|**Gereh**| |-|-| |by Dragontrill | |**Died**|1175, killed by [[Mraize|Mraize]]| |**Abilities**|[[Feruchemy|Feruchemist]], [[Worldhopper|Worldhopper]]| |**Bonded With**|[[Gereh's Aviar|Gereh's Aviar]]| |**Ethnicity**|[[Terris|Terris]]| |**Homeworld**|Unknown| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| |**Introduced In**|*Rhythm of War*| >“*Oh, Brightness, they've taken our king! Those parshmen. Those barbarians. Those... those monsters.*” \-Gereh to Navani[3] **Gereh** is the house steward in [[Kholinar Palace|Kholinar Palace]] on [[Roshar|Roshar]]. An agent for persons unknown, Gereh is a [[Feruchemist|Feruchemist]] and has a red [[Aviar|Aviar]]. He was watching [[Dalinar Kholin|Dalinar Kholin]] specifically. After retiring from his role as steward, he lived in [[Urithiru|Urithiru]] until he was murdered by [[Mraize|Mraize]]. It is uncertain whether Gereh is his real name or an alias. ## Contents 1 Appearance 2 Attributes & Abilities 3 History 3.1 Kholinar Steward 3.2 Retirement and Death 4 Notes ## Appearance By the time he worked as the house steward in [[Kholinar|Kholinar]], Gereh is white-bearded and frail. He wears multiple rings on his fingers, presumably serving as his [[Metalmind|metalminds]]. He occasionally fidgets nervously with these rings. He also alters his appearance slightly in an unknown way, making himself seem as if he had the epicanthic folds common in many humans on [[Roshar|Roshar]]. ## Attributes & Abilities Gereh is a [[Feruchemist|Feruchemist]] with an unknown skillset. He could also effectively hide some of his physical features that made him stand out as a person of non-[[Roshar|Rosharan]] descent. Gereh also had come into possession of a red [[Gereh's Aviar|Aviar]]. The powers granted by the Aviar are unknown mind abilities, and the intelligent bird is very loyal to the man and able to feel Gereh's location from a distance. ## History ### Kholinar Steward Nothing is known of Gereh's early life, or his planet of birth, but he worked long enough as steward in the [[Kholinar Palace|Kholinar Palace]] to be known as a fixture there, becoming a notable, if minor functionary. While Gereh's apparent profession was steward, he also served as an agent for an unknown master, watching over [[House Kholin|House Kholin]]. It is likely that in the year 1167, Gereh became aware of [[Axindweth|Axindweth]], a [[Terris|Terriswoman]] agent working for [[Odium|Odium]] in the Kholinar Palace. He turned [[Gavilar|Gavilar]] against her and forced her to flee the planet. Shortly thereafter, on the night of the treaty signing celebration with the [[Listeners|listeners]], Gereh approached Queen [[Navani Kholin|Navani Kholin]] in the palace gardens prior to feast to inform her that Brightlord [[Rine Hatham|Rine Hatham]] was expecting an audience with Gavilar to discuss border disputes and the king was nowhere to be found. He then led Navani to [[Hatham|Hatham]]. Later that night, Navani found a grief-stricken Gereh and after she took his hand he informed her of Gavilar's assassination, although she did not immediately believe he was telling the truth. Gereh seemed deeply distraught by Gavilar's death, crying and shaking in sorrow. ### Retirement and Death By 1175 Gereh seemed to have retired from active duty in the palace. He came to live in [[Urithiru|Urithiru]] with many of the other displaced Alethi and lived a quiet life where he was visited occasionally by [[Lift|Lift]], who enjoyed looking in on the elderly. Just prior to the occupation of Urithiru by the [[Fused|Fused]], Gereh's Aviar was away from Gereh for unknown reasons. He was attacked by [[Mraize|Mraize]] in his rooms and was killed by a knife wound to the chest. He was either attacked while he was without his [[Metalmind|metalminds]], or they were stripped from his body by Mraize after his death. The modifications that Gereh had made to the appearance of his eyes also vanished after his death. Gereh's Aviar had been waylaid by [[Mraize's Aviar|Mraize's Aviar]], but it managed to return to Gereh's rooms with Lift's help to find the man's body and mourn over it. Mraize, who had been waiting, pursued Lift out of Gereh's rooms and caught her.
|**Neturo-son-Vallano**| |-|-| |**Family**| |**Spouse**|[[Zeenid-daughter-Beth|Zeenid]]| |**Children**|[[Szeth|Szeth]], [[Elid-daughter-Zeenid|Elid]]| |**Parents**|Vallano| |**Died**|c. Vev 1175, encounter with [[Ishar|Ishar]]Palahanah 1175, freed by [[Szeth|Szeth]] using [[Nightblood|Nightblood]]| |**Abilities**|[[Shardbearer|Shardbearer]], [[Cognitive Shadow|Cognitive Shadow]]| |**Religion**|[[Stone Shamanism|Stone Shamanism]]| |**Ethnicity**|[[Shin|Shin]]| |**Homeworld**|[[Roshar|Roshar]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| |**Introduced In**|*The Way of Kings*| This page or section contains spoilers for *Wind and Truth*!This information has the ability to potentially ruin elements of the plot for the reader. Proceed with caution if you have not read this book. This page is part of the December 2024 objectives!It has been claimed by User: Rynon2112, please contact them before doing edits. This page or section needs to be updated with new information for *Wind and Truth*!Be aware that in its current state, it may not include all additional content yet. >“*The best and truest duty of a person is to add to the world. To create, and not destroy.*” \-Neturo-son-Vallano, as remembered by Szeth[3] **Neturo-son-Vallano** is a [[Shin|Shin]] man on [[Roshar|Roshar]], the father of [[Szeth|Szeth]], and a holder of [[Ishar|Ishar's]] [[Honorblade|Honorblade]] until his death. After this, he becomes one of Ishar's Fused. He is married to [[Zeenid-daughter-Beth|Zeenid-daughter-Beth]] and is also the father of [[Elid-daughter-Zeenid|Elid-daughter-Zeenid]]. ## Contents 1 Appearance and Personality 2 Attributes and Abilities 3 History 4 Relationships 4.1 Szeth 5 Trivia 6 Notes ## Appearance and Personality Neturo-son-Vallano is ethnically Shin, meaning he is likely lighter-skinned and shorter than other Rosharans and that his eyes lack an . As an assigned guardian of an Honorblade, he is presumably a follower of [[Stone Shamanism|Stone Shamanism]]. He believes the greatest service a man can perform is to create, to add to the universe, and therefore was unhappy with being forced to kill, to subtract. ## Attributes and Abilities Neturo-son-Vallano has likely trained with all of the Surges granted by the Honorblades in Shinovar's possession. While bearing Ishar's Honorblade, he presumably had access to the [[Surges|Surges]] of [[Tension|Tension]] and [[Adhesion|Adhesion]] and was an expert in using them. These are the same Surges used by the [[Knights Radiant|Radiant]] [[Order of Bondsmiths|Order of Bondsmiths]], but the Surgebinding granted by Honorblades typically differs from Surgebinding granted by a [[Nahel bond|Nahel bond]]. However, Szeth specifically refers to Neturo's sword as the "Bondsmith Honorblade" and the [[Stormfather|Stormfather]] implies that Ishar's recovery of the Honorblade was related to his apparent ability to use Bondsmith powers. It is not known if Ishar's Blade can grant other users such as Neturo access to the more esoteric, Bondsmith-specific uses of the Surges. ## History Neturo-son-Vallano worked as a shepherd on the coast of Shinovar during Szeth's youth. There were white cliffs near their home. At some point, their family was given to the Honorblades through unknown circumstances. Neturo became the bearer of Ishar's Honorblade, and was forced to learn how to kill. Szeth trained with the Honorblades in his youth and eventually wielded [[Jezrien|Jezrien's]] Blade, but it is unclear when he received his Blade as compared to Neturo. >“*Your father was barely a man when I found him. The Shin had accepted the Unmade. Tried to make gods of them. I saved them. And your father did give me this Blade. He thanked me for letting him die.*” \-Ishar, to Szeth[1] During the [[True Desolation|True Desolation]], Ishar took over [[Tukar|Tukar]] and other parts of southern Roshar and waged war against the [[Coalition of monarchs|coalition of monarchs]]. [[Dalinar|Dalinar]] attempted to track Ishar down to parley, eventually finding him at a small camp near the coast. Ishar revealed that he had reclaimed his Honorblade from Shinovar, stating that the Shin served the [[Herald|Heralds]] and had simply been holding the sword for him. Szeth told Ishar that Neturo-son-Vallano and the other Shin kept secrets for the Heralds, but had no plans to return the Honorblades to them. Ishar discounted this idea and told Szeth that the Shin had accepted the [[Unmade|Unmade]] as their gods before he saved them. He said that he did not kill Szeth's father; rather, Neturo willingly gave up his Blade and welcomed the chance to die. Ishar's insanity casts doubt on his version of events, but Neturo did in fact lose possession of the Honorblade. Szeth did not want to believe Ishar, and was deeply shaken. Upon recovering, he drew [[Nightblood|Nightblood]] for the first time in a year to strike at Ishar. Prior to the encounter with Ishar, [[Taravangian|Taravangian]] mentioned Neturo-son-Vallano's death to Szeth, who did not take him seriously since he knew the old king was trying to manipulate him. When Szeth saw Ishar with the Blade, it seemingly confirmed his father's fate. Enraged, Szeth found Taravangian and demanded that he reveal how he had known that Neturo was dead. However, on that day Taravangian was too stupid to answer before Szeth killed him; it remains unclear how or when Taravangian actually learned of Neturo's death. ## Relationships ### Szeth Szeth greatly respected his father and considered him a gentle, wise man. When Szeth became [[Truthless|Truthless]], he stopped thinking of himself as "Szeth-son-Neturo" to avoid besmirching his father's name, instead using his grandfather's name; he even tried to stop thinking about Neturo entirely. Neturo also had a partner and a daughter, but nothing is known about them. ## Trivia An early concept of the character that became Neturo is briefly mentioned in *The Way of Kings Prime* when Jek (the prototype for Szeth) notes that he is skilled in the art of stealth killing due to extensive training with his father.
|**Kimmalyn**| |-|-| |by Jill Andersen | |**Aliases**|Callsign: Quirk| |**Profession**|DDF pilots| |**Homeworld**|[[Detritus|Detritus]]| |**Universe**|[[Cytoverse|Cytoverse]]| |**Introduced In**|*Skyward*| This page or section needs to be updated with new information for *Sunreach*, *ReDawn*, *Evershore*, and *Defiant*!Be aware that in its current state, it may not include all additional content yet. >“*We can do this. Just take a deep breath. Reach up. Pluck a star. That’s what the Saint says.*” \-Kimmalyn meeting Spensa for the first time[1] **Kimmalyn** (Callsign: **Quirk**) is a member of the [[DDF|DDF]] and pilot number six in [[Skyward Flight|Skyward Flight]]. She hails from [[Bountiful Cavern|Bountiful Cavern]], is the daughter of current DDF AA gunners, and the great-granddaughter of the assistant quartermaster from the old *Antioch* gunship in the *Defiant Fleet*. Kimmalyn initially chose the callsign Quick, however, she changed it to Quirk after it was misremembered by multiple members of her flight. Although she initially quit the DDF flight program after the death of Hurl, Kimmalyn is reinstated as a full pilot following the [[Battle of Alta Second|Battle of Alta Second]]. ## Contents 1 Appearance and Personality 1.1 Religiosity 2 Abilities 3 History 3.1 Early Life 3.2 Flight School 3.3 Dropping Out of Flight School 3.4 The Battle of Alta Second 3.5 Return to the DDF 3.6 After Spensa's Departure 3.7 Mission to Sunreach 3.8 Helping Alanik on ReDawn 3.9 Mission to Evershore 4 Relationships 4.1 Spensa 4.2 Hurl 4.3 Nedd 4.4 Sadie 5 Trivia 6 Notes ## Appearance and Personality >“*Kimmalyn had the soul of a smart aleck, but the upbringing of a polite society girl.*” \-Description of Kimmalyn by Spensa[8] Kimmalyn has tan brown skin and long, curly black hair. She spends time on her appearance and is in general, a very neat person. She has a slight accent, that is likely common to her home cavern, Bountiful Cavern, and has a tendency to use old fashioned turns of phrase, likely with the intent to confuse others. She has a relaxed and unhurried way of speaking and sounds naturally happy, even when delivering insults. She has a good poker face and can be hard to read, which she uses to her advantage when teasing people. >“*'He thought she’d given up', I realized.* \-Instead, puffy eyes and all, Kimmalyn raised her chin. She is a very energetic and excitable person, who can sometimes come across as silly to others. She is not shy with physical affection even with people she does not know, and is a cheerful and friendly person. Kimmalyn enjoys life's small pleasures and is perky and upbeat. She is quick to follow orders, even from those who do not necessarily have authority to give them. She is genuinely kind and considers others well-being as much as her own. She will willingly decrease her comfort of living to help increase another's, so that they do not have to carry discomfort themselves. She is perceptive about her friends and will specifically check in with them if something seems wrong, and will do what she can to help. She does not shy away from bringing up sensitive topics, however, is sympathetic and empathetic when discussing issues. Despite this, Kimmalyn does not always recognize when she enables bad behavior. She frequently uses the phrase, *bless your stars*, however, the intention behind her comments can range from fondness to mockery. Kimmalyn uses subtle and confusing language when insulting others, so they do not catch on to her intention. This is a trait she has picked up from living in Bountiful Cavern where it is considered rude to be overtly insulting, but acceptable if veiled with politeness and obscurity. Kimmalyn's confidence is shaken during her time at [[Flight school|flight school]]. Despite her talents in long distance sniping, her poor performance in flying leads her to repeatedly criticize herself to her classmates, even when they are praising her improvements. The death of [[Hurl|Hurl]] further erodes Kimmalyn's trust in her abilities, as she believes her friend's death was because her own failure, ultimately leading her to leave the DDF. Hurl's death fueled Kimmalyn's feelings of inadequacy leading her to question her sniper skills and cause distress when asked to make another difficult shot. Despite this, Kimmalyn is proud of what she achieved as a cadet. Kimmalyn's confidence in both flying and shooting likely improved following the Battle of Alta Second as she rejoins the DDF and becomes a full pilot. ### Religiosity >“*What a lovely view of the sky we have! As the Saint always said, ‘Good thing it’s light during the day, otherwise we wouldn’t be able to see how pretty daytime is!’*” \-Kimmalyn trying to distract others from realizing she slipped food to Spensa[14] Kimmalyn is religious and often makes up sayings, attributing them to the Saint. She justifies a majority of her actions through these sayings and also uses them to obscure insults. Though offered suggestions by her fellow cadets, she does not consider using them. Kimmalyn vehemently disagreed with the suggestion she use the callsign: Saint, when it was suggested. She will also call out others for using the Saint's name in vain, though may be doing this in a joking manner. ## Abilities >“*Kind of like trying to hit the floor with a rock, sir. They aren’t even moving.*” \-Kimmalyn when asked to demonstrate during target practice[22] Kimmalyn is highly knowledgeable about piloting and [[Starfighter|starfighters]], having achieved the rank of pilot. Following the Battle of Alta Second, Kimmalyn is placed in a specialized team made up of Skyward Flight members in the position of sniper. She is an expert shooter who specializes in long distance sniping of moving targets, a result of being trained on the DDF anti-aircraft guns prior to [[Flight school|flight school]]. Even as a cadet, she was far more skillful with destructors than a majority of DDF pilots due to her ability to target and destroy moving objects, with most other pilots only having used the guns long range against stationary units. She is aware of her skill with shooting, however, is either not used to praise from others or just unsure as to how to accept it. Kimmalyn is not a strong flyer, however, has improved over time. She has trained to fly in both atmosphere and a vacuum. As with her flying skills, her dogfighting skills have likely improved with practice. ## History ### Early Life Kimmalyn is from Bountiful Cavern and the daughter of AA gunners. She was trained on the smaller AA guns by her father prior to [[Flight school|flight school]], though it is unclear when she began her training. Part of her father's training involved a mushroom that resembled a squirrel. ### Flight School She did not plan to take the entrance exam for flight school but was approached by DDF recruiters who wanted to see a demonstration of her weaponry skills. Once seeing her abilities, they encouraged her to apply for the DDF and sit the entrance exam. After passing the exam, Kimmalyn was placed in Skyward Flight under the tutorledge of [[Cobb|Cobb]]. She was roomed with the other female members of her flight, with the exception of [[Spensa|Spensa]], who was denied accommodation. Before it became known that Spensa would not be rooming with them, Kimmalyn offered to switch out sleeping arrangements with the other girl every second night so that Spensa would not have to always sleep on a cot instead of a bed. On the first day of flight school, Kimmalyn ran into, and befriended Spensa, shortly after leaving the elevator from [[Igneous|Igneous]]. The two girls were the first to arrive at the classroom, introducing themselves to their classmates when they arrived. When [[Jorgen|Jorgen]] arrived and ordered Skyward Flight to attention, Kimmalyn immediately jumped to action, however, in her excitement, she saluted Jorgen with both hands while also standing on her toes. Jorgen harshly criticized her, leading to Spensa jumping to Kimmalyn's defense. Kimmalyn, while initially hurt by Jorgen's comment, was pleased by Spensa's response. >“*I'm just gonna sit tight here, snug and happy I didn’t crash into anyone. As the Saint said, 'Ain't nothing wrong with being a little wrong once in a while.'*” \-Kimmalyn during their first virtual training session when asked to fall in line with her fellow pilots[5] Like many of the other members of Skyward Flight, Kimmalyn crashed her mockpit during their first lesson by accidentally misusing her control sphere. When the lesson was interrupted by a [[KRELL|Krell]] attack, Kimmalyn, along with the rest of Skyward Flight, were ordered to take to the sky and line up close to the battle to deceive the Krell into thinking there were more pilots ready to join the conflict. When Krell attacked the group, she maneuvered herself away from her flightmates so that she could line up a clear shot with her destructors, firing upon and destroying the Krell that had targeted Jorgen. Once back at the DDF base, the other members of Skyward Flight praised her on her shooting, though she did not know how to react to the compliments. The next day, when Kimmalyn noticed that Spensa did not seem to be leaving with the group during lunch, she attempted to stay behind to see what was wrong. She was stopped by Cobb who explained to her the situation. After Cobb mentioned to her that the other women had forgotten her lunch Kimmalyn, snuck food back with her from the mess hall to pass on to Spensa. When the class resumed, the cadets began testing out the weapons functions on their mockpits. After allowing the cadets to attempt to shoot targets with their destructors, Cobb ordered Kimmalyn to demonstrate how effectively the weapons could be used. When the class attempted dogfighting after her demonstration, Kimmalyn's mockpit was destroyed almost immediately. During the light-lance ring game Kimmalyn crashed on the first round, on the fourth ring, being the second person to lose out after [[Bim|Bim]]. Following the lesson, Kimmalyn returned from getting a drink just in time to hear that Spensa was the daughter of [[Chaser|Chaser]]. Although initially shocked, she approached Spensa the next day to talk to her. Kimmalyn was not put off by the revelation and admired Spensa's courage in standing up against the backlash she had received because of her father's actions. A few days later, Skyward Flight was once again sent into battle against the Krell, this time fighting alongside full pilots. During the battle, Kimmalyn attempts to help [[Morningtide|Morningtide]] by sniping the Krell that were chasing her, however, was ultimately too late and by doing so left herself exposed to Krell attack with no wingmate nearby. Although Spensa initially wanted to go and help her, Jorgen ordered her to help Bim, going to help Kimmalyn himself. Kimmalyn survived the battle, however, lost two of her other flightmates: Bim and Morningtide. by Hitori Maron The next morning, Kimmalyn arrived late to class having stopped in the bathroom on her way to the classroom. Having likely spent the time crying and considering if she wished to stay with the DDF, Kimmalyn eventually made her way to the classroom, taking her seat with the intention of eventually decided to proceed to the classroom where, to the surprise of her teacher, she continuing the program. After exploding during a training exercise, Nedd prodded Kimmalyn, teasing her about the crash and provoking a polite but moderate response from the woman. Later, during her solo run, Kimmalyn successfully managed to IMP a Krell ship without crashing. Despite the praise she received by Spensa, Kimmalyn was focused on the negatives of her flying until Spensa managed to successfully distract her through a discussion about insults. Later, Kimmalyn and Skyward Flight took to the sky in their Pocos for a debris tagging exercise. After doing her run with Arturo, Kimmalyn shot down several pieces of debris that had been ignored by Nedd and FM who were up next, earning her a warning from Cobb about showing off. When the shipyard began falling, Kimmalyn, Nedd, and Spensa accidentally split from the rest of the flight, with Spensa picking up a tail. Kimmalyn and Nedd helped destroy and scatter Spensa's tail before the three went to try and rejoin the others. When Nedd peeled away to chase his brothers into the shipyard, Kimmalyn left Spensa to chase him, not confident in her ability to navigate inside the shipyard. The next week, Kimmalyn, along with FM and Hurl, devised a plan to sneak Spensa into their dormitory for the evening. Following the day's lesson, Kimmalyn and FM retired to their bunks before dinner, claiming to be unwell. Kimmalyn lead Spensa to their room, meeting up with FM near the door and smuggled Spensa inside where she found blankets piled as a makeshift bed and food waiting for her. As the girls waited for Hurl to return, Kimmalyn teased FM about her ramblings about the militaristic Defiant culture. The four friends chatted as the night progressed, coming up with, and naming, silly flight patterns. After a later training session, Skyward Flight was called to action to help defend against a Krell attack. The flight took up position near one of Alta's AA guns away from the main fight to wait as backup. After the flight was given the green light to engage, Kimmalyn found herself being swarmed by Krell and called for aid. Despite the best efforts of her teammates, the Krell kept locking onto Kimmalyn even after being driven away, causing the cadet to panic and fly erratically to try and lose them. Spensa managed to draw the Krell away from Kimmalyn, leading them to chase her instead. Free from her tail, Kimmalyn maneuvered herself above the fray to get out of range. In an effort to save Hurl, Kimmalyn tried to shoot down her persuers, however, missed her target. Moments later, Hurl's wing was destroyed by destructor fire and her ship plummeted for the planet, leading to her death. ### Dropping Out of Flight School >“*“I failed Hurl,” she [Kimmalyn] said softly. “I’ll fail the others.”* \-“No. The only way you fail, Kimmalyn, is if you’re not there. Be there. ” Following the battle, Kimmalyn went to Cobb, expressing her wishes to leave the cadet training program. After spending the night thinking over her decision, at Cobb's insistence, she reaffirmed her decision the next day in front of the rest of her flight. Although they tried to convince her to stay, Kimmalyn stayed firm in her choice. When she went to clear her dorm room of her possessions, she did so chaotically, leading to some of her things becoming lost and being left behind. Later that week, Kimmalyn met up with her fellow Skyward Flight members, as all active members had been given a week of medical leave. After meeting with the group, Kimmalyn asked if FM would be able to fetch a necklace that she had left in their room before departing. When FM returned with the necklace, she brought Spensa with her, whom she had found on her way back to the restaurant. After retrieving her necklace from FM, Kimmalyn and her friends spoke of Hurl, remembering their friend and reminiscing about their time in flight school. When Arturo's girlfriend, Bryn, went to the bathroom, the members of Skyward Flight talked briefly about the strangeness of Krell tactics and the DDF's hesitancy to talk about these things. Following the Skyward graduation, Kimmalyn and the former members of the flight met up at a restaurant in Alta Base to listen in to the battle at the shipyard on Arturo's family radio. Hearing the desperation of the battle, the friends discussed potentially stealing the Mendez private jets to provide aid. Kimmalyn protested Spensa's suggestion that she accompany Arturo and Nedd on the mission, believing it would just be another opportunity for her to fail. After some encouraging words from Spensa, Kimmalyn went with Nedd and Arturo to steal the starfighters and help the overwhelmed DDF pilots. ### The Battle of Alta Second Having successfully stolen the Mendez family starships, Kimmalyn, Nedd, and Arturo went to join Spensa in defending Alta Base. The group arrived shortly after Spensa was shot down, with Kimmalyn immediately wanting to go to her aid. Ironsides, however, ordered Kimmalyn and the others to attack and destroy the bomber as they were too far away to be of help to Spensa. >“*A line of red light pierced the battlefield. It passed between Krell ships, went right over Jorgen’s wing as he overburned away from the bomber. And damn me if it didn’t spear the exact spot between the bomber and the bomb, severing the clamps.*” \-Spensa commenting on Kimmalyn detaching the lifebuster from it's carrier ship[18] After Spensa rejoined the fight in M-Bot, she ordered Kimmalyn to hang back and, once the ship's defenses had been deactivated, shoot the bomber so that the bomb would drop without detonating. Kimmalyn protested, not believing herself good enough to make such a shot, however Spensa disagreed, reminding the other woman of how they met and the encouragement she had given Spensa on that day. On Spensa's orders, Kimmalyn shot at the bomber, hitting the clamps that held the lifebuster to the ship and destroying them, cutting the bomb free. ### Return to the DDF Following the battle, Kimmalyn rejoined the DDF as an active pilot taking up a specialized piloting role in the reformed Skyward Flight. She accompanied Spensa, FM, and [[Sadie|Sadie]] into battle against the Krell shortly before the arrival of the [[Superiority|Superiority]] battleships. After returning to base, Kimmalyn waited with Spensa who had stayed behind to speak to Jorgen. The pair chatted with Sadie as they waited, who looked up to both women. When Jorgen arrived, Kimmalyn abandoned Spensa to face Jorgen's wrath alone. After receiving a message from [[Rodge|Rodge]] about a recording, recovered from the [[Platform Prime|Platform Prime]] databases, Kimmalyn quickly returned to fetch Spensa and Jorgen and head to the [[Platform Prime|Library]] to see what had been uncovered. When Spensa spooked at the recording, Kimmalyn tried to assist her. When [[Alanik|Alanik]] appeared outside of [[Detritus|Detritus']] atmosphere, heading towards the ground and being badly damaged by the orbital platforms, Kimmalyn and Spensa took chase to rescue the unknown ship. After the damaged ship was successfully saved and grounded by Spensa, Kimmalyn and the other girl went to investigate, finding the alien woman inside. Spensa tried to open Alanik's cockpit, despite Kimmalyn warnings about the unknown internal atmosphere, however, she was not quick enough, and soon the two friends were doing what they could to help the alien woman. At some point following Spensa's sudden departure for [[Starsight|Starsight]], Jorgen explained to Kimmalyn and the others about her mission. When Spensa returned from Starsight, Kimmalyn was the first to speak with her, radioing in shortly after she appeared near Detritus. Kimmalyn met Spensa in the hangar dock, thrilled to see her friend again. Their reunion, however, was cut short when the [[Defiant League|Defiants]] were called to arms, with Kimmalyn departing to face the Superiority forces and participate in the upcoming battle. ### After Spensa's Departure >“*I don't know, but I doubt it's a coincidence we're being called up now. I'm guessing she brought trouble with her. Like the Saint always says, 'Trouble follows its own'*” \-Kimmalyn to FM[36] After Spensa's departure, Kimmalyn and the rest of Skyward Flight continued to live on and operate out of Platform Prime. Kimmalyn fought with Skyward Flight when they were called up into combat outside the atmosphere of Detritus. Spensa had returned, but a large force of Krell had come as well. With Jorgen being back on Detritus, Kimmalyn flew with [[Sushi|Sushi]] as her wingmate as she fought the Krell. They were suddenly ordered by Cobb to turn off all communications, and soon after, a [[Delver|delver]] appeared. It was only there for a few moments, however, before disappearing again to attack [[Starsight (station)|Starsight]]. The enemy ships retreated, and Kimmalyn and the others in the flight returned to Platform Prime. After Jorgen found a multitude of different kinds of [[Taynix|taynix]] in the caverns beneath Detritus and began experimenting with them with FM and Rig, Kimmalyn came to observe. After [[Boomslug|one of the taynix]] exploded outwards with mindblades, slicing Jorgen all over his skin, it was Kimmalyn who jokingly named the slug Boomslug. When FM and Jorgen used a fighter and a hyperslug taynix to experiment with hyperjumps, Kimmalyn and the rest of the flight accompanied them in case something went wrong. Kimmalyn and Sadie were in scout ships, and they checked the surrounding area for debris or transport ships before the experiment began. The Superiority noticed Jorgen hyperjumping however, and decided to destroy Detritus once and for all. They sent a large battleship with a planetary cannon to begin firing on Detritus, and Skyward Flight immediately joined other flights heading up to try and stop it. FM attempted to take out the battleship's cannon controls, and immediately began to be swarmed by Krell. Kimmalyn and Sadie stayed behind her, watching her back and fending off the Krell that came for her. Eventually the Krell became too much however, and them and the three of them had to retreat. The Engineering Corps managed to get Detritus' planetary shield up, protecting the planet from the Superiority's battleship, but out also trapped Kimmalyn and several other ships outside the shield. The problem was eventually solved, however, when Jorgen used the taynix to hyperjump them. The members of Skyward Flight, along with a few other ships, touched wings together and were hyperjumped across to the other side of the shield. ### Mission to Sunreach >“*He got out, right? He had all those slugs. He must have gotten out.*” \-Kimmalyn after Jorgen's ship was destroyed[43] Not long after, Kimmalyn and Skyward Flight went to go rescue Minister [[Cuna|Cuna]], who was stranded on the research outpost of [[Sunreach (station)|Sunreach]] and besieged by Superiority forces. Jorgen hyperjumped them to the correct location, and they began to engage the Krell. They discovered that Sunreach was built to study a dangerous [[Mammoth starpod|mammoth starpod]], which Kimmalyn thought looked pretty. When Jorgen was shot down during the fight and his fighter was destroyed, Kimmalyn correctly believed that Jorgen had gotten out using the taynix. Jorgen used [[Gill|Gill]] to hyperjump FM inside the station, and Cuna wanted to leave immediately, since the Superiority ships were targeting the station's life support functions. FM refused to abandon her friends, however, and had Jorgen use the taynix to retrieve Kimmalyn and the other members of the flight. Once inside, Jorgen hyperjumped Kimmalyn, the rest of the flight, Cuna, and their assistants back to Detritus. ### Helping Alanik on ReDawn >“*Are they feeding you algae strips? They could at least have brought you some dessert.*” \-Kimmalyn while visiting Alanik[45] When Alanik returned to Detritus to ask for help with a coup on [[ReDawn (planet)|ReDawn]], Kimmalyn and a few other members of Skyward Flight went to visit her in her temporary quarters. Kimmalyn was quite friendly, talking to Alanik about food and helping to put her at ease. Cobb arrived and informed them that Alanik's request for military aid had been denied by the National Assembly, who had been negotiating with the Superiority recently. Cobb, however, heavily hinted that while he couldn't officially order Skyward Flight to desert and go help Alanik on ReDawn, he wanted them to. The flight quickly agreed to join Alanik and aid her. While the other members of Skyward Flight went for their ships immediately, Kimmalyn ran and fetched Arturo, [[Catnip|Catnip]], and [[T-Stall|T-Stall]] before getting in her ship. They connected their ships with light-lances, Kimmalyn attaching her ship to Alanik's, and Jorgen hyperjumped them to ReDawn. >“*Saints and stars, does that thing eat people?*” \-Kimmalyn to Alanik upon seeing one of ReDawn's trees[47] Skyward Flight arrived outside the city of Hollow, and Kimmalyn found the view beautiful. They located the Superiority transport carrying members of the Independence faction, with whom Alanik was allied. They met resistance from numerous Unity fighter pilots, and worked to fight them off while chasing down the transport. Nedd knocked out the transport's shield, Arturo and Alanik grabbed hold of the ship with their light-lances, and Kimmalyn delivered the final shot, killing the transport's pilot. The Independence pilots inside the transport got out of the ship, got to their planes in Hollow, and joined the fight. During the fighting, Kimmalyn was surprised by a Unity pilot's use of a light-net, but she evaded it nonetheless. Because of the sheer number of enemy ships, Skyward Flight and the Independence pilots were forced to retreat using the taynix. They retreated to the automated, weaponized platform of [[Wandering Leaf|Wandering Leaf]], Jorgen hyperjumping Kimmalyn underneath it's turrets to find a hangar for them to take shelter. She found one, and Jorgen used hyperslugs to hyperjump Skyward Flight and the Independence pilots to safety. Once safely inside, the members of Skyward Flight met the various Independence pilots, and discussed amongst themselves if they'd all face court-martial when they returned home. Kimmalyn was a bit disbelieving that [[Jeshua Weight|Jeshua]] would imprison her own son, but Jorgen thought it was likely. When FM and Jorgen got into a heated argument over the taynix that FM and Alanik brought back from Detritus while retrieving Rig, Kimmalyn and Sadie worked to help organize things and distribute food. When Skyward Flight decided to hyperjump Wandering Leaf to Tower to try and rescue Alanik's captured friend [[Rinakin|Rinakin]], Quilan and his other cytonics arrived with a force of Unity fighters to attack Wandering Leaf. To try to keep their attention, Kimmalyn and most of the other fighters went out to engage them. The Unity cytonics got a cytonic inhibitor up, and a Superiority battleship appeared with weapons trained on the city of Tower. Kimmalyn and the others targeted the enemy cytonics, disrupting the cytonic inhibitor and allowing Rig to hyperjump Wandering Leaf close to the battleship and destroy the battleship. After that, the Unity forces retreated, and the Independence faction was able to take control. Afterward, Kimmalyn accompanied the others on their return to Detritus, while Alanik and Jorgen went to rescue Gran-Gran, Cobb, Cuna, and Jorgen's parents from a Superiority ship. Kimmalyn waited behind on Wandering Leaf while the attempted rescue took place. After briefly returning to the surface of Detritus, Kimmalyn went back to ReDawn with Alanik, Nedd, and Arturo to complete the creation of an alliance between the UrDail and the humans of Detritus. ### Mission to Evershore >“*Gorgeous. And I'm reasonably certain at first glance that it isn't going to eat us.*” \-Kimmalyn's reaction to seeing the clouds above the surface of Evershore[56] When Jorgen received a [[Kitsen|kitsen]] communication via hypercomm, Kimmalyn and the rest of Skyward Flight went to the planet [[Evershore (planet)|Evershore]] to retrieve the unconscious Cobb and Gran-Gran. Soon after arriving in the kitsen capital of [[Dreamspring|Dreamspring]], Kimmalyn stopped on the street to help some kitsen load a large rock into a hovertruck. The rock was huge to the kitsen, though Kimmalyn could hold it easily in her hand. The members of Skyward Flight were invited to a welcome feast, and Kimmalyn and several others in the flight stayed behind to help with the meal preparation while the others went to see Cobb and Gran-Gran. Kimmalyn and Sadie worked on seasoning the fish using tiny shakers. After eating, the kitsen [[Kauri|Kauri]] led the flight down to the beach, where Kimmalyn and Nedd took off their shoes and put their feet in the water. When a large force of Superiority ships suddenly attacked the planet, Kimmalyn and Sadie were unable to immediately get to their fighters safely. They hid in an oven together for cover, though they were pinned down. Jorgen directed [[Happy|Happy]] to retrieve Kimmalyn and hyperjump her to her ship, doing likewise with Sadie. >“*I'm fine. I would feel much worse knowing you all were still up there without me.*” \-Kimmalyn to Jorgen after being shot down[60] During the battle, Kimmalyn was being pursued by a Superiority cytonic using mindblades, who sliced her ship into three pieces. Happy hyperjumped Kimmalyn to safety however, allowing her to escape without having to eject. She was teleported to the other side of the beach, and initially intended to fly in Jorgen's unoccupied fighter, but Jorgen arrived and ended up needing his ship. Kimmalyn was partially in shock from being shot down, and her hands were shaking. Jorgen told her she could sit out the rest of the battle, but Kimmalyn said it would be worse knowing her friends were fighting without her up there. At Jorgen's suggestion, Kimmalyn used Happy to return to Detritus, get a new ship, then had Happy hyperjump to Arturo to rejoin the battle. When the Superiority force sent a bomber with a lifebuster to try and destroy Dreamspring, Kimmalyn shot the bomber down, releasing the bomb, which Alanik hyperjumped a safe distance away by grabbing it with her light-lance. The Superiority ships then spread out to the various islands to try and target the civilians and the various cities themselves, and Kimmalyn and the rest of the flight focused on evacuating civilians at Jorgen's order. When Jorgen and Rig managed to hyperjump the entire planet of Detritus to join the battle, however, the Superiority force was quickly defeated. ## Relationships ### Spensa >“*'Remember? The first day we met? ...You told me to take a deep breath, reach up…''Pluck a star,' Kimmalyn whispered.*” \-Spensa encouraging Kimmalyn during the Battle of Alta Second[18] by Jill Andersen Kimmalyn and [[Spensa Nightshade|Spensa Nightshade]] Kimmalyn and Spensa are close friends. Kimmalyn is not put out by the other women's strong personality, or her temper. She will follow Spensa's lead, including Spensa's bullying of Jorgen. Kimmalyn sees no issue with Spensa's actions against Jorgen in the light-lance game, praising her for her conduct. Spensa was not sold on the callsign, *Quirk*, and considered talking to Kimmalyn about it, though it is unclear if she ever did. Spensa finds the look of Kimmalyn in a space helmet strange, as it fully contains Kimmalyn's voluminous hair. Kimmalyn is aware of who Spensa's [[Zeen Nightshade|father]] and has heard the stories about him. Although she is, at first, shocked to find out Spensa's parentage, she does not treat Spensa differently after the revelation, nor does she shy away from the topic or Spensa's anger. She is impressed by Spensa's ability to stand up against the rumors and admires Spensa's courage. She sees Spensa's fears of being weak as natural and encourages her to share her feelings with her teammates and rely on them. Kimmalyn may be aware of some of Spensa's fears surrounding her cytonic abilities, however, Spensa is not always willing to share her feelings. Spensa is protective of Kimmalyn, jumping to the women's aid when she is harshly criticized. During flight school, Spensa is aware that Kimmalyn is nervous about her poor flying ability and uses silly jokes and humor to help lift Kimmalyn's spirits. Spensa feels angry on her friends behalf, irritated that Kimmalyn so often is made to feel like a failure for her flying ability, when she is so naturally talented at shooting. She believes in Kimmalyn and her abilities, even when the other woman loses her confidence, and consistently provides support and encouragement to help Kimmalyn combat the lack of faith she has in herself. Following the Battle of Alta Second, the pair begin to live in the same barracks, where Spensa attempts to draw Kimmalyn into silly contests. Kimmalyn and Spensa are often paired together when sent on missions, and work in tandem, with Spensa chasing enemies back towards Kimmalyn so she can shoot them down. While away in [[Starsight|Starsight]], Spensa sorely missed Kimmalyn and wished for her company. ### Hurl >“*I got her killed, Spin. You know that as well as I do... The one shot that mattered. That’s the one I missed.*” \-Kimmalyn explaining her departure from the DDF to Spensa[6] Kimmalyn and [[Hurl|Hurl]] are friends and share a dorm room with [[FM|FM]] during [[Flight school|flight school]]. While rooming together, the three would come up with silly flight maneuvers they could name after each other. At some point, Hurl taught Kimmalyn wall-ball, though Kimmalyn seemed to prefer watching her friends play than participating. Kimmalyn believes she is at fault for Hurl's death as she was unable to shoot down Hurl's pursuers. She is strongly affected by Hurl's death and following the battle requests to be dismissed from the DDF. Kimmalyn's confidence in her abilities is shaken following the incident and she becomes anxious and unsure when faced with another situation where her shooting could change the tide of battle. ### Nedd >“*Nice explosion, Quirk. Seven out of ten. Try to spin your wreckage a little more next time you fall.*” \-Nedd teasing Kimmalyn during training[16] [[Nedd|Nedd]] is aware of Kimmalyn's nervousness about her flying abilities during [[Flight school|flight school]], and would deliberately tease her so she could channel her stress at someone to let off steam. Nedd believes Kimmalyn is uptight, particularly during times of stress. ### Sadie >“*You did wonderfully, dear. But never try to be who you aren’t; you don’t have nearly enough practice to pull it off.*” \-Kimmalyn giving Sadie a backhanded compliment, disguised as a quote by the Saint[12] [[Sadie|Sadie]] idolizes Kimmalyn and has a habit of recording her fake Saint quotes, not knowing that they aren't real. Kimmalyn enjoys the attention and likely is highly pleased by someone recording her sayings. ## Trivia The phrase 'bless your stars', commonly used by Kimmalyn, is likely based on the southern US phrase, '. Both phrases are used in a variety of circumstances to convey expressions that range from sincerity to mockery. Kimmalyn is queer.
|**Lukel**| |-|-| |by King Oreo | |**Teo Royal Family**| |**Spouse**|[[Jalla|Jalla]]| |**Parents**|[[Daora|Daora]], [[Kiin|Kiin]]| |**Siblings**|[[Adien|Adien]], [[Kaise|Kaise]], [[Daorn|Daorn]]| |**Nationality**|[[Arelene|Arelene]]| |**Homeworld**|[[Sel|Sel]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| |**Introduced In**|*Elantris*| **Lukel** is an [[Arelene|Arelene]] merchant from [[Sel|Sel]]. He is [[Kiin|Kiin]]´s stepson. ## Contents 1 Appearance and Personality 2 Attributes and Abilities 3 History 4 Relationships 4.1 Kiin 4.2 Raoden 4.3 Sarene 4.4 Jalla 5 Quotes 6 Trivia 7 Notes ## Appearance and Personality by botanicaxu With his half-siblings Lukel is of average Arelene height with a lean build and a strikingly handsome hawkish face. His hair is parted in the center and flopped down on either side of his face. He likes to wear customarily fashionable outfits, like a gold-embroidered blue vest and tan trousers. He has a good and loving relationship with his family. Lukel likes to quip and constantly teases his family and friends. Lukel is a very good merchant; when he closes a good deal, he becomes proud, jovial and makes even more jokes. ## Attributes and Abilities He is a remarkably good merchant; one of the most successful ones in the city which grants him open invitation to the court. ## History Lukel is [[Daora|Daora]]´s son from a previous marriage. He and his full brother [[Adien|Adien]] were adopted by Kiin who takes full parental responsibility. He studied at [[Svordish University|Svordish University]], where he met his future wife [[Jalla|Jalla]]. He was part of Raoden’s group who opposed the King and his policies. After Raoden’s supposed death, he continued to participate in the meetings, but was disappointed to see a low participation rate . He shared this information with Sarene, who asked to join the meetings. He helped her have a seat in the meetings where he participated and suggested caution. He agreed with moving forward with planning. Lukel decided to see [[Sarene|Sarene]]´s fencing lesson to the women of the court. As always, he teased her, but was an encouraging support for her. As part of the plans for changing [[Iadon|Iadon]]’s policies, he follows closely the king’s income figures. He is the one to confirm that it was due to his earnings in Teod and some taxes that he barely made it. The plan was to have both countries allied and resist the [[Gyorn|gyorn]] named [[Hrathen|Hrathen]] who wanted to convert all Arelon´s people to [[Shu-Dereth|Shu-Dereth]]. He continues with the group’s planning even after Iadon’s death, Sarene’s illness and unexplained recuperation, and the appointment of Telrii as the new king. When Raoden came back into Arelon, he immediately kneeled and recognized him as the legitimate king and accepted the plan to do the same in public. Daora and the children huddled in the basement under Lukel’s care when Dilaf first attacked. They were later herded with the rest of the Arelenes from Kae into Elantris to be burned to death. At first he didn’t resist, hugging his family and knowing the were being taken to their death. As [[Shuden|Shuden]] started his dance to fight, he took the leg of a table and hit his foe. He managed to fight and stay alive by running and hiding much. His aid came from [[Sarene|Sarene]]´s fencing students. Still after some time, one of the soldiers hit a long gash on his thigh and didn’t bother to finish him off. Jalla pulled him in with the other captives and tried to stop the blood. Lukel was feeling hopeless when Raoden managed to restore Elantris. As soon as he noticed and realized it was true, he fainted. He was healed by Raoden after the fight ended. In this fight, the regular guy surrounded by mages, heroes, and politicians gets to be a bit of a hero himself. ## Relationships ### Kiin [[Kiin|Kiin]] is Lukel’s stepfather. Although they aren’t related through blood, Lukel says that Kiin is still his father and still responsible for him. Lukel also has a close relationship with his siblings, both from his biological father and Kiin. ### Raoden He's good friends with [[Raoden|Raoden]], and considered him his best friend. Upon becoming Elantrian, Raoden lamented the fact he wouldn't get to know Lukel's wife or children. On the other side, Lukel referred to Raoden as “The greatest man I have ever known.” ### Sarene Lukel and Sarene become fond of each other fast. He enjoys teasing her including talking about her painting talents. He was one of the first to explain politics in [[Arelon|Arelon]] to [[Sarene|Sarene]]; for example how lands were taken and servants were very close to becoming property or how [[Iadon|Iadon]] got the throne. He got her into the meeting with Raoden’s most loyal followers. ### Jalla He met his Svordish wife [[Jalla|Jalla]] at school and married her a month before Sarene’s arrival to Arelon. She is a fierce bargainer and helps Lukel with his trades. He does acknowledge her as brilliant and beautiful. He asked her to bargain when they were sent to Elantris claiming her Svordish blood, but she refused to leave them behind. ## Quotes >“*Cousin, what did we ever do without you? Life was so boring before you decided to sail over and mess it all up for us.*” \-Lukel to Sarene on her yelling to Iadon[16] >“*You know, you could have left a scar. I had to go through an awful lot to get that wound—you should have seen how courageous I was. My grandchildren are going to be disappointed that I don’t have any scars to show them.*” \-Lukel to Raoden after he healed his leg wound[13] ## Trivia Lukel doesn't really have much part in the plot, but he's always there to throw in a nice quip or two. Lukel isn't there simply to entertain the reader, he's there to show a different side of human reaction.
