translation |
"chr": "áá á¤ááŠá¸á-á áŚá´áľ á§á¸áá á¤á§áŻá áá´ á¤áŚááá.",
"en": "The old hag loved fog and smoke."
} |
"chr": "á á´ á˘ááŚáá ážáአááŚáĽ ááŚáľááááᲠá¤ážáááśá áŁáá á˘áłážáľáááááą áááááśá áŁáá á˘áłážáľáááááą ááá¸áŤáááᲠá¤ááłá
ᯠá¤áá¨áłáŻ, ážáአហá¨áĽáŻá
á áĽáŠ ážááŠáŻ á¤áá
"en": "And we know that to them that love God all things work together for good, even to them that are called according to his purpose."
} |
"chr": "á áá´á
á˛á á áŠáŹáá áŚá¸áááł á áá
á áĄáłá áááá¸áŠ, á¤ááˇá¤áŠ, ážááŠáŻ á á´ áĽáŠáˇá¤á¸ ááá´áááŹá˘.",
"en": "And as I began to speak, the Holy Spirit fell on them, even as on us at the beginning."
} |
"chr": "á ážáááľáááá˛á á¤áŹáŤáłáŻ á á´ á ášá á á
ááŹá˘, áŚá¸áááł á áá
á áŻá ááŞáá˘; áááŠáŻááá´áá ááá á á´ ááł á§áá¸áŤáááááą áŚáĽáŻáá°á á¤áŹáŠáľ.",
"en": "And as they ministered to the Lord, and fasted, the Holy Spirit said, Separate me Barnabas and Saul for the work whereunto I have called them."
} |
"chr": "á¤áľá°ááá¨á˘, á¤ááŚááľ á áŠá áŤáᏠá áŚá´á˘.",
"en": "Groaning and complaining, he pulled himself slowly to the ceiling."
} |
"chr": "á á´ á
á á¤áľáá˛áá˘, á á´ á áᏠá á°ááłá á¤ááž-ááŚáłáŤá˘áááą á á°áľ ááľááĄá°á˘.",
"en": "the sunâs light failing: and the veil of the temple was rent in the midst."
} |
"chr": "áŠáłáá´ áá´á
"en": "Mrs. Zuckerman wasted no time."
} |
"chr": "áĽáá á¤áᨠáŻá ááŞáá´á˘, ášá, ášá, á¤áŁá á§áá´á
á áŁáŚááŻáá á¤áľáŻááá á á´ áŁááŻááá;",
"en": "But the Lord answered and said unto her, Martha, Martha, thou art anxious and troubled about many things:"
} |
"chr": "ááŠá´ á˘áŚ ááŽáąáŁ, áŠáŚ á¤á
á áááŠáĄáž áá´ áŠáŚ á§áááááŞáá á¤áᯠáá
áŚáłáŽáž á°áť, á áá
ááᨠáááááŠá áá á¤ážááĽ.",
"en": "That afternoon, when Mr. Zuckerman went to milk the cows and clean out the tieâups, he was still thinking about what a wondrous pig he owned."
} |
"chr": "âᣠááááŠá¨á˘.",
"en": "âNot a particle."
} |
"chr": "ááá˛á˛ááŠ, áźá áŁáŞáŞáłáá¸áŠ áŻá ááŠáŞáá¸áŠ, á ážáľá
á áŠáś á á˛áąáá¨áá, á á´ á¤ááľá˘ á˘áŚá§áŻáŻáá¨áá, á§áŞáĽá áááŚá§áŻáŻááŹáž á˘á¨ááá, á ážáľá
á á áŻááá¨áá á¤ááľá˘, á á´ ážáአá ážáľá
á á§áŞáĽ áááŻááááŽáá.",
"en": "Teacher, Moses wrote unto us, If a manâs brother die, and leave a wife behind him, and leave no child, that his brother should take his wife, and raise up seed unto his brother."
} |
"chr": "áá§áá˘áá ááŞáŞá¸ á§á
ááአáááłá áŹáá¨á ááŹá á¤ááááŠá á¤áˇáŻáá.",
"en": "He said that the words on the spider's web proved that human beings must always be on the watch for the coming of wonders."
