translation |
"chr": "ážáአá˘áłáá áá
áá ááá ááŁááá¸á¨ á á´ áŁááŚá
á˘, á á´ á ááᯠááá´ á á´ áŻááá´áž áŁáá
áá˘. ážáአá˘áłáá á˘áłá ááŻáŤááŹáž á˘á¨ááá ááŹáˇá¤áľ áŚáááŠáአáĽáŚáˇáŞ ážááŠáŻá˘, áĽá á á´ áąáŚááŽáá á˘áł á¨á ááŹáˇá¤áľáá˘.",
"en": "Remember therefore how thou hast received and didst hear; and keep it, and repent. If therefore thou shalt not watch, I will come as a thief, and thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee."
} |
"chr": "á˘áłá áŠáś áŞáąáá ážáá˘áááž á¨ááá, áá á áá°áŽáá, á ááŻáłá˛áአááŞá§áŽáá á§áŞáĽ, áá¨áĽáłáŤáá˛áž áážáá¸áž á¤ážá´ááá¸á˘, á á´ ááážáááśááž.",
"en": "if any man is blameless, the husband of one wife, having children that believe, who are not accused of riot or unruly."
} |
"chr": "áżáá ážáĽ áŹáŠáˇá¤á´ ááŚá á áḠá ááŠááᯠá á´ á áááŚáž áŹáŠáááááááą.",
"en": "Now all the publicans and sinners were drawing near unto him to hear him."
} |
"chr": "ááá á á´ áŚáśáá á°ááŞáľá°áá¨áá, ážááŠáŻ ážáአហá˘áŚá ážáá áĽáŹáŠáŞáľá°áĄá˘, á á´ ážáአá˘ážá áĽáŹáŠááááá˘.",
"en": "Neither let us make trial of the Lord, as some of them made trial, and perished by the serpents."
} |
"chr": "ááŹážá á áá° áĽáłáŠ á ááąá.",
"en": "Bacteria are almost everywhere."
} |
"chr": "ážááŠááŞá á˘áłáá á ááá áááá áá§áżáŠááá áŞáŻáłá á¨á á˘ááá? áŹáŠááá; á˘ááááąáááŠá áá§áżáŠááá.",
"en": "Do we then make the law of none effect through faith? God forbid: nay, we establish the law."
} |
"chr": "áá§áżáŠáááŻá áĽáŞáĽáŻ á áşáᯠá á´ áŚáᯠá§ááá
áŻ, áŚá¸áłá á˘áᢠá¤ááłáá
"en": "And the angel that I saw standing upon the sea and upon the earth lifted up his right hand to heaven,"
} |
"chr": "á á´ ážáአáŻá á¨á á
ááŚáľáááá áŚáá
áŚáľá , ážáá á¤á
á áŚá°áŞáŠ áá¨ááž á¤ážáżá
"en": "And for their sakes I sanctify myself, that they themselves also may be sanctified in truth."
} |
"chr": "ážáአá˘áłáá áĽá á°áľ áŹáŠááŻáłá áąá¨áá˘; ááľáá°á á˘áᯠáŻá ááŞáá˘.",
"en": "For this cause they could not believe, for that Isaiah said again,"
} |
"chr": "áŠáśááŠááá
á˘áłážáá áŹáŠáľáŞáá¸áŠ á á´ á¤ááŻáłá
áŠ; ážáż á¨á¸áŠ áá˛ááᯠáĄáľáŁáጠáŚá˛áአááŤáŞááአá á´ á á¨á´ ááşáľ á§áá˘á, á á´ á
áŠážáá´ ážáá.",
"en": "But certain men clave unto him, and believed: among whom also was Dionysius the Areopagite, and a woman named Damaris, and others with them."
} |
"chr": "áŻá á ááľáááᢠážáአá¤áŠá á¨á á áááľáááᏠáŹáŠáááŠááᯠá ááŽá˘; ááááá áŻá áááŞáá´á˘, áŚáŞ áŹááá° á´áŤ?",
"en": "And it came to pass, as he was praying apart, the disciples were with him: and he asked them, saying, Who do the multitudes say that I am?"