|**Waxillium Ladrian**| |-|-| |by botanicaxu | |**House Ladrian**| |**Spouse**|[[Paalm|Paalm]], [[Steris Harms|Steris Harms]]| |**Children**|[[Maxillium Ladrian|Maxillium]], [[Tindwyl Ladrian|Tindwyl]]| |**Siblings**|[[Telsin Ladrian|Telsin]]| |**Relatives**|[[Edwarn Ladrian|Edwarn]], [[Hinston|Hinston]]| |**Ancestors**|[[Edgard Ladrian|Edgard Ladrian]], [[Allrianne Cett|Allrianne Cett]], [[Ashweather Cett|Ashweather Cett]], [[Allrianne's mother|Allrianne's mother]], [[Vwafendal|Vwafendal]]| |**Born**|299 [[Catacendre|PC]]| |**Abilities**|Skimmer & Coinshot [[Twinborn|twinborn]] (Crasher), [[Hemalurgy|Hemalurgist]], [[Allomancy|Mistborn]]| |**Aliases**|Dawnshot, Asinthew, Lawman Senator of the Roughs, Sword, Harmony's Sword| |**Profession**|Lawman (Former), High Lord, Senator| |**Birthplace**|[[Elendel|Elendel]]| |**Residence**|[[Elendel|Elendel]]| |**Ethnicity**|[[Terris|Terris]]| |**Homeworld**|[[Scadrial|Scadrial]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| |**Introduced In**|*The Alloy of Law*| >“*The definition of a lawman, Uncle, is easy... He's the man who takes the bullet so nobody else has to.*” \-Wax[3] **Waxillium Ladrian**, or **Wax** for short, is a [[Twinborn|Twinborn]] and Sixteenth High Lord of [[House Ladrian|House Ladrian]] on [[Scadrial|Scadrial]]. Among the [[Terris|Terris]], Wax is known as **Asinthew**. He eventually became Harmony’s Sword and Champion. Wax grew up in [[Elendel|Elendel]], but left the city to escape its politics, eventually living as a lawman in the [[Roughs|Roughs]] for twenty years. He returned to Elendel in 341 [[Catacendre|PC]], after receiving word of [[Edwarn Ladrian|his uncle's]] death, to become High Lord of his House, though he continued to investigate notable criminals, particularly those connected to the [[Set|Set]]. In the next few years, Wax would bring his house back from financial ruin and become a politician, aiming to improve the lives of everyone in and outside the Basin. He would also save Elendel from destruction and finish off the Set. Wax played an instrumental role in uniting the Basin. Wax is a Crasher, a Twinborn combination of a [[Steel|steel]] [[Misting|Misting]] (aka a [[Coinshot|Coinshot]]) and an [[Iron|iron]] [[Ferring|Ferring]] (aka a Skimmer). ## Contents 1 Appearance and Personality 1.1 Appearance 1.2 Personality 2 Attributes and Abilities 2.1 Metallic Arts 2.1.1 Allomancy 2.1.2 Feruchemy 2.1.3 Hemalurgy 2.2 Law Enforcement 2.3 Other Skills 2.3.1 Fighting 2.3.2 Investigation 3 History 3.1 Early Life 3.2 The Village 3.3 The Roughs 3.4 Return to Elendel 3.4.1 The Vanishers 3.4.2 Meeting Mister Suit 3.5 Bleeder 3.5.1 Tormented by the Past 3.5.2 Pursuit of a Mad Woman 3.5.3 Confronting a Memory 3.6 The Bands of Mourning 3.6.1 To New Seran 3.6.2 Uncovering the Weapon 3.6.3 Return 3.7 Lawman Senator of the Roughs 3.8 The Set in Bilming 3.8.1 Sting gone wrong 3.8.2 Figuring out the Set’s plan 3.8.3 Stopping the bomb 3.9 Progress 4 Relationships 4.1 Wayne 4.2 Lessie 4.3 Marasi Colms 4.4 Family 4.4.1 Steris 4.4.2 Children 4.4.3 Edwarn 4.4.4 Telsin 4.5 Shards 4.5.1 Harmony 4.5.2 Autonomy 5 Trivia 6 Notes ## Appearance and Personality by Korina Hunjak For more images, see [[Waxillium Ladrian/Gallery|/Gallery]]. ### Appearance >“*That's the part that doesn't make sense. Everyone knows I'm irreparably handsome.*” \-Wax[11] Wax is a fairly tall man, with tan skin, which is a sign of his Terris blood. He is also described by many as having an intense face, and eyes that are sometimes considered to be as cold as icicles. Wax has dark hair, and by 342 [[Catacendre|PC]], it was streaked with grey. His time in the Roughs has left his hands calloused. In his youth, likely during his time in the Roughs, Wax was lean and muscular, and after he returned to Elendel, he maintained this body. Wax has prominent sideburns, and he is accustomed to regularly sitting for a shave. He also has a lot of scars, having been involved in more than seventeen explosions and having been shot a dozen times. Due to his dangerous life, Wax has suffered at least some permanent hearing damage. By 342 [[Catacendre|PC]] Wax, well into his forties, began feeling his age, and he had trouble with some challenging physical feats. This wasn’t to serious though, as by 348 [[Catacendre|PC]] Wax was still relatively strong of body. Wax also believes that he could use a nice scar on his face, in good Roughs fashion. Wax, like most men, often wears a hat. It depends which type of hat he wears, but he often wears bowler hats or Roughs style hats. Due to his nature as a Coinshot, some, and likely most, of his hats are attached to his neck by strings, so that Wax doesn’t lose them while flying. Wax also almost always has a pocketwatch with him. When he anticipates a fight, he puts his pocket watch into his gunbelt, so he can easily discard it when facing another Coinshot or lurcher. >“*His clothing was terribly dusty, but well tailored: a fine suit, a silver cravat at the neck, twinkling cuff links on the sleeves of his fine white shirt. He had cultivated a look that appeared out of place, as if he were planning to attend a fine ball back in Elendel rather than scrambling through a dead town in the Roughs hunting a murderer.*” \-Wax tracking an outlaw[19] Wax has always worn fine clothing. As House Lord, he can afford expensive suits and vests, but even as a lawman in the Roughs, Wax wore well tailored, albeit dusty, suits. Wax often wears an [[Aluminum|aluminum]]-lined Roughs-style hat, which also serves to protect him from emotional Allomancy. Wax often wears a long duster, which has at times made it difficult to swim. When Wax is hunting someone, he often wears a mistcoat. He finds them comfy, and feels good when wearing it. Due to his time spent in the Roughs, Wax is able to dress himself impeccably, which is rare in high society. On his suits, he often has one steel button amongst the wood ones. Wax has metalminds in the form of a pair of [[Iron|iron]] bracers that he wears on his upper arms, typically hidden by the cuffs of his sleeves, He eventually embedded his ironminds deep into his skin to protect them from Allomancers. Wax also got into the habit of keeping steel shavings inside his sleeve. Wax also keeps some marked bills on his person, in case he gets robbed. When on patrol, Wax carries a shotgun, he also straps on a gunbelt fully stocked with spent bullet casings and whiskey-filled metal vials, to compliment the dual pistols holstered on his hips. ### Personality >“*This thing, it’s who you are. And no mansion, no marriage, and no mere title is going to change that.*” \-Wayne talking to Wax Wax has a very strong personality. He has a temperament and is considered rough around the edges. He is often solemn, but when he is at his best there is a smirk underneath. Wax loves flying on Steelpushes, even leading Steris to remark that when flying is amongst the only times that she sees him truly happy. He is also compared to a predator, being only partially present most days, but when the prey appears he wakes completely, truly alive. He can’t resist a sincere request for help. Wax also gets a nauseous feeling, getting sweaty and sick, when he’s forced to leave innocents in a dangerous situation. He is confident that if he had committed horrible crimes, he would demand to be taken in. Additionally, Wax would rather be dead then crazy. Wax enjoys witty conversation. Wax also enjoys playing with people’s perception of himself. Wax is distrustful of modern noble society, disliking the "games" of the big city. He admires the simplicity of the Roughs, where trouble is solved quickly and one man with a gun can make a difference, contrasting the politics of Elendel, where the great houses hide their true intentions behind fake smiles and outright lies. Wax is also a little ignorant of politics, although he improved over time. During his time in the Roughs, Wax learned to accept that sometimes you just have to weather things on your own, and that God won’t help you. When Wax was young, he sometimes felt like he had no place in Elendel, it was hard for him to make friends. >“*You are like a lion. Most days you’re only partially present, with me. Lounging, half asleep. You do what you must, you fulfill the needs of the house, but you don’t thrive. Then the prey appears. You wake. The burst of speed, the fury and power; the pounding, pulsing, rush of the hunt. This is the real you, Waxillium Ladrian*” \-Steris talking about Waxillium[5] Wax finds the law incredibly important, he believes that the law is there to keep people from ruining everyone else's ability to explore. He believes that without the law, there's no freedom, this is also a large part of why he is a lawkeeper. As a lawman, he became famous both in the Roughs and in the Basin. After returning to Elendel however, and taking up his place as House Lord, his fame skyrocketed, and his accomplishments became of interest to the general public. Wax feels more at ease when the mists are out, and he fights better within them. Wax considers Wayne to be the only real family he has left. In his first year back in the city, Wax was a little straightforward and not good at parties. Wax also has a habitual routine of warily checking for possible attacks or any form of danger. This is seen through his constant tendency to take the safest seat in a room, or scan an area for the most defensible location. Despite this, he doesn’t actually think that he is paranoid. When Waxillium first went to the Roughs, his head was full of stories about the Roughs, such as duels of honor. Wax absolutely hates the Southern Scadrian custom of calling Metalborn by a different title every time. Wax is accustomed to people always wanting to try things beyond their capacity. At first, after returning to Elendel, Waxillium hated motorcars, instead preffering carriages. This likely changed though, as by 348 [[Catacendre|PC]] he rode in a car almost exclusively. A misfire, leading to the death of his first wife, Lessie, has haunted Wax for years. He experienced much trauma after this event. ## Attributes and Abilities by Zenna Grover Flying on Steelpushes ### Metallic Arts For most of his life, Waxillium was a Crasher; a [[Steel|Coinshot]] and [[Iron|Skimmer]] Twinborn. The combination of these abilities made Waxillium a particularly dangerous individual since the strength of a Steelpush is largely dependent on the mass of the Allomancer. He later became a Mistborn however, and also received a Hemalurgic spike. #### Allomancy Waxillium is an extremely skilled Coinshot. Perhaps the biggest mark of his mastery is his ability to regulate the strength of his Steelpushes. Generally, Allomancers find it too hard to maintain a fine control over their Steelpushes, so instead most opt to regulate the length of the time of them. Levitating without bobbing up and down, for example, requires extreme discipline that few Allomancers can achieve; most use short bursts of Steelpushes, fall down, then Push again. Waxillium is able to apply enough pressure on a small metal rod to make it stick to the side of a table without moving the table or himself with ease. >“*He became destruction incarnate. For to worship Harmony was not only to worship Preservation——it was also to worship Ruin, with all that implied.*” \-Wax during his assault on the Independence Tower[22] Wax also uses his ability to form a defensive bubble around himself that doesn't affect his own metal items but Pushes bullets coming at him off course slightly; to enhance the velocity of his bullets, Pushing them after being shot to force them through an opponents cover; and to travel in the air, in combination with his Skimmer ability to regulate his mass. Wax appears to sometimes forget to use the most obvious ability of a Coinshot, as he had to once be reminded that he could launch a bullet without a gun, although he is also skilled at fighting with coins, after ancient techniques. Wax trained himself to put out electronic lights by distorting the, often in walls, hidden wires. Wax also figured out that crouching down before he pushes, gives the push a little more lift. While experimenting on [[Trellium|trellium]], Wax inhaled and burned a small amount of [[Lerasium|lerasium]], making him a Mistborn, therefore allowing him to burn all Allomantically viable metals. Wax prefers [[Stagin|Stagin's]] whiskey in his Allomantic vials, believing that Allomancers who do not do so are missing a golden opportunity. Steris prefers to use cod-liver oil in the vials that she prepares for Wax. #### Feruchemy As a Skimmer, using iron metalminds, Wax can store his weight at the cost of being lighter than normal, and tap the storage to become heavier. Wax constantly stores his weight to make him about three-quarters of his normal weight, making him lighter on his feet. He also uses this ability to navigate vertically in combination with steelpushing and a shotgun. Wax doesn't tap into his weight very often, preferring to store it to be lighter, as a result, the sheer amount of weight he can tap in to allows him to quite easily fall straight through a floor with no effort. He uses this power to his advantage many times. However, tapping weight before steelpushing allows him to perform crazy feats of power, like throwing around entire trucks. During a fight, he uses this ability extensively. Having become a Mistborn, Wax also possesses the ability to [[Compound|Compound]] Feruchemical iron by ingesting an ironmind and burning it with Allomantic iron to amplify the stored weight. by Dan Watson #### Hemalurgy Waxillium has an [[Wax's earring|earring]] with a slight [[Hemalurgy|Hemalurgic]] charge. It is unknown what type of charge it is. The earring is a feature of [[Pathism|Pathism]], adherents to the religion often wear metal earrings while praying. This enables [[Harmony|Harmony]] to communicate directly with him. It was given to him by the [[Kandra|kandra]] [[MeLaan|MeLaan]]. While trying to stop the Set in Bilming, Wax gave himself an [[Electrum|electrum]] spike in his lower chest, granting him Allomantic [[Duralumin|duralumin]]. He also extensively studied Spook's notes about Hemalurgy, and created charts of all of the points on the body where spikes could be placed, and a detailed list of the ways the spikes worked. ### Law Enforcement Wax spent twenty years as a lawman in the [[Roughs|Roughs]]. His exploits are a matter of public record, kept at the university in Elendel where they are studied by students of law and criminology. >“*Reports trickle in. From the Roughs. Most of them get written up by someone. You can find them at the university or at the right bookshop.*” \-Marasi on Wax's notable cases[26] [[Peret|Peret the Black]], a rapist and [[Pewterarm|Pewterarm]]. The first man Wax ever brought in. [[Pars the Deadman|Pars the Deadman]], a butcher turned murderer. Wax needed Miles Hundredlives to bring him in. [[Bloody Tan|Bloody Tan]], an unhinged mortician who created grisly scenes with his victims bodies. [[Miles Dagouter|Miles Dagouter]], a lawman gone criminal. Leader of the Vanishers. [[Paalm|Paalm]], an insane kandra. [[Edwarn Ladrian|Edwarn Ladrian]], Wax's uncle and high ranking member of the Set. [[Telsin Ladrian|Telsin Ladrian]], Wax's sister, avatar of [[Autonomy|Autonomy]] and leader of the [[Set|Set]]. ### Other Skills #### Fighting Wax is a talented marksman, preferring to use two guns at once. Miles Hundredlives stated that Wax was the finest marksman he had ever seen, and had seen him make shots that he would have thought impossible. He has been shown to shoot a bullet that was put off course by the speed bubble of a [[Bendalloy|Slider]], scoring a lethal shot as a result, and shot a bullet straight through a gun scope, killing a man. However, due to a traumatic misfire that resulted in the death of a loved one, [[Lessie|Lessie]], Wax tends to act nervously when faced with hostage situations. Throughout his life, Wax has used many guns. Most of them were made by Ranette, such as his [[Sterrion|Sterrions]] and Ambersair and Vindication I and II. Occasionally however, Wax has a gun with him not made by Ranette, such as an Immerling. He also used a gun called the Big Gun, which is a gun with huge explosive projectiles designed for maximum shrapnel, specifically made for a Coinshot to use, as it’s shrapnel can wreak havoc when combined with Allomancy. Wax is also a capable knife fighter, although he is nowhere as good as [[Miles Dagouter|Miles]]. He isn’t terribly practiced at throwing knives however. #### Investigation Wax is also an extremely skilled investigator. He often knows exactly what a criminal can and will do, although his instincts are thrown off when his prey also turns out to be a lawkeeper. Due to having lived in the Roughs, where he was forced to learn to do things himself, Wax is skilled at metallurgy. Wax’s time with Wayne has given him a little proficiency with accents. ## History ### Early Life Waxillium is a descendant of [[Edgard Ladrian|Edgard Ladrian]] and [[Allrianne Cett|Allrianne Cett]]. He is of mixed heritage, with [[Terris|Terris]] on his mother's side and Noble blood on his father's side, and he is said to have more Terris blood than most. He was raised under a noble house and lived a life of luxury--something he detested. He and his sister, [[Telsin|Telsin]], were mostly raised by their uncle in [[Elendel|Elendel]], with their parents dying in what was reported as an accident. Telsin claims this death was due to [[Harmony|Harmony's]] [[Kandra|agents]] trying to get to her, but the veracity of this claim is not known. At the age of 12, his uncle began grooming him to run the family-operated [[First Central Bank|First Central Bank]]. Wax, wishing to make the world a better place, was interested at first, seeing that men in offices could change the world for the better. He quickly became disgusted by the unethical practices of the bank however, and distanced himself from the role. In his youth, Wax, as a member of Elendel high society, spent a lot of time at parties and social events. They were a chore to him however, and he wasn’t good at being social, he’d often find his way to a quiet balcony and look out over the city. Because of this, more then a few people thought he was slow. ### The Village At the age of 15, Wax spent a year living in the [[Village|Village]], with the option to stay if he wished. During his last months in the Village, he encountered [[Forch|Forch]], a [[Twinborn|Twinborn]] Terris boy who committed arson. Wax investigated the crime and brought his evidence to the attention of the constables, but this was ultimately disregarded by his grandmother who insisted that the Terris people manage themselves and their criminals. Wax unintentionally spotted Forch later that night and believed he was going to commit arson again. Investigating further, Wax unknowingly stumbled upon Forch attempting to dissect a living boy he had kidnapped. Despite being heavily outmatched by another Twinborn, Wax ultimately killed Forch in self defense during a Steelpushing battle, rescuing the child from him. Due to the Terris hating that he had brought violence to their Village, and Wax having always felt like an outsider among them, Wax decided to leave. The following year he moved back in with his parents, although his uncle took over his education. During this time, his life became less and less about his immediate family, he barely saw his parents during this time, despite living with them. After some time, he decided to head out to the Roughs to escape his life. Later, Wax would admit that he also went to the Roughs in part because he wanted to become a Hero. by Linnéa Sandberg ### The Roughs In his early years in the [[Roughs|Roughs]], Wax developed an image of himself as a "Gentleman Bounty Hunter"; although initially incompetent and unfamiliar with his Twinborn abilities, he would eventually hone them. Wax was mentored by [[Jon Deadfinger|Jon Deadfinger]]. At one point, he had a deputy named [[Paclo|Paclo]], and at a later point one named [[Blinker|Blinker]]. He pro-actively worked with other law enforcers in the area, and while working with [[Jon Deadfinger|Jon Deadfinger]] he would find a 17 year old [[Wayne|Wayne]], who he would ultimately spare from execution and turn his life around to become a lawman. Early in their partnership, Wax decided to teach Wayne the value of hard work by making him muck out a stable by himself. Wayne paid [[Jeffy|someone else]] three clips to do it for him though. During his stay in the Roughs, he visited Elendel only once and saw his sister only a couple of times. Additionally, during the train ride to the Roughs, Wax converted to the [[Path|Path]] and was given a Pathian earring by [[MeLaan|MeLaan]]. During a bounty claim on Granite Joe, he encountered [[Lessie|Lessie]]--a woman he would fall in love with and eventually marry. In 339 [[Catacendre|PC]], Wax and Wayne were in [[West's Haven|West's Haven]], and Wayne burned down a school. After they caught [[Icy Ben Oldson|Icy Ben Oldson]], Wax and Wayne had a drink together, but before Wax removed the caps off the bottles, Wayne had smacked them on the table, so when Wax opened them, the beer squirted out all over his head. The first time Wax saw someone sell water, he was surprised. A pastry shop once blew up while Wax and Wayne were in it. >“*Out in the Roughs Wax hadn’t just enforced the law; he had interpreted it, revised it when needed. He had been the law.*” \-Wax musing on his time in the Roughs[20] After the reported death of his uncle, Wax was implored to return to Elendel to begin managing the ledgers of his house. Initially ignoring this request, Wax chose instead to hunt the murderous [[Bloody Tan|Bloody Tan]] as his final bounty. In a horrifying turn of events, Waxillium mistakenly shot Lessie in the forehead when he attempted to free her from Bloody Tan's clutches. With nothing left for him in the Roughs, Wax returned to his family mansion in Elendel. ### Return to Elendel >“*He always felt stronger in the mists. He felt like someone was watching, when he was out in them.*” \-Wax on the mists[64] In his early months in Elendel, Wax earned a reputation for frequently disappearing early from social functions, preferring to steel-push through the mists, in patrol of the city. On one such night, Waxillium paused his patrol and intervened in a shootout. Believing he heard a woman's whimper, which reminded him of Lessie, Wax froze during the gunfight. Coming to the conclusion that he was no longer capable of being a lawman, and with the effectiveness of the city constabulary forcing him to face the irrelevance of vigilante justice in general, Wax hung up his guns for the time being. Waxillium visited the [[Village|Village]] four times in 341 [[Catacendre|PC]] and 342 [[Catacendre|PC]]. Throwing himself into the much more mundane effort of saving his house's financial future, Waxillium spent half a year working to reverse his late uncle's squandering of the family funds. At some point, he courted lady [[Valette Entrone|Valette]] [[House Entrone|Entrone]], albeit without success During a visit to a Cett party, Lord [[Westweather Cett|Westweather Cett]] demanded to duel Wax, but instead of accepting Wax headbutted him, breaking his nose. Believing that he had little choice, he entered into a marriage agreement with [[Lord Harms|Lord Harms']] daughter, [[Steris|Steris]], hopeful that her father's money would help bring House Ladrian back from the brink of destitution. That same day, Wayne, an old partner from his time in the Roughs, re-entered Wax's life--carrying with him an [[Aluminum|aluminum]] bullet and a tantalizing mystery surrounding a gang of train robbers known as the [[Vanishers|Vanishers]], which threatened to draw Wax away from his house responsibilities and right back into the life of a lawman. #### The Vanishers Against his better judgement, and under the disapproving eye of his butler, [[Tillaume|Tillaume]], Wax began to piece together the history of the Vanishers, hoping to discover the reason for their unorthodox targets as well as the secret behind the way they commit their crimes. Realizing the distraction this had created for his house duties, Waxillium endeavored to put away this new obsession and attended the [[Yomen-Ostlin wedding dinner|Yomen-Ostlin wedding dinner]] with Steris, marking their public debut as a couple. >“*It was so hard not to recall the sight of him breaking through the line of tables, gun in hand as he expertly felled two of the men trying to haul her out into the night. Or the sight of him soaring through the air—gunshots exploding up from beneath, the chandeliers shattering and crystal spraying light around him—as he shot a man from midair and dropped to rescue his friend. She was talking to a legend.*” \-Marasi calls on Waxillium in his study[65] After the wedding was interrupted by the arrival of bandits from the Vanishers gang, who proceeded to rob the lords and ladies in attendance at gunpoint, Wax initially refused Wayne's insistence that he take up a pistol--having convinced himself that the Elendel constabulary would be able to handle the disturbance with far less bloodshed. When the gang went too far, killing a man and taking Steris as a hostage, Wax admitted that he could not stand idly by, and attacked the gang with his backup pistols and the full fury of his Steelpushing. In the ensuing gunfight, Wax, Wayne, and Steris' cousin [[Marasi|Marasi]] worked together to subdue the majority of the attackers, while successfully minimizing civilian casualties. When Marasi was suddenly held at gunpoint by one of the gang, in the same fashion as Lessie a year ago, Wax nearly froze up again. Marasi struggled, successfully stunning the Vanisher holding her, momentarily opening up the shot for Wax--forcing him to make a choice to overcome his fear to pull the trigger and save her. As the robbers retreated, Waxillium was surprised to discover the identity of the Vanishers' leader, [[Miles Dagouter|Miles "Hundredlives" Dagouter]]--another former lawman from the Roughs. With Steris kidnapped, Wax re-doubled his efforts into his previous investigation. Having obtained one of the Vanishers' aluminum guns, Wax poured himself into researching its makeup and possible origin as well as uncovering the mystery of the Vanishers' ultimate goal. by Rixt Heerschop In the middle of his investigation, Wax, Wayne, and Marasi were caught up in an explosion in his study, set off by his butler in a botched attempt to assassinate him. Eventually discovering the location of the Vanishers' hideout and confirming Hundredlives' involvement, Wax began forming a plan to take down the unbeatable, former lawman. Focusing his attention on puzzling out the Vanishers' peculiar robbery methods, Wax was taken by surprise when the Vanishers attacked his train en route back to Elendel. Wounded in the attack and shaken by Hundredlives' claim that the real evil in the world is the corruption of Elendel itself, Waxillium escaped to [[Ranette|Ranette's]] house, where he obtained [[Hazekiller|Hazekiller]] bullets and a new prototype revolver, [[Vindication|Vindication]]. by Ari Ibarra Wax shooting [[Miles|Miles]] Correctly deducing the Vanishers' next target, Wax set Wayne and Marasi to work, zeroing in on the protection of Lord [[Augustin Tekiel|Tekiel's]] next shipment train, which included the new, [[Breaknaught|Breaknaught]] cargo car. Infiltrating the car just before the predicted robbery took place, Wax allowed himself to be taken to the Vanishers' lair. Making use of a large amount of dynamite smuggled alongside him in the Breaknaught, Waxillium fought his way through the Vanishers' hideout, unfortunately losing Vindication in the fray. Successfully springing a trap made specially to capture Hundredlives, Wax was then forced to flee when the outlaw opted to blow himself up with a personal explosive, rather than be captured. Escaping into the mists, Waxillium briefly experienced a conversation with [[Harmony|Harmony]], which culminated in the realization that Harmony had worked behind the scenes to orchestrate the delivery of Wax's old, lost weapons to the Vanishers' hideout, just in time to help. Newly re-armed, Wax located and rescued Steris, killed numerous members of the Vanishers gang, and destroyed their hideout with a tremendous feat of Metalborn power. As the building collapsed, several surviving Vanishers, led by the now fully-healed, Miles Hundredlives, held Marasi at gunpoint. Refusing to freeze up and lose another woman's life to the same type of standoff, Wax called for Wayne to create a speed bubble. Firing at the Vanisher through the speed bubble, Wax compensated for the unavoidable veering of the time-slowed bullet by firing a second time, in an incredibly aimed shot which struck his first bullet and caused it to ricochet directly into the thug's head. Miles and an already injured Wax squared off, with Hundredlives beating Wax mercilessly. Waxillium held on, taking the punishment of Miles' blows as Marasi secretly held them in a time bubble. Wax successfully distracted the outlaw, laying all of his hopes on the absent Wayne, who finally returned, having surrounded the three of them with Elendel's constables. #### Meeting Mister Suit After the surviving Vanishers were taken into custody and interrogated, Waxillium recognized the description of a man working with Miles whom they called "Mister Suit," which led him to believe they were talking about his supposed late uncle, [[Edwarn Ladrian|Edwarn Ladrian]]. Following up on a lead to Suit's current whereabouts, Wax boarded a train at [[Dryport|Dryport]] and confirmed his suspicions. Confronting his uncle face to face, Waxillium demanded that Edwarn give up the location of the other women the Vanishers had kidnapped. Unthreatened, Edwarn welcomed Wax to attempt to expose his operation, as there was no real proof pointing to the old man's involvement. Wax listened as his uncle chastised him for his purported self-righteousness, just as he did when Wax was a child. When Wax moved to take matters into his own hands, Edwarn called in his men, who threw Wax off the back of the train--but not before Wax swiped his uncle's appointment book. Waxillium also got a reward for his involvement in the Vanishers case, the reward was mostly given in the form of aluminum captured from the Vanishers. Sometime after Wax’s return to Elendel, likely after the Vanisher case, he donated a dozen aluminum lined helmets to the constabulary of the fourth octant. ### Bleeder Newly rescued, Steris suggested to Wax that their shared ordeal afforded the two of them an opportunity to speed up their marriage contract and announce their engagement much sooner then previously planned. Initially hesitant, Wax agreed that the couple should move forward with Steris' suggestion, endeavoring to push away any potentially romantic thoughts of Marasi and bury his painful memories of Lessie. Wax also had a subscription for an evening edition of an unknown broadsheet. Due to his invaluable contributions toward the resolution of the Vanishers case, Wax was granted a citywide deputized forbearance by the Elendel Senate as well as certain allowances to practice his Roughs-style justice in the city. This was expedited by Harmony using TenSoon, who imitated a high ranking member of the constabulary to push the documents through. #### Tormented by the Past Months later, while Steelpushing through the crowded city streets in hot pursuit of a bank robber known as the [[Marksman|Marksman]] (an Allomancer connected with the [[Set|Set]] who featured in Edwarn's appointment book) Wax was stunned and deeply disturbed to recognize the face of an onlooker on the sidewalk below--Bloody Tan, Lessie's murderer. Shaken and unable to locate Tan among the crowds, Wax enlisted the help of Wayne and Marasi to continue the chase into the [[Breakouts|Breakouts]]. Eventually catching Marks, Wax was prevented from bringing the man in for questioning when Marks was suddenly killed by an assassin's crossbow. Approached by a number of constables who arrived late on the scene, Wax learned that Constable-General [[Claude Aradel|Claude Aradel]] would like to quietly enlist his assistance in investigating the recent murder of Elendel Governer [[Replar Innate|Replar Innate's]] brother, [[Winsting|Winsting]], who had been killed among thirty of Elendel's most notorious criminals. Examining the scene, Wax determined that Winsting was stabbed by someone familiar to the man, citing the location of the killings, the position of the bodies, and the sheer number of victims--details which also dictated that [[Feruchemical|Feruchemically]] enhanced speed would have been required to perform the grisly feat. Wax steeled himself, knowing he was now on the trail of a [[Steelrunner|Steelrunner]]. Starting his search in the best place to find word of a rogue Feruchemist, Wax visited the [[Terris|Terris]] [[Village|Village]] to obtain the counsel of his grandmother, [[Vwafendal|Vwafendal]]. Recognizing the name [[Idashwy|Idashwy]], a Steelrunner from his past who had recently left the Village, Wax continued his investigation elsewhere, enlisting Wayne's help to discover the woman's address in the city. Blindsided by another momentary glimpse of Bloody Tan on the crowded streets, Wax began to doubt his own senses. Shaking off the distraction, Wax joined Wayne in discovering Idashwy's corpse, laying in her kitchen with a large hole bored through her chest. Having spent great amounts of time studying a book gifted to him by [[Ironeyes|Ironeyes]] himself, Wax recognized the likelihood of Idashwy having been the victim of the creation of a [[Hemalurgic|Hemalurgic]] spike. Guessing that the killer used the spike to steal her Feruchemical speed, Wax was surprised to find a note written to himself hidden in the victim's pocket. On the note were some of the last words Bloody Tan said to him, back in the Roughs. >“*Someone else moves us, lawman.*” \-Bloody Tan[20] Needing time to think, Wax rode alone in his carriage, driven by [[Hoid|Hoid]]. Casually musing upon whether his [[Pathian|Pathian]] earring may have once been a Hermalurgic spike, Wax placed it into his ear. Immediately, Harmony spoke to Wax directly--careful to reassure him that he had not gone insane. Harmony admitted that the earring was a spike, which was the reason they were able to converse. Additionally, Harmony explained that Wax's earlier sightings of Bloody Tan were real and not imagined, though the murderer Wax had been chasing all this time was not a man, but actually a [[Faceless Immortal|Faceless Immortal]] using Tan's bones, named [[Bleeder|Bleeder]]. #### Pursuit of a Mad Woman While attending [[Lady ZoBell's party|Lady ZoBell's party]] with Steris, Wax met [[MeLaan|MeLaan]], a Faceless Immortal sent to help in the hunt for Bleeder by Harmony himself. In between chats with various nobility of the city, Wax began to hear a new voice in his head--mocking him and the people of Elendel. Wax soon realized he was hearing the voice of Bleeder, who had somehow learned to use the same Hermalurgic connection to him that Harmony had. Using their connection to discover Bleeder's location at the party, Wax attempted to apprehend her, giving chase out a window and through the [[Mist|Mists]] of the city outside. His pursuit of Bleeder waylaid by a dozen armed men, Wax was convinced that she must be aligned with the Set. Wax listened closely as Bleeder spoke in his mind of her plans to kill the governor and free the city from Harmony's influence, but first she claimed she would need to murder Wax's father. Guessing that she must have been threatening Lord Harms' life, Wax raced across the city, spiriting the old man and Steris to separate, secret locations. Finally believing he had moved one step ahead of Bleeder, Wax reported to Governor Innate to warn him of the dire threat to his life, only to discover that during his absence Bleeder had brutally killed [[Father Bin|Father Bin]], the [[Survivorist|Survivorist]] priest who was to perform his marriage ceremony to Steris. Tracking Bleeder's path, Wax located the carriage she had used to escape the scene of the killing. Inside, Wax found traces of [[Perchwither|Perchwither]], a substance only found in the [[Kandra Homeland|Homeland of the Faceless Immortals]]. Puzzled, Wax followed her trail back to the Governor's mansion. Once close enough to her location, Bleeder's voice immediately returned to his mind, keen to convince Wax that Harmony did not care and was only using him. Sowing doubt, Bleeder asked Wax to attempt to explain why Harmony had failed to step in and save Lessie's life. Distracted, Wax was unable to prevent Bleeder from using her stolen Steelrunner abilities to attack Innate's chambers. By the time Wax arrived, Bleeder had already disappeared, though thankfully leaving the governor alive. Looking closer, Wax found another message from Bleeder, this time written in the blood of her latest kill. >“*I rip out his tongue to stop the lies. I stab out his eyes to hide from his gaze. You will be free.*” \-Bleeder[78] Seeking more information on Bleeder, Wax entered the museum in the [[Field of Rebirth|Field of Rebirth]]. Locating the secret path through the historical [[Atium|atium]] mines, Wax entered the cavern leading to the Homeland, and encountered [[TenSoon|TenSoon]], legendary wolfhound of the [[Ascendant Warrior|Ascendant Warrior]]. TenSoon told Wax much of Bleeder's history and showed him a torn up and desecrated copy of the [[Words of Founding|Words of Founding]]--the product of one of her last acts before leaving the Homeland and evidence of her descent into madness. Wax and TenSoon found themselves chased from the Homeland by the sudden appearance of [[Hemalurgic chimera|Hemalurgic chimeras]]--deformed humans under Bleeder's control--but not before Wax came to realize the full scope of her plan. She didn't want to simply kill the governor; she wanted to incite a city-wide riot. Wax immediately returned to Innate's mansion, intent on saving his life once and for all. After entering the governor's study, Wax noticed a carefully placed gumball, which he recognized to be a sign of trouble, left for him by Wayne. Immediately realizing the truth--that Bleeder had been secretly impersonating the governor the entire time--Wax pulled out his gun. Bleeder opened fire first, killing Innate's guards as she escaped out the window. by Elisgardor Wax crying with [[Steris|Steris]] after killing [[Lessie|Lessie]] #### Confronting a Memory Steelpushing through the night after Bleeder, Wax easily found her, changing bodies again just before she moved to escape. Finally confronting her on the [[Eastbridge|Eastbridge]], Wax saw that Bleeder had pointed her gun at him, but she did not fire. With tears in her eyes, she pleaded with Wax to forsake Harmony and be free. Wax ignored the pain he felt, seeing that Bleeder was now wearing the face of his dead wife, Lessie. He did his best not to listen to how well Bleeder could mimic Lessie's voice and mannerisms. Wax levelled Vindication and shot her in the head with the bullet from the gun's special chamber. The bullet had been made to his request by Ranette, molded from his Pathian earring. It was designed to give Bleeder a second spike, allowing Harmony to reassert Hemalurgic control over the mad kandra. Bleeder screamed that she would not be controlled again. As she died in Wax's arms, having terminated her own life to prevent Harmony from returning her to his service, Bleeder begged Wax to ask Harmony why he originally sent her to protect him, back in the Roughs. Telling Wax that she loved him, she demanded to know why, if Harmony was such a wonderful, all-knowing god, he would use Wax to kill her. Too late, Wax realized that the woman he had shot was not just Bleeder, an insane murderer and Faceless Immortal who looked like Lessie; she *was* Lessie. In the weeks that followed, Wax bitterly grieved his wife's final death, greatly distancing himself from Harmony for keeping Bleeder's identity secret from him. Forsaking even the mists he used to cherish, Wax largely shied away from his public responsibilities, showing little interest in following up on the city intrigues Wayne, MeLaan, and Marasi had uncovered while Bleeder's plan unraveled. Offering little in the manner of resistance, Wax even agreed to postpone the wedding with Steris as he flirted with surrendering to his depression. ### The Bands of Mourning >“*In the back of his noggin, he'll be relieved that I stopped the wedding. He'll figure it was me, deep in his subcontinence, and will pay for the damages—no matter what the assessor says. And he won't say anything, won't even investigate. Watch.*” \-Wayne speaks with Marasi[83] Six months later, spurred on by a slowly growing bond with Steris and determined not to remain in the same well of despair that had tried to claim him when he lost Lessie the first time, Wax had returned to the pursuit of his constabulary duties with Wayne. When the day of his wedding with Steris arrived, Wax found himself pursued once again by a member of Harmony's kandra; this one claiming to have a matter of great importance to discuss. Rebuffing him, Wax continued on to the Survivorist church where he walked down the aisle with Steris, whose genuine tears moved him in a way he did not expect. Realizing he was still not ready to let go of Lessie's memory, Wax was blessedly spared the need for any further heartbreak when a water tower outside suddenly tipped onto the roof of the church, bathing all those in attendance and postponing the ceremony once again, much to Wax's relief. #### To New Seran Wax unholstered Vindication and downed a new vial of metals as he returned to Ladrian mansion later that day; the telltale clues of intrusion in his own home had quickly brought him to high alert. Discovering that this newest threat turned out to be nothing more than the same kandra as before, now seated in Wax's own study, had done little to encourage him to lower his pistol. The kandra, [[VenDell|VenDell]], of the sixth generation, had successfully ensnared Marasi and Wayne in his appeal for assistance, but Wax believed that VenDell had done so simply as another way to entangle him into the affair, while ignoring his earlier refusal. Pouncing on Wax's curiosity, VenDell produced an [[Evanoscope|evanoscope]], which he used to engage him in a presentation on the nature of [[Investiture|Investiture]] and [[Identity|Identity]], as well as the myth of the [[Bands of Mourning|Bands of Mourning]]. Wax's patience wearing thin, VenDell explained that these evanotype images had been taken by another kandra, [[ReLuur|ReLuur]], who was obsessed with the Bands and convinced they were Identity-less [[Metalmind|metalminds]] which held the potential to grant anyone Metalborn powers to rival those of the [[Lord Ruler|Lord Ruler]]. Dismissing the idea outright, Wax was shocked to see another evanotype impressed with an image of his sister, [[Telsin|Telsin]], who was being dragged somewhere against her will. VenDell informed him that ReLuur had been accosted by the same thugs in [[New Seran|New Seran]], where one of his spikes had been stolen. Convinced of the danger and worried for his sister, Wax agreed to help. >“*What is it about you that makes me want to punch you, even when you're saying something helpful?*” \-Wax to VenDell[84] With real proof that his sister was alive for the first time in years, Wax knew he was being manipulated into doing Harmony's bidding again; though this time, he endeavored to step in with his eyes wide open. Wax categorically rejected VenDell's extended gifting of another Pathian earring. He would do this on his own, without Harmony's voice in his ear. Joined on the train to New Seran by Steris, who was becoming increasingly familiar and useful company, Wax soon found it difficult to interrupt her intense reading of a book. He needed to mine her keen knowledge of local politics and slake his curiosity after he noticed increased protests of Elendel's tariffs, visible out the windows as they passed through the outer cities. Distracting her further, Wax was delighted to finally catch a glimpse of what had earlier held Steris' attention so doggedly--she had been reading a book on basic human reproduction. Mortified, Steris attempted to change the subject, but the discovery only added to Wax's growing affection for the woman. by Elisgardor Looking over the house finances with Steris on the train Feeling the train car suddenly slowing, Wax sprang into action. Guessing rightly that robbers had disconnected their car, he leaped to the tracks below and then tapped his metalmind to greatly increase his weight, which allowed him to Steelpush the train car back down the tracks fast enough to reconnect. Wax pushed himself back onto the train, which was already being boarded by a large group of gunmen on horseback. Leaving Steris in Marasi's care, Wax fought his way through the train, eventually squaring off against a huge Metalborn brute, whose large bulk turned out to be a great target for Ranette's latest gift to Wax's arsenal--an Allomantically-triggered hook device which proved particularly well suited to throwing people from a train. After securing the train and allowing a doctor to tend to his wounds at [[Ironstand|Ironstand]] station, Wax began to worry that the still missing Wayne might have been seriously hurt or incapacitated in the battle. Wax's concern soon melted to annoyance when his long search of the train turned up both Wayne and MeLaan who were holed up together in a private compartment, groggy from a tussle of their own. Eventually arriving in New Seran, Wax and Steris agreed that the best way to begin their investigation was to attend a ball at the home of Lady [[Kelesina Shores|Kelesina Shores]], where they would be sure to scrape as much information as possible from the city's upper crust. As they approached the mansion, Wax gave a bank note to a well spoken [[Hoid|beggar]], who insisted he take in exchange a strange coin, made of two different metals, branded with the face of a man spiked through one eye, and covered in symbols that Wax could not read. Separating, the two mingled among the elite and gathered what rumors they could, including some regarding a hushed building project that may have involved Allomancers, north east of the city. Gruff around the edges as ever, and surrounded by as practiced liars and thieves as he had ever faced before, Wax knew he still had a lot to learn about politics. Still, he gained more information than he expected, even detecting that there was more going on with Lady Kelesina than she let on. Interrupted just as he was about to extend an invitation to Lady [[Felise Demoux|Felise Demoux]], Wax instead shared a dance with [[Khriss|Khriss]], who was excited to question Wax extensively about his particular pairing of Feruchemical and Allomantic abilities. Pushing for more information than seemed proper, and displaying an uncomfortably high level of knowledge of his powers, Khriss increased Wax's already heavy suspicions, as he returned to asking other guests of the party questions of his own. Sensing that Lady Kelesina was making a quick escape from the party, Wax scrambled to find a way to exit in pursuit, without alerting anyone that he was following. Ever prepared, Steris armed Wax with a pistol she had snuck into the dance and then produced the requisite distraction, from the bottom of a vial of ipecac. Following as carefully as possible, Wax caught up to Kelesina deep in her mansion, where he overheard the unmistakable voice of his uncle through the door to her bedroom. Wax listened as Edwarn detailed his involvement in both the train robbery from the day before as well as further plans to stymie Wax and keep him off his trail. Bursting through the door without any hesitation, Wax was immediately disarmed by Kelesina's [[Pewter|pewter]]-burning steward. Beckoned by Edwarn, whose words were actually emitted from an odd voice projector sitting in the room, the steward turned and murdered Kelesina with Wax's gun, tidily implicating him, a visiting noble from Elendel, in the assassination of one of New Seran's political elite. by Breena Luna Flying through the air with [[Steris|Steris]] With the timely arrival of MeLaan, Wax fought his way out of the mansion and escaped with Steris, who he found waiting for him behind a shrub outside. Taking her close, Wax Steelpushed their way straight up into the sky and through the evening mists, which gave way to the breathtaking view of The Ascendant's Field, where they shared a quiet moment of mutual respect and kissed above the clouds. #### Uncovering the Weapon Staying ahead of the local authorities and following up on their only lead from the party, Wax rode a stagecoach toward the construction site to the northeast. Along the way, he helped Marasi field test the cube device she had taken from the train robbers, which they took to calling an [[Primer cube|Allomantic grenade]] as it seemed to somehow extend the area of effect of its user's Allomancy. Wax, Wayne, MeLaan, and Marasi successfully infiltrated the construction site, discovering that a large, nondescript building was actually a facade covering up Edwarn's real effort in New Seran--the apparent construction of a huge, wooden warship. Splitting from Marasi and MeLaan, who went in search of ReLuur's stolen spike, Wax and Wayne entered the warship, determined to locate Edwarn himself. Using a spyglass borrowed from MeLaan, Wax immediately changed their plan when he located the chamber where Telsin was being held. Easily bypassing the workmen and engineers blocking his path, Wax quietly entered the room dead set on saving his sister. Finally reunited, Wax was surprised when Telsin immediately took brutal retribution on one of her captors. The years had really changed her just as, he supposed, they had changed him. Fighting their way out, accompanied by a generous helping of speed bubble assistance from Wayne, Wax joined in a grand escape after [[Allik|Allik]], a masked man that Marasi had rescued, revealed the existence of a second, smaller ship which could detach from the main vessel and lift into the sky. >“*You were always the quiet one. The thoughtful one. How did you get here? I... Your face, Waxillium. You're old.