14 values
Who was the youngest US Vice President of the 20th century?
{ "aliases": [ "I'm not a crook", "Richard nixon", "Nixson", "Richard Milhouse Nixon", "Richard Milhous Nixon", "Nixonian", "Richard Nixon", "Dick Nixon", "Nixonite", "Nixon, Richard", "37th President of the United States", "Resignation of Richard Nixon", "Richard Nickson", "Tricky Dick Nixon", "Nixon's", "Arthur Burdg Nixon", "Richard M. Nixon", "Tricky Dick", "Arthur Nixon", "Nixon", "Harold Samuel Nixon", "Richard M Nixon", "Harold Nixon", "Nixon, Richard Milhous", "Nixon, Richard M.", "Nichard rixon" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "richard nickson", "resignation of richard nixon", "richard milhouse nixon", "nixon", "dick nixon", "nichard rixon", "nixon richard m", "nixon richard milhous", "richard milhous nixon", "i m not crook", "harold nixon", "nixonite", "arthur nixon", "tricky dick nixon", "richard m nixon", "harold samuel nixon", "37th president of united states", "nixon richard", "tricky dick", "nixon s", "nixson", "nixonian", "arthur burdg nixon", "richard nixon" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "richard nixon", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Richard Nixon" }
[ { "answer": "Richard Nixon", "passage": "Of the thirteen presidential elections from 1956 to 2004, nine featured the incumbent president; the other four (1960, 1968, 1988, 2000) all featured the incumbent vice president. Former vice presidents also ran, in 1984 (Walter Mondale), and in 1968 (Richard Nixon, against the incumbent vice president, Hubert Humphrey). The first presidential election to include neither the incumbent president nor the incumbent vice president on a major party ticket since 1952 came in 2008 when President George W. Bush had already served two terms and Vice President Cheney chose not to run. Richard Nixon is also the only non-sitting vice president to be elected president, as well as the only person to be elected president and vice president twice each.", "precise_score": -5.463940143585205, "rough_score": -6.137969493865967, "source": "wiki", "title": "Vice President of the United States" }, { "answer": "Nixon", "passage": "The first presidential candidate to choose his vice presidential candidate was Franklin Delano Roosevelt in 1940. The last not to name a vice presidential choice, leaving the matter up to the convention, was Democrat Adlai Stevenson in 1956. The convention chose Tennessee Senator Estes Kefauver over Massachusetts Senator (and later president) John F. Kennedy. At the tumultuous 1972 Democratic convention, presidential nominee George McGovern selected Senator Thomas Eagleton as his running mate, but numerous other candidates were either nominated from the floor or received votes during the balloting. Eagleton nevertheless received a majority of the votes and the nomination, though he later resigned from the ticket, resulting in Sargent Shriver becoming McGovern's final running mate; both lost to the Nixon-Agnew ticket by a wide margin, carrying only Massachusetts and the District of Columbia.", "precise_score": -5.230915546417236, "rough_score": -7.468397617340088, "source": "wiki", "title": "Vice President of the United States" }, { "answer": "Richard Nixon", "passage": "Four vice presidents have been elected to the presidency immediately after serving as vice president: John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Martin Van Buren and George H. W. Bush. Richard Nixon, John C. Breckinridge, Hubert Humphrey and Al Gore were all nominated by their respective parties, but failed to succeed the presidents with whom they were elected, though Nixon was elected president eight years later.", "precise_score": -1.8651463985443115, "rough_score": -7.525218963623047, "source": "wiki", "title": "Vice President of the United States" }, { "answer": "Richard M. Nixon", "passage": "Vice President: Richard M. Nixon", "precise_score": -1.3640015125274658, "rough_score": -7.0055460929870605, "source": "search", "title": "Presidents - The 20th century" }, { "answer": "Richard Nixon", "passage": "The President of the Senate also presides over counting and presentation of the votes of the Electoral College. This process occurs in the presence of both houses of Congress, generally on January 6 of the year following a U.S. presidential election. In this capacity, only four vice presidents have been able to announce their own election to the presidency: John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Martin Van Buren, and George H. W. Bush. At the beginning of 1961, it fell to Richard Nixon to preside over this process, which officially announced the election of his 1960 opponent, John F. Kennedy. In 2001, Al Gore announced the election of his opponent, George W. Bush. In 1969, Vice President Hubert Humphrey would have announced the election of his opponent, Richard Nixon; however, on the date of the Congressional joint session (January 6), Humphrey was in Norway attending the funeral of Trygve Lie, the first elected Secretary-General of the United Nations. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.290607452392578, "source": "wiki", "title": "Vice President of the United States" }, { "answer": "Richard Nixon", "passage": "While Section 4 has never been invoked, Section 3 has been invoked three times: on July 13, 1985 when Ronald Reagan underwent surgery to remove cancerous polyps from his colon, and twice more on June 29, 2002 and July 21, 2007 when George W. Bush underwent colonoscopy procedures requiring sedation. Prior to this amendment, Vice President Richard Nixon informally assumed some of President Dwight Eisenhower's duties for several weeks on each of three occasions when Eisenhower was ill.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.903018951416016, "source": "wiki", "title": "Vice President of the United States" }, { "answer": "Richard Nixon", "passage": "Since the adoption of the Twenty-Fifth Amendment, the office has been vacant twice while awaiting confirmation of the new vice president by both houses of Congress. The first such instance occurred in 1973 following the resignation of Spiro Agnew as Richard Nixon's vice president. Gerald Ford was subsequently nominated by President Nixon and confirmed by Congress. The second occurred 10 months later when Nixon resigned following the Watergate scandal and Ford assumed the presidency. The resulting vice presidential vacancy was filled by Nelson Rockefeller. Ford and Rockefeller are the only two people to have served as vice president without having been elected to the office, and Ford remains the only person to have served as both vice president and president without being elected to either office.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.714400291442871, "source": "wiki", "title": "Vice President of the United States" }, { "answer": "Richard Nixon", "passage": "Richard Nixon reinvented the office of vice president. He had the attention of the media and the Republican party, when Dwight Eisenhower ordered him to preside at Cabinet meetings in his absence. Nixon was also the first vice president to formally assume temporary control of the executive branch, which he did after Eisenhower suffered a heart attack on September 24, 1955, ileitis in June 1956, and a stroke in November 1957.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.8017964363098145, "source": "wiki", "title": "Vice President of the United States" }, { "answer": "Richard Nixon", "passage": "Richard Nixon unsuccessfully sought the governorship of California in 1962, nearly two years after leaving office as vice president and just over six years before becoming president. Walter Mondale ran unsuccessfully for president in 1984, served as U.S. Ambassador to Japan from 1993 to 1996, and then sought unsuccessfully to return to the Senate in 2002. George H. W. Bush won the presidency, and his vice president, Dan Quayle, sought the Republican nomination in 2000. Al Gore also ran unsuccessfully for the presidency in 2000, turning to environmental advocacy afterward. Cheney had previously explored the possibility of running for president before serving as vice president, but chose not to run for president after his two terms as vice president.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.6031670570373535, "source": "wiki", "title": "Vice President of the United States" }, { "answer": "Richard Nixon", "passage": "When President Bill Clinton and Vice President Al Gore were inaugurated on January 20, 1993, there were six living former Vice Presidents: Richard Nixon, Spiro Agnew, Gerald Ford, Walter Mondale, George H.W. Bush, and Dan Quayle. At the present time there are five living former vice presidents: Mondale, Bush, and Quayle, plus Gore and Dick Cheney.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.774957180023193, "source": "wiki", "title": "List of Vice Presidents of the United States by age" }, { "answer": "Nixon's", "passage": "Prior to passage of the Twenty-fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution, a vacancy in the office of the Vice President could not be filled until the next post-election inauguration. Such vacancies were common; sixteen occurred before the 25th Amendment was ratified, as a result of: seven deaths, one resignation, and eight cases in which the vice president succeeded to the presidency. This amendment allowed for a vacancy to be filled with appointment by the President and confirmation by both chambers of the U.S. Congress. Since the Amendment's passage, two vice presidents have been appointed through this process, Gerald Ford in 1973 (following Spiro Agnew's resignation) and Nelson Rockefeller in 1974 (following Ford's ascension to the presidency upon Nixon's resignation).", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.983014106750488, "source": "wiki", "title": "List of Vice Presidents of the United States by age" }, { "answer": "Richard Nixon", "passage": "Republican presidential nominee Richard Nixon was able to capitalize on the Democrat's confusion that year and won the 1968 election to become the 37th president, and would win again in 1972 against Democratic nominee George McGovern, who like Robert Kennedy reached out to the younger anti-war and counterculture voters, but unlike Kennedy, was not able to appeal to the party's more traditional white working class constituencies. During Nixon's second term, his presidency was rocked by the Watergate scandal, which forced him to resign in 1974, being succeeded by vice president Gerald Ford, who served a brief tenure. Watergate offered the Democrats an opportunity to recoup, and their nominee Jimmy Carter won the 1976 presidential election. With the initial support of evangelical Christian voters in the South, Carter was temporarily able to re-unite the disparate factions within the party, but inflation and the Iran Hostage Crisis of 1979-1980 took their toll, resulting in a landside victory for Republican presidential nominee Ronald Reagan in 1980, which shifted the tectonic plates of the political landscape in favor of the Republicans for years to come.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.804989337921143, "source": "wiki", "title": "Democratic Party (United States)" }, { "answer": "Richard M. Nixon", "passage": "Richard M. Nixon 37th President 1969-1974, Republican", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.553821563720703, "source": "search", "title": "Presidents - The 20th century" }, { "answer": "Nixon", "passage": "Early Years: Nixon worked on his family's lemon farm and in their general store and gas station. He attended local public schools and Whittier College, went to Duke University Law School on a scholarship and placed third in his graduating class.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.462130546569824, "source": "search", "title": "Presidents - The 20th century" }, { "answer": "Nixon's", "passage": "His Presidency: Under Nixon's administration, there was a cease-fire agreement with Vietnam. Nixon began the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks with the Soviet Union. The Watergate controversy led to his resignation, but he was granted \"a full, complete and absolute pardon.\" He was later known as an expert in international affairs.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.39478874206543, "source": "search", "title": "Presidents - The 20th century" }, { "answer": "Nixon", "passage": "Fun Fact: Nixon was a Quaker, and his mother wanted him to become a missionary.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.371899604797363, "source": "search", "title": "Presidents - The 20th century" }, { "answer": "Richard Nixon", "passage": "His Presidency: Ford succeeded Richard Nixon after he resigned. He granted Nixon a pardon regarding Watergate and gave conditional amnesty to Vietnam war resisters. He fought inflation with a tax cut and reduction of federal spending. Ford was not elected to another term, but served as a consultant in Reagan's administration.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.460006713867188, "source": "search", "title": "Presidents - The 20th century" }, { "answer": "Richard Nixon", "passage": "Richard Nixon rigged the system to become the president", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.362298011779785, "source": "search", "title": "Presidents - The 20th century" } ]
Who was mayor of New York during the race riots of 1996?
{ "aliases": [ "John Lindsay", "John V. Lindsey", "John V. Lindsay", "John Vliet Lindsay", "Lindsay Snowstorm", "Mayor Lindsay Storm", "John V Lindsay", "Mayor Lindsay" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "john v lindsay", "lindsay snowstorm", "john lindsay", "mayor lindsay storm", "john v lindsey", "mayor lindsay", "john vliet lindsay" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "john lindsay", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "John Lindsay" }
[ { "answer": "John Lindsay", "passage": "In midtown Manhattan, Mayor John Lindsay was at the Alvin Theater, sitting through the first act of a new Broadway musical, The Education of H*y*m*a*n K*a*p*l*a*n, starring his friend Tom Bosley. Lindsay was a liberal Republican, one of the most liberal in national politics. It was he who, as deputy chair, had pushed the Kerner Riot Commission to blame “white racism” for the riots, and it was he who had urged its members to call for massive new federal spending efforts.", "precise_score": 1.721286654472351, "rough_score": 1.0328887701034546, "source": "search", "title": "The Night New York Avoided a Riot - The Morning News" }, { "answer": "John Lindsay", "passage": "If Lindsay was wary of admitting the frequency of riots to the press, however, he was more than willing to recognize their existence to himself and his staff. He may have come across as an out-of-touch, Ivy League-educated dandy to some, but he possessed an acute sense of how the city worked, particularly its lower-income areas. During the summer of 1967, he poured money into summer jobs and activity programs to keep kids occupied and out of trouble. Then he created a city task force to maintain constant communication with ghetto leaders. And these leaders weren’t the ministers, businessmen, and other middle-class blacks that whites typically assumed “led” the ghetto, either. Lindsay opened lines of communication with militants, gang leaders, and youth organizers, the people who truly understood and spoke for the concerns of Harlem, Bedford-Stuyvesant, and East New York. Lindsay didn’t try to co-opt them, nor did he try to win them over to “his” side. “They could be pro-police, they could be anti-police. They could hate John Lindsay. But these were people whom we could call on if something happened,” recalled mayoral aide Sid Davidoff.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.274731636047363, "source": "search", "title": "The Night New York Avoided a Riot - The Morning News" }, { "answer": "John Lindsay", "passage": "Harlem wasn’t out of the woods yet, so to speak, but everyone agreed that Lindsay had made a huge difference by showing up at a time when many mayors across the country were hiding out in bunkerlike emergency operations centers. Jimmy Breslin, the city’s leading columnist, wrote, “He looked straight at the people on the streets and he told them he was sick and he was sorry about Martin Luther King. And the poor he spoke to who are so much more real than the rest of us, understood the truth of John Lindsay. And there was no riot in New York.” Garth later called him “the most courageous man I’ve ever seen.” Even historian Vincent Cannato, who wrote an excellent but highly critical biography of Lindsay, admitted that “in some ways, Lindsay’s reaction to the King riots represented a high point in his administration.”", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -0.40978896617889404, "source": "search", "title": "The Night New York Avoided a Riot - The Morning News" }, { "answer": "John Lindsay", "passage": "“He looked straight at the people on the streets and he told them he was sick and he was sorry about Martin Luther King. And the poor he spoke to who are so much more real than the rest of us, understood the truth of John Lindsay.”", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.085103988647461, "source": "search", "title": "The Night New York Avoided a Riot - The Morning News" } ]
Who formulated his Sinatra Doctrine - Foreign policy to be constructed on a My Way basis?
{ "aliases": [ "Eduard Amvrosievich Shevardnadze", "Eduard Shevardnadze", "Shevardnadze, Eduard", "Eduard A. Shevardnadze", "Eduard shevardnadze", "Sjevardnadse", "Edward Shevardnadze", "President Shevardnadze", "Shevardnadze, Eduard Amvrosiyevich", "Eduard Amvrosiyevich Shevardnadze", "Edouard A. Shevardnadze", "Eduard Ambrosyevich Shevardnadze", "Eduard Shervanadze", "ედუარდ შევარდნაძე", "Edvard Shevardnadze", "Shevernadze", "Edvard Amvrosievich Shevardnadze" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "eduard shevardnadze", "edvard amvrosievich shevardnadze", "president shevardnadze", "edvard shevardnadze", "edouard shevardnadze", "edward shevardnadze", "shevernadze", "eduard amvrosiyevich shevardnadze", "shevardnadze eduard amvrosiyevich", "ედუარდ შევარდნაძე", "eduard shervanadze", "shevardnadze eduard", "sjevardnadse", "eduard ambrosyevich shevardnadze", "eduard amvrosievich shevardnadze" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "eduard shevardnadze", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Eduard Shevardnadze" }
[ { "answer": "Eduard Shevardnadze", "passage": "The phrase was coined on 25 October 1989 by Foreign Ministry spokesman Gennadi Gerasimov. He was speaking to reporters in Helsinki about a speech made two days earlier by Soviet Foreign Minister Eduard Shevardnadze. The latter had said that the Soviets recognized the freedom of choice of all countries, specifically including the other Warsaw Pact states. Gerasimov told the interviewer that, \"We now have the Frank Sinatra doctrine. He has a song, I Did It My Way. So every country decides on its own which road to take.\" When asked whether this would include Moscow accepting the rejection of communist parties in the Soviet bloc. He replied: \"That's for sure… political structures must be decided by the people who live there.\"", "precise_score": 2.364990234375, "rough_score": 3.544936418533325, "source": "wiki", "title": "Sinatra Doctrine" } ]
Vaclav Havel and British King George VI both lost what part of their bodies?
{ "aliases": [ "Pulmonary surgical procedures", "Pulmanary", "Bird lung", "Pulmo", "Alveolar sacs", "Bellows lung", "Superior lobe of left lung", "Inferior lobe of left lung", "Pulmones", "Pulmonarily", "Avian lungs", "Lung", "Pulmonary gas exchange", "Lungs", "Pulmo sinister", "Pulmonary", "Inferior lobe", "Nonrespiratory functions of the lungs", "Lunged", "Circulatory lung" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "pulmonary gas exchange", "pulmo sinister", "pulmanary", "inferior lobe", "pulmonary surgical procedures", "bird lung", "lungs", "lunged", "superior lobe of left lung", "alveolar sacs", "avian lungs", "pulmones", "nonrespiratory functions of lungs", "lung", "inferior lobe of left lung", "pulmo", "bellows lung", "pulmonarily", "pulmonary", "circulatory lung" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "lung", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Lung" }
[ { "answer": "Lung", "passage": "The stress of the war had taken its toll on the King's health, exacerbated by his heavy smoking and subsequent development of lung cancer among other ailments, including arteriosclerosis and thromboangiitis obliterans. A planned tour of Australia and New Zealand was postponed after the King suffered an arterial blockage in his right leg, which threatened the loss of the leg and was treated with a right lumbar sympathectomy in March 1949. His elder daughter Elizabeth, the heir presumptive, took on more royal duties as her father's health deteriorated. The delayed tour was re-organised, with Elizabeth and her husband, the Duke of Edinburgh, taking the place of the King and Queen. The King was well enough to open the Festival of Britain in May 1951, but on 23 September 1951, his left lung was removed by Clement Price Thomas after a malignant tumour was found. In October 1951, Princess Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh went on a month-long tour of Canada; the trip had been delayed for a week due to the King's illness. At the State Opening of Parliament in November, the King's speech from the throne was read for him by the Lord Chancellor, Lord Simonds. His Christmas broadcast of 1951 was recorded in sections, and then edited together. ", "precise_score": -7.545232772827148, "rough_score": -9.889402389526367, "source": "wiki", "title": "George VI" }, { "answer": "Lung", "passage": "In January 1996, Olga Havlová, his wife of 32 years, died of cancer at 62. In December 1996, Havel who had been a chain smoker for a long time, was diagnosed with lung cancer. The disease reappeared two years later. He quit smoking. In 1997, he remarried, to actress Dagmar Veškrnová. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.595854759216309, "source": "wiki", "title": "Václav Havel" }, { "answer": "Lung", "passage": "The former chain smoker, who survived several operations for lung cancer and a burst intestine that nearly killed him, died at his country home north-east of the Czech capital Prague.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.388887405395508, "source": "search", "title": "Vaclav Havel who became Czech Republic's first elected ..." } ]
Who was Oliver North's immediate boss who admitted authori8zing funding the Contra rebels in Nicaragua?
{ "aliases": [ "John M. Poindexter", "Pointdexter", "John Marlan Poindexter", "John Poindexter", "Admiral John Marlan Poindexter" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "john m poindexter", "pointdexter", "john marlan poindexter", "admiral john marlan poindexter", "john poindexter" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "john poindexter", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "John Poindexter" }
[ { "answer": "John Poindexter", "passage": "During the trial, North testified that on November 21, 22, or 24, he witnessed Poindexter destroy what may have been the only signed copy of a presidential covert-action finding that sought to authorize CIA participation in the November 1985 Hawk missile shipment to Iran. U.S. Attorney General Edwin Meese admitted on November 25 that profits from weapons sales to Iran were made available to assist the Contra rebels in Nicaragua. On the same day, John Poindexter resigned, and President Reagan fired Oliver North. Poindexter was replaced by Frank Carlucci on December 2, 1986. ", "precise_score": 5.560004234313965, "rough_score": 4.787448406219482, "source": "wiki", "title": "Iran–Contra affair" }, { "answer": "John Poindexter", "passage": "National Security Council (NSC) officer Oliver North has become far more outspoken among government officials about his illegal funding of the Nicaraguan Contras (see May 16, 1986 ). During a meeting of his Restricted Interagency Group (RIG—see Late 1985 and After ), CIA official Alan Fiers, a member of the group, is discomfited at North’s straightforward listing of the many activities that he is causing to be conducted on behalf of the Contras, everything from supplying aircraft to paying salaries. Fiers is even less sanguine about North’s frank revelations about using illegally solicited private funding for the Contras (see May 16, 1986 ). North goes down the list, asking if each activity should be continued or terminated, and, according to Fiers, making it very clear that he can cause his Contra support program (which he now calls PRODEM, or “Project Democracy”) to respond as he directs. North also begins arranging, through Assistant Secretary of State Elliott Abrams, for $2 million in stopgap funding for the project. North will confirm the $2 million in an e-mail to NSC Director John Poindexter. North will conduct similar meetings in August and September 1986, at least one of which will include Assistant Defense Secretary Richard Armitage (see July 22, 1987 ) and other Defense Department officials (see November 13, 1990 ).", "precise_score": 5.191065788269043, "rough_score": 5.1103973388671875, "source": "search", "title": "Contras - History Commons" }, { "answer": "John Poindexter", "passage": "A meeting of Oliver North’s Restricted Interagency Group (RIG—see Late 1985 and After ) takes place in the office of Assistant Defense Secretary Richard Armitage. As in previous RIG meetings, North details the specific activities of the Contras, and asks for approval for each activity (see July 1986 and After ). But in this meeting, North makes an extraordinary proposal. Panamanian dictator Manuel Noriega has offered to conduct sabotage inside Nicaragua on behalf of the Contras for $1 million in cash. According to later testimony from RIG member Alan Fiers, a senior CIA official (see July 17, 1991 ), it is clear that the $1 million will not come from duly appropriated US funds, but from North’s so-called “Project Democracy,” which collects private funds from US citizens and other governments to fund the Contras. The sabotage would be conducted by mercenaries. Assistant Secretary of State Elliott Abrams meets with two aides to Secretary of State George Shultz, M. Charles Hill and Nicholas Platt, to discuss the Noriega proposal. Hill’s notes of the meeting read in part: “Noriega offers to do some sabotage (electric pylons) that we training contras to do but which they can’t do for 18 mos. Wd [would] get us on the map fast—by Oct. [1986]. Do it via mercenaries who may not know who employers are. Brits. Wd do it for cash (not from USG [US government]). Wants our go-ahead. Ollie will meet him w/approval of Pdx. [John Poindexter, the head of the National Security Council].” Ultimately, the idea is rejected.", "precise_score": 4.76395845413208, "rough_score": 0.9506675601005554, "source": "search", "title": "Contras - History Commons" }, { "answer": "John Poindexter", "passage": "Former National Security Adviser John Poindexter is indicted on seven felony counts relating to his participation in the Iran-Contra affair. Poindexter is named with fellow Iran-Contra conspirators Oliver North, Richard Secord, and Albert Hakim as part of a 23-count, multi-defendant indictment. The charges are based on evidence that shows all four defendants conspired to defraud the United States and violate federal law by secretly providing funds and supplies to the Nicaraguan Contras. The cases will soon be severed and each defendant will be tried separately (see May-June, 1989 ).", "precise_score": 2.375377655029297, "rough_score": -0.7618359923362732, "source": "search", "title": "Contras - History Commons" }, { "answer": "John Poindexter", "passage": "In an August 23, 1986, e-mail to National Security Advisor John Poindexter, North described a meeting with a representative of Panamanian General Manuel Noriega: \"You will recall that over the years Manuel Noriega in Panama and I have developed a fairly good relationship,\" North writes before explaining Noriega's proposal. If U.S. officials can \"help clean up his image\" and lift the ban on arms sales to the Panamanian Defense Force, Noriega will \"'take care of' the Sandinista leadership for us.\" ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.032071113586426, "source": "wiki", "title": "Oliver North" }, { "answer": "John Poindexter", "passage": "Robert McFarlane resigned on December 4, 1985, citing that he wanted to spend more time with his family. He was replaced by Admiral John Poindexter. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.797987937927246, "source": "wiki", "title": "Iran–Contra affair" }, { "answer": "John Poindexter", "passage": "On January 7, 1986, John Poindexter proposed to the president a modification of the approved plan: instead of negotiating with the \"moderate\" Iranian political group, the United States would negotiate with \"moderate\" members of the Iranian government. Poindexter told Reagan that Ghorbanifar had important connections within the Iranian government, so with the hope of the release of the hostages, Reagan approved this plan as well. Throughout February 1986, weapons were shipped directly to Iran by the United States (as part of Oliver North's plan, without the knowledge of President Reagan) and none of the hostages were released. Retired National Security Advisor McFarlane conducted another international voyage, this one to Tehran; bringing with him a gift of a bible having a handwritten inscription by Ronald Reagan; and, according to George Cave a cake baked in the shape of a key. Howard Teicher described the cake as a joke between North and Ghorbanifar. He met directly with the \"moderate\" Iranian political group that sought to establish U.S.-Iranian relations in an attempt to free the four remaining hostages. This meeting also failed. The members requested concessions such as Israel's withdrawal from the Golan Heights, which the United States rejected.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.946864128112793, "source": "wiki", "title": "Iran–Contra affair" }, { "answer": "John Poindexter", "passage": "The report published by the Tower Commission was delivered to the president on February 26, 1987. The Commission had interviewed 80 witnesses to the scheme, including Reagan, and two of the arms trade middlemen: Manucher Ghorbanifar and Adnan Khashoggi. The 200-page report was the most comprehensive of any released, criticizing the actions of Oliver North, John Poindexter, Caspar Weinberger, and others. It determined that President Reagan did not have knowledge of the extent of the program, especially about the diversion of funds to the Contras, although it argued that the president ought to have had better control of the National Security Council staff. The report heavily criticized Reagan for not properly supervising his subordinates or being aware of their actions. A major result of the Tower Commission was the consensus that Reagan should have listened to his National Security Advisor more, thereby placing more power in the hands of that chair.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.591049671173096, "source": "wiki", "title": "Iran–Contra affair" }, { "answer": "John Poindexter", "passage": "* National Security Advisor John Poindexter was convicted of five counts of conspiracy, obstruction of justice, perjury, defrauding the government, and the alteration and destruction of evidence. A panel of the D.C. Circuit overturned the convictions on November 15, 1991 by a vote of 2 to 1 and the Supreme Court refused to hear the case. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.649633407592773, "source": "wiki", "title": "Iran–Contra affair" }, { "answer": "John Poindexter", "passage": "Oliver North and John Poindexter were indicted on multiple charges on March 16, 1988. North, indicted on 16 counts, was found guilty by a jury of three felony counts. The convictions were vacated on appeal on the grounds that North's Fifth Amendment rights may have been violated by the indirect use of his testimony to Congress, which had been given under a grant of immunity. In 1990, Poindexter was convicted on several felony counts of conspiracy, lying to Congress, obstruction of justice, and altering and destroying documents pertinent to the investigation. His convictions were also overturned on appeal on similar grounds. Arthur L. Liman served as chief counsel for the Senate during the Iran–Contra Scandal. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.474272727966309, "source": "wiki", "title": "Iran–Contra affair" }, { "answer": "John Poindexter", "passage": "In Poindexter's hometown of Odon, Indiana, a street was renamed to John Poindexter Street. Bill Breeden, a former minister, stole the street's sign in protest of the Iran–Contra affair. He claimed that he was holding it for a ransom of $30 million, in reference to the amount of money given to Iran to transfer to the Contras. He was later arrested and confined to prison, making him, as satirically noted by Howard Zinn, \"the only person to be imprisoned as a result of the Iran–Contra Scandal\". ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.780085563659668, "source": "wiki", "title": "Iran–Contra affair" }, { "answer": "John M. Poindexter", "passage": "North, who was deputy director of political-military affairs, reported many of his activities to his superiors, National Security Adviser Robert C. McFarlane and later John M. Poindexter. He claimed to have taken much of his direction from Central Intelligence Agency Director William Casey.1", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.8136568069458, "source": "search", "title": "Oliver North - Iran-Contra Case - Federation of American ..." }, { "answer": "John Poindexter", "passage": "“There are no exceptions to the prohibition,” says Edward Boland (D-MA), the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee and the primary sponsor of the amemdment. Contra supporters in Congress denounce the bill, with Dick Cheney (R-WY) calling it a “killer amendment” that will force the Contras “to lay down their arms.” After President Reagan signs it into law, Cheney launches a lengthy, determined effort to persuade his colleagues to rescind the amendment. Inside the White House, particularly in the National Security Council, a number of Reagan officials, including National Security Adviser John Poindexter and his aide Colonel Oliver North, begin conspiring to circumvent the amendment with a complex scheme involving selling arms to Iran at inflated prices in exchange for American hostages held by Lebanese militants, and using the profits to fund the Contras.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.726204872131348, "source": "search", "title": "Contras - History Commons" }, { "answer": "John Poindexter", "passage": "National Security Adviser John Poindexter, the recipient of the memo, will later testify that President Reagan never saw the memo. Reagan will deny knowing anything about the diversion of arms profits to the Contras until November 1986 (see November 10, 1986 and After and November 13, 1986 ).", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.016159057617188, "source": "search", "title": "Contras - History Commons" }, { "answer": "John Poindexter", "passage": "After a National Security Planning Group (NSPG) meeting that covered the need for further monetary assistance to the Nicaraguan Contras, Assistant Secretary of State Elliott Abrams, in a discussion with his boss, Secretary of State George Shultz, broaches the idea of soliciting donations from other nations. Shultz is receptive, but warns Abrams that he does not want donations from a country that receives large amounts of US aid, as such solicitations might appear to be kickbacks from such aid. And Shultz does not want a right-wing dictatorship such as Taiwan or South Korea to contribute because it would create a potentially embarrassing link between those countries and the Contras. Abrams suggests asking the Sultan of Brunei, Hassanal Bolkiah, for funds. Brunei is a tremendously rich Muslim oil state in Southeast Asia. Shultz is planning on visiting Brunei in late June anyway, and Abrams says the visit is a perfect opportunity for Shultz to ask for donations. Shultz agrees (see June 11, 1986 ), but will not ultimately ask the Sultan for money during the visit (see June 23-24, 1986 ). After the discussion, Abrams meets with National Security Council officer Oliver North, and asks where the money should be sent should the Sultan agree to provide funds. North tells Abrams to wait until he can clear the solitication with his boss, NSC chief John Poindexter. North tells Poindexter that he has “the accounts and the means by which this thing [transfer of solicited funds] needs to be accomplished.” Poindexter will approve the solicitation.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -2.8407628536224365, "source": "search", "title": "Contras - History Commons" }, { "answer": "John Poindexter", "passage": "'Shredding Party' - Additionally, during his investigation, National Security Council documents are altered or destroyed, including a presidential finding from December 1985 that retroactively authorized US missile sales to Iran (see November 24-25, 1985 and December 5, 1985 ); National Security Adviser John Poindexter will later admit to destroying this document. Lieutenant Colonel Oliver North holds what is later called a “shredding party,” destroying thousands of documents that would likely implicate White House officials in a criminal conspiracy to break the law (see November 21-23, 1986 ). The Iran-Contra investigative committee will later fault Meese for departing from “standard investigative techniques” during his investigation.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.663673400878906, "source": "search", "title": "Contras - History Commons" }, { "answer": "John Poindexter", "passage": "Attorney General Edwin Meese announces the results of his internal “investigation” of US arms sales to Iran (see November 21-25, 1986 ). In the conference, Meese announces that President Reagan did not learn of the US shipments of Hawk anti-aircraft missiles (see 1985 , November 24-25, 1985 , and August 4, 1986 ) until February 1986. Investigators for Independent Counsel Lawrence Walsh will later conclude that Meese lied; not only did Meese never ask Reagan about his knowledge of the Hawk shipments, he ignored evidence and testimony that proved Reagan did indeed know of the shipments, such as a statement from Secretary of State George Shultz that Reagan had told him that he had known of the Hawk shipments in advance. But Meese will also, reluctantly, admit that the US had illegally diverted between $10 million and $30 million in funds from Iranian arms sales to the Nicaraguan Contras (see April 4, 1986 ). National Security Adviser John Poindexter immediately resigns, and Lieutenant Colonel Oliver North is fired from the National Security Council staff.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.157196044921875, "source": "search", "title": "Contras - History Commons" }, { "answer": "John Poindexter", "passage": "John Poindexter - who found a niche deep in the U.S. government's post-9/11 security bureaucracy as head of the Pentagon's Total Information Awareness program (formally disbanded by Congress in 2003), was Oliver North's superior during the Iran-Contra period and personally approved or directed many of his activities. His assertion that he never told President Reagan about the diversion of Iranian funds to the Contras ensured Reagan would not face impeachment.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -2.830472469329834, "source": "search", "title": "The Iran-Contra Affair 20 Years On - National Security Archive" } ]
Which ex-president died shortly after he death of Harry S. Truman?
{ "aliases": [ "Rebekah Baines", "President Lyndon B Johnson", "President Lyndon Baines Johnson", "Presidency of Lyndon Baines Johnson", "All I have I would have given gladly...", "President Lyndon B. Johnson", "Lyndon b. johnson", "L. Johnson Administration", "Johnson, Lyndon Baines", "President lbj", "Lyndon Johnson Administration", "Lindon B. Johnson", "L. B. J.", "Lyndon b johnson", "Lyndon B. Johnson Administration", "LBJ", "L.B.J.", "President LBJ", "Lyndon Johnson", "36th President of the United States", "L B J", "Lindon Johnson", "Howard University Speech", "Lyndon Banes Johnson", "Lyndon Baines Johnson Administration", "Lyndon B. Johnson", "President Lyndon Johnson", "Lyndon Baynes Johnson", "Lyndon johnson", "L. B. Johnson Administration", "Lyndon B Johnson", "Rebekah Baines Johnson", "Lyndon Baines Johnson", "Lbj", "Presidency of Lyndon B. Johnson" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "lyndon baines johnson administration", "l b johnson administration", "lyndon b johnson", "lyndon baines johnson", "president lbj", "lindon johnson", "l b j", "lindon b johnson", "rebekah baines", "lyndon banes johnson", "rebekah baines johnson", "36th president of united states", "l johnson administration", "lyndon johnson", "lbj", "lyndon b johnson administration", "howard university speech", "presidency of lyndon b johnson", "all i have i would have given gladly", "lyndon baynes johnson", "johnson lyndon baines", "president lyndon baines johnson", "president lyndon b johnson", "lyndon johnson administration", "president lyndon johnson", "presidency of lyndon baines johnson" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "lyndon b johnson", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Lyndon B. Johnson" }
[ { "answer": "Lyndon B. Johnson", "passage": "Truman supported Adlai Stevenson's second bid for the White House in 1956, although he had initially favored Democratic Governor W. Averell Harriman of New York. He continued to campaign for Democratic senatorial candidates for many years. Upon turning 80 in 1964, Truman was feted in Washington, and addressed the Senate, availing himself of a new rule that allowed former presidents to be granted privilege of the floor. After a fall in his home in late 1964, his physical condition declined. In 1965, President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Medicare bill at the Harry S. Truman Presidential Library and Museum and gave the first two Medicare cards to Truman and his wife Bess to honor the former president's fight for government health care while in office.", "precise_score": -1.8835985660552979, "rough_score": -3.0891928672790527, "source": "wiki", "title": "Harry S. Truman" }, { "answer": "Lyndon B. Johnson", "passage": "     The room cost $59.50 a day. In Mr. Truman's case it was paid for by private medical insurance and Medicare. Long an advocate of Federal Health plans, Mr. Truman held Medicare card number 1. He had not been able to push such a plan through during his own presidency, but Lyndon B. Johnson was more successful and came to Independence in 1965 to sign the Medicare Act in the Truman Library, enrolling the former President as the first member.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.407388687133789, "source": "search", "title": "President Truman's Obituary - Python" } ]
Who was the first Democrat President of the 20th century?
{ "aliases": [ "Thomas W. Wilson", "President wilson", "Wilson, Woodrow", "Thomas Woodrow Wilson", "Woodrow wilson", "Presidency of Woodrow Wilson", "President Woodrow Wilson", "President Wilson's", "T Woodrow Wilson", "W. Wilson", "Woodrow Wilson's", "Woodrow Wilson", "Wildrow Woodson", "President Wilson", "28th President of the United States", "T. Woodrow Wilson" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "presidency of woodrow wilson", "woodrow wilson", "28th president of united states", "president wilson s", "w wilson", "thomas w wilson", "president wilson", "wilson woodrow", "thomas woodrow wilson", "president woodrow wilson", "wildrow woodson", "woodrow wilson s", "t woodrow wilson" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "woodrow wilson", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Woodrow Wilson" }
[ { "answer": "Woodrow Wilson", "passage": "Woodrow Wilson 28th President 1913-1921, Democrat", "precise_score": 1.6228885650634766, "rough_score": 2.790874719619751, "source": "search", "title": "Presidents - The 20th century" }, { "answer": "Woodrow Wilson", "passage": "Agrarian Democrats demanding Free Silver overthrew the Bourbon Democrats in 1896 and nominated William Jennings Bryan for the presidency (a nomination repeated by Democrats in 1900 and 1908). Bryan waged a vigorous campaign attacking Eastern moneyed interests, but he lost to the Republican William McKinley. The Democrats took control of the House in 1910 and elected Woodrow Wilson as president in 1912 and 1916. Wilson effectively led Congress to put to rest the issues of tariffs, money, and antitrust, which had dominated politics for 40 years, with new progressive laws. The Great Depression in 1929 that occurred under Republican President Herbert Hoover and the Republican Congress set the stage for a more liberal government; the Democrats controlled the House of Representatives nearly uninterrupted from 1930 until 1994 and won most presidential elections until 1968. Franklin D. Roosevelt, elected to the presidency in 1932, came forth with government programs called the New Deal. New Deal liberalism meant the regulation of business (especially finance and banking) and the promotion of labor unions, as well as federal spending to aid to the unemployed, help distressed farmers, and undertake large-scale public works projects. It marked the start of the American welfare state. The opponents, who stressed opposition to unions, support for business, and low taxes, started calling themselves \"conservatives.\" ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.256182909011841, "source": "wiki", "title": "Democratic Party (United States)" }, { "answer": "Woodrow Wilson", "passage": "Woodrow Wilson, enjoyed the theater,", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.307808876037598, "source": "search", "title": "Presidents - The 20th century" }, { "answer": "Woodrow Wilson", "passage": "I recognize intellectually that Woodrow Wilson could be accused of almost every single one of those, too, but I am not as emotionally involved in Wilson. And Wilson signed (reluctantly) onto women's suffrage and was a voice of diplomatic reason in Europe after WWI. Those two edge him slightly to the good side of Reagan, for me.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.323185920715332, "source": "search", "title": "Who was the worst President of the 20th Century ..." } ]
Who was North Vietnam's chief negotiator at the '73 Paris peace talks?
{ "aliases": [ "Lê Ðức Thọ", "Lê Đức-Thọ", "Le Duc Tho", "Phan Dinh Khai", "Lê Đức Thọ" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "phan dinh khai", "lê ðức thọ", "lê đức thọ", "le duc tho" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "le duc tho", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Le Duc Tho" }
[ { "answer": "Le Duc Tho", "passage": "In February 1970, national security advisor Henry Kissinger began secret one-on-one meetings with North Vietnamese negotiator Le Duc Tho outside Paris while the formal peace process continued in the city. Still, little progress would be made until the summer of 1972. By then, Nixon was pursuing détente with both China and the Soviet Union and was eager to put Vietnam behind him before the next election. Both sides wanted peace. Hanoi feared political isolation if the U.S. had a rapprochement with China and the Soviet Union. They also knew that peace would end the fearsome U.S. bombing and might finally mean the complete withdrawal of the military giant. Nixon wanted to move to other foreign policy initiatives.", "precise_score": 4.989902973175049, "rough_score": 5.414326190948486, "source": "search", "title": "American Experience | Return With Honor | People & Events" }, { "answer": "Le Duc Tho", "passage": "Washington, Jan. 23 -- President Nixon said tonight that Henry A. Kissinger and North Vietnam's chief negotiator, Le Duc Tho, had initialed an agreement in Paris today \"to end the war and bring peace with honor in Vietnam and Southeast Asia.\"", "precise_score": 8.248858451843262, "rough_score": 8.169315338134766, "source": "search", "title": "Vietnam Accord is Reached; Cease-Fire Begins Saturday; P.O ..." }, { "answer": "Le Duc Tho", "passage": "February 21, 1970 - Although the official peace talks remain deadlocked in Paris, behind the scenes, Henry Kissinger begins a series of secret talks with North Vietnam's Le Duc Tho, which will go on for two years.", "precise_score": 4.105718612670898, "rough_score": 4.944498062133789, "source": "search", "title": "The History Place - Vietnam War 1969-1975" }, { "answer": "Le Duc Tho", "passage": "President Nixon announces that Henry Kissinger and Le Duc Tho, the chief North Vietnamese negotiator, have initialled a peace agreement in Paris “to end the war and bring peace with honor in Vietnam and Southeast Asia.”", "precise_score": 8.461627006530762, "rough_score": 7.974527359008789, "source": "search", "title": "Nixon announces peace settlement reached in Paris - Jan 23 ..." }, { "answer": "Lê Đức Thọ", "passage": "The negotiations that led to the accord began in 1968 after various lengthy delays. As a result of the accord, the International Control Commission (ICC) was replaced by International Commission of Control and Supervision (ICCS) to fulfill the agreement. The main negotiators of the agreement were United States National Security Advisor Henry Kissinger and Vietnamese politburo member Lê Đức Thọ; the two men were awarded the 1973 Nobel Peace Prize for their efforts, although Lê Đức Thọ refused to accept it.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.009451389312744, "source": "wiki", "title": "Paris Peace Accords" }, { "answer": "Le Duc Tho", "passage": "In 1969 Richard Nixon succeeded to the U.S. presidency and replaced Harriman with Henry Cabot Lodge Jr., who was later replaced by David Bruce. Also that year, the NLF set up a Provisional Revolutionary Government (PRG), to gain government status at the talks. However, the primary negotiations that led to the agreement did not occur at the Peace Conference at all but were carried out during secret negotiations between Kissinger and Le Duc Tho, which began on 4 August 1969.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.873809814453125, "source": "wiki", "title": "Paris Peace Accords" }, { "answer": "Lê Đức Thọ", "passage": "* Lê Đức Thọ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.313657760620117, "source": "wiki", "title": "Paris Peace Accords" }, { "answer": "Le Duc Tho", "passage": "August 1, 1972 - Henry Kissinger meets again with Le Duc Tho in Paris", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.750149726867676, "source": "search", "title": "The History Place - Vietnam War 1969-1975" }, { "answer": "Le Duc Tho", "passage": "October 8, 1972 - The long-standing diplomatic stalemate between Henry Kissinger and Le Duc Tho finally ends as both sides agree to major concessions. The U.S. will allow North Vietnamese troops already in South Vietnam to remain there, while North Vietnam drops its demand for the removal of South Vietnam's President Thieu and the dissolution of his government.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.604726314544678, "source": "search", "title": "The History Place - Vietnam War 1969-1975" }, { "answer": "Le Duc Tho", "passage": "December 13, 1972 - In Paris, peace negotiations between Kissinger and Le Duc Tho collapse after Kissinger presents a list of 69 changes demanded by President Thieu.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.043052673339844, "source": "search", "title": "The History Place - Vietnam War 1969-1975" }, { "answer": "Le Duc Tho", "passage": "January 8, 1973 - Kissinger and Le Duc Tho resume negotiations in Paris.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.525269508361816, "source": "search", "title": "The History Place - Vietnam War 1969-1975" }, { "answer": "Le Duc Tho", "passage": "January 9, 1973 - All remaining differences are resolved between Kissinger and Le Duc Tho.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.299160957336426, "source": "search", "title": "The History Place - Vietnam War 1969-1975" }, { "answer": "Le Duc Tho", "passage": "In October 1970 the idea of having a Peace Agreement was established in Paris, France. National Security Advisor Henry Kissinger had been secretly meeting with the North Vietnamese Communist negotiator, Le Duc Tho, outside of Paris to discuss the outcomes of the potential end of war. They knew that if an agreement were made, it would mean withdrawal of American troops, removing the military giant. It entailed sending all the American troops home and freeing all of the Prisoners of War. It even would result in more political stability for South Vietnam. When America agreed to give Vietnam economic assistance to repair their destroyed infrastructure, Nixon declared that Peace was “at hand”, or very close. However the South Vietnamese Leader, Nguyen Van Thieu, became enraged that he had not been consulted and demanded various outrageous changed in order for him to agree to Peace. President Nixon then made the decision to bribe Thieu. He promised $1 million in military weaponry and aerial equipment, as well as the guarantee that America would invade North Vietnam again if they didn’t abide to the Peace Agreements. In Paris during the January of 1973, after Nixon decided to “punish” the North Vietnamese armies with bombing, talks of peace resumed. On January 27th, an official peace agreement was signed by all of the National leaders. The conditions were almost identical to those made almost a year ago between Kissinger and Tho. Kissinger had successfully established the Paris Peace Accords that ended the long Vietnam War, and negotiated his way out of a very tough situation. He later warranted these Accords through saying, “We believed that those who opposed the War in Vietnam would be satisfied with our withdrawal, and those who favored an honorable ending would be satisfied if the United States would not destroy and ally.” The following March, the U.S. withdrew their troops, and all of the soldiers were able to return home to their families.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 4.126726150512695, "source": "search", "title": "Henry Kissinger Negotiation - The Vietnam War" }, { "answer": "Le Duc Tho", "passage": "It was a fair assessment of 1972. It was, of course, wildly wrong about the years to come, thanks to Watergate, but on that New Year's Eve, Nixon had reason to be optimistic. His biggest foreign policy problem, inherited from LBJ, had been the ongoing Vietnam War. Heading into 1973, it seemed likely that a peace treaty was just around the corner. Indeed, as he wrote, peace negotiations were getting restarted. The New York Times reported that Hanoi's negotiator, Le Duc Tho, was en route to Paris for a new round of meetings with Henry Kissinger. As we now know, Tho was first making a secret stop in Beijing in order to consult with Chou Enlai. The Chinese premier summarized the state of affairs nicely. He began by noting that Nixon's effort \"to exert pressure through bombing has failed.\" Observing that Nixon faced numerous international and domestic problems, Chou advised Tho to \"adhere to principles but show the necessary flexibility\" that would produce a settlement. \"Let the Americans leave as quickly as possible. In half a year or one year the situation will change,\" Chou Enlai advised Le Duc Tho. As he knew full well, 150,000 North Vietnamese troops were still in the South. The North was positioned for eventual victory; America was fed up with the war to the point of exhaustion. The ally that America had long supported, and continued to guarantee the safety of, was facing almost certain doom.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -2.636082887649536, "source": "search", "title": " No Peace, No Honor: Nixon, Kissinger ..." }, { "answer": "Le Duc Tho", "passage": "While Le Duc Tho was in China, Strom Thurmond, South Carolina's senior Republican senator and one of Nixon's strongest supporters, penned a personal message to the president. Nixon had always valued Thurmond's advice and support. In 1968, Thurmond had delivered the crucial Republican southern delegates to Nixon's nomination for president. A certified hawk on the war and a strong supporter of the Christmas bombing of North Vietnam, Thurmond wrote to the president on January 2 that any final settlement negotiated in Paris between Henry Kissinger and Le Duc Tho that allowed North Vietnam's troops to remain in the South would be viewed as a betrayal of those who had fought and died in the war. \"I am pleased that the bombing of North Vietnam has brought the communists to the negotiating table. This proves once again that the firmness of your policies brings results. It is my hope that the forthcoming negotiations will produce a revised draft agreement, which will explicitly provide that all non-south Vietnamese troops will be required to evacuate South Vietnamese territory. I am deeply concerned that past draft agreements indicate that North Vietnamese troops would be allowed to remain in South Vietnam. This could be the foundation for North Vietnam to take over South Vietnam after our final withdrawal in the future. In such an outcome, history will judge that the sacrifice of American lives was in vain.\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.103480815887451, "source": "search", "title": " No Peace, No Honor: Nixon, Kissinger ..." }, { "answer": "Le Duc Tho", "passage": "Three weeks later, on Tuesday, January 23, 1973, at the International Conference Center in Paris, the test of his assumption was launched. Le Duc Tho and Henry Kissinger, about to conclude their Nobel Prize-winning negotiations on the Agreement on Ending the War and Restoring Peace in Vietnam, were joking together. Kissinger said, \"I changed a few pages in your Vietnamese text last night, Mr. Special Advisor, but it only concerned North Vietnamese troops. You won't notice it until you get back home.\" They shared a good laugh.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 1.1979566812515259, "source": "search", "title": " No Peace, No Honor: Nixon, Kissinger ..." }, { "answer": "Le Duc Tho", "passage": "Only in South Vietnam was there no joy or celebration over the signing of the Paris agreement. By the terms of the deal, over 150,000 North Vietnamese troops remained in the South, whereas the United States, over the course of Nixon's presidency, had unilaterally withdrawn over 500,000 of its own troops. President Nguyen Van Thieu and his fellow countrymen understood that the diplomatic battle had been won by Le Duc Tho. President Thieu was agreeing to nothing more than a protocol for American disengagement. True, President Nixon had guaranteed brutal retaliation if the North resumed any aggression. But could these guarantees be trusted? The fate of his country depended on them. Twenty-eight months later, South Vietnam would disappear.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.5609970092773438, "source": "search", "title": " No Peace, No Honor: Nixon, Kissinger ..." }, { "answer": "Le Duc Tho", "passage": "This is the story of a peace negotiation that began with Lyndon Johnson in 1968 and ended with the fall of South Vietnam in 1975. Many secret meetings were involved. The principal sources include transcript-like narratives of documents from Hanoi archives that have been translated by Luu Van Loi and Nguyen Anh Vu and published as Le Duc Tho-Kissinger Negotiations in Paris; declassified meeting transcripts from a congressional investigation of MIAs in Southeast Asia; declassified meeting notes from the papers of Tony Lake and memoranda of conversations from recently declassified materials in the National Archives or presidential libraries. These three have been triangulated to connect minutes as well as linkages between events. In many cases, I have been able to fill in classified sections through materials in back-channel cables from Kissinger to Ambassador Ellsworth Bunker or President Nixon.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.742022514343262, "source": "search", "title": " No Peace, No Honor: Nixon, Kissinger ..." } ]
Who was the first president to be elected for a third four-year term?
{ "aliases": [ "Franklin D. Roosevelt", "Franklin D. Rosevelt", "F.D.R.", "FDR", "Franklin roosevelt", "F D R", "Frankilin Delano roosevelt", "Franklin Delano Rosevelt", "F. D. Roosevelt", "Franklin D. Roosevelt administration", "Frank Roosevelt", "Franklin d roosevelt", "Franklin Roosevelt Administration", "Franklin D Roosevelt", "FD Roosevelt", "32nd President of the United States", "Franklin Roosevelt", "Presidency of FDR", "Franklin D. Roosevelt Administration", "A Summary of the Life of Franklin Delano Roosevelt", "Franklin Rosevelt", "F. Roosevelt Administration", "Franklin Roosevelt administration", "Presidency of Franklin D. Roosevelt", "Fdr", "President Franklin Delano Roosevelt", "F.D. Roosevelt", "Franklin Deleno Roosevelt", "President Franklin D. Roosevelt", "Franklin Delano Roosevelt", "Frankie D", "Frankin Delano Roosevelt", "Franklin Delano Roosevelt Administration", "F. D. Roosevelt Administration", "Roosevelt, Franklin Delano", "F. D. R.", "President Franklin Roosevelt", "Presidency of Franklin Delano Roosevelt", "Presidency of Franklin Roosevelt", "Frankin D Roosevelt" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "f d roosevelt", "franklin d roosevelt administration", "f d roosevelt administration", "franklin deleno roosevelt", "president franklin roosevelt", "franklin rosevelt", "frankilin delano roosevelt", "president franklin d roosevelt", "fd roosevelt", "f roosevelt administration", "summary of life of franklin delano roosevelt", "franklin delano roosevelt administration", "franklin roosevelt administration", "32nd president of united states", "f d r", "frankin d roosevelt", "franklin roosevelt", "presidency of franklin roosevelt", "presidency of fdr", "frankin delano roosevelt", "frankie d", "franklin delano rosevelt", "roosevelt franklin delano", "frank roosevelt", "presidency of franklin delano roosevelt", "franklin d rosevelt", "presidency of franklin d roosevelt", "franklin d roosevelt", "fdr", "franklin delano roosevelt", "president franklin delano roosevelt" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "franklin d roosevelt", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Franklin D. Roosevelt" }
[ { "answer": "Franklin D. Roosevelt", "passage": "The term of office for president and vice president is four years. George Washington, the first president, set an unofficial precedent of serving only two terms, which subsequent presidents followed until 1940. Before Franklin D. Roosevelt, attempts at a third term were encouraged by supporters of Ulysses S. Grant and Theodore Roosevelt; neither of these attempts succeeded. In 1940, Franklin D. Roosevelt declined to seek a third term, but allowed his political party to \"draft\" him as its presidential candidate and was subsequently elected to a third term. In 1941, the United States entered World War II, leading voters to elect Roosevelt to a fourth term in 1944. But Roosevelt died only 82 days after taking office for the fourth term on 12 April 1945.", "precise_score": 8.760634422302246, "rough_score": 8.4234619140625, "source": "wiki", "title": "President of the United States" }, { "answer": "Franklin Delano Roosevelt", "passage": "On this day in 1940, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who first took office in 1933 as America’s 32nd president, is nominated for an unprecedentedthird term. Roosevelt, a Democrat, would eventually be elected to a record four terms in office, the only U.S. president to serve more than two terms.", "precise_score": 5.954776287078857, "rough_score": 7.429477691650391, "source": "search", "title": "FDR nominated for unprecedented third term - Jul 18, 1940 ..." }, { "answer": "FDR", "passage": "In that year, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who had steered the nation through the Great Depression of the 1930s, won a third term and was elected in 1944 for a fourth term as well. Following President Roosevelt’s death in April 1945, just months into his fourth term, Republicans in Congress sought passage of Amendment XXII. FDR was the first and only president to serve more than two terms.", "precise_score": 8.867595672607422, "rough_score": 6.284590244293213, "source": "search", "title": "Amendment XXII - Home - National Constitution Center" }, { "answer": "Franklin D. Roosevelt", "passage": "The only president to serve more than two terms was Franklin D. Roosevelt . In 1940 he won the election for his third term. Four years later in 1944, he ran again. He became the only president to be elected to a fourth term. However, he was president for only a year into his fourth term before he suffered from a cerebral hemorrhage and passed away.", "precise_score": 8.281987190246582, "rough_score": 7.98543643951416, "source": "search", "title": "Which President Served More Than Two Terms? - Biography" }, { "answer": "Franklin D. Roosevelt", "passage": "Democrat Franklin D. Roosevelt is reelected president of the United States for a record third time, handily defeating his Republican challenger, Thomas Dewey, the governor of New York, and becoming the first and only president in history to win a fourth term in office.", "precise_score": 8.719341278076172, "rough_score": 7.312815189361572, "source": "search", "title": "FDR reelected a record third time -" }, { "answer": "Franklin D. Roosevelt", "passage": "No. The 22nd Amendment , enacted after Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected president for the fourth time, imposes a two-term limit on presidential candidates and was established to formalize a tradition George Washington started by refusing to run for a third term in 1796.", "precise_score": 5.232482433319092, "rough_score": 3.630948781967163, "source": "search", "title": "Presidential Term Limits - Infoplease" }, { "answer": "Franklin D. Roosevelt", "passage": "Even prior to Franklin D. Roosevelt, however, several Presidents attempted to serve a third term. Following Jackson's exit from office after two terms, and due to Lincoln's assassination before his second term was complete, Ulysses S. Grant was the first since the 1830s who was in a position to explore a third term. In 1880, after having served from 1869 to 1877, Grant sought nomination for a third term at the Republican National Convention, but narrowly lost his party's nomination to James Garfield. During a period dominated by Republicans, had Grant been nominated, he might well have won a third term. Years later, Grover Cleveland pursued a third term (and second consecutive term) in 1896, but in the wake of the Panic of 1893, lost virtually all support to the Silverites led by William Jennings Bryan. He furthermore declined to head the Gold Democrat ticket, whose performance proved abysmal, although their campaign did receive his endorsement.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 2.8444511890411377, "source": "wiki", "title": "Twenty-second Amendment to the United States Constitution" }, { "answer": "Franklin D. Roosevelt", "passage": "Franklin D. Roosevelt spent the months leading up to the 1940 Democratic National Convention refusing to state whether he would seek a third term. His Vice President, John Nance Garner, along with Postmaster General James Farley, announced their candidacies for the Democratic nomination. When the convention came, Roosevelt sent a message to the convention, saying he would run only if drafted, saying delegates were free to vote for whomever they pleased. The delegates issued 946 votes for Roosevelt, 72 for Farley, and 61 for Garner; they replaced Garner with Henry A. Wallace, and Farley resigned as postmaster general. In the 1940 general election, while Republican Wendell Willkie received six million more votes than the previous Republican candidate (Alfred Landon) had in 1936, Roosevelt still won decisively, taking 38 of 48 states. His supporters cited impending war as a reason for breaking with precedent, while Willkie had run against the principle of a third term. Roosevelt was the first president elected to a third term, and the only one to exceed eight years in office.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -0.6522491574287415, "source": "wiki", "title": "Twenty-second Amendment to the United States Constitution" }, { "answer": "Franklin D. Roosevelt", "passage": "The amendment explicitly did not apply to the sitting president (Harry S. Truman) at the time it was proposed by Congress. Truman, who had served nearly all of Franklin D. Roosevelt's unexpired fourth term and who had been elected to a full term in 1948, was thus eligible to seek re-election in 1952. However, after poor performance in the 1952 New Hampshire primary, Truman chose not to seek his party's nomination. He theoretically also would have been eligible in later elections.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.972255229949951, "source": "wiki", "title": "Twenty-second Amendment to the United States Constitution" }, { "answer": "FDR", "passage": "FDR nominated for unprecedented third term - Jul 18, 1940 -", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.874312400817871, "source": "search", "title": "FDR nominated for unprecedented third term - Jul 18, 1940 ..." }, { "answer": "FDR", "passage": "This Day in History: 07/18/1940 - FDR Nominated for a 3rd Term", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.937427520751953, "source": "search", "title": "FDR nominated for unprecedented third term - Jul 18, 1940 ..." }, { "answer": "FDR", "passage": "FDR nominated for unprecedented third term", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.325017929077148, "source": "search", "title": "FDR nominated for unprecedented third term - Jul 18, 1940 ..." }, { "answer": "FDR", "passage": "FDR nominated for unprecedented third term", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.325017929077148, "source": "search", "title": "FDR nominated for unprecedented third term - Jul 18, 1940 ..." }, { "answer": "FDR", "passage": "FDR nominated for unprecedented third term", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.325017929077148, "source": "search", "title": "FDR nominated for unprecedented third term - Jul 18, 1940 ..." }, { "answer": "Franklin Delano Roosevelt", "passage": "There is an exception, however. Before the ratification of the 22nd Amendment, Franklin Delano Roosevelt was elected to four terms in the White House in 1932, 1936, 1940 and 1944.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -0.3244766294956207, "source": "search", "title": "Presidential Terms - Why Presidents Can Serve 2 Terms" }, { "answer": "FDR", "passage": "Known as FDR by many, he will always be remembered for igniting hope in the millions of people in the United States who were suffering from the consequences of the Great Depression. One of his most well known programs was the New Deal , in which he started a chain of events to stimulate the economy. It was successful at first and the economy was booming; however, by 1937, a recession began.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.85152530670166, "source": "search", "title": "Which President Served More Than Two Terms? - Biography" }, { "answer": "Franklin roosevelt", "passage": "Third Franklin Roosevelt Administration", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.18317699432373, "source": "search", "title": "Third Franklin Roosevelt Administration -" }, { "answer": "Franklin roosevelt", "passage": "Third Franklin Roosevelt Administration", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.18317699432373, "source": "search", "title": "Third Franklin Roosevelt Administration -" }, { "answer": "Franklin D. Roosevelt", "passage": "The decision to run for a third term was difficult for Franklin D. Roosevelt to make. He knew running would be unprecedented. The previous eight long years in office made the thought of retreating to his lifelong home in Hyde Park, New York , and his new presidential library quite attractive.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.102765083312988, "source": "search", "title": "Third Franklin Roosevelt Administration -" }, { "answer": "FDR", "passage": "Early in the war, the Soviets asked for a \"second front\" against the Germans in Western Europe. For those reasons, Roosevelt and Churchill agreed that Germany, the most powerful enemy nation, must be tackled first. Roosevelt proposed the name \"United Nations\" for the alliance that fought Germany, Italy, and Japan, but \"Allies\" became the preferred term, which was used during World War I. That alliance comprised the foundation for the United Nations organization that FDR helped found, in 1945.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.041413307189941, "source": "search", "title": "Third Franklin Roosevelt Administration -" }, { "answer": "FDR", "passage": "Following their discussion, the two leaders proclaimed that unconditional surrender was the sole criterion by which the Axis nations could lay down their arms. In other summits, FDR took up the issues of war and peace with both Churchill and Premier Joseph Stalin of the U.S.S.R. They came to be called the \"Big Three.\" Roosevelt also conferred with Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek of China in 1943.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.549124717712402, "source": "search", "title": "Third Franklin Roosevelt Administration -" }, { "answer": "FDR", "passage": "FDR also has come under attack by latter-day critics who assert that he was aware of the Holocaust (Shoah) , and neglected to do anything to prevent it. But in fact, he did, establish the War Refugee Board in 1944 by Executive Order No. 9417 to \"rescue the victims of enemy oppression ... in imminent danger of death....\" In effect, it was a way to address the overwhelming evidence of the mass extermination of Jewish people throughout Germany and other parts of Europe.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.414198875427246, "source": "search", "title": "Third Franklin Roosevelt Administration -" }, { "answer": "FDR", "passage": "FDR was the first president to routinely talk to the American public by means of radio. He established the habit of weekly radio addresses, which he dubbed \"fireside chats.\" Using the chats, Roosevelt took his points of view to the American public more directly than ever before.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.627683639526367, "source": "search", "title": "Third Franklin Roosevelt Administration -" }, { "answer": "FDR", "passage": "FDR reelected a record third time - Nov 07, 1944 -", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.033625602722168, "source": "search", "title": "FDR reelected a record third time -" }, { "answer": "FDR", "passage": "FDR reelected a record third time", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.754997253417969, "source": "search", "title": "FDR reelected a record third time -" }, { "answer": "FDR", "passage": "FDR reelected a record third time", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.754997253417969, "source": "search", "title": "FDR reelected a record third time -" }, { "answer": "FDR", "passage": "FDR reelected a record third time", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.754997253417969, "source": "search", "title": "FDR reelected a record third time -" } ]
Which Secretary of State under Truman helped formulate the Marshall Plan?
{ "aliases": [ "Acheson, Dean Gooderham", "Dean G. Acheson", "Dean Atcheson", "Dean Acheson", "Dean Gooderham Acheson", "Acheson, Dean" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "dean atcheson", "acheson dean", "dean acheson", "dean g acheson", "dean gooderham acheson", "acheson dean gooderham" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "dean acheson", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Dean Acheson" }
[ { "answer": "Dean Acheson", "passage": "The speech, written by Charles Bohlen, contained virtually no details and no numbers. More a proposal than a plan, it was a challenge to European leaders to cooperate and coordinate. It asked Europeans to create their own plan for rebuilding Europe, indicating the United States would then fund this plan. The administration felt that the plan would likely be unpopular among many Americans, and the speech was mainly directed at a European audience. In an attempt to keep the speech out of American papers journalists were not contacted, and on the same day Truman called a press conference to take away headlines. In contrast, Dean Acheson, an Under Secretary of State, was dispatched to contact the European media, especially the British media, and the speech was read in its entirety on the BBC. ", "precise_score": -0.7950273156166077, "rough_score": -6.008666038513184, "source": "wiki", "title": "Marshall Plan" }, { "answer": "Dean Acheson", "passage": "Dean Acheson was U.S. secretary of state under President Harry Truman and a major architect of U.S. foreign policy after World War II. He helped formulate an active role for the United States in the postwar world, reversing early isolationist policies. During a period as undersecretary of state to George C. Marshall, Acheson helped develop a policy of containment toward communism and to secure aid for Turkey and Greece against Communist-back insurgents in 1947. Acheson also helped to draft the Marshall Plan to rebuild Western Europe. As secretary of state, he supported the formation of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Relative to Asia, he helped distance the United States from the Chinese Nationalist regime on Taiwan, while rejecting recognition of the Communists regime on the mainland.", "precise_score": 8.549077987670898, "rough_score": 8.252440452575684, "source": "search", "title": "US Stamp Gallery >> Dean Acheson" }, { "answer": "Dean Acheson", "passage": "Following Hiss' conviction, Secretary of State Dean Acheson announced that he stood by him. This and other events, such as the revelation that British atomic bomb scientist Klaus Fuchs was a spy, led current and former members of HUAC, including Congressman Nixon of California and Karl Mundt of South Dakota, to decry Truman and his administration, especially the State Department, as soft on communism. Wisconsin Senator McCarthy used a Lincoln Day speech in Wheeling, West Virginia to accuse the State Department of harboring communists, and rode the controversy to political fame. In the following years, Republicans used Hiss' conviction to castigate the Democrats for harboring communists in government; Congressman Nixon gained election to the Senate in 1950 on an anti-communist platform, defeating the liberal Helen Gahagan Douglas, whom he called \"the Pink Lady.\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.417508125305176, "source": "wiki", "title": "Harry S. Truman" }, { "answer": "Dean Acheson", "passage": "US Stamp Gallery >> Dean Acheson", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.504239082336426, "source": "search", "title": "US Stamp Gallery >> Dean Acheson" }, { "answer": "Dean Acheson", "passage": "Dean Acheson", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.452396392822266, "source": "search", "title": "US Stamp Gallery >> Dean Acheson" }, { "answer": "Dean Acheson", "passage": "Dean Acheson", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.452396392822266, "source": "search", "title": "US Stamp Gallery >> Dean Acheson" }, { "answer": "Acheson, Dean", "passage": "Acheson, Dean G. Present at the Creation: My Years in the State Department. New York: Norton, 1969.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.03041934967041, "source": "search", "title": "History of the Marshall Plan - George C. Marshall" } ]
Senator Joe McCarthly representred which state?
{ "aliases": [ "Badger State", "State of Wisconsin", "Wis.", "Transportation in Wisconsin", "Government of Wisconsin", "Climate of Wisconsin", "Wisconsin, USA", "Wiscosin, USA", "Wisconsin", "30th State", "Wisconson", "Politics of Wisconsin", "Demographics of Wisconsin", "America's Dairyland", "Winconsin", "Religion in Wisconsin", "Transport in Wisconsin", "US-WI", "Wisconsin state", "Economy of Wisconsin", "The Badger State", "Wisconsin (state)", "Education in Wisconsin", "Geography of Wisconsin", "Wiskonsin", "Wisconsin (U.S. state)", "Thirtieth State", "Film industry in Wisconsin", "Wisc.", "Badger state", "Wisconsin, United States" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "politics of wisconsin", "wisconsin", "wisc", "geography of wisconsin", "demographics of wisconsin", "winconsin", "thirtieth state", "religion in wisconsin", "transport in wisconsin", "wis", "30th state", "wisconson", "education in wisconsin", "state of wisconsin", "wisconsin united states", "wisconsin u s state", "government of wisconsin", "wisconsin usa", "economy of wisconsin", "wiscosin usa", "america s dairyland", "us wi", "climate of wisconsin", "transportation in wisconsin", "film industry in wisconsin", "wisconsin state", "badger state", "wiskonsin" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "wisconsin", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Wisconsin" }
[ { "answer": "Wisconsin", "passage": "During the late 1940s and early 1950s, the prospect of communist subversion at home and abroad seemed frighteningly real to many people in the United States. These fears came to define–and, in some cases, corrode–the era’s political culture. For many Americans, the most enduring symbol of this “Red Scare” was Republican Senator Joseph P. McCarthy of Wisconsin. Senator McCarthy spent almost five years trying in vain to expose communists and other left-wing “loyalty risks” in the U.S. government. In the hyper-suspicious atmosphere of the Cold War, insinuations of disloyalty were enough to convince many Americans that their government was packed with traitors and spies. McCarthy’s accusations were so intimidating that few people dared to speak out against him. It was not until he attacked the Army in 1954 that his actions earned him the censure of the U.S. Senate.", "precise_score": -8.49064826965332, "rough_score": -6.468606472015381, "source": "search", "title": "Joseph R. McCarthy - Cold War -" }, { "answer": "Wisconsin", "passage": "This document contains the text of Senator Joseph McCarthy's famous speech to the Women's Republican Club of Wheeling, West Virginia, on February 9, 1950. In this version, which McCarthy inserted in the Congressional Record on February 20, 1950, he stated that he held in his hand the names of 57 subversives in the State Department; at Wheeling the list reportedly contained 205 names. The significance of the speech, however, is not in its numbers but in the main thrust of its attack: the charge that Communist sympathizers in the State Department had betrayed their country. Like other right-wing Republicans, McCarthy spotlighted the supposed concessions made by the United States to the Soviet Union at the Yalta Conference in 1945 and the \"loss\" of China to the Communists. Though many of his specific targets were the State Department's China experts such as John Stewart Service, the diplomat who had been implicated in the 1945 Amerasia case, McCarthy's real quarry was the Truman administration. As his repeated references to Secretary of State Dean Acheson imply, the Wisconsin senator was accusing the administration of harboring Communist agents at the highest levels.", "precise_score": -5.296909809112549, "rough_score": -7.112925052642822, "source": "search", "title": "Joe McCarthy & Communism - Vietnam War" }, { "answer": "Wisconsin", "passage": "A. In 1946, Joe McCarthy upset incumbent U.S. Senator Robert La Follette by 5,378 votes in the Republican primary and went on to beat Democrat Howard McMurray by 251,658 votes in the general election. The Communist Party of Wisconsin had originally circulated petitions to place its own candidate on the ballot as an Independent in the general election. When McCarthy scored his surprising victory over La Follette, the Communists did not file the petitions for their candidate, but rallied instead behind McMurray. Thus, Joe McCarthy defeated a Democratic-Communist coalition in 1946.", "precise_score": -4.89464807510376, "rough_score": -5.451344013214111, "source": "search", "title": "The Real McCarthy Record - The New American" }, { "answer": "Wisconsin", "passage": "The end came on May 2, 1957 in Bethesda Naval Hospital. Thousands of people viewed the body in Washington, and McCarthy was the first Senator in 17 years to have funeral services in the Senate chamber. More than 30,000 Wisconsinites filed through St. Mary's Church in the Senator's hometown of Appleton to pay their last respects to him. Three Senators — George Malone, William Jenner, and Herman Welker — had flown from Washington to Appleton on the plane carrying McCarthy's casket. \"They had gone this far with Joe McCarthy,\" said William Rusher. \"They would go the rest of the way.\"", "precise_score": -7.943879127502441, "rough_score": -8.941341400146484, "source": "search", "title": "The Real McCarthy Record - The New American" }, { "answer": "Wisconsin", "passage": "Oregon, Wisconsin and Oklahoma require special elections for vacancies with no interim appointment. In September 2009, Massachusetts changed its law to enable the governor to appoint a temporary replacement for the late Senator Edward Kennedy until the special election in January 2010. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.523937225341797, "source": "wiki", "title": "United States Senate" }, { "answer": "Wisconsin", "passage": "All of these factors combined to create an atmosphere of fear and dread, which proved a ripe environment for the rise of a staunch anticommunist like Joseph McCarthy. At the time, McCarthy was a first-term senator from Wisconsin who had won election in 1946 after a campaign in which he criticized his opponent’s failure to enlist during World War II while emphasizing his own wartime heroics.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.14742374420166, "source": "search", "title": "Joseph R. McCarthy - Cold War -" }, { "answer": "Wisconsin", "passage": "Joseph McCarthy, in full Joseph Raymond McCarthy (born November 14, 1908, near Appleton , Wisconsin, U.S.—died May 2, 1957, Bethesda, Maryland ), U.S. senator who lent his name to the term McCarthyism . McCarthy dominated the U.S. political climate in the early 1950s through his sensational but unproven charges of communist subversion in high government circles. In 1954, in a rare move, his Senate colleagues officially censured him for unbecoming conduct.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.231465339660645, "source": "search", "title": "Joseph McCarthy | United States senator |" }, { "answer": "Wisconsin", "passage": "A Wisconsin attorney, McCarthy served for three years as a circuit judge (1940–42) before enlisting in the U.S. Marine Corps in World War II . In 1946 he won the Republican nomination for the Senate in a stunning upset primary victory over Sen. Robert M. La Follette, Jr. ; he was elected that autumn and again in 1952.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.09846305847168, "source": "search", "title": "Joseph McCarthy | United States senator |" }, { "answer": "Wisconsin", "passage": "(1908-57).The term McCarthyism will probably long endure in American politics as a synonym for \"witch-hunt,\" for making serious but unsubstantiated charges against people in public life. Joseph R. McCarthy served as United States senator from Wisconsin from January 1947 until his death on May 2, 1957. His career in the Senate was rather quiet and undistinguished until Feb. 9, 1950. Then, in a speech to a Republican women’s club in Wheeling, W. Va., he announced that he had a list of 57 \"known Communists\" who were employed by the State Department. Two days later he retracted the charge, but on February 20 he repeated it, raising the number to 205. McCarthy’s charges led to years of Senate and House investigations into subversive activities as well as to much public and government turmoil.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.020648002624512, "source": "search", "title": "Joseph McCarthy | United States senator |" }, { "answer": "Wisconsin", "passage": "McCARTHY, Joseph Raymond, a Senator from Wisconsin; born in Grand Chute, Outagamie County, Wis., November 14, 1908; attended a one-room country school; worked on a farm; at the age of nineteen moved to Manawa, Wis., and enrolled in a high school; while working in a grocery store and ushering at a theater in the evenings, completed a four-year course in one year; graduated from Marquette University at Milwaukee, Wis., with a law degree in 1935; admitted to the bar the same year; commenced practice in Waupaca, and in 1936 moved to Shawano, Wis., and continued to practice law; elected circuit judge of the tenth judicial circuit of Wisconsin in 1939; while serving in this capacity enlisted in 1942 in the United States Marine Corps; resigned as a lieutenant in 1945; unsuccessful candidate for the Republican nomination for United States Senator in 1944 while in military service; reelected circuit judge of Wisconsin in 1945 while still in the Marine Corps; elected as a Republican to the United States Senate in 1946; reelected in 1952 and served from January 3, 1947, until his death; co-chairman, Joint Committee on the Library (Eighty-third Congress), chairman, Committee on Government Operations (Eighty-third Congress); used his position as chairman of the Committee on Government Operations and its Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations to launch investigations designed to document charges of Communists in government; censured by the Senate on December 2, 1954, for behavior that was “contrary to senatorial traditions”; died in the naval hospital at Bethesda, Md., May 2, 1957; funeral services were held in the Chamber of the United States Senate; interment in St. Mary’s Cemetery, Appleton, Wis.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.560678482055664, "source": "search", "title": "McCARTHY, Joseph Raymond - Biographical Information" }, { "answer": "Wisconsin", "passage": "Joseph Raymond McCarthy was born to devout Catholic parents on November 14, 1908, in Grand Chute, Wisconsin . A third-generation American and the fifth of nine children, McCarthy traced his ancestry to Ireland and Germany. Educated through the eighth grade in a one-room country school, he moved to Manawa, Wisconsin, in 1929, and completed high school in one year. After graduating from Marquette University in Milwaukee , in 1935, he was admitted to the Wisconsin Bar.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.334539413452148, "source": "search", "title": "Joseph McCarthy - United States American History" }, { "answer": "Wisconsin", "passage": "After failing to win election on the Democratic ticket for district attorney, he switched to the Republican ticket and was elected judge of the 10th judicial circuit of Wisconsin in 1939. During the campaign against his opponent, Edgar Werner, McCarthy shocked local officials by publishing slanderous material about him. McCarthy had originally supported Democratic president Franklin D. Roosevelt �s New Deal, but later spent much of his time discrediting proponents of it.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.852709770202637, "source": "search", "title": "Joseph McCarthy - United States American History" }, { "answer": "Wisconsin", "passage": "McCarthy died on May 2, 1957, in a Bethesda, Maryland^, naval hospital at age 49, of acute hepatitis brought on by alcoholism. Services were held in the U.S. Senate Chamber, and he was interred at St. Mary�s Cemetery in Appleton, Wisconsin.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.929230690002441, "source": "search", "title": "Joseph McCarthy - United States American History" }, { "answer": "Wisconsin", "passage": "The junior senator from Wisconsin, by his reckless charges, has so preyed upon the fears and hatreds and prejudices of the American people that he has started a prairie fire which neither he nor anyone else may be able to control.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.2150239944458, "source": "search", "title": "Joseph McCarthy - United States American History" }, { "answer": "Wisconsin", "passage": "Why were so many held in thrall to the Wisconsin lawmaker? Why was an environment that some likened to the Salem witch trials tolerated?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.54626750946045, "source": "search", "title": "McCarthyism []" }, { "answer": "Wisconsin", "passage": "When Dwight Eisenhower became president, he had no love for McCarthy. Ike was reluctant to condemn McCarthy for fear of splitting the Republican Party. McCarthy's accusations went on into 1954, when the Wisconsin senator focused on the United States Army. For eight weeks, in televised hearings, McCarthy interrogated army officials, including many decorated war heroes.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.455862998962402, "source": "search", "title": "McCarthyism []" }, { "answer": "Wisconsin", "passage": "Decades after the death of Senator Joseph R. McCarthy, twice-elected United States Senator from Wisconsin, the term \"McCarthyism\" is still widely used as a convenient and easily understood epithet for all that is evil and despicable in the world of politics. Hardly a month passes without some reference to \"McCarthyism\" in the print or electronic media. Despite the frequency with which the term is invoked, however, it is quite clear that not one critic of McCarthy in a hundred has the slightest idea of what he said and did during that controversial period from 1950 to 1954.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.372314453125, "source": "search", "title": "The Real McCarthy Record - The New American" }, { "answer": "Wisconsin", "passage": "A. Joe McCarthy was elected as a circuit judge in Wisconsin in 1939 and took over a district court that had a backlog of more than 200 cases. By eliminating a lot of legal red tape and working long hours (his court remained open past midnight at least a dozen times), Judge McCarthy cleared up the backlog quickly and, in the words of one local newspaper, \"administered justice promptly and with a combination of legal knowledge and good sense.\" On October 28, 1940, the Milwaukee Journal editorialized: \"Breaking with the 'horse-and-buggy' tradition that has tied up the calendars of most Wisconsin circuit courts, young Judge Joseph R. McCarthy of Appleton has streamlined his tenth district ... and has made a hit with lawyers and litigants alike.\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.36119556427002, "source": "search", "title": "The Real McCarthy Record - The New American" }, { "answer": "Wisconsin", "passage": "A. Those who contend that McCarthy stumbled across Communism while searching for an issue to use in his 1952 reelection campaign will be disappointed to know that the Senator had been speaking out against Communism for years. He made Communism an issue in his campaign against Howard McMurray in 1946, charging that McMurray had received the endorsement of the Daily Worker, the Communist Party newspaper. In April 1947, McCarthy told the Madison Capital Times that his top priority was \"to stop the spread of Communism.\" On the Meet the Press radio show in July of that year, the Wisconsin Senator said: \"We've been at war with Russia for some time now, and Russia has been winning this war at a faster rate than we were, during the last stages of the last war. Everyone is painfully aware of the fact that we are at war — and that we're losing it.\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.36384105682373, "source": "search", "title": "The Real McCarthy Record - The New American" }, { "answer": "Wisconsin", "passage": "Oh, there was a \"reign of terror\" in the early Fifties, but it was conducted against Joe McCarthy, not by him. Those who were not afraid to denounce McCarthy week in and week out included the New York Times, the Washington Post, Time, Life, Walter Lippmann, the Alsop brothers, Drew Pearson, Jack Anderson, the cartoonist Herblock, Edward R. Murrow, Presidents Truman and Eisenhower, and liberals from all walks of life. Reign of terror? During one 18-month period, the University of Wisconsin invited Eleanor Roosevelt, Norman Cousins, Owen Lattimore, and James Carey — all bitter anti-McCarthyites — to warn the students of McCarthy's reign of terror.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.39704704284668, "source": "search", "title": "The Real McCarthy Record - The New American" } ]
Who did Roosevelt defeat when he won the 1932 election?
{ "aliases": [ "Presidency of Herbert Hoover", "Jessie Hoover", "Herbert Hoover", "Herbert C. Hoover", "31st President of the United States", "Herbert Clark Hoover", "Hoover, Herbert Clark", "President Hoover", "Hoover Administration", "President Herbert Hoover" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "herbert c hoover", "herbert hoover", "hoover administration", "hoover herbert clark", "herbert clark hoover", "presidency of herbert hoover", "jessie hoover", "president herbert hoover", "31st president of united states", "president hoover" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "herbert hoover", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Herbert Hoover" }
[ { "answer": "Herbert Hoover", "passage": "The United States presidential election of 1932 was the 37th quadrennial presidential election, held on Tuesday, November 8, 1932. The election took place against the backdrop of the Great Depression that had ruined the promises of incumbent President and Republican candidate Herbert Hoover to bring about a new era of prosperity. The Democratic nomination went to the well-known governor of the most populous state, New York's Franklin D. Roosevelt, who had been reelected governor in a landslide in 1930. Roosevelt united all wings of his party, avoided divisive cultural issues, and brought in a leading Southern conservative as his running mate, House Speaker John Nance Garner of Texas.", "precise_score": 6.146056175231934, "rough_score": 7.1251115798950195, "source": "wiki", "title": "United States presidential election, 1932" }, { "answer": "Herbert Hoover", "passage": "As the year 1932 began, the Republican Party believed Hoover's protectionism and aggressive fiscal policies would solve the depression. Whether they were successful or not, President Herbert Hoover controlled the party and had little trouble securing a re-nomination. Little-known former United States Senator Joseph I. France ran against Hoover in the primaries, but Hoover was often unopposed. France's primary wins were tempered by his defeat to Hoover in his home state of Maryland and the fact that few delegates to the national convention were chosen in the primaries.", "precise_score": 2.70458984375, "rough_score": 3.8357596397399902, "source": "wiki", "title": "United States presidential election, 1932" }, { "answer": "Herbert Hoover", "passage": "...Why did Roosevelt win the 1932 election? – 12 mark question The Republican president, Herbert Hoover, was personally blamed for failing to deal with the consequences of the Wall Street Crash in October 1929. The Great Depression that followed was the most severe economic depression America had ever seen, and the whole world entered a state of poverty and hunger. Following the election in...", "precise_score": 6.130854606628418, "rough_score": 6.46511173248291, "source": "search", "title": "Why Did Franklin D. Roosevelt Win the 1932 Presidential ..." }, { "answer": "Herbert Hoover", "passage": "In hindsight, FDR might look like a shoo-in for the 1932 presidential election. The campaign unfolded during the darkest days of the Great Depression , and Roosevelt's opponent, Republican incumbent Herbert Hoover , was the man many Americans (perhaps unfairly) held personally responsible for their misery. Five thousand banks had failed, and by the end of the 1932, one third of the nation's workers were unemployed. In the countryside, farm income had declined from $12 billion in 1929 to just $5 billion. Children went hungry in both the coal-mining counties of West Virginia and the big cities of the northeast, yet farmers in the midwest were destroying mountains of surplus crops that they couldn't sell on the market because prices had collapsed. The economy had ground to a halt, and America was suffering.", "precise_score": 5.7552008628845215, "rough_score": 1.7697609663009644, "source": "search", "title": "Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR): 1932 Election - Shmoop" }, { "answer": "Herbert Hoover", "passage": "United States presidential election of 1932, American presidential election held on Nov. 8, 1932, in which Democrat Franklin D. Roosevelt defeated Republican Pres. Herbert Hoover . The 1932 election was the first held during the Great Depression , and it represented a dramatic shift in the political alignment of the country. Republicans had dominated the presidency for almost the entire period from 1860, save two terms each won by Grover Cleveland and by Woodrow Wilson (who benefited from a split in the Republican Party in 1912). And even in 1928 Hoover had crushed Democrat Alfred E. Smith , winning 444 electoral votes to Smith’s 87. Roosevelt’s victory would be the first of five successive Democratic presidential wins.", "precise_score": 9.323251724243164, "rough_score": 9.236862182617188, "source": "search", "title": "United States presidential election of 1932 | United ..." }, { "answer": "Herbert Hoover", "passage": "* Herbert Hoover, President of the United States", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.836456298828125, "source": "wiki", "title": "United States presidential election, 1932" }, { "answer": "Herbert Hoover", "passage": "Image:HerbertHoover.jpg|President Herbert Hoover ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.127969741821289, "source": "wiki", "title": "United States presidential election, 1932" }, { "answer": "President Hoover", "passage": "Making matters worse for Hoover was the fact that many Americans blamed him for the Great Depression. For more than two years, President Hoover had been restricting trade and increasing taxes on the wealthy with legislation such as the Smoot–Hawley Tariff Act and the Revenue Act of 1932. Roosevelt lashed out at Hoover: \"I accuse the present Administration of being the greatest spending Administration in peacetime in all our history.\" Garner accused Hoover of \"leading the country down the path of socialism.\" The outrage caused by the deaths of veterans in the Bonus Army incident in the summer of 1932, combined with the catastrophic economic effects of Hoover's domestic policies, reduced his chances of a second term from slim to none. His attempts to campaign in public were a disaster, as he often had objects thrown at him or his vehicle as he rode through city streets. In his addresses, Hoover attacked Roosevelt as a capitalist president who would only make the Depression worse by decreasing taxes, reducing government intervention in the economy, promoting \"trade [with] the world\", and cutting \"Government –Federal and State and local\". However, with unemployment at 23.6%, Hoover's criticisms of Roosevelt's campaign promises did nothing more than further lower his popularity with the public. Roosevelt himself did not have a clear idea of the New Deal at this point, so he promised no specific programs. It was said that \"Even a vaguely talented dog-catcher could have been elected president against the Republicans.\" Hoover even received a letter from an Illinois man that advised, \"Vote for Roosevelt and make it unanimous.\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.132899284362793, "source": "wiki", "title": "United States presidential election, 1932" }, { "answer": "President Hoover", "passage": "Hoover called Roosevelt a \"chameleon in plaid\" and Roosevelt called President Hoover a \"fat, timid capon\". In the last days of campaigning, Hoover criticized Roosevelt's \"nonsense ... tirades ... glittering generalizations ... ignorance\" and \"defamation\".", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.43106460571289, "source": "wiki", "title": "United States presidential election, 1932" }, { "answer": "Herbert Hoover", "passage": "* Hoover, Herbert. The Memoirs of Herbert Hoover: The Great Depression, 1929–1941 (1952)", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.391489028930664, "source": "wiki", "title": "United States presidential election, 1932" }, { "answer": "Herbert Hoover", "passage": "Roosevelt's campaign for president was necessarily cautious. His opponent, President Herbert Hoover, was so unpopular that FDR's main strategy was not to commit any gaffes that might take the public's attention away from Hoover's inadequacies and the nation's troubles. FDR traveled around the country attacking Hoover and promising better days ahead, but often without referring to any specific programs or policies. Roosevelt was so genial—and his prescriptions for the country so bland—that some commentators questioned his capabilities and his grasp of the serious challenges confronting the United States.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.482571601867676, "source": "search", "title": "Franklin D. Roosevelt: Campaigns and Elections—Miller Center" }, { "answer": "President Hoover", "passage": "He worked to provide old age pensions, help for farmers and unemployment relief; he spent $20million to achieve his aims. A majority of the voters believed that FDR?s plan to alleviate the Depression more actively addressed the issue than President Hoover?s plan. FDR made people feel more confident about their financial future; he believed his main task was to improve life for ordinary people. Roosevelt believed in the ?forgotten? people - the unemployed, the homeless and hungry ? who voted Roosevelt into office in the 1932 election. In conclusion, there were many reasons why FDR won the 1932 presidential election but the root cause was Hoover?s unpopular policies. His flawed policies led to him not helping America?s people which damaged his reputation and lost him the election by 7 million votes. Whilst Roosevelt?s election campaign contributed to his victory, he was helped enormously by Hoover making himself unpopular by making mistake after mistake and then not owning up to it. He never apologised for not helping the poor during the Great Depression, he didn?t apologise for injuring and killing American veterans; he called them communists instead. Hoover wasn?t prepared to change his policies and ideas even though America was changing around him. His policies simply weren?t designed to work during a Depression and Roosevelt?s policies were. more.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -1.2685610055923462, "source": "search", "title": "Why did Roosevelt win the 1932 Presidential Election ..." }, { "answer": "Herbert Hoover", "passage": "In the three years leading up to the presidential election of 1932, there was little to assist Herbert Hoover’s re-election to office. The country was in turmoil and desperate for a way out of economic and social trouble. The Great Depression had wrecked the economy, and the damage was compounded by the ill-conceived attempts of Hoover’s administration to help control the downward slide. By the time Americans went to the polls in their thirty-seventh presidential election, industrial production was at a low ebb, unemployment was widespread, and the farmers of the country were facing ruin.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.008072376251221, "source": "search", "title": "Seattle Newspapers' Support for FDR during the 1932 Election" }, { "answer": "President Hoover", "passage": "Before delving into the election and the Seattle newspapers, it is crucial to first understand the climate of the country before the election, which was the driving force in the overwhelming Democratic Party victory. By spring of 1932, living conditions in the United States reached what was seen to be an “intolerable impasse.” [1] Unemployment had risen to between a quarter and a third of the workforce. Not only did the people of the country feel the strain of the Depression in almost all areas of life but they also felt a strain from the inadequacy of government efforts to save the country. Despite the overwhelming evidence that it was unrealistic and almost certainly doomed to fail, President Hoover continued to, in the words of historian Thomas Cochran, “adhere to his theory that the primary obligations for relief rested upon the family, the neighbor, the landlord, and the employer—in that order.” [2] By the time of the election, Hoover’s efforts to lend money to banks, industries, and state local governments had “failed to stem the tide of disaster.” [3] This is where the Republican Party stood before the 1932 election, an election that was characterized by the public's hope for a leader who could pull the hard-working American citizens out of poverty.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.1172332763671875, "source": "search", "title": "Seattle Newspapers' Support for FDR during the 1932 Election" }, { "answer": "President Hoover", "passage": "The Seattle Daily Times had long been Seattle's most conservative newspaper, but in 1932 it joined the other dailies in supporting the Democrat candidate. The Times first started reporting on the election with the June 1932 nomination of President Hoover by referring to the “party’s Chieftains” as not being ecstatic over the victory and that they embarked on the “1932 campaign with extra caution.” [9] The rest of the coverage was based around the Republican stance on prohibition and the easy nomination victory Hoover received. While the paper was indeed reporting the news from the Republican convention, it showed its lack of excitement in its word choice, leaving the news lame and uninteresting.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 0.5294553637504578, "source": "search", "title": "Seattle Newspapers' Support for FDR during the 1932 Election" }, { "answer": "President Hoover", "passage": "The Seattle Post-Intelligencer had traditionally been a more moderate newspaper. Owned by the Hearst newspaper chain, it usually endorsed Democratic Party presidential candidates, following the political convictions of owner, William Randolph Hearst. The PI coverage of Hoover’s nomination during the Republican convention was very similar to that of The Times: showcasing the same un-enthusiastic rhetoric and headlines in regards to President Hoover. Much of the coverage reports on the convention’s goals in reference to the prohibition and warns that the party’s effort to straddle the issue will be “not a very successful attempt.” [12]", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.011503219604492, "source": "search", "title": "Seattle Newspapers' Support for FDR during the 1932 Election" }, { "answer": "Herbert Hoover", "passage": "Evidently, college students, both in Seattle and nationally, did not share in this consensus. The UW Daily conveys the impression that students favored Hoover overwhelmingly. Because the Daily was not published during the summer months when school was not in session, it is difficult to gain their views of the National Convention nominations. However, in the days before the November1932 election, a straw poll was taken on campuses across the country to determine how college students felt about the election. On November 8, 1932, The Daily came out with findings that paralleled the national poll, reporting that Herbert Hoover had won the majority of votes in the straw poll. [14] At UW the Hoover margin was larger than the national poll. Sixty percent of those participating in the unscientific poll at UW said they supported Hoover. [15] It is not clear that this was an accurate reading of student opinions since students had to make an effort to participate in the straw poll. But the results are still important, demonstrating that despite the huge victory for the Democrats, there was still a decent amount of support in the city.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.284937858581543, "source": "search", "title": "Seattle Newspapers' Support for FDR during the 1932 Election" }, { "answer": "President Hoover", "passage": "By looking at how these three different Seattle-area newspapers covered the 1932 presidential election, one can begin to define not only the papers’ political hopes for new leadership during depths of the Depression, but also the mood of the people. The University of Washington Daily’s undergraduate base simply represented a demographic that was a small minority in Seattle supporting President Hoover. However, it is in the widely circulated major newspapers that we find a better representation of the majority opinion, and the true atmosphere of Seattle. Though they often were opposed in issues of partisan politics, the consensus of support for Roosevelt among the PI and the Seattle Times shows how desperately the Seattle public and the nation were looking for a change in leadership during the Depression.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.539187431335449, "source": "search", "title": "Seattle Newspapers' Support for FDR during the 1932 Election" }, { "answer": "Hoover Administration", "passage": "During the campaign, however, Roosevelt offered few indications of how he would actually govern once elected. While he attacked Hoover over the nation's high deficits and bloated federal bureaucracy, FDR gave few signs that he would preside over one of the largest expansions of the federal government in history. As one economist later observed, \"given later developments, the campaign speeches often read like a giant misprint, in which Roosevelt and Hoover speak each other's lines.\" 21 Regardless, FDR won and did so by a landslide , capturing 57% of the popular vote and forty-two of the forty-eight states. His optimism, enthusiasm, and the unappealing alternative of another Hoover administration convinced an embattled nation to put a second Roosevelt into the highest office in the land.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.919098377227783, "source": "search", "title": "Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR): 1932 Election - Shmoop" }, { "answer": "Herbert Hoover", "passage": "The Great Depression and thus the economy was the dominant issue during the presidential election of 1932 between Franklin Delano Roosevelt and incumbent Herbert Hoover.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 0.7645503282546997, "source": "search", "title": "The Election of 1932 - Boundless Open Textbook" }, { "answer": "Herbert Hoover", "passage": "Herbert Hoover , widely unpopular incumbent Republican president, run against a well-known and popular governor of New York , Franklin Delano Roosevelt.  ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.919498920440674, "source": "search", "title": "The Election of 1932 - Boundless Open Textbook" }, { "answer": "Herbert Hoover", "passage": "As the presidential election of 1932 took place during the Great Depression, the economy was unsurprisingly the dominant issue. With the unemployment rate at nearly 24%, heavy industries barely functioning, and dramatically low prices of farm products, Herbert Hoover, the incumbent Republican president, faced unprecedented challenges. Although the Great Depression hit countries all around the world, Hoover was held largely responsible for the consequences of the crisis in the United States. His reelection became even more questionable when Franklin Delano Roosevelt, the successful and popular governor of New York, won the Democratic nomination. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 1.3581368923187256, "source": "search", "title": "The Election of 1932 - Boundless Open Textbook" }, { "answer": "Herbert Hoover", "passage": "Herbert Hoover.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.891108512878418, "source": "search", "title": "United States presidential election of 1932 | United ..." }, { "answer": "Herbert Hoover", "passage": "In June 1932, Republican delegates convened in Chicago to choose their condidates for the fall election. Spirits were not high. The nation was in the depths of its worst depression and more than 13 million Americans were out of work. Without enthusiasm, the party turned to the incumbents, Herbert Hoover and Charles Curtis, who were renominated without meaningful opposition. The 1932 Republican platform reflected Hoover's desire to stay the course and rely primarily on voluntarism to solve the nation's ills. The platform called for the following:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.4139585494995117, "source": "search", "title": "Election of 1932: Changing the Guard -" } ]
Which President gave the go-ahead to build an H Bomb?
{ "aliases": [ "Truman (disambiguation)", "Truman" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "truman disambiguation", "truman" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "truman", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Truman" }
[ { "answer": "Truman", "passage": "TRUMAN'S DECISION TO BUILD THE HYDROGEN BOMB", "precise_score": 3.1108624935150146, "rough_score": 0.9464179277420044, "source": "search", "title": "TRUMAN'S DECISION TO BUILD THE HYDROGEN BOMB" }, { "answer": "Truman", "passage": "TRUMAN'S DECISION TO BUILD THE HYDROGEN BOMB", "precise_score": 3.1108624935150146, "rough_score": 0.9464179277420044, "source": "search", "title": "TRUMAN'S DECISION TO BUILD THE HYDROGEN BOMB" }, { "answer": "Truman", "passage": "This week the President made his decision. He ordered work on the H-bomb to go ahead. Harry Truman's announcement had in it no sabre-rattling swagger, only the reluctant awareness of a duty that had to be done. He knew that he was authorizing construction of the deadliest weapon ever known to man.", "precise_score": 8.971590995788574, "rough_score": 7.461976528167725, "source": "search", "title": "TRUMAN'S DECISION TO BUILD THE HYDROGEN BOMB" }, { "answer": "Truman", "passage": "The U.S., as both Presidents Truman and Eisenhower have made clear, cannot safely end H-bomb tests until the entire system of atomic-weapons production is placed under a workable mutual-inspection system. And although he has a few scientists in his corner, Stevenson is boldly down-facing the experts when he questions the \"sense\" of further hydrogen development. Even now, the U.S. and Russia are engaged in a desperate race for an intercontinental ballistic missile capable of carrying a hydrogen payload. For the U.S. to test the missile package without continuing work on its thermonuclear warhead would give the Soviets a disastrous advantage.", "precise_score": 3.1519973278045654, "rough_score": -1.629334568977356, "source": "search", "title": "TRUMAN'S DECISION TO BUILD THE HYDROGEN BOMB" }, { "answer": "Truman", "passage": "War II, left-wing viewers-with-alarm begged Harry Truman to stow the A-bomb away in the national attic. The Russians, they said, could not possibly develop the bomb for at least a decade. Truman refused and the Soviet Union, depending heavily on Joseph Stalin's army of scientists and his very effective spies, came forth with the atomic bomb in 1949. Again, the hand-wringers pleaded with Truman not to go ahead with the H-bomb. Truman did go ahead and because he did, the U.S. got under the wire by a few short months and escaped the earth-shaking fact of a Russian H-bomb monopoly.", "precise_score": 6.3671650886535645, "rough_score": 0.02551109343767166, "source": "search", "title": "TRUMAN'S DECISION TO BUILD THE HYDROGEN BOMB" }, { "answer": "Truman", "passage": "The decision as to whether the U.S. should make a hydrogen bomb, said Harry Truman, is mine and nobody else's. But there were a lot of people looking over his shoulder, and they seemed remarkably in agreement on how he should play his hand: they wanted the H-bomb-built.\"I am very unhappy,\" said Dr. Harold Clayton Urey, the Nobel Prizewinning atomic chemist, \"to conclude that the hydrogen bomb should be developed and built. I do not think we should intentionally lose the armaments race; to do this will be to lose our liberties, and with Patrick Henry, I value my liberties more than I do my life.\"Should the Russians win the race and build the first H-bomb, he added, they might decide that they did not even have to use it. They might say: \" 'We will build these bombs and issue ultimata to the western countries, and the millenium of Communism will be with us immediately...' \"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -2.214956521987915, "source": "search", "title": "TRUMAN'S DECISION TO BUILD THE HYDROGEN BOMB" }, { "answer": "Truman", "passage": "MacARTHUR RECEIVES DISTINGUISHED SERVICE MEDAL FROM PRESIDENT TRUMAN.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.417635917663574, "source": "search", "title": "TRUMAN'S DECISION TO BUILD THE HYDROGEN BOMB" }, { "answer": "Truman", "passage": "In the Wagon. After Stevenson's first proposal, Harry S. Truman, who gave the order in 1950 for the U.S. to start H-bomb development, commented that \"our power to guard the peace would be weakened\" if tests were halted. Last week, in the political wilds of northwestern Pennsylvania, Truman was asked if he had come to agree with Stevenson. The old Democrat swallowed hard. \"I'm in the same wagon,\" he said. \"I can't be anywhere else.\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.0209991931915283, "source": "search", "title": "TRUMAN'S DECISION TO BUILD THE HYDROGEN BOMB" }, { "answer": "Truman", "passage": "Why did President Truman decide to develop the hydrogen bomb?Answer Choices: A) to prevent the Soviets from gaining a military advantage. B) to... | eNotes", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.87227725982666, "source": "search", "title": "Why did President Truman decide to develop the hydrogen ..." }, { "answer": "Truman", "passage": "There are a number of proposed reasons for Truman's decision; but I should first point out that the Bomb had already been developed. Truman's decision was to use it.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.603553771972656, "source": "search", "title": "Why did President Truman decide to develop the hydrogen ..." }, { "answer": "Truman", "passage": "President Truman orders the development of the hydrogen bomb | History Today", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.0931010246276855, "source": "search", "title": "President Truman orders the development of the hydrogen ..." }, { "answer": "Truman", "passage": "President Truman orders the development of the hydrogen bomb", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.3436179161071777, "source": "search", "title": "President Truman orders the development of the hydrogen ..." }, { "answer": "Truman", "passage": "Cold War Science & Technology Harry S. Truman", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.395576477050781, "source": "search", "title": "President Truman orders the development of the hydrogen ..." }, { "answer": "Truman", "passage": "On January 31st, 1950, Truman announced that he had directed the Atomic Agency Commission 'to continue with its work on all forms of atomic energy weapons, including the so-called hydrogen or super-bomb'.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.271955490112305, "source": "search", "title": "President Truman orders the development of the hydrogen ..." }, { "answer": "Truman", "passage": "In the United States there had been urgent secret discussion of a new and vastly powerful 'super-bomb', but apparently the first President Truman heard of it was early in October 1949. Some of the Los Alamos scientists feared that the USSR might already be working on a hydrogen bomb and one of them, the arch-hawk, Edward Teller, urged the rapid development of a weapon with an explosive force equivalent to 16 million tons of TNT, 800 times as much as the atomic bombs dropped on Japan in 1945. Senator Brien McMahon, chairman of the joint Congressional Atomic Energy Committee, began pressing the president for a crash programme. Truman complained that he was 'being blitzed into the thing by the military establishment', but he seems to have had little real doubt about what his decision would have to be.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.359768867492676, "source": "search", "title": "President Truman orders the development of the hydrogen ..." }, { "answer": "Truman", "passage": "On January 18th a long article about the new weapon appeared in the New York Times. On January 29th Senator Tom Connally, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said he thought the US should proceed with the hydrogen bomb, to help to keep peace in the world like the atomic bomb before it. Senator McMahon issued a statement next day that the matter of the hydrogen bomb was 'under continuous investigation and consideration'. On January 31st Truman announced that, in accordance with his responsibility to see that the country was able to defend itself against any possible aggressor, he had directed the Atomic Energy Commission 'to continue with its work on all forms of atomic energy weapons, including the so-called hydrogen or super-bomb'.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.673111915588379, "source": "search", "title": "President Truman orders the development of the hydrogen ..." }, { "answer": "Truman", "passage": "By the time of the Alamogordo test, Germany had already surrendered. This meant that the potential threat of a Nazi atomic bomb no longer existed. But the war in the Pacific was still raging, and the President of the United States Harry S. Truman decided to use the atomic bomb in order to force the Japanese leadership to surrender as quickly as possible. Thus, on August 6 an atomic bomb with an explosive yield equivalent to 12.5 kilotons of the explosives TNT (trinitrotoluene) was dropped on the Japanese city of Hiroshima, instantly killing some 70,000 of its inhabitants, with another 70,000 deaths registered by the end of 1945. Meanwhile, on August 9, a second bomb was used against the city of Nagasaki. This explosion had a higher yield (equivalent to 22 kilotons of TNT) but caused fewer instant deaths. However, many of the survivors suffered from heavy burns, radiation sickness, etc., and the death toll continued to rise. By the end of the year more than 70,000 of Nagasaki's citizens had lost their lives. Five years later, as many as 340,000 people, or 54 percent of the original population, had died from the two explosions.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.660379409790039, "source": "search", "title": "" }, { "answer": "Truman", "passage": "In its turn, the fact that the Soviet Union had become a nuclear power figured heavily when President Truman in early 1950 decided to launch a crash program in order to develop a more advanced type of nuclear weapons, the so-called hydrogen bomb. In contrast to the first atomic bombs, which destructive power came from the process of nuclear fission, the \"H-bomb\" would use a small fission bomb to trigger a tremendously powerful process of nuclear fusion.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.369373321533203, "source": "search", "title": "" }, { "answer": "Truman", "passage": "In what amounted to the last act of World War II, US forces dropped an atomic bomb on the Japanese city of Hiroshima on August 6, 1945, and another on Nagasaki three days later. Ever since, controversy has swirled around the decision to drop those bombs and annihilate those two cities. But exactly who made that decision, and how did it come about? Conventionally, of course, the decision is ascribed to President Harry Truman, but there is in fact very little documentary evidence that he ever made an affirmative decision to drop the bombs. Instead, the most that can be said with certainty is that he did not intervene to stop a process that had already acquired enormous momentum even before he became president on Franklin Roosevelt’s death in April 1945.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.4963154792785645, "source": "search", "title": "The Atomic Bombs and the End of World War II: Tracking an ..." }, { "answer": "Truman", "passage": "Remarkable collections of primary documents, now readily available online, shed substantial light on the story of the development and use of the first atomic bombs. Two of the best collections are those maintained by the National Security Archive and by the Truman Library . On the NSA website, for instance, we find a long report General Leslie Groves, the head of the Manhattan Project, prepared for Secretary of War Stimson. The meeting on April 25, 1945, at which Groves and Secretary of War Henry Stimson delivered the gist of this report to Truman was the first time the new president was given more than the barest hint about the new weapons that had been in development, at enormous expense, for the past three and a half years. Groves’s memo gives a fairly full account of how atomic bombs would work and of the prospects that they would be ready to in less than four months. How much of all this, or of the shorter memo Stimson prepared, Truman really absorbed is not clear, but by the time the first plutonium implosion bomb was detonated in the New Mexico desert on July 16, 1945, Truman had certainly grasped that such bombs might play a pivotal role in ending the war with Japan, as well as in postwar relations with the Soviet Union.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.20217227935791, "source": "search", "title": "The Atomic Bombs and the End of World War II: Tracking an ..." }, { "answer": "Truman", "passage": "In their effort to find the moment when Truman made “the great decision” to use atomic bombs against Japan, several historians have latched onto a memo (posted on the Truman Library website) that Stimson sent to Truman on July 30, 1945, and have focused in particular on the reply Truman scrawled on its back. “Suggestions approved,” he wrote.”Release when ready but not sooner than August 2. [signed] HST.” In his well known biography Truman (1992), David McCullough declared that “The time had come for Truman to give the final go-ahead for the bomb. This was the moment, the decision only he could make.” But examination of Stimson’s memo shows clearly that it was not about getting approval to release the bombs over Japan, but only about releasing a carefully crafted public statement to the press once the first bomb had been dropped. Approving a press release appears to be the closest President Truman ever came, at least in writing, to making a positive decision concerning the first use of nuclear weapons.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.97370719909668, "source": "search", "title": "The Atomic Bombs and the End of World War II: Tracking an ..." }, { "answer": "Truman", "passage": "President Roosevelt, Vice-President-elect Truman, Vice-President Wallace, by Abbie Rowe, Truman Library", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.068289756774902, "source": "search", "title": "The Atomic Bombs and the End of World War II: Tracking an ..." } ]
Who was the oldest US President before Ronal Reagan?
{ "aliases": [ "Eisenhower Dwight", "Health issues of Dwight D. Eisenhower", "D. D. Eisenhower", "Dynamic Conservatism", "General Dwight Eisenhower", "David Jacob Eisenhower", "Dweight Eisenhower", "34th President of the United States", "Dwight E Eisenhower", "Eisehower", "President Dwight D. Eisenhower", "David Dwight Eisenhower", "Ike (nickname)", "Eisenhower", "Eishenhower", "General Dwight David Eisenhower", "Dwight D. Eisenhower", "President Eisenhower", "Ike Eisenhower", "Dwight Eisenhower", "D. Eisenhower", "General Eisenhower", "David D. Eisenhower", "President Dwight Eisenhower", "Dwight eisenhower", "Dwight Eisenhour", "Dwight Eisienhower", "Dwight Eisenhauer", "Dwight David Eisenhower", "Dwight D Eisenhower", "General of the Army Dwight Eisenhower" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "dwight eisenhauer", "dwight eisenhower", "dwight eisienhower", "dwight d eisenhower", "general dwight david eisenhower", "general eisenhower", "eisenhower dwight", "d eisenhower", "eisenhower", "david d eisenhower", "d d eisenhower", "34th president of united states", "general of army dwight eisenhower", "dwight e eisenhower", "dweight eisenhower", "ike nickname", "dwight eisenhour", "dwight david eisenhower", "health issues of dwight d eisenhower", "david jacob eisenhower", "david dwight eisenhower", "eisehower", "eishenhower", "ike eisenhower", "dynamic conservatism", "general dwight eisenhower", "president dwight d eisenhower", "president dwight eisenhower", "president eisenhower" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "dwight d eisenhower", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }
[ { "answer": "Dwight D. Eisenhower", "passage": "Since the amendment's adoption, four presidents have served two full terms: Dwight D. Eisenhower, Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, and George W. Bush. Barack Obama has been elected to a second term, and will complete his term on 20 January 2017, if he does not die or resign before that date. Jimmy Carter and George H. W. Bush sought a second term, but were defeated. Richard Nixon was elected to a second term, but resigned before completing it. Lyndon B. Johnson was the only president under the amendment to be eligible to serve more than two terms in total, having served for only fourteen months following John F. Kennedy's assassination. However, Johnson withdrew from the 1968 Democratic Primary, surprising many Americans. Gerald Ford sought a full term, after serving out the last two years and five months of Nixon's second term, but was not elected.", "precise_score": -3.8713033199310303, "rough_score": -7.1835527420043945, "source": "wiki", "title": "President of the United States" }, { "answer": "34th President of the United States", "passage": "Dwight David \"Ike\" Eisenhower ( ; October 14, 1890 – March 28, 1969) was an American politician and general who served as the 34th President of the United States from 1953 until 1961. He was a five-star general in the United States Army during World War II and served as Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces in Europe. He was responsible for planning and supervising the invasion of North Africa in Operation Torch in 1942–43 and the successful invasion of France and Germany in 1944–45 from the Western Front. In 1951, he became the first Supreme Commander of NATO. ", "precise_score": -6.627867698669434, "rough_score": -8.52627182006836, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "Eisenhower was of Pennsylvania Dutch and a lesser amount of Irish ancestry, and was raised in a large family in Kansas by parents with a strong religious background. He graduated from West Point in 1915 and later married Mamie Doud and had two sons. After World War II, Eisenhower served as Army Chief of Staff under President Harry S. Truman and then accepted the post of President at Columbia University. ", "precise_score": -10.55305004119873, "rough_score": -10.410219192504883, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "Eisenhower entered the 1952 presidential race as a Republican to counter the non-interventionism of Senator Robert A. Taft, campaigning against \"communism, Korea and corruption.\" He won in a landslide, defeating Democratic candidate Adlai Stevenson and temporarily upending the New Deal Coalition. Eisenhower was the first U.S. president to be constitutionally term-limited under the 22nd Amendment.", "precise_score": -8.778005599975586, "rough_score": -10.56684398651123, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "After the Soviet Union launched the world's first artificial satellite in 1957, Eisenhower authorized the establishment of NASA, which led to the space race. During the Suez Crisis of 1956, Eisenhower condemned the Israeli, British and French invasion of Egypt, and forced them to withdraw. He also condemned the Soviet invasion during the Hungarian Revolution of 1956 but took no action. In 1958, Eisenhower sent 15,000 U.S. troops to Lebanon to prevent the pro-Western government from falling to a Nasser-inspired revolution. Near the end of his term, his efforts to set up a summit meeting with the Soviets collapsed because of the U-2 incident. In his January 17, 1961 farewell address to the nation, Eisenhower expressed his concerns about the dangers of massive military spending, particularly deficit spending and government contracts to private military manufacturers, and coined the term \"military–industrial complex\". ", "precise_score": -10.87006664276123, "rough_score": -10.827536582946777, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "Eisenhower's two terms saw considerable economic prosperity except for a sharp recession in 1958–59. Voted Gallup's most admired man twelve times, he achieved widespread popular esteem both in and out of office. Since the late 20th century, consensus among Western scholars has consistently held Eisenhower as one of the greatest U.S. Presidents.", "precise_score": -9.066932678222656, "rough_score": -10.203312873840332, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "David Jacob Eisenhower", "passage": "Hans's great-great-grandson, David Jacob Eisenhower (1863–1942), was Eisenhower's father and was a college-educated engineer, despite his own father Jacob's urging to stay on the family farm. Eisenhower's mother, Ida Elizabeth (Stover) Eisenhower, born in Virginia, of German Protestant ancestry, moved to Kansas from Virginia. She married David on September 23, 1885, in Lecompton, Kansas, on the campus of their alma mater, Lane University. ", "precise_score": -10.661914825439453, "rough_score": -10.261322975158691, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "Eisenhower was born on October 14, 1890, in Denison, Texas, the third of seven boys. His mother originally named him David Dwight but reversed the two names after his birth to avoid the confusion of having two Davids in the family. All of the boys were called \"Ike\", such as \"Big Ike\" (Edgar) and \"Little Ike\" (Dwight); the nickname was intended as an abbreviation of their last name. By World War II, only Dwight was still called \"Ike\".", "precise_score": -10.933184623718262, "rough_score": -10.801349639892578, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "The Eisenhowers had two sons. Doud Dwight \"Icky\" Eisenhower was born September 24, 1917, and died of scarlet fever on January 2, 1921, at the age of three; Eisenhower was mostly reticent to discuss his death. Their second son, John Eisenhower (1922–2013), was born in Denver Colorado. John served in the United States Army, retired as a brigadier general, became an author and served as U.S. Ambassador to Belgium from 1969 to 1971. Coincidentally, John graduated from West Point on D-Day, June 6, 1944. He married Barbara Jean Thompson on June 10, 1947. John and Barbara had four children: David, Barbara Ann, Susan Elaine and Mary Jean. David, after whom Camp David is named, married Richard Nixon's daughter Julie in 1968. John died on December 21, 2013. ", "precise_score": -9.982745170593262, "rough_score": -8.959527969360352, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "After golf, oil painting was Eisenhower's second hobby. While at Columbia University, Eisenhower began the art after watching Thomas E. Stephens paint Mamie's portrait. Eisenhower painted about 260 oils during the last 20 years of his life to relax, mostly landscapes but also portraits of subjects such as Mamie, their grandchildren, General Montgomery, George Washington, and Abraham Lincoln. Wendy Beckett stated that Eisenhower's work, \"simple and earnest, rather cause us to wonder at the hidden depths of this reticent president\". A conservative in both art and politics, he in a 1962 speech denounced modern art as \"a piece of canvas that looks like a broken-down Tin Lizzie, loaded with paint, has been driven over it.\" ", "precise_score": -10.933147430419922, "rough_score": -10.820505142211914, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "From 1920, Eisenhower served under a succession of talented generals – Fox Conner, John J. Pershing, Douglas MacArthur and George Marshall. He first became executive officer to General Conner in the Panama Canal Zone, where, joined by Mamie, he served until 1924. Under Conner's tutelage, he studied military history and theory (including Carl von Clausewitz's On War), and later cited Conner's enormous influence on his military thinking, saying in 1962 that \"Fox Conner was the ablest man I ever knew.\" Conner's comment on Eisenhower was, \"[He] is one of the most capable, efficient and loyal officers I have ever met.\" On Conner's recommendation, in 1925–26 he attended the Command and General Staff College at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, where he graduated first in a class of 245 officers. He then served as a battalion commander at Fort Benning, Georgia, until 1927.", "precise_score": -10.7542085647583, "rough_score": -10.778823852539062, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "In November 1945, Eisenhower returned to Washington to replace Marshall as Chief of Staff of the Army. His main role was rapid demobilization of millions of soldiers, a slow job that was delayed by lack of shipping. Eisenhower was convinced in 1946 that the Soviet Union did not want war and that friendly relations could be maintained; he strongly supported the new United Nations and favored its involvement in the control of atomic bombs. However, in formulating policies regarding the atomic bomb and relations with the Soviets, Truman was guided by the U.S. State Department and ignored Eisenhower and the Pentagon. Indeed, Eisenhower had opposed the use of the atomic bomb against the Japanese, writing, \"First, the Japanese were ready to surrender and it wasn't necessary to hit them with that awful thing. Second, I hated to see our country be the first to use such a weapon.\" Initially, Eisenhower was characterized by hopes for cooperation with the Soviets.Ambrose (1983), pp. 432–52. He even visited Warsaw in 1945. Invited by Bolesław Bierut and decorated with the highest military decoration, he was shocked by the scale of destruction in the city. However, by mid-1947, as East–West tensions over economic recovery in Germany and the Greek Civil War escalated, Eisenhower gave up and agreed with a containment policy to stop Soviet expansion.", "precise_score": -10.988097190856934, "rough_score": -10.69135856628418, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "In June 1943 a visiting politician had suggested to Eisenhower that he might become President of the United States after the war. Believing that a general should not participate in politics, one author later wrote that \"figuratively speaking, [Eisenhower] kicked his political-minded visitor out of his office\". As others asked him about his political future, Eisenhower told one that he could not imagine wanting to be considered for any political job \"from dogcatcher to Grand High Supreme King of the Universe\", and another that he could not serve as Army Chief of Staff if others believed he had political ambitions. In 1945 Truman told Eisenhower during the Potsdam Conference that if desired, the president would help the general win the 1948 election, and in 1947 he offered to run as Eisenhower's running mate on the Democratic ticket if MacArthur won the Republican nomination. ", "precise_score": -10.8483304977417, "rough_score": -10.584486961364746, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "In 1948, Eisenhower became President of Columbia University, an Ivy League university in New York City. The assignment was described as not being a good fit in either direction. During that year Eisenhower's memoir, Crusade in Europe, was published. Critics regarded it as one of the finest U.S. military memoirs, and it was a major financial success as well. Eisenhower's profit on the book was substantially aided by an unprecedented ruling by the U.S. Department of the Treasury that Eisenhower was not a professional writer, but rather, marketing the lifetime asset of his experiences, and thus he only had to pay capital gains tax on his $635,000 advance instead of the much higher personal tax rate. This ruling saved Eisenhower about $400,000. ", "precise_score": -10.842275619506836, "rough_score": -10.360260009765625, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "Within months of beginning his tenure as the president of the university, Eisenhower was requested to advise U.S. Secretary of Defense James Forrestal on the unification of the armed services. About six months after his appointment, he became the informal Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in Washington. Two months later he fell ill, and he spent over a month in recovery at the Augusta National Golf Club. He returned to his post in New York in mid-May, and in July 1949 took a two-month vacation out-of-state. Because the American Assembly had begun to take shape, he traveled around the country during mid-to-late 1950, building financial support from Columbia Associates, an alumni association.", "precise_score": -10.653035163879395, "rough_score": -9.504995346069336, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "The trustees of Columbia University refused to accept Eisenhower's resignation in December 1950, when he took an extended leave from the university to become the Supreme Commander of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), and he was given operational command of NATO forces in Europe. Eisenhower retired from active service as an Army general on May 31, 1952, and he resumed his presidency of Columbia. He held this position until January 20, 1953, when he became the President of the United States.", "precise_score": -10.633952140808105, "rough_score": -10.626115798950195, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "President Truman, symbolizing a broad-based desire for an Eisenhower candidacy for president, again in 1951 pressed him to run for the office as a Democrat. It was at this time that Eisenhower voiced his disagreements with the Democratic party and declared himself and his family to be Republicans. A \"Draft Eisenhower\" movement in the Republican Party persuaded him to declare his candidacy in the 1952 presidential election to counter the candidacy of non-interventionist Senator Robert A. Taft. The effort was a long struggle; Eisenhower had to be convinced that political circumstances had created a genuine duty for him to offer himself as a candidate, and that there was a mandate from the populace for him to be their President. Henry Cabot Lodge, who served as his campaign manager, and others succeeded in convincing him, and in June 1952 he resigned his command at NATO to campaign full-time. Eisenhower defeated Taft for the nomination, having won critical delegate votes from Texas. Eisenhower's campaign was noted for the simple but effective slogan, \"I Like Ike\". It was essential to his success that Eisenhower express opposition to Roosevelt's policy at Yalta and against Truman's policies in Korea and China—matters in which he had once participated. In defeating Taft for the nomination, it became necessary for Eisenhower to appease the right wing Old Guard of the Republican Party; his selection of Richard M. Nixon as the Vice-President on the ticket was designed in part for that purpose. Nixon also provided a strong anti-communist presence as well as some youth to counter Ike's more advanced age. ", "precise_score": -10.752521514892578, "rough_score": -10.483386993408203, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "Eisenhower was the last president born in the 19th century, and at age 62, was the oldest man elected President since James Buchanan in 1856 (President Truman stood at 64 in 1948 as the incumbent president, having succeeded to the Presidency in 1945 upon the death of Franklin Roosevelt). Eisenhower was the only general to serve as President in the 20th century and the most recent President to have never held elected office prior to the Presidency; the other Presidents who did not have prior elected office were Zachary Taylor, Ulysses S. Grant, William Howard Taft and Herbert Hoover.", "precise_score": 0.9591920971870422, "rough_score": -0.40199872851371765, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "Eisenhower had a Republican Congress for only his first two years in office; in the Senate, the Republican majority was by a one-vote margin. Senator Robert A. Taft assisted the President greatly in working with the Old Guard, and was sorely missed when his death (in July 1953) left Eisenhower with his successor William Knowland, whom Eisenhower disliked. ", "precise_score": -10.079708099365234, "rough_score": -10.634832382202148, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "The Democrats gained a majority in both houses in the 1954 election. Eisenhower had to work with the Democratic Majority Leader Lyndon B. Johnson (later U.S. president) in the Senate and Speaker Sam Rayburn in the House, both from Texas. Joe Martin, the Republican Speaker from 1947 to 1949 and again from 1953 to 1955, wrote that Eisenhower \"never surrounded himself with assistants who could solve political problems with professional skill. There were exceptions, Leonard W. Hall, for example, who as chairman of the Republican National Committee tried to open the administration's eyes to the political facts of life, with occasional success. However, these exceptions were not enough to right the balance.\"Joseph W. Martin as told to Donavan, Robert J. (1960), My First Fifty Years in Politics, New York: McGraw Hill, p. 227", "precise_score": -10.440558433532715, "rough_score": -10.423391342163086, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "The last three years of Eisenhower's second term in office were ones of relatively good health. Eventually after leaving the White House, he suffered several additional and ultimately crippling heart attacks. A severe heart attack in August 1965 largely ended his participation in public affairs. In August 1966 he began to show symptoms of cholecystitis, for which he underwent surgery on December 12, 1966, when his gallbladder was removed, containing 16 gallstones. After Eisenhower's death in 1969 (see below), an autopsy unexpectedly revealed an adrenal pheochromocytoma, a benign adrenaline-secreting tumor that may have made the President more vulnerable to heart disease. Eisenhower suffered seven heart attacks in total from 1955 until his death.", "precise_score": -10.50950813293457, "rough_score": -10.578067779541016, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "The 22nd Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was ratified in 1951, and it set term limits to the presidency of two terms. It stipulated that Harry S. Truman, the incumbent at the time, would not be affected by the amendment. After he had been elected to his second presidential term in 1956, Eisenhower became the first U.S. president constitutionally prevented from running for re-election to the office, having served the maximum two terms.", "precise_score": -9.242223739624023, "rough_score": -10.600729942321777, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "Eisenhower was also the first outgoing President to come under the protection of the Former Presidents Act; two living former Presidents, Herbert Hoover and Harry S. Truman, left office before the Act was passed. Under the act, Eisenhower was entitled to receive a lifetime pension, state-provided staff and a Secret Service detail. ", "precise_score": -8.10604190826416, "rough_score": -9.694194793701172, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "In the 1960 election to choose his successor, Eisenhower endorsed his own Vice President, Republican Richard Nixon, against Democrat John F. Kennedy. He told friends, \"I will do almost anything to avoid turning my chair and country over to Kennedy.\" He actively campaigned for Nixon in the final days, although he may have done Nixon some harm. When asked by reporters at the end of a televised press conference to list one of Nixon's policy ideas he had adopted, Eisenhower joked, \"If you give me a week, I might think of one. I don't remember.\" Kennedy's campaign used the quote in one of its campaign commercials. Nixon narrowly lost to Kennedy. Eisenhower, who was the oldest president in history at that time (then 70), was succeeded by the youngest elected president, as Kennedy was 43.", "precise_score": -4.231584548950195, "rough_score": -8.122325897216797, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "On the morning of March 28, 1969, at the age of 78, Eisenhower died in Washington, D.C., of congestive heart failure at Walter Reed Army Medical Center. The following day his body was moved to the Washington National Cathedral's Bethlehem Chapel, where he lay in repose for 28 hours. On March 30, his body was brought by caisson to the United States Capitol, where he lay in state in the Capitol Rotunda. On March 31, Eisenhower's body was returned to the National Cathedral, where he was given an Episcopal Church funeral service.", "precise_score": -10.58201789855957, "rough_score": -10.614608764648438, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "In the immediate years after Eisenhower left office, his reputation declined. He was widely seen by critics as an inactive, uninspiring, golf-playing president compared to his vigorous young successor, John F. Kennedy, who was 26 years his junior. Despite his unprecedented use of Army troops to enforce a federal desegregation order at Central High School in Little Rock, Eisenhower was criticized for his reluctance to support the civil rights movement to the degree that activists wanted. Eisenhower also attracted criticism for his handling of the 1960 U-2 incident and the associated international embarrassment, for the Soviet Union's perceived leadership in the nuclear arms race and the Space Race, and for his failure to publicly oppose McCarthyism.", "precise_score": -10.442191123962402, "rough_score": -10.603523254394531, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "Historians long ago abandoned the view that Eisenhower's was a failed presidency. He did, after all, end the Korean War without getting into any others. He stabilized, and did not escalate, the Soviet-American rivalry. He strengthened European alliances while withdrawing support from European colonialism. He rescued the Republican Party from isolationism and McCarthyism. He maintained prosperity, balanced the budget, promoted technological innovation, facilitated (if reluctantly) the civil rights movement and warned, in the most memorable farewell address since Washington's, of a \"military–industrial complex\" that could endanger the nation's liberties. Not until Reagan would another president leave office with so strong a sense of having accomplished what he set out to do. ", "precise_score": -8.699502944946289, "rough_score": -10.569518089294434, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "Since the 19th century, many if not all presidents were assisted by a central figure or \"gatekeeper\", sometimes described as the president's private secretary, sometimes with no official title at all. Eisenhower formalized this role, introducing the office of White House Chief of Staff – an idea he borrowed from the United States Army. Every president after Lyndon Johnson has also appointed staff to this position. Initially, Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter tried to operate without a chief of staff, but each eventually appointed one.", "precise_score": -10.779232025146484, "rough_score": -10.56462574005127, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "As President, Eisenhower also initiated the \"up or out\" policy in the U.S. military, whereby officers who are passed over for promotion twice are usually honorably discharged to make way for younger, more able officers. Eisenhower never forgot his own frustration at being stuck at the rank of major for 16 years between the two world wars.", "precise_score": -10.674371719360352, "rough_score": -10.780020713806152, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "A loblolly pine, known as the \"Eisenhower Pine\", was located on Augusta's 17th hole, approximately 210 yards (192 m) from the Masters tee. Eisenhower, an Augusta National member, hit the tree so many times that, at a 1956 club meeting, he proposed that it be cut down. Not wanting to offend the President, the club's chairman, Clifford Roberts, immediately adjourned the meeting rather than reject the request. The tree was removed in 2014 after an ice storm caused it significant damage. ", "precise_score": -10.995546340942383, "rough_score": -10.82682991027832, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Dwight D. Eisenhower", "passage": "* An apartment at the top of the Culzean Castle in Scotland was given to General of the Army Dwight D. Eisenhower in recognition of his role as Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces in Europe during the Second World War. The General first visited Culzean Castle in 1946 and stayed there four times, including once while President of the United States. An Eisenhower exhibition occupies one of the rooms, with mementos of his lifetime. ", "precise_score": -10.878771781921387, "rough_score": -10.496025085449219, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "Note – Eisenhower relinquished his active duty status when he became president on January 20, 1953. He was returned to active duty when he left office eight years later.", "precise_score": -10.793702125549316, "rough_score": -10.57052230834961, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Dwight D. Eisenhower", "passage": "Reagan spoke frequently at rallies with a strong ideological dimension; in December 1945, he was stopped from leading an anti-nuclear rally in Hollywood by pressure from the Warner Bros. studio. He would later make nuclear weapons a key point of his presidency, specifically his opposition to mutually assured destruction, building on previous efforts to limit the spread of nuclear weapons to a new focus to reduce the numbers and types of them. In the 1948 election, Reagan strongly supported Harry S. Truman, appearing on stage with him during a campaign speech in Los Angeles.McCullough, David. Truman. Simon & Schuster, 1992, p. 665. ISBN 0-671-45654-7. However, in the early 1950s, as his relationship with actress Nancy Davis grew, he shifted to the right and endorsed the presidential candidacies of Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1952 and 1956 as well as Richard Nixon in 1960. ", "precise_score": -5.907565116882324, "rough_score": -7.915291786193848, "source": "wiki", "title": "Ronald Reagan" }, { "answer": "Dwight D. Eisenhower", "passage": "In 1989, Reagan was made an Honorary Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the Bath, one of the highest British orders (this entitled him to the use of the post-nominal letters \"GCB\" but, as a foreign national, not to be known as \"Sir Ronald Reagan\"); only two American presidents have received this honor, Reagan and George H.W. Bush. Reagan was also named an honorary Fellow of Keble College, Oxford. Japan awarded him the Grand Cordon of the Order of the Chrysanthemum in 1989; he was the second American president to receive the order and the first to have it given to him for personal reasons (Dwight D. Eisenhower received it as a commemoration of U.S.-Japanese relations). ", "precise_score": -2.2717151641845703, "rough_score": -6.4229326248168945, "source": "wiki", "title": "Ronald Reagan" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "Reagan's politics changed in the 1950s. Still an influential member of SAG—he resumed its presidency in 1959—Reagan and the SAG leadership continued to win better pay and benefits for actors. In partisan politics, however, Reagan identified more frequently with Republicans. He was a participant in the Democrats-for-Eisenhower campaigns in 1952 and 1956, which attracted many other Democrats. But in 1960, when many of these \"Eisenhower Democrats\" returned to the party fold and supported John F. Kennedy, Reagan championed the candidacy of Republican presidential nominee Richard Nixon. Reagan did not especially like Nixon; he was motivated more by a distrust of Kennedy and the national Democratic Party, which Reagan saw as moving to the left. Reagan, still a nominal Democrat, delivered more than 200 speeches for Nixon, whom Kennedy narrowly defeated. When Nixon ran for governor of California in 1962 against Democrat Pat Brown, Reagan again supported him and this time changed his registration to Republican.", "precise_score": -7.228851318359375, "rough_score": -7.749964714050293, "source": "search", "title": "Ronald Reagan: Life Before the Presidency—Miller Center" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "Reagan campaigns as a Democrat for Eisenhower.", "precise_score": -8.075304985046387, "rough_score": -10.137768745422363, "source": "search", "title": "Ronald Reagan Timeline - News & Analysis, World, US, Music ..." }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "Reagan campaigns as a Democrat for President Dwight Eisenhower's re-election.", "precise_score": -7.7760329246521, "rough_score": -10.305350303649902, "source": "search", "title": "Ronald Reagan Timeline - News & Analysis, World, US, Music ..." }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "The White House in Washington, D.C., serves as the official place of residence for the president. As well as access to the White House staff, facilities available to the president include medical care, recreation, housekeeping, and security services. The government pays for state dinners and other official functions, but the president pays for personal, family and guest dry cleaning and food; the high food bill often amazes new residents. Naval Support Facility Thurmont, popularly known as Camp David, is a mountain-based military camp in Frederick County, Maryland, used as a country retreat and for high alert protection of the president and guests. Blair House, located next to the Eisenhower Executive Office Building at the White House Complex and Lafayette Park, is a complex of four connected townhouses exceeding 70000 sqft of floor space which serves as the president's official guest house and as a secondary residence for the president if needed. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.166521072387695, "source": "wiki", "title": "President of the United States" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "Eisenhower's main goals in office were to keep pressure on the Soviet Union and reduce federal deficits. In the first year of his presidency, he threatened the use of nuclear weapons in an effort to conclude the Korean War; his New Look policy of nuclear deterrence prioritized inexpensive nuclear weapons while reducing funding for conventional military forces. He ordered coups in Iran and Guatemala. Eisenhower gave major aid to help France in Vietnam. He gave strong financial support to the new nation of South Vietnam. Congress agreed to his request in 1955 for the Formosa Resolution, which obliged the U.S. to militarily support the pro-Western Republic of China in Taiwan and continue the isolation of the People's Republic of China.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.11685562133789, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "On the domestic front, he covertly opposed Joseph McCarthy and contributed to the end of McCarthyism by openly invoking the modern expanded version of executive privilege. He otherwise left most political activity to his Vice President, Richard Nixon. Eisenhower was a moderate conservative who continued New Deal agencies and expanded Social Security. He also launched the Interstate Highway System, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), the establishment of strong science education via the National Defense Education Act, and encouraged peaceful use of nuclear power via amendments to the Atomic Energy Act. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.239036560058594, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "The Eisenhauer (German for \"iron hewer/miner\") family migrated from Karlsbrunn, Germany, to North America, first settling in York, Pennsylvania, in 1741, and in the 1880s moving to Kansas. Accounts vary as to how and when the German name Eisenhauer was anglicized to Eisenhower. Eisenhower's Pennsylvania Dutch ancestors, who were primarily farmers, included Hans Nikolaus Eisenhauer of Karlsbrunn, who migrated to Lancaster, Pennsylvania, in 1741. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.935049057006836, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "David owned a general store in Hope, Kansas, but the business failed due to economic conditions and the family became impoverished. The Eisenhowers then lived in Texas from 1889 until 1892, and later returned to Kansas, with $24 to their name at the time. David worked as a mechanic with a railroad and then with a creamery. By 1898, the parents made a decent living and provided a suitable home for their large family. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.224759101867676, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "In 1892, the family moved to Abilene, Kansas, which Eisenhower considered his home town. As a child, he was involved in an accident that cost his younger brother an eye; he later referred to this as an experience teaching him the need to be protective of those under him. Dwight developed a keen and enduring interest in exploring outdoors, hunting/fishing, cooking and card playing from an illiterate named Bob Davis who camped on the Smoky Hill River. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.919258117675781, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "While Eisenhower's mother was against war, it was her collection of history books that first sparked Eisenhower's early and lasting interest in military history. He persisted in reading the books in her collection and became a voracious reader in the subject. Other favorite subjects early in his education were arithmetic and spelling. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.30164909362793, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "His parents set aside specific times at breakfast and at dinner for daily family Bible reading. Chores were regularly assigned and rotated among all the children, and misbehavior was met with unequivocal discipline, usually from David. His mother, previously a member (with David) of the River Brethren sect of the Mennonites, joined the International Bible Students Association, later known as Jehovah's Witnesses. The Eisenhower home served as the local meeting hall from 1896 to 1915, though Eisenhower never joined the International Bible Students. His later decision to attend West Point saddened his mother, who felt that warfare was \"rather wicked,\" but she did not overrule him. While speaking of himself in 1948, Eisenhower said he was \"one of the most deeply religious men I know\" though unattached to any \"sect or organization\". He was baptized in the Presbyterian Church in 1953. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.212336540222168, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "Eisenhower attended Abilene High School and graduated with the class of 1909. As a freshman, he injured his knee and developed a leg infection that extended into his groin, and which his doctor diagnosed as life-threatening. The doctor insisted that the leg be amputated but Dwight refused to allow it, and surprisingly recovered, though he had to repeat his freshman year. He and brother Edgar both wanted to attend college, though they lacked the funds. They made a pact to take alternate years at college while the other worked to earn the tuitions. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.407112121582031, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "Edgar took the first turn at school, and Dwight was employed as a night supervisor at the Belle Springs Creamery. Edgar asked for a second year, Dwight consented and worked for a second year. At that time, a friend \"Swede\" Hazlet was applying to the Naval Academy and urged Dwight to apply to the school, since no tuition was required. Eisenhower requested consideration for either Annapolis or West Point with his U.S. Senator, Joseph L. Bristow. Though Eisenhower was among the winners of the entrance-exam competition, he was beyond the age limit for the Naval Academy. He then accepted an appointment to West Point in 1911.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.04788589477539, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "At West Point, Eisenhower relished the emphasis on traditions and on sports, but was less enthusiastic about the hazing, though he willingly accepted it as a plebe. He was also a regular violator of the more detailed regulations, and finished school with a less than stellar discipline rating. Academically, Eisenhower's best subject by far was English. Otherwise, his performance was average, though he thoroughly enjoyed the typical emphasis of engineering on science and mathematics. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.374760627746582, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "In athletics, Eisenhower later said that \"not making the baseball team at West Point was one of the greatest disappointments of my life, maybe my greatest.\" He did make the football team, and was a varsity starter as running back and linebacker in 1912, tackling the legendary Jim Thorpe of the Carlisle Indians that year. Eisenhower suffered a torn knee in that, his last, game; he re-injured his knee on horseback and in the boxing ring,Eisenhower, Dwight D. (1967). At Ease: Stories I Tell to Friends, Garden City, New York, Doubleday & Company, Inc. so he turned to fencing and gymnastics.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.015974998474121, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "Eisenhower later served as junior varsity football coach and cheerleader. At West Point he played football. He graduated in the middle of the class of 1915, which became known as \"the class the stars fell on\", because 59 members eventually became general officers.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.380773544311523, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "Eisenhower met and fell in love with Mamie Geneva Doud (6 years his junior) of Boone, Iowa, while he was stationed in Texas. He and her family were also immediately taken with one another. He proposed to her on Valentine's Day in 1916. A November wedding date in Denver was moved up to July 1 due to the pending U.S. entry into World War I. In their first 35 years of marriage, they moved many times. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.084086418151855, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "Eisenhower was a golf enthusiast later in life, and joined the Augusta National Golf Club in 1948.Owen, David (1999). The Making of the Masters: Clifford Roberts, Augusta National, and Golf's Most Prestigious Tournament, Simon and Schuster, ISBN 0-684-85729-4. He played golf frequently during and after his presidency and was unreserved in expressing his passion for the game, to the point of golfing during winter; he ordered his golf balls painted black so he could see them better against snow on the ground. He had a small, basic golf facility installed at Camp David, and became close friends with the Augusta National Chairman Clifford Roberts, inviting Roberts to stay at the White House on several occasions. Roberts, an investment broker, also handled the Eisenhower family's investments. Roberts also advised Eisenhower on tax aspects of publishing his memoirs, which proved financially lucrative.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.978601455688477, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "Angels in the Outfield was Eisenhower's favorite movie. His favorite reading material for relaxation were the Western novels of Zane Grey. With his excellent memory and ability to focus, Eisenhower was skilled at card games. He learned poker, which he called his \"favorite indoor sport,\" in Abilene. Eisenhower recorded West Point classmates' poker losses for payment after graduation, and later stopped playing because his opponents resented having to pay him. A classmate reported that after learning to play contract bridge at West Point, Eisenhower played the game six nights a week for five months. Eisenhower continued to play bridge throughout his military career. While stationed in the Philippines, he played regularly with President Manuel Quezon, and was dubbed \"The bridge wizard of Manila\". During WWII, an unwritten qualification for an officer's appointment to Eisenhower's staff was the ability to play a sound game of bridge. He played even during the stressful weeks leading up to the D-Day landings. His favorite partner was General Alfred Gruenther, considered the best player in the U.S. Army; he appointed Gruenther his second-in-command at NATO partly because of his skill at bridge. Saturday night bridge games at the White House were a feature of his presidency. He was a strong player, though not an expert by modern standards. The great bridge player and popularizer Ely Culbertson described his game as classic and sound with \"flashes of brilliance\", and said that \"You can always judge a man's character by the way he plays cards. Eisenhower is a calm and collected player and never whines at his losses. He is brilliant in victory but never commits the bridge player's worst crime of gloating when he wins.\" Bridge expert Oswald Jacoby frequently participated in the White House games, and said, \"The President plays better bridge than golf. He tries to break 90 at golf. At bridge, you would say he plays in the 70s.\" ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.136813163757324, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "After graduation in 1915, Lieutenant (2nd) Eisenhower put in for assignment in the Philippines, which was denied. He served with the infantry, initially in logistics, until 1918 at various camps in Texas and Georgia. In 1916, while stationed at Fort Sam Houston, Eisenhower was football coach for St. Louis College, now St. Mary's University. In late 1917 while in charge of training at Ft. Oglethorpe in Georgia, Mamie had their first son.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.317925453186035, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "When the U.S. entered World War I he immediately requested an overseas assignment but was again denied and then assigned to Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas. In February 1918 he was transferred to Camp Meade in Maryland with the 65th Engineers. His unit was later ordered to France but to his chagrin he received orders for the new tank corps, where he was promoted to brevet Lieutenant Colonel in the National Army. He commanded a unit that trained tank crews at Camp Colt – his first command – at the site of \"Pickett's Charge\" on the Gettysburg, Pennsylvania Civil War battleground. Though Eisenhower and his tank crews never saw combat, he displayed excellent organizational skills, as well as an ability to accurately assess junior officers' strengths and make optimal placements of personnel. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.32203483581543, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "Once again his spirits were raised when the unit under his command received orders overseas to France. This time his wishes were thwarted when the armistice was signed, just a week before departure. Completely missing out on the warfront left him depressed and bitter for a time, despite being given the Distinguished Service Medal for his work at home. In World War II, rivals who had combat service in the first great war (led by Gen. Bernard Montgomery) sought to denigrate Eisenhower for his previous lack of combat duty, despite his stateside experience establishing a camp, completely equipped, for thousands of troops, and developing a full combat training schedule. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.26550006866455, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "After the war, Eisenhower reverted to his regular rank of captain and a few days later was promoted to major, a rank he held for 16 years. The major was assigned in 1919 to a transcontinental Army convoy to test vehicles and dramatize the need for improved roads in the nation. Indeed, the convoy averaged only 5 mph from Washington, D.C., to San Francisco; later the improvement of highways became a signature issue for Eisenhower as President. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.279708862304688, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "He assumed duties again at Camp Meade, Maryland, commanding a battalion of tanks, where he remained until 1922. His schooling continued, focused on the nature of the next war and the role of the tank in it. His new expertise in tank warfare was strengthened by a close collaboration with George S. Patton, Sereno E. Brett, and other senior tank leaders. Their leading-edge ideas of speed-oriented offensive tank warfare were strongly discouraged by superiors, who considered the new approach too radical and preferred to continue using tanks in a strictly supportive role for the infantry. Eisenhower was even threatened with court martial for continued publication of these proposed methods of tank deployment, and he relented. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.395889282226562, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Dwight D. Eisenhower", "passage": "During the late 1920s and early 1930s, Eisenhower's career in the post-war army stalled somewhat, as military priorities diminished; many of his friends resigned for high-paying business jobs. He was assigned to the American Battle Monuments Commission directed by General Pershing, and with the help of his brother Milton Eisenhower, then a journalist at the Agriculture Department, he produced a guide to American battlefields in Europe. He then was assigned to the Army War College and graduated in 1928. After a one-year assignment in France, Eisenhower served as executive officer to General George V. Mosely, Assistant Secretary of War, from 1929 to February 1933. Major Dwight D. Eisenhower graduated from the Army Industrial College (Washington, DC) in 1933 and later served on the faculty (it was later expanded to become the Industrial College of the Armed Services and is now known as the Dwight D. Eisenhower School for National Security and Resource Strategy). ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.00015640258789, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "In 1935, he accompanied MacArthur to the Philippines, where he served as assistant military adviser to the Philippine government in developing their army. Eisenhower had strong philosophical disagreements with his patron regarding the role of the Philippine Army and the leadership qualities that an American army officer should exhibit and develop in his subordinates. The dispute and resulting antipathy between Eisenhower and MacArthur lasted the rest of their lives. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.246101379394531, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "Historians have concluded that this assignment provided valuable preparation for handling the challenging personalities of Winston Churchill, George S. Patton, George Marshall, and General Montgomery during World War II. Eisenhower later emphasized that too much had been made of the disagreements with MacArthur, and that a positive relationship endured. While in Manila, Mamie suffered a life-threatening stomach ailment but recovered fully. Eisenhower was promoted to the rank of permanent lieutenant colonel in 1936. He also learned to fly, making a solo flight over the Philippines in 1937 and obtained his private pilot's license in 1939 at Fort Lewis. Also around this time, he was offered a post by the Philippine Commonwealth Government, namely by then Philippine President Manuel L. Quezon on recommendations by MacArthur, to become the chief of police of a new capital being planned, now named Quezon City, but he declined the offer. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.171236991882324, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "Eisenhower returned to the U.S. in December 1939 and was assigned as a battalion commander and regimental executive officer of the 15th Infantry at Fort Lewis, Washington. In March 1941 he was promoted to colonel and assigned as chief of staff of the newly activated IX Corps under Major General Kenyon Joyce. In June 1941, he was appointed Chief of Staff to General Walter Krueger, Commander of the 3rd Army, at Fort Sam Houston in San Antonio, Texas. After successfully participating in the Louisiana Maneuvers, he was promoted to brigadier general on October 3, 1941. Although his administrative abilities had been noticed, on the eve of the U.S. entry into World War II he had never held an active command above a battalion and was far from being considered by many as a potential commander of major operations.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.050148963928223, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "After the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Eisenhower was assigned to the General Staff in Washington, where he served until June 1942 with responsibility for creating the major war plans to defeat Japan and Germany. He was appointed Deputy Chief in charge of Pacific Defenses under the Chief of War Plans Division (WPD), General Leonard T. Gerow, and then succeeded Gerow as Chief of the War Plans Division. Next, he was appointed Assistant Chief of Staff in charge of the new Operations Division (which replaced WPD) under Chief of Staff General George C. Marshall, who spotted talent and promoted accordingly. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.320694923400879, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "At the end of May 1942, Eisenhower accompanied Lt. Gen. Henry H. Arnold, commanding general of the Army Air Forces, to London to assess the effectiveness of the theater commander in England, Maj. Gen. James E. Chaney. He returned to Washington on June 3 with a pessimistic assessment, stating he had an \"uneasy feeling\" about Chaney and his staff. On June 23, 1942, he returned to London as Commanding General, European Theater of Operations (ETOUSA), based in London and with a house on Coombe, Kingston upon Thames, and replaced Chaney. He was promoted to lieutenant general on July 7.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.274577140808105, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "In November 1942, he was also appointed Supreme Commander Allied Expeditionary Force of the North African Theater of Operations (NATOUSA) through the new operational Headquarters Allied (Expeditionary) Force Headquarters (A(E)FHQ). The word \"expeditionary\" was dropped soon after his appointment for security reasons. The campaign in North Africa was designated Operation Torch and was planned underground within the Rock of Gibraltar. Eisenhower was the first non-British person to command Gibraltar in 200 years.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.317523002624512, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "French cooperation was deemed necessary to the campaign, and Eisenhower encountered a \"preposterous situation\" with the multiple rival factions in France. His primary objective was to move forces successfully into Tunisia, and intending to facilitate that objective, he gave his support to François Darlan as High Commissioner in North Africa, despite Darlan's previous high offices of state in Vichy France and his continued role as commander-in-chief of the French armed forces. The Allied leaders were \"thunderstruck\" by this from a political standpoint, though none of them had offered Eisenhower guidance with the problem in the course of planning the operation. Eisenhower was severely criticized for the move. Darlan was assassinated on December 24 by Fernand Bonnier de La Chapelle. Eisenhower did not take action to prevent the arrest and extrajudicial execution of Bonnier de La Chapelle by associates of Darlan acting without authority from either Vichy or the Allies, considering it a criminal rather than a military matter. Eisenhower later appointed General Henri Giraud as High Commissioner, who had been installed by the Allies as Darlan's commander-in-chief, and who had refused to postpone the execution. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.349132537841797, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "Operation Torch also served as a valuable training ground for Eisenhower's combat command skills; during the initial phase of Generalfeldmarschall Erwin Rommel's move into the Kasserine Pass, Eisenhower created some confusion in the ranks by some interference with the execution of battle plans by his subordinates. He also was initially indecisive in his removal of Lloyd Fredendall, commanding U.S. II Corps. He became more adroit in such matters in later campaigns. In February 1943, his authority was extended as commander of AFHQ across the Mediterranean basin to include the British Eighth Army, commanded by General Sir Bernard Montgomery. The Eighth Army had advanced across the Western Desert from the east and was ready for the start of the Tunisia Campaign. Eisenhower gained his fourth star and gave up command of ETOUSA to become commander of NATOUSA.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.16102409362793, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "After the capitulation of Axis forces in North Africa, Eisenhower oversaw the highly successful invasion of Sicily. Once Mussolini, the Italian leader, had fallen in Italy, the Allies switched their attention to the mainland with Operation Avalanche. But while Eisenhower argued with President Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Churchill, who both insisted on unconditional terms of surrender in exchange for helping the Italians, the Germans pursued an aggressive buildup of forces in the country – making the job more difficult, by adding 19 divisions and initially outnumbering the Allied forces 2 to 1; nevertheless, the invasion of Italy was highly successful. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.253438949584961, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "In December 1943, President Roosevelt decided that Eisenhower – not Marshall – would be Supreme Allied Commander in Europe. The following month, he resumed command of ETOUSA and the following month was officially designated as the Supreme Allied Commander of the Allied Expeditionary Force (SHAEF), serving in a dual role until the end of hostilities in Europe in May 1945. He was charged in these positions with planning and carrying out the Allied assault on the coast of Normandy in June 1944 under the code name Operation Overlord, the liberation of Western Europe and the invasion of Germany.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.009562492370605, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "Eisenhower, as well as the officers and troops under him, had learned valuable lessons in their previous operations, and their skills had all strengthened in preparation for the next most difficult campaign against the Germans—a beach landing assault. His first struggles, however, were with Allied leaders and officers on matters vital to the success of the Normandy invasion; he argued with Roosevelt over an essential agreement with De Gaulle to use French resistance forces in covert and sabotage operations against the Germans in advance of Overlord. Admiral Ernest J. King fought with Eisenhower over King's refusal to provide additional landing craft from the Pacific. He also insisted that the British give him exclusive command over all strategic air forces to facilitate Overlord, to the point of threatening to resign unless Churchill relented, as he did. Eisenhower then designed a bombing plan in France in advance of Overlord and argued with Churchill over the latter's concern with civilian casualties; de Gaulle interjected that the casualties were justified in shedding the yoke of the Germans, and Eisenhower prevailed. He also had to skillfully manage to retain the services of the often unruly George S. Patton, by severely reprimanding him when Patton earlier had slapped a subordinate, and then when Patton gave a speech in which he made improper comments about postwar policy. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.195795059204102, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "The D-Day Normandy landings on June 6, 1944, were costly but successful. Two months later (August 15), the invasion of Southern France took place, and control of forces in the southern invasion passed from the AFHQ to the SHAEF. Many prematurely considered that victory in Europe would come by summer's end—however the Germans did not capitulate for almost a year. From then until the end of the war in Europe on May 8, 1945, Eisenhower, through SHAEF, commanded all Allied forces, and through his command of ETOUSA had administrative command of all U.S. forces on the Western Front north of the Alps. He was ever mindful of the inevitable loss of life and suffering that would be experienced on an individual level by the troops under his command and their families. This prompted him to make a point of visiting every division involved in the invasion. Eisenhower's sense of responsibility was underscored by his draft of a statement to be issued if the invasion failed. It has been called one of the great speeches of history:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.316216468811035, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "Once the coastal assault had succeeded, Eisenhower insisted on retaining personal control over the land battle strategy, and was immersed in the command and supply of multiple assaults through France on Germany. Field Marshal Montgomery insisted priority be given to his 21st Army Group's attack being made in the north, while Generals Bradley (12th U.S. Army Group) and Devers (Sixth U.S. Army Group) insisted they be given priority in the center and south of the front (respectively). Eisenhower worked tirelessly to address the demands of the rival commanders to optimize Allied forces, often by giving them tactical, though sometimes ineffective, latitude; many historians conclude this delayed the Allied victory in Europe. However, due to Eisenhower's persistence, the pivotal supply port at Antwerp was successfully, albeit belatedly, opened in late 1944, and victory became a more distinct probability. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.149545669555664, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "In recognition of his senior position in the Allied command, on December 20, 1944, he was promoted to General of the Army, equivalent to the rank of Field Marshal in most European armies. In this and the previous high commands he held, Eisenhower showed his great talents for leadership and diplomacy. Although he had never seen action himself, he won the respect of front-line commanders. He interacted adeptly with allies such as Winston Churchill, Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery and General Charles de Gaulle. He had serious disagreements with Churchill and Montgomery over questions of strategy, but these rarely upset his relationships with them. He dealt with Soviet Marshal Zhukov, his Russian counterpart, and they became good friends. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.321338653564453, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "The Germans launched a surprise counter offensive, in the Battle of the Bulge in December 1944, which the Allies turned back in early 1945 after Eisenhower repositioned his armies and improved weather allowed the Air Force to engage. German defenses continued to deteriorate on both the eastern front with the Soviets and the western front with the Allies. The British wanted Berlin, but Eisenhower decided it would be a military mistake for him to attack Berlin, and said orders to that effect would have to be explicit. The British backed down, but then wanted Eisenhower to move into Czechoslovakia for political reasons. Washington refused to support Churchill's plan to use Eisenhower's army for political maneuvers against Moscow. The actual division of Germany followed the lines that Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin had previously agreed upon. The Soviet Red Army captured Berlin in a very large-scale bloody battle, and the Germans finally surrendered on May 7, 1945. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.261055946350098, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "Following the German unconditional surrender, Eisenhower was appointed Military Governor of the U.S. Occupation Zone, based at the IG Farben Building in Frankfurt am Main. He had no responsibility for the other three zones, controlled by Britain, France and the Soviet Union, except for the city of Berlin, which was managed by the Four-Power Authorities through the Allied Kommandatura as the governing body. Upon discovery of the Nazi concentration camps, he ordered camera crews to document evidence of the atrocities in them for use in the Nuremberg Trials. He reclassified German prisoners of war (POWs) in U.S. custody as Disarmed Enemy Forces (DEFs), who were no longer subject to the Geneva Convention. Eisenhower followed the orders laid down by the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) in directive JCS 1067, but softened them by bringing in 400,000 tons of food for civilians and allowing more fraternization. In response to the devastation in Germany, including food shortages and an influx of refugees, he arranged distribution of American food and medical equipment. His actions reflected the new American attitudes of the German people as Nazi victims not villains, while aggressively purging the ex-Nazis. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.289321899414062, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "As the election approached, other prominent citizens and politicians from both parties urged Eisenhower to run for president. In January 1948, after learning of plans in New Hampshire to elect delegates supporting him for the forthcoming Republican National Convention, Eisenhower stated through the Army that he was \"not available for and could not accept nomination to high political office\"; \"life-long professional soldiers\", he wrote, \"in the absence of some obvious and overriding reason, [should] abstain from seeking high political office\". Eisenhower maintained no political party affiliation during this time. Many believed he was forgoing his only opportunity to be president; Republican Thomas E. Dewey was considered the other probable winner, would presumably serve two terms, and Eisenhower, at age 66 in 1956, would then be too old. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.908309936523438, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "Eisenhower's stint as the president of Columbia University was punctuated by his activity within the Council on Foreign Relations, a study group he led as president concerning the political and military implications of the Marshall Plan, and The American Assembly, Eisenhower's \"vision of a great cultural center where business, professional and governmental leaders could meet from time to time to discuss and reach conclusions concerning problems of a social and political nature\". His biographer Blanche Wiesen Cook suggested that this period served as \"the political education of General Eisenhower\", since he had to prioritize wide-ranging educational, administrative, and financial demands for the university. Through his involvement in the Council on Foreign Relations, he also gained exposure to economic analysis, which would become the bedrock of his understanding in economic policy. \"Whatever General Eisenhower knows about economics, he has learned at the study group meetings,\" one Aid to Europe member claimed.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.894437789916992, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "Eisenhower accepted the presidency of the university to expand his ability to promote \"the American form of democracy\" through education. He was clear on this point to the trustees involved in the search committee. He informed them that his main purpose was \"to promote the basic concepts of education in a democracy.\" As a result, he was \"almost incessantly\" devoted to the idea of the American Assembly, a concept he developed into an institution by the end of 1950.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.240821838378906, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "Eisenhower was unknowingly building resentment and a reputation among the Columbia University faculty and staff as an absentee president who was using the university for his own interests. As a career military man, he naturally had little in common with the academics. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.114084243774414, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "The contacts gained through university and American Assembly fund-raising activities would later become important supporters in Eisenhower's bid for the Republican party nomination and the presidency. Meanwhile, Columbia University's liberal faculty members became disenchanted with the university president's ties to oilmen and businessmen, including Leonard McCollum, the president of Continental Oil; Frank Abrams, the chairman of Standard Oil of New Jersey; Bob Kleberg, the president of the King Ranch; H. J. Porter, a Texas oil executive; Bob Woodruff, the president of the Coca-Cola Corporation; and Clarence Francis, the chairman of General Foods.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.017735481262207, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "As the president of Columbia, Eisenhower gave voice and form to his opinions about the supremacy and difficulties of American democracy. His tenure marked his transformation from military to civilian leadership. His biographer Travis Beal Jacobs also suggested that the alienation of the Columbia faculty contributed to sharp intellectual criticism of him for many years. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.911324501037598, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "NATO did not have strong bipartisan support in Congress at the time that Eisenhower assumed its military command. Eisenhower advised the participating European nations that it would be incumbent upon them to demonstrate their own commitment of troops and equipment to the NATO force before such would come from the war-weary United States.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.116592407226562, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "At home, Eisenhower was more effective in making the case for NATO in Congress than the Truman administration was. By the middle of 1951, American and European support for NATO was substantial enough to give it a genuine military power. Nevertheless, Eisenhower thought that NATO would become a truly European alliance, with the American and Canadian commitments ending after about ten years. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.063096046447754, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "In the general election, against the advice of his advisors, Eisenhower insisted on campaigning in the South, refusing to surrender the region to the Democratic Party. The campaign strategy, dubbed \"K1C2\", was to focus on attacking the Truman and Roosevelt administrations on three issues: Korea, Communism and corruption. In an effort to accommodate the right, he stressed that the liberation of Eastern Europe should be by peaceful means only; he also distanced himself from his former boss President Truman.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.206287384033203, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "Two controversies during the campaign tested him and his staff, but did not affect the campaign. One involved a report that Nixon had improperly received funds from a secret trust. Nixon spoke out adroitly to avoid potential damage, but the matter permanently alienated the two candidates. The second issue centered on Eisenhower's relented decision to confront the controversial methods of Joseph McCarthy on his home turf in a Wisconsin appearance. Just two weeks prior to the election, Eisenhower vowed to go to Korea and end the war there. He promised to maintain a strong commitment against Communism while avoiding the topic of NATO; finally, he stressed a corruption-free, frugal administration at home.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.309051513671875, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "Due to a complete estrangement between the two as a result of campaigning, Truman and Eisenhower had minimal discussions about the transition of administrations. After selecting his budget director, Joseph M. Dodge, Eisenhower asked Herbert Brownell and Lucius Clay to make recommendations for his cabinet appointments. He accepted their recommendations without exception; they included John Foster Dulles and George M. Humphrey with whom he developed his closest relationships, and one woman, Oveta Culp Hobby. Eisenhower's cabinet, consisting of several corporate executives and one labor leader, was dubbed by one journalist, \"Eight millionaires and a plumber.\" The cabinet was notable for its lack of personal friends, office seekers, or experienced government administrators. He also upgraded the role of the National Security Council in planning all phases of the Cold War. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.1415376663208, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "Prior to his inauguration, Eisenhower led a meeting of advisors at Pearl Harbor addressing foremost issues; agreed objectives were to balance the budget during his term, to bring the Korean War to an end, to defend vital interests at lower cost through nuclear deterrent, and to end price and wage controls. Eisenhower also conducted the first pre-inaugural cabinet meeting in history in late 1952; he used this meeting to articulate his anti-communist Russia policy. His inaugural address, as well, was exclusively devoted to foreign policy and included this same philosophy, as well as a commitment to foreign trade and the United Nations. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.145180702209473, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "Eisenhower made greater use of press conferences than any previous president, holding almost 200 over his two terms. While he saw the benefit of maintaining a good relationship with the press, he saw more value in them as a means of direct communication with the American people. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.28103256225586, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Dynamic Conservatism", "passage": "Throughout his presidency, Eisenhower adhered to a political philosophy of dynamic conservatism. A self-described \"progressive conservative,\" he continued all the major New Deal programs still in operation, especially Social Security. He expanded its programs and rolled them into a new cabinet-level agency, the Department of Health, Education and Welfare, while extending benefits to an additional ten million workers. He implemented integration in the Armed Services in two years, which had not been completed under Truman. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.159770965576172, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "As the 1954 congressional elections approached, and it became evident that the Republicans were in danger of losing their thin majority in both houses, Eisenhower was among those blaming the Old Guard for the losses, and took up the charge to stop suspected efforts by the right wing to take control of the GOP. Eisenhower then articulated his position as a moderate, progressive Republican: \"I have just one purpose ... and that is to build up a strong progressive Republican Party in this country. If the right wing wants a fight, they are going to get it ... before I end up, either this Republican Party will reflect progressivism or I won't be with them anymore.\" ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.115650177001953, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "Initially Eisenhower planned on serving only one term, but as with other decisions, he maintained a position of maximum flexibility in case leading Republicans wanted him to run again. During his recovery from a heart attack late in 1955, he huddled with his closest advisors to evaluate the GOP's potential candidates; the group, in addition to his doctor, concluded a second term was well advised, and he announced in February 1956 he would run again. Eisenhower was publicly noncommittal about Nixon's repeating as the Vice President on his ticket; the question was an especially important one in light of his heart condition. He personally favored Robert B. Anderson, a Democrat, who rejected his offer; Eisenhower then resolved to leave the matter in the hands of the party. In 1956, Eisenhower faced Adlai Stevenson again and won by an even larger landslide, with 457 of 531 electoral votes and 57.6% of the popular vote. The level of campaigning was curtailed out of health considerations. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.920088768005371, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "Eisenhower valued the brief respites and the amenities of an office which he endowed with an arduous daily schedule. He made full use of his valet, chauffeur, and secretarial support—he rarely drove or dialed a phone number. He was an avid fisherman, golfer, painter, and bridge player, and preferred active rather than passive forms of entertainment. On August 26, 1959, Eisenhower was aboard the maiden flight of Air Force One, which replaced the previous Presidential aircraft, the Columbine. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.309538841247559, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "One of Eisenhower's enduring achievements was championing and signing the bill that authorized the Interstate Highway System in 1956. He justified the project through the Federal Aid Highway Act of 1956 as essential to American security during the Cold War. It was believed that large cities would be targets in a possible war, hence the highways were designed to facilitate their evacuation and ease military maneuvers.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.386119842529297, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "Eisenhower's goal to create improved highways was influenced by difficulties encountered during his involvement in the U.S. Army's 1919 Transcontinental Motor Convoy. He was assigned as an observer for the mission, which involved sending a convoy of U.S. Army vehicles coast to coast. His subsequent experience with encountering German autobahn limited-access road systems during the concluding stages of World War II convinced him of the benefits of an Interstate Highway System. Noticing the improved ability to move logistics throughout the country, he thought an Interstate Highway System in the U.S. would not only be beneficial for military operations, but provide a measure of continued economic growth. The legislation initially stalled in the Congress over the issuance of bonds to finance the project, but the legislative effort was renewed and the law was signed by Eisenhower in June 1956. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.372194290161133, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "In 1953, the Republican Party's Old Guard presented Eisenhower with a dilemma by insisting he disavow the Yalta Agreements as beyond the constitutional authority of the Executive Branch; however, the death of Joseph Stalin in March 1953 made the matter a moot point. At this time Eisenhower gave his Chance for Peace speech in which he attempted, unsuccessfully, to forestall the nuclear arms race with the Soviet Union by suggesting multiple opportunities presented by peaceful uses of nuclear materials. Biographer Stephen Ambrose opined that this was the best speech of Eisenhower's presidency. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.102733612060547, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "Nevertheless, the Cold War escalated during his presidency. When the Soviet Union successfully tested a hydrogen bomb in late November 1955, Eisenhower, against the advice of Dulles, decided to initiate a disarmament proposal to the Soviets. In an attempt to make their refusal more difficult, he proposed that both sides agree to dedicate fissionable material away from weapons toward peaceful uses, such as power generation. This approach was labeled \"Atoms for Peace\". ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.325202941894531, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "The U.N. speech was well received but the Soviets never acted upon it, due to an overarching concern for the greater stockpiles of nuclear weapons in the U.S. arsenal. Indeed, Eisenhower embarked upon a greater reliance on the use of nuclear weapons, while reducing conventional forces, and with them the overall defense budget, a policy formulated as a result of Project Solarium and expressed in NSC 162/2. This approach became known as the \"New Look\", and was initiated with defense cuts in late 1953. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.213095664978027, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "In 1955 American nuclear arms policy became one aimed primarily at arms control as opposed to disarmament. The failure of negotiations over arms until 1955 was due mainly to the refusal of the Russians to permit any sort of inspections. In talks located in London that year, they expressed a willingness to discuss inspections; the tables were then turned on Eisenhower, when he responded with an unwillingness on the part of the U.S. to permit inspections. In May of that year the Russians agreed to sign a treaty giving independence to Austria, and paved the way for a Geneva summit with the U.S., U.K. and France. At the Geneva Conference Eisenhower presented a proposal called \"Open Skies\" to facilitate disarmament, which included plans for Russia and the U.S. to provide mutual access to each other's skies for open surveillance of military infrastructure. Russian leader Nikita Khrushchev dismissed the proposal out of hand. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.220660209655762, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "In 1954, Eisenhower articulated the domino theory in his outlook towards communism in Southeast Asia and also in Central America. He believed that if the communists were allowed to prevail in Vietnam, this would cause a succession of countries to fall to communism, from Laos through Malaysia and Indonesia ultimately to India. Likewise, the fall of Guatemala would end with the fall of neighboring Mexico. That year the loss of North Vietnam to the communists and the rejection of his proposed European Defence Community (EDC) were serious defeats, but he remained optimistic in his opposition to the spread of communism, saying \"Long faces don't win wars\". As he had threatened the French in their rejection of EDC, he afterwards moved to restore West Germany, as a full NATO partner. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.210083961486816, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "With Eisenhower's leadership and Dulles' direction, CIA activities increased under the pretense of resisting the spread of communism in poorer countries; the CIA in part deposed the leaders of Iran in Operation Ajax, of Guatemala through Operation Pbsuccess, and possibly the newly independent Republic of the Congo (Léopoldville). In 1954 Eisenhower wanted to increase surveillance inside the Soviet Union. With Dulles' recommendation, he authorized the deployment of thirty Lockheed U-2's at a cost of $35 million. The Eisenhower administration also planned the Bay of Pigs Invasion to overthrow Fidel Castro in Cuba, which John F. Kennedy was left to carry out.\" ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.993910789489746, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "Over New York City in 1953, Eastern Airlines Flight 8610, a commercial flight, had a near miss with Air Force Flight 8610, a Lockheed C-121 Constellation known as Columbine II, while the latter was carrying President Eisenhower. This prompted the adoption of the unique call sign Air Force One, to be used whenever the president is on board any US Air Force aircraft. Columbine II is the only presidential aircraft to have ever been sold to the public. The aircraft was purchased by Dynamic Aviation in 2015 and in collaboration with the Mid America Flight Museum, was restored to flying condition. On March 21, 2016, Columbine II was flown to Virginia where restoration work will continue. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.176941871643066, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "Eisenhower and the CIA had known since at least January 1957, nine months before Sputnik, that Russia had the capability to launch a small payload into orbit and was likely to do so within a year. He may also privately have welcomed the Russian satellite for its legal implications: By launching a satellite, Russia had in effect acknowledged that space was open to anyone who could access it, without needing permission from other nations.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.241982460021973, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "On the whole, Eisenhower's support of the nation's fledgling space program was officially modest until the Soviet launch of Sputnik in 1957, gaining the Cold War enemy enormous prestige around the world. He then launched a national campaign that funded not just space exploration but a major strengthening of science and higher education. His Open Skies Policy attempted to legitimize illegal Lockheed U-2 flyovers and Project Genetrix while paving the way for spy satellite technology to orbit over sovereign territory, created NASA as a civilian space agency, signed a landmark science education law, and fostered improved relations with American scientists. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.19847297668457, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "In strategic terms, it was Eisenhower who devised the American basic strategy of nuclear deterrence based upon the triad of B-52 bombers, land-based intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs), and Polaris submarine-launched ballistic missiles (SLBMs). ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.381985664367676, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "Eisenhower later resented the space program and its gargantuan price tag—he was quoted as saying, \"Anyone who would spend $40 billion in a race to the moon for national prestige is nuts.\" ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.43198299407959, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "In late 1952 Eisenhower went to Korea and discovered a military and political stalemate. Once in office, when the Chinese began a buildup in the Kaesong sanctuary, he threatened to use nuclear force if an armistice was not concluded. His earlier military reputation in Europe was effective with the Chinese. The National Security Council, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the Strategic Air Command (SAC) devised detailed plans for nuclear war against China. With the death of Stalin in early March 1953, Russian support for a Chinese hard-line weakened and China decided to compromise on the prisoner issue. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.287943840026855, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "In July 1953, an armistice took effect with Korea divided along approximately the same boundary as in 1950. The armistice and boundary remain in effect today, with American soldiers stationed there to guarantee it. The armistice, concluded despite opposition from Secretary Dulles, South Korean President Syngman Rhee, and also within Eisenhower's party, has been described by biographer Ambrose as the greatest achievement of the administration. Eisenhower had the insight to realize that unlimited war in the nuclear age was unthinkable, and limited war unwinnable.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.89927864074707, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "A point of emphasis in Ike's campaign had been his endorsement of a policy of liberation from communism as opposed to a policy of containment. This remained his preference despite the armistice with Korea. Throughout his terms Eisenhower took a hard-line attitude toward China, as demanded by conservative Republicans, with the goal of driving a wedge between China and the Soviet Union. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.388885498046875, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "Eisenhower continued Truman's policy of recognizing the Republic of China (based in Formosa/Taiwan) as the legitimate government of China, not the Beijing regime. There were localized flare-ups when the Red Army began shelling the islands of Quemoy and Matsu in September 1954. Eisenhower received recommendations embracing every variation of response to the aggression of the Chinese communists. He thought it essential to have every possible option available to him as the crisis unfolded. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.285385131835938, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "The Sino-American Mutual Defense Treaty with Taiwan was signed in December 1954. He requested and secured from Congress their \"Formosa Resolution\" in January 1955, which gave Eisenhower unprecedented power in advance to use military force at any level of his choosing in defense of Formosa and the Pescadores. The Resolution bolstered the morale of the Chinese nationalists, and signaled to Beijing that the U.S. was committed to holding the line.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.296114921569824, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "Eisenhower openly threatened the Chinese with use of nuclear weapons, authorizing a series of bomb tests labeled Operation Teapot. Nevertheless, he left the Chinese communists guessing as to the exact nature of his nuclear response. This allowed Eisenhower to accomplish all of his objectives—the end of this communist encroachment, the retention of the Islands by the Chinese nationalists and continued peace. Defense of Taiwan from an invasion remains a core American policy. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.424628257751465, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "By the end of 1954 Eisenhower's military and foreign policy experts—the NSC, JCS and State Dept.—had unanimously urged him, on no less than five occasions, to launch an atomic attack against China; yet he consistently refused to do so and felt a distinct sense of accomplishment in having sufficiently confronted communism while keeping world peace. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.234392166137695, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "The Middle East and Eisenhower doctrine", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.452463150024414, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "Even before he was inaugurated Eisenhower accepted a request from the British government to restore the Shah (Mohammad Reza Pahlavi) to power. He therefore authorized the Central Intelligence Agency to overthrow Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh. This resulted in an increased strategic control over Iranian oil by U.S. and British companies. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.159109115600586, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "In November 1956, Eisenhower forced an end to the combined British, French and Israeli invasion of Egypt in response to the Suez Crisis, receiving praise from Egyptian president Gamal Abdel Nasser. Simultaneously he condemned the brutal Soviet invasion of Hungary in response to the Hungarian Revolution of 1956. He publicly disavowed his allies at the United Nations, and used financial and diplomatic pressure to make them withdraw from Egypt. Eisenhower explicitly defended his strong position against Britain and France in his memoirs, which were published in 1965. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.94616985321045, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "After the Suez Crisis the United States became the protector of unstable friendly governments in the Middle East via the \"Eisenhower Doctrine\". Designed by Secretary of State Dulles, it held the U.S. would be \"prepared to use armed force ... [to counter] aggression from any country controlled by international communism\". Further, the United States would provide economic and military aid and, if necessary, use military force to stop the spread of communism in the Middle East. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.364784240722656, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "Eisenhower applied the doctrine in 1957–58 by dispensing economic aid to shore up the Kingdom of Jordan, and by encouraging Syria's neighbors to consider military operations against it. More dramatically, in July 1958, he sent 15,000 Marines and soldiers to Lebanon as part of Operation Blue Bat, a non-combat peace-keeping mission to stabilize the pro-Western government and to prevent a radical revolution from sweeping over that country. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.360596656799316, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "Most Arab countries were skeptical about the \"Eisenhower doctrine\" because they considered \"Zionist imperialism\" the real danger. However, they did take the opportunity to obtain free money and weapons. Egypt and Syria, supported by the Soviet Union, openly opposed the initiative. However, Egypt received American aid until the Six Day War in 1967. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.382994651794434, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "Early in 1953, the French asked Eisenhower for help in French Indochina against the Communists, supplied from China, who were fighting the First Indochina War. Eisenhower sent Lt. General John W. \"Iron Mike\" O'Daniel to Vietnam to study and assess the French forces there. Chief of Staff Matthew Ridgway dissuaded the President from intervening by presenting a comprehensive estimate of the massive military deployment that would be necessary. Eisenhower stated prophetically that \"this war would absorb our troops by divisions.\" ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.170781135559082, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "Eisenhower did provide France with bombers and non-combat personnel. After a few months with no success by the French, he added other aircraft to drop napalm for clearing purposes. Further requests for assistance from the French were agreed to but only on conditions Eisenhower knew were impossible to meet – allied participation and congressional approval. When the French fortress of Dien Bien Phu fell to the Vietnamese Communists in May 1954, Eisenhower refused to intervene despite urgings from the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, the Vice President and the head of NCS. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.01020336151123, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "Eisenhower responded to the French defeat with the formation of the SEATO (Southeast Asia Treaty Organization) Alliance with the U.K., France, New Zealand and Australia in defense of Vietnam against communism. At that time the French and Chinese reconvened Geneva peace talks; Eisenhower agreed the U.S. would participate only as an observer. After France and the Communists agreed to a partition of Vietnam, Eisenhower rejected the agreement, offering military and economic aid to southern Vietnam. Ambrose argues that Eisenhower, by not participating in the Geneva agreement, had kept the U.S out of Vietnam; nevertheless, with the formation of SEATO, he had in the end put the U.S. back into the conflict. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.218421936035156, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "In late 1954, Gen. J. Lawton Collins was made ambassador to \"Free Vietnam\" (the term South Vietnam came into use in 1955), effectively elevating the country to sovereign status. Collins' instructions were to support the leader Ngo Dinh Diem in subverting communism, by helping him to build an army and wage a military campaign. In February 1955, Eisenhower dispatched the first American soldiers to Vietnam as military advisors to Diem's army. After Diem announced the formation of the Republic of Vietnam (RVN, commonly known as South Vietnam) in October, Eisenhower immediately recognized the new state and offered military, economic, and technical assistance. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.062938690185547, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "In the years that followed, Eisenhower increased the number of U.S. military advisors in South Vietnam to 900 men. This was due to North Vietnam's support of \"uprisings\" in the south and concern the nation would fall. In May 1957 Diem, then President of South Vietnam, made a state visit to the United States for ten days. President Eisenhower pledged his continued support, and a parade was held in Diem's honor in New York City. Although Diem was publicly praised, in private Secretary of State John Foster Dulles conceded that Diem had been selected because there were no better alternatives. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.99429702758789, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "After the election of November 1960, Eisenhower in briefing with John F. Kennedy pointed out the communist threat in Southeast Asia as requiring prioritization in the next administration. Eisenhower told Kennedy he considered Laos \"the cork in the bottle\" with regard to the regional threat. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.282812118530273, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "On May 1, 1960, a U.S. one-man U-2 spy plane was reportedly shot down at high altitude over Soviet Union airspace. The flight was made to gain photo intelligence before the scheduled opening of an East-West summit conference, which had been scheduled in Paris, 15 days later. Captain Francis Gary Powers had bailed out of his aircraft and was captured after parachuting down onto Russian soil. Four days after Powers disappeared, the Eisenhower Administration had NASA issue a very detailed press release noting that an aircraft had \"gone missing\" north of Turkey. It speculated that the pilot might have fallen unconscious while the autopilot was still engaged, and falsely claimed that \"the pilot reported over the emergency frequency that he was experiencing oxygen difficulties.\" ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.248669624328613, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev announced that a \"spy-plane\" had been shot down but intentionally made no reference to the pilot. As a result, the Eisenhower Administration, thinking the pilot had died in the crash, authorized the release of a cover story claiming that the plane was a \"weather research aircraft\" which had unintentionally strayed into Soviet airspace after the pilot had radioed \"difficulties with his oxygen equipment\" while flying over Turkey. The Soviets put Captain Powers on trial and displayed parts of the U-2, which had been recovered almost fully intact. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.506463050842285, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "The 1960 Four Power Paris Summit with Eisenhower, Nikita Khrushchev, Harold Macmillan and Charles de Gaulle collapsed because of the incident. Eisenhower refused to accede to Khrushchev's demands that he apologize. Therefore, Khrushchev would not take part in the summit. Up until this event, Eisenhower felt he had been making progress towards better relations with the Soviet Union. Nuclear arms reduction and Berlin were to have been discussed at the summit. Eisenhower stated it had all been ruined because of that \"stupid U-2 business\".", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.150248527526855, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "While President Truman had begun the process of desegregating the Armed Forces in 1948, actual implementation had been slow. Eisenhower made clear his stance in his first State of the Union address in February 1953, saying \"I propose to use whatever authority exists in the office of the President to end segregation in the District of Columbia, including the Federal Government, and any segregation in the Armed Forces\". When he encountered opposition from the services, he used government control of military spending to force the change through, stating \"Wherever Federal Funds are expended ..., I do not see how any American can justify ... a discrimination in the expenditure of those funds\". ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.012906074523926, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "When Robert B. Anderson, Eisenhower's first Secretary of the Navy, argued that the U.S. Navy must recognize the \"customs and usages prevailing in certain geographic areas of our country which the Navy had no part in creating,\" Eisenhower overruled him: \"We have not taken and we shall not take a single backward step. There must be no second class citizens in this country.\" ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.177350044250488, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "Eisenhower told District of Columbia officials to make Washington a model for the rest of the country in integrating black and white public school children. He proposed to Congress the Civil Rights Act of 1957 and of 1960 and signed those acts into law. The 1957 act for the first time established a permanent civil rights office inside the Justice Department and a Civil Rights Commission to hear testimony about abuses of voting rights. Although both acts were much weaker than subsequent civil rights legislation, they constituted the first significant civil rights acts since 1875. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.267783164978027, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "In 1957, the state of Arkansas refused to honor a federal court order to integrate their public school system stemming from the Brown decision. Eisenhower demanded that Arkansas governor Orval Faubus obey the court order. When Faubus balked, the president placed the Arkansas National Guard under federal control and sent in the 101st Airborne Division. They escorted and protected nine black students' entry to Little Rock Central High School, an all-white public school, for the first time since the Reconstruction Era. Martin Luther King Jr. wrote to Eisenhower to thank him for his actions, writing \"The overwhelming majority of southerners, Negro and white, stand firmly behind your resolute action to restore law and order in Little Rock\". ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.119611740112305, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "This prevented Eisenhower from openly condemning Joseph McCarthy's highly criticized methods against communism. To facilitate relations with Congress, Eisenhower decided to ignore McCarthy's controversies and thereby deprive them of more energy from involvement of the White House. This position drew criticism from a number of corners. In late 1953 McCarthy declared on national television that the employment of communists within the government was a menace and would be a pivotal issue in the 1954 Senate elections. Eisenhower was urged to respond directly and specify the various measures he had taken to purge the government of communists. Nevertheless, he refused.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.299485206604004, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "Among Eisenhower's objectives in not directly confronting McCarthy was to prevent McCarthy from dragging the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) into McCarthy's witch hunt for communists, which would interfere with, and perhaps delay, the AEC's important work on H-bombs. The administration had discovered through its own investigations that one of the leading scientists on the AEC, J. Robert Oppenheimer, had urged that the H-bomb work be delayed. Eisenhower removed him from the agency and revoked his security clearance, though he knew this would create fertile ground for McCarthy. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.358245849609375, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "In May 1955, McCarthy threatened to issue subpoenas to White House personnel. Eisenhower was furious, and issued an order as follows: \"It is essential to efficient and effective administration that employees of the Executive Branch be in a position to be completely candid in advising with each other on official matters ... it is not in the public interest that any of their conversations or communications, or any documents or reproductions, concerning such advice be disclosed.\" This was an unprecedented step by Eisenhower to protect communication beyond the confines of a cabinet meeting, and soon became a tradition known as executive privilege. Ike's denial of McCarthy's access to his staff reduced McCarthy's hearings to rants about trivial matters, and contributed to his ultimate downfall. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.332500457763672, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "In early 1954, the Old Guard put forward a constitutional amendment, called the Bricker Amendment, which would curtail international agreements by the Chief Executive, such as the Yalta Agreements. Eisenhower opposed the measure. The Old Guard agreed with Eisenhower on the development and ownership of nuclear reactors by private enterprises, which the Democrats opposed. The President succeeded in getting legislation creating a system of licensure for nuclear plants by the AEC. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.28215503692627, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "Speaker Martin concluded that Eisenhower worked too much through subordinates in dealing with Congress, with results, \"often the reverse of what he has desired\" because Members of Congress, \"resent having some young fellow who was picked up by the White House without ever having been elected to office himself coming around and telling them 'The Chief wants this'. The administration never made use of many Republicans of consequence whose services in one form or another would have been available for the asking.\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.382710456848145, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "Eisenhower appointed the following Justices to the Supreme Court of the United States:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.480215072631836, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "Whittaker was unsuited for the role and soon retired. Stewart and Harlan were conservative Republicans, while Brennan was a Democrat who became a leading voice for liberalism. In selecting a Chief Justice, Eisenhower looked for an experienced jurist who could appeal to liberals in the party as well as law-and-order conservatives, noting privately that Warren \"represents the kind of political, economic, and social thinking that I believe we need on the Supreme Court ... He has a national name for integrity, uprightness, and courage that, again, I believe we need on the Court\". In the next few years Warren led the Court in a series of liberal decisions that revolutionized the role of the Court.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.308621406555176, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "In addition to his five Supreme Court appointments, Eisenhower appointed 45 judges to the United States Courts of Appeals, and 129 judges to the United States district courts.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.40963363647461, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "Eisenhower began smoking cigarettes at West Point, often two or three packs a day. Eisenhower stated that he \"gave [himself] an order\" to stop cold turkey in March 1949 while at Columbia. He was probably the first president to release information about his health and medical records while in office. On September 24, 1955, while vacationing in Colorado, he had a serious heart attack that required six weeks' hospitalization, during which time Nixon, Dulles, and Sherman Adams assumed administrative duties and provided communication with the President. He was treated by Dr. Paul Dudley White, a cardiologist with a national reputation, who regularly informed the press of the President's progress. Instead of eliminating him as a candidate for a second term as President, his physician recommended a second term as essential to his recovery. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.940366744995117, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "As a consequence of his heart attack, Eisenhower developed a left ventricular aneurysm, which was in turn the cause of a mild stroke on November 25, 1957. This incident occurred during a cabinet meeting when Eisenhower suddenly found himself unable to speak or move his right hand. The stroke had caused an aphasia. The president also suffered from Crohn's disease, chronic inflammatory condition of the intestine, which necessitated surgery for a bowel obstruction on June 9, 1956. To treat the intestinal block, surgeons bypassed about ten inches of his small intestine. His scheduled meeting with Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru was postponed so he could recover from surgery at his farm in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. He was still recovering from this operation during the Suez Crisis.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.248292922973633, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "Eisenhower's health issues forced him to give up smoking and make some changes to his dietary habits, but he still indulged in alcohol. During a visit to England he complained of dizziness and had to have his blood pressure checked on August 29, 1959; however, before dinner at Chequers on the next day his doctor General Howard Snyder recalled Eisenhower \"drank several gin-and-tonics, and one or two gins on the rocks ... three or four wines with the dinner\". ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.237510681152344, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "On January 17, 1961, Eisenhower gave his final televised Address to the Nation from the Oval Office. In his farewell speech, Eisenhower raised the issue of the Cold War and role of the U.S. armed forces. He described the Cold War: \"We face a hostile ideology global in scope, atheistic in character, ruthless in purpose and insidious in method ...\" and warned about what he saw as unjustified government spending proposals and continued with a warning that \"we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military–industrial complex.\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.228814125061035, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "Because of legal issues related to holding a military rank while in a civilian office, Eisenhower had resigned his permanent commission as General of the Army before entering the office of President of the United States. Upon completion of his Presidential term, his commission was reactivated by Congress and Eisenhower again was commissioned a five-star general in the United States Army. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.905266761779785, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "Eisenhower retired to the place where he and Mamie had spent much of their post-war time, a working farm adjacent to the battlefield at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, 70 miles from his ancestral home in Elizabethville, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania. They also maintained a retirement home in Palm Desert, California. In 1967 the Eisenhowers donated the Gettysburg farm to the National Park Service.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.267329216003418, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "In retirement, Eisenhower did not completely retreat from political life. He flew to San Antonio, where he had been stationed years earlier, to support John W. Goode, the unsuccessful Republican candidate against the Democrat Henry B. Gonzalez for Texas' 20th congressional district seat. He addressed the 1964 Republican National Convention, in San Francisco, and appeared with party nominee Barry Goldwater in a campaign commercial from his Gettysburg retreat. However, his endorsement came somewhat reluctantly because Goldwater had in the latter 1950s criticized Eisenhower as \"a dime-store New Dealer\".", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.149860382080078, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "That evening, Eisenhower's body was placed onto a train en route to Abilene, Kansas, the last time a funeral train has been used as part of funeral proceedings of an American president. His body arrived on April 2, and was interred that day in a small chapel on the grounds of the Eisenhower Presidential Library. The president's body was buried as a General of the Army. The family used an $80 standard soldier's casket, and dressed his body in his famous short green jacket. The medals worn were: the Army Distinguished Service Medal with three oak leaf clusters, the Navy Distinguished Service Medal, and the Legion of Merit. Eisenhower is buried alongside his son Doud, who died at age 3 in 1921. His wife Mamie was buried next to him after her death in 1979.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.9780855178833, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "President Richard Nixon eulogized Eisenhower, saying:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.87382984161377, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "Some men are considered great because they lead great armies or they lead powerful nations. For eight years now, Dwight Eisenhower has neither commanded an army nor led a nation; and yet he remained through his final days the world's most admired and respected man, truly the first citizen of the world. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.008459091186523, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "In particular, Eisenhower was criticized for failing to defend George Marshall from attacks by Joseph McCarthy, though he privately deplored McCarthy's tactics and claims. Those omissions were held against him during the liberal climate of the 1960s and 1970s. Since that time, however, Eisenhower's reputation has risen. Recent surveys of historians since the 1980s often rank Eisenhower in the top 10 of all U.S. presidents.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.90673542022705, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "Although conservatism in politics was strong during the 1950s and Eisenhower generally espoused conservative sentiments, his administration concerned itself mostly with foreign affairs (an area in which the career-military president had more knowledge) and pursued a hands-off domestic policy. Eisenhower looked to moderation and cooperation as a means of governance. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.306710243225098, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "Although he sought to slow or contain the New Deal and other federal programs, he did not attempt to repeal them outright, and in doing so was popular among the liberal wing of the Republican Party. Conservative critics of his administration found that he did not do enough to advance the goals of the right; according to Hans Morgenthau, \"Eisenhower's victories were but accidents without consequence in the history of the Republican party.\" ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.428977012634277, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "On December 20, 1944, Eisenhower was appointed to the rank of General of the Army, placing him in the company of George Marshall, Henry \"Hap\" Arnold, and Douglas MacArthur, the only four men to achieve the rank in World War Two, and along with Omar Bradley, one of only five men to achieve the rank since the August 5, 1888 death of Philip Sheridan, and the only five men to hold the rank as a Five-star general. The rank was created by an Act of Congress on a temporary basis when Public Law 78-482 was passed on 14 December 1944, This law allowed only 75% of pay and allowances to the grade for those on the retired list. as a temporary rank, subject to reversion to permanent rank six months after the end of the war. The temporary rank was then declared permanent 23 March 1946 by Public Law 333 of the 79th Congress, which also awarded full pay and allowances in the grade to those on the retired list. It was created to give the most senior American commanders parity of rank with their British counterparts holding the ranks of field marshal and admiral of the fleet. This second General of the Army rank is not the same as the post-Civil War era version because of its purpose and five stars.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.052319526672363, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "Eisenhower founded People to People International in 1956, based on his belief that citizen interaction would promote cultural interaction and world peace. The program includes a student ambassador component, which sends American youth on educational trips to other countries. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.1826753616333, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "During his second term as president, Eisenhower distinctively preserved his presidential gratitude by awarding individuals a special memento. This memento was a series of specially designed U.S. Mint presidential appreciation medals. Eisenhower presented the medal as an expression of his appreciation and the medal is a keepsake reminder for the recipient.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.11630916595459, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "The development of the appreciation medals was initiated by the White House and executed by the Bureau of the Mint through the U.S. Mint in Philadelphia. The medals were struck from September 1958 through October 1960. A total of twenty designs are cataloged with a total mintage of 9,858. Each of the designs incorporates the text \"with appreciation\" or \"with personal and official gratitude\" accompanied with Eisenhower's initials \"D.D.E.\" or facsimile signature. The design also incorporates location, date, and/or significant event. Prior to the end of his second term as President, 1,451 medals were turned in to the Bureau of the Mint and destroyed. The Eisenhower appreciation medals are part of the Presidential Medal of Appreciation Award Medal Series.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.219735145568848, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "Eisenhower is remembered for his role in World War II, the creation of the Interstate Highway System and ending the Korean War. He is less remembered for helping negotiate the withdrawal of all Soviet (and Allied) troops from Austria (1955) in exchange for that country's commitment to Swiss-style neutrality, which may be considered the first \"thaw\" in the Cold War.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.241347312927246, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Dwight D. Eisenhower", "passage": "The Interstate Highway System is officially known as the 'Dwight D. Eisenhower National System of Interstate and Defense Highways' in his honor. It was inspired in part by Eisenhower's own Army experiences in World War II, where he recognized the advantages of the autobahn systems in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Commemorative signs reading \"Eisenhower Interstate System\" and bearing Eisenhower's permanent 5-star rank insignia were introduced in 1993 and now are displayed throughout the Interstate System. Several highways are also named for him, including the Eisenhower Expressway (Interstate 290) near Chicago and the Eisenhower Tunnel on Interstate 70 west of Denver.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.240886688232422, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Dwight D. Eisenhower", "passage": "The British A4 class steam locomotive No. 4496 (renumbered 60008) Golden Shuttle was renamed Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1946. It is preserved at the National Railroad Museum in Green Bay, Wisconsin.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.243696212768555, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Dwight D. Eisenhower", "passage": "USS Dwight D. Eisenhower, the second Nimitz-class supercarrier, was named in his honor.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.253954887390137, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Dwight D. Eisenhower", "passage": "Dwight D. Eisenhower School for National Security and Resource Strategy is a senior war college of the Department of Defense's National Defense University in Washington, DC. Eisenhower graduated from this school when it was previously known as the Army Industrial College. The school's building on Fort Lesley J. McNair, when it was known as the Industrial College of the Armed Forces, was dedicated as Eisenhower Hall in 1960.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.220782279968262, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "Eisenhower College was a small, liberal arts college chartered in Seneca Falls, New York, in 1965, with classes beginning in 1968. Financial problems forced the school to fall under the management of the Rochester Institute of Technology in 1979. Its last class graduated in 1983.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.062417030334473, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "Eisenhower Hall, the cadet activities building at West Point, was completed in 1974. In 1983, the Eisenhower Monument was unveiled at West Point.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.09656810760498, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "Eisenhower was honored on a US one dollar coin, minted from 1971 to 1978. His centenary was honored on a commemorative dollar coin issued in 1990.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.885503768920898, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "In 1969, four major record companies – ABC Records, MGM Records, Buddha Records and Caedmon Audio – released tribute albums in Eisenhower's honor. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.242073059082031, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "The Eisenhower Medical Center in Rancho Mirage, California was named after him in 1971.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.31794261932373, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "The NATO Defense College in Rome has a statue of General Eisenhower as the founder of the College.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.357535362243652, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Dwight D. Eisenhower", "passage": "The Dwight D. Eisenhower Army Medical Center, located at Fort Gordon near Augusta, Georgia, was named in his honor. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.150986671447754, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "The transcontinental Interstate Highway 80 was named after Eisenhower. The highway stretches from the Bay Bridge connecting San Francisco and Oakland, all the way to Teaneck, New Jersey.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.4995756149292, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "In 1983, The Eisenhower Institute was founded in Washington, D.C., as a policy institute to advance Eisenhower's intellectual and leadership legacies.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.922492980957031, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "In 1989, U.S. Ambassador Charles Price and British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher dedicated a bronze statue of Eisenhower in Grosvenor Square, London. The statue is located in front of the current U.S. Embassy in London and across from the former command center for the Allied Expeditionary Force during World War II, offices Eisenhower occupied during the war. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.923184394836426, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Dwight D. Eisenhower", "passage": "In 1999, the United States Congress created the Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial Commission, to create an enduring national memorial in Washington, D.C.. In 2009, the commission chose the architect Frank Gehry to design the memorial. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.142332077026367, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "On May 7, 2002, the Old Executive Office Building was officially renamed the Eisenhower Executive Office Building. This building is part of the White House Complex, and is west of the West Wing. It currently houses a number of executive offices, including ones for the Vice President and his or her spouse. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.28227710723877, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "A county park in East Meadow, New York (Long Island) is named in his honor. Eisenhower State Park on Lake Texoma near his birthplace of Denison is named in his honor.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.336095809936523, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "His birthplace is currently operated by the State of Texas as the Eisenhower Birthplace State Historic Site. Since 1980, the National Park Service has allowed visitors to the Eisenhower Farm adjacent to the Gettysburg Battlefield.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.054085731506348, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "Mount Eisenhower was named in the Presidential Range of the White Mountains in New Hampshire.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.268289566040039, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Dwight D. Eisenhower", "passage": "Wichita Dwight D. Eisenhower National Airport in Wichita, Kansas. The FAA changed the name in 2014 so it would be included in new 2015 maps, and the official dedication occurred in April 2015. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.482111930847168, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "The Eisenhower Golf Club at the United States Air Force Academy, a 36-hole facility featuring the Blue and Silver courses, which is ranked No. 1 among DoD courses, is named in his honor.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.369626998901367, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "Eisenhower Park on Washington Square in Newport, Rhode Island, dedicated by President Eisenhower in 1960.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.832449913024902, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "The 18th hole at Cherry Hills Country Club, near Denver, is named in his honor. Eisenhower was a longtime member of the club, which operated one of his favorite courses. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.009998321533203, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "During a visit to Augusta National, Eisenhower returned from a walk through the woods on the eastern part of the grounds, and informed Clifford Roberts that he had found a perfect place to build a dam if the club would like a fish pond. Ike's Pond was built and named, and the dam is located just where Eisenhower said it should be.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.335285186767578, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "* In June 1945, Eisenhower received an honorary Freedom of the City of London. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.106413841247559, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "* In January 1946, The Metropolitan Museum of Art named Eisenhower an Honorary Fellow for Life in recognition of his efforts to recover art looted by the Nazis during World War II. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.090747833251953, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "* In 1966, Eisenhower was the second person awarded Civitan International's World Citizenship Award. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.296216011047363, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "answer": "Eisenhower", "passage": "* Eisenhower's name was given to a variety of streets, avenues, etc., in cities around the world, including Paris, France.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.360015869140625, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" } ]
Dan Quayle was Senator form which state when he was chosen as George Bush's Vice President?