} |
"chr": "á˘á¸áŻá˘á áŚáᲠáŠá´áŻá˛á˘ á ááŞáŻ á˘áŻáá á áááŚáŻ á áá°áአá§áá˘áŠ ááŹáŠá áá˘,á˘á
"en": "and the younger of them said to his father, Father, give me the portion of thy substance that falleth to me. And he divided unto them his living."
} |
"chr": "âáŻá á áááŚáŞáá¨áá, á ááŞááአá¤ážá¤áľ ááŚááŁá áá â",
"en": "âThey should say Zuckermanâs Famous Pig.â"
} |
"chr": "á˘áłá°á áŠáś á˘áłáá áąáŁáŞá˛ áᯠá áŚááĽáŻáá á¨á á¤áŻ áąá
ጠáŻáľááá´á˛áጠá ááḠá¤ááłá
ᯠá á°á¸áŻ á¤á¤áľáŚ; áá᪠ážáአហá¤áá
á, á áŠážáŚáł á¨á, ááŚážá°ááŹáž áąá
áŚáľáá á¤áľááá´áááą á§áá´á
á ážáአááľááŞá¸ááá¸áŻ á¤ááłá
"en": "For if a man see thee who hast knowledge sitting at meat in an idolâs temple, will not his conscience, if he is weak, be emboldened to eat things sacrificed to idols?"
} |
"chr": "á˘ááŞá˛áá á¤ááá¸á˘, á ááŻá
"en": "Let's burn down his cabin, they cried."
} |
"chr": "ážááŠá á§áŞáĽ áĽááŁáľááá
, ážáአá
ááŚáľáááá, á¤ááłá
á á¤áŞáĽ á¤áá
á ááŁáá
ááŠáŻ, á¤áŞáˇáŚ áŻá ááŚáŞá, á á, áĄáá.",
"en": "And because ye are sons, God sent forth the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying, Abba, Father."
} |
"chr": "áżáá ááŹáŤáłá á áĽá¸-á¨áśáŻ á á´ á¤ááŹáŤáłáŻ á áá§á á§ážá¤áŚ áŹáŠááŽáŽá¸áŠ á ááŻáááᏠááł á á´ áŹáŠááá°áá
"en": "And the chief priests and the principal men of the Jews informed him against Paul; and they besought him,"
} |
"chr": "áŚáŁáḠááŻá°áá˛, áĄáľáᏠá áá á áááľ áŁáá á¤ááˇá¤áŻ.",
"en": "He, of course, lost steadily and seemed to think the other two possessed enormous luck."
} |
"chr": "ááŞáŻá¸ážáá á¤ááá
á¤ááŽá´ á áĽá¸áłáśá á¤áŹá˘ ááąá¨, áŚá¸ááľ á ááŚáŻ á¤ážá
áŞá¤ á˘ážá¨ ááłáśá.",
"en": "Shortly thereafter, an old man reported that one afternoon he was sitting by a fire in his cabin yard when a tall man came out of the woods."
} |
"chr": "á¤ááŚá áážá˘á, á ááááŠáá á§áśá á§áľáŹá¨ á§ááśáŹ, áŹáá¨á ážááŠáŻ áŚááˇáŞá á¤ááá
"en": "He heard them coming, following his trail, which must have lain behind him in the dead leaves plain as if he were dragging a plowpoint."
} |
"chr": "á áŚáľáĄáľá¤á°á᪠ážáአá áĽá
áááá ážáĽáŞáḠáááá¸á˘? áĽá á áŠá°á¸á.",
"en": "Doth he thank the servant because he did the things that were commanded?"
} |
"chr": "áŻá á áááŞáá´á˘, áá á˘áŚáŻáłáá˘? ážááŠá á áááŚá˘á˛ á¤áááááŞáá˘, áŻá ááážááŞáá´á˘; áŚá á¤áá áŻá á ááŚáŻ? áá§áá¤á°á á¤áá´ á á´ á áš, á á´ á˘áŹáŹáŻáłá˛ááŚ.",
"en": "And he said unto them, Where is your faith? And being afraid they marvelled, saying one to another, Who then is this, that he commandeth even the winds and the water, and they obey him?"
} |
"chr": "ážá ážáአáŻá áĄáśáŻ áŞáąáá á á
ááአááá á¤áŁááá áąážá
áááá¨áá; áŻá á°á áĄáśáŻ ááá áŚáśáá˛ááŚá.",
"en": "and those that use the world, as not using it to the full: for the fashion of this world passeth away."
