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question, does linux-k7-smp stand for sempron? if i have amd athlon xp 2800+ do i have linux-k7 or linux-k7-smp? | or cores :) |
my (friend's) computer's x suddenly won't start -- mumbles about going into low-graphics mode, and then doesn't even manage that. | what video card? (thats the place to start) |
hi all, how can i find out my mac adress on ubuntu? | it's called hwaddr in the output |
is sata generally hotswappable? i bought an enclosure that supports esata and it came with a bracket that just connects an esata connector on the back of the bracket/case to a sata connector on the motherboard... i'm wondering whether that's safe to hotplug | at least as far as i know, there is no linux support for hotswapping esata yet. |
hello everyone; is there an app to equalize my audio or make effects. rock pop etc. you know internally like stuff playing off the interner.. garagebands bebo myspace etc | look into linux audio developers |
what do you get out of helping people on here? | it's all volunteers here |
anyone knows how to restart alsa? | that restarts the alsa-utils stuff |
im getting an error on the upgrade of xsever-xorg-input-synaptics on a desktop workstation - -that sounds suspiciously like a touch pad driver, can i just kill that package? | it's the touchpad, you can get rid of it |
how to change or off screen-saver in xubuntu 6.06? | try settings manager |
how to make apache and php to work together? | lamp |
mail/imap question: i've got a working postfix installation. how do i enable imap support? do i need additional packages? any howtos you can point me to? | i think the wiki deals with that quite well |
hi. is it possible to start a program running through ssh that will continue running after i disconnect? | you can start it in a vt also. ssh user@ip openvt -fc 32 -- your command plus agrs here. |
what version of gtk do i have in ubuntu hardy? | 2.6 iirc |
what's better than xterm? | gnome terminal or konsole. |
how do i switch workspace with keyboard? | ctrl+alt+arrow |
do any1 know how many official dev are in ubuntu? | there are about 50 paid developers and many volunteers |
does ubuntu have a text mode install? | using the alternate install image, yes |
what is the package name of the openldap server? i cant find it. | slapd |
what should i do if /dev/dsp is missing? | that has been a popular question recently for some reason :) |
how do i recompile my kernel? | amsn is maybe bloated or something... try using gaim and adding your amsn account |
my computer will not boot the ubuntu cd; is there any other way that i can install it? | http://www.debian.org/releases/slink/i386/ch-install-methods.en.html |
does anyone have experience with ipw2100 (centrino) wireless cards? | there is some doc on the ubuntu forums |
what is the correct way to run an arbitrary script as root after reboot ? | put it in init.d |
i am installing ubuntu-restricted-extras (apparently this wasn't done on the install of 11.10 despite my checking it?) and it says 'libavcodec53 and libavutil51' must be removed for this installation. is this okay? | that should not be a problem |
anyone know how to change graphics-mode used in the terminal/shell ? | thats in the /boot directory .... |
been a while since i installed ubuntu, where do i see if my wireless adapters are spported? | ^^^ |
hi, how do i find out which process is bound to a specific port? | netstat -tulpen |
i have a seroius problem with my ubuntu sorces, it wount let me install anything from the software center because it's 'untrusted'? | sudo apt-get update |
what software does ubuntu use to auto mount cdrom, usb external harddisk? | gnome has a mounter that does that |
i have a bunch of programs that are no longer needed and come up when i install something with apt to be autoremove. i don't want them to be removed, so is there someway to suppress the warning or keep them so to speak? | sudo apt-get install them or aptitude markauto them |
anyone else have an idea why raid1 in hardware causes dapper live install to not be able to find the disks? | you're going to have to use either the alternate or server install cds instead. |
anyone can recommend some beautiful dock? | most configurable is cairo-dock, there is also awn, docky (from gnome-do) |
hey all, is there a way to get the 'pin' icon in the upper left hand corner of a window, similar to how it is in kde ? | what is the pin icon? |
can anyone tell me what font this is? http://farm1.static.flickr.com/130/402807971_a6d0cbfd47_o.png | can't open it |
make sure you have your networking config set properly in the network interfaces file, and those two programs should set up a small gateway for you | do you still have to uninstall networkmanager to use static ip's? i was hoping they fixed that |
hello all.. is there a way to 'ls' my ide like i would for usb (lsusb)? i have a cdrw that is not working. | probably fdisk -l |