{ "aliases": [ "Indiana, United States", "The Hoosier State", "Indiana", "Ind.", "Hoosier State", "Indiania", "Education in Indiana", "Demographics of Indiana", "Indiana, USA", "Indana", "Indiana (U.S. state)", "Indiana (State)", "Transportation in Indiana", "State of Indiana", "Northeastern Indiana", "US-IN", "Religion in Indiana", "Indiana (state)", "The Commonwealth of Indiana", "Climate of Indiana", "19th State", "Transport in Indiana", "Nineteenth State", "INdiana" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "19th state", "indiana state", "education in indiana", "transportation in indiana", "state of indiana", "religion in indiana", "indiana usa", "hoosier state", "indiana", "climate of indiana", "indiana u s state", "northeastern indiana", "indana", "commonwealth of indiana", "ind", "transport in indiana", "nineteenth state", "demographics of indiana", "indiania", "indiana united states", "us in" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "indiana", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Indiana" }
[ { "answer": "Indiana", "passage": "James Danforth \"Dan\" Quayle (born February 4, 1947) is an American politician. He was the 44th Vice President of the United States, serving during the term of President George H. W. Bush (1989–93). He was also a U.S. Representative (1977–81) and U.S. Senator (1981–89) from the state of Indiana.", "precise_score": 7.437178134918213, "rough_score": 9.148506164550781, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dan Quayle" }, { "answer": "Indiana", "passage": "In 1980 Bush campaigned for the Republican nomination for President. He lost, but was chosen as a running mate by Ronald Reagan. As Vice President, Bush had responsibility in several domestic areas, including Federal deregulation and anti-drug programs, and visited scores of foreign countries. In 1988 Bush won the Republican nomination for President and, with Senator Dan Quayle of Indiana as his running mate, he defeated Massachusetts Governor Michael Dukakis in the general election.", "precise_score": 5.147747993469238, "rough_score": 7.621902942657471, "source": "search", "title": "George H. W. Bush |" }, { "answer": "Indiana", "passage": "The Republican National Convention was held in New Orleans, Louisiana, in August 1988. After Bush clinched the nomination, he began to consider his choice for vice president. Eventually, he selected Dan Quayle, the junior senator from Indiana. Bush was attracted to Quayle because of his youth and his conservative credentials. He was more conservative than Bush, and some advisers thought that he would appeal to the conservative base of the party as well as to women voters. However, Quayle became a controversial choice and a problematic running mate because many considered him too young and inexperienced to be vice president.", "precise_score": 7.5454936027526855, "rough_score": 7.590443134307861, "source": "search", "title": "George H. W. Bush: Campaigns and Elections—Miller Center" }, { "answer": "Ind.", "passage": "DAN QUAYLE (1990), former U.S. Senator and Vice President of the United States, played baseball in the Hoosier Little League of Huntington, Ind., during the mid-1950s.", "precise_score": 4.032168388366699, "rough_score": 6.940623760223389, "source": "search", "title": "President Bush - Dream" }, { "answer": "Indiana", "passage": "The possibility of a sudden succession now plays a larger part in the selection of Vice-Presidents, but not always. Truman himself, when he ran in 1948, chose an elderly Border State senator, Alben Barkley, of Kentucky, as his running mate. Richard Nixon, who called on the former senator and U.N. ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr., when he ran for President in 1960, selected the ill-equipped Maryland Governor Spiro Agnew eight years later. (By a stroke of national good luck, Agnew was replaced by Representative Gerald Ford when he resigned ten months before Nixon did the same.) George H. W. Bush—Ronald Reagan’s sensible selection in 1980—chose the Indiana Senator Dan Quayle when he ran in 1988, a disturbing pick, given that Quayle’s interest in golf may have outweighed his legislative concerns, but one that did not come close to John McCain’s singularly reckless selection in 2008, when he made Sarah Palin his heartbeat-away choice. (Dick Cheney is another subject entirely.)", "precise_score": 6.309713363647461, "rough_score": 7.456494331359863, "source": "search", "title": "How F.D.R.’s Death Changed the Vice-Presidency - The New ..." }, { "answer": "Indiana", "passage": "Quayle was born in Indianapolis and spent most of his childhood living in Arizona. He married Marilyn Tucker in 1972 and obtained his J.D. from Indiana University School of Law – Indianapolis in 1974. He practiced law in Huntington, Indiana, with his wife before his election to the United States House of Representatives in 1976, aged 29. In 1980 Quayle won election to the Senate.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 0.1977548599243164, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dan Quayle" }, { "answer": "Indiana", "passage": "Quayle was born in Indianapolis, Indiana, to Martha Corinne (née Pulliam) and James Cline Quayle. He has often been incorrectly referred to as James Danforth Quayle III. In his memoirs, he points out that his birth name was simply James Danforth Quayle. The name Quayle originates from the Isle of Man, where his great-grandfather was born. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -2.2261314392089844, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dan Quayle" }, { "answer": "Indiana", "passage": "His maternal grandfather, Eugene C. Pulliam, was a wealthy and influential publishing magnate who founded Central Newspapers, Inc., owner of over a dozen major newspapers such as The Arizona Republic and The Indianapolis Star. James C. Quayle moved his family to Arizona in 1955 to run a branch of the family's publishing empire. While his family was very wealthy, Quayle was less affluent; his total net worth by the time of his election in 1988 was less than $1 million. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.650277614593506, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dan Quayle" }, { "answer": "Indiana", "passage": "After spending much of his youth in Arizona, Quayle graduated from Huntington High School in Huntington, Indiana, in 1965. He then matriculated at DePauw University, where he received his B.A. degree in political science in 1969, was a 3-year letterman for the University Golf Team (1967–69) and a member of the fraternity Delta Kappa Epsilon (Psi Phi chapter). After receiving his degree, Quayle joined the Indiana Army National Guard and served from 1969–1975, reaching the rank of sergeant. While serving in the Guard, he earned a Juris Doctor (J.D.) degree in 1974 at Indiana University School of Law – Indianapolis. He met his future wife, Marilyn, who was taking night classes at McKinney at the time. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.3915951251983643, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dan Quayle" }, { "answer": "Indiana", "passage": "Quayle became an investigator for the Consumer Protection Division of the Office of the Indiana Attorney General in July 1971. Later that year, he became an administrative assistant to Governor Edgar Whitcomb. From 1973 to 1974, he was the Director of the Inheritance Tax Division of the Indiana Department of Revenue. Upon receiving his law degree, Quayle worked as associate publisher of his family's newspaper, the Huntington Herald-Press.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 0.7428432106971741, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dan Quayle" }, { "answer": "Indiana", "passage": "In 1976, Quayle was elected to the House of Representatives from Indiana's 4th congressional district, defeating eight-term incumbent Democrat J. Edward Roush by a 55%-to-45% margin. He won reelection in 1978 by the greatest percentage margin achieved to date in that northeast Indiana district. In 1980, at age 33, Quayle became the youngest person ever elected to the Senate from the state of Indiana, defeating three-term incumbent Democrat Birch Bayh by taking 54% of the votes to Bayh's 46%. Making Indiana political history again, Quayle was re-elected to the Senate in 1986 with the largest margin ever achieved to that date by a candidate in a statewide Indiana race, taking 61% of the vote and defeating his Democratic opponent, Jill Long.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 3.04318904876709, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dan Quayle" }, { "answer": "Indiana", "passage": "Quayle considered but decided against running for Governor of Indiana in 1996. He decided against running for the 1996 Republican presidential nomination, citing health problems related to phlebitis. Quayle moved to Arizona in 1996. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -1.1675952672958374, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dan Quayle" }, { "answer": "Indiana", "passage": "The Dan Quayle Center and Museum, located in Huntington, Indiana, features information on Quayle and on all U.S. vice presidents.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 0.5338646173477173, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dan Quayle" }, { "answer": "Indiana", "passage": "Delegation voting strength was loosely based upon the size of each state's congressional delegation, subject to some modification by the Credentials Committee, with the Northeastern delegations of New York (70), Pennsylvania (54), Massachusetts (26), and New Jersey (14) constituting the largest regional bloc, surpassing the Midwestern states of Ohio (46), Indiana (26), Illinois (22), and Iowa (8). Some 86 votes were apportioned to the six states of New England. Slave and border states with substantial delegations under the rules (but with small actual party organizations) included Kentucky (23), Virginia (23), and Missouri (18). The total of all credentialed delegate votes was 466. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.675209999084473, "source": "wiki", "title": "1860 Republican National Convention" }, { "answer": "Indiana", "passage": "It was essential to carry the West (what would today be considered the Middle West), and Lincoln was a prominent Westerner. He had a national reputation from his debates and speeches, in which he eloquently opposed slavery while avoiding any of the radical positions that could alienate moderate voters. He had the support of the Illinois and Indiana delegations before the convention, and was the strongest candidate other than Seward.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.928533554077148, "source": "wiki", "title": "1860 Republican National Convention" }, { "answer": "Indiana", "passage": "As Vice President, Bush officially opened the 1987 Pan American Games in Indianapolis.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.630819320678711, "source": "wiki", "title": "George H. W. Bush" }, { "answer": "Indiana", "passage": "Leading up to the 1988 Republican National Convention, there was much speculation as to Bush's choice of running mate. Bush chose little-known U.S. Senator Dan Quayle of Indiana, favored by conservatives. Despite Reagan's popularity, Bush trailed Democratic nominee Michael Dukakis, then Governor of Massachusetts, in most polls. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 5.916810989379883, "source": "wiki", "title": "George H. W. Bush" }, { "answer": "Ind.", "passage": "The race was the most expensive for Congress in the country that year and four days before the general election, Durkin withdrew and endorsed Cronin, hoping to see Kerry defeated. The week before, a poll had put Kerry 10 points ahead of Cronin, with Dukin on 13%. In the final days of the campaign, Kerry sensed that it was \"slipping away\" and Cronin emerged victorious by 110,970 votes (53.45%) to Kerry's 92,847 (44.72%). After his defeat, Kerry lamented in a letter to supporters that \"for two solid weeks, [The Sun] called me un-American, New Left antiwar agitator, unpatriotic, and labeled me every other 'un-' and 'anti-' that they could find. It's hard to believe that one newspaper could be so powerful, but they were.\" He later felt that his failure to respond directly to The Suns attacks cost him the race.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.107531547546387, "source": "wiki", "title": "John Kerry" }, { "answer": "Indiana", "passage": "A release from the presidential campaign of presumptive Democratic nominee Al Gore listed Kerry on the short list to be selected as the vice-presidential nominee, along with North Carolina Senator John Edwards, Indiana Senator Evan Bayh, Missouri Congressman Richard Gephardt, New Hampshire Governor Jeanne Shaheen and Connecticut Senator Joe Lieberman. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.754189968109131, "source": "wiki", "title": "John Kerry" }, { "answer": "Indiana", "passage": "For his efforts as Vice President, Bush was the uncontested Republican presidential nominee in 1988. One of Bush's weaknesses was, despite all of his public appearances, he never became much of an orator. Where Ronald Reagan was the Great Communicator, Bush disliked public speaking, and he often came across as flat. At the convention, however, he shined. When he was given the nomination, his acceptance speech was one of his finest. He called for \"A Thousand Points of Lights,\" hit the road running, and named Dan Quayle, a Senator from Indiana, as his Vice Presidential candidate. They campaigned vigorously and won the election against Democrats Dukakis and Bentsen.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 6.3675360679626465, "source": "search", "title": "The 41st US President - George H. W. Bush" }, { "answer": "Ind.", "passage": "Compare Nixon’s sophisticated analysis with the sort of thing uttered, the other day, by Senator Marco Rubio, the Spanish-speaking child of Cuban immigrants and the latest Republican to announce that he’s running for President. “We have an interest in Cuba and it will continue to operate,” he told NPR’s Steve Inskeep, “but an embassy, I’m not—I don’t believe this country should be diplomatically recognizing a nation of the nature of Cuba. Obviously there are other dictatorships in the world that we have relations with by geopolitical reality. You know, China’s the largest country in the world, the second-largest economy, the second-largest military force. There are geopolitical realities there. Cuba is a brutal, tyrannical dictatorship ninety miles from the shore of our country.” The idea of actually meeting Raúl Castro and trying to form a judgment about the future was a thought that apparently never crossed Rubio’s mind.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.399017333984375, "source": "search", "title": "How F.D.R.’s Death Changed the Vice-Presidency - The New ..." } ]
Where did Reagan and Gorbachev have their Star Wars summit in October 19865?
{ "aliases": [ "IJsland", "Icedland", "The land of ice and snow", "Icelandic isles", "Lýðveldið ísland", "Iceland", "ISO 3166-1:IS", "The Republic of Iceland", "Ice-land", "Hyui", "Republic of Iceland", "Ísland", "ICELAND", "Lydveldid island", "Icealnd", "Ice land", "Mainland Iceland", "Island of Iceland" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "iceland", "iso 3166 1 is", "ice land", "land of ice and snow", "icelandic isles", "ísland", "mainland iceland", "icedland", "island of iceland", "lýðveldið ísland", "republic of iceland", "hyui", "icealnd", "ijsland", "lydveldid island" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "iceland", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Iceland" }
[ { "answer": "Iceland", "passage": "American officials billed the second meeting between Reagan and Gorbachev at Reykjavik, Iceland, in October, 1986, as a mini-summit, a kind of trial run for an expected major summit a few months later. But Gorbachev came to Reykjavik prepared to do major business.", "precise_score": 8.591727256774902, "rough_score": 5.09094762802124, "source": "search", "title": "Reagan and Gorbachev: Warming of a Relationship - latimes" }, { "answer": "Iceland", "passage": "In the 1985 Geneva summit, progress on arms control had foundered over Gorbachev's insistence on scrapping SDI, and Reagan's commitment to its development. The October 1986 summit between Reagan and Gorbachev, in Reykjavik, Iceland, also ended in a stalemate. At this second summit, Reagan still refused to budge on SDI, and Gorbachev refused to make further concessions without compromise. But at the third summit, in Washington, DC, in December 1987, Gorbachev yielded to Reagan's terms. The USSR was in dire economic straits, and Gorbachev needed a respite from the arms race.", "precise_score": 8.0215482711792, "rough_score": 6.471624851226807, "source": "search", "title": "Mikhail Gorbachev . Reagan . WGBH American Experience | PBS" }, { "answer": "Iceland", "passage": "Back in April, 1985 – his first month in office – Gorbachev had announced his first unilateral initiative: a temporary freeze on the deployment of intermediate-range missiles in Europe. Gorbachev met Reagan at Geneva a few months later, in November, and they met again in October 1986 at Reykjavik in Iceland, and yet again in May 1988 at a summit meeting in Moscow. Gorbachev and Reagan became friends, Gorbachev recognizing that Reagan sincerely wanted to avoid a nuclear holocaust and that he was a man of decency and sincerity – a former actor who was not faking it. And Reagan saw Gorbachev as something other than an evil Communist robot. Gorbachev convinced Reagan that he was sincere in wanting to end the arms race and in collaborating with the West in restructuring relations.", "precise_score": 6.250378608703613, "rough_score": 5.400393962860107, "source": "search", "title": "Gorbachev and Reagan - World History" }, { "answer": "Iceland", "passage": "On October 11, 1986, halfway between Moscow and Washington, D.C., the leaders of the world’s two superpowers met at the stark and picturesque Hofdi House in Reykjavik, Iceland.  Secretary General Mikhail Gorbachev had proposed the meeting to President Ronald Reagan less than thirty days before. The expectations for the summit at Reykjavik were low.", "precise_score": 7.5670576095581055, "rough_score": 5.28924560546875, "source": "search", "title": "The Reykjavik Summit: The Story | The Reagan Vision" }, { "answer": "Iceland", "passage": "Failure and anger lined their features as they stepped out of the Icelandic government mansion where they had negotiated for two days. The smiles, the joking, the banter--all were gone in the cold dusk. The two men could manage no more than a perfunctory handshake, a cold stare with tight, rigid lips as they turned away from each other.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.428539276123047, "source": "search", "title": "Reagan and Gorbachev: Warming of a Relationship - latimes" }, { "answer": "Iceland", "passage": "In the gloom of an Icelandic capital shivering under wind and rain, summitry seemed over for the two glum men.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.229328155517578, "source": "search", "title": "Reagan and Gorbachev: Warming of a Relationship - latimes" }, { "answer": "Iceland", "passage": "Here was Gorbachev speaking at a session of the Politburo in October 1986, days before he traveled to Reykjavik, Iceland to offer Reagan a groundbreaking disarmament plan, including a 50 percent reduction in nuclear arsenals. If he didn't propose these cuts, Gorbachev told his colleagues:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 1.2308986186981201, "source": "search", "title": "How Reagan won the Cold War. - Slate Magazine" }, { "answer": "Iceland", "passage": "REYKJAVIK, Iceland, Oct. 12 — President Reagan and Mikhail S. Gorbachev ended two days of talks here today with no agreement on arms control and no date for a full-fledged summit meeting in the United States.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 1.191483974456787, "source": "search", "title": "Reagan-Gorbachev Talks End in Stalement as U.S. Rejects ..." }, { "answer": "Iceland", "passage": "Mr. Reagan, speaking to American forces at the Keflavik Air Base near here, before returning home, said, ''We came to Iceland to advance the cause of peace and, though we put on the table the most far-reaching arms control proposal in history, the General Secretary rejected it.''", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.188478469848633, "source": "search", "title": "Reagan-Gorbachev Talks End in Stalement as U.S. Rejects ..." }, { "answer": "Iceland", "passage": "When the Iceland meeting was first arranged, it was expected to set a date for a regular summit meeting in the United States in the coming months, as called for by the two leaders at their first meeting in Geneva last year.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.757966995239258, "source": "search", "title": "Reagan-Gorbachev Talks End in Stalement as U.S. Rejects ..." }, { "answer": "Iceland", "passage": "REYKJAVIK, ICELAND, OCT. 12 -- The summit meeting between President Reagan and Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev collapsed tonight after the two leaders had tentatively agreed to sweeping reductions in nuclear arsenals but deadlocked on the crucial issue of restricting the U.S. space-based missile defense program widely known as \"Star Wars.\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 3.0816495418548584, "source": "search", "title": " Superpower Summits Archive" }, { "answer": "Iceland", "passage": "Reagan, in remarks to U.S. service personnel at the airport before leaving Iceland, said, however, that \"though we put on the table the most far-reaching arms control proposal in history, the general secretary (Gorbachev) rejected it.\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.924693584442139, "source": "search", "title": " Superpower Summits Archive" }, { "answer": "Iceland", "passage": "Tonight, in a 1-hour-and-40-minute news conference, Gorbachev said he had proposed the Iceland meeting because \"we could not have allowed the failure\" of a summit in Washington. And he indicated that he would not agree to come to the United States unless the deep dispute on defensive systems can be solved.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.700002193450928, "source": "search", "title": " Superpower Summits Archive" }, { "answer": "Iceland", "passage": "Reagan's explanation for the failure of the Iceland summit in his departure speech tonight appeared to differ in one important particular from the account given by Shultz and White House officials who briefed reporters on the meeting on condition they not be identified.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.593018531799316, "source": "search", "title": " Superpower Summits Archive" }, { "answer": "Iceland", "passage": "Instead, Gorbachev last month proposed a meeting in Iceland to give an \"impulse\" to the arms negotiators and Reagan accepted it, saying the meeting would be a preparatory one for a full-dress summit in the United States.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.170297384262085, "source": "search", "title": " Superpower Summits Archive" }, { "answer": "Iceland", "passage": "Mr. Gorbachev's visit was his first opportunity to take many of his themes to the developing world since the collapse of the summit meeting with Mr. Reagan in Iceland in October. 'Hostage to S.D.I.'", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 1.7747368812561035, "source": "search", "title": "GORBACHEV CALLS FOR 'STAR PEACE' -" } ]
Who was Walter Mondale's running mate in the 1984 election?
{ "aliases": [ "Geraldine A. Ferraro", "Representative Geraldine A. Ferraro", "Rep Geraldine Ferraro", "Rep Geraldine A Ferraro", "Representative Geraldine Anne Ferraro", "Rep Geraldine Anne Ferraro", "Gerry Ferraro", "Geraldine Ferarro", "Rep. Geraldine Ferraro", "Representative Geraldine A Ferraro", "Rep. Geraldine A. Ferraro", "Congresswoman Geraldine Anne Ferraro", "Geraldine Ferrero", "Rep Geraldine A. Ferraro", "Geraldine Ferraro", "Electoral history of Geraldine Ferraro", "Representative Geraldine Ferraro", "Rep. Geraldine Anne Ferraro", "Geraldine Anne Ferraro", "Rep. Geraldine A Ferraro" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "geraldine ferraro", "rep geraldine anne ferraro", "gerry ferraro", "geraldine anne ferraro", "congresswoman geraldine anne ferraro", "representative geraldine ferraro", "geraldine ferarro", "representative geraldine anne ferraro", "rep geraldine ferraro", "geraldine ferrero", "electoral history of geraldine ferraro" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "geraldine ferraro", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Geraldine Ferraro" }
[ { "answer": "Geraldine A. Ferraro", "passage": "July 1984 - Democratic presidential candidate Mondale chooses US Rep. Geraldine A. Ferraro (NY) as his running mate, the first woman vice presidential candidate for a major party.", "precise_score": 9.053203582763672, "rough_score": 7.438172817230225, "source": "search", "title": "Walter Mondale Fast Facts -" }, { "answer": "Geraldine Ferraro", "passage": "With a humiliated Carter back in Plains and out of politics, Walter Mondale became the titular leader of the Democratic party. Though he returned home to private practice in 1981, Mondale worked toward a presidential run in 1984 by beefing up his foreign policy resume and campaigning for Democrats across the country. He won the nomination on the strength of his unquestioned credentials and strong ties to labor, and even made history by naming New York Representative Geraldine Ferraro as his running mate, the first woman on a national ticket. But he lacked the charisma of rivals like Senator Gary Hart or the Reverend Jesse Jackson, and he ran into a buzz-saw in Ronald Reagan, who had weathered a recession in 1982 and was taking full credit for the current economic boom. \"Mr. Reagan will raise taxes, and so will I,\" said Mondale, critical of the ballooning federal budget deficits under Reagan. \"He won't tell you, I just did.\" Mondale was rewarded for his honesty with a landslide defeat in November, in which he carried only Minnesota and the District of Columbia. \"Reagan was promising them 'morning in America,' and I was promising a root canal,\" was his candid assessment of the election.", "precise_score": 7.754395484924316, "rough_score": 7.858734130859375, "source": "search", "title": "Walter F. Mondale . Jimmy Carter . WGBH American ..." }, { "answer": "Geraldine Ferraro", "passage": "After presidential candidate Walter Mondale announced Rep. Geraldine Ferraro as his choice for running mate on July 12, 1984, Ferraro addresses the audience at the Minnesota State Capitol. Ferraro was the first female vice presidential candidate to run on a major ticket.", "precise_score": 9.833551406860352, "rough_score": 8.290961265563965, "source": "search", "title": "Geraldine Ferraro Joins the Democratic Ticket - HISTORY ..." }, { "answer": "Geraldine Ferraro", "passage": "After presidential candidate Walter Mondale announced Rep. Geraldine Ferraro as his choice for running mate on July 12, 1984, Ferraro addresses the audience at the Minnesota State Capitol. Ferraro was the first female vice presidential candidate to run on a major ticket.", "precise_score": 9.833551406860352, "rough_score": 8.290961265563965, "source": "search", "title": "Geraldine Ferraro Joins the Democratic Ticket - HISTORY ..." }, { "answer": "Geraldine Ferraro", "passage": "At the Democratic Convention, Mondale chose U.S. Representative Geraldine Ferraro of New York as his running mate, making her the first woman nominated for that position by a major party. Aides later said that Mondale was determined to establish a precedent with his vice presidential candidate, considering San Francisco Mayor Dianne Feinstein (female and Jewish); Los Angeles Mayor Tom Bradley, an African American; and San Antonio Mayor Henry Cisneros, a Mexican American, as other finalists for the nomination. Others preferred Senator Lloyd Bentsen because he would appeal to the Deep South, or even nomination rival Gary Hart. Ferraro, as a Catholic, came under fire from some Catholic Church leaders for being pro-choice. Much more controversy erupted over her changing positions regarding the release of her husband's tax returns, and her own ethics record in the House. Ferraro was on the defensive throughout much of the campaign, largely negating her breakthrough as the first woman on a major national ticket, and the first Italian American to reach that level in American politics.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 4.934774398803711, "source": "wiki", "title": "Walter Mondale" }, { "answer": "Geraldine Ferraro", "passage": "Running mates are typically chosen to balance the ticket geographically, ideologically, or personally, as when the staid New Englander John F. Kennedy was matched with the folksy Texan Lyndon B. Johnson in 1960. Or, in 1984, when male Walter Mondale was paired with female Geraldine Ferraro. The object is to create a more widespread appeal for the ticket.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 6.921273231506348, "source": "wiki", "title": "Running mate" }, { "answer": "Geraldine Ferraro", "passage": "Presidential candidates from smaller states sometimes choose a vice presidential running mate from a state with a large number of electoral votes - as when Walter Mondale of Minnesota (10 votes) selected Geraldine Ferraro of New York (then 36 votes). It is preferred, but not legally required, that the running mate be from a different state from the presidential nominee, because each elector can vote for no more than one candidate from his or her own state. Running mates can also be chosen from swing states in order to boost a candidate's chance of winning in the state.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 6.799792766571045, "source": "wiki", "title": "Running mate" }, { "answer": "Geraldine A. Ferraro", "passage": "Mondale chose U.S. Rep. Geraldine A. Ferraro of New York as his running mate, making her the first woman nominated for that position by a major party, and the second Italian American on a major party ticket. Mondale wanted to establish a precedent with his vice presidential candidate, although Tonie Nathan of the Libertarian Party was already the first woman to receive an electoral vote in the 1972 election. Another reason for the nominee to \"go for broke\" instead of balancing the ticket was Reagan's lead in the polls; Mondale hoped to appeal to women, by 1980 the majority of voters, by choosing Ferraro. In a \"much criticized parade of possible Veep candidates\" to his home in Minnesota, Mondale considered San Francisco Mayor Dianne Feinstein and Kentucky Governor Martha Layne Collins, also female; Los Angeles Mayor Tom Bradley, an African American; and San Antonio Mayor Henry Cisneros, a Hispanic, as other finalists for the nomination, and chose Ferraro because he hoped that she would attract ethnic voters with her personal background. Unsuccessful nomination candidate Jackson derided Mondale's vice-presidential screening process as a \"P.R. parade of personalities,\" but praised Mondale for his choice, having himself pledged to name a woman to the ticket in the event he was nominated.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 5.018891334533691, "source": "wiki", "title": "United States presidential election, 1984" }, { "answer": "Geraldine Ferraro", "passage": "Walter Mondale's presidential running mate Geraldine Ferraro dies aged 75 | US news | The Guardian", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 6.158164024353027, "source": "search", "title": "Walter Mondale's presidential running mate Geraldine ..." }, { "answer": "Geraldine Ferraro", "passage": "Walter Mondale's presidential running mate Geraldine Ferraro dies aged 75", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 6.812954902648926, "source": "search", "title": "Walter Mondale's presidential running mate Geraldine ..." }, { "answer": "Geraldine Ferraro", "passage": "Geraldine Ferraro leaves the legacy of being the first woman vice-presidential candidate on a major US party campaign", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.427752494812012, "source": "search", "title": "Walter Mondale's presidential running mate Geraldine ..." }, { "answer": "Geraldine Ferraro", "passage": "Geraldine Ferraro campaigning in Raleigh, North Carolina, in 1984 Photograph: Associated Press", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.512849807739258, "source": "search", "title": "Walter Mondale's presidential running mate Geraldine ..." }, { "answer": "Geraldine Ferraro", "passage": "Geraldine Ferraro, who became the first woman vice-presidential candidate on a major US party ticket, has died, aged 75.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.991632461547852, "source": "search", "title": "Walter Mondale's presidential running mate Geraldine ..." }, { "answer": "Geraldine A. Ferraro", "passage": "There were several indications late tonight that the choice was Representative Geraldine A. Ferraro of Queens. The Associated Press, quoting unidentified Mondale aides, reported that she had been selected as his running mate. And it was learned tonight in San Francisco that Mrs. Ferraro had a reservation on a Northwest Airlines flight from San Francisco to Minneapolis at 12:40 A.M. Thursday morning.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 0.9286049604415894, "source": "search", "title": "MONDALE TO NAME HIS RUNNING MATE IN ST. PAUL TODAY ..." }, { "answer": "Geraldine A. Ferraro", "passage": "Mondale chose U.S. Rep. Geraldine A. Ferraro of New York as his running mate and she was confirmed by acclamation, making her the first woman nominated for that position by a major party.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 4.51014518737793, "source": "search", "title": "1984 United States Presidential Election (President John ..." }, { "answer": "Geraldine A. Ferraro", "passage": "Mondale made history by naming a woman, US Rep. Geraldine A. Ferraro (NY), as his running mate.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 3.665654420852661, "source": "search", "title": "Walter Mondale Fast Facts -" }, { "answer": "Geraldine Ferraro", "passage": "Geraldine Ferraro Joins the Democratic Ticket - Audio", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.467061042785645, "source": "search", "title": "Geraldine Ferraro Joins the Democratic Ticket - HISTORY ..." }, { "answer": "Geraldine Ferraro", "passage": "Geraldine Ferraro Joins the Democratic Ticket", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.445544242858887, "source": "search", "title": "Geraldine Ferraro Joins the Democratic Ticket - HISTORY ..." }, { "answer": "Geraldine Ferraro", "passage": "Geraldine Ferraro Joins the Democratic Ticket", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.445544242858887, "source": "search", "title": "Geraldine Ferraro Joins the Democratic Ticket - HISTORY ..." }, { "answer": "Geraldine Ferraro", "passage": "Geraldine Ferraro Joins the Democratic Ticket", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.445544242858887, "source": "search", "title": "Geraldine Ferraro Joins the Democratic Ticket - HISTORY ..." } ]
What was Ronald Reagan's last movie?
{ "aliases": [ "Genius Sex Poets", "Mark August Stoermer", "Killers the", "The Killers band", "The Killers (band)", "The Killers", "Replaceable (The Killers song)", "Desperate (The Killers song)", "The killers", "Ronnie vanucci", "Day & Age Tour", "The Killers (album)", "Mark Stoermer (The Killers)" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "genius sex poets", "killers album", "killers", "replaceable killers song", "killers band", "desperate killers song", "ronnie vanucci", "day age tour", "mark stoermer killers", "mark august stoermer" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "killers", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "The Killers" }
[ { "answer": "The Killers", "passage": "Although Reagan called Kings Row the film that \"made me a star\", he was unable to capitalize on his success because he was ordered to active duty with the U.S. Army at San Francisco two months after its release, and never regained \"star\" status in motion pictures. In the post-war era, after being separated from almost four years of World War II stateside service with the 1st Motion Picture Unit in December 1945, Reagan co-starred in such films as, The Voice of the Turtle, John Loves Mary, The Hasty Heart, Bedtime for Bonzo, Cattle Queen of Montana, Tennessee's Partner, Hellcats of the Navy (the only film in which he appears with Nancy Reagan) and the 1964 remake The Killers (his final film and the only one in which he played a villain). Throughout his film career, his mother answered much of his fan mail. ", "precise_score": 5.227297782897949, "rough_score": 0.08826602250337601, "source": "wiki", "title": "Ronald Reagan" }, { "answer": "The Killers", "passage": "Doug McClelland's 1983 book, \"Hollywood on Ronald Reagan\" contains comments from Reagan's show business colleagues. Virginia Christine, famous as Mrs. Olson, TV's spokeswoman for Folger's Coffee, worked with the future President as recently as \"The Killers.\" She tersely commented on her co-star, \"I just can't place him.\".", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.9203743934631348, "source": "search", "title": "Ronald Reagan - Biography - IMDb" } ]
Who was Ronald Regan's first Secretary of State?
{ "aliases": [ "Alexander M. Haig Jr.", "Alexander Meigs Haig Jr.", "Alexander Haig", "Haigspeak", "Haig, Alexander", "Alexander M. Haig", "Alexander Meigs Haig", "Regina Haig Meredith", "Alexander M. Haig, Jr.", "Alexander Meigs Haig, Jr.", "Alexander Haig, Jr.", "Alexander Hague" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "haig alexander", "alexander meigs haig", "regina haig meredith", "alexander haig jr", "alexander meigs haig jr", "haigspeak", "alexander m haig jr", "alexander m haig", "alexander hague", "alexander haig" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "alexander haig", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Alexander Haig" }
[ { "answer": "Alexander Haig", "passage": "The Secretary of State occupied a prominent position in Reagan’s approach to creating and implementing foreign policy. Alexander Haig first occupied the chair, but an inability to exert as much influence as he desired caused him to resign after only 18 months in office. George Shultz served as Secretary for the remainder of Reagan’s two terms, and is generally regarded as an effective bureaucratic manager and influential policy leader. Caspar Weinberger served as Secretary of Defense for almost seven years and William Casey as Director of Central Intelligence for six years. Both played key roles in the foreign policy arena. The position of National Security Adviser was downgraded somewhat during the Reagan administration. The six individuals who occupied the position exercised relatively less influence than predecessors in the Carter, Ford, or Nixon White House.", "precise_score": -3.238370656967163, "rough_score": -6.064465045928955, "source": "search", "title": "1981–1988 : The Presidency of Ronald W. Reagan - State" }, { "answer": "Alexander M. Haig", "passage": "Alexander M. Haig, Jr., 1981", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.912540435791016, "source": "search", "title": "Cabinet Members Under Reagan - Infoplease" } ]
How many 'points for peace' did President Wilson announce in 1918?
{ "aliases": [ "fourteen", "14" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "fourteen", "14" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "14", "type": "Numerical", "value": "14" }
[ { "answer": "14", "passage": "Wilson announces his 14 Points - Jan 08, 1918 -", "precise_score": 7.476943492889404, "rough_score": 6.530501842498779, "source": "search", "title": "Wilson announces his 14 Points - Jan 08, 1918 -" }, { "answer": "14", "passage": "In an address before a joint meeting of Congress, U.S. President Woodrow Wilson discusses the aims of the United States in World War I and outlines his “14 Points” for achieving a lasting peace in Europe. The peace proposal called for unselfish peace terms from the victorious Allies, the restoration of territories conquered during the war, the right to national self-determination, and the establishment of a postwar world body to resolve future conflict. The speech was translated and distributed to the soldiers and citizens of Germany and Austria-Hungary and contributed significantly to their agreeing to an armistice in November 1918.", "precise_score": 7.1219482421875, "rough_score": 5.695435523986816, "source": "search", "title": "Wilson announces his 14 Points - Jan 08, 1918 -" }, { "answer": "fourteen", "passage": "On January 8, 1918, Wilson gave what was to become his most famous speech. Known as the Fourteen Points Speech because it outlined the fourteen elements Wilson felt were essential to a lasting peace, it was delivered to establish moral goals for America's participation in World War I. Wilson also hoped the speech would encourage the Central powers to end the hostilities. The plan initially backfired; instead of signaling for peace talks, the German Army actually intensified its efforts on the European western front. Within ten months, however, the German Army conceded and appealed to Wilson to begin a series of peace talks based on the Fourteen Points. An armistice was declared on November eleven, 1918.", "precise_score": 7.249597549438477, "rough_score": 7.099292278289795, "source": "search", "title": "SparkNotes: Woodrow Wilson: Fighting for Peace: 1918" }, { "answer": "fourteen", "passage": "Lesson 4: Fighting for Peace: The Fate of Wilson's Fourteen Points | EDSITEment", "precise_score": 3.7091617584228516, "rough_score": 4.546401500701904, "source": "search", "title": "Lesson 4: Fighting for Peace: The Fate of Wilson's ..." }, { "answer": "fourteen", "passage": "Lesson 4: Fighting for Peace: The Fate of Wilson's Fourteen Points", "precise_score": 4.567650318145752, "rough_score": 5.6854705810546875, "source": "search", "title": "Lesson 4: Fighting for Peace: The Fate of Wilson's ..." }, { "answer": "fourteen", "passage": "In January 1918, less than one year after the United States entered World War I, President Woodrow Wilson announced his Fourteen Points to try to ensure permanent peace and to make the world safe for democracy. Wilson's aims included freedom of the seas, free trade, and, most important, an international organization dedicated to collective security and the spreading of democracy. The other Allied powers tacitly and cautiously accepted Wilson's plan as a template for a postwar treaty; however, numerous obstacles lay in the path of the Fourteen Points at the 1919 Paris Peace Conference. Wilson reluctantly made several concessions, yet he successfully protected the Fourteenth Point, the League of Nations, which was written into the Versailles Treaty. After enduring months of bruising, frustrating negotiations, Wilson finally returned to the United States. Despite obvious Senate reservations about the League of Nations, Wilson was certain the Versailles Treaty would be ratified. He was wrong.", "precise_score": 8.358796119689941, "rough_score": 8.663594245910645, "source": "search", "title": "Lesson 4: Fighting for Peace: The Fate of Wilson's ..." }, { "answer": "fourteen", "passage": "In January 1918, Woodrow Wilson unveiled his Fourteen Points to the U.S. Congress. The speech was a natural extension of the proposals he had offered in his \"Peace without Victory\" address and his request for a declaration of war. Presuming an Allied victory, the President proposed freedom of the seas and of trade, arms reductions, and fair settlement of colonial claims and possessions. He insisted that \"open covenants of peace, openly arrived at,\" must be the benchmark of postwar negotiations. He suggested that a repentant and reformed Germany would not be oppressed, but rather welcomed into the international community. That community, Wilson concluded, would be bound together in a league of nations devoted to collective security and spreading democracy.", "precise_score": 7.792387008666992, "rough_score": 8.443453788757324, "source": "search", "title": "Lesson 4: Fighting for Peace: The Fate of Wilson's ..." }, { "answer": "fourteen", "passage": "The Fourteen Points . In January 1918, Woodrow Wilson outlined Fourteen Points that he hoped would form the basis of peace at the conclusion of World War I. Boiled down to their essentials, Wilson wanted the following: (1) fair treatment for Germany as a means to lessen the prospect of future conflict, (2) consultation with resident nationalities in determining postwar international boundaries, (3) the curbing of maritime excesses by Germany and Britain through the establishment of freedom of the seas, (4) an end to arms races through disarmament, and (5) the creation of an international association of nations for the promotion of peaceful means to settle international disputes.", "precise_score": 7.93657112121582, "rough_score": 7.83077335357666, "source": "search", "title": "Wilson`s Search for Peace -" }, { "answer": "fourteen", "passage": "America’s participation helped bring about victory for the Allies, and on November 11, 1918, an armistice was signed by the Germans. At the Paris Peace Conference, which opened in January 1919 and included the heads of the British, French and Italian governments, Wilson helped negotiate the Treaty of Versailles . The agreement included the charter for the League of Nations, an organization intended to arbitrate international disputes and prevent future wars. Wilson had initially advanced the idea for the League in a January 1918 speech to the U.S. Congress in which he outlined his “Fourteen Points” for a postwar peace settlement.", "precise_score": 6.427826881408691, "rough_score": 6.788673400878906, "source": "search", "title": "Woodrow Wilson - U.S. Presidents -" }, { "answer": "fourteen", "passage": "Modern History Sourcebook: Woodrow Wilson: Fourteen Points, 1918", "precise_score": 4.6363091468811035, "rough_score": 4.712400436401367, "source": "search", "title": "Modern History Sourcebook: Woodrow Wilson: Fourteen Points ..." }, { "answer": "fourteen", "passage": "President Woodrow WiIson put forth his Fourteen Points proposal for ending the war in a speech on January 8, 1918. In it he established the basis of a peace treaty and the foundation of a League of Nations.", "precise_score": 5.749705791473389, "rough_score": 6.254135608673096, "source": "search", "title": "Modern History Sourcebook: Woodrow Wilson: Fourteen Points ..." }, { "answer": "fourteen", "passage": "From Woodrow Wilson, \"Speech on the Fourteen Points,\" Congressional Record, 65th Congress 2nd Session, 1918, pp. 680­681.", "precise_score": 3.74361515045166, "rough_score": 4.919313430786133, "source": "search", "title": "Modern History Sourcebook: Woodrow Wilson: Fourteen Points ..." }, { "answer": "fourteen", "passage": "Massive American effort slowly tipped the balance in favor of the Allies. Wilson went before Congress in January 1918, to enunciate American war aims--the Fourteen Points, the last of which would establish \"A general association of nations...affording mutual guarantees of political independence and territorial integrity to great and small states alike.\"", "precise_score": 5.417304515838623, "rough_score": 4.1440582275390625, "source": "search", "title": "Woodrow Wilson |" }, { "answer": "14", "passage": "In office, Wilson reintroduced the spoken State of the Union, which had been out of use since 1801. Leading the Congress, now in Democratic hands, he oversaw the passage of progressive legislative policies unparalleled until the New Deal in 1933. Included among these were the Federal Reserve Act, Federal Trade Commission Act, the Clayton Antitrust Act, and the Federal Farm Loan Act. Having taken office one month after ratification of the Sixteenth Amendment, Wilson called a special session of Congress, whose work culminated in the Revenue Act of 1913, reintroducing an income tax and lowering tariffs. Through passage of the Adamson Act, imposing an 8-hour workday for railroads, he averted a railroad strike and an ensuing economic crisis. Upon the outbreak of World War I in 1914, Wilson maintained a policy of neutrality, while pursuing a more aggressive policy in dealing with Mexico's civil war.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.627420425415039, "source": "wiki", "title": "Woodrow Wilson" }, { "answer": "fourteen", "passage": "In his 1915 State of the Union, Wilson asked Congress for what became the Espionage Act of 1917 and the Sedition Act of 1918, suppressing anti-draft activists. The crackdown was intensified by his Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer to include expulsion of non-citizen radicals during the First Red Scare of 1919–1920. Following years of advocacy for suffrage on the state level, in 1918 he endorsed the Nineteenth Amendment, whose ratification in 1920 provided equal right to vote for women across the United States, over Southern opposition. Wilson staffed his government with Southern Democrats who believed in segregation. He gave department heads greater autonomy in their management. Early in 1918, he issued his principles for peace, the Fourteen Points, and in 1919, following armistice, he traveled to Paris, promoting the formation of a League of Nations, concluding the Treaty of Versailles. Following his return from Europe, Wilson embarked on a nationwide tour in 1919 to campaign for the treaty, suffering a severe stroke. The treaty was met with serious concern by Senate Republicans, and Wilson rejected a compromise effort led by Henry Cabot Lodge, leading to the Senate's rejection of the treaty. Due to his stroke, Wilson secluded himself in the White House, disability having diminished his power and influence. Forming a strategy for reelection, Wilson deadlocked the 1920 Democratic National Convention, but his bid for a third-term nomination was overlooked.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 1.7207083702087402, "source": "wiki", "title": "Woodrow Wilson" }, { "answer": "14", "passage": "In 1861 Wilson's father was one of the founders of the Southern Presbyterian Church in the United States (PCUS) after it split from the northern Presbyterians. He served as the first permanent clerk of the southern church's General Assembly, was Stated Clerk for more than three decades from 1865 to 1898, and was Moderator of the PCUS General Assembly in 1879. He became minister of the First Presbyterian Church in Augusta, Georgia, and the family lived there until 1870, when young Wilson was 14. Wilson in 1873 formally became a member of the Columbia First Presbyterian Church in South Carolina and remained a member throughout his life. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.765707015991211, "source": "wiki", "title": "Woodrow Wilson" }, { "answer": "14", "passage": "In January 1910 Wilson had drawn the attention of New Jersey's U.S. Senator James Smith, Jr. and George Harvey as the potential Democratic standard bearer in the upcoming gubernatorial election. On July 12, 1910 he was introduced to New Jersey's power players at the Lawyers Club in New York, including James Richard Nugent, Robert S. Hudspeth, Millard F. Ross, and Richard V. Lindabury. The bosses had chosen their man, but his nomination was not a given—many, including organized labor, felt Wilson was an inexperienced newcomer. Nevertheless, the bosses marshaled their forces at the party convention, and on September 14 Wilson was nominated; this, despite his endorsement of the local option on the liquor issue—in opposition to the political machine. He submitted his letter of resignation to Princeton on October 20. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.484381198883057, "source": "wiki", "title": "Woodrow Wilson" }, { "answer": "fourteen", "passage": "The convention deadlocked for over forty ballots—no candidate could reach the two-thirds vote required. The leading contender was House Speaker Champ Clark, a prominent progressive, strongest in the border states. Other less charismatic contenders were Governor Judson Harmon of Ohio, and Representative Oscar Underwood of Alabama. Publisher William Randolph Hearst, a leader of the left wing of the party, supported Clark. William Jennings Bryan, the nominee in 1896, 1900 and 1908, played a critical role in his declared opposition to any candidate supported by \"the financiers of Wall Street\". Indeed, on the tenth ballot New York's delegation went unanimously to Clark, and the battle lines were clearly drawn between the bosses and the rank and file delegates. Bryan then announced on the fourteenth ballot that his vote for Clark would be withheld due to the New York vote. Wilson's tally began to climb steadily, and he initially topped Clark's vote on the thirtieth ballot. Bryan announced for Wilson, who ultimately won the nomination on the 46th ballot. Wilson chose Indiana Governor Thomas R. Marshall as his running mate ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.783848762512207, "source": "wiki", "title": "Woodrow Wilson" }, { "answer": "14", "passage": "Wilson began pushing for legislation which culminated with the Federal Trade Commission Act signed in September 1914. In doing so, Wilson broke with his predecessors' practice of litigating the antitrust issue in the courts, known as trust-busting; the new Federal Trade Commission provided a new regulatory approach, to encourage competition and reduce perceived unfair trade practices. In addition, he pushed through Congress the Clayton Antitrust Act making certain business practices illegal, such as price discrimination, agreements prohibiting retailers from handling other companies' products, and directorates and agreements to control other companies. The power of this legislation was greater than that of previous anti-trust laws since it dictated accountability of individual corporate officers and clarified guidelines. This law was considered the \"Magna Carta\" of labor by Samuel Gompers because it ended union liability antitrust laws. In 1916, under threat of a national railroad strike, Wilson approved legislation that increased wages and cut working hours of railroad employees; there was no strike.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.417715072631836, "source": "wiki", "title": "Woodrow Wilson" }, { "answer": "14", "passage": "In the summer of 1914 Wilson gained repeal of toll exemptions at the Panama Canal for American ships; this was received positively by the international community, as a cessation of past discrimination against foreign commerce. The measure was considered unpatriotic by U.S. business interests and opponents such as Tammany Hall. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.289677619934082, "source": "wiki", "title": "Woodrow Wilson" }, { "answer": "14", "passage": "With the President reaching out to new constituencies, a series of programs were targeted at farmers. The Smith–Lever Act of 1914 created the modern system of agricultural extension agents sponsored by the state agricultural colleges. The agents taught new techniques to farmers. The 1916 Federal Farm Loan Act provided for issuance of low-cost long-term mortgages to farmers. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.189557075500488, "source": "wiki", "title": "Woodrow Wilson" }, { "answer": "14", "passage": "In a 1914 dispute between Colorado miners and their company, a confrontation resulted in the Ludlow Massacre—the deaths of eight strikers, eleven children and two mothers. Part owner John D. Rockefeller, Jr. refused Wilson's offer of mediation, conditioned upon collective bargaining, so Wilson sent in U.S. troops. While Wilson succeeded in bringing order to the situation, and demonstrated support for the labor union, the miners' unconditional surrender to the implacable owners was a defeat for Wilson. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.6229162216186523, "source": "wiki", "title": "Woodrow Wilson" }, { "answer": "14", "passage": "His wife Ellen's failing health, due to kidney failure, worsened in the spring of 1914; after a fall, she was bedridden, then rallied briefly, but Wilson wrote \"my dear one… grows weaker and weaker, with a pathetic patience and sweetness.\" He was at her bedside to the end, which came August 6, when Wilson despairingly said \"Oh my God, what am I to do.\" Wilson later wrote accurately of his mourning and depression, \"Of course you know what has happened to me…God has stricken me almost beyond what I can bear\". Six months of depression followed for him, though mourning continued. At the same time that Wilson's private world shattered, World War I broke out in Europe, and this momentously changed his political life. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.450536251068115, "source": "wiki", "title": "Woodrow Wilson" }, { "answer": "14", "passage": "Events leading to U.S. entry into World War I (1914–16)", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.537454605102539, "source": "wiki", "title": "Woodrow Wilson" }, { "answer": "14", "passage": "From 1914 until early 1917, Wilson's primary objective was to keep America out of the war in Europe, and his policy was, \"the true spirit of neutrality, which is the spirit of impartiality and fairness and friendliness to all concerned.\" In a 1914 address to Congress, Wilson argued, \"Such divisions amongst us would be fatal to our peace of mind and might seriously stand in the way of the proper performance of our duty as the one great nation at peace, the one people holding itself ready to play a part of impartial mediation and speak the counsels of peace and accommodation, not as a partisan, but as a friend.\" He made numerous offers to mediate and sent Colonel House on diplomatic missions; the Allies and the Central Powers, however, dismissed these overtures. Wilson even thought it counterproductive to comment on atrocities by either side; this led to assertions of heartlessness on his part. Republicans, led by Theodore Roosevelt, criticized Wilson's refusal to build up the U.S. Army in anticipation of war, but Wilson retained the support of the peace element, including women and the religious.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 3.2905492782592773, "source": "wiki", "title": "Woodrow Wilson" }, { "answer": "fourteen", "passage": "The Germans launched an offensive at Arras which prompted an accelerated deployment of troops by Wilson to the Western front—by August 1918 a million American troops had reached France. The Allies initiated a counter offensive at Somme and by August the Germans had lost the military initiative and an Allied victory was in sight. In October came a message from the new German Chancellor Prince Max of Baden to Wilson requesting a general armistice. In the exchange of notes with Germany they agreed the Fourteen Points in principle be incorporated in the armistice; House then procured agreement from France and Britain, but only after threatening to conclude a unilateral armistice without them. Wilson ignored Gen. Pershing's plea to drop the armistice and instead demand an unconditional surrender by Germany. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 2.4650142192840576, "source": "wiki", "title": "Woodrow Wilson" }, { "answer": "fourteen", "passage": "The Fourteen Points", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.201675415039062, "source": "wiki", "title": "Woodrow Wilson" }, { "answer": "fourteen", "passage": "Wilson initiated a secret series of studies named The Inquiry, primarily focused on Europe, and carried out by a group in New York which included geographers, historians and political scientists; the group was directed by Col. House. The studies culminated in a speech by Wilson to Congress on January 8, 1918, wherein he articulated America's long term war objectives. It was the clearest expression of intention made by any of the belligerent nations. The speech, known as the Fourteen Points, was authored mainly by Walter Lippmann and projected Wilson's progressive domestic policies into the international arena. The first six dealt with diplomacy, freedom of the seas and settlement of colonial claims. Then territorial issues were addressed and the final point, the establishment of an association of nations to guarantee the independence and territorial integrity of all nations—a League of Nations. The address was translated into many languages for global dissemination. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 0.7781834006309509, "source": "wiki", "title": "Woodrow Wilson" }, { "answer": "14", "passage": "Wilson took a break from the negotiations and departed February 14, 1919 for home, then returned to Paris three weeks later and remained until the conclusion of a treaty in June. Heckscher describes Wilson, during the first four weeks of the Conference as, \"playing, with force and discretion, a commanding role…he established his priorities, secured accommodation on major issues and won preliminary acceptance of the League.\" He promoted his plan in France, and then at home in February. Wilson gave a speech at the Metropolitan Opera House in defense of the League—he was more insistent about it than ever. Heckscher contends that the enduring image of Wilson as a grim, unsmiling and unforgiving figure dates from this visit home during the conference. While the general public along with editorial writers, churches and peace groups generally favored the League, the Republicans vowed to defeat the League and discredit Wilson. Wilson notably did not address the Congress as to ongoing deliberations at the peace conference, as indeed his counterpart Lloyd George did with Parliament. Heckscher opines that this was a missed opportunity to forge the debate even though the Congressional majority had changed. In France he was without the usual control over his message through the media; in fact, the French initiated an aggressive propaganda campaign in the midst of the Conference to affect its outcome. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -2.931903839111328, "source": "wiki", "title": "Woodrow Wilson" }, { "answer": "14", "passage": "Wilson frequently intervened in Latin American affairs, saying in 1913: \"I am going to teach the South American republics to elect good men.\" These interventions included Mexico in 1914, Haiti in 1915, the Dominican Republic in 1916, Cuba in 1917, and Panama in 1918. The U.S. maintained troops in Nicaragua throughout the Wilson administration and used them to select the president of Nicaragua and then to force Nicaragua to pass the Bryan-Chamorro Treaty. Additionally, American troops in Haiti – under the command of the federal government – forced the Haitian legislature to elect as president a pro-Western candidate who was favored by Wilson though less popular among the Haitian citizenry. Wilson ordered the military occupation of the Dominican Republic shortly after the resignation of its President Juan Isidro Jimenes Pereyra in 1916. The U.S. military worked in concert with wealthy Dominican landowners to suppress the gavilleros, a campesino guerrilla force fighting the occupation. The occupation lasted until 1924, and was notorious for its brutality against those in the resistance. Wilson also negotiated a treaty with Colombia in which the U.S. apologized for its role in the Panama Revolution of 1903–1904. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -0.5531103610992432, "source": "wiki", "title": "Woodrow Wilson" }, { "answer": "14", "passage": "* James Clark McReynolds in 1914. A conservative, he served more than 26 years and opposed the New Deal.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.263750076293945, "source": "wiki", "title": "Woodrow Wilson" }, { "answer": "14", "passage": "Wilson announces his 14 Points", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 3.178893804550171, "source": "search", "title": "Wilson announces his 14 Points - Jan 08, 1918 -" }, { "answer": "14", "passage": "Wilson announces his 14 Points", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 3.178893804550171, "source": "search", "title": "Wilson announces his 14 Points - Jan 08, 1918 -" }, { "answer": "14", "passage": "Wilson announces his 14 Points", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 3.178893804550171, "source": "search", "title": "Wilson announces his 14 Points - Jan 08, 1918 -" }, { "answer": "14", "passage": "After the war ended, Wilson traveled to France, where he headed the American delegation to the conference at Versailles. Functioning as the moral leader of the Allies, Wilson struggled to orchestrate a just peace, though the other victorious Allies opposed most of his 14 Points. The final treaty called for stiff reparations payments from the former Central Powers and other demanding peace terms that would contribute to the outbreak of World War II two decades later. However, Wilson’s ideas on national self-determination and a postwar world body were embodied in the treaty. In 1920, he was awarded the Nobel Peace Price for his efforts.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 2.911545753479004, "source": "search", "title": "Wilson announces his 14 Points - Jan 08, 1918 -" }, { "answer": "fourteen", "passage": "Of the fourteen key areas Wilson described, eight concerned specific geopolitical issues that had to be resolved after the war, while the remaining six dealt with general ideology necessary for peace. The most significant of the points included freedom of the seas, an end to secret treaties and negotiations, establishing equal and free trade, arms reduction, welcoming the new Soviet Russia into the international community, granting self-government to the peoples in Central Europe and the Balkans, independence for Turkey and Poland, and establishing a forum of nations to ensure freedom and peace for all peoples of the world.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 4.0029168128967285, "source": "search", "title": "SparkNotes: Woodrow Wilson: Fighting for Peace: 1918" }, { "answer": "fourteen", "passage": "Wilson's Fourteen Points were unique for several reasons. To begin with, the speech was unprecedented: no major world leader had ever declared such lofty war aims and objectives for establishing peace. In fact, Wilson referred to his vision of the postwar settlement as \"peace without victory.\" Second, Wilson's Fourteen Points were based purely on a sense of morality and righteousness, unlike most of the Allied aims, which were based on vindictiveness and a desire for war spoils. In other words, Wilson's idea of peace did not include punishing Germany and the Central powers for their aggressiveness, nor did it include taking land or money. Finally, the Fourteen Points were based on a sense of liberalism that was new to international politics. The final and perhaps the most famous of the Fourteen Points, for example, called for global cooperation in order to secure true peace.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 2.2642030715942383, "source": "search", "title": "SparkNotes: Woodrow Wilson: Fighting for Peace: 1918" }, { "answer": "fourteen", "passage": "Through the use of primary source documents and maps, this lesson will introduce students to Wilson's Fourteen Points, as well as his efforts to have them incorporated into the final peace treaties.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 2.1363062858581543, "source": "search", "title": "Lesson 4: Fighting for Peace: The Fate of Wilson's ..." }, { "answer": "fourteen", "passage": "Did the Versailles Treaty represent the fulfillment of Wilson's Fourteen Points, or their betrayal?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -0.6607029438018799, "source": "search", "title": "Lesson 4: Fighting for Peace: The Fate of Wilson's ..." }, { "answer": "fourteen", "passage": "Discuss how the Fourteen Points, especially the League of Nations, demonstrated Wilsonian principles.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -2.9839603900909424, "source": "search", "title": "Lesson 4: Fighting for Peace: The Fate of Wilson's ..." }, { "answer": "fourteen", "passage": "Identify which of the Fourteen Points became part of the final peace settlement.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -2.7512412071228027, "source": "search", "title": "Lesson 4: Fighting for Peace: The Fate of Wilson's ..." }, { "answer": "fourteen", "passage": "Although the Allied powers cautiously agreed to use the Fourteen Points as a treaty template, the circumstances of the war and the specific postwar aims of numerous nations combined to make a formidable obstacle. In 1915, the secret London agreements had proposed ceding the German territory of the Saar (rich in coal) to France, and South Tyrol, controlled by Austria-Hungary, to Italy. Japan hoped to take German claims in the North Pacific and China, while Great Britain hoped to secure claims in Africa and south of the equator in the Pacific.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.61164665222168, "source": "search", "title": "Lesson 4: Fighting for Peace: The Fate of Wilson's ..." }, { "answer": "fourteen", "passage": "The proceedings were raucous and confusing. Wilson, who had rejected advice that he might better fulfill his Fourteen Points by remaining in Washington, immersed himself in the day-to-day negotiations. His greatest challenge was the spirit of vengeance that animated the other Allied leaders. Not only did they want to punish Germany, they also wanted to use victory to obtain new territory in Europe and to divvy up Germany's colonial possessions. Wilson struggled to balance pragmatism and idealism. On the colonial question, he agreed to substitute the \"mandate system\" for full and fair self-determination. Under this system, the Allied powers assumed governing control over the colonies of Germany and areas such as Syria and Lebanon that had belonged to the Ottoman Empire. The expectation was that the Allied powers would eventually free their \"mandates.\" He also accepted the transfer of some one million square miles of territory between nations; in return, the covenant of the League of Nations was embedded into the Versailles Treaty.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -2.2962944507598877, "source": "search", "title": "Lesson 4: Fighting for Peace: The Fate of Wilson's ..." }, { "answer": "fourteen", "passage": "This lesson may be used in sequence with the other plans in this unit on Wilsonian foreign policy, or it may be used in conjunction with the lessons in the EDSITEment curriculum unit The Debate in the United States over the League of Nations . While this lesson concentrates on Wilson's Fourteen Points, the Paris Peace Proceedings, and the Versailles Treaty, the other lessons focus on domestic political and public reaction to the League of Nations. See The Great War: Evaluating the Treaty of Versailles .", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.2810447216033936, "source": "search", "title": "Lesson 4: Fighting for Peace: The Fate of Wilson's ..." }, { "answer": "fourteen", "passage": "For the card game in Activity 3 , cut out the cards found on pages 12-20 of the Text Document and place them in two decks—one called \"Wilson's Fourteen Points\" (consisting of the cards on pages 12-16 of the Text Document ) and the other called \"Versailles Treaty\" (consisting of the cards on pages 17-20 of the Text Document ).", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.814609050750732, "source": "search", "title": "Lesson 4: Fighting for Peace: The Fate of Wilson's ..." }, { "answer": "fourteen", "passage": "Activity 3. The Fourteen Points and the Treaty of Versailles", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.778369426727295, "source": "search", "title": "Lesson 4: Fighting for Peace: The Fate of Wilson's ..." }, { "answer": "fourteen", "passage": "The third and final activity is a card-based game in which students attempt to match up Wilson's Fourteen Points to specific terms of the Versailles Treaty. Complete rules of the game may be found on pages 10–11 of the Text Document —these should be handed out to students. In addition, students should have access to maps showing the boundaries of Europe both before and after World War I. Such maps may be found at the site of the United States Military Academy at West Point , accessible via History Matters. Copies of the map may be distributed to the students, or they may be projected onto a screen for the class to view.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.389657497406006, "source": "search", "title": "Lesson 4: Fighting for Peace: The Fate of Wilson's ..." }, { "answer": "fourteen", "passage": "Pages 12–20 of the Text Document contain a total of 26 cards—15 marked \"Wilson's Fourteen Points,\" and 12 marked \"Versailles Treaty.\" Divide the students into two teams; give each member of the first team a card from the \"Wilson's Fourteen Points\" deck, and give each member of the second a card from the \"Versailles Treaty\" deck.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -2.273609161376953, "source": "search", "title": "Lesson 4: Fighting for Peace: The Fate of Wilson's ..." }, { "answer": "fourteen", "passage": "Begin by asking a student holding the lowest-numbered \"Versailles Treaty\" card to stand and read his or her card aloud. At that point any member of the \"Fourteen Points\" team who believes that his or her card pertains to that particular clause of the Versailles Treaty should also stand and read the contents of his or her card, and explain why it fits. If more than one student from the \"Fourteen Points\" team responds, the teacher should lead a brief discussion (no more than five minutes) before asking the class to decide which of the cardholders has the closest connection to the Versailles peace term. If a geographic location is mentioned on any of the cards, ask the students to note that location on the map.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.183858871459961, "source": "search", "title": "Lesson 4: Fighting for Peace: The Fate of Wilson's ..." }, { "answer": "fourteen", "passage": "Each time that a member of the \"Fourteen Points\" team is matched up with a member of the \"Versailles\" team, that pair should write the contents of their cards on the board. The game continues until each member of the \"Versailles\" team has read his or her card, and has been matched with a member of the \"Fourteen Points\" team. At this point there should still be three members of the latter team who have not read aloud the contents of their cards. They should do so now.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.706421852111816, "source": "search", "title": "Lesson 4: Fighting for Peace: The Fate of Wilson's ..." }, { "answer": "fourteen", "passage": "Which parts of the Fourteen Points were represented in the Versailles Treaty?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.224479675292969, "source": "search", "title": "Lesson 4: Fighting for Peace: The Fate of Wilson's ..." }, { "answer": "fourteen", "passage": "Which parts of the Fourteen Points were dealt with only partially in the Treaty?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.388995170593262, "source": "search", "title": "Lesson 4: Fighting for Peace: The Fate of Wilson's ..." }, { "answer": "fourteen", "passage": "What parts of the Fourteen Points were ignored completely in the Treaty?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.598834991455078, "source": "search", "title": "Lesson 4: Fighting for Peace: The Fate of Wilson's ..." }, { "answer": "fourteen", "passage": "How did the Fourteen Points promote Wilsonian ideas?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.4025018215179443, "source": "search", "title": "Lesson 4: Fighting for Peace: The Fate of Wilson's ..." }, { "answer": "fourteen", "passage": "How well did the Versailles Treaty represent the Fourteen Points?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.752289772033691, "source": "search", "title": "Lesson 4: Fighting for Peace: The Fate of Wilson's ..." }, { "answer": "fourteen", "passage": "Fourteen Points", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.155333518981934, "source": "search", "title": "Lesson 4: Fighting for Peace: The Fate of Wilson's ..." }, { "answer": "fourteen", "passage": "Competing War Aims. Despite this embarrassing setback, Wilson announced his intention to lead the American peace delegation personally and sailed for Europe in early December. He was initially heartened by thunderous welcomes from adoring crowds in a number of European capitals, but quickly had to face the reality that the war aims of allies Britain , France , Italy and Japan did not necessarily mesh with the Fourteen Points.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 0.4441732168197632, "source": "search", "title": "Wilson`s Search for Peace -" }, { "answer": "fourteen", "passage": "Paris Peace Conference . Wilson's spoken hopes for implementing a just peace under the Fourteen Points provoked conflict with Allies in Paris and began to stir opposition at home.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 1.6256906986236572, "source": "search", "title": "Wilson`s Search for Peace -" }, { "answer": "fourteen", "passage": "Treaty of Versailles . The President pinned his hopes for future world order on the League of Nations and reluctantly abandoned principles advanced in the Fourteen Points.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.3903350830078125, "source": "search", "title": "Wilson`s Search for Peace -" }, { "answer": "14", "passage": "In 1885, Wilson married Ellen Axson (1860-1914), a minister’s daughter and Georgia native. The couple had three daughters before Ellen died of kidney disease in 1914, during her husband’s first presidential term. The following year, Wilson married Edith Bolling Galt (1872-1961), a widow whose husband had owned a Washington , D.C., jewelry business.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.924195289611816, "source": "search", "title": "Woodrow Wilson - U.S. Presidents -" }, { "answer": "14", "passage": "When World War I broke out in Europe in the summer of 1914, Wilson was determined to keep the United States out of the conflict. On May 7, 1915, a German submarine torpedoed and sank the British ocean liner Lusitania , killing more than 1,100 people (including 128 Americans). Wilson continued to maintain U.S. neutrality but warned Germany that any future sinkings would be viewed by America as “deliberately unfriendly.”", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -2.9901163578033447, "source": "search", "title": "Woodrow Wilson - U.S. Presidents -" }, { "answer": "fourteen", "passage": "Speech on the Fourteen Points Jan 8, 1918", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -1.116215467453003, "source": "search", "title": "Modern History Sourcebook: Woodrow Wilson: Fourteen Points ..." }, { "answer": "14", "passage": "Wilson maneuvered through Congress three major pieces of legislation. The first was a lower tariff, the Underwood Act; attached to the measure was a graduated Federal income tax. The passage of the Federal Reserve Act provided the Nation with the more elastic money supply it badly needed. In 1914 antitrust legislation established a Federal Trade Commission to prohibit unfair business practices.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.229272842407227, "source": "search", "title": "Woodrow Wilson |" } ]
In which US state were the last summer Olympics of the century held?
{ "aliases": [ "Western Georgia", "Georgia (song)", "Georgia", "Georgia (Disambiguation)", "Georgia (film)", "Georgia (State)", "Geordia", "Georgia (disambiguation)", "Georgia (state)", "Goergia" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "goergia", "georgia", "georgia film", "geordia", "georgia state", "georgia song", "western georgia", "georgia disambiguation" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "georgia", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Georgia" }
[ { "answer": "Georgia", "passage": "Terrorism affected the last two Olympic Games held in the United States. During the Summer Olympics in 1996 in Atlanta, Georgia, a bomb was detonated at the Centennial Olympic Park, which killed two and injured 111 others. The bomb was set by Eric Rudolph, an American domestic terrorist, who is currently serving a life sentence for the bombing. The 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City, Utah, took place just five months after the September 11 attacks, which meant a higher level of security than ever before provided for an Olympic Games. The opening ceremonies of the Games featured symbols of the day's events. They included the flag that flew at Ground Zero, NYPD officer Daniel Rodríguez singing \"God Bless America\", and honor guards of NYPD and FDNY members. The events of that day have made security at the Olympic Games an increasing concern for Olympic planners. ", "precise_score": 3.7068634033203125, "rough_score": -1.778670310974121, "source": "wiki", "title": "Olympic Games" }, { "answer": "Georgia", "passage": "There had been growing calls for boycotts of Chinese goods and the 2008 Olympics in Beijing in protest of China's human rights record, and in response to Tibetan disturbances. Ultimately, no nation supported a boycott. In August 2008, the government of Georgia called for a boycott of the 2014 Winter Olympics, set to be held in Sochi, Russia, in response to Russia's participation in the 2008 South Ossetia war. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.972960472106934, "source": "wiki", "title": "Olympic Games" }, { "answer": "Georgia", "passage": "Three Olympiads had to pass without a celebration of the Games because of war: the 1916 Games were cancelled because of World War I, and the summer and winter games of 1940 and 1944 were cancelled because of World War II. The Russo-Georgian War between Georgia and Russia erupted on the opening day of the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing. Both President Bush and Prime Minister Putin were attending the Olympics at that time and spoke together about the conflict at a luncheon hosted by Chinese president Hu Jintao. When Nino Salukvadze of Georgia won the bronze medal in the 10 metre air pistol competition, she stood on the medal podium with Natalia Paderina, a Russian shooter who had won the silver. In what became a much-publicized event from the Beijing Games, Salukvadze and Paderina embraced on the podium after the ceremony had ended. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.070894241333008, "source": "wiki", "title": "Olympic Games" } ]
Who inflicted Nigel Benn's first defeat as a professional?
{ "aliases": [ "Chris Eubanks", "Chris Eubank", "Christopher Eubank", "Christopher Livingstone Eubank" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "christopher livingstone eubank", "chris eubanks", "christopher eubank", "chris eubank" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "chris eubank", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Chris Eubank" }
[ { "answer": "Chris Eubank", "passage": "His first defence came in August 1990 against former WBC champion Iran Barkley, whom he floored three times and stopped on the three-knockdown rule at the end of the first round. Benn returned to the UK and met British rival Chris Eubank. They fought in Birmingham on 18 November 1990. Benn lost his title to Eubank when the referee stopped the fight in the ninth round.", "precise_score": 3.1046578884124756, "rough_score": 1.9353283643722534, "source": "wiki", "title": "Nigel Benn" }, { "answer": "Chris Eubank", "passage": "Nigel Benn was for me the most exciting, charismatic boxer I have ever seen. Totally mesmirising in the ring. The 1980s and 90s saw him become a two time world champion at different weights and I would state that anyone who saw his encounters against the likes of Doug Dewitt, Michael Watson, Chris Eubank, Iran Barkley, Henry Wharton, and, of course, Gerald McClellan, would never forget them. His life outside the ring mirrored the excitement within it.", "precise_score": -0.9526503682136536, "rough_score": -0.9638221859931946, "source": "search", "title": "nigel benn (the dark destroyer) | biography (b.1964) | gallery" }, { "answer": "Chris Eubank", "passage": "The rest of Benn's incredible career has now passed into British boxing folklore. A bruising encounter with Henry Wharton came in 1994. There were the legendary fights with his nemesis Chris Eubank and I would venture that the first fight and loss at away at Benn like a kind of canker. The infamous draw in the re-match was, in my opinion, total rubbish. Benn won it by a country mile. Boxing really does shoot itself in the foot sometimes with decisions like that.", "precise_score": 2.323091983795166, "rough_score": 2.161487579345703, "source": "search", "title": "nigel benn (the dark destroyer) | biography (b.1964) | gallery" }, { "answer": "Chris Eubank", "passage": "While still a dangerous, and damaging puncher, Benn's move to the higher weight limit saw him refine his fight strategy and adopt a more considered approach. The aggression remained but he relied less on one punch knockout power and became a more effective, and adaptable fighter. He defended his title against fellow Britons Nicky Piper and Lou Gent, and a rematch victory over Mauro Galvano, before again boxing great rival Chris Eubank, who was now WBO super-middleweight champion, in a unification bout on 9 October 1993. In a closely fought contest they boxed to a disputed draw, with both fighters retaining their respective titles. Benn successfully defended his title twice more in 1994 with unanimous decisions against fellow Briton Henry Wharton and Juan Carlos Giminez", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.289052963256836, "source": "wiki", "title": "Nigel Benn" }, { "answer": "Chris Eubank", "passage": "Confidence restored, Benn returned to England, thrilling crowds with his power and aggression propelling him to a string of wins including a second world title – the WBC super middleweight belt and two fierce wars with Chris Eubank , losing one and drawing the second in front of 47,000 fans at Old Trafford and over 18 million people on free-to-air television.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.03460693359375, "source": "search", "title": "Nigel Benn: 'Boxing is therapy for rage' | Sport | The ..." }, { "answer": "Chris Eubank", "passage": "In spite of the challenger's strength, his better senses of balance and poise, he was fighting against too many opponents. The British heavyweight contender, Frank Bruno, stood at the ropes for much of the fight, thumping his fist on the ring floor and shouting encouragement for Benn. Sitting beside Bruno was the more famous Don King, the American promoter who had escorted McClellan overseas, and he was roused to stand and shout on his man. Lumps and cuts formed under the lights and the noise as the fighters attained and maintained a blistering, theatric pace, and at times it might have seemed as though the only person not standing was Michael Watson, last knocked out in 1991 by Benn's rival, Chris Eubank, and sitting ringside now in a wheelchair.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.220849990844727, "source": "search", "title": "Nigel Benn vs. Gerald McClellan - BoxRec" }, { "answer": "Chris Eubank", "passage": "Benn came back to Britain and fought classy Chris Eubank, it was a fight captured the British public’s imagination, Benn was the boxer who would come in swinging and Eubank was a more stylish boxer with great feet movement and superb uppercut. Both boxers went at it from the opening bell, Benn knocked Eubank down in round 8 this was the first time Eubank had been on the canvas, but Eubank came back and stopped Benn in round nine thus capturing the WBO belt.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.32179594039917, "source": "search", "title": "Nigel Benn: The Peoples champion - Boxing News" }, { "answer": "Chris Eubank", "passage": "McClellan probably owes his life to the steps taken following the tragic events surrounding Michael Watson's defeat to Chris Eubank four years earlier. The real concern for boxing now has shifted from immediate medical care at ringside to the provision of welfare for stricken fighters, whose livelihoods have been lost as a result of nights like that 12 years ago.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.29189682006836, "source": "search", "title": "MCCLELLAN'S RETURN MUST GET THE GAME TO CARE MORE ..." }, { "answer": "Chris Eubank", "passage": "Nigel Benn (L) and Chris Eubank are old enemies", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -1.265953540802002, "source": "search", "title": "Joshua vs Breazeale: Benn or Eubank? We asked the experts ..." }, { "answer": "Chris Eubank", "passage": "Nigel Benn and Chris Eubank provided fans with the ultimate rivalry. Starkly contrasting characters outside of the ring and contrasting styles in it; bound together by a similarly uncompromising attitude towards fighting.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.056901931762695, "source": "search", "title": "Joshua vs Breazeale: Benn or Eubank? We asked the experts ..." }, { "answer": "Chris Eubank", "passage": "I prefer Nigel Benn. All day long. I actually liked Chris Eubank when I was growing up but Nigel was my favourite. My family all liked him, the Dark Destroyer, his attitude and the way he went out about things.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.076481819152832, "source": "search", "title": "Joshua vs Breazeale: Benn or Eubank? We asked the experts ..." }, { "answer": "Chris Eubank", "passage": "I was a massive, massive Nigel Benn fan. I didn't really like Chris Eubank but it wasn't because of anything personal - it was just that Nigel Benn hated him that much and I was always on Team Benn so I didn't like Eubank. My dad used to sit me in the chair to watch Benn and he was the guy who got me into boxing. I was lucky enough to meet him when I was 14 in Tenerife and it really made me a massive fan.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.464818954467773, "source": "search", "title": "Joshua vs Breazeale: Benn or Eubank? We asked the experts ..." }, { "answer": "Chris Eubank", "passage": "Chris Eubank Jr returns to action on the undercard of Anthony Joshua's IBF world title fight", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.753416061401367, "source": "search", "title": "Joshua vs Breazeale: Benn or Eubank? We asked the experts ..." }, { "answer": "Chris Eubank", "passage": "Watch Chris Eubank Jr vs Tom Doran and Conor Benn v Lukas Radic as part of Joshua vs Breazeale, live on Sky Sports Box Office from The O2, on June 25. Book the event online here  or via your Sky remote.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.017203330993652, "source": "search", "title": "Joshua vs Breazeale: Benn or Eubank? We asked the experts ..." } ]
Which movie star was an Austrian Junior Olympic Weightlifting Champion?
{ "aliases": [ "Arnold Schwartzennegger", "Arnold schwarzenegger", "Arnold scharzenegger", "Arnold Swarzenegger", "Schwarzenegger, Arnold Alois", "Schwarzy", "Arnold Schwarznegger", "Arnold S", "Bodybuilding competitions featuring arnold schwarzenegger", "Ahnold", "Arnold Schwartzenegger", "Swartzinager", "Schwarzzenegger", "Arnold Schwarshenegger", "Mildred Baena", "Arnold A Schwarzenegger", "Schwarzennegger", "Arnold Schwarznigger", "Unknown Soldier (2015 film)", "Schwarzeneggar", "Arnold Alois Schwarzenegger", "Arnold Strong", "Arnold Schwarzenegger", "Arnold shwarzeneger", "Schwarzenneger", "Govenator", "Bodybuilding competitions featuring Arnold Schwarzenegger", "Arnold Schwarzennegar", "Arnold Swartzeneger", "Arnold Schwartzinager", "Governator", "Arnold: The Education of a Bodybuilder", "Schwarznegger", "Awnald", "Arnold Schwazeneger", "Arnold swarzenager", "Arnold Schwarzanegger", "Schawartzenegger", "Arnold Schwarzeneger", "Big Arnie", "Gov. Schwarzenegger", "Arnold Swartznegger", "Styrian Oak", "Schwarzeneger", "Arnold Shvartsneger", "Arnold swarchnegger", "The Austrian Oak", "Ah-nuld", "Arnold Schwarzennagger", "Arnold Swarchenegger", "Arnold Scwarzenegger", "Meinhard Schwarzenegger", "Arnold S.", "Schwazenegger", "Arnold Swarzenneger", "Schwarzie", "Arnold A. Schwarzenegger", "Governor Arnold", "Arnold Schwartzeneggar", "Arnold Schwarzenneger", "Arnold Schwarzenegger's infidelity", "Arnold Schwarzennegger", "Arnold: the Education of a Body-Builder", "Ahnuld", "Arnold Swarzeneger", "Arnold Swartzennegger", "Schwarzenegger", "Arnold Schwarzeneggar", "Arnold shwarseneger", "Conan the Republican", "Schwarzenegger, Arnold", "Arnold Swarzennegger", "שוורצנגר", "Arnold Schwarzineger", "Arnold Swartzenegger", "Arnold shwarsenegger", "Governor Schwarzenegger", "Arnold Swartzenneger", "Schwarzzeneger", "The Styrian Oak", "Arnold schwartzenager", "Schwarzzennegger", "Schwartzenegger", "Arnold shwarzenegger", "Govenor Arnold Schwarzenegger", "Joseph Baena" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "schwarzzeneger", "arnold swartzeneger", "arnold schwarzennegar", "governor arnold", "govenor arnold schwarzenegger", "arnold schwartzenegger", "schwarzie", "arnold strong", "schwazenegger", "arnold education of bodybuilder", "arnold shwarseneger", "arnold swartzenegger", "arnold shvartsneger", "big arnie", "unknown soldier 2015 film", "arnold schwarzeneggar", "arnold swarzeneger", "arnold schwartzenager", "arnold schwarzanegger", "gov schwarzenegger", "arnold swartznegger", "arnold swarzenneger", "schwarzenneger", "schwarzzennegger", "ahnuld", "awnald", "arnold schwartzeneggar", "schwarzy", "joseph baena", "arnold swarzenager", "schwarzenegger arnold alois", "governor schwarzenegger", "schwarzeneggar", "arnold shwarzeneger", "arnold scharzenegger", "arnold swarzenegger", "arnold s", "arnold schwarzeneger", "swartzinager", "arnold schwarzenneger", "schawartzenegger", "arnold schwarzineger", "governator", "bodybuilding competitions featuring arnold schwarzenegger", "austrian oak", "ah nuld", "schwartzenegger", "arnold schwarshenegger", "שוורצנגר", "arnold schwarzennegger", "arnold shwarzenegger", "styrian oak", "arnold swarchenegger", "govenator", "arnold schwarzennagger", "arnold schwarzenegger s infidelity", "conan republican", "schwarzzenegger", "schwarzenegger", "arnold alois schwarzenegger", "arnold schwarzenegger", "arnold schwarznegger", "arnold swartzennegger", "schwarzenegger arnold", "arnold swarzennegger", "arnold schwartzinager", "ahnold", "schwarznegger", "arnold scwarzenegger", "arnold shwarsenegger", "arnold swarchnegger", "mildred baena", "arnold education of body builder", "arnold schwarznigger", "arnold schwazeneger", "schwarzeneger", "meinhard schwarzenegger", "arnold schwartzennegger", "arnold swartzenneger", "schwarzennegger" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "arnold schwarzenegger", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Arnold Schwarzenegger" }
[ { "answer": "Arnold Schwarzenegger", "passage": "Arnold Schwarzenegger: A Tribute To A Great Champion.", "precise_score": -3.316455841064453, "rough_score": -10.230850219726562, "source": "search", "title": "Arnold Schwarzenegger: A Tribute To A Great Champion." }, { "answer": "Arnold Schwarzenegger", "passage": "Arnold Schwarzenegger: A Tribute To A Great Champion.", "precise_score": -3.316455841064453, "rough_score": -10.230850219726562, "source": "search", "title": "Arnold Schwarzenegger: A Tribute To A Great Champion." }, { "answer": "Arnold Schwarzenegger", "passage": "In 1947, in the small Austrian village of Thal, just outside of Graz, born to parents Gustav and Aurelia, Arnold Schwarzenegger made his way into the world. He would go on to become a household name and revolutionise the fitness industry.", "precise_score": -7.123536586761475, "rough_score": -10.316028594970703, "source": "search", "title": "Arnold Schwarzenegger: A Tribute To A Great Champion." }, { "answer": "Arnold Schwarzenegger", "passage": "In 1989, his wish came true and the Arnold Schwarzenegger Classic became reality. Since this time, thousands have gathered in Columbus Ohio, to watch not only the best professional male and female bodybuilders battle it out, but enjoy a three-day fitness weekend which includes woman's fitness and figure competitions, a martial arts festival, strength events, a major fitness expo and Arnold training seminar. New this year will be an archery challenge, youth dance-sport classic, fencing, table-tennis and yoga.", "precise_score": -10.960841178894043, "rough_score": -11.000314712524414, "source": "search", "title": "Arnold Schwarzenegger: A Tribute To A Great Champion." }, { "answer": "Arnold Schwarzenegger", "passage": "Arnold Schwarzenegger.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.271462440490723, "source": "search", "title": "..GUEST.. Jeopardy Template -" }, { "answer": "Arnold Schwarzenegger", "passage": "No other bodybuilder in the history of the sport has made the same impact. Indeed, Arnold Schwarzenegger remains the greatest, and most influential, bodybuilder of all time in the eyes of many.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.341022491455078, "source": "search", "title": "Arnold Schwarzenegger: A Tribute To A Great Champion." }, { "answer": "Arnold Schwarzenegger", "passage": "No other bodybuilder in the history of the sport has made the same impact. Indeed, Arnold Schwarzenegger remains the greatest, and most influential, bodybuilder of all time in the eyes of many.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.341022491455078, "source": "search", "title": "Arnold Schwarzenegger: A Tribute To A Great Champion." }, { "answer": "Arnold Schwarzenegger", "passage": "In 1989, Arnold's dream of promoting his own show came to fruition, and The Arnold Schwarzenegger Classic ( The ASC ) was born. The many great bodybuilders who have competed in the ASC over subsequent years have been granted the opportunity to realize their dreams through the efforts of the man who started it all, a man who will remain the backbone of the sport.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.167922019958496, "source": "search", "title": "Arnold Schwarzenegger: A Tribute To A Great Champion." }, { "answer": "Arnold S", "passage": "Arnold picked up a barbell for the first time and, as they say, the rest is history. Arnold said at the time, \"it was something. I suddenly just seemed to reach out and find, as if I had been crossing a suspended bridge and finally stepped onto solid ground\".", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.384720802307129, "source": "search", "title": "Arnold Schwarzenegger: A Tribute To A Great Champion." }, { "answer": "Arnold Schwarzenegger", "passage": "Around this time, Arnold's first child, Katherine, is born, and, most importantly for bodybuilding fans, the first Arnold Schwarzenegger Classic in Columbus Ohio (the richest bodybuilding tournament to date) showcases some of the greats of the modern era.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.267688751220703, "source": "search", "title": "Arnold Schwarzenegger: A Tribute To A Great Champion." }, { "answer": "Arnold Schwarzenegger", "passage": "The Arnold Schwarzenegger Classic", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.276885986328125, "source": "search", "title": "Arnold Schwarzenegger: A Tribute To A Great Champion." }, { "answer": "Arnold Schwarzenegger", "passage": "As a promoter, Arnold tried to make bodybuilding accessible to the public, while creating a spectacular event that everyone could enjoy. The Arnold Schwarzenegger Classic (ASC), established in 1989, is a prime example of Arnold's ability to showcase professional bodybuilders in the best possible light and provide the paying audience with much more than your average bodybuilding show.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.320016860961914, "source": "search", "title": "Arnold Schwarzenegger: A Tribute To A Great Champion." }, { "answer": "Arnold Schwarzenegger", "passage": "Can you imagine where the sport would be if Arnold Schwarzenegger never became a bodybuilder? I'm just glad we don't have too.\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.309042930603027, "source": "search", "title": "Arnold Schwarzenegger: A Tribute To A Great Champion." }, { "answer": "Arnold S", "passage": "What is also interesting is how Arnold seems to be like a \"normal\" person. Many people can relate to his struggles and/or success. Without Arnold, bodybuilding would have never flourished in the way it has. His existence has given me the opportunity to \"compete\" as a bodybuilder. Without question, Arnold has opened the doors for many men and women to enjoy the bodybuilding experience.\" Read the latest Delbert Hickman Articles here .", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.397473335266113, "source": "search", "title": "Arnold Schwarzenegger: A Tribute To A Great Champion." }, { "answer": "Arnold Schwarzenegger", "passage": "\"Arnold Schwarzenegger is the most successful bodybuilder of the modern era and the first to become well known among the general public since Steve Reeves. Arnold was a first rate competitor but, even more than that, had great instincts when it came to publicizing and promoting both himself and the sport of bodybuilding. Joe Weider brought Arnold to the United States in the late 1960's and the combination of Joe and Arnold working together created a synergy that lead to the remarkable popularity of bodybuilding beginning in the 1970's.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.212790489196777, "source": "search", "title": "Arnold Schwarzenegger: A Tribute To A Great Champion." }, { "answer": "Arnold S", "passage": "\"Arnold put bodybuilding on the map in the eyes of the public. His mass-appeal attracted more and more people's attention to the sport, and eventually helped bodybuilding, sports nutrition and related industries to grow big-time. His 100% life-long dedication to bodybuilding is what I find most inspiring about Arnold. Reading about Arnold starting back in 1969 turned me on to bodybuilding for health and athletic performance reasons. This inspiration, along with the Weiders', eventually lead me to pursue a career in the sports nutrition industry.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.403945922851562, "source": "search", "title": "Arnold Schwarzenegger: A Tribute To A Great Champion." }, { "answer": "Arnold Schwarzenegger", "passage": "\"Arnold Schwarzenegger is the reason I continue to pursue bodybuilding and constantly look for ways to \"think outside the box\" regarding muscle growth and overall health/fitness. Yes, Arnold used steroids. They were not illegal when he was using them. I'm sure if I had been put in the same position, I would have done the same. I now pursue natural muscle--lifetime natural muscle. Arnold's advice has helped me stay the course in this area. Arnold's life story is the most inspirational I have ever heard.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.393052101135254, "source": "search", "title": "Arnold Schwarzenegger: A Tribute To A Great Champion." }, { "answer": "Arnold S", "passage": "Arnold had a dream, and never gave up. It is his mental fortitude that gives him the revered status he has today. It is because of his die-hard attitude that his dreams were accomplished. Arnold came, Arnold saw...and Arnold conquered.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.393672943115234, "source": "search", "title": "Arnold Schwarzenegger: A Tribute To A Great Champion." } ]
Who was non-playing captain of the US Davis Cup team in '81 and '82?
{ "aliases": [ "Arthur James Richard Ash", "Ash, Arthur", "Arthur Ash" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "ash arthur", "arthur james richard ash", "arthur ash" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "arthur ash", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Arthur Ash" }
[ { "answer": "Arthur Ash", "passage": "More than any other player in his era, McEnroe was responsible for reviving U.S. interest in the Davis Cup, which had been shunned by Jimmy Connors and other leading U.S. players, and had not seen a top U.S. player regularly compete since Arthur Ashe (Connors' refusal to play Davis Cup in lieu of lucrative exhibitions became a source of enmity between him and Ashe). When asked if he was available for an upcoming Davis Cup fixture, McEnroe's reply was that he is always available to play for his country. In 1978, McEnroe won two singles rubbers in the final as the U.S. captured the cup for the first time since 1972, beating the United Kingdom in the final. McEnroe continued to be a mainstay of U.S. Davis Cup teams for the next 14 years and was part of U.S. winning teams in 1978, 1979, 1981, 1982, and 1992. He set numerous U.S. Davis Cup records, including years played (12), ties (30), singles wins (41), and total wins in singles and doubles (59). He played both singles and doubles in 13 series, and he and Peter Fleming won 14 of 15 Davis Cup doubles matches together.", "precise_score": 0.6869249939918518, "rough_score": -1.583054542541504, "source": "wiki", "title": "John McEnroe" }, { "answer": "Arthur Ash", "passage": "You’re right on both counts. The atmosphere for last weekend’s U.S.-Russia Cup final was completely apolitical. Andy Roddick said the only thing he remembered about the Cold War was Rocky vs. Drago, and when Dmitry Tursunov, a Russian who lives in California, was asked what the two countries had in common, he said they both “have owned Alaska.” What you probably remember were the Davis Cup’s angry glory years of the early 80s, when little Johnny McEnroe, just out of his teens, was providing the thrills and chills. He led the U.S. to the title in ’81 and ’82 while almost being defaulted by his own captain, Arthur Ashe, for his behavior during a doubles match in '81 (at the same stadium where the U.S. beat Russia last weekend, Portland’s Memorial Coliseum).", "precise_score": 3.8196258544921875, "rough_score": -1.3128259181976318, "source": "search", "title": " - Deep Tennis: Disrupting the Cup" }, { "answer": "Arthur Ash", "passage": "After Wimbledon in 1977, McEnroe entered Stanford University and won the National Collegiate Athletic Association singles and team titles in 1978. Later in 1978, he joined the ATP tour and signed his first professional endorsement deal, with Sergio Tacchini. He again advanced to the semifinals at a Grand Slam, this time the US Open, losing again to Connors. Following which, he proceeded to win five titles that year, including his first Masters Grand Prix, beating Arthur Ashe in straight sets.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.505311012268066, "source": "wiki", "title": "John McEnroe" }, { "answer": "Arthur Ash", "passage": "In 2012, McEnroe, commentating for ESPN, heavily criticized Australian tennis player Bernard Tomic for \"tanking\" against Andy Roddick at the US Open. However, Tomic was cleared of any wrongdoing, saying that he was \"simply overwhelmed by the occasion\" (this was the first time that he had ever played at Arthur Ashe Stadium). ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.518157005310059, "source": "wiki", "title": "John McEnroe" }, { "answer": "Arthur Ash", "passage": "In June 2014, following the death of Elena Baltacha, Murray featured in an event known as 'Rally for Bally'. Murray played at Queen's Club alongside Victoria Azarenka, Martina Hingis, Heather Watson and his brother Jamie. The event raised money for the Royal Marsden Cancer Charity and the Elena Baltacha Academy of Tennis. Children from Baltacha's academy took to the court to play alongside Murray. As a result of his various charitable exploits, Murray was awarded the Arthur Ashe Humanitarian of the Year award for 2014.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.847334861755371, "source": "wiki", "title": "Andy Murray" }, { "answer": "Arthur Ash", "passage": "* Arthur Ashe Humanitarian of the Year: 2014", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.314353942871094, "source": "wiki", "title": "Andy Murray" }, { "answer": "Arthur Ash", "passage": "Sports Trivia - Athletes, Sporting Events, Bobbie Riggs, Arthur Ash, Golf, Chris Evert, Hockey, Triple Crown, and more.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.092344284057617, "source": "search", "title": "TRIVIA - SPORTS -" }, { "answer": "Arthur Ash", "passage": "There were many incidents in this vein around the world in Davis Cup. But it was South Africa and its apartheid government that would prove to be the most long-lasting problem, and lead to a particularly low moment for the competition. The country had been part of the Anglo tennis establishment for decades. They didn’t produce a dynasty, but they gave tennis one of its finest doubles teams, Bob Hewitt and Frew McMillan—they won a career Grand Slam together—as well as one of its quintessential characters, Cliff Drysdale. But at the start of the 70s, South Africa’s inclusion in both the new men’s tour and the Davis Cup were controversial. Arthur Ashe protested at a tour meeting, but Drysdale, the ATP's founder, said that his tennis federation shouldn’t be lumped in with his government. As for Davis Cup, the ITF had banned South Africa in 1970. Three years later, Ashe was invited to play a tournament in Johannesburg, in part because the country wanted to be considered for re-inclusion in the Cup. Ashe famously accepted and reached the final.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.947220802307129, "source": "search", "title": " - Deep Tennis: Disrupting the Cup" } ]
In which sport did Andy Thomson become a world champion?
{ "aliases": [ "Crown-green bowls", "Lawn Bowls", "Lawn bowls classification", "Crown bowls", "Lawn bowler", "Lawn bowls", "Flat-green bowls", "Bowls", "Lawn bowl", "Jeu de boules", "Bowling club", "Bowls (sport)", "Lawn bowling", "Lawn Bowler" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "lawn bowling", "bowling club", "bowls sport", "flat green bowls", "lawn bowler", "lawn bowls", "lawn bowl", "jeu de boules", "lawn bowls classification", "crown green bowls", "crown bowls", "bowls" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "bowls", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Bowls" }
[ { "answer": "Bowls", "passage": "Andy Thomson MBE[ Andy Thomson] is a lawn and indoor bowler.", "precise_score": 2.991758346557617, "rough_score": -0.8525581955909729, "source": "wiki", "title": "Andy Thomson (bowls)" }, { "answer": "Bowls", "passage": "World indoor bowls champion Andy Thomson no fan of clock watch bowls - Sport - Norwich Evening News", "precise_score": 5.855952739715576, "rough_score": 6.8281965255737305, "source": "search", "title": "World indoor bowls champion Andy Thomson no fan of clock ..." }, { "answer": "Bowls", "passage": "World indoor bowls champion Andy Thomson no fan of clock watch bowls", "precise_score": 5.902608871459961, "rough_score": 5.85533332824707, "source": "search", "title": "World indoor bowls champion Andy Thomson no fan of clock ..." }, { "answer": "Bowls", "passage": "Defending world indoor bowls champion Andy Thomson has hit out at the sport’s new ‘Shot Clock’, which will be in action at the Fred Olsen Cruise Lines World Championships for the first time at Potters Leisure Resort next week.", "precise_score": 6.734514236450195, "rough_score": 7.540013790130615, "source": "search", "title": "World indoor bowls champion Andy Thomson no fan of clock ..." }, { "answer": "Bowls", "passage": "Thomson feels the game clock becomes a particular issue for the decisive final bowls of each end – and also when the tournament gets towards its climax with the pressures of a world title and potential £45,000 winner’s cheque at stake.", "precise_score": 0.6639285683631897, "rough_score": -1.9650475978851318, "source": "search", "title": "World indoor bowls champion Andy Thomson no fan of clock ..." }, { "answer": "Bowls", "passage": "In which sport did Andy Thomson become a world champion?*Bowls", "precise_score": 8.376091957092285, "rough_score": 10.14814567565918, "source": "search", "title": "What sport used the term \"home run\" long before baseball ..." }, { "answer": "Bowls", "passage": "The World Bowls Tour Singles Championships taking place at Potters, Great Yarmouth, saw the newly crowned 'Young Player of the Year' 19 year old Connor Cinato, of Kingsthorpe BC Indoor Section, take on one of the biggest challenges of his relatively short bowling career on Tuesday, 12th January, 2016. His opponent was the highly successful former World Champion, Andy Thomson, and what a match it turned out to be.", "precise_score": 4.146595001220703, "rough_score": 5.378895282745361, "source": "search", "title": "Kettering's Connor Cinato beats former Champion at Bowls ..." }, { "answer": "Bowls", "passage": "In 1993 he partnered Gary Smith as the pair won the World Indoor Bowls Championships Pairs title. Then in successive seasons he won the 1994 and 1995 World Indoor Bowls Championships Men's Singles title. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.212008953094482, "source": "wiki", "title": "Andy Thomson (bowls)" }, { "answer": "Bowls", "passage": "World Bowls Tour chief Richard Maddieson insists the idea was a success when pioneered at the Scottish Open in November, the added tension making the game more exciting for spectators and – more importantly – TV audiences. But Thomson, who was made an MBE in the New Year’s Honours list for services to sport, believes it is a bad move – and has data to back up his case.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -2.7999958992004395, "source": "search", "title": "World indoor bowls champion Andy Thomson no fan of clock ..." }, { "answer": "Bowls", "passage": "“I had a look at the tape of last year’s final against Jason Greenslade and for that the majority of last bowls were way beyond 30 seconds,” said the man who bridged a 17-year gap to claim his third title at the age of 56.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.194137573242188, "source": "search", "title": "World indoor bowls champion Andy Thomson no fan of clock ..." }, { "answer": "Bowls", "passage": "“Some players like it, some players don’t. But most acknowledge that it’s something the sport needs to make it more visually exciting and thrilling, which we hope will give us more TV in the future and add to spectators but also add to the number of people coming in an joining local bowls clubs.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.04183292388916, "source": "search", "title": "World indoor bowls champion Andy Thomson no fan of clock ..." }, { "answer": "Bowls", "passage": "Bowls: Thomson in quarter-finals | The Independent", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.356833457946777, "source": "search", "title": "Bowls: Thomson in quarter-finals | Sport | The Independent" }, { "answer": "Bowls", "passage": "Bowls: Thomson in quarter-finals", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.463235378265381, "source": "search", "title": "Bowls: Thomson in quarter-finals | Sport | The Independent" }, { "answer": "Bowls", "passage": "Bowls", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.406635284423828, "source": "search", "title": "Andy Thomson's 'greatest bowl' clinches World Pairs title ..." }, { "answer": "Bowls", "passage": "Winners of the World Bowls Tour title two years ago at Potters Leisure Resort, Englishmen Thomson and long-time partner Ian Bond were behind until the final stages of the second set when Thomson steered the pair into a best-of-three ends tie-break after winning the set by three shots.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -2.3945581912994385, "source": "search", "title": "Andy Thomson's 'greatest bowl' clinches World Pairs title ..." }, { "answer": "Bowls", "passage": "What sport used the term \"home run\" long before baseball?*Cricket Who was the first U.S. volleyball player to win three Olympic gold medals?*Karch Kiraly What was the only team to win two World Series in the 1980's?*The Los Angeles Dodgers What NFL team is known as the \"ain'ts\" when on a losing streak?*The New Orleans Saints What's an NBA player deemed to be if he's received the Maurice Podoloff Trophy?*The most valuable player What Washington Capitals goalie earned the nicknames \"Ace\" and \"Net Detective\"?*Jim Carey What NBA team plays home games in the Alamo dome?*The San Antonio Spurs Who graciously switched to number 77 so Phil Esposito's number 7 could be retired in Boston Garden?*Raymond Bourque What company's logo is called the \"swoosh\"?*Nike's What Rd Sox catcher's erect posture earned him the clubhouse nickname \"Frankenstein\"?*Carlton Fisk's What sport did Herve Filion top with a record of 14,084 wins?*Harness racing What team hired the NFL's first professional cheerleading squad, in 1972?*The Dallas Cowboys What Native American language was Super Bowl XXX the first to be broadcast in?*Navajo What nickname do boxing fans call 300-pound Eric Esch, King of the Four-Rounders?*Butterbean What 1995 World Series team were both picketed by the American Indian Movement?*The Atlanta Braves and Cleveland Indians What diet drink was hyped by Coca-Cola for having only only calorie, in 1963?*Tab What comic actor scored huge sales with his Bad Golf Made Easy instructional videos?*Leslie Nielsen What country fielded 1996 Olympic women's teams that won gold in basketball, soccer and softball?*The U.S What Grand Slam golf tournament has the most clubhousers sipping mint juleps?*The Masters Who is the only tennis player to have won each of the four grand slam events at least four times?*Steffi Graf What decade saw names first appear on the backs of NFL jerseys?*The 1960's Who was able to set NFL rushing records because of his \"big but\" according to Chicago Bears trainer Frank Caito?*Walter Payton What position must college footballers play to receive the Davey O'Brien Award?*Quarterback What disorder did Muhammad Ali develop after years of catching blows?*Parkinson's syndrome What are the only three European countries to have won soccer's World Cup?*England, Italy, West Germany What is the common term for the tennis ailment \"lateral humeral epicondylitis\"?*Tennis Elbow What racing competition became a best-of-nine series in 1995?*The America's Cup Who was the first athlete to rap at a Pro Bowl musical gala in 1995?*Deion Sanders What woman won five U.S. figure skating titles from 6 to 173, but never an Olympic gold medal?*Janet Lynn Who was the first female jockey to win five races in one day at a New York track?*Julie Krone What teams played in the first all-California Super Bowl?*The San Francisco 49ers and the San Diego Chargers What two players are tied for second behind Ty Cobb in total career runs?*Hank Aaron and Babe Ruth What Indiana Pacer did Knicks fan Spike Lee anger during the 1994 playoffs by calling him \"Cheryl\"?*Reggie Miller What franchise has played in the most NBA finals since 1947?*Lakers What two NBA players won the MVP trophy three times each from 1986 through 1992?*Magic Johnson and Michael Jordan What player did the Boston Celtics draft between won-lost seasons of 29-53 and 61-21?*Larry Bird What Baltic country did Portland Trail Blazer Arvydas Sabonis play for at the 1996 Olympics?*Lithuania What NBA team became the first to defeat the Boston Celtics in 12 straight games, in 1995?*The New York Knicks Who was the first hoopster to win eight NBA scoring titles?*Michael Jordan What NBA team is known in China as \"the Red Oxen\"?*The Chicago Bulls Who was the last Boston Celtics coach to lead the team to two straight NBA titles?*Bill Russell What two NBA stars did Forbes list as the highest paid athletes for 1994?*Michael Jordan and Shaquille O'Neal What NBA coach got cosmic by penning the Zen book Sacred Hoops: Spiritual Lessons of a Hardwood Warrior?*Phil Jackson Who earned $32 million of his $36 million 1993 earnings from endorsements?*Michael Jordan What 20th-century decade saw the NBA adopt the 24-second shot clock?*The 1950s What 1960 rookie bested the league's \"triple double\" record of two during his first week in the NBA?*Oscar Robertson What seven-foot-two Chicago Bulls hoopster was the first Australian to lay in the NBA?*Luke Longley What future NBA star was dubbed \"Boy Gorge\" when his weight passed 300 pounds in college?*Charles Barkley What Lakers coach had been an 11th-round pick in the 1967 NFL draft?*Pat Riley What NBA team plays home games at a facility nicknamed \"The O-rena\"?*Orlando Magic Who became the NBA's winningest coach ever on January 6, 1995?*Lenny Wilkins Who netted an NBA record 72.7 field goal percentage in the 1972-73 season?*Wilt Chamberlain What sports team got its name because its owners wanted to \"set the pace\" in the NBA?*The Indiana Pacers What NBA star attempted a record 28,307 field goals in regular season games?*Kareem Abdul-Jabbar What NBA team started out in 1948 as the Tri-Cities Blackhawks?*The Atlanta Hawks What NBA team failed to make the playoffs in 1994 for the first time since 1976?*Lakers What basketball team was the first in major league sports to be named for an insect?*Hornets What L.A. Lakers great might have played for Chicago if the Bulls had called \"tails\" in a 1979 NBA coin toss?*Magic Johnson What Chicago Bulls coach has checked into hotels under the pseudonym \"Mr. Red Cloud\"?*Phil Jackson What NBA team is named after a car part?*Detroit Pistons What hoopster scored in double figures in 787 straight games, from December 4, 1977 to December 4, 1987?*Kareem Abdul-Jabbar What NBA team retired jersey numbers 3, 33, 32, and 35 in the 1990s?*Boston Celtics What NBA team plays home games in an arena located at Two Pennsylvania Plaza?*New York Knicks What NBA hoopster averaged an amazing 48.5 minutes per game, including overtime, in the 1961-62 season?*Wilt Chamberlin What NBA hoopster is known as \"The Worm\"?*Dennis Rodman What NBA star retired for the third time on May 14, 1996?*Magic Johnson How many rules did James Naismith originally write to define basketball --13, 33, or 53?*Thirteen Who led the NBA in hair colors in 1995?*Dennis Rodman What seven-foot-one NBA center's first name translates as \"little one\"?*Shaquille O'Neal What do you have to be in the NBA to win the Eddie Gottlieb Trophy?*Rookie of the year Whose all-time NBA assists record was broken by John Stockton in 1995?*Magic Johnson What basketball team had drubbed the New Jersey Reds 2,495 times straight before losing to them 100-99 in 1971?*Harlem Globetrotters What city decided to call its new NBA team the Grizzlies, after much debate?*Vancouver Whose 1996 return to the NBA earned him simultaneous Time, Newsweek, U.S. News and Sports Illustrated covers?*Magic Johnson What Celtics star of the 1980s did the Boston Globe say looked like Herman Munster?*Kevin McHale What was the first NBA team to win 70 games or more in the regular season?*Chicago Bulls Who holds the NBA scoring mark for a single half, with 59 points?*Wilt Chamberlin What nickname did NBA star Karl Malone earn for his ability to deliver in the clutch?*The Mailman How many NBA titles did Magic Johnson help the Lakers win as a player?*5 What former L.A. Lakers guard became the team's general manger?*Jerry West What hoopsters did major league pitchers Bob Gibson and Ferguson Jenkins once play for?*Harlem Globetrotters What school gained more yards and scored more points than any team in Southeastern Conference history in 1995?*The Florida Gators What head coach tried to soothe the egos of Dream Team III?*Lenny Wilkins Who's second to Sam Snead in PGA Tour wins?*Jack Nicklaus What quarterback got stuck with the given names Yelberton Abraham?*Y.A. Tittle Which two cities have the oldest stadiums in major league baseball?*Boston and Detroit What's the last name of NFL All-Pro brothers Shannon and Sterling?*Sharpe What baseball announcer's 1996 funeral was attended b y Joe DiMaggio, Yogi Berra, Whitey Ford and Phil Rizzuto?*Mel Allen What position did Cal Ripkin Jr., start at for the first time since 1982, in a July, 1996 game?*Third base What Pro Football Hall of Famer was the first to get a second bust in the Hall, for broadcasting?*Frank Gifford What team did Yankees pitcher Don Larsen blank when he hurled the first perfect game, in the 1956 World Series?*The Brooklyn Dodgers What did an MIT instructor add to a baseball bat to reduce its air drag by 60 percent?*Dimples What recreational activity is second on popularity only to walking in the U.S.?*Swimming What's the most common nickname for a major league baseball pitcher?*Lefty Who was the NBA Coach of the Year trophy named after?*Red Auerbach What major leaguer hit 20 or more homers in 20 seasons?*Hank Aaron What Cowboy's 99-yard run from scrimmage put him in the NFL record book in 1983?*Tony Dorsett's What did college student Joseph Deliberato swallow a record 89 of at one sitting in 1939?*Goldfish How many home run titles did Roger Maris win?*One What Indiana Pacer did Knicks fan Spike Lee anger during the 1994 playoffs by calling him \"Cheryl\"?*Reggie Miller What two NBA players won the MVP trophy three times each from 1986 through 1992?*Magic Johnson and Michael Jordan What shortstop holds the major league records for games played, assists and double plays?*Ozzie Smith What NBA team became the first to defeat the Boston Celtics in 12 straight games in 1995?*The New York Nicks What baseball team's games are announced on TV by Skip Carey?*The Atlanta Braves What Brooklyn Dodgers great got his nickname for hat he called his shooter when playing marbles as a child?*Pee Wee Reese What baseball team has a monthly newsletter called \"The Vineline\"?*The Chicago Cubs What's the surfing term for a fast ride with five toes hooked over the board?*Hang Five What three 49er have earned super Bowl MVP honors through 1996?*Joe Montana, Jerry Rice, Steve Young What decade saw the NFL ban blocking below the waist and head slapping?*The 1970's What's the last Grand Slam tennis tournament played in a calendar year?*The U.S. Open What racket sport can be played with four balls of differing bouncing qualities?*Squash What brilliant name did the Texas Rangers choose for their ballpark?*The Ballpark What are sportsmen hoping to find in a creel?*Fish Who wore shoes labeled \"Air Uta\" during her 1995 Boston Marathon victory?*Uta Pippig Who usually finished last in Edmonton Oilers strength tests, in the 1980s?*Wayne Gretzky What pro athlete is nicknamed \"The Dream\"?*Hakeem Olajuwon What Giant's bone-crushing 1985 tackle ended Joe Theismann's career?*Lawrence Taylor What sport features strikers and sweepers?*Soccer What Mariner's 15 homers in May of 1994 were more than the entire Montreal Expos team managed?*Ken Griffey Jr. How many of the five boroughs does the New York City marathon run through?*5 What new pitch helped Carl Hubbell win 24 straight games in the 1930s?*The Screwball How many holes are in the original Wiffle ball?*Eight What sport accounted for five of the top ten highest grossing sports movies, through 1994?*Boxing What pro sport tries to break ties with a sudden-death overtime period of five minutes?*Hockey What do you call the stick you use to push a shuffleboard disc?*A cue What state is allowed to compete separately from the U.S. at international surfing meets.?*Hawaii What name did the athletic teams go by at Jack Nicklaus' high school?*The Golden Bears Who was the first African-American to win the U.S. and world figure skating singles titles?*Debi Thomas What U.S. track star did French writers dub La gazelle in 1960?*Wilma Rudoph What racket sport involves bashing a bird?*Badminton How many of every ten pro athletes in the U.S. are African - American?*One What sport features such plays as the flare, fly, buttonhook and post?*Football What Celtics announcer found he could hear much better after a doctor discovered a radio ear plug in his ear?*Johnny Most What team sport was 1995's fastest-growing sport in the U.S., up 43 percent since 1994?*Roller Hockey What nation's Black Magic I sailed away with a five-zero America's Cup win in 1995?*New Zealand What team has the highest Stanley Cup playoff winning percentage?*The Edmonton Oilers What baseball team has a monthly newsletter called The Vineline?The Chicago Cubs Q: What are the only three European countries to have won soccer's World Cup?*England, Italy, West Germany Q: What heavyweight was Tony \"Two Ton\" Galento referring to when he said in 1939 \"I'll molder de bum\"?*Joe Lewis Q: What sport did Herve Filion top with a record of 14,084 wins?*Harness racing Q: What two continents fielded teams in the World League of American Football, in 1991?*Europe and North America Q: Who was able to set NFL rushing records because of his \"big butt,\" according to Chicago Bears trainer Frank Caito?*Walter Payton Q: Who was the first U.S. volleyball player to win three Olympic gold medals?*Karch Kiraly Q: What movie did Michael Eisner say was his \"market research\" for Disney's NHL entry?*The Mighty Ducks Q: What was the only team to win two World Series in the 1980s?*The Los Angeles Dodgers Q: What league was Gino Cappelletti the top scorer of in the 1960s, with 1,100 points?*The American Football League Q: What position did Cal Ripkin Jr., start at for the first time since 1982, in a July, 1996 game?*Third base Q: What decade saw the NFL ban blocking below the waist and head slapping?*The 1970s Q: What Yankee pitcher holds World Series records for games won and games lost?*Whitey Ford Q: What baseball announcer's 1996 funeral was attended by Joe DiMaggio, Yogi Berra, Whitey Ford and Phil Rizzuto?*Mel Allen Q: What major leaguer hit 20 or more homers in 20 seasons?*Hank Aaron Q: What baseballer said of Biloxi Blues: \"It reminded me of being in the Army, even though I was in the Navy:?*Yogi Berra Q: What South African has traveled more miles than any athlete in history?*Gary Player Q: What team had a camp so grueling it was dubbed \" Fort Landry\"?*The Dallas Cowboys Q: What former Bruin defenseman was the first to skate on Boston's new Feet Center ice?*Bobby Orr Q: What down-under sport is a cross between soccer and rugby?*Australian Rules Football Q: How long is the longest race on the NASCAR circuit?*600 miles Q: What U.S. college sport honors its best player with the Hobey Baker Award?*Hockey Q: What horse tied, but could not break, Citation's 16-race consecutive win streak?*Cigar Q: Who was the first major leaguer to hit home runs in his teens and n his forties?*Ty Cobb Q: Who was the only soccer player to play on three World Cup-winning teams?*Pele Q: What ballplayer was dubbed \" The Iron Bird\"?*Cal Ripken Jr. Q: What does the Lindy Worm Blower allegedly enhance your chances of doing?*Catching fish Q: What pro sport was played by Lu Blue, Pebbly Jack Glasscock and Mordecai Peter Centennial \"Three Finger\" Brown?*Baseball Q: What pro team made it to the playoffs a record 29 straight times, in 1996?*The Boston Bruins Q: What essential do track racing bicycles lack that a recreational rider wouldn't be caught dead without?*Brakes Q: What weighty Japanese sport has participants known as rikishi?*Sumo wrestling Q: What 28-year-old ice skater died of a sudden heart attack in November, 1995?*Sergei Grinkov Q: What golfer made a comeback from chemotherapy and radiation treatment for lymphoma in 1994?*Paul Azinger Q: Who was the last person to win back to back World Series of Poker Tournament ?*Johnny Chan Q: What golfer beat Porky Oliver at the 1946 PGA Championship to win his first major?*Ben Hogan Q: What multi-nicknamed Yankees great suggested he be called \"The Idol of the American Boy\"?*Babe Ruth Q: What two-time All-Big-Eight defensive back at Colorado won three U.S. Open golf titles?*Hale Irwin Q: Who topped the PGA Tour in earnings for five years in the 1970s?*Jack Nicklaus Q: What golf tourney banned sportscaster Gary McCord for calling course bumps \"body bags\" and suggesting \"bikini wax\" sped the greens?*The Masters Q: What dreaded golf shot occurs when the ball is hit with the hosel of the club?*A Shank Q: What decade saw names first appear on the backs of NFL jerseys?*The 1960s Q: What Pro Football Hall of Famer was the first to get a second bust in the Hall, for broadcasting?*Frank Gifford Q: What three 49ers have earned Super Bowl MVP honors, through 1996?*Joe Montana, Jerry Rice, Steve Young Q: What Brooklyn Dodgers great got his nick name for what he called his shooter when playing marbles as a child?*\"Pee Wee\" Reese Q: What sport was popularized by Olympic swimmer Duke Kahanamoku?*Surfing Q: What NBA star refuses to have the hot water turned on at his Chicago home because he rarely takes showers there?*Dennis Rodman Q: What's an NBA player deemed to be if he's received the Maurice Podoloff Trophy?*Most Valuable Player Q: What's the last name of NFL All Pro brothers Shannon and Sterling?*Sharpe Q: Who is the only tennis player to have won each of the four grand slam events at least four times?*Steffi Graf Q: What position must college footballers play to receive the Davey O'Brien Award?*Quarterback Q: What NBA team charges $600 for a floor seal at a regular season game?*The Los Angeles Lakers Q: What's the fastest engine-powered sport?*Airplane racing Q: What heavyweight was Tony \"Two Ton\" Galento referring to when he said in 1939:\"I'll molder de bum\"?*Joe Luis Q: What Oakland Athletic hit the longest homer in Cumiskey Park history, and followed it the next day with one twenty feet longer?*Mark McGwire Q: Who coached the Detroit Red Wings to 62 wins in 1995-96, breaking Scotty Bowman's mark of 60 with Montréal in 1976-77?*Scotty Bowman Q: What team ended 54 years of frustration by winning the Stanley Cup in 1994?*The New York Rangers Q: What Alabama-born football and baseball star was named after the actor who played Dr. Ben Casey on TV?*Vince Edward \"Bo\" Jackson In horse racing, in which city is the Japan Cup held?*Tokyo In what year was soccer's last World Cup of the 80s held?*1986 In 1993 Michael Jordan gave up basketball to try which sport?*Baseball What is the first name of athlete Joyner Kersee?*Jackie Which country's soccer team was captained by Dunga?*Brazil What is the color of the stage leader's jersey in the Tour de France?*Yellow In basket ball, where do the Suns come from?*Phoenix Which fellow American said with Arnold Palmer that his 1995 British Open would be his last?*Jack Nicklaus Which Nancy was elected to the Golfing Hall of Fame in 1987?*Lopez Mark Spitz landed how many gold medals in the 1972 Olympics?*Seven Yapping Deng was a world champion in which sport?*Table Tennis Which golfer born in 1929 was the first to earn over $1 million?*Arnold Palmer In which sport were Lonsdale Belts awarded?*Boxing Which member of the Howe family held a record that Wayne Gretzky overtook in the 1980s?*Gordie In which sport does the Fastnet Race take place?*Yachting What type of speed event is Bonnie Blair famous for?*Speed skating Which Martina dominated tennis in the 80s?*Navratilova Which baseball team are Giants?*San Francisco In 1994 who had a public off-rink battle with Tony Harding?*Nancy Kerrigan The Australian Dawn Fraser was famous for which sport?*Swimming Which San Francisco team did Joe Montana play for through most of the 80s?*49ers Who did Magic Johnson play for throughout the 80s?*Los Angeles Lakers The final of which tennis Grand Slam tournament is played in a Meadow?*US Open At which circuit does Formula 1's San Marino Grand Prix take place?*Imola The Fosbury Flop was developed in which sport?*High jump Where did Johnny Miller win his first Major?*Oakmont, Pennsylvania At which venue did Tony Jacklin win the US Open?*Hazeltine, Minnesota Which football team did Jim Brown join in 1957?*Cleveland Browns In which decade did Bonnie Blair set her first world record?*1980s In which country was Wayne Gretzky born?*Canada Who set a record fro most NBA points in a season in 1961-62?Wilt Chamberlain Who was MVP in the first-ever Super Bowl?*Bart Starr How many members joined the original International Amateur Athletic Federation?*17 Which team did Wayne Gretzky join in 1988?*Los Angeles Kings Sergey Bubka has broken the world record on over 30 occasions in which event?*Pole Vault Which position did Jim Brown play?*Fullback Which Jimmy was tennis No 1 for five years in the 70s?*Connors Which team in the 80s won the Super Bowl by the biggest margin?*Chicago Bears Who was Czechoslovakia's only Wimbledon Men's Singles winner of the 20th century, playing as a Czech?*Jan Kodes The Ali v Foreman fight of 1974 was outside which city?*Kinshasa In what year was Larry Bird first named NBA's MVP?*1984 Who was the first British man to be British and UL Open champion at the same time?*Tony Jacklin In which 20th-century decade did professional players make up a dream team in the Olympic Games in basketball?*1990s Who was Jermaine O'Neal playing against when he made his debut in 1996?*Denver Nuggets Who was Mike Tyson's manager in the late 1980s?*Bill Cayton Which country did 70s French Open women's singles winner \"Virginia Rusici come from?*Romania What are the first names of the Williams sisters?*Venus and Serena Where in 1912 did Jim Thorpe win Olympic gold in the pentathlon and the decathlon?*Stockholm, Sweden Which country does tennis player Pat Rafter come from?*Australia Whose home runs record did Mark McGwire beak in the 1998 season?*Roger Maris Which country won most medals in the last 20th century winter Olympics?*Germany Which newspaper owner bought the Boston Red Sox in 1910?*John Taylor In what year were the Dallas Cowboys founded?*1960 In basketball, which Red was coach of the year in 1965?*Red Auerbach What is Denise Lewis's main athletic event?*Heptathlon In the 1978 US Masters, who was leading Gary Player be seven strokes only to lose by a single stroke?*Hubert Green What distance is the Breeders' Cup Classic?*One and a quarter miles Why does the leader of the Tour de France wear a yellow jersey?*Its sponsor printed its newspaper on yellow paper. What was the team fee when the NFL was first formed?*$100 In golf, who presents the green jacket to the US Masters winner?*Previous year's winner Walter Swinburne won his first English Derby on which great horse?*Shergar Which British golfer regained the US Masters in 1996?*Nick Faldo How many times did the New York Yankees win the World Series in the 1970s?*Twice In which league did Joe DiMaggio begin his playing career?*Pacific Coast League Where was the first Super Bowl of the 80s held?*Rose Bowl, Pasadena How old was Pete Sampras when he first won the US Open?*19 In hockey, what is the Ross Trophy awarded for?*Top points scorer Where did golfer Mark Calcavecchia win his only British Open?*Troon What distance is the Breeder's Cup Juvenile?*1 mile Who came up with the name the Super Bowl?*Lamar Hunt Michael Jordan was a super scorer for which team?*Chicago Bulls Who was the USA's hockey coach at the 1980 Olympics?*Herb Brooks Who was the only Chinese track and field athlete to win gold in Atlanta in 1996?*Wang Junxia Who beat the Babe Ruth's record 714 home runs in 1974?*Hank Aaron Which Major League baseball team signed Jackie Robinson in 1946?*Brooklyn Dodgers Motor racing's Juan Manuel Fangio came from which country?*Argentina In which 90s year did none of the four golf majors go to an American?*1993 Who fought the first world title fight between two undefeated world heavyweight champions?*Muhammad Ali and Joe Frazier Who, along with the Montreal Canadians, are the only founding members of the NHL remaining?*Toronto Maple Leafs Who did Pete Sampras beat in the final to take his sixth Wimbledon singles title?*Andre Agassi Who rode the first European-trained horse to win one of the triple Crown races?*Michael Kinane What is the lowest total for the British Open in the 20th century?*267 Who did Kareem Abdul-Jabbar play for before he joined the Los Angeles Lakers in 1976?*Milwaukee Bucks Who did Babe Ruth play for before joining the New York Yankees?*Boston Red Sox In which event in Atlanta in 1996 did Croatia win their first ever Olympic title?*Handball Jon Juneau was world champion in which sport?*Tenpin bowling How many times did the Boston Celtics win the NBA championship between 1957 and 1969?*11 Which country did long distance runner Emil Zatopek come from?*Czechoslovakia What was Jack Dempsey's nickname?*Manassa Mauler Who was Pete Sampras's coach when he won his first US Open?*Joe Brandi Which horse was Horse of the Year from 1960 to 1964?*Kelso Who was the first athlete to set six track and filed world records on the same day?*Jesse Owens What breed of dog was Steffi Graf's Ben?*Boxer What was the first European-trained horse to win a Triple Crown race?*Go and Go Which three events make up the Triathlon.*Swimming, cycling, and running Apart from sprinting in which event did Carl Lewis twice take Olympic gold?*Long jump Who won the 1977 US Golf Open despite receiving a death threat beforehand?*Hubert Green Who scored the winner in the USA's ice hockey win over the USSR in the 1980 Olympics?*Mike Eruzione Where was Super Bowl I played?*Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum Jo DiMaggio was known as what kind of Joe?*Joltin' In the season Damon Hill was motor racing's Formula One world champion how many races did he win?*8 Who was the defending champion when Stefan Edberg first won the Wimbledon singles?*Pat Cash In 1941 Joe DiMaggio set a record of safe hits in how many consecutive games?*56 In which decade was Daley Thompson born?*1950s At which formula 1 motor racing circuit did Ayrton Senna lose his life?*Imola Which two new events were introduced at the Atlanta Olympics?*Softball & beach volleyball Which horse landed both the English and Irish Derby in 1993?*Commander In Chief What was Jack Nicklaus's first major success after turning professional?*US Open How was Lew Alcindor later known?*Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Brian Barnes played golf for Scotland in the 70s but where was he born?*London Which country does sprinter David Ezinwa come from?*Nigeria Arthur Ashe had a successful sporting career at which university?*California Who won swimming gold in the 100m freestyle at the 1956,'60 and '64 Olympics?*Dawn Fraser What is the middle name of golfer Mark James?*Hugh By 1999, which country had most Wimbledon Men's Singles winners?*Great Britain Which woman won Wimbledon for the first time in 1999?*Lindsay Davenport Gordie Howe joined the NHL in 1946; in which decade did he retire?*1980s (1980) Where was the firs Super Bowl of the 90s held?*Superdome, New Orleans Laura Flessel and Marie Jose Perec come from which island?*Guadeloupe Who was women's tennis No 1 from in each year from 1967-73?*Billie Jean King How many Kentucky Derbies did Bill Shoemaker win?*3 Which boxer appeared in the film Spirit of Youth?*Joe Louis Who was the first lady golfer to land the British and US Open in the same year?*Patty Sheehan On which course is the Preakness Stakes run?*Pimlico, Baltimore How old was Nadia Comaneci when she won Olympic Gold?*144 Who lost Super Bowl II?*Oakland Raiders At which venue did \"Greg Norman first win the British Open?*Turnberry The Super Bowl trophy is named after which coach?*Vince Lombardi Which golfer founded the US Masters tournament?*Bobby Jones What distance is the Breeders' Cup Juvenile Fillies?*1 mile, 110 yards What is the nickname of cycling's Marco Pantani?*The Pirate Who did the Chicago Bulls beat to win their first NBA Championship between 1957 and 1969?*Los Angeles Lakers Who did Andre Agassi beat in the 1996 Olympic tennis final?*Sergi Bruguera What number shirt did \"San Francisco 49er Jerry Rice wear?*80 The Kentucky Derby is always held on what date?*First Saturday in May Who said in 1998, \"The ball doesn't now how old you are?\"*Mark O'Meara Who beat Jack Nicklaus and Raymond Floyd's tournament record at the 1997 Masters?*Tiger Woods Who was the San Francisco 49ers' first selection in the 1995 NFL draft?*Jerry Rice In which branch of the services did Arthur Ashe serve before becoming a tennis pro?*Army Who, in the 1967 AFL season, became the first quarterback to pass more than 4,000 yards?*Joe Namath, New York Jets In 1998 which British boxer took on Shannon Briggs and Zeljko Mavrovic?*Lennox Lewis How often is the Ryder Cup held?*Every two years In 1988 who won the tennis grand Slam and Olympic gold?*Steffi Graf Which gold medalist Mark was told by his father, \"Swimming isn't everything, winning is\"? *Mark Spitz Who was the last Canadian before Donovan Bailey in 1996 to cross the line first in the 100m and keep the medal?*Percy Williams In which Olympic event did Edwin Moses find fame?*(400 meters) hurdles In which sport did Andy Thomson become a world champion?*Bowls Sergei Bubka competes in which athletics event ?*California In which Olympic jumping event did Mike Conley find fame?*Triple Jump Where did Joe Montana play NCAA Division I football?*Notre Dame University In which decade did Joe Montana retire from football?*1990s In 1972 who ordered the last three seconds of the basketball final to be played again, which gave the USSR gold?*R William Thompson How may goals were scored in soccer's 1998 World Cup Final?*Three How many players are there in a men's lacrosse team?*10 What relation was Flo Jo to Jackie Joyner Kersee?*Sister in Law In football, what position is RB?*Running Back Warren Beatty was offered full college scholarships in which sport?*Football The Naismith Award is presented in which sport?*Basketball Which country broke the India/Pakistan 50-year monopoly of men's hockey tournaments?*Germany In which decade did Carl Lewis first win four Olympic golds?*1980s In which Olympic event did Bob Beamon find fame?*Track and field's long jump Who won a record ninth Wimbledon singles title in 1990?*Martina Navratilova How many times did Ivan Lendl win Wimbledon singles?*Never Which country does tennis player Marcelo Rios come from?*Chile Which golf tournament presents its winner with a green jacket?*The Masters Who had a seven year contract with Orlando Magic for $42 million?*Shaquille O'Neal Who won the 400m hurdles in the games sandwiched between Ed Moses' two triumphs?*Volker Beck In football, what do the letters AFL stand for?*American Football League In hockey, what is the Hart Trophy awarded for?*League's MVP Which British Fred was a Wimbledon singles winner in the 1930s?*Perry Who told a Wimbledon umpire, \"You are the pits of the world?\"*John McEnroe Where was the Rumble in the Ali v Foreman fight in Zaire in 1974?*Jungle Who won every Lacrosse World championship between 1974 to 1994?*USA Britain and which other country have won gold in every Summer Games?*France Greg LeMond was a champion in which sport?*Cycling In which decade did Marina Navratilova take US citizenship?*1980s Which Bobby was the first golfer to win the 'Grand slam' in a single year in the 1960s?*Jones With which track and field event was Geoff Capes particularly associated?*Shotput In baseball, where do the Orioles come from?*Baltimore Alberto Tomba found fame in which Winter Olympic sport?*Skiing Where was the location of the first Winter Games after World War II?*St. Moritz, Switzerland What type of speed event was Eric Heiden famous for?*Speed skating How was Mildred Didrikson better known?*Babe Zaharias Which country does Goran Ivanisevic come from?*Croatia Which NBA side did Cheryl Miller's brother Reggie play for?*Indiana Pacers Which 30-plus player won his first golf Major at the 1998 US Masters?*Mark O'Meara What is the nickname of record-breaking sprinter Maurice Greene?*Kansas Cannonball Where were the last Olympics of the 20th century in the USA held?*Atlanta How many 20th century Olympics were held in Los Angeles?*Two Who came second when Donovan Bailey won 100m gold?*Frankie Fredericks What type of golfers compete for the Curtis Cup?*Women golfers How long was swimmer Michelle Smith-de Bruin banned for attempting to manipulate a drugs test?*4 years In basketball, where do the Suns come from?*Phoenix In what decade did Bill Shoemaker ride his first winner?*1940s Which cartoon and film character is the nick name of super athlete Michael Johnson?*Superman Greg Norman is known as the Great White what?*Shark Which country did 70s star Lassie Virren come from?*Finland In which city is the US \"Tennis Open held?*New York Who, back in 1920, was the first football player to be traded?*Bob Nash Which golfer was Europe's leading money winner of 1998?*Colin Montgomerie Who did Joe DiMaggio play for throughout his career?*New York Yankees In football, what do the letters NFL stand for?*National Football League The Davis Cup is competed for in which sport?*Tennis Who was ejected in the men's basketball final in 1972?*Dwight Jones & Dvorn Edeshko Who was Joltin Joe?*Joe DiMaggio Which movie star was an Austrian Junior Olympic Weight lifting Champion?*Arnold Schwarzenegger What sport is staged at Roland Garros?*Tennis Where was Larry Bird from -- which gave him his nickname?*French Lick, Indiana What is the nationality of athlete Donovan Bailey?*Canadian Where in Massachusetts is the oldest American marathon race?*Boston In which sport did Andre's dad Mike Agassi compete in the Olympics?*Boxing In basketball, where do the Wizards come from?*Washington Which team did Hakeem Olajuwon join in 1984?*Houston Rockets Which Major-winning British golfer split from his coach David Leadbetter in 1998?*Nick Faldo Peter Nichol became the first Brit in 25 years to win the British Open in which sport?*Squash In football, what position is WR?*Wide receiver Which springboard was invented in the USA in the 1930s?*Trampoline In which event did an individual first win four successive gold medals?*Discus How many players per team can be on the field for any play in the NFL?*11 The Hawaii Ironman Championships are in which sport?*Triathlon Which Mark was captain of the European 1999 Ryder cup team?*James Billy Crystal had a full college scholarship in which sport?*Baseball Which Jennifer won Olympic gold in tennis in 1992?*Capriati In baseball, when a team is pitching how many players do they have on the field?*Nine In which event did Michelle Smith de Bruin win bronze in 1996?*200m butterfly Where does Sumo wrestling originate from?*Japan Which legendary American golfer played his last British Open in 1995?*Arnold Palmer Athlete Zola Budd was born in which country?*South Africa Which Spaniard won two US Masters in the 80s?*Seve Ballesteros In which decade did the Super Bowl begin?*1960s", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.503703117370605, "source": "search", "title": "What sport used the term \"home run\" long before baseball ..." }, { "answer": "Bowls", "passage": "Kettering's Connor Cinato beats former Champion at Bowls World Championships - Northamptonshire Sport", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.992269992828369, "source": "search", "title": "Kettering's Connor Cinato beats former Champion at Bowls ..." }, { "answer": "Bowls", "passage": "Kettering's Connor Cinato beats former Champion at Bowls World Championships", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.33244514465332, "source": "search", "title": "Kettering's Connor Cinato beats former Champion at Bowls ..." }, { "answer": "Bowls", "passage": "County player Success in World Bowls Tour World Championships", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.429036140441895, "source": "search", "title": "Kettering's Connor Cinato beats former Champion at Bowls ..." }, { "answer": "Bowls", "passage": "The 2nd set gave the sizeable crowd of spectators a 'masterclass' of bowling, with Connor, despite his youth, playing very maturely and with great aplomb, and Thomson putting his great experience to good use. It was a very even set of bowls, and as in the 1st set after 6 ends played the scores were level. The final end was once more a very well bowled one but Connor could not get the 2 shots he needed to win the match and had to settle for a 7-8 loss of it.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.612369537353516, "source": "search", "title": "Kettering's Connor Cinato beats former Champion at Bowls ..." }, { "answer": "Bowls", "passage": "The 2nd tie break end was very interesting for Thomson who drew 2 decent shots while Connor bowled all 3 of his first bowls just a little long and Thomson put his second 2 bowls in cover positions. With his last bowl Connor had quite a bit of good fortune for he took rather a tight line, although his weight was good, and he saw his bowl glance off a Thomson 'wing' bowl and glide gently into the jack, pushing it to his own back bowls to be holding match. With all his experience Thomson showed why he is a champion by sending a firm bowl at the head which struck the jack perfectly to take it out of the head with his own bowl following through to save the match.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.454086780548096, "source": "search", "title": "Kettering's Connor Cinato beats former Champion at Bowls ..." }, { "answer": "Bowls", "passage": "The 3rd tie break end was a 1 end shoot out now, with both bowlers expertly placing their bowls, with Thomson holding shot and match with his last bowl. It was Connor's turn now to send a firm bowl which struck the jack into the ditch with his own bowl following it for probably the best win of his relatively short career.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.380965232849121, "source": "search", "title": "Kettering's Connor Cinato beats former Champion at Bowls ..." }, { "answer": "Bowls", "passage": "BBC SPORT | WORLD INDOOR BOWLS  | Champions show their class", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.571033477783203, "source": "search", "title": "BBC SPORT | WORLD INDOOR BOWLS | Champions show their class" }, { "answer": "Bowls", "passage": "Bantock admitted he played some of the best bowls of his career, but he still could not defeat the champion.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.78273868560791, "source": "search", "title": "BBC SPORT | WORLD INDOOR BOWLS | Champions show their class" }, { "answer": "Bowls", "passage": "Winner of World Indoor Bowls Championships at Norfolk’s Potters resort is set for a cash bonanza - Sport - Norwich Evening News", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.351190567016602, "source": "search", "title": "Winner of World Indoor Bowls Championships at Norfolk’s ..." }, { "answer": "Bowls", "passage": "Winner of World Indoor Bowls Championships at Norfolk’s Potters resort is set for a cash bonanza", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.453193664550781, "source": "search", "title": "Winner of World Indoor Bowls Championships at Norfolk’s ..." }, { "answer": "Bowls", "passage": "Fred Olsen Cruise Lines. World Indoor Bowls Championships at Potters Leisure Resort, Hopton. Men's 2013 final , Stewart Anderson (red) v Paul Foster (green) Stewart Anderson reaction to his win. Picture: James Bass", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.97816276550293, "source": "search", "title": "Winner of World Indoor Bowls Championships at Norfolk’s ..." }, { "answer": "Bowls", "passage": "A record pay-day lies in store for the winner of the Just Retirement World Indoor Bowls singles title at Potters Leisure Resort in Hopton-on-Sea on Sunday, January 26 – the 16th time the sport’s flagship event has been played at the five-star resort.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.761995315551758, "source": "search", "title": "Winner of World Indoor Bowls Championships at Norfolk’s ..." }, { "answer": "Bowls", "passage": "This year’s champion will pocket the biggest first prize ever offered in Drake’s ancient sport, and will depart from the International Arena £50,000 richer – but tens of thousands of bowls will be hurled in anger down the famous blue portable rink before the cheque is handed over.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.707395553588867, "source": "search", "title": "Winner of World Indoor Bowls Championships at Norfolk’s ..." }, { "answer": "Bowls", "passage": "Today is United Nations Day at Potters – a venue that has become known as the Wembley or Wimbledon of bowls – with preliminary rounds of the pairs involving players from Australia, Canada, the USA, South Africa, Israel, Hong Kong – and Ireland.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.655052185058594, "source": "search", "title": "Winner of World Indoor Bowls Championships at Norfolk’s ..." }, { "answer": "Bowls", "passage": "The now traditional World Bowls Tour Awards evening is scheduled for Saturday, when a glittering ceremony will pay tribute to the great and good in what is becoming known as the ‘Bowls Oscars’.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.142168045043945, "source": "search", "title": "Winner of World Indoor Bowls Championships at Norfolk’s ..." }, { "answer": "Bowls", "passage": "Willgress was delighted to be given a wildcard invitation to compete for the biggest prize in bowls, and is raring to go.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.27112865447998, "source": "search", "title": "Winner of World Indoor Bowls Championships at Norfolk’s ..." }, { "answer": "Bowls", "passage": "Next week provides local supporters with another appetising treat, with Mervyn King partnering Norfolk’s Bex Field in the mixed pairs, while Field is hoping to find her form of last year, and retain the World Bowls Tour women’s Matchplay title.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.170980453491211, "source": "search", "title": "Winner of World Indoor Bowls Championships at Norfolk’s ..." }, { "answer": "Bowls", "passage": "Bowls, of course, is neither a young nor an old man’s game – it is truly a sport for all.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.738659858703613, "source": "search", "title": "Winner of World Indoor Bowls Championships at Norfolk’s ..." } ]
Which legendary American golfer played his last British Open in 1995?
{ "aliases": [ "Arnie palmer", "Arnold Palmer", "Arnold Daniel Palmer" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "arnold palmer", "arnold daniel palmer", "arnie palmer" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "arnold palmer", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Arnold Palmer" }
[ { "answer": "Arnold Palmer", "passage": "This British Open was also one of significant comings and goings: The 1995 British Open was the first played by Tiger Woods , and the last played by Arnold Palmer . Woods,still an amateur, made the cut, but finished well back, shooting 74-71-72-78--295. Palmer missed the cut with rounds of 83 and 75, but at least the man who revitalized this championship in the early 1960s got to have his farewell at St. Andrews.", "precise_score": 8.737776756286621, "rough_score": 7.5469584465026855, "source": "search", "title": "1995 British Open: John Daly Does It Again" }, { "answer": "Arnold Palmer", "passage": "The British Open probably would have died if the American stars hadn't started going over to play in it more regularly the last 15 years. Arnold Palmer saved it, but as far as I'm concerned he didn't do us any favours.", "precise_score": 2.768157482147217, "rough_score": -0.9716408848762512, "source": "search", "title": "Golf Quotes from Golf Today - The Open Championship" }, { "answer": "Arnold Palmer", "passage": "Another South African, Gary Player was Champion in 1959. This was at the beginning of the \"Big Three\" era in professional golf, the three players in question being Player, Arnold Palmer, and Jack Nicklaus. Palmer first competed in 1960, when he came second to the little-known Australian Kel Nagle, but he won the next two years. While he was far from being the first American to become Open Champion, he was the first that many Americans saw win the tournament on television, and his charismatic success is often credited with persuading leading American golfers to make The Open an integral part of their schedule, rather than an optional extra. The improvement of trans-Atlantic travel also increased American participation.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.849559783935547, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Open Championship" }, { "answer": "Arnold Palmer", "passage": " - Arnold Palmer", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.347943305969238, "source": "search", "title": "Golf Quotes from Golf Today - The Open Championship" }, { "answer": "Arnold Palmer", "passage": "Arnold Palmer (1929-present)", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.282772064208984, "source": "search", "title": "Most Famous Golfers – List of Famous Golfers in History" }, { "answer": "Arnold Palmer", "passage": "Nicknamed “The King,” Arnold Palmer is widely considered one of the best golfers in the history of the PGA. He was the original superstar in the beginning of the sport’s television age. He has been awarded the PGA Tour Lifetime Achievement Award and is a member of the World Golf Hall of Fame.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.082639694213867, "source": "search", "title": "Most Famous Golfers – List of Famous Golfers in History" }, { "answer": "Arnold Palmer", "passage": "From earlier greats such as Harry Vardon, Bobby Jones, Henry Cotton and Walter Hagen through modern legends such as Jack Nicklaus, Arnold Palmer, Tom Watson, Gary Player and Seve Ballesteros to exceptional talents of today Tiger Woods, Phil Mickelson and Rory McIlroy, the greatest players in the world have faced the unrelenting challenge of The Open for more than 150 years.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.512593269348145, "source": "search", "title": "The Open - The Open" } ]
In which decade did Martina Navratilova take US citizenship?
{ "aliases": [ "The Eighties", "The 80s", "1980’s", "’80s", "'80s", "Nineteen eighties", "1980s", "Nineteen-eighties", "1980–1989", "1980's", "1980s (decade)", "1980-1989", "80's", "Early 1980s", "Eighties" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "eighties", "80 s", "early 1980s", "1980–1989", "nineteen eighties", "1980 1989", "80s", "1980 s", "1980s", "1980s decade" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "1980s", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "1980s" }
[ { "answer": "1980s", "passage": "A left-hander, Navratilova completed a calendar grand slam in women's doubles in 1984, partnering right-handed Pam Shriver, a tall and talented player whose most noted stroke was a slice forehand, a shot virtually unheard of in the game today. This was part of a record 109-match winning streak that the pair achieved between 1983 and 1985. (Navratilova was ranked the World No. 1 doubles player for a period of over three years in the 1980s.) From 1985 through 1987, Navratilova reached the women's singles final at all 11 major tournaments held during those three years, winning six of them. From 1982 through 1990, she reached the Wimbledon final nine consecutive times. She reached the US Open final five consecutive times from 1983 through 1987 and appeared in the French Open final five out of six years from 1982 through 1987. ", "precise_score": 1.6214762926101685, "rough_score": 2.6953063011169434, "source": "wiki", "title": "Martina Navratilova" }, { "answer": "1980s", "passage": "The post below was originally meant to be Chapter 19 (of 20) of my book, High Strung , which revolves around the 1981 U.S. Open. The chapter tells the story of Navratilova at that tournament, which turned out to be a crossroads moment in her life. She had become a U.S. citizen that summer, and around the same time had, with some trepidation, made her sexuality public. Navratilova played the Open as an American for the first time, and for the first time was accepted as one. The tournament ended in defeat and tears for her that year, but in many ways it was the start of her great, career-transforming run through the 1980s. The clip above is from Martina's breakthrough win at the event, a three-set semifinal win over Chris Evert. It was a sign of things to come.", "precise_score": 3.7103962898254395, "rough_score": 4.009886741638184, "source": "search", "title": " - Martina's Moment" }, { "answer": "1980s", "passage": "While it seemed over the top at the time, Team Navratilova would be an unprecedented success. For the rest of the 1980s, she would dominate the sport like no other player before or after; from ’81 to ’89, Navratilova would win 442 matches while losing just 32. The run began at the ’81 Open, when Richards and Lieberman watched her beat Evert and break her semifinal jinx. “I was so excited, it felt like a final,” Navratilova said after that win. “Now I have to come back tomorrow.”", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -2.2752270698547363, "source": "search", "title": " - Martina's Moment" }, { "answer": "The 80s", "passage": "Tennis history had refused to turn a corner earlier in the week, when Vitas Gerulaitis had held off Ivan Lendl in their fourth-round classic. Now the sport had come to another defining moment: Navratilova, like Lendl, would be the future of the women’s game, while Austin’s back injury would put her out of the sport in two years—unbelievably, at 18 years old, she was playing her last Grand Slam final. Once again, though, the future would be denied. Martina, deep down, was still the unsure child of the 70s, not the swaggering killer of the 80s. She won the first set 6-1, with a dazzling display of hook serves; lunging, perfectly placed volleys; and surprising drop shots. All of her high-flying athleticism, all of her potential, was on display at last.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -1.5940366983413696, "source": "search", "title": " - Martina's Moment" }, { "answer": "'80s", "passage": "MARTINA NAVRATILOVA: Well, certainly there wasn’t one, and I didn’t expect one. It’s great that Obama is supporting Jason, but in the '80s the climate was such that there were thousands and thousands of gay men dying from AIDS, yet President Reagan didn't mention that, so a phone call to me would have been unthinkable. I just wish that he had been more supportive of our community in the wake of the tragedy that was AIDS. It took years before he ever mentioned the name.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 0.8324112892150879, "source": "search", "title": "Tennis Star Martina Navratilova, Among First \"Out\" Pro ..." }, { "answer": "’80s", "passage": "AMY GOODMAN: Talk about the decision you made to go public back in the early ’80s. What went into you—for a lot of people who are listening right now and watching this broadcast, maybe a lot of professional athletes, as well, talk about your feelings in those months leading up to this and how exactly you came out.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.42345905303955, "source": "search", "title": "Tennis Star Martina Navratilova, Among First \"Out\" Pro ..." }, { "answer": "1980s", "passage": "When the rains came, each woman had won one set of the best-of-three finale. Navratilova had won the first, 7-5, but Graf had rebounded with an impressive 6-2 victory in the second set and had taken a 3-1 lead in the third. At one point, Graf had won nine straight games and had broken Navratilova's service five straight times. To borrow a cliche from another individualist sport, boxing, Graf had Navratilova on the ropes. \"No one had treated Navratilova so rudely in years,\" wrote Paul Attner of the Sporting News. Would Navratilova, queen of this court through most of the 1980s, use the unplanned rest to gather her strength, adjust her strategy, prepare a dramatic comeback, and keep her title? With time on her hands, would Graf dwell on the enormity of her opportunity, lose her momentum, and squander what seemed in reach?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -2.0957536697387695, "source": "search", "title": "Martina Navratilova Facts, information, pictures ..." }, { "answer": "1980s", "passage": "Even in terms of tennis, she has been unique in that she has shown more willingness than others of her generation to seek technical, physical, and emotional coaching from other persons inside and outside her sport. While Navratilova isn't the first to do such things, some experts feel her dedication to coaching and training has influenced the approach of other tennis players for the next generation. \"I'm not saying she's the first to do it,\" said Mary Carillo, a former player who is now a television commentator, in an interview for Newsmakers.\" Margaret Court did it and Billie Jean King did it. But when Martina did it, everybody followed her lead. A lot of players now go to sports psychologists. Martina soared so far beyond everybody else, the only thing to do was to follow her lead. She did more than dominate the early 1980s. She set a whole new standard. She changed her diet and her fitness status. She made it scientific. She made it specific.\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -0.49391210079193115, "source": "search", "title": "Martina Navratilova Facts, information, pictures ..." } ]
"How was Mildred ""Didrikson better known?"
{ "aliases": [ "Mildred Ella Didrikson Zaharias", "Babe Didrickson", "Mildred D. Zaharias", "Mildred Ella Zaharias", "'Babe' Didrikson Zaharias", "Babe Didriksen", "Mildred Didrikson", "Babe Zaharias Golf Course", "Mildred Ella %22Babe%22 Didrikson Zaharias", "Mildred Didrikson Zaharias", "Mildred %22Babe%22 Didrikson Zaharias", "%22Babe%22 Didrickson Zaharias", "Mildred Ella (%22Babe%22) Didrikson Zaharias", "Babe Zaharias", "Babe Didrikson", "Babe Didrikson Zaharias", "Babe Didricksen" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "mildred ella zaharias", "babe zaharias", "mildred d zaharias", "mildred didrikson", "babe didrickson", "babe didricksen", "babe zaharias golf course", "mildred ella 22babe 22 didrikson zaharias", "22babe 22 didrickson zaharias", "babe didrikson zaharias", "babe didriksen", "mildred 22babe 22 didrikson zaharias", "mildred ella didrikson zaharias", "babe didrikson", "mildred didrikson zaharias" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "babe zaharias", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Babe Zaharias" }
[ { "answer": "Mildred Didrikson", "passage": "Mildred Didrikson Zaharias—better known by the nickname “Babe”—was born on June 26, 1911, in Port Arthur, Texas. A gifted athlete from a young age, she became one of history’s first female sports stars by mastering everything from basketball and track and field to softball, tennis and even bowling. She also broke records as a golfer, winning an unprecedented 82 amateur and professional tournaments before her untimely death at age 45. Explore 10 fascinating facts about the multi-sport titan that the Associated Press once named the “Woman Athlete of the Half Century.”", "precise_score": 7.28221321105957, "rough_score": 6.555829048156738, "source": "search", "title": "10 Things You May Not Know About Babe Didrikson Zaharias" }, { "answer": "Babe Didrikson", "passage": "Mildred Babe Didrikson of the USA throws the javelin to win the gold medal during the Women’s Track and Field javelin event at the 1932 Summer Olympic Games in Los Angeles, California. (Credit: Getty Images)", "precise_score": 1.0633851289749146, "rough_score": -1.125266671180725, "source": "search", "title": "10 Things You May Not Know About Babe Didrikson Zaharias" }, { "answer": "Mildred Didrikson", "passage": "Melissa Block talks with golfer Marilynn Smith about Mildred Didrikson Zaharias, better known as Babe. In 1945, she became the first woman to play in a PGA event. In fact, Zaharias played in three tournaments with the men that year -- without much fanfare from the media. Babe was an Olympic athlete, winning several medals in 1932. She went on to become a legend in golf.", "precise_score": 6.325273513793945, "rough_score": 3.191493034362793, "source": "search", "title": "\"Babe\" Didrikson Zaharias | WBUR News" }, { "answer": "Babe Didrikson", "passage": "The first to prove a girl could be a stud athlete, Babe Didrikson began as a muscular phenom who mastered many sports and ended as a brilliant golfer. An exuberant tomboy whose life was athletics, she was accomplished in just about every sport - basketball, track, golf, baseball, tennis, swimming, diving, boxing, volleyball, handball, bowling, billiards, skating and cycling. When asked if there was anything she didn't play, she said, \"Yeah, dolls.\"", "precise_score": -0.45004791021347046, "rough_score": -1.4285664558410645, "source": "search", "title": " Didrikson was a woman ahead of her time" }, { "answer": "Babe Didrikson", "passage": "Babe Didrikson Mildred Ella \"Babe\" Didrikson Zaharias, better known as Babe Didrikson was one of America’s most notable female athletes from the 1930s-1940s, specifically in golf and track and field. Babe challenged the models of femininity through her manly physique and character, and determination to play sports in a time when female athletes were unacceptable and disregarded. According to, Babe was always competitive and interested in playing sports when growing up, especially the boys’ sports. In fact, her nickname became “Babe” after she hit five home runs in one baseball game. She was one of the most versatile female athletes. Besides playing baseball she also excelled at basketball, track and field, and golf. She was an All-American forward in basketball, a 2-time Olympic gold medalist in track and field, and a champion golfer. Babe’s strength and confidence were qualities that females didn’t commonly express during her time, especially when playing these male", "precise_score": 7.088465690612793, "rough_score": 7.839524745941162, "source": "search", "title": "Babe Didrikson - oriented sports. ESPNs Larry Schwartz ..." }, { "answer": "Mildred Didrikson", "passage": "Melissa Block talks with golfer Marilynn Smith about Mildred Didrikson Zaharias, better known as Babe. In 1945, she became the first woman to play in a PGA event. In fact, Zaharias played in three tournaments with the men that year -- without much fanfare from the media. Babe was an Olympic athlete, winning several medals in 1932. She went on to become a legend in golf.", "precise_score": 6.325273513793945, "rough_score": 3.191493034362793, "source": "search", "title": "\"Babe\" Didrikson Zaharias | WBUR News" }, { "answer": "Mildred Ella Didrikson Zaharias", "passage": " BABE-Mildred Ella Didrikson Zaharias", "precise_score": 0.053959883749485016, "rough_score": -0.03917939215898514, "source": "search", "title": "Babe’s Life | Babe Didrikson Zaharias Museum Foundation" }, { "answer": "Babe Didrikson", "passage": "Babe Didrikson is my hero because I am an athlete, and I admire her courage and determination. She worked hard, and even with the hardships she went through, she accomplished her goals. I don't play golf, but I am glad she set up Women's Golf. She showed that women are just as good as men and can do anything that men can. Her famous quote, \"I'm gonna whup em' all\" will be remembered for a long time.", "precise_score": -0.03324847295880318, "rough_score": 0.4818629026412964, "source": "search", "title": "The My Hero Project - Mildred \"Babe\" Didrikson" }, { "answer": "Babe Didrikson", "passage": "10 Things You May Not Know About Babe Didrikson Zaharias - History in the Headlines", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.40176773071289, "source": "search", "title": "10 Things You May Not Know About Babe Didrikson Zaharias" }, { "answer": "Babe Didrikson", "passage": "10 Things You May Not Know About Babe Didrikson Zaharias", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.484553337097168, "source": "search", "title": "10 Things You May Not Know About Babe Didrikson Zaharias" }, { "answer": "Babe Didrikson", "passage": "10 Things You May Not Know About Babe Didrikson Zaharias", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.484553337097168, "source": "search", "title": "10 Things You May Not Know About Babe Didrikson Zaharias" }, { "answer": "Babe Didrikson", "passage": "10 Things You May Not Know About Babe Didrikson Zaharias", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.484553337097168, "source": "search", "title": "10 Things You May Not Know About Babe Didrikson Zaharias" }, { "answer": "Babe Didrikson", "passage": "Babe Didrikson Zaharias wearing training clothes. (Credit: New York Times Co./Getty Images)", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.392335891723633, "source": "search", "title": "10 Things You May Not Know About Babe Didrikson Zaharias" }, { "answer": "Babe Zaharias", "passage": "Babe Zaharias, born Mildred Ella Didriksen, demonstrates her hurdling technique. (Credit: Three Lions/Getty Images)", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.912097930908203, "source": "search", "title": "10 Things You May Not Know About Babe Didrikson Zaharias" }, { "answer": "Babe Didrikson", "passage": "Babe Didrikson working out in the gym. (Credit: NY Daily News Archive/Getty Images)", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.686973571777344, "source": "search", "title": "10 Things You May Not Know About Babe Didrikson Zaharias" }, { "answer": "Babe Didrikson", "passage": "Babe Didrikson driving off the tee in a golf tournament. (Credit: Underwood Archives/Getty Images)", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.251117706298828, "source": "search", "title": "10 Things You May Not Know About Babe Didrikson Zaharias" }, { "answer": "Babe Didrikson", "passage": "Babe Didrikson Zaharias with the Birtish Women’s Amateur Championship Cup which left England for the first time. (Credit: Walter Engels/NY Daily News Archive/Getty Images)", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.846613883972168, "source": "search", "title": "10 Things You May Not Know About Babe Didrikson Zaharias" }, { "answer": "Babe Didrikson", "passage": "Winner Babe Didrikson (R) and runner-up Patty Berg (L) at the All-American golf championship at the Tam O’Shanter Country Club, Chicago, Illinois, 1950. (Credit: Underwood Archives/Getty Images)", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.564813137054443, "source": "search", "title": "10 Things You May Not Know About Babe Didrikson Zaharias" }, { "answer": "Babe Didrikson", "passage": "Babe Didrikson Zaharias at the All-American tournament at Chicago’s Tam-O’Shanter Country Club, Chicago, Illinois, 1951. (Credit: Underwood Archives/Getty Images)", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.971593856811523, "source": "search", "title": "10 Things You May Not Know About Babe Didrikson Zaharias" }, { "answer": "Babe Didrikson", "passage": "Ever since Babe read about the 1928 Olympics in her father’s newspapers, she decided that she would one day compete in the Olympics in track and field. Every day she would train with her sister, jumping hedges in the neighborhood. During the qualifying trials she made the cut in five events, but women were only allowed to participate in three. At the 1932 Olympics in Los Angeles, 21 year-old Babe Didrikson won two gold medals and one silver. She received a gold medal for the javelin throw, setting a new world record at 143 feet. The next day she set a new world record (breaking her own) of 11.7 seconds in the 80-meter hurdles to win another gold medal. After a much-debated tie for first in the high-jump (at 5’5”), the judges ruled that her technique was illegal and disqualified her; Didrikson ended up with the silver medal.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.176941871643066, "source": "search", "title": "Mildred Ella \"Babe\" Didrikson Zaharias (1911-1956) - NWHM" }, { "answer": "Babe Didrikson", "passage": "In 1943 Didrikson was awarded amateur status as a golfer, which enabled her to play in a wider range of tournaments. Between 1943 and 1947 (when she turned professional again) she won 17 amateur tournaments in a row. It was during this time that she became the first woman to win the British Women’s Amateur Golf Tournament. In the 1940s women’s professional involvement in golf was relatively limited. George Zaharias suggested that they create a professional women’s tournament circuit. Ever the dynamic team, George worked to find financial backers while Babe worked with fellow golfer Patty Berg to co-found the Ladies Professional Golf Association in 1949. Berg was the president the first year, after which Didrikson held the position for the rest of her life. In 1950 the Associated Press voted Babe Didrikson Woman Athlete of the Half-Century.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.335520267486572, "source": "search", "title": "Mildred Ella \"Babe\" Didrikson Zaharias (1911-1956) - NWHM" }, { "answer": "Babe Didrikson", "passage": "Babe Didrikson Bio, Stats, and Results | Olympics at", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.330719947814941, "source": "search", "title": "Babe Didrikson Bio, Stats, and Results | Olympics at ..." }, { "answer": "Babe Didrikson", "passage": "One of seven children of Norwegian immigrants, Babe Didrikson Zaharias is often considered the greatest female athlete of all-time, and is often in the discussion of the greatest female golfer ever. Babe played almost every sport but became famous to the American sporting public with her feats in track & field in 1932. Her track career was brief but brilliant and her performance at the 1932 AAU meet remains among the greatest in sporting history. In the space of 2½ hours she competed in eight events, winning four of them outright and finishing equal first in another. As the only representative of her club, Employers Casualty AA of Dallas, she won the national team championship with the powerful Illinois Women's AC, who fielded more than 20 athletes, in second place. At the end of the day the score was Didrikson - 30 points, Illinois - 22 points. At the 1932 Olympics, Babe opened her Olympic campaign by winning the javelin on her first throw with a new Olympic record, she then equalled the world record (11.8) in the heats of the 80 meter hurdles and the following day brought the record down to 11.7 as she took her second gold medal. Finally she placed second in the high jump after a controversial jump-off with Jean Shiley. The judges ruled that Didrikson had dived over the bar although she had been using the same style throughout the competition. Prior to the Games the Babe had already been voted an all-American in basketball for three years and, as a 17-year-old, she twice broke the world javelin record in 1930. Babe forfeited her amateur status after the Olympics by allowing her name to be used in an automobile advertisement, so she then turned her attention to golf and was easily the greatest woman golfer of her era.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.454051494598389, "source": "search", "title": "Babe Didrikson Bio, Stats, and Results | Olympics at ..." }, { "answer": "Babe Zaharias", "passage": "In 1934 Babe won the first tournament she entered and, until cancer ended her career in 1955, she won multiple major titles, including the 1946 US Women's Amateur and the 1947 British Ladies' Amateur (the first American to ever win both of those championships). She also played in three men's PGA Tour events in 1945, making all three cuts at the Los Angeles, Phoenix, and Tucson Opens. From 1948 to 1951, she was the leading money winner on the LPGA circuit, during the first four years of its existence, and she won 41 LPGA sanctioned events in her career. This included 10 major professional titles, the US Open in 1948, 1950, and 1954, the Western Open in 1940, 1944-45, and 1950, and the Titleholders in 1947, 1950, and 1952. Better known professionally under her married name of Babe Zaharias, she contracted colon cancer in 1953 but recovered from major surgery to win the 1954 US Open, and two tournaments in 1955, before dying from cancer at the age of 44.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.02966594696045, "source": "search", "title": "Babe Didrikson Bio, Stats, and Results | Olympics at ..." }, { "answer": "Babe Didrikson", "passage": "Less than two years after seeing her first track meet, Babe Didrikson qualified in five events for the 1932 Los Angeles Olympics.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.399819850921631, "source": "search", "title": " Didrikson was a woman ahead of her time" }, { "answer": "Babe Didrikson", "passage": "Babe performed at a time when female athletes were considered freakish at best, downright unacceptable at worst. For most of her life she was the antithesis of femininity; not until her later years did she dress and act less manly. \"She was not a feminist, not a militant, not a strategist launching campaigns against sexual liberation,\" wrote William Johnson and Nancy Williamson in Whatta-Gal!: The Babe Didrikson Story. \"She was an athlete and her body was her most valuable possession.\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -2.3089346885681152, "source": "search", "title": " Didrikson was a woman ahead of her time" }, { "answer": "Babe Didrikson", "passage": "Babe didn't seem to have much interest in men until she was swept off her feet when she was paired with George Zaharis at the 1938 Los Angeles Open. Zaharis was a gregarious man, a 235-pound wrestler who as a stock villain was making a fortune as the Weeping Greek from Cripple Creek. They married 11 months later and Babe would change her name to Babe Didrikson Zaharias.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.888175964355469, "source": "search", "title": " Didrikson was a woman ahead of her time" }, { "answer": "Babe Didrikson", "passage": "During the next few years, she performed on the vaudeville circuit, traveled with a basketball team called Babe Didrikson's All-Americans and toured with the bearded House of David baseball team.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.358580112457275, "source": "search", "title": " Didrikson was a woman ahead of her time" }, { "answer": "Babe Zaharias", "passage": "Shortly after winning the inaugural Babe Zaharias Open in Beaumont in April 1953, Babe learned she had cancer. Surgeons removed the tumor, but discovered the cancer had spread into her lymph nodes, which were inoperable.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.389852523803711, "source": "search", "title": " Didrikson was a woman ahead of her time" }, { "answer": "Babe Didrikson", "passage": "Babe Didrikson - oriented sports. ESPNs Larry Schwartz wrote that she was so", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.977147579193115, "source": "search", "title": "Babe Didrikson - oriented sports. ESPNs Larry Schwartz ..." }, { "answer": "Babe Didrikson", "passage": "Babe Didrikson", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.722573757171631, "source": "search", "title": "Babe Didrikson - oriented sports. ESPNs Larry Schwartz ..." }, { "answer": "Babe Didrikson", "passage": "Babe Didrikson - oriented sports. ESPNs Larry Schwartz...", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.153237819671631, "source": "search", "title": "Babe Didrikson - oriented sports. ESPNs Larry Schwartz ..." }, { "answer": "Babe Didrikson", "passage": "Babe’s Life | Babe Didrikson Zaharias Museum Foundation", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.487083435058594, "source": "search", "title": "Babe’s Life | Babe Didrikson Zaharias Museum Foundation" }, { "answer": "Babe Didrikson", "passage": " World’s Greatest Female Athlete – A brief history by Babe Didrikson Zaharias Foundation", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.699497222900391, "source": "search", "title": "Babe’s Life | Babe Didrikson Zaharias Museum Foundation" }, { "answer": "Babe Didrikson", "passage": "Babe was diagnosed with colon cancer in 1953 and had surgery involving a colostomy on April 17, 1953, in Beaumont.  She became one of the first public figures to openly discuss her cancer in an attempt to spread awareness about the disease.  In 1955, had back surgery and by 1956, the cancer has spread. She died at John Sealy Hospital in Galveston. Since her death (and some while alive) there are books, plays, and even a movie made about her.  The Babe Didrikson Zaharias Foundation, along with George Zaharias raised money for a museum which was completed in 1976. The most recent book is Wonder Girl by Don Van Natta Jr.  It is probably the most accurate, complete and well written story of her life and is available at the museum and online.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.602178573608398, "source": "search", "title": "Babe’s Life | Babe Didrikson Zaharias Museum Foundation" }, { "answer": "Babe Zaharias", "passage": "She reached great heights in golf and is known as the player who did more than any other to popularize women’s golf. Babe is a member of the Ladies Golf Hall of Fame and Helms Athletic Foundations Golf Hall of Fame.  In her career, Babe won 82 golf tournaments, including amateur and professional. A pioneer of the LPGA tour, playing in the days when tournaments were few, she won 31 events before she died and was the leading money-winner on the tour for four years in a row – 1948 through 1951. In 1948, she won the All-American Open, World Championship and the U.S. Women’s Open.  In 1950, she won the All-American Open, World Championship, U.S. Women’s Open, Titleholders, 144-hole Weathervane and Women’s Western Open.  In 1951, she won the All-American Open, World Championship, Ponte Vedra Open, Tampa Open, Fresno Open, and Texas Open.  She had to win the World Championship 3 times in order to keep the “Dead Head” Trophy, but she actually won it four times in 1948, 1949, 1950, and 1951. It is now on display in the museum.  She is one of two players (Louise Suggs) to win both the U.S. Women’s Amateur and U.S. Women’s Open.  In the 1954 Women’s Open-Salem – set a record of 12 shots as the biggest victory margin that has been tied, but not broken. She won the Vare Trophy in 1954 with a 75.48 average.  The Babe Zaharias Open was started in her honor in Beaumont in 1953-1955. Babe won the first event and played in all three.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.590864181518555, "source": "search", "title": "Babe’s Life | Babe Didrikson Zaharias Museum Foundation" } ]
Who beat Carl Lewis's best time of 9.86 seconds for the 100 meters?
{ "aliases": [ "Leroy Burrell" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "leroy burrell" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "leroy burrell", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Leroy Burrell" }
[ { "answer": "Leroy Burrell", "passage": "Lewis has remained the world's top long jumper but is No. 2 among the sprinting elite, supplanted by his Santa Monica Track Club teammate, Leroy Burrell. Burrell set a world record of 9.90 seconds in the 100 meters two weeks ago in New York, at the U.S. national championships, erasing Lewis's mark of 9.92 and reducing the Lewis-Johnson rematch to a footnote on the rivalry rather than a definitive moment in the sport.", "precise_score": 5.994833946228027, "rough_score": 3.4029808044433594, "source": "search", "title": "Lewis vs. Johnson - A Lille Showdown -" }, { "answer": "Leroy Burrell", "passage": "A subsequent honor would follow: Lewis eventually was credited with the 100 m world record for the 9.92 s he ran in Seoul. Though Ben Johnson's 9.79 s time was never ratified as a world record, the 9.83 s he ran the year before was. However, in the fallout to the steroid scandal, an inquiry was called in Canada wherein Johnson admitted under oath to long-time steroid use. The IAAF subsequently stripped Johnson of his record and gold medal from the World Championships. Lewis was deemed to be the world record holder for his 1988 Olympic performance and declared the 1987 100 m World Champion. The IAAF also declared that Lewis had also, therefore, twice tied the \"true\" world record (9.93 s) for his 1987 World Championship performance, and again at the 1988 Zürich meet where he defeated Johnson. However, those times were never ratified as records. From January 1, 1990, Lewis was the world record holder in the 100 m. The record did not last long, as fellow American and University of Houston teammate Leroy Burrell ran 9.90 s on June 14, 1991, to break Lewis's mark. Lewis also permanently lost his ranking as number one for the 200 m in 1988 and for the 100 m in 1989. He also lost the top ranking for the long jump in 1990 but was to regain it in 1992.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -2.539400577545166, "source": "wiki", "title": "Carl Lewis" }, { "answer": "Leroy Burrell", "passage": "The 1991 World Championships in Tokyo were quite incredible -- in both the 100 meters and long jump. Lewis won one and lost the other. In the 100, six runners broke 10 seconds, with Lewis leading the pack after a mighty finish. \"He passed us like we were standing still,\" said runner-up Leroy Burrell.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -0.33744364976882935, "source": "search", "title": " King Carl had long, golden reign" }, { "answer": "Leroy Burrell", "passage": "The presence of the others glowed so fiercely, they commanded the entire oval. When Jon Drummond lined up to sprint against Carl Lewis and Leroy Burrell, he saw only what others saw: Lewis and Burrell.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.549262046813965, "source": "search", "title": "TRACK AND FIELD - Drummond Aims to Dethrone the Kings of ..." } ]
Who won a record ninth Wimbledon singles title in 1990?
{ "aliases": [ "Martina Navaratilova", "Martina Navratilova", "Martina Navrátilová", "Martina Navratalova", "Martina Navartilova", "Navratilova, Martina" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "martina navratilova", "martina navartilova", "martina navratalova", "navratilova martina", "martina navaratilova", "martina navrátilová" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "martina navratilova", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Martina Navratilova" }
[ { "answer": "Martina Navratilova", "passage": "On a sunny Saturday afternoon, Martina Navratilova produced a near-flawless performance to win her ninth Wimbledon singles title, a record that will take some topping in today's day and age. Competing against fellow American Zina Garrison, Navratilova served and volleyed her way around Centre Court in emphatic fashion, dropping just five games as she took the title 6-1, 6-4.", "precise_score": 7.907166481018066, "rough_score": 6.752280235290527, "source": "search", "title": "History - 1990s - The Championships, Wimbledon 2016 ..." }, { "answer": "Martina Navratilova", "passage": "Even in Wimbledon’s rich history, Conchita Martinez’s triumph in the 1994 Ladies’ Singles has to be one of The Championships’ most fascinating stories. She beat a whole host of top names, including nine-time Champion Martina Navratilova in the final. By doing so, Martinez became the first – and to date only – Spanish woman to lift the Venus Rosewater Dish, and the only Champion between 1982 and 1996 other than Navratilova or Steffi Graf. ", "precise_score": 1.3783900737762451, "rough_score": 3.690446138381958, "source": "search", "title": "History - 1990s - The Championships, Wimbledon 2016 ..." }, { "answer": "Martina Navratilova", "passage": "So, Martina Navratilova, your path to the women's final and a record ninth Wimbledon title has been cleared of Steffi Graf, now how do you feel? \"I'm just trying not to hyperventilate,\" Navratilova said. All that separates the 33-year-old Navratilova from a ninth Wimbledon crown--Helen Wills Moody had eight, the last in 1938--is Zina Garrison. The odds are against Garrison, who is 1-27 against Navratilova. \"I've beaten her once and I've played her close in a lot of situations,\" Garrison said.", "precise_score": 4.941042423248291, "rough_score": 4.072218894958496, "source": "search", "title": "Featured Articles about Helen Wills Moody - Page 2 - latimes" }, { "answer": "Martina Navratilova", "passage": "Martina Navratilova, who won a record ninth Wimbledon title only to be criticized by Margaret Court as a poor role model because she is gay, said Friday that the three-time former Wimbledon champion was out of line. \"Her timing was atrocious,\" Navratilova said. \"Who is she to judge me? I don't judge her. I don't judge anybody else. Why judge? She's not perfect. Nobody's perfect.\"", "precise_score": 7.289436340332031, "rough_score": 6.457835674285889, "source": "search", "title": "Featured Articles about Helen Wills Moody - Page 2 - latimes" }, { "answer": "Martina Navratilova", "passage": "The road back to the top wasn't easy, but Serena Williams is back. Compton's own held on to beat Agnieszka Radwanska of Poland 6-1, 5-7, 6-2 in the Wimbledon final on Saturday to claim her 14th Grand Slam singles title, her fifth at the All England Club, matching sister Venus' total. With the victory, Williams becomes the first woman past her 30th birthday to win a major in 22 years. Martina Navratilova was the last to do so, capturing a ninth Wimbledon crown in 1990 at age 33.", "precise_score": 8.245613098144531, "rough_score": 6.909627914428711, "source": "search", "title": "Serena Williams Wins Wimbledon - Black Listed - EBONY" }, { "answer": "Martina Navratilova", "passage": "Martina Navratilova (; born Martina Šubertová; October 18, 1956) is a retired Czech and American tennis player and coach. In 2005, Tennis magazine selected her as the greatest female tennis player for the years 1965 through 2005.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.725035667419434, "source": "wiki", "title": "Martina Navratilova" }, { "answer": "Martina Navrátilová", "passage": "Navratilova was born Martina Šubertová in Prague, Czechoslovakia. Her parents divorced when she was three, and her mother, an accomplished gymnast, tennis player, and ski instructor, moved the family to Řevnice. In 1962, her mother Jana married Miroslav Navrátil, who became her first tennis coach. Martina then took the name of her stepfather (adding the feminine suffix \"ová\"), thus becoming Martina Navrátilová. Her father, Mirek, was a ski instructor and remarried and divorced. When she was eight, he committed suicide. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.320859909057617, "source": "wiki", "title": "Martina Navratilova" }, { "answer": "Martina Navratilova", "passage": "In 2006, Martina Navratilova was named by Equality Forum as one of their 31 Icons of the LGBT History Month. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.024813652038574, "source": "wiki", "title": "Martina Navratilova" }, { "answer": "Martina Navratilova", "passage": "In November 2008, Martina Navratilova appeared on the UK's ITV series Series 8 of I'm a Celebrity... Get Me Out of Here!; she finished runner-up to Joe Swash. In February 2012 Navratilova was announced as a cast member on the 14th season of ABC's Dancing with the Stars. She was partnered with Tony Dovolani, but they were the first pair eliminated. Navratilova guest-starred as a dissatisfied Yelp reviewer in episode three of the third season of absurdist comedy Portlandia.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.935135841369629, "source": "wiki", "title": "Martina Navratilova" }, { "answer": "Martina Navratilova", "passage": "WIMBLEDON, England, July 7— She straddled the net to acknowledge a badly beaten opponent and then, her courtside courtesies complete, Martina Navratilova sank down on her sore, old knees for an instant of silent communion with the tennis court she loves best.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.739720821380615, "source": "search", "title": "TENNIS - Navratilova Captures Ninth Singles Title ..." }, { "answer": "Martina Navratilova", "passage": "Photos: Martina Navratilova during the final game in her defeat of Zina Garrison in the women's singles final yesterday at Wimbledon (Reuters) (pg. 1); Zina Garrison and Martina Navratilova after their match yesterday. (Associated Press)", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.408936023712158, "source": "search", "title": "TENNIS - Navratilova Captures Ninth Singles Title ..." }, { "answer": "Martina Navratilova", "passage": "Photo: Martina Navratilova defeated Zina Garrison yesterday to become the first player ever to win nine Wimbledon singles championships. She won in straight sets, 6-4, 6-1. Sports, section 8. (Reuters)", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -2.0582098960876465, "source": "search", "title": "Navratilova Wins a Record Ninth Wimbledon Singles Title ..." }, { "answer": "Martina Navratilova", "passage": "WIMBLEDON, England — Wimbledon brought Martina Navratilova to her knees Saturday afternoon at Centre Court, where she knelt quietly for a few seconds. Then she stood, looked up at the sky and shook her head in wonder.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.104043960571289, "source": "search", "title": "For Navratilova, Nine Is Perfect at Wimbledon - latimes" }, { "answer": "Martina Navratilova", "passage": "1994: Conchita Martinez v Martina Navratilova", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.590519905090332, "source": "search", "title": "History - 1990s - The Championships, Wimbledon 2016 ..." }, { "answer": "Martina Navratilova", "passage": "In one of the most famous and clichéd of all Wimbledon rain delays, play was interrupted extensively in 1996, and so Sir Cliff Richard was invited to give an impromptu concert on Centre Court. The ageing popstar delighted the sodden crowd with a rendition of ‘Singing in the Rain,’ backed by the implausible choir of Virginia Wade, Martina Navratilova, Pam Shriver, Gigi Fernandez and Conchita Martinez.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.09849739074707, "source": "search", "title": "History - 1990s - The Championships, Wimbledon 2016 ..." }, { "answer": "Martina Navratilova", "passage": "Some of Wimbledon's greatest champions, including Rod Laver, John Newcombe, John McEnroe, Boris Becker, Pete Sampras, Louise Brough, Maria Bueno, Margaret Court, Billie Jean King, Chris Evert and Martina Navratilova gathered at the All England Club in 1997, invited for the opening ceremony of the new No.1 Court at Wimbledon.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -0.23509205877780914, "source": "search", "title": "History - 1990s - The Championships, Wimbledon 2016 ..." }, { "answer": "Martina Navratilova", "passage": "On the women's side of Wimbledon, a three-way battle is shaping up among No. 1 Steffi Graf, No. 2 Martina Navratilova and No. 3 Monica Seles. Two-time defending champion Graf has been made an odds-on favorite to win again, but she is coming off consecutive losses to Seles in the German and French opens. Seles, whose game is better suited to clay courts than the grass of Wimbledon, has won 32 consecutive matches and five consecutive tournaments. Then there is Navratilova.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.521691799163818, "source": "search", "title": "Featured Articles about Helen Wills Moody - Page 2 - latimes" }, { "answer": "Martina Navratilova", "passage": "In the Wimbledon women's semifinals, Steffi Graf and Martina Navratilova are chasing legends of different eras. Graf's opponent is Chris Evert, 34, who will probably be making her last appearance on the most famous grass courts in tennis. Navratilova, who will play Catarina Lindqvist of Sweden, is only two victories away from a record ninth Wimbledon title. She is tied with Helen Wills Moody at eight. Winning today would take a huge upset by Evert, who hasn't beaten Graf in three years.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 2.8317155838012695, "source": "search", "title": "Featured Articles about Helen Wills Moody - Page 2 - latimes" }, { "answer": "Martina Navratilova", "passage": "Martina Navratilova, making her final appearance on Wimbledon's Centre Court, will play Conchita Martinez today for the women's singles championship. The 37-year-old Navratilova, the oldest player in the draw, has made no secret of her feelings for Wimbledon. It is her favorite tournament, her favorite playing surface and her favorite singles title, which figures, because she has nine of them.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -2.5798890590667725, "source": "search", "title": "Featured Articles about Helen Wills Moody - Page 2 - latimes" }, { "answer": "Martina Navratilova", "passage": "Monica Seles is as close to a sure thing as there is in women's tennis these days, having won three of the four Grand Slam tournaments last year. But if Martina Navratilova had a choice, a hard court would be the surface she would select to play the top-ranked Seles. Navratilova, ranked fourth, could get that chance this week at Indian Wells, where she is seeded to meet Seles in the final of the Evert Cup. The tournament starts today at Hyatt Grand Champions Resort.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.956396579742432, "source": "search", "title": "Featured Articles about Helen Wills Moody - Page 2 - latimes" }, { "answer": "Martina Navratilova", "passage": "\"I think people thought of her as a villain because physically she was so strong. There's Chrissy and Tracy Austin and Evonne Goolagong and then along comes Martina, who's working out and there's veins popping out of her arms and who's really strong. And people were taken back. They were intimidated by this. But she's a kitten,\" says Chris Evert about Martina Navratilova on ESPN Classic's SportsCentury series.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.993998527526855, "source": "search", "title": "ESPN Classic - Martina was alone on top" }, { "answer": "Martina Navratilova", "passage": "It wasn't easy for Martina Navratilova, born a Czechoslovakian but with the heart of an American. It was hard shaping up and winning a record nine Wimbledons, including six consecutively on the hallowed grass. It was even more difficult winning over the fans. Her public perception advanced from animosity to acceptance to adulation.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.956839561462402, "source": "search", "title": "ESPN Classic - Martina was alone on top" }, { "answer": "Martina Navratilova", "passage": "BBC SPORT | Tennis | History | Wimbledon legends: Martina Navratilova", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.384058952331543, "source": "search", "title": "Wimbledon legends: Martina Navratilova - BBC News" }, { "answer": "Martina Navratilova", "passage": "Wimbledon legends: Martina Navratilova", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.024674415588379, "source": "search", "title": "Wimbledon legends: Martina Navratilova - BBC News" }, { "answer": "Martina Navratilova", "passage": "Martina Navratilova took her haul of Wimbledon titles to a record-equalling 20 in 2003 after victory in the mixed doubles with Leander Paes.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 2.4960052967071533, "source": "search", "title": "Wimbledon legends: Martina Navratilova - BBC News" } ]
On which course does the Kentucky Derby take place?
{ "aliases": [ "Churchill Downs Racetrack", "Churchill Downs" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "churchill downs", "churchill downs racetrack" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "churchill downs", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Churchill Downs" }
[ { "answer": "Churchill Downs", "passage": "The Kentucky Derby is a horse race held annually in Louisville, Kentucky, United States, on the first Saturday in May, capping the two-week-long Kentucky Derby Festival. The race is a Grade I stakes race for three-year-old Thoroughbreds at a distance of one and a quarter miles (2 km) at Churchill Downs. Colts and geldings carry 126 lb and fillies 121 lb. ", "precise_score": 5.010750770568848, "rough_score": 0.7884237170219421, "source": "wiki", "title": "Kentucky Derby" }, { "answer": "Churchill Downs", "passage": "The state where the Kentucky Derby takes place may be in the name but the exact location of it is less well known. Churchill Downs may not be a household name like Daytona, Yankees Stadium, Wrigley Field, or Fenway but it is a proud track that has a storied history.", "precise_score": 2.3346776962280273, "rough_score": 5.653775691986084, "source": "search", "title": "Where Does the Kentucky Derby Take Place? | Mic" }, { "answer": "Churchill Downs", "passage": " A: The Kentucky Derby takes place at the Churchill Downs race course in Louisville, KY.", "precise_score": 9.627676963806152, "rough_score": 9.605986595153809, "source": "search", "title": "When is the Kentucky Derby? What time the Derby starts?" }, { "answer": "Churchill Downs", "passage": "Horses have been raced at Churchill Downs in Louisville every consecutive year since 1875. The Kentucky Derby is as American, or even more American, than apple fucking pie. Therefore, you can’t celebrate the derby half-assed. It has to be full throttle or no throttle. You have to know your shit about the race and its traditions, or you have to stay at home. Most importantly though, you have to be prepared to drink, gamble and carry on like a raging lunatic. ", "precise_score": -0.030796855688095093, "rough_score": -0.8974919319152832, "source": "search", "title": "10 Things You Need For a Kick-Ass Kentucky Derby Party" }, { "answer": "Churchill Downs", "passage": "Returning home to Kentucky, Clark organized the Louisville Jockey Club for the purpose of raising money to build quality racing facilities just outside the city. The track would soon become known as Churchill Downs, named for John and Henry Churchill, who provided the land for the racetrack. Officially, the racetrack was incorporated as Churchill Downs in 1937.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.603755950927734, "source": "wiki", "title": "Kentucky Derby" }, { "answer": "Churchill Downs", "passage": "Although the first race meeting proved a success, the track ran into financial difficulties and in 1894 the New Louisville Jockey Club was incorporated with new capitalization and improved facilities. Despite this, the business foundered until 1902 when Col. Matt Winn of Louisville put together a syndicate of businessmen to acquire the facility. Under Winn, Churchill Downs prospered and the Kentucky Derby then became the preeminent stakes race for three-year-old thoroughbred horses in North America.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.560986042022705, "source": "wiki", "title": "Kentucky Derby" }, { "answer": "Churchill Downs", "passage": "In 2007, HM Queen Elizabeth II, on a visit to the United States, joined the racegoers at Churchill Downs.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.32646656036377, "source": "wiki", "title": "Kentucky Derby" }, { "answer": "Churchill Downs", "passage": "In addition to the race itself, a number of traditions play a large role in the Derby atmosphere. The mint julep, an iced drink consisting of bourbon, mint, and a sugar syrup, is the traditional beverage of the race. The historic drink can be served in an ice-frosted silver julep cup, but most Churchill Downs patrons sip theirs from souvenir glasses (first offered in 1939 and available in revised form each year since) printed with all previous Derby winners. Also, burgoo, a thick stew of beef, chicken, pork, and vegetables, is a popular Kentucky dish served at the Derby.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.19862699508667, "source": "wiki", "title": "Kentucky Derby" }, { "answer": "Churchill Downs", "passage": "The Derby is frequently referred to as \"The Run for the Roses,\" because a lush blanket of 554 red roses is awarded to the Kentucky Derby winner each year. The tradition originated in 1883 when New York socialite E. Berry Wall presented roses to ladies at a post-Derby party that was attended by Churchill Downs founder and president, Col. M. Lewis Clark. This gesture is believed to have led Clark to the idea of making the rose the race's official flower. However, it was not until 1896 that any recorded account referred to roses being draped on the Derby winner. The Governor of Kentucky awards the garland and the Kentucky Derby Trophy. Pop vocalist Dan Fogelberg composed the song \"Run for the Roses\" which was released in time for the 1980 running of the race. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.265956401824951, "source": "wiki", "title": "Kentucky Derby" }, { "answer": "Churchill Downs", "passage": "© 2017 Churchill Downs Incorporated . All Rights Reserved.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.548652648925781, "source": "search", "title": "Home | 2016 Kentucky Derby & Oaks | May 6 and 7, 2016 ..." }, { "answer": "Churchill Downs", "passage": "Churchill Downs, Kentucky Derby, Kentucky Oaks, the “twin spires design”, and Churchill Downs Incorporated related trademarks are registered trademarks of Churchill Downs Incorporated.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.861963272094727, "source": "search", "title": "Home | 2016 Kentucky Derby & Oaks | May 6 and 7, 2016 ..." }, { "answer": "Churchill Downs", "passage": "Churchill Downs is located in Louisville, Kentucky. Opened in 1875, it held the first Kentucky Derby ever and has hosted the event for all of its 139-year history. It was initially opened to fill a hole left by the closing of two nearby horse racing tracks. The famous twin spire grandstand was built 20 years later in 1895. Also started in 1895 was the tradition of giving the winner of the Kentucky Derby a garland of roses.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -1.1108529567718506, "source": "search", "title": "Where Does the Kentucky Derby Take Place? | Mic" }, { "answer": "Churchill Downs", "passage": "Kentucky Derby Start Time: Critical Information for Race at Churchill Downs | Bleacher Report", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.211337566375732, "source": "search", "title": "Kentucky Derby Start Time: Critical Information for Race ..." }, { "answer": "Churchill Downs", "passage": "Kentucky Derby Start Time: Critical Information for Race at Churchill Downs", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.319230079650879, "source": "search", "title": "Kentucky Derby Start Time: Critical Information for Race ..." }, { "answer": "Churchill Downs", "passage": "Churchill Downs Racetrack | Home of the Kentucky Derby | Thoroughbred horse racing in Louisville, Kentucky | | Churchill Downs Racetrack | Home of the Kentucky Derby", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.802848815917969, "source": "search", "title": "Churchill Downs Racetrack | Home of the Kentucky Derby ..." }, { "answer": "Churchill Downs", "passage": "Sign up for Churchill Downs Information", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.548225402832031, "source": "search", "title": "Churchill Downs Racetrack | Home of the Kentucky Derby ..." }, { "answer": "Churchill Downs", "passage": "© 2016 Churchill Downs Incorporated . All Rights Reserved.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.537751197814941, "source": "search", "title": "Churchill Downs Racetrack | Home of the Kentucky Derby ..." }, { "answer": "Churchill Downs", "passage": "Churchill Downs, Kentucky Derby, Kentucky Oaks, the “twin spires design”, and Churchill Downs Incorporated related trademarks are registered trademarks of Churchill Downs Incorporated.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.861963272094727, "source": "search", "title": "Churchill Downs Racetrack | Home of the Kentucky Derby ..." } ]
Which American was the youngest male Olympic gold medalist when he won in 1948?
{ "aliases": [ "Bob Matthias", "Robert B. Mathias", "Robert Bruce Mathias", "Bob Mathias", "Robert Mathias" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "bob matthias", "robert b mathias", "bob mathias", "robert mathias", "robert bruce mathias" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "bob mathias", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Bob Mathias" }
[ { "answer": "Bob Mathias", "passage": "Bob Mathias was able to overcome his inexperience to win the Decathlon at the 1948 London Games easily at just 17-years old, and without knowing many of the rules of the event.", "precise_score": 1.1826732158660889, "rough_score": -6.873708724975586, "source": "search", "title": "Famous Olympians - geni family tree" }, { "answer": "Bob Mathias", "passage": "7 Bob Mathias, 17", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.812249183654785, "source": "search", "title": "Top 10 Youngest Olympic Winners - Top 100 arena Blog" } ]
In women's field hockey, which country has won the most World Cups?
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[ { "answer": "Netherlands", "passage": "The biggest two field hockey tournaments are the Olympic Games tournament, and the Hockey World Cup, which is also held every 4 years. Apart from this, there is the Champions Trophy held each year for the six top-ranked teams. Field hockey has also been played at the Commonwealth Games since 1998. Amongst the men, India lead in Olympic competition, having won 8 golds (6 successive in row). Amongst the women, Australia and Netherlands have 3 Olympic golds while Netherlands has clinched the World Cup 6 times. The Sultan Azlan Shah Hockey Tournament and Sultan Ibrahim Ismail Hockey Tournament is for the junior team but both tournaments are held annually in Malaysia, is becoming a prominent field hockey tournament where teams from around the world participate to win the cup.", "precise_score": 5.602694034576416, "rough_score": 6.579495429992676, "source": "wiki", "title": "Field hockey" }, { "answer": "Netherlands", "passage": "India and Pakistan dominated men's hockey until the early 1980s, winning eight Olympic golds and three of the first five world cups respectively, but have become less prominent with the ascendancy of the Netherlands, Germany, New Zealand, Australia and Spain since the late 1980s, as grass playing surfaces were replaced with artificial turf (which conferred increased importance on athleticism). Other notable men's nations include Argentina, England (who combine with other British \"Home Nations\" to form the Great Britain side at Olympic events) and South Korea. Despite their recent drop in international rankings, Pakistan still holds the record of four World Cup wins.", "precise_score": 3.7528767585754395, "rough_score": 2.8604328632354736, "source": "wiki", "title": "Field hockey" }, { "answer": "Netherlands", "passage": "Netherlands, Australia and Argentina are the most successful national teams among women. The Netherlands was the predominant women's team before field hockey was added to Olympic events. In the early 1990s, Australia emerged as the strongest women's country although retirement of a number of players weakened the team. Argentina improved its play on the 2000s, heading IFH rankings in 2003, 2010 and 2013. Other prominent women's teams are China, South Korea, Germany and South Africa.", "precise_score": 4.702928066253662, "rough_score": 2.628324508666992, "source": "wiki", "title": "Field hockey" }, { "answer": "Netherlands", "passage": "Hockey World Cup better known as Hockey World Championship is a most popular international field hockey competition organized by the International Hockey Federation (FIH). 2014 Hockey World Cup is hosted in Netherlands. Next world Cup will be in 2018, which will be in India.", "precise_score": 2.709925651550293, "rough_score": 5.107965469360352, "source": "search", "title": "India and World Cup Hockey - Indianetzone" }, { "answer": "Netherlands", "passage": "Hockey World Cup is held every four years, bridging the four years between the Summer Olympics. Five countries have dominated the event's history. Pakistan is the most successful team, having won the tournament four times. The Netherlands have won three titles, and Germany and Australia have each won two titles. India won the tournament once.", "precise_score": 5.290616512298584, "rough_score": 1.5871691703796387, "source": "search", "title": "India and World Cup Hockey - Indianetzone" }, { "answer": "Netherlands", "passage": "The 2010 Hockey World Cup was held in India from February 28 to March 13 at New Delhi 's Dhyan Chand National Stadium. Australia defeated Germany in 2-1 in the final, to win their second World Cup title. And in the 2014, the Hockey World Cup is hosted in Netherlands, with the name \"Rabobank Hockey World Cup The Hague 2014\". Next World Cup Hockey will be in India.", "precise_score": 2.08538556098938, "rough_score": 0.9744203686714172, "source": "search", "title": "India and World Cup Hockey - Indianetzone" }, { "answer": "Netherlands", "passage": "World Cup Tournament of Hockey 2010 was the 12th edition of Hockey World Cup for men. It was held from 28 February to 13 March 2010 in New Delhi, India. In that tournament, Australia won the tournament after defeating Germany 2-1 in the final match. By that, they collected their second World Cup, after the title obtained in 1986. Netherlands won the third place match by defeating England 4-3. In that World Cup Tournament, India ranked 8th.", "precise_score": 3.4522323608398438, "rough_score": 1.2217381000518799, "source": "search", "title": "India and World Cup Hockey - Indianetzone" }, { "answer": "Netherlands", "passage": "Pakistan is the most successful team of the Hockey World Cup, having won the tournament four times. The Netherlands have won three titles, and Germany has won two titles. India and Australia have each won the tournament once.", "precise_score": 6.50435209274292, "rough_score": 2.4280500411987305, "source": "search", "title": "History of Hockey World Cup - Times of India" }, { "answer": "Netherlands", "passage": "Field hockey is a team sport of the hockey family. The earliest origins of the sport date back to the Middle Ages in England, Scotland and the Netherlands. The game can be played on a grass field or a turf field as well as an indoor board surface. Each team plays with eleven players including the goalie. Players use sticks made out of wood, carbon fibre, fiberglass or a combination of carbon fibre and fibre glass in different quantities (with the higher carbon fibre stick being more expensive and less likely to break) to hit a round, hard, rubber like ball. The length of the stick depends on the player's individual height. Only one side of the stick is allowed to be used. Goalies often have a different kind of stick however they can also use an ordinary field hockey stick. The specific goal keeping sticks have another curve on the end of the stick. The uniform consists of shin-guards, shoes, shorts, a mouth guard and a jersey. At the turn of the 21st century and 3rd millennium, the game is played globally, with particular popularity throughout western Europe, the Indian subcontinent, Southern Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Southern and Northeastern United States (such as Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Kentucky, Massachusetts, and Pennsylvania). Hockey is the national sport of Pakistan, and is sometimes assumed to be India's national sport as well. The term \"field hockey\" is used primarily in Canada and the United States where ice hockey is more popular.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.515658378601074, "source": "wiki", "title": "Field hockey" }, { "answer": "Netherlands", "passage": "In the early 1970s, artificial turf began to be used. Synthetic pitches changed most aspects of field hockey, gaining speed. New tactics and techniques such as the Indian dribble developed, followed by new rules to take account. The switch to synthetic surfaces ended Indian and Pakistani domination because artificial turf was too expensive in developing countries. Since the 1970s, Australia, the Netherlands, and Germany have dominated at the Olympics.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.827126502990723, "source": "wiki", "title": "Field hockey" }, { "answer": "Netherlands", "passage": "By the early 1970s, there were 22 associations with women's sections in the FIH and 36 associations in the IFWHA. Discussions started about a common rule book. The FIH introduced competitive tournaments in 1974, forcing the acceptance of the principle of competitive field hockey by the IFWHA in 1973. It took until 1982 for the two bodies to merge, but this allowed the introduction of women's field hockey to the Olympic games from 1980 where, as in the men's game, The Netherlands, Germany, and Australia have been consistently strong. Argentina has emerged as a team to be reckoned with since 2000, winning the world championship in 2002 and 2010 and medals at the last three Olympics.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -2.0066349506378174, "source": "wiki", "title": "Field hockey" }, { "answer": "Netherlands", "passage": " Germany's men's team and the Netherlands' women's teams lead the FIH world rankings.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.962366580963135, "source": "wiki", "title": "Field hockey" }, { "answer": "Netherlands", "passage": "Of the thirteen tournaments held so far, only four teams have won the event. Netherlands is the most successful team, having won the title seven times. Argentina, Germany and Australia are joint second best teams, having each won the title twice. So far, Netherlands and Australia are the two champions able to defend their titles. At the end of the 2014 World Cup, fourteen nations had reached the semifinal of the tournament.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.798327922821045, "source": "wiki", "title": "Women's Hockey World Cup" }, { "answer": "Netherlands", "passage": "The 2014 tournament was held in The Hague, Netherlands from 2 to 14 June, with Netherlands winning a record seventh title after beating Australia 2–0 in the final. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.334437370300293, "source": "wiki", "title": "Women's Hockey World Cup" }, { "answer": "Netherlands", "passage": "Argentina, Germany and the Netherlands are the only teams to have competed at each World Cup; 28 teams have competed in at least one World Cup.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.2504637241363525, "source": "wiki", "title": "Women's Hockey World Cup" }, { "answer": "Netherlands", "passage": "Five countries have dominated the event's history. Pakistan is the most successful team, having won the tournament four times. The Netherlands and Australia have won three titles, and Germany has each won two titles. India won the tournament once.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.144013404846191, "source": "wiki", "title": "Hockey World Cup" }, { "answer": "Netherlands", "passage": "The 2014 tournament was held in The Hague, Netherlands from June 2 to 14. Australia defeated Netherlands 6–1 in the final, to win their third World Cup title. The 2018 tournament will be held in Bhubaneswar, India from 28 November to 16 December. The World Cup will expand to 16 teams in 2018, and FIH will evaluate the possibility of increasing it to 24 in 2022. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.391225814819336, "source": "wiki", "title": "Hockey World Cup" }, { "answer": "Netherlands", "passage": "Twenty-four teams have qualified for a Hockey World Cup. Of these, eleven teams have made it to the semifinals. Seven teams have made it through to the finals. To date, Pakistan has been the most successful team in the World Cup, with four titles from six appearances in the final. The Netherlands have also been successful, with three titles from six appearances in the final.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -0.7737862467765808, "source": "wiki", "title": "Hockey World Cup" }, { "answer": "Netherlands", "passage": "Nine nations have hosted the Hockey World Cup. Only the Netherlands (1973 and 1998) and Germany (2006) have won the tournament as hosts. Spain, England, and Pakistan emerged as host runners-up in the 1971, 1986 and 1990 tournaments. Australia placed third when it hosted the 1994 tournament in Sydney.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 0.06913482397794724, "source": "wiki", "title": "Hockey World Cup" }, { "answer": "Netherlands", "passage": "Germany, India, the Netherlands and Spain are the only teams to have competed at each World Cup; 24 teams have competed in at least one World Cup.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.443458318710327, "source": "wiki", "title": "Hockey World Cup" }, { "answer": "Netherlands", "passage": "World Cup Tournament of Hockey 2014 was the 13th edition of Hockey World Cup for men. This world cup is currently hosting in Netherlands. And the next World Cup will be on 2018. 2018 World Cup will be in India.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -2.191549301147461, "source": "search", "title": "India and World Cup Hockey - Indianetzone" }, { "answer": "Netherlands", "passage": "Netherlands = 9 World Cups (in Hockey)", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -1.0783803462982178, "source": "search", "title": "Which nation has won the most World Cups in the top 5 team ..." }, { "answer": "Netherlands", "passage": "> Top Ass/Aff Member  Netherlands          166", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.362147331237793, "source": "search", "title": "Which nation has won the most World Cups in the top 5 team ..." }, { "answer": "Netherlands", "passage": "Pakistan, who had lost 2-3 to Spain in the league, were lucky to even qualify for the semis as The Netherlands, needing a win to advance to the round of four, crashed to a shock 1-0 defeat to Japan.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.886576652526855, "source": "search", "title": "History of Hockey World Cup - Times of India" }, { "answer": "Netherlands", "passage": "Winner: Netherlands", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.07271671295166, "source": "search", "title": "History of Hockey World Cup - Times of India" }, { "answer": "Netherlands", "passage": "The fourth Hockey World Cup was held at Campo del Polo, Buenos Aires, Argentina, from March 18-April 1, 1978 and was yet again dominated by Pakistan with a 3-2 win against the Netherlands in the final.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.861319065093994, "source": "search", "title": "History of Hockey World Cup - Times of India" }, { "answer": "Netherlands", "passage": "Pakistan won the competition for the second time beating the Netherlands 3-2.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.882606506347656, "source": "search", "title": "History of Hockey World Cup - Times of India" }, { "answer": "Netherlands", "passage": "Possibly one of the most exciting tournaments ever with hosts Pakistan meeting Netherlands in the final yet again, but history did not repeat itself and Pakistan lost 3-1.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.132813453674316, "source": "search", "title": "History of Hockey World Cup - Times of India" }, { "answer": "Netherlands", "passage": "The Indians began with a 1-1 draw with Soviet Union, then lost 3-5 to Argentina, 1-2 to France, 3-5 to the Netherlands and 2-3 to Australia in the league. Their only win was against Canada (2-1) in the classification match before they lost 0-1 to Argentina to end up 10th.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.7928466796875, "source": "search", "title": "History of Hockey World Cup - Times of India" }, { "answer": "Netherlands", "passage": "Winner: Netherlands", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.07271671295166, "source": "search", "title": "History of Hockey World Cup - Times of India" }, { "answer": "Netherlands", "passage": "The finals consisted of Netherlands versus Pakistan for the third time in history. The final game was a draw of 1-1, after penalties, Pakistan claimed the trophy with 4-3 win.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.21385383605957, "source": "search", "title": "History of Hockey World Cup - Times of India" }, { "answer": "Netherlands", "passage": "Defeats to Germany (2-1) and the Netherlands (4-2) in the league saw India finishing third in the pool with victories against Korea (2-0) and Belgium (4-2) and a 2-2 draw with South Africa contributing to their points tally of five.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.261558532714844, "source": "search", "title": "History of Hockey World Cup - Times of India" }, { "answer": "Netherlands", "passage": "The Hockey World Cup of 1998 was held at Galgenwaard Stadium in Utrecht, Netherlands from June 20-July 1, 1998.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.9197998046875, "source": "search", "title": "History of Hockey World Cup - Times of India" }, { "answer": "Netherlands", "passage": "The World Cup witnessed the height of Spanish resurgence as they made it to the final only to lose 2-3 to the Netherlands in extra-time. It was a repeat clash of the 1996 Olympic final that the Dutch had won 3-1. The Utrecht success presented the Dutch their third World Cup.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.195423126220703, "source": "search", "title": "History of Hockey World Cup - Times of India" }, { "answer": "Netherlands", "passage": "India finished ninth after losing to Canada (1-4), Germany (1-4), South Korea (3-4) and the Netherlands (0-5) while chalking up just one win (1-0) against New Zealand in the league.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.592276573181152, "source": "search", "title": "History of Hockey World Cup - Times of India" }, { "answer": "Netherlands", "passage": "Winner: Netherlands", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.072715759277344, "source": "search", "title": "History of Hockey World Cup - Times of India" }, { "answer": "Netherlands", "passage": "This was followed by a 1-6 thrashing against the Netherlands.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.428627967834473, "source": "search", "title": "History of Hockey World Cup - Times of India" }, { "answer": "Netherlands", "passage": "Although not a very good team, they are way better than United Kingdom, China, Netherlands and Japan for sure. They should be placed higher", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.120203971862793, "source": "search", "title": "Top Ten Best Hockey Countries - TheTopTens®" } ]
Name France's last Wimbledon men's singles winner of this century.
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[ { "answer": "Yvon Petra", "passage": "1946 Yvon Petra (France) beat Geoff Brown (Australia) 6-2 6-4 7-9 5-7 6-4", "precise_score": -3.489996910095215, "rough_score": -9.671634674072266, "source": "search", "title": "List of winners of Wimbledon men's singles | Reuters" } ]
Who was the oldest US Open golf champion of the 20th century?
{ "aliases": [ "Hale Irwin" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "hale irwin" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "hale irwin", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Hale Irwin" }
[ { "answer": "Hale Irwin", "passage": "Willie Anderson, Bobby Jones, Ben Hogan and Jack Nicklaus hold the record for the most U.S. Open victories, with four victories each. Hale Irwin is the oldest winner of the U.S. Open at 45 years and 15 days in 1990. The youngest winner of the U.S. Open is John McDermott at 19 years, 10 months and 14 days in 1911.", "precise_score": 7.3291916847229, "rough_score": 6.968000411987305, "source": "wiki", "title": "U.S. Open (golf)" }, { "answer": "Hale Irwin", "passage": "The USGA has granted a special exemption to 34 players 52 times since 1966. Players with multiple special exemptions include: Arnold Palmer (1978, 1980, 1981, 1983, 1994), Seve Ballesteros (1978, 1994), Gary Player (1981, 1983), Lee Trevino (1983, 1984), Hale Irwin (1990, 2002, 2003), Jack Nicklaus (1991, 1993, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000), Tom Watson (1993, 1996, 2000, 2003, 2010).", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.420083045959473, "source": "wiki", "title": "U.S. Open (golf)" }, { "answer": "Hale Irwin", "passage": "* Oldest champion: Hale Irwin in 1990 at .", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -0.19874052703380585, "source": "wiki", "title": "U.S. Open (golf)" }, { "answer": "Hale Irwin", "passage": "In more recent memory, Hale Irwin won the Championship a total of three times between 1974 and 1990 and on his final victory become the oldest ever US Open champion at the age of 45.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 6.638919830322266, "source": "search", "title": "US Open Championship History - Golf Odds | Leaderboard" } ]
Who did Hubert Green beat to win the US PGA Championship in 1985?
{ "aliases": [ "Lee Treviño", "Super Mex", "Supermex", "Lee Trevino", "Lee Buck Trevino", "The Merry Mex" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "lee treviño", "supermex", "lee trevino", "super mex", "merry mex", "lee buck trevino" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "lee trevino", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Lee Trevino" }
[ { "answer": "Lee Trevino", "passage": "At the 1985 PGA Championship, Green won his second major title, two strokes ahead of defending champion Lee Trevino. It was Green's 19th and final victory on the PGA Tour.", "precise_score": 8.120210647583008, "rough_score": 6.973539352416992, "source": "wiki", "title": "Hubert Green" }, { "answer": "Lee Trevino", "passage": "Hubert Green won the 1985 PGA Championship , overtaking 36-hole leader Lee Trevino in the third round when Trevino shot 75 to Green's 70. That gave Green a 3-stroke lead beginning the final round.", "precise_score": 10.247817993164062, "rough_score": 8.824295997619629, "source": "search", "title": "1985 PGA Championship Tournament Summary and Scores" }, { "answer": "Lee Trevino", "passage": "In 1985 Green returned from virtual golf oblivion to out-duel defending champion Lee Trevino for the Professional Golf Association (PGA) title at Cherry Hills Country Club near Denver. In one memorable moment, Green hit a spectacular shot out of a sand trap on the 18th hole that stopped a foot away from the cup. In the head-to-head, two-man struggle, Green won by two strokes in a driving rainstorm, ending his dry spell. That PGA win at age 39 was Green's 19th professional tour victory. Afterward, he played less and began designing golf courses in his home state as well as in Georgia, Nevada, and even Japan.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 4.178888320922852, "source": "search", "title": "Hubert Green | Encyclopedia of Alabama" }, { "answer": "Lee Trevino", "passage": "DENVER, Aug. 11— Hubert Green withstood the pressures of a thrilling head-to-head match against Lee Trevino today and the distractions of his own temper to win the 67th PGA Championship by two shots over Trevino, the udefending champion.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 5.64048957824707, "source": "search", "title": "GREEN WINNER OF PGA -" }, { "answer": "Lee Trevino", "passage": "photo of Lee Trevino (UPI) (page C7)", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.447668075561523, "source": "search", "title": "GREEN WINNER OF PGA -" }, { "answer": "Lee Trevino", "passage": "His play slacked off in the 1980s, but his final victory was a big one: the 1985 PGA Championship , where Green edged Lee Trevino .", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 4.178980350494385, "source": "search", "title": "Golfer Hubert Green: Biography and Career Details" }, { "answer": "Lee Trevino", "passage": "Green, 56, won the 1977 U.S. Open at Southern Hills despite playing the final round under a death threat. The last of his 19 victories came in 1985, when he won the PGA at Cherry Hills by two shots over Lee Trevino.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 6.275758743286133, "source": "search", "title": "Hubert Green Diagnosed with Cancer | Golf Channel" } ]
Who devised the Breeder's Cup?
