stringlengths 3
| am
stringlengths 1
mark 4: 1 9. | áá 4ᥠ1 9
unlike epidemics that send doctors racing to discover a cure, this scourge is eminently curable; the solution is well known. | ááªáᜠááµáááµ áááááµ ášáá°áááážá áášááœáᜠá á°ááš ááá© áá
á áá
á°ááµ á ááá ááµáá áá»ááဠáááµáá ášá³áá ááá¢
look! on my palms i have engraved you. | á¥ááᣠá á¥á áá³á áá ááá¬á»ááá¢
if god is left out of the picture, what role does faith play? | á áááá ášáá á«áŽá á«áá¡áµ á³á²á« áááááµ áá ášáá«áá°á áá ááá«á?
the church handed down the death sentence; the state carried it out. | á€á° áááµá²á«á ášááµ áááµ áµáµá áá ááááµáµ ááá±á á«áµááœá áá áá¢
8 while on earth, jesus helped his disciples to see the importance of god's kingdom. | 8 á¢ášá±áµ ááµá áá á áá ášá áµ áá
áµá£ á°á ááááá± ášá ááá ááááµáµ áá á«á
á áµáá
áŠá³ á¥áá³áá á¥áá²áááá¡ ášáµá·ážááá¢
what can we learn from noah? | ášáá
áá á¥ááá«áá?
they were evidently using god's sacred name in a blasphemous, disrespectful way. | ášááá³á áášá³áµ á¥áá°áá»áá á¥ááá
á°áᜠášá áááá á
á±áµ áµáᣠá áá¥á®áµ á áá°ááá á¥á±á á áá«ááá ááááµ áá ááá áµ áá áá¢
then he quit preventing him. | á áá
áá á®áááµ ááá°ááµá¢
although the pagan babylonians were allowed to bring about that destruction, they were serving as jehovah's executioners. | á¢ášá©á³ááá á«á ááµ á ášááá«á ášáááµ á£á¢áááá«áᣠášá«á
á áááµ á áµáá»ááᜠááá á ááááááá¢
also, in all the nations, the good news has to be preached first. | á áµááµáá ááµá«á¹ áá¥áá«áµ áá áá°á á á áá áµá¢
is enduring love possible? | ášááášáµá áá
á ááá ááœáá?
genesis 19: 1 38 | ááá¥ášáµ 19ᥠ1 38
yes, we need to bear in mind our reward of everlasting life, be it in heaven or on earth. | á ááᣠá°áµááœá á°ááá ááá ááµá ááááá ášáááá á
áááµ áœááá³áœáá ááµá³ááµ áááá¥ááá¢
even if we ourselves have not been victims, such wicked people still affect us. | á¥áá²á
á«á á¥ááµ á°áá¶á¥á ášáá«áá
á¢áá á¥áá³ áá á°áᜠá á¥á áá á°áœá¥á áá³á°á«ážá á ááááá¢
seven nations to be destroyed (1 6) | áá¥ááµ á«áá£ážá á°á£áµ á¥áá«áµ (1 6)
that when i declare the good news, i may offer the good news without cost, to avoid abusing my authority in the good news. | ášááµá«á¹ áá á á°á«á«á áµáá£áá á ááá£á¥ á¥áá³áá ááá áµ ááµá«á¹á á áá°á¥áá áµ áá ááµá«á¹á á«áááá« áá
ášá¥ ááá¢
i satisfied their needs, | á¥áá ášáá«áµáááážáá ááá á ááááážáá€
abijah, king of judah (1 22) | á á¢á«á
á ááá³ áá ááá° (1 22)
i have been assigned to give you a harsh message. | áá¥á áá á¥ááµáááᜠá³áá£ááá¢
do not limit yourself; on each list, write down as many as you can think of. | ášá°áá°á ááá¶áœá á¥á» áá»á á¥áá³áá¥á
á áá°áá
ဠá á¥á«áá³áá± áááá áá áá° á á¥áá®á
ášáá£áá áááµ áá á»áá¢
so that jehovah's people are well fed spiritually. | ášá«á
á á
ááŠáœ á áááá³á á ááᣠá¥áá²ááá¡ ááá¢
such attributes put an immeasurable gulf between humans and all other living creatures on earth. | á¥ááá