} |
"chr": "á á´á°á á áŠáˇáĽá¸, áážáááŚáŠ á˘áłáľááááą á ááŚáŻ á¤ááá, á á´ á áŚá
አá á¨á´ á¤áĽá, á á´ á¤ááŚáŻáŻ á¤áŚáŻá;",
"en": "For I came to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law:"
} |
"chr": "á áľá°áž!",
"en": "Aranea!"
} |
"chr": "á§áá´á
á áááłáśá ááĽážáŠáᏠááŞáŞáłá
"en": "Through various channels, bits of copied correspondence continued to fall my way."
} |
"chr": "á áá
á á ááááá˛áŠ á¤áŹáŤáłáŻ á¤á¤áľ á˘áŚ á¨áá˘, á áááŚá
áŠá á áááá á˘áᢠá ááᯠá§áᏠážááŠáŻ á á¤áˇáŠ á§áá´áŞá˘,",
"en": "I was in the Spirit on the Lordâs day, and I heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet"
} |
"chr": "áŻá á ážáአáĽááá áĄáŠáá˘áááá¸áŻ áĽáŠ, á˘á¨á¨áłá˘, á˘ááá
áŚá¸ á˘áá˛áž ááá´á áŚáá á¨á á˘áŠááá¸, á á´ á˘áŚáá
ááŠáŻ, á˘áááááá¨áá ááłáŞá á¨áá˘, á¤ááłá
"en": "Having therefore these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all defilement of flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God."
} |
"chr": "á áá´á áŁáá á
ᯠá ááá¨ááŠ; áŚáá˛á áŞáąáá ážáá´áž á áḠááśáᨠáŞá˘ááŠ, á§á¸áá á áá¨á ážááŠáŻá˘.",
"en": "And the building of the wall thereof was jasper: and the city was pure gold, like unto pure glass."
} |
"chr": "ážáአá˘áłáá á˘áłá áŚáśáááą á¤áŚáľáá á
ááŹáŠáá´á á¨ááá, á˘áłá á áá¨áłá á¨á á áááŹáŻáááአáŹáŠááá á¨ááá, á˘áłá áŹáááśá á¨ááá á áá
á áĽáááá á¨áá˘, á˘áłá á áááľáá á¨á á á´ á¤áá
á á¨á áĄáŽáá,",
"en": "If there is therefore any exhortation in Christ, if any consolation of love, if any fellowship of the Spirit, if any tender mercies and compassions,"
} |
"chr": "á¤ááŻáłáŻáŻ á˘áŚáŞá, á˘áłá°á á˘á§áłá ááŠá˛áąáᯠá¨ááá, á á ážáá á˘á§áłá ááááá;",
"en": "Faithful is the saying: For if we died with him, we shall also live with him:"
} |
"chr": "á áá áĽá á¤ááŚá
á¤áá¤á´ áŻá ááŞáá˘; ááá áą-ááŚá˘áŽáá; áŚáŻáłáááá, ááłááŠáá.",
"en": "But Jesus hearing it, answered him, Fear not: only believe, and she shall be made whole."
} |
"chr": "á¤áŠáŚááśá á ááḠá˘á¤ á˘áŚá, á áá á¨áá áąáĽáŚáᎠá˘áłáá ááŚáľááááá˛.",
"en": "I had been to New Echota many times and was never sure whether it represented a grand experiment or a pathetically inept confidence game."
} |
"chr": "âááŠááŻáḠáŚáŹááá¸á á¨ááá.â",
"en": "âBut donât fail to let me know if thereâs anything I can do to help, no matter how slight.â"
} |
"chr": "á˘áłá á´áŤá á áá˛á˘, á˛áŚáá
, ááŚáá á´áŤ á
ᯠáąááŞáŹááá; áŁáá°á á áá´á°áአá¨ááŠ, á ááľá.",
"en": "But if we shall say, From men; all the people will stone us: for they are persuaded that John was a prophet."
} |
"chr": "á áŚáአá¤á˛áááá´ á¤áá
"en": "Rain upset Wilburâs plans."
