stringlengths 3
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stringlengths 1
there are still others that are sown among the thorns. | á á¥áŸá
áá«ášá á¥áá°á°áá©áµ áá®áœ ášáá ááᜠá°áá á áá¢
(acts 20: 21) how can we imitate paul's attitude as we prepare to share the truth with "all sorts of people" in our territory? | (áµá« 20ᥠ21) á³á²á« á ááááœá ááµá¥ áááááážá "ááá á áááµ á°ááœ" á¥áááµá áááµá°áá ááá
áµ á ááá°ááá áµ áá
áµ ášá³áááµá á ááá«ášáµ áá³á á ášáááœáá á¥ááŽáµ áá?
boast about his holy name. | á á
á±áµ áµá á°á©á«á©á¢
bottom line: if you try to do everything, you may render yourself unable to do anything. | ááá áá¥á¥á¥ ááá ááá á«áµáœ áááµášá ášááµáá᪠ášáá á á°áá á£á á áá³á ááµáá áµáœá«ááœá¢
i will command him to take much spoil and much plunder | á¥á ááá® á¥áá²ááµáµá£ á¥á áá¥áµ á¥áá²áááá
i believe this with all my heart. | áá
á¥áá°ááážá áá á¥áááµ á ááá¢
there is no peace, "says my god," for the wicked. " | áááᜠá°áá ášáážáá "ááá á ááá¬á¢
if only israel would walk in my ways! | ááá á¥áµá«á€á á áááᎠá¢ááááµ áá®!
for malcam will go into exile, | á áááµ áµáááá°áµ
he was firmly convinced that "the soul outlives its present incarnation, to be duly rewarded or punished" in the afterlife, based on how the person lived while on earth. | ááᶠá ááµ á°á á²ááµá£ ááµá áá á³á á áá ášá á ááá áá°ášáµ "ášáµáá á°ááá³ ášááµáá°á áááµ á
á£áµ ááá áœáááµ" á¥áá°ááµáá á á á¥á¥á
á«áá áá áá¢
(1 timothy 6: 9) gambling is rooted in greed, and greed is so corrosive that the bible lists "greediness" among several behaviors that should be strongly avoided. | (1 á¢ááŽááµ 6ᥠ9) á ááµá á°á ááá á¥áá²á«ááµ ášáá«áá³á³á áµáá¥áá¥ááµ ááဠ"áµáá¥áá¥ááµ" á°áá áá¥á á£á
áá á ááá ááœáá á
á±áµ á¥ááµááµááá³ážá á á¥á¥á ášáááášá á áá«á³ á£á
áá«áµ áá«ášá á áá± ááá¢
10 while they did not understand every aspect of christian neutrality as clearly as we do today, the bible students did know one thing: the bible forbids the taking of human life. | 10 ášááœáá á
á±áµ á°ááªáá¹ ášáááµá²á«áá áááá°áááµ áá á á°á«á«á áᬠá«áá á áááµ ááᜠáááဠá£ááá«ážáá á¥áá³ áµá á ááµ ááá á¥ááá áᜠáá á©á¥ ááœáá á
á±áµ ášá°á á
áááµ áá¥ááµá áášááááá¢
using symbolic language, god likened all religion that is unfaithful to him to a flamboyant prostitute named "babylon the great." | á áááᣠáá³áá«á á áááᜠá áá áá áá¥á± á³áá á«ááááµá ááááá¶áœ á áá "á³ááá± á£á¢áá" ášááµá£á ášá°ááá áᜠá áááá« áá á áá³áµáážááá¢
his response was measured and entirely fitting. | ášáá°á°á á¥ááá á ááᣠášá³á°á á áµá á°áµáá áá áá¢
1, 2. how did the apostle paul show that he was grateful for god's undeserved kindness? | 1, 2. áááá«á á³áááµ áá ááá ážá á ááµáá áááá á«á³ášá á¥ááŽáµ áá?
