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|by Ben McSweeney |
|**World of Origin**|[[Roshar|Roshar]]|
>“*The santhid. It rescued me.*”
**Santhidyn** are massive shelled marine animals native to [[Roshar|Roshar]]. They are one of a few Rosharan species known to have some degree of sapience.
Santhidyn are so rare and reclusive that some scholars believe them to be extinct, although sailors sometimes sight them and dead specimens occasionally wash up on shore. There were no known pictures or reliable descriptions of live specimens until a santhid was observed and drawn by [[Shallan Davar|Shallan Davar]].
## Contents
1 Appearance and Anatomy
2 Behavior
3 Ecology
4 History
5 Lore
6 Trivia
7 Notes
## Appearance and Anatomy
Santhidyn have a dome-shaped brown-green shell on the top of their bodies, about the size of three rowboats tied together and at least six or eight feet in height. The shell is sometimes overgrown with seaweed, and small crystals jut up from it. While the santhid is swimming through the water, the shell looks like a tiny, mobile island. The shell extends underwater, such that no other part of the animal can be seen from a ship, only shadows.
Underneath the shell, their bodies are a knotted gray-blue mass. They have long, very thick blue tendrils that trail behind the santhid at a drooping slant. Their skin is rippled and folded, gnarled like an ancient tree. They have an eye the size of a human head on each side of their body and three enormous fins on each of their flanks.
Although it is unclear if santhidyn are categorized as "[[Greatshell|greatshells]]", they have some characteristics in common with other animals such as the [[Yu-nerig|yu-nerig]] and [[Tai-na|Tai-na]], and they are part of the same family tree as [[Chasmfiend|chasmfiends]]. Shallan observes arrow-shaped [[Spren|spren]], presumably [[Mandra|mandras]], near a santhid. These spren are known to enable animals to grow to enormous size on Roshar. The size and anatomy of santhidyn may also indicate that they have [[Gemheart|gemhearts]].
by Randy Vargas
## Behavior
>“*Do you realize that nobody has ever produced a drawing of a live santhid? All the ones that have washed up on beaches were badly decomposed.*”
Sightings of santhidyn are extremely rare. Even full-time sailors may only see one every few years. When a santhid does encounter a ship, they may sometimes follow it for days, even waiting at sea for the ship if it visits a port of call. Their large fins allow them to swim quickly and smoothly, and they seem to easily keep up with ships, even over long distances. They are generally considered harmless, and there are even stories about santhidyn saving people from drowning, although their presence still worries some sailors since they are enigmatic creatures.
Santhidyn have some degree of sapience. This is related to the [[Shard|Shard]] [[Cultivation|Cultivation]] and presumably facilitated by a relationship with [[Spren|spren]], although this relationship is not well-understood. Shallan noticed that a santhid seemed to focus its eye directly on her; she believed that the same santhid later rescued her from a shipwreck.
## Ecology
The waters around santhidyn are teeming with life. Schools of small fish usually follow santhidyn, picking at the underside of their shell, perhaps indicating a symbiotic relationship. If a santhid approaches a ship, fish will move back and forth between the two, also picking at the bottom of the vessel. Shallan theorizes that the feeding behavior of the fish may be the reason that santhidyn sometimes follow ships.
Because sightings are so infrequent, the full range of santhidyn is unclear, although their size presumably limits them to deeper waters. They have been observed in Longbrow's Straits and the [[Southern Depths|Southern Depths]].
by Ashley Coad [[Shallan|Shallan]] meeting a santhid
## History
Santhidyn are rarely seen by sailors, and even more rarely by scholars. A naturalist named [[Naladan|Naladan]] spent her entire career chasing santhidyn and never got a good look at one. Sightings are so infrequent that there is a great deal of disagreement about their nature, and even their existence. Some corpses have washed ashore, but they are generally badly decomposed and not useful for study.
[[Shallan Davar|Shallan Davar]] and the crew of the *Wind's Pleasure* encountered a santhid in [[Longbrow's Straits|Longbrow's Straits]] in 1173. Shallan was determined to observe the creature underwater, and ordered the crew to tie some ropes around her and lower her over the gunwale down to the water, against [[Yalb|Yalb]] and [[Tozbek|Tozbek's]] better judgment. Shallan was amazed at the santhid's massive, majestic body and the many fish and [[Spren|spren]] surrounding it. She was ecstatic after emerging from the water and made a number of sketches of the great animal.
When the *Wind's Pleasure* later sank off the coast of the [[Frostlands|Frostlands]], Shallan managed to survive; she made landfall near the [[Shallow Crypts|Shallow Crypts]]. When she woke up, she did not remember what had happened, but she saw a santhid leaving the area. She believed that it was the same santhid she had encountered in Longbrow's Straits, even though she had since traveled a significant distance without seeing it again. She assumed that the santhid had saved her, and speculated about its level of intelligence. She lost her original drawings during the sinking, but later recreated some of them.
During the [[Expedition to Akinah|expedition to Akinah]], the crew of the *Wandersail* came across a replica of a dead santhid formed by a [[Sleepless|Sleepless]]. Thinking it to be a regular santhid corpse, the crew were certain that it was a terrible omen until convinced by [[Rysn|Rysn]] that, like a dead santhid washing up on shore, it was actually a good omen and that the crew should give the creature a proper burial. Upon the crew attempting to haul in it for a burial, however, it split into its constituent hordelings, horrifying the crew.
## Lore
>“*You are good luck, young miss! We ain't seen a santhid in years.*”
\-Yalb, to Shallan[3]
[[Thaylen|Thaylen]] sailors consider santhidyn to be very good luck and a good omen, whether alive or when washed on the shore, and respect those they do encounter as if they were sacred. Killing a santhid is considered to be a monstrous act and rumored to attract extremely bad luck, and even the thought of hunting one is enough to make most uncomfortable. They often tell stories about santhid sightings and behavior. Scholars such as Shallan and [[Jasnah|Jasnah]] are aware of the reverence that sailors hold for santhidyn.
Santhid shells are sometimes displayed in coastal cities such as [[Amydlatn|Amydlatn]] or at the naval academy of Thaylen City. [[Mraize|Mraize]] also appears to have a part of a santhid skull in his "trophy room".
Santhids are believed to magnify peace and confidence, and some people consider them to be more spren than animal.
## Trivia
Santhids are not based on any particular real-life animal.
| Santhid |
|**World of Origin**|[[Taldain|Taldain]]|
The **terha** is a domesticated animal on the [[Dayside|Dayside]] of [[Taldain|Taldain]].
## Contents
1 Appearance
2 Usage
3 Taxonomy
4 Notes
## Appearance
The terha is a large quadruped. The body size and shape is similar to a rhinoceros, with a thickly muscled body and thick legs. It is covered in brown carapace, with a large, oval-shaped head that has two large horns or tusks in the front and rounded armor in the back that helps protect the neck. Plates of carapace hang from its long tail, with a particularly large triangle-shaped plate at the end. It has clawed feet that appear to have opposable thumbs.
## Usage
Terha are domesticated, and are used for transportation while hunting [[Sandling|sandlings]] in the [[Deep sand|deep sand]]. Like [[Tonk|tonks]], they are ridden using a saddle, bridle, and saddlebags. While tonks are used for general transportation, terha appear to be much more rare and specialized. [[Kenton|Kenton]] has never ridden a terha before joining Lord [[Raagent|Raagent]] for a sandling hunt. Terha that are raised to hunt have their carapace treated with a special substance called [[DoKall|DoKall]] from infancy to prevent the carapace from dissolving when it gets wet. Raagent calls them tough, and they are not as skittish as tonks.
## Taxonomy
Terha have superficial similarities to both tonks and some species of [[Sandling|sandlings]], with both having horns and water-soluble carapace. It is unknown if there is a relation, natural or bred, between the creatures.
| Terha |
|**Path of Elders**|
|**Related to**|[[Cytonics|Cytonics]], [[Delver|delvers]]|
|**Type**|Collection of [[Nowhere|nowhere]] portals|
This page or section needs to be updated with new information for *Cytonic*!Be aware that in its current state, it may not include all additional content yet.
The **Path of Elders** is a name that [[Chet|Chet]] makes up for a collection of [[Nowhere|nowhere]] portals that are imprinted with important memories about the history of [[Cytonics|cytonics]] and the nature of the [[Delver|delvers]].
| Path of Elders |
|**<Elantris finale**|
|**Elantris trilogy**|
|**Follows**|*Elantris sequel*|
This article's title is uncanonical and a fan created one, because an official term or name has not been made yet.
The **Elantris** finale is a forthcoming book set on [[Sel|Sel]] by [[Brandon Sanderson|Brandon Sanderson]]. It has yet to be written and no information about the story has been released.
## Behind the Scenes
Brandon stated in 2014 that this book, as well as the [[Elantris sequel|preceding]], needs to be written before the third Mistborn trilogy. At the latest they would be written following the fifth installment of [[The Stormlight Archive|The Stormlight Archive]]. He updated this schedule in 2022, indicating that the 'loose plan' is for the two Elantris sequels to be released in between the releases of Mistborn Era 3.
| Elantris finale |
|**House Teniert**|
|**Era**|[[Final Empire|Final Empire]]|
|**World of Origin**|[[Scadrial|Scadrial]]|
**House Teniert** is a noble house on [[Scadrial|Scadrial]] during the [[Final Empire|Final Empire]].
Both [[House Urbain|House Urbain]] and Teniert had been hit by thieving crews before [[Kelsier|Kelsier's]] return to [[Luthadel|Luthadel]], but not for their [[Atium|atium]].
| House Teniert |
|by Ben McSweeney |
|**Type**|Hemalurgic construct|
|**World of Origin**|[[Scadrial|Scadrial]]|
This page or section needs to be updated with new information for *The Bands of Mourning*, *The Lost Metal*, and *Tress of the Emerald Sea*!Be aware that in its current state, it may not include all additional content yet.
The **kandra** are a species on [[Scadrial|Scadrial]] first created by the [[Rashek|Lord Ruler]] during [[Ascension of the Lord Ruler|his Ascension]]. They have the ability to reshape their bodies and most are well-practiced at imitation, making them extremely sought-after as spies.
## Contents
1 Physiology
1.1 Appearance and Anatomy
1.2 Creation
1.3 Death
2 Abilities
2.1 Blessings
3 History
3.1 The Final Empire
3.2 After the Catacendre
4 Culture
4.1 Contracts
4.2 Allegiance
5 Notable Kandra
6 Trivia
7 Notes
## Physiology
by Madison Coyne
### Appearance and Anatomy
Physically, the kandra resemble [[Mistwraith|mistwraiths]] in their natural form. Unlike the mistwraiths, they are sentient, courtesy of two [[Hemalurgy|Hemalurgic]] spikes implanted in them. While mistwraiths are simply gelatinous conglomerates of various creatures, kandra can actually absorb a body and take on all of its characteristics.
When impersonating a specific person, a kandra will use that person's bones and reshape their body to look exactly like that person's. When in [[Kandra Homeland|the Homeland]], most kandra use a [[True Body|True Body]], which is a set of false bones that are crafted by a kandra artisan. Some True Body forms are quartz, and kandra show off their True Bodies by creating translucent skin that allows the stone to sparkle faintly in the light. A True Body does not have to be human-shaped, but most are. The members of the **First Generation** do not wear True Bodies, as the kandra did not originally know how to make them. Instead, they wear their own bones from before they became kandra.
Kandra store their cognitive system throughout their entire body, and can form an organ which functions as a brain to think. It doesn't need to be inside the head, and can be placed at a safer location in the kandra's body. Kandra flesh will retain its appearance when cut free of their bodies. They give off a smell that other kandra can detect which communicates their gender. The smell that they give off is decided by the kandra in question, as a result of their control over their physiology, this smell can be masculine, feminine, neutral, a mix, or something completely different.
Kandra cannot naturally reproduce, but if they replicated human organs, it would be possible for them to have a child that is part kandra and human.
### Creation
While the First Generation were created directly by the Lord Ruler, the First Generation creates all subsequent generations of kandra through "Blessings," a pair of Hemalurgic spikes charged with a human physical or mental attribute. The Lord Ruler provides Hemalurgic metal spikes to the kandra each century, in a number requested, and the kandra use these spikes to convert mistwraiths into full kandra. One Blessing converts a mistwraith into a sentient kandra. Kandra take longer to reach maturity than a human normally would take. During the years of the Lord Ruler's reign, there are a total of eleven Generations, with a Twelfth Generation unlikely, as the Father is dead. The kandra do not know how to make new kandra spikes, though they have an inkling.
### Death
>“*All this time, and he’s never come to see me. Wise, I suppose. He knows I keep a vat of acid just for him. It’s one of the only ways to be sure about them, you know. That or a good fire.*”
Kandra do not appear to die of natural causes, but they are not immortal, just incredibly long-lived. One of the kandra secrets references the unknown acid mixture. Being bathed in acid can effectively kill a kandra, so this is one way how misbehaved kandra were executed in kandra homeland during the [[Final Empire|Final Empire]] with the other way being starvation. They can also be killed by fire.
Because of their ability to change shape, most damage to a kandra is of no consequence; they do feel normal physical pain as a result of trauma, though [[MeLaan|MeLaan]] has said that kandra have the ability to turn nerves off and thus experience no pain. This leads to kandra guards mostly using hammers to break bones, thus hindering movement.
A kandra digesting another kandra can perform the killing, but it is unknown if the two kandra will fight and try to eat each other during the process. After the [[Catacendre|Catacendre]], the kandra develop a way to take their own lives at will. Also developed by the kandra post-Catacendre is a liquid which upon injection will incapacitate kandra and make them transparent, but will not make them unconscious. Removing or destroying both of their spikes will revert them into a mistwraith.
## Abilities
by Elisgardor A kandra with transparent skin
Kandra have the ability to shapeshift. However, in most cases, they only have the ability to change into and take the appearance of any creature they have digested. Because of this, in order for a kandra to appear as anyone in particular, the subject must be dead and be digested. The shapeshifting process may take anything from several hours or even days to as little as a few seconds. The digestion is necessary also because kandra cannot create hair, fur, bones, or [[Singer|singer]] carapace, so these parts they must get from the digested victims, and be put into place one by one.
Especially skilled kandra are able to make their own adjustments to the shape of the creature they are taking. Although mimicking an existing unique individual or creature is most common, the most skilled kandra can use just a skull or set of bones to build a working structure to gain the ability to move around freely and communicate. Being without bones will make kandra unable to move fast, speak or form any proper shape, but doesn't affect their mental ability. Kandra can create bodies without a beating heart, which helps reduce caloric intake. They can crack simple locks by inserting part of their body into the mechanism.
Kandra are known to be unmatched actors. Before assuming the role of a certain person, a kandra will spend a significant amount of time observing the individual in order to learn their mannerisms, history, and relationships. As a result, it is almost impossible to tell a kandra apart from the actual individual they are impersonating. Wearing a body can influence how a kandra acts, such as wearing a dog's body causing them to adopt dog-like mannerisms. However, this is not caused by following the [[Spiritual Realm|Spiritual]] ideal of the body they are wearing. It is possible for a kandra to take the bones of a child and grow up as that child; kandra have likely done this before.
In combat, kandra can form powerful muscles and heal most wounds immediately, utilizing their ability to shapeshift. Their True Bodies can have specializations for combat, such as [[Aluminum|aluminum]] bones and hidden weapons. They can also turn off their nerves that cause pain. Some kandra build bodies for combat purposes; these bodies can be made of metal to be stronger and heavier and can have sharp bones to use as knives.
Kandra are capable of assuming smaller shapes, but losing too much mass will cause a kandra to be unable to maintain their intelligence. They are unable to divide their consciousness between multiple brains.
Losing one or both of their Blessings leaves holes in a kandra's memories. The longer without their Blessings, the bigger the holes will be. Removing a single spike will cause a kandra to lose their sanity. Kandra with only one spike will refuse a spike from another kandra, and this process can cause radical changes in personality, memory, and temperament. Kandra missing both spikes revert to a mistwraith, with only a trace of their former consciousness. In both cases, returning their missing spikes will restore their mind.
Digesting the body of a former Shard's [[Vessel|Vessel]] might have some small physiological effect due to how the power altered the body. It is possible for a kandra to become a [[Knight Radiant|Knight Radiant]], if they manage to convince a [[Spren|spren]] to [[Nahel bond|bond]] with them.
### Blessings
There are four different Blessings available to make a kandra. All grant mistwraiths sentience and convert them into kandra, but they also have additional benefits. The Blessing comes from the effect that the Hemalurgic spike steals. They are typically slender, and less than three inches long. The longer a Blessing is out of a kandra, the weaker it becomes.
A kandra can survive with only one spike, but they lose some of their sanity while doing so. A kandra with one spike cannot be controlled by [[Ruin|Ruin]] or [[Harmony|Harmony]].
There are more possible Blessings than the four already known. Kandra can get access to Allomancy through Hemalurgy or [[Lerasium|lerasium]]. They can also get access to Feruchemy through unknown means. Despite the fact that kandra are Invested, they are still able to worldhop.
## History
by [[TenSoon|TenSoon]] being judged in the [[Kandra Homeland|Homeland]]
### The Final Empire
The First Generation of kandra were originally [[Rashek|Rashek's]] fellow [[Terris|Terris]] packmen. During his ascension, Rashek realized that a person with both [[Allomancy|Allomancy]] and [[Feruchemy|Feruchemy]] would pose a serious threat to the stability of the [[Final Empire|Final Empire]], so he spoke directly to the minds of his closest friends, making a deal with them to trade their Feruchemy for immortality. All living Feruchemists were transformed into [[Mistwraith|mistwraiths]], but he gave Hemalurgic spikes to the packmen, transforming them into the First Generation. They were to become his spies and informants.
Kandra were the third and last of Rashek's creations. They were created with two Hemalurgic spikes and thus are less susceptible to the influence of [[Ruin|Ruin]] or other [[Shard|Shards]]. The First Generation of kandra, the Lord Ruler's friends, created a legal code which was later approved by the Lord Ruler. This code is known as the [[First Contract|First Contract]]. The Contract is the first thing a kandra learns upon gaining sentience. All future generations of kandra are created by the first by granting Blessings in the form of Hemalurgic spikes to mistwraiths.
Right before the [[Catacendre|Catacendre]], the majority kandra executed the [[Resolution|Resolution]]. The First Generation ordered every kandra to remove their Blessings in an effort to prevent Ruin from influencing them and regaining his body. They are eventually able to replace their spikes, though it is unlikely that there will be any new kandra, as Hemalurgy is not widely known. Since [[Harmony|Harmony]] has absorbed Ruin into himself, kandra are now under his direct control. Kandra that go without their spikes for long periods of time lose significant portions of their memories.
### After the Catacendre
Kandra still exist after the Ascension but now serve [[Harmony|Harmony]] as his agents, using their abilities to blend in with those around them to perform tasks given by Harmony. They are known by [[Elendel|Elendel]] society due to their mention in the [[Words of Founding|Words of Founding]], but their mention is reportedly vague. They are often referred to as "Faceless Immortals", and reactions to them are mixed between reverence and skepticism as an urban legend.
by Miranda Meeks
Since the Catacendre, some kandra have traveled to other worlds, likely to gather information for Harmony, though most have remained on Scadrial. One female kandra not acting under Harmony's orders was likely on Roshar in early 1174.
After Ruin nearly takes control over the kandra, the surviving kandra discover a way to end their own lives at will to spare themselves should the situation require it. Many of the Second Generation end their own lives using this method. By 342 [[Catacendre|PC]], the kandra also know of a way to uncover members of their own kind in disguise, using a special substance injected into the body that causes a kandra to "droop" briefly enough to disable it temporarily. Unfortunately, the injection is fatal to humans.
Kandra still seem reluctant to cause harm and kill humans, although this has become considerably more lax.
Although the [[Kandra Homeland|Kandra Homeland]] has long been abandoned and revered as a holy place, kandra still get together, albeit under a human guise and in human society.
The confrontation between Harmony and [[Trell (Trellism)|Trell]] led to Harmony deciding to start sending Kandra off-world as his agents on other planets, to help deal with the rising threat of Trell.
On multiple planets, Kandra are the reason for talking animals in stories and folklore.
At some point long after the events of the first confrontation between Harmony and Trell, [[Sazed|Sazed]] is said by [[Hoid|Hoid]] to have released the Kandra as a whole, presumably from his own control. The true meaning of this statement is currently unknown.
## Culture
Kandra have spent ten centuries enslaved to humankind, serving the Contracts in an effort to keep themselves safe. Most kandra hate humans for their situation, but, ironically, most kandra True Bodies are human-shaped, with two arms, two legs, and a face, even while they curse humankind for keeping them enslaved.
There are other jobs for kandra to perform in the Homeland, such as the teaching and instruction of young kandra, which is considered a prestigious job among kandra.
They refer to the Lord Ruler as the Father, because he is responsible for their creation. After his death, [[TenSoon|TenSoon]] advocates that [[Vin|Vin]] should be considered the Mother, because she is the one who slays the Lord Ruler. It is unknown if other kandra accept this title for her or not.
by Matthew Johnson
The First Generation typically only communicates with the Second Generation. All subsequent generations are then created by the Seconds, every hundred years. During the approximate thousand years of the Lord Ruler's reign, there have been eleven Generations, with a twelfth Generation unlikely, as the Father is dead. In general, all decisions about law and order are communicated to the lower generations by the Second Generation, acting as something like government officials. TenSoon suspects that the Second Generation takes advantage of being the only ones who the First Generation would speak to by making many policies on their own, then telling the younger kandra that it is the decision of the First Generation.
### Contracts
In the early days of the Final Empire, the kandra attempted to remain secret and blend into human society. However, humans feared their abilities, calling them monsters, and began using Allomancy to hunt them down, by way of the Flaw, and kill them. After a few centuries, the kandra were almost extinct. Out of desperation, the kandra agreed to become servants to humans, never leaving the Homeland unless out on a Contract.
As a result of this history, kandra are secretive about their culture and have an intense loathing for humans, which is only made worse by the poor treatment they often receive from their masters. Despite this, they adhere to their Contracts without question, and are often used as spies by the nobility. Fulfilling Contracts is their way of "paying for their freedom" to prevent humans from seeking ways to enslave them in other ways and finding out about their weakness to Allomancy. The terms of a Contract always prohibit a kandra from killing a human, changing bodies without permission, and revealing kandra secrets, and require the kandra to return to the Homeland if they break the terms of the Contract or if their master dies before the Contract expires.
On top of that, the fulfilling of Contracts also has another purpose. A Contract must be paid for in [[Atium|atium]], which is then brought to the Homeland where it is stockpiled in a metal vault known as the . They do this because atium is condensed power of Ruin, and by storing it in a place where Ruin has no influence they deny him access to a part of his power.
All Contracts are modelled on the [[First Contract|First Contract]]. During the time of the Final Empire, Contracts were arranged by leaving a message at a designated place in Luthadel. A kandra Contracted to the Lord Ruler would then go to the client and act as an intermediary while the papers were signed and payment collected. The kandra—a member of the Fifth Generation during the later days of the [[Final Empire|Final Empire]]—would then return to the [[Kandra Homeland|kandra Homeland]] where a kandra would be assigned to the Contract. The punishment for a kandra who broke a Contract is death. The details of the Contract were never disclosed to non-kandra, not even the Lord Ruler—though the kandra likely would have shared them with him if he asked.
### Allegiance
>“*They were of Preservation all along.*”
\-Harmony on the kandra[64]
The kandra initially believe that they are of [[Preservation|Preservation]], while the koloss, humans and Inquisitors are of [[Ruin|Ruin]]. This is despite the fact that, like other Hemalurgically-created races, they have Hemalurgic spikes, which are of Ruin. The Lord Ruler creates the kandra to be his spies, and the noble class believe them to be spies for the new government. They often use the kandra as such, but Rashek's ultimate plan is for them to be double agents against Ruin, with their essence being of him but their [[Intent|Intent]] being of [[Preservation|Preservation]]. According to the plan, Ruin would believe that he could take control of the kandra whenever he wanted, as they are planted with Hemalurgic spikes. However, due to a clause in the First Contract, as well as the Trust and the Resolution, instead of being used by Ruin, they would pull their spikes free when and if Ruin were to try to seize control of them. Just prior to the [[Battle of Hathsin|Battle of Hathsin]], this plan comes to fruition exactly as the Lord Ruler had planned, disrupting Ruin's efforts and ultimately leading to his demise, demonstrating that the kandra's true allegiance has always lain with Preservation.
## Notable Kandra
For a full list, see :Category: Kandra.
## Trivia
The Blessing of Stability is rarely used because Brandon added it late in the development of *The Hero of Ages*, after realizing that the structure of the powers of metals in [[Hemalurgy|Hemalurgy]] required a second mental Blessing.
At least one unidentified kandra is a [[Worldhopper|worldhopper]], and has made an appearance in [[Oathbringer|Oathbringer]]. They are not an agent of Harmony.
| Kandra |
|**Granite Joe**|
|**Introduced In**|*Shadows of Self*|
**Granite Joe** was a [[Koloss|koloss-blooded]] criminal in the [[Roughs|Roughs]] of [[Scadrial|Scadrial]].
## History
He had many people in the roughs in his pay, making him extremely dangerous to hunt. He told Wax that he and other lawmen should leave the Roughs, as the whole point of the Roughs is to get away from the laws of [[Elendel|Elendel]].
>“*We came here to escape folks like you. Your rules. Your assumptions. We don’t want you.*”
\-Granite Joe to Wax during their standoff
During his fifth year in the Roughs [[Waxillium Ladrian|Waxillium Ladrian]] hunted him for killing somebody's son. Joe had discovered that Wax was [[Allomancer|metalborn]] and laid an ambush in [[Weathering|Weathering's]] saloon. During a standoff with Wax in the basement of the bar he was killed by [[Lessie|Lessie]] with a crossbow, believing her to be on his side after paying her off.
| Granite Joe |
|**Related to**|[[Unkalaki|Unkalaki]]|
|**World of Origin**|[[Roshar|Roshar]]|
>“*Many of our nuatoma--this thing, it is the same as your lighteyes, only their eyes are not light--*”
\-Lunamor to Kaladin and Teft[1]
A *nuatoma* is a leader of an [[Unkalaki|Unkalaki]] clan on [[Roshar|Roshar]]. They are a type of noble, the Horneater equivalent of an [[Alethi|Alethi]] [[Brightlord|Brightlord]].
## Contents
1 Social Status
2 Quest for Shards
3 Notable Nuatoma
4 Notes
## Social Status
It is not clear how an individual becomes *nuatoma*, although both birth order and heritage are major factors in Unkalaki social standing. Since all Unkalaki are [[Darkeyes|darkeyed]], eye color is not a consideration. The relatives of a *nuatoma* act as their guards and servants, often performing multiple jobs. It is implied that a *nuatoma* leads each of the [[Horneater Peaks|Horneater Peaks]]. There are occasional skirmishes between peaks, presumably led by the *nuatoma*.
When [[Lunamor|Lunamor]] sees [[Phendorana|Phendorana]], who has obvious importance among [[Honorspren|honorspren]], he asks [[Syl|Syl]] if Phendorana is like an honorspren *nuatoma*; because Syl can remember Phendorana berating her for wanting to seek [[Kaladin|Kaladin]], she agrees.
## Quest for Shards
>“*The nuatoma, they see our lack of Shards as a great shame. They want these weapons very badly.*”
The lack of Shards among the Unkalaki is a source of embarrassment for the *nuatoma*, and many have traveled to [[Vedenar|Vedenar]] or [[Alethkar|Alethkar]] offering significant financial incentives in exchange for the chance to duel a [[Shardbearer|Shardbearer]] and win a Shard. They believe that the first *nuatoma* to win a [[Shardblade|Shardblade]] would gain sufficient power to become the first *tana'kai*—similar to a king—in many years. Either the respect for a Shardbearer or the fear of an easy defeat would keep the other peaks from skirmishing with a *nuatoma* who holds a Shard.
All of the *nuatoma* who have challenged Alethi Shardbearers have been killed. [[Kef'ha|Kef'ha]], Lunamor's *nuatoma*, chooses to duel [[Torol Sadeas|Torol Sadeas]], believing that it will be easier to win against someone who only possesses [[Shardplate|Shardplate]] first, and then to challenge someone else for their Blade afterwards. He believes that his relatives will simply become servants of House Sadeas if he dies. However, sometime in early 1173, Sadeas kills Kef'ha without a proper duel and then kills some of his family members who protest before seizing their property anyway. Sadeas does not know what to do with the surviving Horneaters, but he makes soldiers or servants out of most of them. Lunamor briefly serves as his cook, but he puts [[Chull|chull]] dung in Sadeas' food, earning him an assignment to the [[Bridge crew|bridge crews]].
After [[Cord|Cord]] receives her Shardplate, Lunamor finds it remarkable that their nation's first Shardbearer is not a *nuatoma*, but a young woman.
## Notable Nuatoma
| Nuatoma |
|by botanicaxu |
|**Type**|[[Cognitive Shadow|Cognitive Shadow]]|
|**World of Origin**|[[Nalthis|Nalthis]]|
This page or section needs to be updated with new information for *Yumi and the Nightmare Painter*!Be aware that in its current state, it may not include all additional content yet.
The **Returned** are resurrected humans on [[Nalthis|Nalthis]]. [[Vasher|Vasher]] referred to them as Type One [[BioChroma|BioChromatic]] Entities--Spontaneous Sentient BioChromatic Manifestations in a Deceased Host. But upon further study, he now classifies them as a Type Two Invested entity. They are a kind of [[Cognitive Shadow|Cognitive Shadow]].
The Returned, who retain no memory of their previous existence, are worshipped as gods in [[Hallandren|Hallandren]]. The exact process of a Returned's resurrection is unclear; however, [[Lightsong|Lightsong]] had a Voice speak to him. This voice is confirmed to be the [[Shard|Shard]] [[Endowment|Endowment]]. The Voice gives people a glimpse into the [[Spiritual Realm|Spiritual Realm]], which let them see a possible future, she then offers a chance to Return and change the events of the vision. Any Returned can have children, but it requires special knowledge.
## Contents
1 Becoming a Returned
2 Breath
3 Abilities and Appearance
4 Cultural impact
4.1 Hallandren
4.2 Idris
4.3 Pahn Kahl
4.4 Other cultures
5 Notable Returned
6 Trivia
7 Notes
## Becoming a Returned
A person can become a Returned when dying on [[Nalthis|Nalthis]]. The exact process of a Returned's resurrection is unclear, but they are chosen deliberately by the [[Shard|Shard]] [[Endowment|Endowment]], where she gives people a glimpse into the [[Spiritual Realm|Spiritual Realm]] (which lets them see a possible future in the [[Physical Realm|Physical Realm]]) and offers them a chance to Return and change the events of the vision. Endowment can be somewhat erratic when choosing. A person can be any age when they Return and there have been children, babies, grandparents, and people in their middle years who have Returned. A person who Returns keeps their soul. If a person has Returned before reaching adulthood, their minds will grow very quickly and their bodies will grow normally then stop once reaching the point of adulthood.
How long it takes for a person to Return after they have died can vary, but can take hours or longer. Once the process starts, the person will start glowing, their body will heal, and they will wake up. This generally leaves the Returned confused and disoriented, and they will retain no memory of their previous existence. Returned will retain general knowledge and skills of their previous life, although, if they were a Knight Radiant prior to death they will lose their [[Nahel bond|Nahel bond]].
Becoming Returned without being born on Nalthis is very hard, but is possible, even without having collected any Breath. [[Lifeless|Lifeless]] can Return if they were made into a Lifeless right after they died. There are ways to use other [[Investiture|magic systems]] to create a Returned.
A [[Larkin|larkin]] nearby can prevent a person from Returning.
## Breath
Each Returned is gifted with a single, powerful [[Breath|Breath]] which allows them to reach the Fifth Heightening. To those of the First Heightening, this Breath appears infinite and immeasurable. This **divine Breath** is a [[Splinter|Splinter]] of [[Endowment|Endowment]]. A Returned may give this Breath in an act of self-sacrifice to heal one person. Giving away their divine breath will lead to the death of the Returned. Their divine Breath can be suppressed by Investing it into a place within themselves, but this will remove the abilities granted by the Heightenings. The divine Breath, if given to another, will not stick with the person or make them Return.
Each Returned consumes one Breath per week as a consequence of being reborn. The bodies of the Returned feed on any Breaths they have available, and many Returned live for one week only because their bodies consume their divine Breath on the eighth day, killing them a second time. On the seventh day, they start to grow weak and sluggish and will return to full strength after consuming a Breath on the eighth day. This is due to their nature as a [[Cognitive Shadow|Cognitive Shadow]] and not a function of the divine Breath itself. If they suppress their divine Breath they still need to consume a Breath a week. Returned can survive without extra Breaths until the day they need to consume one. Returned can receive more Breaths on top of their single divine Breath, stockpiling them to consume so that they don't need to receive one each week. Returned can also consume other types of Investiture, such as [[Stormlight|Stormlight]], to feed their divine Breath. They must consume the same amount of Investiture per Nalthian week when doing so, though it is unclear if they must do so all at once or if it can be spread out over time.
If a Returned has extra Breaths, they can use them to [[Awakening|Awaken]] like any other person would. When Awakening, Returned will use regular Breath before using their divine Breath, and will only give away their divine Breath if they push for it. They can use their divine Breath to Awaken objects.
Divine Breaths interfere with other forms of Investiture such as [[Nahel bond|spren bonds]], making it harder for the bond to form.
## Abilities and Appearance
All Returned have increased strength and speed, and are able to move inhumanly fast. Their bodies will not grow stronger from exercise or weaken from a lack of it. They are also immune to most physical sicknesses and ailments, including headaches, and all toxins, including the effects of alcohol, and are possibly also immune or resistant to insanity. They do not need to eat or drink to survive, but do need to sleep so their short-term memories get moved to long-term storage. A Returned has the inherent ability to see into art and perceive the artist's soul and interpret correctly an abstract piece, based on what the artist is trying to convey, in a way that a normal person cannot. Their raw levels of Investiture are very high, being almost as high as an [[Elantrian|Elantrian]].
Their divine Breath allows them to reach the Fifth Heightening. Children and animals can sense a Returned's divine Breath, which has an effect on their [[Spiritweb|spiritweb]] and in the [[Cognitive Realm|Cognitive Realm]], making them feel comfortable and react positively to the Returned. A Returned may give this Breath in an act of self-sacrifice to heal one person. The healing ability can cure diseases, heal almost any wound, and regrow lost body parts. The sacrifice does not grant the Fifth Heightening to the receiver. The divine Breath can be used for things other than healing, though no one in-world has figured out how to do it yet.
The new appearance of those that Return are in accordance with what they subconsciously think physical perfection is or how they see themselves. However, this is based on how they view societal standards on beauty and perfection rather than purely on their own standards. The old gods look old and the heroic gods look strong, for example. A Returned can, with the correct training, learn to change their appearance, such as changing their height, weight or hair color, but only to a reasonable extent. A Returned's appearance can react to their emotions similar to the [[Royal Locks|Royal Locks]], and they sometimes start reverting to their default appearance while extremely emotional or not paying attention. However, common traits include being larger than normal humans, around seven feet in height, and giving off the color-altering aura of the Fifth Heightening.
A Returned is able to suppress their divine Breath, altering their appearance to look like a normal human, losing the Fifth Heightening in the process. However, a normal-looking Returned still has traits commonly associated with Returned, such as increased strength and speed. They can also be affected by toxins like alcohol, although still not as much as a normal human. When a Returned reaches the moment that prompted them to Return, they often remember why they chose to Return and much of their previous life.
## Cultural impact
### Hallandren
In [[Hallandren|Hallandren]] the Returned are worshiped as gods sent by the [[Iridescent Tones|Iridescent Tones]] to guide their followers. As such the Returned are fed one Breath each week in order to maintain their lives. The Returned are petitioned by the people of the city to give up their Breath as a cure for illnesses. The more caring of the Returned would help the people via other methods if they reject petitions. They are also expected to perform auguries by reviewing works of art sent by citizens, and their priests record their dreams, words, and acts at all times to search for prophetic glimpses. It is also a belief that every Returned exists for a specific reason.
### Idris
Due to their [[Austre|religious beliefs]], [[Idrian|Idrians]] consider it an abomination to give up their Breath. Lacking a supply of Breath, Idrian Returned usually live for one week and die on the eighth day when they consume their divine Breath. Whether this fact affects the vision they see when Returning is unknown. It is not unheard of for Idrian Returned to travel to Hallandren to avoid dying and be worshipped instead.
### Pahn Kahl
[[Pahn Kahl|Pahn Kahl]] believe that Returned are people who deny the power of the gods and are forbidden entrance into heaven. They are otherwise seen as just normal people and not sinners worthy of hell, so they’re given a chance to come back to have another try at life and to try to find belief this time.
### Other cultures
A person in any area on Nalthis can Return. They are treated in very strange ways some places. One kingdom will immediately sell the corpse of someone who dies in a way that might be seen as heroic, where they are purchased by a nobleman hoping to hit the jackpot and get a Returned. They are kept since they can heal people and are used as an emergency insurance plan to restore the health of their owner. In some places Returned are seen as something akin to vampires.
## Notable Returned
For a complete list of Returned, see Category:Returned.
## Trivia
A Returned looks different in the [[Cognitive Realm|Cognitive Realm]] compared to a regular human.
A Returned could reclaim Breath they put in objects before dying and Returning.
| Returned |
|**Arts and Majesty**|
|**World of Origin**|[[Roshar|Roshar]]|
*Arts and Majesty* is an ancient work of [[Roshar|Rosharan]] literature that has come to define the [[Vorinism|Vorin]] ideas of masculine and feminine arts. It defines certain topics and practices as feminine or masculine; the feminine arts are generally those that can be practiced with a single hand, while the masculine arts involve both hands, associating delicacy with women and brute force with men. The idea of the [[Safehand|safehand]] comes from this distinction between one-handed and two-handed arts.
## Contents
1 History
2 Arts
2.1 Feminine
2.2 Masculine
2.3 Unspecified/Neutral
3 Trivia
4 Notes
## History
>“*A woman wanting to come to the battlefield was like … well, like a man wanting to read. Unnatural.*”
*Arts and Majesty* was written by a female artist well before the [[Day of Recreance|Day of Recreance]]. It may not have had much influence on culture before the Recreance; soon afterward, however, some men in power came across it and began emphasizing it to justify keeping [[Shardblade|Shardblades]] and [[Shardplate|Shardplate]] away from women. As retaliation, a movement of women ensured that writing and literacy moved fully into the domain of women. [[Hoid|Hoid]] jokingly observed that the female author of the treatise made sure to categorize "fun" activities as feminine, while leaving more dangerous activities to the men.
The division between masculine and feminine arts became part of Vorin culture over the next few decades and remained solidly in place thousands of years later, with the safehand and the femininity of writing being especially prominent in day-to-day life. *Arts and Majesty* itself also stayed well-known despite its age, at least among upper-class lighteyes. The division in duties was among the reasons that the Alethi set up large warcamps on the [[Shattered Plains|Shattered Plains]] where families could live, as women were in charge of various essential household functions.
In modern Vorin culture, practices that were explicitly mentioned in *Arts and Majesty* could be considered "prime" or "major" arts. The gender division of these arts was strictly adhered to, and even simple interest in an art of the opposite gender was thought of as "unnatural". In some cases, the distinction between the arts moved beyond a mere cultural norm and gained religious overtones; men who could write, for example, could actually be seen as blasphemous and not just strange. [[Ardent|Ardents]] were considered genderless and could technically pursue the arts of either gender. However, cultural norms still influenced ardents; for example, it was rare for a female ardent to practice swordsmanship.
Practices that were not categorized by *Arts and Majesty* could generally be performed by anyone. Arts that combine a masculine and feminine discipline—such as carving, which has elements of both carpentry and art—could be practiced by men, women, or a team of both depending on their personal faith and interpretation of the doctrine. If a new art was developed, church leaders and traditionalists would likely have discussions about how to categorize it.
The re-emergence of female [[Knights Radiant|Knights Radiant]] who capably wield [[Shardblade|Shardblades]] has challenged Vorin notions of female propriety. Some lighteyes have proved that they can quickly adapt to the notion of a female military commander.
## Arts
### Feminine
reading and writing
painting and drawing
science (e.g., zoology, botany, and natural history)
playing musical instruments
### Masculine
### Unspecified/Neutral
horseback riding and the care of horses
## Trivia
The idea of the safehand and the division between one-handed and two-handed arts arose from [[Brandon|Brandon's]] fascination with different taboos across real-life cultures.
Brandon acknowledges that it is relatively easy to find examples wherein maintaining the one-handed limitation of the feminine arts would be illogical for everyday life; however, he notes that real-life cultural norms can also be impractical.
LEGO building would probably be considered a feminine art; since it is difficult to do one-handed, though it might end up being mostly done with two hands behind the scenes anyway.
| Arts and Majesty |
Old **Jell** was a [[Skaa|skaa]] in [[Urbene|Urbene]]. He was said to be a bull-headed one.
After the [[Collapse|Collapse]] and mists grew stronger, the [[Mist|mist]] killed Jell when he tried to leave the village, since he would starve there because of the growing [[Deepness|Deepness]].
| Jell |
>“*[Humans] are aggressive, yes, but not on the level of, say, a cormax drone or the wrexians.*”
The **wrexians** are a species or people known to the [[Superiority|Superiority]].
Very little is known about them; not what they look like, where they come from or whether they are some sort of client or member of the Superiority. What is known is that they're extremely aggressive, more so than humanity, and they apparently cannot be "domesticated" the way some humans have been by the Superiority officials. However, they have much less [[Cytonics|cytonics]] users than humans, and are neither as industrious nor as quick to spread.
| Wrexians |
|**Homeworld**|[[Earth (Legion)|Earth (Legion)]]|
**Marci** is one of [[Stephen Leeds|Stephen Leeds']] [[Aspects|aspects]].
[[J.C.|J.C.]] suggests bringing her along to infiltrate [[Wode|Walters and Ostman Detention Enterprises]].
| Marci |
|**Smedry Talent**|
|by User: Ailavyn-Siniyash|
|**Related to**|[[Silimatic|Silimatic]]|
|**Prerequisites**|Belonging to [[House Smedry|House Smedry]]|
|**World of Origin**|[[Earth (Alcatraz)|Earth (Alcatraz)]]|
A **Smedry Talent** is a form of magic where the user changes the world in strange ways. The only people known to possess such Talents are members of [[House Smedry|House Smedry]] and their spouses. The Talents are notoriously hard to control and are known to 'get away' from their users, often to dramatic and hilarious effect.
## Contents
1 Talents
2 The Incarnate Wheel
3 Lenses
4 Notes
## Talents
[[Allekatrase|Allekatrase]] and [[Alcatraz Smedry|Alcatraz]] can break things. This is known as the **Dark Talent** as it is very dangerous and hard to control.
[[Leavenworth Smedry|Grandpa Smedry]], Alcatraz's grandfather, has the power to arrive late to appointments. As such, he is always running behind the clock. But his power also allows him to arrive late to other things, like bullets, which always miss him, and his blood can arrive late to wounds so that he doesn't bleed to death. In his own words "I've been arriving late to my own death for years now." However, as seen in [[The Shattered Lens|The Shattered Lens]], he only needs to think that he will be late. Alcatraz tells him that he needs to be at [[Tuki Tuki|Tuki Tuki]] by midnight or the war will be lost. Leavenworth Smedry, interpreting that as a deadline to arrive late to, speeds up tremendously in order to arrive at the battle by 12:30.
[[Sing Sing Smedry|Sing]] can trip and fall to the ground. His tripping is often an early-warning sign of danger and can also be used to create diversions.
[[Australia Smedry|Australia]] can wake up looking incredibly ugly. In practical terms this means that she wakes up as a doppelganger of whomever she goes to sleep thinking about
[[Quentin Smedry|Quentin]] can speak gibberish or nonsensical phrases. His Talent was beneficial after being captured by the Librarians, as they could not understand him and thus could not gain important information from him, even through torture. His gibberish can also be used to predict future events if interpreted properly.
[[Kazan Smedry|Kaz]] can get lost very easily. He is able to teleport incredible distances instantaneously while he is lost.
[[Attica Smedry|Attica]] and [[Shasta Smedry|Shasta]] can lose things. One use of this talent is that they can put an object in a pocket, have it disappear, and then have it reappear in an entirely different set of clothes.
[[Pattywagon Smedry|Pattywagon]] can say inappropriate things at awkward moments.
[[Folsom Smedry|Folsom]] and [[Himalaya Smedry|Himalaya]] can dance really poorly. The dancing most often appears to take the form of violent fighting.
[[Aydee Ecks Smedry|Aydee]] is really bad at math. The catch is that the universe warps to fit her bad math. If she thinks there's four of something and there's really only three, then another one will appear. This is a space talent, not a matter talent; she moves the "new" objects from somewhere else in the world to where she currently is.
can make annoying noises at inappropriate times. This causes distraction, allowing him to win many [[Oculator|Oculator]] duels.
[[Libby Smedry|Libby]] can spill copious amounts of water on the floor when she is washing the dishes. She allegedly "single-handedly ended the drought of Kabreeze during the fourth-third century- and she did it while keeping all their dishware sparkling clean."
## The Incarnate Wheel
by Hayley Lazo
by user: WireSegal
The Incarnate wheel is a way of breaking the talents up into groups. Our first introduction to it is when Kaz explains it to Alcatraz in the second book. It's basically a circle divided into four quadrants for the different talents--Time, Space, Physical-World, and Knowledge.
