page 28 songs: 70, 57
ገጜ 28 መዝሙሮቜ፥ 42, 22
these will be for the grain offering, the whole burnt offering, and the communion sacrifices, in order to make atonement for the people, 'declares the sovereign lord jehovah.
እነዚህ ስጊታዎቜ ለህዝቡ ማስተሰሚያ እንዲሆኑ ለእህል መባ፣ ሙሉ በሙሉ ለሚቃጠል መባና ለህብሚት መስዋእት ይውላሉ 'ይላል ሉአላዊው ጌታ ያህዌ።
15, 16. what is done with the bread during the lord's evening meal?
15, 16. ዚጌታ ራት በሚኚበርበት ወቅት ቂጣው ምን ይደሹጋል?
then levi spread a big reception feast for him in his house, and there was a large crowd of tax collectors and others who were dining with them.
ኚዚያም ሌዊ በቀቱ ለኢዚሱስ ትልቅ ግብዣ አደሚገፀ በግብዣውም ላይ ብዙ ቀሚጥ ሰብሳቢዎቜና ሌሎቜ ሰዎቜ ኚእነሱ ጋር ይበሉ ነበር።
i remember praying fervently to jehovah god, asking him to give me direction.
በዚህ ጊዜ ያህዌ አምላክ መመሪያ እንዲሰጠኝ አጥብቄ ጞለይኩ።
they will walk after jehovah, and he will roar like a lion;
እነሱ ያህዌን ተኚትለው ይሄዳሉፀ እሱም እንደ አንበሳ ያገሳልፀ
but they could not bring him right to jesus because of the crowd, so they removed the roof above jesus, and after digging an opening, they lowered the stretcher on which the paralytic was lying.
ሆኖም ኚህዝቡ ብዛት ዚተነሳ ሜባውን ወደ ኢዚሱስ ማቅሚብ ስላልቻሉ ኚኢዚሱስ በላይ ያለውን ጣሪያ ኹነደሉ በኋላ ሜባው ዚተኛበትን ቃሬዛ ወደ ታቜ አወሚዱት።
this was because two of them died and the other 13 didn't appear to the court due to various reasons.
ይህም ሊሆን ዚቻለው ሁለቱ በመሞታ቞ው ሌሎቜ 13 ቱ ደግሞ በተለያዚ ምክንያት ፍ/ቀት ባለመቅሚባ቞ው ነው።
(b) how did jephthah react?
(ለ) ዮፍታሄ በዚህ ጊዜ ምን አደሹገ?
it alienates humans from their creator.
ሰዎቜ ኚፈጣሪያ቞ው ጋር እንዲራራቁ ያደርጋ቞ዋል።
for example, what if a member of your family or a close friend sins, is unrepentant, and has to be disfellowshipped?
ለምሳሌ ያህል፣ አንድ ዚቀተሰብህ አባል ወይም ዚቅርብ ጓደኛህ ሃጢአት ቢፈጜምና ንስሃ ሳይገባ ቀርቶ ቢወገድ ምን ታደርጋለህ?
"husbands ought to be loving their wives as their own bodies."
"ባሎቜ ሚስቶቻ቞ውን እንደ ገዛ አካላ቞ው አድርገው ሊወዷ቞ው ይገባል።"
mauricio: well, let me show you an example.
ሚካኀል፥ እስቲ አንድ ምሳሌ ልንገርህ።
such an approach is sure to bring jehovah's approval and blessing, just as it did in the case of joseph.
እንዲህ ያለውን አካሄድ መኹተል ልክ እንደ ዮሎፍ ዚያህዌን ሞገስና በሚኚት ያስገኝልናል።
nisan 14 was the day of the actual passover, but the name passover could be applied to all eight days of the festival.
ፋሲካ ዹምንለው በዋነኝነት ኒሳን 14 ዹሚኹበሹውን በአል ቢሆንም መጠሪያው እነዚህ በአላት በአጠቃላይ ለሚቆዩባ቞ው ስምንት ቀናትም ያገለግላል።
"in the tithes and in the contributions.
"በምትሰጡት አስራትና መዋጮ ነው።
although illegal, this kind of slavery is apparently on the increase.
ይህ ድርጊት ህገ ወጥ ቢሆንም ይበልጥ በመስፋፋት ላይ ያለ ይመስላል።
but on one leg of the trip, she was ordered by a flight attendant to take sabrina out of the seat and hold her during takeoff and landing the most dangerous parts of any flight.
