does ubuntu support wireless mice and keyboards? how easy would the installation of one be?
mostly 'just works [tm] '
how can i write comments like * | ge5i is asking
type /me is doing something
how do i see what commands i can do with a phrase int he terminal?
the tab key
hi all! i'm upgrading from festy to hardy and it gets stuck at 'generating locales...' what should i do?
i saw a bug listing for that. but i dont have any links
does anyone know how to install gstreamer0.10-plugins-farsight in jaunty?
how to install dolphin file manager ?
sudo apt-get install dolphin
how exactly do you change your audio device from pulseaudio to alsa?
system preferences then sound
hi, i'd like to know where files stored in the trash basket are kept?
- it's .trash - it's a hidden file in your home directory
what do you guys think of this 1-day redesign of debian.org http://www.cs.ucr.edu/~macchiea/download.html ?
thats nice, you should post that on the mailinglists
hey, how can i import firefox settings (bookmarks/passwords/etc) from my windows vista ? to another (pc ubuntu)
try foxmarks?
is it true that ubuntu is not adopting systemd? i'm looking for distros that aren't switching (or forcing users to switch to it).
last i heard. they are sticking with upstart for the time being
hey guys, anyone know how to search for a process by it's pid?
ps -al | grep <pid>
hi, what command can remove a dir even though its not empty, 'rmdir -p' doesnt work
rm -r
hello i have a amilo laptop and have just freshly install ubuntu 10.4 however i can't enable wireless on it. does anyone have any suggestings on how i could fix this?
do you know what wirless card is in it ?
can someone direct me to good a cd cover maker?
try glabels
hey all. ubuntu convertee here, so please excuse the newbness. how do execute a program from terminal without tying it up? like in a separate thread?
programname &
greetings all, i feel like i'm not getting as many updates as i should. i beta tested 7.10, and i never had to do an 'upgrade' on release day. is there a difference between 7.10 and 7.10 beta, and if so, how can i tell them apart?
there is a difference between 7.10 final and 7.10 beta, but not between 7.10 final and the stuff that was in the repositories a couple of days before final.
i know it bugs the hell out of me every time i try to find a gnome option and it isn't there...
a 386 kernel wouldn't use 3dnow, that's right. on the other hand, i don't think there's very much code in the kernel that uses 3dnow anyway. even if you run a 386 kernel you can still run userspace programs compiled for k7.
how can i find the most recently modified file in a directory (recursively)?
find ./ -printf '%a@ %p\n' | sort -n | tail
is there a nice gui tool for simple video editing and (video) dvd burning ?
i have created a ton of dvds using kino to edit dv stream and then encode to dvd mpeg and qdvdauthor to finish the job
question: software for ddos attack in ubuntu, i have met many in windows but didn't found any for ubuntu?
try loic, but it wont gide your ip
i want to boot as verbose as possible (textmode). what is the best way to do that? work on boot up scripts? boot options?
in /etc/default/grub remove 'quiet splash' from grub_cmdline_linux_default='quiet splash' then run sudo update-grub
whats the primary group for users with administrative rights? admin, adm, lpadmin?
i think its admin
hi...i reinstalled ubuntu today. i used to see grub boot menu with kernels and recovery mode options. now i don't see, and it just boots up ubuntu when i power on my laptop. what if i need to boot to recovery mode someday. anyway to get that list back? or alternate option to boot to recovery in case required?
hold shift when you boot up. we're using grub2 nowadays.
when i press backspace and there is nothing to erase my computer (the actual computer) makes a beep. is there any way to disable this?
system-preferences-sound-system beep
once youve installed a .deb package, where does it install to? for example ive installed conkers but cant find it anywhere
it installs to /usr/bin
it seems the nvidia module is missing for me in dapper amd64 (kernel 2.6.15) - anyone know anything about this?
it is installed but it doesnt work out of the box, have the same problem here, dont know how to fix it, will be kinda hard
can anyone tell me if it's possible to disable ipv6 in the live cd without installing to hd?
it certainly should, just about everything is possible on the live cd, as long as ram doesn't fall short
how do i install xfce?
isn't there a guide to that on the forums?
installing jaunty - installer has been stuck at 82% - scanning the mirror... for over 10 minutes now. any ideas?
unplug your ethernet until it gets to next stage
anyone know how i can change my default desktop from kde to gnome?
sessions when you are loggting in?
are there any game out there, like wolf et, that i can download, install and play, that you can recommend?
moon-buggy :)
what's the difference between apt-get and aptitude?
are you on dapper?
how do i see what items the grub_default parameter in /etc/default/grub refers to?
did you install dkms?