} |
"chr": "á˘áłááŠáá áŠáś áááá
á˘áááá˛áž á˘á¨ááá á¤áŠá á§á¤áľáŚ, á á´ ážáአᰠá¤áŹáŤáłá á¤áŠá ááááżáĽá˘, ážáአá¤ááąá¸ áŞáŻáłá á¨áá˘, á á´ á¤á á¤á˛á˘áł áĄááŚá áž ááŹáŻáłááž.",
"en": "But if any provideth not for his own, and specially his own household, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an unbeliever."
} |
"chr": "ááá á¤ááŞá¤ áĽááľ á¤áśá á¤áŞáá´á˘; á á´ ááŚá á¤ááŁá áŤáŹáŠáˇá¤á´á˘, á á´ ážáአááŞá˛áá˘.",
"en": "And he went forth again by the sea side; and all the multitude resorted unto him, and he taught them."
} |
"chr": "áŠáś ážááľáŞáá˛áž áĽá¨á á ááĄáááŞá; áŠáśá áááááááŹáž áĽá¨á á á-áŚá´áŻááŞá.",
"en": "He that is not with me is against me; and he that gathereth not with me scattereth."
} |
"chr": "á áŹáą á ááá
ážááĽ, á¤ážáááŹáŹ, á¤áááŻáááአá¨á á áá˛, á¤ážáľááá´á.",
"en": "Previously to entering upon this as a question of numbers, physical strength, interest in the country they inhabit, their means of subsistence & ca."
} |
"chr": "áżáá ááľá ááľ áážááአá áá§á á
ááŚáľáááááŹáŠ ážáአááŞáá˘.",
"en": "There arose a division again among the Jews because of these words."
} |
"chr": "á áŤáŠá á´áá áá
áá á°áľ á§áááá, á áŤáááľ áŻážá˘áłáž - á á˛áŻáá á áŤážá°áŻá˛ á˘ážá¨á˘.",
"en": "If you are in the mountains alone for some timeâmany days at minimum, and it helps if you are fastingâthe forest grows tired of its wariness toward you."
} |
"chr": "áŻáአá˘áłážáá¨á á¤áá§áá˛á áᯠáá´ á¤áá¸á á áá
áá á¤áŠá á ááľááŞá¸á, áá´ áŹááááľá´áá áąá¨ááž.",
"en": "All I had to offer them was five pounds of dried beans and an ugly deal, but necessary and without reasonable option."
} |
"chr": "á¤á¸áá á¨á á¤ááŞáľá°á, á¤áŞáľáá, áá´ áŚáá áááá.",
"en": "She loved to stroke him, to feed him, to put him to bed."
} |
"chr": "áááŞá áąááĽáḠážáż á˘ááľááá´ááą á á´ á˘ááááááą? áĽáŞá¨ á˘áĽáá˘áá á§ážááśá á¤ážááĄáŹ á¤ááłá
ᯠá¤á¤áľáŚ, á á´ ááŁáá°áŻááá ááá˛áž? áŚá áá¨á˛ááľ? áá¨á¸áááá§? áŻá áá¨ááᲠáĽá áąá¨á¸ááá.",
"en": "What, have ye not houses to eat and to drink in? or despise ye the church of God, and put them to shame that have not? What shall I say to you? shall I praise you? In this I praise you not."
} |
"chr": "á§ážááá?",
"en": "Fighting?"
} |
"chr": "áŚáľáĄáľáŠ ááŠážáŚáᢠá¤áŹáááľ, á¤áá á¤áá á áŁá.",
"en": "Littlefish replied, It is very nice to meet you, Knottyhead."
} |
"chr": "á áŚá˛á á¤áá
áááá¨á˘ ááŠáŚáááá˘, á¨áá áłáŹáŻáłáŽ á§á
ááአá¤ááááŞáá áŹá
"en": "He still worried some about the future, as he could hardly believe that a mere spider would be able to save his life."
} |
"chr": "á¤á°á¤ áĄáśá.",
"en": "Mr. Arable smiled."
} |
"chr": "áŁááąá á á¨á´ ážáá á¤á˛áąááŠ.",
"en": "Afterward the woman also died."