} |
"chr": "áá˘ááŠá á§áᨠá¤áŹááŞá¸áá˘, áŻá ááŞáá˘, áá᪠á¤ááłá
ᯠáąážá°áጠá¤á áąá ááŁááŞááḠáĽáŠ?",
"en": "But the other answered, and rebuking him said, Dost thou not even fear God, seeing thou art in the same condemnation?"
} |
"chr": "áážá´áŠ á á áááá.",
"en": "Tomorrow you will probably win a prize."
} |
"chr": "ážááĽá á ááŻáłá˛áአá¤ážááĄá¨á˘, á á´ á á°áľá áá
á ááŚáĽ á§áŹáŠáśá á¤áá˛á˘;",
"en": "And all that believed were together, and had all things common;"
} |
"chr": "á áá¨áłá˛ááŠ.",
"en": "Sow bugs"
} |
"chr": "áŚá á¤áŠá áŤáá§á á§áłááá
á á°áľ, áąáážáá§ážá
á áĽáá˛áŻ áá´ á ááá˛áŻ áážáááľáŞ.",
"en": "He fixed his eyes on the ground between his feet, for it is the meeting of eyes that most identifies prey to predator."
} |
"chr": "ážáአážáá áŞáŠá¸ááááŹá˘ á¤áŁáአáŞáŠáá¸á
áŠ; á˘áŁáŚááŠáá áŞáŚáľáááłáá¸áŠ á§áá´áłá
á áŁáŚáľááá¸áá.",
"en": "who also honored us with many honors; and when we sailed, they put on board such things as we needed."
} |
"chr": "âáŠáśá ážááŞáᏠáŚááŚáŚ,â á¤áá á áŚá´áľ á¤áááž áá á¤áááááž.",
"en": "âI heard the frogs today,â said the old sheep one evening."
} |
"chr": "á˘áŁá˘áá á˘áŁáľáĽáá˛áá¨áá, áŻá ááĽáŞáá¨áá; áŚá¸áłá áĄáŻ á¤áŹáŤáłáŻ á¨á áĄááŚááł ááŻá˘.",
"en": "And as ye go, preach, saying, The kingdom of heaven is at hand."
} |
"chr": "áááŻá áŚáἠááŠáśáŤá, á§á
áḠá áá´áŚá áááľá¤.",
"en": "He climbed the rope that hung on the wall and disappeared through a hole in the ceiling."
} |
"chr": "áá á¤áŠáĽáŹá¸áŽ á˘áŚáŞáá.",
"en": "Then he tore a word out of the paper, rolled it up, and started back to Wilburâs pen."
} |
"chr": "áŁááá᪠áŁáá
"en": "Do you feel all right?â"
} |
"chr": "ááľá áąá°áŁ áŤáľáť, á¤ááŚá áá á áŚáá˛áᏠá¤áááŠá¸ áá´ áĄááŞáŻ á¤á°áĽááŹ.",
"en": "The second time Wilbur woke, he heard the goose turning on her nest and chuckling to herself."
} |
"chr": "áŚá˛áá áŹáž á á´ áᯠá á´ ááááŠáአáĽáá á¤ážááá´ á ááŻ.",
"en": "There seemed to be few turkey or quail or even songbirds left in the woods."
} |
"chr": "áŚá¸áłá á˘áŚá áłááááŠáá
ááááśáá, á°áľ á˘áŚ á§ážááá¨á á§ážááłááá, áŚá
áŻá á ážááŞááŹ, áŤáááłááᏠáἠááááśáá, á ááŚáŻááŹ, ááŚááŚá¸á áąá¨ááž ááááśáá, ááŞáŞáśá á˘ááŞáááą áĄáłá.",
"en": "When the soldiers had a great heap of timber, enough to build a whole settlement of cabins, they dug a huge rectangular trench and sank the butts of the pine trunks and erected them each by each like a giant pale fence to make a palisade, the logs with the bark still on but white and sharp at the tips as trimmed pencils."