have you googled: how-to-install-ubuntu-linux-on-galaxy-tab-10 | i'm doing that for a while. i'm new to tablets, i don't know differentiate reliable from fishinglish sources. |
anyone here running 'buntu on ppc??? | best to just ask your real question |
hey guys, i forgot how to change my icon themes.. i know its somewhere in system but i cant remember where.. any help? | then customize |
hi i updated from dapper to edgy by changing 'dapper' to 'edgy' in my sources.list. is there a way to switch back to dapper? | cool thing you did. since you tried that, care to share results? |
please, help: i was trying to recover the windows mbr through ubuntu with ms-sys --mbr /dev/sda1 instead of /dev/sda, and now my windows partition is unbootable... | not so bad, it could be worse, k so what you did was enter some mumbel jumbel insto the boot loader, now try doing the same thing you did using hd0 instead |
hi guys! i'm running karmic on a laptop that has radeon hd 3200. i could not find a driver for it--the link is broken on the amd site. am i out of luck? | system > admin > hardware drivers |
hey guys, i need your opinion, i tried dual booting ubuntu with windows yesterday, and 3/4ths through the ubuntu install, it died (cd was faulty). i can boot a (working) ubuntu cd and access the ntfs partition, but there aren't any options for a guided install. i've tried doing a manual install (by creating two partitions), but my computer doesn't want to seem to boot. any suggestions? | super grub for the interim? |
so, i've been having issues getting some web content working lately. namely pandora, grooveshark, even facebook sometimes. i've tried enabling/disabling javascript, uninstalling/reinstalling flash, and testing accross several browsers...what should i try next? | try windows, that's what i did |
what package do i have to install to allow me to run java apps on the web? | it's got a whole bunch of packages you might want ready for auto install, just check the ones you want and press ok. |
someone tell me how to get permission to make this launcher? ln -s /media/win.xp.sp2.on.250/'program files'/steam/steamapps ./steamapps | put 'sudo' before the command |
please, what package do i need to record .mp3 on those little mp3 players? | like an ipod? |
anyone have any good theme sites ? | art.gnome.org |
is there a way to alias right_ctrl to left_ctrl? some applications seem to completely ignore right_ctrl... | i'm not 100% on this, but i believe `man (getkeycodes|setkeycodes|showkey)' would help |
hi guys, can you tell me how to make it so that alt-tab shows all processes on all workspaces, not just the current one? | you likely just need to go into advanced desktop effects and find the plugin which alt-tab initiates .. .then change the plugin's settings to show all workspaces when initiated ... something like that |
anybody know how to save gimp files as pdf? | i don't knowif this is the best way,but you could opendocsin ooo and save as .pdf |
how can i install a program .msi using wine? | msiexec |
is there a list of utilities that i can install from cd? for example, build-essential. | i think its under system >administration > synaptic package manager |
i would like to install ubuntu on virtual box (amd-64) windows xp. what ubuntu version should i download. amd-64 or i386 works as well | both are fine as your vbox is amd64 |
how do i launch something on wake from sleep? will /etc/rc.local work? | no rc.local just gets ran at boot up. |
i want to set up a triple-boot windows/two linux distros machine, and i came across a slight snag: is the general recommendation to make a partition for grub, or to let it overwrite the mbr? | it's no big deal, there's also instructions on how to do it all over the net |
what does vfs error mean? | k3b |
what can i use to find out keyboard scan codes under x? i want to try and map some of the multimedia keys to different apps | xev |
i had compiz running, then i accidently unchecked 'mirror screens' in the resolution settings. now my radeon9600 is in clone mode and i cant activate the advanced graphics stuff anymore. can i reset the thing? where does the ati driver store its settings? | i mean, 'aticonfig --initial' |
somebody knows what does '/usr/bin/fakeroot: line 146: debian/rules: permission denied' means ? | looks like perhaps you unpacked a package not using dpkg-source -x |
hi all...i have a ati radeon 9600 pro graphic card and i would like to know could i play 3d games under ubuntu with the graphic card i have ? does ubuntu support that ...? | https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/binarydriverhowto |
does anyone know how i can stop ubuntu from booting up in 'high resolution' or x mode? i want my ubuntu box to boot up like one of those old school linux/unix box w/out x and just a terminal login | you can always just ctrl-alt-f1 and use a vt which will look like your old school box |
when does the new release come out? | 8.10 = 10/2008 october. |
where do i find a gui listing of the services (sshd, httpd, etc) that are running? | system monitor |
