|**Tungsten Flight**| |-|-| |**Headquarters**|[[Alta Base|Alta Base]] (formerly), [[Platform Prime|Platform Prime]]| |**Type**|DDF flight| |**World of Origin**|[[Detritus|Detritus]]| |**Universe**|[[Cytoverse|Cytoverse]]| **Tungsten Flight** is a part of the [[DDF|DDF]]. The Flight participates in the [[Second Battle of Alta|Second Battle of Alta]] and provides cover to try and drive the [[Varvax|Krell]] away from the falling shipyard.
Tungsten Flight
|**Dorim vine**| |-|-| |**Type**|Plant| |**Used for**|Water source| |**World of Origin**|[[Taldain|Taldain]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| **Dorim vines** are a type of flora native to the Dayside of [[Taldain|Taldain]]. Like most flora of the [[Kerla|Kerla]], the ecosystem of dorim vines exists below the sands. The vines draw their water from the water table or some other subterranean source. For this reason, [[Deep sand|deep sand]] is uninhabited by dorim vines. Dayside desert, such as Lossand, also does not have dorim vines present. Dorim vines carry a significant amount of water within themselves as a defense mechanism against certain creatures native to Dayside, such as [[Sandling|sandlings]]. These creatures have skin or carapaces that dissolve if they come into contact with water, even if they are terken. Daysiders use dorim vines as a water source. Pouring water onto sand draws nearby vines out of the ground. Cutting the vine releases a flow of water. Fitting cut vines back together allows the vine to repair itself. Despite much of Dayside being covered in sand, the regions where dorim vines grow are not considered to be desert.
Dorim vine
|**Church of the Survivor**| |-|-| |**Related to**|[[Kelsier|Kelsier]]| |**Type**|Religion| |**World of Origin**|[[Scadrial|Scadrial]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| The **Church of the Survivor** (later **Survivorism**) is a religion on [[Scadrial|Scadrial]] founded during the fall of the [[Final Empire|Final Empire]] and the ascension of [[Harmony|Harmony]]. Their symbol is a wooden spear painted silver. The religion is based upon the exploits of [[Kelsier|Kelsier]], the Survivor of Hathsin. Some of the "miracles" alleged by faithful members of the religion were actually trickery using [[Allomancy|Allomancy]] and later using a [[Kandra|kandra]]. These "miracles" were part of Kelsier's master plan to upset the balance of power in the Final Empire. The religion was taken up mostly by [[Skaa|skaa]] with prominent figures such as [[Demoux|Demoux]] and also [[Elend|Elend]], who joined the Church to further his position with the skaa. During the events in [[Urteau|Urteau]], the heavy influence of the Church led to the rise of the Survivor of Flames, [[Spook|Spook]]. It eventually evolved into the modern Scadrian religion of **Survivorism**. Survivorism also calls Kelsier The Lord of the Mists, teaching that Kelsier will appear on misty nights and bless the independent. Followers of Survivorism are considered anyone who survives on their own, or thinks for themselves. Additionally, a Survivorist's scars are seen as a mark of devotion. One of the few rules in the religion is to simply survive, which is seen as deeply ironic to some because the religion was founded around a death. The religion supports anyone who survives on his or her own, which comes from Kelsier's hatred of the nobility and politics in general. Additional figures in the religion include [[Vin|Vin]], who was originally known as The Heir of the Survivor and is now known as The Ascendant Warrior, and Sazed (Harmony), named "Holy First Witness" by early members of the church. Another figure, The Lord Mistborn, is Lestibourns (Spook), who was made a Mistborn by Sazed (Harmony) after the world was reborn, and asked to look after humanity. After Sazed ascended to become Harmony, he left a book detailing the events leading up to the rebirth of the world including the Hero of Ages prophecy. He also left books that contained all of the knowledge contained in his [[Coppermind|Copperminds]]. These become known as The [[Words of Founding|Words of Founding]]. The [[Pathism|Pathians]] and Survivorists both use these books. Despite this, the Survivorists dislike those who follow the Path, but the feeling isn't reciprocated. ## Doctrine Survivorism is very conservative and forbids homosexuality, a holdover from when repopulating the Basin was the prime concern of most people. Survivor's Day is a Survivorist holiday, the exact practices of this holiday, or when it occurs, are unknown. ## Notable followers [[Father Bin|Father Bin]] [[Steris|Steris]] [[Marasi|Marasi]] [[Allomancer Jak|Allomancer Jak]] [[Clamps|Clamps]] [[Miles|Miles]] (Converted to [[Trellism|Trellism]].) [[Gave Entrone|Gave Entrone]]
Church of the Survivor
|**Field of Rebirth**| |-|-| |by EccoS | |**City**|[[Elendel|Elendel]]| |**World**|[[Scadrial|Scadrial]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| The **Field of Rebirth** is the site at which the survivors emerged after the reshaping of [[Scadrial|Scadrial]] following the ascension of [[Harmony|Harmony]]. It is also the last resting place of [[Vin|Vin]] and [[Elend Venture|Elend Venture]]. The field is covered with [[Marewill flowers|Marewill flowers]] all year round thanks to a hot spring underneath. The tomb is capped by statues of the "Last Emperor" and the "Ascendant Warrior," Elend and Vin respectively. At the time of [[Waxillium|Waxillium]] and [[Wayne|Wayne]] the field is at the center of [[Elendel|Elendel]] forming the hub for the system of canals radiating out of the city. It is also the point through which [[Scadrial|Scadrial's]] prime meridian passes, as measured by the [[Canton of Cartography|Canton of Cartography]]. ## Tombs Both [[Vin|Vin]] and [[Elend|Elend]] are buried there, in a crypt under the statues in their honor. The crypt was set above the main entrance to the [[Kandra Homeland|kandra Homeland]] as well as the storage caches people used to survive the [[Catacendre|Catacendre]]. They serve as both a museum dedicated to the [[Originators|Originators]] and a mausoleum for [[Vin|Vin]] and [[Elend Venture|Elend Venture]]. The museum is composed of a network of caves that Originators hid in during the [[Final Ascension|Final Ascension]]. The subjects covered by the museum include the [[Words of Founding|Words of Founding]], works by the Originators, [[Kelsier|The Survivor]], and the [[Allomantic|Allomantic]] metals. The museum also has replicas of [[Sazed|Sazed's]] armbands and the [[Bands of Mourning|Bands of Mourning]]. An entrance to the [[Kandra|kandra]] [[Kandra Homeland|Homeland]] is hidden within the room dedicated to [[Atium|atium]].
Field of Rebirth
|**Unknown**| |-|-| |**Family**| |**Relatives**|[[Gvori|Gvori]], [[Karavangia|Karavangia]], [[Ruli|Ruli]], [[Savrahalidem|Savrahalidem]]| |**Ancestors**|[[Taravangian|Taravangian]]| |**Residence**|[[Kharbranth|Kharbranth]]| |**Nationality**|[[Kharbranthian|Kharbranthian]]| |**Homeworld**|[[Roshar|Roshar]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| |**Introduced In**|*The Way of Kings*| This article's title is uncanonical and a fan created one, because an official term or name has not been made yet. **Taravangian's granddaughter** is a member of the [[Kharbranthian|Kharbranthian]] royal family on [[Roshar|Roshar]]. She is quite young, below the age that a modesty sleeve is required for the sake of propriety and is attended by several nursemaids. ## Contents 1 History 2 Relationships 2.1 Taravangian 3 Trivia 4 Notes ## History Following a [[Highstorm|highstorm]] in 1174 Taravangian's granddaughter, along with her nursemaids and several palace servants, became trapped after a rockslide cut off the entrance to the room they were in inside the [[Conclave|Conclave]]. The young girl was rescued by [[Jasnah Kholin|Jasnah Kholin]] after [[Taravangian|King Taravangian]] enlisted the [[Alethi|Alethi]] princess to [[Soulcast|Soulcast]] the rock that was blocking the doorway to the room. Following the incident, the young girl recovered well, though she developed a tendency to avoid the narrower passages in the Conclave. Later during the year, she was gifted a portrait of the king by her grandfather, drawn by [[Shallan Davar|Shallan Davar]]. ## Relationships ### Taravangian In the hopes that he could witness Jasnah using her Soulcaster, Taravangian deliberately had his granddaughter trapped via a cave-in following the highstorm. Despite his ulterior motives, he was concerned for his granddaughter's wellbeing and did not want her to be harmed, even though he put her in a dangerous situation. ## Trivia [[Gvori|Gvori]], [[Karavangia|Karavangia]], and [[Ruli|Ruli]] are different grandchildren to the one who Taravangian had trapped by the rockfall. It is unknown if this grandchild is a sibling or cousin of Taravangian's other grandchildren.
Taravangians granddaughter
|**Well of Sorrows**| |-|-| |**City**|[[Pitch|Pitch]]| |**Region**|[[Blackened Lands|Blackened Lands]]| |**World**|[[Mirandus|Mirandus]]| This page or section needs to be updated with new information for *Dark One Book 1*!Be aware that in its current state, it may not include all additional content yet. >“*Even Malmahan, uncalled by the Narrative and unchecked by destiny--he who nearly ripped the world asunder. Even he was just a man before the well.*” \-Rastik to Paul Tanasin[1] The **Well of Sorrows** is a pool of reddish liquid contained deep within the [[Dark Keep|Dark Keep]], in the city of [[Pitch|Pitch]]. ## Purpose & Usage The well is the source of all Dark One's powers, and grants them knowledge of the secrets of their powers. The well is not filled by any mortal hands, and only a Dark One can then drink from the well. The well appears to call to the Dark One, enticing them to drink from it. [[Nikka|Nikka's]] memory is restored simply from being near the well. She can show Paul these memories due to being surrounded by so much power here. ## Location The well is located deep within the Dark keep, past all the [[Ironkeeper|Ironkeeper's]] standing guard. It is contained in a large circular room, overlooked by many towering statues, many times the size of a human.
Well of Sorrows
|**Dwookim**| |-|-| |**Died**|| |**Abilities**|[[Yoki-hijo|Yoki-hijo]], [[Cognitive Shadow|Cognitive Shadow]]| |**Profession**|Yoki-hijo| |**Nationality**|[[Torish|Torish]]| |**Homeworld**|[[Komashi|Komashi]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| **Dwookim** is a [[Torish|Torish]] [[Yoki-hijo|yoki-hijo]] who is very active in the [[Reform movement|reform movement]] prior to her retirement. As a reformed yoki-hijo, she often eats, bathes, and makes other decisions for herself. Later in her career, Dwookim works only about half the days of any given week, taking the other days off for rest or other personal reasons. When working, she summons an average of roughly ten [[Hijo|hijo]] in a session. She eventually retires, presumably at or by the age of seventy. [[Hwanji|Hwanji]] works as one of Dwookim's attendants for several years.
|**Tanuzedran**| |-|-| |**Sapient**|Yes| |**Universe**|[[Cytoverse|Cytoverse]]| The **tanuzedran** are a sapient species in the [[Cytoverse|Cytoverse]]. They look similar to red pandas and stand about one meter tall on average.
|**Natata Ved**| |-|-| |**Aliases**|Oileyes| |**Profession**|Scholar| |**Nationality**|[[Veden|Veden]]| |**Homeworld**|[[Roshar|Roshar]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| **Natata Ved**, also known as **Natata Oileyes** or simply **Oileyes**, was an ancient [[Jah Keved|Veden]] scholar on [[Roshar|Roshar]]. Her nickname was given to her by her contemporaries, but its meaning is unknown. Natata lived in [[Jah Keved|Jah Keved]] two hundred years after the death of King [[NanKhet|NanKhet]] and the founding of the [[Siln|Siln]] dynasty. She is best known for writing a dramatized account of NanKhet's life and death, which is the earliest source of information about him to have survived to the present day. Despite the long time passing between NanKhet's death and her work, she insisted that her research was rigorous, although [[Jasnah Kholin|Jasnah Kholin]] notes that modern scholarship was still in its infancy during Natata's lifetime. Oileyes is said to have had a passion for the dramatic, and took delight in describing the irony of NanKhet's final moments. >“* “The great, but weary, NanKhet called for an accounting of all his household. He gathered them together at a grand feast, promising the delights of distant Aimia. Instead, when all were assembled, NanKhet had them executed one by one. Their bodies were burned in a grand pyre, upon which was cooked the meat for the feast that he ate alone, at a table set for two hundred.”*” \- From Natata Ved's account of NanKhet's life[1]
Natata Ved
|**Contemplation**| |-|-| |by Nabetse Zitro | |**Titles**|Contemplation| |**Groups**|[[Greater Good|Greater Good]]| |**Residence**|[[Beacon|Beacon]]| |**Ethnicity**|[[Threnodite|Threnodite]]| |**Homeworld**|[[Canticle|Canticle]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| |**Introduced In**|*The Sunlit Man*| This page or section needs to be updated with new information for *The Sunlit Man*!Be aware that in its current state, it may not include all additional content yet. **Contemplation** is one of the [[Greater Good|Greater Good]] among the [[Beacon|Beaconites]] on [[Canticle|Canticle]]. ## Abilities and Attributes Contemplation would hunt when she was younger, making her an excellent shot. ## Trivia Contemplation was inspired by [[Brandon|Brandon's]] grandmother, Mary Beth Sanderson.
|**Larkin**| |-|-| |by Casta | |**Type**|Animal| |**Sapient**|Yes| |**Native to**|[[Aimia|Aimia]]| |**World of Origin**|[[Roshar|Roshar]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| This page or section contains spoilers for *Wind and Truth*!This information has the ability to potentially ruin elements of the plot for the reader. Proceed with caution if you have not read this book. This page or section needs to be updated with new information for *Rhythm of War* and *Wind and Truth*!Be aware that in its current state, it may not include all additional content yet. **Larkin** are small, highly-valued, flying crustacean animals native to [[Aimia|Aimia]] on [[Roshar|Roshar]]. They can consume [[Stormlight|Stormlight]] as well as other forms of [[Investiture|Investiture]]. They have been a critically-endangered species since the [[Scouring of Aimia|scouring of Aimia]]. They are known as the **Ancient Guardians**, or **Guardians of Ancient Sins**, and have traditionally guarded the [[Dawnshard|Dawnshard]] on Aimia. The larkin are associated with the [[Knights Radiant|Knights Radiant]], though the specifics of their connection remain a mystery. One effect of this connection is possibly that [[Surgebinder|Surgebinders]] can sense a larkin's mood. ## Contents 1 Appearance and Anatomy 1.1 Feeding on Investiture 2 History 3 Notable Larkin 4 Trivia 5 Notes ## Appearance and Anatomy Larkin are generally between a hand and a small melon in size. They are somewhat similar to [[Cremling|cremlings]] in appearance, although, unlike the cremlings' crabbish faces, the larkin have small faces, like those of [[Axehound|axehounds]], with a snout, mouth, and shimmering eyes of solid silver, as well as wings that fold out of their backs. Their wings are strong enough that they can fly, at least short distances. Larkin are capable of hearing [[Rhythm|rhythms]], similar to [[Singers|singers]]. They are also able to understand human languages, and can even crudely replicate it. During their lifespan a larkin bonds a particularly large kind of [[Luckspren|luckspren]] only found on [[Aimia|Aimia]] and must migrate there every few years to do so. Larkin can grow to great sizes but most now remain small, likely because they aren't bonding luckspren. It is unclear what the difference between larkin and [[Lanceryn|lanceryn]] is but they are very closely related. Of the few larkin that exist, [[Chiri-Chiri|Chiri-Chiri]] is the only known one to travel and bond a [[Mandra|mandra]] in a long time. Larkin may have some sort of special connection to the [[Tai-na|Tai-na]]; [[Vstim|Vstim]] says that Chiri-Chiri is given to [[Rysn|Rysn]] by [[Relu-na|Relu-na]] itself. According to [[Talik|Talik]], a family of [[Reshi|Reshi]] gods, the [[Na-Alind|Na-Alind]], made an agreement to keep safe the few surviving larkin after Aimia fell. ### Feeding on Investiture The most outstanding feature of larkin is their ability to feed on [[Investiture|Investiture]] (commonly [[Stormlight|Stormlight]], as they originate from [[Roshar|Roshar]]). This ability is related to both Leechers and [[Nightblood|Nightblood]], although they can't hold as much [[Investiture|Investiture]] as the latter. They can suck Stormlight out of [[Surgebinder|Surgebinders]] and [[Shardplate|Shardplate]] at will, causing the Light to stream visibly through the air and into the larkin's mouth. Larkin can also eat Stormlight that has been stored in gems and drain the [[Voidlight|Voidlight]] from a [[Fused|Fused]], and even [[Lifelight|Lifelight]] from [[Lift|Lift]]. After absorbing a large amount of Stormlight from the [[King's Drop|King's Drop]], Chiri-Chiri becomes noticeably larger. Since larkin feed on Investiture, they are incapable of pushing it *into* people. Larkin cannot feed on the Investiture of a person clad in [[Aluminum|aluminum]] or Shardplate, though they can feed on the investiture powering the Shardplate itself. A larkin would be able to prevent someone from becoming [[Returned|Returned]] by ingesting the [[Divine Breath|divine Breath]] as it attempted to enter the person. Larkin could also kill a Returned by feeding on all of their Investiture. ## History In the past, larkin have guarded the [[Dawnshard|Dawnshard]] on [[Aimia|Aimia]], giving them the title Ancient Guardians. During this time, the larkin were given eight [[Soulcaster|Soulcasters]] as an offering, though it is unclear as to why. Since the scouring of Aimia, larkin have become extremely rare, but are not totally unknown; [[Shallan Davar|Shallan Davar]] thinks of the phrase "rare as a larkin" when she has a moment of freedom and kings are willing to pay fortunes for their corpses. After the disappearance of the larkin from Aimia, the [[Sleepless|Sleepless]] took over the task of guarding the Dawnshard, although they still revere the original protectors. ## Notable Larkin [[Elhokar Kholin|Elhokar Kholin]] has the corpse of a larkin trapped inside a block of crystal to use as a paperweight in his conference room in the [[Pinnacle|Pinnacle]]. [[Vstim|Vstim]] trades a considerable quantity of goods for the corpse of a larkin. [[Rysn|Rysn]] is given a live larkin by [[Relu-na|Relu-na]]. She names it [[Chiri-Chiri|Chiri-Chiri]]. [[Nale|Nale]] uses one to drain [[Lift|Lift]] of [[Lifelight|Lifelight]] while attempting to capture her. [[Kaza|Kaza]] briefly encounters a creature that fits the description of a larkin in its native [[Aimia|Aimia]]. ## Trivia [[Brandon Sanderson|Brandon Sanderson]] and [[Isaac Stewart|Isaac Stewart]] sometimes refer to them as "dragon bugs". The [[Sleepless|Sleepless]] have crossbred their hordelings with larkin in order to gain the ability to drain [[Investiture|Investiture]]. The Sleepless know of three larkin that have survived.
|**Skaa**| |-|-| |by Francis Goeltner | |**Related to**|[[Final Empire|Final Empire]]| |**World of Origin**|[[Scadrial|Scadrial]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| The **skaa** are a race of humans on [[Scadrial|Scadrial]]. The skaa were effectively created by the [[Lord Ruler|Lord Ruler]] when he forcibly divided the people of the world. Skaa were believed to be descendants of the people who did not support the Lord Ruler during his rise to power, unlike the nobles. However, it is later revealed that skaa were created during the Lord Ruler's [[Ascension of the Lord Ruler|Ascension]], when he altered the physiology of people. The majority of the people he changed became skaa; built to be shorter, hardier, and more fertile. These physical differences were small, and have mostly been erased by noble and skaa interbreeding over the thousand years of the [[Final Empire|Final Empire's]] history. All skaa [[Allomancer|Allomancers]] are the result of noble and skaa blood mixing during some point in the person's heritage. ## Culture While not technically , because by law they are not the property of their masters, in practice they are treated like cattle and given about as much respect. The skaa are the beaten down, oppressed working class, and because of this many are timid in regards to the nobles. Skaa generally keep to themselves, and in the cities, a large number turn to a life of crime to sustain themselves. Those who are not criminals are worked to near death in some situations by their masters. Plantation skaa were especially brutalized and often did not live as long as their city counterparts as they were killed if they were unable to work. Only very skilled skaa were able to have a trade and work as a craftsman, like [[Clubs|Clubs]], although they were still underpaid and looked down upon by the nobility. Skaa maintain a fear of the evening [[Mist|mists]] due to folklore and misinformation spread by the nobles, believing those who go out into the mists are killed and turn into [[Mistwraith|mistwraiths]]. Skaa living in the outer dominances, far from the Central Dominance, are allowed to own lands and become rich, but the Lord Ruler does not allow this to become publicly known. ## Notable skaa For a complete list of skaa characters, see :Category: Skaa. [[Kelsier|Kelsier]] [[Vin|Vin]] [[Clubs|Clubs]] [[Dockson|Dockson]] [[Demoux|Demoux]] [[Ham|Ham]] [[Spook|Spook]]
|**Lanacin**| |-|-| |**Abilities**|[[Shardbearer|Shardbearer]]| |**Titles**|Lanacin the Surefooted| |**Nationality**|[[Alethi|Alethi]]| |**Homeworld**|[[Roshar|Roshar]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| **Lanacin the Surefooted** is a historical figure on [[Roshar|Roshar]]. He is said to have killed a [[Shardbearer|Shardbearer]] and won a [[Shardblade|Shardblade]]. He was presumably [[Alethi|Alethi]], as there is a monument to Lanacin in southwest [[Kholinar|Kholinar]]. [[Kaladin|Kaladin]] knew of his story, and believed that the stories of men like Lanacin and [[Evod Markmaker|Evod Markmaker]] indicated that opportunities for [[Darkeyes|darkeyes]] had decreased over time in Alethkar. Either Lanacin the Surefooted or [[Evod Markmaker|Evod Markmaker]] actually poisoned a Shardbearer to obtain their Shards, although this isn't well known.
|**Valhav**| |-|-| |by User: SaleSVQ| |**Era**|[[Heraldic Epochs|Heraldic Epochs]]| |**World**|[[Roshar|Roshar]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| **Valhav** was one of the [[Silver Kingdoms|Silver Kingdoms]] on [[Roshar|Roshar]] during the [[Heraldic Epochs|Heraldic Epochs]]. Like the other Silver Kingdoms, its name is symmetrical, owing to [[Vorin|Vorin]] tradition. ## Contents 1 Geography 1.1 Territories and Features 1.1.1 Territories 1.1.2 Geographic Features 2 Culture 2.1 Ethnicity and people 2.2 Writing and language 3 History 3.1 Creation of Roshar 3.2 Pre-Human Arrival 3.3 The Establishment of Valhav 3.3.1 Further Desolations 3.3.2 The Last Desolation (c.-3332) 3.3.3 After Aharietiam 4 Notes ## Geography ### Territories and Features #### Territories Valhav lies in the middle and eastern part of [[Roshar|Roshar]], stretching from the [[Purelake|Purelake]] in the west to [[Alethela|Alethela]] in the east. To the east, it borders [[Alethela|Alethela]] while to the north, it borders the kingdom of [[Rishir|Rishir]]. It also borders [[Makabakam|Makabakam]] in the south. It is located very close to a number of islands belonging to [[Rishir|Rishir]] and [[Thalath|Thalath]], in the north and south respectively. It also borders the [[Tarat Sea|Tarat Sea]] to the south and [[Makabakam|Makabakam]] to the south-west. It also borders Sela Tales in the west. #### Geographic Features Valhav is home to the [[Horneater Peaks|Horneater Peaks]], a large mountain range that contains hot springs at the tops, allowing for life to thrive. Valhav also controls a small part of the Purelake. The nation also has a number of great rivers running through it, most of which run either north or south and end in the Reshi or the Tarat seas. Valhav also claims a small part of the Ur Mountains. ## Culture #### Ethnicity and people Valhav has a variety of peoples. Most of them have pale skin and violet eyes. Although many people, particularly in the south of the nation, look more like their neighbours, the Alethelan people. These are generally tan with dark, typically black hair. Some people are even darker skinned then the Alethelan people. The men living in the Horneater Peaks also have pale skin, but are tall of stature, and often have red hair. #### Writing and language It can reasonably be assumed that the people of Valhav spoke a distant ancestor of modern day Veden. This language belongs to the [[Vorin|Vorin]] language family, which also contains the languages of the Alethi, the Thaylen, the Natan, and the Herdazian peoples. The Unkalaki living in the [[Horneater Peaks|Horneater Peaks]] speak a different language, which belongs to the Dawnate language family. The people of Valhav wrote in the [[Dawnchant|Dawnchant]]. After a while, they adapted the original Dawnchant script to fit their own language and developed their own script. This process began with simple phonetic substitution, in which they used the Dawnchant to transcribe their own language. ## History ### Creation of Roshar The land that would become known as Valhav was created at an unknown point before the [[Shattering|Shattering]] by [[Adonalsium|Adonalsium]], along with the rest of Roshar and the Rosharan supercontinent over ten-thousand years prior to Vorin year 1174. It is unclear how much the geography of Valhav has changed compared to the land at creation. ### Pre-Human Arrival Before humanity arrived on Roshar from Ashyn, the land that would come to be known as Valhav was inhabited by [[Singers|Singers]]. Circa -5825 in the Vorin calendar, humanity arrived on Roshar after fleeing Ashyn and were granted the land that would become [[Shin Kak Nish|Shin Kak Nish]]. After less than a generation, they headed an invasion, slaughtering some of the Singers and expelling them from their land, claiming it as their own, this included the land that would come to be known as Valhav. This history was lost to man until the discovery of the [[Eila Stele|Eila Stele]]. ### The Establishment of Valhav by Isaac Stewart Map of the Silver Kingdoms Valhav was founded in the [[Silver Kingdoms|Silver Kingdoms]] Epoch. Due to the Desolations, the people of Valhav were constantly returned back to early technological levels, often to the point of having to make use of stone tools. Though they advanced each time with the help of the Heralds whenever they returned, often receiving this assistance from [[Kalak|Kalak]] and his [[Willshapers|Willshapers]]. Old manuscripts and texts dating back to these times mention quick-spreading diseases in the east that killed tens of thousands, and it is likely that at least some of these diseases spread to Valhav. Very early in the nation's history, the city of [[Vedenar|Vedenar]], then known as Veden city, was created and made into its capital. Vedenar was eventually made into the home of the Valhav Oathgate. #### Further Desolations The Sixth Epoch lasted at least thirty-one years, and likely significantly longer, before its Desolation arrived. One of the many Desolations that struck the nation, along with the rest of Roshar, arrived in the year 337 of the Eighth Epoch. This Desolation was heralded by the release of [[Midnight Essence|Midnight Essence]] in a small settlement in [[Natanatan|Natanatan]]. The length of this Desolation is unknown. Another Desolation occurred later and ended circa -3333, during an unknown Epoch. This left society wounded and weak, forcing them into a period of recovery. #### The Last Desolation (c.-3332) The Last Desolation was a large scale Desolation which occurred circa -3332, around 4500 years before the [[True Desolation|True Desolation]]. This Desolation was particularly devasting due to the fact that it happened only a year after the previous Desolation, and thus society was weakened and still recovering. Tired of the Desolations and their torture on Braize, the nine Heralds still on Roshar refused to return to Braize, leaving Taln as the sole Herald on the planet for millennia. After the Last Desolation, Desolations ceased to ravage the nation. Due to this, society was able to advance much further than ever before, giving them the strength to potentially resist any potential Desolation without complete societal collapse. The era heralded by the Last Desolation came to be known as the Era of Solitude. #### After Aharietiam At some unknown point in history, after Aharietiam, Valhav collapsed. 4500 years after the Last Desolation, the area that was Valhav had fractured into multiple kingdoms, although the largest part was governed by [[Jah Keved|Jah Keved]].
|**Space bus**| |-|-| |**Type**|Spacecraft| |**Creators**|[[Nagadan|Nagadan]]| |**World of Origin**|[[Komashi|Komashi]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| This article's title is uncanonical and a fan created one, because an official term or name has not been made yet. The **"space bus"** is a [[Hion|hion]]-powered spacecraft that was used by a group of explorers from [[Nagadan|Nagadan]] on [[Komashi|Komashi]] to travel to [[UTol|UTol]]. It was then stolen by [[Hoid|Hoid]] and [[Design|Design]]. ## Contents 1 Context 2 Function 3 Mission to UTol 4 Theft 5 Notes ## Context For an unknown reason (possibly related to [[Virtuosity|Virtuosity's]] [[Splinter|Splintering]]), UTol was the only celestial object visible through the [[Shroud|shroud]] that covered Komashi for over 1,700 years. This caused it to be of great interest to the residents of Komashi during that time period. As Nagadan technology advanced, astronomers were able to use telescopes to determine that the "star" was in fact an inhabited planet. However, no radio signals were detected from UTol, leading the Nagadan to conclude that its inhabitants were less technologically developed than their own society. ## Function The spaceship functions similarly to the trains and buses found in Nagadan, riding along a pair of hion lines that originate on Komashi; the lines for the ship project from the planet into space. The hion provides both power and guidance, and the ship presumably must remain connected to the lines at all times. [[Nikaro|Nikaro]] believes that the hion lines for the space bus were strengthened somehow in order to cover such a large distance. A nonresident of Komashi can manipulate the hion to navigate the ship. The vessel was capable of reaching the [[Iron Seven Waystation|Iron Seven Waystation]], which lies an unknown distance from Komashi. ## Mission to UTol The vessel traveled from Komashi to UTol with a crew of astronauts on board, and completed one orbit before landing. During the orbit, the explorers confirmed the lack of radio signals from previous observations and performed a survey of the limited landmasses on the planet, finding a few settlements but theorizing that many of the residents lived on boats in the expansive oceans. Once the explorers landed, they used a camera to show the inhabitants as [[Sho Del|non-humans with four arms]], shocking Nikaro, who had believed the "star" to be the homeworld of [[Yumi|Yumi]]. As hion viewers can only display in magenta and teal, the explorers had to describe the skin tone of the aliens, describing them as pale, the color of "chalk". It is unclear what happened after the astronauts encountered the aliens, but the ship returned to Nagadan at some point. ## Theft After Yumi destroyed the [[Father machine|father machine]], Hoid was freed from the paralysis he had suffered since arriving on Komashi. Unwilling to wait the three years before he and [[Design|Design]] could next be "picked up" by an unknown party, Hoid agreed to follow the [[Cryptic|Cryptic's]] plan to steal the spaceship and pilot it to Iron Seven Waystation, likely allowing the pair to leave the [[UTol system|UTol system]]. Design's simple plan, involving Hoid imitating one of the astronauts (possibly using Lightweaving) to gain access to the ship, was successful. The subsequent fate of the ship is unknown.
Space bus
|**Guntua**| |-|-| |**Profession**|Pirate| |**Species**|[[Heklo|Heklo]]| |**Homeworld**|*Unknown*| |**Universe**|[[Cytoverse|Cytoverse]]| **Guntua** is a [[Heklo|heklo]] pirate in the [[Belt|belt]] of the [[Nowhere|nowhere]], and is a pilot in the [[Broadsider Faction|Broadsiders]]. ## History Guntua used to work at [[Surehold|Surehold]], and was part of the large group that defected alongside [[Peg|Peg]]. She joined up as a pilot in the Broadsider Faction, and piloted a powerful two-seat striker, which was equipped with formidable destructors and a twin booster. It was the best of Peg's ships. After a fea years in the Broadsiders, Guntua decided she wanted to take a step back from flying, and take a break to work on the ground crew. After [[Spensa Nightshade|Spensa Nightshade]] became the pirate champion, she was allowed to take Guntua's old fighter.
|**Barb**| |-|-| |**Family**| |**Relatives**|[[Wilson|Wilson]], , , | |**Profession**|Butler| |**Homeworld**|[[Earth (Legion)|Earth (Legion)]]| |**Introduced In**|*Legion: Lies of the Beholder*| **Barb** is [[Wilson|Wilson's]] grandniece and [[Stephen Leeds|Stephen Leeds']] new butler. Barb is a young woman with short blonde hair. Stephen thinks she looks awkward wearing coachman's gear. Barb is a upbeat person who truly wishes to be of help to Stephen, but Stephen repeatedly rejects her help. Barb is a competent butler and chauffeur, but is new to Stephen and his aspects, so isn't the best at working around them as Wilson does. She is able to make lemonade using Wilson's recipe. She shadowed Wilson buttling for some time before he left Stephen on his seventieth birthday. As Stephen's new butler, she drove him to the fairground and operated [[Razon's camera|Razon's camera]] for him. She drove him to WODE and attempted to help him infiltrate, but Stephen rebuffed her offers of help. She returned after Stephen finished his infiltration to pick him up and drive him to Wilson's birthday party.
|**Unknown**| |-|-| |**Family**| |**Children**|[[Dyel|Dyel]]| |**Parents**|[[Ym|Ym]]| |**Abilities**|[[Truthwatcher|Truthwatcher]], [[Shardbearer|Shardbearer]], [[Worldhopper|Worldhopper]]| |**Bonded With**|[[Uma|Uma]]| |**Residence**|[[Kasitor|Kasitor]]| |**Ethnicity**|[[Iriali|Iriali]]| |**Homeworld**|[[Roshar|Roshar]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| |**Introduced In**|*Wind and Truth*| This page or section contains spoilers for *Wind and Truth*!This information has the ability to potentially ruin elements of the plot for the reader. Proceed with caution if you have not read this book. >“*The gateway to the land of shadows. Honor's gateway... Oh Father, Mother, ancestors who have become One... Dyel, fetch the travel packs! It's time!*” \-Dyel's mother, when she realizes it is time for the migration to the fifth land[1] **Dyel's mother** is an [[Iriali|Iriali]] [[Truthwatcher|Truthwatcher]] bonded to [[Uma|Uma]]. She runs a shop with her daughter [[Dyel|Dyel]], which takes in visitors. ## Appearance and Personality Dyel's mother has the golden skin and hair typical of Iriali. In Iriali fashion, she usually wears a bandeau for a top with loose trousers below. ## History A year and a month before the migration to the fifth land, respectively, Dyel and her mother met [[Hoid|Hoid]] and a strange woman with [[Feruchemy|many rings]]. Just before the migration, [[Demoux|Demoux]], [[Baon|Baon]], and [[Galladon|Galladon]] were visitors to her shop. When they asked her daughter Dyel if she had seen a [[Mistspren|mistspren]], Dyel assumed Baon was the herald [[Nale|Nale]], returned to kill her mother as he had killed her grandfather [[Ym|Ym]], another budding Radiant. After Dyel's mother returned, her spren [[Uma|Uma]] cleared up the miscommunication. The family delivered a note from Hoid to the three men. Immediately after they left, [[Cusicesh|Cusicesh the Protector]] rose out of the bay and announced the migration to the fifth land. Dyel, her mother, and Uma made their way into [[Shadesmar|Shadesmar]] to begin their journey with the rest of the Iriali.
Dyels mother
|**Corvana**| |-|-| |**Profession**|Writer| |**Homeworld**|[[Roshar|Roshar]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| **Corvana** is a scholar on [[Roshar|Roshar]]. Corvana wrote the *Analectics*, a book that contained at least some quotes from the songs of the [[Vanrial|Vanrial]] that were thought to be in [[Dawnchant|Dawnchant]]. A copy of her book was owned by Princess [[Jasnah Kholin|Jasnah Kholin]] and later used by Brightlady [[Navani Kholin|Navani Kholin]] in 1173 to confirm that Highprince [[Dalinar Kholin|Dalinar Kholin]] was speaking in the Dawnchant during his visions.
|**Divinity Salvage**| |-|-| |**Family**| |**Siblings**|[[Rebeke Salvage|Rebeke]], [[Elegy Salvage|Elegy]]| |**Died**|Rescue mission at Union| |**Residence**|[[Beacon|Beacon]]| |**Ethnicity**|[[Threnodite|Threnodite]]| |**Nationality**|[[Union|Union]] | |**Homeworld**|[[Canticle|Canticle]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| |**Introduced In**|*The Sunlit Man*| **Divinity Salvage** is a citizen of [[Beacon|Beacon]] on [[Canticle|Canticle]] and the brother of [[Rebeke Salvage|Rebeke]] and [[Elegy Salvage|Elegy Salvage]]. Though he does not have an official position of leadership on Beacon like his sister Elegy, the Beaconite people respect Divinity and follow him to some extent. ## Contents 1 History 2 Relationships 2.1 Rebeke 2.2 Elegy 3 Notes ## History After his mother sacrificed herself to become a [[Sunheart|sunheart]], Divinity installed the sunheart in his and Rebeke's [[Hovercycle|quadcycle]] so that Rebeke could have it near her. Divinity and Rebeke rode on their quadcycle together during the rescue mission at [[Union|Union]]. Despite the explicit orders of the [[Greater Good|Greater Good]] to the contrary, they planned to find and take Elegy during the assault. Divinity carries a rifle, likely indicating that he is a hunter. When [[Nomad|Nomad]] calls out for help, Rebeke briefly turns to regard him but Divinity is thoroughly focused on finding Elegy and does not look. Divinity is rewarded for his diligence as he is the one to find the semi-conscious Elegy and along with Rebeke, haul her to their cycle and strap her to the right side back seat. The [[Cinder King|Cinder King]] shoots Divinity twice with his energy rifle from the deck of his ship. The first shot hits his shoulder causing him to scream in pain and stumble backwards then the next shot vaporizes his head, killing him instantly. Under continuing fire, Rebeke is forced to leave Divinity's body behind in Union's arena. When visiting the [[Chorus|Chorus']] Reliquary, Rebeke believes she sees Divinity's face among the [[Shade|shades]]. However, this is almost certainly untrue as the [[Investiture|Investiture]] of those who die on Canticle gets converted into a sunheart instead of a shade, even if the person did not die from the sunlight directly. ## Relationships ### Rebeke Divinity cares for Rebeke's wellbeing after the death of their mother, installing their mother's sunheart into their hovercycle so that Rebeke can be close to it. After his death, Rebeke is deeply hurt by her brother's loss. The grief at his loss is a major factor in her persistence that the Cinder King must be defeated and helps her to convince the people on Union's command bridge to resist him. ### Elegy Before her conversion into a [[Charred|Charred]], Elegy's position as Beacon's [[Lodestar|Lodestar]] afforded Divinity a smaller measure of authority. After her conversion, Elegy has no memory whatsoever of Divinity. He in turn treats her with extreme caution, strapping her down in the hovercycle seat even though she is barely conscious at the time. However, he is fervent in his desire to find her, knowingly risking his life to do so.