A time talent is something like Grandpa Smedry's ability to arrive late to things. A space talent is like Kaz's ability to "get lost" and then get found again somewhere else (teleportation). A physical-world talent is like Australia's ability to change her appearance. A knowledge talent is like Sing's ability to trip when there's going to be danger.
The more powerful, or 'pure' a talent is, the closer it's placed to the center of the wheel. Talents that are vague are more powerful than talents that are specific. For instance, Australia can "wake up ugly" (change her appearance) for a short time after she wakes up, provided she fell asleep thinking about someone. It's very specific, so it's close to the edge of the wheel. Other Smedrys in history had been able to change their appearance whenever they wanted, not just when they woke up, so they would be placed closer to the center.
When Kaz explains the wheel to Alcatraz, they get into a discussion about where the breaking talent that Alcatraz has would be placed. Kaz said that's a matter of dispute, with some saying it's just a physical-world talent, others saying it's something more that affects all four areas, as there are legends of [[Allekatrase|Alcatraz the First]] breaking time and space.
Alcatraz later finds an Incarnate wheel in made by the Incarna themselves while in [[Allekatrase|Allekatrase's]] tomb, and the Breaking Talent is placed at the very center of the wheel. This wheel is mirrored from the wheel Kaz showed to Alcatraz. It also has two additional named sections, Possibility and Identity, which Kaz calls "classical philosophy" and "metaphysics." It also has four, smaller, unlabeled sections on the sides.
Alcatraz speculates that each talent is an offshoot of the Dark Talent.
## Lenses
Parallels have been made between [[Silimatic|Silimatic]] [[Glass|Glass]], [[Lens|Lenses]], and the different Talents the Smedry family has. For example:
[[Aydee Ecks Smedry|Aydee's]] talents are similar to [[Transporter's Glass|Transporter's Glass]]
[[Australia Smedry|Australia's]] talent has a similar function to [[Disguiser's Lenses|Disguiser's Lenses]]
[[Alcatraz|Alcatraz's]] talent is similar to the [[Shatterer's Lenses|Shatterer's Lenses]]
[[Kaz|Kaz's]] talent has a function similar to the [[Traveler's Lenses|Traveler's Lenses]]
[[Leavenworth Smedry|Leavenworth Smedry's]] talent does something similar to the [[Educator's Lenses|Educator's Lenses]]
[[Quentin Smedry|Quentin Smedry's]] talent is similar to the [[Oracle's Lenses|Oracle's Lenses]], as they are both confusing, but each tells the future
[[Folsom|Folsom]] and [[Himalaya|Himalaya's]] talents may be connected with the [[Warrior's Lenses|Warrior's Lenses]]
The [[Incarna|Incarna]] created the [[Smedry|Smedry]] line as a power source for their glass and culture. The Smedrys can charge any kind of glass with this power inside them. How Talents are similar to Lenses is not a coincidence, and might be a way to funnel off a Smedry's energy. Once the Talents left, the Smedry Power had nowhere to go, eventually building up to the point where every piece of glass touched by a Smedry was over-energized. How the Incarna people gave out Smedry Talents is still unknown, but likely involves the [[Worldspire|Worldspire]].
| Smedry Talent |
|by Katie Payne |
|**Leaders**|[[Kelsier|Kelsier]] [[Elend|Elend]]|
|**World of Origin**|[[Scadrial|Scadrial]]|
>“*I speak of us as "we." The group. Those of us who were trying to discover and defeat Ruin. Perhaps my thoughts are now tainted, but I like to look back and see the sum of what we were doing as a single, united assault, though we were all involved in different processes and plans.*”
\-Sazed's reflections in the Words of Founding on the Preservers[1]
The **Preservers** is the name given to the core group of people that led humanity to defeat the [[Lord Ruler|Lord Ruler]], and soon after, [[Ruin|Ruin]]. They are referred to as legendary figures in post-Catacendre Northern [[Scadrial|Scadrial]].
## Contents
1 History
1.1 Overthrowing the Final Empire
1.1.1 The Plan
1.1.2 Kelsier's death
1.1.3 The Death of the Lord Ruler
1.2 Post-Collapse
1.2.1 Siege of Luthadel Sazed in the Southern Dominance
1.2.2 Lead-up to Battle of Luthadel
1.2.3 The Battle of Luthadel
1.2.4 The release of Ruin
1.3 The New Empire
1.4 Lead-up to Catacendre
1.4.1 The Battle of Hathsin
1.5 Post-Catacendre Influence
2 Members
3 Notes
## History
Most members of the Preservers come from [[Kelsier's crew|Kelsier's original crew]], and the rest join at different times after [[Kelsier|Kelsier's]] death.
The namesake of the Preservers is the Shard of [[Preservation|Preservation]], held by [[Leras|Leras]] since the [[Shattering|Shattering]]. After Leras's death, several members of the group became a vessel for the Shard. First, [[Kelsier|Kelsier]] as a Cognitive Shadow after using the [[Ire's orb|Ire's orb]], then [[Vin|Vin]] after removing her Hemalurgic earring tethering her to the Shard [[Ruin|Ruin]], and finally [[Sazed|Sazed]], after Vin sacrificed herself to defeat [[Ati|Ati]], vessel of Ruin, took up both Ruin and Preservation to become Harmony.
### Overthrowing the Final Empire
The initial spark to overthrow the Final Empire was due to [[Kelsier|Kelsier's]] will for vengeance for the death of his wife [[Mare|Mare]] and his suffering in the Pits of Hathsin, so he planned to overthrow the [[Lord Ruler|Lord Ruler]]. He organized some of his crew together at a meeting, which was attended by [[Breeze|Breeze]], [[Clubs|Clubs]], [[Hammond|Hammond]], [[Dockson|Dockson]], and newly recruited member [[Vin|Vin]]. At the meeting, he outlined his plan to overthrow the Lord Ruler, and struck a deal with [[Yeden|Yeden]], the leader of the [[Skaa rebellion|skaa rebellion]].
#### The Plan
The goal of Kelsier's crew was to recruit and train skaa with the established skaa rebellion to get a large army(around twenty thousand skaa), while simultaneously causing confusion and distrust in the nobility, leading to a house war. Once the army was big enough and the noble houses were unstable enough, part of the skaa army would attack the [[Pits of Hathsin|Pits of Hathsin]], drawing out the [[Luthadel Garrison|Luthadel Garrison]]. The rest of the army could then take over the unguarded and unstable Luthadel. After the Lord Ruler was forced out of power (or outright killed), Kelsier wished to take over the government of the Final Empire and gain control of the Lord Ruler's atium stash.
by Kelly Mai Kelsier overlooking [[Yeden|Yeden's]] rebel army
When enacted, the plan had several moving parts, with each member playing a key role:
[[Breeze|Breeze]], the Soother, leading a team of [[Soother|Soothers]] and [[Rioter|Rioters]] to help sway skaa emotions and recruit skaa workers for the rebellion.
[[Hammond|Hammond]], who had previous military experience, was in charge of training new recruits in the [[Arguois caverns|Arguois caverns]] and was the military commander until Yeden took over.
[[Dockson|Dockson]] managed finances and [[Clubs|Clubs]] shielded the team's Allomancy with his coppercloud.
[[OreSeur|OreSeur]], a Kandra disguised as [[Teven Renoux|Teven Renoux]], moves to [[Fellise|Fellise]] to expand his business of selling weapons in the north, but this is a front to arm the skaa rebellion.
[[Marsh|Marsh]], brother to Kelsier, infiltrated the [[Steel Ministry|Steel Ministry]] to gain information for the skaa rebellion. Eventually turned into a Steel Inquisitor.
[[Vin|Vin]], the newly recruited [[Mistborn|Mistborn]], pretended to be the noble [[Valette Renoux|Valette Renoux]], infiltrating balls held by different noble houses and gathering information on the nobles. This is where she met [[Elend Venture|Elend Venture]]. She was also trained as a Mistborn under Kelsier, and expands her knowledge of specific metals with Allomancers of that metal. For example, Hammond gave her tips on Pewter.
[[Sazed|Sazed]], the Feruchemist [[Keeper|Keeper]], was steward to Lord Renoux and Vin, gathering information with his [[Coppermind|copperminds]] while attending the noble balls with Vin.
Finally, [[Kelsier|Kelsier]] trains Vin in being a Mistborn, attacks houses to spread uncertainty, and tries to figure out how to use the [[Eleventh Metal|Eleventh Metal]] to destroy the Lord Ruler.
Eventually, Yeden took over control of the skaa army from Hammond and led a premature assault on the Luthadel Garrison. After the victory, they were intercepted and ambushed by the garrison from [[Valtroux|Valtroux City]], leading to the skaa soldiers being slaughtered. [[Demoux|Demoux]](one of the generals) and a group of about 2,000 soldiers stayed behind in the caves because they thought Yeden was "acting rashly". This event effectively removes the skaa rebellion from Kelsier's plan, but the soldiers were still useful later.
#### Kelsier's death
After the last House Ball and Vin kills the Mistborn Shan, Kelsier and Vin go to meet with Marsh, and understandably mistake a corpse as his body. Because Kelsier thinks they killed Marsh, he goes to the Pits of Hathsin and destroys the atium geodes, which prompts the Lord Ruler to hold an execution. The group notices there are several members from the rebellion in the prisoner carts, including Spook. The crew springs into action: Kelsier begins fighting an Inquisitor, Ham runs to find members of the skaa army, and Vin helps Breeze Allomantically Soothe the soldiers. Elend is also in the fray looking for Valette.
The fight continues between Kelsier and the Inquisitor, and at one point Kelsier, remembering Vin's love for Elend, saves him from the Inquisitor. When Kelsier kills the Inquisitor by decapitating him, the Lord Ruler shows up. After a brief conversation, the Lord Ruler backhands Kelsier, killing him.
#### The Death of the Lord Ruler
>“*You ask why he needed a crew? He needed men of virtue, men who could learn to worry more for the people than for coin. He put you before armies and crowds, letting you practice leadership. He was using you. . . but he was also training you.*”
\-OreSeur on Kelsier's motivations for organizing his crew[15]
After Kelsier's death, the crew noticed how the skaa seemed to be rallying around Kelsier's death. They realized Kelsier's plan all along was to die for the skaa to be inspired. [[OreSeur|OreSeur]], the kandra who was previously Lord Renoux now wearing Kelsier's bones, addresses Kelsier's crew at the informant warehouse, giving them instructions from Kelsier on how to continue. Clubs leaves to gather the remnants of the skaa army, Dockson begins giving out armor and weapons, and Vin takes it upon herself to kill the Lord Ruler.
After entering Kredik Shaw and fighting several Steel Inquisitors, including using pewter dust to blind one, she goes to her target: the unknown room. Inside she is baffled to find an old version of the Lord Ruler. She is captured by the previously blinded Inquisitor, [[Kar|Kar]], and left alive to be used against the [[Canton of Orthodoxy|Canton of Orthodoxy]] by the [[Canton of Inquisition|Canton of Inquisition]]. After she is forced to reveal that [[Tevidian|Tevidian]] is her father, several Inquisitors attack him with knives. Vin is then brought back to her cell with beaten and naked Sazed. Sazed then uses a swallowed [[Pewtermind|pewtermind]] to tap strength and free himself and Vin. After a fight with [[Steel Ministry|Ministry]] soldiers and a reunion with Elend, an Allomantically recharged Vin goes to fight the Lord Ruler. She is met by Kar, but Marsh manages to trick him and pull out his linchpin spike, killing Kar. He tries to do the same to the Lord Ruler, only to discover he doesn't have a linchpin spike. The Lord Ruler sends out a massively powerful Push, which Pushes off the earring Vin is wearing. She is then able to draw upon the mists and Pull the atium bracers directly off of his arms, killing the Lord Ruler..
### Post-Collapse
Surviving members of Kelsier's crew after the Collapse became part of the new government. [[Elend Venture|Elend Venture]] established himself as King of the [[Dominance|Central Dominance]]. Breeze was an advisor to Elend and Hammond was general of his armies. [[Tindwyl|Tindwyl]], a Terriswoman acquaintance of Sazed, began (forcefully) teaching Elend how to become a good king. Sazed went to the Southern Dominance because Kelsier said the Eleventh Metal stories come from there. Initially Elend asked Vin for her hand in marriage, but she declined, thinking he deserves someone better.
#### Siege of Luthadel
Problems in Luthadel reared their ugly heads quickly, as [[Straff Venture|Straff Venture]], Elend's father, as well as [[Ashweather Cett|Ashweather Cett]] from Fadrex City, began sieging Luthadel simultaneously. Elend tries negotiating with Cett and threatening Straff, to little avail. Several fights between sides happened involving Mistborn, such as [[Zane Venture|Zane Venture]].
Sazed found villages around the Southern Dominance suffering because the mists were coming out at day, and questioned the effects of the rebellion. While he was teaching villages skills to survive, he is met by Marsh, who asks Sazed to accompany him to the [[Conventical of Seran|Conventical of Seran]]. Sazed accepts. When they get there, Sazed sees a message carved in metal the [[Terrisman|Terrisman]] [[Kwaan|Kwaan]] left, the man who first proclaimed [[Alendi|Alendi]] as the Hero of Ages. He takes a charcoal rubbing of the message. and leaves. On the trip back to Luthadel, he finds the village of Urbene, with bodies of skaa dead from starvation and dehydration. He talks to a survivor who fears the mists and describes what happened. After the survivor runs, Sazed decides to use a steelmind and taps the stored speed to get to Luthadel faster. On the way back to Luthadel, he runs into a [[Koloss|koloss]] camp, and is brought to their leader, [[Jastes Lekal|Jastes Lekal]], a former friend of Elends'. After he agrees to let Sazed leave, he tells Sazed to tell Elend he wants to team up with him.
#### Lead-up to Battle of Luthadel
Elend had set up a system that allowed the government to depose the rulers so another Lord Ruler could not happen, but it allowed them to depose him quite easily. After Elend has a lengthy political battle to get the throne back and prevent Cett from circumventing to the throne, the Assembly replaced him with [[Penrod|Penrod]]. Elend continued to help the city regardless, from keeping people from freezing to attempting to fix the city's poisoned water supply.
Sazed, Dockson, Breeze, and Clubs conspired to send Vin and Elend away because they believed the city would fall. After Vin kills Zane, she asks for Elends hand in marriage, and he says yes, with Sazed officiates the marriage. Sazed tells them the Well of Ascension is in the [[Terris|Terris Mountains]] on [[Derytatith|Derytatith]], so the couple leaves with [[Allrianne|Allrianne]] and Spook, although Allrianne leaves them shortly after. Spook reveals to Elend and Vin that Sazed tricked them, and Jastes shows up. Enraged that Jastes left a koloss army unattended, Elend executes him. Vin and Elend decide to return to Luthadel after realizing the Well of Ascension is there.
by Lara Sarmiento Sazed guarding the Steel Gate from Koloss
#### The Battle of Luthadel
The koloss army Jastes left unattended began to enrage and charged on Luthadel. Breeze and Clubs are at the Zinc Gate while Breeze tries to Soothe the emotions of the soldiers there. The Zinc Gate is shortly after down by the Koloss. After hearing of the Zinc Gate collapse, Sazed, guarding the Steel Gate, takes out a koloss in one punch with his pewtermind after the Steel Gate collapses. During the battle, rampaging koloss kill Tindwyl at the Tin gate, Clubs at the Zinc Gate, and and Dockson at Keep Venture. Vin shows up and takes control of some koloss using [[Duralumin|duralumin]]. After the battle, she kills Straff and forces Penrod, Cett, and Straff's general [[Janarle|Janarle]] to accept Elend as Emperor.
#### The release of Ruin
Vin, Elend, Hammond, and Spook are led to Kredik Shaw by the Well of Ascension's pulses. After going underground through the keep, Vin and Elend find the Well, while Hammond and Spook double back to attack Marsh, who was fighting Sazed in the keep after Vin and crew went through the secret door. The mist spirit stabs Elend, mortally wounding him. However, instead of taking the power to save Elend, Vin still decides to give up the power, believing it to be the truly selfless thing to do. Ruin is released from his prison as a result.
### The New Empire
After [[Ruin|Ruin]] was freed from his imprisonment at the [[Well of Ascension|Well of Ascension]], Elend was made a [[Mistborn|Mistborn]] when he ingested and burned a bead of [[Lerasium|lerasium]], and was named Emperor of the Northern Continent. Ruin's end goal was the destruction of the world, so the Preservers fought against Ruin by attempting to unify the Northern Continent against him. A major goal of this period was to locate the Lord Ruler's atium cache, which meant they had to secure all of the storage caches in the major cities. This led to a two pronged attack by Elend's allies:
Spook scouts for and finds the cache in Urteau, and then Breeze and Sazed are sent with troops to secure it. After securing the cache, Spook was Hemalurgically spiked, and was under the influence of Ruin masquerading as Kelsier's ghost. Spook later overthrows the Citizen, the ruler of Urteau after the death of the Lord Ruler.
Vin, Elend, and his army seiging Fadrex City to get the last cache. Ruled by Aradan Yomen, previously an Obligator for the Lord Ruler, he is convinced Elend has bad intentions, due to his seemingly hostile move to bring the armies. Yomen later captures Vin and holds her hostage.
Marsh, now completely under Ruin's control after his release, is forced to do Ruin's bidding. He still keeps a rebellious spark in his mind for later. Marsh is brought to Vin while she is captured in Fadrex City, and forces Yomen to send out his army.
Meanwhile, TenSoon is on trial for betraying the kandra's First Contract and killing the human who contracted him. He attempts to convince the kandra to follow Vin because she killed the Lord Ruler, therefore making her their leader. Sazed later shows up to talk to the First Generation of kandra to get the first-hand accounts of the Terris religion before the Lord Ruler took over.
### Lead-up to Catacendre
After Vin's first fight with Marsh and escape from Fadrex City, she fled to Luthadel and fought the 13 remaining Inquisitors at [[Kredik Shaw|Kredik Shaw]]. After fighting well but still being overpowered, Marsh tortures her under the influence of Ruin by breaking her legs. He then realizes her earring is a Hemalurgic spike and uses the small part of his brain that is still rebellious to resist Ruin momentarily and pull the earring out of her ear. The mists flow into Vin and she fights with Marsh, her enhanced powers allowing her to flatten Kredik Shaw and kill all Inquisitors but Marsh. However, before she can kill him completely, she Ascends and disappears..
by ephermeres Vin as Preservation and Elend at the Battle of Hathsin
#### The Battle of Hathsin
Vin attempts to use her new power to save the world, but much to Ruin's amusement, all attempts she tries makes things worse.Meanwhile, at the Pits of Hathsin, Ruin discovers the atium is there. He sends his koloss army there, but Elend, his army, and the mistfallen(who as it has been discovered are atium mistings) fight the Koloss army while burning the atium cache.
After several hours of fighting, Ruin, through Marsh, corners and decapitates Elend in a rage after Elend shows they have burned all of the atium cache. Vin, after seeing Elend's death, sacrificed herself and killed Ruin's Vessel [[Ati|Ati]]. One notable member of the Preservers, [[Sazed|Sazed]], took up both the power of [[Ruin|Ruin]] and of [[Preservation|Preservation]], started the [[Catacendre|re-creation of the planet]], and saved the population of Scadrial.
### Post-Catacendre Influence
Some of the Preservers are part of the [[Originators|Originators]], the group that survived the Catacendre, and other Preservers are alive circa 300 years post-Catacendre, but all of the Preservers are now part of the mythology of northern Scadrial.
After the Catacendre, [[Sazed|Sazed]] left the [[Words of Founding|Words of Founding]] for the [[Originators|Originators]], which hinted at new technologies and helped them advance quite rapidly. [[TenSoon|TenSoon]] also continues to serve Sazed.
[[Spook|Spook]] became the Lord Mistborn after Sazed gave him Mistborn powers, then ruled over the Elendel Basin for a century. Breeze became the Counselor of Gods, advisor to Spook, and founded [[House Ladrian|House Ladrian]]. Aradan Yomen founded [[House Yomen|House Yomen]].
[[Vin|Vin]] and [[Elend|Elend]] have much prominence as a couple post-Catacendre; a statue of the two of them can be seen in the [[Field of Rebirth|Field of Rebirth]]. There is also a play in Elendel called *A Hero for All Ages* which has the two of them reaching out to each other on the promotional material. Vin also serves as a role model for the women of northern Scadrial.
The [[Docksithium|Docksithium]], a document on post-[[Catacendre|Catacendre]] [[Scadrial|Scadrial]], was allegedly written by [[Dockson|Dockson]], but the validity of that claim is questionable because Dockson died before the Catacendre, meaning the book would have had to survive the Catacendre.
Many major religions in Elendel worship members of the Preservers. [[Survivorism|Survivorism]] worships [[Kelsier|Kelsier]], the Survivor. Kelsier is also worshiped in the Southern Continent after ruling there, and created an unnamed religion that deified Metalborn. [[Sliverism|Sliverism]] worships [[Marsh|Marsh]], known as Ironeyes or Death. [[The Path|The Path]] worships [[Sazed|Sazed]], known as Harmony.
Many streets and cities post-Catacendre are named after Preservers. Examples include Elendel, Elendel University, Elendel Basin, Lestib Square, Hammondar Bay, Hammond Promenade, Tindwyl Promenade, and the Sea of Yomend.
[[Tindwyl|Tindwyl]] is the name of the youngest of [[Waxillium|Waxillium]] and [[Steris|Steris's]] two children, as Steris likes traditional names.
## Members
For a full list, see :Category: Preservers.
[[Vin|Vin, The Ascendant Warrior]]: [[Mistborn|Mistborn]], spy, [[Vessel|Vessel]] of [[Preservation|Preservation]]
[[Kelsier|Kelsier, The Survivor]]: leader, Mistborn, [[Vessel|Vessel]] of [[Preservation|Preservation]]
[[Dockson|Dockson]]: organizer, treasurer
[[Breeze|Breeze, The Counselor of Gods]]: [[Soother|Soother]]
[[Hammond|Hammond]]: [[Pewterarm|Pewterarm]], general of [[Skaa rebellion|skaa rebellion]] and later Venture army
[[Marsh|Marsh, Ironeyes]]: [[Seeker|Seeker]], [[Steel Ministry|Steel Ministry]] spy, [[Steel Inquisitor|Steel Inquisitor]]
[[Clubs|Cladent A.K.A "Clubs"]]: [[Smoker|Smoker]]
[[Spook|Spook, The Lord Mistborn]]: [[Tineye|Tineye]], Mistborn
[[Yeden|Yeden]]: employer, leader of [[Skaa rebellion|skaa rebellion]]
[[Harmony|Sazed, Harmony]]: [[Feruchemist|Feruchemist]], doctor, joint [[Vessel|Vessel]] of [[Preservation|Preservation]] and [[Ruin|Ruin]]
[[OreSeur|OreSeur]]: Kandra, Impersonator of Lord Renoux and Kelsier
[[Demoux|Demoux]]: captain, general, worldhopper
[[Elend Venture|Elend, The Last Emperor]]: Leader after Kelsier's death, King of Central Dominance, Emperor
[[Tindwyl|Tindwyl, Mother of Terris]]: [[Feruchemist|Feruchemist]], advisor to Elend
[[TenSoon|TenSoon, The Guardian]]: Kandra, killed and replaced OreSeur
[[Leras|Leras, Preservation]]: Original Vessel of Preservation, works with Kelsier's Cognitive Shadow
[[Aradan Yomen|Aradan Yomen, The Last Obligator]]: King of Fadrex City
| Preservers |
|**Groups**|[[Ashweather Cett|Ashweather Cett's]] army , Venture army, [[Originators|Originators]]|
|**Introduced In**|*The Well of Ascension*|
**Wellen**, also known as **Wells**, is a soldier on [[Scadrial|Scadrial]].
He was a member of [[Ashweather Cett|Ashweather Cett's]] army that attacked [[Luthadel|Luthadel]]. He was on *mist duty* with [[Jarloux|Jarloux]] when [[Vin|Vin]] and [[Zane Venture|Zane Venture]] attacked Keep Hasting. He was the sole survivor of his squad of forty men.
After Cett swore allegiance to Emperor [[Elend Venture|Elend Venture]], he was reemployed as a guard in Luthadel. He and [[Rittle|Rittle]] met with [[TenSoon|TenSoon]] playing [[Kelsier|Kelsier]], and told him of the madness afflicting King [[Ferson Penrod|Ferson Penrod]]. When TenSoon asks after the whereabouts of Elend and Vin, Wellen instead relays the location of Lord [[Breeze|Breeze]]; in [[Urteau|Urteau]]. TenSoon leaves them with the advice to find shelter from the mists in the [[Arguois caverns|Arguois caverns]].
Elend questions him and Rittle in the refugee camp after having led the people out of Luthadel.
Wellen survives the [[Catacendre|Catacendre]] and has children.
## Personality
Wellen is superstitious of the mists, though he keeps his opinions to himself while on mist duty to avoid ridicule from the other guards.
## Trivia
Wellen is based on [[Dan Wells|Dan Wells]], a friend of Brandon's who is also an author.
| Wellen |
|**Related to**|Szeth|
|**World of Origin**|[[Roshar|Roshar]]|
**Kammar** is an ancient fighting stance developed on [[Roshar|Roshar]].
Kammar is designed to defeat enemies without harming them, and so is considered a peaceful form. It focuses on grabbing people and immobilizing them by using their own weight against them. Only the hands are used in kammar.
[[Szeth|Szeth]] is trained in kammar, so it is possible that this is a [[Shin|Shin]]-specific art. The grabbing motions are ideal for [[Surgebinding|infusing]] people with [[Stormlight|Stormlight]], so Szeth is dangerous even with it alone, and without a [[Shardblade|Shardblade]].
| Kammar |
|**War for Heaven**|
|**Location**|[[Tranquiline Halls|Tranquiline Halls]]|
This page or section needs to be updated with new information for *Oathbringer*!Be aware that in its current state, it may not include all additional content yet.
It has been suggested that this page be merged into [[Vorinism|Vorinism]].The information on this page is much better suited to be included on other pages.
The **War for Heaven** was a mythological war believed to be being fought by [[Herald|Heralds]] and the [[Heraldic Forces|Heraldic Forces]] against the [[Voidbringers|Voidbringers]] for control of the [[Tranquiline Halls|Tranquiline Halls]].
According to myth, the sound of a horn was supposed to guide the soldiers to the battlefield.
After the War for Heaven was won, it was believed that all those who were not a part of the Heraldic Forces would rise from their sleep and go to the Tranquiline Halls.
| War for Heaven |
|by Ben McSweeney |
**Mustaches** is a man living on [[Scadrial|Scadrial]]. [[Jak|Allomancer Jak]] names him Mustaches due to his extremely long and pointy mustache.
[[Waxillium Ladrian|Waxillium Ladrian]] kills his brother near [[Covingtar|Covingtar]] in the [[Roughs|Roughs]]. Mustaches, thinking that Jak was Wax, confronted Jak who was at a party with [[Lady Lavont|Lady Lavont]]. He threatened Jak with his pistol, but when Jak clarified who he was the situation quickly defused.
| Mustaches |
|**Mastrell's Path**|
|**Related to**|[[Sand mastery|Sand mastery]], [[Diem|Diem]]|
|**World of Origin**|[[Taldain|Taldain]]|
>“*This place, the Mastrell's Path, is the closest thing to a sacred site that the sand masters have.*”
The **Mastrell's Path** is the name of a test used by the [[Diem|sand masters]] of [[Taldain|Taldain]]. As the name indicates, the Path is meant only for those who have achieved the highest rank of mastrell in the Diem. It was created by the most powerful and egotistical sand masters as a way of showcasing their superiority, and it is therefore extraordinarily challenging and dangerous.
## Contents
1 Rules
2 Attempts
2.1 Traiben
2.2 Kenton
3 Trivia
4 Notes
## Rules
The test is not mandatory and primarily serves as a way for the strongest mastrells to gain bragging rights. Several sand masters have died while running the Path and most mastrells simply choose not to attempt it. Anyone in the Diem can choose to take the test, although those of lower rank may require sponsorship from a more powerful colleague. However, this is essentially unheard of since weaker sand masters would not be expected to survive the attempt. The test is held alongside other contests once per year, and precedes a ceremony to award new ranks.
>“*You weren't supposed to slay the deep sandling that got trapped there so long ago. It's been central to the Path for centuries.*”
\-Elorin, to Kenton[3]
The Path consists of five red spheres hidden around the [[Kerla|Kerla]]. The goal is to find all five spheres within one [[Dayside|Dayside]] hour, or 90 minutes. This is ceremonially measured by watching the moon pass behind Mount [[KraeDa|KraeDa]] and reappear on the other side. The challenger is monitored by a group of mastrells; he may request help at any time, but if he does, his run is automatically terminated. There is a significant danger of [[Overmastery|overmastery]] during the test since sand mastery dehydrates the user and challengers are only allowed to take a single [[Qido|qido]] of water. There is no "pass" or "fail", as one's performance is judged by how many spheres he is able to obtain within the time limit.
The site of the Path is in a secluded location in the desert near the base of KraeDa, with no water sources nearby and some pockets of [[Deep sand|deep sand]]. The area is revered among the members of the Diem due to the ceremony that surrounds each attempt. The specifics of the Path are a closely guarded secret among mastrells. The spheres are hidden shortly before each run by one of the mastrells who is monitoring the attempt. Marker flags are also placed to let the challenger know they are in the right area. Part of the challenge is simply finding the first four spheres; they are well-hidden, but a powerful sand master should not have much trouble retrieving them. The fifth sphere, however, is placed near a massive deep [[Sandling|sandling]], specifically a Marken. This massive creature is [[Terken|terken]], or immune to the powers of sand mastery. Markens are very rare and normally found only in [[Deep sand|deep sand]], but this specimen somehow became isolated on the Kerla. The mastrells have fed the creature for centuries and use it as the final guardian for the fifth sphere.
## Attempts
### Traiben
Mastrell [[Traiben|Traiben]] ran the Path and only found three spheres. He managed to conserve some water until the end of his run and poured it onto the deep sandling to scare it away, but its digging buried his last sphere deep beneath the sand, preventing him from retrieving it.
### Kenton
As the son of the [[Lord Mastrell|Lord Mastrell]], Kenton consistently tried to prove his worth to the Diem despite his minimal talent with sand mastery. He convinced himself that if he could complete the Path, his father [[Praxton|Praxton]] would be forced to offer him a higher rank. Multiple people tried to talk him out of what would surely be a fatal exercise, but [[Elorin|Elorin]] ultimately agreed to sponsor him. Praxton offered him the rank of fen if he called off the attempt, but Kenton refused to give in. He brought a sword with him, which was not prohibited by the rules, and cleverly used his powers of observation and sand mastery to find the first four spheres. He then spotted the fifth sphere near the Marken. When the sandling emerged, he spotted a sixth sphere attached to its body. Unsure if there was some sort of trick involved, he resolved to get all six spheres; the only way to do so was to use his sword to create a weakness in the beast's carapace and then run a ribbon of sand through its brain, killing it. He later learned that the sixth sphere was presumably left over from a previous run, possibly Traiben's. His unbelievable accomplishment at the Path created a sensation in the Diem, with some calling him a hero. Praxton, however, was angry that Kenton had disobeyed him and then ruined the Path by killing the Marken, and offered him the even lower rank of underfen. Kenton refused, and Praxton was forced to finally offer him the rank of mastrell, warning him that the rest of the Diem would still see it as nepotism.
## Trivia
In the original version of *White Sand Volume 1*, the challengers were not permitted to bring any water on the Path. The intended solution for the Marken was for the challenger to slatrify sand into water and use it to scare the creature away; Traiben mentioned using this method during his run. However, the concept of slatrification was removed in the Omnibus edition. The Path's rules were changed to allow a single qido of water, and Traiben's dialogue was altered such that he simply poured water on the sandling instead.
| Mastrells Path |
|**Residence**|[[Azimir|Azimir]] , [[Urithiru|Urithiru]]|
|**Introduced In**|*Edgedancer*|
This page or section contains spoilers for *Wind and Truth*!This information has the ability to potentially ruin elements of the plot for the reader. Proceed with caution if you have not read this book.
This page or section needs to be updated with new information for *Wind and Truth*!Be aware that in its current state, it may not include all additional content yet.
This page is part of the December 2025 objectives!It has been claimed by User: Osome55, please contact them before doing edits.
>“*The thing that separates us from the monarchies of the east—and the chaos they suffer—is that our emperor is held in check.*”
\-Noura to Yanagawn[1]
**Noura** is a high-ranking [[Vizier|vizier]] in [[Prime Aqasix|Prime Aqasix]] [[Yanagawn|Yanagawn]] the First's court in [[Azir|Azir]] on [[Roshar|Roshar]].
## Contents
1 Appearance and Personality
2 Abilities and Attributes
3 History
3.1 Ascendance of Gawx
3.2 Meeting Dalinar
3.3 Dalinar's Coalition
3.4 Emuli Offensive
4 Relationships
4.1 Yanagawn
4.2 Lift
4.3 Dalinar
5 Notes
## Appearance and Personality
She has a round face, dark eyes, and long graying hair that she wears in a tight side braid. Although [[Lift|Lift]] calls her "Fat Lips", she does not actually have fat lips. She wears a hat and long, layered robes, sometimes adding a coat with oversized sleeves. All of her clothing is of brightly patterned textiles that are typical of Azir and are used to signify rank and other attributes.
Noura is educated and logical, and she places a high value on laws and bureaucracy. She strives to act in the best interests of Azir and is extremely loyal both to Azir and to the Prime. However, she is empathetic, and will occasionally bend the law to do what she believes is right. She is frank and not easily intimidated, particularly when she believes the law is on her side, but people also tend to respond well to her calm composure. She follows the religion of Azir, which leads her to revere the [[Herald|Heralds]]; it is difficult for her to come to terms with the fact that they are largely insane.
## Abilities and Attributes
>“*This is a work of art.*”
\-Speaking of Verdict[2]
Noura is intelligent. She is literate in Azish and is able to write poetry; even Lift has noted the elegance of her handwriting. She is able to speak the Alethi language. She is familiar with the writings of Jasnah Kholin and is extremely impressed by the writing style of her essay *Verdict*, although it is not clear if she can read [[Women's script|women's script]].
She is versed in Rosharan history and politics. She is also well-informed regarding Azir's current economic climate as well as military positioning and strategy.
## History
Noura passed the "master office" tests to become a vizier at only twelve years of age, giving her seniority among current viziers, even those much older than she was. She has fulfilled her office in [[Azimir|Azimir]], the capital of Azir and the seat of its throne, since rising to it.
### Ascendance of Gawx
Noura was present during a failed robbery of the [[Bronze Palace|Bronze Palace]] attempted by [[Huqin|Huqin's]] crew. "[[Nale|Darkness]]" appeared as he attempted to apprehend Lift; Noura did not recognize him, and was upset that he was intruding in the palace with his minions. She demanded to see his papers, and although she found that they were in order, she was shocked to see that the sentence for a child thief is death. She told Darkness to carry on, but then pushed a table into one of his minions, allowing Lift enough time to access [[Investiture|Investiture]] and ultimately escape.
Noura and the other viziers followed Darkness and came across [[Gawx|Gawx]], who was dying after having his throat slit by one of the minions. They witnessed his seeming resurrection when Lift healed him with [[Stormlight|Stormlight]]. Noura led a vote on the spot to confirm Gawx as the new Prime Aqasix, believing that he would be able to survive an attack by the [[Assassin in White|Assassin in White]].
She retained her position as lead vizier after Yanagawn was crowned and was said to miss Lift while she spent time in [[Yeddaw|Yeddaw]].
>“*I am the emperor's loyal servant, but I do not like the idea of your Radiants, Dalinar Kholin. These powers are dangerous, and the ancient Radiants turned traitor in the end.*”
\-Noura to Dalinar[2]
### Meeting Dalinar
Noura met with [[Dalinar Kholin|Dalinar Kholin]] in [[Azimir|Azimir]] after he showed Yanagawn some of [[Dalinar's visions|his visions]]. She openly displayed her distrust of Dalinar and the [[Alethi|Alethi]], but admitted that Yanagawn had been swayed by Dalinar's arguments. Dalinar presented the viziers with essays written by [[Fen|Fen]], [[Navani|Navani]], and [[Jasnah|Jasnah]], each of which contained compelling arguments regarding Dalinar's alliance. Noura was surprised by his diplomatic approach. The essays bought Dalinar more time, and he had some strained conversations with Noura about the current state of affairs on Roshar while she led him through the city to a small waiting room. She informed him that Azir's [[Parshmen|parshmen]] did not immediately prepare for war like those in Alethkar, instead formally demanding reparations before being led away by [[Regal|Regals]] or [[Fused|Fused]]. After some deliberation, Noura told Dalinar that Azir would accept his invitation to [[Urithiru|Urithiru]] despite her own objections, and that other nations in the Azish Empire were likely to follow.
### Dalinar's Coalition
Noura directly advised Yanagawn at the first meeting of monarchs in Urithiru. She whispered various instructions to Yanagawn, notably raising the question of whether the [[Knights Radiant|Knights Radiant's]] powers and the [[Oathgate|Oathgates]] were safe to use. After some discussion, Noura reached the conclusion that forming a coalition made sense, and Yanagawn offered to send troops to [[Jah Keved|Jah Keved]].
As the [[Coalition of monarchs|coalition]] prepared for war, Noura traveled to [[Thaylen City|Thaylen City]] with Yanagawn; she later wrote Queen Fen a poem thanking her for her hospitality. She also gave a report to the other monarchs regarding the movement of Azir's fleet. However, numerous pieces of information suddenly came to light (including revelations that Dalinar did not disclose all of the information about his visions, that Elhokar had sworn fealty to Dalinar as "highking", the arrival of an unexpected [[Everstorm|Everstorm]], and the translation of the [[Eila Stele|Eila Stele]]) that threw the coalition into chaos. Noura pointedly asked Dalinar about [[Odium|Odium]] appearing in his visions, and he admitted that he had.
>“*That Oathgate is dangerous. These powers of yours are dangerous. Deny it.*”
\-Noura to Dalinar[9]
Noura realized that it was likely someone orchestrated the downfall of the coalition, but she did not care; she already lacked trust for [[Surgebinder|Surgebinders]] in general and Dalinar specifically, and it was clear that he had withheld relevant information. The Azish delegation abandoned the coalition and left Thaylen City, refusing to use the Oathgate. Lift and Yanagawn later second-guessed this decision, and Yanagawn told Noura that he would be dead without Lift's Radiant powers. Lift had already stolen away from the ship, and Yanagawn told Noura that they needed to turn around. Noura reminded him that the emperor of Azir does not have absolute power, and that Yanagawn would jeopardize the throne if he attempted to rejoin the battle against the wishes of the vizierate. Before the argument concluded, they received reports that the Alethi had joined Odium's forces, seemingly proving Noura right. Yanagawn was baffled by this turn of events, as he was not aware that Odium was using [[Nergaoul|Nergaoul]] to control the Alethi.
Noura realized she was wrong about Dalinar after the [[Battle of Thaylen Field|Battle of Thaylen Field]], as she attended the wedding of [[Shallan|Shallan]] and [[Adolin|Adolin]], bringing gifts from Yanagawn and Lift. She, Yanagawn, and the rest of the Azish court also resumed their participation in the meetings of monarchs.
>“*This betrayal will be felt—and prosecuted—by the Azish for generations.*”
\-Noura about Taravangian[12]
### Emuli Offensive
During the following year, Noura began leading the meetings when the coalition gathered. She directed Dalinar to describe his proposed assault on [[Emul|Emul]] to the rest of the group, then asked to hear the opinions of the others. They unanimously agreed to the assault, and some of the Azish court, including Yanagawn, opted to go with the army. After [[Taravangian|Taravangian's]] betrayal, Noura agreed with the other officials that Dalinar had handled the situation well.
Later, Dalinar and [[Jasnah|Jasnah]] met with the Prime in his tent. Noura took a seat to be present at the table with them, though she sat lower than they did. She disapproved of Yanagawn relaxing enough to take off his headdress in their presence. Noura had previously discussed Jasnah with Yanagawn, who had a higher opinion of the queen than Noura did; when Jasnah displayed knowledge of their customs, Noura conceded that he had been right. However, the way that Jasnah delivered the facts about Urithiru's occupation and the seeming hopelessness of its recapture prompted Noura to speak up in favor of taking it back. She was doubtful at Dalinar's idea of recruiting the [[Herald|Herald]] [[Ishar|Ishar]] to help, but suggested that instead of going to him, he send [[Knights Radiant|Knights Radiant]] to bring Ishar to the camp.
## Relationships
### Yanagawn
>“*Azir can, and will, withstand a change in dynasty. Your power is absolute, but you do not exercise it all. You must not.*”
\-Noura to Yanagawn[1]
As the senior [[Vizier|vizier]] in the [[Azish|Azish]] court, Noura is highly influential on [[Gawx|Gawx]] after he ascends to the [[Prime|throne]] as Yanagawn the First. Yanagawn seems to like the viziers and notes that they do their best to educate him as quickly as possible. Noura is generally at Yanagawn's side during important meetings, and he sometimes sends her as an envoy in his stead. She believes that Yanagawn should not always follow Lift's advice, since Lift is very impulsive. Though she disapproves of the influence the other monarchs of the [[Coalition of monarchs|coalition]] have on him that relax his formality, by the time of the [[Emuli|Emuli]] offensive she respects that Yanagawn has grown. He still looks to her for approval during meetings, but she fills the role of an advisor more than that of a teacher.
### Lift
>“*Lift? You listen to her far too much, Your Imperial Majesty.*”
\-Noura to Yanagawn[1]
Noura is quickly able to ascertain that [[Lift|Lift]] is not the dangerous criminal that [[Nale|Nale]] claims her to be. Lift claims that the viziers do not like her. She likes to playfully aggravate Noura, but she also seems to trust her. Although Lift's quirky actions often confound Noura, she also appears to be fond of Lift. Still, Noura seems to be unsettled by Lift's unpredictable nature; when departing [[Thaylen City|Thaylen City]], she assigns [[Vono|Vono]] to watch Lift, but Lift escapes with ease.
### Dalinar
>“*You are not what I expected, Blackthorn.*”
\-To Dalinar[2]
Noura assumes that the [[Alethi|Alethi]] always attempt to solve their problems through violence, a stereotype that is particularly prevalent in Azir due to the genocide perpetrated there by [[Sadees|Sadees]] the Sunmaker. She is inherently wary of [[Dalinar Kholin|Dalinar Kholin]] because of his nationality, his powers, and his reputation. Before meeting him, she assumes he will be half-man, half-animal, but her fears are quelled by his unexpectedly calm demeanor and his ability to speak Azish. She still maintains a level of distrust for Dalinar, and quickly turns on him after learning that he has not been forthcoming about all of his visions. She is not always enamored of his methods or ideas, but is willing to trust and work with Dalinar again after his victory at the [[Battle of Thaylen Field|Battle of Thaylen Field]].
| Noura |
**NanHar** was an ancient king of [[Jah Keved|Jah Keved]].
He died from an illness while on campaign in what would later become [[Triax|Triax]], and his brother [[NanKhet|NanKhet]] inherited his throne.
NanHar is written of in a history by [[Natata Ved|Natata Ved]] two centuries after NanKhet's death.
| NanHar |
|**World of Origin**|[[Roshar|Roshar]]|
>“*She'll throw you in a heartbeat and you'll break your crown, bridgeman. She's not good with riders*”
\-Jenet to Kaladin[1]
**Dreamstorm** is a young, high-sprited horse under [[Jenet|Jenet's]] care in Highprince [[Dalinar Kholin|Dalinar Kholin's]] warcamp on the [[Shattered Plains|Shattered Plains]] of [[Roshar|Roshar]].
## History
In 1173, Jenet was in the process of getting Dreamstorm used to wearing a saddle when [[Bridge Four|Bridge Four]] came for their first riding lesson. She was kept tied up off by herself, separated from the other horses. When [[Adolin|Adolin]] saw that [[Kaladin|Kaladin]] was riding the more docile [[Spray|Spray]], he suggested trying Dreamstorm if Kaladin wanted a horse with more spunk.
Despite Jenet's warnings that Dreamstorm was not good with riders, Kaladin chose to try riding Dreamstorm anyway. He Lashed himself to her saddle with [[Stormlight|Stormlight]] and managed to hold on through Dreamstorm's first round of attempts to throw him. Dreamstorm was clever enough to wait briefly until Kaladin's guard was down and the Stormlight had run out before she finally bucked him off.
At the end of this incident, Dalinar advised Kaladin not to take Dreamstorm out on patrols.
## Appearance and Personality
Dreamstorm is a strong, large, and lean horse. As younger horse, she still is rather wild and spirited. Most recently Dreamstorm is kept picketed by herself so she can run for short bursts in a circle. Dreamstorm wears a saddle even not when being ridden to help her grow accustomed to it. She is unwilling to accept any rider. Dreamstorm does her best to buck off anyone that even tries to mount her.
| Dreamstorm |
|**BioChromatic Breath**|
|**Related to**|[[Awakening|Awakening]], [[Endowment|Endowment]]|
|**World of Origin**|[[Nalthis|Nalthis]]|
This page or section contains spoilers for *Wind and Truth*!This information has the ability to potentially ruin elements of the plot for the reader. Proceed with caution if you have not read this book.
