It was very hard work, because it was not a typical essentialist test that required a lot of knowledge, but he wanted students to put the acquired knowledge into practice and be able to create their own idea and write it.
She was very lively.
She was mean to her classmates, too, to me.
They were really nice and quite funny, even though we had to do boring exercises in the textbook.
We agreed with the teacher to tell the janitor to buy the necessary logs on which to hold this stand.
They were excited.
They were very disciplined, paid attention to the read text, and then everyone got involved in the formulations of the language means, which one of them wrote on the board, without any problems.
They were very disciplined.
It would be interesting to try them again.
There were quite a lot of them, so I thought that I would work well with the class.
It was clear to me that the whole presentation or. I don't catch the whole topic in one hour, that it's a topic for at least two or three hours.
It was clear to me that they were "inspired" by their classmates.
I was sorry for the five or so children who make an effort, but for the brats, who everybody mess with bullshit, cross their arms saying that they don't care and they won't need it in life, because they will be famous, so I would give them a point border, as well as the tests, she beat her head.
I felt sorry for the teacher and the few people who were careful.
He didn't care what the rest of the class did, he was in class for those who would be in physics.
Was it annoying that I was looking at him when I pointed out inattention?
It was obvious that he would rather send me somewhere, but he could only answer that he didn't care and that the bench was his.
It was obvious that the student was looking forward to the next lesson with me and that he enjoyed this style of teaching.
But it was worse for me to get their attention back.
It was beneficial for me to find out that I feel good in the classroom with the students.
So it was a surprise to me when I met the elements in the admissions lessons that raised questions for me and the need to reflect on my own lessons from the last semester.
It was probably because I focused on a lot of things at the same time and in the end I didn't manage any of them properly.
It was quite challenging, given the circumstances.
It was very strenuous.
It was a lot about grammar.
It was at the end of the citizen's class in 9.B, when one of the students made me a little embarrassed.
In the end, it was much easier than I thought, I only had to persuade 3 teachers to attend another seminar group, even though there was no period of changes in enrollment, and I had to say goodbye to the two and a half lectures I attended. .
It was really captivating, so I almost signed up so I could write a sentence on the board and get a plus.
It was quite a surprise to me, but I wasn't worried I couldn't do it.
It was the first time in history that I stood in front of the class and had to spend 2 hours with it.
It was definitely beneficial for me, I had a good feeling that I could help and work with the students myself.
It was nice and so I felt good from the beginning in school.
It was almost the whole hour, so the kids were thrilled to be able to sing.
It was a little exhausting, so much to talk about (when I'm not used to it), but I enjoyed it.
It was in the sixth grade, in a more advanced group of English, where I assumed that the students were able to understand at most for the second time.
It was a great expectation!
It was clear that he understood the issue compared to most of his classmates.
It was clear that the children are not afraid to say their opinion and feel safe in the environment.
It was obvious that it hurt, I wanted to help him even more, but at that moment I had no way.
It was obvious that they enjoyed it more than if they had just sat on the bench for an hour, and at the same time they learned it well.
She could be seen to care a lot about the students and to enjoy and look forward to her lessons.
It was obvious that they really put a lot of work into it and didn't cough it up.
It was obvious that the students enjoyed it.
It was obvious that the pupils enjoyed it very much.
But was it right to give them the punishment they were to bring for another hour?
It was interesting to hear the goals absolutely huge, and after those, which were quite easily feasible, there may have been reflected the very mentioned self-confidence, which was discussed.
It was interesting to observe how many pupils come to the teacher 's office during breaks with a question to correct the paper.
There were times when I said to myself, "Yeah, so when it's worst, I'll probably survive the learning one day," but I'm still convinced that I just don't want to teach.
It was both a substitute lesson, so I had to prepare my lessons (I taught physics in the seventh grade for a month).
He feared how others would treat him and how she would treat him.
I was afraid I would end up the same way.
I was afraid that I would be able to maintain at least a little maintenance of work ethic in the class, and I was also worried about the space, because the previous week I found out that the class is really very tight and I prefer more space.
I was afraid that if it was like this, the children would be bored, but as I say, they were nice.
While dictating the minutes, I said to myself that next time I had to give them some other activity during the lesson than just reading from a textbook, writing, a worksheet, and listening to my explanation.
During tutoring, however, I came to the opposite conclusion - I was glad that so few students signed up, especially students who were really interested in it, who were not clear and needed to repeat it, learning then takes place completely differently, it was possible listen to the needs of all pupils).