} |
"chr": "áżáá á áá§á áŚáľáŚá á¤áŞá¸ á áá, á á´ áŹáŠááŹáŻááááŠ, á¤ááŞá˛ áşáľ á¤áľáááł áá´á
á á´ á¤ááŞá¨ áŹáŠáááŠáááŠ, áŻá áááŞááŠ; ááŚááᲠáŠáŚá ážáż áŽáááŞááľ.",
"en": "The Jews then who were with her in the house, and were consoling her, when they saw Mary, that she rose up quickly and went out, followed her, supposing that she was going unto the tomb to weep there."
} |
"chr": "á¤ááŻááᎠáŚáŹááᏠáŹá á¤á˛ááá á¤áŹá áĄááŞáŻ á¨á á§á¸áŹá˘. á áá ááŠá á¤áŠá á á§ááŽá˘ á¤áŠáá á ᤠá¤ážáľá˘, áŻá¸áŻá¨ áŹáŞáŠáá áąá¨ááž.",
"en": "He hated to break the lovely stillness of dawn by using his voice, but he couldn't think of any other way to locate the mysterious new friend who was nowhere to be seen."
} |
"chr": "á°áľá áŚá˘ á˘áłáŠáŹá á¤á á° á°áť.",
"en": "Zuckerman supplies you with three big meals a day."
} |
"chr": "á¨áá á¤ááŻáł áąáĽáŚá ážááᲠáŤáľáť á¤ááˇáŠáአáąáŠ, á áá á¤ááááŠá.â",
"en": "Iâm not sure Wilburâs action is exactly radiant, but itâs interesting.â"
} |
"chr": "áŠáś áŠážáŚáł á¨ááá á¤áŹáŻáłáᢠááŁááá¸á¨áá, áĽá á ááž áá§áŞáááąá ááá á áá
"en": "But him that is weak in faith receive ye, yet not for decision of scruples."
} |
"chr": "á§áŚáᎠá˘áŁ áá
áá á¨ááŠá á˘áłáá, á¤á˛á˘á´, á ááá´ áŚá
áŞá˘áá áááŹ, á¤ážá´ááá° á áááŚáŻ áąááá´áł, áážá áŤááá˛á°ááŞ.",
"en": "In the southern mountains, a hell is a bad stretch of land, a hard place to get through, a laurel thicket so vast and dense that men go in and canât find their way out and die there."
} |
"chr": "áŞáŻá°á áááą áĽá¨áአá¤áśáᢠá áá´áḠáá§áżáŠááᯠá á´ á áŠážáᢠáĽáŠ á á´ ážáአáĽááĽáŚáżáŠááŚ,",
"en": "For there stood by me this night an angel of the God whose I am, whom also I serve,"
} |
"chr": "âá¤ááŻáł á¤ááŻ!â ááŞáᢠá¤ááŚáłáŻ.",
"en": "âWhat a night! he repeated, hoarsely."
} |
"chr": "ážááá ážáአááááĽ, áŻá á
ááŹáŠáŞááľ, áŁáŹáŤáłáŻ, á˘áłáŠáł á˘á¨áŞáĄ áŁá˛ááá¨á˘, á á´ áŁáááŠáá¨á˘, á á´ ááŁáŚáá˛áž á¨áá˘, á á´ áŁá°á¸á á¨áá˘, á á´ áŁá˘á¨á˘, á á´ ááááááą áĄáŁáááŽá˘, áá¨ááá¸á˛ážá á¨áá˘?",
"en": "Then shall they also answer, saying, Lord, when saw we thee hungry, or athirst, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister unto thee?"
} |
"chr": "áŠáłáá´ á¤áá
áá´á˘ - âááŠá
ááᢠá§áŞáĽ ááŚá
áá áá´ áŻááŠáá ááŚá á§ááá á§á
ááአá¤ážáá áŞá¨áą.",
"en": "Suddenly he had an ideaâhe thought of the egg sac and the five hundred and fourteen little spiders that would hatch in the spring."