and let us cut him off from the land of the living, | ášá
á«áá ááµá á¥ááµááá°á "á¥áá
13 some who acted on their plans to serve jehovah full time are now at bethel. | 13 á«á
áá á áá ááá«ážá áááááá á«áá¡áµá á¥á
áµ á°áá£á«á á«á°ášá á áá³áá¶áœá£ á áá á á€áŽá á¥á«áááá ááá¢
he will neither desert you nor abandon you. | á áá¥áá
á ááá á áá°áá
paul told fellow christians to "deaden" their "body members" that is, to eliminate any desires "as respects sexual immorality." | á³áááµ áá¥áááµ á£áááá®á¹ 'ášá á«á áááá»ážáá á¥áá²ááµá' áááµá 'ášáŸá³ á¥ááá' áá á°á«á«á¥ááµ á«ááá áááááá ááááµ á¥áá²á«áµááá± ááá¯ážááá¢
7 our faith moves us to speak publicly to others. | 7 á«á³á ááá á¥áááµ áááᜠá áá á¥ááµáááá á«áá³á³ááá¢
when jehovah through his son created man and woman, his intent was that they fill the whole earth. | á«á
á á áá á á¢ášá±áµ á á©á ášááááªá«áá¹á áááµá áŽáµ á²áá¥á á ááá áááá ááµá á¥áá²áá áá áá¢
we see orpah walk away, for she has decided to go back to her home in moab. | áŠáá á áá ᥠáá°áááá á€á· áááááµ áµááá°áᜠášá¥áá± á°ááá³ áá°áœá¢
13 questions from readers | 13 ášá áá£á¢á«á á¥á«áááœ
prov. 8: 31. | áá³á 8ᥠ31
your boundary will change direction to pass south of the ascent of akrabbim and continue to zin, and its end will be south of kadesh barnea. | áá°ááœá á á
á£á«áá á ááášá ášá á
á«á¢á á áá áµ á áµá° á°á¡á¥ á áµáá á¥áµáš áºá áµášáµ áááááဠáášášá»áá ášááŽáµá áá á áµá° á°á¡á¥ ááááá¢
we keep on track by making decisions that enable us to stay focused on our ministry. | ááááá á á ááááá³áœá áá ááá°á®á ášáá«áµáœááá áá³ááᜠá ááµášá ášáááá³áœá á³ááᣠá¥áááááá¢
return, return, | á¥ááᜠáááµ
abraham, 1 / 1 | á á¥áááᣠ1 / 1
what other group of ministers is doing a similar work? | á¥áá²á
á«á áµá« ášáá«ášááá áá ááááá³á á¡áµá á á?
3 they offered themselves willingly in new york | 3 á«á³ážáá á ááá°áááµ á á
áá áá áá á®áá
rehoboam became father to abijah; | á®á¥á á á á¢á«á
á ááá°á€
caleb's daughter was achsah. | ášá«áᥠáŽáµ áá
á áá³ áµá£á áá áá¢
for teenagers | ááá£á¶áœ
(luke 6: 12; 22: 40 46) would he have taught his disciples to pray had he thought that prayer was nothing more than a psychological crutch? | (áááµ 6ᥠ12ဠ22ᥠ40 46) ážááµ á á¥áá®á ášáášáááµ á«áá á¥á
á á¥áá°ááá á¢á°áá áá® á°á ááááá±á á¥áá²ážáá© á«áµá°áá«ážá áá á?
joseph's wise administration (13 26) | ášá®áŽá á¥á ᥠášá°ááá áµ á áµá°á³á°á (13 26)
since 1935, millions of people have allowed the remnant to 'bring them to righteousness.' | áš 1935 áá²á
á ááá®á ášááá á© á°ááœá£ á
á¡á á ááªáᜠ'áá° áœáµá
á¥áá²ááá·ážá' á«á³ážáá á ááá°áááµ á á
áá ááá¢
was it just another incorrect prediction for the end of the world? | á³á²á« áá
ááá³á£ áµá á áá áášášá» ášáááá© áµáá¢á¶áœ ášá°á³á³á± á¥áá°áá ášáá«á³á áá?
