re able to make arrests.” “It may be best to arrest them at their home versus the stadium. I’m unsure if we’d have an easy time arresting a dozen horses is one place,” Ramone said. “I’m not sure if Retna and/or anybody else told you, but we’ll get assistance from that. We still work for the FBI, but we’re our own branch if that makes sense,” Nick said. “We’re aware,” the male fox nods. “Having back up does help,” the German shepherd said. “But we still need to be cautious. We’ve lost too many agents due to them not being cautious,” Linda said. “The only thing to bring up is what I asked not too long ago,” the young man said. “I know nobody will like it, but it wouldn’t hurt to wait another week or so. Give us a chance to see who we’re after,” Ramone studies the young man. “Nick, why don’t you take off for the night? We’ve got things from here.” “You sure? I have a lot of stuff to look up.” “We’re more than capable of that. Go on, git. That’s an order.” “I’m going, I’m going.” The young man puts his computer into standby, grabs his things and leaves. He checks the time on his cellphone. It’s still early. With any luck his boyfriend will be at his parents’ place and they haven’t had dinner yet. Nick chews on his lower lip. A quick phone call would confirm it, but he’d rather surprise everybody. The young man climbs into his car and drives away. The agent arrives at the Greene’s house twenty minutes later, and from the looks of it, everybody’s present. Good. It isn’t often he seems them all. The young man reaches for the front door, but decides against barging in unannounced. Instead he rings the doorbell. Jon’s mom opens the door seconds later. “Nick,” Mrs. Greene smiles. “You know you don’t need to ring the doorbell.” “I know, but I wanted to surprise you,” Nick grins. “Having you here is a surprise. Come on, we’re all in the sitting room. Supper’s not for another twenty,” the mutt studies Nick as he takes off his shoes. “Have you been eating, young man?” “I eat when I can,” the agent puts on a pair of moccasins. “Tonight I’ll make sure you’ve eat your fill. Can’t have you lose any more weight,” Mrs. Greene leads Nick into the sitting room. “Look who blessed us with his presence.” “Amazing. And here I thought you’ve picked your career over family,” Jon said coldly. “Jon,” Mr. Greene said aggressively. “Myself and your mother have left town on important days due to business. Does that mean we’re unloving?” “It never crossed my mind,” the mutt folds his ears back. “So stop giving Nick a hard time regarding his career.” And no more talk of it,” Mrs. Greene sits beside her husband. “I don’t want our evening ruined.” Jon twists his ears and watches Nick sit beside him. “Forgive me?” “Well, that’ll depend on what we do before bed,” Nick smirks at Jon’s reaction. “Nick, we don’t want to hear that,” Linda chuckles. “At least it took away the tension,” Rockie shakes his head. “Have you made progress with your latest case? Don’t worry, Jon warned me regarding Race and Drag.” “Some, but we’re nowhere close to solving it,” the young man said. “Taking your time is the only thing you can do with your line of work. You can’t afford to make any mistakes,” Mr. Greene said. “You’ve already had one too many close calls. “And that’s why I don’t want Nick working for the FBI,” Jon thinks. 8 Max licks his lips. It’s his turn to enjoy a fan, and he has permission to share their secret with Walter. It’s pretty obvious the Appaloosa is into what they do. The Stallion seen the equine look into the crowd with hungry eyes. For Max, it’s one more thing they have in common, and with any luck it’ll lead to something else. The black Stallion enters the locker room. All of the males are present, and they all have great bodies. Max knows not to take things any further than the occasional glance. They don’t care if he compliments their bodies providing he doesn’t try and take things any further, or that’s what they told him. He spots the Appaloosa by his locker, and walks up to him with a smile. The equine’s already in his shorts. “Say Walt, if you could meet any one, any one at all, in private, who’d it be?” “Yer cute ass,” Walter smiles. “Oh you’ll get that after the race. What of a fan?” “Hmm,” Walter sprays deodorant under his armpit. “How’s about somebody small? Somebody’s who roughly four feet or shorter.” “I’ll send a message.” “Before yer cute ass goes, who else’s on it?” “Not many. I’ll explain more in private. I’ll be back in a min.” Max speed walks out of the locker room and towards the ticket booth. With any luck a fan that meets Walter’s descripting will arrive. The Stallion smirks. He looks forward to seeing what the equine has in store for the lucky individual. Max gives the message to those who work in the booth, and returns to the locker room. “So, they’ve got the message, but will it be delivered?” Walter watches Max put on his shorts. “They’re usually good at that. Just hope a fan meets that height.” “And there’s that.” Man puts on a sleeveless shirt and tosses his mane back. “And with any luck, you’ll win.” “Hey now,” the Appaloosa stands. “I’ve had a rough day. What’s your excuse, hm?” “Mind’s been distraction,” the Stallion puts on body spray. “Mm, maybe this’ll help ya.” Max’s heart skips a beat at how fast Walter grabs the back of his head, but doesn’t fight back when the Appaloosa kisses him. The Stallion licks his lips. He doesn’t have the slightest idea on what to say, so he does the next best thing: he returns the kiss. *** Jerry doesn’t like the smirk he receives when he purchases his ticket, and chances are it has to deal with his height. Yes, he’s short for a fennec fox, but his kind really isn’t known for being tall. At least a majority of society understands his height has to deal with his species, and not due to anything else. The three feet nine inches tall fox takes a deep breath and makes his way to the stands. The canine studies his ticket and notices a backstage pass of sorts. Part of him has no interest in meeting any of the horses, but at the same time it wouldn’t hurt. Jerry’s in no hurry to return home. Although it’s strange he’ll receive a pass considering he rarely places any bets. The fennec fox licks his lips. One question does pop into his mind. Why would the horse in the ticket booth give him a strange look over a backstage pass? Jerry shrugs. Chances are it’s nothing. Jerry waits until the crowd dies down before standing. Once again the races were pleasant, and he looks forward to returning. The fennec fox remembers the pass, and shows it to a security guard, who then leads him into a small room. He chews on his lower lip when he spots two horses: one black Stallion and one Appaloosa. Hearing a faint click from behind puts him on edge. Max does his best to answer Walter’s questions without giving away too much. The Stallion does want to keep some things a surprise. He’ll explain more after they’ve had their fun. The door to the room opens, and soon a fennec fox walks in. A rather small one at that. Max looks at Walter. “Ask and you shale receive,” the Stallion said. “Ooh, I’ll be sure to take full advantage,” the Appaloosa stands before the canine. “Perfect.” “Would one... of you explain... what’s going on?” Jerry said nervously. “I’d say, but it’ll be easier to show. But first, remove ya clothes if ya will.” “Any... reason why?” the fennec unbuttons his shirt. “So we may enjoy the view more,” Max winks at Walter. “This... isn’t what I’d had... in mind. For a meet ‘n greet.” “Consider it a chance of a life time. Not many can say they’ve stripped before two sexy horses,” Walter licks his lips. Jerry takes a deep breath and calms down. “But I may leave anytime, right?” “That ya may, but I don’t see why ya would. We’re having a great time, right Max?” “We’re having a grand ole time.” The fennec fox looks at both horses. It’s clear they’re not telling him everything, but he’s in no position to say anything. He places his last article of clothing in a pile and looks at the horses. “I’m nude, now what?” “Now we give ya some fun,” Walter picks up the canine and smirks. “Enjoy the view.” Jerry squirms and kicks his legs, but stops when the horse tightens his grip. The fox tries to stay calm as he stares at the Appaloosa’s lips. They part ways just slightly. Warm air rushes over him. He peers deeper into the horse’s mouth, and notices him moving his tongue. Strange. The sight should frighten him, but instead it relaxes him. It doesn’t faze him when the Appaloosa opens his mouth a little wider, and shoves his head inside. Walter takes his time. There’s no need to rush things when they’re in a private room. The Appaloosa rubs his tongue all over the fox’s face and chest. He’s rather tasty. The equine glances at the Stallion and smirks. Judging by the bulge growing in his shorts, Max enjoys the show. Walter sticks the short canine further into his mouth and closes his jaws. Only the fox’s legs and tail sticks out. Max licks his lips. He knew the Appaloosa is into this sort of thing, but had no idea he plays with his food. Perhaps they all can learn a thing or two from the newcomer. Walter motions for him to step closer and points to the fox’s legs. Max sneers. This alone should take things to the next level. The black Stallion grabs the fox’s legs and opens his mouth. Jerry looks around. If he’s bound to become horse chow, then so be it, but he would prefer things to end quickly and no slowly. The fennec stares into the horse’s throat. At least the Appaloosa’s breath doesn’t smell too bad. Jerry grunts when somebody tugs on his legs and closes his eyes in disgust. It’s obvious the other horse wants in on the fun. The fox grits in pain as the Appaloosa’s front teeth grind against his torso. The horse’s mouth part ways, and within a couple of seconds his head rests on the back of the equine’s tongue. He notices the same movement from behind. What kind of pleasure do the horses receive from this sort of thing? Jerry closes his eyes in disgust. Perhaps it’ll be better if he doesn’t think about it. Walter and Max give the fennec fox a form of oral pleasure for close to five minutes, and just like with everything else, all good things must come to an end. The Appaloosa pulls the fox’s legs out of the Stallion’s mouth, throat his head back and makes quick work of his snack. Walter licks his lips. It’s been a while since he had this kind of fun, and he looks forward to seeing where things go from here between him and Max. “And there’s more we can do, if ya like,” Walter rubs his growing stomach. “Oh, I’m interested.” “Well then, this can be our little playdate,” the Appaloosa tugs on the Stallion’s shorts. “And I know what else I can do.” “You don’t have to.” “I insist. It’ll be rude to leave ya tent unattended. Plus I’d like to give the fox a double bath.” 9 Nick enters Race and Drag. For two weeks he and the others have done nothing, but analyze everything they have. They’re certain they have their suspects and quite possible some video evidence, but they agree it isn’t enough. He recalls Nate mention it never hurts to have more than enough evidence when it comes to obtaining a warrant. The young man looks around. The interior itself looks no different than what a high school might have. The only big differences are the concession stands. The young man looks at the prices and nods. Unlike other stadiums he’s been too, it’s nice having to pay big bucks for a hot dog and soda. The agent enters the stands with a hot dog in one hand and a Mountain Dew in the other. Now he just needs to find his seat. Nick glances at the field. It looks no different than any other track and field, so it’ll be interesting to see what makes this place so popular. The young man claims his spot and nods. It’s comfortable. That alone, along with how cheap everything is, may be enough to convince some to return on a regular basis. The horses take the field, and right away he recognizes a couple. Nick bites into his hot dog. Seeing images of them is one thing, but in person is another. He doesn’t need to stand next to one to know they’ll tower over him and his partners, and may prove difficult to arrest when the time comes, even with backup. Nick leaves the stadium at a quarter past four. He understands why watching a bunch of horses race can be entertainment for some, but it’s not quite his thing. The young man shakes his head. He doesn’t have anything that’ll be useful when it comes to obtaining a warrant, and the information he has is stuff they already have. He climbs into Linda’s and Ramone’s car. The vixen waits to hear the young man explains everything. “It’ll be foolish if we thought it’ll be easy.” “Another may lose their life, and there’s not much we can do, but one of us will be here tomorrow,” Ramone said. “With any luck we’ll get the final piece of the puzzle.” “And while we wait, I suggest we make some phone calls now,” Nick said. “As we’ve already discussed, but I’ll inform Retna just the same,” Linda said. “We’ll discuss what we need at the office,” Ramone looks at Nick through the rearview mirror. “Anything else you’d like to add?” “I can see why some people return on a regular basis. I only spent thirty dollars on everything. Twenty for the tickets and ten for something to eat and drink. The seats aren’t bad either.” “I’m guess you’re not a fan of the races themselves?” Linda asks. “Eh, not my thing. I would say a couple of things regarding the horses, but you probably don’t want to hear them. Plus I don’t want to make Ramone jealous.” “Funny,” Ramone shakes his head. “In all seriousness, we know what they look like,” Linda said, “and you’re right, we don’t need to know every little detail.” “What else’s on that mind of yours, Nick?” the male fox asks. “The only other thing I can look up at this moment is their past. It may not be all that important, but it wouldn’t hurt to see where they’re from and if there’re any reports that might be connected to them.” “That’s things we all can do, and you’re right, it wouldn’t hurt,” the vixen thinks it over. “Cross that. Ramone, Gerald and myself got that. Use the time to look up info for Balto and everybody else.” “Will do,” the young man said. “And what’s up with Gerald? I notice he seems to act a little strange whenever we’re in the same room.” “I’ve noticed that too. We’ll bring it up if he’s unable to control himself,” Ramone said. “Or I’ll talk to him. Chances are it’s nothing, but I can’t ignore it.” “That would be for the best. Can’t have any distractions get in the way,” Linda said, “and from what I heard, I’m surprised Retna brought him on.” “I’ve worked with him in the past, Gerald, and he’s a good agent. He did go through a rough period in his life, so that could be a reason for his behavior,” Ramone said. “Regardless, I’d rather talk to him in private, and if he’s present, do it when we return since it’s on my mind.” “The sooner, the better,” Linda nods in agreement. The agents talk about this and that on the way back to their office. Once they return, Linda and Ramone head straight for their office, and Nick talks to Balto and Carl about their case for close to an hour. The young man places a couple of folders on his desk, and spots the German Shepherd sitting at his. “Hey Gerald, can you come with me please? There’s something I need to discuss with you.” “Uh, sure,” the canine said nervously. “Don’t worry, you’re not in trouble. If anything, you’ve been doing really good.” “I’d hope so,” Gerald wags his tail. “If I’m not in trouble, then why speak in private?” “I... noticed something and I’d rather get it off our chest now versus later. “Oh.” Nick enters the conference room and waits for Gerald to enter before close the door behind him. “I’ll keep it short, how long?” “Pardon?” Gerald faces Nick. “Ya going to explain what I’m doing.” “I’ve noticed you’ve been acting strange, but not in a bad way, whenever we talk to each other, and I have notice you... I’m not going to finish that sentence, but you should have an idea. The only thing I can ask is when did all that become a thing?” “Was hoping ya wouldn’t notice.” “It’s hard to hide certain things.” “True,” the German shepherd sits at the table and looks at Nick. “It’s strange. I’ve had a wife, but she left due me choosing my career over family. As for how long, shortly after the first time I’ve worked with ya.” “That shouldn’t surprise me. We did spend a lot of time together working on that case.” “And ya weren’t even an agent yet,” Gerald leans back and folds his arms on the table. “Now that I’ve said it, what now? I’m to transfer?” “No. I’m not bothered by your attraction to me, and it’ll be stupid of me to tell you to control certain things. All I’ll say is don’t get upset at me for staying with Jon and/or drive a wedge between us.” “I’d never do such a thing to ya,” the German shepherd said defensively. “I know how much the two of ya mean to each other,” the canine takes a deep breath. “Anything else to discuss?” “At this point, not really. There’s more I’d like to say, and I’m sure there’s more on your mind, but this isn’t the place to talk about that.” “In other words, we should get back to work? And ya right, there’s more on my mind, but it can wait,” Gerald stands. “Although once we’re done with this case, I may ask Carl and Balto if they have room for me.” “I see why, but I’d recommend you don’t. We’re bound to be around each other in one or another, and I sure as hell don’t want you to leave.” “Which I’ve no plans on doing,” the German shepherd thinks about what Nick said and nods. “Ya right, I’ll stay put. Beats having to pack everything up.” “And I don’t have to deal with any unwanted computer issues,” Nick smirks. “You’ve made sure nothing’s unplugged, right?” The canine shakes his head with a chuckle and places a hand on the young man’s shoulder. “Get ya ass back to work, rookie.” Nick smiles when Gerald pushes him down the hall. It’s nice working with individuals that take their job seriously but aren’t scared to crack jokes every now and then. The young man purses his lips together. He wants to rub the canine’s hand, but at the same time he doesn’t want to send the wrong message. The young man returns to his desk. Perhaps when they’re somewhere private, he’ll give Gerald what he gave Carl several years ago. He’s an adult now so it’s not like they can face any legal issues. How far he’ll take things depends on his relationship with Jon. He studies a picture that’s near his monitor. The mutt means a lot to him, but they’re not close like they use to be. 10 A Bengal tiger is in fear for his life. He’s usually the one to scare his victims before turning them into a meal, but now the boot is on the other foot. The kicker? It’s a horse. A big ass one at that. He always thought horses were herbivores, but it seems they too have a thing for meat. The feline knew he should’ve paid attention to his studies back when he was in school and not hunting potential nerds to terrify and consume. The eight feet tall feline dodges a right hook, blocks a left and lashes out. His claws slashes across the Draft Horse’s nose. The attack surprises the equine. The big cat uses the chance to escape. He rushes towards the door and curses when he learns it’s locked. The tiger bangs on it in frustration. How could he fall for such an obvious trap? Roger wipes his nose and sneers. It’s rare his victims draw blood, and those who do have a violent end. The horse licks his hand clean. Tonight, he’s not in the mood to send a fan to his stomach. Instead he wants to release some aggression. The room he’s in holds another secret, and he’s the only who knows about it. Roger approaches the tiger. “Try all you want, you’ll never escape.” The Bengal tiger faces the horse and clenches his hands into fists. He doesn’t have a chance in hell beating this guy, but it beats giving up. The Heavy Draft mocks him. The feline’s legs become weak. In most cases words would piss him off, but not this time. The tiger throws a punch. His eyes grow wide. Roger catches the tiger’s fist with ease and smirks. Here he thought felines had quick reflexes, but turns out that’s a lie. The Heavy Draft tightens his grip and twists the tiger’s arms. It breaks with ease. The big cat’s yells fill the room. Roger sneers and licks his lips. The tiger can yell all he wants, nobody will hear him. He checks the wounds on his nose and sees blood on his finger. The tiger lies broken and beaten on the floor. Roger has done everything he wants outside of killing him. He squeezed the tiger’s head between his hands, put him in a massive bear hug and broke a few more bones. Roger pops his knuckles as he stands over his victim. Perhaps he’ll do this more often. While he does enjoy devouring others, he finds more pleasure in beating his victims to death. The Heavy Draft looks down. How pathetic. It’s only right he puts the tiger out of misery. The large horse raises a hoof and slams it down hard on the tiger’s face. He smiles at the loud crunch he hears. Roger repeats the process close to a dozen times. The tiger’s head becomes nothing more than a bloody mess. Roger wipes blood and brain matter onto the tiger’s torso. The horse examines his hoof and finds no skull fragments. Excellent. Roger pushes the table and looks towards the door. It amazes him nobody notices the trap door. Yes, it looks pretty damn close to the rest of the floor, but it’s easy to spot if they were to look closely enough. The Heavy Draft digs the tiger’s wallet out of his pocket, opens the trap door and dumps the body inside. He closes the door before the stench of rotten flesh becomes too much. Thankfully the door does a good job of keeping the smell at bay. Roger examines his nose and curses when he still sees blood on his fingers. With any luck he can take care of it before anybody sees it. He looks toward the office. The owners are in a meeting with some sponsors, and it would look bad if they were to see him with a bloody nose. *** “What I’d like to know is where the extra money’s coming from?” Simon asks aggressively. “I’ve been asking for years and no one still has an answer.” “Why be upset?” another horse said. “Oh there are several reason to be upset, and to be concerned about. The biggest is the IRS. Are any taxes being taken out? And then there’s the FBI, CIA, whatever the hell is out there. I’m surprised they’ve kept quiet for this long,” the Shire leans forward. “Now explain why I shouldn’t be upset?” “Don’t worry so much,” Monti said calmly. “It’s all taken care of. Taxes are taken out, and the FBI will never, ever figure things out.” “What Simon says does concern me,” a female horse looks at the Clydesdale. “Not so with the taxes, but the FBI. They’re ways of figuring things out.” “It’s all under control. Just enjoy the extra safety net I’m building up, which will be used to upgrade this place.” “I don’t like it,” Simon shakes his head. “We were doing fine since the beginning, and then out of nowhere large sums of money show up in our account? I don’t see how anybody can be so relaxed about it.” “Maybe cause we don’t consider it a major issue,” a male horse said. “And that right there is another problem. Clearly I’m one of two people that doesn’t want to see this place go under.” “Oh, you don’t have anything to worry about,” Monti fights the urge to roll his eyes. “We’ve done nothing illegal.” “That only makes me more nervous.” “I too would like to discuss this more... thoroughly, but we’ve got other things to mention,” the female horse waves her hands to quiet Monti and Simon. “Speaking of improvements, I’ve one for the racers: better shower stalls and just better locker rooms in general.” “They do put it there all,” a male horse nods in agreement. “It’s the least we can do.” “I’ll be sure to bring it up next time we have a meeting with them,” Monti said. “Anything else?” “With how advanced things have become, perhaps we can install cameras all over the track. Allow people to watch whenever possible and/or stream it,” the female horse said. “For a price, of course.” “I’ve been meaning to include those, but didn’t think anybody would be interested,” Monti said. “I’m sure,” Simon mumbles. “You’ve got anything to say, say it,” Monti fixes his eyes on Simon. “I’m sure you weren’t sure if anybody else would be interested. What were they installing in that one room, huh?” “Nothing that concerns the like of you.” “When it puts the business at risk, damn right it concerns me.” “As I said a hundred times before, I’ve got everything under control,” Monti clenches his teeth. “I think we’re done here,” the female horse reaches for her bag. “I’d rather avoid having things become heated, and what we didn’t mention today can be brought up at our next meeting.” *** Simon leaves the room in a hurry. It bothers him like crazy nobody sees an issue with the extra money. Then there are some things Monti does behind closed doors. The same can be said regarding with some of the racers. The whole thing leaves a bad taste in his mouth the longer he thinks about it. The massive horse climbs into his car and takes off. The Shire enters his two bedroom condo, tosses his keys on an end table and rubs his forehead. Who can he turn to for help? Simon sits in front of his computer one he fixes himself a drink and types up some information. Simon recalls reading about a branch of the FBI that specializes in these kinds of cases, and figures if anybody can help him, it’ll be them. The horse grabs his phone one has the information he needs and dials the number. “This is Retna.” “Yes, I’m Simon and I’m one of the owners for Race and Drag. If possible, I’d like for you to look up some information.” “I see. What appears to be an issue?” “Money. I’ve noticed we receive large sums every now and then, and I’m concerned about where it comes from. It’s not from revenue from spectators and/or losses from gamblers. I’ve done what I can to look into things, but as of now I can’t do anything else.” “You’ve called the right place. You said you’re an owner of Race and Drag? I’ve got some agents working on a case that involves your business. When would be a good time for you to come down and see them?” “Tomorrow. The sooner, the better.” “Couldn’t agree more. Right, I’ll inform them of your visit, and we’ll see you tomorrow at around ten.” Simon agrees to the time and hangs up. He leans back and studies his drink. It’ll be interesting to see how much they have on his business. The horse smirks. It’s a good thing he’s not involved with whatever his business partner is into, or this would be a perfect time to do away with a bunch of agents. The horse shakes his head. He’s not that kind of person. Simon downs the rest of his drink and studies the empty glass. Either he’s a complete lightweight when it comes to alcohol, or he’s ready for bed. He chuckles heartily. How pathetic. It’s not even seven and his mind’s already on bed, but he will make dinner and watch an episode or two of ‘Daria’ before calling it a night. *** Monti counts to ten as Simon leaves and tells everybody else to enjoy the rest of their day. It took everything in him not to curse out Simon. What the hell made him agree to go into business with such a pansy? Monti looks out the window and licks his teeth. Roger’s still here. Perhaps it’s time he does away with his partner. The massive horse locks the doors to the office and heads down to the lower ground. Monti looks around with a frown, and makes a mental note to install more light. It’s not bad now, but things are going to become worse when it’s pitch black outside during winter. Monti stands near the entrance and waits for the Heavy Draft to show up. “What the hell happened to you?” “I... nothing. It’s all taken care of.” “I’d hope so.” “What do ya want, boss?” “Just waiting for everybody to leave, and since you’re here, I’ll ask you to solve a problem for me. You know who’s Simon is?” “He’s one of our other bosses, I know that much.” “He’s an owner, yes, and one who needs to be silenced.” “Pardon?” “Did I speak in a foreign language? No, I did not. I spoke in clear English,” Monti said. “I’ve understood, but how?” “I don’t care. Throw his body in a pool of acid, just do whatever. He just needs to disappear,” the horse crosses his arms and stands straight. “There’s a bonus K if ya do it before the month’s end.” “Say no more. Consider him a goner.” “Good. That’s what I want to hear. Let’s leave and enjoy the rest of our evening.” “With pleasure.” The Clydesdale sets the alarm once the Heavy Draft leaves, and locks the gate. With any luck it won’t take Roger long to do away with Simon. 11 Nick agrees to chat with Simon while Linda, Ramone and Gerald return to the arena. The one nice thing about the meeting? It’ll give him a chance to learn who’s who in the pictures and videos, and that alone could be enough to obtain a warrant. Once he has everything he needs ready, he does what he can to help the others. Like with Ramone, Linda and Gerald, they too are close to solving their case, they just need a couple of more pieces of key evidence before proceeding forward. Nick looks up when Retna informs him his appointment is here. Nick shakes the Shire’s hand. “I’m sure you’d know what I suggest at this point.” “I’m aware and I’ll pass,” Simon said seriously. “Mind making this quick?” “Of course. Have a seat and show me what you’ve got, and if you don’t mind, I’d like for you to look at some stuff.” “I’ll do what I must,” the equine sits and hands Nick a folder. “Here’re Race and Drags earnings for the last year. I’ve highlighted the amount that doesn’t mention where it’s from.” The young man flips through the pages. “I have a hunch on where it came from.” “You do, do you?” “Yes,” Nick logs into Devoured and points. “Chances are this extra money came from here.” The horse leans forward. “I’m afraid I don’t follow.” “Here, let me show you a video and then I’ll explain. I’ve looked into your business and found information on the other owners. Are there others you forgot to add, or just the three of you?” “It’s just us, but we do have sponsors and investors.” “And with the one known as Monti, he’s a Clydesdale, right?” Nick gives a quick description. “Is this him?” Simon leans forward and watches in disgust as his partner devours a red fox. “That’s him, unfortunately, but what does that have to do with the extra money?” “They have this program. A suspect can send their victims cards to several PO boxes, the owners or somebody then wipes out everything. Checking, savings, Social Security. Name it, it’s history. The owners then send a small portion to the suspects who send them cards. “That’s sick. Pardon the language, but that’s fucking disgusting.” “That’s how we felt when we’ve learned about it. Now, I would like for you to look at some other images. I already have everything I need, I more less just want you to conform if what I have is right. “I’ll do what I must. I won’t get into trouble for that?” Simon gestures towards the monitor. “I swear I’ve had no idea that crap’s going on.” “You won’t be charged with anything. Here are the images,” Nick clicks on each one and hears Simon mention on a name. “Thanks for that.” The Shire nods. “Anything else you want me to answer?” “One. You’ve any idea what they use to lure their victims with?” “I’m afraid not,” the Shire stands and straightens his jacket. “Unless there’s more, I better get going.” “We’re pretty much done, and don’t confront Monti about what you saw.” “I’ll do whatever it takes to save my business.” The horse storms out of his office before Nick has a chance to say anything, and he’s not going to make an attempt to physically stop him. Not when the Shire’s close to four feet taller than him. Now he just has to wait for his partners to return. The young man uses the time to find a device that’ll allow him to communicate with Jesse, but mall enough to hide. *** Ramone, Gerald and Linda agree to show up in different cars and at separate times. Today they will all watch the races. It’s one thing they haven’t done yet, and it could heighten their chances at receiving the last piece of evidence. Nick should have no problem talking to one of the owners by himself. The German shepherd steps out of the bathroom, opens his wallet and pulls out a backstage pass. It’s strange the place hands it out at random versus having to purchase one. He examines it. Gerald’s about to ask what the pass is all about, but then it dawns on him it could be what they need. The German shepherd sticks it back in his wallet, blends in with a small crowd and leaves the stadium. He meets the red foxes in the back of the parking lot and shows them the pass. They agree it’s the missing piece of their puzzle. Gerald wants to spend a minute or two to talk about the races, but knows Ramone and Linda would like to return to their office. Gerald is the last one to arrive. He hands the backstage pass to Nick. “Ya know, I almost went to see what that was all about.” “Good thing you didn’t or there’s a good chance we wouldn’t see you again,” Nick looks over the card. “‘Congrats. You’ve been selected to meet one of our racers. Don’t be late!’ Not very descriptive, but it should be enough when we include everything else.” “What this Simon say?” Ramone pulls up a chair. “He pretty much confirmed who’s who. I just hope I don’t need him present when I see the judge tomorrow.” “I’ll tag along, and you should be fine,” the German shepherd said. “Do you have his contact info?” “I do, but it may not be of any use. It depends on what he does.” “Good point,” Linda said. “Let’s hope he’s smart enough not to do anything in haste.” “I agree, but I can’t say I don’t blame him. It’s his business that’s on the line,” the young man said, “and just so you know, Retna’s already informed the FBI to assist when we make arrests, providing we obtain our warrants.” “Don’t worry, we will. Judges are becoming a bit more lenient when it comes to these kinds of cases. We still need a decent amount of evidence, but we don’t need the whole puzzle,” Ramone said. “Since you’re using that analogy, I’d say the puzzle for this case is near complete outside of maybe one or two pieces,” Nick said “And with these kinds of cases, those may not matter,” Gerald nods. “Since there isn’t much we can do at this point, I suggest we work on other cases,” Linda said. 12 Simon fights the urge to drive like a maniac. His blood boils with anger. The Shire can’t believe he was blind to the whole thing. How long has Monti and the others been taking part in that disgusting activity? The fact his partner decided to use their business makes the whole thing that much worse. Simon grinds his teeth. When shit hit the fan, it better not come down on him. The equine slams his door and makes his way towards the stadium. He wants to pay Monti a visit, but he also wants to see what’s in this room. Simon decides on his partner first, and with any luck the Clydesdale will confess. Simon bites his tongue. He should close the place for a day or two, but that could raise a flag for Monti and the others. He wants the FBI to arrest everybody, not make it more difficult. The Shire enters the office and finds the receptionist at her desk. Simon takes a deep breath. “Is Monti present?” “’Fraid he just stepped out. Care to leave a message?” “No. This sort of thing is best if I say it to his face. I’ll try again later. Have a good day.” “You do the same, sir.” The Shire closes the door and curses up a mental storm. The only other thing to do is visit this room, and see if there’s anything he should report to the FBI. Simon finds it with ease and enters. It looks like an interrogation room with the table and two chairs. He spots an armchair near the back corner. Simon recalls Monti mention something about cameras, but he doesn’t see anything, unless they’re hidden. Simon grunts when somebody shoves him from behind and hears several faint clicks. The Shire turns the knob and bangs on the door, but nothing happens. The horse kicks it multiple times. It doesn’t break. He grinds his teeth and looks around. There’s no other way out. He pulls out his cell phone. No signal. If and when he finds a way out, Monti will pay. *** Roger shakes water out of his mane and turns off the shower. Today hasn’t been pleasant. The fact he lost every race doesn’t help. The one thing that’ll turn things around is if he receives a blue German shepherd. The Heavy Draft may use the canine to release some anger before turning him and/or her into a late afternoon snack. The Heavy Draft heads down the hall and spots a security guard near the door. “Is what I want in there?” “Naw, someone else. Yous should know who.” “Well then, can’t let my guest wait.” “It be best,” the horse unlocks the door. “Just knock when done.” “Yep.” Roger enters the room and sneers when he spots Simon on an armchair. “So, you’re my special guest.” “I guess so, now you can explain to me what the hell’s going on? Are you in on it?” “You’ve asked, so I’ll explain. It’s the last thing you’ll hear,” the Heavy Draft steps forward. “We consume and we kill spectators for sport. Not all. Just myself, Max, the rookie and a few others.” “You... consume our customers? Who the fuck okayed this?” “Monti. He’s part of some site, and with every card he sends, he receives a bonus.” “Yes, I’m aware. I saw video of him,” Simon grinds his teeth. “How long?” “Years. Shows how blind your ass is.” “I beg your pardon. If I’d known about all this, I’d have had your asses arrested.” “And with that in the air, Monti also wants me to silence you.” The Heavy Draft lunges forward and delivers a hard-right hook. The Shire may be the same height and weight as himself, but chances are he’s not as tough. Roger is about to follow up with a left, but has the wind kicked out of him when Simon knees him in the gut. Perhaps the Shire can put good fight. Excellent. Roger blocks another kick and returns one of his own. The Shire dodges it. The Heavy Draft uses the moment to clock the owner across the face with a left, and follows up by driving his fist in his gut. He takes back what he said. Perhaps the Shire won’t put up a good fight. What a shame. The equine knocks out the owner in no time, but doesn’t kill him. Instead he has another idea. Monti just wants the snitch to disappear, and knows the best way how. Once he wakes up, Simon can use his final moments living with the dead. Roger drops the unconscious figure into the hole and shuts the trap door. The smell alone should do him in. Roger puts the room back to the way it is and checks his watch. Somebody should bring him what he wants by now, He needs the nourishment after that work out. Ten minutes go by. Nothing. Fifteen soon become twenty. Roger paces. At this rate he’ll never receive what he wants. The Heavy Draft licks his teeth. Looks like he’ll have to hunt for what he wants. The massive horse knocks on the door. *** Simon slowly comes too. He rubs his head and groans. Where is he? The Shire takes a deep breath and coughs violently. What the hell is that horrible smell? It’s a good thing he’s a horse. Or he would’ve lost his lunch by now. Simon becomes more aware of his surroundings, and realizes he’s on something soft and damp. The equine pulls out his cell phone and turns on the flashlight app. His eyes grow wide. All he sees are bodies ranging from feline and canine, a couple of equines and humans, and a few reptilian and sergals. Every one of them are at different stages of decay. The worst part? Some appear to be looking at him with lifeless eyes. The Shire finds the trap door and pushes up on it, but it doesn’t budge. He grits his teeth as he uses more force, but nothing happens. Simon curses. If Monti and Roger want him out of the picture, then there’s chance they’ll receive their wish. He doubts any of the other employees will find him in time. The equine closes his eyes. He should’ve listened to Nick’s warning. 13 “Ya ready?” “About as ready as I’ll ever be.” “Then come on.” Nick climbs out of Gerald’s car and takes a deep breath. This isn’t the first time he saw a judge. Before he went with Retna and Nate to see how it’s done and to provide any answers, however this is the first he’s to visit one as an agent. Everybody thinks he’s ready, but he can’t stop himself from being nervous. Part of him wants a cigarette, but knows the German shepherd doesn’t like the smell. The young man walks alongside Gerald and enjoys some small talk as they enter the courthouse. He’s in a rather strange position. He and Jon are still together and the mutt means a lot to him, but he finds himself wanting to run into the German shepherd’s arms. It doesn’t come as a surprise, not with how often his boyfriend pushes him away. The computer expert’s ready for whatever curve ball life throws at him. They’re led into a room where they find a female sergal behind her desk. “Thank you, your honor, for taking the time to see us,” Nick shakes the judge’s hand. “My pleasure, Nick Keller is it? I believe I’ve seen you a few times before.” “I’m sure you have. Only difference is I’m no longer an observer.” “Ah I see,” the sergal smiles. “The courts have put away several criminals thanks to you.” “His knowledge speaks more than his age,” Gerald nods. “That it does,” the judge agrees. “Now then, what have you brought for me today?” “Hopefully enough evidence to make some arrests. One involves an owner to Race and Drag, his name is Monti, and close to a half dozen racers,” Nick hands over a folder with all the information. “I wish I had him tag along, but yesterday I’ve talked to another owner named Simon and he confirmed who’s who. I tried contacting him early in the evening, but he never answered.” “And you think his life’s in danger now?” the judge flips through the folder. “It wouldn’t surprise me,” Nick pulls a flash drive out of his pocket. “I’ve also got video of Monti doing his thing.” “No need to explain. I’ve seen those and they’re truly disturbing,” the judge said. “I don’t see how on earth anyone can find pleasure in that.” “Goes to show ya how sick and twisted some individuals are,” the German shepherd said. “And this Simon claims they’re the ones responsible for the disappearances?” the sergal looks at Nick. “He confirmed who the individuals are, yes, and if you look close enough, the suspects can be seen licking their lips and rubbing their gut. Those images were also taken on the same day the victim disappeared. You can probably figure out where they ended up.” The judge holds the folder close to her face. “Yes, I do notice.” “Do all of the victims meet the same fate? Probably not, but it doesn’t mean they’re still with us. Along with a warrant to make arrests, I’d like one that’ll allow us to search the place for possible bodies.” “I hear your request, but I need to see more evidence,” the sergal points at the flash drive. “I’ll start by watching that.” The young hand mands it over. “One of the biggest pieces is a backstage pass Gerald received. It should be in the folder.” “Go ahead and pull it out while I watch this,” the sergal opens the video file. “You say this is Monti?” “Yes, your honor,” Nick pulls out the pass. “And here it is.” “Just one sec,” the judge watches half of the video before closing it. “Disgusting. Absolutely disgusting,” she hands Nick the USB drive and looks at the pass. “And you believe they use this to lure their victims?” “Yes, your honor. If you receive something of the sort at a concert or anywhere else, who wouldn’t want to take advantage of it? Especially if it’ll give you a chance to meet the person you admire. Sadly, in this case, it’s the last thing they do.” “And a disgusting way to go,” the sergal shakes her head. “I would like to have more evidence, but what you’ve got is enough for me to grand you what you need.” “Thank ya, ya honor,” Gerald nods. “Honor me by removing these... freaks from society,” the judge signs several forms. “And I’m giving you permission to search the business.” The young man accepts everything with thanks, gathers his stuff and leaves the judge’s office. That went better than he thought. Before they go arrest the suspects, they first need to go over a plan of attack and see who will arrest who. Even with backup, there’s still a good chance somebody will lose their life if they’re not careful. Nick looks up the schedule and mentions who will be at the stadium and who has the day off. It doesn’t mention the owners. The agents agree it’s best to arrest those who aren’t racing today now. The young man hands them what they need, and goes over a plan with those that’ll join him, Alex and Gerald at the stadium. They agree the only thing they can do is look around and report what they find 14 It’s early in the evening. The races have come to an end at Race and Drag. Nick and Alex receive word from their partners have arrested the other suspects with little issues. Now it’s up to them to finish the job. Their backup consists of an eight feet ten inches tall Siberian tiger, an eight feet seven inches tall maned wolf and seven feet one-inch tall black Labrador. They’re looking for three individuals: Roger, Monti and Simon. They agree to split up. The maned wolf and black lab agree to check the offices, and Alex and tiger are to search the lower sections. Nick decides to tag alone with Alex and the big cat. The young man wishes at least two other FBI agents joined them. It would’ve been nice to investigate the other end of the stadium. Going by himself is simply out of the question. Alex perks his ear forward and looks around. He hears a couple of voices. The Belgian Malinois motions for Nick and the tiger to quiet down. The canine twists his ears and notices the feline doing the same. The voices lead them to a closed door. Nick watches Alex and the Siberian tiger do their thin, and look around with a frown. The place is almost deserted. Fans should be long gone by now but he hasn’t seen any employees and/or racers and they’re usually the last ones to leave. Part of him wonders if somebody from within contacted the owner. It’s one thing he’ll mention once they’re back at the office. The young man watches the other agents walk up to a door. The canine checks the doorknob. Locked. Not surprising, and it’s an easy fix. He warns his partners to mind their ears, pulls out his gun and fires. They storm into a small room and find a Clydesdale in the process of devouring a coyote. Nick points the suspect at as Monti. The owner uses a coyote for some oral pleasure. He closes his eyes and moans happily. It’s a damn shame he never used the room until now, and it could very well be the last time. The Clydesdale is aware the FBI is on their way, and he has Roger in his office destroying evidence. Of course, there’s a good chance the agents won’t succeed at arresting any of them. Monti opens his mouth and sticks out his tongue. He hears the coyote plea for his life. How cute. The equine pulls him back in, closes his mouth and tilts his head back. The canine’s tail brushes across his nose. He enjoys how the canine smells, but what the coyote has done won’t get him to sneeze. Monti hears commotion outside the room, followed by a gun shot. The door swings open and three agents storm inside with their guns drawn. From the looks it, the FBI finally became smart. There’s no way he’ll pull a fast one, not with a big ass Siberian tiger in the room. The Clydesdale sighs. The coyote’s legs stick out of his mouth. “Pull him out and put him on the ground,” Alex raises his gun. “This is your only warning.” Monti smirks. It’ll be fun to devour the rest of the coyote in front of them just to see what’ll they do, but at the same time he’d rather avoid a bullet to the head. He may lose his freedom, but he doesn’t want to lose his life. The Clydesdale pulls the coyote out of his mouth and places him the ground. He fights the urge to kick the canine. The coyote turns around and collapses onto his hands and knees. He can’t see, thick drool covers half of his body and he’s dizzy. The canine hears somebody offer him some assistance and reaches out. He tries to open his eyes, and drool prevents him from doing so without pain. The individual dries his eyes and grabs his hand. It takes him a while, but the coyote’s able to stand. He notices a Belgian Malinois and a Siberian tiger pointing their gun at the sick bastard, and his assistance comes from a human. “Here,” Nick leads the coyote to a chair, “catch your breath, and you don’t have to tell me where your clothes are at,” he looks at Alex and Brandon. “You two fine on your own? I’m going to take him to a locker room?” “Go. We’ve got it under control,” the Siberian tiger said. Nick gathers the coyote’s cloths and sticks out his hand. “Do you want more assistance, or do you think you can walk on your own?” “My legs are still shaky, but I should be fine. The coyote accepts the young man’s hand and stands.” “Awe, such a touchy moment,” Monti said heartily while dying an eye. “How sweet.” Several events play through his mind, but he does the best thing possible: ignore the horse and help the coyote. “Put your hands to where we can see them,” Alex aims his gun at Monti’s head and cocks it, “and don’t tempt me.” The equine smirks and does what the canine wants. The Siberian tiger reads him his rights as he handcuffs him. Monti licks his lips. Going to prison shouldn’t be too bad. Plenty of prisoners to consume, and he’d be doing taxpayers a favor. He’s lead out of the room. Alex sheaths his gun and looks around. There has to be more to it. He scans the walls. Nothing. His eyes fall to the floor. It’s just a floor. He’s about to give up, but he notices something strange. It looks like a trap door. The Belgian Malinois uncovers it and jumps back when a Shire throws it open. The stench is downright horrendous. He watches the equine cough and gasp for air. “Who are you?” “Simon,” the horse said between gasps. “Nick ever said?” “He mentioned it. What happened?” “How does it look,” Simon kneels. “I questioned Monti on his sick activities, he lead me to this room and before I knew it, I was fighting for my life,” the equine closes his eyes. “I suggest you look, but be forewarned, the sight’s not pretty.” “Judging by the smell, I’m expecting it.” Alex lies on his belly and does his best to block out the smells. He pulls out his flashlight. What he sees is straight out of a horror movie. Their job has become more interesting, but it should help when it comes to providing evidence. Alex stands and closes the trap door. “Now picture being in there for a day or two.” “I’ll pass,” Alex said. “Don’t blame you,” Simon stands. “Am I free to go or am I to stay? I’m ready to toss what I’ve got on and take a long shower, among other things.” “Just give me your contact information and you’re free to go.” “Here,” the equine hands over a card. “Oh, one other thing. I might’ve been stuck, but I heard everything. Monti has Roger destroying every ounce of evidence, and I recommend you help whoever’s about to arrest Roger. He won’t go as easy as Monti.” “Thanks for the tip.” “And I’ll inform everybody not to come on in. Not while the FBI investigates. Unless you need more, I’m finally leaving.” Alex nods and pulls out his cellphone. No. He can contact the others a little later. Right now, he needs to help the other two. The canine sprints out of the room and down the hall. *** The black Labrador and maned wolf head upstairs with their gun drawn. They don’t know what to expect, but years of experience has taught them to be ready for everything. They enter what look appears to be the receptionist desk. Empty. It’s strange to see hardly any activity. The black Labrador looks at the maned wolf. “Should we proceed without the others, Russ, or wait for backup?” “We proceed, Dennis.” Dennis nods and scans the area. There are only two doors, and there’s a good chance the suspect’s behind one of them. The black lab smirks. Is he on a gameshow choosing between two doors, or searching for a suspect? He opens the first one. His heart skips a beat. Standing at the other end is a tall and massive Heavy Draft. Russ’ tall and muscular, but even he may have problems arresting this monster if he decides to fight back. “Put your hands up!” Dennis enters the room and aims his gun at the suspect’s head. “We have a warrant for your arrest, Roger.” “You know my name. Fascinating,” the Heavy Draft stands tall. “Go ahead. Arrest me.” Roger studies the situation. Either the agents are new or they’re not the brightest, but the maned wolf blocks the black Labrador’s view. When he makes his move, it’ll be their fault for not having more backup. The equine eyes the maned wolf. The canine’s tall and somewhat muscular, but he’s’ nowhere near his size. Overpowering him will be a snap. The Heavy Draft delivers a swift kick to the maned wolf’s abdomen, grabs his neck and holds him upright while tightening his grip. The black lab’s threats mean nothing. There’s nowhere for him to move to land a good shot. Roger punches the maned wolf across the face a couple of times, and throws him toward his partner. The black canine step to the side and leaves himself open in the process. Dennis curses when the suspect attacks and he doesn’t have a clear shot. They should’ve gone against orders and brought more backup, just as Nick suggested. Now they’re about to pay for it. The canine steps to the side when the horse throws Russ in his direction. He sees a large fist fly in his direction, but doesn’t have the time react. His world goes black. Roger catches the black Labrador and takes off his jacket and shirt with ease. Too easy. He looks at the maned wolf. He won’t be a threat. The equine pins the black canine’s arms to his and pick shim up by the waist. It’ll be a shame not to take advantage of an easy snack, even if it’ll be the last one he has outside of prison. The equine licks his lips long and hard and opens his mouth. Dennis slowly comes too. His world spins like crazy. The only thing he recalls his how fast everything went downhill. The black Labrador can only hope his partner of thirteen years is still alive. The canine grits his teeth. He can’t most his arms and his legs dangle in the air. A puff of warm air rushes over his face. He opens his eyes and finds himself staring into the horse’s mouth. The agent yells for help. His cries come to an end. Dennis’ chin rests on the back of the suspect’s tongue. The horse bites down on his torso. The warm air and pressure around his abdomen make it difficult to breathe. There’s a violent tug on his legs. Chances are the Heavy Draft removed his pants. Dennis kicks his legs and squirms like crazy even though it’s pointless. He needs a miracle at this point. The suspect holds his legs together. Seconds later his head plunges into the horse’s esophagus. This is it. His final moments. Dennis closes his eyes and cries. He’s been an agent for close to twenty years, and not once has he thought things would end like this. His wife will become a widow and have to raise their two kids by herself. He apologizes to them for having things come to an end like this. The black Labrador squirms in pleasure when his crotch rubs against the horse’s tongue, and for a couple of seconds he forgets where he’s at. The sensation ends just as fast as it begins. Dennis’ head pops into the horse’s stomach. This is it. The end of his trip and life. Only his feet and calves stick out of the horse’s mouth. There’s no chance of anybody pulling him free at this point. His head pushes against the horse’s stomach. Dennis yells in agony when acid lands in his eyes. Roger pushes the agent’s feet into his mouth and sucks on the tip of his index finger as the rest of the bulge goes down his throat. He may not have had any additional fun with canine, but at least he’ll make for a nice bulge in his stomach. He smacks it once it’s done growing and belches. Tasty. It almost reminds him of coffee candy, but in a good way. He turns his attention on the maned wolf. One agent down, one more to go. The Heavy Draft stands over the canine. There’s a lot he wants to do, crushing his skull being one of them. If he had the time, he’d fuck the agent to death. Roger licks his lips as he tastes more of the black Labrador on his breath. That along gives him the best way to kill the last agent. The equine wraps his hands around the maned wolf’s neck, and shoves the back of the canine’s head into the bulge in his stomach. “It’s fitting, wouldn’t you agree? Your final moments should involve feeling the other pig’s final moments,” Roger tightens his grip. “Just picture it. His movement dies down and my stomach goes to work breaking him down, and there’s nothing you can do to save him.” What the suspect said is true. Russ does notice movement from inside the horse’s stomach, and it hurts knowing there’s nothing he can do. He can only imagine what’s going through Dennis’ mind. The canine grits his teeth. He can’t pry the hands off of his neck, and doesn’t have the leverage to throw monster off of him. His arms fall to his side. Alex runs up the stairs. He hates thinking this, but there’s a good chance another agent just lost their life due to the FBI not taking Nick seriously. He makes it to the receptionist’s office, sees a door open and barges in to find a Heavy Draft strangling Russ. Dennis is nowhere to be seen, and going by the clothes on the ground, there’s only one place he can be. The Belgian Malinois raises his gun and kills the suspect with a bullet between his eyes. The body doesn’t land on top of maned wolf. Alex sighs and shakes his head. He might’ve saved one life, but it’s too late to save the other. 15 They retrieve Dennis’ body from the horse’s stomach. A week later his family has a funeral. FBI from all over the Pacific Northwest attend to pay their final respect. It’s rare for them to have a funeral for agent who’s been consumed. Majority of the time its just a memorial service. All of the agents who knew Dennis vow to help his widow and kids in any way possible. Nick spends close to two weeks going over all of the suspects’ computers. Working long hours has put more strain on his relationship, but duty calls. The young man learns how often the horses took part in the meet and greet, how long they’ve been at Race and Drag, the number of fans they consumed and how much they made. He’s certain that should be more than enough evidence to put the suspects away for life. During that time, and due to what came of Dennis, Russ and Brandon decide to join their department. For the last week everybody else been busy rearranging and setting up two desks and showing them some of the cases they’re on. The agents have been open on how thankful they are to have agents that are over eight feet tall work for them. The young man prints up and places everything he has in a folder. With the exception of the actual trial, the case itself is done. Nick closes his eyes and holds back a chuckle. He and the others will be knee deep in another case before the day’s over. The young man opens his eyes Gerald places a hand on his shoulder and follows him into the conference room. Everybody who worked on the case, including Russ and Brandon, are present. “Here’s everything I was able to find, and I’ve included a copy of all the videos they made. This should be more then enough to put all six suspects behind bars for life. I would prefer the death penalty, but this is Washington. I’ll leave it at that.” You’ve gots nothing to worry about,” Russ nods. “You’ve any word on Simon and his business?” “Simon’s doing fine, considering, and he made some changes. He fired those who don’t think what Monti and the others were doing was a big deal, and kept those who found the whole thing disgusting. Simon did give me the names and addresses to those he let go, just in case.” “At least we’ve got a leg up on that,” Gerald said. “What of the business as a whole?” “He will re-open it once the interior is completely redone, and he’s been talking to Rockie. It’ll be interesting to see where things go, and if fans can forgive them.” “Only time will tell,” Alex said. “What about the coyote we saved, and have you heard from any of the racers?” “When it comes to the second, I only talked to a female named Claudia. She had her suspicions something bad was going on, but she wasn’t expecting it to be this bad. Simon did have a meeting with everybody who works there and mentioned they were all horrified at what they heard. If anything, it shows how well Monti hid things, and this was right under their noses,” Nick drinks some water. “I did give Gus my contact information and told him to call whenever he needs too talk. It sounds like he’s hanging in there, and he will testify against Monti.” “That’s good to hear,” Linda nods. “It’s good he’s not letting his fear get the best of him.” “I second that,” Brandon said. “Don’t take it the wrong way, but you’d be the best one to speak with. You’ve had experience when it comes to that and lived.” “No offense,” the young man said. “Unless you’ve got anything else to add, I’d say we’re done.” “There really is nothing else to add when it comes to the case,” Alex said, “but there’s another issue I’d like to bring up. At the stadium, you mentioned somebody from within the FBI is up to something. Care to explain?” Nick mentions all of the agents who lost their lives throughout the month. “And Dennis being the latest. Granted, some of the fault does fall on us, but not others. I’ve looked into things, and it sounds like some of the agents were told to go on their own. I’ll show you the files after this meeting’s over.” “That sounds like what me and Dennis were told,” Russ nods. “If there’s anything you want me to look into, say the word.” “I will.” “Before we leave, since it sounds like there isn’t much to discuss,” Ramone said. “Nick, what’re your thoughts when it comes to rearranging things?” “Honestly, I’m fine with turning the conference room into our computer lab. We don’t really use it outside of the occasional meeting, and that’s something we can have in the breakroom,” the young man said. “The other is to move to a bigger building.” “We’re not moving, not yet anyway, and that’s the main reason why Retna would like to move the computer lab in here,” Alex said. “Now that’s that, it’s back to square one with everything else right?” Brandon stands and fixes his jacket. “Pretty much,” Nick gathers his things. *** Monti steps out of his cell and follows the others to the cafeteria. He only served a month of his life sentence, and he already has the routine down. The equine has already made a name for himself due to his size. A majority of the prisoners make sure to give him plenty of room whenever he walks by. The horse licks his lips. His options remind of being in a candy story. German shepherd, pit bulls, coyotes, humans are some of the choices he has, and he already consumed a couple. Monti will be stuck in prison for the rest of his life, so why should he stop enjoying his body. Besides, society can do with fewer pedophiles and registered sex offenders. His eyes fall onto a Rottweiler after meal time. From what he overheard, the dog is guilty of kidnapping and auction off kids as slaves, among other things. Monti sucks on his tongue and looks around. There aren’t too many guards around, and the dog isn’t too popular amongst the population. Now is a good time as ever to make his move. He picks up the Rottweiler by the neck and carries him into his cell with ease. He steps out a minute later with a full stomach, and His eyes fall onto a Rottweiler after meal time. From what he overheard, the dog is guilty of kidnapping and auctioning off others as slaves, among other things. Monti sucks on his tongue and looks around. There aren’t too many guards around, and the dog isn’t too popular amongst the other prisoners. Now is a good time as ever to make his move. He picks up the Rottweiler by the neck and carries him into his cell with ease. He steps out a minute later with a full stomach, and scans for his next target. |