{ "aliases": [ "Gaines, John", "John Gaines (disambiguation)", "John Gaines" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "john gaines", "john gaines disambiguation", "gaines john" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "john gaines", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "John Gaines" }
[ { "answer": "John Gaines", "passage": "Still, 30 years after the first Breeders' Cup, it is doubtful the John Gaines would look upon this anniversary with approval. He would no doubt marvel at technological advances he dared not imagine in the '80s. Like those who recall the first Breeders' Cup as the perfect and personal racing event, Gaines would likely rail at the expansion to 14 races run over two days, regardless of the marketing advantages, carp at the inclusion of races meaningless to the determination of championships and almost certainly make known his disapproval of what his 30-year-old child had become in maturity.", "precise_score": 1.127441644668579, "rough_score": -8.848858833312988, "source": "search", "title": "Evolution of the Breeders' Cup -" }, { "answer": "John Gaines", "passage": "It made no sense to a handful of Kentucky breeders, led by John Gaines and John Nerud, that as other sports built dramatic momentum toward a finale, racing's various titles were decided piecemeal and primarily in New York. There was no equivalent to the Super Bowl or World Series, only occasional television exposure. It didn't get better than a seven-game series, but racing allowed for no such drama. Racing's most marketable and popular events were confined to the spring.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.002765655517578, "source": "search", "title": "Evolution of the Breeders' Cup -" } ]
Which team lost the first Super Bowl of the 1980s?
{ "aliases": [ "Los Angeles Rams", "List of Los Angeles Rams seasons", "History of the Los Angeles Rams", "L A Rams", "L. A. Rams", "L.A. Rams", "LA Rams" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "list of los angeles rams seasons", "history of los angeles rams", "los angeles rams", "l rams", "la rams" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "los angeles rams", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Los Angeles Rams" }
[ { "answer": "Los Angeles Rams", "passage": "The Colts entered the Eighties at the bottom of the division, but in 1987, thanks in no small part to an historic trade which brought RB Eric Dickerson over from the Los Angeles Rams, the team won the AFC East title. In 1988 Dickerson became the first Colt to lead the league in rushing since 1955. In 1984, Robert Irsay moved the Colts to Indianapolis.", "precise_score": -3.429999828338623, "rough_score": -3.096428394317627, "source": "search", "title": "NFL Teams of the '80s - The Eighties Club" }, { "answer": "Los Angeles Rams", "passage": "No team has ever played the Super Bowl in its home stadium. Two teams have played the Super Bowl in their home market: the San Francisco 49ers, who played Super Bowl XIX in Stanford Stadium instead of Candlestick Park; and the Los Angeles Rams, who played Super Bowl XIV in the Rose Bowl instead of the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum. In both cases, the stadium in which the Super Bowl was held was perceived to be a better stadium for a large, high-profile event than the stadiums the Rams and 49ers were playing in at the time; this situation has not arisen since 1993, in part because the league has traditionally awarded the Super Bowl in modern times to the newest stadiums. Besides those two, the only other Super Bowl venue that was not the home stadium to an NFL team at the time was Rice Stadium in Houston: the Houston Oilers had played there previously, but moved to the Astrodome several years prior to Super Bowl VIII. The Orange Bowl was the only AFL stadium to host a Super Bowl and the only stadium to host consecutive Super Bowls, hosting Super Bowls II and III.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.116259574890137, "source": "wiki", "title": "Super Bowl" }, { "answer": "Los Angeles Rams", "passage": "The NFL owners meet to make a selection on the site, usually three years prior to the event. In 2007, NFL commissioner Roger Goodell suggested that a Super Bowl might be played in London, perhaps at Wembley Stadium.[ ESPN – Goodell says NFL to look into playing Super Bowl in London – NFL], Associated Press, ESPN, 2007-10-15. Retrieved January 26, 2009 The game has never been played in a region that lacks an NFL franchise; seven Super Bowls have been played in Los Angeles, but none since the Los Angeles Raiders and Los Angeles Rams relocated to Oakland and St. Louis respectively in 1995. New Orleans, the site of the 2013 Super Bowl, invested more than $1 billion in infrastructure improvements in the years leading up to the game. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.8594651222229, "source": "wiki", "title": "Super Bowl" }, { "answer": "LA Rams", "passage": "Chuck Noll's Pittsburgh Steelers would repeat to win Super Bowl 14 at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena, California on January 20th, 1980 against Ray Malavasi's LA Rams. Terry Bradshaw took home MVP for the second straight year as the Steelers won their 4th Super Bowl before any other team had won three. John Stallworth and Lynn Swan each caught touchdowns, while Franco Harris ran for two. Dave Elmendorf, Rod Perry, and Eddie Brown intercepted three Bradshaw passes, but it wasn't enough. Lawrence McCutcheon connected with Ron Smith on a halfback pass but quarterback Vince Ferragamo couldn't make the big throw for the Rams. Unsung hero, Larry Anderson, had 162 return yards setting up the Steeler win, 31-19.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.3061747550964355, "source": "search", "title": "Super Bowl History 1980 - 1989 - Superbowl in the 1980's" }, { "answer": "Los Angeles Rams", "passage": "Los Angeles Rams", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.475985527038574, "source": "search", "title": "NFL Teams of the '80s - The Eighties Club" } ]
Which was the last horse before Nijinsky to win the English Triple Crown of 2000 Guineas, Epsom Derby and St. Leger?
{ "aliases": [ "Bahram", "Bahram (disambiguation)" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "bahram", "bahram disambiguation" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "bahram", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Bahram" }
[ { "answer": "Bahram", "passage": "1970 was a veritable year for the thoroughbred. He earned the first jewel of his Triple Crown with the 2,000 Guineas win, followed by his capture of the Epsom Derby, providing the second jewel. Nijinsky was inactive for some time after an attack of ringworm, which left him losing a significant amount of his hair. With time and steadfast care, he returned to capture the St. Leger Stakes, which granted him the first English Triple Crown win since Bahram’s in 1935. The world has yet to witness another English Triple Crown winner. Nijinsky, and his jockey, Lester Piggott, gained consideration as the most formidable horse and jockey combination in the history of thoroughbred racing.", "precise_score": 6.45905876159668, "rough_score": 7.852543830871582, "source": "search", "title": "A Horse Called Nijinsky - ALL ENGELHARD" }, { "answer": "Bahram", "passage": "Nijinsky appeared to recover fully after being placed on a \"rich\" diet including raw eggs and Irish Stout, and was sent to Doncaster for the St. Leger in September. In the one mile and six furlongs race, he was attempting to become the first horse since Bahram 35 years earlier to complete the English Triple Crown. He started the 2/7 favourite and won comfortably, although his margin of victory over Meadowville was only one length. As of 2014, he is the last horse to accomplish the feat of sweeping the English Triple Crown: since 1970 only Reference Point (1987), Nashwan (1989), Sea The Stars (2009) and Camelot (2012) have won two of the three races, but Oh So Sharp won the filly's version of the Triple Crown in 1985.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 7.22627067565918, "source": "wiki", "title": "Nijinsky (horse)" }, { "answer": "Bahram", "passage": "* Bahram* (1935) United Kingdom", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.693509101867676, "source": "wiki", "title": "Triple Crown of Thoroughbred Racing" }, { "answer": "Bahram", "passage": "An attack of ringworm after that victory left Nijinsky inactive for a significant period. Despite that, Nijinsky captured the St. Leger Stakes upon his return to complete the Triple Crown, the first to do so since Bahram accomplished the feat 35 years earlier.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 4.358654975891113, "source": "search", "title": "Nijinsky II Derby Winner - Bookmakers 1" } ]
Which team won baseball's first World Series of the 60s?
{ "aliases": [ "Pittsburgh Pirates roster", "Pittsburgh Allegheny", "Buccos", "Pirates Roster", "Pgh pirates", "The Pittsburgh Pirates", "Pitt Pirates", "Piratefest", "Pittsburg Alleghenies", "Douglas Danforth", "Pittsburg Alleghenys", "The Pitsburgh Pirates", "The History of the Pittsburgh Pirates", "Pitsburgh Pirates", "Malcolm Prine", "Pittsburgh Alleghenies", "Pittsburgh Pirates (sports)", "Pittsburgh Innocents", "Pittsburgh Pirates", "Pittsburgh Alleghenys", "List of Pittsburgh Pirates captains", "Captain jolly roger", "Pittsburg Pirates" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "pgh pirates", "captain jolly roger", "pitt pirates", "history of pittsburgh pirates", "pittsburgh pirates roster", "pirates roster", "buccos", "malcolm prine", "pittsburgh pirates sports", "pittsburgh innocents", "list of pittsburgh pirates captains", "piratefest", "pittsburgh alleghenys", "pittsburgh pirates", "douglas danforth", "pittsburg alleghenys", "pitsburgh pirates", "pittsburgh alleghenies", "pittsburgh allegheny", "pittsburg alleghenies", "pittsburg pirates" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "pittsburg pirates", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Pittsburg Pirates" }
[ { "answer": "Pittsburg Pirates", "passage": "After two years of bitter competition and player raiding (in 1902, the AL and NL champions even went so far as to challenge each other to a tournament in football after the end of the baseball season), the National and American Leagues made peace and, as part of the accord, several pairs of teams squared off for interleague exhibition games after the 1903 season. These series were arranged by the participating clubs, as the 1880s World's Series matches had been. One of them matched the two pennant winners, Pittsburg Pirates of the NL and Boston Americans (later known as the Red Sox) of the AL; that one is known as the 1903 World Series. It had been arranged well in advance by the two owners, as both teams were league leaders by large margins. Boston upset Pittsburg by five games to three, winning with pitching depth behind Cy Young and Bill Dinneen and with the support of the band of Royal Rooters. The Series brought much civic pride to Boston and proved the new American League could beat the Nationals.", "precise_score": -0.9335778951644897, "rough_score": 2.687445640563965, "source": "wiki", "title": "World Series" }, { "answer": "The Pittsburgh Pirates", "passage": "During this seven-year period, only three teams won the World Series: the Oakland Athletics from 1972 to 1974, Cincinnati Reds in 1975 and 1976, and New York Yankees in 1977 and 1978. This is the only time in World Series history in which three teams have won consecutive series in succession. This period was book-ended by World Championships for the Pittsburgh Pirates, in 1971 and 1979.", "precise_score": 4.074663162231445, "rough_score": 6.2765350341796875, "source": "wiki", "title": "World Series" }, { "answer": "The Pittsburgh Pirates", "passage": "However, the Baltimore Orioles made three consecutive World Series appearances: 1969 (losing to the \"amazing\" eight-year-old franchise New York Mets), 1970 (beating the Reds in their first World Series appearance of the decade), and 1971 (losing to the Pittsburgh Pirates, as well their 1979 appearance, when they again lost to the Pirates), and the Los Angeles Dodgers' back-to-back World Series appearances in 1977 and 1978 (both losses to the New York Yankees), as well in 1974 losing against the cross-state rival Oakland Athletics.", "precise_score": 2.214279890060425, "rough_score": 3.2267115116119385, "source": "wiki", "title": "World Series" }, { "answer": "The Pittsburgh Pirates", "passage": "World Series games were contested outside of the United States for the first time in 1992, with the Toronto Blue Jays defeating the Atlanta Braves in six games. The World Series returned to Canada in 1993, with the Blue Jays victorious again, this time against the Philadelphia Phillies in six games. No other Series has featured a team from outside of the United States. Toronto is the only expansion team to win successive World Series titles. The 1993 World Series was also notable for being only the second championship concluded by a home run and the first concluded by a come-from-behind homer, after Joe Carter's three-run shot in the bottom of the ninth inning sealed an 8–6 Toronto win in Game 6. The first Series to end with a homer was the 1960 World Series, when Bill Mazeroski hit a ninth-inning solo shot in Game 7 to win the championship for the Pittsburgh Pirates.", "precise_score": 3.3522260189056396, "rough_score": 1.6236886978149414, "source": "wiki", "title": "World Series" }, { "answer": "The Pittsburgh Pirates", "passage": "#The St. Louis Cardinals are currently the only club of the National League's original eight that holds an overall Series lead over the Yankees, 3 to 2, taking that lead in 1964. The Giants won their first two Series over the Yankees (1921 and 1922), but the Yankees have faced the Giants five times since then and have won all five, taking the overall lead over the Giants in 1937. The Pittsburgh Pirates and Yankees have faced each other twice (1927 and 1960), with the Yankees winning in 1927 and the Pirates winning in 1960, making the two teams .500 against each other.", "precise_score": 1.2375432252883911, "rough_score": -2.5214221477508545, "source": "wiki", "title": "World Series" }, { "answer": "The Pittsburgh Pirates", "passage": "1979 World Series – The Pittsburgh Pirates Defeated the Baltimore Orioles 4–3", "precise_score": -0.2168986052274704, "rough_score": -2.5782082080841064, "source": "search", "title": "List of MLB World Series Champions - Major League Baseball" }, { "answer": "The Pittsburgh Pirates", "passage": "A modicum of peace was eventually established, leading to the National Agreement of 1903. The pact formalized relations both between the two major leagues and between them and the National Association of Professional Base Ball Leagues, representing most of the country's minor professional leagues. The World Series, pitting the two major league champions against each other, was inaugurated that fall, albeit without express major league sanction: The Boston Americans of the American League defeated the Pittsburgh Pirates of the National League. The next year, the series was not held, as the National League champion New York Giants, under manager John McGraw, refused to recognize the major league status of the American League and its champion. In 1905, the Giants were National League champions again and team management relented, leading to the establishment of the World Series as the major leagues' annual championship event. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.335086822509766, "source": "wiki", "title": "Baseball" }, { "answer": "The Pittsburgh Pirates", "passage": "#The Pittsburgh Pirates have won all five of their World Series championships in seven games.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.090703964233398, "source": "wiki", "title": "World Series" }, { "answer": "The Pittsburgh Pirates", "passage": "#Nine World Series have ended with \"walk-off\" hits, i.e., that game and the Series ended when the home team won with a base hit in the bottom of the ninth or in extra innings: 1924*, 1929, 1935, 1953, 1960*, 1991*, 1993, 1997*, and 2001*. Five of these (marked with a *) were in a deciding Game 7. In addition, the deciding Game 8 (one game had ended in a tie) of the 1912 World Series ended in a walk-off sacrifice fly. Two men have ended a World Series with a walk-off home run: Bill Mazeroski in 1960 and Joe Carter in 1993. Mazeroski's was a solo shot in the bottom of the ninth of Game 7 to win a championship for the Pittsburgh Pirates, while Carter's was a three-run shot in Game 6 that won a championship for the Toronto Blue Jays.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -2.947697639465332, "source": "wiki", "title": "World Series" }, { "answer": "The Pittsburgh Pirates", "passage": "Of all the teams hit hard by the pre-peace player movement following the 1902 season, no one was hit harder than the Pittsburgh Pirates—ironically, the team that had been least touched by player raids the year before. Defecting to the New York Highlanders were starting pitchers Jack Chesbro and Jesse Tannehill, who combined for 48 of Pittsburgh’s stunning 103 wins in 1902. The remaining starters—led by Sam Leever (25 wins, seven losses and a league-leading 2.06 earned run average) and Deacon Phillippe (25-9, 2.43 ERA)—helped jumpstart the Pirates from a sluggish start to 1903. Sagging in third place to start June, the Pirates won 15 straight—the first six by shutout, a major league record—to permanently reclaim their standing in first place.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.092056751251221, "source": "search", "title": "Baseball History in 1903: The First World Series" }, { "answer": "The Pittsburgh Pirates", "passage": "The Pittsburgh Pirates toss a major league record six straight shutouts from June 2-6. It is the beginning of an overall 15-game winning streak in which Pirates pitching will allow a total of 20 runs. Deacon Phillippe and Sam Leever are each credited with two of the six shutouts.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.896358489990234, "source": "search", "title": "Baseball History in 1903: The First World Series" }, { "answer": "Pittsburgh Pirates", "passage": "Boston Americans (5) vs Pittsburgh Pirates (3)", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.241004943847656, "source": "search", "title": "1903 World Series by Baseball Almanac" }, { "answer": "Pittsburgh Pirates", "passage": "Boston Americans (5) vs Pittsburgh Pirates (3)", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.241004943847656, "source": "search", "title": "1903 World Series by Baseball Almanac" }, { "answer": "Pittsburgh Pirates", "passage": "Pittsburgh Pirates", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.29080581665039, "source": "search", "title": "History of Major League Baseball Teams -" }, { "answer": "The Pittsburgh Pirates", "passage": "The Pittsburgh Pirates have won five World Series championships in their long history. However, the team that once dominated the National League Eastern division has not played in post-season games since 1992 and it has not won a pennant or World Series in 30 years. [ read more... ]", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.1735587120056152, "source": "search", "title": "History of Major League Baseball Teams -" }, { "answer": "Pittsburgh Pirates", "passage": "1960 World Series - Pittsburgh Pirates over New York Yankees (4-3) |", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.617491245269775, "source": "search", "title": "1960 World Series -" }, { "answer": "Pittsburgh Pirates", "passage": "Wednesday, October 5, 1960 at Forbes Field (Pittsburgh Pirates) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 R H E - - - - - - - - - - - - New York Yankees 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 4 13 2 Pittsburgh Pirates 3 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 x 6 8 0 PITCHERS: NYY - Ditmar, Coates (1), Maas (5), Duren (7) PIT - Law, Face (8) WP - Vern Law LP - Art Ditmar SAVE - Roy Face HOME RUNS: NYY - Howard, Maris PIT - Mazeroski ATTENDANCE: 36,676", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.730266571044922, "source": "search", "title": "1960 World Series -" }, { "answer": "Pittsburgh Pirates", "passage": "Thursday, October 6, 1960 at Forbes Field (Pittsburgh Pirates) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 R H E - - - - - - - - - - - - New York Yankees 0 0 2 1 2 7 3 0 1 16 19 1 Pittsburgh Pirates 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 3 13 1 PITCHERS: NYY - Turley, Shantz (9) PIT - Friend, Green (5), Labine (6), Witt (6), Gibbon (7), Cheney (9) WP - Bob Turley LP - Bob Friend SAVE - Bobby Shantz HOME RUNS: NYY - Mantle (2) PIT - none ATTENDANCE: 37,308", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.546958923339844, "source": "search", "title": "1960 World Series -" }, { "answer": "Pittsburgh Pirates", "passage": "Saturday, October 8, 1960 at Yankee Stadium I (New York Yankees) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 R H E - - - - - - - - - - - - Pittsburgh Pirates 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 New York Yankees 6 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 x 10 16 1 PITCHERS: PIT - Mizell, Labine (1), Green (1), Witt (4), Cheney (6), Gibbon (8) NYY - Ford WP - Whitey Ford LP - Vinegar Bend Mizell SAVE - none HOME RUNS: PIT - none NYY - Mantle, Richardson ATTENDANCE: 70,001", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.581079483032227, "source": "search", "title": "1960 World Series -" }, { "answer": "Pittsburgh Pirates", "passage": "Sunday, October 9, 1960 at Yankee Stadium I (New York Yankees) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 R H E - - - - - - - - - - - - Pittsburgh Pirates 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 3 7 0 New York Yankees 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 2 8 0 PITCHERS: PIT - Law, Face (7) NYY - Terry, Shantz (7), Coates (8) WP - Vern Law LP - Ralph Terry SAVE - Roy Face HOME RUNS: PIT - none NYY - Skowron ATTENDANCE: 67,812", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.659016609191895, "source": "search", "title": "1960 World Series -" }, { "answer": "Pittsburgh Pirates", "passage": "Monday, October 10, 1960 at Yankee Stadium I (New York Yankees) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 R H E - - - - - - - - - - - - Pittsburgh Pirates 0 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 5 10 2 New York Yankees 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 5 2 PITCHERS: PIT - Haddix, Face (7) NYY - Ditmar, Arroyo (2), Stafford (3), Duren (8) WP - Harvey Haddix LP - Art Ditmar SAVE - Roy Face HOME RUNS: PIT - none NYY - Maris ATTENDANCE: 62,753", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.698675155639648, "source": "search", "title": "1960 World Series -" }, { "answer": "Pittsburgh Pirates", "passage": "Wednesday, October 12, 1960 at Forbes Field (Pittsburgh Pirates) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 R H E - - - - - - - - - - - - New York Yankees 0 1 5 0 0 2 2 2 0 12 17 1 Pittsburgh Pirates 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 1 PITCHERS: NYY - Ford PIT - Friend, Cheney (3), Mizell (4), Green (6), Labine (6), Witt (9) WP - Whitey Ford LP - Bob Friend SAVE - none HOME RUNS: NYY - none PIT - none ATTENDANCE: 38,580", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.71491813659668, "source": "search", "title": "1960 World Series -" }, { "answer": "Pittsburgh Pirates", "passage": "Thursday, October 13, 1960 at Forbes Field (Pittsburgh Pirates) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 R H E - - - - - - - - - - - - New York Yankees 0 0 0 0 1 4 0 2 2 9 13 1 Pittsburgh Pirates 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 5 1 10 11 0 PITCHERS: NYY - Turley, Stafford (2), Shantz (3), Coates (8), Terry (8) PIT - Law, Face (6), Friend (9), Haddix (9) WP - Harvey Haddix LP - Ralph Terry SAVE - none HOME RUNS: NYY - Berra, Skowron PIT - Mazeroski, Nelson, Smith ATTENDANCE: 36,683", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.62649154663086, "source": "search", "title": "1960 World Series -" }, { "answer": "The Pittsburgh Pirates", "passage": "1971 World Series – The Pittsburgh Pirates Defeated the Baltimore Orioles 4–3", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.718715190887451, "source": "search", "title": "List of MLB World Series Champions - Major League Baseball" }, { "answer": "The Pittsburgh Pirates", "passage": "1960 World Series – The Pittsburgh Pirates Defeated the New York Yankees 4–3", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.039995193481445, "source": "search", "title": "List of MLB World Series Champions - Major League Baseball" }, { "answer": "The Pittsburgh Pirates", "passage": "1927 World Series – The New York Yankees Defeated the Pittsburgh Pirates 4–0", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.849740982055664, "source": "search", "title": "List of MLB World Series Champions - Major League Baseball" }, { "answer": "The Pittsburgh Pirates", "passage": "1925 World Series – The Pittsburgh Pirates Defeated the Washington Senators 4–3", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.321990966796875, "source": "search", "title": "List of MLB World Series Champions - Major League Baseball" }, { "answer": "Pittsburg Pirates", "passage": "1909 World Series – The Pittsburg Pirates Defeated the Detroit Tigers 4–3", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.6271586418151855, "source": "search", "title": "List of MLB World Series Champions - Major League Baseball" }, { "answer": "Pittsburgh Pirates", "passage": "1903 World Series – The Boston Americans Defeated the Pittsburgh Pirates 5–3", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.216821670532227, "source": "search", "title": "List of MLB World Series Champions - Major League Baseball" } ]
Who was the first woman tennis player born in the US to win the US Open after Chris Evert's 1984 triumph?
{ "aliases": [ "Lindsey davenport", "Lindsey Davenport", "Lindsay Davenport" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "lindsey davenport", "lindsay davenport" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "lindsay davenport", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Lindsay Davenport" }
[ { "answer": "Lindsay Davenport", "passage": "Lindsay Davenport: 1998", "precise_score": -4.363185882568359, "rough_score": -11.134806632995605, "source": "search", "title": "American winners of the U.S. Open tennis title | Sporting News" } ]
Which Bond movie used Stoke Poges golf club for some location shots?
{ "aliases": [ "Goldfinger (disambiguation)", "Goldfinger" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "goldfinger disambiguation", "goldfinger" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "goldfinger", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Goldfinger" }
[ { "answer": "Goldfinger", "passage": "*The golf course at Stoke Park was the setting of a golf match in the James Bond film Goldfinger (1964), played between the principal characters. ", "precise_score": 4.279196262359619, "rough_score": 2.763122081756592, "source": "wiki", "title": "Stoke Poges" }, { "answer": "Goldfinger", "passage": "Stoke Park has always had a close relationship to Pinewood Studios (four miles away) and the British film industry. Two James Bond movies, Goldfinger (1964) and Tomorrow Never Dies (1997) were filmed at Stoke Park. The epic duel between James Bond (Sean Connery) and Goldfinger (Gert Frobe) is still considered to be the most famous game of golf in cinematic history.", "precise_score": 4.621415138244629, "rough_score": 1.3456939458847046, "source": "search", "title": "Movie History at Stoke Park | Luxury 5 Star Hotel, Spa ..." }, { "answer": "Goldfinger", "passage": "The golf match for the film version Goldfinger (1964) was shot at Stoke Park, and remains cinema's most famous golfing scene. Sean Connery's agent 007 is pitted against Auric Goldfinger, in the monumental form of the late Gert Frobe - complete with Plus Fours!", "precise_score": 1.7940574884414673, "rough_score": 2.5960280895233154, "source": "search", "title": "Movie History at Stoke Park | Luxury 5 Star Hotel, Spa ..." }, { "answer": "Goldfinger", "passage": "Sean Connery at Stoke Poges Golf Club as James Bond in Goldfinger.", "precise_score": 4.907848834991455, "rough_score": 5.972565174102783, "source": "search", "title": "James Bond Golfs with Goldfinger | BAMF Style" }, { "answer": "Goldfinger", "passage": "Thus, Bond finds himself in the English countryside looking to engage his soon-to-be enemy in a friendly but high stakes game of golf. In the film, Bond and Goldfinger face off at Stoke Poges Golf Club in Stoke Poges, a village in Buckinghamshire. The location in the book, for those who are interested, is the Royal St. George’s Golf Club in Sandwich, very near the literary Goldfinger’s mansion.", "precise_score": 6.0632500648498535, "rough_score": 7.166971206665039, "source": "search", "title": "James Bond Golfs with Goldfinger | BAMF Style" }, { "answer": "Goldfinger", "passage": "Although more traditional than the youthful T-shirt and slacks chosen by Thomas Crown , Connery’s Bond still looks every bit of a young sportsman when he faces off against Goldfinger on the Stoke Poges golf course. The contrast between the fresh and young-looking Bond and the old, unathletic Goldfinger in his plus-fours is undeniable. Although the attire is slightly different from the book, Bond’s generalization for Goldfinger’s anachronistic outfit remains valid:", "precise_score": 1.0688889026641846, "rough_score": -1.0143365859985352, "source": "search", "title": "James Bond Golfs with Goldfinger | BAMF Style" }, { "answer": "Goldfinger", "passage": "Goldfinger location: Bond plays Goldfinger at golf: Stoke Park House, Stoke Poges, Slough, Buckinghamshire", "precise_score": 5.273359298706055, "rough_score": 5.975509166717529, "source": "search", "title": "Film locations for Goldfinger (1964)" }, { "answer": "Goldfinger", "passage": "Likewise, the golf match between Bond and Goldfinger, supposedly at ‘Royal St George’s, Sandwich’ in Kent, uses Stoke Poges Golf Club, on the A332 a couple of miles north of Slough, Buckinghamshire . The clubhouse, in front of which Oddjob decapitates a statue with his lethal hat, is Stoke Park Club , Park Road, Stoke Poges. It's since been seen in Bridget Jones's Diary ; became the interior of the ‘Hamburg’ hotel in another Bond movie, Tomorrow Never Dies , is a major setting for Layer Cake , and even became a ‘Beverly Hills’ hotel for Bride and Prejudice.", "precise_score": 5.589500904083252, "rough_score": 6.484832286834717, "source": "search", "title": "Film locations for Goldfinger (1964)" }, { "answer": "Goldfinger", "passage": "Stoke Poges was also used as the setting for the golf scenes in the 1964 James Bond movie Goldfinger, in which 007 had his famous match with Goldfinger. The film featured the scene whereby Harold Sakata, as Oddjob, spun his steel-rimmed bowler hat at Sean Connery. It missed 007 but beheaded a statue! The clubhouse was also featured in the later Bond movie, Tomorrow Never Dies.", "precise_score": 7.059970855712891, "rough_score": 7.400481224060059, "source": "search", "title": "Stoke Park Club (Colt & Alison) - Top 100 Golf Courses of ..." }, { "answer": "Goldfinger", "passage": "Moviegoers might recognize Stoke Park from the golf scenes in the James Bond movie, \"Goldfinger,\" especially the car park in front of the distinctive white domed clubhouse. Bond, played by Sean Connery, was driving his souped-up Aston Martin, which was auctioned off in a charity event at Stoke Park a few years ago.", "precise_score": 5.099009990692139, "rough_score": 5.5261688232421875, "source": "search", "title": "Is Stoke Park golf course in England the birthplace of ..." }, { "answer": "Goldfinger", "passage": "Movie buffs might recognize Stoke Park from the golf scenes in the 1964 James Bond film, \"Goldfinger,\" especially the car park in front of the distinctive white domed clubhouse.", "precise_score": 5.141408443450928, "rough_score": 4.980512619018555, "source": "search", "title": "Course Source: Stoke Park, Foxhills -" }, { "answer": "Goldfinger", "passage": "OTHER COURSES IN THE AREA: Stoke Park Club in Stoke Poges, where the golf scenes and a few others were filmed for the James Bond classic \"Goldfinger,\" is located outside London on the outskirts of Windsor and Eaton about 7 miles from Heathrow Airport.", "precise_score": 5.535572052001953, "rough_score": 8.020545959472656, "source": "search", "title": "Course Source: Stoke Park, Foxhills -" }, { "answer": "Goldfinger", "passage": "Goldfinger (1964)", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.297069549560547, "source": "wiki", "title": "James Bond in film" }, { "answer": "Goldfinger", "passage": "While the previous two films had concentrated on the Caribbean and Europe, Goldfinger was chosen by Eon for the third film, with the American cinema market in mind. Because Terence Young was refused a share of the profits, he declined to direct Goldfinger and worked on The Amorous Adventures of Moll Flanders instead, although he had done some pre-production work before he left. In his place, Eon turned to Guy Hamilton to direct; he was keen to inject elements of humour into the series, have more gadgets and build bigger and more elegant sets.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.959145545959473, "source": "wiki", "title": "James Bond in film" }, { "answer": "Goldfinger", "passage": "Principal photography on Goldfinger started on in Miami, at the Fontainebleau Hotel; the crew was small, consisting only of Hamilton, Broccoli, Adam and cinematographer Ted Moore. After five days in Florida, production moved to England. The primary location was Pinewood Studios, home to sets including a recreation of the Fontainebleau, the South American city of the pre-title sequence, and both Goldfinger's estate and factory. Ian Fleming visited the set of Goldfinger in he died in August, shortly before the film's release. The second unit filmed in Kentucky, and these shots were edited into scenes filmed at Pinewood. Principal photography then moved to Switzerland for the car chase and additional footage for Goldfinger's factory sequence. Filming wrapped on at Andermatt, after nineteen weeks of shooting.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.30777359008789, "source": "wiki", "title": "James Bond in film" }, { "answer": "Goldfinger", "passage": "Guy Hamilton was asked to direct again, but declined feeling that he was \"drained of ideas ... I had nothing to contribute until I'd recharged batteries\"; Terence Young returned to direct after the hiatus of Goldfinger. Richard Maibaum's original script from 1961 was used as the basis of the script, which he then re-drafted, with further revisions by John Hopkins. Principal filming began in Paris on 16 February 1965, and moved to Nassau on 22 March, before concluding at Pinewood Studios in May.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.034773826599121, "source": "wiki", "title": "James Bond in film" }, { "answer": "Goldfinger", "passage": "George Lazenby was signed on to play Bond for OHMSS. Between Sean Connery giving his notice at the beginning of filming You Only Live Twice and its release, Saltzman had planned to adapt The Man with the Golden Gun in Cambodia and use Roger Moore as the next Bond, but political instability meant the location was ruled out and Moore signed up for another series of the television programme The Saint. After You Only Live Twice was released in 1967, the producers once again picked the often-delayed On Her Majesty's Secret Service, which had previously been considered to follow both Goldfinger and then Thunderball.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.08701229095459, "source": "wiki", "title": "James Bond in film" }, { "answer": "Goldfinger", "passage": "The producers had originally intended to have Diamonds Are Forever re-create commercially successful aspects of Goldfinger, so they hired director Guy Hamilton as a result. Richard Maibaum also returned to write the script; the first draft envisaged the return of Auric Goldfinger portrayer Gert Fröbe, this time in the role of Goldfinger's twin brother. Maibaum also wrote a climax to the film that consisted of the new Goldfinger being chased across Lake Mead by the people of Las Vegas, all being co-ordinated by Bond. In the autumn of 1970 Tom Mankiewicz was hired to undertake re-writes, which included removing Goldfinger's brother and the Lake Mead finale.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.90276050567627, "source": "wiki", "title": "James Bond in film" }, { "answer": "Goldfinger", "passage": "For Your Eyes Only marked a change in the production crew: John Glen was promoted from his duties as a film editor to director, a position he would occupy for the next four films. Since Ken Adam was busy with the film Pennies from Heaven, Peter Lamont, who had worked in the art department since Goldfinger, was promoted to production designer. Following a suggestion from Glen, Lamont created realistic sets, instead of the elaborate scenery for which the series had been known.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.103130340576172, "source": "wiki", "title": "James Bond in film" }, { "answer": "Goldfinger", "passage": "In 1984 Michael G Wilson joined Albert R Broccoli as co-producer at Eon. Wilson had first worked on a Bond production in February 1964 with the filming of Goldfinger. He had worked on every production since The Spy Who Loved Me, and had been executive producer on Moonraker, For Your Eyes Only and Octopussy.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.043331146240234, "source": "wiki", "title": "James Bond in film" }, { "answer": "Goldfinger", "passage": "The third and eighteenth movies in the James Bond series of feature films, Goldfinger (1964) and Tomorrow Never Dies (1997), were filmed in and around the mansion and on our championship golf course.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.871655464172363, "source": "search", "title": "Movie History at Stoke Park | Luxury 5 Star Hotel, Spa ..." }, { "answer": "Goldfinger", "passage": "Goldfinger - 1964", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.39951229095459, "source": "search", "title": "Movie History at Stoke Park | Luxury 5 Star Hotel, Spa ..." }, { "answer": "Goldfinger", "passage": "In the novel Goldfinger, Bond finds himself very much in the rough when playing against Auric Goldfinger, international jeweller, gold smuggler and golf cheat.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.642242431640625, "source": "search", "title": "Movie History at Stoke Park | Luxury 5 Star Hotel, Spa ..." }, { "answer": "Goldfinger", "passage": "After catching Goldfinger cheating, Bond switches balls on his opponent during the match. Realising that Bond is attempting to interfere in his affairs, Goldfinger motions to Oddjob, his deadly Korean manservant and caddie, to sever the head of a nearby statue with his steel-rimmed bowler. Bond is suitably impressed, but wonders what the club secretary will have to say. Goldfinger explains smugly, \"Oh nothing Mister Bond - I own the club!\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.851216316223145, "source": "search", "title": "Movie History at Stoke Park | Luxury 5 Star Hotel, Spa ..." }, { "answer": "Goldfinger", "passage": "James Bond Golfs with Goldfinger | BAMF Style", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.113214492797852, "source": "search", "title": "James Bond Golfs with Goldfinger | BAMF Style" }, { "answer": "Goldfinger", "passage": "James Bond Golfs with Goldfinger", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.495121002197266, "source": "search", "title": "James Bond Golfs with Goldfinger | BAMF Style" }, { "answer": "Goldfinger", "passage": "Film: Goldfinger", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.885676383972168, "source": "search", "title": "James Bond Golfs with Goldfinger | BAMF Style" }, { "answer": "Goldfinger", "passage": "Much like all pre-You Only Live Twice Bond films, Goldfinger is a very close adaptation of the material in the book. While some parts are different – for instance, the animosity between Bond and Goldfinger is initially more toned down in the book and the two even share a meal after their day at the golf course – it generally follows the same structure. Bond is recruited by an American (CIA agent Felix Leiter in the film and gambler Junius Du Pont in the book) to catch Goldfinger cheating in Miami. After a dalliance with Goldfinger’s girl, Bond returns to London, believing the issue behind him and ready to go back to work. Not so fast, Bond’s boss M tells him; this man Goldfinger is actually subject to investigation as requested by Colonel Smithers of the Bank of England.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.04590892791748, "source": "search", "title": "James Bond Golfs with Goldfinger | BAMF Style" }, { "answer": "Goldfinger", "passage": "After a “chance” meeting, Bond ropes Goldfinger into a game and, before long, encounters his mute and muscular Korean manservant, the aptly-named Oddjob. Once all the pieces are in play, the unlikely foursome heads out onto the links: Bond, his marble-mouthed caddy Hawker, the Edwardian-dressed Goldfinger, and the wrestler-turned-servant Oddjob.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.573576927185059, "source": "search", "title": "James Bond Golfs with Goldfinger | BAMF Style" }, { "answer": "Goldfinger", "passage": "It was as if Goldfinger had gone to his tailor and said, “Dress me for golf – you know, like they wear in Scotland.”", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.925926208496094, "source": "search", "title": "James Bond Golfs with Goldfinger | BAMF Style" }, { "answer": "Goldfinger", "passage": "In accordance with the film’s product placement deals, Bond wears a dark burgundy V-neck sweater with ribbed sleeves. This is one of the few items that Bond – especially Connery’s Bond – wears with a visible logo, as a pale yellow Slazenger panther logo is placed on the left chest. Slazenger is mentioned several times by name in the film as it is Goldfinger’s ball of choice although Bond prefers his Penfolds. But more on that later.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.092288970947266, "source": "search", "title": "James Bond Golfs with Goldfinger | BAMF Style" }, { "answer": "Goldfinger", "passage": "While he is a skilled golfer, Bond’s genuine skill is no match for Goldfinger’s cheating. Thus, Bond has to take things up a notch with the help of his friendly and talkative caddy, Hawker. After introducing potential stakes to the game – a genuine brick of Nazi gold – Goldfinger decides to make the game count:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.35820484161377, "source": "search", "title": "James Bond Golfs with Goldfinger | BAMF Style" }, { "answer": "Goldfinger", "passage": "Goldfinger: You have no objection to increasing the stakes?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.461130142211914, "source": "search", "title": "James Bond Golfs with Goldfinger | BAMF Style" }, { "answer": "Goldfinger", "passage": "Goldfinger: Why, the bar of gold you have with you, naturally.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.34829330444336, "source": "search", "title": "James Bond Golfs with Goldfinger | BAMF Style" }, { "answer": "Goldfinger", "passage": "Goldfinger: Oh, I’ll stake the cash equivalent!", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.455523490905762, "source": "search", "title": "James Bond Golfs with Goldfinger | BAMF Style" }, { "answer": "Goldfinger", "passage": "But that isn’t enough for Goldfinger. Breaking an inviolable rule of golf, he pipes up against just as Bond prepares to swing:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.292587280273438, "source": "search", "title": "James Bond Golfs with Goldfinger | BAMF Style" }, { "answer": "Goldfinger", "passage": "Goldfinger: Strict rules of golf?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.189508438110352, "source": "search", "title": "James Bond Golfs with Goldfinger | BAMF Style" }, { "answer": "Goldfinger", "passage": "Here, the product placement becomes important. Goldfinger makes a point of using Slazenger 1 golf balls. Interestingly, Slazenger is also the brand on Bond’s sweater and – with visible logo placement throughout – certainly got their money’s worth in mentions despite being the equipment of choice for the film’s main villain. Bond, on the other hand, uses the same Penfold Hearts balls he mentioned in the book. I don’t know enough about clubs to identify if he is also using a Calamity Jane putter, as he did in the Goldfinger novel. The James Bond Lifestyle site, an excellent resource for Bond fans, tracked down information about the Penfold Heart series.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.112650394439697, "source": "search", "title": "James Bond Golfs with Goldfinger | BAMF Style" }, { "answer": "Goldfinger", "passage": "(FYI, Goldfinger’s golf equipment in the novel was a set of Ben Hogan clubs and Dunlop 65 #1 balls, so at least the latter was changed to fit the wishes of the Slazenger PR team.)", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.143106460571289, "source": "search", "title": "James Bond Golfs with Goldfinger | BAMF Style" }, { "answer": "Goldfinger", "passage": "After a wild shot into the rough, the four men go searching for Goldfinger’s ball. Oddjob, ever loyal, drops one of Goldfinger’s Slazenger 1s onto the rough, very close to the green. For any non-golf fans, this would be ideal when you hit into the rough. Of course, when Oddjob finds the ball, Bond and Hawker are rightfully dubious.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.123085021972656, "source": "search", "title": "James Bond Golfs with Goldfinger | BAMF Style" }, { "answer": "Goldfinger", "passage": "After a scare, the plan works. Goldfinger sinks his final ball into the whole after Bond made the switch at a previous hole. Believing himself to be the winner, Goldfinger gloats as Bond bends before him to remove the balls from the 18th hole.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.855530738830566, "source": "search", "title": "James Bond Golfs with Goldfinger | BAMF Style" }, { "answer": "Goldfinger", "passage": "Goldfinger: (“Oh, shit.”) Yes, why?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.341156959533691, "source": "search", "title": "James Bond Golfs with Goldfinger | BAMF Style" }, { "answer": "Goldfinger", "passage": "Bond’s shit-eating grin as Goldfinger angrily tosses his ball on the ground is priceless. However, the grin is later wiped away when Oddjob crushes the ball with one hand.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.825477600097656, "source": "search", "title": "James Bond Golfs with Goldfinger | BAMF Style" }, { "answer": "Goldfinger", "passage": "Before eventually becoming an avid player (due to his experience in Goldfinger), this was primarily Sean Connery’s activity on the golf course.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.128958702087402, "source": "search", "title": "James Bond Golfs with Goldfinger | BAMF Style" }, { "answer": "Goldfinger", "passage": "Film locations for Goldfinger (1964)", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.613170623779297, "source": "search", "title": "Film locations for Goldfinger (1964)" }, { "answer": "Goldfinger", "passage": "When Auric Goldfinger ( Gert Frobe ) cheats at cards at Miami's Fontainebleau hotel, Connery was filming his scenes on a mock-up of the hotel at Pinewood Studio. This vast complex, Fontainebleau Hilton Resort and Spa , 4441 Collins Avenue, is a regular movie star. In 1960, Jerry Lewis was The Bellboy here. Tony Montana ( Al Pacino ) chilled out by its pool in Brian de Palma 's Scarface , and Whitney Houston performed an Aids benefit here under the watchful eye of Kevin Costner in The Bodyguard .", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.157549858093262, "source": "search", "title": "Film locations for Goldfinger (1964)" }, { "answer": "Goldfinger", "passage": "Goldfinger location: Goldfinger cheats at cards: Fontainebleau Hilton, Miami, Florida", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.1102876663208, "source": "search", "title": "Film locations for Goldfinger (1964)" }, { "answer": "Goldfinger", "passage": "Bond trails Goldfinger’s Rolls along Alpine roads and encounters Tilly Masterson at Andermatt, a small Swiss village, 50 miles south of Zurich in the shelter of the Leopontine Alps near the Simplon Tunnel.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.741020202636719, "source": "search", "title": "Film locations for Goldfinger (1964)" }, { "answer": "Goldfinger", "passage": "And although the long shots of ‘Auric Enterprises’ are the Pilatus Aircraft Factory outside Lucerne, Switzerland , the scenes set in Goldfinger’s complex use the familiar Pinewood studio buildings.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.613584518432617, "source": "search", "title": "Film locations for Goldfinger (1964)" }, { "answer": "Goldfinger", "passage": "Oddjob, Goldfinger's caddie, threatens Bond by throwing his steel-lined bowler like a discus and knocking the head off a plaster statue. The statue is still there because the film's producers created a duplicate for the beheading in the movie.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.343716621398926, "source": "search", "title": "Is Stoke Park golf course in England the birthplace of ..." }, { "answer": "Goldfinger", "passage": "Connery, an avid golfer, hit his own shots in the sequence. On the 17th hole, another one of those Colt par fours that plays 418 yards, Goldfinger loses his ball in the rough but Oddjob drops another down his pants leg through a hole in his pocket to save his boss a two-stroke penalty.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.405381202697754, "source": "search", "title": "Is Stoke Park golf course in England the birthplace of ..." }, { "answer": "Goldfinger", "passage": "Bond gets even on the 18th hole, a demanding 407-yard par four into the wind, when he switches Goldfinger's ball. After Goldfinger putts out to win the match, Bond calls him for playing the wrong ball because Goldfinger had said at the start they were playing \"strict rules of golf.\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.829402923583984, "source": "search", "title": "Is Stoke Park golf course in England the birthplace of ..." }, { "answer": "Goldfinger", "passage": "The venue itself is steeped in history, and has provided the backdrop for some famous cinema moments, most notably Goldfinger and Layer Cake, and the drive up to the main building is superb. To call it a clubhouse would be doing it a huge disservice, it is a grand old building that provides a great backdrop at various points on the way round.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.390260696411133, "source": "search", "title": "Stoke Park Club (Home of the Stoke Poges Golf Course) in ..." }, { "answer": "Goldfinger", "passage": "FOR INFO\\r\\nYou are missing the last digit on the fax number it should read \\r\\n01753-717181.\\r\\nIn 1964 the famous golf scene from the Bond movie 'Goldfinger'\\r\\n(Sean Connery & Odd Job) was filmed at the Club,\\r\\nIn 1997 the Bond film 'Tomorrow Never Dies' was filmed here.\\r\\nWe were voted golf Club of the Year in 1996.\\r\\nWe will be opening an additional 9 holes to recreate the 1908, \\r\\n27 hole course designed by Harry Shapland Colt.\\r\\nThe Clubhouse is over 50,000 sq.ft. and was built in 1795, it \\r\\nis a Grade I listed building\\r\\n\\r\\nYours \\r\\n\\r\\nC M King\\r\\nManaging Director - SPGC", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -1.862732172012329, "source": "search", "title": "Stoke Park Club (Home of the Stoke Poges Golf Course) in ..." }, { "answer": "Goldfinger", "passage": "The golf course is a familiar one for those who are Bond fans as it is the location of the infamous 'Goldfinger' golf game. The course is spectacular and challenging with greens that are as quick as you will face. There are plaques to mark the Bond film and the 8th hole which is the hole that the famous 12th at Augusta National is modelled on. You really can see the similarity!", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.134346961975098, "source": "search", "title": "Golf treat - Stoke Poges Golf Club, Stoke Poges Traveller ..." }, { "answer": "Goldfinger", "passage": "Oddjob, Goldfinger's caddie, threatens Bond by throwing his steel-lined bowler like a discus and knocking the head off a plaster statue. The statue is still there because the film's producers created a duplicate for the beheading in the movie.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.343716621398926, "source": "search", "title": "Course Source: Stoke Park, Foxhills -" }, { "answer": "Goldfinger", "passage": "The last two holes for the first 18 are typically strong Colt par 4s, at 418 and 407 yards, which were the setting for the finish of the Goldfinger-Bond match.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.946969032287598, "source": "search", "title": "Course Source: Stoke Park, Foxhills -" }, { "answer": "Goldfinger", "passage": "Goldfinger miraculously \"finds\" his ball in the rough on No. 17, after Oddjob drops a new one out of a hole in his pocket, and the criminal mastermind wins the hole. However, Bond turns the tables on No. 18 below the famous Stoke Park dome to claim the match.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.462085723876953, "source": "search", "title": "Course Source: Stoke Park, Foxhills -" } ]
How many races did Ed Moses win in succession between '77 and '87?
{ "aliases": [ "122", "one hundred and twenty-two" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "122", "one hundred and twenty two" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "122", "type": "Numerical", "value": "122" }
[ { "answer": "122", "passage": "Ed Moses, uniquely grooved at 13 strides between the barriers, won 122 consecutive 400m hurdles between 1977 and ’87, while Michael Phelps had gone 10 years unbeaten in 200m butterfly finals by the time Bert le Clos’ “beautiful boy!” finger-pipped him to gold at London 2012.", "precise_score": 6.870955467224121, "rough_score": 6.881135940551758, "source": "search", "title": "Sporting dominance | Motor Sport Magazine" }, { "answer": "122", "passage": "122: The number of consecutive 400 metres hurdles races that Ed Moses, the American athlete, won between 1977 and 1987, a sequence that included the Olympic title in Los Angeles in 1984 and would surely also have included another one in Moscow four years earlier, but for his country's boycott of those Games.", "precise_score": 5.811141014099121, "rough_score": 6.784734725952148, "source": "search", "title": "Countdown to the Beijing Olympics - Telegraph" }, { "answer": "122", "passage": "Edwin Corley Moses (born August 31, 1955) is an American former track and field athlete, who won gold medals in the 400 m hurdles at the 1976 and 1984 Olympics. Between 1977 and 1987, Moses won 107 consecutive finals (122 consecutive races) and set the world record in his event four times. In addition to his running, Moses was also an innovative reformer in the areas of Olympic eligibility and drug testing. In 2000, he was elected the first Chairman of the Laureus World Sports Academy, an international service organization of world-class athletes.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 2.096112012863159, "source": "wiki", "title": "Edwin Moses" }, { "answer": "122", "passage": "By the time American Danny Harris beat Moses in Madrid on June 4, 1987, Moses had won 122 consecutive races, set the world record two more times, won three World Cup titles, a World Championship gold, and earned his second Olympic gold medal in Los Angeles, where he was selected to take the Olympic Oath. After losing to Harris, he won 10 more races in a row, collecting his second world gold in Rome in August of the same year, and then he finished third in the final 400 m race of his career at the 1988 Summer Olympics in Seoul.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 3.61429500579834, "source": "wiki", "title": "Edwin Moses" }, { "answer": "122", "passage": "At the top end of the scale, USA lead the way with a total of 2,200 medals, and they are followed by the Soviet Union, who have gained 1,122 (a figure that includes the Unified Team of 1992), Great Britain (671), unified Germany (608) and France (590).", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.100998878479004, "source": "search", "title": "Countdown to the Beijing Olympics - Telegraph" }, { "answer": "122", "passage": "122 days to go . . .", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.076045036315918, "source": "search", "title": "Countdown to the Beijing Olympics - Telegraph" } ]
What distance is the Breeders' Cup Sprint?
{ "aliases": [ "Six furlongs" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "six furlongs" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "six furlongs", "type": "FreeForm", "value": "Six furlongs" }
[ { "answer": "Six furlongs", "passage": "Based on how well the Europeans have performed in North America so far this year, we're going to go with all foreigners all the time in the Breeders' Cup turf races. In seven runnings, an American-based horse has won this race only once, and Aidan O'Brien has won it two of the past three years. So let's go right back with O'Brien's War Envoy. He's lost six straight since breaking his maiden but has been competitive in top class races and need not be a star to defeat the Americans. Hootenanny is actually trained in the U.S. by Wesley Ward but has made his past two starts in Europe. He probably is the most talented Euro in the race, but he has never gone beyond six furlongs, and Ward's strength is not with route horses. Aktabany exited the same race as the top pick and finished only three-quarters of a length behind Hootenanny.", "precise_score": -4.2655792236328125, "rough_score": -5.910887718200684, "source": "search", "title": "Bill Finley: Breeders' Cup handicapping analysis -" } ]
Which team won the most Super Bowls in the 1980s?
{ "aliases": [ "49er Empire", "Santa Clara 49ers", "SF49", "San Francisco 49ers", "San Francisco 49er", "San Francisco Forty-Niners", "San Francisco Forty Niners", "San Francisco 49'ers", "San Fransisco 49ers", "San Fransisco 49'ers", "SF 49ers" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "sf49", "san francisco 49 ers", "san francisco forty niners", "san francisco 49ers", "sf 49ers", "49er empire", "san fransisco 49ers", "san francisco 49er", "santa clara 49ers", "san fransisco 49 ers" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "san francisco 49ers", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "San Francisco 49ers" }
[ { "answer": "San Francisco 49ers", "passage": "The most successful team of the 1980s was the San Francisco 49ers, which featured the West Coast offense of Hall of Fame head coach Bill Walsh. This offense was led by three-time Super Bowl MVP and Hall of Fame quarterback Joe Montana, Super Bowl MVP and Hall of Fame wide receiver Jerry Rice, and tight end Brent Jones. Under their leadership, the 49ers won four Super Bowls in the decade (XVI, XIX, XXIII, and XXIV) and made nine playoff appearances between 1981 and 1990, including eight division championships, becoming the second dynasty of the post-merger NFL.", "precise_score": 9.480897903442383, "rough_score": 8.093243598937988, "source": "wiki", "title": "Super Bowl" }, { "answer": "San Francisco 49ers", "passage": "Following several seasons with poor records in the 1980s, the Dallas Cowboys rose back to prominence in the 1990s. During this decade, the Cowboys made post-season appearances every year except for the seasons of 1990 and 1997. From 1992 to 1996, the Cowboys won their division championship each year. In this same period, the Buffalo Bills had made their mark reaching the Super Bowl for a record four consecutive years, only to lose all four. After Super Bowl championships by division rivals New York (1990) and Washington (1991), the Cowboys won three of the next four Super Bowls (XXVII, XXVIII, and XXX) led by quarterback Troy Aikman, running back Emmitt Smith, and wide receiver Michael Irvin. All three of these players went to the Hall of Fame. The Cowboys' streak was interrupted by the 49ers, who won their league-leading fifth title overall with Super Bowl XXIX in dominating fashion under Super Bowl MVP and Hall of Fame quarterback Steve Young, Hall of Fame wide receiver Jerry Rice, and Hall of Fame cornerback Deion Sanders; however, the Cowboys' victory in Super Bowl XXX the next year also gave them five titles overall and they did so with Deion Sanders after he won the Super Bowl the previous year with the San Francisco 49ers. The NFC's winning streak was continued by the Green Bay Packers who, under quarterback Brett Favre, won Super Bowl XXXI, their first championship since Super Bowl II in the late 1960s.", "precise_score": 5.219000816345215, "rough_score": 4.372413158416748, "source": "wiki", "title": "Super Bowl" }, { "answer": "San Francisco 49ers", "passage": "The Pittsburgh Steelers have won six Super Bowls, the most of any team; the Dallas Cowboys and San Francisco 49ers have five victories each, while the Green Bay Packers, New York Giants and New England Patriots have four Super Bowl championships. Thirteen other NFL franchises have won at least one Super Bowl. Nine teams have appeared in Super Bowl games without a win. The Minnesota Vikings were the first team to have appeared a record four times without a win. The Buffalo Bills played in a record four Super Bowls in a row, and lost every one. Four teams (the Cleveland Browns, Detroit Lions, Jacksonville Jaguars, and Houston Texans) have never appeared in a Super Bowl. The Browns and Lions both won NFL Championships prior to the Super Bowl's creation, while the Jaguars (1995) and Texans (2002) are both recent NFL expansion teams. The Minnesota Vikings won the last NFL Championship before the merger, but lost to the AFL champion Kansas City Chiefs in Super Bowl IV.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 2.327873945236206, "source": "wiki", "title": "Super Bowl" }, { "answer": "San Francisco 49ers", "passage": "The Baltimore Ravens snapped the NFC's three-game winning streak by winning Super Bowl XLVII in a 34-31 nail-biter over the San Francisco 49ers.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.470959186553955, "source": "wiki", "title": "Super Bowl" }, { "answer": "San Francisco 49ers", "passage": "No team has ever played the Super Bowl in its home stadium. Two teams have played the Super Bowl in their home market: the San Francisco 49ers, who played Super Bowl XIX in Stanford Stadium instead of Candlestick Park; and the Los Angeles Rams, who played Super Bowl XIV in the Rose Bowl instead of the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum. In both cases, the stadium in which the Super Bowl was held was perceived to be a better stadium for a large, high-profile event than the stadiums the Rams and 49ers were playing in at the time; this situation has not arisen since 1993, in part because the league has traditionally awarded the Super Bowl in modern times to the newest stadiums. Besides those two, the only other Super Bowl venue that was not the home stadium to an NFL team at the time was Rice Stadium in Houston: the Houston Oilers had played there previously, but moved to the Astrodome several years prior to Super Bowl VIII. The Orange Bowl was the only AFL stadium to host a Super Bowl and the only stadium to host consecutive Super Bowls, hosting Super Bowls II and III.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.435095310211182, "source": "wiki", "title": "Super Bowl" }, { "answer": "San Francisco 49ers", "passage": "On January 24, 1982 Super Bowl 16 was played in Pontiac, Michigan at the Pontiac Sliverdome. Bill Walsh's San Francisco 49ers faced Forrest Gregg's Cincinnati Bengals. MVP, Joe Montana, inched his Forty-Niners into Super Bowl Sixteen by completing a last second touchdown to Dwight Clark in the NFC Title Game, known as \"The Catch\". Montana took home MVP honors, throwing one touchdown to Earl Cooper, while running for another. Ray Wersching had a Super Bowl record 4 field goals. Ken Anderson brought the Bengals roaring back with a touchdown run and pass to Dan Ross. But early turnovers by Chris Collinsworth and Anderson were too much to overcome as Eric Wright, Lynn Thomas, Ronnie Lott, and Dwight Hicks led San Francisco's defense to victory.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.585422992706299, "source": "search", "title": "Super Bowl History 1980 - 1989 - Superbowl in the 1980's" }, { "answer": "San Francisco 49ers", "passage": "On January 22nd, 1989 at Joe Robbie Stadium in Miami, Florida, Sam Wyche's Cincinnati Bengals lost to Bill Walsh's San Francisco 49ers in Super Bowl 23, 20-16. Super Bowl Twenty-Three MVP, Jerry Rice, set a Super Bowl record with 215 yards receiving and Joe Montana had a record 357 yards. Boomer Esiason, Anthony Munoz, Tim McGee and Icky Woods all struggled against Ronnie Lott, Charles Haley, Tim McKyer, and the 49er defense. But, the Bengals' D, led by Jason Buck, Leon White and Solomon Wilcots, made big plays when they had to, as Cincinnati found themselves up 16-13 with 3:20 remaining. Montana led an 11 play, 92 yard, game winning drive that ended with a 10 yard touchdown pass to John Taylor with 34 seconds remaining.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.5682976245880127, "source": "search", "title": "Super Bowl History 1980 - 1989 - Superbowl in the 1980's" }, { "answer": "San Francisco 49ers", "passage": "Super Yrs in Bowl Super Yrs in Franchise Wins Bowl Playoffs W L T San Francisco 49ers 4 4 8 104 47 1 Washington Redskins 2 3 5 97 55 0 Miami Dolphins 0 2 5 94 57 1 Denver Broncos 0 3 5 93 58 1 Chicago Bears 1 1 5 92 60 0 Oakland Raiders 2 2 5 89 63 0 St. Louis Rams 0 0 7 86 66 0 Cleveland Browns 0 0 7 83 68 1 Cincinnati Bengals 0 2 3 81 71 0 New York Giants 1 1 5 81 70 1 Dallas Cowboys 0 0 5 79 73 0 New England Patriots 0 1 3 78 74 0 Seattle Seahawks 0 0 4 78 74 0 Minnesota Vikings 0 0 5 77 75 0 Pittsburgh Steelers 0 0 4 77 75 0 Philadelphia Eagles 0 1 4 76 74 2 New York Jets 0 0 4 73 77 2 San Diego Chargers 0 0 3 72 80 0 Buffalo Bills 0 0 4 69 83 0 New Orleans Saints 0 0 1 67 85 0 Kansas City Chiefs 0 0 1 66 84 2 Green Bay Packers 0 0 1 65 84 3 Arizona Cardinals 0 0 1 62 88 2 Tennessee Titans 0 0 4 62 90 0 Detroit Lions 0 0 2 61 90 1 Atlanta Falcons 0 0 2 57 94 1 Indianapolis Colts 0 0 1 54 97 1 Tampa Bay Buccaneers 0 0 2 45 106 1", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.74451208114624, "source": "search", "title": " : NFL : NFL : Regular season wins in the 1980's" }, { "answer": "San Francisco 49ers", "passage": "San Francisco 49ers", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.481182098388672, "source": "search", "title": "NFL Teams of the '80s - The Eighties Club" }, { "answer": "San Francisco 49ers", "passage": "Baltimore Ravens 34, San Francisco 49ers 31", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.47507381439209, "source": "search", "title": "Super Bowl Winners and Results - Super Bowl History ..." } ]
Anton Geesink was the first non-Japanese judoka to win a judo world championship, but which country did he come from?
{ "aliases": [ "NETHERLANDS", "The netherland", "Nederlandia", "Climate of the Netherlands", "Administrative divisions of the netherlands", "The Netheralands", "Nyderlandai", "Northern Netherlands", "Holland (country)", "Administrative divisions of the Netherlands", "The Netherlands", "Netherlands", "Pays-Bas", "Netherlands, (Dut/Hol)", "ISO 3166-1:NL", "Olanda", "Netherlands/HistoryTalk", "Capitals of Holland", "Neatherlands", "The netherlands", "Dutch inhabitants", "Netherlands, The", "European Netherlands", "Subdivisions of the Netherlands", "Mainland Netherlands", "Metropolitan Netherlands", "Nehterlands", "Netherlands (European territory)" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "capitals of holland", "northern netherlands", "nederlandia", "pays bas", "olanda", "climate of netherlands", "neatherlands", "netherland", "european netherlands", "nyderlandai", "administrative divisions of netherlands", "dutch inhabitants", "mainland netherlands", "iso 3166 1 nl", "subdivisions of netherlands", "netherlands european territory", "netherlands historytalk", "nehterlands", "netherlands dut hol", "metropolitan netherlands", "netherlands", "holland country", "netheralands" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "netherlands", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Netherlands" }
[ { "answer": "Netherlands", "passage": "At the 1964 Tokyo Olympics, Mr. Geesink won the gold medal in the open class as the first non-Japanese. Since then, with the spirit of budō, he has contributed to the international peace and promoted the cultural exchange and friendship between the people of the Netherlands and of Japan. Furthermore, he explored judo in light of education and somatology and has been devoted to its diffusion and development. To honor his contribution to the worldwide diffusion of judo, this university, as a body which prizes the spirit of budō, awarded him an honorary doctorate of Kokushikan University.", "precise_score": 6.429878234863281, "rough_score": 6.631845474243164, "source": "wiki", "title": "Anton Geesink" }, { "answer": "Netherlands", "passage": "Anton did a lot for the Austrian Judo. First he invited the Austrian Team to trainings in the Netherlands, then the Austrian Federation assumed the methodic of Geesink in the education and graduation system. So the success of Austrian Judo also wears the handwriting of Anton and we have to thank him for his assistance. Because of these good relationship between Anton and Austria he built a home from home in Tirol in the 70th.", "precise_score": 4.337595462799072, "rough_score": 4.365880012512207, "source": "search", "title": "Judo Bond Nederland - Condoleanceregister Anton Geesink" }, { "answer": "Netherlands", "passage": "It is with sadness and grief I would like to offer our condolences on behalf of the Botswana Judo Federation.   Please convery our sincere condolences to his wife, children and family as well as the Judo Bond of the Netherlands", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.045017719268799, "source": "search", "title": "Judo Bond Nederland - Condoleanceregister Anton Geesink" }, { "answer": "Netherlands", "passage": "It is with great sadness , we learn about the sudden passing of Mr.Anton GEESINK , it is a great loss for the Judo Family , however , Anton will be remembered as a legend and for us as a friend , on behalf of the African judo family , I would like to express our sincere condolences to the Netherlands judo family and to Mrs. Geesink and his family , may he rest in peace.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 2.132524013519287, "source": "search", "title": "Judo Bond Nederland - Condoleanceregister Anton Geesink" }, { "answer": "Netherlands", "passage": "On this sorrowful occoasion, may I on behalf of the Arfrican Judo Family and on my personal behalf, extend to you personally and to the Judo Bond Netherlands, my heartfelt condolences and deepest sympathy in the wake of this major loss.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.865192413330078, "source": "search", "title": "Judo Bond Nederland - Condoleanceregister Anton Geesink" }, { "answer": "Netherlands", "passage": "Upon learning the sudden passing of Mr. Anton Geesink, we should like to extend to his wife, his family, Judo Bond Nederland, and citizens of the Netherlands our most sincere sympathy and condolences, on behalf of the Kodokan Judo Institute, All Japan Judo Federation and all of the judo friends in Japan.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 4.101875305175781, "source": "search", "title": "Judo Bond Nederland - Condoleanceregister Anton Geesink" }, { "answer": "Netherlands", "passage": "I learned with deep sorrow the passing away of Mr Anton Geesink. On this sad occasion I would like to convey my sincere condolences to his wife, family and Netherlands Judo Federation.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -1.9127854108810425, "source": "search", "title": "Judo Bond Nederland - Condoleanceregister Anton Geesink" }, { "answer": "The netherland", "passage": "It was with great sadness the Iran Judo Federation received the tragic news that Mr .Anton Geesink has passed away. The Iran Judo Federation extends its deepest condolences to the families of the deceased,as well as to the Netherland Judo Association.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 1.1788114309310913, "source": "search", "title": "Judo Bond Nederland - Condoleanceregister Anton Geesink" }, { "answer": "Netherlands", "passage": "Upon sad news of passing of Mr. Anton Geesink we extend our deep condolences to Mrs. Geesink with family and Judo Federation of Netherlands.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -2.367516040802002, "source": "search", "title": "Judo Bond Nederland - Condoleanceregister Anton Geesink" }, { "answer": "Netherlands", "passage": "In the Netherlands, Dutch judo pioneer Jan Snijders passed away at the age of 93 yrs. This is a different \"Jan Snijders\" than the one who is currently heading the EJU Refereeing Committee. The late Jan Snijders was born on April 23, 1921 (the other Jan Snijders is 22 years his junior and was born in 1943).", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.433082580566406, "source": "search", "title": "Pioneers of Judo - Judoencyclopedia by Thomas Plavecz ..." } ]
Who was the defending champion when Chris Evert first won Wimbledon singles?
{ "aliases": [ "Billie Jean Moffit", "Billie Jean Moffit-King", "Billie-Jean Moffitt", "Billie Jean Moffitt", "Billie Jean Moffit King", "Billie Jean King", "Billy Jean King", "Billie-Jean King", "Billie King", "Billie Jean Moffitt King" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "billie jean moffit", "billie jean moffit king", "billie jean moffitt", "billy jean king", "billie jean moffitt king", "billie king", "billie jean king" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "billie jean king", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Billie Jean King" }
[ { "answer": "Billie Jean King", "passage": "Evert made her Grand Slam tournament debut at the 1971 US Open, aged 16, receiving an invitation after winning the national sixteen-and-under championship. After an easy straight-sets win over Edda Buding in the first round, she faced the American No. 4 Mary-Ann Eisel in the second round. Evert saved six match points - with Eisel at one stage serving at 6–4, 6–5 (40–0) in the second set - before going on to win 4–6, 7–6, 6–1. She made two further comebacks from a set down, against Dürr and Lesley Hunt, both seasoned professionals, before losing to Billie Jean King in a semifinal in straight sets. This defeat ended a 46-match winning streak built up through a variety of professional and junior tour events. This winning streak included her first matches with and wins over King, Virginia Wade and Betty Stöve.", "precise_score": 2.160069227218628, "rough_score": 5.325791358947754, "source": "wiki", "title": "Chris Evert" }, { "answer": "Billie Jean King", "passage": "Chris Evert had already been a semi-finalist at her first Wimbledon in 1972, losing to Evonne Goolagong and a finalist in 1973, losing to Billie Jean King. She was due to play them in sequence in 1974 but both were beaten in earlier matches. Evert had never lost to Russian Olga Morozova so went into the final full of confidence. She won the title for the first time with victory by 6-0, 6-4.", "precise_score": 7.679632186889648, "rough_score": 8.625775337219238, "source": "search", "title": "History - 1970s - The Championships, Wimbledon 2016 ..." }, { "answer": "Billie-Jean King", "passage": "In total Evert played 10 Wimbledon finals. She lost her first to Billie-Jean King in 1973 before winning the following year against Olga Morozova.", "precise_score": 5.331700801849365, "rough_score": 6.96174430847168, "source": "search", "title": "Wimbledon legends: Chris Evert - BBC News" }, { "answer": "Billie Jean King", "passage": "During her career versus selected rivals, Evert was: 40–6 against Virginia Wade, 37–43 against Martina Navratilova, 26–13 against Evonne Goolagong Cawley, 24–0 against Virginia Ruzici, 23–1 against Sue Barker, 22–0 against Betty Stöve, 22–1 against Rosemary Casals, 21–7 against Hana Mandlíková, 20–1 against Wendy Turnbull, 19–7 against Billie Jean King (winning the last 11 matches with a loss of only two sets), 19–3 against Pam Shriver, 18–2 against Kerry Melville Reid, 17–2 against Manuela Maleeva-Fragniere, 17–2 against Helena Suková, 17–3 against Andrea Jaeger, 16–3 against Dianne Fromholtz Balestrat, 15–0 against Olga Morozova, 13–0 against Françoise Dürr, 9–4 against Margaret Court, 8–9 against Tracy Austin, 7–0 against Mary Joe Fernandez, 6–3 against Gabriela Sabatini, 6–5 against Nancy Richey Gunter (winning the last 6 matches), 6–8 against Steffi Graf (losing the last eight matches) and 2–1 against Monica Seles.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -1.5156254768371582, "source": "wiki", "title": "Chris Evert" }, { "answer": "Billie Jean King", "passage": "From 1975 to 1999, premium channel HBO carried weekday coverage of Wimbledon. Hosts included Jim Lampley, Billie Jean King, Martina Navratilova, John Lloyd and Barry MacKay among others. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.899028778076172, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Championships, Wimbledon" }, { "answer": "Billie Jean King", "passage": "1970: Margaret Court v Billie Jean King:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.0295991897583, "source": "search", "title": "History - 1970s - The Championships, Wimbledon 2016 ..." }, { "answer": "Billie Jean King", "passage": "Margaret Court and Billie Jean King contested one of the great Wimbledon finals in 1970. As veteran commentator John Barrett has said, \"It produced one of the most dramatic finals ever seen at Wimbledon.\" The fact it was televised in colour rather than black and white added to the spectacle while also underlining the changing times of a sport that only two years earlier had turned professional.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -2.918488025665283, "source": "search", "title": "History - 1970s - The Championships, Wimbledon 2016 ..." }, { "answer": "Billie Jean King", "passage": "Goolagong, at 19, had captured the tennis world’s hearts on her second appearance at The Championships with her breezy, easy-going style and sunny smile, which contrasted greatly with the quiet and dignified defending champion Court. While the Aussie teenager arrived in the final having taken out the previous year’s runner-up, Billie Jean King, in three sets, no one expected her to also get the better of the big-hitting defending champion.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.660338401794434, "source": "search", "title": "History - 1970s - The Championships, Wimbledon 2016 ..." }, { "answer": "Billie Jean King", "passage": "1979: Billie Jean King wins 20th title", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.017871856689453, "source": "search", "title": "History - 1970s - The Championships, Wimbledon 2016 ..." }, { "answer": "Billie Jean King", "passage": "Immediately after Bjorn Borg won a record fourth successive men's title at Wimbledon, Billie Jean King grabbed the Centre Court spotlight by becoming the most prolific Wimbledon winner. The 35-year-old partnered singles champion Martina Navratilova to win the women's doubles final 5-7 6-3, 6-2 against Australia's Wendy Turnbull and Holland's Betty Stove.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 4.246205806732178, "source": "search", "title": "History - 1970s - The Championships, Wimbledon 2016 ..." }, { "answer": "Billie Jean King", "passage": "'Big Marge' dominated the tour in the 1960s and 1970s, winning her first two Wimbledon titles, as Margaret Smith, in 1963 and 1965. She quit the circuit in 1966 to marry and start a family, but returned to the game as Margaret Court, and in 1970 won all four majors to achieve the grand slam. On the Wimbledon leg of that feat, Court and the American Billie Jean King contested what was one of the greatest finals in the tournament's history, with the Australian eventually closing out a 14-12, 11-9 victory. In addition to her three Wimbledon trophies, Court won a further 21 grand slam singles titles, taking her singles tally to 24, and many consider her to be the greatest female player to have ever stepped on Centre Court.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 4.505214691162109, "source": "search", "title": "Wimbledon Champions: Women's top 25 - Telegraph" }, { "answer": "Billie Jean King", "passage": "The delight that greeted Ann Jones's triumph in 1969 was not just down to it being a home victory. As well as the Birmingham player's popularity, her success was all the sweeter for being unexpected. She was past her 30th birthday and competing at her 14th??Wimbledon. Having got through to the semi-finals, she put out the top seed, Margaret Court, before beating defending champion, Billie Jean King, in the final.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 0.17123401165008545, "source": "search", "title": "Wimbledon Champions: Women's top 25 - Telegraph" }, { "answer": "Billie Jean King", "passage": "Billie Jean King", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.318037033081055, "source": "search", "title": "Wimbledon Champions: Women's top 25 - Telegraph" }, { "answer": "Billie Jean King", "passage": "There can be no disputing Martina Navratilova's supremacy at the All England Club. The joint-record holder with Billie Jean King of a total of 20 Wimbledon titles in singles, doubles and mixed doubles, she is unmatched in singles with nine victories. Having won the singles title in 1978 and 1979 and then another six victories in a row up to 1987 – when she defeated Germany's Steffi Graf to equal the American Helen Wills Moody's record of eight singles titles – she finally went past the record in 1990, in what was to be her final Wimbledon singles title, when she was almost 34 ??years old. Her longevity in doubles was even greater, spanning 17 years to 2003, when her victory in the mixed doubles made her, at 46 years 261 days, the oldest Wimbledon champion. It was possible only because she took physical fitness in tennis to new levels. And yet it could have been very different after her defection from Czechoslovakia to the US during the Cold War, as she initially showed such a passion for American junk food that she put on weight alarmingly. Turning that around proved to be the making of her.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 4.381114959716797, "source": "search", "title": "Wimbledon Champions: Women's top 25 - Telegraph" } ]
Who was Super Bowl MVP in successive years in 1967 and 1968?
{ "aliases": [ "Bart Star" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "bart star" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "bart star", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Bart Star" }
[ { "answer": "Bart Star", "passage": "On January 14th, 1968 the Oakland Raiders met the Green Bay Packers in Super Bowl 2 in Miami, Florida's Orange Bowl. The game drew over 75,000 people, the first $3 million gate. Super Bowl Two was no different than Super Bowl One for Bart Starr and Green Bay. Starr was named MVP and the Packers won easily for the second straight year, 33-14. Kicker Don Chandler added four field goals, and All-Pro cornerback Herb Adderley had a 60 yard interception return for a touchdown. Daryle Lamonica threw to Bill Miller for both of Oakland's touchdowns. This was Vince Lombardi's last Championship.", "precise_score": 5.804067611694336, "rough_score": 4.110255718231201, "source": "search", "title": "Super Bowl History 1967 - 1969 - Superbowl in the 60's" }, { "answer": "Bart Star", "passage": "Super Bowl IIGreen Bay 33, Oakland 14 Orange Bowl Miami, Fla. Jan. 14, 1968 MVP: Bart Starr, QB - Green Bay The Packers, in winning their second consecutive Super Bowl, sent coach Vince Lombardi (pictured) off in style. Their 33-14 win over the Raiders was the legendary coach's last as Green Bay's coach.", "precise_score": 7.488693714141846, "rough_score": 2.567789077758789, "source": "search", "title": "Super Bowl: A year-by-year review - Sun Sentinel" }, { "answer": "Bart Star", "passage": "Super Bowl IIGreen Bay 33, Oakland 14 Orange Bowl Miami, Fla. Jan. 14, 1968 MVP: Bart Starr, QB - Green Bay The Packers, in winning their second consecutive Super Bowl, sent coach Vince Lombardi (pictured) off in style. Their 33-14 win over the Raiders was the legendary coach's last as Green Bay's coach. (The Associated Press)", "precise_score": 7.469233512878418, "rough_score": 2.589647054672241, "source": "search", "title": "Super Bowl: A year-by-year review - Sun Sentinel" }, { "answer": "Bart Star", "passage": "The post-game presentation saw Bart Starr, the MVP of Super Bowls I and II, take the Vince Lombardi Trophy to the podium, whence it was presented to Steelers owner Dan Rooney.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.6134796142578125, "source": "wiki", "title": "Super Bowl XL" }, { "answer": "Bart Star", "passage": "Bart Starr again was chosen the game's most valuable player as he completed 13 of 24 passes for 202 yards and one touchdown and directed a Packers' attack that was in control all the way after building a 16-7 halftime lead.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.397660255432129, "source": "search", "title": "Super Bowl II Game Recap -" }, { "answer": "Bart Star", "passage": "Los Angeles, California hosted the Green Bay Packers and the Kansas City Chiefs in football's first Super Bowl. Super Bowl 1 featured coaching greats, Vince Lombardi and Hank Stram. Over 61,000 fans watched Bart Starr throw 2 touchdowns, leading the Packers to a 35-10 victory while receiving MVP honors. However, it was unlikely hero, Max McGee who opened eyes, catching 7 balls for 138 yards. Other key players for the Packers' were all-pro safety Willie Wood and running back Elijah Pitts, while the Chiefs were led by QB Len Dawson, and Curtis McClinton.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.100893974304199, "source": "search", "title": "Super Bowl History 1967 - 1969 - Superbowl in the 60's" }, { "answer": "Bart Star", "passage": "MVP: Bart Starr, QB, Green Bay", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.591065406799316, "source": "search", "title": "Super Bowl VI - Super Bowl History - Pictures - CBS News" }, { "answer": "Bart Star", "passage": "The Green Bay Packers open the Super Bowl series by defeating the AFL champion Chiefs behind the passing of Bart Starr, the receiving of Max McGee and a key interception by all-pro safety Willie Wood. Green Bay broke open the game with three second-half touchdowns, the first of which was set up by Wood's 50-yard return of an interception. Starr was chosen the most valuable player.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.419740676879883, "source": "search", "title": "Super Bowl VI - Super Bowl History - Pictures - CBS News" }, { "answer": "Bart Star", "passage": "Photo: Green Bay Packers quarterback Bart Starr throws a pass during first quarter action during Super Bowl I, at the Los Angeles Coliseum on January 16, 1967. Green Bay beat the Kansas City Chiefs 35-10.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.962027549743652, "source": "search", "title": "Super Bowl VI - Super Bowl History - Pictures - CBS News" }, { "answer": "Bart Star", "passage": "MVP: Bart Starr, QB, Green Bay", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.591065406799316, "source": "search", "title": "Super Bowl VI - Super Bowl History - Pictures - CBS News" }, { "answer": "Bart Star", "passage": "Green Bay wins its second straight Super Bowl title. Bart Starr again was chosen the game's most valuable player. The game marked the last for Vince Lombardi as Packers coach, ending nine years at Green Bay in which he won six Western Conference titles, five NFL championships and two Super Bowls. The game became the first to draw in a $3-million gate in football history.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.91953182220459, "source": "search", "title": "Super Bowl VI - Super Bowl History - Pictures - CBS News" }, { "answer": "Bart Star", "passage": "Super Bowl IGreen Bay 35, Kansas City 10 Memorial Coliseum Los Angeles, Calif. Jan. 15, 1967 MVP: Bart Starr, QB - Green Bay Starr (#15, pictured) went 16 for 23 for 250 yards and a pair of touchdowns during this first installment of the Super Bowl series.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -2.5376834869384766, "source": "search", "title": "Super Bowl: A year-by-year review - Sun Sentinel" }, { "answer": "Bart Star", "passage": "Super Bowl IGreen Bay 35, Kansas City 10 Memorial Coliseum Los Angeles, Calif. Jan. 15, 1967 MVP: Bart Starr, QB - Green Bay Starr (#15, pictured) went 16 for 23 for 250 yards and a pair of touchdowns during this first installment of the Super Bowl series. (Allsport/Rich Clarkson)", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -2.800685167312622, "source": "search", "title": "Super Bowl: A year-by-year review - Sun Sentinel" } ]
Who won the most men's US Open tennis titles in the 20th century?
{ "aliases": [ "William T. Tilden", "Big Bill Tilden", "Billy Tilden", "Bill Tilden", "William Tatem Tilden II", "William Tatem Tilden Jr." ], "normalized_aliases": [ "bill tilden", "william t tilden", "william tatem tilden ii", "billy tilden", "william tatem tilden jr", "big bill tilden" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "bill tilden", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Bill Tilden" }
[ { "answer": "Bill Tilden", "passage": "A frequent topic of discussion among tennis fans and commentators is who was the greatest male singles player of all time. By a large margin, an Associated Press poll in 1950 named Bill Tilden as the greatest player of the first half of the 20th century. From 1920 to 1930, Tilden won singles titles at Wimbledon three times and the U.S. Championships seven times. In 1938, however, Donald Budge became the first person to win all four major singles titles during the same calendar year, the Grand Slam, and won six consecutive major titles in 1937 and 1938. Tilden called Budge \"the finest player 365 days a year that ever lived.\" And in his 1979 autobiography, Jack Kramer said that, based on consistent play, Budge was the greatest player ever. Some observers, however, also felt that Kramer deserved consideration for the title. Kramer was among the few who dominated amateur and professional tennis during the late 1940s and early 1950s. Tony Trabert has said that of the players he saw before the start of the open era, Kramer was the best male champion. ", "precise_score": 6.746288776397705, "rough_score": 8.018214225769043, "source": "wiki", "title": "Tennis" }, { "answer": "Bill Tilden", "passage": "* Bill Tilden (10)", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.369247436523438, "source": "wiki", "title": "Tennis" }, { "answer": "Bill Tilden", "passage": "Bill Tilden, who dominated men's play in the 1920s, finished third with the help of one first-place vote.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.45223617553711, "source": "search", "title": "Tennis players of the century | Tennis | Sport | The ..." } ]
Pong was an early console type of game based on which sport?
{ "aliases": [ "Ping-pang Ch'iu", "Ping pong ball", "Corbillon cup", "Pen-holders", "PingPong", "Wiff-Waff", "Wiff Waff", "Round corner table tennis", "Ping pong balls", "Whiff-whaff", "Ping Pong", "Ping-pong ball", "Rounded corner table tennis", "Round table tennis", "Pen-holding", "Table tennis", "Pingpong", "Wiff-waff", "Table-tennis", "卓球", "Gossima", "Whiff whaff", "Table Tennis", "Penholding", "T tennis", "🏓", "Table tennis table", "Ping-Pong", "Table Tennis Ping-Pong", "Table tennis ball", "Penholder grip", "Penholders", "Table tennis tables", "Penholder (grip)", "Table-Tennis", "Pen holders", "Pingpang Qiú", "Tabletennis", "Ping-pong", "Pen holding", "Pingpang Qiu", "Pingpang Ciou", "Ping pong" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "rounded corner table tennis", "ping pang ch iu", "pen holders", "wiff waff", "gossima", "table tennis", "table tennis ping pong", "table tennis ball", "round corner table tennis", "ping pong balls", "ping pong", "penholding", "pingpong", "corbillon cup", "round table tennis", "penholders", "🏓", "ping pong ball", "pingpang qiu", "table tennis table", "pingpang ciou", "卓球", "whiff whaff", "t tennis", "tabletennis", "pen holding", "table tennis tables", "pingpang qiú", "penholder grip" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "table tennis", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Table Tennis" }
[ { "answer": "Table Tennis", "passage": "Pong is one of the earliest arcade video games and the very first sports arcade video game. It is a table tennis sports game featuring simple two-dimensional graphics. While other arcade video games such as Computer Space came before it, Pong was one of the first video games to reach mainstream popularity. The aim is to defeat an opponent in a simulated table-tennis game by earning a higher score. The game was originally manufactured by Atari, which released it in 1972. Allan Alcorn created Pong as a training exercise assigned to him by Atari co-founder Nolan Bushnell. Bushnell based the idea on an electronic ping-pong game included in the Magnavox Odyssey, which later resulted in a lawsuit against Atari. Surprised by the quality of Alcorn's work, Bushnell and Atari co-founder Ted Dabney decided to manufacture the game.", "precise_score": 6.724915981292725, "rough_score": 6.5319976806640625, "source": "wiki", "title": "Pong" }, { "answer": "Table Tennis", "passage": "Pong is a two-dimensional sports game that simulates table tennis. The player controls an in-game paddle by moving it vertically across the left side of the screen, and can compete against either a computer-controlled opponent or another player controlling a second paddle on the opposing side. Players use the paddles to hit a ball back and forth. The aim is for each player to reach eleven points before the opponent; points are earned when one fails to return the ball to the other. ", "precise_score": 2.949535846710205, "rough_score": 3.4054555892944336, "source": "wiki", "title": "Pong" }, { "answer": "Table Tennis", "passage": "Ping Pong (table tennis) has been played on many home consoles and arcades. It's regarded as the first popular arcade and home console game. Ping Pong is based on table tennis. Latter games such as Arkanoid were based on the concept of table tennis. Please wait for the game to load. Game not loading? Please enable Active X Content by clicking the circle with a strike through icon in the address bar which looks like this (", "precise_score": 5.173203468322754, "rough_score": 5.4181036949157715, "source": "search", "title": "Ping Pong Arcade Game - Classic Arcade Games" }, { "answer": "Table Tennis", "passage": "Pong was the first game developed by Atari. After producing Computer Space, Bushnell decided to form a company to produce more games by licensing ideas to other companies. The first contract was with Bally Manufacturing Corporation for a driving game. Soon after the founding, Bushnell hired Allan Alcorn because of his experience with electrical engineering and computer science; Bushnell and Dabney also had previously worked with him at Ampex. Prior to working at Atari, Alcorn had no experience with video games. To acclimate Alcorn to creating games, Bushnell gave him a project secretly meant to be a warm-up exercise. Bushnell told Alcorn that he had a contract with General Electric for a product, and asked Alcorn to create a simple game with one moving spot, two paddles, and digits for score keeping. In 2011, Bushnell stated that the game was inspired by previous versions of electronic tennis he had played before; Bushnell played a version on a PDP-1 computer in 1964 while attending college. However, Alcorn has claimed it was in direct response to Bushnell's viewing of the Magnavox Odyssey's Tennis game. In May 1972, Bushnell had visited the Magnavox Profit Caravan in Burlingame, California where he played the Magnavox Odyssey demonstration, specifically the table tennis game. Though he thought the game lacked quality, seeing it prompted Bushnell to assign the project to Alcorn.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -1.7581477165222168, "source": "wiki", "title": "Pong" }, { "answer": "Ping Pong", "passage": "After hearing about the game's success, Bushnell decided there would be more profit for Atari to manufacture the game rather than license it, but the interest of Bally and Midway had already been piqued. Bushnell decided to inform each of the two groups that the other was uninterested—Bushnell told the Bally executives that the Midway executives did not want it and vice versa—to preserve the relationships for future dealings. Upon hearing Bushnell's comment, the two groups declined his offer. Bushnell had difficulty finding financial backing for Pong; banks viewed it as a variant of pinball, which at the time the general public associated with the Mafia. Atari eventually obtained a line of credit from Wells Fargo that it used to expand its facilities to house an assembly line. The company announced Pong on 29 November 1972. Management sought assembly workers at the local unemployment office, but was unable to keep up with demand. The first arcade cabinets produced were assembled very slowly, about ten machines a day, many of which failed quality testing. Atari eventually streamlined the process and began producing the game in greater quantities. By 1973, they began shipping Pong to other countries with the aid of foreign partners. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.83577299118042, "source": "wiki", "title": "Pong" }, { "answer": "Table Tennis", "passage": "The success of Pong attracted the attention of Ralph Baer, the inventor of the Magnavox Odyssey, and his employer, Sanders Associates. Sanders had an agreement with Magnavox to handle the Odyssey's sublicensing, which included dealing with infringement on its exclusive rights. However, Magnavox had not pursued legal action against Atari and numerous other companies that released Pong clones. Sanders continued to apply pressure, and in April 1974 Magnavox filed suit against Atari, Bally Midway, Allied Leisure and Chicago Dynamics. Magnavox argued that Atari had infringed on Baer's patents and his concept of electronic ping-pong based on detailed records Sanders kept of the Odyssey's design process dating back to 1966. Other documents included depositions from witnesses and a signed guest book that demonstrated Bushnell had played the Odyssey's table tennis game prior to releasing Pong. In response to claims that he saw the Odyssey, Bushnell later stated that, \"The fact is that I absolutely did see the Odyssey game and I didn't think it was very clever.\" ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.7028117179870605, "source": "wiki", "title": "Pong" }, { "answer": "Ping Pong", "passage": "Ping Pong Arcade Game", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -0.32338446378707886, "source": "search", "title": "Ping Pong Arcade Game - Classic Arcade Games" }, { "answer": "Ping Pong", "passage": "Ping Pong Arcade Game", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -0.32338446378707886, "source": "search", "title": "Ping Pong Arcade Game - Classic Arcade Games" }, { "answer": "T tennis", "passage": "A simulated screenshot of what Tennis for Two looked like.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.401970863342285, "source": "search", "title": "Gamasutra - The History Of Pong: Avoid Missing Game to ..." }, { "answer": "Ping-Pong", "passage": "As Baer puts it, \"The fact that Nolan Bushnell developed Pong after he played a ping-pong game on an Odyssey 1TL200 at an L.A. Magnavox dealership demo in May of 1972 is also well-known.\" [4] Incidentally, although Baer credits Bushnell with the title of \"father of arcade video games,\" he proclaims himself \"the father of home video games.\" We'll have more to say about Baer in a moment.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.111547946929932, "source": "search", "title": "Gamasutra - The History Of Pong: Avoid Missing Game to ..." }, { "answer": "Table Tennis", "passage": "\"Mezrabad\" described the Odyssey's Table Tennis in a tongue-in-cheek review for Armchair Arcade, where he pretends he's back in 1972 playing this game with his son for the first time. The review shows the striking similarities to Pong:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.464970588684082, "source": "search", "title": "Gamasutra - The History Of Pong: Avoid Missing Game to ..." }, { "answer": "Table Tennis", "passage": "Table Tennis uses both Player Spots, Ball Spot, and Line Spot. It is the only Odyssey game that uses Cart #1. It uses no overlay. Cart #1 is inserted into the Odyssey's slot which automatically turns the Odyssey \"on\" and it begins its \"broadcast\" to your TV. Remember, this is only being broadcast to your TV. Don't call your neighbors and tell them to please turn to channel 3 or 4 to watch you play Table Tennis.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.297049522399902, "source": "search", "title": "Gamasutra - The History Of Pong: Avoid Missing Game to ..." }, { "answer": "Table Tennis", "passage": "Table Tennis is designed to help proud new Odyssey owners learn how to manipulate the controllers of the Odyssey. Two controllers come with the system. They are little white boxes with knobs on the right and left sides. The left knob controls horizontal movement of the Player Spot and the other knob controls the vertical movement of the Player Spot.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.276534080505371, "source": "search", "title": "Gamasutra - The History Of Pong: Avoid Missing Game to ..." }, { "answer": "Table Tennis", "passage": "Nevertheless, what distinguishes Bushnell's design and Alcorn's implementation is that the gameplay in Pong was pared down to just up/down paddle movements, with any \"English\" (really just a sudden change in direction) merely a result of where the ball strikes the paddle. Also, unlike Table Tennis, which tries to adhere to most of the rules of Ping-Pong by making balls hit to the top or bottom of the screen fly \"off the table,\" the top and bottom of Pong's screen function as walls that bounce the ball off them.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.253593444824219, "source": "search", "title": "Gamasutra - The History Of Pong: Avoid Missing Game to ..." } ]
In which decade of this century were airmail letters first carried?
{ "aliases": [ "2nd decade" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "2nd decade" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "2nd decade", "type": "FreeForm", "value": "2nd decade" }
[ { "answer": "2nd decade", "passage": "If we fast-forward to the 2nd decade of 20th-Century America, we find government-sponsored flights for domestic US Airmail which took place between 1911 and 1918.  It wasn’t until May 15 of 1918 that the first day of scheduled airmail came to be – the US Post Office Department officially established a new class of mail service – Air Mail was born!  On that date, the first airmail route was inaugurated between Washington DC and New York City.  The US Post Office Department had made an agreement with the War Department which would supply the planes and pilots while the Post Office would manage the mail and relevant details.  This historic flight carried 136 pounds of mail.  During a 76-day operation that followed, Air Service pilots delivered 20 tons of mail.  It should be noted, however, that of the initial 40 pilots, three died in flight crashes in a single year during 1919 and nine more crew died in 1920.", "precise_score": 7.980696201324463, "rough_score": 7.0829973220825195, "source": "search", "title": "A Brief History of Air Mail | Airtug" } ]
How many bits are there in a byte?
{ "aliases": [ "8", "eight", "Eight" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "8", "eight" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "eight", "type": "Numerical", "value": "Eight" }
[ { "answer": "Eight", "passage": "The symbol for bit, as a unit of information, is either simply bit (recommended by the IEC 80000-13:2008 standard) or lowercase b (recommended by the IEEE 1541-2002 standard). A group of eight bits is commonly called one byte, but historically the size of the byte is not strictly defined.", "precise_score": 7.18738317489624, "rough_score": 8.287473678588867, "source": "wiki", "title": "Bit" }, { "answer": "8", "passage": "Computers usually manipulate bits in groups of a fixed size, conventionally named \"words\". Like the byte, the number of bits in a word also varies with the hardware design, and is typically between 8 and 80 bits, or even more in some specialized computers. In the 21st century, retail personal or server computers have a word size of 32 or 64 bits.", "precise_score": 7.777401447296143, "rough_score": 8.193840980529785, "source": "wiki", "title": "Bit" }, { "answer": "Eight", "passage": "The byte is a unit of digital information that most commonly consists of eight bits. Historically, the byte was the number of bits used to encode a single character of text in a computer and for this reason it is the smallest addressable unit of memory in many computer architectures.", "precise_score": 8.735664367675781, "rough_score": 8.99207878112793, "source": "wiki", "title": "Byte" }, { "answer": "Eight", "passage": "The unit octet explicitly denotes a sequence of eight bits, eliminating the ambiguity of the byte. The usage of the term octad(e) for 8 bits is no longer common today. ", "precise_score": 5.4714460372924805, "rough_score": 7.882782936096191, "source": "wiki", "title": "Byte" }, { "answer": "8", "passage": "Various implementations of C and C++ reserve 8, 9, 16, 32, or 36 bits for the storage of a byte. ", "precise_score": 7.306217193603516, "rough_score": 8.604866981506348, "source": "wiki", "title": "Byte" }, { "answer": "8", "passage": "Group 8 bits together to make 1 byte", "precise_score": 5.329690456390381, "rough_score": 8.268071174621582, "source": "search", "title": "Bits and Bytes" }, { "answer": "8", "passage": "One byte = grouping of 8 bits", "precise_score": 8.306413650512695, "rough_score": 9.227137565612793, "source": "search", "title": "Bits and Bytes" }, { "answer": "8", "passage": "8 bits - 256 - one byte", "precise_score": 8.197710037231445, "rough_score": 9.646642684936523, "source": "search", "title": "Bits and Bytes" }, { "answer": "8", "passage": "1 byte is group of 8 bits", "precise_score": 8.50159740447998, "rough_score": 9.299419403076172, "source": "search", "title": "Bits and Bytes" }, { "answer": "8", "passage": "The DEC-10 byte pointer hardware worked with arbitrary-size bytes. The byte pointer included the byte size in bits. I don't remember whether bytes could span word boundaries; I think they couldn't, which meant that you'd have a few waste bits per word if the byte size was not 3, 4, 9, or 18 bits. (The DEC-10 used a 36-bit word.)", "precise_score": 4.190645694732666, "rough_score": 8.016976356506348, "source": "search", "title": "How many bits are there in a byte? - Quora" }, { "answer": "8", "passage": "Sort of shameless copy. There were older systems where byte was less than 8-bits. Now C/C++ specifications have mandated at least 8 bits for a byte i.e. it may be more than that.", "precise_score": 8.24817180633545, "rough_score": 8.40856647491455, "source": "search", "title": "How many bits are there in a byte? - Quora" }, { "answer": "8", "passage": "The DEC-10 byte pointer hardware worked with arbitrary-size bytes. The byte pointer included the byte size in bits. I don't remember whether bytes could span word boundaries; I think they couldn't, which meant that you'd have a few waste bits per word if the byte size was not 3, 4, 9, or 18 bits. (The DEC-10 used a 36-bit word.)", "precise_score": 4.190645694732666, "rough_score": 8.016976356506348, "source": "search", "title": "How many bits are there in a byte? - Quora" }, { "answer": "8", "passage": "CPU 64-bits 1 word = 8 bytes", "precise_score": 3.054253339767456, "rough_score": 7.532398223876953, "source": "search", "title": "How many bits are there in a byte? - Quora" }, { "answer": "8", "passage": "Byte: Today, a byte is almost always 8 bit. However, that wasn't always the case and there's no \"standard\" or something that dictates this. Since 8 bits is a convenient number to work with it became the de facto standard.", "precise_score": 9.071094512939453, "rough_score": 9.060709953308105, "source": "search", "title": "How many bits are there in a byte? - Quora" }, { "answer": "8", "passage": "One byte consists of 8 bits, which should be adjacent. This is the de facto standard, that is, it is widely accepted and used in practice. But the number of bits in a byte is not fixed, it can be different in different systems. There exists systems which has more than 8 bits wide. The number of bits in a byte is actually implementation defined and is not necessarily 8 bytes everywhere. It can be 8 bits, 9 bits, 16 bits, 32 bits, even 64 bits [1] . Does that mean if you do sizeof (char) it may return more than 1 ? No, because char has a storage size of exactly one byte and when the number of bits in a byte change, the definition of byte changes, not the definition of char, so sizeof (char) is always 1. The minimum number of bits in a char is defined to be 8 as per C99 standards Section Paragraph 1, and the number of bits in a byte in an implementation should be greater than or equal to 8.", "precise_score": 8.712529182434082, "rough_score": 9.16270923614502, "source": "search", "title": "C Q&A #1: How many bits are there in a byte? | Phoxis" }, { "answer": "8", "passage": "sorry i write wrong 8 bits = 1 byte 1024 bute = 1kb 1024 kb = 1mb 1024 mb = 1gb", "precise_score": 4.293942928314209, "rough_score": 7.996705055236816, "source": "search", "title": "C Q&A #1: How many bits are there in a byte? | Phoxis" }, { "answer": "Eight", "passage": "Half a byte (four bits) is called a nibble . In some systems, the term octet is used for an eight-bit unit instead of byte. In many systems, four eight-bit bytes or octets form a 32-bit word . In such systems, instruction lengths are sometimes expressed as full-word (32 bits in length) or half-word (16 bits in length).", "precise_score": 6.431102275848389, "rough_score": 8.672174453735352, "source": "search", "title": "What is bit (binary digit)? - Definition from" }, { "answer": "8", "passage": "8 bits = 1 byte (B)", "precise_score": 8.297652244567871, "rough_score": 9.209468841552734, "source": "search", "title": "SmartFTP - Bits, Bytes, Mega, Giga, Tera (explained)" }, { "answer": "8", "passage": "You might wonder why 8 bits or a byte is used instead of something else. This is because the earliest computers could process only 8 bits of data at a time. As computers became faster and more advanced, the idea of a byte stuck. A single byte of data can be from 00000000 to 11111111, which when converted to decimal goes from 0 to 255. In computer symbols, a bit is represented with a lowercase letter \"b\" while a byte is represented with an uppercase letter \"B.\"", "precise_score": 7.561174392700195, "rough_score": 8.604398727416992, "source": "search", "title": "What Is a Bit and How Many Bits Are in a Byte? | eHow" }, { "answer": "8", "passage": "Today, a Byte is 8 bits.", "precise_score": 9.526792526245117, "rough_score": 9.503466606140137, "source": "search", "title": "How much is 1 byte, kilobyte, megabyte, gigabyte, etc.?" }, { "answer": "8", "passage": "byte 8 bits.", "precise_score": 6.583731651306152, "rough_score": 9.776476860046387, "source": "search", "title": "Bits, Bytes, Nybbles" }, { "answer": "8", "passage": "A byte has been variously (at least) 1, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 18, 20 and possibly 36 bits, depending on what computer you are looking at. I am taking \"byte\" here to mean \"smallest addressable unit of memory\", rather than using any sort of text-centric interpretation. (For example, the Saturn CPU, a 64-bit CPU used in the popular HP48SX/GX calculator line addresses memory in nibbles -- 4-bits.)", "precise_score": 8.545500755310059, "rough_score": 8.428004264831543, "source": "search", "title": "hardware - What is the history of why bytes are eight bits ..." }, { "answer": "8", "passage": "The encoding of data by discrete bits was used in the punched cards invented by Basile Bouchon and Jean-Baptiste Falcon (1732), developed by Joseph Marie Jacquard (1804), and later adopted by Semen Korsakov, Charles Babbage, Hermann Hollerith, and early computer manufacturers like IBM. Another variant of that idea was the perforated paper tape. In all those systems, the medium (card or tape) conceptually carried an array of hole positions; each position could be either punched through or not, thus carrying one bit of information. The encoding of text by bits was also used in Morse code (1844) and early digital communications machines such as teletypes and stock ticker machines (1870).", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.8740692138671875, "source": "wiki", "title": "Bit" }, { "answer": "8", "passage": "Ralph Hartley suggested the use of a logarithmic measure of information in 1928. Claude E. Shannon first used the word bit in his seminal 1948 paper A Mathematical Theory of Communication. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.397932052612305, "source": "wiki", "title": "Bit" }, { "answer": "8", "passage": "For devices using positive logic, a digit value of 1 (or a logical value of true) is represented by a more positive voltage relative to the representation of 0. The specific voltages are different for different logic families and variations are permitted to allow for component aging and noise immunity. For example, in transistor–transistor logic (TTL) and compatible circuits, digit values 0 and 1 at the output of a device are represented by no higher than 0.4 volts and no lower than 2.6 volts, respectively; while TTL inputs are specified to recognize 0.8 volts or below as 0 and 2.2 volts or above as 1.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.392767906188965, "source": "wiki", "title": "Bit" }, { "answer": "8", "passage": "In the 1950s and 1960s, these methods were largely supplanted by magnetic storage devices such as magnetic core memory, magnetic tapes, drums, and disks, where a bit was represented by the polarity of magnetization of a certain area of a ferromagnetic film, or by a change in polarity from one direction to the other. The same principle was later used in the magnetic bubble memory developed in the 1980s, and is still found in various magnetic strip items such as metro tickets and some credit cards.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.206121444702148, "source": "wiki", "title": "Bit" }, { "answer": "Eight", "passage": "Multiple bits may be expressed and represented in several ways. For convenience of representing commonly reoccurring groups of bits in information technology, several units of information have traditionally been used. The most common is the unit byte, coined by Werner Buchholz in July 1956, which historically was used to represent the group of bits used to encode a single character of text (until UTF-8 multibyte encoding took over) in a computer and for this reason it was used as the basic addressable element in many computer architectures. The trend in hardware design converged on the most common implementation of using eight bits per byte, as it is widely used today. However, because of the ambiguity of relying on the underlying hardware design, the unit octet was defined to explicitly denote a sequence of eight bits.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 5.514777183532715, "source": "wiki", "title": "Bit" }, { "answer": "Eight", "passage": "The size of the byte has historically been hardware dependent and no definitive standards existed that mandated the size. The de facto standard of eight bits is a convenient power of two permitting the values 0 through 255 for one byte. The international standard IEC 80000-13 codified this common meaning. Many types of applications use information representable in eight or fewer bits and processor designers optimize for this common usage. The popularity of major commercial computing architectures has aided in the ubiquitous acceptance of the 8-bit size. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 7.047491073608398, "source": "wiki", "title": "Byte" }, { "answer": "Eight", "passage": "Early computers used a variety of four-bit binary coded decimal (BCD) representations and the six-bit codes for printable graphic patterns common in the U.S. Army (Fieldata) and Navy. These representations included alphanumeric characters and special graphical symbols. These sets were expanded in 1963 to seven bits of coding, called the American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) as the Federal Information Processing Standard, which replaced the incompatible teleprinter codes in use by different branches of the U.S. government and universities during the 1960s. ASCII included the distinction of upper- and lowercase alphabets and a set of control characters to facilitate the transmission of written language as well as printing device functions, such as page advance and line feed, and the physical or logical control of data flow over the transmission media. During the early 1960s, while also active in ASCII standardization, IBM simultaneously introduced in its product line of System/360 the eight-bit Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code (EBCDIC), an expansion of their six-bit binary-coded decimal (BCDIC) representation used in earlier card punches. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.8136754035949707, "source": "wiki", "title": "Byte" }, { "answer": "Eight", "passage": "The prominence of the System/360 led to the ubiquitous adoption of the eight-bit storage size, while in detail the EBCDIC and ASCII encoding schemes are different.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.190495491027832, "source": "wiki", "title": "Byte" }, { "answer": "Eight", "passage": "In the early 1960s, AT&T introduced digital telephony first on long-distance trunk lines. These used the eight-bit µ-law encoding. This large investment promised to reduce transmission costs for eight-bit data.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.707103729248047, "source": "wiki", "title": "Byte" }, { "answer": "Eight", "passage": "The development of eight-bit microprocessors in the 1970s popularized this storage size. Microprocessors such as the Intel 8008, the direct predecessor of the 8080 and the 8086, used in early personal computers, could also perform a small number of operations on the four-bit pairs in a byte, such as the decimal-add-adjust (DAA) instruction. A four-bit quantity is often called a nibble, also nybble, which is conveniently represented by a single hexadecimal digit.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.4116461277008057, "source": "wiki", "title": "Byte" }, { "answer": "Eight", "passage": "The term octet is used to unambiguously specify a size of eight bits. It is used extensively in protocol definitions.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.60116195678711, "source": "wiki", "title": "Byte" }, { "answer": "Eight", "passage": "Historically, the term octad or octade was used to denote eight bits as well at least in Western Europe; however, this usage is no longer common today. The exact origin of the term is unclear, but it can be found in British, Dutch and German sources of the 1960s and 1970s, and throughout the documentation of Philips mainframe computers.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.254036903381348, "source": "wiki", "title": "Byte" }, { "answer": "8", "passage": "The unit symbol for the byte is specified in IEC 80000-13, IEEE 1541 and the Metric Interchange Format as the upper-case character B.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -0.15000759065151215, "source": "wiki", "title": "Byte" }, { "answer": "8", "passage": "The unit symbol kB is commonly used for kilobyte, but may be confused with the still often-used abbreviation of kb for kilobit. IEEE 1541 specifies the lower case character b as the symbol for bit; however, IEC 80000-13 and Metric-Interchange-Format specify the symbol as bit, e.g., Mbit (megabit), providing disambiguation from B for byte.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.154383182525635, "source": "wiki", "title": "Byte" }, { "answer": "8", "passage": "The lowercase letter o for octet is defined as the symbol for octet in IEC 80000-13 and is commonly used in languages such as French and Romanian, and is also combined with metric prefixes for multiples, for example ko and Mo.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.634533882141113, "source": "wiki", "title": "Byte" }, { "answer": "Eight", "passage": "The C and C++ programming languages define byte as an \"addressable unit of data storage large enough to hold any member of the basic character set of the execution environment\" (clause 3.6 of the C standard). The C standard requires that the integral data type char must hold at least 256 different values, and is represented by at least eight bits (clause", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 3.6733171939849854, "source": "wiki", "title": "Byte" }, { "answer": "8", "passage": "Java's primitive byte data type is always defined as consisting of 8 bits and being a signed data type, holding values from −128 to 127.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 6.261749744415283, "source": "wiki", "title": "Byte" }, { "answer": "8", "passage": ".NET programming languages, such as C#, define both an unsigned byte and a signed sbyte, holding values from 0 to 255, and −128 to 127, respectively.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.8585312366485596, "source": "wiki", "title": "Byte" }, { "answer": "8", "passage": "8 bits can make 256 different patterns", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 5.290778636932373, "source": "search", "title": "Bits and Bytes" }, { "answer": "8", "passage": "32 space 33 ! 34 \" 35 # 36 $ 37 % 38 & 39 ' 40 ( 41 ) 42 * 43 + 44 , 45 - 46 . 47 / 48 0 49 1 50 2 51 3 52 4 53 5 54 6 55 7 56 8 57 9 58 : 59 ; 60 < 61 = 62 > 63 ? 64 @", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.076637268066406, "source": "search", "title": "Bits and Bytes" }, { "answer": "8", "passage": "65 A 66 B 67 C 68 D 69 E 70 F 71 G 72 H 73 I 74 J 75 K 76 L 77 M 78 N 79 O 80 P 81 Q 82 R 83 S 84 T 85 U 86 V 87 W 88 X 89 Y 90 Z 91 [ 92 \\ 93 ] 94 ^ 95 _ 96 `", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.932960510253906, "source": "search", "title": "Bits and Bytes" }, { "answer": "8", "passage": "97 a 98 b 99 c 100 d 101 e 102 f 103 g 104 h 105 i 106 j 107 k 108 l 109 m 110 n 111 o 112 p 113 q 114 r 115 s 116 t 117 u 118 v 119 w 120 x 121 y 122 z 123 { 124 | 125 } 126 ~", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.946990966796875, "source": "search", "title": "Bits and Bytes" }, { "answer": "8", "passage": "originally it was described as 1 to 6 bits (typical I/O equipment of the period used 6-bit chunks of information). The move to an 8-bit byte happened in late 1956", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 7.182926654815674, "source": "search", "title": "How many bits are there in a byte? - Quora" }, { "answer": "8", "passage": "Word: The natural size with which a processor is handling data (the register size). The most common word sizes encountered today are 8, 16, 32 and 64 bits, but other sizes are possible. For examples, there were a few 36 bit machines , or even 12 bit machines .", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 1.5447418689727783, "source": "search", "title": "How many bits are there in a byte? - Quora" }, { "answer": "8", "passage": "There are also a few processors who have a different pointer size: for example, the 8086 is a 16-bit processor which means its registers are 16 bit wide. But its pointers (addresses) are 20 bit wide and were calculated by combining two 16 bit registers in a certain way.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 3.080422878265381, "source": "search", "title": "How many bits are there in a byte? - Quora" }, { "answer": "Eight", "passage": "A bit (short for binary digit) is the smallest unit of data in a computer. A bit has a single binary value, either 0 or 1. Although computers usually provide instruction s that can test and manipulate bits, they generally are designed to store data and execute instructions in bit multiples called byte s. In most computer systems, there are eight bits in a byte. The value of a bit is usually stored as either above or below a designated level of electrical charge in a single capacitor within a memory device.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 7.458570957183838, "source": "search", "title": "What is bit (binary digit)? - Definition from" }, { "answer": "Eight", "passage": "The smallest amount of transfer is one bit. It holds the value of a 1, or a 0. (Binary coding). Eight of these 1's and zero's are called a byte.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 5.258756637573242, "source": "search", "title": "SmartFTP - Bits, Bytes, Mega, Giga, Tera (explained)" }, { "answer": "Eight", "passage": "Why eight? The earliest computers could only send 8 bits at a time, it was only natural to start writing code in sets of 8 bits. This came to be called a byte.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 6.878542900085449, "source": "search", "title": "SmartFTP - Bits, Bytes, Mega, Giga, Tera (explained)" }, { "answer": "Eight", "passage": "A bit is represented with a lowercase \"b,\" whereas a byte is represented with an uppercase \"b\" (B). So Kb is kilobits, and KB is kilobytes. A kilobyte is eight times larger than a kilobit.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 2.398871421813965, "source": "search", "title": "SmartFTP - Bits, Bytes, Mega, Giga, Tera (explained)" }, { "answer": "Eight", "passage": "A simple 1 or 0, times eight of these 1's and 0's put together is a byte. The string of code: 10010101 is exactly one byte. So a small gif image, about 4 KB has about 4000 lines of 8 1's and 0's. Since there are 8 per line, that's over (4000 x 8) 32,000 1's and 0's just for a single gif image.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 6.506033897399902, "source": "search", "title": "SmartFTP - Bits, Bytes, Mega, Giga, Tera (explained)" }, { "answer": "8", "passage": "The MB, or megabyte, mega meaning one million. Seems logical that one mega (million) byte would be 1,000,000 (one million) bytes. It's not however. One megabyte is 1024 x 1024 bytes. 1024 kilobytes is called one Megabyte. So one kilobyte is actually 1024 bytes, and 1024 of those is (1024 x 1024) 1048576 bytes. In short, one Megabyte is really 1,048,576 bytes.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 5.797471046447754, "source": "search", "title": "SmartFTP - Bits, Bytes, Mega, Giga, Tera (explained)" }, { "answer": "8", "passage": "There is a difference of about 48 KB, which is a decent amount. If you have a calculator, you will notice that there is actually a 47KB difference. There is a difference of 48,576 bytes, divided by 1024, and you get the amount of real kilobytes... 47.4375", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.3928210735321045, "source": "search", "title": "SmartFTP - Bits, Bytes, Mega, Giga, Tera (explained)" }, { "answer": "8", "passage": "All of this really comes into play when you deal with Gigabytes, or roughly one billion bytes. One real Gigabyte is actually 1024 bytes x 1024 bytes x 1024 bytes...1,073,741,824. However, most people like to simplify this by simply saying that one Gigabyte is only 1,000,000,000 (one billion) bytes; which makes sense because the prefix Giga means one billion.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 5.280449390411377, "source": "search", "title": "SmartFTP - Bits, Bytes, Mega, Giga, Tera (explained)" }, { "answer": "8", "passage": "A bit is short for a binary digit. In a binary system, only two digits exist: 1 and 0, as opposed to the decimal system, which has 10 digits from 0 to 9. The binary system was adapted in computers because data can simply be represented in 1's and 0's and it can easily be converted to represent electrical signals with 0 considered as an \"off state\" and 1 as an \"on state.\" One byte is equivalent to 8 bits.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 4.824892997741699, "source": "search", "title": "What Is a Bit and How Many Bits Are in a Byte? | eHow" }, { "answer": "Eight", "passage": "Four major number systems are in general use. The one we use commonly is the decimal system, which has 10 digits. Another is the octal system, which has eight digits that go from 0 to 7. The hexadecimal system has 16 digits and goes from 0 to 9, then A to E. The last one is the binary system, which has 0 and 1. The binary system is in base 2, which when converted to the decimal system is 2 raised to the nth power; this is important in understanding storage sizes in computers.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.662396430969238, "source": "search", "title": "What Is a Bit and How Many Bits Are in a Byte? | eHow" }, { "answer": "8", "passage": "Hard disk spaces, file and memory sizes are often measured in kilobytes, megabytes and gigabytes. A kilobyte is not exactly 1,000 bytes. Recall that when converting bits to decimal numbers, it's 2 raised to the nth power. A kilobyte is actually 1,024 bytes, which is 2 to the 10th power. Similarly, 1MB is not a million bytes but 1,048,576 bytes, or 2 to the 20th power. One gigabyte is not exactly one billion bytes, but 1,073,741,824, or 2 to the 30th power.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 5.880869388580322, "source": "search", "title": "What Is a Bit and How Many Bits Are in a Byte? | eHow" }, { "answer": "8", "passage": "Below is a list of each of the accepted disk drive space values. It is important to realize that not all manufacturers and developers use binary base 2. For example, a manufacturer may list a product's capacity as one gigabyte (1,000,000,000 bytes, a metric value) and not 1,073,741,824 bytes ( gibibyte ) that it actually is. For this page, we are using the \"common names\" and listing all values in base 2.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.777271270751953, "source": "search", "title": "How much is 1 byte, kilobyte, megabyte, gigabyte, etc.?" }, { "answer": "8", "passage": "A Megabyte is 1,048,576 bytes or 1,024 Kilobytes", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.002244472503662, "source": "search", "title": "How much is 1 byte, kilobyte, megabyte, gigabyte, etc.?" }, { "answer": "8", "passage": "873 pages of plaintext (1,200 characters)", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.850872993469238, "source": "search", "title": "How much is 1 byte, kilobyte, megabyte, gigabyte, etc.?" }, { "answer": "8", "passage": "A Gigabyte is 1,073,741,824 (230) bytes. 1,024 Megabytes, or 1,048,576 Kilobytes.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.319066524505615, "source": "search", "title": "How much is 1 byte, kilobyte, megabyte, gigabyte, etc.?" }, { "answer": "8", "passage": "894,784 pages of plaintext (1,200 characters)", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.712854385375977, "source": "search", "title": "How much is 1 byte, kilobyte, megabyte, gigabyte, etc.?" }, { "answer": "8", "passage": "A Terabyte is 1,099,511,627,776 (240) bytes, 1,024 Gigabytes, or 1,048,576 Megabytes.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.751714706420898, "source": "search", "title": "How much is 1 byte, kilobyte, megabyte, gigabyte, etc.?" }, { "answer": "8", "passage": "916,259,689 pages of plaintext (1,200 characters)", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.600753784179688, "source": "search", "title": "How much is 1 byte, kilobyte, megabyte, gigabyte, etc.?" }, { "answer": "8", "passage": "4,581,298 books (200 pages or 240,000 characters)", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.723097801208496, "source": "search", "title": "How much is 1 byte, kilobyte, megabyte, gigabyte, etc.?" }, { "answer": "8", "passage": "A Petabyte is 1,125,899,906,842,624 (250) bytes, 1,024 Terabytes, 1,048,576 Gigabytes, or 1,073,741,824 Megabytes.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.7397685050964355, "source": "search", "title": "How much is 1 byte, kilobyte, megabyte, gigabyte, etc.?" }, { "answer": "8", "passage": "938,249,922,368 pages of plaintext (1,200 characters)", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.326505661010742, "source": "search", "title": "How much is 1 byte, kilobyte, megabyte, gigabyte, etc.?" }, { "answer": "8", "passage": "671,088,640 web pages (with 1.6MB average file size)", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.961438179016113, "source": "search", "title": "How much is 1 byte, kilobyte, megabyte, gigabyte, etc.?" }, { "answer": "8", "passage": "268,435,456 MP3 audio files (with 4MB average file size)", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.003559112548828, "source": "search", "title": "How much is 1 byte, kilobyte, megabyte, gigabyte, etc.?" }, { "answer": "8", "passage": "An Exabyte is 1,152,921,504,606,846,976 (260) bytes, 1,024 Petabytes, 1,048,576 Terabytes, 1,073,741,824 Gigabytes, or 1,099,511,627,776 Megabytes.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.6246538162231445, "source": "search", "title": "How much is 1 byte, kilobyte, megabyte, gigabyte, etc.?" }, { "answer": "8", "passage": "4,803,839,602,528 books (200 pages or 240,000 characters)", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.446131706237793, "source": "search", "title": "How much is 1 byte, kilobyte, megabyte, gigabyte, etc.?" }, { "answer": "8", "passage": "687,194,767,360 web pages (with 1.6MB average file size)", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.782880783081055, "source": "search", "title": "How much is 1 byte, kilobyte, megabyte, gigabyte, etc.?" }, { "answer": "8", "passage": "366,503,875,925 digital pictures (with 3MB average file size)", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.758108139038086, "source": "search", "title": "How much is 1 byte, kilobyte, megabyte, gigabyte, etc.?" }, { "answer": "8", "passage": "274,877,906,944 MP3 audio files (with 4MB average file size)", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.016057014465332, "source": "search", "title": "How much is 1 byte, kilobyte, megabyte, gigabyte, etc.?" }, { "answer": "8", "passage": "A Zettabyte is 1,180,591,620,717,411,303,424 (270) bytes, 1,024 Exabytes, 1,048,576 Petabytes, 1,073,741,824 Terabytes, 1,099,511,627,776 Gigabytes, or 1,125,899,910,000,000 Megabytes.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.513636112213135, "source": "search", "title": "How much is 1 byte, kilobyte, megabyte, gigabyte, etc.?" }, { "answer": "8", "passage": "983,826,350,597,842,752 pages of plaintext (1,200 characters)", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.327998161315918, "source": "search", "title": "How much is 1 byte, kilobyte, megabyte, gigabyte, etc.?" }, { "answer": "8", "passage": "4,919,131,752,989,213 books (200 pages or 240,000 characters)", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.751622200012207, "source": "search", "title": "How much is 1 byte, kilobyte, megabyte, gigabyte, etc.?" }, { "answer": "8", "passage": "703,687,443,750,000 web pages (with 1.6MB average file size)", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.799666404724121, "source": "search", "title": "How much is 1 byte, kilobyte, megabyte, gigabyte, etc.?" }, { "answer": "8", "passage": "281,474,977,500,000 MP3 audio files (with 4MB average file size)", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.948263168334961, "source": "search", "title": "How much is 1 byte, kilobyte, megabyte, gigabyte, etc.?" }, { "answer": "8", "passage": "43,980,465,111 25GB Blu-ray discs", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.912447929382324, "source": "search", "title": "How much is 1 byte, kilobyte, megabyte, gigabyte, etc.?" }, { "answer": "8", "passage": "A Yottabyte is 1,208,925,819,614,629,174,706,176 (280) bytes, 1,024 Zettabytes, 1,048,576 Exabytes, 1,073,741,824 Petabytes, 1,099,511,627,776 Terabytes, 1,125,899,910,000,000 Gigabytes, or 1,152,921,500,000,000,000 Megabytes.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.443765163421631, "source": "search", "title": "How much is 1 byte, kilobyte, megabyte, gigabyte, etc.?" }, { "answer": "8", "passage": "1,007,438,183,012,190,978,921 pages of plaintext (1,200 characters)", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.217768669128418, "source": "search", "title": "How much is 1 byte, kilobyte, megabyte, gigabyte, etc.?" }, { "answer": "8", "passage": "5,037,190,915,060,954,894 books (200 pages or 240,000 characters)", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.580390930175781, "source": "search", "title": "How much is 1 byte, kilobyte, megabyte, gigabyte, etc.?" }, { "answer": "8", "passage": "384,307,166,666,666,666 digital pictures (with 3MB average file size)", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.720558166503906, "source": "search", "title": "How much is 1 byte, kilobyte, megabyte, gigabyte, etc.?" }, { "answer": "8", "passage": "288,230,375,000,000,000 MP3 audio files (with 4MB average file size)", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.882859230041504, "source": "search", "title": "How much is 1 byte, kilobyte, megabyte, gigabyte, etc.?" }, { "answer": "8", "passage": "1,773,725,384,615,384 650MB CD's", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.523123741149902, "source": "search", "title": "How much is 1 byte, kilobyte, megabyte, gigabyte, etc.?" }, { "answer": "8", "passage": "The second most important base is base 16 (or hexadecimal), and the third is base 8 (octal). Beyond that, you don't need to know the other bases.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.208657264709473, "source": "search", "title": "Bits, Bytes, Nybbles" }, { "answer": "8", "passage": "For example, if you have 3 bits, then you have 8 possible bitstring patterns (since 8=23). That limits you to a maximum of 8 different values.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 4.273004055023193, "source": "search", "title": "Bits, Bytes, Nybbles" }, { "answer": "Eight", "passage": "hardware - What is the history of why bytes are eight bits? - Software Engineering Stack Exchange", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 5.9036455154418945, "source": "search", "title": "hardware - What is the history of why bytes are eight bits ..." }, { "answer": "Eight", "passage": "What is the history of why bytes are eight bits?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 6.435709476470947, "source": "search", "title": "hardware - What is the history of why bytes are eight bits ..." }, { "answer": "Eight", "passage": "What where the historical forces at work, the tradeoffs to make, in deciding to use groups of eight bits as the fundamental unit ?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.9444899559021, "source": "search", "title": "hardware - What is the history of why bytes are eight bits ..." }, { "answer": "Eight", "passage": "There were machines, once upon a time, using other word sizes, but today for non-eight-bitness you must look to museum pieces, specialized chips for embedded applications, and DSPs. How did the byte evolve out of the chaos and creativity of the early days of computer design?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.1836283206939697, "source": "search", "title": "hardware - What is the history of why bytes are eight bits ..." }, { "answer": "Eight", "passage": "I can imagine that fewer bits would be ineffective for handling enough data to make computing feasible, while too many would have lead to expensive hardware. Were other influences in play? Why did these forces balance out to eight bits?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.752985954284668, "source": "search", "title": "hardware - What is the history of why bytes are eight bits ..." }, { "answer": "8", "passage": "(BTW, if I could time travel, I'd go back to when the \"byte\" was declared to be 8 bits, and convince everyone to make it 12 bits, bribing them with some early 21st Century trinkets.)", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 6.408240795135498, "source": "search", "title": "hardware - What is the history of why bytes are eight bits ..." }, { "answer": "8", "passage": "So why would you prefer 12 bits to 8? –  FrustratedWithFormsDesigner Nov 16 '11 at 19:59", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.558460712432861, "source": "search", "title": "hardware - What is the history of why bytes are eight bits ..." }, { "answer": "8", "passage": "Memory and registers weren't so cheap back then, so 8 bits was a good compromise, compared to 6 or 9 (fractions of a 36-bit word). Also, address calculations are a heck of a lot simpler with powers of 2, and that counts when you're making logic out of raw transistors in little cans. –  Mike Dunlavey Nov 16 '11 at 20:05", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.4341721534729004, "source": "search", "title": "hardware - What is the history of why bytes are eight bits ..." }, { "answer": "8", "passage": "8", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.814352035522461, "source": "search", "title": "hardware - What is the history of why bytes are eight bits ..." }, { "answer": "8", "passage": "Using word sizes that were powers of 2 were not so important in the \"early days\". The DEC-10 had a 36 bit word, and the CDC 6000 series had 60 bit words, and index registers with 18 bits. –  Jay Elston Nov 17 '11 at 18:53", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.718026638031006, "source": "search", "title": "hardware - What is the history of why bytes are eight bits ..." }, { "answer": "8", "passage": "ASCII defined a 7-bit character set. That was \"good enough\" for a lot of uses for a long time, and has formed the basis of most newer character sets as well (ISO 646, ISO 8859, Unicode, ISO 10646, etc.)", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.690099716186523, "source": "search", "title": "hardware - What is the history of why bytes are eight bits ..." }, { "answer": "8", "passage": "Since then, character sets have moved to 16 and 32 bits, but most mainstream computers are largely based on the original IBM PC (a design that'll be 30 years old within the next few months). Then again, enough of the market is sufficiently satisfied with 8-bit characters that even if the PC hadn't come to its current level of dominance, I'm not sure everybody would do everything with larger characters anyway.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.546969413757324, "source": "search", "title": "hardware - What is the history of why bytes are eight bits ..." }, { "answer": "8", "passage": "Now, the hindrance in supporting 16- or 32-bit characters is only minimally from the difficulties inherent in 16- or 32-bit characters themselves, and largely from the difficulty of supporting i18n in general. In ASCII (for example) detecting whether a letter is upper or lower case, or converting between the two, is incredibly trivial. In full Unicode/ISO 10646, it's basically indescribably complex (to the point that the standards don't even try -- they give tables, not descriptions). Then you add in the fact that for some languages/character sets, even the basic idea of upper/lower case doesn't apply. Then you add in the fact that even displaying characters in some of those is much more complex still.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.440597534179688, "source": "search", "title": "hardware - What is the history of why bytes are eight bits ..." }, { "answer": "8", "passage": "Take a look at Wikipedia page on 8-bit architecture . Although character sets could have been 5-, 6-, then 7-bit, underlying CPU/memory bus architecture always used powers of 2. Very first Microprocessor (around 1970s) had 4-bit bus, which means one instruction could move 4-bits of data between external memory and the CPU.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.74628210067749, "source": "search", "title": "hardware - What is the history of why bytes are eight bits ..." }, { "answer": "8", "passage": "Then with release of 8080 processor, 8-bit architecture became popular and that's what gave the beginnings of x86 assembly instruction set which is used even to these days. If I had to guess, byte came from these early processors where mainstream public began accepting and playing with PCs and 8-bits was considered the standard size of a single unit of data.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 2.1628870964050293, "source": "search", "title": "hardware - What is the history of why bytes are eight bits ..." }, { "answer": "8", "passage": "I would assume that by always doubling (instead of growing 50%) it was easier to make new hardware that coexists with existing applications and other legacy components. So for example when they went from 8-bits to 16, each instruction could now move 2 bytes instead of 1, so you save yourself one clock cycle but then end result is the same. However, if you went from 8 to 12-bit architecture, you'd end breaking up original data into halfs and managing that could become annoying. These are just guesses, I'm not really a hardware expert.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.041560173034668, "source": "search", "title": "hardware - What is the history of why bytes are eight bits ..." }, { "answer": "8", "passage": "The 20-bit bytes were extremely common in the \"IAS machines\", in the 50s. 6, 12, 18 (and maybe 36) were quite popular in a variety of architectures in the 60s, 70s and to some degree 80s.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -2.386582612991333, "source": "search", "title": "hardware - What is the history of why bytes are eight bits ..." } ]
Alta Vista is a type of what?
{ "aliases": [ "Search Results", "Most popular search engines", "Lumrix", "Searchengine", "Internet search engines", "Search market", "Search utility", "Search criteria", "Most popular Internet search engines", "Open-source search engine", "People Search", "Websearch", "Game Search Engine", "Wsearch.php", "Country-specific search engine", "Internet search", "Search ingine", "Web search engine", "Country-specific search engines", "Searching for key words", "Search machine", "Internet search engine", "Usage share of web search engines", "Search engine market share", "Search Engine", "List of search engines by popularity", "Niche Search Engine", "Search website", "Data search engine", "Serach Engine", "Search service", "Movie quotes search engine", "Search Engines", "Search engine", "Searching website", "Search Street", "Faith-based search engines", "History of web search engines", "List of open-source search engines", "Web search", "Results set", "Web search sites", "Search feature", "Open-source search engines", "Search egine", "Browsing engine", "Web engine", "Web Search Engines", "Search-engine", "Search engines", "Hyperbrowser searching", "Web search engines", "Web searching" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "internet search", "searchengine", "results set", "open source search engines", "web search", "open source search engine", "country specific search engine", "data search engine", "internet search engine", "list of search engines by popularity", "search service", "web search sites", "serach engine", "search engine market share", "search feature", "movie quotes search engine", "search street", "search machine", "browsing engine", "niche search engine", "search engines", "faith based search engines", "websearch", "web search engine", "internet search engines", "lumrix", "searching for key words", "searching website", "wsearch php", "people search", "search ingine", "most popular search engines", "search engine", "search egine", "game search engine", "web engine", "web search engines", "web searching", "search criteria", "hyperbrowser searching", "most popular internet search engines", "search utility", "history of web search engines", "country specific search engines", "search market", "usage share of web search engines", "search results", "list of open source search engines", "search website" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "search engine", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Search Engine" }
[ { "answer": "Search Engine", "passage": " along with Louis Monier and Michael Burrows, who wrote the crawler and indexer, respectively. The name \"AltaVista\" was chosen in relation to the surroundings of their company at Palo Alto, California. AltaVista publicly launched as an internet search engine on December 15, 1995 at ", "precise_score": -4.531203269958496, "rough_score": -7.212741851806641, "source": "wiki", "title": "AltaVista" }, { "answer": "Search criteria", "passage": "Hunting for Alta Vista apartments for rent and other rentals?® has rentals listings in Alta Vista, Laguna Beach, CA for you to search. The listings that you see here are precise and comprehensive and put virtually all of the important property details right in front of you. Simply key in your search criteria to begin finding your dream apartment in Alta Vista. For a more detailed analysis of floor plans and feature options, browse through our lovely photos.® is your ideal option to find apartments for rent in Alta Vista online. Unearth places to rent where you've always wanted to live right now.", "precise_score": -0.8100451827049255, "rough_score": 0.5741321444511414, "source": "search", "title": "Top 3 Apartments for Rent in the Alta Vista neighborhood ..." }, { "answer": "Search Engine", "passage": "AltaVista was an early web search engine established in 1995. It was once one of the most popular search engines, but it lost ground to Google and was purchased by Yahoo! in 2003, which retained the brand but based all AltaVista searches on its own search engine. On July 8, 2013, the service was shut down by Yahoo! and since then, the domain has redirected to Yahoo!'s own search site. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.355772495269775, "source": "wiki", "title": "AltaVista" }, { "answer": "Search Engine", "passage": "At launch, the service had two innovations that put it ahead of other search engines available at the time: it used a fast, multi-threaded crawler (Scooter) that could cover many more webpages than were believed to exist at the time, and it had an efficient back-end search, running on advanced hardware.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.510262489318848, "source": "wiki", "title": "AltaVista" }, { "answer": "Search Results", "passage": "As of 1998, it used 20 multi-processor machines using DEC's 64-bit Alpha processor. Together, the back-end machines had 130 GB of RAM and 500 GB of hard disk space, and received 13 million queries every day. This made AltaVista the first searchable, full-text database of a large part of the World Wide Web. Another distinguishing feature of AltaVista was its minimalistic interface, which was lost when it became a portal, but regained when it refocused its efforts on its search function. It also allowed the user to limit search results from a domain, reducing the likelihood of multiple results from the same source.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.249300003051758, "source": "wiki", "title": "AltaVista" }, { "answer": "Search Results", "passage": "In 1996, AltaVista became the exclusive provider of search results for Yahoo!. In 1998, Digital was sold to Compaq and in 1999, Compaq redesigned AltaVista as a web portal, hoping to compete with Yahoo!. Under CEO Rod Schrock, AltaVista abandoned its streamlined search page, and focused on adding features such as shopping and free e-mail. In June 1998, Compaq paid AltaVista Technology Incorporated (\"ATI\") $3.3 million for the domain name – Jack Marshall, cofounder of ATI, had registered the name in 1994.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.816929817199707, "source": "wiki", "title": "AltaVista" }, { "answer": "Search service", "passage": "In June 1999, Compaq sold a majority stake in AltaVista to CMGI, an internet investment company. CMGI filed for an initial public offering for AltaVista to take place in April 2000, but when the internet bubble collapsed, the IPO was cancelled. Meanwhile, it became clear that AltaVista's portal strategy was unsuccessful, and the search service began losing market share, especially to Google. After a series of layoffs and several management changes, AltaVista gradually shed its portal features and refocused on search. By 2002, AltaVista had improved the quality and freshness of its results and redesigned its user interface. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.021547317504883, "source": "wiki", "title": "AltaVista" }, { "answer": "Search Engine", "passage": "In December 2010, a Yahoo! employee leaked PowerPoint slides indicating that the search engine would shut down as part of a consolidation at Yahoo!. In May 2011, the shutdown commenced, and all results began to be returned on a Yahoo! page.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.603655815124512, "source": "wiki", "title": "AltaVista" } ]
Barclay Square was an early Internet site offering what?
{ "aliases": [ "Window shop", "Shopping", "Window shopping" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "window shopping", "window shop", "shopping" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "shopping", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Shopping" }
[ { "answer": "Shopping", "passage": "One and two bedroom apartments just a stone's throw from all of the dining, shopping, and entertainment Baltimore City has to offer. Barclay Square Apartments is walking distance to Morgan State University and just a few minutes' drive from Johns Hopkins University.", "precise_score": -4.078222751617432, "rough_score": -3.1919331550598145, "source": "search", "title": "Barclay Square Apartments" }, { "answer": "Shopping", "passage": "One and two bedroom apartments just a stone's throw from all of the dining, shopping, and entertainment Baltimore City has to offer. Barclay Square Apartments is walking distance to Morgan State University and just a few minutes' drive from Johns Hopkins University.", "precise_score": -4.078222751617432, "rough_score": -3.1919331550598145, "source": "search", "title": "Barclay Square Apartments" }, { "answer": "Shopping", "passage": "One and two bedroom apartments just a stone's throw from all of the dining, shopping, and entertainment Baltimore City has to offer. Barclay Square Apartments is walking distance to Morgan State University and just a few minutes' drive from Johns Hopkins University. Apartments feature plush wall-to-wall carpeting, oversized closets, and beautifully equipped kitchens.", "precise_score": -3.8773181438446045, "rough_score": -2.373988151550293, "source": "search", "title": "Barclay Square Apartments Rentals - Baltimore, MD ..." }, { "answer": "Shopping", "passage": "One and two bedroom apartments just a stone's throw from all of the dining, shopping, and entertainment Baltimore City has to offer. Barclay Square Apartments is walking distance to Morgan State University and just a few minutes' drive from Johns Hopkins University.", "precise_score": -4.078222751617432, "rough_score": -3.1919331550598145, "source": "search", "title": "Barclay Square Apartments - Baltimore, MD 21239 ..." }, { "answer": "Shopping", "passage": "5 minutes to shopping", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.53957748413086, "source": "search", "title": "Barclay Square Apartments" }, { "answer": "Shopping", "passage": "5 minutes to shopping5 minutes to shopping", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.598546981811523, "source": "search", "title": "Barclay Square Apartments - Baltimore, MD 21239 ..." }, { "answer": "Shopping", "passage": "Good living just minutes from downtown Baltimore. One and two bedroom apartments just a stone's throw from all of the dining, shopping, and entertainment Baltimore City has to offer. Barclay Square Apartments is walking distance to Morgan State University and just a few minutes' drive from Johns Hopkins University. Apartments feature plush wall-to-wall carpeting, oversized closets, and beautifully equipped kitchens.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.9109861850738525, "source": "search", "title": "Barclay Square Apartments - Baltimore, MD | Apartment Finder" } ]
What is a message sent to a newsgroup in the Internet called?|
{ "aliases": [ "Articles", "Aritcle", "Create articles", "Creating Articles", "Article (disambiguation)", "Related articles", "Article", "ARTICLE" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "articles", "create articles", "article disambiguation", "aritcle", "article", "related articles", "creating articles" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "article", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Article" }
[ { "answer": "Article", "passage": "Not all ISPs run news servers. A news server is one of the most difficult Internet services to administer well because of the large amount of data involved, small customer base (compared to mainstream Internet services such as email and web access), and a disproportionately high volume of customer support incidents (frequently complaining of missing news articles that are not the ISP's fault). Some ISPs outsource news operation to specialist sites, which will usually appear to a user as though the ISP ran the server itself. Many sites carry a restricted newsfeed, with a limited number of newsgroups. Commonly omitted from such a newsfeed are foreign-language newsgroups and the alt.binaries hierarchy which largely carries software, music, videos and images, and accounts for over 99 percent of article data.", "precise_score": -2.0564627647399902, "rough_score": -0.45722922682762146, "source": "wiki", "title": "Usenet" }, { "answer": "Article", "passage": "A minority of newsgroups are moderated, meaning that messages submitted by readers are not distributed directly to Usenet, but instead are emailed to the moderators of the newsgroup for approval. The moderator is to receive submitted articles, review them, and inject approved articles so that they can be properly propagated worldwide. Articles approved by a moderator must bear the Approved: header line. Moderators ensure that the messages that readers see in the newsgroup conform to the charter of the newsgroup, though they are not required to follow any such rules or guidelines. Typically, moderators are appointed in the proposal for the newsgroup, and changes of moderators follow a succession plan. ", "precise_score": 0.5635679960250854, "rough_score": 0.5245822668075562, "source": "wiki", "title": "Usenet" }, { "answer": "Article", "passage": "Unmoderated newsgroups form the majority of Usenet newsgroups, and messages submitted by readers for unmoderated newsgroups are immediately propagated for everyone to see. Minimal editorial content filtering vs propagation speed form one crux of the Usenet community. One little cited defense of propagation is canceling a propagated message, but few Usenet users use this command and some news readers do not offer cancellation commands, in part because article storage expires in relatively short order anyway. Almost all unmoderated Usenet groups have become collections of spam. ", "precise_score": -0.7156550884246826, "rough_score": -0.36613282561302185, "source": "wiki", "title": "Usenet" }, { "answer": "Article", "passage": "A message on a newsgroup is called a \"post\" or an \"article\". It may a response to a previous post or be a new post. People reading the newsgroup can reply to any post and in this way a discussion or \"thread\" is formed. It is often a good idea to read through a thread before posting your own ideas. When replying to a post, try to keep the information relevant and to the point.", "precise_score": 7.494983673095703, "rough_score": 6.418152332305908, "source": "search", "title": "Newsgroups - Dynamic Web Solutions" }, { "answer": "Article", "passage": "FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is an Internet standard that allows you to upload and download files with other computers on the Internet. An FTP server is a computer that allows you to use FTP to upload files to, and download files from, an FTP site. With anonymous FTP, anyone can transfer some, if not all, available files. A newsgroup is an online area in which users conduct written discussions about a particular subject. The computer that stores and distributes newsgroup messages is called a news server. You use a program called a newsreader to access a newsgroup, read previously entered messages (called articles), and add (post) messages of your own.", "precise_score": 3.749300718307495, "rough_score": 4.927873611450195, "source": "search", "title": "Chapter 2 - The Internet and World Wide Web" }, { "answer": "Article", "passage": "A thread consists of the original article and all subsequent related replies. In a moderated newsgroup, a moderator reviews articles and posts them, if appropriate. A message board is a popular Web-based type of discussion group that does not require a newsreader and typically is easier to use than a newsgroup. A mailing list is a group of e-mail names and addresses given a single name. To add your e-mail name and address to a mailing list you subscribe to it; to remove your name, you unsubscribe.", "precise_score": 2.6384363174438477, "rough_score": 2.3895933628082275, "source": "search", "title": "Chapter 2 - The Internet and World Wide Web" }, { "answer": "Article", "passage": "Usenet is a worldwide discussion system distributed mainly (but not exclusively) over the Internet (its formation actually predates the Internet). It consists of thousands of publicly accessible so-called newsgroups each of which deals with a specific topic. Everyone can post messages (or news articles, as they are called) to any of these groups and read what others have posted. Everyone even can - observing certain rules - create a new newsgroup dealing with a new topic.", "precise_score": 4.742496490478516, "rough_score": 5.052582740783691, "source": "search", "title": "What is Usenet? - Ritual" }, { "answer": "Article", "passage": "Posts or Articles - The messages that are entered into a newsgroup", "precise_score": 3.9718685150146484, "rough_score": 3.1037755012512207, "source": "search", "title": "Newsgroups - University of Rhode Island" }, { "answer": "Article", "passage": "Newsgroups are online discussion groups that deal with a variety of topics. A common analogy used to describe newsgroups is \"online bulletin boards.\" All newsgroups were originally part of a worldwide network of discussion groups known as Usenet. No one organization \"owns\" or manages Usenet—it is a self-regulating community of an estimated 30,000 newsgroups, but the exact number is not known since these groups are not regulated by any single entity. Each newsgroup is comprised of a group of users who post public messages or articles to that group. These articles are then organized by subject category and tagged with a standard set of labels for the purpose of distribution from site to site. Each host site pays for its own transmission costs.", "precise_score": 1.5048034191131592, "rough_score": -0.35663318634033203, "source": "search", "title": "Newsgroups and Blogs - Encyclopedia -" }, { "answer": "Article", "passage": "Usenet is a worldwide distributed discussion system available on computers. It was developed from the general-purpose UUCP dial-up network architecture. Tom Truscott and Jim Ellis conceived the idea in 1979, and it was established in 1980. Users read and post messages (called articles or posts, and collectively termed news) to one or more categories, known as newsgroups. Usenet resembles a bulletin board system (BBS) in many respects and is the precursor to Internet forums that are widely used today. Usenet can be superficially regarded as a hybrid between email and web forums. Discussions are threaded, as with web forums and BBSs, though posts are stored on the server sequentially.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -1.4335776567459106, "source": "wiki", "title": "Usenet" }, { "answer": "Article", "passage": "The articles that users post to Usenet are organized into topical categories called newsgroups, which are themselves logically organized into hierarchies of subjects. For instance, [news:sci.math sci.math] and [news:sci.physics sci.physics] are within the sci.* hierarchy, for science. Or, [] and [news:talk.atheism talk.atheism] are in the talk.* hierarchy. When a user subscribes to a newsgroup, the news client software keeps track of which articles that user has read. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -2.6683592796325684, "source": "wiki", "title": "Usenet" }, { "answer": "Article", "passage": "In most newsgroups, the majority of the articles are responses to some other article. The set of articles that can be traced to one single non-reply article is called a thread. Most modern newsreaders display the articles arranged into threads and subthreads.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -1.315136432647705, "source": "wiki", "title": "Usenet" }, { "answer": "Article", "passage": "When a user posts an article, it is initially only available on that user's news server. Each news server talks to one or more other servers (its \"newsfeeds\") and exchanges articles with them. In this fashion, the article is copied from server to server and should eventually reach every server in the network. The later peer-to-peer networks operate on a similar principle, but for Usenet it is normally the sender, rather than the receiver, who initiates transfers. Some have noted that this seems an inefficient protocol in the era of abundant high-speed network access. Usenet was designed under conditions when networks were much slower and not always available. Many sites on the original Usenet network would connect only once or twice a day to batch-transfer messages in and out. This is largely because the POTS network was typically used for transfers, and phone charges were lower at night.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.168603897094727, "source": "wiki", "title": "Usenet" }, { "answer": "Article", "passage": "The format and transmission of Usenet articles is similar to that of Internet e-mail messages. The difference between the two is that Usenet articles can be read by any user whose news server carries the group to which the message was posted, as opposed to email messages, which have one or more specific recipients. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.271145820617676, "source": "wiki", "title": "Usenet" }, { "answer": "Article", "passage": "Usenet is a set of protocols for generating, storing and retrieving news \"articles\" (which resemble Internet mail messages) and for exchanging them among a readership which is potentially widely distributed. These protocols most commonly use a flooding algorithm which propagates copies throughout a network of participating servers. Whenever a message reaches a server, that server forwards the message to all its network neighbors that haven't yet seen the article. Only one copy of a message is stored per server, and each server makes it available on demand to the (typically local) readers able to access that server. The collection of Usenet servers has thus a certain peer-to-peer character in that they share resources by exchanging them, the granularity of exchange however is on a different scale than a modern peer-to-peer system and this characteristic excludes the actual users of the system who connect to the news servers with a typical client-server application, much like an email reader.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.73048734664917, "source": "wiki", "title": "Usenet" }, { "answer": "Article", "passage": "The oldest widely used encoding method for binary content is uuencode, from the Unix UUCP package. In the late 1980s, Usenet articles were often limited to 60,000 characters, and larger hard limits exist today. Files are therefore commonly split into sections that require reassembly by the reader.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.117216110229492, "source": "wiki", "title": "Usenet" }, { "answer": "Article", "passage": "In addition to UUCP, early Usenet traffic was also exchanged with Fidonet and other dial-up BBS networks. Widespread use of Usenet by the BBS community was facilitated by the introduction of UUCP feeds made possible by MS-DOS implementations of UUCP, such as UFGATE (UUCP to FidoNet Gateway), FSUUCP and UUPC. In 1986, RFC 977 provided the Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) specification for distribution of Usenet articles over TCP/IP as a more flexible alternative to informal Internet transfers of UUCP traffic. Since the Internet boom of the 1990s, almost all Usenet distribution is over NNTP. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.16872787475586, "source": "wiki", "title": "Usenet" }, { "answer": "Article", "passage": "Early versions of Usenet used Duke's A News software, designed for one or two articles a day. Matt Glickman and Horton at Berkeley produced an improved version called B News that could handle the rising traffic (about 50 articles a day as of late 1983). With a message format that offered compatibility with Internet mail and improved performance, it became the dominant server software. C News, developed by Geoff Collyer and Henry Spencer at the University of Toronto, was comparable to B News in features but offered considerably faster processing. In the early 1990s, InterNetNews by Rich Salz was developed to take advantage of the continuous message flow made possible by NNTP versus the batched store-and-forward design of UUCP. Since that time INN development has continued, and other news server software has also been developed. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.392091274261475, "source": "wiki", "title": "Usenet" }, { "answer": "Article", "passage": "Public archives of Usenet articles have existed since the early days of Usenet, such as the system created by Kenneth Almquist in late 1982. Distributed archiving of Usenet posts was suggested in November 1982 by Scott Orshan, who proposed that \"Every site should keep all the articles it posted, forever.\" Also in November of that year, Rick Adams responded to a post asking \"Has anyone archived netnews, or does anyone plan to?\" by stating that he was, \"afraid to admit it, but I started archiving most 'useful' newsgroups as of September 18.\" In June 1982, Gregory G. Woodbury proposed an \"automatic access to archives\" system that consisted of \"automatic answering of fixed-format messages to a special mail recipient on specified machines.\" ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.638835906982422, "source": "wiki", "title": "Usenet" }, { "answer": "Article", "passage": "In 1985, two news archiving systems and one RFC were posted to the Internet. The first system, called keepnews, by Mark M. Swenson of The University of Arizona, was described as \"a program that attempts to provide a sane way of extracting and keeping information that comes over Usenet.\" The main advantage of this system was to allow users to mark articles as worthwhile to retain. The second system, YA News Archiver by Chuq Von Rospach, was similar to keepnews, but was \"designed to work with much larger archives where the wonderful quadratic search time feature of the Unix ... becomes a real problem.\" Von Rospach in early 1985 posted a detailed RFC for \"archiving and accessing usenet articles with keyword lookup.\" This RFC described a program that could \"generate and", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.411112785339355, "source": "wiki", "title": "Usenet" }, { "answer": "Article", "passage": "maintain an archive of Usenet articles and allow looking up articles based on the article-id, subject lines, or keywords pulled out of the article itself.\" Also included was C code for the internal data structure of the system. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.132031440734863, "source": "wiki", "title": "Usenet" }, { "answer": "Article", "passage": "The desire to have a fulltext search index of archived news articles is not new either, one such request having been made in April 1991 by Alex Martelli who sought to \"build", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.461288452148438, "source": "wiki", "title": "Usenet" }, { "answer": "Article", "passage": "Academic libraries are libraries that are hosted in post-secondary educational institutions, such as colleges and universities. Their main function are to provide support in research and resource linkage for students and faculty of the educational institution. Specific course-related resources are usually provided by the library, such as copies of textbooks and article readings held on 'reserve' (meaning that they are loaned out only on a short-term basis, usually a matter of hours).", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.19510269165039, "source": "wiki", "title": "Library" }, { "answer": "Article", "passage": "A library may make use of the Internet in a number of ways, from creating their own library website to making the contents of its catalogues searchable online. Some specialised search engines such as Google Scholar offer a way to facilitate searching for academic resources such as journal articles and research papers. The Online Computer Library Center allows library records to be searched online through its WorldCat database.[ Grossman, W. M. (2009). \"Why you can't find a library book in your search engine\". The Guardian.] Accessed: 23 March 2010 Websites such as LibraryThing and Amazon provide abstracts, reviews and recommendations of books. Libraries provide computers and Internet access to allow people to search for information online. Online information access is particularly attractive to younger library users. [ Museums, Libraries and Archives, Department of Culture, Media and Sport & Laser Foundation. (2006). A Research Study of 14–35 year olds for the Future Development of Public Libraries.] Accessed: 7 March 2010 ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.276178359985352, "source": "wiki", "title": "Library" }, { "answer": "Article", "passage": "Avoid personal attacks or you will be \"flamed\" by one or more people. A flame is a particularly nasty personal attack on somebody for something he or she has written. It is usually a little hysterical. Don’t flame; it is a waste of bandwidth and politeness shouldn’t cost anything. There are plenty of articles on \"Netiquette\" on the web (yes, the Net has it’s style police as well).", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.86950397491455, "source": "search", "title": "Newsgroups - Dynamic Web Solutions" }, { "answer": "Article", "passage": "There are six basic types of Web pages. An advocacy Web page contains content that describes a cause, opinion, or idea. A business/marketing Web page contains content that promotes or sells products or services. An informational Web page contains factual information. A news Web page contains newsworthy material including stories and articles relating to current events, life, money, sports, and the weather. A portal Web page offers a variety of Internet services from a single, convenient location. A personal Web page is maintained by a private individual who normally is not associated with any organization.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.428329467773438, "source": "search", "title": "Chapter 2 - The Internet and World Wide Web" }, { "answer": "Article", "passage": "Lastly, a word about expiration. Given that newsgroups are perpetual, how do you wade through all the posts? You don't. The news server \"expires\" posts after a certain amount of time, determined by the person running the server. Could be 2 days, 7 days, or whatever that person wants. So the first time you enter a newsgroup, or if you use your newsreaders command to access all articles on the server, you are just getting the unexpired posts.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.409390926361084, "source": "search", "title": " What are Newsreaders and Newsgroups?" }, { "answer": "Article", "passage": "Usenet news (also known as net news) solves that problem and creates a whole host of others. Usenet is a very large distributed bulletin board system. The principle is quite simple: every Usenet site ships a copy of all of the messages (which in news-speak are called articles) it has received to all of its neighbors several times a day. (Each article includes is a list of sites it's already been to, to avoid wasted effort.) It's sort of a global game of ``whisper down the lane.''", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.025449275970459, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Gurus - What Are Usenet Newsgroups?" }, { "answer": "Article", "passage": "Most ISPs run a news server -- a computer that stores the articles posted to the major newsgroups, waiting for you to read them.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.226868629455566, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Gurus - What Are Usenet Newsgroups?" }, { "answer": "Article", "passage": "North Carolina, originally, where two students came up with the first version in 1980 to run on a couple of UNIX machines. Their original version, now known as A news, seemed pretty cool because it could transfer as many as a dozen articles a day from one machine to another, using a protocol called uucp, a klunky but reliable communication program that comes with all UNIX systems. Within a few years the network had spread to several other universities and several software companies, using a completely rewritten version called B news.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.372333526611328, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Gurus - What Are Usenet Newsgroups?" }, { "answer": "Article", "passage": "Usenet was enough of an established thing that it was featured in an article in a UNIX theme issue of Byte magazine in October 1983, which in boasted that there were over 500 news sites. (My site was called ``ima'', near the upper right hand corner of the network map on page 224.)", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.156512260437012, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Gurus - What Are Usenet Newsgroups?" }, { "answer": "Article", "passage": "In the ensuing decade, Usenet has grown like a disease. There are now over 30,000 sites that send news out, and probably at least that many more that just listen. Many of the original dialup links have been replaced by Internet network links using a protocol called NNTP for NetNews Transfer Protocol. (And you thought that all acronyms were obscure.) The volume of news has increase from a few hundred articles per day in 1983 to 30,000 articles, over 50 megabytes of text per day now, and the net is still growing.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.480669975280762, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Gurus - What Are Usenet Newsgroups?" }, { "answer": "Article", "passage": "Every day, over 20,000 articles will appear at a typical well-connected news machine. To make it possible to sort through this mass of stuff, all items are assigned to news groups which are rough topic headings. There are tens of thousands of newsgroups in all, ranging from the staid and technical (computer data communications, for example), to the totally goofy (urban legends, like the one about the poodle in the microwave.)", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.671142578125, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Gurus - What Are Usenet Newsgroups?" }, { "answer": "Article", "passage": "Most news users pick a small number of groups to read and ignore the rest. You can subscribe and unsubscribe to any groups physically received by your machine very easily (unlike getting on and off mailing lists, it just requires an update to a local file), so many people start reading a group, look at a few articles, and then stop reading it if it looks boring. Or depending on how much time you plan to spend reading news, you may add a lot of groups when you're less busy, and drop all but the ones directly related to work when the crunch hits. (I suppose in theory you could stop reading news altogether, but that's sort of like stopping drinking coffee altogether--too painful to contemplate.)", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.840791702270508, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Gurus - What Are Usenet Newsgroups?" }, { "answer": "Article", "passage": "Someone wishing to post a message to Usenet connects with a news server close to her. This news server receives the article and labels it with a message ID that is guaranteed to be unique on the whole Usenet (by combining the (unique) Internet address of the news server with a character sequence that the news server makes sure is locally unique). Then the news server propagates the message to news servers in its neighborhood, which propagate them to still more news servers, etc. In this way, within hours the message is spread worldwide and can be read on all news servers.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.176872730255127, "source": "search", "title": "What is Usenet? - Ritual" }, { "answer": "Article", "passage": "This is where PersonalINN comes in. It is a full-fledged news server for your own computer. When you connect to the Internet, it will automatically exchange new news articles in all newsgroups you're interested in with the news server of your Internet service provider and will store the incoming articles on your local computer for as long as you want. There, you (and everyone else on your local computer or network) can read them with a newsreader of your/her choice, and post articles yourself, without a connection to the Internet.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.001890182495117, "source": "search", "title": "What is Usenet? - Ritual" }, { "answer": "Article", "passage": "E-mail - By far the most popular means of communicating over the Internet, e-mail allows you to send a message directly to another person or group of people. Messages can range from short to long and may include quotes or attached files. You can learn more about e-mail in the article How E-mail Works. E-mail is most effective when:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.746645927429199, "source": "search", "title": "Newsgroups - University of Rhode Island" }, { "answer": "Article", "passage": "Newsgroups are both moderated and unmoderated. A moderated newsgroup is monitored by an administrator who may screen posts to the group, on the basis of appropriateness of content. An unmoderated group is, obviously, not monitored. Articles posted by users appear \"as is.\" Prior to joining or posting to a newsgroup, review its file of frequently asked questions, also known as an FAQ. In addition, some newsgroups will have a charter, which establishes the newsgroup's purpose and general rules. Both the FAQ and the charter can be helpful in selecting a newsgroup in which to participate.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.301239490509033, "source": "search", "title": "Newsgroups and Blogs - Encyclopedia -" }, { "answer": "Article", "passage": "Commercial posts to a newsgroup should be short and to the point. Use the subject line to clarify the topic of the post. This will allow other users of the newsgroup to determine if the post is of use to them. Phaedra Hise, author of Growing Your Business Online, recommends keeping language simple and without \"sales\" emphasis, such as \"substantial business opportunity.\" As with most information online, recipients are not interested in wading through a lot of hyperbole to get to the facts. Hise also notes that it is important to be up front about being a company trying to sell a product, if that is your purpose, rather than posing as just another interested user. Her suggestion is to post a message asking if a specific commercial post would be acceptable to participants prior to posting the commercial article.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -2.425917148590088, "source": "search", "title": "Newsgroups and Blogs - Encyclopedia -" }, { "answer": "Article", "passage": "Through a blog a business can disseminate information about its products and services, gather opinions from customers and try to mold brand awareness through interaction with popular (well read) blogs. But, as Ben King explains in an article on the subject published in The Financial Times, making a weblog or blog is not simply a matter of sticking the word blog at the top of a column of chatty copy on a normal business Web site. Blogs are more complicated vehicles. \"For the better corporate bloggers, the key to success has been to adopt the same software tools as the consumers they are imitating'¦. Of course, these tools do not guarantee a successful blogging project. No one will read a blog that is not interesting, and no software yet devised can guarantee that. The rapid spontaneous back and forth discourse of the blogosphere is not an easy fit with the slow, cautious approach favored by most corporate marketing departments.\" King recommends that any company wishing to open a serious dialogue with bloggers be ready to study the blogosphere, to be as open and frank about their objectives as possible, and to use standard software packages to develop the blog site.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.395349502563477, "source": "search", "title": "Newsgroups and Blogs - Encyclopedia -" }, { "answer": "Article", "passage": "Newsgroup | Article about newsgroup by The Free Dictionary", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.376004695892334, "source": "search", "title": "Newsgroup | Article about newsgroup by The Free Dictionary" }, { "answer": "Article", "passage": "Newsgroup | Article about newsgroup by The Free Dictionary", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.376004695892334, "source": "search", "title": "Newsgroup | Article about newsgroup by The Free Dictionary" } ]
A bitmap is a collection of what?
{ "aliases": [ "Dots", "Dots (disambiguation)" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "dots disambiguation", "dots" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "dots", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Dots" }
[ { "answer": "Dots", "passage": "Bitmaps images are exactly what their name says they are: a collection of bits that form an image. The image consists of a matrix of individual dots (or pixels) that all have their own colour (described using bits, the smallest possible units of information for a computer).", "precise_score": 8.011542320251465, "rough_score": 7.061099529266357, "source": "search", "title": "Bitmap image - EU-HOU" }, { "answer": "Dots", "passage": "To illustrate this, let's take a look at a typical desktop icon such as the one shown in the image here. The icons on your desktop are typically 32 by 32 pixels. In other words, there are 32 dots of color going in each direction. When combined, these tiny dots form an image. The icon shown in the upper right corner of this example is a typical desktop icon at screen resolution. As you can see, when you enlarge the icon, as I have in this example, you can clearly see each individual square dot of color. Note the that white areas of the background are still individual pixels, even though they appear to be one solid color.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.115411758422852, "source": "search", "title": "Vector and Bitmap Images Explained and Compared" }, { "answer": "Dots", "passage": "Bitmap images are resolution dependent. Resolution refers to the number of pixels in an image and is usually stated as dpi (dots per inch) or ppi (pixels per inch) . Bitmap images are displayed on your computer screen at screen resolution: approximately 100 ppi. However, when printing bitmaps, your printer needs much more image data than a monitor.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 2.5499815940856934, "source": "search", "title": "Vector and Bitmap Images Explained and Compared" } ]
If edu appears at the end of an address, what is the host computer?
{ "aliases": [ "College or University" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "college or university" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "college or university", "type": "FreeForm", "value": "College or University" }
[ { "answer": "College or University", "passage": "Many online retailers will verify your student status by requiring you to sign up with a simple .edu email address, which is typically available only to attendees of a college or university. From time to time, however, an .edu website will allow users to register an email address without actually checking their student status. It’s a way for non-students to get many of the benefits of being a student without taking on loan after loan. This is often subject to abrupt change, when an organization learns how it's being exploited.", "precise_score": -6.532284736633301, "rough_score": -4.558407306671143, "source": "search", "title": "How to Get a Free .edu Address for Student Discounts" } ]
What was the name of the first satellite to relay live TV pictures between the USA and Europe?
{ "aliases": [ "Telstar 11N", "Telstar", "Telstar 1", "TELSTAR", "Telstar I" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "telstar 11n", "telstar i", "telstar", "telstar 1" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "telstar", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Telstar" }
[ { "answer": "Telstar", "passage": "Telstar's first live television pictures in France — relayed only a few hours after launch, according to NASA — showed a U.S. flag outside of a receiving station in Maine. The satellite was also equipped to handle telephone calls and even picture faxes, and had an experiment that could examine the radiation in the Van Allen belts above Earth.", "precise_score": 5.647964000701904, "rough_score": 7.186551570892334, "source": "search", "title": "Telstar: Satellites Beamed First TV Signals Across the Ocean" }, { "answer": "Telstar", "passage": "By 1964, two TELSTARs, two RELAYs, and two SYNCOMs had operated successfully in space. This timing was fortunate because the Communications Satellite Corporation (COMSAT), formed as a result of the Communications Satellite Act of 1962, was in the process of contracting for their first satellite. COMSAT's initial capitalization of 200 million dollars was considered sufficient to build a system of dozens of medium-orbit satellites. For a variety of reasons, including costs, COMSAT ultimately chose to reject the joint AT&T/RCA offer of a medium-orbit satellite incorporating the best of TELSTAR and RELAY. They chose the 24-hour-orbit (geosynchronous) satellite offered by Hughes Aircraft Company for their first two systems and a TRW geosynchronous satellite for their third system. On April 6, 1965 COMSAT's first satellite, EARLY BIRD, was launched from Cape Canaveral. Global satellite communications had begun.", "precise_score": -1.494011640548706, "rough_score": -3.508328437805176, "source": "search", "title": "Communications Satellites Short History -" }, { "answer": "Telstar", "passage": "It took another decade for Clarke's bold plan to move toward reality. First, satellites themselves had to be proved viable; that happened with the launch of the Russian Sputnik 1 in October 1957. Three years later, when the Echo communications satellite was launched, engineers successfully demonstrated that radio telecommunications signals could be relayed into space and back, just as Clarke had predicted. Telstar , the first communications satellite, was launched in July 1962 and immediately revolutionized transatlantic telecommunications. During the mid-1960s, 11 nations came together to form INTELSAT (International Telecommunications Satellite Consortium), which launched the world's first commercial communications satellite INTELSAT 1 (\"Early Bird\"), in geosychronous orbit, in April 1965. This modest little space machine was a tiny electronic miracle: weighing just 35kg (76 lb), it could transmit 240 telephone simultaneous calls or a single black-and-white TV channel.", "precise_score": 0.7345864772796631, "rough_score": -0.7229410409927368, "source": "search", "title": "How do satellites work? - Explain that Stuff" }, { "answer": "Telstar", "passage": "Telstar 1 - launched on 10 July 1962, it carried the first transatlantic live television pictures via satellite. It was also used for telephone and high speed data communications.", "precise_score": 5.777242660522461, "rough_score": 1.6519674062728882, "source": "search", "title": "Satellite Facts and Information :: Radio-Electronics.Com" }, { "answer": "Telstar", "passage": "NASA went on to do pioneering work in space applications, such as communications satellites, in the 1960s. The Echo, Telstar, Relay and Syncom satellites were built by NASA or by the private sector based on significant NASA advances.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.399755477905273, "source": "search", "title": "The History of Satellites - Sputnik I - Inventors" }, { "answer": "Telstar", "passage": "Telstar: Satellites Beamed First TV Signals Across the Ocean", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.281729698181152, "source": "search", "title": "Telstar: Satellites Beamed First TV Signals Across the Ocean" }, { "answer": "Telstar", "passage": "Fortunately, unlike other satellites of the time, Telstar 1 launched on the first try. It soared into space on July 10, 1962, from its launch pad at Cape Canaveral in Florida.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.500484466552734, "source": "search", "title": "Telstar: Satellites Beamed First TV Signals Across the Ocean" }, { "answer": "Telstar", "passage": "\"Telstar was a tremendous technical success, and the international reaction was spectacular,\" NASA later wrote in \"Beyond the Ionosphere.\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.859840393066406, "source": "search", "title": "Telstar: Satellites Beamed First TV Signals Across the Ocean" }, { "answer": "Telstar", "passage": "\"A U.S. Information Agency (USIA) poll showed that Telstar was better known in Great Britain than Sputnik had been in 1957. Rather than launching a useless bauble, the Americans had put into orbit a satellite that promised to tie together the ears and eyes of the world.\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.011465072631836, "source": "search", "title": "Telstar: Satellites Beamed First TV Signals Across the Ocean" }, { "answer": "Telstar", "passage": "The satellite, in fact, was immortalized in a song in 1962. A British band called The Tornados created the song \"Telstar,\" which hit No. 1 on the U.S. Billboard 100 at the height of its popularity. Many years later, Susanna Hoff, lead singer of the Bangles, wrote a 1991 song that mentioned the satellite; it was called \"Wishing on Telstar.\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.523065567016602, "source": "search", "title": "Telstar: Satellites Beamed First TV Signals Across the Ocean" }, { "answer": "Telstar", "passage": "Telstar 1 started to have transmission difficulties in November 1962, and eventually saw its transmitter fail in February 1963. Telstar 2 launched on May 7, 1963. It was practically a twin of Telstar 1, but in this case, the satellite lasted until it was turned off in 1965 — longer than its predecessor.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.792319297790527, "source": "search", "title": "Telstar: Satellites Beamed First TV Signals Across the Ocean" }, { "answer": "Telstar", "passage": "Telstar's legacy", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.282299041748047, "source": "search", "title": "Telstar: Satellites Beamed First TV Signals Across the Ocean" }, { "answer": "Telstar", "passage": "All in all, Telstar showed that the communications business was an area of great flux in the 1960s and 1970s. The Telstar satellites ushered in an era where satellites turned from experimental machines to sophisticated systems with great value to the companies producing them.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.866710662841797, "source": "search", "title": "Telstar: Satellites Beamed First TV Signals Across the Ocean" }, { "answer": "Telstar", "passage": "A new wave of advanced geosynchronous spacecraft shares the Telstar name, but these commercial satellites are far more advanced than their predecessors. Telstar 301 launched in 1983, followed by Telstar 302 in 1984. Telstar 302, renamed Telstar 3C, was put into orbit by a Space shuttle Discovery crew. A dozen more satellites bearing the Telstar name have since been launched.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.2716498374938965, "source": "search", "title": "Telstar: Satellites Beamed First TV Signals Across the Ocean" }, { "answer": "Telstar", "passage": "Telstar 1 is still in orbit , as of February 2013, but it is no longer functional.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.868422508239746, "source": "search", "title": "Telstar: Satellites Beamed First TV Signals Across the Ocean" }, { "answer": "Telstar", "passage": "After the 1957 launch of Sputnik I, many considered the benefits, profits, and prestige associated with satellite communications. Because of Congressional fears of \"duplication,\" NASA confined itself to experiments with \"mirrors\" or \"passive\" communications satellites (ECHO), while the Department of Defense was responsible for \"repeater\" or \"active\" satellites which amplify the received signal at the satellite--providing much higher quality communications. In 1960 AT&T filed with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) for permission to launch an experimental communications satellite with a view to rapidly implementing an operational system. The U.S. government reacted with surprise-- there was no policy in place to help execute the many decisions related to the AT&T proposal. By the middle of 1961, NASA had awarded a competitive contract to RCA to build a medium-orbit (4,000 miles high) active communication satellite (RELAY); AT&T was building its own medium-orbit satellite (TELSTAR) which NASA would launch on a cost-reimbursable basis; and NASA had awarded a sole- source contract to Hughes Aircraft Company to build a 24-hour (20,000 mile high) satellite (SYNCOM). The military program, ADVENT, was cancelled a year later due to complexity of the spacecraft, delay in launcher availability, and cost over-runs.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.74219799041748, "source": "search", "title": "Communications Satellites Short History -" }, { "answer": "Telstar", "passage": "Some glimpses of the Global Village had already been provided during experiments with TELSTAR, RELAY, and SYNCOM. These had included televising parts of the 1964 Tokyo Olympics. Although COMSAT and the initial launch vehicles and satellites were American, other countries had been involved from the beginning. AT&T had initially negotiated with its European telephone cable \"partners\" to build earth stations for TELSTAR experimentation. NASA had expanded these negotiations to include RELAY and SYNCOM experimentation. By the time EARLY BIRD was launched, communications earth stations already existed in the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy, Brazil, and Japan. Further negotiations in 1963 and 1964 resulted in a new international organization, which would ultimately assume ownership of the satellites and responsibility for management of the global system. On August 20, 1964, agreements were signed which created the International Telecommunications Satellite Organization (INTELSAT).", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.245852947235107, "source": "search", "title": "Communications Satellites Short History -" }, { "answer": "Telstar", "passage": "Cellular telephony has brought us a new technological \"system\"-- the personal communications system (PCS). In the fully developed PCS, the individual would carry his telephone with him. This telephone could be used for voice or data and would be usable anywhere. Several companies have committed themselves to providing a version of this system using satellites in low earth orbits (LEO). These orbits are significantly lower than the TELSTAR/RELAY orbits of the early 1960s. The early \"low-orbit\" satellites were in elliptical orbits that took them through the lower van Allen radiation belt. The new systems will be in orbits at about 500 miles, below the belt.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.834033966064453, "source": "search", "title": "Communications Satellites Short History -" }, { "answer": "Telstar", "passage": "1961 Formal start of TELSTAR, RELAY, and SYNCOM Programs", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.190173149108887, "source": "search", "title": "Communications Satellites Short History -" }, { "answer": "Telstar", "passage": "1962 TELSTAR and RELAY launched", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.642329692840576, "source": "search", "title": "Communications Satellites Short History -" } ]
If you surf the Internet, what do you do?
{ "aliases": [ "Look around", "Look Around (disambiguation)", "Look Around" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "look around", "look around disambiguation" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "look around", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Look around" }
[ { "answer": "Look around", "passage": "What I do is go the the Chrome Web Store, look around for tools, download a few.", "precise_score": -8.64256477355957, "rough_score": -11.113913536071777, "source": "search", "title": "time management - What to do when tired instead of surfing ..." } ]
Which page of a Web site is called a Home Page?
{ "aliases": [ "First (track)", "First (album)", "1st (EP)", "First (disambiguation)", "Firſt", "1st", "Firsts", "First" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "1st", "first track", "firsts", "first disambiguation", "first", "1st ep", "first album", "firſt" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "first", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "First" }
[ { "answer": "First", "passage": "A home page is generally the main page a visitor navigating to a website from a web search engine will see, and it may also serve as a landing page to attract visitors. The home page is used to facilitate navigation to other pages on the site by providing links to prioritized and recent articles and pages, and possibly a search box. For example, a news website may present headlines and first paragraphs of top stories, with links to full articles, in a dynamic web page that reflects the popularity and recentness of stories. Meanwhile other websites utilize the homepage to attract users to create an account. Once they are logged in, the homepage may be redirected to their profile page. This may in turn be referred to as the \"personal home page\". ", "precise_score": 7.953908443450928, "rough_score": 8.140352249145508, "source": "wiki", "title": "Home page" }, { "answer": "First", "passage": "A home page can also refer to the first page that appears upon opening a web browser, sometimes called the start page, although the home page of a website can be used as a start page. This start page can be a website, or it can be a page with various browser functions such as the display of thumbnails of frequently visited websites. Multiple websites can be set as a start page, to open in different tabs. Some websites are intended to be used as start pages, such as iGoogle (now defunct), My Yahoo!, and, and provide links to commonly used services such as webmail and online weather forecasts. ", "precise_score": 7.849867820739746, "rough_score": 8.005733489990234, "source": "wiki", "title": "Home page" }, { "answer": "First", "passage": "After reaching 1 billion websites in September 2014, a milestone confirmed by NetCraft in its October 2014 Web Server Survey and that Internet Live Stats was the first to announce - as attested by this tweet from the inventor of the World Wide Web himself, Tim Berners-Lee - the number of websites in the world has subsequently declined, reverting to a level below 1 billion. This is due to the monthly fluctuations in the count of inactive websites. We do expect, however, to exceed 1 billion websites again sometime in 2015 and to stabilize the count above this historic milestone in 2016. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.985101699829102, "source": "wiki", "title": "Website" }, { "answer": "First", "passage": "In the early days of the World Wide Web in the first half of the 1990s, an important part of web pages belonged to students or teachers with a UNIX account in their university. System administrators of such systems installed an HTTP server pointing its root directory to the directory containing the users accounts. On UNIX, the base directory of an account is called \"home\", and the HOME environment variable contains its path (for example /home/my_username). The URL of the home page is usually has the format Thus the term home page appeared and then spread to its current usage.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 3.9806644916534424, "source": "wiki", "title": "Home page" }, { "answer": "First", "passage": "The Trooper Teddy Bear Project came to life in December of 1989 after Kentucky First Lady Martha Wilkinson hosted a gala fundraiser at Red Mile Racecourse earlier that summer. The black tie event raised the needed funds to purchase 2,000 Trooper Teddy Bears. The concept of the program was for Troopers to provide stuffed animals to children during traumatic experiences such as a car crash, child or sexual abuse cases and also distribute to terminally ill children. The first allotment of bears included a personal note on each stuffed animal from First Lady Wilkinson. KSP partnered with the Indiana State Police with this effort and they too passed out Trooper Bears. The program ran out of funding in early 2000 until recently when KSP was able to utilize asset forfeiture funds from criminal drug activity to purchase bears. The agency plans to sustain the program by offering the bears for sale to the public.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.537686347961426, "source": "search", "title": "Kentucky State Police: Home Page of the Kentucky State Police" }, { "answer": "First", "passage": "To create your first page, here’s what you should do: At the bottom of your computer screen, you should see a symbol that looks like the one shown below, on the right:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.225663185119629, "source": "search", "title": "How to Make an Internet Web Page | Webdesigner Depot" }, { "answer": "First", "passage": "Now you’re ready to create the stuff that goes on your first internet web page!", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.089287757873535, "source": "search", "title": "How to Make an Internet Web Page | Webdesigner Depot" }, { "answer": "First", "passage": "On the first line, you can see the word “PRE” inside of pointy brackets. Then on the next line you again see the word “PRE” inside of pointy brackets, except this time there is a “slash” in front of the word “PRE”. You don’t have to know what that stuff means. All you have to do is put lots of words and pictures in between those “PRE” pointy-bracket things, and you don’t have to worry about any hard programming stuff.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.483407020568848, "source": "search", "title": "How to Make an Internet Web Page | Webdesigner Depot" }, { "answer": "First", "passage": "First of all, Thanks for my website CrystalEyes in your article.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.27779769897461, "source": "search", "title": "50 Modern Single Page Website Design Examples" } ]
In addition to the computer, what else must a modem be plugged into?
{ "aliases": [ "℡", "Fixed telephony", "✆", "Telephone receiver", "Fone", "Telpehone", "Telephone and Telephone System", "Telephone", "☏", "☎", "Phone", "📞", "⌕", "Telephones", "A phone", "Phones", "Telephone set", "Telephone bell", "Station set", "Telephone cord", "Telephone communication" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "telephone bell", "fixed telephony", "fone", "telephone set", "phone", "📞", "✆", "telephones", "station set", "℡", "phones", "telephone receiver", "telephone", "telephone and telephone system", "☏", "telpehone", "☎", "⌕", "telephone communication", "telephone cord" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "phone", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Phone" }
[ { "answer": "Phone", "passage": "A modem (modulator-demodulator) is a network hardware device that modulates one or more carrier wave signals to encode digital information for transmission and demodulates signals to decode the transmitted information. The goal is to produce a signal that can be transmitted easily and decoded to reproduce the original digital data. Modems can be used with any means of transmitting analog signals, from light emitting diodes to radio. A common type of modem is one that turns the digital data of a computer into modulated electrical signal for transmission over telephone lines and demodulated by another modem at the receiver side to recover the digital data.", "precise_score": -1.1064260005950928, "rough_score": -6.8483500480651855, "source": "wiki", "title": "Modem" }, { "answer": "Phone", "passage": "The Hush-a-Phone decision applied only to mechanical connections, but the Carterfone decision of 1968, led to the FCC introducing a rule setting stringent AT&T-designed tests for electronically coupling a device to the phone lines. This opened the door to direct-connect modems that plugged directly into the phone line rather than via a handset. However, the cost of passing the tests was considerable, and acoustically coupled modems remained common into the early 1980s.", "precise_score": -2.3116347789764404, "rough_score": -6.301386833190918, "source": "wiki", "title": "Modem" }, { "answer": "Phone", "passage": "The introduction of microcomputer systems with internal expansion slots made the first software-controllable modems common. Slot connections gave the computer complete access to the modem's memory or I/O channels, which allowed software to send commands to the modem, not just data. This led to a series of popular modems for the S-100 bus and Apple II computers that could directly dial the phone, answer incoming calls, and hang up the phone, the basic requirements of a bulletin board system (BBS). The seminal CBBS was created on an S-100 machine with a Hayes internal modem, and a number of similar systems followed.", "precise_score": -0.9380745887756348, "rough_score": -4.303633689880371, "source": "wiki", "title": "Modem" }, { "answer": "Phone", "passage": "The next major advance in modems was the Hayes Smartmodem, introduced in 1981. The Smartmodem was an otherwise standard 103A 300-bit/s direct-connect modem, but it was attached to a small microcontroller that watched the data stream for certain character strings representing commands. This allowed both data and commands to be sent through a single serial port. The now-standard Hayes command set included instructions for picking up and hanging up the phone, dialing numbers, and answering calls, among others. This was similar to the commands offered by the internal modems, but unlike them, the Smartmodem could be connected to any computer with an RS-232 port, which was practically every microcomputer built.", "precise_score": -2.3408408164978027, "rough_score": -5.964319229125977, "source": "wiki", "title": "Modem" }, { "answer": "Phone", "passage": "The 300 bit/s modems used audio frequency-shift keying to send data. In this system the stream of 1s and 0s in computer data is translated into sounds which can be easily sent on the phone lines. In the Bell 103 system, the originating modem sends 0s by playing a 1,070 Hz tone, and 1s at 1,270 Hz, with the answering modem transmitting its 0s on 2,025 Hz and 1s on 2,225 Hz. These frequencies were chosen carefully; they are in the range that suffers minimum distortion on the phone system and are not harmonics of each other.", "precise_score": -4.571889877319336, "rough_score": -6.956973075866699, "source": "wiki", "title": "Modem" }, { "answer": "Phone", "passage": "In such situations a small amount of memory in the modem, a buffer, is used to hold the data while it is being compressed and sent across the phone line, but in order to prevent overflow of the buffer, it sometimes becomes necessary to tell the computer to pause the datastream. This is accomplished through hardware flow control using extra lines on the modem–computer connection. The computer is then set to supply the modem at some higher rate, such as 320 kbit/s, and the modem will tell the computer when to start or stop sending data.", "precise_score": -3.130237102508545, "rough_score": -3.6948444843292236, "source": "wiki", "title": "Modem" }, { "answer": "Phone", "passage": "Most consumers did not know about networking and routers when broadband became available. However, many people knew that a modem connected a computer to the Internet over a telephone line. To take advantage of consumers' familiarity with modems, companies called these devices broadband modems rather than using less familiar terms such as adapter, interface, transceiver, or bridge. In fact, broadband modems fit the definition of modem because they use complex waveforms to carry digital data. They use more advanced technology than dial-up modems: typically they can modulate and demodulate hundreds of channels simultaneously or use much wider channels than dial-up modems.", "precise_score": -1.8666831254959106, "rough_score": -6.746038436889648, "source": "wiki", "title": "Modem" }, { "answer": "Phone", "passage": "Modems which use a mobile telephone system (GPRS, UMTS, HSPA, EVDO, WiMax, etc.), are known as mobile broadband modems (sometimes also called wireless modems). Wireless modems can be embedded inside a laptop or appliance, or be external to it. External wireless modems are connect cards, USB modems for mobile broadband and cellular routers. A connect card is a PC Card or ExpressCard which slides into a PCMCIA/PC card/ExpressCard slot on a computer. USB wireless modems use a USB port on the laptop instead of a PC card or ExpressCard slot. A USB modem used for mobile broadband Internet is also sometimes referred to as a dongle. A cellular router may have an external datacard (AirCard) that slides into it. Most cellular routers do allow such datacards or USB modems. Cellular routers may not be modems by definition, but they contain modems or allow modems to be slid into them. The difference between a cellular router and a wireless modem is that a cellular router normally allows multiple people to connect to it (since it can route data or support multi-point to multi-point connections), while a modem is designed for one connection.", "precise_score": -1.2078803777694702, "rough_score": -4.647332191467285, "source": "wiki", "title": "Modem" }, { "answer": "Phone", "passage": "Like mobile phones, mobile broadband modems can be SIM locked to a particular network provider. Unlocking a modem is achieved the same way as unlocking a phone, by using an 'unlock code'.", "precise_score": -4.520696640014648, "rough_score": -6.732988357543945, "source": "wiki", "title": "Modem" }, { "answer": "Phone", "passage": "The phone cord that runs between the wall jack and the modem should go into the modem port labeled DSL or LINE (label varies by modem). The PHONE port on the modem is intended for connecting to a telephone device.", "precise_score": -3.329245090484619, "rough_score": -6.752190589904785, "source": "search", "title": "CenturyLink | Troubleshooting your modem, starting with ..." }, { "answer": "Phone", "passage": "This allows all of signal to go directly into the modem and then the modem acts as a filter and sends the voice signal through the modem's phone port. It's almost magic!", "precise_score": -3.9761877059936523, "rough_score": -6.909013748168945, "source": "search", "title": "CenturyLink | Troubleshooting your modem, starting with ..." }, { "answer": "Phone", "passage": "Your TWC Phone modem (“modem”) must be plugged into an electrical wall outlet to operate. In the event of a power outage, your Phone service (including your access to 911 and any medical and security monitoring services that depend on it) will be unavailable if you do not have a battery backup. Phone service may also be unavailable in the event of a network outage.", "precise_score": 3.2799105644226074, "rough_score": 3.239546775817871, "source": "search", "title": "Phone Power Backup | Time Warner Cable" }, { "answer": "Phone", "passage": "A modem with a battery will work with standard corded phones, but will not power other equipment like cordless phones and alarm systems. Consider having at least one standard corded telephone in your home that can be plugged directly into the telephone jack on your modem.", "precise_score": 2.620234727859497, "rough_score": -0.7375224828720093, "source": "search", "title": "Phone Power Backup | Time Warner Cable" }, { "answer": "Phone", "passage": "Modems grew out of the need to connect teleprinters over ordinary phone lines instead of the more expensive leased lines which had previously been used for current loop–based teleprinters and automated telegraphs.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.941071510314941, "source": "wiki", "title": "Modem" }, { "answer": "Phone", "passage": "Mass-produced modems in the United States began as part of the SAGE air-defense system in 1958 (the year the word modem was first used ), connecting terminals at various airbases, radar sites, and command-and-control centers to the SAGE director centers scattered around the U.S. and Canada. SAGE modems were described by AT&T's Bell Labs as conforming to their newly published Bell 101 dataset standard. While they ran on dedicated telephone lines, the devices at each end were no different from commercial acoustically coupled Bell 101, 110 baud modems.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.405450820922852, "source": "wiki", "title": "Modem" }, { "answer": "Phone", "passage": "The 201A and 201B Data-Phones were synchronous modems using two-bit-per-baud phase-shift keying (PSK). The 201A operated half-duplex at 2,000 bit/s over normal phone lines, while the 201B provided full duplex 2,400 bit/s service on four-wire leased lines, the send and receive channels each running on their own set of two wires.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.31310749053955, "source": "wiki", "title": "Modem" }, { "answer": "Phone", "passage": "The famous Bell 103A dataset standard was also introduced by AT&T in 1962. It provided full-duplex service at 300 bit/s over normal phone lines. Frequency-shift keying was used, with the call originator transmitting at 1,070 or 1,270 Hz and the answering modem transmitting at 2,025 or 2,225 Hz. The readily available 103A2 gave an important boost to the use of remote low-speed terminals such as the Teletype Model 33 ASR and KSR, and the IBM 2741. AT&T reduced modem costs by introducing the originate-only 113D and the answer-only 113B/C modems.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.953078269958496, "source": "wiki", "title": "Modem" }, { "answer": "Phone", "passage": "For many years, the Bell System (AT&T) maintained a monopoly on the use of its phone lines and what devices could be connected to them. However, the seminal Hush-a-Phone v. FCC case of 1956 concluded it was within the FCC's jurisdiction to regulate the operation of the Bell System. The FCC found that as long as a device was not electronically attached to the system, it would not threaten its integrity. This led to a number of devices that mechanically connected to the phone through a standard handset. Since most handsets were supplied by Western Electric and thus of a standard design, acoustic couplers were relatively easy to build. This type of connection was used for many devices, such as answering machines.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.2792329788208, "source": "wiki", "title": "Modem" }, { "answer": "Phone", "passage": "In December 1972, Vadic introduced the VA3400, notable for full-duplex operation at 1,200 bit/s over the phone network. Like the 103A, it used different frequency bands for transmit and receive. In November 1976, AT&T introduced the 212A modem to compete with Vadic. It was similar in design, but used the lower frequency set for transmission. One could also use the 212A with a 103A modem at 300 bit/s. According to Vadic, the change in frequency assignments made the 212 intentionally incompatible with acoustic coupling, thereby locking out many potential modem manufacturers. In 1977, Vadic responded with the VA3467 triple modem, an answer-only modem sold to computer center operators that supported Vadic's 1,200-bit/s mode, AT&T's 212A mode, and 103A operation.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.464167594909668, "source": "wiki", "title": "Modem" }, { "answer": "Fone", "passage": "Carterfone and direct connection", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.489546775817871, "source": "wiki", "title": "Modem" }, { "answer": "Phone", "passage": "The rapidly falling prices of electronics in the late 1970s led to an increasing number of direct-connect models around 1980. In spite of being directly connected, these modems were generally operated like their earlier acoustic versions – dialling and other phone-control operations were completed by hand, using an attached handset. A small number of modems added the ability to automatically answer incoming calls, or automatically place an outgoing call to a single number, but even these limited features were relatively rare or limited to special models in a lineup. When more flexible solutions were needed, 3rd party \"dialers\" were used to automate calling, normally using a separate serial port to communicate with the dialler, which would then control the modem through a private electrical connection.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.94864273071289, "source": "wiki", "title": "Modem" }, { "answer": "Phone", "passage": "In the 1,200 bit/s and faster systems, phase-shift keying was used. In this system the two tones for any one side of the connection are sent at similar frequencies as in the 300 bit/s systems, but slightly out of phase. Voiceband modems generally remained at 300 and 1,200 bit/s (V.21 and V.22) into the mid-1980s. A V.22bis 2,400-bit/s system similar in concept to the 1,200-bit/s Bell 212 signaling was introduced in the U.S., and a slightly different one in Europe. The limited available frequency range meant the symbol rate of 1,200 bit/s modems was still only 600 baud (symbols per second). The bit rate increases were achieved by defining four or eight distinct symbols, which allowed the encoding of two or three bits per symbol instead of only 1. The use of smaller shifts had the drawback of making each symbol more vulnerable to interference, but improvements in phone line quality at the same time helped compensate for this. By the late 1980s, most modems could support all of these standards and 2,400-bit/s operation was becoming common.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.320755004882812, "source": "wiki", "title": "Modem" }, { "answer": "Phone", "passage": "Local telephone lines use the same wires to send and receive data, which results in a small amount of the outgoing signal being reflected back. This is useful for people talking on the phone, as it provides a signal to the speaker that their voice is making it through the system. However, this reflected signal causes problems for the modem, which is unable to distinguish between a signal from the remote modem and the echo of its own signal. This was why earlier modems split the signal frequencies into \"answer\" and \"originate\"; the modem could then ignore any signals in the frequency range it was using for transmission. Even with improvements to the phone system allowing higher speeds, this splitting of available phone signal bandwidth still imposed a half-speed limit on modems.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.760717391967773, "source": "wiki", "title": "Modem" }, { "answer": "Phone", "passage": "Echo cancellation eliminated this problem. During the call setup and negotiation period, both modems send a series of unique tones and then listen for them to return through the phone system. They measure the total delay time and then set up a local delay loop to the same time. Once the connection is completed, they send their signals into the phone lines as normal, but also into the delay, which is inverted. The signal returning through the echo meets the inverted version coming from the delay line, and cancels out the echo. This allowed both modems to use the full spectrum available, doubling the speed.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.481526374816895, "source": "wiki", "title": "Modem" }, { "answer": "Phone", "passage": "Additional improvements were introduced via the Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM) encoding system. Previous systems using phase shift keying (PSK) encoded two bits (or sometimes three) per symbol by slightly delaying or advancing the signal's phase relative to a set carrier tone. QAM used a combination of phase shift and amplitude to encode four bits per symbol. Transmitting at 1,200 baud produced the 4,800 bit/s V.27ter standard, the same working at a base rate of 2,400 baud produced the 9,600 bit/s V.32. The carrier frequency was 1,650 Hz in both systems. For many years, most engineers considered this rate to be the limit of data communications over telephone networks.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.82672119140625, "source": "wiki", "title": "Modem" }, { "answer": "Phone", "passage": "The ITU standard V.34 represents the culmination of the joint efforts. It employs the most powerful coding techniques including channel encoding and shape encoding. From the mere four bits per symbol (9.6 kbit/s), the new standards used the functional equivalent of 6 to 10 bits per symbol, plus increasing baud rates from 2,400 to 3,429, to create 14.4, 28.8, and 33.6 kbit/s modems. This rate is near the theoretical Shannon limit. When calculated, the Shannon capacity of a narrowband line is \\text{bandwidth} \\times \\log_2 (1 + P_u/P_n), with P_u/P_n the (linear) signal-to-noise ratio. Narrowband phone lines have a bandwidth of 3,000 Hz so using P_u/P_n1000 (SNR ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.038656234741211, "source": "wiki", "title": "Modem" }, { "answer": "Phone", "passage": "Without the discovery and eventual application of trellis modulation, maximum telephone rates using voice-bandwidth channels would have been limited to 3,429 baud × 4 bit/symbol = approximately 14 kbit/s using traditional QAM.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.441631317138672, "source": "wiki", "title": "Modem" }, { "answer": "Phone", "passage": "Two DSVD modems can establish a completely digital link between each other over standard phone lines. Sometimes referred to as \"the poor man's ISDN\", and employing a similar technology, v.70 compatible modems allow for a maximum speed of 33.6 kbit/s between peers. By using a majority of the bandwidth for data and reserving part for voice transmission, DSVD modems allow users to pick up a telephone handset interfaced with the modem, and initiate a call to the other peer.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.113293647766113, "source": "wiki", "title": "Modem" }, { "answer": "Phone", "passage": "One practical use for this technology was realized by early two-player video gamers, who could hold voice communication with each other over the phone while playing.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.385603904724121, "source": "wiki", "title": "Modem" }, { "answer": "Phone", "passage": "During the late 1990s, Rockwell-Lucent and USRobotics introduced competing technologies based upon the digital transmission used in telephony networks. The standard digital transmission in modern networks is 64 kbit/s but some networks use a part of the bandwidth for remote office signaling (e.g. to hang up the phone), limiting the effective rate to 56 kbit/s DS0. This new technology was adopted into ITU standards V.90 and is common in modern computers. The 56 kbit/s rate is only possible from the central office to the user site (downlink). In the United States, government regulation limits the maximum power output, resulting in a maximum data rate of 53.3 kbit/s. The uplink (from the user to the central office) still uses V.34 technology at 33.6 kbit/s. USRobotics began work on the technology first, calling theirs X2 because 56k was twice the speed of 28k modems. USRobotics held a 40-percent share of the retail modem market, and Rockwell International held an 80-percent share of the modem chipset market. Concerned with being shut out of the market, Rockwell began work on a rival 56k technology and joined with Lucent and Motorola on what it called K56Flex or Flex. Both technologies reached the market around February 1997; although problems with K56Flex modems were noted in product reviews through July, within six months they worked equally well with variations dependent on local connection characteristics. The retail price of the 56K modems was about US$200, compared to $100 for 33K modems. Separate equipment was required by internet service providers (ISPs) to support the incompatible technologies, with costs varying depending on whether their current equipment could be upgraded. About half of all ISPs offered 56K support by October 1997. Consumer sales were relatively low, which USRobotics and Rockwell attributed to conflicting standards. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.69070053100586, "source": "wiki", "title": "Modem" }, { "answer": "Phone", "passage": "Later in V.92, the digital PCM technique was applied to increase the upload speed to a maximum of 48 kbit/s, but at the expense of download rates. A 48 kbit/s upstream rate would reduce the downstream as low as 40 kbit/s due to echo on the telephone line. To avoid this problem, V.92 modems offer the option to turn off the digital upstream and instead use a 33.6 kbit/s analog connection, in order to maintain a high digital downstream of 50 kbit/s or higher. V.92 also adds two other features. The first is the ability for users who have call waiting to put their dial-up Internet connection on hold for extended periods of time while they answer a call. The second feature is the ability to quickly connect to one's ISP. This is achieved by remembering the analog and digital characteristics of the telephone line, and using this saved information when reconnecting.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.401278495788574, "source": "wiki", "title": "Modem" }, { "answer": "Phone", "passage": "As telephone-based 56k modems began losing popularity, some Internet service providers such as Netzero/Juno, Netscape, and others started using pre-compression to increase the throughput and maintain their customer base. The server-side compression operates much more efficiently than the on-the-fly compression done by modems due to the fact these compression techniques are application-specific (JPEG, text, EXE, etc.). The website text, images, and Flash executables are compacted to approximately 4%, 12%, and 30%, respectively. The drawback of this approach is a loss in quality, which causes image content to become pixelated and smeared. ISPs employing this approach often advertise it as \"accelerated dial-up.\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.092977523803711, "source": "wiki", "title": "Modem" }, { "answer": "Phone", "passage": "These values are maximum values, and actual values may be slower under certain conditions (for example, noisy phone lines). For a complete list see the companion article list of device bandwidths. A baud is one symbol per second; each symbol may encode one or more data bits.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.31671142578125, "source": "wiki", "title": "Modem" }, { "answer": "Phone", "passage": "ADSL (asymmetric digital subscriber line) modems, a more recent development, are not limited to the telephone's voiceband audio frequencies. Early proprietary ADSL modems used carrierless amplitude phase (CAP) modulation. All standardized asymmetric DSL variants, including ANSI T1.413 Issue 2, G.dmt, ADSL2, ADSL2+, VDSL2, and, use discrete multi-tone (DMT) modulation, also called (coded) orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM or COFDM).", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.601515769958496, "source": "wiki", "title": "Modem" }, { "answer": "Phone", "passage": "Standard twisted-pair telephone cable can, for short distances, carry signals with much higher frequencies than the cable's maximum frequency rating. ADSL broadband takes advantage of this capability. However, ADSL's performance gradually declines as the telephone cable's length increases. This limits ADSL broadband service to subscribers within a relatively short distance from the telephone exchange.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.43748664855957, "source": "wiki", "title": "Modem" }, { "answer": "Phone", "passage": "Direct broadcast satellite, WiFi, and mobile phones all use modems to communicate, as do most other wireless services today. Modern telecommunications and data networks also make extensive use of radio modems where long distance data links are required. Such systems are an important part of the PSTN, and are also in common use for high-speed computer network links to outlying areas where fibre is not economical.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.153282165527344, "source": "wiki", "title": "Modem" }, { "answer": "Phone", "passage": "Transparent modems operate in a manner similar to their phone line modem cousins. Typically, they were half duplex, meaning that they could not send and receive data at the same time. Typically transparent modems are polled in a round robin manner to collect small amounts of data from scattered locations that do not have easy access to wired infrastructure. Transparent modems are most commonly used by utility companies for data collection.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.562923431396484, "source": "wiki", "title": "Modem" }, { "answer": "Phone", "passage": "Although the name modem is seldom used in this case, modems are also used for high-speed home networking applications, especially those using existing home wiring. One example is the standard, developed by ITU-T, which provides a high-speed (up to 1 Gbit/s) Local area network using existing home wiring (power lines, phone lines and coaxial cables). devices use orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) to modulate a digital signal for transmission over the wire.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.738845348358154, "source": "wiki", "title": "Modem" }, { "answer": "Phone", "passage": "Voice modems are regular modems that are capable of recording or playing audio over the telephone line. They are used for telephony applications. See Voice modem command set for more details on voice modems. This type of modem can be used as an FXO card for Private branch exchange systems (compare V.92).", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.028261184692383, "source": "wiki", "title": "Modem" }, { "answer": "Phone", "passage": "Rather than start off with a glossary of networking terms—and in the process slam you with a technical terms with no easy point of reference—let’s dive right into looking at network diagrams. Here is the simplest network configuration available: a computer linked directly to a modem which is in turn linked through a phone line/cable/fiber optic uplink to the individual’s internet service provider.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.691366195678711, "source": "search", "title": "HTG Explains: Understanding Routers, Switches, and Network ..." }, { "answer": "Phone", "passage": "It doesn’t get less complicated than this arrangement but there is a price to pay for the ultra-simplicity of the setup. This user cannot access the internet with a Wi-Fi device (thus no access for smart phones, tablets, or other wireless devices) and they lose out on the benefits of having a router between their computer and the greater internet. Let’s introduce a router and highlight the benefits of using one.  In the diagram below we’ve introduced two elements to the network: a wireless router and a laptop connecting to the network via that wireless connection.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.946737289428711, "source": "search", "title": "HTG Explains: Understanding Routers, Switches, and Network ..." }, { "answer": "Phone", "passage": "802.11b was the first version widely adopted by consumers. 802.11b devices operate at a maximum transmission of 11 Mbit/s but the speed is highly dependent on signal strength and quality—realistically users should expect 1-5 Mbit/s. Devices using 802.11b suffer from interference from baby monitors, bluetooth devices, cordless phones, and other 2.4GHz band devices.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.010932922363281, "source": "search", "title": "HTG Explains: Understanding Routers, Switches, and Network ..." }, { "answer": "Phone", "passage": "A regular phone cord goes from the wall phone jack directly to the modem outlet labeled DSL or LINE (label varies by modem), and in most modems this outlet is color-coded green.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.018927574157715, "source": "search", "title": "CenturyLink | Troubleshooting your modem, starting with ..." }, { "answer": "Phone", "passage": "There is a green phone cord included in the modem kit you received from CenturyLink.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.952903747558594, "source": "search", "title": "CenturyLink | Troubleshooting your modem, starting with ..." }, { "answer": "Phone", "passage": "You don't have to use the green phone cord, any phone cord is sufficient.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.46493148803711, "source": "search", "title": "CenturyLink | Troubleshooting your modem, starting with ..." }, { "answer": "Phone", "passage": "Although it's a phone cord, it doesn't actually go into the modem outlet labeled PHONE.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.275383472442627, "source": "search", "title": "CenturyLink | Troubleshooting your modem, starting with ..." }, { "answer": "Phone", "passage": "Don't use a DSL filter between the wall phone jack and the modem.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.937824249267578, "source": "search", "title": "CenturyLink | Troubleshooting your modem, starting with ..." }, { "answer": "Phone", "passage": "The modem already has a built in filter, so it's important that you DON'T use an in-line filter from your telephone wall jack to the modem. This is the only line where you don't want to use a filter. Putting a filter on this line will prevent the data signal from reaching the modem and consequently preventing a connection to the Internet.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.418170928955078, "source": "search", "title": "CenturyLink | Troubleshooting your modem, starting with ..." }, { "answer": "Phone", "passage": "Don't connect the modem's phone cord to phone splitters or phone jacks built into surge protectors.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.666683197021484, "source": "search", "title": "CenturyLink | Troubleshooting your modem, starting with ..." }, { "answer": "Phone", "passage": "The phone cord connecting the wall phone jack to the modem DSL or LINE port should be direct without any other type of equipment in between the two.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.691038131713867, "source": "search", "title": "CenturyLink | Troubleshooting your modem, starting with ..." }, { "answer": "Phone", "passage": "Don't connect from the wall phone jack to the modem port labeled PHONE.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.231280326843262, "source": "search", "title": "CenturyLink | Troubleshooting your modem, starting with ..." }, { "answer": "Phone", "passage": "Internet & Phone: How to properly connect a landline phone through the same wall phone jack as the modem", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.819852828979492, "source": "search", "title": "CenturyLink | Troubleshooting your modem, starting with ..." }, { "answer": "Phone", "passage": "If you have plain old telephone service through CenturyLink, then you might find you want to also attach a telephone, fax or answering machine to the same phone jack as your modem.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.876203536987305, "source": "search", "title": "CenturyLink | Troubleshooting your modem, starting with ..." }, { "answer": "Phone", "passage": "Adding a phone", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.376861572265625, "source": "search", "title": "CenturyLink | Troubleshooting your modem, starting with ..." }, { "answer": "Phone", "passage": "If you only need to connect one phone device, then the proper setup is to run a phone cord from the modem port labeled PHONE to your telephone, fax machine, or answering machine.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.65335750579834, "source": "search", "title": "CenturyLink | Troubleshooting your modem, starting with ..." }, { "answer": "Phone", "passage": "What about two phone devices?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.484404563903809, "source": "search", "title": "CenturyLink | Troubleshooting your modem, starting with ..." }, { "answer": "Phone", "passage": "If you want to connect a phone and another telephone type device, connect a regular phone splitter to the phone port on the modem. Then connect your devices to the splitter. The goal here is to put the splitter at the modem PHONE outlet and not the wall jack.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.4974365234375, "source": "search", "title": "CenturyLink | Troubleshooting your modem, starting with ..." }, { "answer": "Phone", "passage": "Phone Power Backup | Time Warner Cable", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.601102828979492, "source": "search", "title": "Phone Power Backup | Time Warner Cable" }, { "answer": "Phone", "passage": "Phone Power Backup", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.551729202270508, "source": "search", "title": "Phone Power Backup | Time Warner Cable" }, { "answer": "Phone", "passage": "There are several steps you can take to prepare for a power outage in your home, which may help you maintain phone service:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.5248441696167, "source": "search", "title": "Phone Power Backup | Time Warner Cable" }, { "answer": "Phone", "passage": "If you have a cell phone, ensure that it is fully charged. Keep a car charger handy for situations where electrical power is not available.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.421989440917969, "source": "search", "title": "Phone Power Backup | Time Warner Cable" }, { "answer": "Phone", "passage": "Use your Phone service sparingly and avoid using Internet services to preserve battery life during a power outage.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.543397903442383, "source": "search", "title": "Phone Power Backup | Time Warner Cable" }, { "answer": "Phone", "passage": "Check your battery twice a year by unplugging the modem and checking for dial tone on your phone. If your battery is no longer keeping a charge, you can purchase a replacement from TWC.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.66342830657959, "source": "search", "title": "Phone Power Backup | Time Warner Cable" } ]
What does Q mean in FAQ?
