what's a safe way to remove a soft link?
you can remove a soft link with rm, for instance if the softlink is a dir make sure it doesnt have the / at the end and it removes the link not the dir
xubuntu still uses grub 2 right?
it should be using grub2 yes.
and come back and tell me if you have display options
ctrl+alt+backspace is disabled in jaunty
nm. rtorrent is for dapper, is there some bittornet client for feisty ?
there is a good tutorial and shortcut description on theirs site
can someone help me i am trying to install xubuntu 8.10 on a laptop and the installation screen and everything works fine then it loads this thing called busy box and has a variety of different commands to enter, im not sure where to go from here?
try using safe graphics mode
hi, this isnt really specific ubuntu, but its only happened to me in ubuntu, i'm using mplayer-plugin to watch videos in firefox, they work fine, but i cant seem to go fullscreen, it just keeps it 1:1 and adds a big black border, same thing in mplayer standalone, any ideas??
make sure you are using 'xv' as the video output
hey, what's the command for listing processes running?
or ps
i was searching for an answer to that myself (similar problem). i found some stuff about buggy acpi messing things up, and needing to disable it, but that didn't work for me.
well, i don't need acpi on a desktop, so might as well disable it in the bios... but still. this is on a cold boot...
what is the filemanager in ubuntu called again?
in gnome, nautilus, i think
i'm trying to compile a little hello-world.c and it seems, gcc cant find stdio.h
sudo aptitude install libc6-dev
any app that takes pictures from a webcam and saves them into hd?
also uvccapture for command line
using 9.10, how can i set a program to launch on startup?
system > prefrences > startup applications
please can someone tell me the default partitions for lucid server edition?
ext4 and swap
please, how to list all ethx installed? ifconfig seems to be missing two
ifconfig -a
what's the package i have to install to compile software?
build-essential should suffice
secring is all my secure keys right?
i presume
libraries are fine, when i compile with -m32 option i expect it to search in /usr/lib32 or /lib32 to find the proper lib32 libraries... or the entire idea of having 32bit libraries is pointless
man gcc =p
does 'apt-get upgrade' simply do the same thing as installing the latest patches that the gui app notifies you about? or is it more comprehensive?
yes if you are root
q: what are the differences between the desktop and server version for 6.06?
should have the same kernel actually, just package difference
when i share a folder via samba by right clicking the folder, goign to properties, and share tab. where is that information stored? it's not in /etc/samba/smb.conf
looks like its using the 'net usershare' command to add the share, try checking out the man page for that to get some hint
whats the command to open the default terminal in u8.10
is it possible to tell apt-get to prevent an application from being uninstalled?
aptitude hold package-name
hello, can someone be so friendly and try to download the books cd zip file from this site http://www.ece.utah.edu/~farhang/newsite/?q=node/6 and report if it works?
yes it works
how is the default ubuntu user privlaged?
that does not give the user any extra privileges except the ability to use sudo
is there any image editing tool for ubuntu? not normal image editing tool, i mean photoshop type image editing tool
try gimp
how do i see what my comp specs are by the term?
lspci lsusb are two places to see the hardware
hello! how to completely remove and install postgres 9.1? (with all the databases and stuff)
you have to purge, and you have to manually remove the datafiles afterwards.
hi all. the taskbar at the bottom of ubuntu gets quite full really quickly when i have many windows open and at times it's difficult to differentiate and find the window i want quickly. is there any way to group windows or something else to help remedy my issue? thanks.
if you right-click on the small dots to the left of the window list, you can set window grouping
hi, two questions - i'm just 'installing' urt, where's the best place to put the directory full of game-files and the launcher itself, preferably so it can be executed from a terminal/launcher in the same way stuff like 'xterm' or 'firefox' can be?
for the second question. check out the 'gnome-terminal' command.. there is a switch for a command to run
hey does anyone know the cli command to upgrade to edgy? i can't seem to find it
there's a guide for upgrading there
anyone know of problems with pidgin connecting to icq? tried changing the login server, but still doesn't work
pidgin didn't work for me either try xchat if you don't have it
who knows a good program or plugin to translate words directly from a website selecting a word and making right click ?
check the firefox websites
can one play bluray on ubuntu?
how many mb should i set aside for winxp for virtualbox?
that depends on how much ram you hvae and what software you'll run in windows
can someone help me? i need to figure out how to execute a file from a cron job (the file is /home/<myname>/scripts/backup, and i usually execute it with ./backup), but it won't let me do that from cron. ( i seem to have to be able to do a ./home/myname/scripts/backup, but it won't do that.) :(
try /home/myname/scripts/backup and not with that dot
quick question, is there anything special you have to do to remove a usb flash drive when you're done using it like on a windows machine?