This page or section needs to be updated with new information for *Rhythm of War*, *The Sunlit Man*, and *Wind and Truth*!Be aware that in its current state, it may not include all additional content yet.
**BioChromatic Breath**, also known simply as **Breath**, is the common form of Investiture on [[Nalthis|Nalthis]].
## Contents
1 BioChroma
2 Awakening
3 Types of BioChromatic entities
3.1 Type I
3.2 Type II
3.3 Type III
3.4 Type IV
4 BioChromatic Laws
4.1 Law of BioChromatic Parallelism
4.2 Law of Comparability
5 Collecting Breath
6 Heightenings
7 Drab
8 Breath Equivalent Units
9 Trivia
10 Notes
## BioChroma
Every Nalthian is born with one Breath, though a person may choose to transfer that Breath to another person. It is possible for children of Nalthian parents with Breath born away from Nalthis to have their own Breath. When a person dies, the Breath they were carrying returns to [[Endowment|Endowment]] and leaves with their soul. Humans are able to use their Breath to perform [[Awakening|Awakening]] as well as gaining benefits from having one or more Breaths.
Breaths vary in strength, and tend to weaken when the person is sick. The fluctuation of strength for a Breath is normally not very noticeable, particularly when someone has many Breaths. The more Breaths a person has, the more they will heighten colors around them and the further their area of effect is. It is possible to hide this effect. Having enough Breath will interact strangely with color-blindness and synesthesia.
When a person dies, they may have their Breath pulse, sending out a wave of heightened color. This flare of brightness during death is rare. A person may also be able to forcefully flare color around them.
Breath, through an unknown method, can have memories encoded into it. Excising the Breaths in which memory is stored will lead to the loss of said memories.
Breaths are not inherently connected to Nalthis since they are freely given gifts, thus they do not limit [[Worldhopping|worldhopping]].
Breaths can be forcibly transferred by Shards, but doing so would leave them vulnerable, and there would still be some [[Connection|Connection]] between the original owner and the Breath.
BioChromatic Breath reaches through to the Spiritual Realm.
## Awakening
For more information, see [[Awakening|Awakening]].
Awakening is the process by which an Awakener uses their stored BioChromatic Breath to animate an object. To do so, they issue a [[Command|Command]] in their native tongue while visualizing the action they want the object to complete. The Commands are the key part of Awakening, and the skill of an Awakener depends on their ability to use Commands correctly.
The process causes some portion of the Awakener's stored Breath to exit their body and become Invested in the Awakened object. Depending on the object, it may require anywhere from one to one thousand (or more) Breaths. Furthermore, color is drained from nearby objects as fuel for the Awakening process. This can manifest, for example, as a red scarf being bleached grey. Though the color drain is permanent, this magic is still considered end-neutral since the Breaths can be recovered from the Awakened object (in most cases).
While anyone can benefit from possessing a Breath, a non-Nalthian possessor would have difficulty in Awakening with it.
It is impossible to reabsorb Breaths from an object Awakened by somebody else, unless they blank their [[Identity|Identity]] first with Intent. This is likely due to the imprint of the Awakener's soul being left in the breath that awakens the object, since breath is a part of one's soul.
## Types of BioChromatic entities
[[Vasher|Vasher]] categorizes BioChromatic entities into four Types. At some point between the [[Pahn Kahl rebellion|Pahn Kahl rebellion]] and the [[True Desolation|True Desolation]], Vasher had to change the system. He refers to [[Spren|spren]] as Type One Invested entities and describes them as power that came alive on its own. He adds that what he used to consider Type I are now considered Type II. It's not clear if other adjustments are made to his system.
### Type I
**Type I BioChromatic Entities** or **Spontaneous Sentient BioChromatic Manifestations in a Deceased Host**, later referred to as **Type II Invested Entities**, are a type of BioChromatic entity. The term refers to those that retain sentience after being Returned (by [[Endowment|Endowment]], in the case of the Returned) following death, and are endowed with Investiture, such as divine Breath. Returned are able to Awaken normally using any Breaths on top of their divine Breath, but giving away the divine Breath results in death.
The **divine Breath**, a single powerful Breath that grants the powers of the first five Heightenings, is a [[Splinter|Splinter]] of [[Endowment|Endowment]]. Giving away the divine Breath to another person will instantly heal that person, at the cost of the life of the Returned. Divine Breaths cannot be transferred like normal Breaths as they immediately become kinetic Investiture when used.
**Type I Invested Entities** later came to define [[Spren|Spren]], Investiture which developed sentience on its own.
### Type II
**Type II BioChromatic entities** are **Mindless Manifestations in a Deceased Host**, or more commonly known as "**Lifeless**", and are non-sentient reanimated animal remains. They have a functioning brain, and are able to interpret old Commands and have new Commands given. These creatures are made via complex Commands that reanimate a dead person or animal. These Commands are guarded closely by those who know them.
Type II entities are cheap to make, even with awkward Commands (used to cost 50 breaths before the Manywar). This is due to the Law of BioChromatic Parallelism. However, Breath sticks so firmly to the construct that it is impossible to remove afterwards.
Once a Lifeless is created, it will obey any instructions given to it that include a pre-determined **Command Phrase**(similar to a password). Human Lifeless are able to understand more abstract instructions than animal Lifeless. However, the skill of the [[Awakener|Awakener]] who Awakens the Lifeless also affects its ability. Any Lifeless will retain a level of skill that it had in life. For example, a soldier's corpse would make a better soldier Lifeless than that of a farmer's.
The Lifeless can function for a long time if cared for and repaired. Lifeless can withstand otherwise mortal wounds, but too much damage will eventually cause the Lifeless to cease activity, which means that Lifeless bodies need to be maintained and repaired (e.g. by sewing its wounds shut) when needed, otherwise they are going to need a new Breath. One innovation in Lifeless maintenance is the use of [[Ichor-alcohol|ichor-alcohol]], a substance discovered by [[Yesteel|Yesteel]] that could act as blood for Lifeless and that greatly prolongs their viability.
Lifeless created from bones encased in stone have the advantage of being extremely resilient and not needing [[Ichor-alcohol|ichor-alcohol]]. It is also possible to make stone Lifeless by transforming a dead body to stone (e.g. via [[Soulcasting|Soulcasting]]) before Awakening it.
The discovery of how to create Lifeless with just a single Breath eventually led to the Lifeless armies of the [[Manywar|Manywar]]. One example of a single-Breath Lifeless Command is, "Awaken to my Breath, serve my needs, live at my Command and my word".
**Type II Invested Entity** later came to describe [[Cognitive Shadow|Cognitive Shadows]].
### Type III
The process generally thought of as [[Awakening|Awakening]] creates **Type III entities**, a BioChromatic manifestation in an organic host far removed from being alive. Examples include Awakened ropes, cloth, or skeletal remains.
They are between the two extremes of inorganic objects and dead bodies. Therefore, these have the advantage of requiring less Breath (still more than corpses, often over one hundred) to Awaken than inorganic objects while at the same time allowing for Breath recovery. They have the strength to easily strangle people. The more it resembled living beings, the easier it is to be Awakened, so a skilled Awakener would prepare human-shaped and organic clothes for Awakening purposes. When Awakened, it tends to mimic living things, forming muscle-like structures or the shape of hands. They are understandably the most common type of BioChromatic host entities created. However, other types of BioChromatic hosts are generally more powerful.
### Type IV
**Type IV BioChromatic entities** are sentient objects made by Awakening inorganic materials like metal and stone. This requires at least the Ninth Heightening. [[Nightblood|Nightblood]], a sentient Awakened sword, is an example of this type of entity. He was created by [[Shashara|Shashara]] with the help of her husband [[Talaxin|Talaxin]], also known as Vasher, using a thousand Breaths and the Command "Destroy evil".
Nightblood is incapable of determining morality and has a rigid way of thinking similar to a [[Spren|spren]] on Roshar. The large number of Breaths he contains also grants him incredible destructive power. The threat of more weapons like Nightblood being created eventually caused Talaxin to kill Shashara to prevent the knowledge of this form of Awakening from becoming public.
Stone is presumed to be similarly difficult to Awaken. However, Lifeless can be made by enclosing bones in stone, making near-indestructible warriors. [[Talaxin|Talaxin]] used this technique to create the legendary [[Kalad's Phantoms|Kalad's Phantoms]].
[[Vivenna's Blade|Vivenna's Blade]] might also be a Type IV entity, though it has not been confirmed.
## BioChromatic Laws
### Law of BioChromatic Parallelism
*The closer a host is to a living shape and form, the easier it is to Awaken.*
This is easily understood since BioChroma is the power of life, and seeks patterns of life.
### Law of Comparability
*The amount of Breath required to Awaken something isn't necessarily indicative of its power once Awakened.*
A good example is that a piece of cloth cut into a square and a piece of cloth cut into the shape of a man take very different amounts of Breath to Awaken, but will serve essentially the same function once Awakened.
## Collecting Breath
by Jessica Liu [[Lemex|Lemex]] transferring his Breaths to [[Vivenna|Vivenna]]
In order to achieve the most interesting and extravagant Awakening, more than one Breath is required. Since each person is born with a single Breath, an Awakener must collect Breaths from other individuals. The method by which this is done is itself a type of Awakening, using the Command "My life to yours, my Breath become yours." The person imparting the Breaths must be in physical contact with the recipient.
As a person gains more Breaths, they are granted certain properties. These [[Heightening|Heightenings]], as they are known, are markers along a continuous scale of Breath. As a person gains more Breath, they are more resistant to disease (for example), but at approximately 2,000 Breaths this reaches a maximum and they are immune to most diseases. If a person was sick before receiving a large amount of Breaths, they will quickly be cured. The number of Breaths for each Heightening are approximate. Furthermore, little is known about the upper Heightenings (above the Sixth), since very few individuals amass such a store of Breath.
If a person gains a large amount of Breaths at once, they will feel a sudden burst of pleasure and shock. This typically causes people to collapse to the ground, quivering. This will not occur if the person recently had a large amount of Breaths.
If enough Breaths are collected, they can start to affect the personality of the person holding them. "Breaths do bring some things along with them," but they are not "terribly individual" depending on their original owner. For example, [[Vahr|Vahr's]] resolve was strengthened because of the similar mindsets of those he collected his Breaths from, but the effect only manifested due to the large amount of Breaths he had.
## Heightenings
For more information, see [[Heightening|Heightening]].
|**Heightening number**|**Approximate number of Breaths to reach this Heightening**|**Effects of the Heightening**|
|First Heightening|50|Aura Recognition|
|Second Heightening|200|Perfect Pitch|
|Third Heightening|600|Perfect Color Recognition|
|Fourth Heightening|1,000|Perfect Life Sense|
|Fifth Heightening|2,000|Agelessness|
|Sixth Heightening|3,500|Instinctive Awakening|
|Seventh Heightening|5,000|Invested Breath Recognition|
|Eighth Heightening|10,000|Command Breaking|
|Ninth Heightening|20,000|Greater AwakeningAudible Command|
|Tenth Heightening|50,000|Color DistortionPerfect Invocation???|
## Drab
**Drab** is the colloquial name for anyone in [[Hallandren|Hallandren]] without a BioChromatic [[Breath|Breath]]. Terms such as **Dull** or **Faded One** are also used.
Without Breath, colors lose their vibrancy and their other senses are dulled. Contrary to what many people believe in [[Hallandren|Hallandren]], being without a breath has significant negative effects. They feel less emotion and are more susceptible to depression. A person's allure decreases, as does the strength of their immune system. The latter stems from the fact that Breath acts as a sort of magical booster for the body, and thus the body doesn't need to build up immunity. Due to these facts, they typically have a shorter lifespan. Drabs lack life sense (the instinctive feeling to know if someone is watching them) and do not register on the life sense of others. A Drab is also incapable of Returning.
Many people sell their Breaths when they are short of cash, then spend their time trying to earn enough money to buy back a [[Breath|Breath]]. However, some people who gave their [[Breath|Breath]] to a [[Returned|Returned]] out of their beliefs cherish their status as a Drab.
If someone is made into a [[Lifeless|Lifeless]] before [[Endowment|Endowment]] [[Returned|Returned]] that person, Endowment's gift of a divine [[Breath|Breath]] would come down, strike the Lifeless, and 'all kinds of craziness' would occur. They would end up as a 'Drab god'.
## Breath Equivalent Units
The **Breath Equivalent Unit** (**BEU**) is a unit of measurement for Investiture based on BioChromatic Breath.
Even on highly Invested worlds, a person’s soul typically isn’t more than three BEUs. A normal Threnodite from [[Canticle|Canticle]] has only one BEU. A sunheart made from a Threnodite on Canticle generally contains at least two hundred BEUs.
## Trivia
Breath is specifically named BioChromatic Breath due to some of the [[Five Scholars|Five Scholars]] having visited other more advanced worlds that had a more scientific approach to the study of Investiture.
A person from another planet in the cosmere would have more Innate Investiture than a Drab, but less than someone with one Breath.
| BioChromatic Breath |
|**Fourwell Crossroads**|
>“*[I] went to check on him a couple times, like you asked. You'll find him three streets west of the Fourwell Crossroads.*”
\-Dockson to Kelsier on Camon[1]
**Fourwell Crossroads** is an intersection in [[Luthadel|Luthadel]] on [[Scadrial|Scadrial]]. Its name comes from its four wells, one in each of its corners. It also has a copper fountain in its center, which depicts the [[Lord Ruler|Lord Ruler]] with the [[Deepness|Deepness]] defeated and lying at his feet.
Many people pass though Fourwell Crossroads, which makes it a popular spot for beggars to set up, though they have to fight to maintain their place there. After [[Kelsier|Kelsier]] had him made a beggar, [[Camon|Camon]] did not get a spot at Fourwell Crossroads, and had to set up at a smaller and less popular square three streets to the west.
| Fourwell Crossroads |
|**Residence**|[[Armedius Academy|Armedius Academy]]|
|**Homeworld**|[[Earth (Rithmatist)|Earth (Rithmatist)]]|
|**Introduced In**|*The Rithmatist*|
>“*You'll get used to him, Nalizar. We keep having to throw the child out of our classes. He finds ways to sneak in and listen."*”
\-Professor Haberstock to Andrew Nalizar after noticing Joel Saxon standing near the professors' dinner table[1]
**Haberstock** is a professor of [[Rithmatics|Rithmatics]] at [[Armedius Academy|Armedius Academy]].
When [[Andrew Nalizar|Andrew Nalizar]] began lecturing the other professors at the dinner after he challenged Professor [[Fitch|Fitch]] and received his tenure, Professor Haberstock tried to convince Nalizar that his point had been made and that he didn't need to upset things further. Later that night, he noticed [[Joel Saxon|Joel Saxon]] standing near the professors' dinner table, and warned Nalizar that Joel often tried to sneak into Rithmatics classes.
He doesn't allow non-Rithmatics students into his classes. As a result, [[Melody Muns|Melody Muns]] was forced to deliver a note to him on at least one occasion.
| Haberstock |
|**House Aime**|
|**Era**|[[Final Empire|Final Empire]]|
|**World of Origin**|[[Scadrial|Scadrial]]|
**House Aime** is a minor house in the [[Final Empire|Final Empire]].
The lord of House Aime is unknown although he had several sons, including [[Fedren Aime|Fedren Aime]] who is a buffoon acording to Lady [[Kliss|Kliss]].
It was rumored that Lady [[Tren-Pedri Delouse|Tren-Pedri Delouse's]] father was looking to marry her to someone in House Aime, though Tren-Pedri herself didn't wish to do so. [[Vin|Vin]], in the guise of Valette Renoux, falsely implied to Lady Kliss that her hesitance had to do with House Aime's relations with [[House Hasting|House Hasting]].
| House Aime |
|**Residence**|[[Elantris (city)|Elantris]]|
|**Introduced In**|*Elantris*|
>“*I haven't been hungry in days, my lord. It is the most amazing feeling in the world—I don’t even notice the pain anymore.*”
\-Kahar, after discovering Raoden's "secret"[1]
**Kahar** is an [[Elantrian|Elantrian]] on [[Sel|Sel]] who cleaned [[New Elantris|New Elantris]].
## Appearance and Personality
He is an older man with a thin and stooped appearance. Although the corrupted [[Shaod|Shaod]] made all Elantrians look older, Kahar has an even more wizened appearance than most. He hobbles when he walks.
He is polite and has a practiced air of subservience. Like many Elantrians during the Shaod, he is apathetic and suffering, to the point where he thinks he might become [[Hoed|Hoed]]. Once he is assigned to clean the city, he shows himself to be extremely diligent and resourceful, and he takes great pride in his work. He is fastidious and prefers to observe proper decorum.
## History
Before being taken by the [[Shaod|Shaod]], Kahar was a cleaner who washed streets.
He was the first Elantrian to join [[Raoden|Raoden's]] band on his own initiative. After Raoden saved a few new Elantrians who had been thrown into the ruined city, Kahar heard rumors on the streets that Raoden had a secret to make the pain go away, and joined him hoping to be let in on this secret.
Raoden tasked Kahar with cleaning the former chapel that his team was using as a base. Kahar quickly threm himself into this task, and realized that he still retained his cleaning skills. Despite the fact that the slime covering the city was oily and difficult to scrub away, Kahar was able to make the chapel look spotless, even rediscovering the reliefs which decorated the walls. While working on the chapel he discovered the "secret" to not becoming Hoed; being distracted by work helped him forget the pain.
Raoden and Kahar then discussed the importance of removing the filth from the streets and surrounding buildings, and Kahar was not daunted by the scope of the task. He was given a small crew of assistants, and Raoden tried to procure additional cleaning supplies for him when he could. Kahar tirelessly washed and scrubbed New Elantris as it expanded. He cleaned the city almost single-handedly, and the work continued to keep his pain at bay.
During the [[Invasion of Arelon|Invasion of Arelon]], [[Derethi|Derethi]] soldiers and [[Dakhor|Dakhor]] monks attacked New Elantris. [[Galladon|Galladon]] saw that Kahar had lost an arm and both legs in the fighting. It is unclear if Kahar died from his injuries or if he survived to see the restoration of Elantris.
| Kahar |
|**Earth (Snapshot)**|
The setting of the novella [[Snapshot|Snapshot]] is an alternate Earth in 2018. The story focuses on a single day spent inside a [[Snapshot (event)|Snapshot]], a perfect recreation of another, earlier day, where [[Anthony Davis|Anthony Davis]] and [[Chaz|Chaz]] attempt to track a serial killer. Besides having the snapshot device, the Earth in Snapshot differs from the real Earth in a few ways. Self-driving cars appear to be popular; about half of all cars in [[New Clipperton|New Clipperton]] are self-driving and some places, including Mexico City, have already outlawed manually-driven cars. New Clipperton and Mexico City are both Independent City-States. The Restored American Union is the original builder of the Snapshot program but decided to leave it when they pulled out of New Clipperton. Otherwise, it appears to resemble real-world Earth in 2018.
| Earth Snapshot |
|**Trell (Taldain)**|
|by [[Julius Ohta|Julius Ohta]]|
|**Groups**|*Mason's Guild*|
|**Introduced In**|*White Sand*|
For the being named Trell and its associated religion, see [[Trell (Trellism)|Trell (Trellism)]].
For the [[God Metal|God Metal]] with which [[Bleeder|Bleeder]] was pierced, see [[Trellium|Trellium]].
For the deity worshiped by the [[Nelazan|Nelazan]] people in Classical [[Scadrial|Scadrial]], see [[Trelagism|Trelagism]].
**Trell** is a construction foreman in [[Lossand|Lossand]] who works under [[Kelzi|Kelzi]] [[Karmat|Karmat]].
He is connected to [[Scadrial|Scadrian]] religions.
## Contents
1 Appearance and Personality
2 History
3 Trivia
4 Notes
## Appearance and Personality
Trell has a bald head and wears the dull, loose-fitting clothes and leather boots of a laborer in Lossand. Trell is a selfless man who cares deeply for his subordinates, and he treats [[Kenton|Kenton]] with a great deal of respect.
## History
Kenton once saved some of Trell's crew by holding up the roof of a structure after the scaffolding collapsed, allowing them time to escape. Fearing retribution upon his crew for displeasing a [[Sand mastery|sand master]], Trell initially acted highly subservient toward Kenton and took the blame for the collapse upon himself. Kenton's act earned Trell's trust and respect. At Kenton's command, he delightedly dismissed his crew for the day after the disaster, so that they might spend time with their families.
## Trivia
The naming of Trell was intentional, but the connections are a little obtuse.
| Trell Taldain |
|**Council of Kings**|
|**World of Origin**|[[Earth (Alcatraz)|Earth (Alcatraz)]]|
The **Council of Kings** was an alliance of all the nations of the [[Free Kingdoms|Free Kingdoms]].
One of their main goals was to stop the conquest of the [[Librarian|Librarians]].
[[House Smedry|House Smedry]] had a permanent position on the Council of Kings.
| Council of Kings |
**Lenehe** is a poet on [[Sel|Sel]]. The name, derived from the Aon Ehe, had been one they chose upon reaching maturity as an artist, and to distance themselves from their older works.
Lenehe said that Aon Ehe was "The most inspiring of all Aons, a symbol for those with a creative heart and an unhindered mind."
| Lenehe |
|**Well of Ascension**|
|by Elsa Velasco |
|**Related to**|[[Preservation|Preservation]]|
|**Use**|Giving power, imprisoning [[Ruin|Ruin]], Realmatic Transition|
|**Era**|[[Final Empire|Final Empire]]|
This article is about the place. For the [[Mistborn (series)|Mistborn]] novel, see [[The Well of Ascension|The Well of Ascension]].
The **Well of Ascension** was a [[Perpendicularity|Perpendicularity]], the manifestation of [[Preservation|Preservation's]] power.
## Contents
1 Location and Appearance
2 Purpose
2.1 Refilling Power
2.2 Holding the Power
2.3 Other Uses
3 History and Mythology
4 Notes
## Location and Appearance
The entrance to the Well lies in the [[Lord Ruler|Lord Ruler's]] [[Kredik Shaw|study]], and was designed to be opened by an [[Iron|Ironpull]] of tremendous strength, such that the Lord Ruler was one of the few individuals capable of opening it. One section of the wall, presumably weighing several tons, could be pulled on to reveal a passageway, which leads to the stone chamber that houses the Well of Ascension. The Well appears as a shimmering, glowing white pool full of liquid metal. The pool lies in a shallow depression in the rock and is only a few feet in diameter.
## Purpose
by Hinumay [[Alendi|Alendi]] betrayed by [[Rashek|Rashek]] at the Well of Ascension
### Refilling Power
As [[Allomancy|Allomancy]] is of [[Preservation|Preservation]], particularly strong [[Seeker|Seekers]] could sense the pulsing of the Well of Ascension as it refills with power. This pulsing is a pure tone of [[Scadrial|Scadrial]]. The closer to being filled, the more powerful the pulses feels. [[Vin|Vin]] claimed that within a month of it being filled, that she no longer needed [[Bronze|bronze]] to sense the pulses.
Every 1024 years, the Well would refill with power. When using the power, it last for only a short amount of time before it needs to refill again. In the post-[[Catacendre|Catacendre]] era, the Well stopped refilling and is inactive.
### Holding the Power
Holding the power of the Well for a short time, either by using the power or giving it up, makes the user a [[Sliver|Sliver]]. If a user neither uses the power or releases it, they do not become a Sliver. If the user has [[Hemalurgy|Hemalurgic spikes]], they will feel a burning sensation where the spikes are, and will not be able to use the power until they remove them.
If the user takes the power to use, they are granted the abilities and limitations that Preservation has. This includes moving Scadrial's orbit, altering the physiology of plants and humans on Scadrial, and altering the landscape of the planet. While slight alterations to humans can be done, bigger changes, such as making someone a [[Allomancy|Mistborn]] or a [[Mistwraith|Mistwraith]], are also possible.
Holding the power also grants the user increased knowledge, such as how to make Hemalurgic Constructs. This knowledge does not substitute for experience, and those using its power for bigger changes are likely to make mistakes. Users are able to leave Scadrial during their Ascension.
### Other Uses
>“*Alendi must not reach the Well of Ascension, for he must not be allowed to release the thing that is imprisoned there.*”
The Well of Ascension served as a prison for [[Ruin|Ruin's]] mind, keeping the [[Shard|Shard]] from performing large actions on the planet. The Well would release Ruin's mind if the power was released.
A person could become a [[Cognitive Shadow|Cognitive Shadow]] by merging their soul with its power. This also traps them in the Well until the power is released.
## History and Mythology
by LittleGreyDragon [[Kelsier|Kelsier]] meeting [[Hoid|Hoid]] at the Well
In [[Terris|Terris]] prophecy, it was said to be hidden deep within the Terris Mountains. However, when the Lord Ruler consumed the power from the Well of Ascension and changed the world, he also changed the location of the Well. The Well was moved to Kredik Shaw, and lay in a chamber underneath the Lord Ruler's palace.
Before Vin released the power within the Well, it served as a prison for the [[Shard|Shard]] Ruin for several millennia. Preservation created the prison by sacrificing his mind to create something capable of containing Ruin's mind. With his mind gone, Preservation's body and power were left in the world, creating the [[Mist|Mists]] and the Well of Ascension.
It is unknown whether the Well still exists after the Catacendre.
| Well of Ascension |
|**Introduced In**|*Shadows of Self*|
**Lady Shayna** is a noblewoman on [[Scadrial|Scadrial]] who attends [[Lady ZoBell's party|Lady ZoBell's party]] in [[Elendel|Elendel]] in 342 [[Catacendre|PC]].
She has a reputation for being long-winded and boastful. She was a staunch supporter of Governor [[Replar Innate|Innate]], both politically and financially, and spoke to him at the party.
| Shayna |
**Peter Ahlstrom** is Vice President of Editorial for [[Dragonsteel Entertainment|Dragonsteel Entertainment]].
[[Brandon Sanderson|Brandon Sanderson]] met Peter while attending Brigham Young University. Peter was an editor for numerous anime comics, including several for TOKYOPOP, before being hired as Brandon's assistant around 2007. Peter was promoted to editor and then editorial director by at least March, 2020.
Peter is married to continuity editor [[Karen Ahlstrom|Karen Ahlstrom]], with whom he has three children.
## Cameos
Peter has several cameos in Brandon's work. In the [[Mistborn (series)|Mistborn]] series there's "Ahlstrom Square" in Luthadel, the "Ahlstrom Tower" in Elendel,, [[Peterus|Lord Peterus]] in *Alloy of Law*, and [[Lieutenant Ahlstrom|Lieutenant Ahlstrom]] in *Shadows of Self*.
Both Peter and his wife Karen cameo in [[The Stormlight Archive|The Stormlight Archive]] as [[Peet|Peet]], a member of [[Bridge Four|Bridge Four]], and Peet's fiancée [[Ka|Ka]].
In the [[Skyward (series)|Skyward]] series, the commonly used "Ahlstrom Loop" flight maneuver is named after Peter.
In the *Alcatraz* series, the green jacket Alcatraz wears is actually Peter's green jacket.
## Acknowledgements
Peter's name can also be found after many unique and often nonsensical adjectives beginning with "I" in the acknowledgements sections of Brandon's books, as part of an in-joke that has persisted ever since he referred to Peter as "Incalculable" in the first Mistborn novel.
Other adjectives used so far include "Indivisible", "Insoluble", "Incandescent", "Inevitable", "Immaculate", "Inseparable", "Interpolated", "Instant", "Incumbent", "Inciting", "Insistent", "Inconsecutive", "Institutional", Indefatigable", "Ineffable",, "In-Demand", "Insatiable", "Inland", "Installed", "Instructional", "Industry-Standard", and "Inviting".
Janci Patterson appears to have contributed, possibly unintentionally, by referring to Peter as an "incredible" editor.
| Peter Ahlstrom |
|**Reshi Isles**|
|by User: SaleSVQ|
This page or section contains spoilers for *Wind and Truth*!This information has the ability to potentially ruin elements of the plot for the reader. Proceed with caution if you have not read this book.
This page or section needs to be updated with new information for *Rhythm of War* and *Wind and Truth*!Be aware that in its current state, it may not include all additional content yet.
The **Reshi Isles** are a collection of islands on the northern edge of [[Roshar|Roshar]] in the [[Reshi Sea|Reshi Sea]]. People from the Reshi Isles are called **Reshi**.
They include the islands of [[Kadrix|Kadrix]], [[Quili|Quili]], [[Abri|Abri]], [[Arak|Arak]], [[Akak|Akak]], [[Relu-na|Relu-na]] and [[Sumi|Sumi]]. According to [[Dalinar Kholin|Dalinar's]] memories the people of the **Akak Reshi** were destroyed.
One of the smaller islands is home to the [[Ardent|ardents]] [[Geranid|Geranid]] and her husband [[Ashir|Ashir]].
## Contents
1 Geography
1.1 Climate
1.2 Flora and Fauna
2 People
3 Culture
3.1 Religion
3.2 Clothing
3.3 Live Stock
3.4 Furniture
3.5 Military
3.6 Transportation
4 Politics
5 Economy
6 History
6.1 The Silver Kingdoms
6.2 Era of Solitude
6.2.1 Saving the Larkin
6.2.2 Conquest of the Akak Reshi
6.2.3 The Wastescum Skirmishes
6.3 The True Desolation
6.3.1 The Coalition
7 Notable Characters
8 Notes
## Geography
by User: SaleSVQ A map of the [[Reshi Sea|Reshi Sea]]
### Climate
As an equatorial collection of landmasses, weather of the Reshi Isles is warm and overwhelmingly humid. The rainfall on the Reshi Sea often forms a misting haze. As Roshar lacks obliquity, the heat is constant and the sun passes directly overhead.
The summers tend to be sweltering, especially at the beaches, where the sand is heated enough that it can be painful to walk across.
>“*Shalebark mounds made vast fields of vibrant colors. Moss coated nearly everything. Vines and rockbuds wound around trunks of small trees that had gained a foothold in cracks between plates of the animal’s shell.*”
\-Rysn describing a Tai-na.[6]
### Flora and Fauna
[[I-nah|I-nah]] - A type of tree with bark of stone which grows along the bottom of the Reshi Sea.
[[Tai-na|Tai-na]] - A type of island-sized habitable [[Greatshell|greatshell]] worshiped by the Reshi.
[[Coracot|Coracot]] - A fearsome creature that is hunted in the Reshi Isles.
[[Zatalef|Zatalef]] - The zatalef is a cephalopod that lives at least in Akak, and perhaps in other Reshi Isles.
An unknown species of minnow.
An unknown species of [[Greatshell|greatshell]] living on [[Kadrix|Kadrix]].
## People
The Reshi are described as having straight black hair, tan skin and rounded features. They are said to look similar to Herdazians, and to the Marati and Tukari. They speak Reshi. They are a relaxed people, living a simple life, though not every Reshi is carefree and prefers lounging to fighting.
They know much of foreigners, but are not aware of the current economic situation on the mainland, so they only trade with people they trust and respect during the trading season. With outsiders seeking out the place and trying to exploit them, they grow tired of those who bring goods of low quality. Despite this, they are capable of sending messages to distant locations, as [[Talik|Talik]] was able to tell [[Vstim|Vstim]] in advance that he should bring goods to trade for a larkin corpse.
The relatively relaxed culture of the Reshi Isles attracts foreigners to the isles as permanent residents. According to [[Vstim|Vstim]], relocating to the Tai-na called Relu-Na requires giving all you own to their king. It is unclear if this is standard practice for all of the Reshi Isles, or just for this one.
As indigenous populations, most Reshi have no real concept of assassination and war. To them, battle is more about yelling and posturing than actual killing. However the eastern Reshi often raid Alethkar. When trading, a Reshi judges the other trader as they would judge a rival in battle.
When a foreigner is nearby, the Reshi tend to jump into the water from greater heights than they would normally, doing so to impress and shock these foreigners.
## Culture
### Religion
The Reshi worship Tai-na as their gods. They believe that the Tai-na approve of boldness and respect and interpret the movements of the Tai-na as divine will. They also believe that everything in life serves the same purpose of pleasing the [[Tai-na|Tai-na]].
They use bundles of fruit as offerings.
They appear to observe taboos regarding discussion of the spren that inhabit Tai-na.
Vorin people describe them as being "pagans among pagans", due to their separation from the Vorin faith.
### Clothing
Reshi standard clothing includes colorful wraps leaving the shoulders bare as well as tassels. Some Reshi also wear their hair in two long braids. Reshi are also known to wear hair ornaments such as ribbons. Swimmers like to walk about unclothed. In parts of the Reshi Isles, some women don't even wear tops due to the hot weather. The king of an island is dressed in full bright voluminous robes.
Clothing makes some use of carapace, particularly on armor.
It is common for men and women to wear their hair in one or more braids.
### Live Stock
The Reshi paint their chulls' shells. One can identify what island a Reshi chull handler is from by the colors and patterns on their chulls' shells.
The Reshi on [[Kadrix|Kadrix]] ride Greatshells.
### Furniture
Reshi furniture is flat and long. They do not use chairs, instead sitting on cushions laid across the ground.
### Military
>“*Soldiers lined the path, armed with spears bearing colorful tassels. Their breastplates and armguards were of carapace carved wickedly with points, and though they wore only wraps for clothing, they stood as stiff backed as any Alethi soldier, with stern expressions to match.*”
\-Rysn observing Reshi guards.[6]
Though many Reshi are relaxed and carefree, there are those who prefer fighting to lounging. These soldiers wear armor made from carapace, their armguards are carved into wicked points. They also carry spears with colourful tassels on them. They do not have any Shards and are not known to have any soulcasters.
In large parts of the Reshi isles the fighting is ritualistic, with more posturing and yelling then actual killing, The eastern Reshi are known for their raids against the Alethi however, so its safe to assume these Reshi fight more like warriors from the mainland. Reshi wars are often short, only a single battle long.
When two Tai-na go to war the people of the islands get into boats and exchange insults and boasts, each starting with their weakest insults first. This would progress into a kind of verbal duel ending with the strongest insults. Afterwards arrows and spears would be exchanged, although this wouldn’t be to violently, with more yelling then actual cutting.
### Transportation
The Reshi travel the [[Reshi Sea|Reshi Sea]] using catamarans. They also travel on their islands using [[Chull|Chulls]].
## Politics
The Reshi isles are not united by a single government, instead each island has its own king.
## Economy
The Reshi Isles are not in any major trade networks, nor due they have trade agreements with any mainland states. They instead trade with individuals that they trust, and typically only do so during trading season.
## History
### The Silver Kingdoms
by Isaac Stewart Map of the Silver Kingdoms
The Reshi Isles were founded as [[Rishir|Rishir]], one of the [[Silver Kingdoms|Silver Kingdoms]] on Roshar. It was created during the [[Heraldic Epochs|Heraldic Epochs]]. The largest area claimed by Rishir consisted of the Reshi isles. The [[Oathgate|Oathgate]] was established at the city of [[Kurth|Kurth]], on the border of the [[Reshi Sea|Reshi Sea]].
Like all of the Silver Kingdoms, they were constantly returned back to primitive technological levels by the Desolations, often to the point to making use of stone tools. Though they advanced each time with the help of the Heralds whenever they returned, often helping them to enter into the bronze age, often receiving this assistance from [[Kalak|Kalak]] and his [[Willshapers|Willshapers]].
Eventually at an unknown date the kingdom collapsed and fractured into multiple other nations.
### Era of Solitude
#### Saving the Larkin
At some point after the [[Scouring of Aimia|scouring of Aimia]] a group of [[Tai-na|Tai-na]] known as the [[Na-Alind|Na-Alind]] took in the [[Larkin|Larkin]], as of 1174, they are still protecting the Larkin.
#### Conquest of the Akak Reshi
The [[Akak|Akak]] Reshi fought a war with the [[Alethi|Alethi]] around the year 1155. They eventually lost this war and were destroyed. [[Dalinar|Dalinar]] fought as general on the Alethi side and claimed the land for Alethkar.
#### The Wastescum Skirmishes
The [[Wastescum skirmishes|Wastescum skirmishes]] are a collection of skirmishes in the northern region of Alethkar which occurred some time before 1166, and some time after the crowning of Gavilar in 1145. The skirmishes were started by Reshi raiders raiding northern Alethkar, seeking to take advantage of the instability of [[Alethkar|Alethkar]] soon after the crowning of Gavilar Kholin. It can be reasonably assumed that the raiders were repelled from Alethkar.
This conflict did not fully dissuade the Reshi from engaging in border skirmishes but combined with the destruction of the Akak Reshi it dealt a heavy blow to the nearby Reshi. Nevertheless they are still known to attack Alethkar as late as Kak 1173. However, some Reshi allied with the Alethi military during the [[War of Reckoning|War of Reckoning]], providing them with Chulls, painted to indicate their origin.
### The True Desolation
#### The Coalition
The Coalition invited the Reshi king Ral-na and his son to [[Urithiru|Urithiru]] to talk and show them around.
## Notable Characters
[[Lift|Lift]] (racially Reshi)
[[Ral-na|Ral-na]] - Leader of an island
[[Talik|Talik]] - Trader and son of the king and king's consort, who sent him to train in Thaylenah. He had a babsk, and made trademaster before returning home.
[[Geranid|Geranid]] and [[Ashir|Ashir]] - Two ardents who live together on an unnamed small island
[[Rysn|Rysn]] and her [[Babsk|babsk]] [[Vstim|Vstim]] (along with their guards [[Kylrm|Kylrm]] and [[Nlent|Nlent]]) - They came to an island to trade for the corpse of a [[Larkin|larkin]].
[[Axies|Axies]] - He was found hanging upside down from his feet for having offended the god of an island.
| Reshi Isles |
|**Aradan Yomen**|
|by LittleGreyDragon |
|**House Yomen**|
|**Descendants**|[[Joshin Yomen|Joshin Yomen]]|
|**Titles**|King of [[Fadrex City|Fadrex City]], The Last Obligator|
|**Residence**|[[Fadrex City|Fadrex City]]|
|**Introduced In**|*The Hero of Ages*|
**Aradan Yomen** is an [[Obligator|obligator]] of the [[Final Empire|Final Empire]] on [[Scadrial|Scadrial]]. After the Catacendre, he is often called the **Last Obligator**. He is an [[Atium|atium]] [[Misting|Misting]] (aka a [[Seer|Seer]]).
## Contents
1 Appearance and Personality
2 Attributes and Abilities
3 History
3.1 Rising through the ranks
3.2 King of Fadrex City
4 Trivia
5 Notes
## Appearance and Personality
He is youthful-looking and round-faced with serious eyes. His head is shaved bald, and he has obligator tattoos around his eyes. He has a fondness for philosophic literature and believes that the [[Lord Ruler|Lord Ruler]] is the one and only god. He does not believe in the Lord Ruler's death and holds the view that he will return someday to reign again.
## Attributes and Abilities
Yomen is a Seer - a [[Misting|Misting]] who can burn [[Atium|atium]] - which allows him to see an attacker's movements in advance. The existence of this type of Misting is a secret the [[Lord Ruler|Lord Ruler]] worked very hard to guard, and gives him an edge over his enemies as they expect him to be either a Mistborn or not an Allomancer at all. However, even with this power he is not a great combatant, as he lacks battle training and the enhanced abilities and strength provided by [[Pewter|pewter]].
The drop of atium he always wears at his forehead is more than just a display of power and authority.
## History
### Rising through the ranks
Aradan Yomen was born as the son of a minor nobleman in [[Luthadel|Luthadel]]. From a very young age he felt destined to be an obligator; he entered the priesthood early and distinguished himself through scholarship and theology. As a philosopher and thinker he ended up in the [[Canton of Resource|Canton of Resource]] which was the best place for men with an analytical mind.
Once Yomen joined the Steel Ministry, he was unknowingly given [[Atium|atium]] and forced into a series of physically draining rituals. His body instinctively reacted and burned the metal, which is how it was found out that he is a [[Seer|Seer]]. After this discovery, Yomen rose in ranks very quickly, being a valuable secret weapon to quell rebels or perform feats of wonder to keep the people in line. When a position opened in Fadrex, Yomen jumped at it, as he knew it was a place where most obligators didn't like to serve because it was too removed from important events. Of all the obligators in Luthadel, he was the only one of any distinguished record who wanted to go, and he beat out more qualified obligators from other cities, as he had connections with the Ministry elite in Luthadel.
Within five years at Fadrex, he'd risen to being the prelan of the local Ministry building, despite his youth. However, by going to Fadrex he gave himself a quick path to prelan, but this also more or less locked him out of any higher ranks. After the Lord Ruler's death, [[Ashweather Cett|Ashweather Cett]] appointed himself King of the Western Dominance, but he and Yomen ended up in a struggle for power over the Dominance. After one year, Yomen managed to seize more and more power. In a corner, Cett was manipulated by [[Breeze|Breeze]] to go for Luthadel in order to obtain the Lord Ruler's Atium. This sealed Yomen's power in Fadrex.
### King of Fadrex City
As Cett left, Yomen seized the chance to appoint himself as the new king of the Western Dominance. He reintroduced the social structures under the Lord Ruler, which did not encounter resistance because the people were used to it. He wore a diadem with an [[Atium|atium]] bead on it to show his power and led people to believe he was a [[Allomancy|Mistborn]]. Ruin was able to implant [[Hemalurgy|Hemalurgic]] spike in Yomen, but Yomen removed it before Ruin got a firm grip on his mind. A logical and rational person, it was harder for Ruin to influence him, though Ruin tried hard.
Some months before the [[Final Ascension|Final Ascension]], [[Elend Venture|Elend Venture]] moved the army of the [[New Empire|New Empire]] to Fadrex City, which led to the [[Siege of Fadrex City|Siege of Fadrex City]]. After the fashion of the Lord Ruler, Yomen continued to host balls for the nobles. Elend and Vin took advantage of this and attended a ball to intimidate the nobles and Yomen. Elend suggested that Yomen submit to him and continue to rule under his leadership. Yomen firmly rejected the idea, because in his opinion only those chosen by the Lord Ruler had the right to rule.
After two weeks Yomen started the first attack on the army of the New Empire. It consisted of three small attacks, one coming from north and the second from south. Both were used as a distraction from the third one, taking place at the koloss camp. Eleven thousand koloss died under the fire of catapults or killing each other in bloodlust. The siege resulted in an alliance between Yomen and Venture.
## Trivia
He was named for the winner of an auction by Brandon Sanderson for character naming rights, Aaron Yeoman.
| Aradan Yomen |
|**Region**|[[Elendel Basin|Elendel Basin]]|
**Garmet** is a city in the very southeastern portion of the [[Elendel Basin|Elendel Basin]].
It is adjacent to the [[Seran Range|Seran Range]] and southeast of [[Elmsdel|Elmsdel]].
| Garmet |
|**Children**|[[Vin|Vin]], [[Vin's sister|sister]], [[Reen|Reen]]|
|**Died**|c 1010 [[Final Empire|FE]]|
This article's title is uncanonical and a fan created one, because an official term or name has not been made yet.
**Vin's mother** is a [[Skaa|skaa]] prostitute in [[Luthadel|Luthadel]]. She uses [[Vin's sister|Vin's sister]] to [[Hemalurgic|Hemalurgically]] charge a bronze spike. She then spikes [[Vin|Vin]] with this bronze '[[Vin's earring|earring']], which later gives her the power to pierce [[Copper|copperclouds]]. She was found by [[Reen|Reen]] while covered in her nameless daughter's blood and proclaiming Vin a queen. She was later assassinated by [[Tevidian|Tevidian]].
She was under the influence of [[Ruin|Ruin]], and he was able to influence her due to her own insanity.
| Vins mother |
|**Kelsier's crew**|
|by Katie Payne |
|**Leaders**|[[Kelsier|Kelsier]] [[Elend|Elend]]|
|**World of Origin**|[[Scadrial|Scadrial]]|
This article's title is uncanonical and a fan created one, because an official term or name has not been made yet.
**Kelsier's crew** was a band of [[Skaa|skaa]] on [[Scadrial|Scadrial]] that acted against the [[Final Empire|Final Empire]].
The first phase of Kelsier's crew is the members of his first crew made to break into Kredik Shaw. Mare, Kelsier, and Redd were part of this group, with all but Kelsier being killed during or after the heist. The second phase of Kelsier's crew is the group hired by the [[Skaa rebellion|skaa rebellion]], and includes everyone else. They orchestrated the house war between the nobility of [[Luthadel|Luthadel]], as well as raising an army and inciting mass skaa riots in Luthadel before killing the [[Lord Ruler|Lord Ruler]] and bringing down the Final Empire. After the death of the Lord Ruler, the survivors took over the government of Luthadel and are no longer considered part of Kelsier's crew. The second phase and anyone who was added after can be considered part of the [[Preservers|Preservers]], and the first phase is not, with the exception of Mare.
## Notable Members
For a full list, see :Category: Kelsier's crew.
