anyone knows good dvd burning program i have some problems whit brasero ?
k3b ?
how can i change the owner of a folder from rrot to a specific user?
chown - use man chown in terminal to learn it - but be careful
this is an odd question. but how can i connect to a computer that is behind a firewall via ssh? i can ssh -from- that machine, but can't ssh -to- that machine, is there a reverse tunnel switch for ssh ?
yes there is
i am new to irc, and this environment, i am on ubuntu 7.10 dual-booted with xp, i almost never use my xp but if i did and wanted to come here how would i get here? irc client? for windows?
i use pidgin.
i am trying to remember the name of a very cool network monitoring program called ether monkey or some such... anyone got a clue?
how can i run apt-get install from a python script?
using the system command?
[ubuntu 9.04] how can i deinstall all games and associated overhead in order to gain free space on my hard disk?
or you could go through and remove them 1x1
hey, is hud implemented in ubuntu 12.04?
when you have a program open, hit the alt key
does anyone here know a solution for audio going out of sync in videos (audio coming about one second later than the video)
flash 7 for linux was made w/ oss, not alsa. as a consequence the audio is out of sync. there is a new flash 9 beta with alsa support... but it doesn't work very well yet.
is is piracy if i bought windows xp before, but now i'm using a burnt copy, because we lost the old copy?
it's not piracy if you're using your original product key not more than once, just transferred it
anyone using a good diary sotware in ubuntu?
apt-cache search diary
any favorite ftp client, and a download manager?
can i transfer all the bookmarks in my browser to another system...?
sure, but maybe you'd like xmarks.com
in a computer techy way
whats the easiest way to make a backup of my ubuntu system?
-- simplebackup
can anyone tell me what packages i need to install to get xwindows working on ubnuntu server and kdesktop.
copy paste sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop
can gnome do transparent windows, if so, how?
but they are not stable, dont use them
is there any way to view general hardware information from ubuntu? stuff like hardrive, ram, video card, etc?
system -> administration -> system monitor -> system (tab)
do you known where can i find gmail notifier but for linux ? because i can't find it on google
its in the repos
hi anyone can tell me where i can delete or add links on the start menu on ubuntu?
or system -> preferences -> main menu
hey there, i just installed ubuntu 10.04 , and install the 'docky' ... i understand that it is not the same as gnome-do, but there is nothing on the web about it, i have no idea how to add 'google search' like we have in gnome-do , and stuff like that, there is a build in programs and that's it, it's very minimal
use awn is better
whats a terminal command for logging off a user?
logout, i believe. you may also want to try exit.
how do i get window's video codecs, for mpegs and whatnot, for feisty?
you need add a extra repository, and then install the package 'w32codecs'
hi... does anybody know how is ubuntu/gnome starting compiz when i enable desktop effects? what does it execute and from where?
desktop effects - compiz
setting up ubuntu on home network. how do i share printer? connected printer on primary machine (direct usb connection). then 'detect lan printers' on other machines. printer does no appear on other machines.
system>admin>printing than in there you want to select it as a network printer if its not connected to the pc your setting than walk through the proccess but remember you want to connect through the routers ip address
am a newbie - how do i find what my com1 port is under ubuntu please - trying to configure minicom
note that minicom assumes you have a modem attached and does lots of at wierdry before you get a chance to do anything
i am setting up an ubuntu 6.06 lamp server, and want to be able to use openoffice.org and inkscape from the command line (which requires me to install x) should i install x, or just start over with a standard desktop install and add apache, php , and mysql?
no need at all to start over, just install the additional packages you need, including x.
is there a generic package for developer tools? eg compiler, gawk, linker, etc
i tried to backup a dvd with k9 copy. it failed, and i cant seem to find the temp file so i can free up the 4 gigs i lost in the process. i checked root .trash and my user .trash
do a 'du -h' in the /tmp dir and look for big files
is intel going to release the source code for the sandy bridge gpu with its drm that is incorporated in the architecture of its cpus?
contact intel, that has nothing to do with ubuntu support
could you help me?
http://dri.freedesktop.org/wiki/ was your first question. *maybe* lshw for your second one
hi! i have a question regarding the update of ubuntu. every now and then it upgrades the kernel version. however my bootup list from grub is starting to get quite full. do i really need all the old versions on my startuplist or can i delete them. in that case... how do i do it?
simple kernel remove how too: http://www.foogazi.com/2008/07/02/quickzi-how-to-remove-older-kernels-from-ubuntu/
where is there a clear explaination of where all the settings are that were in fstab?
hi all! just a quick question: i've just found a bad bug in evolutino (segfault). i know exactly where it crashes (just debugged it) and want to report it. is it better to report it at launchpad or directly at upstream?