} |
"chr": "ážáá áŞááá á˘áĽáᲠáŚáłá¨á´á˘, ážáአáŁáŠáŻá¸áŹá˘ áŁáĽá
áŞáĽá á˘á¨á˘á°á; á áá áŻá ááááá á˘áĽáŚááŽáá, ážáአá¤ááłá
ᯠá¤áŹáŤáłáŻ á¨á ážáĽááł á˘áĽáˇá¤á¸á˘.",
"en": "Even the dust from your city, that cleaveth to our feet, we wipe off against you: nevertheless know this, that the kingdom of God is come nigh."
} |
"chr": "ááŞáŻá¸ážá á¤áá˛áŻááá
á ážááŚááááŹ, á¤ážá´á
Რá ážáá
ááᏠá˘áłáá á¤áľááá¸áá, ážáአá¤á
"en": "They soon ceased listening and began wondering how agreeing with me might benefit anyone who mattered. In particular, themselves."
} |
"chr": "á áá ážáአáááŚáŞáá˛áŠ, áŹááłá áŠáś á˘áłáá ááŹáŤáłááአá¤áˇá¨ á¤áááľáááá¸áŠ, áŻá ááŞááŠ; á áἠá á¨áłáŁ áŚáłáł á¤á˛áąáááž. á ááž áŽáž, áŻáŻááá¸á, á á áá áááá.",
"en": "While he spake these things unto them, behold, there came a ruler, and worshipped him, saying, My daughter is even now dead: but come and lay thy hand upon her, and she shall live."
} |
"chr": "á¤ážááłá°á áá á á¨áŻ á á´áŤáŻ á§ážáá°áá, áŁáŚáĽáśááá
á á á°áľ áá´ á§ááłáŤá˘áá áá¸áž áááá´áľááá áá á˘áłáŞá
áá ááŚáľáááᏠá¤áľá¨ááá.",
"en": "All they did to one of the girls when it became known that she intended to marry an Indian was burn her in effigy on the main street and chime all the church bells of the town hourly throughout the night."
} |
"chr": "á˘á¤ááŠá áŠáŚá¨-á áááá á á áᤠááá˘á ááááá; áŠáł áżá á˘á§áł áááŹáŠááá˘",
"en": "But new wine must be put into fresh wine-skins."
} |
"chr": "ážáአážáż á¤áŁá áĽáŁáľáŽáľáŚ, áŞáŻááŠááá
ááŚ, á˘áłá á¨ááá, áĄáŻáá á˘áŁáá
ááŠáጠá¤ááŚáľáááá á§áá´á
á á˘áĽáŞáľá°áá á˘áŁáľáŠááĄá˛á˘,",
"en": "Wherein ye greatly rejoice, though now for a little while, if need be, ye have been put to grief in manifold trials,"
} |
"chr": "áŻá á áááŞáá´á˘; áŚáá á˘ááŠáá˛áŽá˘? áá᪠áąáááŚáᎠáĄáááą á á á áááá á¨áá˘?",
"en": "And he said unto them, How is it that ye sought me? knew ye not that I must be in my Fatherâs house?"
} |
"chr": "á˘á¨áá°á á˘áĽáŚáá áŻá ážáአááá°á áááá
ᯠá áŠáŠáᲠá áŠááŹáᲠá áá á á´ ážáá áŁá¤áŻ.",
"en": "Ye yourselves know that these hands ministered unto my necessities, and to them that were with me."
} |
"chr": "á á´ á á´ áĽá áąáĽáŚááŽá˘; á áá ážáአá˘ááľ á¨áĽážááŞáŤáááą á
á áŠáˇá¨ á áš ááŚááŹááá.",
"en": "And I knew him not; but that he should be made manifest to Israel, for this cause came I baptizing in water."
} |
"chr": "ážááŠá°á ááŠá
, á á´ áĽááľáá¸á˛ááŚ, á á´ áĽáá; ážáአážáá áŠáś á˘áłážáá áá§ááŠáá áááŞáľáአááŁá¤áľáŚ áŻá áááŞá; á á´á°á ážáá ážáአá§áŞáĽ.",
"en": "for in him we live, and move, and have our being; as certain even of your own poets have said, For we are also his offspring."
} |
"chr": "áĽá á¤áˇá¨áŠ á¤áŠáአáŚá á á´ ááá¸áŠ, á á´ ážáá á áŁá áá
"en": "Jesus cometh, and taketh the bread, and giveth them, and the fish likewise."