maybe he tried to invest in his paper, maybe he believed sincerely in his admiration for the poor innocent dead guy and his ability of earning phds, but using a big car and living in a big house are signs for the masses that the man is an invaluable and irreplaceable leader. | áááá£áµ á áá
áášáá± áá ááá¥á ááá áá«áµááá¥á áµ ááá® ááááဠáááá£áµá ááá« ááµáªá á°á ášá°á áá á áµáááµá á¥á± ášá¶ááµá¬áµ á²á᪠ášááááµ áœáá³áá ášáá¡ á ááá áµ ááá ááœááဠáá áµáá
ááªá ášáá«áá ášáµáá
á€áµ ááá á°áášá á á°áá á
áᥠáááµ á°áá³á³áª ášáááá ááµá ášááááááµ áááá ááááµ áá áá¢
i myself, jehovah, have spoken. " | á¥á á«á
á á«áŽ áá
á á°ááá¬á ááᢠ"
do not be afraid because a man becomes rich, | á°á áá¥á³á á²ááá
his rulership will be from sea to sea | ááá±á ášá£á
á á¥áµáš á£á
a christian might have to decide what to do about a loved one who is in a terminal situation and who is being sustained by artificial life support, such as a ventilator to keep breathing. | á ááµ áááµá²á«áᣠá¥áá° áá°ááá» áá³áªá« á£á á°á á°á«áœ áᎠá¥á» á á
áááµ á¥áá²áá ášá°á°ášáá áááµ ášá°áášá ášá€á°á°á¥ á á£á ááášá ááááဠá áááá ášáá
ášá€á°á°á¡ á á£á áá á á°á«á«á áá³á ááµášá ášáá áá
ááá³ áá°ááá áµ ááœááá¢
indeed, that gift is so awe inspiring that it cannot be fully described in human terms. | á á¥ááá¥á áµáŠá³á á¥á
á á áµá°áá á ááá ášá°á ááᜠáá á áá á áášá±áµ ááááµ áááᜠá áµážá᪠ááá¢
(revelation 16: 14 16; 19: 14 16) powerful angels will serve as executioners of divine judgment as the lord jesus "brings vengeance on those who do not obey the good news about our lord jesus." | (á«á¥á 16ᥠ14 16ဠ19ᥠ14 16) áá³ á¢ášá±áµ "áµá áá³áœá á¢ášá±áµ ááááážá ááµá«áœ á ááá³áááµ áá ášá áá á¥ááá" á áááµáµá áµ áá áá«áá ááá¥ááµ ášááá®á³á áááµ á áµáá»ááᜠááá á«áááááá¢
(heb. 11: 35) sometime after the kingdom's birth in 1914, all such faithful anointed ones, who were sleeping in death, were raised to spirit life in heaven to share with jesus in his rulership over mankind. | (á¥á¥ 11ᥠ35) á ááµ á ááááá°á ášáá á©áµ á³áá á
á¡á á á ááᣠášá ááá ááááµáµ á 1914 ášá°ááá° á¥áá á³ááá ášááµ á°ááµá°á áááá³á á
áááµ á°áá¥áááဠá¥ááá
á¡á á ášá¢ášá±áµ áá ááá á á°á ááᜠáá ááááá¢
when david had passed a little beyond the summit, ziba, the attendant of mephibosheth, was there to meet him with a couple of saddled donkeys, and on them were 200 loaves of bread, 100 cakes of raisins, 100 cakes of summer fruit, and a large jar of wine. | á³ááµ ášá°á«á«áá á«á á áá á¥ááµ á¥áá°áá° á²á£ ášá°á£áá ášáááŠáµáŽ á áááá 200 á³áŠááœá£ 100 ášáá¢á¥ áá£ááœá£ ášá á áᬠášá°ááá 100 áá£ááœá á ááµ á¥ááµá« ášááá á á
ášá°á«áá£ážá áááµ á á
á®áœ á¥ášáá³ áá«ááá áá£á¢
now i urge you, brothers, to keep your eye on those who create divisions and causes for stumbling contrary to the teaching that you have learned, and avoid them. | á¥ááá²á