} |
"chr": "âá áŻááŞá áąáĽáŚá?â á¤áá á§ááá´áá.",
"en": "âHow should I know? said Templeton."
} |
"chr": "á á´ áŻáŚáá áŁáá á¨á á
á ááŻáŚáᲠááŚá¸áá áŞáŞáľ, ážáአá°áľ áŻáŚááżá˘áł á˘áŹáŠáá, áŁáľááá¸áá á¨á áŤáŹáŠáľáąáśáŻáá, áŚáśáá áĽá áŻá˛á˘áłá á˘áłáŠááá.",
"en": "and that from a babe thou hast known the sacred writings which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus."
} |
"chr": "âá¤áá áąá¨á
á¨áá áá´ á¤áá áąáŁáá
"en": "âNever hurry and never worry!â"
} |
"chr": "áá§áżáŠáááá°á á˘áŹáŠááá áá¨ááž á¨áá˘, á
ááŚáľááááᏠá áŠážáŚáłáŻáł á¨á á¤áŞááľ á˘áłáŠááá, - á¤ááłá
ᯠá¤áŠá á¤áŞáĽ á§á
á ážááŠáŻ áááśááá
ᯠá ááŚáž á¤áááľ, á á´ á ááŚá á§áŹáŠá´á˘, áááŚááá´ á¤ááŞáŠá á ááŚá
á˘áá á¨á á¤ááḠá áŻáĽá˘;",
"en": "For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God, sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh:"
} |
"chr": "ážáአáŁáŠáŚáľááááአáĽáŠ ááŚáĽ áŤáá´á
á áŁáĽáŠáľá˛áŹá˘, ážáአá˘áłáŠááááą á°áľ ááŚá˛áĽáľááááá á ááŠáľá˛áŠ, áŚá˛áŹáá ážáአá ááŚáľááááአáŁáŹá áŁáŠáŚáľááááááᏠá¤ááłá
"en": "who comforteth us in all our affliction, that we may be able to comfort them that are in any affliction, through the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God."
} |
"chr": "á áᯠá§áŠá ááááŹáá´ á¤á´á¨, áŚá˛á á áááśáᨠá§ááśáŚ ááŚáá¤áŹ áŚáá¸áĽááŹ.",
"en": "Just the oaks held out against the cold with a few yellow-brown leaves left rattling in the wind."
} |
"chr": "á¤ááá áááá´á˘ áĄáśá áážáážáŠá ááŚá
"en": "Mr. Arable dashed to the driver's seat and pulled on the emergency brake."
} |
"chr": "á á˛áľá á ááá¨á˘ á á´ á¤áá
á á áľááŞáá¨á˘, á¤á§áľá¨áŻ á¨á á áŚááĽáŻáá á¨áá˘; á á´ á¤ááłá
ᯠá¤áááľáá á¨á áá§áżáŠáááŽá˘.",
"en": "And the child grew, and waxed strong, filled with wisdom: and the grace of God was upon him."
} |
"chr": "áĽáŚáá áᯠáĄáááť á¤áá˘áá
á á¨áá˘; á áá á˘áŁááľ ááŠá˘áááą, á
ááŚáľáááá áĽáᏠááŁáá
á áŤážá´áŻá˛áž á¨áá˘.",
"en": "I know that ye are Abrahamâs seed, yet ye seek to kill me, because my word hath not free course in you."
} |
"chr": "áżáá áŠáłá á˘á´á áŹáŠáá
áĄá¸áŠ áŹáŠáŞáľá°ááŠ; ážááá ááŹáŤá´á áááááᯠá ááŚá˘á˛áŠ, á¤á-á´á°á á áśáť á¨áá˘, á á´ á
ááŚáľáááááŹáŠ ážáአá¤á¸á¸á˘.",
"en": "They then that were about to examine him straightway departed from him: and the chief captain also was afraid when he knew that he was a Roman, and because he had bound him."
