stringlengths 0
<p>While designing key-only queries to filter Google Datastore entities, I am generating many composite indexes that are subsets of another index. Is it possible to use the same composite index for queries that filter on a subset of the properties already indexed? For example, if I have the following key-only queries, would it be possible to have less than three indexes?</p>
<pre><code>Query 1: Entities where a = 1, b = 1, c = 1;
Query 2: Entities where a = 1, b = 1;
Query 3: Entities where a = 1;
<p>Here is a sample of the actual query I am working with:</p>
<pre><code>Query<Key> query = Query.newKeyQueryBuilder()
.setFilter(CompositeFilter.and(PropertyFilter.eq("status", 1), PropertyFilter.eq("bpm", 138), PropertyFilter.eq("artist", "AVB"), PropertyFilter.eq("label", "Armada")))
</code></pre> |
Brandon Barnes (born October 10, 1972) is an American musician and producer from Denver, Colorado. He is best known as the drummer and co-composer for the hardcore punk band, Rise Against. Brandon Barnes currently lives with his wife, son and daughter in Colorado.
Brandon studied music in college and played drums in the University of Colorado music program. He knew then he wanted to make music his career. By listening to his favorite drummers such as Elvin Jones, Tony Williams, Terry Bozzio, Peter Erskin, and Dave Lombardo, Brandon got the style of playing he has used in many bands over the last 10 years.
Brandon joined Rise Against in 2000 after the breakup of "Pinhead Circus" and was on the 2001 release and tour of The Unraveling. Since then, Brandon Barnes is continuing to play in Rise Against and has made drum tracks for all six of their albums.
Pinhead Circus
Everything Else Is Just a Far Gone Conclusion (1999)
Rise Against
The Unraveling (2001)
Revolutions Per Minute (2003)
Siren Song of the Counter Culture (2004)
The Sufferer & the Witness (2006)
This Is Noise (2007)
Appeal to Reason (2008)
Endgame (2011)
1972 births
Living people
Rise Against
Musicians from Colorado
American punk musicians
American rock musicians
American drummers |
Styx has several different meanings:
Styx (mythology), a river in Greek mythology
Styx (band), a famous music band
Styx Records, a music record label |
<p>I want to get real-time updates about MongoDB database changes in Node.js.</p>
<p>A single MongoDB change stream sends update notifications almost instantly. But when I open multiple (10+) streams, there are massive delays (up to several minutes) between database writes and notification arrival.</p>
<p>That's how I set up a change stream:</p>
<pre class="lang-js prettyprint-override"><code>let cursor = collection.watch([
{$match: {"fullDocument.room": roomId}},
cursor.stream().on("data", doc => {...});
<p>I tried an alternative way to set up a stream, but it's just as slow:</p>
<pre><code>let cursor = collection.aggregate([
{$changeStream: {}},
{$match: {"fullDocument.room": roomId}},
cursor.forEach(doc => {...});
<p>An automated process inserts tiny documents into the collection while collecting performance data. </p>
<p>Some additional details:</p>
<li>Open stream cursors count: 50</li>
<li>Write speed: 100 docs/second (batches of 10 using <code>insertMany</code>)</li>
<li>Runtime: 100 seconds</li>
<li>Average delay: 7.1 seconds</li>
<li>Largest delay: 205 seconds <em>(not a typo, over three minutes)</em></li>
<li>MongoDB version: 3.6.2</li>
<li>Cluster setup #1: MongoDB Atlas M10 (3 replica set)</li>
<li>Cluster setup #2: DigitalOcean Ubuntu box + single instance mongo cluster in Docker</li>
<li>Node.js CPU usage: <1%</li>
<p>Both setups produce the same issue. What could be going on here?</p> |
<p>Is there a method to generate random integers in R such that any two consecutive numbers are different? It is probably along the lines of <code>x[k+1] != x[k]</code> but I can't work out how to put it all together.</p> |
Simi eiii iiO
Animal Limax.
Tefa univalvis, convoluta, inermis.
Apertura coarétata, oblonga, longitudinalis.
Columella obliqua, levis.
OUR BT IN Da $1515
BULLA? (Helix ?) ovato-oblonga, crafía, al-
bida, fpira obtufa, labio purpureo.
HELIX oblonga. H. tefta perforata ovato-ob-
longa, ftriata, labro columellaque rofeis.
Mill. Hifl. Verm. p. 86. 2. 284.
PSEUDO-AURIS MID, tefta ovali oblonga,
fubumbilicata, tumida, craffa, anfractibus
fex ventricofis, apice obtufo, labro ct labio
rofeis, apertura ovata integerrima.
Marini. VU Oa Da 90.172110.
Jg. 1022. 1023.
BUCCINUM admodum craffum, &c. &c.
D E fe. Ttc.
f. 1055. fig. 1.
COCHLEA terreftris Americana Plumieri.
Lp. ır. Parey. 740897
HELIX oblonga. j
Dorn. Muf. Ces. Vind, tef. t. 15.
HELIX oblonga. ——
Lin. Syft. Nar. Gmel. p. 3637.
Seb. Muf, 8. 27 IP eae
Facie formaque generali affinis admodum eft Bulla
Occidua perpulchrz Bulle achatinze, quam in hoc
operc jam depinximus. Ab illa tamen facile dig-
nofci poffit, quod craffior multo fit, labio non tenui,
quale eft Bulle achatinz, fed circa tefte hiatum
folidam in marginem ducto. Differt quoque co-
lore; nam alba paulatim fubflavet, labio pulchre
rofeo, (quo etiam leviter inficitur interna teftze fu-
perficies,) caretque omnino eleganti illa variatione
qua decoratur Bulla achatina. Terreftris eft fpe-
cies, ct in variis Americz meridionalis partibus non
raro reperitur, nec non in infulis Americanis feu
occiduis. Animal teftam incolens helici communi
fimillimum eft. Color eft cinereus, umbris ftriifque
huc illuc obfcurioribus et lucidioribus variatus, et
in aliquibus partibus fub-czruleo et rofeo com-
miftus. Viro celeberrimo Carolo Plumiero, quem
circiter finem fzeculi jam elapfi merito infigniverunt
fcripta que congeffit de naturali novi orbis hiftoria,
de botanice precipue, figuram archetypam debemus,
quam in tabula imitati fumus, quamque cum Liftero
in Lutefia Parifiorum agente, communicavit Plu-
mierus. Ova que deponit Bulla occidua putamine
calcario conteguntur, et tum forma tum magnitu-
dine ad ovorum pafferis vulgaris fimilitudinem tam
prope dicuntur accedere, ut ab iis vix ac ne vix
poflint diftingui.
Animal xefembling a Limax or Slug.
Shell univalve, convoluted.
Aperture fomewhat ftraitened, oblong, longitudi-
nal, entire at the bafe.
Column oblique and fmooth.
Ovate-oblong thick BULLA? (Helix?) with
obtufe fpire, and purple lip.
The Rofe-lipped SNAIL.
Rofe-mouthed BULLA.
Surinam SNAIL.
Oviparous SNAIL.
Der ae ee Kol. 9. P30. agai:
Roodlip. Jg. 10221020.
FAUSSE Oreille de Midas.
Davil. Cat. 1. p. 134. n. 166.
Der rofenmundige SCHNIRKEL.
Born. Muf. Caf. p. 381. 2. 15.
Jig. 21. 22.
The Japanese saw or is a type of saw used in woodworking. The saw cuts on the pull stroke (when the saw is pulled backwards), unlike many Western saws which cut on the push stroke (when the saw is pushed forward).
Types of Japanese hand saws
There are several types of Japanese saws:
is a type of backsaw or a saw with a stiffening strip attached to it
is a multi-purpose carpentry saw with two cutting edges
is a small ryōba saw used for cutting into the flat surface of a board rather than from the edge
is a thin saw used for cutting curves
is a saw with a disposable blade
Other websites
Cutting tools |
Ianeta Hutchinson is a New Zealand water polo player. She competed for the New Zealand women's national water polo team in the 2013 World Aquatics Championships.
She was a student of Mount Albert Grammar School and Arizona State University. She played for Arizona State's women's water polo team. She was a coach at Marist College.
Living people
Year of birth missing (living people)
New Zealand water polo players |
Johannes Brahms (7 May 1833 - 3 April 1897) was a famous German composer. He started his career as a pianist. He was always very self-critical and destroyed any composition he thought was not really good. He thought that people were expecting him to be the “next Beethoven”, and spent many years on his first symphony before he allowed it to be performed. In the end, he wrote four symphonies altogether, as well as four concertos and a number of choral works, including a requiem. He also wrote chamber music, piano music, and German art songs, or Lieder. One of his best known songs is Wiegenlied ("cradle song"), often called "Brahms' Lullaby," which is often heard in music boxes.
His life
Early years
Brahms was born in Germany. His father was a double bass player in the Hamburg city orchestra. He probably gave the young boy his first music lessons. He soon was learning the piano with a teacher named Otto Cossel. When Brahms played in a public concert in 1843 an American agent asked him to tour America, but his teacher realized he was too young. He said that Johannes should study with Eduard Marxsen, a well-known teacher in Hamburg. By 1848 he was playing piano recitals. He also started to compose, and he sent some of his compositions to Robert Schumann to ask for his advice. Schumann sent the parcel back unopened.
At this time there were many Hungarian musicians in Hamburg. Brahms liked their folk music with its unusual rhythms, little triplet figures and sense of rubato. It was to influence his own style of composition. One of the Hungarians was called Remenyi. He played the violin and Brahms often accompanied him at concerts. They went on tour together and met famous people such as the composer Franz Liszt and the violinist Joseph Joachim who became a close friend of Brahms for many years. Joachim told Brahms to go and see Schumann and his wife Clara in Düsseldorf. Schumann liked Brahms and could see that he was going to be a great composer, so he wrote an article in his music journal about him. The article had the title: Neue Bahnen (New Paths). Schumann turned out to be correct: Brahms did become a famous composer and found “new paths” (new ways of composing).
Brahms remained a very close friend of Schumann. When Schumann had a nervous breakdown, Brahms went all the way to Düsseldorf to see him. Brahms soon fell in love with Clara who was 14 years older than himself. He continued to be in love with her after Robert Schumann’s death, and they had a close relationship, though Brahms became interested in other women and was briefly engaged. However, he never married.
Early career in Hamburg
In 1859, Brahms settled in Hamburg. He founded a women’s choir and wrote and arranged a lot of music for them. His First Piano Concerto was a great success in Hanover and Hamburg, but not in Leipzig, where a lot of people preferred the wildly Romantic music of Liszt which was quite different from Brahms’s style based on the Classical music style. Brahms decided to go to Vienna. He was to stay there for the rest of his life.
First years in Vienna
In Vienna he soon made many friends who liked his music. For a short time he was director of a choir called the Vienna Singakademie, who sang some of his compositions. He met Wagner. Wagner was afraid that Brahms would start to write operas which would be more famous than his own. So Wagner wrote an article saying that Brahms was a very bad conductor. Wagner had made himself an enemy of Brahms, who never did write any operas anyway.
In 1870, Brahms became director of a concert series called Vienna Gesellschaftskonzerte. He became more and more famous as a composer, but he was never very good at conducting, and in 1875 a conductor called Hans Richter took over conducting the concerts. During these years he finished one of his greatest works: Ein deutsches Requiem (A German Requiem), as well as one of his most popular works: the Variations on the St Anthony chorale (sometimes wrongly known as Variations on a Theme by Haydn).
Years of fame
At last, in 1876, he allowed his First Symphony to be performed. It was not very successful at first, but in Vienna the audience liked it. He started to compose a lot of his greatest works and received many honours from universities. In the winter he gave concerts and in the summer he spent his time composing. He wrote his last symphony (Fourth Symphony) in 1885 and conducted it, going on tour with the orchestra through Germany and the Netherlands.
From 1889, Brahms spent each summer in Ischl where he had many friends. By 1890 he had decided to stop composing, although he did still write four beautiful works for clarinet after meeting the clarinettist Richard Mühlfeld. In 1896 he wrote Four Serious Songs which were probably inspired by the sad death of Clara Schumann. The next year Brahms died from cancer in Vienna. His father had died of the same illness.
His music
Brahms wrote a great deal of vocal music. The greatest of these works is the German Requiem. There were many works for choirs, and a large collection of songs with piano accompaniment (Lieder). He wrote a lot of piano music which includes sonatas and many shorter pieces such as fantasias, rhapsodies, ballades, intermezzos, capriccios and romances. His chamber music includes string quartets, quintets and sextets and piano trios, quartets and a piano quintet. He wrote four symphonies and four concertos: two for piano, one for the violin and one for violin and cello (the Double Concerto). The German Requiem is his greatest vocal work.
Brahms was also very interested in old music and helped to edit music by François Couperin as well as the music of his friend Robert Schumann. For writing his music Brahms was mostly using German and Viennese pianos. He owned a Conrad Graf piano that he received from Clara Schumann in 1856. Later in life he was mostly playing on a Streicher piano. Brahms kept this piano in his house until his death.
Deaths from cancer
German composers
German pianists
People from Hamburg
Romantic composers
1833 births
1897 deaths |
Mashpee is a town in Massachusetts. The Otis Air National Guard Base is here. Camp Edwards is also in Mashpee.
Towns in Massachusetts
1660 establishments
1660s establishments in Massachusetts |
Valmiera (; ) is a town in Latvia with town rights since 1323, it is the largest city of the historical Vidzeme region, Latvia, with a total area of . It is the center of the Valmiera District. As of 2002, Valmiera had a population of 27,323, and in 2008 – 27,569.
It lies at the crossroads of several important roads, to the north-east from Riga, the capital of Latvia, and south of the border with Estonia. Valmiera lies on both banks of the Gauja River.
International relations
Twin towns — sister cities
Valmiera is twinned with:
Towns in Latvia
1323 establishments
14th-century establishments in Latvia
1320s establishments in Europe |
L.A.S.K. Linz is a football club which plays in Linz, the capital of Upper Austria. They are playing in the First League, the second division in Austrias league system.
The club was founded on 7 August 1899 as Athletiksportclub Siegfried, the football section was founded in February 1919. The first match was on 4 May 1919 against Fußballverein Wels . LASK lost 1:4. Being the most successful section of the Athletiksportclub it was decided that the name of the club should be Linzer Athletik-Sport-Klub (Linzer ASK). Till the occupation by Germany in 1938 they reached many titels in the Upper Austrian league. In the 1938/39 season they were promoted to the Gauliga XVII, which was then the highest class in Austrian football. But they were relegated the same season.
After the Second World War LASK reached the title in Austrian highest class in the 1964/65 season. The LASK was the first team which came not from Vienna to do so. The same season they also won the Autrian Cup. The next decades were partly successful but also by relegetions to the second division. In 1997, due to public pressure, LASK Linz merged with city rivals FC Linz (formerly known as SK VOEST Linz) which, however, resulted in the cancellation of the latter. Club name, colors, chairmen and members remained the same.
In the 2010/11 season they were relegated. Today they are playing in Austrias First League, the second division in Austrian football.
1908-1996 Linzer ASK
1996-present LASK Linz
European cup history
As of December 2008.
Austrian League: 1964–65
Austrian Cup: 1965, runner-up 1963, 1967, 1970, 1999
Austrian Amateur Championship: 1931
Upper-Austrian Championship: 1924, 1925, 1926, 1927, 1929, 1930, 1931, 1932, 1936, 1939, 1947, 1948, 1950
Upper-Austrian Cup: 1929, 1931, 1932, 1935, 1937, 1946
Upper-Austrian Championship (reserves): 2001, 2003
Second Division: 1958, 1979, 1994, 2007
Austrian football clubs
Football clubs of Upper Austria
Linz |
<p>Is it possible to call the PHP SoapClient constructor, which takes a URL as an argument, with the contents of a string instead. </p>
<p>In my example I have a manipulated DOMDocument containing WSDL which I would write into a string with saveXML(). </p>
<p>The idea is to not touch the filesystem if possible. I have tried php://memory but tests on retrieving the stream content with functions like file_get_contents result in empty strings as I suspect the stream context has disappeared. Is there another way?</p> |
General/Doctor James Harold "Jimmy" Doolittle, USAF (December 14, 1896 – September 27, 1993) was an American aviation pioneer. Doolittle served as an officer in the United States Army Air Forces during the Second World War. He earned the Medal of Honor for his valor and leadership as commander of the Doolittle Raid while a lieutenant colonel.
Early life and education
Doolittle was born in Alameda, California. He spent his youth in Nome, Alaska where he earned a reputation as a boxer. His parents were Frank Henry Doolittle and Rosa (Rose) Cerenah Shephard. By 1910, Jimmy Doolittle was attending school in Los Angeles. When his school attended the 1910 Los Angeles International Air Meet at Dominguez Field Doolittle saw his first airplane. He attended Los Angeles City College after graduating from Manual Arts High School in Los Angeles. He later won admission to the University of California, Berkeley where he studied in The School of Mines. He was a member of Theta Kappa Nu fraternity. Doolittle took a leave of absence in October 1917 to enlist in the Signal Corps Reserve as a flying cadet. He did his ground training at the University of California School of Military Aeronautics where he later received his doctorate. His flight-training was done at Rockwell Field, California. Doolittle received his Reserve Military Aviator rating. He was commissioned a first lieutenant in the Signal Officers Reserve Corps on March 11, 1918.
Honors and awards
Military honors
Medal of Honor citation
For conspicuous leadership above the call of duty, involving personal valor and intrepidity at an extreme hazard to life. With the apparent certainty of being forced to land in enemy territory or to perish at sea, Gen. Doolittle personally led a squadron of Army bombers, manned by volunteer crews, in a highly destructive raid on the Japanese mainland.
Army Distinguished Service medal citation
The President of the United States of America, authorized by Act of Congress July 9, 1918, takes pleasure in presenting the Army Distinguished Service Medal to Major General James Harold Doolittle (ASN: 0-271855), United States Army Air Forces, for exceptionally meritorious and distinguished services to the Government of the United States, in a duty of great responsibility as Commander of the Northwest African Strategic Air Force since its organization. Under his guidance and direction, this Force has developed a high degree of efficiency and accuracy and brought about, in great measure, a critical reduction in the supplies and reinforcements needed by the enemy. General Doolittle's energy, good judgment, exceptional qualities of leadership and wholehearted cooperation were primary factors in the ultimate success of air operations during the Tunisian Campaign.
Distinguished Flying Cross citations
1st Citation:
The President of the United States of America, authorized by Act of Congress, July 2, 1926, takes pleasure in presenting the Distinguished Flying Cross to First Lieutenant (Air Service) James Harold Doolittle (ASN: 0-271855), U.S. Army Air Corps, for extraordinary achievement while participating in an aerial flight. On September 4–5, 1922, Lieutenant Doolittle accomplished a one-stop flight from Pablo Beach, Florida, to San Diego, California, in 22 hours and 30 minutes elapsed time, an extraordinary achievement with the equipment available at that time. By his skill, endurance, and resourcefulness he demonstrated the possibility of moving Air Corps units to any portion of the United States in less than 24 hours, thus reflecting great credit on himself and to the Army of the United States.
2nd Citation:
The President of the United States of America, authorized by Act of Congress, July 2, 1926, takes pleasure in presenting a Bronze Oak Leaf Cluster in lieu of a Second Distinguished Flying Cross to First Lieutenant (Air Service) James Harold Doolittle (ASN: 0-271855), U.S. Army Air Corps, for extraordinary achievement while participating in an aerial flight. During March 1924, at McCook Field, Dayton, Ohio, Lieutenant Doolittle, piloting a Fokker PW-7 pursuit airplane, performed a series of acceleration tests requiring skill, initiative, endurance, and courage of the highest type. In these test a recording accelerometer was mounted in the airplane and the accelerations taken for the following maneuvers. Loops at various air speeds; single and multiple barrel rolls; power spirals; tail spins; power on and power off; half loop, half roll, and immelman turn; Inverted flight; pulling out of dive at various air speeds; flying the airplane on a level course with considerable angle of bank; and flying in bumpy air. In these test the airplane was put through the most extreme maneuvers possible in order that the flight loads imposed upon the wings of the airplane under extreme conditions of sir combat might, be ascertained. These test were put through with that fine combination of fearlessness and skill which constitutes the essence of distinguished flying. Through them scientific data of great and permanent importance to the Air Corps were obtained.
3rd Citation:
The President of the United States of America, authorized by Act of Congress, July 2, 1926, takes pleasure in presenting a Second Bronze Oak Leaf Cluster in lieu of a Third Distinguished Flying Cross to Colonel (Air Corps) James Harold Doolittle (ASN: 0-271855), United States Army Air Forces, for extraordinary achievement as Pilot of a B-25 Bomber and Commanding Officer of the 1st Special Aviation Project (Doolittle Raider Force), while participating in a highly destructive raid on the Japanese mainland on April 18, 1942. Colonel Doolittle with 79 other officers and enlisted men volunteered for this mission knowing full well that the chances of survival were extremely remote, and executed his part in it with great skill and daring. This achievement reflects high credit on himself and the military service.
Silver Star citation
The President of the United States of America, authorized by Act of Congress July 9, 1948, takes pleasure in presenting the Silver Star to Major General (Air Corps) James Harold Doolittle (ASN: 0-271855), United States Army Air Forces, for gallantry in action. Since February 19, 1943, when he took command of the Allied Strategic Air Force (Northwest Africa), General Doolittle, by his untiring energy, initiative and personal example has inspired the units under him to renewed successful efforts against the enemy. On April 5, 1943, the strategic air force was responsible for the destruction of forty eight enemy planes in the air and approximately 100 on the ground. This extraordinary achievement under the leadership of General Doolittle reflects great credit to himself and the armed forces of the United States.