Catherine's "Fun" time. Catherine began to walk sighing barely able to hide her huge 3 foot cock. She walked looking around whistling and a girl walked up blushing "Hi umm can I ask you something?" she asked. "Sure what is it?" Catherine asked. "This will sound weird but will you follow me?" she asked. Catherine nodded walking looking at her "Sure I guess" she said a little nervous. She followed and was a bit suprised when she entered a room that the girl locked and there were a lot of naked women looking at her. "We've seen you walking and we think your hot. We're umm...into vore and we want to be apart of your body" one woman said "I don't like where this is going" she said backing up into the girl she was following originally. The girl grabbed her shirt ripping it off and Catherine yelped as another girl ripped her pants off quickly leaving her in just her panties that were ripped off leaving her naked her cock hanging out. Before she could say a word she yelped as she felt a girl spread her butt cheeks wide enough and forced her way up Catherine's asshole. Catherine moaned and began to suck her up not because SHE wanted to but because her BODY wanted to and they girl began to rub herself as she went up. Another girl shoved herself into Catherine's right nipple and she went straight in as Catherine's nipples sucked her up quickly as did her left nipple when a girl went in there. Catherine moaned getting hard and a girl rubbed her cock and shoved herself in the slit causing Catherine to moan loudly cumming instantly but all that did was get the girl soaked and made it easier to go down her cock into her large awaiting balls. While she was moaning a girl shoved herself down her throat using gravity to get to her belly quickly joining the girl that went up her ass and suddenly her belly went back and forth obviously fucking one last time before they died. The only one left was the girl that she had followed here and the girl moved her large balls that had her half digested friend in them and saw her prize. Catherine's soaking wet pussy. The girl shoved herself into Catherine's pussy fingering her own pussy and asshole moaning "I want to be your baby" she said shoving herself into Catherine's womb and smiled as an umbelical attached to her belly button and she slowly went down to a baby form. Catherine moaned smiling as she heard the two girls in her boobs digesting as was the girls in her belly. The girl in her balls had basically been digested by now and she moaned smiling kissing her cock and fell asleep. She woke up and she had some fat on her belly and her boobs got bigger by 3 sizes and her butt grew really big to and her cock was up against her boobs and she began to suck herself off and rubbed her moaning. She came after a few minutes of rubbing and the cum covered her, the walls, and even the floors in cum and she fell back panting loudly and passed out from sheer pleasure. |
Bounty hunting Ruby, stared in the mirror looking herself over herself, she smiled, the twi'lek thou barley twenty was a sight to behold with a perfect body. With toned red skin, large perky breasts shielded by a tight black tank top that exposes just the right amount of underboob, a well-rounded rear held in place by a simple black thong. she gave herself a look over one last time before exiting the bathroom to tend to her new client. Normally it was the client that stopped for her when they gazed on her toned form, but now it was her turn. Siting causally on the bed was a rather busty and well-rounded Togruta, the red skinned Togruta simple lazed their eyes closed, hands behind her head as she smoked on thin cigarette. Most of her was hidden behind a rather large and impressive belly that did little but move, it was clear that she had eaten a great deal since hand prints, faces and feet could be seen. Below was a pair of rather strong legs and above the gut a rather impressive bust easily the size of rubys head restrained by a lacy bra. Hearing Ruby enter she looked up one eye open. "I hope you get played for time on the job otherwise you wasted a lot of my time, just staring" Ruby still stood there shocked her mouth opening and closing watching the belly ripple and wiggle like some kind of perverted lava lamp. The Togruta sighed before placing a hand on her gut and giving it a few hard slaps which merely cause the belly to ripple more, which in turn jiggled her heavy breasts "look i am not going to eat you if I had I would have merely burst open the door and eaten you.......all I want is a rub on the belly and well……….. a rub down stairs" Ruby moved forward slowly unsure this was not something she had had to deal with as a whore, working up the confidence to meet this rather bloated woman. The Togruta sighed extending her hand "look my names Zahra ok and I am not going to eat you ...............thou i might eat your pussy" Ruby gave a smile as she reached Zahra, she shoke her hand slowly "its ruby............and you seem rather....eh" "well fed.....bloated....fat......vore happy...yeah a lot of words look i find belly rubs as great way to get to know each other" Ruby nodded, a client’s wish was her command, seeing a spot near one of Zahra breasts she started to kneed and rub the belly. It felt like dough pulling her hands in as she pushed in and out Zahra closed her eyes happy purring a little. "So Zahra.......eh what job do you i mean you know what I do......I mean” Zahra smiled "nervous of me are you .......well ok......let’s have a little chat while you kneed me.well that simple bounty hunter" Ruby nodded kneading more she noted some odd kind of lettering that stretched across the Zahra gut "i see.......well don’t bounty hunters" "have toned impressive athletic forms and not big breasts and booty ....well long story short my parents both bounty hunters and well when i ate my sister. Accident by the way still annoyed at me thirty years on" "But anyway when they found out about it instead of punishing me they turned me in part prison part non-lethal weapon. it got to the point where governments payed us to store prisons in me " Ruby kept rubbing moved down over towards the belly button now using both of her hands to keened deeper. Listening intently to Zahra rambling. "Well even if I endo someone i still absorb fat so it’s gotta go somewhere and low and behold arse and tits grow ......ah so many girls and boys have added to me " Ruby smiled picturing a younger busty Zahra being chased my Horney boys and girls. "Sounds lovely so you’re a non-lethal girl then no digesting” "Oh no but well I wont bore you with the details but went I get a contract i divide it in to 4 category’s, paperwork, prison, capture and hell" Ruby’s eye brows furrowed as she moved down to the bottom of the belly "thou are odd cateroys "Yeah makes sense, paperwork is small stuff you know like noise complaints and such where is contracted out to me I call that it’s just well routine, usually I nom them and endo them till they stop works mostly," "Next is prison, that’s where i nom someone and i get paid to keep them in be usually its a good gig i can other jobs as people admire me for my belly and increasing bust. ........... oh that’s good keep rubbing" Zahra moaned wiggling slightly, enjoying her self "usually i give them a simple agreement be a good little prisoner and this psion thing will be fun, i mean my insides are a warren of serval stomachs and wombs, you be a good prisoner and its your own soft gut with TV, fresh food and free time and maybe if your good, fucking the jailer" She opened an eye looking at ruby’s surprising expression "hey I have needs we all do ....I mean granted I had a horse prisoner and it mostly him fucking me but he learned.............now see your distracting me ....anyway.be a bad little prisoner and its a a cramped crowed gut with chances of digestion" Zahra opened her yes and moved one of hands to stroked part of her gut "I like this little sod here see him" All ruby could see was a lump, but she nodded along "Well he gets it he’s a good prisoner so he been left his own devices " she shifted rubbing a lumpier spot "whereas this bitch her kept me up all night kicking and now I will keep her up all day digesting her and when she reforms I assume she will be more toughly to others sleeping partners" ruby was moving rubbing downwards just above the crotch still listening to her client it as kinda interesting her clients while rather odd seemed to be rather professional. "Anyway ruby you are distracting me captures simple i capture them ether eat and reform them at the nearest cop shop to endo them and carry them home" Ruby stopped rubbing "what’s the last one then” "oh hell well that's where someone been really naughty and such so i get paid to capture them and keep them stewing digesting them then reforming them in the same gut imagine that for the rest of your life digesting then reforming over and over again your surodding filling up with your own " Ruby stopped shuddering "that’s sounds horribly" Zahra gave a slight chuckle "well it is but you know some times people do very bad things like say mass murder and killing someone important daughter like this contract i have which is impossible to find its this red skinned twi lek that fled in to the under city" Ruby stopped rubbing her hands over Zahra womanhood "oh well i hope you find her" Zahra sighed nodded "yeha no chance miles away by now" ruby kept rubbing slightly but felt something odd like her hands where being sucked in "Hey my hands .............you sucking my hands in stop it " Zahra let off a full blown smile "oh that just my vag sucking you in" ruby was shocked but as slowly dragged in her arms sucked in her head almost there "but why" Cause it led to my tummy or it does now and secondly i know what you did you did you, murdering bitch" ruby was about to say something but was cut off and slowly sucked away in to the depths it did not take long for her to go becoming part of the wiggling mass trapped in one of the many stomachs for ever and she barley made a bulge either soon all that was left was an odd lump on the side of Zahra as she walked out a happy a that contracted had been for filled |
Back ground bits cause why not Brawlerr class http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Raider-class_corvette A popular class of star ship, produced as a small corvette sized ship that filled the role somewhere between raider and starfighter, designed as a long range patrol ship by Karl Hard yards the ship while not very popular with major powers. It would though enjoy a sell-out run for serval years as smugglers and minor powers bought and snapped up the cheap and lethal corvette. It became so well known that it was often dubbed the smugglers ship of choice. Due to its speed, ease of matiance, the need for a few crew [ 2 could run it thou more for better run need] and fire power. In terms of firepower it carries - 8 forwards torpedo ports - 4 light railgun turrets - 4 point defence lasers - 4 rear facing torpedo ports Poojawa drummed her fingers on the metal table, while twirling form side to side in her swirl chair as she waited , "bbbbboooooooooorrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeddddddd" "boooooooooorrrrrrrrrreeeeeeedddddd" There was a cough and a rather tall and curvy blue twi'lek in a well-fitting uniform which looked like some kind of white jump entered the room, sitting across form the purple kitsune she looked over at her. "so miss Poojawa is it" The kitsune leaned over probing one of the twi'leks files. "admiral poojawa" The twi lek sniggered a little at the comment but looked back at her . "Ex admiral but yes so it seems you have been in the service of the Coalition navy so then do you know why you are here" Poojawa rolled her eyes "not sure why is cause am sexy" The tiw'lek kepted her unhappy stare "well my name is sapphire no no its because you have been found with serval military grade droids, serval unlicensed cargo palettes with a mixtures of unlicensed drugs and 42 tons of illegal breasts expanders" "oh that stuff yeah we carry it" The twi'leks seems to sit up straighter. "so you admit that you carry illegal cargo" "ayah buy only cause you little planet is some corporate bitch and they don’t like competition" The twi'lke seemed to take issues with the comment leaning in closer. "well I think the evidence proves the point Mott no" Poojawa shrugged. "like I said before " The tiw lek sighed harder seeming more irate, her skins shade darkening to a deeper blue making he seems like a walking blueberry. "ok look this is getting annoying we know what you did we know your cargo is illegal and we have it on files so why don’t you drop this whole misses princess thing and give us some rear answers ok like where did it come from" Poojawa nodded looking at her "ok sure but can you tell me the time first" Sapphire seemed weird out by the answer but nodded "well ..its 18.23 why do you ask got a date" The kitsune grinned flashing white teeth and sapphire became unsettled, very unsettled it was not the grin of someone who was happy but the grin of someone who had everything fall in to place Before sapphire could reach under the table to press the buzzer call for the guards, a syringe came from nowhere and was plunged in to her neck the needle peace's skin before the odd blueish liquid inside was drained, she felt her blood rush. She moved to yank it out but her arms felt sluggish and she moved slowly her hands slowly moving up to reach it but her fingers seemed unable to gash it.Her body felt number she felt her body slump in to the chair and her body relax which seemed to make Poojawa grin even wider, Slowly with what seemed to be graceful glide she moved over. Sitting on the table across form sapphire looking in to the girls eyes. "you know what I lvoe more in this world dear than gold" Sapphire tried to nod but fled only an odd fumbling and sluggishness she was however able to speak "no" an odd quiver was in her voice "friends you see are very valuable because just because a ship has a one bed does not mean it has one person." Sapphire eyes widened "but but but" Pushed her head forward till they were almost face to face with the twi'lek giving her lips a smile the "yeah I left my good friend asleep in one for the cargo creates and well you know how fun werewolf's are when their friends get taken away. Sapphire seemed to try and back away or at least try only her rapid eye movement and seemingly fear seemed to give her a burst of energy as she tried to make an escape. Poojawas could only smile , letting her prey slowly wiggle away as she started to pick her nails seemingly uninterested in the girl in front of her . "yeah werewolf's as we all known are very very reasonable when their friends are in trouble I mean one is power armour as well I was sure will be even more reasonable " Sapphire started to cry a little bit tears lowly running down her face as she looked in the kitsune eyes Poojawa could only grin wider "now what I think we need now is some kind of plan cause in a few minutes she's goanna be kicking in the door so then where should we go with this….oh I know if I eat you can be my belly pet ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,does that sounds good sweetie" Sapphire tried to say something but all she could do was scream as the kitsune maw engulfed her head plunging her version head in to darkness. With a laughter Poojawa step out of the room She gave a slight burp before she smacked her belly once feeling sapphire breath try to struggle but giving her very tight belly it did little other than show off the tight belly and contours of her meal. Slowly and taking her time , Poojawa inspected the place making notes of what things could be cut up and salvage or anything or use. She was happy a full belly and a whole space station with its stuff was all of its stuff in for it. She made her way towards she herd, lounder sloshes and gurgling noises, each step seemed to make the gurgling noises lounder and louder till they seemed to echo though out the room. Coming out in to a large open storage bay, poojawa could grin as she saw rain there, she could only stop and marvel at her looking her over it seemed a lot different than what she was sued to rain, rain while being short of a lot of things was not sure of airtight or anything else. She giggled at rain. Before her stood or rather lay rain, the werewolf's was mounted apong a large wiggling gut, the gut was large seemingly as large as the car and filled to the brim with what seemed to be constantly moving, constantly sloshing moving around on its own rim as it seemed as thoit t was t creature. Poojawa slowly moved up to her shielding a bit as she moved up she rested one hand on the girls gut feeling the whole things move beneath her feeling the soft fur stretch and strain with her touch "mmmm someone been a greedy guts" There was a series off odd sloshing and noises sounding like a overstuffed water cooler serval faces pushed out grimacing as they tricked to get realised form the werewolf's filled and rather over stuffed gut. Pooojawa gave giggle looking in to rains eyes , who rather last opened one "why there ppppppppooooooooojjjjjjaaaaaawawwwwwwwa I think I ate a bit" The kitsune laughed "yes you ate a bit but you did good if that’s what you want to know I mean you ate all of them so well youu have now do nothing but steal stuff" There was a antheor pained sloshes and groan making the werewolf moan" Poojawa gave a rueful smile and gave a rub slowly "does wolfie want a few gurgle pills the belly" She heard a moan and thought she heard what sounded like a cry for help but giving a shrug she handed the werewolf a few pills, leaving her to swollen them she gave a happy smile ad left. Over the next few days rain stomach shrank slowly bit by bit, as rain processed the large meaty meal, as her stomach broke down the good meal it after a while but after a day the stomach was still large but mobile allowing rain to at least help poojawa steal and salvage things , moving some of the boxes and gear with robots. It took some moving but soon most of the gear was stowed, packed away tightly for resall on the local market , it would make them a pretty penny. Having shied up rain went to the gym room to exercise for bit to get some of the wait off, left alone poojawa merle gave a annoyed sigh and left the werewolf to her thing slowly she went to the shower. It felt nice to granted ti was not the best shower in the world thou it was at least big, poojawa just felt the waited lift form her shoulders as she scrubbed the dirt form her fur and claws, her belly was not a lot small and more or paunch than anything else so in a few days no one would ever know she had eaten anyone. She felt the door open and turned seeing rain staring their her sweating covering her body, glisting on her large firm breasts and rather large stomach. Without staying anything she got in and started to show alongside poojawa , the shower was made for a pred with a gut not two preds one with a gut, so rather awardly she was there trapped aisngit the wall the werewolf gut pushing aisnigt her Rain grinned looking down at her Suen friend "you ok their you seem a little squashed hope I am not crushing you or anything" before pooajwa could seeped rain started to wash herself off scrubbing herself off , after a few scrubs she smiled, and slowly picked up the kitsunes, it was difficult since she had to work and lean over her rather large gut but it toke her no issue , soon the kitsune as rest on the rather sloshing werewolf gut. Poojawa gave a good laugh "mmmm intent on giving me a bath instead" she gave the gut a slap making it ripple" making rain giving a moan before she started to scrub the kitsune, washing the girl all over "no no just cleaning you up…. Thou maybe a acid bath would teach you clean your ear" Poojawa stuck her tongue out , for a while she let the werewolf clean her while she contracted on rubs and shosing the werewolf's belly the two working as team swapping between rubbing each other's gut and cleaning the other, after a while poojawa spoke up "look .thanks for shaving me back their I mean it's nice having someone to bail em out " Rained nodded blushing a little bit "it's nice to have someone to bail me out too someone with a bit of brains" The kitsunes laughed rubbing rains gut "look I take we have others plans so why don’t e skip to your regards………….cause I know what you want now" It did not take long for it to happen ,t the werewolf taking the kitsune carrying in her arms to the captains bedroom, still wet, the kitsunes order rain to place her on her shoulders . The werewolf trusting her mate let her it Toke only a few for Poojawa plan to come in to furtiaiton, using rain shoulders as a platform she was able to squat above rains head, pushing down her womanhood slowly slickly sliding over the werewolf's heads, she was able to engulf the head. It was clear that Poojawa intend to have her fun, using rains head and cheats to please herself she started to elf her body up and down using rains shoulder to please herself, sliding heads head in and out of her womanhood causing herself moan, using her powers, she was able to please her lover, Rain started to feel a tingle feeling Poojawa used her force powers to tease her friends and rain was slowly standing the trying to keep herself standing to keep Poojawa stable, unable to see rain could only stand their being ravished by the feel as Poojawa picked up the pace, pumping her body up and down , feeling rains nuzzling and lickings rain tried to please her lover. Poojawa started to also the pace , feeling the pleasure rising, with rains nuzzling and wiggling it didn't take long for her to cum covering rains head wet juices. It took melry a few shakes of her hand for rain to have her pleasure. Worn-out form it the two of them clasped to the rain, Poojawa lightly hugging on the bed as rain dumped her on it, the tow lay their smiling at each other looking each other in the eyes, slowly kissing slightly poojawa could only move forward snuggling up toward there. "so I take it you want something" Rain licked her lip a little bit "well I just want you to do something for me………. I was hoping you could do something for me " Poojawa nodded "sure " Rain moved a little bit closer to they were face to face " it's just belly soft now and I was hoping for a solid one" The kitsune gave a laugh at it , she moved downwards slowly moved her boyd down towards the rains legs giving slid lick tasting the freely realised cum, slowly pushing her head in slowly her muzzle sliding deeper with in, rains womanhood started to stretch over her head the womanhood taking in the heads, rain moaned her belly expanding big as she felt the kitsune slid in. The werewolf womanhood expanded easily moving downwards, the body fo the sune sliding slowly the Suen chest slid in giving rain a rather tingle of pleasure, her womanhood was hoover with end, Bit by bit the sune was forced in to fetial portioned as her chest and head where starting to push their way in to the womb forcing her to curl up the waisted of no issue even her pump belly gave no issue , the sune seemed like a mere noddle to the werewolf's, the body expanding easily taking in the curled up sune, the waist the legs where being pulled in the furry exposed womanhood but doing little as soon all that was left of the Suen was a pair of wiggling toes, for a while the werewolf played with them then curling up she left them say a reminder of a good meal. She drift off the sleep content her friend was safe deep with n her |
It had been a while since Kimberly had had to discipline anyone at the College, but today of all days, that would have to change. The population getting unruly, the professor realizing, the only wayt to qualm that and quell it all together, would be to make an example in front of everyone, for the people causing the most amount of problems, to be dealt with, publicly. Showing up a bit later after lunch, the Gazelle could be seen sporting a very, HUGE, pot belly, the length of it sagging down to her shins. Not even seeming phased, the counselor / professor, makes her way into the Gym, of all places. Smirking up at the much taller Mare. Looking at the class population, Kelly Smith was a bit shocked to see a prey type species with such a huge, domed out gut. Could this even be possible? "Now listen here, I'm in the middle of Gym 101, you can't just waltz in here and make a scene!" The tall mare glared at the smaller prey type Gazelle. "Oh, who said I was making a scene? I'm the counselor of this school, am I not? You know the new rules, don't you, KELLY?" Kimberly pushed that back at the seething mare. Kelly was about to lose her composure, but little would she know none of it mattered! "Hehehe, I can see that look in your eye, I love how you jock heads think bronze over brain is always the answer. Nah, come now Kelly, we've known each other for quite a few years, certainly there's something that you want?" Kimberly smirked, looking up at the taller female. Her hands began to dance along the mare, teasing her, cooing, giving her body a few licks. The jock's heart began to soften as she thought about how hot Kimberly was now, now that she was thicker in all of the right places. Before Kelly could make another move or think about a thing, Kimberly shoved the gym teacher down on the floor, the coach's eyes went wide, seeing how much power the smaller female had behind the deceptively strong arms and that smaller stacked body. Nevertheless, the Gym coach landed on the practice mats, absorbing her fall pressure, not really knocking the wind out of her, after all, Kim wasn't trying to harm her, at least yet~ "My my, down there on the ground, looking all vulnerable, what would your students think?" Kimberly walked forward towards the gym coach, her belly sloshing still wobbling and muffled noises could be heard inside of it, with every step she took. Without permission, without a pause, Kimberly lunged at the gym teacher, tearing off her clothing as if the clothing were made out of paper, easily pulling the mare's shoes off and socks, leaving her entirely naked all but her bra, but then soon that panties and bra go too! "Wow, not a bad body, not bad at all!" the mare looks on, more shaken than anything else, apparently she didn't know Kimberly as much as she believed she had! Kneeling between the mare's thighs, Kimberly's powerful arms spread those legs some, until her smoothed down horns begin to tickle the coach's abs, while she buried her anthro muzzle into the gym coach's cooch. Licking around her clitoris, pushing that massive tongue of her to penetrate those vaginal lips, deep into the mare's vaginal canal, soon tickling the woman's cervix. Murring and moaning, constant eye contact given as she giggles in between sucks and licks and slurps. The gym teacher was no match for such attentions, and in moments, she began to bug heavily against the counselor, Professor Jones. Pushing harder and harder, going deeper, moving faster, finally the mare screamed out at the top of her lungs, ejaculating hard all over Kimberly muzzle. The Gazelle removes her tongue, soon licking her entire face clean of Kelly's feminine discharge, it would be obvious Kelly was spent, laying there, shaking, she'd never came so hard in her entire life. Before the gym teacher could even recover, Kimberly's woddling body quickly made it to Kelly's head, lifting the mare up as if she weighed mere pounds, and violently, she stuffed the equine's head, DEEP inside of her maw with an inhaling, squelching sound! Slurp, squelch, gulp, swallow, inch after inch of the massive mare was disappearing inside of a woman that was a third of her size, or less, Kimberly however, easily stretched around this larger female, her skin elastic so it seemed, in nature. The muffled protests only half there as Kelly wasn't even halfway recovered before the counselor began to eat her alive! Sucking in those big fat tits, swallowing down those orbs, sucking up the coach's abs, soon sucking in her entire ass and crotch, the rest was down hill from there. Lifting the Gym teacher up above her in the air, thank goodness the ceilings were high, she shoves down hard, soon only Kelly's feet were left! Pushing those ravenously inside of her maw, the Gazelle murrs, soon clacking her teeth such. With one, last and final, fateful swallow, **GLUCKKK**, the last of Kelly was sent sailing right down that throat! Bottoming out and forced to go fetal with the other two bulges inside of Kimberly Jones, the counselor let out a belch, giggling, yawning a bit, she almost seemed to be board, it was so easy! The belly so domed out now, that it almost was dragging against the floor! Though putting on the Gym teacher's shoes, gave her a few more inches off the ground, just to have the dome push out inside of all the way down, making it so she could at least walk. Thank goodness for the new clothing the College had provided for the counselor, she was going to need it. But her day was not yet done! She still had one more obstacle to get rid of. The head teacher! But before she would leave the classroom, she'd walk around, giving praise, giving lecture, and letting the students be reminded of how powerful even a Gazelle could be, and not to judge a book by its cover. Nevertheless, the time came where it was time for the head teacher to be devoured. A lioness, of grand pedigree and size, even larger than the mare, haughty, uppity, thinking highly of herself, merely because of her position. Merely just a bitch that needed a good fucking and a devouring, to put her in her real place! Waiting until school was out, the counselor would see everyone at the school in the gymnasium, for a supposed assembly, though Kimberly was there, just waiting to strike! The lioness, Heather Clementine, was in the middle of this entire mess, about to try and make order, the Gazelle lets out a frightful roar, louder than the entire school had ever heard! She'd gotten the lioness' attention even, that was even louder than a male lion of the lioness' size, could make. Making her 'claim of the jungle', rather than waste words, Kimberly tore the woman's clothing off, beginning to lick at her breasts once the lioness was fully naked. Pleasured and used, like she was some cheap whore instead of the head teacher, the Dean of the College, eating the woman out, licking over her entire body, fur and skin and all.... it wasn't long until even Heather herself, was cumming HARD, all over the place, Kimberly there to lick up every last part of it! Wanting to set an example, Heather feared, knowing three other people were inside of her, Kimberly didn't give Heather a chance to fight back, quickly shoving her big, clawed feet into that gullet! Trapping her hands to her side. It was funny to watch a woman a sixth or less of Heather's size, begin to devour the massive female whole! Quickly at her hips, she'd shove those hands, all the way up the Heather's navel, inside of her, squeezing those big, fat ass cheeks, down her throat! Eating her out again, it wasn't long until Heather came, screaming! Nothing but pleasure, denying her fear for the time being. Though Kimberly didn't stop for the climax, only licking her prey more as she shoved and gulped and swallowed, Heather still reeling in the ecstasy and pleasure, she couldn't even hardly breathe, let alone think, but that was her biggest mistake. No matter how she'd moved, the smaller Gazelle kept on guzzling her down like a delicious Coke on a Sunny afternoon, mid summer. Just a pair of breasts, broad shoulders, a neck and a long set of hair with a panicked looking face, looking back at Kimberly Jones, as she was nearly consumed entirely! "Wait please.... what are you d----" but before the lioness could respond, Kimberly no longer needing her hands to get things settled, she'd knead those big, fat, glorious mounds, inside of her maw, like putty over a wooden table, squeezing first the left orb, followed by the right, until just Heather's panicked face could be seen. Without mercy, without pause, a final shove was given, a muffled scream inside of her throat, until the last of Heather was traced down by the Gazelle, cooing and giggling murring as she licked her lips, able to still taste all of the girl's flesh and cum, what a wonderful day! She picked up her way to big of a belly and waddled her way back towards the set of doors, the students opened them for her, otherwise she would have broken through the glass. Soon Kimberly was was back in her office, the entire event being displayed over the intercom the entire time, so not a soul left that was at the College, would miss the event with a final "Urrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrp!" before Kimberly laid down to go to sleep~ SHE was now the 'Queen of the Jungle'! Now settled back at her Dean's 'throne', she smirked, looking over everything. Finally getting over the intercom, to get everyone's attention before they went home that day. "My I have everyone's attention. I, Kimberly Jones, am now also this College's Gym teacher and Dean, as well as your prior Professor and counselor. All of your needs and discipline, will come to and from me now. That is all, Urrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrp~ have a nice day," Kimberly giggled just before the intercome shut back off. There was no way denying it now, what Kimberly had done, everyone had heard and had seen her throughout the day, taking out the competition and making this campus, solely hers. Even the pred types were shaking in their shoes, knowing they wouldn't be having the will or desire, to mess with the Gazelle again. Rubbing over her guts, a belly that was nearly as big as the room she was sitting inside, thank goodness the desk she was at, could support her big, prey-weighted-down tummy, clearly made for such a thing like that, perhaps Heather was used to getting her way and eating in such a fashion? Regardless, she pokes her guts, "You will now please me, and do what ever it is I ask... or you can just become more of my gorgeous body, the choice is mine... do not displease me!" she patted her gut as a wobbled and sloshed, letting it briefly gurgle, to accentuate her point, so they'd know she wasn't joking. "Heather, Kelly, I'm taking over your jobs, effective immediately. Have fun in your new home," she laughed, and then decided to take a long nap, before heading home that day. |
All Hail Princess Twilight! part 3 Takes place in an anthro-verse of "A Canterlot Wedding, part One". ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Six years later. “If that is all, I wish to retire for the evening.”, stated Princess Celestia. It was late, and she was tired. The sheer amount of situations that apparently warranted the direct attention of the princess had seemingly tripled lately, and every night the discussions tread longer. This particular discussion session had been going on for upwards of three hours, and there was no end in sight. The members of Celestia's cabinet glanced at each other briefly. Generals, ministers and other leaders. Each of them had dozens more matters to bring to Celestia's attention, but none of them dared to, at the moment. “As you wish, your Highness.”, said Bottom Line, minister of infrastructure, before bowing. The rest of the officials followed suit, then left the room with their assistants in tow, talking among themselves. Celestia slumped back in her throne. She closed her eyes and put her hand over her face. After half a minute, she opened her eyes again and looked out of the stained glass windows of the throne room. The princess saw the moon shining clearly in the sky, and for a moment at least, felt at peace with the world. For a thousand years, the moon reminded her of her sister's absence, but now it conversely meant Luna being at Celestia's side again. And then Celestia thought of what had transpired eight years ago, of the unicorn she'd sent out into the world, who returned her precious sister to her. “Twilight... Where have you gone? What could I have done... could I have said differently to make you stay? There was so much for you here... I was here…”, thought Celestia. Celestia ruminated on what-ifs and possibilities for a time, as she'd been doing far too often the last few years. A guard repositioned his spear further down the room, and the echoing clink of metal on marble returned Celestia to the troubles of here and now. Celestia rose from her throne and straightened out her tunic. She nodded at the pair of guards standing attention at the entrance, and left for her private quarters. Only a few steps away from the comfort of her bedroom, Celestia came across one of the castle's attendants; a recent transfer whose name escaped the princess at the moment. “Ah! Your Highness!”, she blurted out before bowing down. “I-is there anything I can do for you tonight?” “No... but thank you anyway...”, Celestia said, pausing awkwardly at the young mare's name. “Oh! It's... it’s… uhhhh... Feather Dust! I'm sorry, I'm still very new here...”, said the incredibly nervous girl. “My apologies then, Feather Dust. I am sure I will remember your name next time, but I fear today you caught me at an inopportune time.”, replied Celestia, politely but tired. “I... of course!”, replied Feather Dust. The maid bowed and walked away from the princess. Celestia allowed herself a very brief smile. “Nice girl.”, she thought. Celestia yawned and opened the door to her room without paying further heed to the odd way the maid's footsteps stopped abruptly as soon as she was out of sight. Once inside, sleep began to take an even faster hold on the exhausted alicorn. A quick spell lit the room's candles all at once, followed by another yawn. Celestia discarded her regalia quickly and had just exchanged her magnificent dress for a simple nightgown when a sudden chill passed through the room, extinguishing all the candles and disorienting the princess for a brief moment. That moment was enough. Celestia adjusted her sight just in time to see a shadowy, black-and-green bolt of eldritch magic strike her directly on the horn. In a second, she lost complete control over her body, akin to being trapped inside a falling elevator. Her body stood upright for a few more seconds before wobbling and tumbling over forwards. Two hands came from the darkness to seize Celestia by her shoulder and waist, preventing the disempowered princess from making a most graceless crash. The dark assailant flipped Princess Celestia over carefully, yet with surprising ease. Celestia managed to look up with the last bit of control she had over her own body as dim, green light flooded the room. A new Changeling monarch. In hindsight, there were so many clues Celestia could've seen... should have seen... “Ahhh, the princess helplessly in my grasp. This is becoming a most unusual habit of mine...”, mused the attacker out loud. She supported Celestia's body with telekinetic magic, leaving her hands free to simultaneously stroke the princess's hair and run her hand over the rim of her gown’s décolletage. Celestia strained not to react to the touch, but in vain. She blushed and silently cursed herself for allowing the indiscretion. “Who... are you?”, asked Celestia. While she did not understand the eldritch means by which the Changeling had seized control of her body and magic, she felt its effect lessening. Celestia only needed to stall this infiltrant until her power returned. “Ah, but you know me quite well already, Celestia..”, said the Queen. She slipped her hand under the rim and onto the soft flesh of Celestia's right breast. The Changeling focused, and before Celestia's eyes changed her appearance into the spitting image of Feather Dust. The maid laughed, then shifted into the form of a dozen more ponies Celestia thought she knew, even the long-lost Princess Cadence, before ending on her naked default appearance, still chuckling. “I am Chrysalis, Queen of the Changelings. You may address me as ‘Your Majesty’... though such formalities are not for long, per se.”, declared the Queen arrogantly. She continued running her hands through Celestia's hair and over her breast. Celestia grit her teeth and barely suppressed a little grunt, both to overplay the effect the personal invasion had and to secretly test her sealed-off magic. “Chrysalis, don't do this!”, pleaded Celestia. “Were you not aware of the truce I brokered with Queen Imago not even a century…?” Chrysalis hissed in sudden fury, leaving Celestia with a good glance at her razor-sharp teeth and spittle trails running down from her brow. Chrysalis squeezed Celestia's breast painfully in one hand, and pulled her head backwards by the hair with the other. “NEVER mention that name in my presence AGAIN!!!”, roared Chrysalis furiously. Celestia let out a yelp of pain and looked at the intimidating figure despondently, though playing it up a bit. Chrysalis breathed heavily and stared at Celestia for a few seconds after the violent outburst. She held the painful grasp just long enough to make her point, then released. Chrysalis took a step back and exhaled, levitating Celestia with her magic. “Hrrr... I'm sorry, Celestia. There was no need for that.”, Chrysalis said, seemingly apologetic though with no less ill-natured intent. “Come here...” Celestia floated towards Chrysalis face-first, helplessly pulled by the Queen's telekinesis. Her internal power was recharging, not nearly to her full capacity, but within a few minutes surely enough to knock down the assailant and escape. She could find Luna, or alert the real guards, or... Chrysalis' hands stroked past Celestia's cheeks before one wrapped around the back of her head and one moved down to grope her left breast, which only barely kept itself inside the misplaced nightie. Chrysalis closed her eyes and firmly pressed her lips over Celestia's, who protested for a few seconds before an unholy combination of long-pent-up desires and supernatural mesmerization claimed her mind. Celestia’s wings spread, and a few scattered feathers twirled down. For an extremely long six seconds, Celestia felt completely carefree, as she hadn't felt in millennia. This made the transition all the crueler. Chrysalis pulled back from the kiss, leaving a panting and desireful Celestia hanging with her lips still parted. A cloud of green emotional energy radiated from the Princess and was quickly drawn in by the Queen, who moaned in pleasure as she greedily absorbed it. “So... that's... your big evil plan...”, said Celestia defiantly, still quite groggy. “You know you could've just treated me to dinner...” “Hrrrr...”, growled Chrysalis. “If emotional energy was all that I desired, we could've feasted on sweet, pure Cadence for an eternity.” Celestia had suspected the fate that had befallen her adoptive niece and her husband after their disappearance, but no one had ever found track nor trace from them. “So it was you...”, Celestia stated solemnly. “You… killed them…” Chrysalis continued monologuing, ignoring Celestia: “Or I could've ran with the suggestion of my new, dear apprentice and quietly skulk in the shadows, siphoning all the excess love you ponies put out.” Chrysalis stroked Celestia's cheek possessively, and whispered in her ear: “Near everypony has so much love for you especially... I could take your place and rule easily... No one would dare doubt the wise and kind Princess Celestia...” Celestia was suddenly thrown backwards onto her bed. “Bah! But that would be to rule from the shadows only, and the Changelings will suffer the shadows no longer! I claim Equestria, no... I claim the world as it's righteous ruler!”, declared Chrysalis, fluttering slightly above the ground. “I am EMPRESS Chrysalis, and this world will kneel before me or be annihilated!” “And you, Celestia, hold the last thing I need for my... ‘coronation’. “, added Chrysalis. She paused a moment, and looked at Celestia, pondering something. “Ah, now that's an idea...”, said Chrysalis, grinning. She stepped forward, and plucked Celestia's regal crown right off her head. With her other hand she took off her own, smaller, crown. Slowly, with green magic originating from her hands and horn and chanting a wordless rhythm, Chrysalis merged the two crowns into one far larger headdress, more resembling her own in shape but bigger than either was alone. Triumphantly, she crowned herself with it. Celestia remained quiet. Maybe the Changeling thought her magic powers came from the crown or some such. Better to let her think so. “Awww, don't like my new accessory?”, mocked Chrysalis. “Well, it's not like you'll be needing yours any more anyway... I'm going to...” A sound at the door seized both regents' attention, leaving both of them silent for a beat. Celestia seized the moment. With her gathered might, limited as it was, Celestia concentrated a fierce blast of solar magic in her horn, then released it right in front of her without aiming in the slightest. Chrysalis was knocked backwards a good meter, landing flat on her back with her wings splayed out comically. The grip paralyzing Celestia loosened enough for the princess to, in one motion, stand up, re-modestize her gown and bolt directly for the door. As Celestia neared the door, she could hear the noises of ponies moving around on the other side, but no talking. In the adrenaline rush, she did not realize in time what was wrong. Celestia opened the door and ran straight into a quintet of purple-armored Changeling drones, bringing one down to the ground with her as they fell. Within seconds, the other drones put their peculiar magicks to use, enveloping Celestia in a field of deep-purple negation. “No...”, she whispered as the more powerful drain sapped her active magic completely away. A few seconds later Chrysalis came out of the princess' bedroom, angrily lifting Celestia off her minion by the back of her neck one-handed. She hissed from right behind the princess' ear, making the already-doomed alicorn flinch away. “Hrrr... I see you were very eager to meet my newest minions, Celestia. Luckily, I was about to introduce you anyway.”, said Chrysalis, covering for what almost went catastrophically wrong. Chrysalis carried the helpless Celestia back inside with her prodigious strength, surrounded by the specialized and snarling Changelings who kept the hex on the princess the whole time. “Well, I say ‘my’, but it's really more ‘ours’. She put so much effort into them... almost a shame I can't keep her around forever...”, Chrysalis said, pausing briefly to affectionately stroke one of the purple-clad Changelings' faces. Celestia was barely able to keep her eyes open, and in her daze she saw only the purple-hued silhouette of one of the Changelings. “Twi..?”, she thought briefly, disoriented and weak. Chrysalis turned Celestia around to face her once the entire group was back inside the bedroom, the other Changelings positioning themselves in a rough circle around their target. “Well, let's not postpone this much longer. The spell my dear apprentice created wore off too soon when I did it, and I'd rather not see whether my minions fare better at it.”, said Chrysalis, grinning widely. She created a green flame in one hand, and touched the burning palm to the center of Celestia's chest, who flinched away. The flame sputtered and dissipated when it touched the aura around Celestia, and nothing happened. Both regents looked at the situation for a beat. Chrysalis snarled furiously, then resorted to just swipe off the gown physically, slashing past Celestia's impeccable alabaster skin without breaking it anywhere. Celestia looked away shamefully, unable to do anything about the abuse at the moment, saving her strength in case some opportunity opened up again. She made very brief, accidental, eye-contact with one of the Changeling drones, only getting a focused glare in return, unfazed by the now-naked beauty in front of him. It unsettled her. “How... peculiar... of her to make it work against my magic as well.”, stated Chrysalis with barely suppressed anger, stomping around. “I think I'll be having a good conversation with my faithful little traitor of a princess Twilight when this is all over!” “Twilight?!..”, Celestia blurted out, taken aback. Chrysalis strode forward and leaned against Celestia from the side in a smooth and possessive motion, pressing her breasts against the side of Celestia's and putting her right arm over and around the princess's head. With her left hand, Chrysalis brushed away Celestia’s fantastic hair from her ear, and put her lips only a few inches from it. “Yesss...”, Chrysalis whispered in her prisoner's ear, equal parts seductive and gloating. “Remember that broken little unicorn you so callously discarded a few years ago? I found the pieces.” “No... Please, no...”, said Celestia, defeated and hanging her head in despair. Chrysalis twisted around to Celestia's front, draping herself over the immobile princess in a different pose. She hooked one leg over Celestia’s waist, and held the princess in a naked primal embrace. Celestia’s nipples briefly brushed against Chrysalis’s, and she grunted at the touch. “Ah, but perhaps you'd like to hear how difficult she was to break? How she resisted to the very end, knowing salvation would come, that her princess would never give up on her...”, Chrysalis taunted. She put both hands on the sides of Celestia's head and looked the princess straight in the purple eyes. “I could lie and tell you that story, but I'll do better than that... I'll show you the real one.” Through Celestia's mind raced a series of memories from Chrysalis' perspective. An illusion discarded in front of a captured Twilight. A struggle inside Chrysalis' body, lost. An egg, breaking open. Pain. Authority. An old friend, and a final choice, taken. Service. Failure. Punishment. Failure. Punishment. Failure. Punishment. Success. Reward. Harvest. Advisement. Attainment. Creation. Usefulness. Defiance. Punishment. The final situation Chrysalis made Celestia experience was of her standing triumphant and looking over a burning Canterlot, with the completely-turned Changeling princess Twilight walking up behind her. Chrysalis charged up a deadly magical bolt in front of her, hidden from her princess... “I ground your precious, sheltered little girl down to the useful and replaced most of those annoying pony aspects with superior Changeling traits of my choosing, and now she serves me willingly... And when I have no more use for her...”, Chrysalis summarized as the mental transfer stopped. Celestia let her head fall completely, utterly defeated by the visions. Tears ran down her cheeks. Chrysalis ran a finger over Celestia's cheek, intercepting the path of tears with sadistic glee. She licked off the salty droplet seductively. “Such delicious sadness... Aged to perfection behind that facade for so long... I'd almost forget that my real choice meal is of a far more corporeal type.”, said Chrysalis, gloating. “Hmmm, but you require a bit of... ‘seasoning’, first. I fear you’d make more fortuitous meal than I’d care to handle right now.” Chrysalis stepped away from Celestia, then made her hand glow with Changeling magic. When the green flames ceased, the hand held a small, fluctuating, lime-green orb of strange semi-liquid aloft a few centimeters above it. Chrysalis grinned, then used her other hand to grasp Celestia under her snout. “Open.”, commanded Chrysalis, applying a little pressure. Celestia glared back with a terrible fury and reddened eyes, a sight that would cause the lesser, the saner or the mortal to back down. Chrysalis was none of those. Chrysalis growled, irritated at Celestia's continued resistance. She let out a bright, hypnotic flash from her eyes, not nearly strong enough for full mind control, but enough to involuntary force Celestia to open her mouth. Chrysalis brought her hand closer, and the orb turned fully liquid when it neared the anti-magical field. Chrysalis held Celestia's head back with one hand, and forced her to drink the liquid with the other. “Swallow.”, Chrysalis commanded again. This time, the suggestive state Celestia was in made her do it, too. Chrysalis watched the bulge travel down slowly with sinister delight. “Well done, Celestia. That'll make things so much easier for the both of us shortly.”, Chrysalis said. She motioned, and the quintet of Changelings levitated Celestia backwards, to the foot-end of her bed. “Of course, I don't have all night. Who knows when your dear sister will find out that the dread Noctiamathroak isn't really attacking poor, helpless Fillydelphia?”, Chrysalis taunted further, walking towards Celestia and the bed at the same speed Celestia floated towards it. Celestia was laid down onto the bed wings-first, still unable to perform voluntary motions. Inside her, she felt the strange liquid slowly spread and subtly change her body as it did so. The surrounding Changelings decreased the magic-negating field to a minimal intensity, but combined with whatever the strange liquid was doing to her, it left Celestia completely powerless. “I know it wasn't me you were pining for, Celestia, but I can very well pretend to be.”, said Chrysalis mockingly as she crawled onto the foot-end of the bed slowly. “And you know what? I think she might have wanted it too, some day...” Chrysalis climbed up, shapeshifting as she went. Celestia blinked away from the bright green flash, intent on keeping her eyes closed until everything was over. “Princess?” asked Twilight. Celestia knew it wasn't true, she did. But between the exhaustion, mental influencing and outright torment, she gave in. Celestia opened her eyes, and saw her student as she wanted to see her; whole, naked and unharmed, standing over her on her arms and knees. “Twilight...”, uttered Celestia on instinct, tearing up. “Princess... I-I've been thinking about what you said and uh...”, said ‘Twilight’ as she put her hand over Celestia's. Fake memories of the two of them, together, streamed through Celestia's mind. “No... You're not real...”, said Celestia, fighting a losing battle. “Don't say such things, Princess! Please...”, said Twilight. The unicorn squeezed her hands together around Celestia's, and more brainwashing occurred. “I... I've been thinking about what you said... about us... and I've made up my mind... I want it too...” Twilight awkwardly pressed her head forwards, and touched her lips to Celestia's. At this point, Celestia completely let go. There was no escaping her entrapment, but there was the comfort of illusion that ‘Twilight’ offered. Her tortured mind made the choice for her. Celestia closed her eyes and yielded all resistance. Twilight smiled broadly in between untrained and poorly aimed kisses, laying her body on top of Celestia. Twilight slowly lowered her kisses, down to Celestia's left breast. When she reached its areole, she closed her lips around it and sucked down, clutching her legs around the princess's left leg. Celestia moaned as her body worked up in ways she hadn't experienced in centuries. She closed her arms around Twilight, surprising the young unicorn. Twilight let loose and moved down a little, resting her head in between Celestia's breasts, laying sideways. Twilight's right arm traveled down via the princess's buttock, over the hip and... “Aaah!”, exclaimed Celestia. She arched backwards in a reflexive movement, almost throwing Twilight clear off her. Celestia held Twilight against her as the young unicorn cautiously yet firmly entered her beloved princess. Her heart pounded in her chest, and she gasped for breath when she could. It had been centuries... Involuntary spasmic pulses of sheer pleasure coursed through Celestia, in body and in mind alike. She was vaguely aware that everything was horribly wrong, but out of will to act on it. All that mattered was Twilight in her embrace and inside of her. Moving in rhythm with her perceived paramour, Celestia's climax neared irrevocably. Everything faded except the continuous touch of Twilight's gentle hand between her legs, and Celestia let go. Celestia screamed and clutched Twilight deeply into her chest as she came. Passion coursed through the princess, whiting out reality for almost a minute. Celestia knew her own strength, and as the sensations subsided, she lifted Twilight off of her to see if the relatively tiny unicorn hadn't been completely crushed. ‘Twilight’ let out a slowly intensifying, victorious, laugh as she rose to her knees. Midway through it, she changed shape in a fiery green flash, reappearing as what Twilight really looked like by now; a royal Changeling bearing resemblance to Chrysalis and Twilight Sparkle alike. Celestia wanted to yell in surprise, crashing devastatingly back into reality. Before she could do so, the Changeling-Twilight raised her hand, and the princess stopped moving entirely, not even capable of speaking. “Yesss... You are ready now, Celestia”, said the Changeling-Twilight. She motioned her hand, and like a puppet on tight strings, Celestia's body moved with it. By no command of her own, Celestia's right arm extended, and moved to stroke Twilight's face one last time. One final green flash, and Chrysalis resumed her natural form. Deliberately slow, Chrysalis moved off Celestia backwards while making the princess rise onto her knees as well. Specks of green drool fell down from Chrysalis' mouth. Chrysalis cupped Celestia's snout in her right hand, the princess unable to do anything but glare. “Celestia, you and I could keep doing this for ages. But I cannot indulge myself with upstarts like our little Twilight plotting BEHIND MY BACK!”, Chrysalis said, bursting as she thought of the perceived act of rebellion, green flames jutting out from her eyes. The gentle cup turned into a mean vicegrip, but Celestia felt no pain anymore. “Hrrr... haah... I need more of you than just to be my newest plaything, I'm afraid.”, Chrysalis explained, calmed down a bit. “All that power of yours... so underused, so ripened... I want it. I need it. And I will take it. Now.” Chrysalis motioned her arm, and Celestia rose, floating above the bed, horizontally stretched out and facing the Changeling. The Empress readied herself, the sounds of internal shapeshifting just audible enough to make very clear to Celestia what was going to happen. Head-first, Celestia floated forward. Chrysalis gave her one last mocking smile, then opened her gaping maw, dripping with green saliva. Celestia saw the rows of teeth glistening, and closed her eyes in despair. As she came closer, she felt the hot breath of Chrysalis wash over her face. The bottom of Celestia's snout touched upon flesh first, as Chrysalis' forked tongue trawled over the alabaster skin. Celestia felt the constant pulse of Chrysalis' monolapsic heartbeat travel through the veins in the Empress' tongue and mouth, and the unnatural dissonance between that sensation and her own pulse only served to further her horror. Chrysalis closed her mouth around Celestia's neck, and the last light the princess would ever see faded. Partially inside of the Empress's body, she felt a bizarre but convincing compulsion to just stay there forever and give up her struggle, comforted by the internal warmth and her own expenditure of will. “There's no need to fight anymore, Celestia.”, said a voice without words, projected directly into her mind. “There is nothing anypony expects of you from now on, and you can rest. You've earned it. Give in, and embrace the smooth darkness...” Celestia let her thoughts take off completely, unfocused and unrestrained. Steadily, the predatoric Changeling drew her body further into hers. It was only when Chrysalis shifted to accommodate the princess's body, and in a reflex grabbed Celestia's hands, that the alicorn broke from her trance. The touch made her envision her Twilight, the true Twilight, pulling her from the darkness, and experience the briefest glimmer of rebellious hope, and from that hope sprung the last action Celestia would ever take. Beneath the Empress's notice, deep, deep inside of Celestia, something changed. Using an elder power, only tangentially related to what mortals call magic, the princess managed to seal the smallest fragment of herself off from physical reality, out of reach of Chrysalis for the longest time. Only time would tell what would become of it, and with it, the fate of Equestria... But there was a chance, no matter how slim, that whatever power Chrysalis has stolen would eventually reach other hands in turn. And on that, Celestia bet everything. Chrysalis, unpaused by anything, had by now taken all but Celestia's feet and wingtips into her. Without any resistance, she slurped in those as well, and allowed the princess to settle in her stomach. With the most powerful magical force in the world slowly becoming part of her, Chrysalis allowed herself to let loose the mother of all triumphant laughs, echoing throughout Canterlot and striking fear into the hearts of thousands. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ “It's fascinating, isn't it?” “Your Highness?” “The concept of an eclipse. Utter darkness in the middle of day. A long time ago, ponies saw them as the harbingers of great evil... I wonder how the Equestrians who haven't heard the emergency dispatch view this one, seeing as that it's saving their lives...” The majestic Princess Twilight of the Changelings turned to face the recently arrived Changeling drone. “What do you think of it?”, she asked. “I... er... Uh... The darkness makes it hard to see?”, the drone replied, confounded. “Ha... I suppose it does.”, said Twilight, sporting a small smile more for comfort than honestly. “I suppose it does...” Twilight's expression returned to a grim, contemplating stare as she returned to her throne. From around the room, a dozen scrolls of her own notes flew towards Twilight, spreading out in front of her in a perfectly symmetrical pattern. Three quills, dripping with ink, manifested from purple magic and floated patiently around her. “Tell me.”, she commanded to the drone. ”Leave nothing out.” |