áááµááœá£ áááá ášááá¥á©á áá¥áá
ááµ áááá«áµ ášááá ááá®áœá ášáá«áá¡ á°áᜠá¥ááµáµá ááá á á³áµá£áœáááဠá¥ááá
ááá®áœ ášá°áá«áœááµá áµáá
ááµ ášáá»ášá© áážáဠáá
á ášáá«á°áá á°áᜠá«áá¢
jason, new zealand. | áá°áᣠááááááµ
that is why the armed men of moab keep shouting. | ášáá
á ášá°áá³ ášáá ᥠá°áááᜠáá®ááá¢
"this is the confidence that we have toward him, that no matter what we ask according to his will, he hears us." | "á á¥á± áá á«áá áµááá
áµ áá
ááဠášááá ááá ááá ááá ááá áá ášááá± áá á ááµáá ááá³ á¥áµášáááá áµášáµ áá°áááá¢"
gal. 6: 9. | áá 6ᥠ9
excerpt from the book learn from the great teacher. | ášá³áá á áµá°á᪠á°áá ášá°á£áá ááœáá áá á°áááአášá°áá°á°
now take your positions and see this great thing that jehovah is doing before your eyes. | áµáááá á áá á£ááœáá áµ áááœá á«á
á á áááœá á¥á«áš ášáááœááá áá
á á³áá
ááá á°ááášá±á¢
it is an inner sense of right or wrong that can guide us in the right direction. | á
ááᣠáµááá ááá áµá
á°áµ ášáááá áááášáµ ášáášá³áá á áµááááá á á
á£á« ášááá«á áœáá³ ááá¢
now the one who abundantly supplies seed to the sower and bread for eating will supply and multiply the seed for you to sow and will increase the harvest of your righteousness.) | á¥ááá²á
áá᪠áááᣠááá¥á á¥á
áá á áµášááá ášáá°á á á¥á± ášááµáá©áµá áá á áµášááá áá°á£áœááဠá¥áá²áá ášáœáµááœáá áᬠá«á áááœááá¢)
he has put an end to his festival. | á á á á¥áá²á«ášáµá á á°ášáá¢
6 for example, high priest eli had two sons who did not uphold jehovah's laws. | 6 ááá³á á«á
áᣠáá á«á
áá± á€á ášá«á
áá á
á ášáá«ášá¥á© áááµ ááᜠáá á©áµá¢
sadly, in 1939 he became very ill, but before he died he told my mother: "this is the truth. | ášáá«á³ááá á 1939 á á á á³ááဠášááá± á ááµ áá áá¥áᎠ"á¥áááµ áá
over 250 languages | áš 250 á áá áá¡ áááááœ
8 "peace among men of goodwill" | 8 "á ááá áááá³ážá á°áᜠá°áá ááá"
they know that true and lasting security comes to those who demonstrate trust in god by living in harmony with bible principles. | áááµá²á«ááœá£ á ááœáá á
á±áµ áá°ášá³á áµáá á¶áœ á ááá«áµ á á ááá á¥áá°áá³áá ášáá«á³á© ášááᣠá¥ááá°áá ááá á°á
áááµ á¥áá°áá«áá á«áááá¢
on this account a man will leave his father and mother, and the two will be one flesh 'therefore what god yoked together let no man put apart. " | ášáá
á ášá°áá³ á°á ášá á£á±á ášá¥áá± ááá«áဠááá±á á ááµ áµá áááá 'ဠáµááá
á ááá á«á£áášáá ááá á°á á ááá«ášáᢠ"
under the command of god and christ, we beg people to "become reconciled to god." | á áááá áááµá¶áµ ášá°á¡áá áááªá« á ááá á á°ááœá "ášá ááá áá á³ášá" á áááµ á¥ááááááá¢
rather than using many expressions that are abstract or mystical, the biblical text uses words that are concrete or that relate to our senses. | ááášá³áµ ášáášá¥á± ááá ááµá¥á«á ášáá á ááááŸáœá á¥á áŠá³áᜠáá á ááááဠášáá
á°ášá£á ášááá ááá¡á ášááœá áááá«ááœá áá áááá¢
why examine? | ááááá ááá á áµááá?