} |
"chr": "ááá áąá¨á¨áŤáá¨áá áááŁááŚáá˛áž ááĽááááŞáááą; áŠáśá°á ážáአážážááᲠáŚá¸áłá á áᯠá¨áĽá
áááá á§áááááŞáá
"en": "Forget not to show love unto strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares."
} |
"chr": "á á´ á¤áŁá á¤ááá°áá˘, áŻá ááŞáá˘; á áἠá á¨áłáŁ áżá á á˛áąááŚ; á áá á˘ááž, áŻáŻáááá, ážáአá¤ááŤáááą, áŹáááá.",
"en": "and beseecheth him much, saying, My little daughter is at the point of death: I pray thee, that thou come and lay thy hands on her, that she may be made whole, and live."
} |
"chr": "áᯠááážáľááá´á˛áᏠá˘á¤áž; áĽá á á á á´ ááážáľááá´á˛áᏠá´áá¨á; áĽáá°á á á áŻáŠááá¸áĄá¸.",
"en": "Go ye up unto the feast: I go not up unto this feast; because my time is not yet fulfilled."
} |
"chr": "áĄááŻáłá°á áĽáŠáłá
ááḠá á´ á¤áŁá áŞáąáá áŚáŹáá, á á´ á¤ááŁá áááŚáá´áŠ.",
"en": "for a great door and effectual is opened unto me, and there are many adversaries."
} |
"chr": "áŞáŻá ááá°áľá á¤áŞá°áŻáá á áá
"en": "Trash takes a long time to decompose."
} |
"chr": "á¤ááŻáłáŻáŻ áŻá áá¨áŞááŽ, áŻá ážáአáŞáŻ áŁáá áĽá á´áááśáá áŹá áŻá ážáአááŚááł ááŚáľááá
"en": "Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass away, until all these things be accomplished."
} |
"chr": "áżáá á¤áᨠá¤áľáŽáľá¨áŻ ááŹáŠááá¸á¤áŻ áá¨áŚáŹáĄá˘, ážáŻáłá á˘áŚ á¤áááᤠáŚá˘ á˘áŻáŚá´áľ á˘á´á.",
"en": "They then that received his word were baptized: and there were added unto them in that day about three thousand souls."
} |
"chr": "âááŠ,â á¤áá á§á
áááŠ, áááŁá
áŠá áááłáâ",
"en": "Is it true they are going to kill me when the cold weather comes?â"
} |
"chr": "ážá á ááŻáłá˛áአááŹáŠáážáᢠá¨á ááá áąáááááá´áá áąá
ááŚáľááááá¨áá á ážáľá
á á¨áá˘, áŞáąááááŠá áážáááŽáá á
ááŚáľááááá¨áá á ááŻáłá˛áአá á´ á¨áĽá¨áłá˘ á¨áá˘, á¤ážá áŻáááአáŁáá ážáŚááá¸á˘. ážáአáŻá ááááá áááá˛á˛áá¨áá, á á´ ááŻáá¤áŽáá.",
"en": "And they that have believing masters, let them not despise them, because they are brethren; but let them serve them the rather, because they that partake of the benefit are believing and beloved. These things teach and exhort."
} |
"chr": "âáŻá á ážá
ááá°,â á¤áá áŠááŻ.",
"en": "This is what they do, said Wolf."
} |
"chr": "âá§áŞáĽá¨?â",
"en": "âEggs?â"
} |
"chr": "á¨áá á¤ááááŠááąáŠ á¤áá
"en": "Crockett was philosophical on the matter."
} |
"chr": "áŠáł áŤááŚáá
áááľ á§áážáś á¨á á¤ááḠáĽáᏠá áŠá áŤáá ážáĽ, áĽáŻááŤá˘áŁá
"en": "I had hardly looped Waverleyâs reins around the hitching post when she came rushing down the front steps and fell into my arms."
} |
"chr": "á á´ áá´á´ á¤áŚáłáŻ áŚáá¸á˘, á á´ á¤á˛áľá´ áľá",
"en": "and entered into the house of Zacharias and saluted Elisabeth."