what light weight software would you recomend for cropping images?
eye of gnome will do that cropping for you easily.
my mouse is a bit sensitive, how do i adjust that ?
in system/preferences/mouse
i can't install my ubuntu updates. i let it sit for four hours last night and nothing happened. i looked at the process and it said it is sleeping.
tried running 'sudo apt-get update' and making sure it's not your internet?
why does 'echo $path' now return anything?
echo $path
hey all, i set a line in etc/network/interfaces to: iface eth0 inet static as it was previously dynamic and the ip kept changing. i also set the fixed ip and netmask. but now i can't seem to communicate with the outside world - stuff like wget no longer works. am i missing something?
if you set a static ip yeas, because dhcp is no longer setting that for you
is there any risk of screwing up my computer if i want to change completely from kubuntu to ubuntu? how do i do that and remove kde without deleting important files? i have a lot of things already configured (wine 1.1.1, firefox 3, amsn, pidgin, and so on) and i'd rather not lose that configuration- especially with my xorg.conf file, which took forever to get right.
how can i find what version of ubuntu is on a machine?
lsb_release -a
i need someone who has ocr experience. what's a simple, easy-to-use package?
open synaptic and search for ocr, there are a few ones
i admit that this is strictly a gnome 2.8 question, but how can i put a panel applet of some kind in the far right corner of the top panel with a warty installation?
make sure the other applets aren't locked, if they are, right click on them and then select unlock. then middle click on the applet you want to move and drag it to the corner
what does '-r' check in a shell script?
'if file exist and is readable'
how do i download complete folders on sites like this---> http://www.openftp.net/ftp/
you can wget recusrively
do you want to get the ubuntu menu or just an alt+f2 kind of thing?
i want to launch apps without the keyboard or the gnome panel.
how do i list processes in terminal
ps -aux
i'm trying to downgrade to php 5.1 from 5.2. can i do that with apt-get?
sudo apt-get install packagename=versionnumber - if the package is available either in the repositories or in your cache.
is it possible to forward a single x application over ssh to multiple computers allowing them both to interact with it?
should be possible by vnc, or nx server
hello, how do i output the contents of a text file to terminal please?
cat file
where can i find ubuntu server 12.04
hi , i have ubuntu 9.04 on my box , and i want upgrade it to 10.10 via cd , is it possible ?
it is, but i would recommend going to 10.4 lts
how do i find out the path of the ubuntu desktop wallpaper? and... when is ubuntu gutsy or gusty coming?
go to ubuntu.com to find out when gutsy will be out
hi , i have a 9.10 system whose root partition needs manual recover. i'm on the phone with the user, who finds in trouble to press a key precisely in the very short span when the 'grub loading' message shows. i'd like the span to be longer, but what i'd need the most right now is a 'deterministic' key sequence that shows the grub menu depending as little as posible on the short span there given. has anyone had to deal with
so long as the bios doesn't use the shift key
is there a backport of more recent alsa for warty?
deb http://ubuntu-bp.sourceforge.net/ubuntu warty-backports main universe
is it possible to boot into unity from a liveusb?
if your graphics card has open source drivers available with full 3d support, yes.
he did do it. he gets stuck in a prompt when he boots. he has to start everything manually.
then its a reinstall.
hi.. can anyone plss help me ... how to access g++ i have installed it but dont know how to open it :)
open it? you type 'g++' at the terminal to run it.
how can i install older packages? i want to roll back evolution and evolution-exchange to the 8.10 version (2.24 i believe) but cant figure out how to do it
i think you can add the 8.10 repositories to your /etc/apt/sources.list (also via your packagemanager) and select the proper version (force version)
what's the best java plug-in for ff???
official one
i have intel hd integrated audio (snd-hda-intel) but i also have a soundblaster live! value (snd-emu10k1). which should i use?
sb live
how can i get programs that use /dev/dsp play sounds at the same time?
hi! is there a way command lien way to find out a video file's resolution and intended playback aspect? thanks!
mplayer will tell you that when run from a terminal
what's the easiest way to to install ubuntu onto a usb drive (not the same as making a bottable usb drive for installing ubuntu on a hdd)
http://www.ubuntugeek.com/a-much-easier-way-to-install-ubuntu-on-a-usb-device-stick-or-hd.html :) ?
is there a working torrent for gutsy?
try http://releases.ubuntu.com/7.10/ubuntu-7.10-desktop-i386.iso.torrent
does swap space have to be specified? like: can i delte my swap space to put a primary partition where it curently is to install anohter os and then put swap space on an extened partition after that?
look in your fstab and you will see uuid=c4a69a44-f310-4e3b-afa3-354f61bef075 none swap sw 0 0
how do i make an iso from a directory?
try genisoimage
does anyone know how to uninstall a program and uninstall the settings also? so i can reinstall it cleanly?
aptitude purge <pkg name>
anyone here possess knowledge to get an internet broadband card to work?
hello i need to manually delete two lines in sources.list in ubuntu 10.10., how i do that?
gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list
but i am booting with lilo because grub won't install. if i update the kernel, i dunno how the lilo will be screwing my boot installation ...
what kernel you looking for
hi, how can i start an application every time i log in?