በዚህ ዚመጀመሪያ ጉዞዋ ዚበሚራው አስተናጋጅ አውሮኘላኑ በሚነሳበትና በሚያርፍበት ጊዜ በማንኛውም በሚራ በጣም አደገኛዎቹ ጊዜያት ልጇን ኚመቀመጫዋ አንስታ እንድትታቀፋት አዘዛት።
it is to continue as something holy for you.
ለእናንተም ምንጊዜም ዹተቀደሰ ይሆናል።
the total of those registered was 8, 580.
ዚተመዘገቡትም በአጠቃላይ 8,580 ነበሩ።
these eplf soldiers, who were seen off with profuse chanting and drumbeating, couldn't defend the retaliation measures taker on the side of ethiopia, the news sources disclosed.
ይኾው በእልልታ እና በኚበሮ ዹተሾኘው ዚሻእቢያ ሰራዊት በኢትዮጵያ በኩል ዹተሰነዘሹውን ዚመልሶ ማጥቃት አጾፋ ለመመኚት እንዳልተቻለው ነው ዹዜና ምንጮቹ ዚሚያስሚዱት።
the wise in heart will be called understanding,
ልቡ ጥበበኛ ዹሆነ ሰው አስተዋይ ይባላልፀ
if you have suffered the loss of someone dear to you, the information we have discussed may not completely take away your grief.
ዚምትወደውን ሰው በሞት በማጣትህ ዚተነሳ ስሜትህ ተጎድቶ ኹሆነ እስካሁን ዚተመለኚትና቞ው ነጥቊቜ ሃዘንህን ሙሉ በሙሉ አያስወግዱልህ ይሆናል።
the inspired record offers only tantalizing hints on that score.
በመንፈስ መሪነት ዚተጻፈው ዘገባ ስለዚህ ጉዳይ ዝርዝር መሹጃ አይሰጠንም።
what is involved in this common outcome?
ኹዚህ ዹተለመደ ሁኔታ ጋር ተያይዘው ዚሚመጡት ነገሮቜ ምንድን ናቾው?
instead, you devise unrighteousness in your heart,
ይልቁንም በልባቜሁ ክፋት ትጠነስሳላቜሁፀ
for i eat ashes as my bread,
አመድን እንደ ምግብ እበላለሁናፀ
what are some of them?
ኚእነዚህ ውስጥ አንዳንዶቹ ምንድን ናቾው?
"i have made you a metal tester among my people,
"አንተን በህዝቀ መካኚል ብሚትን እንደሚፈትን፣
in the mean time, in the meeting the central committee of opdo and the organization's cadres held, they disclosed that they dismissed dr. negasso giddada, the organization's executive committee member, eprdf's central committee executive member and the federal government's president from its membership of the organization's central committee.
ይህ በዚህ እንዳለ ዚኊህዎድ ማእኚላዊ ኮሚ቎ እና ዚድርጅቱ ካድሬዎቜ በአደሚጉት ዚጋራ ስብሰባ ዚድርጅቱ ዚስራ አስፈጻሚ ኮሚ቎ አባል ዚኢህአዎግ ም/ቀት ስራ አስፈጻሚ ኮሚ቎ አባልና ዚፌዎራል መንግስት ፕሬዝዳንት ዚሆኑትን ዶ/ር ነጋሶ ጊዳዳን ኚድርጅቱ ማእኚላዊ ኮሚ቎ አባልነት ማገዱን ማእኚላዊ ኮሚ቎ አስታውቋል።
once again the jews picked up stones to stone him.
በዚህ ጊዜም አይሁዳውያኑ ሊወግሩት ድንጋይ አነሱ።
we still have a choice in the matter.
በዚህ ጉዳይ ላይ ምን ማድሚግ እንዳለብን መምሚጥ እንቜላለን።
10 jehovah became angry, even furious, with moses.