“Join me, and make sweet sweet love to my heron ass!”, proclaimed the heron Prince Reyson. “Now? While you’re still in bed with Emperor Hardin?”, said Cain the Cavalier. The moustached Emperor shrugged. He was cool with it. Then, the dancer Silvia walked in too! She wanted a piece of all of their asses! So everybody removed their clothing and… “LOKI!”, bellowed an infuriated Thórr, walking into the Hall of Forms, her axe Mjölnir in hand. “Ah, dear sister! How lovely to see you again!”, replied a surprised Loki, turning around to greet the God of War. The Forma figures of the four Heroes froze on the table in quite the unflattering positions. “What in Hel do you think you are doing here, sister?” said Thórr. She walked up to the Forma table and took a closer look. “What are th…? Bah! Loki!” Loki leaned back, widely grinning. “Well you like playing with your precious dolls so much, I thought I’d give it a shot. You were surprisingly on the money there, Thórr. This is fun, hee hee hee!” Thórr growled in frustration. She put Mjölnir against the table’s leg, the gave the puppets a wave of her hand and an exertion of divine will, and the Forma were returned properly to their proper states. “My Forma are NOT your playthings! They are divine instruments with which I can reflect on the nature of war and strife. They fight, they die and they rise to fight again, that is all!” Loki puffed at this. “Sister, please! Maybe all you think about is fighting and war and violence, but think about it. The mortals your dolls are based on lived long and full lives, did they not? How much time of that were they in mortal combat and how much time were they with their loved ones, hm? If anything, I just made them more accurate to life, I’d say!” “You are ridiculous and disrespectful!” “Harsh, but not entirely inaccurate, I suppose.” Loki replied with a wink. “Still, I do only have my dear beloved sister’s best interests at heart in the end.” Thórr harrumphed, crossing her arms. “See, I think you have a major weakness, Sis. I’ll cede that you are the mightiest warrior in all the realms, the literally unbeatable God of War and blah blah blah. But you’re hopelessly repressed when it comes to matters of the heart! Why, it’s been literally centuries since you and I last laid, and I doubt you’ve even taken a mortal or two since!” Loki said as she subtly took a few steps closer. “And it’s a giant ‘strategic weakness’, to speak your language.” “I quite doubt that, even if anything you just said was true. I assure you I am quite in control of my… Ah!” Loki had sneakily pulled down one of the cups of her outfit, and Thórr reflexively let her gaze roll down. She saw a brief glimpse of perky pink allure and instantly turned away, her face reddened. “Oh. Oopsie.” said Loki, quite amused. “You were saying?” Thórr’s face had taken on a lovely red gleam, and she looked off to the side the room in furious denial. “And with just that, I think all the blood in your muscles goes somewhere else, a ha hee…”, concluded Loki, purposefully leaving herself half-exposed. “My dear sister, I’m going to give it to you straight; You need to get some. Why, if I had the slightest malicious intent for you, you’d be helpless before me! Hmm… now there’s a thought...” Thórr grunted. She turned around to face the pest head on, looking her dead in the eyes and resisting the urge to look down. “How cute. You still think you have a chance.”, Loki said. She took Thórr’s hand in a moment of opportunity, and placed it palm-first on her free breast. Loki gasped and let out a giggle as she pressed her boob into Thórr’s warm hand. “You… You can’t just...”, muttered Thórr. And she squeezed gently. And it felt right. She felt Loki’s pulse beat into her via her hand, felt it clash against her own somewhere inside of her. Loki ran the fingertips of her free hand over Thórr’s breast as well, brushing over the silhouette of Thórr’s erect nipple through the alabaster fabric. The proof of how effective Loki’s gambit had been. “I can. And so can you. We are Gods, Thórr. We can do whatever we want. And you know what I want right now?” “Loki...” “Close. I prefer her sister though.” Loki said with a warm smile and her eyes on target. She leaned forward and let her lips fall onto Thórr’s. Had it been just centuries? To Thórr it felt like far longer. And while Loki hid it better than others, she had yearned for this just as much. Loki moved their hands up, and traded her grip on Thórr’s hand for a gentle cupping of her cheek. The shape, the feeling of Thórr’s form beneath her fingers was just as she remembered, that perfect softness hiding an infinitude of power. And Thórr? Inside her fought all the pranks, deceptions and other reasons why never to trust Loki again. All that piled up still lost against the simple way she was feeling right now. Nothing in the heavens or below could stray mighty Thórr from her path, and what did she now desire but this? It was an eternity before the two goddesses pulled away from each other again, in silence. Thórr took Loki’s hands off of her body, holding her by the wrists. “Loki...” “Thórr… please. Please let me… You want this… You need this.” Thórr did not reply, but she loosened her grip. She looked away from Loki’s eyes. Loki slid her hands free and pulled her sister towards her, embracing Thórr and planting soft kisses on her shoulder and neck. She put her hand on Thórr’s exposed leg, and felt her fellow goddess shiver and brace. Thórr’s warm breath washed over Loki’s ear and back. With their bodies together, Loki felt the racing pulse of her sister, and surely Thórr felt hers in kind. A cadence shared but not equal. By the stars, neither of them dared ever think just how much they needed this. Loki’s hand moved up to Thórr’s magnificent abdominal muscles. Rock hard, a fantastic contrast to the softness of her breast and neck, both of which Loki was touching as well, to her great appreciation. “Ah, incomparable...”, uttered Loki “I could just melt all over you...” Thórr shifted, and Loki’s soft body flowed over and with her. She matched every motion her sister made flawlessly, so in tune. Where Thórr waned, Loki pressed. Where she went, Loki wavered. Loki’s moaning drew Thórr’s gaze back to her body, at last surrendering to the pull. The sway of her hair, the swell of her breasts, the cleft and shape of her buttocks so temptingly on display… Thórr’s breathing intensified, and with each breath more of Loki’s intoxicating scent drew into her. And then Loki started to slide her fingers down Thórr’s underslip. Delicate fingertips ran over the modest patch of teal fuzz, teasingly coming closer and closer… Thórr groaned and anticipated. “Ah ah… Not yet, hmm...” whispered Loki. She moved, and kissed the imprint of Thórr’s erect nipple right through her gown. It engorged further as Loki gave the little thing attention it had craved for far too long. She took the firm nub between her lips and sucked it ever so slightly, to which Thórr responded with a primal grunt. Loki let loose, switched sides and back again and again... “Hmmm, say it… Tell me what you want, Thórr...” Thórr grunted, resisted once more with the last bit of will she had left. Loki ran her fingertip oh so close to Thórr’s opened and slick slit, but still infinitely too far away. “Thórr… I can tell, I can know… But I need you to say it. Not for me, for you. You cannot live with lying to yourself any more...“ Thórr bit her lip and closed her eyes. “Say it!” “...You.” “...” “I want you, Loki. Damn everything in all the realms, I just want you. Here and now. It’s what I always wanted, is that what you want to hear?” Loki smiled and looked deeply into Thórr’s golden eyes “Music to my ears, sis. “ And one finger slid right in. Thórr threw her arms around Loki and cried out. Her fingers dug into Loki’s open back. She felt herself open up, attempting to draw more more more of Loki’s finger into her. Loki pulled her finger almost out again, waiting an agonizing second, and then shoved it back into Thórr’s slit with a wet shlick of arousal. Thórr started to make adorable yelps after a few times, and Loki dug a little deeper in each time. In the same rhythm, both goddesses found a bit of the other near enough to kiss; Thórr placed hers on Loki’s forehead, and Loki pecked at Thórr’s chest. Thórr began clenching around Loki’s knuckles after only a few more thrusts. “Hmmm, are you this close already, Thórr? I can feel it. So naughty, so vulnerable...” “...Still your tongue and just keep going...” “Bossy. Always so bossy… Hmm, let me just...” Loki played her sister like an organ with her fingers, and when she blinked, Thórr found herself pressed against the wall with her legs spread and dress pushed aside, with Loki leaning onto her and fingers deep inside of her, keeping an unbroken pace all the while. Thórr moaned and felt even her phenomenal strength falter her as Loki easily took both her wrists into her free hand and raised them together. “...Ah!….Ah!….Yes!… Do it! Heavens… Loki, please..!”, Thórr begged. She was close, so damn close... “...Nah, I think not.” “...What?” Loki stepped back. Thórr tried to move. Nothing happened. Loki had bound Thórr’s limbs with some kind of spell. “Trickery!”, shouted Thórr, struggling against the bonds. “You little bitch!” “My my, what a dirty tongue on you, sister! Who knew? Now that I know that that’s all it takes to wind you up, I think I shall torment you so much more! Now, I think I shall take my leave, dear Thórr. It delights me to say that you are both easier and more enjoyable to play with than your little dollies! Tah tah!”, Loki said as she slipped her clothes back on and waggled her fingers to wave Thórr goodbye, walking to the door. “LOKIIIIIIIII!”, screamed Thórr with enough force to shake Midgard’s foundations. Even Loki took pause, thrown off balance by the sheer power that beheld a thoroughly pent up goddess. In one motion, Thórr stood up, enraged. After all that, she was getting her prize. She was taking what she was owed! She roared, broke out of the bounds and slammed into her surprised sister, throwing Loki with her back into a wall. She kissed her, claimed her, rawly and without even an illusion of grace. Loki could do nothing but kiss reflexively back, and kept trying to wrestle and pull her way free, but to no avail. Thórr was too strong, and too focused on taking her. By Alfaðör did both of them live for moments like this. Thórr held Loki with one hand to her neck, and tore apart most of her sister’s attire with one swipe, making Loki throw out a most amusing yelp. Thórr grabbed Loki’s left breast firmly as she once again sunk her tongue into her mouth. When they pulled away, Loki muttered. “Take me… Rut me… Make me melt down like only you can, Thórr… Please… “ Thórr grinned. She placed her hands on Loki’s shoulders and pressed her sister onto her knees with a minimum of force. Loki was breathing heavily with her gaze firmly focused on Thórr’s nethers, and her breasts heaved with. A drop of liquid rolled down the inside of Thórr’s leg, and Loki’s eyes traced its path. She looked up at Thórr. Thórr looked down. Loki understood. As Thórr still kept her firmly in place, she meekly took aside the front flap of Thórr’s dress. The sight was akin to witnessing heaven’s heaven. Thórr laid open before her, the imprint of her sopping wet vagina clearly visible through her undergarment. Raw feminine scent washed over Loki, swirling in her nostrils and mouth, enrapturing her fully. She groaned and let her mouth fall open, her tongue tipped slightly out. Hungry. So incredibly hungry for that one taste of ambrosia. Thórr stepped forward and pressed her soaked groin over Loki’s mouth, holding her sister in place by the back of her head. Loki moaned and she kissed Thórr’s spreading lips right through the fabric, her heated breath spreading pleasant warmth throughout Thórr’s womb. Her tongue pushed helplessly against the barrier, desiring to lick up every drop she was so cruelly denied. Thórr felt merciful. She hooked one finger behind her underwear, and with a flick of her vast power tore it in twain, sending it sliding down her leg. Loki gasped before the sight, helpless.. Perfect. With a deliciously wet sound Thórr spread herself and pushed Loki’s face down where it belonged. The tongue that spun a thousand lies now only drew delicious laps at Thórr’s slick and wanting folds. Natural talent, or a millennia-honed skill? Whichever the case, Loki was impeccable at her tonguecraft. To her immortal credit, Thórr lasted almost ten whole minutes. No other being had ever matched her willpower before, and they would not now. Eventually, Thórr tightened her grip on Loki’s head. It was coming. Thunder rumbled deep inside her, eager to burst out and cascade into Loki. A charge of electricity built up for ages, crackling and coursing. Thórr shook, the waves coming faster and faster and faster and… Thórr threw her head back as she finally came, and she rode it out for every last drop she had in her. Loki’s squeals were muffled, faint whispers from so far away, her face pressed firmly in place. Thórr stood panting as the quakes died down, her sister’s head still in her trembling hands. Loki carefully touched the backs of Thórr’s hands. The God of War allowed her sister to lean back, and looked at her face. Loki’s gorgeous face was sticky with thick juice, and a trail hung from her cute little nose to Thórr’s still-twitching lips. Loki was as much out of breath as Thórr, and the sight of her dainty tongue dipping slightly outside her mouth with every breath was a rare delight for Thórr. “...Thórr… Oh sister, oh Thórr...” Loki uttered between breaths. Her breasts bounced with, making the trails of juice and saliva on them roll down over their impeccable curvature. There was a glimpse of pure perfection in Loki’s meticulously crafted form, Thórr admitted to that. She stared deeply into Loki’s lavender eyes as Loki deftly ran her lithe fingers over the top of Thórr’s hands. “...Please, Thórr...” uttered Loki. “Please… I need you… I’ve wanted for so long to please you, to see that smile on your face again...” Thórr touched her face reflexively. She was. She really was, genuinely, wholly. It felt… nice. Loki had taken her chance now that Thórr let her guard down, and when Thórr finished blinking, her naked sister was standing right in front of her, and Loki gently put her hands on Thórr’s arm and breast. “Sis… Will you…? I need...” And Loki pulled down, and Thórr let herself gently slide to her knees to share the wondrous sensation still ringing in her ears. Loki let her sister’s tongue set eagerly to work, a muscle every bit as powerful as all her others. She tipped her head back, closed her eyes, and held Thórr’s head until she too... Well, or at least Loki tried that. Thórr moved not a shave of an inch at Loki’s attempt. Her newfound smile turned into her trademark frustrated frown. “You need? You make a rich jester, Loki.” Thórr broke Loki’s grip with barely any effort. Loki’s expression suddenly grew very concerned, a sad sight on such a pretty face. Thórr seized Loki by the neck with one hand and lifted her off the ground effortlessly, her sculpted bicep swelling to a most striking flex. Thankfully, she made no effort to actually harm her sister. Loki flailed her legs, taken by surprise. Her fragrant arousal dripped onto the marble floor. “There is naught you need that you cannot take yourself, my trickster sister. I say thee nay.” With the barest effort, Thórr recalled Mjölnir to her other hand, catching her axe from behind her without looking. She raised the gleaming golden edge right up against Loki’s open neck, and Loki audibly gulped. “It was your manipulation and trickery that made me… vulnerable. This cannot stand, Loki. This cannot stand at all.” Thórr raised her weapon overhead, her expression grim. “The law of Alfaðör forbids me from smiting you, but I know ways to keep pests like you out of my hair for a while...” “Ah! Sis!” exclaimed Loki. “Can’t we talk about this?!” “The time for talking is over, dear sister. Now comes the time of action, the time of Thórr!” Thórr moved forward, and pressed her lips into Loki’s, whose eyes widened in pleasant surprise. Maybe by pushing Thórr too far she had created an insatiably amorous monster here, oops. Loki let herself be swept under by Thórr’s power, let her sister take the reins. By the Realms, she was incomparable… Loki swooned as she let her lips match Thórr’s every move, drinking in the powerful massage. And then Thórr pulled away again, and Loki found herself kneeling on the floor again, staring at Thórr’s spread nethers. She really couldn’t stop her mouth from running. “Oh, again? Sis, I love you but you really do need to learn some more creativit-” Thórr cut Loki off with a swift movement, placing her hands on Loki’s head. Thórr held one finger under Loki’s chin and pulled her hair back with her other hand. She took a second to align, and shoved Loki’s face between her spread lips. Loki screamed and struggled, but to no avail; all she put out were mere wet muffles. Even in one finger, Thórr had always had more power than her, there was no contest there. Thórr started to let her body fall into a hot and carnal rhythm with her feet firmly planted. Steadily increasing in power, she started to suck and push Loki in through her vagina. In beats, arousal flowed from her and streamed over Loki, moistening the trickster’s alluring body up from top to bottom. The physical forms of gods are more pliable than those of a mortal, being as they are but reflections of their true, incomprehensibly multidimensional forms. Whatever physicality one ascribed to them, it is merely an approximation at best. Loki held it off for a minute or so, but before long her grip slipped. With one hand on her bare back, Thórr let her sister slip inside of her down to her shoulders. A few tugs and pulls, and those too made their way in, slip and slick with Thórr’s juices. Now only Loki’s shapely behind and legs were sticking out still. Thórr took deep and intense breaths. She held and beheld Loki’s butt. A cute little butthole and an adorable, wet pink slit, the centrepieces of flawless curves of soft flesh… Because her long-suppressed side urged her to, because she’d not have this chance again, and mostly because she could, Thórr took a moment to run a finger over Loki’s privates. She edged her sister’s vagina, then suddenly stuck her finger in down to the knuckle, making Loki arc and buck inside of her, which Thórr’s body met in kind with an almost electrifying clench. After a few seconds of squirming, Thórr took her finger back with a delightfully wet pop. She placed one finger on Loki’s teeny tiny delicate little perineum, and pushed. Loki’s hips ground against Thórr’s opening, proving the most resistant yet, and forcing Thórr to double down on the effort. Was Loki protesting still, or was she squirming in delight now? Thórr held her legs together by the ankles, and kept going. A few times, Thórr’s finger threatened to slip from Loki’s tender spot to either of her holes, and Thórr kept that tension going until it was so so close… Her own pleasure was well tended to through Loki’s struggles against her walls, and was she so selfish as to deny her poor little sister something so… Thórr caught herself. That exact line of thinking was something Loki would plant in her mind to stall all right. She swung Loki’s legs about and up, and sat down. The juices on Loki’s legs, a mix of both sisters’, reversed course and rolled back down, back to from whence they came. Thórr opened her legs as wide as she could, and with one final push, Loki’s broad hips went inside of her. Thórr gasped for air as her lips closed and rolled down over Loki’s thighs, eagerly sucking up the sticky fluid covering them. Loki’s head was moving through Thórr’s canal, making its way into her womb, where she’d soon settle entirely. The sounds of Thórr’s body all around her squished and sloshed, and the thunderous beating of her heart provided the cadence for it all. Loki naturally curled up as more and more of her body came in. It felt safe and warm, comfortable throughout. Addictively comfortable… Too tired to much resist, Loki grew awfully enamoured with the idea of just closing her eyes and resting… To go to sleep and dream as Gods do… On the outside, only Loki’s ankles and feet still stuck out of Thórr’s opening, and those too were guided inside. Finally, Thórr’s vulva closed back up with a wet slurp, Loki settled into place, and inside of her womb, the process began in earnest. Thórr wiped a strand of hair from her face, then laid on her back, her swollen abdomen up in the air. Loki squirmed, but made no meaningful progress. Both sisters felt an array of bodily processes in Thórr’s body commence. Juices began to flow, muscles began to set into a rhythm. Thórr let slip a groan of delight. Her womb coalesced and compressed all around the balled up Loki, and her body was already starting to languish at the edges, fast becoming nothing but sticky sop. But clever Loki had one last trick to play… She had not much room to move, but she managed to cast one last spell before all movement was lost to her and she could do nothing more but ride out the sensations at the end. Thórr heard some mumbling from inside her, but denied Loki the satisfaction of listening to it. She had to focus, and she did. Handling the essence of a god is not unlike attempting to control a wildfire; if you are not careful at every step of the way it will consume you. Every speck of Loki’s essence her body consumed resisted all the way, crackling radiance as it diluted into Thórr. It did not hurt, oh no. Way worse. It felt heavenly. So arousing, so addicting… As a deity, Thórr had tasted literal ambrosia and yet this surpassed even the golden bounty... She felt ashamed, she knew this was not as it was meant to be, but there was no turning back now. Thórr’s body kept going all on its own now, once again building towards a delicious crescendo. Inside, what remained of Loki wove and spun, setting magical connections to her sister as her grip on reality faded. Her heart to her heart, her lips to her lips… And before long, even her flower to her flower… As that connection was laid, Loki outright squealed, her own arousal positively dwarfed by what Thórr was feeling. The end was fast approaching, in more ways than one. Loki bucked, and Thórr bucked with, the feedback loop complete. Thórr gasped. Loki panted. Thórr cried. Loki laughed. Thórr opened. Loki closed. Both screamed. And with a final splash and both sisters’ simultaneous orgasm, what remained of Loki’s body fully came apart inside of Thórr’s womb. It was done. Loki’s essence, broken down to its core substance, splashed against the walls of Thórr’s inviting womb, draining into the victorious goddess’s body with each contraction. It spread soothing warmth through Thórr’s body as it passed into her system, her divinity now squared. From the outside, Thórr caressed the shrinking mass in her belly as she roiled in the aftershocks of her orgasm. Was her judgement too harsh, she wondered? Would Alfaðör stand for this…? Thórr pondered these quandaries as her body processed that of her sister, distributing Loki’s mass through Thórr’s sculpted physique. Ever aspect of her felt empowered, more than man or God should rightfully feel. She would wield Loki’s… her power responsibly, of course. And perhaps, with time, she would pass them back, should she deign to rule it so. But a few millennia of peace, quiet and order first. Still. Thórr looked at the scraps of Loki’s clothing, and her discarded magic staff. Perhaps at some level she would miss her sister as one does. Well, if that wasn’t a cue... “Oh my, I can’t believe how roomy it is in here! What an absolutely spacious mind you have, Sis!” “Loki?! How are you…?” “Really, Sis? I’m not going to wait around until you get bored and get around to rebirthing me, you know. I know how much you like being a boor, that’d take eons!” “...So you poisoned my spirit with yours...” “Poisoned? Oh ho ho, harsh phrasing, Thórr! But once again, probably accurate.” Thórr could feel Loki putting on her smirkiest smirk even without her having a body to do so with. And that was what she’d be stuck with… Bah, but she could weather this! “Not convinced? How’s this?” said Loki, before lapsing her mental broadcast into a particularly obnoxious Midgardian song about cats she picked up somewhere, now sung in a twelve-woman chorus of her own voice. Then she congratulated herself on her performance. And then more smirking. With a thousand-yard stare in her eyes, Thórr sighed. She was convinced all right… “Oh, the fun we’ll have together! Ooh, let’s see if I can do more than just pester you a bit, hrm?” Before she could form a response, Thórr found herself booping her own nose. Loki’s triumphant snickering was unbearable. Misty-eyed Thórr recalled Mjölnir to her, and laid her forehead against the cold uru metal. To whom does the God of Strength pray for strength? And do they listen? |
Kawakami stirred at the pot of curry, feeling wave after wave of fatigue fall over her. She was at LeBlanc working on curry for her student Akira. She had one more client after Akira, but she couldn’t help but want to take a nap instead of finishing her job. Kawakami shrugged of the building fatigue, because she knew she needed this last job tonight to pay off her debt. After a little more simmering, Kawakami had finished the curry. She called Akira to let him know she had finished it, and she would be heading back out for the night. Kawakami gathered her stuff and walked down the alley, readying herself to head to her next job when she saw a back-alley clinic that was still open. Kawakami had heard about the rumors of the deadly nurse in the back alley who could make any type of medicine. Kawakami didn’t want to have to pay a fortune for medicine, but maybe the doctor has some kind of energy drink for her. Kawakami opened the door and saw the goth doctor sitting behind her counter. Kawakami approached her, in which Tae looked up with a slightly annoyed face. “You know I close in less than a half hour, right? I’m not going to take an appointment this late when I’d like to head home.” Tae’s words seemed harsh to Kawakami. She felt that the only thing keeping her safe from the doctor was the counter between them. “Oh, um I’m sorry! I didn’t realize! I just felt very fatigued and I have another job I needed to get to, so do you perhaps sell some kind of energy bar or pill that can help me get through my last shift?” “You think I’m a convenience store? I don’t just sell everything under the sun you know-” Tae interrupted her lecture towards the maid and got a devilish smile on her face. “Actually, I do have something. Let me grab it.” Tae opened one of her drawers and dug through all the bottles in the drawer. After what seemed like 5 minutes, Tae set a small vile on the counter. “T-Thank you! Oh, how much do I owe you?” Kawakami rummaged through her purse before Tae said, “Actually I’d prefer you not pay. I’ve only ever tried this formula on myself, so I want to see how it affects other people. Just come back, oh say, later tonight after your job and I can see how it affects you.” Kawakami didn’t like the idea of having to come back to the shady clinic later that night, but she had to get to her next job soon and she didn’t have time to look for an alternative to her energy problem. “Alright I’ll come back after my shift.” Kawakami picked up the vile and forced down the bitter brown liquid. Kawakami thanked Tae and hurried off to her next shift. As Kawakami ran out the door, Tae let out a devilish giggle. “Oh, I forgot to tell her about the side effects, didn’t I? Ah well she’ll feel it soon enough.” Kawakami hustled down a nearby street from the clinic to her client’s address. After getting to the building she sees ‘Sojiro Sakura’ written on the buildings name. “Hey wait! Isn’t this Akira’s guardian? Why would he contact me?” Kawakami sighed and read her note of what her client had asked of her. Her instructions told her to head inside and head to the room on the right with the caution tape. Her note also said that the owner of the house was on vacation, but that the daughter and some friends should be there. Kawakami sighed and put the note away. After she prepared to head in, Kawakami couldn’t help but feel a lot better. Her fatigue had already felt like it was melting away. She entered the house with a surge of confidence and headed for the room with the caution tape. Kawakami knocked at the door and heard a voice ring back saying, “Come In!” As the maid opened the door, her heart sank as she saw who was in the room. She realized that there were 4 girls in the room, 3 of which were students at her school. Ann, Haru, and Makoto looked at Kawakami with the same shock. “M-Miss Kawakami! What are you doing here?!” Haru stuttered on her words out of embarrassment. “Miss Kawakami, I didn’t realize you worked as a maid! I’m sorry that we called you out here when you probably had better things to do with your time. We just wanted to help our friend clean up her room, and Ann thought it would be a good idea to call a maid service.” Makoto’s eyes darted judgefully at Ann who immediately jumped up to defend herself, “Hey you didn’t say no to the idea! You thought it would be a new experience! You’re just trying to cover for yourself in front of Kawakami!” Ann and Makoto started to argue as Haru got in between them in an attempt to stop the argument. As the three girls clashed, Futaba turned back to her computer and put her headphones on to ignore the banter. Kawakami couldn’t help but feel an intense hunger in her stomach, like she hadn’t eaten in days. On top of that, she was so worried about one of the three girls accidentally spilling her secret of being a maid. Suddenly, it felt like she was taken over by her hunger, as she concocted a plan. She walked forward to position herself behind Makoto and before the third-year student knew it, her head was inside Kawakami’s mouth. Ann and Haru immediately stopped their argument and froze up. As Kawakami struggled to gulp more of Makoto down, she positioned herself to be in front of the bedroom door. Kawakami continued to gulp down the honor student, feeling more and more relieved as she did. Makoto was lowered down the teacher’s throat, feeling at first confusion and then fear as she realized what was going on. She flailed her legs in an attempt to hit Kawakami, but her legs we quickly gulped down before she had the chance to. Makoto’s head was pushed through the stomach opening and landed into her new meaty prison. The smell of the stomach was pure acid. It seemed like Kawakami hadn’t eaten in awhile and the stomach was excited to work on Makoto. Makoto screamed for help from her friends on the outside. Haru was still frozen in place and couldn’t bare to move a muscle. Ann had sprung into action and grabbed a replica whip that Futaba had in her room. She swung the whip at Kawakami to try and stop her teacher, but something went wrong. Kawakami caught the whip and pulled on it. Ann was pulled forward toward Kawakami. The pull from Kawakami caused Ann to trip right towards her teacher’s prepared maw. Ann’s trip caused her to have a huge momentum going down Kawakami’s throat. Ann was dealt with in one gulp and Kawakami had already set her sight on Haru who had balled herself up in a corner and was starting to cry. Kawakami sat up and thudded towards the crying girl. Kawakami grabbed the girls face and gave the tears streaming down her face a good lick. Once she had played with her third prey a bit, she made quick work of her meal, taking only two wet gulps to force her down. Finally, Kawakami set her sights on the orange haired girl who hadn’t even noticed the scene that unfolded behind her. Kawakami lumbered over to the petite neet and readied herself for her last meal of the night. Futaba didn’t even have a chance to react as she was quickly engulfed like her other friends. Futaba didn’t react too much at first to being gulped down. She thought maybe her friends we’re playing around and that she would be let out soon, until she got down to the stomach in which she saw the other three girls packed away inside. Futaba landed on top of the other three and said “W-What happened! Why did our maid eat us!” “M-Miss Kawakami please can you get us out of here! We’ll pay you double what we owed you! Just please don’t d-” Makoto couldn’t even bare to mutter the word digest out of fear that it would fully come true if she said it. Ann chimed in as well and said “I know I wasn’t your best student, but I promise if you let us out, I’ll actually apply myself! Please Miss Kawakami!” Haru continued to cry in the stomach. All she was able to mutter to Kawakami between sobs was “Please--- I don’t---- want to die!” The 4 girls waited for a response from the teacher, and all they got was a loud belch in return to their pleads. Ann and Futaba both felt the same thing Haru did. They both started to cry and give into the despair that they were going to be churned away and become nothing but another meal for a high school home room teacher. Makoto didn’t give up though, she kept pounding at the stomach walls in an attempt to get out. th Kawakami sat in Futaba’s chair after finishing gulping down the 4 girl. Kawakami heard the 4 girls plead with her, but she didn’t pay them any mind. She rubbed her lumpy gut and let a loud burp fill the room. Now that Kawakami’s hunger was going away, she was starting to think clearly, and then she felt a sudden wave of guilt hit her. She had doomed the four girls in her gut to a horrible digestive fate inside of her. “I-I Why did I do this! Girls I’m so sorry I- I’m going to go to the clinic nearby and see if I can get you girls out!” The 4 girls started to calm down as they heard their captor’s regrets at eating them. Makoto was hoping that Kawakami would be quick to the clinic, as she already could feel her skin turning to paste in the acidic gut, and she knew her friends were feeling the same as well. Kawakami stumbled up out of the chair and headed for the front door. She made sure the coast was clear and headed out into the street and made a dash for the clinic. The 4 girls sloshed and swayed with each step. They were all starting to feel their skin and bodies slowly melt away by the second, but the idea of being saved was enough to make them endure the pain. Kawakami bust open the clinic door to see Tae reading a magazine in the waiting room. “Oh, your back soon.” Tae looked at Kawakami not even phased at the gut she held on her. “Let me guess you want them out, don’t you?” Kawakami looked at Tae and said “Look I don’t have time for your dark sense of humor! I need you to go back there right now and get me something to help with this!” Tae made an annoyed “Uck” sound at Kawakami and walked behind the counter. She went through her cabinet again and pulled out another vial. “Here this will help you with your gut problem.” Kawakami started to cry tears of happiness. She gulped the vial down in an instant and was waiting for something to happen. “So how will this get them out?” “Oh, you’ll see…” Tae snickered at Kawakami who started to feel drowsy. Kawakami’s eyes suddenly shut, and she fell into a deep sleep. Her body lurched forward, making it so she fell right onto her gut. Kawakami didn’t feel a thing in her sleep, but the four girls each felt an immense pain with having their now fragile bodies be landed on. Makoto felt a deep crack down her spine, feeling like it cracked in half. She tried to move her body and realized couldn’t move anything below her neck. Ann’s right arm was landed on and the force caused her arm to break completely off at the bending point. Futaba took most of the force in her hips, causing her upper body to split almost completely apart from her legs. However, they were still connected enough so she could still feel the pain coursing through them. Haru got the worst damage of the girls, as her skull was landed on. Haru’s skull cracked and sent shards on bone throughout her brain. The hit wasn’t enough to kill her, but she would never have a chance to utter another word or move before she was digested in the gut. Even worse, the hit didn’t knock her out, she was still conscious and could feel the damage to her brain slowly effecting her cognitive ability. “Wow those were some nice and loud bone shatterings! Are any of you still alive in there? You know, I don’t even know who you all are!” Tae locked the front door to insure no one would interrupt her little experiment. “Well is someone going to answer me? Or are you all so far gone that no one can speak?” Ann was in immense pain, but she wasn’t as hurt as her other friends, so she angrily yelled at the crazed doctor, “I’m still alive you bitch! Get us out of here now!” “Well if I did that then I wouldn’t be able to blackmail my new guinea pig here! Oh, and since you have so much energy, how bought I change that for you?” Tae delivered a few heavy kicks onto the outside of Kawakami’s stomach, causing the girls to move even closer to death. Ann was kicked twice in her ribs, breaking them and making it so she couldn’t speak back like she did before. Tae’s last kick hit Futaba in her jaw, causing it to dislocate from her skull. “Ah that seems to have truly shut you all up. Now I could kick you all a bit more and put you all out of your pain, but where’d be the fun it that? After all, I want to give my new friend Kawakami here a chance to finish you all off, as nothing but another dinner for her. Oh, before I go, I’m sending down some special medicine to make sure you all properly digest! In fact, the liquid should also soak into your skin and make sure you really feel all the acid in there! Well I’ll leave you too it!” Tae walked away from the slumbering Kawakami that lay in her reception area and giggled to herself about the fate of Kawakami’s gut filler. The 4 girls felt excruciating pain from the broken bones and the biting acids around them. Each one wanted to breakdown and cry, but they were all too hurt and worn out that they couldn’t manage a single tear among the four of them. The medicine soaked into their skins and did indeed make the digestion feel even more painful than before. Each girl wanted to fight back, but even the act of moving could make the girls fall apart more. Their bodies started to fall apart like pulp anyways and gathered in the digestive juices below them. The girls laid in the acid for what seemed like hours in near silence, slowly breaking apart by the minute. The only available sound to them was the stomach’s digestive noise around them that was tearing away at them. The silence was broken by what sounded like a cart on wheels being dragged near Kawakami. On the outside, Tae was setting up an Ultrasound machine near Kawakami. “Alright food, you should all be pretty ground up and bloody by now, so I’m ready to take your Ultrasound photos!” Tae flipped the machine on and rubbed the scanner of the machine across Kawakami’s extended gut. As Tae moved the scanner across the belly, she made sure to put some extra force on the girls to help break them even more. Tae finished up the scanning and went to the monitor to check the results of her scan. She was able to get some good scans of the girls stewing away in Kawakami’s gut. Even if you couldn’t see who the girls were, you could tell they were in incredible pain with all the exposed bone and irregular looking forms their bodies were starting to take in the pit of acid. Tae grabbed her phone and snapped a few photos of Kawakami sleeping on the floor. After getting a few shots, Tae set her phone away and got her tool bag. “Alright girls, you’ve served your purpose. Since you were such good slabs of meat, I’ll put you out of your misery. Well after I’ve played with you for a bit.” Tae fished out her reflex hammer from her tool kid and started to poke and prod at the belly. At first it felt like a slight movement to the girls, but Tae quickly switched to slamming the hammer into the gut. Each girl started to have bone after bone break. Ann felt her kneecap completely shatter from a hit of the hammer. Makoto suffered a sharp hit to the eye, making it so she wouldn’t even be able to see out of it in her final moments. Futaba felt both her arms break off and fall into the acid below. Haru was hit in her shoulder, dislocating it entirely from the rest of her body. After cracking a few more bones from the girls, Tae decided she was bored of breaking bones of people that couldn’t scream. “Well it seems you guys are on your last legs. Alright I’ll start my final test. Let’s see how long until you’re all crushed into one another.” Tae pulled out a giant blood pressure machine she had and wrapped it around Kawakami’s gut. She turned it on and started her timer. The contents of Kawakami’s stomach slowly started to move towards the middle of her gut. The girls could feel the inside of the gut grow tighter and tighter by each passing seconds. Bones and bodies continued to break as the stomach walls pushed inwards onto the 4 girls. 10 seconds had passed, and the girls were starting to be pushed into one another. In their final moments, each girl wanted to say something to one another, trying to say a final goodbye to one another. But before any of the girls got a chance to even think about saying something, a large and wet CRUNCH rang throughout Tae’s clinic. “Huh only 13.6 seconds. I really thought that younger girls would last longer. Ah well, I should probably get Miss Maid over here set up for her rude awakening.” Tae removed the blood pressure device from Kawakami’s belly, allowing it to shift its now crushed and bloody contents back throughout the stomach. Tae started to drag Kawakami into her exam room and started to get ready for the next part of her plan. Kawakami woke up with a nice yawn. She couldn’t quite remember what had happened when she fell asleep, and she suddenly got the feeling of death after she looked down at her body. Her gut had ripped through her maid outfit and was hanging out a bit as a cute little muffin top. Kawakami wanted to just cry her eyes out after seeing the gut. She remembered the girls being stuck in her gut and then passing out. She must have digested them in her sleep. Kawakami’s sad thoughts were interrupted by a clear cough from the other side of the room. Tae sat in her chair and waited for Kawakami to look at her before saying. “Wow the child killer is up! Your body really good number on those girls you know!” Kawakami felt a heavy burden in her heart upon hearing Tae’s mocking words. She tried to respond to Tae, but the doctor quickly interrupted, “Don’t even try to defend yourself. If you say that it was my fault or say you’ll report me to the cops, I’ll just show them these photos and ultrasounds I took of you while you slept. I’ll tell them that you burst in here trying to eat me, but I was able to put you to sleep. I tried to help the people inside your gut, but the girls were too far gone to save.” Throughout Tae’s entire fabrication of what happened, she made sure to keep her eyes locked with Kawakami. She wanted her to know she meant business. “So, here’s what I’m gonna demand of you lady. I know you’re a teacher at a school and I can clearly tell you were also working as a maid. So, I want you to quit that maid job and work here as my assistant. I guess I can pay you something to make sure you don’t drown in debt. You’ll help me get off by eating whoever I tell you too. Whether they’re a kid, a student of yours, a friend, or a family member, if I tell you to gulp someone down, you do so. If you don’t obey me, I’ll just have to submit these records to the police, understand? Now, assistant! I want you to come and dispose of those girls you ate. I want you to see the damage you did to those poor souls.” Kawakami was in utter disbelief. She was being blackmailed by this psycho doctor who just wanted to see her and the people she ate suffer. Kawakami’s stunned silence was interrupted by Tae yelling “NOW!” Much to her dismay, Kawakami followed Tae out of the exam room and into the clinic’s bathroom. Tae sat in the corner of the bathroom waiting for Kawakami to get undressed and start her business. Scat Warning Kawakami pulled down her panties down to her feet and squatted her new fat ass down on the toilet. She moved around her maid dress to make sure it didn’t get in the way of her business. Kawakami felt a sharp pain as a thick log squeezed out of her asshole. Kawakami gripped onto her knees as she continued to push. Kawakami felt like she was giving birth from the sheer pain she felt. Tae watched and chuckled as she saw tears start to form in Kawakami’s eyes. A loud fart echoed in the toilet as Kawakami blasted another piece of hot shit into the bowl. Kawakami didn’t feel any resistance as she continued to squirt the former girls out. She really thought that one of their skulls would have plugged her up. The bathroom started to reek of the smell of death as Kawakami continued to rid herself of the 4 former girls. Kawakami finally felt some of the last bits of butt fudge come out her asshole and fall into the toilet, so she reached to grab some toilet paper to wipe when… “Hey did I say you could wipe yet! Stand up now assistant! I don’t want you covering up your shame with that toilet paper!” Tae grabbed Kawakami by the scruff of the neck like a dog and forced her to look down into the toilet. Kawakami’s eyes met the grotesque scene below her and she felt an incredible shame. She saw all kinds of pieces of the former girls strewn throughout her shit. Bones were broken in half and chunks of hair we inlaid within her crap. Strands of the girls’ clothes could barely be made out throughout the mess, as Kawakami did a number on the clothes, just like the girls who wore them. Kawakami felt truly awful when she realized that the reason she didn’t have trouble with crapping out the skulls was that the girls skulls had been completely crushed in her gut and were strewn throughout her shit, just like the other parts of the girls were. “Let’s look at all the damage you did…Oh, that orange hair, I think I knew that girl. Real quiet and sweet sometimes, ya know? Can’t believe you just went and offed her so easily. The rest of the hair doesn’t ring a bell, but you still went and offed them too. Wow you really did your best to break their bones, huh! You know Kawa, you play the sadist role a lot better than I do!” Tae was doing her best to break Kawakami’s mind. Afterall, it would be a lot easier for her to shove someone down her assistant’s throat if she were into it like the sadistic doctor was. “Alright that’s enough tormenting I guess for today. Clean yourself up and head home. I’ll let you have tomorrow off so you can get a hunger for your new job. I’ll see you two days from now! Otherwise you can have fun in prison!” Tae nonchalantly walked off, leaving Kawakami to stew with her own emotions. Scat Over Kawakami cleaned herself up and left the bathroom. She left the clinic quickly and dashed home in her torn maid uniform. When she finally got home, she laid in her room not being able to think straight. Kawakami felt utter despair from killing those girls and yet, seeing Tae degrade her was slowly awakening something in Kawakami. She was going to have to eat and kill another person in two days. Kawakami couldn’t even begin to address that thought and just went back to sleep. She didn’t want to confront the problem until the day came where she would have to eat another person… |