Other honors
Doolittle was also awarded the Bolivian Order of the Condor of the Andes, now in the collection of the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum.
In 1972 James H. Doolittle was awarded the Horatio Alger Award which is given to those who are dedicated community leaders who demonstrate individual initiative and a commitment to excellence; as exemplified by remarkable achievements accomplished through honesty, hard work, self-reliance and perseverance over adversity. The Horatio Alger Association of Distinguished Americans, Inc. bears the name of the renowned author Horatio Alger, Jr., whose tales of overcoming adversity through unyielding perseverance and basic moral principles captivated the public in the late 19th century.
In April 1985, Doolittle was awarded a fourth star making him a full ranked general. He received the award from President Ronald Reagan and U.S. Senator Barry M. Goldwater.
The Society of Experimental Test Pilots annually presents the James H. Doolittle Award in his memory. The award is for "outstanding accomplishment in technical management or engineering achievement in aerospace technology".
The city of Doolittle, Missouri, located 5 miles west of Rolla was named in his honor after World War II.
In popular culture
Spencer Tracy played Doolittle in Mervyn LeRoy's 1944 movie Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo. This portrayal has received much praise.
Alec Baldwin played Doolittle in Michael Bay's 2001 movie Pearl Harbor. This portrayal caused much outrage amongst those who knew the general.
Bob Clampett's 1946 cartoon Baby Bottleneck briefly portrays a dog named "Jimmy Do-quite-a-little", who invents a failed rocketship.
Related pages
List of Medal of Honor recipients for World War II
Other websites
1896 births
1993 deaths
United States Army Medal of Honor recipients
Military people from California
People from Alaska
Alameda, California |
The thirty-fifth government of Israel was installed on May 17, 2020 and ended on June 13, 2021.
The Prime Minister was Likud politician Benjamin Netanyahu. In a year and a half Blue and White leader Benny Gantz would become prime minister.
It consisted of the following parties with seats in brackets:
HaLikud (Likud) (36)
Kahol Lavan (Blue and White) (15)
Shas (9)
Yahadut HaTorah (United Torah Judaism) (7)
HaAvoda (Labor) (3)
Derekh Eretz (2)
HaBayit HaYehudi (The Jewish Home) (1)
Gesher (1)
Together it had 74 seats in the 23rd Knesset.
The Netanyahu-Gantz Government presented itself as a unity government, established due to health and socio-economic problems caused by the coronavirus pandemic.
Other websites
Government 35, Knesset website
Government 35, Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs website
Israeli governments
21st-century establishments in Israel
Benjamin Netanyahu |
Spider-Man: Edge of Time is an action-adventure video game based on the fictional superhero Spider-Man released in October 2011 for the Nintendo DS, Nintendo 3DS, PlayStation 3, Wii, and Xbox 360. It is a sequel to 2010's Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions.
Spider-Man and Spider-Man 2099 combat a new threat across space and time and attempt to save both of their realities.
2011 video games
Wii games
Nintendo DS games
Nintendo 3DS games
Xbox 360 games
PlayStation 3 games
Spider-Man video games |
Betaucourt is a commune. It is found in the region Bourgogne-Franche-Comté in the Haute-Saône department in the east of France.
Communes in Haute-Saône |
The district of Oldenburg is a district in the state of Lower Saxony, Germany.
The Hunte River runs through the district from south to north.
Towns and municipalities
Districts of Lower Saxony |
<p><img src="https://i.stack.imgur.com/GmIUN.jpg" alt="This is when viewed in Google Chrome, updated to date."></p>
<p><img src="https://i.stack.imgur.com/iBDSV.jpg" alt="This is when viewed in Mozilla, updated to date."></p>
<p><img src="https://i.stack.imgur.com/h69Bi.jpg" alt="This is when viewed in Internet Explorer, updated to date."></p>
<p>Below is my HTML:</p>
<pre><code><div id="text_style">
<div id="text_style_in">
<p><a href="#" target="_self">Fact Sheet</a></p>
<p><a href="#" target="_self">Facilities and Administrative (F&amp;A) Cost Agreements</a></p>
<p><a href="#" target="_self">PropStart</a></p>
<p><a href="#" target="_self">Equipment Matching</a></p>
<p><a href="#" target="_self">Training Guide: Preparing Research Proposal Budgets</a></p>
<p><a href="#" target="_self">Three Work-Day Rule</a></p>
<p>I have no list style defined uniquely.
How can I make the list look similar in Mozilla and IE?</p> |
Beidenfleth is a municipality of the district Steinburg, in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany.
Municipalities in Schleswig-Holstein
Steinburg (district) |
<p>Is there a way to conveniently split a dataset into training and testing sets, keeping records that belong to a same group together?</p>
<p>Take for example a table that records independent and dependent variables for every <code>person_id</code> in such a way that every person may have one or more entries:</p>
<pre><code>import pandas as pd
tbl = pd.DataFrame(dict(
random_variable=np.linspace(0, 1, 20),
<p>Now, I want to split the data to training and testing sets, keeping the records that belong to the same person in the same data set. Obviously, using <code>sklearn.cross_validation.train_test_split</code> doesn't do the job. I'm aware of <code>sklearn.cross_validation.LeavePLabelOut</code>, but instead of creating a single split, it creates all possible combinations, which is not exactly what I currently want. </p>
<p>Another approach would be to calculate a hash value based on the <code>person_id</code> field and use it for the sampling:</p>
<pre><code>import numpy as np
salt = str(np.random.rand()) # randomness source
hash_values = tbl['person_id'].apply(lambda p: hash(salt + p) % 100)
# 50/50 split
sel_training = hash_values < 50
training_set = tbl.loc[sel_training]
testing_set = tbl.loc[-sel_training]
<p>Is there a more elegant way to achieve this task?</p> |
Canzetta Maria "Candi" Staton () (born March 13, 1940) is an American soul and gospel singer, actress and voice actress. She was born in Palm Springs, California.
Milo is best known in the United States for her 1970 remake of Tammy Wynette's "Stand By Your Man" and her 1976 disco chart-topper "Young Hearts Run Free".
In Europe, her biggest selling record is the anthemic "You Got the Love" from 1986, released in collaboration with the Source. Staton was inducted into the Christian Music Hall of Fame. Staton is a four-time Grammy Award nominee.
On October 30, 2018, Staton announced that she had been diagnosed with breast cancer.
Other websites
Candi Staton website
interview at Soul Express
interview in 2011 at Soul Express
interview in 2014 at Soul Express
1940 births
Living people
People with cancer
American singer-songwriters
American soul singers
American gospel singers
Singers from Alabama |
<p>I am deploying a Java Spring Boot container inside a VM in a instance group in GCP.
So each VM will have one Spring Boot container.
I am looking to achieve a rolling update of the containers.</p>
<li>I can use docker compose to remove the latest container, pull the image (from a docker registry) and then recreate the container.</li>
<li>But the containers are in different VMs under a single instance group in GCP, how do I do a rolling update across VMs?</li>
<li>I am using unmanaged instance group where each VM is having the docker container of the spring boot application running in it.</li>
</ul> |
John Arthur Stevens, Baron Stevens of Kirkwhelpington, (born 21 October 1942) is the former Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis (top person in the Metropolitan Police Service) from 2000 until 2005. He was made Deputy Commissioner of the Met in 1998 until his promotion to Commissioner in 2000. He was a writer for the News of the World, for £7,000 an article, until he left it as the hacking scandal happened.
He sits in the House of Lords as a crossbencher.
1942 births
Living people
Police officers
Members of the House of Lords
Knights Bachelor
Knights of the Order of St John |
A boat is a vehicle used to travel on water. It is smaller than a ship and can be lifted out of the water and carried on a ship. Some boats have sails, some are powered by rowing with oars, and some use motors. Those that use steam engines are steamboats
These boats are usually made of wood. However, some parts are made of metals like steel and aluminium. Expensive boats may have parts from fiberglass or composite materials and some even have helicopter pads. There are some boats that can even go underwater. They are called submarines.
A narrowboat is a boat designed to be used on narrow canals. It is sometimes called a barge.
The first boats were invented in the Netherlands in around 8000 BCE.
The Pesse Canoe is likely the oldest boat recovered to date as it was built sometime around 8,000 BCE
References |
Defense mechanism is a psychological concept of the mind. It is the coping technique individuals unconsciously use to protect themselves from getting hurt in unpleasant situations (e.g. conflicts, unhappiness). Without defense mechanisms, people may suffer from psychological and mental illness.
Reaction formation
psychology |
Mükerrem Selen Soyder (born in Alsancak, İzmir, Turkey on December 26, 1986) is a Turkish model. She was Miss Turkey in 2007.
1986 births
Living people
People from İzmir
Beauty pageant winners
Turkish models |
Dammam ( ) is the capital of the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia. Dammam is the largest city in the Eastern Province. It is the fifth largest city in Saudi Arabia. It is part of the Dammam Metropolitan Area. It is an important commercial hub and port.
King Fahd International Airport (KFIA) is in the northwest of the city. Dammam's King Abdul Aziz Sea Port is the largest on the Persian Gulf. Its import-export traffic in the country is second to the Jeddah Seaport.
Cities in Saudi Arabia |
Hope is a city in Idaho in the United States.
Cities in Idaho |
Tsirang District is one of the 20 districts of Bhutan. The administrative centre of this district is located in Damphu. Sankosh River which borders this district with Dagana District flows in the district in some places.
There are twelve village blocks:
Barshong Gewog
Dunglegang Gewog
Gosarling Gewog
Kikhorthang Gewog
Mendrelgang Gewog
Patshaling Gewog
Phutenchhu Gewog
Rangthangling Gewog
Semjong Gewog
Sergithang Gewog
Tsholingkhar Gewog
Tsirangtoe Gewog
Districts of Bhutan |
[ هط -
0050111017 [1016© 5:
05 10 3865م
4# 2010015:
10131 # +5:
816 |]:
1 © _5اآنلاه|
62311/1/155 # :
:مااع 5كاء3 1
اذ ' سسب وى 2 5 .
- سنك . 000 ١ يسيس ما لل 20100 لوال محم ذا 2 مسحي > لعن سما ل ا لجسي اس اخ سحي ١ سم - سد ل ١ 0 7 اسه
فح ب
5 6
/ ذ ه© ١
كل( كت عاص حفورو ير
1 لفك السب( إل بترم العسمه١
فر ظ فو كل | كم 0
ماهبت 0
حمر و كلع :دكي ::
4 ْ
1 ان واوالتياته
0 قتي ااوشع ليا 1
الله تتادمه) اللدصع ١ الله ٠ سه عم .", لل
4 ون 060 1
52 سي
ظ 4 ١ ٍ /
اللنه, أ 2 بسر[ >
ل 1 و 12 1 م 4م . 0 خم
و بئية 5 0 كم 30 عر .
0 0 6 08 0 ْ 9
نهم الو حهفة ٠١ بمو 4 | لمعو
0 0 - 7 4 ذأ
عي ا حك
ل ا
. حم مبمو و00
تمر : هو م
ردم 9 تون منورء »
نه 17 1 8 هم 2 1
صم حي ب سر تك تم : 0
م اللم
كُتَسْرْ نكَههَا لله ., لملا برج الله كزوة
0 ع بآ الصاحدهك-
1 ّْ
كلب ولنلام و0 ثم حيهر. ..:
4 - سر سر أ
1 م /
د 8 0 ١
0 1 83 4 ).7 ص .
, )اله خلل صلر ره د
0 7
ن 0
1 ٍ الث 6 . 5
وبكنه 4 7 3 7 اللذله 1
اسم ١
/ 2و
لا 22© 5ه ١ - 4 ملع 20# 0 ١ تحصحي با حككم
: كتنر كما عل و د له
[ك 6 75 ز 7 أ
50 3 7
,92> رب الز م 0 حل
١ 0 40
١ ١
ىر لي
حمج دج
١ ١ لح 0
1 0
بيذ ١
١ 7 7
ا الاساسصلى
كد العا عق
م 1 ! ل [م - 0
من ِو
عام 6 0
ْ زنك واعيالو
نكزن الور
0 انتحار ا
مث بد سلا بس41 ١ الفل؟ ة
6 علج رصمو ( أ١
م 2 بوم
ل ل كلاه : ْ
1 10 1
ما امم 6- مم (زإل4 © ظ
ا 000
ساون بع ث3 لان تعزالة ص
0 عَرِراخ امش ع باكر
3 مله ة الؤمو ةيل فالم
الهم 0 2 لالد وخنيوق
ا واحَمردهر لفاس ١
1 ,
١ ١
وَكر فَلُوه ويكومورن الهم اناكو
بكم لوال نيك ورا 3
الادَووافتره اه ممك عوأعوه
0 جور
ا 0 0 اكولدبك
«رشقائه كارو ك2 0
عَتيّه الركا ورم [النكسن: 5
0 00 5)
0 :
ا هملسي
عنام قو هله قبرتك 9 ث[اللم
0 ##دثاروي وش عل 0
ضر كناماقةاهلة حلي نا :.
0 ىّ 0
القلمر ادح 00
كذ 2 رطرتقسك حم
كتوقو لقاب 5 لَه
: إلى أررن “[3اجه ين به فم صرا »©
30 1
5<- كله 0 ظ > له اذى 1
اانه سرعار بر
اكه عوودمركل علي لقم صل
َيه الغوككار تير نكي 0
شين كدعه[ هراحلا الهم
كاكل شد اتكدزكهز تخ
ني سمط |( 2 ١ ياه
7 0 0 0
8 0
1 [ش يت ,
كملكا ى .
7 1 5 7 - نمم
ٍ 2 5 '
مير[ "كه م الازواح وعَل جه
يع مساو وغل رو الشبتور
ض كل تَحَمَوِ كمد كال
ْ ظ ظ ل 3 6ل ارتم
2 ل 00 2 مه
كدرذ لكفزقة متقل 2
موق مزالف 00 كه
كنا ا كلمت وأخصاة
ء' ثاب حلاةً' تور 8
عدار االاخطوالة نيدن
حب الود ص١ الرديقة
0 1 0 القجسم ون
إل 56 < كلد ا 0
2 بع والشقة|ء5١ اخلاجير لهم
0ت 1 0
القثر' مند قوم الفبيم' لقم
عَإعَلسَئ؛ كد الهم كو مد
تناج العر| ررحي وإلكراة١للنء
كيل لير كرا العام سالك
لمتسوواكطل 0001 عمد
أفخل ما ساكل مَرَمِرِحَلف2َ
وَأكطل لير ناه كو 3 ضل 42
ماائة مشو لةإوب>ؤة كمه
ا كيذ مو
9 ل وإجوهية وقوتتو وجي ؤس(
نمع »وتسيب وانفوشليق
لون : الله سلامة لبهم[ اطي (
نلانا لقعا لوأبسيناء ١م م
3“امنا عَوَا: عاة ل
حبههه رز :١ هم اج
ماجارب: م
ا ين
أهلة| الزوع صعَا' 2 0 ار
انها 5ه (اشرارك ولسار
نسل عَبْرَوََودَ وات
اودوعي( هلف
000 00 0
بووامك تبن ببكا اند
(ه[ؤو :كلم ك حلاة تيك
طيهوترت بهلقا ارا لقَم
باهم إعلرةابد كيد
كَوَوَمَا ىم كلة الله حلاةوَايقه
حروة 6ك الله 0-0
1 تكهذوكارة ليد" رصي
خَلْكَس كله
١ . 06
0 ا كتايد وعم شقانت
عََرءَ م(خ[طنه ا ولقلى اللقع ضِ
كلسب ناومؤلا كز كر وَمَ|
١ 2 0
ْ 0
شيرتاة قو2 1ك هم كد 0
95 13 د و كن ىِ 7 ذم 9 ظ ك١
صم '
١١ 71 ُّ : 42 3 9 ا ١ 1 1
3105 2 نأ اكير كرون
2-3 1 3
عد اند للقمم
5 0 ماد ا 2 نار
كل مَا نمق ا
4“ 20 ظ 6 ١
ا سانا فوع
كل 2 جم
وزع لتك ةرو( اق
مع مقع لفق مرنياو يز
تعس انيفو لقره 5
0 كووة[0نك
0 القاه
دخ ناهتسي يترقائةوشكل
7 وا ب
شا زفاوحو
ماعل ملانه ةا مَكَإنَامر اق شا شق
0 ات
مر تخروة اسفن سكت
سدم 5 2ل 2 امبرو ) (
شا كبرق , مَبنا بيسن"
ولي فرق لهااي ولاففته: 32 (ث
أميرما 2-0-0
وك« تكتز عط الوسيلة؟ :لكت
اللو 00 أبقشه انق(
ظ م تقب تراد »13 تنم توس
«التجمييو 0 كونبو (
الرحفةوعلآَن امنا
عو نوَم اتام ايراس
9 بف ١ ُ ١
متبروالسلنه إ,ة انخاء ١
4 ب 3-8 ه 90 3
0 5 ئ م 2
6 لا (ى 50 ةا
أ بأو ص شر 2 كذن» | خلال ودر
| مرا 2 تبذا ' اخركام كطراء
0-0 ا
2 64 04 7 /
مطار 0 وَمَاسْنَداه 2200 ٠
البربا لم1 مرشامرالتا ول شنا
تت ظ جه ب و
ططاة | بها بوم ملك اللوا َم
القهانائهم ع قلر كنا صا ندم
ظ حر 9 7
00 0 4 10
م بلقلا د / و م لم ْ
ره _©» 7 ب ١ ,
١ 6 / مما 9 عه لإ م١ وسحصرويا 7
ظ 2111
: 2 9 الهم حَرْخَلسى
5 لدو 1-7 لكَامإنقَاب نا
عوورزي كلفة 2 برأؤكةعا
0 لود 8
كلق صلاة يز بقة بد وَصِكّ
رو/ كلعكت 1 ا
وبع للم كا كل سلا ناكمو الد
0 00 0 0
انج ك1 (تكطزائره لونم شمو
اي ورا يركوا الا
يروز شهوهز وروا زمرانواناد
ف" بجا وأشروهاو و طباوض
كييك 0 1
ل لفل مرالشعراكام و
اد 0
الله كَإ عار أكتدا اماق 36 ول ْ
ا كباشم
1 لطر القوإ 0
. ع وتتلة الهم كأ كار فد
كم “ألم و سدم د الهم كَعَِ حدن
دوو رك كل عو
1 كلم ١ 9- 3 3 7 آ
07 ل أ 0 40 ب اح
وكتب ١ ١
0 7 م
اي ابيا" ومع
2 عريوجا
مارب بأركدة سو 3
0ت 07 ل
د 0
5 و --
ا 2 ارورم 1
ما و 1
زقَ“إل" ظ
را 0 0
0 والقمجل أضذ لد
نيطو 7 الطزا كو القخطك ع
0 كنرَفئا 3 انبا 3ه
ندب مراخاو ة تسرف 'بوتببراله
0 0 لالش
1 |
7 كرا را 0
د واوشس بم ةنرد
لقا علبي علي
كلما 0 - ظ
١ القع الغ
1 ا 8 مين
ضر /
ْ 0 0 الكفته هه
الع صإجلة شمو روزن حون
امتبوا ندروالمفكة مريفق |
1١ 6 - 2 + ©
/ 07 ع ِ
لتر اويل وابفثة ماه
1 - 6 »م ١ و . © 60 : | * © 6
كته خف ائلز »9 كار ره زنك لا د ١
١ ( / 4 7
-: دول كسا
: ا 7 ور بلا
؛) © 1
ا 0 هراك نض ولد
8 7 0
1 امح انه ,
رام /
و ررض كار
بارا ( سيت بل 7#
١ 6 8 6 0 1
و 7 ٠ 0ك تحجر
2 د ّ الور 2 بَكِرووَا
|1 5
ع لل
7 وى ل / ور
ضور قَرَمْ 0 أللهة متك حك
قلخ يزو 5 ا
0" ب
6 6 00
ات كاسما
ء 1 2 م © 9و ١
ٍْ 1 ادب '
م 2-1 كلا ل 2
لاتروب [ند حوب هنزو جل
حر 0 م8 ١١1 م 4ه ى
1 كد عذاز جو يورة موددير دور
0 رخ 8 7 2ج ١ فج !ا
6 [
© 5 لق 0 /
-_ آ 9 ؛] 4ه 0 1
ظ اي
1 0 مام الملل ا 0 20 جتمو ١ : 8
0 / مر 1 ع ا ات ور 2" ١ 8 ١ يه
ْ لل 0/1 ١
١ _- ١: 5 ( + 4.0 :
| © كمد امار حاط جل ها 6وزحصا
كنا بك وشهر ابم لوكت
حلاة يز اي 00 بق ملك
أللن اللهت |[ حك م 0
َعَلََاتْصَلٍ كلم لمو نا كنا كناد
تسبيد وَرَطُولك كيم لون
لمهي ملاجبية جم[ انضية
والقمو 500 ترم انور
والشه طوف رض
َالعوَاك: 8 زه واشقار
صلمرة” 122 يي كدص '
علفكوَكإكَلر كنك وب
كاوس ذهو تقهدك وض
2 2
كي هليم وغل كيركدوا
خكمَعَ] ع ركِيْعبَرَإخَلَكتَ
59 : بو ' 6ن 7
وص 4 تكمزكتر واف كم
نخد مرا عيرواد روم
م الوصضر
تبرت[ ةكَمرَوَكَله !َب تَاكَي
مر يكن علا م6 و ا ا
روي به فلك مميا.