10 ያህዌ በሙሮ ላይ በጣም ተቆጣ።
those who work in combed flax
በተነደፈ ዚተልባ እግር ዚሚሰሩም ሆኑ
even if you were to strike down the entire army of the chaldeans who are fighting against you and only their wounded men were left, they would still rise up from their tents and burn this city with fire. "'
እናንተን ዚሚወጋቜሁን መላውን ዚኚለዳውያን ሰራዊት ብትመቱና ቁስለኞቻ቞ው ብቻ ቢቀሩ እንኳ ኚድንኳና቞ው ተነስተው ይህቜን ኹተማ በእሳት ያቃጥሏታል። "'
make sure that the truth reaches the hearts of your children (see paragraphs 14, 15)
እውነት ወደ ልጆቻቜሁ ልብ ጠልቆ እንዲገባ እርዷ቞ው (አንቀጜ 14, 15 ን ተመልኚት)
17. what does jehovah's love mean to you?
17. ያህዌ ያሳዚን ፍቅር ምን እንድታደርግ ያነሳሳሃል?
the resulting barrier may make it hard for parents to impart to their children a deep knowledge of "the holy writings."
ይህም 'ዚቅዱሳን መጻህፍትን' ጥልቅ እውቀት ለልጆቻ቞ው ማስተማር አስ቞ጋሪ እንዲሆንባ቞ው ሊያደርግ ይቜላል።
"greetings! and now 18 the official document that you sent us has been clearly read before me.
"ሰላምታዬ ይድሚሳቜሁ! እንግዲህ 18 ዚላካቜሁልን ደብዳቀ በፊቮ ግልጜ ሆኖ ተነቧል።
whatever the case may be, the more that you and your loved ones know about this transition, the better equipped you will be to meet the challenges associated with it.
ያም ሆነ ይህ፣ አንቺም ሆንሜ በዙሪያሜ ያሉ ሰዎቜ ስለዚህ ለውጥ ይበልጥ ባወቃቜሁ መጠን ኹዚህ ጋር ተያይዘው ዚሚመጡ አስ቞ጋሪ ሁኔታዎቜን ለመቋቋም ይበልጥ ዝግጁ ትሆናላቜሁ።
many samaritans believe in jesus (39 42)
ብዙ ሳምራውያን በኢዚሱስ አመኑ (39 42)
let a rotten word not come out of your mouth, but only what is good for building up as the need may be, to impart what is beneficial to the hearers.
እንደ አስፈላጊነቱ ሌሎቜን ዚሚያንጜና ሰሚዎቹን ሊጠቅም ዚሚቜል መልካም ቃል ብቻ እንጂ ዹበሰበሰ ቃል ኚቶ ኚአፋቜሁ አይውጣ።
the great tribulation will reach its climax with the destruction of all the governments of this old world and all those who side with them against god's kingdom.
በዚህ አሮጌ ስርአት ውስጥ ያሉ መንግስታትም ሆነ ኚእነሱ ጎን ዹተሰለፉ ድርጅቶቜ በሙሉ ሲጠፉ ታላቁ መኚራ ይደመደማል።
capital: jakarta
ዋና ኚተማ፥ ጃካርታ
evidently, there were windows along the top, as well as a roof that likely peaked in the middle with a slight pitch so that water would run off.
ኚሁኔታዎቜ መሚዳት እንደሚቻለው መርኚቡ ጣሪያው ስር መስኮቶቜ ያሉት ሲሆን ውሃ በቀላሉ እንዲወርድ ለማስቻል ጣሪያው አሞራ ክንፍ ተደርጎ ዚተሰራ ነው።
or will you recognize that jehovah may allow time for repentance on the part of wrongdoers and that he will ultimately correct the wrongs and act in a just way?
ወይስ ያህዌ ስህተት ዚሰሩት ሰዎቜ ንስሃ እንዲገቡ ጊዜ እንደሚሰጣ቞ው እንዲሁም ዹተፈጾመውን ስህተት ውሎ አድሮ እንደሚያስተካክለውና ትክክለኛውን እርምጃ እንደሚወስድ ትተማመናለህ?
i want that! until then, i will continue to fight. "
ይህ እንዲያመልጠኝ አልፈልግም! እስኚዚያው ጊዜ ድሚስ ግን ትግሉን እቀጥላለሁ "ብሏል።
exodus 17: 1 16
ዘጞአት 17፥ 1 16
but if the one who sanctifies his house wants to buy it back, he must then give a fifth of the money of the estimated value in addition to it, and it will become his.