} |
"chr": "á¤ááŻááá á¤ááľáááá áŚá°áá ážááŠáŻ ááŚáááá áá´ ááŚáᎠááŚá áážáŚáᏠá¤ážáá
ááŠ, á áááŚáŻ áá´ á áá¨áŻ áá´ ááá˛á.",
"en": "She grew a forefinger like a spear point and poked everyone she met to the heart, men and women and children."
} |
"chr": "á áłáá˛áá´á˘.",
"en": "They never let them disappear."
} |
"chr": "áŻá á ážáŠáŞáĄá¸áŠ, ááľá áááá´á°á á¤ááŁá á ááŚáá˛á˘, á á´ áážáá´áŠ á áᲠá´áŤ, á á´ á§áá´á
á áááŹááአá¨á á´áŤ, á á´ á§ážáá´á
á á¤ááŹáŤáłáŻ.",
"en": "And they say unto me, Thou must prophesy again over many peoples and nations and tongues and kings."
} |
"chr": "XV. ááłá",
"en": "XV: The Crickets"
} |
"chr": "áá á áá á¤ážááŚá áá´ á áá§ááŽá˘ á¨áá á áá áąá¨ááá áŞáŻá, ááłá á¤ááŚáᢠáá´ á á§ááŽá˘ á¨áá áŞáŻá áłáŁá
"en": "The young geese heard it and knew that they would never be little goslings again. Charlotte heard it and knew that she hadnât much time left."
} |
"chr": "áŤáľáť áá´ ááłá á¤ážáľáŽáľá¤ á¤áááá
"en": "Wilbur and Charlotte were glad to be rid of him for a while."
} |
"chr": "ážáአážáá á
ááŚáľáááá á¤áŁá áŤáá´á
á á áŠá˛áááá áŤá¨áˇá¤ááą;",
"en": "Wherefore also I was hindered these many times from coming to you:"
} |
"chr": "âá¤ááŻáłá á¨áá ááŠážáž áąáŁááľ,â á¤áá ááłá, á¤áá
á ááŞá.",
"en": "âOf course you donât,â said Charlotte in a comforting voice."
} |
"chr": "á¨áá ááá§á áąáĽááááŞáጠá ážááŞážáááŹá˘.â",
"en": "âI havenât the slightest interest in fairs.â"
} |
"chr": "ážáአá
áŠáá´ áá¨ááž áĽáŠ; á ááááŠááá
á¨áŁááŻááááŠ, á á´ á¤áááá´áááą á¤ážááľáአáŁáá á§ááŽá áŚáśáá á¤á¤áľáŚ.",
"en": "which is not another gospel: only there are some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ."
} |
"chr": "áŹáŠáááŠáááŻá á¤ážááŚá
, á¤ááˇá¤ á á´ á¤ááá á á°á¸á˘, á á´ á á¤áľáá á¤áá
"en": "And when his disciples heard thereof, they came and took up his corpse, and laid it in a tomb."
} |
"chr": "ááŠááĽááá
á áááá, ááŠážááᲠáŞá°áá á˛áááááŹáž, á¨áá á˛áŠááŻáłáŽ áąááááá˛áááá˛áž á¨á.",
"en": "We poured another drink and sipped without further comment, neither of us truly believing the generous interpretation of the other."
} |
"chr": "áŚá˘á ážáአáŻá ááľááá
áŠ, ááŚáá áŚá¸áłá ááľá ááľááłáá
"en": "And this was done thrice: and all were drawn up again into heaven."
} |
"chr": "âáŻáŚááŽá˘á§ áŚáłáł á¤ážáá
áĄá᧠á°áť á§á¤áľ áá á áá?â á¤ááá á˛áž á¤á¤áá.",
"en": "âDid you know that Uncle Homer's goslings had hatched?â asked Fern."
} |
"chr": "ážáአáŻá á˘áŹáą ááá
áአá á á ááŞáŠááá´áŠ.",
"en": "But these had gone before, and were waiting for us at Troas."
} |
"chr": "ááŠáˇáŤáááá.",
"en": "A career."