عتوخلك ورض تفسكوزنة
وملااق كلم[ ص و ل
و دافم ِوخَافْعَ مداه
وَحَدَوَمَاهُمْ ذ(كزونَك 4م م
0 كلوسرو جفقةو. غ
م وَلبَله وَسَاكَهْ م اللزراكاك 06
وشوو نووم رقي وا عقة مالاب
ابابو ايان 00
السسة سه | كر 0( 25
أكتزمرة 25 .
ا كما دز لقي : إل متب
حورو 5
رقي - أرقا زعا 0ك
0 قد واه 0
ا 36 ادم
ب مه
اللو روا« ماد تقض نبا
مرجمام) اجات و تطهها
خامرجمية شَيااةوكرقيقا
0 000
0 58 3
1 كد حلا إل ك1 دعر 3
0 الهم ال
قار شهدم نه ومرشك سلاة
حلا 6غ كر لفاو ؤمنْلقى
3 نفضاءطاةدَايِمَوَيِوَوَا
مكة لولمه 00 لبقا
موري أاللقم كت اعَلَو سير - ظ
| ذلا » ملا < ل
الوعهلا 6ن اولي 4
جَمَاكَ قاذ 0
برقامة جؤافنضو
اا و _كحجرومة َم تليق
كاين 5 0ر0
٠ للملياسب ات مول ١ أكتزكدواق
ا 9 0 شقاو
اللشعرجا ل 4 و3 3
كفا كَوَوَمَا تكن و 1
الع كليو إن نا تا عل ها
للهم ع عار للحم ا و تتم سلا الكت
: 00 أو جهولار 33 2
ع له للع بجكة إاحناة
مم ايد 0 عَعَوْضه
»الوإرعد, 0 بسلز للم
وا عتوما ليود 0
0 | 55 0
وسراج قحو وافِك[كا يه
بجاح القبتكو د ب 6 - وه 4
7 6ه 09 ١ 00
وفك علطا , نادم ىت
لق عوبر عسل
موك كمَروكل:(: يوناث
قكام قد 0 و اشر
3نم للاعتظام بجبادَوغا
3 م أنسيَا يك 15 شاك صَة لفن
0 الندا وكوي ةقد
وَكَرَاقَة - انموو جلت
القع صل وتدلغ وتنا رىَ عل
لللملر لاناكي
و كلو يرم
ونا -71 وكلرة, السَرك|" حخود
دك َم ألكرماء م كبا شوق
القناء ير لظزو رز شلوك
مم أكتل 0 2 3
3 0 2 تسية تبلكنا
كَرَصَها و
ووو وت برغا شين اهعد
وكلو. ٠ سيج نا كز لوبي
مشَامَعَنع١حِتَت َظبمَة
ومع لوه ا
ولا تبئنم سرق تملازة ف سَاجَهِرَ_
كن اللقة صا لحلاب اذا كي
00 شه ذا ” حاطيت
0 00
72 5 كهزه 5 5
١ 0 حدما > 2 بلاكرةاله | حر
اعم رعق عر عرولا ظ
الألهم 7 : (
) فى كلل
7“ 1
2 1
| 7 7
3 ظ
8 " يي 1 / 4م »عي ١11
ي ة ألكة ١ البزئرة ظ كو أ لهم
7 ( سد 2 0 29 ١ 1 ا
اح فاه 7 7 0 2 ١
عت /
: سور -- « أ
حا ١ /0 د 5 ده - ا كي
. كود 1 ا
5 باذ كمرك" بم
وأحجيه شاعو ا ٌّ
عارك والقويم ق هالا
4 6 جكوماد 0
عر 0 ره سم
١ 5 : للللمك
٠١ 0/
00 اكد و
ظ 00
رشقي كلا بووم ال ٍ
صَحِقَ انمقام | الي
0-7 0
سَانَةواشبليع الاكموالةدقوع)
١ 37 اشفاية هم احلا لطم
عنعن وكلام ل0 لا 8 “اميف
تمر إتوواة عل اياك
ولام م بالكو نييح 21 9 تبروا
در 5 إكضاادوا 0
00 0 - ار
ركو: كوقااة) 5
د ْ
52 0
| اي ا
محلو الماح وض
لوال أطخا . ظ
اللهوكئد الله د ال و ؛دلمالئهمه
يبب الله اي اللوخيرة
اللهمرخلو الو : نه الله دمن
: بررط كوت ومانيد
نف اللهالةغنا وزش الل افاج
حلواللمة[ 7 مم
0 ع نتجإة ميقا
الى( عرف كود | اص
1 0 ابفإمشبة لامفيظ
أ شتوباغ الحا وو سيق ابه احتما
0 00 0
ع 51 قو ابضيلة و1 جه 2
) نبا ,اللهالكراة الحاوة لاله
واخبيهم لو(ل واشون قم 1
لاله قإكرم الخلوعا؟١ اللدورطر
فوا بطافة تدوالهو علا ير
م “كلاو أضاهم >
تاوصاو 0 ا ثبل 0
حَهَة كلهم 1 ا 4
ساب له تضاتاة١ 0
وَفَط بو فَضْلْهَمْ مولووتقم|
0 ومعايم مو
را وق شُرقِهم قوثُوة <
لوقاو قود
هم كؤ9 و َعَاهَم مِعَلوَشَبَنهم
0 0-0
يا حَمْ
وَسَعََاواعَايْقم كا وخا
ما قَادَكَا عَم تلام 1 ا 0
كلا راو كطررهم
١ -04
- وربانويكالدواد مم كلل 0
لقم مع فز صن كن
لان" َك دحوو لو كر لف
عسل زه وار[ ةذل
5 مقا المكهوبالد,وكة” 4
سرد كَناقاة 90( 00
عا ور 2 بح 4 ثبرما: كل)
دق ربوج لأخردمتوو ا ا
22 ) 6 ذم
عَم احَوَا نم التبسبب رم 00
0 ل 00
القماجت اي | سلو:
روي 5
ع امكو
مرك وت يع وقد 0
|2 يك كل كيز حماسي ١((
دل شور قله
فاب الخترو ف[ برو الج الم
0 كإسشومكا
000000 'نؤقايدة 01
0 بلو وار
ل وا رجه الؤجيكعة 3 قيز ظ
له البزر| هت >. اللقهاكيد كىن
الوسطلةة تَلِقَةَ مَامَولة| َكَل
0 افا شه اكه
0 كتلم شان
1 5 وده “الس لبن اسم سم لهس ها 0 جم اي ١# م 7 :
1 1 _ 5
- > سه
١ © ١
١ /
١ 0 ىا
ا ١ ١
جد جر ١ جز / 9 0 7 ١١
«صعر كبزجا رركن 2 |
4 /
رح :. ا 00 َك 3 رضاح م
و لركليه 1-2 1-2 كل --2 7 /
0-6 1
000 اك
فوالة انهم َكل تجيز وكا
قم هنو َالةَ ||
17 00 آكمزكاعل 5ك
كا كا راع نوو ص
1 ووس نم 3
0-0 2 (كَمَدْوَا. 77
ظ 1 نه وسلم كَنَامهَوََْز بي
(#كمزوك لاا بنش اللومم
, لكا
0 3
١ (> و
8 وَل
خضعر: نقىق 22(6[(
١ 4[ ي (١ || اهم 0
7 7” ©
الس 0
بقل ايند ل قي وو
00 كفد وكاو 0< م
حكممر ار 3 عار م هيم كإيدرا
| ابحوؤتي 7 12 و2 00 -- 0 ل 0
#خمزصها برعت علوابزه”
5 لال جرفية
لاخ وإ سرك بِسمد العَطظِيهَ الا
كنم ائذ »لشزددة كوا آ
ل شيك ع فإ رقف
مه وَمللهَ [كَمْوَ1 00 لاسر
ك لذ 0
دعاك باد -
ل سك
سمل اليم 1ك بلك
كلب انام 2 ب[ دم[, لدم لأعزك
وك(2َبهم كَِ اشاح
وب[ سعزء اله كرك بن _
رو كا اسار
سه [, اسيم لك د در
4 1 .
ن كله القدلا 6 8 ل لمم
م كزك بيهزرات كي شا «
بالا سهز انم 1
كله الامو ل شقرءالدم وكل
كك بهد[ 591 دَكَيْنهِ الشّا م وملا
لقره ليم ميق شل ]مكلصي
الاق ويل عن شقا,الىم اكاك
و5 ميف
لل سقالائيم 9ك أت ل
0 أ لان ١
١ : ١ ١ : 17 | هم |
65 -5 © نكما 0
"١ صو سر 7
فس 6
ش بع ١ ' 4 2) ١ د ْ |
«ك[ك بللابودبة كله الاطلاة 2 ديقاء
0 0 2
الممه عزك بها كن السلاهم
٠ ١ حر غ
داك | 16 اا عم
4 باك لليمز,الم9 ك[ك بيهر
ص ل 3
١+١ 0 3 1 ١ 090 ْ
كله الللدلام ونا 9و دابع والبم/ اك[
٠ 2 ر 535 :
١ ١ ١ 0 ' 0 -
> مهنا كله الشلام ود اك
١ 6 |
نيمل ونيم 8 كرك جلها
' : زبلا لهم و ساح
ف 0 2
لللماه ١ ليم م كا
بك كبك كز التلامم وبايت
للقا, الله كدت : سس طم
صفكَيمق كوت حَق
اللدَخلفكَةوَمَاتََكََلو زر
ولا 5 0 4 سر كد جح
رو ييا
الللقدل وَفكْنلال اهبس ع
هلاالكنب ونب واه بد انظ
ا وَنْكْنَد وقلسم
فسن لتم اَلْقَريجم التكدم كر
جمبة ( بل" 23 كناه شََاكَ
َرْفي فزن
| حلة د 000
مونو نحشا 00
2 9 0 ١
مناكسةة: كدا غم كقم
(اشقجوي وكش / ١ يناه 09
7د /
15 2 3
نسا/ هرق رموه تاك ق[رةا
كمي بالنطرا الروقهك
الخروة) . : ين جملة الاحبَاءٍ و
قريبلا التُوَادِوَا و اتتق1
0 6 0 0 ص لسلا ©
مو ارش شوعهر أحَاط
بهدكلفع مرخطيس ونيسانم
ونك و از فقئ مرز لزت
نوو والتسَريع ِنَم وك حا
جِبسَة َه أقك بعك _
وله وَجووك ورامك
م3 باوص #إ قلقلل ج (
هق واكام مود مك
١ لحَبَاه 0 عل
إلى انعم
2 م
خلمكتال ا 0 يركوا شلاك
ع 00 يو
لا وكوي والنجع راو بام
0 و
0 0
ليب هنوكو جروالل
3-3 الكبادة ظ -300303
7 0 1 0 كلل
وبكتا دَوَ بهن (امكافئ' للم
ك0 00
كَلْنَه] تسل ومجكنك وح ْ
كلو كم كر ا 7 يمن
١ ١
1 م
9 1 4 0
و سالا 0
01 سر 1
/ هد -
يو 3
| 0
0 1 اه
| سب عب الشسم لوا 1-0-0-0
كما وكا حكن تا سا
لفلاجررة بم شرولا فاع
او 3 2 ا لوو
مإ أمكإذاب د
مد 21 ,
1 0 3 9
1 2 سر
َمل تا ظ
9 1«
1-8 1
تؤءة كوا إكدَ
وو 5
كك للقت ١ اده
وَإلتَلواك, (موالمشقر
اعرد مبوشبية كلناخلاة'و
معاي ور
شير يموق مله 00
ييه عنقا
0 رتفيفرلم ف سم
' ع و لها ا بل
0 حارم لمر حت ذه
21-2 0 /
1 وهل رولك
0 وَكبْرَانهَ م 6
- 66 1 4 و
٠9 7 #0
7 0 ١
شوب 5إرويم
3 9 4 55
١ 7 '
: [ وج >- 0 /
وكتتراكم الاضدقدكساة١ 8-
م 07 د لين
وأخرئ ا القع [خسُوتً( مم
َِوَإَسْتفَمِلَا بَشنيه وتو
كل متتو عر ا 7
جفلناض” 2
9 ببِهة
0 لمر يلاوس 0
كز املا يه ول 07 كرمع
ب اكارزو» 14 صَلِنامَى
فللوكورة: 0 دسكهة
3 قلا مرق َه
مقع يهم مت )
الثسيا 00
يكبم اشير 2 0-9
' سم ا ١
0 و٠ / |
/ 1
ا " حو 7 وبآ كم
زمه كدو أله ذ >للمبب” عاك فك
١ لقند كبذك ا يض
ه' تكد عتو ع قو و
6 ده( ام كببةا يم أجنيك
الك .
ا :
2 كخقرة كلتالم ماو شهدا الو رسام
"١ 0 0 7 1 1 2 ووه 00
21 قي ,ال كدي حا نام
2ه وج /# وج
يليوا و رداب
غَاده عاق عبزرناوية الوَنذا
كمد راتْمشِلميتو القشفلمكٌ
الامتا: :منغ ابيز
© 8 90 -_ ا
١١ مز
١ لكوي
وتكو إشعروية المع روه
ظ القكنوة ته إل المطوووانه 3: لم
كلنها حوور لق كو كوالإهة
الْ» وخفرة ل عا
ررم ا 00 لمي
كارا السج ,|
الفنو كبننكد كلما
: 00 بعد
مط واسَا 00 1
0 لمكنو 0 ا
. دا ا
لذ 0
بماكَّن 5
2 64
لمكيوية “مالو 5
ظ سمل,المكت بَح حو
١ ندا 00
<< لحا
2 7-
0 0 5
مقامرَبْائهاة 0
لق ليلا كم انَقِنقَة 00
7 ا بعرم
١ ٍ ٍ نض
1 ١ + 1. 5 2
اله ره
8 المُشليين الاما: مهن ولموام
ا ا
المح( 0
١ 5
2 4 +
٠ ل /
الفمصر كا مه نوو 2 8
مإشحفن ١ كما بق وَحَمد اح
الى صر الغلاي اللذة. النَمْة سبكم
اسان ور ني دض
واكالاالامة أوَرَمَر تي كلة الازح ود
تَْالعةائقُوت جرب وال
عليه الضاة السام الْقَنَيْنَ بو قم
الرؤالاجرالمصيع اجنو
التق المشاتحب [يم انفاسْكة
| يه عبؤال|ب عن (رمطلبن!. ها
الهم ضرع ماهكتك الْمَكرسيَ
الور 4
عسشيك و ,
وخ ابوانة ارول هص ره
ورَوَيْكَمْ الإنى طَاة' تامتهنايقه
مَا حكن آيهها ال صبَارومَمَق"
بو بله اله يمه المرؤا رحا ك3
الله كلب لع 32 انه الله ١
١ 0 تالكر (مَطَاةمَةَ 2 0ه
رأيمة ع0 وات ا
م١ ولاك
لازاه 000
مذَكطل أكلاده 13 الث
ةلود انالوم ات
لز طم لالس كَلْرَه
سمحي أيمماي نضا والمه
0 0 و :
1 0 الحدت 3
الله كن وَشَلمَطلَا نس
--0 8 عقا غلادم
لج بلنامرك رقع بش
لملا افقةصك" للببلانا حت
لمبوالاموكلن الموَسآَعَصَنَ يد
كص هزع نزولا جكدله |
00 00
افلح كه هاف
حدس لشب اليا 0
الغا مصاء
لجا بالوَخووالسزيزاة 3
| لكزو اوتا وجا الامبرعوير
0 هه 3 الكَإل
0 لماجي زكماليل
2 اأن عه ١ إن 5 ١ ١ 2:
ل 0 9 ا 0
وَضلمَ صا مَكرونةي[الجمالن
عم 30
1 6 د
و كر / 0 (3) 7 تر
َ َه هس | ١
كلم "”كتزوكلر؟!( كز كتره
بحا رسف كنزو عار
مح مر ترد الى نشارو
كلر هع ير و هااا ١ كمع ع
َما١ا ظ ظ
زفي[ الصا 7 َانَفْا روَضَّل
دجب ١
>4 يم
ًْ س0 ”9
, 0-3
!ع ف
” )ني ١
م قرم > 0
0 0 كَمروكل ا اكتركودَ
أقرال )1 000 داعا
0 تكدعرد ابوروا تجار
عر (ككفزو عار تركو
عزنا الفقازراللة كلم شيم
2 “كو كل انه | ونمبما 0
31 5-7 بر ' وَكانب
الأحَرَرَوجب اساهرادم
6 مللل| : د الموم الموقليركلة مو
كوله مز وي بل سدور
ظ العم حَرْكَلٍ سيم ال« ترود ) ل أ
0 010
يوا شَوَعَلهِالثلن
القع تاه اله اننا ب ل مش مُننانة
والسؤالة اران امم
وإمشائة ستاك بك تسل
مد عبركاات شطاق اش ه66 3
0 رت ؤإقتاكاك
اضر د الات نَ] 8
له انوا 6
العذوتر 0 000
كلين َم واقالك ترشايك
د وَ(شْرَيه كنرك مَيْزلة
ملك اجات 0
سول 0
له كزة نااك إللقه دة [
سنن ا كنا الهنا برس لتر
د ولإض بوك5 ١
كلما 0 لقب وال للد ىك
لكك اوَاسْنَاكَ بإشمك ايلم
ا طم الب لان كبن بداصيت
' 2
اللاءبة الفطقة افده[
1 امود وسبزوةإلهوام وك
نلف كاسن
2 1
: 0
0 0
ا ا
تمقو بدِوَكالاه كشوت
7 0
لسبديلءما وا ذم خزية السب 0
يفا ”7
إ افو 0
7 نوين ظ
ه > 09
0 7 7
انتكك ملز جَليلك الملا 2
وَكَاءكزشك اك
ظ ور داجما اواك رمم لوت
هذا أرين سد ده تواصسيهاية 8
ك 0 4ه 8 © / تلح
ورور 2 ش 5
0 كه 0
لك اللهةا تهخووركلن
شع لكر 0 وتاب
مرقدبتكوه وميه ود
لل عن “ كد كدرك آلا وله فرؤال ,
ل(]اعنث الوَاجه الاق الفره! خم
أقر باهو جا ملا مَوَالاهوباملل)
ا 00
م جإ يوم با كوكم ألء»
وش يوتري شم[ الها
ملز || للاانة١ لْفَمَقَ[ْطنَ
الستودو<د نعل سس
والشهقة الوكق اقيم
حا كن زَيَإكُو 0 كن يبلي
1 5 00 كلم
0 شاك فك
0 الوا 2
ونلا هنا
كلدو 1
كاز 011 الله 0 | الله
0 عق زللة
فَرَإهَنه |الكلاه 5 متو 20 3 0
0 0 .
نَكو إائله'” جوقوتكل
والشلام بت
0 00
]ل حلم بيست
نوعدج وال وود ف
و تقاجع 2 عطيلة :0
عع ما
"كمر وا
واد ماوع اق 0
جد ماهما
سم س: مو الوذ واركقه ةا
تلع 000 5
والقو مع وا تقد
كينا نعو 9مواك وتنا 2
يز وتتلقع باكتبرؤ راث
و(دحمو اسك 0 00
ا ”
/ الى
١ ْ / اللا ااا - || اا
ش. - عي 29 7 2 , سيدا بي"
: : / ىا بير 4 اه رار
و سو مز سر وس ص ا سر 44 : تر و17 ام
م 0 ص ب 1 22 7 سرس ا 3 .
523 01 : 0 ّ
+ ٠
3-5 /
[ | _
١ ظ
0 |
/ 7
' 1 .
3 :5
: 5 5
4 يها
, , 5
1 0 ى حك
8 . :
9 1
١ 5 ١ ١ 7 0
ع« 4 سس 0
. 3 0
٠. مد< 5
١ 5
0 ي#يى ١
د |
7 . 7
٠. 1
4 / 0
3 3 05
08 ها
٠ صده
بتكا 1
موه ممص سه - ده ون وو ييه - -
000 حصب #سخدصضه امسج عه ها هنا قحقع . حك 7 لصي مهما واعدداند حوؤيوعي
و تت < لك 152
ست ك_0 2 هه 05 5 >7 كه :6 يأك ط )ا ك لت هسه
١ 57
١ 353 ,
5 مسسحييي 06 اث
0 ع و10 عام |
0 077 امج اس ١
0 3 20 < لبح مس و ملاعل اك 5 /
_ اس : وال صعلف بببييب ]اا ا الا ا ون ا زذيرو
7 سه محريو لل 1 0-0 ال-0 المبيبب سسا د بحر ب ني
55 للح )ييحي سي 122 - > امح 1 سف - - - 1 .