right-click, choose 'unmount'
i am running aptiude for the 1st time in a long time and it says the following packages have been held back: desktop-file-utils gdm gtk2-engines-pixbuf libgnomevfs2-0 libgnomevfs2-bin libgnomevfs2-common libgnomevfs2-dev libgnomevfs2-extra libgtk2.0-0 libgtk2.0-bin libgtk2.0-common libgtk2.0-dev. is this a problem? why are they being held back?
sounds like you need to do an apt-get dist-upgrade to me
i found the problem - it seems to happen when i try running synaptic to update my system
sounds like ur laptop is hosed
thanks. where would i start? the hbas are mapped in their bios.
well, you need to use lunmasking, this can be done with systems such as lvm, or you need to use multipath software
so i'm installing all these utilities from apt-get install but don't know where any of them go or how i can run them....
go into synaptic, right click on the installed package and take a look at the installed files
hey all, in a bash script i got grep to output a line like this: 'pts=0.1860, frame_time=33 ms, bitrate=9100 kbps'. now i need to store the number 33 in a variable, how do i extract the number 33 from this line?
not sure this is the proper channel for questions on bash programming
i have a problem with firefox and sounds. flash works fine, but mp3's or wav's in the background of a normal page doesn't seem to work. i've tried a lot of stuff in the forum, but all the threads seem to be about flash not working.
might want to try mozilla-mplayer as well
is there a way to set thunderbird to automatically display emails in threads, and those threads collapsed (in every folder, and persisting across sessions), other than doing it manually?
click the box to the left of the paper clip and subject boxes.
i backed up my files on an external hd before installing ubuntu, did full format. is it safe for me to resize ubuntu partition and make a new one to restore my files?
ubuntu can see all other file formats...so after you edit the partition, or even before, you can copy everything back over from the external. :-)
is there a program available for ubuntu that's similar to symantec's 'ghost' i want to make a mirror copy of a networked computer and store the image on my pc. anything like that?
hey fellas.. i can't seem to figure out how to craft a propwer modprobe.d/ config file.. i want to autoload the powernow and cpu scalling modules on boot, but i'm a tard... is someone capable of walking me through what i'd need to put in to make that happen?
gkrellm has a mail check function, and i use mutt to read my mail, but how can i launch mutt without lauching a console first??
xterm -e mutt
hi, i am running ubuntu 7.10. i am running advanced desktop effects, i am wondering if there is a way to have icons on one desktop and not on another? i currently have four desktops. an answer would be greatly appreciated : )
i believe all of the desktops remain the same
hi, i was looking forward for the new composition manager in metacity 2.14, however todays update did not change anything (visually)...where did it go?
in 1:2.13.144-0ubuntu1, note: '..compositor improvements [remember, still off by default] ..'
so for irsis can i do sudo apt-get irssi ?
apt-get install irssi
hi, i'm on ubuntu 10.04, and the maximum resolution i can get for my 30' dell monitor (connected via hdmi) is 1280x800. does anyone know how i might be able to increase this
i would try a different driver
hey how can i get java applets to work in ubuntu? i have java 7 sdk installed already
the sdk is for developers, and that's going too far
is there a way of controling amarok with multimedia keys under ubuntu? they work in the gnome preferences, but amarok just ignores them, when i try to set them in amarok's preferences
i dont have it in front of me so i'm not sure what its all exactly called.
what do you use on linux?
i just use gaim as an irc client... even though it's not good, by any means
nobody here has dvd burner?
nautilus should burn dvds too if you need data dvd
what are my options for debconf -p teh man pages dont say it
well sudo dpkg-reconfigure debconf tells you
i can't currently connect to the internet in ubuntu, because i am on a quirky wireless card, but i read that ff is supposed to be a lot better with wireless. should i attempt to upgrade to the beta now or wait for the full version to come out?
personally, i've found the beta at the moment to be totally stable, and better with wireless, so i'd say risk it - but only if it's non-essential.
i just tried installing the natty beta and got an error sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1), how to see more details?
you can then install the updates and 3rd party stuff after it's up.
afternoon all - im trying to get dvd`s to play on my ubuntu install. i have followed the guide (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/restrictedformats) but when i open vnc it will play the warning about copywright on the dvd then nothing. any ideas?
maybe some zone thing or something
i'm upgrading to lucid and got a question about where to install grub. /dev/sda is my boot device but should i install grub to the sda, sda1, sda2 or sda5?
only to /dev/sda.
is the 11.04 64-bit not working properly since it is not recommended on ubuntu.com?
may not be that, may be just the status of testing and confirmation
are there people here with knowledge of graphics cards?
i know how to instlal them..lol
does transmission allow for traffic encryption?
but you can read all about it at their site, http://www.transmissionbt.com/
anyone know how to generate a menu.lst the same way the installer does?
sorry update-grub instead of grub-update...
hi, has anybody got a dell xps m1330?
wireless is a bit shaky in general still with linux, but it's going to change for the better soon
what are the upper right notifications called so i can google how to rm them
where is the 32-bit i386 md5sum for 12.04.1? it is not listed at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/12.04.1/release/md5sums
why would it be, look at the files there. the i386 iso is on releases.ubuntu.com, not cdimage
i need help.. is there a way to make ubuntu change hardware drivers?? ... i change a disk from one computer to other...