Morgana laid sprawled out on Futaba’s bed. He was spending a few days with Futaba as Akira was out on a special outing with his school, so Futaba offered to keep Morgana at her house for the few days Akira was gone. Morgana felt so insulted with how he was being watched by Futaba, like he was some kind of pet! He especially hated when she would randomly start petting him like he was truly a cat! Morgana sat on Futaba’s bed stewing with his thoughts when he felt a sudden rumble in his tummy. He hadn’t eaten lunch yet and hadn’t realized how hungry he was yet. “Hey Futaba, I think it’s time for lunch! I say we go get some nice fresh sushi!” Futaba rummaged through a bag on her desk and pulled out a metal can. She opened it and dumped the contents into a bowl on the floor. “Here ya go kitty! I picked it up special for you! It was one of the cheaper foods they had at the pet store, but the reviews online said that most cats seemed to like it! Phew I’m just glad I don’t have to eat that smelly junk! It should be perfect for you though!” Futaba threw the metal can away in a trash bin and pushed the bowl towards Morgana. Morgana had never been so insulted. He never liked being called or treated like a cat, but this was the worst it had ever been. He wanted some fresh meat like sushi, not some fake canned meat! “But I want sushi! Or some kind of other fresh meat! Like chicken!” Morgana pleaded with Futaba to get something else. “Sorry kitty but I already bought this! Plus, you shouldn’t eat human food because it isn’t healthy for you! Oh, but sushi does sound nice! Maybe I’ll order some for myself!” Futaba took out her phone and started to look at sushi prices online. Morgana couldn’t stand living with Futaba. Akira gave Morgana food that he liked, but Futaba was just giving him cat food like he was a common house cat! Futaba noticed Morgana’s upset expression and said “Aw, is the little kitty upset? Here let me pet your head and maybe that’ll make you feel better!” Futaba leaned her hand down to pet the top of Morgana’s head, but he wasn’t having it. As the hand got closer, he went to bite her hand, but something else happened. Morgana had somehow fit Futaba’s whole hand in his mouth. At first, he was utterly confused, but when he got a taste of Futaba’s soft and sweet skin, he knew he would get his wish of having fresh meat for lunch. “Kitty that tickles! Don’t lick my hand!” Futaba was having fun with Morgana, thinking that having her hand in his mouth was a little game. However, she realized that he wasn’t playing with her when she felt him start to swallow her hand down. “H-Hey! Morgana what are you doing! C-Can I have my hand back?” Morgana didn’t even respond, he just kept swallowing Futaba’s arm down. Futaba tried to pull her hand out, but Morgana’s swallowing was too strong for her. His swallowing pulled her down to the ground by him. Futaba looked up just in time to get one final look at the outside world as Morgana’s mouth ingulfed her head. Futaba started to get pulled down Morgana’s throat. The cat was much smaller than her, so her face and body were squished as she slowly descended the tight corridor. Morgana continued to savor Futaba’s flavors by licking plenty of different parts of her body. This meaty taste, he had never tasted something so good! He worked her down his throat slowly to make sure to not miss a drop of flavor. He continued working and right as Morgana got to Futaba’s legs, her face was making it into his stomach. She had smelt a slight fishy smell on her descent down, but once she was forced into the stomach, the smell became overwhelming. The stomach smelt like a mix of week-old fish and the inside of a dumpster. Futaba didn’t know what Akira was feeding Morgana, but whatever it was, it made the inside of him smell putrid. Morgana finished up on Futaba’s feet and swallowed them down, sending the last bit of her down to him stomach. “Purrrrr! You were phenomenal Futaba! I’m glad you didn’t get sushi because you tasted so much better! Hahaha! BUUUUURRRPP!” Morgana’s burp sounded loud enough on the outside of him, but Futaba’s ears started to ring from the sheer loudness of it. “Ow! M-Morgana! I’m sorry if I upset you with the cat food! I thought it would have been good for you! S-So can I come out? We can have sushi for every meal this week! What do you say, f-friend?” Futaba hoped her plea would get her out of her tight and disgusting prison. She didn’t truly mean to upset Morgana; she just wasn’t sure how to treat a talking cat. “Well you sound genuine and sushi for a few days sounds good, but I think I have to decline Futaba! You were the best tasting thing I’ve ever had, and I’m curious how my best meal will look on my body!” Futaba couldn’t believe her ears. Her friend intended to just kill her off because he liked how she tasted. Futaba couldn’t help herself and screamed “Oh you stupid cat! I’m not just some cat food for you! I’m a person, unlike you! So, let me out!” Futaba tried to kick and struggle in Morgana’s stomach, but her body was way too cramped against the stomach walls to get any real struggling done. “So that’s how you truly feel, huh? If you were really my friend, maybe you would have thought about not treating me like some common house cat! Oh, and you are just cat food! Just like this can of meat you got me! Hey, you didn’t like the smell of this stuff, did you? Oh, I know what I’m going to do!” Morgana dragged his gut over to the full bowl Futaba had filled earlier and he started to eat. He expected the meat to taste terrible, but he liked it surprisingly well. “Mmmm Futaba this is actually pretty good! Makes me almost reconsider the idea of digesting you! Well, almost!” Morgana chuckled to himself and continued to gulp down the brown meat. “Futaba continued to plead to Morgana, but he wasn’t listening to her at all. As Morgana gulped down the cheap meat Futaba bought, the stench in the stomach continued to get worse by the moment. The aroma went from that of fish to what smelled liked a dead animal. The smell was so feral that Futaba was close to throwing up. She didn’t want to smell another second of the inside of the putrid gut, but she would be smelling it until her last moments. “Ahhhh! BURRRRP! That was a good second dinner! I would get more of those cans off your desk and send that remaining meat down to join you, but I couldn’t possibly get up there with you weighing me down!” Morgana finished his taunt to hear Futaba start to cry and breakdown in his gut. He saw this as a golden opportunity to truly upset her. “Hey Futaba, y’know maybe I don’t want you to be my cat food anymore…” Futaba’s crying slowed down, and she was able to mutter out “R-Really! S-So I can come out! I knew you were my friend-” “Oh goodness no! I just meant I’m ready for you to turn into something more useful! Fat on my ass and some smelly kittle litter!” Futaba began to shake inside of Morgana’s gut after hearing that. She didn’t even think about how painful it was going to be to be ground down and turned into cat shit when she first got eaten. “Maybe being cat food isn’t as bad as you thought, huh? After all, your going to be a lot worse soon!” Morgana let out a nice little yawn after finishing his taunt and realized how tired he felt. “Alright Futaba I think I messed with you enough. I’m going to use you as a pillow, so don’t digest too quickly! Morgana laughed to himself as he made himself comfortable on top of his own gut and quickly fell asleep. Futaba was is disbelief. Morgana was snoring away as she was being squished and churned away. She tried to move to wake up Morgana and make him reconsider before she started to fully digest, but she couldn’t even do that. She was so tightly packed that she would have to just sit there and digest away. Futaba didn’t think she would be around to much longer, after all her clothes were already in taters and she could feel some of her skin starting to flake off after being in the cat’s gut for only 10 minutes. The acids started to rise up and began piling up against Futaba’s body. She felt her acid-soaked hair to fall apart into the acid below. Futaba felt her lower body in pain, but the true pain began when Morgana rolled over in his sleep. The entire contents of the belly flipped, and Futaba got dunked underneath the surface of the acid with her eyes fully open. Morgana thankfully turned back over a minute or so later, but Futaba was in twice the pain as before. Now she had fully soaked in the acid, and much worse, her eyes had soaked in the stomach acid. As the acid continued to rise, Futaba felt more and more of her body break apart. Her feet which had been soaking for awhile now had the entire outer layer of flesh broken down off of it, and she even felt a few toes break off with the tightness applied on them from the gut wall. The rest of her body wasn’t far behind her feet, as her skin peeled, and flesh started to fall apart. Futaba’s eyes were entirely shot and were turning into a gooish state. Futaba started to waver towards her final moments of consciousness. She wanted to have at least a few minutes to thing about her life before she passed on, but Morgana turned over once more, causing her to dunk under the acids once again. Futaba waited for Morgana to turn back over, but he never did. Futaba couldn’t hold her breath anymore and started to drown underneath the acid. The acids started to fill the inside of her. The last thing Futaba felt was the intense pains of her body melting from the inside out before she passed away. Over the next couple of hours, Morgana’s stomach continued to melt down the rest of Futaba’s body. All her skin and flesh melted off rather easily and started to pump through his intestines. Morgana awoke at about 3pm. He had slept for three hours and he saw a noticeable difference. He no longer had a large girthy belly that he could lay on, but a much smaller and compact gut. He could feel Futaba’s bones moving through him as they clicked and clacked together. Morgana also noticed how he put on a lot of weight. His belly had a new layer of chub on it and his ass had plumped up the most out of anything on him. “Meoooooow! That was the most fun I’ve had in a while Futaba! Oh, I should probably find a place to dispose of you. Can’t let Akira know what I did to you!” Morgana strolled out Futaba’s room and out the front door of the Sakura house. He walked for a little while until he found an alley that had been abandoned for quite some time. Scat Warning Morgana strolled down the alley until he found a comfortable spot to squeeze out the remains of his former friend. He squatted down towards the ground and prepared to rid himself of just another meal. Morgana felt a large sum of shit splurt out of him and onto the ground quickly. Morgana could tell this was going to be a huge mess. He kept squeezing and a large amount of bones and diarrhea sprayed all around the ground. “HnnnnnngggRgh!” Morgana was having incredible blockage from the bones. He felt like he wasn’t going to be able to get the majority of Futaba’s bones out when… “AHHHH!” Morgana had most of Futaba’s bones come unstuck and fall out onto the ground in a pile. “Ugh finally now I can let the rest of you out.” Morgana was able to let out a few logs of normal shit with little resistance after that. After the last piece of shit left Morgana’s asshole, he looked at the mess he had created. Diarrhea was sprayed across both part of the wall and ground of the alley way. Long piles of shit lay with some tiny bones laid inside and a growth of orange hair could be seen throughout the shit. Finally, Morgana looked at the giant pile of bones that he somehow was able to pass. The skeleton had most of Futaba’s bones attached to it, with very few cracks in it. “Nyeh-heh! Sorry Futaba, but you tasted too good! I bet you’ve never seen a common house cat do this before!” In the middle of his taunts, Morgana felt a sudden lurch in his stomach as he puked up two items, an orange hairball and Futaba’s pair of black glasses. “Wow did you glasses seriously survive and you didn’t? Talk about being weak, huh?” Morgana kicked some dirt onto the pile of bones and pranced on his happy way back to the café. Scat Over Morgana decided that he would just wait in the cafe for a few days for Akira to come back. He could always scrounge up a few meals if he got too hungry before Akira came back. Morgana climbed up the area outside of Leblanc and made his way to the attic. He climbed through the window and jumped into his and Akira’s bed. Morgana was about to rest and take a second nap when he heard 2 sudden voices calling out to him. “Morgana! How have you been!” Ann and Akira had both walked upstairs and were getting ready to relax. “Oh, you guys are back already? I thought you were supposed to be gone for a few days?” Morgana questioned. “Well we were supposed to be there for a few days but, *sigh* Ryuji made a huge mess of an exhibit and our school was told to head home and we could ‘try to come again in the future.’ Makoto, Haru, and Ryuji got tasked with helping clean up, so we decided we would have everyone meet up here later today!” Ann sat down next to Morgana and went to make the same mistake Futaba did earlier, she started to pet his head. Morgana should have been angry to be treated like a cat again and should have eaten Ann like he did Futaba, but Ann knew right where to pet him. Morgana started purring and meowing as Ann started to pet and tickle him. “Oh lady Ann! You know how to actually treat a man! Unlike certain people…” Ann looked at Morgana confused and then got the connection, “Oh you mean Futaba! Yeah, she’s a little rough and weird sometimes, but she means well at least. By the way, wasn’t she pet sitting you? We tried to call her, but she wouldn’t answer, so we decided to just come here first.” Morgana started to feel kind of nervous, after all, he didn’t want them to know he was the one who killed Futaba, so he swallowed his fear and said “Yeah she was acting kind of weird today. She left me with some cat food and then left the house to go shopping. I came back here to relax after a while.” Ann and Akira both felt a little skeptical at Morgana’s story at first, but they eventually both shrugged it off as Futaba acting weird as usual. The rest of the Phantom Thieves met up later and had a tiny party since they didn’t really get to go on their field trip. The missing Futaba left a few of them uneasy, but they ended up eventually forgetting about her and just having fun. Morgana was the only one who knew what happened and he felt the same hunger he did with Futaba. All of him female friends were starting to look tasty; Makoto, Haru, even his love interest Ann looked appetizing. Morgana had a new goal in life, not to find if he was human or not, but to eat as many tasty people as possible. After all, Morgana thought, you are what you eat… |
Futaba was frantically tapping her foot, watching the clock tick by. She was planning to hang out with Akira and was quite nervous about her date. They had hung out so many times and had done romantic things like kiss and snuggle, but they had never done anything of sexual nature. Futaba was so worried Akira was gonna be bored of where they were in their relationship and move on to another girl. Futaba decided that tonight was the night. Even if she wasn’t fully ready, she was going to prove to Akira that she loved him. The doorbell rang out, causing Futaba to stiffen up. She opened the door, red in face, and greeted Akira. He walked in and just as Futaba was about to close the door, a creature pushed its way in. It was none other than their friend and cat, Morgana. “M-Morgana? Why are you here?” Futaba knew that Morgana showing up would ruin her plan. She couldn’t let him stay, no matter what. “Well, you two have been hanging out so much alone, I thought you’d want company. Akira said not to come, but I was bored, so I hope you don’t mind me crashing the party.” Morgana smugly walked into the living room and jumped on the couch. He laid right in the middle, making it near impossible for Futaba and Akira to sit together. The couple stayed by the front door, out of earshot of Morgana. “He’s not gonna listen to us Futaba. Plus if we try to ditch him, he’ll just find us again. What do you want to do?” Futaba thought about Akira’s question and then thought of a devilishly evil idea. Awhile back, Futaba and Akira had learned about a relatively unknown fetish on a message board. “Hey Akira, remember that thing we learned about awhile ago? We said we’d only try it if we met someone truly deserving of it. Wouldn’t you say this pest is fairly worthy?” Akira grew a smile across his face and started scheming with Futaba. “So what’s the plan? You wanna swallow him orally?” “Ew! We haven’t bathed him in weeks! I’m not putting him in my mouth! We could try putting him in the back exit, but I’d need your help getting him in there. I-Is that ok?” Akira put a thumbs up and Futaba giggled. “Alright let’s do this! You grab him and I’ll ready myself.” Akira sneaked behind Morgana and grabbed his body. “H-hey! What are your doing Akira!” Morgana looked around frantically and stopped to face forward and watch Futaba. He watched her pull down her shorts and panties and bend over in front of him. Morgana was so confused at the sight before him that he wasn’t sure what the two were planning. “N-Now Akira! I can’t take the wait anymore!” Akira pushed Morgana forward towards Futaba’s ass, and squished him into her thick behind. Futaba moaned in euphoria as she felt a pleasure she’d never felt before. Akira kept pushing Morgana forward, making sure that he couldn’t escape. Morgana kept squirming and trying to get his way out, but Akira gave him one good push, and he was slurped up inside. Akira watched as Morgana was worked up Futaba’s anal track. He had heard it was fast, but Morgana was pushed up through Futaba’s intestines and into her stomach in mere seconds. “A- Akira… I know guys really like to have sex… S-so… If you want… W-we can do it… Now that he can’t bother us in my stomach, we can do it…” Akira watched at Futaba’s uneasiness as she made the offer and walked over and kissed her on her cheek. “We have a lot of time, there’s no rush.” Futaba smiled at Akira and reached down to pull her undergarments and shorts back up. She noticed the cat-like bulge in her stomach and poked at it. “G-guys! Please let me out! I’m sorry I was rude! Aren’t I apart of the Phantom Thieves? Y- you need me!” Akira chuckled and spoke to Futaba’s bulged stomach, “Actually your kind of useless to us now. We have Makoto for healing and Futaba’s a far better navigator than you. I guess mementos will be a pain, but eh, we’ll manage.” Morgana tried to reason with the two and tried to get them to let him out, but they had completely tuned him out. “Let’s start our movie night! I’ve got some popcorn and I can get the movies queued up now!” Futaba hit the lights and sat onto the coach with Akira. She flicked her tv remote to start up Jurassic park. The two got close to one another and snuggled as they watched the movie. Futaba shoved handfuls of popcorn into her mouth and sent it down to her stomach to join the stewing Morgana. Morgana was in agony as he slowly sat in the digestive juices. Since Futaba had never eaten another live creature before, her body was taking much longer to deal with Morgana than would an experienced pred. His skin was very slowly taking damage from the light enzymes. The popcorn Futaba had eaten had made its way into the stomach with him and was sticking to him from all the butter and acid. He tried to call out to his friends again, but all he heard was them turn up the movie to drown him out. Akira and Futaba were finding news ways to mess with Morgana. At first, they planned to just ignore him, but they thought they’d tease him will he was in her stomach. They got to the part in Jurassic Park where the T-Rex eats the guy in the bathroom, so Akira loudly said to Futaba’s gut “Man it’s just like you Morgana! That guy’s gonna be nothing but blood and bones in that T-rex’s stomach! Pretty similar to you, huh?” The two could hear the cat start to cry from the dark taunt and all the two could do was giggle. After a nice laugh, they turned their attention back to the movie and quit paying attention to Morgana. After the 2-hour runtime, the movie’s credits started to scroll across the screen. Futaba turned the movie off and turned her attention back to her gut. “Is kitty still alive?” “P-please Futaba. I’m getting closer and closer to death. I-I don’t want to suffer anymore… Please help me…” Morgana started to bawl again, and Futaba couldn’t help but roll her eyes. “Fine I’ll give you a mercy kill. I can’t stand that annoying crying anymore.” “N-no… Just let me out…” Futaba giggled and started to squish her gut. “Sorry but you feel like your going pretty soft. Even if we got you out, I think you’d still die. So this is better for you. Bye Morgana!” Before Morgana even had a chance to respond, Futaba pushed on her gut and a loud SNAP rang out, followed by a loud BUUUUURRRRP from her mouth. “Well, Morgana’s gone! Hey Akira, I’m feeling sleepy. Wanna go cuddle and sleep?” Akira nodded and the two headed off to Futaba’s room and went to sleep. While Futaba thought she offed him, Morgana was just barely clinging on to life. However that would change as Futaba’s body was able to deal with him and slowly processed him over the night, making him suffer for two more hours before he got the mercy kill he was promised. Futaba woke up with a light yawn and sat up straight. She looked down at her stomach and could see how Morgana had become a slight muffin top on her. She also noticed a slight increase in her breasts, but not enough for her to go up a cup size. Her backside let out a nasty PFFFTTT, which signaled that Morgana was finally ready to come out. Futaba got out of bed slowly, making sure not to wake Akira, and tip toed to the bathroom down the hall. Scat Warning Futaba sat on the toilet and prepared herself to go to the bathroom. The smell of death filled the room as Futaba began to empty her bowels into the toilet. Acid-bleached bones began to fall into the water of the toilet alongside a thick shit full of black and white fur. Morgana’s bones were utterly destroyed. Since his bones were cracked right down his spine, it caused most of the bones to lose their original cat-like structure and ended up looking like just a pile of bones covered in shit. Futaba continued emptying her insides and felt the last bit of shit plop into the toilet, followed by a jingle from Morgana’s collar falling into the pile as well. The yellow collar had lost most of its hue and was falling apart at the seams. Futaba laughed to herself and thought “Did that collar seriously hold up more than he did?” Futaba wiped herself and pulled her shorts back on. She looked down at the mess in the toilet she created. Even though Futaba had never eaten someone before, she had still been able to utterly destroy Morgana into nothing. “Sorry Morgana, but if you hadn’t been such an ass, you wouldn’t have ended up in my ass!” Futaba flushed the toilet and watched the remains of Morgana disappear in seconds, Scat Over Futaba trotted back to her room and slipped back into bed with Akira. The two were so happy with what happened to Morgana, that maybe if some of their other friends went missing, it wouldn’t be so bad… |
Sae Nijima sighed as she rode the elevator up to her apartment. Slouching against the back wall, she went over all the events of her workday and cringed at the thought of doing it all over again tomorrow. It was exhausting, too much for her to bare alone, and she knew it wasn't getting better any time soon. At the very least, she could expect some dinner on the stove when she walked in the door, even if Makoto got takeout she wouldn't complain, she just needed some kind of break. "...Makoto?" Sae called through the apartment. There was no sign of her sister, even though her shoes were at the door, and even worse... Not a hint of food. "Makoto? What's the meaning of this?!" Makoto stirred awake from the couch. She had felt incredibly tired from her duties at school and having been in the metaverse that she decided to take a nap when she got home. "Oh sorry sis! I passed out on the couch because of school and spending time with friends. Is something the matter?" Makoto looked at her sister angrys expression, not understanding that the anger was directed at her for her forgetful actions. GRRRRROOOUUUWWWWNNNNNnnnnnnnnn Sae's stomach roared, it was powerful enough to ruffle her blazer even beneath several layers of clothing. She was totally running on empty, and that didn't leave her with a whole lot of patience. " She marched angrily to the front of the couch and thrust a finger over towards the sterile kitchen. "Can you tell me what's wrong with that picture...?" Makoto looked over to the kitchen and it clicked in her mind of what she forgot to do. "S-Sis I'm so sorry! What with school and studying with friends, I've been rather forgetful lately. Let me call that new pizza place. I heard they deliver in less than 30 minutes!" Makoto quickly got off the couch, ready to make things right with her sister. "You really think you can get off that easy?" Sae loved her sister but seeing her make such pathetic excuses made her seethe with rage. It wasn't really like her to get physical... But before Makoto could make for the phone, she went for her wrist and gripped it tight. "Do you have any idea how hard I work to keep this arrangement together? All you have to do is study and make the occasional bowl of rice. Is that really too much to ask of you? It's not like this is the first time this has happened either. Honestly... If you don't tell me what you've been up to recently, I might just lose it this time." Grrrrruuuu .... Guuurrrrrwwnnn.... Slooorsshhhh... Sae's belly rang out worryingly loudly, just inches from Makoto. It was impossible to ignore, and without realizing it, Sae was licking her lips while she stared furiously into Makoto's face. Makoto knew how hard it was to lie to her sister. She knew it was going to set her off even more, but Makoto couldn't reveal that she and her friends were the Phantom Thieves, especially to the one who wanted to catch them most of all. She also knew that when her sister got hungry, she was at her absolute worst. "Sis, I'm telling you the truth! I'm trying my hardest in school and it's been taking a toll on my body. I really am sorry that I forgot dinner, I promise that it won't ever happen again. C-could you let go of my arm now sis? It's starting to really hurt." "Taking a toll on your body? How?! Do you have any idea what your father would say? Damn it Makoto, you make me... so... so..." The word she was looking for was angry, but as the drool pooled in her mouth and the pangs of her rumbling gut rang out louder through their apartment, she could only think of one replacement. "Hungry." Aaaa~ GLORPH For a split second, Makoto got a horrifyingly deep look at her sister's open mouth, but just as quickly, that sight vanished. Her face dragged roughly along Sae's tongue, coating her in enough drool that some of it spilled over and dropped onto the hardwood. That tongue rapidly curled around her neck, tasting her delicate skin as her skull was forced mercilessly down the older woman's throat. Makoto was in complete shock as to what had just happened. She didn't want to believe it, that somehow her sister had started to eat her. Before Makoto even got a chance to fight back, Sae had already started to work Makoto further and further into her. In seconds, Sae had already swallowed Makoto up to her shoulders and was preparing to start on her arms. Makoto finally made an attempt to fight back, but Sae quickly grabbed onto her sister's arms before Makoto had a chance to strike. Outside of the Metaverse, Makoto was truly powerless in front of her sister. She was taller, stronger, older, and most importantly, already had Makoto a quarter way down her throat. So long as she kept those wrists within her grasp, she could keep gulping to her hearts content. Makoto sure was feisty though, and she did at the very least make Sae lose her balance. "Mmmph, mmmm --- GLOOooooORK Probably not the intention, but she managed to pull her big sis on to the couch with her. With Makoto's butt hitting the couch and Sae's forward momentum, she wound up devouring the entirety of her sister s upper body all in one smooth motion, squeezing her modest chest into a writhing bulge within her neck. Sitting back onto the couch herself, all she had left was a nice pair of hips and some long legs to finish off. Makoto was terrified at her sister actions.s She thought her sister would stop her insane behavior after Sae had engulfed her head, but Sae just kept trying to gulp her down. Makoto couldn't even fight back with her sister at this point. All she could do was flail her legs as Sae prepared to gulp those down too. Makoto could smell the acid more clearly now that she was nearing the stomach. As Sae started to work on Makoto's legs, all Makoto could do was wait and hope that her sister would be merciful after she ate her. The stomach was not a very hospitable place. After her head cleared the opening, she was assaulted with the nauseating stench of bubbling stomach bile, settled as a two-inch-thick pool at the bottom of her sac. Grabbing one handful of high schooler butt in each hand, Sae shoveled her sister down without a second though, sliding her tongue along her well-rounded thighs. Without anyway to resist, she could only slide smoothly the rest of the way. Those beautiful legs slipped away like a pair of Udon noodles, the exact dish Sae had hoped to come home too tonight. This was much better anyways. Clack Her teeth shut, and with one final gulp... Makoto was completely sealed inside her. Makoto's body was pushed down the rest of the throat and into the stomach after Sae gave her final gulp. Makoto's upper body became drenched in the acids and she was finally pushed inside the awaiting stomach. Her upper body began to tingle as it soaked in the acids she had be plunged into. Makoto tried to re-adjust herself, so she wasn't submerged in the damaging acids, but even after readjusting, her ass and feet were still partly submerged. Makoto knew know that her sister had something in her stomach that maybe she would have a shot at reasoning with her, and if she couldn't get her sister to let her out... "No I can't think about that yet," Makoto thought to herself. "S-sis! Why would you do this to me! Aren't we family? I know I haven't been the best help these few last few weeks and I'm sorry about that. But can you please let me out and we can sort this out like the adults we are?" "Oooohh... My -- UORP --- stomach..." Arms lying limp at her sides, the puffed-up prosecutor slumped into the couch in exhaustion. She stared blankly at the enormous bulge hanging off her midsection, resting between her legs. It burst right through her clothes, ruining the front of her formal wear, and sat there gyrating and jiggling with life. "Adults...?" Sae had calmed down a little at this point. She felt bloated and satisfied, but her attitude towards Makoto had hardly changed. "We are not -- hic -- both adults. There is only me, your guardian, and you, an irresponsible child. Maybe just this once, you can trust that I'm doing what's best for you" Makoto couldn't believe her ears. Her sister truly intended to leave her in the hellish landscape that was her stomach. "B-Best for me? This is just good for you!" Makoto knew getting rude with her sister wouldn't help, if anything, it would insure her fate as nothing but dinner. She needed to change the subject to try and keep Sae from digesting her. Makoto tried to think of something, but the increasing pain and toxic fumes from the acids was making it truly hard to focus. At this point, all she could think of was to tell the truth if she wanted a chance to live. "F-fine sis, if threatening my life is how you intend to get me to talk, I will. I'll tell you about everything that's happened the last 2 months. The reason I've been so distant and so tired is because I... I joined the Phantom Thieves..." BWAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRPPP A most unlady like belch forced the grey-haired woman's lips apart, sending spittle all over her torn apart blouse. The blast of stomach gas shook her belly in every direction, spilling and spreading thick acidic juices all over Makoto's back. Her clothes were nearly completely dissolved, leaving her entirely exposed to the harsh conditions inside her sister. Her body was turning completely red, and the perfectly smooth skin clinging to her muscles was starting to droop and melt into the soup below. "Ha! Hahaha! I've got to hand it to you Makoto, that's a much better excuse than what you usually come up with, but don't bother. There's simply no way out of this, you've let me down one too many times. From now on, there's going to be just one Nijima. Don't be so upset about it, this was bound to happen eventually... Just let big sis take care of you." She interrupted, clenching her stomach sac as hard as she could. The walls grinded harshly into Makoto's nude curled up figured, kneading her into an even softer ball of flesh. Makoto began to cry. "S-sis your hurting me. P-please don't do this to me." Makoto knew she was as good as dead, but she wanted to believe she could survive. Makoto could feel Sae just playing with her as she was squished by the tight walls. As the stomach wall grinded her body, she could feel her flesh being torn off and dropped into the dissolving pit of acid below her. Makoto started to grow hysteric in her final moments. "P-P-Please S-S-Sis." Before Makoto could ask her sister one last question, Sae smooshed her gut with both hands, and a loud SQUISH rang out in the Nijima apartment. Sae was finally alone. Squuuooorssssshhh -- Blorp glug Blorp Chest heaving excitedly up and down, Sae stared down at her stomach, waiting for a response. Instead, all she got was the obnoxious noises of her stomach churning and pounding the lump of still, lifeless meat stewing in her belly. Her previously very obviously girl shaped tummy had lost most of that digestion, becoming more of a beach ball with the odd hard bit poking out from the otherwise smooth, round mass. "Mmm... Finally. Sorry to lash out at you like that Makoto, but I'm sure you'll come to see I'm just looking out for you. Mmf~" Sae's cheeks were growing flushed, she could feel the rush of excitement she got from completely overpowering her little sister overwhelming her. Sliding her arm along the side of her sloshing stomach, Sae ignored the slight pangs of guilt and maneuvered her hands into her panties. It was a truly vulgar sight, an older woman touching herself to the feeling of a satisfied stomach stuffed with her sizzling sister, but her lust was insurmountable. Moan after pleasured whimper, Sae rubbed herself, heating up her body just enough to speed along her digestion, gradually reducing the shape of her gut with every passing minute. Sae's stomach had a much easier time dealing with Makoto now that she was just unmoving slop. As Sae started to play with herself, the acid level rapidly rose, and it eventually was filled to the top of the belly. Makoto's bones were plucked of any available skin and dissolved into the acid. After all the skin had been plucked away, all that was left was the broken bleached bones of Makoto. As the acids and bones started to move along through the digestion tract, Sae's belly started to decrease in size. "Haaa... Mmnnff.... Makoto, I...." Sae tried to get out some words of praise or love for her sister, but she cut herself off. All she could sputter were some moans, squeezing her breast from under her bra and arching her back up. BLOARP~! Splat Climaxing all by herself, Sae finished off her meal with one last uncontrollable belch that landed a soggy bile and spit-soaked pair of panties onto the coffee table. All that was left of her dear sister now was a rattling sac of bones hanging out of the prosecutor's pudgy middle, some waste stuffing her bowels, and the juices staining her underwear. Sae brushed a disheveled lock of hair out of her eye, she was really looking like a bit of an embarrassment herself. It would have been best if she could clean herself up, but something -- prrrrt -- else was a little more pressing. "Guh... J-Jeez, you're being a bother all over again sis. C'mon Makoto, get puuuurrrt out!" Plumped up butt cheeks glued to the toilet, Sae grunted after each drop of human waste plopped into the toilet bowl. Makoto had left behind a whole intestine track's worth of shit behind in her wake, and Sae was really struggling to completely rid herself of it. Her sister was made of thick log after thick log, each one dotted with scraps of school uniform and little bits of singed bones. But finally, with the loud splash of a caved in skull hitting the mound of shit beneath her, Sae could rest easy. With one last look and a disgusted turn of her nose, she could thoughtlessly flush her little sister goodbye, making her only legacy a few extra pounds on an aging prosecutor's waistline ~ |
There was the definite sound of scribbling on paper as Byleth graded the last set of assignments she had been handed back. Mostly good marks, with a few bad ones here and there, but it was nothing to worry about. Her classroom sat empty save for herself as she worked at it, the little room in the monastery more than enough for her needs right now: Quiet, out of the way, letting her focus on her work at hand. She hummed as she worked, trying to ignore the pain that had started to creep up her hand from so much writing. Dinner had gone by a little while ago, but she could head up there any time in the next hour or so to grab something, wanting to finish the task in front of her first. But she couldn't be gone for long... students could pop in at any time with questions or concerns. Her door was always open after all, even to those not of her house. She'd helped a few Blue Lions work through Manuela's classes before, for example... and Petra in particular enjoyed hearing a lot about different slang in Fodlan... Since everyone had just had dinner, many students had gone off to do their own things, like sleep, study, or whatever they wanted to do around the monastery. Lysithea would have loved to be in the library reading all the available texts, but she had a problem and she needed to ask someone she could trust. She always knew that her fellow peers like Hilda and Leonie were available, but she wanted to ask her professor instead, feeling that this issue was bigger than something her peers could handle. She knocked gently at her class's door and waited for her professor to give her permission to come in. The knocking at her door got Byleth's head up. Was it Edelgard again wanting to talk about invasion tactics? Those always concerned her. Oh well. She put a B+ in red ink on the paper before her, before sitting up straight, clearing her throat, dusting off her lap, and other such things to get ready. "Come in!" She yelled out. The Ashen Demon actually seemed... pleasantly surprised at the white-haired girl walking in on her. "Lysithea. You're here later than usual. Something on your mind? You normally have no issues in your studies, especially for someone on the younger end of the age range here..." Lysithea walked forward towards her professor and sat in a seat across from her desk. "I-I think there's something wrong with me. My bodies been giving out on me recently. My spells don't have as much as a punch as they used to, I've been sleeping in more than usual, and I can't seem to focus on any schoolwork for more than 10 minutes at a time. Professor, what do you think I should do? Do you think it could have something to do with my crests?" Lysithea knew that talking to Byleth was the best strategy for her. Byleth was one of the only people at the academy that knew that Lysithea had two crests. Byleth listened to her student's concerns, giving small nods here and there, her blank face not offering more than the basic comfort, but she's at least listening obviously enough. Her eyes never left Lysithea, obviously concerned, even if her face remained blank. "Well, what you're experienced is actually something that mages deal with now and again as you mature... and I imagine your crests only exacerbate the issue. Too much magic in your body causes it to overfill and leak out of you... causing fatigue and inability to focus. Luckily, we have solutions to this~" She hummed, pulling out a piece of paper from a drawer in her desk, beginning to write something down on it. "Tell me, what did you have for dinner? Anything too big? I know you have a sweet tooth, so I'm curious if you've had any of those as well." Lysithea stirred in her seat, feeling uncomfortable talking about her eating habits. "Well they had an orange parfait available at the dining hall that I had as a side and I also had a piece of roasted meat with vegetables. I also have these hard candies that I've been snacking on throughout the day." The professor leaned forward on the table, having set her quill down and folded up the paper. "Well, that's simply not going to be enough. Not only do you need heartier meals for this sort of thing to be fixed, but you need something that will replenish what stores you've essentially leaked out of you. Normally you'd add the blood or other bodily fluid of a healthy magic user to your food, but luckily enough, I've been looking for a reason to use my vacation days. So, I've written up a message to my dad to find a willing teacher to take care of things while I go on an 'excursion to help fix a student's issue' for a week or so. We've got people on staff who can use Bifrost for resurrection no matter the body's state, so, very simply, I'll be your dessert for tonight, Lysithea." Completely straight faced... she was actually serious! Probably. She was a BIT hard to read. Lysithea couldn't believe what she was hearing. "D-Dessert? Y-You? Professor you must be joking! I know I don't eat as much as I should, but I don't think that should be a reason for me to eat you!" Lysithea sighed as her professor stared back at her with the same straight face. "But I have a feeling even if there was another way to fix this, you wouldn't let me do that, would you? Fine, let's get this started. What do we need to do first?" Byleth gestured with her hand, using her pointer and middle finger to designate what she was talking about. "We have two options. The first is to get a rubber potion from the apothecary down the way in the market while they're still up which will allow you to stretch enough to handle me... or we get me smaller, nice and shrunk down where I can fit. Assuming you can't stretch like Manuela or Shamir can for this sort of thing." She was so... weirdly casual about being devoured by a fifteen-year-old. Maybe she'd been on the other end before? Who knew? "And if you're concerned about the shrinking, I should retain all nutritional value even in such a state." Lysithea was weirded out by her professor s willingness in what was going on but she knew the best way to make herself feel better was to play along with her professor. "So this rubber potion, is it going to have weird side effects to my body? Or will it just effect my stomach? A-And what do you mean stretch like Manuela and Shamir? Professor, how often do you let people do this to you?" Byleth waves a hand. "This will be my second time going in someone, but I'm well aware of some of the staff's usage of this sort of thing. Archbishop Rhea was the first, and, well, it was probably one of the most comfortable experiences I've had once I had settled in... even if I did force her to get a new bra made. Don't tell anyone about that, by the by, she'll get embarrassed if that gets out. As for your other questions, when you're able to take the time and let your body grow accustomed to it through practice, it's both easier and more readily accessible than using the potion for it. It shouldn't have any weird effects on your body, as all it does is make your soft tissues more elastic, but not to any degree to the point where you can wrap your ear around your body or something. Considering how large I am compared to you and it being your first time... it might be a good idea to do it just for this once." Lysithea nodded. "Alright, I'll go and check the apothecary by the market. I'll be right back professor!" It only took Lysithea about 10 minutes to get the potion and bring it back to the classroom. "A-alright professor, I'm gonna drink the potion. I-I'm gonna give you one more chance to back out before I do professor! If you don't want to do this, we don't have too!" Part of Lysithea wanted her professor to back out of the deal. She knew it had to be done, but she was scared to what the magic would feel like and how eating her professor would feel. Byleth simply nodded, watching her young student walk out of the room, returning to grading her papers for a few minutes, finishing up in enough time to get her belongings all tidied up save for that message, which sat neatly on the center of her desk. She was sitting with her fingers laced by the time Lysithea returned. Her face went to a small frown, the closest thing her unemotive self had to a concerned expression. "You do not HAVE to do this. There are other methods. It's just that ones like this are the quickest and most direct, and I'd like to spend the time with you if you'd have me. You won't be killing me for good... in fact, having me nearby like that will help me keep an eye on you. It won't hurt... in fact, Rhea seemed to enjoy it quite a bit. So please, I have no qualms about doing this... but if you do, then I don't have any issue backing out of it." "No I'm ok with it professor. I guess I was just worried something would go wrong... But, if both you and Lady Rhea can vouch for it, then I'll do it!" Lysithea downed the potion and looked to her professor for guidance and help with the next step. "If you're sure." Byleth simply gave a nod, kicking off her shoes and straightening herself out, taking the time to walk around the desk. The height difference between them was... well. very obvious, as was the mercenary's rather bountiful assets. Probably not ideal for a first timer... but it was needed! She watched the potion vanish between the lips of the young prodigy, before she sat back on her desk. "Alright, well, I understand that headfirst is the normal way, but in order to guide you, we'll be doing feet first." She lifted those intricately stockinged feet up. "All you need to do is something very, very simple... you need to swallow only when the reflex wants you to. Most of the effort and motion will be from your arms and esophagus, but you don't want empty swallows that do nothing as you'll tire out the muscles in there faster. And of course, don't clench your jaw... unless you're feeling frisky like Rhea did the last time I did this. My butt got chewed enough that you would have thought it was gum... but enough of that. Just... do what comes natural, alright? I look forward to joining your parfait." Lysithea nodded at her teacher and started working on her feet. Lysithea listened to Byleth's teachings and only swallowed when she felt the reflex to do so. At first, Lysithea wasn't sure about how her teacher was going to taste, but as she kept swallowing Byleth's legs down, Lysithea was in love with the flavor. It had a meaty taste with an odd sweetness to it. Lysithea couldn't help but lick every inch of Byleth's legs as she gulped them down. Byleth had to admit that the sensation was... different. Even with the potion active, Lysithea's throat was tight and uncompromising, constricting her legs as they slid inside. That sweet, meaty taste not unlike ham wasn't even really blocked by the stockings. She simply watched with curious eyes as her student slurped her legs up, leaving the first major challenge in front of the prodigy: That rather large tush... Lysithea was ready to start on Byleth's hip region. The only problem was, Byleth's ass extending out was gonna be the hardest part of Byleth for Lysithea to gulp down. She kept swallowing at Byleth until the ass had reached her face. With a little bit of pushing on her teacher's ass and a little bit of stretching her own jaw, Lysithea was just barely able to get Byleth's ass into her mouth. With the biggest hurdle out of the way, Lysithea was free to continue gulping her professor down. Now that she knew what she was doing, she was going much quicker than she had been before. Feeling her ass being shoved and compressed was interesting to say the least, that warm wetness creeping across her shorts-clad rump as the teeth just barely scraped by. It was moments like this when she realized just how soft she was down there. Still, she put her hands on her desk, using them to stabilize herself for now as her midriff was the next to go, soon swapping over to holding onto her student's shoulders... As Lysithea continued to work on gulping her professor down, she came across her next big obstacle, the professors well-endowed chest. At first Lysithea thought she would just push at them like she did her professors ass, but right as she was about to push them in, she stopped herself. Her face grew red at the idea of touching the professor in that region and she looked to the professor for approval before continuing on. By now, Byleth could feel her feet hitting the bottom of the stomach, her entire lower leg standing upright in the younger girl's stomach, stretching it out and causing a small lump to form. "Oh, yes, you should probably unbutton your coat and undo your corset if you're wearing one underneath. It wouldn't do to have to sew new buttons on." She hummed. "Go ahead and squish my boobs in. I don't mind. I'm meat at the moment, okay? So don't worry about it." Lysithea undid the buttons on her academy uniform as per her teacher s instruction Doing so exposed her nude form to the fresh air inside the classroom. Lysithea lightly tapped the professor's boobs at first, almost if playing with them. After playing with the pair of breasts with a few more light taps, she pushed them and swallowed them down. Lysithea only had get her professors head and arms into her mouth now Lysithea looked up at her professor s face.It was but a few inches from her own. She gave her a look, as if to say, "Any last words?" There were actual twinges of obvious embarrassment on the professor's face as her breasts were rubbed and pressed into... the lack of hesitation in just... going at it was admittedly turning her on a bit, but she had to remain professional. She was a teacher helping her student recover from a condition she was having issues with, nothing more. Thankfully, her boobs entered the tight tunnel below... her shoulders soon following, leaving only her head and neck above, arms raised above her head. Rather than respond, she simply wiggled, signaling that she was ready to go further down... Lysithea let one large gulp send the professor's head down into her throat. After a few more gulps, Byleth had been completely engulfed by the young mage. Once Byleth had squirmed down into Lysithea's tummy, Lysithea let out a loud BURRRRRRRRPPPP. Now that the process had been completed, Lysithea certainly felt weird. She had never felt as full as she did now. "Professor that felt... pretty good! But I feel so full! BURRRP Ugh why must I burp so loud! T-this is your fault professor! I'll be so embarrassed if someone walks in on me like this and it'll be because you making me- BURRRRPP." The professor felt her head and limbs get slurped up like noodles, swallows rapidly dragging her down... before she finally settled in her student's tight, sloshing stomach. The remains of a parfait and grilled meat sat beneath her, stomach fluids still leaking out onto her body. The first burp might have made it tighter, but the second really made it difficult to move at all, but each one did bring up her flavor again... even if it did drain out a bit of her air supply. "There's no reason to fret. This was towards the end of when I'd be around in my classroom anyway. Nobody should be coming in any time soon, and none of the rooms nearby are occupied, so if you need to burp, just let it out. I'll be fine in here, and I'm happy that you enjoyed me." Lysithea sighed. She realized she was being rude to the professor. Even if she was making her burp, the professor was using her time to help Lysithea. Not to mention, using her own life, even if it was only temporary. "Thank you for this professor. You resuch a calming person to be around. Heck, you can even make a weird situation like this calming!" Lysithea laughed to how differently her night was going from what she originally planned. "So... Now what? I know you resupposed to digest, but what do we do in the meantime? I can't really get back to my room in the state in right now, especially with my upper half being in the nude..." The laughter sent her bouncing and sloshing, the gut working with the motion and actually sliming over her more effectively. "Oh, it's no problem, honestly. It's my duty to help my student..." The fluids inside the gut bubbled up around her, into her skin. "...Even if it's with something like this." She did ponder that same question a short while, humming as she did so. "Well... that and you're going to tire fairly quickly, considering how much weight is currently hanging off of your front. Go ahead and... sit in my chair... if it's comfortable enough, you can likely sleep right in this very room. Alternatively, just borrow my spare coat from the desk and cover your chest with it until you can slip back into your room... either/or." Lysithea sat down in her professor s chair and thought for a couple minutes on what would be her best choice in her current situation, while also giving herself a chance to rest after consuming such a large meal. "I think I'll head back to my room. I'd feel more comfortable in there than I do here." Lysithea stood up and grabbed the spare coat. The coat was quite large for Lysithea and helped cover her belly extraordinarily well. Lysithea waited until she saw no people in the class courtyard before she dashed for where her bedroom was. Lysithea was lucky to encounter no others on her way back to her room. She shut her door and clicked the lock. She sighed and put the coat on her desk. Lysithea knew trying to undress with her current stomach was gonna be a nightmare, so she just left her school clothes on for the night. "Well professor I'm back in my room... Do you need anything? Water? Some candy? Your helping me a lot right now, so if you want me to send something down to help make things easier for you, I'll try to do so!" Slosh. Every motion sent the stomach this way or that, even just sitting back in the chair. The quick movement of running back to one's room was, well, pretty difficult to manage with such a gravid stomach and likely tired out her predator's legs... but it wasn't too difficult to do. The motion thankfully stopped after a few minutes, letting her rest as Lysithea walked around her room... much slower and manageable than before. "Anything you can do for me...?" She hums, looking around the area. "Well, I'd ask for something cold, but it's too tight in here for me to properly maneuver around to get it. Maybe drink some water, if you can... see if it can help cool me down... and if you drink enough, I might get some more space in here to worry about other things." Lysithea followed her teacher's request and grabbed a jug of water she kept in her room. She drank from it directly, sending near close to a liter of water down. She sighed with glee. "Ahh. That enough for you professor?" She perked as she heard swallowing, before a nice amount of water washed over her... and then kept coming, pooling out the bottom of the stomach into a more round shape, though she was still resting her shoulders on the outside wall. "I think so, yes. It's nice enough... and I can't really think of much else? and besides, the fluid should help you post-digestion." Lysithea grew quiet, not really knowing what to say to her professor. "So, what should I do now? Just go to sleep? I'd feel bad going to sleep and leaving you alone." "It's an option~ I'll run out of air very soon... so unless you want to burp more, we can relax and sleep and just let things happen. The next part is what I find the most comfortable anyway." Came the muffled response... Lysithea trudged over to her bed and sat down on it. She made sure to be careful with her belly, not wanting to purposefully hurt the professor. She let out a yawn before saying, "Well I guess this is it for now. Take care in there professor. I know I won't see you for a couple of days, but I'll see you in the bathroom tomorrow morning!" With that Lysithea let out a final yawn and laid down. Within minutes of setting her head down, she had passed out into a deep slumber. The motions of her student were slow and careful, which she was very thankful for... as everything settled, with her resting on the lap, and then on the bed... she simply let herself lie there, eyes closing as she let her mind retreat to unconsciousness, digestion growling in her ears... soon turning into happy, sloppy churns as digestion progressed through the night... As Lysithea slept through the night, her stomach slowly churned Byleth away, treating her no differently than the previous dinner she had earlier. The stomach groaned and churned all night, until all that was left of Byleth was nothing but fat on Lysithea's body and shit inside her intestinal track. Lysithea woke at her normal morning time with a light yawn. She got out of bed and walked to her full body mirror, to see how her body had changed. Her stomach and ass had gotten a bit fatter, but her biggest surprise was how big her breasts had gotten. They had over tripled in size, something Lysithea hadn't expected to ever happen. "T-this is great! I never thought I would have these! Thank you so much professor!" To be honest, tripling in size wasn't exactly much... but they'd be a lovely handful now. Byleth, on the other hand, had woken up some few hours before, forced to deal with being trapped under Lysithea's tights and underwear, on top of the formerly hanging cloth of the uniform that was now containing the mass of ass... creating a nice warm spot, sure, but one without light and one that started to stink of sweat after a short while. Lysithea might be able to hear her teacher giggle in her head, but nothing really beyond that... very easy to think she was just hearing things, after all, as Byleth settled in, bouncing as her student posed in front of the mirror... Lysithea took off her current uniform and switched into another one. After brushing her hair and cleaning herself up, she wandered out of her room. She headed for the latrine, ready to clean out her body and start her day. She entered the outhouse like structure and closed the door behind her. She pulled her leggings and panties down to her ankles and squatted over the hole in the ground. Her ass burst into work, letting out a loud PFFFTTTT as she squatted down, followed by a thick log squirting out and falling into the pit down below. Lysithea continued to squeeze out the rest of the shit that was stored inside, until she got to the skull. With the potion effectss worn off, Lysithea had to squeeze for a few minutes before the skull finally popped out and fell into the pit below. Lysithea sighed, happy that she had got a chance to go to the bathroom. She wiped herself and looked down into the hole. Bits of black fabric and Byleth's metal armbands littered the dump alongside Byleth's bones. "Thank you so much professor! This was truly an exciting expedition with you! I'm gonna go test my magic now and see if this all worked! If not... Could we try it again?" Lysithea laughed to herself. She realized how ridiculous it was that she was talking into a hole full of shit, like her professor could actually hear her. She walked out of the latrine and went off to test and see if she was back to normal. Byleth of course didn't want to freak her student out, after all... or to embarrass her considering what was about to go on. She knew that the digestive process would not be kind to her, but at the very moment, she could only hold still and relax... trying not to think about it. Getting bared to the outside for a brief moment as Lysithea cleaned up and changed into an admittedly slightly less tight uniform did help her get a feel as to how soft she was here, but the real show was about to come. Her body slightly tensed before it hit the latrine's stone seat, forcing her to spread before... well... her student began their morning dump. Her old body was not in any recognizable shape, at least to her... though little tufts of hair, scraps of clothing, and bits of bone didn't feel too bad... something that she could get used to, if she tried. As more of her reeking brown self-dropped free, she wondered how long it would take for someone to get around to Bifrosting her back into existence... hopefully not too long... As her thoughts drifted, she felt the last of the old body drop out, leaving her feeling relieved and empty, and as soon as she was wiped, clean... her student none the wiser that her teacher was still around to see how things went. But... she noted to herself as those tights came back up, hugging her oh so shapely self... maybe they could do it again sometime~ |
Aigis dashed forward through the labyrinth, hoping to get an understanding of what how it was laid out. Her and her friends had been trapped in the abyss of time, a set of labyrinths that were keeping them from leaving their dorms. Aigis had been tasked with scouting ahead as the others prepared to delve into the depths of the labyrinths. Aigis clunked forwarded until she heard a shadowy giggle. She readied herself and looked at where the giggle came from. Three pixies stared at the robot girl, reading to ambush her. She prepared one of her guns and shot 3 rounds at the shadows, taking two of the pixies down and injuring one. Aigis pointed her gun at the last pixie and was about to shoot before the pixie cried out. “W-wait! Please don’t kill me! I’ll do anything, just don’t kill me!” Normally, Aigis would have shot the shadow without a second thought, but she decided it would be best to let the shadow live. Aigis had just received the power of the wild card and as such, she needed to start gaining personas. “Alright, I’ll let you live. However, you must become one with me and help me and my friends escape this labyrinth, deal?” Aigis stared at pixie and waited for the shadow to answer. “Y-yes! I’ll gladly help! Let me just join myself into your soul and… Hmm, seems like I can’t really become one with your soul since you’re a machine... Any ideas on how you want to do this?” Aigis gave herself a few seconds to think before deducing where she would put the pixie. “I’ve got an idea. Please make your way to my hand.” The pixie did as she was told and floated over to Aigis’ hand. Aigis brought the Pixie up to eye level and wrapped her hand around the shadow. “I’m gonna swallow you down and see if this will make it so that I can summon upon you. My body will not harm you, so don’t be afraid of my insides.” The pixie was not happy to hear what Aigis was about to do to her. “Eff that! I don’t want to be stuck inside some robot’s guts. Now let me go!” The shadow tried to squirm free of Aigis’ grip but had little to no avail. All the Pixie could do was watch as she was brought towards Aigis’ maw. Aigis shoved the shadow into her mouth. Despite the Pixie’s struggles, Aigis was able to fit the shadow into her mouth with relative ease. Aigis immediately gulped the shadow down, not even taking a chance to savor the experience or taste that the Pixie provided. Within a couple of seconds, Aigis could feel the Pixie had been pushed into her guts. “Sorry if my insides are gross to you. I was given an inside similar to that of a human as it was easiest to model. They also gave me a saliva like liquid to try and keep me from overheating, so you might have to deal with that in there.” Aigis tapped at her slightly larger stomach. After squishing it for a bit, she let out a loud robotic sounding BURRRPPP. “Hmm, it would seem my body is able to burp like a human. Sorry about that, I hope that wasn’t too loud on your end.” The Pixie was pissed at what Aigis had done to her. The liquid that Aigis’ insides was secreting was soaking into her wings and boots, making an incredibly uncomfortable environment for the Pixie. “Just because you beat me doesn’t mean you can do whatever you want to me! Ugh now I wish I hadn’t agreed to work with you. I don’t even think this is going to work. Just spit me back out Robo-idiot!” “Incorrect. I can feel you and I have joined souls in a way. I believe that I can call upon you now.” Aigis attempted to summon the Pixie like her friends did with their personas. The Pixie appeared in front of Aigis, still dripping from being inside the artificial stomach. “Great, so now my soul is stuck with yours! You know how long it takes wings to dry? Ugh.” The Pixie continued to complain to Aigis who just looked at her uncaringly. “I’m sorry, but this is the only way for us to be together. Your assistance is greatly appreciated, and I will release you once I have ascertained a way for me and my friends to leave this weird world. For now, I ask that you please work with me. I’m gonna send you back now, please do not thrash inside me too much.” As soon as the Pixie was unsummoned, she was poofed back into inside of Aigis’ stomach. Pixie wanted to continue complaining, but she knew that her complaints would fall on deaf ears. “Hmm, I think I’ve gotten an idea on how this part is laid out. Perhaps I should head back and let my group know what I learned. Please prepare for some high-speed movement.” As soon as those words left Aigis’ mouth, she began to dash at high speeds, causing the Pixie to bounce about the stomach. The Pixie tried to yell at Aigis to slow down, but her face kept getting squished into the stomach walls as she bounced around. After several minutes of high-speed running, Aigis had made it back to entrance of the labyrinth she was in. “I have ceased movements for the current moment. Are you alright in there?” Aigis began patting her stomach again before emitting another robotic sounding BURRP. “Ugh you’re so gross! You could at least try and hide the burp instead of being so direct about it! And why did you have to run so fast! Ugh and I think I got your stupid saliva junk in my mouth from bouncing me around!” “Sorry about that, but I determined that since my stomach is entirely flesh, you would be safe bouncing around as I ran. However, we are back at the entrance now. I understand you are unhappy, but we will hopefully be able to get through this dungeon with some ease. I’m heading back to the dorms now to let my team know the good job I’ve done. Please stay quiet as I talk with them.” Aigis went back through the entrance of the labyrinth. She would then be able to relay everything she saw while scouting and would be able to tell them about the new “friend” she made… |