يب - جه +2 وعد ِ- 53 9 3 3 5
1 لحت 4ىى. > خخ ب- اس« ث ١
زٍ لجح << وج 350
١ << لي 2 ( لست
/ مت روهش روننه رت 1 7 7 سر 66
ب - << ل ١ 5 شر ل اير يوي / ّ' « 074 ٠ ماب 2 )2
و ف 7 2 شثظ 4 7 ك الال "00 “7 2
/ 4«
9 ١ '
0 4 00
*- 6 4 <
ا ١ ةاعر
5 7 نع
' ذا
8 0 مك 5 ضر
7 2
7 1 ١
١ ف
ىا ١ 1:
لجو +
. اق يا
0 ىم
١0 4 7
١ 0
0 ١
١ الماء 5:
نا ف 5 1
1 ,١
02096 46> ل << 3 حدضيف لا لكة الدذو3ثة 200 9
د باسةة 0-5
ا ْ ْ 4
96600446 6 496609949949946 ووو نو ووو كو ووو ووووويى نور ده ومع
ا ْ
ا 0
3 أ
ع0 ْ ا دي د23"
2 1 2 ا 0
حاقها ِ | 1 0
ل 1 0 في
9- 1 5 2
5 3 ل -
5 5 ل 3 ١ ءى
8 3 1 ع
١ / 7 0 ع
3 1 52 9
47 0380 :
١ لذ
هام +
4 / , 1
ْ 7 8 رطب 2ه جر عييه
0 د 177 تيك ككف 7
1 31 مل نا اله 55
7 1 101 ومع او د عاو ,5
010 ورد و72 20 تدس
6 0 2 يكف 1 عقوت ؟ 0
ظ ظ 1 0 4 5 1-1 5 7 5
4 11 ْ 1 قورحب
١ 08 / 1: :/
1 الل ١ . 3 5 ظ '
00 7" 1" ا
٠ 5 1 ؟ ل ظ
8511 1 ظ
0 18000 "
2706 !اللا 0
1 :
: ظ : - “ا
1 ْ 3 -" 3 0
2 6 - 74
0 : : 0-0-3-7
31 ل ا
: : ب -- د عر 22
ظ 4 مح 7 ا »© و3 ٍ
0 6 4 اياي / سر حجر رَلّه ا
شه و
7 4 م
لوي 1
_- صم عهمم '
ظ 001011
الطروروو رو . ور ىه
7 100
: 5-7 وين كت
درل رطا نر جر جره روج رورم جر جر فوب #مقوروم
5 "<2
0 0
2 _- 3 2 93 /
7 9 2 ّ عم
ل 3
0 _-
, 5"
ل 7
- 2 5 8 5 5
5-5 1
الوتداكا 1
ى اويا © ,> ١ 5
وو -. م _ ١
ف " >-
ىت الم
اي مويه
7 الك "0
| 0
6 8
1 ٌ /
© .م 0007 “م
120 07
ان 2 4
ب 1 ا '” .« 1
5-7 70
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5 1
0 9 2 8
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5 ش 7
ا 0
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0 0
5 0
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4" /,
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١ 75 ُ
2 م
24 6 .
1 كذ
- :
: وا
٠ 7
: ْ م"
ْ > عا
: 0
1 2
7 1
77 ِْ
ْ 0
7 |
Chelsea Kane Staub (born September 15, 1988) is an American actress and singer professionally known as Chelsea Kane since December 2010. She is best known for her role as Stella Malone in the Disney Channel sitcom Jonas L.A.. She also appeared in the Disney Channel Original Movies, Minutemen and Starstruck. She also co-stars in the Disney Channel animated series, Fish Hooks.
Kane grew up in Phoenix, Arizona, where she attended Mohave Middle School. She is an alumna of Valley Youth Theatre.
In 2007, she played her first starring role as well as her first theatrical role, in the theatrical motion picture Bratz: The Movie, as "Meredith Baxter Dimly", the film's primary antagonist. She performs two of the songs on the film's soundtrack.
In 2008, she acted in one of the Disney Channel Original Movies Minutemen as "Stephanie Jameson", which aired on Disney Channel in January 2008. She will be in the Jonas Brothers' brand new Disney Channel series JONAS as "Stella Malone", the boys' stylist and childhood best friend. She also has a song written about her performed by The Summer Set.
{| class="wikitable sortable"
! Year
! Title
! Role
! class="unsortable" | Notes
| 2003
| Arizona Summer
| Carol
| Direct-to-video film
| 2007
| Bratz: The Movie
| Meredith Baxter Dimly
| First theatrical role
| 2008
| Stephanie Jameson
| Disney Channel Original Movie
| 2010
| Starstruck
| Alexis Bender
| Disney Channel Original Movie
Music videos
2007 "It's All About Me" (feat. Malese Jow and Anneliese van der Pol) – Bratz: Motion Picture Soundtrack 2007 "Fabulous" – Bratz: Motion Picture Soundtrack 2011 "When Everything Falls Back Down" (feat. Chelsea Kane) by Action Item — single, from album The Stronger The Love''
Other websites
Chelsea Staub Web Site
1988 births
Living people
Actors from Phoenix, Arizona
American movie actors
American television actors
Disney actors
Musicians from Phoenix, Arizona
Singers from Phoenix, Arizona |
In Greek mythology, Hermaphroditus was the two-sexed son of Hermes and Aphrodite. He was a minor god of androgeny, effeminacy and hermaphroditism. He also symbolized the unity of male and female. He was one of the members of the Erotes, a group of winged love gods. His name is the origin of the word hermaphrodite.
According to a myth of Ovid, he was raised by nymphs in a cave on Mount Ida. At the age of fifteen, he traveled to the cities of Lydia and Caria in Asia Minor. It was there that he came upon a pool of fresh water. He undressed and bathed in the pool. Meanwhile, the nymph of the pool Salmacis, fell in love with him. She jumped into the pool and embraced him, not letting go, he struggled to get away from her. Salmacis prayed to the gods that they should never separate and the gods hearing her prayer, merged their bodies together, transforming Hermaphroditus into an androgynous being. Hermaphroditus, in anger of his transformation, cursed the pool so that anyone who bathed in it would suffer the same fate.
The worship of Hermaphroditus originated from Cyprus, under the name of Aphroditus. The cult was introduced into mainland Greece around the late 5th century BC. At rituals and sacrifices to the god, worshipers cross-dressed; men wearing women's clothing and women dressed in men's clothing. The god was also identified with the moon, because the moon was thought to be both male and female.
Hermaphroditus was a popular subject in ancient Greek and Roman art. He is often shown alone and sometimes interacting with satyrs and cupids. There is a famous statue called "The Sleeping Hermaphroditus" at the Louvre Museum in Paris.
Greek gods and goddesses |
San Nicolò Gerrei (Paùli Gerrèi, Pàùli Xrexèi) is a town and comune (municipality) in the Province of Sud Sardegna in Sardinia, Italy. As of 2016, 774 people lived there. Its area is 63.52 km². It is 365 meters above sea level.
Other websites
Communes of Sardinia |
<p>I have heard about people starting encryption and thought it may be something I would like, so I checked XOR and can't make any sense of it.
So can someone explain to me what XOR is ? </p> |
Hedingen is a municipality of the district Affoltern in the canton of Zürich in Switzerland.
Other websites
Official website
Municipalities of Zürich |
<p>Our team is working with <strong>Azure DevOps</strong> where we have a <strong>Git</strong> repository. We have different branches there called <strong>master</strong>, <strong>dev</strong> and the additional feature branches originated from <strong>dev</strong>.</p>
<p>The problem what I face is when I would like to do a pull request from one of the feature branches to <strong>dev</strong> the following warning message appears on <strong>Azure DevOps</strong>:</p>
<p>There are no changes to merge between the selected branches.</p>
<p>I saved, added, committed and pushed my changes into the feature branch. Also if I run <code>git diff dev</code> then it reports properly the changes.</p>
<p>The weird thing is there are definitely changes in the feature branch - left one is <strong>dev</strong> branch and the right one is the feature branch - just like below:</p>
<p><a href="https://i.stack.imgur.com/iJVyN.png" rel="nofollow noreferrer"><img src="https://i.stack.imgur.com/iJVyN.png" alt="diff-between-branches"></a></p>
<p>It's happening since there was a revert from <code>master</code> to <code>dev</code> branch earlier.</p>
<p>By any chance if anyone has an idea what to check or what to do to be able to merge and see the changes between these branches when creating pull request, please don't hesitate to share, would be really appreciated.</p>
<p>Thank you!</p> |
Luke Moore (born 13 February 1986) is an English footballer. He plays for West Bromwich Albion.
Club career statistics
|2003/04||Aston Villa||Premier League||7||0||0||0||0||0||7||0
|2003/04||Wycombe Wanderers||Second Division||6||4||0||0||0||0||6||4
|2004/05||rowspan="4"|Aston Villa||rowspan="4"|Premier League||25||1||1||0||1||0||27||1
|2007/08||rowspan="3"|West Bromwich Albion||League Championship||10||0||0||0||0||0||10||0
|2008/09||Premier League||21||1||1||0||1||0||23||1
|2009/10||League Championship||||||||||||||||
1986 births
Living people
Black British sportspeople
English footballers
Sportspeople from Birmingham
Premier League players |
The Prime Minister of Malaysia () is the head of government and the highest political office in Malaysia. The Yang di-Pertuan Agong appoints Prime Minister as a Member of Parliament (MP). The Prime Minister chairs the Cabinet of Malaysia, the de facto executive branch of government.
List of prime ministers of Malaysia
Colour key (for political coalitions/parties):
References |
<p>I have a sql table that stores the daily prices of stocks. New records are inserted every day after the market closes. I want to find the stocks that have consecutive increases in price.</p>
<p>The table has lots of columns, but this is the relevant subset:</p>
<pre><code>quoteid stockid closeprice createdate
1 1 1 01/01/2012
2 2 10 01/01/2012
3 3 15 01/01/2012
4 1 2 01/02/2012
5 2 11 01/02/2012
6 3 13 01/02/2012
7 1 5 01/03/2012
8 2 13 01/03/2012
9 3 17 01/03/2012
10 1 7 01/04/2012
11 2 14 01/04/2012
12 3 18 01/04/2012
13 1 9 01/05/2012
14 2 11 01/05/2012
15 3 10 01/05/2012
<p>The <code>quoteid</code> column is a primary key.</p>
<p>In the table, the closing price of stock id 1 increases every day. Stock id 3 fluctuates a lot, and the price for stock id 2 fell on the last day.</p>
<p>I am looking for a result like this:</p>
<pre><code>stockid Consecutive Count (CC)
1 5
2 4
<p>If you can get output with dates for the consecutive streak, that would even better:</p>
<pre><code>stockid Consecutive Count (CC) StartDate EndDate
1 5 01/01/2012 01/05/2012
2 4 01/01/2012 01/04/2012
<p><code>StartDate</code> is when the price started increasing and <code>EndDate</code> is when the bull run actually finished.</p>
<p>I have figured this is not an easy problem. I have looked at other posts here which also deal with this consecutive scenario but they don't fit my needs. If you know any post that is similar to mine, please do let me know.</p> |
This is a list of the results from the second cycle of the reality television series America's Next Top Model.
Call-out order
The contestant won the reward challenge
The contestant was eliminated
The contestant did not participate in the photo shoot and was eliminated
The contestant won the reward challenge and was eliminated
The contestant won the competition
In episodes 3 and 6, the first and second placers were switched by editing.
Episode 9 was the recap episode.
02 |
<p>I want to find out whether there is a relationship between how well the students did on a particular test and the level of dropout from education. I have a 2×2 matrix with the variables Level in test which takes the values level 1 and level 2, and the variable dropout which has the values not active and active. (you can say that level 1=pass the test and level 2=not passed).</p>
<p>I can see that I have a problem with the term called "simpson paradox", because I get that every single education in the faculty has a high p value indicating that there is no relationship between level in test and dropout. BUT when I group the data and perform the analysis for the whole faculty, I get a low p value indicating that there is a significant relationship between the variables.??
I have tried to read about the Simpson paradox, but I don't seem to get the information of how to deal with this problem?
I have read one place that one should not perform the test on aggregated data, but that cannot be true?
<img src="https://i.stack.imgur.com/wBT9W.png" alt="enter image description here"></p>
<p>I really hope that someone can help me!</p>
<p>Kind Regards Maria</p> |
<p>I have this html code:</p>
<pre><code><p>Hello, this is a test replacing, <span class="myclass">over test</span> and <span class="myclass">over test</span>.</p>
<p>My javascript works to replace the word "Hello" with "FuuBar".</p>
<pre><code>document.body.innerHTML = document.body.innerHTML.replace(/Hello/g, "FuuBar");
<p>But I can not replace <code><span class="myclass">over test</span></code> by <code><span class="thanks"><b>Thanks God</b></span></code></p>
<p>I am starting in javascript. I need to resolve this in pure js. Could help in my code? And sorry for the English.</p>
<p><a href="http://jsfiddle.net/puya3/" rel="nofollow">JsFiddle</a> for help.</p> |
An airfoil (in American English, or aerofoil in British English) is the shape of a wing, or blade of a propeller, the blade of a ship's screw or the shape of a sail as seen in cross-section. When moving through a fluid it will provide lift and drag. Lift is not only up, it may be in other directions depending on what it is used for.
Tools |
Hector (, Hektōr) was a Trojan prince and one of the central figures of the Iliad. The first-born son of King Priam and Queen Hecuba, Hector was the heir apparent to the throne and the greatest of Troy's warriors in the defense of the city. Hector fought against a various number of the Greeks through the course of the Trojan War, including Protesilaus and Ajax. He was married to Andromache, with whom he had a son, Astyanax, whom the Trojans called Scamandrios.
Hector is eventually killed by Achilles (Book XXII of The Iliad).
Related pages
624 Hektor
Other websites
People in Greek mythology |
Iguaçu Falls are a series of massive waterfalls that lie on the border of Argentina 80% and Brazil 20%. It is fed by the Iguaçu River, which flows into the Paraná River. 275 individual waterfalls side by side, some as tall as , make up the falls, though most are around . The falls divide the river into the upper and lower Iguaçu. It is one of the largest and most famous waterfalls in the world, receiving thousands of visitors each year.
Bodies of water of South America
Geography of Argentina
Geography of Brazil |
The Favorite (also titled Intimate Power) is a 1989 Swiss American drama movie directed by Jack Smight and starring F. Murray Abraham, Maud Adams, Amber O'Shea, Ron Dortch, James Michael Gregary, Francesco Quinn. It was distributed by 20th Century Fox.
Other websites
1989 drama movies
Swiss movies
American drama movies
Movies based on books
20th Century Fox movies
Movies directed by Jack Smight |
<p>I have a WP Phone app using a Bing Map control. I have an array of objects, and each object has a location. I iterate the array to place the pins on the map (see below). I have a touch event bound to each pin to allow the user to tap the pin to start an action.</p>
<p>Now - I would like, on tap, to show information from the object that relates to that pin to be shown in a textbox. How can I retrieve the object from the array that corresponds to the pushpin that was tapped/clicked?</p>
<pre><code>foreach (wikiResult result in arrayResults)
double lat = double.Parse(result.Latitude, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
double lng = double.Parse(result.Longitude, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
statusTextBlock.Text = result.Latitude + " " + result.Longitude + " " + lat + " " + lng;
GeoCoordinate d = new GeoCoordinate(lat, lng);
Pushpin pin;
pin = new Pushpin();
pin.Location = d;
pin.Content = result.Name;
pin.MouseLeftButtonUp += new MouseButtonEventHandler(pin1_MouseLeftButtonUp);
void pin1_MouseLeftButtonUp(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
//display the content from the object in a text box
<p>Many thanks in advance!</p> |
<p>Installed Ubuntu Server LTS 14.04 from Azure library on Azure VM.
Logged in as standard "azureuser" created by Azure with my password.
Changed root password:</p>
<pre><code>sudo passwd root
<p>If I try to login as "root": </p>
<pre><code>Access denied
<p>What do I miss?
And yes, the password is correct.</p> |
All Saints' Day is celebrated by Catholic Christians on November 1. Other Christians celebrate it as well. (May not be on the same day) It is a mandatory Catholic holiday. It is celebrated in the Catholic Church.
The next day, November 2 is celebrated as All Souls' Day, souls in Purgatory are especially remembered. Both days are considered important and they are integrated with each other.
The older name is All Hallows or Hallowmas
All Saints is also a Christian formula involving all the faithful saints and martyrs, known and unknown.
In Portugal, Spain and Mexico, ofrendas (offerings) are made on this day. In Spain, the play Don Juan Tenorio is traditionally performed. In Spain, Portugal, Italy and France, people bring flowers to the graves of dead relatives. In Poland, Slovenia, Slovakia, Lithuania, Croatia, Austria and Germany, the tradition is to light candles and visit the graves of deceased relatives. In the Philippines, the day is spent visiting the graves of deceased relatives, where they offer prayers, lay flowers, and light candles, often in a picnic-like atmosphere. In English speaking countries the festival is traditionally celebrated with the hymn "For All the Saints" by William Walsham How. The most familiar tune for this hymn is Sine Nomine by Ralph Vaughan Williams.
The festival was retained after the Reformation in the calendar of the Church of England and in many Lutheran churches.
Other websites
American Catholic - Saints FAQs, All Saints and All Souls Day
All Saints' Day article in the Catholic Encyclopedia
All Saints Sunday Orthodox England
All Saints Church, Barbados
Christian holidays
November events |
<p>I brought up the swagger UI (openapi 3.0.0) using the spec.yaml and the latest swagger ui docker image (swaggerapi/swagger-ui:latest) on my local machine. I am hitting an API endpoint using the swagger UI, for some reason I am NOT able to see all the response headers, where as when I hit the same endpoint on P ostman I can see all the response headers.</p>
<p>For example, Let's assume I see below response headers on Postman</p>
<p>I see only these response headers on swagger UI</p>
<p>Can someone help me to resolve this problem?</p>
<p>Note : I came across some github issue threads / even stack overflow query threads with more or less similar defect scenario and those have been closed with resolution saying the bug has been fixed. but if that is really fixed, I am just wondering why this is happening on latest docker image?</p> |
<p>I need filter products through the json field features:</p>
<pre><code>id | name_product | features|
<p><br>field features:</p>
"en": "System Operation",
"it": "Sistema operativo",
"value": "IOS 8"
}, {
"en": "Memory Ram",
"it": "Memoria Ram",
"value": "16 Gb"
}, {
"en": "display",
"it": "schermo",
"value": "5.5\""
<p>Some products have some features in common, for filter I try this:</p>
<pre><code>SELECT * FROM products WHERE json_extract(features,'$[*].value') = "IOS 8";
<pre><code>SELECT * FROM products WHERE 'IOS 8' = json_extract(features,'$[*].value');
<p>but the result is the same: NULL<br>
If I put location in array instead of *:</p>
<pre><code>SELECT * FROM products WHERE json_extract(feature,'$[1].value') = "IOS 8";
<p>I have the result, the problem is: I dont know where is in exactly the position. In some products <code>$[1].value</code> in others <code>is $[2].value</code> in others <code>$[10].value</code><br>
<code>$[*].value</code> is the best but is null :(<br>
How can fix this problem?<br>
Thank you!!</p> |
Master Negative
Storage Number
Testamento de um
Rio de Janeiro
Reel: 48 Title: 33
Mut*r Ntgathr* Storsg* NumlMr:OCI0004<.33
Control Number: ABJ-0412
OCLC Number : 07562333
Cell Number : W 381.5698 P8383 no. 2
Title : Testemento de um soldado : ecompenhedo de historie de sue
vide, tormentos e compenhes e de sue fingida, morte e fuga
do hospital, seguldo de annotagOes / por un homem muito
imprint : Rio de Janeiro : A venda na livraria de A.T. de Castro
Dias, 1875.
Format : 15 p. : 19 cm.
Note : Cover title.
Note : In verse.
Subject : Chapbooks, Brazilian.
Added Entry : Castro Dias, A. T. de.
On behalf of the
Preservation Office, Cleveland Public Library
Cleveland, Ohio, USA
Film Size: 35mm microfilm
Image Placement: IIB
Reduction Ratio: 8:1
Date filming began: ^ ^ ^
Camera Operator: _ S=^ _
, aknotacmIrb , ; ■ "V'' '
HR' do Ar -
'■ .d#' Violas . ' ,■ ■, .,'-'
reference department _
LX. persons are entitled to the ben-
eRu of the Library unless debarred
by trsoisgressing the rules. P erfect
quiet must be maintained. No use of
books will be allowed to persons with
unclean bands; neither will it be permitted
to handle books roughly.
Any injury* mutilation, or defactement of books
or other property of the Library, is a violation ot
the followinfif statute of the State of Ohio:
“ Section 6863. Whoever maliciously
or injures any property not his own, shall, if the
value of the thins destroyed, or the injury done,
is one hundred dollars or more, be imprisoned m
the penitentiary not more th^ seven
less than one year, or, if Revalue u lew toat
sum, be fined not more Aan five hundred doUm
or imprisoned not more than thirty days, or both.
C. P. L. Form 1218-Main. Im. 12-10.
• Depois de velho e docntG,
De mil males acliacado,
Ao hospital, em campanha,
Foi ter urn pobre soldado.
Sentando praca inda m&co
Nunca pdstos alcancou,
Pois nao sendo adulador
ProteccOes nao encontrou.
Em vista de tantos dotes,
De tanta nota e valia,
E al6m disso — ihtelligen'te,
Porque pdstos nao sobia?...
Porque ? — Por uma stultice,
Que nao justifica nada:
Por censurar dos cadetes
A vida alegre e folgada^.
— Porque rasao, perguntava
A seo sargento — am bebc^co:
Hao-de ter estes cadetes
Tamanho desembaraco^
Se alguem s’importasse urn dia
Com a refoi*ma militar ;
Tinba miiito que fazer,
Muito abuso que acabar .
Ao passo que mil recrutas
lao tendo promocao,
O uosso — marcava o passo —
Sem ser de butes no cbao.
Independente e brioso
No seo trajar, seo viver,
Tinba uma f6 de soldado
Que melbor nao p6de haver...
— 2 —
S6 p’ra poupar da cliibata,
Aos brios tao aviltante,
0 cadetinho, o fillidte —
Fi<^u6 ao soldado distant©.
Assim, em vez de ser este
Da patria um herde, um iDravo;
Sciente de si, da lei....
Keduz-se 4 sort© d’escravo ! ,
Que 0 digao sul! quern ca’steve
E nao na corte entretido,
Que de chibatas sem conta !
Que de castigo mflingido !