Divinity Salvage
|**Thaylen City**| |-|-| |by Connor Chamberlain | |**Ruled by**|Queen [[Fen Rnamdi|Fen Rnamdi]]| |**Nation**|[[Thaylenah|Thaylenah]]| |**World**|[[Roshar|Roshar]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| This page or section needs to be updated with new information for *Rhythm of War*!Be aware that in its current state, it may not include all additional content yet. >“*A place that was hit hardest of all by the new storms. A place whose military might was severely undermined by the Everstorm. A place with an Oathgate.*” \-Dalinar explaining why the Voidbringers would attack Thaylen City next[1] **Thaylen City** is the capital of [[Thaylenah|Thaylenah]] on [[Roshar|Roshar]], and the site of the [[Battle of Thaylen Field|Battle of Thaylen Field]]. ## Contents 1 Geography 2 Layout 2.1 Landmarks 2.1.1 The Oathgate 2.1.2 Docks 2.1.3 Temples 2.1.4 Gemstone Reserve 2.1.5 Court Square 3 History 3.1 Heraldic Epochs and Era of Solitude 3.2 The Everstorm 3.3 Alliance with Urithiru 3.4 Battle of Thaylen Field 4 Politics 5 Notable citizens 6 Notes ## Geography by [[Isaac Stewart|Isaac Stewart]] Thaylen City on the map of Thaylenah Thaylen City is located on the northwestern coast of the largest of the islands forming [[Thaylenah|Thaylenah]]. It sits on the shores of [[Longbrow's Straits|Longbrow's Straits]], a strip of ocean dividing Thaylenah from the [[Roshar|Rosharan]] mainland. The city was built inside a massive natural [[Lait|lait]] to protect it from [[Highstorm|highstorms]]. It's also surrounded by mountains, offering additional protection. While the local climate is warmer than in the [[Frostlands|Frostlands]] across the Straits, it's still cold, especially at night. Thanks to its location, the city ordinarily suffers only the mildest of stormwinds, but once the [[True Desolation|True Desolation]] begins, it's exposed to the full brunt of the [[Everstorm|Everstorm]]. In [[Shadesmar|Shadesmar]], Thaylen City can be recognized by the dais of its [[Oathgate|Oathgate]], which sits a little off the shore on the [[Thaylen Sea|Thaylen Sea]]. A single bridge allows for accessing the dais from land. ## Layout >“*This poor city. First the Everstorm, and its subsequent returns. The Thaylens had only just started figuring out how to rebuild, and now had to deal with more smashed buildings.*” \-Kaladin[3] by Isaac Stewart A map of Thaylen City Thaylen City is built on the mountainside and divided into a number of districts, called Wards. The **Ancient Ward**, located in the city's center, is Thaylen's oldest section. It's built out of stone and rises slightly above the surrounding ground, with a street layout following a [[Cymatics|cymatic]] pattern. From the west, the Ancient Ward is followed by the **Low Ward**, where numerous businesses and government buildings are located. The Low Ward is bracketed from the west by a long wall going north to south between the mountain slopes. This city wall served as a minor windbreak for those fortunate enough to have lived right by it when the Everstorm arrived. A portion of it was breached during the [[Battle of Thaylen Field|Battle of Thaylen Field]], though the gap was later filled in with [[Soulcast|Soulcast]] metal by [[Jasnah Kholin|Jasnah Kholin]]. Past the city wall lays the area now known as the **Thaylen Field**. Prior to the [[True Desolation|True Desolation]], this part of the city was well-developed, with numerous taverns, warehouses and shops. The famous Thaylen docks were located on the shore there, stretching across the southern portion of the peninsula. Unfortunately, the area was not built to withstand violent weather, due to the protection offered by the mountainside. As such, it was swept away by the [[Everstorm|Everstorm]], leaving it ruined and empty. Surrounding the Ancient Ward from north and south are the **North Ward** and the **South Ward**. To the east, the city begins to climb up the mountain slope in a series of tiered terraces called the **Loft Wards**, which climb up to the **Royal Ward**. The Royal Ward is the city's representative sector. It includes numerous palaces and mansions, including the Royal Palace, the seat of the Thaylen monarchs, as well as ten temples dedicated to the [[Herald|Heralds]] of the [[Almighty|Almighty]]. Following the Everstorm, those temples were mainly used to house the numerous wounded and homeless citizens. The city's [[Oathgate|Oathgate]] is located on the same level as the Royal Ward, albeit further north, closer to the oceanside cliffs. A small ramp leads up to it from the city proper. To the east, right past the Royal Palace, a trio of roads departs the city, forming Thaylen's only land connection to the rest of the island. In the past, the city had a developed system of aqueducts, cisterns and sewers; however, most of it has been torn apart by the first passing of the Everstorm. ### Landmarks by Marie Seeberger A view of the city from above #### The Oathgate The ancient [[Thalath|Thalath]] Oathgate is located on the northern-eastern edge of Thaylen City, next to the Royal Ward. Back in the [[Silver Kingdoms|Silver Kingdoms]] Epoch, it would've been beyond the city limits, in contrast to how other major settlement of the era, like [[Kholinar|Kholinar]] and [[Stormseat|Stormseat]], were arranged. Presently, it has been turned into a sculpture garden, and provides an excellent view of the city. It's eventually unlocked by [[Kaladin|Kaladin]] and [[Shallan|Shallan]], who fly there after Queen [[Fen Rnamdi|Fen]] agrees to ally with [[Dalinar|Dalinar]]. While the Oathgate was locked along with all the others, the Thaylens retained some memory of the platform's original purpose. The local folklore refers to it as a "portal of worlds", claiming that only the most [[Passions|Passionate]] would be able to reopen it. While the story is particularly popular among young girls, the Oathgate holds great religious significance for all the Thaylens. #### Docks The Thaylen docks had been one of the city's greatest points of pride before the Everstorm swept them away. They lay outside the fortifications, on the southern part of the shore, taking advantage of a natural bay there. They were constructed primarily of wood, which is why they were so easily destroyed. The area surrounding the docks had developed over time into a market and warehouse district. A notable feature there was the grand bazaar, a marketplace famous even in [[Alethkar|Alethkar]]. Unfortunately, as the area was entirely constructed from wood, the Evestorm all but flattened it. This part of the city was eventually renamed to **Thaylen Field**. #### Temples Like most largest cities, Thaylenah has ten major temples, each dedicated to one of the [[Herald|Heralds]]. The temples are all located in the Royal Ward, and when visiting Thaylen, it's traditional to see all of them, which allows the local ruler to show off both the city and its piety. During the True Desolation, the temples are instead used as makeshift hospitals and shelters for people injured and displaced in the Everstorm. The most notable temples are: **The Temple of Battah** - located in the northwestern part of the Royal Ward, it's the second-oldest temple in the city. It's particularly notable for the [[Simulacrum of Paralet|Simulacrum of Paralet]], a massive statue that once adorned the plaza in front of it. The Simulacrum was knocked over by the [[Everstorm|Everstorm]], sending large chunks of it into the Loft Wards; Dalinar rebuilds it with his [[Bondsmith|Bondsmith]] powers upon his first visit to the city. **The Temple of Ishi** - the oldest temple in the city. It sits in the southern portion of the Royal Ward. **The Temple of Talenelat** - located in the central part of the Royal Ward, in a stone plaza dedicated to the Herald. A set of steps leads up to an arched enterance, and both the outer and inner walls are covered in mosaics showing Taln standing fast against the [[Voidbringers|Voidbringers]]. The temple fared poorly against the [[Everstorm|Everstorm]], with the entire roof having collapsed from a lightning strike, possibly because [[Odium|Odium]] targeted it deliberately out of vengeance. It's in the temple of Talenelat that Dalinar discovers his ability to mend buildings; as such, it's the first he fixes. **The Temple of Pailiah** - located in the north-eastern part of the Royal Ward. It's open, allowing wind to flow through it. [[Renarin|Renarin]] goes there to pray when he begins seeing visions of the [[Battle of Thaylen Field|Battle of Thaylen Field]]. #### Gemstone Reserve For more information, see [[Thaylen Gemstone Reserve|Thaylen Gemstone Reserve]]. The Gemstone Reserve is a national bank of [[Thaylenah|Thaylenah]]. It's located in the Low Ward, near one of the entrances to the Ancient Ward. The structure is build like a fortress, to protect its contents. It has no windows. Within are numerous vaults storing various gemstones, including some of the largest and most unique ones, like the [[King's Drop|King's Drop]]. People can sell and buy their writs of ownership, allowing them to trade large sums easily. During the Battle of Thaylen Field, the building is destroyed by a [[Thunderclast|thunderclast]] on orders of Odium, who wants to prevent the Radiants from acquiring the King's Drop, a [[Perfect gemstone|perfect gemstone]]. #### Court Square The Court Square is a plaza somewhere in the city; its exact location is unknown, though the name suggests it might be near the Royal Palace. During the Battle of Thaylen Field, it's assaulted by the possessed Amaram soldiers. Initially, it's protected by the highguards [[Hrdalm|Hrdalm]] and [[Tshadr|Tshadr]], both in [[Shardplate|Shardplate]]; eventually, Hdralm departs to combat one of the [[Thunderclast|thunderclasts]] attacking the city while Tshadr remains to hold the Square. ## History ### Heraldic Epochs and Era of Solitude by Isaac Stewart The ancient Thaylen City; in the present, this part is known as the Ancient Ward Thaylen City is one of the oldest settlements on [[Roshar|Roshar]], though its exact origins are uncertain. The modern history dates it as about four thousand years old; however, the existence of the [[Oathgate|Oathgate]] and the [[Cymatics|cymatic]] pattern of its appearance suggest that it's much older than that. During the [[Heraldic Epochs|Heraldic Epochs]], it was located in the [[Silver Kingdoms|Silver Kingdom]] of [[Thalath|Thalath]]. Its proximity to the Thalath Oathgate indicates that it might've been the capital even back then. At the time, it was a far smaller city, consisting only of the district now known as the Ancient Ward. The ultimate fate of Thalath and how it became [[Thaylenah|Thaylenah]] is unknown. Thaylen City, however, retained its high status, and in the [[Era of Solitude|Era of Solitude]] it remained the capital of the newer kingdom, as well as a major shipping and banking hub. It grew far beyond its original constraints, becoming one of the greatest metropoleis of [[Roshar|Roshar]] alongside cities such as [[Vedenar|Vedenar]] and [[Kharbranth|Kharbranth]]. In the closing years of that age, it came to the attention of people researching [[Dawncities|Dawncities]], who investigated it due to the cymatic pattern of the Ancient Ward. Among others, [[Kabsal|Kabsal]] used its perfectly symmetrical shape as a proof of the existence of the [[Almighty|Almighty]]. Thaylen City was seemingly a target for [[Odium|Odium]] in the leadup to the [[Night of Sorrows|Night of Sorrows]], with a hefty navy seemingly having been sent there. However, as discovered by [[Jasnah|Jasnah]], it was a ruse to get the Coalition to divert forces. After this was discovered, Odium himself appeared and debated Jasnah and [[Queen Fen|Queen Fen]], resulting in Jasnah's loss and Queen Fen signing Thaylen City and Theylenah to Odium without the need for an invasion. ### The Everstorm >“*We tried to prepare, but a nation cannot upend four millennia worth of tradition at a snap of the fingers. Thaylen City is a shambles, Kholin.*” \-Fen Rnamdi[2] When the [[Listener|listeners]] summoned the [[Everstorm|Everstorm]] in the [[Battle of Narak|Battle of Narak]], [[Dalinar Kholin|Dalinar Kholin]] tried to warn the various cities of the world, including Thaylen, about the upcoming catastrophe. The Thaylens believed him after confirming his information with [[New Natanan|New Natanan]], one of the cities struck earlier, and strove to prepare. There wasn't enough time, though, particularly as [[Odium|Odium]] targeted the city deliberately, both as a strategically-important location and as the stage for his confrontation with Dalinar. The once-extensive docks, along with the entire seaside district, were all but wiped out; most of the city's other Wards were heavily damaged by lightning, strong winds, and even debris falling from the terraces above. The temple of [[Talenelat|Talenelat]] in particular was wrecked near-utterly, possibly out of grudge Odium might have against Taln for holding out for as long as he had. Along with the Everstorm came the awakening of the city's [[Parshmen|Parshmen]] population. While the Thaylen were warned of this, they again didn't have enough time to respond properly. As a result, when the Parshmen awoke, they stole the remaining ships, both the military and private vessels, and sailed away, escaping their former captors. They would later become the crews of the [[Voidbringer|Voidbringer]] fleet. ### Alliance with Urithiru Dalinar quickly pinpointed Thaylen City as one of the critical locations for the upcoming war. However, when he began to make his overtures of peace to various world leaders, Queen [[Fen Rnamdi|Fen Rnamdi]] initially rejected him, on the grounds that letting [[Alethi|Alethi]] armies into her capital would essentially surrender her already-weakened country to them. In time, Dalinar managed to convince her to agree, and dispatched [[Kaladin|Kaladin]] and [[Shallan|Shallan]] to reopen the Thaylen City Oathgate. Later, Dalinar visited Thaylen City personally along with [[Navani|Navani]] and king [[Taravangian|Taravangian]], and was given a tour of it by Queen Fen. It was then that he discovered his [[Bondsmith|Bondsmith]] ability to mend broken structures, and began to aid in rebuilding the city, earning respect from the Thaylen. Alongside him, Taravangian's surgeons and [[Renarin|Renarin]] likewise assisted with handling Thaylen City's copious wounded, further cementing Thaylenah's position in the alliance. Later, the army of the [[Sadeas princedom|Sadeas princedom]], under command of [[Meridas Amaram|Meridas Amaram]], was sent to the city to assist with the rebuilding. ### Battle of Thaylen Field For more information, see [[Battle of Thaylen Field|Battle of Thaylen Field]]. by Ashley Coad Dalinar confronting Nergaoul on Thaylen Field Following the revelations of the [[Eila Stele|Eila Stele]], Thaylenah was one of the few countries to remain with [[Urithiru|Urithiru]], mostly because they had no other choice in their weakened state. It was then that the Voidbringer armies, led by Odium himself, arrived on the shores of Thaylen City, having sailed there from the nearby country of [[Marat|Marat]]. Though the defenders attempted to prepare for battle, things changed dramatically when Odium first summoned a pair of [[Thunderclast|thunderclasts]], and then released [[Nergaoul|Nergaoul]] upon the Amaram troops, turning them against the people they were supposed to protect. One of the thunderclasts breached the wall and made for the [[Thaylen Gemstone Reserve|Thaylen Gemstone Reserve]], intending to secure the [[King's Drop|King's Drop]], a [[Perfect gemstone|perfect gemstone]] that could trap Nergaoul. At the same time, Dalinar went down into the Thaylen Field to face Odium directly. In the ensuing confrontation, Dalinar managed to open [[Honor's Perpendicularity|Honor's Perpendicularity]], providing the [[Knights Radiant|Knights Radiant]] present with much-needed [[Stormlight|Stormlight]]. What resulted was a pitched battle between the defending forces -- mostly the Knights Radiant and Thaylen troops, later reinforced by [[House Kholin|House Kholin]] soldiers brought by [[General Khal|General Khal]] through the Oathgate -- and Odium's soldiers, consisting of the two thunderclasts, the Amaram army and the [[Fused|Fused]]. Much of the city was ruined in the process, although the wall was patched by [[Jasnah Kholin|Jasnah Kholin]] soulcasting the air in the breach into metal. Ultimately, Nergaoul was trapped in the King's Drop and the remaining Voidbringer forces withdrew. The battle once more left Thaylen City in shambles, now augmented by the corpse of one of the thunderclasts. Massive surgeon stations were set up in the Low Ward to care for the numerous wounded, and the various alliance members pitched in to aid with the rebuilding. However, much work remains to be done, and whether the city can be brought back to its former glory is questionable. ## Politics >“*Strategically, Thaylen City is far more important than Jah Keved—but at the same time, far worse defended.*” \-Dalinar[1] Thaylen City serves as the center of Thaylen commerce and politics. The reigning monarch resides there; likewise, the various merchant councils, as well as the Thaylen navy, have their headquarters in the city. Its vast port is home to numerous trading and naval vessels. Moreover, the [[Thaylen Gemstone Reserve|Thaylen Gemstone Reserve]] holds vast majority of the country's wealth, allowing for long-distance trade via [[Spanreed|spanreeds]]. Unfortunately, the city suffered vast losses in the Everstorm, dealing a severe blow its power. The grand docks and warehouses were destroyed; the ships, stolen by the escaping [[Parshmen|parshmen]]. The Gemstone Reserve was wrecked in the Battle of Thaylen Field, and though majority of the gems contained within appear to have survived, they were scattered across the city, and it's questionable whether the government can retrieve them all. In the present, Thaylen City is all but reliant on [[Alethi|Alethi]] support to survive the Desolation. Nonetheless, it remains important. It's one of the few cities with [[Oathgate|Oathgates]] controlled by the people opposed to [[Odium|Odium]], giving it an instant access to [[Urithiru|Urithiru]] and allowing the alliance to project power in the South of Roshar. Moreover, the city's location makes holding it crucial to any strategy in the region. Whoever controls Thaylen City controls the [[Southern Depths|Southern Depths]], and can threaten the entire coast, from [[New Natanan|New Natanan]] all the way to [[Shinovar|Shinovar]]. As such, it's important for the alliance to keep it, which was the main impetus for the [[Battle of Thaylen Field|Battle of Thaylen Field]]. ## Notable citizens For a full list see, see here. [[Fen Rnamdi|Fen Rnamdi]], the Queen of Thaylenah, who presumably resides in the Royal Palace. [[Kmakl|Kmakl]] and [[Kdralk|Kdralk]], the Queen's consort and son [[Rysn|Rysn]], a master merchant currently employed in the [[Thaylen Gemstone Reserve|Thaylen Gemstone Reserve]] [[Jochi|Jochi]], a friend of [[Jasnah|Jasnah's]] who pretends to be a woman to pursue scholarship, and who owns a pastry shop somewhere in the city
Thaylen City
|**Rally**| |-|-| |**Died**|73 , [[Battle of Alta|Battle of Alta]]| |**Profession**|DDF pilots| |**Homeworld**|[[Detritus|Detritus]]| |**Universe**|[[Cytoverse|Cytoverse]]| |**Introduced In**|*Skyward*| Callsign **Rally** is a member of [[Hope Flight|Hope Flight]] who participated in the [[Battle of Alta|Battle of Alta]]. Rally was killed by [[Chaser|Chaser]], after Chaser began to fire on his flight, while under the illusion that they were enemy ships. Rally's flightmates included [[Ironsides|Ironsides]], [[Chaser|Chaser]], [[Cobb|Cobb]], [[Antique|Antique]], as well as three others.
*This disambiguation page lists articles associated with the same title. If an internal link led you here, please change the link to point directly to the intended article.* **Yomen** might refer to: [[Aradan Yomen|Aradan Yomen]] - Obligator turned king of [[Fadrex City|Fadrex City]]. [[Joshin Yomen|Joshin Yomen]] - Lord in [[Elendel|Elendel]], marries Mi'chelle Yomen. [[Mi'chelle Yomen|Mi'chelle Yomen]] - Lady in Elendel, marries Joshin Yomen and changes her name from Mi'chelle Ostlin. [[Yomen mansion|Yomen mansion]] - Joshin's residence. The location of the [[Yomen-Ostlin wedding dinner|Yomen-Ostlin wedding dinner]]. [[House Yomen|House Yomen]] - Wealthy noble house in Elendel. Includes [[Joshin Yomen|Joshin Yomen]], [[Mi'chelle Yomen|Mi'chelle Yomen]].
|**Diagram (group)**| |-|-| |**World of Origin**|[[Roshar|Roshar]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| This page or section contains spoilers for *Wind and Truth*!This information has the ability to potentially ruin elements of the plot for the reader. Proceed with caution if you have not read this book. This page or section needs to be updated with new information for *Rhythm of War* and *Wind and Truth*!Be aware that in its current state, it may not include all additional content yet. The **Diagram** is the name of a covert group that is devoted to understanding and carrying out the instructions found in the [[Diagram (literature)|Diagram]]. The Diagram is led by [[Taravangian|Taravangian]] and has members in hiding all over Roshar. The group is ruthless, willing to kill directly, or indirectly, as many as necessary to achieve its goals. ## Contents 1 Origin 2 Activities 2.1 Interpretation of Diagram 2.2 Testing the King 2.3 The Silent Gatherers and the Collection of Death Rattles 2.4 Search for Dustbringers 2.5 Assassination of Leaders 2.6 Takeover of Jah Kaved 2.7 Graves's Conspiracy 2.8 Second Assassination Attempt on Dalinar 2.9 Undermining of Dalinar's Leadership 2.10 Alliance with Odium 2.11 Disbanding of the Diagram 3 Notable Members 4 Notes ## Origin King [[Taravangian|Taravangian]] of [[Kharbranth|Kharbranth]] was once a confidant of King [[Gavilar|Gavilar]] of [[Alethkar|Alethkar]], and was aware of the latter's visions warning about the [[Everstorm|Everstorm]] and the [[True Desolation|True Desolation]]. Wanting to have the capacity to save Roshar from this, Taravangian went to the [[Nightwatcher|Nightwatcher]] to ask for the necessary compassion and acumen. His boon was to have the potential for great compassion and the potential for great acumen, but his curse was to have these attributes change in level every day and to be inversely proportional to each other. This means that there are days when Taravangian has genius level intelligence but is callous, and days when he is highly compassionate but relatively stupid. One day, Taravangian woke up at a level of intelligence so high that he was able to deduce from current happenings the likely future course of events, and devised a plan to save humanity from the True Desolation. He scribbled these ideas and calculations all over his bedroom walls and furniture. His writings were later copied down into what is now known as the Diagram. Now far less intelligent than he was on that fateful day, Taravangian needed help in deciphering and interpreting his own writings. He started collecting a group of trusted people to share this task, as well as to implement plans based on these interpretations. This group named themselves the Diagram after the book. ## Activities ### Interpretation of Diagram The senior members of the Diagram, including Taravangian himself, spend much of their time interpreting the Diagram and coming up with strategies to implement it. Because much of the original Diagram was written in opaque ways, including codes, diagrams, poetry, and made-up languages, the Diagram must sometimes first be translated into plain speech, sometimes multiple times. Diagram members sometimes disagree as to the course of action prescribed by the Diagram. ### Testing the King Knowing that his fluctuating intelligence and compassion could hinder his decision-making ability, Taravangian set up a system that will legally restrict some of his own rights depending on the result of a written test that he would take daily. This system is enforced by the [[King's Testers|King's Testers]] headed by [[Dukar|Dukar]], and often assisted by other stormwardens who are also presumably members of the Diagram. [[Adrotagia|Adrotagia]] and [[Mrall|Mrall]] have also observed the king's testing, as well as his room maid [[Maben|Maben]]. The results of this test determine which activities Taravangian is allowed to perform for the day, like offering binding commentary on the Diagram, interacting with other people without supervision, changing governmental policy, and passing judgement in trials. The test consists of an increasingly difficult series of math problems, designed by Taravangian on a day of high intelligence and occasionally expanded upon as needed, with the king's abilities determined by how he performs. His decisions will be restricted for the day if he performs too badly (because he is too unintelligent), but also if he performs too well (because he is too uncompassionate). Adrotagia has used the data from Taravangian's test scores to show that his intelligence varies according to a statistical normal curve. From her calculations, she believes that another day of brilliance would be unlikely to occur more than once in two thousand years. Unfortunately, Taravangian has been caught cheating on his own test by claiming to be unable to solve a problem, when he was really able to, in order not to be restricted for performing too well. The daily tests apparently continued afterwards. ### The Silent Gatherers and the Collection of Death Rattles One phenomenon predicted by the Diagram was the existence of Death Rattles, prophecies of the future uttered by the dying through the influence of [[Moelach|Moelach]]. Taravangian instituted a program of collecting these Death Rattles from selected hospital patients (the terminally ill, the lowly, and the forgotten) who are slowly and intentionally bled to death solely for this purpose. Those who participate in this operation are called the Silent Gatherers. Their leader is [[Joshor|Joshor]], and an ardent named [[Dova|Dova]] is also important in their research. During the succesion battle in Jah Keved, Adrotagia reported to Taravangian that the number of Death Rattles was continuing to drop, down to two or less per day. Later in [[Urithiru|Urithiru]], Adrotagia reports that Moelach has settled in the [[Horneater Peaks|Horneater Peaks]]. Joshor is on his way there, hoping to reestablish access to the Death Rattles. ### Search for Dustbringers The Diagram predicted that the [[Order of Dustbringers|Order of Dustbringers]] would be most likely to ally with the Diagram, though obtaining a Radiant was not guaranteed in the text. Taravangian implemented a program among its lower members to attempt to bond an [[Ashspren|ashspren]]. It is unknown what steps this involved. [[Malata|Malata]] was the first to succeed. ### Assassination of Leaders The Diagram mentioned the possibility of finding or creating a [[Shin|Shin]] [[Truthless|Truthless]] who they could use as a weapon. It is unclear whether the Diagram was involved in the events that led to [[Szeth|Szeth]] becoming a Truthless, but one of Taravangian's men (a worldhopper) did eventually obtain possession of the [[Oathstone|Oathstone]] and ordered the Shin man who possessed [[Jezrien|Jezrien's]] [[Honorblade|Honorblade]] to assassinate numerous world leaders. Obeying the holder of his Oathstone, Szeth killed many of Roshar's royalty and anyone else who stood in his way. The final person he was assigned to assassinate was [[Dalinar Kholin|Dalinar Kholin]], uncle to King [[Elhokar|Elhokar]] of [[Alethkar|Alethkar]] and Highprince of [[Kholinar|Kholinar]]. Dalinar had been trying to unite the highprinces of Alethkar, which Taravangian felt was a threat to the Diagram's command that Taravangian should rule all of Roshar. Szeth found Dalinar in the Alethi warcamps, but the highprince, with the aid of his guard [[Kaladin Stormblessed|Kaladin Stormblessed]], managed to survive the attack. Seeing Kaladin use [[Stormlight|Stormlight]] to heal a Shardblade wound caused Szeth to flee. ### Takeover of Jah Kaved Taravangian had used Szeth to kill the King of [[Jah Keved|Jah Keved]] and several Veden highprinces, creating a power vacuum and a succession crisis. The surviving Veden highprinces vied for the throne and were killed in a brutal civil war. Taravangian went to [[Vedenar|Vedenar]] posing as a benevolent foreign king bringing aid to the war-torn city, as the Diagram instructed him to. Taravangian had created a false genealogy showing he had a legitimate claim to the Jah Keved throne, which would be conveniently discovered by his scribes after a week. But Highprince [[Valam|Valam]] found out about this plot and chose to make Taravangian his heir outright. This unpredicted turn of events, along with the fact that the Diagram had predicted 6 factions fighting instead of 7 and Szeth's arrival to announce his fight with Kaladin, made Taravangian worry about the future accuracy of the Diagram. ### Graves's Conspiracy [[Graves|Graves]] was an Alethi [[Shardbearer|Shardbearer]] and a member of the Diagram. According to his interpretation of a part of the Diagram, they needed to ally themselves with Highprince [[Dalinar Kholin|Dalinar Kholin]], and that the way to do this was to make Dalinar king of Alethkar by assassinating King [[Elhokar|Elhokar]]. Graves, [[Moash|Moash]], [[Danlan|Danlan]], and [[Rill|Rill]] conspired together and attempted to stage an accident wherein Elhokar would fall to his death from a balcony. This plan failed when the king managed to hold on to part of a railing and was saved by his guards. Later on, they tried to recruit Kaladin to their side. Kaladin had been investigating the matter and discovered Moash's part in it, and so Graves attempted to convince him that Elhokar was a bad king who deserved to be replaced. Kaladin did not report them to authorities but refused to assist Graves. When the conspirators had another opportunity to assassinate the king, this time through direct physical assault, Kaladin had a change of heart and saved Elhokar from them. As they fled the Alethi warcamps, Graves wondered whether his interpretation had been wrong, or if he was simply too slow. Fleeing across the Frostlands with Moash, [[Febrth|Febrth]], and [[Fia|Fia]], he was attacked and killed by [[Fused|Fused]] using [[Voidlight|Voidlight]], though Moash survived. ### Second Assassination Attempt on Dalinar Even though Graves believed that Dalinar was vital to their cause, he still obeyed the Diagram's orders to keep Kaladin from guarding the highprince so that Szeth, who had been sent once again to assassinate Dalinar, would not realize that Kaladin was a [[Knight Radiant|Knight Radiant]]. Taravangian believed that Szeth would turn on him and the rest of the Diagram if he found out that the Knights Radiant have returned, as this was connected to how Szeth became Truthless. On the day that Kaladin was saving Elhokar in the warcamps, Szeth arrived in [[Narak|Narak]], where Dalinar had been commanding the Alethi armies against [[Stormform|stormform]] [[Listeners|listeners]] who were summoning the [[Everstorm|Everstorm]]. Dalinar bravely fought against the assassin, but proved to be no match for him. Several soldiers, [[Bridge Four|Bridge Four]] members, and even Highprince [[Roion|Roion]] died trying to protect Dalinar, who was then finally struck with a [[Lashing|Lashing]] that sent him up in the sky. Szeth intended Dalinar to fall to his death when the Stormlight ran out, but Kaladin had arrived just in time, flying in haste all the way from the warcamps, to save the highprince. The two of them then fought as the others escaped to [[Urithiru|Urithiru]]. Kaladin managed to defeat Szeth, unwittingly handing the Diagram another heavy loss. Szeth was later revived by [[Nalan|Nalan]], but he no longer considered himself under Taravangian's orders. ### Undermining of Dalinar's Leadership As the [[True Desolation|True Desolation]] brought about by the Everstorm started, Taravangian was the first ruler to join Dalinar's coalition in Urithiru. On a day of very high intelligence, he re-evaluated his interpretations of the Diagram regarding Dalinar and decided that replacing him as the leader of the coalition would be their best course of action. In order to do this, they set out to find secrets that would undermine Dalinar's leadership. Through espionage and research, they discovered three secrets: That Roshar had originally been inhabited only by the [[Dawnsingers|Dawnsingers]], who were not humans but parshmen, and that the first [[Desolation|Desolation]] was caused by humans who came from another world. This called into question what the coalition was fighting for, as the parshmen clearly saw humans as the invaders. That King Elhokar had sworn allegiance to Dalinar as *highking*. The Diagram tried to imply that the Alethi had imperial ambitions, although the king merely wanted a way to save face after having to follow his uncle on so many things. That Dalinar had visions that involved talking to [[Odium|Odium]], visions that he hid from the public. Again, they tried to twist a fact into something that would cast Dalinar in a different light. This time, they made it seem like he was fraternizing with the enemy. They released all three secrets to the public at the same time, undermining Dalinar's leadership and the coalition in general. ### Alliance with Odium The Diagram predicted that Taravangian will have a confrontation with Odium. While the [[Battle of Thaylen Field|Battle of Thaylen Field]] was occurring, Taravangian decided to attract the attention of the god by having [[Malata|Malata]] open the Veden Oathgate for a [[Singer|singer]] strike force to enter and attack Urithiru. He also had a Diagram agent steal [[Jezrien|Jezrien's]] [[Honorblade|Honorblade]]. Soon after, during the passing of the Everstorm and on a day of low intelligence, the predicted confrontation happened. Odium isolated Taravangian from the others and interrogated him. Taravangian then offered to ally the Diagram with Odium in exchange for his promise to save the people of Kharbranth. Odium accepted the offer, and specifically agreed to save anyone born in the city as well as their spouses. Taravangian gave the stolen Honorblade to Odium's forces afterwards. ### Disbanding of the Diagram A year later, Taravangian distanced himself from Kharbranth and his fellow Diagram members in preparation of being contacted by Odium, who commanded him to have his forces betray Dalinar's on their campaign in [[Emul|Emul]]. He disbanded the Diagram prior to the betrayal of the [[Coalition of monarchs|coalition of monarchs]] in Emul. He recommended that middling members who "knew too much" should not be released back into the general population and should instead be sent on long "secret quests" to distant locations. ## Notable Members For a full list, see :Category: Diagram. [[Taravangian|Taravangian]]: King of [[Kharbranth|Kharbranth]] and [[Jah Keved|Jah Keved]]. [[Dukar|Dukar]]: The head of Taravangian's [[King's Testers|Testers]]. [[Adrotagia|Adrotagia]]: A Kharbranthian scholar and childhood friend of Taravangian. [[Mrall|Mrall]]: Taravangian's bodyguard. [[Malata|Malata]]: [[Dustbringer|Dustbringer]]. [[Moash|Moash]]: A former member of [[Bridge Four|Bridge Four]]. [[Joshor|Joshor]]: Head of the Silent Gatherers. [[Graves|Graves]]: A lighteyed Alethi Shardbearer. A masked worldhopper with an accent foreign to [[Szeth|Szeth]].
Diagram group
|**Sarene**| |-|-| |by Treefin | |**Aonic Royal Families**| |**Spouse**|[[Raoden|Raoden]]| |**Parents**|[[Eventeo|Eventeo]], [[Sarene's mother|mother]]| |**Siblings**|[[Teorn|Teorn]]| |**Relatives**|[[Kaise|Kaise]], [[Daorn|Daorn]], [[Kiin|Kiin]]| |**Bonded With**|[[Ashe|Ashe]]| |**Titles**|Queen of [[Arelon|Arelon]], Queen of [[Elantris (city)|Elantris]], Princess of [[Teod|Teod]]| |**Aliases**|'Ene, Leky Stick| |**Religion**|[[Shu-Korath|Shu-Korath]]| |**Nationality**|[[Teo|Teo]]| |**Homeworld**|[[Sel|Sel]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| |**Introduced In**|*Elantris*| >“*The problem with being clever is that everyone assumes you’re always planning something.*” \-Sarene[1] **Sarene** is the daughter of King [[Eventeo|Eventeo]] of [[Teod|Teod]], and Queen of [[Arelon|Arelon]]. She has one brother, who is the heir to the Teo throne. ## Contents 1 Appearance and Personality 2 Attributes and Abilities 3 History 4 Relationships 4.1 Raoden 4.2 Arelish Nobles 4.3 Family 4.4 Hrathen 5 Notes ## Appearance and Personality by Hayley Olivia For more images, see [[Sarene/Gallery|/Gallery]]. Sarene, princess of [[Teod|Teod]] and queen of [[Arelon|Arelon]], is politically-minded, bold, and strategic. She is described as a tall and thin woman with fair hair and silver-grey eyes. She is a natural leader, as evidenced by her immediate take over of Raoden's revolutionary group, despite strong personalities such as [[Roial|Roial]] and [[Ahan|Ahan]]. She is never satisfied with an unsolved mystery and can detect quite well when she is being lied to. She is also known for being brusque, occasionally sarcastic, and patronizing to those who underestimate or try to manipulate her. This is shown by how she acts dimwitted in order to manipulate [[Iadon|King Iadon]], using his sexist views against him. She seeks to better the lives of others, man or woman, rich or poor. ## Attributes and Abilities Sarene is a political genius and charismatic leader. She is good at reading people and manipulating them to her needs. Sarene is a very skilled fencer. She was able to briefly hold her own against [[Dilaf|Dilaf]], though only with the advantage of a surprise attack. ## History by Séverine Dumagny With [[Ashe|Ashe]] Sarene became an ambassador for Teod at a very young age, serving most notably as the ambassador to [[Svorden|Svorden]]. In an attempt to re-establish diplomatic relations with [[Arelon|Arelon]], Sarene arranged a political marriage with [[Raoden|Prince Raoden]]. She met and got to know Raoden by communicating through letters, and later by [[Seon|seon]]. When she arrived in Arelon, however, she found out that Raoden had died of [[Shaod|"disease"]]. A clause in the marriage contract stated that the death of either her or Raoden qualified as a marriage, so she found herself a widow, and legally the daughter of King [[Iadon|Iadon]] of Arelon. She spent the first three months of her "married" life working to block the efforts of a [[Gyorn|gyorn]] named [[Hrathen|Hrathen]] to convert the people to [[Shu-Dereth|Shu-Dereth]] and thus add both Teod and Arelon to the massive Fjordell Empire. In addition, she worked with Raoden's group of friends to attempt to change Iadon's system of government. She also brought food to the Elantrians, where she met Raoden under the name Spirit, and taught a group of Arelene noblewomen, including [[Eshen|Eshen]] and [[Daora|Daora]], fencing in an attempt to give them some agency in the court. Hrathen eventually got to [[Telrii|Telrii]], a rich nobleman, and promised to place him on the throne if he converted to Shu-Dereth. When Iadon committed suicide, Sarene realized that the only way to keep Telrii off the throne was to combine her fortunes with [[Roial|Roial's]] through marriage. On the day of the wedding, however, Hrathen poisoned her to make her look like she had undergone transformation by the Shaod, and she was thrown into Elantris. During her time in Elantris, she studied AonDor with Raoden. Together they discovered that AonDor was tied to the geography of Arelon. After five days in Elantris, when the poison wore off, she and Raoden realized that she was not truly an Elantrian, and she returned to [[Kae|Kae]]. Shortly after Sarene left Elantris, Raoden managed to use AonDor by adding a line for the great chasm. Sarene met Raoden again, this time in his with AonDor created disguise as the Dula noble "Kaloo". When King Telrii attacked, Raoden revealed his identity. After Eondel killed Telrii, Raoden claimed the throne. She convinced the people to accept Raoden as their king even though he was an Elantrian, but then the Derethi priests attacked Arelon, capturing Sarene along with the rest of her allies and family in [[Kae|Kae]]. She was taken to [[Teoras|Teoras]] by [[Dilaf|Dilaf]], where he attempted to use her to make King Eventeo surrender to the Derethi. With the aid of Hrathen, Raoden, [[Galladon|Galladon]], and other Elantrians, she fought off the Derethi invasion and saved both Kae and Teod from Dilaf's attack. Afterward, she was married in a grand ceremony to Raoden, and became the Queen of Arelon. She became pregnant by him afterward. ## Relationships ### Raoden [[Raoden|Raoden]] is Sarene's husband. He is taken by the Shaod after Sarene begins her voyage to Arelon, and is proclaimed dead. Later, Sarene meets him while delivering food to Elantris, but doesn’t recognize him, as he was going by the name Spirit. She meets him again, but he is disguised as a Dula named Kaloo. She suspects Kaloo to be hiding something, and he reveals himself to be Raoden to Sarene before he does it publicly after Roial’s death. When Sarene is teleported to Teoras, Raoden uses Aon Tia to teleport to Teod, rushing to save his wife from Dilaf. At some point after the Dakhor monk’s invasion, Sarene becomes pregnant with Raoden’s child. by zoethatcher art Teaching fencing to the women ### Arelish Nobles [[Roial|Roial]] Sarene sees Roial as a grandfatherly figure. She believes him to be wise and stern, and when she first meets him she feels desperate to gain his respect. [[Eondel|Eondel]] Sarene sees Eondel as a stately and respectful man , strong in both physical and mental strength, despite his growing age. [[Shuden|Shuden]] Sarene sees Shuden as a powerful ally because of his honesty. She also believes him to be hypocritical in the way he avoids the women of the court’s attention because she believes he actually enjoys it. [[Ahan|Ahan]] Ahan is fat, arrogant, and impetuous in Sarene’s opinion. She believes he never understands the gravity of the situation he is in, leading to Roial’s death. [[Iadon|Iadon]] Sarene sees Iadon as a quick-tempered, easily frustrated man. He sees Sarene as an expended resource, he just needed her for the treaty between Arelon and Teod. Sarene believes he greatly underestimates all women and uses this to her advantage. ### Family [[Eventeo|Eventeo]] Eventeo is Sarene’s father, always trying to make her happy. However, he didn’t understand how Sarene was often shunned and mocked until she enlightened him through seon. Eventeo converted to Shu-Derith after promising Hrathren he would do so if Sarene was healed of her curse [[Kiin|Kiin]] As a child, Sarene would call her uncle Kiin “Hunkey Kay” which is how she first addresses him after she meets him in Arelon. He is a robust man, looking out for Sarene’s best interests. After moving to Arelon, he married Daora. Sarene questions him several times about why he left Teod, but he never gives a full answer. During the Derethi invasion, Kiin reveals himself as the pirate Dreaok Crushthroat. [[Lukel|Lukel]] Lukel is Kiin’s stepson and Sarene’s cousin. He is a successful merchant with his wife, Jalla, and is part of the group of nobles working to overthrow the king. [[Kaise|Kaise]] and [[Daorn|Daorn]] Kaise and Daorn are Kiin’s children and Sarene’s cousins. Sarene views them as intelligent, but still children. ### Hrathen Sarene believes that [[Hrathen|Hrathen]] is a bigger threat than the other nobles believe. She thinks that he is finally someone in Arelon that she can match her wits against. She disrupts his plans many times before he poisons her and gets her thrown into Elantris. Despite this, he saves her and Raoden from [[Dilaf|Dilaf]] in Teod. In response to this, Sarene demands that he be treated as a hero, even though he was of the same faith as the Dakhor monks.