[[Kelsier|Kelsier]]: leader, [[Allomancy|Mistborn]]
[[Cladent|Cladent]]: [[Smoker|Smoker]]
[[Dockson|Dockson]]: organizer, treasurer
[[Hammond|Hammond]]: [[Pewterarm|pewterarm]]
[[Breeze|Breeze]]: [[Soother|Soother]]
[[Sazed|Sazed]]: [[Feruchemist|Feruchemist]], doctor
[[Vin|Vin]] (as Valette [[Renoux|Renoux]]): [[Allomancy|Mistborn]], spy
[[Spook|Spook]]: [[Tineye|Tineye]]
[[OreSeur|OreSeur]] (as Lord [[Renoux|Renoux]]): impersonator
### Others
[[Yeden|Yeden]]: employer, leader of [[Skaa rebellion|skaa rebellion]]
[[Redd|Redd]]: Smoker before Trap
[[Trap|Trap]]: Smoker before Cladent
[[Mare|Mare]]: tineye, Kelsier's wife
[[Marsh|Marsh]]: [[Seeker|Seeker]], [[Steel Ministry|Steel Ministry]] spy
[[Demoux|Demoux]]: captain
| Kelsiers crew |
|**Profession**|Cab driver|
|**Introduced In**|*Shadows of Self*|
>“*It had my soul. Harmony...it has my soul.*”
**Chapaou** is a cab driver for [[Ashweather Carriage and Coach|Ashweather Carriage and Coach]] in [[Elendel|Elendel]] on [[Scadrial|Scadrial]].
## Appearance and Personality
Chapaou is short and balding. He owns a dog for a while but does not replace it after it dies. He is deeply unnerved by his ordeal with [[Bleeder|Bleeder]] and for a while becomes convinced that he is responsible for the murder of [[Father Bin|Father Bin]].
## History
>“*I will make you free.*”
\-Bleeder to Chapaou[1]
By the year 341 [[Catacendre|PC]], Chapaou had lived in [[Elendel|Elendel]] and worked at [[Ashweather Carriage and Coach|Ashweather Carriage and Coach]] for several years. On the evening of [[Lady ZoBell's party|Lady ZoBell's party]], he was driving coach sixteen and was assigned to pick up a person by the name of Shanwan (a [[Terris|Terris]] name meaning "secret") in the Fourth Octant. When the client entered the coach, Chapaou saw that his hands were red. During the ride, he heard noises coming from the interior that raised his suspicions and caused him to peek inside, where he saw a form that he described as a "[[Mistwraith|mistwraith]]" that took on a twisted version of his own face. Chapaou drove in a panic the rest of the way to Lestib Square. There, [[Bleeder|Bleeder]] climbed up beside him and whispered to him before fleeing. Chapaou, after discovering a bundle of bones and a pile of coins left behind in the coach, went to a [[Soothing parlor|Soothing parlor]] on Decan Street in an attempt to forget what had happened. He paid for a private session, but he was so overwrought that he disturbed the other patrons and only paced instead of accepting a massage.
In the course of his investigation, [[Waxillium Ladrian|Waxillium Ladrian]] identified the line of carriage that Bleeder had taken and tracked down the specific carriage driver by looking at the company records at Ashweather Carriage and Coach; the [[Coinshot|Coinshot]] employed there directed him to the Soothing parlor. When Chapaou saw Wax enter the room, he was overcome by the sight of a lawman. After Wax confirmed his identity, the two of them went outside and conversed by Chapaou's carriage. Chapaou told Wax what had happened while Wax inspected the bundle that included the bones and robe of [[Larskpur|Larskpur]] and the mallet that Bleeder had used to drive the spikes into [[Father Bin|Father Bin's]] eyes. Wax gave Chapaou a few banknotes before departing.
| Chapaou |
|**Ageless Beauty**|
|**Region**|[[Sea of Souls|Sea of Souls]]|
**Ageless Beauty** is a settlement in the [[Sea of Souls|Sea of Souls]], part of the [[Shadesmar|Rosharan subastral]] of the [[Cognitive Realm|Cognitive Realm]]. It is located on a peninsula south of [[Perpetual Sobriety|Perpetual Sobriety]], and is east of the [[Azimir|Azimir]] [[Oathgate|Oathgate]]. In the [[Physical Realm|Physical Realm]], the peninsula Ageless Beauty exists on is a river that separates [[Azir|Azir]] and [[Emul|Emul]].
Ageless Beauty's name and proximity to [[Lasting Integrity|Lasting Integrity]] may suggest the place is under [[Honorspren|honorspren]] control.
[[Nazh|Nazh]] notes that the place must have been named a thousand years ago, implying that the settlement is not, in fact, beautiful.
| Ageless Beauty |
|**Order of Lightweavers**|
|**Surges**|[[Illumination|Illumination]] & [[Transformation|Transformation]]|
|**Armor spren**|[[Creationspren|Creationspren]]|
|**World of Origin**|[[Roshar|Roshar]]|
This page or section contains spoilers for *Wind and Truth*!This information has the ability to potentially ruin elements of the plot for the reader. Proceed with caution if you have not read this book.
This page or section needs to be updated with new information for *Oathbringer*, *Rhythm of War*, and *Wind and Truth*!Be aware that in its current state, it may not include all additional content yet.
This article deals with the order of Knights Radiant. For the Rosharan variant of the Lightweaving magic system, see Surgebinding#Illumination. For the original Yolish variant, see [[Yolish Lightweaving|Yolish Lightweaving]].
>“*These Lightweavers, by no coincidence, included many who pursued the arts; namely: writers, artists, musicians, painters, sculptors. Considering the order's general temperament, the tales of their strange and varied mnemonic abilities may have been embellished.*”
\-Words of Radiance, chapter 21, page 10[2]
The **Order of Lightweavers** is an order of the [[Knights Radiant|Knights Radiant]] on Roshar.
The Lightweavers are [[Surgebinder|Surgebinders]] who use the [[Surge|Surges]] of Illumination and Transformation, commonly called Lightweaving and [[Soulcasting|Soulcasting]]. They are associated with the garnet [[Polestone|polestone]], and form a [[Nahel bond|Nahel bond]] with [[Cryptic|Cryptics]].
## Contents
1 Philosophy
2 Ideals of the Lightweavers
2.1 The First Ideal
2.2 Truths Spoken
3 Abilities
3.1 Illumination
3.2 Transformation
3.3 Enlightened
3.4 Resonance
3.5 Shardplate Abilities
4 History
5 Known Lightweavers
6 Trivia
7 Notes
## Philosophy
While each order of Radiants contains a variety of personalities within it, those who join the Lightweavers generally subscribe to a philosophy of speaking truths about themselves that they must admit in order to progress as people. The order finds it important to be able to separate the real from the lie and use that to move forward. Lightweavers tend to be free spirits, and many among their order see the importance of entertainment, beauty, and art in a person’s life. They generally ignore traditions and laws, and achieve their goals by whatever method works best for them. The order strives to make sure that the world has something to live for. They tend to attract those who are interested in art, intrigue, secrets, and espionage.
## Ideals of the Lightweavers
by Steve Argyle
>“*Malchin was stymied, for though he was inferior to none in the arts of war, he was not suitable for the Lightweavers; he wished for his oaths to be elementary and straightforward, and yet their spren were liberal, as to our comprehension, in definitions pertaining to this matter; the process included speaking truths as an approach to a threshold of self-awareness that Malchin could never attain.*”
\-Words of Radiance, chapter 12, page 12[5]
The Ideals of the Knights Radiant, also known as the [[Immortal Words|Immortal Words]], are a set of rules by which the Radiants live. The First Ideal is shared by all of the orders, and is used as a motto for the Knights Radiant as a whole. Each of the orders then has an additional four Ideals that are unique to that order. The Ideals of the Order of Lightweavers are very different from those of the other orders. Instead of swearing oaths centered around a specific theme, Lightweavers instead speak individual truths about themselves. Some have theorized that Lightweavers' progression is tied to truth like this because their actions frequently blur the line between truth and lies and they need to learn to distinguish the two. It has also been posited that their more flexible Ideals are because they are closer to [[Cultivation|Cultivation]] than [[Honor|Honor]].
### The First Ideal
>“*Life before death, strength before weakness, journey before destination.*”
\-The First Ideal of the Knights Radiant[6]
### Truths Spoken
>“*I'm a murderer. I killed my father.*”
\-A truth as spoken by Shallan[7]
If [[Elhokar|Elhokar]] had lived long enough to speak his first Truth, it would be to admit that he was a bad king.
## Abilities
>“*As to the other orders that were inferior in this visiting of the far realm of spren, the Elsecallers were prodigiously benevolent, allowing others as auxiliary to their visits and interactions; though they did never relinquish their place as prime liaisons with the great ones of the spren; and the Lightweavers and Willshapers both also had an affinity to the same, though neither were true masters of that realm.*”
\-Words of Radiance, chapter 6, page 2[9]
The Lightweavers use the Surges of **Illumination** and **Transformation**. Like most Knights Radiant, the Lightweavers have squires.
### Illumination
Illumination is used to craft illusions by weaving light, sound and various waveforms. This can be used to change their appearance for disguises or other purposes, create illusions of walls and rocks to hide behind and in, and to create illusions to confuse or distract. Each Lightweaver needs some kind of focus to make Lightweaving function, such as drawings or paintings. They may also be able to create a solid illusion by combining their Illumination surge and their Soulcasting, though the only Lightweaver known to do this is [[Shallan Davar|Shallan Davar]], whose powers may differ from those of ordinary Lightweavers because of her double Nahel bond. This ability is called **substantiation** is thought to be forbidden to humans. There are some differences in how they use the Surge compared to [[Order of Truthwatchers|Truthwatchers]].
### Transformation
Transformation can be manipulated to change an object into one of the ten essences. To [[Soulcast|Soulcast]], the Lightweaver shifts their perception to see into the [[Cognitive Realm|Cognitive Realm]], and communicates with the Cognitive aspect of the object they want to transform. This is normally done through direct contact with an object, though it can be performed from a distance. Elsecallers are more skilled at doing this, though it is not impossible for a Lightweaver to be able to Soulcast from afar. Lightweavers tend to view Soulcasting differently from Elsecallers. Using this Surge, Lightweavers are able to enter the Cogntive Realm, but are unable to bring others with them or return on their own.
### Enlightened
Lightweavers who have had their cryptic Enlightened by [[Sja-anat|Sja-anat]] have different abilities from standard Lightweavers. Illumination remains normal, still allowing the Lightweaver to create illusions. It is unknown how their surge of Transformation is affected. An Enlightened Lightweaver will have different oaths from a standard one.
### Resonance
Due to a combination of their two Surges, Lightweavers have new, secondary effects, known as the [[Resonance|Resonance]]. Lightweavers may have multiple Resonances, with a prominent one being the eidetic memory. This includes the ability to deliberately memorize a scene, after which the Lightweaver can paint or draw that scene with remarkable accuracy. The ability to memorize scenes and reproduce them accurately is similar to the ability of a [[Feruchemist|Feruchemist]] to store memories in a [[Copper|coppermind]], in that both talents involve the removal of a memory from the mind and its replacement in another medium -- in the Lightweaver's case, a sketch rather than a coppermind. There is an upper limit to how many memories can be stored at once, and a Lightweaver's mind can be put under tension from holding them for too long. Members of this order generally do not have these mnemonic abilities before bonding a Cryptic and they are not something that Cryptics are necessarily interested in when searching for a person to bond with. Lightweavers can experience light and color differently and may be able to minutely alter the mood of others. They also have an increased sense of direction and spatial awareness.
### Shardplate Abilities
Lightweavers' [[Shardplate|Shardplate]] is formed of [[Creationspren|creationspren]]. They appear to take shape based off of the users mental image of what they want, and cannot move when on another person, though this can cause a tactical advantage. Though the spren are not collectively as intelligent as a radiant spren, they do appear to have a greater collective intelligence than regular spren.
## History
>“*Yet, were the orders not disheartened by so great a defeat, for the Lightweavers provided spiritual sustenance; they were enticed by those glorious creations to venture on a second assault.*”
\-Words of Radiance, chapter 21, page 10[36]
Lightweavers can be introspective, outgoing, or anything in between, but they are generally free-spirited. Most were interested in the arts, and the order included many artists, writers, musicians, and performers. They had a keen appreciation for the value of beauty and entertainment, and felt that it was not enough if Roshar made it through the [[Desolation|Desolations]] but lost such things. Perhaps as an outgrowth of that belief, the Lightweavers seem to have taken some responsibility for maintaining morale among the Knights Radiant. Some of them were interested in intrigue and secrets, and often served as the spies of the Knights Radiant. While their personal values were strong, they often had looser morals than the other orders. As a result of their inclination for subterfuge and more relaxed attitude, they were sometimes distrusted by others, particularly the Skybreakers.
## Known Lightweavers
[[Shallan Davar|Shallan Davar]] (bonded to [[Testament|Testament]], then [[Pattern|Pattern]])
[[Hoid|Hoid]] (bonded to [[Design|Design]])
[[Mraize|Mraize]] (bonded to an Enlightened Cryptic)
[[Tien|Tien]] (bonded to an unknown Cryptic)
[[Vathah|Vathah]] (bonded to [[Mosaic|Mosaic]])
[[Ishnah|Ishnah]] (bonded to [[Motif|Motif]])
[[Beryl|Beryl]] (bonded to [[Ornament|Ornament]])
[[Stargyle|Stargyle]] (bonded to an unknown Cryptic)
[[Gaz|Gaz]] (bonded to an unknown Cryptic)
[[Red (Roshar)|Red]] (bonded to [[Array|Array]])
[[Elhokar|Elhokar]] (initiated a Nahel bond with [[Design|Design]], but didn't finish saying the First Ideal)
## Trivia
Getting a 100% Lightweaver score on the requires a set of answers detailed .
| Order of Lightweavers |
|**Skyward Flight**|
|by botanicaxu |
|**Headquarters**|[[Alta Base|Alta Base]] (formerly), [[Platform Prime|Platform Prime]]|
|**Type**|DDF flight|
|**World of Origin**|[[Detritus|Detritus]]|
This page or section needs to be updated with new information for *Starsight*, *Sunreach*, *ReDawn*, *Evershore*, and *Defiant*!Be aware that in its current state, it may not include all additional content yet.
This article is about the [[DDF|DDF]] flight. For the collection of novellas between *Starsight* and *Cytonic*, see Skyward (series)#Skyward Flight Novellas.
**Skyward Flight** was a squadron of ten cadet pilots of [[Poco|Poco]]-class [[Starfighter|starfighters]] in the [[Defiant Defense Force|Defiant Defense Force]] on [[Detritus|Detritus]]. Original members of the group notably include [[Spensa Nightshade|Spensa Nightshade]], daughter of [[Chaser|Chaser]], [[Jorgen Weight|Jorgen Weight]], son of a [[First Citizen|First Citizen]] and a [[National Assembly Leader|National Assembly Leader]], and [[Rodge McCaffrey|Rodge McCaffrey]], the highest scoring cadet on that year's pilot test.
## Contents
1 History
1.1 Origin
1.2 Training
1.3 Losses
1.4 Final Battle and Disbanding
1.5 Reformation
2 Members
2.1 Cadet Flight
2.2 Veteran Flight
3 Notes
## History
### Origin
Skyward Flight originated as Cadet Flight B, one of three training flights organized from around twenty-five students who pass the DDF pilot's test when Spensa is seventeen years old. The training flight includes students from various backgrounds, none of whom initially seem to recognize Spensa as the daughter of a disgraced DDF pilot, with the exception of her friend Rodge (Rig). The instructor of their class is [[Cobb|Cobb]], a former pilot who acted as a wingmate for Spensa's father. Spensa learns that Cobb had effectively circumvented the leader of the DDF, Admiral [[Ironsides|Ironsides]], to get her into flight school. Spensa immediately dislikes [[Jorgen|Jorgen]], a fellow cadet who comes from a wealthy and influential family; due to their divergent social backgrounds and opposing attitudes regarding DDF policies and hierarchy, she nicknames him "Jerkface". She also nicknames their squadron "Skyward Flight", a reference to her father's tendency to focus on the sky and the stars beyond.
### Training
The members of the team begin training on holographic simulators colloquially known as "mockpits". Most of the cadets have no background as pilots. After one day of training, Ironsides deploys the squad as decoys due to a shortage of available starfighters, and they are unexpectedly attacked by a [[Varvax|Krell]] ship. The brief dogfight causes Rig to quit flight school, telling Spensa that it was not really his dream and that he is not suited for flight. Meanwhile, Ironsides has made it clear that she is opposed to Spensa's presence in flight school and does not allow her access to any of the facilities, forcing Spensa to sleep in a cave every night and scavenge for her own food.
Cobb delays practice with weapons to focus on ship control, and the cadets steadily gain skill through both simulations and actual flights in their Pocos. Cobb's methods are unusual among flight instructors, but the members of Skyward Flight later realize that he has made them more skilled than some pilots in other more experienced flights.
### Losses
In one of the Flight's first true fights since their first day of training, [[Morningtide|Morningtide]] is shot down by three Krell ships trailing her. In the same battle, [[Bim|Bim]] is killed trying to go after a [[Lifebuster|lifebuster]] when its escort peels away and destroys his ship. During what was supposed to be a mission surveying falling debris, [[Nedd|Nedd]] recklessly follows two members of [[Nightstorm Flight|Nightstorm Flight]] into a falling [[C-137-KJM orbital shipyard|C-137-KJM orbital shipyard]], trailed by Spensa. Nedd and Spensa barely escape the massive shipyard before it crashes to the ground, but the two Nightstorm pilots were killed. The pilots were actually both Nedd's brothers, which caused him to stop showing up to class due to emotional trauma, until he is officially removed from flight school.
The relationships between the members of the flight continue to evolve as they experience hardships and gain each other's trust. Although [[Hurl|Hurl]] reacts negatively when Jorgen reveals that Spensa is Chaser's daughter, she later realizes that it was unfair to judge Spensa on her family, and the two become friends. Spensa is brought to tears when the other girls secretly procure some real food for her and offer her a place to sleep in their dormitory. She also begins to understand that other cadets such as Jorgen have baggage that comes with their privilege.
During another battle, [[Hurl|Hurl's]] shield is brought down in a dogfight. [[Kimmalyn|Kimmalyn]] tries to shoot down one of Hurl's tails, but her usually perfect aim fails her in the heat of the moment. Hurl is hit by a Krell fighter and goes into an uncontrolled descent. Jorgen tells Hurl to eject, but she refuses, attempting to be brave and safely land the ship. Although she nearly succeeds, she is killed in the crash. The next day, Kimmalyn tells the flight that she is holding them back, and quits. Later, the flight accompanies [[Blaze|Blaze]] on a scouting mission, and when they report back to Cobb to debrief, Arturo's mother is there waiting for him, and pulls him out of flight school.
### Final Battle and Disbanding
Shortly before graduation, the remaining members of Skyward Flight are assigned to fly with [[Nightmare Flight|Nightmare Flight]], an established group of full pilots. After some friendly back-and-forth that includes Spin and FM showing off their maneuvering skills, the group sees the other half of the C-137-KJM orbital shipyard falling through the debris field. They are spotted and engaged by the Krell who are patrolling it. [[Bog|Bog]], a member of Nightmare Flight, has his shield brought down, and Spensa, Jorgen, and FM fly to his rescue. Spensa picked up a tail, had her shield brought down, and was hit; she ejected, losing her ship, and was later formally dismissed from flight school.
The two remaining members of Skyward Flight, Jorgen and FM, graduated and became full pilots. The flight was then disbanded, as Jorgen and FM were forced to immediately join full DDF Flights to fight in the [[Battle of Alta Second|Battle of Alta Second]]. Mongrel, Spin, Amphi, Quirk, and Nedder also participated in the battle, although they did so outside of the DDF's authority.
### Reformation
After the Battle of Alta Second, Skyward Flight was reformed. Jorgen and FM were transferred back to Skyward Flight; Nedd, Arturo, Kimmalyn, and Spensa were recalled to active service; and the veteran pilots [[Catnip|Catnip]] and [[T-Stall|T-Stall]] as well as the cadet [[Sadie|Sadie]] were added to the flight to fill in some of the gaps in the flight's roster. Jorgen continued to serve as flightleader, with Arturo and Nedd as his first and second assistants respectively. Since the flight's reformation, its pilots have changed flight numbers several times. In particular, around the time of Spensa's mission to [[Starsight (station)|Starsight]], Sadie had the designation Skyward Nine and FM had the designation Skyward Five. During the flight's mission to [[ReDawn (planet)|ReDawn]], [[Alanik|Alanik]] flew with Skyward Flight and was given the designation Skyward Eight; she also continued flying with them on their mission to [[Evershore (planet)|Evershore]]. After the mission to Evershore, Jorgen was promoted to vice admiral and FM accepted command of the DDF's diplomatic efforts, thus removing both of them from the flight, though FM still flew with them on occasion. With their departure, Arturo became the new flightleader.
## Members
### Cadet Flight
|**Skyward Flight Members**|
|**Name**|**Callsign**|**Flight Number**|**Outcome**|
|[[Matthew Cobb|Matthew Cobb]]|Mongrel|Instructor|Becomes Admiral of the Fleet of the [[DDF|DDF]]|
|[[Jorgen Weight|Jorgen Weight]]|Jerkface|Skyward One|Graduates; joins [[Riptide Flight|Riptide Flight]]|
|[[Nedd Strong|Nedd Strong]]|Nedder|Skyward Two|Expelled due to truancy after his brothers' deaths|
|[[Hudiya|Hudiya]]|Hurl|Skyward Three|Killed in action|
|[[Rodge McCaffrey|Rodge McCaffrey]]|Rigmarole ("Rig")|Skyward Four|Quits|
|[[Arturo Mendez|Arturo Mendez]]|Amphisbaena ("Amphi")|Skyward Five|Honorably retired from service|
|[[Kimmalyn|Kimmalyn]]|Quirk (formerly Quick)|Skyward Six|Quits|
|[[Magna|Magna]]|Morningtide|Skyward Seven|Killed in action|
|[[Bim|Bim]]|*No callsign. Called Bim*|Skyward Eight|Killed in action|
|[[Freyja Marten|Freyja Marten]]|FM|Skyward Nine|Graduates; joins a scout flight (likely [[Ranger Flight|Ranger Flight]])|
|[[Spensa Nightshade|Spensa Nightshade]]|Spin|Skyward Ten|Dismissed and placed into reserve service after ejecting|
### Veteran Flight
|**Before Jorgen's Promotion to Admiral**|
|**Name**|**Callsign**|**Flight Number**|
|[[Jorgen Weight|Jorgen Weight]]|Jerkface|Skyward One|
|[[Arturo Mendez|Arturo Mendez]]|Amphisbaena ("Amphi")||
|[[Nedd Strong|Nedd Strong]]|Nedder||
|[[Freyja Marten|Freyja Marten]]|FM|Skyward Five|
|[[Alanik|Alanik]]|Angel|Skyward Eight|
|[[Sadie|Sadie]]|Sentry|Skyward Nine|
|[[Spensa Nightshade|Spensa Nightshade]]|Spin|Skyward Ten|
|**In the Battle at Evensong**|
|**Name**|**Callsign**|**Flight Number**|
|[[Arturo Mendez|Arturo Mendez]]|Amphisbaena ("Amphi")|Skyward One|
|[[Freyja Marten|Freyja Marten]]|FM|Skyward Two|
|[[Nedd Strong|Nedd Strong]] and [[Hana|Hana]]|Nedder|Skyward Three|
|[[Alanik|Alanik]]|Angel|Skyward Four|
|[[Sadie|Sadie]]|Sentry|Skyward Five|
|[[Trey|Trey]]|T-Stall|Skyward Six|
|[[Corbin|Corbin]]|Catnip|Skyward Seven|
|Crew of the *Swims Upstream*|Assumed to be Swims Upstream|Skyward Eight|
|[[Shiver|Shiver]]|Stalwart|Skyward Nine|
|[[Dllllizzzz|Dllllizzzz]]|Assumed to be Dllllizzzz|Skyward Ten|
|[[Kimmalyn|Kimmalyn]]|Quirk|Skyward Eleven|
|[[Spensa Nightshade|Spensa Nightshade]]|Spin|Skyward Twelve|
| Skyward Flight |
|by Ben McSweeney |
|**Abilities**|[[Nahel bond|Nahel bond]], [[Skybreaker|Skybreaker]] magic, [[Splinter|Splinter]]s|
|**World of Origin**|[[Roshar|Roshar]]|
This page or section contains spoilers for *Wind and Truth*!This information has the ability to potentially ruin elements of the plot for the reader. Proceed with caution if you have not read this book.
This page or section needs to be updated with new information for *Rhythm of War* and *Wind and Truth*!Be aware that in its current state, it may not include all additional content yet.
>“* Though we will evaluate you, remember that the final measure of your success or failure belongs to the highspren.*”
\- Ki[1]
**Highspren** are a type of sapient [[Spren|spren]] capable of forming a [[Nahel bond|Nahel bond]]. Bonding with one makes someone a Knight Radiant of the [[Order of Skybreakers|Order of Skybreakers]]. Unlike the other kinds of sapient spren, highspren did not stop bonding with Skybreakers after the [[Recreance|Recreance]].
## Contents
1 Appearance
1.1 Physical Realm
1.2 Cognitive Realm
2 Abilities
2.1 Nahel bond
3 Culture
4 Notable Highspren
5 Notes
## Appearance
### Physical Realm
In the [[Physical Realm|Physical Realm]], they take the form of black slits in the air, which can pull open to reveal stars shining within. When they move, reality seems to bend around them.
### Cognitive Realm
In the [[Cognitive Realm|Cognitive Realm]], highspren appear as human-shaped voids through which stars can be seen. Their bodies in Shadesmar are still solid and can be touched as normal. While humans can only recognize them by silhouette, they appear capable of recognizing each other without difficulty. When they move, the starfields seen through their bodies do not appear to move with them.
## Abilities
In the Physical Realm, they are capable of choosing who can hear and see them, and can even hide from their bonded Surgebinder.
### Nahel bond
Highspren are one of the types of spren capable of forming a [[Nahel bond|Nahel bond]], making a person a [[Surgebinder|Surgebinder]] with the powers of [[Gravitation|Gravitation]] and [[Division|Division]]. However, unlike other Radiant spren, highspren do not form a Bond until the prospective Skybreaker swears at least the [[Immortal Words|Second Ideal]]. Highspren swear Oaths of their own, and do not "die" if their Radiant renounces their oaths.
Highspren seem to have some kind of empathic connection to their Surgebinders that other spren lack, as they can let the Radiant know their feelings without speaking, even when not in [[Shardblade|Shardblade]] form. With a powerful enough bond, highspren and their Surgebinder are able to sense each others emotions, as well as communicate with their minds.
## Culture
Highspren espouse order and law, focusing on obedience and following legal codes. They are infamous among the other spren for being strict and inflexible, with [[Honorspren|honorspren]] in particular disliking them. They seem to be fairly isolationist, with none to be seen in [[Celebrant|Celebrant]]. It's possible highspren have their own settlements, as [[Jasnah|Jasnah]] appears to have visited them to gain information about past [[Desolation|Desolations]].
They seem to highly respect [[Nale|Nale]], the Skybreaker [[Herald|Herald]], and will only bond the people he presents them with. Several of them accompany the Skybreaker training excursions to observe and assess the hopefuls, with each highspren waiting for one who would impress them, though it's possible that the ultimate decision of whether or not to bond a person is formed by the entire group. Once the bond is formed, they seem to have a largely commanding role in it, as it is up to them whether or not a Skybreaker is considered to have successfully accomplished the Ideal of Crusade. Highspren are much more distant towards their bonded Knights compared to most Nahel spren.
## Notable Highspren
[[Winnow (Roshar)|Winnow]] (bonded to [[Ki|Ki]])
[[Auxillary|Auxiliary]] (bonded to [[Szeth|Szeth]] and later [[Sigzil|Sigzil]])
[[121|121]] (bonded to [[Nale|Nale]])
| Highspren |
|**<A House of Ashes**|
|**Mistborn Adventure Game**|
|**Follows**|*The Hero of Ages*|
|**Setting**|[[Scadrial|Scadrial]], [[Cosmere|Cosmere]]|
*A House of Ashes* is a collection of 16 short stories published alongside the *Mistborn Adventure Game*. The stories tell of the effects of the [[Collapse|collapse]] of the [[Final Empire|Final Empire]]. They are considered semi-canonical except where contradicted by official books or statements.
| A House of Ashes |
|by botanicaxu |
|**Titles**|[[Lord General|Lord General]]|
|**Groups**|[[Taishin|Taishin]], [[Tower (Taldain)|The Tower]]|
|**Residence**|[[Tower (Taldain)|The Tower]] Garrison|
|**Introduced In**|*White Sand*|
>“*How are you coping with not being dead?*”
\-Aarik to Kenton on their reunion.[2]
**Aarik** is the [[Lord General|Lord General]] of the Tower of Soldiers of [[Lossand|Lossand]], and childhood friend of [[Kenton|Kenton]].
## Contents
1 Personality and Appearance
2 Attributes and Abilities
3 History
5 Notes
## Personality and Appearance
>“*I'm a strong proponent of humiliating trackts and others in authority, but killing them is a bit extreme. *”
\-Aarik to Lokmlen, defending Ais.[2]
Aarik is generally sarcastic, but hints at a more sincere layer beneath his smile. He shows little concern and even jokes lightly during serious and dangerous situations. He shows little respect, especially for authority, but he defends Ais—a [[Trackt|trackt]]—when her life is threatened. His sense of humour is rather acerbic, and he is shown to be rather gloomy when on his own. After Aarik picks up a sword again his personality drastically changes and he becomes cold, formal, and distant. This gets even worse after he becomes Lord General.
Aarik has brown hair cut short on the right side and dropping to shoulder length on his left. He tends to wear a cape along with utilitarian clothing, including a number of leather pouches at his belt. He has tanned skin, likely stemming from his exposure to UV light on the [[Darkside|Darkside]]. The sword he used was given to him as a gift from Kenton, however he discarded the sword when he fled Dayside and only kept the scabbard as a memento.
## Attributes and Abilities
Aarik is quick on his feet, proving himself able to evade an armed enemy in very close quarters without needing to make use of his own weapon. He is, however, a skilled [[Tonk|tonk]] rider, and swordsman with reflexes quick enough to catch a [[Zinkall|zinkall]] bolt in mid-air.
## History
He became friends with Kenton at a young age, giving him a basic understanding of the [[Sand mastery|sand masters]]. His father—Lord General [[Raagent|Raagent]]—disowned Aarik for unknown reasons. Approximately three years ago, Aarik fled [[Dayside|Dayside]] and traveled to [[Darkside|Darkside]]; though his reasons are only implied. He returned to see Kenton and talk with his father.
>“*All these years and Kenton still thinks your father drove you away! He doesn't have any clue.*”
\-Aarik, debating himself to stay or leave.[4]
Aarik believed Kenton to be dead for two weeks before hearing that his friend had survived. Aarik arrived at the [[Diem|Diem]] shortly after Kenton is named acting Lord Mastrell. The two were reunited and spent some time catching up. Aarik spent the night in Kenton's apartments before being given accomodations in the Diem. When [[Drile|Drile]] arrived in the morning, Aarik seemed skeptical of Kenton's suspicion that Drile was behind the Kerztian attack on the Diem.
Aarik went with Kenton to many of the Taishin when Kenton was petitioning for their favor and trying to sway their votes to keep the Diem alive. This included his father, Raagent, the Lord General. During the events of the hunt, when Aarik rescued his father from the [[Karak|karak]], the two appeared to have mended their relationship somewhat, and are seen on friendly terms when Kenton is leaving, though Aarik quipped that even if his father was still angry with him, he still tried to give Aarik a sword.
>“*Aarik: Sorry, I must get this.*
\-Khriss: Aarik, you caught it! How'd you
After helping Kenton search the Diem for the missing [[Lak|lak]] and learning of the assassination attempt in [[Lonzare|Lonzare]], he realized how dire the situation had become and considered leaving Kenton to his fate. Ultimately, he chose to stay on account of their friendship and because Kenton's cause was just and Kenton was willing to sacrifice himself fighting Drile to save the Diem.
After the second meeting with [[Lord Merchant|Lord Merchant]] [[Vey|Vey]], while they are dining in the restaurant, assassins again attack Kenton. Aarik continued eating, and claimed that Kenton can take care of himself; then he caught a stray zinkall bolt coming toward the table where he and Duchess [[Khrissalla|Khrissalla]] were eating. Aarik then noticed an assassin disguised as the waitstaff and subdued him to the table.
During the next assassination attempt on the boat returning thier party to Kezare from [[Lraezare|Lraezare]], Aarik realized that because Kenton had overmastered he would not be able to defend himself without access to mastered sand. Aarik was forced to choose between letting Kenton die or picking up a weapon and actively fighting to defend him. After a brief internal struggle, Aarik chose to fight to defend Kenton, killing six Kerztian assassins. After the fight, Aarik's personality seemed to change radically; he goes from jovial and outgoing to cold and formal. Kenton says that Aarik was raised in a very strict home, and he beleived his carefree attitude had been him rebelling against that upbringing.
After Ais discovers the body of Raagent in the wine cellar of the Tower, Kenton asked Aarik to take the title of Lord General to insure his vote in maintaining the Diem; Aarik agreed reluctantly but became even colder and more withdrawn, causing Kenton to fear he had caused Aarik permanent mental harm.
Aarik attended the duel between Kenton and Drile at the Diem. When the Taishin voted, Lord General Aarik voted in favor of the Diem.
## Quotes
>“*Look on the bright side. Even if you fail, at least we'll spend the next two weeks living like kings!*”
\-Aarik's synopsis of Kenton's predicament.[2]
>“*Be careful, Kenton—a Kerztian puzzle can be pieced together in more than one way...*”
\-Aarik's response to the poisoning of the sand masters.[2]
>“*Khriss: Your father? Who are you? *
\-Aarik: Someone of no import, and determined to stay that way.
| Aarik |
|**Homeworld**|[[Earth (Legion)|Earth (Legion)]]|
**Malcom** is an acquaintance of [[Stephen Leeds|Stephen Leeds]] who sets him and [[Sylvia|Sylvia]] up on a blind date. He told Sylvia that Stephen was a detective of some sort. It's unclear if he was aware that she is a paparazzi.
| Malcom |
|by [[Isaac Stewart|Isaac Stewart]]|
|**Related to**|[[Preservation|Preservation]], [[Ruin|Ruin]]|
|**Prerequisites**|Genetic ability|
|**World of Origin**|[[Scadrial|Scadrial]]|
This page or section needs to be updated with new information for *The Sunlit Man*!Be aware that in its current state, it may not include all additional content yet.
>“*Feruchemy, it should be noted, is the power of balance. Of the three powers, only it was known to men before the conflict between Preservation and Ruin came to a head. In Feruchemy, power is stored up, then later drawn upon. There is no loss of energy—just a changing of the time and rate of its use.*”
\-Sazed describing Feruchemy in the Words of Founding[1]
**Feruchemy** is one of the three prime manifestations of [[Investiture|Investiture]] on [[Scadrial|Scadrial]]. The natives of that world consider it one of the three [[Metallic Arts|Metallic Arts]].
## Contents
1 Mechanics
1.1 Special Metalminds
1.1.1 Unkeyed Metalminds
1.1.2 Unsealed Metalminds
1.2 Savantism
2 Types of Feruchemists
2.1 Power Dilution
2.2 Twinborn and Compounders
3 Feruchemical Metals
3.1 God Metals
4 Interactions with Other Investitures
4.1 Allomancy
4.2 Hemalurgy
4.3 Nightblood
4.4 Awakening
4.5 Nahel Bond
4.6 Shardblades
5 History
6 Notable Feruchemists
7 Development
8 Notes
## Mechanics
Feruchemy is an end-neutral manifestation of Investiture that allows the user to convert certain attributes into Investiture and store them in metal that they are in physical contact with, and to later retrieve them from the metal. Although it is generally inherited or obtained through Hemalurgy, there are other ways to become a Feruchemist, involving the Scadrian [[God Metal|God Metals]], [[Atium|atium]] and [[Lerasium|lerasium]]. As an end-neutral art, Investiture is not gained from an outside source (as it is in end-positive arts) and Investiture is not permanently lost (as it is in end-negative arts). Ordinarily, when a Feruchemist is tapping an attribute at the same rate it was stored, they are able to get out exactly what they put in, for example, if they store 50% of their strength for one hour they can tap that and be at 150% of their strength for one hour. However, if the Feruchemist taps at a greater rate, then some of the attribute is lost, to facilitate the compression of the Investiture. This means that a Feruchemist who stores 50% of their strength for one hour might only be able to stay at 200% for 25 minutes, rather than a full half hour. The more a Feruchemist compresses the attribute, the more is lost. While a Feruchemist can only store attributes at a reasonable rate, there isn't an upper limit of how much they are able to tap at any given time.
The type of metal determines what attribute can be stored within it. Pieces of metal that have been charged by Feruchemists are referred to as **metalminds** in general, or more specifically as the type of metal with an added "-mind" suffix. The act of charging, or Investing, a metalmind is referred to as **storing** and the act of retrieving the stored attribute is referred to as **tapping**. Feruchemists are capable of innately knowing how much of an attribute is stored within a metalmind at any time, as long as they are physically touching the metal mind, in the same way an individual can know how tired they are.
A larger piece of metal will be able to store more of an attribute, but the scaling is not linear; there are certain thresholds of size where the amount of attribute that can be stored increases. If a metalmind is broken, the stored attribute will be split among the pieces. This is because the power inside the metal acts like a gas acts inside a jar. It is possible to store and tap using molten metal (setting aside the conventional hazards of touching molten metal) which would have some effect on the stored Investiture. If the molten metal is mixed to form an alloy, however, the Investiture will become inaccessible, even if the alloy in question is Feruchemically viable. If the alloy is Feruchemically viable, a Feruchemist will not be able to store as much of an attribute as they could in an identically-sized metalmind: while the original Investiture is inaccessible, it does still take up "space" in the metalmind.
Ordinarily, a Feruchemist's stores are keyed to their [[Identity|Identity]] and are inaccessible to another Feruchemist. However, other Feruchemists can sense the presence of the original Feruchemist's stores, but only if they have the ability to use that attribute themselves.
In order to get the most storage out of a metalmind of an alloy, the metal has to be alloyed in a specific combination of metals. If the metal does not have the right mixture, it is considered impure. This is likened to how Allomancers require these 'pure' metals as well. If a metalmind is not pure, it will not hold as much charge as one that is alloyed correctly with the same size.
### Special Metalminds
Special metalminds can be created so more than the Feruchemist who filled it can access the stored attributes. There are no genetic or Spiritual restrictions to using them. Due to the nature of [[Intention|Intention]] in the cosmere, an individual must be aware of the metalmind's nature before they can use it.
#### Unkeyed Metalminds
An **unkeyed metalmind** is a special kind of metalmind that anyone with the relevant Feruchemical ability can access. They are created through manipulation of Identity, such as through aluminum Feruchemy. Whereas a conventional metalmind is keyed to the Identity of the Feruchemist who created it, unkeyed metalminds are not attuned to any specific individual's Identity.
#### Unsealed Metalminds
An **unsealed metalmind** is a special kind of metalmind that anyone can access. The exact method of their creation is unknown, but it involves Feruchemical [[Nicrosil|nicrosil]] and [[Duralumin|duralumin]] and something referred to as an [[Excisor|Excisor]]. Unsealed metalminds are formed of nicrosil and one or more other metals. The nicrosil grants the user the ability to use the other metals. Unsealed metalminds see widespread use among the [[Southern Peoples of Scadrial|Southern Peoples of Scadrial]], but perhaps the most famous example are the fabled [[Bands of Mourning|Bands of Mourning]]. Hemalurgy makes it easier to create medallions, even if one is already a full Feruchemist and Mistborn. Unsealed metalminds have more of an Identity than normal metalminds, which may allow people to fill them while sleeping.
### Savantism
Feruchemists who [[Compounding|Compound]] their metals for extended periods of time may be physiologically altered by the constant influx of power. Since Feruchemy doesn't draw from an external power, it is very difficult to become a [[Savant|savant]] from just using normal Feruchemy. If the Feruchemist is able to Compound and draw power from an outside source they could become a savant more easily.
## Types of Feruchemists
Feruchemists are categorized based on if they can burn a single metal, **Ferring**, or if they can burn all metals, **Full Feruchemist**. Other [[Invested Art|Invested Arts]], such as Hemalurgy, is the only known way to access a combination powers that falls outside of this categorizations structure. Each type of Ferring was given a particular name depending on their ability, such as Skimmer, Steelrunner, or Archivist.
### Power Dilution
Throughout the ages, the strength of a Feruchemist has slowly decreased, weakening a bit with each generation. This dilution of power eventually caps and cannot decrease any further, and has reached that point by Era 3.
### Twinborn and Compounders
After the [[Final Empire|Final Empire]], Terris and those of noble descent began to interbreed, so it became possible for their descendants to have one Feruchemical ability and one Allomantic ability. People with such powers were called **Twinborn**. Like Ferrings, Twinborn were each given a name depending on their specific combination of abilities. The interaction between the two abilities creates a new, secondary effect, known as a [[Resonance|Resonance]].
A **Compounder** is a special type of Twinborn--a person who uses the same metal for both their Feruchemical and Allomantic abilities. A Compounder can Allomantically burn their Feruchemically charged metalmind, gaining a massive burst of the stored Feruchemical attribute. While Compounding typically refers to Allomancy enhancing Feruchemy, there is likely a way for Feruchemy to enhance Allomantic abilities as well.
## Feruchemical Metals
For more information, see the individual pages for each metal.
|**Table of Feruchemical Metals[37]**|
|****| **Iron** *(Skimmer)*Stores Physical Weight| **Steel** *(Steelrunner)*Stores Physical Speed| **Zinc** *(Sparker)*Stores Mental Speed| **Brass** *(Firesoul)*Stores Warmth|****|
| **Tin** *(Windwhisperer)*Stores Senses| **Pewter** *(Brute)*Stores Physical Strength| **Copper** *(Archivist)*Stores Memories| **Bronze** *(Sentry)*Stores Wakefulness|
|****| **Chromium** *(Spinner)*Stores [[Fortune|Fortune]]| **Nicrosil** *(Soulbearer)*Stores [[Investiture|Investiture]]| **Cadmium** *(Gasper)*Stores Breath| **Bendalloy** *(Subsumer)*Stores Energy|****|
| **Aluminum** *(Trueself)*Stores [[Identity|Identity]]| **Duralumin** *(Connector)*Stores [[Connection|Connection]]| **Gold** *(Bloodmaker)*Stores Health| **Electrum** *(Pinnacle)*Stores Determination|
|**SPIRITUAL**|****|****|**HYBRID[fn 2]**|
### God Metals
Apart from the regular metals, [[Scadrial|Scadrial]] also has access to two God Metals, formed of the [[Investiture|Investitures]] of [[Ruin|Ruin]] and [[Preservation|Preservation]]. While the Feruchemical properties of [[Lerasium|lerasium]], Preservation's God Metal, are unknown, Ruin's metal, [[Atium|atium]], allows for storing youth, letting a person appear younger or older. Ordinarily, this power has limited use outside of temporary disguise, as one must spend equal time old and young. However, it can be Compounded to greatly extend the user's lifespan. Following the [[Catacendre|Catacendre]], there is also [[Ettmetal|harmonium]], made of [[Harmony|Harmony's]] Investiture; however, its Feruchemical properties are unknown and it is difficult to experiment with as it explodes when in contact with water. The God Metals can also form alloys with each of the sixteen lesser metals. It is hypothesized that each of these God Metal-lesser metal alloys would allow other Feruchemical abilities to be discovered.
|**God Metals[41]**|
|**Atium**|[[Ruin|Ruin]]|Stores youth|
|**Pure Atium**|[[Ruin|Ruin]]|Unknown|
|**Atium Alloys**|[[Ruin|Ruin]]|Unknown|
|**Lerasium Alloys**|[[Preservation|Preservation]]|Unknown|
## Interactions with Other Investitures
### Allomancy
Perhaps the most dramatic interaction between Feruchemy and [[Allomancy|Allomancy]] is [[Compounding|Compounding]], by which a Feruchemist can Allomantically burn a metalmind and dramatically increase the amount of the attribute stored. Effectively this uses the end-positive nature of Allomancy to use Preservation's power to fuel the end-neutral art of Feruchemy.
Following the Catacendre, and the emergence of Ferrings, it is possible for individuals to be born with a single Allomantic ability and a single Feruchemical ability. These individuals are known as [[Twinborn|Twinborn]]. When an individual's abilities share a metal, they are capable of Compounding. Even when they do not, however, the interaction between the two abilities creates an effect, known as a [[Resonance|Resonance]].
Like any Invested object, a metalmind resists Allomantic Ironpulls and Steelpushes. The strength of resistance is based on the level of Investiture stored in the metalmind. A metalmind with only a small amount of stored attribute might resist only slightly, whereas a fully charged metalmind will be effectively immune.
It is theoretically possible to detect the use of Feruchemy using bronze Allomancy, as it can detect any kinetic Investiture, however it requires a "tweak" that is not currently known. Part of the issue is that Feruchemy is a more internal manifestation of Investiture than Allomancy.
### Hemalurgy
A [[Hemalurgic|Hemalurgic]] spike can be used as a Feruchemical metalmind, much like how multiple Feruchemists can store in the same piece of metal, as the charges are stored in different parts of the metal.
An individual who has Feruchemy as a result of a Hemalurgic spike can access the metalminds of the Feruchemist who was used to create the spike, as the spike contains enough of the original Feruchemist's Identity. If that spike is split and implanted into two different people, they would each be able to access the original Feruchemist's metalminds, but they would not be able to share metalminds as their own Identity would interfere.