Viver o pobre soldado
Suieito a um vil captiveiro,
P’ra matar a bumanidade
Ter £ama de guerreiro.
Alem dos muitos abusos
Devidos ao pouco ensino,
Nenbum peor do que este
De tornaPo um assassino.
A causa de taes desmandos,
Da moral a perversao,
Vem de nao se dar 4s pranas
' A necessaria instruccao.
Convindo tdl-as p’ra sempre
Na obediencia passiva,
Nao como bomens e livres
Mas como raca captiva;
Distancia-se o soldado
De tudo quanto e saber,
P’ra ignorar os direitos,
Saber s6 — o seo dever .
I' 'as quern tern a pan^a cbeia ,
nao sabe o que e soffrer,
or causa de albeios males
limigos nao quer ter !
•uem roda em coup4, berlinda,
1 vive 4 custa do Estado,
i’importa 14 c’o as miserias
iue soffre o pobre soldado? ..
\i s’importasse por certq —
vez de o julgarem vil...
ulgariao com bem bonra
) soldado do Brasil.
das que fazer?.. Os ministros
;^beios de contentamento,
5m pilbando as maiorias^
roverndo sem orQ(imento .
5 em quanto discutem breves,
3ommiss0es especiaes...
Tresta tua non laudantur
E mil senecuras mais ",
0 pobre soldado o soldo
Recebe sempre atrasado,
E nunca Ibe dao a baixa
Depois do tempo acabado ! . .
Isto dev4ras contrista
Em vez da class© animar,
Sem fallar no que tern ella
Dos cadetes aturar... ,
Odienta separacao
Nos companbeiros da filla, ^ '
Que exalta a muitos sem bi*!®*
E 0 brio aos mais anniquilla»
— 3 —
E’ isto vidaque abrace •
Quern tern brio e pondunor,
fallar no tratamento
Que, santo j3eos I causa horror?
A vida 6 boa sdmente
P^ra OS' rancheiros* e caddtes, —
Esses sim, pilhao as flexas
,Sem atacarem fogiietes.
E em quanto o pohre soldado
Aguenta um fogo nutrido,
O cadete na barraca
Fica alegre e divertido.
0 que pasma e causa k gente
Magoa, d6r e arrelia,
E’ ver depois o marreco
Louvado em ordem do dia.
Tern pai graildo — acabou-se,
Ninguem tern de se queixar,
E’ filho do Sr. Fulano,
P6de a tudo atrOpellar.
E na verdade, inda pasma
Que & luz da civ’lisaQao,
Voltemos ao feudalisino
Com tao vil adiilacaol
Que quer dizer um cadete ?
P’ra ter da lei isencao
For ter pai este, ou aquelle,
E’ mais que outro cidadao?.
Pois estamos nesses tempos
Do famoso feudalismo ?
Quando fallao em republica,
Querem nisto autochratismo ?
E’ isto uma affronta aos bravos
De se ficar bem afflicto,
Tirar-se a gloria a quem tern
P’ra dal-a ao nhonnd bonito .
Nemhalei, segundo cremos
Fundada em b6a rasao,
Que destriia a igualdade
No Brasil do cidadao.
Ha muitos que sao valentes,
Mas os taes da impunidade,
Nada respeitao na vida
Senao a — sua vontade.
E se a Constitui^ao
Estabelece em geral,
A desciplina p’ra todos
P’ra estes hao tern vigor,
Pois j4 vi um commandants
D’uffl cadete adulador.
Por ser filho d'nm graiido^
Faga elleo.que fizer,
Seduza. a filha ao soldado,
Roube de um bravo a mulher
Sentou praca — 6 um soldado,
Valha o seb merecimento ;
Nao prejudique o service
0 facto do nascimento.
4 —
Hoje, qiie o mtindo reclama
Pela mundana igualdade:
E que a lei a estabelece
Contra bispos, padre on frade;
«Pois privilegio de ra^a '
S6 a lei um considera,
O da Familia Imp’rial
Que em todo o Brasil impera » (1)
— « Cadete 6 soldado nobre
0 Conde de Lippe — o diz : »
— ^Mas isso foi no boni tempo
Dos dons na testa com giz.
Mas hoje que o rmmdo marcha^
Que nobre e s6 o talento,
A bonradez, avir^-ude,
0 real merecimento;
Hoje que a fidalguia
Sahe da hurra do plebeo,
E que qiianto se e mais rico
Mais fidalgo e mais sandeo;
(1) Isto disse eft um dia e applaudido,
Fnl por quantos attentos m’escutarao;
Yeteranos record&rao scenasy
Terriveis, sanguinarias e obscenas
Que elles pratiedrao !
E’ degradaute at4— disserao ell^, ,
Para a classe tao falsa distinc^ao :
S^'isso foi lei antiga hoje estd nuUa,
t>ois contra a lei geral nfio se Simula
Tao opphsta inten9.ao!
/ _ Deixo agori ao Sr. ministro
Estas id^as — ^clembretes^. . . .
Nas reformas — sera ter f6rmas
Bis^iue da ' ^miaxOS cadetes.)
[ Nao sei pdrque se pretende
Afrontar-se o cidadao,
Com esse — soldado nobre—
Talvez filho d’um poltrao !
A nao ser isso de ha muito
Eu ’staria oflicial, —
Se 0 previlegio da raca
Nao preferisse em geral.
Porque apezac de serem
Macons os do governismo,
Em id6as progressistas
* T@m muito ultfamontanismo.
Eu nuhea fui, e verdade,
Desses bravos destimidos,
Valentes nas retiradas —
_ S6 pelas costas feridos ;
Mas tambem nao fiz a parte
Do meo bravo capit&o,
Que n’umataque renhido
Usou d’especulacao (2) ,
(2) Meo capitao era uill velho
Baixo, pancudo e gaiato,
Mas sempre que havia fogo
Fugia logo p’rao mato. '
Fiz sempre quanto podia ..
P’ra cumprir o meo dever,
E se nao pilhei o Lopes
Foi porque— wdo pdde ser I
Sentei praca inda .bem moco,
Tendo por lei isencao,
Por6ni 14 na nossa terra
Nao ha lei sem protecgdo.
Minha mae era uma velha
A’ quern serapre respeitei —
Trez irmas ficarao orftts
Desde que eu praca assentei.
Ao tenente elle entregando
0 mando da companhia,
Foi se deitar muito longe
Sob uma arv’re sombria.
Um ajudante que d toda
VoaVa no acampamento,
Ao v^l-o esbarra o cavallo
E Ihe diz com sentimento:
— « Que 4 isto, senbor capitao,
« 0 senbor aqui deitado ?
« Assim h que ganbar pdstos .
c( Quer talvez- — tao descancado?
0 meo bravo ficou tonto,
Mas vendo ir-se o ajudante,
Creou coragem e a seo turno
0 cbama no mesmo instante:
— « Olbe, meo caro ajudante,
« P’ra responder-lbe 0 cbamei,
(i.Si oipostos aqui nao getnho •
« iVdo perco os quejd ganhei /’ »
5 —
Era eu s(5 — o uhico hornein
D’aquella casa infeliz. ..
Mas um torpe seductor
Malsinar-me um dia quiz.
Seduzir tentando outr’ora
Uma irma que eu possuia,
Como estSrvo a seos intentos
Com bons olbos me nao via.
Era elle uma influencia
Da Villa — como eleitor,
E da Guarda Nacional
Commandante Superior.
Ao depois n’um certo dia
Dei-lbe uns quatro cacbacOesj
P’ra tornal-o commedido*
Nas infames pretencOes.
Fugio — correndo o covarde
E sem dar queixa de mjm, .
Deixou esquecer o facto
Por um anno, ou cousa assim^.
Mas irado dentro em si,
Guardando n’alma a vinganca,
Mai veio o recrutamento
Me fez prender sem tardanca.
Fui pr^so ao sabir a noite
Da officina em que jazia,
E ao me ver prgso o malvAdo
De grande prazer s’encbia.
Bradando qu’era injusti^a
Apoz mandou-me algemar,
E da Villa 4 capital
Com outros fez-me marcbar.
Fui cofiduzido algemado
Como se fora um ladrSo: .
Minha mae, ao saber disso,
Quasi morreo de paixao.
Mais tarde mandou dizer
A’minha irma, — esse fSra,
Que k sua disposicao
0 chefe entao me puzera .
Da Villa jurarao todos • Qu’ella Ihe fdsse pedir,
Que eu era um filho exemplar, Fizesse uma transaccao,
Unico arrimo da casa, Sem o que ’stava eu perdidb
Que me deviao soltar. ' Sem a menor remissao .
Porem 4 uada moveo-se
0 cadetinbo impostor,
Que foi o que^ recrutou-me
* Por ordem do meo senhor.
Quatorze legoas and4mos
Eecoltados quaes ladrOes I
Minba mae morta de fome...
Minhas irmas d’affliccOes ;
At6 chegarmos caucados
Da Provincia k capital,
Onde o povo admirado
De ver um tamanho mal:
Representou a policia
Sobre tao grande attentado,
E o meo embarque, em seguida
Foi por tres dias sustado,
Levado fui k policia
P’ra as taes averiguacOes,
0 cbefe p’ra presidencia
Mandou as informacOes.
« *
Sabendo disso o verdugo
Para opalacio seguio...
E taes voltas deo k cousa
Que mais que quiz conseguio.
Cheia de dignidade
Minha irma entao jurou,
Que jamais fSra d’aquelle
Que a seo irmao desgracou.
Que a offensa era funda, grave.,
E della a vinganca entao,
Era cuspir-lhe na face .
Ao depois d’um bofetao.
Isto foi — visle linguiQa?
Cheia de brio e valor,
Largou a bolacha em cheio
Nas ventas do meo senhor. ' ,
Em vez do bruto muscar-se,
Como outr’ora fez comigo;
Fez prender a minha irma
Patenteou-se inimigo. .
Julgava 0 vil desalmado
Que aquella alma virtuosa,
Se prestaria k luxuria
Sem brio, pejo, ou mcdrosai
I'Xiirn— r~n'‘f iii if f r '
Foi minlia irma p’ra cadSa
E eu logo OfpQz embarquei;
Quo desespero nesfaltoa
m e noite nao prove! I
Ao chegar do Norte 4 cdrte
la tao magro e tao mal,
Que apenas desembarquei
Me mandarao p’ra o hospital.
Sem saber qual a molestia
Que voraz me consumia,
Um velho doutor, qual padre,
ConfessQU-me upi certo dia‘ —
«Meo filho, disse o bom velho,
Tu estis muito doente,
Por6m teo mal, fllho meo,
Nao se me torna patente;
Creio que um grande desgosto
Traz a tu’alma abatida,
E por isso 6 uecessario
Que me contes tua vida.)) '
Coutei-lhe entao com verdade
A minha vida e prisao:
Eo velho— -pasmo de ouvir-me
Me disse com compaixao :
— Me.o filho,— -tern pacieneia,
Nao desesperes da sorte,
Eu vou fallar aos 9olle^8
iP’ra tu voltares p’ra o Norte !
7 -
E receitando-me amargo^ ,
E cousas refrigerantes,
Mandou que o meo enfermeiro
Me desse bifes — bastantes.
Esperangado de em breve
Voltar ao minho querido,
P’ahi a trez dias soube
Que doutor tinha morrido-
Senti tanto a sua perda.
Chore! tanto e de tal sorte;
Que admirou-se o enfermeiro
De ver tamanho transporte,
Sabendo apoz o motive
Porque chorava o doutor.
Da minha tristonha historia
Fez sciente o director.
Este fallou ao miuistr^o
De um modo tocante e serio...
Mas ah ! — d’ahi a dous dias
Levou qu6da o ininisterio !..
D’^bi a dias um medico beAplario,
Que era do grande partido decahido,
Julgou que eu fOra um veto adversano
A’ quelle que me bavia perseguido.
E p’ra vingarem mim p accideixte
De ver os seos pavPes sem mais poleiros
DeP-uje alta,^ e foi convalescente
' P’ra o primeiio bataJb^ de fazUwos..
Par^m sabendo a defeza
Quaes os manos emboUados,
Recusou-os a um por um...
Que vergonba! — que juradosl
Miniia irma *absolvida
Foi por unanimidade,
E o Presidente do,Jury
Mandou' p61-a em liberdade.
E eondemnando nas custas
A tao relapso autboFj
Julgou-o da accao proposta
Ou peor — carecedor.
Ah ! quern dissera la’stavau
Patricios meos recrutados,
Que apozde mirrijdesgragados
Punirao por minba irma :
O commandante irritado
Por ver-se assaz odiado,
Vingou-se em fazer soldado
Com frenezi e c’o affan.
As familias que alli’stavao
Derao bravos de louvores ;
E por sobre minha irma
Atir4rao muitas fldres.
Soube eiitao delies, coitados,
Do que mais aconteceo :
— Minba mae apoz seis dias
Depois que eu vim falleceo
Foi tal a triste impressao
Da sua d6r e afflic^ao,
Que toda a populacao
Ao funeral concorr^o.
E cbeias de entbusiasmo
Dan do vivas com alegria—
Minba irma acompanb4rao
T6 a casa de minba tia.
Soube entao o presidente
De toda a trama a funccao
E ordenou a meo verdugo
De dar sua demissao.
Minba irma, que f6ra preza
Foi ao jury conduzida,
E mao grado a meo verdugo
Foi de todo absolvida .
As familias tinbao dado
Para ella advogado,
P’ra nao verem nesse estado
A vjrtude perseguida .
Diziao que o meo verdugo
Tinba o Jury ja comprado,
Que gastou quatorze contos
Em votos e advogado :
E como p grao commandante
Mostrpu-se audaz nao querer,
Mandou4be instauyar proc6sso
Por das leis elle exceder .
E 0 suspendendo das bonras
Para a c6rte ofiiciou,
Donde a sua delnissao
0 governo Ib’a maiidou.
Mas, que valeo tudo isso?...
No service
Piquei preso ate morrer...
Embora eu f6sse estimado,
Foi sdmente, 0 meo viver ! ■
Ditoso s6 fai na C6rte,
Quando a*sorte
Foi mais propicia e feliz...
Quando a creoula esperava
Que 14 no caiapo Idvava,
E os mimos d^la gosava
No tanque do chafariz !...
Ah I campQ de Sant* Anna I quem medera
Voltar de novo 4s tuas noites bellas!
No tempo em que as mulatas e as cr:iOulas
Faziao junto a n6s suas barrellas !...
Ai oampo de Sant Annat que saudades
Desses tempos da tua escuridao I
Quando apenas morti^a luz te dava .
De azeite de peixe o lampe4o1
Abl que tempo feliz 1 que bellas noites
Aquellas em que o azeite se poupava
£m que nascendo a lua promptamente
O lampeao de azeite se apagava 1
Abl que tempo feliz 1— que bellas ceias,
De arroz com camarao, ou de cangica !
A g^te ao recordar-se desses tempos,
Com raiva do progresso quazi fica !
Que barata era a festa I a toda ^ bora
Yendia a quitandeira milbo assado,
O bom p4 de moieque, a rapadura,
O aipim cosido e o mendobi torrado.
E o ci^dp de cana 4 meia noite,
Tao quentinho com o rala de viptem ;
Como tudo era bello I abl que saudades
'Das <rpamonbas» a boca inda n4o tern I
Por4m tudo mudou i at4 a Igreja
De tantas tradiepdes que deo-lbe o nome,
Foi p*ra « cadeia nova» c’o as barracas
Deixando sd no campo os — lobisbome •
Abl bom tempo foi esse 1 A’s nove boras
Cada bico ja tinba o seo morrao ?
£ quasi vai nao vai, morre nao morre,
Propicia se tornaVa a escuridao....
Fui mandado para Minas
Voltei a c6rte ao depois;
Depois ’stive em Pernambuco
No ataque do dia dois.
De 14 voltei para a c6rte
E como audaz etaful;
Por causa do Sr. Urquiza
C4 vim c’os ossos p’ra o Sul.
J4 d’antes c4 tinba and.ado
Pela guerra dos farrapos,
Onde acabamos c’o a troca
A’ cabecada e supapos.
Fiz a campanba do Rosas,
Bati-me em^Monte* Caseros,
E nao 4 por me, gabar,
Tive elogios sinceros.
Em vez de ser premiado
Com um posto e nao medalba,
^^e derao zinco por premio
Como premio da gentalba.
— 10
Passagem de companhia
Pedi logo incontipentej
Levando apeaas saudade
De um meo amigo, o tenente.
E quando eu, bepi descan^ado
Na corte j4 era pai,
Vim parar & Paysandd,
E depois ao Paraguay.
Aqui fiz toda a campanha .
At6 Perrhebebujhy ; *
E nao sendo promo vido
Inspecgdo quiz ter aqui. j
E como inda m’a neg4rao,
Com cynismo sem iguaj,
Recollii-*me sem lambanga
Bern calado ao hospital:
Comprar pertendo com ouro,
Filado a muitas guayacas
De paraguayos j4 mortos^
— Uma das mortes macacas.
Vim ter ao hospital fingi ter febre:
Dos hospitaes nao ha quern nao celebre
O asseio, a limpeza, o rigorismo
Por6m, quern nao lamenta do soldado,
O tristonho abandcmo desgra9ado
Ao lado do empyrismo !
Atirado qual fardo d enfermaria, •
Eu aqui me fiquei c’p alma tao fria
Como nao explicar podia entao :
Chegou o enfermeiro— que pedante
Que cara de cavallo petulante 1
Com ares de trotao!
O que tern camarada, o que i que sentet .**
E nisto am grande bate de agoardente
Jde largon « cigarro qp naidz:
rr« Amigo tenbo febre, ddr de am lado,
:A lingua aspeiKi e«eeca... meo estado
Me parece infelizi...—
— «Qaall nao creia/l^ixe.Ter a sqa lingo#,
Aqoi no acampamento pdde & mmgoa
Morrer-se sem dizer-se mp ai Jesns;-.
Von mand»l-o passar p’ra aqaelle quarto,
AlH tocA ’stara de ar bem farto
Ter& pertinbo a loz. — »
E foi jogar o tratante
Nao sei que jogo matreixo,
Sei que voltou fumegaute
Por ter perdido o dinheiro.
Chamei-o, e dei-lhe trez oncas:
. — « Jogue por mim e vocS;
Amanha me dar^ coutas,
Que jogo d
No outro dia, 4s dez horas,
Chegou o pai da sciencia;
Era um doutor tao casmurro,
Que s’aqiielle nap f6r hurrp
Tern 0 hqrro intellig6iicia I
Contraetado por dinheiro,
Tinha horror 4 epedemia :
E da chinota mais hella,
’Stando c’o a febre amarella,
Nao se chegava— nem via.
— « Voc4 tem febre me diga,
Nao m’engalne, tem ou nao?..>
Olhem, que doiitor camello I
Em vez de armiiil^ traz pellp,
E peor qu4 um charlaitEo t
E abrio o formulario, olhou-mei a forto
Ckxmo'iKMm os signaes'consatta leodd;
DepoislA resmungou comsigo o bruto,
Nao sei o que— nitracto de bismutho,
E eu de fome sdmeote me torcendo. .
— Yoc^ come, enlemei9a?
—Alguma? ye^ee...
—Came de fpaBgo. ou de mz^af
— Ora esta
— Ai ! mal vae a festa,
Se te zangas, patrao,
Com teos freg'iiezes !....
—Si tem Iclve me diga, nao me eagane
— ’Stoapor ella doutor, bem devorado 1
— Entao.... caldo e dieta .
— Tenho fome...
— Pois nao come .
Nem seja mal creadoi)) —
0 pedante olhou em volta
E com modo surrateiro
Me disse : — Hontem 4 noite
Ganhamos muito dinlieiro !
Trezentas oncas pilhamos
E duzentos soberanos...
A tua metade toma
Que eu vou arriscar c’os manos
E sa!fou-se. A’s duas ou trez boras
Veio um caldo uao sei deque fervura
F6ra a a^oa fervid^, isso eu jur^a.
Mas fervida a sonbar com a gordura.
*Ap6s... dieta complete,
Qual de doente nenhum :
Porque se aquillo 4 dieta
Eu nao sei o que 4 jejum I
Vais comer mais do que um hade,
Beber mais do q^e um polaco...
Dormir4smais do queum burro
Mas o teo doutor casmurro
Si souber — da o cavaco...
Em quanto a mim ae fazia
Como ao oavallo o inglez,
O enfermeiro comia
For mim, por dois, ou por trez
— D’aqui dez oncas te daya
Si tu quizesses, arteiro,,
Auxiliar um projecto
'I ’ tu 4s discrete f
Gbamei o enfermeiro e disse a rir-me, ’
Por ver que sabia c’uns cad^tes:
— « No dia emque ineder cousa qu^eucoma
Mandarei atacar quatro fogu6tes.» —
Que tenbo
— Sempre fui yendo Jinbeiro
Elle ficou mais confuse
. Do que um fuse
Quando toreido desanda:
N^o ficjfitra mais bu^al,
Um pimpbll^o de Lqanda I
Tractei entsio c’o enfermeiro
P’ra dar-me por fallecido,
A trooo de um bom cart^bo
De soberanos, comprido.
12 —
0 malandro que queria
0 cobre para jogar,
Enganou o meo doutor
Que nem foi me examinar.
Apenas soube que'a peste
Me atacara com valor ;
Da porta da enfermaria
Sentio logo o meo fedor !...
— Levou tempo a sua morte ?
Foi medonba ou de momento ?
— Morreo a vazar-se todo —
Me mostra^do o testamento.
— Aqui deixo p’ra voc@s —
Me disse elle em despedida:
Partilba com o doutor
Estes adeoses da vida !