{ "aliases": [ "Questionableness", "Asks", "Interrogatory sentence", "Question", "Interrogative sentences", "Questionability", "Asking", "Unasks", "Wh question", "Askers", "Questionable", "Unask", "Where to ask questions", "Asking the question", "Wh-question", "Unasked", "Questionably", "Unasking", "Wh-questions", "Asked", "Negative question", "Questional", "Nonpolar question", "Non-polar question", "Questionally", "Questions", "Wh questions" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "interrogatory sentence", "interrogative sentences", "wh question", "questionally", "nonpolar question", "askers", "where to ask questions", "questionably", "questions", "asks", "question", "questionability", "negative question", "questionableness", "asked", "unasking", "non polar question", "unask", "wh questions", "unasks", "asking", "questionable", "questional", "asking question", "unasked" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "question", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Question" }
[ { "answer": "Question", "passage": "Q. This question/answer appeared in the November Q&A:", "precise_score": -1.382703185081482, "rough_score": -3.216090202331543, "source": "search", "title": "Chicago Style Q&A: New Questions and Answers - New ..." }, { "answer": "Question", "passage": "The answer states “we recommend leaving out the apostrophes.” Recommend means to advise, appearing to state that there is a choice, yet in the question, surely the apostrophes are incorrect according to the rule of grammar? Thank you, and by the way, what has happened to the fun quips that used to appear in the Q&A answers?", "precise_score": -4.678969383239746, "rough_score": -5.19643497467041, "source": "search", "title": "Chicago Style Q&A: New Questions and Answers - New ..." }, { "answer": "Question", "passage": "Use the frequently asked questions below to discover more about employee engagement, Gallup's Q12 survey, and the resources available on the site.", "precise_score": -7.96641206741333, "rough_score": -5.47050666809082, "source": "search", "title": "Frequently Asked Questions - Gallup Q12 Employee ..." }, { "answer": "Question", "passage": "acronym for \"frequently asked question(s)\". Used frequently in computing.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.063743591308594, "source": "search", "title": "What does FAQ mean? FAQ Definition. Meaning of FAQ ..." }, { "answer": "Question", "passage": "a compiled list of frequently asked questions along with their answers. Prior to the existence of the world-wide web, these would often be posted periodically to discussion lists.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.396614074707031, "source": "search", "title": "What does FAQ mean? FAQ Definition. Meaning of FAQ ..." }, { "answer": "Question", "passage": "New Questions and Answers", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.343568801879883, "source": "search", "title": "Chicago Style Q&A: New Questions and Answers - New ..." }, { "answer": "Question", "passage": "New Questions and Answers", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.343568801879883, "source": "search", "title": "Chicago Style Q&A: New Questions and Answers - New ..." }, { "answer": "Question", "passage": "A. If you run out of paper? If your computer crashes? (Is this a trick question?) A citation is probably too long if it looks silly or contains more information than necessary. You are probably the best judge of this.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.316474914550781, "source": "search", "title": "Chicago Style Q&A: New Questions and Answers - New ..." }, { "answer": "Question", "passage": "Frequently Asked Questions", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.360363006591797, "source": "search", "title": "Frequently Asked Questions - Gallup Q12 Employee ..." }, { "answer": "Question", "passage": "Frequently Asked Questions", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.360363006591797, "source": "search", "title": "Frequently Asked Questions - Gallup Q12 Employee ..." }, { "answer": "Question", "passage": "General and Pre-Survey-Related Questions", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.267330169677734, "source": "search", "title": "Frequently Asked Questions - Gallup Q12 Employee ..." }, { "answer": "Question", "passage": "Frequently Asked Questions : University Catalogs : University of Minnesota", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.51174545288086, "source": "search", "title": "Frequently Asked Questions : University Catalogs ..." }, { "answer": "Question", "passage": "Frequently Asked Questions", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.360363006591797, "source": "search", "title": "Frequently Asked Questions : University Catalogs ..." }, { "answer": "Question", "passage": "How can I contact someone with my questions?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.290749549865723, "source": "search", "title": "Frequently Asked Questions : University Catalogs ..." }, { "answer": "Question", "passage": "Frequently Asked Questions", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.360363006591797, "source": "search", "title": "Frequently Asked Questions : University Catalogs ..." } ]
What letter appears on the computer screen when you are using Microsoft Internet Explorer?
{ "aliases": [ "⒠", "E", "🄔", "🅴", "E (letter)", "🄴", "E", "🅔" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "🄴", "🅴", "🅔", "⒠", "e", "e", "e letter", "🄔" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "e", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "E" }
[ { "answer": "E", "passage": "Microsoft Corporation (commonly referred to as Microsoft) is an American multinational technology company headquartered in Redmond, Washington, that develops, manufactures, licenses, supports and sells computer software, consumer electronics and personal computers and services. Its best known software products are the Microsoft Windows line of operating systems, Microsoft Office office suite, and Internet Explorer and Edge web browsers. Its flagship hardware products are the Xbox game consoles and the Microsoft Surface tablet lineup. It is the world's largest software maker by revenue, and one of the world's most valuable companies. ", "precise_score": -3.524700403213501, "rough_score": -4.602563858032227, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": ", Microsoft is market dominant in both the IBM PC-compatible operating system (while it lost the majority of the overall operating system market to Android) and office software suite markets (the latter with Microsoft Office). The company also produces a wide range of other software for desktops and servers, and is active in areas including Internet search (with Bing), the video game industry (with the Xbox, Xbox 360 and Xbox One consoles), the digital services market (through MSN), and mobile phones (via the operating systems of Nokia's former phones and Windows Phone OS). In June 2012, Microsoft entered the personal computer production market for the first time, with the launch of the Microsoft Surface, a line of tablet computers.", "precise_score": -7.995234489440918, "rough_score": -5.619134426116943, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Microsoft entered the OS business in 1980 with its own version of Unix, called Xenix. However, it was MS-DOS that solidified the company's dominance. After negotiations with Digital Research failed, IBM awarded a contract to Microsoft in November 1980 to provide a version of the CP/M OS, which was set to be used in the upcoming IBM Personal Computer (IBM PC). For this deal, Microsoft purchased a CP/M clone called 86-DOS from Seattle Computer Products, branding it as MS-DOS, which IBM rebranded to PC DOS. Following the release of the IBM PC in August 1981, Microsoft retained ownership of MS-DOS. Since IBM copyrighted the IBM PC BIOS, other companies had to reverse engineer it in order for non-IBM hardware to run as IBM PC compatibles, but no such restriction applied to the operating systems. Due to various factors, such as MS-DOS's available software selection, Microsoft eventually became the leading PC operating systems vendor. The company expanded into new markets with the release of the Microsoft Mouse in 1983, as well as with a publishing division named Microsoft Press.", "precise_score": -10.196434020996094, "rough_score": -6.9637885093688965, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "In 1990, Microsoft introduced its office suite, Microsoft Office. The software bundled separate office productivity applications, such as Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel. On May 22 Microsoft launched Windows 3.0 with a streamlined user interface graphics and improved protected mode capability for the Intel 386 processor. Both Office and Windows became dominant in their respective areas. Novell, a Word competitor from 1984–1986, filed a lawsuit years later claiming that Microsoft left part of its APIs undocumented in order to gain a competitive advantage. ", "precise_score": -9.921947479248047, "rough_score": -7.13492488861084, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Following Bill Gates's internal \"Internet Tidal Wave memo\" on May 26, 1995, Microsoft began to redefine its offerings and expand its product line into computer networking and the World Wide Web. The company released Windows 95 on August 24, 1995, featuring pre-emptive multitasking, a completely new user interface with a novel start button, and 32-bit compatibility; similar to NT, it provided the Win32 API. Windows 95 came bundled with the online service MSN (which was at first intended to be a competitor to the Internet), and for OEMs Internet Explorer, a web browser. Internet Explorer was not bundled with the retail Windows 95 boxes because the boxes were printed before the team finished the web browser, and instead was included in the Windows 95 Plus! pack. Branching out into new markets in 1996, Microsoft and NBC Universal created a new 24/7 cable news station, MSNBC. Microsoft created Windows CE 1.0, a new OS designed for devices with low memory and other constraints, such as personal digital assistants. In October 1997, the Justice Department filed a motion in the Federal District Court, stating that Microsoft violated an agreement signed in 1994 and asked the court to stop the bundling of Internet Explorer with Windows.", "precise_score": -3.999593734741211, "rough_score": -1.5560314655303955, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "On June 18, 2012, Microsoft unveiled the Surface, the first computer in the company's history to have its hardware made by Microsoft. On June 25, Microsoft paid US $1.2 billion to buy the social network Yammer. On July 31, 2012, Microsoft launched the webmail service to compete with Gmail. On September 4, 2012, Microsoft released Windows Server 2012. ", "precise_score": -9.343141555786133, "rough_score": -7.034387588500977, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "On March 29, 2013, Microsoft launched a Patent Tracker. The Kinect, the motion sensing input devices by Microsoft, which was first introduced in November 2010 was upgraded for the 2013 release of the eighth-generation Xbox One. Its capabilities were revealed in May 2013. The new Kinect uses an ultra-wide 1080p camera, it can function in the dark due to an infrared sensor, it employs higher-end processing power and new software, it can distinguish between fine movements (such as a thumb movements), and the device can determine a user's heart rate by looking at his/her face. Microsoft filed a patent application in 2011 that suggests that the corporation may use the Kinect camera system to monitor the behavior of television viewers as part of a plan to make the viewing experience more active. On July 19, 2013, Microsoft stocks suffered its biggest one-day percentage sell-off since the year 2000 after its fourth-quarter report raised concerns among the investors on the poor showings of both Windows 8 and the Surface tablet; with more than 11 percentage points declining Microsoft suffered a loss of more than US$32 billion. For the 2010 fiscal year, Microsoft had five product divisions: Windows Division, Server and Tools, Online Services Division, Microsoft Business Division and Entertainment and Devices Division.", "precise_score": -9.97922134399414, "rough_score": -7.057555198669434, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "The Entertainment and Devices Division produces the Windows CE OS for embedded systems and Windows Phone for smartphones. Microsoft initially entered the mobile market through Windows CE for handheld devices, eventually developing into the Windows Mobile OS and now, Windows Phone. Windows CE is designed for devices where the OS may not directly be visible to the end user, in particular, appliances and cars. The division also produces computer games, via its in-house game publisher Microsoft Studios, that run on Windows PCs and other systems including titles such as Age of Empires, Halo and the Microsoft Flight Simulator series, and houses the Macintosh Business Unit which produces Mac OS software including Microsoft Office 2011 for Mac. Microsoft's Entertainment and Devices Division designs, markets, and manufactures consumer electronics including the Xbox 360 game console, the handheld Zune media player, and the television-based Internet appliance MSN TV. Microsoft also markets personal computer hardware including mice, keyboards, and various game controllers such as joysticks and gamepads.", "precise_score": -8.799214363098145, "rough_score": -6.299542427062988, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Technical reference for developers and articles for various Microsoft magazines such as Microsoft Systems Journal (MSJ) are available through the Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN). MSDN also offers subscriptions for companies and individuals, and the more expensive subscriptions usually offer access to pre-release beta versions of Microsoft software. In April 2004 Microsoft launched a community site for developers and users, titled Channel 9, that provides a wiki and an Internet forum. Another community site that provides daily videocasts and other services,, launched on March 3, 2006. Free technical support is traditionally provided through online Usenet newsgroups, and CompuServe in the past, monitored by Microsoft employees; there can be several newsgroups for a single product. Helpful people can be elected by peers or Microsoft employees for Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) status, which entitles them to a sort of special social status and possibilities for awards and other benefits. ", "precise_score": -8.950316429138184, "rough_score": -6.3402099609375, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "On August 23, 2012, Microsoft unveiled a new corporate logo at the opening of its 23rd Microsoft store in Boston, indicating the company's shift of focus from the classic style to the tile-centric modern interface, which it uses/will use on the Windows Phone platform, Xbox 360, Windows 8 and the upcoming Office Suites. The new logo also includes four squares with the colors of the then-current Windows logo which have been used to represent Microsoft's four major products: Windows (blue), Office (red), Xbox (green) and Bing (yellow). The logo resembles the opening of one of the commercials for Windows 95. ", "precise_score": -9.149755477905273, "rough_score": -7.956715106964111, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Internet Explorer (formerly Microsoft Internet Explorer and Windows Internet Explorer, commonly abbreviated IE or MSIE) is a discontinued series of graphical web browsers developed by Microsoft and included as part of the Microsoft Windows line of operating systems, starting in 1995. It was first released as part of the add-on package Plus! for Windows 95 that year. Later versions were available as free downloads, or in service packs, and included in the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) service releases of Windows 95 and later versions of Windows.", "precise_score": 0.12850257754325867, "rough_score": 1.1601192951202393, "source": "wiki", "title": "Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Internet Explorer was one of the most widely used web browsers, attaining a peak of about 95% usage share during 2002 and 2003. This came after it managed to win the first browser war against Netscape, which was the dominant browser in the 1990s. Its usage share has since declined with the launch of Firefox (2004) and Google Chrome (2008), and with the growing popularity of operating systems such as OS X, Linux, iOS and Android that do not run Internet Explorer. Estimates for Internet Explorer's overall market share range from 17.11% to 51.59% or by StatCounter's numbers ranked 3rd, just after Firefox (or even as low as 10.3% when counting all platforms, then after Safari ), (browser market share is notoriously difficult to calculate). Microsoft spent over per year on Internet Explorer in the late 1990s, with over 1,000 people working on it by 1999. ", "precise_score": -3.969245433807373, "rough_score": -7.567392349243164, "source": "wiki", "title": "Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Versions of Internet Explorer for other operating systems have also been produced, including Internet Explorer for Mac and Internet Explorer for UNIX (Solaris and HP-UX), an Xbox 360 version called Internet Explorer for Xbox and an embedded OEM version called Pocket Internet Explorer, later rebranded Internet Explorer Mobile made for Windows Phone, Windows CE, and previously, based on Internet Explorer 7 for Windows Mobile.", "precise_score": -3.8739593029022217, "rough_score": -5.665182590484619, "source": "wiki", "title": "Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "On March 17, 2015, Microsoft announced that Microsoft Edge will replace Internet Explorer as the default browser on its Windows 10 devices. This effectively makes Internet Explorer 11 the last release. Internet Explorer will, however, remain on some versions of Windows 10 primarily for enterprise purposes. Starting January 12, 2016, only Internet Explorer 11 is supported with more security than older versions, according to Microsoft. Support varies based on the operating system's technical capabilities and its support lifecycle.", "precise_score": -2.8667101860046387, "rough_score": 0.16635668277740479, "source": "wiki", "title": "Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "The Internet Explorer project was started in the summer of 1994 by Thomas Reardon, who, according to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Review of 2003, used source code from Spyglass, Inc. Mosaic, which was an early commercial web browser with formal ties to the pioneering National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) Mosaic browser. In late 1994, Microsoft licensed Spyglass Mosaic for a quarterly fee plus a percentage of Microsoft's non-Windows revenues for the software. Although bearing a name similar to NCSA Mosaic, Spyglass Mosaic had used the NCSA Mosaic source code sparingly. Microsoft was sued by Synet Inc. in 1996, over the trademark infringement. ", "precise_score": -5.0795793533325195, "rough_score": -6.776805877685547, "source": "wiki", "title": "Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "The first version of Internet Explorer, Microsoft Internet Explorer (later referred to as Internet Explorer 1) made its debut on August 16, 1995. It was a reworked version of Spyglass Mosaic, which Microsoft licensed from Spyglass Inc., like many other companies initiating browser development. It was installed as part of the Internet Jumpstart Kit in Microsoft Plus! for Windows 95 and Plus!. The Internet Explorer team began with about six people in early development. Internet Explorer 1.5 was released several months later for Windows NT and added support for basic table rendering. By including it free of charge on their operating system, they did not have to pay royalties to Spyglass Inc, resulting in a lawsuit and a US$8 million settlement on January 22, 1997. ", "precise_score": -2.9767212867736816, "rough_score": -3.023744583129883, "source": "wiki", "title": "Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Windows Internet Explorer 9 was released on March 14, 2011, and is by now supported on Windows Vista SP2. Development for Internet Explorer 9 began shortly after the release of Internet Explorer 8. Microsoft first announced Internet Explorer 9 at PDC 2009, and spoke mainly about how it takes advantage of hardware acceleration in DirectX to improve the performance of web applications and quality of web typography. At MIX 10, Microsoft showed and publicly released the first Platform Preview for Internet Explorer 9, a frame for IE9's engine not containing any UI of the browser. Leading up to the release of the final browser, Microsoft released updated platform previews, each featuring improved JavaScript compiling (32-bit version), improved scores on the Acid3 test, as well as additional HTML5 standards support, approximately every 6 weeks. Ultimately, eight platform previews were released. The first public beta was released at a special event in San Francisco, which was themed around \"the beauty of the web\". The release candidate was released on February 10, 2011, and featured improved performance, refinements to the UI, and further standards support. The final version was released during the South by Southwest (SXSW) Interactive conference in Austin, Texas, on March 14, 2011.", "precise_score": -3.8910458087921143, "rough_score": -2.8233463764190674, "source": "wiki", "title": "Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Internet Explorer 9 is only supported on Windows Vista SP2, Windows 7, Windows Server 2008, and Windows Server 2008 R2. It supports several CSS 3 properties (including border-radius, box-shadow, etc.), and embedded ICC v2 or v4 colour profiles support via Windows Color System. The 32-bit version has faster JavaScript performance, this being due to a new JavaScript engine called \"Chakra\". It also features hardware accelerated graphics rendering using Direct2D, hardware-accelerated text rendering using DirectWrite, hardware-accelerated video rendering using Media Foundation, imaging support provided by Windows Imaging Component, and high fidelity printing powered by the XPS print pipeline. IE9 also supports the HTML5 video and audio tags and the Web Open Font Format. Internet Explorer 9 initially scored 95/100 on the Acid3 test, but has scored 100/100 since the test was updated in September 2011. ", "precise_score": -3.0217528343200684, "rough_score": -2.8504738807678223, "source": "wiki", "title": "Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Internet Explorer was to be omitted from Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 in Europe, but Microsoft ultimately included it, with a browser option screen allowing users to select any of several web browsers (including Internet Explorer). ", "precise_score": -0.8091994524002075, "rough_score": 4.619877338409424, "source": "wiki", "title": "Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Internet Explorer 10 became generally available on October 26, 2012, alongside Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012, but is by now supported on Windows Server 2012, while Windows Server 2012 R2 only supports Internet Explorer 11. It became available for Windows 7 on February 26, 2013. Microsoft announced Internet Explorer 10 in April 2011, at MIX 11 in Las Vegas, releasing the first Platform Preview at the same time. At the show, it was said that Internet Explorer 10 was about 3 weeks in development. This release further improves upon standards support, including HTML5 Drag & Drop and CSS3 gradients. Internet Explorer 10 drops support for Windows Vista and will only run on Windows 7 Service Pack 1 and later. ", "precise_score": -4.560369968414307, "rough_score": -3.4694175720214844, "source": "wiki", "title": "Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Internet Explorer 11 is featured in a Windows 8.1 update which was released on October 17, 2013. It includes an incomplete mechanism for syncing tabs. It is a major update to its developer tools, enhanced scaling for high DPI screens, HTML5 prerender and prefetch, hardware-accelerated JPEG decoding, closed captioning, HTML5 full screen, and is the first Internet Explorer to support WebGL and Google's protocol SPDY (starting at v3). ", "precise_score": -1.8633437156677246, "rough_score": -1.2931872606277466, "source": "wiki", "title": "Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Internet Explorer 11 was made available for Windows 7 users to download on November 7, 2013, with Automatic Updates in the following weeks. ", "precise_score": -4.615163803100586, "rough_score": -7.101110458374023, "source": "wiki", "title": "Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Microsoft claimed that Internet Explorer 11, running the WebKit SunSpider JavaScript Benchmark, was the fastest browser as of October 15, 2013. ", "precise_score": -4.01761531829834, "rough_score": -5.237506866455078, "source": "wiki", "title": "Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Internet Explorer has been designed to view a broad range of web pages and provide certain features within the operating system, including Microsoft Update. During the heyday of the browser wars, Internet Explorer superseded Netscape only when it caught up technologically to support the progressive features of the time. ", "precise_score": -2.5984959602355957, "rough_score": -2.743910074234009, "source": "wiki", "title": "Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Internet Explorer, using the Trident layout engine:", "precise_score": -4.586888313293457, "rough_score": -7.384754657745361, "source": "wiki", "title": "Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Internet Explorer uses DOCTYPE sniffing to choose between standards mode and a \"quirks mode\" in which it deliberately mimicks nonstandard behaviours of old versions of MSIE for HTML and CSS rendering on screen (Internet Explorer always uses standards mode for printing). It also provides its own dialect of ECMAScript called JScript.", "precise_score": -2.173936367034912, "rough_score": -5.560909748077393, "source": "wiki", "title": "Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Internet Explorer has introduced an array of proprietary extensions to many of the standards, including HTML, CSS, and the DOM. This has resulted in a number of web pages that appear broken in standards-compliant web browsers and has introduced the need for a \"quirks mode\" to allow for rendering improper elements meant for Internet Explorer in these other browsers.", "precise_score": -3.1983487606048584, "rough_score": -6.72548246383667, "source": "wiki", "title": "Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Internet Explorer has introduced a number of extensions to the DOM that have been adopted by other browsers. These include the innerHTML property, which provides access to the HTML string within an element ; the XMLHttpRequest object, which allows the sending of HTTP request and receiving of HTTP response, and may be used to perform AJAX; and the designMode attribute of the contentDocument object, which enables rich text editing of HTML documents . Some of these functionalities were not possible until the introduction of the W3C DOM methods. Its Ruby character extension to HTML is also accepted as a module in W3C XHTML 1.1, though it is not found in all versions of W3C HTML.", "precise_score": -4.575275421142578, "rough_score": -7.093200206756592, "source": "wiki", "title": "Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Support for favicons was first added in Internet Explorer 5. Internet Explorer supports favicons in PNG, static GIF and native Windows icon formats. In Windows Vista and later, Internet Explorer can display native Windows icons that have embedded PNG files. ", "precise_score": -4.397607803344727, "rough_score": -6.223434925079346, "source": "wiki", "title": "Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Internet Explorer makes use of the accessibility framework provided in Windows. Internet Explorer is also a user interface for FTP, with operations similar to that of Windows Explorer. Pop-up blocking and tabbed browsing were added respectively in Internet Explorer 6 and Internet Explorer 7. Tabbed browsing can also be added to older versions by installing MSN Search Toolbar or Yahoo Toolbar.", "precise_score": -3.3252787590026855, "rough_score": -2.75119948387146, "source": "wiki", "title": "Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Internet Explorer is fully configurable using Group Policy. Administrators of Windows Server domains (for domain-joined computers) or the local computer can apply and enforce a variety of settings on computers that affect the user interface (such as disabling menu items and individual configuration options), as well as underlying security features such as downloading of files, zone configuration, per-site settings, ActiveX control behaviour and others. Policy settings can be configured for each user and for each machine. Internet Explorer also supports Integrated Windows Authentication.", "precise_score": -3.1878561973571777, "rough_score": -0.7073506712913513, "source": "wiki", "title": "Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Internet Explorer uses a componentized architecture built on the Component Object Model (COM) technology. It consists of several major components, each of which is contained in a separate Dynamic-link library (DLL) and exposes a set of COM programming interfaces hosted by the Internet Explorer main executable, iexplore.exe: ", "precise_score": -3.506704807281494, "rough_score": -7.136723041534424, "source": "wiki", "title": "Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "* MSHTML.dll houses the Trident rendering engine introduced in Internet Explorer 4, which is responsible for displaying the pages on-screen and handling the Document Object Model of the web pages. MSHTML.dll parses the HTML/CSS file and creates the internal DOM tree representation of it. It also exposes a set of APIs for runtime inspection and modification of the DOM tree. The DOM tree is further processed by a layout engine which then renders the internal representation on screen.", "precise_score": -4.528031826019287, "rough_score": -5.759084701538086, "source": "wiki", "title": "Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "* IEFrame.dll contains the user interface and window of IE in Internet Explorer 7 and above.", "precise_score": -4.169416904449463, "rough_score": -7.226223468780518, "source": "wiki", "title": "Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Internet Explorer does not include any native scripting functionality. Rather, MSHTML.dll exposes an API that permit a programmer to develop a scripting environment to be plugged-in and to access the DOM tree. Internet Explorer 8 includes the bindings for the Active Scripting engine, which is a part of Microsoft Windows and allows any language implemented as an Active Scripting module to be used for client-side scripting. By default, only the JScript and VBScript modules are provided; third party implementations like ScreamingMonkey (for ECMAScript 4 support) can also be used. Microsoft also makes available the Microsoft Silverlight runtime (not supported in Windows RT) that allows CLI languages, including DLR-based dynamic languages like IronPython and IronRuby, to be used for client-side scripting.", "precise_score": -3.1775667667388916, "rough_score": -2.5705320835113525, "source": "wiki", "title": "Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Internet Explorer 8 introduces some major architectural changes, called Loosely Coupled IE (LCIE). LCIE separates the main window process (frame process) from the processes hosting the different web applications in different tabs (tab processes). A frame process can create multiple tab processes, each of which can be of a different integrity level; each tab process can host multiple web sites. The processes use asynchronous Inter-Process Communication to synchronize themselves. Generally, there will be a single frame process for all web sites. In Windows Vista with Protected Mode turned on, however, opening privileged content (such as local HTML pages) will create a new tab process as it will not be constrained by Protected Mode. ", "precise_score": -5.622429847717285, "rough_score": -7.48902702331543, "source": "wiki", "title": "Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Internet Explorer exposes a set of Component Object Model (COM) interfaces that allows add-ons to extend the functionality of the browser. Extensibility is divided into two types: Browser extensibility and content extensibility. Browser extensibility involves adding context menu entries, toolbars, menu items or Browser Helper Objects (BHO). BHOs are used to extend the feature set of the browser, whereas the other extensibility options are used to expose that feature in the user interface. Content extensibility adds support for non-native content formats. It allows Internet Explorer to handle new file formats and new protocols, e.g. WebM or SPDY. In addition, web pages can integrate widgets known as ActiveX controls which run on Windows only but have vast potentials to extend the content capabilities; Adobe Flash Player and Microsoft Silverlight are examples. Add-ons can be installed either locally, or directly by a web site.", "precise_score": -3.8046693801879883, "rough_score": -5.875197410583496, "source": "wiki", "title": "Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Since malicious add-ons can compromise the security of a system, Internet Explorer implements several safeguards. Internet Explorer 6 with Service Pack 2 and later feature an Add-on Manager for enabling or disabling individual add-ons, complemented by a \"No Add-Ons\" mode. Starting with Windows Vista, Internet Explorer and its BHOs run with restricted privileges and are isolated from the rest of the system. Internet Explorer 9 introduced a new component – Add-on Performance Advisor. Add-on Performance Advisor shows a notification when one or more of installed add-ons exceed a pre-set performance threshold. The notification appears in the Notification Bar when the user launches the browser. Windows 8 and Windows RT introduce a Metro-style version of Internet Explorer that is entirely sandboxed and does not run add-ons at all. In addition, Windows RT cannot download or install ActiveX controls at all; although existing ones bundled with Windows RT still run in the traditional version of Internet Explorer.", "precise_score": -3.2115468978881836, "rough_score": -3.394275665283203, "source": "wiki", "title": "Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Internet Explorer itself can be hosted by other applications via a set of COM interfaces. This can be used to embed the browser functionality inside a computer program or create Internet Explorer shells.", "precise_score": -3.6101131439208984, "rough_score": -4.98965311050415, "source": "wiki", "title": "Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Internet Explorer 6 SP2 onwards uses the Attachment Execution Service of Microsoft Windows to mark executable files downloaded from the Internet as being potentially unsafe. Accessing files marked as such will prompt the user to make an explicit trust decision to execute the file, as executables originating from the Internet can be potentially unsafe. This helps in preventing accidental installation of malware.", "precise_score": -2.072103977203369, "rough_score": -4.217534065246582, "source": "wiki", "title": "Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "On December 17, 2008, a fix to the security problem above became available, with the release of the Security Update for Internet Explorer KB960714, which is available from Microsoft Windows Update's webpage. Microsoft has said that this update fixes the security risk found by Trend Micro the previous day. ", "precise_score": -3.932999610900879, "rough_score": -5.794917583465576, "source": "wiki", "title": "Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Internet Explorer has been subjected to many security vulnerabilities and concerns: Much of the spyware, adware, and computer viruses across the Internet are made possible by exploitable bugs and flaws in the security architecture of Internet Explorer, sometimes requiring nothing more than viewing of a malicious web page in order to install themselves. This is known as a \"drive-by install\". There are also attempts to trick the user into installing malicious software by misrepresenting the software's true purpose in the description section of an ActiveX security alert.", "precise_score": -4.358610153198242, "rough_score": -6.586696624755859, "source": "wiki", "title": "Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "In an advisory on January 14, 2010, Microsoft said that attackers targeting Google and other U.S. companies used software that exploits a security hole, which had already been patched, in Internet Explorer. The vulnerability affected Internet Explorer 6 on Windows XP and Server 2003, IE6 SP1 on Windows 2000 SP4, IE7 on Windows Vista, XP, Server 2008 and Server 2003, and IE8 on Windows 7, Vista, XP, Server 2003, and Server 2008 (R2). ", "precise_score": -3.306727170944214, "rough_score": -3.907355785369873, "source": "wiki", "title": "Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "The German government warned users against using Internet Explorer and recommended switching to an alternative web browser, due to the major security hole described above that was exploited in Internet Explorer. The Australian and French Government issued a similar warning a few days later. ", "precise_score": -6.1602349281311035, "rough_score": -7.763999938964844, "source": "wiki", "title": "Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "On April 26, 2014, Microsoft issued a security advisory relating to CVE-2014-1776, a vulnerability that could allow \"remote code execution\" in Internet Explorer versions 6 to 11. On April 28, 2014, the United States Department of Homeland Security's United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team (US-CERT) released an advisory stating that the vulnerability could result in \"the complete compromise\" of an affected system. US-CERT recommended reviewing Microsoft's suggestions to mitigate an attack or using an alternate browser until the bug is fixed. The UK National Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-UK) published an advisory announcing similar concerns and for users to take the additional step of ensuring their antivirus software is up-to-date. Symantec, a cyber security firm, confirmed that \"the vulnerability crashes Internet Explorer on Windows XP\". The vulnerability was resolved on May 1, 2014, with a security update.", "precise_score": -2.256173610687256, "rough_score": -2.7212650775909424, "source": "wiki", "title": "Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "The adoption rate of Internet Explorer seems to be closely related to that of Microsoft Windows, as it is the default web browser that comes with Windows. Since the integration of Internet Explorer 2.0 with Windows 95 OSR 1 in 1996, and especially after version 4.0's release in 1997, the adoption was greatly accelerated: from below 20% in 1996, to about 40% in 1998, and over ", "precise_score": -4.648471355438232, "rough_score": -3.884338140487671, "source": "wiki", "title": "Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "The idea of removing a stock install of Internet Explorer from a Windows system was proposed during the United States v. Microsoft case. One of Microsoft's arguments during the trial was that removing Internet Explorer from Windows may result in system instability. Indeed, programs that depend on libraries installed by IE, including Windows help and support system, fail to function without IE. Before Windows Vista, it was not possible to run Windows Update without IE because the service used ActiveX technology, which no other web browser supports.", "precise_score": -4.094748020172119, "rough_score": -1.8092280626296997, "source": "wiki", "title": "Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Microsoft Edge, officially unveiled on January 21, 2015, has replaced Internet Explorer as the default browser on Windows 10. Internet Explorer is still installed in Windows 10 in order to maintain compatibility with older websites and intranet sites that require ActiveX and other Microsoft legacy web technologies. ", "precise_score": -2.762552499771118, "rough_score": 1.7400867938995361, "source": "wiki", "title": "Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "The popularity of Internet Explorer has led to the appearance of malware abusing its name. On January 28, 2011, a fake Internet Explorer browser calling itself \"Internet Explorer – Emergency Mode\" appeared. It closely resembles the real Internet Explorer, but has fewer buttons and no search bar. If a user launches any other browser such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Safari or the real Internet Explorer, this browser will pop-up instead. It also displays a fake error message, claiming that the computer is infected with malware and Internet Explorer has entered Emergency Mode. It blocks access to legitimate sites such as Google if infected users try to access them.", "precise_score": -1.9154777526855469, "rough_score": -3.423963785171509, "source": "wiki", "title": "Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Cipher strength appears as 0-bit in Internet Explorer", "precise_score": -2.3244197368621826, "rough_score": -5.864870071411133, "source": "search", "title": "Cipher Strength Appears as 0-Bit in Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Cipher strength appears as 0-bit in Internet Explorer", "precise_score": -2.3244197368621826, "rough_score": -5.864870071411133, "source": "search", "title": "Cipher Strength Appears as 0-Bit in Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "In Microsoft Internet Explorer, you may experience the following behaviors:", "precise_score": -2.7217648029327393, "rough_score": -5.796482086181641, "source": "search", "title": "Cipher Strength Appears as 0-Bit in Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Microsoft Internet Explorer 6", "precise_score": -1.237998604774475, "rough_score": -3.9165008068084717, "source": "search", "title": "Cipher Strength Appears as 0-Bit in Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Download and install Microsoft Internet Explorer 6, or reinstall Microsoft Internet Explorer 6. To do this, visit the following Microsoft Web site:", "precise_score": -3.715360164642334, "rough_score": -4.45015287399292, "source": "search", "title": "Cipher Strength Appears as 0-Bit in Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows", "precise_score": -3.091688632965088, "rough_score": -4.743871212005615, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "For Internet Explorer 10 for Windows 8 and Windows RT, the privacy statement below applies:", "precise_score": -4.682426452636719, "rough_score": -6.713479042053223, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "At Microsoft, we're working hard to protect your privacy while delivering products that bring you the performance, power, and convenience you desire in your personal computing. This privacy statement for Internet Explorer 10 (“Internet Explorer”) focuses on features that communicate with the Internet, explains how those features collect your data, and describes the way that data is used. This privacy statement focuses on features that communicate with the Internet. It doesn’t apply to other online or offline Microsoft sites, products, or services. Internet Explorer has certain features that may impact or help you to protect your privacy. The sections below describe some of these features and how to change their settings. Any changes you make to a setting in Internet Explorer will apply to Internet Explorer and to Internet Explorer in the desktop.", "precise_score": -0.9800567030906677, "rough_score": 0.0796455517411232, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Internet Explorer is designed to make it easy to browse and interact with websites on your intranet or on the Internet. Whenever you use the Internet, or software with Internet enabled features, information about your computer (\"standard computer information\") is sent to the websites you visit and online services you use. Standard computer information includes your computer's IP address, browser type and language, access times, and referring website addresses. This information might be logged on those sites' web servers. Which information is logged and how that information is used depends on the privacy practices of the websites you visit and web services you use.", "precise_score": -0.33810093998908997, "rough_score": -0.8820962905883789, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Open Internet Explorer in the desktop, click the Tools button, point to Safety, and then click ActiveX Filtering‍.", "precise_score": -4.2540106773376465, "rough_score": -7.519942760467529, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Open Internet Explorer in the desktop, click the Tools button, point to Safety, and then click ActiveX Filtering.", "precise_score": -4.2540106773376465, "rough_score": -7.519942760467529, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Internet Explorer includes Adobe Flash Player. Certain Flash Player features may gather information about your computer or ask permission to use your computer's hardware features. Additional information about these features can be found here ‍.", "precise_score": -3.5749928951263428, "rough_score": -4.850765228271484, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "This feature in Internet Explorer is designed for use by developers and IT professionals to determine the compatibility of their websites with Internet Explorer. When you activate this feature, Internet Explorer logs data points about your interaction with webpages in an event log, which can be viewed with the Windows Event Viewer. These events describe failures that might have happened on the site and can include information about specific controls and webpages that failed. By default, this information can be viewed by all users on the computer unless an administrator restricts this access. For more information about logs and the use of the Windows Event Viewer, search Windows Help for \"Event Viewer\".", "precise_score": -2.924546718597412, "rough_score": -1.5324585437774658, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "The AutoComplete feature in Internet Explorer lets you more quickly fill out web forms and go to websites you have visited in the past. AutoComplete collects and stores in the registry on your computer the data you type in web form text boxes and the Address bar. If you choose to use AutoComplete for passwords, they'll be stored in encrypted form on your computer. AutoComplete information is not shared with other user accounts on your computer.", "precise_score": -3.5589115619659424, "rough_score": -4.031710624694824, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Open Internet Explorer in the desktop, click the Tools button, and then click Internet options.", "precise_score": -3.8505709171295166, "rough_score": -5.9335036277771, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Open Internet Explorer in the desktop, click the Tools button, and then click Internet options.", "precise_score": -3.8505709171295166, "rough_score": -5.9335036277771, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Open Internet Explorer in the desktop, click the Tools button, and then click Internet options.", "precise_score": -3.8505709171295166, "rough_score": -5.9335036277771, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Turning off Automatic Crash Recovery does not prevent Internet Explorer from saving information about your tabs; it only disables the recovery of your tabs or browsing session. None of this information is sent to Microsoft unless you choose to send it, such as in an error report.", "precise_score": -4.977258205413818, "rough_score": -7.856309413909912, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Lists of hardware devices, particularly graphics hardware, that have known compatibility problems, so that Internet Explorer can avoid using these devices when rendering web content.", "precise_score": -4.047754287719727, "rough_score": -6.357172966003418, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Lists of websites that use Adobe Flash Player in ways that are known to be compatible with Internet Explorer, so that Flash Player can be enabled for those websites. For more information on Flash Player, see the section on Adobe Flash Player earlier in this document.", "precise_score": -7.200191020965576, "rough_score": -8.107791900634766, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Lists of popular web addresses that Internet Explorer provides as suggestions when the user is typing in the address bar.", "precise_score": -3.4507970809936523, "rough_score": -6.815629959106445, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "If you choose this option, Internet Explorer will periodically download an updated list of Compatibility settings from Microsoft, and standard computer information will be sent. You can turn off Compatibility List Updates at any time.", "precise_score": -2.618191719055176, "rough_score": -0.18684113025665283, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Open Internet Explorer in the desktop, press the Alt key, click Tools on the menu bar, and then click Compatibility View settings.", "precise_score": -3.2245898246765137, "rough_score": -6.857297897338867, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Compatibility View helps make websites designed for older browsers look better when viewed in Internet Explorer. If you choose to view a website in Compatibility View, as a convenience to you, Internet Explorer will remember this choice and use Compatibility View the next time you visit the site. You can clear the list of websites you've chosen to display in Compatibility View by using Delete browsing history in Internet Explorer or the Compatibility View Settings dialog box.", "precise_score": -4.38145112991333, "rough_score": -3.544154167175293, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Open Internet Explorer in the desktop, press the Alt key, click Tools on the menu bar, and then click Compatibility View settings.", "precise_score": -3.2245898246765137, "rough_score": -6.857297897338867, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Open Internet Explorer in the desktop, click the Tools button, and then click Internet options.", "precise_score": -3.8505709171295166, "rough_score": -5.9335036277771, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Open Internet Explorer in the desktop, click the Tools button, and then click Internet options.", "precise_score": -3.8505709171295166, "rough_score": -5.9335036277771, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "The History folder in Internet Explorer contains a list of links to the websites and Windows shell locations (drives and folders) you have visited recently.", "precise_score": -3.7113025188446045, "rough_score": -7.230363368988037, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Open Internet Explorer in the desktop, click the Tools button, and then click Internet options.", "precise_score": -3.8505709171295166, "rough_score": -5.9335036277771, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Open Internet Explorer in the desktop, click the Tools button, click Internet Options.", "precise_score": -3.6958913803100586, "rough_score": -5.794272422790527, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Manage Add-ons in Internet Explorer lets you view, enable, and disable the list of add-ons that can be loaded by Internet Explorer. Add-ons you can manage include browser helper objects, ActiveX controls, toolbar extensions, explorer bars, browser extensions, search providers, Accelerators, and Tracking Protection settings.", "precise_score": -4.685441017150879, "rough_score": -7.707566261291504, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Some add-ons could collect information from your computer or otherwise impact your privacy. If an add-on you are using is provided by a company other than Microsoft, the use of any information collected will be subject to that company's privacy practices. If you choose to disable an add-on, the add-on might require you to restart Internet Explorer for the change to take effect.", "precise_score": -3.9815258979797363, "rough_score": -3.854776620864868, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Open Internet Explorer in the desktop, click the Tools button, and then click Manage add-ons.", "precise_score": -4.4337477684021, "rough_score": -7.064977645874023, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Disabling an add-on does not remove it from your computer. It only prevents Internet Explorer from running the add-on's code—it does not prevent other software from using the add-on. Some add-ons also can be deleted from your computer by using Manage Add-ons.", "precise_score": -6.207281589508057, "rough_score": -6.707701206207275, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Internet Explorer tells you when it finds and blocks portions of webpages loading common, but out-of-date ActiveX controls. In order to do this, Internet Explorer will periodically download a list of out-of-date ActiveX controls from Microsoft, and standard PC information will be sent to Microsoft. For more information, see Out-of-date ActiveX controls .", "precise_score": -0.961539626121521, "rough_score": -0.22112315893173218, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Pop-up Blocker in Internet Explorer helps block most unwanted pop-up windows from appearing without blocking the pop-up windows you deliberately open. Pop-up Blocker is turned on by default.", "precise_score": -5.137755870819092, "rough_score": -7.886245250701904, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Open Internet Explorer in the desktop, click the Tools button, and then click Internet options.", "precise_score": -3.8505709171295166, "rough_score": -5.9335036277771, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Open Internet Explorer in the desktop, click the Tools button, and then click Internet options.", "precise_score": -3.8505709171295166, "rough_score": -5.9335036277771, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "With one click, Delete Browsing History in Internet Explorer lets you clear website passwords that you asked Internet Explorer to save, entries in the Internet Explorer history folder, web form data, temporary Internet files, cookies, the Last Tab Group, and files and settings stored by some Internet Explorer add-ons that have been saved on your computer. You can also clear some of these items individually, as explained in the \"Removing old cookies\" and \"AutoComplete\" sections of this privacy statement. Internet Explorer will remember the items you've chosen to delete in the Delete Browsing History dialog and will delete the same items the next time you delete your browsing history in any instance of Internet Explorer.", "precise_score": -4.08106803894043, "rough_score": -4.079718589782715, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "When the Do Not Track feature in Internet Explorer is turned on, Internet Explorer will send a Do Not Track request to the websites you visit and to the third parties whose content is hosted on those sites to let the sites know that you would prefer not to be tracked. Websites may continue to engage in activities you might view as tracking even though you have expressed this preference, depending on your websites' privacy practices.", "precise_score": -5.567944526672363, "rough_score": -5.863161087036133, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Open Internet Explorer in the desktop, click the Tools button, then click Internet Options", "precise_score": -3.8572986125946045, "rough_score": -6.400455951690674, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "InPrivate Browsing can help keep your browsing history private on shared computers such as at home, or in an Internet café or public kiosk. History data that is accumulated while browsing the web in an Internet ExplorerInPrivate window, such as temporary Internet files, web address history, or cookies, will be removed when you close the window. History in other Internet Explorer windows (not using InPrivate), will not be affected.", "precise_score": -4.435758590698242, "rough_score": -7.462219715118408, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "In addition, Internet Explorer will send a Do Not Track request to the websites you visit during InPrivate Browsing sessions. InPrivate Browsing is not designed to obscure your identity to your Internet provider or web servers on the Internet. It does not prevent data, such as your IP address, from being sent to websites you visit.", "precise_score": -5.423027992248535, "rough_score": -7.771373748779297, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "From the Start screen, tap or click the Internet Explorer tile, open the Tab bar, and then hold down the Add button (+) for several seconds. If you open Internet Explorer in the desktop, click the Tools button, point to Safety, and then click InPrivate Browsing .", "precise_score": -2.1409435272216797, "rough_score": -3.461045742034912, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "You can add a Tracking Protection List by finding a website that offers one, and then clicking a link or a button in the page to add it. Microsoft maintains a website with the Tracking Protection Lists that individuals and companies have asked us to publish. You can find a link to it in the Tracking Protection feature. When you add a Tracking Protection List, Internet Explorer will download the list and check it for updates periodically.", "precise_score": -5.079726219177246, "rough_score": -7.055140495300293, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Open Internet Explorer in the desktop, click the Tools button, point to Safety, and then click Tracking Protection.", "precise_score": -4.5660858154296875, "rough_score": -7.741575241088867, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Open Internet Explorer in the desktop, click the Tools button, point to Safety, and then click Tracking Protection.", "precise_score": -4.5660858154296875, "rough_score": -7.741575241088867, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Open Internet Explorer in the desktop, click the Tools button, point to Safety, and then click Webpage privacy policy.", "precise_score": -4.613176345825195, "rough_score": -7.549477577209473, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "After reviewing a website's P3P privacy policy, you can specify how you want Internet Explorer to handle cookies from that website. If you want Internet Explorer to determine whether or not to allow this website to save cookies on your computer by comparing the privacy policy with your privacy settings, select the Compare cookies' Privacy Policy to my settings check box. If you want Internet Explorer to always allow cookies from this website to be saved on your computer, select the Always allow this site to use cookies check box. If you want Internet Explorer to never allow cookies from this website to be saved on your computer, select the Never allow this site to use cookies check box.", "precise_score": -5.668396949768066, "rough_score": -6.901399612426758, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Open Internet Explorer in the desktop, click the Tools button, then click Internet Options.", "precise_score": -3.833116054534912, "rough_score": -6.18397855758667, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Note: Although Internet Explorer can display a website's P3P privacy policy, Internet Explorer cannot verify that the website complies with its own privacy policy.", "precise_score": -5.048824787139893, "rough_score": -7.862180709838867, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Internet Explorer has several Accelerators—including search, mapping, email, and translation Accelerators—that use Windows Live web services. You can add and remove Accelerators by using Manage Add-ons. When you click or move your mouse over an Accelerator, the title and full web address or URL of the current webpage, as well as standard computer information, and any content you have selected, might be sent to the service provider. If you use an Accelerator provided by Microsoft, the information sent is subject to the privacy statement for the associated online service. For example, if you use the \"Translate with Bing\" Accelerator, then the Bing privacy statement will govern use of the information. If you use an Accelerator provided by a third-party, use of the information sent will be subject to the third-party's privacy practices.", "precise_score": -1.913725733757019, "rough_score": -1.6194208860397339, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Note: If you open Internet Explorer in the desktop, you can pin websites to the taskbar, but the website won't display any updates.", "precise_score": -3.0689241886138916, "rough_score": -5.845827579498291, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "If you enter text in the Address bar in Internet Explorer and it does not resolve as a valid web address, or the text begins with a question mark, \"search,\" \"find,\" or \"go,\" then Internet Explorer will redirect you to your default search provider to help you locate the site you are looking for. To provide this feature, Internet Explorer sends the invalid web address or the search query you typed to your default search provider, which returns web address options to your computer. Standard computer information might also be sent to your default search provider. If Bing is your default search provider, the information sent is subject to the Bing privacy statement . If you use a third-party search provider as your default, then information sent to the provider will be subject to the third party's privacy practices.", "precise_score": -1.4035956859588623, "rough_score": -4.023738384246826, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Open Internet Explorer in the desktop, click the Tools button, and then click Internet options.", "precise_score": -3.8505709171295166, "rough_score": -5.9335036277771, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Open Internet Explorer in the desktop, click the Tools button, and then click Internet options.", "precise_score": -3.8505709171295166, "rough_score": -5.9335036277771, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "If you receive updates automatically through Windows Update, you'll receive updates to Internet Explorer, including upgrades to new versions. These updates are installed without interrupting you. If you would prefer to choose whether and when you receive an upgrade to a new version of Internet Explorer via Windows Update, you may do so.", "precise_score": -4.593153476715088, "rough_score": -6.343435764312744, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Open Internet Explorer in the desktop, click the Tools button, and then click About Internet Explorer.", "precise_score": -3.6060428619384766, "rough_score": -6.6831135749816895, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "If you turn off automatic version upgrades, you'll still be offered a new version of Internet Explorer if you have Windows Update turned on, but it won't be installed automatically. For more information about Windows Update and your privacy, see the Update Services privacy statement .", "precise_score": -5.648458957672119, "rough_score": -7.571205139160156, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "The Customer Experience Improvement Program (CEIP) collects basic information about your computer and how you use Internet Explorer to help us improve the quality, reliability, and performance of our software and services. CEIP reports generally include information about your hardware configuration, a unique identifier generated by CEIP, performance and reliability data (such as how quickly the software responds when you click a button), and program use (such as which features you use most often).", "precise_score": -3.362043857574463, "rough_score": -5.452489852905273, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Internet Explorer uses your Windows CEIP setting. For more information about how to change the setting, see the Windows 8 Release Preview privacy statement .", "precise_score": -3.8355445861816406, "rough_score": -6.546983242034912, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "When flip ahead is turned on, information about the webpages you visit is sent to Microsoft, together with standard computer information. This includes the addresses of the webpages you visit as well as information about images and videos included on the page. To help protect your privacy, the information is encrypted when sent to Microsoft. Information associated with the web address, such as search terms or data you entered in forms, might be included. For example, if you visited the search website at and entered \"Seattle\" as the search term, the full address will be sent. Address strings might unintentionally contain personal information, but this information, like the other information sent, isn't used to identify, contact, or target advertising to you. In addition, Microsoft filters address strings to try to remove personal information.", "precise_score": -5.378448963165283, "rough_score": -5.349557876586914, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Statistics about the webpages you visit will also be sent to Microsoft, such as the time that webpages were visited, which webpage referred you, and how you got there (for example, by clicking a link or one of you Favorites). A unique identifier generated by Internet Explorer is also sent. The unique identifier is a randomly generated number that doesn't contain any personal information and isn't used to identify you. If you delete your browsing history or if you turn flip ahead off and back on again, a new unique identifier will be created. We don't correlate old unique identifiers with new ones. This information, along with the website addresses and past history, will be used to improve the flip ahead experience, as well as to improve the quality of other products and services.", "precise_score": -1.7387093305587769, "rough_score": -5.78817892074585, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "In order to keep up with the constantly changing web, as long as flip ahead is turned on, Internet Explorer will periodically download updates to the list of websites that support flip ahead and standard computer information will be sent.", "precise_score": -5.078198432922363, "rough_score": -6.9488325119018555, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "From the Start screen, tap or click the Internet Explorer tile, and swipe from the right of the screen, or press Win + C to bring in the Charms bar.", "precise_score": -1.974173665046692, "rough_score": -5.457864284515381, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "From the Start screen, tap or click the Internet Explorer tile, and swipe from the right of the screen, or press Win + C to bring in the Charms bar.", "precise_score": -1.974173665046692, "rough_score": -5.457864284515381, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "When you visit a website that uses Location Services, you can choose whether or not to allow the website access to your location information. If you choose to allow a website access, Internet Explorer will contact a Microsoft location service to attempt to determine your computer’s physical location. This service uses your IP address and data from nearby Wi‑Fi access points, if available.", "precise_score": -3.09696102142334, "rough_score": -4.344308376312256, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Based on the information received, the Microsoft location service will determine your computer’s approximate location and provide it to the requesting website. The location information provided includes the latitude and longitude of your computer. It does not provide the requesting website information about available cell towers or Wi‑Fi access points or any unique identifiers from your computer.", "precise_score": -7.08938455581665, "rough_score": -5.477207183837891, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Open Internet Explorer in the desktop, click the Tools button, and then click Internet options.", "precise_score": -3.8505709171295166, "rough_score": -5.9335036277771, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Open Internet Explorer in the desktop, click the Tools button, and then click Internet options.", "precise_score": -3.8505709171295166, "rough_score": -5.9335036277771, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "SmartScreen Filter is designed to help warn you about unsafe websites that are impersonating trusted websites (phishing) or contain threats to your computer. If you opt in to SmartScreen Filter, it first checks the address of the webpage you are visiting against a list of high-traffic webpage addresses stored on your computer that are believed by Microsoft to be legitimate. Addresses that are not on the local list and the addresses of files you are downloading will be sent to Microsoft and checked against a frequently updated list of webpages and downloads that have been reported to Microsoft as unsafe or suspicious. You might also choose to use SmartScreen Filter manually to verify individual sites with Microsoft. Additionally, if you download or run a program from the Internet, SmartScreen will check the program against a list of commonly downloaded and known unsafe programs to help protect you from running unsafe programs.", "precise_score": -5.66871976852417, "rough_score": -5.326536655426025, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "When you use SmartScreen Filter to check websites automatically or manually, the address of the website you are visiting will be sent to Microsoft, together with standard computer information and the SmartScreen Filter version number. To help protect your privacy, the information sent to Microsoft is encrypted. Information that may be associated with the address, such as search terms or data you entered in forms might be included. For example, if you visited the search website at and entered \"Seattle\" as the search term, the full address will be sent. Address strings might unintentionally contain personal information, but this information, like the other information sent, is not used to identify, contact, or target advertising to you. In addition, Microsoft filters address strings to try to remove personal information where possible. When you use Internet Explorer to download a program, SmartScreen Filter will send the information above, along with information about the downloaded program, such as a file identifier (a “hash”), results from installed antivirus tools, and the program’s digital certificate information, if available.", "precise_score": -4.098634243011475, "rough_score": -3.9975013732910156, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Periodically, information about your usage of SmartScreen Filter will also be sent to Microsoft, such as the time and total number of websites browsed since an address was sent to Microsoft for analysis. Some information about files that you download from the web, such as name and file path, might also be sent to Microsoft. Some website addresses that are sent to Microsoft might be stored along with additional information, including web browser version, operating system version, SmartScreen Filter version, the browser language, the referring webpage, and information about whether Compatibility View was enabled for the website. A unique identifier generated by Internet Explorer is also sent. The unique identifier is a randomly generated number that does not contain any personal information and is not used to identify you. This information, along with the information described above, is only used to analyze performance and improve the quality of our products and services.", "precise_score": -1.9402220249176025, "rough_score": -4.065703392028809, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Open Internet Explorer in the desktop, click the Tools button, point to Safety, and then click Turn on SmartScreen Filter .", "precise_score": -4.164924144744873, "rough_score": -6.374530792236328, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "When Suggested Sites is turned on, information about the webpages you visit is sent to Microsoft, together with standard computer information. This includes the addresses of the webpages you visit as well as information about images and videos included on the page. To help protect your privacy, the information is encrypted when sent to Microsoft. Information associated with the web address, such as search terms or data you entered in forms, might be included. For example, if you visited the search website at and entered \"Seattle\" as the search term, the full address will be sent. Address strings might unintentionally contain personal information, but this information, like the other information sent, is not used to identify, contact, or target advertising to you. In addition, Microsoft filters address strings to try to remove personal information.", "precise_score": -5.314435005187988, "rough_score": -5.3681840896606445, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Statistics about the webpages you visit will also be sent to Microsoft, such as the time that webpages were visited, which webpage referred you, and how you got there (for example, by clicking a link or one of your Favorites). A unique identifier generated by Internet Explorer is also sent. The unique identifier is a randomly generated number that does not contain any personal information and is not used to identify you. If you delete your browsing history or if you turn Suggested Sites off and back on again, a new unique identifier will be created. We do not correlate old unique identifiers with new ones. This information, along with the website addresses and past history, will be used to personalize your experience, as well as to improve the quality of our products and services.", "precise_score": -1.7686809301376343, "rough_score": -5.461297988891602, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Open Internet Explorer in the desktop, click the Tools button, point to File, click Suggested Sites, and then click Yes.", "precise_score": -3.932556390762329, "rough_score": -5.588414669036865, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Open Internet Explorer in the desktop, click the Tools button, point to File, click Suggested Sites, and then click No.", "precise_score": -3.8950135707855225, "rough_score": -6.500463485717773, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Information that is collected by or sent to Microsoft by Internet Explorer may be stored and processed in the United States or any other country in which Microsoft or its affiliates, subsidiaries, or service providers maintain facilities. Microsoft abides by the safe harbor framework as set forth by the U.S. Department of Commerce regarding the collection, use, and retention of data from the European Union, the European Economic Area, and Switzerland.", "precise_score": -4.2029948234558105, "rough_score": -6.268077373504639, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Microsoft is committed to protecting the security of your information. We use a variety of security technologies and procedures to help protect your information from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure. For example, we store the personal information you provide on computer systems with limited access, which are located in controlled facilities.", "precise_score": -8.28699779510498, "rough_score": -7.811980247497559, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Internet Explorer Privacy, Microsoft Corporation, One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 98052, USA", "precise_score": -4.245593070983887, "rough_score": -6.112412452697754, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, and Google Chrome all contain a “zoom” feature that allows you to enlarge or reduce the viewing size of web pages you are browsing.  This feature is particularly handy if you want to read something small but don’t feel like hunting for your reading glasses at the moment.", "precise_score": -2.585789918899536, "rough_score": -2.2073099613189697, "source": "search", "title": "SOLVED: Why is everything too big to fit on my screen ..." }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "While the menu structures that get you to the zoom feature may vary, all three of the major web browsers, Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Chrome share the same keyboard shortcuts for using the zoom feature.  Here’s a quick summary:", "precise_score": -6.289106369018555, "rough_score": -7.034695625305176, "source": "search", "title": "SOLVED: Why is everything too big to fit on my screen ..." }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Have you ever been bothered by the small text, images, and UI elements in Windows applications, or Web pages? This scenario has become more and more common because as display technology advances, display manufacturers keep packing more and more pixels into displays. While text, images, and UI elements can look much sharper and more readable on higher-resolution displays, the operating system has to take advantage of the extra pixels and scale up the visual Windows experience as a whole—otherwise, everything will just look smaller.", "precise_score": -9.831840515136719, "rough_score": -7.827854156494141, "source": "search", "title": "Making the Web Bigger: DPI Scaling and Internet Explorer 8" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Like Windows Vista, the Windows Internet Explorer 8 UI is entirely High DPI Aware, and you will notice that all UI Elements and UI Fonts are scaled accordingly. Additionally, larger and higher fidelity icons are used. Notice the difference in the Windows Internet Explorer chrome when Windows DPI Scaling is set to 96 DPI and 120 DPI, respectively:", "precise_score": -2.3639371395111084, "rough_score": -4.726992607116699, "source": "search", "title": "Making the Web Bigger: DPI Scaling and Internet Explorer 8" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "By default, Internet Explorer 8 will zoom the content of a Web page to match your Windows DPI Scaling settings. (This is a change from Windows Internet Explorer 7, which did not zoom to match Windows DPI Scaling settings.) For example, if you set the DPI Scaling to 120 DPI, Internet Explorer 8 will zoom the content of a Web page by 125%, because scaling is done relative to 96 DPI, and 120/96 equals 1.25, or 125%. This is reflected in the Zoom UI in the bottom-right corner of the browser window:", "precise_score": -5.196635723114014, "rough_score": -6.916731357574463, "source": "search", "title": "Making the Web Bigger: DPI Scaling and Internet Explorer 8" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "You might be wondering what it means to zoom the content of a Web page. At the basic level, the new Adaptive Zoom feature in Internet Explorer 8 will use the zoom factor to scale all elements that are defined with absolute lengths, but not those that are defined with relative lengths. This strategy cuts down on the appearance of horizontal scrollbars as well as other formatting problems that existed with the Internet Explorer 7 zoom.", "precise_score": -5.52204704284668, "rough_score": -7.434581756591797, "source": "search", "title": "Making the Web Bigger: DPI Scaling and Internet Explorer 8" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "One of the improvements in Internet Explorer 8 is the usage of bicubic interpolation—a scaling algorithm that is an improvement of that used in Internet Explorer 7—to scale images on a Web page. Bicubic interpolation is used whenever an image is sized to a width and height that are not equal to the image's native dimensions, and it allows image scaling to occur whenever zoom is set to a value other than 100%.", "precise_score": -6.031530857086182, "rough_score": -7.893195152282715, "source": "search", "title": "Making the Web Bigger: DPI Scaling and Internet Explorer 8" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "There are times when you might not want Internet Explorer to zoom pages for you: for example, when a page might not have been designed with zooming in mind, or when you might be testing how a Web page will appear to a user on a standard 96-DPI system; and that is fine. By setting the zoom factor to 100%, Internet Explorer 8 makes it very easy to get back to a standard 96-DPI viewing of Web pages:", "precise_score": -3.774322509765625, "rough_score": -4.902713775634766, "source": "search", "title": "Making the Web Bigger: DPI Scaling and Internet Explorer 8" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "As of Internet Explorer 8 Release Candidate 1, Internet Explorer will remember your last set zoom state. If you would like the old behavior back (Reset zoom to default for new Windows and tabs):", "precise_score": -5.093804359436035, "rough_score": -7.077994346618652, "source": "search", "title": "Making the Web Bigger: DPI Scaling and Internet Explorer 8" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "A \"favicon\" is a small graphic that replaces the standard Web page icon when you visit a Web site. (See How to Add a Shortcut Icon to a Web Page .) Before Internet Explorer 8, releases of the browser have used 16x16 Web site favicons in several places in the main UI:", "precise_score": -2.85723876953125, "rough_score": -7.666018486022949, "source": "search", "title": "Making the Web Bigger: DPI Scaling and Internet Explorer 8" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "When Windows DPI Scaling is set to a value higher than 96 (100%), Internet Explorer 8 will draw all favicons at 24x24 pixels.", "precise_score": -5.082977771759033, "rough_score": -7.785231590270996, "source": "search", "title": "Making the Web Bigger: DPI Scaling and Internet Explorer 8" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "To get the best visual quality, Web site designers should also include a 24x24 bitmap in their favicon.ico (along with the 16x16 bitmap), so that Internet Explorer 8 can display a true 24x24 bitmap on the screen.", "precise_score": -3.038113594055176, "rough_score": -6.901551246643066, "source": "search", "title": "Making the Web Bigger: DPI Scaling and Internet Explorer 8" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "In order to preserve compatibility with previously developed WebOCs, by default Internet Explorer 8 does not render the web content of WebOCs using the Internet Explorer 8 High DPI behavior, but rather uses the Internet Explorer 7 behavior, which scales up fonts specified in absolute values, such as points. To take advantage of the Internet Explorer 8 High DPI behavior in your programs, you need to use a DOCHOSTUIFLAG called DOCHOSTUIFLAG_DPI_AWARE. You use this flag by using the method GetHostInfo, which has a DOCHOSTUIINFO structure as one of its parameters. In turn, DOCHOSTUIINFO has a operator DWORD called dwFlags as one of its members, that can consist of one or more DOCHOSTUIFLAG values. You must include DOCHOSTUIFLAG_DPI_AWARE in dwFlags in order to take advantage of the Internet Explorer 8 High DPI behavior in your WebOC.", "precise_score": -4.2558465003967285, "rough_score": -7.2750444412231445, "source": "search", "title": "Making the Web Bigger: DPI Scaling and Internet Explorer 8" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "The quick and easy way to simulate how the HTML content of your WebOCs will appear once opted -in to the High -DPI behavior is to open the equivalent HTML content (composed in an HTML file) in Internet Explorer 8, and simply check out the rendering at the equivalent zoom settings (120 DPI to 125% zoom, 144 DPI to 150% zoom). We do recommend that you test out the WebOC in actual High DPI scenarios to be completely sure the HTML content renders as you hoped.", "precise_score": -4.815051555633545, "rough_score": -7.178326606750488, "source": "search", "title": "Making the Web Bigger: DPI Scaling and Internet Explorer 8" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "There are times when you might want to know at which DPI Scaling a user is viewing your Web page. You can find this information by querying the screen.deviceXDPI or screen.deviceYDPI DOM property. For example, if the page is zoomed to 125%, screen.deviceXDPI will return 120 (120/96 equals 1.25, or 125%). Note, however, that the value returned is entirely dependent on the zoom state of Internet Explorer and not necessarily the DPI Scaling Setting of Windows. For example, if your Windows DPI Scaling is set to 144 DPI and you are viewing a Web page at 100% zoom, screen.deviceXDPI will return 96 (96/96 equals 1, or 100%), not 144.", "precise_score": -3.7641730308532715, "rough_score": -5.710826873779297, "source": "search", "title": "Making the Web Bigger: DPI Scaling and Internet Explorer 8" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Although one of the mail goals of Internet Explorer 8 Zoom is to provide benefits to end users without requiring web developers to modify their code, there are a couple of issues that might arise when viewing pages at a zoom level not equal to 100%.", "precise_score": -4.774448394775391, "rough_score": -7.01464319229126, "source": "search", "title": "Making the Web Bigger: DPI Scaling and Internet Explorer 8" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Note  Since screen.deviceXDPI is unique to Internet Explorer, you need to be careful using the property when developing Silverlight applications cross-browser.", "precise_score": -3.2429492473602295, "rough_score": -4.939889907836914, "source": "search", "title": "Making the Web Bigger: DPI Scaling and Internet Explorer 8" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "In the same vein, there are sites where Flash applications do not scale with zoom or are not laid out properly relative to other elements on the page. Similarly to how you fix the issue for Silverlight applications as outlined above, you need to respond to the Flash Stage.onResize event, which is triggered upon Zoom in Internet Explorer 8. You can also access screen.deviceXDPI via method. (Note: Since screen.deviceXDPI is unique to Internet Explorer, you need to be careful upon using the property when developing Flash applications cross-browser). The rest is beyond the scope of this topic, but you can find additional information about Flash programming at .", "precise_score": -5.272326469421387, "rough_score": -3.73484468460083, "source": "search", "title": "Making the Web Bigger: DPI Scaling and Internet Explorer 8" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Adjusting Scale for Higher DPI Screens (Internet Explorer)", "precise_score": -4.374694347381592, "rough_score": -7.3017497062683105, "source": "search", "title": "Adjusting Scale for Higher DPI Screens (Internet Explorer)" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "To improve the browsing experience for users with higher-resolution systems, Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 and later can automatically adjust the scale of the display.", "precise_score": -2.4707322120666504, "rough_score": -3.539726734161377, "source": "search", "title": "Adjusting Scale for Higher DPI Screens (Internet Explorer)" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "A user interface that was designed to look good on a 96 dpi display may look unsightly at higher resolutions. Text and graphics that are small at 96 dpi may appear much smaller at 200 dpi. When the number of pixels per inch increases, the size of the individual pixels decreases. Doubling the density of the pixels may halve the size of the text so that the text is no longer readable. Web pages that specify pixel sizes for containers and text appear half their size, and the layout around them is adjusted accordingly.", "precise_score": -9.415117263793945, "rough_score": -7.028346061706543, "source": "search", "title": "Adjusting Scale for Higher DPI Screens (Internet Explorer)" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Web page authors should avoid using small graphics and images that don't scale well, such as images that contain sharp rendered text, or use different graphics when Windows Internet Explorer is adjusting the scale of the display.", "precise_score": -4.103058338165283, "rough_score": -0.43221694231033325, "source": "search", "title": "Adjusting Scale for Higher DPI Screens (Internet Explorer)" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "The following script uses the deviceXDPI and logicalXDPI properties of the screen object to calculate the horizontal scale factor that Internet Explorer is applying. The deviceXDPI property retrieves the actual dpi of the system's screen, and the logicalXDPI property retrieves the normal dpi of the system's screen. The function in this example returns 1 if Internet Explorer is not adjusting the scale of the screen. When deviceXDPI and logicalXDPI are equal, Internet Explorer is not adjusting the scale of the screen.", "precise_score": -2.4291200637817383, "rough_score": -3.880082368850708, "source": "search", "title": "Adjusting Scale for Higher DPI Screens (Internet Explorer)" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Note  You can use the deviceYDPI and logicalYDPI properties of the screen object to calculate the vertical scale factor that Internet Explorer is applying. On most systems, however, there is no difference between horizontal and vertical dpi.", "precise_score": -2.6812069416046143, "rough_score": -5.413900852203369, "source": "search", "title": "Adjusting Scale for Higher DPI Screens (Internet Explorer)" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "HKEY_CURRENT_USER    Software       Microsoft          Internet Explorer             Main                UseHR = dword:00000001", "precise_score": -2.354252576828003, "rough_score": -4.983650207519531, "source": "search", "title": "Adjusting Scale for Higher DPI Screens (Internet Explorer)" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Clear Temp Files . If printing from CTI Navigator Web worked properly recently, clear the temporary Internet files for the browser in which you are running Navigator ( Internet Explorer , Firefox , Chrome , on Windows or Safari on Mac). Then close all open screens in that browser, and re-open the CTI Navigator website. ", "precise_score": -5.628920555114746, "rough_score": -4.866288185119629, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Page Setup Basics . CTI Navigator Web prints using your browser's printer and page setup settings . These setting should be for Letter size paper in Portrait orientation with no Header or Footer added by the browser. To view or change the current printer and/or printer settings for your browser, press the Ctrl+P keys on a Windows computer or Command+P on an Apple computer. Otherwise, in the browser menu for", "precise_score": -6.355538845062256, "rough_score": -4.935023784637451, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Reduce Page Margins . If MLS reports have blank pages or do not fit on the print pages correctly, try adjusting the top and bottom margins (such as reducing size to 0.25 in Internet Explorer or Firefox ) on the browser's Page Setup screen. Otherwise, print MLS reports using the browser's PDF viewer (described below ) instead of using its general print controls.", "precise_score": -6.606014251708984, "rough_score": -6.21171236038208, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Un-block Pop-ups . Also, to print from CTI Navigator Web, your Internet browser (or add-on toolbar) must allow the print screen to \"pop-up\" in a browser window. If you do not see a print screen, print options, or print preview when you click a Print button in CTI Navigator Web, configure or disable any pop-up blocker in your browser to allow For instructions to disable the default Pop-up Blocker in your browser, click on the browser in the list below that you are using :", "precise_score": -8.480067253112793, "rough_score": -5.304144382476807, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Trust website . If your pop-up blocker is disabled or properly configured to allow \"\" but the print screen or print options fail, you may need to add \"\" to your browser's trusted sites and/or enable JavaScript/scripting in your browser. To add CTI's Internet server website ( to Internet Explorer's Trusted sites (which will also enable scripting specifically for the MLS website): ", "precise_score": -7.2078633308410645, "rough_score": -8.06878662109375, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Print Using PDF Viewer . If your browser�s default print control is not inserting page breaks properly for MLS reports, even after disabling it from inserting its own Headers and Footers (as described under \" browser page setup settings \" below) and adjusting the page margins, print using the browser's PDF printer ( click here to change the browser's default PDF printer if needed ). To print using the browser's  PDF print controls, on the CTI Navigator Print Report screen click the �View PDF� button (instead of the Print or the Preview button), and then select Print in the PDF viewer itself. You can see on-screen how the separate pages will print.", "precise_score": -9.035954475402832, "rough_score": -7.806318759918213, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Note: The IE Tab browser extension must be installed and activated in Firefox to support printing MLS reports from Firefox's PDF Viewer in Windows. When the IE Tab extension is running in Firefox, a blue miniature Internet Explorer icon", "precise_score": -5.2540388107299805, "rough_score": -7.898582935333252, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Internet Explorer. To see or change Internet Explorer's default Page Setup , go to the menu bar at the top of the browser, click File* (or the Print icon if displayed) and then click Page Setup. This will open a \"Page Setup\" screen similar to the following:", "precise_score": -2.9897072315216064, "rough_score": -4.47523307800293, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Depending on your printer, you may also need to adjust the margins (to between 0.5 and 0.25 for most printers) to print reports the way you prefer. All of these print controls and settings are in the browser (not in CTI Navigator Web). For Microsoft's information on printing from Internet Explorer, click Help in Internet Explorer's Menu bar > select Internet Explorer Help > type \"Page Setup\" under the Index or Search tab.", "precise_score": -4.201058387756348, "rough_score": -4.725846290588379, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "To speed up graphic performance, Internet Explorer 9 and later direct the rendering of web pages, images and web mail from your computer's Central Processing Unit (CPU) to your video card's Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) by default. If your computer's video card or video driver do not support GPU hardware acceleration, you may not be able to Print or view the Print Preview of web pages or emails; printed colors may not match displayed colors; or printing may generate a script error (that may reference \"URL: res://ieframe.dll/preview.js\"). Script errors also can be caused by an outdated, incompatible or corrupt printer driver. ", "precise_score": -4.09294319152832, "rough_score": -4.126153469085693, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "The preview and print functions in CTI Navigator Desktop depend entirely on the default settings of the default printer in your Windows. Reports depend on your printer's default settings to be standard formats (letter size, portrait layout) and standard fonts (Windows standard Arial). A corrupted or out-of-date printer driver may fail to print MLS reports properly even though it prints correctly for other programs (that do not depend on the printer's default settings).  In Windows XP, you must install a print driver before you can preview reports correctly (even if a printer is not attached to the computer).  ", "precise_score": -8.77472972869873, "rough_score": -7.291078567504883, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "In CTI Navigator Desktopyou can see the Windows default printer settings by selecting the \"Setup\" button above the Preview button in the \"Select Report\" screen. If the default print driver is not correct or one of the printer's default settings is non-standard (such as legal, landscape, postcard, banner, etc), MLS reports (which are formatted for Portrait layout) cannot print correctly. If you do not want to change the default printer setting in Windows, you can use this Setup button on the Select Report screen in CTI Navigator to temporarily change the printer properties (such as from black and white to color, or vice versa) to print the selected report(s) during the current  print session. Using the Setup button on Navigator's Select Report screen does not change the printer's default settings in Windows.  ", "precise_score": -9.032182693481445, "rough_score": -7.629542827606201, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Note 1 - Administrative Settings in Vista/7 : If you are printing from CTI Navigator Desktop that was installed prior to April 17, 2012 in Windows Vista/7 , you may need to change the administrative settings in Windows for CTI Navigator. Open Windows Explorer (right-click on the Start icon) > browse to Program Files\\CTI Navigator > right-click on CTI Navigator.exe > click on Properties > select the Compatibility tab > Under \"Privilege Level\" check  \"Run this as an administrator\" (or uncheck i if this is already checked) > click the OK button. If you are using a 64-bit version of Windows Vista/7, it also is advisable to ensure that CTI Navigator is not in Window's \"VirtualStore\". To check and correct this, open Windows Explorer, browse to  \\Users\\{YourUserName}\\AppData\\Local\\VirtualStore\\Program Files (x86), and delete any CTI Navigator folder and its contents if they appear in this \"Virtual Store\" location.", "precise_score": -7.601413249969482, "rough_score": -4.952226161956787, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "MLS Reports are formatted to use the Windows standard Arial TrueType fonts. (The CTI Navigator program depends on  Windows to provide the standard Courier New TrueType fonts and the MS Sans Serif fonts.) All of these are standard fonts included in every installation of Windows, so these fonts are not installed (or replaced) by CTI Navigator. If customized or corrupted versions of these fonts have replaced the original from Microsoft, MLS reports cannot print correctly.  See Microsoft's instructions on reinstalling the standard fonts included in Windows under Related Articles below. You will need your Microsoft Windows installation disk to restore the standard fonts using Windows Setup as described in this Microsoft article.", "precise_score": -9.933954238891602, "rough_score": -7.5836968421936035, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Microsoft was founded by Paul Allen and Bill Gates on April 4, 1975, to develop and sell BASIC interpreters for Altair 8800. It rose to dominate the personal computer operating system market with MS-DOS in the mid-1980s, followed by Microsoft Windows. The company's 1986 initial public offering, and subsequent rise in its share price, created three billionaires and an estimated 12,000 millionaires among Microsoft employees. Since the 1990s, it has increasingly diversified from the operating system market and has made a number of corporate acquisitions. In May 2011, Microsoft acquired Skype Technologies for $8.5 billion in its largest acquisition to date, and in June 2016 announced plans to acquire LinkedIn for $26.2 billion. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.814427375793457, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "With the acquisition of Nokia's devices and services division to form Microsoft Mobile Oy, the company re-entered the smartphone hardware market, after its previous attempt, Microsoft Kin, which resulted from their acquisition of Danger Inc. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.878072738647461, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "The word \"Microsoft\" is a portmanteau of \"microcomputer\" and \"software\". ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.057145118713379, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "1972–84: Founding and company beginnings", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.527226448059082, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Paul Allen and Bill Gates, childhood friends with a passion for computer programming, sought to make a successful business utilizing their shared skills. In 1972 they founded their first company, named Traf-O-Data, which offered a rudimentary computer that tracked and analyzed automobile traffic data. Allen went on to pursue a degree in computer science at Washington State University, later dropping out of school to work at Honeywell. Gates began studies at Harvard. The January 1975 issue of Popular Electronics, which Allen bought at Out of Town News, featured Micro Instrumentation and Telemetry Systems's (MITS) Altair 8800 microcomputer. Allen suggested that they could program a BASIC interpreter for the device; after a call from Gates claiming to have a working interpreter, MITS requested a demonstration. Since they didn't actually have one, Allen worked on a simulator for the Altair while Gates developed the interpreter. Although they developed the interpreter on a simulator and not the actual device, the interpreter worked flawlessly when they demonstrated the interpreter to MITS in Albuquerque, New Mexico in March 1975; MITS agreed to distribute it, marketing it as Altair BASIC. They officially established Microsoft on April 4, 1975, with Gates as the CEO. Allen came up with the original name of \"Micro-Soft,\" as recounted in a 1995 Fortune magazine article. In August 1977 the company formed an agreement with ASCII Magazine in Japan, resulting in its first international office, \"ASCII Microsoft\". The company moved to a new home in Bellevue, Washington in January 1979.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.657297134399414, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Paul Allen resigned from Microsoft in 1983 after developing Hodgkin's disease.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.185528755187988, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "1984–94: Windows and Office", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.188096046447754, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "While jointly developing a new OS with IBM in 1984, OS/2, Microsoft released Microsoft Windows, a graphical extension for MS-DOS, on November 20, 1985. Microsoft moved its headquarters to Redmond on February 26, 1986, and on March 13 the company went public; the ensuing rise in the stock would make an estimated four billionaires and 12,000 millionaires from Microsoft employees. Due to the partnership with IBM, in 1990 the Federal Trade Commission set its eye on Microsoft for possible collusion; it marked the beginning of over a decade of legal clashes with the U.S. Government. Microsoft released its version of OS/2 to original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) on April 2, 1987; meanwhile, the company was at work on a 32-bit OS, Microsoft Windows NT, using ideas from OS/2; it shipped on July 21, 1993, with a new modular kernel and the Win32 application programming interface (API), making porting from 16-bit (MS-DOS-based) Windows easier. Once Microsoft informed IBM of NT, the OS/2 partnership deteriorated.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.95081615447998, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "On July 27, 1994, the U.S. Department of Justice, Antitrust Division filed a Competitive Impact Statement that said, in part:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.475494384765625, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "\"Beginning in 1988, and continuing until July 15, 1994, Microsoft induced many OEMs to execute anti-competitive \"per processor\" licenses. Under a per processor license, an OEM pays Microsoft a royalty for each computer it sells containing a particular microprocessor, whether the OEM sells the computer with a Microsoft operating system or a non-Microsoft operating system. In effect, the royalty payment to Microsoft when no Microsoft product is being used acts as a penalty, or tax, on the OEM's use of a competing PC operating system. Since 1988, Microsoft's use of per processor licenses has increased.\" ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.902040481567383, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "1995–2007: Internet and the 32-bit era", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.966717720031738, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Bill Gates handed over the CEO position on January 13, 2000, to Steve Ballmer, an old college friend of Gates and employee of the company since 1980, creating a new position for himself as Chief Software Architect. Various companies including Microsoft formed the Trusted Computing Platform Alliance in October 1999 to, among other things, increase security and protect intellectual property through identifying changes in hardware and software. Critics decry the alliance as a way to enforce indiscriminate restrictions over how consumers use software, and over how computers behave, a form of digital rights management; for example the scenario where a computer is not only secured for its owner, but also secured against its owner as well. On April 3, 2000, a judgment was handed down in the case of United States v. Microsoft, calling the company an \"abusive monopoly\"; it settled with the U.S. Department of Justice in 2004. On October 25, 2001, Microsoft released Windows XP, unifying the mainstream and NT lines under the NT codebase. The company released the Xbox later that year, entering the game console market dominated by Sony and Nintendo. In March 2004 the European Union brought antitrust legal action against the company, citing it abused its dominance with the Windows OS, resulting in a judgment of €497million ($613million) and to produce new versions of Windows XP without Windows Media Player, Windows XP Home Edition N and Windows XP Professional N. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.642370223999023, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "2007–11: Windows Vista, mobile, and Windows 7", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.056905746459961, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Released in January 2007, the next version of Windows, Windows Vista, focused on features, security and a redesigned user interface dubbed Aero. Microsoft Office 2007, released at the same time, featured a \"Ribbon\" user interface which was a significant departure from its predecessors. Relatively strong sales of both titles helped to produce a record profit in 2007. The European Union imposed another fine of €899million ($1.4billion) for Microsoft's lack of compliance with the March 2004 judgment on February 27, 2008, saying that the company charged rivals unreasonable prices for key information about its workgroup and backoffice servers. Microsoft stated that it was in compliance and that \"these fines are about the past issues that have been resolved\". ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.683601379394531, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "2007 also saw the creation of a multi-core unit at Microsoft, as they followed in the steps of server companies such as Sun and IBM. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.70134449005127, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Bill Gates retired from his role as Chief Software Architect on June 27, 2008, a decision announced in June 2006, while retaining other positions related to the company in addition to being an advisor for the company on key projects. Azure Services Platform, the company's entry into the cloud computing market for Windows, launched on October 27, 2008. On February 12, 2009, Microsoft announced its intent to open a chain of Microsoft-branded retail stores, and on October 22, 2009, the first retail Microsoft Store opened in Scottsdale, Arizona; the same day the first store opened, Windows 7 was officially released to the public. Windows 7's focus was on refining Vista with ease of use features and performance enhancements, rather than a large reworking of Windows. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.127653121948242, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "As the smartphone industry boomed beginning in 2007, Microsoft struggled to keep up with its rivals Apple and Google in providing a modern smartphone operating system. As a result, in 2010, Microsoft revamped their aging flagship mobile operating system, Windows Mobile, replacing it with the new Windows Phone OS; along with a new strategy in the smartphone industry that has Microsoft working more closely with smartphone manufacturers, such as Nokia, and to provide a consistent user experience across all smartphones using Microsoft's Windows Phone OS. It used a new user interface design language, codenamed \"Metro\", which prominently used simple shapes, typography and iconography, and the concept of minimalism.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.126232147216797, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Microsoft is a founding member of the Open Networking Foundation started on March 23, 2011. Other founding companies include Google, HP Networking, Yahoo, Verizon, Deutsche Telekom and 17 other companies. The nonprofit organization is focused on providing support for a new cloud computing initiative called Software-Defined Networking. The initiative is meant to speed innovation through simple software changes in telecommunications networks, wireless networks, data centers and other networking areas. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.136143684387207, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "2011–2014: Rebranding, Windows 8, Surface and Nokia devices", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.93558406829834, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Following the release of Windows Phone, Microsoft underwent a gradual rebranding of its product range throughout 2011 and 2012—the corporation's logos, products, services and websites adopted the principles and concepts of the Metro design language. Microsoft previewed Windows 8, an operating system designed to power both personal computers and tablet computers, in Taipei in June 2011. A developer preview was released on September 13, and was replaced by a consumer preview on February 29, 2012. On May 31, 2012, the preview version was released.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.047183990478516, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "In July 2012, Microsoft sold its 50% stake in, which it had run as a joint venture with NBC since 1996. On October 1, Microsoft announced its intention to launch a news operation, part of a new-look MSN, at the time of the Windows 8 launch that was later in the month. On October 26, 2012, Microsoft launched Windows 8 and the Microsoft Surface. Three days later, Windows Phone 8 was launched. To cope with the potential for an increase in demand for products and services, Microsoft opened a number of \"holiday stores\" across the U.S. to complement the increasing number of \"bricks-and-mortar\" Microsoft Stores that opened in 2012. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.300390243530273, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "File:Xbox One Console Set.jpg|Xbox One console", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.52862548828125, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "File:Xbox-360-Kinect-Standalone.png|Xbox 360 Kinect sensor", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.465320587158203, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "On September 3, 2013, Microsoft agreed to buy Nokia's mobile unit for $7 billion. Also in 2013, Amy Hood became the CFO of Microsoft. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.845023155212402, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "The Alliance for Affordable Internet (A4AI) was launched in October 2013 and Microsoft is part of the coalition of public and private organizations that also includes Facebook, Intel and Google. Led by Tim Berners-Lee, the A4AI seeks to make Internet access more affordable so that access is broadened in the developing world, where only 31% of people are online. Google will help to decrease internet access prices so that they fall below the UN Broadband Commission's worldwide target of 5% of monthly income. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.584535598754883, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "In line with the maturing PC business, in July 2013, Microsoft announced that it would reorganize the business into four new business divisions by function: Operating System, Apps, Cloud and Devices. All previous divisions will be diluted into new divisions without any workforce cut. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.44941234588623, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "2014–2016: Windows 10, Minecraft, HoloLens ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.15859603881836, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "CEO succession", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.498459815979004, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "On February 4, 2014, Steve Ballmer stepped down as CEO of Microsoft and was succeeded by Satya Nadella, who previously led Microsoft's Cloud and Enterprise division. On the same day, John W. Thompson took on the role of chairman, with Bill Gates stepping down from the position to become more active within the company as Technology Advisor. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.995429992675781, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "On April 25, 2014, Microsoft acquired Nokia Devices and Services for $7.2 billion. The new subsidiary was renamed Microsoft Mobile Oy. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.273271560668945, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "In May 2016 the company announced it will lay off 1,850 workers, taking an impairment and restructuring charge of $950 million. During the previous summer of 2015 the company wrote down $7.6 billion related to its mobile-phone business and fired 7,800 employees from those operations. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.528166770935059, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Mojang/Minecraft", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.497276306152344, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "On September 15, 2014, Microsoft acquired the video game development company Mojang, best known for its wildly popular flagship game Minecraft, for $2.5 billion. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.050829887390137, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Surface Hub", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.469351768493652, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "On January 21, 2015, Microsoft announced the release of their first Interactive whiteboard, Microsoft Surface Hub (part of the Surface family.) ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.684174537658691, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "On July 29, 2015, Microsoft released the next version of the Windows operating system, Windows 10. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.58385181427002, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Mobile phone sales", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.506762504577637, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "In Q1 2015, Microsoft was the third largest maker of mobile phones selling 33 million units (7.2% of all), while a large majority (at least 75%) of them do not run any version of Windows Phone – those other phones are not categorized as smartphones by Gartner – in the same time frame 8 million Windows smartphones (2.5% of all smartphones) were made by all manufacturers (but mostly by Microsoft). ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.15393352508545, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Microsoft's share of the U.S. smartphone market in January 2016 was 2.7%. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.334705352783203, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Merger of PC and Xbox divisions", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.465675354003906, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "On March 1, 2016, Microsoft announced the merger of its PC and Xbox divisions, with Phil Spencer announcing that Universal Windows Applications would be the focus for Microsoft's gaming in the future. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.07568073272705, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Azure Information Protection", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.458380699157715, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "In June 2016, Microsoft announced a project named, Microsoft Azure Information Protection. It aims to help enterprises protect their data as it moves between servers and devices. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.810676574707031, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Other", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.276634216308594, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "In July 2016, Microsoft launched a series of classes in data science through, the nonprofit online learning destination founded by Harvard University and MIT. The Data Science Curriculum is the first offering of the Microsoft Professional Degree program, a Microsoft-led initiative to help professionals grow their skills in critical fields. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.679669380187988, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Businesses", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.379620552062988, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Windows Division, Server and Tools, Online Services Division", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.28543758392334, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "The company's Client division produces the flagship Windows OS line such as Windows 8; it also produces the Windows Live family of products and services. Server and Tools produces the server versions of Windows, such as Windows Server 2008 R2 as well as a set of development tools called Microsoft Visual Studio, Microsoft Silverlight, a web application framework, and System Center Configuration Manager, a collection of tools providing remote-control abilities, patch management, software distribution and a hardware/software inventory. Other server products include: Microsoft SQL Server, a relational database management system, Microsoft Exchange Server, for certain business-oriented e-mail and scheduling features, Small Business Server, for messaging and other small business-oriented features; and Microsoft BizTalk Server, for business process management.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.496903419494629, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Microsoft provides IT consulting (\"Microsoft Consulting Services\") and produces a set of certification programs handled by the Server and Tools division designed to recognize individuals who have a minimal set of proficiencies in a specific role; this includes developers (\"Microsoft Certified Solution Developer\"), system/network analysts (\"Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer\"), trainers (\"Microsoft Certified Trainers\") and administrators (\"Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator\" and \"Microsoft Certified Database Administrator\"). Microsoft Press, which publishes books, is also managed by the division. The Online Services Business division handles the online service MSN and the search engine Bing.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.345246315002441, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Business Division", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.534341812133789, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "The Microsoft Business Division produces Microsoft Office including Microsoft Office 2010, the company's line of office software. The software product includes Word (a word processor), Access (a relational database program), Excel (a spreadsheet program), Outlook (Groupware, frequently used with Exchange Server), PowerPoint (presentation software), Publisher (desktop publishing software) and Sharepoint. A number of other products were added later with the release of Office 2003 including Visio, Project, MapPoint, InfoPath and OneNote. The division also develops enterprise resource planning (ERP) software for companies under the Microsoft Dynamics brand. These include: Microsoft Dynamics AX, Microsoft Dynamics NAV, Microsoft Dynamics GP, and Microsoft Dynamics SL. They are targeted at varying company types and countries, and limited to organizations with under 7,500 employees. Also included under the Dynamics brand is the customer relationship management software Microsoft Dynamics CRM, part of the Azure Services Platform.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.331780433654785, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Entertainment and Devices Division", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.473337173461914, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Future Decoded ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.440977096557617, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Future Decoded is an event held every year by Microsoft that allows business partners of the company sharing their views on what the future holds for business, society, leadership, technology and more. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.9047212600708, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Corporate affairs", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.513689041137695, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Board of Directors", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.513611793518066, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "The company is run by a board of directors made up of mostly company outsiders, as is customary for publicly traded companies. Members of the board of directors as of January 2016 are John W. Thompson, Bill Gates, Teri L. List-Stoll, Mason Morfit, Satya Nadella, Charles Noski, Helmut Panke, Sandi Peterson, Charles W. Scharf, John W. Stanton, and Padmasree Warrior. Board members are elected every year at the annual shareholders' meeting using a majority vote system. There are five committees within the board which oversee more specific matters. These committees include the Audit Committee, which handles accounting issues with the company including auditing and reporting; the Compensation Committee, which approves compensation for the CEO and other employees of the company; the Finance Committee, which handles financial matters such as proposing mergers and acquisitions; the Governance and Nominating Committee, which handles various corporate matters including nomination of the board; and the Antitrust Compliance Committee, which attempts to prevent company practices from violating antitrust laws. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.344110488891602, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "When Microsoft went public and launched its initial public offering (IPO) in 1986, the opening stock price was $21; after the trading day, the price closed at $27.75. As of July 2010, with the company's nine stock splits, any IPO shares would be multiplied by 288; if one was to buy the IPO today given the splits and other factors, it would cost about 9cents. The stock price peaked in 1999 at around $119 ($60.928 adjusting for splits). The company began to offer a dividend on January 16, 2003, starting at eight cents per share for the fiscal year followed by a dividend of sixteen cents per share the subsequent year, switching from yearly to quarterly dividends in 2005 with eight cents a share per quarter and a special one-time payout of three dollars per share for the second quarter of the fiscal year. Though the company had subsequent increases in dividend payouts, the price of Microsoft's stock remained steady for years. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.308210372924805, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Standard and Poor's and Moody's have both given a AAA rating to Microsoft, whose assets were valued at $41 billion as compared to only $8.5 billion in unsecured debt. Consequently, in February 2011 Microsoft released a corporate bond amounting to $2.25 billion with relatively low borrowing rates compared to government bonds. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.302765846252441, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "For the first time in 20 years Apple Inc. surpassed Microsoft in Q1 2011 quarterly profits and revenues due to a slowdown in PC sales and continuing huge losses in Microsoft's Online Services Division (which contains its search engine Bing). Microsoft profits were $5.2 billion, while Apple Inc. profits were $6 billion, on revenues of $14.5 billion and $24.7 billion respectively. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.985445976257324, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Microsoft's Online Services Division has been continuously loss-making since 2006 and in Q1 2011 it lost $726 million. This follows a loss of $2.5 billion for the year 2010. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.100727081298828, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "On July 20, 2012, Microsoft posted its first quarterly loss ever, despite earning record revenues for the quarter and fiscal year, with a net loss of $492 million due to a writedown related to the advertising company aQuantive, which had been acquired for $6.2 billion back in 2007. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.241401672363281, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "As of January 2014, Microsoft's market capitalization stood at $314B, making it the 8th largest company in the world by market capitalization. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.27103042602539, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "On November 14, 2014, Microsoft overtook Exxon Mobil to become the 2nd most valuable company by market capitalization, behind only Apple Inc. Its total market value was over $410B — with the stock price hitting $50.04 a share, the highest since early 2000. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.325776100158691, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "In 2015, Reuters reported that Microsoft Corp had earnings abroad of $76.4 billion which were untaxed by the IRS. Under U.S. law corporations don't pay income tax on overseas profits until the profits are brought into the United States. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.355853080749512, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Marketing", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.44346809387207, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "In 2004, Microsoft commissioned research firms to do independent studies comparing the total cost of ownership (TCO) of Windows Server 2003 to Linux; the firms concluded that companies found Windows easier to administrate than Linux, thus those using Windows would administrate faster resulting in lower costs for their company (i.e. lower TCO). This spurred a wave of related studies; a study by the Yankee Group concluded that upgrading from one version of Windows Server to another costs a fraction of the switching costs from Windows Server to Linux, although companies surveyed noted the increased security and reliability of Linux servers and concern about being locked into using Microsoft products. Another study, released by the Open Source Development Labs, claimed that the Microsoft studies were \"simply outdated and one-sided\" and their survey concluded that the TCO of Linux was lower due to Linux administrators managing more servers on average and other reasons. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.515477180480957, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "As part of the \"Get the Facts\" campaign, Microsoft highlighted the .NET trading platform that it had developed in partnership with Accenture for the London Stock Exchange, claiming that it provided \"five nines\" reliability. After suffering extended downtime and unreliability the LSE announced in 2009 that it was planning to drop its Microsoft solution and switch to a Linux-based one in 2010. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.865548133850098, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "In 2012, Microsoft hired a political pollster named Mark Penn, whom the New York Times called \"famous for bulldozing\" his political opponents as Executive Vice-President, Advertising and Strategy. Penn created a series of negative ads targeting one of Microsoft's chief competitors, Google. The ads, called \"Scroogled\", attempt to make the case that Google is \"screwing\" consumers with search results rigged to favor Google's paid advertisers, that Gmail violates the privacy of its users to place ad results related to the content of their emails and shopping results which favor Google products. Tech publications like Tech Crunch have been highly critical of the ad campaign, while Google employees have embraced it. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.736669540405273, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "In July 2014, Microsoft announced plans to lay off 18,000 employees. Microsoft employed 127,104 people as of June 5, 2014, making this about a 14 percent reduction of its workforce as the biggest Microsoft lay off ever. This included 12,500 professional and factory personnel. Previously, Microsoft has laid off 5,800 jobs in 2009 in line with US financial crisis. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.898947715759277, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "In September 2014, Microsoft laid off 2,100 people, including 747 people in the Seattle-Redmond area, where the company is headquartered. The firings came as a second wave of the layoffs that were previously announced. This brings the total number to over 15,000 out of the 18,000 expected cuts. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.01888656616211, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "In October 2014, Microsoft revealed that it was almost done with the elimination of 18,000 employees which was its largest ever layoff sweep. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.993284225463867, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "In July 2015, Microsoft announced another 7,800 job cuts in the next several months. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.902728080749512, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "In May 2016, Microsoft announced another 1,850 job cuts mostly in (Nokia) mobile phone division. As a result, the company will record an impairment and restructuring charge of approximately $950 million, of which approximately $200 million will relate to severance payments. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.94556999206543, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "United States government", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.554840087890625, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Microsoft provides information about reported bugs in their software to intelligence agencies of the United States government, prior to the public release of the fix. A Microsoft spokesperson has stated that the corporation runs several programs that facilitate the sharing of such information with the U.S. government. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.026153564453125, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Following media reports about PRISM, NSA's massive electronic surveillance program, in May 2013, several technology companies were identified as participants, including Microsoft. According to leaks of said program, Microsoft joined the PRISM program in 2007. However, in June 2013, an official statement from Microsoft flatly denied their participation in the program:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.835989952087402, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "We provide customer data only when we receive a legally binding order or subpoena to do so, and never on a voluntary basis. In addition we only ever comply with orders for requests about specific accounts or identifiers. If the government has a broader voluntary national security program to gather customer data, we don't participate in it. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.376112937927246, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "During the first six months in 2013, Microsoft had received requests that affected between 15,000 and 15,999 accounts. In December 2013, the company made statement to further emphasis the fact that they take their customers' privacy and data protection very seriously, even saying that \"government snooping potentially now constitutes an \"advanced persistent threat,\" alongside sophisticated malware and cyber attacks\". The statement also marked the beginning of three-part program to enhance Microsoft's encryption and transparency efforts. On July 1, 2014, as part of this program they opened the first (of many) Microsoft Transparency Center, that provides \"participating governments with the ability to review source code for our key products, assure themselves of their software integrity, and confirm there are no \"back doors.\" ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.88417911529541, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Microsoft has also argued that the United States Congress should enact strong privacy regulations to protect consumer data. In 2016, the company sued the U.S., arguing that secrecy orders were preventing the company from disclosing warrants to customers in violation of the company’s and customers’ rights.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.954105377197266, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Corporate identity", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.476473808288574, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Corporate culture", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.52908992767334, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Noted for its internal lexicon, the expression \"eating our own dog food\" is used to describe the policy of using pre-release and beta versions of products inside Microsoft in an effort to test them in \"real-world\" situations. This is usually shortened to just \"dog food\" and is used as noun, verb, and adjective. Another bit of jargon, FYIFV or FYIV (\"Fuck You, I'm [Fully] Vested\"), is used by an employee to indicate they are financially independent and can avoid work anytime they wish. The company is also known for its hiring process, mimicked in other organizations and dubbed the \"Microsoft interview\", which is notorious for off-the-wall questions such as \"Why is a manhole cover round?\". ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.278470993041992, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Microsoft is an outspoken opponent of the cap on H1B visas, which allow companies in the U.S. to employ certain foreign workers. Bill Gates claims the cap on H1B visas makes it difficult to hire employees for the company, stating \"I'd certainly get rid of the H1B cap\" in 2005. Critics of H1B visas argue that relaxing the limits would result in increased unemployment for U.S. citizens due to H1B workers working for lower salaries. The Human Rights Campaign Corporate Equality Index, a report of how progressive the organization deems company policies towards LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transsexual) employees, rated Microsoft as 87% from 2002 to 2004 and as 100% from 2005 to 2010 after they allowed gender expression. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.86950969696045, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Environment", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.454450607299805, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "In 2011, Greenpeace released a report rating the top ten big brands in cloud computing on their sources of electricity for their data centers. At the time, data centers consumed up to 2% of all global electricity and this amount was projected to increase. Phil Radford of Greenpeace said \"we are concerned that this new explosion in electricity use could lock us into old, polluting energy sources instead of the clean energy available today,\" and called on \"Amazon, Microsoft and other leaders of the information-technology industry must embrace clean energy to power their cloud-based data centers.\" In 2013, Microsoft agreed to buy power generated by a Texas wind project to power one of its data centers. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.990802764892578, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Microsoft is ranked on the 17th place in Greenpeace's Guide to Greener Electronics (16th Edition) that ranks 18 electronics manufacturers according to their policies on toxic chemicals, recycling and climate change. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.655546188354492, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Microsoft's timeline for phasing out BFRs and phthalates in all products is 2012 but its commitment to phasing out PVC is not clear. As yet (January 2011) it has no products that are completely free from PVC and BFRs. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.667729377746582, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Microsoft's main U.S. campus received a silver certification from the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) program in 2008, and it installed over 2,000 solar panels on top of its buildings in its Silicon Valley campus, generating approximately 15 percent of the total energy needed by the facilities in April 2005. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.103933334350586, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Microsoft makes use of alternative forms of transit. It created one of the world's largest private bus systems, the \"Connector\", to transport people from outside the company; for on-campus transportation, the \"Shuttle Connect\" uses a large fleet of hybrid cars to save fuel. The company also subsidises regional public transport, provided by Sound Transit and King County Metro, as an incentive. In February 2010 however, Microsoft took a stance against adding additional public transport and high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) lanes to the State Route 520 and its floating bridge connecting Redmond to Seattle; the company did not want to delay the construction any further. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.436600685119629, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Microsoft was ranked number 1 in the list of the World's Best Multinational Workplaces by the Great Place to Work Institute in 2011. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.921088218688965, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Headquarters", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.442914009094238, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "The corporate headquarters, informally known as the Microsoft Redmond campus, is located at One Microsoft Way in Redmond, Washington. Microsoft initially moved onto the grounds of the campus on February 26, 1986, weeks before the company went public on March 13. The headquarters has since experienced multiple expansions since its establishment.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.283364295959473, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "It is estimated to encompass over 8 million ft2 (750,000 m2) of office space and 30,000-40,000 employees. Additional offices are located in Bellevue and Issaquah (90,000 employees world-wide).", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.484882354736328, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "The company is planning to upgrade its Mountain View, CA campus on a grand scale. The company has occupied this campus since 1981. The company is planning to buy the 32-acre campus. The plans submitted involve expanding the campus by 25%. It is expected that it will take three years to complete the expansion. If approved, construction will start in early 2017.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.48705005645752, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Flagship stores ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.491863250732422, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "On October 26, 2015, the company opened its flagship retail location on Fifth Avenue in New York City. The location features a five-story glass storefront and is 22,270 square feet. As", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.434285163879395, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "per company executives, Microsoft had been on the lookout for a flagship", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.781190872192383, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "location since 2009. The company’s retail locations are part of a greater", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.558162689208984, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "strategy to help build a connection with its consumers. The", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.525130271911621, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "opening of the store coincided with the launch of the Surface Book and Surface", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.517675399780273, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Pro 4. Notably, the second floor has a large area designated for", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.512494087219238, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "consumers to play Xbox games. The third floor has been named the “Dell", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.577812194824219, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Experience at the Microsoft Store,” which showcases various Dell products. The", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.030059814453125, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "fourth floor is for employees and administrative operations. The fifth floor", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.554716110229492, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "has been designed as a pseudo-conference center, as it will hold events and", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.483648300170898, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "meetings.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.360785484313965, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "On November 12, 2015, Microsoft opened a second flagship store, located in Sydney’s Pitt Street Mall. The two-storey, 6000 sq ft location features Microsoft's flagship products including the Surface line and Xbox One, there is also an Answer Desk on site for customers to get product support. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.39168930053711, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Microsoft adopted the so-called \"Pac-Man Logo\", designed by Scott Baker, in 1987. Baker stated \"The new logo, in Helvetica italic typeface, has a slash between the o and s to emphasize the \"soft\" part of the name and convey motion and speed.\" Dave Norris ran an internal joke campaign to save the old logo, which was green, in all uppercase, and featured a fanciful letter O, nicknamed the blibbet, but it was discarded. Microsoft's logo with the \"Your potential. Our passion.\" tagline below the main corporate name, is based on a slogan Microsoft used in 2008. In 2002, the company started using the logo in the United States and eventually started a TV campaign with the slogan, changed from the previous tagline of \"Where do you want to go today?\". During the private MGX (Microsoft Global Exchange) conference in 2010, Microsoft unveiled the company's next tagline, \"Be What's Next.\". They also had a slogan/tagline \"Making it all make sense.\". ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.771224975585938, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "* 1980–1982: Second Microsoft logo, in 1980.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.479113578796387, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "* 1987–2012: Microsoft \"Pac-Man\" logo, designed by Scott Baker and used from 1987 to 2012. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.64663314819336, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "* 2012–present: Introduced on August 23, 2012. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.38192367553711, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "The company was the official jersey sponsor of Finland's national basketball team at the 2015 EuroBasket.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.590904235839844, "source": "wiki", "title": "Microsoft" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "The browser has been scrutinized throughout its development for use of third-party technology (such as the source code of Spyglass Mosaic, used without royalty in early versions) and security and privacy vulnerabilities, and the United States and the European Union have alleged that integration of Internet Explorer with Windows has been to the detriment of fair browser competition.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.551021575927734, "source": "wiki", "title": "Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Internet Explorer 1 – Internet Explorer 8", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.687858581542969, "source": "wiki", "title": "Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Internet Explorer 9", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.520121574401855, "source": "wiki", "title": "Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Internet Explorer is now available on Xbox 360 with Kinect support, as of October 2012. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.57899284362793, "source": "wiki", "title": "Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Internet Explorer 10", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.55038070678711, "source": "wiki", "title": "Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Internet Explorer 10 Release Preview was also released on the Windows 8 Release Preview platform.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.797229766845703, "source": "wiki", "title": "Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Internet Explorer 11", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.437361717224121, "source": "wiki", "title": "Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Windows 8.1 only: cryptography (WebCrypto), adaptive bitrate streaming (Media Source Extensions), Encrypted Media Extensions.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.04474925994873, "source": "wiki", "title": "Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Internet Explorer 11's user agent string now identifies the agent as \"Trident\" (the underlying layout engine) instead of \"MSIE\". It also announces compatibility with Gecko (the layout engine of Firefox).", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.130751609802246, "source": "wiki", "title": "Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Features", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.311771392822266, "source": "wiki", "title": "Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "* Supports HTML 4.01, HTML 5, CSS Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3, XML 1.0, and DOM Level 1, with minor implementation gaps.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.313981056213379, "source": "wiki", "title": "Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "* Fully supports XSLT 1.0 as well as an obsolete Microsoft dialect of XSLT often referred to as WD-xsl, which was loosely based on the December 1998 W3C Working Draft of XSL. Support for XSLT 2.0 lies in the future: semi-official Microsoft bloggers have indicated that development is underway, but no dates have been announced.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.597465515136719, "source": "wiki", "title": "Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "* Almost full conformance to CSS 2.1 has been added in the Internet Explorer 8 release. The trident rendering engine in Internet Explorer 9 in 2011, scored highest in the [ official W3C conformance test suite for CSS 2.1] of all major browsers.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.464271545410156, "source": "wiki", "title": "Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "* Supports XHTML in Internet Explorer 9 (Trident version 5.0). Prior versions can render XHTML documents authored with HTML compatibility principles and served with a text/html MIME-type.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.167783737182617, "source": "wiki", "title": "Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "* Supports a subset of SVG in Internet Explorer 9 (Trident version 5.0), excluding SMIL, SVG fonts and filters.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.205191612243652, "source": "wiki", "title": "Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Internet Explorer was criticised by Tim Berners-Lee for its limited support for SVG which is promoted by W3C. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.647699356079102, "source": "wiki", "title": "Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Non-standard extensions", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.472583770751953, "source": "wiki", "title": "Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Microsoft submitted several other features of IE for consideration by the W3C for standardization. These include the 'behaviour' CSS property, which connects the HTML elements with JScript behaviours (known as HTML Components, HTC); HTML+TIME profile, which adds timing and media synchronization support to HTML documents (similar to the W3C XHTML+SMIL), and the VML vector graphics file format. However, all were rejected, at least in their original forms; VML was subsequently combined with PGML (proposed by Adobe and Sun), resulting in the W3C-approved SVG format, one of the few vector image formats being used on the web, which IE did not support until version 9. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.33613395690918, "source": "wiki", "title": "Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Other non-standard behaviours include: support for vertical text, but in a syntax different from W3C CSS3 candidate recommendation, support for a variety of image effects and page transitions, which are not found in W3C CSS, support for obfuscated script code, in particular JScript.Encode. Support for embedding EOT fonts in web pages. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.247215270996094, "source": "wiki", "title": "Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Usability and accessibility", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.348917007446289, "source": "wiki", "title": "Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Cache", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.22446060180664, "source": "wiki", "title": "Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Internet Explorer caches visited content in the Temporary Internet Files folder to allow quicker access (or offline access) to previously visited pages. The content is indexed in a database file, known as Index.dat. Multiple Index.dat files exist which index different content—visited content, web feeds, visited URLs, cookies, etc. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.511601448059082, "source": "wiki", "title": "Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Prior to IE7, clearing the cache used to clear the index but the files themselves were not reliably removed, posing a potential security and privacy risk. In IE7 and later, when the cache is cleared, the cache files are more reliably removed, and the index.dat file is overwritten with null bytes.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.928691864013672, "source": "wiki", "title": "Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Caching has been improved in IE9. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.410140037536621, "source": "wiki", "title": "Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Architecture", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.442264556884766, "source": "wiki", "title": "Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "* WinInet.dll is the protocol handler for HTTP, HTTPS and FTP. It handles all network communication over these protocols.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.437464714050293, "source": "wiki", "title": "Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "* URLMon.dll is responsible for MIME-type handling and download of web content, and provides a thread-safe wrapper around WinInet.dll and other protocol implementations.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.366778373718262, "source": "wiki", "title": "Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "* ShDocVw.dll provides the navigation, local caching and history functionalities for the browser.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.28431510925293, "source": "wiki", "title": "Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "* BrowseUI.dll is responsible for rendering the browser user interface such as menus and toolbars. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.297155380249023, "source": "wiki", "title": "Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Extensibility", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.394034385681152, "source": "wiki", "title": "Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Security", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.28216552734375, "source": "wiki", "title": "Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Internet Explorer uses a zone-based security framework that groups sites based on certain conditions, including whether it is an Internet- or intranet-based site as well as a user-editable whitelist. Security restrictions are applied per zone; all the sites in a zone are subject to the restrictions.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.154680252075195, "source": "wiki", "title": "Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Internet Explorer 7 introduced the phishing filter, that restricts access to phishing sites unless the user overrides the decision. With version 8, it also blocks access to sites known to host malware. Downloads are also checked to see if they are known to be malware-infected.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.0244779586792, "source": "wiki", "title": "Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "In Windows Vista, Internet Explorer by default runs in what is called Protected Mode, where the privileges of the browser itself are severely restricted—it cannot make any system-wide changes. One can optionally turn this mode off but this is not recommended. This also effectively restricts the privileges of any add-ons. As a result, even if the browser or any add-on is compromised, the damage the security breach can cause is limited.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.885543823242188, "source": "wiki", "title": "Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Patches and updates to the browser are released periodically and made available through the Windows Update service, as well as through Automatic Updates. Although security patches continue to be released for a range of platforms, most feature additions and security infrastructure improvements are only made available on operating systems which are in Microsoft's mainstream support phase.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.828325271606445, "source": "wiki", "title": "Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "On December 16, 2008, Trend Micro recommended users switch to rival browsers until an emergency IE patch was released to fix a potential security risk which \"could allow outside users to take control of a person's computer and steal their passwords\". Microsoft representatives countered this recommendation, claiming that \"0.02% of internet sites\" were affected by the flaw.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.202126502990723, "source": "wiki", "title": "Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "In 2011, a report by Accuvant, funded by Google, rated the security (based on sandboxing) of Internet Explorer worse than Google Chrome but better than Mozilla Firefox. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.233407020568848, "source": "wiki", "title": "Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Security vulnerabilities", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.493175506591797, "source": "wiki", "title": "Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "A number of security flaws affecting IE originated not in the browser itself, but ActiveX-based add-ons used by it. Because the add-ons have the same privilege as IE, the flaws can be as critical as browser flaws. This has led to the ActiveX-based architecture being criticized for being fault-prone. By 2005, some experts maintained that the dangers of ActiveX have been overstated and there were safeguards in place. In 2006, new techniques using automated testing found more than a hundred vulnerabilities in standard Microsoft ActiveX components. Security features introduced in Internet Explorer 7 mitigated some of these vulnerabilities.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.340774536132812, "source": "wiki", "title": "Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Internet Explorer in 2008, had a number of published security vulnerabilities. According to research done by security research firm Secunia, Microsoft did not respond as quickly as its competitors in fixing security holes and making patches available. The firm also reported 366 vulnerabilities in ActiveX controls, an increase from the prior year.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.505536079406738, "source": "wiki", "title": "Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "According to an October 2010 report in The Register, researcher Chris Evans had detected a known security vulnerability which, then dating back to 2008, had not been fixed for at least 600 days. Microsoft says that it had known about this vulnerability but it was of very low severity as the victim web site must be configured in a special way for this attack to be feasible at all. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.502483367919922, "source": "wiki", "title": "Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "In December 2010, researchers were able to bypass the \"Protected Mode\" feature in Internet Explorer. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.114114761352539, "source": "wiki", "title": "Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Vulnerability exploited in attacks on U.S. firms", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.536925315856934, "source": "wiki", "title": "Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Major vulnerability across versions", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.479759216308594, "source": "wiki", "title": "Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Market adoption and usage share", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.534585952758789, "source": "wiki", "title": "Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "80% in 2000. This made Microsoft the winner in the infamous 'first browser war' against Netscape. Netscape Navigator was the dominant browser during 1995 and until 1997, but rapidly lost share to IE starting in 1998, and eventually slipped behind in 1999. The integration of IE with Windows led to a lawsuit by AOL, Netscape's owner, accusing Microsoft of unfair competition. The infamous case was eventually won by AOL but by then it was too late, as Internet Explorer had already become the dominant browser.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.397656440734863, "source": "wiki", "title": "Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Internet Explorer peaked during 2002 and 2003, with about 95% share. Its first notable competitor after beating Netscape was Firefox from Mozilla, which itself was an offshoot from Netscape.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.907424926757812, "source": "wiki", "title": "Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Firefox 1.0 had surpassed Internet Explorer 5 in early 2005, with Firefox 1.0 at roughly 8 percent market share. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.904773712158203, "source": "wiki", "title": "Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Approximate usage over time based on various usage share counters averaged for the year overall, or for the fourth quarter, or for the last month in the year depending on availability of reference. Borland, John. [", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.358689308166504, "source": "wiki", "title": "Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "search-results-rivers;item2 Browser wars: High price, huge rewards], ZDNet, April 15, 2003. Accessed June 2, 2012. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.35206413269043, "source": "wiki", "title": "Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "According to StatCounter Internet Explorer's marketshare fell below 50% in September 2010. In May 2012, it was announced that Google Chrome overtook Internet Explorer as the most used browser worldwide. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.785877227783203, "source": "wiki", "title": "Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Browser Helper Objects are also used by many search engine companies and third parties for creating add-ons that access their services, such as search engine toolbars. Because of the use of COM, it is possible to embed web-browsing functionality in third-party applications. Hence, there are a number of Internet Explorer shells, and a number of content-centric applications like RealPlayer also use Internet Explorer's web browsing module for viewing web pages within the applications.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.581717491149902, "source": "wiki", "title": "Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Removal", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.378752708435059, "source": "wiki", "title": "Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "While a major upgrade of Internet Explorer can be uninstalled in a traditional way if the user has saved the original application files for installation, the matter of uninstalling the version of the browser that has shipped with an operating system remains a controversial one.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.636611938476562, "source": "wiki", "title": "Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Impersonation by malware", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.418066024780273, "source": "wiki", "title": "Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "When you click About Internet Explorer on the Help menu, the Cipher Strength value is 0-bit.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.44423770904541, "source": "search", "title": "Cipher Strength Appears as 0-Bit in Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "You cannot connect to and view Web pages on SSL-secured Web sites.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.308581352233887, "source": "search", "title": "Cipher Strength Appears as 0-Bit in Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Cause", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.379484176635742, "source": "search", "title": "Cipher Strength Appears as 0-Bit in Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "This behavior may occur if the Schannel.dll, Rsabase.dll, or Rsaenh.dll files are missing, damaged, or of the incorrect version.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.276251792907715, "source": "search", "title": "Cipher Strength Appears as 0-Bit in Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Resolution", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.250911712646484, "source": "search", "title": "Cipher Strength Appears as 0-Bit in Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "To resolve this behavior, use the method that is appropriate for your operating system.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.377191543579102, "source": "search", "title": "Cipher Strength Appears as 0-Bit in Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Method 1: Microsoft Windows Millennium Edition", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.559890747070312, "source": "search", "title": "Cipher Strength Appears as 0-Bit in Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Step 1: Rename the Schannel.dll, Rsabase.dll, and Rsaenh.dll files", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.391797065734863, "source": "search", "title": "Cipher Strength Appears as 0-Bit in Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Insert the Windows Millennium Edition Startup disk into the floppy drive, and then restart the computer.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.250743865966797, "source": "search", "title": "Cipher Strength Appears as 0-Bit in Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "For additional information about how to create a Windows Millennium Edition Startup disk, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.778634071350098, "source": "search", "title": "Cipher Strength Appears as 0-Bit in Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "267287 How to create a startup disk in Windows Millennium Edition", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.430667877197266, "source": "search", "title": "Cipher Strength Appears as 0-Bit in Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "When the Startup menu appears, use the ARROW keys to select", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.087783813476562, "source": "search", "title": "Cipher Strength Appears as 0-Bit in Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Start computer with CD-ROM Support, and then press ENTER.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.227361679077148, "source": "search", "title": "Cipher Strength Appears as 0-Bit in Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Note the drive letter of your CD-ROM drive.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.93694019317627, "source": "search", "title": "Cipher Strength Appears as 0-Bit in Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "At the command prompt, type the following lines, and then press ENTER after each line.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.352800369262695, "source": "search", "title": "Cipher Strength Appears as 0-Bit in Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Note C: is the drive where Windows is installed:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.41858959197998, "source": "search", "title": "Cipher Strength Appears as 0-Bit in Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "cd windows\\system", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.248884201049805, "source": "search", "title": "Cipher Strength Appears as 0-Bit in Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Rename the Schannel.dll, Rsabase.dll, and Rsaenh.dll files (if they are present) by using the .old file name extension. To do this, type the following command lines, and then press ENTER after each line:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.034306526184082, "source": "search", "title": "Cipher Strength Appears as 0-Bit in Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "ren schannel.dll schannel.old", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.43826675415039, "source": "search", "title": "Cipher Strength Appears as 0-Bit in Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Step 4: Reregister the Schannel.dll, Rsabase.dll, Rsaenh.dll, Security.dll, and Secur32.dll files", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.309454917907715, "source": "search", "title": "Cipher Strength Appears as 0-Bit in Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Note Follow these steps separately for each of the files that you reregister.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.374710083007812, "source": "search", "title": "Cipher Strength Appears as 0-Bit in Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Click Start, and then click Run.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.349567413330078, "source": "search", "title": "Cipher Strength Appears as 0-Bit in Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "In the Open box, type one of the following commands (for the file that you are re-registering), and then click OK.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.247918128967285, "source": "search", "title": "Cipher Strength Appears as 0-Bit in Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "drive:\\windows\\system\\regsvr32.exe c:\\windows\\system\\schannel.dll", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.160957336425781, "source": "search", "title": "Cipher Strength Appears as 0-Bit in Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "drive:\\windows\\system\\regsvr32.exe c:\\windows\\system\\rsabase.dll", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.13434886932373, "source": "search", "title": "Cipher Strength Appears as 0-Bit in Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "drive:\\windows\\system\\regsvr32.exe c:\\windows\\system\\rsaenh.dll", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.164590835571289, "source": "search", "title": "Cipher Strength Appears as 0-Bit in Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "drive:\\windows\\system\\regsvr32.exe c:\\windows\\system\\security.dll", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.154256820678711, "source": "search", "title": "Cipher Strength Appears as 0-Bit in Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "drive:\\windows\\system\\regsvr32.exe c:\\windows\\system\\secur32.dll", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.132893562316895, "source": "search", "title": "Cipher Strength Appears as 0-Bit in Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Note drive is the drive where Windows is installed", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.421391487121582, "source": "search", "title": "Cipher Strength Appears as 0-Bit in Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Click OK when you receive the \"DllRegisterServer in file name succeeded\" message.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.246724128723145, "source": "search", "title": "Cipher Strength Appears as 0-Bit in Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Step 5: Verify the cipher strength in Internet Explorer", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.946914672851562, "source": "search", "title": "Cipher Strength Appears as 0-Bit in Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Start Internet Explorer, and then click About Internet Explorer on the Help menu. Verify that the Cipher Strength value is 128-bit.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.641891479492188, "source": "search", "title": "Cipher Strength Appears as 0-Bit in Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Method 2: Microsoft Windows 98, Microsoft Windows 98 Second Edition", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.950427055358887, "source": "search", "title": "Cipher Strength Appears as 0-Bit in Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Click Start, point to Settings, click Folder Options, and then click the View tab.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.041741371154785, "source": "search", "title": "Cipher Strength Appears as 0-Bit in Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "In the Advanced settings box, click Show all files, clear the", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.163561820983887, "source": "search", "title": "Cipher Strength Appears as 0-Bit in Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Hide file extensions for known file types check box (if it is selected), and then click OK.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.429583549499512, "source": "search", "title": "Cipher Strength Appears as 0-Bit in Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Start Windows Explorer, and then locate the", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.959233283996582, "source": "search", "title": "Cipher Strength Appears as 0-Bit in Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "drive:\\Windows\\System folder.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.202760696411133, "source": "search", "title": "Cipher Strength Appears as 0-Bit in Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Note drive is the drive where Windows is installed.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.399123191833496, "source": "search", "title": "Cipher Strength Appears as 0-Bit in Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Rename the Schannel.dll, Rsabase.dll, and Rsaenh.dll files (if they exist) by using the .old file name extension. To do this, follow these steps:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.037188529968262, "source": "search", "title": "Cipher Strength Appears as 0-Bit in Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Right-click the Schannel.dll file, and then click Rename.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.292393684387207, "source": "search", "title": "Cipher Strength Appears as 0-Bit in Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Type schannel.old, and then press ENTER.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.417550086975098, "source": "search", "title": "Cipher Strength Appears as 0-Bit in Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Repeat steps 2a through 2b to rename the Rsabase.dll and Rsaenh.dll files to Rsabase.old and Rsaenh.old.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.474143981933594, "source": "search", "title": "Cipher Strength Appears as 0-Bit in Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Reinstall Internet Explorer. To do this, use the method that is appropriate for your version of Internet Explorer:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.561944961547852, "source": "search", "title": "Cipher Strength Appears as 0-Bit in Internet Explorer" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.447016716003418, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Last updated: July 2014", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.472480773925781, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "For Internet Explorer 10 for Windows 7, please read this privacy statement .", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.156779289245605, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Internet basics", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.818156242370605, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Web browsing features that store data", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.439075469970703, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "ActiveX Filtering", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.45804500579834, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "ActiveX Controls are pieces of software that supplement how your browser works. For example, some ActiveX Controls can play audio, video, or show images on a webpage. These controls may have an impact on the performance, security, and reliability of Internet Explorer. ActiveX Filtering lets you browse the web with these controls turned off. When you view a webpage that has had ActiveX Controls filtered out, some content on the page might be disabled.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.95373249053955, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "If you choose to turn on ActiveX Filtering, you can turn ActiveX Controls back on for a single website by clicking the ActiveX Filtering icon in the Address bar. When you turn off ActiveX Filtering on a website, Internet Explorer stores the address of the website on which you have chosen to disable ActiveX Filtering. You can delete this data at any time with Delete Browsing History.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.186697959899902, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "To turn on ActiveX Filtering", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.40528678894043, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "To turn off ActiveX Filtering on a specific website", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.456236839294434, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Open Internet Explorer in the desktop, click the Filter button in the Address bar, and then click Turn off ActiveX Filtering‍.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.477642059326172, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "To turn off ActiveX Filtering on all websites", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.387181282043457, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Adobe Flash Player", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.431248664855957, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "AutoComplete", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.460165023803711, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "The first time you submit a web form, you will see a message box that asks if you'd like to turn the AutoComplete functionality on.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.839875221252441, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "To turn AutoComplete off", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.531644821166992, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "On the Content tab, under AutoComplete, click Settings.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.12988567352295, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "In the AutoComplete Settings dialog box, clear the appropriate check boxes for the options you don't want to use, and then click OK.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.241571426391602, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "To clear AutoComplete history", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.506999015808105, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "On the General tab, under Browsing history, click Delete.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.25098991394043, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "In the Delete Browsing History dialog box, select the Form data and Passwords check boxes, click Delete, and then click OK.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.365114212036133, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Note: To clear web address entries, you must select the History check box, which also deletes your browsing history.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.39428424835205, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Automatic Crash Recovery", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.530546188354492, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "As you browse the web, Automatic Crash Recovery in Internet Explorer stores information about your browsing session on your hard disk in the event of a crash, hang, or other unexpected shutdown. If your browsing session is shut down unexpectedly, Internet Explorer offers you the opportunity to resume your last browsing session.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.824000358581543, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Automatic Crash Recovery stores the following information:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.529685020446777, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "The web address (URL) of the webpage in each tab.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.24160385131836, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Each tab's back/forward history (every site you visited in a tab in the order you visited them).", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.41111946105957, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "The arrangement and ordering of the tabs.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.217495918273926, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Data typed into web forms.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.15474796295166, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "To turn off Automatic Crash Recovery", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.555607795715332, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "On the Advanced tab, under Browsing, clear the Enable automatic crash recovery check box, and then click OK.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.361468315124512, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Note:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.244431495666504, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Compatibility List Updates", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.393905639648438, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "For better website and PC hardware compatibility, you can turn on Compatibility List Updates. Compatibility Lists include, for example:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.366640090942383, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Lists of websites that were designed for older or other browsers, which allow Internet Explorer to automatically adjust how it renders or communicates with those websites in order to improve compatibility and provide for a better user experience on those sites.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.502829551696777, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Lists of websites that support the flip ahead feature to help improve your experience.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.462289810180664, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "To turn off Compatibility List Updates", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.351324081420898, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Clear the Download updated compatibility lists from Microsoft check box, and then click Close.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.305900573730469, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Compatibility View", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.348688125610352, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "To clear the list of Compatibility View websites", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.19627571105957, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Open Internet Explorer in the desktop, click the Tools button, point to Safety, and then click Delete browsing history.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.111515998840332, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "In the Delete Browsing History dialog box, select the History check box, and then click Delete.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.46087646484375, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "To view or modify the Compatibility View settings on your computer", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.810096740722656, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Controlling cookies", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.496940612792969, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "What is a cookie?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.44622802734375, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "A cookie is a small text file that is placed on your hard disk by a website. Cookies are uniquely assigned to you, and can only be read by a website or web server in the domain that issued the cookie to you. Cookies cannot be used to run programs or deliver viruses to your computer.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.073715209960938, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "A cookie is often used to personalize your visit to a website or to save you time. For example, to facilitate a purchase the cookie could contain shopping cart information such as your current selection, as well as contact information such as your name or email address. To help websites track individual visitors, cookies often contain a unique identifier. It is up to the website that created the cookie to disclose to you what information is stored in the cookie and how that information is used.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.211511611938477, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Blocking cookies", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.451425552368164, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "You can accept or decline cookies. If you decide to block one or more cookies, the websites that use them might not function correctly. For example, if you do not allow cookies at all, you might not be able to view some websites or take advantage of customization features (such as local news and weather, or stock quotes).", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.341830253601074, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "To block all cookies", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.498308181762695, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "On the Privacy tab, move the slider up to Block All Cookies. With this setting, websites will not be able to store cookies on your computer.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.869439125061035, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Note:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.244431495666504, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Blocking all cookies might prevent you from accessing many websites. The next two Internet Explorer privacy levels, High and Medium High, might be more suitable. In addition, it is possible to block a cookie for a specific site by clicking Sites on the Privacy tab. For more information, see Internet Explorer Help.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.06993293762207, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Removing old cookies", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.538399696350098, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Cookies previously saved to your hard disk can still be read unless you remove them.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.55357551574707, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "To remove all of your existing cookies", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.569128036499023, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "On the General tab, under Browsing history, click Delete.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.25098991394043, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "In the Delete Browsing History dialog box, select the Cookies and website data check box.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.380562782287598, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "If you want to keep cookies associated with your saved favorites from being removed, select the Preserve Favorites website data check box.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.526573181152344, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Click Delete, and then click OK.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.37236213684082, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Under Browsing history, click Settings.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.39721393585205, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "On the History tab, set the number of days to keep pages in history to 0, and then click OK.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.361490249633789, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Note:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.244431495666504, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "To turn off History temporarily, you can use InPrivate Browsing. Click the Tools button, point to Safety, and then click InPrivate Browsing .", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.284342765808105, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Enhanced Protected Mode", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.453768730163574, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Enhanced Protected Mode provides additional security for Internet Explorer by making it more difficult for malicious software to run in Internet Explorer. Enhanced Protected Mode is enabled by default for Internet Explorer but is disabled by default for Internet Explorer in the desktop.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.119840621948242, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "If you choose to turn on Enhanced Protected Mode in the desktop and you visit a website which uses an Add-on that isn’t compatible with Enhanced Protected Mode, you will be offered a choice to disable Enhanced Protected Mode for that site so that the Add-on will be allowed to run, or to ignore future prompts about that Add-on. Internet Explorer stores the addresses of the websites on which you have chosen to either disable Enhanced Protected Mode or ignore future prompts. You can delete this data at any time with Delete Browsing History.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.113205909729004, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "To turn Enhanced Protected Mode on or off in the desktop", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.321648597717285, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "On the Advanced tab, under Settings, do one of the following:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.28313159942627, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "To turn Enhanced protected mode on, check the Enable Enhanced Protected Mode check box.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.487502098083496, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "To turn Enhanced protected mode off, uncheck the Enable Enhanced Protected Mode check box.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.518223762512207, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "To use the Delete Browsing History feature", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.438387870788574, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Open Internet Explorer in the desktop, click the Tools button, point to Safety, and then click Delete browsing history.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.111515998840332, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "In the Delete Browsing History dialog box, select the History check box, and then click Delete.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.46087646484375, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Manage Add-ons", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.382353782653809, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "To view or modify the add-ons on your computer", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.567634582519531, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Under Show, click All add-ons, and then do either of the following:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.268253326416016, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "To disable an add-on, click it, and then click Disable.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.421042442321777, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "To enable an add-on, click it, and then click Enable.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.344136238098145, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Click Close.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.25436019897461, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Note:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.244431495666504, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "If an add-on is disabled or deleted, website pages that rely on that add-on may not work as expected. For more information about add-ons, click the \"Learn more about toolbars and extensions\" help link in Manage Add-ons.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.35232925415039, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Out-of-date ActiveX controls", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.452974319458008, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "ActiveX controls are small apps that allow websites to provide content such as videos and games. They also let you interact with content like toolbars and stock tickers when you browse the web. However, because many ActiveX controls don’t automatically update, they can become outdated as new versions are released.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.836267471313477, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Pop-up Blocker", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.523198127746582, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "To turn off Pop-up Blocker", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.546294212341309, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "On the Privacy tab, under Pop-up Blocker, clear the Turn on Pop-up Blocker check box, and then click OK.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.327339172363281, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "To access the Pop-up Blocker settings", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.473699569702148, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "On the Privacy tab, under Pop-up Blocker, click Settings.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.221152305603027, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Note: Not all pop-up windows can be blocked with Pop-up Blocker. For more information, see Internet Explorer Help.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.1626615524292, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Features that help you control your data", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.422894477844238, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Delete Browsing History", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.524547576904297, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "To use the Delete Browsing History feature", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.438387870788574, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Open Internet Explorer in the desktop, click the Tools button, point to Safety, and then click Delete browsing history.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.111515998840332, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "In the Delete Browsing History dialog box, select the items to delete (Temporary Internet files, cookies, history, Download History, form data, passwords, ActiveX Filtering, and Tracking Protection data).", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.958749771118164, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "To keep data associated with your saved favorites, select the Preserve Favorites website data check box.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.502391815185547, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Click Delete, and then click OK.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.37236213684082, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "When you visit a website in any browser, you automatically share information with that website, such as cookies, your IP address, and other standard computer information. If the website contains content provided by a third-party website (for example a map, advertisement, or web measurement tools such as a web beacon or scripts), some information about you may be automatically sent to the content provider. This type of arrangement has several benefits: For example, you can access third-party content conveniently, and the presence of advertising on a website you are visiting may let the website provide access to premium content at no charge. There can, however, be an impact to your privacy as a result, because it is possible for the content providers to track you across multiple websites.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.615692138671875, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "To turn the Do Not Track header on or off", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.496931076049805, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "On the Advanced tab, under Settings", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.242486000061035, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "To turn on do not track, check the Always send Do Not Track header check box.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.524898529052734, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "To turn off to not track, uncheck the Always send Do Not Track header check box.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.53909969329834, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "InPrivate Browsing", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.41802978515625, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "The InPrivate Browsing experience prevents local storage on your computer of the following:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.140374183654785, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "New cookies are not stored.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.48548698425293, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "New history entries will not be recorded.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.528515815734863, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "New temporary Internet files will be deleted after the InPrivate Browsing window is closed.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.103751182556152, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Form data is not stored.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.44060230255127, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Entered passwords are not stored.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.520310401916504, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Addresses typed into the Address bar are not stored.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.42707633972168, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Queries entered into the search box are not stored.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.512144088745117, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "To turn on InPrivate Browsing", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.430907249450684, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "To turn off InPrivate Browsing, close the InPrivate Browsing window.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.450581550598145, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Tracking Protection", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.375411987304688, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Tracking Protection helps prevent the websites you go to from automatically sending details about your visit to other content providers whose content is hosted on the websites you visit. Additionally, when you have a Tracking Protection List or Personalized Tracking Protection enabled, Internet Explorer will send a Do Not Track request to the websites you visit. It will also send a Do Not Track request to the third-party websites that provide content on the websites you visit if those third party sites have not been blocked by your Tracking Protection List. Websites may continue to engage in activities you might view as tracking even though you have expressed this preference, depending on the websites’ privacy practices.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.681410789489746, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Tracking Protection Lists", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.454763412475586, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Tracking Protection Lists are like “Do Not Call” lists for content that may impact your privacy. When you add a Tracking Protection List, Internet Explorer will block third-party content, including cookies, from any site that is listed. By limiting calls to these websites, Internet Explorer will limit the information these third-party sites can collect about you. At the same time, Tracking Protection Lists can also include “OK to call” entries that permit calls to specific sites. These sites will, however, receive the “Do Not Track” request when you connect to them and they may refrain from either tracking your online activity or serving you content based on your online activity.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.58011245727539, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "To remove or disable a Tracking Protection List", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.55376148223877, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Click a list, and then do one of the following:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.375791549682617, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "To delete the list, click Remove.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.457517623901367, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "To temporarily disable the list, click Disable.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.49832820892334, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Personalized Tracking Protection List", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.477858543395996, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Additionally, you can use the Personalized Tracking Protection List, which is included with Internet Explorer. This list is automatically generated based on data from the sites that you visit, including the third-party content providers on those sites. You can delete this data at any time in the Delete Browsing History dialog box.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.394444465637207, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "To turn on the Personalized Tracking Protection List", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.453435897827148, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Click Your Personalized List, and then click Enable.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.364309310913086, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "When Tracking Protection is enabled, some content on the websites you visit might be filtered, and therefore will not be displayed. When content has been filtered, the Tracking Protection icon appears in the Address bar. If a website does not work correctly with Tracking Protection enabled, you can turn it off just for that website by clicking the Tracking Protection icon in the Address bar.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.616190910339355, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "To delete Tracking Protection data", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.431440353393555, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Open Internet Explorer in the desktop, click the Tools button, point to Safety, and then click Delete browsing history.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.111515998840332, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "In the Delete Browsing History dialog box, select the InPrivate Filtering data check box, and then click Delete.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.401745796203613, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "P3P privacy policies", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.530675888061523, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Internet Explorer gives you the ability to view a website's P3P (Platform for Privacy Preferences standard) privacy policy and compare it to the privacy preferences you have set. Even if a website does not have a P3P privacy policy, it might have a written privacy statement that you can view.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.294538497924805, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "To view a website's P3P privacy policy", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.485329627990723, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Double-click the website whose privacy policy you want to view.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.379365921020508, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Strict P3P Validation is a new feature in Internet Explorer 10. If you enable this feature and you’ve kept Internet Explorer’s default cookie settings, cookies from third party sites that don't have valid P3P policies will be blocked to help protect your privacy.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.476430892944336, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "To enable Strict P3P Validation", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.504203796386719, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "On the Advanced Tab, under Settings, check the Enable Strict P3P Validation check box.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.308012008666992, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Features that help you connect to online services", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.395071983337402, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Accelerators", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.267716407775879, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Accelerators let you use web service providers more quickly and easily. For example, you can highlight a word on a website, right-click, and select the \"Translate with Bing\" Accelerator to obtain a translation of a word without having to go to a separate website.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.166033744812012, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Pinning websites to Start", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.515295028686523, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "If you pin a website to Start, it will be displayed as a tile similar to the way your apps are displayed. Like your Windows Store apps, your website tiles might display updates if the website has been designed to do so. For example, an online email website might send updates to the tile indicating how many new messages you have.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.282317161560059, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "To turn off tile updates for a website, select the tile in Start, and then tap or click Live tile off. You can also unpin the tile from Start to turn off tile updates. To clear the data stored on your computer for notifications and tile updates, swipe in from the right side of the Start screen or point to the upper-right corner, tap or click Settings, and then tap or click Settings. Under Clear personal info from my tiles, tap or click Clear.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.509861946105957, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Search from the Address bar", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.491340637207031, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "To turn AutoSearch off", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.52480697631836, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "On the Advanced tab, under Browsing, select the Do not search from the Address bar check box.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.385077476501465, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Search suggestions in the Address bar can help you refine your search by offering suggested search terms as you type. If your selected search provider offers this capability, each letter or character you type in the Address bar will be sent to your search provider when you type it. Standard computer information is also sent to the search provider as you type. If Bing is your default search provider, the information sent is subject to the Bing privacy statement . If you use a third-party search provider, use of the information sent will be subject to the third party's privacy practices. By default, search suggestions are turned off.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.618471145629883, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "To turn on search suggestions", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.327933311462402, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Click the arrow to the right of the Address bar.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.350435256958008, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Click Turn on suggestions (send keystrokes to <search provider name>).", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.091821670532227, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "To turn off search suggestions", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.445173263549805, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Click the arrow to the right of the Address bar.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.350435256958008, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Click Turn off search suggestions.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.33430290222168, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Web Slices", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.352937698364258, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Web Slices let you automatically subscribe to and receive updates from webpages that change frequently, and view the updates without having to load the entire website. For example, you can subscribe to a Seattle, Washington weather Web Slice that updates when the current temperature changes. When you subscribe to a Web Slice or feed, you turn on automatic updating for all of your Web Slices and feeds. Your IP address will be sent periodically to the website that provides each Web Slice or feed to check for updates, even when Internet Explorer is not running.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.91637897491455, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "To remove a Web Slice", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.46926212310791, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "On the Favorites bar, right-click the Web Slice that you want to remove.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.28884506225586, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Click Delete, and then click Yes.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.200584411621094, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "To turn off automatic updates for Web Slices and feeds", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.451573371887207, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "On the Content tab, under Feeds and Web Slices, click Settings.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.121003150939941, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Clear the Automatically check feeds and Web Slices for updates check box, and then click OK.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.414064407348633, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Features that use Microsoft online services", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.139222145080566, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Automatic upgrades", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.388136863708496, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "To turn off automatic version upgrades", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.438684463500977, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Clear the Install new versions automatically check box, and then click OK.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.38700008392334, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Customer Experience Improvement Program", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.527973175048828, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Microsoft uses CEIP reports to improve our software and services. We use the unique identifier to distinguish how widespread the feedback we receive is and how to prioritize it. For example, the identifier allows Microsoft to distinguish between one customer experiencing a problem one hundred times and other customers experiencing the same problem once. Microsoft does not use the information collected by CEIP to identify, contact, or target advertising to you.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.425888061523438, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Flip ahead", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.457918167114258, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Flip ahead lets you go to the next page of web content quickly simply by swiping across the page or by clicking forward. For example, if you're on a news website, flip ahead may take you to the next page of the article you're reading, or an article that other users tend to visit next. When you turn on flip ahead, your web browsing history is periodically sent to Microsoft and used in the aggregate. You can choose to stop flip ahead from sending your web browsing history to Microsoft at any time by turning off flip ahead.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.888525009155273, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "To turn on flip ahead", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.43713092803955, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Tap or click the Settings charm, tap or click Internet Options, and toggle Turn on flip ahead to On.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.794380187988281, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "To turn off flip ahead", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.520097732543945, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Tap or click the Settings charm, tap or click Internet Options, and toggle Turn on flip ahead to Off.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.972628593444824, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Location Services", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.514540672302246, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Location Services in Internet Explorer let websites request your physical location in order to improve their services. For example, a mapping website can request your physical location in order to center the map for you.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.208847999572754, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "If you choose to not allow a website access to your physical location, no location data will be sent to the website, and no data will be sent to the Microsoft location service. If you choose to allow a webpage access to your physical location once, then the website will only have access to your location while you are viewing that webpage. If you choose to always allow a website access to your physical location, each time you visit any page on that site, it will be able to request information about your physical location. The website’s use of your location information will be subject that site’s privacy practices.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.370832443237305, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "To turn on Location Services", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.464886665344238, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "When you receive a request for location from a website, do one of the following:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.325797080993652, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "To provide your location only once, click Allow once.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.448490142822266, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "To provide your location every time you visit the website, click More options for this site, and then click Always allow.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.327967643737793, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "To turn off Location Services", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.526753425598145, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "On the Privacy tab, select the Never allow websites to request your physical location check box, and then click OK.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.856675148010254, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "To clear the list of sites allowed to always use Location Services", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.432960510253906, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "On the Privacy tab, under the Location section click the Clear Sites button.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.216787338256836, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "SmartScreen Filter", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.215140342712402, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "SmartScreen Filter can be turned on and off from the Internet Explorer Safety menu. For example, to turn on automatic checking of all websites:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.677581787109375, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "If you believe you have encountered an unsafe website, you can report it to Microsoft by clicking the Tools button, pointing to Safety, and then clicking Report unsafe website. When you report an unsafe website, some information will be sent to Microsoft, including the address of the site you are reporting, and the usage information described above.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.398066520690918, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Suggested Sites", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.479374885559082, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Suggested Sites is an online experience that recommends websites, images, or videos you might be interested in. When you turn on Suggested Sites, your web browsing history is periodically sent to Microsoft, where it is saved and then compared to a frequently updated list of websites that are similar to sites you often visit. Suggested Sites also turns on automatic background updating for Web Slices and feeds, so that you can receive up-to-date suggestions on both the Suggested Sites page and the Suggested Sites Web Slice.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.952592849731445, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "You can choose to pause or stop the Suggested Sites feature from sending your web browsing history to Microsoft at any time. You can also delete individual entries from your history at any time. Deleted entries will not be used to provide you with suggestions for other websites, although they will be retained by Microsoft for a period of time to help improve our products and services, including this feature. When you use InPrivate Browsing, no information about the webpages you visit will be sent to Microsoft.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.350797653198242, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "To turn on Suggested Sites", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.416831970214844, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "To turn offSuggested Sites", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.542304992675781, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Note: Turning off Suggested Sites does not clear your history and does not turn off automatic updates for feeds and Web Slices.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.453973770141602, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "To delete your browsing history (with or without turning off Suggested Sites)", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.490344047546387, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Open Internet Explorer in the desktop, click the Tools button, point to Safety, and then click Delete browsing history.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.111515998840332, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "How we collect, use, and store your information", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.382135391235352, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Collection and use of your information", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.319561004638672, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "The information we collect from you will be used by Microsoft and its controlled subsidiaries and affiliates to enable the features you are using and provide the services or carry out the transactions you have requested or authorized. It may also be used to analyze and improve Microsoft products and services.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.703487396240234, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "In order to offer you a more consistent and personalized experience in your interactions with Microsoft, information collected through one Microsoft service may be combined with information obtained through other Microsoft services. We may also supplement the information we collect with information obtained from other companies. For example, we might use services from other companies that enable us to derive a general geographic area based on your IP address in order to customize certain services to your geographic area.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.94356918334961, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Except as described in this statement, information you provide will not be transferred to third parties without your consent. We occasionally hire other companies to provide limited services on our behalf, such as answering customer questions about products or services, or performing statistical analysis of our services. We will only provide those companies the personal information they need to deliver the service, and they are prohibited from using that information for any other purpose. Microsoft may access or disclose information about you, including the content of your communications, in order to: (a) comply with the law or respond to lawful requests or legal process; (b) protect the rights or property of Microsoft or our customers, including the enforcement of our agreements or policies governing your use of the services; or (c) act on a good faith belief that such access or disclosure is necessary to protect the personal safety of Microsoft employees, customers, or the public.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.280898094177246, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Security and storage of your information", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.397865295410156, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Changes to the privacy statement", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.384300231933594, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "We may occasionally update this privacy statement. When we do, we will revise the \"last updated\" date at the top of the privacy statement. We encourage you to periodically review this privacy statement to be informed of how Microsoft is protecting your information.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.429840087890625, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "For more information", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.262970924377441, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "If you have questions about this privacy statement, please contact us by clicking here .", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.375322341918945, "source": "search", "title": "Internet Explorer 10 privacy statement - Microsoft Windows" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "SOLVED: Why is everything too big to fit on my screen? | The Stickynote Tech Services blog", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.395672798156738, "source": "search", "title": "SOLVED: Why is everything too big to fit on my screen ..." }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "The Stickynote Tech Services blog", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.513606071472168, "source": "search", "title": "SOLVED: Why is everything too big to fit on my screen ..." }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Friendly in-home computer and tech help for all…", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.386758804321289, "source": "search", "title": "SOLVED: Why is everything too big to fit on my screen ..." }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Search", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.243563652038574, "source": "search", "title": "SOLVED: Why is everything too big to fit on my screen ..." }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "SOLVED: Why is everything too big to fit on my screen?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.320657730102539, "source": "search", "title": "SOLVED: Why is everything too big to fit on my screen ..." }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Posted on", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.239585876464844, "source": "search", "title": "SOLVED: Why is everything too big to fit on my screen ..." }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Sometimes a corrupt video driver can make everything appear oversized on your screen, but more often your browser's zoom feature is the culprit.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.606016159057617, "source": "search", "title": "SOLVED: Why is everything too big to fit on my screen ..." }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Does it seem like everything on your screen just got humungous and you have to scroll up and down and sideways just to see everything?  Chances are you inadvertently used the zoom feature of your web browser and your screen is zoomed in so you are now seeing everything larger as a result.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.73134708404541, "source": "search", "title": "SOLVED: Why is everything too big to fit on my screen ..." }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "To zoom in, hold down the ctrl key and while holding it in, press the plus key (note that on laptop keyboards you may need to do ctrl/shift/+ if there’s no numeric keypad).", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.738848686218262, "source": "search", "title": "SOLVED: Why is everything too big to fit on my screen ..." }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Zooming in makes everything appear bigger on your screen.  You can zoom several times and each successive zoom will make things larger.  Zooming is handy for reading small type, and can also help when trying to make out details in an online image.  Note that not all web pages will zoom. Some (like facebook photo images) will automatically resize to fit the browsable screen area.  When zooming in, expect that you will have to scroll sideways as well as up and down to see the whole web page.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.703964233398438, "source": "search", "title": "SOLVED: Why is everything too big to fit on my screen ..." }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "To zoom out, hold down the ctrl key and while holding it in, press the minus key (note that on laptop keyboards you may need to do ctrl/shift/- if there’s no numeric keypad).", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.772974967956543, "source": "search", "title": "SOLVED: Why is everything too big to fit on my screen ..." }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Zooming out makes everything appear smaller on your screen.  You can zoom several times and each successive zoom will make things smaller.  Zooming out is handy if you are looking at an image that’s too big for the viewable area if you want to see the entire image onscreen.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.654186248779297, "source": "search", "title": "SOLVED: Why is everything too big to fit on my screen ..." }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "RESET TO NORMAL VIEW:  CTRL 0  (that’s a zero, not the letter o)", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.091226577758789, "source": "search", "title": "SOLVED: Why is everything too big to fit on my screen ..." }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "To reset your view to normal (100%), hold down the ctrl key and while holding it in, press the zero key.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.467656135559082, "source": "search", "title": "SOLVED: Why is everything too big to fit on my screen ..." }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "A few more notes about zooming…", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.462285995483398, "source": "search", "title": "SOLVED: Why is everything too big to fit on my screen ..." }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "At the top of this article I mentioned that you may have inadvertently used the zoom feature to make everything gigantic and not fit on your screen.  How, you might ask, does one “inadvertently” access the zoom feature? Here are a few common causes:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.95850944519043, "source": "search", "title": "SOLVED: Why is everything too big to fit on my screen ..." }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Young children randomly pressing keys may hit the CTRL+ combination", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.363457679748535, "source": "search", "title": "SOLVED: Why is everything too big to fit on my screen ..." }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "small animals, especially cats, that may walk on the keyboard", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.428060531616211, "source": "search", "title": "SOLVED: Why is everything too big to fit on my screen ..." }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Laptop touchpad controls that access zoom by using two fingers to “pull apart” or “pinch together” much like the zoom feature on your smart phone.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.68044376373291, "source": "search", "title": "SOLVED: Why is everything too big to fit on my screen ..." }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Regarding the need for reading glasses to view small type on web pages, if you find this to be a constant hassle, you may consider resettng your text size to larger than normal.  This will usually make text display larger without necessarily blowing up the entire website.  Text size is accessible from the “view” menu on most browsers.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.756878852844238, "source": "search", "title": "SOLVED: Why is everything too big to fit on my screen ..." }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "I have observed that some websites, and particularly web-based games don’t display properly in zoomed-in mode. That is, besides being large, they may also display random characters or image bits called screen artifacts. Usually using CTRL/0 to reset to normal will solve this.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.068431854248047, "source": "search", "title": "SOLVED: Why is everything too big to fit on my screen ..." }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Please note that there are other possible causes for things being too large for your screen including corrupted or missing video driver, but you should try the things mentioned above first before digging into the more technical aspects of your PC.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.098567962646484, "source": "search", "title": "SOLVED: Why is everything too big to fit on my screen ..." }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Making the Web Bigger: DPI Scaling and Internet Explorer 8 (Internet Explorer)", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.649389266967773, "source": "search", "title": "Making the Web Bigger: DPI Scaling and Internet Explorer 8" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Potential Layout Issues with Zoom and How to Fix Them", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.504502296447754, "source": "search", "title": "Making the Web Bigger: DPI Scaling and Internet Explorer 8" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Here is an example of how a Web page appears on two displays that have the same physical dimension (15.1 inches diagonal) but different pixel densities:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.724117279052734, "source": "search", "title": "Making the Web Bigger: DPI Scaling and Internet Explorer 8" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Figure 1: Display with Low Pixel Density (Native Resolution: 960x600).", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.216728210449219, "source": "search", "title": "Making the Web Bigger: DPI Scaling and Internet Explorer 8" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Figure 2: Display with High Pixel Density (Native Resolution: 1680x1050).", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.243063926696777, "source": "search", "title": "Making the Web Bigger: DPI Scaling and Internet Explorer 8" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "You can see that in Figure 1, the width of the Web page is about the same as that of the display; the Web page is thus much easier to read than it is in Figure 2. In Figure 2, the Web page takes up about half of the display width and is thus more difficult to read. You will also notice that the icons, text on the menu bars, and the status bars are also smaller and more difficult to see. (The advantage of this is that you have quite a bit more screen real estate in which to view your applications).", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.767794609069824, "source": "search", "title": "Making the Web Bigger: DPI Scaling and Internet Explorer 8" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "To address the issue of Web page content appearing small, many users lower the display resolution and thus prevent themselves from viewing Web pages at a native resolution: the resolution that a display is meant to be used at. Although the content does look larger as a result, it also looks less sharp. This is not an optimal solution, because users are not taking advantage of all the pixels that are available to them. The optimal solution is to use the display at its native resolution in combination with the Windows DPI Scaling feature.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.578514099121094, "source": "search", "title": "Making the Web Bigger: DPI Scaling and Internet Explorer 8" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "In a nutshell, the Windows DPI Scaling feature will scale up fonts and UI elements (such as buttons, icons, input fields) by a certain percentage specified by a user. This is different from the scaling that occurs when the user lowers the display resolution: in the case of DPI Scaling, Windows provides fonts and UI elements that are drawn with more pixels, resulting in a larger, higher fidelity, and sharper Windows experience. (It is important to note that third-party Windows applications are responsible for being DPI-aware on their own. Microsoft is working with third-party developers to make this happen.)", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.148252487182617, "source": "search", "title": "Making the Web Bigger: DPI Scaling and Internet Explorer 8" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "The following procedure describes how to adjust DPI Scaling in Windows Vista.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.452675819396973, "source": "search", "title": "Making the Web Bigger: DPI Scaling and Internet Explorer 8" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Open Control Pane.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.443585395812988, "source": "search", "title": "Making the Web Bigger: DPI Scaling and Internet Explorer 8" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Double-click Personalization.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.381609916687012, "source": "search", "title": "Making the Web Bigger: DPI Scaling and Internet Explorer 8" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "In the left pane, under Tasks, click Adjust font size (DPI).", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.419645309448242, "source": "search", "title": "Making the Web Bigger: DPI Scaling and Internet Explorer 8" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Set DPI Scaling to 120 DPI by clicking the option button for Larger scale (120 DPI). To set DPI Scaling to other values, click the Custom DPI button.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.475089073181152, "source": "search", "title": "Making the Web Bigger: DPI Scaling and Internet Explorer 8" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "DPI means \"dots per inch,\" which can also be understood as \"pixels per inch.\" Every display has a certain physical DPI, determined by how many pixels are packed into a physical inch of the display. The DPI Scaling setting communicates to Windows what physical DPI it should optimize for, thus the optimal experience will be achieved if the DPI scaling of Windows is set to a DPI value that is close to the physical DPI of the display.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.899023056030273, "source": "search", "title": "Making the Web Bigger: DPI Scaling and Internet Explorer 8" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "DPI Scaling in Internet Explorer 8", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.648124694824219, "source": "search", "title": "Making the Web Bigger: DPI Scaling and Internet Explorer 8" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Scaling the Chrome", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.360367774963379, "source": "search", "title": "Making the Web Bigger: DPI Scaling and Internet Explorer 8" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Figure 3: Internet Explorer Chrome at 96 DPI.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.15833568572998, "source": "search", "title": "Making the Web Bigger: DPI Scaling and Internet Explorer 8" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Figure 4: Internet Explorer Chrome at 120 DPI.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.395846366882324, "source": "search", "title": "Making the Web Bigger: DPI Scaling and Internet Explorer 8" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Scaling the Web", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.26944351196289, "source": "search", "title": "Making the Web Bigger: DPI Scaling and Internet Explorer 8" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "On a related note, according to the CSS 2.1 specification, Web authors are told to assume that they are writing Web pages for a 96-DPI display, which also makes 96 DPI the Web default.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.674357414245605, "source": "search", "title": "Making the Web Bigger: DPI Scaling and Internet Explorer 8" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Image Scaling in Internet Explorer 8", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.074542999267578, "source": "search", "title": "Making the Web Bigger: DPI Scaling and Internet Explorer 8" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Figure 5: Logo on left is scaled 50% using bicubic interpolation. Logo on right is scaled using nearest neighbor.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.414647102355957, "source": "search", "title": "Making the Web Bigger: DPI Scaling and Internet Explorer 8" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "It is important to note that a scaled image will never look as crisp as the original, regardless of the type of interpolation method. However, the reduction in quality due to image scaling is less noticeable when the physical DPI of a display is close to the Windows DPI Scaling setting. For example, if we compare two displays, one with a physical DPI of 96 and the other of 120, the latter will have 125% more pixels per inch. This also means that the pixels on the 96-DPI display are 125% larger than those on the 120-DPI display. Therefore, when an image is scaled on the 120-DPI display to 125%, the interpolation method will fill in data for the extra pixels; however, because these pixels are smaller as compared to the 96-DPI display, the resulting image should look comparable to the original as viewed on the 96-DPI display. Of course, we are still not taking full advantage of the extra pixels of the higher-DPI display, but we will talk later about how developers can do this.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.521117210388184, "source": "search", "title": "Making the Web Bigger: DPI Scaling and Internet Explorer 8" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "If you would like to opt -out of bicubic interpolation, you can use the CSS vendor property -ms-interpolation-mode and set it to nearest-neighbor:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.362881660461426, "source": "search", "title": "Making the Web Bigger: DPI Scaling and Internet Explorer 8" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "<img style=\"-ms-interpolation-mode:nearest-neighbor\" src=\"IE_Logo_150.png\" alt=\"IE Logo\" height=\"150\" width=\"150\">", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.26089859008789, "source": "search", "title": "Making the Web Bigger: DPI Scaling and Internet Explorer 8" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "How to Get Back to the Default 96 DPI Web", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.518728256225586, "source": "search", "title": "Making the Web Bigger: DPI Scaling and Internet Explorer 8" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Select Reset zoom level for new Windows and tabs.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.328106880187988, "source": "search", "title": "Making the Web Bigger: DPI Scaling and Internet Explorer 8" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Of course, if you want to simulate how a page looks by default on a system that takes advantage of Windows DPI Scaling, you can set the zoom factor accordingly: 120 DPI = 125%, 144 DPI = 150%, and so on.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.863930702209473, "source": "search", "title": "Making the Web Bigger: DPI Scaling and Internet Explorer 8" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Information for Developers", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.253568649291992, "source": "search", "title": "Making the Web Bigger: DPI Scaling and Internet Explorer 8" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Although DPI Scaling in Internet Explorer 8 is designed such that it is transparent to users and developers alike, there are things a developer can do to take full advantage of Internet Explorer High DPI behavior.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.781256675720215, "source": "search", "title": "Making the Web Bigger: DPI Scaling and Internet Explorer 8" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "In the Address bar, when a Web site is loaded", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.358390808105469, "source": "search", "title": "Making the Web Bigger: DPI Scaling and Internet Explorer 8" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "In the Favorites list", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.383973121643066, "source": "search", "title": "Making the Web Bigger: DPI Scaling and Internet Explorer 8" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "On a tab, when a Web site is loaded", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.169535636901855, "source": "search", "title": "Making the Web Bigger: DPI Scaling and Internet Explorer 8" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "In the search box, for a search Web site", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.259134292602539, "source": "search", "title": "Making the Web Bigger: DPI Scaling and Internet Explorer 8" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "For example, to do this using Visual Studio 2008:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.157320976257324, "source": "search", "title": "Making the Web Bigger: DPI Scaling and Internet Explorer 8" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Open the favicon.ico file in Visual Studio 2008 (press CTRL+O).", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.36775016784668, "source": "search", "title": "Making the Web Bigger: DPI Scaling and Internet Explorer 8" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Open the Image menu, then New Image Type.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.45612621307373, "source": "search", "title": "Making the Web Bigger: DPI Scaling and Internet Explorer 8" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Click the Custom button.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.134258270263672, "source": "search", "title": "Making the Web Bigger: DPI Scaling and Internet Explorer 8" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Click OK, and design the 24x24 icon in the bitmap editor.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.191131591796875, "source": "search", "title": "Making the Web Bigger: DPI Scaling and Internet Explorer 8" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Add the favicon.ico file to your site.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.402010917663574, "source": "search", "title": "Making the Web Bigger: DPI Scaling and Internet Explorer 8" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "If only a 16x16 bitmap is available in a site's favicon.ico (as is the case for most sites today), Internet Explorer 8 will not scale up the bitmap, but rather will render the 16x16 icon on top of a page icon that is designed at 24x24 resolution. Here are examples for on a system set to 120 DPI:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.39654541015625, "source": "search", "title": "Making the Web Bigger: DPI Scaling and Internet Explorer 8" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Figure 6: Address Bar", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.507867813110352, "source": "search", "title": "Making the Web Bigger: DPI Scaling and Internet Explorer 8" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Figure 8: Search Box", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.340593338012695, "source": "search", "title": "Making the Web Bigger: DPI Scaling and Internet Explorer 8" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Opt-In to High DPI Behavior for Web Browser Controls (WebOCs)", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.368406295776367, "source": "search", "title": "Making the Web Bigger: DPI Scaling and Internet Explorer 8" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Detecting User DPI Scaling Settings With JScript", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.437416076660156, "source": "search", "title": "Making the Web Bigger: DPI Scaling and Internet Explorer 8" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Once you have the DPI information, you can:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.296073913574219, "source": "search", "title": "Making the Web Bigger: DPI Scaling and Internet Explorer 8" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Make layout tweaks to optimize for different DPIs.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.529635429382324, "source": "search", "title": "Making the Web Bigger: DPI Scaling and Internet Explorer 8" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Swap in higher-resolution images to take advantage of the extra pixels available to you (thus avoiding the use of imperfect image interpolation).", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.357146263122559, "source": "search", "title": "Making the Web Bigger: DPI Scaling and Internet Explorer 8" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Place elements on a Web page relative to the browser chrome.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.260490417480469, "source": "search", "title": "Making the Web Bigger: DPI Scaling and Internet Explorer 8" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Providing Higher Resolution Images for Higher DPIs", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.484380722045898, "source": "search", "title": "Making the Web Bigger: DPI Scaling and Internet Explorer 8" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "As mentioned previously, a potential downside of zooming in on a Web page is the imperfect nature of scaling up images. There are a couple of ways a developer cannot only get around this, but can take advantage of the fact that they now have more pixels to work with. The following solutions can also be taken advantage of by WebOC developers when it comes to their HTML content, assuming they opted in to High DPI behavior as described previously.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.56906795501709, "source": "search", "title": "Making the Web Bigger: DPI Scaling and Internet Explorer 8" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Substitution Method", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.421708106994629, "source": "search", "title": "Making the Web Bigger: DPI Scaling and Internet Explorer 8" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "<html> <head> <meta content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\" http-equiv=\"Content-Type\"> <title>High DPI Images</title> <style type=\"text/css\"> img { border: 2px solid black; } </style> </head> <body> <img src=\"IE_Logo_150.png\" alt=\"IE Logo\" height=\"150\" width=\"150\"> </body> </html>", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.886566162109375, "source": "search", "title": "Making the Web Bigger: DPI Scaling and Internet Explorer 8" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "The simplest method is to provide a higher resolution image, but specify the appropriate (smaller) size in the height and width attributes of img. For example, let's say you currently have an image on a page that is 150 by 150 pixels:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.145170211791992, "source": "search", "title": "Making the Web Bigger: DPI Scaling and Internet Explorer 8" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "<html> <head> <meta content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\" http-equiv=\"Content-Type\"> <title>High DPI Images</title> <style type=\"text/css\"> img { border: 2px solid black; } </style> </head> <body> <img src=\"IE_Logo_150.png\" alt=\"IE Logo\" height=\"150\" width=\"150\"> </body> </html>", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.886566162109375, "source": "search", "title": "Making the Web Bigger: DPI Scaling and Internet Explorer 8" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Figure 9: 150x150 at 100% Zoom", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.404173851013184, "source": "search", "title": "Making the Web Bigger: DPI Scaling and Internet Explorer 8" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Now, if we zoom into this page at 200%, the image is scaled to 300 by 300 pixels, and therefore looks less sharp:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.262897491455078, "source": "search", "title": "Making the Web Bigger: DPI Scaling and Internet Explorer 8" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Figure 10: 150x150 at 200% Zoom", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.387473106384277, "source": "search", "title": "Making the Web Bigger: DPI Scaling and Internet Explorer 8" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Now, if we instead insert a 300 by 300 pixel image (not just scaled but specifically designed for that size) in place of the original, we'll be taking advantage of the extra pixels. The image will instead be scaled down for all zoom levels below 200%. Scaling images down has way better results than scaling images up because in the latter case image interpolation is essentially making up data by creating pixels where there were none in the original, while in the former case pixels are being removed. We do not change anything in the HTML besides the source image:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.04248046875, "source": "search", "title": "Making the Web Bigger: DPI Scaling and Internet Explorer 8" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "<html> <head> <meta content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\" http-equiv=\"Content-Type\"> <title>High DPI Images</title> <style type=\"text/css\"> img { border: 2px solid black; } </style> </head> <body> <img src=\"IE_Logo_300.png\" alt=\"IE Logo\" height=\"150\" width=\"150\"> </body> </html>", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.875521659851074, "source": "search", "title": "Making the Web Bigger: DPI Scaling and Internet Explorer 8" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Please note that the height and width parameters of the image must be specified, otherwise Internet Explorer will render the image at its native size at 100% zoom, and will scale accordingly relative to the native size of the image for other zoom settings.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.38601016998291, "source": "search", "title": "Making the Web Bigger: DPI Scaling and Internet Explorer 8" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Figure 11: 300x300 (Left) vs. 150x150 (Right) at 100% Zoom. Note how they are virtually identical.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.238119125366211, "source": "search", "title": "Making the Web Bigger: DPI Scaling and Internet Explorer 8" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Figure 12: 300x300 (Left) vs. 150x150 (Right) at 200% Zoom. 300x300 clearly has higher fidelity.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.221391677856445, "source": "search", "title": "Making the Web Bigger: DPI Scaling and Internet Explorer 8" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Although this provides a higher fidelity experience when zoomed, larger images means larger file sizes, and larger file sizes means your page will use higher bandwidth and will be slower to load. Additionally, you will be providing larger images to those who won't necessarily gain any benefit because they are viewing your page at 100%.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.152677536010742, "source": "search", "title": "Making the Web Bigger: DPI Scaling and Internet Explorer 8" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "JScript DPI Detection Method", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.25940990447998, "source": "search", "title": "Making the Web Bigger: DPI Scaling and Internet Explorer 8" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "As mentioned previously, you can detect the DPI rendering of your page, which corresponds to zoom setting, by checking the screen.deviceXDPI DOM property. You can use this property to feed up different images to users based on their zoom setting. Also note that the onresize event is triggered upon change of zoom factor, therefore you should make sure that any code that takes into account DPI is executed when the onresize event is triggered, as well. Here is an example that loads in an image specifically targeted at 96 (100%), 120 (125%), 144 (150%), and 192 (200%) DPI:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.202635765075684, "source": "search", "title": "Making the Web Bigger: DPI Scaling and Internet Explorer 8" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "<!doctype> <html> <head> <meta content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\" http-equiv=\"Content-Type\"> <title>High DPI Images</title> <style type=\"text/css\"> img { border: 2px solid black; float:left; } #information { float:left; margin-left: 10px; } </style> <script type=\"text/javascript\"> var lastDPI; var dpiAwareImageEl; var zoomSettingEl; var imageNameEl; var titleEl; var image96dpi; var imag120dpi; var image144dpi; var image192dpi; window.onload = onLoad; function onLoad() { dpiAwareImageEl= document.getElementById('dpi_aware'); zoomSettingEl = document.getElementById('zoom_setting'); imageNameEl = document.getElementById('image_name'); titleEl = document.getElementById('title'); image96dpi = 'IE_Logo_150.png'; image120dpi = 'IE_Logo_180.png'; image144dpi = 'IE_Logo_225.png'; image192dpi = 'IE_Logo_300.png'; if (screen.deviceXDPI) { // To avoid throwing JavaScript errors in other browsers lastDPI = screen.deviceXDPI; window.onresize = onResize; zoomSettingEl.innerHTML = lastDPI/96*100; } assignImage(); } function onResize() { if (lastDPI != screen.deviceXDPI) { // Only take action if zoom factor has changed (won't be triggered by actual resize of window) lastDPI = screen.deviceXDPI; zoomSettingEl.innerHTML = lastDPI/96*100; assignImage(); } } function assignImage() { if (screen.deviceXDPI <= '96' || !screen.deviceXDPI) { // 100% Zoom or less, or non-IE browser dpiAwareImageEl.src = image96dpi; imageNameEl.innerHTML = image96dpi; } else if (screen.deviceXDPI <= '120') { // 125% Zoom dpiAwareImageEl.src = image120dpi; imageNameEl.innerHTML = image120dpi; } else if (screen.deviceXDPI <= '144') { // 150% Zoom dpiAwareImageEl.src = image144dpi; imageNameEl.innerHTML = image144dpi; } else { // Greater than 150% Zoom dpiAwareImageEl.src = image192dpi; imageNameEl.innerHTML = image192dpi; } } </script> </head> <body> <h1 id=\"title\">Providing Higher Resolution Images for Different Zoom Factors</h1> <img id=\"dpi_aware\" alt=\"IE Logo\" height=\"150\" width=\"150\"> <div id=\"information\"> <div>Zoom Setting: <span id=\"zoom_setting\">100</span>%</div> <div>Image file used: <span id=\"image_name\">IE_Logo_150.png</span></div> </div> </body> </html>", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.036094665527344, "source": "search", "title": "Making the Web Bigger: DPI Scaling and Internet Explorer 8" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Although providing specific images for all of these zoom levels is overkill, this example illustrates how you can customize your code in order to adjust your page for any zoom level granularity you'd like, and this isn't limited to substituting images.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.330718994140625, "source": "search", "title": "Making the Web Bigger: DPI Scaling and Internet Explorer 8" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Potential Layout Issues with Zoom and How to Fix Them", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.504502296447754, "source": "search", "title": "Making the Web Bigger: DPI Scaling and Internet Explorer 8" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Microsoft Silverlight Applications", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.021556854248047, "source": "search", "title": "Making the Web Bigger: DPI Scaling and Internet Explorer 8" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "You may come across a site where a Silverlight application is not scaling with zoom and/or not being laid out correctly relative to other elements on the page. As of version 2.0, Silverlight is not DPI-aware. However, you can add minimal code in order to get the appropriate functionality. Using the knowledge that a resize event is triggered on zoom, you can listen for the Content.Resized event in your Silverlight Application:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.862533569335938, "source": "search", "title": "Making the Web Bigger: DPI Scaling and Internet Explorer 8" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "App.Current.Host.Content.Resized += new EventHandler(Content_Resized);", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.341109275817871, "source": "search", "title": "Making the Web Bigger: DPI Scaling and Internet Explorer 8" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Here is a simple example that scales the entire application based on the zoom-adjusted width of the Silverlight object container:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.401176452636719, "source": "search", "title": "Making the Web Bigger: DPI Scaling and Internet Explorer 8" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "In the XAML, put a ScaleTransform that you will use when the Silverlight plug-in resizes:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.255044937133789, "source": "search", "title": "Making the Web Bigger: DPI Scaling and Internet Explorer 8" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "<UserControl.RenderTransform> <TransformGroup> <ScaleTransform x:Name=\"zoomTransform\" ScaleX=\"1\" ScaleY=\"1\"/> </TransformGroup> </UserControl.RenderTransform>", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.281189918518066, "source": "search", "title": "Making the Web Bigger: DPI Scaling and Internet Explorer 8" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Lastly, apply the scale as a factor of your application's size:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.39497184753418, "source": "search", "title": "Making the Web Bigger: DPI Scaling and Internet Explorer 8" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "void Content_Resized(object sender, EventArgs e) { System.<tla rid=\"windows\"/>.Interop.Content content = App.Current.Host.Content; double scalePlayerX = (content.ActualWidth / this.Width); double scalePlayerY = (content.ActualHeight / this.Height); this.zoomTransform.ScaleX = scalePlayerX; this.zoomTransform.ScaleY = scalePlayerY; }", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.041773796081543, "source": "search", "title": "Making the Web Bigger: DPI Scaling and Internet Explorer 8" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "This is a very quick and easy solution, but one problem with it is that the fonts as well as the images are being scaled with interpolation, and in turn will add fuzziness to them. Additionally, scaling will also be caused by resizing of the window rather than just by zoom.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.278358459472656, "source": "search", "title": "Making the Web Bigger: DPI Scaling and Internet Explorer 8" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "There is a better, but more involved way, of making Silverlight High DPI aware. As mentioned previously, you can detect the zoom factor of the given page using the screen.deviceXDPI DOM property. This property is accessible via the HtmlWindow.Eval method:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.801345825195312, "source": "search", "title": "Making the Web Bigger: DPI Scaling and Internet Explorer 8" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "double pageDPI = HtmlPage.Window.Eval(\"screen.deviceXDPI\"); double scaleFactor = (pageDPI / 96);", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.353663444519043, "source": "search", "title": "Making the Web Bigger: DPI Scaling and Internet Explorer 8" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "You can then use this information for such things as to lay out your application again, provide higher resolution images, and substitute larger fonts, upon the Content.Resized event and application initialization. By dividing pageDPI by 96, you will get the scaling factor that you need to provide a more enhanced experience for varying zoom levels. For example, let's say your application used a font that was 12px normally (at 100% zoom). If the user zooms to 150% on the page that contains your application, pageDPI will give you 144 and scaleFactor will give you 1.5. You can then change your application's font size to 12px * 1.5 = 18px in the initialization and Content.Resized handler, which will cause your application's fonts to scale relative to the user's zoom setting.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.414811134338379, "source": "search", "title": "Making the Web Bigger: DPI Scaling and Internet Explorer 8" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Adobe Flash Applications", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.277509689331055, "source": "search", "title": "Making the Web Bigger: DPI Scaling and Internet Explorer 8" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Adjusting Scale for Higher DPI Screens", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.201433181762695, "source": "search", "title": "Adjusting Scale for Higher DPI Screens (Internet Explorer)" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Collapse the table of content", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.493414878845215, "source": "search", "title": "Adjusting Scale for Higher DPI Screens (Internet Explorer)" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Expand the table of content", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.489241600036621, "source": "search", "title": "Adjusting Scale for Higher DPI Screens (Internet Explorer)" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "This documentation is archived and is not being maintained.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.890583992004395, "source": "search", "title": "Adjusting Scale for Higher DPI Screens (Internet Explorer)" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "This documentation is archived and is not being maintained.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.890583992004395, "source": "search", "title": "Adjusting Scale for Higher DPI Screens (Internet Explorer)" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Adjusting Scale for Higher DPI Screens", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.201433181762695, "source": "search", "title": "Adjusting Scale for Higher DPI Screens (Internet Explorer)" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "The following topics are discussed in this document.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.476062774658203, "source": "search", "title": "Adjusting Scale for Higher DPI Screens (Internet Explorer)" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Related topics", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.507526397705078, "source": "search", "title": "Adjusting Scale for Higher DPI Screens (Internet Explorer)" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Pixels, Dots, and Resolution", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.095598220825195, "source": "search", "title": "Adjusting Scale for Higher DPI Screens (Internet Explorer)" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "The terms pixel and dot are used interchangeably. Pixel is short for picture element (pix-el). It is a relative length unit that represents the smallest amount of information displayed on the screen as a single dot. Screen resolution is expressed in dots per inch (dpi), which is the number of dots—or pixels—the screen displays per linear inch.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.262005805969238, "source": "search", "title": "Adjusting Scale for Higher DPI Screens (Internet Explorer)" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "The normal resolution on most systems is 96 dpi. Until recently, most computer hardware was not capable of producing higher resolution, but this is changing. Several hardware manufacturers, particularly manufacturers of laptop systems, are building systems capable of producing higher resolution. These systems will be available before the end of the year 2001.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.872763633728027, "source": "search", "title": "Adjusting Scale for Higher DPI Screens (Internet Explorer)" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Images become crisper and text more legible as dpi increases. Because computer screens have sharper pixels and support gray scale, the text on a 200 dpi monitor is as clear as the printout from a 600 dpi laser printer.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.472759246826172, "source": "search", "title": "Adjusting Scale for Higher DPI Screens (Internet Explorer)" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Note  Screen resolution can also be expressed as the total number of pixels displayed horizontally and vertically—such as 640 by 480, 800 by 600, and 1024 by 768. For example, 640 by 480 means there are 640 pixels displayed horizontally and 480 pixels displayed vertically.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.476966857910156, "source": "search", "title": "Adjusting Scale for Higher DPI Screens (Internet Explorer)" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Problems with Higher DPI", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.54764175415039, "source": "search", "title": "Adjusting Scale for Higher DPI Screens (Internet Explorer)" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Scaling is the Solution", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.441812515258789, "source": "search", "title": "Adjusting Scale for Higher DPI Screens (Internet Explorer)" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Internet Explorer 6 and later solves these problems by proportionally adjusting the scale on displays with higher resolution.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.570988655090332, "source": "search", "title": "Adjusting Scale for Higher DPI Screens (Internet Explorer)" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "When scaling is activated on a 192 dpi system, for example, an HTML element that has a specified height and width of 250 pixels has a scaled height and width of approximately 500 pixels.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.938886642456055, "source": "search", "title": "Adjusting Scale for Higher DPI Screens (Internet Explorer)" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "192 DPI / 96 DPI * 250 pixels = 500 pixels", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.240924835205078, "source": "search", "title": "Adjusting Scale for Higher DPI Screens (Internet Explorer)" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "ActiveX Controls and Binary Behaviors", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.50101375579834, "source": "search", "title": "Adjusting Scale for Higher DPI Screens (Internet Explorer)" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Scaling is not a perfect solution. Embedded Microsoft ActiveX controls, binary behaviors, and other elements that use Windows Windows Graphics Device Interface (GDI) calls scale poorly or not at all. The GDI does not perform automatic scaling based on the density of the display.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.244308471679688, "source": "search", "title": "Adjusting Scale for Higher DPI Screens (Internet Explorer)" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "<script> function fnScaleFactorX() { var nScaleFactor = screen.deviceXDPI / screen.logicalXDPI; return nScaleFactor; } </script>", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.73653793334961, "source": "search", "title": "Adjusting Scale for Higher DPI Screens (Internet Explorer)" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "How to Activate Scaling", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.492694854736328, "source": "search", "title": "Adjusting Scale for Higher DPI Screens (Internet Explorer)" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Internet Explorer 6 and later automatically adjusts the scale on higher resolution systems when the dpi setting is higher than 96 dpi and the \"UseHR\" registry value is added to the registry. These are usually done by the manufacturers of higher resolution systems.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.251516342163086, "source": "search", "title": "Adjusting Scale for Higher DPI Screens (Internet Explorer)" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Set the DPI", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.303446769714355, "source": "search", "title": "Adjusting Scale for Higher DPI Screens (Internet Explorer)" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "These are the steps for changing the dpi setting on your system.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.426755905151367, "source": "search", "title": "Adjusting Scale for Higher DPI Screens (Internet Explorer)" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Right-click the Windows desktop to display the context menu.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.349143028259277, "source": "search", "title": "Adjusting Scale for Higher DPI Screens (Internet Explorer)" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Click Properties on the context menu to display the Display Properties dialog.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.143590927124023, "source": "search", "title": "Adjusting Scale for Higher DPI Screens (Internet Explorer)" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Click the Settings tab on the Display Properties dialog to display the Settings tab.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.839091300964355, "source": "search", "title": "Adjusting Scale for Higher DPI Screens (Internet Explorer)" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Click the Advanced button on the Settings tab to display the monitor properties dialog.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.760717391967773, "source": "search", "title": "Adjusting Scale for Higher DPI Screens (Internet Explorer)" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Select a dpi setting in the Display frame of the monitor properties dialog to change the dpi setting.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.441487312316895, "source": "search", "title": "Adjusting Scale for Higher DPI Screens (Internet Explorer)" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Restart your system to allow the changes to take effect.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.49385929107666, "source": "search", "title": "Adjusting Scale for Higher DPI Screens (Internet Explorer)" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Add the UseHR Registry Entry", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.283077239990234, "source": "search", "title": "Adjusting Scale for Higher DPI Screens (Internet Explorer)" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "The UseHR value is added to the Main key under \"Internet Explorer\" as follows:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.998497009277344, "source": "search", "title": "Adjusting Scale for Higher DPI Screens (Internet Explorer)" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Related topics", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.507526397705078, "source": "search", "title": "Adjusting Scale for Higher DPI Screens (Internet Explorer)" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Fix Print Problems", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.486845016479492, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Fix Print Problems", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.486845016479492, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "You can click on a topic of interest in the list below to go directly to that topic:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.436807632446289, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Remarks, Special Remarks, or Directions are Truncated", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.353750228881836, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "When Remarks, Special Remarks, or Directions are incomplete (some information does not display or print), it usually is because too much text has been entered into that field in the listing record in Navigator to fit in the space reserved for it on MLS reports. The listing agent must correct this issue as described below.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.62048625946045, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "CTI Navigator sets an approximate limit on what can be typed into the Remarks, Special Remarks, and Directions fields. However, because CTI Navigator allows proportional (variable) spaced fonts, it cannot be programmed in advance exactly how much space what is typed into the field will eventually fill the entire printable space. It is not just a function of number of characters. The total space is affected by factors such as the difference between letters (such as \"i\" versus \"w\") and between numbers (such as �1� and �8�), but also by the fact that capital or italicized letters occupy more space than lowercase or non-italicized versions of the same letter. It would degrade performance if the program had to continuously re-calculate space used/remaining with every keystroke as you type in the Remarks, Special Remarks, or Directions fields.  ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.331478118896484, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Pasting information into a field on the other hand is an all-or-none process. Therefore, Navigator will accept pasting blocks of text even though some of the text may exceed the available print area and not display on MLS reports.  ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.755929946899414, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "As a general guideline, to ensure text can display in printed reports when using Arial 12 point font, listing agents should:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.79836654663086, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Remarks: enter no more than 5 to 6 lines of text in the text field, or approximately 700 characters (including spaces)", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.052315711975098, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Special Remarks: enter no more than 2.5 lines of text in the text field, or approximately 300 characters (including spaces)", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.156060218811035, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Directions: enter no more than 2 lines of text, or approximately 200 characters (including spaces).", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.220903396606445, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Depending on the actual characters, spacing and formatting used, it is possible to enter about 20 to 25% more than the above recommended maximum numbers. Note however, that viewing Add or Modify Listing on a larger monitor or maximizing the view will display more typing area, but does not actually increase what the system will display.  ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.587997436523438, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "To help get more of the important information to display, listing agents can:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.340592384338379, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Minimize use of CAPITAL letters, italic font, and articles of speech (such as �the�)", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.28376579284668, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Abbreviate whenever practical and clear", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.439454078674316, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Always enter most important information first (so it will show in tables, 1-line reports, and CMAs)", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.435111045837402, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "When entering a new listing, preview/print a Full Report and Buyers' Handout to ensure everything shows as you intend.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.457651138305664, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Field sizes have been optimized so that key information can be displayed in a variety of report formats. Any expansion in the size of one field would require offsetting reduction in the size of other field(s). ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.434525489807129, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "General Fixes  ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.383169174194336, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Safari: click on File and select Print;", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.348832130432129, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Chrome (with IE Tab extension ): click on the menu icon", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.94792652130127, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "and select Print.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.27503776550293, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "For additional instructions, select \" Disable or Configure Common Pop-Up Blockers or Remove Add-on Toolbars \" in the Related Articles at the end of this web page.  ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.318467140197754, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Select Tools > Internet Options > click the Security tab > select Trusted Sites > click Sites button > un-check \"Require server verification (https:)... \" > click in the \"Add this website to the zone\" box and type > click the Add button > click the close button. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.483357429504395, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Normally scripting is already enabled by default in all the major browser. For instructions on verifying or enabling scripting in the browser you are using, select \" Enable JavaScript (scripting) in Internet Browsers \" in the Related Articles at the end of this web page. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.654339790344238, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "  is displayed on the website tab. Currently, the IE Tab extension for Firefox only runs in Windows (not in Mac OS X).", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.658859252929688, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Chrome includes a built-in PDF viewer from Google. If this internal viewer does not print MLS reports in PDF View properly, you can disable it, download the free Adobe Reader, and set Chrome to use the Adobe Reader (as described under Chrome PDF Settings below).", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.539463996887207, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Print Reports in Firefox : To print MLS reports, follow the instructions in \" Print Using PDF Viewer \" above and then select the print icon", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.259636878967285, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "on Firefox's PDF Viewer screen. If the print problem persists, click \" Fix Printing Problems in Firefox \" for Mozilla's instructions on how to troubleshoot printing problems in Firefox.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.134893417358398, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Print CMA from Firefox through Internet Explorer : Due to a change in the way Firefox processes multiple page printing (which is now different from all other browsers), to print a CMA you may need to print your CMA in Firefox through the Internet Explorer (IE) browser. To print through IE:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.912103652954102, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "On the CMA Printing tab screen in Firefox, select \"Copy Link to Clipboard\" - in beta Navigator Web click the Options button, then click \"Copy Link to Clipboard.\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.569829940795898, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Open IE and paste  your CMA report link into IE's address box (right-click and paste, or use Ctrl+V keys). The full CMA report should display. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.967562675476074, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Click on IE's Tools gear icon", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.204262733459473, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": ", or File in IE's Menu bar, and select Print (or Print Preview if you want to see exactly how the report will look when printed).", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.972153663635254, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "To save your CMA report as a PDF file in IE, print to a PDF Converter. This is described in CTI's General Tech Tip, \" Save File or Report as PDF \".", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.34723949432373, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Browser Page Setup Settings  ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.403986930847168, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Print problems for CTI Navigator Web can be caused by the browser's \"Page Setup\" settings. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.039960861206055, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "* IE Menu Bar Note . If the menu bar is not displayed, either press the Alt key on your keyboard to temporarily display it; or right-click on a blank spot at the top of the browser (or simultaneously press Alt+V > select Toolbars) and check \"Menu Bar\" to set it to stay visible. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.700684547424316, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "What is in the top box under Header/Footer prints on the left side, what is in the middle box prints in the middle of the line, and what is in the bottom box prints on the right side of the Header/Footer line. For example, the settings above will create a Header with Title (if any) on the left, and \"Page_ of _\" on the right at the top of every page; and URL on the left, and Date on the right in a Footer at the bottom of every page. Any entry under Header will reserve the entire top line of every page for a header, even if there is no text to print there. The same is true for Footer (which reserves the bottom line of every page).   ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.237591743469238, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "The Margin settings determine how close to the edge of the sheet the printer prints either its Heading/Footer, or if no Heading/Footer, how close to the paper edge the text prints. When the default page setup reserves space at the top and bottom of all pages for a browser Header and Footer, the space available to print reports (between the Header/Footer) is reduced. MLS Reports contain their own Header and Footer, and are not designed to also print (or reserve space for) a browser's Header and Footer. Checking \"Enable Shrink-to-Fit\" may cause the report to print between the Header/Footer at a reduced size. However, if the Top and Bottom Margins are too large (greater than 0.25 for most printers) and the browser is adding its own Header and Footer (as shown above), the MLS report may not print at all -  even with \"Enable Shrink-to-fit\" checked. This is because the browser's Headers/Footers apply to every page, so no page will have room to print a complete MLS report page.  ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.971491813659668, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "To change or delete any Header or Footer setting in the browser Page Setup, click the down button to the right of its setting box. Select \"Empty\" to not reserve space to print that Heading or Footer item. If any box has an entry other than empty, the entire Header/Footer line will be reserved and not available for printing report text or photos. To maximize the space available in which to print reports or other information, set all Header/Footer commands to \"Empty\" as shown below. If the browser adds its own Header and/or Footer, some report pages or photos may overflow onto subsequent pages, causing blank pages or incorrect page breaks.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.996135711669922, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Chrome . To adjust basic printer and page settings in Chrome, click the menu icon", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.244455337524414, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "(or wrench icon", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.256811141967773, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": ") and then select Print, (or in press Ctrl+P Windows or Command+P in Mac) to display Chrome's Print screen (see settings in image below). ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.265427589416504, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "DEFAULT", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.30066204071045, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "On this screen you can adjust:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.98648452758789, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Destination: Click Change to choose the printer you want to use. To save the document as a PDF file (instead of printing onto paper), click the Change button and select \"Save as PDF\" under \"Local Destination.\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.301340103149414, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Pages: Choose the pages you want to print. Select All to print every page or select specific pages to print by clicking in the box and entering the page numbers.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.451026916503906, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Copies: If your printer supports printing multiple copies, use the + or - buttons to change the number of copies to be printed, or type the number of copies you need in the box.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.308579444885254, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Layout: For MLS reports, choose to print page content in Portrait (vertical) orientation on the page (not Landscape orientation).", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.465906143188477, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Color: Choose whether the page should be printed in Color or Black and white.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.519804000854492, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Margins: Adjust the amount of margin space surrounding the page content. For some printers you may need to click the down arrow and select \"Minimum.\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.39637279510498, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Headers and footers Option: Choose whether to include a default header and footer that display the date, page title, URL, and number of pages printed. Most MLS Reports include their own Header and Footer, and therefore print best with Chrome's additional Headers and Footers not checked. Pages may not print properly or at all when there is not enough room to add Chrome�s headers and footers to the top and bottom of the page.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.97385311126709, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Two-sided Option: If you have a duplex printer, choose this option to print on both sides of the paper.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.433262825012207, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Print using system dialog (except Chrome OS): Use your operating system's (Windows or Mac) print functionality instead of Chrome's functionality to print the page. Often this is the easiest way to print from the Internet ï¿½normally.�", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.973752975463867, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Note that changes in Chrome's Print screen are only temporary during the current browser session. Once you close all the browser screens, Chrome returns to Google's default print settings (instead of retaining your custom settings). ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.555635452270508, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Firefox. In Mozilla Firefox select File* > \"Page Setup\" to open the screen where you can adjust print orientation, margins, and the page headers and footers:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.074475288391113, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "* FF Menu Bar Note . If the menu bar is not displayed at the top of your Firefox browser screen, either press the Alt key on your keyboard to temporarily display the menu so you can select File > Page Setup; or Click the Menu button", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.384273529052734, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "in the top toolbar > select Print > Page Setup. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.425777435302734, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "If MLS reports do not print correctly in Firefox, try setting the Top and Bottom Margins to 0.25 and set all the \"Headers & Footers\" boxes to \"-blank-\" to maximize the printable area for the MLS report. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.513238906860352, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Safari. In Apple Safari (for versions prior to 3 on a Mac or current versions installed in Windows), select File > Page Setup.  The default Page Setup screen displays all 1 inch margins as shown below:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.261699676513672, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "If your MLS reports (especially CMAs) do not print correctly in Safari, try setting the Top and Bottom margins to 1.2 inches (or zero, or whatever works for your printer). Set the margins on the File > Print Preview screen so you can use Safari's Up and Down Arrow icons in the top menu of the Print Preview screen to preview for page breaks. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.957350730895996, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Some printers may also have utility software for configuration. To check, select the Apple icon at the top left of the screen > select System Preferences > \"Print & Fax\" in the Hardware section. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.380294799804688, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Starting with version 3 (Leopard) and later of Safari installed on a Mac, the page setup has been integrated into the File > Print dialog screen. On the Print dialog screen you can select Page Size, set the Orientation and its Scale (+/- 100%), and you can check or uncheck to Print Headers and Footers. Ensure that Paper Size is set to \"US Letter\" (8.50 by 11.00 inches) and Orientation is set to Portrait.  Un-check \"Print Headers and Footers\" to provide more printable area for MLS reports and to support normal page breaks. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.075613021850586, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "There is no setting option for margins on the print dialog screen. Print Margins are now a feature of the specific printer that is installed, and the margin settings can be shared across browsers in Apple's OS X System Preferences. Depending on your brand and model of printer, selecting Paper Size may provide a \"borderless\" option, or a \"Manage Custom Sizes\" option. The \"Manage Custom Sizes\" screen will usually provide margin settings that you modify and then save the setting with a Custom Name (such as \"No Margins\" if you set all margins to zero). For more information on managing or resolving printing issues, consult your printer manufacturer's website. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.60392951965332, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "The following procedure for setting margins in Safari 4+ on a Mac was posted on the Macworld Community Form .", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.49660873413086, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "From within Safari choose File > Print. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.439587593078613, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Select the \"Paper Size\" drop-down option and choose \"Manage Custom Sizes.\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.522454261779785, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Use the \"+\" sign to create a new template.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.38701343536377, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Double-click on the name of the template \"Untitled\" and type in a name of your choosing, such as \"Letter for Safari.\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.981499671936035, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Hit \"Return\" to save you Custom Size name. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.558727264404297, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "For \"Paper Size\" type in \"8.5 in\" for width and \"11 in\" for height.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.504243850708008, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "For \"Non-Printable Area\" select \"User Defined.\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.401052474975586, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Input your desired Top, Bottom, Left, and Right margin settings. For example, ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.426432609558105, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Go to \"System Preferences > Print and Fax\" and select your printer from the menu on the left side.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.486501693725586, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Under the drop-down \"Default Paper Size\" tab in the lower-middle section of the screen, select the Custom paper size that you just created in Safari (such as \"Letter for Safari\").", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.237263679504395, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Quit System Preferences.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.47938346862793, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Open Safari and print a test page.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.504192352294922, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Note: You DO NOT need to select the Paper Size on the \"Print\" screen menu. Although \"Paper Size\" displays the default \"Letter,\" it actually prints the margin sizes set for your Custom paper size.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.569067001342773, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "If your printer does not provide an adjustable margin setting option, you can (install and) open Firefox, and then change the Page Setup margins in Firefox ( see above ). Those adjusted margins should also be reflected when printing from Safari on a Mac using OS X.  ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.257411003112793, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Internet Explorer 9+ Print Issues", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.96812629699707, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "To resolve problems when trying to print from IE 9 or later, first update your printer driver to the latest version. If the print problem persists, set your IE 9, 10 or 11 browser to use Software rendering instead of GPU rendering. Then, if necessary, re-register the ieframe.dll file in Windows. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.936029434204102, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "To update or repair your printer driver to the latest version, follow the steps below as needed:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.535658836364746, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Uninstall and re-install the printer in Windows Control Panel. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.254575729370117, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Update the Printer Drivers using Windows Update. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.826136589050293, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Download and install the latest driver for your printer model directly to the printer manufacturer's website. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.519307136535645, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "For detailed instructions, select the article in the Related Articles at the end of this web page appropriate for your version of Windows. (Note that IE 9 or later cannot be installed in Windows XP or earlier.) ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.94243049621582, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "As a temporary workaround for script errors when printing from IE 9+:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.273828506469727, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Print using 32-bit IE instead of 64-bit; or", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.084733963012695, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Print using \"Run as Administrator\" for IE. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.086962699890137, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "To set your IE 9+ to use Software rendering instead of GPU (hardware) rendering:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.108443260192871, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Open Internet Explorer  ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.335404396057129, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Wherever the \"Content Type\" contains \"Adobe Acrobat...\", click on the corresponding Action (in the right pane)", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.368067741394043, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Select \"Use Adobe Reader\" from the list (instead of Adobe Acrobat)", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.424420356750488, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Click OK at the bottom of the Options dialog", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.273157119750977, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Restart Firefox.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.461994171142578, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Black & White or Color . To print in Black & White, check \"Print in grayscale (black and white)\" on the Print dialog box for your printer (as shown below)", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.456650733947754, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "To send color code for PDF documents to your color printer, un-check \"Print in grayscale (black and white)\" on the Print dialog box for your printer. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.475515365600586, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "CTI Navigator Desktop  ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.774178504943848, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Print problems in Windows are typically caused by  either a missing, corrupted, out-of-date, or misconfigured printer driver (or LAN print server/ spooler ), or by non-standard printer default settings or fonts. Printer drivers can become corrupted by viruses, power surges or outages, and other computer problems. If you upgrade your version of Windows, the current printer driver may not be fully compatible with the new version of Windows.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.956252098083496, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Manage Default Printer", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.52537727355957, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "You can check the Windows default printer and its settings in the Windows Control Panel by selecting Printers (or \"Devices and Printers\"). To verify that the printer driver is active, right-click on the default printer > select Properties > click Test Print Page (or print from another Windows application such as WordPad or Word). Click Printing Preference s to verify that the default printer is the correct name and that it is set to letter size paper, portrait orientation, main or default tray.  ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.783864974975586, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Note 2 - Network Printer in Vista : When setting up a network printer in Windows Vista, let Windows locate the printer on the network and add its IP address. If you browse to install a network a printer and manually enter its URL (alphabetic) address rather than its IP (numeric) address, MLS reports may not get routed correctly to the network printer (they may just disappear). ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.6016845703125, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Note 3 - Spooling : When printing over a network and/or through a wireless router, you may need to set the printer driver to accumulate the entire print file (by spooling) before sending the document to the printer. Otherwise, the printer may fail to print or lock up when printing MLS documents. To set spooling, open Windows Control Panel > select Printers >  right-click on the name of the default printer > select Properties > Advanced tab > under \"Spool print documents so program finishes printing faster\" select \"Start printing after last page is spooled\" > OK button. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.85869026184082, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Update Printer Driver or Windows Standard Fonts", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.430499076843262, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "To download the latest driver for your model of printer, go to the printer manufacturer's website.  Most manufacturer's have a site with their name (www.{brother, dell, epson, hp, kodak, lexmark, or xerox}.com - although Canon's is ). If you don't know your printer's model, some of the generic driver site's have programs to detect it (such as , ). If you are printing over a local area network, have the network administrator ensure that the latest print drivers are installed for that specific model of printer and for the version of Windows running on your computer.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.203956604003906, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Manage Printer Resources", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.541023254394531, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Sometimes other programs send special print commands and/or fonts to the printer that stay in memory (i.e., the printer does not return to its default settings). MLS reports may not print correctly if the printer is not using its default (standard) settings. Selecting Print from the MLS report Preview screen (rather than printing directly from the Search Results table) can help ensure that the default printer driver with its default settings are activated in Windows. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.845701217651367, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "It also is possible that memory management settings or resource limitations in Windows or in the printer itself are causing printing problems. Try closing all programs except CTI Navigator, turn the printer off and back on (to flush its memory and re-set it to its default settings) and then print MLS reports without selecting Preview.  ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.025769233703613, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Instead of selecting Print and Print Preview, you can select Report Display", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.313375473022461, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "on a search results table. The Report Display function is not as resource (memory) intensive as the Print Preview function. Using Report Display allows you to interactively  preview reports for each listing in a search results table and select only those you want to print (see description of the  Report Display Icon in the Data Table Overview section of CTI Navigator Help ). Even when your computer or printer may have resource limitations, you still should be able to use Report Display to preview before printing. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.20034122467041, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Scanners  may reserve specific sections of memory exclusively for us by the scanner. If you have a scanner attached to your computer, try inactivating the scanner's memory management program before printing MLS reports.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.13017463684082, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "If re-installing your printer driver does not fix the problem, you may need to adjust the margins for output to your printer. To change the printer margins, in CTI Navigator select File > Options > Printer Margin Offsets.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.424288749694824, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Printer margin adjustments are in pixels. There are approximately 1,440 pixels in one inch. Therefore a one-eighth inch adjustment would be 180 pixels, one-quarter inch would be 360 pixels. The value entered is added to the existing default margin. Entering a positive value makes the margin wider (i.e., printing starts further away from the edge of the paper). Entering a negative value reduces the width of the margin (i.e., text prints closer to the edge of the paper).", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.126163482666016, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Printers differ in how close they can print to the edge of a sheet of paper. Reducing the width of the margin (by entering a negative offset value) assumes that your printer can actually print as close to the edge of the paper as you specify. You may need to experiment with several values to determine the pixel adjustment appropriate for your printer, or consult the printer's documentation from the manufacturer.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.390692710876465, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Example margin adjustments are:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.378618240356445, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "If the bottom line of your MLS reports print on a second page rather than on the same page as the rest of the report, raise the bottom margin one-quarter inch by entering 360 beside Bottom.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.52450942993164, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "If the top of your MLS reports are missing text, widen the top margin one-eighth of an inch by entering 180 beside Top.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.468207359313965, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "To lower the bottom margin by one-quarter inch enter -360 (with a minus sign) beside Bottom.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.494590759277344, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "To move the top line one-eighth inch further up toward the top edge, enter -180 (with a minus sign) beside Top.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.48703384399414, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" }, { "answer": "E", "passage": "Most printers work correctly with the default print settings and do not need printer margin offsets.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.530354499816895, "source": "search", "title": "Fix Print Problems -" } ]
Which name of something used by avid readers is the Netscape Navigator name for Favorites?