**Ars Arcanum** is a glossary or appendix section at the end of many of the books that are part of the [[Cosmere|cosmere]] universe. The information is presented from an in-universe perspective. Every Ars Arcanum is written by [[Khriss|Khriss]]. The annotations on many of the images from the various books are made by her assistant [[Nazh|Nazh]]. [[Brandon Sanderson|Brandon]] initially planned to use the phrase "Ars Magica" for these glossaries, as he felt it was "a cool Latinate take on 'Magical Arts' or 'Magical Skills'." However, there was a role-playing game with that name, so he instead went with "Ars Arcanum," which he ultimately felt had more of a true-Latinate feel. ## Contents 1 Ars Arcanum in each book or series 1.1 White Sand 1.2 Elantris 1.3 Mistborn 1.4 Warbreaker 1.5 The Stormlight Archive 2 Notes ## Ars Arcanum in each book or series *All of the cosmere stories containing an Ars Arcanum are listed here in rough chronological order.* ### White Sand The omnibus edition of *White Sand* has pages of Ars Arcanum interspersed throughout; they consist of Khriss' [[Khrissalla's Journal|original notes]] from her first visit to Dayside [[Taldain|Taldain]], before she became a worldhopper. They have notes on Taldain astronomy, Dayside fauna, culture and customs, the properties of its [[Sand (Taldain)|Sand]], the abilities of [[Sand mastery|sand masters]], and comparisons of that to [[Starmarks|Starmarks]]. ### Elantris *Elantris* has an Ars Arcanum that lists selected [[Aon|Aons]] of note and includes their design, their meanings, and some examples of their use within Aonic names or terms. The tenth anniversary edition added a brief essay titled "On [[AonDor|AonDor]]". The essay raises questions about the origin of Aons and compares the manifestations of [[Investiture|Investiture]] found on [[Sel|Sel]] to those found on other planets. Selish magic is noted to have several unique qualities that Khriss cannot explain. The essay is also notable for mentioning [[Vax|Vax]]. ### Mistborn The books in the [[Mistborn series|Mistborn series]] each have an Ars Arcanum with the table of [[Metallic Arts|Metallic Arts]], describing what each of the [[Allomantic|Allomantic]] metals does. Since more metals are discovered and new things about them are learned, the table in each later book has more metals and information with greater accuracy. [[The Lost Metal|The Lost Metal]] adds information from an interview with [[Marsh|Marsh]]. ### Warbreaker The Ars Arcanum in *Warbreaker* includes a table showing the abilities granted by the different [[Heightening|Heightenings]] of [[BioChromatic Breath|BioChromatic Breath]]. ### The Stormlight Archive The Ars Arcanum in [[The Stormlight Archive|The Stormlight Archive]] gives detailed information about the [[Ten Essences|Ten Essences]], as well as descriptions of the different [[Surge|Surges]] and how they are used by [[Surgebinder|Surgebinders]]. Some information has been added in each book: a Lightweaving section appears in *Words of Radiance* and *Oathbringer* contains an additional section about [[Soulcasting|Soulcasting]]. *Rhythm of War* contains an additional section about the [[Surge|Surge]] of [[Cohesion|Cohesion]], particularly focusing on its use in shaping stone, and mentioned [[Microkinesis|microkinesis]]. *Wind and Truth* does not have an Ars Arcanum, in order to decrease the book's word count .
Ars Arcanum
|**Tonk**| |-|-| |**World of Origin**|[[Taldain|Taldain]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| **Tonks** are domesticated [[Sandling|sandlings]] used as beasts of burden on the [[Dayside|Dayside]] of [[Taldain|Taldain]]. ## Contents 1 Appearance and Anatomy 2 Usage and Behavior 3 Taxonomy 4 Trivia 5 Notes ## Appearance and Anatomy Tonks are quadrupedal. Their heads and the front halves of their bodies are similar in size and shape to a mule, while their hindquarters more closely resemble those of a kangaroo. Their bodies are covered in gray carapace, which is segmented and particularly thick along the top of the body. They have long, thick tails, prominent horns coming out of their heads at various angles, and clawed feet that appear to have opposable thumbs. The horns and carapace can be dissolved by water; even a few drops can dissolve most of a horn. As a result of this, they do not drink water and only eat sand in large quantities. They always give off a faint sulfurous smell and their flatulence is particularly odorous. [[Khrissalla|Khrissalla]] suspects that sandlings can somehow metabolize sand, although she does not understand the science behind the process. Their droppings are known as tonk guano. ## Usage and Behavior >“*Riding tonks have very weak minds. Whenever they get confused they assume it's a sandstorm and bury themselves beneath the ground.*” \-Kenton, to Khrissalla[6] Tonks are often used for transportation in the deserts of [[Dayside|Dayside]], carrying both riders and supplies. They are weak-minded and easy to lead. Calling someone a tonk in Dayside is considered an insult, presumably because it implies that they are slow-witted. When used for riding, they are fitted with a saddle, bridle, and saddlebags. On longer trips through the desert, tonks may be fitted with vessels to carry extra water. Tonks are usually trained to turn or adjust their speed when tapped with a riding mallet on different parts of their carapace; riders may also use reins to help direct them. When they are scared or confused, they tend to bury themselves in the sand with only their horns exposed. Tapping the horns signals the tonk that it is safe to unbury itself. Skilled riders such as [[Aarik|Aarik]] may be able to prevent tonks from burying themselves when under duress. Tonks are present in hunting camps in the [[Deep sand|deep sand]], although [[Terha|terhan]] are preferred for hunts as they are both larger and faster than tonks. They are sometimes used by [[Darkside|Darksiders]] that are visiting Dayside, but this may be rare, as Khrissalla and her team do not appear to be very familiar with their behavior. ## Taxonomy Tonks are considered part of the sandling family. They have a number of characteristics also seen in terhan and other sandling species, such as horns, water-soluble carapace, and a propensity to bury themselves in sand. It is unknown if there is a relation, natural or bred, between the various sandling species. ## Trivia The name "tonk" is not related to the character [[Tonk Fah|Tonk Fah]].
|**Valendar Academy**| |-|-| |**Usage**|Academy of [[Rithmatics|Rithmatics]]| |**State**|[[California Archipelago|California Archipelago]]| |**Nation**|[[United Isles of America|United Isles of America]]| |**World**|[[Earth (Rithmatist)|Earth (Rithmatist)]]| **Valendar Academy** was one of the eight schools that teach [[Rithmatics|Rithmatics]]. It was located in the [[California Archipelago|California Archipelago]].
Valendar Academy
|**Tathingdwen**| |-|-| |**Dominance**|[[Terris Dominance|Terris Dominance]]| |**Nation**|[[Final Empire|Final Empire]]| |**World**|[[Scadrial|Scadrial]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| **Tathingdwen** is the capital of the [[Terris Dominance|Terris Dominance]] of the [[Final Empire|Final Empire]] on [[Scadrial|Scadrial]]. ## History It is not clear if Tathingdwen existed prior to the [[Ascension of the Lord Ruler|Ascension of the Lord Ruler]], but in the Final Empire period, it contained the [[Synod|Synod]], the ruling council of the [[Keeper|Keepers]]. [[Sazed|Sazed]] had been to Tathingdwen, and when he left the city to join [[Kelsier's crew|Kelsier's crew]], he said he left in disgrace, with the common people cursing him. This indicates that the common people knew of the Keepers. After the [[Siege of Luthadel|Siege of Luthadel]], [[Sazed|Sazed]] falsely claimed to know the location of the [[Well of Ascension|Well of Ascension]]: Mount [[Derytatith|Derytatith]]. Sazed sent [[Vin|Vin]] and [[Elend Venture|Elend Venture]] to [[Terris|Terris]] to find it, with [[Spook|Spook]] accompanying them. Vin later discovered the correct location of the Well--in [[Luthadel|Luthadel]]--using her enhanced [[Allomancy|Allomancy]], and when she said that Sazed had lied to them, Spook confirmed it was true. Spook was to tell them it was false when they reached Tathingdwen, so they would not die in the [[Terris Mountains|Terris Mountains]]. Vin and Elend turned back, heading back to Luthadel instead. Dozens of [[Steel Inquisitors|Steel Inquisitors]] under [[Ruin|Ruin's]] control, along with an army of [[Koloss|koloss]], attacked Tathingdwen around (or possibly after) the time of the [[Siege of Luthadel|Siege of Luthadel]]. The local Terris forces fought the koloss as the Inquisitors hunted the Keepers and the [[Synod|Synod]], presumably so the Inquisitors could steal their [[Feruchemy|Feruchemical]] abilities with [[Hemalurgy|Hemalurgy]]. Tathingdwen was burned to the ground, and Terris was left in ruins. Spook and Elend met Terris refugees on their way back to Luthadel.
|**Emul**| |-|-| |by User: SaleSVQ| |**Ethnicity**|Emuli| |**Capital**|[[Sesemalex Dar|Sesemalex Dar]]| |**Ruled by**|Prime [[Vexil|Vexil the Wise]]| |**Region**|[[Makabak|Makabak]]| |**World**|[[Roshar|Roshar]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| This page or section contains spoilers for *Wind and Truth*!This information has the ability to potentially ruin elements of the plot for the reader. Proceed with caution if you have not read this book. This page or section needs to be updated with new information for *Rhythm of War* and *Wind and Truth*!Be aware that in its current state, it may not include all additional content yet. **Emul** is a [[Makabaki|Makabaki]] kingdom located in southwestern [[Roshar|Roshar]] during the [[Era of Solitude|Era of Solitude]]. The citizens of Emul are referred to as Emuli. Traditionally a rather independent kingdom, the Desolation and war with [[Tukar|Tukar]] has greatly weakened Emul and left it dependent on others for aid. ## Contents 1 Geography 2 History 2.1 Founding 2.2 War and Famine (~1153-1174) 2.3 True Desolation (1174-present) 3 Politics 3.1 Government 3.2 Military 3.3 Foreign Policy 4 Culture 4.1 Peoples 4.2 Religion 5 Economy 6 Settlements 7 Notable Emuli 8 Trivia 9 Notes ## Geography Emul is located in the southeastern portion of the Makabaki basin, which is itself located within southwestern Roshar. It is a mostly landlocked country, bordering an inlet of the [[Southern Depths|Southern Depths]] along its western border. [[Tukar|Tukar]] is located to the south, [[Marat|Marat]] to the southeast, [[Tashikk|Tashikk]] to the northwest, and [[Azir|Azir]] to the north. The eastern border of Emul borders a mountain range that contains the [[Valley|Valley]], home of the [[Nightwatcher|Nightwatcher]], and a pass to [[Greater Hexi|Greater Hexi]]. The city of Urithiru is located in these eastern mountains. The capital city of Emul, Sesemalex Dar, is located on the western coast near the border with Tukar. This city is the best port in Emul and rich in trade. Following the war with Tukar, the kingdom was broken into pieces, although they seem to have retained control of the capital. A large part of the country, primarily in the south and across the southern borders, is in the [[Drunmu Basin|Drunmu Basin]]. The basin is wide and flat, with a few small hills and slopes. [[Pilevine|Pilevines]] flourish in this area, growing quite tall, and the basin is covered in rosharan grass. It lacks major population centers. Emul has an area of around 596,000 km. ## History ### Founding During the [[Silver Kingdoms|Silver Kingdoms]] Era, Emul was a part of the kingdom of Makabakam. Some time after the collapse of Makabakam, Emul formed its own kingdom with the [[Dawncity|Dawncity]] of [[Sesemalex Dar|Sesemalex Dar]] as its capital. They were largely made up of a tribe of Askarki people. It remained technically subject to the [[Azir|Azish]] Empire but in reality often acted independently. ### War and Famine (~1153-1174) A few decades before 1173, Emul was struck by a [[Lurnip|lurnip]] famine, and widespread starvation ensued. [[Ashno|Ashno of Sages]] served for a time as one of the greatest Emuli Primes but was replaced by [[Vexil|Vexil the Wise]]. Emul and Tukar had a longstanding feud over the city of Sesemalex Dar, the Emuli capital. The religious significance of the city, as well as its status as an excellent port, made Sesemalex Dar a valuable prize. Since 1167, the two kingdoms have been embroiled in the [[Eighty's War|Eighty's War]], the most recent iteration of a religious conflict over control of the city. The Emuli remained in control, but as the war pressed on the fighting went increasingly poorly for the Emuli, with refugees fleeing into the neighboring Tukar. ### True Desolation (1174-present) by Isaac Stewart Map of the war in Emul >“*We must reclaim my nation from the hands of the traitor parshmen; then we must conquer Tukar. It is completely unreasonable to allow this insane man, who claims to be a god, to continue bereaving the glorious Azish Empire.*” \-Vexil trying to convince coalition leaders to reclaim Emul[2] Emul was fragmented into pieces by the war with Tukar and the Voidbringer assaults during the True Desolation, leaving them in no position to stand on their own. In 1174 after the rediscovery of [[Urithiru|Urithiru]], [[Bondsmith|Bondsmith]] [[Dalinar Kholin|Dalinar Kholin]] sent entreaties to all the Makabaki kingdoms, attempting to convince them to join his [[Coalition of monarchs|alliance]] against the Voidbringers. The Alethi realized that with Emul and Tukar at war, they could only hope to convince one or the other. After [[Tezim|Tezim's]] rejection of their offer, they chose to focus on convincing Emul. The Emuli were initially hesitant to involve themselves, still locked in their conflict with the Tukari. However, as the singers moved to muster in Marat, they conquered their way across Emul. Between the loss of territory to both the Voidbringers and the Tukari, much of Emul went up in flames and the princedom was reduced to a fraction of its former size. After this devastating blow to the kingdom, as well as the Azish decision to join the coalition, the Emuli were convinced as well. Vexil the Wise and Ashno of Sages traveled to [[Azimir|Azimir]] and took the [[Oathgate|Oathgate]] to Urithiru to treat with the Alethi. They advocated strongly for aid to Emul in retaking their lands from the Tukari, but the other members of the coalition came to the conclusion that this was not a valid use of resources. [[Highprince|Highprince]] [[Aladar|Aladar]] and some of his scribes helped to advise Vexil on fortifying his remaining lands to ensure no further loss of territory. The following year had the war effort in Emul reach a stand still with multiple skirmishes and attacks by the [[Skybreakers|Skybreakers]] against coalition forces. The position of the coalition later changed in 1175, when it was agreed unanimously to push into and defeat the singer forces. This effort was ultimately successful. Later, Emul, along with Taskikk, seceded from Azir to join with Odium's forces. ## Politics ### Government Similar to the culturally dominant [[Azish|Azish]], Emul is lead by a leader known as a Prime. As of 1174, the Prime of Emul was [[Vexil|Vexil the Wise]]. It is unknown how the title of Prime is passed, it may be inherited or chosen from among the people, such as done with the Azish Prime Aqasix. The Emuli Prime is often referred to as simply Emul. Despite the fact that Emul is mostly an autonomous kingdom, they still owe some level of deference to the Azish. For instance the Prime of Emul cannot marry the head monarch of another Makabaki kingdom without the permission of the Prime Aqasix. Emul is traditionally rather independent of Azir compared to the other Makabaki kingdoms, making agreements with other nations on their own, but they have become increasingly weakened as their war with the Tukari drags on. They still often follow Azish lead in matters of global import, such as joining Dalinar's coalition. Emul's legal system shows much leniency towards foreigners, although they lack rights such as the ability to own property or a shop in Emul. Emul controls at least a few [[Soulcaster|Soulcasters]]. ### Military Emul does have a military, but they are not particularly skilled, and are considered to be less capable than Tukari soldiers, one potential reason the Emuli have been losing their war. At least some portion of the Emuli army is made up of men who are normally farmers instead of career soldiers. The Emuli view warfare in a unique way; they consider it crass to directly strike another warrior, preferring to do damage from a distance. Accordingly, the bow and arrow is the favored weapon of leaders, then spears, halberds, and finally swords, which are the typical weapons of regular soldiers. Highprince [[Aladar|Aladar]] has begun advising the princedom on defensive tactics, which may help the army improve. Certain leaders of the Emuli army are involved in the command of the campaign when the [[Coalition of monarchs|coalition of monarchs]] launches a mission to retake the Emuli homeland. ### Foreign Policy There are rules and regulations about passing the border into Emul, and people who pass the border illegally are subject to legal punishment. ## Culture >“*Their legal system is very lenient toward foreigners. A man who is not of their nationality cannot own a home or shop, but when you visit, you are treated as a 'relative who has traveled from afar, to be shown all kindness and leniency.' A foreigner can take dinner at any residence he calls upon, assuming he is respectful and offers a gift of fruit. The people are most interested in exotic fruits. They worship Jezrien, though they don’t accept him as a figure from the Vorin religion. They name him the only god.*” \-Sigzil ### Peoples The Emuli people are technically a tribe of the Askarki people, and are ethnically [[Makabaki|Makabaki]] with dark brown skin and black hair, and possess epicanthic folds like most Rosharan peoples. Their specific language is unknown, but it is likely a part of the Makabaki language family, and they speak with a smooth accent. They are very accommodating and kindly towards foreigners, treating them as relatives that are visiting from afar. They often host foreign strangers for dinner, in exchange for a gift of fruit, particularly those of exotic variety. They are also very reluctant to give offense to others, even for a Makabaki kingdom. The Emuli have a specific style of dress as well. Men typically wear robes, while women prefer flowing gowns and head-wraps. The Emuli traditionally greet old friends by holding their left forefinger to their forehead and bowing respectfully. Their cuisine is typically rather salty in flavor. They are notable for having fantastic crem pottery, which is popular abroad. ### Religion Rejecting the [[Honor|Almighty]], the Emuli believe [[Jezrien|Jezrien]] to be the only god. According to their mythology, Jezrien named both their kingdom and their capital, Sesemalex Dar. They refer to him as the Prime Kadasix, praying to him for his favor. They seem to hold the other Heralds sacred as well, such as [[Shalash|Epan the Lady of Dreams]], referring to them as Kadasixes. In fact, wealthy people keep a place in their homes called the Hallowed Hall, where they keep images of the Kadasixes for reverence. Their Prayers almost always begin with ‘If the Prime Kadasix may/could provide’ then your prayer follows, and then it ends with ‘thank you’. An example of this is ‘If the Prime Kadasix could provide, it would be very nice if I could know the right thing to do. Thank you.’ The city of Sesemalex Dar is also important in their religion; it is considered to be the Emuli's ancestral homeland, a gift to them from the Heralds. The pattern of the city is also sacred to them and central to their religion, which is one of the reasons they are so desperate to retain control it. The Emuli religion can be described as splinter religion of Vorinism, although which branch is the original is subject to some debate. However, the Vorin peoples to the east believe the Emuli to be pagans, despite the similarities between their faiths. ## Economy Emul is still largely agrarian with many people working as farmers, reliant on crops such as [[Tallew|tallew]] and [[Lurnip|lurnips]] for survival. The war with Tukar has not been good for the Emuli economy, forcing many farmers to take up arms to repel invaders. This has left their fields vulnerable to raids by people looking to sell the crops for an easy profit. Some Emuli also make a living working as mercenaries in other kingdoms. The southwest coast of Roshar is rich in trade, and Emul's capital Sesemalex Dar is a fantastic port and a major trade waypoint in the area. The city is also renown for its fantastic crem pottery. ## Settlements [[Sesemalex Dar|Sesemalex Dar]] - Capital city [[Laqqi|Laqqi]] [[Holiqqil|Holiqqil]] ## Notable Emuli [[Vexil|Vexil the Wise]] - Current Emuli Prime [[Ashno|Ashno of Sages]] - Former Emuli Prime, considered to be one of the best of all time [[Baxil|Baxil]] and [[Av|Av]] - two criminals who helped [[Shalash|Shalash]] destroy art for a time ## Trivia At around 596,000 km, it is only a little smaller than .
|**Loremaker**| |-|-| |**Type**|[[Shardblade|Shardblade]]| |**Owners**|[[Fisk|Fisk]]| |**World of Origin**|[[Roshar|Roshar]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| **Loremaker** is a [[Shardblade|Shardblade]] on [[Roshar|Roshar]]. ## History In 1175, Loremaker was owned by [[Fisk|Fisk]], then the captain of the [[Cobalt Guard|Cobalt Guard]]. It was with him in [[Emul|Emul]] during the [[Coalition of monarchs|coalition of monarchs']] operation to recapture the country from the [[Voidbringer|Voidbringers]]. It is unknown who owned Loremaker prior to Fisk, though it could be the Blade [[Renarin Kholin|Renarin Kholin]] bonded before he revealed his [[Nahel bond|Nahel bond]] with [[Glys|Glys]].
|**Petrine**| |-|-| |**Profession**|Airship enginemaster| |**Ethnicity**|[[Southern Scadrian|Southern Scadrian]]| |**Nationality**|[[Malwish|Malwish]]| |**Homeworld**|[[Scadrial|Scadrial]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| |**Introduced In**|*The Bands of Mourning*| **Petrine** is a [[Southern Scadrian|Southern Scadrian]] crewmember of the *Brunstell*. ## Appearance and Personality Petrine is in her sixties and has wrinkled skin. Because she is [[Malwish|Malwish]], she wears a mask that obscures her face, and presumably changes her mask on occasion. She is tough and courageous. ## History Petrine was a crew member of the Malwish airship *Brunstell* captained by [[Jordis|Jordis]]. She served as the enginemaster of the ship and was the eldest member of the crew. She was on the *Brunstell* during its expedition to the mountains near the [[Elendel Basin|Elendel Basin]] seeking the [[Bands of Mourning|Bands of Mourning]] and the lost temple of the [[Sovereign|Sovereign]]. After the ship crashed in [[Dulsing|Dulsing]], the crew and their ship were captured by the [[Set|Set]]. The Set tortured the Malwish for information, killing some of them. Petrine was among the captives that that were eventually taken into the mountains to help search for the temple. The captives were kept in a tent and were not able to contend with the cold weather in the mountains; Jordis was surprised that Petrine survived so long in the cold, given her age. When the situation became truly desperate, Petrine suggested that the Malwish make one final effort to resist their captors, even if they were killed doing so. However, [[Allik|Allik]] then arrived to release them, and he helped Petrine and the rest of the crew recover using [[Unsealed metalminds|medallions]]. [[Steris|Steris]] had brought guns to arm the Malwish, and Petrine helped distribute them before the group engaged the Set in a gunfight.
by Sam Green Cover of the British edition of *Skyward* This page or section needs to be updated with new information for *Cytonic* and *Defiant*!Be aware that in its current state, it may not include all additional content yet. The **Cytoverse** is the setting of *Defending Elysium* and the [[Skyward (series)|Skyward series]]. It is our own world, albeit in the far future; as such, it is not part of the [[Cosmere|cosmere]]. Alongside [[Earth (Skyward)|Earth]] and humanity, it contains numerous spacefaring species, all of which share a magic system known as [[Cytonics|cytonics]], which is what the universe is named after. ## Contents 1 Underlying mechanics 1.1 Nowhere 1.2 Cytonics 1.3 Delvers 2 History 2.1 Discovery of cytonics and First Contact 2.2 Human Wars 2.3 The Superiority and human preserves 3 Inhabitants 3.1 Known species 3.2 Human influence 3.3 The Superiority 4 Development 4.1 Defending Elysium 4.2 The travels of Spensa, space pilot 4.3 The Eyes and future stories 5 Bibliography of the Cytoverse 5.1 Forthcoming works 6 Notes ## Underlying mechanics The Cytoverse is a setting possessing highly advanced technology, from laser weapons and anti-gravity to lifelike holograms and atmospheric envelopes capable of keeping entire space stations breathing. Vast empires, encompassing various species, spread across the stars, connected by faster-than-light ships. Ranging from grand merchantmen to small starfighters, those vessels are propelled by biological FTL system, based on two fundamental aspects of the universe: the [[Nowhere|nowhere]] and [[Cytonics|cytonics]]. ### Nowhere For more information, see [[Nowhere|Nowhere]]. The universe is comprised of two connected realities -- our own (sometimes referred to as "the somewhere") and nowhere, an interdimensional "world" with, at least in the lightburst, no concept of distance and space. The Nowhere looks like a bright white "sun"(the lightburst) and surrounding that, a belt of floating chunks of acclivity stone. A variety of different fauna and flora exist on the chunks. While initially a solid white plain, the acclivity stone, as you move away from the lightburst, breaks down into free floating chunks, similar to an asteroid field It is home to a type of beings called [[Delver|delvers]], as well as a mineral called the [[Acclivity stone|acclivity stone]]. Regular rules of physics do not apply there completely, and everything to come from nowhere possesses extraordinary properties. The best-known among them is acclivity stone, which is used to counteract gravity and thus provide lift to all spaceships and space stations. The easiest way for most people to enter nowhere is through a nowhere portal, a stable wormhole leading to it and back. Such portals can be found on many worlds, and though the markings on them indicate that they were made rather than arising naturally, it's unknown who created them. The portals let both people and equipment be taken through, which allows for mining [[Acclivity stone|acclivity stone]]. ### Cytonics by mushimallo [[Spensa|Spensa]] and [[Doomslug|Doomslug]], a sapient and a non-sapient cytonic For more information, see [[Cytonics|Cytonics]]. Apart from the portals, nowhere can also be accessed by people called cytonics. Species, including non-sapient ones, are capable of developing cytonic abilities; how they first appear is undetermined, but once they do show up, they are passed down to the original cytonic's descendants. They allow for more than just peering into nowhere -- "cytonics" refers to a whole host of psychic powers. Cytonic abilities include, among others, telepathy, mind swapping, illusions and teleportation. Most, if not all of them require that the cytonic connect themselves to nowhere. Teleportation in particular utilizes nowhere heavily, as the body of the cytonic, along with whatever else they're carrying, travels through nowhere to its destination. Though time appears to pass for the cytonic, to others, the jump happens instantly. In fact, both teleportation and telepathy work instantaneously, and thus faster-than-light. As such, they are the basis of the two most crucial technologies in the universe: cytonic communication and FTL travel. All FTL-capable starships in the Cytoverse travel using cytonics, with non-sapient slugs known as the [[Taynix|taynix]] serving as living hyperdrives. Moreover, cytonics can be shared with the rest of the populace, as cytonics can be augmented with mechanical equipment; that's how a single creature can carry an entire ship across the stars. Conversely, machines can also be built to utilize nowhere, albeit to a lesser extent than living creatures. ### Delvers For more information, see [[Delver|Delver]]. Cytonics are not without their dangers. Chief among those are [[Delver|delvers]], the inhabitants of nowhere. Delvers despise both radio signals and, more importantly, cytonics. When sufficiently agitated, they can transport themselves into the physical world. A single delver can be as large as a moon, and possesses a number of deadly powers, including the ability to create and launch meteors, and the capacity to destroy any living being they pass through. This makes them extremely dangerous, and has led to extreme limits being put on the use of cytonics. ## History ### Discovery of cytonics and First Contact Across the known universe, all sapient species developed [[Cytonics|cytonic]] abilities prior to discovering advanced technology; as such, they would often abandon further pursuit of conventional sciences in favour of the psionic powers. Humanity is one exception to that. Earth was already advanced technologically by the time the [[Phone Company|Phone Company]] began developing Cyto, a cybernetics-based method of telepathic linking. Those early experiments were unsuccessful, but they were enough to attract the attention of the spacefaring [[Tenasi|tenasi]]. After a misunderstanding led to the tenasi scout being shot down by [[United Governments|United Governments]] military, the Phone Company negotiated more peacable relations, and, as a result, became the sole point of contact between humans and aliens. From then on out, humanity spread across the Solar System, watched over by the Phone Company. Some of its employees believed that the other races of the universe needed to be protected from humankind and its barbaric ways until the time was right for them to join the truly civillized societies. However, it eventually became apparent that the aliens' peace came at a cost -- they would imprison their dissidents and cut them off from cytonics. In the aftermath of this revelation, a PC operative named [[Jason Write|Jason Write]] decided to share the FTL technology, which the Company had developed, but kept hidden, with the rest of the populace. ### Human Wars For more information, see [[Human Wars|Human Wars]]. At some point, possibly decades or centuries afterwards, humanity, now an interstellar power, attacked other sapient races, seemingly aiming to conquer them. This was the start of a series of three conflicts known as the [[Human Wars|Human Wars]]. In the first war, humanity conquered several species, including the [[Kitsen|kitsen]], while being allied with other aliens, [[Figment|figments]]. The war ended in humanity's failure, but soon after, the second conflict began. This time, humanity sought to weaponize [[Delver|delvers]], the dwellers of the [[Nowhere|nowhere]], constructing massive laboratories on abandoned planets circling dying stars, with [[Detritus|Detritus]] being one such world. However, they lost control of the delvers, and thirteen of the creatures rampaged across the galaxy for the decades to come. Even after they faded, their presence became a constant threat, leading to many cytonic technologies being abandoned. Despite this, at some point afterwards, humanity attacked again, though not all of them were involved in the conflict this time. Nonetheless, all humans became targets for the newly-formed alien alliance, the [[Superiority|Superiority]], and were consequently defeated. At some point, either during or between those wars, the [[Earth (Skyward)|Old Earth]], humanity's homeworld, vanished. It's unclear how it happened, or whether this means it can't be found or if it's no longer physically present within the Solar System. ### The Superiority and human preserves In the century since the Third Human War, the Superiority, led by five species who considered themselves to be of primary intelligence, grew to become the foremost political power in the galaxy. They achieved this by monopolizing both safe faster-than-light travel and FTL communications, and keeping their mechanics secret. Many other species, such as the kitsen, joined the Superiority with secondary citizenship, which limited their rights within the empire. Others, like the [[UrDail|UrDail]], remain independent, though still reliant on the Superiority for trade. Of all the species, humanity had its rights curtailed the most. The remnants were mostly chased down into solitary planets called preserves, and kept down there by the Superiority bureau named the Department of Protective Services, with occassional missions sent out to suppress them and keep them near-extinct. However, in the recent years, many began to worry about humanity escaping to wreck havoc once more. While such fears are often stoked by the Department of Protective Services to aid their political causes, the people of the [[Detritus|Detritus]] preserve did manage to leave their home planet, and figure out a way to travel beyond their star system. ## Inhabitants >“*Even the wildest of Gran-gran's stories couldn't compete with the universe's biodiversity.*” \-Spensa[24] Cytoverse is inhabited by numerous sapient species of varied shapes, sizes and configurations. Most appear to be roughly humanoid, walking upright with an even number of limbs. Their sizes vary, with the smallest being only a handspan tall, while the largest are bigger than humans. Despite apparent physical similarities, they can differ vastly in their biology; for example, the [[Dione|dione]] can change their biological sex during their lifetime, while the [[Varvax|varvax]] are actually small creatures possessing large exoskeletons. Apart from the humanoid aliens, the Cytoverse is also home to vastly different ones. Those range from a species resembling spike-covered balloons, to [[Figment|figments]], which are invisible, sapient smells. by Isaac Stewart Some of species inhabiting the Cytoverse ### Known species [[Varvax|Varvax]] (often called "Krell" by the [[Defiant League|Defiants]]) [[Tenasi|Tenasi]] [[Dione|Dione]] [[Heklo|Heklo]] [[Cambric|Cambric]] Humans [[Figment|Figments]] [[Delver|Delvers]] [[Kitsen|Kitsen]] [[Taynix|Taynix]] (non-sapient) [[Burl (species)|Burl]] [[Cormax drones|Cormax drones]] [[Solquis|Solquis]] [[Wrexians|Wrexians]] [[UrDail|UrDail]] [[Hommar|Hommar]] [[Tanuzedran|Tanuzedran]] [[Resonant|Resonants]] ### Human influence Human culture has had a vast impact on other sapient creatures. This seems to have began even before the Human Wars, with [[Kitsen|kitsen]] using the Japanese term *daimyo* to refer to their leaders. However, it was during the Wars that humanity truly put their mark on the universe. Human languages -- mainly English, Spanish, Hindi and Mandarin -- are to this day carried by all translator pins, and serve as common tongues for all species of the galaxy. The [[UrDail|UrDail]], which saw extensive contact with humans, have been impacted even further, with their native tongue coming to resemble English. Humans are also the original engineers of prefabricated space cities known as [[Platform|platforms]]. Platforms are massive flat pieces of lightweight metal with integrated buildings on both the top and the bottom sides, and use advanced artificial gravity and atmosphere technologies. They are capable of sustaining millions of residents. They were first deployed in Earth's solar system at increasing distances from Earth, with the [[Evensong|Evensong]] platform beyond Saturn being the most distant station as of the year 2211. Many centuries later, the [[Superiority|Superiority]] operates dozens of platforms of nearly identical design, including [[Starsight|Starsight]]. Similar platforms are also seen orbiting [[Detritus|Detritus]]. Humanity has also left their mark on the universe in the form of [[Delver|delvers]], whom they brought forth during the Second Human War, leading to the drastic decrease in the use of [[Cytonics|cytonics]]. This, alongside the history of conflict, is one of the reasons why they're so feared in the present day. This extends even to those trapped in the "preserve" planets, with many people afraid that humans would one day break out and go to war again. Those fears are often stoked by Superiority's Department of Protective Services, especially whenever they desire a bigger budget. ### The Superiority For more information, see [[Superiority|Superiority]]. After the Third Human War, the Superiority became the primary political power of the universe. It's some form of a federation or republic comprised of various species, though only five -- varvax, tenasi, dione, heklo and cambric -- lead the government. Numerous others have either primary or secondary citizenship. Whether a species is allowed to join the Superiority depends on whether they exhibit the so-called primary intelligence. This appears to refer to how aggressive a species is, with only the most peaceful ones allowed to join, so as to not corrupt the current society. There are also other conditions, such as converting to a democratic government. While the Superiority does not directly rule over every species, it does exert indirect power over them. This is done though absolute control over faster-than-light travel and communications, as the government has effectively suppressed all information about it, making themselves indispensable to interstellar travel and trade. As a result, they possess a relatively weak military force, since all they need to resolve any problem is to cut any world they wish off the FTL grid. ## Development by Dragos Jieanu Cover of the digital version of *Defending Elysium* ### *Defending Elysium* Brandon created *Defending Elysium* in 2003; it was the last story he'd written prior to selling *Elantris* and thus kickstarting the [[Cosmere|cosmere]]. Though *Defending Elysium* won a honorable mention at the Writers of the Future contest in 2003, it wouldn't see the light of day until 2008, when, after substantial re-editing, it won the first prize at in Spain. It was subsequently published in 's October/November 2008 issue, and then released publicly on Brandon's website in 2009. ### The travels of Spensa, space pilot As with most things Brandon had been writing at the time, he planned to create more works in *Defending Elysium*'s setting. His intention was always to evolve it, and see how the universe changed over time. Over the next fifteen years, many of those plans were abandoned, while others rose up in their place. However, [[Spensa|Spensa]] was not initially part of the setting. Spensa was conceived as a pilot character from Mistborn Era Four (the space-age of the cosmere). Her particular plot was not developed beyond the concept of "the travels of Spensa, space pilot". However, Brandon was most interested in a particular technological aspect of her setting -- the biological faster-than-light travel system that would eventually be folded into [[Cytonics|cytonics]]. As the bio-FTL did not fit with the cosmere, Spensa was cut out of Mistborn Era Four and transplanted into the world of *Defending Elysium*. Her story morphed into "a girl and her spaceship", and became *Skyward*, which came out in 2018. ### *The Eyes* and future stories It wasn't just the cosmere that Cytoverse borrowed elements from. In 2016, Brandon began writing a novella titled *The Eyes*, based around the concept of answering the . It was never finished, although the first chapter became a Patreon reward for $10 patrons at the time. The story of *The Eyes* was eventually absorbed into the setting wholesale, although in its current form, it's not fully canon-compliant. Nonetheless, some of its characters are still around by the time of *Skyward*, and one of its alien races made an appearance in *Starsight*. It's unclear which aliens those would be, though they might be the [[Figment|figments]] or the [[Dione|dione]], as both are introduced in that book and feature in it prominently. Considering the title, [[Delver|delvers]] may also originate from *The Eyes*. The name "Cytoverse" itself came about fairly late, almost half a year after the publication of *Starsight*. Up until then, the name **Skyward Universe** was used, with "cytoverse" making rounds in the fandom until Brandon canonized it at one of his livestreamed signings. Unlike [[Cosmere|cosmere]], "Cytoverse" is not an in-world term. While so far, the future of Cytoverse includes only the final book in the Skyward Series, Brandon does have some ideas for more stories in the setting. In particular, he remains interested in the concept of biological FTL. ## Bibliography of the Cytoverse |**Year**|**Book**|**Series**|**Length**|**Notes**|**Refs**| |-|-| |**2008**|[[Defending Elysium|Defending Elysium]]|Standalone|Novella| |**2018**|[[Skyward|Skyward]]|[[Skyward (series)|Skyward]] #1|Novel| |**2019**|[[Starsight|Starsight]]|[[Skyward (series)|Skyward]] #2|Novel| |**2021**|[[Sunreach|Sunreach]]|[[Skyward (series)|Skyward]] #2.1|Novella|Co-written with [[Janci Patterson|Janci Patterson]]| |[[ReDawn (novella)|ReDawn]]|[[Skyward (series)|Skyward]] #2.2|Novella|Co-written with Janci Patterson| |[[Cytonic (book)|Cytonic]]|[[Skyward (series)|Skyward]] #3|Novel| |[[Evershore (novella)|Evershore]]|[[Skyward (series)|Skyward]] #3.1|Novella|Co-written with Janci Patterson| |**2023**|[[Defiant (book)|Defiant]]|[[Skyward (series)|Skyward]] #4|Novel| |[[Hyperthief|Hyperthief]]|[[Skyward (series)|Skyward]] #3.2|Short Story|Co-written with Janci Patterson| ### Forthcoming works The following are confirmed upcoming works set in the Cytoverse: *Skyward Legacy* - the sequel trilogy to *Skyward*.