*” \-Telsin[91] Briefly stopping their ship to pick up Steris, Wax and Marasi pored over a notebook that she stole from Edwarn, which seemed to show the location of a second work site, south of their position. This corroborated Telsin's claims that Edwarn had been obsessively working to find a great weapon in the south that promised to give the Set the ability to dominate the whole of the [[Elendel Basin|Basin]]. Telsin warned Wax that their uncle had set off to retrieve the weapon not long ago; it was clear that there wasn't much time. Marasi's notebook also included a map showing a temple marked for excavation in the peaks of the southern mountains, which reignited the palpable fear that the Set could be dangerously close to obtaining the fabled Bands of Mourning, just as VenDell had warned back in Elendel. Taking advantage of their more efficient form of travel, Wax's group arrived on the mountain peaks soundly before Edwarn and his men could complete their slow climb through the snow. Locating the temple from Marasi's notebook, Wax ventured inside, proceeding with caution after he encountered the scattered remains of treasure hunters who had been there before him. Making grand use of MeLaan's nigh-invincibility, Wax and Allik worked slowly through the temple's ancient security system, safely triggering traps that would have spelled certain death for any other group of trespassers. Halted by a door which was inscribed with writing that none of them could decipher, Wax returned to the entrance of the temple, where Steris, Marasi, and Wayne held Edwarn at gunpoint; his expedition had arrived at the temple just before Wax's return. Edwarn claimed to know the secret to opening the temple's final door and threatened Wax that he had an overwhelming force of Allomancers and goons surrounding the temple who would not hesitate to kill every member of Wax's pitiful group, unless he was allowed to join them in collecting the Bands. When the temple's last chamber proved to be missing the Bands, Wax suddenly found himself in an armed standoff with Telsin, who he had rightly suspected to be a mole for the Set. Both siblings fired at once; Wax's bullet went wild and missed, but Telsin's shot hit Wax just below the neck. A number of bullets later, Wax fell into a pit below the Bands' supposed resting chamber. Trailing blood and weakening by the moment, Wax was soon tracked down by Edwarn, now fully revealed as an Allomancer, by way Hemalurgic spikes. Edwarn cruelly triggered another of the temple's traps, which collapsed the roof and crushed Wax's already wounded body under a punishing avalanche of rubble. In a daze, Wax was forced to watch helplessly as his uncle approached, unholstering his pistol and intent on finishing him off. When Wayne arrived to attempt his rescue and broke down at the sight of him, Wax used his remaining breath to tell his friend to go on living and keep fighting. No longer able to hold on, Waxillium Ladrian died. by Connor Chamberlain Speaking with [[Sazed|Sazed]] #### Return Immediately, Wax found himself in the presence of Harmony. Face to face with the god he had shunned for so long, Wax did not shirk away; instead, Wax laid into Harmony for his inaction that had led to so many people suffering. He chastised him for using Wax all these years with what appeared to be so little regard. He demanded an explanation for what happened to Lessie. Together, Wax and Harmony philosophized on the nature of cause and effect. Harmony patiently explained that his workings were larger in scope than Wax could currently understand. He expanded Wax's worldview-- showing him a representation of the planet and allowing him a small glimpse of the greater conflict in which he was currently embroiled. Allowing Wax to choose, Harmony offered him a chance at "another adventure," which Wax accepted. Wax opened his eyes and screamed, throwing the rubble from his body with the pure strength of steel itself. His body instantaneously healed, Wax focused his view on Marasi who had placed something like an oversized spearhead in his hand: the real Bands of Mourning, an unkeyed metalmind of nearly limitless power. Tapping the enormously potent metalmind inside the spearhead, Wax burst through the confines of the temple and out into the open air, trailing mist in his wake. Able to sense and call upon what seemed to be endless trace metals in the surrounding area, Wax knew that he could crush Edwarn and Telsin's fleeing ship with little effort. Bringing himself under control, Wax confronted his uncle for the final time, choosing to subdue him without the use of the spearhead's dangerous power. >“*Wax clenched his jaw, but couldn't force down the trembling that took him. He lived it again, holding her as she died. Knowing he'd killed her. That hatred seethed inside of him. Hatred for Harmony. Hatred for the world. And yes. Hatred for himself.*” \-Wax reflects on Lessie's death.[96] Wax finally returned to Elendel, where he gave over the spearhead into the hands of the kandra. No longer willing to put it off, and ready to move on with his life, Wax convinced Steris to marry him in a quiet ceremony, highlighted by their newly blossomed love for each other. On their honeymoon, Wax was suddenly awakened by the sound of an explosion in the distance. Wandering their suite, Wax found himself absently handling the dual metal coin that the beggar had given him, before the party in New Seran. Looking closely at the coin for what seemed like the first time, Wax hesitantly tested tapping it like a metalmind, which sprang to life a copper-stored memory, seemingly belonging to the mysterious [[Sovereign|Sovereign]]. ### Lawman Senator of the Roughs Shortly after the events in the south, Waxillium retired as a lawman and became a senator in order to try to bring about positive change. He also settled down with Steris, and had two children, [[Maxillium Ladrian| Maxillium]] and [[Tindwyl Ladrian|Tindwyl Ladrian]]. Upon hearing about the [[Elendel Supremacy Bill|Elendel Supremacy Bill]], he began to go across the Outer cities and the Roughs in an attempt to gather support, from both the people, governors, and other senators. He also looked for the corruption and sold votes in the senate, so that he could attempt to reveal it to stall the vote. He ultimately failed, with the Bill passing. After the outcome of the vote Wax, bitter that the bill passed, took his son Maxillium flying. During their flight, Wax boarded a Malwish airship and met the new Admiral [[Daal|Daal]], being the first Elendel Senator to do so. After he returned to [[Ahlstrom Tower|Ahlstrom Tower]], Wax got a note from Marasi, stating that he should come to his ancestral home of Ladrian Mansion. Once here, Marasi revealed that she had finally acquired a [[Trellium|Trellium]] spike, and Wax, Marasi, Steris, Allik and VenDell experimented on the spike. During their experiments, they discovered Trellium’s explosive potential. This filled him with panic over the idea of the Set having already discovered it before him. While Wax and Steris set to searching broadsheets for evidence that the Set had discovered Trellium explosions, Marasi planned a sting on the Set in the city of [[Bilming|Bilming]]. Wax and Steris found evidence for the fact that the Set had already discovered Trellium explosions, and Wax set off to Bilming, Steelpushing quickly along the highway. ### The Set in Bilming #### Sting gone wrong Wax arrived in Bilming soon after, although he had to wait for gunfire to lead him to Marasi. He found not a precise and well executed sting, but a chaotic battlefield. Just in time to stop the Set from gunning the constables down with a machine gun, Wax turned the tide of the battle, shooting multiple members of the Set. But once [[Dumad|Dumad]], the enemy Coinshot, took to the air, Wax followed him and a daring chase took place, where Dumad managed to lose Wax. After this, Wax met back up with Marasi and Wayne, and they were taken into custody by the Bilming Police. A short while later, Bilming Mayor Entrone arrived, insulting them and telling them to either call their governer or fight their way out, which would cause a scandal either way. [[Marsh|Death]] arrived however, and he freed them from the constabulary, and gave them a place to start, a mister Copper. Constable Blantach also told them that it would be easier to contain the governer if the three of them would take a Bilming constable with them, and the three accepted. Furthermore, all three, now with the constable [[Shai|Kim]], headed to the Bilming records offices to get information on [[Tobal Copper|Tobal Copper]]. #### Figuring out the Set’s plan >“*You are good at this. We thought we had taken enough precautions. Yet here you are. Breathing down our neck. Such drive. Such Individualism. A shame that Harmony got you first.*” \-Autonomy to Wax[60] After discovering Tobal’s address, the four headed to his apartment, trying to find clues about his disappearance. After seeing that the Set had been there before them, Wayne believed that Tobal would have gone to a broadsheet office to publish his findings, and Marasi correlated a few numbers they found to a broadsheet address. The four of them went inside, first wanting to break in, but the proprietor let them in after being convinced that they were not members of the Set. Maraga, the proprietor, showed them what she and Tobal had discovered, and they talked about the Set’s plans. Suddenly, [[Telsin|Telsin]] appeared at the front of the building. After talking together in a speed bubble, Wax, Wayne and Marasi decide to split the group up, with Wax and Wayne going with Telsin. Wax and Telsin both pushed onto the roof of a building, she tried to discourage Waxillium from trying to stop the Set, stating that he could never hope to win from them. She cited both familial affection and wanting him out of the equation as her reasons for this, but Wax realised that she was actually afraid he’d ruin her plans. Wax also figured out that while Telsin thought she still knew him, he’d changed a lot since their last meeting, which gave him the advantage. As Telsin continued her speech, Wax realised she was stalling, and he silently leapt from the roof to find Wayne. When he found him, the two decided to ransack governer Entrone’s mansion in hopes of finding clues. The plan was set into motion, and while Wayne handled the distraction, Wax entered the mansion through a window. He quickly searched through Entrone’s stuff, taking some pages from his calendar and leaving through a trapdoor in the mansion, which led to a hidden tunnel. Wax returned to the predetermined rally point and found Wayne there, and together they entered the hidden tunnel. While walking through the tunnel, the two were suddenly set upon by Dumad and Getruda. Wayne quickly stepped in front of Wax, acting like cover and taking a bullet for Wax. Wax reminded Wayne that Dumad can burn chromium and bronze as well as duralumin. They planned to see if they could throw Dumad out of Wayne's speed bubble, and then attack. The fight commences, and each person kept their match busy. Wax was quickly thrown out of the bubble, and Dumad turned towards Wayne. While Dumad pushed a couple of coins through Wayne’s body, Wayne began to talk, keeping them distracted. While he talked, he also dropped his speed bubble, waiting for Wax to take aim and hit each one with an explosive Hemalurgist-killer round. Dumad was still able to move, probably with pewter, while Getruda's head was half blown off. They retreated through a street grate. Afterwards, Wax made sure to ask Wayne about how he's really doing, but Wayne shrugs him off. Wax and Wayne proceeded down the hidden tunnel, eventually finding the lab. Once above ground again, the pair was shot at by some Set soldiers, although they were mostly unprepared. Wax increased his weight and pushed against the building, blasting a portion of the wall away. After dispatching multiple soldiers, three trucks rode away from the building. Wax left Wayne behind to deal with stragglers and chased those trucks, while dodging aluminum bullets from the soldiers within them. He took one truck down with a steelpush, but found that it was a decoy. He almost went for the other trucks, but seeing that they took obvious and visual routes, he figured out that they were both decoys, and that there was a fourth truck. He spotted it, and chased it down, finally breaking it with a steelpush. As he entered the crumpled truck he found three corpses and a bunch of paper. One of the three people in there was still alive, though dying, and Autonomy used her body to speak to Wax. Wax also found some remaining notes, the Set’s scientists had destroyed most of them, and realised how the Set had tested their bombs. Wax also found a case of Logshine in a nearby half destroyed shop, and travelled back to Wayne. The two of them took a half hour of rest, both to take a breather and read the evidence Wax had found. Wax also had a talk with Wayne about his life, and whether or not Wayne was a good person. Finally, Wax realised where the bomb was. #### Stopping the bomb by pekgna Wax during his assault on the Shaw >“*It's time for Harmony's Sword to do his job.*” \-Wax before assaulting the Shaw[44] Wax, carrying Wayne on his back, pushed his way onto a balcony about halfway up the Shaw. Inside, they found the Set ready for them. With a large contingent of soldiers inside the building, Wayne put on Wax’s mistcoat and pretended to be him, drawing the soldiers’ attention. Meanwhile, Wax flanked the soldiers, using his Allomancy and Feruchemy to wreak havoc among them. Afterwards, Wax put his mistcoat back on and put in his Trellium earring, talking to his sister for a moment. He warned and threatened her, before ripping out his earring and hefting the Big Gun. Wax told Wayne to stay back and not engage, only following once he was done, stating that it was time for Harmony’s Sword to do his work. Using the [[Steel Survivor|Steel Survivor]] and the Big Gun, as well as his Metalborn abilities, Wax slowly carved a way up the tower, through hundreds of soldiers. The top floor was secured by less professional people, and while Wax prepared to take them down as well, Wayne disagreed, and started shouting to them, telling them that they could leave if they wanted to. Everyone in that top floor left, giving Wax and Wayne a way to the roof. As they entered the roof however, a final challenge awaited them, in the form of Dumad and Getruda. Wax suggested that they switch it up, where he would take Getruda while Wayne got Dumad. In the ensuing fight Wax stayed close to her, causing her to be unable to leverage her speed bubbles. After a while of fighting Wayne appeared near him, and gave him his dueling cane, while Wax gave Wayne his gun. This didn’t work that well though, and he decided to do something old fashioned. Using a metal doorstop and his Allomancy, Wax constantly beat Getruda until he found her metalmind, which was located in her right arm. After this he shot a hazekiller round into her shoulder, which caused it’s secondary explosion to take Getruda’s arm, and metalmind, clean off. He finished her off with a bullet pushed into the skull. Meanwhile, Wayne finished Dumad off. After this, Wax and Wayne headed over to Telsin, and while Wayne corralled a bunch of engineers into a corner, away from the bomb, Telsin drew Waxillium into a conversation. Despite her plans failing, Telsin was still confident, and Wax, being the detective that he is, figured out that the bomb didn’t work. A single steelpush toppled the bomb completely, and Wax realised that the bomb was located on a leaving Pewternaut. He also realised that while he couldn’t get to the ship with his normal Allomancy, Dumad’s corpse, which was still below, had a spike granting duralumin. He spiked himself with this spike, driving it right through his lower chest, and with Wayne on his back, who was also spiked, he travelled to the ship. Once there, they fought their way to the munitions hold, which held the bomb, only to find a dead man’s switch. Believing that the only way was to steer the ship away from Elendel, the two of them cleared the ship of any crewmates, only to see that the course was locked, and changing it would cause the bomb to blow up. Wayne thought of a plan however, and after determining that Wax wasn’t needed, he pushed Wax off of the ship. After Wayne exploded the ship using his Allomancy, saving Elendel, Bilming and many more cities, Harmony protected Wax from the waves, and Hoid arrived to bring Wax back to the mainland. ### Progress It took two days after the explosion before Wax, who had broken a leg because of Wayne’s steelpush, was allowed to return home from the hospital. The next two years saw Wax working hard, staving off civil war and managing to create a National Assembly for the entire Basin. In 350 [[Catacendre|PC]] he planned to make a tour through the Roughs, drumming up support for their bid to make the Roughs join the newly united Basin. ## Relationships by GisAlmeida Wax with Wayne ### Wayne >“*You’re a bizarre pair, you know.*” \-Marasi to Wax[55] Wayne is Wax’s best friend and colleague. They have saved each other’s lives countless times during their years together. Wax, working with Jon deadfinger as a Lawman, spared Wayne, who accidentally shot and killed a man. Following this, Wayne became his deputy, and would work alongside Wax for many years after that.{book ref|mb4|10}} During these years, the two became best friends, and they would get each other out of trouble many times. After Lessie’s death, Wayne dragged Wax into the Vanishers case, furthermore, the two spent a long time hunting down the Set together. After the discovery of the Southern Scadrians, Wayne left his old partner and for the next six years he would work with Marasi. However, in 348 [[Catacendre|PC]] Wax and Wayne got together again to hunt the Set. During this hunt, which took place in [[Bilming|Bilming]], Wax convinced Wayne that he was a good person, which cheered him up. Later, on the A-16 Pewternaut, Wayne would push Wax off the ship, saving his life. Because of their long time spent fighting together in the Roughs, Wax and Wayne have a whole list of fighting strategies, with appropriate names such as Banefielder and Spoiled Tomato. The two have an easygoing relationship, and they often engage in banter. Though Wax laughs at most of Wayne’s jokes, he also wishes Wayne would not meddle in his personal life, such as disparaging [[Steris|Steris]]. Wayne and Wax also have a cheerful competitiveness to them, sometimes counting how many enemies they each defeated in a fight. ### Lessie During a bounty hunt, Wax met a woman called [[Lessie|Lessie]]. They immediately hit it off, and the two became lawmen working together. Later, they became romantically involved, and even married. However, years later, Waxillium mistakenly shot Lessie in the forehead when he attempted to free her from Bloody Tan's clutches. This left him traumatic for a long period of time after it. In 341 [[Catacendre|PC]], Wax tried, and succeeded, in saving Elendel from a creature known as Bleeder. In their final encounter, which led to her death, Bleeder revealed that she was actually Lessie. This led Wax to grief her death again. ### Marasi Colms Marasi met Wax shortly after he became House Lord. She spent much of her life reading stories about his heroics in the Roughs, and Wax was a part of what inspired her to study law. Marasi helped Wax solve the Vanishers case, and during it, she developed romantic feelings for him, although Wax gently refused her. In the following months, a crack formed in their friendship as Wax thought that she still had romantic feelings, while Marasi didn’t anymore. In time however, this healed and the two stayed good friends. ### Family #### Steris Waxillium first met [[Steris|Steris]] in 341 [[Catacendre|PC]]. He and Steris discussed marriage, which was advantageous for both. Wax would receive funds from House Harms, while Steris would become better known in the circles of high nobility. However, at their first public appearance together, Steris was taken hostage by the [[Vanishers|Vanishers]]. Waxillium managed to rescue her though, after which the pair decided to go through with the marriage. The pair slowly grew to appreciate each other. Steris helped Wax through his grief of the final death of his first wife, Lessie. This also led to them postponing the wedding. After six months together, and their adventure in New Seran, they grew to love eachother. Their first wedding was sabotaged however, when a water tower crashed into the survivorist church where their ceremony was being held. A while later, Wax and Steris married in the [[Ahlstrom Tower|Ahlstrom Tower]], in a small ceremony. The two of them would get two children, and Steris would help Wax in his duties as a senator. When they first met, Wax regarded Steris as an inconvenient necessity, and even enjoyed needling her until she loses her temper. As their relationship progresses, however, Wax found himself becoming protective of Steris’s feelings as well as her person. #### Children Waxillium and Steris have two children, [[Maxillium Ladrian|Maxillium Ladrian]] and [[Tindwyl Ladrian|Tindwyl Ladrian]]. Wax enjoys flying with Maxillium, and Maxillium helped Wax transition from lawman to Senator and father. #### Edwarn Waxillium hates his uncle, [[Edwarn Ladrian|Edwarn Ladrian]]. This feeling is not mutual however, as Edwarn likes Wax, and wishes that Wax would stop his morality of always following the law. Edwarn, as Waxillium’s uncle, had a hand in raising him, and groomed him to become the next house lord. Wax fled to the Roughs in part to escape his uncle. After Edwarn’s fake accident and death, Wax was forced to take over the house, and he spent a long time fixing what his uncle had destroyed. After the Vanishers case however, Waxillium realised that Edwarn was still alive, and managed to find and pay him a visit. Edwarn threatened him then, telling him that he had Wax’s sister. Waxillium hunted Edwarn for a long time after this, before finding and killing him in the [[Seran Range|Seran Range]]. Wax strongly dislikes his uncle’s morality and confidence. Edwarn, despite acknowledging that they were rivals and would kill eachother if they had the chance, still loves, or at least likes, him. #### Telsin Waxillium has an intricate relationship with his sister, [[Telsin|Telsin]]. Telsin is one year older then Waxillium. The two have always had very different personalities, where Wax obeys the rules, his sister often breaks them, his sister is also much better with other people. After Wax left for the [[Roughs|Roughs]], he visited Elendel only once and saw his sister only a couple of times, because of this, their relationship degraded. By 341 [[Catacendre|PC]], she was essentially a stranger to him, and when news of her supposed death reached him, Wax didn’t find it terribly hard to process. Wax was a little ashamed that he didn’t know her as well as he should’ve. After figuring out that both Telsin and his uncle were alive, Wax was filled with a desire to find and rescue his sister. The next year, while sneaking into the Set’s base in [[Dulsing|Dulsing]], Wax finally found his sister, he immediately came to her rescue, which lead to the mission being compromised as Telsin shot a man. Telsin, actually a high ranking member of the Set, acted like their uncle had taken her captive, like Wax already thought. But once at the temple where the [[Bands of Mourning|Bands of Mourning]] resided, she betrayed him, shooting him and sending [[Edwarn Ladrian|Edwarn]] to finish him off. After the situation escalated, Telsin fled the scene quickly, returning to the Set. After six years they met again, and while Telsin had continued on the same path, growing into an extreme form of herself, Wax had changed, something that she didn’t realise. She feared that Wax would ruin her plans, and tried to get him to leave Bilming. Later, as Wax was stopping the Trellium bomb, Autonomy withdrew from Telsin, which lead to her death. By the time of her death, Telsin had disliked Wax for decades, due to Wax always judging her. ### Shards #### Harmony Wax has had a very interesting relationship with Harmony. Although he was originally a survivorist, Wax converted to the [[Path|Path]] shortly after leaving Elendel. He was faithful to it, and tried to follow its teachings as well as he could. During an attempt to save Elendel, Wax discovered that his late wife, Lessie, was actually a Kandra sent by Harmony to protect him. Wax was angered by Harmony’s choice not to tell him this. Furthermore, Wax was forced to shoot Lessie, or Paalm, after which she committed suicide. This led to a major rift between him and Harmony, as Wax blamed Harmony for the final death of Lessie. A year later, during a mission in the [[Seran Range|Seran Range]] to recover the [[Bands of Mourning|Bands of Mourning]] and [[ReLuur|ReLuur]]’s kandra spike, Waxillium nearly died, and his soul spoke with Harmony. Wax laid into Harmony for his inaction and for using Wax all these years. The two had a conversation however, and Wax came somewhat to terms with what had happened. Harmony also pushed Waxillium to become his sword, his Ruin. As Harmony’s sword, Wax fought the Set and Autonomy in Bilming. Afterwards, Harmony promised never to speak in Wax’s mind again. #### Autonomy Wax hates [[Autonomy|Autonomy]] for the threat that she poses to all of Scadrial, and devotes everything to stopping her and the Set. Bavadin loves Wax, seeing him as a masterpiece that perfectly reflects her ideals, regretting that Harmony got to him first. Due to this, she challenged him that Scadrial deserves to be left alone. ## Trivia Brandon originally intended Wax's instinctive ability to create a steel bubble to be a result of him being a [[Savant|savant]] in the combination of his Allomantic and Feruchemical powers. He has since backed up on that, as he realized Wax wasn't showing any savant-like consequences. Wax is one of only three Crashers ever born. Wax has drawn upon the mists at some point. Brandon gave Waxillium his name because of the pun ‘Wax and Wayne’. He at some point tried changing the name, but it didn't work for him. He did want Wax to be short for something, and as he looked at names Waxillium stood out, because it has a metallurgic sound, and metals are important to Scadrial society. Wax has had an effect on the Elendel fashion industry.
Waxillium Ladrian
|**Edso**| |-|-| |**Residence**|[[Babilar|Babilar]]| |**Homeworld**|[[Earth (Reckoners)|Earth (Reckoners)]]| |**Introduced In**|*Firefight*| **Edso** is a resident of [[Babilar|Babilar]]. They are a musician (or possibly a DJ) that provided the music at the [[Party in Babilar|party in Babilar]]. [[Marco (Reckoners)|Marco]] and [[Infinity|Infinity]] noticed that Edso's music had improved, and Infinity jokingly suggested that it may have been due to Edso getting heckled in the past.
|**Hammond**| |-|-| |by Egilde Art | |**Spouse**|[[Mardra|Mardra]]| |**Abilities**|Pewterarm| |**Groups**|[[Preservers|Preservers]], Venture army, [[Originators|Originators]]| |**Residence**|[[Luthadel|Luthadel]]| |**Ethnicity**|[[Skaa|Skaa]]| |**Homeworld**|[[Scadrial|Scadrial]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| |**Introduced In**|*Mistborn: The Final Empire*| >“*Well then, I've got quite a number of philosophical puzzles you might enjoy. . . .*” \-Ham[1] **Hammond** is a [[Skaa|skaa]] [[Pewter|pewter]] [[Misting|Misting]] (aka a [[Pewterarm|Pewterarm]]) on [[Scadrial|Scadrial]]. He is a member of [[Kelsier|Kelsier's]] [[Preservers|crew]] who helped organize the [[Skaa rebellion|rebellion's army of skaa]]. ## Contents 1 Appearance and Personality 2 Attributes and Abilities 3 History 3.1 Legacy 4 Relationships 4.1 Mardra 4.2 Kelsier 4.3 Breeze 4.4 Vin 4.5 Elend 5 Trivia 6 Notes ## Appearance and Personality by Laura MacMahon Ham is humble, long-winded, and kindly. He argues about the rightness of the fight they are in. He also shows attachment towards his crew and soldiers and wants to make sure there are greater plans for them. Ham usually appears content. He works to give his family a better life and dreams of moving with them to a city where they can live like noblemen. He wants a life without fear or division. He has very short hair, and always wears a loose shirt and vest, both sleeveless; however, when acting as General Hammond for Kelsier's army, he wears a uniform which he dislikes. He conditioned his support as General to Elend to stop using a uniform, so, he went back to his customary sleeveless vests. Ham likes philosophical debates. He questions if going against the Lord Ruler was good or bad, as overthrowing God is not in itself something good. He also likes to talk about atium economics. It is due to his philosophy that he figures out that skaa are made different from noble men, with factors such as the number of children to birth or to physical differences like height. ## Attributes and Abilities Ham is a [[Pewter|Thug]]. Thugs--or, Pewterarms, as the nobility prefer to call them--are the most sought-after Mistings. A competent Thug can stand against a half-dozen regular men, and he can lift more, endure more, and move faster than any other hired muscle. The way Ham fought, he simply attacked with raw strength and speed, throwing enemy soldiers out of his way. As a general he might have been a bit of an anarchist at heart, but he could be a very good leader if he was given a small team. Though his guards weren't the most disciplined, polished soldiers, they were fiercely loyal. He promoted people with good natured disposition. ## History Ham grew up in the streets of Luthadel. Son of two skaa parents and a noble grandparent. When he grew up he ran general security for jobs, providing his crewleader with manpower and warriors, assuming such are necessary. >“*You know I'll join your crew no matter what the job. This sounds crazy, but so do most of your plans. Just...just tell me. Are you serious about overthrowing the Lord Ruler?*” \-Ham to Kelsier and the crew on joining the skaa rebellion[2] He joined Kelsier on his skaa rebellion, initially working for Yeden because of the promise of payment, including the Lord Ruler's atium. His role was training the skaa army. He did so on secure caves away from Luthadel becoming General Hammond. He would leave the crew for months to train and inspect them, and made good progress with their skills. He was later replaced in the training camps by Yeden and sent back to Luthadel to work closer with Kelsier. >“*We may be friends, but when it comes to fighting, none of us would hesitate to kill the others.*” \-Ham to Vin on the Garrison[5] He also trained [[Vin|Vin]] in using Pewter. Through doing this he gained a friendship with Vin, who accompanied him when travelling to meet the Garrison in [[Luthadel|Luthadel]] where they found that their army was exposed and they were marching to fight them. Ham was asked by the Garrison to join them, and Kelsier asked him to do so and be the inside guy, though Ham decided he would not betray them from the inside. After most the army was lost to the Garrison killing Yeden in battle and scattering the rest, the crew was ready to quit, but with the Lord Ruler executing random skaa in reprisal for the army creation, Kelsier rallied the team to push further and used the fact that the Garrison was out to strike directly into Luthadel. Ham was then tasked to bring the remaining troops into Luthadel and continue recruitment to join the rebellion. They would be trained in small packs without the knowledge of each other's existence. He was successful at training this army as well. When [[OreSeur|Renoux]], along with his servants, staff, guards, and [[Spook|Spook]] were captured, Kelsier decided to rescue them. Ham fetched one of the rebel teams and led the attack to rescue them while Kelsier fought the [[Steel Inquisitor|Steel Inquisitor]]. Ham successfully rescued all of the prisoners, while Kelsier remained behind and killed the Inquisitor but was killed himself when the Lord Ruler arrived. After Kelsier's death, he left instructions for the final assault. Ham would take care of four remaining noble houses, fetch the army and go to warehouses. The assault leader would be [[Clubs|Clubs]], though. He managed to bring down Keep Elariel and kept fighting until the end. After the death of the Lord Ruler, he agreed to be the captain of Elend's guard on the condition that he would never have to wear a uniform. He, along with the rest of Kelsier's crew acted as advisors for Elend during the siege of Straff and Cett's army. Ham remained level-headed, even with the threat of the Koloss army. Due to his loyalty to Elend, he tried to help him research legal ways for him to keep his throne. However, he is not a scholar and the task proved difficult. He also stayed by his side when his throne was taken and helped execute several of his personal ideas. Still, when the taking of Luthadel seemed inevitable, he along with Breeze, Dox, Sazed and other original crew members met behind Vin and Elend's back to plan the next steps. They decided to stay and fight while sending out Vin, Elend, Spook, Twyndle and Allrianne so they could survive. Sazed told Vin the Well of Ascension was on the North. When the Koloss army finally attacked, Ham led the defense, but his Keep fell and he lost most of his strength. He along with Breeze and Sazed were looking to evacuate as many survivors as possible. Ham was deeply wounded and could not fight anymore. When Vin came back to the city, he gave her his pewter. He fell unconscious after that and by the time he woke up, Vin had taken back the city. He then helped Sazed, who fought with Marsh when trying to stop Vin from releasing Ruin. He found and helped the organization of Luthadel's storage, which had been created by the Lord Ruler. After [[Ruin|Ruin]] was released, Ham continued to be part of the inner circle and gave important ideas on growing plants that didn’t need light. He also participated on the plots to take [[Fadrex City|Fadrex City]]. He trained and led the new army for the siege of [[Fadrex City|Fadrex City]]. As he gets very attached to his people, he argued constantly with Elend and Vin to continue marching through the mists as their soldiers were dying to them. He still followed orders and took his army towards the siege and though he participated on the planning he did as instructed by Elend. Which in this case meant hold the siege, avoid supplies into Fadrex and wait for them to try diplomacy and sneaking in tying to find the storage cache that they were missing. Ham kept leadership of Mistings and shared responsibilities with Demoux, until the second was sent to Luthadel with Mistfallen. So he kept the army while Vin was taken and Elend went to capture Koloss. He was responsible for making Elend decide not to release the [[Koloss|Koloss]] on the city and followed his command to retreat. Ham fought in [[Fadrex City|Fadrex City]] and tried to follow to fight in Luthadel until the [[Catacendre|Catacendre]] which he survived, and finally reunited with his family. ### Legacy The details of Ham's life after the Catacendre are unknown. He is the only member of the [[Preservers|Preservers]] without a known honorific title, but his legacy is visible in the names of [[Hammondar Bay|Hammondar Bay]] and the Hammond Promenade in [[Elendel|Elendel's]] Second Octant. Furthermore, a month of the Scadrian calendar is named Hammondar, presumably in his honor. Ham also wrote a book called the *Testimony of Hammond*. Hammond (or one of his children) was also the founder of [[House Hammondess|House Hammondess]]. ## Relationships by Katie Payne With [[Kelsier|Kelsier]] and the other members of his [[Kelsier's crew|crew]] ### Mardra [[Mardra|Mardra]] is Ham's wife who he left behind until the death of the Lord Ruler, to protect her from his job. She is a seamstress who lives outside the city and tells people her husband works in the Garrison. He missed her as he only sees her a couple of months a year. Together, they have two children. ### Kelsier Ham is very loyal to Kelsier, but is also worried about him and his ego. He, along with Dox and Breeze, try to restrain him when he goes overboard. Kelsier, on the other hand, considers Ham as prone to think about things that no sane man would consider. Still, he listened and the debate on if skaa were made inferior was an idea Kelsier never forgot. ### Breeze Ham and Breeze are good friends as well as colleagues. The warrior philosopher is a foil for Breeze. Since Breeze tends to be arrogant, long-winded, and manipulative, and Ham is humble, long-winded, and kind, they tend to disagree a lot and pick on each other. ### Vin Vin likes Ham, and he in return. He trains her on burning pewter and sparring. He helps take care of her the first few times when she returns injured from a mission. When Vin was being influenced by Zane, Ham was suspicious of her honesty and thought she might be at some point a liability. ### Elend After the death of the Lord Ruler, Ham became Elend's captain. He respected Elend but it took him some time to believe in his capabilities as a leader They befriended each other and Elend trusted him as a friend. Ham stood by Elend's side and encouraged him as he researched methods of keeping the throne. ## Trivia Brandon wishes he had written Ham as a woman to better balance the gender ratio in the series and create an interesting world building dynamic by having on screen female Thugs.
|**Tobal Copper**| |-|-| |**Born**|295 [[Catacendre|PC]]| |**Died**|Shot by the [[Set|Set]] in 348 [[Catacendre|PC]]| |**Profession**|Chemist| |**Residence**|[[Bilming|Bilming]]| |**Homeworld**|[[Scadrial|Scadrial]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| >“*They fired me because I got too close to the truth. You have to listen. They're splitting harmonium, and once they do, they’ll make bombs to turn us into turtles.*” \-Tobal Copper[1] **Tobal Copper** is a chemist at [[Basin Tires|Basin Tires]] in [[Bilming|Bilming]] on [[Scadrial|Scadrial]]. He and [[Maraga Dulcet|Maraga Dulcet]] work together to uncover the [[Set|Set's]] actions during the time when the group is trying to prove Scadrial's worth to [[Autonomy|Autonomy]]. ## Appearance and Personality Tobal is bald and wears a leather cap. He tends to jump to conclusions, makes some outlandish claims, and comes across as a crackpot to some people. He is a good scientist, but because of his eccentricity, people refuse to take his claims seriously. However, overall he is a good man and is not cowed by having the [[Set|Set]] after him, but simply determined to share what he knows. ## History Tobal worked at [[Basin Tires|Basin Tires]] first as a chemist specializing in rubber, and then researching chemical propellants to help design a rocket until he was fired from his job for "erratic behavior" around the year 343 [[Catacendre|PC]]. He filed a lawsuit against the company that was subsequently dismissed, and around the same time he tried to raise awareness of his employer's deeds by creating pamphlets and going door to door at his apartment complex. He was arrested for disturbing the peace at the apartments, taken back to the local police station, and then released after he calmed down. The following year, he decided to go to the editor of the *Sentinel of Truth* and tell her about his former employer's schemes. Because [[Maraga|Maraga]] didn't believe him at first, Tobal began stealing evidence to show her. By 348 [[Catacendre|PC]], Maraga and Tobal were meeting nightly in the basement of the offices for the *Sentinel of Truth*, piecing together evidence of the [[Set|Set's]] actions. Tobal warned Maraga that one evening he simply wouldn't show up to their meeting, a prediction which came to pass when the Set showed up at his apartment and killed him. About two weeks after Tobal's disappearance, [[Marsh|Marsh]] heard of it and informed [[Marasi|Marasi]], [[Wax|Wax]], and [[Wayne|Wayne]]. They followed up on the lead, which resulted in their confrontation with Maraga Dulcet in which they put together the true nature of the Set's plans.
Tobal Copper
|**Komashi**| |-|-| |**Shards**|[[Splinter|Splinters]] of [[Virtuosity|Virtuosity]]| |**Investitures**|[[Hion|Hion]]| |**System**|[[UTol system|UTol system]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| **Komashi** is a planet in the [[UTol system|UTol system]] in the [[Cosmere|cosmere]]. The [[Shard|Shard]] [[Virtuosity|Virtuosity]] Splintered herself in the vicinity of Komashi, and the entire region is filled with her [[Splinter|Splinters]]. The planet is the original home of the [[Hijo|hijo]] which power [[Hion|hion]] technology, as well as the [[Yoki-hijo|yoki-hijo]]. ## Contents 1 Astronomy 2 Geography and Ecology 2.1 Before the Machine 2.2 Ecology Under the Shroud 2.3 Ecology After the Machine 3 History 4 Settlements 4.1 Nagadan 4.2 Torio 5 Notes ## Astronomy Komashi forms a double planet system along with [[UTol|UTol]] in the [[UTol system|UTol system]], and the pair orbit a large red-orange sun. UTol appears in the sky as a pale, soft blue star, and is the only celestial body whose light is able to penetrate the [[Shroud|shroud]]. [[Yumi|Yumi]] considers the appearance of the "daystar" to be an encouraging omen from the [[Hijo|hijo]]. ## Geography and Ecology The planet itself is covered by both land masses and oceans. The land itself is predominantly formed of brown stone. Various changes over Komashi's history have resulted in major alterations to the planet's geology and ecology. ### Before the Machine It is likely that Komashi was predominantly a wasteland prior to the arrival of the hijo--if such a time existed. These spirits came to dwell within the surface of the planet, where they warm the stone ground in some areas, providing energy. The heat isn't hot enough to burn cloth, but can burn skin if left touching for long enough. This geothermal energy is also responsible for bringing subterranean water to the surface through [[Steamwell|steamwells]]. Life during this phase of Komashi's history is entirely dependent on the steamwells, with all of human civilization occupying the basin where they can be found, which stretches no more than fifty miles across. The ground heat around steamwells can vary somewhat, with warmer spots used by the [[Yoki-hijo|yoki-hijo]], called "kimomakkin", and cooler areas sometimes allowing for a "cold spring", especially at relatively higher elevations, where clogs are not necessary. The cold springs generally contain waist-deep water and may be a dozen or more feet across. The areas between steamwells, called the searing barrens, is known to be so hot that plants cannot survive and clogs can catch fire. The temperature drops only slightly during nights, allowing for travelers on hovering wagons to cross it. On the outskirts of this region lies the cold wastes, a wasteland of soil and unheated stone at higher elevation, and beyond that is unexplored. The cold wastes are very sparsely populated by nomads. The flora and fauna of Komashi are adapted to their strange environment. Plant life is generally able to float by various means, to avoid the hot ground. Most notably, they do this by some magical means which reduces their weight, and the weight of anything near their center. Many have broad leaves which catch thermals from the ground for a boost into the air. Some plants also have additional means to stay above the surface, such as the gas pockets on the [[Mingo|mingo]] plants which can expel air for propulsion. These plants have roots that absorb nutrients and moisture from the air. A complete ecosystem exists floating in layers in the air above steamwells, up to one hundred feet or more, where moisture collects and the air stays very humid. Plants sometimes dive closer to the ground, especially during the evenings as the surface cools somewhat. Some few plants can be found actually growing on the surface, in cooler areas, such as bamboo that can be found around cold springs or in the cold wastes. In general, the plant life includes everything one might expect to find elsewhere in the cosmere: large trees, vibrant flowers, and bushes. Many animals dwell in the plant life to stay above the ground. Many are nocturnal--sleeping in plants during the daytime hours, while the surface is hot. Some forms of lizards are able to jump and glide between plants. Animal life on Komashi seems to be dominated by smaller creatures, including mammals like mice, lizards, and snakes. There are also many forms of birds, including giant crows that can grow to the size of a human child. ### Ecology Under the Shroud Following the activation of the father machine the energy of the spirits is redirected to hion, which completely diminishes the former geothermal energy emanating from the ground. This affected the water cycle on the planet, resulting in regular rainfall not bound to specific locations. Plant life was forced to adapt rapidly as the [[Shroud|shroud]] came to cover the planet--eventually blocking all sunlight. Fortunately, hion proved to be an acceptable alternative, allowing for plants to grow and be cultivated in the vicinity of hion lines. Beyond this, the plants came to settle on the ground and lose the strange nature allowing them to float. The shroud lasted for roughly seventeen hundred years. ### Ecology After the Machine Ultimately, with the shroud suddenly evaporated, these two distinct ecologies of Komashi's past are merged into a compromise of the two. With hijo continuing to supply the hion lines with power, the surface of Komashi doesn't return to the extreme temperatures it once did. Seeds preserved in [[Torio City|Torio City]] of ancient plants are able to be planted and to grow under the light of the now-visible sun, while plants adapted to the hion lines continue to rely on that [[Investiture|Investiture]]. ## History At some point in the distant past, the Shard Virtuosity Splintered herself in the vicinity of Komashi. It is unclear whether the hijo existed prior to this or whether they were created by it. The earliest human society on Komashi was the kingdom of Torio, which settled around the steamwells. These people relied on the [[Yoki-hijo|yoki-hijo]] to bind the hijo, the spirits, into useful tools required to live and cultivate crops in their harsh environment. As the Torish society developed, scholars created the machine--an [[Awakening|Awakened]] device intended to utilize the hijo to produce hion lines. When activated, the machine consumed the souls of the people of Torio, leaving alive only the nomads living on the outskirts of the kingdom. The outcome of the machine's initial actions created the shroud--a black miasma formed from the human souls that it fed upon. The shroud spread out from the machine, coming down from the sky, and eventually blanketed the entire planet. At the same time, as the machine moved on to utilizing the hijo, hion lines began to emerge from the ground in the vicinity of former Torish villages. The shroud spread over the course of several decades, giving birth to the [[Nightmare|nightmares]] that threatened survivors until survivors resettled around the new hion lines. Eventually humans settled and learned to defend themselves from the nightmares using [[Painter|painters]]. Lines were extended between settlements to allow for easier travel between cities. Over time several nations developed, including [[Nagadan|Nagadan]]--the largest and most developed--as well as a dozen other smaller nations beyond it that were frequently in conflict with one another. Knowledge of the past was lost, and the machine's activities were kept secret during this period. It held the souls of the yoki-hijo hostage in prisons within the shroud, surrounded by solid walls. The only clear interaction between these human societies and the machine was the "[[Incident|Incident]]", in which the machine sent nightmares to attack and destroy [[Futinoro|Futinoro]] after spirits made contact with people there. This lasted until a spirit was able to [[Connection|Connect]] [[Yumi|Yumi]] and [[Nikaro|Nikaro]], and the yoki-hijo was able to free the spirits, destroying the machine. This event resulted in the dissipation of the shroud and the end of the nightmares. In spite of the major ecological changes this caused, human society persisted and adapted, particularly with the help of seeds of former plants found preserved in Torio City. ## Settlements Before the activation of the father machine, humanity was focused around steamwells in the kingdom of Torio. However, after the formation of the Shroud, the few surviving nomads migrated outwards and formed several cities and nations around hion stubs. The largest and most significant of these nations was [[Nagadan|Nagadan]], though twelve other nations exist. These other nations were smaller than Nagadan, and tended to fight amongst themselves. Humanity has inhabited very little of the planet, with Torio and Nagadan, the two largest nations in known history, only being around fifty Rosharan miles across. This small area is a result of several factors: during the pre-machine era, humanity was forced to stay around steamwells; post-machine, they were kept around hion stubs and expansion was discouraged by the shroud. ### Nagadan [[Kilahito|Kilahito]] [[Futinoro|Futinoro]] [[Fuhima|Fuhima]] [[Jito|Jito]] ### Torio [[Torio City|Torio City]] [[Gongsha Town|Gongsha Town]] [[Ihosen|Ihosen]]
|**Diggerworm**| |-|-| |**Type**|Worm| |**World of Origin**|[[Roshar|Roshar]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| **Diggerworms** are creatures native to [[Roshar|Roshar]]. Diggerworms are considered pests that can ruin a crop, and are common in [[Alethkar|Alethkar]]. Children in farming communities are often assigned "worming" duty which consists of manually removing the worms from [[Lavis|lavis]] polyps or other crops.
|**Madam Penfor**| |-|-| |**Profession**|Dormitory matron| |**Residence**|[[Elendel|Elendel]]| |**Homeworld**|[[Scadrial|Scadrial]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| |**Introduced In**|*Shadows of Self*| **Madam Penfor** is the matron of Pashadon Hall, a female dormitory of [[Elendel University|Elendel University]] on [[Scadrial|Scadrial]]. ## Appearance and Personality Wayne—who is antagonistic to Madame Penfor—describes her as unattractive and built like an ox, with hair that curls like horns. She wears a small hat as part of her efforts to keep up with the current fashions in [[Elendel|Elendel]]. She likes to consider herself part of Elendel upper society, and is likely of [[Noble|noble]] descent. She has a stern demeanor and is not easily intimidated, leading Wayne to refer to her as the "Tyrant of Pashadon". ## History [[Wayne|Wayne]] had to meet with Madam Penfor every month when he visited the university to bring [[Allriandre|Allriandre]] her stipend. She monitored the entrance to the hall and was familiar with Wayne, whom she considered a scoundrel and miscreant. She had previously told him not to return to the dormitory because he distressed Allriandre, but he always persisted. On one occasion, she seemed prepared to physically fight him if necessary; he instead bribed his way past her using tickets to [[Lady ZoBell's party|Lady ZoBell's party]] that he had stolen from [[Wax|Wax]] and [[Steris|Steris]]. After accepting the bribe, Madam Penfor allowed Wayne into the visiting room and warned Allriandre that he was drunk, although he immediately sobered up using [[Feruchemy|feruchemical]] [[Gold|gold]].