{ "aliases": [ "Bookmarked", "Bookmarks", "Bookmark (disambiguation)" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "bookmarked", "bookmark disambiguation", "bookmarks" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "bookmarks", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Bookmarks" }
[ { "answer": "Bookmarks", "passage": "Netscape Navigator offers Bookmarks while Internet Explorer offers a Favorites list for frequently visited sites.", "precise_score": 1.8146789073944092, "rough_score": 4.957211971282959, "source": "search", "title": "Online Study Guide - Pearson Higher Ed" }, { "answer": "Bookmarks", "passage": "Use bookmarks. If you are continuously shopping online, typing the site URL in the web address line of your browser can be tedious and extremely time consuming. Next time try utilizing the favorites or bookmark feature. While you are sitting on a site you want to return back to: With AOL, just drag the heart shaped icon from the top of the browser window and drop it into the \"favorites\" folder with the heart on it. With Internet Explorer, click on the \"favorites\" folder, click on add. With Netscape Navigator, click on \"bookmarks\" and add bookmark. Save even more time by making sure to organize web sites in folders for optimum use. When purchasing online, it is important to know that some retailers prohibit return of items, often for a good reason. Knowing the policy of your retailer will help to prevent any confusion later on.", "precise_score": 0.02232738770544529, "rough_score": -0.5088798999786377, "source": "search", "title": "paynes gray | TV Boards, Parts & Components" }, { "answer": "Bookmarks", "passage": "If you use AOL's Netscape, you now have a bookmark.HTML to share your Explorer and Netscape bookmarks and favorites.", "precise_score": -0.26412642002105713, "rough_score": 2.453861951828003, "source": "search", "title": "Bo's Internet Explorer Help & How To's - UniTelME" }, { "answer": "Bookmarks", "passage": "bookmarks", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.033432006835938, "source": "search", "title": "Online Study Guide - Pearson Higher Ed" }, { "answer": "Bookmarks", "passage": "Nemo uses WebKit in order to render messages on screen. This means that if you know a little bit of CSS you can create your own messages styles or threads map styles easily and share them with other users like in Adium or Colloquy. You can also navigate the Internet with the simple and complete integrated browser; you can use your bookmarks from your favorite browser with an auto-update sync feature.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.882538795471191, "source": "search", "title": "Macintosh Usenet Newsreaders Software at The Mac Orchard" }, { "answer": "Bookmarks", "passage": "Link Pad - The Link Pad is a new sidebar feature that allows you to save links/URLs that you want to visit later without cluttering your bookmarks. Just drag a link over the Link Pad status bar icon and drop it to save it in the Link Pad. By default, clicking on an item in the Link Pad will open it in the browser and remove it from the list, saving you the step of deleting it.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.202332496643066, "source": "search", "title": "Macintosh Usenet Newsreaders Software at The Mac Orchard" }, { "answer": "Bookmarks", "passage": "Sidebar Mini Browser - You've always been able to have bookmarks open in the sidebar, but we've improved this functionality and extended it to all links, not just bookmarks. Additionally, we've added a navigation toolbar to the sidebar for even easier split-screened browsing. Just right-click on a link and select \"Open Link in Sidebar\" to get started!", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.144220352172852, "source": "search", "title": "Macintosh Usenet Newsreaders Software at The Mac Orchard" }, { "answer": "Bookmarks", "passage": "OPML Support - Netscape Navigator supports importing and exporting your bookmarks in OPML, a popular format for sharing lists of newsfeeds.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -2.364335298538208, "source": "search", "title": "Macintosh Usenet Newsreaders Software at The Mac Orchard" }, { "answer": "Bookmarks", "passage": "Favorites: - See \"Bookmarks\".", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.239119529724121, "source": "search", "title": "General Quick Reference | PTD" }, { "answer": "Bookmarks", "passage": "Bookmarks", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.033432006835938, "source": "search", "title": "Netscape Navigator Vs. Microsoft Internet Explorer - Who ..." }, { "answer": "Bookmarks", "passage": "Bookmarks, while not the most important feature in a browser, are certainly a very convenient item. Given the amount of information being placed on the web daily, imagine having to write down every URL you wanted to remember, or trying to find the same URL again! Bookmarks also let the user categorize and sort bookmarks into sections, so their URLS are much easier to find in the bookmark list.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.98304271697998, "source": "search", "title": "Netscape Navigator Vs. Microsoft Internet Explorer - Who ..." }, { "answer": "Bookmarks", "passage": "Both browsers support bookmarks, or Favorites, as they are called in IE. Bookmarks in Navigator are easier to manage, and allows the user to insert separators, group bookmarks easily, see details of the last time the bookmark was used, and control the duration of the link (PC Direct, 1996). However, IE also includes a History folder that tracks every page visited for a certain number of days. The number of days is defined by the user, and makes backtracking much easier (Santalesa, 1996). Navigator provides a history, but only for the current session.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -1.4349802732467651, "source": "search", "title": "Netscape Navigator Vs. Microsoft Internet Explorer - Who ..." }, { "answer": "Bookmarks", "passage": "However, users may want to consider the differences in the size of Navigator's and IE's bookmark files. That's right - size. The same bookmark file in Navigator will take up A LOT more disk space in IE. For example, a 458-KB bookmark file in Navigator takes up in IE- please sit down - anywhere between 18MB and 38MB, depending on the computer system (Santalesa, 1996). IE's Favorites take up significantly more space than Navigator's bookmarks, because each Favorite (bookmark) in IE becomes a Windows shortcut that, depending on the users disk-block size, actually uses up 16KB to 32 KB per entry. Those low on disk space and using IE should keep their Favorites folder to a minimum!", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.2135491371154785, "source": "search", "title": "Netscape Navigator Vs. Microsoft Internet Explorer - Who ..." }, { "answer": "Bookmarks", "passage": "If you're like most people, you use your Favorites menu all the time to access both Web pages and folders and files on your computer. You may not have known that you can create a local Web page of all your favorites, so you can see how they're organized and access pages with a single click. In Internet Explorer, go to File, Import And Export. Click Next and choose Export Favorites from the box at the left. Click Next again, select the Favorites Source Folder at the top to export all Favorites, and then click Next. Choose a location for your bookmarks page from Export To File Or Address and click Next one last time. You now have a handy Web page listing all of your favorites.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.46126651763916, "source": "search", "title": "Bo's Internet Explorer Help & How To's - UniTelME" } ]
A small a in a circle is pronounced how?
{ "aliases": [ "At.", "AT (disambiguation)", "A.T.", "AT", "A.t.", "A T", "At" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "at disambiguation", "at", "t" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "at", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "At" }
[ { "answer": "At", "passage": "To create the 'oo sound' /u/, the lips are pulled into a tense, small circle. In addition, the back of the tongue is raised to a high position and sides of the tongue may touch the top teeth at the back of the mouth.", "precise_score": -5.029573440551758, "rough_score": -6.49157190322876, "source": "search", "title": "Pronounce oo sound — Pronuncian: American English ..." }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "This introductory lesson to Mandarin Pinyin pronunciation is divided into 7 parts and click the following links (in blue) to start. The materials for practice are available on the CDROM , For more information on Pinyin please visit the Wikipedia website.", "precise_score": -11.15200424194336, "rough_score": -10.69529914855957, "source": "search", "title": "Pinyin Pronunciation" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "There are some irregular features in Pinyin pronunciation. When the vowel ē comes before or after the vowels ī and ǖ, it should be pronounced “e” as in “bed”. Let's read the following 3 examples in the first tone.", "precise_score": -9.000804901123047, "rough_score": -10.580814361572266, "source": "search", "title": "Pinyin Pronunciation" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "When you read out the following letters close your teeth, but not too tightly. Place your tongue so that it is just vibrating against the back of your upper front teeth. Please note: the vowel “i” should NOT be pronounced in this case. The (here soundless) letter “i” is placed after z, c, s, zh, ch and sh in written Pinyin as a vehicle for indicating the tones.", "precise_score": -9.91258716583252, "rough_score": -10.421266555786133, "source": "search", "title": "Pinyin Pronunciation" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "The vowel u after the consonants j, q and x should be pronounced ü. In other words, there is no u sound after j, q and x in Mandarin pronunciation.", "precise_score": -9.83484935760498, "rough_score": -10.003948211669922, "source": "search", "title": "Pinyin Pronunciation" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "There is no ü sound after the consonants z, c, s, h, r, zh, ch, and sh in Mandarin pronunciation.", "precise_score": -10.82975959777832, "rough_score": -10.333553314208984, "source": "search", "title": "Pinyin Pronunciation" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "2.        When a 3rd tone is followed by a 1st, 2nd, 4th or neutral tone, the 3rd tone should be pronounced as a low 3rd tone. In other words it is a low sustained tone, e.g., as in jĭnzhāng (紧张 nervous) and jiĕfàng (解放 liberate). Both jĭn and jiĕ stay in the lower part of your voice and you don’t move the sound up.", "precise_score": -8.679463386535645, "rough_score": -9.45145320892334, "source": "search", "title": "Pinyin Pronunciation" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "The syllable before the neutral tone should be pronounced longer, as if it is a crochet in music notation and the neutral tone as a quaver.", "precise_score": -8.815630912780762, "rough_score": -10.683207511901855, "source": "search", "title": "Pinyin Pronunciation" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "A neutral tone should be in the middle range of your voice. If a neutral tone is preceded by a low tone such as a third (curved) tone or a low ending tone such as a fourth (falling) tone, the neutral tone should end up at a higher pitch than the preceding tones; if a neutral tone is preceded by a first (sustained) tone or second (rising) tone, the neutral tone should end at a lower pitch than the preceding tones.", "precise_score": -11.084038734436035, "rough_score": -10.55819034576416, "source": "search", "title": "Pinyin Pronunciation" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "Next, practice the 'W' sound. The second part of the \"QU\" sound is the \"W\" sound. This should sound the the \"Wha\" in \"What\" or like the beginning of the word \"one.\" The \"W\" sound is made by pursing your lips into a tight little circle, then releasing air as you widen your lips, making the circle grow larger. If it sounds too breathy, (like \"huh-wuh\"), keep working at it - you're probably releasing too much air at the beginning of the sound.", "precise_score": -7.580119609832764, "rough_score": -8.606419563293457, "source": "search", "title": "How to Pronounce 'Qu' in English: 7 Steps (with Pictures)" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "Pay attention to the motion of your mouth. Look at your mouth in the mirror while you practice the \"QU\" sound. Ideally, the motion of your mouth should be a combination of motions it makes for the \"K\" and \"W\" sounds. Purse your lips into a small circle as you simultaneously click your tongue against the back of your mouth, then immediately widen your lips.", "precise_score": -7.647883892059326, "rough_score": -7.6272993087768555, "source": "search", "title": "How to Pronounce 'Qu' in English: 7 Steps (with Pictures)" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "In Japanese, you can add marks to make a letter sound differently. If you put two marks (“ten ten”) in the upper right corner of K, S, T, or H sounds, you can change their pronunciation to G, Z, D, or B, respectively. Also, you can put a small circle (“maruten”) in the upper right corner of an H sound only to get the P sound.", "precise_score": -0.633916437625885, "rough_score": 0.14046218991279602, "source": "search", "title": "Japanese Alphabet Pronounciation | JapaneseUp" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "The vowels i and u are often silent or barely pronounced in most Japanese words, especially when they are located at the end of certain verbs. It is also the case of the vowel “u” that follows the consonant “s”. For example, “arimasu” (there is) is pronounced “ah-ree-mas”, “deshita” (was) is pronounced “deh-shtah”, and “suki” (to like) is pronounced “skee”. When は, を and へ are used as sentence particles, they are respectively pronounced wa (“wah”), o (“oh”) and e (“eh”).", "precise_score": -8.830466270446777, "rough_score": -9.501603126525879, "source": "search", "title": "Japanese Alphabet Pronounciation | JapaneseUp" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "Mathematics. a circle that rolls, externally or internally, without slipping, on another circle, generating an epicycloid or hypocycloid.", "precise_score": -8.038047790527344, "rough_score": -6.272400379180908, "source": "search", "title": "Epicycle | Define Epicycle at" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "a circle that rolls around the inside or outside of another circle, so generating an epicycloid or hypocycloid", "precise_score": -8.611321449279785, "rough_score": -6.417287826538086, "source": "search", "title": "Epicycle | Define Epicycle at" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "In Ptolemaic cosmology, a small circle representing a temporary adjustment to the position of a planet as it orbits the Earth. The five known planets, along with the Sun and Moon, were conceived as moving through the sky in large circular paths with the Earth at their center. As a planet moved along its path, it occasionally departed from its regular motion to follow a much smaller circle centered on the orbital path itself. These smaller circles, or epicycles, were necessary to reconcile the observed motions of the planets with a geocentric model of the universe. The epicycles of the inferior planets Mercury and Venus were fixed to the orbit of the Sun and explained why those planets were never observed far from it in the sky. The epicycles of the superior planets Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn explained why those bodies were sometimes observed to move backward in their orbits, a phenomenon known as retrograde motion and explained in a heliocentric model by the differing orbital velocities of the Earth and the planet being observed. See illustration at Ptolemaic system .", "precise_score": -3.960022211074829, "rough_score": -4.386219501495361, "source": "search", "title": "Epicycle | Define Epicycle at" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "A circle whose circumference rolls along the circumference of a fixed circle, thereby generating an epicycloid or a hypocycloid.", "precise_score": -7.338359355926514, "rough_score": -6.829288959503174, "source": "search", "title": "Epicycle | Define Epicycle at" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "Arabic pronunciation is difficult for a lot of beginners, but we’re going to try to lay as simple a foundation for you as we can. That way, we can perhaps cut some of the difficulty off at the pass. First, let’s start with a review. The Arabic alphabet has twenty-eight letters in it, and Arabic syllables typically consist of one consonant and a vowel that is either short or long. Speaking of vowels, there are six of them in Arabic, and they are either short or long. Having completed our review, we will now turn our attention to some slightly more specific tips for you.", "precise_score": -10.3399019241333, "rough_score": -10.05340576171875, "source": "search", "title": "Arabic Pronunciation |" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "One of the first concepts you should familiarize yourself with when you’re learning Arabic pronunciation is called the Shadda. This is a linguistic term, and it refers to any letter that is stressed while it is being pronounced. It is indicated by a symbol written above it, and it’s crucial that the emphasis is placed properly in such cases. If not, it could actually change the meaning of the word entirely in some instances. Another thing to remember is that if there is a small circle above any consonant, then that means that that consonant is not pronounced at all. Rather, it carries a silent sound.", "precise_score": -0.8570368885993958, "rough_score": -2.3740994930267334, "source": "search", "title": "Arabic Pronunciation |" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "We’d like to give you a couple of final, more general tips about learning Arabic pronunciation as well. One of them is a tip that we’ve mentioned before in teaching other languages, because it is applicable to all of them. However, this tip certainly bears repeating. The tip we’re talking about is to seize every opportunity that’s presented to you to listen to native speakers of the language. However, it’s important to remember that just because someone is a native speaker of any particular language, Arabic included, doesn’t necessarily mean that they themselves are pronouncing the words correctly. Therefore, if you can find recordings of people that you know for a fact are pronouncing the words correctly, then it’s a good idea to listen to those recordings on a frequent, repeated basis.", "precise_score": -11.320472717285156, "rough_score": -10.66856575012207, "source": "search", "title": "Arabic Pronunciation |" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "Circle | Define Circle at", "precise_score": -6.275700569152832, "rough_score": -4.6828765869140625, "source": "search", "title": "Circle | Define Circle at" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "to move in a circle or circuit around; rotate or revolve around:", "precise_score": -8.896332740783691, "rough_score": -7.6952972412109375, "source": "search", "title": "Circle | Define Circle at" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "(in the early U.S. West) to form the wagons of a covered-wagon train into a circle for defensive purposes, as against Indian attack.", "precise_score": -10.761748313903809, "rough_score": -9.730066299438477, "source": "search", "title": "Circle | Define Circle at" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "Part 2: The sound transitions into an 'oo sound' /u/ by closing the lips into a small circle while lowering the front of the tongue. At the same time as the front of the tongue lowers, the back of the tongue raises.", "precise_score": -5.925970077514648, "rough_score": -8.559525489807129, "source": "search", "title": "Pronounce long u — pronuncian" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "The lips: To understand how the lips function when saying the \"r\" sound, ask someone who can pronounce it properly to say the word \"rabbit.\" What does their mouth do when they say the \"r\" part of the word? If they're forming it correctly, their mouth makes a small circle. The rounded lips are the first component of a proper \"r\" pronunciation. [4]", "precise_score": -1.9268436431884766, "rough_score": -3.5101544857025146, "source": "search", "title": "How to Pronounce R's: 9 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "Czech Pronunciation", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.06317138671875, "source": "search", "title": "Czech Pronunciation - Travlang" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "Czech Pronunciation", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.06317138671875, "source": "search", "title": "Czech Pronunciation - Travlang" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "Czech spelling is amoung the most phonetic of all European languages. This means that you need not worry how to pronounce each new word because the letters or combination of letters consistantly represent the sound. The following are a few important points to remember about Czech spelling.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.817330360412598, "source": "search", "title": "Czech Pronunciation - Travlang" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "Czech has two accents which HTML cannot accomodate: when a letter is followed by a ^ (for example c^) it means there is an upsidedown caret on top of the letter (", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.23454761505127, "source": "search", "title": "Czech Pronunciation - Travlang" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "LETTER PRONUNCIATION a as in the 'u' in luck e as in the 'e' in bet i,y as in the 'i' in sit o as in the 'o' in cost u as in the 'oo' in look", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.069592475891113, "source": "search", "title": "Czech Pronunciation - Travlang" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "LETTER PRONUNCIATION á as in the 'a' in father é as in the 'ea' in bear í,ý as in the 'ee' in meet ó as in the 'a' in ball ú, u* as in the 'oo' in soon", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.770315170288086, "source": "search", "title": "Czech Pronunciation - Travlang" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "Pronounce oo sound — Pronuncian: American English Pronunciation", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.3012056350708, "source": "search", "title": "Pronounce oo sound — Pronuncian: American English ..." }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "'oo sound' illustration", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.505102157592773, "source": "search", "title": "Pronounce oo sound — Pronuncian: American English ..." }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "Pinyin Pronunciation", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.964579582214355, "source": "search", "title": "Pinyin Pronunciation" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "Pinyin Pronunciation", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.964579582214355, "source": "search", "title": "Pinyin Pronunciation" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "The following vowels will be read in the first tone. The first tone is like singing a sustained note. If you read them in the following order, you will notice that the gap between your lips will gradually get narrower.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.3554105758667, "source": "search", "title": "Pinyin Pronunciation" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "When you have learnt how to pronounce these vowels individually, you can try to read out some combined vowels. I will read out the following groups of vowels in the first tone. When you are ready, you can repeat after me.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.280786514282227, "source": "search", "title": "Pinyin Pronunciation" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "Some irregular features", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.478937149047852, "source": "search", "title": "Pinyin Pronunciation" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "The following consonants: p, f, t, k, h, q, x, c, s, ch and sh are aspirated sounds. If you put your palm in front of your mouth when you are reading out these letters, you will feel the air being exhaled. Read the following consonants after me in the first tone - you will be practising your vowels as well.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.175495147705078, "source": "search", "title": "Pinyin Pronunciation" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "There are five groups with the end sound “g” and five groups with the end sound “n”. In the following slide show these groups will be read in the first tone. The first tone is like singing a sustained note. Please listen and repeat after me.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.428032875061035, "source": "search", "title": "Pinyin Pronunciation" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "Say uā and touch your soft palate with the back of your tongue", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.5291748046875, "source": "search", "title": "Pinyin Pronunciation" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "Keep saying the æ sound, then touch the front of your hard palate with the tip of your tongue.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.434203147888184, "source": "search", "title": "Pinyin Pronunciation" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "Keep saying the ē sound, then touch front of your hard palate with the tip of your tongue.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.453652381896973, "source": "search", "title": "Pinyin Pronunciation" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "Keep saying the ī sound, then touch front of your hard palate with the tip of your tongue.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.46940803527832, "source": "search", "title": "Pinyin Pronunciation" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "Keep saying the ǖ sound, then touch the front of your hard palate with the tip of your tongue.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.447416305541992, "source": "search", "title": "Pinyin Pronunciation" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "In written Pinyin the letter “i” after z, c, s, zh, ch, sh and r has no sound but is used as a vehicle for indicating the tones. For example the word zhī should be read as “zh” in the first tone.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.279152870178223, "source": "search", "title": "Pinyin Pronunciation" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "3.        Only under the following situations should the 3rd tone be pronounced as a proper 3rd tone:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.885030746459961, "source": "search", "title": "Pinyin Pronunciation" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "when a 3rd tone is at the end of a sentence or a phrase, e.g. fànghăo (放好 to put [something] properly.)", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.0875244140625, "source": "search", "title": "Pinyin Pronunciation" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "4.         When a sentence has three third tones next to each other, it can be changed into            the following two patterns:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.366058349609375, "source": "search", "title": "Pinyin Pronunciation" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "Listen and repeat after me.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.411826133728027, "source": "search", "title": "Pinyin Pronunciation" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "One Methods: Treating \"Qu\" as a Single Sound Community Q&A", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.540578842163086, "source": "search", "title": "How to Pronounce 'Qu' in English: 7 Steps (with Pictures)" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "If you're learning English, pronouncing words with the letter combination \"QU\" in them can be difficult, especially if your native language contains no equivalent sound. Luckily, learning how to make this tricky sound is easy with a little practice and a few simple tricks. See Step 1 below to begin!", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.368104934692383, "source": "search", "title": "How to Pronounce 'Qu' in English: 7 Steps (with Pictures)" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "Treating \"Qu\" as a Single Sound", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.551763534545898, "source": "search", "title": "How to Pronounce 'Qu' in English: 7 Steps (with Pictures)" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "Practice the 'K' sound. The \"QU\" sound is basically a combination of two different sounds - the \"K\" and \"W\" sounds. By practicing each of these sounds individually, then putting them together, you can learn the difficult \"QU\" sound. First, practice the \"K\" sound. If you know how to say the letter 'K' in English, this should be easy. Touch the back of your tongue to the back roof of your mouth just above your throat. Then 'click' them together by releasing a little burst of air as you bring your tongue back down.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.26030158996582, "source": "search", "title": "How to Pronounce 'Qu' in English: 7 Steps (with Pictures)" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "For more practice, listen to English speakers say words with \"K\" sounds (like \"key\", \"cat\", \"car\", and \"copper\") and attempt to imitate them.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.327754020690918, "source": "search", "title": "How to Pronounce 'Qu' in English: 7 Steps (with Pictures)" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "As above, try to listen to English speakers say words with prominent \"W\" sounds (like \"want\", \"water\", \"whip,\" and \"wade\").", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.261220932006836, "source": "search", "title": "How to Pronounce 'Qu' in English: 7 Steps (with Pictures)" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "Combine the \"K\" and \"W\" sounds. Now, let's try to make the 'Qu' sound itself. Try to combine the \"K\" and \"W\" sounds into a single sound. First, say the \"K\" sound, then, without stopping, make the \"\"W\" sound. If you can't do it immediately, don't worry! At first, you will probably say something like \"Kuh-wuh,\" using the two sounds separately. This is still good practice!", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.350366592407227, "source": "search", "title": "How to Pronounce 'Qu' in English: 7 Steps (with Pictures)" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "Try to shorten the \"K\" and \"W\" sounds into one single sound. After you're comfortable with the \"Kuh-wuh\" sound, start trying to say it as one short burst of air. Instead of releasing the air you used to make the 'Kuh' sound, when it gets to the front of your mouth, use it to make the 'wuh' sound. This sounds difficult, but you won't need to be very precise, as this is a fairly soft and breathy sound.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.409443855285645, "source": "search", "title": "How to Pronounce 'Qu' in English: 7 Steps (with Pictures)" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "Begin using words that begin with \"qu\". When you're ready to start using the \"QU\" sound in conversation, start with words that have the sound at the beginning. These are usually easier than words with the \"QU\" sound in the middle. Try words such as quilt, queen [1] , queer [2] , quiet [3] , quite [4] , quack [5] , and quake.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.27388858795166, "source": "search", "title": "How to Pronounce 'Qu' in English: 7 Steps (with Pictures)" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "Move on to words with the \"QU\" in the middle. Next, when you're really comfortable with the \"QU\" sound, try using words that contain the sound in the middle. For example, try words such as equivalent [6] , equation, or earthquake [7] .", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.242186546325684, "source": "search", "title": "How to Pronounce 'Qu' in English: 7 Steps (with Pictures)" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "Japanese Alphabet Pronounciation | JapaneseUp", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.569433212280273, "source": "search", "title": "Japanese Alphabet Pronounciation | JapaneseUp" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "Japanese Alphabet Pronounciation", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.532148361206055, "source": "search", "title": "Japanese Alphabet Pronounciation | JapaneseUp" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "You are here: Japanese Alphabet Pronunciation", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.275481224060059, "source": "search", "title": "Japanese Alphabet Pronounciation | JapaneseUp" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "Japanese Alphabet Pronunciation", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.229818344116211, "source": "search", "title": "Japanese Alphabet Pronounciation | JapaneseUp" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "‘pat’ or ‘pad’ or ‘putt’", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.491713523864746, "source": "search", "title": "Japanese Alphabet Pronounciation | JapaneseUp" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "Soft A sound, as the “a” in “father.”", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.389205932617188, "source": "search", "title": "Japanese Alphabet Pronounciation | JapaneseUp" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "Long O sound, as the “o” in “boat.”", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.464334487915039, "source": "search", "title": "Japanese Alphabet Pronounciation | JapaneseUp" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "Note: Japanese vowels do not have diphthongs. That is, the vowels don’t round off into a consonant.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.358227729797363, "source": "search", "title": "Japanese Alphabet Pronounciation | JapaneseUp" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "This can be pronounced or spelled as either “wo” as in “won’t” or “o” as in “oat.”", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.055744171142578, "source": "search", "title": "Japanese Alphabet Pronounciation | JapaneseUp" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "DERIVATIVE LETTERS", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.480478286743164, "source": "search", "title": "Japanese Alphabet Pronounciation | JapaneseUp" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "“Zoo.” ? is usually used instead for zoo sounds. However, ? is used, especially when repeating the “tsu” letter.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.497017860412598, "source": "search", "title": "Japanese Alphabet Pronounciation | JapaneseUp" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "The hiragana alphabet is used to write word endings and Japanese words, replacing the kanji if the kanji is not widely known or the readers are children. It can also be used alongside kanji to indicate its pronunciation.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.239538192749023, "source": "search", "title": "Japanese Alphabet Pronounciation | JapaneseUp" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "The katakana alphabet is used to write words loaned from a foreign language, as well as all foreign names and onomatopoeia. It can also be use for emphasis, as equivalent to bold or italic text in English.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.392422676086426, "source": "search", "title": "Japanese Alphabet Pronounciation | JapaneseUp" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "In katakana, the character ー is used to double the vowel of the preceding character. For instance, the word “game” uses katakana characters for being a foreign word, and is written “ゲーム” : “geemu” (the final u is barely pronounced).", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.7273530960083, "source": "search", "title": "Japanese Alphabet Pronounciation | JapaneseUp" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "Even if you know the pronunciations, a little extra practice everyday still helps a lot. So just quickly go over the characters and then onto your other Japanese studies.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.161080360412598, "source": "search", "title": "Japanese Alphabet Pronounciation | JapaneseUp" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "If you’re going to Japan, take some time out to learn about their body/hand gestures too! Actions speak louder than words and some body/hand gestures that are okay in your country may not be okay or polite in Japan. If you do something that does offend someone, just apologize to them.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.460773468017578, "source": "search", "title": "Japanese Alphabet Pronounciation | JapaneseUp" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "An easy way to memorize the pronunciations of the vowels: “fAther’s elite attitude gets old.”", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.113921165466309, "source": "search", "title": "Japanese Alphabet Pronounciation | JapaneseUp" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "An alternate mnemonic is “Ah, we soon get old” A I U E O", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.513830184936523, "source": "search", "title": "Japanese Alphabet Pronounciation | JapaneseUp" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "For the pronunciation of kanji, you will have to refer to a dictionary, especially since most kanji can be spelled in different ways.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.245471954345703, "source": "search", "title": "Japanese Alphabet Pronounciation | JapaneseUp" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "To hear the pronunciation of a highlighted Japanese word, you can install Rikaisama .", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.42845344543457, "source": "search", "title": "Japanese Alphabet Pronounciation | JapaneseUp" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "Epicycle | Define Epicycle at", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.54322338104248, "source": "search", "title": "Epicycle | Define Epicycle at" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "1350-1400; Middle English < Middle French < Late Latin epicyclus < Greek epíkyklos. See epi- , cycle", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.240156173706055, "source": "search", "title": "Epicycle | Define Epicycle at" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "Related forms", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.464003562927246, "source": "search", "title": "Epicycle | Define Epicycle at" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "In this epicycle he was not supposed to revolve, but to librate, or move up and down in its diameter.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.326786994934082, "source": "search", "title": "Epicycle | Define Epicycle at" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "C14: from Late Latin epicyclus, from Greek epikuklos; see epi-, cycle", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.382429122924805, "source": "search", "title": "Epicycle | Define Epicycle at" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "late 14c., from Latin epicyclus, from Greek epikyklos, from epi (see epi- ) + kyklos (see cycle (n.)).", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.231071472167969, "source": "search", "title": "Epicycle | Define Epicycle at" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "Learn Arabic Pronunciation - ArabicPod101", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.287607192993164, "source": "search", "title": "Arabic Pronunciation |" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "Arabic Pronunciation", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.865039825439453, "source": "search", "title": "Arabic Pronunciation |" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "As you’re listening to these recordings, you should be trying to mimic the sounds that you hear. This may not sound like a fun activity, but you should keep at it, because it’s truly the fastest possible route to mastering Arabic pronunciation . If you slog through, you will be amazed at how fast you learn to speak Arabic fluently.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.284347534179688, "source": "search", "title": "Arabic Pronunciation |" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "a closed plane curve consisting of all points at a given distance from a point within it called the center. Equation: x 2 + y 2 = r 2 .", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.045223236083984, "source": "search", "title": "Circle | Define Circle at" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "any circular or ringlike object, formation, or arrangement:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.039274215698242, "source": "search", "title": "Circle | Define Circle at" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "a section of seats in a theater:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.434192657470703, "source": "search", "title": "Circle | Define Circle at" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "a series ending where it began, especially when perpetually repeated; cycle:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.398767471313477, "source": "search", "title": "Circle | Define Circle at" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "Government. an administrative division, especially of a province.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.366491317749023, "source": "search", "title": "Circle | Define Circle at" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "Geography. a parallel of latitude.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.295450210571289, "source": "search", "title": "Circle | Define Circle at" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "Surveying. a glass or metal disk mounted concentrically with the spindle of a theodolite or level and graduated so that the angle at which the alidade is set may be read.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.082386016845703, "source": "search", "title": "Circle | Define Circle at" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "Latin", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.272995948791504, "source": "search", "title": "Circle | Define Circle at" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "before 1000; < Latin circulus, equivalent to circ(us) (see circus ) + -ulus -ule ; replacing Middle English cercle < Old French < Latin, as above; replacing Old English circul < Latin, as above", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.058773040771484, "source": "search", "title": "Circle | Define Circle at" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "Related forms", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.464003562927246, "source": "search", "title": "Circle | Define Circle at" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "Pronounce long u — Pronuncian: American English Pronunciation", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.255328178405762, "source": "search", "title": "Pronounce long u — pronuncian" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "'long u' illustration", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.446081161499023, "source": "search", "title": "Pronounce long u — pronuncian" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "Understanding How to Articulate the R", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.467378616333008, "source": "search", "title": "How to Pronounce R's: 9 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "Understand that the \"r\" is not a simple sound to learn. It is considered one of the hardest English language sounds to articulate, and it is typically the last sound that native English speakers master as children.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.30291748046875, "source": "search", "title": "How to Pronounce R's: 9 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "The proper pronunciation of the \"r\" sound before the age of 6 or 7 is typically not a concern. If its not accompanied by other speech problems or by social anxiety, its often best to let it resolve on its own. [2]", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.999410629272461, "source": "search", "title": "How to Pronounce R's: 9 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "Age and intelligibility can be a clue as to whether or not a child needs intervention for language skills. If a 3 year old is not intelligible to strangers at all, that can signal a problem; however, a kindergartner who is intelligible but still struggles with the \"r\" is probably in the range of normal. By second grade, a child should be able to pronounce the \"r\" sound. [3]", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.078777313232422, "source": "search", "title": "How to Pronounce R's: 9 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "Know the parts of the mouth involved in producing the \"r\" sound. There are three major parts of the mouth that have to constrict and work together to properly produce an \"r\" sound, and these include:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.417353630065918, "source": "search", "title": "How to Pronounce R's: 9 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "The tongue: If you are unable to make the \"r\" sound, you may have no idea what a tongue should be doing while properly pronouncing the \"r.\" In fact, the tongue makes a small mound or hump in the mouth, and sound waves travel over that mound to properly execute the sound. [5]", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.162903785705566, "source": "search", "title": "How to Pronounce R's: 9 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "The pharynx: The pharynx is another word for the throat, and the part of the pharynx that is associated with the \"r\" sound is at the very top of the throat. In order to make the \"r\" sound, the pharynx has to constrict or tighten.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.142903327941895, "source": "search", "title": "How to Pronounce R's: 9 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "See a speech language pathologist. If you or your child struggles to produce the \"r\" and the issue does not seem to be resolving itself, intervention from a SLP can help to avoid further speech problems as well as issues with bullying, self-confidence, and even spelling problems that can result from not being able to say the \"r\" sound properly. [6]", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.420205116271973, "source": "search", "title": "How to Pronounce R's: 9 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "An SLP will conduct a thorough evaluation of all elements of you or your child's speech, including your muscle control, articulation, eating habits, and receptive skills (that is, how well you or your child understands spoken language).", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.321690559387207, "source": "search", "title": "How to Pronounce R's: 9 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "To assist another person in learning the \"r\" sound, encourage them to look at you as you form it correctly by forming a small \"o\" with your lips. [7]", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.852155685424805, "source": "search", "title": "How to Pronounce R's: 9 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "Constrict the pharynx. This is a motion that most people do without realizing it, so it can be a bit of a learning curve to recognize where these muscles are and how to move them.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.173465728759766, "source": "search", "title": "How to Pronounce R's: 9 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "To practice constricting the pharynx, gargle water while saying \"ah.\" Your pharynx will constrict in the same place that it must constrict to say the \"r\" sound.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.406347274780273, "source": "search", "title": "How to Pronounce R's: 9 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "Another way to learn how to constrict the pharynx involves gently biting both edges of the tongue with the molars, and pressing up with the tongue onto the top molars. Say \"eee\" while doing this motion with the tongue; this is what it feels like when the pharynx constricts. [8]", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.224971771240234, "source": "search", "title": "How to Pronounce R's: 9 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "Practice \"car\" daily. Words that end in \"r\" are easier to produce than words that begin with it or contain it in the middle, so start with a word like \"car.\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.343831062316895, "source": "search", "title": "How to Pronounce R's: 9 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "Practice it every day, even if you are not getting the sound correctly. If you have a friend or partner who can help you daily, ask them to say the word to you and you say it back to them as you watch in a mirror, so you can watch their sound production and compare it to your own.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.488323211669922, "source": "search", "title": "How to Pronounce R's: 9 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "Strengthen your pharynx. If you are struggling to constrict your pharynx to properly say the \"r\" sound, you may have a weak pharynx that needs exercise!", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.42801284790039, "source": "search", "title": "How to Pronounce R's: 9 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "One way to strengthen it is to gargle water every day. Try to articulate the sound \"ah\" while you gargle the water in the back of your throat; this is a similar motion to what you need to do when you are saying the \"r\" sound. [9]", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.371183395385742, "source": "search", "title": "How to Pronounce R's: 9 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "Differentiate sounds by watching your face. If you are struggling to differentiate between the \"r\" and similar sounds (\"l\" is a frequent culprit), you need to enlist a buddy who can model the sounds while you watch in a mirror.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.443727493286133, "source": "search", "title": "How to Pronounce R's: 9 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "Watch your friend's face as he properly executes the different sounds, then watch your own face as you attempt to execute the sounds. Look to see how your lips' position moves with each sound.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.456220626831055, "source": "search", "title": "How to Pronounce R's: 9 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "Consider a speech positioning device. Since the tongue is behind the barrier of the teeth and can't be seen while trying to properly position it, some severe cases that involve incorrect positioning of the tongue may require the use of a tactile cue to help a person learn how the tongue must move to produce the correct sound.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.445462226867676, "source": "search", "title": "How to Pronounce R's: 9 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "A speech language pathologist can help you to determine if a positioning device is right for you. Examples of these positioning devices are available from the Speech Buddy manufacturer at", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.499959945678711, "source": "search", "title": "How to Pronounce R's: 9 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "These techniques can also help native English speakers when trying to learn the difficult \"rolled r\" of Czech or the infamous \"rz\" sound in Polish. Even if English doesn't have these letters (and some people can't hear the difference), English speakers can learn to mimic the mouth motions.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.435288429260254, "source": "search", "title": "How to Pronounce R's: 9 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow" }, { "answer": "At", "passage": "Consider using an app that can help you by providing the correct pronunciations of words that you can then try to approximate. \"Sounds of Speech\" is a very highly rated app that was created by researchers at the University of Iowa and is available in the Apple download store.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.267340660095215, "source": "search", "title": "How to Pronounce R's: 9 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow" } ]
Where does a bounced email return to?
{ "aliases": [ "Sender" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "sender" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "sender", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Sender" }
[ { "answer": "Sender", "passage": "In the Internet's standard email protocol SMTP, a bounce message, also called a Non-Delivery Report/Receipt (NDR), a (failed) Delivery Status Notification (DSN) message, a Non-Delivery Notification (NDN) or simply a bounce, is an automated electronic mail message from a mail system informing the sender of another message about a delivery problem. The original message is said to have bounced.", "precise_score": 2.3132500648498535, "rough_score": 0.30249160528182983, "source": "wiki", "title": "Bounce message" }, { "answer": "Sender", "passage": "Many spammers won't necessarily recognize the \"bounced\" email return message, but you do get the satisfaction of doing something to let them know the email isn't welcome. The best case scenario for BlockSender is when an individual is sending you email, and they aren't respecting your request for \"do not contact.\" When they get the bounced message from BlockSender, they'll think they have the wrong email address for you. Hopefully after that, they'll stop pestering you.", "precise_score": 5.302779197692871, "rough_score": 4.847655296325684, "source": "search", "title": "BlockSender Bounces Email Back to the Sender - Lifehacker" }, { "answer": "Sender", "passage": "In computer jargon, a bounced e-mail is one that never arrives in the recipient's inbox and is sent back, or bounced back, to the sender with an error message that indicates to the sender that the e-mail was never successfully transmitted. But what happens when someone sends an e-mail out into cyberspace, and why do e-mails sometimes bounce back?", "precise_score": 6.14798641204834, "rough_score": 4.300605773925781, "source": "search", "title": "Why Do E-Mails Bounce?" }, { "answer": "Sender", "passage": "Occasionally, a network failure at the sender or recipient end will cause an e-mail to bounce back to the sender. Typically, a bounced e-mail returns to the sender with an explanation of why the message bounced.", "precise_score": 6.62959623336792, "rough_score": 5.599465847015381, "source": "search", "title": "Why Do E-Mails Bounce?" }, { "answer": "Sender", "passage": "Click here to return to the 'Bounce unwanted email back to sender' hint", "precise_score": 3.971928596496582, "rough_score": -3.913675308227539, "source": "search", "title": "Bounce unwanted email back to sender - Mac OS X Hints" }, { "answer": "Sender", "passage": "If I can write 'return to sender' on snail mail... I have a right to do this. IT IS NOT FORGERY for crying out loud. Give me a break. It is not unethical or dishonest to bounce a message. You are saying that your address is not a valid recipient for their junk. That is honest. Even though they put my name it, I must assume they meant it for someone who cared. They have the wrong person.", "precise_score": 1.7127888202667236, "rough_score": -8.992507934570312, "source": "search", "title": "Bounce unwanted email back to sender - Mac OS X Hints" }, { "answer": "Sender", "passage": "If I can write 'return to sender' on snail mail... I have a right to do this. IT IS NOT FORGERY for crying out loud. Give me a break. It is not unethical or dishonest to bounce a message. You are saying that your address is not a valid recipient for their junk. That is honest. Even though they put my name it, I must assume they meant it for someone who cared. They have the wrong person.", "precise_score": 1.7127888202667236, "rough_score": -8.992507934570312, "source": "search", "title": "Bounce unwanted email back to sender - Mac OS X Hints" }, { "answer": "Sender", "passage": "Resolving Mail delivery failed: returning message to sender bounce-backs", "precise_score": 0.8350003957748413, "rough_score": -7.737105846405029, "source": "search", "title": "Mail delivery failed: returning message to sender ..." }, { "answer": "Sender", "passage": "Return an email to the sender - Outlook Tips", "precise_score": -3.894946336746216, "rough_score": -6.550784587860107, "source": "search", "title": "Return an email to the sender - Outlook Tips" }, { "answer": "Sender", "passage": "Return an email to the sender", "precise_score": -1.7240238189697266, "rough_score": -4.5527119636535645, "source": "search", "title": "Return an email to the sender - Outlook Tips" }, { "answer": "Sender", "passage": "One important note on sending bounced messages using Spam Bully and Bounce Bully is they are sent using an internal SMTP engine which is why you won’t find an option to configure and use a 3rd party SMTP server. If your Internet Service Provider blocks port 25, then bouncing messages to the sender will not work.", "precise_score": 1.2562541961669922, "rough_score": -6.872501373291016, "source": "search", "title": "5 Tools to Bounce Spam Email Back to Sender with Non ..." }, { "answer": "Sender", "passage": "Bouncing back to sender is really easy with IncrediMail because this feature is integrated into the software. Just right click on the email, go to “Block / Bounce” and select “Bounce to Sender”. Confirm the action and a fake non-delivery email will be automatically created and placed in outbox queued for sending.", "precise_score": 2.82771372795105, "rough_score": -6.23555850982666, "source": "search", "title": "5 Tools to Bounce Spam Email Back to Sender with Non ..." }, { "answer": "Sender", "passage": "Final Notes: Bouncing spam may or may not get your email address off of a spammer’s list. Depending on the sender, some of them don’t care about the validity of the email addresses in their list and all they want to do is just send out mass emails blindly. There are some that ignore the bounce because they rely on an email address checker that is able to verify whether your email address exists.", "precise_score": 1.2280054092407227, "rough_score": -8.830940246582031, "source": "search", "title": "5 Tools to Bounce Spam Email Back to Sender with Non ..." }, { "answer": "Sender", "passage": "Errors may occur at multiple places in mail delivery. A sender may sometimes receive a bounce message from their own mail server, reporting that it has been unable to deliver a message, or alternatively from a recipient's mail server reporting that although it had accepted the message, it now finds it undeliverable - when a server accepts a message for delivery, it is also accepting the responsibility to deliver a DSN in the event the delivery fails. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.199790000915527, "source": "wiki", "title": "Bounce message" }, { "answer": "Sender", "passage": "Today these paths are normally reduced to ordinary email addresses, as the old SMTP 'source routing' was deprecated in 1989; for some historical background info see Sender Rewriting Scheme. One special form of a path still exists: the empty path MAIL FROM:<>, used for many auto replies and especially all bounces.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.671430587768555, "source": "wiki", "title": "Bounce message" }, { "answer": "Sender", "passage": "\"As discussed in Section 7.8 and Section 7.9 below, dropping mail without notification of the sender is permitted in practice. However, it is extremely dangerous and violates a long tradition and community expectations that mail is either delivered or returned. If silent message-dropping is misused, it could easily undermine confidence in the reliability of the Internet's mail systems. So silent dropping of messages should be considered only in those cases where there is very high confidence that the messages are seriously fraudulent or otherwise inappropriate.\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.369987487792969, "source": "wiki", "title": "Bounce message" }, { "answer": "Sender", "passage": "Not validating the sender is an inherent flaw in today's SMTP, which is without the deprecated source routes mentioned earlier. This is addressed by various proposals, most directly by BATV and SPF.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.530207633972168, "source": "wiki", "title": "Bounce message" }, { "answer": "Sender", "passage": "Bounce messages in SMTP are sent with the envelope sender address <>, known as the null sender address. They are frequently sent with a From: header address of MAILER-DAEMON at the recipient site.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.501177787780762, "source": "wiki", "title": "Bounce message" }, { "answer": "Sender", "passage": "Typically, a bounce message will contain several pieces of information to help the original sender in understanding the reason his message was not delivered:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.292920112609863, "source": "wiki", "title": "Bounce message" }, { "answer": "Sender", "passage": "BlockSender Bounces Email Back to the Sender", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.05865478515625, "source": "search", "title": "BlockSender Bounces Email Back to the Sender - Lifehacker" }, { "answer": "Sender", "passage": "BlockSender Bounces Email Back to the Sender", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.05865478515625, "source": "search", "title": "BlockSender Bounces Email Back to the Sender - Lifehacker" }, { "answer": "Sender", "passage": "Chrome: Gmail does an excellent job of blocking spam, but sometimes you just want to go the extra mile and prevent some mail from ever reaching your account. BlockSender is a Chrome Extension for Gmail that can trick the sender into thinking your email address is incorrect.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.898674011230469, "source": "search", "title": "BlockSender Bounces Email Back to the Sender - Lifehacker" }, { "answer": "Sender", "passage": "Received: from ( by ( with Microsoft SMTP Server (TLS) id; Sat, 31 Jan 2015 18:44:34 +0100 Received: from ( by ( with Microsoft SMTP Server (TLS) id; Sat, 31 Jan 2015 17:44:28 +0000 Received: from (2a01:111:f400:7e00::123) by (2a01:111:e400:8028::42) with Microsoft SMTP Server (TLS) id via Frontend Transport; Sat, 31 Jan 2015 17:44:28 +0000 Received: from ( by ( with Microsoft SMTP Server id via Frontend Transport; Sat, 31 Jan 2015 17:44:28 +0000 Received: from GVAQPRDEML16.ifrc.ds ( by gvaqprdeml01.ifrc.ds ( with Microsoft SMTP Server (TLS) id 8.3.342.0; Sat, 31 Jan 2015 18:44:27 +0100 Received: from ( by ( with Microsoft SMTP Server (TLS) id; Sat, 31 Jan 2015 18:43:55 +0100 Received: from ( by ( with Microsoft SMTP Server (TLS) id; Sat, 31 Jan 2015 17:43:50 +0000 Received: from (2a01:111:f400:7e00::173) by (2a01:111:e400:8400::50) with Microsoft SMTP Server (TLS) id via Frontend Transport; Sat, 31 Jan 2015 17:43:50 +0000 Received: from ( by ( with Microsoft SMTP Server id via Frontend Transport; Sat, 31 Jan 2015 17:43:49 +0000 Received: from GVAQPRDEML16.ifrc.ds ( by gvaqprdeml01.ifrc.ds ( with Microsoft SMTP Server (TLS) id 8.3.342.0; Sat, 31 Jan 2015 18:43:46 +0100 Received: from ( by ( with Microsoft SMTP Server (TLS) id; Sat, 31 Jan 2015 18:43:13 +0100 Received: from ( by ( with Microsoft SMTP Server (TLS) id; Sat, 31 Jan 2015 17:43:08 +0000 Received: from (2a01:111:f400:7e00::106) by (2a01:111:e400:983b::40) with Microsoft SMTP Server (TLS) id via Frontend Transport; Sat, 31 Jan 2015 17:43:08 +0000 Received: from ( by ( with Microsoft SMTP Server id via Frontend Transport; Sat, 31 Jan 2015 17:43:08 +0000 Received: from GVAQPRDEML16.ifrc.ds ( by gvaqprdeml11.ifrc.ds ( with Microsoft SMTP Server (TLS) id 8.3.348.2; Sat, 31 Jan 2015 18:43:07 +0100 Received: from ( by ( with Microsoft SMTP Server (TLS) id; Sat, 31 Jan 2015 18:42:58 +0100 Received: from ( by ( with Microsoft SMTP Server (TLS) id; Sat, 31 Jan 2015 17:42:53 +0000 Received: from (2a01:111:f400:7e00::159) by (2a01:111:e400:8028::33) with Microsoft SMTP Server (TLS) id via Frontend Transport; Sat, 31 Jan 2015 17:42:53 +0000 Received: from ( by ( with Microsoft SMTP Server id via Frontend Transport; Sat, 31 Jan 2015 17:42:52 +0000 Received: from GVAQPRDEML16.ifrc.ds ( by gvaqprdeml01.ifrc.ds ( with Microsoft SMTP Server (TLS) id 8.3.342.0; Sat, 31 Jan 2015 18:42:52 +0100 Received: from ( by ( with Microsoft SMTP Server (TLS) id; Sat, 31 Jan 2015 18:42:48 +0100 Received: from ( by ( with Microsoft SMTP Server (TLS) id; Sat, 31 Jan 2015 17:42:43 +0000 Received: from (2a01:111:f400:7e00::151) by (2a01:111:e400:8400::51) with Microsoft SMTP Server (TLS) id via Frontend Transport; Sat, 31 Jan 2015 17:42:43 +0000 Received: from ( by ( with Microsoft SMTP Server id via Frontend Transport; Sat, 31 Jan 2015 17:42:43 +0000 Received: from GVAQPRDEML16.ifrc.ds ( by gvaqprdeml11.ifrc.ds ( with Microsoft SMTP Server (TLS) id 8.3.348.2; Sat, 31 Jan 2015 18:42:42 +0100 Received: from ( by ( with Microsoft SMTP Server (TLS) id; Sat, 31 Jan 2015 18:42:39 +0100 Received: from ( by ( with Microsoft SMTP Server (TLS) id; Sat, 31 Jan 2015 17:42:36 +0000 Received: from (2a01:111:f400:7e04::122) by (2a01:111:e400:983b::24) with Microsoft SMTP Server (TLS) id via Frontend Transport; Sat, 31 Jan 2015 17:42:36 +0000 Received: from ( by ( with Microsoft SMTP Server (TLS) id via Frontend Transport; Sat, 31 Jan 2015 17:42:35 +0000 Received: by with SMTP id vy18so9828093iec.8 for < [email protected] >; Sat, 31 Jan 2015 09:42:34 -0800 (PST) DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed; d= ; s=20120113; h=mime-version:date:message-id:subject:from:to:content-type; bh=NWK+Z6knS+Q2TUwKlIFDz75Mnjs0atnOGDHQUXfQd7M=; b=ycUo1M7JTzGT4l2jeXG20jHSZgpt0s5ReYdBOu6GFG1TcMlat1rListGYbPFi3isZ9 PixGGzC7E7Jqk6fj/ccASNV6a0aLFOTLA8fY54agyqcgWAjt1P8cQbYqQ24/fK9DCck1 en9aWetsBe5w1h4mCZiwCy6wy09VxnUdTIux7WLj385BIblYiMQ3aMD9zu4A5qGJVj1K k7Bcee9F3PTVI5u1tsFglgbRT/qq/q6y3OW7abA0c5Cw5bzrY48XuwAuHB0LQplMZJi1 ELVLs2OZzMft6ykJ2t0y0NmptyLOGWdnSXHGM5q1ZhApvAtMuCM7mw0BnDStnZMUQkC7 ji1w== MIME-Version: 1.0 X-Received: by with SMTP id w9mr11654183ici.84.1422726154329; Sat, 31 Jan 2015 09:42:34 -0800 (PST) Received: by with HTTP; Sat, 31 Jan 2015 09:42:32 -0800 (PST) Date: Sat, 31 Jan 2015 20:42:32 +0300 Message-ID: < > Subject: Interest in assisting IFRC From: George Mugambi < [email protected] > To: < [email protected] > Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=\"20cf30334f7d0b63c6050df63fdc\" Return-Path: [email protected] X-EOPAttributedMessage: 5 Received-SPF: Pass ( : domain of designates as permitted sender) receiver= ; client-ip=; helo= ; Authentication-Results: spf=pass (sender IP is smtp.mailfrom= [email protected] ; ; dkim=pass (signature was verified) header.d= ; ; dmarc=pass action=none header.from= ; ; dkim=fail (body hash did not verify) header.d= ; ; dkim=fail (body hash did not verify) header.d= ; ; dkim=fail (body hash did not verify) header.d= ; ; dkim=fail (body hash did not verify) header.d= ; ; dkim=fail (body hash did not verify) header.d= ; X-Forefront-Antispam-Report-Untrusted: CIP:;CTRY:US;IPV:NLI;EFV:NLI;SFV:NSPM;SFS:(51414003)(84964002)(568964001)(84326002)(106466001)(81442002)(73392002)(6806004)(92566002)(46102003)(19580395003)(42186005)(4620100001)(19580405001)(87572001)(87792001)(956001)(55446002)(87836001)(62966003)(76482003)(77156002)(450100001)(83322999)(575784001)(59536001)(110136001)(16796002)(567704001)(86362001)(73972006)(229853001)(63696999)(82202001)(50986999)(107886001)(2351001)(61266001)(54356999)(2361001)(93516999)(7059030);DIR:INB;SFP:;SCL:1;SRVR:DB4PR02MB112;H: ;FPR:;SPF:None;MLV:sfv;LANG:en; X-DkimResult-Test: Passed X-Microsoft-Antispam: UriScan:;UriScan:;UriScan:;UriScan:;UriScan:;UriScan:; X-Microsoft-Antispam: BCL:0;PCL:0;RULEID:(3001015);SRVR:DB4PR02MB112; X-Exchange-Antispam-Report-Test: UriScan:;UriScan:;UriScan:;UriScan:;UriScan:;UriScan:; X-Exchange-Antispam-Report-CFA-Test: BCL:0;PCL:0;RULEID:(601004);SRVR:DB4PR02MB112; X-Exchange-Antispam-Report-CFA-Test: BCL:0;PCL:0;RULEID:;SRVR:DB4PR02MB112; X-MS-Exchange-Transport-CrossTenantHeadersStamped: DB4PR02MB112 X-OrganizationHeadersPreserved: X-CrossPremisesHeadersFiltered: GVAQPRDEML16.ifrc.ds Received-SPF: Pass ( : domain of designates as permitted sender) receiver= ; client-ip=; helo= ; Authentication-Results: spf=pass (sender IP is smtp.mailfrom= [email protected] ; X-Forefront-Antispam-Report-Untrusted: CIP:;CTRY:EU;IPV:NLI;EFV:NLI;SFV:NSPM;SFS:(84964002)(51414003)(93516999)(87572001)(77156002)(73972006)(73392002)(19580395003)(46102003)(42186005)(4620100001)(63696999)(76482003)(84326002)(59536001)(83322999)(61266001)(19580405001)(81442002)(4610100001)(450100001)(92566002)(62966003)(2351001)(107886001)(110136001)(229853001)(512874002)(55446002)(106466001)(87792001)(87936001)(567704001)(568964001)(50986999)(82202001)(956001)(575784001)(86362001)(54356999)(6806004)(7059030);DIR:INB;SFP:;SCL:1;SRVR:AM2PR02MB0370;H: ;FPR:;SPF:None;MLV:sfv;LANG:en; X-MS-Exchange-Transport-CrossTenantHeadersStripped: X-DkimResult-Test: Failed X-Microsoft-Antispam: BCL:0;PCL:0;RULEID:(3002015);SRVR:AM2PR02MB0370; X-Exchange-Antispam-Report-CFA-Test: BCL:0;PCL:0;RULEID:(601004);SRVR:AM2PR02MB0370; X-Exchange-Antispam-Report-CFA-Test: BCL:0;PCL:0;RULEID:;SRVR:AM2PR02MB0370; X-MS-Exchange-Transport-CrossTenantHeadersStamped: AM2PR02MB0370 X-OrganizationHeadersPreserved: X-CrossPremisesHeadersFiltered: GVAQPRDEML16.ifrc.ds Received-SPF: SoftFail ( : domain of transitioning discourages use of as permitted sender) Authentication-Results: spf=softfail (sender IP is smtp.mailfrom= [email protected] ; X-Forefront-Antispam-Report-Untrusted: CIP:;CTRY:EU;IPV:NLI;EFV:NLI;SFV:NSPM;SFS:(51414003)(84964002)(62966003)(77156002)(76482003)(229853001)(450100001)(87572001)(92566002)(93516999)(63696999)(50986999)(54356999)(59536001)(83322999)(55446002)(2351001)(4620100001)(107886001)(4610100001)(106466001)(110136001)(42186005)(87792001)(82202001)(567704001)(956001)(81442002)(73972006)(61266001)(73392002)(575784001)(46102003)(6806004)(19580395003)(512874002)(86362001)(19580405001)(568964001)(84326002)(87936001)(7059030);DIR:INB;SFP:;SCL:1;SRVR:DB4PR02MB0383;H: ;FPR:;SPF:None;MLV:sfv;LANG:en; X-MS-Exchange-Transport-CrossTenantHeadersStripped: X-DkimResult-Test: Failed X-Microsoft-Antispam: BCL:0;PCL:0;RULEID:(3002015);SRVR:DB4PR02MB0383; X-Exchange-Antispam-Report-CFA-Test: BCL:0;PCL:0;RULEID:(601004);SRVR:DB4PR02MB0383; X-Exchange-Antispam-Report-CFA-Test: BCL:0;PCL:0;RULEID:;SRVR:DB4PR02MB0383; X-MS-Exchange-Transport-CrossTenantHeadersStamped: DB4PR02MB0383 X-OrganizationHeadersPreserved: X-CrossPremisesHeadersFiltered: GVAQPRDEML16.ifrc.ds Received-SPF: SoftFail ( : domain of transitioning discourages use of as permitted sender) Authentication-Results: spf=softfail (sender IP is smtp.mailfrom= [email protected] ; X-Forefront-Antispam-Report-Untrusted: CIP:;CTRY:EU;IPV:NLI;EFV:NLI;SFV:NSPM;SFS:(84964002)(51414003)(87792001)(87572001)(87936001)(83322999)(46102003)(73392002)(86362001)(575784001)(450100001)(956001)(93516999)(76482003)(77156002)(62966003)(82202001)(73972006)(567704001)(50986999)(63696999)(54356999)(59536001)(81442002)(512874002)(568964001)(4610100001)(4620100001)(106466001)(61266001)(42186005)(19580395003)(19580405001)(6806004)(55446002)(110136001)(84326002)(92566002)(229853001)(2351001)(107886001)(7059030);DIR:INB;SFP:;SCL:1;SRVR:DB3PR02MB107;H: ;FPR:;SPF:None;MLV:sfv;LANG:en; X-MS-Exchange-Transport-CrossTenantHeadersStripped: X-DkimResult-Test: Failed X-Microsoft-Antispam: BCL:0;PCL:0;RULEID:(3002015);SRVR:DB3PR02MB107; X-Exchange-Antispam-Report-CFA-Test: BCL:0;PCL:0;RULEID:(601004);SRVR:DB3PR02MB107; X-Exchange-Antispam-Report-CFA-Test: BCL:0;PCL:0;RULEID:;SRVR:DB3PR02MB107; X-MS-Exchange-Transport-CrossTenantHeadersStamped: DB3PR02MB107 X-OrganizationHeadersPreserved: X-CrossPremisesHeadersFiltered: GVAQPRDEML16.ifrc.ds Received-SPF: SoftFail ( : domain of transitioning discourages use of as permitted sender) Authentication-Results: spf=softfail (sender IP is smtp.mailfrom= [email protected] ; X-Forefront-Antispam-Report-Untrusted: CIP:;CTRY:EU;IPV:NLI;EFV:NLI;SFV:NSPM;SFS:(51414003)(84964002)(55446002)(63696999)(54356999)(110136001)(87936001)(50986999)(93516999)(92566002)(81442002)(59536001)(61266001)(86362001)(575784001)(4620100001)(4610100001)(76482003)(6806004)(19580395003)(568964001)(19580405001)(62966003)(73392002)(77156002)(106466001)(450100001)(82202001)(42186005)(567704001)(46102003)(956001)(2351001)(73972006)(83322999)(107886001)(87572001)(229853001)(87792001)(512874002)(84326002)(7059030)(7740400001);DIR:INB;SFP:;SCL:1;SRVR:DB3PR02MB0380;H: ;FPR:;SPF:None;MLV:sfv;LANG:en; X-MS-Exchange-Transport-CrossTenantHeadersStripped: X-DkimResult-Test: Failed X-Microsoft-Antispam: BCL:0;PCL:0;RULEID:(3002015);SRVR:DB3PR02MB0380; X-Exchange-Antispam-Report-CFA-Test: BCL:0;PCL:0;RULEID:(601004);SRVR:DB3PR02MB0380; X-Exchange-Antispam-Report-CFA-Test: BCL:0;PCL:0;RULEID:;SRVR:DB3PR02MB0380; X-MS-Exchange-Transport-CrossTenantHeadersStamped: DB3PR02MB0380 X-OrganizationHeadersPreserved: X-CrossPremisesHeadersFiltered: GVAQPRDEML16.ifrc.ds Received-SPF: SoftFail ( : domain of transitioning discourages use of as permitted sender) Authentication-Results: spf=softfail (sender IP is smtp.mailfrom= [email protected] ; X-Forefront-Antispam-Report: CIP:;CTRY:EU;IPV:NLI;EFV:NLI;SFV:NSPM;SFS:(84964002)(51414003)(93516999)(87572001)(77156002)(73972006)(73392002)(19580395003)(46102003)(42186005)(4620100001)(63696999)(76482003)(84326002)(59536001)(83322999)(61266001)(19580405001)(81442002)(4610100001)(450100001)(92566002)(62966003)(2351001)(107886001)(110136001)(229853001)(512874002)(55446002)(106466001)(87792001)(87936001)(567704001)(568964001)(50986999)(82202001)(956001)(575784001)(86362001)(54356999)(6806004)(7059030)(7740400001);DIR:INB;SFP:;SCL:1;SRVR:AM2PR02MB0370;H: ;FPR:;SPF:None;MLV:sfv;LANG:en; X-MS-Exchange-Transport-CrossTenantHeadersStripped: X-DkimResult-Test: Failed X-Microsoft-Antispam: BCL:0;PCL:0;RULEID:(3002015);SRVR:AM2PR02MB0370; X-Exchange-Antispam-Report-CFA-Test: BCL:0;PCL:0;RULEID:(601004);SRVR:AM2PR02MB0370; X-Exchange-Antispam-Report-CFA-Test: BCL:0;PCL:0;RULEID:;SRVR:AM2PR02MB0370; X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-OriginalArrivalTime: 31 Jan 2015 17:44:28.0792 (UTC) X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-Id: a2b53be5-734e-4e6c-ab0d-d184f60fd917 X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-OriginalAttributedTenantConnectingIp: TenantId=a2b53be5-734e-4e6c-ab0d-d184f60fd917;Ip=[] X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-FromEntityHeader: HybridOnPrem X-MS-Exchange-Transport-CrossTenantHeadersStamped: AM2PR02MB0370 X-OrganizationHeadersPreserved: X-OriginatorOrg: X-CrossPremisesHeadersFiltered: GVAQPRDEML16.ifrc.ds", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.311036109924316, "source": "search", "title": "What to do if an email is returned? - InMotion Hosting" }, { "answer": "Sender", "passage": "Subject: Mail delivery deferred: returning message to sender", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.825408935546875, "source": "search", "title": "What to do if an email is returned? - InMotion Hosting" }, { "answer": "Sender", "passage": "When a user attempts to send an e-mail, he is telling his e-mail system to look for the domain of the recipient (for example, and the domain's mail server . Once the e-mail system makes contact with the recipient's mail server, the mail server looks at the message to determine if it will let the message pass through the server. If the recipient's server has predetermined that it is not accepting e-mails from the sender's address (for example, if it has blocked the address for anti-spamming purposes), the server will reject the message and it will subsequently bounce back to the sender. The message will also bounce back to the server if the mail server on the recipient's end is busy and cannot handle the request at that time. When an e-mail is returned to the sender without being accepted by the recipient's mail server, this is called a hard bounce .", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.387331008911133, "source": "search", "title": "Why Do E-Mails Bounce?" }, { "answer": "Sender", "passage": "Once the e-mail has been accepted by the recipient's mail server there are still ways for the message to be rejected. The mail server has to determine if the recipient (for example, [email protected]) actually exists within its system and if that recipient is allowed to accept e-mails. If the recipient's address does not exist on the mail server, then the message will be rejected because there is no one to deliver the message to. If the sender misspells the recipient's address (for example, [email protected]) then the system will recognize this as a nonexistent address and bounce the message back. If the recipient exists but does not have enough disk space to accept the message (i.e., if his e-mail application is filled to storage capacity) then the message will bounce back to the sender. Some mail systems predetermine a maximum message size that it will accept and will automatically bounce the message if it exceeds that size and some mail systems predetermine a maximum amount of disk space the user is allowed to occupy on the server. When an e-mail is returned to the sender after it has already been accepted by the recipient's mail server, this is called a soft bounce . Some mail servers are programmed to accept incoming e-mails and store them for further analysis without initially checking to determine if the recipient exists or is even capable of receiving the message.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.104515075683594, "source": "search", "title": "Why Do E-Mails Bounce?" }, { "answer": "Sender", "passage": "Bounce unwanted email back to sender - Mac OS X Hints", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.407695770263672, "source": "search", "title": "Bounce unwanted email back to sender - Mac OS X Hints" }, { "answer": "Sender", "passage": "Bounce unwanted email back to sender", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.067070960998535, "source": "search", "title": "Bounce unwanted email back to sender - Mac OS X Hints" }, { "answer": "Sender", "passage": "The bundled Mail app has a nice feature hidden in the \"Customize Toolbar\" option. With the \"reply as undeliverable\" (or something like that, I use a german system -- it's \"Bounce to Sender\" on the English systems), you send a fake \"The following addresses had permanent fatal errors\" mail back to the sender. It looks like a real server-message and you have one problem less.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.756570816040039, "source": "search", "title": "Bounce unwanted email back to sender - Mac OS X Hints" }, { "answer": "Sender", "passage": "[Editor's note: This is also available in the menus, under Message -> Bounce to Sender.]", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.401254653930664, "source": "search", "title": "Bounce unwanted email back to sender - Mac OS X Hints" }, { "answer": "Sender", "passage": "Bounce unwanted email back to sender | 16 comments | Create New Account", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.858502388000488, "source": "search", "title": "Bounce unwanted email back to sender - Mac OS X Hints" }, { "answer": "Sender", "passage": "Bounce to sender", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.386837005615234, "source": "search", "title": "Bounce unwanted email back to sender - Mac OS X Hints" }, { "answer": "Sender", "passage": "I have never had a successful bounce; every single one has come back to me as \"not a valid sender address,\" so I don't bother trying anymore.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.374678611755371, "source": "search", "title": "Bounce unwanted email back to sender - Mac OS X Hints" }, { "answer": "Sender", "passage": "What it is though is a downright lie. You're not just saying \"Return to Sender\" as in the snailmail case you mention. You're explicitly saying that the address is an unknown or illegal alias. Neither of these statements is true. You're also saying that the action of delivering the mail failed, which again isn't true.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.404947280883789, "source": "search", "title": "Bounce unwanted email back to sender - Mac OS X Hints" }, { "answer": "Sender", "passage": "This tool gives me ability, gives me a chance to stop occasional spammer. And that's _good_ thing. That \"Bounce to sender\" thing was one of the reasons why I switched from Magellan to", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.264100074768066, "source": "search", "title": "Bounce unwanted email back to sender - Mac OS X Hints" }, { "answer": "Sender", "passage": "I keep the bounce option solely for human senders, it sometimes gets them to stop mailing.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.313055992126465, "source": "search", "title": "Bounce unwanted email back to sender - Mac OS X Hints" }, { "answer": "Sender", "passage": "Bounce unwanted email back to sender", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.067070960998535, "source": "search", "title": "Bounce unwanted email back to sender - Mac OS X Hints" }, { "answer": "Sender", "passage": "In general, a mail server must \"know\" either the sender of an email, or its recipient, in order to safely transmit mail. Mail servers that do not enforce this requirement are called \"open relays\" and can be exploited by spammers to send out tons of spam.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.109868049621582, "source": "search", "title": "Why Does Email Bounce? - Business Know-How" }, { "answer": "Sender", "passage": "Things get complicated because not all ISPs agree on what it means to \"know\" the sender of an email. All of these might result in an \"unable to relay\" message, depending entirely on the servers and ISPs involved:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.25794506072998, "source": "search", "title": "Why Does Email Bounce? - Business Know-How" }, { "answer": "Sender", "passage": "Mail delivery failed: returning message to sender - InMotion Hosting", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.548789024353027, "source": "search", "title": "Mail delivery failed: returning message to sender ..." }, { "answer": "Sender", "passage": "Mail delivery failed: returning message to sender", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.228593826293945, "source": "search", "title": "Mail delivery failed: returning message to sender ..." }, { "answer": "Sender", "passage": "Mail delivery failed: returning message to sender", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.228593826293945, "source": "search", "title": "Mail delivery failed: returning message to sender ..." }, { "answer": "Sender", "passage": "Mail delivery failed: returning message to sender errors are generally encountered when an intended recipient does not exist on the remote server.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.11355209350586, "source": "search", "title": "Mail delivery failed: returning message to sender ..." }, { "answer": "Sender", "passage": "for [email protected]; Thu, 25 Oct 2012 16:42:54 -0400", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.545571327209473, "source": "search", "title": "Mail delivery failed: returning message to sender ..." }, { "answer": "Sender", "passage": "To: [email protected]", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.39135456085205, "source": "search", "title": "Mail delivery failed: returning message to sender ..." }, { "answer": "Sender", "passage": "Subject: Mail delivery failed: returning message to sender", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.800369262695312, "source": "search", "title": "Mail delivery failed: returning message to sender ..." }, { "answer": "Sender", "passage": "Return-path: <[email protected]>", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.18761157989502, "source": "search", "title": "Mail delivery failed: returning message to sender ..." }, { "answer": "Sender", "passage": "Received: from [email protected] by with local (Exim 4.77)", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.375996589660645, "source": "search", "title": "Mail delivery failed: returning message to sender ..." }, { "answer": "Sender", "passage": "(envelope-from <[email protected]>)", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.453103065490723, "source": "search", "title": "Mail delivery failed: returning message to sender ..." }, { "answer": "Sender", "passage": "I would like to not only block particular emails but also send them back to the sender so they know they've been rejected. Is that possible. Right now I can only send them to the Junk email folder. Thanks.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.89026165008545, "source": "search", "title": "Return an email to the sender - Outlook Tips" }, { "answer": "Sender", "passage": "There are a very few circumstances when it makes some sense to reply to unwanted email - but you should do it just once and type a short note asking the sender to stop sending you messages.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.280478477478027, "source": "search", "title": "Return an email to the sender - Outlook Tips" }, { "answer": "Sender", "passage": "If the address belongs to someone you know but don't want to be in contact with, reply to the sender and ask them to stop sending you email. Or just delete the message and forgot about it. This method works best with former coworkers, family members, etc., that you no longer want to receive email from.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.154953002929688, "source": "search", "title": "Return an email to the sender - Outlook Tips" }, { "answer": "Sender", "passage": "When the sender is a spammer, just delete the message and go on. If you send an autoreply one of two things will happen: you'll get an NDR back or you'll confirm you address is valid and end up with a lot more spam. Since most spammers use fake from addresses, you don't have to worry too much about confirming your address. It is also mostly useless to add spammers to your blocked senders list as their addresses keep changing.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.211103439331055, "source": "search", "title": "Return an email to the sender - Outlook Tips" }, { "answer": "Sender", "passage": "Download Block Sender", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.582847595214844, "source": "search", "title": "5 Tools to Bounce Spam Email Back to Sender with Non ..." }, { "answer": "Sender", "passage": "Spam Bully is an anti spam software that works with Microsoft Outlook, Windows Live Mail, Outlook Express, Windows Mail and also has a standalone IMAP version if you do not use any of the mentioned email client software. Other than having the ability to identify which emails are good and spam using the Bayesian spam filter system, it comes with an optional feature to fight back by sending bounce messages and to punish sender by silently visiting any links found on the email body without doing anything else.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.598784446716309, "source": "search", "title": "5 Tools to Bounce Spam Email Back to Sender with Non ..." }, { "answer": "Sender", "passage": "In general, a mail server must directly “know” either the sender of an email or its recipient in order to safely transmit mail. Mail servers that do not enforce this requirement are called “open relays,” and are exploited by spammers to send out tons of spam.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.965855598449707, "source": "search", "title": "Why does email bounce? - Ask Leo!" }, { "answer": "Sender", "passage": "Things get complicated because not all ISPs agree on what it means to “know” the sender of an email. All of these might result in an “unable to relay” message, depending entirely on the servers and ISPs involved:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.244906425476074, "source": "search", "title": "Why does email bounce? - Ask Leo!" } ]
What name is given to the software program needed to access the Web?
{ "aliases": [ "Browsers", "Browser (disambiguation)", "Browser" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "browsers", "browser disambiguation", "browser" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "browser", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Browser" }
[ { "answer": "Browser", "passage": "World Wide Web browser software, such as Microsoft's Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Apple's Safari, and Google Chrome, lets users navigate from one web page to another via hyperlinks embedded in the documents. These documents may also contain any combination of computer data, including graphics, sounds, text, video, multimedia and interactive content that runs while the user is interacting with the page. Client-side software can include animations, games, office applications and scientific demonstrations. Through keyword-driven Internet research using search engines like Yahoo! and Google, users worldwide have easy, instant access to a vast and diverse amount of online information. Compared to printed media, books, encyclopedias and traditional libraries, the World Wide Web has enabled the decentralization of information on a large scale.", "precise_score": -2.0262022018432617, "rough_score": -3.837000608444214, "source": "wiki", "title": "Internet" }, { "answer": "Browser", "passage": "When the Web developed in the 1990s, a typical web page was stored in completed form on a web server, formatted in HTML, complete for transmission to a web browser in response to a request. Over time, the process of creating and serving web pages has become dynamic, creating a flexible design, layout, and content. Websites are often created using content management software with, initially, very little content. Contributors to these systems, who may be paid staff, members of an organization or the public, fill underlying databases with content using editing pages designed for that purpose while casual visitors view and read this content in HTML form. There may or may not be editorial, approval and security systems built into the process of taking newly entered content and making it available to the target visitors.", "precise_score": -6.524742603302002, "rough_score": -4.6837897300720215, "source": "wiki", "title": "Internet" }, { "answer": "Browser", "passage": "Web pages are primarily text documents formatted and annotated with Hypertext Markup Language (HTML). In addition to formatted text, web pages may contain images, video, and software components that are rendered in the user's web browser as coherent pages of multimedia content. Embedded hyperlinks permit users to navigate between web pages. Multiple web pages with a common theme, a common domain name, or both, may be called a website. Website content can largely be provided by the publisher, or interactive where users contribute content or the content depends upon the user or their actions. Websites may be mostly informative, primarily for entertainment, or largely for commercial purposes.", "precise_score": -5.197544097900391, "rough_score": -4.624873161315918, "source": "wiki", "title": "World Wide Web" }, { "answer": "Browser", "passage": "The following example demonstrates the functioning of a web browser when accessing a page at the URL The browser resolves the server name of the URL ( into an Internet Protocol address using the globally distributed Domain Name System (DNS). This lookup returns an IP address such as or 2001:db8:2e::7334. The browser then requests the resource by sending an HTTP request across the Internet to the computer at that address. It requests service from a specific TCP port number that is well known for the HTTP service, so that the receiving host can distinguish an HTTP request from other network protocols it may be servicing. The HTTP protocol normally uses port number 80. The content of the HTTP request can be as simple as two lines of text:", "precise_score": -4.540979862213135, "rough_score": -3.643810272216797, "source": "wiki", "title": "World Wide Web" }, { "answer": "Browser", "passage": "The computer receiving the HTTP request delivers it to web server software listening for requests on port 80. If the web server can fulfill the request it sends an HTTP response back to the browser indicating success:", "precise_score": -6.932906627655029, "rough_score": -2.051180124282837, "source": "wiki", "title": "World Wide Web" }, { "answer": "Browser", "passage": "enhances its user's performance on a specific range of common tasks. This software supports database management and analysis, authoring and presentation, and activity and notes tracking. All these are software applications. Data management is supported by database management systems, while spreadsheet software assists in data analysis. For the needs of authoring and presentation, users employ the applications software for word processing, desktop publishing, presentation, and multimedia authoring. Personal information management software is used to track activities and personal notes. Communications software enables the user to connect to a telecommunications network in order to exchange information with other users or systems. Web browsers are used to access the resources of the Internet's World Wide Web.", "precise_score": -3.572474718093872, "rough_score": -1.7540771961212158, "source": "search", "title": "5 Information Systems Software - University of Missouri ..." }, { "answer": "Browser", "passage": "More and more frequently, the reason for connecting to a telecommunications network is to gain access to the resources of the Internet. Web browsers are rapidly becoming one of the most popular categories of software packages. A browser is a program that enables its user to access electronic documents in included in the Internet's World Wide Web, a collection of interlinked hypermedia databases distributed among remote sites.", "precise_score": 1.2971285581588745, "rough_score": 3.5757594108581543, "source": "search", "title": "5 Information Systems Software - University of Missouri ..." }, { "answer": "Browser", "passage": "Webware refers to software that is remotely accessed online usually with a Web browser, although its more formal names are Web applications or Web services .", "precise_score": 1.174046516418457, "rough_score": 1.2033129930496216, "source": "search", "title": "All About Software: Types of Software Explained by ..." }, { "answer": "Browser", "passage": "How can a browser be used to open, view, and edit an Access database? Well, think of the MS Access application as a user interface. As a UI, it has been designed to be used within Windows to read and write an Access database file. Remember, an Access database file is completely separate from the MS Access application software. Thus it is possible to build an alternative UI to read and write to an Access database file. This one just happens to be run using a web browser.", "precise_score": -4.338364124298096, "rough_score": -0.6536334156990051, "source": "search", "title": "Using an Access Database with PHP - SitePoint" }, { "answer": "Browser", "passage": "When using MS Access on a PC to use an Access database (that is, offline), the application software is the front-end and the database file (.mdb) is the back-end. Similarly, when going online, the browser is the front-end and the database file is the back-end. In other words, the relationship hasn’t changed: it is still a front-end/back-end relationship. The front-end connects to the back-end, and the back-end stores the data.", "precise_score": -4.873126983642578, "rough_score": -2.298295021057129, "source": "search", "title": "Using an Access Database with PHP - SitePoint" }, { "answer": "Browser", "passage": "Throughout this topic, you will note references to a fictional computer program named \"Lit View\" by Litware Inc., with an executable file named Litview.exe. This hypothetical program is used interchangeably as an instant messenger, a browser, or another type of client program as needed for illustrative purposes.", "precise_score": -0.6705839037895203, "rough_score": -4.721126079559326, "source": "search", "title": "Registering Programs with Client Types (Windows)" }, { "answer": "Browser", "passage": "As part of system preparation, an OEM can establish a configuration that hides access points for the Microsoft browser, email, media playback, instant messaging, or virtual machine for Java client programs and specifies their own default programs. OEMs can enable users to reset their computers at any time to this default configuration by setting the following registry values.", "precise_score": -7.038833141326904, "rough_score": -3.083409309387207, "source": "search", "title": "Registering Programs with Client Types (Windows)" }, { "answer": "Browser", "passage": "* The word app came to being in 21st century. It is a clipping of the word \"application\". They have been designed for many platforms, but the word was first used for smaller mobile apps. Desktop apps are traditional computer programs that run on desktop computers. Mobile apps run on mobile devices. Web apps run inside a web browser. Both mobile and desktop apps may be downloaded from the developers' website or purchased from app stores such as Windows Store, Apple App Store, Mac App Store, Google Play or Intel AppUp.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.773212432861328, "source": "wiki", "title": "Computer program" }, { "answer": "Browser", "passage": "The terms Internet and World Wide Web are often used interchangeably in everyday speech; it is common to speak of \"going on the Internet\" when invoking a web browser to view web pages. However, the World Wide Web or the Web is only one of a large number of Internet services. The Web is a collection of interconnected documents (web pages) and other web resources, linked by hyperlinks and URLs. As another point of comparison, Hypertext Transfer Protocol, or HTTP, is the language used on the Web for information transfer, yet it is just one of many languages or protocols that can be used for communication on the Internet. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.994029521942139, "source": "wiki", "title": "Internet" }, { "answer": "Browser", "passage": "Slightly over a year later in March 1990, the first high-speed T1 (1.5 Mbit/s) link between the NSFNET and Europe was installed between Cornell University and CERN, allowing much more robust communications than were capable with satellites. Six months later Tim Berners-Lee would begin writing WorldWideWeb, the first web browser after two years of lobbying CERN management. By Christmas 1990, Berners-Lee had built all the tools necessary for a working Web: the HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) 0.9, the HyperText Markup Language (HTML), the first Web browser (which was also a HTML editor and could access Usenet newsgroups and FTP files), the first HTTP server software (later known as CERN httpd), the first web server (, and the first Web pages that described the project itself.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.7062406539917, "source": "wiki", "title": "Internet" }, { "answer": "Browser", "passage": "Grassroots efforts have led to wireless community networks. Commercial Wi-Fi services covering large city areas are in place in London, Vienna, Toronto, San Francisco, Philadelphia, Chicago and Pittsburgh. The Internet can then be accessed from such places as a park bench. Apart from Wi-Fi, there have been experiments with proprietary mobile wireless networks like Ricochet, various high-speed data services over cellular phone networks, and fixed wireless services. High-end mobile phones such as smartphones in general come with Internet access through the phone network. Web browsers such as Opera are available on these advanced handsets, which can also run a wide variety of other Internet software. More mobile phones have Internet access than PCs, though this is not as widely used. An Internet access provider and protocol matrix differentiates the methods used to get online.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.0277791023254395, "source": "wiki", "title": "Internet" }, { "answer": "Browser", "passage": "The Internet standards describe a framework known as the Internet protocol suite. This is a model architecture that divides methods into a layered system of protocols, originally documented in RFC 1122 and RFC 1123. The layers correspond to the environment or scope in which their services operate. At the top is the application layer, space for the application-specific networking methods used in software applications. For example, a web browser program uses the client-server application model and a specific protocol of interaction between servers and clients, while many file-sharing systems use a peer-to-peer paradigm. Below this top layer, the transport layer connects applications on different hosts with a logical channel through the network with appropriate data exchange methods.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.848495960235596, "source": "wiki", "title": "Internet" }, { "answer": "Browser", "passage": "The World Wide Web (WWW) is an information space where documents and other web resources are identified by URLs, interlinked by hypertext links, and can be accessed via the Internet. The World Wide Web was invented by English scientist Tim Berners-Lee in 1989. He wrote the first web browser in 1990 while employed at CERN in Switzerland. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.96072769165039, "source": "wiki", "title": "World Wide Web" }, { "answer": "Browser", "passage": "It has become known simply as the Web. When used attributively (as in web page, web browser, website, web server, web traffic, web search, web user, web technology, etc.) it is invariably written in lower case. Otherwise the initial capital is often retained (‘the Web’), but lower case is becoming increasingly common (‘the web’).", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.105096817016602, "source": "wiki", "title": "World Wide Web" }, { "answer": "Browser", "passage": "With help from his colleague and fellow hypertext enthusiast Robert Cailliau he published a more formal proposal on 12 November 1990 to build a \"Hypertext project\" called \"WorldWideWeb\" (one word) as a \"web\" of \"hypertext documents\" to be viewed by \"browsers\" using a client–server architecture. At this point HTML and HTTP had already been in development for about two months and the first Web server was about a month from completing its first successful test.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.93278694152832, "source": "wiki", "title": "World Wide Web" }, { "answer": "Browser", "passage": "A NeXT Computer was used by Berners-Lee as the world's first web server and also to write the first web browser, WorldWideWeb, in 1990. By Christmas 1990, Berners-Lee had built all the tools necessary for a working Web: the first web browser (which was a web editor as well) and the first web server. The first web site, which described the project itself, was published on 20 December 1990. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.101338386535645, "source": "wiki", "title": "World Wide Web" }, { "answer": "Browser", "passage": "The World Wide Web had a number of differences from other hypertext systems available at the time. The Web required only unidirectional links rather than bidirectional ones, making it possible for someone to link to another resource without action by the owner of that resource. It also significantly reduced the difficulty of implementing web servers and browsers (in comparison to earlier systems), but in turn presented the chronic problem of link rot.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.928208351135254, "source": "wiki", "title": "World Wide Web" }, { "answer": "Browser", "passage": "Unlike predecessors such as HyperCard, the World Wide Web was non-proprietary, making it possible to develop servers and clients independently and to add extensions without licensing restrictions. On 30 April 1993, CERN announced that the World Wide Web would be free to anyone, with no fees due. Coming two months after the announcement that the server implementation of the Gopher protocol was no longer free to use, this produced a rapid shift away from Gopher and towards the Web. An early popular web browser was ViolaWWW for Unix and the X Windowing System.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.111931324005127, "source": "wiki", "title": "World Wide Web" }, { "answer": "Browser", "passage": "Scholars generally agree that a turning point for the World Wide Web began with the introduction of the Mosaic web browser in 1993, a graphical browser developed by a team at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (NCSA-UIUC), led by Marc Andreessen. Funding for Mosaic came from the U.S. High-Performance Computing and Communications Initiative and the High Performance Computing and Communication Act of 1991, one of several computing developments initiated by U.S. Senator Al Gore. Prior to the release of Mosaic, graphics were not commonly mixed with text in web pages and the web's popularity was less than older protocols in use over the Internet, such as Gopher and Wide Area Information Servers (WAIS). Mosaic's graphical user interface allowed the Web to become, by far, the most popular Internet protocol.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.512407302856445, "source": "wiki", "title": "World Wide Web" }, { "answer": "Browser", "passage": "Viewing a web page on the World Wide Web normally begins either by typing the URL of the page into a web browser, or by following a hyperlink to that page or resource. The web browser then initiates a series of background communication messages to fetch and display the requested page. In the 1990s, using a browser to view web pages—and to move from one web page to another through hyperlinks—came to be known as 'browsing,' 'web surfing' (after channel surfing), or 'navigating the Web'. Early studies of this new behavior investigated user patterns in using web browsers. One study, for example, found five user patterns: exploratory surfing, window surfing, evolved surfing, bounded navigation and targeted navigation. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.569428443908691, "source": "wiki", "title": "World Wide Web" }, { "answer": "Browser", "passage": "The web browser parses the HTML and interprets the markup (, for paragraph, and such) that surrounds the words to format the text on the screen. Many web pages use HTML to reference the URLs of other resources such as images, other embedded media, scripts that affect page behavior, and Cascading Style Sheets that affect page layout. The browser makes additional HTTP requests to the web server for these other Internet media types. As it receives their content from the web server, the browser progressively renders the page onto the screen as specified by its HTML and these additional resources.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.282567024230957, "source": "wiki", "title": "World Wide Web" }, { "answer": "Browser", "passage": "When a user submits an incomplete domain name to a web browser in its address bar input field, some web browsers automatically try adding the prefix \"www\" to the beginning of it and possibly \".com\", \".org\" and \".net\" at the end, depending on what might be missing. For example, entering may be transformed to and 'openoffice' to This feature started appearing in early versions of Mozilla Firefox, when it still had the working title 'Firebird' in early 2003, from an earlier practice in browsers such as Lynx. It is reported that Microsoft was granted a US patent for the same idea in 2008, but only for mobile devices. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.574318885803223, "source": "wiki", "title": "World Wide Web" }, { "answer": "Browser", "passage": "The scheme specifiers http:// and https:// at the start of a web URI refer to Hypertext Transfer Protocol or HTTP Secure, respectively. They specify the communication protocol to use for the request and response. The HTTP protocol is fundamental to the operation of the World Wide Web, and the added encryption layer in HTTPS is essential when browsers send or retrieve confidential data, such as passwords or banking information. Web browsers usually automatically prepend http:// to user-entered URIs, if omitted.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.23842716217041, "source": "wiki", "title": "World Wide Web" }, { "answer": "Browser", "passage": "Every time a client requests a web page, the server can identify the request's IP address and usually logs it. Also, unless set not to do so, most web browsers record requested web pages in a viewable history feature, and usually cache much of the content locally. Unless the server-browser communication uses HTTPS encryption, web requests and responses travel in plain text across the Internet and can be viewed, recorded, and cached by intermediate systems.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.363722801208496, "source": "wiki", "title": "World Wide Web" }, { "answer": "Browser", "passage": "* HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP), especially as defined by RFC 2616: HTTP/1.1 and RFC 2617: HTTP Authentication, which specify how the browser and server authenticate each other.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.227803230285645, "source": "wiki", "title": "World Wide Web" }, { "answer": "Browser", "passage": "Most web browsers also implement a browser cache for recently obtained data, usually on the local disk drive. HTTP requests by a browser may ask only for data that has changed since the last access. Web pages and resources may contain expiration information to control caching to secure sensitive data, such as in online banking, or to facilitate frequently updated sites, such as news media. Even sites with highly dynamic content may permit basic resources to be refreshed only occasionally. Web site designers find it worthwhile to collate resources such as CSS data and JavaScript into a few site-wide files so that they can be cached efficiently.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.881431579589844, "source": "wiki", "title": "World Wide Web" }, { "answer": "Browser", "passage": "Communications Software and Web Browser", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.002730369567871, "source": "search", "title": "5 Information Systems Software - University of Missouri ..." }, { "answer": "Browser", "passage": "Access all your databases and shared databases from the iOS, Android, and Windows mobile apps. Zoho Creator is also mobile-optimized for the following browsers: Internet Explorer 11 or higher, Opera, Safari, and other WAP browsers.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.374412536621094, "source": "search", "title": "Create Online Database, Build Web Database, Web based ..." }, { "answer": "Browser", "passage": "My web browser has been hijacked.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.151884078979492, "source": "search", "title": "How to prevent unauthorized computer access." }, { "answer": "Browser", "passage": "Alternative browser", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.450810432434082, "source": "search", "title": "How to prevent unauthorized computer access." }, { "answer": "Browser", "passage": "Before the release of Microsoft Windows XP SP2 and Internet Explorer 7.0, Microsoft Internet Explorer was notorious for security and spyware related issues. Although it has improved since then we still highly recommend considering an alternative browser such as Mozilla's Firefox or Google's Chrome .", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.474451065063477, "source": "search", "title": "How to prevent unauthorized computer access." }, { "answer": "Browser", "passage": "Slimeware is the slang term used to describe software that interferes with the user experience by changing key settings in order to gain profit. For example, slimeware may change your Internet browser default home page to one where you view a company's banner ad or products for sale.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.447259902954102, "source": "search", "title": "All About Software: Types of Software Explained by ..." }, { "answer": "Browser", "passage": "Yes, there are a number of ways to use SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) with Access databases. As background, SQL Server allows for the importing of Access database reports into SQL Server Reporting Services. This provides the advantage of building Access reports initially and then migrating those same Access reports to SSRS later without having to reproduce the reports. SSRS provides additional features above and beyond Access database reporting including the ability to view reports via an Internet browser, report subscriptions, and many other features.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.740525722503662, "source": "search", "title": "Microsoft Access Database Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)" }, { "answer": "Browser", "passage": "There’s another advantage to having an online database, but which is a significant – multi-user access. That is: storing the database on a server means that any authorized person be able to use the company’s product database using nothing more than a browser. And all as a result of moving an existing Access database file from an offline to an online location.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.19532585144043, "source": "search", "title": "Using an Access Database with PHP - SitePoint" }, { "answer": "Browser", "passage": "First of all, let’s clarify how the client’s Access database would be opened. Normally they’d use Microsoft Access on their PC, perhaps by double-clicking the icon for the database file. With the database online, however, they will be opening the database in a browser.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.176795482635498, "source": "search", "title": "Using an Access Database with PHP - SitePoint" }, { "answer": "Browser", "passage": "Before getting into the nuts and bolts of the UI, it is important to keep in mind that the data and the user interface are distinct aspects of a system. Let’s take a moment to reinforce a key aspect of using a browser to access a database hosted on a server.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.27449893951416, "source": "search", "title": "Using an Access Database with PHP - SitePoint" }, { "answer": "Browser", "passage": "This topic explains how to register a program in the Windows registry as one of the following client types: browser, email, media playback, instant messaging, or virtual machine for Java.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.865863800048828, "source": "search", "title": "Registering Programs with Client Types (Windows)" }, { "answer": "Browser", "passage": "StartMenuInternet (for browsers)", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.281157493591309, "source": "search", "title": "Registering Programs with Client Types (Windows)" }, { "answer": "Browser", "passage": "For client types other than browsers, the canonical name can be any string. Choose a unique name, one that is not likely to be used by another vendor.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.480657577514648, "source": "search", "title": "Registering Programs with Client Types (Windows)" }, { "answer": "Browser", "passage": "For browser clients, the canonical name must be the name—including the extension—of the associated executable; for instance, \"Litview.exe\".", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.360583305358887, "source": "search", "title": "Registering Programs with Client Types (Windows)" }, { "answer": "Browser", "passage": "Iexplore.exe (browser)", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.214097023010254, "source": "search", "title": "Registering Programs with Client Types (Windows)" }, { "answer": "Browser", "passage": "Note the use of the (Default) entry as a secondary declaration of the client's display name. If the LocalizedString is not present, the (Default) value is used instead. This works with all client types (Internet browsers, email browsers, instant messengers, and media players). For backward compatibility with the Internet Explorer Client Registry Layout , email programs should set the (Default) value of the CanonicalName subkey to the client's display name in the currently installed language.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.483083248138428, "source": "search", "title": "Registering Programs with Client Types (Windows)" }, { "answer": "Browser", "passage": "By default, the upper section of the Windows XP and Windows Vista Start menu contains Internet and E-mail icons. These icons are not present in Windows 7 and later. For browser and email clients, when a program is assigned as the default for their client type, that program's registered icon is displayed for those Start menu entries.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.552647590637207, "source": "search", "title": "Registering Programs with Client Types (Windows)" }, { "answer": "Browser", "passage": "Registering a program's icon is mandatory for browser and email clients. Registering an icon for the media playback, instant messaging, or virtual machine for Java client types is optional, and registered icons for those client types are not currently used by Windows and are not displayed in the upper section of the Windows XP or Windows Vista Start menus.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.260716438293457, "source": "search", "title": "Registering Programs with Client Types (Windows)" }, { "answer": "Browser", "passage": "The following example shows the registration of a hypothetical Lit View browser. The second icon stored in the Litview.exe file is used as the default.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.335769653320312, "source": "search", "title": "Registering Programs with Client Types (Windows)" }, { "answer": "Browser", "passage": "Note  This section does not apply to Windows 2000. The following step is necessary only for browser and email clients.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.167088508605957, "source": "search", "title": "Registering Programs with Client Types (Windows)" }, { "answer": "Browser", "passage": "The command line must specify a fully qualified absolute path to the file, followed by optional command-line options. If the entry type is REG_EXPAND_SZ, environment variables can be used in the path. Use quotation marks appropriately to ensure that spaces in the command line are not misinterpreted. The command line should execute the program with appropriate defaults. Browsers generally default to the user's home page. Email programs generally open the user's Inbox.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.067582130432129, "source": "search", "title": "Registering Programs with Client Types (Windows)" }, { "answer": "Browser", "passage": "The following example shows the registration of an open verb for a hypothetical Lit View browser. It specifies no command-line options.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.333590507507324, "source": "search", "title": "Registering Programs with Client Types (Windows)" }, { "answer": "Browser", "passage": "Once the reinstall process is complete, the program launched by the reinstall command line should exit. It should not launch the corresponding program; it should merely register defaults. For example, the reinstall command for a browser should not open the user's home page.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.467949867248535, "source": "search", "title": "Registering Programs with Client Types (Windows)" }, { "answer": "Browser", "passage": "Note  For browser and email clients in Windows XP and Windows Vista, applications that choose to establish both handling capability and default status in the reinstall command should register for the corresponding icon at the top of the Start menu. See Start Menu Registration for additional information.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.570480346679688, "source": "search", "title": "Registering Programs with Client Types (Windows)" }, { "answer": "Browser", "passage": "Browser Registration Example", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.42798900604248, "source": "search", "title": "Registering Programs with Client Types (Windows)" }, { "answer": "Browser", "passage": "The following example shows the full InstallInfo registration for a fictional Lit View browser. In this case the command line switches allow the Litview.exe file to perform whatever actions are necessary for each value.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.191045761108398, "source": "search", "title": "Registering Programs with Client Types (Windows)" }, { "answer": "Browser", "passage": "A Sample Browser", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.451152801513672, "source": "search", "title": "Registering Programs with Client Types (Windows)" }, { "answer": "Browser", "passage": "A Sample Mail Browser", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.499725341796875, "source": "search", "title": "Registering Programs with Client Types (Windows)" } ]
What goes after Netscape in the name of a popular Internet browser?
{ "aliases": [ "Navigators", "Plotter (navigator)", "Navigator", "Nautonnier", "Navigation officer" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "plotter navigator", "nautonnier", "navigators", "navigator", "navigation officer" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "navigator", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Navigator" }
[ { "answer": "Navigator", "passage": "The company's first product was the web browser, called Mosaic Netscape 0.9, released on October 13, 1994. Within four months of its release, it had already taken three-quarters of the browser market. It became the main browser for Internet users in such a short time due to its superiority over other competition, like Mosaic. This browser was subsequently renamed Netscape Navigator, and the company took the 'Netscape' name (coined by employee Greg Sands, although it was also a trademark of Cisco Systems ) on November 14, 1994 to avoid trademark ownership problems with NCSA, where the initial Netscape employees had previously created the NCSA Mosaic web browser. The Mosaic Netscape web browser did not use any NCSA Mosaic code. The internal codename for the company's browser was Mozilla, which stood for \"Mosaic killer\", as the company's goal was to displace NCSA Mosaic as the world's number one web browser. A cartoon Godzilla-like lizard mascot was drawn by artist-employee Dave Titus, which went well with the theme of crushing the competition. The Mozilla mascot featured prominently on Netscape's web site in the company's early years. However, the need to project a more \"professional\" image (especially towards corporate clients) led to this being removed.", "precise_score": 2.6391215324401855, "rough_score": 3.713535785675049, "source": "wiki", "title": "Netscape" }, { "answer": "Navigator", "passage": "A new version of the Netscape browser, Netscape Navigator 9, based on Firefox 2, was released in October 2007. It featured a green and grey interface. In November 2007, IE had 77.4% of the browser market, Firefox 16.0% and Netscape 0.6%, according to Net Applications, an Internet metrics firm. On December 28, 2007, AOL announced that on February 1, 2008 it would drop support for the Netscape web browser and would no longer develop new releases. The date was later extended to March 1 to allow a major security update and to add a tool to assist users in migrating to other browsers. These additional features were included in the final version of Netscape Navigator 9 (version, released on February 20, 2008.", "precise_score": 0.6586064100265503, "rough_score": 2.1446621417999268, "source": "wiki", "title": "Netscape" }, { "answer": "Navigator", "passage": "Netscape Navigator was Netscape's web browser from versions 1.0–4.8. The first beta versions were released in 1994 and were called Mosaic and later Mosaic Netscape. Then, a legal challenge from the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (makers of NCSA Mosaic), which many of Netscape's founders used to develop, led to the name Netscape Navigator. The company's name also changed from Mosaic Communications Corporation to Netscape Communications Corporation.", "precise_score": 1.0362942218780518, "rough_score": 1.9991140365600586, "source": "wiki", "title": "Netscape" }, { "answer": "Navigator", "passage": "The browser was easily the most advanced available and so was an instant success, becoming market leader while still in beta. Netscape's feature-count and market share continued to grow rapidly after version 1.0 was released. Version 2.0 added a full email reader called Netscape Mail, thus transforming Netscape from a single-purpose web browser to an Internet suite. The main distinguishing feature of the email client was its ability to display HTML email. During this period, the entire suite was called Netscape Navigator.", "precise_score": 3.1815977096557617, "rough_score": 5.574362277984619, "source": "wiki", "title": "Netscape" }, { "answer": "Navigator", "passage": "Netscape 4 addressed the problem of Netscape Navigator being used as both the name of the suite and the browser contained within it by renaming the suite to Netscape Communicator. After five preview releases in 1996–1997, Netscape released the final version of Netscape Communicator in June 1997. This version, more or less based on Netscape Navigator 3 Code, updated and added new features. The new suite was successful, despite increasing competition from Internet Explorer (IE) 4.0 (which had a more advanced HTML engine) and problems with the outdated browser core. IE was slow and unstable on the Mac platform until version 4.5. Despite this, Apple entered into an agreement with Microsoft to make IE the default browser on new Mac OS installations, a further blow to Netscape's prestige. The Communicator suite was made up of Netscape Navigator, Netscape Mail & Newsgroups, Netscape Address Book and Netscape Composer (an HTML editor).", "precise_score": 1.7503705024719238, "rough_score": 6.526338577270508, "source": "wiki", "title": "Netscape" }, { "answer": "Navigator", "passage": "Netscape Navigator 9's features were said to include newsfeed support and become more integrated with the Propeller Internet portal, alongside more enhanced methods of discussion, submission and voting on web pages. It also sees the browser return to multi-platform support across Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. Like Netscape version 8.x, the new release was based upon the popular Mozilla Firefox (version 2.0), and supposedly had full support of all Firefox add-ons and plugins, some of which Netscape was already providing. Also for the first time since 2004, the browser was produced in-house with its own programming staff. A beta of the program was first released on June 5, 2007. The final version was released on October 15, 2007.", "precise_score": 1.4996085166931152, "rough_score": 4.838833808898926, "source": "wiki", "title": "Netscape" }, { "answer": "Navigator", "passage": "Netscape was notable for its cross-platform efforts. Its client software continued to be made available for Windows (3.1, 95, 98, NT), Macintosh, Linux, OS/2, BeOS, and many versions of Unix including DEC, Sun Solaris, BSDI, IRIX, IBM AIX, and HP-UX. Its server software generally was only available for Unix and Windows NT, though some of its servers were made available on Linux, and a version of Netscape FastTrack Server was made available for Windows 95/98. Today, most of Netscape's server offerings live on as the Sun Java System, formerly under the Sun ONE branding. Although Netscape Browser 8 was Windows only, multi-platform support exists in the Netscape Navigator 9 series of browsers.", "precise_score": -0.029453875496983528, "rough_score": 1.2154514789581299, "source": "wiki", "title": "Netscape" }, { "answer": "Navigator", "passage": "In 1993, browser software was further innovated by Marc Andreessen with the release of Mosaic, \"the world's first popular browser\", which made the World Wide Web system easy to use and more accessible to the average person. Andreesen's browser sparked the internet boom of the 1990s. The introduction of Mosaic in 1993 – one of the first graphical web browsers – led to an explosion in web use. Andreessen, the leader of the Mosaic team at National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA), soon started his own company, named Netscape, and released the Mosaic-influenced Netscape Navigator in 1994, which quickly became the world's most popular browser, accounting for 90% of all web use at its peak (see usage share of web browsers).", "precise_score": 3.246917247772217, "rough_score": 4.459925174713135, "source": "wiki", "title": "Web browser" }, { "answer": "Navigator", "passage": "Netscape's initial domination of the browser market can be linked to several strategic decisions. First, Netscape Navigator was the first widely distributed Web browser [4] . While much has been made of the company's decision to distribute its browser for free over the Internet, it should be noted that only 5% of all Netscape shipments were delivered through the World Wide Web in 1996 [5] , so the free beta version download does not explain the extended popularity of the Netscape browser. Instead, the majority of the company's browser sales have occurred either at retail or into the growing corporate segment of the market. For example, Netscape's business plan includes direct sales to the Fortune 100 corporations and agreements with scores of OEM companies like Compaq, IBM, HP, Sun, and Digital [6] . The company's proficiency in traditional product distribution network should not be overlooked as a key factor of success.", "precise_score": 2.670233964920044, "rough_score": 2.8445687294006348, "source": "search", "title": "The Rise and Fall of Netscape Browsers" }, { "answer": "Navigator", "passage": "The initial success of Netscape Navigator was phenomenal. By creating a common spanning layer with a unified user interface to many underlying Internet services (hypertext, multimedia, ftp, etc.), Netscape was able to unleash the Internet to the mass market. Netscape fostered \"coopetition\" with many other companies by publishing open standards and creating synergistic partnerships. This enabled Netscape to rapidly increase the market for its browser, by giving the consumer many complementary products and stimulating demand for the Internet as a whole.", "precise_score": 1.075578212738037, "rough_score": 0.7754856944084167, "source": "search", "title": "The Rise and Fall of Netscape Browsers" }, { "answer": "Navigator", "passage": "This project will evaluate the two most popular and advanced browsers used today - Internet Explorer 3.0 and Netscape Navigator 3.0. Certain features of each browser will be evaluated, with a look at basic browser functions as well some more advanced functions that will have effect on the future of desktop computing. Results of the evaluation will be comprised from outside evaluation results, as well as results from an independent test I will perform on each browser.", "precise_score": 1.6262282133102417, "rough_score": 1.7140132188796997, "source": "search", "title": "Netscape Navigator Vs. Microsoft Internet Explorer - Who ..." }, { "answer": "Navigator", "passage": "Unless otherwise noted, Microsoft's Internet Explorer version 3.0 will be referred to as IE, and Netscape Navigator version 3.0 will be referred to as Navigator (to avoid confusion with the name of the company, Netscape Corporation). If an earlier version of the browser is being referred to, that will be so noted.", "precise_score": 0.9294204711914062, "rough_score": 4.103586196899414, "source": "search", "title": "Netscape Navigator Vs. Microsoft Internet Explorer - Who ..." }, { "answer": "Navigator", "passage": "Netscape's plans for Netscape Navigator and the desktop computer are much different. Netscape sees the browser as a mini-desktop within itself, which will be seen more in Navigator 4.0, as it adds more and more functionality to the browser, with the entire Navigator interface written in Java in the next six to eight months (Sun Developer News, 1996). Netscape hopes to see the browser used to navigate between local and Internet files seamlessly, while online and disconnected. To see examples of applications running in a Web browser, Cooper-Peters Inc. has some excellent examples at Here one can see wordprocessors and other applications running on a web browser - without the application residing on the local computer.", "precise_score": -1.0013270378112793, "rough_score": 1.227409839630127, "source": "search", "title": "Netscape Navigator Vs. Microsoft Internet Explorer - Who ..." }, { "answer": "Navigator", "passage": "In 1995, no entity better represented the panache and wealth-making potential associated with the Internet than Netscape Communications Corporation, a startup in California’s Silicon Valley that made a graphical Web browser called Netscape Navigator. Netscape was an immediate success, if not in turning a profit then in attracting the goodwill of millions of new Web users. Netscape’s defining and most colorful figure was its cofounder, Marc Andreessen, a programmer with an agile mind who talked fast, persuasively, and seemingly nonstop. Andreessen turned 24 years old in 1995; he was less than two years out of college and had not shed all the trappings and eccentricities of undergraduate life. He worked late and got up late. His taste in clothes, it was said, ran to “frat-party ready.”", "precise_score": 0.7673022747039795, "rough_score": 3.2604355812072754, "source": "search", "title": "The ’90s Startup That Terrified Microsoft and Got ..." }, { "answer": "Navigator", "passage": "In the months that followed, Netscape Navigator steadily lost market share to Internet Explorer. The company lost $88 million in the fourth quarter of 1997, and its shares shed more than 20 percent of their value, sliding to less than $20. By August 1998, Internet Explorer eclipsed Navigator as the most popular Web browser.", "precise_score": 4.446178436279297, "rough_score": 0.6752467155456543, "source": "search", "title": "The ’90s Startup That Terrified Microsoft and Got ..." }, { "answer": "Navigator", "passage": "Netscape Communications (formerly known as Netscape Communications Corporation and commonly known as Netscape) is an American computer services company, best known for Netscape Navigator, its web browser. When it was an independent company, its headquarters were in Mountain View, California. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -0.04129665344953537, "source": "wiki", "title": "Netscape" }, { "answer": "Navigator", "passage": "Netscape could not compete with this strategy. In fact, it didn't attempt to. Netscape Navigator was not free to the general public until January 1998, while Internet Explorer and IIS have always been free or came bundled with an operating system and/or other applications. Meanwhile, Netscape faced increasing criticism for the bugs in its products; critics claimed that the company suffered from 'featuritis' – putting a higher priority on adding new features than on making them work properly. This was particularly true with Netscape Navigator 2, which was only on the market for 5 months in early 1996 before being replaced by Netscape Navigator 3. The tide of public opinion, having once lauded Netscape as the David to Microsoft's Goliath, steadily turned negative, especially when Netscape experienced its first bad quarter at the end of 1997 and underwent a large round of lay-offs in January 1998. Later, former Netscape executives Mike Homer and Peter Currie described the period as \"hectic and crazy\" and that the company was undone by factors both internal and external.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -1.0345631837844849, "source": "wiki", "title": "Netscape" }, { "answer": "Navigator", "passage": "Netscape Navigator (versions 0.9–4.08)", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.759448051452637, "source": "wiki", "title": "Netscape" }, { "answer": "Navigator", "passage": "Netscape also released a Gold version of Navigator 3.0 that incorporated WYSIWYG editing with drag and drop between web editor and email components. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.245525360107422, "source": "wiki", "title": "Netscape" }, { "answer": "Navigator", "passage": "This decision meant that Netscape's next major version was severely delayed. In the meantime, Netscape was taken over by AOL who, acting under pressure from the Web Standards Project, forced its new division to release Netscape 6.0 in 2000. The suite again consisted of Netscape Navigator and the other Communicator components, with the addition of a built-in AOL Instant Messenger client, Netscape Instant Messenger. However, it was clear that Netscape 6 was not yet ready for release and it flopped badly. It was based on Mozilla 0.6, which was not ready to be used by the general public yet due to many serious bugs that would cause it to crash often or render web pages slowly. Later versions of Netscape 6 were much improved (especially 6.2.x was regarded as a good release), but the browser still struggled to make an impact on a disappointed community.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -2.4465744495391846, "source": "wiki", "title": "Netscape" }, { "answer": "Navigator", "passage": "Netscape Navigator (version 9.0)", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.5383501052856445, "source": "wiki", "title": "Netscape" }, { "answer": "Navigator", "passage": "AOL officially announced that support for Netscape Navigator would end on March 1, 2008, and recommended that its users download either the Flock or Firefox browsers, both of which were based on the same technology. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.978586435317993, "source": "wiki", "title": "Netscape" }, { "answer": "Navigator", "passage": "On June 11, 2007, Netscape announced Netscape Mercury, a stand-alone Email / News Client that was to accompany Navigator 9. Mercury was based on Mozilla Thunderbird. The product was later renamed Netscape Messenger 9, and an alpha version was released. In December 2007, AOL announced it was canceling Netscape's development of Messenger 9 as well as Navigator 9.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.359375953674316, "source": "wiki", "title": "Netscape" }, { "answer": "Navigator", "passage": "* Netscape Navigator web browser for Windows, Macintosh, OS/2, Unix, and Linux", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -0.9563742280006409, "source": "wiki", "title": "Netscape" }, { "answer": "Navigator", "passage": "* Netscape Communicator (a suite which included Navigator along with tools for mail, news, calendar, VoIP, and composing web pages, and was bundled with AOL Instant Messenger and RealAudio)", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.892101764678955, "source": "wiki", "title": "Netscape" }, { "answer": "Navigator", "passage": " is currently an AOL Netscape-branded mirror duplicate of the portal with the URL, replacing the former social news website in September 2007. The social news site moved to the domain, where it stayed until ending operations in October 2010. It features facilities such as news, sports, horoscopes, dating, movies, music and more. The change has come to much criticism amongst many site users, because the site has effectively become an AOL clone, and simply re-directs to regional AOL portals in some areas across the globe. Netscape's exclusive features, such as the Netscape Blog, Netscape NewsQuake, Netscape Navigator, My Netscape and Netscape Community pages, are less accessible from the AOL Netscape designed portal and in some countries not accessible at all without providing a full URL or completing an Internet search. The new AOL Netscape site was originally previewed in August 2007 before moving the existing site in September 2007. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.771559953689575, "source": "wiki", "title": "Netscape" }, { "answer": "Navigator", "passage": "Netscape Navigator was sold commercially, as was Opera.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.58410120010376, "source": "wiki", "title": "Web browser" }, { "answer": "Navigator", "passage": "In October 1994, Netscape released Mosaic Netscape 0.9 and the Internet would never be the same. Anyone could install this browser on almost any operating system. Within months, the Internet we now know and use every day was springing into existence. Thanks to Netscape innovations, the static Web site was quickly augmented by RSS feeds and dynamic JavaScript-powered Web pages. When Netscape entered the stock market in 1995, any idea that the Web was simply the newest technology toy was dispelled by eager stock buyers who pushed Netscapes stock up to near-record first-day highs. Fueled by endless hunger for Internet access, Netscape went from a startup to a billion dollar company at a rate that was unthinkable to the pre-Internet stock market. In the meantime, Microsoft, which had dismissed the Internet as a fad, was caught flat-footed. Now, Microsoft would like us to forget that it was never an Internet innovator, but has always been playing catch-up. If you doubt me, find a first edition of Bill Gates book \"The Road Ahead.\" Of more than 300 pages on the future of computing, only about nine even touch on the Internet and the Web. Microsoft finally decided it had to get on the Internet or it would be as relevant as a buggy-whip manufacturer after Ford produced the Model T. Its response was to release Internet Explorer 1.0, which was based on the Spyglass variant of Mosaic. With Netscape owning 80 percent of the Web browser market, Microsoft decided it was time for drastic action. First, it would make IE free, and second it would start bundling it with its new operating system, Windows 95. At the same time, Microsoft would strong-arm PC vendors into putting the new operating system and its browser on all their PCs. Clearly, Microsoft hoped that by using its monopoly powers it would accomplish two things. The first was to destroy Netscape, and the other was to avoid to paying Spyglass for IE. You see, Spyglass had foolishly signed a contract guaranteeing the company revenue from IE sales. Microsoft claimed that since IE was both free and part of the operating system, it didnt owe Spyglass a dime of continuing revenue. Both Netscape and Spyglass sued Microsoft. Both won. Neither company exists today. To start with the lesser-known story, Spyglass won $8 million for its troubles in 1997. IE may have been worth a bit more than that, dont you think? As for Netscape, it also took Microsoft to court. A direct result of this action was the Department of Justice investigation of Microsoft on antitrust grounds. In the end, Netscape \"won,\" but it was too late. In 1999, after Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson ruled that Microsoft had acted as an illegal monopoly, then-California Attorney General Bill Lockyer said, \"One of the tragedies of the last few years is that Netscape, arguably the most innovative company on the planet, was basically crushed by the actions of Microsoft.\" He was right. Netscape staggered on, but it had been fatally wounded. It tried open-sourcing its code under what would become the Mozilla Public License. From this effort, Internet Explorers current strongest rival, Firefox, would spring, but that took years and it was too little, too late for Netscape. The company would end up in AOLs hands, where it would slowly expire. The wounds Microsoft had inflicted on Netscape had fatally injured it. On Feb. 1, 2008, AOL will stop supporting the Netscape Navigator Web browser. Almost no one will notice. Few people use Netscape now. I doubt that Microsoft executives will hold a party for its final victory. After all, to this day, Microsoft, with its 21st-century ally, the Department of Justice, is struggling to get out from underneath its slap-on-the-wrist settlement agreement. Netscape will go to its grave, unmourned, while Microsoft, the loser, will continue to make its billions while plotting on how to crush its 21st century open-source rivals. Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols, editor-at-large for Ziff Davis Enterprise, can be reached at [email protected].", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -2.8323161602020264, "source": "search", "title": "R.I.P. Netscape -" }, { "answer": "Navigator", "passage": "Netscape is in trouble. Its share of the browser market is shrinking and its profits are on the decline: in the fourth quarter of last year, the company's revenues from so-called client software, which includes its Navigator browser, dropped to $12 million, down from $52 million a year earlier [22] .", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -0.006527170538902283, "source": "search", "title": "The Rise and Fall of Netscape Browsers" }, { "answer": "Navigator", "passage": "Netscape Navigator Vs. Microsoft Internet Explorer - Who Will Win the Browser Wars, and Will the Outcome Affect Desktop Computing?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.055180311203003, "source": "search", "title": "Netscape Navigator Vs. Microsoft Internet Explorer - Who ..." }, { "answer": "Navigator", "passage": "The information presented does not look at every feature of Navigator 3.0 or Internet Explorer 3.0. Some areas may not be explained in detail to some readers' satisfaction. One reason for this is that a detailed explanation of each browser feature would require a book. The primary reason is that the focus is more on the features that have implications for the trends for desktop computing as seen by Netscape and Microsoft. While there are comparisons on \"trivial\" browser features, not every feature was examined.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.554492950439453, "source": "search", "title": "Netscape Navigator Vs. Microsoft Internet Explorer - Who ..." }, { "answer": "Navigator", "passage": "The purpose of this project is to describe the differences, attributes, and problems with both Netscape Navigator 3.0 and Internet Explorer 3.0, to assist users in deciding which browser is more suitable for them. While the 4.0 version of both browsers will be available in 1997, both with new features and strong implications for the future of desktop computing, I will not be comparing upcoming features in the next release. The focus here is on the current release of both browsers, and speculation and the rating of attributes and features not yet released is not the purpose here. The implications for the future of desktop computing can be seen in the current release of these browsers, and these implications will be addressed, though the outcome will not really be known until the release and wide implementation of Netscape 4.0 and Internet Explorer 4.0 take place.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -1.5679059028625488, "source": "search", "title": "Netscape Navigator Vs. Microsoft Internet Explorer - Who ..." }, { "answer": "Navigator", "passage": "The history of Mosaic since then has been \"dramatic:\" a constant flow of updates; the licensing of the program to a variety of companies, including Microsoft; and the appearance of Netscape (Moody, 1996). It seemed for a while that Navigator would be the dominant browser, as it's features quickly surpasses that of Mosaic. However, Microsoft entered the game this year with version 3.0 of their Internet Explorer - an incredible upgrade from their previous version, which lacked most of Netscape's advanced features.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.2165372371673584, "source": "search", "title": "Netscape Navigator Vs. Microsoft Internet Explorer - Who ..." }, { "answer": "Navigator", "passage": "While many of the features are very similar in IE and Navigator, certain differences can be seen, some minor and some more major. Many of the differences can be attributed to the way each company sees the future of the Internet and the user's PC. Microsoft will be integrating the next version of IE as a component in the desktop of the PC, while Netscape is aiming for their browser to become a \"universal client\", where the browser itself will almost replace the desktop (Sun Developer News, 1996). This will be addressed a bit later, in the description of the two browsers' different implementations of Java and ActiveX, as describing this more complex issue before even touching on the more basic features of each browser could be confusing. The future plans for the desktop, though, will be more apparent in release 4.0 of both browsers, and an entire paper could be written on these upcoming plans alone.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.4327361583709717, "source": "search", "title": "Netscape Navigator Vs. Microsoft Internet Explorer - Who ..." }, { "answer": "Navigator", "passage": "At the moment, IE supports four operating systems, - Windows '95, Windows NT, Windows 3.1 and Macintosh. Navigator supports sixteen, including 12 of the more popular Unix operating systems, Windows 3.1, Macintosh, as well as Windows '95 and Windows NT. This is a major advantage for Navigator, since the world, despite how Bill Gates may see it, is not limited to Windows and Mac users.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.476481437683105, "source": "search", "title": "Netscape Navigator Vs. Microsoft Internet Explorer - Who ..." }, { "answer": "Navigator", "passage": "One should also note that both browsers are lacking full support for IBM's OS/2. Microsoft has no browser whatsoever available for OS/2 and has never stated they would ever support it. Navigator does have version 2.02 available for OS/2, but not version 3.0, as they will supposedly jump right to Navigator 4.0 for OS/2.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.832412719726562, "source": "search", "title": "Netscape Navigator Vs. Microsoft Internet Explorer - Who ..." }, { "answer": "Navigator", "passage": "Both browsers have a similar type of interface, with a menu and button bar above the browser window. In general, IE's slick new interface is more appealing than Navigator's. IE's raised, frameless menu icons that light up when a mouse is placed over them, customizable address bar and links menu make it look more up-to-date and increase the ease of use. IE also includes a font button right on the menu bar for the user to take advantage of the variable font settings standard in HTML 3.2 (PC Direct, 1996). In addition, the search feature to search the current web document showing, is clearer on IE. While Navigator's button is labeled \"search\" for searching the document currently showing in the browser, IE goes a step further to label it's option for this (found under \"Edit\" on the main menu) as \"find on this page.\" (Santalesa, 1996). While this may seem like a negligible difference, it's easy to misunderstand the function or become confused by the \"search\" button. Many tend to think the button is used to search the Internet, not the current web document. IE clears up this confusion.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.6138129234313965, "source": "search", "title": "Netscape Navigator Vs. Microsoft Internet Explorer - Who ..." }, { "answer": "Navigator", "passage": "However, Navigator's method for presenting information while connecting to a site is a bit better. IE displays the site IP number instead of the name. For instance, Navigator will show while IE will show While not a major difference, numbers are not as \"friendly\" as the actual URL. In addition, IE doesn't not give an indication of the file sizes while downloading, instead opting for a graph showing what percentage of the file has been received (PC Direct, 1996).", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.120660781860352, "source": "search", "title": "Netscape Navigator Vs. Microsoft Internet Explorer - Who ..." }, { "answer": "Navigator", "passage": "Both browsers support bookmarks, or Favorites, as they are called in IE. Bookmarks in Navigator are easier to manage, and allows the user to insert separators, group bookmarks easily, see details of the last time the bookmark was used, and control the duration of the link (PC Direct, 1996). However, IE also includes a History folder that tracks every page visited for a certain number of days. The number of days is defined by the user, and makes backtracking much easier (Santalesa, 1996). Navigator provides a history, but only for the current session.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.568777084350586, "source": "search", "title": "Netscape Navigator Vs. Microsoft Internet Explorer - Who ..." }, { "answer": "Navigator", "passage": "However, users may want to consider the differences in the size of Navigator's and IE's bookmark files. That's right - size. The same bookmark file in Navigator will take up A LOT more disk space in IE. For example, a 458-KB bookmark file in Navigator takes up in IE- please sit down - anywhere between 18MB and 38MB, depending on the computer system (Santalesa, 1996). IE's Favorites take up significantly more space than Navigator's bookmarks, because each Favorite (bookmark) in IE becomes a Windows shortcut that, depending on the users disk-block size, actually uses up 16KB to 32 KB per entry. Those low on disk space and using IE should keep their Favorites folder to a minimum!", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.2705078125, "source": "search", "title": "Netscape Navigator Vs. Microsoft Internet Explorer - Who ..." }, { "answer": "Navigator", "passage": "Both Navigator and IE support sending and receiving HTML, so e-mail can be sent with images, sound, and even Java effects. (Schwartz, 1996). Netscape has gone a step further though and made deals with several Internet content providers to deliver customized e-mail to users' in-boxes regularly with a feature called Inbox Direct (PC Direct, 1996). Navigator also includes the feature to be able to display only unread inbox messages.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.336127281188965, "source": "search", "title": "Netscape Navigator Vs. Microsoft Internet Explorer - Who ..." }, { "answer": "Navigator", "passage": "IE, however, as items such as Inbox Assistant, which performs mail filtering. Users can set up a folder and specify which messages should automatically be filtered into that particular folder (Santalesa, 1996). IE's Internet news reader is also more intuitive for new users, while Navigator's integrated Usenet client is easier when skimming multiple groups (Santalesa, 1996).", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.741181373596191, "source": "search", "title": "Netscape Navigator Vs. Microsoft Internet Explorer - Who ..." }, { "answer": "Navigator", "passage": "While Navigator 3.0 introduces several new, non-standard table-formatting extensions to HTML 3.2, such as multicolumn layout, spacing and frame-border enhancements, IE 3.0 includes HTML 3.2 specifications that Navigator does not, including level 1 Cascading Style Sheets and floating frames. IE 3.0 is the first browser to support Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), the HTML style sheet standard set by the W3C. Style sheets give users the same flexibility of design and layout that desktop publishing programs do, by enabling them to attach styles (such as fonts, colors, and spacing) to HTML pages. By applying separate style tags to HTML, web page designers ensure that all browsers (that support CSS) can view the basic text and structure of the Web page while more sophisticated designs can be presented. This is a very useful feature lacking in Navigator.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.297430038452148, "source": "search", "title": "Netscape Navigator Vs. Microsoft Internet Explorer - Who ..." }, { "answer": "Navigator", "passage": "A full version of Navigator is about 5.5 MB while a full version of IE is about 8 MB, so obviously the download time is shorter for Navigator - a big plus for modem users. The extra download time for IE is due to its ActiveX controls. However, adding ActiveX support to Netscape requires a plug-in, which is an additional 3.5 MB (Santalesa, 1996).", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.663833141326904, "source": "search", "title": "Netscape Navigator Vs. Microsoft Internet Explorer - Who ..." }, { "answer": "Navigator", "passage": "Both companies stress that their browser downloads files faster. It is sometimes difficult to determine the browser's speed due to the differences in ISP connections, local disk speeds, and host web servers. While both products give substantial speed increases over older browsers, Navigator has a slight edge in downloading most pages, though IE executes Java applets faster.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.438721656799316, "source": "search", "title": "Netscape Navigator Vs. Microsoft Internet Explorer - Who ..." }, { "answer": "Navigator", "passage": "KeyLabs Inc., an independent network testing organization, released the results of its performance comparison of Navigator and IE in October. Testing was designed to measure performance while transferring actual Internet HTML files. File sets were grouped according to size. Download time was measured on a range of 10-100 Pentium class client computers. For small and medium files, Netscape turned in a more than 200 percent better performance. Microsoft's Internet Explorer narrowed the gap when downloading larger files, although Netscape's Navigator was still about 30 percent faster. The full details of this test are available at (no longer available)", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.891993999481201, "source": "search", "title": "Netscape Navigator Vs. Microsoft Internet Explorer - Who ..." }, { "answer": "Navigator", "passage": "In my personal testing of various sites, Navigator always connected and downloaded the page seconds, or even minutes faster than IE. This was done with an empty cache on both browsers, at approximately 11pm EST, using a T-1 connection at my office. While seconds may not seem like a significant difference, it does add up. However, there are many other variables to consider, such as the traffic on the particular site, time of day, etc.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.993548393249512, "source": "search", "title": "Netscape Navigator Vs. Microsoft Internet Explorer - Who ..." }, { "answer": "Navigator", "passage": "Other tests have claimed that IE \"occasionally gave up on pages, which Navigator, running alongside it, retrieved without a hitch\" (Green, 1996). In another independent test, IE had a problem with downloading Intel's home page due to a VB Script that Navigator ignored, but produced \"near paralysis\" for IE (Santalesa, 1996). The problem appears to be fixed, as I visited the site on Dec 5, 1996, and it showed no problems for IE.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.296331405639648, "source": "search", "title": "Netscape Navigator Vs. Microsoft Internet Explorer - Who ..." }, { "answer": "Navigator", "passage": "One site that did show a problem was the Macromedia Web site. I visited the site on December 5, 1996 and Navigator downloaded the site in seconds, while IE still had not downloaded the site after almost five minutes. A visit a day later though, showed no problem for IE.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.56105899810791, "source": "search", "title": "Netscape Navigator Vs. Microsoft Internet Explorer - Who ..." }, { "answer": "Navigator", "passage": "However, interestingly enough, IE executes Java applets faster than Navigator. (Java will be touched on shortly). This is something I had noticed independently, and other tests have proven this. Both browsers contain JIT (Just-in-time) Java compilers to significantly speed Java's executions (Santalesa 1996). The Pendragon Software Corp's CaffeineMark Industry standard testing on Java show IE 's execution of Java applets anywhere from 13 percent to 50 percent faster than Navigator 3.0 on almost every test. The complete test result are available at", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.133223533630371, "source": "search", "title": "Netscape Navigator Vs. Microsoft Internet Explorer - Who ..." }, { "answer": "Navigator", "passage": "IE's lack of JavaScript support will not always be obvious to the general user, as many times the JavaScript includes code to ignore a browser that does not support most JavaScript functions, usually any browser other than Navigator 3.0. In fact, I discovered this problem not by testing sites, but by my own inclusion of JavaScript in some web pages. I always test web pages with both IE and Navigator, to ensure people using either browser can view the site. IE would produce an error when encountering the JavaScript. IE supports only very basic JavaScript, and causes an error in most of the very useful and widely used JavaScripts. Implementing a browser detection JavaScript is very simple, and many helpful JavaScripts such as this can be found at The JavaScript tip of the week.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.465094566345215, "source": "search", "title": "Netscape Navigator Vs. Microsoft Internet Explorer - Who ..." }, { "answer": "Navigator", "passage": "Navigator also now includes LiveConnect, that allows the \"live\" objects of Java applets, JavaScripts, and plug-ins to interact with one another. In addition, Sun Microsystems, the creator of Java, has developed JavaBeans. JavaBeans allows Java components to be inserted in any other component or architecture, including ActiveX, OpenDoc, LiveConnect, and any Java applet or Application (Sun Developer News, 1996).", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.2771635055542, "source": "search", "title": "Netscape Navigator Vs. Microsoft Internet Explorer - Who ..." }, { "answer": "Navigator", "passage": "Navigator and IE both support plug-ins, though the approaches for acquiring the plug-ins are a bit different. Navigator uses something called Automatic Update, which gives users access to new plug-ins whenever they need them. With Automatic Update, when one encounters a new data type, Navigator checks to see if there is a plug-in that can display it. If the plug-in is already available on the system, Navigator automatically displays the data. If one doesn't have", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.17821979522705, "source": "search", "title": "Netscape Navigator Vs. Microsoft Internet Explorer - Who ..." }, { "answer": "Navigator", "passage": "an appropriate plug-in, Navigator displays a dialog box asking if users if they would like to locate one. The dialog box can be dismissed and users can continue reading the page, or they can have Navigator display a list of plug-ins and the new data type encountered. That list links directly to the download page for each plug-in. After downloading, the data type that needed the plug-in will work.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.961028099060059, "source": "search", "title": "Netscape Navigator Vs. Microsoft Internet Explorer - Who ..." }, { "answer": "Navigator", "passage": "This background on the two companys' different approaches to building computer infrastructures is important in understanding the differences between Java and ActiveX. An entire paper could be written just on Java and ActiveX, thus the information here regarding these two technologies is just a very brief overview. For a full understanding of Java or ActiveX, one should really acquire a more detailed document or book on the subject. This overview will however, present the basic differences between Java and ActiveX, and will tie in the reasons behind some of the differences of Navigator and IE. The differences between Microsoft's ActiveX and Sun Microsystem's Java (Netscape has adopted Java for Navigator, though Netscape did not create Java), will also show the different plans Microsoft and Netscape have for desktop computing. (Yes - this will finally be explained!)", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.763267517089844, "source": "search", "title": "Netscape Navigator Vs. Microsoft Internet Explorer - Who ..." }, { "answer": "Navigator", "passage": "Sun Microsystems, the developers of Java, built its business on network-centric computing, where a system's usability is determined more by the network resources it can access than by the particular operating system or the set of applications residing on it (Sun Developer News, 1996). As David Schickel, technical manager for Netscape Northern Europe states, \"with Navigator, (implementing Java) the notion of a desktop simply goes away.\" (PC Direct, 1996). The ultimate goal of Sun's network-centric model, which has been embraced by Netscape, is to provide the capabilities and capacities of the entire network to any computing device which can connect to it (Sun Developer News, 1996).", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.213568687438965, "source": "search", "title": "Netscape Navigator Vs. Microsoft Internet Explorer - Who ..." }, { "answer": "Navigator", "passage": "A significant difference between ActiveX and Java lies in platform dependence. The difference in platform support parallels that of Navigator and IE. ActiveX is platform dependent, while Java is platform independent and will run on multiple platforms, including Macintosh, 12 of the more well-known versions of Unix, Windows '95 and NT, and adheres to accepted industry standards. Java applications can run on multiple platforms without the need to be recompiled. This architecturally neutral characteristic of Java and Java's run-time environment are the main reasons why a Java program is portable. Simply put, this means one source, multiple platforms.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.932846069335938, "source": "search", "title": "Netscape Navigator Vs. Microsoft Internet Explorer - Who ..." }, { "answer": "Navigator", "passage": "ActiveX controls have to be recompiled to run on any platform other than Windows, as ActiveX controls include Windows/Intel specific codes. So, existing ActiveX controls will have to be recompiled, which is a significant undertaking if Internet Explorer ever becomes available for other platforms. Therefore, multiple copies of each ActiveX control must be kept for each browser platform. (Thompson, 1996). ActiveX is absolutely not platform independent, and is not expected to be any time soon. ActiveX is restricted to people using Microsoft Windows using Internet explorer, or Navigator on Microsoft Windows with the ActiveX plug-in. Navigator 3.0 is supposed to run OLE/ActiveX controls today via Navigator's plug-in architecture and the nCompass plug-in.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.110212326049805, "source": "search", "title": "Netscape Navigator Vs. Microsoft Internet Explorer - Who ..." }, { "answer": "Navigator", "passage": "This is not completely accurate. While the Navigator plug-in will run many ActiveX controls, I found that it did not work for some ActiveX features on the Microsoft Web Site . One in particular was an example of IE's streaming audio and video capabilities at Streaming allows the viewer to hear or see a multimedia file before it finishes downloading. Navigator also has plug-ins to support such streaming features, yet if one attempts to view these particular multimedia streaming examples, it looks as if Navigator does not work, and thus does not support multimedia streaming well.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.783692359924316, "source": "search", "title": "Netscape Navigator Vs. Microsoft Internet Explorer - Who ..." }, { "answer": "Navigator", "passage": "Upon exploring the code for the files, it was found that the multimedia files are called by a VBScript, which calls an ActiveX control. This actually showed that Navigator does not completely support ActiveX. However, Navigator does supports streaming, as does IE. Even running Windows '95 with the ActiveX plug-in installed, the files could not be played or downloaded. This is not the norm, as integrating a VBScript to play sound or run video over the Web is not necessary.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.822813987731934, "source": "search", "title": "Netscape Navigator Vs. Microsoft Internet Explorer - Who ..." }, { "answer": "Navigator", "passage": "Which view will win? Again, that won't be known until version 4.0 of Navigator and Internet Explorer are available. Then the real browser wars will begin.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.418976783752441, "source": "search", "title": "Netscape Navigator Vs. Microsoft Internet Explorer - Who ..." }, { "answer": "Navigator", "passage": "So how does one wade through all this information? So who wins the \"Browser Wars?\" The consumer. Compare the browsers of today with the Mosaic of last year, or even the first versions of Navigator and Internet Explorer! In addition, the competition between Microsoft and Netscape gives each company the push to become better and faster. One can see though, that both browsers contain excellent features for effective and exciting Web browsing. One can also see that both Microsoft and Netscape see the future of computing quite different, with Microsoft's desktop-centric view and Netscape's alliance with Sun Microsystems with their network-centric view.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -1.2118887901306152, "source": "search", "title": "Netscape Navigator Vs. Microsoft Internet Explorer - Who ..." }, { "answer": "Navigator", "passage": "When deciding on which browser is \"better\" a lot depends on personal opinion. For the novice user running Windows '95, Internet Explorer, with the easier plug-in function and more user-friendly interface would perhaps be a better choice. However, in my personal opinion, while Navigator may not be as \"pretty\" as IE, and does not include the Cascading Style Sheet feature, it's cross-platform support, downloading speed, JavaScript support, server-push dynamic document support, automatic update plug-in feature (I like choosing my own plug-ins), and most importantly, it's much higher level of security features makes it the best choice. Yet, for the best web browsing experience, I urge people to download BOTH browsers. Whether Web pages will one day work on all browsers is unknown, but for now, some pages will not work on either IE or Navigator, thus, downloading both cannot hurt. Actually using the browsers is also the best way to really decide which browser is best for YOU.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.702966690063477, "source": "search", "title": "Netscape Navigator Vs. Microsoft Internet Explorer - Who ..." }, { "answer": "Navigator", "passage": "Cataldo, B. (1996, July). Netscape Delivers New Navigator. Computer Life, 3(7), 23.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.916633605957031, "source": "search", "title": "Netscape Navigator Vs. Microsoft Internet Explorer - Who ..." }, { "answer": "Navigator", "passage": "Flight of the Navigators (1996, December). PC Direct, 446-470.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.51645565032959, "source": "search", "title": "Netscape Navigator Vs. Microsoft Internet Explorer - Who ..." }, { "answer": "Navigator", "passage": "Andreessen seemed an unlikely character to be identified as “the über-super-wunder whiz kid of cyberspace,” as Newsweek called him at the end of 1995. After growing up in New Lisbon, a town in rural Wisconsin, he enrolled at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and studied computer science. Andreessen found part-time work at the university’s National Center for Supercomputing Applications. There, he and a few fellow programmers developed Mosaic, the predecessor-browser to Netscape Navigator. Mosaic was launched in 1993 and quickly won followers for granting relatively easy, point-and-click access to the previously hard-to-access World Wide Web.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.056774139404297, "source": "search", "title": "The ’90s Startup That Terrified Microsoft and Got ..." }, { "answer": "Navigator", "passage": "After graduating and moving to California, in 1994 Andreessen met James H. Clark, a founder of Silicon Graphics who was looking for the next big thing, and they soon decided to set up a company that would outdo Mosaic. Andreessen and Clark recruited several of Andreessen’s former undergraduate colleagues and brought them to California as core programmers at Mosaic Communications Corporation, the predecessor to Netscape Communications. After fighting an intellectual property lawsuit from the University of Illinois, Clark and Andreessen reluctantly changed the company name: Mosaic Communications became Netscape Communications, and they renamed the browser Netscape Navigator.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -2.2209625244140625, "source": "search", "title": "The ’90s Startup That Terrified Microsoft and Got ..." }, { "answer": "Navigator", "passage": "Netscape was capable of impressive innovation. Pre-release “beta” versions of its Navigator 2.0 browser came out in October and December 1995 and were hailed as something of a technological feat. Navigator 2.0 was faster and more powerful than its predecessor, which had claimed about 70 percent of the browser market. Among other advances, Navigator 2.0 incorporated plug-in architecture, allowing programmers to develop applications on the browser. Netscape 2.0 also supported the Java applets that made Web-browsing a more lively and animated experience.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -1.5073034763336182, "source": "search", "title": "The ’90s Startup That Terrified Microsoft and Got ..." }, { "answer": "Navigator", "passage": "The smoldering hostility between the companies turned acute on June 21, 1995, at a four-hour meeting at Netscape’s headquarters. In the run-up to the meeting, Netscape and Microsoft had tentatively explored a strategic relationship. But according to detailed notes that Andreessen took at the meeting, Microsoft’s representatives came on strong and proposed that the companies carve up the browser market—with Netscape Navigator confined to the older, less lucrative versions of Windows.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.815783977508545, "source": "search", "title": "The ’90s Startup That Terrified Microsoft and Got ..." }, { "answer": "Navigator", "passage": "Even so, Netscape entered the browser war with a huge advantage in market share. Its dominance unnerved Microsoft. “Netscape is already entrenched in our markets all over the world,” a senior Microsoft executive, Brad Chase, wrote in a confidential internal memorandum in April 1996. “The situation today is scary,” Chase stated. “We have not taken the lead over Netscape in any market yet.” But in time, that equation would change dramatically. As Gates had promised, the Microsoft browser was improved. Internet Explorer 3.0, introduced in 1996, was seen as at least the technological equal to Netscape’s latest version, Navigator 3.0.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -1.5736533403396606, "source": "search", "title": "The ’90s Startup That Terrified Microsoft and Got ..." }, { "answer": "Navigator", "passage": "What’s more, computer users, especially new users, had little incentive to download and install Navigator on the Windows platform: Internet Explorer was already there, and technically it was just as good. Moreover, Microsoft had muscled its way into the commercial online market, and the largest service providers—including America Online, CompuServe, and AT&T Worldnet—replaced Netscape Navigator with Internet Explorer as their preferred browsing software. According to an America Online internal email, Gates asked an AOL executive in January 1996, “How much do we need to pay you to screw Netscape?” by designating Internet Explorer as AOL’s featured browser.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -1.175754427909851, "source": "search", "title": "The ’90s Startup That Terrified Microsoft and Got ..." }, { "answer": "Navigator", "passage": "The Netscape Navigator homepage on Aug. 9, 1995.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.130979061126709, "source": "search", "title": "Netscape went public 20 years ago today—a look at how it ..." }, { "answer": "Navigator", "passage": "Before Netscape Navigator, the internet was an abstract concept, used primarily by the military and academia.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.0626778602600098, "source": "search", "title": "Netscape went public 20 years ago today—a look at how it ..." }, { "answer": "Navigator", "passage": "According to detailed notes of the meeting made by Marc Andreessen , Netscape’s co-founder, Microsoft’s representatives proposed restricting the Netscape Navigator browser to older versions of Microsoft’s Windows operating systems. That would mean excluding Navigator from Windows 95 , the upgraded operating system that Microsoft preparing to release.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.469331741333008, "source": "search", "title": "Microsoft warns Netscape in prelude to the ‘browser war ..." }, { "answer": "Navigator", "passage": "The lawsuit further accused Microsoft of pursuing a strategy to crush Netscape by, among other moves, bundling Internet Explorer into its Windows operating system and strong-arming Internet providers and computer manufacturers to favor Internet Explorer over Netscape Navigator.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -1.426553726196289, "source": "search", "title": "Microsoft warns Netscape in prelude to the ‘browser war ..." } ]
A newbie is a new what?
{ "aliases": [ "Internet disruption", "Net culture", "Public Internet", "Digital Highway", "Intarnut", "The international network", "Internet user", "Net cultures", "The Way the Internet is used or abused", "Internet shutdown", "Internet", "The e-net", "Misuse of the Internet", "Interpersonal computing", "Public internet", "Internet users", "Intternnett", "Internet cutoff", "Significant Internet events", "Global Information Infrastructure", "Intetnet", "Internet-based", "Cyber surfer", "Global information infrastructure", "Interlec", "Interwebz", "Intternett", "The Internet", "Public concern over the Internet", "Internet Directory", "TheInternet", "Intarwebs", "Internet outage", "Interweb", "Inter net", "Intrernet", "Internet loss", "InterNet", "INTERNET", "Itnernet", "Internett", "The internet", "Inter-Net", "Worldwide internet", "Web vs. Internet", "Significant Internet event", "Inter-net", "Inter Net", "Internet failure", "Internet blackout", "Cybersurfer", "International network" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "internet", "internet user", "web vs internet", "cyber surfer", "internet loss", "internet outage", "significant internet event", "interweb", "public internet", "interwebz", "cybersurfer", "internet cutoff", "intarwebs", "global information infrastructure", "net cultures", "internet shutdown", "internet blackout", "intternnett", "e net", "itnernet", "net culture", "internet directory", "interpersonal computing", "intarnut", "intetnet", "interlec", "public concern over internet", "way internet is used or abused", "internett", "digital highway", "misuse of internet", "significant internet events", "intternett", "worldwide internet", "theinternet", "internet disruption", "internet users", "internet failure", "international network", "internet based", "inter net", "intrernet" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "internet user", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Internet user" }
[ { "answer": "Internet", "passage": "Newbie, newb or noob is a slang term for a novice or newcomer, or somebody inexperienced in any profession or activity. Contemporary use can particularly refer to a beginner or new user of computers, often concerning Internet activity, such as online gaming or Linux use. It can have derogatory connotations, but is also often used for descriptive purposes only, without a value judgment.", "precise_score": 8.655811309814453, "rough_score": 8.151544570922852, "source": "wiki", "title": "Newbie" }, { "answer": "Internet", "passage": "A newbie ( pronounced NOO-bee ) is a novice or neophyte: anyone who is new to any particular type of endeavor, such as a sport or a technology. The term is commonly applied to new users of personal computers and to new users of the Internet. According to Eric Raymond's The New Hacker's Dictionary , Newbie is a variant of the English public school term, new boy , someone in the first year or period of school. The term predates the Web and has been used for some time in Usenet newsgroups. Glenn Connery reports that he used the term in 1990 as a participant in Internet chatting group.", "precise_score": 9.089600563049316, "rough_score": 9.940215110778809, "source": "search", "title": "What is newbie? - Definition from" }, { "answer": "Internet", "passage": "The term \"newbie\" was greatly popularized with the advent of the Internet, but was in use before then. The word is also spelled as noob, n00b, or nub.", "precise_score": 5.725610256195068, "rough_score": 7.086207866668701, "source": "search", "title": "newbie - Wiktionary" }, { "answer": "Internet", "passage": "In the 1960s–1970s the term \"newbie\" had a limited usage among U.S. troops in the Vietnam War as a slang term for a new man in a unit. Its earliest known usage on the Internet may have been on the Usenet newsgroup talk.bizarre. The term is believed to have entered online usage by 1981. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 6.339194297790527, "source": "wiki", "title": "Newbie" }, { "answer": "Internet", "passage": "a newcomer or novice, especially an inexperienced user of the Internet or of computers in general.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.388428688049316, "source": "search", "title": "Newbie | Define Newbie at" }, { "answer": "Internet", "passage": "(slang) a newcomer, esp in computing or on the internet", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.430108070373535, "source": "search", "title": "Newbie | Define Newbie at" }, { "answer": "Internet", "passage": "(Internet) A new user or participant ; someone who is extremely new and inexperienced (to a game or activity). A beginner.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.755370140075684, "source": "search", "title": "newbie - Wiktionary" }, { "answer": "Internet", "passage": "(Telecommunications) slang a newcomer, esp in computing or on the internet", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.440081596374512, "source": "search", "title": "Newbie - definition of newbie by The Free Dictionary" }, { "answer": "Internet", "passage": "a newcomer, esp. an inexperienced user of the Internet or of computers in general.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.412932395935059, "source": "search", "title": "Newbie - definition of newbie by The Free Dictionary" }, { "answer": "Internet", "passage": "An inexperienced user of the Internet or of computers in general.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.434149742126465, "source": "search", "title": "Newbie - definition of newbie by The Free Dictionary" }, { "answer": "Internet", "passage": "an inexperienced user of computers, especially one who is not familiar with the rules of the Internet. groentjie مُسْتَعْمِل عَديم الخِبْرَه في الكومبيوتر леймър novato počítačový začátečník, nováček der Internet-anfänger newbie; ny bruger νέος χρήστης Η/Υ, που δεν κατέχει ακόμη τους άγραφους κανόνες πλοήγησης στο διαδίκτυο novato de la informática algaja, roheline شخص نا وارد ب اینترنت vasta-alkaja tietokoneiden käytössä novice en informatique (en Internet) מִשתַמֵש חָדָש בְּמַחשבִים अनाड़ी novi korisnik, početnik újonc pemula dalam ber-Internet novellino (とくに)インターネットの新参者 (컴퓨터) 풋내기 interneto naujokas iesācējs datorlietotājs baru berkecimpung dalam bidang komputer newbie, beginneling op het internet datafersking laik komputerowy, początkujący użytkownik څوك چى انترنت ته نوى راشى новичок в Сети počítačový začiatočník, nováčik računalniški zelenec novajlija ovan datoranvändare, newbie ความอ่อนหัดในการใช้คอมพิวเตอร์ acemi bilgisayarcı 網路新手 новачок نيا نويلا người mới sử dụng máy tính 网络新手", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.75193452835083, "source": "search", "title": "Newbie - definition of newbie by The Free Dictionary" }, { "answer": "Internet", "passage": "a person who is just starting out in a field of activity <a newbie to the Internet, he was still trying to cope with the visual clutter of cyberspace> Synonyms abecedarian , apprentice , babe , colt , cub , fledgling , freshman , greenhorn , neophyte , beginner , newcomer , novice , novitiate , punk , recruit , rook , rookie , tenderfoot , tyro , virgin Related Words boot ; amateur , dabbler , dilettante ; learner , student , trainee ; candidate , entrant , probationer Near Antonyms expert , master , pro , professional Antonyms old hand , old-timer , vet , veteran", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 2.347803831100464, "source": "search", "title": "Newbie Synonyms, Newbie Antonyms - Merriam-Webster" } ]
In an e mail address, how is a symbol like a period said out loud?
{ "aliases": [ "Dot punctuation", "D.O.T.", "Dot (punctuation)", "Dot", "DoT", "Dot (disambiguation)", "Dot (typography)", "Dot typography", "DOT" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "dot typography", "dot punctuation", "dot disambiguation", "dot", "d o t" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "dot", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Dot" }
[ { "answer": "Dot", "passage": "The full stop symbol derives from the Greek punctuation introduced by Aristophanes of Byzantium in the 3rd century . In his system, there were a series of dots whose placement determined their meaning. The full stop at the end of a completed thought or expression was marked by a high dot ⟨˙⟩, called the stigmḕ teleía () or \"terminal dot\". The \"middle dot\" ⟨·⟩, the stigmḕ mésē (), marked a division in a thought occasioning a longer breath (essentially a semicolon) and the low dot ⟨.⟩, called the hypostigmḕ () or \"underdot\", marked a division in a thought occasioning a shorter breath (essentially a comma). In practice, scribes mostly employed the full stop; the others fell out of use and were later replaced by other symbols. From the 9th century, the full stop began appearing as a low mark instead of a high one; by the advent of printing in Western Europe, the low mark was regular and then universal.", "precise_score": -10.083198547363281, "rough_score": -9.92153549194336, "source": "wiki", "title": "Full stop" }, { "answer": "Dot", "passage": "It depends on the context: Generally, period is the term for use in prose, dot refers to the symbol used in Internet protocols such as website and email addresses, and point is the name for the mathematical symbol used in decimal notation (including references to monetary figures).", "precise_score": -1.0773162841796875, "rough_score": -5.907067775726318, "source": "search", "title": "12 Signs and Symbols You Should Know - Daily Writing Tips" }, { "answer": "Dot", "passage": "Email addresses can be on servers on a subdomain as in [email protected]. All of the above regexes match this email address, because I included a dot in the character class after the @ symbol. But the above regexes also match [email protected] which is not valid due to the consecutive dots. You can exclude such matches by replacing [A-Z0-9.-]+\\. with (?:[A-Z0-9-]+\\.)+ in any of the above regexes. I removed the dot from the character class and instead repeated the character class and the following literal dot. E.g. ^[A-Z0-9._%+-]+@(?:[A-Z0-9-]+\\.)+[A-Z]{2,}$ matches [email protected] but not [email protected].", "precise_score": -8.518367767333984, "rough_score": -9.000663757324219, "source": "search", "title": "How to Find or Validate an Email Address - Regexp Patterns" }, { "answer": "Dot", "passage": "This regex has two parts: the part before the @, and the part after the @. There are two alternatives for the part before the @: it can either consist of a series of letters, digits and certain symbols, including one or more dots. However, dots may not appear consecutively or at the start or end of the email address. The other alternative requires the part before the @ to be enclosed in double quotes, allowing any string of ASCII characters between the quotes. Whitespace characters, double quotes and backslashes must be escaped with backslashes.", "precise_score": -7.410727024078369, "rough_score": -9.892279624938965, "source": "search", "title": "How to Find or Validate an Email Address - Regexp Patterns" }, { "answer": "Dot", "passage": "In punctuation, the full stop (Commonwealth English) or period (American English) is a punctuation mark placed at the end of a sentence. The full stop glyph is sometimes called a baseline dot because, typographically, it is a dot on the baseline. This term distinguishes the baseline dot from the interpunct (a raised dot). ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.79140853881836, "source": "wiki", "title": "Full stop" }, { "answer": "Dot", "passage": "The full stop glyph is also used for other purposes. It is often placed after an initial letter used to stand for a name, and sometimes placed after each individual letter in an initialism (for example, \"U.S.A.\"; see Acronym#Punctuation). It also has multiple contexts in mathematics and computing, where it may be called dot or point (short for decimal point).", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.079973220825195, "source": "wiki", "title": "Full stop" }, { "answer": "Dot", "passage": "The name \"period\" is first attested (as the Latin loanword peridos) in Ælfric of Eynsham's Old English treatment on grammar. There, it is distinguished from the full stop (the distinctio) and continues the Greek \"underdot\"'s earlier function as a comma between phrases.Oxford English Dictionary, \"period, n., adj., and adv.\" Oxford University Press (Oxford), 2005. It shifted its meaning to a dot marking a full stop in the works of the 16th-century grammarians. In 19th-century texts, both British English and American English were consistent in their usage of the terms \"period\" and \"full stop\". The word \"period\" was used as a name for what printers often called the \"full point\" or the punctuation mark that was a dot on the baseline and used in several situations. The phrase \"full stop\" was only used to refer to the punctuation mark when it was used to terminate a sentence. At some point during the 20th century, British usage diverged, adopting \"full stop\" as the more generic term, while American English continued to retain the traditional usage.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.10756778717041, "source": "wiki", "title": "Full stop" }, { "answer": "Dot", "passage": " 10.4. This notation is also seen when multiplying units in science; for example, 50 km/h could be written as 50 km·h−1. However in all countries the full stop is used to indicate a dot product, i.e. the scalar product of two vectors.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.035304069519043, "source": "wiki", "title": "Full stop" }, { "answer": "Dot", "passage": "In computing, the full stop is often used as a delimiter (commonly called a \"dot\"), such as in DNS lookups, web addresses, and file names:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.153432846069336, "source": "wiki", "title": "Full stop" }, { "answer": "Dot", "passage": "In Unix-like systems and Microsoft Windows, the dot character represents the working directory of the file system. Two dots (..) represent the parent directory of the working directory.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.83230972290039, "source": "wiki", "title": "Full stop" }, { "answer": "Dot", "passage": "Bourne shell-derived command-line interpreters, such as sh, ksh, and Bash, use the dot as a command to read a file and execute its content in the running interpreter. (Some of these also offer source as a synonym, based on that usage in the C-shell.)", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.380833625793457, "source": "wiki", "title": "Full stop" }, { "answer": "Dot", "passage": "Although the present Greek full stop (, teleía) is romanized as a Latin full stop [Ellīnikós Organismós Typopoíīsīs, \"Hellenic Organization for Standardization\"]. [ELOT 743, 2ī Ekdosī, \"ELOT 743, \"]. ELOT (Athens), 2001. . and encoded identically with the full stop in Unicode,Nicolas, Nick. \"[ Greek Unicode Issues: Punctuation]\". 2005. Accessed 7 Oct 2014. the historic full stop in Greek was a high dot and the low dot functioned as a kind of comma, as noted above. The low dot was increasingly but irregularly used to mark full stops after the 9th century and was fully adapted after the advent of print. The teleia should also be distinguished from the ano teleia mark, which is named \"high stop\" but looks like an interpunct (a middle dot) and principally functions as the Greek semicolon.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.142845153808594, "source": "wiki", "title": "Full stop" }, { "answer": "Dot", "passage": "The Armenian script uses the ։ (վերջակետ - verdjaket). It looks similar to the : (semicolon), but has always round dots.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.355978012084961, "source": "wiki", "title": "Full stop" }, { "answer": "Dot", "passage": "In some East Asian languages, notably Chinese and Japanese, a small circle is used instead of a solid dot: \"。\" (U+3002 \"Ideographic Full Stop\", ). Notably, in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macao usage, the full stop is written at center height instead of on the line.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.320578575134277, "source": "wiki", "title": "Full stop" }, { "answer": "Dot", "passage": "In the Devanagari script, used to write Hindi and Sanskrit among other Indian languages, a vertical line (\"।\") (U+0964 \"Devanagari Danda\") is used to mark the end of a sentence. In Hindi, it is known as poorna viraam (full stop) in Hindi and 'Daa`ri' in Bengali. Some Indian languages also use the full stop, such as Marathi. In Tamil it is known as \"Mutrupulli\", which means End Dot. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.350081443786621, "source": "wiki", "title": "Full stop" }, { "answer": "Dot", "passage": "In the Ge'ez script used to write Amharic and several other Ethiopian and Eritrean languages, the equivalent of the full stop following a sentence is the ˈarat nettib \"።\" which means \"four dots\". The two dots on the right are slightly ascending from the two on the left, with space ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.054283142089844, "source": "wiki", "title": "Full stop" }, { "answer": "Dot", "passage": "1. The dots in your Gmail address don't matter", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.86267375946045, "source": "search", "title": "7 Secret Gmail Features You Didn't Know Existed" }, { "answer": "Dot", "passage": "I would like to know about the usage of the sing . when slhould I read it period, dot or point?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.87894058227539, "source": "search", "title": "12 Signs and Symbols You Should Know - Daily Writing Tips" }, { "answer": "Dot", "passage": "The previous regex does not actually limit email addresses to 254 characters. If each part is at its maximum length, the regex can match strings up to 8129 characters in length. You can reduce that by lowering the number of allowed sub-domains from 125 to something more realistic like 8. I've never seen an email address with more than 4 subdomains. If you want to enforce the 254 character limit, the best solution is to check the length of the input string before you even use a regex. Though this requires a few lines of procedural code, checking the length of a string is near-instantaneous. If you can only use regexes, ^[A-Z0-9._%+-]{6,254}$ can be used as a first pass to make sure the string doesn't contain invalid characters and isn't too short or too long. If you need to do everything with one regex, you'll need a regex flavor that supports lookahead . The regular expression ^(?=[A-Z0-9._%+-]{6,254}$)[A-Z0-9._%+-]{1,64}@(?:[A-Z0-9-]{1,63}\\.){1,8}[A-Z]{2,63}$ uses a lookahead to first check that the string doesn't contain invalid characters and isn't too short or too long. When the lookahead succeeds, the remainder of the regex makes a second pass over the string to check for proper placement of the @ sign and the dots.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.418984413146973, "source": "search", "title": "How to Find or Validate an Email Address - Regexp Patterns" }, { "answer": "Dot", "passage": "Domain names cannot contain consecutive hyphens. [A-Z0-9]+(?:-[A-Z0-9]+)* matches a domain name that starts and ends with a letter or digit and that contains any number of non-consecutive hyphens. This is the most efficient way. This regex does not do any backtracking to match a valid domain name. It matches all letters and digits at the start of the domain name. If there are no hyphens, the optional group that follows fails immediately. If there are hyphens, the group matches each hyphen followed by all letters and digits up to the next hyphen or the end of the domain name. We can't enforce the maximum length when hyphens must be paired with a letter or digit, but letters and digits can stand on their own. But we can use the lookahead technique that we used to enforce the overall length of the email address to enforce the length of the domain name while disallowing consecutive hyphens: (?=[A-Z0-9-]{1,63}\\.)[A-Z0-9]+(?:-[A-Z0-9]+)*. Notice that the lookahead also checks for the dot that must appear after the domain name when it is fully qualified in an email address. This is important. Without checking for the dot, the lookahead would accept longer domain names. Since the lookahead does not consume the text it matches, the dot is not included in the overall match of this regex. When we put this regex into the overall regex for email addresses, the dot will be matched as it was in the previous regexes:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.304032325744629, "source": "search", "title": "How to Find or Validate an Email Address - Regexp Patterns" } ]
What name is given to a program designed to cause damage by attaching itself to other programs?