|**Elegy Salvage**| |-|-| |by Ernanda Souza | |**Siblings**|[[Divinity|Divinity]], [[Rebeke|Rebeke]]| |**Abilities**|[[Charred|Charred]]| |**Residence**|[[Beacon|Beacon]]| |**Ethnicity**|[[Threnodite|Threnodite]]| |**Homeworld**|[[Canticle|Canticle]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| |**Introduced In**|*The Sunlit Man*| For the planet, see [[Threnodite system|Threnodite system]]. For more images, see [[Elegy Salvage/Gallery|/Gallery]]. This page or section needs to be updated with new information for *The Sunlit Man*!Be aware that in its current state, it may not include all additional content yet. **Elegy Salvage** is a [[Charred|Charred]] on [[Canticle|Canticle]], and was the [[Lodestar|Lodestar]] of [[Beacon|Beacon]]. ## Contents 1 Appearance and Personality 2 Attributes and Abilities 3 History 3.1 The Arena 3.2 Nomad's Experiments 3.3 Crossing the Mountains 3.4 Theft of Sunhearts 3.5 Battle for the Refuge 3.6 Rebellion of Union 4 Trivia 5 Notes ## Appearance and Personality For more images, see [[Elegy Salvage/Gallery|/Gallery]]. Elegy is a Charred woman with light green eyes and short black hair streaked with silver. Her left cheek is scored by a vein of blackness with a glowing line down the center. Like all Charred her chest has been completely burned away and houses a glowing Cinderheart. She appears to be in her late 30s. >“*Elegy always had such grand dreams. She could persuade anyone of anything, so long as she was passionate about it.*” \-Rebeke[4] After Elegy is turned into a Charred her personality becomes much more aggressive. She has an intense drive to fight everyone around her but with significant effort, she is able to control herself. She admires strength but values discipline the most and wants to be someone who can control herself. ## Attributes and Abilities Like all other Charred, Elegy is an invested warrior and possesses supernatural speed, strength, and endurance. ## History For a time, Elegy was the Lodestar of [[Beacon|Beacon]]. She was the one who inspired the people of Beacon to rebel and decided to move Beacon into the darkness behind the maelstrom. It was also her plan to steal the Cinder King’s key and access the Refuge. She briefly considered living in the Southern corridor but couldn’t find a way past the mountains. >“*Before being taken as a Charred, had Elegy been similarly fragile? Though she would not say it aloud, she was glad for what had been done to her. For the strength she now had.*” \-Elegy[6] At some point, she was captured and turned into a Charred by the [[Cinder King|Cinder King]]. ### The Arena When [[Nomad|Nomad]] defied the Cinder King and was placed in the arena Elegy was the main Charred to target him. By stealthily turning Auxilary into a crowbar Nomad was able to defend himself and disarm her. While Elegy was climbing after him, Nomad turned Aux into a heavy barbell and used it to slam into Elegy, defeating her. When the Beaconites attacked the arena Rebeke and [[Divinity|Divinity]] used the chaos to search for Elegy who Divinity found lying in the mud. Together they were able to get her on the quadcycle and escaped but the Cinder King killed Divinity as they fled. Despite being delivered safely to Beacon, Elegy was hostile to her rescuers and only communicated in growls forcing them to restrain her. ### Nomad's Experiments At the request of Nomad, Elegy was supplied so he could experiment and learn more about Canticle’s native investiture. He started by pressing a depleted sunheart to her skin and eventually cinder heart but nothing happened. Later he tried using a local prayer as a command to draw heat from her cinder heart but that also didn’t work. (20) Later, Nomad tried again with a charged sun heart which was able to draw some heat from Elegy (24). He then escalated his tests by touching her cinder heart with a charged sunheart which was able to remove some of the corruption, freeing her from the Cinder King’s control and restoring her ability to speak. She demanded to be let go and for Nomad to restore the “voice” of the Cinder King that had spoken in her mind. It became quickly obvious that Elegy didn’t remember Rebeke and that her memories had been burned away. Thinking Elegy had been cured, Rebeke freed Elegy but then she immediately attacked Nomad. They fought and wrestled but eventually, Nomad was able to turn Auxilary into a pair of handcuffs and restrained her. ### Crossing the Mountains When Nomad flew Beacon over the mountains Elegy was imprisoned in his cab to keep her from hurting other people. When Nomad returned to the cabin after unhooking the boilers he found Elegy unconscious but alive. by Nabetse Zitro Fighting Charred alongside [[Zellion|Zellion]] ### Theft of Sunhearts Elegy was taken on the mission to steal sunhearts because in the rush to leave Nomad hadn’t considered moving her somewhere else. She told Nomad she was worried the Cinder King would retake control over her and he gave her a sliver of a sunheart so she could remove the corruption on her cinder heart if that happened. When Nomad fought off the Charred, Elegy watched impressed and wanted to fight like he did. After talking to Nomad he offered to take off her restraints but she refused knowing she would immediately attack him. ### Battle for the Refuge While fighting to gain access to the refuge, Nomad freed Elegy and loaned her his shard spear and they successfully fought off the Charred. When the Scadrians refused to help the Beaconites Elegy pretended to lash out at the rebels and acted like a mindless Charred. She, along with Rebeke, was then taken captive by the Cinder King. When the Cinder King attempted to put Elegy back under her control she pretended it worked fooling him. by Nabetse Zitro Elegy holding [[Rebeke|Rebeke]] ### Rebellion of Union When [[Zellion|Zellion]] flew after Union, Elegy took the opportunity to attack the other charred and used her sliver of a sunheart to free them from the Cinder King’s control, causing chaos. The Cinder King then threatened to kill Rebeke unless Elegy stopped and she was recaptured. Once the Cinder King left Elegy managed to escape and meet up with Zellion who told her to save her sister from becoming a Charred. Elegy arrived too late to stop the process but while the cinder heart transformed Rebeke Elegy commanded some of Rebeke’s investiture into herself stopping the process halfway, making her like the Cinder King. ## Trivia Elegy means song for the dead.
Elegy Salvage
|**Obrodai**| |-|-| |**Shards**|Avatar of [[Autonomy|Autonomy]]| |**Investitures**|*Unknown*| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| >“*You should not return to Obrodai. We have claimed that world, and a new avatar of our being is beginning to manifest there.*” \-Patji to Hoid[1] **Obrodai** is a planet in the [[Cosmere|cosmere]]. The [[Shard|Shard]] [[Autonomy|Autonomy]] has claimed Obrodai and is beginning to manifest an "avatar of [their] being," an unknown female entity, on the planet. It is unknown whether there are any other Shards active on Obrodai. In a letter to [[Hoid|Hoid]], [[Patji (being)|Patji]], an avatar of Autonomy warned him not to return to Obrodai and that, as a precaution to discourage his return, the avatar there has been instilled with a great dislike of him. Due to Hoid being able to go to the planet, it likely has some form of [[Perpendicularity|Perpendicularity]]. ## Trivia When asked if Obrodai was a name one of the planets of the [[Drominad System|Drominad System]] used for themselves, Brandon responded with a RAFO. He has also avoided saying if it is a planet that we have already seen.
|**Idani**| |-|-| |**Family**| |**Relatives**|The [[Khal|Khal]] family| |**Nationality**|[[Alethi|Alethi]]| |**Homeworld**|[[Roshar|Roshar]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| **Idani** is an [[Alethi|Alethi]] woman on [[Roshar|Roshar]]. Idani is gorgeous and uncommonly well put together at the age of fourteen year old. She is a bit older than [[Adolin Kholin|Adolin Kholin]]. She is the cousin of the [[Khal|Khal]] brothers and once dated Adolin. When Idani had just moved to [[Kholinar|Kholinar]], she was desperate to make friends. She made fun of [[Renarin|Renarin]] as a means of fitting in.
|**Flowers of Night's Last Kiss Flight**| |-|-| |**Leader**|[[Vapor|Vapor]]| |**Headquarters**|[[Starsight (station)|Starsight]]| |**Type**|Starfighter flight| |**World of Origin**|[[Starsight (station)|Starsight]]| |**Universe**|[[Cytoverse|Cytoverse]]| This page or section needs to be updated with new information for *Starsight* and *Cytonic*!Be aware that in its current state, it may not include all additional content yet. **Flowers of Night's Last Kiss** is the name [[Hesho|Hesho]] gives to [[Spensa|Spensa's]] flight on [[Starsight (station)|Starsight]] after he and Spensa agree that **Flight Fifteen**, the name assigned to them by the [[Superiority|Superiority]] command, is too boring. Although the most of the members of the flight pick callsigns, in the end they don't actually use them and instead just go with their actual names. ## Composition |**Flowers of Night's Last Kiss Members**| |-|-| |**Pilot**|**Callsign**|**Starfighter Type**|**Postion**|**Notes**| |[[Vapor|Vapor]]|The Wind That Mingleswith a Man's Dying Breath|Sniper|Flightleader|| |[[Spensa Nightshade|Spensa Nightshade]]|Spring|Interceptor|Assistant flightleader|Pretending to be [[Alanik|Alanik]]| |[[Morriumur|Morriumur]]|Complains|Interceptor||| |[[Hesho|Hesho]] and [[Kitsen|kitsen]] crew|*None*|Battleship||[[Kauri|Kauri]] takes command after Hesho's disappearance| |[[Brade|Brade]]|*None*|Interceptor|||
Flowers of Nights Last Kiss Flight
|**Bronze Palace**| |-|-| |**Usage**|Palace| |**City**|[[Azimir|Azimir]]| |**Nation**|[[Azir|Azir]]| |**World**|[[Roshar|Roshar]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| This page or section contains spoilers for *Wind and Truth*!This information has the ability to potentially ruin elements of the plot for the reader. Proceed with caution if you have not read this book. This page or section needs to be updated with new information for *Wind and Truth*!Be aware that in its current state, it may not include all additional content yet. The **Bronze Palace** is the seat of the government of [[Azir|Azir]] and the home of the Azish emperor, the [[Prime Aqasix|Prime Aqasix]]. ## Location and Appearance The Bronze Palace is located in [[Azimir|Azimir]], the capital of [[Azir|Azir]]. It lies a short distance away from the Grand Market in the city centre. The name is derived from the palace's distinctive appearance: everything within, from the plants and rocks to the buildings themselves, has been [[Soulcasting|Soulcast]] into bronze. This even includes trees, which serve a purely decorative purpose. A tall wall encircles the whole palace complex. Within, the Bronze Palace is comprised of a series of rounded, bulbous-looking buildings reminescent of giant [[Rockbud|rockbuds]], coated in metal leaf. Many of the buildings are topped by spires and have numerous windows on their upper floors. The main structure is the largest building in the palace and contains, among others, the [[Vizier|viziers']] chambers, the kitchens, and the [[Prime Aqasix|Prime's]] living quarters. The areas between the buildings are flat, with roads wide enough for carriages to ride through. There are several different gardens there, including one of Soulcast plants and a sculpture garden. The latter serves as a meeting place for important officials to discuss state matters. Those officials, as well as visiting diplomats, travel between the various buildings by [[Chull|chull]]-pulled rickshaws. Within the main structure, illumination is provided by [[Polestone|gemstone]]-filled metal lamps and chandeliers. The chambers of the palace are decorated in traditional Azish style, with rugs adorned with large patterns covering every surface. The corridors between them are wide and more than fifteen feet tall, with paintings hanging on the walls and blue and red carpets lying on the floors. In contrast, the passage leading directly to the Prime's bedroom is quite narrow, to prevent anyone sneaking by. However, there are small ornamental ledges near the ceiling, although they are too narrow to walk on without assistance. The corridors used by the servants are hidden from the palace's representative sections by false walls. A small, narrow outbuilding is located near the entrance to the central structure, containing a long table and a number of couches, which are decorated in patterns of orange and red. It serves as a waiting area for petitioners who are not allowed to meet with the Prime directly. ## History The date of the Bronze Palace's construction is unknown. At some point, perhaps during its creation, the palace was [[Soulcasting|Soulcast]] into bronze, as proof of Azir's wealth and prosperity. During the year 1173, the Palace saw numerous [[Prime Aqasix|Primes]] assassinated on its grounds by the [[Szeth|Assassin in White]]. It was during that time that [[Lift|Lift]], [[Gawx|Gawx]] and the rest of Huqin's crew attempted to rob the palace, leading to [[Gawx|Gawx]] becoming the new Prime Aqasix after being killed by [[Nale|Nale]] and subsequently healed by [[Lift|Lift]]. Folllowing the arrival of the [[Everstorm|Everstorm]], [[Dalinar Kholin|Dalinar Kholin]] visited the Bronze Palace to negotiate with [[Azir|Azir's]] leadership over whether or not the country would join the alliance with [[Urithiru|Urithiru]]. Though he was not allowed to meet with the Prime, the essays he brought with him were sufficient to convince the viziers.
Bronze Palace
|**Battle of Narak**| |-|-| |**Part of the War of Reckoning**| |by Isaac Stewart | |**Date**|Ishishach 1173| |**Participants**|[[Dalinar|Dalinar]], [[Adolin|Adolin]], [[Kaladin|Kaladin]], [[Shallan Davar|Shallan Davar]], [[Bridge Four|Bridge Four]], [[Eshonai|Eshonai]], [[Aladar|Aladar]], [[Roion|Roion]]| |**Effects**|[[Everstorm|Everstorm]] unleashed, path to [[Urithiru|Urithiru]] discovered.| |**Region**|[[Shattered Plains|The Shattered Plains]]| |**Location**|[[Narak|Narak]]| |**World**|[[Roshar|Roshar]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| This page or section needs to be updated with new information for *Rhythm of War*!Be aware that in its current state, it may not include all additional content yet. The **Battle of Narak** is a major event during the [[War of Reckoning|War of Reckoning]] on [[Roshar|Roshar]]. The battle ended the war and ushered in the [[True Desolation|True Desolation]]. ## Contents 1 Background 2 The Battle 3 Aftermath 4 Notes ## Background In an attempt to unite the [[Highprince|Highprinces]], end the War of Reckoning, and fulfill the [[Vengeance Pact|Vengeance Pact]], Highprince [[Dalinar Kholin|Dalinar Kholin]] proposed a joint assault deep into the [[Shattered Plains|Shattered Plains]]. The armies of [[Aladar|Aladar]], Kholin, [[Roion|Roion]], and [[Sebarial|Sebarial]] left the warcamps in order to find the [[Parshendi|Parshendi]] and defeat them. They left during the [[Weeping|Weeping]], a period of four weeks with no Highstorm. The Parshendi, meanwhile had discovered [[Stormform|Stormform]], a new and powerful form, which most of them had taken. A few Parshendi refused, when they saw the effects that the Stormform had, and escaped [[Narak|Narak]]. The Parshendi, under the leadership of [[Eshonai|Eshonai]], then prepared to summon a storm and kill the [[Alethi|Alethi]] as they arrived. On the way to Narak, [[Shallan Davar|Shallan Davar]] revealed her abilities as a Lightweaver to Dalinar. When the Alethi arrived at Narak, they encountered [[Rlain|Rlain]], who told them that something had happened to the Parshendi, turning them into monsters. Dalinar then tasked Shallan with finding the [[Oathgate|Oathgate]] to [[Urithiru|Urithiru]] so that the Alethi army could escape if the battle went poorly for them. The Alethi then attacked Narak. The Parshendi were spread out on three different plateaus, and the Alethi split up, in order to attack all three groups at the same time. Armies led by highprince Roion, Highprince Aladar, and Prince [[Adolin Kholin|Adolin Kholin]] engaged the Parshendi. Dalinar himself stayed on a fourth plateau to command the battle. ## The Battle by Христо Чуков (Hristo Chukov) [[Kaladin|Kaladin]] and [[Szeth|Szeth]] fighting in the [[Everstorm|Everstorm]] The battle was tough for the Alethi, since the Parshendi Stormform made them more powerful, and allowed them to blast red lightning at their foes. After receiving advice from Rlain, Dalinar commanded the Alethi troops to kill the groups of singers in the Parshendi rear to prevent them from finishing their song. Adolin, despite having lost his mount [[Sureblood|Sureblood]], managed to defeat a group of singers by ambushing them from behind. He was then engaged in a duel with Eshonai, which ended with them both falling down a chasm. Adolin was caught by the bridgemen [[Skar|Skar]] and [[Drehy|Drehy]], while Eshonai disappeared and later drowned. On Roion's plateau, however, the Parshendi gained the upper hand and managed to kill [[Teleb|Teleb]], one of the Kholin [[Shardbearer|Shardbearers]]. Shallan suspected that a perfectly round plateau, which did not fit into the pattern of the [[Shattered Plains|Shattered Plains]] was where the Oathgate was located. Together with Prince [[Renarin Kholin|Renarin Kholin]], and a team of soldiers and scholars, Shallan went to the plateau and discoverd the Oathgate. After struggling to activate it, she discovered that it operated like a [[Fabrial|fabrial]] and that a living [[Shardblade|Shardblade]] was required to operate the gate. As the battle continued, Adolin encountered [[Szeth|Szeth]], who was secretly sent by [[Taravangian|Taravangian]] to kill Dalinar. Adolin engaged him in a fight. Meanwhile, Roion's forces were losing, and Aladar managed to defeat the Parshendi on his plateau. The victory came too late, however, as the singing Parshendi managed to summon the [[Everstorm|Everstorm]]. The [[Stormfather|Stormfather]] decided to summon an unexpected Highstorm; the two storms approached from different directions, set to collide above Narak. Szeth and Adolin arrived at Dalinar's position as Szeth defeated Adolin. He then attacked Dalinar, who managed to temporarily hold him off before getting help from Roion and a group of soldiers. Szeth took them down and killed Roion, before being attacked by Dalinar, Adolin, and a force of bridgemen. Despite the numbers, Szeth managed to lash Dalinar to the sky, which was supposed to kill him after the stormlight faded and he fell back to the ground. However, [[Kaladin|Kaladin]] arrived and saved Dalinar before taking on Szeth. Dalinar then led the retreat of the Alethi toward the Oathgate. The armies managed to escape before the storms clashed. Kaladin and Szeth used [[Surgebinding|Surgebinding]] to fight above the storms. Eventually, Kaladin defeated Szeth, and recovered his [[Honorblade|Honorblade]]. ## Aftermath Kaladin arrived at the Oathgate plateau with the Honorblade and found the other men from [[Bridge Four|Bridge Four]], who told him how to operate the Oathgate. He then reunited with the survivors of the battle in Urithiru. Meanwhile, Szeth's body was found and revived by [[Nale|Nale]], who granted Szeth a place among the [[Skybreakers|Skybreakers]] and gave him the use of [[Nightblood|Nightblood]]. Four of the remaining warcamps (those of [[Bethab|Bethab]], [[Hatham|Hatham]], [[Ruthar|Ruthar]], and Sadeas) fled to Urithiru at Dalinar's orders after the news of Uruithiru's discovery and the threat of the Everstorm, crowding in to the as yet unexplored city. Highprince Hatham managed to recharge his spheres in the unexpected Highstorm before fleeing, giving him a source of great wealth as the Radiants scrambled for Stormlight in the middle of the weeping. The Alethi forces at the battle were decimated, and as Dalinar sought to establish Urithiru as a place of order in the world, Highprinces [[Thanadal|Thanadal]] and [[Vamah|Vamah]], those with the strongest military forces remaining, stayed behind in the warcamps and refused to lend their support. The [[Sons of Honor|Sons of Honor]] considered the battle a victory for them, as they had been working towards the return of the Voidbringers and a new Desolation. The battle was a victory for the [[Ghostbloods|Ghostbloods]] as well, as their immediate goal had been the discovery of Urithiru. [[Mraize|Mraize]] discovered Veil's true identity when Shallan manifested her powers during the battle, prompting him to entice her to properly join their ranks.
Battle of Narak
|**Keeper**| |-|-| |by Ben McSweeney | |**Leaders**|The [[Synod|Synod]]| |**Headquarters**|[[Tathingdwen|Tathingdwen]]| |**Era**|[[Final Empire|Final Empire]]| |**World of Origin**|[[Scadrial|Scadrial]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| For the staff of the Coppermind, see Coppermind:Keepers. The **Keepers** of [[Terris|Terris]] are the major branch of [[Feruchemist|Feruchemists]] on [[Scadrial|Scadrial]] during the [[Final Empire|Final Empire]]. Ruled over by the [[Synod|Synod]], they copied the practices of the [[Worldbringer|Worldbringers]] of old in collecting as much information as possible in their [[Metalmind|metalminds]]. They tried to stay secret from the world, and the [[Lord Ruler|Lord Ruler]], who would have them killed for their Feruchemical abilities. The Keepers amassed knowledge of Scadrial from before the Lord Ruler and the advent of the Final Empire, in the hope of restoring to the people the knowledge and heritage they had lost after Rashek took over the world. Each Keeper has access to all the stored knowledge of their order, and periodically returns to [[Tathingdwen|Tathingdwen]], the capital of [[Terris Dominance|Terris Dominance]], to update their copperminds. Also, each Keeper has a particular area of expertise, such as religions or ancient kings and leaders. ## Known Keepers [[Sazed|Sazed]] [[Tindwyl|Tindwyl]]
This article is about [[Brandon Sanderson|Brandon Sanderson's]] series. For the character, see [[Alcatraz Smedry|Alcatraz Smedry]]. **Alcatraz Versus the Evil Librarians**, also referred to as **Alcatraz** or **Alcatraz Versus**, is a middle-grade series by [[Brandon Sanderson|Brandon Sanderson]]. It currently consists of 5 books told from the point of view of [[Alcatraz Smedry|Alcatraz Smedry]], a young boy and heir to [[House Smedry|House Smedry]]. ## Contents 1 Books 2 Cover Gallery 2.1 Omnibus Covers 3 Publication 4 Awards 5 Notes ## Books The first four books were originally published by [[Scholastic|Scholastic]], one a year between 2007 and 2010. Scholastic would only agree to publish the first four books, not wishing to publish a fifth book with the Big Reveal which would then lead to a concluding sixth book written by Alcatraz's bodyguard. Brandon bought back the rights to the series and sold them to [[Tor|Tor]], who agreed to publish all six books. The first four books were republished with new art during the first half of 2016. The fifth book, *The Dark Talent*, was then published in September 2016. |**Year**|**Title**|**Order**|**Length**|**Notes**|**Refs**| |-|-| |**2007**|*Alcatraz Versus the Evil Librarians*|#1|Novel||| |**2008**|*The Scrivener's Bones*|#2|Novel||| |**2009**|*The Knights of Crystallia*|#3|Novel||| |**2010**|*The Shattered Lens*|#4|Novel||| |**2016**|*The Dark Talent*|#5|Novel||| |**2022**|*Bastille Versus the Evil Librarians*|#6|Novel|Coauthored by [[Janci Patterson|Janci Patterson]]|| The endnote to *The Dark Talent* includes a letter penned by [[Bastille|Bastille]], in which she states that there would an additional book written from her perspective in order to tie up everything properly. The title for the final book is *Bastille Versus the Evil Librarians*. Brandon had some trouble getting Bastille's voice right, so he reached out to his long-time friend and former student, [[Janci Patterson|Janci Patterson]], who agreed to help with the book. The book was released in September 2022. ## Cover Gallery *Alcatraz versus the Evil Librarians* · *The Scrivener's Bones* · *The Knights of Crystallia* · *The Shattered Lens* · *The Dark Talent* · *Bastille Versus the Evil Librarians* ### Omnibus Covers *The Complete Alcatraz*, a UK omnibus of the first two books *Alcatraz Smedry: L'Intégrale!*, a French omnibus of the first four books ## Publication ALCATRAZ VERSUS THE EVIL LIBRARIANS (Scholastic, 2007; Tor, 2016) ALCATRAZ VERSUS THE SCRIVENER’S BONES (Scholastic, 2008; Tor, 2016) ALCATRAZ VERSUS THE KNIGHTS OF CRYSTALLIA (Scholastic, 2009; Tor, 2016) ALCATRAZ VERSUS THE SHATTERED LENS (Scholastic, 2010; Tor, 2016) ALCATRAZ VERSUS THE DARK TALENT (Tor, 2016) Film rights for series under option to Dreamworks Audio rights (entire series) to Recorded Books German rights (entire series) to Heyne Chinese rights (entire series; complex) to Crown French rights (Books #1-4) to Mango Portugese rights (Brazil; Books #1-2) to Saraiva Romanian rights (Book #1) to Editura Corint Junior Russian rights (Book #1) to EKSMO Spanish rights (Book #1) to Via Magna Thai rights (entire series) to Rueanpanya ## Awards Book #1 Featured on Nancy Pearl’s NPR Morning Show Book #1 a Book Sense Winter 2007-2008 Children’s Pick Book #1 nominated for Golden Sower Award, Nebraska’s Children’s Choice Book Award, Hawaii’s Nene Award, North Carolina’s Battle of the *Books, and Florida's Sunshine State Young Reader's Award.
Alcatraz Versus the Evil Librarians series
|**Seon**| |-|-| |by Connor Chamberlain | |**Type**|[[Splinter|Splinter]]s of [[Devotion|Devotion]]| |**Abilities**|Flight, immortality, enhanced senses, instantaneous communication to and through other seons| |**Sapient**|Yes| |**World of Origin**|[[Sel|Sel]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| This page or section contains spoilers for *Wind and Truth*!This information has the ability to potentially ruin elements of the plot for the reader. Proceed with caution if you have not read this book. This page or section needs to be updated with new information for *The Lost Metal* and *Wind and Truth*!Be aware that in its current state, it may not include all additional content yet. >“*You look at things as a human, young master. You see rank and distinction; you try to order the world so that everything has a place either above you or beneath you. To a seon, there is no above or beneath. There are only those we love. And we serve those we love.*” \-Ien to Raoden[1] **Seons** are sapient magical beings that originate on [[Sel|Sel]]. They are [[Splinter|Splinters]] of [[Devotion|Devotion]] who serve human masters. ## Contents 1 Appearance and Characteristics 1.1 Bonds with Humans 2 Powers and Abilities 3 Cultural Role 4 History 4.1 Creation 4.2 The Reod 4.3 On Roshar 5 Similarities to Other Splinters 5.1 Spren 5.2 Skaze 6 Notable Seons 7 Trivia 8 Notes ## Appearance and Characteristics Seons take the form of floating orbs of light, each with a glowing [[Aon|Aon]] at their core for which they are named. They are described as "small" and "melon sized". Seons have control over the level of their brightness, and they often pulse while speaking or laughing. The light of seons has a mother-of-pearl iridescence, at least in the [[Cognitive Realm|Cognitive Realm]], and it can be difficult to discern their Aons through the light without close examination. The general appearance of seons is similar in the Cognitive and [[Physical Realm|Physical Realms]]; however, this may not have always been the case, and is likely related to the unusual history of the [[Dor|Dor]] on Sel and its effect on Selish magic systems. Seons are tangible, although they weigh very little; they cannot pass through solid matter and can therefore be imprisoned. Seons need to sleep, though less than humans. There is only one seon for each Aon, and they intrinsically know what their Aon means. Each seon has an individual personality. Seon personalities are very similar to those of humans and they are able to convey emotions easily; they may even have superstitions. They are generally agreeable, but can sometimes suffer negative psychological effects from stress or abuse. Raoden and Sarene each note that their seons are incredibly wise. Known seons tend to have soothing voices. [[Ashe|Ashe's]] voice is described as "deep" and "sonorous", with well-enunciated words. [[Ien|Ien's]] voice is "indulgent", [[Dio|Dio's]] is "melodious", and [[Riika|Riika]] needs [[Mai|Mai]] to tell her a story when she goes to sleep. However, [[Opa|Opa's]] voice is formal and unemotional, which [[Sarene|Sarene]] notes as unusual, particularly compared to seons in [[Teod|Teod]]. It is not clear if seons have a gender, but some of them sound masculine while others sound feminine. by Séverine Dumagny [[Sarene|Sarene]] and [[Ashe|Ashe]] ### Bonds with Humans Seons can form bonds with individual humans. The human does not have to be an [[Elantrian|Elantrian]]. They love their masters and act as loyal companions and advisors. The bond works through [[Spiritual Realm|Spiritual]] [[Connection|Connection]] and has similarities to the [[Nahel bond|Nahel bond]] on [[Roshar|Roshar]]. The seons are bound only by love and are not obligated to serve. The bond typically makes the seon and its master very close. Raoden sees [[Ien|Ien]] as more than a servant or even a friend; he sees him as the embodiment of his god's love. A seon could theoretically abandon its master, but how and why this could happen is not known; [[Hrathen|Hrathen]] views seons as heresy and is shocked upon learning that [[Wyrn (title)|Wyrn]] [[Wulfden the Fourth|Wulfden the Fourth]] uses them. He uses his seon as a necessary tool to achieve higher goals, hating it and keeping it in a box, but it is always ready and willing to serve him when called upon. Unlike the Nahel bond, the bond between seons and humans has not been shown to give either party any new abilities. The bond can be Passed from person to person. The Passing is initiated when the seon's master instructs it to form a bond with a new person, but the mechanics of the change in bond is not clear. Passing can occur even if the human is an infant. It is not uncommon to keep a seon in the same family for hundreds of years. Raoden believes that the seons inherently need to serve and that they would seek out a new master if theirs suddenly died. In some cases, it appears that seons can be assigned by an authority figure; Wyrn gives one to Hrathen and Raoden gives two seons to [[Dashe|Dashe]]. Unbound seons are quite rare. ## Powers and Abilities As [[Splinter|Splinters]] of a [[Shard|Shard]] of [[Adonalsium|Adonalsium]], seons are a sapient form of [[Investiture|Investiture]] and possess several magical qualities. They are immortal. They generate their own light and have control over their brightness, to the point that they can become nearly invisible. They move by floating and seem to be able to change their speed and altitude quickly. They can even reach speeds that are faster than a galloping horse. They are able to mimic human speech and mannerisms, which they may have perfected over time. Their senses are superior to those of humans. They have an innate sense of direction and can point the way to any place they have ever been. They cannot be harmed by conventional means. They are able to link to each other over long distances to allow their masters to communicate instantly. This ability seems to function similarly in the [[Physical Realm|Physical Realm]] and the [[Cognitive Realm|Cognitive Realm]], and seons are therefore one of the few ways to instantaneously communicate between the realms. They can temporarily transform into a three-dimensional image of the person speaking on the other end of the link. The image shows only the person's features and not anything else in their surroundings. It is not clear if they can transform for any other purpose. Although [[Sel|Selish]] magic generally does not function properly away from Sel, seons are capable of traveling to another planet. Their ability to leave the planet is somehow related to the unusual properties of Investiture on Sel, and does not necessarily apply to similar magical beings. The [[Ghostbloods|Ghostbloods]] were able to bring at least two seons to [[Roshar|Roshar]], including [[Ala|Ala]]. ## Cultural Role [[Ashe|Ashe]] notes that Elantris was once "overflowing" with seons and that nearly all Elantrians had one. After the Reod, seons become increasingly rare as more of them go "mad". They remain common enough that some people in larger cities still ignore them, but Ashe mentions that many people have become wary or even fearful of seons, since they associate them with the fall of Elantris. This attitude is more prevalent in Arelon, the presumed source of seons, than it is in Teod. Many people in [[Fjordell|Fjordell]] do not believe that seons exist, or they believe that they are "heathen magic" that should be shunned. After Elantris is restored and Raoden and Sarene become king and queen, seons are once again seen as desirable in Arelon. ## History ### Creation Seons were created by the Splintering of [[Devotion|Devotion]], a [[Shard of Adonalsium|Shard of Adonalsium]]. [[Odium|Odium]] traveled to [[Sel|Sel]] and killed both [[Aona|Aona]] and [[Skai|Skai]], the [[Vessel|Vessels]] of Devotion and [[Dominion|Dominion]]. After they were killed, the power of their Shards was left in the [[Cognitive Realm|Cognitive Realm]] and formed the [[Dor|Dor]]. The seons were bits of Devotion's magic that became sapient. They had counterparts formed from Dominion's magic known as the [[Skaze|skaze]], and there were some similarities between the two groups. The presence of the uncontrolled power of two Shards made the Cognitive Realm on Sel extremely dangerous, as the seons and skaze did not provide an adequate "release valve", unlike the [[Spren|spren]] on [[Roshar|Roshar]]. The people of [[Opelon|Opelon]] and [[Teod|Teod]] did not know the true origin of the seons. The most common assumption was that they were created by Elantrians through AonDor, despite a lack of documented proof. Raoden realized that this might be inaccurate, and planned to continue researching the origin of seons. The seons themselves had some awareness of their origin, but they were not known to have shared this information with any humans. by Péter Kovács Seons floating aimlessly after the Reod ### The Reod The [[Reod|Reod]] had a significant effect on the magic used in Arelon, including seons. The Reod disrupted the Elantrian connection to the Dor and corrupted the [[Shaod|Shaod]]. Seons of Elantrians lost their thinking capacity, wandering aimlessly and silently within the walls of Elantris. These seons usually avoided people and their movements were lazy and sometimes wobbly. The change in the seons of Elantrians was caused by the Reod's effect on the Connection to their masters. Infrequently, a mad seon might show some unconscious recognition of its Elantrian master, but only through classically conditioned actions, not communication. Additionally, if closely inspected, the [[Aon|Aon]] of a seon who had lost its master to the Shaod would appear patchy and incomplete. Seons that were not bound to an Elantrian were unaffected by the Reod. During this time (and possibly earlier) [[Wyrn (title)|Wyrn]] [[Wulfden the Fourth|Wulfden the Fourth]] used seons to communicate with his [[Gyorn|gyorns]], an embarrassing and closely guarded secret. It is not known how Wyrn and the [[Derethi|Derethi]] obtained their seons. Upon the restoration of Elantris's magic, the mad seons recovered their sanity and returned to their former state. However, they were unable to remember the time that passed and they may have been fundamentally changed by the experience. ### On Roshar >“*I'm … supposed to stay. I’m not supposed to talk. To you. To anyone.*” \-Ala, to Shallan[9] Around 1167, Shallan used an unknown seon. However, she did not have it by 1172. The [[Ghostbloods|Ghostbloods]] were able to bring at least two seons to [[Roshar|Roshar]] through unknown means. [[Ala|Ala]] was kept in captivity and given to [[Shallan Davar|Shallan Davar]] inside of a special cube for use as a communication device with [[Mraize|Mraize]], who possessed an unknown seon. Ala, who seemed traumatized by the Ghostbloods, was eventually freed by Shallan with assistance from [[Kalak|Kalak]]. [[Hoid|Hoid]], who was also on Roshar during this time, possessed his own unknown seon that he used to communicate with [[Pattern|Pattern]] through Ala. After Ala was released, Hoid informed Shallan of the nature of seons and the rarity of finding one that was not bound to someone. Ala then remained with Shallan. ## Similarities to Other Splinters ### Spren Seons have many similarities to the spren that live on Roshar. They are both [[Splinter|Splinters]] and essentially "the same thing", but there are some differences that would not make them interchangeable. Unlike spren, seons can leave Sel and do not change appearance in the Cognitive Realm; these differences are somehow related to the unusual state of the [[Dor|Dor]] and Sel's "odd" magic systems. Seons are not as common as spren, as they are limited to a single individual for each Aon. Both entities can bond with humans, and the Nahel bond with a spren can theoretically be Passed like a seon bond. Like spren, seons can turn into [[Shardblade|Shardblades]] if they have something to pull them more into the [[Physical Realm|Physical Realm]]. They can also not be killed by a Shardblade. Seons could be used to build a [[Fabrial|fabrial]], and the nature of the Aon in the seon would influence what kind of fabrial could be made. ### Skaze Seons are closely related to the [[Skaze|skaze]] that are also found on Sel. They are both sapient Splinters, with the skaze being of [[Dominion|Dominion]] rather than [[Devotion|Devotion]]. Like seons, skaze could theoretically be used to create a [[Shardblade|Shardblade]] or build a [[Fabrial|fabrial]]. They each appear as floating balls of light and possess unique humanlike personalities. However, skaze glow with a dark, almost "negative" light and are surrounded by a ring of symbols, rather than having one at their center. They also exhibit personality traits like sarcasm that have not been seen in seons, and could even be considered "evil". Although the origins of both seons and skaze are unclear, they are categorized together by the scholars of [[Silverlight|Silverlight]] and were likely created under similar circumstances. The skaze are influential in [[Fjordell|Fjordell]] and are not commonly seen or even mentioned in Arelon or Teod. ## Notable Seons For a complete list of seons, see Category:Seons. [[Ashe|Ashe]] [[Ien|Ien]] [[Hrathen's seon|Hrathen's seon]] [[Dio|Dio]] [[Ala|Ala]] [[Dao|Dao]] [[Opa|Opa]] ## Trivia Seons were inspired by a series of paintings by Michael Whelan called *Passage*. Brandon saw the paintings in high school and wrote a story involving balls of light, which later became the seons. The paintings can be seen on Michael Whelan's . In an earlier draft of *Elantris*, seons possessed the ability to 'complete' their Aons a single time, creating the effect that their Aon represents in AonDor while killing the seon. Ien targeted this ability on Dilaf, 'healing' him; since Ien's Aon was still incomplete, this turned Dilaf into a fallen Elantrian. Brandon used some elements of this mechanism in *Warbreaker* with the [[Returned|Returned's]] ability to sacrifice their [[Divine Breath|divine Breath]]. The origins of seons and their connection to AonDor will be explored further in a sequel to Elantris.