Madam Penfor
|**Varikev**| |-|-| |by User: SaleSVQ| |**Princedom**|[[Roion princedom|Roion princedom]]| |**Nation**|[[Alethkar|Alethkar]]| |**World**|[[Roshar|Roshar]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| **Varikev** is a city in northern [[Alethkar|Alethkar]] in [[Roion princedom|Roion princedom]]. It lies along [[Hoel Bay|Hoel Bay]].
|**Salic**| |-|-| |**Died**|Shot by [[Stephen Leeds|Stephen Leeds]]| |**Profession**|Rebel| |**Groups**|| |**Homeworld**|[[Earth (Legion)|Earth (Legion)]]| |**Introduced In**|*Legion*| **Salic** is a member of the , though he pretends to be in the less-extreme . He tortures [[Balubal Razon|Balubal Razon]] in an attempt to force him to make the camera work and kidnaps [[Stephen Leeds|Stephen Leeds]] and [[Monica|Monica]]. He offers to pay Stephen to fix the camera. His goal is to prove Christianity is a hoax in order to destabilize the region. He is shot in the forehead by Stephen and [[J.C.|J.C.]].
|**Peterus**| |-|-| |**Spouse**|[[Marthin|Marthin]]| |**Died**|341 [[Catacendre|PC]]| |**Profession**|Chief Constable of the Eigth Octant| |**Residence**|[[Elendel|Elendel]]| |**Homeworld**|[[Scadrial|Scadrial]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| |**Introduced In**|*The Alloy of Law*| >“* In the name of the law, I will see you hunted down and hanged for this!*” \- Lord Peterus to Miles Dagouter during a Vanisher raid[1] Lord **Peterus** is the retired chief of the Eighth Octant constabulary and a member of Elendel's upper class. ## Contents 1 Appearance and Personality 2 History 2.1 Youth 2.2 Later Years and Death 2.3 Legacy 3 Trivia 4 Notes ## Appearance and Personality >“* Cowards! You are dogs, each and every one of you. I'll see you hanged! Take me instead of one of those girls, or it will happen. I swear it by the Survivor himself!*” \- Peterus to the Vanishers[1] Peterus is an older gentlemen that has a thick graying beard and often wears suits cut in an older style, with tails that hang down to his ankles. He keps a pistol, the Granger model 28 with an optional thick grip, in a shoulder holster on his person, even at events such as weddings. Despite being a member of Elendel's upper class, Peterus has not forgotten his roots. He is a constable at heart. While his wealthy peers cowered under tables, Peterus was unafraid of the Vanishers, calling them cowards and insulting them. He is a courageous man as well, willing to put himself in the hands of the Vanishers in order to spare someone else the same fate. He is so gallant as to be reckless and perhaps a touch foolhardy, putting his life at risk in order to help others. This attitude eventually leads to his death. Some would criticize Peterus' rise to power and prestige. Miles Dagouter felt that Peterus did not actually seek justice, but rather simply pretended to do so, in order to more effectively pander to the Elendel elite and so that he could eventually join them. On the other hand, Peterus' final sacrifice would seem to prove that the man truly cared about justice and right action. ## History ### Youth In his younger years, Peterus was a member of the constabulary of the Eighth Octant of Elendel. Perhaps his most famous action was the capture of the [[Copper Strangler|Copper Strangler]], a man who strangled young women with [[Copper|copper]] wire and sunk their bodies in the canals. This capture led to much fame and acclaim for Peterus, who invited to join the upper levels of Elendel society as a lord himself. At some point he was also married to a woman named [[Marthin|Marthin]], and was promoted to chief constable of his octant. ### Later Years and Death Eventually, Lord Peterus retired from the constabulary, but he was still an active member of Elendel society. He was invited by [[House Yomen|House Yomen]] to the [[Yomen-Ostlin wedding dinner|Yomen-Ostlin wedding dinner]]. When the [[Vanishers|Vanishers]] arrived to rob the wedding, Lord Peterus was the first to resist. Despite his wife's protestations, he called the Vanishers out as cowards, and when [[Miles Dagouter|Miles Dagouter]] recognized him, Miles had Peterus disarmed. Peterus refused to be silent, so Miles hit him in the face and knocked him to the ground and cutting his head. Peterus returned to his seat briefly while his wife attempted to treat his wound. However, when he realized that the Vanishers intended to take Lady [[Steris Harms|Steris Harms]] and Lady [[Marasi Colms|Marasi Colms]] as hostages, he could not remain silent. Peterus told the Vanishers to take him as a hostage instead and called them all cowards. This enraged Miles, who shot Peterus in the head, killing him. ### Legacy Peterus was a famous and well-respected man, so his death was likely felt throughout the city and among the common folk and wealthy alike. Despite this, his last attempts to stop the Vanishers from taking the women is what spurred High Lord [[Waxillium Ladrian|Waxillium Ladrian]] into involving himself in the Vanisher case, leading to the rescue of both Marasi and Steris from the Vanishers, as well as ultimately ensuring that Miles Dagouter was arrested and tried for his crimes. It also set Wax on the trail of [[Edwarn Ladrian|Mister Suit]] and the [[Set|Set]]. Wax, personally, felt at least partially responsible for Peterus' death, wishing he had not stood by when Peterus was shot. ## Trivia Peterus is a cameo for [[Peter Ahlstrom|Peter Ahlstrom]], [[Brandon Sanderson|Brandon Sanderson's]] assistant and friend.
|**Nlan**| |-|-| |**Profession**|Sailor| |**Nationality**|[[Thaylen|Thaylen]]| |**Homeworld**|[[Roshar|Roshar]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| **Nlan** is a [[Thaylen|Thaylen]] sailor on [[Roshar|Roshar]] employed as a cook on the *Wandersail*. He was one of three crewmembers that accepted [[Rysn|Rysn's]] offer to stay ashore during the [[Expedition to Akinah|expedition to Akinah]]. [[Cord|Cord]] replaced him as the ship's cook during the expedition.
|**Jastes Lekal**| |-|-| |**House Lekal**| |**Relatives**|[[Audil Lekal|Audil Lekal]]| |**Died**|Killed by [[Elend|Elend]]| |**Birthplace**|[[Luthadel|Luthadel]]| |**Ethnicity**|[[Noble|Noble]]| |**Homeworld**|[[Scadrial|Scadrial]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| |**Introduced In**|*Mistborn: The Final Empire*| **Jastes Lekal** was a [[Noble|noble]] of the [[Final Empire|Final Empire]] on [[Scadrial|Scadrial]]. He was a friend and compatriot of Elend Venture and [[Telden Hasting|Telden Hasting]]. The three often met at balls and discussed contemporary, even rebellious politics. He and Elend planned to become political allies upon the inheritance of their respective noble houses. His uncle was King [[Audil Lekal|Audil Lekal]]. After the [[Collapse|Collapse]] Jastes escaped to the [[Southern Dominance|Southern Dominance]]. The lives of some of his family members, including his sister, were lost during [[Skaa|skaa]] uprisings.This was at least in part due to the fact that he tried to implement several of [[Elend|Elends]] ideas in governing his lands, such as freedom and political honesty, which was seen as a sign of weakness and led to him losing control. As a result, many of his family members were culled off by the new rulers when they took control. He became mentally unstable and recruited an army of [[Koloss|koloss]] by paying them with fake coins. He [[Siege of Luthadel|besieged Luthadel]] in an attempt to find the [[Lord Ruler|Lord Ruler's]] cache of [[Atium|atium]]. After losing control over his koloss due to an unforeseen event, Jastes tried to escape north into the Terris mountains. He was eventually caught and executed by Elend Venture, for bringing such destruction down on Luthadel.
Jastes Lekal
|**Trell**| |-|-| |by Connor Chamberlain | |**Abilities**|Avatar of [[Autonomy|Autonomy]]| |**Homeworld**|[[Scadrial|Scadrial]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| |**Introduced In**|*The Lost Metal*| For other uses of Trell, see [[Trell|Trell]]. This page or section needs to be updated with new information for *The Lost Metal*!Be aware that in its current state, it may not include all additional content yet. >“*She looked down at the small spike in her hands, and heard a name from a year ago, spoken by Miles Hundredlives as he died. The name of a god from the old days... Who, or what, was Trell?*” \-Marasi begins researching Trell in earnest[2] **Trell** is an avatar of [[Autonomy|Autonomy]] worshiped by followers of [[Trelagism|Trelagism]], and later **Trellism** on [[Scadrial|Scadrial]]. Trell became a force of opposition against [[Harmony|Harmony]] sometime after the [[Catacendre|Catacendre]]. ## Contents 1 Nature 2 History 3 Associated Magic 4 Religion 4.1 Beliefs 4.2 Followers 5 Trivia 6 Notes ## Nature Trell is an avatar of Autonomy. Harmony appears to use a vast, red haze around Scadrial to represent the intrusion of another Shard when meeting with [[Waxillium Ladrian|Waxillium Ladrian]], and Wax described a sensation of "dread and destruction" choking him upon observing it. The appearance of red suggests that the entity is co-opting or corrupting the [[Investiture|Investiture]] of another Shard. ## History The name Trell has been used in many ways over the eons. Trell is not native to [[Yolen|Yolen]]. The seeds for Trell's personality began to be placed during the Classical Scadrial time period when Autonomy prepped the planet for a potential later incursion. Following the [[Catacendre|Catacendre]] and the actions of [[Kelsier|Kelsier]] a group of individuals in the [[Scadrian System|Scadrian System]] grew more interested in possessing powers that stem from off-world. These individuals began to research about the powers granted by 'ancient deities,' these groups eventually attracted the attention of [[Autonomy|Autonomy]] who then began using their Trell personna again. The group would later go on to become the [[Set|Set]]. Following this the religion of the Set began to morph into a newer form of Trelagism, renamed Trellism. Beyond Trellism, the first overt evidence of Trell's involvement came in the form of a mysterious spike used by [[Paalm|Paalm]] to hide from Harmony's sight. According to Harmony, Trell had surrounded the planet of Scadrial and was laying siege to Harmony's defenses sometime around 340 [[Catacendre|PC]]. ## Associated Magic A silvery metal with distinctive, dark red spots is associated with Trell. This metal has been utilized as a [[Hemalurgic|Hemalurgic]] spike in several ways. First and foremost is the strange way that such a spike blinds Harmony to the recipient of the spike. Additionally, the spike may also be used to steal mysterious attributes previously unknown to the [[Kandra|kandra]]. [[MeLaan|MeLaan]] theorized that Paalm was able to utilize stolen [[Allomancy|Allomancy]] and [[Feruchemy|Feruchemy]] by means of these attributes. Lastly, the use of such a spike in [[Rian|Rian]] appeared to cause, if nothing else, a level of psychological distress. It is possible that Miles was spiked with this metal as well, before he died. There are red-eyed [[Faceless Immortal|Faceless Immortals]] which appear to act as agents on behalf of Trell. It is unclear who or what these beings are and how similar they are to typical kandra. ## Religion >“*You are fools! One day, the men of gold and red, bearers of the final metal, will come to you. And you will be ruled by them. Worship. Worship Trell and wait ...*” \-Miles Dagouter's last words[17] ### Beliefs Followers of Trellism appear to trace the religion's roots to [[Trelagism|Trelagism]] as it is described in the [[Words of Founding|Words of Founding]]. The extent to which these religions are related is unclear, as the two religions share no apparent similarities beyond the name of their god. Adherents of Trellism believe in a deity named Trell, whom they consider to be their creator in some capacity. At least some among them appear to believe in an apocalyptic prophecy which claims that "men of gold and red, bearers of the final metal" will arrive and rule over the people of [[Elendel|Elendel]], and perhaps all of Scadrial. Miles Dagouter encouraged people to actively worship Trell, though the details on how Trell is worshiped are unknown. Miles believed that Trell created him "to see wrongs righted" and that the religion's teachings proved he was "special" in some way. It is unclear to what extent Miles' beliefs concerning social justice are held in common among other members of the religion. It is likely that some kernel of these ideas is pervasive in Trellism, given some relations to the philosophies of Paalm and [[Edwarn Ladrian|Edwarn Ladrian]]. ### Followers Despite the religion's mention in the Words of Founding, it is relatively unknown among the general population of northern Scadrial. [[Marasi Colms|Marasi Colms]] had a difficult time researching the religion, with few people willing to speak openly about their knowledge. Several members of the Set, in both high and low positions, are followers of Trellism, and the organization itself may exist for the purpose of serving Trell. Presumed followers of Trellism have been seen both swearing by and giving thanks to Trell. Red-eyed "[[Faceless Immortal|Faceless Immortals]]" appear to work on behalf of Trell, and have been known to visit followers of Trell on occasion. Paalm also appears to be an agent of Trell, though neither Paalm or the red-eyed Faceless Immortals show any signs of being adherents of Trellism. ## Trivia [[Brandon Sanderson|Brandon's]] plans for Trell in future books were outlined during the writing of the first *Mistborn* trilogy. As the *Mistborn Era 2* books were not planned at the time, it comes as no surprise that Trell will have a much more prominent role in the *Mistborn Era 3* trilogy.
Trell Trellism
|**Southern Islands**| |-|-| |**Type**|Island| |**World**|[[Scadrial|Scadrial]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| The **Southern Islands** are a series of isles between the [[Sea of Yomend|Sea of Yomend]] and [[Sea of Lennes|Sea of Lennes]], once known as the [[Southern Sea|Southern Sea]]. Very little is known about them. During the time of the Final Empire, it had several settlements on it, and at least one nation existed on it during Classical Scadrial. The [[Bennet|Bennet]] used to live on the Southern Islands. They were a highly developed people and were famous for being brave seafarers and brilliant cartographers. Some of the maps the Final Empire used were developed by Bennet explorers. Their belief was the [[Truths of the Bennet|Truths of the Bennet]]. They have an unnamed mountain range running down their length. ## References This page is probably complete!This page contains most of the knowledge we have on the subject at this time. It has yet to be reviewed. |**Mistborn (Scadrial)**| |-|-| |**Era 1 books**|Mistborn: The Final Empire · [[The Well of Ascension|The Well of Ascension]] · [[The Hero of Ages|The Hero of Ages]] | |**Era 2 books**|[[The Alloy of Law|The Alloy of Law]] · [[Shadows of Self|Shadows of Self]] · [[The Bands of Mourning|The Bands of Mourning]] · [[The Lost Metal|The Lost Metal]] | |**Shards**|[[Preservation|Preservation]] · [[Ruin|Ruin]] · [[Harmony|Harmony]]| |**History**|[[Classical Scadrial|Classical Scadrial]] · [[Final Empire|Final Empire]] · [[Catacendre|Catacendre]] · [[Elendel|Elendel]] · [[Southern Scadrian|Southern Scadrian]]| |**Magic**|[[Metallic Arts|Metallic Arts]] ([[Allomancy|Allomancy]], [[Feruchemy|Feruchemy]], [[Hemalurgy|Hemalurgy]]) · [[Metalborn|Metalborn]] · Mistborn · [[Misting|Misting]] · [[Savant|Savant]] · [[Ferring|Ferring]] · [[Twinborn|Twinborn]] · [[Compounding|Compounding]] · [[Atium|Atium]] · [[Lerasium|Lerasium]] · [[Harmonium|Harmonium]] · [[Trellium|Trellium]]| |**Other Media**|[[Mistborn Adventure Game|Mistborn Adventure Game‎‎]] · Mistborn: Birthright · [[Mistborn film|Mistborn film]] · Mistborn: House War|
Southern Islands
|**Yu-nerig**| |-|-| |**Type**|Greatshell| |**World of Origin**|[[Roshar|Roshar]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| **Yu-nerig** are a species of marine [[Greatshell|greatshell]] found in the seas near [[Marabethia|Marabethia]] on [[Roshar|Roshar]]. They are known for their succulent flavor. ## Contents 1 Appearance and Anatomy 2 Ecology 3 Lore 4 Notes ## Appearance and Anatomy Like all greatshell species, yu-nerig contain [[Gemheart|gemhearts]] - smaller than those of larger species like [[Chasmfiend|chasmfiends]], but still of respectable size. The chrysalises they make when they pupate are similar in shape and texture to those of chasmfiends. ## Ecology Yu-nerig normally live in the sea depths, and only come onto land to pupate. They also form symbiotic bonds with spren, like most creatures on Roshar. This is one of the factors that allow them, like all greatshells, to grow to such large sizes. ## Lore Marabethian criminal code allows the prisoners condemned to capital punishment to be used as a bait for the yu-nerig in order to be pardoned. The criminals are dangled over a seaside cliff when the water is at high tide with a cut sliced in each of their cheeks, and told their crimes will be pardoned if they hang there for a week and are not eaten by the yu-nerig. They are usually attacked within the first day, however most prisoners still opt to take the chance. The Marabethian saying of "you have eyes of red and blue" is a reference to this, as they say the prisoners can see only two things: red for the blood dripping from their wounds and blue for the sea.
|**Preservation**| |-|-| |by Kyle Pearson | |**Vessel**|[[Sazed|Sazed]]| |**Slivers**|[[Leras|Leras]], [[Rashek|Rashek]], [[Kelsier|Kelsier]], [[Vin|Vin]]| |**Splinters**|None| |**Status**|Whole, conjoined with [[Ruin|Ruin]]| |**Perpendicularity**|[[Well of Ascension|Well of Ascension]]| |**Magics**|[[Allomancy|Allomancy]], [[Feruchemy|Feruchemy]]| |**Residence**|[[Scadrial|Scadrial]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| This page or section contains spoilers for *Wind and Truth*!This information has the ability to potentially ruin elements of the plot for the reader. Proceed with caution if you have not read this book. >“*The infinity of a note held perfectly, never wavering. The majesty of a painting, frozen and still, capturing a slice of life from a time gone by. It was the power of many, many moments compressed somehow into one.*” \-Kelsier[2] **Preservation** is a [[Shard|Shard]] of [[Adonalsium|Adonalsium]], one of the two located on [[Scadrial|Scadrial]]. Its original [[Vessel|Vessel]] was [[Leras|Leras]], but has since been held by [[Kelsier|Kelsier]] and [[Vin|Vin]] before [[Sazed|Sazed]] took it and mixed it with [[Ruin|Ruin]], becoming [[Harmony|Harmony]]. In the [[Terris|Terris]] religions Preservation is known as **Terr**, or "to preserve"; in [[Southern Scadrial|Southern Scadrial]], it's known as **Frue** and believed to be feminine. Preservation’s [[Investiture|Investiture]] is typically associated with the color white. ## Contents 1 Intent 2 Associated Magics 2.1 Allomancy 2.2 Feruchemy 2.3 Lerasium 2.4 Mists 2.5 Direct intervention 3 Vessels 4 History 4.1 The deal with Ruin 4.2 Rashek 4.3 The release of Ruin 4.4 The death of Leras 4.5 Kelsier 4.6 Vin 4.7 Sazed 5 Influence 6 Trivia 7 Notes ## Intent >“*If he had his way you'd all be frozen in time, unable to act lest you harm one another.*” \-Ati on Preservation[8] Preservation seeks to provide stability and preserve the world and its inhabitants in their current state. It values the status quo, regardless of whether or not the people living underneath it are happy, and supports those who seek to keep it. It has distinct difficulty acting in a destructive way; it causes the Vessel almost physical pain to wound or kill, even if doing so would likely preserve more than the act itself would destroy. Preservation is not just about stability and stasis of the world, but also operates on a psychological level. Preservation is the perfect opposite and complimentary Shard of [[Ruin|Ruin]]. This is rather unique in the [[Cosmere|cosmere]], as most Shards cannot be paired off in this way. ## Associated Magics by Gaga Turmanishvili An [[Allomancer|Allomancer]] using her powers ### Allomancy For more information, see [[Allomancy|Allomancy]]. Preservation fuels [[Allomancy|Allomancy]], one of the three [[Metallic Arts|Metallic Arts]] of [[Scadrial|Scadrial]]. Unlike most forms of magic in the [[Cosmere|cosmere]], the power is inherited rather than gained; an Allomancer can be a Misting, able to use only one allomantic ability, or a Mistborn, capable of utilizing all of them. Power is gained by consuming and then "burning" a metal, but the metal itself is not the source of the power. Rather, it acts as a key, unlocking access to Preservation's power, which can be used differently depending on which metal has been burned. There are sixteen "base" metals that can be used in Allomancy, divided into four categories: **physical metals**, which alter a person or their surroundings, **mental metals**, which interact with emotions and supernatural senses, **temporal metals**, which change the perception and passage of time, and **enhancement metals**, which change the behavior of other allomantic abilities. Additionally, there exists a number of metals that are derived directly from [[Shard|Shards]], among them [[Atium|atium]], [[Lerasium|lerasium]] and [[Trellium|trellium]]. Though most are not of Preservation, they and their alloys can also be burned by some Allomancers. ### Feruchemy For more information, see [[Feruchemy|Feruchemy]]. [[Feruchemy|Feruchemy]] is a Metallic Art created from both Preservation and [[Ruin|Ruin]]. Much like Allomancy, it is inheritable, and a person can be either a Ferring, with access to only one power, or a Feruchemist, capable of using all of them. A Ferring or Feruchemist stores an aspect of themselves, such as their strength or speed, in a piece of metal dubbed a metalmind, with the metal used determining the atribute stored. When storing, this aspect is diminished in them -- for example, storing strength makes one physically weaker. Later, the same person can withdraw the power from a metalmind, or tap the metalmind, to increase that attribute in themselves. Feruchemy utilizes the same base sixteen metals as Allomancy, albeit the effects produced are slightly different. The metals in Feruchemy are divided into **physical metals**, which store physical attributes of a person, **cognitive metals**, which store attributes of the mind, **spiritual metals**, which store attributes of the soul, and **hybrid metals**, which store attributes related to bodily processes, like health or energy. [[Shard|Shardic]] metals can also be used to store other attributes. ### Lerasium For more information, see [[Lerasium|Lerasium]]. [[Lerasium|Lerasium]] is the [[God Metal|God Metal]] of Preservation, or the metallic form of its body. Preservation's Vessel can create them deliberately; it's unknown whether it'll form on its own. Unlike most metals, Lerasium can be burned by any person who ingests it. Doing so transforms a person into a Mistborn of power exceeding that of a natural-born Allomancer; if a Mistborn burned it, it would enhance their pre-existing powers. It can also be alloyed with any of the base sixteen metals to make someone a Misting of the alloyed metal. ### Mists by clarinking [[Vin|Vin]] floating in Preservation's mists For more information, see [[Mist|Mist]]. The [[Mist|mist]] of Scadrial is the gaseous form of Preservation's [[Investiture|Investiture]]. Unlike [[Stormlight|Stormlight]] and similarly to [[Breath|Breath]], the mist can be programmed to automatically perform specific tasks, albeit the only one capable of doing so is Preservation itself. Under [[Leras|Leras']] command, the mists would go out at night and seek out potential Allomancers, then Snap them to awaken their power; this process continued even after Preservation has been killed, up until [[Sazed|Sazed]] took on the power. Under [[Sazed|Sazed]], the Mists only come out at specific nights, and turned from a continent-wide pattern into localized phenomena. They are no longer used for Snapping, but some believe that [[Harmony|Harmony]] can use them to observe the world. The mists can be used by Preservation to manifest as a so-called **mist spirit**. The spirit has limited power to influence the world around it, curtailed further by Preservation's natural disinclination towards acting in general; however, under right circumstances it is able to interact with physical objects. Both Preservation and later Harmony can also use the mists to fuel the Allomancy of people they chose to empower, circumventing the need for metals. ### Direct intervention >“*They say that You come to all people when they die.*” \-Wax[28] Having directly created [[Scadrial|Scadrial]] along with Ruin, Preservation has vast amount of control over the planet. A person holding the Shard's power can rearrange continents, recreate extinct forms of life, and even move the planet within the solar system, permanently changing its orbit. Additionally, Preservation is Invested in every Scadrian, and can alter the way their bodies function. Direct killing is, however, directly against its Intent and thus extremely difficult bordering on impossible. Preservation is able to hear the voice of any living Scadrian, but cannot speak to them; full two-way communication is only possible through the use of both it and [[Ruin|Ruin]]. It can manifest a body in Scadrial's [[Cognitive Realm|Cognitive Realm]], which both [[Leras|Leras]] and [[Sazed|Sazed]] use to speak with the recently-deceased before they pass on through to the [[Beyond|Beyond]]. ## Vessels |**Vessels of Preservation**| |-|-| |**Name**|**Length of Godhood**| |[[Leras|Leras]]|The [[Shattering|Shattering]] - 1025 [[Final Empire|FE]]| |[[Kelsier|Kelsier]]|1025 [[Final Empire|FE]]| |[[Vin Venture|Vin Venture]]|1025 [[Final Empire|FE]]| |[[Sazed|Sazed]]|1025 [[Final Empire|FE]] - *Incumbent*| Preservation had many Vessels over its history, being passed between three people during the Scadrian year 1025 [[Final Empire|FE]] following the death of its original Vessel. Preservation was originally picked up by Leras shortly following the Shattering of Adonalsium, who held it for around 10,000 to 11,000 years. It was eventually taken up by Kelsier, who, as a Cognitive Shadow without any connection to the Physical Realm, was incapable of fully using its power. However, he held it for a short period, until he could pass it to Vin Venture, so that she would be capable of fighting against Ruin and thus protecting Scadrial. Vin perished in the battle, her Shard being released. Following the deaths of the previous Vessels of Preservation and Ruin, both Shards were taken up by [[Sazed|Sazed]], uniting as the Shard of Harmony. This was the first instance of one Vessel taking up more than one Shard at a time, and it would be the only instance of such an occurrence of this until the formation of Retribution over 300 years following the birth of Harmony. ## History For the history of Leras prior to becoming Preservation, see Leras#History. by Heatherly [[Ruin|Ruin]] and Preservation ### The deal with Ruin >“*I was able to trick Ruin before, lock him away, by fooling him with our agreement.*” \-Leras[33] Following the death of [[Adonalsium|Adonalsium]], [[Leras|Leras]] and [[Ati|Ati]] picked up the Shards Preservation and [[Ruin|Ruin]]. They departed [[Yolen|Yolen]] together, before eventually finding their way to a star system empty of inhabitable planets. The two Shards found themselves at a stalemate; both knew they could only create something together, yet with one wishing to preserve, and the other to destroy, they could not easily cooperate. Eventually, Preservation offered a deal -- the two would create a world together, and Ruin would eventually be able to destroy it. Preservation [[Investiture|Invested]] more of his power into humans, thus guaranteeing for Ruin that he would one day be able to overcome and destroy it. Thus, [[Scadrial|Scadrial]] was formed. However, Preservation exploited a loophole in the pact and trapped Ruin's mind in Preservation's own [[Perpendicularity|perpendicularity]], the [[Well of Ascension|Well of Ascension]], and a portion of its power -- in the metal [[Atium|atium]]. This made the two powers all but equal, but at the cost of Preservation's mind. Leras was, for all intents and purposes, dead; it was only a matter of time before his consciousness would dissipate, leaving the Shard free to be taken or fall apart. However, before his mind began to truly die, Preservation made a series of preparations to orchestrate Ruin's downfall. Over time, Ruin changed many of them, but the core of the plan did remain. The [[Mist|mists]] of Scadrial were part of this plan, designed to awaken [[Allomancy|Allomancy]]. Though they maintained this role, Ruin twisted the mists into the dangerous [[Deepness|Deepness]]. ### Rashek As the power in the Well of Ascension continued to build, it had to be taken up and used roughly once per millennium. However, to give the power up altogether would release Ruin; as such, [[Ati|Ati]] twisted the prophecies to suggest that that was what had to be done. In one such cycle, [[Alendi|Alendi]] travelled to the [[Well of Ascension|Well of Ascension]], with the intent of releasing the power. Preservation attempted to stop him, and its mist spirit murdered one of Alendi's travelling companions. Afterward, [[Rashek|Rashek]] took up the power in the Well to prevent the release of Ruin, and used it to reshape the world of Scadrial in an attempt to get rid of the mists. This was only partially successful, as he ended up moving the planet too close to the sun, and had to make further changes to compensate. Eventually, Rashek used the power of the Well to make himself a [[Allomancy|Mistborn]] in addition to being a [[Feruchemist|Feruchemist]]. He also empowered a cadre of allies and friends who would become the foundation of the nobility, leading to the creation of [[The Final Empire|The Final Empire]]. by Jan Sidoryk Preservation's mist spirit ### The release of Ruin A thousand years later, after [[Kelsier|Kelsier]] was killed by [[Rashek|Rashek]] -- now known as the Lord Ruler -- he found himself in the [[Cognitive Realm|Cognitive Realm]] and face to face with an apparition of Leras. After promptly punching it in the face, Kelsier tricked Preservation into revealing how to become a [[Cognitive Shadow|Cognitive Shadow]], and was subsequently trapped in the [[Well of Ascension|Well of Ascension]] as it began to fill once more. Both Preservation and Ruin picked [[Vin|Vin]] as one of its unwitting agents many centuries prior, though Ruin attempted to stifle Preservation's influence by piercing child Vin with a [[Hemalurgic|Hemalurgic]] spike at birth. The first sign of [[Vin|Vin's]] connection to Preservation was when she attempted to fight the Lord Ruler and drew on the mist to fuel her [[Allomancy|Allomancy]]. A year later, she began to hear the beat of the Well as it called for someone to once more take up the power. At the time, Preservation's mist spirit began to appear to her on multiple occasions as Leras was looking for a way to stop her from releasing the power. Ultimately, Vin and [[Elend|Elend]] found themselves at the Well of Ascension, where, unseen to them, Kelsier's spirit had just learned of the danger in releasing the power. In a last bid to stop Vin from freeing Ruin, Kelsier grabbed Leras by the arm and forced him to slash [[Elend|Elend]], dealing him a deadly stomach wound. However, this was for naught, as Vin elected to release the power anyway out of a sense of duty. To prevent Elend's death, Leras led Vin to the last remaining bead of [[Lerasium|lerasium]], making him a Mistborn. by The death of Leras ### The death of Leras >“*Odd. After all these years appearing for others as they died, I never expected . . . that my own passing would be so cold and lonely. . . .*” \-Leras[46] Following Ruin's release, Kelsier was once more able to move freely about Scadrial's Cognitive Realm. Resigned, Preservation led him to [[Khriss|Khriss]] and [[Nazh|Nazh]], a pair of worldhoppers with knowledge of the greater [[Cosmere|cosmere]] mechanics. Though Khriss insisted that they could not help, Nazh pointed Kelsier towards the [[Ire|Ire]], an [[Elantrian|Elantrian]] organization aiming to take the power of Preservation for themselves. In their fortress, Kelsier managed to acquire the [[Ire's orb|Ire's orb]], a sphere filled with a substance that could grant [[Connection|Connection]] to Preservation. At the same time, Leras was rapidly dying. As the mist spirit, he appeared one last time to [[Elend|Elend]] as the latter was almost ready to give up when escorting a large group of captured koloss back to [[Fadrex City|Fadrex City]]. By this time, Preservation was too weak to perform any significant actions and could only vaguely communicate with Elend, attempting to convince him not to besiege Fadrex. Shortly after Elend departed, Leras died, and his body fell back into the [[Physical Realm|Physical Realm]]. ### Kelsier For the history of Kelsier prior to becoming Preservation, see Kelsier#History. >“*Do you know why I always won at card tricks, Ruin? It's because I could always. Force. People to choose. The card I wanted them to.*” \-Kelsier[51] Aware of Leras' death, Kelsier broke the orb and used its power to ascend to Preservation himself before the power could be [[Splinter|Splintered]] by Ruin. However, the power did not obey him fully, as he was not one of the people intended to use it. Kelsier resigned himself to affecting the world around him in minor ways, and eventually formed a plan to get the power to [[Vin|Vin]], who was held back by the Hemalurgic spike in her ear. He finally managed to contact [[Spook|Spook]], who sent a message informing Vin about the spike. The message was not, however, meant for Vin -- rather, it was meant for [[Marsh|Marsh]], who was hunting Vin. When Marsh saw the letter, Kelsier put the whole of his power against Ruin to distract Ati. This allowed Marsh the freedom to understand what the letter meant and rip the earring out of Vin. Kelsier then gave Preservation over to her. by Hunter Bonyun Vin empowering Elend ### Vin For the history of Vin prior to becoming Preservation, see Vin#History. >“*You created the thing that can kill you, Ruin.*” \-Vin[54] Initially, Vin was using Preservation's power with little skill, much like Rashek had, and at every turn, her actions were countered by Ruin. At the same time, Elend realized that the people being snapped by the out-of-control mists were in one-sixteenth [[Atium|atium]] Mistings, who Leras planned on to burn atium, denying Ruin its own power. At the [[Battle of Hathsin|Battle of Hathsin]], as Marsh and Elend fought, Vin fuelled Elend's Allomancy to allow him to keep up. During the fight, he burned [[Atium|atium]] with [[Duralumin|duralumin]], which allowed him to perceive all of Preservation's plan. Now aware of what had to be done, Elend let Marsh kill him. Vin, now with her last reason to live gone, likewise realized why she held the power. As someone new to it, she was able to use it in destructive ways, as it has not yet warped her mind to its Intent. She rammed into Ruin with the whole of her power, killing them both. ### Sazed For the history of Sazed prior to becoming Preservation, see Sazed#History. >“*I am, unfortunately, the Hero of Ages .*” \-Sazed[56] As [[Sazed|Sazed]] observed the battle drawing to a close, he ran out to find Vin, unaware that she was no longer alive. He eventually managed to find her and [[Ati|Ati's]] corpses. Distraught, he called out to Preservation, raging that despite Ruin's death, the world was still ending. It was then that the two bodies began leaking the powers of Preservation and Ruin. Though initially doubtful that he could hold them, Sazed eventually realized that he was, in fact, the prophesied [[Hero of Ages|Hero of Ages]], bound to take up both powers and restore the world. Thus, he grabbed both powers and used them to restore Scadrial, merging the two Shards together into [[Harmony|Harmony]]. This was the first instance of two Shards being united into a singular Vessel, and would remain as the only such instance until over three-hundred years later with the formation of [[Retribution|Retribution]], uniting [[Honor|Honor]] and [[Odium|Odium]]. For the history of the Shard following its merging with Ruin, see Harmony#History. ## Influence by Maria Lia Malandrino >“*When something grows, or dies, the Jaggenmire make that happen. There is Herr, and his sister Frue, who is also his wife. And she makes things stop, and he makes things go.*” \-Allik on Ruin and Preservation[5] Preservation is worshipped as a god by many Scadrian cultures. The [[Terris|Terris]] have perhaps honored it the longest; they were worshipping it before [[The Lord Ruler|The Lord Ruler]] as **Terr**, and have kept it up even centuries after the [[Final Ascension|Final Ascension]], when the Preservation was already merged into [[Harmony|Harmony]]. In the [[Southern Scadrial|Southern Scadrial]], Preservation is worshipped as part of a pair of gods with [[Ruin|Ruin]]; the two are known together as a single entity, the **Jaggenmire**, with Preservation's part of it being called **Frue**. Frue is considered to be female, and the Jaggenmire are believed to be both siblings and spouses. The [[Kandra|kandra]] have some knowledge of Preservation -- or, as they call it, the power of [[Ascension|Ascension]] -- and its bearers. For an unknown reason, they're only aware of its last four Scadrian holders: [[Rashek|Rashek]], [[Kelsier|Kelsier]], [[Vin|Vin]] and [[Sazed|Sazed]]. They might be unaware of [[Leras|Leras]], or see him as something different. Preservation is the author of the [[Terris Prophecies|Terris Prophecies]], a set of legends that foretold the coming of the [[Hero of Ages|Hero of Ages]]. Leras created them as part of his plan to ultimately defeat Ruin, and although [[Ati|Ati]] twisted the prophecies over time to serve his ends instead, they were successful in this regard and have led to the creation of Harmony. On a smaller scale, Leras, with aid of [[Kelsier|Kelsier]], was responsible for stabbing [[Elend|Elend]] at the [[Well of Ascension|Well of Ascension]], leading to him becoming a [[Allomancy|Mistborn]], and the mist spirit snapped Allomancers for many centuries. ## Trivia The Southern name for Preservation, Frue, is the Danish word meaning "lady" or "Mrs", and is close to German Frau ("Miss"), matching the name for Ruin, Herr (German for "Mister"). In *Magic: The Gathering* colors, Preservation would be white.
|**Destroyer**| |-|-| |**Type**|Horse| |**World of Origin**|[[Scadrial|Scadrial]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| **Destroyer** is a horse owned by a young [[Waxillium Ladrian|Waxillium Ladrian]] during his initial adventures in the [[Roughs|Roughs]] of [[Scadrial|Scadrial]]. Wax gave her the name "Destroyer" in an attempt to inspire her, as she had a placid nature. He tried to train her to come when he whistled, but she tended to ignore him.
|**Poltergeist**| |-|-| |**Abilities**|Possession of the living, [[Bolting|Bolting]]| This article's title is uncanonical and a fan created one, because an official term or name has not been made yet. A **poltergeist** is the spirit of a dead human being that must possess the bodies of the living in order to retain consciousness. It is unclear what causes a person to become a poltergeist upon their death, but it seems that not everyone does. ## Appearance Poltergeists are completely invisible to living humans. To other poltergeists, however, they appear in their unembodied form as a glowing translucent field that seeps along surfaces, looking almost like a mold. When possessing a living person, they look exactly like that person, although attributes like facial expressions may reflect that of the poltergeist. Possessed humans also give off a bright yellow glow to other poltergeists, allowing them to recognize each other.
|**Deral**| |-|-| |**Died**|Killed by [[Baon|Baon]]| |**Ethnicity**|[[Darksider|Darksider]]| |**Nationality**|[[Elisian|Elisian]]| |**Homeworld**|[[Taldain|Taldain]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| **Captain Deral** was an [[Elisian|Elisian]] man who traveled with Duchess [[Khrissalla|Khrissalla]] and her party to [[Dayside|Dayside]]. ## History and his lieutenant were killed by [[Baon|Baon]] while on the journey from Elis, while the three were scouting ahead. Baon lied about the incident to Khriss, saying that the border patrol had killed the two men while giving the three of them chase. [[Jon Acron|Jon Acron]] confessed apparent inconsistencies in Baon's tale to Khriss, and Baon later confessed to killing them when Khriss observed that the two pistols he carried were taken from Deral and his lieutetnant. Later, when Acron is revealed as an assassin from [[Skathan|Skathan]], Baon returns and explains what really happened. He says that Deral was a fool, and that he was planning on selling Khriss to the [[Dynasty|Dynastic]] border patrol. Baon says that he took no pleasure in doing so, but was forced to kill them in order to ensure the safety of his and Khriss' missions.
|**Gold**| |-|-| ||| |by [[Isaac Stewart|Isaac Stewart]]| |**Allomancy**| |**Power**|Show burner's past or alternate self| |**Type**|Internal, Pulling, Temporal| |**Misting**|Augur| |**Feruchemy**| |**Power**|Store health| |**Type**|Hybrid| |**Ferring**|Bloodmaker| |**Hemalurgy**| |**Power**|Steal Hybrid Feruchemical powers| |**Type**|Temporal| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| **Gold** is the internal temporal pulling metal. An [[Allomancer|Allomancer]] burning gold is able to see who they could have been in the past, had they made different choices. [[Feruchemist|Feruchemists]] can use gold to store health. When used as a [[Hemalurgic|Hemalurgic]] spike, gold steals Hybrid Feruchemical powers. The paired alloy of gold used in the Metallic Arts is [[Electrum|electrum]]. ## Contents 1 Allomantic Use 2 Feruchemical Use 2.1 Compounding 2.2 Savantism 3 Hemalurgic Use 3.1 Bind Points 4 History 5 Notes ## Allomantic Use A gold [[Misting|Misting]] is known as a **Augur**. An Augur burning gold is able to see a vision of who the user could have been, known as a "gold shadow." While active, an Augur can see through both pairs of eyes and think both sets of thoughts. Due to the emotional stress associated with seeing one's alternate past, gold is not a very useful metal. Furthermore, touching the gold shadow while burning gold causes unpleasant side effects. Each time an Augur burns gold, they see a different image, as it changes depending on their current situation. A gold shadow will also change if a person is stamped with an [[Essence Mark|Essence Mark]]. ## Feruchemical Use A gold [[Ferring|Ferring]] is known as a **Bloodmaker**. Gold is used to store health. A goldmind can be tapped to both heal at an accelerated rate or to heal from wounds that would normally be fatal. It is hard to fill a goldmind, due to the fact that it requires the Bloodmaker to spend time sickly and weak. Gold does not heal diseases as efficiently as it heals wounds. Gold healing works by aligning an individual's Physical aspect to their ideal self as recorded in their Spiritual aspect. This does not prevent them from aging or certain genetic diseases as those are considered part of the ideal. [[Aluminum|Aluminum]] in a wound will make it impossible for the Bloodmaker to heal the injury around the metal for as long as it remains in the body. Gold healing would interact with organ transplants in an interesting way. This can be either beneficial or detrimental depending on the circumstances. Bloodmakers' bones are particularly interesting due to the time they spend weak and sick, which creates distinctive oddities in the joints and bones. Damage to the soul, such as that caused by Hemalurgy, can be healed by Bloodmakers, though it would take a lot of health, i.e. compounding, to regain the stolen ability. A Bloodmaker would also be able to heal a wound from a [[Shardblade|Shardblade]], or being withered by a [[Shade|shade]]. ### Compounding A gold [[Compounding|Compounder]] would be able to use gold to have a nearly infinite supply of health. When Compounding, a Bloodmaker can heal very rapidly, and can survive flaying, decapitations, and point-blank explosions. The recovery from injuries and wounds is almost instantaneous. If a gold Compounder draws health constantly, this can have several impacts. The Compounder would be immune to most sicknesses and would not experience sore muscles, headaches, or feelings of tiredness. Even when there is nothing for the gold to heal, the Compounder can still feel a faint sense of extra energy from the health they are drawing. By drawing even more additional health, they can eliminate the need to breathe, as they are constantly healing the damage done to their cells from hypoxia. Despite this, a gold Compounder cannot stop their heartbeat or reverse the process of aging. Constantly healing from wounds can also leave the Compounder invulnerable to pain. ### Savantism If someone were to Compound gold enough to become a Feruchemical [[Savant|savant]] with the metal, they would be able to survive even longer than a normal Compounder of the metal. ## Hemalurgic Use When used as a Hemalurgic spike, gold steals Hybrid Feruchemical powers ([[Cadmium|cadmium]], [[Bendalloy|bendalloy]], gold, and [[Electrum|electrum]]). ### Bind Points Feruchemical Gold: Feruchemical gold can be stolen by placing a gold spike between two ribs. ## History During the [[Final Empire|Final Empire]], gold was classified as a higher metal along with atium. The majority of the [[Noble|nobility]] did not know that gold Mistings existed and believed gold was only accessible to [[Allomancy|Mistborn]], due to gold's high value and the Lord Ruler's intentional misinformation that high metals do not have Mistings. After the [[Catacendre|Catacendre]], it was realized that the "high metal" classification was wrong, and gold is actually a temporal metal. Gold mistings, or Augurs, had also come to be known by people.
|**Devlin Airs**| |-|-| |**Profession**|Informant| |**Residence**|[[New Seran|New Seran]]| |**Homeworld**|[[Scadrial|Scadrial]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| |**Introduced In**|*The Bands of Mourning*| >“*People can ask questions, but where there is no money, there are no answers.*” \-Devlin Airs to Waxillium[1] **Devlin Airs** is an informant that lives in [[New Seran|New Seran]] on [[Scadrial|Scadrial]]. ## Appearance and Personality Devlin Airs is in his thirties, and wears his jacket unbuttoned with a sort of intentional sloppiness. He is short, but handsome, and has a hint of hair on both his upper lip and chin. Devlin is a man that pays careful attentions to the actions of others in an attempt to better understand them. Devlin is typically aware of the motives and desires of those he speaks too. He is a cautious man and an opportunist, willing to investigate rumors and provide information to others, but always distancing himself from any true danger. Devlin also likes to hint and talk around his true subject of conversation, implying as much as he says directly. ## History >“*What you're involved in is dangerous, more than you can imagine. Get out. That’s what I’m doing*” \-Devlin to Wax[1] At some point during the [[Kandra|kandra]] [[ReLuur|ReLuur's]] time in New Seran, he met Devlin Airs. After the attack that severely injured ReLuur, he repeated several names, including Devlin's. In the year 342, Devlin attended a party hosted by Lady [[Kelesina Shores|Kelesina Shores]]. During the party, he stood under a mural of [[Tindwyl|Tindwyl]] standing against the [[Koloss|koloss]] by the fish tanks in Kelesina's home. Lord [[Waxillium Ladrian|Waxillium Ladrian]] had approached him and they had a brief conversation about the [[Elendel Basin|Elendel Basin]], in which Devlin implied that he needed to be paid for information. Waxillium asked him about the strange coin that he had received from the [[Hoid|beggar]] outside. Devlin said that they were moving through the underworld rapidly, despite the fact that they did not appear to be contraband and that Lord [[Gave Entrone|Gave Entrone]] had bought several, but they were no longer on display in his home. Wax agreed to pay Airs a hundred notes via a direct money transfer, and Airs revealed that a quarter of the New Seran nobility was embroiled in a cover-up of some sort that had to do with a building project in [[Dulsing|Dulsing]] and [[Allomancer|Allomancers]], but all other rumors had been stopped. Devlin said he had initially been curious, but after investigating he was now terrified. He advised Wax to leave the project alone, claiming that the [[Set|Set]] would not be a true danger for decades or centuries to come. Devlin told Wax that he should pay more attention to the conflict between the outer cities and Elendel, stating that he believed a civil war was imminent. He then left Wax, accompanied by another man at the party.