(assuming you're using gnome)
hey, i'm sorry to ask but i can't find makedvd in synaptic. i have tovid installed, but i still don't have makedvd. any suggestions?
i tend to use devede
can anyone help me change video drivers?
what drivers do you want to change to?
hello! which one is faster plasma-netbook or unity-2d?
hi there, anyone have experience with acer travelmate notebooks?
check list on wiki https://wiki.ubuntu.com/laptoptestingteam/
is there a gui which i can configure samba through? i remember having one under fc but i can't find one in ubuntu
system>admin>shared folders ?
will anyone with a working windows partition that automounts under ubuntu please post their fstab line regarding that partion pls?
windows is on ntfs /dev/hda1 http://pastebin.ca/793180
what's a way to see if my graphics card is working properly in ubuntu 11.10
whats the card? theres the glxinfo command that should give some info.
what command do i issue from the command line in order to accomplish the same updates as the update manager (accessed by clicking on the star in the notification area on the gnome-panel)?
sudo apt-get upgrade
how do i set the gnome terminal from a block to a cursor, i can't seem to find it in profile preferences?
its under profiles general, under cursor shape : block underline ibeam
i just setup a dual boot system (win 7, ubuntu 11.10) but the grub points to the recovery partition instead. should i just edit the grub.cfg for that?
i am not sure what you should edit, but /boot/foo isn't it
hi. can i use the live cd to do an encrypted lvm + raid installation? or will i need the alternate installer?
you'll need the alternate
hello. how might i check to see which version of an app is present in the repos?
apt-cache policy <package>
are there any other terminal-based text editor than vim? i'm using ssh to my school and want to edit a file
nano, pico, emacs, sed/cat/awk for manual line editing
is the ms word export in a separate package?
office 98/2000/xp
the command add-apt-repository is missing from my ubuntu lucid vps. does anyone what package needs to be installed to get it?
try: dpkg -s add-apt-repository
hi, just installed ubuntu on a different partition from where i had a fedora installation, now the grub only recognize the ubuntu partition. what can i do?
boot into ubuntu, mount your fedora partition, take a look at the menu.lst from fedora and copy the entry to your ubuntu menu.lst
in 10.04, is it possible to change the terminal's text from the user@computername:~s to something shorter (such as only using the $ or #)?
just edit ~/.bashrc and change the ps1= line to just say '\$'
the theme switcher freaks out on me, wont' let me scroll. but if i click on another theme on the first page then it works fine?
that just happened to me too
hello, which application reports the system information upon loggin in the termianl?
like cpu load uptime etc etc.? hit w <enter>
is it possible, to resize an existing ext3 partitioned drive? it's 250gb and i want to make it smaller to 242gb
you can resize ext3 non-destructively with gparted
if you had multiple programs piped in a bash script, ie foo | bar | moo after it stops running which return value does $? hold, and how can i chose which return value i want to read?
in bash you have the variable pipestatus that holdes the return values of all the programs of the pipe (array)
does anyone know how to get .avi movies to play in linux?
or try easy ubuntu
so, i need to get a so tiny install as possible to ubuntu, preferably without *anything* extra, including from desktop managers to all kind of stuff, anyone here experienced with that?
get the alternate cd, install a console only version
hi all, i'm trying to figure out which version of gcc is installed. with gcc --version i see: gcc (gcc) 4.1.2 20060928 (prerelease) (ubuntu 4.1.1-13ubuntu5) ... i am trying to set up distcc so its important to know which version i'm running, but i can't tell from the output if this is 4.1.1 or 4.1.2 anyone know? thanks
it is 4.1.1 with patches that made it into 4.1.2 :-(
how can i boot diskless and wireless (atheros) with ubuntu and access ltsp ??
what is the md5sum for ubuntu-10.04-desktop-i386.iso ?
is that question for me?
hi can anyone make bcm 4312 work on ubuntu
you find some bcm packages in synaptic
hello all, since i upgraded to 7.10 when i run compiz i lose my borders on my windows and they are frozen in place. any idea's?