use launchpad
when opening avi files in mplayer i get the error error opening/initializing the selected video_out (-vo) device i used the command mplayer -vo sdl asdfasdf.avi it worked well but how can i configure mplayer to get the o/p as sdl when i click on a file ???
can anyone tell me how to get kphoto through my konsole? i am new to ubuntu and have no idea what i am doing or where to look. i am a long time user of another distro.
sudo apt-get install kphoto or search in adept
i'm having some trouble mounting my secondary harddrive. it's ntfs formatted, and when i type 'sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/sdb1 /media/mountpoint' i don't get any errors, but when i try to access /media/mountpoint, i get an error window saying 'you do not have the permissions necessary to view the contents of 'mountpoint.'' any idea why that might be happening?
only root will be able to access the mounted drive if you mount using sudo
hello everybody. i have two pcs on wich i use ubuntu, and one 'server' with some debian on it. i want to have the firefox bookmarks of both pcs synchronized. is there a possibility to have the bookmarks saved at the server, maybe in an sql database or something, so both pcs cann access them (and update them automaticall, e.g. read them while starting forefox)?
it's a firefox addon you're looking for -- a bookmarking sync addon.
is the gem object deallocation issue in the final release fixed by default or do i have to install the patch?
it's fixed
you know how in windows if you click the scroll wheel down it gives you a nice wheel you can move up or down to scroll in firefox? is there a way to have that in linux?
just use the scroll wheel, mine works fine. (unless windows does something else)
i need help deciding what ubuntu versions are better, like kubuntu, mythbuntu, xubuntu......
when installing vmware server console, it will not let me run the install script unless im a super user.. after installing it (with sudo) it will not let me run vmware-server-console unless im i user sudo.. how can i install this so that it shows up in my applications and doesnt require sudo from terminal??
try adding yourself to the vmware group if there is such a thing
hi guys, i downloaded ubuntu 8.10 alternate cd for my another pc which has no internet connection.. but when i try to upgrade it, i get a warning message 'the packages could not be authenticated' any solutions will be app
you need to add the gpg keys to the repository
question: are there any good linux books that will get me to know a lot of general linux things (file structures, why things are the way they are, whats safe, whats not, etc)?
linux in a nutshell
good evening all... i have a laptop with a nice fresh install of 8.10 on it. what would be the simplest easiest quickest way of getting a forum running locally on it?
apt-cache search forum
i just installed ubuntu 8.10, and it's crashing almost immediately after i log in, this started happening after i enabled desktop effects and i think that this is what is causing it. how can i disable desktop effects in terminal? or any other ideas?
perhaps remove the relevant packages with sudo apt-get remove --purge compiz-core desktop-effects
anyone know how to make my ubuntu 9.10 system automatically suspend after a certain length of idleness?
system -> preferences -> power management
not really the right place to ask but how do i find out how much electricity my laptop uses to buy a power inverter for my car that will work?
on bottom of charger
hi, does ubuntu terminal uses .bashrc file for its 'alias'. i have been changing it little bit but it dosnt seem it affects the terminal...
or open up a new terminal
there's any way to check the status op my ports?
network tools
how do i mount the floppy drive?
you still have a floppy drive??? that's awesome. i haven't seen those since.... high school
hi guys. i'm trying to open a pdf file from firefox, however, when i click on the file, instead of it promting me to select whether i would like to save it or open it (i would select open if i could) it just displays a bunch of 'code' in the browser. i think this might have to do with the fact that the file ends in a .pdf, where as files that end in a .pdf (note the case difference) behave correctly. any help?
have you tried right clicking and 'save link as...'?
why does ubuntu provide no deb program package for jalingo? (http://sourceforge.net/projects/jalingo)
you are more than welcome to compile your own package for your own personal use using an application called checkinstall
how can i set the message that pops on screen after people login to tty or ssh?
hi. ubuntu 9.10- when i click places, i successfully connect to a server(smb share), i get a folder on my desktop. how do i reference where that mount point is in the terminal? thanks!
in a terminal run 'mount' it will list all of your mounted devices and their paths
how do i get an hdparm command to run at boot each time
/etc/hdparm.conf i think
hello. i have a file named 'hplip-3.11.3a.run'. how do i install this?
'chmod +x hplip-3.11.3a.run && ./hplip-3.11.3a.run'
hi all! im looking for an open voip-solution fur ubuntu.. do you have any suggestions for me?
which programing language is written open office ?
hi, i am using an audigy 2 sound card with what i believe is alsa. i had pulseaudio but heard that it was terrible so i removed it. now sometimes the music is fine, other times it is muffled, and sometimes it is reverberated. 9.04 jaunty.
no wonder you might have problems... pulseaudio is a rather large component of audio in ubuntu
anyone know how i can get a main menu or application menu when i right click on the desktop?
i know it can be done in xcfe but i don't know if you can do it in gnome
when i try to mount a particular cd in ubuntu, i get: 'wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock'. it works fine in windows. any ideas?
m:) the disk probably aint closed. cd finalize disk...
i have xfce. when i go log-out-button -> suspend, what command is actually used?
i expect it is something to the effect of service xfce4 suspend.
hi, whats the difference between a .04 and .10 release?