It is possible to use gold Feruchemy in order to heal the damage caused by Hemalurgy, effectively replacing the piece of the [[Spiritweb|spiritweb]] that was stolen.
### Nightblood
Tapping a metalmind is enough to fuel [[Nightblood|Nightblood]] while it is unsheathed.
### Awakening
If an aluminummind is filled, then Awakened with Nightblood-level Investiture to give it sentience, the resulting object's personality would probably be influenced by the Feruchemist's Identity, but it would not be an identical copy of the Feruchemist's personality.
### Nahel Bond
If a [[Surgebinder|Surgebinder]] were to store [[Connection|Connection]] and Identity into the appropriate metalminds on a heavy basis, it would affect the [[Nahel bond|Nahel bond]] between the Surgebinder and the [[Spren|spren]].
### Shardblades
A fully charged metalmind would be enough to block, or at least resist, a blow from a [[Shardblade|Shardblade]].
It is possible to use gold Feruchemy in order to heal the damage caused by a Shardblade, restoring function to a soul-severed limb.
## History
Feruchemy came into existence contemporaneously with the other Metallic Arts, [[Allomancy|Allomancy]] and [[Hemalurgy|Hemalurgy]], as a result of the interactions between the planet [[Scadrial|Scadrial]] and its [[Shard|Shards]], [[Preservation|Preservation]] and [[Ruin|Ruin]]. Unlike Allomancy and Hemalurgy, which are each closely attuned with one of the Shards, Feruchemy is equally attuned to both and represents the balance between them. Feruchemy was also the only art in widespread use prior to the [[Ascension of the Lord Ruler|Ascension of the Lord Ruler]]. The ability to use Feruchemy emerged among the [[Terris|Terris]] people, but, due to their insular nature and reluctance to interbreed, never spread to the general population of [[Classical Scadrial|Classical Scadrial]]. Although Ferrings (Feruchemists who could only use the ability associated with a single metal) did exist during this time, they were extremely rare. During this time, there was a holy order of Feruchemist scholars, known as the [[Worldbringers|Worldbringers]], who served as teachers and bearers of knowledge throughout the world. Not every Feruchemist was a member, however; many had much more mundane vocations, such as being herders or mountain guides.
During the Ascension of the Lord Ruler, all living Feruchemists—with the notable exception of [[Kwaan|Kwaan]]—were transformed into [[Mistwraith|mistwraiths]] by the Feruchemist [[Rashek|Rashek]]. Rashek transformed himself into a Mistborn and claimed himself to be the [[Hero of Ages|Hero of Ages]]. He declared himself a god and launched a campaign to consolidate the world under his control. However, during his ascension, Rashek overlooked the recessive Feruchemical genes hidden in the Terris people, which can still allow new Feruchemists to be born. Therefore, Rashek instituted policies to heavily restrict the Terris people, which eventually grew into a breeding program designed to exterminate all genetic traces of Feruchemy. He did this specifically because he feared the prospect of the genes for Feruchemy intermixing with those of Allomancy and potentially creating a rival of comparable power to himself. Despite this, the Terris resistance worked tirelessly to thwart the efforts of Rashek in a variety of ways, primarily by tricking the breeders into including people with hidden Feruchemical talents, in order to ensure their continuation in the population. They also founded the [[Keeper|Keepers]], an order of Feruchemists dedicated to finding and securing knowledge from before the Lord Ruler's rise to power.
Following the death of the Lord Ruler and the [[Collapse|Collapse]] of the [[Final Empire|Final Empire]], the [[Synod|Synod]], who were the leaders of the Keepers and *de facto* ruling council of Terris, emerged from secrecy and the Keepers were dispatched across the Empire to teach the people about the knowledge they had preserved. Unfortunately, this "victory" was relatively short-lived as about a year later, the [[Steel Inquisitor|Steel Inquisitors]], under the influence of Ruin, attacked and slaughtered the Synod as well as all but [[Sazed|one of the Keepers]], creating [[Hemalurgic|Hemalurgic]] spikes from them in the process to increase their own powers.
After the [[Catacendre|Catacendre]], the surviving Terris began to interbreed with the general population. The genes for Feruchemy began to break apart, as a result of mixing with those for Allomancy. Whereas before people had either the ability to use all of the Feruchemical abilities or none of them, Ferrings, who could use only one (analogously to [[Misting|Mistings]]), began to appear. Conversely, Feruchemists with all of the Feruchemical abilities, now referred to as "Full Feruchemists", have disappeared, though the Terris community began to work on creating one through careful breeding of Feruchemical lineages. This dilution of power eventually caps and cannot decrease any further, and has reached that point by Era 3. This period also saw an explosion of Feruchemical and Allomantic research; a number of new metals and their Feruchemical attributes were discovered, with the Spiritual abilities being of particular interest to the Terris community.
After the [[Catacendre|Catacendre]], the [[Southern Scadrian|Southern Scadrians]] developed Unsealed Metalminds and advanced technology based on Feruchemy.
## Notable Feruchemists
For a complete list of Feruchemists, see Category:Feruchemists.
[[Waxillium Ladrian|Waxillium Ladrian]]
[[Miles Dagouter|Miles Dagouter]]
## Development
The earliest inspiration for Feruchemy dates to when Brandon was a teenager and had insomnia. He would lie awake at night and be really tired during the day, so he wished that he could store up his sleepiness so that he could be sleepy when he wanted to be sleepy.
An early version of Feruchemy appeared in [[Final Empire Prime|Final Empire Prime]]. During the development of *Mistborn: The Final Empire*, Brandon realized that Feruchemy would work very well as the magic system for Sazed and the Keepers, so he imported it into that novel and added the restriction of storing attributes in metal. In an early draft of Mistborn: The Final Empire, it was named 'Hemalurgy', but this was changed because the connotation with blood fit better with the magic system now named 'hemalurgy'.
The attributes stored in brass (warmth) and electrum (determination) were originally supposed to be reversed. By the time Brandon realized his mistake, brass storing warmth had already been canonized in released books. Brandon decided not to retcon this, citing the fact that Feruchemy operates on different principles than Allomancy. Brandon also notes that the organization of the metals in the Feruchemical chart is of human invention. Isaac Stewart also confirmed that the Feruchemical symbols for chromium and nicrosil were mistakenly swapped on the Feruchemical table (i.e. the symbols are in the correct position on the table itself, but the wrong metals were assigned to them). This may be corrected in the future.
Other names considered in development include Sangrimancy, Ferruchemy, Auronomy, Ferramy, Ferrochemy, Ferrichemy, and Ferrachemy.
| Feruchemy |
|**<The Aztlanian**|
|**Follows**|*The Rithmatist*|
*The Aztlanian* is a planned sequel to *The Rithmatist*.
## Development
Brandon initially tried to start work on *The Aztlanian* in May 2014. He eventually decided that since he was using real world cultures, namely various cultures from Meso- and South America, he needed to do significantly more research than he had originally planned. This resulted in the entire month being taken up with research instead of writing. At the end of the month, however, he felt the research he had done was not enough so he shelved the book until he could do more.
[[Joel|Joel]] and [[Melody|Melody]] were planned to return for the sequel, along with a third protagonist. It was planned to involve the [[Aztek Federation|Aztek Federation]] and touch on the theme of colonialism, and would have included the lost .
As of December 2016 *The Aztlanian* was Brandon's most requested book. It was potentially going to have been written during 2017, but it did not happen. Brandon still knew that he needed to take a thoughtful approach to fictionalizing the mythology and history of the real-life cultures involved. He largely discarded his original outline and wrote a new one that he was happier with, but could not find space in his schedule to devote adequate time to finishing the book.
In 2019, Brandon said that the earliest he would start writing *The Aztlanian* was after *Bastille Versus the Evil Librarians* was finished. As of 2021, Brandon was seeking a co-author who was well-versed in Aztec lore to help complete the book, but he noted that it would not take priority over his mainline series.
In 2020, Brandon said that he might work on the Aztlanian if he ran out of steam working on Mistborn Era 3. In 2021, the only other things worth noting is that he had mentioned that he was researching to find authors knowledgeable in Aztec mythology. He also said that he realizes that many people want a follow-up to *The Rithmatist*. In 2022, Brandon stated that the Alcatraz series was done, and now the Rithmatist series was the only one left to work on out of his secondary projects. In the [[State of the Sanderson|State of the Sanderson]] 2022, he joked that "I almost don’t want to get back to that one now, if only for the memes…" while also confirming that he would not be working on any other sequels until after the completion of *Wind and Truth*.
| The Aztlanian |
|**World of Origin**|[[Lumar|Lumar]]|
**Twelveday** is a holiday on [[Lumar|Lumar]]. Presumably it is connected to its twelve moons, which are worshiped on the planet. On the day of the festival some ports in the [[Emerald Sea|Emerald Sea]] use gunfire powered by [[Zephyr spores|zephyr spores]].
| Twelveday |
|**Pahn Kahl rebellion**|
|by Shawn Boyles |
|**Participants**|[[Pahn Kahl|Pahn Kahl]], [[Hallandren|Hallandren]], [[Idris|Idris]]|
|**Effects**|War averted, [[Susebron|Susebron]] healed, [[Kalad's Phantoms|Kalad's Phantoms]] rediscovered, deaths of [[Lightsong|Lightsong]] and [[Blushweaver|Blushweaver]]|
This article's title is uncanonical and a fan created one, because an official term or name has not been made yet.
>“* And so here you are. Unable to fight. Unable to free yourselves. Considered second-class. And yet, if your oppressors were to get into a war, it might give you an opening. A chance to break away…*”
\- Siri to Bluefingers[1]
The **Pahn Kahl rebellion** is an attempt by the [[Pahn Kahl|Pahn Kahl]] to free their people from the rule of [[Hallandren|Hallandren]], that occurs approximately three hundred years after the [[Manywar|Manywar]].
## Contents
1 Background
2 Preparations
2.1 The Tunnel System
2.2 Manipulation of Siri
2.3 Denth's Crew
3 Final Attack
3.1 The Tunnels
3.2 The Palace
3.3 The Lifeless Army
4 Aftermath
5 Notes
## Background
The Pahn Kahl as a people harbored resentment for centuries due to the abuse they received at the hands of the Hallandren: their subjugation, relegation to the lowliest jobs, and seeming total assimilation to the point that most Hallandren assumed their culture no longer existed. They had worked towards a rebellion for generations, using their positions as stewards, scribes, and clerks, where they were responsible for performing many of the key functions in the palace, to gain influence in the kingdom slowly and quietly. [[Bluefingers|Bluefingers']] position in particular was passed down from a Pahn Kahl before him; this type of set-up greatly aided in accumulating more and more influence.
A Pahn Kahl named [[Vahr|Vahr]] led an unsuccessful attempt at a rebellion prior to Bluefingers' own attempt. Vahr spent more than a decade working towards the freedom of his people. He garnered the financial support of some of the Idrian slumlords and some of Hallandren’s economic competitors to raise an army. Bluefingers, however, felt that Vahr's plans threatened his own by drawing too much attention to the otherwise overlooked Pahn Kahl, so he leaked information to the [[Returned|Returned]] to assist in Vahr's capture; after this, Vahr's rebellion fell apart. [[Dedelin|Dedelin]], king of [[Idris|Idris]], was displeased to hear of Vahr's capture because he had hoped Hallandren would focus on the Pahn Kahl in lieu of Idris. It is due to Vahr's capture and Hallandren's subsequent renewed attention on its enemies that Dedelin decided, in an attempt to stave off an impending war at least until winter, to fulfill his contract with [[Susebron|Susebron]] by sending [[Siri|Siri]] to [[T'Telir|T'Telir]].
## Preparations
### The Tunnel System
>“*The priests of the Iridescent Tones, it appeared, were hiding things from the rest of the kingdom. And from their gods.*”
\-Vasher after discovering a trapdoor in Mercystar's palace[10]
The Pahn Kahl who held the position of steward prior to Bluefingers was instrumental in manipulating the priests into constructing an extensive tunnel system below the [[Court of the Gods|Court of the Gods]] and keeping it a secret from the Returned. As the project continued, Bluefingers used it for his own ends both by misappropriating some of the funds and also as cover for digging projects of his own. He was eventually able to use the tunnels below the court to grant covert entry to mercenaries and to Pahn Kahl Awakeners. He sequestered a large number of the former in the tunnels in preparation for the final attack and he set the latter to the task of breaking the [[Lifeless|Lifeless]] army. The Awakeners managed to break some of the Lifeless and commanded them to attack with deadly force if any Idrian was aggressive towards them, which resulted in a chaotic and deadly scene when the City Watch raided Vivenna’s meeting with the Idrian slumlords.
### Manipulation of Siri
>“*Doing your duty as the Vessel was the danger!*”
\-Bluefingers to Siri[13]
When Siri arrived in T'Telir to marry Susebron, Bluefingers strived to gain her trust at the expense of the Hallandren. He thought her trust in the Hallandren priests would preclude war between the two nations and hoped to use her to manipulate, by extension, the Idrians of the city. To this end, he invited her pity on the Pahn Kahl by drawing attention to their lowly stations. He also allowed her to believe he was more ignorant of palace scheming than he really was, not letting on that he knew about Susebron's missing tongue, and expressed to her that his real concern was the Pahn Kahl not being able to retain their positions when a new [[God King|God King]] succeeded Susebron, as the usual custom was to replace all of the servants. Knowing that [[Treledees|Treledees]] had instructed Siri that she and Susebron must have a child as quickly as possible, Bluefingers further undermined her trust in the God King’s priests by warning her that this would actually bring danger to the couple. This plan worked to the extent that Siri asked him to get her and Susebron out of the palace should they become endangered. Bluefingers' plan regarding Siri morphed, however, when [[Denth|Denth]] successfully captured and exploited [[Vivenna|Vivenna]] in their efforts to stir up the people of T'Telir, and Bluefingers instead conceived of the idea of Siri dying at the apparent hand of the Hallandren priests.
### Denth's Crew
For more information, see [[Denth's crew|Denth's crew]].
Meanwhile, Denth's crew, whom Bluefingers had hired for the purpose of inciting the people of T'Telir, was busy out in the city. The crew attacked the supplies needed for war and, together with Vivenna, incited the Idrians in the slums. Denth also hatched a plan to kidnap the child of [[Nanrovah|Nanrovah]], [[Stillmark|Stillmark's]] high priest who vocally opposed war in the debates in court. His idea was to hold Nanrovah's daughter in order to blackmail him, but Vivenna eventually tumbled to Denth’s real motives and teamed up with [[Vasher|Vasher]] to rescue the girl and begin working against Denth's crew.
## Final Attack
The fact that the Court of the Gods planned to assemble to take a formal vote on war with [[Idris|Idris]] precipitated a final attack in the culmination of all of Bluefingers' plans. When Bluefingers saw the priests act preemptively in securing the God King and Queen inside the palace, he believed that they were suspicious of him and reacted by seizing both the God King’s palace and Blushweaver herself from her palace.
### The Tunnels
[[Bluefingers|Bluefingers]] ordered the capture and torture of [[Blushweaver|Blushweaver]] so that the rebels could get the Lifeless command phrases from her. In the meantime, Lightsong entered the tunnels of his own volition, guided by his prophetic dreams and seeking the answer to why tensions between the two nations had risen so high even after the wedding. He and [[Llarimar|Llarimar]], who came with him, stumbled onto the group of Pahn Kahl posing as priests as they tortured Blushweaver, and they were both captured in their rescue attempt. After their success extracting the Command phrase from Blushweaver, the Pahn Kahl killed her in front of Lightsong and obtained his Command phrase when they threatened to kill Llarimar too.
>“*By the Colors... I am a god.*”
After Bluefingers sent Susebron down into the tunnels, he ended up in a cage next to Lightsong. Bluefingers planned to leave Susebron's body in the palace dungeons and to place Blushweaver's and Lightsong's bodies in the Lifeless barracks surrounded by the corpses of Idrians. When the Pahn Kahl retrieved Susebron from his cage in order to kill him, however, Lightsong thwarted their efforts by giving up his divine Breath (and his life with it) to heal Susebron's missing tongue.
### The Palace
When Susebron's priests heard about the impending vote, they were concerned for the God King and Queen's safety and sequestered them in the palace under the pretext of discovering that Siri was with child. After the fighting began, [[Treledees|Treledees]] took Siri to reunite with Susebron. Bluefingers arrived and suggested that they flee through the tunnels under the palace, but on the way there Siri put together the facts and understood that really this was a rebellion of the Pahn Kahl, with Bluefingers as the ringleader. They instead headed towards the front gates.
Vasher attempted to break into the palace to rescue Siri at Vivenna's request, but Denth and his mercenaries ambushed and captured him outside Siri's door. Vivenna came to his rescue and successfully freed him, but after being knocked out a window in the ensuing fight, Vasher was forced to draw [[Nightblood|Nightblood]], who consumes Breath when unsheathed, in his effort to get through a group of soldiers and back to Denth. Having successfully manipulated Vasher into losing most of his Breaths, Denth then challenged him to a duel. Vasher in his weakened state was no match for Denth. Just before Denth was about to kill him, Vasher transferred his few remaining Breaths to Denth, inducing such momentary ecstasy as to provide Vasher an opening to kill Denth with his dagger.
>“*You want me dead, then have the decency to let me die standing up.*”
\-Siri to Bluefingers[21]
Meanwhile, Treledees and the other of the God King's priests took Siri and Susebron towards the front gates in an attempt to escape the palace. Bluefingers and a force of Lifeless ambushed the group and killed the priests; Susebron was sent into the tunnels while Bluefingers took Siri to a room on the fourth floor. There, he intended to kill Siri and place her on an altar surrounded by the corpses of Hallandren priests as proof that they only wanted her to come to T'Telir so they could sacrifice her to the God King. The rumors that she was with child would only make her death in such a manner more powerful.
Susebron's healed tongue, which Lightsong restored to him in the tunnels, allowed him to use [[Peacegiver's Treasure|Peacegiver's Treasure]], the fifty thousand Breaths of which he was guardian. With such an incredible Awakening force, Susebron efficiently quelled the rebels' attack on the palace with a storm of awakened cloths and rescued Siri from Bluefingers' clutches.
### The Lifeless Army
Upon obtaining the Command phrases from Blushweaver and Lightsong, a small group of Pahn Kahl imprinted the whole Lifeless army of Hallandren with a new Command phrase. Bluefingers directed them to give the army orders to march on Idris. All those who knew the new Command phrase were then to kill themselves with poison so that no one would be able to stop the attack.
Bluefingers intended to stage a scene in the now empty Lifeless [[Lifeless Enclave|barracks]]: with Susebron's body in the dungeons, he hoped that when the Hallandren found Lightsong and Blushweaver, the sole two holders of the army's Command phrases, in the barracks surrounded by the bodies of Idrians, it would appear that Lightsong and Blushweaver sent the army to Idris in revenge for their God King's death.
## Aftermath
>“*They are your responsibility now... Do better with them than I did.*”
\-Vasher to Susebron[25]
Vasher and Susebron each independently considered going after the Lifeless army and trying to defeat it, but were talked out of it. After Nightblood revealed Vasher's true identity to Vivenna, she realized Vasher knew where [[Kalad's Phantoms|Kalad's Phantoms]] were and how to activate them; she convinced him to share the information with Susebron. Susebron used the Command phrase to mobilize the statues, and they stormed after the Lifeless army marching on Idris. Upon reaching them, Kalad's Phantoms destroyed the whole force with ease.
If the war had occurred, [[Yesteel|Yesteel]] would have supported the Idrians by giving them the knowledge to create Awakened swords like Nightblood; this would have tipped the scales in favor of Idris and its allies, resulting in the destruction of T'Telir and throwing the region into chaos.
| Pahn Kahl rebellion |
|**Vitus Kirkas**|
|**Ruled by**|[[Feotora|Feotora]]|
|**Region**|[[Kingdoms of Light|Kingdoms of Light]]|
This page or section needs to be updated with new information for *Dark One Book 1*!Be aware that in its current state, it may not include all additional content yet.
**Vitus Kirkas** is the largest city in the [[Kingdoms of Light|Kingdoms of Light]] on [[Mirandus|Mirandus]].
| Vitus Kirkas |
|**Sapphire Sea**|
The **Sapphire Sea**, also known as the **Zephyr Sea**, is an ocean on [[Lumar|Lumar]].
## Contents
1 Geography
2 Culture
3 Locations
4 Inhabitants of the Sapphire Sea
5 Notes
## Geography
Like all oceans on Lumar the Sapphire Sea is made out of [[Aether spores|aether spores]], in particular the zephyr spores which release air when exposed to water. Due to the relative stability of aether spores, it is considered one of the safer oceans to travel through, and it is inhabited by various people. Like all seas on Lumar, it is pentagonal in shape.
It borders either the Emerald Sea, Rose Sea, or both, along with another three or four unnamed seas.
## Culture
The Sapphire Sea is one of the inhabited seas on Lumar. Its culture is largely unknown, however it appears to be a distinct entity from the nation that the [[Verdant King|Verdant King]] rules as natives of the sea feel the need to specify him as king of the Verdant Sea. Like most of Lumar, most of its civilisation exists on a series of islands, many of which are unusually large by Lumaran standards. On these islands exists a city that serves as a capital of the Sea as well as the Islands of Lobu. The civilization of these islands favours hunting as a source of pride. Elsewhere the Zephyr islands are famed for their production of pottery.
## Locations
[[Islands of Lobu|Islands of Lobu]]
[[Zephyr Islands|Zephyr Islands]]
## Inhabitants of the Sapphire Sea
| Sapphire Sea |
|**Stone Shamanism**|
|**Related to**|[[Shinovar|Shinovar]]|
|**World of Origin**|[[Roshar|Roshar]]|
**Stone Shamanism** is a [[Shin|Shin]] religion on [[Roshar|Roshar]] during the [[Era of Solitude|Era of Solitude]] and the [[True Desolation|True Desolation]].
## Contents
1 Organization
2 Tenets
2.1 Truthless
2.2 Death and Afterlife
3 History
3.1 Honorblades
4 Notes
## Organization
Stone Shamanism is the only known religion practiced in Shinovar. It is led by a group of Stone Shamans, also known as the Shamanate. The shamans are thought to be able to communicate with the spirits of stones.
[[Taravangian|Taravangian]] considers the Shamanate to be the leaders of Shinovar and their word is law. They are able to name people [[Truthless|Truthless]] and banish them.
## Tenets
The gods of Stone Shamanism are the spirits of stones and mountains, along with the spirits of other aspects of the natural world such as the sun and stars. The sun is referred to as the "god of gods". Fields and farm villages in Shinovar are also considered holy. Foreigners are not allowed near them, and farmers have an elevated level of respect in their culture. According to [[Nale|Nale]], the Shin actually revere the [[Spren|spren]] related to natural objects like stones, rather than the stones themselves. The Shin believe that their gods directly watch over them, except during the darkest period of night called the "hateful hour", and may try to physically hide their faces from the gods if they are ashamed of something. The religion includes the concepts of sin and forgiveness, and killing someone is considered the greatest sin.
The followers of Stone Shamanism believe that stone is holy and it is profane to set foot on it. This is possible in Shinovar because the ground is covered in soil rather than rock, unlike most of the Rosharan continent. The only exception to this rule is [[Urithiru|Urithiru]], where the stones are not cursed because the entire site is considered holy. These restrictions result in the Shin people rarely leaving their lands; outsiders are referred to as "stonewalkers". Mining is considered a sacrilege, and they only use [[Soulcast|Soulcast]] metal. Merchants such as [[Vstim|Vstim]] are therefore able to make very profitable trades with the Shin using small amounts of Soulcast metal, although the trader must prove that the metal is not sullied by rock.
The Shin also consider [[Stormlight|Stormlight]] and associated magic, such as [[Honorblade|Honorblades]] and [[Shardblade|Shardblades]], to be holy. [[Szeth|Szeth]] mentions that [[Vorin|Vorin]] people lack adequate reverence for Stormlight and the spirits of living things around them; he seems to find the use of Stormlight for illumination and decoration vulgar. Shin people are also uninterested in using [[Fabrial|fabrials]].
Following from their worship of the spren of natural features of Roshar, they believe mountains, and likely other geographical features, to have something referred to as a spirit-soul. They believe these to be great spren, and refer to them with the honorific *aboshi* as a sign of deep respect.
They believe in a figure known as the God of Gods, who is thought to be the soul of the sun.
### Truthless
For more information, see [[Truthless|Truthless]].
Stone Shamanism appears to be related to the centuries-old Shin concept of the Truthless. Telling the truth seems to be paramount in Shin society, as the end of truth would signify the 'End of All Things'. The Shamanate has the power to deem someone Truthless and banish them from Shinovar. However, the shamans are fallible and have made mistakes in the past.
### Death and Afterlife
When people who follow Stone Shamanism die, they believe that their souls continue to exist and are 'given to the stones'. This includes those who are Truthless, although their sins are not absolved and their souls are subjected to eternal punishment.
## History
[[Szeth|Szeth]] and his father [[Neturo|Neturo]] believed in Stone Shamanism. After Szeth became Truthless and left Shinovar, he began to question many of his beliefs. He eventually concluded that the Shamanate was wrong and he had never actually been Truthless.
Stone Shamanism was known in other parts of Roshar, although some followers of [[Vorinism|Vorinism]] dismissed it as pagan superstition.
### Honorblades
The Shin took responsibility for nine of the [[Honorblade|Honorblades]] after the [[Last Desolation|Last Desolation]]. They trained and experimented with the powers of the Blades and assigned individual people to carry them. The bearers of the Blades may have been conscripted rather than asked, and this assignment could persist even if they became Truthless. The Stone Shamans played a role in the stewardship of the Blades, and were responsible for recovering them from other parts of Roshar if they were lost. Their methods kept the Honorblades safe for millenia, and they were even used in attempted invasions of other nations.
However, the Shamanate eventually lost control of at least three of the Honorblades; two [[Herald|Heralds]] ([[Nale|Nale]] and [[Ishar|Ishar]]) reclaimed their Blades while [[Jezrien|Jezrien's]] Blade was won by [[Kaladin|Kaladin]] and ended up with [[Vyre|Vyre]]. Szeth claimed that the Shin would not have given the Heralds back their Honorblades willingly, but the Shamanate is not known to have made any attempts at recovering the lost Blades. Ishar told Szeth that he took back his Honorblade while saving the Shin after they tried to accept the [[Unmade|Unmade]] as their gods. However, Ishar is known to be insane and the veracity of his claim is unclear. The remaining six Honorblades are thought to remain under the protection of the Stone Shamans, but even well-informed people such as [[Mraize|Mraize]] have had difficulty tracking them during the True Desolation.
| Stone Shamanism |
|**Profession**|Mistress of [[Rockfall|Rockfall]]|
|**Introduced In**|*Oathbringer*|
Brightness **Nananav** is the mistress of [[Rockfall|Rockfall]] in [[Kholinar|Kholinar]] on [[Roshar|Roshar]]. She is impersonated by [[Shallan Davar|Shallan Davar]].
## Appearance and Personality
Nananav is a middle aged [[Lighteyes|lighteyed]] Alethi woman with a bun of hair almost as tall as she is. She is an arrogant and talkative person. She looks down on servants and tradespeople and is generally difficult to deal with.
## History
During the period of [[Aesudan|Aesudan's]] negligent rule in Kholinar, Shallan was tasked with infiltrating the [[Cult of Moments|Cult of Moments]]. She and her team (including [[Ishnah|Ishnah]], [[Vathah|Vathah]], and [[Red (Roshar)|Red]]) hatched a plot to infiltrate the Rockfall mansion to steal some food and "buy" their way into the cult.
When the [[Everstorm|Everstorm]] hit Kholinar, it had damaged Rockfall's rugs. Nananav was very particular about the way they were to be repaired, claiming to Ishnah (who was posing as a rug merchant) that they were woven by a blind [[Shin|Shin]] man. Nananav said that she commissioned the unique rugs and that she would not have them returned even a shade off the original coloring.
Shallan used Lightweaving to impersonate Nananav's voice and distract her guards. She then used an illusion to physically impersonate Nananav to gain access to her food storage. While wearing the illusion, Shallan felt herself take on aspects of Nananav's personality; she even briefly considered permanently taking her place, but was able to suppress this desire by dropping the illusion. Shallan and her team stole food and wrapped it in rugs to smuggle it out of the mansion, but Nananav noticed the theft before they could get away and sent her guards to stop them. Shallan put an illusion of Nananav's face back on and let it "melt" off, distracting the guards and horrifying the real Nananav. One of the guards managed to hit Shallan in the head with a crossbow bolt, but she recovered. Shallan ended up giving the stolen food to local beggars such as [[Grund|Grund]] to attract the attention of the Cult of Moments, rather than try to buy her way in directly.
| Nananav |
|**Chip (constable)**|
|**Profession**|Law enforcement|
|**Introduced In**|*Shadows of Self*|
For other uses of Chip, see [[Chip|Chip]].
**Chip** is a [[Steel|steel]] [[Misting|Misting]] (aka a [[Coinshot|Coinshot]]) and a member of the [[Elendel|Elendel]] constabulary on [[Scadrial|Scadrial]].
He and the Fourth Octant's messengers are sent by [[Claude Aradel|Claude Aradel]] to tell the other constable-generals to meet at the Governor's mansion to coordinate a city-wide curfew. Because Chip is a [[Coinshot|Coinshot]], he is able to move through the city very quickly to get the message out.
| Chip constable |
|**Abilities**|[[Returned|Returned]], [[Cognitive Shadow|Cognitive Shadow]]|
**Giftbeacon** is a [[Returned|Returned]] that is worshiped as a god in [[Hallandren|Hallandren]] on [[Nalthis|Nalthis]].
Around the year 327, Giftbeacon lived in the [[Court of the Gods|Court of the Gods]] in [[T'Telir|T'Telir]], and was a lesser god in the court, having little in the way of political influence.
## Attributes and Abilities
As a [[Returned|Returned]], Giftbeacon has a [[Divine Breath|divine Breath]] which gives them the benefits of being on the [[Fifth Heightening|Fifth Heightening]]. This includes:
Aura Recognition - allows them to assess the number of Breaths a person possesses.
Perfect Pitch
Perfect Color Recognition - allows them to instantly and instinctively determine exact shades of colors and their hue harmonics.
Perfect Life Sense - allows them to sense people around him.
Agelessness - makes them immune to most toxins and physical ailments, as well as making them functionally immortal.
| Giftbeacon |
|**Abilities**|Mental shielding|
|**Bonded With**|[[Sixth of the Dusk (character)|Sixth of the Dusk]]|
|**Homeworld**|[[First of the Sun|First of the Sun]]|
|**Introduced In**|*Sixth of the Dusk*|
**Kokerlii** is an [[Aviar|Aviar]] on [[First of the Sun|First of the Sun]]. He is owned by the [[Trapper|trapper]] [[Sixth of the Dusk (character)|Sixth of the Dusk]] and lives with him on the island of [[Patji (island)|Patji]] in the [[Pantheon|Pantheon]].
## Contents
1 Appearance and Personality
2 Attributes and Abilities
3 History
4 Notes
## Appearance and Personality
Kokerlii has bright red and green plumage. He appears to be of a typical size for Aviar, which is "three fists tall" (approximately ten to twelve inches). Kokerlii and [[Sak|Sak]] are Dusk's primary companions. Dusk is highly attuned to the behavior of his birds and is usually able to ascertain their emotions through their chirps, bites, and body language. Kokerlii chirps often and generally has a happy disposition; Dusk characterizes him as "oblivious". Like other Aviar raised by humans, Kokerlii always stays relatively close to his master and would not "fit in" with wild Aviar.
Images of Kokerlii
On *Sixth of the Dusk* cover
*Sixth of the Dusk* interior art
With [[Sixth|Sixth]], [[Sak|Sak]] and [[Vathi|Vathi]]
On [[Patji (island)|Patji]]
On Dusk's arm
## Attributes and Abilities
Dusk has not clipped Kokerlii's wings and he is able to fly. Since Kokerlii serves as one of Dusk's companion Aviar, the two of them share a unique bond comparable to the [[Nahel bond|Nahel bond]]. Dusk has trained Kokerlii to return to him when he whistles.
As an Aviar, Kokerlii gained a magical "talent" by visiting [[Patji's Eye|Patji's Eye]] when he was young. He has the ability to conceal all mental activity in his immediate vicinity. This is extremely useful to Dusk because many predators on Patji (such as [[Deepwalker|deepwalkers]], [[Deathant|deathants]], [[Nightmaw|nightmaws]], and [[Tuskrun|tuskrun]]) can hunt by sensing thoughts. Dusk notes that the power weakens as Kokerlii moves farther away. This ability has similarities to [[Allomancy|Allomantic]] [[Copper|copper]] and other powers in the [[Cosmere|cosmere]], meaning Kokerlii would be able to conceal some types of [[Investiture|Investiture]].
## History
Dusk bred Aviar and it is likely that he raised Kokerlii from birth, although trappers also care for the Aviar of their dead peers. Kokerlii had a nesting box in Dusk's [[Safecamp|safecamp]], where he kept the rest of his Aviar. Kokerlii's talent was highly desirable to trappers in the Pantheon, and Dusk brought Kokerlii everywhere he went. Kokerlii may have had some understanding of his role, as Dusk noted that he gave an "apologetic chirp" after a nightmaw found and attacked them.
Kokerlii accompanied Dusk and [[Vathi|Vathi]] on a dangerous nighttime trip through the jungle. At one point Dusk believed he would have to sacrifice himself to a nightmaw and tried to give Kokerlii to Vathi, but an alternate plan was devised and Kokerlii remained with Dusk.
| Kokerlii |
|**Mrs. Chamwit**|
|**Homeworld**|[[Starsight (station)|Starsight]]|
|**Introduced In**|*Starsight*|
>“*Well...maybe I could work those into a side dish? Or maybe just make you a dessert?*”
\-Mrs. Chamwit, offering to bake something for Spensa instead of her algae strips.[1]
Mrs. **Chamwit** is a [[Varvax|varvax]] who lives on [[Starsight (station)|Starsight]] and works as a cleaner, employed by the Department of Species Integration to clean the [[UrDail|UrDail]] embassy. [[Spensa|Spensa]] believes her to be a spy.
## Contents
1 Appearance and Personality
2 Attributes and Abilities
3 History
4 Relationships
4.1 Spensa
4.2 Cuna
5 Notes
## Appearance and Personality
Mrs. Chamwit floats in a brown sandstone carapace, and is typically equipped with a belt filled with cleaning tools. Mrs. Chamwit is very kind and apologetic, and becomes disappointed when she thinks Spensa does not find her work satisfactory. Mrs. Chamwit, like most varvax, is extremely nonaggressive and finds those who are aggressive as odd.
## Attributes and Abilities
Mrs. Chamwit is a skilled cleaner, evident in the fact that she was hired by the head of the Department of Species Integration, Cuna, to care for the embassy of a species new to the [[Superiority|Superiority]]. Mrs. Chamwit is also known to be able to assemble a cleaning drone. Mrs. Chamwit is also a skilled chef, making a delicious [[Akokian pudding|Akokian pudding]] for Spensa to eat after one of her training sessions in the Delver Resistance Program. Mrs. Chamwit enjoys doing word puzzles on her tablet.
## History
Mrs. Chamwit was first confronted by Spensa with a gun when M-Bot warned Spensa of intruders in the UrDail embassy. Spensa surprised her, so Mrs. Chamwit dropped a plate, which shattered. She told Spensa she had been hired by the Department of Species Integration to clean Spensa's embassy, along with her assistant, who was busy vacuuming downstairs. Cuna rang the door chimes at the same time, and was able to confirm Mrs. Chamwit's story.
During Spensa's first day of training in the Delver Resistance program, Mrs. Chamwit cleaned the embassy, then looked into the UrDail's nutritional requirements and planned to make Akokian pudding for Spensa for dinner. After this, she waited for Spensa by playing word puzzles on her tablet. Spensa politely declined, and after multiple further offers, Mrs. Chamwit left, crestfallen. Not to be denied, Mrs. Chamwit prepared an Akokian pudding, put it in a delivery box, and sent it to the UrDail embassy in case Spensa's algae became stale. Spensa happily devoured the Akokian pudding.
A few weeks later, Mrs. Chamwit inspected one of the boxes that had been delivered to the UrDail embassy, finding it to be a cleaning drone. After a brief offer to help assemble the drone, Mrs. Chamwit realized its implications and asked if Spensa was dissatisfied with her service. Spensa told her she was not and said she just liked her privacy and escorted Mrs. Chamwit out the door.
At some point during her life, likely during her time cleaning the UrDail embassy, Mrs. Chameit delivered dinner to one of her neighbors.
## Relationships
### Spensa
When Spensa first meets Mrs. Chamwit and her assistant, she believes them to be Cuna's spies. Gradually, as she experiences the pleasures of Mrs. Chamwit's services, such as her baking and cleaning. The tipping point is when Spensa goes to the park with Morriumur and realizes the [[Superiority|Superiority]] isn't some evil organization paying everyone to put on a happy facade for the outside, the people in it are genuinely happy. She finally accepts that Mrs. Chamwit isn't a spy and that she and her assistant really are just cleaning people.
### Cuna
Mrs. Chamwit and her assistant were hired by Cuna to take care of the UrDail embassy on Starsight. Whether or not Mrs. Chamwit and her assistant are permanent employees of the Department of Species Integration or contractors in unclear.
| Mrs Chamwit |
|by Kelley King |
|**Creator**|[[Navani Kholin|Navani Kholin]]|
|**World of Origin**|[[Roshar|Roshar]]|
>“* One showed the time with three hands—even seconds, as if that mattered. The other was a stormclock, which could be set to wind down to the next projected highstorm.*”
\- Dalinar describing Navani's vambrace[1]
A **stormclock** is a device from [[Roshar|Roshar]] which can be used to tell when a [[Highstorm|highstorm]] is due. It's composed of a single arm on a round face, and some hidden mechanisms.
Rather than a clock, it's more akin to a timer. The user must wind it up for the amount of time they predict is left until a highstorm. The stormclock then counts down the time and makes a small dinging sound upon finishing. As such, it can be used to count down until other things as well, such as the arrival of the [[Everstorm|Everstorm]].
While regular Rosharan timepieces are [[Fabrial|fabrials]], it's uncertain whether stormclocks are as well or if they work purely mechanically.
The stormclocks have existed on Roshar for some time, but [[Navani Kholin|Navani Kholin]] is the first to create a version small enough to wear on one's wrist. She designs a leather vambrace that combines a stormclock with a regular fabrial clock and a [[Painrial|painrial]], and gifts it to several people, among them [[Dalinar|Dalinar]] and [[Adrotagia|Adrotagia]].
| Stormclock |
This article is about the fan site. For the cosmere-wide group of worldhoppers, see [[Seventeenth Shard|Seventeenth Shard]].
The **17th Shard** is the official [[Brandon Sanderson|Brandon Sanderson]] fansite dedicated to all of the works of fantasy author Brandon Sanderson.
Founded by Eric Lake, Josh and Mi'chelle Walker as **Hoid's Compendium**, the site reopened in the summer of 2010 as the 17th Shard. The name was recommended by Brandon upon his discovery and blessing of the site.
## Sites
## External links
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|**Out of Universe**|
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| 17thshardcom |
|by Jamie Knierim |
|**World**|[[Earth (Reckoners)|Earth (Reckoners)]]|
**Newcago** is the name of the city founded and led by [[Steelheart (Epic)|Steelheart]] on the metallic ruins of .
Steelheart rules Newcago with a steel fist, but is eventually killed by the [[Reckoners|Reckoners]].
During Steelheart's fit of rage after he was shot and inexplicably wounded, he transformed much of Lake Michigan, the city, and much of the underground into solid steel in an event known as the [[Great Transfersion|Great Transfersion]]. The upper class and party members live above, while peasants live in a network of caverns and factories underground. It is said the Epic [[Digzone|Digzone]] granted some of his powers to the [[Diggers|Diggers]], who eventually went insane, causing the tunnels to become erratic and impossible to navigate. It is in these tunnels that the Reckoners have one of their hideouts. [[David Charleston|David Charleston]] grew up in a weapons factory there.
Newcago is one of few locations left in America that still has running water, infrastructure, electricity, food, and a police force. Even though it was ruled under the oppressive regime of Steelheart, people flocked to it, even if they lived in poor conditions. The police force is known as [[Enforcement|Enforcement]] and is heavily militarized.
Newcago is also the base of operations for Steelheart's three main subordinates: [[Firefight|Firefight]], [[Conflux|Conflux]], and [[Nightwielder|Nightwielder]]. The city was kept in perpetual darkness, except for the light from Calamity, by Nightwielder before he was killed during the Steelheart hit.
There are about 250,000 people in Newcago. 1,000 or so of these people are Epics.
## Notable residents
For a full list see, see :Category:Residents of Newcago.
[[David Charleston|David Charleston]]
[[Steelheart (Epic)|Steelheart]]
[[Edmund Sense|Edmund Sense]]
| Newcago |
|by User: SaleSVQ|
|**Princedom**|[[Aladar princedom|Aladar princedom]]|
**Dalilak** is a large coastal city in northern [[Alethkar|Alethkar]] in the [[Aladar princedom|Aladar princedom]]. It is on the coast of the [[Bay of Elibath|Bay of Elibath]].
[[Natir|Natir]], the head steward in Citylord [[Roshone|Roshone's]] mansion in [[Hearthstone|Hearthstone]], is from Dalilak, and is brought to Hearthstone after the previous head steward [[Miliv|Miliv]] dies.
| Dalilak |
|**Region**|[[Elendel Basin|Elendel Basin]]|
**Vindiel-Cameux** is a city in the [[Elendel Basin|Elendel Basin]]. It is southeast of [[Elendel|Elendel]], and appears to possibly be named after [[Vin|Vin]]. However, it is not clear what Cameux is referring to.
| Vindiel-Cameux |
|**Lady Lavont**|
|by Ben McSweeney |
|**Residence**|[[New Seran|New Seran]]|
**Lady Lavont** is a woman living in [[New Seran|New Seran]] on [[Scadrial|Scadrial]].
She held a party in her home to auction off buttons from [[Spook|The Lord Mistborn's]] favorite smoking jacket. She was with [[Jak|Jak]] when [[Mustaches|Mustaches]] confronted him at which point she backed off in fright. During the altercation her buttons that were to be auctioned off were stolen and replaced with fakes.
| Lady Lavont |
|**Titles**|Sergeant of the reserves|
|**Profession**|Military officer|
|**Groups**|Amaram's army|
|**Introduced In**|*The Way of Kings*|
**Dalar** is a sergeant of the reserves in Highmarshal [[Meridas Amaram|Meridas Amaram's]] army from [[Alethkar|Alethkar]] on [[Roshar|Roshar]], in service of the [[Sadeas princedom|Sadeas princedom]].
## Appearance and Personality
Dalar is a lanky man, and he only has three fingers on one of his hands. During wartime, he is curt.
## History
Dalar was a superior officer to both [[Tien|Tien]] and [[Kaladin|Kaladin]] in Amaram's army. He was charged with assigning newly made squads from the reserves to replace those that had been lost.
Tien had been assigned to a team of deep reserves made up of messenger boys inexperienced in fighting; Dalar claimed that these reserves would never be used unless the army was in serious danger.
During a border skirmish with [[Hallaw|Hallaw's]] forces in 1169, Kaladin realized that members of Tien's reserve team had been assigned to combat, due to a lack of new recruits. Kaladin frantically searched for Tien, and in the process he found Dalar standing beside a tall post with a pair of triangular banners. Dalar told Kaladin that Tien was assigned to Brightlord [[Sheler|Sheler's]] company on the southeast side of the hill, and Kaladin immediately set off to find him.
| Dalar |
|**Thanadal princedom**|
|by User: SaleSVQ|
|**Ruler**|Highprince [[Thanadal|Thanadal]]|
|**Occupied by**|[[Singers|Singers]]|
**Thanadal princedom** is one of ten [[Alethi|Alethi]] princedoms that form [[Alethkar|Alethkar]]. Their house colors are red & brown.
## Contents
1 Geography
1.1 Locations
2 History
3 Politics
4 Residents
5 Notes
## Geography
Thanadal princedom is located in central Alethkar, bordered to the north by the [[Sunmaker Mountains|Sunmaker Mountains]], the south by the [[Sea of Spears|Sea of Spears]] and [[Sebarial princedom|Sebarial princedom]], the west by [[Hatham princedom|Hatham princedom]], and the east by the [[Eastern Crownlands|Eastern Crownlands]]. One tributary from the Sea of Spears cuts into the middle of the princedom, while another forms the boarder between the Thanadal princedom and the Eastern Crownlands.
### Locations
## History
Thanadal princedom was one of the ten princedoms reunited into a single country under [[Gavilar Kholin|Gavilar Kholin]]. It is unknown whether Highprince [[Thanadal|Thanadal]] fought for Gavilar or against him during the war for unification.
Highprince Thanadal elected to stay behind at the warcamps when a majority of the Alethi army relocated to [[Urithiru|Urithiru]], extending the lands under his control.
## Politics
Brightlord Thanadal is the current Highprince of this princedom.
Thanadal princedom has five shards - the blade and plate of the Highprince and three others. It is an long held tradition of this princedom to appoint the Highprince's shards to a warrior known as the [[Royal Defender|Royal Defender]]. Brightlord [[Resi|Resi]] currently holds this title.
The Thanadal army includes hired mercenaries.