Devlin Airs
|**Selish system**| |-|-| |by [[Isaac Stewart|Isaac Stewart]]| |**Shards**|[[Devotion|Devotion]], [[Dominion|Dominion]]| |**Notable Planet(s)**|[[Sel|Sel]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| The **Selish system** is a planetary system in the cosmere. It is named after the second planet orbiting the star. The system contains four known planets in total and one unnamed dwarf planet on the edge of the system. ## Celestial Bodies
Selish system
|**Ignacio**| |-|-| |**Skills**|Chemistry| |**Groups**|[[Aspect|Aspect]]| |**Homeworld**|[[Earth (Legion)|Earth (Legion)]]| **Ignacio** is a former [[Aspect|aspect]] of [[Stephen Leeds|Stephen Leeds]]. He was skilled in chemistry and had died prior to the search for [[Razon's camera|Razon's camera]], removing Stephen and his aspects' ability to know about chemistry in any significant detail. His death did not, however, remove Stephen's knowledge of biotech companies, despite Stephen's assumption that it would. [[Justin|Justin]] has also disappeared, presumably dying in a similar manner to Ignacio.
|**Stardragon Flight**| |-|-| |**Headquarters**|[[Alta Base|Alta Base]] (formerly), [[Platform Prime|Platform Prime]]| |**Type**|DDF flight| |**World of Origin**|[[Detritus|Detritus]]| |**Universe**|[[Cytoverse|Cytoverse]]| **Stardragon Flight** is a full [[DDF|DDF]] Flight. The flight is named after a [[Stardragon|potentially fictitious species]] that is known to the peoples of [[Detritus|Detritus]]. ## History The flight participated in the [[Battle of Alta Second|Battle of Alta Second]] and provided cover to try and drive the [[Varvax|Krell]] away from the falling shipyard. The flightleader of Valkyrie Flight died during the battle and the remaining flight members were absorbed immediately into a different flight. [[Kimmalyn|Kimmalyn]] and [[Spensa|Spensa]] hid from two of the flight members when attempting to sneak Spensa into the female [[Skyward Flight|Skyward Flight]] dorm room. When [[Alanik|Alanik]] and [[Skyward Flight|Skyward Flight]] fled Detritus against [[Jeshua Weight|Jeshua Weight]]’s orders, trying to go to [[ReDawn (planet)|ReDawn]], Stardragon Flight launched to chase after them. [[Robin|Robin]], a member of the flight, waited on orders from [[Jeshua Weight|Jeshua Weight]] before attacking, and Alanik hyperjumped Skyward Flight safely away. Members of Stardragon Flight were involved with the [[Taynix|taynix]] program, and worked on new keywords with the slugs with [[Freyja Marten|FM]]’s help. When [[Superiority|Superiority]] forces attacked the planet [[Evershore (planet)|Evershore]], Stardragon Flight was one of the flights called into action to protect the planet, alongside [[Ivy Flight|Ivy Flight]] and [[Victory Flight|Victory Flight]]. Stardragon Flight had one taynix, which they used to hyperjump themselves to Evershore. Stardragon Flight and Ivy Flight were assigned by Jorgen to protect the city of [[Dreamspring|Dreamspring]], intercepting enemy fighters before they got within firing range of the city. At least one member of the flight was shot down during the ensuing fight, when a Superiority [[Cytonics|cytonic]] used mindblades during combat.
Stardragon Flight
|**Jam**| |-|-| |**Born**|c. 1151| |**Birthplace**|[[Hearthstone|Hearthstone]]| |**Residence**|[[Urithiru|Urithiru]]| |**Nationality**|[[Alethi|Alethi]]| |**Homeworld**|[[Roshar|Roshar]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| For the caravaneer who brought [[Moash|Moash]] to the [[Shattered Plains|Shattered Plains]], see [[Jam (caravaneer)|Jam (caravaneer)]]. **Jam** is a man from the town of [[Hearthstone|Hearthstone]] in rural [[Alethkar|Alethkar]] on [[Roshar|Roshar]]. He is two years older than [[Kaladin|Kaladin]]. ## History Jam's father served as a soldier in [[Meridas Amaram|Brightlord Amaram's]] army; he was well known to [[Lirin|Lirin]] because he had operated multiple times on a lingering leg injury. When Kaladin was ten years old, he and [[Tien|Tien]] liked to watch Jam train in the quarterstaff with his father. Lirin doubted that Jam actually wanted to hang out with the younger boys. Jam still lived in Hearthstone at the time of its evacuation to [[Urithiru|Urithiru]] on the *Fourth Bridge* in 1175. He moved to the tower and lived with the rest of the refugees on the sixth floor. When [[Raboniel|Raboniel]] and her forces invaded the tower, he found a spear somewhere and tried to resist them; he was the only refugee that was injured. [[Hesina|Hesina]] presumably tended to his wounds.
Jam Hearthstone
|**Elorin**| |-|-| |**Died**|Killed by [[Kenton|Kenton]]| |**Abilities**|[[Sand mastery|Sand master]]| |**Titles**|Undermastrell| |**Groups**|[[Diem|Diem]]| |**Residence**|[[Kezare|Kezare]]| |**Ethnicity**|[[Daysider|Daysider]]| |**Nationality**|[[Lossandin|Lossandin]]| |**Homeworld**|[[Taldain|Taldain]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| |**Introduced In**|*White Sand*| Undermastrell **Elorin** is a [[Lossand|Lossandin]] [[Sand mastery|sand master]] on the Dayside of [[Taldain|Taldain]]. Elorin serves as an assistant to Lord Mastrells [[Praxton|Praxton]] and [[Kenton|Kenton]]. ## Contents 1 Appearance and Personality 2 Attributes and Abilities 3 History 4 Relationships 5 Notes ## Appearance and Personality Elorin has yellow eyebrows, green eyes, and a bald head. He wears the standard uniform of a sand master with a yellow sash. Elorin is deferential to his superiors--especially Lord Mastrell Praxton. ## Attributes and Abilities Although towards the end of his life he refuses to use his powers, Elorin is a [[Sand mastery|sand master]]. As such he can manipulate [[Investiture|Invested]] sand to form telekinetic ribbons and walls of sand. ## History Elorin joined the Sand Masters at an early age as an acolyte and eventually achieved the rank of undermastrell and became an assistant to [[Praxton|Praxton]]. Eventually the [[Sand Lord|Sand Lord]] appeared before Elorin as a towering figure of sand, after he saw this Elorin converted to the [[Ker'reen|Ker'reen]] faith, in addition to this he resigned his position as head of acolents and quitely stopped using his powers without the other sand masters noticing. He considered resigning from the Diem entirely but the [[A'kar|A'kar]] ordered him to stay in position in order to plot the Diem's downfall from within. Five months later Elorin sponsored [[Kenton|Kenton's]] attempt at running the [[Mastrell's Path|Mastrell's Path]] in the [[Kerla|Kerla]]. He was reluctant to do so and attempted to dissuade Kenton from the task pointing to the Path's difficulty and Kenton's weakness but ultimately he relented and inducted Kenton to begin the path. Elorin expressed concern over Kenton's saftey during the trial and yelled to Kenton that he had to ask for help in order to receive assistance. When Kenton refused, he asked Praxton to intervene, but was compliant when the Lord Mastrell denied his request. Elorin was one of the first individuals to rush to Kenton after the test, calling for water, and was present when Kenton woke up the next day. Elorin encouraged Kenton not to attend the advancement ceremony, ostensibly because the Lord Mastrell was displeased with Kenton's actions, but in truth he wanted him to stay away because he knew the [[Kerztian|Kerztians]] were going to attack the Diem that day, and wanted to protect his friend from the oncoming massacre. Despite his wish Kenton insisted on going to the ceremony. >“*The Sand Lord appeared to me. When your god commands, Lord Mastrell, you listen.*” \-Elorin to Kenton shortly before his death.[1] Prior to the advancement ceremony Elorin poisoned the ceremonial water bowl with [[KaDo|KaDo]]. This bowl was, as per tradition, passed around to every sand master to drink from which poisoned the entire Diem. The only individual who escaped this faith was [[Drile|Drile]] who refused to drink from the bowl. After this Elorin continued the ceremony as normal, waiting for the Kerztian to attack. A large number of the [[DaiKeen|warrior-priests]] arrived and attacked the assembled sand masters as per Elorin's plan. Unused to combat and quickly becoming dehydrated due to Elorin's poison, the Sand Masters quickly dehydrated and [[Overmastery|overmastered]] leading to their deaths and the destruction of most of the Diem. After the attack Elorin returned to his home village but found that he no longer fit in their anymore and went back to travelling around Dayside. Upon hearing that the Diem had reformed he returned and met the new Lord Mastrell Kenton. In order to hide his true nature Elorin lied and claimed to have overmastered and lost his powers rather than admit his treachery to Kenton. At Kenton's suggestion Elorin accepted to take up his duties as an assistant again and he agreed, while fulfilling these duties he also coordinated attacks by Kerztian assassins against Kenton and Drile. Later, at [[Khriss|Khriss']] suggestion, Kenton tasked Elorin, alongside [[Dirin|Dirin]], with running all of the Diem's day to day functions. Kenton told all sand masters with questions to ask Elorin instead of him. Elorin presided over Kenton's duel with Drile and made each of them drink from separate ceremonial bowls. Elorin used KaDo to poison [[Drile|Drile's]] bowl in a plot to ensure a weak leader would rule the [[Diem|Diem]]. His plot succeeded and Kenton defeated the more powerful Drile. After the fight Kenton and Drile realized that something was wrong during their fight, Drile said that he felt the same weakness he felt that day in the Kerla. Kenton was surprised because he had thought Drile was the one who had betrayed the Diem in the Kerla. Together they quickly surmised that it must have been Elorin who betrayed them. Kenton confronted Elorin, and Elorin admitted to have been working to cause the Diem's downfall for the past six months. Elorin said that two days had passed since his last attempt and he was allowed to try again. He raised his [[Zinkall|zinkall]] towards Kenton and fired a [[Terken|terken]] dart at the same time that Kenton sent a ribbon of sand towards him. Elorin missed and Kenton's ribbon went through his heart, killing him. ## Relationships Before his conversion, Elorin was close friends with Kenton, and repeatedly tries to save his life.
|**Unknown**| |-|-| |by botanicaxu | |**Abilities**|[[Bloodsealer|Bloodsealer]]| |**Aliases**|Weedfingers| |**Ethnicity**|[[Dzhamarian|Dzhamarian]]| |**Homeworld**|[[Sel|Sel]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| |**Introduced In**|*The Emperor's Soul*| **Weedfingers** is a [[Dzhamarian|Dzhamarian]] [[Bloodsealer|Bloodsealer]] that helps imprison [[Shai|Shai]] during the [[Forgery|Forgery]] of Emperor [[Ashravan|Ashravan's]] soul. ## Appearance & Personality He is a white-haired young man with milky white skin, red eyes, faintly translucent lips and long fingers. He often wears robes and a cloak, walking with unnatural litheness. He carries a crude bone stamp with him and keeps some "pet" [[Skeletal|skeletals]] crafted from the skeletons of the dead. [[Gaotona|Gaotona]] regards him as as a loyal, discreet and effective servant. The guardsmen are wary of him and bully him. Images of Weedfingers Weedfingers by User: Botanicaxu Portrait by User: Botanicaxu Weedfingers by User: Botanicaxu The Emperor's Soul by User: Botanicaxu ## History >“* There are ... times when one must accept the aid of darkness in order to contain a greater darkness.*” \- Gaotona[4] He was brought into the [[Rose Palace|Rose Palace]] by [[Gaotona|Gaotona]] in order to craft wards with his [[Bloodsealing|Bloodsealing]] abilities to imprison [[Shai|Shai]] in a small room. He requested Shai's bones as his only payment. Every morning he would visit her cell to renew his mark on the door. Sometimes he arrived late, which Shai noticed and exploited to escape. He had a lover in Dzhamar who wrote him letters. The arrival of those letters woke him up in the morning, which is why he would come on time to stamp Shai. When he didn't get news from home, he drank, which caused him to arrive later to renew the spell. When Shai escaped from the Palace, he attempted to capture her with his skeletals. All of his skeletals were destroyed in the confrontation, and he was wounded by Shai. Before she left, Shai told him that his lover wants him back home and doesn't care about how much money he's making working at the capital, which is why she worded her letters the way that she did.
|**Sea of Souls**| |-|-| |by User: SaleSVQ| |**World**|[[Shadesmar|Shadesmar]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| This page or section needs to be updated with new information for *Rhythm of War*!Be aware that in its current state, it may not include all additional content yet. The **Sea of Souls** is a large sea on Roshar's [[Subastral|subastral]] of the [[Cognitive Realm|Cognitive Realm]]. The origin of its name is unknown. It contains the [[Honorspren|honorspren]] capital of [[Lasting Integrity|Lasting Integrity]]. ## Geography In the Cognitive Realm, the Sea of Souls is bordered by the [[Sea of Regret|Sea of Regret]], the [[Sea of Lost Lights|Sea of Lost Lights]], and the [[Nexus of Imagination|Nexus of Imagination]]. In the [[Physical Realm|Physical Realm]], this sea corresponds to the central part of the continent of [[Roshar|Roshar]], including the city of [[Urithiru|Urithiru]], as well as the [[Valley|Valley]]. It covers the nations of [[Tu Bayla|Tu Bayla]], [[Yulay|Yulay]], [[Triax|Triax]], [[Tu Fallia|Tu Fallia]], [[Greater Hexi|Greater Hexi]], [[Marat|Marat]], as well as at least the [[Makabak|Makabaki]] territory of [[Azir|Azir]], [[Emul|Emul]], [[Tukar|Tukar]], and [[Tashikk|Tashikk]]. At the Sea of Souls' southern shore, you can walk on a road towards the [[Expanse of Vibrance|Expanse of Vibrance]]. |**Topographical Features**| |-|-| |**Name**|**Type of Landform**|**Relative Physical Realm Location[2][3][4]**| |[[Basin of the Veiled Sun|Basin of the Veiled Sun]]|Sea|Northern [[Azir|Azir]] and [[Emul|Emul]]| |[[Empyrean Gulf|Empyrean Gulf]]|Sea|[[Emul|Emul]]| |The [[Astral Banks|Astral Banks]]|Sea|[[Tukar|Tukar]]| |The [[Radiant Depths|Radiant Depths]]|Sea|[[Marat|Marat]] and [[Greater Hexi|Greater Hexi]]| |[[Urithiru|Nohadon's Stairways]]|Pillar|Urithiru| |[[Reliqq's Channel|Reliqq's Channel]]|Waterway|[[Tukar|Tukar]]| ### Notable Locations True spren live in a number of settlements on peninsulas in the Sea of Souls and at its southern edge: [[Lasting Integrity|Lasting Integrity]] [[Nameless|Nameless]] [[Perpetual Sobriety|Perpetual Sobriety]] [[Ageless Beauty|Ageless Beauty]] [[Justice Untarnished|Justice Untarnished]] The [[Oathbound Spires|Oathbound Spires]] [[Abiding Light|Abiding Light]] [[Brilliance Eternal|Brilliance Eternal]]
Sea of Souls
|**Bilming**| |-|-| |by Gerard Segura | |**Region**|[[Elendel Basin|Elendel Basin]]| |**World**|[[Scadrial|Scadrial]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| >“*Many in Elendel thought they had let the people of Bilming grow too independent—and in recent years, it had become the one city in the Basin that could legitimately rival Elendel.*” \-Marasi Colms[1] **Bilming** is a port city in the [[Elendel Basin|Elendel Basin]] on [[Scadrial|Scadrial]]. A center of industry, it is the only major port city in the Basin other than [[Elendel|Elendel]]. The city's symbol is a tortoise, and residents are referred to as "Bilmingers." Bilming is the location of the [[Set|Set's]] base in 348 [[Catacendre|PC]] when the group aims to destroy the Elendel government and prove themselves to [[Autonomy|Autonomy]]. The presence of the Set in the years leading up to this drives certain political and cultural changes in Bilming, which finds itself caught in the crossfire; [[Telsin|Telsin]] and the Set manipulate things from the background as part of their scheme to take over the planet. ## Contents 1 Geography 2 Landmarks 3 History 3.1 Friction with Elendel 3.2 The Set's Presence 4 Culture 5 Politics 6 Notable Citizens 7 Trivia 8 Notes ## Geography The city of Bilming is located on a peninsula on the [[Sea of Yomend|Sea of Yomend]]. A railway connects it to Elendel but not to others of the outer cities; its port alone allows it to circumvent this rail monopoly. At a contrast to the docks in Elendel which are relatively sheltered from large waves, Bilming is located such that it experiences rougher seas right up to its docks. >“*Here on the promontory that Bilming occupied, the waters chopped and churned, crashing against the docks.*” \-Waxillium[8] ## Landmarks Bilming maintains a large fleet of clipper ships and cargo ships in its "impressive" harbor, and around 342 [[Catacendre|PC]] it adds a new type of warship known as the [[Pewternaut|Pewternaut]] with armored hulls and gun turrets. In addition, the city boasts an elevated rail line, which makes it unique among the other parts of the basin. The rail is an exceptionally quick mode of transportation through the city, and it is equipped with cushioned seats and private compartments. The Bilming City Records and Research Building is an example of the modern architecture found in the city. Made of a silvery metal, it is designed with many windows in the exterior walls and houses novel glass-walled rooms within. Since its economy boom, Bilming has become a metropolis with outlying suburbs. Its tallest building is a skyscraper at the center of the city called [[Independence Tower|Independence Tower]], nicknamed the Shaw because it is reminiscent of the spires of [[Kredik Shaw|Kredik Shaw]]. The tower is some seventy or eighty stories high, with continuing construction evident on the top during 348 [[Catacendre|PC]]. This tower is the [[Set|Set's]] central hub of activity and features heavy fortifications with the capability to detect [[Cognitive Shadow|Cognitive Shadows]]. Originally, the Set plans to use it as a launching point for a rocket intended to destroy Elendel. One of the Set's hidden training compounds is located in Bilming. Likely, this compound is connected with the caverns under the city which include places for secret research and are the location of the [[Community|Community]]. The caverns have known entrances at Independence Tower, the [[Dulouis Building|Dulouis Building]], and a tire factory at the outskirts of town owned by [[Basin Tires|Basin Tires]]. by Gerard Segura [[Wax|Wax]] and [[Wayne|Wayne]] overlooking Bilming ## History ### Friction with Elendel Bilming was created as part of the reshaping of Scadrial during the [[Catacendre|Catacendre]]. A little over three hundred years later, its status as an alternative port to Elendel, which had set itself up as the undisputed capital of the basin, began causing some friction between the two cities. Elendel's governor [[Replar Innate|Replar Innate]] at one point promised to raise tariffs on imports that came from Bilming, but it never happened. In 342 [[Catacendre|PC]], Lord [[Bastien Severington|Bastien Severington]], the mayor of Bilming, invited a number of senators from Elendel to the introduction of the [[Pewternaut|Pewternauts]] as a gesture of friendship, only to have a senator named [[Inis Julien|Inis Julien]] publicly call them pointless "toys." That same year, [[Devlin Airs|Devlin Airs]] spoke to [[Waxillium Ladrian|Waxillium Ladrian]] at [[Kelesina Shores's party|Kelesina Shores's party]] and warned him that civil war was brewing. Wax listened to Lord Severington give an anti-Elendel speech at the party and realized that Bilming had enough power to spearhead a conflict. The establishment of trade relations with the [[Malwish Consortium|Malwish Consortium]] subsequently led Bilming to great prosperity, as most of the trade came in through the city. By 348 [[Catacendre|PC]], the economy was booming and there was a large amount of construction. ### The Set's Presence The [[Set|Set]] began establishing its presence in Bilming by at least 341 [[Catacendre|PC]], in which year it brought [[Allomancer|Allomancers]] kidnapped from Elendel there to live in the cavern system underneath the city. Residents of Bilming began noticing earthquakes in 343 [[Catacendre|PC]]. In explanation, the city published news of a new subway system and began hiking taxes to fund it. However, at the same time the Bilming Transportation Authority also expanded the elevated rail system and the highways. In reality, the tremors were a result of the Set testing its bombs in the caverns. [[Gave Entrone|Gave Entrone]] became lord mayor of Bilming in 346 [[Catacendre|PC]] after proving himself the right kind of person to stand up to Elendel. >“*PRIDE IN PROGRESS. OUTER CITIES SELF-RELIANCE MOVEMENT.*” \-From a billboard in Bilming[1] Tensions with Elendel rose even higher with the passage of the [[Elendel Supremacy Bill|Elendel Supremacy Bill]] in 348 [[Catacendre|PC]]. The same year, [[Marsh|Marsh]] went to Bilming looking for [[Atium|atium]] and heard rumors of some unexpected happenings which he later related to Wax and his companions. [[Marasi|Marasi]] and the Elendel constabulary conducted a sting operation in Bilming, which the Set used as propaganda against Elendel by saying their constabulary was meddling in outer cities affairs. Local papers inflated the operation's failure, further inflaming people against Elendel. The Elendel senate formed a council on the Bilming crisis, where they shared news of Bilming's efforts regarding railroad blockades, recruitment fliers for "security forces" spread throughout the [[Roughs|Roughs]], and warships. In the meantime, Wax, [[Wayne|Wayne]], Marasi, and [[Moonlight|Moonlight]] investigated [[Tobal Copper|Tobal Copper's]] disappearance in the city; the trail of evidence led them to confront [[Maraga Dulcet|Maraga Dulcet]], after which the group split up. Marasi and Moonlight rescued the political prisoners and the [[Allomancer|Allomancers]] secreted away by the Set into the caverns, bringing to light concrete evidence of the Bilming government's corruption. Wax and Wayne fought their way through Independence Tower and eventually made their way to the [[Pewternaut|Pewternaut]] A16, stopping it from delivering its payload and starting a civil war ostensibly in the name of the outer cities. ## Culture Residents of Bilming hold a deep distrust of [[Malwish|Malwish]] technology, which is pushed by a propaganda campaign in broadsheets such as *The Two Seasons*. They consider their unsealed and unkeyed metalminds to be a form of nefarious witchcraft that puts them and their loved ones in danger. >“*This wasn't a rural backwater; Bilming was a metropolis in the making.*” \-Marasi Colms[1] In 343 [[Catacendre|PC]] the city begins to be characterized by a regular pattern of modern buildings with calculated differences which are erected in the place of older, more individual ones. The overall effect is that of "mass-produced individuality." In fact, the new style taking over the city comes from a movement on [[Taldain|Taldain]] which has been brought to [[Scadrial|Scadrial]] by Autonomy's influence. In her drive to impress Autonomy, [[Telsin|Telsin]] plans on making the whole world like Bilming in this regard. The Bilming government advertises on billboards all over the city in a bid both to popularize the modernization of the city and to promote ill feelings toward Elendel. Bilmingers are characterized by their own distinct accent, and they also have a particular way of dressing. ## Politics >“*Lord mayor of Bilming was an important position—probably the most important one outside of Elendel.*” \-Waxillium[20] Bilming has a local government consisting of a mayor and a council made up from different political parties. [[Bastien Severington|Bastien Severington]] serves as mayor at least from 342 [[Catacendre|PC]] until 346 [[Catacendre|PC]], when [[Gave Entrone|Gave Entrone]] takes over the position. During Entrone's term, [[Pielle Fromed|Pielle Fromed]] acts as head of the opposition in the Bilming Council and the local advisor to the senate. Entrone's alliance with the Set, however, gives him the power to shut down opposing viewpoints. Pielle and several others who disagree with the governor's actions are kidnapped and taken to the caverns under the city. It isn't until after [[Waxillium|Waxillium]], [[Marasi|Marasi]], and their companions foil the Set's plots against Elendel and Telsin's bid to impress [[Autonomy|Autonomy]] that the constabulary in Bilming begins to accept evidence of Gave Entrone's malfeasance. As one of the outer cities, Bilming largely resents the role of [[Elendel|Elendel]] in governing the Basin. Its location as a port city allows it to take a forward role in opposing Elendel's supremacy. Bilming is a thriving industrial center, and its government employs its own chemists and has its own military. The city began building a fleet of [[Pewternaut|warships]] even before it could reasonably adopt the guise of defending the basin from the [[Malwish Consortium|Malwish Consortium]]. By 348 [[Catacendre|PC]], Bilming had completed six large steel warships, each one larger then the previous one. This gives Bilming naval supremacy in the Basin, since Elendel has no warships of its own. As the most powerful outer city, Bilming is considered to be the main representative of their interests and the mayor of Bilming holds considerable influence. The [[Set|Set]] is happy to inflame the city's grievances against Elendel, and the political situation lends itself well to them establishing a base in Bilming. The organization becomes so entrenched in the city that it effectively has control over it. As part of her plot against Elendel involving a [[Harmonium|harmonium]] bomb, [[Telsin|Telsin]] forges letters from Elendel senators that she plans to reveal after the bomb's detonation to make it look like Elendel blew itself up. Bilming would then "reluctantly" have to access the technology used in the bomb to be able to defend the basin from the Malwish Consortium. The [[Ghostblood|Ghostbloods]] also have a presence in the city, with three agents residing there during 348 [[Catacendre|PC]]. They assist Marasi in stopping the Set in order to save the planet from Autonomy. ## Notable Citizens For a full list of residents, see :Category:Residents of Bilming. [[Gave Entrone|Gave Entrone]] [[Kyndlip Ternavyl|Kyndlip Ternavyl]] [[Pielle Fromed|Pielle Fromed]] [[Tobal Copper|Tobal Copper]] ## Trivia The city is presumably named after [[Brandon|Brandon's]] editor, [[Joshua Bilmes|Joshua Bilmes]].
|**Kasaakam**| |-|-| |**Titles**|The Magnanimous| |**Nationality**|[[Azish|Azish]]| |**Homeworld**|[[Roshar|Roshar]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| |**Introduced In**|*Wind and Truth*| This page or section contains spoilers for *Wind and Truth*!This information has the ability to potentially ruin elements of the plot for the reader. Proceed with caution if you have not read this book. **Kasaakam the Magnanimous** is an [[Azish|Azish]] ruler on [[Roshar|Roshar]]. During their reign, they issued an imperial edict that freed all slaves in Azir. [[Jasnah Kholin|Jasnah Kholin]] studied Kasaakam's actions during her preparation to ban slavery in [[Alethkar|Alethkar]] in 1175.
|**Inkima**| |-|-| |by Sheep | |**Nationality**|[[Alethi|Alethi]]| |**Homeworld**|[[Roshar|Roshar]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| |**Introduced In**|*The Way of Kings*| [[Brightlady|Brightlady]] **Inkima** is a woman on Roshar who lived in the [[Alethi|Alethi]] warcamps at the [[Shattered Plains|Shattered Plains]]. She accompanies [[Jakamav|Jakamav]] to a wine tasting in the [[Outer Market|Outer Market]] with [[Adolin Kholin|Adolin Kholin]] and several other [[Lighteyes|lighteyes]]. (including [[Danlan Morakotha|Danlan Morakotha]], [[Toral|Toraland]] ) Later, Adolin invites her and Jakamav to a second wine bar but was rebuffed due to the [[Kholin|Kholins']] ill favor after the [[Battle of the Tower|Battle of the Tower]]. Inkima is a plump woman with yellow eyes and hair that she dyed black, indicating that she is likely not of pure Alethi blood. The color red did not suit Inkima, in Adolin's opinion. She has a tinkling laugh that Adolin found obnoxious. Inkima seems to be quite taken with Jakamav, laughing at everything he said. She is an acquaintance of Prince Adolin Kholin, and accompanied Toral and some other young lighteyes (including Danlan Morakotha, Jakamav and Inkima) Images of Inkima Inkima by User: Sheep Inkima and Jakamav by User: Sheep
|**Troalin**| |-|-| |**Family**| |**Siblings**|[[Aledin|Aledin]]| |**Relatives**|[[Slowswift|Slowswift]]| |**Groups**|[[Originators|Originators]]| |**Residence**|[[Fadrex City|Fadrex City]]| |**Ethnicity**|Skaa, Noble| |**Homeworld**|[[Scadrial|Scadrial]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| |**Introduced In**|*The Hero of Ages*| **Troalin** is a young [[Noble|noble]] from [[Fadrex City|Fadrex City]] on [[Scadrial|Scadrial]]. He was the cousin of [[Slowswift|Slowswift]] and had a brother named [[Aledin|Aledin]]. His widowed mother was executed for having a dalliance with a skaa servant. ## History Slowswift quickly makes his cousins Troalin and Aledin available to [[Vin|Vin]] when she asks him for two men that he trusts. They help Vin escape observation at a ball, concealing two of [[Aradan Yomen|Aradan Yomen's]] spies that Vin knocked unconscious. The two brothers were implicated in assisting Vin and briefly imprisoned, but were later released when Yomen and [[Elend Venture|Elend Venture]] formed an alliance. They survived the [[Final Ascension|Final Ascension]] and became distinguished leaders under [[Spook|Spook]].
|**Hoed**| |-|-| |**World of Origin**|[[Sel|Sel]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| The **Hoed** are a group of post-[[Reod|Reod]] [[Elantrian|Elantrians]] that have accumulated so many injuries that they become effectively comatose from the pain. ## Contents 1 Post-Reod 1.1 Old Elantris 1.2 New Elantris 2 Reversal 2.1 Restoration 3 Trivia 4 Notes ## Post-Reod After the Reod, the Elantrian people stopped healing, so any injuries, however minor, remained indefinitely as painful as the moment they were received. Since the Elantrians were still immortal, some sank beneath the weight of their pain, losing their minds. Many have a phrase or words that they repeat over and over. ### Old Elantris Before [[Raoden|Raoden]] helped create [[Elantris (city)|New Elantris]], the Hoed made up the majority of the immediately visible Elantrians. They, like the rest of Elantris, were dirty and uncaring. For the most part, they were ignored. ### New Elantris Raoden collected the Hoed together in a building in New Elantris, which they called the Hall of the Fallen, where they were cared for. Raoden hoped some of the Hoed might surface with care. While this never came to pass, the Hoed in the Hall of the Fallen were noticeably calmer than Hoed on the streets. ## Reversal If a Hoed is placed in the [[Devotion's Perpendicularity|Lake]], their body will appear to dissolve. As the Lake is a [[Perpendicularity|Perpendicularity]], it likely transfers those placed in it to the [[Cognitive Realm|Cognitive Realm]]. As the Selish Cognitive Realm is incredibly dangerous, these people are likely then destroyed by the [[Dor|Dor]], though at least one pre-Reod Elantrian, [[Riino|Riino]], survived. ### Restoration When the large Aon Rao of Elantris city was completed with the chasm line, the Elantrians were restored to their former glory. Because Raoden and [[Dashe|Dashe]], who were Hoed, regained their minds, it is assumed that the rest of the Hoed did as well. ## Trivia The word "Hoed" is based off the Aon "Oed".
|**Armedius Academy**| |-|-| |**Usage**|Academy of [[Rithmatics|Rithmatics]]| |**City**|[[Jamestown|Jamestown]]| |**State**|[[New Britannia|New Britannia]]| |**Nation**|[[United Isles of America|United Isles of America]]| |**World**|[[Earth (Rithmatist)|Earth (Rithmatist)]]| **Armedius Academy** is a school located in [[Jamestown|Jamestown]] on the isle of [[New Britannia|New Britannia]], one of the easternmost of the [[United Isles of America|United Isles of America]]. It is one of eight schools that teaches Rithmatics. Graduating from Armedius is considered a great accomplishment by the people of the United Isles, one that goes beyond rote learning. It produces about twenty Rithmatic Graduates every year. ## Contents 1 Curriculum 1.1 Summer Electives 2 Buildings 2.1 Rithmatic Campus 2.2 General Campus 3 Residents 3.1 Notable Faculty 3.2 Notable Students 4 Trivia 5 Notes ## Curriculum A variety of subjects are taught at Armedius Academy. Each semester focuses on a different element of the subject. The Rithmatic campus has its own specialized curriculum that Rithmatic students participate in for the first hour of a period; they then join the General campus for the second hour. Rithmatic, European culture during the JoSeun occupation Geometry, Algebra, Trigonometry Alchemics ### Summer Electives Students that did not leave the school during the summer are required to take a summer elective. Rithmatic students, who are required to attend school the entire year, take a Rithmatic elective. If, however, a student does poorly in one of their classes, then they are required to take remedial tutelage in that subject. ## Buildings Armedius Academy is, for the most part, made of brick, though the color varies from building to building. The office—located between the Rithmatic campus and the General campus—for example, is of red brick. ### Rithmatic Campus The Rithmatic campus consists of four stately brick buildings holding lecture halls, each named for one of the four basic Rithmatic Lines. The upper floors are used as offices and flats for the Rithmatics professors. A Rithmatic lecture hall, Professor Fitch teaches here. Fitch's office is also located in one of the corners of the building. The newest of the four Rithmatic buildings, it has more windows than the others as well. Andrew Nalizar's office is located in it. Making Hall is also the location of the dueling arena where events, such as the [[Melee|Melee]], are held. The arena takes up much of the center of the building, has a black floor, and is the shape of a skating rink. Its ceiling is made of glass with iron supports, the room above is the prime viewing location for duels and is where professors and local dignitaries watch from. There are seats within the arena room as well, however there are never enough for the people who wish to attend. ### General Campus The General campus is located on the eastern side of Armedius. ## Residents For a full list see, see :Category:Residents of Armedius Academy. ### Notable Faculty For a full list see, see :Category:Armedius Academy Faculty. Principal [[Thomas York|Thomas York]] Professor [[Fitch|Fitch]] Professor [[Andrew Nalizar|Andrew Nalizar]] Professor [[Layton|Layton]] Professor [[Haberstock|Haberstock]] Professor [[Kim|Kim]] ### Notable Students For a full list see, see :Category:Students of Armedius Academy. [[Charles Calloway|Charles Calloway]] [[Charlington|Charlington]] [[Davis|Davis]] [[Joel Saxon|Joel Saxon]] [[Lilly Whiting|Lilly Whiting]] [[Michael|Michael]] [[Melody Muns|Melody Muns]] [[Rose (Rithmatist)|Rose]] ## Trivia Only Rithmatists are required to wear uniforms, which consist of a grey sweater with a white skirt or pants.
Armedius Academy
|**Thanadal**| |-|-| |**Ancestors**|[[Sadees|Sadees]]| |**Died**|Killed by the [[Ghostblood|Ghostbloods]]| |**Titles**|[[Highprince|Highprince]] of [[Alethkar|Alethkar]]| |**Groups**|[[Sons of Honor|Sons of Honor]]| |**Residence**|[[Warcamp|The Alethi warcamps]]| |**Nationality**|[[Alethi|Alethi]]| |**Homeworld**|[[Roshar|Roshar]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| |**Introduced In**|*The Way of Kings*| **Highprince Thanadal** is a [[Highprince|highprince]] of [[Alethkar|Alethkar]]. His [[Thanadal princedom| princedom]] is in central Alethkar, and his colors are red and brown. Thanadal's army has one full [[Shardbearer|Shardbearer]], Brightlord [[Resi|Resi]], who carries a set of Shards passed down by the royal line and usually given to a warrior who is also given the title of [[Royal Defender|Royal Defender]]. His army also contains three other men who have either [[Shardplate|Plate]] or [[Shardblade|Blade]]; Thanadal himself has neither. ## Contents 1 Appearance and Personality 2 History 3 Trivia 4 Notes ## Appearance and Personality Thanadal is an oily man, and one Sadeas views as having both the motivation and the audacity to be able to hire assassins against [[Elhokar|Elhokar]]. ## History While out on the [[Shattered Plains|Shattered Plains]] during the [[War of Reckoning|War of Reckoning]], Thanadal refused to discuss the issue of a joint plateau assault with [[Dalinar|Dalinar]], sending a messenger declining the possibility without even meeting him in person. Because he began to be vocal about Dalinar's faults, [[Adolin|Adolin]] invited Resi to a duel and defeated him, quietly countering the accusations. Later, Adolin dueled [[Salinor Eved|Salinor Eved]], another of Thanadal's Shardbearers, and won his Blade in a particularly brutal manner during Dalinar's campaign to win the other highprinces' Shards. After the [[Battle of Narak|Battle of Narak]] and the following settling of the tower city of [[Urithiru|Urithiru]], most of the Alethi [[Highprince|highprinces]] moved across the Shattered Plains with their war camps in tow. When they vacated the craters they had occupied as well as the surrounding land and resources, they left them for Highprinces Thanadal and [[Vamah|Vamah]], who had decided not to make the move. Thanadal took advantage of the opportunity to build himself a virtual kingdom of his own in the area. The political implications of Thanadal's refusal to join the others in Urithiru with regards to its subsequent rising power is uncertain. However, [[Highprince of Commerce|Highprince of Commerce]] [[Turinad Sebarial|Turinad Sebarial]] worried over Thanadal's continued seizure of Alethi resources on the [[Shattered Plains|Shattered Plains]], and [[Aladar|Aladar]] expressed worry to Dalinar that without Thanadal's forces joining those at Urithiru, their armies would be too weak to establish Urithiru as the bastion of order he had envisioned. Thanadal was a member of the [[Sons of Honor|Sons of Honor]]. During the year following the [[Battle of Thaylen Field|Battle of Thaylen Field]] he rose up their ranks and became aware of the group's secrets. The [[Ghostbloods|Ghostbloods]] ultimately assassinated him despite his attempt to negotiate. The Kholins used to think that [[Ialai Sadeas|Ialai Sadeas]] was the one who ordered Highprinces Vamah and Thanadal to be assassinated. But, moments from her death, Ialai told [[Shallan|Shallan]] that the [[Ghostbloods|Ghostbloods]] were the ones who actually assassinated the two Highprinces. ## Trivia Thanadal never actually appears on-screen and is never described in the books.
*This disambiguation page lists articles associated with the same title. If an internal link led you here, please change the link to point directly to the intended article.* **Cett** may refer to: [[House Cett|House Cett]] - a noble house that has existed on Scadrial since the [[Final Empire|Final Empire]]; Cett Mansion is the seat of House Cett in [[Elendel|Elendel]]
|**Tenet**| |-|-| |**Type**|Family| |**World of Origin**|[[Roshar|Roshar]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| The **Tenets** are a [[Lighteyes|lighteyed]] family in [[Alethkar|Alethkar]] on [[Roshar|Roshar]]. The Tenet family owns a small palace called the [[Mausoleum|Mausoleum]] in [[Kholinar|Kholinar]]. It is possible to buy floorplans of the family's home, likely through illegal means. They have a tradition of [[Soulcasting|Soulcasting]] their favorite servants into statues post-mortem, decorating the mansion's grand hall with it, which is where its name came from. In addition, they are said to be extremely wealthy, with numerous riches hidden within their home. While in Kholinar, [[Shallan|Shallan]] and her group steal their food to gain access to the [[Cult of Moments|Cult of Moments']] revel. ## Trivia Their name is similar to *tanat*, the [[Rosharan|Rosharan]] word for number nine.
|**Ashno**| |-|-| |**Titles**|Ashno of Sages, Prime of Emul| |**Nationality**|[[Emuli|Emuli]]| |**Homeworld**|[[Roshar|Roshar]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| **Ashno of Sages** is a rich [[Emuli|Emuli]] holy man and former Prime on [[Roshar|Roshar]] during the [[Era of Solitude|Era of Solitude]]. ## Appearance and Personality Given Ashno's status as one of the greatest leaders in Emul's history and his continued involvement in politics, it is likely he is wise and an excellent leader. Little is known of Ashno's appearance, but he has a bad back and is somewhat of frail bearing in his old age. ## History At some point in his life, Ashno became Prime of Emul. His reign was successful and afterwards he is considered to be one of the greatest Emuli Primes in history. At some point he left the throne and was replaced eventually by [[Vexil|Vexil the Wise]]. Even after giving up the throne, Ashno still accompanied Vexil for at least some important political negotiations. It is uncertain at one point in time Ashno became a religious figure, but by his old age he had become well-known as a holy man. In 1173, Ashno's palace was broken into by [[Shalash|Shalash]], [[Baxil|Baxil]], and [[Av|Av]] so that Shalash could destroy the art in his Hallowed Hall, including an image of [[Epan|Epan]], Lady of Dreams. In 1174, following the arrival of the Everstorm and the invasion of Emul by singers, he accompanied Vexil to [[Azimir|Azimir]], so they could travel to Urithiru by way of the [[Oathgate|Oathgate]] and meet with the coalition. He attended at least one meeting of the coalition, in which it was decided that Aladar would help Emul defend what territory remained to it.
|**Sea of Yomend**| |-|-| |**Type**|Sea| |**World**|[[Scadrial|Scadrial]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| The **Sea of Yomend**, formerly known as the **Southern Sea**, is a body of water on [[Scadrial|Scadrial]]. It comprises most of the area between the former [[Southern Dominance|Southern Dominance]] and the [[Southern Islands|Southern Islands]]. It is connected to the [[Sea of Lennes|Sea of Lennes]]. In the [[Classical Scadrial|Classical era]], the [[Bennet|Bennet]] people lived on the Southern Islands and were known to be excellent seafarers, but little else is known of their society. During the [[Final Empire|Final Empire]], there were some settlements on the northeastern shores of the Southern Sea, near the mouth of the [[River Channerel|River Channerel]] and the ashmount [[Doriel (ashmount)|Doriel]]. After the [[Catacendre|Catacendre]], the sea was renamed to the Sea of Yomend, presumably after [[Aradan Yomen|Aradan Yomen]]. Two of the most important ports on Scadrial, [[Elendel|Elendel]] and [[Bilming|Bilming]], are situated on the Sea of Yomend. The prominent [[Irongate River|Irongate River]] flows through [[Hammondar Bay|Hammondar Bay]] into the sea.