|**Skip**| |-|-| |**Abilities**|Smells delicious to dragonsHears spelling and punctuation| |**Homeworld**|Cube| |**Introduced In**|*I Hate Dragons*| For the transportation power in the [[Cosmere|cosmere]], see Sigzil#Skipping. **Skip** is a child employed as dragon bait by a group of hunters. Skip lives on [[Sixthface|Sixthface]] on the cube, where people are born with simple magic talents known as [[Knack|knacks]]. Skip has three knacks, the first and most unfortunate of which is smelling delicious to [[Dragon (I Hate Dragons)|dragons]]. His second knack is the ability to hear spelling and punctuation. His third knack is unknown. As a result of his knack of hearing spelling and punctuation, he is very interested in words and a stickler for grammar and spelling. He would like to become a lexicographer and collect all the words and their spellings into a dictionary. Skip's ability to smell delicious to dragons got him run out of towns a number of times, before he joined up with Johnston's Spears, Dragon Hunters as dragon bait. The group was later hired by a sorceress from [[Dawnface|Dawnface]] who took them into the highlands, looking to hunt and kill a specific dragon. After failing to find the dragon she was looking for, she told the hunters that they would be venturing further into the mountains, where larger and more powerful dragons are common. This led Skip to abandon the group, as he feared finally being eaten by a dragon. However, after leaving the hunters, he was cornered, alone, by a dragon on his way home. His fate is unknown.
|**Sliverism**| |-|-| |**Related to**|[[Marsh|Ironeyes]]| |**Type**|Religion| |**World of Origin**|[[Scadrial|Scadrial]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| >“*The Yomens are powerful, even if they do believe in Sliverism. Horrid religion. Imagine, revering Ironeyes himself.*” \-Steris, about House Yomen and Sliverism[1] **Sliverism** is a religion on [[Scadrial|Scadrial]] that arose after the [[Final Ascension|Final Ascension]]. According to [[Steris Harms|Steris Harms]], they are known to revere [[Ironeyes|Ironeyes]], A.K.A. Marsh. Although Marsh won't admit it, a part of him—the part that's similar to his brother, [[Kelsier|Kelsier]]— enjoys being seen as a god of death. It can be inferred that Sliverism is an evolution of the dominant religion of the [[Final Empire|Final Empire]], brought to the new world by [[Obligator|obligators]] such as [[Aradan Yomen|Aradan Yomen]] that survived the Final Ascension, as the [[Lord Ruler|Lord Ruler]] was referred to the "Sliver of Infinity" in religious terms. This is a possible motive for worshiping Ironeyes, as the old religion revered [[Steel Inquisitors|Steel Inquisitors]], of which Ironeyes is the last member. ## Notable followers [[Aradan Yomen|Aradan Yomen]] [[Joshin Yomen|Joshin Yomen]] [[Mi'chelle Yomen|Mi'chelle Yomen]]
|**Soulstone**| |-|-| |**Type**|Mineral| |**Function**|Ideal for carving; useful for [[Forgery|Forgery]]| |**World of Origin**|[[Sel|Sel]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| **Soulstone** is a type of rock on [[Sel|Sel]] used for [[Forgery|Forgery]]. It is the ideal medium for the creation of [[Soulstamp|soulstamps]]. ## Contents 1 Appearance and Properties 2 Usage in Forgery 3 History 4 Notes ## Appearance and Properties Soulstone is a fine grained rock, similar in appearance to soapstone. It is white with blood red flecks mixed in. In its natural state, soulstone is almost as soft as chalk, yet it does not chip when scraped. When a piece of soulstone is held in a fire, it becomes extremely hard, like quartz. Once hardened, it has a gray and red marbled appearance. ## Usage in Forgery A soulstamp can be made from many types of material, but soulstone is the preferred medium for Forgers. Precision in soulstamps is crucial—taking off too much or too little by mistake is devastating—but soulstone effectively negates this problem. Because it is soft and does not chip, it can be carved very precisely. Additionally, the fact that soulstone can be hardened under flame significantly increases the durability of the stamp. These properties make the stone invaluable to a Forger, especially for soulstamps that they will reuse often or particularly complex stamps such as [[Essence Mark|Essence Marks]]. The only way to create a better stamp is to use crystal, but it is exceptionally difficult to carve. ## History [[Wan ShaiLu|Wan ShaiLu]] first learned to carve soulstone during her apprenticeship as a Forger. She was not allowed to touch soulstone in the early part of her training. During Shai's imprisonment in the [[Rose Palace|Rose Palace]], she requested a large quantity of soulstone to use in the creation of [[Ashravan|Ashravan's]] Essence Mark. Although [[Frava|Frava]] was hesitant to provide her with such a powerful material, she relented since Shai would not have been able to succeed without it in the required timeframe. Shai was happy with the quality and quantity of the soulstone that she was given. After successfully creating Ashravan's Essence Mark, she took some extra soulstone with her when she escaped the palace.
|**Ornament**| |-|-| |**Abilities**|[[Nahel bond|Nahel bond]], [[Order of Lightweavers|Lightweaver]] magic, [[Splinter|Splinter]]| |**Bonded With**|[[Beryl|Beryl]]| |**Species**|[[Cryptic|Cryptic]]| |**Homeworld**|[[Roshar|Roshar]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| |**Introduced In**|*Rhythm of War*| **Ornament** is a [[Cryptic|Cryptic]] on [[Roshar|Roshar]] bonded to [[Beryl|Beryl]]. ## Appearance and Personality Ornament has a delicate and lacelike head pattern. She has a squeaky voice. She has a smooth gliding movement similar to other Cryptics. This is in contrast to [[Pattern|Pattern]], who has a bouncy movement. In the [[Physical Realm|Physical Realm]], Ornament usually rides on the inside of Beryl's shirt near her skin, as she does not like being seen. She likes to watch [[Shallan|Shallan]] draw along with other Cryptics. She makes excited noises and bounces up and down while doing so. Like other Cryptics, Ornament has trouble understanding nuances of human speech and takes things more literally than intended. She has a limited Alethi vocabulary and does not understand the word 'Nitwit'. ## History Ornament was with [[Beryl|Beryl]] on the journey to [[Lasting Integrity|Lasting Integrity]]. She had a conversation with [[Shallan Davar|Shallan Davar]] and other [[Cryptic|Cryptics]]. When Shallan suspected Beryl was a spy for [[Ghostbloods|Ghostbloods]], she talked with Ornament to try to get information about Beryl. However Shallan was unable to get any useful information out of Ornament.
|**Urtan**| |-|-| |**Era**|[[Classical Scadrial|Classical Scadrial]]| |**World**|[[Scadrial|Scadrial]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| **Urtan** was a place in [[Classical Scadrial|Classical Scadrial]]. The [[Terris|Terris]] stewards were based around the Urtan servant class. The [[Lord Ruler|Lord Ruler]] conquered Urtan late in the first century of the [[Final Empire|Final Empire]].
|**Joshin Yomen**| |-|-| |**House Yomen**| |**Spouse**|[[Mi'chelle Ostlin|Mi'chelle Ostlin]]| |**Ancestors**|[[Aradan Yomen|Aradan Yomen]]| |**Residence**|[[Elendel|Elendel]]| |**Homeworld**|[[Scadrial|Scadrial]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| |**Introduced In**|*The Alloy of Law*| **Lord Joshin Yomen** is a wealthy and powerful lord in [[Elendel|Elendel]] on [[Scadrial|Scadrial]]. ## Contents 1 History 2 Connection with Hoid 3 Trivia 4 Notes ## History As a Yomen, Joshin was raised as a [[Sliverism|Sliverist]]. Joshin married Lady [[Mi'chelle Ostlin|Mi'chelle Ostlin]] in a [[Yomen-Ostlin wedding dinner|wedding]] at [[Yomen mansion|Yomen mansion]] attended by [[Waxillium Ladrian|Waxillium Ladrian]], [[Wayne|Wayne]], [[Steris Harms|Steris Harms]], [[Marasi Colms|Marasi Colms]], [[Khriss|Khriss]] and [[Hoid|Hoid]]. The wedding was attacked by [[Miles|Miles]] and the [[Vanishers|Vanishers]]. To Joshin's fury, the Vanishers even robbed Joshin, his wife, and their family stealing their jewelry and money, as well as the bridal necklace. Joshin has several property investments in [[Elendel|Elendel]]. He had purchased buildings in a run-down area of town and renovated it, causing the crime rate in the area to drop substantially. ## Connection with Hoid This page or section deals with theories or speculation.Please read carefully and note that this is not necessarily canonical. [[Hoid|Hoid]] came to Joshin's [[Yomen-Ostlin wedding dinner|wedding]], dressed as a beggar wearing black, to offer him congratulations. The reasons Hoid is friends with Joshin and Mi'chelle are still unknown, perhaps they are [[Worldhoppers|Worldhoppers]] themselves. ## Trivia Lord Joshin is a cameo for , one of the founders of [[17thshard.com|17thshard.com]].
Joshin Yomen
|**The Elendel Daily**| |-|-| |by Ben McSweeney | |**Type**|Broadsheet| |**World of Origin**|[[Scadrial|Scadrial]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| *The Elendel Daily* is a broadsheet published in [[Elendel|Elendel]] on [[Scadrial|Scadrial]]. It is prone to sensationalism. It includes two stylized symbols for [[Tin|tin]] in the heading. In an issue from 341 PC , the edition number is written in the [[Steel alphabet|Steel alphabet]] as [[Steel alphabet|]][[Steel alphabet|]][[Steel alphabet|]][[Steel alphabet|]][[Steel alphabet|]][[Steel alphabet|]]; this is thought to equate to the number 8,042. The front page of the issue from the 4th of Doxil 341 included an episode of the serialized story of Allomancer [[Jak|Jak's]] adventures to the [[Pits of Eltania|Pits of Eltania]]. It also included stories on several other notable events of the time, including labor strife in Elendel, a crime committed by the [[Vanishers|Vanishers]], and a report on the adventures of the *Ironsights*, a ship lost at sea for two years. ## Contents 1 Headlines 2 Adverts 3 Trivia 4 Notes ## Headlines [[House Tekiel|House Tekiel]] Unveils The "[[Breaknaught|Breaknaught]]" The Phantom Railcar (about the [[Vanishers|Vanishers]]) Is There Life Across the Ocean? [[Ironeyes|Ironeyes]] Sightings on the Rise! The [[Kandra|Faceless Immortals]] Saved My Life! Union Leader Abandons Solidarity with Trade Union Party Members [[Feltri|Feltri]] Proven to be Rioter! ## Adverts Horseless Carriages are a Menace! [[Briggs %26 Sons|Briggs & Sons]] buy metals Vote [[Feltri|Feltri]]! The Automobile is Superior to the Horse! Mistress [[Halex|Halex]] Pain Relief [[Jarrington|Jarrington]] at [[Metalurgistics Allied|Metalurgistics Allied]] hiring out [[Allomancer|Allomancers]] [[Immerling Arms|Immerling Arms]] Revolvers [[Brigs Wennington|Brigs Wennington]] Lighting Gallery *The Elendel Daily* front page from the 4th of Doxil 341 Advert for [[Immerling Arms|Immerling Arms]] The [[Breaknaught|Breaknaught]] ## Trivia An issue of the broadsheet is spread out over four pages (at the start of chapters 3, 8, 13 and 16) of *The Alloy of Law*.
The Elendel Daily
|**Moon Scepter**| |-|-| |by botanicaxu | |**Type**|Scepter| |**World of Origin**|[[Sel|Sel]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| The **Moon Scepter** is part of the regalia of the Emperor of the [[Rose Empire|Rose Empire]] on [[Sel|Sel]]. It was formerly on display in the [[Imperial Gallery|Imperial Gallery]] of the [[Rose Palace|Rose Palace]]. ## Contents 1 Description 2 History 3 Use 3.1 Translation Device 3.2 Access to Investiture 4 Trivia 5 Notes ## Description The shape is similar to a Chinese scepter known as a and it is pale blue in color, echoing the color of Sel's moon [[Oem|Oem]]. It has [[Aon|Aons]] written or inscribed on one side of it. ## History The origin of the Moon Scepter is unknown. [[Shai|Shai]] wanted to swap the real scepter with her own forged copy as a test of her skill, because it was the most famous piece of art in the whole empire. After an elaborate plan that also included the theft and forgery of a painting by [[Han ShuXen|Han ShuXen]], she was betrayed at the last moment by [[Hoid|Hoid]] (whom she knew as the Imperial Fool) and imprisoned. Shai assumed that the Fool escaped with the original scepter and that her forged version now sat in the gallery. Hoid did take the original scepter but its fate after that point is unknown. ## Use ### Translation Device The Moon Scepter is not simply ornamental; it is a translation device between sets of symbols that are used to access [[Investiture|Investiture]] in the various Selish magic systems. This is significant because Sel's numerous manifestations of Investiture are similar to computer programming languages. The scepter presumably has other symbols written or inscribed on it that correspond to the Aons known to be on one side. A knowledgeable individual would therefore be able to use the translations to gain an understanding of the symbols that are integral to various types of Selish magic. ### Access to Investiture This page or section deals with theories or speculation.Please read carefully and note that this is not necessarily canonical. Selish magic is particularly powerful, but despite a common power source (the [[Dor|Dor]]), each type of magic is usually only usable by people native to specific areas of Sel. Additionally, Selish magic typically gets weaker as the distance from its homeland increases. These properties vary for each specific magic system, but Selish magic generally does not work on other planets. This is a problem that some characters are actively trying to solve. Although the Moon Scepter does not remove these geographic restrictions, thus far it is the only known object that could make this task "less daunting". Someone that is able to use at least one type of Selish magic might be able to use the information on the scepter to gain access to one or more additional types of magic (including [[AonDor|AonDor]], [[Forgery|Forgery]], [[ChayShan|ChayShan]], [[Dakhor|Dakhor]], Invested potions, [[Bloodsealing|Bloodsealing]], and more). Alternatively, the translation could allow the powers of a magic system to be accessed using different symbols in non-native locations (for example, an [[Elantrian|Elantrian]] traveling to [[Fjorden|Fjorden]] might be able to use AonDor with Dakhor glyphs rather than Aons). Notably, the scepter provides information about Selish magics, but it does not inherently grant the holder access to any of its manifestations. The scepter is a piece of a much larger puzzle that could theoretically allow conversion between different types of [[Investiture|Investiture]], even beyond those found on Sel. The translation information on the scepter was the reason for Hoid's interest, and he has already gotten what he needs from it. ## Trivia Brandon has not confirmed whether or not the scepter itself is Invested, but it is unlikely since it does not seem to have particular value to Hoid. The Moon Scepter is likely to reappear in a future book, at least as a cameo. [[Shallan|Shallan]] sees a stick with unreadable writing on it in [[Mraize|Mraize's]] "trophy room", but it is not the Moon Scepter.
Moon Scepter
|**Durn**| |-|-| |**Profession**|Thief lord| |**Residence**|[[Urteau|Urteau]]| |**Ethnicity**|[[Skaa|Skaa]]| |**Homeworld**|[[Scadrial|Scadrial]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| |**Introduced In**|*The Hero of Ages*| **Durn** is a leader of the [[Skaa|skaa]] underground in [[Urteau|Urteau]] on [[Scadrial|Scadrial]] and an aspiring musician. ## Contents 1 Appearance and Personality 2 Attributes and Abilities 3 History 3.1 Early History 3.2 The Coup of Urteau 4 Relationships 4.1 Spook 5 Trivia 6 Notes ## Appearance and Personality >“*We have something beautiful here. Skaa ruling skaa. We’re happy.*” \-Durn to Spook about Quellion's government.[1] Durn intentionally presents a sickly appearance, a common beggar's tactic to garner more coins out of sympathy. His disguise also allows him to go about the city unnoticed. He walks with a false limp and a stooped posture, and his hair is pulled out in patches. He wears a cloak, and his overall appearance is "ragged". However, he uses soap and [[Spook|Spook]] can smell wine on his breath, indicating refinement, and he speaks articulately. He is a large man and Spook calls him ugly, although he says it in a somewhat joking manner. Durn approves of [[Quellion|Quellion's]] government, saying that it is better for the skaa than the [[Lord Ruler|Lord Ruler's]] system, because now skaa can engage in commerce and aren't killed on the streets. However, the Citizen is also bad for his business, because people fear buying his smuggled goods, and that drove prices down. He helped Spook not out of altruism, but out of a wish for profit. He also resents Quellion for saying he'd let the skaa rule, then taking all the power for himself. He is dishonest, cheating at chips and stealing. ## Attributes and Abilities >“*Durn’s rhythm was perfect. Any minstrel would have envied him.*” \-Spook thinking about Durn.[1] Durn is an unfulfilled master musician; when begging, he frequently beats on the ground with a pair of sticks in complex patterns, with perfect rhythm. However, he was never able to play his music in public, because in the [[Final Empire|Final Empire]] skaa were not allowed to play music, and under the Citizen it was not good to draw attention to oneself. Durn becomes a leading figure in the Urteau underworld, acting as a thief, informant, and beggar lord. Spook considers him a sort of a mayor of the Harrows. ## History ### Early History Durn wasn't educated among the poor; where and how he grew up is unknown. He became prominent among the Urteau underworld, although whether this was before or after the [[Collapse|Collapse]] is unknown. When the Harrows were new, he and his men pulled the lock system from their mouth. He lived in a hollowed out section of a canal, forming a cave. ### The Coup of Urteau Spook hired Durn to inform him of Quellion's next execution. Durn promised another tidbit, that turned out to be that the Citizen was saving Allomancers from his executions to use as his soldiers. Durn started spreading rumors about Spook being the Survivor of the Flames and being one of [[Kelsier's crew|Kelsier's crew]]. Spook went to confront Durn, and he told Spook he was spreading the rumors because it would decrease Quellions popularity if people knew that he had killed one of Kelsier's own crew. Durn offered to help Spook, and he accepted. He demanded a title and trade contracts on the canals in exchange for his help. Durn dammed the Harrows with their old lock system, so that the people in them wouldn't get hurt when Spook flooded the canals. He also helped Spook to improve his reputation. Before the speech where Spook would confront Quellion, Durn spread rumors among the people for them to know what to expect of the speech. He also told people to stay clear of the waterways not to get caught in the current. Durn's men also created a distraction for Spook to act. However, when riots start, Durn isn't able to control them, and the city starts to burn. He sends a message to Spook, who goes to flood the canals. ## Relationships ### Spook >“*I find it difficult to think of you as an altruist, Durn. You’re a thief.*” \-Spook to Durn.[4] Spook finds the sound of Durn's sticks soothing, and pities him for not being able to become a musician. However, he is skeptical that Durn wants to help him, being a thief. Spook and Durn disagree about Quellion's system, with Durn believing it is good for the skaa, and Spook believing it oppresses them. Durn knows Spook is one of Kelsier's crew, and says that weird things happen around them. ## Trivia Brandon has RAFO'd whether Durn is a [[Worldhopper|worldhopper]].
|**Bloody Kent**| |-|-| |**Profession**|Bounty Hunter| |**Residence**|[[Forests of Hell|The Forests of Hell]]| |**Homeworld**|[[Threnody|Threnody]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| **Bloody Kent** is a fabled bounty hunter on [[Threnody|Threnody]]. ## History After [[Silence Montane|Silence Montane]] fabricated the story of the White Fox's death, [[Daggon|Daggon]] began to instead tell stories of Bloody Kent to travelers in [[Silence's waystop|Silence's waystop]], including [[Lamentation Winebare|Lamentation Winebare]].
Bloody Kent
|**Greatshell**| |-|-| |by Randy Vargas | |**Type**|Animal family| |**World of Origin**|[[Roshar|Roshar]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| This page or section contains spoilers for *Wind and Truth*!This information has the ability to potentially ruin elements of the plot for the reader. Proceed with caution if you have not read this book. This page or section needs to be updated with new information for *Oathbringer*, *Rhythm of War*, and *Wind and Truth*!Be aware that in its current state, it may not include all additional content yet. **Greatshell** is a term used to describe various large crustaceans native to [[Roshar|Roshar]]. The family includes numerous related species, among them [[Chasmfiend|chasmfiends]], [[Tai-na|Tai-na]], [[Yu-nerig|Yu-nerig]], and the extinct [[Lanceryn|lanceryns]]. ## Contents 1 Appearance and Anatomy 1.1 Gemhearts and Spren Bonds 2 Known greatshell species 3 Notes ## Appearance and Anatomy Greatshells consist of a variety of creatures both aquatic and land-bound. Their appearance varies widely, but they share a number of physical characteristics. They are massive, vastly larger than a human; the largest creatures on the planet, both on land and in the water, are greatshells. They possess an exoskeleton and multiple legs. Their exoskeletons are chitinous, and known species have carapace armor that is extremely difficult to penetrate. They have no tongue, and a complex set of jaws; though it's unclear if they're all carnivorous, it is unlikely. Their blood is violet, and has a musty, moldy smell. Greatshells breed slowly, and for most species, their populations are generally small. They all reproduce the same way: an adult greatshell transforms (pupates) into a chrysalis, which eventually produces a number of young. They do not seem to have a singular biome they thrive in; they can be found as far east as the [[Shattered Plains|Shattered Plains]], as far west as [[Aimia|Aimia]], and as far north as the [[Reshi Isles|Reshi Isles]]. Their sheer size makes domesticating most species unfeasible, although there are stories of greatshell riders in places like [[Kadrix|Kadrix]]. ### Gemhearts and Spren Bonds The greatshells maintain their enormous size through [[Nahel bond|Nahel bonds]] with [[Mandra|mandras]], a type of [[Spren|spren]] also known as 'luckspren'. Mandras decrease the animal's weight, allowing them to exist and move their bulk in defiance of the . To facilitate this bond, greatshells possess [[Gemheart|gemhearts]], massive gemstones, within their bodies that the spren can enter. The type of [[Polestone|polestone]] may vary in some species, while it is consistent in others. The size of the gemheart scales up with the size of the animal. Due to the buoyancy of water, the largest greatshells are aquatic, and it is possible that some aquatic greatshells can survive without a spren bond. Gemhearts hold great value, and greatshells are often hunted; some species, like the [[Lanceryn|lanceryn]] and [[Chasmfiend|chasmfiends]], have been hunted down to extinction or near-extinction over their gemhearts. ## Known greatshell species [[Chasmfiend|Chasmfiend]] [[Lanceryn|Lanceryn]] [[Tai-na|Tai-na]] [[Yu-nerig|Yu-nerig]] [[Santhid|Santhids]] are known to be in the same family, although they are not explicitly named as greatshells.
|**Battle of Alta**| |-|-| |**Participants**|[[Defiant Defense Force|Defiant Defense Force]], [[Varvax|Krell]]| |**World**|[[Detritus|Detritus]]| |**Universe**|[[Cytoverse|Cytoverse]]| The **Battle of Alta** took place above [[Alta Base|Alta Base]] when [[Spensa|Spensa]] was seven years old. Forty human [[Starfighter|starfighters]] participated, against one hundred [[Superiority|Krell]] fighters, the largest force the Krell have ever sent against the humans. Of the participants, fourteen survived and twenty six (including [[Zeen Nightshade|Chaser]]) died. ## Contents 1 History 2 Legacy 3 Known Participants 4 Notes ## History Prior to the Battle, Alta Base had been cloaked to hide it from the Krell, in an attempt to build up a defense force against the aliens using the machinery that had been found beneath the base in Igneous Cavern. Chaser and Spensa were in a cave on the surface of Detritus when Chaser spotted dozens of pieces of debris falling through the atmosphere, headed toward Alta Base. He reported it to flight command, and they told him that they had seen the same thing, their radar reports telling them the debris was actually a large force of Krell starfighters. Flight command told Chaser the Krell were heading straight toward Igneous Cavern, and Mongrel contacted him, telling him to convince Banks and Swing to stay and fight. They wanted to abandon the Cavern, but Ironsides demanded that they stay and fight. Chaser agreed with Ironsides, and said if humans had any hope of having a civilization again, they needed to stay and defend Igneous. Mongrel told Chaser he would beat him to the air and kill more Krell than him, so Chaser sprints toward Alta Base to fight the Krell. >“*Some wounds aren't as obvious as a twisted leg. You found it hard to get into the cockpit today, after watching your friends die? Try doing it after you shoot down one of your own.*” \-Cobb, to Spensa, explaining why he doesn't fly anymore.[3] The humans flew into the sky in waves, totaling forty pilots, compared to the Krell's one hundred. The Krell ships were poorly constructed, with wires coming out at odd angles and ripped wings. The battle devolved into a chaotic mess, each pair of wingmates fighting to survive against the much larger force of the Krell. Chaser killed many Krell, at times seeming to know what turns the Krell were going to make before they made them. Him and Mongrel were a well-oiled machine, one of them would fire an IMP on a group of Krell, and the other would pick them off, outside the distance of the IMP. The battle went on for upwards of an hour. Chaser, Mongrel, Ironsides, Rally and Antique formed up, the last surviving members of Hope Flight, as the Krell seemed to be retreating. Cobb asked if the Krell were retreating, and Chaser told him they were merely regrouping. Cobb and Chaser returned to Ironsides, and earned a brief recess from the combat. Cobb and Ironsides engaged in some banter about Chaser, then Cobb pointed out a hole in the debris field that revealed the stars. They lost Chaser's attention for a minute, so Cobb asked if everything was alright, while Ironsides asked if it was the defect. Chaser told her he could control the defect, but that he believed he could get through the hole and reach the stars. Ironsides told him to stay in rank, but he told her he could hear the stars like never before. She told him she trusted him, and let him go. Chaser rotated his ship, pointed his acclivity rings at the ground, and boosted towards the hole. Chaser went above the protective platforms of Detritus, and without jamming technology equipped in his ship, fell under the influence of the Krell, so returned to the fighting, bent on killing the humans. Chaser returned from above the debris field, immediately going after members of Hope Flight, first activating his IMP, then shooting down Rally and Antique. Ironsides and Mongrel fell in together and went after him. Cobb took a shot at Chaser, which he dodged, but Cobb got another shot off and blew up Chaser's ship. After more fighting, the humans were finally victorious and the Krell truly retreated. The battle ended with fourteen survivors out of the original forty pilots. Despite Chaser's actions, the DDF won the battle, chasing off the Krell and saving Alta Base. Following the battle they removed the cloaking from Alta Base and further fortified their position. ## Legacy Chaser's actions led to him being branded a coward. This was specifically engineered by Ironsides as she believed it better he be branded a coward than a traitor. While his flightmates did not know exactly why he had turned on them, Ironsides knew it to be related to his cytonic abilities, known by high level Defiant Cavern officials as the "defect". Her view of the defect changed entirely following the battle and when Chasers daughter Spensa tried to apply for Flight School, she refused her entry, by purposely giving Spensa an exam she could not complete. Spensa was eventually accepted into Flight School, with the help of Cobb, where she was able to rewatch the battle, learning the truth of her fathers actions. Those who fought in the battle are called the [[First Citizen|First Citizens]], and are given special privileges. This includes special quarters and influence, and their children are given a free entrance into [[Flight School|Flight School]] should they decide to go. ## Known Participants |**Pilot**|**Flight**|**Notes**| |-|-| |Callsign: [[Ironsides|Ironsides]]|[[Hope Flight|Hope Flight]]|Flight leader| |Callsign: [[Chaser|Chaser]]|[[Hope Flight|Hope Flight]]|Hope 7, Coward of Alta| |Callsign: [[Mongrel|Mongrel]]|[[Hope Flight|Hope Flight]]|Survivor| |Callsign: [[Rally|Rally]]|[[Hope Flight|Hope Flight]]|Victim to [[Chaser|Chaser]]| |Callsign: [[Antique|Antique]]|[[Hope Flight|Hope Flight]]|Victim to [[Chaser|Chaser]]| |Callsign: [[Banks|Banks]]|*unknown*|| |Callsign: [[Swing|Swing]]|*unknown*|| |Callsign: [[Broken Wind|Broken Wind]]|*unknown*|One of the best pilots| |[[Jeshua Weight|Jeshua Weight]]|*unknown*|| |[[Sousa|Sousa]]|*unknown*|| |[[Strife|Strife]]|*unknown*|| |[[Nightingale|Nightingale]]|*unknown*|| |Admiral [[Heimline|Heimline]]|*unknown*||
Battle of Alta
|**Uls Karkun**| |-|-| |**Type**|Mountains| |**Region**|[[Blackened Lands|Blackened Lands]]| |**World**|[[Mirandus|Mirandus]]| **Uls Karkun** is a vast mountain range near the [[Rust Banks|Rust Banks]] and the start of the [[Backflow|Backflow]], in the North of the [[Blackened Lands|Blackened Lands]].
Uls Karkun
|**Dark One Book 1**| |-|-| |by Nathan Gooden | |**Dark One (franchise)**| |**Setting**|[[Earth (Dark One)|Earth (Dark One)]], [[Mirandus|Mirandus]]| |**Collaborators**|, , Nathan Gooden| |**Released**|June 25, 2020 (ebook)August 17, 2020 (hardcover)| |**Publisher**|| |**ISBN**|978-1939424457| |**Page Count**|224| **Dark One Book 1** is the first book in a series of graphic novel written by [[Brandon Sanderson|Brandon Sanderson]] and adapted into its format by Jackson Lanzing and Collin Kelly, with artwork by Nathan Gooden. The colors are by Kurt Michael Russell and the lettering is by Andworld Design. The story takes places both on Earth and in an alternate world called [[Mirandus|Mirandus]], with the two worlds influencing each other, even though only some in each are aware of the other. Though the protagonist, [[Paul Tanasin|Paul Tanasin]], is from [[Earth (Dark One)|Earth]], there are prophecies of him in Mirandus -- prophecies claiming that he will be their destroyer, the [[Dark One (title)|Dark One]]. ## Contents 1 Synopsis 2 Summary 2.1 Paul Tanasin 2.2 Lin Yang-Tanasin 3 Cover Gallery 4 Notes ## Synopsis Visions of a dark and fantastic world haunt Paul Tanasin. But when he discovers they are prophecies from Mirandus- A world in which he's destined to become a fearsome destroyer-He'll have to embrace the fear, rise up as the [[Dark One (title)|Dark One]], and shatter everything. ## Summary For a chapter by chapter summary, see [[Dark One Book 1/Summary|/Summary]]. The graphic novel primarily follows Paul Tanasin and his mother [[Lin Yang-Tanasin|Lin Yang-Tanasin]], with a large focus on [[Feotora|Feotora]], a princess of the [[Kingdoms of Light|Kingdoms of Light]], and [[Malmahan|Mr. Caligo]], a man accused of being a serial killer. ### Paul Tanasin Paul is the primary focus of the novel. At the start, he is living by himself while receiving help from the therapist [[Dr. Marcus|Dr. Marcus]]. He then has to deal with an assassination attempt from a knight from another world, before finding himself on Mirandus, an alternate world to Earth. Here he comes to learn he is the Dark One, a person destined to rise up and lead the dark beings of Mirandus fight against the light. Paul eventually comes out victorious in the fight against the Kingdoms of Light, the first Dark One to ever achieve this. He is last seen taken into custody back on Earth after mysteriously been dragged back there, shortly after his victory speech. ### Lin Yang-Tanasin Lin is a successful defense attorney who is given the job of defending Mr. Caligo, a man who is accused of fifteen murders across as many years. She attempts to get his wish of a death penalty in exchange for a guilty plea during his trial, but ultimately fails and is forced to assist him in his goal of getting back to Mirandus. She kills Mr. Caligo after he informs her that he is really Malmahan, the previous Dark One, which then helps them transition to Mirandus where Malmahan takes her captive. ## Cover Gallery For a cover gallery of Dark One Book 1, see [[Dark One Book 1/Covers|/Covers]].
Dark One Book 1
|**Los'seen**| |-|-| |**Related to**|[[Sand Lord|Sand Lord]]| |**Type**|Religion| |**World of Origin**|[[Taldain|Taldain]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| >“*Long ago, two siblings--Kerzt and Lossa--had a falling out over how to worship the Sand Lord.*” \-Kenton[1] **Los'seen** is a religion on [[Taldain|Taldain]]. It is the [[Lossand|Lossandin]] way of worshipping the [[Sand Lord|Sand Lord]]. It is more lenient than other forms of worship. It is more of a philosophy than a belief system.
|**Jewels**| |-|-| |by Jove | |**Profession**|Mercenary| |**Groups**|[[Denth's crew|Denth's crew]]| |**Nationality**|[[Hallandren|Hallandren]]| |**Homeworld**|[[Nalthis|Nalthis]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| |**Introduced In**|*Warbreaker*| >“*“Look, do you think you could just not talk to me? I’d really appreciate it.”*” \-Jewels to Vivenna after being asked three simple questions[1] **Jewels** is a female mercenary from [[Hallandren|Hallandren]] and a [[Drab|Drab]]. ## Contents 1 Appearance and Personality 2 History 3 Cultural Views 4 Trivia 5 Notes ## Appearance and Personality >“*“'Stop judging me!' Jewels snapped. 'Kalad’s Phantoms take you, woman.'"*” \-Jewels' response to Vivenna pitying Jewels for being a drab[1] Jewels is a short woman who is "thick through the thighs and through the bust" with light brown hair that comes down to her shoulders. She is usually blunt and irritable, which [[Denth|Denth]] attributes to her inherent personality. [[Vivenna|Vivenna]] correctly believes it is caused or exacerbated by her lack of [[Breath|Breath]]. Jewels hates being judged and abhors being pitied even more. When Vivenna offers Jewels sympathy for her lost breath, Jewels berates her for her high-and-mighty attitude. ## History Unlike [[Denth|Denth]] and [[Tonk Fah|Tonk Fah]], Jewels was from Hallandren, specifically [[T'Telir|T'Telir]] and believed in the Iridescent Tones. Jewels comes from a family of eight, with a mother, father, and five siblings. Jewels' parents sold their breath to start a dye business while she was young. Her father slipped and injured his back, preventing him from working, which drove the family to destitution. Seeing the suffering of her starving siblings, she chose to give her Breath to the [[Susebron|God King]] at the age of eleven, which she and her family considered a great honor. For her donation, she was compensated well enough to keep her family fed for a year. This allowed her father to recover, reopen the family dye business, and eventually pass it on to her brothers who currently operate it. Jewels was a member of [[Denth's crew|Denth's crew]]. Her function in the team was to direct and maintain [[Arsteel|Clod]], which she put a lot of effort into learning how to do. She originally joined Denth's team to be near [[Arsteel|Arsteel]], with whom she was in love. His death 'unhinged' her a little, and after they turned Arsteel's corpse into a [[Lifeless|Lifeless]], she took over his care and still regularly talked to him, occasionally going so far as to sleep with the Lifeless. Jewels spent the first few weeks after Vivenna's arrival in the city tailing her and did not meet Vivenna face to face for some time. After Denth's death, Jewels took Clod to [[Yesteel|Yesteel]] in the hopes that he could find some way to restore Arsteel's memory and personality. ## Cultural Views Jewels is a firm believer in the Hallandren stereotypes about Idrians. She states that she is annoyed by the Idrians' high and mighty attitude and their belief that those from Hallendren are blasphemers. She believes that offering Breath is no worse than offering a child to the Idrian monastery to live a life of eternal servitude. Jewels believes wholeheartedly that the Returned have the peoples' best interests at heart, and that sacrificing Breath to them is a way to live on inside of the Returned, and that it makes one a part of the kingdom in a way that few others are. ## Trivia [[Brandon Sanderson|Brandon]] intends for Jewels appear in the [[Nightblood (book)|Warbreaker sequel]], taking Clod to meet [[Yesteel|Yesteel]].