{ "aliases": [ "Non-enveloped virus", "Virus replication cycle", "Viral gene reassortment", "Virus origins", "Virose", "Uncoating", "Virus structure", "Virion", "Medical virus", "Virus'", "Virius", "Biovirus", "Viral budding", "Viris", "Viral particle", "Viral sex", "Virus", "Tumor virus", "Nucleocapsid", "Biological virus", "Viral illness", "Virus (biology)", "Virsu", "Virions", "Virons", "Virus (biological)", "Viridae", "Naked virus", "Virostatic", "Antibodies, viral", "Viruses", "Assembly and budding", "Nucleocapsid proteins", "Viri", "Medical Virus" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "viral sex", "virose", "nucleocapsid proteins", "viral illness", "virus biology", "virus structure", "assembly and budding", "viridae", "virus origins", "non enveloped virus", "virus", "biovirus", "virions", "biological virus", "viri", "nucleocapsid", "virion", "virostatic", "virsu", "virius", "naked virus", "virus biological", "medical virus", "viruses", "virons", "antibodies viral", "viral gene reassortment", "uncoating", "viral budding", "virus replication cycle", "viris", "tumor virus", "viral particle" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "virus", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Virus" }
[ { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "\"Malware\" is short for malicious software and used as a single term to refer to virus, spy ware, worm etc. Malware is designed to cause damage to a stand alone computer or a networked pc. So wherever a malware term is used it means a program which is designed to damage your computer it may be a virus, worm or Trojan.", "precise_score": 2.8759429454803467, "rough_score": -1.9326006174087524, "source": "search", "title": "What are malware, viruses, Spyware, and cookies, and what ..." }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Worms are malicious programs that make copies of themselves again and again on the local drive, network shares, etc. The only purpose of the worm is to reproduce itself again and again. It doesn’t harm any data/file on the computer. Unlike a virus, it does not need to attach itself to an existing program. Worms spread by exploiting vulnerabilities in operating systems", "precise_score": -0.599774181842804, "rough_score": -1.0757654905319214, "source": "search", "title": "What are malware, viruses, Spyware, and cookies, and what ..." }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Virus is a program written to enter to your computer and damage/alter your files/data. A virus might corrupt or delete data on your computer. Viruses can also replicate themselves. A computer Virus is more dangerous than a computer worm as it makes changes or deletes your files while worms only replicates itself with out making changes to your files/data.", "precise_score": -3.9925358295440674, "rough_score": -6.335964679718018, "source": "search", "title": "What are malware, viruses, Spyware, and cookies, and what ..." }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "So before you download anything from internet be sure about it first. Almost all viruses are attached to an executable file, which means the virus may exist on your computer but it actually cannot infect your computer unless you run or open the malicious program. It is important to note that a virus cannot be spread without a human action, such as running an infected program to keep it going.", "precise_score": -6.894562721252441, "rough_score": -8.036721229553223, "source": "search", "title": "What are malware, viruses, Spyware, and cookies, and what ..." }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Trojans: - A Trojan horse is not a virus. It is a destructive program that looks as a genuine application. Unlike viruses, Trojan horses do not replicate themselves but they can be just as destructive. Trojans also open a backdoor entry to your computer which gives malicious users/programs access to your system, allowing confidential and personal information to be theft.", "precise_score": -4.874416351318359, "rough_score": -8.782184600830078, "source": "search", "title": "What are malware, viruses, Spyware, and cookies, and what ..." }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "One common mistake that people make when the topic of a computer virus arises is to refer to a worm or Trojan horse as a virus . While the words Trojan, worm and virus are often used interchangeably, they are not exactly the same thing. Viruses, worms and Trojan Horses are all malicious programs that can cause damage to your computer , but there are differences among the three, and knowing those differences can help you better protect your computer from damaging effects.", "precise_score": -2.6367061138153076, "rough_score": -7.225126266479492, "source": "search", "title": "The Difference Between a Virus, Worm and Trojan Horse ..." }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "A computer virus attaches itself to a program or file enabling it to spread from one computer to another, leaving infections as it travels. Like a human virus, a computer virus can range in severity: some may cause only mildly annoying effects while others can damage your hardware , software or files . Almost all viruses are attached to an executable file , which means the virus may exist on your computer but it actually cannot infect your computer unless you run or open the malicious program.", "precise_score": 2.0389280319213867, "rough_score": 4.616800785064697, "source": "search", "title": "The Difference Between a Virus, Worm and Trojan Horse ..." }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "It is important to note that a virus cannot be spread without a human action, (such as running an infected program) to keep it going. Because a virus is spread by human action people will unknowingly continue the spread of a computer virus by sharing infecting files or sending emails with viruses as attachments in the email.", "precise_score": -9.215506553649902, "rough_score": -8.900691032409668, "source": "search", "title": "The Difference Between a Virus, Worm and Trojan Horse ..." }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "When a Trojan is activated on your computer, the results can vary. Some Trojans are designed to be more annoying than malicious (like changing your desktop , adding silly active desktop icons) or they can cause serious damage by deleting files and destroying information on your system. Trojans are also known to create a backdoor on your computer that gives malicious users access to your system, possibly allowing confidential or personal information to be compromised. Unlike viruses and worms, Trojans do not reproduce by infecting other files nor do they self-replicate.", "precise_score": -3.018723964691162, "rough_score": -3.753960132598877, "source": "search", "title": "The Difference Between a Virus, Worm and Trojan Horse ..." }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Added into the mix, we also have what is called a blended threat . A blended threat is a more sophisticated attack that bundles some of the worst aspects of viruses, worms, Trojan horses and malicious code into one single threat. Blended threats can use server and Internet vulnerabilities to initiate, then transmit and also spread an attack. Characteristics of blended threats are that they cause harm to the infected system or network, they propagates using multiple methods, the attack can come from multiple points, and blended threats also exploit vulnerabilities.", "precise_score": -8.390388488769531, "rough_score": -7.588418960571289, "source": "search", "title": "The Difference Between a Virus, Worm and Trojan Horse ..." }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "A virusvirus: ultramicroscopic non-cellular organism that replicates itself inside the cells of living hosts is a simple program [program: a list of instructions written in a programming language ] designed to cause harm to someone else's computer. A virus spreads by duplicating and attaching itself to other files. The extent of the damage depends on the virus. There are tens of thousands of viruses.", "precise_score": 6.025080680847168, "rough_score": 7.322709083557129, "source": "search", "title": "BBC - GCSE Bitesize: How do you get a virus?" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Some virus damage is insignificant but inconvenient. Some virus damage is disastrous, putting the computer system out of action by erasing files or corrupting data [data: information without context, eg a list of students with numbers beside their names is data, when it's made clear that those numbers represent their placing in a 100 metre race, the data becomes information ].", "precise_score": -5.597174644470215, "rough_score": -7.158492088317871, "source": "search", "title": "BBC - GCSE Bitesize: How do you get a virus?" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "The primary source of infection these days are email [email: electronic mail - a message written or typed on a computer and sent electronically rather than by post ] attachments [attachment: a file that's 'attached' to an email is called an attachment ] followed by illegal software [software: a general term used to describe an application or a program ] and infected files from the Internet [Internet: a global network connecting millions of computers ]. If you have up to date anti-virus [anti-virus: anti-virus software scans all forms of storage devices for viruses and, if found, attempts to remove them ] software installed this will immediately warn you of any infection. If not, there is usually no evidence of the virus and the user is not usually aware of it until something goes wrong.", "precise_score": -5.086964130401611, "rough_score": -6.824572563171387, "source": "search", "title": "BBC - GCSE Bitesize: How do you get a virus?" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Are these virus serious enough to cause losses? Among home PC users, you may think having to reinstall your OS after a virus or malware has brought it down is not really expensive as you lose just a day or two to reinstall your programs and rebuilding files, consider that in a business, you could actually lose millions. Just ask ChoicePoint when it took a $6 million charge in 2005 after cyber criminals hacked into their systems and stole sensitive data from thousands of customers. Or the credit card processor CardSystems Solutions which may yet go out of business from major security breach at the company's Tucson, Arizona, operations center. In a recent consumer survey among security breach victims, people don't take lightly the loss of their data. More than 60% of respondents indicated their plans to terminate business relationships with a company that lost the data they entrusted to them.", "precise_score": -9.019217491149902, "rough_score": -7.142612457275391, "source": "search", "title": "How to Protect your computer from Viruses and Trojans" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "A computer virus is the most subtle of computer problems. It usually loads itself into your computer system when you run a program to which it has attached itself. From the computer system, it'll then reproduce itself, much like a biological virus would, by attaching copies of itself to other programs on your hard drive. What it does then depends on the malevolence of its creator. Some viruses are nothing more than a practical joke. They may bring up a message like \"Merry Xmas\" or melt your display. Most of them though, either start destroying your system or your files immediately or on a date specified by their creators—like the much-publicized Michelangelo virus, which erases important pieces of your system on March 6. \"Trojan horse\" programs are similar to viruses in their effect on your system, but they can't reproduce themselves. They're usually a program disguised as something you might want to download onto your computer—for instance, a rogue, modified version of PKWare's PKZIP utility. But when you run the new program you just found, it can do anything from popping up a message to erasing your hard disk, as the rogue PKZIP utility really did.", "precise_score": 2.0065758228302, "rough_score": 3.226072311401367, "source": "search", "title": "How to Protect your computer from Viruses and Trojans" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Finding out that you copied a trojan horse onto your computer is remarkably easy. You launch the program, and the next thing you know, something completely unexpected happens—maybe your system is gone or your computer is laughing maniacally at you. But unless you notice your computer acting oddly before the virus has done its worst damage, you may very well not know you have it until it's too late.", "precise_score": -8.187905311584473, "rough_score": -8.629171371459961, "source": "search", "title": "How to Protect your computer from Viruses and Trojans" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "5. Don't allow your web browser to automatically run programs, such as MS Word or other programs through its e-mail program. Configure your browser to launch WordPad or Notepad instead. One of the biggest and growing threats is the macro virus, which is spread through data processing and spread sheet programs", "precise_score": -7.372320175170898, "rough_score": -7.5894551277160645, "source": "search", "title": "How to Protect your computer from Viruses and Trojans" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": " We have a whole selection of software that may come bundled under the name of malware . Short for malicious software, malware is any software that has been designed (programmed) specifically to damage or disrupt a computer system. The most common forms of malware are computer viruses, worms, and Trojan horses.", "precise_score": 1.2389709949493408, "rough_score": -4.741323471069336, "source": "search", "title": "All About Software: Types of Software Explained by ..." }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Malware : short for malicious software, software designed specifically to damage or disrupt a system, such as a virus or a Trojan horse.", "precise_score": -0.5117506384849548, "rough_score": -5.754510879516602, "source": "search", "title": "All About Software: Types of Software Explained by ..." }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "A type of malware . Viruses spread on their own by attaching their code to other programs, or copying themselves across systems and networks.", "precise_score": 1.103845477104187, "rough_score": -0.7832169532775879, "source": "search", "title": "Microsoft Malware Protection Center - Glossary" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "You are likely to have been affected by a virus at one time or another, either because your computer was infected by one or because you could not access an infected system while its administrators were cleaning up the mess one made. In fact, your virus might actually have been a worm: The terminology of malicious code is sometimes used imprecisely. A virus is a program that can pass on malicious code to other nonmalicious programs by modifying them. The term \"virus\" was coined because the affected program acts like a biological virus: It infects other healthy subjects by attaching itself to the program and either destroying it or coexisting with it. Because viruses are insidious, we cannot assume that a clean program yesterday is still clean today. Moreover, a good program can be modified to include a copy of the virus program, so the infected good program itself begins to act as a virus, infecting other programs. The infection usually spreads at a geometric rate, eventually overtaking an entire computing system and spreading to all other connected systems.", "precise_score": 1.635431170463562, "rough_score": -1.826926827430725, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses and Other Malicious Code | Program Security | InformIT" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "A virus can be either transient or resident. A transient virus has a life that depends on the life of its host; the virus runs when its attached program executes and terminates when its attached program ends. (During its execution, the transient virus may have spread its infection to other programs.) A resident virus locates itself in memory; then it can remain active or be activated as a stand-alone program, even after its attached program ends.", "precise_score": -1.4962654113769531, "rough_score": -3.489025592803955, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses and Other Malicious Code | Program Security | InformIT" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "A worm is a program that spreads copies of itself through a network. The primary difference between a worm and a virus is that a worm operates through networks, and a virus can spread through any medium (but usually uses copied program or data files). Additionally, the worm spreads copies of itself as a stand-alone program, whereas the virus spreads copies of itself as a program that attaches to or embeds in other programs.", "precise_score": -2.7556612491607666, "rough_score": -7.0643744468688965, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses and Other Malicious Code | Program Security | InformIT" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "For example, recall the SETUP program that you initiate on your computer. It may call dozens or hundreds of other programs, some on the distribution medium, some already residing on the computer, some in memory. If any one of these programs contains a virus, the virus code could be activated. Let us see how. Suppose the virus code were in a program on the distribution medium, such as a CD; when executed, the virus could install itself on a permanent storage medium (typically, a hard disk), and also in any and all executing programs in memory. Human intervention is necessary to start the process; a human being puts the virus on the distribution medium, and perhaps another initiates the execution of the program to which the virus is attached. (It is possible for execution to occur without human intervention, though, such as when execution is triggered by a date or the passage of a certain amount of time.) After that, no human intervention is needed; the virus can spread by itself.", "precise_score": -4.61711311340332, "rough_score": -6.8284406661987305, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses and Other Malicious Code | Program Security | InformIT" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "A more common means of virus activation is as an attachment to an e-mail message. In this attack, the virus writer tries to convince the victim (the recipient of an e-mail message) to open the attachment. Once the viral attachment is opened, the activated virus can do its work. Some modern e-mail handlers, in a drive to \"help\" the receiver (victim), will automatically open attachments as soon as the receiver opens the body of the e-mail message. The virus can be executable code embedded in an executable attachment, but other types of files are equally dangerous. For example, objects such as graphics or photo images can contain code to be executed by an editor, so they can be transmission agents for viruses. In general, it is safer to force users to open files on their own rather than automatically; it is a bad idea for programs to perform potentially security-relevant actions without a user's consent.", "precise_score": -7.309409141540527, "rough_score": -8.80114459991455, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses and Other Malicious Code | Program Security | InformIT" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "A program virus attaches itself to a program; then, whenever the program is run, the virus is activated. This kind of attachment is usually easy to program.", "precise_score": 1.4458239078521729, "rough_score": -1.5892647504806519, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses and Other Malicious Code | Program Security | InformIT" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "In the simplest case, a virus inserts a copy of itself into the executable program file before the first executable instruction. Then, all the virus instructions execute first; after the last virus instruction, control flows naturally to what used to be the first program instruction. Such a situation is shown in Figure 3-4 .", "precise_score": -8.404708862304688, "rough_score": -8.307881355285645, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses and Other Malicious Code | Program Security | InformIT" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "This kind of attachment is simple and usually effective. The virus writer does not need to know anything about the program to which the virus will attach, and often the attached program simply serves as a carrier for the virus. The virus performs its task and then transfers to the original program. Typically, the user is unaware of the effect of the virus if the original program still does all that it used to. Most viruses attach in this manner.", "precise_score": -0.8162575364112854, "rough_score": -2.4079346656799316, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses and Other Malicious Code | Program Security | InformIT" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "An alternative to the attachment is a virus that runs the original program but has control before and after its execution. For example, a virus writer might want to prevent the virus from being detected. If the virus is stored on disk, its presence will be given away by its file name, or its size will affect the amount of space used on the disk. The virus writer might arrange for the virus to attach itself to the program that constructs the listing of files on the disk. If the virus regains control after the listing program has generated the listing but before the listing is displayed or printed, the virus could eliminate its entry from the listing and falsify space counts so that it appears not to exist. A surrounding virus is shown in Figure 3-5 .", "precise_score": 0.950705885887146, "rough_score": -2.108323097229004, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses and Other Malicious Code | Program Security | InformIT" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "A third situation occurs when the virus replaces some of its target, integrating itself into the original code of the target. Such a situation is shown in Figure 3-6 . Clearly, the virus writer has to know the exact structure of the original program to know where to insert which pieces of the virus.", "precise_score": -7.138972282409668, "rough_score": -8.262007713317871, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses and Other Malicious Code | Program Security | InformIT" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "A special case of virus attachment, but formerly a fairly popular one, is the so-called boot sector virus. When a computer is started, control begins with firmware that determines which hardware components are present, tests them, and transfers control to an operating system. A given hardware platform can run many different operating systems, so the operating system is not coded in firmware but is instead invoked dynamically, perhaps even by a user's choice, after the hardware test.", "precise_score": -5.478463172912598, "rough_score": -8.544628143310547, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses and Other Malicious Code | Program Security | InformIT" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Virus writers also like to attach viruses to resident code because the resident code is activated many times while the machine is running. Each time the resident code runs, the virus does too. Once activated, the virus can look for and infect uninfected carriers. For example, after activation, a boot sector virus might attach itself to a piece of resident code. Then, each time the virus was activated it might check whether any removable disk in a disk drive was infected and, if not, infect it. In this way the virus could spread its infection to all removable disks used during the computing session.", "precise_score": -5.58512544631958, "rough_score": -7.784526348114014, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses and Other Malicious Code | Program Security | InformIT" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Most viruses attach to programs that are stored on media such as disks. The attached virus piece is invariant, so that the start of the virus code becomes a detectable signature. The attached piece is always located at the same position relative to its attached file. For example, the virus might always be at the beginning, 400 bytes from the top, or at the bottom of the infected file. Most likely, the virus will be at the beginning of the file, because the virus writer wants to obtain control of execution before the bona fide code of the infected program is in charge. In the simplest case, the virus code sits at the top of the program, and the entire virus does its malicious duty before the normal code is invoked. In other cases, the virus infection consists of only a handful of instructions that point or jump to other, more detailed instructions elsewhere. For example, the infected code may consist of condition testing and a jump or call to a separate virus module. In either case, the code to which control is transferred will also have a recognizable pattern. Both of these situations are shown in Figure 3-9 .", "precise_score": -3.1238505840301514, "rough_score": -3.4289374351501465, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses and Other Malicious Code | Program Security | InformIT" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "A virus may attach itself to a file, in which case the file's size grows. Or the virus may obliterate all or part of the underlying program, in which case the program's size does not change but the program's functioning will be impaired. The virus writer has to choose one of these detectable effects.", "precise_score": 0.08720580488443375, "rough_score": -0.7888303995132446, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses and Other Malicious Code | Program Security | InformIT" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "There are no limits to the harm a virus can cause. On the modest end, the virus might do nothing; some writers create viruses just to show they can do it. Or the virus can be relatively benign, displaying a message on the screen, sounding the buzzer, or playing music. From there, the problems can escalate. One virus can erase files, another an entire disk; one virus can prevent a computer from booting, and another can prevent writing to disk. The damage is bounded only by the creativity of the virus's author.", "precise_score": -8.548462867736816, "rough_score": -8.524639129638672, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses and Other Malicious Code | Program Security | InformIT" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "A virus is effective only if it has some means of transmission from one location to another. As we have already seen, viruses can travel during the boot process, by attaching to an executable file or traveling within data files. The travel itself occurs during execution of an already infected program. Since a virus can execute any instructions a program can, virus travel is not confined to any single medium or execution pattern. For example, a virus can arrive on a diskette or from a network connection, travel during its host's execution to a hard disk boot sector, reemerge next time the host computer is booted, and remain in memory to infect other diskettes as they are accessed.", "precise_score": -3.9957056045532227, "rough_score": -3.502668619155884, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses and Other Malicious Code | Program Security | InformIT" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Virus discovery could be aided by a procedure to determine if two programs are equivalent. However, theoretical results in computing are very discouraging when it comes to the complexity of the equivalence problem. The general question, \"are these two programs equivalent?\" is undecidable (although that question can be answered for many specific pairs of programs). Even ignoring the general undecidability problem, two modules may produce subtly different results that may—or may not—be security relevant. One may run faster, or the first may use a temporary file for work space whereas the second performs all its computations in memory. These differences could be benign, or they could be a marker of an infection. Therefore, we are unlikely to develop a screening program that can separate infected modules from uninfected ones.", "precise_score": -9.274182319641113, "rough_score": -6.67904806137085, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses and Other Malicious Code | Program Security | InformIT" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Another approach virus writers have used is a little-known feature in the Microsoft file design. Although a file with a .doc extension is expected to be a Word document, in fact, the true document type is hidden in a field at the start of the file. This convenience ostensibly helps a user who inadvertently names a Word document with a .ppt (Power-Point) or any other extension. In some cases, the operating system will try to open the associated application but, if that fails, the system will switch to the application of the hidden file type. So, the virus writer creates an executable file, names it with an inappropriate extension, and sends it to the victim, describing it is as a picture or a necessary code add-in or something else desirable. The unwitting recipient opens the file and, without intending to, executes the malicious code.", "precise_score": -9.47861099243164, "rough_score": -8.320426940917969, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses and Other Malicious Code | Program Security | InformIT" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Use only commercial software acquired from reliable, well-established vendors. There is always a chance that you might receive a virus from a large manufacturer with a name everyone would recognize. However, such enterprises have significant reputations that could be seriously damaged by even one bad incident, so they go to some degree of trouble to keep their products virus-free and to patch any problem-causing code right away. Similarly, software distribution companies will be careful about products they handle.", "precise_score": -6.904101371765137, "rough_score": -4.93148946762085, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses and Other Malicious Code | Program Security | InformIT" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Viruses can infect only Microsoft Windows systems. False. Among students and office workers, PCs are popular computers, and there may be more people writing software (and viruses) for them than for any other kind of processor. Thus, the PC is most frequently the target when someone decides to write a virus. However, the principles of virus attachment and infection apply equally to other processors, including Macintosh computers, Unix workstations, and mainframe computers. In fact, no writeable stored-program computer is immune to possible virus attack. As we noted in Chapter 1, this situation means that all devices containing computer code, including automobiles, airplanes, microwave ovens, radios, televisions, and radiation therapy machines have the potential for being infected by a virus.", "precise_score": -5.333662986755371, "rough_score": -8.8399076461792, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses and Other Malicious Code | Program Security | InformIT" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Viruses can modify \"hidden\" or \"read only\" files. True. We may try to protect files by using two operating system mechanisms. First, we can make a file a hidden file so that a user or program listing all files on a storage device will not see the file's name. Second, we can apply a read-only protection to the file so that the user cannot change the file's contents. However, each of these protections is applied by software, and virus software can override the native software's protection. Moreover, software protection is layered, with the operating system providing the most elementary protection. If a secure operating system obtains control before a virus contaminator has executed, the operating system can prevent contamination as long as it blocks the attacks the virus will make.", "precise_score": -8.770756721496582, "rough_score": -7.3055596351623535, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses and Other Malicious Code | Program Security | InformIT" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Viruses can appear only in data files, or only in Word documents, or only in programs. False. What are data? What is an executable file? The distinction between these two concepts is not always clear, because a data file can control how a program executes and even cause a program to execute. Sometimes a data file lists steps to be taken by the program that reads the data, and these steps can include executing a program. For example, some applications contain a configuration file whose data are exactly such steps. Similarly, word processing document files may contain startup commands to execute when the document is opened; these startup commands can contain malicious code. Although, strictly speaking, a virus can activate and spread only when a program executes, in fact, data files are acted upon by programs. Clever virus writers have been able to make data control files that cause programs to do many things, including pass along copies of the virus to other data files.", "precise_score": -6.174530982971191, "rough_score": -5.231934547424316, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses and Other Malicious Code | Program Security | InformIT" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Viruses can be malevolent, benign, or benevolent. True. Not all viruses are bad. For example, a virus might locate uninfected programs, compress them so that they occupy less memory, and insert a copy of a routine that decompresses the program when its execution begins. At the same time, the virus is spreading the compression function to other programs. This virus could substantially reduce the amount of storage required for stored programs, possibly by up to 50 percent. However, the compression would be done at the request of the virus, not at the request, or even knowledge, of the program owner.", "precise_score": -4.8665080070495605, "rough_score": -7.542686462402344, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses and Other Malicious Code | Program Security | InformIT" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "The Brain, like all viruses, seeks to pass on its infection. This virus first locates itself in upper memory and then executes a system call to reset the upper memory bound below itself, so that it is not disturbed as it works. It traps interrupt number 19 (disk read) by resetting the interrupt address table to point to it and then sets the address for interrupt number 6 (unused) to the former address of the interrupt 19. In this way, the virus screens disk read calls, handling any that would read the boot sector (passing back the original boot contents that were moved to one of the bad sectors); other disk calls go to the normal disk read handler, through interrupt 6.", "precise_score": -10.276107788085938, "rough_score": -8.923188209533691, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses and Other Malicious Code | Program Security | InformIT" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "A virus is a piece of computer code that attaches itself to a computer program. When a computer runs the infected program, the virus launches and embeds itself in the computer’s memory. It then looks for other programs or files to which it can attach. This process repeats each time an infected program launches. A trigger activates the virus, which may be a date or the number of times a virus replicates itself, resulting in damaged software or computer files. E-mail viruses may find an individual’s address book and send copies of an infected document to everyone listed.", "precise_score": 2.944366693496704, "rough_score": 4.789482593536377, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses, Worms, and Spyware - Indiana University" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Worms are very similar to viruses in that they are computer programs that replicate functional copies of themselves and often, but not always, contain some functionality that will interfere with the normal use of a computer or a program. The difference is that, unlike viruses, worms exist as separate entities; they do not attach themselves to other files or programs.", "precise_score": -1.4485315084457397, "rough_score": -4.65592098236084, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses, Worms, and Spyware - Indiana University" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Named after the wooden horse the Greeks used to infiltrate Troy, a Trojan Horse is a program that appears to be useful software, but instead it compromises your security and causes a lot of damage. Once it is downloaded and executed, the malicious code begins to work. The difference between Trojan Horses and viruses is that Trojan Horses do not replicate or spread on their own. They can only be transmitted intentionally via email or disk, or downloaded directly onto a PC. Many Trojan Horses are designed to steal your login ID and password and then email them to someone else who can make use of the account at your expense. Other Trojan Horses can display obscene messages or delete the contents of your hard drive.", "precise_score": -1.7730969190597534, "rough_score": -3.7517476081848145, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses, Worms, and Spyware - Indiana University" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "A Rootkit is a program or a collection of programs that is similar to a Trojan Horse. A Rootkit takes Administrator level control of a system without authorization of the system's owners and managers. The goal of a Rootkit is to compromise the operating system itself. These programs are able to obscure their presence and activity from the user and virus scan software. Rootkits make this possible because they take control of the operating system. Because virus scans depend on queues from the operating system to find viruses, Rootkits can effectively hide themselves from any program on the machine. Rootkits are also difficult to remove and typically require the use of an outside operating system such as a live distribution of a clean operating system or any other program that can run prior to the booting of the operating system. Because of the high level of difficulty associated with removing a Rootkit, it is often assumed that it is easier to rebuild the system than to manually remove the malicious code.", "precise_score": -6.198997497558594, "rough_score": -6.441729545593262, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses, Worms, and Spyware - Indiana University" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Viruses and similar malicious programs usually spread in one of several ways: from external media such as CDs, from vulnerabilities in Windows programs, from downloads off the Internet or bulletin boards, from browsing infected Internet sites, from using Instant Messaging, and from email attachments.", "precise_score": -7.961119174957275, "rough_score": -8.333648681640625, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses, Worms, and Spyware - Indiana University" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "If your computer begins to act strangely, or if it stops being able to do things it has always done in the past, it may be infected with a virus. Symptoms such as longer-than-normal program load times, unpredictable program behavior, inexplicable changes in file sizes, inability to boot, strange graphics appearing on your screen, or unusual sounds may indicate that a virus is on your system. However, it is important to distinguish between virus symptoms and those that come from corrupted system files, which can look very similar. Unless you have up-to-date antivirus software installed on your computer, there is no sure way to know if you have a virus or not. There are also email warnings that end up being a hoax. To determine if the email virus warning is real, you can visit the Web site at:", "precise_score": -10.460040092468262, "rough_score": -8.83671760559082, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses, Worms, and Spyware - Indiana University" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Trial versions of antivirus software are often shipped with new computers and may only have a subscription for virus updates for a limited time period. If the antivirus program no longer receives updates, then the computer is vulnerable to viruses. Therefore, you may want to install new antivirus software that is up to date. Always be certain to uninstall your current product before installing the new one. Leaving the previous version installed can cause conflicts on your system. However, it is important that you download the latest virus definitions before removing the old program, or your machine may be at risk for a certain period of time.", "precise_score": -9.463295936584473, "rough_score": -8.098468780517578, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses, Worms, and Spyware - Indiana University" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "If you find these or any other virus-scanning programs, remove them before installing SEP. If you have any problems uninstalling the old antivirus software, please contact the UITS Support Center before attempting to install SEP. Symantec offers manual removal instructions and other utilities at:", "precise_score": -9.335470199584961, "rough_score": -8.910752296447754, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses, Worms, and Spyware - Indiana University" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Once Proactive Threat Protection is enabled, SEP is designed to start running as soon as your computer's operating system starts. It runs unobtrusively in the background, checking all vulnerable files for possible infection by mischievous, sometimes malevolent programs called viruses and worms. SEP does this by looking for the identifying signatures of these worms and viruses and comparing them to known viruses for which it has files. When it detects an infected file, it notifies you and manages the infection according to your preferences. For maximum protection against new viruses, you must keep SEP up to date.", "precise_score": -8.567465782165527, "rough_score": -6.816089153289795, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses, Worms, and Spyware - Indiana University" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Virus scans should be performed on a regular basis to ensure that your computer is free of dangerous and harmful viruses, since it is possible to acquire a virus before getting an update that would recognize the virus. A virus can “slip through” in spite of your best efforts. Performing virus scans is a simple task that can be automated with most antivirus programs. When virus scans detect a virus, the antivirus program deletes or quarantines the problem area to keep it from spreading or performing any further damage.", "precise_score": -8.874773025512695, "rough_score": -8.902302742004395, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses, Worms, and Spyware - Indiana University" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "The antivirus program will clean, quarantine, delete, or leave alone any viruses found on your computer system, depending upon the settings that were configured in the Proactive Threat Protection dialog box. If you cannot boot your computer after acquiring a virus, then you will most likely have to take your computer to a professional or to someone who can take care of the virus problem. Sometimes a virus infection may be too “deep” to just remove, and the computer system will have to be rebuilt—a good reason to always back up important data!", "precise_score": -9.96762466430664, "rough_score": -8.29952335357666, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses, Worms, and Spyware - Indiana University" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "the ability to propagate by attaching itself to executable files (e.g., application programs, operating system, macros, scripts, boot sector of a hard disk or floppy disk, etc.) Running the executable file may make new copies of the virus.", "precise_score": 0.30507659912109375, "rough_score": -0.3245466649532318, "source": "search", "title": "Computer Crime - Dr. R. Standler's professional homepage" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "A logic bomb is a program that \"detonates\" when some event occurs. The detonated program might stop working (e.g., go into an infinite loop), crash the computer, release a virus, delete data files, or any of many other harmful possibilities. A time bomb is a type of logic bomb, in which the program detonates when the computer's clock reaches some target date.", "precise_score": -5.3020405769348145, "rough_score": -8.18433952331543, "source": "search", "title": "Computer Crime - Dr. R. Standler's professional homepage" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "a virus requires human action to propagate (e.g., running an infected program, booting from a disk that has infected boot sectors) even if the human action is inadvertent, while a worm propagates automatically. For most viruses or worms, these two different criteria give the same result. However, there have been a few malicious programs that might be considered a virus by some and a worm by others. Ultimately, the taxonomy matters only to computer scientists who are doing research with these malicious programs.", "precise_score": -7.276073455810547, "rough_score": -7.7567243576049805, "source": "search", "title": "Computer Crime - Dr. R. Standler's professional homepage" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "First, there is no acceptable reason to create malicious software that alters or deletes data files from the victim's hard disk, releases confidential information from the victim's computer along with a copy of the virus/worm to potential future victims, attempts to disable anti-virus software on the victim's computer, or any of the other harms that have been observed in real malicious programs. There is no rational reason to write a program that one intends never to use.", "precise_score": -7.091783046722412, "rough_score": -7.4189453125, "source": "search", "title": "Computer Crime - Dr. R. Standler's professional homepage" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Detection—Take measures that allow you to detect when information has been damaged, altered, or stolen, how it has been damaged, altered, or stolen, and who has caused the damage. Various tools are available to help detect intrusions, damage or alterations, and viruses.", "precise_score": -8.7540864944458, "rough_score": -8.539588928222656, "source": "search", "title": "Security Threats - MSDN - Microsoft" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Trojan horses. These are malicious programs or software code hidden inside what looks like a normal program. When a user runs the normal program, the hidden code runs as well. It can then start deleting files and causing other damage to the computer. Trojan horses are normally spread by e-mail attachments. The Melissa virus that caused denial-of-service attacks throughout the world in 1999 was a type of Trojan horse.", "precise_score": 0.28095772862434387, "rough_score": -4.2111101150512695, "source": "search", "title": "Security Threats - MSDN - Microsoft" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Some viruses are \"memory resident\" viruses. When a user executes an executable file that is infected with this type of virus, the virus loads itself into memory and remains there even if the original program is shut down. Subsequent programs that are executed are infected with the virus until the computer is shut down or turned off. Some viruses have a \"dormant\" phase and will appear only at certain times or when certain actions are performed.", "precise_score": -7.795328140258789, "rough_score": -8.738229751586914, "source": "search", "title": "Security Threats - MSDN - Microsoft" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "An overwriting virus will destroy code or data in the host program by replacing it with the virus code. It should be noted that most viruses attempt to retain the original host program's code and functionality after infection because the virus is more likely to be detected and deleted if the program ceases to work. A non-overwriting virus is designed to append the virus code to the physical end of the program or to move the original code to another location.", "precise_score": -4.487637996673584, "rough_score": -6.579963207244873, "source": "search", "title": "Security Threats - MSDN - Microsoft" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "A stealth virus is a resident virus that attempts to evade detection by concealing its presence in infected files. To achieve this, the virus intercepts system calls that examine the contents or attributes of infected files. The results of these calls must be altered to correspond to the file's original state. For example, a stealth virus might remove the virus code from an executable when it is read (rather than executed) so that an anti-virus software package will examine the original, uninfected host program.", "precise_score": -9.139045715332031, "rough_score": -8.337638854980469, "source": "search", "title": "Security Threats - MSDN - Microsoft" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Computer viruses move from computer to computer by attaching themselves to files or boot records of disks and diskettes. These days it is not uncommon to find them in e-mail attachments and other programs that can be downloaded from the Internet.", "precise_score": -1.760044813156128, "rough_score": -3.0397915840148926, "source": "search", "title": "Security Threats - MSDN - Microsoft" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Damage that Viruses Cause", "precise_score": -5.760976791381836, "rough_score": -8.940851211547852, "source": "search", "title": "Security Threats - MSDN - Microsoft" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Viruses can destroy file allocation tables (FAT) and lead to the corruption of an entire file system, resulting in the need to fully reinstall and reload the system. Viruses also can create bad sectors on the disk, destroying parts of programs and files. They can decrease the space on hard disks by duplicating files. They also can format specific tracks on the disks or format the entire disk.", "precise_score": -7.131744384765625, "rough_score": -7.309174060821533, "source": "search", "title": "Security Threats - MSDN - Microsoft" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Most worms disrupt services and create system management problems. Some worms scan for passwords and other loopholes and then send the information back to the attacker. In some cases worms can install Trojan horses or viruses that cause damage to the systems.", "precise_score": -6.8336920738220215, "rough_score": -6.382998466491699, "source": "search", "title": "Security Threats - MSDN - Microsoft" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "A macro virus is a virus that attaches itself to a spreadsheet worksheet, or is programmed into the spreadsheet. It also could be programmed into other products such as Word documents and Microsoft PowerPoint presentations and so on.", "precise_score": -2.3920087814331055, "rough_score": -8.559333801269531, "source": "search", "title": "Security Threats - MSDN - Microsoft" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "What are malware, viruses, Spyware, and cookies, and what differentiates them ? | Symantec Connect", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.446600914001465, "source": "search", "title": "What are malware, viruses, Spyware, and cookies, and what ..." }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "What are malware, viruses, Spyware, and cookies, and what differentiates them ?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.441511154174805, "source": "search", "title": "What are malware, viruses, Spyware, and cookies, and what ..." }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "What are malware, viruses, Spyware, and cookies, and what differentiates them ?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.441511154174805, "source": "search", "title": "What are malware, viruses, Spyware, and cookies, and what ..." }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Virus:-", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.453850746154785, "source": "search", "title": "What are malware, viruses, Spyware, and cookies, and what ..." }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Examples of virus are: - W32.Sfc!mod", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.522746086120605, "source": "search", "title": "What are malware, viruses, Spyware, and cookies, and what ..." }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Viruses can enter to your computer as an attachment of images, greeting, or audio / video files. Viruses also enters through downloads on the Internet. They can be hidden in a free/trial softwares or other files that you download.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.94904613494873, "source": "search", "title": "What are malware, viruses, Spyware, and cookies, and what ..." }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Virus is of different types which are as follows.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.459261894226074, "source": "search", "title": "What are malware, viruses, Spyware, and cookies, and what ..." }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "1) File viruses", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.595053672790527, "source": "search", "title": "What are malware, viruses, Spyware, and cookies, and what ..." }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "3) Master boot record viruses", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.600271224975586, "source": "search", "title": "What are malware, viruses, Spyware, and cookies, and what ..." }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "4) Boot sector viruses", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.617679595947266, "source": "search", "title": "What are malware, viruses, Spyware, and cookies, and what ..." }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "6) Polymorphic viruses", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.571878433227539, "source": "search", "title": "What are malware, viruses, Spyware, and cookies, and what ..." }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "7) Stealth viruses", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.55894947052002, "source": "search", "title": "What are malware, viruses, Spyware, and cookies, and what ..." }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "File Virus:-This type of virus normally infects program files such as .exe, .com, .bat. Once this virus stays in memory it tries to infect all programs that load on to memory.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.491398811340332, "source": "search", "title": "What are malware, viruses, Spyware, and cookies, and what ..." }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Macro Virus: - These type of virus infects word, excel, PowerPoint, access and other data files. Once infected repairing of these files is very much difficult.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.318485260009766, "source": "search", "title": "What are malware, viruses, Spyware, and cookies, and what ..." }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Master boot record files: - MBR viruses are memory-resident viruses and copy itself to the first sector of a storage device which is used for partition tables or OS loading programs .A MBR virus will infect this particular area of Storage device instead of normal files. The easiest way to remove a MBR virus is to clean the MBR area,", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.376306533813477, "source": "search", "title": "What are malware, viruses, Spyware, and cookies, and what ..." }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Boot sector virus: - Boot sector virus infects the boot sector of a HDD or FDD. These are also memory resident in nature. As soon as the computer starts it gets infected from the boot sector.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.458251953125, "source": "search", "title": "What are malware, viruses, Spyware, and cookies, and what ..." }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Cleaning this type of virus is very difficult.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.532886505126953, "source": "search", "title": "What are malware, viruses, Spyware, and cookies, and what ..." }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Multipartite virus: - A hybrid of Boot and Program/file viruses. They infect program files and when the infected program is executed, these viruses infect the boot record. When you boot the computer next time the virus from the boot record loads in memory and then start infecting other program files on disk", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.808876991271973, "source": "search", "title": "What are malware, viruses, Spyware, and cookies, and what ..." }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Polymorphic viruses: - A virus that can encrypt its code in different ways so that it appears differently in each infection. These viruses are more difficult to detect.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.315866470336914, "source": "search", "title": "What are malware, viruses, Spyware, and cookies, and what ..." }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Stealth viruses: - These types of viruses use different kind of techniques to avoid detection. They either redirect the disk head to read another sector instead of the one in which they reside or they may alter the reading of the infected file’s size shown in the directory listing. For example, the Whale virus adds 9216 bytes to an infected file; then the virus subtracts the same number of bytes (9216) from the size given in the directory.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.193982124328613, "source": "search", "title": "What are malware, viruses, Spyware, and cookies, and what ..." }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "The Difference Between a Virus, Worm and Trojan Horse - Webopedia", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.534123420715332, "source": "search", "title": "The Difference Between a Virus, Worm and Trojan Horse ..." }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "The most common blunder people make when the topic of a computer virus arises is to refer to a worm or Trojan horse as a virus. The phrases are used interchangeably, but they are not the same thing.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.119401931762695, "source": "search", "title": "The Difference Between a Virus, Worm and Trojan Horse ..." }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "What Is a Computer Virus?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.530600547790527, "source": "search", "title": "The Difference Between a Virus, Worm and Trojan Horse ..." }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "A worm is similar to a virus by design and is considered to be a sub-class of a virus. Worms spread from computer to computer, but unlike a virus, it has the capability to travel without any human action. A worm takes advantage of file or information transport features on your system, which is what allows it to travel unaided.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.640259742736816, "source": "search", "title": "The Difference Between a Virus, Worm and Trojan Horse ..." }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Blended threats are considered to be the worst risk to security since the inception of viruses, as most blended threats also require no human intervention to propagate.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.935826301574707, "source": "search", "title": "The Difference Between a Virus, Worm and Trojan Horse ..." }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Fast Facts: Sophisticated, bundles aspects of viruses, worms and Trojan horses, most require no human action.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.371044158935547, "source": "search", "title": "The Difference Between a Virus, Worm and Trojan Horse ..." }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Tips to Combat Viruses, Worms and Trojan Horses on Your Computer", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.465974807739258, "source": "search", "title": "The Difference Between a Virus, Worm and Trojan Horse ..." }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "The first step in protecting your computer from any malicious there is to ensure that your operating system (OS) is up-to-date. This is essential if you are running a Microsoft Windows OS. Secondly, you need to have anti-virus software installed on your system and ensure you download updates frequently to ensure your software has the latest fixes for new viruses, worms, and Trojan horses. Additionally, you want to make sure your anti-virus program has the capability to scan e-mail and files as they are downloaded from the Internet, and you also need to run full disk scans periodically. This will help prevent malicious programs from even reaching your computer.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.37389087677002, "source": "search", "title": "The Difference Between a Virus, Worm and Trojan Horse ..." }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "You should also install a firewall . A firewall is a system that prevents unauthorized use and access to your computer. A firewall can be either hardware or software. Hardware firewalls provide a strong degree of protection from most forms of attack coming from the outside world and can be purchased as a stand-alone product or in broadband routers. Unfortunately, when battling viruses, worms and Trojans, a hardware firewall may be less effective than a software firewall, as it could possibly ignore embedded worms in out going e-mails and see this as regular network traffic.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.107369422912598, "source": "search", "title": "The Difference Between a Virus, Worm and Trojan Horse ..." }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "It is important to remember that on its own a firewall is not going to rid you of your computer virus problems, but when used in conjunction with regular operating system updates and a good anti-virus scanning software, it will add some extra security and protection for your computer or network. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.443428039550781, "source": "search", "title": "The Difference Between a Virus, Worm and Trojan Horse ..." }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Did You Know... CodeRed, a blended threat, launched DoS attacks, defaced Web servers, and its variant, CodeRed II, left Trojan horses behind for later execution. CodeRed was processed in memory — not on a hard disk — allowing it to slip past some anti-virus products. Computer Economics has estimated the worldwide cost of CodeRed at $2.62 billion dollars. [Source: Symantec Web site ]", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.012218475341797, "source": "search", "title": "The Difference Between a Virus, Worm and Trojan Horse ..." }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "BBC - GCSE Bitesize: How do you get a virus?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.538810729980469, "source": "search", "title": "BBC - GCSE Bitesize: How do you get a virus?" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "How do you get a virus?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.565987586975098, "source": "search", "title": "BBC - GCSE Bitesize: How do you get a virus?" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Viruses are written by malicious programmers who wish to cause problems for other computer users.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.613868713378906, "source": "search", "title": "BBC - GCSE Bitesize: How do you get a virus?" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "How to Protect your computer from Viruses and Trojans -", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.470877647399902, "source": "search", "title": "How to Protect your computer from Viruses and Trojans" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Computer Viruses:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.495254516601562, "source": "search", "title": "How to Protect your computer from Viruses and Trojans" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "When you’re online, you expose your vulnerability to malicious virus that have been growing in virulence and ferocity over the last few years. These program codes have gone beyond mere annoyances with the worst kinds disabling your PC, but they have become portals for remotely perpetuating more sinister activity that can clandestinely hack into sites, mount denial of services or steal confidential and personal data for fraudulent financial gain at your expense.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.878618240356445, "source": "search", "title": "How to Protect your computer from Viruses and Trojans" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "The 2011 Norton Cybercrime Report reveals that there were 431 million global cybercrime victims who lost $388 billion in real money losses and computer time. This is a lot more compared to the estimated $288 billion in revenues from the black markets for cocaine, heroin and illegal drug trades combined. For sure, not all of these losses were incurred due to Trojans, worms, viruses, rootkits and malware. But when you consider that roughly 4.3% of cybercrimes involve damages to PC resulting from online downloads of infected content over the internet, you are looking at a computed $17 billion in annual losses due to malware and virus infection.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.12429141998291, "source": "search", "title": "How to Protect your computer from Viruses and Trojans" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "What can I do to protect myself from computer viruses and Trojans?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.490253448486328, "source": "search", "title": "How to Protect your computer from Viruses and Trojans" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "These days, practically everyone's online, downloading and exchanging files, and developers are in such a hurry to get their Web sites up or their files out that checking for a nasty bug is more of a courtesy than a requirement. If you're not careful, your computer can end up with a nasty virus that makes your files act oddly, crashes your computer, pops up bizarre messages, or worst of all, destroys your operating system.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.358968734741211, "source": "search", "title": "How to Protect your computer from Viruses and Trojans" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "In either case, you have to actually launch the infected program or the trojan horse for it to infiltrate your system. Though hoax e-mails, like the one about the \"Good Times\" virus try to make you believe otherwise, neither a virus nor a trojan horse program can do anything if you simply leave the malevolent file sitting on your hard drive.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.02807903289795, "source": "search", "title": "How to Protect your computer from Viruses and Trojans" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "There are a few basic rules that computer users should follow to short-circuit viruses. The best known bit of advice is this: Never open any attachment unless you know who it's from and why they are sending it. Refusing to open unsolicited e-mail of any kind is the only sure-fire way to sidestep all forms of trouble.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.7183837890625, "source": "search", "title": "How to Protect your computer from Viruses and Trojans" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Anti-virus software is crucial to preventing virus attacks, but this strategy only works if users update their software.Unfortunately, 'keeping it current' means updating it weekly, at least but most products today allow one to automate this process, but file downloads can be large and slow.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.607177734375, "source": "search", "title": "How to Protect your computer from Viruses and Trojans" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Factors to consider when buying an anti-virus package include cost, quality of tech support, how frequently the package self-updates and the platforms supported by the program.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.180564880371094, "source": "search", "title": "How to Protect your computer from Viruses and Trojans" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Common sense is another good weapon in the fight against viruses. Be wary of opening any email attachments, even from your firends , especially if it has been forwarded to them.Set up your anti-virus product so that it automatically scans incoming e-mail and avoiding e-mail software that allows automatic launching of attachments.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.536783218383789, "source": "search", "title": "How to Protect your computer from Viruses and Trojans" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "If all of this sounds like a lot of work, it is. There is always a tradeoff between ease of use and security but the extra time you spend updating your anti-virus software now will save you hours of time and buckets of frustration later.If you don't keep it updated, you might was well be completely unprotected.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.234925270080566, "source": "search", "title": "How to Protect your computer from Viruses and Trojans" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Like sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), computer viruses existed prior to the popularity of the Internet, but as with the sexual revolution of the '70s, viruses have flourished with the widespread sharing of information. And, much like the efforts to control STDs, controlling computer viruses is to be done through education and practicing safe hex (a play on words which means to perform certain measures to protect your computer).", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.014124870300293, "source": "search", "title": "How to Protect your computer from Viruses and Trojans" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "1. Be sure do a full back up of your system on a regular basis. The best way to clean up an infected file is to replace it with an original non-infected file. Not to mention the grief a current back up will save if a virus takes your system completely down. It's also a good idea to keep more than one set of backup in case the current one is infected before the virus is detected.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.119091987609863, "source": "search", "title": "How to Protect your computer from Viruses and Trojans" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "2. Always use an anti-virus software program, one with both an on-demand and an on-access scanner. You'll want to look for one that has a fairly complete database of viruses and that is updateable. New viruses are produced daily, so it's important to have software that can detect the latest threat.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.996334075927734, "source": "search", "title": "How to Protect your computer from Viruses and Trojans" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Be sure to read the manual and follow the directions of the software program to ensure it's protecting you properly. Also, consider buying and using two different brands to be doubly protected. See our review of anti-virus programs.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.047758102416992, "source": "search", "title": "How to Protect your computer from Viruses and Trojans" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "3. Update the virus database in your anti-virus program regularly (each month or by the direction of the manufacturer).", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.192838668823242, "source": "search", "title": "How to Protect your computer from Viruses and Trojans" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "6. Configure your web browsers to disable ActiveX, Java, and Javascript. You'll lose some of the fun the Web's been known for, but you'll save your computer from contracting a virus and speed up your connection.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.069494247436523, "source": "search", "title": "How to Protect your computer from Viruses and Trojans" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "7. Know that the only way a virus spreads is either by launching an infected file or by booting an infected disk. You can not get a virus by simply being online or by reading e-mail. You have to download and launch an infected file before it will spread. Therefore, do not launch any unsolicited executable files sent via e-mail.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.10901165008545, "source": "search", "title": "How to Protect your computer from Viruses and Trojans" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "8. Using an updated anti-virus program, scan all new software for viruses before installing them on your hard drive. Even shrink-wrapped software from major publishers has been known to contain viruses.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.870759010314941, "source": "search", "title": "How to Protect your computer from Viruses and Trojans" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Viruses are not the only type of programs that are written solely to cripple computer systems or to use a computer in an unauthorized way. Other malicious programs are Logic Bombs, Trojan Horses, and Worms.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.492508888244629, "source": "search", "title": "How to Protect your computer from Viruses and Trojans" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "The Virus Bulletin ( offers a list of viruses that are floating through the computer world at present. The site also offers the opportunity to report viruses, should you be unfortunate enough to encounter a new one firsthand.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.347320556640625, "source": "search", "title": "How to Protect your computer from Viruses and Trojans" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "If your computer is not on a network, and you never, ever install new programs or download files from the Internet or open email enclosures, you don't have to worry about viruses. But that's like living in a sealed bubble. Most of us have to go out into public every day, where we're subject to the germs carried by others (though natural immunities will usually protect us from most of them.) Likewise, most people also have to update their software and are interested in communication and information from others. Luckily, there are some preventions and cures for even the nastiest of viruses .", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.77462100982666, "source": "search", "title": "How to Protect your computer from Viruses and Trojans" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Editor's Recommendation:  For more information on Malware, check out Webopedia's Did You Know... The Difference Between a Virus, Worm and Trojan Horse?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.49421215057373, "source": "search", "title": "All About Software: Types of Software Explained by ..." }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "A type of infection where a virus finds a gap in a file and inserts itself into it. This means the file stays the same size and the virus is harder to find. This technique can modify the original file beyond repair.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.667471885681152, "source": "search", "title": "Microsoft Malware Protection Center - Glossary" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "A set of signatures that our security software uses to identify malware. Other security software vendors may call definitions something different, such as DAT files, pattern files, identity files, or antivirus databases.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.956628799438477, "source": "search", "title": "Microsoft Malware Protection Center - Glossary" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Stands for the European Institute for Computer Antivirus Research. EICAR provides a file that can be used to see if your antivirus software is installed and working properly. There is more information on the EICAR website .", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.099930763244629, "source": "search", "title": "Microsoft Malware Protection Center - Glossary" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "When a virusadds its code to another file to help it spread its code to other files and PCs.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.355530738830566, "source": "search", "title": "Microsoft Malware Protection Center - Glossary" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Macro virus", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.534759521484375, "source": "search", "title": "Microsoft Malware Protection Center - Glossary" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "A type of virus that spreads through infected documents such as Microsoft Word or Excel documents. The virus is run when you open an infected document.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.378700256347656, "source": "search", "title": "Microsoft Malware Protection Center - Glossary" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Short for malicious software. The general name for programs that perform unwanted actions on our PC, such as stealing your personal information. Some malware can steal your banking details, lock your PC until you pay a ransom, or use your PC to send spam. Viruses , worms and trojans are all types of malware.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.198277473449707, "source": "search", "title": "Microsoft Malware Protection Center - Glossary" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Software that pretends to be an antivirus program but doesn't actually provide any security. This type of software usually gives you a lot of alerts about threats on your PC that don't exist. It also tries to convince you to pay for its services. Our rogue security software page has more information.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.317865371704102, "source": "search", "title": "Microsoft Malware Protection Center - Glossary" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "A type of malware . A trojan is a program that tries to look innocent, but is actually a malicious application. Unlike a virus or a worm , a trojan doesn't spread by itself. Instead they try to look innocent to convince you to download and install them. Once installed, a trojan can steal your personal information, download more malware, or give a malicious hacker access to your PC.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.257674217224121, "source": "search", "title": "Microsoft Malware Protection Center - Glossary" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Virus", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.485393524169922, "source": "search", "title": "Microsoft Malware Protection Center - Glossary" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Viruses and Other Malicious Code | Program Security | InformIT", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.976790428161621, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses and Other Malicious Code | Program Security | InformIT" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Viruses and Other Malicious Code", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.42361068725586, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses and Other Malicious Code | Program Security | InformIT" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "VIRUSES AND OTHER MALICIOUS CODE", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.42361068725586, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses and Other Malicious Code | Program Security | InformIT" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "The popular literature and press continue to highlight the effects of malicious code as if it were a relatively recent phenomenon. It is not. Cohen [COH84] is sometimes credited with the discovery of viruses, but in fact Cohen gave a name to a phenomenon known long before. For example, Thompson, in his 1984 Turing Award lecture, \"Reflections on Trusting Trust\" [THO84], described code that can be passed by a compiler. In that lecture, he refers to an earlier Air Force document, the Multics security evaluation [KAR74, KAR02]. In fact, references to virus behavior go back at least to 1970. Ware's 1970 study (publicly released in 1979 [WAR79]) and Anderson's planning study for the U.S. Air Force [AND72] (to which Schell also refers) still accurately describe threats, vulnerabilities, and program security flaws, especially intentional ones. What is new about malicious code is the number of distinct instances and copies that have appeared.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.272309303283691, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses and Other Malicious Code | Program Security | InformIT" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "White et al. [WHI89] also define a rabbit as a virus or worm that self-replicates without bound, with the intention of exhausting some computing resource. A rabbit might create copies of itself and store them on disk, in an effort to completely fill the disk, for example.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.667601585388184, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses and Other Malicious Code | Program Security | InformIT" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "These definitions match current careful usage. The distinctions among these terms are small, and often the terms are confused, especially in the popular press. The term \"virus\" is often used to refer to any piece of malicious code. Furthermore, two or more forms of malicious code can be combined to produce a third kind of problem. For instance, a virus can be a time bomb if the viral code that is spreading will trigger an event after a period of time has passed. The kinds of malicious code are summarized in Table 3-1.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.02396011352539, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses and Other Malicious Code | Program Security | InformIT" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Because \"virus\" is the popular name given to all forms of malicious code and because fuzzy lines exist between different kinds of malicious code, we will not be too restrictive in the following discussion. We want to look at how malicious code spreads, how it is activated, and what effect it can have. A virus is a convenient term for mobile malicious code, and so in the following sections we use the term \"virus\" almost exclusively. The points made apply also to other forms of malicious code.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.385950088500977, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses and Other Malicious Code | Program Security | InformIT" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "How Viruses Attach", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.65156364440918, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses and Other Malicious Code | Program Security | InformIT" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "A printed copy of a virus does nothing and threatens no one. Even executable virus code sitting on a disk does nothing. What triggers a virus to start replicating? For a virus to do its malicious work and spread itself, it must be activated by being executed. Fortunately for virus writers, but unfortunately for the rest of us, there are many ways to ensure that programs will be executed on a running computer.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.15522575378418, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses and Other Malicious Code | Program Security | InformIT" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Appended Viruses", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.500837326049805, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses and Other Malicious Code | Program Security | InformIT" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "FIGURE 3-4 Virus Appended to a Program.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.155628204345703, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses and Other Malicious Code | Program Security | InformIT" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Viruses That Surround a Program", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.744657516479492, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses and Other Malicious Code | Program Security | InformIT" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "FIGURE 3-5 Virus Surrounding a Program.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.157554626464844, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses and Other Malicious Code | Program Security | InformIT" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Integrated Viruses and Replacements", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.355069160461426, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses and Other Malicious Code | Program Security | InformIT" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "FIGURE 3-6 Virus Integrated into a Program.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.981521606445312, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses and Other Malicious Code | Program Security | InformIT" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Finally, the virus can replace the entire target, either mimicking the effect of the target or ignoring the expected effect of the target and performing only the virus effect. In this case, the user is most likely to perceive the loss of the original program.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.177749633789062, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses and Other Malicious Code | Program Security | InformIT" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Document Viruses", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.538081169128418, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses and Other Malicious Code | Program Security | InformIT" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Currently, the most popular virus type is what we call the document virus, which is implemented within a formatted document, such as a written document, a database, a slide presentation, or a spreadsheet. These documents are highly structured files that contain both data (words or numbers) and commands (such as formulas, formatting controls, links). The commands are part of a rich programming language, including macros, variables and procedures, file accesses, and even system calls. The writer of a document virus uses any of the features of the programming language to perform malicious actions.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.72964859008789, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses and Other Malicious Code | Program Security | InformIT" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "The ordinary user usually sees only the content of the document (its text or data), so the virus writer simply includes the virus in the commands part of the document, as in the integrated program virus.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.716045379638672, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses and Other Malicious Code | Program Security | InformIT" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "How Viruses Gain Control", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.524293899536133, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses and Other Malicious Code | Program Security | InformIT" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "The virus (V) has to be invoked instead of the target (T). Essentially, the virus either has to seem to be T, saying effectively \"I am T\" (like some rock stars, where the target is the artiste formerly known as T) or the virus has to push T out of the way and become a substitute for T, saying effectively \"Call me instead of T.\" A more blatant virus can simply say \"invoke me [you fool].\" The virus can assume T's name by replacing (or joining to) T's code in a file structure; this invocation technique is most appropriate for ordinary programs. The virus can overwrite T in storage (simply replacing the copy of T in storage, for example). Alternatively, the virus can change the pointers in the file table so that the virus is located instead of T whenever T is accessed through the file system. These two cases are shown in Figure 3-7 .", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.467881202697754, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses and Other Malicious Code | Program Security | InformIT" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "FIGURE 3-7 Virus Completely Replacing a Program.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.254864692687988, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses and Other Malicious Code | Program Security | InformIT" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "The virus can supplant T by altering the sequence that would have invoked T to now invoke the virus V; this invocation can be used to replace parts of the resident operating system by modifying pointers to those resident parts, such as the table of handlers for different kinds of interrupts.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.768367767333984, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses and Other Malicious Code | Program Security | InformIT" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Homes for Viruses", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.55255126953125, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses and Other Malicious Code | Program Security | InformIT" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "The virus writer may find these qualities appealing in a virus:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.5181884765625, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses and Other Malicious Code | Program Security | InformIT" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Few viruses meet all these criteria. The virus writer chooses from these objectives when deciding what the virus will do and where it will reside.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.490625381469727, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses and Other Malicious Code | Program Security | InformIT" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Just a few years ago, the challenge for the virus writer was to write code that would be executed repeatedly so that the virus could multiply. Now, however, one execution is enough to ensure widespread distribution. Many viruses are transmitted by e-mail, using either of two routes. In the first case, some virus writers generate a new e-mail message to all addresses in the victim's address book. These new messages contain a copy of the virus so that it propagates widely. Often the message is a brief, chatty, non-specific message that would encourage the new recipient to open the attachment from a friend (the first recipient). For example, the subject line or message body may read \"I thought you might enjoy this picture from our vacation.\" In the second case, the virus writer can leave the infected file for the victim to forward unknowingly. If the virus's effect is not immediately obvious, the victim may pass the infected file unwittingly to other victims.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.065052032470703, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses and Other Malicious Code | Program Security | InformIT" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "The majority of viruses today execute only once, spreading their infection and causing their effect in that one execution. A virus often arrives as an e-mail attachment of a document virus. It is executed just by being opened.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.997673034667969, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses and Other Malicious Code | Program Security | InformIT" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Boot Sector Viruses", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.602899551391602, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses and Other Malicious Code | Program Security | InformIT" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "To allow for change, expansion, and uncertainty, hardware designers reserve a large amount of space for the bootstrap load. The boot sector on a PC is slightly less than 512 bytes, but since the loader will be larger than that, the hardware designers support \"chaining,\" in which each block of the bootstrap is chained to (contains the disk location of) the next block. This chaining allows big bootstraps but also simplifies the installation of a virus. The virus writer simply breaks the chain at any point, inserts a pointer to the virus code to be executed, and reconnects the chain after the virus has been installed. This situation is shown in Figure 3-8 .", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.835474014282227, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses and Other Malicious Code | Program Security | InformIT" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "FIGURE 3-8 Boot Sector Virus Relocating Code.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.615022659301758, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses and Other Malicious Code | Program Security | InformIT" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "The boot sector is an especially appealing place to house a virus. The virus gains control very early in the boot process, before most detection tools are active, so that it can avoid, or at least complicate, detection. The files in the boot area are crucial parts of the operating system. Consequently, to keep users from accidentally modifying or deleting them with disastrous results, the operating system makes them \"invisible\" by not showing them as part of a normal listing of stored files, preventing their deletion. Thus, the virus code is not readily noticed by users.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.693037033081055, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses and Other Malicious Code | Program Security | InformIT" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Memory-Resident Viruses", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.574991226196289, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses and Other Malicious Code | Program Security | InformIT" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Other Homes for Viruses", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.427408218383789, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses and Other Malicious Code | Program Security | InformIT" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "A virus that does not take up residence in one of these cozy establishments has to fend more for itself. But that is not to say that the virus will go homeless.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.307453155517578, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses and Other Malicious Code | Program Security | InformIT" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "One popular home for a virus is an application program. Many applications, such as word processors and spreadsheets, have a \"macro\" feature, by which a user can record a series of commands and repeat them with one invocation. Such programs also provide a \"startup macro\" that is executed every time the application is executed. A virus writer can create a virus macro that adds itself to the startup directives for the application. It also then embeds a copy of itself in data files so that the infection spreads to anyone receiving one or more of those files.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.27879524230957, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses and Other Malicious Code | Program Security | InformIT" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Libraries are also excellent places for malicious code to reside. Because libraries are used by many programs, the code in them will have a broad effect. Additionally, libraries are often shared among users and transmitted from one user to another, a practice that spreads the infection. Finally, executing code in a library can pass on the viral infection to other transmission media. Compilers, loaders, linkers, runtime monitors, runtime debuggers, and even virus control programs are good candidates for hosting viruses because they are widely shared.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.05868911743164, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses and Other Malicious Code | Program Security | InformIT" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Virus Signatures", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.466442108154297, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses and Other Malicious Code | Program Security | InformIT" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "A virus cannot be completely invisible. Code must be stored somewhere, and the code must be in memory to execute. Moreover, the virus executes in a particular way, using certain methods to spread. Each of these characteristics yields a telltale pattern, called a signature, that can be found by a program that knows to look for it. The virus's signature is important for creating a program, called a virus scanner, that can automatically detect and, in some cases, remove viruses. The scanner searches memory and long-term storage, monitoring execution and watching for the telltale signatures of viruses. For example, a scanner looking for signs of the Code Red worm can look for a pattern containing the following characters:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.288677215576172, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses and Other Malicious Code | Program Security | InformIT" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "When the scanner recognizes a known virus's pattern, it can then block the virus, inform the user, and deactivate or remove the virus. However, a virus scanner is effective only if it has been kept up-to-date with the latest information on current viruses. Side-bar 3-4 describes how viruses were the primary security breach among companies surveyed in 2001.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.062057495117188, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses and Other Malicious Code | Program Security | InformIT" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Information Week magazine reports that viruses, worms, and Trojan horses represented the primary method for breaching security among the 4,500 security professionals surveyed in 2001 [HUL01c]. Almost 70 percent of the respondents noted that virus, worm, and Trojan horse attacks occurred in the 12 months before April 2001. Second were the 15 percent of attacks using denial of service; telecommunications or unauthorized entry was responsible for 12 percent of the attacks. (Multiple responses were allowed.) These figures represent establishments in 42 countries throughout North America, South America, Europe, and Asia.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.97590160369873, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses and Other Malicious Code | Program Security | InformIT" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "FIGURE 3-9 Recognizable Patterns in Viruses.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.483017921447754, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses and Other Malicious Code | Program Security | InformIT" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "The virus scanner can use a code or checksum to detect changes to a file. It can also look for suspicious patterns, such as a JUMP instruction as the first instruction of a system program (in case the virus has positioned itself at the bottom of the file but wants to be executed first, as in Figure 3-9 ).", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.914568901062012, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses and Other Malicious Code | Program Security | InformIT" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "A virus writer may want a virus to do several things at the same time, namely, spread infection, avoid detection, and cause harm. These goals are shown in Table 3-2, along with ways each goal can be addressed. Unfortunately, many of these behaviors are perfectly normal and might otherwise go undetected. For instance, one goal is modifying the file directory; many normal programs create files, delete files, and write to storage media. Thus, there are no key signals that point to the presence of a virus.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.52977180480957, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses and Other Malicious Code | Program Security | InformIT" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Most virus writers seek to avoid detection for themselves and their creations. Because a disk's boot sector is not visible to normal operations (for example, the contents of the boot sector do not show on a directory listing), many virus writers hide their code there. A resident virus can monitor disk accesses and fake the result of a disk operation that would show the virus hidden in a boot sector by showing the data that should have been in the boot sector (which the virus has moved elsewhere).", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.048470497131348, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses and Other Malicious Code | Program Security | InformIT" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "TABLE 3-2 Virus Effects and Causes.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.446552276611328, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses and Other Malicious Code | Program Security | InformIT" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Virus Effect", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.421777725219727, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses and Other Malicious Code | Program Security | InformIT" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Section 3.3 Viruses and Other Malicious Code", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.511922836303711, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses and Other Malicious Code | Program Security | InformIT" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Polymorphic Viruses", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.551993370056152, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses and Other Malicious Code | Program Security | InformIT" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "The virus signature may be the most reliable way for a virus scanner to identify a virus. If a particular virus always begins with the string 47F0F00E08 (in hexadecimal) and has string 00113FFF located at word 12, it is unlikely that other programs or data files will have these exact characteristics. For longer signatures, the probability of a correct match increases.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.87201976776123, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses and Other Malicious Code | Program Security | InformIT" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "If the virus scanner will always look for those strings, then the clever virus writer can cause something other than those strings to be in those positions. For example, the virus could have two alternative but equivalent beginning words; after being installed, the virus will choose one of the two words for its initial word. Then, a virus scanner would have to look for both patterns. A virus that can change its appearance is called a polymorphic virus. (Poly means \"many\" and morph means \"form\".) A two-form polymorphic virus can be handled easily as two independent viruses. Therefore, the virus writer intent on preventing detection of the virus will want either a large or an unlimited number of forms so that the number of possible forms is too large for a virus scanner to search for. Simply embedding a random number or string at a fixed place in the executable version of a virus is not sufficient, because the signature of the virus is just the constant code excluding the random part. A polymorphic virus has to randomly reposition all parts of itself and randomly change all fixed data. Thus, instead of containing the fixed (and therefore searchable) string \"HA! INFECTED BY A VIRUS,\" a polymorphic virus has to change even that pattern sometimes.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.644652366638184, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses and Other Malicious Code | Program Security | InformIT" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Trivially, assume a virus writer has 100 bytes of code and 50 bytes of data. To make two virus instances different, the writer might distribute the first version as 100 bytes of code followed by all 50 bytes of data. A second version could be 99 bytes of code, a jump instruction, 50 bytes of data, and the last byte of code. Other versions are 98 code bytes jumping to the last two, 97 and three, and so forth. Just by moving pieces around the virus writer can create enough different appearances to fool simple virus scanners. Once the scanner writers became aware of these kinds of tricks, however, they refined their signature definitions.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.471558570861816, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses and Other Malicious Code | Program Security | InformIT" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "A more sophisticated polymorphic virus randomly intersperses harmless instructions throughout its code. Examples of harmless instructions include addition of zero to a number, movement of a data value to its own location, or a jump to the next instruction. These \"extra\" instructions make it more difficult to locate an invariant signature.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.976699829101562, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses and Other Malicious Code | Program Security | InformIT" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "A simple variety of polymorphic virus uses encryption under various keys to make the stored form of the virus different. These are sometimes called encrypting viruses. This type of virus must contain three distinct parts: a decryption key, the (encrypted) object code of the virus, and the (unencrypted) object code of the decryption routine. For these viruses, the decryption routine itself or a call to a decryption library routine must be in the clear, and so that becomes the signature.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.874424934387207, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses and Other Malicious Code | Program Security | InformIT" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "To avoid detection, not every copy of a polymorphic virus has to differ from every other copy. If the virus changes occasionally, not every copy will match a signature of every other copy.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.4081392288208, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses and Other Malicious Code | Program Security | InformIT" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "The Source of Viruses", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.521610260009766, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses and Other Malicious Code | Program Security | InformIT" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Since a virus can be rather small, its code can be \"hidden\" inside other larger and more complicated programs. Two hundred lines of a virus could be separated into one hundred packets of two lines of code and a jump each; these one hundred packets could be easily hidden inside a compiler, a database manager, a file manager, or some other large utility.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.52844524383545, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses and Other Malicious Code | Program Security | InformIT" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Although the general is dismaying, the particular is not. If we know that a particular virus may infect a computing system, we can check for it and detect it if it is there. Having found the virus, however, we are left with the task of cleansing the system of it. Removing the virus in a running system requires being able to detect and eliminate its instances faster than it can spread.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.902873992919922, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses and Other Malicious Code | Program Security | InformIT" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Prevention of Virus Infection", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.499125480651855, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses and Other Malicious Code | Program Security | InformIT" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "The only way to prevent the infection of a virus is not to share executable code with an infected source. This philosophy used to be easy to follow because it was easy to tell if a file was executable or not. For example, on PCs, a .exe extension was a clear sign that the file was executable. However, as we have noted, today's files are more complex, and a seemingly nonexecutable file may have some executable code buried deep within it. For example, a word processor may have commands within the document file; as we noted earlier, these commands, called macros, make it easy for the user to do complex or repetitive things. But they are really executable code embedded in the context of the document. Similarly, spreadsheets, presentation slides, and other office- or business-related files can contain code or scripts that can be executed in various ways—and thereby harbor viruses. And, as we have seen, the applications that run or use these files may try to be helpful by automatically invoking the executable code, whether you want it run or not! Against the principles of good security, e-mail handlers can be set to automatically open (without performing access control) attachments or embedded code for the recipient, so your e-mail message can have animated bears dancing across the top.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.186327934265137, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses and Other Malicious Code | Program Security | InformIT" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "More recently, executable code has been hidden in files containing large data sets, such as pictures or read-only documents. These bits of viral code are not easily detected by virus scanners and certainly not by the human eye. For example, a file containing a photograph may be highly granular; if every sixteenth bit is part of a command string that can be executed, then the virus is very difficult to detect.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.291766166687012, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses and Other Malicious Code | Program Security | InformIT" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "In their interesting paper comparing computer virus transmission with human disease transmission, Kephart et al. [KEP93] observe that individuals' efforts to keep their computers free from viruses lead to communities that are generally free from viruses because members of the community have little (electronic) contact with the outside world. In this case, transmission is contained not because of limited contact but because of limited contact outside the community. Governments, for military or diplomatic secrets, often run disconnected network communities. The trick seems to be in choosing one's community prudently. However, as use of the Internet and the World Wide Web increases, such separation is almost impossible to maintain.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.478893280029297, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses and Other Malicious Code | Program Security | InformIT" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Test all new software on an isolated computer. If you must use software from a questionable source, test the software first on a computer with no hard disk, not connected to a network, and with the boot disk removed. Run the software and look for unexpected behavior, even simple behavior such as unexplained figures on the screen. Test the computer with a copy of an up-to-date virus scanner, created before running the suspect program. Only if the program passes these tests should it be installed on a less isolated machine.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.810445785522461, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses and Other Malicious Code | Program Security | InformIT" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Make and retain backup copies of executable system files. This way, in the event of a virus infection, you can remove infected files and reinstall from the clean backup copies (stored in a secure, offline location, of course).", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.13302993774414, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses and Other Malicious Code | Program Security | InformIT" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Use virus detectors (often called virus scanners) regularly and update them daily. Many of the virus detectors available can both detect and eliminate infection from viruses. Several scanners are better than one, because one may detect the viruses that others miss. Because scanners search for virus signatures, they are constantly being revised as new viruses are discovered. New virus signature files, or new versions of scanners, are distributed frequently; often, you can request automatic downloads from the vendor's web site. Keep your detector's signature file up-to-date.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.9883451461792, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses and Other Malicious Code | Program Security | InformIT" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Truths and Misconceptions About Viruses", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.536332130432129, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses and Other Malicious Code | Program Security | InformIT" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Because viruses often have a dramatic impact on the computer-using community, they are often highlighted in the press, particularly in the business section. However, there is much misinformation in circulation about viruses. Let us examine some of the popular claims about them.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.184042930603027, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses and Other Malicious Code | Program Security | InformIT" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Viruses spread only on disks or only in e-mail. False. File-sharing is often done as one user provides a copy of a file to another user by writing the file on a transportable disk. However, any means of electronic file transfer will work. A file can be placed in a network's library or posted on a bulletin board. It can be attached to an electronic mail message or made available for download from a web site. Any mechanism for sharing files—of programs, data, documents, and so forth—can be used to transfer a virus.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.459136009216309, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses and Other Malicious Code | Program Security | InformIT" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Viruses cannot remain in memory after a complete power off/power on reboot. True. If a virus is resident in memory, the virus is lost when the memory loses power. That is, computer memory (RAM) is volatile, so that all contents are deleted when power is lost. 2 However, viruses written to disk certainly can remain through a reboot cycle and reappear after the reboot. Thus, you can receive a virus infection, the virus can be written to disk (or to network storage), you can turn the machine off and back on, and the virus can be reactivated during the reboot. Boot sector viruses gain control when a machine reboots (whether it is a hardware or software reboot), so a boot sector virus may remain through a reboot cycle because it activates immediately when a reboot has completed.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.356853485107422, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses and Other Malicious Code | Program Security | InformIT" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Viruses cannot infect hardware. True. Viruses can infect only things they can modify; memory, executable files, and data are the primary targets. If hardware contains writeable storage (so-called firmware) that can be accessed under program control, that storage is subject to virus attack. There have been a few", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.315526962280273, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses and Other Malicious Code | Program Security | InformIT" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "To see how viruses and other types of malicious code operate, we examine four types of malicious code that affected many users worldwide: the Brain, the Internet worm, the Code Red worm, and web bugs.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.30045223236084, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses and Other Malicious Code | Program Security | InformIT" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "First Example of Malicious Code: The Brain Virus", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.491989135742188, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses and Other Malicious Code | Program Security | InformIT" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "One of the earliest viruses is also one of the most intensively studied. The so-called Brain virus was given its name because it changes the label of any disk it attacks to the word \"BRAIN.\" This particular virus, believed to have originated in Pakistan, attacks PCs running a Microsoft operating system. Numerous variants have been produced; because of the number of variants, people believe that the source code of the virus was released to the underground virus community.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.358370780944824, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses and Other Malicious Code | Program Security | InformIT" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "The Brain virus appears to have no effect other than passing its infection, as if it were an experiment or a proof of concept. However, variants of the virus erase disks or destroy the file allocation table (the table that shows which files are where on a storage medium).", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.522246360778809, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses and Other Malicious Code | Program Security | InformIT" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "The Brain virus positions itself in the boot sector and in six other sectors of the disk. One of the six sectors will contain the original boot code, moved there from the original boot sector, while two others contain the remaining code of the virus. The remaining three sectors contain a duplicate of the others. The virus marks these six sectors \"faulty\" so that the operating system will not try to use them. (With low-level calls, you can force the disk drive to read from what the operating system has marked as bad sectors.) The virus allows the boot process to continue.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.74415111541748, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses and Other Malicious Code | Program Security | InformIT" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Once established in memory, the virus intercepts disk read requests for the disk drive under attack. With each read, the virus reads the disk boot sector and inspects the fifth and sixth bytes for the hexadecimal value 1234 (its signature). If it finds that value, it concludes the disk is infected; if not, it infects the disk as described in the previous paragraph.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.279803276062012, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses and Other Malicious Code | Program Security | InformIT" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "This virus uses some of the standard tricks of viruses, such as hiding in the boot sector, and intercepting and screening interrupts. The virus is almost a prototype for later efforts. In fact, many other virus writers seem to have patterned their work on this basic virus. Thus, one could say it was a useful learning tool for the virus writer community.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.4508056640625, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses and Other Malicious Code | Program Security | InformIT" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Sadly, its infection did not raise public consciousness of viruses, other than a certain amount of fear and misunderstanding. Subsequent viruses, such as the Lehigh virus that swept through the computers of Lehigh University, the nVIR viruses that sprang from prototype code posted on bulletin boards, and the Scores virus that was first found at NASA in Washington D.C. circulated more widely and with greater effect. Fortunately, most viruses seen to date have a modest effect, such as displaying a message or emitting a sound. That is, however, a matter of luck, since the writers who could put together the simpler viruses obviously had all the talent and knowledge to make much more malevolent viruses.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.883813858032227, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses and Other Malicious Code | Program Security | InformIT" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "There is no general cure for viruses. Virus scanners are effective against today's known viruses and general patterns of infection, but they cannot counter tomorrow's variant. The only sure prevention is complete isolation from outside contamination, which is not feasible; in fact, you may even get a virus from the software applications you buy from reputable vendors.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.57127857208252, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses and Other Malicious Code | Program Security | InformIT" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Viruses, Worms, Spyware", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.496659278869629, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses, Worms, and Spyware - Indiana University" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Understanding Computer Viruses | Norton AntiVirus Program | How Does Virus Scanning Work? | Spyware and Unwanted Software", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.311240196228027, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses, Worms, and Spyware - Indiana University" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Viruses, Worms, and Spyware", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.473608016967773, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses, Worms, and Spyware - Indiana University" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Follow some Do's and Don'ts to avoid viruses.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.43576431274414, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses, Worms, and Spyware - Indiana University" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Obtain and install an antivirus program on your computer.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.890329360961914, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses, Worms, and Spyware - Indiana University" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Perform manual virus scans on external media.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.545543670654297, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses, Worms, and Spyware - Indiana University" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Schedule a virus scan to occur on a regular basis.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.433243751525879, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses, Worms, and Spyware - Indiana University" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Understanding Computer Viruses", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.548059463500977, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses, Worms, and Spyware - Indiana University" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "If you would like to check whether you already have an antivirus software program installed on your computer, check the Programs list on the Start menu and look for an antivirus program. Many major computer manufacturers include at least a trial version of a popular antivirus software package. But just because the software is installed, doesn't mean it's \"turned on,\" or being updated regularly.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.741071701049805, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses, Worms, and Spyware - Indiana University" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Do’s to Avoid Viruses", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.504517555236816, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses, Worms, and Spyware - Indiana University" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Prevention is a matter of vigilance, using appropriate tools to protect your computer, and avoiding contact with unknown disks. It is usually the unwary who get computer viruses. Following is a list of some recommendations for safe computing:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.889259338378906, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses, Worms, and Spyware - Indiana University" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Keep your operating system current with the latest patches and updates. The writers of viruses and worms often exploit bugs and security holes in operating systems and other computer software. Software manufacturers frequently release patches for such holes.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.068695068359375, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses, Worms, and Spyware - Indiana University" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Install antivirus (virus detection) software. Antivirus programs perform two general functions: They scan for and quarantine or remove viruses in files on disks, and monitor the operation of your computer for virus-like activity. Most antivirus packages contain routines that can perform each kind of task.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.687484741210938, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses, Worms, and Spyware - Indiana University" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Keep your virus detection software updated. No matter which antivirus software package you choose, it is important to update it on a regular basis. Viruses are constantly evolving and new ones are always being created, so an out-of-date antivirus program may not detect or protect against the most recent variants. The developers of any reputable antivirus program will issue updates on a regular basis, usually at least once a week.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.69310188293457, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses, Worms, and Spyware - Indiana University" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Handle attachments wisely. If you do not know the sender of a message and it includes an attachment, proceed very cautiously! You may want to consider deleting the message without reading it. E-mail attachments are quite often the culprits in many virus attacks. Therefore, if you do decide to open an attachment, be sure that it has been scanned with antivirus software. Never open attachments unless you have verified that they are free of known viruses.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.220107078552246, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses, Worms, and Spyware - Indiana University" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Train everyone who uses your computer or network. At a minimum, family members and employees should know not to open unexpected attachments and not to execute software they download from the Internet until they have scanned it for viruses.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.806102752685547, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses, Worms, and Spyware - Indiana University" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Back up your files regularly. Viruses are one more very good reason to always back up your files. If you back up a file that is already infected with a virus, you can reinfect your system by restoring files from the backup copies. Scan your backup files with virus scanning software before using them.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.129430770874023, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses, Worms, and Spyware - Indiana University" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Keep your original application and system disks locked (or write-protected). This will prevent the virus from spreading to your original disks. If you must insert one of your application disks into an unknown computer, lock (write-protect) it first, and unlock your application disk only after verifying that the machine is virus-free.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.544961929321289, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses, Worms, and Spyware - Indiana University" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Obtain public-domain software from reputable sources. Check newly downloaded software thoroughly using reputable virus detection software.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.393743515014648, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses, Worms, and Spyware - Indiana University" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Quarantine infected systems. If you discover that a system is infected with a virus, immediately isolate it from other systems by unplugging or disconnecting it from the network. Do not allow anyone to move or copy files from it to another system until the system has been disinfected.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.094452857971191, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses, Worms, and Spyware - Indiana University" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Use caution when using the Preview Pane in Microsoft Outlook. When the Preview Pane is enabled, there is greater opportunity for a virus to come in through an email.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.36034870147705, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses, Worms, and Spyware - Indiana University" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Don’ts to Avoid Viruses", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.527251243591309, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses, Worms, and Spyware - Indiana University" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "The following activities are among the most common ways of getting computer viruses. Minimizing the frequency of these activities will reduce your risk of getting a computer virus.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.307696342468262, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses, Worms, and Spyware - Indiana University" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Don’t open a suspicious attachment without scanning it first with an updated antivirus software program. scanning an attachment to your computer does not automatically remove any virus that may be present.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.852025985717773, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses, Worms, and Spyware - Indiana University" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "At Indiana University, UITS blocks certain attachments that commonly harbor viruses from being delivered via email; for more information on the types of attachments that are blocked from your email account, go to:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.048693656921387, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses, Worms, and Spyware - Indiana University" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Introducing the Norton AntiVirus Program", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.050581932067871, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses, Worms, and Spyware - Indiana University" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Norton/Symantec Endpoint Protection (SEP) is a virus protection program distributed by the Symantec Corporation. It offers an array of effective protection features, including Proactive Threat Protection, online virus definition updates, and an automatic scheduler.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.047842025756836, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses, Worms, and Spyware - Indiana University" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "For Indiana University students, faculty, and staff, IUware offers Symantec Endpoint Protection (SEP) for Windows computers, and Symantec Norton Antivirus for Mac OS (NAV) for Macintosh systems. At Indiana University, Norton/Symantec Endpoint Protection is the only Symantec product available under IU’s agreement with Symantec. Users may install copies on multiple computers, such as a desktop, laptop, home computer, etc. It provides full virus protection (when kept updated) and doesn't expire. It is the only version that will be available on IUware CDs and is available from IUware Online at:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.060235023498535, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses, Worms, and Spyware - Indiana University" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Other Virus Protection Options", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.072504997253418, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses, Worms, and Spyware - Indiana University" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Microsoft's Forefront antivirus program is available through IUWare. You should talk to your departmental LSP, or IT support person before installing. Your LSP or IT support person can assist you with the installation if needed.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.602497100830078, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses, Worms, and Spyware - Indiana University" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Many computers come with virus protection pre-installed. However, these programs often require a subscription to continue to recieve updates to the virus definition files, which are essential to virus protection. Be aware of when your virus protection expires if you choose this option.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.244980812072754, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses, Worms, and Spyware - Indiana University" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "If you are using Windows in a home environment, then FreeAVG is a good choice. This is a free antivirus program for private use. You cannot use the software in an office or educational environment, but a home computer is allowable. You can acquire the Free AVG software at:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.566380500793457, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses, Worms, and Spyware - Indiana University" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Note: Check with your LSP before removing or installing antivirus software on your IU computer.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.432914733886719, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses, Worms, and Spyware - Indiana University" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Before installing SEP for Windows, be sure that you do not have any existing versions of antivirus software on your computer. To do this, open your Control Panel, then double-click the Add or Remove Programs icon. In the list that appears, check to see if you have any entries such as:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.76503849029541, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses, Worms, and Spyware - Indiana University" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Norton or Symantec Endpoint Protection or Norton or Symantec Antivirus (any version)", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.411008834838867, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses, Worms, and Spyware - Indiana University" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Other antivirus software such as Avast Antivirus", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.192408561706543, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses, Worms, and Spyware - Indiana University" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Note: Always follow the manufacturer’s antivirus instructions when installing the software. In the simulated exercises, we will be using the Symantec Endpoint Protection.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.20762825012207, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses, Worms, and Spyware - Indiana University" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Steps to follow to keep your machine protected before uninstalling your antivirus software program are:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.582701683044434, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses, Worms, and Spyware - Indiana University" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Obtain the antivirus software you want to install.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.491389274597168, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses, Worms, and Spyware - Indiana University" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Download the latest virus definitions.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.608576774597168, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses, Worms, and Spyware - Indiana University" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Uninstall the old antivirus program or older versions of Norton. If you have a managed installation, check with your LSP for the password.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.058503150939941, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses, Worms, and Spyware - Indiana University" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Install the new antivirus software.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.495420455932617, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses, Worms, and Spyware - Indiana University" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Install the latest virus definitions.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.605159759521484, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses, Worms, and Spyware - Indiana University" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Run LiveUpdate to download all of the latest virus definitions and the scanning engine.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.52404499053955, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses, Worms, and Spyware - Indiana University" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "You should run the LiveUpdate two or more times to be sure that you get the latest scanning engine updates. You will finally get a message stating that your antivirus client is completely up to date.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.382553100585938, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses, Worms, and Spyware - Indiana University" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "By following the above procedure, your system will not be left unprotected while you are uninstalling the old program and installing the new antivirus software.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.297067642211914, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses, Worms, and Spyware - Indiana University" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Proactive Threat Protection allows the virus software to monitor incoming and outgoing data. It is enabled by default during the SEP install to intercept viruses attempting to access your computer from email or the network. This option also prevents your machine from exporting viruses if a file is infected.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.57098388671875, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses, Worms, and Spyware - Indiana University" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Understanding LiveUpdates and Virus Definitions", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.582846641540527, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses, Worms, and Spyware - Indiana University" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "After the installation is complete, you will be prompted to run the LiveUpdate program. LiveUpdate for SEP is a program that updates the virus definitions to the latest version, as well as the virus scanning engine. These virus definitions are what SEP uses to scan your computer for viruses.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.660018920898438, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses, Worms, and Spyware - Indiana University" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "New virus definitions are available at least weekly from Symantec. Symantec Endpoint Protection retrieves the new virus definitions from a Symantec site, and then replaces the old definitions in the Symantec Endpoint Protection directory. A modem or Internet connection is required, so dial-up users will have to connect to the Internet before obtaining updates.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.227081298828125, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses, Worms, and Spyware - Indiana University" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "You may manually check for current updates, or SEP will run LiveUpdate at the times and dates you set. If it prompts you to choose how to connect to the Symantec Web site in order to obtain the latest virus definition updates, choose the default setting Find device automatically. If you are connected via Ethernet, LiveUpdate will use that existing Internet connection. If you are connected by modem and have a PPP connection, LiveUpdate will dial and get the updates from Symantec.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.880990028381348, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses, Worms, and Spyware - Indiana University" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "You can set up SEP software to automatically update your virus definitions as often as you choose. Symantec usually posts new virus definitions in the evenings. You want your antivirus software to detect the most recently discovered viruses so it is important to update these virus definitions daily. Antivirus software is only as good as your virus definitions. If they are outdated, newer viruses may go undetected. Keep in mind, however, that SEP only protects you from the virus threats that Symantec is aware of.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.974936485290527, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses, Worms, and Spyware - Indiana University" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "How Does Virus Scanning Work?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.582106590270996, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses, Worms, and Spyware - Indiana University" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Performing a Manual Virus Scan", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.553932189941406, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses, Worms, and Spyware - Indiana University" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Manual virus scans should be performed on files on external media, such as USB drives, questionable email attachments, or if there is the slightest possibility that a virus has invaded the hard drive. A manual scan will only allow scans on drives and files based on the permissions of the logged-in user. The next topic explains how to schedule a computer scan on a regular basis so that it runs automatically.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.104687690734863, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses, Worms, and Spyware - Indiana University" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Note: To scan a drive, you can open Windows Explorer and right-click the drive and select \"Scan for viruses.\" You can also right-click on any file or folder and select \"Scan for viruses.\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.493642807006836, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses, Worms, and Spyware - Indiana University" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Scheduling Regular Virus Scans", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.519270896911621, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses, Worms, and Spyware - Indiana University" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Since new viruses are always being developed, it is a good practice to schedule regular virus scans on your hard drive on a regular basis. The computer may have received a particular virus before getting an update that would have recognized it. You can schedule a scan daily, weekly, or monthly. Scheduled scans will scan the entire hard drive(s) or selected folders on the hard drive.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.144964218139648, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses, Worms, and Spyware - Indiana University" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "What if a Virus Is Found?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.534098625183105, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses, Worms, and Spyware - Indiana University" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Download removal tools for various viruses are available from the Symantec Web site at:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.41844654083252, "source": "search", "title": "Viruses, Worms, and Spyware - Indiana University" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "I have posted a separate document, Tips for Avoiding Computer Crime , which includes suggestions for increasing the security and reliability of personal computers, as well as links to websites on computer viruses, computer crime, and anti-virus and firewall software.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.94619369506836, "source": "search", "title": "Computer Crime - Dr. R. Standler's professional homepage" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "creating or releasing a malicious computer program (e.g., computer virus, worm, Trojan Horse).", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.518202781677246, "source": "search", "title": "Computer Crime - Dr. R. Standler's professional homepage" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "E-mails with bogus From: addresses were sent automatically by malicious programs (e.g., the Melissa virus in 1999, the BadTrans worm in 2001, the Klez program in 2002).", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.30126953125, "source": "search", "title": "Computer Crime - Dr. R. Standler's professional homepage" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "In 1999, the Melissa virus infected a [possibly confidential] document on a victim's computer, then automatically sent that document and copy of the virus via e-mail to other people. Subsequently, the SirCam and Klez malicious programs made a similar release of [possibly confidential] documents from a victim's computer. These malicious programs are a new way to release confidential information from a victim's computer, with the confidential information going not to the author of the malicious program, but to some person unknown to the author of the malicious program.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.676170349121094, "source": "search", "title": "Computer Crime - Dr. R. Standler's professional homepage" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "A virus is a program that \"infects\" an executable file. After infection, the executable file functions in a different way than before: maybe only displaying a benign message on the monitor, maybe deleting some or all files on the user's hard drive, maybe altering data files. There are two key features of a computer virus:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.971656799316406, "source": "search", "title": "Computer Crime - Dr. R. Standler's professional homepage" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "the virus causes harm only after it has infected an executable file and the executable file is run.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.343653678894043, "source": "search", "title": "Computer Crime - Dr. R. Standler's professional homepage" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "The word \"virus\" is also commonly used broadly to include computer viruses, worms, and Trojan Horse programs. For example, so-called \"anti-virus software\" will remove all three classes of these malicious programs.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.147530555725098, "source": "search", "title": "Computer Crime - Dr. R. Standler's professional homepage" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Beginning with the Melissa virus in 1999, viruses could automatically send e-mail with the victim's name as the alleged source.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.338200569152832, "source": "search", "title": "Computer Crime - Dr. R. Standler's professional homepage" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "A worm is a program that copies itself. The distinction between a virus and worm, is that a virus never copies itself – a virus is copied only when the infected executable file is run.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.287887573242188, "source": "search", "title": "Computer Crime - Dr. R. Standler's professional homepage" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Beginning with the Klez worm in early 2002, a worm could drop a virus into the victim's computer. This kind of worm became known as a blended threat, because it combined two different types of malicious code.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.030353546142578, "source": "search", "title": "Computer Crime - Dr. R. Standler's professional homepage" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "A Trojan Horse is a deceptively labeled program that contains at least one function that is unknown to the user and that harms the user. A Trojan Horse does not replicate, which distinguishes it from viruses and worms.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.096097946166992, "source": "search", "title": "Computer Crime - Dr. R. Standler's professional homepage" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Some confusion about the distinction between a virus and a worm is caused by two distinctly different criteria:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.123680114746094, "source": "search", "title": "Computer Crime - Dr. R. Standler's professional homepage" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "a virus infects an executable file, while a worm is a stand-alone program.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.676432609558105, "source": "search", "title": "Computer Crime - Dr. R. Standler's professional homepage" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "The first computer virus found \"in the wild\" was written in 1986 in a computer store in Lahore, Pakistan. In the 1980s, computer viruses were generally spread by passing floppy disks from one user to another user. In the late 1990s, computer viruses were generally spread via the Internet, either in e-mail (e.g., a virus contained in a Microsoft Word macro, or a worm contained in an attachment to e-mail) or in programs downloaded from a website. The distribution of viruses via the Internet permitted a much more rapid epidemic, so that more computers could be infected in a shorter time than when floppy disks were used to spread the infection.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.923416137695312, "source": "search", "title": "Computer Crime - Dr. R. Standler's professional homepage" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "There is no doubt that the publicity surrounding an epidemic of a virus or worm increases awareness of security flaws. However, this incidental benefit does not justify the more than US$ 106 cost to clean the malicious code from more than a thousand infected computers.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.384129524230957, "source": "search", "title": "Computer Crime - Dr. R. Standler's professional homepage" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Regardless of any benefits to society, a worm or virus is still an unauthorized access of a person's computer.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.338232040405273, "source": "search", "title": "Computer Crime - Dr. R. Standler's professional homepage" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Computer viruses and worms have been widely known since 1988. Despite this awareness, infection reports continue to show that viruses and worms that are more than one year old are continuing to propagate. This result shows that either computer users are not routinely updating their anti-virus software to protect against the most recent threats or computer users are continuing to operate infected machines, which continue to spew viruses and worms via e-mail. So, even if one accepts the reasoning that malicious code is desirable because it increases awareness of security issues, the increased awareness is practically ineffective, hence this \"justification\" fails.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.309825897216797, "source": "search", "title": "Computer Crime - Dr. R. Standler's professional homepage" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "It is the victim's fault if they are infected by a worm or virus that exploits a known security flaw, for which a patch is available.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.037936210632324, "source": "search", "title": "Computer Crime - Dr. R. Standler's professional homepage" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "The virus/worm was a laboratory experiment gone awry.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.510053634643555, "source": "search", "title": "Computer Crime - Dr. R. Standler's professional homepage" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "The Internet, including e-mail, is neither a laboratory nor a playground. Scientists, engineers, professors, businesses, governments, etc. depend on the routine functioning of the Internet for their work, distributing information, and for other public services. Anyone wishing to play with viruses or worms should use a quarantined system that is not connected to the Internet.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.706037521362305, "source": "search", "title": "Computer Crime - Dr. R. Standler's professional homepage" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "The virus/worm was \"accidentally\" released.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.505669593811035, "source": "search", "title": "Computer Crime - Dr. R. Standler's professional homepage" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "The author of the virus/worm did not know how rapidly the virus/worm would propagate.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.509480476379395, "source": "search", "title": "Computer Crime - Dr. R. Standler's professional homepage" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Although not a common excuse offered by defenders of an author of a malicious computer program, the author himself often seems to believe that his virus/worm is proof of his programming ability.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.500961303710938, "source": "search", "title": "Computer Crime - Dr. R. Standler's professional homepage" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "I have a general concern about the inability of the criminal justice system to either deter criminal conduct or protect society. This concern is particularly acute in the area of computer crime, where immense damage is being done to corporations by computer viruses and worms. Public safety is threatened by criminals who hack into the telephone system and crash 911 services, among other examples.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.261823654174805, "source": "search", "title": "Computer Crime - Dr. R. Standler's professional homepage" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "the author and distributors of the MBDF virus,", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.484952926635742, "source": "search", "title": "Computer Crime - Dr. R. Standler's professional homepage" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "the author of the Pathogen virus,", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.516328811645508, "source": "search", "title": "Computer Crime - Dr. R. Standler's professional homepage" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "the author of the Melissa virus, and", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.49759578704834, "source": "search", "title": "Computer Crime - Dr. R. Standler's professional homepage" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "the author of the Anna worm. Except for the author of the Pathogen virus, each of these criminals received very light punishment.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.411626815795898, "source": "search", "title": "Computer Crime - Dr. R. Standler's professional homepage" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "California, Minnesota, and Maine are among the few states to prohibit explicitly release of a computer virus or other malicious program.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.793270111083984, "source": "search", "title": "Computer Crime - Dr. R. Standler's professional homepage" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "In addition to any criminal penalties, victim(s) of computer crimes can sue the perpetrator in tort. For example, unauthorized use of a computer system could be \"trespass on chattels\". A computer voyeur might also be sued in tort for invasion of privacy or disclosure of a trade secret. A harasser might be sued in tort for intentional infliction of emotional distress. There is also the possibility of a class action by corporate and personal victims against a person who wrote and initially released a computer virus.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.029667854309082, "source": "search", "title": "Computer Crime - Dr. R. Standler's professional homepage" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Defendants between 7 and 14 y of age may be sued in tort, but their duty of care is generally less than an adult's duty. There is one exception, when children engage in an adult activity (e.g., fly an airplane), the law imposes an adult's duty of care on the child. Restatement (Second) Torts, § 283A, comment c (1965). In my opinion, there are good reasons why computer programming (e.g., design of a virus) or hacking qualifies as an \"adult activity\". However, there appear to be no reported court cases in the USA that have decided this issue.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.177881240844727, "source": "search", "title": "Computer Crime - Dr. R. Standler's professional homepage" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "One of the functions of the criminal justice system is to deter crime by other people. Journalists play an important role in this deterrence by reporting on the crime (and how people were harmed), arrest, trial, and sentence of the guilty criminals. One hopes that people contemplating computer crimes will read these reports by journalists, and say to themselves: \"I should not write a computer virus, because I don't want to be put in prison like David Lee Smith,\" the author of the Melissa virus.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.920647621154785, "source": "search", "title": "Computer Crime - Dr. R. Standler's professional homepage" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "In the 1980s, most hackers committed fraud to get a username and password for a computer account, and then logged on to the computer without proper authorization, and browsed through files, copying some, deleting or altering others. Such work does not require any knowledge of computer programming, just a rudimentary knowledge of a few operating system commands. Since 2000, authors of malicious programs use resources readily available on the Internet to create a \"new\" computer virus or worm, or launch a denial of service attack. Again, such activities do not demonstrate a high level of proficiency in computer programming.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.650193214416504, "source": "search", "title": "Computer Crime - Dr. R. Standler's professional homepage" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "My essay Tips for Avoiding Computer Crime , which essay includes links to websites on computer viruses, computer crime, and related topics, plus a list of good books on computer crime.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.461603164672852, "source": "search", "title": "Computer Crime - Dr. R. Standler's professional homepage" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "The most dangerous attackers are usually insiders (or former insiders), because they know many of the codes and security measures that are already in place. Insiders are likely to have specific goals and objectives, and have legitimate access to the system. Employees are the people most familiar with the organization's computers and applications, and they are most likely to know what actions might cause the most damage. Insiders can plant viruses, Trojan horses, or worms, and they can browse through the file system.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.743204116821289, "source": "search", "title": "Security Threats - MSDN - Microsoft" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Viruses. Attackers can develop harmful code known as viruses. Using hacking techniques, they can break into systems and plant viruses. Viruses in general are a threat to any environment. They come in different forms and although not always malicious, they always take up time. Viruses can also be spread via e-mail and disks.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.644527435302734, "source": "search", "title": "Security Threats - MSDN - Microsoft" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "An employee known here as John Doe copies games and other executables from a 1.44 MB disk onto his local hard drive and then runs the executables. Unfortunately, the games contained various viruses and Trojan horses. The organization had not yet deployed any anti-virus software. After a short time, John Doe and other employees began to notice strange and unforeseen events occurring on their computers, causing disruption of services and possible corruption of data. The following figure explains the various vulnerabilities that existed and the loss in assets that are involved.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.67460823059082, "source": "search", "title": "Security Threats - MSDN - Microsoft" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Insiders are likely to have specific goals and objectives, and have legitimate access to the system. Employees are the group most familiar with their employer's computers and applications, including knowing what actions might cause the most damage. Insiders can plant viruses, Trojan horses, or worms, or browse through the file system. This type of attack can be extremely difficult to detect or protect against.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.036139488220215, "source": "search", "title": "Security Threats - MSDN - Microsoft" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "These attacks are possible for a variety of reasons. On many systems, the access control settings for security-relevant objects do not reflect the organization's security policy. This allows the insider to browse through sensitive data or plant a virus or Trojan horse. Often these actions are undetected because audit trails are inadequate or ignored.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.314713478088379, "source": "search", "title": "Security Threats - MSDN - Microsoft" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Virus Attacks", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.462213516235352, "source": "search", "title": "Security Threats - MSDN - Microsoft" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "All administrators have heard about viruses and their effects. Viruses can be very destructive, causing loss of information. Fred Cohen formally defined the term \"computer virus\" in 1983 when he performed academic experiments on a Digital Equipment Corporation VAX system.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.551193237304688, "source": "search", "title": "Security Threats - MSDN - Microsoft" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Viruses are classified as being one of two types: research or \"in the wild.\" A research virus is one that has been written for research or study purposes and has received almost no distribution to the public. Viruses that have been seen with regularity are termed \"in the wild.\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.289435386657715, "source": "search", "title": "Security Threats - MSDN - Microsoft" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "The first computer viruses were developed in the early 1980s. The first viruses found in the wild were Apple II viruses such as Elk Cloner, which was reported in 1981. Viruses now have been found on the following platforms: Apple II, IBM PC, Macintosh, Atari, and Amiga.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.457098007202148, "source": "search", "title": "Security Threats - MSDN - Microsoft" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Note that all viruses found in the wild target personal computers. As of today, the overwhelming numbers of virus strains are IBM PC viruses.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.458348274230957, "source": "search", "title": "Security Threats - MSDN - Microsoft" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Viruses have evolved over the years due to efforts by their authors to make the code more difficult to detect, disassemble, and eradicate. This evolution has been especially apparent in the IBM PC viruses. An examination of the IBM PC family of viruses indicates that the most commonly detected viruses vary according to continent, but that \"Stoned,\" \"Brain,\" \"Cascade,\" and members of the \"Jerusalem\" family have spread widely and continue to appear. This implies that highly survivable viruses tend to be benign, replicate many times before activation, or are somewhat innovative, utilizing some technique never used before in a virus.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.8363618850708, "source": "search", "title": "Security Threats - MSDN - Microsoft" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Personal computer viruses exploit the lack of effective access controls in these systems. The viruses modify files and even the operating system itself. These are legal actions within the context of the operating system. While more stringent controls are in place on multitasking, multiuser operating systems, configuration errors and security holes (security bugs) make viruses on these systems more than theoretically possible.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.006306648254395, "source": "search", "title": "Security Threats - MSDN - Microsoft" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Virus researchers have put considerable effort into developing schemes for describing, naming, and classifying computer viruses and on defining the distinctive features that distinguish computer viruses from other malicious software", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.325565338134766, "source": "search", "title": "Security Threats - MSDN - Microsoft" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "How Viruses Work", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.504155158996582, "source": "search", "title": "Security Threats - MSDN - Microsoft" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "A computer virus is a piece of self-replicating code attached to some other piece of code. This code can be harmless—for example, it might display a message or play a tune. Or it might be harmful and proceed to delete and modify files.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.748552322387695, "source": "search", "title": "Security Threats - MSDN - Microsoft" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "The virus code searches users' files for an uninfected executable program for which the user has security write privileges. The virus infects the file by putting a piece of code in the selected program file. When a program that is infected with a virus is executed, the virus immediately takes command, finding and infecting other programs and files.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.160284996032715, "source": "search", "title": "Security Threats - MSDN - Microsoft" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "A variant is a virus that is generated by modifying a known virus. Examples are modifications that add functionality or evade detection. The term \"variant\" usually applies only when the modifications are minor. An example would be changing the trigger date from Friday the 13th to Thursday the 12th.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.305744171142578, "source": "search", "title": "Security Threats - MSDN - Microsoft" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "A self-recognition procedure is a technique whereby a virus determines whether or not an executable is already infected. The procedure usually involves searching for a particular value at a known position in the executable. Self-recognition is required if the virus is to avoid multiple infections of a single executable. Multiple infections cause excessive growth in size of infected executables and corresponding excessive storage space, contributing to the detection of the virus.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.530418395996094, "source": "search", "title": "Security Threats - MSDN - Microsoft" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "A resident virus installs itself as part of the operating system upon execution of an infected host program. The virus will remain resident until the system is shut down. Once installed in memory, a resident virus is available to infect all suitable hosts that are accessed.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.85617446899414, "source": "search", "title": "Security Threats - MSDN - Microsoft" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "An encrypted virus has two parts: a small decryptor and the encrypted virus body. When the virus is executed, the decryptor will execute first and decrypt the virus body. Then the virus body can execute, replicating or becoming resident. The virus body will include an encryptor to apply during replication. A variably encrypted virus will use different encryption keys or encryption algorithms. Encrypted viruses are more difficult to disassemble and study since the researcher must decrypt the code.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.946144104003906, "source": "search", "title": "Security Threats - MSDN - Microsoft" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "A polymorphic virus creates copies during replication that are functionally equivalent but have distinctly different byte streams. To achieve this, the virus may randomly insert superfluous instructions, interchange the order of independent instructions, or choose from a number of different encryption schemes. This variable quality makes the virus difficult to locate, identify, or remove.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.530271530151367, "source": "search", "title": "Security Threats - MSDN - Microsoft" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "A reaserch virus is one that has been written, but has never been unleashed on the public. These include the samples that have been sent to researchers by virus writers. Viruses that have been seen outside the research community are termed \"in the wild.\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.228642463684082, "source": "search", "title": "Security Threats - MSDN - Microsoft" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "How Are Computer Viruses Spread?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.559045791625977, "source": "search", "title": "Security Threats - MSDN - Microsoft" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "The following are necessary characteristics of a virus:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.446478843688965, "source": "search", "title": "Security Threats - MSDN - Microsoft" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "A virus is a relatively passive agent that relies on ordinary users for its activation and propagation. It can travel from one file to another on the same computer if the infected file is executed, from computer memory to a file on disk, on a disk that is carried from one computer to another (some companies prohibit floppy drives, thereby preventing users from copying information onto their computers), on e-mail attachment executable files, and over a modem or network connection.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.626863479614258, "source": "search", "title": "Security Threats - MSDN - Microsoft" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Viruses can destroy specific executable files and alter data in data files, causing a loss of integrity in the data. Viruses can cause the system to hang so that it does not respond to any keyboard or mouse movements.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.899331092834473, "source": "search", "title": "Security Threats - MSDN - Microsoft" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "The damage that Trojan horses cause is much the same as what a virus causes. Most of the time the users are unaware of the damage it is causing because of the Trojan horse's masking effect.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.730497360229492, "source": "search", "title": "Security Threats - MSDN - Microsoft" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Macro Viruses", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.527580261230469, "source": "search", "title": "Security Threats - MSDN - Microsoft" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Macro viruses are written in high-level languages like Visual Basic for applications used by Microsoft Office products, Lotus scripting, WordPerfect macros, and so on. Macro viruses bypass integrity protection mechanisms for normal executables because macro viruses are embedded in the data file. Documents are widely exchanged by e-mail and therefore are a good medium for spreading a virus. Users opening a file may not even be aware of the fact that they are running a program. All instructions available for writing macros are also available to virus writers who now can hide viral code in a macro file.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.158113479614258, "source": "search", "title": "Security Threats - MSDN - Microsoft" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "An example of a macro virus is the Melissa macro virus. The Melissa macro virus was spread via e-mail. The virus was programmed into a Word document. When the document was opened, the macro virus would send a copy of it to the first 50 e-mail addresses from the global address list. This caused major e-mail systems to crash throughout the world and also saturated network bandwidth.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.937549591064453, "source": "search", "title": "Security Threats - MSDN - Microsoft" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "Brown, Carol E. and Alan Sangster. Electronic Sabotage.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.3819580078125, "source": "search", "title": "Security Threats - MSDN - Microsoft" }, { "answer": "Virus", "passage": "For more information on viruses, Trojan horses, and Internet hoaxes, see:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.513864517211914, "source": "search", "title": "Security Threats - MSDN - Microsoft" } ]
Which cartoons are associated with Kim Casalli?
{ "aliases": [ "Love Is (album)", "Love Is (song)", "Love is", "Love Is (disambiguation)", "Love Is", "Love is (disambiguation)", "Love Is... (album)" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "love is song", "love is album", "love is", "love is disambiguation" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "love is", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Love Is" }
[ { "answer": "Love Is", "passage": "Kim Casali (9 September 1941 – 15 June 1997) was a New Zealand cartoonist who created the syndicated cartoon feature Love Is..., originally as love notes to her future husband, in the late 1960s. In one of the first cases of its kind, Casali gave birth to a child sixteen months after the death of her husband, having been artificially inseminated using his stored frozen sperm. The case, which predated the Warnock Report, gave rise to legal discussions regarding the baby's rights of inheritance, and made front-page news across the world. The birth split public opinion and although Casali received \"hundreds of letters applauding her bravery\", there were many who disagreed with her actions, including the Vatican newspaper L'Osservatore Romano which wrote that it was \"against evangelical morality.\" ", "precise_score": 4.4806365966796875, "rough_score": 4.830420017242432, "source": "wiki", "title": "Kim Casali" }, { "answer": "Love Is", "passage": "Casali's obituary published in The Times related that after she and Roberto became engaged, Casali took a job as a receptionist for a design company, \"and made up little booklets of her winsome cartoons, which she sold for a dollar apiece. Word soon spread and the demand for Love is... escalated. Roberto recognised their commercial potential and showed them to an American journalist.\" Although other sources differ regarding whether it was Roberto or Casali herself who first showed the cartoons to an acquaintance working for the Los Angeles Times, the newspaper picked them up for publication and published the first of the series on 5 January 1970, under the pen name \"Kim\". The cartoon's release coincided with the wave of success of the novel Love Story (1970) by Erich Seagal, and the subsequent movie of the same name starring Ali MacGraw as a girl dying of an incurable disease and Ryan O'Neal as the student who worshiped her. The film's slogan was: \"Love is never having to say you're sorry.\" Casali altered it into one of her most famous cartoons: \"Love is... being able to say you're sorry.\" ", "precise_score": 2.843289852142334, "rough_score": -0.40027132630348206, "source": "wiki", "title": "Kim Casali" }, { "answer": "Love Is", "passage": "Kim Casali created ‘Love Is…’ back in the late 1960′s when she drew the little pictures as love notes for her husband-to-be, Roberto. Her illustrations were then revealed to the rest of the world when they were first syndicated in 1970. In 1975. Kim picked British Cartoonist Bill Asprey to take on writing and drawing the daily panels for her. This is a Fan Page to share my personal collections or renditions. its not associated with the \"Love is...\" Artist or its Company.", "precise_score": 4.468729496002197, "rough_score": 5.734349727630615, "source": "search", "title": "Love is... Kim Casali on Pinterest | Love Is Comic, Love ..." }, { "answer": "Love Is", "passage": "Love is… writer Stefano Casali took over the comic panel after his mother's death in 1997. Kim Casali created “Love Is…” in the late 1960s when she drew the little pictures as love notes for her husband-to-be, Roberto. Her illustrations were then revealed to the rest of the world when they were first syndicated in 1970.", "precise_score": 2.0500426292419434, "rough_score": -1.0661596059799194, "source": "search", "title": "Love Is... comics by Kim Casali, drawn by Bill Asprey ..." }, { "answer": "Love Is", "passage": "Love is… cartoonist Bill Asprey was born in India. After traveling the world, he established himself as an artist and cartoonist in London. He began working on “Love Is…” with Kim Casali in 1975 and continues to work with Stefano Casali today. Asprey’s work has been published in numerous newspapers and magazines. In collaboration with journalist Brian Lee, Asprey created the cartoon strip “The Big Friendly Giant,” based on Roald Dahl's best-selling book. Bill also designed an acclaimed wedding souvenir to commemorate the marriage of Prince Charles and Princess Diana.", "precise_score": 0.4838588237762451, "rough_score": -0.2250921130180359, "source": "search", "title": "Love Is... comics by Kim Casali, drawn by Bill Asprey ..." }, { "answer": "Love Is", "passage": "Kim Casali was, as \"Kim\", the creator of the long-running Love is . . . series of single- panel romantic cartoons featuring a naked boy and girl.", "precise_score": 5.8774285316467285, "rough_score": 4.578647136688232, "source": "search", "title": "Obituary: Kim Casali | People | News | The Independent" }, { "answer": "Love Is", "passage": "Kim Casali created \"Love Is...\" back in the late 1960's when she drew the little pictures as love notes for her husband-to-be, Roberto, reveals Tribune Media Services, which hosts the long-running cartoon feature at Her illustrations were then revealed to the rest of the world when they were first syndicated in 1970.", "precise_score": 3.2392702102661133, "rough_score": 4.570858478546143, "source": "search", "title": "Love is... Comic Strip, Love Comic, Love Quotes, Love ..." }, { "answer": "Love Is", "passage": "love is… cartoon « Love is… Comics by Kim Casali", "precise_score": 3.8422439098358154, "rough_score": 4.861001014709473, "source": "search", "title": "love is… cartoon « Love is… Comics by Kim Casali" }, { "answer": "Love Is", "passage": "In 1975 I was picked by the creator, Kim Casali and her husband Roberto to take on writing and drawing the daily panels for her. Tragically, Roberto passed away in 1976 and Kim sadly passed away in June 1997 after a long battle with illness. Her eldest son has inherited her legacy and I work closely with Stefano and I continue to do the daily cartoons, now in my 40th year as the Love is... artist.", "precise_score": 2.514620065689087, "rough_score": 0.528117835521698, "source": "search", "title": "Love is... by Bill Asprey | Bill Asprey Cartoons & Comic ..." }, { "answer": "Love Is", "passage": "Kim Casali's Love is... written and drawn by Bill Asprey -The familiar little black and white panels are syndicated in newspapers and magazines around the world by Tribune Media Services. To see this year's panels updated daily, on this website, please click here click .", "precise_score": 0.33080148696899414, "rough_score": 2.015242099761963, "source": "search", "title": "Love is... by Bill Asprey | Bill Asprey Cartoons & Comic ..." }, { "answer": "Love Is", "passage": "While the cartoons proved to be very popular and were soon syndicated in the United States and overseas, being published in newspapers in fifty countries world-wide, Roberto's company had closed down and the couple \"found themselves living in the US illegally, 'trying to find jobs that would keep us one step ahead of the Immigration Department'\". By 1971 they had travelled to New Zealand, where they were married on 24 July 1971 at St. Andrew's Church, Epsom, Auckland – the same church in which her parents were married in 1936. Casali wore a crown of daisies and a shoulder-length veil that she had previously drawn on 'her' character in the cartoon. Casali said of the marriage: \"My father had died when I was young, so when Roberto asked me to get married I agreed, but said, 'Whatever you do, don't die on me.' He laughed and promised to stick around.\" In January 1972, with Love is... by now a successful and lucrative product licensed for reproduction on mugs, T-shirts, calendars, posters and greetings cards, they moved to Weybridge, England, and bought a second home in Los Angeles. At the height of their popularity in the 1970s, the cartoons were earning Casali £4–5 million annually. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.831258773803711, "source": "wiki", "title": "Kim Casali" }, { "answer": "Love Is", "passage": "Roberto opted for surgery at the end of 1975 in order to prolong his life. Casali said: \"We were talking about Christmas presents and I told Roberto I didn't want another diamond ring, I wanted another baby.\" They decided \"...that we would store some sperm just in case I didn't get pregnant before Roberto died. I knew he had only a few months to live, so we stored some sperm immediately.\" Roberto died in March 1976, aged 31. Despite initial opposition from the medical profession she underwent several treatments of artificial insemination at a Cambridge clinic, and gave birth to son Milo Roberto Andrea sixteen months later, on 10 July 1977. She said at the time: \"Roberto and I were very anxious to provide a brother or sister to our two sons. Now, thanks to the care and patience of the doctors, it has been made possible for me to have another reminder of my wonderful husband.\" British newspapers called Milo the \"miracle baby\". The birth announcement consisted of a simple card drawn by Casali with the Love is... girl pushing a pram on the front, with the inscription inside: \"Proudly presenting Milo Roberto. Parents: Kim and the late Roberto (posthumously by artificial insemination)\". ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.907425880432129, "source": "wiki", "title": "Kim Casali" }, { "answer": "Love Is", "passage": "Love Is... | Love is... Commercial", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.448412895202637, "source": "search", "title": "Love Is... | Love is... Commercial" }, { "answer": "Love Is", "passage": "The official Love Is... website!", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.551031112670898, "source": "search", "title": "Love Is... | Love is... Commercial" }, { "answer": "Love Is", "passage": "Welcome to the official Love Is... website!", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.552068710327148, "source": "search", "title": "Love Is... | Love is... Commercial" }, { "answer": "Love Is", "passage": "This website is intended for those who are either interested in doing business with the Love Is... brand or are already aboard the Love Is... boat! If you would like to be part of the syndication or licensing (merchandise) programs, please refer to the Contact & Agents section.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.453683853149414, "source": "search", "title": "Love Is... | Love is... Commercial" }, { "answer": "Love Is", "passage": "Love Is... goes Mobile!", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.490811347961426, "source": "search", "title": "Love Is... | Love is... Commercial" }, { "answer": "Love Is", "passage": "The \"Love Is... Mobile\" app is a free application that brings the charm and magic of the classic cartoons to your mobile and tablet devices.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.081315040588379, "source": "search", "title": "Love Is... | Love is... Commercial" }, { "answer": "Love Is", "passage": "All intellectual property rights in \"Love Is�\" and its associated characters, logos, sayings and artwork are owned by Minikim Holland B.V. and may not be used without prior, authorised permission.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.13779354095459, "source": "search", "title": "Love Is... | Love is... Commercial" }, { "answer": "Love Is", "passage": "1000+ images about Love is... Kim Casali on Pinterest | Happy mothers day, Love is hard and Play golf", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.514416217803955, "source": "search", "title": "Love is... Kim Casali on Pinterest | Love Is Comic, Love ..." }, { "answer": "Love Is", "passage": "Love is... Kim Casali", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -2.3217387199401855, "source": "search", "title": "Love is... Kim Casali on Pinterest | Love Is Comic, Love ..." }, { "answer": "Love Is", "passage": "Love Is... Archives | Tribune Content Agency", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.535109519958496, "source": "search", "title": "Love Is... comics by Kim Casali, drawn by Bill Asprey ..." }, { "answer": "Love Is", "passage": "After the death of his mother, he joined Minikim (named after his mother) and assumed full control of “Love Is…” while still working in advertising. Since 1999, he has been dedicated to the feature full time, working with artist Bill Asprey, who continues to draw the charming little cartoons.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.81141471862793, "source": "search", "title": "Love Is... comics by Kim Casali, drawn by Bill Asprey ..." }, { "answer": "Love Is", "passage": "The cartoons first appeared in the UK in the Daily Sketch in April 1970 and continued in the Daily Mail when it took over the paper. More than 25 collections of Love is . . . have been published since 1972. As well as in books, newspapers and magazines the drawings have been reproduced on T-shirts, watches, clocks, jewellery, underwear, pyjamas, lamps, notepaper, posters and greetings cards all over the world.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.067465782165527, "source": "search", "title": "Obituary: Kim Casali | People | News | The Independent" }, { "answer": "Love Is", "passage": "Kim had at the time been working at Max Factor sticking labels on packaging. When she left to become a receptionist in a design company, she started producing small booklets containing her Love is . . . drawings which she sold to visitors for $1 each. One day a friend suggested that she show them to a contact on the Los Angeles Times. The paper published the first of the series on 9 January 1970 and from then on they were syndicated in the United States and overseas; they have since been reproduced in 50 countries world-wide.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.434775352478027, "source": "search", "title": "Obituary: Kim Casali | People | News | The Independent" }, { "answer": "Love Is", "passage": "Such was the success of the feature in the US that when in the late 1970s the Honolulu Star-Bulletin ran a competition for readers to submit their own Love is . . . captions they received nearly 9,000 letters, the biggest response from readers on any topic that the newspaper had ever had.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.347342491149902, "source": "search", "title": "Obituary: Kim Casali | People | News | The Independent" }, { "answer": "Love Is", "passage": "Casali, a self-confessed romantic, once admitted that, given the choice, she might well have become a writer of love-songs. However, she also stated that her ideas were not always \"angelic\" and over the years the cartoons became more sophisticated, sometimes even employing double entendre. One of her early works which was a particular favourite was \"Love is . . . never asking for more than you are prepared to give\" and she once quoted her philosophy as being \"If you've got love you've got life, if you can love you can live\".", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.306424617767334, "source": "search", "title": "Obituary: Kim Casali | People | News | The Independent" }, { "answer": "Love Is", "passage": "The Love is . . . cartoons will be continued by her son Stefano.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.084875106811523, "source": "search", "title": "Obituary: Kim Casali | People | News | The Independent" }, { "answer": "Love Is", "passage": "Love is... Comic Strip, Love Comic, Love Quotes, Love Pictures - Love is... Comics", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.014391899108887, "source": "search", "title": "Love is... Comic Strip, Love Comic, Love Quotes, Love ..." }, { "answer": "Love Is", "passage": "Love is... making sure he takes", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.523781776428223, "source": "search", "title": "Love is... Comic Strip, Love Comic, Love Quotes, Love ..." }, { "answer": "Love Is", "passage": "Love is... Comic Strip, Love Comic, Love Quotes, Love Pictures - Love is... Comics - About", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.07985782623291, "source": "search", "title": "Love is... Comic Strip, Love Comic, Love Quotes, Love ..." }, { "answer": "Love Is", "passage": "Today's Love Is..., as seen in newspapers worldwide, with months of previous selections are accessible in an online archive, an effort stretching Valentine's Day romance throughout the year. Individual cartoons become email greeting cards and may be forwarded free to a special friend.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.792831420898438, "source": "search", "title": "Love is... Comic Strip, Love Comic, Love Quotes, Love ..." }, { "answer": "Love Is", "passage": "Love Is... mobile: Love", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.46463680267334, "source": "search", "title": "Love Is... mobile: Love" }, { "answer": "Love Is", "passage": "The \"Love is...\" phenomenon began in the 1960s in the heart of artist Kim Casali. She met Roberto, the man she would eventually marry, at a ski club party in Los Angeles, and the two had instant chemistry. Shy by nature, Kim crafted love notes to express her feelings for Roberto, notes which included the now famous drawings of a girl and a boy.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.844419479370117, "source": "search", "title": "Love Is... mobile: Love" }, { "answer": "Love Is", "passage": "The first Love is... cartoon was published in the Los Angeles Times on January 5, 1970, where it has appeared ever since.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.831585884094238, "source": "search", "title": "Love Is... mobile: Love" }, { "answer": "Love Is", "passage": "Now, more than forty years on, the Love is... cartoons remain as enjoyable and relevant as ever. Their simple yet universal themes appeal to all", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.011716842651367, "source": "search", "title": "Love Is... mobile: Love" }, { "answer": "Love Is", "passage": "love isn't perfect – it takes work, nurture, and plenty of attention to stay strong. They teach us to see what we have, and to appreciate all the little things that we can take for granted.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.531192779541016, "source": "search", "title": "Love Is... mobile: Love" }, { "answer": "Love Is", "passage": "Love is humble, universal, and a world of surprises. Love is all around us, all you have to do is to see it.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.448885917663574, "source": "search", "title": "Love Is... mobile: Love" }, { "answer": "Love Is", "passage": "Love is… sometimes unapproachable.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.465789794921875, "source": "search", "title": "love is… cartoon « Love is… Comics by Kim Casali" }, { "answer": "Love Is", "passage": "Love is... by Bill Asprey | Bill Asprey Cartoons & Comic Strips", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.329203605651855, "source": "search", "title": "Love is... by Bill Asprey | Bill Asprey Cartoons & Comic ..." }, { "answer": "Love Is", "passage": "The Love is...story", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.45565414428711, "source": "search", "title": "Love is... by Bill Asprey | Bill Asprey Cartoons & Comic ..." }, { "answer": "Love Is", "passage": "Originally created by Kim Casali as a way of expressing her feelings for her husband, Roberto, the Love is... characters and sentiments grew into the famous Love is... syndicated panels of the little naked boy and girl, first launched in The Los Angeles Times in 1970.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -2.441673994064331, "source": "search", "title": "Love is... by Bill Asprey | Bill Asprey Cartoons & Comic ..." }, { "answer": "Love Is", "passage": "How I came to draw Love is...", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.588335990905762, "source": "search", "title": "Love is... by Bill Asprey | Bill Asprey Cartoons & Comic ..." }, { "answer": "Love Is", "passage": "You are always welcome to post a message on the Love is...noticeboard.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.519168853759766, "source": "search", "title": "Love is... by Bill Asprey | Bill Asprey Cartoons & Comic ..." }, { "answer": "Love Is", "passage": "Love is... and The Mail on Sunday", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.435212135314941, "source": "search", "title": "Love is... by Bill Asprey | Bill Asprey Cartoons & Comic ..." }, { "answer": "Love Is", "passage": "In 1978 I was asked by the UK's leading national newspaper, The Mail on Sunday, to devise the Love is...single daily panel as a comicstrip in colour to fit into their weekend format. I created this new style of \"Love is...\" exclusively for them, with the couple clothed. Kim was delighted with it and it ran until the Mail on Sunday cartoon supplement eventually closed.  ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.856454372406006, "source": "search", "title": "Love is... by Bill Asprey | Bill Asprey Cartoons & Comic ..." }, { "answer": "Love Is", "passage": "So as well as the familiar black/white daily panels I put up during the week, you can also see the colour comic every Sunday, so do check back regularly! You can also e-mail me about Love is...but please be patient, I sometimes take a while to answer.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.444482803344727, "source": "search", "title": "Love is... by Bill Asprey | Bill Asprey Cartoons & Comic ..." }, { "answer": "Love Is", "passage": "Love is...Daily Panel", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.484879493713379, "source": "search", "title": "Love is... by Bill Asprey | Bill Asprey Cartoons & Comic ..." } ]
Where was William Kellogg working when he decided to sell cornflakes?
{ "aliases": [ "Medieval hospital", "The hospital", "Hospital,", "🏥", "Hospitalization", "Hospital department", "Hospitalized", "⛨", "Hospital", "Specialist Hospital", "District general hospital", "Hospital departments", "District General Hospital", "District hospital", "Hospitalisation", "Hospitol", "Hospitals", "Hospital ward", "Hospital wing", "Hospitalised" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "hospitol", "district general hospital", "hospital department", "hospitalised", "medieval hospital", "hospital wing", "specialist hospital", "hospital departments", "hospitals", "hospitalized", "🏥", "hospitalization", "district hospital", "hospital ward", "⛨", "hospital", "hospitalisation" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "hospital", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Hospital" }
[ { "answer": "Hospital", "passage": "The world-renowned benefactor and cereal industry leader began as a clerk at the Battle Creek Sanitarium, also known as the San. It was there, searching for a vegetarian diet for patients, that he discovered cereal flakes. His first job was as a stock-boy, followed by the life of a traveling broom salesman in his late teens. He finally went to work as a young man in the San, where his older brother, John Harvey Kellogg, was physician-in-chief. Will Kellogg was bookkeeper and manager of the world-famous hospital, which put virtually any task outside of medicine under his purview.", "precise_score": 3.7232046127319336, "rough_score": -0.4744281768798828, "source": "search", "title": "Inventor Will Keith Kellogg Biography - Idea Finder" }, { "answer": "Hospital", "passage": "In 1894 Dr. John Harvey Kellogg was superintendent of a famous hospital and health spa in Battle Creek, Michigan. His younger brother, Will Keith Kellogg, was the business manager. The hospital stressed healthful living and kept its patients on a diet that eliminated caffeine, meat, alcohol, and tobacco. The brothers invented many foods that were made from grains, including a coffee substitute and a type of granola, which they forced through rollers and rolled into long sheets of dough. One day, after cooking some wheat, the men were called away. When they finally returned, the wheat had become stale. They decided to force the tempered grain through the rollers anyway.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.7556872367858887, "source": "search", "title": "Corn Flakes History - Invention of Kellpgg's Corn Flakes" } ]
What is Dionne Warwick's real first name?
{ "aliases": [ "MARIE", "Marie", "Marie (disambiguation)" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "marie", "marie disambiguation" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "marie", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Marie" }
[ { "answer": "Marie", "passage": "Dionne Warwick was born on December 12, 1940 in East Orange, New Jersey, USA as Marie Dionne Warrick. She was previously married to William Elliott .", "precise_score": 5.347594738006592, "rough_score": 4.200178146362305, "source": "search", "title": "Dionne Warwick - Biography - IMDb" }, { "answer": "Marie", "passage": "Dionne Warwick was born on December 12, 1940 in East Orange, New Jersey, USA as Marie Dionne Warrick. She was previously married to William Elliott . See full bio »", "precise_score": 5.365316390991211, "rough_score": 4.187440395355225, "source": "search", "title": "Dionne Warwick - IMDb" }, { "answer": "Marie", "passage": "Marie Dionne Warrick (born December 12, 1940) is an American singer, actress and TV-show host, who became a United Nations Global Ambassador for the Food and Agriculture Organization, and a United States Ambassador of Health.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.542749404907227, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dionne Warwick" }, { "answer": "Marie", "passage": "Marie Dionne Warrick, later Warwick, was born on December 12, 1940 in East Orange, New Jersey, to Mancel Warrick and Lee Drinkard. Her mother was manager of The Drinkard Singers, and her father was a Pullman porter, chef, record promoter and CPA. She was named after her aunt on her mothers side. Dionne has a sister Delia (\"Dee Dee\") and a brother, Mancel Jr., who was killed in an accident in 1968 at the age of 21. Her parents were both African American, and she also has Native American, Brazilian, and Dutch ancestry.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 1.7927162647247314, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dionne Warwick" }, { "answer": "Marie", "passage": "Marie instructed the group and they were managed by Lee. As they became more successful, Lee and Marie began performing with the group, and they were augmented by pop/R&B singer Judy Clay, whom Lee had unofficially adopted. Elvis Presley eventually expressed an interest in having them join his touring entourage. Dionne began singing gospel as a child at the New Hope Baptist Church in Newark, New Jersey. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.230003356933594, "source": "wiki", "title": "Dionne Warwick" }, { "answer": "Marie", "passage": "Marie Dionne Warrick", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.6285929679870605, "source": "search", "title": "Dionne Warwick Discography at Discogs" } ]
What's the first word of Richard Marx's Right Here Waiting For You?
{ "aliases": [ "Extraterrestial Oceans", "Use of ocean resourses", "The oceans", "Oceans Beyond Earth", "Ocean layer", "Ocen", "Extraterrestrial oceans", "Oceans", "Internal ocean", "Subterranean ocean", "Marine environment", "Ocean and Oceanography", "Ocian", "At sea", "Five oceans", "Ocean", "Subsurface ocean", "Ancient ocean", "Ancient oceans" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "ocean", "ocian", "oceans beyond earth", "oceans", "extraterrestrial oceans", "subterranean ocean", "ocean and oceanography", "five oceans", "ancient oceans", "marine environment", "ocean layer", "subsurface ocean", "use of ocean resourses", "extraterrestial oceans", "internal ocean", "at sea", "ocen", "ancient ocean" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "oceans", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Oceans" }
[ { "answer": "Oceans", "passage": "Oceans apart, day after day", "precise_score": -10.62797737121582, "rough_score": -11.453418731689453, "source": "search", "title": "RICHARD MARX - RIGHT HERE WAITING FOR YOU LYRICS" }, { "answer": "Oceans", "passage": "Oceans apart day after day", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.51572322845459, "source": "search", "title": "Right Here Waiting Lyrics - Richard Marx -" }, { "answer": "Oceans", "passage": "Oceans apart day after day", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.51572322845459, "source": "search", "title": "RICHARD MARX LYRICS - Right Here Waiting - A-Z Lyrics" } ]
"Who described a Hollywood studio set as, ""The biggest train set a boy ever had?"""
{ "aliases": [ "List of awards and nominations received by Orson Welles", "Orson Wells", "George Orson", "Orson G. Welles", "Orson George Welles", "Orsen Welles", "G. O. Welles", "Orson Welles", "George Orson Welles", "Orsen wells" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "orson george welles", "george orson welles", "g o welles", "orsen wells", "orson wells", "orson welles", "orsen welles", "list of awards and nominations received by orson welles", "orson g welles", "george orson" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "orson wells", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Orson Wells" }
[ { "answer": "George Orson", "passage": "George Orson Welles, born on May 6, 1915, was a man of innumerable talents and unquenchable drive, whose creative stamp was left on stage, on radio and in film. An enfant terrible up to his death in 1985 at age 70, Welles pushed the boundaries of a maverick director long before an independent cinema movement developed in the U.S., with his films '\"Citizen Kane,\" \"The Magnificent Ambersons,\" \"Touch of Evil\" and \"Chimes at Midnights\" among the greatest ever made - a testament to his dramatic creativity, technical ingenuity, and willingness to challenge the parameters of commercial entertainment.", "precise_score": -6.896498203277588, "rough_score": -8.674150466918945, "source": "search", "title": "The Orson Welles centenary - CBS News" }, { "answer": "Orson Welles", "passage": "Orson Welles and Rita Hayworth in \"The Lady From Shanghai.\" Columbia Pictures", "precise_score": -8.122828483581543, "rough_score": -9.71752643585205, "source": "search", "title": "The Orson Welles centenary - CBS News" }, { "answer": "Orson Welles", "passage": "Two years after Orson Welles appeared on an episode of \"I Love Lucy,\" Desilu Productions produced the pilot (written and directed by Welles) of a projected anthology series. The O. Henry-like script, based on a short story by John Collier, was not groundbreaking, but the presentation certainly was. \"The Fountain of Youth,\" hosted and narrated by Welles, was shot in a highly theatrical, avant-garde manner, using rear projection, stills, artificial-looking sets and stylized acting that today look downright David Lynchian.", "precise_score": -8.740545272827148, "rough_score": -8.98039722442627, "source": "search", "title": "The Orson Welles centenary - CBS News" }, { "answer": "Orson Welles", "passage": "When Orson Welles first saw RKO studios, he is reported to have said, �This is the biggest electric train set a boy ever had to play with.� Is this feeling reflected in Citizen Kane? In what ways?", "precise_score": 7.664650917053223, "rough_score": 2.421880006790161, "source": "search", "title": "Film credits and study questions - UND: University of ..." }, { "answer": "Orson Welles", "passage": "In the late 1930s, having reached the pinnacle of success in Britain with such films as The Man Who Knew Too Much and The 39 Steps, Alfred Hitchcock was eager to make the trans-Atlantic crossing so he could play with Hollywood studio resources, what Orson Welles would soon call “the biggest electric train set any boy ever had.” As technically daring and adventurous as Hitchcock’s films often were, Hitchcock knew Britain’s facilities lagged far behind Hollywood’s, so soon after wrapping The Lady Vanishes (yet another feather in his cap), he and his closest collaborator, his wife Alma Reville, set sail for the U.S. to finalize a deal with independent producer David O. Selznick. Before he went on Selznick’s payroll, though, Hitchcock had time to make one last film back in England. This turned out to be Jamaica Inn, based on the novel by Daphne du Maurier, who also wrote the source novel for Rebecca, Hitchcock’s first American film. With Hitchcock halfway out the door, Jamaica Inn could have come across as strictly a work-for-hire gig, but it displays enough Hitchcockery to show he wasn’t as disengaged from the material as he would later claim he was.", "precise_score": 6.011242866516113, "rough_score": -2.7093734741210938, "source": "search", "title": "Jamaica Inn / The Dissolve" }, { "answer": "Orson Welles", "passage": "Can't tell a gaffer from a grip? Mystified by a producer's role? Ever wonder why people would sit and watch a movie's end credits roll by? Well, then, you've come to the right place DIRECTOR The person from whom all major creative decisions flow. The story may be someone else's idea, the dialogue may come from the screenwriter, but the director is in charge. It was genius director Orson Welles who made the oft-repeated remark, while preparing Citizen Kane,\"that a Hollywood studio was \"the best electric train set a boy ever had.\"", "precise_score": 4.316937446594238, "rough_score": -4.518386363983154, "source": "search", "title": "Articles about Production Designer by Date - Page 5 ..." }, { "answer": "Orson Welles", "passage": "Orson Welles - Biography - IMDb", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.30823802947998, "source": "search", "title": "Orson Welles - Biography - IMDb" }, { "answer": "Orson Welles", "passage": "Orson Welles", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.36344051361084, "source": "search", "title": "Orson Welles - Biography - IMDb" }, { "answer": "Orson Welles", "passage": "His father was a well-to-do inventor, his mother a beautiful concert pianist; Orson Welles was gifted in many arts (magic, piano, painting) as a child. When his mother died (he was seven) he traveled the world with his father. When his father died (he was fifteen) he became the ward of Chicago's Dr. Maurice Bernstein. In 1931, he graduated from the Todd School in Woodstock, Illinois; he turned down college offers for a sketching tour of Ireland. He tried unsuccessfully to enter the London and Broadway stages, traveling some more in Morocco and Spain (where he fought in the bullring). Recommendations by Thornton Wilder and Alexander Woollcott got him into Katherine Cornell's road company, with which he made his New York debut as Tybalt in 1934. The same year, he married, directed his first short, and appeared on radio for the first time. He began working with John Houseman and formed the Mercury Theatre with him in 1937. In 1938, they produced \"The Mercury Theatre on the Air\", famous for its broadcast version of \"The War of the Worlds\" (intended as a Halloween prank). His first film to be seen by the public was Citizen Kane (1941), a commercial failure losing RKO $150,000, but regarded by many as the best film ever made. Many of his next films were commercial failures and he exiled himself to Europe in 1948. In 1956, he directed Touch of Evil (1958); it failed in the United States but won a prize at the 1958 Brussels World's Fair. In 1975, in spite of all his box-office failures, he received the American Film Institute's Lifetime Achievement Award, and in 1984, the Directors Guild of America awarded him its highest honor, the D.W. Griffith Award. His reputation as a filmmaker has climbed steadily ever since.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.081254005432129, "source": "search", "title": "Orson Welles - Biography - IMDb" }, { "answer": "Orson Welles", "passage": "Was possibly not as tall as is often reported. According to Simon Callow 's \"Orson Welles: The Road to Xanadu\", medical records exist from a Welles physical in 1941. His weight is listed as 218, and his height at 72\" - 6 feet even. Biographers Charles Higham and Frank Brady describe Welles as being 6'2\", though they never provide a source. Biographer Barbara Leaming often comments on his height, but never gives an exact measurement. An early Current Biography article on Welles describes him as being \"tall and chubby\", while a later one gives the obviously incorrect 6'3-1/2\" height. If you average all the figures and based on his size compared to other actors, he probably in fact stood a little over 6 feet tall (6'1\" to 6'2\").", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.973658561706543, "source": "search", "title": "Orson Welles - Biography - IMDb" }, { "answer": "Orson Welles", "passage": "His last completed work as director was \"The Orson Welles Show\", a never broadcast television show.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.733030319213867, "source": "search", "title": "Orson Welles - Biography - IMDb" }, { "answer": "Orson Wells", "passage": "His full name is George Orson Welles. He was named \"George\" in honor of writer George Ade , who was a friend of the family. His middle name was in honor of another family friend, a man named Orson Wells (without the \"e\").", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.1168851852417, "source": "search", "title": "Orson Welles - Biography - IMDb" }, { "answer": "Orson Welles", "passage": "Has been played by Steven Lamprinos in Hollywood Mouth 2 (2014). The director of that film, Jordan Mohr , wanted an Orson Welles character in the movie because she is from Venice, California, where Touch of Evil (1958) was filmed.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.335145950317383, "source": "search", "title": "Orson Welles - Biography - IMDb" }, { "answer": "Orson Welles", "passage": "Citizen Kane (1941) Directed and produced by Orson Welles.  Written by Welles and Herman J. Mankiewicz.  Orson Welles, Joseph Cotton, Dorothy Comingore. (119 min).", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.922540664672852, "source": "search", "title": "Citizen Kane - moviediva" }, { "answer": "Orson Welles", "passage": "Welles is in every respect the creator of Charles Foster Kane, and plays him from youth to old age.  He told Bogdanovich in This is Orson Welles, \"I was just as heavily made up as a young man as I was as an old man.  I read once--Norman Mailer wrote something or other--that when I was young, I was the most beautiful man anybody had ever seen.  Yes! Made up for Citizen Kane! And for only 5 days!\" (Callow 506).", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.00982666015625, "source": "search", "title": "Citizen Kane - moviediva" }, { "answer": "Orson Welles", "passage": "Sources include:  Citizen Kane: A BFI Film Classic Guide by Laura Mulvey, Orson Welles: A Biography by Barbara Leaming, Orson Welles: The Road to Xanadu by Simon Callow, The Making of Citizen Kane, by Robert L. Carringer, Focus on Citizen Kane edited by Ronald Gottesman, This is Orson Welles by Peter Bogdanovich, Louis Pizzitola's chapter on Citizen Kane in Hearst Over Hollywood: Power, Passion and Propaganda in the Movies has a fresh point of view. Check out the great website at", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.451505661010742, "source": "search", "title": "Citizen Kane - moviediva" }, { "answer": "Orson Welles", "passage": "The Orson Welles centenary - CBS News", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.440125465393066, "source": "search", "title": "The Orson Welles centenary - CBS News" }, { "answer": "Orson Welles", "passage": "The Orson Welles centenary", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.36036491394043, "source": "search", "title": "The Orson Welles centenary - CBS News" }, { "answer": "Orson Welles", "passage": "Orson Welles in the 1930s. CBS", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.375895500183105, "source": "search", "title": "The Orson Welles centenary - CBS News" }, { "answer": "Orson Welles", "passage": "An eight-minute short film, clearly influenced by surrealists such as Luis Bunuel, \"The Hearts of Age\" was co-directed by Orson Welles and William Vance in 1934, when Welles was 19 years old.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.273931503295898, "source": "search", "title": "The Orson Welles centenary - CBS News" }, { "answer": "Orson Welles", "passage": "Below: Footage of Orson Welles' Harlem production of \"Macbeth,\" filmed for a documentary about the Federal Theatre Project.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.112890243530273, "source": "search", "title": "The Orson Welles centenary - CBS News" }, { "answer": "Orson Welles", "passage": "Orson Welles directing \"The Mercury Theatre on the Air.\" CBS", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.066154479980469, "source": "search", "title": "The Orson Welles centenary - CBS News" }, { "answer": "Orson Welles", "passage": "Orson Welles in \"Macbeth\" (1948). Republic Pictures", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.867201805114746, "source": "search", "title": "The Orson Welles centenary - CBS News" }, { "answer": "Orson Welles", "passage": "Directed by Orson Welles. Written by Herman J. Mankiewicz and Orson Welles. Photographed by Gregg Toland. Edited by Robert Wise and Mrk Robson. Art Direction by Van Nest Polglase and Perry Ferguson. Costumes by Edward Stevenson. Decors by Darrell Silvera. Music by Bernard Herrmann. Mrcury Productions. RKO Pictures. Premiered May 1, 1941, at the Palace Theatre, New York.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.75485610961914, "source": "search", "title": "Film credits and study questions - UND: University of ..." }, { "answer": "Orson Welles", "passage": "CAST: Orson Welles (Charles Foster Kane), Joseph Cotton (Jedediah Leland) Dorothy Comingore (Susan Alexander Kane), Agnes Moorhead (Kane�s mother), Ruth Warrick (Emily Norton Kane), Ray Collins (James W. Gettys), Erskine Sanford (Mr. Carter, Everett Sloane (Mr. Bernstein), William Alland (Thompson, the reporter), Paul Stewart (Raymond, the butler, George Colouris (Walter Parks Thatcher), Fortunio Bonanova (Signor Matisti), Gus Schilling (Headwaiter), Philip Van Zandt (Rawlston), Harry Shannon (Kane, Sr.).", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.422313690185547, "source": "search", "title": "Film credits and study questions - UND: University of ..." }, { "answer": "Orson Welles", "passage": "Altman likes to film scenes in which several conversations are going on at once (as Orson Welles did as early as Citizen Kane in 1941). What is the point of doing that, in your opinion? Again, we might ask if this makes the film more �realistic� or if it is merely annoying since at times we cannot hear every line of dialogue.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.135610580444336, "source": "search", "title": "Film credits and study questions - UND: University of ..." }, { "answer": "Orson Welles", "passage": "Citizen Kane (1941) Directed and produced by Orson Welles. Written by Welles and Herman J. Mankiewicz. Orson Welles, Joseph Cotton, Ruth Warrick, Dorothy Comingore.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.969680786132812, "source": "search", "title": "Citizen Kane - moviediva" }, { "answer": "Orson Welles", "passage": "Welles is in every respect the creator of Charles Foster Kane, and plays him from youth to old age. He told Bogdanovich in This is Orson Welles, \"I was just as heavily made up as a young man as I was as an old man. I read once--Norman Mailer wrote something or other--that when I was young, I was the most beautiful man anybody had ever seen. Yes! Made up for Citizen Kane! And for only 5 days!\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.035696983337402, "source": "search", "title": "Citizen Kane - moviediva" } ]
On which special day did Charlie Chaplin die in 1977?
{ "aliases": [ "Orthodox Christmas", "Holiday decorations", "Chirstmas", "Christmas Stories", "Christ Mass", "Date of Christmas", "Crissmas", "Christmas", "Heaven's Day", "When is Christmas%3F", "Uncle Crimbo", "Christmas stories", "Feast of the Nativity", "Chirstma", "When is Christmas", "%60Id-ul-milad", "Pressie", "Christian Christmas", "Christmas-theme", "History of Christmas", "Chrismas", "Christmas Day", "Chrimbo", "Christ mas", "Chisrtmas", "Christmas Mass", "Kurisumasu", "Christmas spirit", "Seongtanjeol", "Christmas theme", "Christmas day", "Christmas-themed", "Christ's Mass", "Crismas", "Cristmas", "Nativity of the Lord", "Eid Al Milad Al Majeed", "Christmas feast" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "christmas themed", "christian christmas", "when is christmas 3f", "orthodox christmas", "christmas mass", "60id ul milad", "crissmas", "cristmas", "when is christmas", "nativity of lord", "christmas spirit", "chisrtmas", "uncle crimbo", "crismas", "christ mass", "eid al milad al majeed", "heaven s day", "christmas theme", "christ mas", "christ s mass", "holiday decorations", "date of christmas", "kurisumasu", "history of christmas", "pressie", "christmas stories", "christmas", "chirstma", "feast of nativity", "chirstmas", "chrismas", "christmas day", "chrimbo", "christmas feast", "seongtanjeol" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "christmas day", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Christmas Day" }
[ { "answer": "Christmas Day", "passage": ">The respondent is incorrect about CC being \"deported\": >ponce he was outat sea, the Attorney General revoked >his re-entry visa and announced that CC would have to >stand trial before reentering the U.S. as a guest (he >was a British citizen). > >> Chaplin died of natural causes (heart failure, I >> believe) at the age of 88 on Christmas Day 1977 at >his >> estate in Vevey, Switzerland. >> >> Sir Charles was HARDLY lonely! He had several >> children with his wife (Oona O'Neill Chaplin) as well >> as two from one of his previous wives (Lita Grey >> Chaplin) >> >> Also, he was not \"exiled,\" but rather was deported by >> the U.S. Government. He did, however, return to the >> U.S. in 1972 to accept a special Lifetime Achievement >> Oscar at the Academy Awards. >> >> One interesting fact about Chaplin's death....shortly >> after he died (about a month), his remains were dug >up >> by grave robbers and held for ransom! Can you >believe >> that?! Oona Chaplin refused to pay the ransom to get >> Charlie's remains back (CHarlie had told her year's >> before that if he were ever kidnapped...DO NOT >PAY!). >> Two men were eventually caught and jailed for the >> \"abduction.\" >> >> Hope this helps. >> >> bo", "precise_score": 6.243794918060303, "rough_score": 5.852718830108643, "source": "search", "title": "Re: How did Charlie Chaplin Die? -- The Charlie Chaplin Forum" }, { "answer": "Christmas", "passage": "His corpse was stolen. Three months after Chaplin died on Christmas, 1977, his body was stolen in an effort to extort money from his family. Chaplin's body was recovered 11 weeks later after the grave-robbers were captured. He is now buried under 6 feet of concrete to prevent further theft attempts.", "precise_score": 6.819832801818848, "rough_score": 5.771698474884033, "source": "search", "title": "What's Charlie Chaplin all about? - Quora" }, { "answer": "Christmas", "passage": "Chaplin believed his first influence to be his mother, who entertained him as a child by sitting at the window and mimicking passers-by: \"it was through watching her that I learned not only how to express emotions with my hands and face, but also how to observe and study people.\" Chaplin's early years in music hall allowed him to see stage comedians at work; he also attended the Christmas pantomimes at Drury Lane, where he studied the art of clowning through performers like Dan Leno. Chaplin's years with the Fred Karno company had a formative effect on him as an actor and filmmaker. Simon Louvish writes that the company was his \"training ground\", and it was here that Chaplin learnt to vary the pace of his comedy. The concept of mixing pathos with slapstick was learnt from Karno, who also used elements of absurdity that became familiar in Chaplin's gags. From the film industry, Chaplin drew upon the work of the French comedian Max Linder, whose films he greatly admired. In developing the Tramp costume and persona, he was likely inspired by the American vaudeville scene, where tramp characters were common. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.436788558959961, "source": "wiki", "title": "Charlie Chaplin" }, { "answer": "Christmas", "passage": "Sir Charles -- he was knighted by Queen Elizabeth in 1975 -- died at 4 A.M., a few hours before his family's traditional Christmas celebration was to begin.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.663567543029785, "source": "search", "title": "Charlie Chaplin Dead at 88 ; Made the Film an Art Form" }, { "answer": "Christmas Day", "passage": "\"All the presents were under the tree,\" Lady Chaplin told a caller, adding, \"Charlie gave so much happiness and, although he had been ill for a long time, it is so sad that he should have passed away on Christmas day.\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.5869030952453613, "source": "search", "title": "Charlie Chaplin Dead at 88 ; Made the Film an Art Form" }, { "answer": "Christmas Day", "passage": "The legendary comedian died on Christmas Day last year, aged 88. He was buried two days later in the village of Corsier in the hills above Lake Geneva.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.533315658569336, "source": "search", "title": "BBC ON THIS DAY | 17 | 1978: Charlie Chaplin's stolen body ..." } ]
In Mork and Mindy, what was the Orkan phrase for 'Goodbye'?
{ "aliases": [ "Shazbot!", "Nanu nanu", "Shazbot", "Nanoo nanoo", "Mork from Ork", "Nanu Nanu", "Na-Nu Na-Nu", "Exidor", "Mork & Mindy", "Mork and Mindy", "Mork And Mindy", "Mindy McConnell" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "exidor", "nanu nanu", "mork mindy", "mork and mindy", "shazbot", "mork from ork", "mindy mcconnell", "na nu na nu", "nanoo nanoo" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "nanu nanu", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Nanu Nanu" }
[ { "answer": "Mork & Mindy", "passage": "Mork & Mindy is an American sitcom broadcast from 1978 to 1982 on ABC. It stars Robin Williams as Mork, an extraterrestrial who comes to Earth from the planet Ork in a small, one-Orkan egg-shaped spaceship. Pam Dawber co-stars as Mindy McConnell, his human friend and roommate.", "precise_score": 1.529988408088684, "rough_score": 4.303746223449707, "source": "wiki", "title": "Mork & Mindy" }, { "answer": "Mork & Mindy", "passage": "In Mork & Mindy, Mork resides in a Boulder, Colorado, setting of the late 1970s and early 1980s (as compared to the Happy Days setting of Milwaukee in the late-1950s).", "precise_score": -1.101541519165039, "rough_score": 2.169180154800415, "source": "wiki", "title": "Mork & Mindy" }, { "answer": "Shazbot", "passage": "Mork's greeting is \"Na-Nu Na-Nu\" (pronounced) along with a hand gesture similar to Mr. Spock's Vulcan salute from Star Trek combined with a handshake. It became a popular catchphrase at the time, as did \"Shazbot\", an Orkan profanity that Mork uses. Mork says \"KO\" in place of \"OK\".", "precise_score": 2.1970314979553223, "rough_score": 0.5342835187911987, "source": "wiki", "title": "Mork & Mindy" }, { "answer": "Mork & Mindy", "passage": "In the fourth season, Mork and Mindy were married. Jonathan Winters, one of Williams' idols, was brought in as their child, Mearth. Because of the different Orkan physiology, Mork laid an egg, which grew and hatched into the much older Winters. Winters had previously appeared in a season 3 episode as Dave McConnell (Mindy's uncle and Fred's brother). It had been previously explained that Orkans aged \"backwards\", thus explaining Mearth's appearance and that of his teacher, Miss Geezba (portrayed by then-11-year-old actress Louanne Sirota). After four seasons and 95 episodes, Mork & Mindy was canceled in the summer of 1982. The show ended at 60th place at season's end.", "precise_score": 1.205878496170044, "rough_score": 2.205270767211914, "source": "wiki", "title": "Mork & Mindy" }, { "answer": "Mindy McConnell", "passage": "* Mindy McConnell (portrayed by Pam Dawber) — A pretty female human who finds Mork and teaches him about human behavior. Eventually falls in love, marries Mork and raises an Orkan \"child\".", "precise_score": 0.727292537689209, "rough_score": 2.046370267868042, "source": "wiki", "title": "Mork & Mindy" }, { "answer": "Mork and Mindy", "passage": "* Mearth (portrayed by Jonathan Winters) — The \"child\" of Mork and Mindy and godson of Orson. Because of Orkan physiology, Orkans age backwards, starting with elderly adult bodies but with the mind of a child and regressing to feeble \"old\" kids.", "precise_score": 1.4482961893081665, "rough_score": 1.9980299472808838, "source": "wiki", "title": "Mork & Mindy" }, { "answer": "Mork & Mindy", "passage": "* A subsequent Saturday morning cartoon titled Mork & Mindy/Laverne & Shirley/Fonz Hour ran on ABC from 1982 to 1983. The Mork & Mindy segments were a prequel with Mindy as a student in high school. The character of Eugene returned in this spin-off voiced by Shavar Ross.", "precise_score": -2.0569820404052734, "rough_score": 1.4203510284423828, "source": "wiki", "title": "Mork & Mindy" }, { "answer": "Mork and Mindy", "passage": "Orkan Language - Robin Williams played Mork , a zany alien from the planet Ork, who visited Earth on the sci-fi comedy MORK AND MINDY/ABC/1978-82.", "precise_score": 1.2803541421890259, "rough_score": 2.411153793334961, "source": "search", "title": "TV ACRES: Quotations > Languages & Phrases > Science ..." }, { "answer": "Mork from Ork", "passage": "Mindy McConnell and Mork from Ork", "precise_score": 0.4292987585067749, "rough_score": 2.9633231163024902, "source": "search", "title": "TV ACRES: Quotations > Languages & Phrases > Science ..." }, { "answer": "Mork & Mindy", "passage": "from \"Mork & Mindy\" (1978)", "precise_score": 0.6861538887023926, "rough_score": 2.9519824981689453, "source": "search", "title": "Mork (Character) - Quotes - IMDb" }, { "answer": "Mork & Mindy", "passage": "\"Mork & Mindy: Mork's Best Friend (#1.24)\" (1979)", "precise_score": 0.3779948949813843, "rough_score": 1.7502593994140625, "source": "search", "title": "Mork (Character) - Quotes - IMDb" }, { "answer": "Mindy McConnell", "passage": "Mindy McConnell : Mork, it can be against the law to go in somebody's apartment when they're not home, even if the door's not locked.", "precise_score": -2.747019052505493, "rough_score": 0.8302874565124512, "source": "search", "title": "Mork (Character) - Quotes - IMDb" }, { "answer": "Mindy McConnell", "passage": "Mindy McConnell : Oh Mork, dad's right. It's not the gift, it's the thought that counts.", "precise_score": -1.6951265335083008, "rough_score": 1.8097646236419678, "source": "search", "title": "Mork (Character) - Quotes - IMDb" }, { "answer": "Mindy McConnell", "passage": "Mindy McConnell : Mork, will you come out?", "precise_score": -1.6187000274658203, "rough_score": 0.7529958486557007, "source": "search", "title": "Mork (Character) - Quotes - IMDb" }, { "answer": "Mindy McConnell", "passage": "Mindy McConnell : Mork, what's the matter?", "precise_score": -1.090342402458191, "rough_score": 1.1209744215011597, "source": "search", "title": "Mork (Character) - Quotes - IMDb" }, { "answer": "Mindy McConnell", "passage": "Mindy McConnell : Oh come on, Mork, really!", "precise_score": -1.7037878036499023, "rough_score": 2.1432201862335205, "source": "search", "title": "Mork (Character) - Quotes - IMDb" }, { "answer": "Mindy McConnell", "passage": "Mindy McConnell : Mr. Bickley, you're just going through a writer's slump. Mork is leaving for good!", "precise_score": -1.9443819522857666, "rough_score": 2.0324761867523193, "source": "search", "title": "Mork (Character) - Quotes - IMDb" }, { "answer": "Mork & Mindy", "passage": "\"Mork & Mindy: Mork Meets Robin Williams (#3.14)\" (1981)", "precise_score": -0.46383145451545715, "rough_score": 0.5211860537528992, "source": "search", "title": "Mork (Character) - Quotes - IMDb" }, { "answer": "Mork & Mindy", "passage": "\"Mork & Mindy: Mork the Tolerant (#1.14)\" (1979)", "precise_score": 0.2940918803215027, "rough_score": 2.6125926971435547, "source": "search", "title": "Mork (Character) - Quotes - IMDb" }, { "answer": "Mork & Mindy", "passage": "\"Mork & Mindy: Mork, Mindy, and Mearth Meet MILT (#4.16)\" (1982)", "precise_score": -0.5232741832733154, "rough_score": 1.1416611671447754, "source": "search", "title": "Mork (Character) - Quotes - IMDb" }, { "answer": "Mork and Mindy", "passage": "In the fourth season, Mork and Mindy were married. Jonathan Winters , one of Williams' idols, was brought in as their child, Mearth. Due to the different Orkan physiology , Mork laid an egg, which grew and hatched into the much older Winters. It had been previously explained that Orkans aged \"backwards\", thus explaining Mearth's appearance and that of his teacher, Miss Geezba (portrayed by then 11-year-old actress Louanne ). Other attempts included the use of special guest stars.", "precise_score": 1.4768619537353516, "rough_score": 2.222823143005371, "source": "search", "title": "Mork and Mindy - Mork and Mindy Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Mork and Mindy", "passage": "Mork and Mindy was a hit during the first two of four seasons:", "precise_score": -0.711103618144989, "rough_score": 3.674041271209717, "source": "search", "title": "Mork and Mindy - Mork and Mindy Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Mork and Mindy", "passage": "Mork and Mindy | Child Of The 1980's", "precise_score": -0.9832549691200256, "rough_score": 1.229270100593567, "source": "search", "title": "Mork and Mindy | Child Of The 1980's" }, { "answer": "Mork and Mindy", "passage": "Mork and Mindy", "precise_score": 0.9590758085250854, "rough_score": 2.7682104110717773, "source": "search", "title": "Mork and Mindy | Child Of The 1980's" }, { "answer": "Mork and Mindy", "passage": "Mork and Mindy was actually one of the many spin offs from the immensely popular Happy Days, believe it or not!  I know it might seem unlikely that a show set in the 1950’s could spawn a (then) present day show about an alien but its true.  The character of Mork (played by Robin Williams in his big TV break) first appeared in an episode of Happy Days where he tried to abduct Richie Cunningham as a study subject to take back to his home world Ork.  Luckily, the Fonz prevented this and Mork went back empty handed.", "precise_score": -1.4185603857040405, "rough_score": 3.0089244842529297, "source": "search", "title": "Mork and Mindy | Child Of The 1980's" }, { "answer": "Nanu Nanu", "passage": "The reports consisted of Mork, clad in his spacesuit, talking to the unseen Orson in front of a black background.  Of course, Mork never usually got things quite right, but these were often the only time in the show that Mork was anywhere close to serious.  All his reports ended with him tweaking his ears and say “nanu nanu”, which I presume means goodbye in Orkan.", "precise_score": 4.895852565765381, "rough_score": 2.082472562789917, "source": "search", "title": "Mork and Mindy | Child Of The 1980's" }, { "answer": "Mork & Mindy", "passage": "Mork & Mindy (TV Series 1978–1982) - Quotes - IMDb", "precise_score": -1.1977832317352295, "rough_score": 3.471271514892578, "source": "search", "title": "Mork & Mindy (TV Series 1978–1982) - Quotes - IMDb" }, { "answer": "Mork & Mindy", "passage": "Mork & Mindy Quotes | 58 quotes by |", "precise_score": -1.2858459949493408, "rough_score": 3.0471363067626953, "source": "search", "title": "Mork & Mindy Quotes | 58 quotes by" }, { "answer": "Mork & Mindy", "passage": "Mork & Mindy Quotes", "precise_score": 0.20784711837768555, "rough_score": 4.274293422698975, "source": "search", "title": "Mork & Mindy Quotes | 58 quotes by" }, { "answer": "Mork & Mindy", "passage": "Mork & Mindy (Series) - TV Tropes", "precise_score": -1.6035444736480713, "rough_score": 0.640693724155426, "source": "search", "title": "Mork and Mindy (Series) - TV Tropes" }, { "answer": "Mork & Mindy", "passage": "Mork & Mindy", "precise_score": 0.670874297618866, "rough_score": 2.552924633026123, "source": "search", "title": "Mork and Mindy (Series) - TV Tropes" }, { "answer": "Mork and Mindy", "passage": "Belly Buttonless : After Mork and Mindy get married and have sex for the first time, Mork proves he had laid an egg by showing his navel — since he's an Orkan he doesn't have one from the natural gestation process. Other than all the times he'd shown his belly before that episode and we'd seen it.", "precise_score": -0.0901469886302948, "rough_score": 0.7674617171287537, "source": "search", "title": "Mork and Mindy (Series) - TV Tropes" }, { "answer": "Exidor", "passage": "Mork arrives on Earth in an egg-shaped spacecraft. He has been assigned to observe human behavior by Orson, his mostly unseen and long-suffering superior (voiced by Ralph James). Orson has sent Mork, to get him off Ork, where humor is not permitted. Attempting to fit in, Mork dresses in an Earth suit, but wears it backward. He encounters 21-year-old Mindy (Pam Dawber), who is upset after an argument with her boyfriend, and offers assistance. Because of his odd garb, she mistakes him for a priest and is taken in by his willingness to listen (in fact, simply observing her behavior). When Mindy notices his backward suit and unconventional behavior, she asks who he really is, and he innocently tells her the truth. She promises to keep his identity a secret and allows him to move into her attic. Mindy's father Fred (Conrad Janis) objects to his daughter living with a man (particularly one as bizarre as Mork), but Fred's mother-in-law Cora (Elizabeth Kerr) approves of Mork and the living arrangement. Mindy and Cora work at Fred's music store, where Cora gives lessons to Eugene (Jeffrey Jacquet), a child who becomes Mork's friend. Also seen occasionally are Mindy's snooty old high school friend Susan (Morgan Fairchild) and the possibly insane Exidor (Robert Donner).", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -2.3875131607055664, "source": "wiki", "title": "Mork & Mindy" }, { "answer": "Mork and Mindy", "passage": "New cast members were added. Among the new supporting characters were Remo and Jeanie DaVinci (Jay Thomas and Gina Hecht), a brother and sister from New York City who owned a new neighborhood deli where Mork and Mindy now spent a lot of time. Also added as regulars were their grumpy neighbor Mr. Bickley (who was seen occasionally in the first season and ironically worked as a verse writer for a greeting-card company), portrayed by Tom Poston, and Nelson Flavor (Jim Staahl), Mindy's snooty cousin who ran for city council.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.2987523078918457, "source": "wiki", "title": "Mork & Mindy" }, { "answer": "Mork and Mindy", "passage": "The show's main focus was no longer on Mork's slapstick attempts to adjust to the new world he was in, but on the relationship between Mork and Mindy on a romantic level. Also, some of the focus was on Mork trying to find a steady-paying job.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -2.2980828285217285, "source": "wiki", "title": "Mork & Mindy" }, { "answer": "Mork & Mindy", "passage": "Despite the show's steady decline, ABC agreed to a fourth season of Mork & Mindy, but executives wanted changes. The show began to include special guest stars this year.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.9724769592285156, "source": "wiki", "title": "Mork & Mindy" }, { "answer": "Mork and Mindy", "passage": "* Franklin Bickley (portrayed by Tom Poston) — Mindy's downstairs neighbor. He has a job involving writing out greeting cards. At first, he is a total grump and always complains about noise. But in time, he warms up and becomes a friend to Mork and Mindy and the gang.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -2.9258310794830322, "source": "wiki", "title": "Mork & Mindy" }, { "answer": "Exidor", "passage": "* Exidor (portrayed by Robert Donner)—An odd man (with possible mental illness) who regards himself as a prophet. He often appears wearing a flowing white robe with a brown sash. He recognizes Mork as an alien, but nobody believes him. As the leader of a cult called \"The Friends of Venus\", of which he was the only member, he regularly engaged in conversations with imaginary members of his cult (such as \"Pepe\" and \"Rocco\"), but was the only person who could see them. Most times he is found yelling at his imaginary cult. He makes the comment, \"Entourages can be the pits!\" Later, since the Venusians had abandoned him, he began to worship O.J. Simpson when Mork encountered him at the Boulder Police Station. He also had a plan to become \"Emperor of the Universe\" by becoming a rock-star; his musical instrument of choice was the accordion. Exidor appears to be something of a squatter, as on at least two separate occasions he is present in homes not his own. Once Mork visited Exidor at a very nice apartment where he supposedly lived with his imaginary girlfriend and her twin sister. Another time, he is \"on vacation\" in Mindy's family home, where he apparently believed there was a beach in the living room closet. (\"Everybody out of the water! Can't you see that fin?\") He eventually got married, in a \"forest\" (Mindy's attic). Mindy thought his wife would be imaginary, but she turned out to be a real woman named Ambrosia. Exidor became highly popular with audiences and prompted wild applause from the studio audience when entering a scene.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.86234188079834, "source": "wiki", "title": "Mork & Mindy" }, { "answer": "Mork & Mindy", "passage": "When production on Mork & Mindy began, an extra scene was filmed and added to this episode for subsequent reruns. In the scene, Mork contacts Orson and explains that he decided to let Fonzie go, and was going to travel to the year 1978 to continue his mission. In the pilot episode of Mork & Mindy, Orson tells Mork that he is assigning him to study the planet Earth. Mork remembers that he has been to Earth before to collect a specimen (Fonzie) but he \"had to throw it back, though. Too small.\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -0.9944150447845459, "source": "wiki", "title": "Mork & Mindy" }, { "answer": "Mork & Mindy", "passage": "Mork also appears in the first episode of Out of the Blue, \"Random's Arrival\", as a crossover stunt. Mork & Mindy and Out of the Blue are both spin-offs of Happy Days, even though the episode of Happy Days featuring Random, \"Chachi Sells His Soul\", aired nine days after the premiere of Out of the Blue.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 0.4179282784461975, "source": "wiki", "title": "Mork & Mindy" }, { "answer": "Mork & Mindy", "passage": "Paramount Home Entertainment has released the entire series of Mork & Mindy on DVD in Region 1 in both individual season sets and a complete series configuration, while the first three seasons are available in Regions 2 and 4. The Region 1 DVD release of season 1 was from Paramount alone; subsequent releases in Region 1, as well as international season 1 releases, have been in conjunction with CBS DVD.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.715236663818359, "source": "wiki", "title": "Mork & Mindy" }, { "answer": "Mork & Mindy", "passage": "For its first season, Mork & Mindy was nominated for two Primetime Emmy Awards: Outstanding Comedy Series and Outstanding Lead Actor in a Comedy Series for Robin Williams. The program lost to Taxi and Williams lost to Carroll O'Connor for All in the Family.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -1.0311418771743774, "source": "wiki", "title": "Mork & Mindy" }, { "answer": "Mork & Mindy", "passage": "Mork & Mindy was syndicated off network by Paramount beginning in the Fall of 1982, to low ratings. By 1983, most stations that owned the show rested it much of the year running it only in the summer, when weaker programming tended to air. Few stations renewed the show a few years later. By 1987, the show only aired in a handful of TV markets. With the expansion of cable channels available, the show began airing on cable. Nick at Nite reran the show from March 4, 1991 to November 27, 1995. The show has also aired on FOX Family Channel in the late 1990s. From 2008 to 2011, the show aired in marathons on SyFy. It has aired in subsequent years on Me-TV, the Hub Network and various other classic television stations airing on various digital subchannels.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -1.3766297101974487, "source": "wiki", "title": "Mork & Mindy" }, { "answer": "Mork & Mindy", "passage": "In an interview with Garry Marshall on June 30, 2006, Pat O'Brien mentioned that Mork & Mindy was filmed on Paramount stage 27, the former studio for his infotainment program The Insider.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -2.6067047119140625, "source": "wiki", "title": "Mork & Mindy" }, { "answer": "Mork & Mindy", "passage": "* In 2005, a made-for-television movie titled Behind the Camera: The Unauthorized Story of Mork & Mindy aired on NBC. Chris Diamantopoulos portrayed Robin Williams, Erinn Hayes portrayed Pam Dawber and Daniel Roebuck portrayed producer Garry Marshall. The movie depicts Williams' instant stardom and behind the scenes turmoil that the cast and crew would have with the network.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.322993278503418, "source": "wiki", "title": "Mork & Mindy" }, { "answer": "Mork & Mindy", "passage": "TV ACRES: Quotations > Languages & Phrases > Science Fiction > Orkan Language (Mork & Mindy)", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 0.3927832841873169, "source": "search", "title": "TV ACRES: Quotations > Languages & Phrases > Science ..." }, { "answer": "Exidor", "passage": "Exidor : In this life, yes!", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.109294891357422, "source": "search", "title": "Mork (Character) - Quotes - IMDb" }, { "answer": "Exidor", "passage": "Exidor : Mork, I have come here to preach the only true religion!", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.248950481414795, "source": "search", "title": "Mork (Character) - Quotes - IMDb" }, { "answer": "Exidor", "passage": "Exidor : Reincarnation! We have all lived before and we shall all be born again!", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.36113166809082, "source": "search", "title": "Mork (Character) - Quotes - IMDb" }, { "answer": "Exidor", "passage": "Exidor : In a previous life, I was a very famous person. Guess who!", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.17404842376709, "source": "search", "title": "Mork (Character) - Quotes - IMDb" }, { "answer": "Exidor", "passage": "Exidor : Just to meet girls!", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.327410697937012, "source": "search", "title": "Mork (Character) - Quotes - IMDb" }, { "answer": "Exidor", "passage": "Exidor : He's not dead!", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.16642951965332, "source": "search", "title": "Mork (Character) - Quotes - IMDb" }, { "answer": "Exidor", "passage": "Exidor : You made friends with a fuzzy Tootsie Roll?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.3364896774292, "source": "search", "title": "Mork (Character) - Quotes - IMDb" }, { "answer": "Exidor", "passage": "Mork : No, Exidor, look! Look closer, it's a caterpillar!", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.93501615524292, "source": "search", "title": "Mork (Character) - Quotes - IMDb" }, { "answer": "Exidor", "passage": "Exidor : Why, this is no ordinary caterpillar, Mork. This is the reincarnation of Abraham Lincoln!", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.600135803222656, "source": "search", "title": "Mork (Character) - Quotes - IMDb" }, { "answer": "Exidor", "passage": "Exidor : Is that the face of someone who would tolerate slavery?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.250679969787598, "source": "search", "title": "Mork (Character) - Quotes - IMDb" }, { "answer": "Exidor", "passage": "Exidor : Really? I thought she was smiling at me!", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.072011947631836, "source": "search", "title": "Mork (Character) - Quotes - IMDb" }, { "answer": "Mindy McConnell", "passage": "Mindy McConnell : You know, Mork, between your friends and your pets, I sometimes wonder if you're an advanced alien being or just an intergalactic bozo.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -1.7534904479980469, "source": "search", "title": "Mork (Character) - Quotes - IMDb" }, { "answer": "Exidor", "passage": "Mindy McConnell : Now I guess you probably believe what Exidor said about reincarnation, right?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.710552215576172, "source": "search", "title": "Mork (Character) - Quotes - IMDb" }, { "answer": "Exidor", "passage": "Mork : No, I still think Exidor had his head up his foot. But maybe he's right though. Maybe when you die, something beautiful happens.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.089740753173828, "source": "search", "title": "Mork (Character) - Quotes - IMDb" }, { "answer": "Exidor", "passage": "Exidor : Mork! I came over as soon as you called! What's wrong?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.400561332702637, "source": "search", "title": "Mork (Character) - Quotes - IMDb" }, { "answer": "Mindy McConnell", "passage": "Mindy McConnell : A dog that's been run over by a truck?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.720532417297363, "source": "search", "title": "Mork (Character) - Quotes - IMDb" }, { "answer": "Mindy McConnell", "passage": "Mindy McConnell : Don't you think you should change your clothes first?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.405478477478027, "source": "search", "title": "Mork (Character) - Quotes - IMDb" }, { "answer": "Mindy McConnell", "passage": "Mindy McConnell : Come on, Bickley, open the door!", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.122264862060547, "source": "search", "title": "Mork (Character) - Quotes - IMDb" }, { "answer": "Exidor", "passage": "Mork : Now, Exidor is our friend.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.963221311569214, "source": "search", "title": "Mork (Character) - Quotes - IMDb" }, { "answer": "Exidor", "passage": "Mindy McConnell : Exidor is *your* friend, Mork. Ya know, quite a few people think he's a little strange.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -1.7029306888580322, "source": "search", "title": "Mork (Character) - Quotes - IMDb" }, { "answer": "Exidor", "passage": "Exidor : I've heard those ugly rumors and they're grossly exaggerated! Do you have any chinchilla dip?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.364255905151367, "source": "search", "title": "Mork (Character) - Quotes - IMDb" }, { "answer": "Exidor", "passage": "Mork : Mind, you can come out now, Exidor's gone.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -0.022032469511032104, "source": "search", "title": "Mork (Character) - Quotes - IMDb" }, { "answer": "Exidor", "passage": "Mindy McConnell : Exidor was *gone* when he got here!", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.1010103225708, "source": "search", "title": "Mork (Character) - Quotes - IMDb" }, { "answer": "Mork & Mindy", "passage": "\"Mork & Mindy: Skyflakes Keep Falling on My Head (#1.16)\" (1979)", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -0.3445098400115967, "source": "search", "title": "Mork (Character) - Quotes - IMDb" }, { "answer": "Exidor", "passage": "[Exidor and his imaginary friends enter]", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.188878059387207, "source": "search", "title": "Mork (Character) - Quotes - IMDb" }, { "answer": "Exidor", "passage": "Exidor : Step aside! Don't push! We can't all get through the door at the same time!", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.464874267578125, "source": "search", "title": "Mork (Character) - Quotes - IMDb" }, { "answer": "Exidor", "passage": "Exidor : Mork, do you have any idea how old I am? Wrong! Next Wednesday afternoon, I'll be twelve years old.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.04135513305664, "source": "search", "title": "Mork (Character) - Quotes - IMDb" }, { "answer": "Exidor", "passage": "Exidor : Guilt without sex! That's the key!", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.081506729125977, "source": "search", "title": "Mork (Character) - Quotes - IMDb" }, { "answer": "Exidor", "passage": "Exidor : I'm too old to stand on street corners preaching! I've got to settle down! Get a straight, conventional job.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.146541595458984, "source": "search", "title": "Mork (Character) - Quotes - IMDb" }, { "answer": "Exidor", "passage": "Exidor : Emperor of the Earth!", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.198502540588379, "source": "search", "title": "Mork (Character) - Quotes - IMDb" }, { "answer": "Exidor", "passage": "Exidor : I bought it four years ago, when I was a doctor.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.269899368286133, "source": "search", "title": "Mork (Character) - Quotes - IMDb" }, { "answer": "Exidor", "passage": "Exidor : Well, that's never stopped any rock group before. Besides, you've never seen me perform! Mork, you wait right here, I'll get my axe!", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.23238468170166, "source": "search", "title": "Mork (Character) - Quotes - IMDb" }, { "answer": "Mindy McConnell", "passage": "Mindy McConnell : Well, I can't believe we finally made it! I thought you were supposed to be such a trailblazer!", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.706053733825684, "source": "search", "title": "Mork (Character) - Quotes - IMDb" }, { "answer": "Mindy McConnell", "passage": "Mindy McConnell : I suspect it was right before we fell off the cliff.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.018067359924316, "source": "search", "title": "Mork (Character) - Quotes - IMDb" }, { "answer": "Mindy McConnell", "passage": "Mindy McConnell : What was a beaver doing out strolling in the middle of the night, anyway? Why wasn't he in his darn dam, guarding his sticks and his twigs? Do you know how yucky it is to step on a beaver's tail?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.540167808532715, "source": "search", "title": "Mork (Character) - Quotes - IMDb" }, { "answer": "Exidor", "passage": "Mork : What's this? Confessions of a Schizophrenic by Exidor as told to Exidor.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.166072845458984, "source": "search", "title": "Mork (Character) - Quotes - IMDb" }, { "answer": "Mindy McConnell", "passage": "Mindy McConnell : Susan, we're gonna see that you have a really nice Christmas this year.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.91468620300293, "source": "search", "title": "Mork (Character) - Quotes - IMDb" }, { "answer": "Mindy McConnell", "passage": "Mindy McConnell : It's a bracelet!", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.242048263549805, "source": "search", "title": "Mork (Character) - Quotes - IMDb" }, { "answer": "Mindy McConnell", "passage": "Mindy McConnell : Well, it's really interesting. What kind of beads are these?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.796542167663574, "source": "search", "title": "Mork (Character) - Quotes - IMDb" }, { "answer": "Mindy McConnell", "passage": "Mindy McConnell : Mork, are you here?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 0.49694401025772095, "source": "search", "title": "Mork (Character) - Quotes - IMDb" }, { "answer": "Mindy McConnell", "passage": "Mindy McConnell : Mork, why did you wallpaper the door?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -0.5319387316703796, "source": "search", "title": "Mork (Character) - Quotes - IMDb" }, { "answer": "Mindy McConnell", "passage": "Mindy McConnell : Have you been hitting the cream soda again?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.671292304992676, "source": "search", "title": "Mork (Character) - Quotes - IMDb" }, { "answer": "Mindy McConnell", "passage": "Mindy McConnell : Believe you? What am I supposed to believe? That my house is haunted?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.570956230163574, "source": "search", "title": "Mork (Character) - Quotes - IMDb" }, { "answer": "Mindy McConnell", "passage": "Mindy McConnell : [takes sheet off antique rocker] See this chair?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.111958503723145, "source": "search", "title": "Mork (Character) - Quotes - IMDb" }, { "answer": "Mindy McConnell", "passage": "Mindy McConnell : My mother did the needlepoint on this entire chair.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.386220932006836, "source": "search", "title": "Mork (Character) - Quotes - IMDb" }, { "answer": "Mindy McConnell", "passage": "Mindy McConnell : And see these marks on the door? That was how tall I was each birthday from 2 to 13.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.646909713745117, "source": "search", "title": "Mork (Character) - Quotes - IMDb" }, { "answer": "Mindy McConnell", "passage": "Mindy McConnell : Do you see any flies? You see any bees?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.7238130569458, "source": "search", "title": "Mork (Character) - Quotes - IMDb" }, { "answer": "Mindy McConnell", "passage": "Mindy McConnell : Well bugs get in sometimes.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.307820320129395, "source": "search", "title": "Mork (Character) - Quotes - IMDb" }, { "answer": "Mindy McConnell", "passage": "Mindy McConnell : Yeah, it kind of looks like my house.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.943951606750488, "source": "search", "title": "Mork (Character) - Quotes - IMDb" }, { "answer": "Mindy McConnell", "passage": "Mindy McConnell : Lafalette is my mother's maiden name.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.793313980102539, "source": "search", "title": "Mork (Character) - Quotes - IMDb" }, { "answer": "Mindy McConnell", "passage": "Mindy McConnell : Lucinda and Dedra? They must've been my great, great aunts or something.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.885229110717773, "source": "search", "title": "Mork (Character) - Quotes - IMDb" }, { "answer": "Mindy McConnell", "passage": "Mindy McConnell : Oh that's great, that happened in my house? That's terrific.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.192228317260742, "source": "search", "title": "Mork (Character) - Quotes - IMDb" }, { "answer": "Mindy McConnell", "passage": "Mindy McConnell : Well, what about you?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.804608345031738, "source": "search", "title": "Mork (Character) - Quotes - IMDb" }, { "answer": "Mork and Mindy", "passage": "[Mork and Mindy stand up to shake hands, but Ellsworth ignores them]", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 0.18217697739601135, "source": "search", "title": "Mork (Character) - Quotes - IMDb" }, { "answer": "Mork and Mindy", "passage": "[Mork and Mindy look at menus]", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -1.2492685317993164, "source": "search", "title": "Mork (Character) - Quotes - IMDb" }, { "answer": "Mindy McConnell", "passage": "Mindy McConnell : Why don't you have The Businessman's Lunch?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.42829418182373, "source": "search", "title": "Mork (Character) - Quotes - IMDb" }, { "answer": "Mindy McConnell", "passage": "Mindy McConnell : How do you know my name?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.503677368164062, "source": "search", "title": "Mork (Character) - Quotes - IMDb" }, { "answer": "Mork from Ork", "passage": "Mork : Mork from Ork has never been called a coward. I've never even lost a holitacker except for that one on Sirius, and how can you trust an eight-legged pekingese as an umpire?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.059630393981934, "source": "search", "title": "Mork (Character) - Quotes - IMDb" }, { "answer": "Mindy McConnell", "passage": "Mindy McConnell : I'm worried I just don't know what it would be like to have a child.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.036627769470215, "source": "search", "title": "Mork (Character) - Quotes - IMDb" }, { "answer": "Mindy McConnell", "passage": "Mindy McConnell : Well at least I've got a way of finding out.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.260241508483887, "source": "search", "title": "Mork (Character) - Quotes - IMDb" }, { "answer": "Mindy McConnell", "passage": "Mindy McConnell : You must've fallen asleep while you were watching TV.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.931282997131348, "source": "search", "title": "Mork (Character) - Quotes - IMDb" }, { "answer": "Mindy McConnell", "passage": "Mindy McConnell : All night long, Dan just kept talking about babies, then I realized he never talked about us. He wasn't into having a wife so much as he wanted a family; and I want to be a couple before I'm a group.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.348982810974121, "source": "search", "title": "Mork (Character) - Quotes - IMDb" }, { "answer": "Mindy McConnell", "passage": "Mindy McConnell : Well I have to admit it opened my eyes, it's hard to be a mother.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.509333610534668, "source": "search", "title": "Mork (Character) - Quotes - IMDb" }, { "answer": "Mindy McConnell", "passage": "Mindy McConnell : Excuse me, Mister Williams, but I have a big big big favor to ask of you. I know you don't know me and I don't want to impose, but I was supposed to get an interview with you for KTNS, and if I don't, I'll be fired.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.651996612548828, "source": "search", "title": "Mork (Character) - Quotes - IMDb" }, { "answer": "Mindy McConnell", "passage": "Mindy McConnell : [to Robin] You sure are a hard man to get in touch with.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.765878677368164, "source": "search", "title": "Mork (Character) - Quotes - IMDb" }, { "answer": "Mork from Ork", "passage": "Mork : Dear Superman, I am writing you this letter because I'm really perturbed. How can you call yourself a Man of Steel if you wear blue tights with the underwear on the outside? Everyone knows that Krypton is the Miami Beach of the Universe. You're a jive-turkey in red booties! Love, your friend, Mork from Ork. P.S. Don't you sweat a lot, wearing two suits?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.840808868408203, "source": "search", "title": "Mork (Character) - Quotes - IMDb" }, { "answer": "Mindy McConnell", "passage": "Mindy McConnell : Don't Orkans ever have any problems with unreasonable neighbors?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.697653293609619, "source": "search", "title": "Mork (Character) - Quotes - IMDb" }, { "answer": "Mork and Mindy", "passage": "Mork and Mindy | Mork and Mindy Wiki | Fandom powered by Wikia", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -1.1464834213256836, "source": "search", "title": "Mork and Mindy - Mork and Mindy Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Nanu Nanu", "passage": "Mork's greeting was \" Nanu nanu \" (pronounced \"nah-noo nah-noo\", sometimes spelt Nanoo Nanoo) along with a hand gesture similar to Mr. Spock 's Vulcan salute from Star Trek combined with a handshake. It became a popular catchphrase at the time, as did \"Shazbot\" (SHOZZ-bot), an Orkan curse word that Mork used. Mork also said \"kay-o\" in place of okay.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -1.0926754474639893, "source": "search", "title": "Mork and Mindy - Mork and Mindy Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Mork and Mindy", "passage": "New cast members and a disco -like version of the first season's gentle theme tune were added. Among the new[supporting characters were Remo and Jean DaVinci ( Jay Thomas and Gina Hecht ), a brother and sister from New York City who owned a new neighborhood deli where Mork and Mindy now spent a lot of time. Also added as regulars were their grumpy neighbor Mr. Bickley (who ironically worked as a verse writer for a greeting-card company) portrayed by Tom Poston , (introduced in one episode of the first season), and, introduced a few episodes into the second season's run, Nelson Flavor (Jim Staahl), Mindy's snooty cousin who ran for city council.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.554325103759766, "source": "search", "title": "Mork and Mindy - Mork and Mindy Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Mork and Mindy", "passage": "The show's main focus was no longer on Mork's slapstick attempts to adjust to the new world he was in, but began to focus on the relationship between Mork and Mindy on a romantic level. The network execs also were rumored to have tried to get Pam Dawber to add \"jiggle\" by wearing padded bras and more revealing clothes. She refused, and Robin Williams supported her decision.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.234009027481079, "source": "search", "title": "Mork and Mindy - Mork and Mindy Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Mork & Mindy", "passage": "Due to the abrupt changes to the show and the new timeslot, Mork & Mindy's ratings fell tremendously. It was quickly moved back to its previous timeslot but the ratings never fully recovered. Several efforts were made to return to the core of the series.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -2.940147876739502, "source": "search", "title": "Mork and Mindy - Mork and Mindy Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Mork and Mindy", "passage": "In a two-part second season episode, Raquel Welch appeared as Captain Nirvana of the Necrotons, an alien species of beautiful women that were enemies of the Orkans. There was even an episode where Mork meets Robin Williams. However, due to the continuing ratings slide, Mork and Mindy was canceled after its fourth season, on May 27, 1982.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -2.2756869792938232, "source": "search", "title": "Mork and Mindy - Mork and Mindy Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Mork & Mindy", "passage": "The character of Mork was introduced in a season five episode of Happy Days titled \" My Favorite Orkan .\" Richie tells everyone he has seen a flying saucer, but no one else believes him. Fonzie tells him that people make up stories about UFOs because their lives are \"humdrum.\" Then, while Richie's at home, Mork walks in. He freezes everyone with his finger except Richie and says he was sent to Earth to find a \"humdrum\" human to take back to Ork. Richie runs to Fonzie for help. When Mork catches up to him, he freezes everyone, but finds himself unable to freeze Fonzie due to The Fonz's famous and powerful thumbs . Mork challenges Fonzie to a duel: Finger vs. Thumb. After their duel, The Fonz admits defeat. But Mork decides to take Fonzie back to Ork instead of Richie. Then, Richie wakes up and realizes he was dreaming. There is a knock on the door and much to Richie's dismay, it is a man who looks exactly like Mork except in regular clothes asking for directions. When production on Mork & Mindy began, an extra scene was filmed and added to this episode for subsequent reruns. In the scene, Mork contacts Orson and explains that he decided to let Fonzie go, and was going to travel to the year 1978 to continue his mission.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -2.005434036254883, "source": "search", "title": "Mork and Mindy - Mork and Mindy Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Mork and Mindy", "passage": "While trying to call Orson, Mork crosses signals with another alien ( Joe Regalbuto ), who says his name is Kalnik, from Neptune . Kalnik, his Earth wife, Mork and Mindy get together to socialize, but Kalnik reveals his true intentions when he suggests to Mork that Earth presents opportunities for powerful aliens like themselves. Mindy overhears Kalnik and his wife say denigrating things about Mearth; Mork politely but firmly asks them to leave, and Kalnik turns on Mork. Although Mork tries to solve his problem by revealing his alien identity to Earth, Kalnik keeps threatening them, trying to annihilate them Mork uses time-travel shoes to escape with Mindy (while Mearth stays with Fred). Kalnik follows Mork and Mindy through time, but the series ends inconclusively, with Mork and Mindy falling through time, declaring their togetherness, a cave drawing of Mork and Mindy being the last thing we see (since the previous battle with Kalnik takes place in prehistoric times).", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.23237419128418, "source": "search", "title": "Mork and Mindy - Mork and Mindy Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Mork & Mindy", "passage": "Following the cancellation of the live-action series, the characters quickly returned in the Saturday morning cartoon The Mork & Mindy/Laverne & Shirley/Fonz Hour . 26 episodes were produced, each running roughly ten minutes (without commercials). Robin Williams ( Mork ), Pam Dawber ( Mindy McConnell ), Conrad Janis ( Fred McConnell ) and Ralph James ( Orson ) all reprised their roles and Shavar Ross voiced Eugene . Laverne, Shirley and Fonzie did not appear in the Mork & Mindy segments, though Mork mentioned Fonzie being a TV character in one episode.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.3872878551483154, "source": "search", "title": "Mork and Mindy - Mork and Mindy Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Mork and Mindy", "passage": "In this show, a younger Mork and Mindy attended high school, and new characters included Mork's dog-like pet Doing (pronounced Doyng), rich snob Hamilton J. DuPont XXV , and Mr. Caruthers , the Mt. Mount High School principal.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -2.6922688484191895, "source": "search", "title": "Mork and Mindy - Mork and Mindy Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Exidor", "passage": "Exidor ( Robert Donner ), an eccentric man (with possible mental illness ) who thought of himself as a prophet . He knew that Mork was an alien but no one believed him. He was the leader of a cult called The Friends of Venus , of which he was the only member. Later, since the Venusians had abandoned him, he began to worship O.J. Simpson .", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.506103992462158, "source": "search", "title": "Mork and Mindy - Mork and Mindy Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Mork & Mindy", "passage": "In an interview with Garry Marshall on June 30, 2006 , Pat O'Brien mentioned that Mork & Mindy was filmed on Paramount stage 27, now the home of O'Brien's show The Insider.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -2.6000592708587646, "source": "search", "title": "Mork and Mindy - Mork and Mindy Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Mork & Mindy", "passage": "Nike SB released a Mork & Mindy colorway Dunk, following the colors of Mork's spacesuit.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.021573066711426, "source": "search", "title": "Mork and Mindy - Mork and Mindy Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Shazbot", "passage": "Two of Mork's phrases became the final words spoken by AC/DC frontman Bon Scott on his last album, the 1979 Highway to Hell before his death in February 1980. At the end of the last song on the LP, Night Prowler, Scott says, \"Shazbot, na-nu na-nu\".", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -1.786537766456604, "source": "search", "title": "Mork and Mindy - Mork and Mindy Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Mork and Mindy", "passage": "Why is it that the US seems to be very good at creating unusual sitcoms?  Sure the UK has produced a number of popular and well loved shows but if you like a more out there slant to your comedy the Americans seem to be best at it, from old classics such as Bewitched and I Dream of Jeannie to the subject of this post, Mork and Mindy.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.7981085777282715, "source": "search", "title": "Mork and Mindy | Child Of The 1980's" }, { "answer": "Shazbot", "passage": "The spin off show started in 1978 and saw Mork returning to Earth in his egg shaped spaceship to further study humans.  He befriends student Mindy (Pam Dawber) and ends up living in her attic space when she discovers that he is actually an alien, a fact that she keeps secret from her friends and family despite Mork’s often bizarre behaviour, strange language (shazbot is obviously a sort of curse word on Ork) and propensity to drink liquids through his finger.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -2.0150973796844482, "source": "search", "title": "Mork and Mindy | Child Of The 1980's" }, { "answer": "Mindy McConnell", "passage": "Mindy McConnell : Oh, come on, we don't make that much noise.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.022072792053223, "source": "search", "title": "Mork & Mindy (TV Series 1978–1982) - Quotes - IMDb" }, { "answer": "Exidor", "passage": "Mork : [referring to the Exidor Boutique, in which Mork invested all of their savings] Come on, Mind, Exidor *knows* what he's doing.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -2.753758430480957, "source": "search", "title": "Mork & Mindy (TV Series 1978–1982) - Quotes - IMDb" }, { "answer": "Exidor", "passage": "Exidor : [storming out of the dressing room, talking to his imaginary friend] What do you mean the mannequins want a coffee break? They just had one ten minutes ago and all they did was dribble.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.147034645080566, "source": "search", "title": "Mork & Mindy (TV Series 1978–1982) - Quotes - IMDb" }, { "answer": "Exidor", "passage": "Exidor : [to Mork] Partner. Glad to see you brought the little woman.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.119085788726807, "source": "search", "title": "Mork & Mindy (TV Series 1978–1982) - Quotes - IMDb" }, { "answer": "Mindy McConnell", "passage": "Mindy McConnell : We want our money back now, and don't call me the little woman.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.407492637634277, "source": "search", "title": "Mork & Mindy (TV Series 1978–1982) - Quotes - IMDb" }, { "answer": "Exidor", "passage": "Mork : What she's trying to say is, Exidor, we've had a change of heart, you know like when Annie Richards wanted to change dressing rooms.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.081195831298828, "source": "search", "title": "Mork & Mindy (TV Series 1978–1982) - Quotes - IMDb" }, { "answer": "Exidor", "passage": "Exidor : I've only been open two hours. Even Evita didn't pay off its backers that fast.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.455810546875, "source": "search", "title": "Mork & Mindy (TV Series 1978–1982) - Quotes - IMDb" }, { "answer": "Mindy McConnell", "passage": "Mindy McConnell : We want our money back.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.478080749511719, "source": "search", "title": "Mork & Mindy (TV Series 1978–1982) - Quotes - IMDb" }, { "answer": "Exidor", "passage": "Exidor : Look, business is a little slow but we're gonna have our two-for-one sale. Buy two, get one. Who could resist that?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.341390609741211, "source": "search", "title": "Mork & Mindy (TV Series 1978–1982) - Quotes - IMDb" }, { "answer": "Mindy McConnell", "passage": "Mindy McConnell : That is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.074203491210938, "source": "search", "title": "Mork & Mindy (TV Series 1978–1982) - Quotes - IMDb" }, { "answer": "Exidor", "passage": "Exidor : Listen, Perky, are you insinuating I'm some kind of crack-pot? Well, that's what they said about David Rockefeller.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.14687442779541, "source": "search", "title": "Mork & Mindy (TV Series 1978–1982) - Quotes - IMDb" }, { "answer": "Mindy McConnell", "passage": "Mindy McConnell : Nobody ever said that about David Rockefeller.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.116101264953613, "source": "search", "title": "Mork & Mindy (TV Series 1978–1982) - Quotes - IMDb" }, { "answer": "Exidor", "passage": "Exidor : *I* did...", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.918146133422852, "source": "search", "title": "Mork & Mindy (TV Series 1978–1982) - Quotes - IMDb" }, { "answer": "Exidor", "passage": "Exidor : Pepe, pepe. You call yourself a tailor? Just lengthen the sleeve don't clip his nails", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.367230415344238, "source": "search", "title": "Mork & Mindy (TV Series 1978–1982) - Quotes - IMDb" }, { "answer": "Exidor", "passage": "[Exidor storms off with \"Pepe\"]", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.320152282714844, "source": "search", "title": "Mork & Mindy (TV Series 1978–1982) - Quotes - IMDb" }, { "answer": "Mork & Mindy", "passage": "RIP Robin Williams Dead: Top 5 Best Mork & Mindy Quotes |", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.750802516937256, "source": "search", "title": "RIP Robin Williams Dead: Top 5 Best Mork & Mindy Quotes ..." }, { "answer": "Mork & Mindy", "passage": "RIP Robin Williams: Top 5 Best Mork & Mindy Quotes", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -1.8430203199386597, "source": "search", "title": "RIP Robin Williams Dead: Top 5 Best Mork & Mindy Quotes ..." }, { "answer": "Mork and Mindy", "passage": "Robin Williams may be gone, but he will never be forgotten … especially in his classic role as Mork from Mork and Mindy. Have a look at his top 5 best quotes from the show below.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -2.1874022483825684, "source": "search", "title": "RIP Robin Williams Dead: Top 5 Best Mork & Mindy Quotes ..." }, { "answer": "Nanu Nanu", "passage": "Nanu nanu!", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.50175952911377, "source": "search", "title": "Mork and Mindy (Series) - TV Tropes" }, { "answer": "Mindy McConnell", "passage": "Williams played Mork, a visitor from the planet Ork. After his egg-like space vessel landed near Boulder, Colorado, Mork bonded with a pretty Earth woman named Mindy McConnell (Pam Dawber). Late in the series, they became romantically involved, got married, and Mork promptly laid an egg out of which was born their son Mearth ( Jonathan Winters ).", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -0.299285888671875, "source": "search", "title": "Mork and Mindy (Series) - TV Tropes" }, { "answer": "Exidor", "passage": "The supporting cast started off being mainly Mindy's straitlaced father Fred (Conrad Janis) and her free-spirited grandmother Cora (Elizabeth Kerr); later seasons added a small circle of friends along with curmudgeonly downstairs neighbor Mr. Bickley (Tom Poston) and a self-styled prophet named Exidor (Robert Donner).", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.555816650390625, "source": "search", "title": "Mork and Mindy (Series) - TV Tropes" }, { "answer": "Mork and Mindy", "passage": "Blowing a Raspberry : This show had recurring a elder character from Mork's planet whose name was pronounced by blowing a raspberry. This leads to the wonderful parting line from Mork and Mindy at the end of his first appearance as he turns to leave:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.5581135749816895, "source": "search", "title": "Mork and Mindy (Series) - TV Tropes" }, { "answer": "Nanu Nanu", "passage": "Catch Phrase : \"Nanu nanu\", \"shazbot\" and other \"alien\" words used by Mork.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.011322975158691, "source": "search", "title": "Mork and Mindy (Series) - TV Tropes" }, { "answer": "Shazbot!", "passage": "Foreign Cuss Word : Shazbot!", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.275712966918945, "source": "search", "title": "Mork and Mindy (Series) - TV Tropes" }, { "answer": "Exidor", "passage": "Funny Schizophrenia : Exidor, the Ensemble Darkhorse , had a habit of talking to imaginary cult members, seeing closets as oceans and other bizarre behavior. All Played for Laughs .", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.099963188171387, "source": "search", "title": "Mork and Mindy (Series) - TV Tropes" }, { "answer": "Shazbot!", "passage": "Mindy's Dad: And people will follow you around saying \"Shazbot!!\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.362470626831055, "source": "search", "title": "Mork and Mindy (Series) - TV Tropes" }, { "answer": "Exidor", "passage": "Straight Man : Anyone not named Robin Williams. Or Robert Donner (Exidor). Or Johnathan Winters.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.976116180419922, "source": "search", "title": "Mork and Mindy (Series) - TV Tropes" } ]
Amilcar Cabral international airport is in which country?
{ "aliases": [ "Cape Verdian", "Atlantic/Cape Verde", "Republica de Cabo Verde", "Kap Verde", "Republic of Cabo Verde", "Cape Verde Is.", "Kapverden", "ISO 3166-1:CV", "Name of Cape Verde", "Kabu verdi", "Cape de Verd Islands", "Cape Verde", "Cape Verde Archipelago", "Cape de Verde Isles", "Cape verde islands", "Cape Verde islands", "República de Cabo Verde", "Cape de Verde Islands", "Capo Verde", "Cape verde", "Cape Verde (republic)", "Cabo Verde", "Cap Verde", "Cape-Verde", "Cape Verde Islands", "Sport in Cape Verde", "Republic of Cape Verde", "Cape de Verde", "Kabu Verdi", "Cape Verdes" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "cape verde is", "cape verde islands", "iso 3166 1 cv", "cape de verde isles", "republica de cabo verde", "atlantic cape verde", "capo verde", "cape de verd islands", "cabo verde", "sport in cape verde", "republic of cabo verde", "name of cape verde", "kap verde", "cape verdes", "cape de verde", "kapverden", "cape verde republic", "republic of cape verde", "kabu verdi", "cape verde", "cape verdian", "cape de verde islands", "cape verde archipelago", "cap verde", "república de cabo verde" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "cape verde", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Cape Verde" }
[ { "answer": "Cabo Verde", "passage": "Amílcar Cabral International Airport , also known as Sal International Airport or Amílcar Cabral Airport, is the principal international airport of Cabo Verde. The airport is named after the revolutionary leader Amílcar Cabral.", "precise_score": 7.6445088386535645, "rough_score": 9.437646865844727, "source": "wiki", "title": "Amílcar Cabral International Airport" }, { "answer": "Cape Verde", "passage": "A-Z World Airports Online - Cape Verde airports - Amilcar Cabral International Airport (SID/GVAC)", "precise_score": 4.68212890625, "rough_score": 8.173077583312988, "source": "search", "title": "A-Z World Airports Online - Cape Verde airports - Amilcar ..." }, { "answer": "Cape Verde", "passage": "— @Desert185 at Amílcar Cabral International Airport , Cape Verde", "precise_score": 5.894042491912842, "rough_score": 8.692084312438965, "source": "search", "title": "SID @ OurAirports" }, { "answer": "Cape Verde", "passage": "The Amílcar Cabral is one of 6 airports with scheduled flights in Cape Verde. However Amílcar Cabral one of the smaller airports in the country. The next passenger airport by size in Cape Verde is Praia International Airport .", "precise_score": 7.673958778381348, "rough_score": 9.43109130859375, "source": "search", "title": "Amílcar Cabral International Airport (SID) -" }, { "answer": "Cape Verde", "passage": "It is located two km west-southwest from Espargos on Sal Island. Until September 2005, it was the only airport in Cape Verde to serve international flights. Cape Verde's other three international airports are near Praia on Santiago Island, on São Vicente near the capital of Mindelo, and on Boavista.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.642801284790039, "source": "wiki", "title": "Amílcar Cabral International Airport" }, { "answer": "Cape Verde", "passage": "The airport's main runway is 3,272 m (10,734 ft) long and is the longest in Cape Verde. It is used for long-haul flights. It was also one of the designated emergency landing strips for the U.S. Space Shuttle.[ Space Shuttle Emergency Landing Sites] The second runway is 1,500 m (4,921 ft) long and is used by small planes. Sal was the main hub for the national airline, TACV Cabo Verde Airlines; now it serves as a base for carriers Cabo Verde Express, and Halcyonair.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.051414489746094, "source": "wiki", "title": "Amílcar Cabral International Airport" }, { "answer": "Cape Verde", "passage": "Between 1960 and 1967 Sal was a stop of the Voo da amizade (Friendship Flight), a dedicated service between Brazil and Portugal. It was operated from 1960 to 1965 by Panair do Brasil and from 1965 to 1967 by TAP-Transportes Aéreos Portugueses and Varig. Only Brazilian and Portuguese citizens or foreigners with permanent residence in Brazil or Portugal could purchase tickets for those flights, which were extremely popular due to their low fares. At this time, Cape Verde was a Portuguese Overseas Province and therefore part of the territory of Portugal.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.8789873123168945, "source": "wiki", "title": "Amílcar Cabral International Airport" }, { "answer": "Cape Verde", "passage": "In 1985, TACV began service to Boston, Massachusetts using a McDonnell Douglas DC-10 provided by LAM Mozambique Airlines. Boston hosts the largest Cape Verdean community in the United States. TACV flights to Boston have since been shifted to Praia International Airport. Other international destinations include inter alia Amsterdam, Lisbon, Luxembourg, Madrid, Paris and Porto. Domestic destinations include Santiago and São Vicente. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.6146440505981445, "source": "wiki", "title": "Amílcar Cabral International Airport" }, { "answer": "Cabo Verde", "passage": "The head office of Halcyonair is located in the first floor of the Concourse Hall. In addition Cabo Verde Express has its head office in the Concourse Hall. The duty-free shop is located after passport control but before security scanning, which only takes place as you enter the boarding lounge, which is shared for all four departure gates.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.136137008666992, "source": "wiki", "title": "Amílcar Cabral International Airport" }, { "answer": "Cape Verde", "passage": "Sal Airport, Cape Verde, PO Box 58, Espargos, Sal Island, Cape Verde", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.63156509399414, "source": "search", "title": "A-Z World Airports Online - Cape Verde airports - Amilcar ..." }, { "answer": "Cape Verde", "passage": "Sal Airport, Cape Verde, Airport Administration, Espargos, Sal Island, Cape Verde", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.224404335021973, "source": "search", "title": "A-Z World Airports Online - Cape Verde airports - Amilcar ..." }, { "answer": "Cape Verde", "passage": "Full Location: Sal Island, Sal Municipality, Cape Verde", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.446836471557617, "source": "search", "title": "Amílcar Cabral International Airport (SID)" }, { "answer": "Cape Verde", "passage": "More airports in Cape Verde", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.404871940612793, "source": "search", "title": "Amílcar Cabral International Airport (SID)" }, { "answer": "Cape Verde", "passage": "Amílcar Cabral International - Cape Verde", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 7.239002227783203, "source": "search", "title": "Amílcar Cabral International - World Airport Codes" }, { "answer": "Cape Verde", "passage": "Improvements In Cape Verde Airports", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.602313995361328, "source": "search", "title": "Amílcar Cabral International - World Airport Codes" }, { "answer": "Cape Verde", "passage": "I would like to inform that the airport of Sal and Boa Vista go into work to extend the waiting rooms, and other improvements this year. It is still expected to make improvements on small aerodromes. The Cape verde airports are directly related to major European capitals by the airlines Arkefly, Air Italy, TAP, TACV, Neos, Thomsonfly, TUIfly, Luxair, Travel Service, and much more.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.416231155395508, "source": "search", "title": "Amílcar Cabral International - World Airport Codes" }, { "answer": "Cape Verde", "passage": "I visited the island of Sal for 2 weeks last summer and enjoyed the experiences at Amilar Cabral. Although it is quite small its services are decent, including a good cafe for snacks and a coupe of shops. The international departures area is not that big, but we weren’t waiting for long. Even the domestic section was clean and of a good standard. Not the most modern or spectacular airport in the world but very functional. During the stay we made 2 additional inter-island flights to Boa Vista and Santiago with Cape Verde Express and found both amazing! Took off and landed on-time.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 1.9293999671936035, "source": "search", "title": "Amílcar Cabral International - World Airport Codes" } ]
In 1993, Michael Jackson give his first TV interview in 14 years with which talk show presenter?
{ "aliases": [ "Oprah", "Ophra", "Oprah Winfrey", "Oprah Winfery", "Winfrey, Oprah Gail", "Oprah Gail Winfrey", "Opera Winfrey", "Oprahism", "Oprah!", "Vernon Winfrey", "Oprah G Winfrey", "Harpo Radio, Inc.", "Orpah Winfrey", "Patricia Lee-Lloyd", "Oprah's Last Chapter", "Oprah's Angels", "Oprah winfre", "Harpo Winfrey", "Oprah G. Winfrey", "Oprah winfrey", "Harpo Inc.", "Oprah Winfry" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "oprah gail winfrey", "vernon winfrey", "winfrey oprah gail", "oprah winfre", "patricia lee lloyd", "oprahism", "oprah s angels", "opera winfrey", "orpah winfrey", "oprah winfry", "oprah", "oprah s last chapter", "oprah winfrey", "ophra", "harpo radio inc", "harpo winfrey", "harpo inc", "oprah winfery", "oprah g winfrey" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "oprah winfrey", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Oprah Winfrey" }
[ { "answer": "Oprah Winfrey", "passage": "Jackson's parents have disputed the longstanding allegations of abuse, with Katherine stating that while whipping is considered abuse today, it was a common way to discipline children at the time. Jackie, Tito, Jermaine and Marlon have also said that their father was not abusive and that the whippings, which were harder on Michael because he was younger, kept them disciplined and out of trouble. Speaking openly about his childhood in an interview with Oprah Winfrey broadcast in February 1993, Jackson acknowledged that his youth had been lonely and isolating. His deep dissatisfaction with his appearance, his nightmares and chronic sleep problems, his tendency to remain hyper-compliant, especially with his father, and to remain childlike throughout his adult life are consistent with the effects of the maltreatment he endured as a young child. ", "precise_score": -1.3187235593795776, "rough_score": -4.418822288513184, "source": "wiki", "title": "Michael Jackson" }, { "answer": "Oprah Winfrey", "passage": "Jackson gave a 90-minute interview to Oprah Winfrey on February 10, 1993, his second television interview since 1979. He grimaced when speaking of his childhood abuse at the hands of his father; he believed he had missed out on much of his childhood years, admitting that he often cried from loneliness. He denied tabloid rumors that he had bought the bones of the Elephant Man, slept in a hyperbaric oxygen chamber, or bleached his skin, stating for the first time that he had vitiligo. Dangerous re-entered the album chart in the top 10, more than a year after its original release.", "precise_score": 4.6749420166015625, "rough_score": 3.7917609214782715, "source": "wiki", "title": "Michael Jackson" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Jackson proposed to Presley over the telephone towards the fall of 1993, saying, \"If I asked you to marry me, would you do it?\" They married in the Dominican Republic in secrecy, denying it for nearly two months afterwards. The marriage was, in her words, \"a married couple's life ... that was sexually active.\" The tabloid media speculated that the wedding was a ploy to prop up Jackson's public image. The marriage ended less than two years later with an amicable divorce settlement. In a 2010 interview with Oprah, Presley admitted that they had spent four more years after the divorce \"getting back together and breaking up\" until she decided to stop. ", "precise_score": -4.944077491760254, "rough_score": -5.873015403747559, "source": "wiki", "title": "Michael Jackson" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "In the 19-minute music video for \"Bad\"—directed by Martin Scorsese—Jackson began using sexual imagery and choreography not previously seen in his work. He occasionally grabbed or touched his chest, torso and crotch. When asked by Oprah in the 1993 interview about why he grabbed his crotch, he replied, \"I think it happens subliminally\" and he described it as something that was not planned, but rather, as something that was compelled by the music. \"Bad\" garnered a mixed reception from both fans and critics; Time magazine described it as \"infamous\". The video also featured Wesley Snipes; in the future Jackson's videos would often feature famous cameo roles. For the \"Smooth Criminal\" video, Jackson experimented with an anti-gravity lean where the performer leans forward at a 45 degree angle, beyond the performer's center of gravity. To accomplish this move live, Jackson and designers developed a special shoe that locks the performer's feet to the stage, allowing them to lean forward. They were granted for the device. Although the music video for \"Leave Me Alone\" was not officially released in the US, in 1989 it was nominated for three Billboard Music Video Awards; the same year it won a Golden Lion Award for the quality of the special effects used in its production. In 1990, \"Leave Me Alone\" won a Grammy for Best Music Video, Short Form.", "precise_score": -3.6550803184509277, "rough_score": -5.073589324951172, "source": "wiki", "title": "Michael Jackson" }, { "answer": "Oprah Winfrey", "passage": "Usually, guests consist of a group of people who are learned or who have great experience in relation to whatever issue is being discussed on the show for that episode. Other times, a single guest discusses their work or area of expertise with a host or co-hosts. A call-in show takes live phone calls from callers listening at home, in their cars, etc. Sometimes, guests are already seated but are often introduced and enter from backstage. Gay Byrne, Steve Allen, Jack Paar, Johnny Carson, Dick Cavett, Ed Sullivan, Oprah Winfrey, Kris Aquino, Ellen Degeneres, Boy Abunda, Howard Stern, Rush Limbaugh, Graham Norton and Mosunmola Abudu have hosted notable talk shows; in many cases, the shows have made their hosts famous.", "precise_score": -8.890823364257812, "rough_score": -10.25423526763916, "source": "wiki", "title": "Talk show" }, { "answer": "Oprah Winfrey", "passage": "Talk-radio host Howard Stern also hosted a talk show that was syndicated nationally in the USA, then moved to satellite radio's Sirius. The tabloid talk show genre, pioneered by Phil Donahue but popularized by Oprah Winfrey was extremely popular during the last two decades of the 20th century. ", "precise_score": -5.4215922355651855, "rough_score": -8.01150131225586, "source": "wiki", "title": "Talk show" }, { "answer": "Oprah Winfrey", "passage": "Current late night talk shows such as The Tonight Show starring Jimmy Fallon and Late Show with David Letterman have aired featuring celebrity guests and comedy sketches. Syndicated daily talk shows range from tabloid talk shows, such as The Jerry Springer Show to celebrity interview shows like Live! with Kelly and Michael, The Better Show, The Wendy Williams Show, and Ellen to industry leader The Oprah Winfrey Show which popularized the former genre and has been evolving towards the latter. On November 10, 2010, Oprah Winfrey invited several of the most prominent American talk show hosts - Phil Donahue, Sally Jessy Raphael, Geraldo Rivera, Ricki Lake and Montel Williams - to join her as guests on her show. The 1990s in particular saw a spike in the number of \"tabloid\" talk shows, most of which were short-lived and are now replaced by a more universally appealing \"interview\" or \"lifestyle TV\" format. ", "precise_score": -2.8285534381866455, "rough_score": -2.5113918781280518, "source": "wiki", "title": "Talk show" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "From The 'Oprah Show' Archives: Michael Jackson Shares His Life Purpose In 1993 (VIDEO) | The Huffington Post", "precise_score": -0.11406499892473221, "rough_score": 1.0182691812515259, "source": "search", "title": "From The 'Oprah Show' Archives: Michael Jackson Shares His ..." }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "From The 'Oprah Show' Archives: Michael Jackson Shares His Life Purpose In 1993 (VIDEO)", "precise_score": 0.31955286860466003, "rough_score": 0.635086178779602, "source": "search", "title": "From The 'Oprah Show' Archives: Michael Jackson Shares His ..." }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Wednesday marks the fifth anniversary of Michael Jackson's tragic sudden death in his home at age 50. As Jackson family members and fans around the world pay tribute the late pop star, his legacy lives on through his children , music and rare candid interviews about his complicated life, like the one he gave Oprah in 1993.", "precise_score": -1.836885690689087, "rough_score": 0.20795005559921265, "source": "search", "title": "From The 'Oprah Show' Archives: Michael Jackson Shares His ..." }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Back then, Jackson had invited Oprah to his California home, Neverland Ranch, for his first interview in more than 14 years. During the conversation, the King of Pop revealed his deepest desire and life's purpose.", "precise_score": 4.175960540771484, "rough_score": -5.430179119110107, "source": "search", "title": "From The 'Oprah Show' Archives: Michael Jackson Shares His ..." }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "In the above video from \"The Oprah Show\" archives, Oprah asked Jackson what it feels like to have legions of loyal fans screaming for him and cheering wildly when he performs.", "precise_score": -6.160778045654297, "rough_score": -9.750385284423828, "source": "search", "title": "From The 'Oprah Show' Archives: Michael Jackson Shares His ..." }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "ALL Michael Jackson Oprah Interview", "precise_score": -0.8437472581863403, "rough_score": -5.3621954917907715, "source": "search", "title": "1993 interview with Oprah - ALL MICHAEL JACKSON. com" }, { "answer": "Oprah Winfrey", "passage": "Michael Jackson Interview with Oprah Winfrey", "precise_score": 0.40754804015159607, "rough_score": -4.620814323425293, "source": "search", "title": "1993 interview with Oprah - ALL MICHAEL JACKSON. com" }, { "answer": "Oprah Winfrey", "passage": "On Febuarary 10th Feburary 1993 Oprah Winfrey was allowed access into the world of Michael Jackson in his home at the Neverland Ranch. It was Michael's first interview in 14 years.", "precise_score": 7.017322063446045, "rough_score": 4.523798942565918, "source": "search", "title": "1993 interview with Oprah - ALL MICHAEL JACKSON. com" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "At the start of the interview Oprah stated that Michael had agreed to be questioned on any aspect of his life. Oprah questioned Michael on many apsects of his life. About his childhood and the abuse he suffered from his father as well as working and missing out in his childhood years. Michael stated how he often felt very lonely as a childhood star.", "precise_score": -4.786986351013184, "rough_score": -8.975517272949219, "source": "search", "title": "1993 interview with Oprah - ALL MICHAEL JACKSON. com" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : You're invited to Michael Jackson's house-four minutes from now.", "precise_score": -5.529779434204102, "rough_score": -9.19356632232666, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : Good evening. I am Oprah Winfrey, live to you in North America and countries around the globe - bringing you a world exclusive interview with the most elusive superstar in the history of music, Michael Jackson. I'm here in front of his California home, it's a ranch on the outskirts of Santa Barbara, where just inside is the man who has broken every possible musical record, denied inter- views, and defied definition for years. For nearly a quarter of a century, he has been an innovator of music, of dance, of videos, even fashion, and nothing he does is anything short of spectacular. Tonight, Michael Jackson will continue to surprise us with a rare personal tour of his astounding home, which includes a private movie theater and a full scale amusement park. You're also going to see a special performance by him and the world premiere of his latest music video. In the next live, and I do mean unedited ninety minutes, Michael Jackson will reveal himself, I hope, as he has never done before. Tonight, his silence is broken. Tonight---------- Michael Jackson.", "precise_score": -2.878640651702881, "rough_score": -6.006932258605957, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Announcer : Live from Santa Inez, California-Michael Jackson talks to Oprah.", "precise_score": -2.8839917182922363, "rough_score": -7.1015167236328125, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : Michael Jackson is the seventh of nine brothers and sisters born in Gary, Indiana to steel mill worker Joseph and mother Katherine. Some say the Jackson's turned to music the day their television set broke down, but from the day they started performing, they were destined for stardom. Beginning at a place called Motown------", "precise_score": -5.694118499755859, "rough_score": -7.897494792938232, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : This video tape of the Jackson's Motown audition shows James Brown's influence on young Michael and the boys' performance brought almost the entire company in to watch. Motown head, Berry Gordy knew right away. It was the start of a career that broke almost every record in the book, beginning with a string of four number one consecutive hits.", "precise_score": -7.129086494445801, "rough_score": -8.6471586227417, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : For the Jackson family, their lives changed almost overnight. They went from obscurity to super stardom, filled with concert tours, limousines, and television appearances. But, it was little Michael that was getting the most attention. As the number one hits continue to accumulate, Michael became a star in his own right, releasing song after song, each one turning to gold. As the years roll by, the Jackson's success continues while their music changed with the changing times. But, as the boys grew older, who could have guessed what lay in store for Michael Jackson.", "precise_score": -6.249902725219727, "rough_score": -6.9219255447387695, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : Ladies and gentlemen, Michael Jackson.", "precise_score": -3.5555801391601562, "rough_score": -8.830177307128906, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Michael Jackson enters the living room of his home. They shake hands and Michael kisses Oprah on the cheek.", "precise_score": -4.222537517547607, "rough_score": -8.50549030303955, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : So here you were, Michael Jackson, you all had hits, you all had so many hits, four hits in a row, and you were crying because you couldn't be like other kids.", "precise_score": -7.289936065673828, "rough_score": -10.136738777160645, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : Never did! What do you think is most misunderstood about Michael Jackson?", "precise_score": -5.257458209991455, "rough_score": -10.311878204345703, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : ...cause I know you did not want to be on camera at first, but thank you. Coming up next, Michael is going to give us not only a tour of his incredible amusement park and movie theater, but also a very special dance performance. For all of you who say he is faking the Moonwalk with mirrors, we've got some proof coming up in a minute. Cut to dance clips for intermission Announcer : Live from Santa Inez, California. Michael Jackson talks to Oprah.", "precise_score": -4.7528533935546875, "rough_score": -7.176309108734131, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : I do, too. We'll be right back with Michael Jackson, live.", "precise_score": -4.53315544128418, "rough_score": -8.817255020141602, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Announcer : Michael Jackson talks to Oprah. Ninety prime-time minutes with the King of Pop.", "precise_score": -1.9214600324630737, "rough_score": -6.030348300933838, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : We're live at Michael Jackson's house, in his theater and we asked NBC for ninety minutes. I don't think it was enough time.", "precise_score": -4.149294853210449, "rough_score": -8.05655574798584, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah Winfrey", "passage": "While 90 million viewers may be still wrestling with what exactly to make of this eccentric superstar, entertainment industry insiders were mostly abuzz Thursday about the effectiveness of the Oprah Winfrey special--Jackson's first TV interview in 14 years.", "precise_score": 4.977903842926025, "rough_score": -3.6726624965667725, "source": "search", "title": "Jackson Talk: Industry Split on PR Power - latimes" }, { "answer": "Oprah Winfrey", "passage": "Michael Jackson and Oprah Winfrey", "precise_score": -3.000769853591919, "rough_score": -8.056722640991211, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson and Oprah Winfrey - Cappelen Damm" }, { "answer": "Oprah Winfrey", "passage": "Michael Jackson and Oprah Winfrey", "precise_score": -3.0007691383361816, "rough_score": -8.056722640991211, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson and Oprah Winfrey - Cappelen Damm" }, { "answer": "Oprah Winfrey", "passage": "On 10 February 1993 Michael Jackson went on television to be interviewed for the first time for 14 years. He spoke for 90 minutes to a woman who is about as famous as he is: Oprah Winfrey.", "precise_score": 8.559042930603027, "rough_score": 7.522457122802734, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson and Oprah Winfrey - Cappelen Damm" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "90 million Americans watched the interview, which means it is among the most watched TV appearances of all time. This was not surprising, since both Oprah and Michael were well ahead of everyone else in their fields: she the queen of talk shows and he the king of pop. Both belonged to the same ethnic minority, and both had become very rich and very famous in spite of suffering terribly when they were children.", "precise_score": -2.727278709411621, "rough_score": -6.680163860321045, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson and Oprah Winfrey - Cappelen Damm" }, { "answer": "Oprah Winfrey", "passage": "Michael Jackson is much more famous than Oprah Winfrey.", "precise_score": -3.8283374309539795, "rough_score": -8.865182876586914, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson and Oprah Winfrey - Cappelen Damm" }, { "answer": "Oprah Winfrey", "passage": "Michael Jackson and Oprah Winfrey", "precise_score": -3.0007691383361816, "rough_score": -8.056722640991211, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson and Oprah Winfrey - Passage new" }, { "answer": "Oprah Winfrey", "passage": "Michael Jackson and Oprah Winfrey", "precise_score": -3.0007691383361816, "rough_score": -8.056722640991211, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson and Oprah Winfrey - Passage new" }, { "answer": "Oprah Winfrey", "passage": "On 10 February 1993 Michael Jackson went on television to be interviewed for the first time for 14 years. He spoke for 90 minutes to a woman who is about as famous as he is: Oprah Winfrey.", "precise_score": 8.559042930603027, "rough_score": 7.522457122802734, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson and Oprah Winfrey - Passage new" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "90 million Americans watched the interview, which means it is among the most watched TV appearances of all time. This was not surprising, since both Oprah and Michael were well ahead of everyone else in their fields: she the queen of talk shows and he the king of pop. Both belonged to the same ethnic minority, and both had become very rich and very famous in spite of suffering terribly when they were children.", "precise_score": -2.727278709411621, "rough_score": -6.680163860321045, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson and Oprah Winfrey - Passage new" }, { "answer": "Oprah Winfrey", "passage": "Michael Jackson is much more famous than Oprah Winfrey.", "precise_score": -3.8283374309539795, "rough_score": -8.865182876586914, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson and Oprah Winfrey - Passage new" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah called the 2009 discussion of Houston’s private struggles hidden from public view “the most powerful interview” she’d ever done. And with good reason — Houston’s first interview in seven years covered an R&B album’s worth of emotional territory. The music icon discussed her drug use, her decision to divorce Bobby Brown, the erratic behavior she displayed on their reality-TV show and her hopes for the future.", "precise_score": -6.751741409301758, "rough_score": -8.18022346496582, "source": "search", "title": "Oprah's 25 Best Black Moments -" }, { "answer": "Oprah Winfrey", "passage": "Will Smith graced The Oprah Winfrey Show stage 15 times before her final season, and he and wife Jada Pinkett Smith are among the all-time favorite guests lined up for the finale episode. Will’s entertaining by himself (to promote Hitch in 2005, he helped a few single guys score dates), but it’s even better with the whole family. In 2010, he and Jada explained how they let kids Trey, Willow and Jaden “define their own greatness.”", "precise_score": -11.104799270629883, "rough_score": -10.249874114990234, "source": "search", "title": "Oprah's 25 Best Black Moments -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Squeaky-clean, 26-year-old golf superstar Woods first appeared on Oprah in 1997, just a year after emerging on the professional golf scene and long before his divorce and public scandal. When Oprah introduced him, she raved, “He is just what our world needs right now … I call him America’s son.” He famously declared in that interview that it bothered him when people described him as African American, and had coined the term ”Cablinasian” to describe his black, Indian, Asian and Caucasian heritage.", "precise_score": -9.261573791503906, "rough_score": -8.153420448303223, "source": "search", "title": "Oprah's 25 Best Black Moments -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "It was the most watched interview in television history. In 1993, before an audience of 9 million, Oprah sat down with Jackson at Neverland Ranch for his first interview in 14 years. He explained his skin disorder, vitiligo; why he felt he’d missed out on a normal childhood; and his fear of his father. “It was the most exciting interview I had ever done,” Oprah said. It probably didn’t hurt that she got a private lesson on how to do the moonwalk.", "precise_score": 6.331510543823242, "rough_score": 3.869896411895752, "source": "search", "title": "Oprah's 25 Best Black Moments -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "When Oprah talked to Michael Jackson in 1993, he told her, “My mother’s wonderful. To me, she’s perfection.” Oprah got to interview the matriarch of the Jackson clan after her son’s death. From Hayvenhurst, the family’s Encino, Calif., estate, they covered heart-wrenching topics like Katherine’s grief over Michael’s death, and his struggles with painkillers and plastic surgery. Michael’s kids, Prince, Paris and Blanket, joined in, talking about their favorite memories of “the best dad in the world.”", "precise_score": 1.7792589664459229, "rough_score": -0.964810848236084, "source": "search", "title": "Oprah's 25 Best Black Moments -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Turner’s made plenty of appearances on Oprah, often surprising viewers and making their “wildest dreams” come true. In January 2004, Oprah was the one living out a fantasy when Turner made a surprise appearance on her 50th-birthday-bash show. Reflecting later on the DVD for her 20th anniversary, Oprah said it was while dancing onstage with the superstar (complete with a Tina-inspired wig) that she began to understand how to just “enjoy the moment.”", "precise_score": -11.01138973236084, "rough_score": -10.197952270507812, "source": "search", "title": "Oprah's 25 Best Black Moments -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Do you like Madea? You can thank Oprah. “Had I not seen that show where you said it was cathartic to actually write things down, I would not have started writing,” Perry told her in 2001. In his most somber appearance , he revealed the abuse and molestation he suffered as a child. Two hundred male sexual-abuse survivors in the audience held up childhood photos of themselves at the age their abuse began, in a show of solidarity and an effort to raise awareness.", "precise_score": -11.00178337097168, "rough_score": -9.545817375183105, "source": "search", "title": "Oprah's 25 Best Black Moments -" }, { "answer": "Oprah Winfrey", "passage": "In the summer of 1992, after the brutal beating of Rodney King was captured on tape, racial tensions in Los Angeles came to a head. When the white police officers were acquitted, riots erupted across the city. The Oprah Winfrey Show arrived in Los Angeles six days later to film a show with an audience of locals, who spoke candidly about the riots and the racial tensions in the city.", "precise_score": -10.265263557434082, "rough_score": -8.94140338897705, "source": "search", "title": "Oprah's 25 Best Black Moments -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Jackson explained that art in any form acts as a union between the material and the spiritual, the human and the divine. \"I believe that to be the reason for the very existence of art, and I feel I was chosen as an instrument to give music and love and harmony to the world,\" he told Oprah.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.480016708374023, "source": "search", "title": "From The 'Oprah Show' Archives: Michael Jackson Shares His ..." }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "\"What do you want the world to know about you most?\" Oprah asked.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.514032363891602, "source": "search", "title": "From The 'Oprah Show' Archives: Michael Jackson Shares His ..." }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah asked Michael about his sister LaToya and a book of hers, however Michael had not read the book and just said \"I just know that I love my sister dearly, \"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.709259033203125, "source": "search", "title": "1993 interview with Oprah - ALL MICHAEL JACKSON. com" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : [from Michael's living room]", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.839398384094238, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : How nervous are you?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.523031234741211, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : How nervous are you right now?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.506973266601562, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : You really aren't?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.450979232788086, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : Not even for your first interview and it's live around the world? I thought you'd be a little nervous but you're not and that's great because if you're not nervous I won't be nervous. I just wanted to let the world know that when we agreed to do this interview you said you would be willing to talk to me about everything.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.649633407592773, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : Very true. I was watching you in the background there watching you in the video of the early years. Did that bring back memories for you?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.175858497619629, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : I saw you laugh when you saw yourself singing Baby, Baby, Baby.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.464461326599121, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : So he was a big mentor for you?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.440091133117676, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : Who else was?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.444716453552246, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : When I look at those tapes of you, and heaven knows, putting this together I think I've seen every piece of video ever done of you, and watching those tapes when, especially in the younger years, you seem to really come alive on stage. Were you as happy off stage as you appear to be on stage?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.16258716583252, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : Really?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.436746597290039, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : And sad from the beginning, sad since it first started, sad?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.18175983428955, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : Beginning at what age?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.453083992004395, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : When you all first became famous?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.271028518676758, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : So it wasn't what it appeared to be to the rest of the world, all of us .. I remember I was a little black child, wanted to marry Jackie Jackson, your brother, so I mean to all of us we thought this was the most wonderful thing in the world, who wouldn't have wanted that life?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.839951515197754, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : Do you feel... I talked with Susan de Passe the other day, and Susan de Passe worked with you at Motown and really groomed you all and found the outfits for the Ed Sullivan Show. We talked about whether or not it was really lost, was it?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.720337867736816, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : I want to go to this and show some pictures of you as a little boy.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.269777297973633, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : Susan said it was a heavy price. I want to know how big of a price it was, losing your childhood or having this kind of life?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.529621124267578, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : Was there ever a place where - because you know children - because I remember talking to myself and playing with my dolls - was there.. and I think every child needs a place to escape into, a child's world, a child's imagination, was there ever a time you could do that?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.354926109313965, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : Did you feel, Smokey Robinson said this about you, and so have many other people, that you were like an old soul in a little body.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.394060134887695, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : Were your brothers jealous of you when you started getting all the attention?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.471450805664062, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : You never felt a sense of jealousy?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.482583999633789, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : Do you think they are jealous of you now?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.4439058303833, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : No. What's your relationship like with your family? Are you all close still?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.447528839111328, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : You weren't all upset about LaToya and LaToya's book and the things that LaToya has said about the family?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.553930282592773, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : Do you feel that some of the things that she's been saying are true?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.451913833618164, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Michael : I couldn't answer Oprah, honestly I haven't read the book. That's the honest truth.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.939878463745117, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : Well, let's go back to when you were growing up and feeling all of this, well, I guess it's a sense of anguish, I guess, so there was no one for you to play with other than your brother's, you never had slumber parties?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.418745994567871, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : So I'm wondering for you, being this cute little boy who everybody adored and everybody who comes up to you they're pulling your cheeks and how cute, how adolescence going through that duck stage where everything's awkward, and I'm wondering when you started to go through adolescence having been this child superstar, was that a particularly difficult time for you?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.419379234313965, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : Who's they?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.434703826904297, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : It does?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.466764450073242, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : Your father teased you about your pimples?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.548487663269043, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : Your father would say that?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.49400806427002, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : What's your relationship like with him?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.351388931274414, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : Are you angry with him for doing that? I think that's pretty cruel actually.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.357222557067871, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : Because adolescence is hard enough without a parent telling you that you're ugly.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.456215858459473, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : And so let's talk about those teen years. Is that when you started to go inside yourself? Because obviously you haven't spoken to the world for 14 years. So you went inside, you became a recluse. Was it to protect yourself?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.559502601623535, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : Why so sad? Because on stage you were performing, you were getting your Grammies. Why so sad?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.525236129760742, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : So he would tease you, make fun of you.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.350443840026855, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : Would he ... did he ever beat you?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.330315589904785, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : And why would he beat you?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.444515228271484, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : And were you scared of him?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.35057258605957, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : As a child or as an adult?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.489716529846191, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : Well, I mean, I suppose everybody has to take responsibility for what they've done in life. And your father is one of those people who also have to take responsibility.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.459922790527344, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : Yes, I understand this.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.319168090820312, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : But can you really forgive?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.447288513183594, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : Um, we talked about all of the rumors just before we went to the break and there are so many. First of all, I have been in this house getting prepared for this and I've been all over the house upstairs when you weren't looking, looking for that oxygen chamber and I cannot find an oxygen chamber anywhere in the house.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.091776847839355, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : Okay, but you are in something there, there's a picture of you, where did that come from? How did it get started?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.513209342956543, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : You're right, that story, it was just like it had legs.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.408990859985352, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : Well, the rumor was that you were sleeping in the chamber because you didn't want to grow old.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.445077896118164, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : Did you buy the Elephant man's bones, were you trying to get them for ...", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.507511138916016, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : I don't know.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.324586868286133, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : I don't know. So where did that come from?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.472704887390137, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : Yes and people make money selling tabloids.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.48983383178711, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : All right. Just recently, there was a story and I know one of your attorneys held a news conference, there was a story about you wanting a little white child to play you in a Pepsi commercial.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.4196138381958, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : No.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.193267822265625, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : Okay, then let's go to the thing that is most discussed about you, that is the color of your skin is most obviously different than when you were younger, and so I think it has caused a great deal of speculation and controversy as to what you have done or are doing, are you bleaching your skin and is your skin lighter because you don't like being black?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.471782684326172, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : Well they used to have those products, I remember growing up always hearing always use bleach and glow, but you have to have about 300,000 gallons.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.488027572631836, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : So it is...", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.300140380859375, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : So when did this start, when did your ... when did the color of your skin start to change?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.414295196533203, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : But what did you think?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.420970916748047, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : So okay, I just want to get this straight, you are not taking anything to change the color of your skin ...", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.453763008117676, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : How much plastic surgery have you had?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.556585311889648, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : Mmm, I think you might be right.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.31216812133789, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : Did you start having plastic surgery because of those teen years because of not liking the way you looked?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.428972244262695, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : You don't want to tell me what it is? You had your nose done, obviously.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.505054473876953, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : And so, when you hear all these things about you, and there have been more...", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.306343078613281, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : Are you pleased now with the way you look?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.42175579071045, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : And so when you look in the mirror now and so the image that looks back at you are there days when you say I kinda like this or I like the way my hair ...", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.374429702758789, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : I have to ask you this, so many mothers in my audience have said to please ask you this question. Why do you always grab your crotch?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.459259986877441, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : You've got a thing with your crotch going on there.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.362554550170898, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : When you have broken all those records, when you have the number one album ever sold, when you've broken every record there is to break, when you become an icon of an industry, is there always the pressure to do something bigger and something better.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.470719337463379, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : And so when you think of that what do you do, you go, you meditate, you think, well I will now do the Superbowl.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.429259300231934, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : Liz Taylor said you were king of pop, rock and soul. Where did this whole notion that you proclaimed yourself king of pop come from?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.421137809753418, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : And that's where this all started?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.447272300720215, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : Do you go out, do you date?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.474471092224121, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : Who do you date?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.488154411315918, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : Have you ever been in love?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.458405494689941, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : With Brooke Shields?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.397780418395996, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : And another girl? Let me ask you this, and it's embarrassing for me to ask you this, but I'm gonna ask you anyway, are you a virgin?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.467101097106934, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : I just want to know.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.375361442565918, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : You're a gentleman?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.449612617492676, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : I would interpret that to mean that you believe that a lady is a lady and therefore..", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.49493408203125, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : So, you're not going to answer it?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.44210147857666, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : Well, we would like to know whether or not there is a possibility that you are going to marry one day and have children?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.508906364440918, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : What kind of woman makes you - in the video we're going to see later, we premier the world video, there's a line where you talk about being quenched, so what kind of person does that for you?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.274778366088867, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : You did?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.455879211425781, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : I heard too, this was another one of those rumors, that you had proposed to Elizabeth Taylor at some point.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.236477851867676, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : Yeah, but did you propose to her?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.402482986450195, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : Well, Elizabeth Taylor is here. Liz? Can we bring Liz out now? Liz had said she wanted to be here to hold your hand through this. You don't look like you need your hand held. Elizabeth Taylor!", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.394654273986816, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : Did Michael ever propose to you?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.89870834350586, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : Uh-huh.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.293508529663086, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : Yes.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.241318702697754, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : And why do you think you all are such good friends? What has brought about this kind of bond? Because people try to make this weird.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.504518508911133, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : And what is it, I am going to ask Michael this question later on, but, what is it you most want the world to know about him?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.014959335327148, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : And he's funny, too.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.21886157989502, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : He can crack some jokes, I tell you.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.28724193572998, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : When we come back - Thank you for joining us too -", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.429464340209961, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : Now this is what's shocking to me, that you even drive. What we're doing, everybody, is that we are coming from Michael's house down to this amazing amusement park, which is, oh, about several hundred yards from the house. And this is, it's incredible.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.047130584716797, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : And I want to know whether or not you did this for yourself or did you do it for all the children that you entertain here?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.50494384765625, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : To the house?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.491628646850586, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : Make a wish foundation, Dream Street, Starlight, yes?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.442002296447754, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : Uh-huh.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.293508529663086, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : This is unbelievable. What I have to say is, these are, as I was talking to some kids that were here, these are not just grandma rides here. These are some major rides.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.366216659545898, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : I mean the Sea Dragon, the Ferris Wheel, and there's that Zipper over there.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.44160270690918, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : Yeah, the Wipeout, and there are Bumper cars here, it's really-", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.460420608520508, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : Were you able to do that when you were a kid?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.524763107299805, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : But now you can anytime.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.33869457244873, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : How often do you actually come out here and do this?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.502152442932129, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : Well, is this a part of you, what we were talking about earlier, the pain of growing up and not being able to experience all the things that kids normally experience and so now you are fulfilling all those fantasies.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.058843612670898, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : Really.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.229846954345703, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : Do you think you can ever really recapture it though? Does it feel the same? I mean, I don't know.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.484880447387695, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : Really?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.436746597290039, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : And here we are inside the theater. I had one too many sugar babies at the candy counter.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.450878143310547, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : But the candy is here for all the kids. Pinocchio is here, ET is here. Did you - what's fascinating to me about you is that obviously you have this childlike aura about you and I see children with you and they play with you like you are one of them. But, a child did not do this.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.494104385375977, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : A child did not put this together. This is really magnificent.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.468518257141113, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : Yes, we're clear on that.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.301437377929688, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : Um-huh.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.319934844970703, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : Um-huh.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.319934844970703, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : Well, when I came here to, um, about a month ago to shoot a commercial with you for promoting tonight's event, one of the things that really impressed me the most, I hope you guys are getting shots of this. I don't know how you are, if all the cameras are on us, but, oh, we got other cameras - is that there are, built inside the walls here-beds-beds for some of those sick children who come. And what I realized when I saw this is that you have to be a person who really cares about children to build it into your architecture.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.394551277160645, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : They can't sit up.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.41315746307373, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : Now let me ask you this. You know I believe everything happens in people's lives for a reason. Do you think that had you not missed a lot of, uh, the life and fun and fantasy of childhood that you would be so in touch with children today. Would you relate to them as you do?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.436140060424805, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : Really?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.436746597290039, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : Are you really happy now, because you seemed so sad for a long time.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.326543807983398, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : And what has made you happier.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.45870590209961, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : Uh-huh.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.293508529663086, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : I know, I know, we have photographs of you from all over the world where you are with all these children. One of the things I was saying before we went to the last break, before the alarm went off in the house and all that-", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.391483306884766, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : is that, uh, we were talking about the rumors. One of the strangest ones I heard was that when you're Moonwalking, you're faking it, that you have some mirrors in your socks someplace.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.04556655883789, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : And it's not really real.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.270720481872559, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : How did you, first of all, you know we've spent so much time trying to dispel the rumors, trying to get the truth out that I haven't had a really opportunity to talk to you about how you conceive your music, how you conceive the dance. Where did the Moonwalk come from?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.161526679992676, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : O.K. I want to see you dance.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.379899978637695, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : I want to see you dance. I want to see you dance, live.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.514373779296875, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : A little rusty?!", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.480550765991211, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : You gotta turn sideways?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.504894256591797, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : Yeah, we got ya!", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.37200927734375, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : O.k. Just show me slow motion. Could you show me slow motion?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.339093208312988, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : (applauding) Well, I saw it live, I saw it live, I saw it live. And so you took it from the kids who were doing it.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.41099739074707, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : Yeah! And when you are, for instance, when we were here before, when we were here before to shoot that commercial, you were--", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.398279190063477, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : I don't know how to do this!", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.445611000061035, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : You know I don't know how to do this!", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.473654747009277, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : You know what? I mean all the things that were printed in the tabloids, the only thing that's ever been true was when they said I couldn't dance. Now that's the truth!", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.427337646484375, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : When we were here the last time shooting the commercial, you were like in between shots running off and conceiving the dance, choreographing the dance, you were up all night dancing.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.384329795837402, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : Yes, yes.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.267110824584961, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : Why?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.398019790649414, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : You cried after Motown 25??", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.482941627502441, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : You wanted to, you felt so good, you probably wanted to say- (imitating Michael) HEH-HEH!", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.854293823242188, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : I want you to sing something acapella for me, if you can.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.466365814208984, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : Who is it, you know do that whole little beat thing, since we're here in the theater.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.41584300994873, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : Where did that Heh-heh thing come from? Heh-heh.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.501588821411133, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : Are you very spiritual?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.513858795166016, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : I mean, do you, do you meditate? Do you understand that there's something bigger than yourself at work here?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.514932632446289, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : Uh-huh. And I believe that everybody comes to the world for a reason. I think, um, most of us spend our lives trying to figure out what the purpose of our being here is. What do you think yours is?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.44882583618164, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : Uh-huh.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.293508529663086, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : Uh-huh.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.293508529663086, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : Do you think that by talking now, setting the record straight for yourself, that maybe people will be able to focus more attention on your music and not judge you for anything other than the kind of music that you play?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.241918563842773, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : Well, I hope that comes out of this, too. I'm also excited that the world is watching, and because the world is watching, we thought this was a good time to let the world see the world premiere of Give In To Me. Cut to world premiere showing of Give In To Me video.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.540647506713867, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : So, we want to know how it starts on a piece of paper-quench my desire-and turns into that.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.463869094848633, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : You mentioned animals. I know everyone's going to ask me when I leave here, where are all the animals? I said it in the opening, I expected chimps to be jumping all over the living room and I didn't see any. Where's Bubbles?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.495880126953125, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : Why, why were you so fascinated by animals, do you think?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.422175407409668, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : I think we've cleared up all the rumors though. There are no chimps running around the house-", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.384976387023926, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : No oxygen tank in the house. I don't know, are you going to lay off the crotch a little bit?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.52511215209961, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : Ask the music will you lay off the crotch. Oh, we didn't get about the inauguration. Did you tell President Clinton that you had to be the only person there singing?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.496330261230469, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : What do you want, want most-what do you want the world to know about you most? I asked Liz that of you, what do you want them to know?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.543309211730957, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : Not to be remembered for-what about for now? Forget remembered.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.436598777770996, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : Hmm. You know, Gene Siskel who's a movie critic asked me this question once. And I love the question, so I am going to ask you.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.335463523864746, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : You're 34 years old. What do you know for sure?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.373693466186523, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : What do you know for sure?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.469975471496582, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : I can't thank you enough for letting us in and I wish you all the happiness in the world. I loved being here because it makes me feel like a child again and one of the things I promised myself was that when this interview was over-live around the world- I was going to go get on that Ferris Wheel!", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.261846542358398, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : And that is exactly what I intend to do. I'm gonna take off my blue shoes and I'm gonna ride that Ferris Wheel!", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.482083320617676, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : I'm gonna have a good time and have myself a little popcorn, maybe, and maybe when it's all over, you'll teach me how to do the Moonwalk-when everybody's not looking!", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.449012756347656, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah : Yeah! This was fun!", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.373761177062988, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson's House - Michael ... -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "\"But when (Oprah) asked about his skin and surgery, the bogus answers seemed silly and rehearsed.\"--Howie Klein, vice president of Sire Records.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.310190200805664, "source": "search", "title": "Jackson Talk: Industry Split on PR Power - latimes" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Michael told Oprah about the childhood he never really had, when he was abused by his father and was often so lonely that he cried. He also told the world that it should not believe rumours that he bleached his skin to make him look like a white man, but that he suffered from vitiligo, a skin disorder that very few people had heard of at the time. Michael talked frankly about his skin colour, his relationships with Brooke Shields and Elizabeth Taylor, and a number of other matters, but when Oprah asked him if he was a virgin, he refused to give a straight answer.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.333654403686523, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson and Oprah Winfrey - Cappelen Damm" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah and Michael had nothing in common.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.52549934387207, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson and Oprah Winfrey - Cappelen Damm" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah had a good childhood.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.476226806640625, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson and Oprah Winfrey - Cappelen Damm" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Michael told Oprah about the childhood he never really had, when he was abused by his father and was often so lonely that he cried. He also told the world that it should not believe rumours that he bleached his skin to make him look like a white man, but that he suffered from vitiligo, a skin disorder that very few people had heard of at the time. Michael talked frankly about his skin colour, his relationships with Brooke Shields and Elizabeth Taylor, and a number of other matters, but when Oprah asked him if he was a virgin, he refused to give a straight answer.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.333654403686523, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson and Oprah Winfrey - Passage new" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah and Michael had nothing in common.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.52549934387207, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson and Oprah Winfrey - Passage new" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah had a good childhood.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.476226806640625, "source": "search", "title": "Michael Jackson and Oprah Winfrey - Passage new" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah's 25 Best Black Moments", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.355085372924805, "source": "search", "title": "Oprah's 25 Best Black Moments -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah called the anti-apartheid activist and first democratically elected president of South Africa “the most humble person I’ve ever met.” She says he asked producers before his appearance , “What is the subject of today’s show?” (Answer: “You.”) Mandela told her that his success in helping to end apartheid was “the result of domination of the brain over the blood.” All 300 Harpo staffers left their offices to shake the historic figure’s hand as he left the studio, lining what’s now been dubbed Harpo’s “Mandela hall.”", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.860322952270508, "source": "search", "title": "Oprah's 25 Best Black Moments -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "In Jay-Z’s 2009 appearance on the show, he and Oprah debated the use of the n-word in music (guess who was on which side?) and ultimately agreed to disagree. Later, in 2011, after reading the rapper, artist and mogul’s book, Decoded , she said “I get it now.” In the book, Jay-Z wrote, “Rappers are young black men telling stories that the police, among others, don’t want to hear.” Oprah later said, “I realized I was among ‘the others.’ “", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.955698013305664, "source": "search", "title": "Oprah's 25 Best Black Moments -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Fifteen years after being diagnosed with HIV in the early 1990s, Johnson talked to Oprah about how he stayed positive and survived. “You have to really be good with you living with your diagnosis or your illness,” he says. “I never felt like I was defeated and that I was going to give up and that it’s over. I think that’s why I’ve been living with HIV so long. I’ve always said, ‘OK, I’m going to do all the things I have to do, and I know I’m going to be here for a long time.’ “", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.908740997314453, "source": "search", "title": "Oprah's 25 Best Black Moments -" }, { "answer": "Oprah Winfrey", "passage": "Emmy-winning comedian Rock has appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show 26 times, cracking her up with socially insightful jokes about even the most taboo topics. Promoting his film Good Hair, he teased Oprah about hers (“Oh, that lucky Stedman!”). Most recently, he explained why the Tea Party might represent the end of racism: “Kids always act up the most before they go to sleep. And when I see the Tea Party and all this stuff, it actually feels like racism’s almost over. Because … this is the act-up before the sleep.”", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.645591735839844, "source": "search", "title": "Oprah's 25 Best Black Moments -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "For one of the show’s earliest episodes , Oprah and her crew traveled to Forsyth County, Ga., a place that was infamous for its intense racism and hadn’t had a single black resident for 75 years. Several residents in the audience expressed unabashed racism, but one woman spoke out. “I just hate to think that someone is going to get hurt before the people get … it like it’s supposed to be … black and white together in Forsyth County,” she said. During the final season, Oprah’s producers went back to Forsyth and discovered some remarkable changes.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.73178768157959, "source": "search", "title": "Oprah's 25 Best Black Moments -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "In 1996 Oprah spoke with the Little Rock Nine, men and women who, as teenagers, were sent to integrate Little Rock Central High School in Arkansas. They recalled their first day of school, when they were faced with threatening white students and even the National Guard, who blocked their entrance. Three white former classmates also spoke out that day to say they regretted their opposition to integration. One former student, Ann, said she was raised by racist parents but had broken that chain of racism with her own family.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.378785133361816, "source": "search", "title": "Oprah's 25 Best Black Moments -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "In her more than 20 Oprah visits, Berry has discussed everything from motherhood to racism. She even unveiled her baby bump for the world to see. After becoming the first African-American woman to win an Oscar for best actress, she joined Penélope Cruz to talk about success, the joys of acting and her favorite places on earth. And, of course, that tear-jerking acceptance speech. “I didn’t write a speech — I really didn’t think I was going to go up there,” she said.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.38154125213623, "source": "search", "title": "Oprah's 25 Best Black Moments -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "It’s no wonder that Washington is one of Oprah’s favorite guests . He’s an Academy Award winner, director, author and arguably the most popular black actor of his generation. Once, she surprised him on air with a tribute by his football-player son and a visit from the former teacher. A huge advocate of mentoring, he inspired Oprah to get involved with the Boys & Girls Clubs of America after one of his appearances, and she opened a club down the road from where she lived as a child.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.0143404006958, "source": "search", "title": "Oprah's 25 Best Black Moments -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Foxx is another of Oprah’s favorites , but one show made fans take speculation about the mutual admiration he and Winfrey share to another level: In 2005 Jamie refused to play down gossip that the pair were dating, even when Oprah urged him to put an end to the rumor that she was leaving boyfriend Stedman Graham for him. “When I was on In Living Color,” he said, “I would always tell Keenen [Wayans], ‘Oprah, that’s my flavor,’ because … I’m from the South and I like it thick.”", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.630446434020996, "source": "search", "title": "Oprah's 25 Best Black Moments -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "In 2005 best-selling author McMillan confronted ex-husband Jonathan Plummer — the inspiration for her How Stella Got Her Groove Back — to discuss the six-year marriage that ended when he revealed that he was gay. Oprah asked them about the details of the split and the extent to which they could remain friends (“We’re not gonna be kickin’ it,” McMillan said). In 2010 she returned to discuss her new book, Getting to Happy , a Waiting to Exhale sequel inspired by that breakup.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.773582458496094, "source": "search", "title": "Oprah's 25 Best Black Moments -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "Oprah calls author Angelou her “mentor-mother-sister-friend,” and says she’s felt deeply connected to her since reading I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, explaining, “For the first time, as a young black girl, my experience was validated.” She’s repeated Angelou’s insights throughout the years (a favorite: “The first time someone shows you who they are, believe them.”). In one of their final on-air chats, the duo reflected upon Angelou’s words of wisdom about how to do the impossible.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.841390609741211, "source": "search", "title": "Oprah's 25 Best Black Moments -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "In May 2009, legendary heavyweight-boxing champion Tyson’s 4-year-old daughter, Exodus, was killed in a tragic household accident. That year, Tyson opened up to Oprah about what he called his “darkest day” and explained why he didn’t want to know the details of the circumstances surrounding her death. “If somebody gets blamed for it,” he told her, “there’s gonna be a problem.”", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.158376693725586, "source": "search", "title": "Oprah's 25 Best Black Moments -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "After a retirement, a comeback and yet another retirement, Jordan talked to Oprah in 2005 about what it was like to finally settle into a “normal” life. He discussed coaching his teenage kids in basketball, his new passion for motorcycling and his legacy, telling Oprah, “It gives me great pride that what I’ve done has … risen my name, as well as my personality, to a certain good standard.”", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.824893951416016, "source": "search", "title": "Oprah's 25 Best Black Moments -" }, { "answer": "Oprah", "passage": "In 1995 Oprah interviewed Solomon after he changed his skin from white to black and lived as a young black man for a week. He told the audience he was refused service in a restaurant, needlessly questioned by a police officer and treated with suspicion in the street. He concluded that “white people get this respect, and black people are constantly trying to prove that they deserve it or are worthy of it.”", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.339042663574219, "source": "search", "title": "Oprah's 25 Best Black Moments -" } ]
What was the last top ten hit for Connie Francis?