ááá®áœ á°ááœá á ááµá áá á«á ááᜠá
á«áá áá¥ášá³áµ á áá á¥á
á ášá°áá© á¥áá²áá á áµáááážááá¢
for it is not the one who recommends himself who is approved, but the one whom jehovah recommends. | á°áá£áááµ ášáá«ááá á«á±á á¥á á¥áá°áá á áµáá ášáá«ááᥠá³ááá á«á
á á¥á áá ášááá á°á áááá¢
jews' lack of faith fulfills prophecy (38 43) | á ááá³áá«á á¥áá°áá«áá ášá°ááášá áµáá¢áµ á°áážá (38 43)
lot and his family urged to leave (12 22) | áá¥á á€á°á°á¡ ášá°ááá ááá á¥áá²áá¡ á°ááá«ážá (12 22)
thanks for the colossians' faith (3 8) | ášáááµááµ áááµá²á«áᜠáá³á©áµ á¥áááµ ášáášá ááµáá (3 8)
my friend became my go to person whenever i did not understand why people reacted in certain ways. | á°áᜠá ááµ ááá á«á°ášáá áµ áááá«áµ áá« á²áá£á áá°áá¬á áá á¥á ááá³ááá¢
instead of longing for a position in the congregation, enjoy your work in the ministry! | á áá£á€ ááµá¥ áá¥áµ áááááµ ášááááµ ááá
áµá©ášá³áœáá á á ááááá³áœá áá á áµáá!
but now they said we don't have to present our optional policy; they said our task is to oppose, "and continuing his speech, meles zenawi said" if they don't present their optional policy and identify the points that differentiate them from eprdf, and cooperate with what we agree, what can be done if they said our task is just to oppose, "he asked. | á áá áá ášááá² á áá«á®áœá áá
ášá¥ ášáá¥ááဠáµá«áœá áááá áá á¥ááá "á áááµ ášáá ááµ áááµ ááá" ášááá² á áá«á á«ááášá¡ ášá¢á
á áŽá áá ášáááµááá áµá áá¥á¥ ááá°á á«áá³á© á áá«áµááá á¥ášá°á£á ááᣠá ááá«ášáá á¥ášá³ááá ášáááµ ááá
á°áá£á«áœá á³ááá áá á«á áá ááµášá áá»áá "á áááµ á ááááá¢
will a reed grow tall without water? | ážáá ááµ áá á ááá áµ áŠá³ á«áµáá?
(john 4: 24) yet, the bible reports that some people have, in a sense, seen god. | (á®áááµ 4ᥠ24) ááá á áá³ááµ á°áᜠá áááá á¥áá³á©áµ á ááœáá á
á±áµ áá á°ááá¿áá¢
(matt. 19: 5, 6, 9) by making the best of their situation and even seeking to improve it, they uphold jehovah's righteous way of ruling. | (áᎠ19ᥠ5, 6, 9) áááµá²á«áᜠáµá³á«ážá áµá¬á³á á¥áá²áá ášá°á»áážáá áá á¥ášáµ á ááµášá ášá«á
áá ášáœáµá
á ááá á¥áá°áá°áá áá³ášáµ ááœááá¢
16. why should we expect god's people to be united? | 16. ášá ááá á
áᥠá ááµááµ á¥áá²áá«ážá áá á á áááá«á³á ášááá ááááµá áá?
we carefully hid the publications after each study was over. | á¥áá á¥á«áá³áá±á á¥ááµ áµáášááµ áœááá¹á á¥áá³ááá á¥áá°á¥áážá áá áá¢
in the morning, pharaoh awoke deeply agitated over the dreams, so he called on all his wise men and magic practicing priests to interpret them. | áááŠá á ááµ ášá¥áá
áá á²áá á á
ááá¹ ášá°áá³ á¥á
á á³áášá€ á áááá ášáá¥áœá á á¢á£áá á áµáá°á ášáááµá á«á
ááµ á áá á áµá áᶠá
ááá¹á á¥áá²á°ášááááµ á ášáážáá¢
or do you find yourself trying to fit theocratic activities between periods of leisure? | áááµ á²áŠáá«á²á«á á¥áá
áµááŽááœá ááááá á áá°á£áœááµ áá ááµá¥ á¥áá°ááá á á£á£áœá áááµáá£áµ á¥ášáµ á³á°ááááœá?