## Residents
Highprince [[Thanadal|Thanadal]]
Brightlord [[Resi|Resi]]
[[Salinor Eved|Salinor Eved]] - another [[Shardblade|Shardwielder]]
| Thanadal princedom |
|**Introduced In**|*Rhythm of War*|
>“*We won't live long enough to starve, Denshil. Not if the humans get here. Not if they find your children and take away their songs…*”
**Denshil** is a [[Singer|singer]] on [[Roshar|Roshar]]. He serves as the head of farming for the [[Listener|listeners]].
## Appearance and Personality
Denshil has a scrawny build, despite wearing [[Workform|workform]]. He has black and red patterned skin that appears rough and coarse, as if it were marblework.
He is not comfortable engaging in subterfuge, and becomes very nervous when he conspires with [[Venli|Venli]] without [[The Five|the Five's]] knowledge. Venli is able to easily manipulate him by preying on his fears.
## History
Denshil had at least two children, including a daughter.
During the latter years of the [[War of Reckoning|War of Reckoning]], Denshil served as the listeners' head of farming. Venli, under influence from [[Ulim|Ulim]], had resolved to protect her people by rediscovering [[Stormform|stormform]]. She needed help to execute her plan, and recruiting Denshil was key. Denshil's position as a farmer gave him access to uncut [[Gemheart|gemhearts]], since they were used in listener farming techniques. Ulim taught Denshil how to cut the gemhearts into faceted [[Gemstone|gemstones]] similar to those used by humans. Denshil told the other farmers that this cutting method allowed more efficient storage of [[Stormlight|Stormlight]], which was true. However, as part of Venli's plan, Denshil secretly cut extra gemstones and hoarded them for Venli's future use to capture [[Stormspren|stormspren]]. Denshil was reluctant to help Venli, particularly because the gemstones were sorely needed for agriculture. However, Venli repeatedly used bleak predictions of the future to appeal to his deep-seated desire to protect his children and the other listeners.
By late 1173, Venli wanted to accelerate her plans. The war had raged on for years, and [[Eshonai|Eshonai's]] interactions with the humans had both angered Ulim and caused Venli to feel envious. Venli told Denshil to hoard even more gemstones; when he balked at cutting them even smaller, Venli once again claimed that they were saving his daughter from subjugation or death at the hands of the humans. He relented, but requested that Venli tell [[The Five|the Five]] about her plans. She lied and said she would do so, and Denshil left to cut a recently captured gemheart.
| Denshil |
|**World of Origin**|[[Roshar|Roshar]]|
**Haspers** are a form of mollusk on [[Roshar|Roshar]]. A **stranna hasper** refers to a variety of the mollusk that can be cooked and eaten.
## Appearance and Behavior
Haspers are comprised of two shells that enclose a slimy interior. These two shells open and close in rhythm with one another. Due to this motion, haspers are often compared to tiny mouths that are breathing. At least some varieties of haspers have pearly shells. They may be related to tiny snails.
Haspers are creatures that appear to spend most, if not all, of their life totally stationary. They grow in clusters, attached to the side of objects made of stone, wood, or on [[Shalebark|shalebark]]. A cluster of haspers can support the weight of a few waterskins.
Haspers can be found in a wide variety of places across eastern Roshar, including the docks of [[Kharbranth|Kharbranth]], [[Hearthstone|Hearthstone]], and the chasms of the [[Shattered Plains|Shattered Plains]]. They reproduce during the [[Weeping|Weeping]], with clusters seeming to grow out of nowhere. It is unknown what haspers feed on.
## Culinary Use
[[Adolin|Adolin]] included steamed stranna haspers in a platter of food that he brought to [[Shallan|Shallan's]] quarters in [[Urithiru|Urithiru]] after training her in the use of a [[Shardblade|Shardblade]].
[[Eshonai|Eshonai]] ate a meal of steamed haspers just before discovering the humans.
| Hasper |
|**Spensa's great-grandfather**|
|**Spouse**|[[Spensa's great-grandmother|Spensa's great-grandmother]]|
|**Children**|[[Becca Nightshade|Becca Nightshade]]|
|**Descendants**|[[Zeen Nightshade|Zeen Nightshade]], [[Spensa Nightshade|Spensa Nightshade]]|
>“*He kept the stories of Old Earth, of the times before we traveled into space.*”
\-Gran-Gran telling Spensa of her father[1]
**Spensa's great-grandfather** is a historian aboard the [[Defiant (starship)|Defiant]]. He is married to [[Spensa's great-grandmother|Spensa's great-grandmother]] and is the father of [[Becca Nightshade|Becca Nightshade]], [[Spensa|Spensa's]] Gran-Gran.
By virtue of being part of the engineering corps, Spensa's great-grandfather is resented and feared by the other occupants of the Defiant. As Gran-Gran implies that her mother was the only [[Cytonics|cytonic]] aboard the Defiant, it is likely that her father did not possess the defect.
## Contents
1 History
2 Relationships
2.1 Becca Nightshade
3 Notes
## History
Spensa's great-grandfather traveled as part of the Defiant fleet prior to its crash onto [[Detritus|Detritus]]. It is unknown as to whether he was born on one of the ships or joined the fleet later in life.
At some point he married Spensa's great-grandmother. It is unknown as to whether Spensa's great-grandfather was a part of the engineering corp before he married his wife, or if he was brought into the group through their union. The pair worked together in the engine room, with Spensa's great-grandmother using her cytonic abilities to jump the fleet. Spensa's great-grandfather's exact job in the engine room is unclear. The pair had a child, Becca Nightshade, while aboard the Defiant.
Some time after her birth, Becca's father began telling her stories of [[Old Earth|Old Earth]] while she sat with him in the engine room.
The day the Defiant crashed, Spensa's great-grandfather was with his wife and daughter in the engineering bay. After an explosion occurred on the bridge the captain called down in an angry panic to relay orders to Spensa's great-grandmother, which she refused. The engineers sided with the scientists to defy the military and command staff, and Spensa's great-grandmother brought the fleet to Detritus, using her abilities to perform faster than light travel. After the ship crashed, Becca's father carried her from the rubble of the ship, leaving behind his dead wife who had died during the crash.
After the crash it is likely that Becca's father raised her in one of the newly formed colonies on Detritus. How or when he died is unknown.
## Relationships
### Becca Nightshade
>“*He worked in the engine room, helping my mother, but his true duty was the stories. I remember sitting in the engine room, listening to the hum of the machinery as he talked, his voice echoing against the metal.*”
\-Gran-Gran telling Spensa of her father.[1]
Becca and her father often spent time together in the engine rooms and he would tell her stories while he worked. After the ship crashed, he became her sole carer as his wife had died when she had brought the fleet to Detritus. Becca's love of telling stories to [[Spensa|Spensa]] is likely due to her fathers enjoyment and dedication to keeping the stories of Old Earth alive.
| Spensas great-grandfather |
>“*There are potential allies out there. Moonlight's world, perhaps. Or the land of the aethers. Hell, maybe even Mythos.*”
\-Kelsier to Harmony[1]
**Mythos** is an off-world nickname used for a planet in the [[Cosmere|cosmere]].
After [[Autonomy|Autonomy's]] attack on [[Scadrial|Scadrial]] was repelled in 348 [[Catacendre|PC]], [[Kelsier|Kelsier]] mentioned Mythos to [[Harmony|Harmony]] as a possible source of allies, though he apparently considered it a less likely option than [[Sel|Sel]] and [[Dhatri|Dhatri]].
## Trivia
In the 2022 [[State of the Sanderson|State of the Sanderson]], a possible series set on Mythos was mentioned as a minor project.
| Mythos |
|**Died**|Killed by [[Lifeforce|Lifeforce]]|
|**Residence**|[[Lux (city)|Lux]]|
|**Homeworld**|[[Earth (Reckoners)|Earth (Reckoners)]]|
|**Introduced In**|*Lux*|
This page or section needs to be updated with new information for *Lux*!Be aware that in its current state, it may not include all additional content yet.
**Cloudbreaker** is a [[Epic|Epic]] that lives in [[Lux (city)|Lux]], and is one of the three Epics who works for [[Lifeforce|Lifeforce]]. She has weather manipulation powers, which she uses to keep Lux at a comfortable temperature year-round despite the elevation. She has the ability to summon a cataclysmic weather event called the frost. She has summoned it twice in her life, and both were when insurgents had infiltrated Lux and were getting out of hand. She causes a thick layer of icy fog to come down over the city, causing temperatures to drop to dangerous levels.
Cloudbreaker doesn't like serving Lifeforce, and eventually decides that she wants to take command of Lux. She summons the frost for the second time, disobeying Lifeforce's orders. Lifeforce withdraws his healing power from her, letting an old wound kill her.
## Trivia
She used to work as a travel guide.
| Cloudbreaker |
|by Lazifyre |
|**Parents**|[[Jedal|Jedal]], [[Margel|Margel]]|
|**Descendants**|[[Elendel|Elendel noble houses]]|
|**Abilities**|Tineye , [[Allomancy|Mistborn]], [[Hemalurgy|Hemalurgist]]|
|**Titles**|Survivor of the Flames, Lord Mistborn|
|**Aliases**|Jedal, Lestibournes|
|**Groups**|[[Preservers|Preservers]], Venture army, [[Originators|Originators]]|
|**Birthplace**|[[Eastern Dominance|Eastern Dominance]]|
|**Residence**|[[Luthadel|Luthadel]] , [[Elendel|Elendel]]|
|**Introduced In**|*Mistborn: The Final Empire*|
**Spook**, or **Lestibournes**, is a [[Skaa|skaa]] [[Tin|tin]] [[Misting|Misting]] (aka a [[Tineye|Tineye]]) on [[Scadrial|Scadrial]]. He was a member of [[Kelsier's crew|Kelsier's crew]] and worked for [[Elend Venture|Elend Venture]] after the [[Collapse|Collapse]]. After the [[Catacendre|Catacendre]], he became known as the Lord Mistborn and ruled the [[Elendel Basin|Elendel Basin]] for a hundred years before stepping down.
## Contents
1 Appearance and Personality
2 Attributes and Abilities
3 History
3.1 Childhood
3.2 Kelsier's Crew
3.3 Siege of Luthadel
3.4 Urteau
3.5 The Final Ascension and Aftermath
4 Relationships
4.1 Kelsier
4.2 Vin
4.3 Elend
4.4 Sazed
5 Trivia
6 Notes
## Appearance and Personality
by clarinking
For more images, see [[Spook/Gallery|/Gallery]].
>“*Lestibournes. Lefting I'm born.*
\-Street slang for "I’ve been abandoned."
In early 1021 [[Final Empire|FE]], as [[Kelsier|Kelsier's]] plan to overthrow the [[Final Empire|Final Empire]] was getting started, he was fifteen. Spook was initially very shy after joining [[Kelsier's crew|Kelsier's crew]], as he still spoke in Eastern street slang, which made it hard for the rest of the crew to fully understand him.
After the [[Collapse|Collapse]], he was much more confident. He stopped using his street cant and grew to over six feet tall, barely resembling the gangly boy he was before. On at least one occasion, he wore a beard as a disguise.
Around this time he started to show his like for women, almost any type. He didn't get much response, but he liked to flirt a lot.
His confidence was not constant, and he had a feeling of inferiority, of being invisible, dismissible and ignored. [[Clubs|Clubs']] death added to his a sense of guilt for leaving the crew and trying to escape [[Luthadel|Luthadel]] while taking [[Vin|Vin]] and [[Elend Venture|Elend]]. The greatest consequence for him was his insistence on flaring [[Tin|Tin]] for several months, turning him into a Tin [[Savant|Savant]]. This enhanced his senses to an unmanageable degree, forcing him to wear a blindfold at all times. He had a huge desire to feel useful and being recognized for it.
## Attributes and Abilities
by Ben McSweeney
>“*Tin burning ... Notting about the seeing. Wasing about the not seeing.*”
\-Spook giving advice on burning tin to Vin[11]
Spook's grandfather had noble blood; it is likely this was his maternal grandfather as [[Cladent|his mother's brother]] was also an [[Allomancer|Allomancer]]. As a result, Spook is a [[Tineye|Tineye]]. He is the best one on Kelsier's crew, and so usually gets the most important watches. After Clubs' death, he begins constantly flaring his tin because he thinks it will make him more useful, turning himself into a tin [[Savant|savant]]. As a result of this, he can feel disturbances in the air, sense tremors in the floor, and could know where people were simply by how close their heartbeats sounded. However, it also leaves him very vulnerable to sudden and strong stimuli, and he often keeps his ears partially plugged and his eyes covered.
While working in Urteau, Spook gets stabbed with a [[Hemalurgy|Hemalurgic]] spike that turns him into a [[Pewterarm|Pewterarm]]. He later rips the spike out after realizing it leaves him open to [[Ruin|Ruin's]] influence.
During the Final Ascension, [[Kelsier|Kelsier]] convinces [[Sazed|Sazed]] to turn Spook into a [[Allomancy|Mistborn]], though Sazed only makes him a regular-strength Mistborn, not a [[Lerasium|lerasium]]-empowered one. After that [[Catacendre|Catacendre]], Kelsier's [[Cognitive Shadow|Cognitive Shadow]] visits him and convinces him to start studying [[Hemalurgy|Hemalurgy]].
## History
### Childhood
Named **Jedal** after [[Jedal|his father]], Spook was born and raised in the Eastern Lands, a wasteland known for its sand and grit. Spook lived with his mother and father in a dirty shack with several other skaa and often ducked out to run around with skaa children in some of the street gangs, where he learned [[High Imperial|Eastern street slang]]. Jedal blamed Spook's lack of discipline on [[Margel|his mother]] allowing him to spend so much time with the street gangs.
Inheriting [[Noble|noble]] blood from his grandfather, Spook [[Snapping|Snapped]] at the age of five, becoming a [[Tineye|Tineye]]. After learning of his [[Allomancy|Allomancy]], [[Jedal|Jedal]] and his family were prepared to have him killed in order to hide the family's noble blood from the [[Steel Ministry|Steel Ministry]]. [[Margel|Margel]], however, had known about Spook's Allomancy for some time, and sent word to her brother [[Cladent|Cladent]], who knew having another Tineye would be useful. Cladent arrived before Jedal could kill Spook and traded coins for Spook's freedom, promising to take the young boy back to [[Luthadel|Luthadel]]. When Cladent asked for his name, Spook decided he did not want to be called by the same name as his father. He told Cladent his name was now **Lestibournes**, an Eastern street slang contraction of "lefting I'm born," which means "I've been abandoned." Kelsier later gave him the nickname "Spook".
by Egilde Art
### Kelsier's Crew
During his time on [[Kelsier's crew|Kelsier's crew]], Spook was mainly involved as a sentry of key locations; watching the area around Clubs' shop from a six-story tenement two streets over. He participated in the crew's planning sessions, but rarely contributed to them other than serving drinks or getting things.
After the crew thought [[Marsh|Marsh]] had been captured by the Ministry, they sent Spook with the [[House Renoux|House Renoux]] canal procession that left Luthadel, as he was their best Tineye. The [[Steel Inquisitor|Steel Inquisitors]], however, had just tracked [[Vin|Vin]] to her Valette Renoux alias, and attacked the caravan to try to find her. When they didn't find her in the convoy, they brought Spook, [[OreSeur|OreSeur]], and the Renoux servants back to Luthadel, ostensibly to be executed, but actually as a trap for [[Kelsier|Kelsier]]. Kelsier fell right into the trap and attacked the prison cart guards as they passed by. With help from [[Hammond|Hammond]], some skaa rebels, and the rest of the crew, he managed to rescue Spook and the rest of the prisoners, before being killed by the [[Lord Ruler|Lord Ruler]]. After that, during the [[Collapse|Collapse]], [[Dockson|Dockson]] sent him to fetch some of Clubs' apprentices to run messages.
### Siege of Luthadel
During the [[Siege of Luthadel|Siege of Luthadel]] he was rarely given any important tasks. When [[Tindwyl|Tindwyl]] caught him with nothing to do, she enlisted him to serve as a "packman" for [[Vin|Vin]] and [[Allrianne|Allrianne's]] dress-shopping trip; he also occasionally worked as a coachman or honor guard to [[Elend|Elend]] or went on a spying mission. As the situation grew desperate, however, and the crew planned to send Vin and Elend out of the city to survive the [[Battle of Luthadel|Battle of Luthadel]], they enlisted Spook to be their guide. Spook agreed, and led them away to the Terris mountains, where [[Sazed|Sazed]] said they would find the [[Well of Ascension|Well of Ascension]]. Vin and Elend eventually realize that they have been tricked, and Vin raced ahead to Luthadel in time to save the city. Spook returned with Elend a few days later, and used his tin to enhance his eyes and inform Elend that his flag still flew from the city gates, indicating that it has not been conquered.
### Urteau
by Bernardo Curvello Escaping from the burning building
Elend and Vin sent him to Urteau to gather as much information as he could about the Citizen and his government there.
He was very good at sneaking into the Citizen’s house, where he went not only to listen to important information of the city and confirming [[Quellion|Quellion]]’s (the Citizen) ideology and concerns on Elend as a tyrant; but to watch his sister [[Beldre|Beldre]]. Spook liked her for her beauty and her sadness.
During this time, and due to the excess use of his powers, he became so sensitive to light that he had to wear a blindfold; however his other sharpened senses were able to make up for the inconvenience.
He scouted the city and understood the mood of the people. He was horrified with the killings of not only nobles but their descendants and all other inhuman practices in the city. Spook hired a thief lord [[Durn|Durn]] who helped him get some news from the City, he took him to the execution of ten skaa with noble blood but asked him to count the skulls.
During the speech after the execution, Spook got infuriated and when he got close to [[Beldre|Beldre]] he spoke to her, first asking if she agreed with the executions, later letting her know he was the man who would kill her brother. He was so into the conversation he failed to notice he was exposed and Quellion's men went after him. He understood they were Allomancers when they used their power and he lost the fight.
During the fight, Spook was stabbed with a sword that also pierced a [[Pewterarm|pewterarm]]. The tip of the sword broke off with his body and became a [[Hemalurgy|Hemalurgic]] spike which granted him the ability to burn [[Pewter|pewter]]. The spike also gave Kelsier access to Spook's mind, letting him eventually talk to Spook. Initially, it was only Ruin using this new access to Spook's mind using [[Kelsier|Kelsier's]] voice to persuade him to use his new powers. When he woke up from the lost fight inside the burning building and heard Kelsier's voice asking him to move on, he finds vials and burns pewter. He obeys finding his new ability (which he doesn’t recognize as Hemalurgy) and thus trusting the voice in his head convinced it was the real Kelsier.
Spook received [[Breeze|Breeze]], [[Allrianne|Allrianne]] and [[Sazed|Sazed]] into the city and helped them hide providing them with information. He showed them the cave where the Lord Ruler’s cache was and suggested it as their base. He tried to talk to Sazed about Kelsier’s voice but with Sazed doubting his beliefs, Spook didn’t fully confide and just trusted they were being protected by the Survivor.
by Shuravf
Ever since his unexpected survival from the flames, Spook had heard people gossiping of him and that he was part of Kelsier’s crew and that Durn was behind these gossips. He eventually decided to confront him and found that Durn had been plotting against Quellion and had used the event to make him look bad. He decided to trust him and asked him to find Breeze. On his way out, a man approached him and asked to save his seven-year-old sister from the Citizen. Spook realized he is now in a better position to make a difference and decided to help. He asked in return for ten men to help him dig the skulls from the fire where the Citizen had burned the prisoners days before. He found only nine skulls and understood Quellion was taking the Allomancers.
He bribed people to find the place where the executions would take place. It was another noble building and he understood they were built with passages which Quellion used to take the Allomancers out. He went in to save the people and under Ruin’s influence killed the soldiers. One of them though took the child as a hostage, causing Spook to ask the leaving prisoners to lock him down. Though he was able to beat the remaining soldier, even with Pewter he was unable to open the door. Thus, he had to jump out of the building, still in flames with the child in his arms. Breeze and his other friends were there and caused a riot to help him escape.
He convinced Sazed to reverse engineer the lake built by the Lord Ruler so he could bring a miracle into the city. Along with him surviving the flames, he expected to outcast Quellion and cause the people to rebel against him.
Because he liked Beldre, he went to see her again, asked her to join him, but she refused and started screaming. Later, she went to their hiding place and spoke on her brother’s behalf. Under Ruin’s influence with Kelsier’s voice, Spook took her captive spreading the rumor she had escaped her brother. He expected Quellion to attack. Spook and Beldre had another conversation later, where she confirmed her brother used to be a good man corrupted by power and Spook is bothered by the conversation, still with the encouragement of Ruin, he accepted the title of Survivor of the Flames and was happy with the attention.
>“*We won’t abandon the city, Sazed.*”
\-Spook to Sazed in the battle of Urteau[15]
The city was ready for a revolt, Quellion was about to do a hate speech against Spook. The latter killed the Citizen’s guards and fought him, looking for him to shoot coins and prove himself an Allomancer to complete the city’s hatred. Beldre got there and shoots Spook to save her brother. The City riots as they understood what she is and that their ruler had killed their noble blood family but not his sister. Spook felt betrayed and Kelsier’s voice pushed him to kill her and use her spike to get her power. The hate speech from Kelsier and the spike information helped him understand it was the spike at the first fire that had caused all this. Looking at Quellion, he correctly guessed he was being affected too. He took out Quellion's spike first and then his. He lost Pewter and was almost out of breath. He saw the city in flames and waited for the water to flood the city. Beldre confirmed she had killed the soldiers to escape and there was no one to flood the city. They went back along with Sazed and find the building in flames, they were about to return defeated when he heard Kelsier’s real voice, who said he had chosen him as his friend. Spook went into the burning building and as he had no more strength, he just threw his weight to the machine to get it moving and collapsed.
After Spook saved the city from destruction, while he was in a coma, Kelsier was able to communicate with him. He gave encouragement and praise, but mostly explained Vin had a spike and was hearing Ruin. Spook then wrote [[Spook's note|a message]] on a metal sheet saying "Don't trust anyone pierced by metal. Even the smallest bit can taint a man." [[Goradel|Goradel]] offered to take it to Vin, but was intercepted and killed by [[Marsh|Marsh]], who was under Ruin's control. However, just as Kelsier had intended all along, the note allowed Marsh to figure out that [[Vin's earring|Vin's earring]] was a spike and resist Ruin's control for long enough to rip the earring out.
### The Final Ascension and Aftermath
After the [[Final Ascension|Final Ascension]], Spook woke to the new world created by [[Sazed|Sazed]], and found the bodies of Vin and Elend, along with the [[Words of Founding|Words of Founding]]. [[Sazed|Sazed]] also left a special [[Sazed's note|note]] for him, telling Spook that he had tried to bring Vin and Elend back, but couldn't. It explained that he had healed the damage Spook had done to himself by flaring tin and had made Spook a Mistborn, and hinting at the existence of more Allomantic metals.
Shortly after the Catacendre, Spook began receiving instruction on how to be a king from Breeze and combat training with Ham. The other survivors insisted he have a nicer log house with two stories, which he thought of as a mansion and made him uncomfortable since everyone else has so little. Beldre also lived in that house with him. Spook was also something of a "stud" after the Final Ascension having over a dozen children.
>“*And you? What do you get from this?*”
\-Spook to Kelsier on working together to better understand the Metallic Arts[18]
Kelsier found a way to contact Spook in a dream and told him to forge an old Inquisitor spike into an earring. Spook managed to find a smith willing to do so and, against his better judgment, placed it on his ear. After that, he was able to see Kelsier because, between his broken mind and the Hemalurgic spike, he was able to see far enough into the [[Cognitive Realm|Cognitive Realm]]. Kelsier then convinced him that their ignorance of the [[Cosmere|cosmere]] has almost resulted in the destruction of Scadrial and that they needed to work together to learn about the principles of the cosmere. Kelsier also implied that they could try to find a way to give Spook [[Feruchemy|Feruchemy]], and thus the same powers the Lord Ruler had through [[Compounding|Compounding]], and that he wanted to find a way to return to the [[Physical Realm|Physical Realm]]. Likely as a result of these investigations, Spook wrote a book on [[Hemalurgy|Hemalurgy]] and was later known for having asked whether [[Harmony|Harmony]] had a God Metal.
According to [[Steris|Steris]], Spook ruled as an emperor for a century before stepping down from power, after which [[Elendel|Elendel]] was no longer supposed to exercise direct authority over the rest of the [[Elendel Basin|Elendel Basin]]. As a ruler, he built buildings for the poor trying to avoid the development of slums and enacted laws to give power to the common people like Elend wanted. He also exerted a personal influence on society; his Eastern street slang became known as [[High Imperial|High Imperial]] and was used for official documents. It appears he did not enjoy all of the duties associated with kingship, as he had Breeze write most of his speeches for him. In the book he wrote about Hemalurgy, he advised that creating Hemalurgic constructs is more trouble than it's worth, and argued that the old and sickly Metalborn should be used to create spikes to pass down the Metallic Arts. By 341 [[Catacendre|PC]], his abilities as a Mistborn had transformed him into a near-mythological figure and he was known as the "Lord Mistborn." It is uncertain whether he ended up dying after his reign, it is possible he used a method to extend his life past that of a normal human.
## Relationships
by paintweaver Spook and Kelsier post [[Catacendre|Catacendre]]
### Kelsier
Spook had a particular relationship with Kelsier, who named him Spook and gave him a spot in his crew. Although it was more of a favor to Clubs, Kelsier still cared for the boy, using the street slang in which he spoke in his conversations with him. After Kelsier’s death, much of Spook's efforts were to become someone that he would have been proud of, to the point where Ruin used this connection to manipulate Spook by using Kelsier's voice in his mind--a decision by the Shard at which Kelsier was furious.
After his death, Kelsier continued to follow Spook. In Urteau, when he almost lost himself to anger and Ruin, Kelsier sends him "Hope" messages which might have helped him get understanding and taking out his spike. Spook's exhaustion knocked him out and Kelsier held him with Preservation's power, encouraging him, and when Spook doubted his connection to Kelsier he reminded Spook on who had named him. He told Spook that if he, Spook, really wanted to be like Kelsier, to fight when he was beaten. Spook reacted at this and went to save the city. After Sazed's Ascension, Kelsier interceded for him with the Shard, asking him to fix Spook's body and make him a Mistborn. Once Spook had forged the first [[Pathian|Pathian]] earring, Kelsier was able to appear to him, and they began experimenting with Hemalurgy together.
### Vin
Vin liked Spook, though she considered him strange and young. Sensing her kindness, he gave her a pink handkerchief as the traditional gift a young man gives a lady that he wishes to seriously court, though she was not interested. After that, Spook was uncomfortable with Vin’s presence until they had a quick chat and she confessed she would always love Elend; he understood and even gave her good advice on using tin.
### Elend
Elend and Spook had a cautious relationship in the beginning as the former could sense the latter liked Vin, but they continue to grow fond of each other as they spend more and more time together. Elend later reinforces to Spook that he is not being dismissed and he is valued for his skills as a scout and Tineye.
### Sazed
>“*Faith... It means that there will always be a way*”
\-Spook to Sazed on worrying if they fail [51]
Spook and Sazed became closer during their time at Urteau. As Sazed became more depressed, Spook took over the leadership of the crew. Sazed, even though he suspected he was getting mistborn powers like burning pewter, grew to respect him more and more. Spook sought Sazed’s support with religion during the time he thought he could hear Kelsier. Sazed, on the other hand, was inspired by Spook to find his faith back. After Ascending, Sazed cured Spook of his tin savantism and made him a full Mistborn.
## Trivia
Spook is very loosely based on a person Brandon knew from the [[Timewasters Guide|Timewasters Guide]] forums. Zack, known as Gemm on the forums, sometimes posted random gibberish that, if looked at very closely, turned out to actually be rather poetic. This inspired Brandon to write a character who spoke with a dialect that had an interesting rhythm, yet was difficult to make out.
At one point, Spook existed in the [[Alcatraz|Alcatraz]] universe.
| Spook |
|by Ben McSweeney |
>“*No, this was impressive. A majestic city cut out of the starvin' ground.*”
\-Lift, when thinking about Yeddaw[1]
**Yeddaw** is a city in [[Tashikk|Tashikk]] on [[Roshar|Roshar]].
## Contents
1 Layout
2 History
3 Politics
4 Culture
5 Notable Residents
6 Notes
## Layout
Yeddaw's shape and appearance is very unusual because it is composed of hundreds of trenches cut into the ground by hired [[Shardblade|Shardblades]], the Imperial Shardblades of [[Azir|Azir]]. All inhabitants live inside of the trenches, but farming is done above the city in the spaces between trenches. These trenches have varying widths and make a spiral towards the center of the city, which has a large moundlike building that rises over the surface of the ground, called the [[Grand Indicium|Grand Indicium]]. All of the trenches are cut so that water drains out of the city during [[Highstorm|highstorms]], with the Grand Indicium being the highest central point from which the rest of the city slopes downward.
The city has many different sectors cut into it, the one most known currently is the immigrant quarter. The immigrant quarter is a slum-like area of the city where the poor live, and it is implied that the area surrounding it has lower property values by proximity. Many of the homes in this sector are wooden and raised on stilts to avoid the runoff during storms.
The inhabitants of the city are known for trading in information as a form of currency.
## History
Yeddaw is a relatively new city, having been created only 100 years prior to the [[Everstorm|Everstorm]].
Around the time of the Everstorm, [[Lift|Lift]] visits Yeddaw whilst following [[Nale|Nale]].
## Politics
The city is locally controlled by a prince. While not much is known currently, the prince has enough authority to issue special operatives and empower the local [[Skybreakers|Skybreakers]] to react to crimes however they see fit, as well as declare a state of emergency immediately followed by all inhabitants. He was also capable of turning out the [[Parshman|Parshman]] slaves into the coming [[Everstorm|Everstorm]].
## Culture
Yeddaw is known for pancakes that are eaten during the [[Weeping|Weeping]]. The pancakes are called "Sun Day" cakes for unknown reasons, and they are eaten everywhere in the city, from shanties in alleyways to the Grand Indicium. There are said to be ten varieties of pancakes, although one of them is not physically made but is simply thought about in dedication to [[Tashi|Tashi]].
When [[Lift|Lift]] visits Yeddaw, she tries to eat all of the varieties of pancakes in the city. She identifies them as follows:
## Notable Residents
For a full list see, see :Category:Residents of Yeddaw.
| Yeddaw |
|**Died**|[[Battle of the Tower|Battle of the Tower]], Tanatashev 1173|
|**Groups**|[[Bridge Four|Bridge Four]], Sadeas army|
|**Residence**|[[Warcamp|The Alethi warcamps]]|
|**Introduced In**|*The Way of Kings*|
**Earless Jaks** was a member of [[Bridge Four|Bridge Four]] on [[Roshar|Roshar]]. He was killed during the [[Battle of the Tower|Battle of the Tower]].
## Contents
1 Appearance and Personality
2 Attributes and Abilities
3 History
4 Trivia
5 Notes
## Appearance and Personality
Like many of the other Bridge Four members, Earless Jaks did not take kindly to [[Kaladin|Kaladin]]’s leadership at first, and was openly hostile towards him. He gained respect for Kaladin over time, becoming a willing part of the team.
## Attributes and Abilities
Jaks had some level of artistic ability, as he was chosen to paint designs on carapace armor designed by [[Leyten|Leyten]].
## History
It is not known how Jaks became a bridgeman or how he lost his ears—in fact, it is not clear if he was actually earless, or if it was just a nickname.
When Kaladin got the squad assigned to stone gathering duty (while secretly gathering [[Knobweed|knobweed]] sap), Earless Jaks approached him with [[Dunny|Dunny]], towing a wooden sled bearing a large stone. As they loaded the boulder into the wagon, Earless Jaks scowled at Kaladin. When Kaladin complimented him, Earless Jaks just glared at him and stalked off. His contempt for Kaladin continued during chasm duty, joining in when [[Sigzil|Sigzil]] and [[Moash|Moash]] gibed the bridgeleader.
>“*He cares about looking important. Even if he was in the army, I’ll bet he spent his days cleaning out latrines.*”
\-Earless Jaks taunting Kaladin during chasm duty[3]
After Kaladin performed an advanced kata, Earless Jaks was presumably among the bridgemen who gained a newfound respect for Kaladin. He questioned Kaladin's plan to escape the warcamps, but was presumably among the bridgemen who agreed to learn how to fight after realizing that there was no good alternative. After Bridge Four secured [[Parshendi|Parshendi]] carapaces and Leyten fashioned armor from them, Earless Jaks purchased blue and white paint and drew designs on the new armor.
Jaks died in the [[Battle of the Tower|Battle of the Tower]] alongside [[Malop|Malop]] and [[Narm|Narm]]. Kaladin lamented that he couldn’t save the three of them, although he tried his best to focus on the fact that the others had survived.
[[Kaladin|Kaladin]] remembered him along with [[Malop|Malop]], [[Beld|Beld]], [[Pedin|Pedin]], [[Rod (Roshar)|Rod]], [[Mart|Mart]], [[Goshel|Goshel]], [[Nalma|Nalma]], [[Dallet|Dallet]] and the squad, and [[Tien|Tien]] while trying, and failing, to say the [[Immortal Words|Fourth Ideal]] of the [[Windrunners|Windrunners]]. Kaladin remembered failing Jaks and other members of Bridge Four when [[Moash|Moash]] confronted him in [[Toralin Roshone|Toralin Roshone's]] manor.
## Trivia
Some early versions of *The Way of Kings* had a typo that spelled his name as "Earless Jacks".
| Jaks |
|**Rust Banks**|
|**Region**|[[Blackened Lands|Blackened Lands]]|
The **Rust Banks** are an area of land, south of the [[Uls Karkun|Uls Karkun]] mountain range in the [[Blackened Lands|Blackened Lands]]. The [[Backflow|Backflow]] river runs along both sides of the Rust Banks, joining in the south and continuing on to [[Pitch|Pitch]] and beyond.
| Rust Banks |
|by TalnFan |
|**Abilities**|[[Cytonics|Cytonics]], mimicry|
|**Introduced In**|*Sunreach*|
This page or section needs to be updated with new information for *Sunreach*, *ReDawn*, and *Evershore*!Be aware that in its current state, it may not include all additional content yet.
**Gill** is a hyperslug [[Taynix|taynix]] that [[Jorgen|Jorgen]] discovers in a cavern on [[Detritus|Detritus]] along with several other taynix. Gill is of the yellow and blue variety of taynix, meaning he can use his [[Cytonics|Cytonic]] abilities to teleport. Gill is the first taynix besides [[Doomslug|Doomslug]] that [[Freyja Marten|FM]] ever sees, and at first she mistakes Gill for Doomslug.
Gill has blue markings down the side of his face that almost look like gills, which leads to FM naming him Gill. Gill has a quieter voice than Doomslug, at least some of the time.
Gill teleports out of his crate many times, at one point teleporting right in the middle of [[Cobb|Admiral Cobb]]’s holoprojection. Gill goes with [[Skyward Flight|Skyward Flight]] on their rescue mission to [[Sunreach (station)|Sunreach]]. With Jorgen’s direction, Gill uses his cytonic abilities to teleport into [[Sadie|Sadie]]’s starfighter and bring her into the station, saving her.
| Gill |
|**Setting**|[[Nalthis|Nalthis]], [[Cosmere|Cosmere]]|
*Nightblood* is the working title for the sequel to *Warbreaker*. It is currently on hold, and probably the [[Cosmere|cosmere]] book most in jeopardy of not being written, besides maybe a Threnody novel. It probably will have to wait for the [[Elantris trilogy|Elantris trilogy]], Mistborn Era 3, and potentially Stormlight Archive 6 to be written, as those projects are consuming much of Brandon's time.
At one point, Brandon was planning on publicly releasing drafts as he wrote, as he did with Warbreaker, though it is unclear if that is still the case.
It will not feature all the characters from Warbreaker; the original plan was to center the story on [[Vasher|Vasher]], [[Vivenna|Vivenna]], [[Nightblood|Nightblood]] and further develop their characters. Characters like [[Susebron|Susebron]] and [[Sisirinah|Siri]] may get some updates, but would not be the focus of the book. Brandon also plans to introduce new characters; a recent outline also includes a married couple that, for political reasons, acts like they hate each other.
The book would focus heavily on the story of the [[Five Scholars|Five Scholars]], including how Vasher became cosmere aware and travelled to Roshar, as well as his history with Denth. Vasher and Vivenna would be attempting to stop [[Yesteel|Yesteel]], who recently learned how to create [[Awakening|Awakened]] [[Shardblade|Shardblades]] and attempted to start a second [[Manywar|Manywar]]. [[Jewels|Jewels]] and [[Clod|Clod]] might join him, while [[Tonk Fah|Tonk Fah]] could feature, but would likely go in his own direction.
There are several questions about Nalthis and its magic that Brandon has mentioned addressing in the book, including the origin of the [[Idrian|Idrian]] royal family, how other regions of Nalthis interact with Returned, and how Vasher suppressed his divine Breath.
Chronologically, it should be the cosmere book that immediately precedes *The Way of Kings* and should help explain how Nightblood got to [[Roshar|Roshar]], though Vasher's arrival on Roshar will occur between this book and *The Way of Kings*.
| Nightblood book |
|**Type**|[[Splinter|Splinter]]s of [[Virtuosity|Virtuosity]]|
|**Used for**|bound spirits, [[Hion|hion]]|
|**World of Origin**|[[Komashi|Komashi]]|
The **primal hijo**, also known as **primal spirits**, or simply as **hijo**, are [[Splinter|Splinters]] of [[Virtuosity|Virtuosity]] found on [[Komashi|Komashi]]. They naturally reside underground, and are attracted by thoughts, emotions, and artistic expressions. They can be bound by a [[Yoki-hijo|yoki-hijo]] into useful tools and devices, or be utilized to produce and supply [[Hion|hion]].
## Contents
1 Appearance
2 Behavior
2.1 Boons
3 Uses
3.1 Bound Spirits
3.2 Hion
4 History
5 Notes
## Appearance
Hijo typically take on a teardrop-shaped form roughly the size of a person's head. They glow brightly like molten metal with a swirl of red and blue colors. They have no eyes or other discernible features, though they do seem to sense their surroundings and are able to speak audibly and telepathically. Bound hijo do not speak. The spirits which are bound to the [[Father machine|father machine]] have an ice-like appearance, and undulate to an inaudible rhythm.
## Behavior
by TheNerdyAlchemist
The hijo are related to Komashi's strange geothermal activity, apparently being directly responsible for the intense heating of the ground in the region of [[Torio|Torio]]. Their level of activity seems to vary somewhat. They are especially active every thirteenth year during the [[Festival of Reveals|Festival of Reveals]].
Primal spirits are attracted to human thoughts and emotions expressed through art, in accordance with the Intent of Virtuosity. Many different forms of art can attract their attention, though not all are known to do so. Though painting appears to be one of them, it could indeed draw Hijo, and it is simply the commodification of the art through [[Painter|Painters]], which minimizes the pure artistry of painting, which causes it to fail to draw Hijo. A musical performance such as a rock concert, for example, could summon spirits. In Torio, a yoki-hijo stacking stones was known to be the best way to attract the spirits. Following their freedom from the [[Father machine|father machine]], the hijo have also shown interest in historical dramas and perhaps other [[Hion viewer|hion viewer]] programs. Some locations prove better for attracting the spirits than others, such as a [[Place of ritual|place of ritual]], but they can be attracted elsewhere.
According to [[Yumi|Yumi]], yoki-hijo must typically create twenty stacks of approximately thirty stones each in order to summon the spirits, though smaller stacks are also sufficient if they have increased complexity.
### Boons
Stories speak of the spirits granting boons, which are always associated with adventure. In practice there is little direct contact between spirits and humans aside from the yoki-hijo and so the truth of these stories is difficult to discern. One spirit is able to create a unique [[Connection|Connection]] between Yumi and [[Nikaro|Nikaro]], however, suggesting the spirits are perhaps capable of these mythological abilities.
Hijo are able to form a Spiritual Connection between two individuals and have them swap bodies with each other. Those linked will swap bodies every day, where one is in control of the other's body while the other is a Cognitive Shadow. Despite seeing themselves as normal, those around them will see and feel the other person's body. If a person is highly Invested, they can instead rewrite the other's body to match their form instead. While linked, they will understand each other's languages. They may also share certain abilities, such as the abilities of a yoki-hijo.
The process takes a strong physical toll, and requires them to sleep much more than a normal human would. While the two are with one body, the other will sleep. The amount of sleep needed lessens with time before averaging to roughly twelve hours asleep per day. When the two make physical contact, they will feel a rush of emotions and heat from each other, further Connecting their souls.
When a Cognitive Shadow, they cannot normally be seen or heard, and will pass through most objects and people. This is affected by their perception, and they may be able to interact with certain objects or the souls of objects with practice. They are also protected from having their memories manipulated. The Cognitive Shadow cannot move more than a few yards away from the other person, but this can be extended.
This Connection can be forcibly severed, causing the two to no longer swap bodies. Despite this, their Connection will still be linked, and they will be able to speak telepathically and feel each other's emotions.
## Uses
The people of Komashi rely on the hijo for their ways of life, and are able to use these spirits in several ways.
### Bound Spirits
When a yoki-hijo summons a spirit, they may request that the spirit be bound into some device or tool. They do this by offering, along with their artwork, a measure of their own Investiture, and mentally projecting an idea of what they wish the spirit to become. If this is not done properly, the spirit may become confused or be frightened off. If successful, the stack of stones becomes strengthened, and the spirit transforms. The scholars of the [[Institute of Mechanical Solutions|Institute of Mechanical Solutions]] are able to bind spirits by showing them pictures of the things they wish them to become.
Bound spirits typically take on either a stone or metal form, and always seem to be divided into two parts. Spirits typically remain bound for five to ten years. In general, the more spirits that are bound in a session, the longer all of them will last. Spirits bound by the prototype machine are generally smaller, seem to have operational issues much sooner, and may not remain bound as long. This is likely due to the machine consuming a portion of the spirit's own Investiture in order to operate.
Common types of bound spirits include:
### Hion
With some measure of human intervention, the spirits are able to produce and power the hion lines which sustain modern life on Komashi. The original hion lines are produced by the machine, which harvests the Investiture of the hijo to create hion lines emerging from the ground. After the father machine is destroyed, some hijo voluntarily continue to power these hion lines.
## History
In Yumi's time, the hijo were considered essential for human civilization in Torio because the bound spirits were vital tools necessary for survival. Accordingly, the spirits, as well as the yoki-hijo who summoned them and bound them, were greatly revered.
When the father machine was activated, all of the known spirits on Komashi were bound to that device. They congregated around the machine and were unable to leave it for approximately 1700 years. During this time, the surface of the planet cooled and the machine used their energy to produce hion. At one point, some spirits managed to escape and contact residents of [[Futinoro|Futinoro]], in an event which would come to be known among the scholars as "the [[Incident|Incident]]". A few decades later, Yumi was able to free another spirit, which granted her Connection to Nikaro and ultimately enabled the yoki-hijo to destroy the machine and free the hijo.
Freedom of the hijo caused the surface of Komashi to heat up once more, but only to a lesser extent as the spirits voluntarily supplied some of their power to continue supplying hion in response to hion viewer dramas.
| Hijo |
|**New Natanan**|
|by User: SaleSVQ|
|**Nation**|New Natanan |
This page or section contains spoilers for *Wind and Truth*!This information has the ability to potentially ruin elements of the plot for the reader. Proceed with caution if you have not read this book.
This page or section needs to be updated with new information for *Wind and Truth*!Be aware that in its current state, it may not include all additional content yet.
>“* [Au-nak] represented a dead kingdom that had been reduced to a single city-state on the eastern coast of Roshar with a few other cities as protectorates.*”
\- Navani on Au-nak and New Natanan[1]
**New Natanan** is a city-state on [[Roshar|Roshar]] whose power extends to a few surrounding settlements. The people of Natanan are called the **Natan**.
## Contents
1 Location and Geography
2 History
3 Culture
3.1 People
3.2 Vorinism
3.3 Accent
4 Politics
5 Notable citizens
6 Notes
## Location and Geography
New Natanan is the easternmost city of the Rosharan continent. It lies on the shores of the [[Ocean of Origins|Ocean of Origins]], on a large peninsula jutting out of the [[Frostlands|Frostlands]], a sparsely-populated and mostly lawless region in the south-east. New Natanan's position makes it the first settlement to be hit by an arriving [[Highstorm|highstorm]] as it comes on land. The news of a stormwall are sent out to other kingdoms from there via [[Spanreed|spanreeds]].
There have been several attempts in the past to find a river passage between [[Alethkar|Alethkar]] and New Natanan, one of which resulted in the discovery of the [[Parshendi|Parshendi]] by Alethi explorers. However, so far it appears that the only way to access the country is either by a land caravan or by sea.
## History
For New Natanan's progenitor state, see [[Natanatan|Natanatan]].
The region New Natanan now lies in was once part of the [[Silver Kingdoms|Silver Kingdom]] of [[Natanatan|Natanatan]], with its capital in [[Stormseat|Stormseat]]. Following the catastrophe that created the [[Shattered Plains|Shattered Plains]], the country slowly fell apart, until it was reduced to a single settlement -- New Natanan.