|**Autonomy**| |-|-| |by Ben McSweeney | |**Vessel**|[[Bavadin|Bavadin]]| |**Slivers**|*None*| |**Splinters**|None| |**Status**|Whole| |**Magics**|[[Sand mastery|Sand mastery]], [[Starmarks|Starmarks]]| |**Residence**|[[Taldain|Taldain]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| >“*It is when the soul is pushed to the limit that true exceptionalism manifests. And so, there must be a consequence—as final and terrible as death—for failure.*” \-Autonomy[2] **Autonomy** is a [[Shard|Shard]] of [[Adonalsium|Adonalsium]], currently held by [[Bavadin|Bavadin]]. It's presently located on [[Taldain|Taldain]], Invested in at least one of the local suns, [[AisDa|AisDa]], though it possesses a number of [[Avatar|avatars]] in other worlds throughout the [[Cosmere|cosmere]]. ## Contents 1 Intent 2 Associated Magics 2.1 Sand mastery 2.2 Starmarks 2.3 Aviar 2.4 Avatars 2.4.1 Known avatars 2.5 Trellium 2.6 Faceless Immortals 2.7 Perpendicularity Control 3 History 3.1 Early History and Isolation of Taldain 3.2 Avatar Creation and Alliance With Odium 3.3 Trell 3.3.1 The Set 3.3.2 Bilming 4 Influence 4.1 Religions 4.2 Technological and Cultural Control 4.3 Interplanetary Conflicts 5 Trivia 6 Notes ## Intent >“*Autonomy is driven to divide off from the rest of us, go her own way. She pushes her followers to prove themselves, and she rewards those who are bold, who survive against the odds. She respects big plans and big accomplishments.*” \-Harmony[1] Autonomy is ultimately an Intent about individualism, self-actualization, and creative self-expression. Furthermore, she promotes survival of the fittest and the competitive exclusion principle; she also supports the application of these ideas not just to nature, but to the social structures of sapient beings. As a believer in survival of the fittest, she believes that it is through struggle and defying the odds that a person, or a people, reach their full potential. Autonomy wants to remain alone; she does not wish to be corrupted by other Shards and thinks that all Shards are better off on their own. Due to this, she is driven to divide off from the other Shards. She strives to become the most powerful, most untouchable Shard; to achieve this, she spreads her influence throughout the cosmere. For her followers, she seeks those who are capable of surviving on their own and defying the odds. Her philosophy is focused on the survival of the fittest. Under Autonomy's world order, one must earn their right to keep existing. Due to her Intent, she rewards even those that go against her, if they are successful. However, this doesn't stop Autonomy from meddling in affairs of others. She prefers individuality and distinctiveness to be centrally coordinated so that they nicely fit together in a greater plan. She also seeks to extend her influence across the cosmere and often intervenes in the affairs of her fellow Shards, up to and including indirectly attacking them and plotting invasions of their worlds. It is unknown if her heteronomous inclinations are an aspect that arises purely from her Intent, or if it arises from how she personally manifests the Intent. ## Associated Magics by Julius Gopez [[Kenton|Kenton]] using sand mastery ### Sand mastery For more information, see [[Sand mastery|Sand mastery]]. Sand mastery is the magic system of the [[Dayside|Dayside]] of [[Taldain|Taldain]]. Autonomy's [[Investiture|Investiture]] travels through the atmosphere there and is absorbed by a small lichen living on the local sand; this has the effect of turning the sand white. Sand masters can use this to command the sand, making it move around. Sand is controlled in ribbons; the strength of a sand master is defined by how many ribbons they are capable of calling forth. They do so at the cost of their internal stores of water, an aspect of the magic which is implied to be intentional mimicry of [[Aether|Aether]] magic. It's unclear what the conditions for becoming a sand master are. The ability seems to be a combination of nature and nurture, and must be encouraged to appear in a person by another Sand master; it can take weeks of training before one can control sand. At the same time, it appears to be in-born to at least some extent, as different people have different strength, and in some, the power will not appear at all. The same [[Investiture|Investiture]] used in sand mastery can be also utilized by people in other star systems, if Taldain's sun is visible from their location. [[Surgebinder|Surgebinders]] could draw Investiture from the sun's light. ### Starmarks For more information, see [[Starmarks|Starmarks]]. **Starmarks** are a form of Invested Art on Darkside, charged by weekly pulses from [[Taldain system|Ridos]]. Those who use this art are called **Starcarved**. There are many similarities between starmarks and sand mastery. ### Aviar For more information, see [[Aviar|Aviar]]. Aviar are a type of birds on the planet of [[First of the Sun|First of the Sun]]. They are known for their supernatural abilities; every species of Aviar has their own, specific gift. They gain those talents by feeding on fruits of [[Patji's Finger|Patji's Finger]], a tree native to the island of [[Patji (island)|Patji]]. This fruit contains worms, which bond with Aviar to grant them their powers. Aviar abilities include hiding one's mind from those capable of perceiving it, and showing others their possible deaths. As the mind of Patji is an avatar of Autonomy, it's highly likely that Aviar make use of Autonomy's Investiture. ### Avatars by Heatherly [[Pantheon|Pantheon]], home of the [[Aviar|aviar]] and the avatar [[Patji (being)|Patji]] >“*Autonomy is trying to outcompete the others by filling the cosmere with versions of herself. Crowd out the competition, so to speak.*” \-Moonlight[7] Like all Shards, Autonomy is able to create avatars—semi-autonomous entities that wield a portion of Autonomy's power without being wholly separate from Autonomy herself. Autonomy creates two types of avatars. One type are pieces of Autonomy that have been allowed to gain their own sentience, becoming effectively alternate identities of herself. The other are Physical beings that have been granted the use of a portion of Autonomy's power, and becoming a [[Sliver|Sliver]] of her. Physical avatars benefit from becoming Invested, granting them immortality, as well as incredible healing and resilience. However, they require a [[Connection|Connection]] to Autonomy herself in order to benefit from their status as an avatar; interrupting and cutting off that Connection leads them to lose the power. While they are connected and begin to become a sliver, they also begin to take on Autonomy's Intent, similar to full [[Vessel|Vessels]]. Avatars, both made and Invested, can be of any gender, race and species, including fully inhuman ones. They are considered to be Shards of Adonalsium, in a way. Autonomy can create avatars on different planets in the cosmere without physically visiting them. Avatars can also form without a direct and conscious decision on Autonomy's part, but she will always be aware of this happening. Through this process, Autonomy has created several personas, both male and female; she has more female personas than male ones, though the latter are also quite popular. She prefers to make her avatars rather than herself the center of attention. #### Known avatars **Sand Lord**, on Taldain; Taldain is also home to many other, unnamed personas of Autonomy, though it is unclear if they are all avatars or if they are all different "faces" of the Sand Lord. He apparently manifested himself at some point to [[Elorin|Elorin]], leading to an attempt to destroy the [[Diem|sand masters]], though whether driving sand mastery to extinction was his goal remains uncertain. The Sand Lord may have also been responsible for the schism between Kerzta and Lossand, as the siblings who founded both nations, [[Kerzt|Kerzt]] and [[Lossa|Lossa]] both claimed to have received visits from the Sand Lord, but the content of those visits were very different. Lossa was gifted sand mastery, while Kerzt was led to believe sand mastery was a curse. **Patji**, located on [[First of the Sun|First of the Sun]]; the origin and amount of its [[Investiture|Investiture]] is unknown. It wrote a letter to Hoid where it dismisses his concerns over [[Odium|Odium]]. **Obrodai avatar**, younger than either of the above. She has been instilled with a great dislike of [[Hoid|Hoid]] in order to prevent him from returning there. **Telsin Ladrian**, the leader of the [[Set|Set]]. Telsin was Invested by Autonomy in order to facilitate either control or destruction of [[Scadrian|Scadrian]] society. In this function, both Telsin and Autonomy herself are occassionally referred to as [[Trell (Trellism)|Trell]]. ### Trellium For more information, see [[Trellium|Trellium]]. [[Trellium|Trellium]], more rarely called **bavadinium**, is the [[God Metal|God Metal]] of Autonomy. While its [[Allomancy|Allomantic]] and [[Feruchemy|Feruchemical]] properties are unknown, when used as a [[Hemalurgic|Hemalurgic]] spike, trellium can grant other Allomantic or Feruchemical abilities, and hide the bearer of the spike from [[Harmony|Harmony's]] vision and control. Additionally, trellium repells other forms of [[Investiture|Investiture]], particularly [[Harmonium|harmonium]]. When trellium is brought into contact with superheated harmonium, it causes a massive, exceptionally destructive explosion, capable of levelling entire cities. Moreover, in the aftermath of the blast, small quantities of [[Lerasium|lerasium]] and [[Atium|atium]] can be found. ### Faceless Immortals >“*They didn't understand, couldn’t understand. The Set had Faceless Immortals of its own.*” \-Edwarn Ladrian[35] Autonomy appears to have the ability to take control of living bodies, even as far as on [[Scadrial|Scadrial]]. It is unclear what her limitations are, or if there is any requirement the person must fulfill before Autonomy can use them; it is likely that it requires [[Connection|Connection]] to Autonomy, and possibly the presence of trellium. When people are under Autonomy's control, she can make them move to their wish and speak what she wants; they can be recognized as hers by red glow in their eyes. The [[Set|Set]] calls them their "Faceless Immortals"; they do not appear aware of the Immortals' true nature. It's unclear if Autonomy can return the body under the control of its original owner, or if the person is still aware of themselves while Autonomy is in control. ### Perpendicularity Control >“*There are planets where Autonomy has created such portals unexpectedly, and against all understood mechanics.*” \-Moonlight[36] Autonomy seems to have mastered control over [[Perpendicularity|perpendicularities]]. She has barred access to [[Taldain|Taldain]] through the [[Cognitive Realm|Cognitive Realm]], locking any native worldhoppers out of their own homeland. On other worlds, she has shown the ability to create artificial, temporary perpendicularities; the methods by which she does so are unknown to cosmere scholars and appear to break the known laws of [[Realmatic Theory|Realmatic Theory]]. However, unlike natural perpendicularities, the portals created by Autonomy have strict constraints, requiring specific time and place to form. What affects those conditions is unclear, though it appears that large quantities of Invested individuals and liquid Investiture are key aspects. Whatever the case may be, those constraints means that for Autonomy to use the portals effectively, she requires a great deal of coordination and timing. Additionally, once made, those perpedicularities can be destroyed by spending the Investiture they are comprised of; a small group of [[Allomancer|Allomancers]] can destroy a portal over the course of several minutes, by using the Investiture to power their Allomancy, in order to quickly burn it away. ## History by zoethatcher_art [[Bavadin|Bavadin]] For the history of Bavadin prior to taking up the Shard, see Bavadin#History. ### Early History and Isolation of Taldain >“*Autonomy's policy of isolationism in recent times (in direct contrast to her interference with other planets, I might add) has prevented travel to and from Taldain for many, many years.*” \-Khriss[4] Autonomy was created in the aftermath of the [[Shattering of Adonalsium|Shattering of Adonalsium]], and taken up by [[Bavadin|Bavadin]], who carried it away from [[Yolen|Yolen]]. Eventually, she settled in [[Taldain system|Taldain system]]. Someone altered the system into its current, unnatural shape, though whether this was Autonomy or some other force is unknown. Eventually, Autonomy began to enforce a policy of strict isolationism for the planet, preventing people from leaving and travellers such as [[Khriss|Khriss]] from returning. She also began to take a more active role in Taldain's affairs, teaching her people about advanced physics and technologies she has forseen with her powers, leading to the planet's meteoric rise as a technological powerhouse. Throughout this time, however, Taldain remained isolated from the rest of the cosmere. ### Avatar Creation and Alliance With Odium Even as Taldain grew inaccessible, Autonomy started to nurture avatars of herself on various worlds, including [[First of the Sun|First of the Sun]]. At some point during this time, she has seeded the religion of [[Trelagism|Trelagism]] on [[Scadrial|Scadrial]], presumably with the intent of later activating it and raising her own avatar on the planet. It is possible that Autonomy aided [[Odium|Odium]] in killing [[Devotion|Devotion]] and [[Dominion|Dominion]] in an unknown way. The two Shards appear to have some form of alliance or pact preventing them from attacking each other. Odium intended to eventually break it and double-cross Autonomy, killing her off; however, he was trapped in the [[Rosharan system|Rosharan system]] before that could happen. Millennia later, [[Hoid|Hoid]] sent a message to Autonomy asking for aid with Odium and the ongoing [[True Desolation|True Desolation]]. The message was intercepted by her avatar on First of the Sun and the request denied, although [[Patji (being)|Patji]] indicated that other avatars may be more inclined to assist. At the same time, Autonomy was manifesting another avatar on [[Obrodai|Obrodai]], and Patji demanded that Hoid does not return there. ### Trell #### The Set >“*One day, the men of gold and red, bearers of the final metal, will come to you. And you will be ruled by them. Worship. Worship Trell and wait…*” \-Miles Hundredlives[46] At some point following the [[Catacendre|Catacendre]], Autonomy decided that [[Scadrial|Scadrial's]] advancing technological development would be detrimental to her own goals. Autonomy's initial plan for dealing with this was the creation of [[Set|Set]], a secret society that resurrected the long-dead religion of [[Trelagism|Trelagism]] as [[Trellism|Trellism]]. The leaders of the Set were not aware of Autonomy's true nature and intentions, knowing her as the male Trell and interacting with her through Trell's "Faceless Immortals". While this was happening in the [[Physical Realm|Physical Realm]], Autonomy began the process of Investing herself into Scadrial, taking advantage of [[Harmony|Harmony's]] conflicting intents to infiltrate the planet. Harmony could not understand it at the time, albeit he knew enough to visualize it to [[Wax|Wax]] as a choking, pressing red haze. Set's original purpose appears to have been a takeover of the [[Elendel Basin|Elendel Basin]], installing themselves—and, by extension, Trell—as the rulers of Scadrial. However, the discovery of [[Southern Scadrian|Southern Scadrians]] and their vastly more advanced technology led them to attempt to accelerate the timeline. Autonomy, on the other hand, decided to forego the plan to control Scadrial and opt for its complete destruction instead. For this reason, she eliminated Set's then-leader, [[Edwarn Ladrian|Edwarn Ladrian]], and began to move her men of gold and red into Scadrian subastral of the [[Cognitive Realm|Cognitive Realm]], intending a full-blown invasion. Before this could happen, however, [[Telsin Ladrian|Telsin Ladrian]] somehow managed to convince Autonomy to give the Set a chance to take over the planet again. Autonomy, ever appreciative of bold, ambitious actions, responded by Investing Telsin as her avatar. However, she also granted Telsin a deadline before which the world would have to find itself under Set's control, as on a specific date, the artificial [[Perpendicularity|perpendicularity]] she was creating to let her armies in would be opened. At some point during this time, Autonomy's actions came under attention of the [[Ghostbloods|Ghostbloods]], who began their work to stop her. by Ben McSweeney [[Telsin Ladrian|Telsin Ladrian]], avatar of Autonomy #### Bilming >“*It is not the bomb you should worry about. It is the destruction I have sent if that bomb fails.*” \-Autonomy[2] Over the six years following the death of Edwarn Ladrian, the Set fully took control of the city of [[Bilming|Bilming]] on behalf of Autonomy, up to developing it with accordance to Autonomy's philosophy and using Taldain architecture, particularly the style. At the same time, they conducted underground tests in order to create a [[Trellium|trellium]]-[[Harmonium|harmonium]] bomb. The key part of the plan—and the part of it meant to impress Autonomy—was the delivery device: a self-propelled rocket, something that Autonomy herself was yet to figure out. During this time, Autonomy finished the process of Investing herself into the planet. About a year before her deadline, she communicated with [[Harmony|Harmony]], attempting a compromise: she would let Harmony peacefully depart Scadrial and Invest himself elsewhere, while she took control of Scadrial. Harmony rejected her offer, and was subsequently bound by Autonomy, blinding his future-sight. In response, Harmony sent his agents—primarily [[Waxillium Ladrian|Waxillium Ladrian]]—to Bilming. While in Bilming, Wax and his team, as well as a group of [[Ghostbloods|Ghostbloods]], began to unravel Set's plan. Autonomy eventually chose to speak with Wax through a dying body, warning him about the impending invasion and encouraging him to prove his desire to protect Scadrial to her. Later that day, when Wax confronted Telsin, Harmony briefly disrupted Autonomy's link to her, causing Telsin to fall unconscious. When Telsin came to, Autonomy abandoned her willingly, having apparently given up on her and her plans. After Wax and [[Wayne|Wayne]] destroyed the Set's bomb, while [[Marasi|Marasi]] destroyed the perpendicularity intended for the [[Men of gold and red|men of gold and red]], Autonomy begrudgingly withdrew from Scadrial, acknowledging their victory. However, this was only temporary—she fully intended to regroup and return in the future. ## Influence ### Religions by [[Fritz Casas|Fritz Casas]] The Sand Lord of [[Taldain|Taldain]] Autonomy is widely worshipped by many of [[Cosmere|cosmere's]] worlds and cultures. She—or, sometimes, he or they—appears in various forms and under various names throughout her many religions. In some places, there are entire pantheons of gods where every member is actually a different persona of her. Religions worshipping Autonomy include [[Ker'reen|Ker'reen]] and [[Los'seen|Los'seen]] of [[Taldain|Taldain]], which worships her under the male persona of [[Sand Lord|Sand Lord]], the [[Eelakin|Eelakin]] faith, which considers the island of [[Patji (island)|Patji]], the site of the Patji avatar, one of its gods, and the [[Scadrian|Scadrian]] faiths of [[Trelagism|Trelagism]] and later [[Trellism|Trellism]], in which she is known as the god Trell. Autonomy will often seed these religions on various planets—including those already Invested by other [[Shard|Shards]]. These are seeds of influence she can later reactivate in order to exert her influence on the planet; for example, reactivating Trelagism as Trellism with the [[Set|Set]]. ### Technological and Cultural Control >“*She claims she wants everyone to be individual. Gives them each a little house that is distinctive from the others, but only in a way that fits her plan, her desires. It's fake individualism. A corporate uniqueness. Like an advertisement telling people to go their own way, be their own person—by buying this product like everyone else.*” \-Moonlight[7] Autonomy has consistently shared her Shardic knowledge of advanced physics and technology with her people. This has led to [[Taldain|Taldain]] becoming one of cosmere's most technologically-advanced worlds, and the fastest to advance. However, Autonomy has at the same time insisted on stopping Taldain from developing further than she desires, and has meddled in the planet's cultural and political development from ancient times, including manipulating specific individuals in an attempt to divide faith in the Sand Lord and destroy the [[Diem|Diem]] should they prove unworthy to survive. Presently, Autonomy has effectively isolated Taldain from the rest of the cosmere. As such, off-world travel to and from the planet has all but ceased. This also had the result of cutting Taldain [[Worldhopper|worldhoppers]] off from their own homeland; people like [[Khriss|Khriss]] and [[Baon|Baon]] are virtual exiles. Autonomy is not, however, opposed to exporting Taldain's culture—or rather, the version of it she approves of—to other worlds. Places under Autonomy's control, like [[Bilming|Bilming]], will eventually come to look similar to cities of Taldain, mimicking aspects such as layout and architectural style. ### Interplanetary Conflicts >“*Autonomy has access to … some very specialized troops. Hard to control. Dangerous to unleash.*” \-TwinSoul[36] Autonomy herself interferes directly in a number of cosmere's worlds. She might have aided Odium in killing and splintering [[Devotion|Devotion]] and [[Dominion|Dominion]] among other [[Shards|Shards]]. She has been taking over multiple worlds through her avatars, with [[First of the Sun|First of the Sun]], [[Obrodai|Obrodai]] and [[Scadrial|Scadrial]] being known to host her avatars at one point or another. On Scadrial in particular, through her persona of Trell, Autonomy can outright blind [[Harmony|Harmony]] and attempt to bring destruction to the planet as part of her plan to prevent the rise of Scadrial as an interstellar power. She appears to be influencing Roshar to an unknown degree. When subterfuge proves insufficient, Autonomy has access to more forceful methods, as she commands an army known only as the [[Men of gold and red|men of gold and red]]. They are humanoid figures with golden skin and red eyes that give them their appellation, equipped with advanced firearms. Their full capabilities are unknown; while they specialize in widespread destruction, they are reportedly difficult to control, making unleashing them an irreversible act. ## Trivia If Brandon were to become a Vessel, Autonomy is one of the Shards he has said he might choose. When asked about associations between Shards and various *Magic: The Gathering* colors, Brandon's answer for Autonomy was "it's complicated". Per Brandon, Autonomy would be the Shard most fitting the [[Cytoverse|Cytoverse]] as it is during [[Spensa|Spensa's]] lifetime. Autonomy is featured on one of the playing cards created for the release of *The Lost Metal*; she is depicted as one of the two Jokers alongside [[Harmony|Harmony]]. Autonomy is a fan of [[Kelsier|Kelsier]] and his actions.
|**Kraisis**| |-|-| |**Abilities**|[[Destined One|Destined One]]| |**Homeworld**|[[Mirandus|Mirandus]]| |**Introduced In**|*Dark One Book 1*| This page or section needs to be updated with new information for *Dark One Book 1*!Be aware that in its current state, it may not include all additional content yet. **Kraisis** is a brown haired man on [[Mirandus|Mirandus]] who [[Illarion|Illarion]] groomed to be the [[Destined One|Destined One]] from a young age. ## Attributes and Abilities Kraisis has some magical ability taught to him by Illarion, being the one to create the doorway for [[Sir Ysla|Sir Ysla]] to travel to [[Earth (Dark One)|Earth]] under Illarion's instructions, to hunt down [[Paul Tanasin|Paul Tanasin]] before he can come into his powers as the [[Dark One (title)|Dark One]]. Kraisis is a capable fighter, spending many of his waking hours training to be a great fighter. Kraisis proves his fighting ability when [[Feotora|Feotora]] challenges him to a mock battle to vent her anger, and would have defeated her if not for Illarion's intervention. ## History Kraisis was discovered as the next person to be the Destined One by Illarion, sometime during Kraisis' youth. Illarion trained Kraisis in using a sword and spells throughout his childhood. Under Illarion's instruction, Kraisis recruited Sir Ysla and set up the ritual to transport the knight to [[Earth (Dark One)|Earth]], to track down and kill the Dark One Illarion proclaimed to be starting their rise. Feotora brought word of Paul Tanasin's rise as the latest Dark One, when he gave himself away during the fight against a drull camp. She and Kraisis had a mock duel to relieve tension, before the King [[Gosovic|Gosovic's]] death during the night. Kraisis helped lead a campaign to defeat Paul and the [[Drull|drull]] at [[Pitch|Pitch]] soon after Feotora was crowned queen. Despite bringing Paul to his knees during the battle, Paul killed Kraisis, returning his soul to the soil to raise more drull and bring about their first victory against the [[Kingdoms of Light|Kingdoms of Light]].
|**Ahlstrom Tower**| |-|-| |**Owners**|[[Waxillium Ladrian|Waxillium Ladrian]] (part-owner)| |**Usage**|Skyscraper| |**City**|[[Elendel|Elendel]]| |**World**|[[Scadrial|Scadrial]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| >“*Will you be my bride? I want to be married to you. Right now, before the Survivor and that priest. Not because words on a paper say we have to, but because we want to. I'm painfully tired of being alone, Steris. It’s time I admitted that. And you... well, you’re incredible. You truly are.*” \-Waxillium's proposal to Steris in the Ahlstrom Tower[1] **Ahlstrom Tower** is a skyscraper located in [[Elendel|Elendel]] on [[Scadrial|Scadrial]]. ## Contents 1 Appearance 2 History 3 Trivia 4 Notes ## Appearance Ahlstrom Tower is a flat-topped building, with a large roof that has enough space for a crowd of people and an airship. The top floor of the tower has a regal looking penthouse apartment. The penthouse contains a bedroom suite with an adjoining balcony that overlooks the city. Waxillium also installed multiple metal structures on the outside to make steelpushing easier. The tower is tall enough that the stars and [[Red Rip|Red Rip]] can still be seen in the sky from the balcony, even on nights when the [[Mists|mists]] are out. ## History At some point, Waxillium Ladrian purchased an ownership share in Ahlstrom Tower. The people that lived in the penthouse apartment moved to [[Elmsdel|Elmsdel]] on an extended vacation, leaving the penthouse vacant. When [[Waxillium Ladrian|Waxillium Ladrian]], [[Steris Harms|Steris Harms]], [[Marasi Colms|Marasi Colms]], and [[Wayne|Wayne]] returned to Elendel in the [[Southern Scadrian|Southern Scadrian]] airship, they landed the ship on the roof of Ahlstrom Tower. They met Governor [[Claude Aradel|Claude Aradel]] and Constable-General [[Reddi|Reddi]] there on the roof. Wax briefly explained the events surrounding the southerners and the [[Bands of Mourning|Bands of Mourning]] that had occurred over the past few days to Aradel, but refused to go in-depth until the next day, as he and his companions were exhausted. Wax led Steris downstairs to the penthouse, where a [[Survivorism|Survivorist]] priest was waiting for them. Wax asked her to marry him, not as part of a contract between their houses, but rather for love. Steris agreed, and they were married that night. Wax and Steris stayed in the penthouse apartment for the entirety of their honeymoon. While staying there, Wax accessed the [[Coppermind|coppermind]] given to him by [[Hoid|Hoid]]. He saw the memory that [[Kelsier|Kelsier]] had stored inside while helping the Southern Scadrians and realized that the Survivor had returned. After spending time staying in the penthouse, Wax considered relocating from Ladrian mansion to Ahlstrom Tower permanently, believing that skyscrapers were a symbol of a new and more vibrant era. ## Trivia Ahlstrom Tower is named after [[Peter Ahlstrom|Peter Ahlstrom]], [[Brandon Sanderson|Brandon Sanderson's]] former assistant and the current editorial director of [[Dragonsteel Entertainment|Dragonsteel Entertainment]].
Ahlstrom Tower
|**Snapshot (event)**| |-|-| |**World of Origin**|[[Earth (Snapshot)|Earth (Snapshot)]]| This article is about the construct itself. For the novella of the same name, see [[Snapshot|Snapshot]]. A **Snapshot** is an exact re-creation of a specific day in the past but must be made within a few weeks of the day being recreated. Everything down to a molecule is the same as the day being re-created. Snapshots are made up of raw matter and energy in the system and anything left in the system will be recycled into the system for use in the next Snapshots. Snapshots are made overnight with some computer code wired to some creature that is unconscious and dreams the Snapshot. Then at the end of the day, it can be ended with the press of a button. The fake people inside a simulation are referred to as **dupes**. These dupes aren't aware they are in a Snapshot unless they see a [[Reality badge|Reality badge]]. If the dupes exit the boundary of the Snapshot they instantly disappear and if they are scheduled to enter the city they will immediately appear. Real people can enter a snapshot to investigate but since they weren't there on the original day they cause [[Deviation|Deviations]]. Entering and exiting a Snapshot can cause huge Deviations so detectives enter at the beginning of the day when the Snapshot is being created and exit only when they've completed all of their cases. When exiting a Snapshot dupes won't be able to see the door that real people use. Since everything is an exact recreation, real people can be killed in a Snapshot. It is possible to create a Snapshot of a Snapshot. ## Contents 1 Deviations 2 History 3 Culture 4 Trivia 5 Notes ## Deviations A Deviation is a difference between the actual events and the recreated version inside a Snapshot caused by the presence and interference of the officers observing the events. When evidence found in Snapshots is presented at trial a Deviation Percentage is calculated and presented. Deviations can be caused by anything small or large and are impossible to completely eliminate. Cops in Snapshots are required to stay in safe houses when not investigating as to minimize Deviations but even this sometimes fails. One day Davis tried to eliminate all Deviations by locking himself in a room all day, but while slamming the door to the room he woke up a woman in the next room and caused a Deviation level of 20 percent. Going in or out of a Snapshot can cause huge Deviations. The best way to observe a Snapshot without Deviations is to insert people at the very beginning and try not to mess it up. ## History The ability to create Snapshots was developed in the Snapshot Project, which was run by the Restored American Union. When the Americans left Clipperton, they "allowed" the [[New Clipperton|New Clipperton]] government to buy the Snapshot Project, for a large fee. The underground Snapshot facility in New Clipperton is the only official one in the world. ## Culture A court order must be issued to use a Snapshot in any official business. This was made law after the mayor was discovered using the Snapshots for personal uses. Films about detectives investigating in a Snapshot are popular in the Restored American Union, although they never show the Reality badge, probably because it works better in your head. ## Trivia Brandon's initial premise was that an [[Epic|Epic]] could create them, but because of conflicts with film rights, Snapshot is not in the Reckoners universe "right now."
Snapshot event
|**Camon's safe house**| |-|-| |**Owners**|[[Camon|Camon]] , [[Milev|Milev]]| |**City**|[[Luthadel|Luthadel]]| |**Dominance**|[[Central Dominance|Central Dominance]]| |**Nation**|[[Final Empire|Final Empire]]| |**World**|[[Scadrial|Scadrial]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| **Camon's safe house** is [[Camon's crew|Camon's crew's]] base of operations. The safe house is in a [[Skaa|skaa]] slum known as the Twists, close to the Iron Gate in [[Luthadel|Luthadel]]. It consists of two main sections: a shop, located at ground level, that serves as a front for the crew's operations, and a stone cavern underneath the building, where the crew lives and plans their jobs. It has several watch-holes from which crewmembers can watch the streets for any signs of danger. [[Vin|Vin]] frequently spent her free time in the watch-holes, as she could be alone there, which made her feel relatively safe. After Vin was caught [[Brass|Soothing]] a [[Canton of Finance|Canton of Finance]] [[Obligator|obligator]] to help [[Camon|Camon]] scam them, two [[Steel Ministry|Steel Ministry]] spies and a [[Steel Inquisitor|Steel Inquisitor]] followed them back to the safe house; the spies were killed by [[Dockson|Dockson]] before they could report back and [[Kelsier|Kelsier]] distracted the Inquisitor. In returns for this service, Kelsier demanded the use of the safe house that evening, as he wanted a neutral place to hold an initial meeting to discuss his plan to overthrow the [[Final Empire|Final Empire]] with his crew. As punishment for Camon's treatment of Vin, Kelsier replaced him as crewleader with [[Milev|Milev]] and ordered the crew to let Camon live, but to make sure his life was unpleasant. After meeting with his crew, just as the mists started to come out, Kelsier left to steal some [[Atium|atium]] while Vin and Dockson headed for [[Clubs|Clubs']] shop, leaving the safe house for the crew. Around the time Vin trains in emotional [[Allomancy|Allomancy]] with [[Edgard Ladrian|Breeze]], Steel Inquisitors, looking for Vin, tracked down the safe house and slaughtered the entire crew. After that, the building was abandoned. After Vin and [[Zane|Zane's]] attack on [[Ashweather Cett|Cett's]] army, [[OreSeur|OreSeur]] found Vin hiding in one of the old watch-holes, and reported her location to [[Elend Venture|Elend Venture]]. Elend then went to comfort her and convinced her to come out.
Camons safe house
|**House Buvidas**| |-|-| |**Type**|Family| |**Era**|[[Final Empire|Final Empire]]| |**World of Origin**|[[Scadrial|Scadrial]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| **House Buvidas** was one of the ten Great Houses of [[Luthadel|Luthadel]] on [[Scadrial|Scadrial]] during the [[Final Empire|Final Empire]]. House Buvidas had a keep built in Luthadel and maintained a high-profile presence in the city, but they were the least influential of the Great Houses.
House Buvidas
|**Burn ink**| |-|-| |**Type**|Writing Material| |**World of Origin**|[[Roshar|Roshar]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| **Burn ink** is a flammable ink used on [[Roshar|Roshar]] during the [[Era of Solitude|Era of Solitude]]. ## Properties and Characteristics Burn ink's most important characteristic is its flammability. It is designed to burn while either wet or dry, no matter the surface it is painted on. This allows for its use in [[Glyphward|glyphwards]], which are prayers to the [[Almighty|Almighty]] that are burned. The ink itself is blood red in color. ## History After Highprince [[Dalinar Kholin|Dalinar Kholin]] was betrayed by Highprince [[Torol Sadeas|Torol Sadeas]] at the [[Battle of the Tower|Battle of the Tower]], Brightlady [[Navani Kholin|Navani Kholin]] made use of burn ink to craft a glyphward for Dalinar and [[Adolin|Adolin]]. She used four pots of burn ink to paint a *thath* glyph on the ground, which she burned in a prayer for justice.
Burn ink
|**Falilar**| |-|-| |**Relatives**|[[Tomor|Tomor]] | |**Skills**|[[Artifabrian|Artifabrian]]| |**Profession**|[[Ardent|Ardent]]| |**Religion**|[[Vorinism|Vorinism]]| |**Residence**|[[Urithiru|Urithiru]]| |**Nationality**|[[Alethi|Alethi]]| |**Homeworld**|[[Roshar|Roshar]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| |**Introduced In**|*Words of Radiance*| >“*It's not a disaster, Brightness, but there’s so much to worry about.*” \-Falilar[2] **Falilar** is an [[Ardent|ardent]] who serves as an engineer working under Queen [[Navani Kholin|Navani Kholin's]] direction in [[Urithiru|Urithiru]] on [[Roshar|Roshar]]. ## Contents 1 Appearance and Personality 2 History 2.1 Ardent and Artifabrian 2.2 Experiments and Discoveries 2.3 The Sibling and the Invasion 3 Notes ## Appearance and Personality Falilar is an elderly man with a shaved head and a squared white beard. He obtains a sense of security from worrying a lot and tends to tug on his beard while he frets. He also gets excited when running an experiment. ## History ### Ardent and Artifabrian Queen [[Navani Kholin|Navani Kholin]] was the patron of Falilar's studies in engineering and [[Fabrial|fabrials]]. He was present on the [[Shattered Plains|Shattered Plains]] for her test of the floating parapet that was made with the use of reverser fabrials, where he observed a wobble in the parapet's ascent and was concerned by the fact that its motion was not smoother. After the move to [[Urithiru|Urithiru]], Navani sketched some new inventions, and one of her scribes suggested showing them to Falilar for him to verify the feasibility of such engineering. When [[Rysn Ftori|Rysn Ftori]] undertook her [[Expedition to Akinah|Expedition to Akinah]], [[Huio|Huio]] stumbled across a previously undiscovered application of [[Aluminum|aluminum]]: using it in fabrials with conjoined rubies to cause them to ignore certain directions of movement. After the discovery was reported back to Urithiru, Falilar made a breakthrough involving fabrial cages that allowed the [[Artifabrians|artifabrians]] to isolate planes of motion. This in turn led to the successful design of the *Fourth Bridge* and other, smaller, inventions. Falilar was part of the coterie of scientists and engineers that accompanied the *Fourth Bridge* to [[Hearthstone|Hearthstone]] to evacuate the town. He worked closely with [[Rushu|Rushu]], inspecting the schematics to ensure that the *Fourth Bridge* would continue to work as it should. When most of the town was onboard, Falilar informed Navani of the fifteen residents who had refused to leave and told her that the evacuation was going more quickly than planned. He was, however, still nervous that the *Fourth Bridge* would malfunction, so Navani instructed him to triple-check his calculations and make visual inspections. ### Experiments and Discoveries Navani went to visit the engineers who worked in the old [[Urithiru gem archive|Urithiru gem archive]] one day, and [[Tomor|Tomor]] pulled her over to the table where he and Falilar had been working on creating a prototype for the project she had given them. She tested their design, a six-inch box that she could strap to her wrist and use to pull her along a certain vector. Although the design worked-the ruby inside could be engaged and disengaged, then engaged again in a different direction-Falilar was concerned that they still had no answer to the large amount of manpower needed for such devices. >“*You've spent years building bridges to span chasms. Let’s learn how to span the sky.*” \-Navani to Falilar[1] In answer, Navani led Falilar to the edge of a shaft than ran straight down through Urithiru past its basements. She presented him with the idea of attaching a conjoined ruby and a trigger mechanism to one of the pulleys and weights installed in the shaft, explaining that she had devised windmills with conjoined [[Gemstone|gemstones]] that would use the power of [[Highstorm|highstorms]] to ratchet the weights back up to the top. By the end, Falilar excitedly asked for instructions; Navani directed him to work on both the original idea of a lift system and Tomor's idea of the personal device she had just tested. When one of Navani's scribes discovered a hidden room off of the atrium, a [[Stoneward|Stoneward]] shaped the rock into an opening and Falilar came to measure the room. He noted to Navani that the room they were in was reproduced on the scale model they had discovered there, positing that that room and the others they had discovered with no apparent entrance actually had doors that could open and close; when the tower was abandoned, the rooms whose doors had been shut at the time remained sealed off. This idea was backed up by the gemstone they had discovered in the stone of the doorway. Falilar volunteered to examine both the gemstone and the scale model before asking her to drop in on Tomor if she had time. ### The Sibling and the Invasion As Navani left, however, [[Isabi|Isabi]] brought her the blinking [[Spanreed|spanreed]] that the [[Sibling|Sibling]] was using to contact her. Falilar and a host of other scholars set the spanreed up on a table. Falilar directed Isabi to set up the scale they had designed to measure the decay in the fabrial. When he indicated that they were ready, Navani engaged the spanreed and the scholars began taking measurements. Falilar reported to Navani that whoever was using the paired spanreed was inside the tower and suggested that they move to a second location to gather data for triangulation, so they quickly packed it up, set up again on the plateau in front of Urithiru, and measured again. Navani then got the idea of "losing" the spanreed to force the other party's hand; Falilar was dismayed to see her kick it over the edge of the plateau but readily received instructions to assemble a team to search for it. Falilar and his team tracked down the location of the one contacting Navani to a dark area on the fourth floor near the [[Devotary of Mercy|Devotary of Mercy]] using the gathered data, but they never located anything or anyone there. During the occupation of Urithiru by the [[Fused|Fused]], Navani made the decision to continue her research, which included that of all of the scholars she funded, under [[Raboniel|Raboniel's]] observation. She stopped by the library where her teams had all been confined and spoke briefly with Falilar, who told her of the casualties in the crystal pillar room. As they continued their work, Falilar was among the few scholars important enough to be personally escorted when they left the library room.
|**Unknown**| |-|-| |**Forescouts**| |**Spouse**|[[Silence's grandfather|Silence's grandfather]]| |**Descendants**|[[Silence Montane|Silence Montane]], [[William Ann Montane|William Ann Montane]]| |**Abilities**|[[Cognitive Shadow|Cognitive Shadow]]| |**Species**|[[Shade|Shade]]| |**Residence**|[[Forests of Hell|The Forests of Hell]]| |**Homeworld**|[[Threnody|Threnody]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| |**Introduced In**|*Shadows for Silence in the Forests of Hell*| This article's title is uncanonical and a fan created one, because an official term or name has not been made yet. **Silence's grandmother** is a woman from the [[Homeland|Homeland]] that travels to the [[Forests of Hell|Forests of Hell]] on [[Threnody|Threnody]]. ## History She and her [[Silence's grandfather|husband]] are among the first to come to the continent containing the Forests of Hell, so they take the surname [[Forescout|Forescout]]. After the Homeland falls when the [[Evil|Evil]] comes, they run a [[Silence's waystop|waystop]]. Silence's grandparents have at least one child of unknown gender. That child has a daughter, [[Silence Montane|Silence]]. It is unknown what happens to Silence's parents, but Silence was raised by her grandparents. She was killed by [[Shade|shades]], afterwards being trapped in the waystop's shrine to the God Beyond by Silence. As a shade, she has never tried to attack Silence when enraged.
Silences grandmother
|**Steel Survivor**| |-|-| |**Type**|Weapon| |**World of Origin**|[[Scadrial|Scadrial]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| The **Steel Survivor** is a mid-caliber pistol on [[Scadrial|Scadrial]]. It is made entirely of [[Aluminum|aluminum]] and has an elongated barrel to fire precision rounds. The gun was made by [[Ranette|Ranette]], one of her finest works, and is owned by [[Waxillium Ladrian|Waxillium Ladrian]]. Wax often carried the Steel Survivor alongside [[Vindication II|Vindication II]] and other firearms during his battles with the [[Set|Set]] in [[Bilming|Bilming]].
Steel Survivor
|**Curators of Alexandria**| |-|-| |by Hayley Lazo | |**World of Origin**|[[Earth (Alcatraz)|Earth (Alcatraz)]]| The **Curators of Alexandria** are the undead caretakers of the [[Library of Alexandria|Library of Alexandria]]. ## Contents 1 Appearance and Characteristics 2 Duties 3 Rules 4 How to Defeat Them 5 Notes ## Appearance and Characteristics Curators' bodies appear as skeletons with a skull and bony arms. The skull portion has flames inside the eye sockets, causing it to glow red. They wear a dark robe that trails off in the distance -- they don't appear to have legs. The cloak and body are translucent. Despite having a skeletal face, they can somehow make facial expressions showing that they are pleased, disappointed, angry, etc. Curators appear ghostly and can travel through walls, however, they can interact with the corporal world. They can grab people and physical objects. When touched by a Curator, the part of the body touched becomes cold. When someone turns into a Curator, they immediately become a steward of the Library and subject to the Curators' rules. For example, when Kilimanjaro is transformed into a Curator, he immediately gives up the fight against Alcatraz and puts the scroll back on the shelf that he had just been tricked into moving. However, some free will is preserved. When [[Attica|Attica Smedry]] became a Curator, he was able to use his Translator's Lenses to read texts in the Forgotten Language. ## Duties The principle job of the Curators is to collect everything written by mankind, even things as trivial as tags on clothing. They keep the library collection tidy if books are moved. Anything with writing in the Library is considered a "book", whether it be scrolls, books, or even coins. They are also very keen on getting people to join their ranks, i.e. collecting their souls. They use every means of temptation and trickery but have specific rules which they must follow (see below). The Library is laid out in a confusing fashion so that patrons will get hopelessly lost and give up trying to leave. Trip wires are set to engage traps that won't permanently harm guests but will make them lose all hope of escape. The Curators acquire books from the outside world by means of an agreement with the [[Librarian|Librarians]]. The Librarians send all new books to the Library of Alexandria in exchange for the Curators not coming out to get them. ## Rules 1. If anyone enters their domain bearing writing, they may separate them from their group and demand the writing be given up. If they resist, they may take the writing, but they must return copies. If the copies are not requested within an hour, they are kept indefinitely. 2. They may take the souls of those who enter, but only if offered freely and lawfully. Souls may be coerced, but not forced. 3. They may accept or reject a person's request for a soul contract. Once the contract is written, they must provide the specific book requested, and the person must then sign the contract to certify that the book fulfills the request. They must then refrain from taking their soul for the time specified in the contract. This time may be no longer than 10 hours. If a person takes a book off the shelf without a contract, the soul can be taken after ten seconds. 4. They cannot directly harm those who enter. 5. When a person becomes a Curator, their possessions must be delivered to their kin, if requested. 6. They cannot lie if asked a direct question because they are the protectors of knowledge and truth. ## How to Defeat Them If one wishes to access the knowledge in the Library of Alexandria, a loophole in the rules can be exploited, as was discovered by [[Attica Smedry|Attica Smedry]]. He entered into a contract with the Curators and gave himself enough time to read the solution to how to defeat them (rule 3), write a note about how it's done, then turn into a Curator before the note was returned (rule 1). The note was kept by the Curators because [[Shasta|Shasta]] didn't know to ask for it (rule 5), but [[Alcatraz|Alcatraz]] figures out that his father must have left a note because something you write while in the Library is copied and returned (rule 1). The note bequeaths his soul to Alcatraz, which means that the Curators took his soul unlawfully (rule 2). Alcatraz demands possession of his father's soul, and Attica comes back to life. The whole thing is possible due to rule 6.