Eil-o aqui st4 : falta o sello
E p’ra nao fazer partilba.^
Vou prop6r-lbe a nullidade
Porque Ibe falta a estampilba.
— Nao procede a nullidade
Aqui se dispensa o sello...
Entao meo caro — os legados
Divider^mos com z@lo ?...
Ninguem soube do mais. — Creo o doutor
Que eu morto ’stava aHi bem tezo e frio;
Porem mal fdra eb e dando as costas . ^
Soltou 0 enfermeiro um assobio .
0 que mais se passou isso^ mjsterio...
Mas, para n§o diacon^ar o meo leitor,
Saiba que m’escapei — ^todo & paisana,
£ encontrei-me na fuga c’o doutor. .
Em npme de quantos frades
Dormem fdra dos Convenfos,
E gosao vida folgada
E milagrosos momentos ;
Em nome de quantas freiras
SusJ)irao de madrugada,
Pela vida tao fagueira,
Tao ditosa, de casada ;
Declaro que aproveitando
A ausencia do acampamento,
Vou disp6r do que me resta
Neste parco testamento.
Serao — meos testamenteiros
0 doutor e o enfermeiro, -
E se estes nao quizerem ^
Do cemiterio o coveiro. '
E quern tomar a prebenda ^
G’o a mira nos bens deixados,
Roube tudo — mas respeite— .
O' meos seguintes
— 13
Deixo a minha gravata que 6 de couro,
Aos que busc&o 4 classe s6 desdouro.
As Correias mui braacas e lustrosas,
P’ra cintas das chinotas tao dengosas.
Deixo a velha reiina sem adarme
Ao poltrao que ao inimigo deo alarme.
•E 0 capote ja velho e hem furado,
Ao major que fugio muito apressado.
Deixo 0 refe ou ter^ado e a bainba,
Ao sargento bebago — o grao Boquinha,
A minha espingarda — que 6 de agulha,
A quern, d’ordens do dia come a pulha.
Deixo 0 meo barretao, sem os metaes,
Aos pichotes dos guardas nacionaes.
E 0 meo cinturao grande e maior, '
P’ra apertar o pancudo do major.
A minha gelatinade sorvetes,
Deixo aos moQos mimosos, os cadete's ; <
E a marmita — a caneca e as colheres,
Ao sargento — que 6 tudo d’um alferes. .
Deixar ao commandante 4 meo desejo '
Uma caixa de soldados p’ra manejo. ^
Ao fiscal deixo o meo jogo de dados,
P’ra tiral-o dos seos muitos cuidados.
Deixo a minha tarimba que 4 de pinho,
Ao cabo a quern quebrao-lhe o focinho. <
Deixo minha escovinha de latSo,
P’ra escovar o bigode ao capitao.
Minha cal^a j4. rota e sem fundilho,
Deixo do acampamento ao andarilho.
Meos sapatos, quaes chancas ou faluas,
Deixo para em barcar essas periias;
As meias, j4 hem pretas e sebentas,
A’s paraguayas porcas e nojentas.
As. polainas, por baixo j4 roidas,
Para fazer-se ^os p’ras feridas. ~
0 baralho de cartas de meo socio,
0 enfermeiro trataute e capadocio ;
Deixo ao cabo de esquadra Nicol&o,
Para roubar, come sempre, no pac&o. ^
Como ntinca joguei— por medo ao vicio
Furto as cartas e as deixo cm hehefido.
Dejxo com bem saudade minba farda
A’ negra Damiana que s’enfarda
P’ra dai* ,ao peiose gallo esse impofti&r,
Que deixou a mulher e 4 seductor .
Deixo a minba camiza bem suada
A’ quella qne jamais foi namorada
O qtte ba mais 14 no Rio de Janmro^
Deixo a um grande velbaco e calqteiro,
Que qua! marca de Judas pequenino,
E’ peor que o ladrao, que o assassino.
Deixo minba luneta de.debocbe
P’ra mirar d’uma dama certo brocbe,
E quando a v4r lampeira e mui fingida
Com ares de donzella^ mui sentida,
Perguntar si inda cr4 na Damiana,
Mormente quando tern tornado, cana.
Pois a crer, como.diz na tal negrinba,
E’ verdade a bistoria da Prainbaj
Com certa mulatinba d’um sobrado
Por t41-a o Z4 Maria aban^onado
Deixo os oculos vesgos ao Fressura,
P’ra p6r agoa na for^a da fervura.
E um pente que foi de minba av6
P’ra pentear a cabe^a do coy6. .
As luvas de algodao deixo ao doutor
Que de tomar o pulso tern temor:
E o velbo cobertor de ^ro ssa la,
A beata fingida — sua irma*
Deixo tambem um sacco de baeta
Para um coque fazer p’ra velba preta
Que levava osirecados da menina
Ao jagodes parade na outra esquina .
Patrona mcutila e embornal, ,
Ao enfermeiro aq^ui deste hospital
E por me sentir fraco neste instante .
Com um frio nos p6s horripilante
Juigo qu© 6 bastante
Pois sei que morrendo o meo dinbeiro
Ha de fillar-me o bruto do enfermeiro.
Perd6em meos antigos companbeiros
Do primeiro batalbao de fuzileiros,
E por nao Ibes deixar nada
Deixo-lbes as guardas, e enterros,
As procissOes e as massadas
Das- — estupidas paradas.
Em nome de Deos — Amem.
Passem todos — miiito bem!
Pancracio Ignacio do Jose’ Bonifacio.
Cantm e ptarit&s
D, Nuiiq
Pi*iucip^'’;dyti|l6 . ^
Oorsariq' 'po^- ',V v
P,rio'c6/i:a ^lii'agai-OTi^. -i'^-- ■’ ;>’v*--:d ,
Astucias de B^irtiioM li' i . .
Livro dos sqntooq . ^ '. . , • " '• ,- •
Me n sa g'e i# d6s am aiite's v ■ ( • ' •
Donzeila TH^pddra .. ... .
Jaab Me'0aiafeA • • i • * * . •
Lyi^a • , . \ v •
Oonfis«ao de'5^icetite Harujo .
IiHperatpjz^ Pqr&itiay , . •
Diceiqaarid d& AOies ^,.,f^^ >' 4^ -I
l)i spa t a d e iiiplber coj^i 4 v
A jlidia e o Noiyailo do sepjB^I^O;
Maldadd das raalliferes (poesla) * ..■
I).' Pedro que ti^jbu sejte partesidd'
til undo . r . t . • . •
ContQ da 4 fadas . . . • • . •
Cjaiatpa,. . - A- ' • ';>■
Paulo e Virgmia 1 . • • . •
Disputa da corn o yiitlio.
Historia da feella ® da fpra..; .
Ciuines' do "bardP. •* ' A >
('antor d’aldeia ; ‘(^esia^ -i ’ 4 *
Um al'ho',- scend'dpatifar'^;.r\i
Hi.storia de um marintieii?pf,dita'
(Aia^ 110 mar, scasa dra^u^tica
'ivJti ■ye.r a festa da . ,.■: ^ .
Eiiicpuautp o bond nsd dita;.
His toria. 4e Gaxdos ^agmb f • •
DiiziadaS' (te Cam(5€s.^ >• •
Faz-me faVDl de s^u- fogo. ‘ v. •
•' ^•'.:' a; a.' - . • • • .A
■ -
<p>My vite config looks like this.
I want to have two entry points, as you can see in build.lib.entry I have the entry for my library, in this case src/main.js, but I would also like to have one entry for my project because I am testing locally.</p>
<pre><code>// vite.config.js
const path = require('path')
module.exports = {
build: {
lib: {
entry: path.resolve(__dirname, 'src/main.js'),
name: 'MyLib'
rollupOptions: {
// make sure to externalize deps that shouldn't be bundled
// into your library
external: ['vue'],
output: {
// Provide global variables to use in the UMD build
// for externalized deps
globals: {
vue: 'Vue'
<p>I tried adding the following code inside module.exports, but it didn'T work.</p>
<pre><code>entry: path.resolve(__dirname, 'src/app.js'),
<p><a href="https://vitejs.dev/guide/build.html#library-mode" rel="noreferrer">https://vitejs.dev/guide/build.html#library-mode</a></p> |
Leeds Town Hall is a large town hall in the City of Leeds, West Yorkshire. The town hall is on The Headrow, a large street in the city centre. The town hall was designed by Cuthbert Brodrick. Building began in 1853 and was finished in 1858, when it was opened by Queen Victoria. When Leeds Civic Hall opened in 1933, the council moved their offices into the new hall. Today the town hall is mostly used for concerts.
Leeds town hall was the tallest building in Leeds until 1966 when the Park Plaza Hotel was built on City Square.
The town hall and the Great Hall at the University of Leeds are the venues for the Leeds International Pianoforte Competition.
The town hall was one of the favourite buildings of poet, John Betjemin and in 2008 was voted in the top-ten favourite town halls in the United Kingdom (nearby Halifax Town Hall also listed).
Concert halls in England
Administrative buildings
1858 establishments in the United Kingdom
1850s establishments in England |
Sinornithoides (meaning "Chinese bird form") is a genus of troodontid theropod dinosaur. It lived during the Early Cretaceous (Barremian stage, around 130 125 million years ago). It measured approximately 1 meter long (3 ft). It lived in Inner Mongolia, China, and probably ate invertebrates and other small prey.
Dinosaurs of Asia
Cretaceous dinosaurs |
Transport within Singapore is mainly land-based. Many parts of Singapore, including certain islands such as Sentosa and Jurong Island are accessible by road. The other major form of transportation within Singapore is rail: the Mass Rapid Transit which runs the length and width of Singapore, and the Light Rail Transit which runs within a few neighbourhoods. The main island of Singapore is connected to the other islands by ferryboat services.
Singapore also has a great deal of links to the rest of the world. There are two bridges which link Singapore to Malaysia – the Causeway, and the Second Link. The Singapore Changi Airport is a major aviation hub in Asia, and Singapore is a major transshipment port.
Public transport
Singapore has one of the best public transport networks in the world, according to a study by London consulting firm Credo. Public transport includes bus, train, and taxi.
The public transport system is regulated by the Land Transport Authority, which oversees the three main modes of public transportation. Fare regulation and bus service standards are under the purview of an independent body, the Public Transport Council, while TransitLink, established by SBS Transit, SMRT Trains and SMRT Buses, helps to create an integrated multi-modal system with a common fare-payment mode, information platform, and a physical network without duplication of services.
The policies of the Land Transport Authority are meant to encourage the use of public transport in Singapore. The key aims are to provide an incentive to reside away from the Central district, as well as to reduce air pollution. Singapore has a Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) and Light Rail Transit (LRT) rail system consisting of five lines. There is also a system of bus routes throughout the island, most of which have air conditioning units installed due to Singapore's tropical climate. Besides cash, a contactless smart card called the EZ-Link card can be used to pay bus and MRT fares.
The average amount of time people spend commuting with public transit in Singapore, for example to and from work, on a weekday is 84 min. 25% of public transit riders, ride for more than 2 hours every day. The average amount of time people wait at a stop or station for public transit is 12 min, while 11% of riders wait for over 20 minutes on average every day. The average distance people usually ride in a single trip with public transit is 7.3 km, while 16% travel for over 12 km in a single direction.
Public transport for tourists
Launched in December 2007 by Land Transport Authority, Singapore Tourism Board and EZ-Link, the Singapore Tourist Pass offers unlimited travel for tourists to Singapore on Singapore's public transport system. For S$10 a day (S$20 for 3 days, as of April 2017) and with S$10 deposit, tourists can take any number of rides on buses and trains operated by SBS Transit, SMRT Buses and SMRT Trains. Certain buses like Night Rider, train service like Sentosa Express are not applicable. The Singapore Tourist Pass is available at selected MRT stations.
Rail transport
Mass Rapid Transit (MRT)
Singapore's public transport system has been mostly buses, until the opening of the first section of the Mass Rapid Transit in 1987. Although buses still enjoy an average daily ridership exceeding the number carried on both the MRT and LRT systems (3.9 million on buses, compared to 3.1 million on the MRT and LRT in the year 2016), the Land Transport Authority plans to expand the rail system such that buses will eventually play only a feeder role to an extensive rail network.
The current MRT network consists of five main lines, for a total network length of and with 119 stations. The North South Line, East West Line and Circle Line are operated by SMRT Trains (SMRT Corporation), while the North East Line and Downtown Line since 22 December 2013, are run by SBS Transit. The Circle Line Extension from Promenade to Marina Bay began operation since 14 January 2012.
Light Rail Transit (LRT)
Light rail transit functioning as feeders to the main MRT network has been under study for some time, particularly since the existing urban configuration of self-containing new towns spread out in the suburbs meant it was feasible to consider having light rail systems connecting each town to the MRT station in the town centre, a role which has traditionally been provided by feeder buses. Thus, the first SMRT Light Rail (SMRT Corporation) operated LRT was opened in Bukit Panjang in 1999 to provide a connection to Choa Chu Kang in neighbouring Choa Chu Kang New Town. Although subsequently hit by over 50 incidents, some of which resulted in several days of system suspension, similar systems albeit from a different company were introduced in Sengkang and Punggol in 2003 and 2005 respectively, both operated by SBS Transit.
Other Lines
Singapore has had other various forms of light urban rail systems, such as the monorail system on Sentosa island, which opened in February 1982. This 6.4 km, 6-station system was closed in March 2005 and a new Sentosa Express system was built by December 2006. The Changi Skytrain, a people mover system shuttling passengers between the three terminals at the Singapore Changi Airport, was opened originally in 1990 along with Terminal 2 and upgraded in 2006 with the completion of Terminal 3. The Jurong BirdPark previously featured an air-conditioned panorail which closed in 2012.
Road transport
Taxis and transportation network companies
Taxicabs are a popular form of public transport in the compact sovereign city-state of Singapore, with fares considered relatively low compared to those in most cities in developed countries. As of December 2014, the total taxi fleet in Singapore was 28,736 taxis, operated by 6 taxi companies and 178 independent drivers. Taxis may be flagged down at any time of the day along any public road outside of the Central Business District (CBD). However, increased usage of Uber and Grab has resulted in a decrease in the usage of taxis.
Air transport
There are six local scheduled service airlines, all of them operating from Singapore Changi Airport, offering scheduled flights to over 70 cities on six continents. The national flag carrier, Singapore Airlines, operates from Changi Airport Terminal 2 and 3. Its subsidiaries, SilkAir and Scoot, operate from Changi Airport Terminal 2.
Singapore's two budget airlines, Jetstar Asia Airways and Valuair, operate from Changi Airport Terminal 1. Only one budget airline, Tiger Airways, chose to operate at the Budget Terminal; other budget airlines have cited various reasons for not shifting operations to the Budget Terminal, including accessibility and ease of transfers to connecting flights.
There are 6 airlines operate from Singapore. these are
Jetstar Asia Airways – founded 2004
Scoot – founded 2011
SilkAir – founded 1976
Singapore Airlines – founded 1937 (as Malayan Airways)
Tigerair – founded 2003 (merged with Scoot in 2017)
Valuair – founded 2004 (merged with Jetstar Asia in 2005, brand retained for certain Jetstar Asia's services)
Aerial lift transport
Cable car
The Singapore Cable Car, plies between Mount Faber on the main island of Singapore and the resort island of Sentosa as an alternative means of accessing that tourist attraction. The cable car system underwent a revamp that was completed in August 2010.
Maritime transport
Water transport within the main island is limited to the River Taxi along the Singapore River. The service was introduced in January 2013, with low ridership. There are also daily scheduled ferry services from the Marina South Pier to the Southern Islands such as Kusu Island and Saint John's Island.
Singapore Cruise Centre (SCC) runs Tanah Merah and HarbourFront Ferry Terminals which are connected by ferry services to Indonesian Riau Islands of Batam, Bintan and Karimun. Commercial ferry services are available for booking with SCC's subsidiary SCC Travel Services which operates wowgetaways.com portal
Singapore aims to be Asia's aviation hub chiefly via the promotion of liberal aviation policies in a bid to encourage airlines to commence and maintain operations there. The aviation industry is regulated by the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore, a statutory board of the Singapore government under the Ministry of Transport.
An open skies agreement was concluded with the United Kingdom in October 2007 permitting unrestricted services from Singapore by UK carriers. Singapore carriers were allowed to operate domestic UK services as well as services beyond London Heathrow to a number of destinations, including the United States along with Canada.
Singapore Changi Airport, with its four terminals, is one of the most important air hubs in the region. The international airport is situated at the easternmost tip of the main island, and serves 185 cities in 58 countries. With the recent opening of the third terminal, Changi is now capable of handling 64 million passengers every year.
Seletar Airport is Singapore's first civil aviation airport and is primarily used for private aviation today. The airport also serves limited scheduled commercial flights by Berjaya Air to the Malaysian islands of Tioman Island and Redang Island.
Ports and harbours
There are boats and ferry services to nearby islands of Malaysia and Indonesia. These services can be found at Changi Ferry Terminal, Changi Point Ferry Terminal, Tanah Merah Ferry Terminal, Singapore Cruise Centre and Marina Bay Cruise Centre Singapore.
The Port of Singapore, run by the port operators PSA International (formerly the Port of Singapore Authority) and Jurong Port, is the world's busiest in terms of shipping tonnage handled 1.04 billion gross tons were handled in the year 2004, crossing the one billion mark for the first time in Singapore's maritime history. Singapore also emerged as the top port in terms of cargo tonnage handled with 393 million tonnes of cargo in the same year, beating the Port of Rotterdam for the first time in the process. In 2006, it handled a total of 448 million tonnes of cargo.
Singapore is ranked second globally in terms of containerised traffic, with 21.3 million Twenty-Foot Equivalent Units (TEUs) handled in 2004, and is also the world's busiest hub for transshipment traffic. Additionally, Singapore is the world's largest bunkering hub, with 23.6 million tonnes sold in 2004.
In 2007, the Port of Singapore was ranked the world's busiest port, surpassing Hong Kong and Shanghai. The Port of Singapore is also ranked the Best Seaport in Asia.
Malaysian Railway
The international railway line to Malaysia is an extension of the Malaysian rail network operated by Keretapi Tanah Melayu (Malayan Railways). Since 1 July 2011, Woodlands Train Checkpoint serves as the southern terminus of the KTM rail network. Previously, KTM trains terminated at Tanjong Pagar railway station in central Singapore. Two more rail links are being planned: the Kuala Lumpur-Singapore High Speed Rail terminating in Jurong East, and the Johor Bahru-Singapore Rapid Transit System between Woodlands North and Bukit Chagar, Johor Bahru.
MRT lines
MRT trains run through tunnels and viaducts along the following lines:
North South MRT Line (SMRT)
East West MRT Line (SMRT)
North East MRT Line (SBS Transit)
Circle MRT Line (SMRT)
Downtown MRT Line (SBS Transit)
LRT lines
LRT trains run on viaducts along the following lines:
Bukit Panjang LRT Line (SMRT)
Sengkang LRT Line (SBS Transit)
Punggol LRT Line (SBS Transit)
Causeway and link bridge
Singapore has two land links to Malaysia. The Johor-Singapore Causeway, built in the 1920s to connect Johor Bahru in Johor, Malaysia to Woodlands in Singapore, carries a road and a railway line. The Tuas Second Link, a bridge further west, was completed in 1996 and links Tuas in Singapore to Tanjung Kupang in Johor.
Roads and expressways
Singapore pioneered the modern use of toll roads to enter the most congested city centre area with the Singapore Area Licensing Scheme, which has since been replaced with the Electronic Road Pricing, a form of electronic toll collection.
Total length of expressways: 161 km
Total length of major arterial roads: 645 km
Total length of collector roads: 557 km
Total length of local access roads: 2048 km (as of 2011)
Traffic drives on the left which is typical in Commonwealth countries.
Ayer Rajah Expressway (AYE)
Bukit Timah Expressway (BKE)
Central Expressway (CTE)
East Coast Parkway (ECP)
Marina Coastal Expressway (MCE)
Kallang–Paya Lebar Expressway (KPE)
Kranji Expressway (KJE)
Pan Island Expressway (PIE)
Seletar Expressway (SLE)
Tampines Expressway (TPE)
North-South Expressway (under planning)
The influence of expressways on Singapore's transport policy developed shortly after independence during the history of Singapore because of frequent traffic congestion in the Central district. The aim was to encourage residential development in other parts of the island and give residents in these new "satellite towns" a convenient link between their homes and their workplaces (which were mostly situated around the city centre.)
Other websites
Ministry of Transport
Public Transport Council
Land Transport Authority
Taxi Singapore and Transport Guide
Maxi Cab Booking Singapore
Transport in Singapore |
Hersfeld-Rotenburg is a Kreis (district) in the east of Hesse, Germany.
In 1821 districts were created in Hesse, including the districts Hersfeld and Rotenburg, which stayed nearly unchanged after Hesse-Kassel was taken over by Prussia. In 1972 both districts were joined into one.
Coat of arms
Towns and municipalities
Other websites
Official website
Touristic website
Districts of Hesse |
<p>I want to show an loading animation on load of page and remove the loading animation when getjson called completes successfully and show my jw player code at end of getjson completion. Right now my loading animation is visible at all time. Could you guys show me how i can make the animation loading invisible at end of getjson call and show my jw player instead ?</p>
<p>My loading animation image:</p>
<pre><code><td rowspan="4"><img src="./loading.gif" width="304" height="287"></td>
<p>and my getjson call:</p>
$.getJSON('http://www.somesite.com/getmedia.php?id=1234&callback=?', function(data){
var mediaUrl = data.contents;
jwplayer().load({file: mediaUrl+".flv"});
<p>jw player that should become visiable at end of getjson call:</p>
<pre><code><script type='text/javascript' src='./jwplayer.js'></script>
<div id='mediaspace'>This text will be replaced</div>
<script type='text/javascript'>
'flashplayer': './player.swf',
'autostart': 'true',
'controlbar': 'bottom',
'width': '470',
'height': '320'
</code></pre> |
MAR, short for Marchen Awakens Romance is a Japanese manga and anime. The manga ran from 2003-2006, while the anime ran from 2005-2007, made up of 102 episodes. A sequel was made named MAR Omega.