{ "aliases": [ "Vacation", "The Vacation", "Vacations", "Vacationing", "Holiday (travel)", "Vacation (travel)" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "vacationing", "vacation", "holiday travel", "vacation travel", "vacations" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "vacation", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Vacation" }
[ { "answer": "Vacation", "passage": "Due to changing trends in the early and mid-1960s, namely the British Invasion, Francis' chart success on Billboard's Hot 100 began to wane after 1963. She had her final top-ten hit, \"Vacation\", in 1962. A number of Francis' singles continued to reach the top 40 in the US Hot 100 through the mid-1960s, with her last top-40 entry being 1964's \"Be Anything (but Be Mine)\". Despite her declining success on the Hot 100, Francis remained a top concert draw, and her singles – now following a more mature style – were charting on the top quarter of Billboard's Adult Contemporary (AC) Charts and sometimes even reached Billboard's Country Charts. Therefore, Francis enjoyed lasting chart success in the US until her contract with MGM Records ran out in 1969.", "precise_score": 7.534944534301758, "rough_score": 6.480103969573975, "source": "wiki", "title": "Connie Francis" }, { "answer": "Vacation", "passage": "Nevertheless, Francis continued to record singles aimed at the youth-oriented market. Among her top-ten hits on the Hot 100 were \"Breakin' in a Brand New Broken Heart\" (1961, #7), \"When the Boy in Your Arms (Is the Boy in Your Heart)\" (1961, #10), \"Second Hand Love\" (1962, #9), and \"Where the Boys Are\" (1961, #4). The last became her signature tune and was also the theme song of Francis' first motion picture of the same name. The movie also introduced the concept of spring break, as the once sleepy town of Fort Lauderdale became the hotspot for college students on their spring vacation in the wake of the movie's success. Although she appeared in three further motion pictures, Francis was never satisfied with herself as an actress, and after appearing in a made-for-television movie in 1966, she declined further offers.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 4.880005359649658, "source": "wiki", "title": "Connie Francis" } ]
Where is the University of Delaware located?
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[ { "answer": "Newark", "passage": "The University of Delaware (colloquially \"UD\") is the largest university in Delaware. The main campus is in Newark, with satellite campuses in Dover, Wilmington, Lewes, and Georgetown. It is medium-sized – approximately 18,500 undergraduate and 4,500 graduate students. UD is a privately governed university which receives public funding for being a land-grant, sea-grant, space-grant and urban-grant state-supported research institution. ", "precise_score": 9.53902530670166, "rough_score": 8.602978706359863, "source": "wiki", "title": "University of Delaware" }, { "answer": "Newark", "passage": "The University of Delaware is located in Newark, Delaware, a quiet, safe, and friendly college town of 30,000 people.", "precise_score": 10.525894165039062, "rough_score": 9.943384170532227, "source": "search", "title": "Location | English Language Institute" }, { "answer": "Newark", "passage": "University of Delaware - Newark - Map", "precise_score": 4.45332670211792, "rough_score": 4.395835876464844, "source": "search", "title": "University of Delaware - Newark - Map" }, { "answer": "Newark", "passage": "The University of Delaware traces its founding to 1743, when Presbyterian minister Francis Alison opened up his \"Free School\" in his home in New London, Pennsylvania. The school changed its name and location several times, ending up as the Academy of Newark in 1769 (chartered by the colonial government). Since Delaware was part of the Pennsylvania colony until 1776, the academy was denied charter as a college in order to prevent its competing with the University of Pennsylvania (then known as the College of Philadelphia). In 1833, the Delaware General Assembly passed \"An Act to Establish a College at Newark\", and the next year, Newark College opened. It changed its name in 1843 to Delaware College and it merged with the Academy of Newark. The school closed from 1859 until 1870 (Newark Academy separated from the college in 1869). It reopened in 1870 due to the support of the Morrill Land-Grant Acts. In 1921, Delaware College was renamed the University of Delaware, and it officially became a coeducational institution in 1945 when it merged with the nearby Women's College of Delaware. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 1.1100155115127563, "source": "wiki", "title": "University of Delaware" }, { "answer": "Newark", "passage": "The student-run, non-commercial, educational radio station at Delaware broadcasts on 91.3 and uses the call letters WVUD, which the University purchased from the University of Dayton in the 1980s. Although not its intended call letter pronunciation, 'VUD has taken on the slogan \"the Voice of the University of Delaware.\" They are licensed by the city of Newark, Delaware and broadcasts with a power of 1,000 watts 24 hours a day with its offices and studios located in the Perkins Student Center. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 2.4379830360412598, "source": "wiki", "title": "University of Delaware" }, { "answer": "Newark", "passage": "In 2005, on the Newark campus of the university 1140 students were picked up by the campus police for alcohol-related violations. Of these, 120 led to arrests. These figures are up from previous years, 1062 in 2004 and 1026 in 2003. This represents approximately 6% of the student population. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.406335830688477, "source": "wiki", "title": "University of Delaware" }, { "answer": "Newark", "passage": "The University agreed to lease 43 acres on the STAR campus to The Data Centers (TDC) for the construction of the data center. The data center plan included a combined heat cycle natural gas-fired power plant capable of generating 279 megawatts of energy. TDC claimed that the power plant was critical to ensuring an uninterrupted electrical power supply to the facility, which is critical for data integrity. The TDC business plan also called for sale of excess electricity. Portions of the Newark community questioned the business plan, claiming that the power plant is not an auxiliary part of the data center but a separate industrial use, which would violate the zoning of the STAR campus. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.889824867248535, "source": "wiki", "title": "University of Delaware" }, { "answer": "Newark", "passage": "On April 28, 2014, the City of Newark Board of Adjustment upheld its April 19, 2014 ruling that the power plant is an accessory to the data center and that no rezoning was required. The ruling is presently under appeal. The University of Delaware's Sustainability Task Force sent an open letter to President Harker citing concerns that the project violates the University's strategic plan and Climate Action Plan. On May 4, 2014, the University Faculty Senate voted 43 to 0 (with 8 abstentions) to recommend to the administration that it not allow construction of The Data Center on UD's STAR campus if The Data Center includes any fossil-fuel-burning power plant. On July 10, 2014 the University announced that it was terminating the lease for the project. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.2704548835754395, "source": "wiki", "title": "University of Delaware" }, { "answer": "Newark", "passage": "Newark is two hours by car or train from Washington, DC and New York City (170 km) and one hour from Philadelphia and Baltimore (80 km). Nearby recreational areas on the Atlantic Ocean and in the Pocono mountains of Pennsylvania offer students a variety of summer and winter activities.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.08883285522461, "source": "search", "title": "Location | English Language Institute" }, { "answer": "Newark", "passage": "Driving Directions to UD's Newark campus", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.436944007873535, "source": "search", "title": "Experience UD | University of Delaware" }, { "answer": "Newark", "passage": "University of Delaware • Newark, DE 19716 • USA • Phone: 302-831-6629 • © 2016", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -1.2274212837219238, "source": "search", "title": "University of Delaware STAR Campus -" }, { "answer": "Newark", "passage": "University of Delaware  •   Newark, DE 19716  •   USA", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -0.1054072380065918, "source": "search", "title": "University of Delaware - Newark - Map" }, { "answer": "Newark", "passage": "University of Delaware - Newark | Tickets, Schedule, Seating Chart, Directions", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -2.82625675201416, "source": "search", "title": "University of Delaware - Newark | Tickets, Schedule ..." }, { "answer": "Newark", "passage": "University of Delaware; Routes 4 and 896, Newark, DE  19716", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -1.0584349632263184, "source": "search", "title": "University of Delaware - Newark | Tickets, Schedule ..." }, { "answer": "Newark", "passage": "University of Delaware; Routes 4 and 896,  Newark,  DE  19716", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -1.0584349632263184, "source": "search", "title": "University of Delaware - Newark | Tickets, Schedule ..." } ]
Which composer was born on exactly the same day as TV evangelist Pat Robertson?
{ "aliases": [ "Joshua Sondheim", "Steven Sondheim", "Sondhiem", "Stephen Joshua Sondheim", "Stephen Sondheim", "Sondheim vor der Rhoen", "Steven sondheim", "Stephen Joshua", "Sondheim vor der Rhön", "Sondheim vor der Rhon", "The Stephen Sondheim Society" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "stephen joshua sondheim", "stephen joshua", "sondheim vor der rhoen", "stephen sondheim", "joshua sondheim", "stephen sondheim society", "sondheim vor der rhön", "sondheim vor der rhon", "steven sondheim", "sondhiem" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "stephen sondheim", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Stephen Sondheim" }
[ { "answer": "Stephen Sondheim", "passage": "Talk about opposites:  TV preacher Pat Robertson and Broadway composer Stephen Sondheim were born on the exact same day in 1930.  Both men turned 80 today.Stephen Sondheim was born in New York City and Pat Robertson was born in Lexington, Virginia, and that’s not much surprise in either case. Well, it’s all show business, after all.  Happy birthday, gentlemen!", "precise_score": 9.398797035217285, "rough_score": 8.952301025390625, "source": "search", "title": "Landmark Birthdays | Who2" }, { "answer": "Stephen Sondheim", "passage": "Birthday Twins: Pat Robertson and Stephen Sondheim?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.084354400634766, "source": "search", "title": "Landmark Birthdays | Who2" }, { "answer": "Stephen Sondheim", "passage": "Composer Stephen Sondheim is 86.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.05496883392334, "source": "search", "title": "TUESDAY in Broadcast History .. March 22nd - Puget Sound Radio" } ]
Who was the last undisputed boxing world heavyweight champion before Mike Tyson?
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[ { "answer": "Leon Spinks", "passage": "The Greatest made history when he avenged a defeat to the inexperienced Leon Spinks, in the process regaining the WBA and WBC titles and becoming the first three-time lineal champion.", "precise_score": -5.070260047912598, "rough_score": -10.23847484588623, "source": "search", "title": "Mike Tyson and 5 Other Heavyweights Who Carried on for Too ..." } ]
Which country's invasion of Ethiopia in 1935 forced Haile Selassie to flee?
{ "aliases": [ "Environment of Italy", "Italiën", "Subdivisions of Italy", "Republic of Italy", "ItalY", "ISO 3166-1:IT", "Etymology of Italy", "Itali", "Pollution in Italy", "Administrative divisions of Italy", "Austrian Empire (Italy)", "Italija", "Italie", "Italia", "Italian Republic", "Second Italian Republic", "Italy", "Italio", "Repubblica Italiana", "Itàlia", "The Italian republic" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "second italian republic", "itàlia", "italio", "iso 3166 1 it", "italija", "etymology of italy", "repubblica italiana", "itali", "italia", "austrian empire italy", "republic of italy", "italiën", "subdivisions of italy", "italy", "pollution in italy", "administrative divisions of italy", "italie", "italian republic", "environment of italy" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "italy", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Italy" }
[ { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "Haile Selassie I was born to parents from three of Ethiopia's Afroasiatic-speaking populations: the Oromo and Amhara, the country's two largest ethnic groups, as well as the Gurage.The independence of Ethiopia was interrupted by the Second Italo-Ethiopian War and Italian occupation (1936–1941). During this time, Haile Selassie appealed to the League of Nations in 1935, delivering an address that made him a worldwide figure, and the 1935 Time Man of the Year. ", "precise_score": 4.72960901260376, "rough_score": 6.596025466918945, "source": "wiki", "title": "Ethiopia" }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "At the League of Nations in 1936, the Emperor condemned the use of chemical weapons by Italy against his people during the Second Italo–Ethiopian War.Safire, William (1997). Lend Me Your Ears: Great Speeches in History. W.W. Norton. ISBN 0393040054. pp. 297–8. His internationalist views led to Ethiopia becoming a charter member of the United Nations, and his political thought and experience in promoting multilateralism and collective security have proved seminal and enduring. His suppression of rebellions among the landed aristocracy (the mesafint), which consistently opposed his reforms, as well as what some critics perceived to be Ethiopia's failure to modernize rapidly enough, earned him criticism among some contemporaries and historians.[ Rebellion and Famine in the North under Haile Selassie], Human Rights Watch His regime was also criticized by human rights groups, such as Human Rights Watch, as autocratic and illiberal. ", "precise_score": -3.647146463394165, "rough_score": 2.0162734985351562, "source": "wiki", "title": "Haile Selassie" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "Following the 5 December 1934 Italian invasion of Ethiopia at Walwal, Ogeden Province, Haile Selassie joined his northern armies and set up headquarters at Desse in Wollo province. He issued his mobilization order on 3 October 1935: ", "precise_score": 7.170629024505615, "rough_score": 8.615190505981445, "source": "wiki", "title": "Haile Selassie" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "Starting in early October 1935, the Italians invaded Ethiopia. But, by November, the pace of invasion had slowed appreciably and Haile Selassie's northern armies were able to launch what was known as the \"Christmas Offensive\". During this offensive, the Italians were forced back in places and put on the defensive. However, in early 1936, the First Battle of Tembien stopped the progress of the Ethiopian offensive and the Italians were ready to continue their offensive. Following the defeat and destruction of the northern Ethiopian armies at the Battle of Amba Aradam, the Second Battle of Tembien, and the Battle of Shire, Haile Selassie took the field with the last Ethiopian army on the northern front. On 31 March 1936, he launched a counterattack against the Italians himself at the Battle of Maychew in southern Tigray. The emperor's army was defeated and retreated in disarray. As Haile Selassie's army withdrew, the Italians attacked from the air along with rebellious Raya and Azebo tribesmen on the ground, who were armed and paid by the Italians. ", "precise_score": 6.500805377960205, "rough_score": 7.854994297027588, "source": "wiki", "title": "Haile Selassie" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "On 5 May, Marshal Pietro Badoglio led Italian troops into Addis Ababa, and Mussolini declared Ethiopia an Italian province. Victor Emanuel III was proclaimed as the new Emperor of Ethiopia. However, on the previous day, the Ethiopian exiles had left Djibouti aboard the British cruiser HMS Enterprise. They were bound for Jerusalem in the British Mandate of Palestine, where the Ethiopian royal family maintained a residence. The Imperial family disembarked at Haifa and then went on to Jerusalem. Once there, Haile Selassie and his retinue prepared to make their case at Geneva. The choice of Jerusalem was highly symbolic, since the Solomonic Dynasty claimed descent from the House of David. Leaving the Holy Land, Haile Selassie and his entourage sailed for Gibraltar aboard the British cruiser HMS Capetown. From Gibraltar, the exiles were transferred to an ordinary liner. By doing this, the government of the United Kingdom was spared the expense of a state reception. ", "precise_score": 2.1145832538604736, "rough_score": 1.7321300506591797, "source": "wiki", "title": "Haile Selassie" }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "Mussolini, upon invading Ethiopia, had promptly declared his own \"Italian Empire\"; because the League of Nations afforded Haile Selassie the opportunity to address the assembly, Italy even withdrew its League delegation, on 12 May 1936. It was in this context that Haile Selassie walked into the hall of the League of Nations, introduced by the President of the Assembly as \"His Imperial Majesty, the Emperor of Ethiopia\" (Sa Majesté Imperiale, l'Empereur d'Ethiopie). The introduction caused a great many Italian journalists in the galleries to erupt into jeering, heckling, and whistling. As it turned out, they had earlier been issued whistles by Mussolini's son-in-law, Count Galeazzo Ciano. Haile Selassie waited calmly for the hall to be cleared, and responded \"majestically\" with a speech sometimes considered among the most stirring of the 20th century.", "precise_score": 4.850011825561523, "rough_score": 7.198566913604736, "source": "wiki", "title": "Haile Selassie" }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "Although fluent in French, the working language of the League, Haile Selassie chose to deliver his historic speech in his native Amharic. He asserted that, because his \"confidence in the League was absolute\", his people were now being slaughtered. He pointed out that the same European states that found in Ethiopia's favor at the League of Nations were refusing Ethiopia credit and matériel while aiding Italy, which was employing chemical weapons on military and civilian targets alike.", "precise_score": 0.986058235168457, "rough_score": 2.9618473052978516, "source": "wiki", "title": "Haile Selassie" }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "Haile Selassie's activity in this period was focused on countering Italian propaganda as to the state of Ethiopian resistance and the legality of the occupation. He spoke out against the desecration of houses of worship and historical artifacts (including the theft of a 1,600-year-old imperial obelisk), and condemned the atrocities suffered by the Ethiopian civilian population. He continued to plead for League intervention and to voice his certainty that \"God's judgment will eventually visit the weak and the mighty alike\", though his attempts to gain support for the struggle against Italy were largely unsuccessful until Italy entered World War II on the German side in June 1940.Ofcansky, Thomas P. and Berry, Laverle (2004), Ethiopia A Country Study. Kessinger Publishing. ISBN 1419118579, pp. 60–61.", "precise_score": 2.264702796936035, "rough_score": 5.152464389801025, "source": "wiki", "title": "Haile Selassie" }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "During this period, Haile Selassie suffered several personal tragedies. His two sons-in-law, Ras Desta Damtew and Dejazmach Beyene Merid, were both executed by the Italians.My Life and Ethiopia's Progress. Vol. 2, 1999, p. 25. The emperor's daughter, Princess Romanework, wife of Dejazmach Beyene Merid, was herself taken into captivity with her children, and she died in Italy in 1941.My Life and Ethiopia's Progress. Vol. 2, 1999, p. 170. His daughter Tsehai died during childbirth shortly after the restoration in 1942. ", "precise_score": -0.19431962072849274, "rough_score": 3.763991117477417, "source": "wiki", "title": "Haile Selassie" }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "On 18 January 1941, during the East African Campaign, Haile Selassie crossed the border between Sudan and Ethiopia near the village of Um Iddla. The standard of the Lion of Judah was raised again. Two days later, he and a force of Ethiopian patriots joined Gideon Force which was already in Ethiopia and preparing the way. Italy was defeated by a force of the United Kingdom, the Commonwealth of Nations, Free France, Free Belgium, and Ethiopian patriots. On 5 May 1941, Haile Selassie entered Addis Ababa and personally addressed the Ethiopian people, five years to the day since his 1936 exile:", "precise_score": 4.9165472984313965, "rough_score": 5.82834005355835, "source": "wiki", "title": "Haile Selassie" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "On 27 August 1942, Haile Selassie abolished the legal basis of slavery throughout the empire and imposed severe penalties, including death, for slave trading. After World War II, Ethiopia became a charter member of the United Nations. In 1948, the Ogaden, a region disputed with Somalia, was granted to Ethiopia. On 2 December 1950, the UN General Assembly adopted Resolution 390 (V), establishing the federation of Eritrea (the former Italian colony) into Ethiopia.Shinn, pp. 140–1. Eritrea was to have its own constitution, which would provide for ethnic, linguistic, and cultural balance, while Ethiopia was to manage its finances, defense, and foreign policy.", "precise_score": 0.06314957141876221, "rough_score": 5.508492946624756, "source": "wiki", "title": "Haile Selassie" }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "Outside of Ethiopia, Haile Selassie continued to enjoy enormous prestige and respect. As the longest-serving head of state in power, he was often given precedence over other leaders at state events, such as the state funerals of John F. Kennedy and Charles de Gaulle, the summits of the Non-Aligned Movement, and the 1971 celebration of the 2,500 years of the Persian Empire. In 1970 he visited Italy as a guest of President Giuseppe Saragat, and in Milan he met Giordano Dell'Amore, President of Italian Savings Banks Association. He visited China in October 1971, and was the first foreign head of state to meet Mao Zedong following the death of Mao's designated successor Lin Biao in a plane crash in Mongolia.", "precise_score": -1.7683145999908447, "rough_score": 2.2949585914611816, "source": "wiki", "title": "Haile Selassie" }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "If we take as starting point Fascist Italy's invasion of Ethiopia we find Selassie fleeing to Britain in a brave attempt to rally support for his country. Garvey pointed out that he \"ran away from his country to England, leaving his people to be massacred by the Italians\" (Marcus Garvey, The Failure of Haile Selassie as Emperor, Black Man - London, March/April 1937). He remained in Bath for the duration of the war, but on returning to take his place on the throne he became paranoid about the partisans who had stayed and fought the Italians, fearing their bravery and preferring obsequiousness. Thus, they were gradually removed from positions of authority and replaced with those who had collaborated with the Italians as he knew they could be easily kept in line and would be open to the methods Selassie used to control his dignitaries. Selassie's methods of asserting and achieving and maintaining power involved breeding an atmosphere of distrust and corruption, where government officials would inform on each other in a constant vying for power, each wanting to be noticed and promoted by the Emperor, as the financial rewards could be great.", "precise_score": 5.71958065032959, "rough_score": 5.940515995025635, "source": "search", "title": "1935-1980s: The reign of Haile Selassie in Ethiopia" }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "The Italians had been a late-comer to African colonization, and by the 1930s Fascist dictator Benito Mussolini was eager to seize any opportunity to gain a foothold on the continent and demonstrate Italy’s rising power. Italy had fought the Ethiopians before: after seizing control of Somaliland in the 1880s, they attempted to establish a protectorate over the Ethiopian empire in 1895 and were decisively defeated. Four decades later, Mussolini was determined to make Italy a colonial power in Africa through Ethiopia. Branching out from their base in Somaliland, the Italians began encroaching on Ethiopian territory, building a fort at the Wal Wal oasis well inside Ethiopian territory, leading to a skirmish that led to the deaths of 150 Ethiopians in December 1934. The Wal Wal incident, and the Italian invasion of Ethiopia that followed in the spring of 1935 proved the ineffectiveness of the League of Nations. Ethiopian emperor Haile Selassie appealed emphatically and repeatedly to the League to enforce the regulations, particularly Article X regarding aid to member states to defend against external aggression. The League’s response was weak, imposing sanctions on Italy in November of 1935 only to lift them by the following July. By the spring of 1936, the Ethiopian military was defeated and Selassie was driven into exile in England. The Italians won control of the Ethiopian kingdom, but their colonial control of the region would be relatively short-lived. Mussolini entered WWII on the side of the Axis powers in 1940 and Selassie returned to Ethiopia in 1941 to lead the resistance against the Axis powers in Africa, who were forced to surrender their positions in North Africa in 1943. Haile Selassie returned to power as the emperor of Ethiopia. When Italy formally surrendered to the Allied powers in 1947, they were compelled to sign a treaty of peace which included a formal recognition of Ethiopia’s independence and a promise to pay reparations of $25 million.", "precise_score": 4.151224613189697, "rough_score": 5.6487650871276855, "source": "search", "title": "Italian-Ethiopian (Abyssinian) War, 1935 | teachwar" }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "In October 1935, The Italian army, with order from Mussolini, invaded northern part of Ethiopia i.e. Adigrat, Adwa and Mekele. Haile Selassie appealed to the League of Nations of which Ethiopia is a member state, but his appeal was completely ignored. The League of Nations, especially Britain and France, turned a blind eye to what was happening in Ethiopia, effectively giving Italy a green light to occupy Ethiopia.", "precise_score": 7.224186897277832, "rough_score": 7.771121501922607, "source": "search", "title": "Ethiopian Treasures - Emperor Haile Selassie - The ..." }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "Many Tigrayans fought against Italian invasion and few Tigrayan feudal lords sided with the Italians against Haile Selassie. Haile Selassie sent troops to Tigray in January 1936. The Ethiopian army initially claimed a victory at the Battle of Tembien, however this victory was not sustained and the Italian army overcame them. The Italian army used mustard gas after the battle of Tembien to curb the Ethiopian advances and the Ethiopian army retreated to Maychew. The Battle of Maychew was the final resistance to the Italian occupation. Haile Selassie sent reinforcements and the Italians defeated the Ethiopian resistance at Maychew on March 31, 1936. When Haile Selassie received the bad news of the Italian victory at Maychew; he abandoned his people and country, and went into exile in Britain. Nonetheless, the Ethiopians continued to resist the Italians and waged a guerrilla war on them to undermine and destabilise their hope of colonisation. The Italians responded with brutality and ruthlessness.", "precise_score": 5.367743492126465, "rough_score": 7.832668781280518, "source": "search", "title": "Ethiopian Treasures - Emperor Haile Selassie - The ..." }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "As a leader, he could have led the country and people against the Italian occupation. Instead he went into exile in order to save his own life and his family. Even though Haile Selassie deserted his country and people, many Ethiopians courageously exiled themselves into the mountains and forests of the country and fought the Italian army. Haile Selassie did not live up to the reputations of Emperor Tewodros II, Emperor Yohannes IV and Menelik II who gave their life and died for their county in battle (except Menelik) against foreign invaders.", "precise_score": 2.8789565563201904, "rough_score": 4.521272659301758, "source": "search", "title": "Ethiopian Treasures - Emperor Haile Selassie - The ..." }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "After the British army and the Ethiopian warriors drove the Italians out of Ethiopia, Haile Selassie returned from his exile to reclaim his throne with the help of the British. In 1943, when the Tigrayans heard about the return of Haile Selassie they rebelled against him forming a resistance group under the name \"Weyane\" (popular uprising). The Tigrayans were determined to unseat Haile Selassie as they held the view that he did not deserve to reclaim the throne for his desertion of his country and people while Ethiopia faced unforeseen occupation, killing and humiliation of its people by the Italian army.", "precise_score": 4.105134963989258, "rough_score": 6.524224758148193, "source": "search", "title": "Ethiopian Treasures - Emperor Haile Selassie - The ..." }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "The great achievement of Haile Selassie was that he lobbied the US and Europeans for the reunification of Eritrea with Ethiopia, which had remained under the British rule after the Italian defeat in 1941. With the blessing of the United Nations Eritrea was re-united with Ethiopia in 1952. Undoubtedly, Haile Selassie was skilled in diplomacy and was know for his restless efforts of campaigns against colonisation in Africa. He became a voice for the whole African county independence, but he did little to develop his country's infrastructure and improve the life of ordinary Ethiopians.", "precise_score": 2.746382713317871, "rough_score": 5.917729377746582, "source": "search", "title": "Ethiopian Treasures - Emperor Haile Selassie - The ..." }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "When Italian forces launched their invasion of Ethiopia – Abyssinia at the time – on the night of 2-3 October 1935, Il Duce could be fairly confident that he risked little in the way of prevention or reprisals. The “international community” of the time, through its enfeebled League of Nations, condemned the aggression but the sanctions it imposed were futile.", "precise_score": 2.910445213317871, "rough_score": 3.346635580062866, "source": "search", "title": "Ethiopia 1935-36: mustard gas and attacks on the Red Cross" }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "Italy’s overwhelming military superiority, notably its air power, left little doubt about the outcome. By early May 1936 Italian forces had entered Addis Ababa and Emperor Haile Selassie had been forced to flee.", "precise_score": 5.0054473876953125, "rough_score": 5.934957981109619, "source": "search", "title": "Ethiopia 1935-36: mustard gas and attacks on the Red Cross" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "uahsibhistory - The Italian Invasion of Abyssinia (Ethiopia) 1935-36", "precise_score": 0.4266424775123596, "rough_score": 2.7283380031585693, "source": "search", "title": "uahsibhistory - The Italian Invasion of Abyssinia ..." }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "The Italian Invasion of Abyssinia (Ethiopia) 1935-36", "precise_score": 1.2998825311660767, "rough_score": 3.5321357250213623, "source": "search", "title": "uahsibhistory - The Italian Invasion of Abyssinia ..." }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "2. Ethiopia was the only country to repel a foreign European invasion, the first Italian invasion in 1895-1896. This invasion was defeated at the battle of Adwa in northern Ethiopia on the border of Eritrea by a force of 100,000 under Menelik II.[2]", "precise_score": -0.30291157960891724, "rough_score": 3.211331367492676, "source": "search", "title": "uahsibhistory - The Italian Invasion of Abyssinia ..." }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "4. Ethiopia During the Italian Invasion of Abyssinia (1935-1936) was under the rule of Emperor Haile Selassie (translated into: Power of the Trinity)[4], whereas Italy was under the rule of Mussolini. It was sparked by a small border conflict 80 miles within the Italian Somaliland-Ethiopian border (Ethiopian Side) at an Italian outpost of Welwel in the Ogaden desert [5]", "precise_score": 5.90250825881958, "rough_score": 7.525603771209717, "source": "search", "title": "uahsibhistory - The Italian Invasion of Abyssinia ..." }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "5. Italy invaded Ethiopia in 1935 from both Eritrea and Italian Somaliland which meant that Ethiopia was caught in a north-south pincer movement, where both Italian armies ended up capturing Addis Ababa on May 5, 1936 ending the war [6] (Victory for Italy)", "precise_score": 3.7909131050109863, "rough_score": 5.647536754608154, "source": "search", "title": "uahsibhistory - The Italian Invasion of Abyssinia ..." }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "Ethiopian Head of State during the Second Italian Invasion, Haile Selassie", "precise_score": 3.414201021194458, "rough_score": 6.358071327209473, "source": "search", "title": "uahsibhistory - The Italian Invasion of Abyssinia ..." }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "Ethiopia fought a total and guerilla war during the Italian invasion. When Italy invaded from two fronts [11] Haile Selassie fought a number of battles against the Italians in the northern front with the Eritrean border and in the Ogaden desert to the east on the border with Italian Somaliland. Unfortunately for the native Ethiopian forces they were no match for the technology of the Italians, especially under Marshal Badoglio who used planes to bomb Ethiopian forces at Adwa and was authorized to used mustard gas against civilians[12]. After the official annexation of Ethiopia (although it was never accepted by Haile Selassie and the government of Ethiopia[13]) there were small uprisings, which were totally crushed, and the remaining forts held but official native forces fell quickly to the invaders [14].", "precise_score": 3.583956718444824, "rough_score": 6.768518447875977, "source": "search", "title": "uahsibhistory - The Italian Invasion of Abyssinia ..." }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "To the country of Italy, its invasion of Ethiopia was close enough to the term to be called a “total” war. Although there was no food rationing the people of Italy suffered greatly because of this war as taxes were raised to record levels to pay for the army, navy, and air force detachments sent to the front. This was partially a open-field war and partially a guerrilla war with the Ethiopian Monarchy under Haile Selassie and its government, roughly one million soldiers were mobilized in Italy and sent to Eritrea and Italian Somaliland (and passed unchallenged by the British through the Suez Canal) at which point they invaded from two fronts and met in Addis Ababa on May 5 1936.[15] The Italian army met pockets of resistance around Adwa and Addis Ababa where open field battles took place but the majority of the fighting occurred after the “official” annexation of Ethiopia (e.g., with the capturing of major forts and suppression of minor guerilla war by the native peoples following the “’ten eyes for an eye’” policy[16]).", "precise_score": 4.320098876953125, "rough_score": 5.801774501800537, "source": "search", "title": "uahsibhistory - The Italian Invasion of Abyssinia ..." }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "The end of the Italian invasion of Ethiopia is impossible to pinpoint as one day because a peace treaty was never signed. Addis Ababa the capital was occupied on May 5 1936 and the entire country was annexed four days later. Although, Haile Selassie and the major heads of Government had already fled to Great Britain, only to return in 1942 to “finish” the war with a Anglo-Ethiopian coalition army.[27]", "precise_score": 5.4507246017456055, "rough_score": 7.767556190490723, "source": "search", "title": "uahsibhistory - The Italian Invasion of Abyssinia ..." }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "In November 1934, Ethiopian territorial troops, escorting the Anglo-Ethiopian boundary commission, protested against Italy's incursion. The British members of the commission soon withdrew to avoid embarrassing Italy. Italian and Ethiopian troops remained encamped in close proximity.", "precise_score": -0.029747840017080307, "rough_score": 1.7836540937423706, "source": "search", "title": "Second Italo-Ethiopian War - Military Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "At precisely 5:00 am on 3 October 1935, De Bono crossed the Mareb River and advanced into Ethiopia from Eritrea without a declaration of war . [18] In response to the Italian invasion, Ethiopia declared war on Italy. [19] At this point in the campaign, roadways represented a serious drawback for the Italians as they crossed into Ethiopia. On the Italian side, roads had been constructed right up to the border. On the Ethiopian side, these roads often transitioned into vaguely defined paths. [18]", "precise_score": 0.94391268491745, "rough_score": 1.9556982517242432, "source": "search", "title": "Second Italo-Ethiopian War - Military Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "On 5 October, the Italian I Corps took Adigrat and, by 6 October, Adwa [20] was captured by the Italian II Corps. Haile Selassie had ordered Duke (Ras) Seyoum Mangasha , the Commander of the Ethiopian Army of Tigre , to withdraw a day's march away from the Mareb River. Later, the Emperor ordered Commander of the Gate ( Dejazmach ) Haile Selassie Gugsa , also in the area, to move back fifty-five and thirty-five miles from the border. [18]", "precise_score": 2.7973523139953613, "rough_score": 3.304385185241699, "source": "search", "title": "Second Italo-Ethiopian War - Military Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "Haile Selassie decided to test this new Italian commander with an offensive of his own. What became known as the Ethiopian \"Christmas Offensive\" had as its objectives the splitting of the Italian forces in the north with the Ethiopian center, crushing the Italian left with the Ethiopian right, and invading Eritrea with the Ethiopian left. Ras Seyoum Mangasha held the area around Abbi Addi with about 30,000 men. Ras Imru Haile Selassie with approximately 40,000 men advanced from Gojjam toward Mai Timket to the left of Ras Seyoum. Ras Kassa Haile Darge with approximately 40,000 men advanced from Dessie to support Ras Seyoum in the center in a push towards Warieu Pass. Ras Mulugeta Yeggazu , the Minister of War, advanced from Dessie with approximately 80,000 men to take positions on and around Amba Aradam to the right of Ras Seyoum. Amba Aradam was a steep sided, flat topped mountain directly in the way of an Italian advance on Addis Ababa. [26]", "precise_score": 2.766956329345703, "rough_score": 4.664248466491699, "source": "search", "title": "Second Italo-Ethiopian War - Military Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "On 31 March 1936 at the Battle of Maychew , the Italians defeated an Ethiopian counter-offensive by the main Ethiopian army commanded by Emperor Haile Selassie. The outnumbered Ethiopians could not overcome the well-prepared Italian defences. For one day, the Ethiopians launched near non-stop attacks on the Italian and Eritrean defenders, until the exhausted Ethiopians withdrew while successfully counter-attacked. The Italian Royal Air Force ( Regia Aeronautica ) finished off what was left of Haile Selassie's army by attacking the survivors at Lake Ashangi with mustard gas. The Italians had 400 casualties, the Eritreans 873, and the Ethiopians 11,000. On 4 April, Haile Selassie looked with despair upon the horrific sight of the dead bodies of his army ringing the poisoned lake. [34]", "precise_score": 4.345991611480713, "rough_score": 7.446421146392822, "source": "search", "title": "Second Italo-Ethiopian War - Military Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "Very early on 2 May, Haile Selassie boarded a train from Addis Ababa to Djibouti on the Imperial Railway , with all the golden treasure of the \"Ethiopian Central Bank\". From there he fled to England (he was allowed to do so by the Italians who could have bombed and blocked or destroyed his train) and into exile. Prior to his departure, Haile Selassie ordered that the government of Ethiopia be moved to Gore , he ordered that the mayor of Addis Ababa maintain order in the city until the Italian arrival, and he appointed Ras Imru Haile Selassie as his Prince Regent during his absence. The city police, under Abebe Aregai , and the remainder of the Imperial Guard did their utmost to restrain a growing and ever more restless mob. But, on the first day, attempts to maintain order were abandoned. Soon rioters took control. They rampaged throughout the city; looting and setting fire to shops owned by Europeans. [41]", "precise_score": 3.714980125427246, "rough_score": 5.366943359375, "source": "search", "title": "Second Italo-Ethiopian War - Military Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "On 30 June, Haile Selassie spoke at the League of Nations and was introduced by the President of the Assembly as \"His Imperial Majesty, the Emperor of Ethiopia\" (\"Sa Majesté Imperiale, l'Empereur d'Ethiopie\"). In response, a group of jeering Italian journalists began yelling insults and had to be ejected before he could speak. The Romanian Chairman, Nicolae Titulescu , famously reacted to the buffoonery exhibited by the Italian journalists. He jumped to his feet and shouted: \"Show the savages the door!\" (\"A la porte les sauvages!\") [46]", "precise_score": -0.7901512980461121, "rough_score": 3.42535400390625, "source": "search", "title": "Second Italo-Ethiopian War - Military Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "The international response to the Italian aggression was mixed. As stirring as Haile Selassie's speech before the League of Nations was, his resolution for the world body to deny recognition of the Italian conquest was defeated. In addition, he was not granted a loan to finance a resistance movement. [46] [nb 2] On 4 July 1936, the League of Nations voted to end the sanctions imposed against Italy in November 1935. [nb 3] By 15 July, the sanctions were lifted. [48]", "precise_score": -0.001471477560698986, "rough_score": 3.8722615242004395, "source": "search", "title": "Second Italo-Ethiopian War - Military Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "On 10 May 1936, in Ethiopia Italian troops from the northern front and from the southern front linked up at Dire Dawa . [55] In Dire Dawa, the Italians found the recently released Ethiopian Ras, Hailu Tekle Haymanot , [56] who boarded a train back to Addis Ababa and approached the Italian invaders in submission.", "precise_score": 1.1010569334030151, "rough_score": 3.807661533355713, "source": "search", "title": "Second Italo-Ethiopian War - Military Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "Elsewhere, loyal Ras Imru Haile Selassie fell back to Gore in southern Ethiopia to reorganize and continue to resist the Italians. Graziani was recalled in November and was replaced by the civilian Duke of Aosta. Tigray was made part of Eritrea and the Somali region Ogaden now part of Somalia.", "precise_score": 1.7185616493225098, "rough_score": 4.005710124969482, "source": "search", "title": "Second Italo-Ethiopian War - Military Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "Early in 1938, a revolt broke out in Gojjam led by the Committee of Unity and Collaboration , which was made up of some of the young, educated elite who had escaped the reprisal after the attempt on Graziani's life. But in 1939 ras Sejum Mangascià, ras Ghetacciù Abaté and ras Kebbedé Guebret accepted the Italian Empire and the Ethiopian guerrilla petered off to a minimum level. The last area of Ethiopian guerrilla in early 1940 was around the lake Tana and the southern Gojjam, under the leadership of the degiac Mangascià Giamberè and Belay Zelleke. [61]", "precise_score": -5.404449462890625, "rough_score": 1.8320438861846924, "source": "search", "title": "Second Italo-Ethiopian War - Military Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "The invasion of Ethiopia and its general condemnation by Western democracies isolated Mussolini and Fascist Italy. From 1936 to 1939, Mussolini and Hitler joined forces in Spain during the Spanish Civil War . In April 1939, Mussolini launched the Italian invasion of Albania . In May, Italy and Nazi Germany joined together in the Pact of Steel . In September 1940, both nations signed the Tripartite Pact along with the Empire of Japan.", "precise_score": -0.24505272507667542, "rough_score": 2.7682955265045166, "source": "search", "title": "Second Italo-Ethiopian War - Military Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "While in exile in England, Haile Selassie had sought to gain the support of the Western democracies for his cause. But he had little success until World War II broke out. During that war, the British and the Ethiopian Emperor sought to cooperate with Ethiopian and other local forces in a campaign to dislodge the Italians from Ethiopia. Haile Selassie went to Khartoum, where he established closer liaison with both the British headquarters and the resistance forces within Ethiopia.", "precise_score": 3.944098949432373, "rough_score": 5.408519744873047, "source": "search", "title": "Second Italo-Ethiopian War - Military Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "On 18 January 1941, Emperor Selassie crossed the border into Ethiopia near the village of Um Iddla. Two days later the Emperor joined Gideon Force , a small British-led African regular force. The standard of the Lion of Judah was raised again. By 5 May, the Emperor and an army of Ethiopian Free Forces entered Addis Ababa. [62] Following the Italian defeat, the victorious forces faced a guerrilla war carried out by remnants of Italian troops and their allies that only ended in last quarter of 1943 after the formal surrender of Italy .", "precise_score": 0.2962760329246521, "rough_score": 3.453508138656616, "source": "search", "title": "Second Italo-Ethiopian War - Military Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "Most of the relative success achieved by the Ethiopians was attributed by the Italians to foreigners or \"ferenghi\". [70] Many of these elusive individuals were military advisers, pilots, doctors, or just well wishers of Haile Selassie's \"cause.\" While never numbering more than a hundred, the Italian propaganda machine magnified the number to thousands so that Rome could account for the virtual standstill of the Italian Royal Army after De Bono's first rapid advances. According to Ethiopian historians, something had to explain the Ethiopians' ability to launch the \" Christmas Offensive \" of late 1935. [71]", "precise_score": 1.7736886739730835, "rough_score": 3.431004047393799, "source": "search", "title": "Second Italo-Ethiopian War - Military Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "Emperor Haileselassie is named Time Magazine's Man of the Year for 1935 carrying a handsome portrait of the Emperor on its cover. Inside, giving an explanation as to why the Emperor is chosen for the title, the magazine says: \"Ethiopia's king fought an incursion by Italy's strongman, Mussolini.\"", "precise_score": 1.866933822631836, "rough_score": 5.039199352264404, "source": "search", "title": "Timeline of some of Ethiopia's significant events" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "Facist Italian forces occupy Addis Ababa and Emperor Haileselassie is forced into exile.", "precise_score": 0.9808476567268372, "rough_score": 2.124145030975342, "source": "search", "title": "Timeline of some of Ethiopia's significant events" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "Emperor Haileselassie gives a major speech to members of the League of Nations in Geneva appealing for help to oust the invading facist Italian forces from Ethiopia.", "precise_score": 2.4303760528564453, "rough_score": 3.5102784633636475, "source": "search", "title": "Timeline of some of Ethiopia's significant events" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "In 1931 Selassie granted his subjects a constitution. Although limited, it established a Parliament and a court system; all formal power, however, remained with the emperor. In 1935 the Italians invaded Ethiopia, and Selassie, after attempting to resist them and making an impressive but vain plea for help before the League of Nations, went into exile in England in May 1936. There he helped the British plan the campaign that led to the liberation of Ethiopia and his return to power in 1942. The emperor then began rebuilding his war-torn country. Among his accomplishments were a major land reform (1942 and 1944), emancipation of slaves (1942), and a revised and somewhat broadened constitution (1955) that provided for universal suffrage.", "precise_score": 4.814776420593262, "rough_score": 6.471791744232178, "source": "search", "title": "Haile Selassi -" }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "With the rise of the dictator Benito Mussolini, Italian designs toward Ethiopia were revived, and in October 1935 Italy invaded the country (see Italy: The Ethiopian Campaign). An attempt by the League of Nations to halt the conquest failed. Ad�s Abeba fell to the invaders, and in May 1936 Mussolini proclaimed Italy's King Victor Emmanuel III emperor of Ethiopia. Haile Selassie was forced to flee the country and take refuge in England, but he was restored to the throne by British and Ethiopian forces in 1941.", "precise_score": 7.789058685302734, "rough_score": 8.146702766418457, "source": "search", "title": "Haile Selassi -" }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "The event that upset European alignments and brought the Fascist and Nazi dictatorships into close accord was Italy's invasion of Ethiopia in 1935. Generally regarded as within the Italian sphere of influence, Ethiopia was bound to the Fascist state by many commercial and diplomatic pacts, but Italy sought every opportunity to integrate it into the Italian colonial empire. The Ethiopian war was preceded in 1935 by a Franco-Italian accord, by which Italy agreed to support French opposition to German rearmament in exchange for French concessions in Africa. Great Britain, regarding aggressive Italian expansion as a menace to British interests, vigorously opposed Mussolini's plan.", "precise_score": 2.888432741165161, "rough_score": 2.167830228805542, "source": "search", "title": "Haile Selassi -" }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "During his reign, Menelik II made advances in road construction, electricity and education; the development of a central taxation system; and the foundation and building of the city of Addis Ababa – which became capital of Shewa Province in 1881. After he ascended to the throne in 1889, it was renamed as Addis Ababa, the new capital of Abyssinia. Menelik had signed the Treaty of Wichale with Italy in May 1889 in which Italy would recognize Ethiopia's sovereignty so long as Italy could control an area north of Ethiopia (part of modern Eritrea). In return, Italy was to provide Menelik with weapons and support him as emperor. The Italians used the time between the signing of the treaty and its ratification by the Italian government to expand their territorial claims. This conflict erupted in the Battle of Adwa on 1 March 1896 in which Italy's colonial forces were defeated by the Ethiopians.International Crisis Group, \"Ethnic Federalism and its Discontents\". Issue 153 of ICG Africa report (4 September 2009) p. 2; Italy lost over 4.600 nationals in this battle. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.010674476623535, "source": "wiki", "title": "Ethiopia" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "In 1937 the Italian massacre of Yekatit 12 occurred. This was when there were imprisonments and massacre of Ethiopians. This was because of a failed attempt of assassination meant for the Viceroy of Italian East Africa Rodolfo Graziani.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -0.07074116915464401, "source": "wiki", "title": "Ethiopia" }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "Following the entry of Italy into World War II, British Empire forces, together with the arbegnuoc (lit. \"patriots\", referring to armed resistance soldiers), officially liberated Ethiopia in the course of the East African Campaign in 1941. An Italian guerrilla campaign continued until 1943. This was followed by British recognition of Ethiopia's full sovereignty, (i.e. without any special British privileges), with the signing of the Anglo-Ethiopian Agreement in December 1944. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.2021679878234863, "source": "wiki", "title": "Ethiopia" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "Population growth, migration, and urbanization are all straining both governments' and ecosystems' capacity to provide people with basic services. Urbanization has steadily been increasing in Ethiopia, with two periods of significantly rapid growth. First, in 1936–1941 during the Italian occupation of Mussolini's fascist regime, and from 1967 to 1975 when the populations of urban centers tripled. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.6988749504089355, "source": "wiki", "title": "Ethiopia" }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "In 1936, Italy annexed Ethiopia, building infrastructure to connect major cities, and a dam providing power and water. This along with the influx of Italians and laborers was the major cause of rapid growth during this period. The second period of growth was from 1967 to 1975 when rural populations migrated to urban centers seeking work and better living conditions.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.777583599090576, "source": "wiki", "title": "Ethiopia" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "One common cultural practice, irrespective of religion or economic status, is female genital mutilation (FGM), also known as female genital cutting (FGC), a procedure that involves partial or total removal of the external female genitalia, or other injury to the female genital organs for non-medical reasons. The practice has been made illegal in Ethiopia in 2004. FGM is a pre-marital custom mainly endemic to Northeast Africa and parts of the Near East that has its ultimate origins in Ancient Egypt. Encouraged by women in the community, it is primarily intended to deter promiscuity and to offer protection from assault. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.43063735961914, "source": "wiki", "title": "Ethiopia" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "Ras Makonnen arranged for Tafari as well as his first cousin, Imru Haile Selassie, to receive instruction in Harar from Abba Samuel Wolde Kahin, an Ethiopian capuchin monk, and from Dr. Vitalien, a surgeon from Guadeloupe. Tafari was named Dejazmach (literally \"commander of the gate\", roughly equivalent to \"count\") at the age of 13, on 1 November 1905. Shortly thereafter, his father Ras Makonnen died at Kulibi, in 1906.Roberts, p. 712.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.3802919387817383, "source": "wiki", "title": "Haile Selassie" }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "Throughout Ras Tafari's travels in Europe, the Levant, and Egypt, he and his entourage were greeted with enthusiasm and fascination. He was accompanied by Seyum Mangasha and Hailu Tekle Haymanot who, like Tafari, were sons of generals who contributed to the victorious war against Italy a quarter century earlier at the Battle of Adwa.Mockler, pp. 3–4. Another member of his entourage, Mulugeta Yeggazu, actually fought at Adwa as a young man. The \"Oriental Dignity\" of the Ethiopians and their \"rich, picturesque court dress\" were sensationalized in the media; among his entourage he even included a pride of lions, which he distributed as gifts to President Alexandre Millerand and Prime Minister Raymond Poincaré of France, to King George V of the United Kingdom, and to the Zoological Garden (Jardin Zoologique) of Paris. As one historian noted, \"Rarely can a tour have inspired so many anecdotes\". In return for two lions, the United Kingdom presented Ras Tafari with the imperial crown of Emperor Tewodros II for its safe return to Empress Zewditu. The crown had been taken by Robert Napier during the 1868 Expedition to Abyssinia. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.1003899574279785, "source": "wiki", "title": "Haile Selassie" }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "Even so, the gesture of Balcha Safo empowered Empress Zewditu politically and she attempted to have Tafari tried for treason. He was tried for his benevolent dealings with Italy including a 20-year peace accord which was signed on 2 August.Shinn, pp. 193–4. In September, a group of palace reactionaries including some courtiers of the empress, made a final bid to get rid of Tafari. The attempted coup d'état was tragic in its origins and comic in its end. When confronted by Tafari and a company of his troops, the ringleaders of the coup took refuge on the palace grounds in Menelik's mausoleum. Tafari and his men surrounded them only to be surrounded themselves by the personal guard of Zewditu. More of Tafari's khaki clad soldiers arrived and, with superiority of arms, decided the outcome in his favor. Popular support, as well as the support of the police, remained with Tafari. Ultimately, the Empress relented and, on 7 October 1928, she crowned Tafari as Negus (Amharic: \"King\").", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.872455596923828, "source": "wiki", "title": "Haile Selassie" }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "With the passing of Zewditu, Tafari himself rose to emperor and was proclaimed Neguse Negest ze-'Ityopp'ya, \"King of Kings of Ethiopia\". He was crowned on 2 November 1930, at Addis Ababa's Cathedral of St. George. The coronation was by all accounts \"a most splendid affair\",Mockler, p. 12. and it was attended by royals and dignitaries from all over the world. Among those in attendance were George V's son the Duke of Gloucester, Marshal Franchet d'Esperey of France, and the Prince of Udine representing the King of Italy. Emissaries from the United States, Egypt, Turkey, Sweden, Belgium, and Japan were also present. British author Evelyn Waugh was also present, penning a contemporary report on the event, and American travel lecturer Burton Holmes shot the only known film footage of the event. One newspaper report suggested that the celebration may have incurred a cost in excess of $3,000,000. Many of those in attendance received lavish gifts; in one instance, the Christian emperor even sent a gold-encased Bible to an American bishop who had not attended the coronation, but who had dedicated a prayer to the emperor on the day of the coronation. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.636554718017578, "source": "wiki", "title": "Haile Selassie" }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "Conflict with Italy", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.949698448181152, "source": "wiki", "title": "Haile Selassie" }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "Ethiopia became the target of renewed Italian imperialist designs in the 1930s. Benito Mussolini's Fascist regime was keen to avenge the military defeats Italy had suffered to Ethiopia in the First Italo-Abyssinian War, and to efface the failed attempt by \"liberal\" Italy to conquer the country, as epitomised by the defeat at Adwa. Carlton, Eric (1992), Occupation: The Policies and Practices of Military Conquerors. Taylor & Francis. ISBN 0203143469, pp. 88–9.Vandervort, Bruce (1998), Wars of Imperial Conquest in Africa, 1830–1914. Indiana University Press. ISBN 0253211786, p. 158. A conquest of Ethiopia could also empower the cause of fascism and embolden its rhetoric of empire. Ethiopia would also provide a bridge between Italy's Eritrean and Italian Somaliland possessions. Ethiopia's position in the League of Nations did not dissuade the Italians from invading in 1935; the \"collective security\" envisaged by the League proved useless, and a scandal erupted when the Hoare-Laval Pact revealed that Ethiopia's League allies were scheming to appease Italy. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 1.5228807926177979, "source": "wiki", "title": "Haile Selassie" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "Compared to the Ethiopians, the Italians had an advanced, modern military which included a large air force. The Italians would also come to employ chemical weapons extensively throughout the conflict, even targeting Red Cross field hospitals in violation of the Geneva Conventions. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.801302909851074, "source": "wiki", "title": "Haile Selassie" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "It was at the time when the operations for the encircling of Makale were taking place that the Italian command, fearing a rout, followed the procedure which it is now my duty to denounce to the world. Special sprayers were installed on board aircraft so that they could vaporize, over vast areas of territory, a fine, death-dealing rain. Groups of nine, fifteen, eighteen aircraft followed one another so that the fog issuing from them formed a continuous sheet. It was thus that, as from the end of January 1936, soldiers, women, children, cattle, rivers, lakes, and pastures were drenched continually with this deadly rain. In order to kill off systematically all living creatures, in order to more surely poison waters and pastures, the Italian command made its aircraft pass over and over again. That was its chief method of warfare. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.92721176147461, "source": "wiki", "title": "Haile Selassie" }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "Noting that his own \"small people of 12 million inhabitants, without arms, without resources\" could never withstand an attack by a large power such as Italy, with its 42 million people and \"unlimited quantities of the most death-dealing weapons\", he contended that all small states were threatened by the aggression, and that all small states were in effect reduced to vassal states in the absence of collective action. He admonished the League that \"God and history will remember your judgment.\" ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.084221839904785, "source": "wiki", "title": "Haile Selassie" }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "The speech made the emperor an icon for anti-fascists around the world, and Time named him \"Man of the Year\". He failed, however, to get what he most needed: the League agreed to only partial and ineffective sanctions on Italy. Only six nations in 1937 did not recognize Italy's occupation; they were China, New Zealand, the Soviet Union, the Republic of Spain, Mexico and the United States.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.421058654785156, "source": "wiki", "title": "Haile Selassie" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "There is some controversy as to the motherhood of Haile Selassie's eldest daughter, Princess Romanework. While the living members of the royal family state that Romanework is the eldest daughter of Empress Menen, it has been asserted that Princess Romanework is actually the daughter of a previous union of the emperor with Woizero Altayech. This may be a nickname she used, as nobleman Blata Merse Hazen Wolde Kirkos, a contemporary source prominent in both the Imperial Court and the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church names her as Woizero Woinetu Amede. The emperor's own autobiography makes no mention of this previous marriage or having fathered children with anyone other than Empress Menen, although he mentions the death of this daughter in captivity at Turin. Other sources such as Blata Merse Hazen Wolde Kirkos mentions Princess Romanework's mother Woizero Woinetu Amede as attending the wedding of her daughter to Dejazmatch Beyene Merid in a first hand account in his book about the years before the Italian occupation.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.3196702003479, "source": "wiki", "title": "Haile Selassie" }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "* : Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the Crown of Italy (1917)", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.96412467956543, "source": "wiki", "title": "Haile Selassie" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "* : Knight Grand Cross with Collar of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic (1955)", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.084980964660645, "source": "wiki", "title": "Haile Selassie" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "Ethiopia had much in common with any other capitalist society. For instance, starving peasants felt themselves privileged to even see a rich person in the flesh (shades of the homeless in Britain grieving over a recently deceased Princess). To achieve this state of affairs, Selassie would throw crumbs to the poor and bribe the rich. An example of this was his practice of throwing coppers to the poor to celebrate his birthday each year.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.352609634399414, "source": "search", "title": "1935-1980s: The reign of Haile Selassie in Ethiopia" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "Italian-Ethiopian (Abyssinian) War, 1935 | teachwar", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.466538906097412, "source": "search", "title": "Italian-Ethiopian (Abyssinian) War, 1935 | teachwar" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "Italian-Ethiopian (Abyssinian) War, 1935", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.1697142124176025, "source": "search", "title": "Italian-Ethiopian (Abyssinian) War, 1935 | teachwar" }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "Emperor Haile Selassie appeals to the League of Nations to stop Italy’s aggression.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 0.32606589794158936, "source": "search", "title": "Italian-Ethiopian (Abyssinian) War, 1935 | teachwar" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "Mussolini’s Statement on the Abyssinian question in the Italian Senate, 14 May 1935 Top", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.87806510925293, "source": "search", "title": "Italian-Ethiopian (Abyssinian) War, 1935 | teachwar" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "Source: Keesing’s Record of World Events. Vol. II, May, 1935 Abyssinian, Italian, page 1652. Accessed 17 April 2012 from", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.476555824279785, "source": "search", "title": "Italian-Ethiopian (Abyssinian) War, 1935 | teachwar" }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "Outside Italy nobody may Judge such delicate questions our history has a dramatic, angulnary and unforgettable experience in this respect. I wish to be reprimanded tomorrow for excess and not for deficiency, when the security of our colonies and the life of even one of our soldiers, white or native, is at stake.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.000511169433594, "source": "search", "title": "Italian-Ethiopian (Abyssinian) War, 1935 | teachwar" }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "But it is our duty neither to create nor to spread illusion given Ethiopia’s extensive armaments, the advanced state of her mobilisation, and. above all, the state of mind at Addis Ababa, especially among the smaller chieftains who are hostile to any arrangement whatsoever with Italy.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.022332191467285, "source": "search", "title": "Italian-Ethiopian (Abyssinian) War, 1935 | teachwar" }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "With, 800, 000 men under arms and an additional 200, 000, reservists of the 1912 conscript class, who would be called to the colours if needful, Italy could put 1, 000, 000 soldiers in the field.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.875412940979004, "source": "search", "title": "Italian-Ethiopian (Abyssinian) War, 1935 | teachwar" }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "It is a fact that states that slavery exists in Abyssinia and that Abyssinia did not keep her pledge to abolish it. But it is not for that reason that Italy is preparing herself for action. The abolition of slavery will be only a consequence of the Italian policy. Nor is an essential argument the question of race. First of all, the Abyssinians are not negroes; they consider themselves Semites. Besides, Fascism would never raise the race question. Not even civilization is the object that Italy has in view. Civilization, too, will be only a consequence of the Italian policy.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.162923812866211, "source": "search", "title": "Italian-Ethiopian (Abyssinian) War, 1935 | teachwar" }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "The essential arguments, absolutely unanswerable, are two: the vital needs of the Italian people and their security in East Africa. The former of these arguments was admitted by the British Foreign Secretary himself. The second is a decisive one. In 1928 Italy signed a treaty of friendship with Abyssinia, and Abyssinia, behind such a treaty, started the organization of her army. But, instead of entrusting such organization to Italy, she chose Swedish and Belgian officers. In 1931 thousands of Abyssinians were mobilized in the Ogaden region on the Italian frontier. The same thing happened in 1911 during the Tripoli war and during the Great War. It is evident that the strategical situation of Italy, precarious as it is in normal times, would become dangerous if Italy were engaged in Europe.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.366944313049316, "source": "search", "title": "Italian-Ethiopian (Abyssinian) War, 1935 | teachwar" }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "The solution of the problem can be only totalitarian. Any action of expansion or any protectorate must be accompanied by military measures. Italy is the only judge of her security in East Africa. Put in military terms, the Italo-Abyssinian problem is simple and logical. It admits with Geneva, without Deneva, against Geneva, but one solution.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.997130393981934, "source": "search", "title": "Italian-Ethiopian (Abyssinian) War, 1935 | teachwar" }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "There must be no misunderstanding upon this centuries-old task which I assign to this and future generations of Italian. There is no question of territorial conquests – this must be understood by all both far and near – but of a natural expansion which ought to lead to a collaboration between Italy and the peoples of Africa, between Italy and the nations of the Near and Middle East.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.759958267211914, "source": "search", "title": "Italian-Ethiopian (Abyssinian) War, 1935 | teachwar" }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "[Italy, he went on, could above all civilize Africa, and her position in the Mediterranean gave her this right and imposed this duty on her.]", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.865680694580078, "source": "search", "title": "Italian-Ethiopian (Abyssinian) War, 1935 | teachwar" }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "We do not intend to demand privileges and monopolies, but we do ask and wish to obtain from those who have made good, who are satisfied, who wish to keep their possessions, that they should not take pains to block on all sides the spiritual, political, and economic expansion of Fascist Italy.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.335018157958984, "source": "search", "title": "Italian-Ethiopian (Abyssinian) War, 1935 | teachwar" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "Source: Keesing’s Record of World Events. Vol. II, August 1935, Abyssinian, Italian, page 1754. Accessed 17 April 2012 from", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.598214149475098, "source": "search", "title": "Italian-Ethiopian (Abyssinian) War, 1935 | teachwar" }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "“The dancer of war is becoming more and more grave. Nevertheless, Abyssinia still cherishes great hopes for a pacific solution to the regrettable conflict which has arisen between her and Italy.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.882491111755371, "source": "search", "title": "Italian-Ethiopian (Abyssinian) War, 1935 | teachwar" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "Source: Keesing’s Record of World Events. Vol. II, September 1935, Abyssinian, Italian, page 1809. Accessed 17 April 2012 from", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.570362091064453, "source": "search", "title": "Italian-Ethiopian (Abyssinian) War, 1935 | teachwar" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "But we must draw the most serious attention of the Council to the increasing gravity of the menace of Italian aggression by the continual dispatch of reinforcements and other preparations, despite our pacific attitude.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.803801536560059, "source": "search", "title": "Italian-Ethiopian (Abyssinian) War, 1935 | teachwar" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "We must ask the Council to take as soon as possible all Measures of precaution against Italian aggression, for the time has come when we would be failing in our duty if we delay longer the general mobilisation which we have in mind.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.108524322509766, "source": "search", "title": "Italian-Ethiopian (Abyssinian) War, 1935 | teachwar" }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "The fact that the whole world conspired against Italy was an irrational act. And there is something that those who live in Britain should know. That is the fact that the so-called League of Nations is an empty and defunct machine when it comes to the dispute between Ethiopia and Italy. Italy’s glorious deed will be recorded only when the dispute between Italy and Ethiopia is settled outside the confusion of the League of Nations. I have dismantled the government of Ethiopia. The representatives of a vanquished country should not be present in the Geneva assembly. We have not forgotten that the League levied an unprecedented punishment on the Italian people. We will not forget it in the future It [the League] intended to decimate the people, the households, and children by starvation. It also attempted in vain to obstruct the efforts of our military, which was on a civilizing mission. It did not succeed, however…[since] the League… was confronted by the formidable unity of the Italian people, which is ready to sacrifice anything and is able to fight even against fifty-two countries. Hereafter, it should not be necessary to involve the League of Nations in the remaining political efforts to bring peace. In 1935 AD we concluded an agreement with France. While an expansion of the agreement along the path of genuine friendship was being considered, the issue of sanctions came about. We were a bit disappointed at the sanctions. When this happened the winter was just beginning. The winter passed. Spring came. Our victory came with the spring. Yet the sanctions remained strictly in force. Two months after we entered Addis Abeba, the sanctions were still in force. France was still referring to the old records of the League and continued to believe that the previous government of the Lion of Judah was alive. However, except in the records of the League, the truth is that, due to our victory, the emperor’s government has expired.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.609535217285156, "source": "search", "title": "Italian-Ethiopian (Abyssinian) War, 1935 | teachwar" }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "Black Shirts of the Revolution! Men and Women of all Italy! Italians scattered throughout the world, over the hills and beyond the seas: Hear me!", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.185290336608887, "source": "search", "title": "Italian-Ethiopian (Abyssinian) War, 1935 | teachwar" }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "A solemn hour is about to strike in the history of our country. Twenty million people fill, at this moment, all the squares of Italy. The history of man has never known such a sight. Twenty million people, with one heart, one will, one decision alone. This manifestation ought to show the world that Italy and Fascism are a single entity, perfect, absolutel, unalterable. Only crass idiots, ignorant of Italy in 1935, the thirteenth year of the Fascist Era, could believe otherwise.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.809930801391602, "source": "search", "title": "Italian-Ethiopian (Abyssinian) War, 1935 | teachwar" }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "For many months the wheel of destiny, under the impulse of our calm determination, has been moving toward its goal; now its rhythm is faster and can no longer be stopped. Here is not just an army marching toward a military objective, but a whole people, forty-four million souls, against whom the blackest of all injustices has been committed – that of denying them a place in the sun. When in 1915 Italy mixed her fate with that of the Allies – how much praise there was from them, how many promises! But after a common victory, which cost Italy six hundred and seventy thousand dead, four hundred thousand mutilated, and a million wounded, at the peace table these same Allies withheld from Italy all but a few crumbs of the rich colonial loot. We have waited for thirteen years, during which time the egoism of these Allies has only increased and suffocated our vitality. We have waited patiently for redress in Ethiopia for forty years. Now – enough!", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.19163990020752, "source": "search", "title": "Italian-Ethiopian (Abyssinian) War, 1935 | teachwar" }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "But let it be said at the start, in the most categorical way, that we will do everything possible to avoid this colonial conflict flaring up into a European war. But never, as in this historical epoch, has the Italian people shown so well the quality of its spirit and the strength of its character. And it is against this people, people of poets, of saints, navigators, that they dare to speak of sanctions. Proletarian and Fascist Italy…on your feet!", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.966787338256836, "source": "search", "title": "Italian-Ethiopian (Abyssinian) War, 1935 | teachwar" }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "The conflict between Italy and our country, which has now lasted for almost a year, started at Walwal on 5 December 1934. Our soldiers…were attacked, in our territory…Italy demanded reparations and apologies…..When, after much resistance on Italy’s part, we were able, thanks to our perseverance and the effects of the League of Nations Council, to bring this difference before the arbitrators, they unanimously recognised that we were guiltless of the fault Italy imputed to us. But Italy, which for a long time has shown an unconcealed desire to acquire our country, now prepares to attack us…The hour is grave. Arise, each of you. Take up arms, and rush to the defence of your country. Rally to your chiefs; obey them with single purpose, and repel the invader. May those who are unable because of weakness and infirmity to take an active part in this sacred quarrel, help us with your prayers. The opinion of the world has been revolted by this aggression against us. God be with us all. All forward for your Emperor and for your country!", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.156214952468872, "source": "search", "title": "Italian-Ethiopian (Abyssinian) War, 1935 | teachwar" }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "Since the Italian Government has for forty years now set out to destroy Ethiopia’s freedom by aggression, you heroes who are alive now and who were present at that time and those of you who were not at Adwa but whose fathers had been there, they have shown their heroism by shedding their blood and they have saved their country’s freedom and their patrimony from the hands of the enemy. Now the Italian Government is preaching to its people to avenge that battle which it lost forty years ago, claiming that in Ethiopia the army was a spent force and that, therefore, they would fight us without difficulty. The Italian Government has begun the war to make you who did not die share the fate of those who did, to destroy your freedom by abasing the well known bravery of Ethiopia’s sons which is recorded in world history, to invade your patrimony and your houses, to acquire as slaves your old parents, to make exiles of your sons, and to reckon Ethiopia’s heroes as if they did not exist, and to attack with its army in the north and in the south. All the governments of the world, being aware of Italy’s violent onslaught upon Ethiopia, are our supporters. While Italy believes that Ethiopia’s heroes have ceased to exist and persists in discounting those who do, the important thing is that it is your duty to revive your valour by defeating the hostile attack launched against your generation and against Ethiopia and by victoriously driving out from our land our enemies who have taken it by violence. Man has not been created to be everlasting. His end is death which severs him from this world. This death may come early or late, but for all mankind it is inescapable. It is man’s name alone that remains as a memorial until the world, which appears to hover beyond the grave, passes altogether.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.826010227203369, "source": "search", "title": "Italian-Ethiopian (Abyssinian) War, 1935 | teachwar" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "Since you know about the multitude of different instruments of war the Italians have been accumulating, they cannot cause you much injury. The thing which is called “aeroplan” is intended to cause shock by the noise of the bombs it drops and to weaken the heart, but other useful things it does not do. While present-day modes of warfare may not cause you much damage, it is necessary to follow the advice We have given you through your respective officers, so as to enable you to attack your enemy. In order to defend your country’s independence, We shall not deprive you of Our support to lighten your burdens in terms of money and provisions in all your difficulties which you may encounter in this place at which you are stationed. And now, lest any kind of trouble should befall the kinsmen and families of the heroes who have laid down their lives, while carrying out their duty, for the honour of their country and their families, We shall protect them as Emperor and father. We have, therefore, instructed Our military representatives that their names should come before Us in writing, through their respective commanding officers. We are forever with you until Our life expires.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.483652114868164, "source": "search", "title": "Italian-Ethiopian (Abyssinian) War, 1935 | teachwar" }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "People of Our country of Ethiopia! Italy has incited a quarrel, broken a contract, violated frontiers and, while disregarding completely treaties which she herself had voluntarily signed and which the League of Nations had approved, initiated destruction by battering peaceful cities, by annihilating children, women, and the aged, by burning churches, by indiscriminately killing with bombs members of the international Red Cross who are helping Ethiopians and Italians without distinction, and by dropping smoke gas which is prohibited by law. And as if this were not enough, you have yourselves seen and heard her attempts in every way possible to drop down – fighting by distributing mendacious pamphlets – words of lies and deceit to shatter the peace in the country and to stir up trouble among ourselves. And there is no-one who is not sad and resentful about this matter, among foreigners even – let alone our own people.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.618680953979492, "source": "search", "title": "Italian-Ethiopian (Abyssinian) War, 1935 | teachwar" }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "When an enemy soldier wanted to take and rape a woman living in a town undefended by Our Tigrean army, she pierced his heart with his own dagger and disarmed him. When she came to us, the Ethiopian people, men and women alike, were known to be burning with rage at the violence committed by Italy.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.515945434570312, "source": "search", "title": "Italian-Ethiopian (Abyssinian) War, 1935 | teachwar" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "Source: Keesing’s Record of World Events. Vol. II, July 1936, Abyssinian, Italian, page 2173. Accessed 17 April 2012 from", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.873819351196289, "source": "search", "title": "Italian-Ethiopian (Abyssinian) War, 1935 | teachwar" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "It is my duty to inform the Governments assembled in Geneva of the deadly peril which threatens them by describing to them the fate which has been suffered by Ethiopia. It is not only upon warriors that the Italian Government has made war, it has above all attacked populations far removed from hostilities. Towards the end of 1935 Italian aircraft hurled upon my armies bombs of tear gas. Their effects were but slight. The soldiers learned to scatter. The Italian aircraft then resorted to mustard gas. Barrels of liquid were hurled upon armed groups, but this means also was not effective. The liquid affected only a few soldiers, and barrels upon the ground were themselves a warning to troops and to the population of the danger.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -1.9520288705825806, "source": "search", "title": "Italian-Ethiopian (Abyssinian) War, 1935 | teachwar" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "It was at the time when the operations for the encircling of Makale were taking place that the Italian Command followed the procedure which it is now my duty to denounce to the world. Special sprayers were installed on aircraft so that they could vaporize over vast areas of territory a fine death-dealing rain. Groups of nine, 15, and 18 aircraft followed one another so that the fog issuing from them formed a continuous sheet. It was thus that as from the end of January, 1936, soldiers, women, children, cattle, rivers, lakes, and pastures were drenched continually with this deadly rain.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.265932083129883, "source": "search", "title": "Italian-Ethiopian (Abyssinian) War, 1935 | teachwar" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "In order to kill off systematically all living creatures, In order more thoroughly to poison waters and pastures, the Italian Command made its aircraft pass over and over again. That was its chief method of warfare. The very refinement of barbarism consisted of carrying ravage and terror into the most densely populated parts of the territory. The object was to scatter fear and death over a great part of the Ethiopian territory. These fearful tactics succeeded. Men and animals succumbed. The deadly rain that fell from the aircraft made all those whom it touched fly, shrieking with pain.”", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.089308738708496, "source": "search", "title": "Italian-Ethiopian (Abyssinian) War, 1935 | teachwar" }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "“The Italian provocation,” said the Emperor, “was obvious and he had not hesitated to appeal to the League of Nations Unhappily for Ethiopia this was the time when a certain Government considered that the European situation made it imperative at all costs to obtain the friendship of Italy. The price paid was the abandonment of Ethiopian independence to the greed of the Italian Government. This secret agreement, contrary to the obligations of the Covenant, had exerted a great influence over the course of events.”", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.791167259216309, "source": "search", "title": "Italian-Ethiopian (Abyssinian) War, 1935 | teachwar" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "“I ask the 52 nations not to forget to-day the policy upon which they embarked eight months ago and on the face of which I directed the resistance of my people against the aggressor whom they had denounced to the world In December, 1935, the League Council made it quite clear that its feelings were in harmony with hundreds of millions of people who in all parts of the world had protested against the proposal to dismember Ethiopia. It was constantly repeated that there was not merely a conflict between the Italian Government and Ethiopia but also a conflict between the Italian Government and the League of Nations, and that is why I personally refused all proposals to my personal advantage made to me by the Italian Government if only I would betray my people and the Covenant of the League of Nations. I was defending the cause of all small peoples who are threatened with aggression.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -1.1733132600784302, "source": "search", "title": "Italian-Ethiopian (Abyssinian) War, 1935 | teachwar" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "I assert that the problem submitted to the Assembly to-day is a much wider one than the removal of sanctions. It is not merely a question of the settlement of Italian aggression. It is collective. It is the very existence of the League of Nations It is the confidence that each State is to place in international treaties, it is the value of promises made to small States that their integrity and their independence shall be respected and ensured. It is the principle of the equality of States on the one hand or, otherwise, the application laid down upon small Powers to accept the bonds of vassalship In a word, it is international morality that is at stake. Apart from the Kingdom of the Lord there is not on this earth any nation that is superior to any other.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.127867698669434, "source": "search", "title": "Italian-Ethiopian (Abyssinian) War, 1935 | teachwar" }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "In May 1936, Italy occupied the whole country and incorporated it with Eritrea and Somalia into one territory. Under the order of Mussolini, the Italian army looted the tallest Stelae (obelisk) from Aksum in 1937 and stood in Rome for 68 years. The Ethiopians and friends of Ethiopia had been campaigning vigorously for its return to Aksum, Ethiopia. Italy had finally agreed to return the 24-metre granite obelisk to Aksum in April 2005 and was reassembled in 2008 on its original place.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 0.134266659617424, "source": "search", "title": "Ethiopian Treasures - Emperor Haile Selassie - The ..." }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "However, the Second World War broke out in Europe in 1939. On June 10, 1940, Italy declared war on Britain and France. The British army advanced into the Italian occupied countries in East Africa (i.e. Ethiopia and Somalia). In January 1941, the British army and the Ethiopian warriors defeated the Italian army. During the occupation, which lasted 5 years, the Italians humiliated and killed many innocent civilians.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -2.6167495250701904, "source": "search", "title": "Ethiopian Treasures - Emperor Haile Selassie - The ..." }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "Original title: \"Les ambulances à croix rouge du CICR sous les gaz en Ethiopie\" – Article by Bernard Bridel published in the Swiss daily \"Le Temps\" on 13 August 2003. How the ICRC witnessed atrocities during Italy’s Abyssinia campaign and became embroiled in diplomatic controversy.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.706867218017578, "source": "search", "title": "Ethiopia 1935-36: mustard gas and attacks on the Red Cross" }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "France and the United Kingdom were little inclined to take coercive measures against a European government which, at that time, appeared a possible ally against any bellicose intentions of Germany, then rapidly re-arming. The Suez Canal remained open, allowing Italy ease of access to the region through its existing colony in northern Somaliland.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.322135925292969, "source": "search", "title": "Ethiopia 1935-36: mustard gas and attacks on the Red Cross" }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "At the outset of the war, the ICRC’s chief concern was to uphold the provisions of the Geneva Conventions, protecting the wounded and sick and – since 1929 – prisoners of war. It quickly persuaded Ethiopia to sign up to the Convention on sick and wounded – but the Emperor declined to accept the treaty covering prisoners. However, both Ethiopia and Italy were bound by the 1925 Pr otocol banning the use of poison gas.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.752281904220581, "source": "search", "title": "Ethiopia 1935-36: mustard gas and attacks on the Red Cross" }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "As it does at the start of every conflict, the ICRC offered its services to both sides. Italy, through its Red Cross society, said it needed nothing; Ethiopia, on the other hand, needed everything. It had no Red Cross, no military medical services – a situation much as the one Europe had faced a century earlier and which led to the creation of the Red Cross. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.724696159362793, "source": "search", "title": "Ethiopia 1935-36: mustard gas and attacks on the Red Cross" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "The two sides traded allegations – through the ICRC and the League of Nations, with the media in full cry - of abuses and violations of the law: the Italians claimed that units bearing the red cross emblem were being used to mask Ethiopian military operations, and accused the Ethiopians of severe ill-treatment of captured servicemen. Junod was unable to verify the latter point, as his requests to see prisoners h eld by the Emperor’s forces fell on deaf ears (as did the ICRC’s approaches to the Italians on the same subject).", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.069266319274902, "source": "search", "title": "Ethiopia 1935-36: mustard gas and attacks on the Red Cross" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "Junod also confronted the appalling reality of mustard gas and its effects: \" That evening [18 March 1936 ] I had occasion to see with my own eyes an Italian aircraft spraying the ground with an oily liquid, dropping like fine rain and covering a huge area with thousands of droplets, each of which, when it touched the tissues, made a small burn, turning a few hours later into a blister. It was the blistering gas the British call mustard gas. Thousands of soldiers were affected by severe lesions due to this gas…”", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.112314224243164, "source": "search", "title": "Ethiopia 1935-36: mustard gas and attacks on the Red Cross" }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "2. Italy (Under Mussolini-Fascist-Aggressor)", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.077258110046387, "source": "search", "title": "uahsibhistory - The Italian Invasion of Abyssinia ..." }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "Italy's two pronged attack lead by Mussolini's Generals--De Bono and Graziani", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.920559883117676, "source": "search", "title": "uahsibhistory - The Italian Invasion of Abyssinia ..." }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "3. Subsequent to the first Italo-Ethiopian war, Italy sponsored Ethiopia’s application to the League of Nations (LON), as well as signing a treaty of friendship with Ethiopia in 1929.[3]", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.128427982330322, "source": "search", "title": "uahsibhistory - The Italian Invasion of Abyssinia ..." }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "6. The invasion was a total war for both sides, Italy’s generals used mustard gas on civilians [7] and had a ‘ten eyes for one eye’ policy [8], as well taxes grew to record proportions in Italy creating unrest on the common man. It was also a guerilla war after the official annexation of Ethiopia by Italy.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.905508995056152, "source": "search", "title": "uahsibhistory - The Italian Invasion of Abyssinia ..." }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "7. This invasion proved the ineffectiveness of the LON, as the LON condemned Italy’s actions and attempted to impose universal sanctions on Italy but they failed, as the United States would impose nothing more than “Moral Embargos,” and actually increased trade with Italy during the war. [9]", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.017741203308105, "source": "search", "title": "uahsibhistory - The Italian Invasion of Abyssinia ..." }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "8. Italian forces were forced to surrender in Ethiopia to a joint Ethiopian-British force near Gondar in northern Ethiopia in January 1942 nearly 2 ½ years after the beginning of World War Two. [10]", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -1.2062710523605347, "source": "search", "title": "uahsibhistory - The Italian Invasion of Abyssinia ..." }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "War From Point Of Italy and its Citizens", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.966166496276855, "source": "search", "title": "uahsibhistory - The Italian Invasion of Abyssinia ..." }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "The course of events culminating in the Italian invasion of Abyssinia began in 1896 with the battle of Aduwa on the northern border between Abyssinia (Ethiopia) and Italian controlled Eritrea. Menelik II was the Emperor of Ethiopia during the 1896 invasion; he initially gained power from his domain in central Ethiopia (Shoa) with the help of the Italian government economically and militarily. He (Menelik II) signed the Treaty of Uccialli in 1889, but after realizing that the agreement included a clause that made Ethiopia a protectorate of Italy, he rejected it immediately. During the inter-war period between the unification of Ethiopia (ended in 1889) and the invasion of “Abyssinia” Menelik II continued to bring new lands into his domain as well as modernizing the land that was already included within it. He built an extensive railroad network crisscrossing the country with all major lines connecting at the newly named capital of Addis Ababa in central Ethiopia. He brought southern Ethiopia, which was predominantly Muslim and bordered Italian Somaliland into the newly unified country creating a more modern and increasingly powerful country.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -1.7357447147369385, "source": "search", "title": "uahsibhistory - The Italian Invasion of Abyssinia ..." }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "Italy during this time period was lacking behind Her European counterparts in almost every way. Italy was a mainly agrarian state with enough manufacturing capabilities to maintain an army but a significantly smaller one than Her peers such as Germany. Italy needed to gain land in Africa to be an International power and in order to wield influence in European affairs. By 1889 there was not much land unconquered in Africa and the last un-protected (by foreign powers) country was Abyssinia. When Mussolini completed his takeover of Italy and his dominance over the Catholic Church on February 11, 1929[17] he began to create an Italy independent of other countries, he began to drain swamps in central and southern Italy for more farms, while industrializing the rest of the nation. Italy had been forced to take a backseat in European politics to the greater members of the Entente after WWI and Mussolini was eager to show that Italy was as powerful as dominant powers of Europe by obtaining land and colloquially “flexing its muscles.” The Italian invasion was the perfect chance to assert Italian strength in Africa and open a number of political doorways to the fledgling power. When Italy invaded and conquered Ethiopia (1935-36) She gained huge tracts of land, and roughly 28 million people, and now held all the land on either side of the Franco-British controlled straight that connected the Red Sea to the Gulf of Aden , which on the larger scale was controlling a large portion of the chokepoint of the Suez-East shipping routes.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.444371223449707, "source": "search", "title": "uahsibhistory - The Italian Invasion of Abyssinia ..." }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "The now nascent country of Ethiopia shared a loosely defined border with the neighboring territory to its southeast (Italian Somaliland) and the Italian military held an outpost 80 miles within the border at a town by the name of Welwel or modern day Ualval. Forces of the Ethiopian Army skirmished with the Italians briefly at this outpost and as the minor conflict subsided the Italian government demanded indemnities to the sum of ~100 000 dollars [18], and when he did not receive them the minor skirmish was used as justification for mobilizing for a much larger-scale conflict. [19]", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.578950881958008, "source": "search", "title": "uahsibhistory - The Italian Invasion of Abyssinia ..." }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "Italy:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.216706275939941, "source": "search", "title": "uahsibhistory - The Italian Invasion of Abyssinia ..." }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "Italy was known to have 3,296 fighters, 6 completed battle ships, numerous destroyers and light auxiliary vessels, along with the worlds largest submarine fleet at its disposal [20]. Coupled with the known 1 million mobilized soldiers in Italian Controlled Eritrea and I. Somaliland was an overwhelming force compared to the Ethiopian army which was estimated to be, albeit, possibly compromised sources (Ethiopian Crown Council), around 210,000 soldiers [21] The Italian regular army’s armaments were on the whole far more technologically advanced than the Ethiopian’s, but the African divisions created by Italy were equipped mainly with obsolete rifles awarded to Italy after WWI. Despite the technological advancements of Italy’s regulars compared to the Ethiopian Army’s regulars, all soldiers involved used generally less technologically advanced weapons and vehicles when contrasted with the Allies’. [22]", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.177715301513672, "source": "search", "title": "uahsibhistory - The Italian Invasion of Abyssinia ..." }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "Italy:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.216706275939941, "source": "search", "title": "uahsibhistory - The Italian Invasion of Abyssinia ..." }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "Italy during the period 1935-1936 underwent a period of heavy taxation to pay for the supplies, such as pig (crude) iron , steel and oil, meaning things needed to make war upon a nation. This caused considerable unrest, but unrest that could be offset by the massive propaganda campaign that Mussolini launched regarding the creation of “Italian East Africa” .[24]Economic gains were minimal from the invasion, as by 1939 or about 2 ½ years after Italy conquered Ethiopia and created Italian East Africa trade from the colonies only made up 2% of all foreign trade with Italy.[26]", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.851353645324707, "source": "search", "title": "uahsibhistory - The Italian Invasion of Abyssinia ..." }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "Effects and Results of the Italian Invasion of Ethiopia", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.276593208312988, "source": "search", "title": "uahsibhistory - The Italian Invasion of Abyssinia ..." }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "o Italy sponsored Ethiopia’s bid to join the LON", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.614686965942383, "source": "search", "title": "uahsibhistory - The Italian Invasion of Abyssinia ..." }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "o After the altercation at Welwel (Ogaden Desert, Ethiopia), and subsequent to the demands of Italy for indemnities and an apology from the monarch of Ethiopia, Ethiopia demanded that the case be brought before the LON for investigation.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.412293434143066, "source": "search", "title": "uahsibhistory - The Italian Invasion of Abyssinia ..." }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "o The investigation was granted, but Italy under Mussolini prepared for war and launched its campaign long before the League finished its investigation.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.147417068481445, "source": "search", "title": "uahsibhistory - The Italian Invasion of Abyssinia ..." }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "o After the assault on Ethiopia by Italy the LON declared and condemned Italy as the aggressor and began to initiate sanctions on it.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.143388271331787, "source": "search", "title": "uahsibhistory - The Italian Invasion of Abyssinia ..." }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "o As the LON attempted to stop the flow of all goods to Italy, the sanctions excluded pig iron, steel, and oil, the three chief supply necessities for running a war.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.892494201660156, "source": "search", "title": "uahsibhistory - The Italian Invasion of Abyssinia ..." }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "[3] Flaherty, Thomas H., ed. Italy At War. New York: Time-Life Books Inc.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.13359260559082, "source": "search", "title": "uahsibhistory - The Italian Invasion of Abyssinia ..." }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "[6] \"ITALIAN CONQUEST OF ETHIOPIA 1935-1936.\" Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, Massachusetts. Mount Holyoke College. 06 Sept. 2009 < >.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.813063144683838, "source": "search", "title": "uahsibhistory - The Italian Invasion of Abyssinia ..." }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "[18] Flaherty, Thomas H., ed. Italy At War. New York: Time-Life Books Inc.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.114474296569824, "source": "search", "title": "uahsibhistory - The Italian Invasion of Abyssinia ..." }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "[20] Flaherty, Thomas H., ed. Italy At War. New York: Time-Life Books Inc.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.133021354675293, "source": "search", "title": "uahsibhistory - The Italian Invasion of Abyssinia ..." }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "[22] Flaherty, Thomas H., ed. Italy At War. New York: Time-Life Books Inc.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.097838401794434, "source": "search", "title": "uahsibhistory - The Italian Invasion of Abyssinia ..." }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "[28] \"ITALIAN CONQUEST OF ETHIOPIA 1935-1936.\" Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, Massachusetts. Mount Holyoke College. 06 Sept. 2009", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.504383563995361, "source": "search", "title": "uahsibhistory - The Italian Invasion of Abyssinia ..." }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "The Italo–Ethiopian Treaty of 1928 stated that the border between Italian Somaliland and Ethiopia was twenty-one leagues parallel to the Benadir coast (approximately 73.5 miles). In 1930, Italy built a fort at the Welwel oasis (also Walwal, Italian: Ual-Ual) in the Ogaden and garrisoned it with Somali Ascari ( dubats ) (irregular frontier troops commanded by Italian officers). The fort at Welwel was well beyond the twenty-one league limit and the Italians were encroaching on Ethiopian territory.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.358511447906494, "source": "search", "title": "Second Italo-Ethiopian War - Military Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "In early December 1934, the tensions on both sides erupted into what was known as the \"Wal Wal incident.\" The resultant clash left approximately 150 Ethiopians and 2 Italians dead and led to the \" Abyssinia Crisis \" at the League of Nations.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -1.1242403984069824, "source": "search", "title": "Second Italo-Ethiopian War - Military Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "On 4 September 1935, the League of Nations exonerated both parties for the Wal Wal incident. [3] The United Kingdom and France, keen to keep Italy as an ally against Germany, did not take strong steps to discourage an Italian military buildup. Italy soon began to build its forces on the borders of Ethiopia in Eritrea and Italian Somaliland.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.428679466247559, "source": "search", "title": "Second Italo-Ethiopian War - Military Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "Italy was able to launch its invasion without interference primarily due to the United Kingdom and France placing a high priority on retaining Italy as an ally in case hostilities broke out with Germany . To this end, on 7 January 1935, France signed an agreement with Italy giving them essentially a free hand in Africa to secure Italian co-operation. [4] Next, in April, Italy was further emboldened by being a member of the Stresa Front , an agreement to curb further German violations of the Treaty of Versailles. [5] In June, non-interference was further assured by a political rift that had developed between the United Kingdom and France following the Anglo-German Naval Agreement . [6] A last possible foreign ally of Ethiopia to fall away was Japan , which had served as a model to some Ethiopian intellectuals; the Japanese ambassador to Italy, Dr. Sugimura Yotaro, on 16 July assured Mussolini that his country held no political interests in Ethiopia and would keep neutral in Italy's coming war. His comments stirred up a furor inside Japan, where there had been popular affinity for the African Empire. Despite popular opinion, when the Ethiopians approached Japan for help on 2 August they were refused completely: even a modest request for the Japanese government to officially state its support for Ethiopia in the coming conflict was denied. [7]", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -0.762596070766449, "source": "search", "title": "Second Italo-Ethiopian War - Military Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "According to Italian estimates, on the eve of hostilities the Ethiopians had an army of 350,000–760,000 men. But only about one-quarter of this army had any kind of military training and the men were armed with 400,000 rifles of every type and in every kind of condition. [9]", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.037140846252441, "source": "search", "title": "Second Italo-Ethiopian War - Military Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "Italians", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.150734901428223, "source": "search", "title": "Second Italo-Ethiopian War - Military Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "Main article: Italian Order of Battle Second Italo–Abyssinian War", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.8565092086792, "source": "search", "title": "Second Italo-Ethiopian War - Military Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "Italian soldiers recruited in 1935 in Montevarchi to fight the Second Italo-Abyssinian War.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.339282989501953, "source": "search", "title": "Second Italo-Ethiopian War - Military Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "In April 1935, the build-up of the Italian Royal Army ( Regio Esercito ) and the Royal Air Force ( Regia Aeronautica ) in East Africa (Africa Orientale) started in earnest. In a few months, eight regular, mountain, and blackshirt infantry divisions arrived in Eritrea and four regular infantry divisions arrived in Italian Somaliland. These units alone represented 680,000 soldiers. This number does not include the Italian units already in East Africa, colonial units, or units arriving during the war. For example, there were 400,000 Italian soldiers in Eritrea and 220,000 in Italian Somaliland before the new divisions arrived. The huge army forming up in East Africa also included a great number of logistical and support units. The Italian force also included 200 journalists. [12]", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.5485315322875977, "source": "search", "title": "Second Italo-Ethiopian War - Military Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "The equipment for the build-up alone included 6,000 machine guns, 2,000 pieces of artillery, 595 tanks, and 390 aircraft. Before these arrived, the Italians had 3,300 machine guns, 275 artillery pieces, 200 tankettes, and 205 aircraft. Thanks to the Royal Navy ( Regia Marina ), the Italians had tons of ammunition, food, and other necessary supplies. The Italians also had motor vehicles to move supplies and troops while the Ethiopians carried supplies in horse-drawn carts. [13]", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.832740783691406, "source": "search", "title": "Second Italo-Ethiopian War - Military Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "During this campaign the Italians placed considerable reliance on their Royal Corps of Colonial Troops (Regio Corpo Truppe Coloniali, or RCTC) – indigenous regiments recruited from the Italian colonial possessions of Eritrea, Somalia, and Libya. The most effective of these Italian officered units were the Eritrean native infantry ( askaris ) who were often used as advance troops. As advance troops, the Eritreans often suffered heavy casualties accordingly. The Eritreans also provided cavalry and artillery units. The \"Falcon Feathers\" (Penne di Falco) was one prestigious and colorful Eritrean cavalry unit. Other RCTC units employed in the invasion of Ethiopia included irregular Somali frontier troops ( dubats ), regular Arab-Somali infantry and artillery, and Libyan infantry. [14]", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.209179401397705, "source": "search", "title": "Second Italo-Ethiopian War - Military Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "In addition to their own colonial troops from Eritrea, Somalia, and Libya, the Italians had a variety of local semi-independent \"allies\" who fought for them. In the north, the Azebu Galla were one of several groups induced to fight for the Italians. For many reasons, the Galla were willing to sweep down on the fleeing Ethiopians. In the south, the Somali Sultan Olol Diinle commanded a personal army that advanced into the northern Ogaden alongside the forces of Italian Colonel Luigi Frusci . The Sultan was motivated by his desire to take back lands that the Ethiopians had taken from him. The Italian colonial forces even included some Yemenis recruited from across the Gulf of Aden. [15]", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.209284782409668, "source": "search", "title": "Second Italo-Ethiopian War - Military Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "Italian invasion", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.890131950378418, "source": "search", "title": "Second Italo-Ethiopian War - Military Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "On 28 March 1935, General Emilio De Bono was named as the Commander-in-Chief of all Italian armed forces in East Africa. [16] In addition, he was the Commander-in-Chief of the forces invading from Eritrea, the \"northern front\". De Bono had under his direct command a force of nine divisions in three Army Corps: The Italian I Corps, the Italian II Corps, and the Eritrean Corps.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.130630970001221, "source": "search", "title": "Second Italo-Ethiopian War - Military Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "General Rodolfo Graziani was De Bono's subordinate. He was the Commander-in-Chief of forces invading from Italian Somaliland, the \"southern front\". Initially he had two divisions and a variety of smaller units under his command. His forces included a mix of Italians, Somalis, Eritreans, Libyans, and others. De Bono regarded Italian Somaliland as a secondary theatre that needed primarily to defend itself and possibly aid the main front with offensive thrusts if the enemy forces there were not too large. [17]", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.633048057556152, "source": "search", "title": "Second Italo-Ethiopian War - Military Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "As the invasion began, aircraft of the Royal Italian Air Force scattered leaflets asking the population to rebel against Haile Selassie and support the \"true Emperor Iyasu V \". Forty-year-old Iyasu had been deposed many years earlier but was still in custody.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -0.12873464822769165, "source": "search", "title": "Second Italo-Ethiopian War - Military Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "On 11 October, Dejazmach Haile Selassie Gugsa and 1,200 of his followers surrendered to the commander of the Italian outpost at Adagamos. De Bono notified Rome and the Ministry of Information promptly exaggerated the importance of the surrender. Haile Selassie Gugsa was Emperor Haile Selassie's son-in-law. But less than a tenth of the Dejazmach's army defected with him. [21]", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -0.00272538885474205, "source": "search", "title": "Second Italo-Ethiopian War - Military Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "On 14 October, De Bono issued a proclamation ordering the suppression of slavery . However, after a few weeks he was to write: \"I am obliged to say that the proclamation did not have much effect on the owners of slaves and perhaps still less on the liberated slaves themselves. Many of the latter, the instant they are set free presented themselves to the Italian authorities, asking 'And now who gives me food'?\" [21] The Ethiopians themselves had attempted to abolish slavery, but only in theory. Each Ethiopian Emperor since Tewodros II had issued \"superficial\" proclamations to halt slavery, [22] but always without real effect. Only with the Italian proclamation of their Empire in summer 1936, slavery was totally and effectively abolished in Ethiopia.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.769454479217529, "source": "search", "title": "Second Italo-Ethiopian War - Military Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "By 15 October, De Bono's forces advanced from Adwa for a bloodless occupation of the holy capital of Axum . General de Bono entered the city riding triumphantly on a white horse. However, the invading Italians he commanded looted the Obelisk of Axum .", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.926730155944824, "source": "search", "title": "Second Italo-Ethiopian War - Military Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "This proved to be the limit of how far the Italian invaders would get under the command of De Bono. [24] On 16 November, De Bono was promoted to the rank of Marshal of Italy (Maresciallo d'Italia), but by December he was replaced with Marshal of Italy Pietro Badoglio because of the slow, cautious nature of De Bono's advance. [25] In November the imprisoned former emperor Iyasu also died, in undetermined circumstances.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.593123435974121, "source": "search", "title": "Second Italo-Ethiopian War - Military Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "The four commanders had approximately 190,000 men facing the Italians. Ras Imru and his Army of Shire were on the Ethiopian left. Ras Seyoum and his Army of Tigre and Ras Kassa and his Army of Beghemder were the Ethiopian center. Ras Mulugeta and his \"Army of the Center\" (Mahel Sefari) were on the Ethiopian right. [26] A force of 1,000 Ethiopians crossed the Tekeze river and advanced toward the Dembeguina Pass (Inda Aba Guna or Indabaguna pass). The Italian commander, Major Criniti, commanded a force of 1,000 Eritrean Infantry supported by L3 tanks . When the Ethiopians attacked, Criniti's force fell back to the pass, only to discover that 2,000 Ethiopian soldiers had occupied it. Criniti's force was encircled and taking fire from all directions. In the first Ethiopian attack, two of Major Criniti's officers were killed, and Criniti himself was wounded. Criniti's force attempted to use their L3 tanks to break out, but the rough terrain immobilized the vehicles. The Ethiopians slaughtered the infantry, then swarmed the tanks and killed their two-man crews. Italian forces organized a relief column made up of tanks and infantry to relieve Major Critini, but it ran into an Ethiopian ambush on the way. The Ethiopians occupying the high ground rolled boulders in front of and behind several of the tanks, immobilizing them. The Ethiopians picked off the Eritrean infantry, and swarmed the tanks. The other tanks were immobilized by the terrain and unable to advance further. The Ethiopians set two of these tanks on fire. Meanwhile, Major Critini achieved a breakout, having ordered his men to fix bayonets and charge. Although half of the Major Critini's force was killed in the fierce fighting, they managed to break out of the Ethiopian encirclement. The Ethiopians claimed to have killed 3,000 Eritrean troops during the Christmas offensive.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.847187519073486, "source": "search", "title": "Second Italo-Ethiopian War - Military Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "The ambitious Ethiopian plan called for Ras Kassa and Ras Seyoum to split the Italian army in two and isolate the Italian I Army Corps and the Italian III Army Corps in Mekele. Ras Mulugeta would then descend from Amba Aradam and crush both corps. According to this plan, after Ras Imru retook Adwa, he was to invade Eritrea.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.665696620941162, "source": "search", "title": "Second Italo-Ethiopian War - Military Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "In November, the League of Nations condemned Italy's aggression and imposed economic sanctions.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.001031875610352, "source": "search", "title": "Second Italo-Ethiopian War - Military Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "In early December 1935, the Hoare-Laval Pact was proposed by Britain and France. Under this pact, Italy would gain the best parts of Ogaden and Tigray . Italy would also gain economic influence over all the southern part of Abyssinia. Abyssinia would have a guaranteed corridor to the sea at the port of Assab ; however, the corridor was a poor one and known as a \"corridor for camels\". [27] Mussolini was ready to agree to the pact, but he waited some days to make his opinion public. On 13 December, details of the pact were leaked by a French newspaper and denounced as a sell-out of the Abyssinians. The British government disassociated itself from the pact and both the British and the French representatives associated with the pact were forced to resign.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.646279335021973, "source": "search", "title": "Second Italo-Ethiopian War - Military Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "The Ethiopian offensive was ultimately stopped due to the superiority in modern weapons like machine guns and heavy artillery of the Italian forces.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.982651233673096, "source": "search", "title": "Second Italo-Ethiopian War - Military Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "However, after the 26 December killing of downed Italian pilot Tito Minniti , [28] Badoglio asked for and was given permission to use chemical warfare agents such as mustard gas . Mussolini stated that the gas used was not lethal, but only a mixture of tear gas and mustard gas (this gas was lethal in only about 1% of cases; its effectiveness was as a blistering agent). [29]", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.015105247497559, "source": "search", "title": "Second Italo-Ethiopian War - Military Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "The Italian Air Force attacked and bombed a field hospital run by the Swedish Red Cross – a war crime in itself. Count Carl Gustaf von Rosen served as an ambulance pilot and he later recounted that the hospital was marked with Red Crosses. He also confirmed that mustard gas was used. The Swedish Red Cross secured photographic evidence of Ethiopian civilians with damages from mustard gas. [30]", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.534822463989258, "source": "search", "title": "Second Italo-Ethiopian War - Military Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "The Italians attempted to justify their use of chemical weapons by citing the exception to the Geneva Protocol restrictions that referenced acceptable use for reprisal against illegal acts of war. They stated that the Ethiopians had tortured or killed their prisoners and wounded soldiers. [31]", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.717931747436523, "source": "search", "title": "Second Italo-Ethiopian War - Military Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "The Italians delivered the poison gas by special artillery canisters and with bombers of the Italian Royal Air Force . While the poorly equipped Ethiopians experienced some success against modern weaponry, they did not understand the \"terrible rain that burned and killed.\" [32]", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.480630874633789, "source": "search", "title": "Second Italo-Ethiopian War - Military Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "Renewed Italian advance in the north", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.057350158691406, "source": "search", "title": "Second Italo-Ethiopian War - Military Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "As the progress of the Christmas Offensive slowed, Italian plans to renew the advance on the northern front got under way. In addition to being granted Mussolini's permission to use poison gas (but not \"iprite\"), Badoglio received additional ground forces. The elements of the Italian III Corps and the Italian IV Corps arrived in Eritrea during early 1936.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.022850036621094, "source": "search", "title": "Second Italo-Ethiopian War - Military Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "from 20 to 24 January, the First Battle of Tembien was fought. The outcome of this battle wasn´t a decisive Italian victory, but the threat Ras Kassa posed to the I Corps and III Corps was neutralized.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.418133735656738, "source": "search", "title": "Second Italo-Ethiopian War - Military Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "from 10 to 19 February, the Battle of Amba Aradam was fought. The outcome of this battle was a decisive Italian victory and the destruction of the army of Ras Mulugeta.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.624744415283203, "source": "search", "title": "Second Italo-Ethiopian War - Military Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "from 27 to 29 February, the Second Battle of Tembien was fought. The outcome of this battle was a decisive Italian victory and the destruction of the armies of Ras Kassa and Ras Seyoum.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.821333885192871, "source": "search", "title": "Second Italo-Ethiopian War - Military Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "Indeed on 20 January, the Italians resumed their northern offensive at the First Battle of Tembien in the broken terrain between the Warieu Pass and Makale. The fighting proved inconclusive and, on 24 January, the battle ended in a draw, with the Italians having suffered 10 casualties and the Ethiopians 8,000 casualties. But, for all intents and purposes, the threat posed by the Christmas Offensive was over. The Ethiopians were never to split the Italian army and they were never to invade Eritrea.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.852062225341797, "source": "search", "title": "Second Italo-Ethiopian War - Military Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "While Graziani had already done so during the Battle of Genale Doria on the southern front, it was during the First Battle of Tembien that Badoglio unleashed on the northern front the use of phosgene as a weapon. The supposed Ethiopian \"threat\" to Italian-held Makale and the resultant use of poison gas, Haile Selassie said:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -2.6292641162872314, "source": "search", "title": "Second Italo-Ethiopian War - Military Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "\"It was at the time when the operations for the encircling of Makale were taking place that the Italian command, fearing a rout, followed the procedure which it is now my duty to denounce to the world. Special sprayers were installed on board aircraft so that they could vaporize, over vast areas of territory, a fine, death-dealing rain. Groups of nine, fifteen, eighteen aircraft followed one another so that the fog issuing from them formed a continuous sheet. It was thus that, as from the end of January 1936, soldiers, women, children, cattle, rivers, lakes, and pastures were drenched continually with this deadly rain. To systematically kill all living creatures, to more surely poison waters and pastures, the Italian command made its aircraft pass over and over again. That was its chief method of warfare\". [33]", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.089879035949707, "source": "search", "title": "Second Italo-Ethiopian War - Military Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "In early February, the Italians captured Amba Aradam and destroyed Ras Mulugeta's army in the Battle of Enderta . The battle on the ground was lopsided in the Italians' favour; the Ethiopians suffered massive losses. The use of poison gas destroyed a small part of Ras Mulugeta's army, according to the Ethiopians. During the slaughter following the attempted withdrawal of his army, both Ras Mulugeta and his son were killed. The Italians lost 800 killed and wounded while the Ethiopians lost 6,000 killed and 12,000 wounded.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.417084217071533, "source": "search", "title": "Second Italo-Ethiopian War - Military Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "Italian artillery in Tembien", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.295252799987793, "source": "search", "title": "Second Italo-Ethiopian War - Military Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "In late February, the Italians destroyed the armies of Ras Kassa and Ras Seyoum at the Second Battle of Tembien. Ethiopians again argued that poison gas played a role in the destruction of the withdrawing armies.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.504907608032227, "source": "search", "title": "Second Italo-Ethiopian War - Military Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "In early March, the army of Ras Imru was attacked, bombed, and defeated in what was known as the Battle of Shire . Despite resistance, the Italians successfully crushed his army. The Italians had suffered approximately 1,000 casualties and the Ethiopians 4,000, with almost the entire army ultimately neutralized as a fighting force.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.484844207763672, "source": "search", "title": "Second Italo-Ethiopian War - Military Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "On 3 October 1935, Graziani implemented his \"Milan Plan\". The limited objectives of this plan were to remove Ethiopian forces from various frontier posts and to test the reaction to a series of probes all along the southern front. While incessant rains worked to hinder the plan, within three weeks the Somali villages of Kelafo , Dagnerai, Gerlogubi, and Gorahai in Ogaden were in Italian hands. [35]", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.959380149841309, "source": "search", "title": "Second Italo-Ethiopian War - Military Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "Late in the year, the initiative on the southern front went over to the Ethiopians as it had gone over to them on the northern front. Ras Desta Damtu formed up his army in the area around Negele Boran with the goal of advancing on Dolo and invading Italian Somaliland. Between 12 and 16 January 1936, the Italians defeated his advancing and then withdrawing army during what became known as the Battle of Genale Doria . In reality there was very little fighting on the ground as Graziani primarily used the Italian Air Force and (according to Ethiopians) some poison gas to destroy Ras Desta's army. [36]", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -2.0922698974609375, "source": "search", "title": "Second Italo-Ethiopian War - Military Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "After a lull in February 1936, the Italians in the south prepared a major thrust towards the city of Harar. On 22 March, the Italian Air Force bombed Harar and Jijiga as a prelude. Both cities were reduced to ruins even though Harar had been declared an \" open city \". [37]", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.597199440002441, "source": "search", "title": "Second Italo-Ethiopian War - Military Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "On 14 April, Graziani launched his attack against Ras Nasibu Emmanual to defeat the last Ethiopian army left. This attack was known as the Battle of the Ogaden . The Ethiopians were drawn up behind a defensive line that was termed the \"Hindenburg Wall\", which was designed by the chief of staff of Ras Nasibu, Wehib Pasha , a seasoned ex-Ottoman commander. Ten days after the battle began, the last Ethiopian army had totally disintegrated. [38] 200 Italian soldiers and 15,000 Ethiopian soldiers were killed or wounded.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.668784141540527, "source": "search", "title": "Second Italo-Ethiopian War - Military Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "Badoglio's force marched into Addis Ababa on 5 May and restored order. [42] While there never was a formal surrender, the Second Italo-Abyssinian War was over [41] and on 1 June Italy officially merged Ethiopia with Eritrea and Italian Somaliland, calling the new state Africa Orientale Italiana (Italian East Africa).", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.524049758911133, "source": "search", "title": "Second Italo-Ethiopian War - Military Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "But only on 18 December 1936 Ras Imru finally surrendered to the Italians near the Gojeb River. Consequently Italy declared the country pacified: some Ethiopian leaders like Dejazmach Gebrehiwet Michael, Dejazmach Amde Ali, Dejazmach Ayalew Birru, Dejazmach Habtemichael, the author Afework Gebreyesus, Mengesha Wube, and some local chiefs/Ras started to collaborate with the Italians in 1937. [43]", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 1.092856526374817, "source": "search", "title": "Second Italo-Ethiopian War - Military Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "Italian perspective: \"Will you be worthy of it?\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.43478775024414, "source": "search", "title": "Second Italo-Ethiopian War - Military Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "King-Emperor Victor Emmanuel III waited for the crowds in the Quirinal Palace on Quirinal Hill . Months earlier, when the Ethiopian adventure first started, he told a friend: \"If we win, I shall be King of Abyssinia. If we lose, I shall be King of Italy.\" [44]", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.53109359741211, "source": "search", "title": "Second Italo-Ethiopian War - Military Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "While the Italian King-Emperor was silent, the Italian Fascist dictator Benito Mussolini was not. When victory was announced by Mussolini from the balcony of the Palazzo Venezia in Rome, the Italian population was jubilant.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.776079177856445, "source": "search", "title": "Second Italo-Ethiopian War - Military Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "\"During the thirty centuries of our history, Italy has known many solemn and memorable moments – this is unquestionably one of the most solemn, the most memorable. People of Italy, people of the world, peace has been restored.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.172126770019531, "source": "search", "title": "Second Italo-Ethiopian War - Military Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "\"At last Italy has her empire.\" And he then added: \"The Italian people have created an empire with their blood. They will fertilize it with their work. They will defend it against anyone with their weapons. Will you be worthy of it?\" [46]", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.0899658203125, "source": "search", "title": "Second Italo-Ethiopian War - Military Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "This was Mussolini's hour of glory. He knew that the Italian nation was united around him as it never was before. He knew that the exultation that he witnessed was genuine. And the Italian people appeared to have good cause for rejoicing. Italy gained a vast territory and untold mineral riches... riches much magnified by Italian propaganda.[ citation needed ] Fascism was never so popular and the shouts of military victory drowned out the muttered grumbles about some underlying economic ills. [46]", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.405609130859375, "source": "search", "title": "Second Italo-Ethiopian War - Military Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "While the Italian people were rejoicing in Rome, Haile Selassie was crossing the Red Sea in the British cruiser HMS Enterprise . On 4 May, he had sailed from Djibouti. The British Mandate of Palestine was his destination on his way to England via Gibraltar . Two days after his arrival in Jerusalem, Haile Selassie sent a telegram to the League of Nations in which he wrote:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -1.954785943031311, "source": "search", "title": "Second Italo-Ethiopian War - Military Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "The Ethiopian Emperor's telegram caused several nations to temporarily defer recognition of the Italian conquest. [46]", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.70156717300415, "source": "search", "title": "Second Italo-Ethiopian War - Military Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "Haile Selassie then gave a stirring speech denouncing Italy's actions and criticizing the world community for standing by. At the conclusion of his speech, which appeared on newsreels throughout the world, he warned that:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.6875171661376953, "source": "search", "title": "Second Italo-Ethiopian War - Military Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "On 18 November 1936, the Italian Empire was officially recognized by the Empire of Japan . [49] Italy in turn recognized the Japanese occupation of Manchuria. [50]", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.53465461730957, "source": "search", "title": "Second Italo-Ethiopian War - Military Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "The Italian invasion of Ethiopia meant that the Stresa Front was at an end. German dictator Adolf Hitler supported the Italian invasion before it was launched. [51] By contrast, France and Britain recognized Italian control over Ethiopia in 1938.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 0.3999740481376648, "source": "search", "title": "Second Italo-Ethiopian War - Military Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "Mexico was the only country to strongly condemn Italy's sovereignty over Ethiopia, respecting Ethiopian independence throughout. Mexico was amongst only six nations in 1937 which did not recognize Italy's occupation, along with China, New Zealand, the Soviet Union , the Republic of Spain, and the United States. [52] [53] But three years later only Joseph Stalin 's USSR officially recognized Selassie, and the US government considered recognizing the Italian Empire with Ethiopia included. [54]", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -2.43265962600708, "source": "search", "title": "Second Italo-Ethiopian War - Military Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "Italian Occupation", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.158515930175781, "source": "search", "title": "Second Italo-Ethiopian War - Military Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "Main articles: Italian East Africa and Italian Colonial Empire", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.342507362365723, "source": "search", "title": "Second Italo-Ethiopian War - Military Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "Britain and France recognized Italy’s sovereignty over Ethiopia by treaty in April 1938 (during the occupation the Italians built 4,000 kilometers of roads in Ethiopia; Italy’s occupation army of 150,000 was spread thin in vast Ethiopia, and by 1941 they had 250,000 soldiers there including 75,000 civilians ). The former police chief of Addis Ababa, Abebe Aregai, was the most successful leader of the Ethiopian guerrilla movement after 1937, using units of fifty men.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.2890870571136475, "source": "search", "title": "Second Italo-Ethiopian War - Military Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "In early June, Rome promulgated a constitution bringing Ethiopia, Eritrea, and Italian Somaliland together into a single administrative unit divided into six provinces. This administrative unit was known as Italian East Africa (Africa Orientale Italiana, or AOI). Marshal Pietro Badoglio was proclaimed as the first Viceroy and Governor General of the new Italian colony. But Badoglio held these positions only briefly and on 11 June, newly promoted Marshal Rodolfo Graziani replaced him in AOI.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.103363037109375, "source": "search", "title": "Second Italo-Ethiopian War - Military Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "In July, some Ethiopian forces still intact after the war, gathered together and launched an attack on Addis Ababa. The various attacking forces and the commanders fled after the attack ended in failure (even because the local populace supported the Italians, who had brought food and ended definitively slavery by law). Numerous members of Ethiopian royalty were taken prisoner. Other members were executed soon after they surrendered. Three sons of Ras Kassa were executed as rebels. On 19 December, Wondosson Kassa was executed near Debre Zebit . On 21 December, Aberra Kassa and Asfawossen Kassa were executed in Fikke . In late 1936, after the Italians tracked him down in Gurage, Dejazmach Balcha Safo was killed resisting to the end. [57] Also on 19 December, Ras Imru Haile Selassie surrendered after being pinned down on the north bank of the Gojeb River. [58] His capture meant the end of his role as Prince Regent and the end of the government in Gore. The capture of Ras Imru also meant the end of an early resistance movement known as the \" Black Lions .\" Ras Imru was flown to Italy and imprisoned on the Island of Ponza .", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 0.08746510744094849, "source": "search", "title": "Second Italo-Ethiopian War - Military Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "By December, Graziani declared the whole country to be pacified and under effective Italian control. Ethiopian resistance continued nevertheless. The occupation was marked by recurring guerrilla campaigns against the Italians and Italian reprisals. The reprisals, according to Ethiopians, included mustard gas attacks against rebels and the summary execution of prisoners. But, on the Italian side, after the beginning of 1937 was growing the number of Ethiopians who were enrolling in the colonial Italian forces.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.3953185081481934, "source": "search", "title": "Second Italo-Ethiopian War - Military Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "On 19 February 1937, a failed assassination attempt against Graziani occurred. During a public ceremony at the Viceregal Palace in Addis Ababa (the former Imperial residence), Abraha Deboch and Moges Asgedom attempted to kill Graziani with a number of grenades. The Italian security guard fired indiscriminately into the crowd of civilian onlookers. Over the following weeks the colonial authorities executed about 30,000 persons in retaliation—including about half of the younger, educated Ethiopian population. [59] This period of atrocities came to be known as Yekatit 12 (the Ethiopian calendar date equivalent to 19 February).", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -2.998305320739746, "source": "search", "title": "Second Italo-Ethiopian War - Military Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "On 11 December, the League of Nations voted to condemn Italy and, as a result, Mussolini declared his country's withdrawal from the organization. In addition to causing condemnation on the world stage, the new colony was proving to be highly expensive to maintain. The budget for Italian East Africa from 1936 to 1937 required Italy to provide 19.136 billion lire to create the necessary infrastructure for the colony. [60] At the time, Italy's entire annual revenue was only 18.581 billion lire. [60]", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.342779159545898, "source": "search", "title": "Second Italo-Ethiopian War - Military Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "In the end, the harsh policies of Graziani did not pacify the country. Therefore, on 21 December 1937, Rome appointed Amedeo, 3rd Duke of Aosta , as the new Viceroy and Governor General of Italian East Africa and instructed him to adopt a more flexible line. Accordingly, large-scale public works projects were undertaken. One result was the construction of the country's first system of improved roads. All in all, the Duke brought a program of progressive improvement that included 2,000 miles (3,200 km) of new paved roadways, 25 hospitals, 14 hotels, dozens of post offices, telephone exchanges, aqueducts, schools, and shops.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.24177360534668, "source": "search", "title": "Second Italo-Ethiopian War - Military Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "The Italians decreed miscegenation to be illegal. Racial separation, including residential segregation, was enforced as thoroughly as possible. In addition, the Italians showed favouritism to non-Christian ethnicities such as the Oromos , the Somalis, and other Muslims (many of whom had supported the Italian invasion). In an attempt to isolate the dominant Amhara rulers of Ethiopia, who supported Haile Selassie I, the Italians granted the Oromos, the Somalis, and other Muslims autonomy and rights. The Italians also definitively abolished slavery and abrogated feudal laws previously upheld by the Amharas.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.203994274139404, "source": "search", "title": "Second Italo-Ethiopian War - Military Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "End of Italian East Africa", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.223855972290039, "source": "search", "title": "Second Italo-Ethiopian War - Military Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "On 10 June 1940, Mussolini entered World War II and joined Hitler as his Axis ally. As a result, the colony of Italian East Africa proved to be short-lived. Initially, the Italians attacked British and Commonwealth forces in the Sudan, Kenya, and British Somaliland. In August, the Italians even overran all of British Somaliland and forced the British and Commonwealth forces there to flee . But, by the end of 1941, during the East African Campaign , Ethiopia was liberated from Italian control by a combination of British, Commonwealth, Free French, Free Belgian , and Ethiopian forces .", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -2.59808349609375, "source": "search", "title": "Second Italo-Ethiopian War - Military Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "Among other things, the Treaty of Peace with Italy signed between the Italian Republic (Repubblica Italiana) and the victorious powers of World War II on 10 February 1947 in Paris, included Italy's formal recognition of Ethiopian independence and an agreement to pay $25,000,000 in reparations . Ethiopia became an independent nation again, and Haile Selassie was restored as its leader. At the time of this treaty, Ethiopia presented Italy with a bill of its own for damages inflicted during the course of Mussolini's colonial adventure. Claimed were the loss of 2,000 churches, the loss of 525,000 houses, and the slaughter and/or confiscation of six million beef cattle, seven million sheep and goats, one million horses and mules, and 700,000 camels. The bill for this presented to the Economic Commission for Italy came to £184,746,023. [46]", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -0.33647316694259644, "source": "search", "title": "Second Italo-Ethiopian War - Military Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "The Total was 760,300 human losses. [46] The Italians disputed this huge amount, arguing that real Ethiopian casualties were half those losses. [63]", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.51425552368164, "source": "search", "title": "Second Italo-Ethiopian War - Military Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "In addition to conventional weaponry, Badoglio's troops also made substantial use of mustard gas, in both artillery and aerial bombardments. Use of mustard gas, which violated the 1925 Geneva Protocol that Italy had signed, was justified by the deaths of an Italian Air Force pilot, Tito Minniti , and his observer in the Ogaden. \"Heroic death of our comrade in barbaric enemy land requires exemplary reprisal punishment,\" General Graziani ordered on learning of their deaths. [64] In total, the Italians deployed between 300 and 500 tonnes of mustard gas during the war, despite having signed the 1925 Geneva Protocol . The deployment of gas was not restricted to the battlefield, however, as civilians were also targeted by the Italians, as part of their attempt to terrorise the local population. Furthermore, the Italians carried out gas attacks on Red Cross camps and ambulances. [65]", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.250349998474121, "source": "search", "title": "Second Italo-Ethiopian War - Military Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "Mussolini and his generals sought to cloak the operations of chemical warfare in the utmost secrecy, but the use of gas was revealed to the world through the denunciations by the International Red Cross and of many foreign observers. The Italian reaction to these revelations consisted in the \"erroneous\" bombardment (at least 19 times) of Red Cross tents posted in the areas of military encampment of the Ethiopian resistance.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.488558769226074, "source": "search", "title": "Second Italo-Ethiopian War - Military Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "The predominant part of the work of repression was carried out by colonial troops (mostly from Eritrea) of the Italians who, according to the Ethiopians, besides the bombs laced with mustard gas, instituted forced labor camps, installed public gallows, killed hostages, and mutilated the corpses of their enemies. Many Italian troops had themselves photographed next to cadavers hanging from the gallows or standing with chests full of detached heads. [67]", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.760430335998535, "source": "search", "title": "Second Italo-Ethiopian War - Military Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "Catholic reaction was mixed to the Italian conquest of Ethiopia. Fearing retribution from the National Fascist Party , some bishops gave praise. For instance, in the book The Vatican in the Age of the Dictators , Anthony Rhodes reports:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.636126518249512, "source": "search", "title": "Second Italo-Ethiopian War - Military Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "In his Pastoral Letter of the 19th October [1935], the Bishop of Udine [Italy] wrote, ‘It is neither timely nor fitting for us to pronounce on the rights and wrongs of the case. Our duty as Italians, and still more as Christians is to contribute to the success of our arms.’ The Bishop of Padua wrote on the 21st October, ‘In the difficult hours through which we are passing, we ask you to have faith in our statesmen and armed forces.’ On the 24th October, the Bishop of Cremona consecrated a number of regimental flags and said: ‘The blessing of God be upon these soldiers who, on African soil, will conquer new and fertile lands for the Italian genius, thereby bringing to them Roman and Christian culture. May Italy stand once again as the Christian mentor to the whole world.’", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.129935264587402, "source": "search", "title": "Second Italo-Ethiopian War - Military Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "Pope Pius XI (who had previously condemned totalitarianism in the encyclical Non Abbiamo Bisogno ) continued his implicit criticism of the Italian regime. [68] This coincided with Mussolini's increasing anti-clericalism, of which he stated that \"the papacy was a malignant tumor in the body of Italy and must 'be rooted out once and for all', because there was no room in Rome for both the Pope and [himself].\" [69]", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.814530372619629, "source": "search", "title": "Second Italo-Ethiopian War - Military Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "Baer, George W. (1976). Test Case: Italy, Ethiopia, and the League of Nations. Stanford, California: Hoover Institute Press, Stanford University. ISBN  0-8179-6591-2 . ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.22453784942627, "source": "search", "title": "Second Italo-Ethiopian War - Military Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "Burgwyn, James. Italian Foreign Policy in the Interwar Period: 1918–1940. Praeger Publishers. Westport (CT), 1997 ISBN 0-275-94877-3", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.800909996032715, "source": "search", "title": "Second Italo-Ethiopian War - Military Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "Nicolle, David (1997). The Italian Invasion of Abyssinia 1935–1936. Westminster, Maryland: Osprey. p. 48. ISBN  978-1-85532-692-7 . ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.264868259429932, "source": "search", "title": "Second Italo-Ethiopian War - Military Wiki - Wikia" }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "Colonial Italy is defeated resoundingly by Ethiopia in one of the greatest battles in the history of Africa. This victory realised at the Battle of Adwa over Italy comes at a time when almost all of Africa is colonised by European powers. Emperor Minilik is credited with rallying his fellow Ethiopians behind him to fight back fiercely enough so as to deliver an unimaginable victory against the so called powerful and mighty forces of a European army.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.565614700317383, "source": "search", "title": "Timeline of some of Ethiopia's significant events" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "Ethiopian patriot and distinguished warrior Alula Abanega dies after sustaining a wound during an internal battle with his opponents. Known as the commoner who joined forces with Ethiopia's ruling elite taking extraordinary leadership roles, Alula is credited with being the strategist during the Battle of Adwa when Ethiopia defeated the Italians under the leadership of Emperor Minilik.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.976818084716797, "source": "search", "title": "Timeline of some of Ethiopia's significant events" }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "Facist Italy invades Ethiopia", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.158552408218384, "source": "search", "title": "Timeline of some of Ethiopia's significant events" }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "On the orders of the Italian dictator Benito Mussolini, facist Italy invades Ethiopia in its second attempt to colonise the country.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.633789539337158, "source": "search", "title": "Timeline of some of Ethiopia's significant events" }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "Facist Italy launches three days of massacre in Addis Ababa in which hundreds of thousands of the city's residents are shot dead, beheaded or disemboweled indiscriminately after an attempt to kill the ruthless Italian general Rodolfo Graziani is made by Ethiopians as part of the resistance movement against the facist's invasion. Thousands of women and children are gassed to death, homes set alight and various types of fascist brutality used in retaliation.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.050383567810059, "source": "search", "title": "Timeline of some of Ethiopia's significant events" }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "Ethiopian patriots liberate Addis Ababa from Facist Italy paving the way for the triumphant return of Emperor Haileselassie from exile. Facist Italy's attempts to colonise Ethiopia comes to an abrupt end and Ethiopians have been commemorating this day ever since as \"Ethiopian Patriots' Victory Day\".", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 0.25325220823287964, "source": "search", "title": "Timeline of some of Ethiopia's significant events" }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "Emperor Haileselassie returns to Addis Ababa exactly five years to the day of when the city was occupied by Italy.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.4965646266937256, "source": "search", "title": "Timeline of some of Ethiopia's significant events" }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "The stolen Axum obelisk returns to Ethiopia from Italy where it lived the preceding 68 years in exile. The 25 meters high and 2,500-year-old obelisk, sculpted from a single piece of granite, was stolen by Italy in 1937 during the failed Italian occupation of Ethiopia. For 68 years, the obelisk stood in central Rome and one-third of it arrives back in Axum on 19 April 2005 to a historic homecoming. Two of the remaining parts also arrive in subsequent weeks making the historic return complete.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.442162990570068, "source": "search", "title": "Timeline of some of Ethiopia's significant events" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "It is my duty to inform the Governments assembled in Geneva, responsible as they are for the lives of millions of men, women and children, of the deadly peril which threatens them, by describing to them the fate which has been suffered by Ethiopia. It is not only upon warriors that the Italian Government has made war. It has above all attacked populations far removed from hostilities, in order to terrorize and exterminate them.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.610636711120605, "source": "search", "title": "Haile Selassie, \"Appeal to the League of Nations,\" June 1936" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "At the beginning, towards the end of 1935, Italian aircraft hurled upon my armies bombs of tear-gas. Their effects were but slight. The soldiers learned to scatter, waiting until the wind had rapidly dispersed the poisonous gases. The Italian aircraft then resorted to mustard gas. Barrels of liquid were hurled upon armed groups. But this means also was not effective; the liquid affected only a few soldiers, and barrels upon the ground were themselves a warning to troops and to the population of the danger.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.131874084472656, "source": "search", "title": "Haile Selassie, \"Appeal to the League of Nations,\" June 1936" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "It was at the time when the operations for the encircling of Makalle were taking place that the Italian command, fearing a rout, followed the procedure which it is now my duty to denounce to the world. Special sprayers were installed on board aircraft so that they could vaporize, over vast areas of territory, a fine, death-dealing rain. Groups of nine, fifteen, eighteen aircraft followed one another so that the fog issuing from them formed a continuous sheet. It was thus that, as from the end of January, 1936, soldiers, women, children, cattle, rivers, lakes and pastures were drenched continually with this deadly rain. In order to kill off systematically all living creatures, in order to more surely to poison waters and pastures, the Italian command made its aircraft pass over and over again. That was its chief method of warfare.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.358224868774414, "source": "search", "title": "Haile Selassie, \"Appeal to the League of Nations,\" June 1936" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "The very refinement of barbarism consisted in carrying ravage and terror into the most densely populated parts of the territory, the points farthest removed from the scene of hostilities. The object was to scatter fear and death over a great part of the Ethiopian territory. These fearful tactics succeeded. Men and animals succumbed. The deadly rain that fell from the aircraft made all those whom it touched fly shrieking with pain. All those who drank the poisoned water or ate the infected food also succumbed in dreadful suffering. In tens of thousands, the victims of the Italian mustard gas fell. It is in order to denounce to the civilized world the tortures inflicted upon the Ethiopian people that I resolved to come to Geneva. None other than myself and my brave companions in arms could bring the League of Nations the undeniable proof. The appeals of my delegates addressed to the League of Nations had remained without any answer; my delegates had not been witnesses. That is why I decided to come myself to bear witness against the crime perpetrated against my people and give Europe a warning of the doom that awaits it, if it should bow before the accomplished fact.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.228971481323242, "source": "search", "title": "Haile Selassie, \"Appeal to the League of Nations,\" June 1936" }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "Is it necessary to remind the Assembly of the various stages of the Ethiopian drama? For 20 years past, either as Heir Apparent, Regent of the Empire, or as Emperor, I have never ceased to use all my efforts to bring my country the benefits of civilization, and in particular to establish relations of good neighbourliness with adjacent powers. In particular I succeeded in concluding with Italy the Treaty of Friendship of 1928, which absolutely prohibited the resort, under any pretext whatsoever, to force of arms, substituting for force and pressure the conciliation and arbitration on which civilized nations have based international order.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.661811828613281, "source": "search", "title": "Haile Selassie, \"Appeal to the League of Nations,\" June 1936" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "I should have procured still greater results for my people if obstacles of every kind had not been put in the way by the Italian Government, the Government which stirred up revolt and armed the rebels. Indeed the Rome Government, as it has today openly proclaimed, has never ceased to prepare for the conquest of Ethiopia. The Treaties of Friendship it signed with me were not sincere; their only object was to hide its real intention from me. The Italian Goverment asserts that for 14 years it has been preparing for its present conquest. It therefore recognizes today that when it supported the admission of Ethiopia to the League of Nations in 1923, when it concluded the Treaty of Friendship in 1928, when it signed the Pact of Paris outlawing war, it was deceiving the whole world. The Ethiopian Government was, in these solemn treaties, given additional guarantees of security which would enable it to achieve further progress along the specific path of reform on which it had set its feet, and to which it was devoting all its strength and all its heart.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.071065902709961, "source": "search", "title": "Haile Selassie, \"Appeal to the League of Nations,\" June 1936" }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "The Wal-Wal incident, in December, 1934, came as a thunderbolt to me. The Italian provocation was obvious and I did not hesitate to appeal to the League of Nations. I invoked the provisions of the treaty of 1928, the principles of the Covenant; I urged the procedure of conciliation and arbitration. Unhappily for Ethiopia this was the time when a certain Government considered that the European situation made it imperative at all costs to obtain the friendship of Italy. The price paid was the abandonment of Ethiopian independence to the greed of the Italian Government. This secret agreement, contrary to the obligations of the Covenant, has exerted a great influence over the course of events. Ethiopia and the whole world have suffered and are still suffering today its disastrous consequences.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -2.770407199859619, "source": "search", "title": "Haile Selassie, \"Appeal to the League of Nations,\" June 1936" }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "This first violation of the Covenant was followed by many others. Feeling itself encouraged in its policy against Ethiopia, the Rome Government feverishly made war preparations, thinking that the concerted pressure which was beginning to be exerted on the Ethiopian Government, might perhaps not overcome the resistance of my people to Italian domination. The time had to come, thus all sorts of difficulties were placed in the way with a view to breaking up the procedure; of conciliation and arbitration. All kinds of obstacles were placed in the way of that procedure. Governments tried to prevent the Ethiopian Government from finding arbitrators amongst their nationals: when once the arbitral tribunal a was set up pressure was exercised so that an award favourable to Italy should be given.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.411211013793945, "source": "search", "title": "Haile Selassie, \"Appeal to the League of Nations,\" June 1936" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "All this was in vain: the arbitrators, two of whom were Italian officials, were forced to recognize unanimously that in the Wal-Wal incident, as in the subsequent incidents, no international responsibility was to be attributed to Ethiopia.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.8965935707092285, "source": "search", "title": "Haile Selassie, \"Appeal to the League of Nations,\" June 1936" }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "Following on this award. the Ethiopian Government sincerely thought that an era of friendly relations might be opened with Italy. I loyally offered my hand to the Roman Government. The Assembly was informed by the report of the Committee of Thirteen, dated October 5th, 1935, of the details of the events which occurred after the month of December, 1934, and up to October 3rd, 1935.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.525513172149658, "source": "search", "title": "Haile Selassie, \"Appeal to the League of Nations,\" June 1936" }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "It will be sufficient if I quote a few of the conclusions of that report Nos. 24, 25 and 26 \"The Italian memorandum (containing the complaints made by Italy) was laid on the Council table on September 4th, 1935, whereas Ethiopia's first appeal to the Council had been made on December 14th, 1934. In the interval between these two dates, the Italian Government opposed the consideration of the question by the Council on the ground that the only appropriate procedure was that provided for in the Italo-Ethiopian Treaty of 1928. Throughout the whole of that period, moreover, the despatch of Italian troops to East Africa was proceeding. These shipments of troops were represented to the Council by the Italian Government as necessary for the defense of its colonies menaced by Ethiopia's preparations. Ethiopia, on the contrary, drew attention to the official pronouncements made in Italy which, in its opinion, left no doubt \"as to the hostile intentions of the Italian Government.\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.116262912750244, "source": "search", "title": "Haile Selassie, \"Appeal to the League of Nations,\" June 1936" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "From the outset of the dispute, the Ethiopian Government has sought a settlement by peaceful means. It has appealed to the procedures of the Covenant. The Italian Government desiring to keep strictly to the procedures of the Italo-Ethiopian Treaty of 1928, the Ethiopian Government assented. It invariably stated that it would faithfully carry out the arbitral award even if the decision went against it. It agreed that the question of the ownership of Wal-Wal should not be dealt with by the arbitrators, because the Italian Government would not agree to such a course. It asked the Council to despatch neutral observers and offered to lend itself to any enquiries upon which the Council might decide.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.718911170959473, "source": "search", "title": "Haile Selassie, \"Appeal to the League of Nations,\" June 1936" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "Once the Wal-Wal dispute had been settled by arbiration, however, the Italian Govemmcnt submitted its detailed memorandum to the Council in support of its claim to liberty of action. It asserted that a case like that of Ethiopia cannot be settled by the means provided by the Covenant. It stated that, \"since this question affects vital interest and is of primary importance to Italian security and civilization\" it \"would be failing in its most elementary duty, did it not cease once and for all to place any confidence in Ethiopia, reserving full liberty to adopt any measures that may become necessary to ensure the safety of its colonies and to safeguard its own interests.\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.805685043334961, "source": "search", "title": "Haile Selassie, \"Appeal to the League of Nations,\" June 1936" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "Those are the terms of the report of the Committee of Thirteen, The Council and the Assembly unanimously adopted the conclusion that the Italian Government had violated the Covenant and was in a state of aggression. I did not hesitate to declare that I did not wish for war, that it was imposed upon me, and I should struggle solely for the independence and integrity of my people, and that in that struggle I was the defender of the cause of all small States exposed to the greed of a powerful neighbour.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.985119819641113, "source": "search", "title": "Haile Selassie, \"Appeal to the League of Nations,\" June 1936" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "When the danger became more urgent, being aware of my responsibilities towards my people, during the first six months of 1935 I tried to acquire armaments. Many Governments proclaimed an embargo to prevent my doing so, whereas the Italian Government through the Suez Canal, was given all facilities for transporting without cessation and without protest, troops, arms, and munitions.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.874210357666016, "source": "search", "title": "Haile Selassie, \"Appeal to the League of Nations,\" June 1936" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "On October 3rd, 1935, the Italian troops invaded my territory. A few hours later only I decreed general mobilization. In my desire to maintain peace I had, following the example of a great country in Europe on the eve of the Great War, caused my troops to withdraw thirty kilometres so as to remove any pretext of provocation.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -0.4704842269420624, "source": "search", "title": "Haile Selassie, \"Appeal to the League of Nations,\" June 1936" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "In December, 1935, the Council made it quite clear that its feelings were in harmony with those of hundreds of millions of people who, in all parts of the world, had protested against the proposal to dismember Ethiopia. It was constantly repeated that there was not merely a conflict between the Italian Government and the League of Nadons, and that is why I personally refused all proposals to my personal advantage made to me by the Italian Government, if only I would betray my people and the Covenant of the League of Nations. I was defending the cause of all small peoples who are threatened with aggression.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -1.9168179035186768, "source": "search", "title": "Haile Selassie, \"Appeal to the League of Nations,\" June 1936" }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "What have become of the promises made to me as long ago as October, 1935? I noted with grief, but without surprise that three Powers considered their undertakings under the Covenant as absolutely of no value. Their connections with Italy impelled them to refuse to take any measures whatsoever in order to stop Italian aggression. On the contrary, it was a profound disappointment to me to learn the attitude of a certain Government which, whilst ever protesting its scrupulous attachment to the Covenant, has tirelessly used all its efforts to prevent its observance. As soon as any measure which was likely to be rapidly effective was proposed, various pretexts were devised in order to postpone even consideration of the measure. Did the secret agreements of January, 1935, provide for this tireless obstruction?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.045520782470703, "source": "search", "title": "Haile Selassie, \"Appeal to the League of Nations,\" June 1936" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "The Ethiopian Government's use of the railway from Djibouti to Addis Ababa was in practice a hazardous regards transport of arms intended for the Ethiopian forces. At the present moment this is the chief, if not the only means of supply of the Italian armies of occupation. The rules of neutrality should have prohibited transports intended for Italian forces, but there is not even neutrality since Article 16 lays upon every State Member of the League the duty not to remain a neutral but to come to the aid not of the aggressor but of the victim of aggression. Has the Covenant been respected? Is it today being respected?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.884363174438477, "source": "search", "title": "Haile Selassie, \"Appeal to the League of Nations,\" June 1936" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "Finally a statement has just been made in their Parliaments by the Governments of certain Powers, amongst them the most influential members of the League of Nations, that since the aggressor has succeeded in occupying a large part of Ethiopian territory they propose not to continue the application of any economic and financial measures that may have been decided upon against the Italian Government. These are the circumstances in which at the request of the Argentine Government, the Assembly of the League of Nations meets to consider the situation created by Italian aggression. I assert that the problem submitted to the Assembly today is a much wider one. It is not merely a question of the settlement of Italian aggression.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.90161418914795, "source": "search", "title": "Haile Selassie, \"Appeal to the League of Nations,\" June 1936" }, { "answer": "Itali", "passage": "Faced by numerous violations by the Italian Government of all international treaties that prohibit resort to arms, and the use of barbarous methods of warfare, it is my painful duty to note that the initiative has today been taken with a view to raising sanctions. Does this initiative not mean in practice the abandonment of Ethiopia to the aggressor? On the very eve of the day when I was about to attempt a supreme effort in the defense of my people before this Assembly does not this initiative deprive Ethiopia of one of her last chances to succeed in obtaining the support and guarantee of States Members? Is that the guidance the League of Nations and each of the States Members are entitled to expect from the great Powers when they assert their right and their duty to guide the action of the League? Placed by the aggressor face to face with the accomplished fact, are States going to set up the terrible precendent of bowing before force?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.041635513305664, "source": "search", "title": "Haile Selassie, \"Appeal to the League of Nations,\" June 1936" }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "With the opening of the Suez Canal in 1869, the Red Sea coast had become increasingly attractive to the European powers as an object for colonization. Italy focused its attention on Ethiopia, seizing Assab in 1872 and Massawa in 1885. In 1889 Menelik and the Italians signed the Treaty of Wichale (Ucciali). The treaty was one of friendship and cooperation, but the Amharic and Italian versions of it differed, and the Italians claimed that it made all of Ethiopia their protectorate. As a result, war broke out between Italy and Ethiopia in 1895, and Italian forces were decisively defeated at Adwa (Aduwa) the following year. Italy was forced to recognize the independence of Ethiopia, and Menelik's present-day boundaries. The successor of Menelik, Emperor Lij Iyasu (reigned 1913-1916), was deposed in favor of his aunt, crowned Empress Zauditu. Tafari Makonnen, her cousin, was selected as heir apparent; he succeeded to the throne as Haile Selassie I. In 1931 he granted Ethiopia its first constitution.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 0.29845014214515686, "source": "search", "title": "Haile Selassi -" }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "According to the terms of the Allied peace treaty with Italy, signed in 1947, agreement was to be reached within a year on the disposition of the former Italian colonies of Eritrea, Italian Somaliland, and Libya. In the absence of such an agreement, however, the decision was left to the United Nations (UN). The UN General Assembly voted for the federation of Eritrea with Ethiopia, to be completed by September 1952.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.4393086433410645, "source": "search", "title": "Haile Selassi -" }, { "answer": "Italy", "passage": "The Italian invasion of Ethiopia began on October 3. Four days later the Council of the League of Nations declared Italy guilty of violating its obligations under the League Covenant and imposed economic sanctions against the aggressor. The league's failure to enforce these sanctions, however, contributed largely to the Italian victory. On May 9, 1936, Mussolini formally annexed Ethiopia and proclaimed King Victor Emmanuel III emperor. Within a month, the country was incorporated, along with Eritrea and Italian Somaliland, into a single colony, Italian East Africa. In October 1936, after Germany had recognized the Italian conquest, Hitler and Mussolini concluded an agreement providing for joint action in support of their common goals.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -0.4002774655818939, "source": "search", "title": "Haile Selassi -" } ]
Who directed the 1951 classic movie The Day The Earth Stood Still?
{ "aliases": [ "Robert Earl Wise", "Robert Wise" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "robert wise", "robert earl wise" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "robert wise", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Robert Wise" }
[ { "answer": "Robert Wise", "passage": "The Day the Earth Stood Still (aka Farewell to the Master and Journey to the World) is a 1951 American black-and-white science fiction film from 20th Century Fox, produced by Julian Blaustein, directed by Robert Wise, and starring Michael Rennie, Patricia Neal, Hugh Marlowe and Sam Jaffe. The Day the Earth Stood Still was written by Edmund H. North, based on the 1940 science fiction short story \"Farewell to the Master\" by Harry Bates. The notable score was composed by Bernard Herrmann. ", "precise_score": 10.869709014892578, "rough_score": 9.791091918945312, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Day the Earth Stood Still" }, { "answer": "Robert Wise", "passage": "‎The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951) directed by Robert Wise • Reviews, film + cast • Letterboxd", "precise_score": 10.36328411102295, "rough_score": 10.167194366455078, "source": "search", "title": "‎The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951) directed by Robert ..." }, { "answer": "Robert Wise", "passage": "The Day the Earth Stood Still is a 1951 American science fiction film that tells the story of a humanoid alien visitor who comes to visit the Earth with a warning, accompanied by his powerful robot, \"Gort\". Robert Wise directed this film, and its leading actors and actresses were Michael Rennie, Patricia Neal, Sam Jaffe, and Hugh Marlowe. \"Gort\" is also a primary character in this motion picture, but he is portrayed as a completely mechanical man. The writer of The Day the Earth Stood Still, Edmund H. North, based his screenplay on Harry Bates's short story \"Farewell to the Master\" (1940).", "precise_score": 10.579691886901855, "rough_score": 9.10651683807373, "source": "search", "title": "The Day The Earth Stood Still 1951 - Theremin studio ..." }, { "answer": "Robert Wise", "passage": "Spencer Tracy and Claude Rains were originally considered for the part of Klaatu.[ \"Making the Earth Stand Still LaserDisc (Fox Video; 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment): Julian Blaustein, Robert Wise, Patricia Neal, Billy Gray.\"] IMDb, 1995. Retrieved: 1 February 2015. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.304447174072266, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Day the Earth Stood Still" }, { "answer": "Robert Wise", "passage": "Principal outdoor photography for The Day the Earth Stood Still was shot on the 20th Century Fox sound stages and on its studio back lot (now located in Century City, California), with a second unit shooting background plates and other scenes in Washington D.C. and at Fort George G. Meade in Maryland. The shooting schedule was from April 9 to May 23, 1951. The primary actors never traveled to Washington for the making of the film. Robert Wise indicated in the DVD commentary that the War Department refused participation in the film based on a reading of the script. The military equipment shown, however, came from the 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment then stationed at Ft. Meade which supplied the vehicles, equipment and soldiers for the segments depicting Army operations. One of the tanks in the film bears the \"Brave Rifles\" insignia of the 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 5.329966068267822, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Day the Earth Stood Still" }, { "answer": "Robert Wise", "passage": "In a commentary track on DVD, interviewed by fellow director Nicholas Meyer, the director Robert Wise stated that he wanted the film to appear as realistic and believable as possible, in order to drive home the motion picture's core message against armed conflict in the real world. Also mentioned in the DVD's documentary interview was the original title for the movie, \"The Day the World Stops\". Blaustein said his aim with the film was to promote a \"strong United Nations\".", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.465459823608398, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Day the Earth Stood Still" }, { "answer": "Robert Wise", "passage": "The documentary Decoding \"Klaatu Barada Nikto\": Science Fiction as Metaphor examined the phrase \"Klaatu barada nikto\" with some of the people involved with The Day the Earth Stood Still. Robert Wise, director of the film, related a story he had with Edmund North saying North told him, \"Well, it's just something I kind of cooked up. I thought it sounded good\". ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.40212869644165, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Day the Earth Stood Still" }, { "answer": "Robert Wise", "passage": "Robert Wise might have been criticized during his career for never challenging the studios and perhaps being a bit too much of a \"team player\" but as Hollywood directors go you'd be hard-pressed to find another studio director that could dabble in ALL genres while turning out not only successful films, but films that have stood the test of time.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.379594802856445, "source": "search", "title": "‎The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951) directed by Robert ..." }, { "answer": "Robert Wise", "passage": "With \"The Day the Earth Stood Still,\" director, Robert Wise, offers a stately, controlled science fiction vision with zero hint of the B-movie sensibilities often associated with genre offerings of the era. Serious and weighty, the film is both a document to the fears of the past and piece of work with still timely importance.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 4.184128761291504, "source": "search", "title": "‎The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951) directed by Robert ..." }, { "answer": "Robert Wise", "passage": "Robert Wise's The Day the Earth Stood Still plays like an interesting sci-fi and a cautionary tale about world peace. The story written by Harry Bates and adapted to the screen by Edmund H. North shows us how visitors from another planet might see our selfish ways. How someone from the outside looking in might see our planet with all it's violence and war as a threat to the universe. It provides an interesting perspective on the ways or our world and in my opinion isn't far from the truth.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -2.73421311378479, "source": "search", "title": "‎The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951) directed by Robert ..." }, { "answer": "Robert Wise", "passage": "Under Robert Wise's direction, every shot is strikingly composed and brings out the maximum dramatic potential of the story. The sense of rhythm and pacing is beautifully suspenseful. Bernard Herrmann, with the theremin as one of his instruments, gives the movie both a nervous tension and a sense of wonder. And the story is so perfectly constructed that it even gets away with a big speech for a climax.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.88609504699707, "source": "search", "title": "The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951) - IMDb" }, { "answer": "Robert Wise", "passage": "The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951) - Robert Wise | Review | AllMovie", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 7.309852600097656, "source": "search", "title": "The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951) - Robert Wise ..." }, { "answer": "Robert Wise", "passage": "At a time when science fiction on film had yet to work itself out of its bug-eyed monsters period, The Day the Earth Stood Still was a dramatic step forward for the genre. Intelligently written and directed, well-crafted, and boasting a top-notch cast in good form, it was a class act all the way, as well as one of the first Hollywood films to take the idea of extraterrestrial visitors seriously (if not as a practical reality, at least as an interesting metaphor). Klaatu, as played by Michael Rennie , was that rare alien invader who wanted to save us from ourselves, and Rennie gives the character an intelligence, compassion, and strength that make him seem a lot more human than many of the earthlings he encounters, while Sam Jaffe , Patricia Neal , and Billy Gray manage to prove that not all the Earth people are violent, brain-dead slobs. Director Robert Wise and his crew create an admirable sense of tension and awestruck wonder in the wake of Klaatu's arrival (many later films with higher budgets failed to capture the magic of the spaceship landing in Washington, D.C., or the towering mystery of Klaatu's robot assistant Gort), and, at a time when Cold War paranoia was at its height, The Day the Earth Stood Still carried a strong pro-disarmament message that was quite brave for its day. The film's message remains pertinent today, and, as entertainment, its intelligence, warmth, and solid filmcraft make it an enduring classic of its kind.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 4.477381706237793, "source": "search", "title": "The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951) - Robert Wise ..." } ]
Who wrote the novel The Left Hand Of Darkness?