} |
"chr": "áŤáŤáŠáŞáŠáá áąá¨ááž ááŞá áá´ á˛áž á¤á¤áá áá´á˛áᏠá
"en": "He could not even see the far bank, just a ribbon of dark water and the mossy rocks rising from it."
} |
"chr": "ážáአáŁáŚááśááá
ᯠáĽáŠ ááá áŹáŞáŠáá áá¨ááž á¤ááłá
áŻ, ážáአá˘áŹáą á¤áá
ᯠáĽáŠ ááŚááł á¨áŚááłá
ᯠá áá˛á˘.",
"en": "who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation;"
} |
"chr": "ážáአá˘áłáá áĽáľáĽáá¸á ááĽáŻá§á.",
"en": "I will therefore chastise him, and release him."
} |
"chr": "áŤááá´ááᲠá˛áž á¤á¤áá, á áĽááá˛áᨠáŤáľáť.",
"en": "While Fern was in school, Wilbur was shut up inside his yard."
} |
"chr": "á¤ážáá´á°áá áá á á´ áŁá ážááŻáŚá˘á˛áž á¨áá˘, á á´ á¤ážáá
áḠáŞáŞáľ ááááážááž á á´ ážááŚááżáĽáž á¨áá˘, á¤áááááŞáá˘, á á´ áááľá¤ ážáአáĽá á¤ááá¸áŻ á¨áá˘.",
"en": "Now when they beheld the boldness of Peter and John, and had perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marvelled; and they took knowledge of them, that they had been with Jesus."
} |
"chr": "á¤ááŻáłáŻáŻ, á¤ááŻáłáŻáŻ áŻá ááŹáŞáá; áŻáŤá
áĽá¨áአá¨á ááá áŻá˛áŠ, á á´ áŁááľáᏠáŽáá˛áŠ; áŁááá
áŻááŠá á¨ááá áááá¸áá, á
áŠáá´á ááŁá áľ, á á´ ááŁááľááŹáž á¨á áŽááŁáá
"en": "Verily, verily, I say unto thee, When thou wast young, thou girdedst thyself, and walkedst whither thou wouldest: but when thou shalt be old, thou shalt stretch forth thy hands, and another shall gird thee, and carry thee whither thou wouldest not."
} |
"chr": "áá˘áłáá áá, áŞáąáá á§áľáŹáŠá áąá¨ááž?â á¤áá áŤáľáť.",
"en": "âWhat do you mean, less than nothing?â replied Wilbur."
} |
"chr": "áżáá ážáአáŚáľáአá˘áŚ ááľááááááŠ, á áá§á áĄááą á
ááłááśáᯠáŹáŠáŞá˛ ááŚáłáŤá˘áááą, áááá¸á
አááŚá á´áŤ, á á´ áŹáŠáá´á˛áŠ,",
"en": "And when the seven days were almost completed, the Jews from Asia, when they saw him in the temple, stirred up all the multitude and laid hands on him,"
} |
"chr": "áááˇá¨á áŞáľáŚá áááĽá˘, ážáአá¤áááˇáŞá˘ áĽáŚááŚ,",
"en": "And when they were come unto a place called Golgotha, that is to say, The place of a skull,"
} |
"chr": "ážáż áĽáá˛á§á
áŁáá á§ááŽá áŁáŚá¤áľ áĽáĽáŻá
, á˘áĽáŠáááą áŚá¸áááł á¨á á˘áŚá¤áľ á¤áŹáŤáłáŻ áĽá áŚáśáá á¤á¤áľáŚ.",
"en": "whereunto he called you through our gospel, to the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ."
} |
"chr": "ááá´ á¤ááŻáłá˛ á§á¤áľ á´áŤ á¤ááˇá¨, á¨áá á ááł á§á
áŤáááአáąáŠ ááá áĽááŚáśá᪠á¤áᯠáŚá¸áśá˘.",
"en": "And contrary to the devout belief of his Yankee people, money was not the engine that wheeled the stars across the night sky."