} |
"chr": "ážáአáĽá
áľ áŤáĽáˇá¤ááą, ážáአááŁááżáᏠá¤áá´á°áŻáááą á¤áŹáŠáľ, á á´ ááĽáŚáľáááááą ááĽážáŤ á¤áŹáŠáľ;",
"en": "whom I have sent unto you for this very purpose, that ye may know our state, and that he may comfort your hearts;"
} |
"chr": "á áá á áŚáážá˘ á§áŞáĽ ááŚá áŁááł á˘áŹáŠá°á¸á",
"en": "And wisdom is justified of all her children."
} |
"chr": "ááŞáŻ á˘áŻáłááá
á˘á´ áŤáá˛áŻá˛ áŠáᢠáá˛ááá áŹá, áá á˘áłáŚáá
"en": "At a distance of ten paces, Wasseton had driven long shaved hickory darts through their skulls with a single plosive breath."
} |
"chr": "ážááŠáŻ ážáá ážáአáŻá áŞáŻ á¨á áĽá áłááŻáłá
, ážáአá¤áááľáá á¨á á˘áŁá¤áľ á˘áłáŠááááą ážáአážáá á¨áĽááľáá á˘áłáľááááą.",
"en": "even so have these also now been disobedient, that by the mercy shown to you they also may now obtain mercy."
} |
"chr": "áŁáśá
áŽá áŁáá´ááŻ-áá´ááŻ.",
"en": "Heâs trying to lure you back into captivity-ivity."
} |
"chr": "á§ááá á ááĄááአá¤áᨠáŻá ááŞááŠ; ááá˛á˛ááŠ, áĽáŞ á á´? áŻá ááŞáá¸áŠ; á°áľ ááŤ.",
"en": "And Judas, who betrayed him, answered and said, Is it I, Rabbi? He saith unto him, Thou hast said."
} |
"chr": "âáŚá¨ áŽáá?â á¤ááá áŤáľáť.",
"en": "âWhere are you?â asked Wilbur."
} |
"chr": "âáá˘áłáá?â",
"en": "âYes?â"
} |
"chr": "á˘áłá á°áŠ áŚáśáá áá´á
ᯠá¨ááá, á˘áĽá˛áŽáá ážáአáŚá¸áłá áĄáŻ á¨áá˘, ážáż áŚáśáá á¤áŹá¸ á¤ááłá
ᯠá áŚáááá˘.",
"en": "If then ye were raised together with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated on the right hand of God."
} |
"chr": "á¤áľááŚáááááŠá á§ááŽá¸á á¨á á á´ á¤ážáááá´ááá˘, á á´ ááá˛áá á¨áá˘, á á´ á áááá á¨á áá§áżáŠááá á¤áŹáŠáľ áááá
ááŽáá, áŹáŠážáááá¸áá°á áá¨ááž á á´ á ááá ážááŠ.",
"en": "but shun foolish questionings, and genealogies, and strifes, and fightings about the law; for they are unprofitable and vain."
} |
"chr": "á á´ ááŠáááŠáአá¨ááá, ážááŠáŻ á á´ ážáá áŚáśáá áĽáááŠáአáĽáŠ.",
"en": "Be ye imitators of me, even as I also am of Christ."
} |
"chr": "á áź áĄáłá áááá¸.",
"en": "She bent her knees and sank below the water."
} |
"chr": "á áá§á ááŚáľáŚáá˘-á§ážáľááá´ááą á¤ááá¸áŻáááŠ.",
"en": "Now the feast of the Jews, the feast of tabernacles, was at hand."
} |
"chr": "áŁáá á˘á´ áŠáł á¤ážáá
"en": "Content to let worrying wait for later."
} |
"chr": "áżá áĄáśáŻ á áᯠáážáľáŽáľáĽ ážáአá¨á á
ááŚááááá¨áá, á á´ áŁáá á¤ážáá
ááŠáá¨áá, á á´ áŞáąáá áážááá¸áĽáá¨áá; áŻá á°á á áááľ á ážáá´á°áአáŹáŠááŠáľá˛á˘ááá
አážáአហáĄáśáŻ á ááŻ.",
"en": "And they that dwell on the earth rejoice over them, and make merry; and they shall send gifts one to another; because these two prophets tormented them that dwell on the earth."