the defendant lawyers also asked the court to rule out the investigation center's request for additional day for it can not be believed that the accused individuals would be engaged in dismissing documents away form their teaching and engaging in research works. | á á áá¹ á á«áááá á°ášá³áŸá¹ ášááµá°áá áµá«á áááá ášáá«ááµ á ááá áášáááœá á áá¥ááµ á°áá£á áá°áá«á á°á¥áá áµáááá ášá á© áááµ á€á± ášáááá« ááá á«áášá áá áááá«á³á ášá°ášá᪠áá áá á® ááµá
á ááµášá ášááµáµá áá¥á³ážá á¥áá²á á á
áážá á ááááá¢
if your wealth increases, do not set your heart on it. | áá¥á³áœá á¢á á áá£áœáá á á¥á± áá á áµá£áá¢
"repay our neighbors sevenfold" (12) | 'áášá€á¶á»áœáá á°á£áµ á¥á¥á á áµááá
á¥áµá«á³ážáá áááážá' (12)
for the whole land has been destroyed. | ááµáªá± á áá ááµáááœáá¢
eplf forces were encountered by resistance in all areas it had put under control, killing individuals, arresting them in houses and even burning them. | á»á¥á¢á« á á°áá£á á«ážá á á«á£á¢áᜠášá
áᥠá°ááá á¥á«áá ááᣠá á«áážá áŠá³áᜠášááááµá áááªáᜠášá°á« ááµá« ááá® á á€áµ ááµá¥ á ááá á¥áµášááá á á°ášá á°áá·áá¢
thorns will grow in her fortified towers, | á ááá°áá© áááá¿ áá á¥áŸá
looking closely into it, i observed four footed animals of the earth, wild beasts, reptiles, and birds of heaven. | áá
á ááá áµá©á á¥á¬ áµááášáµ á á«áµ á¥áá á«áážá ášááµá á¥ááµá³áµá£ ášá±á á á«ááµá£ á ááµá áá ášáá³á¡ áá¥ášá³áµá ášá°áá ááᜠá ášáá¢
he waits to seize the helpless one. | ááµáªáá á°á ááá«á áá á£á ááá¢
therefore, whoever eats the loaf or drinks the cup of the lord unworthily will be guilty respecting the body and the blood of the lord. | á¥ááá²á
ášáááá£á áá á³á ášáá£á ášáá á ááá ášáá³ áœá ášáá ᣠášáá³ á á«áá á°á áá á á°á«á«á á°á á«á ááááá¢
it is always a great privilege to explain bible truth and to see people's eyes light up with joy and understanding. | ášááœáá á
á±áµá á¥ááá¶áœ áá°áᜠááááá áá
á á¥áááµ á°ášáµá°á áá³ážá á á°áµá³ á²áá« áášáµ áá»á á³áá
áá¥áµ ááá¢
1 corinthians 15: 33. | 1 áá®áá¶áµ 15ᥠ33
"i was on a three person phone call. | "á¶áµáµ ááá á ááµ áá á áµáá á¥á«áá«á áá áá¢
he believed that the bible's account of creation is accurate and that the design, elegance, and order evident in nature point to a divine architect. | á ááœáá á
á±áµ ááµá¥ ášáááá ášáá¥ášáµ ááᣠáµááá á¥áá°áá á¥áá²áá á á°áá¥á® áá ášáá³ášá ááµáᣠáá áµá áµáá áµ ááá®á³á ááµá á á᪠ááá©á á¥áá°áá áá á«áá áá áá¢
he told the first lie and deceived eve so that she disobeyed jehovah. | ášááááªá«áá áážáµ á áááá ááá á á«á
á áá á¥ááµá³áᜠá á³áááµá¢
what must we do if we are to overturn "strongly entrenched" false doctrines? | á¥áá° "ááœá" á«á ášáá°áµ áµáá
áá¶áœá ááá°áááµ áá ááµášá áááá¥áá?