} |
"chr": "á¤áá´á¸á, á¤ážáŠáłáŤá áŚá¸áłá á§á
áḠááá´á´á˘, ážáżá á áá áá á á´ áĽáť á á´ áŁá á á´ áĄáá, ááľáŠá á ᥠááť, áááłáť á á´ ášá, áĽáťá áĄáľá á¤áŞáĽ á á´ ááŠá á ááśá, á§ááá áĽáť áážáá
"en": "And when they were come in, they went up into the upper chamber, where they were abiding; both Peter and John and James and Andrew, Philip and Thomas, Bartholomew and Matthew, James the son of AlphĂŚus, and Simon the Zealot, and Judas the son of James."
} |
"chr": "ážáአáŻá áááŞáá¸, á áá á¤áŞáá¸áŠ á¨áľáľ.",
"en": "And having said these things unto them, he abode still in Galilee."
} |
"chr": "á áĽá
áŞáŤá á áŚáá´, á¤ážááŠáá á˘áŞáŻá.",
"en": "He was banned from entering the stockade until the primary departure."
} |
"chr": "ááŤáᣠáąáĽáŻá , ááąá¨ á¤áŠá áŹáá
"en": "When I'm indoors, there's no place to go but out in the yard.â"
} |
"chr": "á áá á¤ááˇá¤ á áá§á áĽááŁáŠ á á´ á˘áŞáᯠá
ááłááśááŻ, ážáአáááá˛áá´ á¤ááŁá, ááłá á
áŹáŠážáážáŤáᎠáŚáᲠáŹáŠááŻáá˘, á¤á˛áąá á ááľáá¨á˘.",
"en": "But there came Jews thither from Antioch and Iconium: and having persuaded the multitudes, they stoned Paul, and dragged him out of the city, supposing that he was dead."
} |
"chr": "á á´ á á á´áŤ ááá˛áąáአáĽáŠ á ááŞáŻá áŞáŁá´á á˘á¨áĽáá°á˘; ážáż ááŠá á¤áŠáᢠážáአហáĄá á áŞáá¸áŻ áĽáŠ.",
"en": "And here men that die receive tithes; but there one, of whom it is witnessed that he liveth."
} |
"chr": "á¨áá áąáŚáˇá¨ á á˛áž á¤á¤áá.",
"en": "Fern had not arrived for her usual visit."
} |
"chr": "âá§áŞáĽ áá.",
"en": "âEgg laying."
} |
"chr": "á˘áŹáŞá
áá áŁá ážáአážáŻáł á áŠáľáŻ áŚáśáá
á, á
á á˘áŚ áĄáŻ ááľáá˛á, á á´ á
á áááą áĄáŻ áĽáá˘áŚ áłááááá, á á´ ááá ááá
áŞá á, á á´ á¤ááŁá áŚá¸áśá˘ áŁáá§áł áážáľáá¸á.",
"en": "But immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun shall be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:"
} |
"chr": "âá áá áŚá˛á áŚáááłáááŞ.",
"en": "âBut I cheat a little."
} |
"chr": "á áá¸ááá á á´áááá, á˘á§á´á á˘áŹáá á¤á˛ ážáŤáľáááá¸, á°áľ áŞáŻá áŹááá á˘áŹáá á áŤáŠá
"en": "All you could do was try to go on living as a form of vengeance, to keep your memory alive as long as possible."
} |
"chr": "á áá áážáá áážáá, á ááŚáᲠááá°á¸ á¤áááá.",
"en": "They were like everyone else; all they truly knew was locked in the body."
} |
"chr": "á á´ á
ᯠá ááżáááśáááአá á´ á
ᯠááááááááŠ, ážáአហá§ááŽá áĽááážáááśááá, ážááŻáłá˛ááŹáž á¨á á˘áłáá, ážáአá˘áłážáľáááááą ážáá áĽáá¨áĽá§áá˘.",
"en": "and, A stone of stumbling, and a rock of offence; for they stumble at the word, being disobedient: whereunto also they were appointed."
} |
Subsets and Splits