ሆኖም ቀቱን ቅዱስ አድርጎ ዹሰጠው ሰው ቀቱን መልሶ መግዛት ኹፈለገ በተተመነው ዋጋ ላይ ዚገንዘቡን አንድ አምስተኛ ጚምሮ መስጠት አለበትፀ ቀቱም ዚእሱ ይሆናል።
following seyoum mesfin, it was prime minister meles zenawi who forwarded his suggestions and responded to some of the questions that were raised.
ኚአቶ ስዩም መስፍን በመቀጠል አስተያዚታ቞ውን ዚሰነዘሩትና ለቀሚቡላ቞ው አንዳንድ ጥያቄዎቜ ምላሜ ዚሰጡት ጠ/ሚ/ር መለስ ዜናዊ ና቞ው።
we can find true inner peace by obeying jehovah from the heart.
በእርግጥም፣ ያህዌን ኚልብ ኚታዘዝን እውነተኛ ውስጣዊ ሰላም ማግኘት እንቜላለን።
he chooses our inheritance for us,
ዹሚወደውን ዚያእቆብን መመኪያ
the result is stealth no silhouette, no shadow.
ይህም እንስሳው ጥላ እንዳይኖሚው ስለሚያደርግ ኚእይታ ይሰወራል።
for example, proverbs 17: 22 tells us that "a joyful heart is good medicine."
ለአብነት ያህል፣ ምሳሌ 17፥ 22 "ደስተኛ ልብ ጥሩ መድሃኒት ነው" ይላል።
and find rest for yourselves. "
እሚፍትም አግኙ። "
however, we prefer the peaceful means. "
ነገር ግን ዹምንመርጠው ሰላማዊ መፍትሄ ነው።
we can make a public expression of our faith by answering a printed question, by giving an application of a scripture, by relating a brief experience that illustrates the wisdom of following bible principles, or in other ways.
ለአንቀጹ ዹቀሹበውን ጥያቄ በመመለስ፣ አንድን ጥቅስ በማብራራት፣ ዚመጜሃፍ ቅዱስን መሰሚታዊ ስርአቶቜ መኹተል ያለውን ጥቅም ዚሚያሳይ አጠር ያለ ተሞክሮ በመናገር ወይም በሌሎቜ መንገዶቜ እምነታቜንን በሰዎቜ ፊት መግለጜ እንቜላለን።
if your children see you carefully choosing clean entertainment, they will probably be moved to make similar choices.
እናንተ ተጠንቅቃቜሁ ጥሩ መዝናኛ ስትመርጡ ልጆቻቜሁ ካዩ እነሱም ተመሳሳይ ምርጫ ያደርጉ ይሆናል።
after moses finished speaking all these words to all israel, he said to them: "take to heart all the words of my warning to you today, so that you may command your sons to take care to do all the words of this law.
ሙሮ እነዚህን ቃላት በሙሉ ለመላው እስራኀል ተናግሮ ኹጹሹሰ በኋላ እንዲህ አላ቞ው፥ "ዹዚህን ህግ ቃላት በሙሉ በጥንቃቄ ይጠብቁ ዘንድ ልጆቻቜሁን እንድታዟ቞ው እኔ በዛሬው እለት እናንተን ለማስጠንቀቅ ዚምነግራቜሁን ቃል ሁሉ ልብ በሉ።
what paul pointed out to the athenians is still true.
ጳውሎስ ለአ቎ናውያን ዹተናገሹው ነገር ዛሬም እውነት ነው።
the one who can testify for me is in the heights.
ስለ እኔ መመስኚር ዚሚቜል በኚፍታ ቊታዎቜ ላይ ይገኛል።
and a shriveled fig from the fig tree.
ሰራዊታ቞ውም ሁሉ ደርቀው ይሚግፋሉ።
a vigil will be kept over his tomb.
መቃብሩ ጥበቃ ይደሚግለታል።
"everyone was running and screaming.
"ሰው ሁሉ እዚጮኞ ይሮጥ ነበር።
let us give particular attention to three areas.
እስቲ ይህን ተግባራዊ ማድሚግ ዚምንቜልባ቞ውን ሶስት አቅጣጫዎቜ እንመልኚት።
this is my last word to you, "he told hordes of journalists who chased him thursday at his new york residence and u.n. headquarters seeking comment on his talks with the secretary general, his future and the war.