built a tower in the middle of it, | á áá«ášá áá ááá£á€
as they did that work, eventually the "good news of the kingdom would be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations." | áá
á áµá« á²á«ášááá ááµ á ááµ "ášááááµá± ááµá«áœ áá
ááŠáœ áá ááµáá á¥áá²áá á ááá ááµá áá°á á«áá¢"
toward the end of his life, jesus said: "i am leaving the world and am going my way to the father." | á¢ášá±áµ ášááá± á¥ááµ áá°á á¥á "á ááá áµáŒ áá° á ᥠáááµ áá" á¥á áá áá¢
but a cruel messenger will be sent to punish him. | ááá á¥á±á á¥áá²áᣠášá«á ááá¥áá°á áááá á³áá¢
you will never regret it! "gary, from north carolina, has 30 years' experience in construction management. | á¥áá²á
á ááµášááœá ááœá á áµáá©á! "ášá°áá á«á®ááá ášáá£á á᪠á ááá£á³ áµá« á áµáªá«á
ááµ áš 30 á ááµ á°ááá® á ááá¢
early 1900's biochemist phoebus levene discovered the order of certain chemical components of dna and how these combine to form a chainlike molecule. | á 1900 áá¹ ááááªá« áá áµ ááªá ášá°á£á ášá£á®á¬ááµáµáª á£ááá« á á² á€á ဠááµá¥ á«á ášá áá³ááµ ášá¬áá«á áá¥áš ááá®áœá á
á°á á°ášá°á á¥áá²áá á¥ááá
áá¥áš ááá®áœ á¥áá° á°áá°ááµ á«á áááªáá áááµá«áµ ášáááá±á áµá ááááµ á°ášá±á áµá¢
matt. 25: 19. | áᎠ25ᥠ19
in recent decades, parents have been encouraged to yield to their children's desires; to praise them generously, even if they did nothing praiseworthy; to withhold correction and discipline. | ášá
áᥠá áµáá° á áá³áµ áá²á
ᣠáááᜠááá»ážá ášáááááµá áá á¥áá²á«á°áááážáᣠááá ášáá«áµáá°áá ááá á£áá°á©á á¥áá³ á á¥áá°á á¥áá²á«áá°ááážá á¥áá²áá áááá»ážá á¥áááµá á°áá³áœ ášááµá áµ á¥áá²áá á¡ á²áášá© ááá°ááá¢
15 in today's me first, self centered generation, it is not easy to talk about counsel and discipline, let alone to accept such. | 15 áᬠá£áá á«áµ áá³áµá á¥á áá
á°á á£á á áá áµáááµ ááµá¥ áááá á°áá³áœ ááá á áá
áá áµá á¥ááá
ááá®áœ ááá³áµ á á«á± á áµážá᪠ááá¢
(prov. 12: 18) moreover, let us "be swift about hearing" and "slow about speaking." | (áá³á 12ᥠ18) á á°ášááªá 'áááµááµ ášáá áá á¥á ááááá ášááášá' áááá ááá£áá¢
she made the statements after a meeting with the speaker of the portuguese parliament, joao mota amaral. | áááá«áá ášá°á áœá ášááá¹áá áááá áá á áá£á ášáá አáá³ á áá«á áá ášá°áááᜠá áá áá áá¢
awake! magazine is carefully researched. | áá! ááœááµ á¥ááá ášá°ááá áµ áááá á°á°áá ášáááá
9. why is early detection of sinful tendencies very important? | 9. á«áá¥áá ášáá¢á áµ ááá£ááᜠá¶á ááááœá á á£á á áµááá ášááá ááááµá áá?
i have exalted a chosen one from among the people. | ášá
áá¡á áá«ášá ášá°áášá áá ášá ášá á á°ášáá©á¢
all together they will roar just like young lions. | ááá á á ááµááµ á¥áá° á°áŠá á áá á³ á«áá³áá¢
racism | áášáááµ
however, i have everything i need and even more. | ááá á¥áá ášáá«áµáááá ááá ááᣠá¥áá²á«áá ášáá«áµáááá á áá á ááá¢
14. what helped david to have jehovah's view on matters? | 14. á³ááµ ášá«á
áá á ááá«ášáµ á¥áá²áá ášášá³á áááµá áá?