Ms. Chouno walked down the hall at a brisk pace. The Shujin school teacher had heard a rumor about two 3rd year students having acted quite weird over the last couple weeks. The two 3rd years were Makoto Niijima and Haru Okumura. Chouno has asked the two to stay after school and to meet her in the student council room. After the three had met up, the teacher locked the door behind her and before Makoto could know it, Ms. Chouno has sent the poor student down her throat, soon to reach her stomach. Haru looked on in horror as she watched the form of her friend quickly disappear down the teacher s throat. Chouno grabbed the rich girl s arm and pulled her closer She let out a loudBURRRRPP causing Haru to smell the teacher s disgusting breath SNowMs. Okumura I ve heard quite a few rumors of you and Ms. Niijima here. I knew if I gave you the typical talking to, you both would have awkwardly lied to me So I m going to give you one chance If you tell me why you two are acting so weird then I will let your friend here out of my gut. However, lie to me and I will take Ms. Niijima here home as dinner and I ll give you one more chance tomorrow to tell me what s wrong tomorrow after you see your friend padding out my body So what is wrong with you two lately then Ms Okumura Haru didn t want to tell the older woman the truth but she knew if she didnMakoto t would suffer the fate of many other Shujin students and end up being nothing more than an early dinner for one of the teachers. Haru could see Makoto thrashing in the gut, trying her hardest to get out, yet she had no chance at doing so. Haru knew she if she tried to lie, she would crack under the pressure and she would never see Makoto again. All Haru could do was tell the utter truth to the teacher. Haru took a deep breath and looked at Ms. Chouno, knowing what she had to do. SA-Alright I ll tell you the truth. Makoto and I we joined the Phantom Thieves Please don t tell anyone We re just trying to help those who are being wronged by those on top you get that right Ms. Chouno looked at Haru dead seriously before erupting into laughter. SHahaha You can t be serious Gosh I though someone as smart as you wouldn t use such a basic and tiresome line You know that every kid in Shujin uses that excuse right They say they re failing cause they re phantom thieves or they forgot theylover res birthday cause they re a phantom thief I hate hearing about those thieves every single day But you know Ms Okumura I ll believe you And I m gonna do to you exactly what I would do to those annoying Phantom Thieves, since you say you are one. Before Haru could even have a chance to run, Chouno grabbed onto the poor girls arm and pulled on her. Chouno took little time shoving Haru into her mouth and gulping at the girl. The teacher saw her as nothing more than a problem that she could solve by turning her to nothing but gut mush. In mere seconds Haru had been squished down into Ms Chouno s throat and was swiftly gulped downwards Haru didn t have a chance to think and she was speedily pushed down the throat and dropped into the stomach harshly landing onto her softening friend SOh god Makoto We re dead Students never escape a teacher s stomach I m so sorry I was honest and she thought I was lying and ate me anyway Makoto shushed Haru and looked at her SWe have causeto a commotion. If some students see us, m- maybe someone will try to help The two began squishing against the stomach walls screaming for help from someone. Chouno was walking down the hall of Shujin. Students stared at the gut, knowing whoever was inside was gonna end up as nothing more than an example to be on your best behavior Haru and Makoto s voices we just barely audible, a few students recognized the voices, but knew there was nothing they could do to help. Chouno quickly made her way down the stairs and out the front door of Shujin. She just needed to walk down a couple streets and she would be home in no less than 5 minutes. The struggling didn t die down the whole walk back to Chouno s apartment Only after Chouno locked her front door and yelled at the two to SStop squirming delinquents did the two finally stop SIf you two thought that a student would try to help you well they didn t I m back in my apartment and we re all alone now Only one that looked like she wanted to help was TakamakiMs but she didn t budge much Maybe tomorrow morning I ll give her a little reunion with what s left of you two although I can t imagine they ll be much left you to reunite with.Chouno put her purse down and sat on her couch, grabbing the remote as she did so Since S you two are normally good students, I ll give you a choice, tell me what you two have been doing that you ve started acting out and I ll end the pain for you now, otherwise you two can spend some time with me as I watch some of my soap operas Haru and Makoto were both silent. They had already told the truth and had no ideas for a good lie. SWell than it would seem you two wish to continue to act as those Phantom Thieves. Whatever, just take your time to digest and think about what you ve done to deserve this With that Chouno flipped her TV on and clicked the buttons to turn on her favorite soap opera. She made sure to turn up the volume to drown out any noises the two former students might make. Chouno mostly forgot about the two girls and instead focused on the TV. The little acknowledgement she did give to the two girls was her rubbing her belly slightly. Haru and Makoto were quickly succumbing to Chouno s internals In the short walk it took them to reach the teacher s apartment most of the clothes on the two girls had been torn to tatters and had exposed their hidden skin to the acid as well. The two tried to just fight through the pain, but the longer they sat in the rising acid, the more excruciating the pain became. It had only been a couple minutes since Chouno had turn on the TV but the two couldn t take it anymore They knew she wouldn t listen but they still screamed out in pain, asking to be let out, only to hear the loud soap opera be the only thing to respond to them Even if the TV weren t drowning out the two girls voices they would still have fallen on deaf ears as Chouno had fallen asleep just a few minutes after sitting down on her couch. Her overeating of the two girls and overworking at the school had left the poor teacher tired and ended up leaving her passed out on her couch. Over the next hour, Haru and Makoto could feel their flesh ripped from the bubbling acids as it rose. The two hadn t even been in the gut for a half hour and they had almost had their lives claimed from them. In just 29 minutes, Makoto and Haru had finally exhausted all their energy and fell asleep for good as their tired bodies collapsed under the acid What flesh hadn t been picked of the two girls quickly was. What was once human body began nothing more than soft meat that was preparing itself for a journey through the intestines of some piss poor teacher that ate anyone she deemed Sirresponsible As Chouno slept, her belly began to round out as the two humans inside shrunk into nothing more than turds. It took just a couple hours for them to make their way through Chouno s intestinal tract and let out a fowl smelling PFFFTTT. The loud noise coming from her body cause the teacher to stir awake. She stretched and turned the TV off, making her way to the bathroom as she shook of her grogginess from her nap. She sat on her toilet, surprised at how quickly the two had digested. SWell it would seem you two weren t Phantom Thieves with how quickly you got churned Although I guess I can thank you for being easy meals unlike the other brats at Shujin Maybe you two didn t do anything too bad, but you still lied to me so my punishment still stands Chouno gave her gut a heavy slap and could feel her body beginning to rid itself of the waste that infested it Chouno s favorite part of eating students was disposing of them as she revealed what they truly were, thick pieces of shit. She squeezed a bit and the remains of Haru and Makoto quickly came streaming out. The butt fudge was soft and came out with ease as Chouno gave just a bit of pressure to her ass. Chouno barely felt any resistance as the shitty remains came streaming out. Even the two skulls popped right out of the experienced teacher s ass Chouno sighed and cleaned herself up before looking down at what remained of the two girls. The shit and bones looked incredibly soft, indicating to Chouno that the two girls had quite a painful digestion SWell I think you two learned a lesson Hopefully you won t act out again now that you re clogging both my sewer s pipesand my stomach s pipes although I d imagine it s impossible for you two now. Good night girls With that Chouno flushed her toilet and watched what was once two smart girls with bright future disappear into the sewers. Chouno stumbled to her bedroom and collapsed into her bed before swiftly falling asleep. All she could dream about was the student Takamaki and how she would likely need to teach the girl a lesson quite similar to the two miscreants that had just been in her gut not too long ago |
Kaminari pointed forward and show a light burst of lightning towards his two opponents. Within seconds, the two villains were temporarily paralyzed on the ground. “Jiro, we did! We won!” Jiro and Kaminari had been out on a patrol and had heard a commotion down a back alley. They checked it out and ran into the two League of Villains members, Dabi and Himiko Toga. The two duos battled it out and Kaminari and Jiro had just barely came out on top. “Well we got lucky we were together, otherwise I don’t know how I could have stopped these two. Now we should probably get the police down here so we can get sent to jail right?” Jiro started to pull out her phone, but Kaminari quickly stopped her and gave her a look. “W-Wait! Jiro, I know you’re gonna think I sound crazy, but I got an idea! What if we ate these two! I know you’re just as hungry as I am and think about it, I don’t know if they’re gonna stay down long enough for backup to get here. But I know our guts could more than easily get the two dealt with! So what do you think? I know we’re on patrol right now, but we just gotta churn them quick!” At first, Jiro wanted to just tell Kaminari he was crazy, but the more she thought about it, the more she knew the risk that ran of waiting for others. On top of that, Jiro had seen all the pain the two villains had caused her classmates, and she wanted to see the two get exactly what they deserved. “You know what Kaminari, let’s do it. After all, no one’s gonna miss these two assholes. Plus it is kind of fun to eat people with you…You just better keep quiet about this it this time, understand? We almost got caught last time cause you’ve got such a big mouth.” Kaminari got a dorky smile on his face, “Alright! I knew deep down you enjoyed my company! I call the girl! You get to have Mr. Punk dude.” “God you always get the girls! You know they taste better! Whatever let’s just get started.” Jiro and Kaminari both walked forward to stand in front of their respective meals. Toga and Dabi both wanted to jump up and teach the bratty High Schoolers a lesson, but they were both still completely paralyzed. Even speaking was impossible for the two. “You ready Jiro? On 3! 1… 2… 3!” Kaminari and Jiro both shoved the villains faces into their respective mouths. Jiro was being quick about eating Dabi, not really caring too much about savoring the taste. She just wanted to feel full and see het gut get bloated. Kaminari on the other hand was having plenty of fun messing with the poor villain girl. He made sure to get a good taste of her as he slowly swallowed her down. He had only swallowed up to her breasts as Jiro finish gulping down Dabi. Kaminari noticed how quick Jiro had swallowed her prey and so he quickened his speed, not wanting to be seen as weird by the girl he liked. After just a minute more of swallowing, the last bit of Toga disappeared into Kaminari’s mouth and went down with an audible GULP. Jiro and Kaminari both sat down with their backs to a wall in the alleyway. “Man Jiro that Toga girl was surprisingly tasty! I know she was like a psycho and all, but I’ve got admit, she might have been the best meal I’ve ever had! BURRRRRP Oh jeez! What about you Jiro? How was that Dabi dude?” Jiro gave her gut a slight rub before responding to Kaminari. “Kind of tasted gross. That’s why I wolfed him down so quick. Although I am happy with how full I feel, so I guess I’m happy enough. BURRRRPP Ugh I can taste him again.” Jiro and Kaminari kept talking about they’re meals, hero work, and school as their stomachs quickly got to work on processing the two villains. Dabi and Toga were both absolutely pissed that they were stuck stewing inside two brat UA students’ guts. At first, the two both held out hope that one of they’re friends would miraculously save them, but as the acids quickly began to bubble and rise, the two knew they were done for. All Toga could do was let tears stream down her face as the acids rapidly ripped apart her clothes and flesh, melting them down into mush that floated on top of the rising acid. She didn’t even try to spend her last minutes attempting to get her body to move, she just kept pitying herself on how she didn’t deserve to die as the acids continued to rise up towards her head. Dabi on the other hand listened to the two talk and grew more pissed off as they casually acted like they weren’t murderers. He knew they would go back to life as normal afterwards and continue to act like they were heroes. Dabi kept trying to activate his flames to burn his way out, but his body was still completely immovable. Just like Toga, he watched the acid continue to rise, tearing apart at his pants first before it started to tear into his legs. The acid kept rising until it was just beneath his head. Both villains watched the acid as it finally rose past their heads, submerging them both completely in the painful acids. They both lasted one more minute before needing to breathe. They instinctively opened their mouths trying to get air into them and felt the acids fill their bodies. The acid quickly claimed both their lives as they suffocated on it, making them both nothing but unfortunate pieces of meat stewing away inside of two guts. It only took a couple more minutes for what was once Dabi and Toga to get mercilessly shredded apart into nothing but mush and bones. The remains quickly made their way through each of the teens’ intestines, not taking much time to process before making it near the exit of the body. “So yeah, Midoryia acts all innocent, but deep down I think he’s just like you and me. Ten bucks says he ends up eating Ochaco or someone else from our class by the end of the year.” Jiro rolled her eyes at Kaminari’s ramblings. She thought he was an idiot, but something about him made her really happy to be around him. As she half listened to him, she felt an audible PFFFT emerge from her behind. Jiro stood and began to stretch her legs from sitting for so long. “Welp looks like mine’s ready to come out. How about yours?” Jiro looked over to Kaminari who let out a loud PFFFFT as well. Kaminari stood up as well. “Y-Yeah she is. We should probably use this dumpster and dispose of them into that. It’ll make it less obvious that two people got eaten, ya know?” Jiro nodded and followed Kaminari over to the dumpster. Both pulled down their pants and undergarments and jumped onto the side of the dumpster so that both their asses were hanging over the garbage pit. The two had disposed of some of their previous meals together in the past, but it didn’t make it any less awkward for the two as they both could see each other’s privates. They both looked away from one another with red faces as they quickly let their asses loose and felt what was once two members from Japan’s biggest villain organization begin to squish out of both of their chubby behinds. The smell instantly hit the two and they both gagged, wanting to be as quick as they could with disposing of the two. Bone filled shit rained down onto the garbage below as both teens squeezed the brown waste out of their rears. Toga’s remains were mainly just bone and shit, with some blonde hairs strewn throughout the remains as well. Dabi’s remains looked fairly similar to Toga’s but a lot of his piercings could be seen stuck inside with the shit. It didn’t take Kaminari long to feel the last bit of Toga squish out of his ass and fall into the pile below. He grabbed a rag he had on him and cleaned himself before jumping down and putting his pants and undergarments back on. He looked away from Jiro with a red face and waited for her to finish up. Jiro was having a bit more trouble with Dabi then she expected. His skull was backing up her backside. She continued to squeeze with as much force as she could muster for a minute before she felt it finally pop out with a gassy sputter. She felt the last log of shit that was once Dabi come squishing out as well. She wiped herself like Kaminari and jumped down. She quickly put her clothes back on as well and looked at Kaminari. “Alright I’m done. We should probably get out of here and get back to patrolling. I don’t even want to look in there because that smell was not rocking.” “Yeah, they smelled pretty foul. Well it’s not a surprise, cause those villains really were shitty people huh?” Jiro groaned at Kaminari’s joke and started walking away. “H-Hey Jiro at least give me a pity laugh! A-And wait for me!” Kaminari quickly dashed after Jiro, leaving what was once Dabi and Toga to fester inside the bin. |
Ann tapped away at her phone, messaging her group chat with her friends. She tapped away, discussing what to do after school. She knew Kawakami was already upset with Ann for not turning in her homework, but Ann didn't want to miss any important conversations with her friends. Just as she was about to send her final message, Kawakami turned around and caught wind of Ann texting under her desk. "MS TAKAMAKI!" Kawakami shouted raising her voice towards the young pale blonde teenager, "If I may ask what is so important that you feel it s more important than our examsThe messy haired teacher asked, walking forward, before stopping at the front of Ann's desk, "Please... if you would be willing to give me a reason why you refuse to pay attention in my class?" Ann's mind went completely blank as to what to say. She of course couldn't tell the truth and tell her teacher the truth that her and her friends were talking about acting as Phantom Thieves that afternoon, so did her best to think of a convincing lie for her teacher. "Umm... Well I was asking one of my third- year friends if she could help me study tonight! Yep, my friend Makoto Niijima sure is reliable!" Ann was sweating bullets. hoping that Kawakami would believe her lie. Hmm Makoto shocked Miss Nijima would be helping you but I guess it s the least she could do though, I have a strict no phones policy Ann" Kawakami stated in a stern tone, before grabbing the phone from her student's hand. While she was annoyed by Ann s behavior she really didn t care whatever petty high school drama the student was texting about, not bothering to read the messaged on the phone. The smartphone was roughly a foot long, and about 5 inches wide, quite a large rectangle all things considered, "Now Ann... I hope you are smart enough to realize your mistake... and this goes for EVERYONE IN THE CLASS" Kawakami said a bit louder, watching a few other students turn away. Holding the phone, and its glitter case over her mouth, the object suddenly plummeted into the yawning maw below, drool soaking into the screen as the teacher plump lips slid across the glass screen. Swiftly, the clear rigid outline was obvious within Kawakami's throat, moving slowly down the teacher's esophagus, before disappearing fully from view. The phone landed with a wet GLOP into the teacher's stomach, a slight bump forming as it mixed in to place with the remnants of the coffee and donuts she'd grabbed from the teacher's lounge, "Now, with no distractions Ann, hopefully you can keep your eyes on the board" With that, Kawakami took her place at the front of the class. Kawakami for her part was dealing with the aftermath of eating the phone, as she scribbled away at the board with her chalk, the phone vibrating within the gut, sloshing the gut and its chewed contents about, as Futaba sent some long message strain. The loud wet sloshing of the belly was obvious to most in the front row, who could see the gut sway and lurch with the movements within. Kawakami attempted to the best of her ability to play this off, working away, only idly patting her belly every few minutes of so. However, the movements, and the slight remnants of her drinks from the night before had a horrible after effect: horrible gas. The teacher let out soft urps as she worked away at the board, though this didn lastt long, soon enough large, more thunderous belches moved their way free, as the long UUUURRRPPP squeezed into a comfortable place between the words of the teacher's lecture. The constant burping from Kawakami was more than enough to distract Ann from her writing. The burps felt almost like taunting to her as Kawakami worked away at Ann's phone. As Kawakami let out one long burp, Ann was blown away at how loud the teacher was. She had briefly stopped taking notes, both utterly amazed and grossed out by her teacher. As Kawakami turned back around to the class, Ann and her locked eyes. Ann quickly went back to her notes, praying that the teacher wouldn't be too upset from her staring at her and not doing her classwork. Kawakami was normally a fairly understanding teacher, though the hangover she was nursing, and Ann putting her in a worse mood was far from improving the situation. The burps, along with being loud, were quite pungent, having a smell mixing caustic bile and various food and coffee which made up a heavy paste within the belly, mixing with the faint metallic smell of the phone. "An UUUUUURRRRRRRRRRP-n I hope that you aren t day dreaming Please stay after class tod- AAARRRRRRRRUUUPPPP-y I want to take a look at your work." Ann wanted to argue with Kawakami and tell her she had stuff to do afterschool, but she knew doing that would only result in immediate detention. She just nodded and said "Y-Yes Ms. Kawakami." Ann did her best to keep up with the work on the board, hoping that if she did enough, Kawakami would just let her leave without punishment. As the class continued, Ann repeatedly missed pieces of notes. Kawakami's quick writing speed and erasing the work soon after writing it was hell to Ann. Ann had one last paragraph to copy from the board, but just as she started to write it down, the bell rang. Kawakami quickly erased the board, keeping Ann from writing the last bit. All of the students quickly piled out of the room and in just two minutes, all that was left was her and Kawakami. Ann gathered her notes and walked to the front of the room and dropped them on the desk, praying that what she wrote would be enough for her to leave. Kawakami was largely silent as she thumbed through Ann's notebook, reading over what the young teen had written down through the lecture. While in areas the notes were spotty, it was clear Ann had the majority of the notes there and would simply need to fix the gaps... though truth be told, Kawakami had no interest in if the girl had taken notes or not. Ann was a nice enough girl, the teacher despised her as a student always texting or chatting away in class Ann this simply won t work You can t expect me to believe this is acceptable Kawakami said obviously irritated You ll be staying with me for detention!" The messy haired 30 something said, as she stood up from her desk, as her gut shook and groaned slightly. Really if Ann hadn t been on her phonemight have she slipped by, yet Kawakami knew as soon as she clocked in today, she wanted something... special for lunch. Nursing a hangover from a night at her other job, she was in no mood to put up with a bunch of annoying teens... and well Ann was the first one on her list to annoy her today She couldn t help but stare at Ann like a slab of meat idly licking her lips as she moved to close the door I do hope you don t have any plans cause I m afraid you won t be making it" she taunted in a rude catty way. Ann continued to bite her tongue, not wanting to get any worse form of trouble if she said something to piss off Kawakami anymore. Ann wasn't exactly sure why Kawakami was so upset with her, but Ann knew arguing wouldn't get her anywhere. "T-That's fine. I was supposed to do something tonight but... I guess it can wait." Ann was a little worried with the way Kawakami was acting, especially after eating her phone during class that day. "S-Say Ms. Kawakami... Do you think I could have my phone back? I know you took it away because of what I did but... I promise not to text on it in class anymore!" Kawakami looked to the teenaged girl annoyed Well you ll just have to deal with the fact you can t see your boyfriend or whatever tonight." The teacher teased, as she listened to the young girl's question I don t really have to as its technically school property now You know what it s only fair but how about this... you stick your hand down my throat and try to grab the phone... if you can pull it free it s all yours The teacher said opening her mouth pulling slightly on the side of her cheek The deep dark red throat seemed to ungulate and wink towards Ann, the smell of booze and coffee wafting up from the stomach below, "Well Ann... we have 2 hours here... that phone might help with the boredom The teacher teased It really didn t matter what Ann chose but Kawakami loved to play with her food. Ann gulped as she looked into the awaiting maw. After seeing what Kawakami did during class, Ann was terrified of Kawakami's ability. Ann truly wanted her phone back, but she wasn't sure if risking her life was truly worth it. Ann took a deep breath and thought about, ultimately rationing it out that Kawakami was probably going to teach her a lesson in humility and that after she pulled the phone out from her teacher's stomach, the two would have a laugh about it. Ann got close to Kawakami's mouth, instantly smelling the foul smell wafting from down her throat. The schoolgirl pushed her jacket and shirt up and stuck her arm in Kawakami's awaiting mouth. No matter how far down she pushed her arm downwards, it didn't seem like enough to grab the phone. "Umm... Ms. Kawakami, I don't think I can reach it." Kawakami could feel Ann's hand, the tips of her finger seeming stopping as the girl s shoulder met the blockage of the teacher's mouth, leaving Kawakami only able to drool, and spit out a few muffled words. The part time maid was in love with Ann's taste, similar to the flower shop she worked at, the taste was both floral and sweet. Taking a free hand, she reached towards Ann's other hand, yanking hard, before pushing the blonde-haired girl's hand and wrist down her throat, soon enough meeting her other arm, inside the esophagus right around Kawakami's breasts. Ann tried to pull her arms away from Kawakami's mouth, but Kawakami had a tight hold on Ann's arms. "Umm.. Ok Ms. Kawakami I think I don't need my phone anymore." Ann could see the look of ecstasy in Kawakami's eyes as Ann's upper arms were licked upon by her teacher. Ann began to try to pull away, but every attempt at doing so was met with an even firmer grip by Kawakami. Ann could feel her arms starting to descend more as Kawakami gulped at her. Ann was freaking out, and all she could do was beg and try to bargain with her teacher. "P-Please stop! I-I'll do whatever you want! I'll be a good student. I promise not to text in class! I'll ace the next text, just... Please stop whatever this is!" Ann could feel tears starting to stream down her face as her head grew ever closer to the awaiting teacher's maw. Kawakami was met by the cries for mercy, and she moaned slightly, feeling her womanhood grow damp at the sounds of begging, it was somehow more pathetic then when Ann would ask to have a grade changed. After all... Ann could never be a good student, but she was proving already she could make for an amazing meal as Kawakami slowly inched up the girl s arms The cries and tears were so pathetic, Kawakami almost felt bad... well... not enough to make her spit the girl out at least. Slowly she pushed her mouth up to the girl's upper arms, placing her hand on the back of Ann's head to push the girl's skull in the right position. Pushing her tongue free from her maw, the teacher ran her tongue across the student's face, savoring the way those salty tears mix with the girl's sweat favor. Taking her left hand, she gave Ann's neck a small pinch, hopeful to get the girl to cry some more, both for taste... and well... it was really quite a turn on. Ann felt her head pushed right onto the awaiting tongue. Ann's face was quickly covered in a layer of spit as Kawakami ran her tongue all across her face. The spit not only covered her face, but also began to soak into her hair as well. Ann suddenly felt a pinch on her neck, and she cried out in pain from it. "Owww!" The student was so focused on the new pain in her neck, that she wasn't even aware that she was being further pushed down towards the awaiting stomach below. Ann tried to kick at Kawakami with her legs, hoping that she could stop her from pinching her, or better yet, stop the whole ordeal entirely. Kawakami felt the kick, in her surprise, allowing Ann a slight foot hold to begin pushing free... an opening she wouldn t let happen again Standing up Kawakami looked at the slightly hunched Ann, the girl's twin tails the only part of her head free of the teacher's mouth, as she ran her hand down Ann's shirt, peeling the jacket and button up shirt off the young girl's body, leaving Ann standing there, her crimson bra the only sense of decency protecting her chest Kawakami wouldn t even let Ann have this slight sense of modesty, as she reached her hand into the cup of the girl's bra, greedily pawing at the soft pale orb hanging from Ann's chest, slowly inching the girl's head closer to the back of her throat. As Ann felt her Jacket and shirt being pulled off of her, her face grew bright red. Her body was beginning to grow cold as her bare skin was exposed to the cool classroom. Suddenly, Ann felt the bitch of a teacher that was eating her grab at her chest, playing with them like they were some kind of toy. "D-Don't touch me there! S-Stop it!" Ann wanted to stop Kawakami so desperately so but being in the compromised situation she was in made it impossible to break the hold the teacher had on her breasts. Tears began to stream down Ann's face even faster as she was sexually played with. For Kawakami... this went past just a meal, she was savoring knowing the torment Ann was feeling... knowing it was hopeless, as her teacher groped and fondled her chest, and it only made the taste all the sweeter for the teacher. After some time though... her hunger outweighed her pleasure, and began to pull the girl's head deeper, feeling the clear outline of the teen's face against her throat. With no real sense of urgency, Kawakami undid Ann's bra, allowing the modest chest to hang full free, the cruel adult's tongue reaching out, slathering Ann's breasts in warm wet saliva. Pushing further along, Ann's hands entered into the teacher's stomach, feeling the girl's digits press into the soft wet mush resting in the bottom of the belly. Ann felt so mentally fatigued. The groping from Kawakami was bringing back terrible memories from her past, and all she wanted was for it to end. Ann finally got her wish as she felt the teacher momentarily stop touching her breasts, only for her to reach onto her back and slowly undo her bra. "S- Stop you perv! I-I'm a human being! Not some sex toy!" Ann could tell Kawakami wasn't listening to her protests as she felt the warm tongue run over breasts, almost like Kawakami was doing it on purpose. Ann was lurched forward as she felt the teacher gulp at her body. It didn't take Ann long for her body to be squished down the long fleshy tunnel she found herself in. The horrible acidic smell grew worse the further Ann was worked down. She didn't think it could get worse until her face and arms were finally squished into the awaiting gut. The source of the smell was 5 times worse than Kawakami's burps had been. The sweetness from the donuts and the bitterness from the coffee mixing with the acid below formed a smell that felt like it was melting Ann's brain. Ann felt her body pushed down more, her hands being dunked into the acid below. She screamed out in pain as the acid soaked into her skin. Kawakami was finally passed her own lust, moving back to her goal of sending her student down to her stomach moving over the girl s breast After a few teasing bites of the soft breast Ann s chest was moving with the rest of her body towards the awaiting brew of discarded food... a similar fate awaiting her Feeling the outline of Ann s breast moving down her throat, before fading into the growing stomach was something else Each scream of pain echoing from Kawakami s stomach sent shivers of pleasure thrumming up and down the teacher s spine weak moans squeezing from her mouth, slowly moving more of Ann s abdomen into the hungering stomach Taking her shaky hands trying to calm the sexual fervor filling her loins, Kawakami slowly moved to pulling down Ann s skirt and tights watching the fat rump and thighs slip out from the confines of the uniform. Even though Ann could feel her skirt being removed, exposing her ass and genitals to the outside world, it was the least of her concerns at the moment. The pain she had felt in her hands had been so painful and intense that all she cared about now was keeping herself from falling back in to the layer of mush and acid below. Ann kept her arms to the sides of her, just a couple feet above from the acid. Ann was thankful that Kawakami was playing with her ass, as she knew that once the teacher gulped again, her face would be just a few inches away from the bubbling acid below. The teen kept trying to form a plan with the extra time she had, but she kept drawing a blank on how to get out of the unbeatable situation she was in. As much as each scream and shout filled the teacher with a greater feeling of sexual depravity... she knew she needed to get Ann packed away before anyone came looking around. After all someone seeing a nude student hanging from her mouth would likely cost Kawakami a lot more than just her job. With a strong gulp, Ann's face and head were dunked into the bubbling brown-green broth resting at the bottom of the homeroom teacher's growing guts. Moving with a good deal more haste, she moved up to Ann's hips, only slowing to begin pulling her mouth around the plump pale rump, a gradual process of slowly inching forward to pull her screaming prey further and further into her final resting place. As Ann desperately tried to scrape together an idea on how to get out her current situation, she felt her body move once more down the throat, dunking her head into the liquid below. Ann was luckily able to close her eyes before plummeting into the disgusting broth, but unlucky enough to have her mouth open as she screamed. The liquid quickly flowed into her mouth, and the taste immediately hit her. It had tasted just like the instead of the stomach had smelled with the added effect of burning the inside of her mouth. Ann flailed her arms around and grabbed onto the sides of the stomach wall. She pulled her head up from beneath the small pool of liquid, her hair and face now soaked with the burning enzymes. For the time being, Ann was able to keep her body outside of the acid, but once Kawakami swallowed the rest of her, part of her body would once again be submerged. Kawakami was diligent with her consumption, each swallow placed to push Ann deeper and deeper down her gullet, the sounds and movements within signifying how deeply the student hated the new confines. Well... former student... Ann was now just lunch, as Kawakami made swift progress along her prey's hips and rear, pushing the plump butt down her throat. Moving swiftly down Ann's legs, the toned smooth flesh seemed to slide into the teacher's mouth with total ease, swiftly pressing more and more of Ann into her belly, only halting at the girl's knees. The heavy weight hanging off Kawakami's midsection seeming only to grow with each gluttonous gulp, her hands idly reaching out to rub the stomach, feeling her sweater riding up to expose her expanded stomach to the air. As Ann felt more and more of her body being greedily gulped down into the stomach, it became harder and harder for her to hold herself above the acids. The stomach walls were not necessarily easily to hold on to, so Ann kept almost plunging her face right back into the acid. Thankfully she was able to keep herself up for the time being, but all Ann could think about was what would happen once the rest of her was in the stomach, forced to soak in the acids. Ann wanted to talk with Kawakami and beg to be let out, but with her blocking up the teacher's mouth, it would make it impossible for her to respond. All Ann could do was wait for the rest of her to slip into the cramped space and ask for mercy from her teacher. The last of Ann was well on its way to resting with Kawakami's midsection, her tongue lingering across the girl's feet for one final taste, before soon enough being a mere outline filling out the teacher- maid's throat. Each slow deliberate swallow pulling the prey deeper and deeper down into the teacher's body, before finally Ann's full body was crammed within the messy dark caustic chamber. The clear outline of Ann's form was obvious, Kawakami's stomach hanging out a good few feet from her body, as her sweater was now riding up against the underside of her breasts. "UUUUURRRRRRPPPP! Do try to be quiet Ann, it is detention after all..." She teased, moving towards her desk to sit as she idly rubbed her belly, "Not too crowded Must be gross with my breakfast sticking to your hair worry Don t you ll look like the same kind of mush soon." As Ann felt the rest of her body slip down into the stomach, her lower half was forced to submerge into the gross mush below. Ann instantly felt the painful tingling on her legs as the acids slowly started to work on her lower half. The most painful part had to be Ann's genitals as the acids started attacking the delicate and exposed skin. Ann felt a sudden burp ring out and heard her teacher beginning to taunt her. She couldn't believe what Ms. Kawakami was saying. Ann had always thought the teacher to be a bit rude at times, but never so evil as to doom someone to a fate of being food. "N-No Ms. Kawakami! Please don't do this! M-My legs are really starting to hurt! A-And you can't just eat me! I-If someone found out about this at school, y-you'd be fired! I-I promise not to tell anyone if you let me out!" Kawakami softly patted her stomach, laughing slightly as she listened to Ann pathetic pleas for mercy, "Don worryt Ann... I ll let you out in the teacher's restrooms!" she said with a cruel laugh, giving her stomach a slight smack. "You'll come out... though far darker and muddier in consistency, but don t worry you still ll recognizable! Your hair will be there in clumps, and signs of your bone and teeth..." She said, feeling the faint hissing and fizzing of her stomach acids against Ann's skin, her mind fluttering with images of the green acids burning away Ann's outer flesh, showing the muscle and sinew underneath. "Besides... no one will know what happened... I m sure your parents will reach out to the police... but by then you'll be a thick paste grinding through my guts, as I tell a story of how you left here a few hours ago. The closest anyone will come to know what happen to you is the faint smell of my gas after leaving the restroom." Ann was utterly crushed as she heard her teacher cruelly describe what she planned to do to her. The young school student started to shake as the teacher laughed, clearly terrified at the notion of dying and the idea of no one ever knowing what happened to her. Ann had almost given up hope when she felt something solid with her slowly melting foot. Ann quickly reached into the acid and pulled it out. Hope returned to her as she realized the solid object she had just found was her phone. She quickly clicked the home screen button to see if it still worked. The screen lit up, giving Ann some hope that she may just survive the horrible ordeal she found herself in. She tapped the home button once more, causing the phone to open back up to her group chat with friends. She smiled, knowing that if she contacted her friends, they would surely come to her rescue. As she tapped at the screen, her body grew cold with fear. The touchscreen was completely unresponsive to her touch, likely because of the acid it had endured. "N-no... NO NO! DAMMIT!" Ann kept trying to tap at the screen, only to find that every part of the screen was unresponsive to her fingers. Feeling utterly defeated, Ann looked at her phone screen, hoping that she could see some positive message from her friends that would at least give her some momentarily joy, only to see everyone she called friends calling her a complete idiot for getting detention and how she had screwed up their plan to go into the palace. Ann clicked the power button and dropped the phone back into the acids below. "P-Please... Just get it over with... If you're going to kill me, please just do it now..." "Don worryt Ann... It'll only be a little longer. Please try to keep the begging down while you can... I need to grade some papers. Just remember... it goings to hurt a lot... then you'll feel nothing at all~" Kawakami said moving to push her chair closer to the desk. Reaching a halt as her stomach met the desk its self, with grunt of exertion along with a loud snapping from bones inside the gut, Kawakami was finally close enough to work on the papers. Inside the gut, Ann screamed in pain, feeling her arm crack against the hard lip of the desk, as her confines grew even tighter. The sweltering heat, rancid smell, and thinning air made the girl s final resting place horrid enough, though the true pain came from the constantly flowing acids, each drop excreted from the stomach walls only adding to the teen's torturous conditions. Each drop reddened and irritated the skin, places too raw or injured gaining an additional sensation of pain similar to pouring vinegar into the wounds. Each light burp from Kawakami only tightened the belly and thinned the air supply further, Ann screaming as she felt her body being folded, soon enough the gut forcing the teen to lean forward, pinning her head near her knees. For Ann... screaming was futile, each labored breath of the thinner oxygen left her lungs burning, while acid poured over every inch of her nude body. Seeing the skin of her hand's thin, soon enough the burning sensation fading, seeing the skin largely melted way far enough to show case the underlying muscle. After only a few hours, Ann's life faded in a pathetic display of death spasms, Kawakami hardly noticing the former student's stillness till later that evening. Kawakami's gut continued to work away at its meal, as the teacher slinked away from the school grounds past dusk, before returning to her small messy apartment, her stomach grinding away the red meaty paste of bone and flesh, attempting to absorb any nutrients it could from the massive meal. Lazily watching game shows, Kawakami enjoyed whatever cheap beer was still left in her fridge, letting loose several belches as the malty booze mixed with the slurry of flesh inside her stomach. Eventually, the teacher passed out in her old worn out white bra and underwear, each dotted with various holes and stains, as the soft groaning of her belly lulled her into peaceful rest. |
Makoto roamed the halls of Shujin academy, looking up and down the halls to watch the various students make their ways home. Many fellow students thought Makoto’s watching the halls was to make sure no tiny students were accidentally squished under the foot of a giant student, so each were quite appreciative of the student council president’s actions. Makoto’s actions weren’t as kind as many had thought and were actually kind self-centered. All of Makoto’s friends had stolen tinies and eaten them in various ways and when she had mentioned it to them that she had never tried anything with a tiny, all of her fellow Phantom Thieves quickly pushed her to try it. Makoto knew that if she got caught stealing a tiny, her record as a perfect student would be ruined. Makoto stuffed those fears away and waited until she finally saw a tiny alone. The hallway was practically empty, so Makoto made her way to the action figure sized gal and scooped her up with her hands. Makoto could feel the tiny attempt to fight back, but her giant-sized hands were able to keep a good hold on the smaller girl. Makoto walked quickly to the bathroom, almost stepping on a few other students who were rightfully angry. She uttered some apologies but never stopped on her way to the bathroom. She turned the corner and entered an empty stall. A heavy sigh made its way out of Makoto’s mouth. Her heart was beating at an intense rate, but the girl knew that she was safe now. She loosened her grip around the tiny form and looked at who she had caught. The tiny laying her hand was a third year from her class, Amaya Yasuko. Makoto felt bad cause she knew the girl was super kind and didn’t deserve what was about to happen to her, but Makoto couldn’t let the tiny report her. “S-Sorry about this. Y-You’re a great person and I was hoping I would have caught some low life student, but it didn’t seem like I was lucky enough. I-I’ll make it quick for you at least!” Amaya looked up in fear as the student council president talked so casually about ending her life. “Y-you can’t- “Before Amaya could even plead for mercy, Makoto had snatched the tiny up with two of her fingers. Makoto knew the quickest way to eat and dispose of a tiny was by shoving them into your nose (her friend Ryuji had made that abundantly clear). Amaya’s face was shoved head first into the gross cavern full of boogers. Makoto gave a deep snort and watched as the flailing body was sucked upwards into her nasal cavity. The squirms from the tiny inside her nose gave her a deep pleasure, one Makoto knew she would soon become addicted to. Amaya felt her body quickly snorted up into the fleshy prison that was Makoto’s nose. She was sucked up towards the back nasal cavity, dropping into a pile of boogers. Amaya tried to pull her self out, but most of her lower body was trapped in the gross pile of green goo. It didn’t take long before Amaya felt her school uniform slowly melt off her body. As more and more of her skin became exposed to the harsh air in Makoto’s nose, the more she could feel her body turning into the same goo surrounding her. She tried with all her might to free herself from the layer of boogers she found herself buried in, but it was to no avail. Amaya sighed and leaned back. She was feeling so tired and knew that she was as good as dead. Her skin was practically melting off her bones. She closed her eyes for one last time, silently accepting her fate as nothing more that a layer of snot in the student council president’s nose. Makoto felt the last struggle from the tiny and could feel the goo that was once a human ready to be blown out. Makoto grabbed a couple rolls of toilet paper and brought them to her nose. PFFFTTTT The gooey remains of Amaya Yasuko squirted out onto the white toilet paper, turning the pristine white cloth into a green and gooey soaked rag. Makoto dropped the piece of toilet paper into the toilet and flushed. Makoto thought to herself, “Hmm that actually was kind of worth the risk. I guess I can see how all of my friends enjoy doing it. Maybe I’ll have to catch a group of them and bring them to the next Phantom Thieves meeting. Now that would be a great start before a palace!” Makoto wandered out of the bathroom, heading off to Café Leblanc, excited to tell her friends about her new experience. |
Amanda knocked at the mahogany door in front of her. She ran her hands through her amber hair and made sure it wasn t a mess, as well as checking to make sure there were no crumbs on her grey sweater and sweatpants. She also examined her pale white hands to make sure that she hadn t chipped or cracked any of her nails on her rush over to the house. The klutz of a girl had slept through her alarm and was late for her sleepover with her best friend Aiko. She had rushed over to the house on her bike as soon as she had woken up, not even checking her appearance in a mirror before heading out. Amanda was one of the most popular girls at Holy Oaks high school and had no shortage of people to hang out with. However, Amanda always find herself gravitating towards the short Asian girl she called a best friend instead of the large groups of high school kids that always invited her to parties. As Amanda was lost in thought about Aiko, she was snapped back to reality after hearing a loud SHey herfrom best friend. Amanda looked down at Aiko who stood in the doorway. SOops did I zone out again Sorry about that Aiko Amandalooked down at Aiko and saw how beautiful the girl s dark hair looked Aiko wore a black overalls dress with a white undershirt SFirst you re late and now you re just sitting on my porch wasting more of my time You better stop zoning out or else I ll leave you here out for the night. Who knows, you might just get eaten up by a wild animal Amanda quickly pushed her way Aiko in laughing to herself as Amanda took her snarky remark seriously. Aiko closed and locked the front door before walking over to Amanda SMymom and dad are out for the weekend, but they wanted me to tell you they say hi For some reason they really like you Now come on let s hurry up and eat I ordered us pizza. I ve been wanting to eat it for the last half hour but someone decided to showup late. Aiko was a bit blunt with her words, but Amanda brushed it off as Aiko just being snarky cause she was hungry. Aiko headed to the kitchen Amanda following behind slightly As the two dug into the pizza Aiko s cat jumped onto the counter and rubbed it s head up against Aiko s side SAww hi baby How s my little Theo doing Aiko dropped sliceher of pizza back into the box and quickly wiped her hands so she could pet her cat. As Aiko played with her little baby, Amanda rolled her eyes and kept eating. The tall gal had never gotten along with Theo. The little bastard would always hiss or scratch at Amanda if she even got a few feet too close to him. Amanda gave up trying to get Theo to like her a long time ago. She realized that the grey domestic shorthair and her would never get along, so she did her best to steer clear of him when she was over at Aiko s Aiko loved Theo, even going as far to say the cat was her best friend in the whole world, which had indirectly hurt Amanda s feelings the first time she heard it. Aiko played with her cat for a few minutes before returning back to her pizza. The two girls finished up their food and went about doing their normal sleepover activities They played some of Aiko s video games gossiped theabout guys in some of their classes, worked on some homework, and did everything they wanted until the clock hit 2am. Both girls could feel mental fatigue taking over and both mutually agreed that they should rest up. Aiko made her way to her bedroom and Amanda made her way to the guest bedroom down the hall Aiko s room was far too cramped for both of them to sleep in it, so Amanda always slept in the guest room when she stayed over. The two wished each other good night and laid in their respective beds, quickly passing out. As Amanda s eyes opened up she looked up at the ceiling feeling that it looked much larger than usual. Amanda lifted her head from the pillow and realized not only did the ceiling look larger, but so did the rest of the room. Amanda stood up on the now gigantic bed and was shocked at what had happened to her She had shrunk down to about inches and was about the size of one of Aiko s various collectibles Amanda looked at the clock on the wall and saw it read S P Amanda AM knew that Aiko would likely sleep in till PM Amanda didn t want to wait for her friend to find just her,in case the situation got worse, and she became so small she couldn t even be seen Amanda decided that against her better judgement to try and make her way to Aiko room,s hoping that she could get her now giant friend s help. Amanda climbed down the side of the bed she had been sleeping on by clinging to the sheet. It took her a few minutes, but she was able to successfully make it to the ground. She made her way towards the bedroom door and out into the hall. Amanda s biggest fear was running into Theo at her current size. She had no doubt the cat would attack her, maybe even kill her if he felt like it. Amanda gave herself a slight smack on her face, trying to keep herself from thinking negative thoughts like that. As Amanda walked forward though, a knot formed in her stomach. Theo was laying right in the middle of Aiko s doorway blocking Amanda fromgetting into the room. The tiny gal ducked into the nearby bathroom. She jumped into a plastic box she saw, hoping she would be hidden incase the cruel cat had seen her and made its way into the bathroom. As Amanda landed in the box, she felt her feet sink into what felt like sand. It took a few seconds for the smell to hit Amanda who immediately started gagging and realizing where she had ran into. Amanda quickly got out of the litterbox she had jumped into, her nostrils filled with the disgusting sent of the cats past meals. Theo was silently resting before being awoken by a sound he heard coming from the bathroom. He stretched his body and trotted over to the bathroom. As he entered, he and the tiny gal locked eyes. Amanda tried running away from the giant cat, but she was immediately stopped by Theo who swiped at her with his paw, knocking her over. Before Amanda had a chance to get up, she felt her body scooped into the cat s mouth her body now trapped between the sharp teeth of the cat Theo trotted back out into the hallway and dropped his new toy onto the ground with a wet thud. He didn t even give the micro woman a chance to move before pressing on her with his paw. The tiny gal could feel the air stole from her body as the giant paw poked and prodded fiercely at her body. Theo stopped prodding at the tiny girl and elected to do something most cats liked to do to toys. He turned around and sat his ass onto Amanda. Amanda tried to squirm and get out from the heavy and smelly ass of the cat, but her weak struggles were no match for the behemoth of an ass that sat on top of her. She wasn t sure if the cat was trying to suffocate her to death or wanted to just toy with her. All she could do was wait and see, forced to breath in the cat muskys fumes that were being produced by its behind while she waited. Minutes passed until she finally felt the cat get off of her. Amanda wanted to run for her life, but she was so lightheaded from not getting proper air that she couldn t even think about standing up. As Amanda struggled to catch her breath, she suddenly felt her body thrusted upward as Theo picked her up with his mouth once more. Her lower half was stuck inside the slimy mouth of the cat while her upper half was forced to look towards Aiko s room which was just barely out of reach. Fear set into the tiny girl as she felt Theo start to gulp at her like a piece of food. Amanda grabbed onto the teeth and struggled to hold on. All she could do was hope for a miracle to happen. Aiko s eyes opened slightly as she heard the constant jingling of Theo s collar from the hallway At first she wanted to turn back over and fall asleep, but as the jingling continued to ring out she begrudgingly got out of bed to check on Theo. She walked out in the hall and saw Theo trying to wolf something down. Aiko flipped the light switch on and watched in horror at the scene before her. She saw Amanda nows small body halfway down Theo s throat screaming for help The two girls made eye contact and Aiko tried to grab Theo and make him spit up Amanda. The pet owner was seconds too late as she watched her cat make one last gulp and watched as Amanda s form sank down Theo s throat and made a slightly noticeable bulge in his stomach SO-Oh god Amanda Aiko picked up her cat and brought him into her room with him. She tried to force him to gag and throw up Amanda, but no matter what she did, the cat wouldn t even gag. Aiko sighed a depressed sigh knowing that Amanda was likely stuck inside the gut. SHey Amanda, can you hear me I wanted to get you out but Theo won t throw up And I m too scared to take him to get surgery done What if he didn t make it after he was put under So Sorry but I guess you re cat food now Amanda. Aiko heard a very slight shouting coming from Theo s stomach but she didn t pay her much mind Aiko did feel a little bad that one of her closest friends was going to suffer a horrific death of being melted inside a stomach, but another part of her liked seeing something horrible happen to the klutzy girl. Aiko was always jealous of how popular Amanda was and seeing the most popular girl in school get turned into cat turds excited her. Amanda locked eyes with Aiko and called out to her before feeling her body get gulped at one last time and sent down the throat of the cat. It took a fair bit of squishing before Amanda finally felt herself plopped into the disgusting stomach. The smell was beyond awful, smelling mainly of acid mixed with smelly cat food. The tiny gal could feel the mushy and digested kibble underneath her. It was a memento of Theo s last meal and an example of what Amanda would become if she didn t get out Amanda was terrified but she had a new sort of hope form in her heart as she knew Aiko wouldn t let her die. Amanda waited with bated breath for her friend to speak with her until she finally heard the muffled voice of her friend. The hope that Amanda had quickly disappeared as Aiko told her she tried to save her but that she couldn t risk cather lifes for Amanda SA-Aiko! You bitch I m a human I m more important than some cat Get this bastard to a vet now and get me out The stomach began to gurgle and groan around Amanda, a grim reminder of what was going to happen to her soon. The tiny girl shuttered in fear as she heard the stomach readying itself to get rid of its meal. All she could do was cry as she called out for Aiko to save her, a call that would be forever unheard. Aiko watched the struggling stomach for a bit, excited at the idea of what was going to happen to Amanda Aiko couldn t help but want to make the experience a bit more hellish for the tiny gal so she decided to taunt and screw with her SHey Amanda can you still hear me bestie Well I guess second best friend, I do care about Theo WAY more than you In fact I guess we re not even friends now After all you ll be nothing more than cat shit in a bit so I don t feel any reason to call you a friend Aiko chuckled to herself as she heard the tiny call out to her once more Aiko ignored the tiny s pleas for help and instead taunted her again SGod when I said I didn t care about you I thought that would get it through you re thick skull that I don t care if you die in my cat Ins guts fact I m glad to see someone as worthless as you add to someone as great as my little baby Theo. Had you got along with him, he probably wouldn t have eaten you Maybe if you had just been sweet to him you wouldn t be stuck in his gut Aiko watched over the next couple hours as Theo s guts squirmed intensely before finally slowing down and eventually growing somewhat still. SAww all soft now Amanda Or did you just give up Either way I m too tired to watchwhatever s left ofyou get melted down my cat anymore I m heading back to bed. You better not be a pain to clean out of the litter box got it Aiko stood up and turned her lights back off. She picked up Theo and laid down in bed with him, the two finally get some much-needed rest after being woken up by the tiny named Amanda. Theo was the first to wake up of the duo sleeping in Aiko s bed He jumped off and made his way to his litterbox as he felt a pressure building up in his behind. He squatted and felt the bone filled turds begin to squeeze out. The first coil of shit plopped down into the grey sand below. Several other turds piled up around it as Theo went about his business, not even remembering having eaten the tiny gal during the middle of the night As the last turd fell out Theo didn t even examine the scat hepile as walked away. He just expected Aiko to clean it up for him later. Aiko awoke a little awhile after Theo. She noticed the cat s disappearance and assumed he had woken up to go and do his business Aiko finally worked up the will to get out of bed and get on with her day. She made her way to the bathroom and peaked into the cat s litterbox Sure enough she saw the cat s semi-fresh turds laying in the box. She grabbed her scoop and fished them out and dropped them into a small baggie she could throw away. As Aiko looked at the shit, she noticed how Amanda s bones were scatteredall throughout the shit logs. Aiko finally saw Amanda s skull which had been picked clean of all her recognizable features even her hair had been digested. SWoah and I thought youwere a shit person before Well I guess you re not really a person now, are you? You re just a bag of turds that s headed for my trash Aiko made her way to her garbage outside and opened up the lid SWelp this is the end of the line Amanda While I would LOVE to show everyone at school you re new look I don t want anyone to know that I was the reason you suddenly disappeared. Still, at least I got to see you in your more accurate form. Bye bestie! Hope you love the dump Aiko dropped the bag of shit intothe garbage and made her way inside to play with her real best friend |