in central baghdad, a reuters cameraman and a cameraman for spain's telecinco died when an american tank fired on the palestine hotel. | á áá¥ášáá á£áá³áµ ášá ááªá« á³áá á áááµá³áá ááŽá áá á á°á°á®á°á áµ áá á ááµ ášá®áá°á áá¶áá«á á ááºá á ááµ ášá¥áµáá áŽáá²áá® áᶠá áẠáá°ááá¢
try to determine the underlying cause of their doubts. | ááá»áœá á¥áááµá á¥áá²á á«á á© á«á°ášáážáá áµáááá áááá«áµ áááá
we wonder what life will be like for ourselves and our loved ones. | áááá«á±á ášá«á³áœáá áá ášá€á°á°á£áœá ášáá°ááµ á
áááµ á«á³áµá ááá¢
the passover lamb sacrificed in ancient israel was a type. | á á¥áá· á¥áµá«á€á á áá²á« áá ášáá°áá á á á¥áááµ áá ášáá¢
read malachi 3: 16; hebrews 6: 10. | áááá«áµ 3ᥠ16 á á¥á á¥á¥á«áá«á 6ᥠ10 á á áá¥á¥á¢
an inscription found in one of these buildings indicates that theodotus, a priest and leader of the local synagogue, "built the synagogue for the reading of torah and furthermore, the hostel, and the rooms, and the water installation for lodging needy strangers." | ášá¥ááá
á€á¶áœ á á áá± áá á²áŠá°á°áµ ášá°á£á á«á
áá ášá á«á£á¢á ášáá©á«á¥ á áá "á¶á« (ášá
á áá»á
ááµ) ášááá á¥á áµ áá©á«á¥ á¥áá°ááá¡ ášáá
á á°ášá᪠áœáášá ášáá á¥ááá¶áœ ášáá«ááá áµ á€áµá ášá°áá«á© ááááœá á¥áá°á°á© á¥áá²áá áá á¥áá²áᣠá¥áá³á°ášá" ášáááá áœáá á°áá¯áá¢
they asked only that we keep the poor in mind, and this i have also earnestly endeavored to do. | áááá áµááœá áá°á£áœáá á¥áá³áááᥠá á°á« á ááဠá¥áá á¥áá áá
á áááážá áµááµ ášá°ááá áµ á¥ášáµ á³á°áá áá áá¢
the famine continued over all the surface of the earth. | ášáá¡á á ááá ááµá áá á¥ášá°áµáá áá°á¢
cities of refuge east of the jordan (41 43) | ášá®áá³ááµ á áµá° ááµá«á
á«á ášááážá ášá°áᜠ(41 43)
let us gather together and enter the fortified cities and perish there. | á á ááµááµ á¥áá°á¥á°á¥á€ áá° á°áážááµá ášá°áᜠáá¥á°á á áá« á¥áá¥áá¢
genesis 4: 6, 7. | ááá¥ášáµ 4ᥠ6, 7
many have found it helpful to consider the brochure the origin of life five questions worth asking and the book is there a creator who cares about you? | á¥ááᜠášá
áááµ á áá£á¥ áááµ ášáá«á»ážá á ááµáµ á¥á«ááᜠášá°á£ááá á¥á®á¹áá áµá á áá° ášáá«áµá¥ áá£áª ááá ááá?
when she marries, the bible says, the two become "one flesh." | áµá³á á²áá°áá± ááá±á "á ááµ áµá" á¥áá°ááá ááœáá á
á±áµ áááá«áá¢
this international preaching and teaching work is another factor that convinces many people that jehovah's witnesses are the true followers of christ jesus. | á áá á á©á á°áá á¥á á°ááœá£ ášá«á
á ááµáá®áœ ášáááµá¶áµ á¢ášá±áµ á¥ááá°á á°ášá³á®áœ áááážáá á¥ááá á á¥áá²áá á«á°ášáážá áááá«áµ á¥ááá
áááµá²á«áᜠá á áá ááªá« ášáá«ášááááµ ášáµá¥ášáµá ášááµá°áá áµá« ááá¢
at once sisera assembled all his war chariots 900 chariots with iron scythes and all the troops that were with him from harosheth of the nations to go to the stream of kishon. | á²á³á«á áá° ááŸá á
ášáµ ááááµ áá²á«áá ášáŠá á°ášááá¹á á áá áážáá ášá¥ášáµ áááµ ášá°áá ááážáá 900 ášáŠá á°ášááᜠá¥áá²áá ášá¥á± áá ášáá ášáá á°á«ááµ áá ášáá®áŒáµááá á á°á£á°á á¢
in doing so, it should become evident that god's sovereignty is right. | á¥áá²á
ááµášááœá á«á
á áá áá áᢠášááá áá¥áµ á¥áá³áá á¥ááµááááᥠá«á°ááááá¢
(2 cor. 8: 12) there are, however, other ways to show jehovah that we love him. | (2 áá® 8ᥠ12) ááá á¥áá á«á
áá á¥áá°áááá°á áá³ášáµ ášáááœáá áµ ááá ááááµ á áá¢