i can hear myself on the speaker whenever i speak on the mic but the sound isn't detected on skype. any idea?:) | change audio device in skype? |
how do i copy all files in a directory to the directory above it? | 'cp -r * ../' |
is there any command-line app i can use to arbitrarily decrease the quality of a png image? (not pngcrush, i know about that) | imagemagick |
what is the name of the ubuntu channel where i can get help? | that would be here. |
how can i find out what my ip is on ubuntu | alt+tab :) |
can someone go into openoffice writer, go to tools > customize, click on the 'shortcut keys' section, press shift+enter and tell me what the command beside it is called? | your question was answered a while ago -- just look back about 20 entries |
robdid you md5 check your cd? | now do i do that :s |
how do i kill something in 'top' within the terminal? | kill -11 $pid |
would you help me ? | i haven't ever used it, i just know what it is |
i just did a dist-upgrade from oneiric to precise. while it was installing, gnome-shell quit working. after it rebooted, lightdm starts in a bad mode, and keyboard and mouse don't work. what should i do? | i think i had a similar problem, ended up apt-get installing lxde until i could reconfigure gnome-shell |
is there a way to remove livecd from the system running livecd ? | tried an ubuntu live usb? |
oh hey, i am using xubuntu ... anyone know of any good samba clients? | sadly the only samba client i've found was the crappy old xffm4 (xfsamba4) |
what is gallium support? | gallium is a new way of writing drivers. it utilizes kms and the memory manager to take advantage of advanced gpu functionality |
exactly,what do you want to know? | sorry but i was not talking to you |
what is the freaking super key on a pc? | windows key i believe |
i loaded a bad ppa and now synaptic only starts long enough to report the error. how can i edit the repo list with synaptic closed? | /etc/apt/sources.list? |
hi guys. i'm very very new to ubuntu, installed just an hour ago. could you please point me to the good storage of themes for ubuntu? thank you! | art.gnome.org |
how can i tell wether a service is running ? | ps -e | more |
what's the name of the program that creates ubuntu/deb packages from source code so you can uninstall them? | checkinstall does that. |
how can i get to gnome application menu without the mouse? | alt+f1 |
how can i use 'ls' to display size of the overall contents of a directory. | : man du |
do the instructions for creating a liveusb found at http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/download work for lubuntu? | they should work with any .iso ubuntu version |
hi. i just installed kde with 'sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop,' but how do i remove gnome and all the gnome apps? | http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/purekde |
hi :d how can i concatenate the output of multiple commands into a file? i tried: (echo 'in;pu;sp1;!fs100;vs50;'; cat ${1%.*}.plt; echo 'pu;sp;in;pg;') > ${1%.*}.plt, but cat gives an error 'input file is output file' (that is the correct behaviour, i want to output to the same file that cat read) | you need to output to a temp file, then move that back |
can a local ip only be from a range of to | that depends on your subnet |
what is the password for sudo on livecd? | there is no password ;p |
what's the command to start a daemon without rebooting? | usually it will have some startup entry in /etc/init.d so you: sudo /etc/init.d/<scriptname> restart |
how can i set a locale which is different from the system language? i want my language to be english, but use european number and date formats (dd.mm.yyyy , etc) | i did it step by step, choose english for language, german keyboard, later then other formats |
how can i, using metacity, have a window stay always on bottom? | http://foosel.org/linux/devilspie, something like (if (is (application_name) 'tilda') (begin (below))) |
could anyone see anything wrong with this crontab? '0 4 * * * ntpdate 0.se.pool.ntp.org >/dev/null 2&>1' i added it like 3 mouths ago... now i run i manually and the time was wrong over 100 seconds. so the crontab apparently does not work. | maybe you need the full path to ntpdate |
how do i go about taking a windows driver for a usb wireless card and use it on ubntu? | ndiswrapper |
anyone have any experience with cell phone companies wireless broadband access cards?? | but don't quote me on that |
hello, i've acquired an ipod touch recently, i'm hating it thus far in windows with the restrictions itunes imposes, what are the linux alternatives like if any are worth doing? | gtkpod |
is there a good place to ask about how to properly hock up a sata hard drive? | kubuntu |
how can i turn list [[1,2], [2,3]] to [1,2,2,3] in python? | you have to be registered and identified |
how do i install new icons in gnome | just drag and drop onto the theme manager |
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