Curators of Alexandria
|**Brekv**| |-|-| |**Profession**|Sailor| |**Nationality**|[[Thaylen|Thaylen]]| |**Homeworld**|[[Roshar|Roshar]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| |**Introduced In**|* Dawnshard*| **Brekv** is a [[Thaylen|Thaylen]] sailor on [[Roshar|Roshar]]. He works on the crew of a scouting vessel captained by [[Smta|Smta]]. When [[Yalb|Yalb]] spotted the *First Dreams* in the distance, he climbed up to join Brekv, who was manning the eel's nest, to ask him what he could see with his spyglass. Brekv told Yalb that the ship was not flying a banner and asked if he wanted to report it to the captain.
|**Garqua**| |-|-| |**Type**|Animal| |**Universe**|[[Cytoverse|Cytoverse]]| The **garqua** is a water-dwelling creature that comes from [[Monrome|Monrome]]. They look similar to snakes, and are as thick as a man’s thigh. They have little flippered legs and a very long body, which they sometimes keep partially coiled. They are blue, with serpentine heads. They are very strong swimmers, capable of towing a raft with two full sized humans on it. They are not dangerous, and like to eat fruit. Though they come from Monrome, the [[Dione|diones]] have colonized nearly a hundred planets and import their wildlife, such as the garqua, to those other planets after exterminating the local species for being too aggressive. ## Notable Garqua [[Gnash the Slaughterer|Gnash the Slaughterer]]
|**All's Alley**| |-|-| |**Owner**|[[Sullik|Sullik]]| |**Usage**|Tavern| |**City**|[[Urithiru|Urithiru]]| |**World**|[[Roshar|Roshar]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| >“*All’s Alley. Keep away from there. Someone got stabbed behind one of the taverns just last night there. *” \-Jor's warning Shallan away from All's Alley.[1] **All's Alley** is a dive bar in [[Urithiru|Urithiru]] owned by [[Sullik|Sullik]]. A number of [[Lighteyed|lighteyed]] thugs, including [[Betha|Betha]] and [[Ur (character)|Ur]], provide protection for the bar. It is frequented by disreputable soldiers and craftsmen. ## Description >“*Both richer than the other tavern and lower at the same time.*” \-A description of All's Alley[1] Located in the [[Breakaway|Breakaway]], All's Alley is a big set of five tents sewn together, each a different color. The tents are sewn to create partitioned-off areas and darkened nooks with a few containing tables and chairs instead of boxes. According to [[Navani|Navani's]] original layout for the Breakaway, the bar should be located in section two, in the central corridor near the lifts. The tavern is not set in an alley. The “bar” is a plank set across some boxes, with a draped cloth over the middle. The bar stocks both single barrel [[Veden saph|Veden saph]] and [[Horneater white|Horneater white]]. The Horneater white is kept as a joke and not intended to be sold to customers. The pub smells worse than other establishments and while oil lamps are used for light, the bar is still quite dim. A bouncer guards the entrance to the bar, however, does not stop patrons from entering. Hired thugs also provide protection for the bar and deal with issues when they arise. Sullik is the bartender and has little tolerance for people who are likely to cause trouble in his bar. The murders that occurred near the bar do not seem to have affected overall turnover with the pub being packed with people when visited by [[Shallan|Shallan]]. ## History It is unknown whether All's Alley had existed in the warcamps before they were evacuated by a large majority of the [[Alethi|Alethi]] army. After moving to Urithiru following the [[Everstorm|Everstorm]], Sullik set up All's Alley in the Breakaway. Not long after doing so [[Ned|Ned]], a drunk from Sadeas's camp, strangled his wife [[Rem|Rem]] just outside the bar. The next day one of the barmaids was also killed in the same way. Ur one of the hired protectors of All's Alley dropped [[Ned|Ned]] off the plateau for the death of the barmaid. Shallan learned of the murder while visiting bars in the Breakaway, trying to find out information that may relate to the death of Sadeas. Sullik refused to tell Shallan details of the murders, however, pointed her towards his hired thugs, who were drinking in another part of the bar. After speaking with the thugs, and injuring Ur, Shallan learned of Rem's death, as well as the second murder. It is during this encounter that Shallan first meets [[Ishnah|Ishnah]], who trails Shallan later in an attempt to join the [[Ghostbloods|Ghostbloods]]. Shallan later realized that the barmaid had been killed by the [[Unmade|Unmade]] [[Re-Shephir|Re-Shephir]], who had copied the initial murder of Rem. Later, [[Rock|Rock]] was attacked by Re-Shephir, who mimicked Veil's attack on Ur, several streets away from the bar.
Alls Alley
|**The Way of Kings Prime**| |-|-| |by [[Isaac Stewart|Isaac Stewart]]| |**Released**|July 7, 2020| |**Publisher**|[[Dragonsteel Entertainment|Dragonsteel Entertainment]]| |**ISBN**|978-1938570247| **The Way of Kings Prime** is the original draft of *The Way of Kings*, written in 2002. It is the thirteenth novel [[Brandon Sanderson|Brandon Sanderson]] wrote, and the last one that he wrote prior to becoming a published author. Plotted as the first in a ten-book series, at the time of its writing it was by far the most ambitious project Brandon had attempted. Brandon was generally happy with the book when he completed it, but he knew that his publisher might balk at publishing an extremely long novel, especially since he was still relatively unproven at the time. He decided to revisit the series after he had progressed in his career. Upon reflection years later, Brandon believes that this was for the best, as he considers elements of *Prime* to be a "failure" compared to the standards that he eventually set through other works. After many revisions, *The Way of Kings* was published in 2010 as the first book of *The Stormlight Archive*. After finding success in his career, Brandon wanted to share draft versions of some of his works in relatively "raw" form to show fans his process and evolution as an author. *The Way of Kings Prime* became the first of these drafts to be released as a "[[Sanderson Curiosities|Sanderson Curiosity]]". [[Dragonsteel Entertainment|Dragonsteel Entertainment]] published it in-house in 2020 as a free ebook and limited edition hardcover as part of *The Way of Kings* leatherbound . It was also included as an add-on for the *Words of Radiance* leatherbound campaign on . The book can be downloaded . A free audiobook, narrated by Michael Kramer and Kate Reading, is available . ## Notable Differences from the Published Version This page or section contains spoilers!This information has the ability to potentially ruin elements of the plot for the reader. The book's series was known as the "Oathshards Series" instead of *The Stormlight Archive*. Many names of characters and places were changed. [[Kaladin|Kaladin]] was known as "Merin", [[Szeth|Szeth]] was known as "Jek", and [[Gavilar|Gavilar]] was called "Nolhonarin". Other minor in-world terms were also changed; for example, [[Ardent|Ardents]] were simply called monks,, crem was known as "crom", and the Alethi demonym was instead "Aleth". Taravangian was deaf and called "Ahven". [[Adolin|Adolin]] was called "Aredor" and he was executed by [[Elhokar|Elhokar]]. Dalinar's name was spelled "Dalenar". Elhokar had a wife named Nanavah and a son named Ahrden. Elhokar and Dalinar came into conflict, with Dalinar killing his nephew. [[Taln|Taln]] was a regular viewpoint character, and far saner than he appears in *Words of Radiance*. It was also unclear for much longer whether he actually was a Herald or just thought so. The [[Herald|Heralds]] resurrected by taking over the bodies of Rosharans, similar to how [[Fused|Fused]] work in *The Stormlight Archive*. This fueled the mystery of "is Taln the real deal, or is he just some crazy guy". Many aspects of the magic system and the culture surrounding it were reworked. For example, magic users are known as Awakeners (similar to [[Soulcaster|Soulcasters]] rather than Nalthian [[Awakening|Awakeners]]) and they are able to create [[Shardplate|Shardplate]]. Gemstones are involved in the magic, but are used through a concept known as Soul Tones instead of [[Stormlight|Stormlight]]. [[Lhan|Lhan]] was a viewpoint character, though he was more similar in character to [[Lightsong|Lightsong]]. [[Jasnah Kholin|Jasnah Kholin]] was also a main viewpoint character. She was betrothed to a wealthy merchant named Meridas Isvenda. [[Shallan|Shallan]] did not exist. Instead, Jasnah had another red-headed apprentice, called Shinri Davar. Her plotline and character were completely different from that of Shallan, and though Shinri did eventually evolve into Shallan, Brandon considers the two to be separate characters. [[Kaladin|Kaladin]] accepts the Shards at the beginning of the novel, instead of refusing them, and the story is about him becoming a Shardbearer. The Heralds had the ability to sense other [[Honorblade|Honorblades]] by holding their own, though Taln initially assumed it was an ability to sense each other. In one of the scenes of the original draft, he used this to try and track down his fellow Heralds, only to find the abandoned Blades. [[Vasher|Vasher]] made an appearance as an [[Ardent|ardent]] teaching [[Shardblade|Shardblades]] under his real name rather than as Zahel. [[Spren|Spren]] were not a part of [[Roshar|Roshar]] yet. The [[Diagram (literature)|Diagram]] was written by [[Renarin Kholin|Renarin Kholin]], whose mind was destroyed by the knowledge. All but one of the Heralds were male. [[Hoid|Hoid]] was not a part of the story. The [[Oathgate|Oathgates]] were intact. Brandon has referred to other changes, but some of that information may have only existed in the notes or outlines for future books in the series. ## Trivia A sequence of six chapters from *The Way of Kings* Prime is included in the . [[Dalinar Kholin|Dalinar Kholin]] was the first character Brandon Sanderson ever wrote when he was 15 years old. What he originally had in mind was a king (Elhokar) who is terrible at leading and the King's uncle not knowing whether to take charge or not.
The Way of Kings Prime
|**Dazarlomue**| |-|-| |**Region**|[[Elendel Basin|Elendel Basin]]| |**World**|[[Scadrial|Scadrial]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| **Dazarlomue** is a city in the northwestern [[Elendel Basin|Elendel Basin]]. It is west of [[Alendel|Alendel]] and south of [[Tathingdwel|Tathingdwel]].
|**Spanreed**| |-|-| |**Fabrial type**|[[Conjoiner|Conjoiner]]| |**Gem**|Ruby| |**World of Origin**|[[Roshar|Roshar]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| This page or section needs to be updated with new information for *Oathbringer* and *Rhythm of War*!Be aware that in its current state, it may not include all additional content yet. A **spanreed** is a type of conjoiner fabrial developed sometime before the [[War of Reckoning|War of Reckoning]] that enabled long distance communication on the world of [[Roshar|Roshar]]. ## Function and Mechanics Spanreeds, like all conjoiner fabrials, are made by capturing a spren inside a ruby and splitting it in half. The two halves are then embedded in reed pens. The two pens can then mimic the movements of the other, exactly. The energy required for the second pen to move is provided by the holder of the first pen, which feels twice as heavy as an ordinary pen would. The farther apart spanreeds are, the heavier the pens became after activation. This can be used to triangulate the position of the opposite spanreed. Furthermore, they cannot communicate faster-than-light, due to a mixture of the fact they grow heavier the further apart they are, and a lag between the communication of two spanreeds, presumably proportional to the distance between them. The setting of the ruby can be rotated to switch between different "modes." One is to alert the possessor of the spanreed's twin that a conversation is desired. Another to alert the first that the message was received. The third and fourth notches sync the movements of the two pens, each notch makes one pen the transmitter and the other the receiver. Vorin men who do not write can communicate with a spanreed by turning the gem on and off to indicate that they are still alive. Spanreeds cannot be used effectively whilst moving when its pair is stable. Since the function of fabrials is dependent on the user's frame of reference, a spanreed in motion would be incapable of relaying a clear message to its stationary pair. If both spanreeds are on the same ship, for example, then the spanreed would function properly because both users have the same frame of reference. This is also why spanreeds are unaffected by the planet's motion and curvature. It is possible to create three or more linked spanreeds by breaking a ruby into more than two parts. However, all attempts have currently been unsuccessful. Spanreeds are incapable of interrealmatic communication between the [[Physical Realm|Physical]] and [[Cognitive Realm|Cognitive Realms]]. ## History As of 1168, shortly after the [[War of Reckoning|War of Reckoning]] began, spanreeds were still regarded as a recent innovation. By the sixth year of the war, spanreeds have achieved widespread use, at least among the [[Vorin|Vorin]] nations, from the [[Shattered Plains|Shattered Plains]], to [[Kharbranth|Kharbranth]], and even to the isolated estates of [[House Davar|House Davar]]. As of 1173, [[Tashikk|Tashikk]] is beginning to become a spanreed hub, with several people and places having reeds connected to various businesses in Tashikk. The Tashikk operator is hired by the remote user to exchange messages, to research on your behalf, and to make other enquiries.
|**Confidence**| |-|-| |by Nabetse Zitro | |**Titles**|Confidence| |**Groups**|[[Greater Good|Greater Good]]| |**Residence**|[[Beacon|Beacon]]| |**Ethnicity**|[[Threnodite|Threnodite]]| |**Homeworld**|[[Canticle|Canticle]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| |**Introduced In**|*The Sunlit Man*| This page or section needs to be updated with new information for *The Sunlit Man*!Be aware that in its current state, it may not include all additional content yet. **Confidence** is one of the [[Greater Good|Greater Good]] among the [[Beacon|Beaconites]] on [[Canticle|Canticle]]. Her duty is to express what she knows to be true with utmost energy of heart.
|**Edmund (Cytonic)**| |-|-| |**Abilities**|[[Cytonics|Cytonics]]| |**Homeworld**|*Unknown*| |**Universe**|[[Cytoverse|Cytoverse]]| |**Introduced In**|*Defending Elysium*| **Edmund** was a user of [[Cytonics|cytonics]]. He captured and threatened [[Jason Write|Jason Write]] in an attempt to discover how Jason could presumably read minds, something thought to be impossible through the use of cytonics. Edmund was a [[Varvax|Varvax]] dissident. He was an outcast from [[Varvax|Varvax]] civilization, and had since taken possession of a human body. He is a powerful cytonics user, and is practiced with the attacking and blocking of mindblades.
Edmund Cytonic
|**Tyden**| |-|-| |**Spouse**|[[Carlee|Carlee]]| |**Ethnicity**|[[Noble|Noble]]| |**Homeworld**|[[Scadrial|Scadrial]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| |**Introduced In**|*Mistborn: The Final Empire*| **Tyden** is a [[Noble|nobleman]] in the [[Final Empire|Final Empire]] on [[Scadrial|Scadrial]]. ## Contents 1 Appearance and Personality 2 History 3 Relationships 4 Notes ## Appearance and Personality Tyden exhibits extreme disdain for [[Skaa|skaa]], and [[Vin|Vin]] believes that he would likely abuse or kill them without remorse. He is not very clever, and Vin thinks his sense of humor would have fit in better with [[Camon's crew|Camon's crew]] than it does with the nobility. ## History During a ball at [[Keep Hasting|Keep Hasting]], he was part of a conversation with Vin, [[Kliss|Kliss]], [[Milen Davenpleu|Milen Davenpleu]], and other nobles about recent events in [[Luthadel|Luthadel]]. He contributed little, other than a poorly-received joke about [[Ardous Geffenry|Ardous Geffenry's]] death. He became quite upset when Kliss mentioned local skaa thieving activity. His wife [[Carlee|Carlee]] implied that his incompetence led him to be scammed by a thieving crew, perhaps explaining his extreme anger towards them. ## Relationships Carlee, who is relatively young, often publicly mocks him for his mistakes. He took part in a regular [[Shelldry|shelldry]] group with Milen, [[Rene|Rene]], and another noble.
|**Kaza**| |-|-| |by botanicaxu | |**Died**|c. 1174, *First Dreams*| |**Abilities**|[[Soulcaster|Soulcaster]] | |**Nationality**|[[Liaforan|Liaforan]]| |**Homeworld**|[[Roshar|Roshar]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| |**Introduced In**|*Oathbringer*| >“*It is blissful. I slowly connect to the device, and through it to Roshar. Until the day it will take me fully into its embrace. I could show you. Feel my touch, and you can know. One moment, and then you will mingle with the air itself.*” \-Kaza[1] **Kaza** is a member of the [[Liafor|Liaforan]] royal family on [[Roshar|Roshar]]. She attempts to visit [[Akinah|Akinah]] on the *First Dreams*, seeking a cure for her [[Soulcasting|Soulcasting]] [[Savant|savanthood]]. ## Contents 1 Appearance and Personality 2 Attributes and Abilities 2.1 Savantism 3 History 3.1 In Liafor 3.2 On the First Dreams 4 Notes ## Appearance and Personality by Emily E. Jones Kaza is [[Liafor|Liaforan]] and presumably has dark brown skin and eyes. Her age is unclear, although she mentions being past her middle years and "feeling her age". She has been Soulcasting things into smoke since her youth, and shows significant physical disfigurement from being a [[Savant|savant]]; parts of her body, including her face, are gradually turning into smoke. The areas of her body that are disintegrating are translucent or even missing, and dark smoke emanates from them. She wears a hooded robe and black gloves to conceal her condition. Her condition has also caused her to lose familiarity with aspects of human behavior. When [[Droz|Droz]], a sailor on the ship, speaks to her, she has to consciously remind herself of reasons why someone might do such a thing, and ultimately scares him off. She speaks matter-of-factly about her condition and her ability to see into the [[Cognitive Realm|Cognitive Realm]] and is confused about why other people find such discussions disturbing. The sailors of the *First Dreams* avoid looking her in the eyes. She has an independent streak and has long felt controlled by the royal family; she makes her trip to [[Akinah|Akinah]] in defiance of them and resents the way that they essentially imprisoned her to maintain control of the Soulcaster. She makes it clear to [[Vazrmeb|Captain Vazrmeb]] that she is helping him by choice, and that she is a person and not a thing to be used. Before dying, she chooses to transform herself into smoke as a final assertion of her control over her own destiny. ## Attributes and Abilities Kaza is intimately familiar with the use of a Soulcaster [[Fabrial|fabrial]] that can produce smoke. The Soulcaster has three large gemstones (presumably smokestones) and is worn on her hand. She notes that her Soulcaster is the type that only has one "mode"; she can only Soulcast objects into smoke and she cannot return previously Soulcast objects to their original state. She began using the Soulcaster as a youth and continued using it throughout her life, becoming a [[Savant|savant]]. She does not wear the Soulcaster all the time, but she keeps it in a pouch on her person. She feels contentment when she puts it on. ### Savantism >“*...I am no ordinary Soulcaster. I have begun to see the dark sky and the second sun, the creatures that lurk, hidden, around the cities of men*” \-Kaza[1] by EccoS For more information, see [[Savant|savant]]. Kaza's lifelong use of her Soulcaster has caused her to become a savant. She spent a large amount of time with the fabrial in her youth, learning its secrets. She is able to transform part of an object, which is beyond the skill of most Soulcasters. There are limits to her abilities, as she cannot Soulcast very large objects completely into smoke. She can see, at least partially, into [[Shadesmar|Shadesmar]], including the full shapes of [[Spren|spren]]. She describes Soulcasting as "connect[ing] to the device, and through it to Roshar". Her savantism has also affected her mind and her body. In addition to the difficulty that she has relating to other people, she seems to constantly fight back a desire to become smoke herself when she is actively using her Soulcaster. When she transforms something into smoke, she feels joy in her soul, and thinks about the freedom that would come from turning into smoke. Physically, she is slowly disintegrating, and believes that she takes a step towards death each time she uses the Soulcaster; she believes she only has a few years left to live. She barely needs to eat and she can no longer taste food, although she still enjoys its smell. When she drinks, she has to take care not to spill the liquid from the holes in her cheeks. She resists the poison administered by the cook of the *First Dreams* much longer than everyone else on the ship, and the cook describes her as "barely human anymore". ## History by FelCandy ### In Liafor Kaza was a cousin of the [[Liafor|Liaforan]] prince. As a girl, she enjoyed collecting [[Cremling|cremlings]] and aspired to be a naturalist. However, she was assigned to use a royal Soulcaster, which was "always to be kept in the royal family". She grew extremely attached to the Soulcaster over the years and used it throughout her adulthood, to the point of becoming a Soulcasting [[Savant|savant]] as she aged. She came to think of the Soulcaster as belonging to her alone. Because of the value of the Soulcaster, she lived under lock and key, although she was provided whatever comforts she desired; the royal family hoped to pacify her, since she could have easily used the Soulcaster to escape confinement. She grew increasingly bitter that she was treated as a tool, rather than a person. ### On the *First Dreams* Captain [[Vazrmeb|Vazrmeb]] of the *First Dreams* somehow learned of Kaza's abilities and realized that she could help him on his quest to navigate to the ancient capital of [[Aimia|Aimia]], the lost island city of [[Akinah|Akinah]]. Kaza decided to work for him due to rumors among Soulcasters that Akinah might hold secrets regarding a cure for savanthood; her anger at the royal family also motivated her to leave. She somehow escaped confinement and joined the captain on his journey. Kaza managed to stay aboard the ship with some difficulty as it traveled through an unusual storm in the [[Aimian Sea|Aimian Sea]]. The storm subsided near Akinah, and after some awkward interactions with the crew, she was able to partially Soulcast large rock barriers to allow dinghies from the *First Dreams* to approach the island. However, the ship's cook, a [[Sleepless|Dysian Aimian]], poisoned her and the rest of the ship's crew in order to prevent them from reaching the island. Kaza's savanthood helped her resist the poison, and she was the only person to make it onto land, briefly glimpsing a large [[Gemheart|gemheart]] on the shore and a dark city of stone. She asked the cook about the island's secrets, but the cook told her that the secrets were too dangerous to entrust even to the dead. Before Kaza succumbed to the poison, the cook's hordelings attempted to remove her Soulcaster. Kaza finally gave in to the urge to turn her own body into smoke. She Soulcasted herself and the ground around her, emphasizing that she was choosing her own destiny.
|**Kredik Shaw**| |-|-| |by Evan Monteiro | |**Owner**|[[Lord Ruler|Lord Ruler]]| |**Usage**|Palace| |**City**|[[Luthadel|Luthadel]]| |**Nation**|[[Final Empire|Final Empire]]| |**World**|[[Scadrial|Scadrial]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| **Kredik Shaw**, also known as the **Hill of a Thousand Spires** when translated from Terris, is the palace of the [[Lord Ruler|Lord Ruler]] of the [[Final Empire|Final Empire]] and is located in the center of [[Luthadel|Luthadel]], between the [[Tin|Tin]] and [[Copper|Copper]] Gates. ## Location and Appearance For more images, see [[Kredik Shaw/Gallery|/Gallery]]. It is built on top of the [[Well of Ascension|Well of Ascension]] by [[Rashek|Rashek]] after he remodels the surrounding geography to hide the well from those seeking it in the mountains of [[Terris|Terris]]. It has many peaked spires and sheer towers that rise high into the air, all of varying thickness. Some are large enough to contain large rooms and stairwells, and others are simply nothing more than thin rods of iron. There are no outer defensive walls surrounding the palace. One part of the palace contains a large, domed room with many murals, including a [[Terris|mountain]], a large cavern, a [[Well of Ascension|pool of light]], and [[Ruin|something very dark]]. At the center of this room is a small, single-story building with a wooden door. Words are carved into the door, probably in the ancient [[Terris|Terris]] language. The stone of this building is carved with ornate, flowing patterns. Being in the area immediately around Kredik Shaw gives one a feeling of immense depression, as if a constant, strong [[Brass|Soothing]] were taking place. This is caused by the Lord Ruler himself. ## History by Steve Argyle [[Kelsier|Kelsier]], [[Mare|Mare]], and [[Redd|Redd]] once infiltrated the palace but were discovered and captured, resulting Redd being killed immediately upon discovery, with Kelsier and Mare being detained at the [[Pits of Hathsin|Pits of Hathsin]]. After Kelsier escapes and re-forms [[Kelsier's crew|his thieving crew]], he and [[Vin|Vin]] infiltrate once again but are chased away by [[Steel Inquisitors|Steel Inquisitors]], resulting in Vin being seriously injured before [[Sazed|Sazed]] saves her using [[Feruchemy|Feruchemy]]. They manage to retrieve [[Alendi's journal|a book]] from one of the rooms, which [[Sazed|Sazed]] later translates. After Kelsier's death, Vin once again infiltrates the palace, making it to the Lord Ruler's lair before being captured by [[Kar|Kar]]. She is then taken to a holding cell before being escorted to a throne room to be interrogated by Kar to implicate and remove [[Tevidian|Tevidian]] as the head of the [[Steel Ministry|Steel Ministry]]. After the execution she is returned to her cell before being freed by [[Sazed|Sazed]] and [[Elend|Elend]]. She then returns to the throne room and attacks the Lord Ruler with [[Marsh|Marsh's]] help, eventually using the power of the mists to kill the Lord Ruler. [[Vin|Vin]] destroys the palace after becoming [[Preservation|Preservation]] during her last fight with Ruin's remaining Inquisitors. Remnants of the palace are forced in to the ground inside a large crater caused by this event. [[Independence Tower|Independence Tower]], a skyscraper in post-Catacendre [[Scadrial|Scadrial]] located in the city of [[Bilming|Bilming]], is often referred to as the **Shaw**, named after Kredik Shaw.
Kredik Shaw
|**Zatalef**| |-|-| |by Ben McSweeney | |**Native to**|[[Akak|Akak]]| |**World of Origin**|[[Roshar|Roshar]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| A **zatalef** is a "bat-like cephalopod" native to [[Akak|Akak]] on Roshar. The [[Alethi|Alethi]] glyph for zatalef is relatively recent, as the animal was only discovered by the Alethi during the [[House Kholin|Kholin]] conquest of the [[Akak Reshi|Akak Reshi]].
**Steven Michael Bohls** is a novelist and collaborator with [[Brandon Sanderson|Brandon Sanderson]]. He is best known for his young adult series *Jed and the Junkyard War*. He is working on new stories in the universe of [[The Reckoners|The Reckoners]], including *Lux*. ## Collaboration Steve wrote multiple novels while in college at BYU, and he took Brandon's Creative Writing class. He became good friends with Brandon, who is a fan of his worldbuilding. Brandon thought of Steve when Audible reached out regarding new *Reckoners* stories, and gave him a lot of freedom to develop them. ## External Links
Steven Michael Bohls
|**Unoqua**| |-|-| |**Titles**|Scion| |**Residence**|[[Azimir|Azimir]]| |**Nationality**|[[Azish|Azish]]| |**Homeworld**|[[Roshar|Roshar]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| |**Introduced In**|*Oathbringer*| **Scion Unoqua** is the religious leader of [[Yanagawn|Yanagawn's]] court in [[Azir|Azir]] on [[Roshar|Roshar]]. ## Appearance and Personality He is old and has a full paunch. He has a deep reverence for [[Yaezir|Yaezir]] and the religious customs of Azir. ## History Unoqua was one of the highest-ranking scions in Azir, possibly the highest. He was referred to as Azir's "religious leader" and was part of Yanagawn's inner circle of advisors, alongside senior [[Vizier|viziers]] such as [[Noura|Noura]], [[Axikk|Axikk]], and [[Dalksi|Dalksi]]. Although he was not mentioned by name, it is likely that Unoqua was the older scion who turned [[Nale|Nale]] away after [[Gawx|Gawx]] was elevated to [[Prime Aqasix|Prime Aqasix]] and pardoned [[Lift|Lift]]. Lift later referred to an important scion in the [[Bronze Palace|Bronze Palace]] that she nicknamed "Daddy Sag-butt"; this also presumably referred to Unoqua. Unoqua was aboard the ship evacuating Yanagawn from [[Thaylen City|Thaylen City]] before the [[Battle of Thaylen Field|Battle of Thaylen Field]]. Along with Noura and Dalksi, he attempted to counsel Yanagawn against turning back to Thaylen City based on [[Lift|Lift's]] opinion. He held steadfastly to the notion that Yanagawn had been chosen as Prime by Yaezir and led by divine right, despite Yanagawn's dissent. Unoqua expressed fear and skepticism of the powers of the [[Knights Radiant|Knights Radiant]] and was concerned about the warnings of the [[Eila Stele|Eila Stele]].
|**Linji**| |-|-| |**Homeworld**|[[First of the Sun|First of the Sun]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| **Linji** is a figure who attempts to travel around the world without the use of [[Aviar|Aviar]]. Presumably a figure in stories on [[First of the Sun|First of the Sun]], it is unclear whether they are a historical figure or merely fictional. [[Hoid|Hoid]] is aware of Linji's story and refers to it on at least one occasion.
The **Brandonology** (or **Brandonothology**) was a reference website made by User:Zas678, which was found at . It documented and archived each of the question and answer sessions the reader communities had with [[Brandon Sanderson|Brandon Sanderson]], along with bringing together Brandon's publicly available annotations and other documents regarding the [[Cosmere|cosmere]]. In 2011, the website was merged into the [[Theoryland Interview Database|Theoryland Interview Database]]. The content was later migrated into the [[Arcanum|Arcanum]]. A list of the contents of the 'ology as they appear in the [[Theoryland Interview Database|Theoryland Interview Database]]:
|**Basin Tires**| |-|-| |**City**|Bilming| |**World of Origin**|[[Scadrial|Scadrial]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| **Basin Tires** is a business that makes tires in [[Bilming|Bilming]] on [[Scadrial|Scadrial]]. ## History At some point they hired [[Tobal Copper|Tobal Copper]], a chemist specializing in manufacturing and rubber. They fired him for erratic behavior in the year 343 [[Catacendre|PC]]. Tobal filed a lawsuit against them for refusing to listen to his discoveries about the end of the world. The lawsuit was dismissed before reaching the first stage of trial. During Tobal's employment there, he stole the occasional document, all of which added to reveal the Set's plan to build a bomb. In reality, it was a front for the [[Set|Set]], as underneath the building was an entrance to their underground lab and bunker complex. [[Marasi|Marasi]], [[Prasanva|TwinSoul]], and [[Shai|Moonlight]] used the building to infiltrate the complex. It is unknown what happened to the business after the events surrounding the Set's defeat.
Basin Tires
|**Prospector**| |-|-| |by Ernanda Souza | |**Type**|Aircraft| |**World of Origin**|[[Canticle|Canticle]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| A **prospector** is a class of airship on [[Canticle|Canticle]] primarily used for locating [[Sunheart|sunhearts]] and other energy or [[Investiture|Investiture]] sources below the planet's ever-changing surface. ## Contents 1 Design and Use 1.1 Instrumentation 2 Notable prospectors 3 Notes ## Design and Use Like most ships on Canticle, prospectors are shaped like old naval boats with a bulbous cab at the back containing a two person cockpit and a few small rooms, flat round undersides housing the prospecting gear, and a wide deck at the front ringed by a railing. They are presumably able to lock in with other ships to create larger structures. Prospectors typically work in teams to methodically canvas an area for sunhearts, their prospecting gear working like a metal detector but for detecting investiture. The ships have a function similar to a [[Seeker|Seeker]], but are noted to be surprisingly large for such a simple function. Prospectors are not particularly dynamic ships though they are more maneuverable than larger transports. The prospectors are also used by both the [[Cinder King|Cinder King]] and the people of [[Beacon|Beacon]] to locate the [[Scadrian|Scadrian]] [[Scadrian research facility|research facility]] ### Instrumentation Prospectors have separate controls for movement and operating the prospecting gear. The prospecting controls produce an audible ping when they detect Investiture. The ships are equipped with sensors for both internal and external temperature, radar, and a communication system that functions similarly to radio. ## Notable prospectors *Dawnchaser*
For the position on an Alethi bridge crew known as the 'deathpoint', see Bridge crew#Functions. |**Deathpoint**| |-|-| |by Kyra Lythgoe | |**Died**|[[Day of Annexation|Day of Annexation]]| |**Powers**|[[Epic|Epic]]| |**Homeworld**|[[Earth (Reckoners)|Earth (Reckoners)]]| |**Introduced In**|*Steelheart*| **Deathpoint** is an [[Epic|Epic]] with the power to disintegrate people. His actions indirectly led to the [[Day of Annexation|Day of Annexation]]. ## Contents 1 Appearance and Personality 2 Attributes and Abilities 3 History 4 Notes ## Appearance and Personality He is tall and lean, but solid. He was muscled and toned in a way that could be seen through his business suit. He has the haughty attitude common among powerful Epics, although he remarks that his Epic name is not very clever. He puts no value on human lives, and maintains a conversational tone while murdering multiple people. ## Attributes and Abilities He has the ability to disintegrate living things by pointing at them and making a very slight gesture. The victim instantly turns into ash, although their bones and any inanimate objects on their person are unaffected and fall to the floor in a heap. He is also speculated to have a second ability, something that appears to require physical contact with the victim's neck. It is likely that his second ability is even more powerful than his first, as he planned to use it on [[Steelheart (Epic)|Steelheart]] despite his first being completely ineffective. However, [[Prof|Prof]] does not think Deathpoint's second ability would have worked; Steelheart's level of invulnerability was not well-understood at the time. Deathpoint is not a [[High Epic|High Epic]], as he died to an ordinary gunshot wound. His Epic weakness is unknown. ## History Like many powerful Epics, Deathpoint realized it was an inconvenience to actually have to kill people in order to get money or other things that he wanted, and decided to terrorize the people of [[Newcago|Newcago]] so they would become subservient to him and make his life a little easier. He went to [[First Union Bank (Newcago)|First Union Bank]] in [[Newcago|Newcago]] and started killing everyone in the building as a show of his power, including tellers, guards, and customers, including an infant. [[David Charleston|David Charleston]] and his father [[Blain Charleston|Blain]] were present, and Blain retrieved a gun from a fallen guard hoping to stop Deathpoint. Steelheart soon arrived; Deathpoint tried to disintegrate him twice but his power had no effect. Steelheart told Deathpoint that he was the emperor of Newcago and that Deathpoint could either join him or die. Steelheart's apparent corruption shocked David, but Blain maintained his belief that Steelheart could be a hero. Law enforcement arrived and distracted Steelheart; Deathpoint attempted to sneak up behind him, presumably to try using a different ability, but he was shot in the forehead by Blain. The bullet grazed Steelheart and caused him to bleed; his skin was usually impervious to damage, and the wound was an indication that Blain had exploited Steelheart's then-unknown Epic weakness. This enraged Steelheart, who immediately killed Blain and scores of other observers to try and keep his weakness a secret. David was the sole survivor; Steelheart performed the [[Great Transfersion|Great Transfersion]] later that night. The people of Newcago assumed that Deathpoint had caused Steelheart's anger. When the [[Reckoners|Reckoners]] later investigated the ruins of the bank, David saw some of the bones left behind by Deathpoint's killing spree.
|**Yestal**| |-|-| |**Residence**|[[Luthadel|Luthadel]]| |**Ethnicity**|[[Noble|Noble]]| |**Homeworld**|[[Scadrial|Scadrial]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| |**Introduced In**|*Mistborn: The Final Empire*| Lord **Yestal** is a [[Noble|noble]] in [[Luthadel|Luthadel]] on [[Scadrial|Scadrial]]. He regularly attended balls held by the nobility in Luthadel. He initially welcomed [[Valette Renoux|Valette Renoux]], and danced with her on at least one occasion. He was among the nobles that suddenly became cold towards Valette during a ball at [[Keep Venture|Keep Venture]], ignoring her when she approached his group before excusing himself and [[Triss|Triss]] for their meal. Valette suspected that the change in attitude may have been related to her confrontation with [[Shan Elariel|Shan Elariel]]. However, [[Sazed|Sazed]] pointed out that the ball was likely to be the last one for a long while, and nobles such as Yestal did not want to waste time politicking with neutral parties such as Valette.
|**Alloy of Law**| |-|-| |by Ben McSweeney | |**Mistborn Adventure Game**| |**Setting**|[[Scadrial|Scadrial]], [[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| |**Released**|August 3, 2014| |**Publisher**|| *Alloy of Law* is the second supplement released for the *Mistborn Adventure Game*. It focuses on updating the rules and world to [[Mistborn Era 2|Mistborn Era 2]]. ## Product Description *Secure your vials and strap on your six-guns!* It's 300 years after the fall of the Lord Ruler. The Final Empire is a distant memory, and the heroes who brought it down are legend. The rebels and thieving crews of old have been replaced with gunslingers, bounty hunters, shysters, and lawkeepers, and around every corner is a land of wild adventure, unlimited opportunity, ancient mystery, and ever-present danger. This is *The Alloy of Law*. *Alloy of Law* is a core supplement for the *Mistborn Adventure Game*, letting you and your friends leap headlong into the thrilling world of the fourth book in Brandon Sanderson's best-selling Mistborn series. Inside you'll find a wealth of new world information, game rules, and advice for setting your game during this all-new era, including: An exclusive original story from Mistborn creator, Brandon Sanderson! A comprehensive overview of the people, society, and history of the remade Scadrial, with new information not seen in the novel Updated character and Crew creation. Play a metalmind-slinging Ferring, one of the powerful koloss-blooded, or a Twinborn — master of Allomancy and Feruchemy alike Magic of The Alloy of Law era, including updates for all three Metallic Arts and rules for the godlike power of Compounding Rules for technology, guns, and gunplay — with a magical twist A gazetteer of the towns, cities, and key locations of the Elendel Basin and Roughs An exploration of the faiths, politics, and secrets of The Alloy of Law… and beyond Advice and inspiration for Narrators on running campaigns in The Alloy of Law era A rogues’ gallery of noted personalities in the era, including novel heroes Wax, Wayne, and Marasi ## External Links
Alloy of Law rule book
|**Jokasha Monastery**| |-|-| |**Usage**|Home of the [[Devotary|Devotary]] of the Mind| |**Region**|[[Horneater Peaks|The Horneater Peaks]]| |**World**|[[Roshar|Roshar]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| **Jokasha Monastery**, sometimes referred to simply as **Jokasha**, is the home of the [[Devotary|Devotary]] of the Mind, a scholarly group of [[Ardent|ardents]] on [[Roshar|Roshar]]. It is considered a peaceful and desirable location, with many ardents spending half their lives trying to get transferred there. ## Contents 1 Location 2 Structure 3 History 4 Notes ## Location The monastery is in [[Jah Keved|Jah Keved]], on the western slopes of the [[Horneater Peaks|Horneater Peaks]]. It lies in a forest and has protection from the violence of the [[Highstorm|highstorms]]. The relatively weak storms make the area lush, but humid. Despite it's humidity, the western slope of the Horneater Peaks only receives rain at the passing of a highstorm. ## Structure The Jokasha Monastery is made up of a lower building and a higher building connected by a tree-lined pathway. The buildings are adjacent to the forest and ardents are free to study outside. The upper building contains a library attached to a long hallway open to the outdoors. There are open windows and reading desks to work at. ## History Although Jokasha was thought of as a peaceful place, there is more bickering and politicking than outsiders would expect. The atmosphere was further disturbed with the advent of the [[Everstorm|Everstorm]]. The location had previously been protected from the worst violence of the [[Highstorm|highstorms]], but the Everstorm destroyed some of the surrounding forest. This led to impassioned arguments among the ardents, including the master scholars. Some, like [[Bettam|Bettam]], claimed that they needed to move the monastery to a new location before the entire area was wiped out. The ardents studied the wind speed and travel speed of the Everstorm to learn more about it. It was also one of the locations where the [[Dawnchant|Dawnchant]] was studied and translated. This research was started before the Everstorm came, when [[Navani|Navani]] sent a key based on [[Dalinar's visions|Dalinar's visions]]. [[Ellista|Ellista's]] study disproved [[Fiksin|Fiksin's]] claim that all Dawnchant books originated at the same location, instead explaining that it was the written language of scholars used across [[Roshar|Roshar]]. She theorized that Dawnchant fell into disuse and was replaced by other written languages after a [[Desolation|Desolation]]. [[Urv|Urv]] realized that the [[Covad Fragment|Covad Fragment]] was an example of a transition period where the Dawnchant was used to phonetically write a different language. Since the ardents were on the cutting edge of Dawnchant research, it is likely that Jokasha Monastery was one of the Veden monasteries that began translating ancient Dawnchant texts, including the [[Eila Stele|Eila Stele]].