did that prevent you from picturing it in your mind? | áŠá³áá á á áá á
á¥áá°á³áášá ášá³áá ááá¢
so joseph's descendants, manasseh and ephraim, took possession of their land. | áµáááá ášá®áŽá áá®áœ áááŽá á€áá¬á ááµá³ážá ášáááá áá¬áµ áá°á±á¢
8 starting at pentecost 33 a.d., the resurrected christ used his apostles as the channel through which he fed the rest of his anointed disciples. | 8 ášááµ ášá°áá³á áááµá¶áµ á 33 á .á ášááá ášáŽáá€ááµá€ á á á á ááµá¶ ášá°áá©áµá á
á¡á á á°á ááááá±á ááááᥠáááá«á±á ášáá³á¥ ááµá°áááá« ááµáá á áµáá áá áá ááá¯áá¢
jehovah's witnesses in your community will be happy to assist you to benefit from the loving help of god's mighty angels. | á á á«á£á¢á
ášááá©áµ ášá«á
á ááµáá®áœ ášá ááá áá«áá ááá¥ááµ ášáá°á¡áµ áá
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9 most nations today have "watchmen" in the form of border patrols and high tech surveillance systems. | 9 á áá¬á áá á á¥ááá¹ á áá®áœ á áá³á°á®áœá á áááá áŽáááá á áá³áá ááá£á áªá« áá³áªá«áᜠá áá«áááµ áµáá á«ážáá á«áµá á¥ááá¢
(proverbs 18: 1) while there are times when you may want to be alone, avoid becoming isolated and withdrawn. | (áá³á 18ᥠ1) á¥á»áœáá ááá ášááµáááá£ážá ááá«áµ á¢áá©á á«á³áœáá á á³áááဠá¥áá²áá ášá°á á áµá«áá¢
when athaliah heard the sound of the people running, she immediately came to the people at the house of jehovah. | áá¶áá« á
áá¡ á²á¯á¯á¥ áµáµá°á áá²á«áá á á«á
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a better approach: let your children see that you have needs too. | ášáá ášá°á»áá ááááµá¥ áááœáœá£ á ááºá ášá«áµáœ ááááµ á¥áá³áᜠá¥áá²á«áá á áµááá¢
songs: 95, 97 | áááá®áœá¥ 95, 97
8 although daniel was offered food to eat from the king's delicacies, he "resolved in his heart" that he would not "defile himself." | 8 á³áá€á ášááá± ááᥠááᥠá¢ááá¥ááµá á áá
ááᥠ"ááááášáµ á áá¡ ááᥠáá³á" á áµáááá¢
(matthew 6: 10) now, let us see how the other three horsemen help to confirm that we are, in fact, living during the troubled "last days." | (ááŽááµ 6ᥠ10) á áá á°áá ááªáá¹ á¶áµáµ áášá°ááœá£ ášáááášá á áášá« á á°áááµ 'ášáášášá»áá¹ áááµ' ááµá¥ á¥áá°áá ášáá«ášááá¡áµ á¥ááŽáµ á¥áá°áá á¥áááášáµá¢
at school, i was taught that life evolved by natural processes, and i believed what my teachers said. | á áµáá
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even though taking such a stand was fraught with danger, she expressed faith that jehovah could deliver her and her family. | á¥áá²á
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well, if we, though being imperfect humans, continue to be fully devoted to god without hypocrisy, we will be serving god with a complete heart. | á¥áá ááœáá ášáá°áá á°áᜠá¥áááá á¥áá³ ášáá¥áááµ á áá«á
ááááá áá ááá áá á áá á«á°áá ášááá á áá áá£áœá ááááááá á¥ááœáááá¢
come and see the works of god. | áá ášá áááá áµá«áᜠá°ááášá±á¢
but this woman wet my feet with her tears and wiped them off with her hair. | áá
ᜠáŽáµ áá á¥áá¬á á á¥áá£á á¥á«á«á°áœ á ážáᯠá á á°áœá¢
it was, and those facts were further confirmed when i visited mormon museums in utah. | ášáá
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a man with dropsy healed on the sabbath (1 6) | á°áááµ ášáá«á³á¥á¥ á áœá³ ášá«áá á°á á á°áá áµ á°ááá° (1 6)
Subsets and Splits