"our aim is for readers to understand the text the very first time they read it. | "á áááœá á áá£á¢á«á áœááá á²á«áá¥á¡áµ áá²á«áá á¥áá²áá£ážá ááµášá ááá¢
colette, mentioned earlier, who lives in france, wrote: "i often told my children that i loved them. | á áášáá³á ášááµáášáá áá á ááá
ášáááœá á®ááµ á¥áá²á
á áááµ áœáááœá¥ "á¥á áá áááጠá¥áá°ááá³ážá á¥ááá«ážáááá¢
when god's kingdom exercises rulership over the earth, an "abundance of peace" will prevail forever. | ášá ááá ááááµáµ ááµáá ááááµ á²ááá "á³áá
á°áá" ááááá áá°áááá¢
and still today their followers are singing that same song, they're tuning it up. | á áá á°áá á°á áááá®á»ážá á«áá áááá á¥ášááá©á£ á
áá±áá á¥á«ášášá© ááááá¢
in fact, mother warned me not to, for fear of my becoming polluted by its teachings. | á¥áá²á«áá á¥áᎠá¥áá« áá á ááááµ áµáá
áá¶áœ á¥áá³áá ášá áµáá°áᜠááœá á¥áá³ááá á á áµá áá
but i gained peace of mind, and i had more time for my family and other things that i truly value. " | á«á á¢áá á áá ášá á¥áá® á°áá á ááဠá¥áá²áá áá€á°á°á€á áµáá
áŠá³ ááá°á£ážá ááá®áœ á°ášá᪠áá á ááá»ááᢠ"
despite their violent ways, jehovah said to jonah: "should i not also feel sorry for nineveh the great city, in which there are more than 120,000 men who do not even know right from wrong?" (jonah 4: 11) jehovah viewed the ninevites as spiritually disadvantaged, and he mercifully commissioned jonah to warn them. | á¥ááá
á°áᜠá áážáᜠášáá á© á¢ááá á«á
á á¥áá±á á áµáááᶠáá®ááµ á¥áá²á
á¥áá³áᥠ"áµáááá áµá
á°áµ ášáááá ááá ááá°á ášáá«áá áš 120,000 á áá ášááá á°ááœá á áá«á³ á¥ááµá¶á»ážá áááá©á£áµ áá³ááá± ášá°á áááá ááá á ááá£á?" (á®ááµ 4ᥠ11) á«á
á ášááá á°áᜠá áááá³á á¥áá°á°áá± áµáá°áááá ááµá áááá« á¥áá²á°á£ážá á®ááµá á ááá áá
ášáµ á á³áá·ážááá¢
he reports, "the brothers gave me helpful, practical counsel." | áááµáᜠá ááá á°áá£á«á ááá ášááœá ááá á°á¡á "á¥ááá¢
the clash between eprdf army and arduf forces are spreading to other areas and war is being set on fire, it was disclosed. | á á¢ááŽá á°á«ááµá á á áá±á áááᜠáá«ášá ášáá«áá°á áááµ áá° ááᜠá á«á£á¢ááœá á¥ášá°áµáá á ááá ášáŠáááµ áá« á¥á«áá£á á ááá á³áááá¢
a prominent businessman in bombay gives a similar testimonial: "i have been taking it daily since 1961." | "áš 1961 ááá® á ášáá á¥á ááá áµ áá á" á áááµ ášáŠáဠášá³áá ááᎠá°áá³á³á ááµááááµ á°á¥á·áá¢
in his hand is the life of every living thing | ášá
á«á ááá áá á
his winnowing shovel is in his hand, and he will clean up his threshing floor completely and will gather his wheat into the storehouse, but the chaff he will burn up with fire that cannot be put out. " | ááá³áá á á¥á áááဠá ááµáááá ááœá á«ážá³áဠáµááŽááá áá° áá°á« á«áµáá£áဠááá£áá áá á ááá á á¥á³áµ á«áá¥áááᢠ"
can the bible's claims really be true? | á³á²á« á ááœáá á
á±áµ áá ášá°áá©áµ á¥ááá
áá³áŠáœ á¥áááµ áážá?