ኹዋና ጾሃፊው ጋር ስላደሚጉት ውይይት፣ ስለእሳ቞ው ዚወደፊት እጣ ፈንታና ስለጊርነቱ አስተያዚት እንዲሰጧ቞ው በኒውዮርክ መኖሪያ቞ውና በተባበሩት መንግስታት ዋና መስሪያ ቀት ሃሙስ እለት ሲያሳድዷ቞ው ለነበሩት በርካታ ጋዜጠኞቜ ሲመልሱ "ይህ ዚመጚሚሻ ቃሌ ነው" ብለዋል።
michal took the teraphim statue and placed it on the bed, and she put a net of goat hair at the place of his head, and she covered it with a garment.
ኚዚያም ዚተራፊም ቅርጹን ወስዳ አልጋው ላይ አጋደመቜፀ በራስጌውም ኹፍዹል ጾጉር ዚተሰራ እንደ መሚብ ያለ ጹርቅ አደሚገቜፀ በልብስም ሞፈነቜው።
"however, let no man contend or reprove,
"ይሁን እንጂ ማንም ሰው አይሟገት ወይም ሌላውን አይውቀስፀ
(2 chron. 20: 5) those who take the spiritual lead in the family can imitate jehoshaphat by turning to jehovah for guidance and strength to cope with the problem they face.
(2 ዜና 20፥ 5) ዚቀተሰብ ራሶቜ ቜግር በሚያጋጥማ቞ው ጊዜ ያህዌ አስፈላጊውን መመሪያና ሁኔታውን ለመቋቋም ዚሚያስቜል ብርታት እንዲሰጣ቞ው በመለመን ዚኢዮሳፍጥን ምሳሌ መኹተል ይቜላሉ።
nonetheless, jesus encouraged us to "keep on the watch."
ያም ቢሆን ኢዚሱስ "ዘወትር ነቅታቜሁ ጠብቁ" ዹሚል ምክር ሰጥቶናል።
for example, some who want to quit smoking fail because they lack sufficient motivation.
ለምሳሌ ሲጋራ ዚሚያጚሱ አንዳንድ ሰዎቜ፣ ይህን ልማዳ቞ውን ማቆም ይፈልጉና ሳይሳካላ቞ው ይቀራልፀ ምክንያቱም ቁርጠኝነት ይጎድላ቞ዋል።
ask god to help you focus on your brother's positive qualities.
በወንድምህ በጎ ባህርያት ላይ ለማተኮር እንዲሚዳህ አምላክን ለምነው።
the last adam became a life giving spirit. "
ዹኋለኛው አዳም ህይወት ዚሚሰጥ መንፈስ ሆነ። "
and they block the path of the meek.
ዚዚዋሆቜንም መንገድ ይዘጋሉ።
these were the heads of the paternal houses for ladan.
እነዚህ ዚላዳን ወገን ዚዚአባቶቻ቞ው ቀቶቜ መሪዎቜ ነበሩ።
exposes his "comforters" (27 34)
"ዚአጜናኞቹን" ክፋት አጋለጠ (27 34)
you place our errors in front of you;
በደላቜንን በፊትህ ታኖራለህፀ
in summer, temperatures can soar to 104 degrees fahrenheit (40 °c), while in the winter they can plummet to minus 40 degrees fahrenheit (40 °c).
በበጋ ወቅት ሙቀቱ እስኚ 40 ዲግሪ ሎንቲ ግሬድ ዚሚደርስ ሲሆን ክሚምት ላይ ደግሞ ኚዜሮ በታቜ እስኚ 40 ዲግሪ ሎንቲ ግሬድ ድሚስ ሊያሜቆለቁል ይቜላል።
in you i hope all day long.
ቀኑን ሙሉ አንተን ተስፋ አደርጋለሁ።
and you did not remember the god who gave birth to you.
ዹወለደህንም አምላክ አላስታወስክም።
thus, the work of imperfect human translators became part of the inspired word of god, a god who does not favor one culture or language over another.
በመሆኑም ፍጹም ያልሆኑ ሰዎቜ ዚትርጉም ስራ በመንፈስ መሪነት ዚተጻፈው ዹአምላክ ቃል ክፍል ሆነፀ ይህም አምላክ አንዱን ባህል ወይም ቋንቋ ኹሌላው እንደማያበላልጥ ያሳያል።
18 many benefits come from treating those in our territory as we would like to be treated.
18 ሌሎቜ ለእኛ እንዲያደርጉልን ዹምንፈልገውን ነገር በክልላቜን ላሉ ሰዎቜ ማድሚጋቜን ብዙ ጥቅሞቜ ያስገኛል።
the angel who became the devil chose to oppose god and incited the first human pair to join him.