6 months
soo, pulseaudio sits on top of alsa, correct?
synaptics shown all versions of a package it knows when you use the properties
hi all .. does anyone know any video editing software that can edit .asf files? my new cowon a2 records in asf format, but there are some videos that need cut down a bunch ..
i sent you a pm.
hi. i want to add a symlink to (i think it is /usr/bin?) so when i type thinliquidfilm in the terminal it will run /home/fraser/thinliquidfilm/thinliquidfilm.py
go to /usr/bin and type ln -s /home/fraser/thinliquidfilm/thinliquidfilm.py
hi all.. how to synchronize my clock with internet time zones...?
package 'ntp'
hey guys, how can i access windows server domain shared folders?
in the home folder , press ctrl+l , in the adress field type smb://pathtoserver/pathofshare/
anyone experienced with postfix (mta)?
how do i proceed with this? 'sudo fdisk -l | grep swap' gives me 'disk /dev/dm-0 does not contain a valid partition table'
i believe that hibernation is currently known not to work with encrypted swap.
which version of ubuntu is stable ?
9.04 would be the latest stable version i believe
anybody know how to resolve this error message from doing a ./configure : 'checking for x... configure: error: can't find x includes. please check your installation and add the correct paths!'
make sure you've got the x dev package installed
ehm.. a basic question.. how do i 'cd' into a directory that has spaces in name?
or cd put\ a\ slash\ in\ front\ of\ spaces
does ubuntu come with a command line program to generate md5 files?
what's the password (if you've never set one up) to go into the cups admin (localhost:631) and mess with jobs?
just your normal user account and password, i expect
question: how do i install radeon hd drivers for ubuntu so i have fast 3d opengl?
but first, check system > administration > hardware drivers
~how would i safely remove distfiles (/var/cache/apt/archives)
sudo apt-get clean
hello, on my desktop are some partitions shown; ...they are called 'data' and 'sda1'...how to rename them?
you may use 'e2label' if they are ext2/3
hai, my internet doesn't work with my kubuntu distrobution... it had been working fine until i rebooted. and earlier, i had did a 'sudo aptitude upgrade'.. i'm thinking that has something to do with it, or maybe my iptables are not allowing me to access the internet?
how can i disable join and leave info messages in irssi?
sudo apt-get install sun-java6-plugins
how do i unset the http_proxy environment variable in bash?
unser http_proxy
hrm... no matter which keyboard i have plugged in the numpad will not work. does anyone have a clue as to where to start looking?
sudo dpkg-recofigure xserver-xorg-input-kbd
anyone know a handy utility to record your desktop?
the question is can the bios allocate memory for both cards
of course it can...
rs1, would an ati 9800 also be 'old enough' ?
i think it's 9250 and under.
i just used updated to firefox 0.99+1.0prubuntu. suddenly find (as in ctrl+find) isnt working. anyone else experienced that?
what's the file name that has all the repositores in it??
how can i format my exeternal harddisk?
i'd use gparted to format
is that in the man pages?
that's true too
anyone know how to stop frostwire from sucking up all my resources and freezing everytime i search/dl ?
yes, but it runs a lot faster and smoother
i can't seem to find what screen had the nvidia tab on it for the graphics settings. i know i saw it somewhere when i was poking around.
there's nvidia-settings
is there a way to change teh bootsplash
that tool is pretty self-explanatory
which package has 'lspci' ?
this has been bothering me for some time: i am on a volume limited internet connection and i have multiple ubuntu computers. is there an (easy) way to let one computer mirror the updates to all of the others? maybe just make the apt-cache a samba share...?
or you can easy create a full local mirror with apt-mirror
erm, how do edit existing mount points?
they are in /etc/fstab
trying to do a clean install of lucid. desktop won't format hard disks, alternate starts to install and gives message: please insert the disc labeled: 'ubuntu 10.04 lts _lucid lynx_ - release i386 (20100427.1)' in the drive '/cdrom/' and press enter' no joy from putting desktop disk in and hitting enter. can someone help? this is my office workstation and i've been down two days now.
is it not on either desktop ? are you using the xinerama extension ?
nope...it just disappeared off both screens...
in my bios under video options i've got 'primary video adapter <auto>', is that what i'm looking for? (to switch video from intel graphics to new card)
ok. auto should do what you need (turn it off if another is present), but personally i'd install the new card and then go back in the bios and set the on board video to off.
hijack :d, would that cause existing packages to re-download?
if there are still in the cache of the harddisk no. it would use the cache package. if you want to force a new download, clear the cache with synaptic. don't know the console command ;)