During the lesson, the teacher and I walked among the students, explaining the assignments and showing the correct procedure.
During the lesson, I observed the behavior of the whole class and the behavior of the teacher.
During the lesson, he often makes contact with students with sentences such as: "Who will explain it to me?" And "What else do we need to write?" Or "Can anyone think of what might be there?" It can be said that the teacher practices a very contact type of teaching with a combination of various innovative methods for me, so it is not a frontal teaching in the sense that students are only presented with some information.
Within an hour, poor Pavel jerked, shouted and snorted, which was probably not his fault, but it disturbed the class a lot and I was quite derailed.
During the lesson, everyone drilled the timing of the verb through complementary exercises, throwing a ball, and dictating various people and verbs.
During one work in pairs, while I was going around the class, a lot of children turned to me, saying that they may not be sure what to write here and there and why Anička says that there is not exactly an "is" but an "are" .
During my listening, e.g. the teacher discussed voiced and unvoiced consonants with the children.
Over the next two weeks, I did not feel that there was any exceptional situation in the teaching practice.
During my teaching practice, I thought many times about communication between teacher and student outside the teaching unit.
During my internship, I found that mathematics taught me much better than civics.
During the internship I get into 6 different classes.
During the teacher's speech, the children reported or called them up on their own.
During the first communications, it was interesting that the representative in particular communicated with me.
During the first words, however, it fell out of me, and in addition, the teacher herself helped me a lot, and at the end she asked the children if they would like me to teach them.
During the subjects of pedagogical care, pupils from the second to the sixth grade took turns in the classroom.
She was very calm during the conversation, asking him if he knew why she was there.
During my teaching and writing on the blackboard, he took a picture of the blackboard and after an hour showed me that I could work more with writing on the blackboard, which was perfect because I wouldn't even think about it and thanks to that I have more stimuli to think and assembling another hour.
He is said to have logged in for the first time during this hour.
During this group work, the teacher tested one student (based on his request for correction) in biology.
During the week, I always have one organizational hour with the director.
During these introductory classes I spent in the classroom, I came to the conclusion that unless there was a special situation that could give rise to a potential problem, I would learn well in these classes and the time spent in them would be an enrichment for my further studies. (and practice).
While learning in both types of classes, I asked myself a lot of questions about integration.
The topics Inventory, Flambé and Restaurant Preparation are constantly repeated during the lessons.
During my internship, I try to focus mainly on how students react in my class - I try to combine different teaching methods - explain something, ask supplementary questions, watch videos, different activities - students walk around the class and answer different questions.
God knows what it was, but I'm glad to see how the whole hour went anyway.
I would be quite interested in what could be invented for them, when they are just beginners, the words will probably prevail there.
Overall, I was surprised in class that the eighth graders didn't get caught up in the situation and didn't even laugh.
Overall, I rate the practice as very beneficial.
Overall, I am glad that my optimistic feelings have returned and I hope that it will last me.
Overall, I learned how I actually teach, what I excel at and what I still need to improve, mainly thanks to Ifce and her detailed feedback, which she provided me right after class.
Overall, I felt very relaxed and calm in class.
Overall, I somehow lost my illusions that first day.
Overall, we felt good about the history lessons, although I know about the little things I have to work on.
Overall, I feel like I'm fast enough for those kids.
Overall, I feel very good about the ongoing practice.
Overall, the time spent at this elementary school did not deter me from my future profession and I am glad that I also looked at the city school.
In total, I attend classes of about 5 - 6 teachers and they are all so calm with a sense of humor.
Overall, despite the difficulty of the material and the difficulty of preparation, teaching at a grammar school seems to me better than at a primary school.
In general, for the time being, I am getting to know the school and the teachers and I have contradictory feelings about it all, but I am still curious how it will continue and what will happen next Thursday.
Overall, I don't think it was (perhaps) a big catastrophe that limited me the most today, it was a longer coherent interpretation, with which I don't think I normally have a problem, so nervousness probably worked.
Overall, the class works great, which I think is also due to the number of students, ie.
Overall, however, I rate this elementary school above average.
All the while, I wondered what the significance of these experiments were when they did not illustrate the subject matter in class and the student obviously studied it badly.
I sat behind them the whole time and watched them.
All the while, I thought to myself that in the future I would like to teach in a similar way to her.