most drives don't require special drivers
when in a terminal, is it possible to open up a file manager thingy from the current path?
try nautilus, if you're on gnome.
how can you search with apt-get to find the package name? ex: apt-get (??) nvidia
apt-cache search nidia
best way to find out is to try to boot from a livecd/usb and see how it works. if the live system works then installation should go fine.
difficult seeing as how i haven't purchased one yet ;)
how do i enable the network if i connected the network cable after the computer booted (i have only server installed, no gui)
you may need to 'ifdown eth0' first.
how can i create a shortcut to a directory?
ln -s /path/to/target /path/to/link
hello all, how would i write a stream from stdin to a file on the command line if i need su privileges to edit the file?
pipe to sudo tee
hi, how do i add an entry into update-alternatives --config java? where do i put an java entry there?
check the ubuntu's wiki for java, the info there might answer your question
hey guys when i try and open a dvd in keffeine it doesnt work.,.
i think that's a rather controversial (offensive?) question; be careful.
maybe? but file extensions do not matter with linux though. so i thought seeing as i was using the z switch it was compressed anyway
cat ?
what is the correct syntax to apt-get remove purge a package?
apt-get remove --purge <package>
how can i disable automount of cds in hardy?
you can set it up in nautilus
hi. can anyone point me to a place in the boot process on karmic where i can insert a command before the networking interfaces have been upped? i'm trying to do a ifconfig... command on wlan0 without having to down the device first
/etc/network/if-pre-up.d too late?
does anyone know if amd, or intel is more supported with ubuntu
cpu the same || chipsets intel is more supported
ixmu4ugd - okay, so that would take care of the issue of not knowing if someone is pretending to be me?
was lstarnes that gave that answer
any one knows linux c compilator ?
i believe it's gcc, which you get with the build-essentials package
anyone? e: /var/cache/apt/archives/dash_0.5.4-9ubuntu1.1.i386.deb:files list file for package 'libnet-daemon-perl' is missing final newline
i use windows xp daily, but more and more i am trying to convert my work to ubuntu (save gaming, of course). one problem i have is that apparently linux inherently uses the middle-mouse button for copying/pasting (in winxp you middle-mouse click to slide down), so firefox cannot use it to rapidly scroll down the page. is there any alternative to scrolling it with the wheel or dragging the scrollbar manually? the middle-mouse click
pagedn/pageup ?
hi, i just installed xchat and the users lists no longer shows at the right side of the window, how can i enable it?
try checking out settings>preferences>interface>user list - though it should to the right side and just needs to be dragged open
what are those mac minis going for?
hi. i was trying to install the latest vlc from lucid in karmic but stopped when i realized i needed to upgrade libc6. now i have unmet dependencies because i installed the following packages with dpkg: libfribidi0_0.19.2-1_i386.deb and libqtcore4_4.6.2-0ubuntu1_i386.deb. how can i remove them leaving the version that was in place before i f***ed up? thanks.
for latest vlc in karmic and other software try 'getdeb'
after running 'application filename', am i no longer able to type in the terminal (which i typed the command in) until the application is closed?
sudo is needed there, as it is anywhere outside of your home
quick question to all of those who use alternate wm/de: what application do you use to manage your network connections, if not networkmanager?
me personally just boot up into gnome or kde when i need to mess with settings like that, then i switch back to icewm or window maker, xfce or whatnot.
hi, what is the best recommended way to create a usb install of ubuntu with some custom programs i install afterwards, eg. settings preserved between reboots? is there anything wrong with just taking the normal cd, and installing it on the flash drive like i would on hd. thanks
i'm trying the same thing, from what someone told me before it can be done but you have to have a nice size usb drive.
is it possible to put my laptop screen to sleep while i use a external connection?
you swap out/disable the interal monitor
how do i install a .deb file?
dpkg-install <name of .deb file>
should i simply do the upgrade to 10.4 by clicking the update manager's button on 9.10?
if you want, make sure you back up any important data first (which you should routinely do anyway)
anyone on configuring the top right hand corner notifications? what i'd like to do in particular is to disable the notifications for the wireless indicator. i don't want an notification when it disconnects, the wireless applet already shows this by changing the icon.
right click on the network manager... is there an option to enable notifications?
from a terminal how can i kill x? i just found out that alt-sysreq k will kill x, how can do that remotely say from ssh?
sudo service gdm stop
check this out...might be a little different, as the thread's about a year old, but should get you close: http://ohioloco.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1249339
ok, i already made a backup of the files in $home/.gnome2/keyrings/ .. will now reinstall and then copy the files back... thank you so far...
edgy is stable folks
so is windows for complete newbies
this is odd, does anyone know if the pentium d's were ever available in single core models?
anyone an idea on how to speed up scrolling with mouse wheel?