Jokasha Monastery
|**Skylight**| |-|-| |**Creators**|Humans| |**World of Origin**|[[Detritus|Detritus]]| |**Universe**|[[Cytoverse|Cytoverse]]| **Skylights** are massive lights that provide illumination and warmth to [[Detritus|Detritus]]. The skylights were presumably placed in low orbit around [[Detritus|Detritus]] when the humans living there decided to build thousands of semiautonomous defensive [[Platform|platforms]] to create a "shell" around the planet, which had the side effect of blocking out the light from its sun. They are incredibly large and very bright, even when viewed from the planet's surface. The light is relatively focused, like a giant spotlight, and anything outside of the beams remains relatively dark. Their orbit is low and fast enough that their movement is visible to people on the surface. The skylights are programmed to provide an artificial day/night cycle. The lights in a given area will dim and then eventually turn off to simulate night. ## Trivia The term "skylight" is also used for the real-life architectural feature of the same name.
|**M-Bot**| |-|-| |by Ben McSweeney | |**Abilities**|[[Cytonics|Cytonics]]| |**Species**|[[Delver|Delver]]| |**Homeworld**|[[Detritus|Detritus]]| |**Universe**|[[Cytoverse|Cytoverse]]| |**Introduced In**|*Skyward*| This page or section needs to be updated with new information for *Starsight*, *Sunreach*, *Cytonic*, *Evershore*, and *Defiant*!Be aware that in its current state, it may not include all additional content yet. Designation **MB-1021**, also known as **M-Bot** and **Mushroom-Bot**, is a sentient artificial intelligence installed inside a stealth-equipped [[Starfighter|starfighter]], that classifies itself as a "robotic ship integration" and a "long distance reconnaissance and recovery ship." The ship is found by Spensa in a cavern about thirty minutes walk from [[Alta|Alta]]. M-Bot's data banks were corrupted, but it remembers its last pilot, named Commander [[Spears|Spears]]. The only information M-Bot could find was a command from Spears: "Lie low, M-Bot. Take stock, don't get into any fights, and wait for me here." ## Contents 1 Appearance and Personality 2 Attributes and Abilities 3 History 3.1 Crashing on Detritus 3.2 With Spensa on Detritus 3.3 With Spensa on Starsight 3.4 The Nowhere 4 Trivia 5 Notes ## Appearance and Personality by LittleGreyDragon With [[Spensa|Spensa]] M-Bot's ship design is almost entirely foreign to Spensa, who was very surprised by this at first, as she had memorized every DDF ship model. The only exception are the controls - a control sphere for the pilot's right hand, as well as a throttle and altitude levers for the left, all exactly as the ones Spensa is familiar with from the DDF ships; the dashboard full of buttons is similar to the ones used by the DDF, but much more complex Once M-Bot is activated, he informs her that he has been deactivated for 172 years; well before the [[Defiant (starship)|Defiant]] crashed on [[Detritus|Detritus]]. M-Bot appears to be slightly larger than a DDF [[Poco|Poco]] or even a [[Largo|Largo]], despite being not quite as long. The AI strives to be accommodating towards standard human interaction, a reason it named itself M-Bot instead of calling itself MB-1021. M-Bot often attempts to express emotion, explaining that while he cannot actually feel emotions, his subroutines allow him to respond properly. M-bot is highly talkative. The only memory bank that is not corrupted is a database for recording fungoid life forms on Detritus. M-Bot does not like [[Rodge McCaffrey|Rig]] as much as it likes Spensa. The feeling is mutual. ## Attributes and Abilities According to himself, M-Bot is a stealth ship, therefore he is able to hide from scanners, hack into computer systems, and project holographic images. He is also equipped with many other technologies superior to DDF fighters, though most were non-functional or absent when Spensa discovered him. These include: space for up to four [[Destructor|Destructors]], two on each wing* (Destructors not included) a [[Light-lance|light-lance]] turret underneath his main body* a [[Cytonics|cytonic hyperdrive]]* an IMP generator* advanced air scoops advanced Gravcaps (Capable of absorbing up to 60% of g's, with a maximum of well over 100 g's) gyroscopic internal cockpit full life support systems cleansing tube stealth systems self diagnostics advanced shielding systems (which can absorb six-nine Krell shots, three more than a poco) self repair increased speed durability (capable of going up to at least Mag-20 in atmosphere). thruster systems* maneuverability thrusters cytonic processing (which Spensa can sense) advanced holographic projection short range scanners (short range according to M-Bot, but not short range by DDF standards) hacking systems M-Bot is also sentient, and can easily hack most DDF wireless communications, as well as Krell databases. He can also reprogram himself to alter and improve his emotional responses. ## History ### Crashing on Detritus At some point, M-Bot's pilot [[Spears|Spears]] landed on [[Detritus|Detritus]] and hid his ship before abandoning it. He is presumed dead by M-Bot, as 172 years have passed. During the years, M-Bot had followed the last words of his pilot and hidden himself inside a cave, covering himself with 3D holograms of rocks until his backup power supply ran out. ### With Spensa on Detritus When [[Spensa|Spensa]] discovered M-Bot, the ship's wings were falling off and its power matrix was completely drained. She started repairing the ship, scavenging parts between her time at [[Flight School|Flight School]]. After trying on a power matrix from an old water heater to no avail, she stole a battery from [[Jorgen Weight|Jorgen Weight's]] hovercar. She powered on the ship and was surprised to discover M-Bot's personality. She enlisted her friend [[Rig|Rig]], who then joined the Engineering Corps, where he could get the knowledge and parts needed to repair M-bot. Rig fixed most of M-bot's systems as well as his battered hull and wings. Finally, Spensa asked Jorgen to help her steal the booster from the wreckage of [[Hurl|Hurl's]] [[Starfighter|starfighter]] and made M-bot fully functional. Spensa suspected that M-bot was a Krell ship since such technology was not possessed by humans, to which M-bot responded by writing a vocal aggression subroutine to express his anger. Though M-bot admitted that with most of his memories lost, he couldn't deny that it wasn't a possibility. Spensa dismissed this thought later on, as most of M-bot's design and systems resemble those of humans. During one of Spensa's flight classes, M-Bot hacked into DDF's system and chatted with her. M-Bot utilized his analyzing ability to help her further advance in her flying techniques, though sometimes Spensa found it distracting to have M-bot talking to her. However, after having a cruise with Spensa, M-bot realized that going like this, he would eventually go against his orders and get discovered or become engaged in a fight. Out of fear, he shut himself down and refuse to respond to Spensa. During the [[Second Battle of Alta|Second Battle of Alta]], Spensa's ship was shot down. But M-bot appeared just in time, explaining that he had made a subroutine to hack himself and make Spensa his pilot. Since M-Bot had no Destructors, he and Spensa tried to lure the [[Varvax|Krell]] ships away. M-bot's superior performance and Spensa's exceptional piloting drew away a dozen Krell fighters, who always attack the best pilot. They dodged many attacks, turning the tide of the battle. However, when DDF finally shot down the bomber carrying the [[Lifebuster|Lifebuster]], it was already in range of destroying [[Alta Base|Alta Base]]. Using a Light-lance, they carried the bomb out of the death zone but also put themselves in the place of sure death. At the last moment, Spensa activated the [[Cytonics|cytonic]] hyperdrive. They performed FTL travel and escaped from the explosion unharmed. Spensa then spotted an opening in the debris field and flew out, in hope of discovering the truth about Detritus. While they were flying through the debris, the Krell interfered with Spensa's mind using an unknown technology or cytonic power, trying to overwrite her vision. Presumably, this is the same force that caused Spensa's father to attack his flight mates a decade ago. M-bot was able to block the signal, which returned Spensa to normal. Though the Krell intended to inspect M-bot since it was different from DDF fighters, Spensa managed to escape through the debris field and back to Alta Base. During the encounter, M-bot hacked into a small part of Krell database and they brought back crucial intelligence of humanity's situation. ### With Spensa on Starsight When [[Alanik|Alanik]] and her ship crashed on Detritus, she gave Spensa coordinates to the location of [[Starsight (station)|Starsight]]. M-Bot then projected a holographic image on his exterior to match that of Alanik's ship. He also projected an image on Spensa to give her Alanik's appearance. Spensa then used the coordinates given to her by Alanik to make an FTL jump with M-Bot to Starsight. Once M-Bot and Spensa arrived at Starsight they were permitted to land. Afterwards, Spensa left M-Bot to meet with [[Superiority|Superiority]] officials. The next day Spensa and M-Bot traveled to a smaller space station to compete in a practice drill. The practice drill turned out to be much more violent then M-Bot and Spensa had expected, involving real destructor fire from Superiority drones. M-Bot and Spensa managed to fare well, and soon decided to help some of the other pilots including [[Morriumur|Morriumur]] and the [[Kitsen|kitsen]]. They also convinced the figment, [[Vapor|Vapor]], to override the computer systems of a Superiority drone to help them. M-Bot and Doomslug were left behind on Starsight when Spensa performed a hyperjump which took her to Detritus, in order to stop the invasion. He was stolen by the Superiority, and destroyed, with his CPU broken and his ship taken a part. They had feared AI and tried to destroy him. However, he had gone against his programming bit by bit, reprogramming himself in tiny installments of half a line at a time. This gave him the ability to copy himself, and he managed to copy himself into a nearby cleaning drone before the Superiority’s people managed to destroy him completely. M-Bot showed Spensa the news report about her, where Winzik framed her as an aggressor, before they ran. They were chased by Superiority soldiers, coming across a [[Nowhere|nowhere]] portal. Spensa took M-Bot, as well as [[Doomslug|Doomslug]], into the nowhere with her. by EccoS In the [[Nowhere|Nowhere]] with [[Chet|Chet]] and [[Spensa|Spensa]] ### The Nowhere >“*Spensa! I feel very uncomfortable with this!*” \-M-Bot to Spensa after entering the nowhere[17] After emerging onto a fragment in the Belt of the nowhere, M-Bot was very angry at Spensa for leaving him behind on Starsight, and flew off into the jungle, sobbing. M-Bot later returned to find Spensa captured and tied up by pirates, and he apologized and set her free. One of the pirates advances on them with a rifle, but M-Bot and Spensa are saved by the timely arrival [[Chet|Chet]], who appeared to be a cytonic that Spensa had been chatting with. After Chet’s [[Grig|grig]] distracted the pirates, he led Spensa and M-Bot into the jungle, running away from the pirates. M-Bot talked about how he was feeling real fear, and Spensa introduced him to Chet. Chet thought M-Bot an abomination, and M-Bot tried out insults, calling Chet a noodle-brain. He asked Spensa to rate his insult from 1-10 afterwards. The grig chased after them, suddenly possessed by a delver. When they ran out of places to go, M-Bot went to a nearby fragment on Spensa’s orders and attached his light-line to it, after which they jumped off the fragment and onto him, allowing him to pull them up to the next fragment using his light-line. Chet talked about himself, and afterward M-Bot worked on the math, using the time Chet said he’d arrived in the nowhere. Spensa and M-Bot realized that Chet must be M-Bot’s pilot, since the timing lined up perfectly. Chet showed them his uniform patch with the name SPEARS on it, the name of M-Bot’s old pilot. Spensa however, was more doubtful than M-Bot. >“*Ah! You say things like that, and I want to hit you again! Would you stand still so I can smack you with a grabber arm? That sounds fun.*” \-M-Bot after to Spensa after smacking her[22] As they traveled across the fragments, so that Spensa and Chet could traverse the [[Path of Elders|Path of Elders]], M-Bot changed in unexpected ways, at one point whacking Spensa on the head when he grew frustrated. They made for the base of the [[Broadsider Faction|Broadsider Faction]], in order to steal a starfighter, and M-Bot talked with Spensa about his feelings, saying he was sad that his pilot called him an abomination. He told her that he is still angry about his abandonment on Starsight. They arrived at the Broadsider base, and M-Bot scouted out the base for Spensa, reporting that there were no heat signatures besides three pirates working in the hangar. M-Bot went into the base with Spensa, and they were both captured after Spensa went into a starfighter with a [[Resonant|resonant]] in it, which hadn’t given off a heat signature. M-Bot acted like a regular cleaning drone instead of an AI, but was still kept away from Spensa, who was made to work for the pirates. Spensa got permission for M-Bot to help her clean different things for the pirates, and eventually got M-Bot in position to upload himself into one of the pirate starfighters. He took control of it just in time, saving Spensa as she was attacked by [[Peg|Peg]]. by Egilde Art [[Chet|Chet]] and [[Spensa|Spensa]] M-Bot tried flying as they escaped, but didn’t do very well. Spensa returned to the Broadsiders after terms were made, and Spensa was allowed to upload M-Bot to the Broadsiders’ best ship. When Chet and Spensa went to the next portal in the Path of Elders, he gave them background information to help them understand what they saw. He also helped during an enemy raid, highlighting different enemies for Spensa to target during the fight. When going to fight in an arena for Spensa to become the pirate champion, M-Bot detected Peg calling her son [[Gremm|Gremm]], but wasn’t able to intercept the call due to his ship’s limitations. After Spensa’s victory, the delvers sent a fragment to try to collide with the Broadsider base, and M-Bot made calculations so that the pirates could use their light-lances to redirect the incoming fragment. Along with most of the other pirate factions, Spensa and the Broadsiders flew towards [[Surehold|Surehold]] to attack it, with both Spensa and Chet riding inside M-Bot. M-Bot tried describing his different emotions to Chet, who would help him identify which emotions they were. Once the battle began however, M-Bot quieted down somewhat. During the battle, M-Bot also swore for the first time, surprising Spensa. After taking Surehold, Spensa asked M-Bot what he thought about escaping back to Detritus. M-Bot said that his processing speed will likely be much slower once outside of the nowhere, but figured it would be interesting to try inhabiting one of Detritus’ platforms. M-Bot flew with Spensa, Hesho, Chet, and Doomslug towards the lightburst, aiming for [[Solitary Shadow|Solitary Shadow]]. M-Bot went with Chet and Spensa as they accessed the final portal, and discovered the biggest secrets of the delvers. >“*Fly well, little me! You were my first taste of freedom. And now you will likely be my first taste of death!*” \-M-Bot to his drone[34] Spensa fought as the delvers created hundreds of ships to kill them, and M-Bot let Hesho pilot his drone. He had installed various sensors on his original drone, which Hesho proceeded to use. M-Bot had to reprogram part of the control panel to allow Hesho to operate it. M-Bot wanted to feel what it was like to die, and was sad when his drone was destroyed. The delvers only realized what M-Bot was late into the fight, due to Doomslug helping to shield him with her abilities. >“*If they can sense me, then I can make them chase me. I might be an abomination, but I am one who can fly on my own now. Choose for myself. And I can show them what an ‘abomination’ can do.*” \-M-Bot to Spensa before his sacrifice[34] After Chet sacrificed himself to distract the overwhelming number of delvers, Spensa landed on the ground close to the lightburst, Doomslug hiding M-Bot. M-Bot distracted Spensa, lying to her and saying he saw two taynix outside. Once Spensa, Doomslug, and Hesho were outside, M-Bot locked the ship. Spensa promised to come back for him somehow, and M-Bot flew off, the delvers chasing after him and destroying the ship quickly. The delvers thought Spensa was still onboard, and so left. According to Chet, M-Bot didn’t truly die. His housing was destroyed, but AIs don’t need such things in the nowhere. He’d learned and evolved enough that at least part of him survived. ## Trivia M-Bot was Brandon's favorite character to write in Skyward. M-Bot claims the 'M' in his name stands for mushrooms. Spensa disagrees, believing it stands for massacre. M-Bot created a theory on why he thinks humans act very erratically: The Greater Argument for Human Originated Chaos or GAFHOC. He wrote 7000 pages on the theory. However, most of the content is just 'humans are weird' repeated 3,756,932 times.
|**Futinoro**| |-|-| |**Nation**|[[Nagadan|Nagadan]]| |**World**|[[Komashi|Komashi]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| **Futinoro** is a city in [[Nagadan|Nagadan]] on [[Komashi|Komashi]] that is completely destroyed by a force of several dozen stable [[Nightmare|nightmares]] thirty years prior to the [[Battle of Kilahito|battle of Kilahito]]. To the people of Nagadan, the attack is believed to have been the consequence of [[Painter|painters]] not showing proper vigilance at their jobs. It stands as a warning sign to the dangers of not halting nightmares before they become fully stable. According to [[Liyun|Liyun]], who is present during the city's destruction, the attack is directly orchestrated by the [[Father machine|father machine]] to curb the efforts of some [[Hijo|spirits]] that managed to contact the residents of Futinoro. The machine has the entire city destroyed in order to prevent the truth from being discovered.
|**Demid**| |-|-| |**Spouse**|[[Venli|Venli]]| |**Died**|Possessed by [[Hariel|Hariel]], ? 1174| |**Abilities**|[[Regal|Forms of Power]]| |**Profession**|Scholar| |**Species**|[[Singer|Singer]]| |**Nationality**|[[Listener|Listener]]| |**Homeworld**|[[Roshar|Roshar]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| |**Introduced In**|*Words of Radiance*| >“* Our ancestors left behind civilization, power, and might in order to secure freedom. I would not give that up, Eshonai.*” \- Demid[2] **Demid** is a [[Listener|listener]] on [[Roshar|Roshar]]. He is a scholar in [[Narak|Narak]] during the [[War of Reckoning|War of Reckoning]] alongside his once-mate, [[Venli|Venli]], and later takes on [[Stormform|stormform]]. ## Contents 1 Appearance and Personality 2 Attributes and Abilities 3 History 4 Relationships 4.1 Venli 5 Notes ## Appearance and Personality As a scholar, Demid wears [[Nimbleform|nimbleform]] and has a gangly appearance. He later gains strength and agility by switching to stormform. Demid is intelligent, curious, and thoughtful. He is willing to go to great lengths to defeat the humans, but he prefers to avoid unnecessary risk to his people. He is empathetic, and has a calming effect on those around him. Even in stormform, he is not as quick to anger as his compatriots. ## Attributes and Abilities Like other singers, Demid can change his abilities by taking different [[Spren|spren]] into his [[Gemheart|gemheart]]. He has worn a number of forms. He becomes a scholar through the use of nimbleform and is able to read and write, although the form limits his physical capabilities. He is one of the first listeners to take on stormform, and becomes immediately comfortable wearing it. ## History Demid and [[Venli|Venli]] met in their youth and became friends. At some point, they took on [[Mateform|mateform]] and became a couple, although they did not have any children. After they left mateform, they remained close; Venli always felt that Demid was someone she could rely on, and often confided in him. Demid was part of Venli's inner circle that first became aware of her research with [[Ulim|Ulim]] regarding lost listener forms, including [[Regal|Forms of Power]], and he eagerly supported her. Demid and Venli took nimbleform after it was rediscovered and became research partners for around three years. Demid was a consistent advocate for Venli's views, as he was tired of war and wanted freedom for the listeners. He helped persuade [[Eshonai|Eshonai]] that stormform was a weapon that needed to be utilized, and was present when [[The Five|the Five]] chose her to test it. >“*Our sacrifice was worthwhile. Yes, we have lost many, but humans sought our extinction. At least this way some of our people survived, and now we have great power!*” \-Demid, after taking stormform[4] After Eshonai's successful transformation, Demid also took on stormform. He devised a system for transformation that involved entering the [[Highstorm|highstorm]] after the initial stormwall had passed, as it was marginally safer. He participated in the [[Battle of Narak|Battle of Narak]] and believed that the sacrifice of some listeners was worth the power that they had gained by calling the [[Everstorm|Everstorm]]. After the battle, Demid was part of the group led by [[Ulim|Ulim]] that searched the chasms near Narak for corpses, in particular Eshonai's. He was the first to spot her body, and despite some serious cultural reservations about touching a corpse, he helped strip off her [[Shardplate|Shardplate]]. Ulim later selected Demid and Venli as two of the first nine listeners that would give up their bodies for the return of the [[Fused|Fused]]. Neither Demid nor Venli understood the consequences of this process. When the Everstorm hit, Demid died, and his body was taken over by [[Hariel|Hariel]]. Hariel still resembled Demid, but his appearance, voice, and posture changed. Venli was shocked and upset when she realized that Demid was gone, but quickly tried to rationalize their decision. ## Relationships ### Venli >“*She liked how he listened to what she said, and he always had a ready compliment. He'd enjoy sneaking about, and she’d feel braver with him along.*” \-Venli's thoughts on Demid[9] Demid and Venli have a long history together. In their youth, Venli often sought out Demid to enjoy his company. He is complimentary and supportive, and has a way of making her feel confident. After their time together in mateform, they remain close, and work well as a "researchpair" of scholars. Venli suppresses any lingering romantic feelings that she has for Demid, but maintains a bond with him. Demid remains loyal to Venli, and is one of the few people who know of the key role that she plays in restoring the old forms to the listeners. At times, he worries about her ambition, but ultimately stands behind her. Venli tries to convince herself that Demid's death was a necessary sacrifice, although she does not feel right about it, suspecting that her [[Envoyform|envoyform]] is affecting her emotions. She later uses [[Surgebinding|Surgebinding]] to escape [[Odium|Odium's]] influence, and realizes that she did love Demid. She regrets not understanding her true feelings, and blames herself for his death.
|**Tifandor**| |-|-| |**Profession**|Biographer| |**Homeworld**|[[Roshar|Roshar]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| **Tifandor** is the author of a biography on King [[Gavilar|Gavilar]] on [[Roshar|Roshar]]. [[Shallan|Shallan]] asked to search for Tifandor's biography in the [[Palanaeum|Palanaeum]] as a cover to leave [[Jasnah|Jasnah]] for long enough to do some research on the [[Voidbringer|Voidbringers]]. After being intercepted by [[Kabsal|Kabsal]], she retrieved the book from one of the lower levels before returning to Jasnah.
|**Aydee Ecks Smedry**| |-|-| |**House Smedry**| |**Siblings**|[[Sing Sing Smedry|Sing Sing]], [[Australia Smedry|Australia]]| |**Abilities**|[[Smedry Talent|Smedry Talent]]| |**Nationality**|[[Mokian|Mokian]]| |**Homeworld**|[[Earth (Alcatraz)|Earth (Alcatraz)]]| |**Introduced In**|*The Shattered Lens*| **Aydee Ecks Smedry** is a [[Mokia|Mokian]] [[House Smedry|Smedry]] whose [[Smedry Talent|Talent]] is that she is very bad at math. She is the younger sister to [[Sing Sing Smedry|Sing]] and [[Australia Smedry|Australia]] Smedry. ## Contents 1 Appearance and Personality 2 Attributes and Abilities 3 History 4 Trivia 5 Notes ## Appearance and Personality Aydee is an eight-year-old Mokian girl with short dark hair and brown skin. She wears a colorful dress and a flower in her hair. Like her older sister Australia, Aydee is cheerful, bubbly, and somewhat naive. However, she is shown to be cleverer than she initially appears, having figured out how to manipulate her Talent to her advantage with a degree of control not shown in many older Smedrys. She also displays something of a mischievous streak. ## Attributes and Abilities Aydee has the Talent of being really bad at math, which changes reality to match her perception of how many things she thinks there are of whatever she is adding. Later, Alcatraz uses her Talent to increase the number of grenades they have in their arsenal. Though she knows that the equation he gives to tell her how many bears they have is fake, she feigns ignorance so that her Talent will work. Aydee is also a capable pilot, like her sister Australia. ## History Aydee was sent away from the [[Siege of Mokia|Siege of Mokia]] to deliver a piece of [[Communicator's Glass|Communicator's Glass]] to the [[Nalhalla|Nalhallan]] embassy. When she arrived, she was conscripted by [[Kazan Smedry|Kazan Smedry]] to fly Kaz, [[Alcatraz|Alcatraz]], and [[Bastille|Bastille]] back to Mokia. Her Talent proved essential to Mokia's defense and the eventual defeat of the [[Librarian|Librarians]] there. ## Trivia Her name is a reference to the , also known as the (ADX) prison facility.
Aydee Ecks Smedry
|**The Frugal Wizard's Handbookfor Surviving Medieval England**| |-|-| |**Author**|[[Cecil G. Bagsworth III|Cecil G. Bagsworth III]]| |**World of Origin**|[[Earth (Frugal Wizard)|Earth (Frugal Wizard)]]| This article refers to the in-world text. For the novel by [[Brandon Sanderson|Brandon Sanderson]], see [[The Frugal Wizard's Handbook for Surviving Medieval England|The Frugal Wizard's Handbook for Surviving Medieval England]]. *The Frugal Wizard's Handbook for Surviving Medieval England* is an informational and promotional book by [[Cecil G. Bagsworth III|Cecil G. Bagsworth III]]. The book is at least three hundred and thirty-two pages long. ## Contents 1 History 2 Known Content 2.1 Main Text 2.1.1 Your Own Dimension 2.1.2 You Are a Wizard 2.1.3 Our Fantastic Packages 2.1.4 How to Be a Wizard 2.1.5 (New!) Better Than True Life™ Experiences 2.1.6 The Wizard's Burden 2.2 FAQ 2.2.1 FAQ: Have I Time Traveled? 2.2.2 FAQ: Why Do Some Things about My Dimension Contradict the Historical Record? 2.2.3 FAQ: What Can I Expect from My Dimension? 2.2.4 FAQ: Can I Have a Dimension Full of Talking Bananas? 2.2.5 FAQ: All Right, WHY Can't I Have a Dimension Full of Talking Bananas? 2.2.6 FAQ: How Can I Be Certain My Personal Wizard Dimension™ Won't be Corrupted by Other Visitors? 2.2.7 FAQ: Can I Transfer Things Between Dimensions? 2.2.8 FAQ: Why Does Everyone in Britain Speak Modern English in My Pre-Norman-Conquest Dimension? Shouldn't That Require an Incredible Alignment of Social and Linguistic Factors That Would Never in a Million Years Align in Such a Convenient Way? 2.2.9 FAQ: Wait. Did I Just Do a Colonialism? 2.2.10 FAQ: What If I'm Still Worried about the Ethics of Essentially Colonizing the British Isles, Influencing the Course of History for an Entire People? 2.2.11 FAQ: What If I Don't Like My Dimension? Are Refunds Available? 2.3 Other Referenced Content 3 Notes ## History [[John West|Runian]] obtained a copy of the fourth edition of *The Frugal Wizard's Handbook for Surviving Medieval England* and took it with him through a dimensional portal. Upon arriving in medieval England, the handbook exploded, the pages blowing into a nearby town. One of the pages was offered to [[Wight|wights]], but John stole back the offering. Eventually, the pages were gathered and returned to John, who then re-sorted them. ## Known Content ### Main Text The main text of the handbook mostly consists of overview information, details about the services offered by [[Frugal Wizard Inc.|Frugal Wizard Inc.]], and excerpts from Bagsworth's other books about what it is like to be an interdimensional wizard. #### Your Own Dimension This chapter gives some brief history and introduction of [[Frugal Wizard Inc.|Frugal Wizard Inc.]] #### You Are a Wizard The handbook quotes *My Lives: an Autobiography of Cecil G. Bagsworth III, The First Interdimensional Wizard*. Bagsworth reflects on his early experiences as an interdimensional wizard and explains the role of timing in achievements. #### Our Fantastic Packages Frugal Wizard Inc. offers five packages: Discount dimensions that do not meet their usual guarantees Wizard Wildcard dimensions with details kept secret Dimensions where customers choose the time period Luxury experiences where customers choose a certain specific feature from a list Total Wizard package with the perks of the luxury experience plus additional add-ons #### How to Be a Wizard The handbook quotes another Bagsworth book, *The Truth of Truth: A Call to Adventure*. Bagsworth explains how the reader can impress medieval people with their modern knowledge and technology. #### (New!) Better Than True Life™ Experiences The handbook gives an overview of four different dimension sports that Frugal Wizard Inc. hosts: Classic Conquest: Players compete to take control of land Capture the Castle: A variation of Capture the Flag Game of Homes: Players start with no resources and race to become monarchs Augmented Insanity: A war game with random modern weapons #### The Wizard's Burden The handbook again quotes *My Lives: an Autobiography of Cecil G. Bagsworth III, The First Interdimensional Wizard*. Bagsworth explains that interdimensional wizard life is fulfilling, but can also be lonely. ### FAQ The FAQ mostly focuses on the mechanics, limitations, and ethics of interdimensional travel. #### FAQ: Have I Time Traveled? Medieval dimension are not actually in the past. Instead, that dimension has lagged behind in its progression, similar to Nebraska. #### FAQ: Why Do Some Things about My Dimension Contradict the Historical Record? Dimensions that more closely resemble historical record are reserved by the government. Frugal Wizard Inc. only sells "Earth-lite" dimensions with more deviation. #### FAQ: What Can I Expect from My Dimension? Frugal Wizard Inc. has access to a certain band of medieval dimensions. They randomly open portals in that band and check them for three guarantees: the dimension roughly represents the right periods, the language is close to modern English, and they are not affected by a pandemic. #### FAQ: Can I Have a Dimension Full of Talking Bananas? This section simply answers, "No." #### FAQ: All Right, WHY Can't I Have a Dimension Full of Talking Bananas? Every dimension Frugal Wizard Inc. accesses is theorized to share their history until a branching point. The branching event that would cause talking bananas to exist is so improbable that such dimensions are unlikely to be found through their random portals even if they theoretically exist. #### FAQ: How Can I Be Certain My Personal Wizard Dimension™ Won't be Corrupted by Other Visitors? After randomly opening a portal, Frugal Wizard Inc. activates a dimensional beacon that ties that dimension to theirs through a quantum key. #### FAQ: Can I Transfer Things Between Dimensions? Anything can be brought downstream to the purchased dimension, but nothing can be brought back upstream. Dimensions more than one portal downstream are unstable. #### FAQ: Why Does Everyone in Britain Speak Modern English in My Pre-Norman-Conquest Dimension? Shouldn't That Require an Incredible Alignment of Social and Linguistic Factors That Would Never in a Million Years Align in Such a Convenient Way? The handbook simply hangs a lampshade on the question. #### FAQ: Wait. Did I Just Do a Colonialism? The handbook dodges the question by claiming sensitivity, discouraging travel to the Americas and to Africa, and promoting their Unstated Ethnicity Savior Packages #### FAQ: What If I'm Still Worried about the Ethics of Essentially Colonizing the British Isles, Influencing the Course of History for an Entire People? The handbook claims the laws of their dimension have no bearing on other dimensions, and leaves it to the reader's conscience to decide what is ethical. #### FAQ: What If I Don't Like My Dimension? Are Refunds Available? Refunds are not available. ### Other Referenced Content "FAQ: Can You Recommend a Therapist to Help Me Cope with the Existential Dread Caused by the Realization That My Reality Might Be Just an Offshoot of Another Dimension with More Substance Than Ours?" A questionnaire near the back of the handbook contains a list of printed questions with blanks where readers are meant to write their own answers. This is to assist in restoring memories that might be lost when going through a dimensional portal. Two of the questions include "What is your name?" and "What was your profession before you became an interdimensional wizard?" Details about 30 different bonus add-ons for the Total Wizard package Section Four: The Boring Science Stuff. Chapter 17 of this section is titled "Dimensional Travel in Brief"
The Frugal Wizards Handbook for Surviving Medieval England in-world
|**Isabi**| |-|-| |**Profession**|Scholar| |**Residence**|[[Urithiru|Urithiru]]| |**Homeworld**|[[Roshar|Roshar]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| |**Introduced In**|*Rhythm of War*| **Isabi** is a young scholar on [[Roshar|Roshar]]. ## Contents 1 Appearance and Personality 2 Attributes and Abilities 3 History 4 Notes ## Appearance and Personality Isabi is one of the younger members of [[Navani|Navani's]] team of scholars and [[Ardent|ardents]] in [[Urithiru|Urithiru]]. She is small in stature and looks her age; Navani thinks of her as a "girl". She has a curious mind. ## Attributes and Abilities Isabi is able to use a [[Spanreed|spanreed]], and can therefore read and write in [[Women's script|women's script]]. She has received some training in engineering and the scientific method. Despite her youth, Isabi seems to have the full trust of [[Falilar|Falilar]] and Navani. ## History Isabi's early history is unknown, but she presumably moved to Urithiru at some point after the [[Battle of Narak|Battle of Narak]]. She is the daughter of an unspecified [[Windrunner|Windrunner]]. She became apprenticed to Falilar as a scholar. In 1175, Falilar worked with Isabi on a method to triangulate the location of a spanreed by placing the board on a scale to measure the very slight weight changes related to an inherent decay that affects a conjoiner fabrial's weight when it is in use. Isabi was tasked with monitoring a mysterious spanreed that an unknown entity was using to contact Navani, and alerted Falilar and Navani when a message was coming in. Isabi helped Falilar set up the measuring system while Navani was using the spanreed, and helped set it up again as the team rushed to a different location to take additional measurements. The experiment confirmed that the messages were coming from inside the tower; Navani suspected that the sender was a [[Spren|spren]]. After deliberately losing her half of the mystery spanreed, Navani waited to see if the spren would send another ruby. When [[Dabbid|Dabbid]] showed up with a replacement, Navani intended to interrogate him, and asked Isabi to contact [[Kalami|Kalami]] to assist her. As she sent the message, however, Isabi received news of the explosion caused by [[Talnah|Talnah]] and [[Nem|Nem]] experimenting with the [[Black sphere|black sphere]] that [[Gavilar|Gavilar]] gave to [[Szeth|Szeth]]. Navani eventually confirmed that she was corresponding with the [[Sibling|Sibling]]. Isabi was with the group of scholars that accompanied Navani as she followed the Sibling's direction to a sapphire that, when infused, erected a magical barrier around the Sibling's crystal pillar. This prevented [[Raboniel|Raboniel]] from infusing the pillar with [[Voidlight|Voidlight]] to corrupt the spren.
|**Malli**| |-|-| |**Spouse**|[[Felt|Felt]]| |**Abilities**|[[Worldhopper|Worldhopper]]| |**Profession**|Scribe| |**Homeworld**|[[Roshar|Roshar]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| |**Introduced In**|*Oathbringer*| This page or section contains spoilers for *Wind and Truth*!This information has the ability to potentially ruin elements of the plot for the reader. Proceed with caution if you have not read this book. >“*With Lord Dalinar and Lord Mraize dead... well, guess Malli and I will have to find someone else to serve. If our old bodies can manage it.*” \-Felt to Shallan[1] **Malli** is a [[Worldhopper|worldhopper]] and a scribe on [[Roshar|Roshar]]. She is married to a [[Scadrial|Scadrian]] worldhopper named [[Felt|Felt]]. ## Attributes and Abilities She is able to use a [[Spanreed|spanreed]] and write in [[Women's script|women's script]]. [[Dalinar|Dalinar]] and [[Adolin|Adolin]] both trust her, as she is assigned to be the primary scribe on at least two important journeys, including one that required significant discretion. ## History In approximately 1169, Malli and Felt accompanied [[Dalinar Kholin|Dalinar Kholin]] on his expedition to [[The Valley|the Valley]] to visit the [[Nightwatcher|Nightwatcher]]. She was part of a small group that traveled from their ship to the Valley, serving as its scribe. She was present in Dalinar's stormwagon when he exited the Valley; she sent a message via [[Spanreed|spanreed]] to the [[Alethi|Alethi]] ship that he had returned. Dalinar also asked Malli to tell the sailors to find him a copy of *The Way of Kings* in the port, so he could hear it read to him again after having [[Evi|Evi]] erased from his memory. Malli and Felt moved to [[Urithiru|Urithiru]] at some point after the [[Battle of Narak|Battle of Narak]]. In 1175, they were selected as members of the diplomatic mission to [[Lasting Integrity|Lasting Integrity]] in [[Shadesmar|Shadesmar]]. Malli, who was working in the quartermaster's office, again served as the mission's scribe. She traveled with the team through Shadesmar, sometimes looking after [[Mayalaran|Mayalaran]] on Adolin's behalf. She was one of the few members of the team that remained in camp outside of Lasting Integrity during Adolin's trial. After Dalinar and [[Mraize|Mraize's]] deaths, Felt remarked that he and Malli would have to find someone else to serve, if their age didn't get the better of them.