Sea of Yomend
|**Blackbane**| |-|-| |by Yen Shu Liao | |**Type**|Plant, Poison| |**Native to**|[[Unclaimed Hills|Unclaimed Hills]]| |**World of Origin**|[[Roshar|Roshar]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| **Blackbane** is a poisonous plant that grows on [[Roshar|Roshar]]. It is one of the deadliest natural poisons on the planet. ## Contents 1 Appearance and Anatomy 2 Toxicity 3 History 4 Notes ## Appearance and Anatomy Blackbane has narrow, dark green leaves, the tips of which are divided into three points. The stem of the plant resembles a trefoil prong. Images of blackbane Blackbane Blackbane, in the style of a botanical study Dried blackbane [[Syl|Syl]] carrying a blackbane leaf ## Toxicity Dried blackbane leaves are poisonous. Ingesting them causes paralysis, which in turn keeps the victim from being able to breathe. Victims of blackbane poisining have visibly darkened skin afterwards. Blackbane is difficult to make to its full potency. For that, one must first let the leaves dry and then make it into a gum. The dried leaves are said to become more potent the longer they are aged. Ingesting the blackbane paste, however, does not kill as quickly as injecting the essence straight into the blood. ## History During his time in [[Tvlakv|Tvlakv's]] slave caravan, [[Kaladin|Kaladin]] managed to find a blackbane plant and hid a few leaves in a makeshift belt. One night he took them out to contemplate what he planned to do with them, thinking of either trying to poison Tvlakv or committing suicide. He ended up accidentally crushing and subsequently losing them in his anger over Tvlakv's execution of a sick slave. [[Sylphrena|Syl]] was curious about the leaves, but Kaladin was reluctant to tell her anything. Later, Syl tracked down a blackbane leaf for Kaladin in a misguided attempt to cheer him up. She got back with it just as Kaladin was getting ready to give up and jump into the [[Honor Chasm|Honor Chasm]]. She was unaware that blackbane was poisonous, but had noticed that Kaladin seemed to become depressed after losing the leaves in the slave wagon. She hoped that having a new one would cheer him up and renew his desire to fight. Thanks to this kind (though misguided) action on Syl's part, Kaladin decided against jumping and returned to [[Bridge Four|Bridge Four]] with renewed purpose. [[Wikim Davar|Wikim Davar]] gave [[Shallan|Shallan]] a bag of dried blackbane that he had been carrying for over a year to indicate that he no longer wanted to kill himself thanks to her compassion in directing his study. She eventually used it in an attempt to kill her [[Lin Davar|father]] after he killed his wife [[Malise Gevelmar|Malise Gevelmar]]. The tip of the darts fired at [[Taln|Taln]] during his kidnapping from the warcamp monastery were coated with blackbane. The [[Sleepless|Sleepless]] [[Nikliasorm|Nikliasorm]] used blackbane to kill [[Screech|Screech]]. Later, it tried to pin the murder on [[Cord|Cord]] by claiming to find blackbane in her quarters, but [[Rysn Ftori|Rysn]] saw through the lie. [[Vathah|Vathah]] knew of an officer in [[Torol Sadeas|Sadeas']] army who utilized blackbane to commit suicide after it was discovered he was smuggling. [[Ishnah|Ishnah's]] gang also utilized the poison, and [[Shallan|Radiant]] used blackbane to kill [[Ialai Sadeas|Ialai Sadeas]] with a needle hidden in her satchel.
|**Brigs Wennington**| |-|-| |by Ben McSweeney | |**Services**|Electrical lighting| |**City**|[[Elendel|Elendel]]| |**World of Origin**|[[Scadrial|Scadrial]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| >“*Cultivated gentlemen in all octants agree; Only electric lights will do!* \-Do not be caught in the dark! **Brigs Wennington** is a business in [[Elendel|Elendel]] that sells electric lights. They are located at 4567 Cunning Place in the fifth Octant of Elendel. They advertise in *The Elendel Daily* telling potential customers to send them a runner with the number of rooms they want lit for an estimate.
Brigs Wennington
|**Ironspine Building**| |-|-| |**Owners**|*Unknown*| |**Usage**|Skyscraper| |**City**|[[Elendel|Elendel]]| |**World**|[[Scadrial|Scadrial]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| The **Ironspire Building** is a large skyscraper built in [[Elendel|Elendel]] on [[Scadrial|Scadrial]]. It is located between Demoux Promenade and the bank of the 4th 5th Canal, in the 4th Octant, across from the [[Tekiel Tower|Tekiel Tower]]. The Ironspine Building is tall enough that even when uncompleted, its top is obscured by the [[Mist|mists]] on the rare nights they appeared. The Ironspine Building is in a sort-of race with the Tekiel Tower to be the tallest building in Elendel. The architects would come up with revised blueprints of taller and taller buildings, attempting to outdo one another. Credible rumors said that both the Ironspine Building and the Tekiel Tower would top over fifty stories tall. ## Contents 1 Architecture 2 History 3 Connection to the Set? 4 Notes ## Architecture The building was designed in tiers, gradually narrowing the at higher levels. The base was built from stone, but at least the twentieth floor and above were covered with ceramics with the appearance of worked stone, to match the bottom. It was remarkably well carved and decorated, with ornate spikes and the like decorating the upper stories. The structure of the building was made up of a lattice of iron beams. The Ironspine also had its own freight dock along a branch off the main canal, with a stationary crane there for unloading shipments. It also contained a large platform that acted as a large hydraulic lever that could bring people and objects down into the tunnel below that [[Edwarn Ladrian|Edwarn Ladrian]] planned to expand into a subway system. There were a few train cars and some track down there, as well as a wooden building. A foundry capable of smelting aluminum had also been set up there, and the tunnel also served as a storage for a multitude of boxes. ## History The building was constructed by members of the [[United Tradeworkers Union|United Tradeworkers Union]], including [[Brill|Brill]]. The workers at the site were unhappy with the way they were being treated by the leaders of the Union and expressed their displeasure to *The Elendel Daily*. [[Waxillium Ladrian|Waxillium Ladrian]] climbed it while it was still under construction after a ball at [[Cett mansion|Cett mansion]]. He also planned to lease offices in the Ironspine Building. [[Miles Dagouter|Miles Dagouter]] and the [[Vanishers|Vanishers]] moved their headquarters to the building below the Ironspine after their original hideout was discovered by [[Wayne|Wayne]]. Wax, Wayne, and [[Marasi Colms|Marasi Colms]] attacked the hideout in an attempt to defeat Miles and rescue [[Steris Harms|Steris Harms]]. The hydraulic platform and subterranean building were heavily damaged and many fires started. It is unknown if this damage has been repaired. Wax fought [[Push|Push]] and [[Pull|Pull]] on the Ironspine itself and killed both before he and Marasi tricked Miles into being captured. ## Connection to the Set? This page or section deals with theories or speculation.Please read carefully and note that this is not necessarily canonical. The owners of the Ironspine building have as of yet remained unmentioned. It seems rather unlikely that the construction of a lift and an enormous tunnel beneath the building would have gone unnoticed. It is possible that the building is owned by the mysterious group known as the [[Set|Set]]. This would also make sense in that the Set was attempting to destroy [[House Tekiel|House Tekiel]] financially, which seems to parallel the Ironspine's attempt to be taller than Tekiel Tower.
Ironspine Building
|**NaiMeer**| |-|-| |**Family**| |**Relatives**|[[Vey|Vey]]| |**Profession**|Dockmaster| |**Groups**|[[Helm|The Helm]]| |**Residence**|[[Kezare|Kezare]]| |**Ethnicity**|[[Kerztian|Kerztian]]| |**Nationality**|[[Lossandin|Lossandin]]| |**Homeworld**|[[Taldain|Taldain]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| |**Introduced In**|*White Sand*| **NaiMeer** is a dockmaster in [[Lossand|Lossand]] on the [[Dayside|Dayside]] of [[Taldain|Taldain]]. He is [[Vey|Vey's]] nephew. ## Appearance NaiMeer has light brown hair, which is cut short, and is clean shaven. He wears a blue tunic over olive slacks, a wide brown cloth belt, and tall brown boots. He wears the symbol of The Helm, a ship's wheel, on the breast of his tunic. ## History When [[Kenton|Kenton]] needs to travel to [[Lraezare|Lraezare]] to find Vey, NaiMeer refuses to give him a ship, saying that his uncle, Vey, told him not to let Kenton sail. The [[Taishin|Lord Admiral]], [[Delius|Delius]], then arrives, interrupts their argument, and commandeers a ship for himself. Delius then invites Kenton and his party to join him on his trip to Lraezare to visit the [[Helm|Shipowners' Circle]], foiling Vey's plan.
|**Dabbid**| |-|-| |by ShiroXIX | |**Abilities**|[[Order of Windrunners|Windrunner]]| |**Bonded With**|[[Lusintia|Lusintia]]| |**Aliases**|Moolie| |**Groups**|[[Knights Radiant|Knights Radiant]] ,[[Bridge Four|Bridge Four]], Sadeas army , Kholin army| |**Residence**|[[Urithiru|Urithiru]]| |**Ethnicity**|[[Alethi|Alethi]]| |**Homeworld**|[[Roshar|Roshar]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| |**Introduced In**|*The Way of Kings*| This page or section contains spoilers for *Wind and Truth*!This information has the ability to potentially ruin elements of the plot for the reader. Proceed with caution if you have not read this book. This page or section needs to be updated with new information for *Rhythm of War* and *Wind and Truth*!Be aware that in its current state, it may not include all additional content yet. **Dabbid** is an [[Alethi|Alethi]] member of [[Bridge Four|Bridge Four]] on [[Roshar|Roshar]]. ## Contents 1 Appearance and Personality 2 History 2.1 Early Life 2.2 Bridge Four 2.3 Dalinar's Forces 2.4 Occupation of Urithiru 2.5 The Final Ten Days 3 Trivia 4 Notes ## Appearance and Personality Dabbid is a wiry, youthful-looking man, younger than Kaladin. His features are Alethi, but his skin is on the paler side. He feigned being a mute to avoid Bridge Four recognizing his mental deficiency. He is nevertheless, still traumatized by the events of the bridge runs. ## History ### Early Life Dabbid was born with the umbilical cord wrapped around his neck, which resulted in an unspecified disorder. He did not begin speaking until he was six years old, and often got into trouble because he did things other people wouldn't normally do. When he was young, he put a rope around his neck to feel what it was like to be born the way he was. When people found him, Dabbid didn't understand why they were worried as he wasn't going to hurt himself. At some point, his mother died, causing his disorder to worsen. Dabbid then ended up at the [[War of Reckoning|War of Reckoning]], washing the clothes of a [[Lighteyes|lighteyes]]. The man's wife accused him of fathering her [[Darkeyed|darkeyed]] child in order to protect her lover, and Dabbid was assigned to be a [[Bridgeman|bridgeman]] in [[Torol Sadeas|Sadeas']] warcamp as punishment. ### Bridge Four In 1173, Dabbid joined Bridge Four, [[Kaladin|Kaladin's]] bridgecrew. The crew was expected to charge the [[Parshendi|Parshendi]] line unarmored to draw their fire and push a bridge across the chasm providing a path for Sadeas' army. On one run, Dabbid was all but trampled by a horse from his own side, causing him to fall to the ground, dazed and with a broken arm. While Dabbid expected to die on the battlefield, Kaladin and [[Rock|Rock]] dragged him to safety. After treating those with more serious wounds, Kaladin set Dabbid's arm with a splint made of Parshendi arrows and Dabbid's shirt. Dabbid remained in a state of shock long after the battle, jumping at sounds, but otherwise unresponsive. Sadeas refused to pay or feed any bridgeman that was unable to go on runs, so Dabbid survived off of food Bridge Four bought by selling [[Knobweed|knobweed]] sap they secretly gathered while collecting stones. Dabbid’s arm eventually healed, and he was able to follow others around, but he still didn’t talk; others worried that he would never recover from his battle shock. Dabbid eventually began to assist [[Lopen|Lopen]], who referred to him as “moolie" (meaning "mute"), in bringing waterskins and first aid supplies on runs. Bridge Four was later sentenced to regularly scavenge the chasms as punishment for having a high survival rate. Kaladin used this as an opportunity to secretly train the bridgemen to fight so they could escape Sadeas' warcamp. While the others were practicing, Dabbid, along with Rock, Lopen, and [[Shen|Shen]], who could not fight for various reasons, continued to recover valuables in order to meet their quota and avoid suspicion. [[Syl|Syl]] was able to fly ahead and quickly lead them to corpses that had not been scavenged so the four men could do the work usually done by a whole crew. On later bridgeruns, Dabbid and Lopen covertly retrieved large amounts of money and Parshendi armor that had been collected from the chasms and secured to the underside of one of the permanent bridges. Bridge Four was able to use the armor to enrage the Parshendi and draw their fire, reducing the bridgecrew's mortality rate even further. On Dabbid's final bridgerun, Sadeas abandoned [[Dalinar|Dalinar's]] army mid-battle and left them to die. While Bridge Four had the opportunity to escape, they instead decided to help the Kholin army retreat. After Kaladin used a large amount of [[Stormlight|stormlight]] to protect his men from a volley of arrows and went into shock, Dabbid joined the rest of the bridgecrew to complete the approach. Bridge Four was able to rescue Dalinar and in return he bought their freedom by giving Sadeas his [[Shardblade|shardblade]]. ### Dalinar's Forces After being recruited by [[Dalinar Kholin|Dalinar Kholin]], Kaladin assigned Dabbid and Shen to help Lopen assist Rock in feeding other bridgemen. He was one of the most capable members of Bridge Four to help Rock when cooking. During the [[Battle of Narak|Battle of Narak]], Dabbid is left behind at the warcamp alongside Lopen, [[Hobber|Hobber]], and [[Moash|Moash]], to look after the barracks and assist Kaladin in his recovery. After the battle, [[Bridge Four|Bridge Four]] relocated to [[Urithiru|Urithiru]] where Dabbid helped Rock in the kitchen. While Dabbid still doesn’t talk, he made up for it with stirring and running waterskins. He had actually become sort of an unofficial mascot for Bridge Four with the others saluting him when they pass. Upon seeing the smoke to the west after Hobber’s miracle, Bridge Four charged with their bridge towards it. Once the bridge was in place and they ran across, Dabbid and Lopen unhooked the shields and spears and tossed one to each of the bridgemen. Despite being the unofficial mascot of Bridge Four, Dabbid was still unable to draw in [[Stormlight|Stormlight]], something he shared with [[Rlain|Rlain]]. While the others never spoke it, Rlain saw the truth in the reactions of the other bridgemen, that it was probably best that him and Dabbid remain without Stormlight. ### Occupation of Urithiru At some point while living in Urithiru, the [[Sibling|Sibling]] reached out to establish a connection to Dabbid. The Sibling asked Dabbid to switch a spanreed gem to communicate with [[Navani|Navani]]. Dabbid gets caught making the switch. During interrogation, one of Navani's guards identifies him as a member of Bridge 4. When the Singer invasion begins, Dabbid shows Navani which strata to touch to talk to the Sibling directly. As the occupations continues Dabbid becomes the go between for Navani and Kaladin. The Sibling is able to guide Dabbid to Kaladin's hiding spot in the higher floors to deliver broth. He also delivers the elevator gauntlet fabrial and infused gemstones from Navani. As Kaladin goes to skirmish with [[Lezian|Lezian]] at the well, Dabbid says his first words since the disastrous bridge run: "Life before Death". After the skirmish Dabbid is able to meet up with [[Rlain|Rlain]] to wake Kaladin up from his comatose state. ### The Final Ten Days When Kaladin is preparing to leave for the conquest of Shinovar, he sees Dabbid with an honorspren trailing him. [[Leyten|Leyten]] mentions it must have something to do with [[Adolin|Adolin's]] trip, meaning she is one of the new honorspren recruits. [[Syl|Syl]] pops up and mentions the new honorspren's name is [[Lusintia|Lusintia]], and calls her a bore. Later, Skar asks Kaladin what he thinks will happen to Dabbid's ailment, and Kaladin says that whatever happens, Dabbid will have a say. It is unknown what his actions through the rest of the ten days and beyond the [[Night of Sorrows|Night of Sorrows]] were, or if he has bonded the honorspren Lusintia yet. ## Trivia Dabbid's inspiration came from two sources: reading books and stories of people who have lived a life like Dabbid's, and the fact that all three of Brandon's children had complications at birth (including one having the cord wrapped around his neck as well).
|**Fain**| |-|-| |**World of Origin**|[[Yolen|Yolen]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| This page or section contains spoilers for *Wind and Truth*!This information has the ability to potentially ruin elements of the plot for the reader. Proceed with caution if you have not read this book. The **fain** or **fainlife** is a class of lifeforms on [[Yolen|Yolen]]. Fain creatures generally have six limbs. Two of the three sapient species from Yolen, the [[Sho Del|Sho Del]] and [[Dragon (cosmere)|dragons]], are fain; the Sho Del fill the same niche in the fain ecosystem that humans fill in the normal one. Another form of fainlife is [[Tamu Kek|Tamu Keks]], bones that are somehow similar to [[Singer|singer]] [[Gemheart|gemhearts]] and can be used for inter-[[Realmatic Theory|Realm]] communication in some way. Fain flora is bone-white and [[Tanavast|Tanavast]] describes fain animals as likely to be timid upon encountering a significant amount of color for the first time. Though it originated on Yolen, the fain ecosystem has spread beyond that planet in significant ways. Knowledge of its existence is not uncommon among [[Cosmere|cosmere]]-aware people after the [[Shattering of Adonalsium|Shattering of Adonalsium]]; when discussing how [[Ruin|Ruin]] and [[Preservation|Preservation]] used the Yolish ecosystem as a model for [[Scadrial|Scadrial]], [[Khriss|Khriss]] is able to mention without further explanation that "of course" this means the non-fain parts. ## Unpublished Works This page or section contains details from the unpublished works *The Liar of Partinel* and [[Dragonsteel Prime|Dragonsteel Prime]]!This information has the potential to ruin plot elements of both published works and upcoming book releases for the reader. It should also be considered uncanonical and could completely change in the future. In *The Liar of Partinel*, the fainlife had rapidly grown to cover much of the planet, though humans eventually learned to keep it in check with something known as a **trune ring**; **trune** was the name given to the regular, non-fain ecosystem. A type of fainlife known as **skullmoss** heralded the advance of further fainlife. Its leaves would sometimes drift across a trune ring and some cities would gather them up and burn them, though this was not strictly necessary. Merely interacting with the fainlife was safe and some cities even used fain wood for construction, but eating any amount of fainlife was deadly to humans. In [[Dragonsteel Prime|Dragonsteel Prime]], the Yolish version of the [[Shattered Plains|Shattered Plains]] was the only connection between the fain and non-fain parts of the world. At the Shattered Plains, Sho Del fought humans for a material known as Dragonsteel. According to [[Jerick|Jerick]], at least some Sho Del had also made it past the Shattered Plains and killed civilians, and had attempted to kill his king. In this draft, Tamu Keks were long, thin bones that came to a point at both ends that could be found on Sho Del; Jerick was able to sense the power coming off them and warned one of his companions not to touch them. In the non-canonical work *The Traveler*, fainlife is described as looking like ordinary flora, though the plants and land overtaken by it are bone-white. ## Trivia The Sho Del, dragons, and Tamu Keks are some of the few things from *Dragonsteel* Prime that are still part of the cosmere. When writing *Rhythm of War*, Brandon debated whether to have the communication box that [[Mraize|Mraize]] gave to [[Shallan|Shallan]] contain a [[Seon|seon]] or a Tamu Kek, but eventually settled on making it a seon because they have personalities whereas Tamu Keks are just bones. The fainlife ecosystem was built from Brandon thinking about what sort of ecology would likely give rise to dragons and about what other evolutionary strains would exist in such an ecology.
|**Unknown**| |-|-| |**Family**| |**Spouse**|[[Dedelin|Dedelin]]| |**Children**|[[Vivenna|Vivenna]], [[Ridger|Ridger]], [[Fafen|Fafen]], [[Sisirinah|Sisirinah]]| |**Died**|Riding accident| |**Titles**|Queen of [[Idris|Idris]]| |**Residence**|[[Bevalis|Bevalis]]| |**Ethnicity**|[[Idrian|Idrian]]| |**Homeworld**|[[Nalthis|Nalthis]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| This article's title is uncanonical and a fan created one, because an official term or name has not been made yet. **Vivenna's mother** is the queen of [[Idris|Idris]] on [[Nalthis|Nalthis]] approximately 300 years after the [[Manywar|Manywar]]. ## History Vivenna's mother married [[Dedelin|Dedelin]] and had three daughters: [[Vivenna|Vivenna]], [[Fafen|Fafen]], [[Sisirinah|Sisirinah]], and one son [[Ridger|Ridger]]. She taught her daughters propriety, specifically teaching Siri that it was unseemly to stare at young men. Her older daughters especially felt that their mother supervised their lives and taught them to be controlled. She died over a decade prior to the [[Pahn Kahl rebellion|Pahn Kahl rebellion]] in a riding accident. ## Legacy Vivenna, who keeps herself under control at all times largely because of her mother's influence, reminds Dedelin very strongly of his late wife. This is a major factor in his decision not to send Vivenna to [[Hallandren|Hallandren]], even though he doesn't admit this reasoning to himself. Both of them are unpleasantly reminded of Vivenna's mother's death when they see Siri out taking rides on horseback; this leads to a lot of tension in their relationships, which Siri doesn't understand because she doesn't remember her mother's death.
Vivennas mother
|**Plamry**| |-|-| |**Profession**|Porter| |**Nationality**|[[Thaylen|Thaylen]]| |**Homeworld**|[[Roshar|Roshar]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| |**Introduced In**|* Dawnshard*| **Plamry** is a [[Thaylen|Thaylen]] man on [[Roshar|Roshar]] that worked with [[Nikliasorm|Nikli]] as a porter to [[Rysn|Rysn]]. ## History Plamry did not seem to be present when [[Nikliasorm|Nikli]] first appeared in [[Urithiru|Urithiru]] and was presumably hired to serve as Nikli's assistant porter shortly before the *Wandersail* departed on the [[Expedition to Akinah|expedition to Akinah]] in 1174. When Nikli was discovered by Rysn to have been working against the voyage, Plamry was also under suspicion and taken captive by [[Kstled|Kstled]]. Despite Nikli's insistence that Plamry was not aware of its plan, [[Lopen|Lopen]] and [[Huio|Huio]] flew both of them to the main island of [[Aimia|Aimia]], chained them up, and left them with food and water, so that the *Wandersail* could continue its mission. Plamry was indeed ignorant of Nikli's true goals and its nature as a [[Sleepless|Sleepless]]. Nikli presumably used its abilities to escape from Aimia, and Plamry's mental state after seeing hordelings in action is unclear. He was recovered from Aimia after the mission to explore [[Akinah|Akinah]] had been completed.
|**Shardplate**| |-|-| |by Ben McSweeney | |**Related to**|[[Knights Radiant|Knights Radiant]]| |**World of Origin**|[[Roshar|Roshar]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| This page or section contains spoilers for *Wind and Truth*!This information has the ability to potentially ruin elements of the plot for the reader. Proceed with caution if you have not read this book. This page or section needs to be updated with new information for *Rhythm of War* and *Wind and Truth*!Be aware that in its current state, it may not include all additional content yet. >“*Shardplate wasn't merely armor. It was so much more.*” \-Dalinar[1] **Shardplate** is an ancient and magical type of full-body armor found on [[Roshar|Roshar]]. Shardplates used by Radiants are lesser spren who have taken a physical form, and as such are [[Splinter|Splinters]] of [[Shard|Shards]] [[Honor|Honor]] and [[Cultivation|Cultivation]]. They are usually used with [[Shardblade|Shardblades]], Invested swords that also exist on Roshar, as Shardblades are so large that they are unwieldy on their own. Those who are bound to a Shardplate are referred to as Shardbearers. ## Contents 1 Abilities 1.1 General Characteristics 1.2 Protection 1.3 Vulnerability 2 Types 2.1 Radiant Shardplates 2.2 Dead Shardplates 2.3 Unoathed Shardplate 3 Acquiring and Donning 4 Cosmere 4.1 Origin 5 Known Shardbearers 5.1 Radiant Shardplates 5.2 Dead Shardplates 6 Trivia 7 Notes ## Abilities ### General Characteristics For more images of Shardplate, see [[Shardplate/Gallery|/Gallery]]. by Isaac Stewart A section of scroll, collected by [[Nazh|Nazh]], depicts a Shardbearer successfully using Ironstance. >“*A single man with Plate and Blade was almost an army unto himself.*” \-Dalinar[7] A set of Shardplate is constructed of individual pieces that, when assembled, protect the entire body. There are no gaps between sections of the armor, only increasingly small overlapping Plates. Shardplate helms have visors with eye slits that may be lifted up to expose the face. Although similar in appearance, each individual suit of Shardplate has a unique look, and because it conforms to the shape of its wearer, the same suit may appear unique on different individuals. Suits of Shardplate can weigh over 100 stoneweights. Shardplate does not dent or bend. Instead, sections of the armor can crack after heavy or repeated impact and will eventually fail. When a section of the armor fails, it will explode into bits of molten metal. Damaged sections will leak Stormlight. While enough leaks will deplete the gemstones and cause the armor to lock up, individual leaks, even large ones, will eventually "seal over" on their own, preventing further loss of Stormlight, even if the damage hasn't fully healed yet. The Shardplate helmet has a face shield with a horizontal eye slit for visibility. In some instances, the face shield can adapt to protect the wearer's vision from the brightness of a lightning strike. It is implied that when closed, the edges of the visor meld into a single, unbroken surface with the rest of the helm in a small puff of mist. Shardplate also greatly enhances its users' strength and speed. It provides the ability to jump great distances, heave objects of great weight, and run at high speeds. The strength that is granted by Shardplate is such that Dalinar Kholin is able to catch a chasmfiend's swinging foreclaw and hold the creature at bay long enough for Adolin to further weaken it, although his Plate was severely damaged by the strain. The extra support of Shardplate can assist the wearer in overcoming physical injuries that might otherwise leave them incapacitated. Shardbearers require extensive training to be able to control this strength and move smoothly without damaging everyday objects. Agility and dexterity are increased by Shardplate. A person armored in Shardplate acquires faster reflexes and is more responsive in battle. Shardplate urges those who wear it to move and take action. ### Protection Shardplate provides protection from impact caused by a weapon or from a fall. The individual wearing the Plate is able to feel impacts from within the armor, but their force is greatly reduced. The sensation of touch, however, is transferred through the fingers of the gauntlets, allowing the wearer to feel fine detail. Shardplate is durable enough to withstand gunshots. Shardplate is also highly conductive and transmits electricity like a Faraday cage -- allowing electricity to flow through the plate and not the body -- protecting the wearer from attacks by stormform Regals. Shardplates are very heavy and thus it is hard to trip or stumble the Shardbearer. Shardplate differs from ordinary armor in that it can stop blows from [[Shardblade|Shardblades]] or other highly Invested attacks. This capacity is not unlimited, as damage can still crack and even break the Plate with repeated blows. But Shardplate is one of the few materials that can block or resist a Shardblade strike to any degree, apart from another Shardblade or a [[Half-shard|half-shard]]. Shardplate is also designed to maintain temperature and life support, and is strong enough to protect a user from heat that could burn a person alive in seconds. Due to its heavily Invested nature, Shardplate protects the user from most forms of [[Investiture|Investiture]], including Surgebinding, though this effect is weakened if parts, such as the helm, have been removed. It is not possible to use any lashings against someone armored in Shardplate. It is also not possible for a wielder of an Honorblade to Surgebind while wearing Plate, due to interference from the gemstones. The helmet also protects the wearer from emotional [[Allomancy|Allomancy]]. ### Vulnerability by Petar Penev A Shardbearer leaping into battle Although incredibly strong, Shardplate is not invincible. Repeated impacts to the same areas can cause that piece of the armor to crack and leak Stormlight, depleting it at a higher rate. Once the Stormlight is exhausted, the armor will "freeze up" and be rendered immobile. Individual sections of Plate can be cracked to the point of failure. Upon failure, the piece of armor explodes into bits of molten metal, leaving that area of the warrior exposed. A Shardbearer can remain in combat with some pieces of armor missing, but, for example, destroying a can incapacitate a Shardbearer by rendering them unable to support the armor's weight. Also, the breastplate is a central support structure for Shardplate; destroying the breastplate alone will cause the armor to stop functioning fully, making it difficult to move the limbs. It is possible to stand up from the ground with a broken breastplate, but the maneuver requires some experience with Plate. In close combat, the single most vulnerable spot on Plate is the eye slit. With luck or skill, or by somehow restraining the Shardbearer, a knife, arrow, or spear can be stabbed through the slit; at that specific spot, many wounds will be instantly fatal. When charging against arrows, Shardbearers usually cover their eye slit with their arms to prevent lucky hits. There are also a number of tactics that can be used by prepared enemies against Shardplate. The armor is incredibly heavy; though it will protect the wearer from a fall, the fall can still damage the Plate. One tactic used against Shardbearers is to force them to fall a great distance, either by directly pushing them over an edge or by putting them in a position where their great weight, or perhaps some other mechanism, will cause whatever they're walking on to fall apart, dropping the Shardbearer. Another common tactic is to bind the Shardbearer with hooks or ropes. Though a Shardbearer's strength is enhanced, enough people holding them back with hooks or ropes can slow them down enough for blows to be struck; ropes can also be strung horizontally to attempt to trip the Shardbearer. Massive, blunt projectiles can also be used against Shardplate. At the [[Battle of the Tower|Battle of the Tower]], [[Listener|listeners]] use two-handed slings to hurl head-sized rocks at Dalinar; a single blow is enough to make cracks in an unharmed section of Plate. Bladed or pointed weapons (arrows, spears, swords) typically don't carry enough force to damage Plate, but if Plate is already cracked and an edge catches it, the blow can widen the crack. It's conceivable that a Shardbearer, used to ignoring spear strikes that would normally barely scratch their paint, might be unprepared to respond to an effective use of this weakness. ## Types There were two main types of Shardplates used on Roshar during the [[Era of Solitude|Era of Solitude]]. They were the Shardplates of the typical Radiants, and the dead Shardplates of the Radiants who abandoned their oaths at the [[Recreance|Recreance]]. ### Radiant Shardplates >“*I’ll assume none of you have seen Shardplate in action before. Stand back and enjoy this next part.*” \-Zellion[23] Radiant Shardplates are granted to people who are on the path to becoming a full Radiant and have sworn a particular oath of the [[Immortal Words|Immortal Words]]. Most Orders acquired Shardplate after swearing the Fourth Ideal. At that point, the Radiant will gain the ability to pull lesser spren into the Physical Realm to create the Shardplate. Each Order has its own lesser spren, which are associated with their Nahel Spren, for example [[Windspren|windspren]] for [[Honorspren|honorspren]] or [[Logicspren|logicspren]] for [[Inkspren|inkspren]]. The lesser spren will perpetually accompany the Radiant, though invisible, and manifest when called on. Radiants are able to hear their lesser spren howl in pain or annoyance when attacked. They are capable of calling their [[Radiant|Radiants']] name, as the creationspren making up Shallan's armour addressed her as "Shallan!" or "Other Shallan!", when another of her personas was in control. A Radiant cannot summon their Shardplate for the first time if they are not on [[Roshar|Roshar]], but can summon it off-world if they have done so before. Plate will automatically feed off their Surgebinder's Stormlight to power and heal itself. It seems that Radiants are able to Surgebind while wearing their own plate, although the plate still protects them from others using the surges. It shines brightly with glow of Stormlight and gleaming glyphs, although the Radiant can will it to appear as "dead" Plate. In semi-dismissed state, the Plate is only visible as a faint outline, and can't be felt by touch. From the inside, the helmet is as transparent as glass and the eye slit is not necessary and can be sealed. Radiants can control their Shardplate with precision -- for example, will only part of it to appear or disappear or change in shape to some degree. Moreover, [[Windrunner|Windrunners]] are able to form their Plate around others at least temporarily. ### Dead Shardplates Dead Shardplates are Plates that were once owned by members of the Knights Radiant. If a Radiant that has a Shardplate betrays their oaths, their lesser spren are killed and their bodies are trapped in the shape of the Plate. Dead Shardplates lose some of the functionality that they once had. Contrary to dead Blades, which scream upon being touched by a Radiant, dead Plate emits a feeling of contentment and doesn't feel as wrong as dead Blades. There is some manner of bond between Shardplate and its wearer that will cease if the owner of the Plate is to die, thus causing the Plate to begin to fall off. The augmented abilities of Shardplate are fueled by Stormlight from gemstones attached to the inside of the armor. Cracking sections of the armor causes Stormlight to leak out; eventually, the Stormlight can be depleted entirely, rendering the armor useless and the wearer immobile. In situations of extreme stress, the gemstones may crack. Ten gemstones, larger than broams, power every set of Plate. Five are beneath the breastplate, and one is in each sabaton. Dead Shardplate has the ability to use Stormlight to regenerate itself when damaged. If sections of a suit of armor are destroyed or abandoned, they can be regenerated later by using Stormlight from the suit's gemstones. Once the Shardplate regenerates an abandoned piece, the previous piece will crumble to dust. If someone got a small piece of a shardplate, they can feed it stormlight and try to grow the whole plate back, but the original owner with bigger portions of the plate could feed it more stormlight and would usually win in the growing competition. Repairing a heavily-damaged set of Shardplate can be costly, as it commonly cracks the gemstones used during the process. Through some unknown method, common spheres may also be used to recharge and reinforce drained Plate. The natural color of dead Shardplate is slate-grey, similar to unfinished steel. In current times, however, it is extremely common to change the appearance of one's Shardplate by painting it or adorning it with decorative details or even gemstones. From the inside, the helmet's face shield becomes translucent to the wearer, but not totally clear, similar to dirty glass. The eye slit is therefore still needed for full vision, but even the partial translucence is very useful. Since the power of Shardplate is provided by a continuous infusion of Stormlight from gemstones attached to the armor's interior, many modern Rosharans believed that Shardplate may be some sort of [[Fabrial|fabrial]]. Gemstones began being added around the same time as they were added to Shardblades. ### Unoathed Shardplate The unoathed Shardplate were created when [[Maya|Maya]] led a group of deadeyes to the aid of [[Adolin Kholin|Adolin Kholin]] in his defense of [[Azimir|Azimir]] and he asked them to provide him with nine sets of Plate and Blades. The [[Unoathed|Unoathed]] have some restored functionality, with their helm being able to be fully transparent. [[Adolin|Adolin's]] Plate could morph its structuring also. [[Unoathed|Unoathed]] Plate can also be summoned on demand. ## Acquiring and Donning As the knowledge of creating Shardplate has only resurfaced with the return of the Knights Radiant, a limited number of suits exist. The only way to acquire a set of Shardplate aside from swearing Radiant oaths is from another person. This can be done through battlefield combat, by dueling, by borrowing it from the owner or by inheritance. It is common for Shardbearers to loan their Plate to others. Even the King's own Shardplate can be borrowed at a heavy price. Because of its weight, dead Shardplate cannot be donned without assistance. The Shardbearer often has a team of armorers to assist with putting the armor on. The armor must be applied from the ground up, starting with the sabatons, or the wearer would be unable to support its weight. Regular clothing, boots, and additional padding are worn underneath the Plate. When applied, each individual piece of Shardplate tightens to fit itself to the contours of the wearer. Removal of Shardplate is done in pieces; the wearer can mentally command each section to release and fall away. Damaged sections can be shed during battle. In order to eliminate the need to remove one's entire set of Shardplate during extended battle, other soldiers provide assistance with the toileting needs of the warrior in Plate. Sometimes, however, such assistance is not available, and Shardbearers have been known to relieve themselves inside their armor. Although most suits of Shardplate known to exist are possessed by the human inhabitants of Roshar, [[Parshendi|Parshendi]] used to own Shards, though they have lost most of them in battle with the Alethi. The old Knights Radiant associated acquiring Shardplate with swearing the Fourth Ideal. ## Cosmere ### Origin Shardplates are made out of a mixture of the unnamed [[God Metal|God Metals]] of Honor and Cultivation. The precise proportion of the two differs depending on the type of spren that forms the Blade, or the order to which the Plate belongs; as such, there are at least ten alloys. Like all God Metals, they are [[Allomancy|Allomantically]] viable, and thus burnable by a [[Allomancy|Mistborn]], although it's yet to be seen what the effects would be. Presumably, they would also have [[Hemalurgy|Hemalurgic]] and [[Feruchemy|Feruchemical]] effects. ## Known Shardbearers ### Radiant Shardplates |**Radiant Name**|**Order**|**Description**|**Notes**|**References**| |-|-| |[[Kaladin Stormblessed|Kaladin Stormblessed]]|[[Windrunner|Windrunner]]|Blue and emblazoned with the Bridge Four glyph.|Formed of windspren, which had been noted to gather around Kaladin prior to the Fourth Oath.|| |[[Sigzil|Zellion]]|[[Skybreaker|Skybreaker]]|Burns with red-orange light, and trails smoke.|Formed of Gravitational spren.| | |[[Jasnah Kholin|Jasnah Kholin]]|[[Elsecaller|Elsecaller]]|-|Formed of logicspren.|| |[[Shallan Davar|Shallan Davar]]|[[Lightweaver|Lightweaver]]|-|Formed of creationspren|| |[[Dami|Dami]]|[[Stoneward|Stoneward]]|Glows a golden orange and has a symbol. Large and bulky, making Dami stand taller than any other Shardbearer.|Its current workings are unknown.|| ### Dead Shardplates |**Shardbearer**|**Previous Holder**|**Order**|**Description**|**Notes**|**References**| |-|-| |[[Renarin Kholin|Renarin Kholin]]|[[Dalinar Kholin|Dalinar Kholin]]|*Unknown*|Unpainted.|Likely given to someone else after Renarin revealed himself as a Radiant| |[[Gavilar Kholin|Gavilar Kholin]]|-|*Unknown*|The plate is painted blue with gold bands around the edge of each plate. The helm has three waves of wings which are small and almost horn-like. The color changed from blue to slate grey when it became the king's Plate.|Currently used for training purposes by the Alethi.|| |[[Adolin Kholin|Adolin Kholin]]|[[Toh|Toh]]|*Unknown*|Currently painted Kholin blue, formerly orange. It also has a few ornamentations welded onto the helm and pauldrons to give an extra look of danger.|Brought by Evi and Toh as a bargaining chip to secure Evi's marriage to Dalinar. The Iriali would like it back.|| |[[Torol Sadeas|Torol Sadeas]]|-|*Unknown*|Currently painted crimson red, used to be painted yellow-gold. His helm is ornamented with a metallic pattern, which he changes every so often, and many frivolous tassels. One such metallic pattern was shaped like a stylized sunburst.|Currently unknown who wears it.|| |[[Elhokar Kholin|Elhokar Kholin]]|[[Kalanor|Kalanor]]|*Unknown*|Currently painted gold, Kalanor decorated his plate with steel or silver leaf, giving it a silvery coloring.|Presumably taken by Odium's forces after Elhokar's death.|| |[[Elhokar Kholin|Elhokar Kholin]]|-|*Unknown*|*Unknown*|Current owner is unknown. [[Dalinar|Dalinar]] won a Shardplate (and Blade) from a Parshendi during the first year of the [[War of Reckoning|War of Reckoning]] and gifted them to [[Elhokar|Elhokar]] to bestow upon a useful warrior.|| |[[Relis Ruthar|Relis Ruthar]]|[[Gallam|Gallam]]|*Unknown*|Painted black.|Won by Adolin in a duel with Relis, [[Elit Ruthar|Elit Ruthar]], Jakamav, and Abrobadar, current wearer unknown.|| |[[Jakamav|Jakamav]]|-|*Unknown*|Painted green.|Won by Adolin in a duel with Relis, [[Elit Ruthar|Elit Ruthar]], Jakamav, and Abrobadar, current wearer unknown.|| |[[Teleb|Teleb]]|[[Eranniv|Eranniv]]|*Unknown*|Erraniv kept his Plate slate grey, except for the breastplate, which he painted a deep black. This was presumably changed when Adolin won it.|Won by Adolin in a duel with Eranniv, then given to Teleb.|| |[[Moash|Moash]]|[[Abrobadar|Abrobadar]]|*Unknown*|Originally painted orange. Moash repainted it blue, with red accents along the joints.|Won by Adolin in a duel with Relis, [[Elit Ruthar|Elit Ruthar]], Jakamav, and Abrobadar, then given to Kaladin, who refused and passed it to Moash. Moash in turn gave it up for his life to the singers.|| |[[Eshonai|Eshonai]]|[[Sharefel|Sharefel]]|*Unknown*|Painted silver.|Recovered by the singers.|| |[[Hrdalm|Hrdalm]]|-|*Unknown*|Painted gloss black, with Thaylen eyebrows.|Named [[Cvaderln|Cvaderln]]. It belongs to the kingdom Hrdalm serves.|| |[[Cord|Cord]]|-|*Unknown*|Unknown color.|Found in the caverns of [[Akinah|Akinah]], which is said to be reserved for guardians of the [[Dawnshard|Dawnshard]].|| |[[Amaram|Amaram]]|[[Helaran Davar|Helaran Davar]]|*Unknown*|When in Helaran's possession it was painted gold-yellow.|Taken from Kaladin who took it from Helaran Davar.| |[[Tshadr|Tshadr]]|-|*Unknown*|Unknown color.|The only Shardplate in Urithiru when it was [[Occupation of Urithiru|occupied by Odium's forces]]; likely taken with them before or during their retreat.|| ## Trivia Some options among the original designs for Shardplate helmets had circular eye holes instead of slot visors; however, this was rejected in the end. There is a specific reason for the choice of the visors. If Lego Shardplate for Minifigures would be made, instead of just painting it onto the Minifigures, [[Brandon|Brandon]] would prefer that it be similar to how the Hulkbuster armor was done.
|**Vedenar**| |-|-| |by Isaac Stewart | |**Nation**|[[Jah Keved|Jah Keved]]| |**World**|[[Roshar|Roshar]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| This page or section needs to be updated with new information for *Rhythm of War*!Be aware that in its current state, it may not include all additional content yet. >“* Vedenar, one of the great cities of the world, was now little more than a heap of rubble and ash.*” \- Taravangian[1] **Vedenar** is the capital city of [[Jah Keved|Jah Keved]] on [[Roshar|Roshar]]. ## Contents 1 Etymology 2 Geography and Layout 2.1 Notable Locations 3 History 4 Politics and Economy 4.1 Capital 4.2 Economy and trade 5 Notes ## Etymology It is unclear how the city got it’s name exactly, but during the [[Heraldic Epochs|Heraldic Epochs]] it was called *Veden city*. It is likely that this name simply evolved into a different form: Vedenar. ## Geography and Layout Vedenar lies on the southern edge of [[Jah Keved|Jah Keved]], on the cliffs facing [[Tarat Sea|Tarat Sea]]. The sound of the waves crashing against the stone can be heard across the entire city. To the west of Vedenar flows an unnamed river stemming from the [[Horneater Peaks|Horneater Peaks]], while to the north lay the vast fields that feed its populace. Vedenar's ancient center is laid out in the shape of a hexagon, with its main thoroughfares forming a rotationally symmetrical pattern that was likely created through [[Cymatics|cymatics]]. It's likely that the city has grown beyond that since the [[Heraldic Epochs|Heraldic Epochs]]. Vedenar is known for its lush atmosphere and many amazing gardens. Most of the city is overgrown with greenery, with rare plants jumbled together wherever there's any space for them to grow. The most magnificent gardens sit atop vast, plate-like terraces that jut out above the city. Unfortunately, following the Veden civil war, swathes of the city have been destroyed. Many buildings and terrace gardens have been reduced to heaps of rubble by siege equipment, while others have burned down to cinders. The destruction is uneven -- many Veden live in houses that remain well-preserved even as the neighboring buildings lay razed to the ground. Even months after the war's conclusion, the smell of smoke still lingers in the air. ### Notable Locations ## History Vedenar is one of the [[Dawncity|Dawncities]], the oldest settlements in all of [[Roshar|Roshar]]. Back during the [[Heraldic Epochs|Heraldic Epochs]], it lay in the [[Silver Kingdoms|Silver Kingdom]] of [[Valhav|Valhav]], and, having an [[Oathgate|Oathgate]], was presumably its capital. In the late [[Era of Solitude|Era of Solitude]], Vedenar was well-known worldwide as one of the greatest cities on the planet. However, the [[Diagram (group)|Diagram]] sought to destabilize the country so as to give [[Taravangian|Taravangian]] an opening to take it over. For this reason, they sent [[Szeth|Szeth]] to Vedenar to assassinate king [[Hanavanar|Hanavanar]], his son and the highprinces, plunging Jah Keved into civil war. The forces led by highprince [[Valam|Valam]] took over Vedenar. The other highprinces soon followed after him, and the city fell into a months-long siege later termed the Battle of Vedenar. The siege was excessively brutal, owing to the Veden soldiers being pushed forward by the [[Thrill|Thrill]] into combat past all reason. Many forces continued fighting even after suffering over fifty percent losses. In one battle, one of the armies pushed another off the city's cliffs and onto the ridge that protected the port from the highstorms. The civil war eventually wound down, with Valam emerging victorious. However, he was extremely ill, and it was at this time that Taravangian arrived, bringing medical supplies and food. As he had a claim to the throne through his mother, Valam passed the crown onto Taravangian before sealing his own death, ordering his bastard son, [[Redin|Redin]], to kill him. After being crowned, Taravangian set out to improve the living conditions in Vedenar. The bodies of the fallen were collected and burned down in the fields outside the walls. The soldiers were folded under Taravangian's command and moved into the stormshelters within the city. After [[Dalinar|Dalinar]] reached out to the king, [[Malata|Malata]] opened the local [[Oathgate|Oathgate]], reconnecting Vedenar with [[Urithiru|Urithiru]]. Some of the [[Alethi|Alethi]] troops were stationed there to aid in defending and rebuilding the city. It was while visiting Vedenar that Dalinar was pronounced a heretic and excommunicated from the [[Vorin|Vorin]] church. Later, after it was revealed that rather than Vedenar, the [[Voidbringer|Voidbringers]] sought to attack [[Thaylen City|Thaylen City]], some of the Alethi battalions there were withdrawn, but a number remained in case of a surprise attack. It is likely that after Jah Keved joined Odium, Vedenar also switched sides, and that Voidbringer forces rule the city, if only in some small ways. ## Politics and Economy #### Capital Vedenar is the capital of [[Jah Keved|Jah Keved]]. This means that large parts of the Veden government, as well as the monarch and their family, reside here. As the political center of Jah Keved, most of the highprinces spend their time in Vedenar rather than in their own lands. Various lesser nobles, such as [[Lin Davar|Lin Davar]], also visit it quite often. [[Redin|Redin]] works from there as an investigator for highprince Valam. Whoever controls Vedenar, controls Jah Keved -- it is for this reason that during the civil war, all the Veden highprinces brought their armies here. The Battle of Vedenar was the most bloody conflict of the civil war largely becase every faction knew the city's value. Vedenar was also the capital city of the [[Silver Kingdom|Silver Kingdom]] of [[Valhav|Valhav]]. This means that it was one of only ten cities to have an oathgate. Even during this time, Vedenar was one of Roshar’s most important cities. #### Economy and trade Vedenar is also very important economically, It is an important sea port connecting the country with other states along the shore. The city is also important as a transport hub. When active, its Oathgate allows it access to ten other locations across Roshar, including [[Urithiru|Urithiru]]. Its large size and good connections make it a perfect place to disappear in.
|**Nagadan**| |-|-| |**World**|[[Komashi|Komashi]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| This page or section needs to be updated with new information for *Yumi and the Nightmare Painter*!Be aware that in its current state, it may not include all additional content yet. **Nagadan** is the most powerful nation on [[Komashi|Komashi]], established by the descendants of nomads on the outskirts of [[Torio|Torio]] in the centuries that followed the activation of the [[Father machine|father machine]]. ## Contents 1 Geography 2 People 3 Cities 4 Notes ## Geography Nagadan is less than fifty Rosharan miles across, and only a few miles away from where Torio was. The nation includes a few different cities as well as some smaller towns, connected by hion lines that open paths in the [[Shroud|Shroud]]. At least some of the cities border oceans. ## People The people of Nagadan look similar to the [[Jah Keved|Veden]] people, with similar features and the same dark hair, though they have paler skin than an ordinary Veden. The "similar features" mentioned likely refer to the presence of epicanthic folds. Beards are rarely seen amongst their people, though it is unclear if this is purely cultural or has a genetic component. They are descended from nomads that lived at the edge of [[Torio|Torio]]. ## Cities [[Kilahito|Kilahito]] [[Futinoro|Futinoro]] [[Fuhima|Fuhima]] [[Jito|Jito]]
**Moshe Feder** was [[Brandon Sanderson|Brandon Sanderson's]] editor at [[Tor|Tor]] for most of his books. He retired sometime after the publication of *Oathbringer*. *Rhythm of War* is the first [[Cosmere|cosmere]] novel Brandon has published that was not edited by Moshe.