By the [[War of Reckoning|War of Reckoning]], New Natanan had become a valuable trade hub as the biggest city on the eastern coast. Prior to the war, Dalinar had taken a small force through it to claim the Shattered Plains for the Kholins. Within a few years, the Natan had an ambassador, [[Au-nak|Au-nak]], in the Alethi warcamps. [[Jasnah|Jasnah]] and [[Shallan|Shallan's]] ship was sunk on its way to the city, as it was from there that caravans travelled to the Plains.
When the [[Everstorm|Everstorm]] first appeared, New Natanan was the first major city to be struck by it, although [[Dalinar|Dalinar]] and [[Navani|Navani]] tried to warn its people of the new storm. Though its uncertain whether they believed the message, the Natan confirmed the existence of the Everstorm to the [[Thaylen|Thaylen]] after it had passed over them.
Though Dalinar invited New Natanan into his coalition, they were initially coy, playing for time. However, they agreed to join after king [[Taravangian|Taravangian]] brought [[Jah Keved|Jah Keved]] and [[Kharbranth|Kharbranth]] into the alliance. From then, the Natan ambassador to the Alethi became the city-state's representative in [[Urithiru|Urithiru]].
## Culture
### People
The Natan people have pale blue skin, wooly white hair, and wide noses. A local myth claims that this is the result of an ancient Natan queen, [[Tsa|Tsa]], having children with the blue moon, [[Nomon|Nomon]]. In reality, their odd skin tone comes from the Natan being part-humans and part-[[Siah Aimian|Siah Aimians]]. This mixed ancestry gives them a some other benefits, although what they are is uncertain.
Some Natan dye their hair, though only a few locks of it, in vivid colours, such as dark red, possibly to denote some kind of rank or social status. Their names have several forms, including the common one and a high one - for example, a high form of the name [[Au-nak|Au-nak]] is Nak-ali.
### Vorinism
The Natan are largely [[Vorin|Vorin]], although their particular variety of Vorinism differs from what is practiced elsewhere. In addition to worshipping the [[Almighty|Almighty]] and the [[Herald|Heralds]], the Natan appear to revere the moons, with Nomon as the most important. Some [[Alethi|Alethi]] [[Ardent|ardents]] consider the Natan to be almost pagan, and sometimes question how devout they really are when out of the sight of "proper" Vorins. Nonetheless, New Natanan is considered one of the important Vorin states by the high-ranking church officials, and their religious leaders are included in any discussion regarding the doctrine.
Apart from the religion, the Natan follow at least some Vorin customs. The leaders of New Natanan have occasionally claimed the first [[Dahn|dahn]], the highest rank a Vorin [[Lighteyes|lighteyes]] can hold. Their language belongs to the Vorin family, same as the Alethi and [[Veden|Veden]], although it is noted as dying out, implying many, if not most Natan don't actually speak it.
### Accent
The New Natanan accent is described as airy, elongating the low and midvowels in their words. It is unclear how prevalent this accent is outside of New Natanan
## Politics
Despite being one of Roshar's smallest nations, New Natanan holds great political importance in the region. It's the largest city on the shores of the [[Ocean of Origins|Ocean of Origins]]. As such, any ships sailing through it stop there to rest and resupply, and there's always trade happening. New Natanan is also important for predicting the [[Highstorm|highstorms]], as it supplies the other states with information on any new one making landfall.
Additionally, the city provides the easiest way to reach the [[Shattered Plains|Shattered Plains]], with numerous caravans traveling between it and the Alethi warcamps. New Natanan's importance extends even to the matters military -- any force holding the city would find it an excellent staging ground for an invasion of the Plains. The Natan are well-aware of all this, and have sent an ambassador to the warcamps on the Plains to curry favour with the Alethi lighteyes.
The Natan claim to be the inheritors of the ancient [[Natanatan|Natanatan]], and believe that they should be in charge of the Oathgate in [[Stormseat|Stormseat]], Natanatan's ancient capital. However, they do not possess enough political or military power to enforce this claim.
## Notable citizens
[[Au-nak|Au-nak]] is a Natan ambassador to [[Alethkar|Alethkar]].
| New Natanan |
|**Edmund Sense**|
|by Jamie Knierim |
|**Homeworld**|[[Earth (Reckoners)|Earth (Reckoners)]]|
|**Introduced In**|*Steelheart*|
This article or section needs several citationsPlease add references to chapters or other sources which explain these facts
**Edmund Sense**, also known as the [[Epic|Epic]] **Conflux**, is commonly believed to be a member of [[Steelheart (Epic)|Steelheart's]] inner circle and the chief of [[Enforcement|Enforcement]]. In reality he is a prisoner.
Because he routinely gives his powers away and has voluntarily confronted his weakness, Edmund is not very susceptible to [[Calamity (Epic)|Calamity's]] corrupting influence. He is a gentle, timid man whose first concern is usually self-preservation and who deeply dislikes conflict.
## Attributes and Abilities
## History
Shortly after becoming an Epic, Edmund accidentally killed his wife, Sara, by electrifying a metal countertop she was touching while attempting to use his powers to warm a frozen burrito. Within a month after becoming an Epic, he was kidnapped and enslaved by an Epic named Bastion. Bastion wanted to wield Edmund's powers for himself and was very displeased by the discovery that Edmund could not transfer his powers to other Epics. Bastion then sold Edmund to another Epic, Insulation, whom he served for an unknown amount of time. About four years after the rise of Calamity, Edmund found himself in the custody of Steelheart, who required him to gift his powers to Enforcement and charge power cells to provide the city with electricity. To hide the fact that he was using a powerful Epic as a slave, which would contradict the principles on which Newcago supposedly operated, Steelheart put it about that the Epic Conflux was the leader of Enforcement and that he was simply reclusive and cautious enough not to wish to be seen in public. Edmund served Steelheart for many years. Steelheart was aware that Edmund's weakness was being in the presence of a dog and sometimes forced him to be near them for no apparent reason, possibly to instill fear in Edmund and guard against his own weakness. At some point, however, Edmund willingly risked being attacked by a dog in order to protect the young daughter of one of his guards from it, which reduced the effectiveness of his weakness.
About eleven years after the rise of Calamity, the Reckoners attempted to assassinate Conflux, whom they believed to be the head of Enforcement, as part of their larger plan to bring down Steelheart and his regime. In the process, they discovered Edmund, tied up and gagged in the trunk of the limo they believed Conflux was riding inside. They took him prisoner and questioned him, and he revealed to them the true nature of his role in Newcago.
After the Reckoners killed Steelheart, Edmund became an employee of the Newcago provisional government and continued to provide power for the city. When [[Jonathan Phaedrus|Jonathan Phaedrus]] was corrupted a year later, Cody and Abraham took Edmund to a safe house outside of Newcago to hide from him. [[David Charleston|David Charleston]], who was serving as leader of the Reckoners at the time, invited him to join the surviving Reckoners in [[Ildithia|Ildithia]], but Edmund declined, preferring to stay out of danger. He asked David to give him up to another powerful Epic who would be able to protect him, but David refused.
| Edmund Sense |
|by Greg Call |
|**Related to**|[[Alethkar|Alethkar]], [[Jah Keved|Jah Keved]], [[Kharbranth|Kharbranth]], [[New Natanan|New Natanan]], [[Thaylenah|Thaylenah]], [[Herdaz|Herdaz]]|
|**World of Origin**|[[Roshar|Roshar]]|
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This page or section needs to be updated with new information for *Rhythm of War* and *Wind and Truth*!Be aware that in its current state, it may not include all additional content yet.
by User: SaleSVQ **Vorin nations**. In dark red the nations where Vorinism plays a more prevalent role.
**Vorinism** is a monotheistic religion that is practiced primarily in Eastern [[Roshar|Roshar]], that comprises the collective spiritual, cultural, and legal traditions of several ethnic groups and states, collectively known as the Vorin Kingdoms. Vorinism is most prevalent in [[Alethkar|Alethkar]], [[Jah Keved|Jah Keved]], [[Kharbranth|Kharbranth]], [[Herdaz|Herdaz]], [[New Natanan|New Natanan]] and [[Thaylenah|Thaylenah]], and becomes less common further west.
Vorinism is based on belief in one god, known as the [[Almighty|Almighty]], who created the world and mankind within it, and the Ten [[Herald|Heralds]] whom he anointed as his emissaries and protectors of mankind, and in their eternal fight against the [[Voidbringers|Voidbringers]].
Vorinism remains culturally and doctrinally diverse concerning many aspects of their faith, with different nations and ethnic groups forming their own religious movements and branches. The creeds of various Vorin denominations generally hold in common the belief in the Almighty and the Heralds, though tend to vary in their gender norms and whether or not they believe the Almighty to be the only god, amongst other factors.
Vorinism flourished in eastern Roshar, becoming the primary faith in the area.
## Contents
1 Etymology
2 Beliefs
2.1 The Almighty
2.1.1 Euhemerism
2.2 The Heralds
2.2.1 List of Heralds
2.3 The Voidbringers
2.3.1 Folklore
2.4 Knights Radiant
2.5 Dawnsingers
2.6 Dawnshards
2.7 Gender
2.8 Life After Death
2.9 Belief in Symmetry
2.9.1 Importance of Opposites
2.10 Temples
2.11 Prayer
2.12 Oathgates
2.13 Social Hierarchy
2.14 Sacred Numerology
3 Cosmology and Spiritualism
3.1 Three-world cosmology
3.1.1 Tranquiline Halls
3.1.2 Roshar
3.1.3 Damnation
3.2 Ten Essences and Surges
3.3 Aspects of Being
3.3.1 The Body
3.3.2 The Soul
4 Religious texts
4.1 Hermeneutics
5 Moral Teachings
5.1 Good and Evil
5.2 Calling
5.3 Glory
5.3.1 Known Glories
5.4 Transformation and Change
5.5 Telling the Future
5.6 Oaths and Marriage
5.7 Sex and Sexuality
6 Mythology
6.1 Creation Myth and the Expulsion
6.2 The Desolations and the Recreance
7 Branches and Varieties
7.1 Herdazian Vorinism
7.2 Natan Vorinism
7.3 Thaylen Vorinism
8 Culture
8.1 Law
8.1.1 The Right of Travel
8.1.2 The Right to Learn
8.1.3 The Right of Challenge
9 Priesthood
9.1 Slavery
9.2 Spiritual Guidance
9.2.1 Proselytization
9.3 Soulcasting
9.4 Devotaries
10 History
10.1 Origins and Old Vorinism
10.2 Hierocracy: Rise
10.3 Hierocracy: Fall and Aftermath
10.4 Present and Future
11 Notable Members
11.1 The Ardentia
11.2 Lay members
12 Trivia
13 Notes
## Etymology
Vorinism is named after an important figure in the history of the faith known for putting together the various tenets and writings of the faith into an organized religion.
## Beliefs
### The Almighty
For more on The Almighty, see Honor#Influence.
In Vorin religion, people believe in the **Almighty**, the force of good and creator of mankind and the Dawnsingers, along with animals and plantlife and Roshar itself. All things are said to exist because of him, and his existence is held to be axiomatic.
The Almighty is thought to be uncreated, all-powerful, omniscient and all-seeing, immortal, omnibenevolent, and all-loving. The glory of Almighty is held to be as such that anyone looking upon him would immediately burn to ash. As such, he is typically represented by the divine prism with ten facets, one for each of the Heralds. He is also represented with the Double Eye of the Almighty, which represents him and the world itself. These appear to be a manifestation of .
The Almighty is believed to be able to see into the future, this is typically seen as deeply immoral and as a manifestation of Voidbinding, but the Almighty is held as the exception to this rule. Thus he is the only being allowed to divine the future.
The Almighty is believed to have ten holy names; including his tenth name, Elithanathile or *He who Transforms*; which is allowed only to be spoken by members of the Ardentia.
It is believed that the Almighty exists within all people, and all things. Made up of an indestructible substance. Due to this, some ardents argue that all people are aspects of the Almighty.
Adherents of Vorinism believe that the Almighty is also responsible for sorting out the dead and deciding on their afterlife. To achieve the results one desires, one has to pick a Calling - a purpose in life - and a Glory, an aspect of the Almighty that one strives to emulate. It is believed these talents are granted to one by the Almighty himself, and it is taught that capitalizing and progressing in these talents is the most fundamental way to worship him. He is believed to accept the excellence of all men and women, regardless of what they do.
He is associated with positive change and transformation, ideas held to be sacred in the Vorin religion. It is believed he used the power of change to create the world, and that he gifted mankind their ability to change and grow on a physical, spiritual, and psychological level. He and his decrees are believed to be the determining factor in what is considered good and moral.
Authority is believed to be rooted in connection and closeness to the Almighty, thus, lighteyed individuals claim that they are closer to the Almighty than the darkeyed, and thus are holier than them and have the authority to rule over them. Kings are also thought to have their authority rooted in a divine mandate from the Almighty.
The Almighty is prayed to via burned Glyphwards. It is believed that, by burning the prayer, they send its soul to the Almighty so that it may be heard and acted upon.
The Almighty, like many things in Vorinism, is associated with the number ten, as seen in his ten holy names, the ten Heralds he anointed as his emissaries, and the ten faceted crystal used in his aniconic representations.
Some people are known to conflate the Stormfather with the Almighty, though this is not universally accepted doctrine.
#### Euhemerism
The Almighty is ultimately based on the Shard [[Honor|Honor]]. Some ardents have tried to reconceptualize their faith after learning of Honor's death, interpreting Honor as merely being an aspect of the Almighty through which He revealed himself, although this position remains heterodox and heretical to more orthodox Vorinism.
by Greg Call Artistic representation of a Desolation.
### The Heralds
The **Heralds** were believed to be forces of good which fought against the Voidbringers in one-hundred Desolations, and helped to teach and protect mankind after the Expulsion. After the hundredth Desolation, the Last Desolation or Aharietiam, they cast away the Voidbringers from Roshar forever. But they continue to fight against them in the Tranquiline Halls, in order to liberate the Halls from them.
Each Herald is an emissary of the Almighty, wielding potent magical powers, as well as the ability to respond to prayers and patronage over a specific part of human experience. Vorinism typically places [[Jezrien|Jezrien]] and [[Kalak|Kalak]] as the highest among the Heralds, with others beneath them. Occasionally, either of them are conflated with the [[Stormfather|Stormfather]], who in turn is commonly equated with the Almighty himself, although this depends on the particular Vorin country.
Each Herald is taught to hold immense power granted to them by the Almighty, and held Honorblades instead of Shardblades. They are also thought to have conferred teachings and wisdom to mankind, and are considered to be wise beyond human measure. They led the Knights Radiant before the Knights betrayed mankind during the Recreance.
The Honorblades are held to be sacred treasures in Vorinism, spoken of alongside the [[Dawnshard|Dawnshards]].
#### List of Heralds
### The Voidbringers
The **Voidbringers** are taught to be the polar opposite of the Almighty, forged in Damnation by the cosmere itself, to act as a balancing force of evil to his goodness. They are said to have cast humanity out of the Tranquiline Halls and to Roshar, and they tried to cast humanity even out of Roshar. They are claimed to still live in the Tranquiline Halls, where the Heralds lead the souls of the fallen against them in the War for Heaven. The Voidbringer incursions onto Roshar are known as the Desolations.
While it is taught that the Voidbringers left Damnation and inhabit the Tranquiline Halls, it is also taught that they exist within Damnation to torture the souls of the damned. Some Vorins have pointed out the contradiction inherent in these teachings.
They are said to be led by the [[Unmade|Unmade]]. Who are able to watch humanity, and effect their lives. Therefore Vorin people have formed superstitions about what they believe brings the eyes of the Unmade upon them. It is disagreed upon how many Unmade exist, some stories speak of ten, others of nine, but they are often fused into a singular entity within Vorinism.
#### Folklore
Voidbringers appear not only in theology, but are also prevalent in folklore. Some folk tales in rural areas teach of them as being mischievous beings who steal from the unlucky and punish the foolish; whilst others teach of them disguising themselves as wary travelers, and killing whoever takes them into their home. People in more urban areas speak of them invading the hearts of men and forcing them to do terrible things. They are sometimes conflated with the Lost Radiants. Orthodox Vorinism, however, disagrees with these notions and asserts that the Voidbringers no longer exist on Roshar.
### Knights Radiant
The **Knights Radiant** are said to have been an organization formed by the Heralds in order to fight the Voidbringers and protect humanity. However, they are taught to have eventually turned to evil after the Last Desolation in the event known as the Recreance, in which they abandoned their duties and left humanity behind. Due to this, they are reviled as traitors to mankind and struck with the moniker of the **Lost Radiants**. They are said to have been cursed by the Almighty due to this betrayal.
Shardblades are said to be taken from the Lost Radiants after they abandoned their duty. The Shardblades themselves do not appear to be considered cursed by the actions of their previous owners, and are still held in high regard amongst religious Vorins and even ardents.
### Dawnsingers
The **Dawnsingers** are an ancient race said to have been created by the Almighty and sent to Roshar has healers, to care for mankind after the Expulsion. They are thought of as a type of spren. Ardents reject the idea that the Dawnsingers created the Dawncities or the Veil, though such theories are popular amongst more lay members of the faith.
It is taught that both glyphs and letters are from the Dawnsingers.
### Dawnshards
For more information on the Dawnshards, see [[Dawnshards|Dawnshards]].
The **Dawnshards** make up a part of Vorin faith and mythology, with them being described as a mythological treasure comparable to the Honorblades. They do not appear to give much elaboration upon what they believe the Dawnshards to be, with no modern sources being discovered relating to their nature. They appear to have been significantly more important to the faith during its earlier eras.
### Gender
They believe that men and women have specific stations in life, and must follow a strict set of gender norms.
Ardents are considered effectively genderless from a social perspective, and thus they can engage in the norms of either recognized gender. Though they ultimately tend to be societally pushed to follow their assigned gender.
It is unclear how essential they believe gender to be.
### Life After Death
Those who grow to be the very best at their Calling are chosen to join the Heralds in the fight to regain the Tranquiline Halls when they die. Their particular afterlife differs depending on the Calling -- those who were the very best at farming become farmers for the Heralds, those who are the greatest at battle are chosen to fight beside the Heralds, etc. Depending on what your calling was in life, you would receive powers in the afterlife. A farmer would be able to cause whole fields of crops to grow with a single gesture, a spearman could create thunder with his shield and lightning from his spear.
The Heraldic Forces were believed to be the army of the [[Herald|Heralds]] that fought the [[Voidbringer|Voidbringers]] for the [[Tranquiline Halls|Tranquiline Halls]] in what was called the War for Heaven. It was said that the sound of a horn would call the Heraldic Forces to the field of battle. Joining the Heraldic forces was the considered to be highest Calling of men.
Those who do not achieve their greatest potential are stuck in a dreamless sleep until the Halls are reconquered, while those who do horrible things are cast into Damnation.
What passes into the afterlife is said to be the mind, with the spirit returning to the divine essence from which it was formed. Abition is said to be the separation between the three aspects of being; the mind, spirit, and body.
They appear to have some awareness of the Spiritual Realm, but conflate it with the afterlife.
### Belief in Symmetry
Symmetry is considered holy in Vorinism. Among others, [[Glyph|glyphs]] are shaped symmetrically, [[Silver Kingdoms|Silver Kingdoms]] have perfectly symmetrical names, the heralds have symmetric names, and many people's names are close to symmetrical. However, people who have names that are actually symmetric are looked down on as "too holy" and therefore blasphemous. Even the Double Eye of the Almighty, which represents the Almighty and the world itself, is designed with two-fold symmetry.
#### Importance of Opposites
This belief in symmetry also extends to a metaphysical dimension. Vorinism teaches that, as the Almighty and his goodness exists, so too must an opposite force as evil as he is good. It is this necessity for symmetry that led to the birth of the Voidbringers as a rival evil to his good. The belief in opposites can also be seen in the dichotomy between the Tranquiline Hills and Damnation.
### Temples
Traditional Vorin temples are circular and domed, with a sloping mound in the center. Usually, the dome is exactly ten feet tall at its highest point. They are often filled with statues and pictures of the Heralds. A major city is expected to have a separate temple for each Herald. Additionally, wealthy lighteye families will often have private chapels, and the ardentia maintains monasteries throughout the continent. Such monasteries, like [[Jokasha Monastery|Jokasha]], are often seen as highly desirable postings, with many ardents working decades to get into one.
### Prayer
Vorin pray through [[Glyphward|glyphwards]], prayers written in glyphs, typically on a strip of paper, calling on the Almighty and, sometimes, one or more of the Heralds. They are typically burned to carry the soul of the prayer to the Almighty.
In higher classes of [[Alethkar|Alethkar]], much of the religious observation falls to the priesthood, the [[Ardent|Ardentia]], rather than the lighteyes themselves. The ardents in the employ of a lighteye are supposed to perform the required rituals for their master, so that the lighteyes do not have to worry about the spiritual aspect of their lives.
### Oathgates
The original purpose of the [[Oathgate|Oathgates]] has been lost to time, though they are still considered sacred. In the present day, it's believed that the eleven lamps stand for the ten [[Silver kingdoms|Epoch Kingdoms]] and the [[Tranquiline Halls|Tranquiline Halls]], while the huge keyhole is "the need for ardents to ignore borders, and look only at the hearts of men".
Thaylen Vorinism describes the Oathgates as "portals of worlds", which only the Passionate could use.
### Social Hierarchy
Social Hierarchy in Vorin nations is seen to be rooted in connection and closeness to the Almighty. Lighteyes are seen as being the chosen of the Almighty, and thus are closer to him than the darkeyed population, and thus are held to be holier than them and are taught to have inherent authority over them. Following from this, kings and rulers are thought to have their authority rooted in a divine mandate from the Almighty. It is seen as inappropriate for a darkeyed individual to have authority or wealth above that of any lighteyed individuals. Furthermore, they teach that great wealth is only to be conferred upon one by the Almighty.
Due to their position above darkeyes, it is seen as unthinkable for a darkeyed person to question the orders and desires of a ligheyed person. Thinking or acting outside of one's position, seen as given by the Almighty, is treated as a punishable offence.
This idea, rooted in the Vorin faith, is the foundation behind the strict caste systems in place in various Vorin nations, such as Alethkar and Jah Keved. This caste system, in adherence to these teachings, places darkeyed peoples lower than lighteyed peoples. It has also deeply influenced their worldview, leading them to believe that such caste systems are part of the natural order enforced by the Almighty himself.
### Sacred Numerology
Ten, and multiples thereof, are highly sacred in Vorin theology, appearing in many places in their teachings, scriptures, and practices.
Numerology was historically far more important to Vorin adherents, and they would look for numerological significance in their scriptures. This became an "obsession" and such numerological analysis was eventually banned.
Some examples of ten appearing in Vorin theology include:
The Ten-Faced Crystal used to represent the Almighty
The Ten Essences
The Ten Heralds
The Ten Fools
The Ten Foolish Attributes
The Ten Holy Names of the Almighty
The Ten Silver Kingdoms
The One-Hundred Desolations
The ten-foot height of traditional Vorin Temples
The ten months in a Vorin year
The ten weeks in a Vorin month
The one-hundred weeks in a Vorin year
The Ten Divine Attributes
The Ten Human Failings
The ten [[Polestone|Polestones]]
The ten Body Focuses
The Ten Surges
## Cosmology and Spiritualism
### Three-world cosmology
The Vorin cosmology proposes a division between the upper world, the Tranquille Halls; a central world, Roshar; and the lower world, Damnation. These worlds are inhabited by different beings and fulfill different roles in the Vorin cosmological, spiritual, and moral framework.
Alongside these three worlds, they also believe in the Cognitive Realm, though it is unclear where it fits in their cosmology. They see it as more fluid than the Spiritual Realm, and believe that it can be visited. They also believe in a pool of divine essence from which souls are formed. It is unclear where it fits into their cosmology, or if it is the Almighty himself.
Within this framework, the Almighty exists within and people and all things, and is made up of an indestructible substance.
#### Tranquiline Halls
For more on the Vorin concept of the Tranquiline Halls, see [[Tranquiline Halls|Tranquiline Halls]].
A paradisiacal realm close to the Almighty, and the original homeland of humanity before they were cast out of it during the Expulsion. It is believed to be where virtuous humans return to after death, in order to assist in the efforts to expel the Voidbringers from the Tranquiline Halls and cast them back down to Damnation. Those that live a virtuous life but don't reach their potential in their Calling are brought to the Halls, but left in a long and dreamless sleep until the War for Heaven is won. Soldiers are glorified within the Halls, as they are the ones who fight in the War for Heaven.
Life in the Tranquline Halls, before the Expulsion, is thought to be without conflict.
The Tranquiline Halls are often conflated with the [[Spiritual Realm|Spiritual Realm]], and it is considered a realm of pure truth.
#### Roshar
For more on Roshar, see [[Roshar|Roshar]].
For more on the Physical Realm, see [[Physical Realm|Physical Realm]].
The material world, made up of the world under mankind's feet and the skies above. This is the world that mankind is born into and lives their life within, with Vorins attempting to live a virtuous life in order to be granted paradise and salvation in the Tranquiline Halls when judged by the Almighty after their death. Life on Roshar is taught to be one of conflict. It correlates with the [[Physical Realm|Physical Realm]].
Roshar, and all of the plants and animals upon it, are seen as creations of the Almighty.
The nature of Roshar is modeled and described through the Ten Essences and Ten Surges.
#### Damnation
For more on the Vorin concept of Damnation, see [[Damnation|Damnation]].
A realm of eternal fire that is home to Voidbringers and the souls of the sinful. It is separated into countless rooms in which the souls of the damned are imprisoned to be tortured with ironic punishments tailored to one's own particular vices. The torture is said to be at the hands of the Voidbringers.
It is said to be home to demons, monsters, and evil spren. All three are often conflated with the Voidbringers, depending on which adherent describes them.
### Ten Essences and Surges
|**Ten Fundamental Forces[4]**|
|**Surge**|**Associated Attributes**|**Associated Surges**|
|Adhesion|Pressure and Vacuum|Gravitation|Tension|
|Division|Destruction and Decay|Gravitation|Abrasion|
|Progression|Growth and Healing, or Regrowth|Abrasion|Illumination|
|Illumination|Light, Sound, and Various Waveforms|Progression|Transformation|
|Transportation|Motion and Realmatic Transition|Transformation|Cohesion|
|Cohesion|Strong Axial Interconnection|Transportation|Tension|
|Tension|Soft Axial Interconnection|Cohesion|Adhesion|
For more information on the Essences, see [[Ten Essences|Ten Essences]].
For more information on the Surges, see [[Surgebinding|Surgebinding]].
The Ten Essences are a Vorin framework for understanding the nature of reality and of Soulcasting. They are described as classical elements. Each Essence is associated with a [[Polestone|polestone]], a body focus, its soulcasting properties, a Herald, the attributes associated with that Herald, and a number, amongst other associations. The Ten Essences have their foundation in Soulcasting, and what soulcasted materials are associated with what polestone.
Each Essence is also associated with a Surge, seen as the fundamental forces of reality in Vorin theology. These forces are Adhesion, Gravitation, Division, Abrasion, Progression, Illumination, Transformation, Transportation, Cohesion, and Tension. There is an association between various forces and Essences, reflected in the Double Eye of the Almighty. The exact nature of these connections is currently unknown.
Essential Theology is likely a collection of precepts and teachings that revolve around the Ten Essences, and is studied by ardents, scribes, and Soulcasters.
### Aspects of Being
Vorinism teaches of a tripartite structure of the self. It is said to be made up of the body, mind, and spirit. The mind and spirit appear to be conflated and referred to as the soul. Death is seen as the separation of the three aspects of being.
#### The Body
The body is the vehicle through which the mind and spirit are able to interact with the physical world. It is said to be left behind after death, in order to be reused.
The body appears to be animated by the soul, and can be impacted by damage to the soul.
#### The Soul
Vorinism appears to teach about a bipartite soul which passes into either the Tranquline Halls or Damnation after death, guided by a mythical horn. It is made up of the mind and spirit. The soul is seen as the essence of a person or thing. Everything has a soul, even inanimate objects. It is believed that the soul can be corrupted by evil thoughts and deeds, and thus ardents exist to save and guide them, to protect people from Damnation.
The soul is the animating force of the body, and when severed by a Shardblade, one loses the ability to move their body past the point of severance. If certain points of the soul are severed, such as the neck, the body dies and the soul is released. However, they believe that Shardblades do not truly destroy the soul, even when it severs it, and thus those killed by Shardblades can still pass into the afterlife. The mind can experience pain independent of the body, which allows it to be tortured within Damnation.
The soul is apparently split into mind and spirit. The spirit is said to be made up of divine essence, and to rejoin this pool upon death; while mind goes to be judged by the Almighty, to pass into the Tranquiline Halls or Damnation. Their individual properties, or the manner in which these aspects interact, is not currently known. Though they are known to be able to exist separately from one another, with the mind existing without the spirit within the Tranquiline Halls.
The soul is what is believed to be what one improves and transforms through virtuous actions, and through following their Glory and Calling, striving towards the perfected self. It is also where mankind's dual-nature resides, allowing them to commit both good and evil actions, shaping their self through those actions.
When a prayer is burned, it is believed its soul is taken to the Almighty for him to hear and respond to.
Vorinism teaches of something called the Soul's March, though little is known about what this describes.
## Religious texts
Vorinism has a wide variety of sacred texts which guide their interpretation of the Almighty, his decrees, and human history. It holds *The Arguments* as one of their central holy scriptures, which acts as a basis of much of their mythology and moral framework. In Jah Keved, Vorin women are expected to memorize passages from *The Arguements*.
Other texts are held to be of deep religious and cultural importance as well, even if not described as a form of scripture, such as *Arts and Majesty*.
The *Book of Endless Pages* is an important text within the Devotary of Sincerity. It is a book of blank pages which teaches one to search for truth while holding on to one's faith, and that there are always more answers to be found.
During the days of Old Vorinism, *The Way of Kings* was held as a very important and holy religious text. It, however, fell out of use in Vorinism over time. And is no longer used as a holy text within the faith by the Vorin year 1173.
### Hermeneutics
Historically, ardents believed that the revealed scriptures consistent not only of the written context, but held a more esoteric layer of meaning that could be revealed through mystical hermeneutics and numerology. Thus they would apply a system for interpreting and ascertaining the mystical meaning hidden within the exoteric text. One major method of doing so was by assigning a numerical value to a name, word or phrase by reading it as a number, and using this to divine meaning. This became an "obsession" and such esoteric analysis was eventually banned.
## Moral Teachings
### Good and Evil
Good and Evil, within Vorin Theology, are said to be objective aspects that one possesses. With the Almighty being considered to only possess good, and the Voidbringers being considered to only possess evil. This possession of moral attributes shapes how they act and can act. But humanity has a dual-attribute, meaning they possess both good and evil, and thus can commit both good and evil deeds.
In Vorinism, it is believed that the cosmere requires balance. Good beings, such as the Almighty, must be balanced by their opposites, which is why the Voidbringers were created to do evil. Vorinism holds that only humanity, with their dual-nature, can add good to the world, allowing the amount of good in the world to outweigh the evil. This dual-nature allows humanity to commit both good and evil acts, and have an innate feeling about good and evil. This is seen as a defining attribute of humanity.
To live a good life, Vorins are expected to emulate the Attributes of the Heralds and the Almighty. Thus, what is morally right and wrong is based upon following the decrees of and the example set by the Almighty. Thus, the Vorin moral framework in inherently tied to what they believe to be the decrees of the Almighty, and cannot exist separately from him. Thus, they preach heteronomy, as opposed to autonomy. How one chooses to live is seen as far more important than their accomplishments in life. The Ten Human Failings appear to refer to shortcomings of mankind, these might be identical to or associated with the Ten Foolish Attributes.
It is taught that the ligheyes of society were chosen by the Almighty, and inherently have greater Glory and closeness to the Almighty than darkeyes. Furthermore, they are taught to be more honorable, noble, and just than those not as blessed as themselves.
How sinful or virtuous one is can be measured by the Almighty and used to determine whether one goes to the Tranquiline Halls or to Damnation.
### Calling
All Vorins are expected to choose a **Calling**, their greatest talent, granted to them by the Almighty, and practice it until death. However, it seems acceptable for one to choose to change their Calling.
In the Alethi variety of Vorinism, fighting is considered the most important Calling, as the Almighty depends on Alethi to join the Heralds' army in their afterlife and win back the Tranquiline Halls. The ardents are supposed to help someone follow their Calling, helping them to set goals for them to achieve in furtherance of it. When one furthers their Calling enough, they **Elevate**, one goes through multiple Elevations in the pursuance of their Calling.
### Glory
Closely tied to the concept of a Calling is Glory. A Glory is a particular attribute of the Almighty that one is supposed to emulate in the pursuit of their Calling. One typically choses their Glory alongside their Calling, as the two are supposed to work together; for example, the Calling of a warrior and the Glory of determination.
It is seen that Lighteyes have more innate Glory than others, and that the purer their blood, the more they possess.
#### Known Glories
### Transformation and Change
Vorinism preaches change and becoming something better. They believe that the ability of mankind to change and grow, making their mind and soul into something better, is one of the Almighty's greatest gifts. This concept forms a core pillar of their doctrine. The power of change and transformation is also held to be holy, and to be one of the greatest powers held by the Almighty. This forms one of the basses of the concept of Callings, Glories, and Elevations; improving oneself through a lifetime of hard work in order to attain one's best self.
### Telling the Future
It is seen that telling the future is an utmost evil, inherently tied to [[Voidbinding|Voidbinding]].
Due to this, Vorins look down upon gambling and games of chance, seeing them as immoral, heretical, and dangerous.
### Oaths and Marriage
When it comes to relationships, Vorinism is focused on making and upholding oaths. Breaking oaths, or acting without proper oaths, such as having sex outside of marriage, is frowned upon. However, Vorinism offers a wide variety of partnership oaths for those who do wish to pursue relationships, including some for same-sex couples. All official Vorin betrothals must be signed and verified by ardents. As a result, people sometimes use a **causal** betrothal, which makes them practically engaged but confers no legal benefits.
Ardents are permitted to marry, but only within the ardentia.
### Sex and Sexuality
As mentioned previously, premarital sex and adultery are frowned upon, alongside the institution of prostitution. Hand-holding, particularly with the safehand of a woman, is considered very intimate.
Despite their strict adherence to gender roles, they are accepting of homosexual relationships, valuing them as equal to heterosexual relationships.
## Mythology
### Creation Myth and the Expulsion
Vorin doctrine claims that the Almighty created both plants and creatures, including mankind. He too created the [[Tranquiline Halls|Tranquiline Halls]] and Roshar, through the use of the [[Soulcaster|Soulcasters]]. Through his goodness, and the creation of good things, the cosmere bore forth the Voidbringers as a rival evil to his goodness. Forged in [[Damnation|Damnation]], they are regarded as the embodiment of evil, and the polar opposite of the Almighty.
The Vorin creation story places mankind's origins at the Tranquiline Halls, a paradise where they existed for some time, before they they were forced out by the Voidbringers in an event known as the Expulsion. Following the Expulsion, the [[Dawnsingers|Dawnsingers]] were sent to Roshar to act as guides and healers to mankind.
### The Desolations and the Recreance
The Voidbringers followed humanity to Roshar trying to destroy it or force humanity off it and into Damnation. In order to protect humanity, the Almighty choose ten individuals, likely during [[Proving Day|Proving Day]], to become his emissaries and leaders of mankind. Mankind, led by the Heralds and their [[Knights Radiant|chosen knights]], fought them off ninety-nine times in what are known as [[Desolation|Desolations]]. Between each Desolation experiencing a period of peace. Finally in [[Aharietiam|Aharietiam]], the Last Desolation, the Voidbringers were defeated and cast back into the Tranquiline Halls. The Heralds followed to force them out of this heaven as well, heralding the Era of Solitude.
On Roshar, the Knights Radiant were left behind, although they ultimately betrayed humankind in the [[Day of Recreance|Day of Recreance]]. One explanation for the betrayal is that the Knights Radiant imitated great powers and pretended a holy calling using elaborate tricks and once this was discovered they fled. Whatever explanation is given, it is believed that the Knights Radiant betrayed mankind, gaining the moniker of the Lost Radiants. Following their betrayal of mankind, they were cursed by the Almighty as punishment.
## Branches and Varieties
Vorinism is known to have at least four branches, the orthodox variety practiced by Alethkar, Jah Keved, and Kharbranth; and the more heterodox varieties practiced by adherents in Herdaz, New Natanan, and Thaylenah. Vorinism has also been syncretized with other religions, such as in the Riran faith, which incorporates Vorin and Iriali teachings. Scholars consider religions such as the Emuli faith to be a splinter religion of Vorinism, though this is debated.
While culturally and doctrinally diverse, the various denominations and branches have several core similarities, such as a belief in the Almighty and the Heralds.
### Herdazian Vorinism
Herdazian Vorinism is a heterodox variety of Vorinism which varies from the more orthodox variety. Little is known about Herdazian Vorinism, except that their doctrine, contrary to the orthodox, permits male literacy. They hold some memory of the polytheistic religion followed by the ancient Herdazians, presumably from before the country was converted to Vorinism. The prevalence and position of these gods in their faith is currently unknown, however, some Herdazians are known to pray to the old gods.
### Natan Vorinism
Vorinism practiced by the Natan people also varies from the orthodoxy. Alongside the Almighty and the Heralds, they also worship the moons, with [[Nomon|Nomon]] as the most important. They believe that these moons are sentient and are able to take human form, and consider two to be female and one to be male. A myth in their faith speaks of how their people were born when an ancient queen named [[Tsa|Tsa]] had children with Nomon, granting them their blue skin. Thus religious Natan people claim ancestry from Nomon himself. Many Vorin people consider them to be "almost pagan," and question their true devotion.
They believe the moons all grace the night with their light, and call them "Great Celestial Ones" or "Great Ones of the Heavens." Nomon is the most venerated, but Mishim is seen as the most clever. Mishim is believed to always try to escape her duty. Nomon is seen as a masculine figure, whilst Mishim and Salas are seen as feminine.
They believe that when the moons are largest, they pay particularly close attention to the actions of mortals. When not visible in the night sky, they believe that the moons spend their time celebrating, singing songs, and telling stories.
They teach that celestial beings, such as the moons and starspren, speak in a language that would drive mortal men mad.
### Thaylen Vorinism
Thaylen Vorinism is a heterodox form of Vorinism heavily mixed with various local beliefs, such as the [[Passions|Passions]]. They are considered half-pagan by much of the Vorin world, and Thaylen ardents struggle to prove their piety to orthodox church authorities. Men are permitted to read, and most women use gloves to cover their safehand. Some younger women don't cover the safehand altogether, although this is frowned upon by the more traditional segment of the Thaylen society.
Their branch of Vorinism is heavily mixed with the Passions. Which teaches that wanting something will draw it to you, conflating Passion with Action.
They have their own ideas on what the Oathgates were, describing them as "portals of worlds", which only the Passionate could use.
## Culture
by Dan dos Santos Vorin woman, with covered safehand on display.
The Vorin religion is closely interwoven with the culture of the Vorin kingdoms, to the point where the same word is applied to both the faith and the culture. Its modern form appears to be based on the book *Arts and Majesty*, outlining what is proper for men and women. Women are expected to completely cover their left hand (called [[Safehand|Safehand]] in Vorin vernacular) from the age of roughly eleven or twelve, as it is generally considered obscene. They are, however, permitted to learn how to read and write, and expected to manage a household and business. Feminine arts include painting, reading, writing, and music. Flutes are a commonly chosen instrument, however, it is rare for side-blown flutes to be found on Roshar. More confrontational positions, such as politics and military, are considered masculine -- however, men are forbidden (or at least discouraged) from learning the alphabet and a man who is literate is considered unseemly. Additionally, Vorinism differentiates between feminine and masculine foods (sweet and spicy). Those division between genders do not apply to ardents, who are considered genderless from cultural standpoint, and thus permitted to engage in both feminine and masculine activities. By tradition, every person can learn a trade at a Vorin temple, including those of the opposite gender.
In addition, the Vorin religion justifies the cultural divide between the [[Lighteyes|Lighteyes]] and [[Darkeyes|Darkeyes]], with the former being considered closer to the [[Almighty|Almighty]] and thus more holy, giving them power over the darkeyed masses.
Vorins are sometimes purposefully named after the Heralds -- for example, [[Shallan|Shallan]] for [[Shalash|Shalash]] or [[Kaladin|Kaladin]] for [[Kalak|Kalak]].
Some aspects of Vorin doctrine are relevant outside of Vorinism itself; for example, Essential Theology, which is related to the [[Ten Essences|Ten Essences]] and the [[Polestone|polestones]], is studied by [[Soulcaster|Soulcasters]] and scholars.
### Law
Apart from cultural and religious aspect, Vorinism has an impact on the legal system, as the teachings of Heralds demand implementation of certain laws.
#### The Right of Travel
>“*Institute a right of movement, so that a family who feels their lord is unrighteous can leave his area. Then tie a lord's authority to the people who follow him.*”
The Right of Travel allows every Vorin citizen of sixth [[Nahn|nahn]] or higher to freely travel between various Vorin lands. Vast majority of darkeyes have this right. Lacking it ties a person to the land they were born in, and usually means that something has gone very badly for their ancestors. However, joining the military automatically forfeits the Right of Travel for the duration of service.
The Right of Travel is derived from the [[Herald|Heralds]] teaching that all borders should be open. More specifically, it was established by [[Nale|Nale]], as a way to protect the weak from abuses of power. It also serves as a form of addressing the power imbalance between lighteyes and darkeyes, as most darkeyes are able to leave a land that is poorly managed.
#### The Right to Learn
Most people in Vorin kingdoms have the Right to Learn professions in any temple of the [[Almighty|Almighty]]. Larger Vorin temples have at least one [[Ardent|ardent]] who is an expert in any given art or trade, and they provide training to anyone who's interested, regardless of eye color.
#### The Right of Challenge
For more information, see [[Right of Challenge|Right of Challenge]].
The Right of Challenge allows a distinguished lighteyed warrior to demand justice through combat from the one who wronged him. Though the Right is almost never used in the modern day, it can still be exercised, and is well-known among lighteyes. This Right, however, does not extend to darkeyes, and a darkeye attempting to call on it can be punished with execution.
## Priesthood
by botanicaxu [[Kadash|Kadash]], a Vorin ardent
The Vorin priests are called **ardents**; the entirety of them is referred to as the **ardentia**. In matters of faith, they are led by a **council of Curates**, operating out of the Holy Enclave in the [[Veden|Veden]] city of [[Valath|Valath]]. This council has the authority to excommunicate and declare anathema members of the church, including the leaders of Vorin countries, for heresy -- a right given to them by the Covenants of Theocracy, an unspecified, but centuries-old document. They can be recognized by their blue robes, as well as gem-encrusted staves, far more ornate than is considered proper post-Hierocracy.
Other types of ardents are likewise differentiated by the colors of their robes -- regular ones wear gray, while the [[Soulcaster|soulcasters]] wear red. Many ardents have shaved heads, and men often have long beards. Both male and female ardents are considered genderless from the social standpoint: women do not need to cover their [[Safehand|safehand]], while men are allowed to learn to read and write, and both can eat both sweet and spicy foods. This being said, while they are technically allowed to pursue both masculine and feminine arts, they are often pushed to follow their gender. Ardents are permitted to marry, but only within the ardentia.
Ardents are representative of the Almighty, and to disrespect an ardent is considered tantamount to disrespecting the Almighty himself.
During the Hierocracy, ardents were secretive and had immense political power. They left the Vorin faith highly esoteric, mystical, and cabalistic. They claimed that only they, the initiated, could understand religion or the Almighty. Having claimed this, they used it as a reason for them having authority over the rest of the population. Following the end of the Hierocracy, they were forced into being more open about Vorin teachings, and were forbidden from holding political station or property.
### Slavery
Ardents are, technically, slaves to [[Lighteyes|lighteyed]] nobles of [[Vorin|Vorin]] countries, with some serving specific households while others are beholden to the national ruler. They can neither hold land nor own property -- a safeguard to prevent a second [[Hierocracy|Hierocracy]]. Like [[Parshmen|Parshmen]] and other slaves they are not paid for their work, but they are highly respected, even by people above them in the social hierarchy. It seems one cannot be forced to become an ardent; rather, people join willingly, and can also leave if they so choose.
They believe that the limitations put upon them, and their state of slavery to high ranked political officials, is done by the Almighty as so that they never rise above their stations. They believe that the Highprinces that own them are chosen as the Almighty's guardians of the people.
### Spiritual Guidance
Ardents are forbidden from participating in politics or holding social offices. However, their word and opinions are still highly valued, and they hold authority in spiritual matters. They are not religious authorities, but merely spiritual advisors who grant guidance to the people, rather than giving them divine orders and decrees.
Ardents are responsible for the spiritual well-beings of their masters, and often tend to various rites and rituals in their stead, so as to allow the [[Lighteyes|lighteyes]] to go on with their lives unburdened. For the [[Darkeyes|darkeyes]], ardents provide advice in pursuing their Calling, as well as education -- the Right to Learn means that any person who asks for it must be taught by the ardents. For this reason, most major temples have ardents specializing in most common skills, from fighting to writing. This also means that they are allowed to wield [[Shardblade|Shardblades]], as they must be capable of teaching the lighteyes how to use them.
They are the only people allowed to speak Almighty's tenth name, *Elithanathile*, or He Who Transforms.
#### Proselytization
They are expected to proselytize and convert non-Vorin people to what they consider to be the "Vorin truth." Abrenunciation of ones former faith is thought to give salvation to the apostate. It also is shown that ardents believe that this salvation and forgiveness be granted to any deemed a pagan or heretic. It is unclear if they believe that one can be saved if excommunicated and considered anathema.