The story is about a Japanese boy named Ginta who journeys into a world named MAR Heaven, which is like a fairy tale. Here, magical items known as ARMs are used to perform different tasks. Ginta meets a witch named Dorothy who wants to find a powerful ARM called Babbo. Ginta and Dorothy find Babbo, but find he is alive and can talk, which other ARMS can't do. Babbo has no memory of who he is other than his name and becomes Ginta's friend.
Ginta travels around MAR Heaven, forming a group of friends which he calls Team MAR. Team MAR fight the Chess Pieces, an evil group of people who wish to turn MAR Heaven into a nightmare. Team MAR is forced to fight in the War Games, a fighting tournament, to defeat the Chess Pieces. Ginta also wishes to return home, looking for the ARM that brought him to MAR Heaven in the first place.
It is revealed near the end of the story that the King and Queen of the Chess Pieces are Ginta's father Danna controlled by an evil spirit called Caldia's Orb, and Dorothy's older sister Diana. Team MAR battles Caldia's Orb, Diana and the leader of the Chess Pieces' Knights, Phantom, in the floating Lestava Castle, and win, saving MAR Heaven. Ginta and Danna return home at the end of the story.
Team MAR
Team MAR is made up of the main heroes and characters of MAR. The team's goal is to defeat the Chess Pieces and save MAR Heaven from destruction. The members are:
Ginta Toramizu: The main character and leader of the team. Ginta is from Tokyo, Japan. He has a strong imagination and becomes a great fighter in MAR Heaven. He lives with his mother and missing father.
Babbo: A talking ARM who has a human soul. He appears as a ball and chain with a hammer-shaped handle at the end. He has a pointed nose and a moustache. Babbo is very proud and calls himself a "gentleman". Babbo, being an ARM, can change into stronger forms using magical orbs. These forms include a hammer/sword weapon, a gun that can fire exploding bubbles, a winged monster named "Gargoyle", a woman named, a forcefield, a Puss in Boots-like cat, and a powerful attack that can bring back the dead.
Dorothy: A pink-haired witch who searches for powerful ARMs. She flies on a broomstick and is a skilled magician. She comes from a land called Caldia, where her older sister Diana turned against her people and turned evil. She searches for powerful ARMs to use against Diana when she must fight her.
Jack: A boy who resembles a monkey. He lives with his mother on a farm growing vegetables for a living. He uses a shovel-shaped ARM and can grow plants to use as weapons. His father was killed in the first War Games, and Jack wants to be stronger than him and then grow a beanstalk that will grow above the clouds.
Snow: A young princess who is the rightful ruler of Lestava Castle. She and her servant Edward ran away from Lestava when Diana became the Queen, and they later joined Ginta's group. Snow is very polite and kind, but can be hyperactive and strange at times. She uses ARMs that can fire out ice attacks.
Alviss: A young man who summoned Ginta to MAR Heaven. He is cursed with a Zombie Tattoo that will cause him to die if it covers his whole body.
Nanashi: The leader of a group of thieves called Luberia, Nanashi joins Team MAR to avenge a large number of thieves who were killed by the Chess Pieces. He can be lazy and flirts with women when not fighting.
Alan: Snow's protector, Alan fought in the first War Games but was cursed to share a body with Edward. He is later freed from the curse. He is calm and a good battle, but is allergic to cats.
Belle: A fairy who is friends with Alviss.
Edward: A dog who wears glasses, Edward is Snow's servant. He is cursed to share a body with Alan, but is later freed.
Supporting Characters
Koyuki: Ginta's friend in Tokyo. She looks a lot like Snow and dreams of Ginta's adventures from Snow's point of view.
Danna: Ginta's father. He fought in the first War Games, but died when fighting Phantom. His body was taken over by Caldia's Orb, until its death, bringing Danna back from the dead and allowing him to reunite with his family.
Ginta's Mother: Ginta's unnamed mother. She writes fantasy novels.
Jack's Mother: Jack's unnamed mother who runs a farm with her son.
Gaira: A man who fought with Danna and Alan in the first War Games.
Pozun: A purple, pointy-earred creature who acts as a referee for the War Games.
Caldia's Grand Elder: An old man but a powerful wizard who is the leader of Caldia.
The Chess Pieces
The Chess Pieces are the main villains of MAR. They want to turn MAR Heaven into a nightmare. They are in groups named after the pieces of a chess game. The King and Queen, Caldia's Orb and Diana, are not in groups.
Caldia's Orb: The King and creator of the Chess Pieces. Caldia's Orb is made up of evil creatures sealed inside a glass orb. He at first had control of Babbo's body but later changed to take over Danna's body.
Diana: The Queen of the Chess Pieces. Diana is Dorothy's older sister. She left Caldia after turning evil, becoming the Queen of Lestava but planned to kill Snow to have full power. She collects powerful ARMs and is greedy. Dorothy wishes to kill her for turning against her and Caldia.
Phantom: Leader of the Thirteen Zodiac Knights. Phantom lives in the floating Lestava Castle. While he is kind and caring, he is also a cruel person and hates humans.
Peta: Phantom's close friend. He killed Luberia, causing Nanashi to join Team MAR.
Halloween: A Knight who is named after Halloween. He wears a large pumpkin as a mask and has a tombstone attached to his back. He was once Alan's friend but was bullied until he found an ARM that could create fire. He is cruel and scary.
Chimera: A mysterious Knight who wears a skull-shaped mask and does not talk much. Chimera is really a scorned woman named Eileen who was left as a widow when her husband was killed. She uses Ghost ARMs.
Rolan: A friendly man who sees Phantom as a dear friend. He can sprout bird wings and fly.
Weasel: An old man who has a tree growing out of his head. He is 84 years old. He can use plants as weapons, and killed Jack's father in the first War Games.
Ian: Ian was first a Rook, but later became a Knight. He is in love with Gido, a Pawn, who is cursed by Chimera, leaving Ian vengeful.
Magical Roe: A clown who cheered up Snow when she was younger. He is a servant of Diana and captures Snow during the War Games. He turns against Diana to save Snow but dies in the process.
Galian: The former leader of Luberia, who he left to join the Chess Pieces.
Ash: A cheerful man who loves children. He wears a skull-shaped mask that has its tongue poking out.
Candice: A woman who is in love with Phantom. She enjoys both giving and having pain.
Pinocchion: A living toy puppet named after Pinocchio. He was built by Diana, at first as a present for Dorothy. His nose grows when he lies until it turns into a cannon.
Rapunzel: A cruel and insane woman who likes killing people. Ian kills her to earn a spot in the Knights.
Kouga: A large Knight who hides his ugly face under a mask. He believes his ugliness is his best strength.
Chaton: A girl who has the ears, tail and personality of a cat. She is very playful and falls in love with Alan.
Aqua: A mermaid girl who is always smiling, even when hurt. She is horribly killed by Rapunzel.
Loco: A girl who uses voodoo-like ARMs. She is cursed whenever she uses a certain ARM, causing her to get younger until she turns into a baby. Her ARMs are placed in a suitcase.
Pano: A young green-haired girl who falls in love with Jack.
Garon and Leno: Pano's father and older brother.
Gido: A Pawn, and Ian's lover.
Anime |
Karrar Ibrahim (, 19 September 1994 – 9 July 2020) was an Iraqi footballer. He played for Al-Talaba in the Iraqi Premier League. as a goalkeeper.
He represented Iraq at the 2016 AFC U-23 Championship. He was a squad member without playing at the 2016 Summer Olympics.
Karrar was found dead in his car on a street in Baghdad on 10 July 2020 after having a heart attack.
Iraqi footballers
1994 births
2020 deaths
Deaths from myocardial infarction |
<p>Is it possible to attain public ip with MicroK8S?
Upon enabling the ingress addon the ip is
<a href="https://i.stack.imgur.com/szKuC.png" rel="nofollow noreferrer"><img src="https://i.stack.imgur.com/szKuC.png" alt="enter image description here" /></a></p> |
The Battle of Patay (18 June 1429) was an important battle in the Hundred Years' War between the French and the English in north-central France. The French won and the English lost badly, historical accounts report that the English army was four times as large as the french army. Many men in the English longbow corps died. Many English leaders of the battle were killed or taken prisoner. This battle changed the course of the war and made the French more powerful. Joan of Arc was the head of the battle leading the French and was the reason that the French won the battle and the Hundred Years' War.
15th century in England
15th century in France
June events
1420s in Europe |
Britain and Ireland's Next Top Model, Cycle 9 is the ninth season of Britain & Ireland's Next Top Model. This cycle includes 14 contestants.
Series summary
Episode 1
Eliminated semi-finalists: Aleksandra Kozielska, Angel Ojera, Ayoola Sundari Smart, Carly Gordon, Claire Bodie, Dominique Binns, Elizabeth Hamilton, Ella, Hannah Gardner, Janay Sandler, Lucy Bell, Lydia Lyn & Stephanie Taylor
Episode 2
Best: Emma Ward
Bottom Four: Saffron Williams, Sarah Kennedy, Christina Chalk & Danielle Sandhu
Eliminated: Christina Chalk
Episode 3
Best: Lauren Lambert
Bottom Four: Saffron Williams, Abigail Johns, Danielle Sandhu & Laura Young
Eliminated: Danielle Sandhu
Episode 4
Best: Naomi Pelkiewicz
Bottom Four: Abigail Johns, Jessica Patterson, Sophie Ellson & Holly Carpenter
Eliminated: Jessica Patterson
Episode 5
First Call-Out: Sarah Kennedy
Bottom Four: Laura Young, Emma Ward, Angel Mbonu & Abigail Johns
Eliminated: Abigail Johns
Episode 6
First Call-Out: Lauren Lambert
Bottom Four: Laura Young, Saffron Williams, Naomi Pelkiewicz & Emily Garner
Eliminated: Laura Young
Episode 7
First Call-Out: Lauren Lambert
Bottom Four: Naomi Pelkiewicz, Holly Carpenter, Emily Garner & Angel Mbonu
Eliminated: Emily Garner
Episode 8
First Call-Out: Angel Mbonu
Bottom Three: Saffron Williams, Sarah Kennedy & Holly Carpenter
Eliminated: Saffron Williams
Episode 9
First Call-Out: Lauren Lambert
Bottom Three: Naomi Pelkiewicz, Holly Carpenter & Sarah Kennedy
Eliminated: Holly Carpenter
Episode 10
First Call-Out: Sarah Kennedy
Bottom Two: Emma Ward & Angel Mbonu
Eliminated: Angel Mbonu
Episode 11
First Call-Out: Emma Ward
Bottom Two: Sophie Ellson & Naomi Pelkiewicz
Eliminated: Naomi Pelkiewicz
Episode 12
First Call-Out: Emma Ward
Bottom Two: Sophie Ellson & Lauren Lambert
Eliminated: Sophie Ellson
Episode 13
Final Three: Sarah Kennedy, Lauren Lambert & Emma Ward
Britain and Ireland's Next Top Model: Lauren Lambert
First group of eliminated semi-finalists
Second group of eliminated semi-finalists
Contestants Progress
The contestant was eliminated
The contestant joined the Bottom Four/Three/Two
The contestant won picture of the week
Top Model television series |
Webb is a town in the U.S. state of Alabama.
Towns in Alabama |
Broşteni is a town that is found in Suceava County in the country of Romania. It has a population of about 11,900 people that live within a seven kilometer area of the city.
Towns in Suceava County |
Buddhadeb Dasgupta (11 February 1944 – 10 June 2021) was an Indian movie director, producer, screenwriter and poet. He was known for his movies Bagh Bahadur, Tahader Katha, Charachar and Uttara. He won National Film Award for Best Direction twice, for Uttara (2000) and Swapner Din (2005). He was born in present-day Purulia District, West Bengal.
Dasgupta died on 10 June 2021 at a hospital in Kolkata from kidney disease, aged 77.
1944 births
2021 deaths
Deaths from kidney disease
Indian movie directors
Indian movie producers
Indian screenwriters
Indian poets
People from Kolkata |
Wolfen is a 1981 American crime horror movie directed by Michael Wadleigh and based on the 1978 novel by Whitley Strieber. It stars Albert Finney, Diane Venora, Gregory Hines, Edward James Olmos, Tom Waits, Tom Noonan and was distributed by Warner Bros..
Other websites
1981 crime movies
1981 horror movies
American horror movies
Warner Bros. movies |
Matthew Martin Carpenter (born November 26, 1985) is a professional baseball player. He plays for the St. Louis Cardinals. The positions he plays are second and third base. Carpenter played his major league game on June 4, 2011 at Busch Stadium. He became their regular leadoff hitter early in the 2013 season.
Living people
St. Louis Cardinals players
1985 births
Sportspeople from Texas |
El Toro, a Spanish term meaning The Bull, is a wooden roller coaster at Six Flags Great Adventure in Jackson, New Jersey, United States. It was opened on June 11, 2006. It had the steepest drop of any wooden roller coaster in the world, at 76 degrees, until Goliath at Six Flags Great America opened in 2014. It is 188 feet tall, a world record breaking drop on a wooden roller coaster, and goes at a maximum (highest possible) speed of 113 km/h. The speed can sometimes be different. At the beginning of the day, it starts slow, but it goes faster and faster throughout the day. It begins at 108 km/h and by the end of the day it travels at 118 km/h. It has 4,400 feet of track, and the trains are known to not really slow down much through the whole ride. El Toro is also known for its strong airtime (when riders would be thrown out of the seats if the restraints were not there).
El Toro is quite different than most other wooden roller coasters because it is made out prefabricated track, which means that the pieces of track were cut in a factory and do not need to be cut by hand. This makes the time to build El Toro much shorter. Since it uses prefabricated track, the ride is very smooth. Most wooden roller coasters are known to be quite rough.
Six Flags Great Adventure
Roller coasters in New Jersey
Roller coasters by name
2006 establishments in the United States
2000s establishments in New Jersey |
Rhône-Alpes is a former administrative region of France. It is now part of the administrative region of Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes. In 2010, about six million people lived in the region.
The capital was Lyon. Grenoble and Saint-Étienne are also important cities in the region.
The departments in the region were:
The Rhône-Alpes region hosted the Winter Olympics three times; in 1924 at Chamonix, 1968 at Grenoble, and 1992 at Albertville.
Other websites
Former administrative regions of France |
Sonntag is a municipality in the district of Bludenz in the Austrian state of Vorarlberg.
Settlements in Vorarlberg |
Loktak Lake () is the largest freshwater lake in the central plains of Manipur, in NE India. The lake is called the only floating lake in the world because of the floating phumdis (floating biomasses). In it, there is Keibul Lamjao National Park, the only floating national park in the world, at its edge.
Related pages
Floating island
Karang Island
Loktak Folklore Museum
Lakes of India
Manipur |
Laure Killing (12 January 1959 – 18 November 2019) was a French actress and comedian. She appeared in more than fifty movies from 1986 until her death. In movies, she was known for her roles in Before the Winter Chill, The Teddy Bear, Love After Love, My Nights Are More Beautiful Than Your Days and Beyond Therapy.
Killing died on 18 November 2019 of cancer at the age of 60.
Other websites
1959 births
2019 deaths
Cancer deaths in France
French comedians
French movie actors
French television actors
French stage actors
French voice actors |
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Brown Gannet.
Sula fusca; Briss. Orn., tom. vi. p. 499. tab. 43. fig. 1.—Id. 8vo, tom. ii. p. 491.—Vieill. Gal. des Ois., tom. ii.
pl. 277.— Bonap. Syn. Birds of Am., p. 408.—Nutt. Man., vol. ii. p. 500.—Aud. Birds of Am. vol. iii.
pl. 207 ; Orn. Bio., vol. iii. p. 63; Syn. Birds of Am., p. 310.—Bonap. List of Eur. and Am. Birds,
p. 60.
Brown Booby, Lath. Gen. Syn., vol. vi. p. 613.—Ib. Gen. Hist., vol. x. p: 441.
Sula Brasiliensis, Spix, Av. Sp. Nov., tom. ii. tab. cvii. p. 84.
Sula fiber, List of Birds in Brit. Mus. Coll., part iii. p. 183.
Pelecanus fiber, Linn. Syst. Nat., vol. i.p. 218.— Gmel. Edit. Linn. Syst. Nat., vol. i. p. 579.—Lath. Ind. Orn.,
vol. ii. p. 893.— Catesby's Car., vol. i. pl. 87. p. 87.— Bonn. et Vieill. Ency. Méth. Orn., part i. p. 48.
"ak Auge
Sula, Linn. Syst. Nat. vol. i. p. 218.
plotus, Forst. Icon. Ined. 108?
Mar-ga, Aborigines of Port Essington.
Booby, of the Colonists.
Tur Gannet figured in the accompanying Plate, which may perhaps be identical with the Pelecanus fiber of
Linnzus, is abundantly dispersed round the northern shores of the Australian continent ; I have specimens
killed within the harbour at Port Essington, and from Raines Island in Torres' Straits, where it breeds in
considerable numbers.
The plumage of the two sexes is so precisely similar that it 1s utterly impossible to distinguish them by
external observation ; it is true that the colouring of the feet, face and other soft parts is not always alike,
but this difference I believe to be the result of age, rather than of a difference in sex; and if this opinion
be correct, the bright yellow-coloured feet are indicative of the bird being fully adult, and the olive-brown
of its being immature. |
In its habits, manners, mode of life, and in the nature of its food, this species resembles the other mem-
bers of the genus.
Head, neck, breast, all the upper surface, wings and tail dark chocolate-brown ; under surface pure
white, separated from the brown of the breast by a sharply defined line ; irides very pale yellow ; bill and
orbits primrose-yellow, blotched before and beneath the eye with bluish; eyelash light ash-grey ; legs and
feet pale yellow.
The figures represent adult birds rather less than the natural size.
Andreas Starke (SPD) (born 17 September 1956 in Hamburg) became the Lord Mayor of Bamberg in Bavaria, Germany in 2006. He won the election against Peter Neller (CSU), Ursula Sowa (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen) and Norbert Tscherner (BBB).
1956 births
Living people
German mayors
Politicians from Hamburg
Politicians of the Social Democratic Party of Germany |
Stickney is a village of Illinois in the United States.
Villages in Illinois
Suburbs of Chicago, Illinois
Settlements in Cook County, Illinois |
Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) is a computer program that provides cryptographic privacy and authentication. PGP is often used for signing, encrypting and decrypting electronic mails (e-mails) to increase the security of e-mail communications. It was originally created by Phil Zimmermann in 1991.
PGP and other similar products follow the OpenPGP standard (RFC 4880) for encrypting and decrypting data.
OpenPGP is on the Internet Standards Track; the current specification is RFC 4880 (November 2007). OpenPGP is still under development and the successor to RFC 2440, which is RFC 4880, has been made a proposed standard. Many e-mail clients provide OpenPGP-compliant email security as described in RFC 3156.
The Free Software Foundation has developed its own OpenPGP-compliant program called GNU Privacy Guard (abbreviated GnuPG or GPG). GnuPG is freely available together with all source code under the GNU General Public License (GPL) and is maintained separately faraway from several Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) that interact with the GnuPG library for encryption, decryption and signing functions (see KGPG, Seahorse, MacGPG). Several other vendors have also developed OpenPGP-compliant software.
Related pages
FreeOTFE - Disk encryption
PuTTY - SSH encryption
Further reading
Other websites
OpenPGP implementations
PGP Corporation
GNU Privacy Guard
cGeep Pro
Authora Inc.
McAfee Inc.
Feneris Solutions Inc. Canada
EasyByte Cryptocx - Component
Legion of The Bouncy Castle
BSD Privacy Guard
Prime Factors Inc.
Oxford Brookes Secure Email Proxy
PGP Corporation Support Forum community support plus contributions from PGP Support staff
Phil Zimmermann's Home Page
MIT Public Key Directory for Registration and Search
List of public keyservers
IETF OpenPGP working group
OpenPGP Alliance
Internet security |
The Circus Maximus (translates to biggest round-course) is an ancient hippodrome in Rome. It was built by the Romans. It was used to stage chariot races, but also other uses like gladiator fights. Today it is a park.
Other websites
James Grout: Circus Maximus, part of the Encyclopædia Romana
Circus Maximus Ipix 360° panorama
Buildings and structures in Rome |
<p>I use Terminal in Mac with the following command:</p>
<pre><code> df -lak | grep File||disk02
<p>what I want to use this script to get the header of df command (disk space) and the line with disk02 only. I think '|' is a char in grep as or logic. However, since I am using grep in Terminal, the char '|' also means pipe. Therefore I tried to use '||' to avoid piping, but it does not get what I want. Only the header with "File" is back.</p>
<p>Not sure how I can use this script command in Terminal?</p> |
<pre><code> <?php
function get_random_proxy()
srand ((double)microtime()*1000000);
$f_contents = file ("proxy.txt");
$line = $f_contents[array_rand ($f_contents)];
return $line;
$proxy = get_random_proxy();
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "example.com");
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_PROXY,$proxy);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT ,30);
<p>curl will close connection if can not connect within the 30 seconds. </p>
<p>as you can see, i'm using proxy list. however, some proxy ips sometimes have problems to connect within the 30 seconds, and curl is closing connection when can not load in 30 seconds. </p>
<p>i wanna try another ip for curl connect if curl timeout reached. right now, curl is closing everything if ip isn't working. i wanna try another ip. well, could you please suggest me a function?</p>
<p>edited for @rubayeet. added new proxy function</p> |
The M6 is the longest motorway in the United Kingdom. It is also one of the busiest motorways in the country. It is often referred to as "The Backbone of Britain".