Moshe Feder
|**Longard**| |-|-| |**City**|[[Elendel|Elendel]]| |**World**|[[Scadrial|Scadrial]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| **Longard** is a district in the Fifth Octant of [[Elendel|Elendel]] on [[Scadrial|Scadrial]]. It is the location of a foundry which the [[Vanishers|Vanishers]] use as a base of operations. ## Contents 1 Notable Locations 1.1 Foundry 2 History 3 Notes ## Notable Locations ### Foundry The foundry is a two-story tall building located on the southeast side of the 5th 6th Canal. It has a flat roof with lots of chimneys. Ashes and slag were heaped in piles along one of its walls. The windows appear to be covered in soot, but they have actually been intentionally darkened to hide the work going on inside. One full side of the building is a massive door that can be slid aside on wheels, allowing for easy access to the canal. On the interior, half of the building has a ceiling that is double the normal height. The other half has an upper floor which contains quarters fit for around fifty men. The foundry is clear of any forging equipment or other tools. There are darkened areas of the floor where the equipment used to be, and close to these places there is still cooled [[Aluminum|aluminum]] that melted to the floor. Due to the darkened windows, there is little light on the interior, and it smells of coal and fire. There are few things in the upper loft in the rear of the foundry. It is connected to the ground floor via a staircase in the back. It served as a living quarters that could fit around fifty men or so. The interior is full of broken cupboards, boxes, and a random assortment of old junk. ## History The foundry was used as a hideout by the Vanishers for an unknown length of time, perhaps since their inception. Around fifty men lived and worked in the foundry, acting as workers to avoid suspicion. They kept much of their equipment in there, including the [[Machine|Machine's]] crane apparatus used to swap out the train cars they stole. The Vanishers intentionally darkened the windows with soot to hide what they were doing in there. In addition to storage and living quarters, the foundry was also used for actual forging. The aluminum that was stolen was reworked into guns and bullets by an imprisoned [[Nouxil|Nouxil]] in the foundry, which were used in the Vanishers' crimes to counteract [[Allomancy|Allomancy]]. After the attack on the [[Yomen-Ostlin wedding dinner|Yomen-Ostlin wedding dinner]], in which several members of the Vanishers were captured, [[Miles Dagouter|Miles Dagouter]] and [[Clamps|Clamps]] had the foundry evacuated. Clamps rigged the both floors of the building with dynamite, to kill any who attempted to search the building. The Vanishers removed all the possessions and equipment to the foundry beneath the [[Ironspine Building|Ironspine Building]]. After one of the captured Vanishers, [[Sindren|Sindren]], was tricked into revealing the existence of the Longard foundry, [[Waxillium Ladrian|Waxillium Ladrian]], [[Wayne|Wayne]], and [[Marasi Colms|Marasi Colms]] investigated the building. They interviewed nearby beggars about the activities going on in the building. Wax and Wayne cleared the building of any explosives, but found it almost entirely scrubbed clean. However, Wax found an empty box of [[Citizen Magistrate|Citizen Magistrate]] cigars, that had numbers written upon it. Recognizing this as the brand smoked by Miles, Wax's suspicions about his role as leader of the Vanishers were confirmed. Later, he comes to realize that the notes on the box were Miles' attempt at keeping rack of [[Edwarn Ladrian|Mister Suit's]] comings and goings. Around a year later, just prior to the rogue [[Kandra|kandra]] [[Paalm|Paalm's]] attempted to overthrow the government of [[Elendel|Elendel]], angry picketers were lining up along Longard Street during one of Governor [[Replar Innate|Replar Innate's]] speeches to protest governmental corruption and other issues.
**The Wheel of Time** is a long-running epic fantasy series by . Upon Jordan's death, [[Brandon Sanderson|Brandon Sanderson]] was chosen to complete the series. He was selected by Robert Jordan's widow and editor, Harriet McDougal. After she read Brandon's for Jordan, she decided to read one of his books. In 2009, Tor announced that Brandon would be writing three books to finish the series, after finding that it was impossible to write as a single novel. A of the series is in the works, with the first season premiering on November 19, 2021. Brandon acted as a consulting producer, offering feedback on the scripts directly to the show runner, . The series consists of the following books: : the prequel to the series. |**Year**|**Book**|**Order**|**Length**|**Notes**| |-|-| |**2009**|*The Gathering Storm*|#12|Novel|Co-written with [[Robert Jordan|Robert Jordan]]| |**2010**|*Towers of Midnight*|#13|Novel|Co-written with [[Robert Jordan|Robert Jordan]]| |**2013**|*A Memory of Light*|#14|Novel|Co-written with [[Robert Jordan|Robert Jordan]]| |**2013**|*River of Souls*|#14.5|Excerpt|Released in the *Unfettered* anthology, a sequence of deleted scenes from *A Memory of Light*, co-written with [[Robert Jordan|Robert Jordan]] | |**2019**|*A Fire Within the Ways*|#14.5|Excerpt|Released in the *Unfettered III* anthology, a sequence of deleted scenes from *A Memory of Light*, considered non-canon. | ## See also
The Wheel of Time
|**Coleman Stewart**| |-|-| |**Homeworld**|[[Earth (Dark One)|Earth (Dark One)]]| **Coleman Stewart** is someone who the [[Mitchell and Young|Mitchell and Young]] law firm has files on. An unnamed person requests [[Marcy|Marcy]] to retrieve the files when [[Lin Yang-Tanasin|Lin Yang-Tanasin]] enters after a recent win in court.
Coleman Stewart
|**Allri Innate**| |-|-| |**House Innate**| |**Spouse**|[[Replar Innate|Replar Innate]]| |**Residence**|[[Elendel|Elendel]]| |**Homeworld**|[[Scadrial|Scadrial]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| Lady **Allri Innate** is a highborn woman married to [[Replar Innate|Replar Innate]] in [[Elendel|Elendel]] on [[Scadrial|Scadrial]]. ## History Allri attended [[Lady ZoBell's party|Lady ZoBell's party]] the evening after [[Bleeder|Bleeder's]] supposed attempt on her husband's life during one of his speeches. While at the party, she became a bit nauseous and decided to retire back to the governor's mansion to lie down. Her illness was likely caused due to her nerves and shock at the assassination attempt on her husband. During the party, [[Steris Harms|Steris Harms]] asked after Allri's health while speaking to Replar. Replar sent Allri and their children into safety after Lord [[Waxillium Ladrian|Waxillium Ladrian]] convinced him that Bleeder was a serious threat to their safety. It is unknown if she had any idea that Replar had been replaced by Bleeder.
Allri Innate
|**Teod**| |-|-| |**Capital**|[[Teoras|Teoras]]| |**Ruled by**|[[Eventeo|Eventeo]]| |**World**|[[Sel|Sel]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| **Teod** is a peninsula state on the world of [[Sel|Sel]]. The people from Teod are called the Teo. Despite not being located on Opelon, Teod is in its cultural sphere of influence. ## Contents 1 Geography 1.1 Location and Climate 2 Government 2.1 Monarchy 2.2 Military 2.3 Foreign Policy and International Relationships 2.3.1 Arelon 2.3.2 Fjorden 3 Culture 3.1 People 3.1.1 Marriage and Relationships 3.1.2 Religion 3.1.3 Sports 3.2 Language and Script 4 History 5 Trivia 6 Notes ## Geography #### Location and Climate >“*She remembered the way the snow settled on the landscape. One morning she had awoken to find everything outside coated in a beautiful film of ice; the trees had looked like jewels sparkling in the winter daylight.*” \-Sarene thinking about Teod[3] Teod is located on the northern continent, although it is one of the more southern nations on this continent. Teod is separated from the southern continent, called [[Opelon|Opelon]] or [[Sycla|Sycla]], by the [[Sea of Fjorden|Sea of Fjorden]]. There are large mountain ranges both in the north and in the south of the nation. These mountains contain a number of passes that lead to the [[Rose Empire|Rose Empire]]. The nation is also filled with forests. Teod’s climate is relatively cold, although not insufferably so. Due to this cold it snows and freezes often. ## Government ### Monarchy Teod is a monarchy, with the current king being [[Eventeo|Eventeo]]. It appears that Eventeo and perhaps his wife have absolute power. While the king does hold court, it seems that at least some of the ruling is done by ministers. The royal crest of the country is a gold [[Aon|Aon]] Teo on a blue backround. After the death of the monarch the crown is supposed to pass to his eldest child, although this doesn’t always happen, instead a different child may assume the throne if the eldest one isn’t in Teod. The current Crown Prince of is called [[Teorn|Teorn]]. ### Military Teod's martial strength exists mainly in the form of its navy, which dominates the northern sea, protecting Teod's borders from other nations, mainly the Fjordell Empire. This navy also played a large role in the [[Battle of Teoras|Battle of Teoras]], defending Teod from Fjordell invaders. The country has little to no ground forces, this makes it very hard for Teod to invade another nation. The Teo, or at least the ones who are pure [[Aonic|Aonic]], can become [[Elantrian|Elantrians]]. This [[Shaod|Transformation]] grants them a whole host of abilities and enhancements. The Elantrians are supernaturally strong and fast, and are extremely quick of mind. Their main advantage however, is the use of [[AonDor|AonDor]]. Even though the Elantrians aren’t an official part of the Teo military, they are allies of Teod and will come to their aid when needed. ### Foreign Policy and International Relationships #### Arelon The Teo have great relations with the [[Arelon|Arelenes]], this is mainly because of their similarities. The Arelene and Teo peoples are both [[Shu-Korath|Korathi]], meaning that they both worship [[Domi|Domi]]. They are also both ethnically Aonic, further connecting them together. After the Arelene revolution happened relations between Teod and Arelon decreased, with king Eventeo never bothering to forge stronger ties to the new Arelene government. With the [[Fjordell Empire|Fjordell Empire]] putting pressure on Teod and Arelon, kings Eventeo and [[Iadon|Iadon]] eventually attempted to strengthen their alliance again, marrying their children [[Raoden|Raoden]] and [[Sarene|Sarene]]. After the Fjordell invasion of Teod and the restoration of [[Elantris (city)|Elantris]] a number of [[Elantrian|Elantrians]] went to [[Teoras|Teoras]], saving the city from Fjordell invaders. This, along with the aforementioned marriage pact, probably increased Teod’s relations with Arelon. #### Fjorden The Teo have antagonistic relations with the [[Fjorden|Fjordell]]. The Fjordell are the archenemies and historical rivals of the Teo. Teod is also the homeland of Shu-Korath, while Fjorden is a Derethi nation, further fueling their rivalry. Despite this rivalry the Fjordell still have an [[Ashgress|ambassador]] in Teod. Ten years after the [[Reod|Reod]] the Fjordell began closing their borders to Teo merchants, it got to the point that several Teo ambassadors disappeared. Eventually they invaded Teod, sailing their navy straight to [[Teoras|Teoras]]. The invasion was rebuffed when [[Elantris (city)|Elantris]] was restored and an army of [[Elantrians|Elantrians]], the allies of the Teo, arrived at Teoras. The invasion significantly worsened the relations between the Teo and the Fjordell. ## Culture ### People The Teo people are ethnically [[Aonic|Aonic]]. Unlike the other Aonic peoples most of the Teo are pure Aonic. Due to their Aonic blood most of the Teo are tall and have blonde hair. #### Marriage and Relationships The Teo men prefer women who are less smart then they are, although it isn’t like they want stupid wives. Rather a lot of the men are simply not comfortable around women who are their intellectual superior. The women often downplay their intelligence until they are married. Nearly all Teo women are at least engaged by the age of eighteen, so much so that an unmarried twenty-five year old women is considered an old maid and mocked. The Teo, as Korathi, follow the marriage rituals of [[Shu-Korath|Shu-Korath]]. The Teo also expect that both partners are present when they get married, although political marriage contracts sometimes have clauses that consider the marriage valid even when a member of the engaged couple dies shortly before the wedding. #### Religion Teod’s state religion is called [[Shu-Korath|Shu-Korath]]. The Korathi worship a merciful and benevolent god called [[Domi|Domi]]. The central tenet of this faith is the **unifying power of love. ** #### Sports The Teo love their sports, although men and women often do different things. The Teo women often spar together using a [[Syre|Syre]], a type of sword, although they are strict in calling it fencing instead of fighting as even the most understanding of Teo men gets a bit uncomfortable when he thinks of women ‘fighting.’ A lot of people also play [[Leky stick|Leky stick]], a [[Svorden|Svordish]] game. The game makes use of points, and has at least one goal. ### Language and Script The Teo speak a language called Aonic, this language was originally based on the [[Aon|Aons]], although it has drifted away from them. The Aons were also the base for a logographic alphabet used in Arelon and Teod until the development of a phonetic alphabet, which they still use. Teod also has a number of academies, one of which is owned by their king, [[Eventeo|Eventeo]]. The lecturers at some of these academies are very skilled at saying nothing with a lot of words. ## History After the previous ruler died, [[Eventeo|Eventeo]] took the throne against the rightful line of succession, which would have led his brother [[Kiin|Kiin]] ascending. With the rise of the [[Fjordell Empire|Fjordell Empire]] putting pressure on Teod and [[Arelon|Arelon]], kings Eventeo and [[Iadon|Iadon]] attempted to strengthen their alliance by marrying their children [[Raoden|Raoden]] and [[Sarene|Sarene]]. The deal eventually fell through after Raoden succumbed to the [[Reod|Reod]], and some trickery by [[Hrathen|Hrathen]] lead to Eventeo converting to [[Shu-Dereth|Shu-Dereth]]. ## Trivia In the first published edition of *Elantris*, the term "Teoish" was used to describe things originating from the nation of Teod. This was changed in the tenth anniversary edition of *Elantris* such that "Teo" is now used as the nation's demonym and adjectival form.
|**Jarrington**| |-|-| |**Residence**|[[Elendel|Elendel]]| |**Homeworld**|[[Scadrial|Scadrial]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| **Jarrington** is the head of recruitment at [[Metalurgistics Allied|Metalurgistics Allied]] in [[Elendel|Elendel]] on [[Scadrial|Scadrial]].
|**Nalthian system**| |-|-| |by [[Isaac Stewart|Isaac Stewart]]| |**Shards**|[[Endowment|Endowment]]| |**Notable Planet(s)**|[[Nalthis|Nalthis]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| The **Nalthian system** is the name given to the planetary system containing the planet of [[Nalthis|Nalthis]]. In addition to Nalthis, it includes one gas giant, one outer planet, a comet belt, and a [[Cognitive Realm|cognitive]] anomaly manifesting in the [[Physical Realm|Physical Realm]]. Notably, both of the non-inhabited planets are named like the [[Returned|Returned]], such as [[Lightsong|Lightsong the Brave]]. ## Planets Nalthis is the only planet in the system known to be inhabited -- it has a large human population and a [[Shard|Shard]], [[Endowment|Endowment]]. Humans on Nalthis differ from those elsewhere in the [[Cosmere|cosmere]] in that they are born with [[Breath|Breath]], Endowment's [[Investiture|Investiture]]. Breath provides a number of passive benefits, as well as fuel for the local magic system, [[Awakening|Awakening]]. Nalthis has one moon, **Rrendos**. It also shares its orbit with an unspecified [[Cognitive anomaly|cognitive anomaly]], although it's unknown whether it passes through it once a year, or if the anomaly follows the planet's motion. A red gas giant, and the largest planet in the Nalthian system. It has at least six moons orbiting it. A small, violet outer planet, located at a considerable distance from Farkeeper. A comet belt lies beyond Nightstar, marking the system's edge. ## Astronomy The Nalthian sun is a yellow star, similar to those of [[Scadrial|Scadrial]] and [[Sel|Sel]]. The system is located in "The Giver" constellation. Its closest known stellar neighbor is the [[Selish system|Selish system]], with [[Rosharan system|Greater Roshar]] a bit further away. The local name of Nalthis' [[Subastral|subastral]] is unknown. It's been speculated that it corresponds to what Rosharans name the [[Expanse of Vibrance|Expanse of Vibrance]], in which case it would directly neighbor [[Shadesmar|Shadesmar]]. There are, in fact, regular caravans travelling between the two subastrals, carrying both goods and people. The Nalthian system is extremely popular with [[Worldhoppers|worldhoppers]], to the point of there being a customs check in the vicinity of the local [[Perpendicularity|perpendicularity]]. This sole perpendicularity is located on Nalthis, in the jungles of the nation of [[Hallandren|Hallandren]].
Nalthian system
|**Teft**| |-|-| |by Ashley Coad | |**Died**|Vevishev 1175| |**Abilities**|[[Order of Windrunners|Windrunner]], [[Shardbearer|Shardbearer]]| |**Bonded With**|[[Phendorana|Phendorana]]| |**Groups**|[[Knights Radiant|Knights Radiant]] , [[Bridge Four|Bridge Four]], [[Envisagers|Envisagers]] , Sadeas army , Kholin army| |**Residence**|[[Urithiru|Urithiru]]| |**Nationality**|[[Alethi|Alethi]]| |**Homeworld**|[[Roshar|Roshar]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| |**Introduced In**|*The Way of Kings*| This page or section contains spoilers for *Wind and Truth*!This information has the ability to potentially ruin elements of the plot for the reader. Proceed with caution if you have not read this book. This page or section needs to be updated with new information for *Wind and Truth*!Be aware that in its current state, it may not include all additional content yet. >“*Take that next storming step. You can't change the past, only the future.*” \-Teft[2] **Teft** is a [[Darkeyes|darkeyed]] soldier from [[Alethkar|Alethkar]] on [[Roshar|Roshar]]. He is a member of [[Bridge Four|Bridge Four]] and later serves as [[Kaladin|Kaladin's]] sergeant before becoming a [[Order of Windrunners|Windrunner]] bonded to [[Phendorana|Phendorana]]. He is addicted to [[Firemoss|firemoss]] but begins to manage his addiction before his death in the occupation of [[Urithiru|Urithiru]]. ## Contents 1 Appearance and Personality 2 Attributes and Abilities 2.1 Surgebinding 2.1.1 Adhesion 2.1.2 Gravitation 2.1.3 Resonance 3 History 3.1 Early Life 3.2 Bridge Four 3.3 Dalinar's Honor Guard 3.4 Battle of Narak 3.5 Windrunner 3.6 Still a Sergeant 3.7 Occupation of Urithiru 3.8 Final Battle 4 Relationships 4.1 Bridge Four 4.2 Kaladin 4.3 Phendorana 5 Trivia 6 Notes ## Appearance and Personality by Shuravf For more images, see [[Teft/Gallery|/Gallery]]. >“*I ain't grouchy, I just have a low threshold for stupidity.*” \-Teft[7] Teft is a man in his fifties with tan skin, drooping cheeks, and no slave mark. He has brown eyes with an and close-cropped, grizzled white-salted hair. He keeps a neat, short, and square beard that is light brown mixed with patches of gray. Teft is often blunt and speaks in a matter-of-fact tone. He nurses a deep-seated grudge against [[Lighteyes|lighteyes]] but is observant and gruffly thoughtful towards the other members of Bridge Four. He is also a natural leader and a loyal sergeant. He fills the role of sergeant well, able to serve his ranking officer without needing to feel superior, hearing the things Kaladin leaves unspoken, and tactfully refraining from correcting him at times. Teft has harbored a [[Firemoss|firemoss]] addiction since his time in [[Torol Sadeas|Sadeas']] army, which is a deep cause of personal shame and grief; during his many conversations with Kaladin, Teft repeatedly states that he isn't trustworthy. Even after bonding [[Phendorana|Phendorana]], he harbors feelings of inadequacy and shame for a while, believing that he is incapable of upholding the ideals of a Radiant due his past actions. Phendorana eventually turns his perspective around, and he finds within himself a deep determination to struggle forward for the sake of those who love him even if he sometimes fails. He comes to enjoy the good parts of life despite all of the things that go wrong around him. ## Attributes and Abilities ### Surgebinding As a Windrunner, Teft has the ability to manipulate the [[Surges|Surges]] of [[Adhesion|Adhesion]] and [[Gravitation|Gravitation]] through his [[Nahel bond|Nahel bond]] with his [[Honorspren|honorspren]]. By breathing in [[Stormlight|Stormlight]], he gains superhuman strength, speed, agility, durability, stamina, and healing for the duration of his access to Stormlight. While his [[Phendorana|honorspren]] is present with him, his movements are enhanced by her. This gives Teft a superior natural fighting talent, although it does not replace skill by itself. After Teft swears the Third Ideal of the Windrunners, his honorspren gains the ability to become a [[Shardblade|Shardblade]]. Unlike the dead Blades left after the [[Recreance|Recreance]], he can summon it in the form of any weapon he chooses, including a shield, and transform it from one to another almost instantaneously. #### Adhesion Teft can manipulate the Surge of Adhesion, also known as the Full [[Lashing|Lashing]], to bind objects or creatures together using Stormlight. #### Gravitation Teft can manipulate the Surge of Gravitation to change the direction and strength of an object's gravitational attraction. This enables him to achieve a form of flight. #### Resonance As a Knight Radiant who has access to two Surges, Teft also has a [[Resonance|resonance]]. Windrunners have an increased number of squires, more than any other order, as their resonance. Teft's squires include the entire crew of [[Bridge Thirteen|Bridge Thirteen]]. ## History ### Early Life Teft was born in [[Talinar|Talinar]] to a family of the sixth [[Nahn|nahn]]. When he was a boy, a cult known as the [[Envisagers|Envisagers]] introduced the people of Talinar to the idea of returning the [[Knights Radiant|Knights Radiant]] by returning the [[Voidbringer|Voidbringers]]. Envisagers also purposefully put their lives in danger, hoping that they would manifest [[Surgebinding|Surgebinding]] powers. Teft's family joined the Envisagers, and they brought him with them to their initiation. His parents taught Teft about their beliefs, giving him basic information on using [[Stormlight|Stormlight]] and what the Radiants would be able to do with the power. Teft's mother later died in an attempt to bring out hidden Radiant powers. Teft reported the Envisagers to the citylord when he was eight years old, after which a trial was held for them; all of them were executed, including Teft's father, whom he watched being hanged. At some point Teft got married, though when and to whom is not clear; his wife had already died by the time he was a [[Bridgeman|bridgeman]]. ### Bridge Four by Elisgardor Helping take care of [[Kaladin|Kaladin]] Eventually, Teft joined [[Torol Sadeas|Sadeas']] army as a spearman. His squadmembers there convinced him to try [[Firemoss|firemoss]], which began a life-long addiction. He became a sergeant and made his way to the [[Shattered Plains|Shattered Plains]], where he was sent to the [[Bridge crew|bridge crews]] as a punishment. After some other camp infraction, Teft was transferred to [[Bridge Four|Bridge Four]], where [[Kaladin|Kaladin]] befriended him. He ended up in Kaladin's inner circle along with [[Rock|Rock]], actively helping him in his plans. Teft was the first to suspect Kaladin might be able to use [[Stormlight|Stormlight]]. He confirmed this suspicion by (amongst other things) pushing a dun [[Spheres|sphere]] into Kaladin's hand, claiming it to be "for luck," just before Kaladin was to be left outside alone to face "the judgement of the [[Stormfather|Stormfather]]" by way of the [[Highstorm|highstorm]]. After the storm, the sphere in Kaladin's hand appeared to be dun, even though it should have been [[Infuse|infused]] with light by the highstorm. Teft was almost certain that this meant Kaladin had the ability to use Stormlight. While Kaladin was recovering from his wounds and fever after the highstorm, Teft brought three small infused diamond spheres and pressed them into Kaladin's hand, waiting anxiously to see what would happen. When Teft had nearly lost hope of being right about the events and their meaning, Kaladin drew in a short powerful breath, infusing himself with Stormlight, and began to glow from the leaking Light. Teft, knowing there was a healing effect to Stormlight, repeated this treatment enough to save Kaladin's life but not enough to draw suspicion from the other bridgemen. Ten days after surviving the highstorm, Kaladin was well enough to get up. >“*An empty sphere after a storm... And a man who's still alive when he should be dead. Two impossibilities.*” \-Teft musing on Kaladin's survival[31] These revelations sparked a heavy curiosity in Teft, and he began asking leading questions to see if Kaladin was willing to discuss his use of Stormlight, or if he was even aware of his abilities. At one point, Kaladin was handed a bag of infused spheres. Teft then threw a surprise punch at Kaladin, causing him to inhale reflexively; Kaladin noticed his familiar surge of strength and focus, and both Teft and [[Lopen|Lopen]] noticed the soft glow coming from Kaladin's skin. After time passed and they were certain of Kaladin's abilities, Teft, Lopen, and [[Syl|Syl]] worked with Kaladin to help him understand and trigger his newfound powers. Teft shared with Kaladin what he knew about the Radiants and their ways from his youth in the Envisagers. He was also the one to divulge the words of the First Ideal to Kaladin, who seemed almost (whether by instinct or experience is not clear) to understand the meaning and reasoning behind the words. Kaladin discovered Teft had military experience and was a sergeant before becoming a bridgeman. He became invaluable to Kaladin's leadership by acting as sergeant to Kaladin's captain and by taking command when asked, when ordered, or during times when Kaladin was indisposed. His military experience was never divulged in great detail, as the history of bridgemen's personal lives seemed to be their most guarded secret, although it was sufficient to convince Kaladin that Teft was able to conduct the daily training in the chasms. Teft tried to convince Kaladin to join in, but he refused to hold a spear. After the disaster of the side-carry that led to Kaladin being strung up in the highstorm, he devised a new way to protect Bridge Four: wearing armor made from the corpses of the [[Parshendi|Parshendi]], scavenged in the chasms, to draw the enemy's attention to himself. The first time he tried this, he gave Teft orders to lead the group on an escape attempt that night if his idea failed. Because the idea worked well, they bided their time until the [[Battle of the Tower|assault on the Tower]] to attempt an escape. Teft was wounded on the initial approach, and after Kaladin patched him up, [[Rock|Rock]] and [[Peet|Peet]] helped him walk as they retreated with the rest of Sadeas' army. After Bridge Four abandoned their chance to escape by returning to the Tower in aid of [[Dalinar|Dalinar's]] army, Teft was able to return the favor by pulling arrows out of Kaladin's arm and settling him in a safe place. He helped push the bridge into place, then took charge of the crew while a freshly healed Kaladin, who had just sworn the Second Ideal, went after Dalinar. That evening, after Dalinar secured the lives of Sadeas' bridgemen, Teft spoke with the rest of Bridge Four about the Radiants and Kaladin's abilities. ### Dalinar's Honor Guard by Steve Argyle Teft and Bridge Four standing behind [[Dalinar|Dalinar]] as he trades [[Oathbringer (Shardblade)|Oathbringer]] for them After Dalinar traded [[Oathbringer (Shardblade)|Oathbringer]] for the lives of Sadeas' bridgemen, Teft joined with the rest of Bridge Four as his personal guard. Kaladin created a command structure among the former bridge crews he was going to train into guards, making Teft a lieutenant and putting him in overall charge of training. He directed Teft to begin by organizing the bridgemen into groups of forty, then training two from each group to act as sergeants to the rest of their men. Not long after, Bridge Four went to get tattoos to cover up the slave brands that most of them had on their foreheads, and Teft got one too, despite the fact that he never had a slave brand. He was the first to speak up for [[Rlain|Shen]] when the tattooist objected to serving him. As the group outfitted themselves in their new [[Cobalt Guard|Cobalt Guard]] uniforms, Teft tried to talk Kaladin into showing Dalinar what he could do, but Kaladin refused outright. When the others cut the old guard's insignia out of the uniforms, Teft agreed with them that they weren't just replacements, they were their own crew: Bridge Four. Teft had a difficult time getting anywhere at first with training the former bridgemen, prompting Kaladin, Rock, and Teft to take the group of trainees into the chasms; this helped the new recruits feel included and opened them up to show interest in the training. On one of the regular trips to the chasms they began making, Teft left the trainees under [[Drehy|Drehy's]] direction and came to speak with Kaladin, who asked him more about the Radiants and observed that Teft became much more dour when speaking about his past. As well as taking shifts guarding Dalinar and the King, Teft kept training the former bridgemen, sending daily reports to Kaladin and assessing when they were ready to begin patrolling the area outside of the warcamps. He went on a patrol with Kaladin and the group of forty, then disappeared right after; this was the first of many such disappearances. Kaladin confronted him about his disappearance when he came to initiate Bridge Seventeen in the chasms, but Teft made it clear he didn't want to talk about it. After the two got back to Bridge Four's fire that evening, Teft went out again with a small group from Bridge Four. When Kaladin decided to take [[Zahel|Zahel]] up on his offer to train him to fight with a [[Shardblade|Shardblade]], he took Teft, [[Moash|Moash]], and [[Yake|Yake]] with him; they each handled a Blade and began training in the ten sword [[Stances|stances]] with wooden models. During a break in training, Teft mentioned to Kaladin that the circumstances around [[Shallan|Shallan's]] arrival looked suspicious, prompting Kaladin to investigate her further. Some of the other members of Bridge Four wanted to break Kaladin out when [[Elhokar|Elhokar]] imprisoned him for asking a [[King's Boon|King's Boon]], but Teft talked them out of it. He was with the crew when they witnessed Moash becoming a [[Shardbearer|Shardbearer]], then led them back to the barrack to allow Kaladin a moment alone with Moash. >“*Well, Teft supposed that was all right, Dalinar not believing. He'd just be that much more surprised when Kaladin did return.*” \-Teft, when Dalinar visits him on his vigil[25] Teft and Bridge Four carried their old bridge out onto the Shattered Plains on the expedition to allow Shallan to see a [[Chasmfiend|chasmfiend]] chrysalis. After Kaladin and Shallan were lost into the chasms, Teft took shifts with the others watching for them, never doubting that they would return. On one of these watches he discussed his past among the Envisagers with [[Sigzil|Sigzil]] while they played [[Michim|michim]]. For the duration of Kaladin's absence, the crew made Teft their leader and looked to him for daily assignments, though he managed to be on nearly every shift out by the chasms. ### Battle of Narak Immediately after Kaladin and Shallan's return, Dalinar, [[Roion|Roion]], [[Sebarial|Sebarial]], and [[Aladar|Aladar]] left on the expedition that culminated in the [[Battle of Narak|Battle of Narak]] and the discovery of [[Urithiru|Urithiru]]. Teft and most of Bridge Four went with them, though he decided to leave Moash behind to watch over King Elhokar. During the battle, Teft and the rest of Bridge Four kept close to Dalinar. After Kaladin defeated Elhokar's assassins, he flew out to the army on the plains, saving Dalinar from [[Szeth|Szeth's]] Lashing and encountering Bridge Four, who gave him infused gems to recharge his Stormlight at Teft's command. After Kaladin defeated the Assassin in White, he returned to the plateau where the [[Oathgate|Oathgate]] was and found Teft and the rest of the crew looking for him. Teft told him that [[Rod (Roshar)|Rod]] had died, then commented that he had noticed some of the men glowing faintly right before Kaladin had arrived on the plains; he had been listening to readings of some of Dalinar's visions and, based on that information, thought that they were becoming squires to Kaladin. The crew had had to abandon their bridge in the conflict, but a salvage team later found the old Bridge Four in a chasm near [[Narak|Narak]]; at Teft's request, Dalinar had it hauled up, repaired, and put to use moving people between plateaus near the Oathgate. Teft and the rest of the bridgemen took shifts scouting and exploring Urithiru. He was with some of Bridge Four when they discovered Sadeas' body in the tunnels of Urithiru, and he vehemently denied killing the man when a group of Sadeas' own soldiers finally found the scene, though he did tacitly agree with [[Palona|Palona's]] opinion that Sadeas' death solved one problem they had been facing. He and [[Lyn|Lyn]] at some point scouted past a hidden room that Shallan later discovered while following [[Re-Shephir|Re-Shephir]] from the site of her latest murder. When Shallan called [[Adolin|Adolin]] to the room, Lyn, Teft, [[Renarin|Renarin]], and other members of Bridge Four arrived with him and accompanied them down to the Midnight Mother's lair, where they helped her dispel the spren's presence. ### Windrunner by Matthew Johnson Teft mossing Teft continued to disappear from time to time without explanation of where he was going, though the other members of Bridge Four figured out about his addiction anyway. He was driven to give in to his craving more and more the more money he earned from Dalinar. He at some point spoke the first two oaths of a Windrunner, hoping it would take away his addiction, but quickly realized that it would not; because of his deep-rooted shame, he then hoped to drive away his spren, [[Phendorana|Phendorana]]. After Teft missed the first training session when Kaladin borrowed the royal emerald reserve because he had binged on firemoss the night before, Kaladin and Rock found him in a moss den, paid his tab, and brought him back to the barracks. After that incident, Teft laid off firemoss use for a while and made sure his behavior seemed more normal to the others. He helped out at recruitment and training events, bringing Lyn over to Kaladin after she drew in Stormlight for the first time and leading a group of Bridge Four members in aerial exercises. After Kaladin left for the expedition to [[Kholinar|Kholinar]], Dalinar delivered the [[Honorblade|Honorblade]] Kaladin had recovered from Szeth to Bridge Four. This allowed them, albeit one at a time, to gain and practice with the powers of a Windrunner even without Kaladin's presence. Teft let Rock take the Honorblade first, but during the time they had possession of the sword, they randomly switched around who carried it so that no one trying to steal it could know whom to target. They continued acting as guards to the Kholins among their other duties; [[Navani|Navani]] got news of Kholinar's fall and the likely demise of Kaladin's group, but when she informed Bridge Four of the group's trouble, Teft laughed at the suggestion that Kaladin might be dead. They, as representatives of the Radiants, attended the first meeting of monarchs at Urithiru. During that time, Teft continued to struggle with his addiction. At one point he was arrested and brought before Aladar's magistrates on the charge of public intoxication; Navani used her seal, at Aladar's quiet request, to free him. Teft and some other squires accompanied Dalinar as his guards when he went to [[Thaylen City|Thaylen City]] to check on Amaram's progress helping rebuild the city; Teft was irritated enough by Amaram that he wanted to 'stab him a little.' There was another conference of the [[Coalition of monarchs|coalition of monarchs]] in the city, and during the course of the gathering someone leaked specific information to each group in attendance that was calculated to undermine their trust in Dalinar. Bridge Four was heavily affected by the news that the first Radiants destroyed their old world before coming to Roshar and that humans were in fact the [[Voidbringers|Voidbringers]]; they were dispirited enough to leave Thaylen City for Urithiru to discuss the news with those of their members who hadn't come, leaving Dalinar behind. Upon their return to Urithiru, Phendorana appeared to Teft and alerted him to danger. They discovered Rock and [[Bisig|Bisig]] injured and unconscious in the barracks, while [[Eth|Eth]], the one who had held the Honorblade that day, was dead. Bisig woke up enough to tell them that the reason they had been taken by surprise was that the perpetrator had been wearing a Bridge Four coat with lieutenant's knots. Teft realized that must have been the coat he had sold to afford a little more firemoss, and he ran from the barracks in shame. >“*I will protect those I hate. Even ... even if the one I hate most ... is ... myself.*” \-Teft swearing the Third Ideal[5] As Teft ran through Urithiru, trying to find a place to hide, Phendorana appeared to him again, and he tried to run from her too. By chance, he ended up in a room that overlooked the Oathgate platforms in time to see an invasion of [[Singers|singers]] flooding in from the Kholinar platform. Teft found a dark place to hide away for a while, trying to ignore the fighting but able to hear the sounds of it. Hiding there, Phendorana appeared to him yet again and persuaded him to speak his Third Oath. After they defeated the invading force, Teft appeared in the middle of the [[Battle of Thaylen Field|Battle of Thaylen Field]] on Thaylen City's Oathgate with a division of Alethi soldiers and the rest of Bridge Four, whose Windrunner powers were restored thanks to Kaladin's proximity. They chased a group of [[Fused|Fused]] away from the Oathgate and kept the area secure until the conflict was over. Kaladin sought out Teft after the battle, and they spoke together briefly about what it was like to swear the Ideals before Bridge Four began helping fly the wounded from the city's triage station to the Oathgate. Bridge Thirteen became Teft's squires sometime during or shortly after the conflict, and he at some point discussed the personal words of his Third Oath with the rest of Bridge Four. Over the following year, most of Teft's squires became Radiants themselves. ### Still a Sergeant by Marie Seeberger [[Navani|Navani]] and [[Kaladin|Kaladin]] discussed sending Teft with [[Rysn|Rysn]] on her [[Expedition to Akinah|expedition to Akinah]], but they ultimately decided against it due to the possibility of the presence of [[Odium|Odium's]] forces on the island. If that were true, the [[Coalition of monarchs|coalition]] didn't want their enemies to have access to a living [[Shardblade|Shardblade]] and therefore to be able to unlock the [[Oathgate|Oathgate]] and access [[Urithiru|Urithiru]]. Teft accompanied the force from Urithiru that went to evacuate [[Hearthstone|Hearthstone]]. After Kaladin's pursuit of [[Leshwi|Leshwi]] failed, Teft flew over to receive instructions and to check on him, feeling concerned about how Kaladin had been looking lately. On Kaladin's orders, he returned to the [[Windrunners|Windrunners]] and instructed them to fight defensive engagements, not worrying over much about keeping the [[Fused|Fused]] away from the *Fourth Bridge*. On the trip back, Teft approached Kaladin again. Although Kaladin tried to rebuff him, he sat next to him anyway and made him listen to his suggestion that Kaladin go congratulate [[Laran|Laran]], who had just sworn the Third Ideal. They discussed [[Moash|Moash]] as well, but when Teft mentioned [[Renarin|Renarin]] finding Kaladin frozen in battle, Kaladin abruptly left to congratulate Laran. He flew the rest of the way to Urithiru on his own to escape Teft's questions. >“*Thank you, Teft. You shouldn't have given up so much. But ... thank you.*” \-Kaladin when Teft became his aide[6] After Dalinar relieved Kaladin from active duty, Kaladin tried to make Teft companylord of the Windrunners; Teft vehemently opposed this idea, so Kaladin promoted [[Sigzil|Sigzil]] to the position instead. Teft, hearing that Kaladin had decided to become a surgeon and establish a clinic with his father, withdrew from battle himself and became Kaladin's assistant. Kaladin tried to talk him out of staying behind, but Teft was immovable on the subject; eventually Kaladin acknowledged that he was grateful to have Teft with him. The first thing they did together was track down a refugee named [[Noril|Noril]] at the behest of his niece [[Cressa|Cressa]], who had come to Kaladin for help finding her uncle. [[Lirin|Lirin]] remembered sending the man to the [[Ardent|ardents]], but the ardents directed Teft and Kaladin to the [[Devotary of Mercy|Devotary of Mercy]]. The [[Kuno|ardent]] they encountered there was less than helpful until Teft summoned [[Phendorana|Phendorana]] as a Shardspear. Teft grumbled about finding Noril locked in a bare, dark room, but they convinced Noril to come outside onto the balcony to talk. In the conversation, Teft and Kaladin showed Noril that they understood what he was feeling; while Kaladin demanded that the ardents release Noril into his care, Teft kept chatting with the man about inconsequential things. Later, Kaladin sent Teft to look for [[Dabbid|Dabbid]] so the nonverbal bridgeman could join in on the group therapy meetings Kaladin had started, but Teft found that the man had been missing for three days. They went to check with [[Rlain|Rlain]], as Dabbid sometimes helped him in the fields surrounding Urithiru. Teft and Kaladin met with Rlain at [[Jez's Duty|Jez's Duty]]. Teft thought about ordering something stronger than the orange wine that he got, but Kaladin reminded him of what he already knew - that giving in a little bit would lead to a slide right back to addiction. They drank a toast "to unfairness" just before Rlain walked in with [[Syl|Syl]]. The four of them discussed war and Rlain's experience as a bridgeman before talking about Dabbid. Then Teft accused Kaladin of not attending his own group therapy meetings, and the other two sided with Teft until Kaladin promised to attend the next meeting. ### Occupation of Urithiru Teft dropped unconscious suddenly in the middle of their conversation, the result of [[Raboniel|Raboniel]] successfully activating the [[Sibling|Sibling's]] defenses with [[Voidlight|Voidlight]] such that it suppressed Radiant powers while still allowing powers fueled by Odium to function. Kaladin felt disoriented for a moment, but he immediately moved to check on Teft, whom he assumed was having either a stroke or a severe aftereffect of withdrawal from firemoss. They decided to take Teft to the [[Order of Edgedancers|Edgedancer]] clinic, so Kaladin carried him as Rlain led the way. After discovering that all of the Edgedancers were unconscious too, they took Teft up to Lirin's clinic. Syl appeared and confirmed that she couldn't see Phendorana anywhere either. As Kaladin fed Teft some broth at Lirin's clinic, he observed that Teft seemed closer to waking than the [[Stoneward|Stoneward]] who was also unconscious in the room. He listened to his father tell him that the best way to help the Radiants was to back down and fill his role as a surgeon; Kaladin agreed with him up until a [[Regal|Regal]] and a [[Warform|warform]] soldier came to take Teft to the infirmary where the other Radiants were. Kaladin attacked the two enemy soldiers, killing the Regal and sending the other running. He took the still unconscious Teft on his back and fled to a hidden room at the direction of the Sibling. Kaladin retrieved supplies to feed and clean Teft, and after [[Dabbid|Dabbid]] found them later, he helped care for the man too. When Dabbid and [[Rlain|Rlain]] brought [[Lift|Lift]] to the hidden room to heal Kaladin, she nonchalantly healed Teft too; Teft woke up in time to greet Kaladin as he awoke from the nightmares [[Odium|Odium]] had given him while he was feverish from an infected wound. >“*The others loved him. So, whatever he'd done, he would get up and make it right. That was the oath he'd taken, and by the Almighty's tenth name, he would keep it. For them.*” \-Teft[2] When Teft woke disoriented and confused, he believed that he had given in to his [[Firemoss|firemoss]] addiction; he was emboldened to hear that he was still sober. He had to strain to summon Phendorana, who had been unaware of happenings since Teft fell unconscious. Lift had to come by and heal him about every ten hours or he would start to fall back unconscious, and she arrived at one point with Rlain while Dabbid, Kaladin, and Teft were eating soup. The five of them discussed their situation, and, prompted by Kaladin questioning whether it wouldn't be better just to stop fighting, Teft gave the rest a detailed version of his childhood trauma surrounding the [[Envisagers|Envisagers]] and encouraged them just to do the best they could in their circumstance. They agreed they at least needed to rescue the rest of the Radiants, but decided to wait a few days. Teft found himself feeling happy just to consider the few little things that were still good about life and conceded to Phendorana that she had been right all along to think he was worth saving. ### Final Battle >“*You can kill me, but you can't have what I have. You can never have it. Because I die knowing I'm loved.*” \-Teft to Moash[1] The crew had devised a plan for Kaladin to distract the Fused while Teft and Lift snuck into Lirin's clinic to have Lift heal the unconscious Radiants. They hoped to be able to find a different way to resolve the situation, being unsure quite how they would manage to escape the tower, but when the Sibling informed them that the enemy had found the final node, they had to resort to their original plan. Upon arriving at the clinic, Teft and Lift had to take down a Regal who was guarding the door. Once inside, they realized they had sprung [[Moash|Moash's]] trap which he had intended for Kaladin. Moash wounded Lift with [[Jezrien|Jezrien's]] [[Honorblade|Honorblade]] before Teft engaged him while wielding only a dagger. Teft tried to stay out of Moash's reach, prolonging the fight to think of options. Lift began moving toward the Radiants behind Moash's back in order to heal them, so Teft and Phendorana tried to keep Moash from noticing her. Unfortunately, when Moash killed one of the Radiants, Lift cried out and drew his attention; to keep him from killing the girl next, Teft invited him to really fight. Moash easily wounded Teft, sending him to the ground. As he swung his blade to kill him, though, Teft and Phendorana strained together and managed to manifest the spren as a "phantom spear shaft," stopping Moash's blow. Realizing they wouldn't be able to do that again, Teft prepared to lunge at Moash in order to eliminate the advantage of his sword's reach. Before he could move, however, Moash pulled out a [[Raysium|raysium]] dagger embedded with an [[Anti-Stormlight|anti-Stormlight]] gem and stabbed Phendorana in the forehead with it. This permanently killed Phendorana, and Teft felt incapacitating agony as a part of his soul was ripped away. Moash hoisted Teft into the air, and Teft knew he was about to die. Knowing that he would die as someone who was loved, Teft had a few final words for Moash before Moash killed him with his Honorblade. by Connor Chamberlain Teft's statue Moash dropped Teft's body in front of Kaladin as he made towards the Radiant infirmary. Seeing his body, Kaladin was overwhelmed with such a sense of failure and grief that he became insensate. Teft's death was one of the catalysts in Kaladin's decision to jump from the top of Urithiru. However, in Kaladin's vision of [[Tien|Tien]], Tien addressed Teft's death and helped Kaladin see that he had been discounting all of the times he had helped the man and instead focusing solely on failing to save him from dying. After that, Kaladin accepted that he wouldn't be able to protect everyone and was able to swear his Fourth Ideal. Rlain sang the Song of the Fallen over Teft's body, while Dabbid knelt next to him and grieved. He channeled Teft while speaking to the group of [[Singers|singers]] and humans in the atrium about leaving the tower, but realized he probably came across as too gruff. Moash, having gone after Navani but having failed to kill her before she bonded the Sibling, felt pain over killing Teft as Navani and the Sibling's [[Towerlight|Towerlight]] pushed away his Connection to Odium. After Urithiru's liberation, Bridge Four had Teft's body [[Soulcast|Soulcast]] into stone, planning to place him in a room the Sibling knew about in the tower in which there were already stone statues of many fallen Radiants. The mortician was unable to change Teft's habitual scowl into a smile, which Bridge Four found appropriate; later, a sculptor would create a likeness of Phendorana to place by him. Bridge Four gathered at [[Jez's Duty|Jez's Duty]], where they drank to his memory and reminisced. Kaladin lingered by the statue while the others left, and he and [[Syl|Syl]] discussed missing Teft before hugging his statue and leaving him behind. As a final promise kept to Teft, Kaladin began attending his own group therapy sessions. ## Relationships ### Bridge Four >“*Teft did have hope. That was what he'd recovered, these years in Bridge Four.*” \-Teft[1] When [[Kaladin|Kaladin]] first asks Teft to help him with his plans to care for the injured members of [[Bridge Four|Bridge Four]], Teft's agreement leads him to help gather the other members to practice carrying a bridge on their time off and to help begin the tradition of having nightly stew. Later, Teft trains the other men of Bridge Four in fighting with spears. Kaladin's efforts mold Bridge Four into a team of which Teft is proud to be a part, which he proves when he receives a Bridge Four tattoo on his forehead even though he doesn't have a slave mark there to cover up. He later finds himself giving out duties and filling the role of commander at times when Kaladin is away. Because of his natural fit for leadership positions, he also is put in charge of running potential recruits through drills after Bridge Four shifts roles within the army and seeks to recruit to the ranks of [[Windrunner|Windrunner]] [[Squire|squires]]. Perhaps because of Teft's experience at the head of Bridge Four and his feeling toward the group as a whole, he is doubly ashamed of his actions when he sells his bridgeman coat to further his [[Firemoss|firemoss]] addiction and it ends up indirectly enabling the theft of [[Jezrien|Jezrien's]] [[Honorblade|honorblade]] and the death of [[Eth|Eth]]. Ultimately, Teft feels that his time in Bridge Four has allowed him to have hope again, and he is able to face even his death at the hands of [[Moash|Moash]] with confidence and hope. ### Kaladin >“*You and I were the start of this though. Figure we ought to stick together.*” \-Teft to Kaladin[6] Aside from Rock, Teft is the first [[Bridgeman|bridgeman]] [[Kaladin|Kaladin]] approaches to ask for support in his plans for [[Bridge Four|Bridge Four]]. He is also the first to suspect Kaladin's nature as a [[Knight Radiant|Knight Radiant]], a suspicion that pays off when he saves Kaladin's life. Kaladin in turn suspects that Teft has been a soldier and tricks him into revealing it in the chasms; later, Teft easily falls into the role of Kaladin's sergeant as he begins turning the bridgemen into soldiers. Kaladin is concerned about Teft when he begins disappearing on [[Firemoss|firemoss]] binges, but he respects Teft's privacy enough to lay off the issue until it becomes a serious problem. Both men take Teft's position as Kaladin's sergeant seriously, meaning that Kaladin listens to Teft's advice at times when he would rather not, and Teft knows to balance not letting Kaladin go into situations totally alone with not correcting him sometimes when he is wrong. Teft feels a sense of proprietary pride when he sees Kaladin still fighting after all that has dragged him down. ### Phendorana >“*You were storming right. You have always been right.*” \-Teft to Phendorana[2] At first, Teft resents the attention of [[Phendorana|Phendorana]] and wishes to give up instead of progress in his oaths, as she encourages him to do. She convinces him to swear the Third Ideal, committing himself to continue to struggle onward despite his self-loathing. She later encourages him to open up to [[Kaladin|Kaladin]], [[Lift|Lift]], [[Rlain|Rlain]], and [[Dabbid|Dabbid]] about his past with the [[Envisagers|Envisagers]] when the others wonder whether it is the right thing to do to keep fighting the occupation of [[Urithiru|Urithiru]]. After the discussion, Teft finds himself smiling because he enjoys life despite its difficulties; he admits to Phendorana that she had been right all along to convince him to keep going and to convince him that he was worth saving. They equally commit to the fight against [[Moash|Moash]] and somehow manage to manifest Phendorana to form just enough of a spear shaft to stop a blow from Moash that would otherwise have killed Teft. The nature of their bond causes Teft to feel as if some part of him is ripped off of his soul when Phendorana dies. In the end, that pain is what incapacitates Teft to the point that Moash is able to kill him without resistance. ## Trivia Teft was originally Hine, a character in *Mythwalker* that did not make it past the revision to be written into *Warbreaker*. [[Brandon Sanderson|Brandon Sanderson]] combined Hine with an aspect of Voko, a different character from *Mythwalker*, and placed him in Bridge Four as Teft. He is, however, largely the same as the Teft written in Brandon's undergraduate honors thesis, [[Dragonsteel Prime|Dragonsteel Prime]]. Brandon planned to have [[Moash|Moash]] kill Teft from early on in his plans for the series. In a hypothetical game of Mario Kart with [[Zahel|Zahel]] and [[Dalinar|Dalinar]], Zahel would cheat to win and Teft would allow Dalinar to beat him. Teft is not named after one of Brandon's friends.