### Soulcasting
In [[Alethkar|Alethkar]], ardents are the only people allowed to use [[Soulcaster|Soulcasters]]. They surround the practice with mystery, carrying out Soulcasting at night and under heavy guard to prevent the general public from seeing. They are not, however, allowed to use Soulcasters on people. Those among the ardentia who use Soulcasters are often worked until they die of [[Savant|savanthood]] as their bodies become more and more like the things they Soulcast.
### Devotaries
by Treefin [[Ellista|Ellista]], a scholar from the Devotary of the Mind
Ardents are separated into Devotaries, sects devoted to different aspects of Vorinism. Devotaries come in different forms: some, like the Devotary of the Mind, are monastic, sequestered away from civilization to devote themselves, while others permit their members to remain in touch with the rest of the world. This being said, ardents are generally not allowed to marry outside of their orders, though at least some orders allow them to marry each other. Overall, their chief purpose is to aid in nurturing the believers' Callings.
Devotaries are dedicated either to a specific Glory, or to a specific Herald.
Known devotaries include:
**The Devotary of Purity** is dedicated to wholesomeness and honesty. Members of this devotary are expected to keep their thoughts and actions 'pure'. A member's talents are expected to be dedicated to purity as well, such as an artist depicting only religious topics. [[Shallan Davar|Shallan Davar]] is a member of this devotary, by her father's choice.
**The Devotary of Sincerity** is dedicated to seeking truth in all things. Members believe that there is always something to learn, and everything is subject to scrutiny, even their own religion. No question is rebuked. It is one of the smallest devotaries. In stark contrast to the rest of Vorinism, [[Jasnah|Jasnah]] respects this devotary, and suggests that Shallan seek it out once she arrives home.
**The Devotary of Insight** is not described. Many ardents from the Devotary of Insight are seen exchanging dulled lamps from the Palanaeum and putting infused ones in their place. They have a temple in Kholinar.
**The Devotary of Denial** seems to emphasize the denial of desires to the point of asceticism.
**The Devotary of the Mind** is a monastic devotary with its home at the [[Jokasha Monastery|Jokasha Monastery]] on the western slopes of the [[Horneater Peaks|Horneater Peaks]]. It is devoted to historical and linguistic study, with the focus on literature.
**The Devotary of Mercy** is a devotary with a presence in [[Urithiru|Urithiru]]. Their ardents care for those who have trouble with their minds.
**The Devotary of Kelek** is a devotary with a presence in [[Urithiru|Urithiru]]. Their ardents will take commissions for prayers and glyphwards. This devotary is likely related to the attributes ascribed to Kelek by Vorin tradition.
**The Order of Talenelat** is related to the [[Herald|Herald]] [[Taln|Taln]] and, likely, the attributes ascribed to him by Vorinism. Those dedicated to this particular devotary are said to have a dislike for theological debates. It is viewed by some as an order for lesser people. The Order of Talenelat maintains a presence in western [[Kholinar|Kholinar]], adjacent to the temple of Talenelat. [[Dalinar Kholin|Dalinar Kholin]] was a follower of this devotary prior to his excommunication.
## History
### Origins and Old Vorinism
Though the origins of Vorinism are lost to the [[Shadowdays|Shadowdays]], it's known that the name "[[Almighty|Almighty]]" was used to refer to [[Honor|Honor]] even back during the [[Desolation|Desolations]] -- in fact, it might predate human arrival on [[Roshar|Roshar]], as it was used even by the [[Herald|Heralds]] themselves. The Vorin religion came about around that time, basing itself on writings of a currently-unknown, but highly influential writer whom it was eventually named after. [[Nohadon|Nohadon]] was another important figure during that time, and *The Way of Kings* he penned was one of Vorinism's early holy texts.
Back in the early days of the religion, now called **Old Vorinism**, the [[Knights Radiant|Knights Radiant]] were an important part of the faith, and the First Ideal was a religious doctrine. The primary tenet of the faith, as far as can be ascertained, was that how one lived was far more important than what one had accomplished. Religion permeated every aspect of life, allowing the ardents to own land and property.
### Hierocracy: Rise
For more information, see [[Hierocracy|Hierocracy]].
Following the [[Recreance|Recreance]], the attitudes towards the Knights Radiant changed drastically, with them being seen as traitors rather than heroes. The focus shifted from the First Ideal to other texts, chief among them *Arts and Majesty*, leading to the gender divide among the Vorins that exists until the modern day. In spite of that, the [[Lighteyes|lighteyes]]-[[Darkeyes|darkeyes]] divide likely began during the same time, with pale eyes becoming the symbol of Almighty's favor despite their previous association with Radiance.
As time went on, [[Ardent|ardents]] took over more and more segments of society, claiming divine mandate to rule. Ultimately, this led to priesthood holding near-absolute power over large swathes of land and populace as they sought to bring Vorinism to the whole of Roshar.
The **Hierocracy**, as it would come to be called, saw the ardentia go to great lengths to control its subjects through access to information. The priesthood claimed to have the sole authority to interpret the holy scriptures and the will of the Almighty; the commoners were to follow them blindly as they were told what their Callings were and what their god had planned from them. Knowledge of the Knights Radiant was heavily censored, and what remained was altered and mythologized to fit the doctrine. Yet even as Surgebinding was discredited and deemed to be mere trickery, ardents themselves claimed to be able to predict the future through visions and prophecies.
### Hierocracy: Fall and Aftermath
by Treefin [[Rushu|Rushu]], a researcher ardent
For more information, see [[War of Loss|War of Loss]].
As with many empires, Hierocracy's greatest weakness was its sheer size. It grew larger with time, but so did the fractures within, and those fractures allowed [[Alethkar|Alethi]] warlord [[Sadees|Sadees]], later called the Sunmaker, to make war on it. The resulting conflict, known as the [[War of Loss|War of Loss]], saw the ardentia fractured into devotaries, and the ardents themselves stripped of much of their power. No longer were they allowed to hold land or own property; no longer were they even free men. Rather, they became slaves to [[Lighteyes|lighteyes]].
Moreover, as Sadees conquered their strongholds, he interrogated them and their correspondence, and claimed to have learned that the so-called visions were little more than fabrications made to keep the people in check. This marked yet another shift in Vorin doctrine: now, prophecy was an evil thing, of [[Odium|Odium]] and the [[Voidbringers|Voidbringers]], and to pursue it was heresy. Yet more changes were made to free the church from ardentia's grip: rather than holding ultimate authority, they became merely advisors, and each man and woman was supposed to find the faith's meaning for themselves.
### Present and Future
Though Sadees' war of conquest stretched as far West as [[Azir|Azir]], Vorinism did not find foothold there. On the other hand, the states formerly under Hierocracy, now known as the Vorin kingdoms, retain the faith as of 1175.
Despite ardentia having few privileges remaining from the days of Hierocracy, their social status has been slowly climbing back up over the past decades. The curates retain their right to excommunicate members of the Church without consulting with any political authority, and though they are forbidden from amassing wealth, some of it still finds its way into their hands. In addition, ardents are increasingly often used as yet another political tool by the lighteyes. Some people -- not only ardents, but even laymen -- seek the return of Hierocracy, chief among them the [[Sons of Honor|Sons of Honor]]. Other groups, like the [[Envisagers|Envisagers]], desire to go even further back, to the age of Old Vorinism.
With the coming of the [[Everstorm|Everstorm]] and the return of the [[Knights Radiant|Knights Radiant]], the future of Vorinism is unclear. Many of its tenets, chief among them that the [[Aharietiam|Aharietiam]] was the final Desolation, have been proven wrong, the Heralds are quite mad, and the leaders of the largest anti-Odium faction are a heretic and an atheist. For now, the church strives to retain control through hamfisted means -- most notably, the Curates' sudden excommunication of [[Dalinar Kholin|Dalinar Kholin]], who, at the time, had began to loudly proclaim Almighty's death. This is unlikely to be sufficient, however, as there are some who believe that now is the time to break free from Vorinism.
## Notable Members
### The Ardentia
For a list of all known ardents, see :Category: Ardentia.
[[Ashir|Ashir]] - An ardent who studies chemistry through cooking and lives on a small Reshi island with Geranid.
[[Ellista|Ellista]] - scholar ardent from the [[Jokasha Monastery|Jokasha Monastery]] who works on deciphering [[Dawnchant|Dawnchant]] texts.
[[Geranid|Geranid]] - A scholar of [[Spren|spren]] who lives on a small [[Reshi|Reshi]] island with Ashir.
[[Kabsal|Kabsal]] - [[Ghostblood|Ghostbloods]] member who lives in [[Kharbranth|Kharbranth]] and attempts to assassinate [[Jasnah|Jasnah]].
[[Kadash|Kadash]] - head of the ardents under Dalinar’s household. He is a former elite solider who became an ardent after he witnessed the events at the [[Rift|Rift]].
[[Lhan|Lhan]] - another member of the Queen's ardentia. Eventually subverted by [[Ashertmarn|Ashertmarn]].
[[Pai|Pai]] - new member of Queen [[Aesudan|Aesudan's]] retinue. Denounced the queen for her waste and was executed as a result, sparking riots.
[[Rushu|Rushu]] - an ardent scholar, associate of [[Navani|Navani]].
[[Tadet|Tadet]] - an ardent who works under [[Dalinar Kholin|Dalinar Kholin]].
[[Zahel|Zahel]] - warrior ardent who teaches [[Adolin|Adolin]], [[Renarin|Renarin]] and [[Kaladin|Kaladin]] swordmanship and how to fend off a [[Shardbearer|Shardbearer]].
### Lay members
[[Dalinar Kholin|Dalinar Kholin]] - [[Bondsmith|Bondsmith]] and [[Alethkar|Alethi]] [[Highprince|highprince]]. Member of the Devotary of Talenet and the head of the Alethi church until his excommunication.
[[Shallan Davar|Shallan Davar]] - [[Jah Keved|Veden]] [[Order of Lightweavers|Lightweaver]]. A somewhat devout member of the Devotary of Purity.
## Trivia
In the English language, the word "ardent" is an adjective meaning eager, zealous or passionate. Etymologically, it derives from the Latin *ardentem*, which is the accusative form of *ardēns*, the present participle of *ardeō* meaning “I burn." This may be an intentional choice, referring to the burning of prayers and glyphwards.
Though "ardent" shares some similarity with [[Arteth|arteth]], the name of [[Shu-Dereth|Shu-Dereth]] priests from [[Sel|Sel]], ardents and arteths are not connected.
Vorinism is inspired by many things, including but not limited to , , , and .
Though ardents are around in *The Way of Kings Prime*, there, they are simply called monks.
| Vorinism |
This article contains intellectual property reproduced with permissionPlease do not alter or reproduce without permission from the creator
|**Song of Histories**|
|**Related to**|[[Listener|Listener]]|
|**World of Origin**|[[Roshar|Roshar]]|
The **Song of Histories** is one of the songs detailing the oral history of the [[Listener|listeners]]. It is the way in which the listeners are able to keep their history and pass it on to the younger generations. It is at least 127 stanzas long.
## Excerpts
>“*'Tis said it was warm in the land far awayWhen Voidbringers entered our songs.We brought them home to stayAnd then those homes became their own,It happened gradually.And years ahead 'twil still be said 'tis how it has to be.*”
\-12th stanza[1]
>“*Smokeform for hiding and slipping between men.A form of power, like human Surges.Bring it 'round again.Though crafted of gods,It was by Unmade hand.Leaves its force to be but one of foe or friend.*”
\-127th stanza[2]
| Song of Histories |
|**World of Origin**|[[Scadrial|Scadrial]]|
>“*You'll be glad you stayed for PECTIN-ADE!*”
**Pectin-Ade** is a type of snack on [[Scadrial|Scadrial]].
It comes in eight flavors and costs ten [[Clip|clips]] a box. In an advertisement in *The House Record*, they claim to be the [[Elendel Basin|Basin's]] favorite snack.
| Pectin-Ade |
|**Burl (species)**|
|by Brent Donoho |
This page or section needs to be updated with new information for *Cytonic* and *Defiant*!Be aware that in its current state, it may not include all additional content yet.
>“*I did get several other Superiority races—like the burl, who are citizens but considered aggressive—to join this test.*”
The **burl** are an alien species within the [[Superiority|Superiority]].
They are larger than most other races and resemble gorillas, although it seems they walk upright as default. While a member of the Superiority, the burl are considered too aggressive to attain primary citizenship. Nonetheless, some of them can be found living on [[Starsight (station)|Starsight]], and a few participate in the [[Delver|Delver]] Resistance Program. Like most so-called lesser species, they are wary of Superiority leaders, and are treated as disposable by them in turn.
## Known burl
| Burl species |
|**Trent Saxon**|
|**Spouse**|[[Mrs. Saxon|Mrs. Saxon]]|
|**Children**|[[Joel Saxon|Joel]]|
|**Died**|[[Springrail|Springrail]] accident|
|**Residence**|[[Armedius Academy|Armedius Academy]]|
|**Homeworld**|[[Earth (Rithmatist)|Earth (Rithmatist)]]|
**Trent Saxon** was a chalkmaker employed by the [[Rithmatics|Rithmatics]] department of [[Armedius Academy|Armedius Academy]].
He is described as being "big and burly".
He took pride in his job as a chalkmaker, and he made chalk with special formulas for specific usages in Rithmatics.
Though not a Rithmatist, he is very interested in Rithmatic lines to a degree of obsession. He spends a lot of money to meet with professors of Rithmatics. He discovered a new kind of Rithmatic line, but didn't know its effects. Nobody knew it was a Rithmatic line until Joel recognized it in [[Harding|the Scribbler's]] drawings.
He was killed in a springrail accident while investigating a new Rithmatic line.
| Trent Saxon |
|**World of Origin**|[[Earth (Frugal Wizard)|Earth (Frugal Wizard)]]|
This page or section needs to be updated with new information for *The Frugal Wizard's Handbook for Surviving Medieval England*!Be aware that in its current state, it may not include all additional content yet.
A **skop** is a person who tells stories and protects people from malevolent [[Landswight|landswights]] and other entities. They are known as **skalds** to the [[Hordamen|Hordamen]]. Hordamen are the name of in this alternate dimension. Skops are losing their power of wights and mostly pretending to help, main example being [[Sefawynn|Sefawynn]]. Hordamen skops seem to be more effective, and can use their boasts to intimidate landswights and weaken the protection of [[Runestone|runestones]].
| Skop |
|**Blackened Lands**|
This page or section needs to be updated with new information for *Dark One Book 1*!Be aware that in its current state, it may not include all additional content yet.
The are a major region on [[Mirandus|Mirandus]]. The region is known as [[Drull|drull]] lands by the people of the [[Kingdoms of Light|Kingdoms of Light]], for the drull that live here. The capital city of the Blackened Lands is [[Pitch|Pitch]], and is ruled by the [[Dark One (title)|Dark One]]. It is said that the air itself tells lies, and the ground changes between stone and sand to confuse travellers in the region.
## Geography and Ecology
North of the [[Quiet River|Quiet River]], the Blackened Lands are a barren, rocky landscape with very little in the way of flora and fauna. Leafless trees are dotted around the harsh landscape, breaking up the stone and sand. The trees shoot lightning at intruders in these lands. The terrain is primarily open plains, with mountains and hills with sharp cliffs.
Packs of [[Evermouth|Evermouths]] roam the land, hunting anyone foolish enough to wander around by themselves. Large birds soar in the air high above the ground. Human faces are not common in the Blackened Lands, however rumors speak of faces being cut off of unwary humans and worn as masks to sow confusion.
The cities in the Blackened Lands are primarily made out of stone and bricks, most of which have fallen into disrepair over the years from all the battles that have occurred against the Kingdoms of Light.
## Politics
>“*The Dark One rules the drull, the Blackened Lands, and the war machines of old. *”
\-Rastik describing the Dark One[3]
The Blackened Lands is ruled by the Dark One of the current verse in the [[Narrative|Narrative]], with all drull obeying the word of the Dark One and giving their lives for them. The drull and the Dark One are always opposed against the Kingdoms of Light, battling the [[Destined One|Destined One]] as the Narrative foretells.
| Blackened Lands |
|**Region**|[[Emerald Sea|Emerald Sea]]|
**Shimmerbay** is a port city in the [[Emerald Sea|Emerald Sea]] on [[Lumar|Lumar]], and is located far from [[Kingsport|Kingsport]].
[[Crow|Crow]] decided to sail to Shimmerbay so [[Tress|Tress]] could "escape" when she tricked Crow into thinking that she--if she had the opportunity--would tell the [[Verdant King|king's]] men that the *Crow's Song* crew killed everyone on the *Oot's Dream*, and thus are [[Deadrunner|deadrunners]]. At Shimmerbay, Tress decided to become a pirate and joined the *Crow's Song* as their [[Sprouter|sprouter]].
| Shimmerbay |
|**Kholinar Palace**|
|by Isaac Stewart |
This page or section needs to be updated with new information for *Rhythm of War*!Be aware that in its current state, it may not include all additional content yet.
**Kholinar Palace** is the seat of [[House Kholin|House Kholin]], [[Kholin princedom|Kholin princedom]] and the nation of [[Alethkar|Alethkar]].
## Contents
1 Layout
1.1 Monastery Dais
1.2 People's Hall
1.3 Beggars' Porch
1.4 The Catacombs
2 Palace Guard and Queen's Guard
3 History
4 Notes
## Layout
by Isaac Stewart Plans of the palace's main level
The Palace is located in the northern portion of the city of [[Kholinar|Kholinar]], atop a large plateau.
The main building of the palace stands between the Monastery Dais and the Sunmaker Park. The main entrance leads to twin ballrooms - presumably, a separate one for men and for women. Both ballrooms have access to the garden that forms the northern side of the palace. Directly adjacent to the Grand Entry are the palace garrison and the guest quarters. From the latter, one may reach the Eastern Gallery and through it, the Sunwalk, which leads to the Monastery Dais.
The lower floors of the palace have broad and wide corridors. The palace basements house the unloading docks, used to transport cargo to and from the palace plateau. The upper floors are narrow and cavernous. The royal quarters are located there.
#### Monastery Dais
The Monastery Dais is a large, almost perfectly circular platform near the main building, and may be technically considered part of the palace complex. As its name indicates, it houses the Kholinar ardentia. Notable features include the King's Chapel and a room, the Circle of Memories, with eleven lanterns. The ardents believe that the lanterns represent the [[Silver Kingdoms|Silver Kingdoms]], with the last one marking the [[Tranquiline Halls|Tranquiline Halls]].
In actuality, the room is the Kholinar [[Oathgate|Oathgate]] chamber, and the entire dais is the Oathgate platform.
#### People's Hall
The People's Hall is a separate building within the palace complex. It's a large, open-air structure sitting in the shadow of the palace. In contrast to other parts of the complex, it is open to the public, as it is from there that the reigning monarch can address the common people of the city. It also holds a dais with the **Common Throne**, where the king or queen sits while making pronouncements. It is there that [[Pai|Pai]] chooses to write her denouncement of [[Aesudan Kholin|Aesudan Kholin]].
#### Beggars' Porch
The Beggars' Porch is a small patio in the back of the palace gardens, so named because the city's homeless often come there, hoping for some charity from the royal family. During the time between [[Evi|Evi]] and [[Gavilar|Gavilar's]] deaths, [[Dalinar Kholin|Dalinar Kholin]] would visit it often to get alcohol from the beggars, as his family would hide it from him. It was also there that the [[Herald|Herald]] [[Jezrien|Jezrien]] could be found, under the nickname Ahu. Whether the Porch still remains in this capacity after Gavilar's death is unclear.
#### The Catacombs
The catacombs are located in the depths of the palace. They can be reached through the eastern wing, by the same passage that leads into the kitchens and the Beggars' Porch. It's a stone structure composed of long corridors, with a central chamber spacious enough to hold several dozen people, lit with real fires rather than spherelight. Funerals for the [[Lighteyes|lighteyes]] of House Kholin take place there, and their bodies, [[Soulcast|Soulcast]] to stone, are placed upright along the walls of both the main chamber and the tunnels surrounding it.
## Palace Guard and Queen's Guard
The Kholinar Palace has two forces tasked with protecting it: the **Palace Guard** and the **Queen's Guard**. The Palace Guard is responsible for protecting both the palace and the city of Kholinar, while the Queen's Guard is responsible for protecting the queen and the royal heir, who in the current times are [[Aesudan Kholin|Aesudan]] and [[Gavinor Kholin|Gavinor Kholin]].
Due to the actions of Queen Aesudan, the Queen's Guard has been corrupted either during the [[Siege of Kholinar|siege of Kholinar]] or shortly before that by the forces of Odium. Aesudan refers to them as her "Knights Radiant".
## History
It is unclear when the palace was built. Prior to the [[Gavilar Kholin|Gavilar Kholin's]] war of Alethi unification, it was held by a different branch of his [[House Kholin|family]]. After he and his brother [[Dalinar|Dalinar]] conquered it, it became their seat of power. After Gavilar's crowning, the palace became the seat of the government of united [[Alethkar|Alethkar]].
King Gavilar was [[Assassination of Gavilar|assassinated]] in the palace by [[Szeth|Szeth]] during a peace celebration with the [[Listeners|listeners]]. Following that, his son, king [[Elhokar|Elhokar]], moved to the [[Pinnacle|Pinnacle]] on the [[Shattered Plains|Shattered Plains]], so as to be closer to the fighting there. Queen [[Aesudan|Aesudan]] - and, later, Prince [[Gavinor|Gavinor]] - remained at the Palace, along with the widowed queen [[Navani Kholin|Navani Kholin]], as Aesudan was managing the kingdom in her husband's absence.
At some point after Navani left for the Shattered Plains, the palace came under the influence of the [[Unmade|Unmade]] [[Ashertmarn|Ashertmarn]]. This caused the queen to begin acting increasingly erratically, throwing food away to rot, hosting excessively lavish parties and losing interest in ruling Alethkar. The situation came to a peak when ardent [[Pai|Pai]] was executed for publicly denouncing this new lifestyle, causing wide-spread riots in the city.
After the riots, the queen recalled her guard into the palace, and appears to have fallen fully under the influence of both Ashertmarn and [[Yelig-nar|Yelig-nar]]. Anyone to enter the palace would never return, either killed by the Queen's Guard or subsumed by Ashertmarn, while the spren of the [[Oathgate|Oathgate]] beneath the Monastery Dais were subverted by [[Sja-anat|Sja-anat]]. During that period, the [[Cult of Moments|Cult of Moments]] held feasts in the Monastery Dais. A portion of the Palace Guard resisted the lure of the Unmade and were locked in a room. After their release, they claimed that time seemed to pass differently for them, feeling it has only been a few days, not a few weeks, since the riots.
The strike team led by Elhokar Kholin tried and failed to re-take the Palace from the queen. After the king's death and [[Kholinar|Kholinar's]] fall, the [[Fused|Fused]] appear to have made the Palace the centre of their operations in the city, and began to dig it out from under the rubble in search of the [[Design|Cryptic]] that was supposed to bond Elhokar. [[Hoid|Hoid]] finds her first though, saving and then later bonding her.
| Kholinar Palace |
|**Groups**|[[Kholinar Wall Guard|Kholinar Wall Guard]]|
|**Introduced In**|*Oathbringer*|
**Hadinar** is a battalionlord in the [[Kholinar Wall Guard|Kholinar Wall Guard]] on [[Roshar|Roshar]] and a trusted associate of Highmarshal [[Azure|Azure]].
## Contents
1 Appearance and Personality
2 Attributes and Abilities
3 History
4 Trivia
5 Notes
## Appearance and Personality
He is a "stocky, bejowled fellow." Like the rest of the Wall Guard, he is [[Lighteyes|lighteyed]], presumably of the fourth [[Dahn|dahn]] due to his rank.
## Attributes and Abilities
It is not known how Hadinar came to serve in the Wall Guard, but he appears to be very knowledgeable regarding Kholinar. He commanded one of the four battalions of the Wall Guard under Azure. He is one of her primary officers, and appears to be the one that she trusts the most. He is aware of several secrets held by Azure, including her gender and the method that she was using to prevent detection of a Soulcaster by the [[Screamers|screamers]].
## History
Hadinar was Azure's only officer present at a meeting with [[Kaladin|Kaladin]] when he revealed his mission under [[Elhokar|Elhokar]] and the existence of the [[Oathgate|Oathgates]]. He briefly spoke to [[Beard|Beard]] about the secret passageways in the Kholinar walls and [[Windblades|windblades]].
## Trivia
Because Hadinar seems to be a confidant of Azure, fans have speculated that he is also a [[Worldhopper|worldhopper]]; Brandon has only responded with [[RAFO|RAFO]] when asked about him.
| Hadinar |
|**Power**|Steal Allomantic and Feruchemical abilities, grant [[Kandra|kandra]] partial sapience, *possibly others*|
|**Metal type**|[[God Metal|God Metal]] ([[Autonomy|Autonomy]])|
|**Properties**|Repels other forms of [[Investiture|Investiture]]|
This page or section needs to be updated with new information for *The Lost Metal*!Be aware that in its current state, it may not include all additional content yet.
**Trellium**, also known as **bavadinium**, is the [[God Metal|God Metal]] of [[Autonomy|Autonomy]].
## Contents
1 Properties
1.1 Chemical Properties
1.2 Interactions with Harmonium
2 Allomantic Use
3 Feruchemical Use
4 Hemalurgic Use
4.1 Hemalurgic Constructs
5 Trivia
6 Notes
## Properties
Trellium is a silvery metal with a red cast to it, and dark red spots similar to rust. Like other God Metals, it displays many unusual properties. It is notable for repelling other forms of [[Investiture|Investiture]], with a force proportional to how close it is to the source of Investiture. This causes it to try and roll away when in the proximity of harmonium, Hemalurgic spikes or an Allomancer burning metals.
### Chemical Properties
The hardness of the metal is just above a nine, as it is scratched by diamond, but barely marks corundum. It is also very brittle. It has an extraordinarily high melting point, above 3,000 degrees. When heated, it lets off the full visual spectrum of light (i.e. it appears perfectly white), with the red portion of the spectrum going off the spectrometric scale.
### Interactions with Harmonium
When an electric current is passed through [[Harmonium|harmonium]], the metal softens and its Investiture begins to polarize, becoming more atium-like on one end and more lerasium-like on the other. If trellium is inserted between the two poles, a violent reaction occurs, as some of the harmonium's Investiture or matter is converted into pure energy. While this technique fails to divide the harmonium, the resultant blast is extremely powerful; converting less than half a gram of harmonium into energy is capable of destroying a thick safe and the fortified room around it. This interaction can be used to create powerful bombs; however, as these weapons rely upon a novel energy release mechanism, not even Autonomy or [[Harmony|Harmony]] fully understand their true destructive potential.
A separate interaction, detonating harmonium against trellium, produces small amounts of [[Lerasium|lerasium]] and [[Atium|atium]]. Harmony uses this effect to manufacture atium.
## Allomantic Use
When burned by an Allomancer, trellium has unknown properties.
## Feruchemical Use
When used by a Feruchemist, trellium has unknown properties.
## Hemalurgic Use
Trellium can steal Allomantic and Feruchemical abilities and grant them to kandra. Presumably its Hemalurgic ability is similar to that of [[Atium|atium]], allowing the transfer of any ability with somewhat variable success depending on the binding point. Using it as a [[Hemalurgy|Hemalurgic]] spike can keep the user hidden from [[Harmony|Harmony]]. This has a limited effect, however, and any more than a single spike will make the user visible to the Shard. It is an inherent property of the metal, and not a Hemalurgic attribute, that hides the user.
Using trellium as a spike allows users to communicate with others. They can speak to others who have a Hemalurgic spike, but they cannot hear their thoughts. They can also create a Connection with Autonomy's avatars, allowing them to communicate and feel each other's presence. Some individuals spiked with trellium exhibit glowing red eyes at times. This behavior is inconsistent; [[Granks|Granks's]] eyes start faintly glowing during his fight with Marasi, then the glow becomes vivid when he is near death. The glow fades once Marasi removes his trellium spike and he dies. Furthermore, Autonomy herself can act and speak through an individual spiked by a trellium spike.
### Hemalurgic Constructs
[[Hemalurgic chimera|Hemalurgic chimeras]] are created when a living human is implanted with a trellium spike in a specific manner.
## Trivia
In the *Alloy of Law: Masks of the Past* adventure game supplement, trellium allows kandra to use the Allomantic or Feruchemical abilities of another Hemalurgic spike they are spiked with. They also cannot be controlled by Harmony or brass Allomancy, but they also lose the non-sapience half of their blessing.
| Trellium |
|**Jeshua Weight**|
|**Spouse**|[[Algernon Weight|Algernon]]|
|**Children**|[[Jorgen Weight|Jorgen]]|
|**Died**|Murdered by Superiority|
|**Profession**|DDF pilots|
|**Introduced In**|*Sunreach*|
This page or section needs to be updated with new information for *Sunreach*, *ReDawn*, and *Evershore*!Be aware that in its current state, it may not include all additional content yet.
**Jeshua Weight** is the mother of [[Jorgen Weight|Jorgen Weight]] and the wife of [[Algernon Weight|Algernon Weight]]. She is a retired pilot.
Serving as a [[DDF|DDF]] pilot for seven years, she had over one hundred confirmed kills before retiring. Jeshua is considered a hero for her actions in the [[Battle of Alta|Battle of Alta]].
Jeshua has dark skin and black hair, which she wears in twists along her scalp.
Jeshua Weight was a member of the National Assembly and opposed the DDF and Admiral Cobb. She was part of a delegation to make peace with the Superiority, but the Superiority set a trap and rigged the ship to explode. She,
Jorgen's father, and around half of the National Assembly was killed in the explosion.
| Jeshua Weight |
|**Leavenworth Smedry**|
|**House Smedry**|
|**Children**|[[Attica Smedry|Attica]], [[Kazan Smedry|Kaz]], [[Pattywagon Smedry|Pattywagon]]|
|**Descendants**|[[Alcatraz Smedry|Alcatraz]], [[Folsom Smedry|Folsom]], [[Quentin Smedry|Quentin]]|
|**Abilities**|[[Smedry Talent|Smedry Talent]], [[Oculator|Oculator]]|
|**Homeworld**|[[Earth (Alcatraz)|Earth (Alcatraz)]]|
|**Introduced In**|*Alcatraz Versus the Evil Librarians*|
This page or section needs to be updated with new information for *Bastille Versus the Evil Librarians*!Be aware that in its current state, it may not include all additional content yet.
**Leavenworth "Grandpa" Smedry** is an [[Oculator|Oculator]] and the head of [[House Smedry|House Smedry]].
## Contents
1 Appearance and Personality
2 Attributes and Abilities
3 History
4 Trivia
5 Notes
## Appearance and Personality
Leavenworth is an elderly man, mostly bald, with only some white, unkempt hair left on the back of his head. He wears a bushy white mustache.
While in the [[Hushlands|Hushlands]], Leavenworth wears a black tuxedo, believing it will make him blend in.
Grandpa Smedry has a very energetic and optimistic personality. He is vigorous and fit, despite his old age.
## Attributes and Abilities
He has the [[Smedry Talent|Talent]] for always arriving late, which he has great control over. It is a time talent very close to the center of the Incarnate Wheel, for it is very unspecific. He is known to use this Talent to avoid being shot and to survive torture by arriving late to the pain. He is even able to slow down groups of pursuers by switching sides and arriving late to his new target.
Alcatraz figures out that he can use his grandfather's Talent to actually arrive early. He asks him to arrive with [[Crystallia|Crystin Knights]] to Mokia much sooner than it would be possible. As a result, Leavenworth was late in reference to the time Alcatraz had given him, but still arrived earlier than he normally would.
Leavenworth Smedry is also a very skilled and powerful [[Oculator|Oculator]]. He owns a rich collection of various lenses and has deep knowledge about them. He values knowledge-granting lens much more than combat ones.
## History
Leavenworth came to [[Alcatraz|Alcatraz's]] house the day after [[Shasta Smedry|Shasta Smedry]] stole the [[Sands of Rashid|Sands of Rashid]]. He was late. After saving Alcatraz from a Librarian assassin, he led Alcatraz, [[Sing Sing Smedry|Sing]], [[Quentin Smedry|Quentin]], and [[Bastille|Bastille]] on an infiltration of the downtown library to recover the sands. There, he faced [[Radrian Blackburn|Radrian Blackburn]] in an Oculator's Duel and lost, but was saved by Alcatraz.
Leavenworth spent a few more months in the Hushlands, but separated from Alcatraz when he received a message from Shasta saying that [[Attica Smedry|Attica Smedry]] had gone to the [[Library of Alexandria|Library of Alexandria]]. He arrived too late to stop Attica from giving his soul to the Curators of Alexandria or reclaim Attica's possessions before Shasta.
He helped protect [[Brig Dartmoor|the High King]] from the Librarians when he returned to [[Nalhalla|Nalhalla]] and sent knights to help the Mokians during the siege of [[Mokia|Mokia]].
During the infiltration of the [[Highbrary|Highbrary]], he played an instrumental role in keeping [[Himalaya|Himalaya]] and her team of Librarians alive by engaging all the Highbrary's fans at top speed, thereby disorganizing a large quantity of books and distracting their assailants. He arrived late to Attica's confrontation with Shasta and Alcatraz, at which point [[Biblioden|Biblioden]] revealed his true identity by shooting him in the head. However, his Talent returned just in time, and he began using it to arrive late to his own death.
## Trivia
Grandpa Smedry has a tendency to curse using the names of Brandon's favorite writers. For example, "Rumbling Rawns!" refers to .
His name is a reference to , which is the location of the Military Corrections Complex.
| Leavenworth Smedry |
|**Lin Yang-Tanasin**|
|**Spouse**|[[Zoran Tanasin|Zoran Tanasin]]|
|**Children**|[[Paul Tanasin|Paul]], [[Nikka|Nikka]]|
|**Profession**|Defense lawyer|
|**Homeworld**|[[Earth (Dark One)|Earth (Dark One)]]|
|**Introduced In**|*Dark One Book 1*|
This page or section needs to be updated with new information for *Dark One Book 1*!Be aware that in its current state, it may not include all additional content yet.
>“*I cannot run from this case, your honor. I am Caligo's defense, and I must defend.*”
\-Lin to the court judge[1]
**Lin Yang-Tanasin** is an attorney from New York City at the law firm [[Mitchell and Young|Mitchell and Young]] and is the mother of [[Paul Tanasin|Paul Tanasin]]. She is assigned to defend [[Mr. Caligo|Mr. Caligo]], a serial killer, by [[Illarion|Geoffrey Mitchell]].
## Contents
1 Appearance and Personality
1.1 Appearance
1.2 Personality
2 History
2.1 Parenting
2.2 Lawyer
3 Relationships
3.1 Paul Tanasin
4 Notes
## Appearance and Personality
### Appearance
Lin is of medium height, with long black hair that is tied up in a bun during court proceedings. She has a small mouth, thin nose, and has her ear lobes pierced. Lin sometimes wears glasses when working.
### Personality
>“*That's the job, sweetie. Love the unloveable.*”
\-Lin to Paul about defending a serial killer[2]
Lin is a very caring person, defending the criminals accused of the worst crimes, as she believes in who they might be rather than who they are. Despite the strained relationship between her and her son Paul, she cares very deeply for him, something [[Malmahan|Caligo]] relies upon to get back to [[Mirandus|Mirandus]]. Lin gets Paul into therapy and offers him money despite him having moved out, wanting to help him still despite him wanting independence. However, she gets so consumed by her work that she forgets details like the exact date of her son's birthday.
She tries to do her best for her clients; she petitions the judge on Caligo's behalf for the death penalty in his case after he requests it. Despite wanting Caligo to be locked up, Lin still talks about trying for a reduced sentence if he reveals details about the other deaths he admits to.
## History
### Parenting
Lin married [[Zoran Tanasin|Zoran Tanasin]] and had two children with him, Paul and [[Nikka|Nikka]]. During their children's childhood, Lin would be left alone by Zoran to look after the kids as he travelled to Mirandus and would lose track of time due to the lack of time passing there. Lin was further left to look after her children by herself after Zoran's death. She later lost Nikka who died on Mirandus while playing there with Paul.
### Lawyer
Sometime prior to Caligo's arrest, Lin came to a deal with Paul for him to move out and get his own place, with the condition he see a professional for his mental health. After winning the biggest case of the year, Lin moved onto Caligo's case, where she was pressured into seeking a plea deal by [[Illarion|Geoffrey Mitchell]] on behalf of all the board at the law firm.
During the meeting with her client, Mr. Caligo, Lin tried to convince Caligo of the benefits of a plea deal; however, to her surprise, he wished for nothing but the death penalty. Lin did not understand why Caligo let himself get captured if he wanted to die and didn't kill himself, as the state didn't have the death penalty. She agreed to consider his request of a plea deal, in exchange for him admitting to further crimes and the death penalty.
Once the court proceedings for the case of Mr. Caligo had started, Lin put forth Caligo's offer, much to the judge's anger. Lin was pulled into the judge's chambers to discuss the matter where Lin tried to convince the judge of the validity of the offer; however, it was outright refused, no matter the arguments put forth. Back in the courtroom, once he learned of this decision, Caligo used the [[Dark One (title)|Dark One's]] power to take control of everyone in the room except Lin, whom he demanded shoot him. Caligo declared himself Malmahan the Uncalled, and explained how he killed so many people to power the [[Peragator|peragator]] and get back to Mirandus. Caligo started to threaten to kill everyone Lin knew before she shot him and they were both transported to Mirandus.
Lin was taken hostage by Caligo on Mirandus, and forced to watch him plan to take over, now that Paul had successfully defeated the [[Kingdoms of Light|Kingdoms of Light]].
## Relationships
### Paul Tanasin
Lin has a strained relationship with her son, so much so that Paul moved into his own apartment at the age of seventeen. She still cares deeply for her son however, and wants to help him which is why she agreed to him moving out, as long as he started seeing [[Dr. Marcus|Dr. Marcus]]. Lin struggles with this arrangement though, and forgetting which day Paul's birthday is doesn't help their relationship. Caligo is able to use Lin's love for her son to help them transition to Mirandus using the peragator in the court room.
| Lin Yang-Tanasin |
|**Greater Good**|
|by Nabetse Zitro |
|**World of Origin**|[[Canticle|Canticle]]|
The **Greater Good** is the ruling council of [[Beacon|Beacon]] on [[Canticle|Canticle]]. The group comprises three members who are appointed gerontocratically in the months before they are converted into [[Sunheart|sunhearts]]. Each member is given a title which becomes the member's de facto name and a specific duty or calling that they are to represent within the council.
The Greater Good acts as a decision-making body for the city of Beacon but can delegate authority to other people or positions such as appointing a [[Lodestar|Lodestar]] or putting a difficult decision to a vote of the whole population. Due to the short tenures and ever changing membership of the Greater Good, a steward or city administrator serves under the greater good to provide continuity of leadership. Also under their leadership are a field commander or special ops planner and a lead engineer. The Greater Good also has the power to discipline specific members of the community for disobeying their directives.
The Greater Good wear common black dresses, gloves, and and hats even while indoors. When disagreeing or offering a countervailing opinion to another member, the Greater Good speak formally and deferentially.
## Contents
1 History
2 Relationships
2.1 Elegy
2.2 Jeffrey Jeffrey
2.3 Solemnity Divine
2.4 Zeal
3 Known Members
4 Trivia
5 Notes
## History
In the years leading up to the fall of the [[Cinder King|Cinder King]], [[Compassion|Compassion]], [[Confidence|Confidence]], and [[Contemplation|Contemplation]] are named to the Greater Good and vote to name [[Elegy Salvage|Elegy Salvage]] as Beacon's new Lodestar. Following Elegy's plan, a decision is made to end the practice of converting people into sun sunhearts and instead to search for the mythical [[Refuge of Stone|Refuge of Stone]]. Following Elegy's capture and conversion into a [[Charred|Charred]], the Greater Good decides to continue with the plan to find the Refuge, ultimately at the expense of most of the ships comprising Beacon and several Beaconite lives. After the Cinder King's fall, the Greater Good attempts to cede power to [[Rebeke Salvage|Rebeke Salvage]] but ultimately retain their authority.
## Relationships
### Elegy
The Greater Good votes to name Elegy as Beacon's new Lodestar. As Lodestar, Elegy's main purpose is to be Beacon's chief navigator but she is also a leader in charge of the long term vision of the city. Following Elegy's plan and ending the practice of converting people into sunhearts has allowed the members of the Greater Good to live and rule for longer than they otherwise would have, a fact that at least Contemplation feels guilty about.
### Jeffrey Jeffrey
[[Jeffrey Jeffrey|Jeffrey Jeffrey]] serves under the Greater Good as a steward or city administrator. This position provides a continuity of leadership for a council whose membership is constantly changing.
### Solemnity Divine
[[Solemnity Divine|Solemnity Divine]] is the lead engineer on Beacon and works closely with the Greater Good.
### Zeal
[[Zeal|Zeal]] serves as Beacon's field commander or special ops planner and works directly under the orders of the Greater Good.
## Known Members
## Trivia
[[Nomad|Nomad]] was disappointed upon first meeting the Greater Good and hoped that one of them was secretly a [[Dragon (cosmere)|dragon]]
| Greater Good |
|**Profession**|Noble lord|
**Lord Stanton** is the lord of a noble house in [[Elendel|Elendel]] on [[Scadrial|Scadrial]].
## History
Soon after High Lord [[Waxillium Ladrian|Waxillium Ladrian's]] return to [[Elendel|Elendel]] from the [[Roughs|Roughs]], he attended an event hosted by Lord Stanton. Rather than spend time with the other nobles, Wax chose to leave the party and explore the [[Mist|mists]], leaping and moving about with his [[Allomancy|Allomancy]] and [[Feruchemy|Feruchemy]]. This was an insult to Lord Stanton and his hospitality, so Wax later sent him a letter apologizing for his misconduct. This event and others, including a similar incident at a party hosted by Lady [[Aving Cett|Aving Cett]], led to Wax developing a reputation for wild behavior and boorishness.
## Trivia
There is a street in Elendel named Stanton Way, presumably after House Stanton.
| Stanton |
|**Introduced In**|*The Way of Kings*|
>“*This is my husband Heb, good knight. He's never seen a sword, far as I know.*”
**Heb** was a man who lived on [[Roshar|Roshar]] during the Eighth [[Heraldic Epochs|Heraldic Epoch]]. He was married to [[Taffa|Taffa]] and they had a daughter, [[Seeli|Seeli]]. He was the person [[Dalinar|Dalinar]] (and, later, [[Fen|Fen]]) replaced in the [[Dalinar's visions|Starfalls vision]].
## History
Heb lived with his family during a time of relative peace between [[Desolation|Desolations]], in a small village in [[Natanatan|Natanatan]]. He might've been a farmer, as he owned both a house and an adjacent barn. In the year three thirty seven of the Eight Epoch, his village was attacked by [[Midnight Essence|Midnight Essence]]. He and his wife were separated from their daughter, and Taffa sent him to look for her. He finally managed to locate her in the barn, though at this point, they were surrounded by the Midnight Essence.
As the Starfalls vision begins there, it's difficult to determine what happens to him after this point. In Dalinar's version of the vision, where he controls Heb, he manages to fight off the Midnight Essence and gets his family to flee the house, running towards a nearby river. On their way there, they're ambushed by the Midnight Essence, but before it can kill them, they're rescued by the [[Starfalls Windrunner|Starfalls Windrunner]] and his companion. The two [[Knights Radiant|Knights Radiant]] then offer to take Heb to [[Urithiru|Urithiru]] to train him properly in the arts of war.
In [[Fen|Fen's]] version of the vision, Heb abandons Seeli and Taffa and runs away to organize a resistance against the Midnight Essence in the town. The group he puts together is fairly successful, and manages to hold out until the Radiants arrive to assist them, whereupon the vision is interrupted so that Dalinar can speak with Fen.
It's difficult to say what happened in reality. Considering that Heb was a civilian who, according to Taffa, has never held a sword in his life, it's very likely he died when the Midnight Essence attacked the barn he was in.
| Heb |
**Laqqi** is a village in central [[Emul|Emul]] on [[Roshar|Roshar]]. It lies in a rural area near the country's northern border with [[Azir|Azir]].
## History
Laqqi and the surrounding lands were contested as part of the war in Emul during the [[True Desolation|True Desolation]]. [[Odium|Odium's]] forces took control of most of Emul early in the war, but by early 1175, Azish forces fighting for the [[Coalition of monarchs|coalition of monarchs]] recaptured the northern half of the country.
After deciding to launch an offensive into Emul, [[Dalinar|Dalinar]] set up a warcamp in Laqqi due to its strategic location about a three day march away from the battlefront. A large number of coalition troops, [[Knights Radiant|Knights Radiant]], and leaders temporarily relocated to the city. New tents and buildings were erected, and the village was fortified against storms and [[Singer|singer]] attacks. In keeping with cultural norms, the [[Alethi|Alethi]] leaders stayed in austere stone lodging, while the Azish built the [[Prime Aqasix|Prime Aqasix]] luxurious quarters. Laqqi served as an effective base, and the offensive into Emul was ultimately successful.
The warcamp in Laqqi was the site of Odium and Dalinar's agreement to hold a contest of champions.
| Laqqi |
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