they influenced many to look down on jesus as a mere carpenter and on his disciples as "uneducated and ordinary men." | ážáááµá ááªá³áá«áᣠá¥ááᜠá¢ášá±áµá á¥áá° á°á« á áẠá¥áá²áá¥á©áµá á°á ááááá±áá "á«áá°áá© á°á« á°ááœ" á¥áá°áá á áµááá á¥áá²ááášá·ážá á°áœá¥á á áµááááá¢
what can you do before, during, and after a disaster to improve the likelihood of your survival? | ášá á°á ášááµášá ášá°á»á á áá£á á¥áá²áá«áœá ášá á°á á ááµá£ á á á°áá áá á¥á ášá á°áá á áá áá áá³á°áá áµáœáááœá?
for you will drive away the canaanites, even though they are strong and have war chariots with iron scythes. " | áááá«á±á ášáá ááá«á ášá¥ášáµ áááµ ášá°áá ááážá ášáŠá á°ášááᜠá«áážáá á¥áá±áᜠá¢ááá á¥áá³ ášááµá© á³á£áá¯ážáááœáᢠ"
to help us remember this, a striking vision introduces us to riders on horses not just regular horses but color coded ones. | áá
á áµáá¢áµ áááµá³ááµ á¥áá²ášá³á á²á£á ášá°áá«á© ááááµ á£áážá áášá¶áœ áá áµáá°ááá¡ ááá¢áᜠášáááᜠá áµá°áá á«á¥á á áá
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but obviously not all are at that point. | ááá ááá ášááááµá á°ášá áá á°áá°áá áááµ á áá°ááá¢
but rather than being "fishers of men," christendom's clergy seem more concerned with merely keeping the "fish" they already have. | áá³ááµá± á°áá "á°á á á¥áááœ" ášááá ááá
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indeed, i wait silently for god | áá á¥á¬ á áááá á¥á á£á áááá€
he discovered florida, u.s.a., in the process but died a few years later after a skirmish with native americans. | áá
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my father was french, and my mother is italian. | á á£áŽ áášáá³á á²áá á¥áᎠá£áá«áá ááµá¢
the encouragement and support they received from one another played a key role in turning that death march into a march of survival for them. | á¥ááµ á ááµ áá ášá³á³á³ážáá áá°áááážá ášáá« ášááµ áá á á
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when you walk, your steps will not be hindered; | á ááµááá áµ áá á¥áááá
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the next article will help to answer these questions. | á ááá¥áá áá¥áµ áá¥ááá
á¥á«ááᜠáááµ á¥áááááá¢
but you have agreed to tell me something false and deceitful until the situation changes. | á¥ááá° áá ááá³á á¥áµáªááᥠáµášáµá£ ášáá áážáµá áá³áá« ááµááá©á á°áµááá³áœááá¢
according to 1 timothy 3: 1, "if a man is reaching out to be an overseer, he is desirous of a fine work." | 1 á¢ááŽááµ 3ᥠ1 "ášá áá á°ááá«áœ áááá ášáá£á£á ááááá á°á ááá«á áµá«á áááá" áááá¢
teaching campaign (7 9) | ášááµá°áá ááá» (7 9)
the cultivating of spiritual qualities is an ongoing process. | áááá³á á£á
áá«áµá áá³á á áá£áááµ á«áá áá°áµ ááá¢
all day long i am ill. | ááá áá á³ááá ááá¢
Subsets and Splits