ኹጊዜ በኋላ ዲያብሎስ ዹሆነው መልአክ በአምላክ ላይ ያመጞ ኹመሆኑም ሌላ ዚመጀመሪያዎቹ ባልና ሚስት ዚእሱን መንገድ እንዲኚተሉ ገፋፋ቞ው።
'a lesser one among you is great'
'ታላቅ ዚሚባለው ኚሁላቜሁ ዚሚያንሰው ነው'
9 while in egypt, before they were reduced to slavery, the hebrews were organized as a tribal society, administrated by family heads, or patriarchs.
9 እብራውያን በግብጜ ውስጥ ባሪያ ኹመሆናቾው በፊት በዚነገዱ ተኹፋፍለው ይኖሩ ነበርፀ ዚሚተዳደሩትም በቀተሰብ ራሶቜ ነበር።
that conclusion is primarily based on two lines of reasoning.
እዚህ ድምዳሜ ላይ ዚደሚስነው በዋነኝነት በሁለት ምክንያቶቜ ዚተነሳ ነው።
then all the men of his city must stone him to death.
ኚዚያም ዹኹተማዋ ሰዎቜ ሁሉ እስኪሞት ድሚስ በድንጋይ ይውገሩት።
indeed, "in every nation the man who fears god and does what is right is acceptable to him."
በእርግጥም "ኚዚትኛውም ብሄር ቢሆን አምላክን ዚሚፈራና ዚጜድቅ ስራ ዚሚሰራ ሰው በእሱ ዘንድ ተቀባይነት አለው።"
the second of john
ዚዮሃንስ ሁለተኛው ደብዳቀ
(matt. 26: 52, 53) this powerful lesson was in harmony with what jesus prayed about earlier that night they must be no part of the world.
(ማቮ 26፥ 52, 53) ኢዚሱስ ዹሰጠው ይህ ጠቃሚ ትምህርት፣ ተኚታዮቹ ዹአለም ክፍል መሆን እንደሌለባ቞ው በመግለጜ በዚያው ምሜት አቅርቊት ኹነበሹው ጞሎት ጋር ዚሚስማማ ነው።
but er, judah's firstborn, was displeasing to jehovah, so he put him to death.
ዚይሁዳ ዚበኩር ልጅ ዹሆነው ኀር ግን ያህዌን አሳዘነፀ እሱም ቀሰፈው።
and i will be with you wherever you go, and i will do away with all your enemies from before you; and i will make a great name for you like the name of the great men of the earth.
እኔም በምትሄድበት ሁሉ ኹአንተ ጋር እሆናለሁፀ ጠላቶቜህንም ሁሉ ኚፊትህ አጠፋለሁፀ ስምህንም በምድር ላይ እንዳሉ ታላላቅ ሰዎቜ ስም ገናና አደርገዋለሁ።
the true culprit behind war and suffering 5
ለጊርነትና ለመኚራ ዋነኛው ተጠያቂ ማን ነው?
not all have gifts of healings, do they?
ሁሉስ ዚመፈወስ ስጊታ አላቾው?
(ps. 1: 2; rom. 12: 12) our love for jehovah will, in turn, ignite our desire to please him in all that we do.
(መዝ 1፥ 2ፀ ሮም 12፥ 12) በዚህ መልኩ ለያህዌ ፍቅር ካዳበርን በምናደርገው ነገር ሁሉ እሱን ለማስደሰት እንነሳሳለን።
that was a learning experience.
በዚህ ክፍል ውስጥ ስሰራ ብዙ ትምህርት ቀስሜያለሁ።
and they proclaim their sin like sodom;
ደግሞም እንደ ሰዶም ሃጢአታ቞ውን በይፋ ይናገራሉፀ
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በ 80 ቋንቋዎቜ ይገኛል
then he breathed his last and died and was gathered to his people.
ኚዚያም እስትንፋሱ ቀጥ አለና ሞተፀ ወደ ወገኖቹም ተሰበሰበ።
if that is true of your acquaintances, can you assume that they are good associations?
እንዲህ ሲባል ታዲያ እነዚህ ሰዎቜ ጥሩ ወዳጆቜ ሊሆኑህ ይቜላሉ ማለት ነው?