} |
"chr": "ááŠážáž á˘áłáŠááá ááá´áááŠáá¨, á á°áľ á˘á´ á áŚáá´ ážáĽá á áá á¤áá°áĽáᨠá áá á á°áľ á˘á´ á áá á áŚáá´ ážáĽá á§ááá
á áŹá áážááᥠá¤áááŹá á á´ áážáŚááąáŽ.",
"en": "And under his influence they became drunk as lords and about half of them spent their days laughing and the other half sitting with their backs against the stockade palings and their blankets over their heads, either passed out or crying."
} |
"chr": "á˘áłááŠááá
á¤ááḠáŻáá´ááá¸, áŻá ážáአá áŠážááŞáŤáá ááŠá¸áŤáááŞá˛á˘; á á´ áĽá áąáĽáŚáá ážáአá˘áłáá á ááá°áááą.",
"en": "But if to live in the flesh,âif this shall bring fruit from my work, then what I shall choose I know not."
} |
"chr": "á á´ á á´ á˘áŠáŚááĽá á á´ á˘áŞáŻáłá
ᯠá˘áŠá¨áłáŻáł á¨á-á˘. á¤ááłá
ᯠá áá¨áłá á¨á áááĽ, á áá¨áłáá á¨á áĄáŻ á¤ážáłá
ᯠá áŻáŁá˘, á á´ á¤ážáłá
"en": "And we know and have believed the love which God hath in us. God is love; and he that abideth in love abideth in God, and God abideth in him."
} |
"chr": "á¤áľáá ááľáááᎠáŁáá.",
"en": "Lurvy felt weak."
} |
"chr": "á áá á¤áá¸á á§ážááááą áá¨ááž á˘áłáľááááą, á ááá´áŤá á áááŚáŻ á§ážááľá˘ ááá§áŽáá, á á´ á ááá´áŤá á áá¨á´ ááŹáŠáá°áŻ ááá§áŽáá.",
"en": "But, because of fornications, let each man have his own wife, and let each woman have her own husband."
} |
"chr": "á°áľá á˘áłáŞáá áŻá¸áŻá´ á¤áŞá˛ áąá¨ááž áŠáł á á˛á°ááŹ, áŚáłáł á¤á˛á°á áá¨á Perry áŚá áá
"en": "The phrase that might be used by someone who has never seen a man die is that Perry was dead before he hit the ground."
} |
"chr": "áŹáŠáááŠáááŻá áŹáŠáŞá˛ áĽááľ áŚááŠ; á á˘áᢠá¤ážáá
áŠ, áŻá áááŞááŠ; ážá°áŻ áŻá . á áááŚá˘á˛á á˘áłáá á
"en": "And when the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were troubled, saying, It is a ghost; and they cried out for fear."
} |
"chr": "ážááŠáŻá á¤áŹáŤáłáŻ áááŞáá
, ážáአáŁáá á§ááŽá á ážáľáĽáá˛áአáĽáŠ, ážáአáŁáá á§á áŽá á¤ážáľááá¸áááą.",
"en": "Even so did the Lord ordain that they that proclaim the gospel should live of the gospel."
} |
"chr": "á á´ ááŹáŠáá˘á˘ááá, á á´ ááŹáŠáľáĽááľ, á á´ áááŹáŠáľáĽáá, á á´ ááŹáŠáľ; áŚá˘áá á˘áŚ ááľá ááá á´á.",
"en": "and they shall mock him, and shall spit upon him, and shall scourge him, and shall kill him; and after three days he shall rise again."
} |
"chr": "á°áľ á§ááá´á á ááá
á¨á áá áŚáááá á á, áĽáŚáᲠá˘áŻáááá.",
"en": "I, though, had spent enough years in these wet woods to know how to do."
} |
"chr": "á˘áŚá á§ážáŚáá á áŠáá áž ááŠá
áá´á áááŠá¨á᪠áŚáĽá
"en": "Some have an acid taste that almost stings our tongues."
} |
"chr": "ážááĽá°á á¤á
áá á¤ážá¤áľ á¨á á¤áá˛á°á˘, áĽáá áĽá áŚáśáá á¤á¤áľ á¨áá˘.",
"en": "For they all seek their own, not the things of Jesus Christ."