Mt. Lady stared at the legal documents in front of her, bored out of her mind as she looked them over. She got half way through reading them before finally pushing them to the side and leaning back in her chair. The forms had just been given to her by two UA students, Izuku Midoryia and Ochaco Uraraka. They were to grant a small internship for a couple of weeks with one of the top 50 heroes in Japan and Mt. Lady had gotten the two kids wanting to intern with her. Truthfully, she didn t want the two to be her temporary sidekicks as she was afraid of them getting the attention she deserved after she beat a villain. The two students were insistent on joining her, so she knew they wouldn t take no for an answer. Alright kids I might take you on, but you have to prove yourself to me. Follow me. The three made their way outside of Mt. Lady s agency. It was a building out in the middle of no where that took the two UA students a couple hours to get to. The lack of a dense population made it easy for Mt. Lady to train her quirk though, so she was pretty happy with it. So Mt. Lady? How are we supposed to prove ourselves to you? I ve had to do this a few times before and it wasn t exactly pleasant. Midoryia had thought about how both Nighteye and Gran Torino had tested him when he went to work with both of them, and he was instantly on guard. Well I need to know that you two are tough if you re gonna work for me. Here let me grow and I ll explain the rest. Mt. Lady did as she had said and used her quirk to grow from her normal size of 5'4" to her giant size of 67'8". She squatted over and laid her hand out for the two to climb on to. She carefully brought the two up to face level and began speaking again. Alright, so the test is I m gonna swallow you and if you guys can last an hour in my stomach, you ll be on my team. I ll even shrink back down once I ve eaten you guys so that the test is easier for both of you. Sound good? Mt. Lady knew that no matter what happened, the two wouldn t be joining her team. Even if they decided to take the exam and somehow met the time limit, she would just let them finish off churning and tell UA they failed her test. Midoryia and Ochaco both looked at each other nervously. They knew there was a high risk with getting eaten by Mt. Lady. However, both students knew that the hero wouldn t actually let them get hurt. I ll take the test, how about you Ochaco? I guess I can try it to It ll be a little awkward being so close though . Both UA students grew a bit flustered as they imagined being stuck so close together in Mt. Lady s gut. Just as the two began to recompose, they heard the pro hero speak. Alright then, bottoms up! Mt. Lady brought her hand to her mouth and dropped the two teens into her mouth. She didn t even attempt to savor the two as she quickly swallowed them down. As she felt the two quickly trail down her throat and into her stomach she grew back down to her normal size. As she did, her gut quickly expanded to accommodate for the two inside, leaving Mt. Lady with a rather large stomach bulge. As Midoryia and Ochaco both landed into the mouth of Mt Lady, they both found themselves flung forward by her ginormous tongue. The two went into a free fall until eventually both landing face first into the stomach floor of Mt. Lady. At first the stomach looked quite spacious for the two, but they found their surroundings quickly shrinking as Mt. Lady grew back to normal size. After Mt. Lady was back to normal size, Midoryia and Ochaco found themselves incredibly close to one another thanks to the small amount of space. Both their faces quickly grew red out of embarrassment once again and they tried to ignore it as they started their test. BURRPPPPP! Oh man that was filling. Alright kids it s 9:37, so I ll let you out once 10:37 hits alright? Whether that be in your current form or as piles of shit I ll have to send back to UA. Ochaco and Midoryia both gave each other a worried look after hearing that comment, but the two had just started the test, so there was no way they could back out now. Mt. Lady hauled herself back inside with her now heavy gut. She tried to sit back at her desk but had little avail at getting the gut under the desk. She instead just sat in her office chair and tapped away at her phone as she waited for the two to start melting away. She looked up articles about herself to see how her approval rating was going. She hoped that after churning the two UA brats down she would go up a couple cup sizes and finally be able to put Midnight in her place. As the hour for Midoryia and Ochaco s test began, the two quickly found themselves regretting their decision as the gut began to pool with acids only about 15 minutes in. Midoryia kept an eye on his watch, letting Ochaco know how long they had left. The acids quickly started to do a number on their light weight hero costumes. As the 30 minutes mark hit, both students costumes and undergarments had completely disintegrated, and each could feel their skin beginning to burn. Midoryia and Ochaco made minimal eye contact with one another at first, but as time went on, they slowly were able to look at each other as the time passed. Once 45 minutes had passed, the acids had risen to chest level for the two and had left both of them with acids burns from the stomach acid. M-Mt. Lady? I know it s only been 45 minutes but is this safe? I mean I think I m getting some serious burns. Ochaco could feel herself falling apart as the gut massaged her and tenderized her into a melty state. Mt. Lady barely listened to the teen s complains and gave her a half assed answer as she kept scrolling through her phone. Yeah yeah you should be fine. I ve done this before and the person I gulped down was fine so you should be to. I mean I GUESS I could spit you up and you two could not join me, or you could try and last another 14 minutes. Midoryia and Ochaco looked at one another and nodded to the other that they wanted to keep at it. We re not giving up yet Mt. Lady! We ll win this! Midoryia raised his fist upwards, accidently pressing into the top of the stomach and forcing Mt. Lady to let out a loud burp. BURRPPPPPPPPP! Ugh don t move so much you brat! Ugh that s so gross! Mt. Lady adjusted herself and watched as the clock ticked by, the hour deadline growing closer and closer. Thankfully she knew the two inside her would be far too weak to fight back once the time had come, so she had no worries. Midoriya and Ochaco felt their energy disappearing as they continued to slowly melt and grow softer in the boiling acids. Thankfully, the two only had a minute left before the hour was up. As Midoryia watched the minute hand on his watch hit 10:37, the two quickly spoke to Mt. Lady. Mt. Lady the hour is up! Could you please let us out now? I think my skin needs to be taken care of. The two felt themselves squished closer together as Mt. Lady squeezed her stomach between her two legs. Mmmmh nah I don t think I will. Truthfully I didn t expect you to survive or even intend to have you join my agency. I m more a solo hero and I didn t want two brats to take up my spotlight. Although I m sure the fans will just loooove the curves you two add! Midoryia and Ochaco grew completely silently and had terrified looks on their faces as Mt. Lady told them they were just gonna be her lunch. O- Ochaco, I m gonna try and use my quirk to get out. Midoryia tried to summon One for All throughout his body, but he couldn t do it. He was far too tired to even try and summon 1% of it. L-Let me try Deku. Ochaco tried to tap the two of them to float out of the gut, but neither got more than a few centimeters off of the stomach floor. The two exchanged worried looks as they felt the stomach grow tighter as Mt. Lady squished her gut more with her legs. The acids began to rise more, being just a bit below their heads. Both wanted to say something sweet to one another, but neither could muscle the mental strength to do so. Instead, they gave each other a loving hug, as the acid s rose past their heads and finished off the two heroes named Deku and Uravity. Mt. Lady didn t even listen to the last pathetic murmurings of the two kids in her gut. She instead kept looking at her phone as she read fan s posts online talking about how they had just bought a ton of her merch. A vain smile was on her face as she read all the fanboys posts talking about her. Another hour had passed and what was once Midoryia and Ochaco had quickly been melted away into nothing but meaty slop and bones that had begun passing through Mt. Lady s intestines. She clicked her phone and set it off to the side. She grabbed the documents she had looked at earlier and grabbed a pen. She checked the box that said gurgled and filled out the writing on the documents saying that the two students had failed her test and ended up getting gurgled by her gut. She also wrote that the two s remains would be brought by at for UA staff to deal with. She stamped the bottom of the document with her official stamp and put the two papers in an envelope addressed for UA. Just as Mt. Lady stood up to head out, she felt her backside emit a thunderous BRAPPPPP. Ugh you brats just have to keep taking up more of my time, don t you? Mt. Lady grabbed a trash bag and undid her hero costume. She squatted over the bag and felt bone filled scat squirt out of her asshole. As logs of shit poured out into the bag below, Mt. Lady found her asshole blocked up by the skulls of one of the teens. The pro hero struggled to shit out the skull but was able to get it to come out with a bit of squeezing. Now that she was loose, the second out plopped out with ease when it came around. As the last log left Mt. Lady s ass, she cleaned herself up in the bathroom before returning to the bag with her hero costume back on. She tied up the bag and grabbed the letter for UA. She locked her agency s front door and made her way to UA to drop off what remained of two of its former students |
“Chrom, we have to do SOMETHING!” “What do you propose we do?” “I
I dunno
” The two siblings stood and conversed as they looked over the two sleeping people on the ground. Chrom and Lissa had stumbled across two weirdly dressed people while on their way to a nearby town. They had of course been escorted by Frederick who refused to let the two leave without him. Chrom and Lissa found their conversation interrupted as the two slumbering humans began to slowly regain consciousness, their eyes taking a second to adjust to the bright sun that shown down of them. “I see you’re awake now.” Chrom confidently spoke. “There’s better places to take a nap than on the ground, you know. Please, give us your hands.” Chrom held his hand out and motioned to Lissa who also held her hand out. The two robed figures each grabbed onto the hands laid out to them, Chrom and Lissa pulling them up from the ground. “Are you both alright?” Chrom hadn’t properly looked at the two until now, but they looked quite similar to one another, possibly siblings. They both had white hair and both wore similar looking black cloaks. The two were nearly identical, the only major differences being their gender and hair length. The male had shorter hair that clung to his head while the female had two pigtails that were about shoulder length. The white-haired man spoke first. “Y-Yes
Thank you Chrom.” “Ah, I take you’ve both heard of me then? Tell me, what are your names?” The man seemed puzzled, as did the girl. Both had felt the name Chrom engraved into their mind, yet neither could remember much apart from that, not even their own names. “No, actually
You’re name
It just came to me. And
I can’t seem to recall my own name. Where are we exactly?” Chrom, Lissa, and Frederick all looked at the man perplexed. Chrom turned to the woman, who had the same look as the man. “I’m sorry but
I can’t seem to remember anything either
” Lissa jumped at this, ready to put her input on what she thought was happening. “Hey, I’ve heard of this! It’s called amnesia! Kind of weird for two people to get it though, isn’t it?” Frederick stepped in, ready to put the charade going on to an end. “It’s called a load of pegasus dung. We’re to believe two people can’t remember their own names, yet they can remember milord’s name? Chrom, I advise we leave now before these two try to attack.” The two white haired humans looked genuinely scared at being left alone in their state of confusion. Their look of worry seemed to calm though as Chrom stepped in. “That’s enough Frederick. I’m not going to leave two innocent people alone and confused. What sort of Shepherds would we be if we didn’t help those clearly in need? Now, if I remember correctly, there’s a town not too far from here. We’ll bring them there and sort it out there.” The white-haired woman looked a bit nervous over this. “Wait a moment! Don’t we get a say in this?” Chrom raised his hand out, trying to calm the two. “Peace, friends. I promise we’ll get to the bottom of this once we get the town. Now come. We can talk along the way.” The 5 began to make way for the town, the two white haired people annoyed that they were forced to come along. Chrom tried to ease the tension by talking about the halidom of Ylisse along the way. He explained how his older sister Emmeryn was the Exalt of the halidom and that he and his sister Lissa were both prince and princess. Chrom also mentioned his group called the Shepherds which was a volunteer group that worked on protecting Ylisse citizens from things like bandits. Frederick was staring down the two unknown people as they walked towards the town. He did wish to trust them, but he couldn’t take his eye off them in case either went to attack the prince or princess he was sworn to protect. The 5 had gotten close to the town when the two strangers faces lit up. The guy spoke first. “Hey wait! I remembered! My name is Robin! Hmm, nothing else is coming to me though
” The girl spoke next. “I remembered my name as well. My name is Robyn as well, but mine’s spelled with a y instead of an i. Hmm, seems we have that mystery solved at least.” Chrom looked at the two, happy to see they had remembered something at least. “Robin and Robyn huh? You two must be siblings or something. Well we’re almost to the town. Should be only a few more minutes.” Chrom found himself startled as he heard Lissa shout. “Chrom, look! The town! It’s on fire!” The whole group turned to look where Lissa was staring and saw her cause of distress. Many of the buildings in the town had smoke pouring out of them with fire burning up many of them as well. “Damn it! The town is ablaze! Must have been brigands, no doubt
Frederick, Lissa! Quickly! You two can stay here while we deal with this!” Chrom, Lissa, and Frederick dashed off towards the town, leaving Robin and Robyn together. The two stood there for a minute, not sure what they should do. It didn’t take them long until they felt themselves grow complacent, both running off to follow Chrom and the others. It didn’t take Chrom, Lissa, and Frederick long to get to the outskirts of the town. They could see several brigands near the center of town as well as a few stragglers nearby in the plaza. Lissa looked nervous, seeing all the brigands laying waste to the town plaza. “Chrom! We need to deal with them! And quick!” “Don’t worry, we’ll stop them for good today!” As Chrom, Lissa, and Frederick prepared to fight, they soon heard two pairs of footsteps running behind them. Robin and Robyn had thankfully been able to catch up with the three before they went off to fight. Robin spoke first, a blade in his hand. “We want to help Chrom! We’re both armed and we know our way in a fight, if you’ll have us!” Chrom gave the two a confident nod. “Of course I’ll have you! Lissa! You three deal with the enemies in the plaza! Frederick and I will head for the bridge. See if you can teach these two some tricks sister!” Chrom hopped onto Frederick’s steed and the two made way for the bridge, leaving Lissa, Robin, and Robyn to deal with three enemies in the plaza. As Chrom rode off, Lissa felt a bright idea pop up in her mind. She had been asking Chrom to let her try out a new technique on the battlefield, but Chrom’s overbearing brotherliness always put any enemies to rest before she could try. Now that Chrom had ran off, she was more than able to try it out, as well as letting both Robin and Robyn try it out as well. “Well, our group mostly use weapons to deal with enemies, but I’ve begging Chrom to let us use a new tactic on the battlefield. Since he’s not around to tell me no, I’m gonna try it now! If you two wanna give it a try, watch me do it and then try it out for yourself!” Lissa began running towards a mage that was messing with one of the stands in the plaza. The mage had light blonde hair and wore heavy cloth and leather clothes with a red mage’s hat finishing the ensemble. He had his back turned completely to the princess, unaware of the fate in store for him. While Lissa was mainly setup for healing on the battlefield, it didn’t mean she wasn’t ready to fight if she needed to. She had made it behind the mage, her presence still unknown. She harshly grabbed onto his arms and knocked the tome from his hands. The man barely had a chance to fight back as Lissa shoved his head into her maw, his hat knocked off his head in the process. Robin and Robyn watched in both shock and curiosity as Lissa wolfed the man down, her belly slowly bulging out as she did. Lissa had thankfully pulled her leather cuirass off before approaching the man, meaning her stomach would be able to hang out and breathe. It took Lissa no less than a minute to gulp the man down, all the reading she had done on the technique proving to be more than enough for her to use it effectively. The mage had disappeared from the battlefield completely. He was now nothing but a struggling lump inside of Lissa’s now bulged out belly. He tried to shout for help, but his screams were far too muffled by the stomach surrounding him as well as the general chaos happening on the battlefield. Lissa turned back to the tactician duo and gave them a thumbs up. Soon after, a crass burp escaped Lissa’s mouth and she quickly covered her mouth, her face blushing red from how unladylike the burp sounded. Robin and Robyn turned their attention to the two myrmidons inside the plaza. They both wore similar ruffian clothes suited for their class. One of them had dark brown hair and was male, while the other had black hair and was female. They had thankfully not been alerted to either tacticians’ presence, which would hopefully make for an easy battle. Both Robins made their way forward like Lissa had and went up from the enemy from behind. Robin found himself behind the girl while Robyn found herself behind the guy. They each grabbed their respective myrmidon’s arms and knocked the sword from their opponent’s hand. Robyn was a bit quicker than her male counterpart and already found their prey’s head inside their mouth in just seconds. She quickly gulped the male myrmidon down, her stomach expanding as she did. Robin wasn’t far behind Robyn but was struggling with how agile his prey was. By the time Robyn had fully snacked down on the meal, Robin only had his meal half way gulped. Robin quickened his pace and began gulping at the female myrmidon’s body with a fastened stride. It didn’t take long for him to fully gulp her, his stomach bulging out similar to Lissa and Robyn. Lissa, Robin, and Robyn each regrouped together towards the back of town. They could feel their stomachs getting to work on their meals, the area filled with loud groaning and sloshing. As they took a minute to take a breather, they heard the loud thudding of horse hooves coming their way. As Chrom and Frederick got off the steed, their faces grew visibly shocked at the stuffed stomachs of all three of them. “Lissa, I thought I told you I didn’t want you to try that technique! What if you had gotten hurt?” “Well I didn’t! Only person who’s gonna be hurting is Mr. Mage here, hehe!” Lissa gave her belly a slap which caused her to let out another loud burp. Robyn stepped forward. “Chrom, if I may. I feel this technique Lissa found out about is incredibly helpful. It was able to easily take out three enemies in just a couple minutes. On top of that, it’ll keep me, Robin, and Lissa fed for a while. I feel like it could be a tactic most advantageous for your group.” Chrom nodded along with what Robyn said, finding himself convinced by her showing the benefits of it. “Y’know, the way you two were able to take down those two myrmidons at the same time had to have taken some great tactics! Ooh, Chrom! What if we invite Robin and Robyn to join the Shepherds? You’ve said you wanted tacticians for a while now. I feel like these two would be perfect!” Chrom thought about it for a second. “You’re certainly no helpless victims, that’s for sure. The fact you fought alongside us to save innocent Ylisse lives is more than enough for me. Your story might be odd, but I believe in both of you. I’d love to have you two join the Shepherds. Would you two wish to join us?” Robin and Robyn looked at one another and nodded. “Sure, we’d love to Chrom! BURRPPPP” Both tacticians spoke at once, even both burping at the same time. This caused Lissa and Chrom to let out a hard laugh each. Even Frederick found himself smiling at the embarrassed duo. After getting heavy thanks from the villagers, the small group found themselves on their way back towards Ylisse’s castle. Robin, Robyn, and Lissa found themselves slowed from their heavy guts. The bandits they had eaten were still struggling heavily, which caused all three to let out occasional burps. About an hour into their walk, each of their guts had begun to slow in movement. The stomach had melted through the enemies’ clothes completely and had been tearing into the flesh of the bandits for the last 30 minutes. All three enemies had lost too much energy thanks to the digestive acid boiling at their flesh, leaving the enemies unable to fight back inside the stomachs anymore. The sun had begun to set, and the group needed to camp for the night. Chrom got some bear meat for Frederick and himself to eat as Robin, Robyn, and Lissa worked on finishing up with their meals. The group talked for a bit and eventually felt themselves too worn out to continue speaking. They all retired for the night, each laying their heads to rest on the ground. All three enemies had been completely done in by the stomachs. All that was left was for the stomachs to work on processing the enemies fleshy remains. As the night progressed, the ruffian’s bodies were completely melted down, turning into nothing but brown scat for the Shepherds to dispose of in the morning. The night passed without any major disturbances for the group. As the sun rose, each of the Shepherds slowly rose themselves. Lissa, Robyn, and Robin found their stomachs to have returned to relatively the same size. They did feel a bit more pudge on their guts as well as their asses, but they didn’t have any large significant changes. Lissa and Robyn both felt the need to go, so they headed off towards a nearby forest and disposed of their meals onto the forest floor. They stayed a decent ways away from one another. While they did enjoy one another’s presence, they didn’t feel comfortable going to the bathroom together yet. Robyn didn’t have much trouble squeezing out her meal, the brown bone filled scat easily squishing out of her ass and lightly plopping onto ground. Lissa had a lot more trouble though. She had to squeeze hard to even feel a bit of shit plop out. After some time of squeezing, Lissa finally felt the last bit of bone plop into the pile below. She let out one last loud PFTTTTTT before whipping and making her way back to the boys with Robyn. After the two girls had returned, Robin made his way into the nearby forest and dealt with his meal. Much like Robyn, it didn’t take him long to squeeze out the former myrmidon into nothing but a brown pile of bone and scat. Robin wiped himself and made his way back to the group. He didn’t even take a second to look at how badly his stomach had decimated the former enemy. With the group having relieved themselves, they made their way for the capital once more. It only took them about an hour to walk until they finally arrived. The group saw Emmeryn making her way for the palace and felt it to be best to check it with her since they had finally made their way back. Chrom, Lissa, Frederick, Robin, and Robyn all entered the main room Emmeryn found herself in. The exalt was more than happy to see her siblings, a smile spreading across her face. “Chrom! Lissa! Welcome home. Oh, and good day to you Frederick! How did you all fare on your journey?” “We were able to take out the bandits for now, albeit with some rather unorthodox methods.” Chrom turned slightly to Lissa who did nothing but twiddle her fingers in her hand. “Aside from that, our people are safe. Thankfully, we had plenty of help.” Emmeryn turned to the two new faces. “Ah, you speak of your new companions? Well, if you helped my people, I can’t thank you enough. What do you plan to do with them Chrom?” “I wish to bring them into the Shepherds. They risked their lives and have such earned my trust.” Emmeryn smiled kindly at the two newcomers. “Well, then they have earned my trust as well. Oh, by the way Chrom. When you have a chance, I’d suggest you speak to Sully. She had been in a forest nearby last night when something happened. I’m not sure what, but the sky knights had been able to get Sully and some strange man out of the forest before any harm became of them. I hope this to not be more bandits, but it very well could be. Now I must be off. I have a meeting with sky knights to discuss what happened.” Emmeryn left the room, leaving the small group alone. Frederick spoke first after Emmeryn left. “Chrom, before we head to speak with Sully, I needed some help with something. The firewood count is low, and I wish to restock before we head out in a bit. Robin, do you think you could help as well? We can let Lissa and Robyn meet with Sully in the meantime.” Lissa grew a pouty face. “What, you think I can’t do it Frederick? I’m not that delicate! But fine, let’s head for the barracks Robyn.” The group parted ways, the guys heading to cut wood while the girls went to the barracks. Lissa was annoyed with Frederick writing her off for help, but she was more than happy not having to cut fire wood. The two girls took a short walk towards the stronghold of the Shepherds. Despite Chrom having several people working with him, the place was surprisingly empty. “Well, here we are Robyn! The Shepherds’ garrison. As you can see, it’s not too far away from the castle. Make yourself at home!” Robyn and Lissa both sat down and relaxed for a minute before Lissa found herself remembering something. “Oh right! I needed to go tell Maribelle when I got back! Sorry Robyn, but I gotta run really quick. If you want, you can try and talk with Sully in the meantime. She’s usually near the stables, so you can always check there! She’s got red hair, so she should be easy to see!” With that, Lissa was off to find her friend, leaving Robyn alone in the barracks. Robyn wasn’t sure what she should do. She knew that what Sully had seen was likely important, but she also wanted to explore the barracks a bit. On top of that, Robyn was also curious about the exalt herself. She had seen her room on the way to the barracks. Robyn hadn’t gotten a chance to properly thank the exalt, so maybe she could do that now
Where Should Robyn go? [Vote in the google poll inside the description] 1. Head to the stables to look for Sully 2. Explore the barracks 3. Head to Emmeryn’s room |
An uneasy atmosphere had taken hold of UA High School. Over the last few weeks, three students had gone missing, leaving many of UA’s students feeling weary of their classmates. It didn’t help that all of the students had been from Class 1A, leaving the whole class on high alert. The three students that had gone missing were Midoriya, Momo, and Ochako, each having gone missing thanks to 3 girls in Class 1B having each eaten one, a fact that was only known to the females in Class 1B. Ibara Shiozaki was next in line to deal with a Class 1A student, and she had been having trouble choosing who she wanted to eat. She wanted to eat whoever she felt was most deserving of a punishment like digestion. She had originally considered Bakugo and Tokoyami at one point, considering the blonde for his temper and the birdboy for his dark aspects. Ibara had finally decided on someone after looking at Class 1A’s registry and found herself disgusted with one of the students. Kyoka Jiro was her target to eat. Once Ibara had seen her alternative punk aesthetic, she had finally decided her target. Jiro’s whole persona felt very anti-Christian to Ibara, leaving her feeling disgusted with the punk girl. She hated the dark attitude the girl presented. Ibara thought that if she could get rid of the punk, maybe Class 1A would be relieved of their sins. On top of that, her burning stomach acid would be a nice precursor to the fires of hell she planned to send Jiro to. The biggest problem Ibara had with her plan was finding a way to stealthy lure Jiro without the rest of class 1A learning of the two’s meeting. The opportunity presented itself after classes as Ibara made way for her dorm while some Class 1A girls walked several feet away. Jiro was one of them with Mina and Toru accompanying her. “Hey Jiro, are you sure going off on your own and training today is a good idea? I mean, 3 classmates have gone missing, and Aizawa said we should be prioritizing staying in our dorm right now.” Mina was showing genuine worry and concern for Jiro, the disappearance of three friends having affected her greatly. “I won’t be gone long. Besides, if I have to sit in that room any longer I’m gonna go crazy. I’ll just be by the forest nearby, so there’s no need to worry. I just want to work my jacks on some rocks and see if I can sharpen them some more. They’ve kind of gone dull thanks to all our training. Ugh, if Aizawa makes us do any more self defense quirk trainings, I feel like my earlobes will fall off.” Ibara felt a light smile form on her face. It felt like a message from God that today was her day to deal with Jiro. She would insure that after today, the punk would never have to deal with any more training seminars from her teacher. Ibara picked up speed, making way for her dorm so she could pick up a few things before trying to find where Jiro would be in the forest. It didn’t take the Class 1B girl long to get what she needed from her dorm. She mainly was dropping her school things off but had decided to change into her hero costume as well. After careful consideration, she decided that trying to eat Jiro in her school uniform could lead to tearing, so it was better to wear her hero costume as it was a loose white dress that could let her stomach breath. On top of that, since she was deciding Jiro’s fate, she thought it would be best to have a holy look while doing so. She left her room and made way for the forest near Class 1A’s dorm. The area was dead quiet, with the exception of the birds chirping nearby. Ibara felt glad she would just have to deal with just Jiro. She surveyed the lush forest nearby and found herself not even seeing the punk she despised. She might have took too long getting her costume on and missed Jiro entirely. As she was about to concede defeat, her eyes finally settled on the dark-haired girl who was hard at work on sharpening her earjacks. Jiro was sharpening her earjacks against a rock as she heard the crack of a branch nearby. She quickly turned to the source of the sound, her earjacks ready to stab into whoever was there, only to find herself looking at Ibara from class 1B. Jiro breathed a sigh of relief. What Mina and Toru had said must have seemed to have gotten to her, but she felt she was able to lower her guard now with seeing someone from Class 1B. “Oh hey, you’re… Ibara right? From Class 1B? My classmates got me all on edge that someone could attack me with all the recent disappearances, but thankfully it’s just you…” Right as Jiro seemed to fully drop her guard is when Ibara attacked. She sent a few vines through the ground and had them shoot up around Jiro. The poor punk girl was completely unprepared for the thorned vines to suddenly emerge from the ground and wrap around her arms and legs. In just seconds, Jiro found herself completely immobilized. Even her earphone jacks had been subdued with vines that had wrapped around them. She was now several feet up in the air, thanks to the vines having pulled her up. “I-Ibara? What’s this all about? Let go of me!” Jiro’s voice was filled with worry, her body beginning to shake out of fear of what the Class 1B girl planned to do. “Jiro… I’ll be honest with you. I despise you. I can’t stand some of your classmates as well, but you are by far the worst of them all. I can see how with proper training, your classmates could reform as better humans, but I see no way some punk goth like you could ever reform. So, I’ll just have to deal with you myself. It will be long and painful, why not think of your sins while I reform you into a more suitable manner for yourself.” As Ibara spoke to Jiro, she slowly walked closer to her until she was directly underneath her. Jiro was trying to make sense of what Ibara was saying but had no idea what the religious girl had planned. She suddenly found herself completely unrestrained and falling headfirst towards Ibara who for some reason was standing beneath Jiro with her mouth open. Jiro wanted to try and use her earjacks to knock Ibara back, but Jiro couldn’t get them to move in the slightest thanks to how much training they’d gone through the last few days. As Jiro fell downwards, Ibara opened her mouth wide, ready for Jiro’s arrival. In just a few seconds, Jiro had gone from being suspended in the air to suddenly falling several feet downwards, heading straight for Ibara’s maw. Thanks to the speed that she fell, Jiro barely had a chance to think as her upper body landed into Ibara’s mouth. She was forcibly squished down the throat, having gone from being in the air to suddenly being all the way down Ibara’s throat. In seconds, Jiro’s bulge that was in Ibara’s throat rapidly moved down and became a bulge inside her stomach. Jiro found herself landing harshly inside the stomach, her mind still not fully comprehending what had happened in the moments it had taken for her to get into the fleshy prison she found herself now. It all began to click as Ibara let out a resounding burp that made Jiro’s head throb from the noise. “BUARAPPPPPPPPPPPPP… That was… less than pleasant. However, it insured I got you inside my stomach without giving you a chance to counterattack, so it was the best course of action.” Ibara found herself breathing heavily, her body trying to get used to the large piece of food that had suddenly made its way into her stomach. The dress had been a good call, her hero costume thankfully having not ripped with her stomach suddenly bulging out. “I-Ibara! Did you…eat me? This is… I…” Jiro was at a loss for words, her mind completely unable to process why someone who was training to be a hero would do this to her. She knew that Class 1B didn’t like them, but not to this extent! “I told you already, I despise you. Your punk aesthetic is a sin against God and as such, I will help him punish you. Let the pain of the acids reflect on what your afterlife will be like.” As Ibara spoke to Jiro, her stomach had begun to prepare to deal with its meal. Acids began to bubble around Jiro’s feet and began to burn through her brown loafers. The acids continued to rise, tearing at her socks and skin as they did. Jiro could see how Ibara felt, her religious beliefs leaving her with a heavy hatred for Jiro. As it stood, the punk rocker wasn’t sure if she could talk Ibara out of what she planned to do, but all she could so was try. “Please Ibara… I’m in pain. I’m human just like you! D-Don’t you believe in love and forgiveness? Please, just let me out!” “You are just like the Devil, trying to talk your way out of your punishment. I will not be fooled by you Jiro. Accept your current fate and perhaps you will have a lighter sentence in the afterlife.” The stomach acid was growing larger by the second, having already submerged Jiro’s legs completely and having gotten to just below her ribs. Her brown shoes had been turned to melted goo and her skirt, socks, and panties had been burned to taters, leaving her soft skin to begin to digest from the acid. Jiro was growing tired of playing nice with Ibara. She was in pain and didn’t know if she truthfully had long left. If she was gonna die, she was gonna die acting like herself. "Seriously Ibara?! You gotta knock this crap off! God it ain't funny-" No sooner than when Jiro uttered the word God did Ibara bring her fist swiftly down onto her stomach. The punch came down onto her head directly and forced her head down into the burning acid. Jiro quickly pulled her head from underneath, her face now burning like hell thanks to the acid having soaked into it. “I thought maybe there was a chance you could be reformed, and you would have a peaceful afterlife, but this is proof that you’ll rot for eternity in the pits of hell.” The stomach’s hellish environment was growing worse by the second. The acid had risen to about her shoulders. Her UA uniform had been completely melted away, leaving her entire body exposed to the gnawing acids. Her legs had taken a lot of damage already and had grown soft and squishy. The weak skin was slowly burning off the bone as the acid churned and bubbled at it. The rest of Jiro’s body was quickly following along with her legs. She could feel her arms and body falling apart as the acid ripped into it. Her mind was filled with unending pain, one she wouldn’t have felt had she just asked Mina or Toru to tag along. Jiro wasn’t sure if what had happened to her had happened to her three other classmates as well, but all she could do was wish that they hadn’t suffered as much as she was currently. Jiro could feel her mind beginning to wonder, the feeling of unconsciousness growing close. “Please… don’t hurt the rest of my classmates… you got me, so just… let the rest of them…” Ibara listened as Jiro struggled to get her last words out, the girl clearly on her last legs. Jiro hadn’t even been able to finish her last sentence before finally falling into a state of lifelessness. In the 10 or so minutes Jiro had found herself inside Ibara’s stomach, her life had been taken from her. Ibara’s stomach had shrunk slightly, mainly thanks to Jiro no longer being able to struggle. The Class 1B girl gave her stomach a slight rub before feeling a heavy burp escape her lips, an acid-soaked bit of Jiro’s uniform escaping with the gas. “BURRPPPP! Seems you got a swift punishment from me Jiro. I will take your last words to heart. I shall not touch another hair on any of Class 1A’s heads, however I can not say the same for my classmates. Expect 3 more of your friends to join you in the afterlife.” With her stomach now just working on processing what remained of Jiro’s body, Ibara found herself finally able to return to her dorm. Her long white dress thankfully hid her stomach quite well, making it so Ibara wouldn’t fetch any weird looks. The girl from Class 1B made her way out of the forest, entering back into the UA grounds. Even though the forest was quite close to 1A’s dorm, she had a considerable walk until she got back to her dorm. Each step Ibara took helped with the digestion process, Jiro’s still body quickly turning into a bloody mixture of bone and gore. She was about half way back to her dorm when the meaty remains of Jiro began to squish into Ibara’s intestines. The remains of the once soon to be hero began to absorb into Ibara’s body. What wasn’t absorbed was turned into shit, readying itself to be disposed of soon. By the time Ibara had reached her dorm, Jiro was practically ready to be disposed of. As Ibara made her way into the Class 1B dorm, she found herself greeted with silence. The main foyer was practically empty, save for one student, Pony Tsunotori. “Oh Ibara! How are you doing? Some of the class went out to get dinner. Do you wish to eat with us?” Ibara shook her head no at her friend. “Sorry, but I already ate. I finally rid Class 1A of that evil woman, Jiro. Speaking of, I can feel nature beginning to call. Seems that punk goth is ready to annoy me one last time. Remember not to tell the boys of our plan to thin Class 1A’s ranks. Just tell them I already picked some food up for myself, ok Pony?” Pony gave a thumbs up to Ibara who was quickly making her way to the dorm bathrooms. Ibara opened the bathroom door and made her way into one of the stalls. She moved her dress out of the way and brought her panties down around her legs before sitting onto the toilet. It took her a bit of squeezing before she finally felt a heavy burst of gas escape her anus, followed by a thick log of shit that plopped into the toilet below. Ibara found herself grunting as a second log much thicker than the first began to squish out from her behind. After several long pain filled grunts, Ibara felt the remains plop into the water below, splashing up and hitting her bum, much to Ibara’s annoyance. Disposing of the rest of Jiro was much easier than what she had dealt with before. Ibara felt several decent sized turds squish out from behind and plop into the toilet below. As the last bit of Jiro plopped into the bowl below, Ibara breathed a sigh of relief. She wiped herself and stood from the toilet. Jiro’s remains had barely filled the toilet, much unlike Momo’s remains that Kinoko had disposed of in the same toilet a couple weeks ago. Ibara reached into a pocket inside her dress and fished out a little charm she had put in there earlier. It was a little pentagon necklace she had ordered offline. She felt horrible ordering it but wanted to flush it alongside Jiro in hopes that it would seal the goth’s one way trip to hell. She dropped the metal necklace into the bowl with Jiro’s remains and pulled on the metal plunger. The shitty remains of Jiro were quickly pulled down into the septic tanks below, the metal necklace being pulled along as well. “Farewell Jiro. May your new form serve as a better use for our world.” The Class 1B girl made her way out of the stall and stopped at the giant mirror in the bathroom. She lifted her dress up to examine her body and was shocked to see how much she had grown. Her stomach had grown somewhat and left Ibara with a slight potbelly that jiggled as she moved. Her tits had only grown slightly, but the majority of Jiro had gone to Ibara’s ass and thighs. She had gone from being somewhat flat to having a major bubble butt. Her thighs were now squishy and thick, something many of the boys at UA would now crave. Ibara felt pleased with the new additions, feeling it to be a sign from God that she had done the right thing. Ibara made her way for her room, not an once of guilt in her heart over the fact she had killed a fellow student over her religious belief… |
The teapot on the nearby portable stove slowly began to warm. Momo was watching it carefully as she wrote in her notebook, wanting her tea to be as perfect as it could be for her big day. After a week of rigorous training, Momo had found herself feeling absolutely warn out, her body fat count at an all-time low, which spelt bad news for her quirk. She tried to increase her intake of food to build her supply of body fat back up, but with having to still do training every day, it was proving quite difficult for her to break even, let alone even get an increase. After some heavy planning, she had finally found a way to get a large amount of body fat at once, one that wasn't very fitting for a future hero. She had decided that eating someone from her class would leave her with a large surplus of fat she could use, but when she had to decide who, she felt a bit stumped. Ultimately she decided to eat whoever she felt would be the least useful as a future hero. She had a few candidates likes Toru, but she had a quirk that could prove to be quite useful in stealth. Momo had finally decided on Kyoka Jiro, one of her closer friends in Class 1A. Her main reason was that while the girl was a useful scout, she didn't have too much combat experience, and there were plenty of pro heroes who could both scout and attack. She sent a regal looking letter to the girl under the impression of the two having some tea time in her dorm room. All Momo had to do was wait for Jiro to show up and close the door behind her, then she could start her experiment. After some time, Jiro arrived wearing what appeared to be a fairly casual outfit, a graphic shirt listing the name of some band she enjoyed along with a pair of ripped black jeans. The shorter hero smiled as she entered into the rich girl's dorm, "Thanks again for the invite... I really appreciate it" Jiro said with a smile, before taking a seat across from the creation hero. Jiro was totally oblivious to Momo's plans, even as the two had been training together all week, she assumed that this whole thing was just a small thank you for helping Momo out. Really... Jiro couldn’t say no, even as she sat across from Momo... she felt captivated looking at the mature teen... though she still attempted to remain casual despite her crush. The teapot had finally finished warming, Momo's timer going off to show her tea was ready. She picked it up off the portable stove and turned it off, pouring her tea into an incredibly fancy teacup. She set the tea kettle onto a rubber stopper, so it didn't damage any of her elegant furniture. Momo was surprised that Jiro hadn't questioned the fact that Momo had only poured one cup of tea, but Jiro very rarely seemed to question Momo's actions. She walked back over to Jiro and took her hands, Jiro's face blushing heavily as Momo stared at her. "Jiro, thank you so much for all your help this week with training, but I've come across another problem related to all our training. Would you be so kind as you resolve that problem? I think out of everyone in Class 1A, you're the best fit to help me." Jiro personally didnt mind not getting a cup of tea, she personally was more of a coffee person anyways, "Oh hell yeah Momo! I mean, I've been helping you out all week after all, why would I quit now?" Jiro said in a positive tone as if to 'hype' her friend up. "What were you thinking? Maybe using my quirk to help you with making stuff. Or even doing a mock fight?" The punk hero in training asked. Really, Jiro didn’t mind what the training was, after all getting to hang out with Momo, training together, had been some of the most fun for her all week. Momo let out a slight laugh as she saw how excited Jiro got, her mind knowing full well how she planned to "train" with her. "Well, not exactly any of those, but I'm glad to know you're so willing to help me. You're an amazing friend... so it does pain me to do this a little bit, but I have to prepare myself to be a future pro and make tough calls like this." As Momo left Jiro feeling perplexed by her words, Momo took her hands that she had been holding and shoved them into her mouth. She wasted no time with theatrics and began gulping at the goth girl's slender arms. They tasted actually quite enjoyable, almost like a bitter kind of berry. Jiro's eyes grew wide at the sudden swallowing of her arms, feeling as Momo rapidly swallowed up to her elbows. "Momo, what the hell?! Cut that out its goddamn disgusting!" Jiro shouted, confused and scared as she watched the hero's throat bulge out as her arms pushed down Momo's esophagus. "Sorry!" Jiro called, as her Ear Jack stabbed into Momo's belly, letting loose a sharp reverberation within the gut. Watching Momo pause for a second, Jiro felt hopeful, all the while unaware that all she managed to do was give the gifted student some strong gas. With her stomach feeling a little uneasy now, Mom wanting to burp extremely bad, but with Jiro's arms half way down her throat, she knew she'd just have push through the feeling until she had swallowed Jiro completely. She doubled down on her efforts and grabbed onto Jiro's head with her hands, making sure to hold onto her Ear Jacks so she couldn't stab her again. Momo pulled Jiro's head into her maw as well, running her tongue up and down her friend's face to try and savor Jiro's flavor as well as get a little bit of payback for making her stomach upset. Once she found Jiro's face completely soaked in her saliva, she began to gulp more, watching as her throat bulged out as Jiro's head was swallowed down. Jiro screamed as she felt her head pushed into the drool filled mouth, a faint minty smell coming off Momo's breath, as Jiro's hair was swiftly soaked in the warm viscous drool. Momo's tongue seemed to run along any open space along the girl's head, her face and neck receiving a thorough tasting from the cruel hero. "Momo, STOP! This isn’t you... this... this has to be some enemy quirk!" Jiro called out, her mind not able to think her friend... her crush could do this. Jiro screamed louder and louder as her head pushed into the curvy teen's throat, her hands feeling the sudden change in temperature as they pushed into the humid gut below. With a good chunk of Jiro already gulped down, it wasn't too hard for Momo to work on swallowing the rest of her soon to be meal. Jiro trying to tell Momo that this wasn't her gave her a laugh. Even though she did feel a bit bad deep down over the idea of eating her friend, the guilt was ultimately weighed out by how much Momo was enjoying her meal. She had swallowed up to Jiro's stomach and was showing no signs of stopping. Momo's belly was beginning to bulge out a bit as Jiro's body found its way into her stomach. Jiro’s world was turned upside down, literally, as she was pushed down into the awaiting gut below. Faint mush of whatever food Momo had swallowed earlier in the day rested at the bottom, the teen feeling her hands push into the soggy remnants of some breakfast. A sickening thought pushed into her mind, horrified she may wind up as a similar mush. “Momo please, stop this! I’m your friend! We have been classmates for years! Please Momo… I love you, don’t do this…” Jiro begged, hoping that her admission of affection would be enough to free her from inside her friend. However, she was instead met with reinvigorated swallowing, as her head pushed into the paste of bread and veggies filling the base of the stomach, getting the chewed and partially digested matter stuck in the teen’s hair. Not much of Jiro was left on the outside. Only her two legs were still left outside of the gut. Momo was close and with just a few more gulps, the legs disappeared down her throat, just like the rest of Jiro had. As Momo felt the last of Jiro squish into her belly, she finally felt herself let out a particularly smelly burp. "BURPPPPPPP! Oh my, how foul... Well Jiro, how's my tummy treating you? You said you'd help me and you wouldn't quit now, right? Well, our trainings have left me with an insufficient amount of fat and no matter how much I eat, I can't get enough of a backup. So, I decided to choose a classmate to eat, and I ended up choosing you. Sorry I didn't get to have tea with you face to face, but I only had enough for me. Plus, it's better to eat something before you have tea, so I had to get you inside before having this cup." Momo walked over to where she had left her still steaming cup of tea, struggling a bit to move with Jiro struggling inside her. She picked up the teacup and brought it to her lips, feeling the burning hot beverage make its way down her throat and towards her stomach. Jiro felt as her entire body was crammed into the gut, shifting about, pushing her rear into the mushy filling resting on the bottom of the gut, as she pressed her feet against the stomach wall, creating a clear outline on Momo's stomach as the teen kicked. "This is horrible! It’s hot, and smells like vomit and rotten food!" Jiro shouted, struggling to hold back gagging with each inhale she took. The words Momo spoke seemed almost alien, there was no way that her friend would do this to her! "Momo please, something is wrong here! You need to let me out, this is insanity. Why the hell would you eat someone, even if you need extra calories? This is fucking wrong!" Jiro shouted, her Ear Jack pushing into the belly again. As she let loose a sonic vibration, it seemed to echo within the gut, causing it to shake, before the girl recoiled in pain from her own quirk, her ears ringing from the sound. All it seemed to do on the exterior was cause the stomach to ripple like a pond after a stone was tossed into it, along with sending another smelly belch out of Momo's throat. Feeling her prison shift as Momo stood up, Jiro shouted and begged more, before suddenly feeling as the nearly bubbling hot beverage crashed down onto her torso, the teen screaming in pain, watching as her exposed midriff began to bubble and blister from the scolding tea. As Jiro screamed in pain, Momo took another sip from her tea and sent it town towards her gut. She sat the cup down as she heard Jiro let out another scream of pain from the tea making its way onto her. "Well I'm sorry Jiro but I have no intentions of letting you out. I've tried everything I could find to make up for this lost weight and no matter what I do, it makes no difference. I'm sorry that I chose you though. You were definitely one of my best friends in the class, but it just made the most logical sense to eat you. You have the least combat experience out of all of us, which could have made you easy pickings for a villain. At least this way you can help me fuel my quirk instead of ending up as another statistic for the villains." Momo ran her hands across her gut, feeling the outline Jiro made on her stomach. She gave her gut a shake which caused Jiro some dismay before Momo felt another burp emerge from her mouth. She knew that having tea time with Jiro inside her was a bit cruel of her, but she was hoping that the tea would help with digestion and make the trip smoother for Jiro, her theory being proven wrong and ending up just scalding Jiro's skin. Jiro felt tears welling up in her eyes, both from pain as the scolding tea collided into her, but additionally as she listen to her friend's cold calculating decision to eat her, just hearing how Momo both insulted her as a hero and a human being. Seeming to decide she was better of being some meal as opposed to a low-ranking hero. "What the hell is wrong with you?! We were friends! Why would you eat anyone, let alone someone who has been training with you! Why am I more