The M6 is part of the unsigned E-road E24 from the M1 to the M6 Toll near Birmingham. The E5 joins the M6 Toll from the M42 and then uses the M6 to its north end at Carlisle. Then it continues to become the M74. The motorway is 230 miles (370km) long. This is 37 miles longer than the M1 motorway.
History and curiosities
The first section of the motorway was the Preston by-pass, opened on 5 December 1958. It was built by a company called Tarmac Construction. It was the first motorway in the United Kingdom. It was opened by Prime Minister Harold Macmillan. The motorway was later extended in both directions.
Junction 6 in Birmingham has the name Spaghetti Junction. This is because it looks very complex from the sky.
On the high ground between Shap and Tebay, the north and south-bound carriages split apart. Strangely, at this point a local road runs between the two carriageways without a link to the motorway.
The section of the M6 which runs over Shap Fell in Cumbria is 1050 ft (320 m) above sea level. This is one of the highest points on any motorway in the UK. The West Coast Main Line railway follows the same course. It runs alongside the M6 for much of its length.
The motorway starts at the M1 in Rugby. It passes through Birmingham and Spaghetti Junction. The motorway continues to the north, passing Liverpool and Manchester. It goes around Preston and up to Lancaster. It then follows through a valley past the Lake District and Penrith. It finishes at Carlisle.
Cumberland Gap
At the end of the M6 motorway at Carlisle, there is a 6-mile stretch of the A74 which links England to Scotland. This is called the Cumberland Gap. This was caused by an argument between the British Parliament and the Scottish Parliament, which left neither the M6 or the A74(M) being built. After a lot of controversy, building started on the remaining six miles. When it is completed, there will be a complete motorway going from London to Glasgow.
M6 Toll
The M6 Toll is a toll road which was opened in 2003. It starts at Junction 11A and runs around Birmingham to Junction 3A. It is the first toll road to be built in the United Kingdom. It was opened on 9 December 2003. It is reported to save 45 minutes from the average journey.
Other websites
CBRD Motorway Database - M6
Motorways in England |
The Houston Dynamo are an American soccer team that plays in Major League Soccer in Houston, Texas. In late 2005, the San Jose Earthquakes moved to the city because of financial problems in San Jose, California.
The Dynamo opened a new stadium, which opened as BBVA Compass Stadium and is now known as BBVA Stadium, in downtown Houston in May 2012, after playing their first seven games of the season on the road.
League title
Major League Soccer : 2
2006, 2007
League position
American soccer teams
Sports in Houston, Texas
Major League Soccer teams
2005 establishments in the United States
2000s establishments in Texas |
René François Armand (Sully) Prudhomme (; 16 March 1839 – 6 September 1907) was a French poet and essayist. He was the first winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1901.
1839 births
1907 deaths
Writers from Paris
French poets
French essayists
Members of the Académie française
French Nobel Prize winners
Burials at Père Lachaise Cemetery |
Landrethun-lès-Ardres is a commune. It is in the region Nord-Pas-de-Calais in the Pas-de-Calais department in the north of France.
Communes in Pas-de-Calais |
Walter Mikac is an Australian writer and motivational speaker.
Walter Mikac's wife and two small children were killed at the Port Arthur massacre. He has written two books, one called To Have And To Hold and the other is called Circle of Life: Sustenance for the Soul. It is about handling grief and tragedy. He helped create the Alannah and Madeline Foundation to help children who are the victims of violent crime
Other websites
The Alannah and Madeline Foundation
Walter Mikac - Saxton Speaker Bureau
The Port Arthur Massacre - Crime Library
Year of birth missing (living people)
Living people
Australian writers |
It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World is a 1963 American comedy movie. It is about when a thief hid a large amount of money and causes a madcap cross-country rush to find the money. It stars Spencer Tracy, Mickey Rooney, Peter Falk, Carl Reiner, Milton Berle, Jimmy Durante, Phil Silvers, Sid Caesar, Ethel Merman and Jonathan Winters. It won one Academy Award for Best Effects.
Other websites
It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World (1963) The Movie Database
Something a Little Less Serious: A Tribute to 'It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World' A 1991 documentary about the film. The Movie Databse
1963 comedy movies
Academy Award winning movies
American action movies
American adventure movies
American comedy movies
American epic movies
English-language movies
Movies directed by Stanley Kramer |
Ally Sheedy (born June 13, 1962) is an American movie and television actress who was once tied to the Brat Pack in the 1980s. She was born and raised in New York City. Notable movies in which she starred include: The Breakfast Club, Short Circuit and WarGames. The actress was born in New York City. Her father is of Irish Catholic background; her mother is Jewish.
Other websites
Actors from New York City
American movie actors
American television actors
Writers from New York City
1962 births
Living people |
Lard is rendered pig fat that is used in cooking. Before, many cuisines used it as a cooking fat or shortening, or as a spread similar to butter. It is not used as much as before. Many cooks and bakers still like it better than other fats for some things. It also has a high smoke point.
Cooking fats |
Berlin ( ) is a town in Hartford County, Connecticut, United States. The population was 19,866 at the 2010 census.
Towns in Connecticut |
Hayden Christensen (born April 19, 1981) is a Canadian actor. He was in Canadian television programs when he was young, then he went to act into American television in the late 1990s. He did minor acting roles before being praised for his role of Sam in Life as a House. He became very famous worldwide by playing the young adult Anakin Skywalker in the Star Wars movies.
Personal life
Christensen was born in Vancouver, British Columbia and raised in Thornhill, Ontario. In 2007, he began dating actress Rachel Bilson. They met while making Jumper. They became engaged on December 25, 2008. In mid-2010, the couple split up, but were dating again a few months later.
Christensen performed a public service announcement for Do Something's Teens for Jeans Campaign in 2008. He was a model in Louis Vuitton's advertising. He is in RED’s new Lazarus Effect Campaign, which is to increase awareness for its efforts to fight AIDS in Africa.
Other websites
Hayden Christensen profile at NNDB.
Hayden Christensen Interview, Hayden Christensen talks about his role as Anakin Skywalker in Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones
Hayden Christensen doing Gumball 2007
1981 births
Actors from Toronto
Actors from Vancouver
Canadian movie actors
Canadian television actors
Living people |
By B. W. Prisst.
(Read June 24, 1881.)
Some months back Mr. Curties placed in my hands a Sponge for
description, sent by Mr. B. Wills Richardson, found in shallow
water, 14 to 17 fathoms, near Belize, British Honduras, at a part
of the coast not previously dredged. On examination it proved to
belong to the genus Polymastia of Bowerbank, but to the best of
my knowledge it is an undescribed species.
The generic name is derived from the Greek, zoAts, many, and
paoris, a Whip, scourge, or flail, from the presence of fistula,
simulating those instruments more or less, projecting from the sur-
face of the Sponge.
The specific name I propose is b7-clavata, for reasons which will
be shown further on.
According to Dr. Bowerbank we have eight recognised British
species, but none of them showing the three special characteristics
of the one under consideration. In this, we have a Sponge which
may be called massive and bulbous, measuring rather more than a
quarter of an inch, not including the fistulae, from the summit to
the base, and rather larger in diameter, say, just under half an
inch. The outer crust, along with the inner walls and supports of
the sponge, as also the fistula—in fact, the whole skeleton—being
composed of a beautiful network, abundantly supplied with bi-
clavate fusiform spicules of various sizes, averaging from the J, to
gy of an inch, the difference in size being probably due to states
of development. The sarcode which fills the cavities of the Sponge,
as also the interstitial membrane, when present in this specimen,
are supplied with spicules of the same type as the skeleton, but
fewer in number, and also abundantly with equi-tridentate anchorate
spicules of two sizes, the larger measuring qyp of an inch, the
smaller the 54,5 of an inch. There are also a great many bi-
hamate spicules, measuring the =}, of an inch. Scattered through-
out the interior of the Sponge are a number of fasciculi of fine hair-
like spicules, each spicule measuring about the ,3> of an inch, and
having just the same appearance as the raphides in plants.
A vertical section of the Sponge shows the position of the walls
to the outer crust, and, as you will observe in Fig. 4, which was
drawn from the section itself, it has the appearance of arches where
the cavities are filled with the sarcode. Fig. 1 shows the Sponge
much enlarged, before being mutilated for examination, having five
of the fistule on the side exposed to view, and about three more on
the other, the tip of one being observed showing over the top of the
Sponge. In Fig. 2 we have an enlarged view of one of the fistule,
with a portion of the network (Fig. 3) still further magnified, show-
ing the relative positions of the spicules.
It reminds one rather of Euplectella on a small scale. Dr.
Bowerbank noticed the same resemblance, and was led to consider
that the genus must be closely allied to Alcyoncellum from that
cause, though it is certainly not like it, to my mind, when
thoroughly examined, as the spicules of Polymastia do not anasto-
matose as they do in Euplectella, besides wanting the flesh spicules
of that group.*
Some of the species of Polymastia have only one fistula, as in
P. bulbosa ; in others they are very numerous, as in P. robusta, but
our present species seems to be moderate in its number. The
various species that I have come across have the skeleton spicules
either acerate, fusiform-acerate, spinulate, or fusiform-spinulate, and
in one case bi-spinulate, but none have bi-clavate fusiform spicules,
or equi-tridentate anchorate or other anchorate, or bi-hamate
spicules, both of which, as we have seen, are present in the Sponge
I am describing. I propose, therefore, to name it
Sponge massive, bulbous ; fistulæ moderate in number ; oscula
at distal extremity ; pores inconspicuous ; dermal membrane pel-
lucid, thin, with minute bi-clavate spicules dispersed over its surface ;
skeleton spicules bi-clavate fusiform, with abnormal forms of the
same occurring occasionally through the Sponge; interstitial
* Since writing the above I find that Dr. Bowerbank mentions the same
fact in one of his later volumes.
skeleton with the same spicules, along with equi-tridentate anchorate
and bi-hamate spicules, as also fasciculi of fine acerate hair-like
spicules dispersed through the Sponge. Examined after being in
spirit, and then of a light fawn colour.
We have here the spicules of this Sponge in Figs. 6-10, the
bi-clavate fusiform, the acerate fusiform spicule of the fasciculi, the
anchorate, and the bi-hamate.
In conclusion, I have to apologise to Mr. Curties and Mr.
Richardson for having been so long in bringing this description
before the Club, and to tender my sincere thanks to my friend Mr.
Waller for the assistance he has given me in the determination of
the Sponge.
Fig. 1.—Polymastia biclavata, with fistule in situ.
Fig. 2.—Enlarged fistula of same, X 18 diam.
Fig. 3.—Portion showing arrangement of spicules in fistula.
Fig. 4.—Vertical section through centre of Sponge, showing cavities filled
with sarcode, X 12 diam.
Fig. 5.—Portion of sarcode showing fasciculi of spicules.
Figs. 6 and 7.—Bi-clavate spicules of skeleton.
Fig. 8.—Acerate spicule of fasciculi.
Fig. 9.—Equi-tridentate anchorate spicule of sarcode.
Fig. 10.—Bi-hamate spicule of sarcode.
<p>I want to input WAV or MP3 into puppeteer as a microphone, however while in headless the application is muted, so I was wondering if there was a way to get input directly into the browser. </p>
<p>I am also wondering if it's possible to get a feed of audio from the browser while in headless, and/or record the audio and place it in a folder. </p> |
<p>Let´s say I have the String <code>"a 1 b c 2 3 d e f 4 5 6"</code> and I would like to split it on every third whitespace to get the substrings <code>"a 1 b"</code>, <code>" c 2 3"</code>, <code>" d e f"</code>, and so on. How would I do that usuing Regular Exprssions? I have tried different variants of <code>"(?=[\\w+][\\s+][\\w+][\\s+][\\w+][\\s+])"</code> none of which seem to be right. What would be the correct RegEx?</p> |
<p>I am trying to change the axis titles and font size in multiple charts that are plotted using mpf.plot and fig.add_axes to place them on screen.</p>
<p>I have understood the process and examples given in this link <a href="https://stackoverflow.com/questions/69210734/how-to-change-font-size-and-font-type-in-mplfinance-title">How to change font size and font type in mplfinance title</a> and on the github discussing the approach, but it will not work with my code. Anywhere I put "returnfig=True" it causes errors.</p>
<p>Here is my code snippet of the relevant section</p>
<pre><code>fig = mpf.figure(figsize=(12,8),style='yahoo')
ax1 = fig.add_axes([0.05,0.70,0.3,0.25]) # ax = fig.add_axes([left,bottom,width,height])
ax2 = fig.add_axes([0.05,0.65,0.3,0.05])
ax3 = fig.add_axes([0.36,0.70,0.3,0.25])
ax4 = fig.add_axes([0.36,0.65,0.3,0.05])
ax5 = fig.add_axes([0.68,0.70,0.3,0.25])
ax6 = fig.add_axes([0.68,0.65,0.3,0.05])
ax7 = fig.add_axes([0.05,0.25,0.3,0.25])
ax8 = fig.add_axes([0.05,0.20,0.3,0.05])
ax9 = fig.add_axes([0.36,0.25,0.3,0.25])
ax10 = fig.add_axes([0.36,0.20,0.3,0.05])
ax11 = fig.add_axes([0.68,0.25,0.3,0.25])
ax12 = fig.add_axes([0.68,0.20,0.3,0.05])
mpf.plot(ausd,type='candle',ax=ax1,volume=ax2, mav=(9), show_nontrading=False, axtitle='M6A=F')
mpf.plot(gbpf,type='candle',ax=ax3,volume=ax4, mav=(9), show_nontrading=False, axtitle='M6B=F')
mpf.plot(cadf,type='candle',ax=ax5,volume=ax6, mav=(9), show_nontrading=False, axtitle='M6E=F')
mpf.plot(btcf,type='candle',ax=ax7,volume=ax8, mav=(9), show_nontrading=False, axtitle='M6C=F')
mpf.plot(gldf,type='candle',ax=ax9,volume=ax10, mav=(9), show_nontrading=False, axtitle='MBT=F')
mpf.plot(slvf,type='candle',ax=ax11,volume=ax12, mav=(9), show_nontrading=False, axtitle='MGC=F')
</code></pre> |
Fanny Cauchois (born 11 January 2001) is a French-Laotian track cyclist. She represents Laos at international competitions, including at the 2021 UCI Track Cycling World Championships.
2001 births
Living people |
Francesco Cossiga (26 July 1928 – 17 August 2010) was an Italian politician. He was the 8th President of Italy, serving from July 1985 to April 1992. He was the 42nd Prime Minister of Italy, serving from August 1979 to 1980.
Cossiga was born in Sassari, Sardinia. He died on 17 August 2010 in Rome, Italy from a respiratory infection, aged 82.
Other websites
1928 births
2010 deaths
Deaths from respiratory tract infection
Disease-related deaths in Rome
People from Sardinia
Presidents of Italy
Prime Ministers of Italy
Presidents of the Italian Senate |
<p>I am new to node.js and have been trying to setup just a basic server to start with.</p>
<p>I have the code below running and I get a "Write After End" error.</p>
<p>Socket.html is a basic html file that has a hello world string in the body. There is literally nothing else in that file. I have tried using the "ReadFileSync" method and that throws up a whole new set of errors that I don't fully understand. </p>
<p>I will appreciate any help on this. I am brand new to this so please go a little easy on me :) Thank you in advance!</p>
<p>I have verified that the path is correct, and that the buffer does have the data. </p>
<pre><code>var http = require('http');
var url = require('url');
var fs = require('fs');
var server = http.createServer(function(request, response){
var path = url.parse(request.url).pathname.substr(1);
path = "\\" + path;
case '/':
response.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/html'});
response.write('hello world');
case '\\socket.html':
fs.readFile(__dirname + path, function(error, data){
response.write("This domain is missing");
response.writeHead(200, {"Content-Type": "text/html"});
response.write("This domain is missing");
<p>server.listen(8001);</p> |
<p>In CSS there are at-rules that do different things, but with them I have seen the <strong>@</strong> symbol used in several keywords like:</p>
<p>and others, but I am searching to know what the <strong>@</strong> actually means and how it is used or better yet, how it benefits, change or differentiates from the rest of CSS. </p>
<p>I have read the <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/syndata.html#at-rules" rel="noreferrer">W3 section about at-rules</a> but it does not explain clearly (I actually read that and I ended up even more confused) what <strong>@</strong> means and it is specifically used for.</p> |
<p>I investigate that problem but can not find any solution for my code. I have four classes. But i am sure, no problem on class named Connect(You will see its object on class JsonData below.)So i share the other three classes. My MainActivity is;</p>
<pre><code>public class MainActivity extends Activity {
String keys[] = {"Message", "Subject", "MessageType", "SentTime", "ToName", "Id"};
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
JsonData jsonData = new JsonData();
ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>> dataList = new ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>>();
dataList= jsonData.GetData();
<p>I send keyvalues for json and then take data from any url(it is private, i delete it) on class JsonData;</p>
<pre><code>public class JsonData extends Activity{
Connect connect = new Connect();
private String url = "url";
static String keys[];
public ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>> GetData() {
JSONArray json = null;
ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>> mylist = new ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>>();
InternetCheck netCheck = new InternetCheck();
try {
JSONObject result = connect
json = result.getJSONArray("d");
for (int i = 0; i < json.length(); i++) {
HashMap<String, String> hashmap = new HashMap<String, String>();
JSONObject json2 = json.getJSONObject(i);
for (int j = 0; j < keys.length; j++){
hashmap.put(keys[j], json2.getString(keys[j]));
} catch (Exception e) {
Toast.makeText(this, " Check Internet Options. ", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
return mylist;
<p>In this class, i check internet connection from object netCheck. I think my problem is on that class. <strong>InternetCheck.java</strong> ;</p>
<pre><code>public class InternetCheck extends Activity {
/** Called when the activity is first created. */
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
public final boolean isInternetOn() {
// get Connectivity Manager object to check connection
ConnectivityManager connec = (ConnectivityManager)getSystemService(getBaseContext().CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE);
// Check for network connections
if ( connec.getNetworkInfo(0).getState() == android.net.NetworkInfo.State.CONNECTED ||
connec.getNetworkInfo(0).getState() == android.net.NetworkInfo.State.CONNECTING ||
connec.getNetworkInfo(1).getState() == android.net.NetworkInfo.State.CONNECTING ||
connec.getNetworkInfo(1).getState() == android.net.NetworkInfo.State.CONNECTED ) {
return true;
} else if ( connec.getNetworkInfo(0).getState() == android.net.NetworkInfo.State.DISCONNECTED || connec.getNetworkInfo(1).getState() == android.net.NetworkInfo.State.DISCONNECTED ) {
return false;
return false;
<p>I am suspecting from the commented line **//get Connectivity Manager object to check connection ** .
Finally my Logcat;</p>
<pre><code>08-27 10:13:45.449: E/AndroidRuntime(24925): FATAL EXCEPTION: main
08-27 10:13:45.449: E/AndroidRuntime(24925): java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{com.example.jsonparser/com.example.jsonparser.MainActivity}: java.lang.IllegalStateException: System services not available to Activities before onCreate()
08-27 10:13:45.449: E/AndroidRuntime(24925): at android.app.ActivityThread.performLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:1659)
08-27 10:13:45.449: E/AndroidRuntime(24925): at android.app.ActivityThread.handleLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:1675)
08-27 10:13:45.449: E/AndroidRuntime(24925): at android.app.ActivityThread.access$1500(ActivityThread.java:121)
08-27 10:13:45.449: E/AndroidRuntime(24925): at android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(ActivityThread.java:943)
08-27 10:13:45.449: E/AndroidRuntime(24925): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:99)
08-27 10:13:45.449: E/AndroidRuntime(24925): at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:130)
08-27 10:13:45.449: E/AndroidRuntime(24925): at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:3768)
08-27 10:13:45.449: E/AndroidRuntime(24925): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
08-27 10:13:45.449: E/AndroidRuntime(24925): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:507)
08-27 10:13:45.449: E/AndroidRuntime(24925): at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:878)
08-27 10:13:45.449: E/AndroidRuntime(24925): at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:636)
08-27 10:13:45.449: E/AndroidRuntime(24925): at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
08-27 10:13:45.449: E/AndroidRuntime(24925): Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: System services not available to Activities before onCreate()
08-27 10:13:45.449: E/AndroidRuntime(24925): at android.app.Activity.getSystemService(Activity.java:3536)
08-27 10:13:45.449: E/AndroidRuntime(24925): at com.example.jsonparser.InternetCheck.isInternetOn(InternetCheck.java:19)
08-27 10:13:45.449: E/AndroidRuntime(24925): at com.example.jsonparser.JsonData.GetData(JsonData.java:25)
08-27 10:13:45.449: E/AndroidRuntime(24925): at com.example.jsonparser.MainActivity.onCreate(MainActivity.java:21)
08-27 10:13:45.449: E/AndroidRuntime(24925): at android.app.Instrumentation.callActivityOnCreate(Instrumentation.java:1047)
08-27 10:13:45.449: E/AndroidRuntime(24925): at android.app.ActivityThread.performLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:1623)
<p>I'm saying again, i looked over other questions but no solution available for me. Thanks in advance.</p> |
Subsets and Splits