} |
"chr": "ážáአáŻá áĽá ááŞá, áŹáŠáááŠááᯠááá
ááŠ, á¤ááŞá¨áŠ ááŞáá¨áŠ áŠá á á¤áŞá´á˘, ážáż á áŤáááą áŞá˘ááŠ, ážáż á¤á´á¸áŠ, á á´ ážáá áŹáŠáááŠáááŻ.",
"en": "When Jesus had spoken these words, he went forth with his disciples over the brook Kidron, where was a garden, into which he entered, himself and his disciples."
} |
"chr": "áᯠáŻááŻáŠ á˘áłáá áŁááľáᏠá áŹáą, áŠáł áąáŚáľááá´á˛áŚ.",
"en": "I will let you have your choice of everything in the trough and I wonât touch a thing until you're through.â"
} |
"chr": "âá ááááážá˛ááááŠá á¤áŞáˇá á˛áž á¤á¤áá.",
"en": "âControl myself?â yelled Fern."
} |
"chr": "á¤áá
á ááŚáááŻ.",
"en": "the clerk said."
} |
"chr": "áŁáá áážáŚáŠá áá´ á¤áá ááŚáśáá áááłáŠáᨠá¤áážáá¨.",
"en": "After that, they sold liquor from their persons, in coat pockets and satchels."
} |
"chr": "á áááľáá á¤ááˇá¤ á á´ á¤ážá´á
ᎠáŹáŠáááŽá¸áá˘, áŹáŠáá˛áá´ á§ážááŞáŤáááą á¤á°á¸á áŚá¸áłá á
ááłáśááŻ, áŹáŠáŞáľá°áá¨á˘.",
"en": "And the Pharisees came forth, and began to question with him, seeking of him a sign from heaven, trying him."
} |
"chr": "á˘áłá á˘áŁááłá
ᯠá§áŹáá¸áŻ áąáŠ, á§ááŽá á¤ááłá
ᯠá¤á¤áľáŚ á¨áĽáá¤á¸áŻ, á á´ áŞáŞáľ á¤á˛á˘áá áá¨ááž áąáŠ,",
"en": "If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came (and the scripture cannot be broken),"
} |
"chr": "á¤áŁáá á¤ááŹáá áá áá¤á´áá˘, áŻá áááŞáá´á˘; á˘áĽááŚáŻ á˘ááá
á, áᯠá˘áĽáŚáá áżá á°áľ áŞáŻáŠ á¤ááłá
ᯠá á´ á ááá°á á˘áŚááĄáŹ á§ážáá´á
á á´áŤ á á´ áŹáááŚáááą áŁáá á§ááŽá, ážááŠá á¤ááŻáłááą.",
"en": "And when there had been much questioning, Peter rose up, and said unto them, Brethren, ye know that a good while ago God made choice among you, that by my mouth the Gentiles should hear the word of the gospel, and believe."
} |
"chr": "âááŠá,â á¤áá, á§ááŠáአá˘áłáá áŚáŹáááŠ.",
"en": "âYes,â she replied in her sweet, musical voice, âI always give them an anaesthetic so they wonât feel pain."
} |
"chr": "á áĽá¸áłáľ ážáĽá á¤á´áŤááá
"en": "Charley walked partway to the fire and stopped."
} |
"chr": "áŚá¸áááł á¨ááá áąá°áŠ á¤ááłá
ᯠá˘ááľ á¤ážá¤áľáŚ; ááŠáá°á¸á°á á á´ ááá´á˛ á§á¤áľáŚ á´áŤ.",
"en": "Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel; For he hath visited and wrought redemption for his people,"
} |
"chr": "ážáአá˘áłáá ážáá ááŞáŻá¸ áŁáŁáááľááá᪠á˘á¨áŻá
ááááŞ, ážáአáŁáŚááłá
á á¨á á˘áĽáŻá
ᯠá˘áłáľááááą, á á´ á¤ááááááą ááŚá áŁáá á¤á°á¸á á¨á á
ááł á¨áá˘, á á´ áŞáŻáłá á¨á á§á¸áŤáááá áŹáá
ᯠá¤áľááŠá á¨áá˘;",
"en": "To which end we also pray always for you, that our God may count you worthy of your calling, and fulfil every desire of goodness and every work of faith, with power;"
} |