deserving to be food then a goddamn criminal!?" Jiro shouted, punching against the stomach wall, her exposed abs bleeding where the hot fluids had collided into her body. "I have been there helping your every fucking day!" Jiro bellowed, striking out with her fist, causing the imprint to push up just below Momo's ribs, "We were friends... I though you liked me?!" As Jiro broke down inside her stomach, Momo did feel a bit of guilt. However, she knew that if she let Jiro out now, the goth would tell the rest of her class. "You're right Jiro... I should have chosen someone else, but I can't let you out now. You'll tell the class about what I did and then my future will be at jeopardy. I know it hurts, but please just bear with the pain Jiro. Since it was a lapse in judgement to eat you... I'll do anything you wish of me right now. Of course that excludes letting you out, but I'd like to make my friend's last moments as comfortable as I can for her..." Momo continued to press on how she saw Jiro as a great friend, not even realizing she was hurting the goth's feelings who had a deep crush on her. While she felt somewhat bad about eating her friend, Momo had another feeling deep down. She felt horny over the thought of Jiro stuck in her gut, ready to digest into nothing but fat. Momo felt horrible over that feeling and yet, she couldn't shake it. Jiro felt relieved for a moment, only to hear Momo's plans to finish her off, "What the hell Momo?! I won’t tell anyone I promise, I’ll even help you get more food! Hell I can even work with you, to trick other heroes to be food if that’s what you really want! Just don’t do this... Please" Jiro begged, feeling herself growing sweaty in the hot muggy caustic prison she was trapped within. While no longer burning her, the tea still was hot enough to leave the teen's skin red and raw round her hips and waist. "Don’t give me that last minute thing! I am your friend, you just said it, friends don’t eat each other! So come on... spit me out, and I’ll give you help... please I'll do anything" Jiro begged tears in her eyes. The way Jiro spoke made Momo know she could never let Jiro out. It felt like she was just telling her whatever she wanted to hear, trying to appease Momo enough so she would be let out. Apart from that though, how Jiro spoke, the begging she did for her life made Momo begin to give in to her horny urges she felt so ashamed of earlier, her wishing to let Jiro out steadily disappearing. She slipped her hand into her skirt and beneath her panties and began to lightly rub her clit as she listened to Jiro. "You'll do anything to be let out Jiro? T-Then how about you beg for your life? I wanna hear you grovel before I even considering letting you out..." Momo felt her morality steadily dropping as her hormones quickly shifted into overdrive. She knew Jiro was gonna be dead no matter what, so why not get some enjoyment out of her last moments? Jiro for her part could barely tell what was happening, let alone what perverted things Momo was doing from outside the dark gullet. "Anything Momo! Id feed you other people... I-I would keep any secrets you wanted. I’d serve on you hand and foot!" Jiro begged, hoping to get somewhere by appealing to Momo's past as a rich girl with servants. "God you say it I would do it! Anything to avoid this... please Momo..." Jiro begged, watching the belly seemingly shake up and down slightly thanks to Momo's 'self-exploration.' Momo's stroking was growing faster, Jiro's pleas to be let out serving as an excellent way for her to get off. She went to moan but bit her lip to stifle the noise so that Jiro couldn't catch on to what she was doing. "I'm not satisfied with that begging. Tell me some of your secrets. After all, if you serve under me, there's not a single secret you would keep from me." Jiro was humiliated... she was here begging for her life, and Momo was making her spill her heart out, making the poor girl tell her every deep dark secret... "Fine... I... I don’t know! I like the color pink but lie about it." Jiro said, hoping to satisfy Momo but knew it wasn’t enough... part of her knew she needed to reveal the big stuff. "I-I have had a cr-crush on you, Momo. Since our time together in the woods when the League of Villains attacks. You’re so strong, and confident, while being level headed. You are beautiful and everything I want to be..." Jiro said, feeling humiliated as she poured her secret out to her crush. As Jiro revealed her deepest and darkest secret, Momo could feel herself on the verge of climaxing. The words that were meant to be sweet and loving were used as nothing but material for Momo to play with herself. Her hand was fast and nimble as it played with her vagina, Momo's horniness reaching its peak. She didn't even care about being quiet anymore. Now that she was so close to cumming, she didn't care if Jiro knew she was masturbating. Her breath became rapid, and she began to moan. "Ahhh, oh Jiro...You're mhm... so... ah... p-pathetic..." With that, Momo felt herself climax, her discharge squirting out into her hand and onto her chair. She was struggling to catch her breath after playing with herself, not even concerned on how Jiro was doing inside, both physically and emotionally. The goth teen could only remain horrified in her caustic prison, listening to Momo’s shivering with pleasure, mocking her heartfelt admission of love. “Y-You’re sick!” Was all Jiro managed to weakly shout, tears streaming down her face, as she listened to Momo’s shivering of pleasure, riding through the afterglow of her climax. Jiro curled up… she was going to die in here… her friend just came to her being eaten, mocking her affections. Her only solace being it would all be over when she melted away “People will find out! They will kill you for this, Momo! You’re a monster…” As Momo finally calmed down, she found herself ready to play with her meal now. "Aww, I thought you loved me? Doesn't the idea of helping the person you love sound nice though? You'll be just what I need to fuel my quirk for a good month, if not more! And don't worry, I'll make sure no one finds out about you. After all, why do you think I asked you to come to my room now? Everyone's out on internships, meaning you and I are alone in the dorm. Now, why don't we take a nap together Jiro. Don't you wanna snuggle with your crush?" Momo was acting incredibly cruel to Jiro, her mind still warped from her state of sexual arousal. "Th-This is sick! How could you act like this and want to be a hero...” Jiro retorted... but she was barely holding on, she felt crushed with the cruel mocking of her attraction, and at the idea of her death. "You're vile..." the crushed hero fought back with tears, though her kicks and punches grew weaker, the stomach walls tightening and relaxing around her, though her space within the stomach has shrunken by nearly a third, largely thanks to Momo's orgasm. As a light yawn escaped Momo's mouth, she found herself readying for a tiny nap to sleep off her lunch. She disrobed, taking off her skirt and t-shirt to make the nap more comfortable. Once she was only in her bra and panties, she climbed into bed, her gut sloshing and groaning as she did. "Well Jiro, I'm thinking it's time we part ways. You know, it's kind of sad we didn't get to date, but don't worry, I'll still get to dump you once I've woken up from my nap. You're starting to look rather soft in there. Hopefully I don't accidentally roll over onto you in my sleep and squish you, but it's not like I'll ever now if I did. Night Jiro!" With her last taunts to Jiro dealt out, Momo laid her head to her pillow and quickly fell asleep on her expensive bed. Jiro's fighting slowed, her tightening confines and dwindling oxygen supply were able to limit her fighting, though even before this, she was so emotionally shattered that she barely wanted to fight off what was coming. She was humiliated, mocked by a girl she had fallen head over heels with, just waiting for her body to be broken down into nutrient slop to fuel Momo's quirk. "At least... it’ll all be over soon" The girl spoke softly to herself, feeling faint burning fluids pouring onto her body, as darkness slowly encompassed her vision. With fats being such an important part to her quirk, Momo's body had evolved to the point where her stomach digested food an insane speed, Jiro being no different than any of Momo's previous meals. Jiro's body was quickly turned to nothing but a sloppy mush similar to the one the girl had landed in earlier. Her bones floated in the mushy human soup and soon after being broken down, Jiro's remains began to make their way through Momo's intestines. It didn't take long for the nutrients provided by Jiro to pack the pounds onto Momo. What wasn't absorbed onto the girl's body became nothing, but bone filled shit to be disposed of once Momo woke up. As Momo found herself finally waking up from her nap, she looked at the clock to see an hour had passed. Her gut had gone from bulging out to being nothing but a pudgy potbelly that would make her uniform a bit tighter on her. She gave it a heavy smack that caused her behind to let out a resounding fart. It wasn't just the smack that made that fart happen, what remained of Jiro was ready to come out and she needed to go now. There was no way she could get her clothes on, get in the elevator, and get to the bathrooms on the first floor in time, so Momo improvised. She jumped out of bed and began typing at her PC. She dropped her panties to the floor as she typed up the ingredients needed to make a diaper. After a quick search, she used her quirk to form a diaper around her pelvis, the plush creation actually being a lot softer than she expected. It had a dark hue to it, much like the girl she had just eaten and digested. Jiro, despite everything suddenly felt as though she had woken up from some horrible dream... a nightmare filled with soul crushing humiliation and agonizing pain, feeling her own life be snuffed out in a horribly agonizing course of hours... only to open her eyes again. Though... she didn’t really see anything, though she felt warmth around her... along with a smell of... maybe something sour? It was hard for the hero as she attempted to gain her bearings again. She felt what seemed to be something pressing down on her head... soft and spongy, though the dual mounds of it left her to take a wild guess. "Mina, get the hell off my face! This stupid 'wrestling position' doesn't do anything... and I’m tired of having your butt on my face any time I pass out in the dorm!" Jiro spoke... or at least she tried. She felt as though the words failed to escape her mouth, as though she had a mouthful of cotton balls. Though she heard what sounded like a familiar voice... while far off, she recognized the short breaths... the idle self-humming... and the occasional statement under her breath: it seemed like it was Momo. Jiro felt fear stricken, was she still in her nightmare? Was it real? The teen's mind filled with all manner of possibilities... feeling as she was almost moving with something, less like a butt was resting on her, and more like she was wrapped around someone's hips. As Momo's movements paused, Jiro was left as she felt a hot wave of air press against her, a foul smell of rot and death leaving through the small chocolate starfish, "God Jiro... you goddamn reek! You made me fat... but I wonder how much of you turned to shit" the prodigy's voice mocked. Jiro winced at the words, before feeling a hand mash against her, pushing Jiro's face against what felt like the ass crack. Trying to move failed... Jiro seemed almost immobile... the strangest thing to her was the faint crinkling as Momo pulled her hand away. Still her usual self... Jiro held a horrible thought in her mind... that "dream" was real. Momo ate her, cruelly mocking her, before melting the hero's body into paste. That horrible smell of gas coming from Momo's rump... the quiet breeze ass gas... that was once Jiro... at least a signifier of what was physically left from her body. "Because I was her fat... I’m still alive... at least as what she made..." Jiro thought... though she knew exactly what she was. Even without seeing the black and purple diaper wrapped around Momo's rump, Jiro knew what she was... and knew what was coming. Slowly Momo's rear yawned open, accompanied by a fanfare of brassy trumpeting farts, each rattling off its own pitch of PRFFFTTTS and BRAPS, as Momo loudly grunted above Jiro. Sweat forming on the hero's forehead and ass alike, as she attempted to push out her rejected admirer. Jiro screamed and begged.... but her voice existed only for her own ears, as the now 100-pound heavier Momo felt the first turd snaking free of its exit. Jiro's begging for mercy failed before, why would they work now, as the brown snaking log that had once been her body was deposited near the base of her crinkly new form. Smelling earthy and foul, it was more akin to raw sewage then any average stool, Jiro feeling hard edges pressing against her fabric form... her bones... jewelry... hard bits of clothing. The remnants of her old body filling her... her new body. Jiro screamed and cried, "MOMO! PLEASE STOP THIS. WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS? WHY DO YOU HATE ME?!" Jiro called out... failing to be heard, by anyone. Momo's ears only picked up the crinkling of her new diaper, along with the toots she let loose, feeling as heavy ropes of shit filled into the diaper, each one rubbing pieces of bone on the way out, sending new shivers of arousal down her spine. The sheer amount of shit that had exited Momo's bum had likely made her a pound or two lighter, her diaper sagging from all the shit. She still felt a considerable amount of Jiro being squished out her colon, so Momo kept squeezing. More bone filled shit squirted from her behind, dropping into the pile in the diaper below. One of the logs of shit had the metal ends of Jiro's Ear Jacks stuck in them, the only part of her actual body that had survived digestion. After a few more minutes of squishing out a couple logs of shit, Momo found herself at the last part of her disposing of her friend. Jiro's skull was still stuck in Momo's ass, which was likely gonna be the hardest bit to pass. She squeezed for a while and felt the bleached bone slowly push through her ass. She clenched her hands into fists, the pain of the skull being worse than she expected. After what felt like minutes of pushing, the skull popped out of Momo's ass and dropped into the pile below. She breathed a sigh of relief after feeling her colon fully cleaned out, but she suddenly felt her bladder needing to go. Momo relieved herself into the diaper, the front of the black and purple diaper slowly staining a bright yellow. As Momo breathed a sigh of relief over having finally rid herself of Jiro, she sat down in her chair, the scat inside her diaper squishing beneath her much plumper ass. Despite how awful the diaper now smelled, there was something Momo absolutely loved about wearing it. It was soft, fit around her ass well, and even housed her former friend. She knew she should just take it off, throw it away, and make a new one... but she wanted to keep wearing the one she had on now. She had class in an hour and there was no doubt that her classmates would see or smell her wearing the diaper, but she didn't care. If they truthfully cared that much to annoy her with it, she could always have them join what remained of Jiro. Momo quickly got her uniform on, her sagging diaper definitely noticeable with her skirt on. She grabbed her books and made her way out of her room, ready to head to class. Jiro for her part was horrified at everything happening, feeling the mushy remains of... her pressing against her new fabric form, feeling as Momo mashed her bum into the fetid brown waste. A heavy CRACK as the hero crushed the acid bathed skin within the mess made it all the more final... That was Jiro... at least her body... she wasn’t dead though... she was a diaper, just an object which would eventually be thrown away. Rotting away in some landfill, the scat filled remains of her old body filling her forever... would she even die... was this her new existence? This horrifying thought still lingering in her mind, as her sagging form was carried off of Momo's hip towards the classroom, the bottom of the brown stained diaper visible to everyone as Momo walked past, though many smelled it long before they saw it. While most idly chatted among themselves about it, trying to keep it secret, Jiro heard the odd voices will clarity. While most were confused or wondering why Momo was wearing a messy diaper... the worst part was she didn’t hear any questions about her... the classmate filling that scat filled undergarment. Even as Momo filled the diaper with another load of scat, letting loose farts silently at her desk... no one even seemed to notice Jiro was gone. Just a forgot pile of shit, hanging off the Star Pupil's hips… |
Chihiro hummed to himself, as he stood upon a stepladder in a dimly lit classroom of Hope’s Peak Academy, in the dark of night. He was repairing one of the many cameras that had been set up for observation and broadcasting, that one of the students knocked out of commission, much to Chihiro’s chagrin. Luckily, he was no stranger to technology, so he was just about finished with the device, which was rather crucial to his plans. “Whew… Thank goodness nobody s-saw me…” he said, with a sigh of relief. As he began to climb down, being very careful not to snag his crimson skirt on anything, on the way down. The rest of the school was silent, all of the various students that had been trapped at Hope’s Peak for the killing game having gone to bed. The one exception to that was Celestia Ludenburg. The Ultimate Gambler had ignored everyone’s agreement to have a curfew and go to bed at a set time, something she would soon regret. She had decided to check around the classrooms in hopes to find something to entertain herself. The first two rooms she had checked came up empty, but once she opened the door to the third one, there was a sight that she didn’t expect. Inside the room was Chihiro Fujisaki who held a screwdriver in hand as well as a few other parts that looked like she had just fixed something. The outfit she wore was a major departure from the outfit she had seen Chihiro when they first met several days ago. The outfit she wore was a long black and white coat that was split down the middle, one side being white and the other being black. She also wore heavy black boots and long socks that went all the way up to her skirt. She also had a red skirt on instead of her brown one. It took Celeste a minute to realize a lot of the imagery on Chihiro’s clothes, but slowly began to see the bits on her clothes that eluded to none other than Monokuma. She had a little Monokuma pendant fixated to the top of her button up shirt as well as a white and black bear as hair pendants. The look on Chihiro’s face was completely different than the girl Celeste had first met. It almost felt like a different person entirely. All the signs pointed to her being the mastermind. Celeste was ready to sprint out of there and get help, but she decided to test her luck. She wanted to learn more from the mastermind before she ran to get everyone. “So Chihiro, seems I caught you. Are you even Chihiro though? You don’t seem like the same girl I met a few days ago.” The second that Chihiro heard Celeste's heavily accented voice speak out to him, he tensed right up, with the screwdriver dropped out of his hand. With how quiet it was, the CLANG rang out incredibly loudly. “U-uh… Y-you’re right… I-I’m nothing like her...” He said, meekly and quietly. As he spoke, he began taking steps towards Celeste, in a defensive and scared stance. While he was definitely nervous, Chihiro was just biding his time, using his inherent meek nature and small frame to lull Celeste into a false sense of security. “I-I guess you’ve got me… I’m the real Chihiro Fujisaki… I-I guess we’ve got something in common then…” Once he was within a few steps of her, his face contorted to a wicked grin, as he knew that he was about to incur wrath from the gambling goth girl in front of him. “Ms Yasahiro~” When Chihiro uttered Celeste’s true last name, she froze up for a second. How did she know what her true name was? No one should’ve known her closely knit secret, especially not someone she just met a few days ago. She wanted to deny it, but the wicked grin Chihiro showed her left her terrified. She knew if she tried to bluff and deny it, it’d just make the truth painfully more obvious, so all she could do was push back against the girl, hoping she could get the answers she wanted. She calmed herself and relooked at Chihiro. Despite her wicked grin, she didn’t look particularly strong. If it came to it, Celeste should be able to beat her in a fight, as long as any weapons didn’t get involved. “How’d you know my true name? Even if you’re the mastermind, there’s no way anyone should have known that. I kept the name from everyone, even Hope’s Peak admissions. On top of that, how’s a petite and weak little girl like you running this game?” Her words were harsh and blunt, Celeste not even realizing the full extent of how damning her words were. While Chihiro could’ve easily fessed up and told her all the research he did in preparation for his killing game, he was thrown off by her insults. As Celeste spoke, he flashed back to the insults he endured all throughout his life, her words echoing the exact same sentiment. Even as early as elementary school, his classmates would call him weak, pathetic, they told him to man up! But instead of fighting back or trying to stick up for himself, he embraced his weakness, dressing up like a little girl for the rest of his days. After having all those painful, uncomfortable memories dredged up from the back of his mind, Chihiro’s resolve for his killing game only grew stronger. Though, a part of him truly did enjoy the beratement, now, as his despair was just as succulent to him, as anyone. “W-weak..? T-that’s…” He choked on his words a little, with a tear or two streaming down his face. Despite that, he was still giving just as wide a grin as before, and with little warning, Chihiro leapt at the much taller girl! He was surprisingly agile, as he attempted to pin Celeste to the floor. When Chihiro began to have a tear steam down her face, Celeste found herself feeling a little guilty. Despite Chihiro having a grin on his face, Celeste felt kind of bad seeing Chihiro cry in front of her. She dropped her guard she had built up for a second and in that second, she found herself knocked over as Chihiro leapt onto her. She fell hard, the wind being knocked out of her as she landed on her back. Even though Chihiro was weak, he had pinned the girl down easily. Celeste was trying to recover her breath quickly, hoping that she could before whatever Chihiro planned to do to her. Chihiro wiped the tears off of his face, and giggled at Celeste’s unfortunate position, her face just a few inches from his crotch. “Heh heh, I-I thought I was the weak one…” He said, making sure to use his knees to keep Celeste’s arms pinned. He then grinded his ass up against Celeste’s chest, which made surprising Crinkle sounds as he did. While toying with her was fun, Chihiro did find himself needing a more permanent solution, for dealing with his annoying witness. But with a loud Gurrrggle, rumbling from his belly, a light bulb went off in his head. “I-It’s a s-shame you found me, I had such a fun execution planned out for you… Well, at least you burn in a different way…” He said, coyly. But before he started her new execution, he just had to show her something… “G-guess what, T-Taeko? Look where you’re gonna end up~” Chihiro lifted his skirt up, giving Celeste a shocking sight in several ways. For starters, under the skirt, was a solid white diaper, which had a chibi face of that robot bear that was helping hold them all captive. And not only was he wearing one, but the padding was also already damp, a big tinge of yellow on the crotch area, which he had just finished rubbing onto Celeste’s very, very expensive lolita dress. And lastly, perhaps the most surprising revelation, was the small tent in the diaper, formed by Chihiro’s cock, which was clearly hard. As Celeste took everything in, she found herself so confused. He said that she was going to end up in his… diaper? And that he planned to burn her… As Celeste slowly worked out what Chihiro planned to do to her, her face alit with a horrifying realization. “N-No! Get off me! I’m not gotten get eaten by some little brat of a boy! Get your filthy diaper off of me!” No matter how hard Celeste struggled, the way the weak Chihiro had pinned her made it impossible for her to move. She saw Chihiro chuckling at her attempts to free herself. Celeste could see him licking his lips, eyeing his soon to be prey down. As Chihiro smacked his lips together, he had to wonder “Are you g-gonna taste a-as pretty as you look, o-or how f-foul you really act? Hehe, o-only one way to find out!” And with that, Chihiro leaned down, and ran his tongue across her face, to get a quick taste. “Pleh, too much make-up!” He said, getting spittle all over Ms. Ludenberg’s face. For a second, it looked like Celeste was saved! She must’ve been too nasty to eat, right? “... But you know… There is a lovely aftertaste in my mouth… Must be all that expensive body wash you use!” Chihiro said, with a smile. As nasty as the spittle was, it was nothing compared to what came next, as Chihiro leaned back down, and gave her a little peck on the cheek… Before widening his jaw, and shoving Celeste’s face inside the warm, squishy, damp cavity. His warm breath engulfed her entire face, exhaling more as he moaned in delight at the exhilarating experience. The warm breath that Celeste found herself soaked in left her feeling ill. His breath had a sugary smell to it, far more than Celeste could handle. Chihiro had scarfed down some sweets for himself before having went to fix the broken camera, the sugar proving to help stimulate his brain. As Celeste’s head was pulled into Chihiro’s maw, she felt the boy licking the sides of her face up and down, the goth forced to have boy drool soaked into her face. “S-Stop it! Let me out of her you asshole!” All Celeste got for her comments was the feeling of her head being pulled deeper in as Chihiro gulped her down. Her face was now peering down his long pulsating throat and it only truly settle into Celeste’s brain that she was about to be eaten. She tried to struggle once more, but all she got with her efforts was a loud chuckle from Chihiro. Chihrio tried to taunt and tease Celeste, and while his parents taught him that you should never, ever talk with your mouth full of food, the state he left them in truly spoke to how much he took their words to heart. Unfortunately, for him, his words came out muffled and garbled, due to just how full his mouth was. “What’s that? You want me to let you out my asshole? Hehe, of course I will!” Is what he wanted to say, but it came out heavily slurred. Drool dripped out of his mouth, and onto the floor, even landing little droplets onto his skirt. He grabbed onto Celeste’s waist and started pulling her closer to his gullet. While his weak little arms didn’t contribute much, his skill with swallowing was actually quite good, and with the best gulp he could muster, Celeste began to slide down the fleshy, sticky, tight tube that was his throat, going in head first. As her head peaked through the stomach, she got a good look at her new fleshy prison, replacing the one of concrete she was in before. A small amount of liquid was pooled in the bottom, but it was hard to see under all the sweets that were goopifiying on top of it. She could see the chewed up remains of fine chocolate bars and macarons, things she’d normally be delighted to snack upon herself, with her enjoyment of fine French delights. French delights, that she would be joining soon, as Chihiro started gulping even harder, pushing more and more of her head and shoulders into the growling and gurgling stomach. As Celeste was squished further into Chihiro’s stomach, she watched as her two twin ponytails dunked into the mixture of goop and acid that she was slowly being inched towards. The sweets were a firm showing to Celeste that despite the boy being on the weaker side, he had quite a powerful stomach, one that wouldn’t be willing to show her any mercy. It didn’t take long for Chihiro to finish gulping down Celeste, only taking a few gulps before her head dunked into the mixture of acid and junk food inside his tummy. With one last gulp, Celeste was sealed inside Chihiro’s stomach. The Ultimate Gambler quickly tried to readjust herself, trying to get her head out of the burning acid. After a bit of struggling, she finally flipped herself right side up, her ass now forced to sit in the acid. Her dress was also taking on the stomach acid, her incredibly expensive clothing slowly being ruined beyond repair. Her hair was soaked from all of Chihiro’s saliva and stomach acid and looked an absolute mess. Celeste swallowed her pride and decided that begging to Chihiro to let her out was the only way out. After all, she had underestimated him earlier, all she could do now was bow to him. “C-Chihiro, I’m s-sorry about what I said. Look if you’re the mastermind, how about we negotiate? Wouldn’t it help to have someone inside the game to help you? After all, you can’t influence stuff directly, correct? So how about it? Do we have a deal?” Despite Celeste usually being quite cool under pressure when gambling, she was now betting her life, and with the level of pressure on her, she felt herself stutter a couple times. As Celeste slid all the way down into his tummy, Chihiro’s stomach began to bulge out, which caused his button up to burst open, the white and black sides of his coat now gently resting upon the human-filled gut. Despite the large meal, all Chihiro let out was a small, insignificant, urp. An airy, small burp, which caused his belly to rumble a tinge. His itty-bitty belly has stretched out drastically, which gave him quite the hard time when he tried to stand up from the floor. As he finally stood up, he felt Celeste shuffling around in his stomach, as she repositioned herself. While her words were muffled, as she was speaking through several layers of flesh, Chihiro heard her words clearly enough. “O-Oh… N-now you’re sorry…” Chihiro rolled his eyes, as he felt up his bulging belly, trying to feel Celeste’s form. He finally managed to get up, and began awkwardly collecting his things, as to not leave any evidence behind. “Y’know, Taeko, that’s not a half bad idea… B-But I d-don’t wanna work with s-someone so mean…” Chihiro whined, as he closed up his tool box, and began slowly waddling his way back upstairs, making sure to take a shortcut, so the other students wouldn’t see him or the belly he was dragging around. As Chihiro waddled through the school, Celeste could feel the stomach bounce and jiggle about. She wanted to yell at Chihiro that he just needed to grow a pair and for him to let her out, but she knew that she’d be doomed to a fate as food if she was mean again. She calmly spoke, hoping that she could trick the mastermind into letting her out. After all, it’s not like she ever meet Chihiro before the last few days, so she couldn’t have been rude to him before. “Well, I realize I was a bit rude during our meeting a few minutes ago. However, I realize now that I was far too rude to you. You seem like an alright man to me Chihiro… A-And you have quite nice eating habits. I’m quite found of macarons myself. Perhaps you could let me out and we could enjoy some together and discuss working together?” Every word she told to Chihiro was a lie. The second she was out of the stomach, she was going to book it back towards the dorms and get everyone up. After that, they’d be able to stop Chihiro and get the freedom they so desperately desired. Chihiro smiled, a gleeful grin. Not because her words were getting to him, as letting her out was never truly on the table, and watching Celeste, one who always thought less of him, even before their time together now, grovel and plead, was very satisfying. “R-really? Y-you think I-I’m an alright… Man? Hehe, thanks Ms Yasahiro!” He gave her a big pat on the back! Or at least, he thought it was her back, it wasn’t super easy to tell with his tummy. Soon enough, they were at his control center, where Chihrio had left his treats out and about. “... O-okay Celeste, I-I’ve thought it over, a-and… I think sharing a macron with y-you sounds nice, hehe…” Unlike Celeste’s lies, Chihiro’s did have some amount of truth to them, because after he sat his crinkly butt in his chair, he grabbed a couple macrons, and snacked on them, sending the chewed-up treats straight to Celeste. When he finished swallowing, Chihrio chuckled. “Hope you enjoy them, Taeko! T-they might be a little chewed up, but I’m sure they’ll taste just fine!” When Chihiro sounded gleeful over Celeste’s comments, the goth girl found herself feeling relaxed. Even though the stomach acid below her had begun to bubble harder, it seemed like she had tricked Chihiro into letting her out. Once he said he wanted to share a macron, she was ready to be let out. Even though she was gonna have to deal with the gross process of being thrown up, at least it was better than her being digested. As she waited for him to start letting her out, she didn’t hear anything happening, aside from the stomach acid that was groaning and gurgling below her, hard at work at digesting her clothing. Finally she heard something from above, perhaps Chihiro was finally letting her out! Her hopes were quickly dashed as she felt chewed up macrons land onto the top of her head, the sugary treated soaked in Chihiro’s saliva. She was prepared to scream at the boy, but she bit her tongue just in time before shouting. She took a second to calm down and finally spoke. “Ah, Chihiro, I didn’t mean like this. I meant if you could let me out, then perhaps we could speak face to face, and I could get some macrons that were less… spit flavored? And if we could do it soon, I would think that to be best. After all, your stomach is starting to tear apart my favorite dress.” Chihiro put his finger to his chin, even though she couldn’t see him from his digesting gut. “Face to face? I’m not sure you’re gonna have much of one left when I let you out, Celeste” He rubbed his bulging belly some more, absolutely loving the feeling of having a helpless human in there. He felt his member grow harder, pressing up against the padding that Celeste would soon be filling. Chihrio finally dropped the pretenses and lies, with a wicked laugh aimed towards the girl in his gurgling gut. “T-that’s right, w-when I let you out, there won’t be much left of you at all! Hehe, y-you’re just food now… A-and soon you’ll just be p-poopy~” He couldn’t contain his excitement any more, and began rubbing the front of his diaper, stroking himself with the wet, poofy, plastic fabric. His breathing became much quicker, as he inadvertently sloshed Celeste around inside his stomach. As Chihiro laughed at Celeste, the goth felt a tingle of fear go down her spine. He had been playing her just like she had been trying to play him. As the gut began to slosh and bump around from Chihiro playing with himself, the stomach began to double down on its efforts of digesting its food. The acid count began to rapidly rise, and Celeste could feel the acid’s digestive properties beginning to increase up against her body. Celeste couldn’t control her anger anymore. For her to be so easily played by the brat that ate her… “You… You… UGH YOU LITTLE TWAT! Let me out of here right now! I’m far too important to die in someone worthless like you! Spit me up right fucking now!” Her words were filled with anger and showed Celeste’s heavy narcissism. She didn’t even care if it upset Chihiro, she just wanted to get the anger inside of her out. She gave the stomach walls a few punches to show her anger towards Chihiro. “H-hehe-hehh, I-I am w-worthless, m-mpphh~” All her insults seemed to do, was feed his boner further, as he played even harder, bouncing his gut up and down as he did. “H-How does it fff-feel, b-being digested b-by someone so pathetic? Y-you’re less than worthless now, you’re just a midnight snack~” As she punched him, Chihiro let out another small urp, while he continued to breath heavily, as he got off on the desperate, despair filled situation he put Celeste in. “J-Just give it up, Taeko!” He raised his fist up, he was ready to give her the beating of her now short lifetime. He slammed his hand down, with all his might, and… “O-owwie!” Chihiro cried out, barely even making it through his own stomach, only managing to hurt himself a smidge. Which to him, was just too much. But Chihiro pushed through the pain, and continued rubbing that diaper bulge of his, the sound of rustling plastic getting louder and faster. The crinkling had gotten so loud even Celeste could hear it through the layers of stomach that separated her and the outside world. Everything Celeste had done had only made the situation worse. The stomach acid had reached to about her midsection, her lower dress in taters from the acid. Her shoes and socks were also fairly digested as well now. She could feel her now exposed skin burning as the acid tore into it and digested her like it had for all of Chihiro’s previous meals, just like the candy Celeste had sat in earlier. She wanted to scream at him or to beg him to let her out and yet, she couldn’t bring herself to. She already knew what he’d say to her no matter what she said, and that was that he didn’t plan to let her out. She didn’t want to believe, but she was nothing but food for a boy. “This is… bullshit…” All Celeste could utter was as slight curse as she felt herself starting to fall into a state of despair, exactly like Chihiro had wanted her to. Chihiro slapped his stomach, letting out a loud moan as he did, unable to contain himself as Celeste’s struggles began to stop and settle. He couldn’t help but chuckle and giggle, as he knew his stomach was now absolutely full of despair. Even without Celeste’s fighting, Chihiro’s belly still bounced and jiggled, as he began rubbing off as hard as he could. “Puhuhuhu! Y-you’re all done in there? W-was it the melting that stopped you, or did you realize how hopeless you are!? A-actually… D-don’t tell me… I-I don’t care what stupid food thinks, e-especially when they’re j-just shitty bullies… Mmmphh” He rocked back into his chair, now using both of his hands to rub his padded crotch, getting ready to lose his load into his diaper. “Heh, hehe… I-I wonder, a-are you gonna get me off when you’re just a smelly pile of poopy too? D-don’t you feel p-proud? Y-you’re gonna give me the energy I need, to cum on your crappy leftovers, again and again!” He taunted, letting her know that even as fuel, she wouldn’t be used for anything remotely helpful As Chihiro’s loudly taunted her, Celeste felt herself growing more and more upset. Her life was going to come to an end in such a horrific way and no good was gonna come about her death. She’d be turned to nothing but ugly and stinky shit and then coated in some insane boy’s cum over and over again. Her skin was beginning to burn more as the acid continued to rise. It had risen to her rather average tits and still showed no signs of stopping. Her clothes were all melted now, leaving her body with no protection to the acidic juices that was tearing into her skin. She had spent so long preparing that perfect outfit of hers and in less than an hour, Chihiro had utterly destroyed her hard work and was ready to destroy her next. There was one thing Celeste didn’t understand, why did Chihiro hate her so much. She realized she had yelled at him and knew his secret of being the mastermind, but why did it seem like he wanted to kill her so badly? “W-Why are you so cruel… We’ve just met and you seem have a heavy grudge against me… P-Please, before I die, at least tell me that! Why do you hate me!” While Celeste pleaded and begged for answers, she could feel something laying on top of her, from outside the stomach walls. It was, of course, Chihiro, laying his head down onto the top of his bulging belly, knowing it wouldn’t be much longer for it to get downright hellish in there. He spoke to her in there, while continuing to play with himself all the while. “... Y-you always m-mocked me, e-even a-as a girl y-you singled me out… C-calling me p-pathetic, s-small, w-w-weak… O-of course, none of you remember… T-the years I silently suffered...” Chihiro actually began to tear up a little, sniffling and panting as he spoke. He had an array of confusing and conflicting feelings well up inside, but instead of focusing on remorse or even pity, Chihiro doubled down on revenge. “A-and now, you’ll suffer too! All of you! I-I’ll give you all th-the greatest despair, of b-b-being as helpless and hopeless as me!” As he finished his proclamation, he let out one last loud, and admittedly, girly sounding moan, as he shot several short spurts of sticky juices into the front of his padding, coating it, and himself in it. Celeste could barely focus on Chihiro as he spoke, mainly due to how much pain her body was in thanks to the stomach. Her skin was beginning to significantly redden and peel as the acid tore into it, breaking her down like she was some common bit of food. What Celeste did hear left her confused. He said that she wouldn’t remember, had the two somehow met before? She couldn’t have, Celeste had an amazing memory, she wouldn’t have forgotten meeting someone like Chihiro before. Despite Chihiro telling Celeste the truth, she couldn’t make sense of his words, both thanks to her having lost her memories of her years at Hope’s Peak with the rest of the captive class and thanks to the unending pain she found herself in. She wanted to keep asking Chihiro, to find out why someone as great as her had been snuffed out by someone so weak and unimportant, yet she couldn’t find the strength to do so. She tried to speak, but her voice wouldn’t come out, her body finally in the stages of shutting down. She tried to lift her damaged and bloodied hand to push on the stomach wall, but found herself struggling to lift the extremity even a couple inches out of the acid it was submerged in. Celeste was going to die without ever finding out why she had been targeted, which frustrated her to no end. She had not only lost the game by dying but had truly failed at finding out why the mastermind chose her. With her mind filled with anger, Celeste’s eyes closed one last time as she succumbed to the acid damage all along her body. Chihiro slumped back into his chair, still reeling from his wonderful playtime, breathing quite heavily and sweating up a storm. After a few minutes, Chihiro put his head onto his belly. “Heh, that felt so good~! Was it fun for you too, Ms. Yasahiro? Probably not, hehe!” But his taunts were met with nothing but muffled gurgles, and the sound of meat being melted away. “Aww, that’s no fun… C’mon, wake up- Woah!” With a loud THUD Chihiro fell to the floor, after leaning in too hard while he attempted to wake Celeste. He had yet to realize that her nap was eternal. And if she didn’t have a chance before, the loud, sharp, cracking noise of her bones would’ve done her in for sure. “S-stupid girl, f-finding new ways to hurt me… Whatever'' he said to himself, sounding a lot like a little whiny child, his childhood bullying seemingly stunted his growth in more ways than one. He picked himself up off the ground, and back onto his chair, squishing his round tummy for fun, cracking and crunching Celeste’s quickly dissolving remains. “Well it’s been fun, “Celestia Ludenberg”, but I’ve got much more important things to attend to. See you in a couple hours~”. With one last taunt, and pat to his gut, Chihiro went back to observing the monitors, seeing if anyone else would be making an attempt on someone’s life tonight. He knew that a class trial should be held for Celestia, but with the evidence removed and the body now pumping through his intestines, it would hardly be any fair. So he decided that he’d call them all to the gym in the morning, through Monokuma, and explain how Celeste had broken the rules and had her punishment doled out already. As fun as it would be, to tell them how badly she suffered, and that she was slowly turning into a brown mush, destined to fill a diaper to the fullest, he didn’t want to overplay his hand yet. After all, who knows how many “rulebreakers” there would be? As Chihiro stared at the monitors, his belly gradually grew flatter. All of the skin had been picked clean off of Celeste’s bones, leaving Chihiro’s somewhat bloated belly soft and squishy, a stark difference to how it had been when Celeste was in there. The stomach contents barely resembled Celeste. Inside was a mixture of torn apart flesh, bits of fabric that hadn’t been fully melted by the acid, and a bunch of bones that were slowly being bleached a bright white as floating in Chihiro’s acid. The stomach contents began to empty into Chihiro’s intestines, the meaty stew easily being sucked down while Celeste’s bones took a bit longer to squish through. As Celeste’s remains exited the stomach, Chihiro’s belly quickly went back to looking normal and flat once more. If someone were to look at him, they wouldn’t even be able to tell that he had eaten a girl half a foot taller than him and that her remains were now in his intestines. As her meaty remains slowly squished through the intestines, they slowly turned into a brown stool. The shit was just as eager to escape the intestines as Celeste had been to escape the school, and the brown crap began to quickly push its way towards the exit. It put pressure onto Chihiro’s asshole, indicating to the boy that Celeste was ready to be fully disposed of. Chihiro was barely able to stand up, before a long coil of shit started to squeeze out of his ass, his lack of control coming from years of avoiding the school restrooms, not wanting to get caught with his pants down, in both senses of the phrase. So, he turned to diapers, which allowed him to avoid the problem altogether, something he’d become quite accustomed to doing. And just as he depended on his female disguise more and more, so did he with the diapers, almost completely unable to control his bowels. Not to mention his urine, as his diaper had become soaked and tinged a bright yellow in the hours that Celeste digested. But that was all okay, with Chihirio, who’s despair obsession had grown to the point that being pathetic only added to his pleasure. He brought himself down to his knees and leaned himself over a part of the desk that stretched out all around the room, as his asshole reflexively pushed out the large meal he had enjoyed. The brown log of mush slowly descended out the sultry hole, descending until Chihiro hit the end of it, making a light, crinkly thud, as it dropped into the diaper. Of course, this wasn’t the end, as his body began pushing out log after log, with Chihiro grunting and moaning as his asshole worked its way through the pile of shit, bones, and fabric that was Celetia Ludenberg. Despite the pain, Chihiro was all smiles and giggles as he pooped, loving the sensation of disposing of what was a human being, into a hot, smelly pile, trapping them inside a babyish undergarment. He could feel the weight of the mush, his diaper quickly began to weigh him down, sagging downwards towards the floor, quickly developing a brown stain on the back of it. After one, last, especially bone-y long coil squeezed out, dropping onto the huge pile of scat, Chihiro felt one last bit, still stuck inside him. He put his head down on the desk, and for the first time in a while, had to actually push with his asshole. With one last very loud grunt, Chihiro pushed out the mostly intact skull of Taeko Yasahiro, pushing it on the very top of the pile of shit she was. He breathed a sigh of relief, as the skull finally plopped onto the pile. As one finally show of disrespect, Chihiro immediately sat down on the pile, even going as far to bounce up and down, mashing the skull deeper into his shit. With Celeste as nothing but diaper filling and Chihiro’s despair filled urges satiated temporarily, the boy went back to watching his monitor. It was getting close to morning time, and he’d have to use Monokuma to tell the rest of the class about Celeste being punished. Her death would no doubt cause the remaining to survivors to get frantic, and with that, the killing game Chihiro so desperately wanted would get under way. However, after the amazing feeling of eating Celeste, Chihiro was beginning to rethink his whole killing game strategy. Maybe those who were executed would be dragged into one of his secret tunnels and with that, he’d let the punished student see the true mastermind and before they could ask too many questions, gulp. He felt bad all his planned executions would be gone to waste, yet the idea of filling up diapers for each of those he planned to punish left him feeling ecstatic. As Chihiro pressed the button to play the morning wakeup call for all the trapped students, informing them to make their way to the gym before breakfast, he shifted about in his chair, feeling Celeste’s hot remains slowly growing cold. He didn’t plan to take his new diaper off until his next execution, which would give him and Celeste plenty of time to get close. As the monitors showed the students beginning to leave their room and heading for the gym, Chihiro got an evil smirk on his face, ready to see the despair of the students once more when they learned they were a class of 14 now… |
It was a fairly typical day for Kaede, at Hopes Peak Academy. She was changing by herself in the girl's locker room, out of her sweat soaked gym outfit proving to be quite difficult to pull off as it stuck to her skin. Kaede always found herself volunteering to help store away the equipment they used in P.E that day, so she frequently ended up being the only girl left changing. She was pulling off her top, getting frustrated with how hard it stuck to her skin. It didn't help that she was pretty annoyed as is, with the behavior a particular student, who kept abusing the full contact nature of the sports they played, to constantly cop feels on her, and the other girls, making everyone all sorts of uncomfortable. As Kaede finally found herself having pulled her top off, the door to the girl’s locker room opened and in came the blonde girl’s main source of annoyment. In walked a sweat covered Miu Iruma who looked clearly annoyed. Gym class wasn’t the worst for the inventor as there was a few sports she did actually quite enjoy, although not for the right reasons. She loved things like dodgeball, being able to pelt the balls at the virgin guy’s dicks and at the girl’s tits being her favorite part of it. She also loved things like football, being able to tackle whichever guy or girl she pleased and giving them a nice feel of her tits, as well as getting a feel of their assets as well. The coach had caught onto Miu’s tactics that day and told her to run laps for the rest of the class, leaving the inventor frustrated. She had only been able to screw with a few classmates, one of which had been Kaede. Both girls were in a piss poor mood and while Kaede was ready to stay silent and change in peace, Miu of course found a way to egg her on. “Hey Kaeidiot! What are you doing all alone in here? Aww, were you waiting for me? Was feeling my tits press up against you in class not enough for you? Fine, I’ll let you cop a feel of my breasts again, but in return, I want to give that flat ass of yours a feel!” "Ughhh, no thanks... Can't you give it a rest, already?" Kaede rolled her eyes at Miu, who was only adding to her frustration with the demeaning nickname, and her uncomfortable horniness. She quickly covered her chest with her arms, not even wanting to give the lewd inventor a look of her bra. "You can't keep doing this, Miu... Eventually, you'll get caught and thrown in prison, or worse! And it's definitely not earning you any friends, either." She said, giving Miu a stern lesson. Kaede didn't hate her by any means, but her behavior was getting quite tiresome. Despite Kaede’s warnings for Miu to stop, the genius girl just rolled her eyes, annoyed at the Ultimate Pianist telling her how she should act. Although, the no friend’s thing did hit a nerve for Miu and left her feeling a bit saddened at Kaede’s comment. She ignored her feelings and quickly turned to her anger, ready to get back at Kaede for making her feel bad. “Oh please, all you idiots aren’t my friends cause I’m so much fucking better than you! The only interesting one out of all of you is Keebo and he’s a fucking robot! Although, I guess aside from him, you and Shuichi are the only real idiots I can stomach being around for more than 5 minutes. So, how about you call that boy toy of yours and us three cut class and get it on! I got some killer strapons we can use on that little twink’s ass.” As she spoke, Miu slowly got closer towards Kaede, pulling her gym shirt off as she did. Miu had definitely struck a nerve, trying to drag poor Shuichi into an afternoon of pegging with the two girls. Kaede’s face was awash with blush, both from the anger, and from the fact that part of her really did want to spend a night with her detective friend... But not with extra company. Kaede began backing away, but she kept a firm, defensive stance as she did, unwilling to just back down or run off. "If you don't knock it off... I'll make you!" She said, giving one last threat, as he back was against the wall, prepared to fight Miu off, if it came to it. Kaede didn't know how, but she'd find some way to halt the inventor’s lustful advances, maybe even teach her a lesson or two. The blush was an indication to Miu to keep up with what she was doing. Kaede had made her feel like crap, so it was time for Miu to make the blonde bimbo feel the same way. The threat Kaede offered didn’t really scare Miu, in fact, it more so turned her on if anything. The idea of getting into a cat fight with Kaede left her feeling excited and walking towards her quicker. “C’mon, let’s do it, right here and now! We’re the two hottest girls in our class, although I’m the best by far. I’ll let you feel all over me and once you’ve gotten your virgin tastes filled, you can eat me out. Once I get off, I’ll think about returning the favor to you. Now, come here Kaeidiot!” With her plans said out loud, Miu dashed toward the practically naked blonde, ready to finally relieve her urges. As Miu sudden rushed at Kaede, she was almost caught off guard, her mind blanking on how to stop the oncoming assault of horny that was the "Gorgeous Girl Genius". But she recovered, and she grabbed onto Miu's waist, just before she slammed into her. Kaede had wanted to turn the situation around, and pin Miu against the wall, but all the sweat caused her to slip around. Instead, she nearly fell down, but she caught herself on Miu just before she did... With her mouth. Fulfilling Miu's wishes, Kaede was feeling her around, and was getting her tastes fulfilled, as the girl's head and shoulders managed to slide right inside the saliva filled cavity. Kaede tried to scream at Miu, but all she could do, was make muffled "Mmmphh!" noises, as she got a mouthful of the salty tasting, sweaty girl. She went to pull her head up, and release the girl from the confines from her mouth, but a lightbulb went off in her head. She knew exactly where she could stuff Miu, where everyone would be safe from her crass actions, while also giving the girl a place to reflect in, a place too disgusting for anyone to get off in. Or so she thought, anyways. Miu found herself completely caught off guard as Kaede accidentally shoved the girl into her mouth. The inventor felt disgusted at first as she felt drops of saliva start to drip down onto her hair. “I didn’t mean eat me out like this you fucking idiot! Get me the fuck out of here!” Kaede’s hot breath washed over Miu’s face as Kaede tried to figure out what to do. The smell of Kaede’s breath was that of some kind of tea Kaede had drunk earlier, the bitter smell being quite strong just from Kaede’s breathe alone. Miu felt Kaede beginning to let her out at first, but then suddenly stopped. Instead, she began to pull Miu further into her mouth, the inventor growing worried as she felt her face be pulled forwards and forced to look down Kaede’s esophagus. “I-I said let me out! You stupid bitch, how can you get so fucking confused by the most basic of words!” Miu's constant insults did her no favors, only serving to re-affirm Kaede's decision to trap her in her gut. She put her hands on Miu's waist once more, but no longer with the intent of pushing her away. All of the sweat that the girls were coated in made the process all the easier for Kaede, acting as a nice lubricant to get the girl down the gullet. With some strong gulping, the ultimate inventor started making her journey further downward, the throat quivering, inviting Miu inside the stomach. The gullet bulged out, but not for very long, as the head and shoulders quickly passed through, and into the awaiting stomach, which was to give her a time out she would never forget. As Miu found herself being pushed down the throat, she continued to sling harsh insults at Kaede, hoping the girl would finally give up and spit her out. No matter what she said though, Kaede continued to gulp and Miu found herself pushed down further until she finally felt her upper body squished into the stomach. The bitter smell from Kaede’s breath was 100 time worse inside her stomach, the contents still filled with some tea and salad from Kaede’s lunch earlier. Miu had to dunk her hands in the stomach mixture to keep her face from being dunked instead. “Ugh, this is so gross! My hands are soaked in your frigging lunch! Let me out you whore!” Kaede continued pushing Miu down and down, her belly pushing out further as it was overfilled with the well-endowed genius. As she heard Miu's awful words, Kaede's anger finally got the better of her, and she started slapping the ass of her rude and lewd classmate, leaving big red handprints on her behind, as her lower body finally entered her mouth. She wailed on her, until the round cheeks slid through her maw, quickly traveling down the throat with the help of gravity. Miu had absolutely despised being slurped up by Kaede. The drool the girl produced has been slathered all over her and had soaked up into her hair. She just wanted to be let out and to take a nice shower to rinse the smell of Kaeidiot off of her and yet, once Kaede gave her ass a slap, Miu suddenly felt her perspective change. The sexual thrill of Kaede smacking her ass mixed with her being stuffed inside the tummy gave Miu her horniness back. Miu’s angry yelling slowly stopped and was replaced by nothing but moans from the girl as Kaede gave a few more slaps to her ass and finished gulping her down. Miu felt the rest of her body squish down into the stomach with her, plopping into the soupy remains of Kaede’s lunch. Kaede felt Miu finally slide all the way inside her, all 123 lbs filling her gut to it's entirely, bloating out her belly to accommodate the size of the girl. She held up her belly bulge, just barely being able to stand up with all the extra weight. As she reeled back from the intense, physical act of swallowing Miu