|**Yarn Dred**| |-|-| |**World**|[[Nalthis|Nalthis]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| >“*Vasher killed a good friend of ours over in Yarn Dred a couple months back. Denth used to have four people in this team.*” \-Tonk Fah on Yarn Dred[1] **Yarn Dred** is a place on [[Nalthis|Nalthis]], possibly a city or town. [[Vasher|Vasher]] killed [[Arsteel|Arsteel]] in a duel in Yarn Dred a few months before Denth and his crew came to [[T'Telir|T'Telir]] to try to incite war between [[Idris|Idris]] and [[Hallandren|Hallandren]].
Yarn Dred
|**Jom**| |-|-| |**Homeworld**|[[Roshar|Roshar]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| **Jom** is a cobbler in [[Kholinar|Kholinar]]. He broke his arm before the [[Siege of Kholinar|Siege of Kholinar]]. [[Grund|Grund]] knew of Jom, and suggested to [[Shallan Davar|Veil]] that Jom would be a good candidate to give extra food to, along with many other candidates. However, the [[Grips|Grips]] killed all of Grund's friends for the food and terrorized anyone who received food, so it is possible Jom is now dead.
|**Bastien Severington**| |-|-| |**Profession**|Mayor| |**Residence**|[[Bilming|Bilming]]| |**Homeworld**|[[Scadrial|Scadrial]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| Lord **Bastien Severington** is the mayor of [[Bilming|Bilming]] in the [[Elendel Basin|Elendel Basin]] on [[Scadrial|Scadrial]] during the year 342 [[Catacendre|PC]]. ## Contents 1 History 1.1 Pewternauts 1.2 Criticizing Elendel 2 Notes ## History ### Pewternauts Bilming was an important port city, and Severington worked with [[Florin Malin|Florin Malin]] to develop warships known as "[[Pewternaut|Pewternauts]]" with armored hulls and gun turrets. The new ships were revealed in 342 [[Catacendre|PC]], and Severington invited a number of senators from [[Elendel|Elendel]] to their introduction as a gesture of friendship, likely hoping to quell some rising bitterness between the two cities. However, one of the senators was later quoted in *The New Ascendancy* mocking the ships. ### Criticizing Elendel Later in 342 [[Catacendre|PC]], [[Kelesina Shores|Kelesina Shores]] invited Severington to speak at [[Kelesina Shores' party|her party]] in [[New Seran|New Seran]]. Severington's speech focused on Elendel's "tyranny" and supposedly unfair taxation, going so far as to draw a comparison to the [[Lord Ruler|Lord Ruler]]. Severington used [[Sophi Tarcsel|Sophi Tarcsel's]] amplification devices to give the speech, allowing [[Waxillium Ladrian|Waxillium Ladrian]] to overhear parts of it despite being indisposed in another room. Wax realized that Bilming was important enough to spearhead anti-Elendel sentiment that could result in civil war.
Bastien Severington
|**Izumakamo**| |-|-| |by Botanicaxu | |**Aliases**|Izzy| |**Profession**|Painter| |**Groups**|[[Nightmare Division|Nightmare Division]]| |**Residence**|[[Kilahito|Kilahito]]| |**Nationality**|[[Nagadan|Nagadan]]| |**Homeworld**|[[Komashi|Komashi]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| |**Introduced In**|*Yumi and the Nightmare Painter*| **Izumakamo**, better known to her friends as **Izzy**, is an eccentric [[Nightmare|nightmare]] [[Painter|painter]] in [[Kilahito|Kilahito]] on [[Komashi|Komashi]]. She has a unique fascination in [[Hion viewer|hion viewer]] programs, having developed the idea of [[Dramascope|dramascopes]], and is interested in becoming a viewer critic. ## Contents 1 Appearance and Personality 2 History 3 Relationships 3.1 Nikaro 4 Notes ## Appearance and Personality Approximately twenty years old, Izzy is a woman with long limbs and bleached yellow hair. She is seen wearing trousers and a sweatshirt, and occasionally wears white in contrast with [[Masaka|Masaka's]] black. Izzy has a whimsical personality that often leaves her friends surprised and vexed, unsure of how serious she is being. She sometimes changes the topic of conversation abruptly and forcefully. Izzy is bisexual, and claims to be comfortable with the idea of dating an alien. She pays very close attention to current events. ## History At some point in time prior to her professional career, Izzy developed the idea of dramascopes--a form of divinatory practice which involves hion viewer programs alongside more conventional methods. She defended the practice adamantly despite her friends' doubts, hoping that it would one day make her rich and famous. In upper school, studying to become a nightmare painter, Izzy became friends with [[Akane|Akane]], [[Tojin|Tojin]], Masaka, and [[Nikaro|Nikaro]]. She, with the rest of these friends, came to believe that Nikaro would join the [[Dreamwatch|Dreamwatch]] and that she would be one of his companions. Izzy became deeply distrustful of Nikaro after they discovered he was lying. After graduating, she became a painter and primarily worked as partners with Masaka. Akane introduced [[Yumi|Yumi]] to Izzy at the [[Noodle Pupil|Noodle Pupil]] during the yoki-hijo's first days in Kilahito, and after shaking her hand Izzy shared Yumi's dramascope. Later, when Akane reported Yumi had been spending too much time studying, Izzy joined her friends in encouraging Yumi to take a break and join them for dinner. At dinner, she noticed Yumi staring at a shirtless Tojin and teased him to put his clothes back on for Yumi's sake. When the topic of Painter came up, Izzy had little interest in talking about him and changed the subject to their spaceship, which was soon scheduled to launch. Izzy was quick to take off from work when Yumi was caught hunting a stable nightmare, and more than anyone else was intent on the yoki-hijo understanding Nikaro's history of lying. When Yumi supposed he might be telling the truth, Izzy was the first to point out that he can't have seen a stable nightmare because it would have attacked the city already. Before Yumi returned to [[Torio|Torio]] for a final time, Izzy informed her about the surprise ending of *Seasons of Regret*. The plot twist in this episode had a profound effect on Izzy, and inspired within her a desire to become a viewer critic and to write a book about the benefits of viewer programs for mental health. When Nikaro eventually returned and asked his friends for help in the coming attack, Izzy was incredulous when Tojin decided to assist Nikaro. At one point during the [[Battle of Kilahito|battle of Kilahito]] Izzy froze up during an attack, and Nikaro pushed her aside and saved her with a painting of a bird. ## Relationships ### Nikaro Izzy is particularly critical of Nikaro for the way he lied to them about joining the Dreamwatch. Prior to the [[Battle of Kilahito|battle of Kilahito]], Izzy was often very outspoken with her negative opinions. While others in the group tend to discuss Nikaro with solemnity, Izzy frequently offers derisive laughter and dismisses everything he says as untrustworthy. When Yumi is later caught hunting the stable nightmare, her friends try to handle the topic delicately while Izzy is adamant that Yumi understand her brother has a history of lying.
|**Charred**| |-|-| |by Ernanda Souza | |**Sapient**|Yes| |**World of Origin**|[[Canticle|Canticle]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| This page or section needs to be updated with new information for *The Sunlit Man*!Be aware that in its current state, it may not include all additional content yet. **Charred** are a classification of [[Investiture|Invested]] being on [[Canticle|Canticle]]. ## Contents 1 Prerequisites 1.1 Sunlit Ones 2 Abilities and Weaknesses 2.1 Cinderheart 2.2 Control 3 History 4 Notable Charred 5 Notes ## Prerequisites Charred are created using a corrupted [[Sunheart|sunheart]], called a cinderheart, and stabbing a person in the chest with it. This is typically done while attached to a spearhead. [[Union|Union]] has a machine that implants the cinderheart, although still being done with a spear. Once the cinderheart is inserted heat will begin to flare, causing sparks and flames to spray out as the body is burned. The person's pectorals, rib cage, and heart will burn away, leaving seared and blackened skin. The cinderheart will then radiate from the center of the cavity. The immense amount of heat causes most of their memories and soul to burn up. Giving a Charred even more heat can further destroy their memories. ### Sunlit Ones Leaders of the Charred, known as Sunlit Ones, are created by removing some of the heat from the cinderheart immediately after it is implanted. Sunlit Charred keep most of their skin and organs intact, leaving the cinderheart not as deeply implanted. They also keep their memories, as the cinderheart is unable to finish burning away their soul. ## Abilities and Weaknesses Charred posses supernatural strength, speed, and durability. They are very effective in close combat and are consistently driven to act. Charred can also use their cinderhearts to ignite explosives. Their bodies are hotter than normal and can cause water to quickly evaporate if touching them. Sunlit Charred are able to absorb a much larger amount of [[Investiture|Investiture]] than normal, though being Charred does not grant someone the inherent ability to absorb Investiture. A major weakness of Charred is that they will collapse if heat is drawn from their bodies. Charred will also not survive modern weapons, such as guns, and are not strong enough to break out of chains. They can also be killed if they are unable to breathe. ### Cinderheart Despite removing a person's heart and other important organs, cinderhearts are able to keep Charred alive. Cinderhearts constantly push heat throughout the body, energizing the Charred. If their cinderheart stops working, they will immediately die. Cinderhearts will respond to a Charred's emotions, and may flare, dim, or change color depending on their mood. Through their cinderhearts, all Charred are [[Connection|Connected]], and can feel the presence of other Charred. ### Control >“*You see how they can’t protest or resist? How they serve me regardless of how I treat them? I have absolute power over these. *” \-Cinder King[12] Charred are Connected to their leader, a Sunlit Charred, who is able to control them. Due to their compromised souls, the control can be strong enough that a Charred will barely even struggle while getting strangled if told not to move. Charred are able to feel the emotions of their Sunlit One and may express and act on these feelings despite their current commands. When left without orders, Charred are typically violent, and will growl or attack those close to them. If more than one Sunlit Charred tries to take control at the same time, the stronger one will win. Sunlit Charred are not able to directly control too many Charred at a time, and often just give them general instructions. Charred will not attack Sunlit Charred, even if they are not the one controlling them. Charred can be freed from the control of a Sunlit Charred by taking some of the heat from their cinderhearts. This removes some of the corrupted coating placed on the soul and removes the darkness of the cinderheart. Charred freed from control will still feel the Connection and emotions of their Sunlit Charred, but will not hear orders from them. It is unknown if this process is permanent or if the Charred needs to continue removing heat from their cinderheart to remain autonomous. This process allows the Charred to think and speak, but they will not regain memories or personalities from before they were Charred. They will still be quick to attack others, but this can be controlled through willpower and discipline. ## History At some point [[Scadrial|Scadrian]] researchers arrived on [[Canticle|Canticle]] and began experimenting with the local investiture. One of these experiments led to them creating cinderhearts, and finding out how to create Charred and Sunlit Ones. They also met the [[Cinder King|Cinder King]] and began trading with him. During one of these trades, the Cinder King acquired the knowledge of how to make Charred and Sunlit Ones. He began doing this shortly after, creating the army by which he was able to conquer the world. After the Cinder King was overthrown, Union decided to rehabilitate the existing Charred, and stop the creation of new ones. ## Notable Charred For a full list see, see :Category:Charred. [[Elegy|Elegy]] [[Rebeke|Rebeke]] [[Cinder King|Cinder King]]
|**Unknown**| |-|-| |**Born**|ca. 300 [[Heraldic Epochs|Eighth Epoch]]| |**Died**|*Unknown*| |**Abilities**|[[Order of Stonewards|Stoneward]], [[Shardbearer|Shardbearer]]| |**Groups**|[[Knights Radiant|Knights Radiant]] | |**Homeworld**|[[Roshar|Roshar]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| |**Introduced In**|*The Way of Kings*| This article's title is uncanonical and a fan created one, because an official term or name has not been made yet. >“*It is our duty and our privilege to stay vigilant for the Desolation. One kingdom to study the arts of war so that the others might have peace. We die so that you may live. It has ever been our place.*” \-The Starfalls Stoneward[1] The **Starfalls Stoneward** was a [[Knights Radiant|Knight Radiant]] from the [[Heraldic Epochs|Heraldic Epochs]] who appeared in [[Dalinar Kholin|Dalinar Kholin's]] twelfth [[Dalinar's visions|vision]], also known as the Starfalls vision. ## Contents 1 Appearance and Personality 2 Attributes and Abilities 3 History 4 Quotes 5 Notes ## Appearance and Personality The Stoneward has light tan skin, similar to that of a modern [[Alethi|Alethi]]. She has light tan eyes that seem to glow, and wears her hair in a bun. She wears "delicate" [[Shardplate|Shardplate]] that glows with an amber light, and is able to summon and dismiss the helm. She is very calm and focused in dangerous situations. When Dalinar asks her questions about who she fights for, she emphasizes her duty to protect the world by training in the arts of war. ## Attributes and Abilities For more information, see [[Order of Stonewards|Order of Stonewards]]. The Stoneward exhibits the typical abilities of the ancient [[Knights Radiant|Knights Radiant]], including a [[Shardblade|Shardblade]] and [[Shardplate|Shardplate]] that she is able to summon or dismiss at will. Although Dalinar does not observe her using Stoneward abilities, the amber color of her armor places her in that Order. She is a skilled fighter and was able to fend off an attack by the [[Midnight Essence|Midnight Essence]] with the help of Dalinar and her [[Starfalls Windrunner|Windrunner companion]]. She also is in possession of a healing [[Fabrial|fabrial]] that consists of a large [[Topaz|topaz]] and a large [[Heliodor|heliodor]] entwined in a metal cage. By using the fabrial and touching someone, she is able to heal serious wounds almost instantly. She makes reference to the fabrial's use of [[Regrowth|Regrowth]]. ## History She and a Windrunner companion rescued Dalinar's embodiment [[Heb|Heb]] and his family from an attack by the [[Midnight Essence|Midnight Essence]] in their village. She appeared suddenly during the attack and used a fabrial to heal both "Heb" and his wife [[Taffa|Taffa]] after they were injured defending themselves. She then summoned her Shardblade and joined her companion to defeat the monsters. She was shocked when Dalinar joined the fight skillfully wielding a fireplace poker, but the three of them quickly formed a defensive position; after a difficult battle, they destroyed all of the creatures. The Windrunner flew away, leaving the Stoneward to guard the family, and Dalinar used the opportunity to ask her a few questions. She was a bit confused by the nature of his questions, but explained that they were in [[Natanatan|Natanatan]] during the Eighth Epoch. She explained that the attacking creatures were not [[Voidbringer|Voidbringers]], but rather the Midnight Essence (which she called one of the [[Ten Deaths|Ten Deaths]]), although she did not know who had released it. She also briefly discussed the Knights Radiant; at that time, the Orders were centered in [[Urithiru|Urithiru]] but the Knights lived in [[Alethela|Alethela]]. She emphasized that it was the duty of the Knights to train in the art of war and stay vigilant for the [[Desolation|Desolations]], and that they gave their lives to keep the world safe. She urged Dalinar to come train with the Radiants, since they had could teach people how to manage the burden that came along with fighting and killing. She mentioned that [[Harkaylain|Harkaylain]] had predicted that a Desolation would be coming soon before quickly departing when she heard screaming nearby. ## Quotes >“* The Knights Radiant fight for no king and for all of them.*” \-The Starfalls Stoneward[1] >“*Every pasture needs three things. Flocks to grow, herdsmen to tend, and watchers at the rim. We of Alethela are those watchers—the warriors who protect and fight. We maintain the terrible arts of killing, then pass them on to others when the Desolation comes*” \-The Starfalls Stoneward, recited as if from memory[1]
Starfalls Stoneward
|**Well of Control**| |-|-| |**Related to**|[[Odium|Odium]], [[Retribution|Retribution]]| |**Use**|Giving power, Realmatic Transition| |**City**|[[Narak|Narak]]| |**World**|[[Roshar|Roshar]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| This page or section contains spoilers for *Wind and Truth*!This information has the ability to potentially ruin elements of the plot for the reader. Proceed with caution if you have not read this book. This page or section needs to be updated with new information for *Wind and Truth*!Be aware that in its current state, it may not include all additional content yet. The **Well of Control** is a [[Perpendicularity|perpendicularity]] associated with [[Odium|Odium]], and later [[Retribution|Retribution]]. ## Contents 1 Location and Appearance 2 Purpose 3 History and Mythology 4 Notes ## Location and Appearance >“*We must travel to the Well of Control, within the shroud of the fragments of the dead moon. There, we will find our destiny. We cannot stop him from destroying us. It is time.*” \-Sleepless[1][2] The Well of Control is located at the [[Shattered Plains|Shattered Plains]], hidden beneath a rocky cavern with no exits. The Well appears as a pool, roughly thirty yards wide, full of thick liquid. As Odium's perpendicularity, it is a shimmering golden color, while as Retribution's it is a brilliant blue-black. It pulses with a [[Rhythm|rhythm]] that is difficult to hear, as it is located within the fragmentary remnants of Roshar's fourth moon, which can block even a Shard's sight. Being [[Connection|Connected]] to both [[Honor|Honor]] and [[Odium|Odium]] may help a person sense its rhythm. ## Purpose Those who use the Well of Control are able to gain the powers of Odium. This allows the user to [[Connection|Connect]] to the [[Singer|singers]] and [[Spren|spren]] of [[Roshar|Roshar]], Connect to certain lands of Roshar, or create their own version of [[Fused|Fused]]. ## History and Mythology During the [[False Desolation|False Desolation]], [[Ba-Ado-Mishram|Ba-Ado-Mishram]] found the Well of Control and used its powers to Connect to the singers on Roshar. [[Ishar|Ishar]] would later find and take up some of the powers of Odium from the Well. After Odium and Honor combined to make [[Retribution|Retribution]], the Well of Control drained, before refilling with Retribution's [[Investiture|Investiture]].
Well of Control
|**DaiKeen**| |-|-| |**World of Origin**|[[Taldain|Taldain]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| This page or section needs to be updated with new information for *White Sand*!Be aware that in its current state, it may not include all additional content yet. A **DaiKeen** is a [[Kerztian|Kerztian]] economic and social grouping similar to the Professions in [[Lossand|Lossand]]. Members of a indicate which one they belong to with symbols or markings at their foreheads. ## The DaiKeenin
|**Kylrm**| |-|-| |**Profession**|Guard| |**Homeworld**|[[Roshar|Roshar]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| |**Introduced In**|*The Way of Kings*| **Kylrm** is a guardsman on [[Roshar|Roshar]]. He is the head guard of [[Vstim|Vstim's]] merchant train. During Vstim's visit to [[Shinovar|Shinovar]], Kylrm is suspicious of the Shin, and they outnumber him and the rest of the guards. On the way to the [[Reshi|Reshi]] island, Klyrm plays with [[Rysn|Rysn's]] parasol. She is surprised at him not warning her about the island, or its inhabitants. He and [[Nlent|Nlent]] accompany Rysn up to see the king of the isle, keeping hold of his [[Gtet|gtet]].
|**Haverfrex**| |-|-| |**Dominance**|[[Central Dominance|Central Dominance]]| |**Nation**|[[Final Empire|Final Empire]]| |**World**|[[Scadrial|Scadrial]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| **Haverfrex** was a city and location of one of the [[Lord Ruler|Lord Ruler's]] main canneries. It likely supplied one of the Lord Ruler's storage caches. It was held by [[Ashweather Cett|Ashweather Cett]] during the [[Siege of Luthadel|siege of Luthadel]], giving him the advantage of easy supply along [[Luth-Davn Canal|Luth-Davn Canal]] which ran between the cities.
|**Solitary Shadow**| |-|-| |**Region**|[[Nowhere|Nowhere]]| |**Universe**|[[Cytoverse|Cytoverse]]| >“*We call it the Solitary Shadow. It is the last stop on your quest. *” \-Chet to Spensa[1] The **Solitary Shadow** is a portal in the [[Nowhere|nowhere]], a name likely given to it by the [[Delver|delvers]]. It is located on a flat, desolate fragment, very close to the lightburst. It is roughly a three hour flight from [[Surehold|Surehold]] at a medium speed, and about an hour away from the lightburst with a ship’s thrusters on overburn. It is the last step on the [[Path of Elders|Path of Elders]], and holds the memories and secrets of the delvers, showing how they were created. Like other portals, the memories can be accessed by approaching the portal and reaching out with one’s cytonic senses. Like other portals, Solitary Shadow is a stone rectangular structure, like a monolith. It has strange, sinuous markings etched into the stone, similar to ones found on the walls of [[Detritus|Detritus]]’s caverns. Because of its proximity to the lightburst, and due to the lack of other structures on the flat, empty fragment, Solitary Shadow casts a large shadow, which extends hundreds of meters. It is difficult to see anything within this shadow. Solitary Shadow is visited by Chet, Spensa, [[M-Bot|M-Bot]], and [[Hesho|Hesho]], though Hesho doesn’t view the memories with the others.
Solitary Shadow
|**Wind's Pleasure**| |-|-| |by Kelley King | |**Type**|Ship| |**Captain**|[[Tozbek|Tozbek]]| |**World of Origin**|[[Roshar|Roshar]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| The *Wind's Pleasure* is a ship on [[Roshar|Roshar]] captained by [[Tozbek|Tozbek]]. It is a narrow, single-masted cargo vessel with an 8-person crew and at least three cabins. The captain's cabin has a faulty latch on the door. ## Contents 1 History 1.1 Chartered by Shallan 1.2 Final Voyage 2 Legacy 3 Crew 4 Notes ## History by Marie Seeberger The *Wind's Pleasure* arriving in [[Kharbranth|Kharbranth]] ### Chartered by Shallan The *Wind's Pleasure* was chartered by [[Shallan Davar|Shallan Davar]] in 1173 to take her to [[Dumadari|Dumadari]] to meet [[Jasnah Kholin|Jasnah Kholin]]. Captain Tozbek noted that he was indebted to [[House Davar|House Davar]] and was happy to have Shallan on board. Upon finding that Jasnah was no longer in Dumadari, Shallan asked Tozbek to continue on to the next city. This pattern repeated as Jasnah moved along the coastline doing research. When the *Wind's Pleasure* finally caught up to Jasnah in [[Kharbranth|Kharbranth]] and Shallan was taken as Jasnah's ward, Captain Tozbek continued on, trading in other ports. Shallan later sent a note to Tozbek inquiring as to his whereabouts, which he took as a request to pick her up and take her back to [[Jah Keved|Jah Keved]]. Shallan also acted as a scribe for Tozbek to offset the cost of her travels. ### Final Voyage Jasnah later chartered the *Wind's Pleasure* to take her and Shallan down the coast towards the [[Shattered Plains|Shattered Plains]]. Jasnah paid for the use of one cabin for Shallan and one for herself; Jasnah took the Captain's cabin. At [[Amydlatn|Amydlatn]], the *Wind's Pleasure* took on a [[New kid|new crew member]]. While traveling down the coast, the *Wind's Pleasure* was paced by an exceptionally rare animal called a [[Santhid|santhid]], which Shallan desperately wanted to sketch. She tied a rope around herself and went overboard in order to see the creature underwater, later producing the first known drawing of a santhid. by Jessica Liu [[Shallan Davar|Shallan Davar]] aboard the *Wind's Pleasure* Shortly before reaching the [[Shallow Crypts|Shallow Crypts]], the new member of the crew assisted in an armed takeover of the *Wind's Pleasure*. The attackers sought to murder [[Jasnah Kholin|Jasnah Kholin]] and retrieve her research; Jasnah correctly deduced that the [[Ghostbloods|Ghostbloods]] were behind this plot. Shallan hid during the assault and unconsciously used her Lightweaving abilities to escape detection. With [[Pattern|Pattern's]] assistance, she then entered [[Shadesmar|Shadesmar]] and saw that the crew was being methodically executed. Using her latent [[Soulcasting|Soulcasting]] ability, she convinced the *Wind's Pleasure* to change so that the crew might have a chance to survive. The *Wind's Pleasure* changed into a new form, dropping everyone aboard into the water. Shallan woke up in the [[Physical Realm|Physical Realm]] and believed that the santhid had saved her; neither she nor Pattern knew the fate of the remaining crew members and attackers. [[Yalb|Yalb]] and two other unknown sailors survived the sinking of the *Wind's Pleasure*. They struggled to find jobs due to rumors about the mysterious disappearance of their ship. Some sailors believed that the ship had been a ghost ship for years, and that was the reason it eventually vanished without a trace. Because of the rumors, no one was willing to hire the three survivors together, and they each went their own way to serve on different ships. ## Legacy Shallan later learned that [[Tyn|Tyn]] had masterminded the attack on the ship, in service of [[Mraize|Mraize]] and the Ghostbloods. Shallan and Jasnah each lost their [[Spanreed|spanreeds]] in the sinking of the *Wind's Pleasure*, which limited their ability to communicate; Jasnah considered the loss a significant setback for her research. When Jasnah and Shallan finally met again in [[Urithiru|Urithiru]], Jasnah immediately apologized for the events of the *Wind's Pleasure*, which she attributed to her own lack of foresight regarding the attack by the Ghostbloods. Shallan took a liking to Yalb, who often playfully flirted with her. She thought of him when she became upset about the death that seemed to follow her despite her best intentions, and he was one of the first figures that emerged when Shallan used Lightweaving to create an army during the [[Battle of Thaylen Field|Battle of Thaylen Field]]. She is presumably unaware that Yalb survived the sinking. ## Crew [[Tozbek|Tozbek]] (captain) [[Ashlv|Ashlv]] (Tozbek's wife) [[Beznk|Beznk]] [[Nanhel Eltorv|Nanhel Eltorv]] [[Yalb|Yalb]] [[New kid|New kid]]
Winds Pleasure
|**Colot**| |-|-| |**Abilities**|Radiant squire for [[Order of Windrunners|Order of Windrunners]] | |**Profession**|Army Captain, archer| |**Groups**|[[Bridge Four|Bridge Four]], Kholin army, [[Unoathed|Unoathed]]| |**Nationality**|[[Alethi|Alethi]]| |**Homeworld**|[[Roshar|Roshar]]| |**Universe**|[[Cosmere|Cosmere]]| |**Introduced In**|*Oathbringer*| This page or section contains spoilers for *Wind and Truth*!This information has the ability to potentially ruin elements of the plot for the reader. Proceed with caution if you have not read this book. This page or section needs to be updated with new information for *Wind and Truth*!Be aware that in its current state, it may not include all additional content yet. **Colot** is a Captain of the Fifth Battalion of the [[House Kholin|Kholin]] army on [[Roshar|Roshar]]. He later becomes a [[Windrunner|Windrunner]]. ## Contents 1 Appearance and Personality 2 History 2.1 Kholin army 2.2 Radiant squire 3 Notes ## Appearance and Personality He is [[Lighteyes|lighteyed]] and lanky. He is referred to as a "good man" by [[Skar|Skar]]. ## History ### Kholin army Colot was an archer in the Kholin army in a battalion with a number of archers; he was a captain, also commanding some scouts, scribes, and bridgemen. He was good friends with Captain [[Tallan|Tallan]] of the Eighth Company, which acted as the Fifth Battalion's policing force during the [[Battle of Narak|Battle of Narak]]. After the battle, he volunteered his battalion to help [[Bridge Four|Bridge Four]] scout [[Urithiru|Urithiru]]. He arrived on the scene with reinforcements just after the death of [[Vedekar Perel|Vedekar Perel]]; [[Dalinar|Dalinar]] asked him to help secure the perimeter and to notify [[Elhokar|Elhokar]] and [[Sebarial|Sebarial]] of the death. ### Radiant squire Colot was among a group of potential [[Knights Radiant|Knights Radiant]] squires that [[General Khal|General Khal]] sent to [[Kaladin|Kaladin]]. Kaladin was hesitant to recruit lighteyes, but [[Skar|Skar]] vouched for Colot and pointed out that [[Renarin|Renarin]] was also lighteyed. Colot and the other lighteyed recruits submitted to orders during the tryout without complaint, causing Skar to reflect on Kaladin's and [[Teft|Teft's]] prejudiced perception of lighteyes. [[Rlain|Rlain]] later saw Colot and nine other new recruits to Bridge Four training with [[Peet|Peet]] after gaining the ability to breathe in [[Stormlight|Stormlight]]. Colot was the only lighteyed squire in the group, and remained one of only a few members of Bridge Four who were originally lighteyed. After becoming a squire, Colot's name was known to [[Shallan|Shallan]]. While disguised as a messenger from the [[Shattered Plains|Shattered Plains]], she invoked his name to seem more authentic during her attempt to deliver a letter from Elhokar to [[Aesudan|Aesudan]].
|**Steelheart>**| |-|-| |by Mike Bryan | |**The Reckoners**| |**Precedes**|*Firefight *| |**Setting**|[[Newcago|Newcago]], [[Earth (Reckoners)|Alternate Earth]]| |**Released**|September 24, 2013| |**Publisher**|| |**ISBN**|978-0-3857-4356-3| |**Page Count**|386| |**Word Count**|[[Steelheart/Statistical analysis|107,944]]| This article is about the novel. For the [[Epic|Epic]] of the same name, see [[Steelheart (Epic)|Steelheart]]. *Steelheart* is a young adult novel by [[Brandon Sanderson|Brandon Sanderson]]. It is the first novel in *The Reckoners* series, which is not part of the [[Cosmere|cosmere]]. It was released on September 24, 2013. It has been optioned by a film studio. ## Contents 1 Synopsis 2 Summary 3 Setting 3.1 Magic System 4 Cover Gallery 5 Statistical Analysis 6 Notes ## Synopsis >“*Steelheart possesses the strength of ten men and can control the elements. It is said no bullet can harm him, no sword can split his skin, no explosion can burn him. Nobody fights back...nobody but the Reckoners. A shadowy group of ordinary humans, the Reckoners spend their lives studying Epics, finding their weaknesses, and then taking them out. For the death of his father, David wants in. For years, like the Reckoners, David's been studying and planning, and has something they need. Not an object, but an experience. He's seen Steelheart bleed.*” \-Blurb from Goodreads[1] ## Summary For a chapter by chapter summary, see [[Steelheart/Summary|/Summary]]. The story is told via the perspective of [[David Charleston|David Charleston]], an orphan teenager living in [[Newcago|Newcago]] (formerly known as Chicago). Newcago is ruled by the extremely powerful [[Epic|Epic]] named [[Steelheart (Epic)|Steelheart]], who has created a society run by powerful Epics, with normal people living in normal jobs. Steelheart is invulnerable, is able to fly, can hurl blasts of energy, and can turn inanimate matter to steel; he has turned all of Chicago to steel for kilometers around and into the ground. Compared to other places in what was the United States, Newcago is well run, with normal people generally having access to food, water, electricity, jobs, etc. David's father was killed by Steelheart around the time of the collapse. As a result, David dedicated his life to learning about the Epics' powers, so that he can get revenge on Steelheart. Near the start of the book, David makes contact with a group of [[Reckoners|Reckoners]], a society of normal humans dedicated to killing Epics. The Reckoners are in possession of advanced technology which they say has scientifically been derived from Epic powers, most prominently the power to tunnel through inanimate matter using "[[Tensor|tensors]]". David convinces the Reckoners to try to kill Steelheart. The Reckoners create a plan to lure out Steelheart; the plan is to announce that there is a new powerful Epic named Limelight, who challenges Steelheart to a fight. To make Steelheart take the challenge seriously, they stage two attacks. First they blow up the power plant. Next they try to attack a powerful Epic named [[Conflux|Conflux]], who is known to be a gifter who can transfer his power to non-epics. The attack doesn't go according to plan, and [[Megan Tarash|Megan]] dies, but they do succeed in kidnapping Conflux. Its revealed that Conflux was a captive of Steelheart, kept prisoner and used to power the city and the weapons of Steelheart's forces. With the capture of Conflux, Steelheart accepts the Reckoner's challenge. When they meet Steelheart, they try many ways of breaking Steelheart's invulnerability, without success. The professor uses the Tensor to fight Steelheart directly, to stall him. The powerful Epics [[Nightwielder|Nightwielder]] and [[Firefight|Firefight]] go after David. David is able to kill Nightwielder, but Firefight turns out to be Megan, who is an Epic illusionist with reincarnation ability who had infiltrated the Reckoners. Because of David's love for Firefight, and because Firefight had become less evil because she has not been using her powers regularly, Firefight lets David go. David joins the professor in the fight against Steelheart, but the professor is killed, and Steelheart takes David's gun to kill David. But David has guessed that Steelheart's vulnerability is that he can only be killed by someone who does not fear him, and has rigged the gun to trigger an explosive, which kills Steelheart (since Steelheart doesn't fear himself, he can kill himself). David learns that the Professor is an Epic who had avoided turning evil by gifting his powers disguised as technology. One of these powers is the ability to heal rapidly, and using this on himself he revives in time to stop the explosive blast from killing David. Once Steelheart's human employees see the Professor recover they leave, since they believe normal humans can't fight an Epic. ## Setting ### Magic System The [[Epic|Epics]] have what is classically known as super-powers. Some technologies have been invented through the study of these super powered individuals, and so many devices have a seemingly mystical quality to them. Epic powers can differ greatly between individuals. Some have a single power, though most, especially the most powerful, have more than one. (It's worth noting that the book implies that the stronger a single power, the more likely that epic is to have additional powers). While many Epics display powers that are similar in nature (the powers to become invisible and make illusions for example) or different but complementary (prophetic foresight and super human reflexes for example), some Epics, namely the most powerful, seem to have powers that bear no relation to one another. A prime example of the latter situation is Steelheart with his super strength, invincibility, and abilities to fly and shoot energy blasts from his hands. Every Epic has a weakness. Like the distribution of powers, this can often come in a form that relates to the powers (smoke disrupting invisibility, for example) or can be random (seeing a particular symbol, having proximity to a certain item, having a certain thought). These weaknesses either disrupt or weaken the power, or entirely disable it . The use of an epic power seems to cause the Epic to be altered psychologically, seeming to strip the moral compass from people (the book notes how many Epics see a brutal death as a fitting retaliation for even the smallest of slights against them). It does not however make them into murderers. The only exception to this are the 'Gifters', a slang term for those who can give others a part of their power. While using the power themselves they are affected like any other Epic, the transferring and use of the power by another doesn't affect the Gifter. Gifters cannot give other Epics their powers. It is unknown whether technology developed to imitate or replicate Epic powers carries this same penalty. The magic seems to be tied to [[Calamity (Epic)|Calamity]]. Though it's a speculation by many in the books, the fact that Epics began to appear after Calamity arrived is taken as strong proof. In addition, Nightwielder's power blocks all light from passing through its barrier, but Calamity can still be seen. ## Cover Gallery For a cover gallery of Steelheart, see [[Steelheart/Covers|/Covers]]. ## Statistical Analysis For a full statistical analysis, see [[Steelheart/Statistical analysis|/Statistical analysis]]. *Steelheart* consists of one prologue, forty-one chapters, and one epilogue, reaching a total 107,944 word count. |**Word Count**|107,944|| |-|-| |**Page Count**|386|Delacorte Press hardback| |**Chapter Count**|41|Including prologue, and epilogue.|