whole, she noticed the lack of cursing, and the presence of lustful moans, which frustrated Kaede to no end. "H-hey, stop that! T-this is SUPPOSED to be your time out from getting off! I-I’m not letting you out, until you've learned your lesson!" She said in a huff, slapping her belly to discourage those inappropriate behaviors. While her slapping might not have stopped Miu, it did help some gas escape her system, causing her to let out a loud Burrrrp, which made her belly shake and slosh as she did. Once Miu found herself trapped inside the warm cocoon that was Kaede’s stomach, she could feel her lust steadily growing. The damp warm air made her just feel even hornier. She ripped off her panties and began to pleasure herself with her food-soaked hands. She didn’t care if it was gross anymore, she just wanted to get herself off. While Miu was always an incredibly horny person, she hadn’t even gotten to first base herself, let alone second or third. Being inside of Kaede was the most intimate thing she had ever done with someone, and she wasn’t about to let the experience go to waste. As she rubbed her pussy, she began to moan and speak to Kaede. “Mmm, K-Kaede…This is, ah, so fucking hot… Haaa, mmhm, you made me your little belly bitch. I always t-thought you were a, haaa, major sub, but I guess I was wrong…” Just speaking was a major challenge as Miu rubbed her clit, her body going into sexual overdrive. Kaede put her hands onto her face, hitting herself with the palms. Even shoving her inside a gross, disgusting organ couldn't stop her from being a creep. In fact, it seemed like all she accomplished, was making Miu even more lustful. "Gross, gross, gross, eughhh! S-stop that, you creepy girl! My tummy isn't for you to masturbate in, you f-freak! Blehh!" Kaede whined and complained, as she felt her belly rumble from all of Miu's playing. As Miu had her way inside her, Kaede began to walk to her dorm, looking to hide her large gut and the girl getting off inside it. As Kaede made her way from the changing room to her dorm, Miu was hard at work at getting herself off inside. Her hands were increasing in speed as she rubbed her pussy, and her moans were getting louder. Thankfully for Kaede, the halls were relatively empty, and she was able to sneak through them despite her loud shaking gut. Miu gripped onto the side of the fleshy wall, her mind enamored with how amazing her self-pleasure felt. She was so focused on getting herself off, she hadn’t even noticed the stomach slowly beginning to fill with acid. With a quick slam of the door, Kaede was alone in her dorm, exhausted from walking with the weight of two people. She shook her head with regret, realizing that this whole idea was nothing but a split-second mistake, that served to help nobody. She went into her bathroom, and caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror, with the belly full of the horny teen, the shaking stomach that Miu was playing in. Kaede sighed, and then walked over to the bathtub. She didn't want to get any vomit on the floor, so she got on her knees, and hanged her head over the edge of the tub, and shoved her hand in her throat, to try and get herself to retch. But no matter how hard she tried, she just couldn't get herself to vomit. Kaede muttered out a quiet "Uh oh..." but not loudly enough to interrupt what may become Miu's last climax. Miu didn’t know the dark truth that was to await her once she finished her sexual fun. Her rubbing had grown faster and faster as Kaede had made her way to her dorm and once Kaede had gotten back inside, Miu could feel herself growing close to climaxing. She could hear Kaede say something muffled, but she paid her captor no mind and continued to rub. She finally felt her pussy climax, Miu letting out some particularly loud moans as she felt waves of euphoria crash over her. Her pussy juices discharged into the liquid below, mixing with the acid, salad, and tea she was sat in. It took Miu a couple minutes to calm down and catch her breath, the humid air making it harder than normal for her. “Huff… Huff… God that was so good… Kaeidiot, we need to do this more often. This was… so much fun…” Miu felt genuinely happy after her play session. She had felt like she had connected with Kaede, even much to the blonde’s dismay at what Miu had done inside her. Miu had never felt this close to someone before. She didn’t know what this feeling was, whether it be friendship or something deeper than that. But this emotional high Miu found herself on would soon come crashing down. Kaede's mind was in a frenzy, thinking of anything, anything she could do to get Miu out in one piece. She thought maybe she could get some pills from the school nurse! But what would happen if someone saw her, or if the Ultimate Nurse blabbed about it? It could've easily been seen as assault and kidnapping, or even attempted murder! That would ruin her! What would her parents think? What would Shuichi think? Maybe if she hung upside down and tried? No, the belly would just slump over her face, and make it even harder to throw up. Her thought train came to a complete halt, when she heard the incredibly loud moans Miu made, and the very, very uncomfortable feeling, of something dripping down her stomach walls. As much as the thought of Miu discharging inside of her made her want to vomit, Kaede still found herself unable. After a short period of silence, Kaede spoke up. "Uhh.. Miu... I've got a problem... I-I can't... I can't..." Kaede's eyes began to run, dripping tears down her still sweaty skin, as she stuttered to admit to Miu that she was just about screwed. "I-I can't throw up... S-so you're not... N-not..." She said, with a sniffle in between her words. As Kaede broke the news to Miu, the Ultimate Inventor slowly felt her anger resurfacing as her horny feelings quickly disappeared entirely. What was worse, Miu could now feel a burning sensation on her ass. She finally noticed the stomach acid that had begun to come into the stomach as she played with herself. “Y-You’re shitting me… K-Keep trying, o-or go see that Ultimate Nurse bitch! I can feel my ass beginning to burn! S-Stop crying and keep trying to get me out! I’m not becoming an early dinner for you, so you better find a way to get me out of here bitch!” In truth, the idea that Miu could die if she didn’t get out of the stomach soon terrified her. She began to thrash about the gut, hoping to get Kaede to listen to her pleas. Upon hearing Miu's insults and pleas, Kaede once again shoved her hand in her mouth, trying desperately to throw up the Ultimate Inventor. But all her work was for naught because all she managed to push out, was more gas. Burrrrrp!. And her belching just made things far, far worse, robbing Miu of more air, causing the air to smell even more of acid, tea, and salad, the dressing becoming extra pungent to the nose, causing Miu's eyes to water at the smell alone. "I-I'm sorry Miu... I-I can't do it! I-I just can't make it happen... A-and... W-well... I can't let anyone know th-that I... Ate a person" Kaede said, tearfully, knowing the disturbing fate she just condemned Miu to. "B-Besides! H-how can you be sure, that the nurse h-has anything that could h-help? O-Or if I can't make it in time because you're so heavy!" She said, trying to justify Miu's doom, perhaps more to herself than anybody else. As Kaede tried to rationalize accidentally ending Miu’s life, the inventor continued to kick and punch the surrounding walls, trying to stop the blonde from just giving up. “So your solution is for me to just die? And then what? You’ll fucking flush me and tell no one about this!? F-Fuck, and I thought I was cold… Just go get someone Kaede… I’ll cover for your ass if you just go and get someone, I promise!... My legs are burning and if just keep sitting on your ass, I’m gonna end up dead!... Please, stop acting all quiet! I-I don’t wanna die! Just say something!” Miu found herself being completely honest with Kaede, the cold touch of death becoming more and more apparent to the girl. She had saw Kaede as someone who always went out of her way to help others and yet, that assertion seemed falsified at the acid began to rise around Miu’s body. Kaede continued to weep quietly, the conflict of whether or not to act paralyzing here, so much so, that as Miu began to beg harder and harder, Kaede turned on the shower, the sink, the air vent in the room. She did everything she could to drown out the sounds of her desperation, even as going as far to cover her ears, trying desperately to avoid the grim reality of the situation. But while she could block out all the sound, there was the kicking, the sizeable weight resting in her stomach, and constant, never-ending thoughts racing in her head. "I-I'm sorry, I'm s-sorry, I'M SORRY!!" She yelled, as she laid her head down on her stomach, tears dripping onto it, sliding down the big bulge that was her gut. As Kaede yelled out sorry to Miu, both girls grew quiet, Kaede because of guilt and Miu because of the knowing fact of death sitting on her mind. The acid had already risen to just below her breasts. Everything that was submerged in the caustic juice burned, Miu’s skin being treated no differently than the salad she had been forced to sit in not long along. Her feet were in the worst state out of her whole body, having been soaked in the acid for the longest. Most of the upper layer of skin had been melted clean off, leaving the lower bits of skin to slowly be burned off. The worst part of the experience so far though was the silence both girls found themselves in. The only sounds Miu had to pass the time as she waited for her end was the gurgling and groaning of the stomach. The sounds were grim reminders that she was food, and it was driving crazy. “If you won’t go and get help… Please make my last moments comfortable at least. D-Don’t let me die in silence…” Kaede heard Miu's final desperate plea, from the girl who had spent most of her time doing anything but making people's lives uncomfortable, especially her own. "F-fine, M-Miu... I-I won't let you pass away in silence... J-just close your eyes a-and I'll... Take care of everything" Kaede said, feeling especially empty inside from emotions running on high for so long. She wanted everything to be over, more than anything else, for everything to return back to normal. So, with heavy hands, she put her hands on the top of her stomach, and pressed down as hard as she could, to dunk Miu's head into the stomach acid. As she shoved her into the bubbling, burning pool, Kaede sung a bittersweet song, usually reserved for her recitals and performances, giving Miu the noise she desired. As Miu waited for Kaede to begin speaking, she suddenly found her head pushed down on and dunked into the acid. Miu wasn’t sure what was happening and began to struggle, but no matter how hard she struggled, she still found herself submerged into the acid. She then heard Kaede’s voice singing, though it was incredibly muffled thanks to the stomach and the acids Miu were submerged in. The song was the least of Miu’s concerns as no matter how hard she struggled to stop Kaede from dunking her in the stomach acid, there was no getting out of it. Her breath was beginning to run out. Her body reflectively tried to take air in but was only met with acid reaching her lungs. She screamed out in pain as the acid filled her body, only causing more of the caustic liquid to pile in and destroy her from the inside and outside. As the acid began to enter her body, Miu found her movements beginning to grow slower. She couldn’t think straight with no oxygen going to her brain and her body was beginning to shut down. After what felt likes hours of undeserved torture, Miu passed out, her lifeless body growing still as it lay submerged in the acid. Had Kaede just talked to Miu and let her digest on her own, the inventor would have had a less hellish death then the one she had been given, but the Ultimate Pianist didn’t know that. Kaede sat there, teary eyed and exhausted, holding onto the immobile lump of meat that now sat still in her stomach. She sang the entire tune out, long after Miu stopped moving, trying to give her the very last wish she asked for. Her brain was completely shot, barely acknowledging the desperate struggles as Kaede drowned her in the acids. She wanted to end Miu's suffering, and while she did, Kaede also managed to make those short moments the worst pain she couldn't possibly put her through. After she finished her song, and felt the quickly dissolving body breaking into pieces, Kaede stood up and stripped. She climbed into the shower, to finally wash away the sweat. She wanted to turn up the heat, but she hesitated, as all she could think of, was the incredibly hot bath she gave to the Ultimate Inventor. So Kaede showered in the frigid water, running soap all across her fat gut, that slowly grew smaller as it dealt with whatever bits of Miu remained. The lack of clothes on Miu’s body made in quite easy for the stomach to churn the remains of the poor girl. The acid tore through her layers of skin easily, slowly turning her once solid body into nothing but melted flesh and bones, ready to be pushed through into the rest of Kaede’s digestive tract. As the shower drained the water that ran down Kaede’s belly, the acid and digested remains of Miu began to drain into Kaede’s intestines, ready to be turned into nothing but steamy shit for the girl to have to dispose of. As what remained of Miu drained into the lower regions of Kaede, her belly began to even out. As Kaede began to towel off from her cold shower, she felt a rumble from her gut, and pressure inside her ass. Miu's healthy supply of meat, was more than enough to make Kaede pack on several tens of pounds, making her already slightly chubby belly even flabbier. Miu's assets also added onto Kaede's, moving up her cup size up a letter, and curing her of that "flat butt" Miu accused her of having, now being large, soft, and squishy. She planted said thick ass cheeks onto the toilet seat, and with a little bit of extra force, Kaede started pushing out firm logs of shit, bones clearly having been impacted in it, having made it through the intestinal tract, mostly in-piece. Squeezing out the remains, Kaede grunted and pushed, showing barely any emotion as she did, having been brought to the edge of her limits earlier. She tried her hardest to not think of what exactly she was disposing of, but the painful pushing and sheer size of the mess, made it incredibly hard to do so. She was about halfway done, when she stopped hearing any splashing coming from the toilet, having now been filled beyond the water line. All Kaede did, was sigh, and continued crapping out lump and lump of her shitty classmate. Kaede worked hard on finishing up Miu, feeling the once genius girl continue to squish out of her ass into nothing but unthinking waste. After several more minutes of depressed grunting and squeezing, Kaede was almost finally done, only Miu’s skull still stuck within her. She squeezed as hard as she could and felt tears form at her eyes as she pushed through the pain before finally feeling Miu’s skull pop out and fall onto the pile below. With her bowels finally fully evacuated, Kaede let her bladder release, showering a golden waterfall of piss down onto Miu’s steaming remains. After a minute or so of uninterrupted pissing, Kaede wiped herself and stood up from the toilet. She looked down into the filled bowl and felt totally numb over the sight. It wasn’t like she wanted to do this, but she had to, otherwise her future could’ve been snuffed out, much along with poor Miu who was now both jiggling off her sides and was nothing but shit in her toilet. Kaede pressed down on the metal plunger and watched as the remains of Miu were slowly pulled down, the large amount of scat just barely making it down towards the sewers safely. Kaede trudged out of her bathroom, and over to her wardrobe, pulling out a pair of her pink, lacy panties. She began pulling them up her legs, but as she approached her even wider thighs, they began to stretch out harder, becoming quite tight. They would've been very uncomfortable to wear, but Kaede didn't even get that far, as once she got above the halfway point of her thigh, the left side snapped in two, falling and hanging off her other jiggly thigh. She sighed, as she stared at her wardrobe, knowing that there wasn't any point in trying another one on. Kaede pulled off her wrecked panties, and tossed it in the trash with force, obviously upset that she would have to trash or donate her entire wardrobe. Looking for anything, anything at all, that could calm her down, she saw a stray piece of sheet music sitting on her coffee table and knew just what she needed. Picking up the sheets, she took some wide steps over to her personal piano, all her newly added fat wobbling with her step. As if the bigger assets and layers of pudge weren't big enough reminders of Miu, the last song she practiced was the very same song she sang, as she brutally submerged her classmate in the pooling acid, kicking and screaming. Kaede grabbed the sheet, and tossed it off to the side, putting a new set for a song in its place. She put her fingers to the keys, and began to play, which started off peachy! But as she was getting into it, Kaede accidentally pressed a second key. She tried it again. Second key, again, second key. "...W-wha? W-why is this so hard, all of a..." She looked down at her fingers, and in shock, raised them close to her face. "M-my fingers... T-they're h-huge... H-how am I-I s-s-supposed..." Finally, the numbness had faded from her face, returning back to an expression of misery and sadness, Miu finding yet another way to make her life miserable, as extra fat, on her fingers. Her sorrow turned to instant regret, as it seemed that her life was destined to be ruined either way, only now she got to live with the guilt of murdering one of her classmates… |
You’re a student of Hope’s Peak Academy, one who’s gotten to know several of the high performing Ultimates rather well. One such Ultimate named Hiyoko Saionji gave you an invitation to go and see her newest dance routine on stage, and even gave you a backstage pass for after the show. You attended and watched with anticipation as your friend performed her routine. After a few hours of dancing from several performers, you find Hiyoko after the show and start to talk with her. Despite her rather kind looking appearance, she’s actually quite cruel, both to you and several other people at Hope’s Peak. Despite her cruelness, you stick by her side as you’ve known her for so long, it’d feel wrong to give up on your friendship, even if she’s rather mean to you sometimes. Right as you two are in the middle of talking, her stomach gives off a sudden groan. She gives you an evil glare and laughs to herself. You’re not sure what’s up with her, but she’s got something up her sleeves. You try to ignore it, but you can’t ignore it any longer as she kicks your knees and causes you to topple over. In seconds, you’re suddenly thrusted into her mouth and shoved down her throat. She gives you two heavy gulps and down you go. During your time at Hope’s Peak, you’ve heard of the rumors about some of the students being able to eat humans whole, but you never thought someone as small as Hiyoko could do it. As you finally arrive in her gut, she lets out a loud-mouthed buuuurp. “Geez!” Hiyoko says annoyed, like she was the one being inconvenienced in this whole ordeal. You try to get your bearings in her gut, but acids gather very quickly around the inside of your new prison. You can start to feel yourself falling apart inside of her, and all she does is mock and laugh at you. You had thought Hiyoko was a good friend, but it seems she saw you just as filler for her gut. She always insulted you when you were around here, but you didn’t think she actually hated you. Did she just invite you to the show so she could have an easy dinner? You try to focus on your thoughts but the burning acid and constant insults from her make it near impossible to concentrate anymore. You know you shouldn’t take her insults to heart, but you can’t help but feel like you and your life really was worthless, amounting to nothing but food for some bitchy girl. “You having fun inside me? I bet a creep like you would! You’re probably enjoying being smothered by my stomach acid.” Hiyoko continues to lob insults and taunts at you, but you’ve stopped paying attention and have given in to your new role as food for the short dancer. It seems you’ll never be able to see your friend dance again. Instead, you would be part of her dance from now on, as fat on her ass, breasts, and stomach. Hiyoko gathers her belongings and gets ready to head home. She can feel you’ve stopped moving, and she says one last taunt to make sure you know you’re nothing but another meal to her. “Hey, has my acid melted your pathetic ass down yet? Or are you quiet because you’ve given into your new role as my subpar dinner? I probably shouldn’t have even swallowed you. You were one of the worst tasting things I’ve ever eaten. But you’re already in there, and I guess I could make this world a better place by getting rid of another piece of trash and making it part of me! Hey are you crying? Wow what are you 5?” Hiyoko’s last taunt got to you, and she knew it did. She laughed and gave her gut a heavy slap, hurting your already semi-digested body. She heads to the main exit and opens the door, slamming her gut into it on purpose. “Oops! Did that slam into the door hurt? Hopefully it didn’t smush you to bits, cause trash like you deserves to digest away inside me!” Hiyoko trotted along on her path home, burping and taunting you the whole way. About halfway back to her home, your body was finally too far gone and had lost to the acid. The last things you heard as you faded into unconsciousness was Hiyoko singing a little tune on how pathetic you are, or more so, how pathetic you were, since you weren’t going to be around for much longer. After an annoyingly long wrong, Hiyoko got back to her dorm room. You’ve noticeably shrunk in her gut during the walk, your body having lost most of its form. She sloshes her belly onto her bed and starts to poke and shake it. Even though you’re not around anymore, Hiyoko still feels the need to taunt and mess with what used to be you. She pushes her gut against her bed’s headboard, cracking your bones that were floating around in the liquid that used to be you. After several satisfying cracks and crunches, Hiyoko lays back into her bed. She shakes around your remains and grins smugly as how soft you’ve gotten. “I can’t believe you thought we were friends! I only have one friend and that’s Mahiru! You’re even stupider than that pig Mikan. And you tasted worse than her too! God, you’re just so pathetic!” After a snicker at her insults to the fleshy soup inside her that was once you, Hiyoko musters up a yawn and gets under her covers. She give one last slap to her belly which causes her to let out a disgusting sounding burp that could be heard up and down her dorm hallway. Hiyoko closes her eyes, letting what’s left of you to flow into the lower portions of her intestinal track. Hiyoko wakes up to the sound of her ass letting out a disgusting sounding fart. She looks over at her clock to see its 4 AM. She wants to go back to sleep, but she feels a pressure coming from her asshole. It seems that you’ve finally made your round trip. She reluctantly gets out of bed and trots over to her bathroom. As Hiyoko sits down onto the toilet, she instantly lets out a gassy PFFFFFFT. Your remains slowly plop out into the toilet, but Hiyoko doesn’t even pay attention to you. She just casually checks her phone and grunts a little bit. Finally, after a few minutes of grunting and shitting you out, your skull starts to come out. It takes a bit more pressure than usual, but it pops out of her asshole without a problem. She stands up and looks over your remains. The only things left of you were some undigested threads from your clothes left in the shit, a bunch of broken bones, and a skull that laid on top of your shitty form. She picked up your skull. This was the first time that a skull came out of her with minimal damage, her last prey Mikan having been shattered to bits thanks to how cruel Hiyoko had been to the poor girl. She came up with an evil idea to use for your skull. She was going to use it as a prop in her next dance. She’d step on the skull, throw it in the air, and give it the kicks it deserved. Hiyoko continued to focus on your skull and what evil she can do with it, and casually hit the nozzle on the toilet. She didn’t care one bit about what happened to the rest of you, all that mattered to her was that she could mess with some piece of you, even in death. She washed your skull off and headed back to her room, setting your skull on her nightstand. “Geez you asshole. I was trying to get a good night’s worth of sleep, but you just had to interrupt it, didn’t you!’ Hiyoko said tauntingly. Hiyoko looked at a mirror near her bed and saw how much you had added to her. Her breasts seemed to have gone up a size and her ass felt like it had a new layer of chub. She did have a slight muffin top, but she could work that piece of you off with a few dance numbers. Hiyoko looked over at Mahriu’s bed for approval over her new body, but it seems as if she wasn’t home. Hiyoko got kind of worried, it was rather late. What if someone had eaten her? “N-No way Mahiru would get eaten, r-right?” Hiyoko couldn’t fall back asleep with the thought in the back of her mind that her best friend might be stewing away in someone else’s gut. Hiyoko picked up your skull and held it like a stuffed animal. “T-this is the one time I’m gonna be nice to you, ok?! Later today, I’m gonna abuse your skull twice as much as a I planned to originally! I just need someone else’s comfort cause… If I lost Mahiru…” Hiyoko heard her front door open and saw a light shine through. She threw your skull against the wall, and quickly dashed to confront the source of the light… |
You’ve been working at Mahiru’s photo studio as an intern for about 3 months now. You and Mahiru have faced frequent arguments over this time, but you two usually make up afterwards. It didn’t help she was running a photo studio while still attending Hope’s Peak, leaving her with an astronomical amount of stress. As an intern, you had a loss less to worry about then her. Mahiru’s been an amazing boss to you and is always willing to listen when you have an idea. Earlier that day, you two were asked to take some photos of some everyday objects, edit them, and send them to a company that needed them for a magazine. However, the main studio camera you usually use has been acting up all day, which has caused you to have to work late on the photos. “Ughhh what is wrong with this computer!” Mahiru groaned. “We’ve been stuck in here all day and nothings working right! If we don’t get these photos sent within the next hour, we’re going to be late on our deadline. Geez I can’t even think straight with how hungry I am.” Mahiru looks like she truly wants to give up. You know she’s frustrated, and you’re scared to even talk to her in case she decides to yell up a storm. However, you know you want to help her get the deadline submitted, because if she misses it, she may be blacklisted from a bunch of companies, or may even be forced to give up the studio. You decide to muster up the courage and tell Mahiru to eat you. She looks at you with a look of annoyance, thinking it to be another one of your half assed jokes, but you quickly explain that you wanted to help calm her hunger so she could focus on finishing up the photos. She sighs and rub her temples, her headache only getting worse due to her hunger. “Alright fine, get over here. The computer’s taking it’s sweet time to load, so hurry up and stuff yourself down my mouth before it’s done.” With one quick and hard gulp, she swallows you down and immediately goes back to work on the photos. You settle into her stomach and hear her speaking to you, her voice rather muffled due to the layers of flesh between you and her. “You better do your best in there! I need absolute silence if I’m gonna get this done.” You try to get your bearings in your new wet and fleshy prison and end up struggling a bit too hard, which causes Mahiru to burp. “BURRPPPPP Ugh get it together in there! I swear you’re so useless sometimes! Now stop moving around in there! Do you understand? Answer me!” Mahiru pounds her gut as she yells at you. All you can muster to say is a quiet affirmation as she hits the top of your head with her fist. Mahiru sighs and returns to the photos. In just about 10 minutes, Mahiru is able to finish editing the last set of pictures. She continues to click away at the keyboard and then starts to talk to you. “Hey… I’m sorry about earlier. Thank you for helping me with this project. I’m glad I have someone as reliable as you around! I was struggling to just think with how hungry I was, but you really came through today! Maybe I can move you up from just being an intern!” As Mahiru compliments you for your dedication and hard work, she hits send on the email with the photos. “Alright, the photos have been sent! Hey intern, I want something to remember today. I’m going to set up my camera really quick and take a few quick photos. Don’t worry, I don’t plan on digesting you or anything. After all, who would be my meal when I get hungry during office hours.” You both muster a laugh at Mahiru’s joke as she sets up a tripod and camera. She hits a few buttons to put the camera on a timer and for it to take several shots. “All right, it’s all set up. Say cheese!” You hear the camera click outside of Mahiru’s gut and feel her walk over to check the photos it took. “Hey these look awesome intern! Hey, is it ok if I take a few more photos? I’d love to make a scrapbook out of these!” You tell her to go ahead, and she lets out a noise of excitement. Mahiru continues to take photo after photo, liking the next one more than the last one. You and her continue to talk and joke around while she takes the photos. You’re so distracted with everything happening that you don’t notice the acids that have started to pool around you in the stomach. After a while, your body starts to tingle and burn, and you kick Mahiru’s stomach wall in a reflex. “Ow, you jerk! What was that for!” You start to thrash in Mahiru’s gut and tell her that you’re starting to be digested. “C-calm down! I-I’ll find a way to get you out!” Mahiru runs out of the photo room and heads down the hall to the bathroom. “All right stay with me! I’m gonna try and puke you up okay!! Y-You need to stay with me!” Mahiru sits by the toilet and tries to throw you up but being so worked up, she can’t do it. She keeps trying and trying and then… BUUUUUURP All she could muster was a loud burp. “Intern I-I can’t do it. I can’t get you out! W-Wait let me try to do a handstand! Maybe I can get you out that way!” Mahiru awkwardly tries to use the wall to support herself, but you being in her gut makes it hard for her to stretch her body. You and all the acid are turned upside down as she gets into a handstand position. “All right hurry up and get out of there before anything-” As she says that, Mahiru falls back from the wall, landing onto her belly which gives off a loud, CRUNCH. “Intern! N-no, it can’t be! Are you- BUUUUUURP.” As Mahiru finishes her burp, a piece of your digested clothes flies out of her mouth. She slumps up against the wall and starts to cry. “I… I’m so sorry intern. I don’t know if you can even hear me anymore but I’m so sorry. It’s my fault you’re dead…. This is just the worst…” You can barely cling on to what Mahiru’s saying. You try to comfort her with the last of your strength, but you can’t even mutter a word. The last thing you hear as you leave this world is Mahiru crying heavily. After sitting in her studio and sulking for a few hours, Mahiru decides to head home. You’ve noticeably shrunken in her gut as she doesn’t even struggle to carry you around anymore. She slowly makes her way down her dorm hallway. After each step she takes, your bones hit one another and making a jangling noise inside of Mahiru. “BUUUURRP! P-Please be quiet! I can’t have anyone here find out I’m a pathetic killer...” By the time Mahiru reaches her door, she notices that her watch reads 4AM. “I’ve got to be careful not to wake Hiyoko. She’ll yell at me if I interrupt her beauty sleep…” Mahiru slowly creaks open the door to her room and sees that the light is on. Hiyoko dashes to the door and grabs onto Mahiru and her gut full of your remains. “Y-you jerk! Why didn’t you call me to tell me you were ok! I-I-I thought someone might have got you!” Hiyoko screamed at Mahiru, tears flooding her eyes. Mahiru couldn’t help but feel even more guilty. She not only had killed you, but she hurt her best friend emotionally. “H-Hiyoko I’m really sorry. I-I had an accident with my intern, and I wasn’t thinking about you right away.” Hiyoko looks at Mahiru’s extended gut and looks back up to Mahiru’s face. Normally, Hiyoko would use this time to mock whoever was in Mahiru’s gut, but she decided to be mature and talk with Mahiru. “I’m sorry Mahiru... Here let’s sit down and talk.” Mahiru and Hiyoko sit down on Mahiru’s bed and discuss what had happened to you, Mahiru telling her how she ate you and accidentally digested you. “Mahiru… I’m so sorry for your loss… You’ve been there for me a lot, and I want to be here for you.” Hiyoko states firmly. “Hiyoko… I… thank you. You’re the only person that truly understand me in this world.” Mahiru grabs Hiyoko and holds her tightly, her pudgy belly squishing up against Hiyoko’s own chub. “Mahiru… I know now’s not the best time but, when I thought something might have happened to you, I realized how truly upset I was, and with that I think I realized how I truly feel for you. Mahiru…. Will you date me?!” Hiyoko yelled quickly. Mahiru blushed and looked at Hiyoko. “Hiyoko… You know this is kind of sudden, right? But… I’ve had a crush on you for a while, but I didn’t want you to think I was weird… So yeah... Let’s go on a date tomorrow! I need something to distract me from my work for a while….” Mahiru and Hiyoko stare at into each other’s eyes, it’s as if they could see the other person’s soul in that instant alone. Hiyoko leaned into kiss Mahiru when…. “BURRRPPPP! Oh no, I think I need to let my intern out! I-I’ll be back Hiyoko!” Mahiru dashes to the bathroom to let what’s left of you out. As soon as she sat down, you came squirting out into the bowl below. Her stomach didn’t process you well and it seems you caused her to have a large case of diarrhea after she digested you. PFFFFFT. Mahiru continues to shit what’s left of you out, each push being more painful than the last. She kept going until your skull came sliding out, broken in two from when she landed on you. Mahiru stands up and looks at your remains. Hiyoko staggers in holding Mahiru’s camera. “Here… I thought you would want to document what’s left of your friend for a scrapbook.” Mahiru takes the camera and snaps a few photos of you and a few photos of her new breasts and ass. “I’m sorry intern. You were the best employee I could have asked for but… it looks like I have to let you go now…” Mahiru flushes the toilet and watches you flush down the drain. She takes one last photo of what’s left of you, as it goes into the sewers forever…. “All right Hiyoko… Let’s go to bed… Tomorrow will be a new day for both of us.” Hiyoko and Mahiru both walk into their bedroom. Mahiru climbs into her bed and Hiyoko climbs into bed with her. “Hey! Just because I want to date doesn’t mean you can come into my bed and take up all my space!” “Mahiru please! We’ve both been through a lot today, and I think it would calm us down.” Mahiru stared at Hiyoko’s innocent eyes before sighing and beckoning her over. “Alright, we can sleep together. You better not hog the blanket though!” “He He He, we’ll see!” Hiyoko said mischievously as she climbed into the bed and snuggled up to Mahiru. Mahiru wasn’t sure where Hiyoko’s new fat had came from, but she was gonna pry into who Hiyoko had eaten today. She knew the dancer had quite the appetite and Mahiru was more than willing to feed her with anyone she could find for as long as the two planned to date... |
You’re working backstage at a concert for local musicians. You’re supposed to cater to the musicians every need before they go out on stage. Everything seemed fine until you got to Ibuki Mioda’s room. Ibuki had a reputation for being a bit of weirdo at times, so you were worried that you wouldn’t be able to get her out on stage on time. She was supposed to go out in 10 minutes, so you thought it would be best if you went in to see if she was ready. As you enter her room, you notice that she was in the middle of playing her guitar, likely getting a little more practice in before she went out on stage. It took her a bit to notice you, but when she finally, she gave you a slight smile before playing the last few chords on her guitar. After putting her guitar down, she skipped over to you to see what was up. “Hey, is it time for me to go out yet? I’m frigging ready to get out there and tear up the stage!” As you talked to Ibuki and told her about what she needed to do to get the show started, your conversation was interrupted by a giant groaning sound from Ibuki’s stomach. “This is…. Oh, I’m really frigging hungry! H-hey backstage person, I need something to eat! If I don’t, I think I’ll just die.!” Ibuki made some gagging noises to imitate her dying, and then she fell backwards onto her dressing rooms couch. “Here lies Ibuki Mioda” she said with a smirk. You explain to Ibuki that since she didn’t order her dinner earlier like the other musicians, they hadn’t ordered anything for her. On top of that, she had at most 5 minutes till she had her performance, leaving there no time for you to get anything for her. “Hmmmm this is quite the pickle isn’t it. I can’t go on stage without food, but I need to go on stage in a few minutes… Ugh this is impossible!” Ibuki rubbed her hands on her temples, as if she were trying to stimulate an idea from it. After just a few seconds, her eyes light up. “Oh oh! I got it! I got an idea!” Ibuki having such a sudden idea definitely didn’t bode well with you, especially with the fact she had such an evil smile plastered on her face. “Alright so, some of my friends at Hope’s Peak taught me how to eat people! If I eat you whole and keep you in my stomach, then I won’t be hungry! My idea is perfect!” You express to Ibuki that you think that her plan may be a little dangerous and that maybe she should just go on stage hungry. “Hey, trust me! I won’t digest you! I just can’t focus without something in my stomach. Besides aren’t you backstage workers supposed to cater to our every need? Oh, if your boss found out that the poor young Ibuki faded away because you didn’t feed her….” You interrupt Ibuki’s dramatics and tell her to just hurry up and do it. “Wait you’ll actually do it? Alright! Hurry up and feed yourself to me so I can get out on stage! Be careful with my throat, I need to be prepped to sing!” You head over to Ibuki and prepare yourself to be swallowed by her. She shoves your head into her mouth, and you’re instantly hit with a putrid smell. It smells like Ibuki hasn’t brushed in a while, which wasn’t a surprise to you with how scatterbrained she was. She lifted your body up and began to swallow you more and more. All the while, she licked up and down your body as you were slowly gulped down. Right as Ibuki got to your feet, your body began to enter her stomach. After a bit of gulping down your legs, the last of you made it into her stomach. You were forced to put yourself into a fetal position with how cramped the space was, but at least you were already done with being gulped. “BUUUUURRRPPPP! Hey that sounded pretty cool! That might sound kind of nice in one of my songs! I could call it…. Good Nom Nom Nomming!” As Ibuki laughed to herself, you reminded her that she was supposed to be setting up on stage. “Ah you’re right! I swear, my memory really isn’t that great sometimes. All right let’s hurry out on stage! Also don’t worry about everyone seeing you wiggle in there, I’m gonna be behind a DJ booth today! Although please don’t wiggle too much. I really don’t wanna burp into the mic..” Ibuki quickly grabbed her guitar and headed out onto the stage. The curtain is still drawn, so she has a little bit of time to set up. She props her guitar up on the side of the DJ booth. To conceal you from everyone’s sight, she sticks you underneath the booth. “Hey just a heads up this is gonna be loud, so sorry about that! I probably won’t be able to hear you while I’m playing so if you have anything to tell me, tell me now.” You don’t really know what to say to Ibuki, so you wish her good luck in her playing. “Aw thank you! You know, I’m gonna make you an honorary band member for helping me fill my guts. I guess that doesn’t mean much since I don’t have a band, but hey, good job! All right, it’s about to start, so have fun in there!” A few seconds later, you hear the curtains draw and hear the crowd calling Ibuki’s name. “Hey y’all! It’s Ibuki Mioda! Thanks for coming out today! I’ve got a special program for you guys today, so let’s hit it!” Ibuki slams some buttons on her booth to get the show started. You hear Ibuki start to play her first song, and it’s louder than you expected. You thought the musicians were loud from backstage but being in her gut really amplified the sound of her music. Ah well, you were stuck in here for the next hour, so you might as well take a break and look at your phone. You reach in your pocket for your phone, but you don’t feel it in there. You must have left it in your locker when you were getting ready earlier. Well, you can’t do much while you’re stuck inside Ibuki, so you just listen to her music to pass the time. About 10 minutes later, Ibuki’s gotten into her third song of the night. Your body starts to feel a burning sensation on it, as if something were eating away at your skin. You look around the gut to see that acid had poured in and started to surround you. Ibuki said she wouldn’t digest you; did she lie? No Ibuki wasn’t a malicious person like that, could she have just forgotten you were in here? Ibuki did have a one-track way of thinking and constantly forgot about stuff she had to do, but she wouldn’t forget not to digest you, right? You give her gut a good kick, to try and get her attention, but she doesn’t even get fazed by it. You continue to punch and kick Ibuki’s stomach walls, but she pays you no mind. You had about 45 minutes until the show ended and the acids were already making quick work of your clothes. Looks like you would have to wait until Ibuki finished her show and pray you didn’t suffer too much damage in the meantime. Over the next 45 minutes, Ibuki’s stomach acid made quick work of you. It digested your clothes within a few minutes and started to soak into your skin. Ibuki must have been really hungry, as her stomach was trying to digest and absorb you at a tremendous speed. After each song Ibuki sung, it felt like the fleshy walls around you only got tighter and tighter. On top of that, the smell inside Ibuki’s stomach was one of the worst you had every smelt. The corrosive acid mixing with her saliva made for a smell you thought would never wash off of you. Finally, after 45 minutes of singing and playing music, Ibuki gave one loud final goodbye to the crowd, and the curtain closed. You were going to be saved! Ibuki would see her gut and remember to let you out. You felt Ibuki stand up from her chair and start to walk off. “Geez that show wore me out. Maybe I’ll lock myself in my show room and take a nap before I head home.” Ibuki wasn’t even acknowledging you. You tried to push her gut and call out to her, but you were so tired from the acids that you couldn’t do either with enough force to make her notice you. You heard Ibuki close a door and lock it behind her. You then felt Ibuki run and jump onto her couch and land face first. This certainly didn’t help your situation, as she landed onto you, crushing some of your weak bones and ripping some of your digested skin off as well. Within a minute, you heard Ibuki doze off and start to snore. This was it…. You were going to die. As she slept, Ibuki put more and more pressure onto you, cracking more and more bones. Acid continued to soak in and rip off your skin, sending it into the lower intestines to be fully digested. Finally, after 10 more minutes of extreme suffering inside of Ibuki, your body was crushed from her sleeping on top of you, leaving you as nothing but a mashed-up meal inside of her. “Yaaaaawn! Geez what time is it… Oh crap it’s 2am! The venue must be closed by now, so I don’t even know if there’s a way out….” Ibuki sighed to herself and looked down at her body. “H-Hey where’d this bulge come from? Did I eat something big before I fell asleep?” Ibuki poked at her gut, sloshing your remains around inside her. She didn’t even realize she had eaten and digested you. “Well it is kind of cute, so I don’t mind it! Poke Poke Poke!” After poking her gut with her fingers, Ibuki let out a giant BUUUUUUURP. “Geez that stinks! Ugh I don’t want to stay here. I need to get home and sleep in my actual bed. Plus I can work this meal off a bit.” Ibuki got off the couch and left her show room. She searched around the building and finally found an exit she could get out. All the while, you sloshed around in her gut with each step she took. Ibuki got outside and started to head home. Her house was only a few blocks from the venue, so she had walked there when she arrived earlier. Hope’s Peak was on break for the week in an attempt to get students looking for internships, so Ibuki had head home since a lot of her venues were near her house. “Geez now I gotta walk home with this sloshing gut. I seriously can’t remember what I ate… But you know, this sloshing sound coming from my stomach is kind of cool. Oooh! I’ll use my phone to record it! That could give me some neat sounds to put in an album!” Ibuki walked home with her phone pressed against her gut. She did all kinds of different and weird movements to get as many different tracks of audio as she could. Since Ibuki was messing around, it took her a lot longer than expected for her to get home, but she was satisfied with how much she recorded. As she entered her house, she rubbed her gut and saw how quickly it had shrunk on the way back. The walk had taken its toll on you and had completely digested your remains into nothing but brown shit deep inside Ibuki’s colon. “Aww… Bye Bye Gut! You were pretty fun to mess around with!” As Ibuki set some of her stuff down in her room and her kitchen, she felt a sudden pressure from her lower body, followed by a loud fart. “Whatever I ate wants to come out already! Crap crap, I need to get to the bathroom!” Ibuki skipped to her bathroom, singing a song about poop as she did before eventually getting to the bathroom and sitting on the toilet. She slowly let you out, chunk by chunk. She didn’t even notice your bones since they were crushed to pieces when she laid on you. Ibuki just kept pushing you out and singing to herself. Finally, she got to your skull and screamed in pain. “Oww! What’s clogging up my asshole!” Finally, with huge push, Ibuki shit out your skull into the toilet. As it came out, it cracked in half, falling into the toilet with the rest of you. Ibuki stood up and looked at the inside of the toilet. “Hmm? Bones? Did I eat someone? I don’t remember eating anyone today… Maybe a fan fed themselves to me while I slept? Aww, I have the most loyal fans! They go to the longest lengths to support me! Well sorry whatever your name was, but I can’t really hang out with someone who’s so shitty. Hehe… Well I think this is goodbye… Oh wait!” Ibuki ran to the other room and grabbed a sharpie. She ran back into the bathroom and began to sign a bit of your cracked skull. “Here I’m gonna sign your skull so you have something to remember me by while you’re stuck in the sewers. After all, you gave me this cute muffin top, so this is thanks for being such an awesome fan of me! Anddd there we go! Bye bye! Please don’t get lost in my pipes on the way to the sewers!” With your usefulness done, Ibuki pressed the toilet plunger and waved goodbye to your remains. The punk rock girl waddled out of the bathroom and into her room. Before she laid down, she looked at her full-length mirror to see what you added to her. “Look at that! You get to support me as a part of me forever! I especially like what you added to my stomach! I hope I can find someone who likes it, or maybe wants to add to it…” Ibuki mustered another yawn and jumped into her queen-sized bed. She laid in bed, happily thinking you were a fan who wanted to be digested and to become a part of her. Little did Ibuki know, that she had accidently killed you, an unwilling stagehand, with her stomach. The only evidence of you ever existing was now in the sewers and on Ibuki’s new body. Ibuki would probably forget about you in the next few days, leading the girl utterly guilt free at your digestive demise… |
You’re a 3rd Year Student at Shujin Academy. The last month has been bad for you as you’ve been studying for finals week. You decided to head to the Big Bang Burger in Shibuya afterschool to give yourself a chance to relax. As you enter the building, you see your close friend Haru Okumura inside a booth stuffing herself full of burgers and fries. She makes eye contact while she starts to bite into another burger. After gulping half of it down, she wavers you over. “Good day! How was your day today?” You explain that it wasn’t too bad, but that the stress of finals was really starting to have an effect on you. “O-Oh right those are next week… I’ve been stress eating like crazy for a while now and it’s had a really bad effect on my metabolism. I’ve eaten three full burgers and 2 packets of fries and I’m still hungry. I just wish there were something more filling to eat… Oh, I’m sorry! I started rattling on about myself! Here do you want some?” Haru lifts her packet of fries towards you, and you kindly take a few from it. You and Haru continue to complain about all the course work for your classes for a while until you hear a loud GROOOOANN come from Haru’s chubby gut. “Oh no! I need something to eat… I have a favor to ask… Could you order me like 10 full meals from the register over there? Just tell them it’s for me and they shouldn’t charge you. I’m going to munch on these fries and try to stop the hunger…” As you wait in line, you see Haru grow a depressed look on her face as she tries to study her notes but fails after her stomach produces another loud GROOOOAAANN. As you get her order and walk back over to your booth, you get an idea in your head. You set the tray in front of Haru and tell her your plan as she starts to scarf down another burger. You explain that you want Haru to eat and digest you. She has been one of the kindest people to you since you entered Shujin, and you explain that you want to pay her back in some way. “E-eat you! A… And d-digest you? I know predators are becoming more common now, but I don’t know if I have the heart to do it! Especially to a close friend like you.” As Haru firmly tells you she won’t eat you, a loud GROOOOOOOOAAN fills the Big Bang Burger, causing many patrons and employees to turn their head in bewilderment. “A-Alright. If it’s okay with you I guess I’ll do it… B-But make sure you’re certain! I can feel a bunch of acids in my stomach already, and I don’t think you would survive very long…” As Haru prattles on about the safety of the whole experience, you lean across the booth and shove your head into her mouth. “Mph!” Haru reluctantly swallows you down her throat, taking only two gulps to pull you down. You slide down her gluttonous throat, until you splash into her stomach, your new temporary home. She was right about the acids in her stomach. As soon as you land in the liquid, your skin immediately starts to burn. You look around her gut to see that the burgers she had just eaten only 10 minutes ago had already been reduced to a liquid mush inside her. “Oh, why did you force yourself down my throat! I wasn’t ready mentally yet… But you were pretty tasty to be honest. You had a really sweet and lovely flavor…” As Haru describes your own taste to you, she lets out a sudden burp that shakes your surroundings. As you try to get used to the acids inside Haru’s gut, she continues to talk to you. “I have to say… This isn’t as bad as I expected it to be. In fact, eating others is kind of fun! It’s fresh and exciting to me.” Haru quiets down and starts to look at her notebook to try and study when you hear her gut make a loud groaning noise around you. “Oh… My stomach’s still rumbling… Well… there are these burgers you got me, and I wouldn’t want to let them go to waste… Sorry if you get crushed in there by this food, but I need to make sure I satiate this hunger!” You hear Haru start to devour the food in front of her, quickly taking bite after bite of food. As she ate her second lunch, you started to get squished by the amount of food that was being dropped on top of you. Within a few minutes, she had eaten 4 burgers and a packet of fries. You couldn’t help but start to feel cramped by all the new food in her gut, but you knew you were just a meal for her at this point, so there wasn’t much point talking back at your predator’s eating habits. “Sorry for the trouble! I know you’re going through a lot already in there, but I just need more food in me…” As Haru finished talking, a loud BUUUUUURP escaped from her mouth, which caused all the food and acids around you to shift around. Haru made sure to excuse herself for her gross behavior, the staff growing worried at the sight of their new owner becoming a predator. Haru then continued to work on the food in front of her, starting by gulping down her cup of soda. The soda poured onto you directly, making the damage on your skin hurt even more than before. Haru drank cup after cup of soda until she had swigged everything that was available to her at her booth. “Hah… You know, it’s quite fun being here with you! Having someone fill my stomach has been the best thing to happen to me all year!” Haru let out another unladylike burp that once again shifted around everything in her stomach. Unlike before though, Haru didn’t excuse herself for her rude action. Instead, she got mad at you. “Stay still will you!” She followed this anger by punching the top of her gut. The punch from her knocked your upper body into the pool of liquid sludge beneath you. Your face immediately started to burn. You had known Haru to be a kind and caring person, but it felt since she had eaten you, her whole personality had started to change. Maybe you feeding yourself to Haru wasn’t a very good idea. Haru continued to eat the food in front of her, crunching away at everything in sight. As she ate, the acidy liquid around continued to grow and grow. Haru shoved the last burger down her throat, and it plopped right onto the top of your head, the gluttonous girl not even chewing or savoring her food. You moaned to Haru how you were in tremendous pain and to please let you out, but all the food stuck around you just muffled your words. “Hmm… Did you say something? You probably want out but what did I tell you earlier? The acids probably turned you mostly into paste, so it would be best if you just submitted to my gut!” Haru was right. Your body wouldn’t survive even if you were to get out of her stomach right now. You let out a sigh and gave into your role as just food for Haru. The acids finally began to rise to your head and began to rip at your flesh. You continue to fade in and out of consciousness at Haru’s acids slowly chip away at what little there is left of you. As you painfully fade away in her gut, you her Haru gleefully flip through her notes, not even caring anymore that she had just ended your existence. You pass out for the final time as the acids rise past your head, your body now nothing but meat like the burgers surrounding you. Haru continued to look through her notes while your remains squished through her digestive track. As she looked through her notes, she started to feel a lot better about her finals next week. She wasn’t as ill prepared as she originally thought she was. In fact, she felt she might ace her finals! “Hah I think I deserve a break from studying for so long!” Haru closed her notebook and turned her attention to her gut which was quickly shrinking in size. It had only been less than an hour since she had eaten you, but her gut quickly churned you down and put you to use as fat onto her body. Haru gave her new layer of gut a good rub to try and make sure every bit of you had gone through her. As she rubbed her gut, an audible fart came out of Haru’s backside. After the gas passed through her ass, Haru felt a sudden pressure from her backside, so she quickly put her belongings into her purse and headed for the Big Bang Burger’s bathroom. With a quick pace, Haru entered the dimly lit bathroom and headed for a nearby stall. She sat the toilet seat down and slipped down her cloth skirt. She laid her ass onto the seat of the toilet and started to go about her business. A bright yellow stream poured down into the bowl as Haru felt the contents of her colon begin to move. A large piece of shit started to push out of Haru’s asshole, causing her to grimace and moan slightly. The thick brown form continued to force its way out of Haru, causing her to feel a pain she wasn’t used to. She continued to moan painfully as your remains were forced out of the rich girl’s bum. Haru finally felt the last piece of shit forcefully pop its way out. She grabbed some of the toilet paper and wiped, making sure all of your shitty form had when cleanly wiped of her beautiful ass. Haru stood up and looked down at the toilet bowl you were in. She had eaten so much food that the bowl was filled to the brim with her shit. Not only that, but she could barely even make out where your bones were inside the giant shit pile. “Honestly, I’m a loss at what to say right now. I guess this is goodbye? Well, apart from what you left on my body.” Haru giggled to herself and hit the toilet lever to flush you away. Part of her shit started to go down, but the toilet quickly clogged. Embarrassed, Haru quickly left the Big Bang Burger, leaving your remains to be cleaned up by an underpaid employee. Haru made her way to the subway station to catch a ride home. As she walked, the fat you left on her body jiggled with each step. She got onto the train she needed and sat down in an available seat. Haru eating you had drastically changed her view on life. She wanted to eat more people for fun and to satiate a newfound hunger that you had brought out of her. These new viewpoints changed who Haru was as a person, causing her to lose her Persona. Instead, she had gained a palace much like her fathers. She now believed that she could eat anyone she wanted and that her meal should give in willingly to her like you did. She became the deadly sin of greed her father once was, and she loved how it felt. She couldn’t help but fantasize about eating a bunch of people, even some of her closest friends. Haru would no longer be of any use to the Phantom Thieves, and she may prove to be a hinderance if her hunger got the better of her… |
Subsets and Splits