{ "aliases": [ "Ursula K Leguin", "Ursula le Guin", "Ursula K. Le Guin", "Ursula K. Leguin", "Ursula K. LeGuin", "Ursula Leguin", "Ursula k le guin", "Ursula leguin", "Ursula K. le Guin", "Ursual K. le Guin", "Le Guin, Ursula Kroeber", "Ursula Le Guin", "Ursula LeGuin", "Ursula Guin", "Ursula K. Le Guen", "Leguin", "Ursula Kroeber Le Guin", "Ursula K Le Guin", "Charles Le Guin", "Ursula K LeGuin", "Le Guin" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "ursual k le guin", "ursula guin", "ursula leguin", "le guin ursula kroeber", "ursula k leguin", "ursula k le guin", "ursula k le guen", "ursula le guin", "leguin", "ursula kroeber le guin", "le guin", "charles le guin" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "ursula le guin", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Ursula Le Guin" }
[ { "answer": "Ursula K. Le Guin", "passage": "The Left Hand of Darkness is a science fiction novel by Ursula K. Le Guin, published in 1969. The novel became immensely popular; in 1970 it won both the Hugo and Nebula Awards as the year's \"best novel\", and established Le Guin's status as a major author of science fiction.", "precise_score": 10.988762855529785, "rough_score": 9.648157119750977, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Left Hand of Darkness" }, { "answer": "Le Guin", "passage": "The novel is part of the Hainish Cycle, a series of novels and short stories by Le Guin set in the fictional Hainish universe, which she introduced in 1964 with \"Dowry of the Angyar\". Among the Hainish novels, it was preceded in the sequence of writing by City of Illusions and followed by The Word for World is Forest, although Left Hand is the last work in the internal chronology of the Hainish cycle.", "precise_score": 3.935636043548584, "rough_score": -5.2247633934021, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Left Hand of Darkness" }, { "answer": "Le Guin", "passage": "It has been reprinted more than 30 times, and received a highly positive response from reviewers. In addition to being voted the Hugo and Nebula awards by fans and writers, respectively, a 1975 poll in Locus magazine ranked Left Hand third behind Frank Herbert's Dune and Arthur C. Clarke's Childhood's End. In 1987, Locus ranked it second among science fiction novels after Dune. In an introduction to a critical anthology edited in 1987, Harold Bloom stated; \"Le Guin, more than Tolkien, has raised fantasy into high literature, for our time\".", "precise_score": -0.7160840630531311, "rough_score": -3.052978038787842, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Left Hand of Darkness" }, { "answer": "Le Guin", "passage": "Le Guin's father Alfred Louis Kroeber was an anthropologist, and the experience that this gave Le Guin influenced all of her works. Many of the protagonists of Le Guin's novels, such as The Left Hand of Darkness and Rocannon's World are also anthropologists or social investigators of some kind. Le Guin uses the term Ekumen for her fictional alliance of worlds, a term coined by her father, who derived it from the Greek Oikoumene to refer to Eurasian cultures that shared a common origin.", "precise_score": 5.844479560852051, "rough_score": 1.8452041149139404, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Left Hand of Darkness" }, { "answer": "Le Guin", "passage": "The original 1969 edition of The Left Hand of Darkness did not contain an introduction, but Le Guin wrote one for the 1976 edition after reflecting on her work. She states that science fiction is not extrapolative, because that is \"too rationalist and simplistic.\" Instead, she calls it a \"thought experiment,\" which presupposes some changes to the world, and explores their consequences. In this case, her thought experiment explores a society without men or women, where individuals share the biological and emotional makeup of both sexes. Le Guin states that the purpose of the \"thought experiment\" was not to predict the future, but to \"describe reality, the present world.\" She has also said that the genre in general allows exploration of the \"real\" world through metaphors and complex stories, and that science fiction can use imaginary situations to comment on human behaviors and relationships.", "precise_score": 5.708794116973877, "rough_score": 7.519033432006836, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Left Hand of Darkness" }, { "answer": "Le Guin", "passage": "The Left Hand of Darkness is set in the fictional Hainish universe, which Le Guin introduced in her first novel Rocannon's World, published in 1966. In this alternative history, human beings did not evolve on earth, but on Hain. The people of Hain colonized many neighboring planetary systems, including Terra (Earth) and Gethen, possibly a million years before the setting of the novels. Some of the groups that \"seeded\" each planet were the subjects of genetic experiments, including on Gethen. The planets subsequently lost contact with each other, for reasons that Le Guin does not explain. Le Guin does not narrate the entire history of the Hainish universe at once, instead letting readers piece it together from various works. Although it was the last to be written, The Dispossessed lies earliest in the internal chronology, while Left Hand is last.", "precise_score": 8.266570091247559, "rough_score": 8.147133827209473, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Left Hand of Darkness" }, { "answer": "Le Guin", "passage": "The Left Hand of Darkness takes place many centuries in the future – no date is given in the book itself. Reviewers have suggested the year 4870 AD, based on extrapolation of events in other works, and commentary on her writing by Le Guin. The protagonist of the novel, the envoy Genly Ai, is on a planet called Winter (\"Gethen\" in the language of its own people) to convince the citizens to join the Ekumen. Winter is, as its name indicates, a planet that is always cold.", "precise_score": 7.393210411071777, "rough_score": 7.980476379394531, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Left Hand of Darkness" }, { "answer": "Le Guin", "passage": "Harold Bloom listed The Left Hand of Darkness in The Western Canon (1994) as one of the books in his conception of artistic works that been important and influential in influencing Western culture. saying that \"Le Guin, more than Tolkien, has raised fantasy into high literature, for our time\". Bloom said in 1987 that Left Hand was Le Guin's \"finest work to date,\" and that critics had generally undervalued the book. Charlote Spivack stated that Left Hand established Le Guin's status as a major science-fiction writer.", "precise_score": 9.224780082702637, "rough_score": 8.250702857971191, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Left Hand of Darkness" }, { "answer": "Le Guin", "passage": "Suzanne Reid wrote that at the time the novel was written, Le Guin's ideas of androgyny were unique not only to science fiction, but to literature in general. Donna White stated that Left Hand was one of the seminal works of science fiction, as important as Frankenstein, by Mary Shelley, which is often described as the very first science fiction novel. Left Hand has been a focus of literary critique of Le Guin's work, along with her Earthsea fiction and utopian fiction. The novel was also a personal milestone for Le Guin, with critics calling it her \"first contribution to feminism.\" It was one of her most popular books for many years after its publication.", "precise_score": 6.799347400665283, "rough_score": 3.4950342178344727, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Left Hand of Darkness" }, { "answer": "Le Guin", "passage": "Le Guin's works set in the Hainish universe explore the idea of human expansion, similar to the future history novels of other science-fiction authors such as Isaac Asimov. These novels, such as The Dispossessed, Left Hand, and The Word for World is Forest also frequently explore the effects of differing social and political systems. Le Guin believed that contemporary society suffered from a high degree of alienation and division, and her depictions of encounters between races, such as in The Left Hand of Darkness sought to explore the possibility of an \"improved mode of human relationships,\" based on \"integration and integrity.\" The Left Hand of Darkness explores this theme through the relationship between Genly Ai and Estraven; Ai initially distrusts Estraven, but eventually comes to love and trust him. Le Guin's later Hainish novels also challenge contemporary ideas about gender, ethnic differences, the value of ownership, and human beings' relationship to the natural world.", "precise_score": 6.494593620300293, "rough_score": 6.880711078643799, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Left Hand of Darkness" }, { "answer": "Le Guin", "passage": "Le Guin's interest in Taoism influenced much of her science fiction work. Douglas Barbour said that the fiction of the Hainish Universe contain a theme of balance between light and darkness, a central theme of Taoism. The title of Left Hand derives from the first line of a lay traditional to the fictional planet of Gethen; ", "precise_score": 4.7317094802856445, "rough_score": 1.500612735748291, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Left Hand of Darkness" }, { "answer": "Ursula Le Guin", "passage": "In December 2004, Phobos Entertainment acquired media rights to the novel and announced plans for a feature film and video game based on it. In 2013, the Portland Playhouse and Hand2Mouth Theatre produced a stage adaptation of The Left Hand of Darkness in Portland, Oregon. On 12 April and 19 April 2015, BBC Radio 4 broadcast a two-part adaptation of the novel, starring Kobna Holdbrook-Smith as Genly Ai, Lesley Sharp as Estraven, Toby Jones as Argaven, Ruth Gemmell as Ashe, Louise Brealey as Tibe and Gaum, Stephen Critchlow as Shusgis, and David Acton as Obsle. The radio drama was adapted by Judith Adams and directed by Allegra McIlroy. The adaptation was created and aired as part of a thematic month centered on the life and works of Ursula Le Guin, in honor of her 85th birthday.", "precise_score": 5.830414772033691, "rough_score": 8.579019546508789, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Left Hand of Darkness" }, { "answer": "Ursula Leguin", "passage": "In the light of this history, Ursula LeGuin's Left Hand of Darkness, first published in 1969, presents a real change. Human relationships take center stage; everything else is subordinate to the development of a profound and meaningful relationship between two human beings. The great achievement of The Left Hand of Darkness is the creation not of a new technology or of science-fiction gadgets but rather of a new society of truly equal human beings. It is her depth of thought, emotional involvement, strong moral values, and philosophical thinking that place LeGuin among the very top contemporary science-fiction writers.", "precise_score": 8.782328605651855, "rough_score": 6.970081806182861, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "In her article \"Is Gender Necessary?\" LeGuin herself openly discusses what inspired her to write The Left Hand of Darkness. It was, she writes, in the mid-1960s when the women's movement began to awaken after half a century of stagnation. Although as a writer she had never been treated unfairly or patronizingly on account of her sex, LeGuin was bothered by the question that besieged many women then and even now: What is a woman? This question had motivated the French philosopher and writer, Simone de Beauvoir, to write what has been considered the bible of the women's movement, The Second Sex (France 1949, United States 1953), the exploration of women's situation throughout the ages. This question also inspired the American feminist Betty Friedan to write The Feminine Mystique (1963).", "precise_score": 7.081584930419922, "rough_score": 2.32767915725708, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "In \"Is Gender Necessary?\", written in 1976, seven years after the publication of The Left Hand of Darkness, LeGuin, suprisingly, rejected the notion that hers was a \"feminist\" book. Although she considered herself a feminist (holding that every thinking woman is a feminist), she emphasized that \"the real subject of the book is not feminism or sex or gender ... it is a book about betrayal and fidelity.\" However, in 1987, eleven years later, LeGuin revised her essay, or rather added comments that attest to her own growth as a conscious feminist. In \"Is Gender Necessary? Redux\", she admits to having been defensive and resentful that critics had concentrated on the gender problems \"as if it were an essay, not a novel.\" In her revision she writes that \"there are other aspects of the novel\" inextricably involved with its gender aspects.", "precise_score": 4.457239627838135, "rough_score": 3.2367024421691895, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "In The Left Hand of Darkness LeGuin has aspired to reach beyond the question of \"What is a woman?\" to broader and deeper questions of \"What is sexuality?\" and \"What is the meaning of gender?\" Besides physiological differences, are there really any differences between men and women? Being a novelist, her explorations of these questions are the basis of The Left Hand of Darkness.", "precise_score": 3.0986576080322266, "rough_score": 3.5536234378814697, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "Here was a glimpse of LeGuin the person, after all. It was typical of her, putting her writing aside and throwing herself into a social or political cause she believes in. In the 1960s she became involved in the peace demonstrations and campaigned for Eugene McCarthy and then George McGovern in their primaries. Her political activities in the peace movement led to a short novel, The Eye of the Heron, and to The Word for World Is Forest, and then to The Left Hand of Darkness, considered by many to be her best work.", "precise_score": 3.525397777557373, "rough_score": 5.208697319030762, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "Two more science fiction novels, Planet of Exile (1966) and City of Illusion (1967), followed almost immediately, but her real success came with the publication of A Wizard of Earthsea (1968) which won the prestigious Globe-Hornbook Award for Excellence. With the award came national recognition. Then, The Left Hand of Darkness (1969) won both the Hugo and Nebula Awards, and when her novel The Dispossessed (1974) appeared and also won the Hugo and Nebula, LeGuin became the first science fiction writer to have won both awards twice.", "precise_score": 5.909729957580566, "rough_score": 6.35966157913208, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "LeGuin seems to have been blessed with a happy family life as a child and as an adult. Yet in her novels and essays she refers again and again to pain and suffering as a necessary price for happiness. In The Left Hand of Darkness, the moment Ai gains profound love he also loses it. Where had her experience of sorrow come from? I wondered.", "precise_score": 3.116403341293335, "rough_score": 5.000513076782227, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "A major flaw in The Left Hand of Darkness, as LeGuin herself came to admit and as many of her critics expressed, is as she says, \"that the Gethenians seem like men, instead of men-women.\"", "precise_score": 2.4668288230895996, "rough_score": 1.8217107057571411, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "LeGuin's recently revised article, \"Is Gender Necessary? Redux\" is her clear recognition of her flawed treatment of the gender in The Left Hand of Darkness. She tells me, \"I wrote the original article in reaction against the kind of criticism that was bothering me very much because I was about to begin to agree with it; so I was quite defensive, and then my defenses broke down and I said, No, they are right. Estraven appears to be a man, I shouldn't have used the male pronoun. And then I revised the article.\"", "precise_score": 2.679996967315674, "rough_score": -2.0404720306396484, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "The story she is talking about is \"Winter's King,\" written about a year before The Left Hand of Darkness, and it concentrates on King Argavan of Karhide on Planet Gethen. In her first version of the story there is no mention of the ambisexual society. This idea came later and was incorporated in The Left Hand of Darkness. However, in response to the strong criticism of the use of male pronoun in the book, LeGuin revised \"Winter's King,\" using the feminine pronoun for all Gethenians, while keeping the masculine titles such as King and Lord, to remind the reader of the ambiguity.", "precise_score": 4.610905647277832, "rough_score": 6.115215301513672, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "No doubt. If a political mission depends on a love relationship between two individuals, as is the case in The Left Hand of Darkness, LeGuin is certainly a romantic. We all know that this is not the way politics is done; that in reality human relationships are sacrificed for political goals. But as LeGuin writes in her introduction to the book, she deals with \"what if,\" not with \"what is.\" We are surrounded by \"as is\"; we need to speculate on alternatives that are rewarding and stimulating, even if they remain in the domain of \"thought-experiment.\"", "precise_score": 3.128361225128174, "rough_score": -2.1179232597351074, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "LeGuin's themes in The Left Hand of Darkness are many, complex, and interwoven.", "precise_score": 4.8177690505981445, "rough_score": -1.8793563842773438, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "The implied message of The Left Hand of Darkness is that our lives would be greatly enriched if we, both men and women, were allowed to feel the entire range of human emotions and not be restricted to only some of them, the nature of which are dictated by tradition, prejudice, or misconception. In order to achieve peace and harmony in our personal life and in the world in general, we have to acknowledge and cultivate the female and male principles in each of us. LeGuin's manwoman idea is a metaphor for harmony, integration, and wholeness.", "precise_score": 1.6221179962158203, "rough_score": -2.2497642040252686, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "The Left Hand of Darkness embodies LeGuin's main belief, largely based on the ancient Chinese philosophy of the Tao (pronounced Dao), meaning \"The Way.\" Since the 1960s, a decade known for its search for alternative ways of thinking and living, there has been a great interest in the West in Oriental philosophies such as Zen Buddhism and Taoism.", "precise_score": 4.197389602661133, "rough_score": -3.1881823539733887, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "The Left Hand of Darkness may not be an easy book to read for readers accustomed to linear writing. In linear writing the plot develops chronologically along a straight line. LeGuin's writing is anything but linear. It is circular or spiral and multi-levelled, making diversions and side-trips to the past, and further even, to ancient times, to myths and legends of her invented planet.", "precise_score": 5.473855972290039, "rough_score": 7.077143669128418, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Ursula K. Leguin", "passage": "For years, science fiction has been a category of its own, avidly read by many, but basically separated from mainstream literature. It has been, for the most part, ignored by literary reviewers as well as by literary scholars, relegated to its own magazines, its own awards, and its own public. This has been a sore point for Ursula K. LeGuin, as it has been for every serious science fiction writer. Although since the publication of The Left Hand of Darkness in 1969, and in many ways because of it, science fiction has been taken more seriously and even been a subject for academic studies, it is still largely an \"alien\" in mainstream literature.", "precise_score": 3.709784984588623, "rough_score": 1.6065753698349, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "In her introduction to The Left Hand of Darkness, LeGuin takes great pains to show that mainstream fiction and science fiction have much in common, and actually are basically the same; science fiction, contrary to what people may think, is not about the future but about the present, and like fiction, it reveals hidden truths about ourselves. It is not about different planets, it is about the present world.", "precise_score": 3.9066901206970215, "rough_score": 5.209179401397705, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "In that way, both mainstream fiction and science fiction tell the truth about reality through \"lies,\" that is, through imagination. \"Truth is a matter of the imagination,\" says LeGuin through her protagonist in the very beginning of The Left Hand of Darkness.", "precise_score": 2.2600769996643066, "rough_score": 4.360729694366455, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Ursula K. Leguin", "passage": "In his essay \"The Other Side of Suffering: Touch as Theme and Metaphor in LeGuin's Science Fiction Novels\" (found in Ursula K. LeGuin, edited by Olander and Greenberg), Thomas J. Remington maintains that touch as a union of opposites recurs throughout The Left Hand of Darkness and LeGuin's other novels. Touch awakens the sexual urge of the Gethenians, but it goes far beyond mere sexuality. In the legend of \"Estraven the Traitor\" touch is a metaphor for a wholeness and profound love that bridges generations-old hatred. The heirs of the feuding families touch hands and find that they match exactly \"like the two hands of one man laid palm to palm.\" Realizing that this signifies a predestined affinity, the two enemies swear the strongest vow of love and fidelity.", "precise_score": 4.306966304779053, "rough_score": 5.951564788818359, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "Since Homer's Odyssey, and even earlier, in the myths and legends of many people, the journey has served as a perennial symbol for life itself. In The Left Hand of Darkness, LeGuin offers us a journey within a journey within a journey. The first one is Ai's journey to the planet Gethen; the second is that of Ai and Estraven across 800 miles of wild desolation of snow and ice; and the third is Ai's inner journey into himself, and his growing self-awareness.", "precise_score": 2.097156286239624, "rough_score": -4.362459182739258, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "Each of the offspring is followed by \"a piece of darkness,\" a shadow, which will eventually \"eat the light,\" and nothing will be left in the world but ice and darkness. LeGuin's message is clear: where there is no balance and coexistence, there is death and destruction.", "precise_score": -6.478552341461182, "rough_score": -6.808939456939697, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "The lack of serious criticism of The Left Hand of Darkness, as well as of science fiction novels in general, irks LeGuin. In her essay, \"A Citizen of Mondath\" (1973), she laments that, because there was so little literary criticism of science fiction, \"the writer is almost his only critic.\" In spite of having dedicated readers, science fiction had been, and largely still is, considered a marginal genre in the academic world.", "precise_score": 5.801036357879639, "rough_score": 8.250001907348633, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "But within the science fiction milieu, The Left Hand of Darkness became an immediate success, hailed as LeGuin's best work so far. Not only did it win the most important awards in the field, but it attracted the notice of a number of scholars.", "precise_score": 5.374291896820068, "rough_score": 4.8092803955078125, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "Douglas Barbour, a Canadian critic, was the first to study several of LeGuin's novels (Science Fiction Studies, Spring 1974). He detected common themes and images running parallel in her books and concluded that \"the whole of The Left Hand of Darkness is a masterful example of form creating content.\"", "precise_score": 8.164501190185547, "rough_score": 7.552126407623291, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "Martin Bickman's essay, \"LeGuin's The Left Hand of Darkness: Form and Content\" (Science Fiction Studies, March 1977) suggests ways to reconcile form and content in the novel in a \"functional, organic, and aesthetically meaningful way.\" Bickman views Ai as the \"structuring consciousness\" of the narrative: he tells his story and also selects and arranges the myths and legends and excerpts from Estraven's diary. The order he imposes suggests the understanding and insight he has gained on Gethen.", "precise_score": 7.1603288650512695, "rough_score": 7.832425117492676, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Ursula K. Leguin", "passage": "However, her legitimization as an important contemporary fiction writer, and not narrowly as SF novelist, was made by the literary critic Robert Scholes, in his book Structural Fabulation (1975). Scholes maintains that with the Left Hand of Darkness, LeGuin displays \"powers so remarkable that only full and serious critical scrutiny can begin to reveal her value as a writer.\" Her gift is to merge fantasy and realism and to \"naturalize the supernatural.\" The book, he writes, is rich and very moving and better written than most science fiction writing. The power of the book lies in the way \"it interweaves all its levels and combines all its voices and values into an ordered, balanced whole.\" If he had to choose one writer whose work is \"of compelling power and beauty, employing a language that is fully adequate to this aesthetic intention, that writer would be the Good Witch of the West,\" Ursula K. LeGuin.", "precise_score": 6.6988444328308105, "rough_score": 7.026433944702148, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "John Updike, in The New Yorker (June 23, 1980), under the title \"Imagining Things,\" dedicates two full pages to LeGuin. He accredits her writing with \"mainstream tact, color, and intelligence.\" Like Ray Bradbury and Kurt Vonnegut, she has recently \"entered what is hailed as 'mainstream fiction'.\" He calls The Left Hand of Darkness \"a heartwarming tale of emerging statehood and evolved androgyny on a wintry planet.\" He claims that her fantasies carry more \"earthy substance\" and are more relevant to our present life on Earth than the usual science fiction books. He refers to an illuminating quote by Peter Beagle (in his introduction to The Lord of the Rings): \"the Sixties were the time when the word progress lost its ancient holiness, and escape stopped being comically obscene.\" Fantasies offer \"a green alternative to each day's madness here in a poisoned world.\"", "precise_score": 6.9075517654418945, "rough_score": 2.379664659500122, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "However, harsh criticism came from an unexpected source. The distinguished Polish science fiction writer, Stanislaw Lem, wrote in Science Fiction Commentary (November 1971) that in The Left Hand of Darkness, LeGuin \"would not create, could not create, or did not know how to create the cruel harshness of the individual's destiny\" in a system in which ambisexual individuals, in their kemmer, or sexual period, become, without knowing beforehand, either male or female. The fact that Winter's people do not know what sex they will assume in their next cycle, whether they are going to \"impregnate or get impregnated\" must put them under great psychological stress. What if someone who becomes male loves someone who becomes female, then in a later cycle both become male or female: do they simply go to seek different partners? What about love relationships, long-term affection? They must experience much grief. To Lem, this state of affairs seems \"hellish.\"", "precise_score": 6.172881603240967, "rough_score": 5.492109298706055, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "Joanna Russ, a feminist critic and science fiction writer (The Female Man, 1987), supported Lem's criticism. She wrote (Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, March 1975) that in LeGuin's novel the ambisexual theme failed because the people on Gethen seem to be exclusively male. Moreover, she argued that \"the family structure is not fully explained,\" and that \"child-rearing is left completely in the dark.\" As for the writing itself, she said that it is too much telling and not enough showing.", "precise_score": 0.6391319036483765, "rough_score": -6.302178859710693, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "Since the publication of The Left Hand of Darkness, five books wholly dedicated to the scholarly study of LeGuin's writing have appeared, in addition to essays in numerous collections on science fiction writing.", "precise_score": 6.4012370109558105, "rough_score": 8.576472282409668, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "In New Worlds for Old (1974), David Ketterer offers an interesting critical commentary on The Left Hand of Darkness. He maintains that the action of the novel is often arbitrary, and that the plot is possible without any mention of the Gethenians' ambisexuality or of Gethen's cold climate, both of which are controlled more by LeGuin's philosophy but are not integrated in the plot. The essential weakness of the novel, he says, is \"making sense\" of it because it is LeGuin's beliefs that \"almost mechanically ... determine the various turns of the plot.\" Although he agrees that the novel is \"skillfully integrated\" and \"woven,\" he reiterates that \"the plot is unfortunately subordinate to the overly conscious use of mythic material.\"", "precise_score": 7.107203960418701, "rough_score": 6.7413530349731445, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "1. Simone de Beauvoir's The Second Sex (France 1949, United States 1953), is considered the bible of the feminists. Read de Beauvoir's introduction to her book and compare her ideas to those of LeGuin's in The Left Hand of Darkness. Pay special attention to the idea of the Other. In what ways is LeGuin's ambisexual society the answer to Simone de Beauvoir's harsh criticism of the inequality between the sexes?", "precise_score": 4.2432990074157715, "rough_score": 0.4763943552970886, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "2. LeGuin has said that the question \"What is a woman?\" provoked her to write The Left Hand of Darkness. In what way does or does not the book answer this question? What are the arguments that the book suggests for a possible answer to the question: What are the differences between men and women?", "precise_score": 4.4592108726501465, "rough_score": 2.671590566635132, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "3. A year before publication of The Left Hand of Darkness, LeGuin wrote a short story, \"Winter's King,\" directly related to the novel. Sometime after the publication of the novel, she revised her short story in a meaningful way.", "precise_score": 8.306997299194336, "rough_score": 9.531042098999023, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "4. Discuss the ambisexual society, the most original invention of LeGuin's The Left Hand of Darkness. In what ways does this invention serve the overall idea of LeGuin's book?", "precise_score": 4.133680820465088, "rough_score": -0.09925888478755951, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "11. Compare Theodore Sturgeon's androgynous society of the Ledom in Venus Plus X (1960) and that of the Gethenians in LeGuin's The Left Hand of Darkness.", "precise_score": 5.112794876098633, "rough_score": -2.087852954864502, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "15. Critic George Slusser argues that Taoism is \"the strongest single force\" underlying all of LeGuin's novels. Read Alan Watts' Tao: The Watercourse Way, and/or Chang Chungyuan's Creativity and Taoism (or any other book on Taoism you prefer), and discuss The Left Hand of Darkness as a reflection of Taoist philosophy.", "precise_score": 4.966724872589111, "rough_score": 4.633909702301025, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "16. In her introduction to The Left Hand of Darkness, LeGuin maintains that science fiction is not about the future but about the present. Critics have mentioned that both Karhide and Orgoreyn are meant as criticism of present societies. In what ways is her novel critical of our contemporary society?", "precise_score": 5.89585542678833, "rough_score": 7.948428153991699, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "17. In her introduction to her book, LeGuin says that when we read a good novel, we may find \"that we're a bit different from what we were before we read it, that we have been changed a little.\" Think about some novels you have read that influenced you to change, even if just a little. What must a novel have in order to be able to change you? Is The Left Hand of Darkness in this category? Explain your answer.", "precise_score": 2.4973299503326416, "rough_score": 5.643008232116699, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "18. Read one other novel by LeGuin, possibly The Dispossessed. Compare it to The Left Hand of Darkness. Discuss and compare LeGuin's themes, techniques, and structures in each novel.", "precise_score": 6.752319812774658, "rough_score": 6.991457462310791, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "20. In her essay \"The Child and the Shadow\" (The Language of the Night), LeGuin recounts a fascinating fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen, in order to explain her idea of the shadow. Discuss the idea of the shadow in the fairy tale and in The Left Hand of Darkness.", "precise_score": 5.278558254241943, "rough_score": 7.431653022766113, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Ursula Le Guin", "passage": "Gender and glaciers: Ursula Le Guin’s The Left Hand of Darkness |", "precise_score": 6.787947654724121, "rough_score": 4.362031936645508, "source": "search", "title": "Gender and glaciers: Ursula Le Guin’s The Left Hand of ..." }, { "answer": "Ursula Le Guin", "passage": "Gender and glaciers: Ursula Le Guin’s The Left Hand of Darkness", "precise_score": 7.769494533538818, "rough_score": 4.710256576538086, "source": "search", "title": "Gender and glaciers: Ursula Le Guin’s The Left Hand of ..." }, { "answer": "Ursula Leguin", "passage": "In the light of this history, Ursula LeGuin's Left Hand of Darkness presents a real change. Human relationships take center stage; everything else is subordinate to the development of a profound and meaningful relationship between two human beings. The great achievement of The Left Hand of Darkness is the creation not of a new technology or of science-fiction gadgets but rather of a new society of truly equal human beings. It is her depth of thought, emotional involvement, strong moral values, and philosophical thinking that place LeGuin among the very top contemporary science-fiction writers.", "precise_score": 8.30825424194336, "rough_score": 6.238521575927734, "source": "search", "title": "The Left Hand of Darkness - University of Tennessee at Martin" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "In her article \"Is Gender Necessary?\" written in 1976, seven years after the publication of The Left Hand of Darkness, LeGuin herself openly discusses what inspired her to write The Left Hand of Darkness. It was, she writes, in the mid-1960s when the women's movement began to awaken after half a century of stagnation. Although as a writer she had never been treated unfairly or patronizingly on account of her sex, LeGuin was bothered by the question that besieged many women then and even now: What is a woman? This question had motivated the French philosopher and writer, Simone de Beauvoir, to write what has been considered the bible of the women's movement, The Second Sex (France 1949, United States 1953), the exploration of women's situation throughout the ages. This question also inspired the American feminist Betty Friedan to write The Feminine Mystique (1963).", "precise_score": 6.873725414276123, "rough_score": 7.023192405700684, "source": "search", "title": "The Left Hand of Darkness - University of Tennessee at Martin" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "In The Left Hand of Darkness LeGuin has aspired to reach beyond the question of \"What is a woman?\" to broader and deeper questions of \"What is sexuality?\" and \"What is the meaning of gender?\" Besides physiological differences, are there really any differences between men and women? Being a novelist, her explorations of these questions are the basis of The Left Hand of Darkness.", "precise_score": 3.0986576080322266, "rough_score": 3.5536234378814697, "source": "search", "title": "The Left Hand of Darkness - University of Tennessee at Martin" }, { "answer": "Ursula k le guin", "passage": "Winter reads: The Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula K Le Guin | Books | The Guardian", "precise_score": 8.944586753845215, "rough_score": 8.190295219421387, "source": "search", "title": "Winter reads: The Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula K Le ..." }, { "answer": "Ursula k le guin", "passage": "Winter reads: The Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula K Le Guin", "precise_score": 9.399893760681152, "rough_score": 7.097043514251709, "source": "search", "title": "Winter reads: The Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula K Le ..." }, { "answer": "Ursula k le guin", "passage": "What if there were no gender – if humans only took on male or female characteristics when they went into heat once a month, and sex was kept separate from everything else? What would a society without the dualism of male and female look like? This was the \"thought experiment\" Ursula K Le Guin embarked on in her 1970 Hugo award winner , The Left Hand of Darkness .", "precise_score": 1.9609683752059937, "rough_score": -5.876471042633057, "source": "search", "title": "Winter reads: The Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula K Le ..." }, { "answer": "Le Guin", "passage": "The Left Hand of Darkness | novel by Le Guin |", "precise_score": 9.50599193572998, "rough_score": 9.322227478027344, "source": "search", "title": "The Left Hand of Darkness | novel by Le Guin |" }, { "answer": "Ursula K. Le Guin", "passage": "The Left Hand of Darkness, science-fiction novel by Ursula K. Le Guin , published in 1969. The book, set on a frigid planet called Gethen, or Winter, is a vehicle for Le Guin’s Daoist view of the complementary nature of all relationships. Gethen is inhabited by a race of androgynous humans who may change sexual roles during monthly estrus periods, so at different times any individual may be either a mother or a father. The plot is interspersed with anthropological comments on the Gethenians as well as extracts from their own folklore and philosophy and follows the exploits of Genly Ai, the first ambassador to Gethen from the Ekumen (the league of known worlds), who with the aid of Estraven, a sympathetic Gethenian, attempts to bring the peoples of Gethen into the Ekumen.", "precise_score": 9.179855346679688, "rough_score": 7.396506309509277, "source": "search", "title": "The Left Hand of Darkness | novel by Le Guin |" }, { "answer": "Ursula K. Le Guin", "passage": "...(1960) examined the limits of gender in a world where sexuality and reproduction are surgical add-ons. One of the more thoughtful explorations of the theme was Ursula K. Le Guin’s The Left Hand of Darkness (1969), which posited a human society on a distant planet where humans have no sexual identity but become sexual beings for a brief period once a month; each can...", "precise_score": 6.398061752319336, "rough_score": -2.868598461151123, "source": "search", "title": "The Left Hand of Darkness | novel by Le Guin |" }, { "answer": "Ursula K. Le Guin", "passage": "That's what we thought, until we read Ursula K. Le Guin's  The Left Hand of Darkness, one of her Hainish Cycle novels. (Don't worry; you can read this one without reading the others—but you might not be able to help it.)", "precise_score": 8.89476203918457, "rough_score": 8.240135192871094, "source": "search", "title": "The Left Hand of Darkness - Shmoop" }, { "answer": "Le Guin", "passage": "When The Left Hand of Darkness hit in 1969, it produced some huge waves both in and outside the science fiction community. It won both the Hugo and Nebula awards, which is like winning an Oscar and a Golden Globe in the sci-fi community. In fact, Le Guin was the second author—and the first female author—to accomplish this double-win feat, following Frank Herbert's double win for  Dune and helping set the trend kept alive by William Gibson's  Neuromancer , Orson Scott Card's  Ender's Game , and Gaiman's  American Gods .", "precise_score": 7.647757053375244, "rough_score": 7.860799312591553, "source": "search", "title": "The Left Hand of Darkness - Shmoop" }, { "answer": "Le Guin", "passage": "Beyond the awards and heaps of loving praise, Le Guin's novel was also a milestone for science fiction and feminist works in general. Before The Left Hand of Darkness, science fiction was mostly seen as a boy's clubhouse, the kind with a No Gurls Alowed sign crudely spray-painted on the door. Women (like Le Guin herself) certainly wrote science fiction before The Left Hand of Darkness came along, but there was a hush-hush understanding that the material should be aimed at boys. Le Guin helped break down this barrier, just when the Second-Wave Feminism movement was picking up steam.", "precise_score": 6.905415058135986, "rough_score": 6.147245407104492, "source": "search", "title": "The Left Hand of Darkness - Shmoop" }, { "answer": "Ursula Le Guin", "passage": "So, you can think of Ursula Le Guin's The Left Hand of Darkness as a literary how-to guide for dealing with other cultures. Ambassador Genly Ai's struggle is a battle to connect his own understanding of culture and society with one utterly foreign and alien to him—and it doesn't get much more foreign than androgynous aliens.", "precise_score": 8.010428428649902, "rough_score": 3.0044381618499756, "source": "search", "title": "The Left Hand of Darkness - Shmoop" }, { "answer": "Ursula K. Le Guin", "passage": "We’re thrilled to have Ursula K. Le Guin join us today to talk about “The Left Hand of Darkness.” In the spirit of the novel, our questions are a collaboration between a male and a female; we leave it up to our readers to determine who wrote which.", "precise_score": 8.576334953308105, "rough_score": 8.795263290405273, "source": "search", "title": "First Contact: A Talk with Ursula K. Le Guin - The New Yorker" }, { "answer": "Le Guin", "passage": "No single work did more to upend the genre’s conventions than The Left Hand of Darkness (1969). In this novel, her fourth, Le Guin imagined a world whose human inhabitants have no fixed gender: their sexual roles are determined by context and express themselves only once every month. The form of the book is a mosaic of primary sources, an interstellar ethnographer’s notebook, ranging from matter-of-fact journal entries to fragments of alien myth. Writers as diverse as Zadie Smith and Algis Budrys have cited The Left Hand of Darkness as an influence, and Harold Bloom included it in The Western Canon. In the decades that followed, Le Guin continued to broaden both her range and her readership, writing the fantasy series she has perhaps become best known for, Earthsea, as well as the anarchist utopian allegory The Dispossessed, to name just a few books among dozens. Her productivity is remarkable. Lavinia (2008), her most recent novel, was her twenty-third book-length work of fiction.", "precise_score": 8.073732376098633, "rough_score": 7.993425369262695, "source": "search", "title": "Paris Review - The Art of Fiction No. 221, Ursula K. Le Guin" }, { "answer": "Le Guin", "passage": "Le Guin's interest in Taoism influenced much of her science fiction work. Douglas Barbour stated that the fiction of the Hainish Universe contain a theme of balance between light and darkness, a central theme of Taoism. She was also influenced by her early interest in mythology, and her exposure to cultural diversity as a child. Her protagonists are frequently interested in the cultures they are investigating, and are motivated to preserve them rather than conquer them. Authors that influenced Le Guin include Victor Hugo, Lev Tolstoy, Virginia Woolf, Italo Calvino, and Lao Tzu.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.09431791305542, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Left Hand of Darkness" }, { "answer": "Le Guin", "passage": "Le Guin identifies herself with feminism, and is interested in non-violence and ecological awareness. She has participated in demonstrations against the Vietnam War and nuclear weapons. These sympathies can be seen in several of her works of fiction, including those in the Hainish universe. The novels of the Hainish universe frequently explore the effects of differing social and political systems, although she displays a preference for a \"society that governs by consensus, a communal cooperation without external government.\" Her fiction also frequently challenges accepted depictions of race and gender.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.869873046875, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Left Hand of Darkness" }, { "answer": "Le Guin", "passage": "The inhabitants of Gethen are sequentially hermaphroditic humans; for twenty-four days (somer) of each twenty-six-day lunar cycle, they are sexually latent androgynes. They only adopt sexual attributes once a month, during a period of sexual receptiveness and high fertility, called kemmer. During kemmer they become sexually male or female, with no predisposition towards either, although which sex they adopt can depend on context and relationships. Throughout the novel Gethenians are described as \"he\", whatever their role in kemmer. This absence of fixed gender characteristics led Le Guin to portray Gethen as a society without war, and also without sexuality as a continuous factor in social relationships. On Gethen, every individual takes part in the \"burden and privilege\" of raising children, and rape and seduction are virtually absent.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.211833953857422, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Left Hand of Darkness" }, { "answer": "Le Guin", "passage": "The novel was at the center of a feminist debate when it was published in 1969. Alexei Panshin objected to the use of masculine \"he/him/his\" gender pronouns to describes its androgynous characters. Other feminists maintained that the novel did not go far enough in its exploration of gender. Criticism was also directed at the portrayal of androgynous characters in the \"masculine\" roles of politicians and statesmen but not in family roles. Sarah LeFanu, for example, wrote that Le Guin turned her back on on opportunity for experimentation. She stated that \"these male heroes with their crises of identity, caught in the stranglehold of liberal individualism, act as a dead weight at the center of the novel.\" Le Guin, who identifies as a feminist, responded to these criticisms in her essay \"Is Gender Necessary?\" as well as by switching masculine pronouns for feminine ones in a later reprinting of Winter's King, an unconnected short story set on Gethen. In her responses, Le Guin admitted to failing to depict androgynes in stereotypically feminine roles, but said that she considered and decided against inventing gender-neutral pronouns, because they would mangle the language of the novel.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.491936683654785, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Left Hand of Darkness" }, { "answer": "Le Guin", "passage": "A prominent theme in the novel are social relations in a society where gender is irrelevant; in Le Guin's words, she \"eliminated gender, to find out what was left.\" In her 1976 essay \"Is Gender necessary?\" Le Guin wrote that the theme of gender was only secondary to the novel's primary theme of loyalty and betrayal. However, Le Guin revisited this essay in 1988, and stated that gender was actually central to the novel; her earlier essay had described gender as a peripheral theme because of the defensiveness she felt over using masculine pronouns for her characters.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.00058650970459, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Left Hand of Darkness" }, { "answer": "Le Guin", "passage": "Feminist theorists criticized the novel for what they saw as a homophobic depiction of the relationship between Estraven and Ai. Both are presented as superficially masculine throughout the novel, but they never physically explore the attraction between them. Estraven's death at the end was seen as giving the message that \"death is the price that must be paid for forbidden love.\" In a 1986 essay, Le Guin acknowledged and apologized for the fact that Left Hand had presented heterosexuality as the norm on Gethen.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.3387770652771, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Left Hand of Darkness" }, { "answer": "Le Guin", "passage": "The androgynous nature of the inhabitants of Gethen is used to examine gender relations in human society. On Gethen, the permanently male Genly Ai is an oddity, and is seen as a \"pervert\" by the natives; according to reviewers, this is Le Guin's way of gently critiquing masculinity. Additionally, Le Guin seems to suggest that the absence of gender divisions leads to a society without the constriction of gender roles. The Gethenians are also not inclined to go to war, which reviewers have linked to their lack of sexual aggressiveness, derived from their ambisexuality. Harold Bloom states that \"Androgyny is clearly neither a political nor a sexual ideal\" in the book, but that \"... ambisexuality is a more imaginative condition than our bisexuality. ... the Gethenians know more than either men or women.\" Bloom adds that this is the major difference between Estraven and Ai, and allows Estraven the freedom to carry out actions that Ai cannot; Estraven \"is better able to love, and freed therefore to sacrifice.\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.242233276367188, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Left Hand of Darkness" }, { "answer": "Le Guin", "passage": "Suzanne Reid states that this presentation of light and dark was in strong contrast to many western cultural assumptions, which believe in strongly contrasted opposites. She states that Le Guin's characters have a tendency to adapt to the rhythms of nature rather than trying to conquer them, an attitude which can also be traced to Taoism. The Handarrata represent the Taoist sense of unity; believers try to find insight by reaching the \"untrance\", a balance between knowing and unknowing, and focusing and unfocusing.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.623056411743164, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Left Hand of Darkness" }, { "answer": "Le Guin", "passage": "The Yomesh cult is the official religion of Orgoreyn, and worships light. Critics such as David Lake have found parallels between the Yomesh cult and Christianity, such as the presence of saints and angels, and the use of a dating system based on the death of the prophet. Le Guin portrays the Yomesh religion as influencing the Orgota society, which Lake interprets as a critique of the influence of Christianity upon Western society. In comparison to the religion of Karhide, the Yomesh religion focuses more on enlightenment and positive, obvious statements. Le Guin suggests that this focus on positives leads to the Orgota being not entirely honest, and that a balance between enlightenment and darkness is necessary for truth.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.506491661071777, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Left Hand of Darkness" }, { "answer": "Le Guin", "passage": "This conflict is demonstrated by the varying loyalties of the main characters. Genly Ai tells Argaven after Estraven's death that Estraven served mankind as a whole, just as Ai did. During the border dispute with Orgoreyn, Estraven tries to end the dispute by moving Karhidish farmers out of the disputed territory. Estraven believes that by preventing war he was saving Karhidish lives and being loyal to his country, while King Argaven sees it as a betrayal. At the end of the novel Ai calls his ship down to formalize Gethen's joining the Ekumen, and feels conflicted while doing so because he had promised Estraven that he would clear Estraven's name before calling his ship down. This demonstrates Le Guin's portrayal of loyalty and betrayal as complementary rather than contradictory, because in joining Gethen with the Ekumen Ai was fulfilling the larger purpose that he shared with Estraven. Donna White wrote that many of Le Guin's novels depict a struggle between personal loyalties and public duties, best exemplified in Left Hand, where Ai is bound by a personal bond to Estraven, but must subordinate that to his mission for the Ekumen and humanity.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.10997486114502, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Left Hand of Darkness" }, { "answer": "Le Guin", "passage": "The theme of loyalty and trust is related to the novel's other major theme of gender. Ai has considerable difficulty in completing his mission because of his prejudice against the ambisexual Gethenians and his inability to establish a personal bond with them. Ai's preconceived ideas of how men should behave prevents him from trusting Estraven when the two meet; Ai labels Estraven \"womanly\" and distrusts him because Estraven exhibits both male and female characteristics. Estraven also faces difficulties communicating with Ai, who does not understand shifgrethor, the Gethenians' indirect way of giving and receiving advice. A related theme that runs through Le Guin's work is that of being rooted or rootless in society, explored through the experiences of lone individuals on alien planets.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.855342864990234, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Left Hand of Darkness" }, { "answer": "Le Guin", "passage": "The myths and legends serve to explain specific features about Gethenian culture, as well as larger philosophical aspects of society. Many of the tales used in the novel immediately precede chapters describing Ai's experience with a similar situation. For instance, a story about the dangers of foretelling is presented before Ai's own experience witnessing a foretelling. Other stories include a discussion of the legend of the \"place inside the storm\"; another discusses the roots of the Yomeshta cult; a third is an ancient Orgota creation myth; a fourth is a story of one of Estraven's ancestors, which discusses what a traitor is. The presence of myths and legends has also been cited by reviewers who state that Le Guin's work, particularly Left Hand, is similar to allegory in many ways. These include the presence of a guide (Estraven) for the protagonist (Ai), and the use of myths and legends to provide a backdrop for the story.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.662088394165039, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Left Hand of Darkness" }, { "answer": "Le Guin", "passage": "The heterogeneous structure of the novel has been described as \"distinctly post-modern\", and was unusual for the time of its publication, in marked contrast to (primarily male-authored) traditional science fiction, which was straightforward and linear. In 1999, literary scholar Donna White wrote that the unorthodox structure of the novel made it initially confusing to reviewers, before it was interpreted as an attempt to follow the trajectory of Ai's changing views. Also in contrast to what was typical for male authors of the period, Le Guin narrated the action in the novel through the personal relationships she depicted.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.324263572692871, "source": "wiki", "title": "The Left Hand of Darkness" }, { "answer": "Ursula Leguin", "passage": "Although much of today's science-fiction writing is still male-oriented power fantasies, serious writers such as Ursula LeGuin or Joanna Russ have turned the best of science fiction into writing worthy of serious consideration and literary criticism. Pamela Sargent, in her introduction to Women of Wonder, presents an intriguing quote by Harlan Ellison: \"... women are writing many of the things male sf writers thought could never be written, they are opening up whole new areas to us ...\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.705726623535156, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "To be precise, the book does not offer ultimate answers, and readers will not find there the answer to the basic question of \"What is a woman?\" Actually, when the male Envoy from Earth is asked by his friend from the new planet to explain what a woman is, he embarrassedly hesitates, fails, and finally admits that he does not know what a woman is. But more important than the answers are the questions and the hypothesis that LeGuin offers, in her \"thought-experiment,\" as she calls the novel in her intriguing introduction. The book serves as \"the record of my consciousness, the process of my thinking\" in the laboratory of the mind. It offers alternative modes of thinking not about the future but about ourselves in the present.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.814594268798828, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "The result? \"Messy,\" according to LeGuin, \"dubious and uncertain.\" The same experiment done by someone else, she maintains, and even by herself several years later, \"would probably give quite different results\" (in her revision she replaces the word \"probably\" by \"certainly\").", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.406594276428223, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "However, LeGuin has been frequently criticized for making her Gethenians, although they are menwomen, too much like men. Feminists have accused her of not going far enough and for using male protagonists. In her recent essay, \"The Fisherman's Daughter\" (1988), LeGuin admits that these critics were right, that until the mid 1970s \"men were the central characters, the women were peripheral, secondary.\" And she adds that feminism has empowered her to criticize her society, herself, and feminism itself.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.260909080505371, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Ursula K. Leguin", "passage": ":: URSULA K. LEGUIN'S LIFE AND WORK: AN INTERVIEW ::", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.266776084899902, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Ursula K. Leguin", "passage": "Ursula K. LeGuin draws a sharp line between herself as a person, woman, wife and mother and herself as a writer. An introvert, she jealously keeps her private life to herself, shielding her family and her private self from the limelight.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.048091888427734, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "Is this one reason why she writes science fiction, for the distancing effect that creates the maximum remoteness between LeGuin the writer and LeGuin the woman? \"Is science fiction the best way to guard her privacy? \"I don't want to write autobiographies,\" she said once. \"I want to distance myself from my books. That's one of the reasons I write science fiction. I write about aliens.\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.720757484436035, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Ursula Leguin", "passage": "Still, the question of why a talented and versatile writer like herself has chosen science fiction, a genre considered by the mainstream literary world as marginal, is still there. One reason, as said before, is her need to distance herself and her private life from her subjects. But as with all else in Ursula LeGuin, the reasons for her writing science fiction are complex and many.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.70715618133545, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Ursula K. Leguin", "passage": "Perhaps the first reason for her writing can be traced to her childhood, growing up with parents who both were writers, scholars, and excellent story tellers. Born in Berkeley, California, on October 21, 1929, Ursula K. LeGuin was the youngest child of Theodora and Alfred Kroeber. Her mother, after earning her master's degree in clinical psychology, married, and three years later, with two babies, was widowed. Later she married Alfred Kroeber, and had another son and her youngest and only daughter, Ursula. When her own children were having their children, Theodora, now in her fifties, began to write, making a name for herself with the biography of the sole survivor of an Indian tribe wiped out by North Americans, Ishi in Two Worlds (1961).", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.612195014953613, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "Crossing the Atlantic on the Queen Mary, she met her future husband, Charles LeGuin, a professor of French history. Their marriage in Paris signaled the end of her doctoral studies and the beginning of a long and happy family life which later included two daughters and a son. In 1959 Charles was assigned to teach history at Portland State University and the family has lived in Portland, Oregon, ever since.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.27424144744873, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "Giving up her work on the doctorate allowed LeGuin more time to write. She kept writing and watching her drawers fill up with manuscripts and rejection slips. In ten years she had written, aside from poetry, five novels, some about a fantasy country in Central Europe named Orsinia, but none was accepted for publication. It became for her a matter of \"publish or perish.\" Her fantasies did not fit any existing category, and if she wanted to publish she would have to find an acceptable form. She began to write science fiction.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.007954597473145, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "LeGuin admits that her \"first efforts to write science fiction were motivated by a pretty distinct wish to get published.\" Not having much hard-core scientific knowledge she wrote \"fairy tales decked out in space suits.\" It paid: she got them published. She was 32 when she managed to sell her first story, \"April in Paris,\" to Fantastic magazine (1962). Her first science fiction novel to be published was Rocannon's World (1966). This signaled the beginning of a brilliant career that has produced science fiction stories and novels, children's and young adults' books, essays and poetry. \"I have cut across so many boundaries that the critics don't know what to do with me,\" she laughs over the phone. \"I write in so many categories.\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.58535099029541, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "It would take too long to list all her books and stories and all the awards and prizes she has won. Just reaching her 60s, LeGuin no doubt will continue to add considerably to both lists.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.106788635253906, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Ursula Leguin", "passage": "Many feminists have complained that Ursula LeGuin's characters are predominantly male, and even her Gethenians, the people on planet Winter, who are both men and women in one, appear to be basically male. However, her own life can serve as a model of the successful, modern, sophisticated, and liberated woman who has managed a brilliant career, successful marriage, and motherhood, without sacrificing any of them.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.241206169128418, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "Several essays in Dancing at the Edge of the World present strong and clear feminist statements. In \"Woman / Wilderness\" LeGuin criticizes civilization for leaving out the experience of women as women, an experience unshared with men. \"The misogyny that shapes every aspect of our civilization,\" she wrote, excluded \"the being of women.\" Another essay, \"Prospects for Women in Writing\" ends with a strong proclamation and a feminist commitment: \"To keep women's words, women's works, alive and powerful - that's what I see as our job as writers and readers for the next fifteen years, and the next fifty.\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.61587905883789, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "This flaw is mainly the result of her use of the masculine pronoun he. While LeGuin is very imaginative in her use of language-in inventing names and places and landscapes that do not exist-in this novel she has used a quite traditional grammatical structure which, in English, is strictly divided along masculine-feminine lines. Reluctant to invent a new pronoun to herald the new age of human beings, equal in life and in language (it would drive the reader mad, she claimed), she preferred to use the masculine pronoun, which, in many ways, negated the main idea in the book.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.985029220581055, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "It is strange, even inexplicable, that even at times when she could have used the neuter \"people\" or \"human being\" or \"person\" or \"child\" or \"youth,\" she stubbornly has used explicitly male words such as \"man\" and \"son.\" Even the woman investigator in The Left Hand of Darkness admits that \"the very use of the pronoun in my thoughts leads me continually to forget that the Karhider I am with is not a man, but a manwoman.\" And if the woman reporter who meets the Karhiders face to face prefers to call them \"he\" and not \"she,\" one may conclude that as LeGuin presents them, they do resemble men. This greatly diminishes the overall impact of the original idea of a sexless society.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.991272449493408, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "It is interesting to note that the Gethenians, who can be both mother and father, feel closer to the children \"of their flesh,\" those to whom they actually gave birth. Estraven writes to his son of the flesh but does not mention the other two children he has fathered. Likewise, King Argaven of Karhide, although he fathered seven children, is especially fervent about giving birth to a child of his flesh even at great risk to himself because of his age. Is LeGuin saying that the mother-child relationship is stronger than the father-child's?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.298179626464844, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "Is LeGuin romantic?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.514937400817871, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "Most science fiction books feature journeys, usually from Earth to different planets. At first glance, LeGuin follows suit. But further reading reveals that her journey consists of other journeys.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.239709854125977, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "One can read LeGuin's book as an unusual love story, even as the ultimate romantic love story of the space age, Romeo and Juliet in a sophisticated, space-age version. The lovers are not from feuding families but from different planets. They are aliens, foreign to, and different from, each other in every possible way-mentally, culturally, and even physically-yet they find the way to mutual understanding and true love.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.072020530700684, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "The first impossible love is between brothers, specifically between Estraven and his brother Arek, that ends in the latter's suicide. The second impossible love is between two aliens, inhabitants of different worlds. This love too ends with death, possibly suicide. Is LeGuin's message that true love, even though unifying, is ultimately impossible and therefore tragic?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.364748001098633, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "In a way, LeGuin offers a new definition of love which does not call for the unification of the lovers, or for sexual consummation (an ironic comment on Freud's concept that sex is the basis of intimacy), but for total acceptance by each of the other person, with all his differences, as he is.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.459342002868652, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "To create a planet whose inhabitants are ambisexual, men and women in one, is LeGuin's most original invention. She has taken one of the most poignant contemporary issues, that of equality between men and women, to the very extreme: when men and women become completely equal they become the same, they become menwomen, people who possess the qualities of both male and female.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.399972915649414, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "LeGuin's unisex eliminates what Simone de Beauvoir considers woman's inferior status and exploitation as the \"second sex.\" The results are intriguing: the elimination of sexuality as a social factor results in the elimination of exploitation and of rape on the individual as well as on the national level (rape of the environment, of natural resources, etc.), and the complete elimination of war.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.451543807983398, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "LeGuin takes her idea of harmony between the male and female principles onto a national level: her planet Gethen reflects the integration of, and the balance between, the only two nations on the planet.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.457691192626953, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "The first, Karhide, is anarchic, based on the female principle. In the revision of her essay \"Is Gender Necessary?\" LeGuin explains that \"anarchy has historically been identified as female. The domain alloted to women-'the family,' for example-is the area of order without coercion, rule by custom not by force.\" Karhide's society is decentralized, flexible, and circular. Diametrically opposite is Orgoreyn, based on the male principle. There, people create \"structures of social power,\" make laws and break them. Their society is centralized, rigid, and linear.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.333282470703125, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "LeGuin presents her two protagonists from two limited points of view. The characters reveal their nature, first, through their own words and deeds. This is done by way of first-person narration. We learn much about Ai and Estraven through their own reports about themselves. They also reveal their nature through the impressions they make on each other. This way we obtain a double view of each character. But we do not have the writer's own view of her characters and can only guess at it. The development of the story mirrors the development of the relationship between the two protagonists, Ai and Estraven.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.076730728149414, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "Ai as I is a conventional, young, black Earthman, \"confused and defensive,\" as LeGuin described him later, sent by the League of the Planets to the distant planet Gethen to convince them to join the interplanetary league. (The fact that Ai is black is mentioned but never really developed and one wonders why LeGuin saw the need to mention the color of his skin, It seems irrelevant and superfluous to the development of both the story and the character.)", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.257844924926758, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "LeGuin stresses time and again that what this Earth male finds so hard to accept is the feminine component of the Gethenians who are ambisexual, men and women in one. He prefers to relate to them as men, because this is the only way he knows, and whenever he detects any trait that he, the Earth male, considers feminine - and for this he selects mostly negative traits - he is disgusted. A Gethenian seems like a feminized man in his eyes when he detects his \"fat buttocks that wagged as he walked, ... (his) soft fat face, and a prying, spying, ignoble, kindly nature.\" The inmates in the Labor Farm are repulsively effeminate because of their \"gross, bland fleshiness, a bovinity without point or edge ... flabbiness and coarseness\" and their trivial talk. (Is that how an Earth male regards women?) Like-wise, Ai rejects Estraven, the Prime Minister and his only supporter, mainly because of his \"soft supple feminity,\" his womanly performance \"all charm and tact and lack of substance.\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.330987930297852, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "Ai is too stubborn, ignorant, and blind to change on his own. LeGuin forces him to change by forcing him to be completely dependent on a Gethenian to whom he owes his life and with whom he has to spend many days in close proximity. Vulnerable and alone with Estraven on the ice, estranged from his sophisticated technology which enables him to contact his star ship, Ai is forced to open his eyes and see Estraven as he is, not a stranger, not an alien, but a human being, in all his strengths and weaknesses. For the first time Ai learns to share with Estraven what they have in common - their humanity - and at the same time accept their differences. Ai learns to accept Estraven's female component and, moreover, to confront and accept the feminine side in himself, the \"gentle\" part suggested by his first name, Genly. The profound love and understanding that develop between the two is possible not in spite of their differences but because of them; both learn to accept each other's \"otherness.\" For love, LeGuin stresses again and again, is the acceptance of the Other, becoming \"not We and They; not I and It; but I and Thou.\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.23311710357666, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "However, if this were all, he would have been a flat, one-dimensional character. In fact, he is a fully-rounded, multi-dimensional character who casts a long shadow, to use LeGuin's language, that reaches into the depth of the soul as well as to the depth of the Gethenian mythological past. Estraven's personal life, only suggested and never really described, has been steeped in profound and tumultuous human emotions, involving love and death, which feed his soul like a dark subterranean river.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.977416038513184, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "In presenting Estraven's complex character, LeGuin skillfully offers a third point of view, that of Karhidish legends, which indirectly but very meaningfully, shed light on his life. The first legend, \"The Place Inside the Blizzard,\" tells of two brothers who bore a child together and then vowed kemmering, meaning love and fidelity. But permanent kemmering between brothers is considered a great sin and is forbidden. Unable to bear the separation, one of the brothers commits suicide, which is an even greater sin that the first. Blamed for the suicide of his dead brother, the surviving brother is forced into exile.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.287090301513672, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "Of the few minor characters in the book, only King Argaven of Karhide is worth special attention, not so much for his personality as for the ideas he represents and for the comic possibilities he allows the writer. \"The king is pregnant\" is one of the most surprising sentences of the book. (Although LeGuin admits that she is fond of this sentence, it is not the reason she invented the ambisexual people of Gethen.)", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.829318046569824, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "A mad king ruling over a basically anarchic state is a comic figure. It seems that LeGuin is fascinated by the idea that the only ruler to reign over a nation of individuals who never \"march in step\" is a mad one. LeGuin's idea of anarchism is closely linked to her Taoist ideas that order is organic and should not be imposed. The Taoists recommend that a good ruler should rule as little as possible and leave his people alone. What ruler will agree to that unless he is light in the head? LeGuin, so it seems, pokes fun at our politicians, suggesting that the best politician is a mad one...", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.305416107177734, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "Increasing the complexity of the book is LeGuin's method of telling her story from multiple points of view. With each new chapter the readers must adjust themselves to another voice, to another teller of the story. In addition to the two alternating main narrators, a third narrator appears in one chapter, and in several others, the voice of the omniscient author takes over, recounting the legends and myths of Gethen.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.768749237060547, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "To complicate the matter even further, sometimes each of the two narrators tells his own version of the same events and the same dialogues. Choosing to let both her protagonists narrate their version of the events and their observation of each other, LeGuin provides us with a subjective as well as an objective view of each narrator and of the events he is involved in. This enriches and deepens the narrative.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.066035270690918, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "The plot becomes unduly complicated when LeGuin introduces, though only once, a third narrator, the only specifically female voice in the story. At that point many readers may become confused and even lost, not knowing who is speaking at any one time. Fortunately, as the story progresses, it narrows to only two narrators and becomes clearer and easier to follow.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.949287414550781, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "The story develops through two different modes of writing: first, the first-person narrations telling the events as they unfold in the story's \"present;\" and second, the omniscient recounting of myths and legends of the far past. In the beginning of the book the two modes seem to run along parallel tracks; however, as the story develops, they overlap and it becomes clear that the myths and legends are there to provide background to the events of the story and to explain the psychology and philosophy of the people of Gethen. We can understand Estraven and his relationship to Ai only through consideration of the myths. LeGuin emphasizes the interconnectedness between the different modes of the narrative by using similarly named people and places in the main narrative and in the myths.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.673993110656738, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "This interconnectedness between parts to create a greater whole exists in all of LeGuin's books, which together create a network of interconnectedness. Although each book or story is an independent entity, it is at the same time a part of the greater whole of her entire work, governed by a central theme: the relationship of all the invented planets in her different books to the League of the Planets. The suspense is always whether or not a certain planet will join, remain in, or leave the League. Rafail Nudelman points out that every LeGuin tale repeats \"a movement from fragmentation toward unity.\" In the beginning of each story the hero finds himself in a fragmented world, a world of isolated enclaves amidst vast wastes. This recurring setting, maintains Nudelman, mirrors the League of the Planets which consists of isolated, independent entities of life in the vastness of the universe.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.95295238494873, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "The recurrence of themes within the single work as well as throughout all her works reflects LeGuin's philosophical view that the universal structure is repeated in every entity small or large, and in every level of life: the micro and the macro reflect one another.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.362732887268066, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "What makes reading the first chapter something of a struggle is its magnitude of scope and multitude of ideas presented simultaneously, and in a rather static manner which obscures the story line. Although LeGuin begins with a wide base, as the story progresses, its plot and setting narrow. The first thirteen chapters serve as a long introduction to the real story which gains momentum and energy in the later part of the book. From Chapter 14 on, when we are left with only two characters struggling alone across a vast waste of ice, the story becomes clear and absorbing. At that point the story, characters, themes, and writing converge into a rich and harmonious unity; the narrative drive accumulates energy and the book displays the emotional density of the novel as a work of art.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.471566200256348, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "Nature and its relationship to the characters are an essential theme in the book. In that, too, LeGuin is a faithful adherent of the Tao, which seeks its principles within nature and emphasizes the metaphysical foundations of nature, stressing harmony and balance. Man and nature are a unity. Man's fate is part of the function and the totality of the universe. The same principles that regulate nature also regulate man's life. Man can find peace only when he is completely attuned to the universe.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.296977043151855, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "LeGuin is noted for using her language not only for functional reasons but with a care and precision that often approaches poetic beauty. This is unusual with science fiction writers whose plot and science fiction inventions often take precedence over their care for language. Specifically, LeGuin's description of landscapes is composed with a great amount of energy, a loving care for words and their sound.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.256132125854492, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "LeGuin makes lavish use of alliteration, the repetition, at close intervals, of the initial consonant sounds as in bare bright or blinding biting, used to accentuate the poetry and the beauty of language, apart from the actual meaning of the words: \"I felt a pang of pure pity for the man. . .sweating and superb under the weight of his panoply and power\" (Chapter 3). In the same paragraph she also uses assonance, the repetition of vowel sounds: \"gone now, down, done.\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.261895179748535, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "However, the beauty, richness, and precision of the language can present a problem: one finds it difficult to believe that Ai, a conventional stuffy young man, to use LeGuin's own expression, who throughout the book demonstrates shortsightedness and lack of understanding, is so skilled in the use of language and is capable of poetic insight. To be able to write so beautifully, one needs sensitivity and deep understanding of language and of life, something that Ai definitely lacks. This makes it difficult to believe in Ai's authenticity. Instead, one is constantly aware of LeGuin the writer who makes Ai speak for her, scheme her plot, and conjure up her ideas; this lends a feeling of affectation to the first half of the book. However, from Chapter 14 on, when Ai reaches a certain degree of maturity and becomes more sensitive and understanding, he and the language he uses coalesce.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.05430793762207, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "It is inexplicable that LeGuin, who seems to excel in inventing new names and words, preferred to employ the conventional male pronoun in regard to her invented ambisexual people, the menwomen of planet Gethen. A rare chance to expand our language has been missed, and we are in dire need of expansion, especially in the area of gender. Now we muddy our writing with the clumsy \"he or she\" for lack of a pronoun for someone who is first and foremost a human being. Even wo/man or s/he could have served LeGuin's story better, for both words-woman and she-contain man and he, but neither man or he contains the female. Unfortunately, the use of the male pronoun has forever decided the fate of the Gethenians, at least in the mind of the readers, to be primarily male.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.175363540649414, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "LeGuin is one of the first contemporary science fiction writers to have brought change to the genre and thus expanded the very definition of science fiction. For her, science fiction novels are an experiment in the imagination, \"a thought-experiment.\" One of the essential functions of science fiction, she once wrote, is to ask provocative and essential questions which will reverse our habitual way of thinking. Science fiction presents \"questions, not answers.\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.383807182312012, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "LeGuin is examining the words truth, imagination, and lies, and intentionally equates and confuses that which is unreal, invented, or imaginative, with lies. And so, in a seemingly absurd way, her story-meaning her imaginative, fictional world that does not exist in reality-is a lie that illuminates the truth about reality and about ourselves.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.13986873626709, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "Both fiction and science fiction, continues LeGuin in her analysis of the similarity between the two genres, are metaphors-imaginative word-pictures that provide a complex of associated meanings. The main difference is that science fiction draws its metaphors from science and technology. As for \"the future,\" this, too, is a metaphor, which means that \"the future\" of science fiction is not really the future but the present.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.2286376953125, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "One wonders whether what LeGuin considers a minor difference between fiction and science fiction, namely, metaphors drawn from science and technology, is responsible for the fact that many people, otherwise avid fiction readers but who feel that science and technology are foreign languages to them, refrain from embarking on these journeys to imaginary worlds.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.212745666503906, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "Fear of the future, of the unfamiliar, of change, may be another reason, not addressed by LeGuin, which explains why some readers avoid reading science fiction. Reality may not be perfect, but at least it is familiar. Most people tend to resist change and fear the unknown.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.088805198669434, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "True to LeGuin's philosophical beliefs based on the Chinese philosophy of the Tao, unity and harmony do not mean uniformity or unification but the sum of opposites. The country of Karhide, one of only two countries on planet Gethen, is based on plurality. When the people and dignitaries march, each marches to his own rhythm. There is no attempt to march in step. The result is not confusion and disharmony, as we, schooled in Western tradition, may expect, but human dignity, the dignity which results from respect for individuality.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.428401947021484, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "Both unity and plurality create the ironic political government of Karhide, which, contradictory in terms, is anarchistic monarchy, an anarchy governed by a king. But LeGuin's world, just as that of the Tao, is made up of the coupling of contradictions, of the bridging of polarities. In the traditional keystone ceremony, it is the king who works to set the stone in mortar, while the people watch idly.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.325555801391602, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "Ai also fails to understand shifgrethor, the most significant social principle in Karhide. Shifgrethor, which guides the way all Gethenians behave toward each other, includes the concepts of \"prestige, face, place, and pride-relationship.\" It is a difficult concept that LeGuin has invented and it requires further reading to fully understand it.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.434305191040039, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "LeGuin takes great care with words. Not only does she make every word tell, but also makes every word act on several levels. Take for instance the word \"yellow,\" a dominant color in this chapter. During the keystone ceremony Ai experiences physical warmth for the first time on planet Winter, with its sub-zero temperatures and permanent snow. During this spiritual ceremony, the sun shines bright and warm, signifying enlightenment, inspiration, and goodness. Is it a hint that once Ai's mission is successfully completed, he, who is always cold, will feel warmer?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.438328742980957, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "LeGuin whimsically turns words inside out, questioning basic concepts. Patriotism, for example, which for the Envoy from Earth means love for one's homeland, is for Estraven, and clearly for LeGuin, \"the fear of the other,\" and fear of the \"other\" - of the alien, of the one different from us - is a key theme of the book.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.082453727722168, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "As strange and as disconnected as this chapter may seem, every detail will recur and play a significant part in later chapters. This is characteristic of LeGuin's method of composition: a mosaic of self-references and of recurring themes.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.371265411376953, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "\"The Place Inside the Blizzard\" is the first of a series of Gethenian legends and myths that LeGuin interweaves with her story of the Envoy on the planet Gethen. These tales create the mythology and culture of the planet, endowing it with depth and history. Thus the story unfolds on multi-levels, constantly employing references and allusions between the present of the planet and its past.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.096397399902344, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "This multi-level structure reflects LeGuin's philosophy of life as developing in a spiral form. Events that happened in the past repeat themselves again and again in numerous variations. Whatever happens is neither disconnected nor accidental, but has deep roots in the past.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.44237232208252, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "On the planet Gethen, suicide is considered a worse sin than murder, although LeGuin offers no explanation for this law. When one of the brothers gave birth to a child, the two were commanded to separate. Unable to comply, one of the brothers committed suicide, defying the law of the land.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.462135314941406, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "When the exiled brother finally managed to find a place where no one knew him, he assumed a new name: Ennoch. This is a clear reference to E'noch, Cain's son (Genesis: 4, 17). The Biblical tale of the two brothers Abel and Cain is a tale of betrayal. Both tales result in the death of one brother and the exile of the other. The living brother is forced to be \"a fugitive and a vagabond\" (Genesis: 4, 14) hunted by all. In the Bible, Cain complaints to God, who grants him a special mark to protect him. Finding peace he settles and fathers a son, E'noch. The living brother in LeGuin's story, blamed for the suicide of his brother, becomes nameless and gains peace by assuming a new name, Ennoch.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.012391090393066, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "The chapter heading informs us that the King is mad. The best king to rule an anarchic country of individuals, says LeGuin, is a mad king. The Chinese philosophy of Taoism, which underlies much of LeGuin's thinking, advises rulers to stay out of people's way, to govern as little as possible, and to let people alone. Only a mad king will agree to be as little of a king as possible. Otherwise he may begin to exercise his authority and turn the country into a dictatorship. And in fact, the King, under the influence of his cousin, the intriguing and power-seeking Tibe, is on the point of turning the country into a centralized state with its characteristics of national aggression and wars.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.374534606933594, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "The audience with the king allows LeGuin the space and justification to provide the story with the necessary background. Through the Envoy's explaining his mission to the king, LeGuin explains to her readers the function and the history of the Ekumen (communication, harmony, and sharing of knowledge), the differences between the people on Earth \"who come in all colors\" (we learn now, for the first time, that Ai is black), and the Gethenians who are \"yellow-brown or red-brown,\" and mainly about the all-important difference of gender.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.249788284301758, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "Once again LeGuin stresses the fact that Ai, the Earthman, rejects the Gethenians for the feminine aspects of their nature. And whenever he detects a feminine trait in the King's behavior, it is always negative. The King laughs \"shrilly like an angry woman,\" or he is sullen \"as an old she-otter in a cage.\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.33732795715332, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "Seen from the king of Karhide's eyes, people on Earth who are permanently sexually defined as men or women are \"perverts,\" \"disgusting,\" and \"monstrously different.\" It is ironic that what we have always taken for granted and natural is not to be taken for granted at all. This is LeGuin's way of questioning what we have always assumed to be solid facts: definable male and female identities.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.39181137084961, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "LeGuin introduces here two of her science fiction concepts: (1) A sophisticated communication device called the ansible, one of the very few hardware inventions LeGuin uses in her book. The ansible can transfer a message to distant planets the moment it is written. (2) Timejumping. From H.G. Wells' The Time Machine (1895) on, the question of time has always fascinated science fiction writers and presented them with the challenge of mastering it and devising ever more sophisticated means to transport man through many light years, to the farthest planets, and back to Earth. LeGuin does not linger much on the question of time (although she does dwell on inner mental time, as we will see from the Gethenians' peculiar calendar), but she does feel the need to explain rationally how the Envoy from Earth has experienced the many years needed to travel to Gethen and still remained young. She calls it \"timejumping\" and uses the hypothesis that if we travel as fast as light we do not age.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.736446380615234, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "The Handdara cult is introversive, dark, passive, and silent. It is the ideal religion of the individual: it has no institution, no priests, no hierarchy, no vows, no creed. And, LeGuin adds sarcastically, it may not even have a God. This is LeGuin's way of indirectly criticizing our institutional religions, in which the individual becomes lost in the multitude.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.960768699645996, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "LeGuin introduces some science fiction hardware as a means of commuting: landboats, very slow trucklike vehicles that can travel on land and water. But her main purpose - and this characterizes her whole approach to science fiction writing-is not to surprise the reader with a brilliant technical invention but to embody an important idea. Here she is very critical of the fast pace in which we, on Earth, conduct our lives, and offers her philosophy of \"presence\": Presence, rather than progress, is what really matters. The Karhidish are never in a hurry and mostly go on foot, having neither horses nor airplanes. Their vehicles move slowly, about 25 miles an hour, very slowly by our Earth standard. Yet LeGuin hails their slowness as a more natural and humane way to live. In her essay \"Is Gender Necessary?\" she explains that the Gethenians \"do not rape their world. They have developed a high technology, heavy industry ... but they have done so very slowly, absorbing their technology rather than letting it overwhelm them.\" Their progress represents not only sensitivity to their ecology but also a balance between male and female traits: aggressiveness and pushing forward, on one hand, and patience, on the other.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.957199096679688, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "One of the most interesting aspects of planet Winter is its lack of war. Although the Gethenians have their share of fights, aggressiveness, murders, and other abominable crimes, they are expressed on a personal level, and they never lead to war. LeGuin's explanation is intriguing: because they are a nation of individuals (they behave \"like animals ... or like women,\" Ai explains) they lack the ability to mobilize; theirs is more like \"a family quarrel,\" not like a national war. LeGuin believes that order can be more effectively achieved through rituals and parades than by armies or police.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.448113441467285, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "LeGuin cannot escape injecting her sarcasm, with an eye to our society: if the Gethenians become patriotic, they will have \"an excellent chance of achieving the condition of war.\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.446809768676758, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "LeGuin is clearly having fun with her invention of the wo/man being, and humorously opens her chapter with \"My landlady, a voluble man.\" What incites Ai, the typical Earth male, to regard his landlord as a woman? Certain unpleasant physical characteristics: his fat, wagging buttocks, his soft, fat face, and his \"prying, spying, ignoble, kindly nature.\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.287461280822754, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "LeGuin arrives at her best writing whenever she describes, or rather invents, landscapes imbedded in eternity. Hers is a language of vastness and of timelessness, of great precipices, boundless lands and huge white shadows. In contrast, \"a tiny string of dots,\" the landboats, creep thousands of feet below. But even in the midst of this dramatic scenery LeGuin is compelled to allude to the deplorable state of nature on Earth: Unlike Earth, here in Karhide, where people are aware of ecology, the woods are carefully tended. The only difficulty with these poetic and beautifully described landscapes is to believe that Ai, the narrator, this young and naive person from Earth, could actually write them. He seems anything but poetic.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.605884552001953, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "LeGuin treats with irony the differences between the state of affairs on Earth and on Karhide. Speaking of prediction, Ai has doubts of the ability of the Foretellers to predict the future. After all, he reasons, throughout the history of man we have had \"God speaks, spirits speak, computers speak.\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.433473587036133, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "Now LeGuin introduces a new first-person narration, that of the demoted Prime Minister, Estraven. He tells of his desperate attempt to cross the border of Orgoreyn, the other country on Gethen. Pursued by his rival, the new Prime Minister, Tibe, Estraven can barely make his escape.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.160372734069824, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "Planet Gethen is divided between two countries ruled by opposite regimes. While Karhide, although ruled by one mad king, is anarchic, Orgoreyn, ruled by a government of thirty-three official Commensals, is totalitarian, with an active secret police and an inspector lurking behind every man. This political setup corresponds to LeGuin's philosophy of the co-existence of opposites. As long as the balance between the opposite sides holds, peace reigns. The trouble begins when one country, in this case Karhide, led by the new Prime Minister, Tibe, is on the verge of changing its anarchic regime of a thousand years to become centralized and efficiently ruled like Orgoreyn.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.439943313598633, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "In this chapter LeGuin explores the consequence of her own invention: the manwoman. This ambisexual condition completely equalizes man and woman: everyone can give birth, everyone is potentially a mother and a father. It abolishes the Oedipus complex, in which, according to Freud, every child experiences a psycho-sexual attraction to the parent of the opposite sex. It also abolishes all rape. Because the sexual drive is active only for a few days each month, life and relationship on Gethen are not governed by sexual drive as they are on Earth. Most of the time people are neutral, asexual, and sexuality is not a ruling social, economical, or political factor. All people are biologically the same and therefore all are equal.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.338854789733887, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "LeGuin postulates that the origin of wars is male aggression. There is no war on planet Gethen. Is it because the isolated male sexual activity is limited to a few days each month? War is \"a vast Rape,\" says LeGuin, and by eliminating \"the masculine that rapes and the femininity that is raped,\" war is abolished.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.520108222961426, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "Speaking about people who are men-women, LeGuin delights in the absurd possibilities this idea offers her: \"the mother of several children may be the father of several more.\" What is completely absurd on Earth is the norm on Gethen.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.404258728027344, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "This report by a woman Investigator is written in a different style than the rest of the book. It is very dry, matter-of-fact, resembling a textbook. This creates a break in the fictional narrative. The question that the reader may ask is whether this is the only way, or the best way, to introduce the Gethenians' unique sexual physiology. It is telling, not showing. We know but we do not see or feel. Nowhere in this chapter or in any other part of the book does LeGuin actually show how two Gethenians relate to each other intimately, or how they relate to their children in a family or hearth situation.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.911320686340332, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "Does the aim of the public good justify the sacrifice, or even the suffering, of an individual? The different answers to this philosophical and ethical question have been the crux of important political theories of the right and of the left. LeGuin gives her answer very clearly: the aim, however grand, does not justify the means. A mission that \"overrides all personal debts and loyalties ... is an immoral mission.\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.089240074157715, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "This is a favorite LeGuin device: Let important themes repeat themselves in different times, places, and characters, and often on a different level. Take for example the theme of land dispute, which caused the feud between the two families. We first met this theme on a national level, between Karhide and Orgoreyn, in the narrative present time. Estraven, the Prime Minister, who dared to exchange the disputed land for peace, was declared a traitor and exiled. In the present legend \"Estraven the Traitor\" we meet an earlier version of the same occurrence but on a personal level. It ends happily: Estraven, an ancestor of our protagonist the Prime Minister, has willingly given up half the disputed land and established peace. For that he was called by some, Estraven and Traitor.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.269718170166016, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "The word \"Traitor\" as used by LeGuin carries double meaning. What is treachery for some is heralded as virtue by others, certainly by LeGuin. The irony is created in the no man's land between the two extreme meanings: the disgrace and the virtue, both squeezed into the same word.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.42971134185791, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "This legend mirrors the narrative of the entire book: personal love and loyalty of two people transcend differences and overcome all hurdles, helping to establish harmony and peace in the larger community. But LeGuin is a realist and she knows that there is a price to pay: blood is always spilled, a sacrifice is needed to secure the bonding, because real bonding, according to LeGuin, is possible only with blood.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.295762062072754, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "This may well be LeGuin's intention: Toward the end of the chapter, Ai stresses his feeling that the people in Orgoreyn are vague and lack in substance. They may be so, but as characters they are interchangeable and blur into each other. Because Ai himself does not know what these people really think and what their real intention is, we, being solely dependent on his observation, get lost. In addition, their weird and hard-to-pronounce names further confound the readers.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.310294151306152, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "Ai comments that Orgoreyn calls \"the part and the whole by the same name.\" Here LeGuin clearly refers to the Tao and its concept of the whole as the sum of two opposites, good and evil, light and darkness. However, Orgoreyn does not acknowledge its own \"shadowy\" aspect, pretending only a light side and declaring that to be the whole. Because Orgoreyn denies half of its existence, the entire country and its people seem unreal, vague, and lacking in substance.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.505331039428711, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "LeGuin elaborates on the way her Envoy from Earth has arrived on planet Gethen and the way he expects to leave it. A star ship manned with eleven other members brought Ai to Gethen's solar system, from where he took a space ship to land on Gethen. Now the star ship is orbiting around the Gethenian sun with the eleven crew members in a state of hibernation, waiting for Ai's message to wake them up. When the message arrives, they will be able to land on Gethen in a matter of days.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.455758094787598, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "By having both her protagonists tell their stories in first-person narration, LeGuin provides us with the objectivity necessary to see each of them from both the inside and the outside. Through Estraven's account of Ai, we can see Ai in a way that his own narrative cannot provide.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.992819786071777, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "LeGuin offers us a rare glimpse of an ambisexual Gethenian in kemmer, meaning in sexual heat. However, as on Earth, the intensity of the sexual drive can be manipulated into sexual intrigue as demonstrated by Gaum, a high official in the Secret Police. He is certain that Estraven's plan is to bring loss of prestige to Orgoreyn by promoting the Envoy's hoax. Through hormone-induced \"kemmer\" and sexual advances, he tries to seduce Estraven to come with him to a government-run public kemmerhouse.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.358278274536133, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "Although LeGuin does not openly criticize the Yomesh cult and does not try to prove it wrong, she suggests in this chapter that there is an unacknowledged dark side inherent in the Orgoreyn religion. But as darkness - acknowledged or not - does exist, it must be hidden. It becomes secretive and thus all the more evil- t he theme of the following chapter.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.613151550292969, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "Chapter 13 illustrates what LeGuin has been preparing us for in the Orgata myth: the cult of oneness and eternal light has forced darkness to go underground; and there, in the underground, it is a perpetual nightmare.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.541557312011719, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "True to her belief that light and darkness always go hand in hand, LeGuin offers some light in the midst of the nightmare: human kindness, the only thing that naked and exposed people still have. So, in the bitter cold, somehow, the three most vulnerable persons, Ai and two others, always find themselves in the warmest place, protected in the middle of the huddle of bodies.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.844621658325195, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "The only person trying to communicate with Ai and touch his hand is someone in kemmer. When Ai realizes that the person in heat is temporarily a female, he regrets that \"the one time any one of them asked anything of me, ... I couldn't give it.\" Why? LeGuin does not clarify. Does she suggest here that mating with a Gethenian is biologically impossible? Or, that Ai is so steeped in his Earth conventions that even in an extreme situation he cannot accept the feminine aspects of man?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.254106521606445, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "LeGuin is ironic when she points out that here, on Earth, and mainly by males, it is considered natural and desirable to be in \"kemmer,\" sexual heat, all the time. However, it is the inmates in the labor camp who jeer at Ai for being constantly \"in kemmer,\" and nickname him \"the Pervert.\" This is not new to Ai for he has been called \"the Pervert\" by other Gethenians. The irony becomes even stronger when Ai is asked whether to be \"in kemmer\" all the time, meaning to be controlled by one's sexuality, is a reward or punishment. To his credit he admits that he does not know the answer. This may be the first doubt that he has expressed concerning the rightness of his sexuality and it may signify the beginning of his understanding and even acceptance of the Gethenians' ambisexuality.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.348434448242188, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "Drugs are administered to the prisoners to control their sexuality and suppress the \"kemmer\" phase, creating \"chemical castration.\" The result is sexless people, without shame and desire. And LeGuin rightly comments, though Ai, that it is not human to be without shame and desire.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.492088317871094, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "When writing on personal relationships, LeGuin is at her best, engaging not only our intellect and admiration for her innovative ideas, but also our emotions. We become personally involved in these characters and watch them emerge as full-blooded people, no longer just the role-players or agents of their writer-inventor.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.026224136352539, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "From the very first chapter LeGuin portrays Estraven as having \"human grandeur.\" And true enough, he does display this quality in the courageous way he plans and executes Ai's rescue. However, the means he chooses to carry out his plan would be considered crimes by any legal system: forging documents, assuming a false name, lying, and worst of all, stealing (a terrible crime in Winter). Yet Estraven is capable of committing terrible crimes if they fit his goal.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.402937889099121, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "This roundness and complexity of character fits well with LeGuin's theories of the co-existence of opposites, of light and darkness, good and evil, all necessary for wholeness.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.083426475524902, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "Estraven's complexity of character also serves LeGuin's predilection toward the relativity of life: crime in one context is a heroic act in another.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.39023494720459, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "Once again LeGuin explores the concept of patriotism and shows its absurdity. It is always Ai who speaks of love or hate for one's country, and it is always Estraven who questions it. Estraven declares his love for the land he knows, but does not understand how a border, an artificial division, can put an end or a limit to one's love for the land: \"that sort of love does not have a boundary-line of hate.\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.336176872253418, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "LeGuin finds Ai, the Earth male, sex-proud in another instance as well. When Ai is sick, he resents Estraven telling him to lie down and rest. He resents what he feels to be Estraven's patronizing, especially because Estraven is shorter than he is and \"built more like a woman than a man, more fat than muscle.\" When they haul the sledge together, Ai, the taller and stronger of the two, feels like \"a stallion in harness with a mule - \"; he, Ai, strong and virile like a stallion, is side by side with a neuter. However, facing Estraven's frankness and simplicity, Ai has to confront his own flaw, his competitive manly pride, and admit to himself that Estraven has an advantage because he has \"no standards of manliness, of virility, to complicate his pride.\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.235300064086914, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "Even here, in the land of perennial snow and ice, LeGuin's landscape contains a wholeness made of opposites: \"fiery mouths that opened out of the ice.\" And although the fire and the ice, the red and white landscape spell out death, Ai and Estraven, intoxicated with the breathtaking sight, laugh with joy.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.332560539245605, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "To make their journey in sub-zero temperatures possible, LeGuin invents for her travelers an ideal stove we could all use: a cook stove, heater, and lantern all in one, powered by a bionic battery and good for fourteen months' continuous use.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.547395706176758, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "LeGuin is inventive when she creates for Gethen, a planet all her own, new vegetation and unheard-of animals: a poetic forest of \"dwarfs, thick-set, gnarl-limbed, ice-bearded thore-trees.\" And the \"pesthry,\" one of the larger land-animals of Winter, is the size of a fox, having splendid fur and edible meat.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.341567039489746, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "In this chapter the narrative picks up speed. Like the two travelers, the words seem to surge forward powerfully, accumulating energy and grandeur. The descriptions of invented landscapes of unusual grandeur expressed in minute detail and very precise language attest to LeGuin's complete control over her language and material. Here, story and words, content and form are skillfully integrated.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.308403968811035, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "Estraven is able to see Ai's strengths and also to sympathize with his vulnerability. He does not criticize him even when he has grounds to but accepts him with generosity and empathy. Although Ai is physically stronger than Estraven and can haul heavier weight, his spirit is not as enduring and he is prey to despair. Once again LeGuin plays on the relativity of concepts: if Ai were a Gethenian, Estraven would have called him a coward. But accepting his \"Otherness,\" he knows that Ai is no coward but actually brave and is ready to take risks.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.23426342010498, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "This disclosure leaves some open questions concerning Estraven in his public role as prime minister. Luckily, his helping Ai coincides with what is also good and beneficial for the planet in general. But were it not, would he have sacrificed the good of the nation to help the Envoy? In a way LeGuin has answered it by stressing throughout the book that the individual cannot be sacrificed for the common good.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.41760540008545, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "\"What is a woman?\" LeGuin asks through Estraven. LeGuin said that she had set out to write this novel with the purpose of discovering for herself what a woman is. Now, three quarters into the book, Estraven finally feels intimate enough with Ai to ask him what a woman is and whether she is different from a man.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.597426414489746, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "Ai has no clear answer. \"No. Yes. No,\" he falters. Then, struggling with words, he reveals that Earth society sets different expectations concerning women and men. When Estraven asks whether women are mentally inferior, Ai admits that he does not know, and still struggling to answer Estraven's question he finally admits defeat: he does not know what women are like. He concedes that women are alien to him even more so than Estraven is, because with Estraven he shares at least one sex. Ai's words underline what many of LeGuin's critics have complained about: that the Gethenians are men with something added, and woman is the stranger to both Ai and Estraven.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.35607624053955, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "Ai's unanswer, to use LeGuin's language, reminds us of those questions that the Foretellers consider impossible to answer and that therefore should not be asked.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.489998817443848, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "LeGuin points out that what men in our society regard as the symbol of their virility, their sexual organ, is visible and measurable in contrast to women's organ, which is inner and hidden. In fact, while women's lack of a penis prompted Freud to develop his prominent theory of penis envy, LeGuin, ironically, turns this theory upside down. It is Estraven who pities Ai exactly for being so exposed \"even to his sexual organ which he must carry always outside himself.\" And taking into consideration the extreme cold weather on Gethen, this can be a real hardship.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.351317405700684, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "LeGuin is also ironic when she describes Ai as being always conscious of his manhood. When he tries hard not to cry and fails, he hides his face and Estraven cannot understand this curious behavior. Estraven, after all, is a manwoman, ignorant of the male's false pride in his virility on Earth.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.24704360961914, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "LeGuin, like many other science fiction writers, is fascinated by the manifold possibilities created by moving as fast as light, suggesting that one does not age while travelling at that speed. This creates the absurd possibility that Ai, who is not yet thirty years old, was actually born 125 years ago. Thus, he timejumped about 95 years during the five years he spent in the star ship, while at the same time many years had passed on Earth; his parents died (seventy years ago) and so did all the people he had known on Earth.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.031769752502441, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "This proves that he had to sacrifice a great deal for the mission he undertook voluntarily to bring the Gethenians into an alliance with the League of the Planets. However, LeGuin does not deal with Ai's return to Earth: If he must timejump those same 95 years, he would be only about a decade older than when he left, and he would find all the people he knew still alive.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.333954811096191, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "This chapter is linked to the other Orgota myth (Chapter 12) \"On Time and Darkness.\" But whereas the earlier legend centers on eternal light, this one centers on the threat of darkness to swallow the world. In each case, it is either light or darkness, one threatening the other. LeGuin makes the Orgota myths a counterpart to those of Karhide which offer wholeness as the view of life. Although she does not offer any value judgment, her preferences are implied.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.849925994873047, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "Far from being repetitive, this skillful double-telling becomes a powerful technique that intensifies our emotions and increases our suspense. Knowing what one of the pair in a relationship thinks and feels, we are terribly curious to know what the other feels about the same events. By making it possible, LeGuin lets us feel as if we have gone through Alice's looking glass.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.466531753540039, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "Some critics regard LeGuin's apparent refusal to describe a scene of physical lovemaking between Ai and Estraven as a failure, a weakness or a lack of daring. This may be so. It is possible that she did not have the courage to take her protagonists all the way. However, it could instead reflect LeGuin's need to refute Freud, saying that profound love between individuals does not have to be based on sex.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.320236206054688, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "Although LeGuin only suggests here the story of Estraven and his brother, we have received in earlier chapters enough clues to construct a story similar to the old Karhide myth of the two brothers who defied the code of incest by swearing eternal love to each other. Estraven himself tells Ai very little about his brother Arek who died fourteen years ago, and for whose sake apparently Estraven had left home, or was forced to leave, six years earlier. We also know that it was \"the only true vow of faithfulness he has ever sworn\" and that it was wordless, as is the mindspeech with which he can finally communicate with Ai.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.71368408203125, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "LeGuin creates a surrealistic landscape inside the blizzard, where everything is totally white, so white and bright in fact that it creates no shadows. And having no shadows means that it is almost impossible to detect any crevasse, cracks, or wrinkles in the land, or rather in the ice. This white landscape of \"zero weather\" is \"the absence of everything,\" a \"floor of nothing.\" LeGuin paints a powerful image, telling us that to be where all is white, all light, is also to be where there is absence, nothing, zero.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.15495777130127, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "This setting serves well to visually illustrate LeGuin's prevalent theory that light without darkness is destructive, that only together can light and darkness maintain the balance necessary for survival.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.425094604492188, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "In her essay \"The Child and the Shadow\" (found in The Language of the Night, 1979) LeGuin explains that the shadow reflects the hidden and dark side of human nature, \"the dark brother of the conscious mind,\" everything \"we don't want to, can't admit into our conscious self, all the qualities ... within us which have been repressed, denied, or not used.\" She quotes Carl Jung: \"Everyone carries a shadow, and the less it is embodied in the individual's conscious life, the blacker and denser it is.\" When a person faces reality, she explains, he \"must admit that the hateful, the evil, exists within himself.\" One cannot blame others; one has to shoulder responsibility for his own problems and for the problems of our world.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.029864311218262, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "Does LeGuin, through Ai, hint that even Ai's mission, his errand to Gethen, is a fool's errand? Ai, who volunteered for the job, seeking to establish alliance between the planets, finds himself in the depth of sorrow, being unable to find solace and peace for himself.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.334781646728516, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "It is characteristic of LeGuin that the ending is a mixed bag of despair, sorrow, and loss as well as of success, achievement, and hope for a harmonious and peaceful future. The sorrow is on the personal level, the hope is on a more general and ephemeral one. Is LeGuin's message that universal peace can be established only at the price of personal loss and sorrow and human blood? Possibly the answer, as for many other questions, is unknown. It is Estraven's youthful son, very much his parent's child, who utters the last words of hope, and with curiosity and enthusiasm wishes to know \"other worlds ... other kinds of men, other lives.\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.206981658935547, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "In her book, LeGuin introduces a different attitude to time than the one we employ in the West. Modeled on Taoism, her time, like water, though flowing, is always there. On Gethen it is always the Year One. And since we are always in Year One, there is no progress as such, no pushing ahead aggressively, no hurrying. Past and future are counted backwards or forwards from the unitary Now. Time is balanced. A model for this balance of time can be found in the Chinese civilization. LeGuin admits that when she wrote her book, she did not know that the Chinese calendar has no linear counting system, such as ours that dates from birth of Christ. LeGuin is ingenious in her invention of an entire calendar system, although most readers will get lost in the multitude of new and unfamiliar words.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.002520561218262, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "Other mainstream American publications ignored the book altogether, even when it won the prestigious Hugo and Nebula Awards for best science fiction novel of 1969. Their editors did not consider science fiction novels to be serious literature. The prevalent criticism was, and still is, that in science fiction novels, ideas take precedence over language, the content over form, the \"what\" over the \"how.\" Even LeGuin herself said (Publishers Weekly, June 14, 1976) that science fiction is \"full of trash presently ... but the trash is lessening.\" Consequently, as Darko Suvin, a Yugoslavian-born Canadian critic, wrote (College English, Dec. 1972), science fiction had been pushed into \"a reservation or ghetto.\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.82845687866211, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "Even across the Atlantic, where both the press and the public tend to take works of the imagination more seriously, the literary press was lukewarm. The critic of the prestigious Times Literary Supplement of London (January 8, 1970), in a survey of several science fiction books, commented that the beginning of LeGuin's book \"would kill any novel, full of strange names, numbers, and hesitations.\" This critic, too, did not delve deeply into the meaning of the book, and after giving us a short synopsis of the plot, regretted, good-humoredly, that LeGuin hesitates to \"treat us to a good dose of kemmer\" and \"sticks to her topography.\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.571023941040039, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "Brian W. Aldiss, in his history of science fiction, Billion Year Spree (1973), writes that \"LeGuin is a rarity in that she writes beautifully. Not prettily. Beautifully. Her prose is a pleasure to read.\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.405804634094238, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "In 1975, the scholarly publication Science Fiction Studies dedicated its entire November issue to a serious study of LeGuin's writing, declaring her to be \"a leading American Science Fiction Writer,\" whose work \"is marked by an artistic originality.\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.746146202087402, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "In the series Popular Writers of Today (1976), George Edgar Slusser claims that LeGuin's writing has been good from the start and that she is \"one of the best writers currently working\" in the field. Slusser was the first to make a comprehensive study of LeGuin's novels, dealing with thematic and moral elements. He argues that Taoism is \"the strongest single force\" in all her writing.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.703960418701172, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Ursula Leguin", "passage": "Joan Jotte Hall (The New Republic, February 7, 1976) remarks that LeGuin, like the novelist Doris Lessing, \"has crossed ...the traditional line between fiction and science-fiction. Ursula LeGuin is capable of a healthy blurring of genres.\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.776989936828613, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "While within the domain of science fiction literature and criticism, long and serious articles analyze LeGuin's novels and stories from every possible point of view, only slowly and hesitantly does her reputation make its way to the mainstream of fiction criticism.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.730067253112793, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "Although Lem agrees that the novel is very well written, and the alien civilization contains \"richness and variety,\" it is not consistent. Whatever LeGuin's intentions, \"she has written about a planet where there are no women, but only men ... garments, manners of speech, mores, and behavior, are masculine ... the male element has remained victorious over the female one.\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.947569847106934, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "In a later issue of the same publication (April 1972), LeGuin seems to be very defensive. She first clarifies that when two Gethenians are in kemmer, the second of the pair will always develop into the sex opposite to the first. Then she asks whether anyone can show her a passage or a dialogue in which Estraven or any Gethenian, \"does or says something that only a man could or would do or say.\" We feel this way, she claims, because we are not used to imagining women \"as scheming prime ministers, haulers of sledges,\" etc. She admits, however, that the use of the masculine pronoun influences the reader's imagination.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.289738655090332, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "Four years later (1976), in her essay \"Is Gender Necessary?\", LeGuin admits that one of the book's flaws is that it lacks detailed descriptions of a Gethenian's home life. We are told about the Gethenians' sexual cycle, but we are not shown it. We are told that Estraven is also a woman, but we are given little opportunity to see, feel or sense him as a woman. \"I left out too much,\" she agrees. \"One does not see Estraven as a mother, with his children, in any role which we automatically perceive as 'female'. ... This is a real flaw of the book.\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.63981819152832, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "Still, eleven years later (1987), in a revision of this same essay now called \"Is Gender Necessary? Redux,\" LeGuin becomes her own most severe critic. About her former defensiveness, she comments, \"This is bluster. I had opened a can of worms and was trying hard to shut it.\" Some of the revisions she makes are especially revealing: he, the male pronoun that excludes women, is changed into the inclusive they. \"If I had realized how the pronouns I used shaped, directed, controlled my own thinking, I might have been 'cleverer'.\" In addition she criticizes the fact that she refrained from exploring homosexuality in The Left Hand of Darkness.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.020727157592773, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Ursula Leguin", "passage": "Joe De Bolt, in his book Ursula LeGuin: Voyager to Inner Lands and to Outer Space (1979), claims that as \"the walls enclosing the science fiction ghetto were crumbling both from within and without, LeGuin's fiction began to be read alongside mainstream literature.\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.226622581481934, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Ursula K. Leguin", "passage": "In her book Ursula K. LeGuin (1984), Charlotte Spivack notes that LeGuin's reputation as an \"outstanding writer\" is growing constantly. LeGuin, who at sixty is at the peak of her career, may still surprise her readers: her recent books show that she is still experimenting with new forms. \"Whether she will, as some have speculated, turn to mainstream fiction or whether she will, as others have predicted, create yet new and richer forms of fantasy, remains to be seen.\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.245600700378418, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": ":: GLOSSARY OF LEGUIN'S INVENTED WORDS ::", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.39070987701416, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "War LeGuin's own definition: \"Mass Rape, when an army (male, of course) invades.\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.514917373657227, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "a. Compare the two versions of \"Winter's King.\" How do the changes LeGuin has made influence the content, the characters, and the reader?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.458062171936035, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "b. Write a detailed essay in which you compare LeGuin's two versions of \"Winter's King\" with her novel.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.301421165466309, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "7. Good writing happens when ideas and form coalesce to a point where you don't know when one ends and the other begins. Discuss the relationships between LeGuin's ideas and intentions and the story she has written.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.841344833374023, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "8. In his book New Worlds for Old, the Canadian critic David Ketterer claims that LeGuin's philosophy dictates the plot of her book; the plot can be summarized, and could well exist, without either the Gethenian ambisexuality, or the cold climate on Winter. Write an essay on one of these points, supporting or refuting Ketterer's claim. Support your thesis with examples.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.558799743652344, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "19. Some critics argue that the real theme of the book is communication. Discuss the different levels of communication dealt with in the novel. What is LeGuin's overall message about communication?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.79722785949707, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "21. Many critics claim that LeGuin's journey to outer space is in fact an inner journey into the unconscious. Discuss this double journey in view of the novel. How does LeGuin achieve this double journey?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.005810737609863, "source": "search", "title": "Left Hand of Darkness - Study Guide - Angelfire" }, { "answer": "Le Guin", "passage": "The book is set in the same universe as a number of Le Guin’s other books, many written much earlier. It has the same furniture, the ansible, the Nearly as Fast as Light ships, the long ago Hainish experimental colonization of planets with tweaked humans—were they trying to make their own aliens? The previously worked out background doesn’t give the book any problems, it makes it seem more solidly rooted.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.798710823059082, "source": "search", "title": "Gender and glaciers: Ursula Le Guin’s The Left Hand of ..." }, { "answer": "Le Guin", "passage": "It’s a commonplace of SF for planets to have only one country and culture. Le Guin should be commended for mentioning four or five on Gethen and showing us two. However, there’s a Cold War legacy in the way Karhide and Orgereyn are opposed, and Orgoreyn is totalitarian, with its units and digits and work camps. I feel Orgereyn only really exists to give Genly and Estraven something to escape from, but I love their escape so much that I don’t care. I think it’s done pretty well, certainly Genly’s subjective experience of it, but I don’t think Orgereyn is as developed or as well thought through as Karhide.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.440753936767578, "source": "search", "title": "Gender and glaciers: Ursula Le Guin’s The Left Hand of ..." }, { "answer": "Le Guin", "passage": "The “tamed hunch” of the fastnesses, and the “mindspeech” of the Ekumen are both dealt with science fictionally rather than fantastically, but are “psi powers” of a kind rather unfashionable these days. Le Guin writes about them believably and interestingly, and I think they enhance the book by being there and providing more strangeness.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.100872039794922, "source": "search", "title": "Gender and glaciers: Ursula Le Guin’s The Left Hand of ..." }, { "answer": "Le Guin", "passage": "Le Guin has written essays since about the assumptions she made in writing the book. She’s also written the story “The Winter King” where she uses “she” as the pronoun for all Gethenians, rather than “he” as she does in the book, and the story “Coming of Age in Karhide.” Both of these explicitly feminise the Gethenians. They’re interesting, as are her writings about the book, but they’re afterthoughts from a different world.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.778407096862793, "source": "search", "title": "Gender and glaciers: Ursula Le Guin’s The Left Hand of ..." }, { "answer": "Ursula Leguin", "passage": "In 1973 Brian Aldiss said that much of the best writing in science fiction of that time was done by women who brought the genre closer to mainstream fiction. Although much of today's science-fiction writing is still male-oriented power fantasies, serious writers such as Ursula LeGuin or Joanna Russ have turned the best of science fiction into writing worthy of serious consideration and literary criticism. Pamela Sargent, in her introduction to Women of Wonder, presents an intriguing quote by Harlan Ellison: \"... women are writing many of the things male sf writers thought could never be written, they are opening up whole new areas to us ...\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.940742492675781, "source": "search", "title": "The Left Hand of Darkness - University of Tennessee at Martin" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "In \"Is Gender Necessary?\"  LeGuin, suprisingly, rejected the notion that hers was a \"feminist\" book. Although she considered herself a feminist (holding that every thinking woman is a feminist), she emphasized that \"the real subject of the book is not feminism or sex or gender ... it is a book about betrayal and fidelity.\" However, in 1987, eleven years later, LeGuin revised her essay, or rather added comments that attest to her own growth as a conscious feminist. In \"Is Gender Necessary? Redux\" she admits to having been defensive and resentful that critics had concentrated on the gender problems \"as if it were an essay, not a novel.\" In her revision she writes that \"there are other aspects of the novel\" inextricably involved with its gender aspects.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.644679069519043, "source": "search", "title": "The Left Hand of Darkness - University of Tennessee at Martin" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "To be precise, the book does not offer ultimate answers, and readers will not find there the answer to the basic question of \"What is a woman?\" Actually, when the male Envoy from Earth is asked by his friend from the new planet to explain what a woman is, he embarrassedly hesitates, fails, and finally admits that he does not know what a woman is. But more important than the answers are the questions and the hypothesis that LeGuin offers, in her \"thought-experiment,\" as she calls the novel in her intriguing introduction. The book serves as \"the record of my consciousness, the process of my thinking\" in the laboratory of the mind. It offers alternative modes of thinking not about the future but about ourselves in the present.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.814594268798828, "source": "search", "title": "The Left Hand of Darkness - University of Tennessee at Martin" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "The result? \"Messy,\" according to LeGuin, \"dubious and uncertain.\" The same experiment done by someone else, she maintains, and even by herself several years later, \"would probably give quite different results\" (in her revision she replaces the word \"probably\" by \"certainly\").", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.406594276428223, "source": "search", "title": "The Left Hand of Darkness - University of Tennessee at Martin" }, { "answer": "Leguin", "passage": "However, LeGuin has been frequently criticized for making her Gethenians, although they are menwomen, too much like men. Feminists have accused her of not going far enough and for using male protagonists. In her recent essay, \"The Fisherman's Daughter\" (1988), LeGuin admits that these critics were right, that until the mid 1970s \"men were the central characters, the women were peripheral, secondary.\" And she adds that feminism has empowered her to criticize her society, herself, and feminism itself.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.260909080505371, "source": "search", "title": "The Left Hand of Darkness - University of Tennessee at Martin" }, { "answer": "Le Guin", "passage": "Le Guin has written an introduction to science fiction in general and this novel in particular that you might find interesting. It can be found at . Le Guin's introduction brings up a number of issues that are crucial to the novel. In particular, the dichotomy between truth and lies in which lies turn out to be truer than truth, sets up a pattern of oppositions which deconstruct each other that is a major theme throughout the novel. Other dichotomies which line up in this way include: light/dark, male/female, spring/winter/ yin/yang, kemmer/somer, shiftgrethor/mind speech, Karhide/ Orgoryen, Handara/Yomesh.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.510737419128418, "source": "search", "title": "The Left Hand of Darkness - University of Tennessee at Martin" }, { "answer": "Le Guin", "passage": "This Hugo-winning tale of an icebound planet is as remarkable for its subtley revolutionary portrait of a world in which gender is not fixed as it is for Le Guin's chilling descriptions of whirling snow and bitter cold", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.128806114196777, "source": "search", "title": "Winter reads: The Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula K Le ..." }, { "answer": "Le Guin", "passage": "Isolation and exile are the novel's great subjects; the solitude of snow, a mental space Le Guin calls \"the heart of the blizzard\". The politician Estraven, who takes up Genly Ai's cause, is exiled from his country – harsh punishment indeed in such a hostile terrain. Genly Ai, who has survived two hard winters on Winter already, is in exile from his home and his whole way of thinking. The most extraordinary part of the book is the section in which the two of them make an arduous three-month trek through arctic wastes to get back to Estraven's country and contact Genly Ai's spaceship. Out on the ice, with only sledge and tent, they are \"equals at last, equal, alien, alone\". Their survival is a miracle – and also a feat of human ingenuity, planning, and determination. Le Guin describes the howling gales too loud to shout over; the white-outs in which all sense of direction disappears; the rations painfully eked out; how hard it is simply to breathe at 40 or 50 below. In this wilderness the two aliens also find an unlikely love that they don't even try to gender, a moment of connection that transcends time to form the centre of a life: \"the enduring moment, the hearth of warmth ... Outside, as always, lies the great darkness, the cold, death's solitude.\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.015359878540039, "source": "search", "title": "Winter reads: The Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula K Le ..." }, { "answer": "Le Guin", "passage": "Le Guin does not sentimentalise, or even consummate, this love; it's not inflated, as love stories so often are, to dominate her themes of society and environment. But it is given its due individual weight. \"I'm not trying to say that I was happy, during those weeks of hauling a sledge across an ice-sheet in the dead of winter,\" writes Genly Ai. \"I certainly wasn't happy. Happiness has to do with reason, and only reason earns it. What I was given was the thing you can't earn, and can't keep, and often don't even recognise at the time; I mean joy.\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.281648635864258, "source": "search", "title": "Winter reads: The Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula K Le ..." }, { "answer": "Le Guin", "passage": "The novel fails to surmount one major obstacle: the male pronoun used of the Gethenians. But it does not set out to be prescriptive, or definitive about gender – if it were, it would have dated horribly. Le Guin is much more subtle and ambiguous than that, more interested in questions than answers and aware of what a Gethenian mystic with the gift of foresight calls \"the perfect uselessness of knowing the answer to the wrong question\". As she puts it in her foreword to the 40th anniversary edition, \"I did the best I could, working at the hinge point, the moment the change was happening, when what I wrote was part of the change that was happening.\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.930755615234375, "source": "search", "title": "Winter reads: The Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula K Le ..." }, { "answer": "Le Guin", "passage": "novel by Le Guin", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.724098205566406, "source": "search", "title": "The Left Hand of Darkness | novel by Le Guin |" }, { "answer": "Le Guin", "passage": "Novel by Le Guin", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.724098205566406, "source": "search", "title": "The Left Hand of Darkness | novel by Le Guin |" }, { "answer": "Le Guin", "passage": "Le Guin's novel tells the story of one Genly Ai, a human whose job is to convince the people of the planet Gethen to join the Ekumen (think United Nations but in space). But the Gethenians aren't the manly-men Vikings we might expect to live on such a planet. Instead, they're an androgynous race, neither male nor female but capable of being both (and neither), depending on the lunar cycle.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.649181365966797, "source": "search", "title": "The Left Hand of Darkness - Shmoop" }, { "answer": "Le Guin", "passage": "Of course, when a major work is penned, controversy follows. Some critics argued the sexual ambiguity of Le Guin's Gethenians wasn't sexually ambiguous at all. They were just typical sci-fi bros who occasional took on female physical traits. And it turns out that Le Guin herself agreed: in 1987, she agreed that maybe she didn't do such a great job of dealing with the gender issues. But just the fact that she tried—totally radical.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.217545509338379, "source": "search", "title": "The Left Hand of Darkness - Shmoop" }, { "answer": "Ursula K. Le Guin", "passage": "First Contact: A Talk with Ursula K. Le Guin - The New Yorker", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.122124671936035, "source": "search", "title": "First Contact: A Talk with Ursula K. Le Guin - The New Yorker" }, { "answer": "Ursula K. Le Guin", "passage": "First Contact: A Talk with Ursula K. Le Guin", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.312738418579102, "source": "search", "title": "First Contact: A Talk with Ursula K. Le Guin - The New Yorker" }, { "answer": "Le Guin", "passage": "Le Guin interview", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.479607582092285, "source": "search", "title": "Coming Back From the Silence - Swarthmore College" }, { "answer": "Ursula Le Guin", "passage": "communication. But above all, in almost unearthly terms Ursula Le Guin", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.249451637268066, "source": "search", "title": "Coming Back From the Silence - Swarthmore College" }, { "answer": "Ursula Le Guin", "passage": "With over 3 million copies of her books in print, Ursula Le Guin is not only", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.733259201049805, "source": "search", "title": "Coming Back From the Silence - Swarthmore College" }, { "answer": "Ursula Le Guin", "passage": "URSULA LE GUIN: My introduction was slow and late. All my early fiction", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.958667755126953, "source": "search", "title": "Coming Back From the Silence - Swarthmore College" }, { "answer": "Ursula Le Guin", "passage": "URSULA LE GUIN: My mother wasn't really a feminist. She didn't even like the", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.404025077819824, "source": "search", "title": "Coming Back From the Silence - Swarthmore College" }, { "answer": "Ursula Le Guin", "passage": "URSULA LE GUIN: I didn't exactly choose science fiction. I went where I got", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.92109203338623, "source": "search", "title": "Coming Back From the Silence - Swarthmore College" }, { "answer": "Ursula Le Guin", "passage": "URSULA LE GUIN: Wouldn't you say any attempt to tell a story is an attempt", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.269831657409668, "source": "search", "title": "Coming Back From the Silence - Swarthmore College" }, { "answer": "Ursula Le Guin", "passage": "URSULA LE GUIN: Yes, exactly. You don't describe the sky or the clouds or", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.841939926147461, "source": "search", "title": "Coming Back From the Silence - Swarthmore College" }, { "answer": "Ursula Le Guin", "passage": "URSULA LE GUIN: I don't know. But when we embellish a Native American story,", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.061366081237793, "source": "search", "title": "Coming Back From the Silence - Swarthmore College" }, { "answer": "Ursula Le Guin", "passage": "URSULA LE GUIN: The daily routine of most adults is so heavy and artificial", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.41683578491211, "source": "search", "title": "Coming Back From the Silence - Swarthmore College" }, { "answer": "Ursula Le Guin", "passage": "URSULA LE GUIN: Yes. To remember, if my Latin is correct, actually means to", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.310748100280762, "source": "search", "title": "Coming Back From the Silence - Swarthmore College" }, { "answer": "Ursula Le Guin", "passage": "URSULA LE GUIN: Absolutely. It's a de-centring process. We've been", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.219740867614746, "source": "search", "title": "Coming Back From the Silence - Swarthmore College" }, { "answer": "Ursula Le Guin", "passage": "URSULA LE GUIN: This is a tricky area. As a writer, you want the language to", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.947600364685059, "source": "search", "title": "Coming Back From the Silence - Swarthmore College" }, { "answer": "Ursula Le Guin", "passage": "URSULA LE GUIN: I wasn't aware that it played any role at first. Although my", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.384090423583984, "source": "search", "title": "Coming Back From the Silence - Swarthmore College" }, { "answer": "Ursula Le Guin", "passage": "URSULA LE GUIN: What I know about ritual I learned from books. I've never", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.21590518951416, "source": "search", "title": "Coming Back From the Silence - Swarthmore College" }, { "answer": "Ursula Le Guin", "passage": "URSULA LE GUIN: One reason I hated to finish the book was that I had to wean", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.167404174804688, "source": "search", "title": "Coming Back From the Silence - Swarthmore College" }, { "answer": "Ursula Le Guin", "passage": "URSULA LE GUIN: What I was doing there is playing with the idea of our", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.368782043457031, "source": "search", "title": "Coming Back From the Silence - Swarthmore College" }, { "answer": "Ursula Le Guin", "passage": "URSULA LE GUIN: She trotted through a project of mine in 1982. It was an", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.243027687072754, "source": "search", "title": "Coming Back From the Silence - Swarthmore College" }, { "answer": "Ursula K. Le Guin", "passage": "Paris Review - Ursula K. Le Guin, The Art of Fiction No. 221", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.928552627563477, "source": "search", "title": "Paris Review - The Art of Fiction No. 221, Ursula K. Le Guin" }, { "answer": "Ursula K. Le Guin", "passage": "Ursula K. Le Guin, The Art of Fiction No. 221", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.903141021728516, "source": "search", "title": "Paris Review - The Art of Fiction No. 221, Ursula K. Le Guin" }, { "answer": "Le Guin", "passage": "Le Guin, 1996.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.28405475616455, "source": "search", "title": "Paris Review - The Art of Fiction No. 221, Ursula K. Le Guin" }, { "answer": "Ursula K. Le Guin", "passage": "In the early 1960s, when Ursula K. Le Guin began to publish, science fiction was dominated by so-called hard sci-fi: speculative fiction grounded in physics, chemistry, and, to a lesser extent, biology. The understanding of technological progress as an unalloyed good went largely unquestioned; America was enjoying unprecedented prominence in world affairs, and the science fiction of what has come to be known as the “golden age” projected this same sense of exceptionalism onto the cosmos. The space adventures that filled the pages of Amazing Stories and The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction tended to be written by, for, and about white men, with only occasional nods to racial or gender (or, for that matter, species) diversity. Le Guin’s first novel, Rocannon’s World (1966), which featured a classic man of science as its hero, did little to upset the status quo. But a sea change was coming.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.185665130615234, "source": "search", "title": "Paris Review - The Art of Fiction No. 221, Ursula K. Le Guin" }, { "answer": "Charles Le Guin", "passage": "Ursula Kroeber was born in Berkeley, California, in 1929, the daughter of Alfred L. Kroeber, a prominent anthropologist, and Theodora Kroeber, the author of a best-selling biography of Ishi, the “Last Wild Indian in North America,” who lived out the last years of his life on display at a museum on the University of California, Berkeley campus. Her childhood was spent in the company of her large family and their many academic visitors, as well as members of the Native American community. She went on to study at Radcliffe and Columbia, which granted her an M.A. in French and Italian Renaissance literature in 1952, at the age of twenty-two. On a steamer bound for France in 1953, she met the historian Charles Le Guin, whom she married a few months later.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.626208305358887, "source": "search", "title": "Paris Review - The Art of Fiction No. 221, Ursula K. Le Guin" }, { "answer": "Le Guin", "passage": "For the past half century, Le Guin and Charles, a professor of history at Portland State University, have lived in a handsome but inconspicuous Victorian on a steep, tree-lined street just below Portland’s Forest Park. The house—which, appropriately for a writer of science fiction, appears larger on the inside than it does from without—harbors a surprise: a veranda with a view of the ruined cone of Mount Saint Helens. Le Guin received me in the parlor, but we soon moved out onto the veranda, in part to escape the fierce attentions of her cat.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.097334861755371, "source": "search", "title": "Paris Review - The Art of Fiction No. 221, Ursula K. Le Guin" }, { "answer": "Le Guin", "passage": "LE GUIN", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.414238929748535, "source": "search", "title": "Paris Review - The Art of Fiction No. 221, Ursula K. Le Guin" }, { "answer": "Le Guin", "passage": "LE GUIN", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.414238929748535, "source": "search", "title": "Paris Review - The Art of Fiction No. 221, Ursula K. Le Guin" }, { "answer": "Le Guin", "passage": "LE GUIN", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.414238929748535, "source": "search", "title": "Paris Review - The Art of Fiction No. 221, Ursula K. Le Guin" }, { "answer": "Le Guin", "passage": "LE GUIN", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.414238929748535, "source": "search", "title": "Paris Review - The Art of Fiction No. 221, Ursula K. Le Guin" }, { "answer": "Le Guin", "passage": "LE GUIN", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.414238929748535, "source": "search", "title": "Paris Review - The Art of Fiction No. 221, Ursula K. Le Guin" }, { "answer": "Le Guin", "passage": "LE GUIN", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.414238929748535, "source": "search", "title": "Paris Review - The Art of Fiction No. 221, Ursula K. Le Guin" }, { "answer": "Le Guin", "passage": "LE GUIN", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.414238929748535, "source": "search", "title": "Paris Review - The Art of Fiction No. 221, Ursula K. Le Guin" }, { "answer": "Le Guin", "passage": "LE GUIN", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.414238929748535, "source": "search", "title": "Paris Review - The Art of Fiction No. 221, Ursula K. Le Guin" }, { "answer": "Le Guin", "passage": "LE GUIN", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.414238929748535, "source": "search", "title": "Paris Review - The Art of Fiction No. 221, Ursula K. Le Guin" }, { "answer": "Le Guin", "passage": "LE GUIN", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.414238929748535, "source": "search", "title": "Paris Review - The Art of Fiction No. 221, Ursula K. Le Guin" }, { "answer": "Le Guin", "passage": "LE GUIN", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.414238929748535, "source": "search", "title": "Paris Review - The Art of Fiction No. 221, Ursula K. Le Guin" }, { "answer": "Le Guin", "passage": "LE GUIN", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.414238929748535, "source": "search", "title": "Paris Review - The Art of Fiction No. 221, Ursula K. Le Guin" }, { "answer": "Le Guin", "passage": "LE GUIN", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.414238929748535, "source": "search", "title": "Paris Review - The Art of Fiction No. 221, Ursula K. Le Guin" }, { "answer": "Le Guin", "passage": "LE GUIN", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.414238929748535, "source": "search", "title": "Paris Review - The Art of Fiction No. 221, Ursula K. Le Guin" }, { "answer": "Le Guin", "passage": "LE GUIN", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.414238929748535, "source": "search", "title": "Paris Review - The Art of Fiction No. 221, Ursula K. Le Guin" }, { "answer": "Le Guin", "passage": "LE GUIN", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.414238929748535, "source": "search", "title": "Paris Review - The Art of Fiction No. 221, Ursula K. Le Guin" }, { "answer": "Le Guin", "passage": "LE GUIN", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.414238929748535, "source": "search", "title": "Paris Review - The Art of Fiction No. 221, Ursula K. Le Guin" }, { "answer": "Le Guin", "passage": "LE GUIN", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.414238929748535, "source": "search", "title": "Paris Review - The Art of Fiction No. 221, Ursula K. Le Guin" }, { "answer": "Le Guin", "passage": "LE GUIN", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.414238929748535, "source": "search", "title": "Paris Review - The Art of Fiction No. 221, Ursula K. Le Guin" }, { "answer": "Le Guin", "passage": "LE GUIN", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.414238929748535, "source": "search", "title": "Paris Review - The Art of Fiction No. 221, Ursula K. Le Guin" }, { "answer": "Le Guin", "passage": "LE GUIN", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.414238929748535, "source": "search", "title": "Paris Review - The Art of Fiction No. 221, Ursula K. Le Guin" }, { "answer": "Le Guin", "passage": "LE GUIN", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.414238929748535, "source": "search", "title": "Paris Review - The Art of Fiction No. 221, Ursula K. Le Guin" }, { "answer": "Le Guin", "passage": "LE GUIN", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.414238929748535, "source": "search", "title": "Paris Review - The Art of Fiction No. 221, Ursula K. Le Guin" }, { "answer": "Le Guin", "passage": "LE GUIN", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.414238929748535, "source": "search", "title": "Paris Review - The Art of Fiction No. 221, Ursula K. Le Guin" }, { "answer": "Le Guin", "passage": "LE GUIN", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.414238929748535, "source": "search", "title": "Paris Review - The Art of Fiction No. 221, Ursula K. Le Guin" }, { "answer": "Le Guin", "passage": "LE GUIN", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.414238929748535, "source": "search", "title": "Paris Review - The Art of Fiction No. 221, Ursula K. Le Guin" }, { "answer": "Le Guin", "passage": "LE GUIN", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.414238929748535, "source": "search", "title": "Paris Review - The Art of Fiction No. 221, Ursula K. Le Guin" }, { "answer": "Le Guin", "passage": "LE GUIN", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.414238929748535, "source": "search", "title": "Paris Review - The Art of Fiction No. 221, Ursula K. Le Guin" }, { "answer": "Le Guin", "passage": "LE GUIN", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.414238929748535, "source": "search", "title": "Paris Review - The Art of Fiction No. 221, Ursula K. Le Guin" }, { "answer": "Le Guin", "passage": "LE GUIN", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.414238929748535, "source": "search", "title": "Paris Review - The Art of Fiction No. 221, Ursula K. Le Guin" }, { "answer": "Le Guin", "passage": "LE GUIN", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.414238929748535, "source": "search", "title": "Paris Review - The Art of Fiction No. 221, Ursula K. Le Guin" }, { "answer": "Le Guin", "passage": "LE GUIN", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.414238929748535, "source": "search", "title": "Paris Review - The Art of Fiction No. 221, Ursula K. Le Guin" }, { "answer": "Le Guin", "passage": "LE GUIN", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.414238929748535, "source": "search", "title": "Paris Review - The Art of Fiction No. 221, Ursula K. Le Guin" }, { "answer": "Le Guin", "passage": "LE GUIN", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.414238929748535, "source": "search", "title": "Paris Review - The Art of Fiction No. 221, Ursula K. Le Guin" }, { "answer": "Le Guin", "passage": "LE GUIN", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.414238929748535, "source": "search", "title": "Paris Review - The Art of Fiction No. 221, Ursula K. Le Guin" }, { "answer": "Le Guin", "passage": "LE GUIN", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.414238929748535, "source": "search", "title": "Paris Review - The Art of Fiction No. 221, Ursula K. 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Le Guin" }, { "answer": "Le Guin", "passage": "LE GUIN", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.414238929748535, "source": "search", "title": "Paris Review - The Art of Fiction No. 221, Ursula K. Le Guin" }, { "answer": "Le Guin", "passage": "LE GUIN", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.414238929748535, "source": "search", "title": "Paris Review - The Art of Fiction No. 221, Ursula K. Le Guin" }, { "answer": "Le Guin", "passage": "LE GUIN", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.414238929748535, "source": "search", "title": "Paris Review - The Art of Fiction No. 221, Ursula K. Le Guin" }, { "answer": "Le Guin", "passage": "LE GUIN", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.414238929748535, "source": "search", "title": "Paris Review - The Art of Fiction No. 221, Ursula K. Le Guin" }, { "answer": "Le Guin", "passage": "LE GUIN", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.414238929748535, "source": "search", "title": "Paris Review - The Art of Fiction No. 221, Ursula K. Le Guin" } ]
What is Neil Simon's real first name?
{ "aliases": [ "Marvin", "Marven", "Marvin (disambiguation)" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "marvin", "marvin disambiguation", "marven" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "marvin", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Marvin" }
[ { "answer": "Marvin", "passage": "Neil Simon was born on July 4, 1927 in The Bronx, New York City, New York, USA as Marvin Neil Simon. He is a writer and producer, known for The Odd Couple (1968), Your Show of Shows (1950) and The Odd Couple (1970). He has been married to Elaine Joyce since September 11, 1999. He was previously married to Diane Lander , Marsha Mason and Joan Baim.", "precise_score": 5.4354400634765625, "rough_score": 3.4037258625030518, "source": "search", "title": "Neil Simon - Biography - IMDb" }, { "answer": "Marvin", "passage": "Neil Simon was born on July 4, 1927 in The Bronx, New York City, New York, USA as Marvin Neil Simon. He is a writer and producer, known for The Odd Couple (1968), Your Show of Shows (1950) and The Odd Couple (1970). He has been married to Elaine Joyce since September 11, 1999. He was previously married to Diane Lander , Marsha Mason and Joan Baim. See full bio »", "precise_score": 5.49409294128418, "rough_score": 3.426254987716675, "source": "search", "title": "Neil Simon - IMDb" }, { "answer": "Marvin", "passage": "Marvin Neil Simon (born July 4, 1927) is an American playwright, screenwriter and author. He has written more than thirty plays and nearly the same number of movie screenplays, mostly adaptations of his plays. He has received more combined Oscar and Tony nominations than any other writer.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 3.383540630340576, "source": "wiki", "title": "Neil Simon" }, { "answer": "Marvin", "passage": "Simon incorporated some of their experiences into his play Laughter on the 23rd Floor (1993). The play won him two Emmy Award nominations. The first Broadway show Simon wrote was Catch a Star! (1955), collaborating on sketches with his brother, Danny.The Concise Oxford Companion to Theatre. Eds. Phyllis Hartnoll and Peter Found. Oxford University Press, Oxford Reference Online (1996), New York University. 18 October 2011.[ \"Simon, (Marvin) Neil\"] ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 3.27870774269104, "source": "wiki", "title": "Neil Simon" }, { "answer": "Marvin", "passage": "Marvin Neil Simon was born in the Bronx, in New York, on the Fourth of July in 1927. His father Irving, a garment salesman, disappeared from time to time, leaving his wife, Mamie, to support their two sons by working at a department store and by relying on family and friends. After his parents divorced, Simon lived with relatives in Forest Hills, New York. Simon received the nickname \"Doc\" as a child because he was always pretending to be a doctor, listening to people's heartbeats with a toy stethoscope (an instrument used to listen to sounds inside the body). He also loved comedy films and was often thrown out of movie theaters for laughing too loudly.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 1.6659886837005615, "source": "search", "title": "Neil Simon Biography - life, family, childhood, children ..." }, { "answer": "Marvin", "passage": "Born in the Bronx on July 4, 1927, Marvin Neil Simon grew up in Manhattan and for a short time attended NYU and the University of Denver. His most significant writing job came in the early 1950s when he joined the staff of YOUR SHOW OF SHOWS, a landmark live television comedy series. Sid Caesar’s hilariously cutting-edge program had some of the best comic minds in television working for it, including Mel Brooks , Woody Allen , Larry Gelbart, and Carl Reiner. “I knew,” said Simon, “when I walked INTO YOUR SHOW OF SHOWS, that this was the most talented group of writers that up until that time had ever been assembled together.” By the 1960s, Simon had begun to concentrate on writing plays for Broadway. His first hit came in 1961 with Come Blow Your Horn, and was soon after followed by the very successful comic romance Barefoot in the Park.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -2.878323793411255, "source": "search", "title": "Neil Simon | About Neil Simon | American Masters | PBS" }, { "answer": "Marvin", "passage": "The answer is quite simple. It’s because I’m an uptight man who’s been married to three liberated women. Joan was the first liberated woman I ever met and the most unconventional. She introduced me to more ways of looking at life than I’d ever dreamed of. She was more adventuresome than I’d ever been. She would jump from a plane in a parachute, and I’m the uptight man who would say, You’re crazy. Marsha was the same way. She was a feminist and had me marching in parades with a flag, yelling for women’s rights. It’s not that I didn’t believe in women’s rights, but I’m not an activist. Diane is an environmentalist, an ecologist, and also a fighter for the rights of women. Go over all the plays. With the exception of The Odd Couple and The Sunshine Boys, you’ll find that the women are not only stronger but more interesting characters than the men. Again, the men are usually the Greek chorus. That’s me sitting there, little Neil, born Marvin, observing the world—verbally, from a very safe place, which is what the man does in Barefoot in the Park, which is what he does in Chapter Two, in almost every play.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.367505073547363, "source": "search", "title": "Paris Review - The Art of Theater No. 10, Neil Simon" } ]
Augusto C Sandino international airport is in which country?
{ "aliases": [ "Nicarugua", "Nicuragua", "Administrative divisions of Nicaragua", "Bibliography of nicaragua", "Subdivisions of Nicaragua", "Health in Nicaragua", "Republica De Nicaragua", "Etymology of Nicaragua", "República de Nicaragua", "Sport in Nicaragua", "ISO 3166-1:NI", "Republic of Nicaragua", "The Republic of Nicaragua", "Nicaraguan", "Nicaragua", "Nicaragua, Central America" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "republic of nicaragua", "nicaragua central america", "nicarugua", "republica de nicaragua", "etymology of nicaragua", "bibliography of nicaragua", "health in nicaragua", "nicaragua", "subdivisions of nicaragua", "nicaraguan", "administrative divisions of nicaragua", "república de nicaragua", "nicuragua", "sport in nicaragua", "iso 3166 1 ni" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "nicaragua", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Nicaragua" }
[ { "answer": "Nicaragua", "passage": "Augusto C. Sandino International Airport () or ACS is the main airport in Managua, Nicaragua. Named as Las Mercedes Airport in 1968 it was later renamed Augusto C. Sandino International Airport during the Sandinista regime in the 1980s and again in 2001 to Managua International Airport by then president Arnoldo Alemán. Its name was changed once more in February 2007 to its current name by President Daniel Ortega to honor the Sandinista regime. ", "precise_score": 9.288748741149902, "rough_score": 8.705296516418457, "source": "wiki", "title": "Augusto C. Sandino International Airport" }, { "answer": "Nicaragua", "passage": "A-Z World Airports Online - Nicaragua airports - Managua - Augusto C Sandino International Airport (MGA/MNMG)", "precise_score": 6.252898216247559, "rough_score": 7.797883987426758, "source": "search", "title": "Managua - Augusto C Sandino International Airport" }, { "answer": "Nicaragua", "passage": "The Augusto C. Sandino (Managua) is the only airport with scheduled flights in Nicaragua. However Augusto C. Sandino (Managua) one of the smaller airports in the country.", "precise_score": 8.266456604003906, "rough_score": 8.143457412719727, "source": "search", "title": "Augusto C. Sandino (Managua) International Airport (MGA)" }, { "answer": "Nicaragua", "passage": "The Augusto C. Sandino Airport is the primary airport in Managua, Nicaragua and is one the most entertaining airports in the country. The airport code is MGA and it serves more than 1.5 million passengers each year traveling to and from Central America.", "precise_score": 9.226786613464355, "rough_score": 8.254494667053223, "source": "search", "title": "Augusto C. Sandino International ACS Airport Shuttle" }, { "answer": "Nicaragua", "passage": "The airport serves as one of the largest aerobridges in the country with the space to park up to 20 airplanes at one time. Augusto C. Sandino serves not only as a large transportation hub for millions each year, but it is also a large employer for the Managua area. The airport is host to several souvenir shops, fast food restaurants and even features a luxurious VIP lounge for travelers to enjoy. With long flights from Nicaragua to countries around the globe, the entertaining aspects of the airport are a welcome form of relaxation for travelers to indulge when in transit.", "precise_score": 7.251473903656006, "rough_score": 6.964418411254883, "source": "search", "title": "Augusto C. Sandino International ACS Airport Shuttle" }, { "answer": "Nicaragua", "passage": "Before ACS, there was the old Xolotlan Airport, about 2 miles east of Managua, built in 1915 which very soon became too small for Managua's airline service growth. Thus, on January 22, 1942, the Nicaraguan Government and Pan American Airways signed a contract to construct an airport by Las Mercedes Country Estate which inspired the name for Las Mercedes Airport. Las Mercedes was further upgraded, re-designed to handle Boeing 707 aircraft, and re-inaugurated on July 4, 1968 by Anastasio Somoza Debayle. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.43714427947998, "source": "wiki", "title": "Augusto C. Sandino International Airport" }, { "answer": "Nicaragua", "passage": "The expanded airport could serve three aircraft at once and by 1975 LANICA, the National Airline of Nicaragua, as well as many well known carriers Pan Am, KLM (Royal Dutch Airlines), Taca Airlines, Sahsa, Avianca, Iberia, SAM, TAN, Varig, and smaller local carriers, flew into Las Mercedes. When the Sandinistas took power, the airport was named after Augusto César Sandino, a Nicaraguan revolutionary and guerrilla leader, after whom the Sandinista movement is named. The Sandinistas however did not maintain the airport, and it began to deteriorate until it was expanded and remodeled in 1996, when, among other things, two new boarding bridges were installed. The airport was renamed \"Managua International Airport\" in 2001 by then President Arnoldo Alemán and renamed again in 2007 to its current name by President Daniel Ortega In mid 2007, President Daniel Ortega renamed the airport in honor of Sandino. Nicaraguan artist Róger Pérez de la Rocha has created many two large portraits of Augusto César Sandino, and Rubén Darío which they lay at the airports lobby. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 5.735687255859375, "source": "wiki", "title": "Augusto C. Sandino International Airport" }, { "answer": "Nicaragua", "passage": "Las Mercedes served for a very long time as a hub for Nicaragua's flag carriers Lanica (until 1978), Aeronica from 1979 to the 80's and NICA afterwards. When NICA became a member of Grupo TACA during the 1990s, the number of important connections to the rest of Latin America from which ACS grew considerably.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.132217407226562, "source": "wiki", "title": "Augusto C. Sandino International Airport" }, { "answer": "Nicaragua", "passage": "A large expansion programme was underway by 2003 and as of July 2006 the final phase was completed with 7 gates equipped with jetways, and room for 20 airplanes to park. It had been reported in the recent past that the runway would be lengthened by 800 m, but to date this projected has not begun, despite the government's great achievements in building new airports elsewhere in Nicaragua, or greatly overhauling existing airport/airfield infrastructure in other locations as well.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.388240814208984, "source": "wiki", "title": "Augusto C. Sandino International Airport" }, { "answer": "Nicaragua", "passage": "Augusto C. Sandino (Managua) International - Nicaragua", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 6.029195785522461, "source": "search", "title": "Augusto C. Sandino (Managua) International - Nicaragua" }, { "answer": "Nicaragua", "passage": "Great airport for the size of the country and the number of airlines that operate in Nicaragua, I do travel around the world and landed in several airports before and am pleased with two airports: Dubai and Managua. But what makes Managua one my favorite is the way they welcome you if you are using VIP services; it is amazing, not delay and they expedite the process so we can get meet with you family and friends, great reception after several trips all I can say: job well done, keep up the good work.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.439783096313477, "source": "search", "title": "Augusto C. Sandino (Managua) International - Nicaragua" }, { "answer": "Nicaragua", "passage": "For a private pilot flying in, the hurdles are daunting. They have a different system in place in Nicaragua than most other countries. There are services available, and fuel available, as well as all ground handling services. The parking fee for small airplanes is $5 US per day, and it will be collected. Filing a flight plan can be done, but patience is a virtue and a necessity to navigate the security issues.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.942380905151367, "source": "search", "title": "Augusto C. Sandino (Managua) International - Nicaragua" }, { "answer": "Nicaragua", "passage": "Full Location: Managua, Managua , Nicaragua", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.3756742477417, "source": "search", "title": "Augusto C. Sandino International Airport (MGA)" }, { "answer": "Nicaragua", "passage": "More airports in Nicaragua", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.060173034667969, "source": "search", "title": "Augusto C. Sandino International Airport (MGA)" }, { "answer": "Nicaragua", "passage": "Managua Airport, Nicaragua, Aptdo 5179, Managua DN, Nicaragua", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.40363883972168, "source": "search", "title": "Managua - Augusto C Sandino International Airport" }, { "answer": "Nicaragua", "passage": "Managua Airport, Nicaragua, KM 11 Carretera Norte, Managua DN, Nicaragua", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.20429801940918, "source": "search", "title": "Managua - Augusto C Sandino International Airport" }, { "answer": "Nicaragua", "passage": "Shuttle services are typically provided by individual hotels near the airport, although there are several different rental car agencies available for service from the airport for travelers visiting Nicaragua.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.767565727233887, "source": "search", "title": "Augusto C. Sandino International ACS Airport Shuttle" }, { "answer": "Nicaragua", "passage": "If you have rented a private vehicle then you will need a private local driver as well who could offer you pickup and drop off facilities from your destination conveniently. Local drivers can also serve as guides who could tell you which places are a must visit in Managua. Do tell your driver to take you to new Leon, which was once the capital of Nicaragua.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.310345649719238, "source": "search", "title": "Augusto C. Sandino International ACS Airport Shuttle" }, { "answer": "Nicaragua", "passage": "Worldwide › South America › Nicaragua › Managua", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.162053108215332, "source": "search", "title": "Augusto C. Sandino International ACS Airport Shuttle" }, { "answer": "Nicaragua", "passage": "There is one national airline, La Costena, as well as more than seven international airlines including American Airlines, Continental and Delta. These airlines provide daily transportation throughout the country of Nicaragua as well as service to countries globally. Customer service includes baggage handling, handicap access to public areas and Wi-Fi for travelers within the airport.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.686329364776611, "source": "search", "title": "Augusto C. Sandino International ACS Airport Shuttle" }, { "answer": "Nicaragua", "passage": "Guests at the Hotel Austria which is located in the city of Leon near the airport may reserve rooms in advance or at the time of their flight landing. Many people traveling for business in Nicaragua prefer the Hotel Austria because they have large business meeting availability, on site laundry, Internet and fax services and a quiet rooftop terrace for relaxation after long flights.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.171561241149902, "source": "search", "title": "Augusto C. Sandino International ACS Airport Shuttle" } ]
What was the second Oscar Hammerstein show to win the Pulitzer Prize?
{ "aliases": [ "South Pacific (disambiguation)", "South pacific", "South Pacific (film)", "The South Pacific", "South Pacific" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "south pacific", "south pacific disambiguation", "south pacific film" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "south pacific", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "South Pacific" }
[ { "answer": "South Pacific", "passage": "South Pacific is a musical composed by Richard Rodgers, with lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein II and book by Hammerstein and Joshua Logan. The work premiered in 1949 on Broadway and was an immediate hit, running for 1,925 performances. The plot of the musical is based on James A. Michener's Pulitzer Prize-winning 1947 book Tales of the South Pacific and combines elements of several of those stories. Rodgers and Hammerstein believed they could write a musical based on Michener's work that would be financially successful and, at the same time, would send a strong progressive message on racism.", "precise_score": 0.6431671380996704, "rough_score": 2.9069983959198, "source": "wiki", "title": "South Pacific (musical)" }, { "answer": "South Pacific", "passage": "The Broadway production transferred to the Broadway Theatre in June 1953 to accommodate Rodgers and Hammerstein's new show, Me and Juliet, although South Pacific had to be moved to Boston for five weeks because of schedule conflicts. When it closed on January 16, 1954, after 1,925 performances, it was the second-longest-running musical in Broadway history, after Oklahoma!. At the final performance, Myron McCormick, the only cast member remaining from the opening, led the performers and audience in \"Auld Lang Syne\"; the curtain did not fall but remained raised as the audience left the theatre. ", "precise_score": -2.9307355880737305, "rough_score": -3.4346466064453125, "source": "wiki", "title": "South Pacific (musical)" }, { "answer": "South Pacific", "passage": "&show%3Ci%3ESouth+Pacific%3C%2Fi%3E South Pacific 1950 Tony winners], Tony Awards official website, accessed April 4, 2012 In 1950, the musical won the Pulitzer Prize for Drama, the second musical to do so after Of Thee I Sing, which won in 1932. Rodgers became the first composer of musical comedy to win the Pulitzer, as composer George Gershwin had not been recognized for Of Thee I Sing.Maslon, p. 153 The Pulitzer Prize was initially given only to Rodgers and Hammerstein; Logan was later recognized in an amended announcement, much to his annoyance.", "precise_score": 3.8050215244293213, "rough_score": 6.455286502838135, "source": "wiki", "title": "South Pacific (musical)" }, { "answer": "South Pacific", "passage": "The 2001 London revival garnered a Laurence Olivier Award for Philip Quast (Emile). The 2008 revival won seven Tony Awards, including Best Revival (Sher and Szot also won, and the show won in all four design categories), and five Drama Desk Awards, including Outstanding Musical Revival. The late Robert Russell Bennett was also honored that season for \"his historic contribution to American musical theatre in the field of orchestrations, as represented on Broadway this season by Rodgers and Hammerstein's South Pacific.\" The 2011 London production received three Olivier Award nominations, including Best Musical Revival, but won none. ", "precise_score": -5.165532112121582, "rough_score": -3.1788740158081055, "source": "wiki", "title": "South Pacific (musical)" }, { "answer": "South Pacific", "passage": "Oscar Greeley Clendenning Hammerstein II (; July 12, 1895 – August 23, 1960) was an American librettist, theatrical producer, and (usually uncredited) theatre director of musicals for almost forty years. Hammerstein won eight Tony Awards and two Academy Awards for Best Original Song. Many of his songs are standard repertoire for singers and jazz musicians. He co-wrote 850 songs. Hammerstein was the lyricist and playwright in his partnerships; his collaborators wrote the music. Hammerstein collaborated with numerous composers, such as Jerome Kern, with whom he wrote Show Boat, Vincent Youmans, Rudolf Friml, Richard A. Whiting and Sigmund Romberg; but he is best known for his collaborations with Richard Rodgers, which include Oklahoma!, Carousel, South Pacific, The King and I, and The Sound of Music.", "precise_score": 1.7580393552780151, "rough_score": 2.0565264225006104, "source": "wiki", "title": "Oscar Hammerstein II" }, { "answer": "South Pacific", "passage": "Hammerstein's most successful and sustained collaboration began when he teamed up with Richard Rodgers to write a musical adaptation of the play Green Grow the Lilacs. Rodgers' first partner, Lorenz Hart, originally planned to collaborate with Rodgers on this piece, but his alcoholism had become out of control, and he was unable to write. Hart was also not certain that the idea had much merit, and the two therefore separated. The adaptation became the first Rodgers and Hammerstein collaboration, entitled Oklahoma!, which opened on Broadway in 1943. It furthered the revolution begun by Show Boat, by thoroughly integrating all the aspects of musical theatre, with the songs and dances arising out of and further developing the plot and characters. William A. Everett and Paul R. Laird wrote that this was a \"show, that, like 'Show Boat', became a milestone, so that later historians writing about important moments in twentieth-century theatre would begin to identify eras according to their relationship to 'Oklahoma.'\" After Oklahoma!, Rodgers and Hammerstein were the most important contributors to the musical-play form – with such masterworks as Carousel, The King and I and South Pacific. The examples they set in creating vital plays, often rich with social thought, provided the necessary encouragement for other gifted writers to create musical plays of their own\".[ \"American Musical Theatre: An Introduction\"],, republished from The Complete Book of Light Opera. Mark Lubbock. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1962. pp. 753–56, accessed December 3, 2008", "precise_score": -4.51262903213501, "rough_score": -5.168771743774414, "source": "wiki", "title": "Oscar Hammerstein II" }, { "answer": "South Pacific", "passage": "Hammerstein won eight Tony Awards, six for lyrics or book, and two as producer of the Best Musical (South Pacific and The Sound of Music). Rodgers and Hammerstein began writing together before the era of the Tonys: Oklahoma! opened in 1943 and Carousel in 1945, and the Tony Awards were not awarded until 1947. They won a special Pulitzer Prize in 1944 for Oklahoma! and, with Joshua Logan, the annual Pulitzer Prize for Drama in 1950 for South Pacific. The Oscar Hammerstein II Center for Theater Studies at Columbia University was established in 1981 with a $1-million gift from his family. ", "precise_score": 4.359292507171631, "rough_score": 5.068317890167236, "source": "wiki", "title": "Oscar Hammerstein II" }, { "answer": "South Pacific", "passage": "In 1950, Rodgers and Hammerstein received The Hundred Year Association of New York's Gold Medal Award \"in recognition of outstanding contributions to the City of New York.\" Rodgers, Hammerstein, and Joshua Logan won the Pulitzer Prize for Drama for South Pacific. Rodgers and Hammerstein had won a special Pulitzer Prize in 1944 for Oklahoma!. ", "precise_score": 3.9112725257873535, "rough_score": 5.139371395111084, "source": "wiki", "title": "Richard Rodgers" }, { "answer": "South Pacific", "passage": "Hammerstein was also the second most prolific lyricist of the 20th century, second only to Irving Berlin . Born into a show business family in N.Y.C. on July 12, 1895, as Oscar Greeley Clendenning Hammerstein, he later dropped his middle names and adopted the \"II.\" The grandfather he was named after was a theater builder and opera company director, and the lyricist's father worked as the manager of a historic vaudeville theater in New York. As a young man, Hammerstein attended Columbia University and law school and took part in school plays. He later became stage manager in his uncle Arthur's theater and tried his hand -- unsuccessfully -- at writing screenplays. Hammerstein co-wrote songs for Broadway during the '20s with lyricist Otto Harbach, including Showboat (1928) and Sweet Adeline (1929). He also collaborated with many composers over the years, including George Gershwin and Jerome Kern , but his most prolific and successful period was with composer Richard Rodgers . They teamed up after Rodgers' songwriting partner, Lorenz Hart, became ill and died in 1943. From this time until a year before Hammerstein's passing in 1960, Rodgers & Hammerstein were unmatched creators of smash hit Broadway musicals. Their first big hit was 1943's Oklahoma!, for which they received a Pulitzer Prize. The duo received another Pulitzer for 1949's South Pacific. Rodgers & Hammerstein were also responsible for such wildly successful musicals as The King & I (1951) and The Sound of Music (1959). Some of Hammerstein's best-known songs include \"Ol' Man River,\" \"Lover, Come Back to Me\" (1928), \"Why Was I Born?\" (1929), \"All the Things You Are\" (1939), \"People Will Say We're in Love\" (1943), \"Some Enchanted Evening\" (1949), \"Getting to Know You,\" and \"My Favorite Things.\" Hammerstein produced many of the shows that he scored, and on some he didn't, including Annie Get Your Gun. He is also author of the book Lyrics. ~ Joslyn Layne, Rovi", "precise_score": 2.4126181602478027, "rough_score": 5.922375202178955, "source": "search", "title": "Oscar Hammerstein II — Listen for free on Spotify" }, { "answer": "South Pacific", "passage": "The duo received many awards for South Pacific when it won the Pulitzer Prize in 1950. South Pacific, The King and I, and The Sound of Music all won Tony awards for best musical. Altogether, Rodgers and Hammerstein earned 35 Tony Awards, 15 Academy Awards, 2 Pulitzer prizes, 2 Emmy Awards, and 2 Grammy Awards. Hammerstein received many personal awards including five honorary degrees. He was also a member of the board of directors for many organizations, including The Dramatists Guild and the Screen Writers’ Guild.", "precise_score": 2.924914598464966, "rough_score": 4.629278182983398, "source": "search", "title": "Hammerstein II, Oscar" }, { "answer": "South Pacific", "passage": "During the '40s and '50s, lyricist/librettist Oscar Hammerstein II and composer Richard Rodgers were the most successful composing team on Broadway, writing several long-running shows that were eventually made into movie musicals. Hammerstein was also the second most prolific lyricist of the 20th century, second only to Irving Berlin . Born into a show business family in N.Y.C. on July 12, 1895, as Oscar Greeley Clendenning Hammerstein , he later dropped his middle names and adopted the \"II.\" The grandfather he was named after was a theater builder and opera company director, and the lyricist's father worked as the manager of a historic vaudeville theater in New York. As a young man, Hammerstein attended Columbia University and law school and took part in school plays. He later became stage manager in his uncle Arthur's theater and tried his hand -- unsuccessfully -- at writing screenplays. Hammerstein co-wrote songs for Broadway during the '20s with lyricist Otto Harbach , including Showboat (1928) and Sweet Adeline (1929). He also collaborated with many composers over the years, including George Gershwin and Jerome Kern , but his most prolific and successful period was with composer Richard Rodgers . They teamed up after Rodgers ' songwriting partner, Lorenz Hart , became ill and died in 1943. From this time until a year before Hammerstein 's passing in 1960, Rodgers & Hammerstein were unmatched creators of smash hit Broadway musicals. Their first big hit was 1943's Oklahoma!, for which they received a Pulitzer Prize. The duo received another Pulitzer for 1949's South Pacific. Rodgers & Hammerstein were also responsible for such wildly successful musicals as The King & I (1951) and The Sound of Music (1959). Some of Hammerstein 's best-known songs include \"Ol' Man River,\" \"Lover, Come Back to Me\" (1928), \"Why Was I Born?\" (1929), \"All the Things You Are\" (1939), \"People Will Say We're in Love\" (1943), \"Some Enchanted Evening\" (1949), \"Getting to Know You,\" and \"My Favorite Things.\" Hammerstein produced many of the shows that he scored, and on some he didn't, including Annie Get Your Gun. He is also author of the book Lyrics.", "precise_score": 3.0673680305480957, "rough_score": 4.287286758422852, "source": "search", "title": "Oscar Hammerstein II | Biography & History | AllMusic" }, { "answer": "South Pacific", "passage": "During the '40s and '50s, lyricist/librettist Oscar Hammerstein II and composer Richard Rodgers were the most successful composing team on Broadway, writing several long-running shows that were eventually made into movie musicals. Hammerstein was also the second most prolific lyricist of the 20th century, second only to Irving Berlin. Born into a show business family in N.Y.C. on July 12, 1895, as Oscar Greeley Clendenning Hammerstein, he later dropped his middle names and adopted the \"II.\" The grandfather he was named after was a theater builder and opera company director, and the lyricist's father worked as the manager of a historic vaudeville theater in New York. As a young man, Hammerstein attended Columbia University and law school and took part in school plays. He later became stage manager in his uncle Arthur's theater and tried his hand -- unsuccessfully -- at writing screenplays. Hammerstein co-wrote songs for Broadway during the '20s with lyricist Otto Harbach, including Showboat (1928) and Sweet Adeline (1929). He also collaborated with many composers over the years, including George Gershwin and Jerome Kern, but his most prolific and successful period was with composer Richard Rodgers. They teamed up after Rodgers' songwriting partner, Lorenz Hart, became ill and died in 1943. From this time until a year before Hammerstein's passing in 1960, Rodgers & Hammerstein were unmatched creators of smash hit Broadway musicals. Their first big hit was 1943's Oklahoma!, for which they received a Pulitzer Prize. The duo received another Pulitzer for 1949's South Pacific. Rodgers & Hammerstein were also responsible for such wildly successful musicals as The King & I (1951) and The Sound of Music (1959). Some of Hammerstein's best-known songs include \"Ol' Man River,\" \"Lover, Come Back to Me\" (1928), \"Why Was I Born?\" (1929), \"All the Things You Are\" (1939), \"People Will Say We're in Love\" (1943), \"Some Enchanted Evening\" (1949), \"Getting to Know You,\" and \"My Favorite Things.\" Hammerstein produced many of the shows that he scored, and on some he didn't, including Annie Get Your Gun. He is also author of the book Lyrics. ~ Joslyn Layne, Rovi", "precise_score": 2.9385530948638916, "rough_score": 4.137904644012451, "source": "search", "title": "Oscar Hammerstein II | New Music And Songs" }, { "answer": "South Pacific", "passage": "South Pacific is a 1949 musical with music by Richard Rodgers, lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein II and book by Hammerstein and Joshua Logan. The story draws from James A. Michener’s Pulitzer Prize-winning, 1948 novel, Tales of the South Pacific, weaving together characters and elements from several of its stories into a single plotline. Two love affairs are chronicled. The first involves Lt. Joe Cable and a young Polynesian girl. The second revolves around Nellie Forbush, a Navy nurse from Little Rock, and Emile de Becque, a French planter with whom she falls in love one enchanted evening. Cable and de Becque go on a dangerous mission behind Japanese lines from which only one of them returns. The musical won the Pulitzer Prize for Drama in 1950 for its exploration of racial prejudice.", "precise_score": 2.309697389602661, "rough_score": 6.2495503425598145, "source": "search", "title": "April 7, 1949 – South Pacific Opened on Broadway ..." }, { "answer": "South Pacific", "passage": "He won the Pulitzer Prize for Drama for the musical \"South Pacific\", collaborating with Richard Rodgers and Joshua Logan . [1950]", "precise_score": -1.8794792890548706, "rough_score": -2.689954996109009, "source": "search", "title": "Oscar Hammerstein II - Biography - IMDb" }, { "answer": "South Pacific", "passage": "The plot centers on an American nurse stationed on a South Pacific island during World War II, who falls in love with a middle-aged expatriate French plantation owner but struggles to accept his mixed-race children. A secondary romance, between a U.S. lieutenant and a young Tonkinese woman, explores his fears of the social consequences should he marry his Asian sweetheart. The issue of racial prejudice is candidly explored throughout the musical, most controversially in the lieutenant's song, \"You've Got to Be Carefully Taught\". Supporting characters, including a comic petty officer and the Tonkinese girl's mother, help to tie the stories together. Because he lacked military knowledge, Hammerstein had difficulty writing that part of the script; the director of the original production, Logan, assisted him and received credit as co-writer of the book.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.319562911987305, "source": "wiki", "title": "South Pacific (musical)" }, { "answer": "South Pacific", "passage": "Although book editor and university instructor James Michener could have avoided military service in World War II as a birthright Quaker, he enlisted in the U.S. Navy in October 1942. He was not sent to the South Pacific theater until April 1944, when he was assigned to write a history of the Navy in the Pacific and was allowed to travel widely. He survived a plane crash in New Caledonia; the near-death experience motivated him to write fiction, and he began listening to the stories told by soldiers. One journey took him to the Treasury Islands, where he discovered an unpleasant village, called Bali-ha'i, populated by \"scrawny residents and only one pig\". Struck by the name, Michener wrote it down and soon began to record, on a battered typewriter, his version of the tales. On a plantation on the island of Espiritu Santo, he met a woman named Bloody Mary; she was small, almost toothless, her face stained with red betel juice. Punctuated with profanity learned from GIs, she complained endlessly to Michener about the French colonial government, which refused to allow her and other Tonkinese to return to their native Vietnam, lest the plantations be depopulated. She told him also of her plans to oppose colonialism in French Indochina. These stories, collected into Tales of the South Pacific, won Michener the 1948 Pulitzer Prize for fiction.Lovensheimer, p. 39", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.419835090637207, "source": "wiki", "title": "South Pacific (musical)" }, { "answer": "South Pacific", "passage": "Tales of the South Pacific comprises nineteen stories. Each stands independently but revolves around the preparation for an American military operation to dislodge the Japanese from a nearby island. This operation, dubbed Alligator, occurs in the penultimate story, \"The Landing at Kuralei\". Many of the characters die in that battle, and the last story is titled \"The Cemetery at Huga Point\". The stories are thematically linked in pairs: the first and final stories are reflective, the second and eighteenth involve battle, the third and seventeenth involve preparation for battle, and so on. The tenth story, at the center, however, is not paired with any other. This story, \"Fo' Dolla' \", was one of only four of his many works that Michener later admitted to holding in high regard. It was the one that attracted Rodgers and Hammerstein's attention for its potential to be converted into a stage work. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.658783912658691, "source": "wiki", "title": "South Pacific (musical)" }, { "answer": "South Pacific", "passage": "Additional elements of South Pacific had their genesis in others of Michener's 19 tales. One introduces the character of Bloody Mary; another tells of a British spy hidden on the Japanese-controlled island who relays information about Japanese movements to Allied forces by radio. Michener based the spy, dubbed \"the Remittance Man\", on Captain Martin Clemens, a Scot, who unlike his fictional counterpart, survived the war. The stories also tell of the seemingly endless waiting that precedes battle, and the efforts of the Americans to repel boredom, which would inspire the song \"There Is Nothing Like a Dame\". Several of the stories involve the Seabee, Luther Billis, who in the musical would be used both for comic relief and to tie together episodes involving otherwise unconnected characters. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.023056030273438, "source": "wiki", "title": "South Pacific (musical)" }, { "answer": "South Pacific", "passage": "Hayward attempted to buy the rights from Michener outright, offering $500; Michener declined. Although playwright Lynn Riggs had received 1.5% of the box office grosses for the right to adapt Green Grow the Lilacs into Oklahoma!, Michener never regretted accepting one percent of the gross receipts from South Pacific. As Rodgers and Hammerstein began their work on the adaptation, Michener worked mostly with the lyricist, but Rodgers was concerned about the implications of the setting, fearing that he would have to include ukuleles and guitars, which he disliked. Michener assured him that the only instrument he had ever heard the natives play was an emptied barrel of gasoline, drummed upon with clubs. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.912965774536133, "source": "wiki", "title": "South Pacific (musical)" }, { "answer": "South Pacific", "passage": "Soon after their purchase of the rights, Rodgers and Hammerstein decided not to include a ballet, as in their earlier works, feeling that the realism of the setting would not support one. Concerned that an adaptation too focused on \"Fo' Dolla' \", the story of the encounter between Cable and Liat, would be too similar to Madama Butterfly, Hammerstein spent months studying the other stories and focused his attention on \"Our Heroine\", the tale of the romance between Nellie and Emile. The team decided to include both romances in the musical play. It was conventional at the time that if one love story in a musical was serious, the other would be more comedic, but in this case both were serious and focused on racial prejudice. They decided to increase the role played by Luther Billis in the stories, merging experiences and elements of several other characters into him. Billis's wheeling and dealing would provide comic relief. They also shortened the title to South Pacific – Rodgers related that the producers tired of people making risqué puns on the word \"tales\". ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.873206615447998, "source": "wiki", "title": "South Pacific (musical)" }, { "answer": "South Pacific", "passage": "In early drafts of the musical, Hammerstein gave significant parts to two characters who eventually came to have only minor roles, Bill Harbison and Dinah Culbert. Harbison is one of the major characters in Tales of the South Pacific; a model officer at the start, he gradually degenerates to the point where, with battle imminent, he requests his influential father-in-law to procure for him a transfer to a post in the United States. Hammerstein conceived of him as a rival to Emile for Nellie's affections, and gave him a song, \"The Bright Young Executive of Today\". As redrafts focused the play on the two couples, Harbison became less essential, and he was relegated to a small role as the executive officer to the commander of the island, Captain Brackett. Dinah, a nurse and friend of Nellie, is also a major character in Michener's work, and was seen as a possible love interest for Billis, though any actual romance was limited by Navy regulations forbidding fraternization between officers (all American nurses in World War II were commissioned officers) and enlisted men. \"I'm Gonna Wash That Man Right Outa My Hair\" originated as a duet for Dinah and Nellie, with Dinah beginning the song and developing its theme. According to Lovensheimer, Nellie's and Dinah's \"friendship became increasingly incidental to the plot as the writing continued. Hammerstein eventually realized that the decision to wash Emile out of her hair had to be Nellie's. Only then did the scene have the dramatic potential for Nellie's emotional transition\" as she realizes her love for Emile. In the final version, Dinah retains one solo line in the song. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.371312618255615, "source": "wiki", "title": "South Pacific (musical)" }, { "answer": "South Pacific", "passage": "Joshua Logan, in his memoirs, stated that after months of effort in the first half of 1948, Hammerstein had written only the first scene, an outline, and some lyrics. Hammerstein was having trouble due to lack of knowledge of the military, a matter with which Logan, a veteran of the armed forces, was able to help. The dialogue was written in consultation between the two of them, and eventually Logan asked to be credited for his work. Rodgers and Hammerstein decided that while Logan would receive co-writing credit on the book, he would receive no author's royalties. Logan stated that a contract putting these changes into force was sent over to his lawyer with instructions that unless it was signed within two hours, Logan need not show up for rehearsals as director. Logan signed, although his lawyer did not then tell him about the ultimatum.Hyland, p. 179 Through the decades that followed, Logan brought the matter up from time to time, demanding compensation, but when he included his version of the events in his 1976 memoirs, it was disputed by Rodgers (Hammerstein had died in 1960). Rodgers biographer Meryle Secrest suggests that Logan was compensated when South Pacific was filmed in 1958, as Logan received a substantial share of the profits as director. According to Michener biographer Stephen J. May, \"it is difficult to assess just how much of the final book Josh Logan was responsible for. Some estimates say 30 to 40 percent. But that percentage is not as critical perhaps as his knowledge of military lore and directing for the theatre, without which the creation of South Pacific would have collapsed during that summer of 1948.\" ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.832412242889404, "source": "wiki", "title": "South Pacific (musical)" }, { "answer": "South Pacific", "passage": "Rodgers composed the music once he received the lyrics from Hammerstein. A number of stories are told of the speed with which he wrote the music for South Pacific 's numbers. \"Happy Talk\" was said to have been composed in about twenty minutes; when Hammerstein, who had sent the lyrics by messenger, called to check whether Rodgers had received them, his partner informed him that he had both lyrics and music. Legend has it he composed \"Bali Ha'i\" in ten minutes over coffee in Logan's apartment; what he did create in that time frame was the three-note motif which begins both song and musical. Hammerstein's lyrics for \"Bali Ha'i\" were inspired by the stage backdrop which designer Jo Mielziner had painted. Feeling that the island of Bali Ha'i did not appear mysterious enough, Mielziner painted some mist near the summit of its volcano. When Hammerstein saw this he immediately thought of the lyric, \"my head sticking up from a low-flying cloud\" and the rest of the song followed easily from that. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.900266647338867, "source": "wiki", "title": "South Pacific (musical)" }, { "answer": "South Pacific", "passage": "In May 1948, Rodgers received a telephone call from Edwin Lester of the Los Angeles Civic Light Opera. Lester had signed former Metropolitan Opera star Ezio Pinza for $25,000 to star in a new show, Mr. Ambassador. The show had not been written, and it never would be. Lester hoped that Rodgers would take over Pinza's contract. Pinza had become bored as the Met's leading lyric bass, and having played the great opera houses, sought other worlds to conquer. Rodgers immediately saw Pinza as perfect for the role of Emile. Lester carefully broached the subject to Pinza and his wife/business manager and provided them with a copy of Tales of the South Pacific. When Pinza read the book, he told Lester, \"Sell me right away!\"Maslon, p. 112 Pinza's contract for South Pacific included a clause limiting his singing to 15 minutes per performance. With Pinza's signing, Rodgers and Hammerstein decided to make his the lead male role, subordinating the story of the pair of young lovers. It was unusual on Broadway for the romantic lead to be an older male.Fordin, p. 262", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.548336029052734, "source": "wiki", "title": "South Pacific (musical)" }, { "answer": "South Pacific", "passage": "For the role of Nellie, Rodgers sought Mary Martin, who had nearly been cast to originate the role of Laurey in Oklahoma! Martin was playing the title role in the touring company of Annie Get Your Gun. After Hammerstein and Rodgers saw her play in Los Angeles in mid-1948, they asked her to consider the part. Martin was reluctant to sing opposite Pinza's powerful voice; Rodgers assured her he would see to it the two never sang at the same time, a promise he mostly kept.Hyland, p. 180 Rodgers and Martin lived near each other in Connecticut, and after her tour Rodgers invited Martin and her husband, Richard Halliday, to his home to hear the three songs for the musical that he had completed, none of them for Nellie. \"Some Enchanted Evening\" especially struck Martin, and although disappointed the song was not for her, she agreed to do the part. Although Nellie and Emile were already fully developed characters in Michener's stories, during the creation of South Pacific, Rodgers, Hammerstein and Logan began to adapt the roles specifically to the talents of Martin and Pinza and to tailor the music for their voices. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.196769714355469, "source": "wiki", "title": "South Pacific (musical)" }, { "answer": "South Pacific", "passage": "Martin influenced several of her songs. While showering one day during rehearsals, she came up with the idea for a scene in which she would shampoo her hair onstage. This gave rise to \"I'm Gonna Wash That Man Right Outa My Hair\". Built around a primitive shower that Logan remembered from his time in the military, the song became one of the most talked-about in South Pacific. To introduce another of Martin's numbers to her, Rodgers called her over to his apartment, where he and Hammerstein played \"I'm in Love with a Wonderful Guy\" for her. When Martin essayed it for herself, she sang the final 26 words, as intended, with a single breath, and fell off her piano bench. Rodgers gazed down at her, \"That's exactly what I want. Never do it differently. We must feel you couldn't squeeze out another sound.\" ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.962855339050293, "source": "wiki", "title": "South Pacific (musical)" }, { "answer": "South Pacific", "passage": "There were no major difficulties during the four weeks of rehearsal in New York; Martin later remembered that the \"gypsy run-through\" for friends and professional associates on a bare stage was met with some of the most enthusiastic applause she could remember. One of the few people having trouble was Pinza, who had difficulty adjusting to the constant alterations in the show – he was used to the operatic world, where a role rarely changed once learned. Pinza's mispronunciations of English exasperated Logan, and driving to New Haven for the first week of previews, Pinza discussed with his wife the possibility of a return to the Met, where he knew audiences would welcome him. She told him to let South Pacific 's attendees decide for themselves. When the tryouts began in New Haven on March 7, the play was an immediate hit; the New Haven Register wrote, \"South Pacific should make history\". ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.876531600952148, "source": "wiki", "title": "South Pacific (musical)" }, { "answer": "South Pacific", "passage": "South Pacific opened on Broadway on April 7, 1949, at the Majestic Theatre. The advance sale was $400,000, and an additional $700,000 in sales was made soon after the opening. The first night audience was packed with important Broadway, business, and arts leaders. The audience repeatedly stopped the show with extended applause, which was sustained at length at the final curtain. Rodgers and Hammerstein had preferred, in the past, not to sponsor an afterparty, but they rented the St. Regis Hotel's roof and ordered 200 copies of The New York Times in the anticipation of a hit. Times critic Brooks Atkinson gave the show a rave review. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.001646995544434, "source": "wiki", "title": "South Pacific (musical)" }, { "answer": "South Pacific", "passage": "On a South Pacific island during World War II, two half-Polynesian children, Ngana and Jerome, happily sing as they play together (\"Dites-Moi\"). Ensign Nellie Forbush, a naïve U.S. Navy nurse from Little Rock, Arkansas, has fallen in love with Emile de Becque, a middle-aged French plantation owner, though she has known him only briefly. Even though everyone else is worried about the outcome of the war, Nellie tells Emile that she is sure everything will turn out all right (\"A Cockeyed Optimist\"). Emile also loves Nellie, and each wonders if the other reciprocates those feelings (\"Twin Soliloquies\"). Emile expresses his love for Nellie, recalling how they met at the officers' club dance and instantly were attracted to each other (\"Some Enchanted Evening\"). Nellie, promising to think about their relationship, returns to the hospital. Emile calls Ngana and Jerome to him, revealing to the audience that they are his children, unbeknownst to Nellie.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.11666488647461, "source": "wiki", "title": "South Pacific (musical)" }, { "answer": "South Pacific", "passage": "A limited run of South Pacific by the New York City Center Light Opera Company opened at New York City Center on May 4, 1955, closing on May 15, 1955. It was directed by Charles Atkin, and had costumes by Motley and sets by Mielziner. The cast included Richard Collett as Emile, Sandra Deel as Nellie, Carol Lawrence as Liat, Sylvia Syms as Bloody Mary and Gene Saks as the Professor. A second limited run of the same production with a different cast opened at City Center on April 24, 1957, closing on May 12, 1957. It was directed by Jean Dalrymple, and the cast included Robert Wright as Emile, Mindy Carson as Nellie and Hall reprising the role of Bloody Mary. That production was given again in 1961, this time with Ann McLerie and William Chapman in the lead roles.Hischak, p. 264", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.745121955871582, "source": "wiki", "title": "South Pacific (musical)" }, { "answer": "South Pacific", "passage": "There have been many stock or summer revivals of South Pacific. One, in 1957 at Long Island's Westbury Music Fair, occurred at the same time that Arkansas Governor Orval Faubus was resisting the integration of Central High School by the Little Rock Nine. Nellie's pronouncement that she was from Little Rock was initially met with boos. Logan refused to allow Nellie's hometown to be changed, so a speech was made before each performance asking for the audience's forbearance, which was forthcoming. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.346644401550293, "source": "wiki", "title": "South Pacific (musical)" }, { "answer": "South Pacific", "passage": "There were two revivals at Lincoln Center. Richard Rodgers produced the 1967 revival, which starred Florence Henderson and Giorgio Tozzi, who had been Rossano Brazzi's singing voice in the 1958 film.[ \"Review, South Pacific (Music Theater of Lincoln Center Recording)\"],, accessed April 20, 2011 Joe Layton was the director. The cast album was issued on LP and later on CD. The musical toured North America from 1986 to 1988, headlined by Robert Goulet and Barbara Eden, with David Carroll as Cable, Armelia McQueen as Bloody Mary and Lia Chang as Liat, first directed by Geraldine Fitzgerald and then Ron Field. A New York City Opera production in 1987 featured alternating performers Justino Díaz and Stanley Wexler as Emile, and Susan Bigelow and Marcia Mitzman as Nellie. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.443246841430664, "source": "wiki", "title": "South Pacific (musical)" }, { "answer": "South Pacific", "passage": "A British touring production of South Pacific opened at the Blackpool Grand Theatre on August 28, 2007. The tour ended at the Cardiff New Theatre on July 19, 2008. It starred Helena Blackman as Nellie and Dave Willetts as Emile. Julian Woolford directed, with choreography by Chris Hocking. This production was most noted for its staging of the overture, which charted Nellie's journey from Little Rock, Arkansas, to the South Pacific. On entering the theatre, the audience first saw a map of the U.S., not the theater of war. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.869599342346191, "source": "wiki", "title": "South Pacific (musical)" }, { "answer": "South Pacific", "passage": "A Broadway revival of South Pacific opened on April 3, 2008 at Lincoln Center's Vivian Beaumont Theater. Bartlett Sher directed, with musical staging by Christopher Gattelli and associate choreographer Joe Langworth. The opening cast starred Kelli O'Hara as Nellie, Paulo Szot as Emile and Matthew Morrison as Lt. Cable, with Danny Burstein as Billis and Loretta Ables Sayre as Bloody Mary. Laura Osnes replaced O'Hara during her seven-month maternity leave, beginning in March 2009, and also between January and August 2010. Szot alternated with David Pittsinger as Emile. The production closed on August 22, 2010, after 37 previews and 996 regular performances. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.872785568237305, "source": "wiki", "title": "South Pacific (musical)" }, { "answer": "South Pacific", "passage": "The New York Daily Mirror critic wrote, \"Programmed as a musical play, South Pacific is just that. It boasts no ballets and no hot hoofing. It has no chorus in the conventional sense. Every one in it plays a part. It is likely to establish a new trend in musicals.\" The review continued: \"Every number is so outstanding that it is difficult to decide which will be the most popular.\" The review in New York World-Telegram found the show to be \"the ultimate modern blending of music and popular theatre to date, with the finest kind of balance between story and song, and hilarity and heartbreak.\" Brooks Atkinson of The New York Times especially praised Pinza's performance: \"Mr. Pinza's bass voice is the most beautiful that has been heard on a Broadway stage for an eon or two. He sings ... with infinite delicacy of feeling and loveliness of tone.\" He declared that \"Some Enchanted Evening\", sung by Pinza, \"ought to become reasonably immortal.\" Richard Watts, Jr. of the New York Post focused on Mary Martin's performance, writing, \"nothing I have ever seen her do prepared me for the loveliness, humor, gift for joyous characterization, and sheer lovableness of her portrayal of Nellie Forbush ... who is so shocked to find her early racial prejudices cropping up. Hers is a completely irresistible performance.\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.987939834594727, "source": "wiki", "title": "South Pacific (musical)" }, { "answer": "South Pacific", "passage": "When South Pacific opened in London in November 1951, the reviews were mixed. London's Daily Express praised the music but disliked other elements of that show, writing, \"We got a 42nd Street Madame Butterfly, the weakest of all the Hammerstein-Rodgers musicals. The Daily Mail suggested, \"The play moved so slowly between its songs that it seemed more like South Soporific.\" The Times applauded the songs but indicated that \"before the end the singing and the dancing have dwindled to almost nothing, while the rather sad little tale is slowly and conventionally wound up.\" The Manchester Guardian, however, noted the anticipation in advance of the opening and concluded that \"there was no disappointment ... the show bounces the audience and well deserves the cheers.\" Drama critic Kenneth Tynan of The Spectator wrote that South Pacific was \"the first musical romance which was seriously involved in an adult subject ... I have nothing to do but thank Logan, Rodgers and Hammerstein and climb up from my knees, a little cramped from the effort of typing in such an unusual position.\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.932312965393066, "source": "wiki", "title": "South Pacific (musical)" }, { "answer": "South Pacific", "passage": "A 2006 review asserted: \"Many are the knowledgeable and discriminating people for whom Rodgers and Hammerstein's South Pacific, brilliantly co-written and staged by Joshua Logan, was the greatest musical of all.\" In 1987, however, John Rockwell of The New York Times reviewed the City Opera production, commenting that while South Pacific had been innovative for 1949, \"Sondheim has long since transcended its formal innovations, and the constant reprises of the big tunes sound mechanical. In 1949, South Pacific epitomized the concerns of the day – America's responsibilities in the world and the dangers of racism. ... At its 1967 State Theater revival, the show struck many as dated. It still seems that way, with M*A*S*H having contemporized this same setting\". A 2008 Huffington Post review criticized the play as having an Orientalist and Western-centric storyline in which stereotypical natives take on \"exotic background roles\" in relation to Americans, and it characterized the relationship between Cable and Liat as underage prostitution, charging that she \"speaks not a word in the whole musical, only smiles and takes the Yankee to bed.\" South Pacific is the only major American musical set in World War II,Butler, p. 3 but former Marine Robert Leckie wrote his memoir of that conflict, Helmet for My Pillow, after he walked out of a performance: \"I have to tell the story of how it really was. I have to let people know the war wasn't a musical.\" ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.276901245117188, "source": "wiki", "title": "South Pacific (musical)" }, { "answer": "South Pacific", "passage": "South Pacific opened on Broadway with $400,000 in advance sales. People were so eager to obtain tickets that the press wrote about the lengths people had gone to in getting them. Because \"house seats\" were being sold by scalpers for $200 or more, the attorney general's office threatened to close the show. However, the parties who provided the scalpers with the tickets were never identified, and the show ran without interference. The production had a $50,600 weekly gross, and ran for 1,925 performances. The national tour began in 1950 and grossed $3,000,000 in the first year, making $1,500,000 in profit. The original cast album, priced at $4.85, sold more than a million copies. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.239286422729492, "source": "wiki", "title": "South Pacific (musical)" }, { "answer": "South Pacific", "passage": "The original production of South Pacific won ten Tony Awards, including Best Musical, Best Male Performer (Pinza), Best Female Performer (Martin), Best Supporting Male Performer (McCormick), Best Supporting Female Performer (Hall), Best Director (Logan), Best Book and Best Score.[", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.555364608764648, "source": "wiki", "title": "South Pacific (musical)" }, { "answer": "South Pacific", "passage": "Part of the reason why South Pacific is considered a classic is its confrontation of racism. According to professor Philip Beidler, \"Rodgers and Hammerstein's attempt to use the Broadway theater to make a courageous statement against racial bigotry in general and institutional racism in the postwar United States in particular\" forms part of South Pacific 's legend. Although Tales of the South Pacific treats the question of racism, it does not give it the central place that it takes in the musical. Andrea Most, writing on the \"politics of race\" in South Pacific, suggests that in the late 1940s, American liberals, such as Rodgers and Hammerstein, turned to the fight for racial equality as a practical means of advancing their progressive views without risking being deemed communists. Trevor Nunn, director of the 2001 West End production, notes the importance of the fact that Nellie, a southerner, ends the play about to be the mother in an interracial family: \"It's being performed in America in 1949. That's the resonance.\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.89400863647461, "source": "wiki", "title": "South Pacific (musical)" }, { "answer": "South Pacific", "passage": "When the tour of the show reached a racially segregated theatre in Wilmington, Delaware, Rodgers and Hammerstein threatened to cancel the performances there unless seating was integrated, which it was. In 1953, with the tour in Atlanta, there was controversy over \"You've Got to Be Carefully Taught\". Two Georgia state legislators, Senator John D. Shepard and Representative David C. Jones, objected to the song, stating that though South Pacific was a fine piece of entertainment, that song \"contained an underlying philosophy inspired by Moscow\", and explained, \"Intermarriage produces half-breeds. And half-breeds are not conducive to the higher type of society. ... In the South, we have pure blood lines and we intend to keep it that way.\" They stated that they planned to introduce legislation to outlaw such communist-inspired works. The Northern press had a field day; Hammerstein, when asked for comment, responded that he did not think the legislators were representing their constituents very well, and that he was surprised at the suggestion that anything kind and decent must necessarily originate in Moscow.Maslon, p. 163 In part because of the song, touring companies of South Pacific had difficulty getting bookings in the Deep South. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.548142433166504, "source": "wiki", "title": "South Pacific (musical)" }, { "answer": "South Pacific", "passage": "Nellie Forbush, in her journey from Little Rock, Arkansas, to serving as a Navy nurse and on to the domesticity of the final scene of South Pacific, parallels the experience of many American women of the period. They entered the workforce during the war, only to find afterwards a societal expectation that they give up their jobs to men, with their best route to financial security being marriage and becoming a housewife. One means of securing audience acceptance of Nellie's choices was the sanitization of her sexual past from her counterpart in the Michener work – that character had a 4-F boyfriend back in Arkansas and a liaison with Bill Harbison while on the island. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.305519104003906, "source": "wiki", "title": "South Pacific (musical)" }, { "answer": "South Pacific", "passage": "The male characters in South Pacific are intended to appear conventionally masculine. In the aftermath of World War II, the masculinity of the American soldier was beyond public question. Cable's virility with Liat is made evident to the audience. Although Billis operates a laundry – Nellie particularly praises his pleats – and appears in a grass skirt in the \"Thanksgiving Follies\", these acts are consistent with his desire for money and are clearly intended to be comic. His interest in the young ladies on Bali H'ai establishes his masculinity. Lovensheimer writes that Billis is more defined by class than by sexuality, evidenced by the Seabee's assumption, on learning that Cable went to college in New Jersey, that it was Rutgers (the state's flagship public university), rather than Ivy League Princeton, and by his delight on learning that the rescue operation for him had cost $600,000 when his uncle had told him he would never be worth a dime. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.090967178344727, "source": "wiki", "title": "South Pacific (musical)" }, { "answer": "South Pacific", "passage": "Meryle Secrest, in her biography of Rodgers, theorizes that South Pacific marks a transition for the pair \"between heroes and heroines who are more or less evenly matched in age and stories about powerful older men and the younger women who are attracted to them\". Lovensheimer, however, points out that this pattern really only holds for two of their five subsequent musicals, The King and I and The Sound of Music, and in the former, the love between Anna and the King is not expressed in words. He believes a different transition took place: that their plots, beginning with South Pacific, involve a woman needing to enter and accept her love interest's world to be successful and accepted herself. He notes that both Oklahoma! and Carousel involve a man entering his wife's world, Curly in Oklahoma! about to become a farmer with expectations of success, whereas Billy Bigelow in Carousel fails to find work after leaving his place as a barker. Lovensheimer deems Allegro to be a transition, where the attempts of the lead female character to alter her husband Joe's world to suit her ambition lead to the breakup of their marriage. He argues that the nurse Emily, who goes with Joe in his return to the small town where he was happy, is a forerunner of Nellie, uprooting her life in Chicago for Joe. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.728535652160645, "source": "wiki", "title": "South Pacific (musical)" }, { "answer": "South Pacific", "passage": "Secrest notes that much is overlooked in the rush to have love conquer all in South Pacific, \"questions of the long-term survival of a marriage between a sophisticate who read Proust at bedtime and a girl who liked Dinah Shore and did not read anything were raised by Nellie Forbush only to be brushed aside. As for the interracial complexities of raising two Polynesian children, all such issues were subsumed in the general euphoria of true love.\" Lovensheimer too wonders how Nellie will fare as the second Madame de Becque, \"little Nellie Forbush from Arkansas ends up in a tropical paradise, far from her previous world, with a husband, a servant, and two children who speak a language she does not understand\". ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.902863502502441, "source": "wiki", "title": "South Pacific (musical)" }, { "answer": "South Pacific", "passage": "A mammoth hit, South Pacific sparked huge media and public attention. South Pacific was one of the first shows for which a variety of souvenirs were available: fans could buy South Pacific neckties, or for women, lipstick and scarves. Fake ticket stubs could be purchased for use as status symbols. There were South Pacific music boxes, dolls, fashion accessories and even hairbrushes for use after washing men from hair. Martin's on-stage shower prompted an immediate fashion craze for short hair that could be managed through once-a-day washing at home, rather than in a beauty salon, and for the products which would allow for such care. The songs of South Pacific could be heard on the radio, and they were popular among dance bands and in piano lounges. Mordden comments that South Pacific contained nothing but hit songs; Rodgers and Hammerstein's other successful works always included at least one song which did not become popular. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.73917293548584, "source": "wiki", "title": "South Pacific (musical)" }, { "answer": "South Pacific", "passage": "In 1986 José Carreras and Kiri Te Kanawa made a studio recording of South Pacific, the sessions of which were filmed as a documentary, similar in style to Leonard Bernstein's successful West Side Story documentary a year earlier that featured the same stars. Emile's music was transposed to fit Carreras's tenor voice. The recording also featured Sarah Vaughan as Bloody Mary and Mandy Patinkin as Cable. Stephen Holden reviewed the album in The New York Times, \"the star of this South Pacific isn't any individual, but rather the score itself\".Maslon, p. 181 Kenrick calls the recording badly miscast \"pretentious trash.\" Kenrick gives mixed praise to the 1988 London revival cast album.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.433302879333496, "source": "wiki", "title": "South Pacific (musical)" }, { "answer": "South Pacific", "passage": "South Pacific was made into a film of the same name in 1958, and it topped the box office that year. Joshua Logan directed the film, which starred Rossano Brazzi, Mitzi Gaynor, John Kerr, Ray Walston and Juanita Hall; all of their singing voices except Gaynor's and Walston's were dubbed. Thurl Ravenscroft, later television's Tony the Tiger, sang the basso profundo notes in \"There Is Nothing Like a Dame\". The film opened with Cable's flight to the island in a PBY, followed by the Seabees' beach scene, and added Billis' rescue and scenes from the mission to spy on the Japanese. The film won the Academy Award for Best Sound. It was also nominated for the Oscar for Best Scoring of a Musical Picture (Alfred Newman and Ken Darby), and the 65 mm Todd-AO cinematography by Leon Shamroy was also nominated. The film was widely criticized for its use of color to indicate mood, with actors changing color as they began to sing. The film includes the song \"My Girl Back Home\", sung by Cable, which was cut from the stage musical. The movie was the third-highest-grossing film in the U.S. of the 1950s; its UK revenues were the highest ever, a record it kept until Goldfinger in 1963.Hischak, pp. 264–265, 339 Although reviewers have criticized the film – Time magazine stated that it was \"almost impossible to make a bad movie out of it – but the moviemakers appear to have tried\" – it has added success on television, videotape and DVD to its box office laurels.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.882555961608887, "source": "wiki", "title": "South Pacific (musical)" }, { "answer": "South Pacific", "passage": "* Beidler, Philip D. \"South Pacific and American remembering: Or, 'Josh, we're going to buy this son of a bitch' \". Journal of American Studies, Vol. 27, Number 2 (August, 1993), pp. 207–222. JSTOR [ 40467260.]", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.241047859191895, "source": "wiki", "title": "South Pacific (musical)" }, { "answer": "South Pacific", "passage": "* Butler, Robert. [ NT Education Workpack: South Pacific.] London: Royal National Theatre, 2001.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.464911460876465, "source": "wiki", "title": "South Pacific (musical)" }, { "answer": "South Pacific", "passage": "* Lovensheimer, Jim. South Pacific: Paradise Rewritten. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010. ISBN 978-0-19-537702-6.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.146714210510254, "source": "wiki", "title": "South Pacific (musical)" }, { "answer": "South Pacific", "passage": "* Maslon, Laurence. The South Pacific Companion. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2008. ISBN 978-1-4165-7313-5.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.833209037780762, "source": "wiki", "title": "South Pacific (musical)" }, { "answer": "South Pacific", "passage": "* May, Stephen J. Michener's South Pacific. Gainesville, Fla.: University Press of Florida, 2011. ISBN 978-0-8130-3557-4.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.244627952575684, "source": "wiki", "title": "South Pacific (musical)" }, { "answer": "South Pacific", "passage": "* Michener, James A. Tales of the South Pacific. New York: Bantam Books, 1967 paperback edition of 1947 publication. ISBN 0-449-20652-1.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.066757202148438, "source": "wiki", "title": "South Pacific (musical)" }, { "answer": "South Pacific", "passage": "* Most, Andrea. \" 'You've Got to Be Carefully Taught': The politics of race in Rodgers and Hammerstein's South Pacific\". Theatre Journal, Vol. 52, Number 3 (October, 2000), pp. 307–337. JSTOR [ 25068808.]", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.987942695617676, "source": "wiki", "title": "South Pacific (musical)" }, { "answer": "South Pacific", "passage": "Hammerstein contributed the lyrics to 850 songs, according to The Complete Lyrics of Oscar Hammerstein II, edited by Amy Asch. Some well-known songs are \"Ol' Man River\", \"Can't Help Lovin' That Man\" and \"Make Believe\" from Show Boat; \"Indian Love Call\" from Rose-Marie; \"People Will Say We're in Love\" and \"Oklahoma\" (which has been the official state song of Oklahoma since 1953) from Oklahoma!; \"Some Enchanted Evening\", from South Pacific; \"Getting to Know You\" and \"Shall We Dance\" from The King and I; and the title song as well as \"Climb Ev'ry Mountain\" from The Sound of Music.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.054091453552246, "source": "wiki", "title": "Oscar Hammerstein II" }, { "answer": "South Pacific", "passage": "*South Pacific — # 224", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.408555030822754, "source": "wiki", "title": "Oscar Hammerstein II" }, { "answer": "South Pacific", "passage": "The team went on to create four more hits that are among the most popular of all musicals. Each was made into a successful film: Carousel (1945), South Pacific (1949, winner of the 1950 Pulitzer Prize for Drama), The King and I (1951), and The Sound of Music (1959). Other shows include the minor hit, Flower Drum Song (1958), as well as relative failures Allegro (1947), Me and Juliet (1953) and Pipe Dream (1955). They also wrote the score to the film State Fair (1945) (which was remade in 1962 with Pat Boone), and a special TV musical of Cinderella (1957).", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.5857038497924805, "source": "wiki", "title": "Richard Rodgers" }, { "answer": "South Pacific", "passage": "After Peggy Lee recorded her version of \"Lover\", a Rodgers song with a dramatically different arrangement from that originally conceived by him, Rodgers said, \"I don't know why Peggy picked on me, she could have fucked up \"Silent Night\". Mary Martin said that Richard Rodgers composed songs for her for South Pacific, knowing she had a small vocal range, and the songs generally made her look her best. She also said that Rodgers and Hammerstein listened to all her suggestions and she worked extremely well with them. Both Rodgers and Hammerstein wanted Doris Day for the lead in the film version of South Pacific and she reportedly wanted the part. They discussed it with her, but after her manager/husband Martin Melcher would not budge on his demand for a high salary for her, the role went to Mitzi Gaynor.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.5444974899292, "source": "wiki", "title": "Richard Rodgers" }, { "answer": "South Pacific", "passage": "*South Pacific (1949)", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.299551963806152, "source": "wiki", "title": "Richard Rodgers" }, { "answer": "South Pacific", "passage": "Rodgers and Hammerstein continued working together for 18 years, producing such works as Carousel (1945), Allegro (1947), South Pacific (1949), The King and I (1951), Me and Juliet (1953), Pipe Dream (1955), Flower Drum Song (1958), and The Sound of Music (1959). They wrote one musical specifically for cinema, State Fair, and one for television, Cinderella.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.700360298156738, "source": "search", "title": "Hammerstein II, Oscar" }, { "answer": "South Pacific", "passage": "April 7, 1949 – South Pacific Opened on Broadway | Rhapsody in Books Weblog", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.279583930969238, "source": "search", "title": "April 7, 1949 – South Pacific Opened on Broadway ..." }, { "answer": "South Pacific", "passage": "For your viewing pleasure, a montage of excerpts from South Pacific:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.428690910339355, "source": "search", "title": "April 7, 1949 – South Pacific Opened on Broadway ..." }, { "answer": "South Pacific", "passage": "He is credited, along with two of his collaborators - composers Jerome Kern and Richard Rodgers - with developing the \"integrated musical\", a kind of musical in which the songs furthered the plot and revealed character, rather than just serving as pleasant interruptions to the story. With Kern he wrote \"Show Boat\", and with Rodgers he wrote \"Oklahoma!\", \"Carousel\", \"South Pacific\", \"The King and I\", \"Flower Drum Song\", the TV musical \"Cinderella\", \"The Sound of Music\", and three other shows. They influenced musical theatre writers to the point that nearly every musical on Broadway after 1943 used song and dance to further and enhance the plots of the shows rather than distract the audience from the story lines.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.280488014221191, "source": "search", "title": "Oscar Hammerstein II - Biography - IMDb" }, { "answer": "South Pacific", "passage": "Won five Tony Awards: three in 1950 for \"South Pacific,\" for his lyrics and book, shared with collaborator Joshua Logan as part of the Best Musical win; as Best Authors (Musical), again shared with Logan; and as Best Producers (Musical), shared with Richard Rodgers , Leland Hayward and Logan; one in 1952, for his book and lyrics with Rodgers' music as part of a Best Musical win for \"The King and I;\" and one in 1960 for his lyrics as part of a Best Musical win for \"The Sound of Music,\" in a tie with \"Fiorello!\" He was also Tony-nominated three other times: in 1956, for his book and lyrics and as a co-producer of Best Musical nominee \"Pipe Dream;\" in 1959 for his lyrics and, collaborating with Joseph Fields , book for Best Musical nominee \"Flower Drum Song;\" and in 1996, posthumously, for Best Original Musical Score, lyrics only for designated songs that were original and not in the previous film version of \"State Fair.\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.207294464111328, "source": "search", "title": "Oscar Hammerstein II - Biography - IMDb" }, { "answer": "South Pacific", "passage": "Richard Rodgers and his musical, \"South Pacific\" at the Marriott Theatre in Chicago, Illinois was nominated for a 2013 Equity Joseph Jefferson Award for Large Musical Production.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.254600524902344, "source": "search", "title": "Oscar Hammerstein II - Biography - IMDb" }, { "answer": "South Pacific", "passage": "His musical, \"South Pacific\" in a Lincoln Center Theater production at the Ahmanson Theatre in Los Angeles, California was awarded the 2011 Back Stage Garland Award for Production.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.579916954040527, "source": "search", "title": "Oscar Hammerstein II - Biography - IMDb" }, { "answer": "South Pacific", "passage": "His musical, \"South Pacific\" in a Lincoln Center Theater production at the Ahmanson Theatre in Los Angeles, California was awarded the 2010 Los Angeles Drama Critics Circle McCulloh Award for (Shows Written between 1920 and 1980).", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.848275184631348, "source": "search", "title": "Oscar Hammerstein II - Biography - IMDb" }, { "answer": "South Pacific", "passage": "Foothill Music Theatre presents, South Pacific", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.464737892150879, "source": "search", "title": "Foothill Music Theatre presents, South Pacific" }, { "answer": "South Pacific", "passage": "The music of South Pacific has become iconic popular standards: Some Enchanted Evening, Younger Than Springtime, I'm in Love with a Wonderful Guy, There Is Nothing Like a Dame, Happy Talk, Bali Ha'i and I'm Gonna Wash That Man Right Outta My Hair.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.427465438842773, "source": "search", "title": "Foothill Music Theatre presents, South Pacific" } ]
Lionel Hampton played on which band until forming his own in1941?
{ "aliases": [ "Benny Goodman Band", "Goodman, Benny", "Benny Goodman's Orchestra", "Ciribiribin (album)", "Swing into Spring", "BG and Big Tea in NYC", "Benjamin David Goodman", "In Stockholm 1959", "Swing with Benny Goodman and His Orchestra", "Undercurrent Blues", "Benny Goodman and His Orchestra", "Swing Into Spring", "King of Swing", "The Great Benny Goodman", "Benny Goodman and the Giants of Swing", "Benny Goodman Live at Carnegie Hall; 40th Anniversary Concert", "The Birth of Swing", "Live! Benny Let's Dance", "Stomping at the Savoy", "Benny Goodman", "Benny Goodman Sextet", "Benny Goodman And His Orchestra", "The Benny Goodman Story Volume 1", "Benny Goodman band", "Roll 'Em, Vol. 1", "BG in Hi-fi", "Benny in Brussels", "Eddie Sauter Arrangements", "Benjamin Goodman", "Swing With Benny Goodman And His Orchestra", "Swinging 34 Vols. 1 & 2", "Bennie Goodman", "Benny Goodman Orchestra" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "ciribiribin album", "great benny goodman", "live benny let s dance", "king of swing", "swinging 34 vols 1 2", "bg in hi fi", "goodman benny", "benny goodman story volume 1", "swing into spring", "benny goodman and his orchestra", "bg and big tea in nyc", "in stockholm 1959", "benny goodman band", "eddie sauter arrangements", "bennie goodman", "benny goodman and giants of swing", "stomping at savoy", "undercurrent blues", "birth of swing", "benny in brussels", "benjamin david goodman", "benny goodman s orchestra", "benny goodman orchestra", "swing with benny goodman and his orchestra", "benny goodman sextet", "benny goodman live at carnegie hall 40th anniversary concert", "benjamin goodman", "benny goodman", "roll em vol 1" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "benny goodman", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Benny Goodman" }
[ { "answer": "Benny Goodman", "passage": "When Lionel Hampton left Benny Goodman in 1940 to form his own big band, he was only following in a line recently established by Goodman’s other star soloists, Gene Krupa, Harry James, and Teddy Wilson. But despite the presence of Ben Webster and some excellent arrangements, Teddy’s band failed within a year; Gene’s did not begin to take off until he nabbed Roy Eldridge and Anita O’Day in 1941; and Harry’s only began to see really big numbers when he shifted his emphasis to saccharine sweet ballads. By contrast, Hamp hit his public hard and heavy. Among the hip young jazzmen populating his first big band were Joe Newman, Fred Beckett, Dexter Gordon, and Illinois Jacquet, and in “Flying Home” and “Hamp’s Boogie Woogie” he nailed two hits which were to remain in his book forever after.", "precise_score": 5.552349090576172, "rough_score": 5.738722324371338, "source": "search", "title": "Jazz Reviews: The Complete Lionel Hampton Quartets and ..." }, { "answer": "Benny Goodman", "passage": "By this time Hampton was also occasionally playing piano and singing and soon became sufficiently popular to form his own big band and small groups. In 1936, while leading his band at the Paradise Club on Central Avenue, he was joined one evening by Benny Goodman, Teddy Wilson and Gene Krupa who were passing through LA on a nation-wide tour. Goodman was persuaded to visit the club by John Hammond Jnr. and was so impressed, and so much enjoyed their impromptu jam session, that he invited Hampton to attend a recording session already scheduled the following day for the Benny Goodman Trio. The resulting records, by the Benny Goodman Quartet, were so successful that a few months later Goodman asked Hampton to join his entourage. For the next few years Hampton became an integral part of Goodman’s success story, recording extensively with the Quartet and, after the arrival of Charlie Christian, with the Sextet. He also occasionally played with the big band, taking over the drums after Krupa’s abrupt departure in 1938.", "precise_score": 3.6648073196411133, "rough_score": 0.3917335569858551, "source": "search", "title": "Lionel Hampton Biography |" }, { "answer": "Benny Goodman", "passage": "One of the best-known orchestra leaders of the Big Band Era, Lionel Hampton (born 1908) formed his own jazz group after first playing vibraphone with bands led by Benny Goodman and Les Hite. Hampton's band played a major role in the shaping of American jazz and was the launching pad for such stellar performers as Dinah Washington, Quincy Jones, and Charlie Parker.", "precise_score": 6.483307838439941, "rough_score": 7.5170416831970215, "source": "search", "title": "Lionel Hampton Facts, information, pictures | Encyclopedia ..." }, { "answer": "Benny Goodman", "passage": "Lionel Hampton, 1908?–2002, African-American vibraphonist and bandleader, b. Louisville, Ky. When his family moved to Chicago c.1916, the young Hampton began playing drums in a newsboys' band. He moved to Los Angeles as a teenager and became a drummer in saxophonist Les Hite's band. Encouraged by Louis Armstrong , he soon learned the vibraphone and quickly became the instrument's leading jazz exponent, acclaimed early for his solos on Armstrong's 1930 recording of the now-classic \"Memories of You.\" As a member of the Benny Goodman Quartet, Hampton toured from 1936 to 1940, when he formed a big band of his own. His ensemble included such luminaries as Clifford Brown, Betty Carter, and Quincy Jones in its ranks. Known for his harmonic and rhythmic sophistication and his dynamic showmanship, Hampton often moved from vibes to drums to two-fingered piano, leading his group not only in the performance of swing, but in bop and rhythm and blues as well. He toured internationally into the 1990s, frequently leading small jazz groups.", "precise_score": 5.571719169616699, "rough_score": 4.669625282287598, "source": "search", "title": "Lionel Hampton Facts, information, pictures | Encyclopedia ..." }, { "answer": "Benny Goodman", "passage": "Lionel Leo Hampton (April 20, 1908 – August 31, 2002) was an American jazz vibraphonist, pianist, percussionist, bandleader and actor. Hampton worked with jazz musicians from Louis Armstrong, Benny Goodman, and Buddy Rich to Charlie Parker, Charles Mingus, and Quincy Jones. In 1992, he was inducted into the Alabama Jazz Hall of Fame, and was awarded the National Medal of Arts in 1996.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -2.7134652137756348, "source": "wiki", "title": "Lionel Hampton" }, { "answer": "Benny Goodman", "passage": "With Benny Goodman", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.241943359375, "source": "wiki", "title": "Lionel Hampton" }, { "answer": "Benny Goodman", "passage": "Also in November 1936, the Benny Goodman Orchestra came to Los Angeles to play the Palomar Ballroom. When John Hammond brought Goodman to see Hampton perform, Goodman invited him to join his trio, which thus became the celebrated Benny Goodman Quartet with Teddy Wilson and Gene Krupa completing the lineup. The Trio and Quartet were among the first racially integrated jazz groups to perform before audiences, and were a leading small-group of the day.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.874759674072266, "source": "wiki", "title": "Lionel Hampton" }, { "answer": "Benny Goodman", "passage": "The Hampton orchestra that toured Europe in 1953 included Clifford Brown, Gigi Gryce, Anthony Ortega, Monk Montgomery, George Wallington, Art Farmer, Quincy Jones, and singer Annie Ross. Hampton continued to record with small groups and jam sessions during the 1940s and 1950s, with Oscar Peterson, Buddy DeFranco, and others. In 1955, while in California working on The Benny Goodman Story he recorded with Stan Getz and made two albums with Art Tatum for Norman Granz as well as with his own big band.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.688521146774292, "source": "wiki", "title": "Lionel Hampton" }, { "answer": "Benny Goodman", "passage": "In the 40s and early 50s Hampton hired (and, when his patience with their antics ran out, regularly fired) outstanding artists such as Jimmy Cleveland, Al Grey, Earl Bostic, Gigi Gryce, Dexter Gordon, Arnett Cobb, Charles Mingus, Clifford Brown, Art Farmer, Fats Navarro, Quincy Jones, Joe Newman and Clark Terry. He also had an ear for singers and gave early breaks to Dinah Washington, Joe Williams and Betty Carter. From the early 50s Hampton regularly toured Europe and became very popular at international festivals, especially in France. In the mid- and late 50s Hampton recorded extensively for Norman Granz, who teamed him with jazzmen such as Stan Getz, Buddy De Franco, Oscar Peterson and Art Tatum. From the mid-60s onwards, Hampton attended many reunions of the original Benny Goodman Quartet, several of which were recorded and a few televised.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.376156806945801, "source": "search", "title": "Lionel Hampton Biography |" }, { "answer": "Benny Goodman", "passage": "Hampton's first encounter with the vibraphone marked a turning point in his career. Although he continued to play the drums, over the next couple of years he devoted progressively more of his time to the vibes until he was concentrating almost exclusively on the new instrument. In 1936, Hampton was invited by Benny Goodman to join a jazz quartet he was forming as a complement to his big band. Other members of the quartet included Teddy Wilson on piano and Gene Krupa on drums. Joining the Goodman quartet gave Hampton national exposure. It also marked the first time that a well-known band had been racially integrated. Recalling his years with Goodman, Hampton wrote in his autobiography: \"With Benny, touring with two black musicians was a pioneering effort. Nobody had ever traveled with an integrated band before, and even though Teddy Wilson and I were only part of the Benny Goodman Quartet, not the whole orchestra, that was still too much for some white folks.\" Despite occasional racial hostility, the quartet was a smashing success. Among its more memorable hits were \"Moonglow\" and \"Dinah,\" along with Hampton's own composition, \"Flying Home.\" In addition to playing the vibes in the Goodman quartet, Hampton occasionally sat in on the drums or contributed a vocal. Shortly after joining Goodman's entourage, Hampton married his longtime business manager, Gladys Riddle.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -1.2625327110290527, "source": "search", "title": "Lionel Hampton Facts, information, pictures | Encyclopedia ..." }, { "answer": "Benny Goodman", "passage": "By this time Hampton was also occasionally playing piano and singing and soon became sufficiently popular to form his own big band and small groups. In 1936, while leading his band at the Paradise Club on Central Avenue, he was joined one evening by Benny Goodman, Teddy Wilson and Gene Krupa who were passing through LA on a nationwide tour. Goodman was persuaded to visit the club by John Hammond and was so impressed, and so much enjoyed their impromptu jam session, that he invited Hampton to attend a recording date already scheduled the following day for the Benny Goodman Trio. The resulting records, by the Benny Goodman Quartet, were so successful that a few months later Goodman asked Hampton to join his entourage. For the next few years Hampton became an integral part of Goodman's success story, recording extensively with the Quartet and, after the arrival of Charlie Christian, with the Sextet. He also occasionally played with the big band, taking over the drums after Krupa's abrupt departure in 1938. While with Goodman, Hampton was asked by Eli Oberstein of RCA Victor to make a series of small group records. The resulting dates, on which Hampton used musicians from whichever big bands happened to be in town, proved to be amongst the best small group recordings in jazz history and are classics of their kind. By the early '40s Hampton was keen to become a leader again and encouraged by his wife, Gladys, and with Goodman's approval (and financial aid), he formed his own big band in 1941. Straw boss of the first band was Marshal Royal and among his sidemen, all relatively unknown at the time, were Ernie Royal, Illinois Jacquet, Jack McVea, Irving Ashby and Milt Buckner. The band proved to be hugely successful, offering a blend of soulful ballads and all-out stomping excitement. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -1.2390128374099731, "source": "search", "title": "Lionel Hampton b - CENTROHD" }, { "answer": "Benny Goodman", "passage": "Building on the burgeoning popularity of R&B, Hampton developed a musical style�gutsy, riffing saxophones, powerhouse brass, a slogging back beat and raw, energetic solos�that he retained for the next half century. In the '40s and early '50s Hampton hired (and, when his patience with their antics ran out, regularly fired) outstanding artists such as Jimmy Cleveland, Al Grey, Earl Bostic, Gigi Gryce, Dexter Gordon, Arnett Cobb, Charles Mingus, Clifford Brown, Art Farmer, Fats Navarro, Quincy Jones, Joe Newman and Clark Terry. He also had an ear for singers and gave early breaks to Dinah Washington, Joe Williams and Betty Carter. From the early '50s Hampton regularly toured Europe and became very popular at international festivals, especially in France. In the mid- and late '50s Hampton recorded extensively for Norman Granz, who teamed him with jazzmen such as Stan Getz, Buddy De Franco, Oscar Peterson and Art Tatum. From the mid-'60s onwards, Hampton attended many reunions of the original Benny Goodman Quartet, several of which were recorded and a few televised. Also in the '60s Lionel and Gladys Hampton became involved in urban renewal in Harlem, where they had made their home for many years. Gladys' death in 1971 was a severe blow to Hampton, who had relied upon her astute business sense and organizational ability. By the end of the '70s the first of the multi-million-dollar projects that the Hamptons had initiated was opened: eventually two apartment buildings, the Lionel Hampton Houses and the Gladys Hampton Houses, were providing accommodation for over 700 families in the middle and lower income groups, and plans were in hand to build a university. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.244049310684204, "source": "search", "title": "Lionel Hampton b - CENTROHD" }, { "answer": "Benny Goodman", "passage": "A dynamic showman with an electric personality, Hampton was one of the last giants of jazz. He spent many of his formative musical years in Los Angeles, playing with top local bands and some great national figures as they came through town. Among them were Louis Armstrong—who first encouraged him to play the vibraphone—and, later, Benny Goodman.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.889606237411499, "source": "search", "title": "Lionel Hampton - Hollywood Star Walk - Los Angeles Times" }, { "answer": "Benny Goodman", "passage": "In 1936, the group was working at the Paradise Cafe, a jazz spot on 6th and Main streets in downtown Los Angeles, when the influential jazz producer John Hammond came in to hear Hampton play the vibes. Benny Goodman and his orchestra were in town for a two-week engagement, and the next night Hammond persuaded Goodman to visit the club to hear Hampton.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.920714378356934, "source": "search", "title": "Lionel Hampton - Hollywood Star Walk - Los Angeles Times" }, { "answer": "Benny Goodman", "passage": "Goodman liked what he heard, and returned with drummer Krupa and pianist Wilson. A jam session ensued, and Goodman hired Hampton, forming the distinctive Benny Goodman Quartet that was the orchestra's slick display piece.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.6226322650909424, "source": "search", "title": "Lionel Hampton - Hollywood Star Walk - Los Angeles Times" }, { "answer": "Benny Goodman", "passage": "Yes I feel Lionel deserves this Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. I am one of the living protege's of the late great \"Hamp\". I lived with him and was the 18th piece of his Big band(on xylphone). He taught me how to play the vibes and swing. I really enjoyed the priceless moment when he took me over Benny Goodman's apartment. after I moved in with Hamp and got to practice on his vibes, this was a dream come true. I deeply miss my mentor, and even Dizzy Gillespie use to put in a good word with hamp to push me to swing .If you want to see a little of Hamp in me, just go to YouTube. -Jason \"Malletman\" Taylor", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.4326887130737305, "source": "search", "title": "Lionel Hampton - Hollywood Star Walk - Los Angeles Times" } ]
In what year was indoor handball introduced as an Olympic event for men?
{ "aliases": [ "one thousand, nine hundred and seventy-two", "1972" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "one thousand nine hundred and seventy two", "1972" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "1972", "type": "Numerical", "value": "1972" }
[ { "answer": "1972", "passage": "Men's field handball was played at the 1936 Summer Olympics in Berlin. During the next several decades, indoor handball flourished and evolved in the Scandinavian countries. The sport re-emerged onto the world stage as team handball for the 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich. Women's team handball was added at the 1976 Summer Olympics. Due to its popularity in the region, the Eastern European countries that refined the event became the dominant force in the sport when it was reintroduced.", "precise_score": 7.901715278625488, "rough_score": 8.19761848449707, "source": "wiki", "title": "Handball" }, { "answer": "1972", "passage": "1972 - In Munich, Germany, Men's Handball is re-introduced to the Olympic Games. USA finishes 14th out of 16 teams.", "precise_score": 8.18715763092041, "rough_score": 8.059370040893555, "source": "search", "title": "USATH Timeline -" }, { "answer": "1972", "passage": "The game was codified at the end of the 19th century in northern Europe and Germany. The modern set of rules was published in 1917 in Germany, and had several revisions since. The first international games were played under these rules for men in 1925 and for women in 1930. Men's handball was first played at the 1936 Summer Olympics in Berlin as outdoors, and the next time at the 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich as indoors, and has been an Olympics sport since. Women's team handball was added at the 1976 Summer Olympics.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 5.904910087585449, "source": "wiki", "title": "Handball" }, { "answer": "1972", "passage": "After 1936, field handball was no longer played at the Games, except as a demonstration sport in 1952 in Helsinki. Indoor handball was presented for the first time at the 1972 Olympic Games in Munich. Yugoslavia was victorious and won the first gold medal after a competition between 16 men’s teams.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 7.8191351890563965, "source": "search", "title": "Handball - Summer Olympic Sport" }, { "answer": "1972", "passage": "The sport returned as an official sport for the 1972 Olympics, in its current format as an indoor sport. The women's handball competition was added to the program at the 1976 Summer Games.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 7.6293158531188965, "source": "search", "title": "Olympic Handball - Topend Sports" }, { "answer": "1972", "passage": "Handball in the Summer Games: Men's handball competition was included in the Olympic schedule at the 1936 Berlin Summer Games. After the 1936 Games, the sport was dropped from the Olympic schedule. The event reappeared in the Olympics during the 1972 Munich Summer Games. Handball for women was introduced to the Olympics in the 1976 Montreal Olympics.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 8.040386199951172, "source": "search", "title": "Handball Schedule and Venue for Rio 2016 Olympic Games ..." }, { "answer": "1972", "passage": "Indoor Handball was invented in the 1940s in Denmark. This is a 7aside game, played on a court slightly larger than a basketball court with smaller goals than its outdoor counterpart. Again, this sport flourished in the Germanic nations where it was hoped that it would appeal to a wider audience. With rules from other sports like basketball being introduced, this made the game simpler to play and more exciting to watch. The fact that it became a winter sport added to the spectator appeal being away from the cold, seated in comfort, with more action and excitement and higher scores than soccer. The sport is now played all over the world and was reintroduced as an Olympic event for the XXth Olympiad (1972 Munich Games).", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 7.310480117797852, "source": "search", "title": "Handball History -" }, { "answer": "1972", "passage": "Handball is a fascinating game played throughout five continents by over 180 countries and 19 million people all ages, worldwide. First introduced as an outdoor sport during the 1939 Summer Olympics program, handball has since been an indoor sport in the Summer Olympics program since 1972. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 7.8506693840026855, "source": "search", "title": "GoldMap -" } ]
Which country does the airline Air Littoral come from?
{ "aliases": [ "La Republique francaise", "Franciaország", "La Republique française", "Belle France", "FRANCE", "Republique française", "France", "Ranska", "Franciaorszag", "French Republic", "République francaise", "République française", "ISO 3166-1:FR", "Frankreich", "France (country)", "Etymology of France", "FrancE", "La République française", "People of France", "Republic of France", "Fracne", "Le France", "The French Republic", "Republique francaise", "The Republic of France", "La République francaise", "La France", "Rain in France", "Republic of france", "FRance", "Frakkland", "Climate of France", "Franse" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "belle france", "etymology of france", "franciaország", "la republique française", "la france", "france", "climate of france", "franciaorszag", "la republique francaise", "iso 3166 1 fr", "france country", "french republic", "république francaise", "republique française", "la république francaise", "fracne", "rain in france", "le france", "république française", "la république française", "frankreich", "republic of france", "people of france", "ranska", "franse", "republique francaise", "frakkland" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "france", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "France" }
[ { "answer": "France", "passage": "Air Littoral was an airline in France founded in April 1972 and originally based at Montpellier - Méditerranée Airport in Montpellier. It started operations on 23 May 1972 with a Nice-Montpellier-Perpignan service. In 1975 it was headquartered at Aérodrome du Castellet. ", "precise_score": 7.067598819732666, "rough_score": 7.073619842529297, "source": "wiki", "title": "Air Littoral" }, { "answer": "France", "passage": "For instance, in France, they tried to merge AOM, Airliberte and Air Littoral. But those 3 airlines had very little in common. As a result, losses increased, instead of decreasing.", "precise_score": 4.208236217498779, "rough_score": 2.8340306282043457, "source": "search", "title": "Air Littoral .... Game Over — Civil Aviation Forum ..." }, { "answer": "France", "passage": "For instance, in France, they tried to merge AOM, Airliberte and Air Littoral. But those 3 airlines had very little in common. As a result, losses increased, instead of decreasing.", "precise_score": 4.208236217498779, "rough_score": 2.8340306282043457, "source": "search", "title": "Air Littoral .... Game Over -" }, { "answer": "France", "passage": "Two French airlines also merged to form Air Union on 1 January 1923. This later merged with four other French airlines to become Air France, the country's flagship carrier to this day, on 7 October 1933.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.621119976043701, "source": "wiki", "title": "Airline" }, { "answer": "France", "passage": "Like Imperial Airways, Air France and KLM's early growth depended heavily on the needs to service links with far-flung colonial possessions (North Africa and Indochina for the French and the East Indies for the Dutch). France began an air mail service to Morocco in 1919 that was bought out in 1927, renamed Aéropostale, and injected with capital to become a major international carrier. In 1933, Aéropostale went bankrupt, was nationalized and merged into Air France.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.719208240509033, "source": "wiki", "title": "Airline" }, { "answer": "France", "passage": "A more recent development is the airline alliance, which became prevalent in the late 1990s. These alliances can act as virtual mergers to get around government restrictions. Alliances of airlines such as Star Alliance, Oneworld, and SkyTeam coordinate their passenger service programs (such as lounges and frequent-flyer programs), offer special interline tickets, and often engage in extensive codesharing (sometimes systemwide). These are increasingly integrated business combinations—sometimes including cross-equity arrangements—in which products, service standards, schedules, and airport facilities are standardized and combined for higher efficiency. One of the first airlines to start an alliance with another airline was KLM, who partnered with Northwest Airlines. Both airlines later entered the SkyTeam alliance after the fusion of KLM and Air France in 2004.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.4186272621154785, "source": "wiki", "title": "Airline" }, { "answer": "France", "passage": "I flew with these guys from Nice NCE to Calvi CLY in Corsica, wonderful short hop across some of the med. Great service, loved the \"provencal\" motifs. Wonder now how to get to CLY without going through Air France, that airline is the anti-christ of airtravel.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.142678260803223, "source": "search", "title": "Air Littoral .... Game Over — Civil Aviation Forum ..." }, { "answer": "France", "passage": "I flew with these guys from Nice NCE to Calvi CLY in Corsica, wonderful short hop across some of the med. Great service, loved the \"provencal\" motifs. Wonder now how to get to CLY without going through Air France, that airline is the anti-christ of airtravel.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.142678260803223, "source": "search", "title": "Air Littoral .... Game Over -" } ]
In which country was Emilio Estevez born?
{ "aliases": [ "The United States of America", "United States Of Amerca", "Us of a", "U.–S.–A.", "Americaland", "United States (U.S.A.)", "Amurika", "Unite states of america", "United States of America (redirect)", "The U S A", "Unietd States", "EE UU", "The U.S.A.", "U.-S.-A.", "Usa", "United Staets of America", "Unites States", "États-Unis d'Amérique", "Verenigde State", "U.–S.", "The United States of America.", "The U-S-A", "EEUU", "U. S. A.", "Nagkaisang mga Estado", "The U. S. of America", "The USA", "America (United States)", "The U. S. A.", "U S of America", "UNITED STATES", "Estados Unidos", "The U–S", "American United States", "US and A", "Unitd states", "The US of A", "EE.UU.", "U-S", "The U-S", "Etymology of the United States", "U.S.A.)", "EE. UU.", "United states of america", "US of america", "Verenigde State van Amerika", "Nited States", "United-States", "Unite States", "Estados Unidos de América", "UnitedStates", "Estaos Unios", "US of America", "The Usa", "United states of America", "Untied States of America", "The U S of America", "THE AMERICAN UNITED STATES", "The United-States", "U S A", "AmericA", "Estados Unidos de America", "United states", "The U.S. of America", "Amerka", "United–States", "U.s.a.", "United States of America", "United State of America", "United States (US)", "The U.S. of A", "America", "Amercia", "Stati Uniti d'America", "Los Estados Unidos de America", "United Stated", "U.S.", "United States (of America)", "United States", "States of America", "America-class", "Los Estados Unidos", "U,S,", "United States (country)", "Federal United States", "ISO 3166-1:US", "Untied States", "The U.–S.–A.", "VS America", "Amurica", "Etats-Unis d'Amerique", "US", "U.S. OF A", "USofA", "Etats-Unis", "U.S. of A", "United States of America (U.S.A.)", "Amarica", "The United States", "U-S-A", "United States/Introduction", "The Us", "Unitesd states", "The U S of A", "America class", "America magazine", "الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية", "The U. S. of A", "U S", "(USA)", "The United–States", "United States (U.S.)", "U.-S.", "United States of America (USA)", "'merica", "The US", "United States of America.", "UNited States", "The U.S.", "AMERICA", "United States of America/OldPage", "United+States", "The U S", "United Sates", "THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA", "U–S–A", "United States Of America", "U.S. of America", "U–S", "Los Estados Unidos de América", "The U.-S.", "United sates", "The United States Of America", "America (country)", "United States of American", "United state of america", "The U.–S.", "Amurka", "U. S. of A", "The U. S.", "United States America", "US of A", "États-Unis", "USoA", "USA", "Estaos Uníos", "America, United States of", "U. S. of America", "U.S.American", "(US)", "The U–S–A", "U. S.", "U.S. America", "U.S. A", "Yankee land", "America (US)", "U.S", "America (United States of)", "US (country)", "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA", "U.S.A", "Estados unidos", "Americia", "The US of america", "Vereinigte Staaten", "US America", "These United States of America", "VS Amerika", "Name of the United States", "The united states of america", "Estatos Unitos", "America (USA)", "The U.-S.-A.", "United States of America/Introduction", "The US of America", "Americophile", "V.S. America", "U.S.A.", "U S of A", "V.S. 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[ { "answer": "AmericA", "passage": "Emilio Estevez (; born May 12, 1962) is an American actor, director, and writer. He started his career as an actor and is well known for being a member of the acting Brat Pack of the 1980s, starring in The Breakfast Club, St. Elmo's Fire, and also acting in the 1983 hit movie The Outsiders. He is also known for Repo Man, The Mighty Ducks and its sequels, Stakeout, Maximum Overdrive, Bobby (which he also wrote and directed), and his performances in Western films such as Young Guns and its sequel.", "precise_score": 6.843465328216553, "rough_score": 6.815627574920654, "source": "wiki", "title": "Emilio Estevez" }, { "answer": "US", "passage": "When Estevez was 11 years old, his father bought the family a portable movie camera. Estevez, his brother Charlie, and their high school friends, Sean Penn, Chris Penn, Chad Lowe, and Rob Lowe used the camera to make short films, which Estevez would often write. Estevez also appeared in \"Meet Mr. Bomb\", a short anti-nuclear power film produced at his high school. Emilio was 14 when he accompanied his father to the Philippines, where Sheen was shooting Apocalypse Now. Estevez appeared as an extra in Apocalypse Now, but the scenes were deleted.", "precise_score": 1.6935253143310547, "rough_score": 1.1313062906265259, "source": "wiki", "title": "Emilio Estevez" }, { "answer": "US", "passage": "When they returned to Los Angeles, Estevez co-wrote and starred in a high school play about Vietnam veterans called Echoes of an Era and invited his parents to watch it. Sheen recalls being astonished by his son's performance, and \"began to realize: my God, he’s one of us.\" After graduating from Santa Monica High in 1980, he refused to go to college and instead went into acting. Unlike his brother Charlie, Emilio and his other siblings did not adopt their father's stage name. Emilio reportedly liked the assonance of the double ‘E’ initials, and \"didn't want to ride into the business as 'Martin Sheen's son'.\" Upon his brother's using his birth name Carlos Estevez for the film Machete Kills, Emilio mentioned that he was proud of his Hispanic heritage and was glad that he never adopted a stage name, taking advice from his father who had regrets adopting the name Martin Sheen as opposed to using his birth name Ramón Estevez. ", "precise_score": 2.3835129737854004, "rough_score": 1.3227607011795044, "source": "wiki", "title": "Emilio Estevez" }, { "answer": "UNITED STATES", "passage": "Under Estevez Sheen Productions, a Warner Bros.-affiliated company, Emilio filmed his latest project, The Way, in Spain where he directed his father in a story about a man who decides to make the Camino de Santiago after the death of his son in the French Pyrénées. It was released in the United States on October 7, 2011. ", "precise_score": 2.3444340229034424, "rough_score": 3.514209747314453, "source": "wiki", "title": "Emilio Estevez" }, { "answer": "US", "passage": "Estevez is the older brother of Charlie Sheen and son of Martin Sheen. He had a steady relationship with Carey Salley, a Wilhelmina model, until they broke up in 1986. They share a son, Taylor Levi Estevez (born June 22, 1984), and a daughter, Paloma Rae Estevez (born February 15, 1986). He was briefly engaged to actress Demi Moore and they remain good friends. The two starred as a feuding married couple in the 2006 movie Bobby, alongside Moore's real-life husband at the time, actor Ashton Kutcher. ", "precise_score": 1.5516737699508667, "rough_score": 2.131967782974243, "source": "wiki", "title": "Emilio Estevez" }, { "answer": "US", "passage": "Emilio Estevez was born on May 12, 1962, in New York City. He is the eldest son of actor Martin Sheen , who at the time was just breaking into the business. His mother, Janet Sheen (née Templeton), was a former New York art student who had met Emilio's father right after he had moved to Manhattan. Martin and Janet had three other children, Charlie ... See full bio »", "precise_score": 8.17985725402832, "rough_score": 7.795385360717773, "source": "search", "title": "Emilio Estevez - IMDb" }, { "answer": "US", "passage": "Emilio Estevez was born on May 12, 1962, in New York City. He is the eldest son of actor Martin Sheen , who at the time was just breaking into the business. His mother, Janet Sheen (née Templeton), was a former New York art student who had met Emilio's father right after he had moved to Manhattan. Martin and Janet had three other children, Charlie Sheen , Renée Estevez , and Ramon Estevez , all of whom became actors. His father is of half Spanish and half Irish descent, and his mother, whose family is from Kentucky, has English and Scottish ancestry.", "precise_score": 8.181127548217773, "rough_score": 8.024921417236328, "source": "search", "title": "Emilio Estevez - Biography - IMDb" }, { "answer": "AmericA", "passage": "Emilio Estevez Net Worth is $15 Million. Emilio Estevez was born in New York and has an estimated net worth of $15 million dollars. An actor, director, producer, and writer, Emilio Estevez is most widely recognized for his work in 80's films such as Emilio Estevez is an American actor, film director, and writer. He started his career as an actor and is well known for being a member of the acting Brat Pack of the 1980s, starring in The Breakfast Club and St. Elmo's Fire. He is also known for Repo Man, The Mighty Ducks and its sequels, Maximum Overdrive, Bobby , and his performances in Western films such as Young Guns and its sequel. One of his first appearances was as \"Two-Bit\" in The Outsiders.", "precise_score": 6.324926376342773, "rough_score": 6.578418254852295, "source": "search", "title": "Emilio Estevez Country - Emilio Estevez Net Worth" }, { "answer": "US", "passage": "Estevez was born in Staten Island, New York, the oldest child of actor Martin Sheen and artist Janet Templeton. His siblings are Ramon Estevez, Charlie Sheen , Natasha Prasaud Estevez, and Renee Estevez. Estevez initially attended school in the New York public school system but transferred to a prestigious private academy once his father's career took off. He lived on Manhattan's Upper West Side until his family moved Wes...", "precise_score": 6.478671550750732, "rough_score": 5.982347011566162, "source": "search", "title": "Emilio Estevez Country - Emilio Estevez Net Worth" }, { "answer": "US", "passage": "For his eleventh birthday, Emilio Estevez's parents gave him a portable movie camera, and for years he fancied himself a director, putting together backyard movies starring his brothers, sister, and friends Chris and Sean Penn and Chad and Rob Lowe . The firstborn son of Martin Sheen , Estevez chose to use his real name when he went into show business.", "precise_score": 1.9261436462402344, "rough_score": 2.9612159729003906, "source": "search", "title": "Emilio Estevez - NNDB" }, { "answer": "AmericA", "passage": "Emilio Estévez is an American actor, writer, and director. He is the son of actor Martin Sheen (born Ramón Antonio Gerardo Estévez) and Janet Templeton. He has several siblings, including actor Charlie Sheen . Emilio retained his father’s birth surname.", "precise_score": 6.773270606994629, "rough_score": 6.18465518951416, "source": "search", "title": "Emilio Estévez — Ethnicity of Celebs | What Nationality ..." }, { "answer": "US", "passage": "Emilio’s paternal grandfather was Francisco Estévez Martinez (the son of Jose Manuel N. Estévez Fernandez and Dolores Martinez). Francisco was born in Parderrubias, Salceda de Caselas, Galicia. Jose was the son of Augustín Estévez Martinez and Maria/Maita Fernández-Baquíero. Deolores was the daughter of Carmen Martinez.", "precise_score": 6.68849515914917, "rough_score": 7.226466655731201, "source": "search", "title": "Emilio Estévez — Ethnicity of Celebs | What Nationality ..." }, { "answer": "AmericA", "passage": "Emilio Estevez (born May 12, 1962) is an American actor, film director, and writer. He started his career as an actor and is well-known for being a member of the acting Brat Pack of the 1980s, starring in The Breakfast Club and St. Elmo's Fire. He is also known for Repo Man, The Mighty Ducks and its sequels, Maximum Overdrive, and his performances in western films such as Young Guns and its sequel. One of his first appearances was \"Two-Bit\" in The Outsiders.", "precise_score": 7.119518280029297, "rough_score": 7.124372482299805, "source": "search", "title": "Emilio Estévez - Genealogy -" }, { "answer": "AmericA", "passage": "Emilio Estevez Net Worth is $15 Million. Emilio Estevez was born in New York and has an estimated net worth of $15 million dollars. An actor, director, producer, and writer, Emilio Estevez is most widely recognized for his work in 80's films such as Emilio Estevez is an American actor, film director, and writer. He started his career as an actor and is well known for being a member of the acting Brat Pack of the 1980s, starring in The Breakfast Club and St. Elmo's Fire. He is also known for Repo Man, The Mighty Ducks and its sequels, Maximum Overdrive, Bobby , and his performances in Western films such as Young Guns and its sequel. One of his first appearances was as \"Two-Bit\" in The Outsiders.", "precise_score": 6.324926376342773, "rough_score": 6.578418254852295, "source": "search", "title": "Emilio Estevez Nationality - Emilio Estevez Net Worth" }, { "answer": "US", "passage": "Estevez was born in Staten Island, New York, the oldest child of actor Martin Sheen and artist Janet Templeton. His siblings are Ramon Estevez, Charlie Sheen , Natasha Prasaud Estevez, and Renee Estevez. Estevez initially attended school in the New York public school system but transferred to a prestigious private academy once his father's career took off. He lived on Manhattan's Upper West Side until his family moved Wes...", "precise_score": 6.478671550750732, "rough_score": 5.982347011566162, "source": "search", "title": "Emilio Estevez Nationality - Emilio Estevez Net Worth" }, { "answer": "US", "passage": "Estevez initially attended school in the New York public school system but transferred to a prestigious private academy once his father's career took off. He lived on Manhattan's Upper West Side until his family moved west in 1968 when his father was cast in Catch-22. Growing up in Malibu, California, Estevez attended Santa Monica High School.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -1.620274543762207, "source": "wiki", "title": "Emilio Estevez" }, { "answer": "US", "passage": "His first role was in a drama produced by the Catholic Paulist order. Soon after, he made his stage debut with his father in Mister Roberts at Burt Reynolds' dinner theater in Jupiter, Florida (this was the only job his father ever placed him in). Since then, father and son worked together in the 1982 ABC-TV film about juveniles in jail, In the Custody of Strangers, in which Estevez did the casting.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.015798568725586, "source": "wiki", "title": "Emilio Estevez" }, { "answer": "US", "passage": "Estevez received much attention during the 1980s for being a member of the Brat Pack and was credited as the leader of the group of young actors. Estevez and Rob Lowe established the Brat Pack when cast as supporting \"Greasers\" in an early Brat Pack movie, The Outsiders based on the novel. Lowe was cast as C. Thomas Howell's older brother Sodapop and Estévez as the drunken Two-Bit Matthews. During production, he also approached his character as a laid-back guy and thought up Two-Bit's interest in Mickey Mouse, shown by his uniform of Mickey Mouse T-shirts and watching of cartoons.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.415852069854736, "source": "wiki", "title": "Emilio Estevez" }, { "answer": "US", "passage": "Besides his roles in In the Custody of Strangers and The Outsiders, his credits include NBC-TV's thrillers Nightmares and Tex, the 1982 film version of another S.E. Hinton story. He bought the movie rights to a third Hinton book, That Was Then, This Is Now, and wrote the screenplay. His father predicted he would have to direct to feel the full extent of his talents, describing him as \"an officer, not a soldier.\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.50070571899414, "source": "wiki", "title": "Emilio Estevez" }, { "answer": "USA", "passage": "He directed the 2006 film Bobby, which took over six years to write. Producing the film nearly bankrupted him as the domestic box office gross was not able to cover production costs. The movie scored him some fans outside of the USA, mainly in Europe. He won a Hollywood Film Award and received a 7-minute standing ovation at the Venice Film Festival.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.572993278503418, "source": "wiki", "title": "Emilio Estevez" }, { "answer": "US", "passage": "Music videos", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.612897872924805, "source": "wiki", "title": "Emilio Estevez" }, { "answer": "US", "passage": "Estevez appeared in John Parr's \"St. Elmo's Fire (Man in Motion)\" music video, from the soundtrack of his film with the same name, where he played Kirby Keger. The music video featured all seven of the main cast members of the film, looking sadly through the foggy windows of a run-down and fire-damaged version of the St. Elmo's Bar set.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.884067535400391, "source": "wiki", "title": "Emilio Estevez" }, { "answer": "US", "passage": "Estevez is a close friend of Jon Bon Jovi. He appeared in Bon Jovi's music video \"Blaze of Glory\" as Billy the Kid. In turn, Bon Jovi also made a cameo appearance in Young Guns II. \"Blaze of Glory\" was in the Young Guns II soundtrack and was nominated for an Academy Award. In 2000, Estevez made an appearance in another Bon Jovi video, \"Say It Isn't So,\" along with Matt LeBlanc, Claudia Schiffer, and Arnold Schwarzenegger.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.905699253082275, "source": "wiki", "title": "Emilio Estevez" }, { "answer": "US", "passage": "*1989: Won, \"Bronze Wrangler (Theatrical Motion Picture)\" – Young Guns (shared w/John Fusco, Christopher Cain, Lou Diamond Phillips, Charlie Sheen, Kiefer Sutherland)", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.385632514953613, "source": "wiki", "title": "Emilio Estevez" }, { "answer": "US", "passage": "Famous Directors: From Sundance to Prominence", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.585911750793457, "source": "search", "title": "Emilio Estevez - IMDb" }, { "answer": "U S", "passage": "How much of Emilio Estevez's work have you seen?", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.770679950714111, "source": "search", "title": "Emilio Estevez - IMDb" }, { "answer": "US", "passage": "User Polls", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.612445831298828, "source": "search", "title": "Emilio Estevez - IMDb" }, { "answer": "US", "passage": " 2006 History in Focus (TV Series documentary)", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.587777137756348, "source": "search", "title": "Emilio Estevez - IMDb" }, { "answer": "US", "passage": "Himself - Host / Various", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.534459114074707, "source": "search", "title": "Emilio Estevez - IMDb" }, { "answer": "US", "passage": "- Emilio Estevez/Pearl Jam (1994) ... Himself - Host / Various", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 0.9900680184364319, "source": "search", "title": "Emilio Estevez - IMDb" }, { "answer": "AmericA", "passage": " 1989-1991 Good Morning America (TV Series)", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.525568962097168, "source": "search", "title": "Emilio Estevez - IMDb" }, { "answer": "AmericA", "passage": " 1990 America This Morning (TV Series)", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.536511421203613, "source": "search", "title": "Emilio Estevez - IMDb" }, { "answer": "US", "passage": "Appeared in Bon Jovi 's music video, \"Say It Isn't So\", along with Matt LeBlanc , Claudia Schiffer and Arnold Schwarzenegger (2000). See more »", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.527653694152832, "source": "search", "title": "Emilio Estevez - IMDb" }, { "answer": "US", "passage": "What's the level of compromise for making that kind of money? How far do I have to sell my soul? What's the price of that? And I don't know if I want to make those kind of compromises any more. I think I'm a different person. I think I've matured to a great extent. I think that I want different things now. That it's not about the celebrity status that you receive because you're doing the next hot... See more »", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.590435028076172, "source": "search", "title": "Emilio Estevez - IMDb" }, { "answer": "US", "passage": "As a film director, he often puts the most focus on the characters rather than the plot itself. See more »", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.574525833129883, "source": "search", "title": "Emilio Estevez - IMDb" }, { "answer": "US", "passage": "Jump to: Overview  (2) | Mini Bio  (1) | Spouse  (1) | Trade Mark  (4) | Trivia  (22) | Personal Quotes  (10) | Salary  (1)", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.615480422973633, "source": "search", "title": "Emilio Estevez - Biography - IMDb" }, { "answer": "US", "passage": "Though his father had opted to use the stage name \"Sheen\" over his more ethnic birth name \"Estevez,\" Emilio chose to retain the family name, hoping to avoid riding his father's coattails. He also thought the double \"E\" set of initials was \"pretty.\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -0.15007834136486053, "source": "search", "title": "Emilio Estevez - Biography - IMDb" }, { "answer": "US", "passage": "He then starred in the Stephen King thriller Maximum Overdrive (1986), but the film was a failure. The ambitious young actor added directing to his palette with Wisdom (1987) in 1986, but the film was universally panned and struck out at the box office. Estevez quickly rebounded with hits like Stakeout (1987) and Young Guns (1988), as well as their subsequent sequels. He tried his hand at directing again with Men at Work (1990) before taking on one of his most famous roles as Coach Gordon Bombay in The Mighty Ducks (1992). The enormously popular Disney film spawned sequels and an NHL hockey team of the same name, but Estevez was interested in making weighter films.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.669040203094482, "source": "search", "title": "Emilio Estevez - Biography - IMDb" }, { "answer": "US", "passage": "He agreed to make a brief appearance in D3: The Mighty Ducks (1996) in exchange for Disney helping him finance and distribute another effort as actor-director, The War at Home (1996). Though smiled on by critics, The War at Home (1996) received a paltry distribution by Disney and thus went largely unseen. A devastated Estevez considered quitting the business but has ultimately continued to work in films, including a fourth effort as director and star, Rated X (2000), which co-starred brother Charlie Sheen and was a selection at the Sundance Film Festival. In 2006, Bobby (2006), a film about the assassination of Senator Robert F. Kennedy that Estevez wrote, directed, and acted in, premiered at the Venice Film Festival and received a seven-minute standing ovation.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.274468898773193, "source": "search", "title": "Emilio Estevez - Biography - IMDb" }, { "answer": "US", "passage": "Spouse (1)", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.545804977416992, "source": "search", "title": "Emilio Estevez - Biography - IMDb" }, { "answer": "US", "passage": "As a film director, he frequently casts members of his family in various roles. Prominent among these are his brother, Charlie Sheen , and his father, Martin Sheen .", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.4642333984375, "source": "search", "title": "Emilio Estevez - Biography - IMDb" }, { "answer": "US", "passage": "As a film director, he often puts the most focus on the characters rather than the plot itself.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.575336456298828, "source": "search", "title": "Emilio Estevez - Biography - IMDb" }, { "answer": "US", "passage": "As teens, he and future stars Rob Lowe , Chad Lowe , Chris Penn , and Sean Penn were close friends. They used to act, write, produce, and direct movies on a home video camera.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.539092063903809, "source": "search", "title": "Emilio Estevez - Biography - IMDb" }, { "answer": "US", "passage": "Because of writers block while writing the script for Bobby (2006), his brother Charlie Sheen suggested he change his surroundings. Estevez drove about 150 miles north of Los Angeles and randomly chose a motel to spend the night. While talking about his project with the woman working the front desk, she revealed she was actually in the ballroom the night Robert Kennedy was shot.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.705272674560547, "source": "search", "title": "Emilio Estevez - Biography - IMDb" }, { "answer": "US", "passage": "What's the level of compromise for making that kind of money? How far do I have to sell my soul? What's the price of that? And I don't know if I want to make those kind of compromises any more. I think I'm a different person. I think I've matured to a great extent. I think that I want different things now. That it's not about the celebrity status that you receive because you're doing the next hot movie. It's about doing good work.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.592601776123047, "source": "search", "title": "Emilio Estevez - Biography - IMDb" }, { "answer": "U S", "passage": "If Hollywood gives you a break and it gives you stardom, then it can take it away. If you earn it, it can't take it away.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.59603214263916, "source": "search", "title": "Emilio Estevez - Biography - IMDb" }, { "answer": "US", "passage": "I used to Google my name to see what came up - it hurt.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.593549728393555, "source": "search", "title": "Emilio Estevez - Biography - IMDb" }, { "answer": "US", "passage": "I swore to myself that I'd make it through drive, ambition and hard work. I wanted to know I got it that way and not because of my bloodlines. And I think there is no question why I got where I am today. I'm pretty content. I have a motto: expect nothing and be pleasantly surprised.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.54860782623291, "source": "search", "title": "Emilio Estevez - Biography - IMDb" }, { "answer": "US", "passage": "I grew up in a house where my mother was a strict Southern Baptist, and my father was a devout Catholic. I grew up as a kid hearing many arguments about religion. There was always a question about how we would be raised. We were baptized, and as often happens in these types of situations, the father loses the fight. Because of the turmoil, going to Mass was not part of our routine... For me, I'm a work in progress [religiously] and I really feel that I'm on a journey. I have yet to declare myself.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.437618255615234, "source": "search", "title": "Emilio Estevez - Biography - IMDb" }, { "answer": "US", "passage": "[on Repo Man (1984)] The studio really tried to bury the film. They didn't know what the hell to do with it. It finally got the handling it deserved and found an audience. For some reason, people just take to it.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.525505065917969, "source": "search", "title": "Emilio Estevez - Biography - IMDb" }, { "answer": "US", "passage": "\"I swore to myself that I'd make it through drive, ambition and hard work. I wanted to know I got it that way and not because of my bloodlines,\" Estevez said of his decision to keep his father's original name.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.396541118621826, "source": "search", "title": "BIOGRAPHY: Emilio Estevez Lifetime" }, { "answer": "US", "passage": "From an early age, Estevez took an interest in the movie business, trying his hand at amateur script-writing, filmmaking and acting, and he also dabbled in poetry. Just before his eighth birthday, Estevez submitted a script for Rod Serling's off-beat television show, 'The 'Night Gallery'. The script ended up being turned down.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.0574116706848145, "source": "search", "title": "BIOGRAPHY: Emilio Estevez Lifetime" }, { "answer": "US", "passage": "Estevez's big break came in 1982 when he appeared in his first feature-length film opposite Matt Dillon in 'Tex' - the first of three adaptations of S.E. Hinton's books. 'The Outsiders' (1983), also starring Dillon, Patrick Swayze, Tom Cruise, C. Thomas Howell and Ralph Macchio, pushed him further into the limelight.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -4.813943862915039, "source": "search", "title": "BIOGRAPHY: Emilio Estevez Lifetime" }, { "answer": "US", "passage": "The following year, he cemented his status talent in his own right, playing a disaffected, car-repossessing-punk-rocker, alongside Harry Stanton, in the 1984 cult-classic 'Repo Man.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.49158763885498, "source": "search", "title": "BIOGRAPHY: Emilio Estevez Lifetime" }, { "answer": "US", "passage": "It was an auspicious year for Estevez who became a parent for the first time with the birth of his son Taylor Levi in June by his model girlfriend, Carey Salley. The couple went on to have a second child, Paloma Estevez, who was born two years later.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -0.2974591553211212, "source": "search", "title": "BIOGRAPHY: Emilio Estevez Lifetime" }, { "answer": "US", "passage": "Under his own steam, Estevez blazed a trail in show business that was uniquely his own but success - at least of the kind found by his younger brother Charlie - had eluded him.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.1421308517456055, "source": "search", "title": "BIOGRAPHY: Emilio Estevez Lifetime" }, { "answer": "US", "passage": "Estevez rebounded in 1987, starring alongside Richard Dreyfuss in the catchy, comedy-thriller 'Stakeout', the success of which was good enough to sell producers - but not audiences - on a sequel in 1993.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.633698463439941, "source": "search", "title": "BIOGRAPHY: Emilio Estevez Lifetime" }, { "answer": "US", "passage": "Estevez appeared for a third time in the Disney trilogy 'D3' (1996) after negotiating a financing deal with the movie house for the making of his own film 'War at Home' (1996). The Vietnam-era drama, featuring his father and Academy Award winning actress Kathy Bates, flopped at the box-office.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.693772077560425, "source": "search", "title": "BIOGRAPHY: Emilio Estevez Lifetime" }, { "answer": "US", "passage": "Two years later, Estevez was back on the Hollywood horse, this time playing a cowboy in a made-for-cable spaghetti Western called 'TNT'. Then in 2000, he recruited brother Charlie to share the stage with him in 'Rated X' (2000) an original Showtime movie based on the real-life siblings Jim and Art Mitchell, directors of the infamous adult film 'Behind the Green Door'. The effort not only won the praise of critics but gave Estevez some needed leverage on the finance front.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.205828666687012, "source": "search", "title": "BIOGRAPHY: Emilio Estevez Lifetime" }, { "answer": "US", "passage": "Estevez fell off the radar over the next five years, making a few unremarkable performances and appearances. He also retreated to the director's chair, working on various television shows including 'Cold Case' (CBS, 2003) and 'CSI:NY' (CBS, 2004).", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.813170433044434, "source": "search", "title": "BIOGRAPHY: Emilio Estevez Lifetime" }, { "answer": "AmericA", "passage": "When he pushed back into the public eye in 2005 with 'Culture Clash in AmeriCCa' - a live performance documentary about an Hispanic-American comedy troupe - Estevez fell flat on his face. The picture went almost straight to video and was roundly condemned by critics as an insult to spectators and to the film's subjects.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.904390335083008, "source": "search", "title": "BIOGRAPHY: Emilio Estevez Lifetime" }, { "answer": "US", "passage": "Undeterred, Estevez regrouped and worked his connections to assemble an A-list of celebrities for what has been described as his make-or-break theatrical feature 'Bobby' (2006). The cast included Sharon Stone, Martin Sheen, Demi Moore, Lindsay Lohan, Anthony Hopkins and Elijah Wood. The highly publicised film, about the night of Senator Robert F. Kennedy's assassination, is considered Estevez's most ambitious work to date but despite the high gloss finish, failed to garner him with praise or vindication that he has been looking for.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.221031665802002, "source": "search", "title": "BIOGRAPHY: Emilio Estevez Lifetime" }, { "answer": "UNITED STATES", "passage": "Nationality: United States", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.23485279083252, "source": "search", "title": "Emilio Estevez - NNDB" }, { "answer": "US", "passage": "At 18, he played a rebellious teenager in an episode of Insight, a long-running Sunday morning anthology of Christian-themed short stories. After a few forgettable TV movies, he made his feature film debut as Matt Dillon 's motorcycle-riding friend in Tex, and within a few years he was a full-fledged member of the so-called \"Brat Pack\" of young Hollywood stars. He shared detention time with Anthony Michael Hall , Judd Nelson , Molly Ringwald , and Ally Sheedy in the quintessential '80s angst drama The Breakfast Club. He was in the top-notch ensemble The Outsiders with C. Thomas Howell , Ralph Macchio , and Patrick Swayze , the GenX western Young Guns with Dermot Mulroney , Lou Diamond Phillips , and Kiefer Sutherland , and the yuppie drama St. Elmo's Fire with Andie MacDowell , Andrew McCarthy , and Mare Winningham .", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.302945137023926, "source": "search", "title": "Emilio Estevez - NNDB" }, { "answer": "US", "passage": "In less crowded casts, he played a cop on a Stakeout with Richard Dreyfuss , a family man whose night out with the boys went wrong in Judgment Night with Denis Leary , and a kids' hockey coach in The Mighty Ducks and its sorry sequels with Joshua Jackson . In 1996 he was briefly seen as one of the doomed members of the IMF in the first Mission: Impossible film with Tom Cruise . In his best performance, he starred as the punk rock space-alien-chasing Repo Man with Harry Dean Stanton , and in his worst he was Razzie-nominated for Maximum Overdrive co-starring Pat Hingle and Yeardley Smith , in which space aliens used 18-wheelers to wreak havoc.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.480615615844727, "source": "search", "title": "Emilio Estevez - NNDB" }, { "answer": "AmericA", "passage": "In recent years Estevez has worked infrequently as an actor, and grown more interested in working on the other side of the camera. His career as director began blandly with Wisdom co-starring Demi Moore , with Estevez as a bank robber with a heart of gold, and then the garbage comedy Men at Work co-starring his brother, Charlie Sheen . His 1996 drama The War at Home was a very effective look at the Vietnam war's impact on an average American family, and Rated X for Showtime told the true tragedy of pornmeister brothers Jim and Artie Mitchell . His latest film was the well-received Bobby, a complicated and effective story written and directed by Estevez, telling how Robert Kennedy 's assassination affected those who saw it.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.342684745788574, "source": "search", "title": "Emilio Estevez - NNDB" }, { "answer": "USA", "passage": "Place of Birth: Staten Island, New York City, New York, USA", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.447649002075195, "source": "search", "title": "Emilio Estévez — Ethnicity of Celebs | What Nationality ..." }, { "answer": "UNITED STATES", "passage": "Malibu, Los Angeles County, California, United States", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.496904373168945, "source": "search", "title": "Emilio Estévez - Genealogy -" }, { "answer": "UNITED STATES", "passage": "New York, New York, United States", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.488733291625977, "source": "search", "title": "Emilio Estévez - Genealogy -" }, { "answer": "USA", "passage": "May 12 1962 - Staten Island, New York, 10314, USA", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.421087265014648, "source": "search", "title": "Emilio Estévez - Genealogy -" }, { "answer": "USA", "passage": "29500 Heathercliff Rd, Spc 137, Malibu, California 90265-6137, USA", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.511856079101562, "source": "search", "title": "Emilio Estévez - Genealogy -" }, { "answer": "USA", "passage": "1901 Ave Of Stars, Los Angeles, California 90067-6001, USA", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.345256805419922, "source": "search", "title": "Emilio Estévez - Genealogy -" }, { "answer": "USA", "passage": "President, Estevez Productions, Inc, Beverly Hills, California, USA", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.855800151824951, "source": "search", "title": "Emilio Estévez - Genealogy -" }, { "answer": "US", "passage": "and one more business association", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.573208808898926, "source": "search", "title": "Emilio Estévez - Genealogy -" } ]
Which brand had to apologize for a logo said to be like the Arabic for Allah?
{ "aliases": [ "Nike (disambiguation)", "Niké", "Nike" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "nike", "nike disambiguation", "niké" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "nike", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Nike" }
[ { "answer": "Nike", "passage": "MUSLIMS WANT NIKE TO APOLOGIZE : COUNCIL SAYS LOGO RESEMBLES ALLAH IN ARABIC SCRIPT. - Free Online Library", "precise_score": 6.151042461395264, "rough_score": 7.350613117218018, "source": "search", "title": "MUSLIMS WANT NIKE TO APOLOGIZE : COUNCIL SAYS LOGO ..." }, { "answer": "Nike", "passage": "MUSLIMS WANT NIKE TO APOLOGIZE : COUNCIL SAYS LOGO RESEMBLES ALLAH IN ARABIC SCRIPT.", "precise_score": 6.271246910095215, "rough_score": 7.635984420776367, "source": "search", "title": "MUSLIMS WANT NIKE TO APOLOGIZE : COUNCIL SAYS LOGO ..." }, { "answer": "Nike", "passage": "Chicago style: The Free Library. S.v. MUSLIMS WANT NIKE TO APOLOGIZE : COUNCIL SAYS LOGO RESEMBLES ALLAH IN ARABIC SCRIPT..\" Retrieved Jan 02 2017 from", "precise_score": 6.350773811340332, "rough_score": 7.5237555503845215, "source": "search", "title": "MUSLIMS WANT NIKE TO APOLOGIZE : COUNCIL SAYS LOGO ..." }, { "answer": "Nike", "passage": "APA style: MUSLIMS WANT NIKE TO APOLOGIZE : COUNCIL SAYS LOGO RESEMBLES ALLAH IN ARABIC SCRIPT.. (n.d.) >The Free Library. (2014). Retrieved Jan 02 2017 from", "precise_score": 6.3070759773254395, "rough_score": 7.685989856719971, "source": "search", "title": "MUSLIMS WANT NIKE TO APOLOGIZE : COUNCIL SAYS LOGO ..." }, { "answer": "Nike", "passage": "The Council on American-Islamic Relations demanded Wednesday that Nike Inc. apologize for using a logo on athletic shoes that resembles the word ``Allah'' in the Arabic script.", "precise_score": 7.65617561340332, "rough_score": 7.917838096618652, "source": "search", "title": "MUSLIMS WANT NIKE TO APOLOGIZE : COUNCIL SAYS LOGO ..." }, { "answer": "Nike", "passage": "The Council on American-Islamic Relations demanded today that Nike Inc. apologize for using a logo on athletic shoes that resembles the word ''Allah'' in the Arabic script.", "precise_score": 7.585470199584961, "rough_score": 7.939531326293945, "source": "search", "title": "Muslims Seek Nike's Apology -" }, { "answer": "Nike", "passage": "WASHINGTON — The Council on American-Islamic Relations on Wednesday demanded that Nike Inc. apologize for using a logo on athletic shoes that resembles the word \"Allah\" in the Arabic script.", "precise_score": 7.591728210449219, "rough_score": 7.668797016143799, "source": "search", "title": "Islamic Council Insists Nike Apologize for Logo - latimes" }, { "answer": "Nike", "passage": "The Council on American-Islamic Relations on Wednesday demanded that Nike Inc. apologize for using a logo on athletic shoes that resembles the word \"Allah\" in the Arabic script. Nike said the logo was meant to look like flames for a line of shoes to be sold this summer with the names Air Bakin', Air Melt, Air Grill and Air B-Que. The company said it caught the problem six months ago, long before the shoes went into production.", "precise_score": 8.037030220031738, "rough_score": 8.27698040008545, "source": "search", "title": "Articles about Logos - latimes" }, { "answer": "Nike", "passage": "Previously, Nike created (and recalled) a shoe with a logo that looked like Arabic script for Allah . And in 2003, a Nike basketball sneaker called Loaded Weapon -- endorsed by Dwyane Wade -- drew some criticism because, oh, guns can be dangerous. Especially loaded ones.", "precise_score": 4.0830397605896, "rough_score": 5.96005392074585, "source": "search", "title": "Cancelled adidas 'shackle' shoe just latest sneaker gaffe" }, { "answer": "Nike", "passage": "<a href=\"</a>", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 2.365983486175537, "source": "search", "title": "MUSLIMS WANT NIKE TO APOLOGIZE : COUNCIL SAYS LOGO ..." }, { "answer": "Nike", "passage": "Nike said the logo was meant to look like flames for a line of shoes to be sold this summer with the names Air Bakin', Air Melt, Air Grill and Air B-Que.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.369535446166992, "source": "search", "title": "MUSLIMS WANT NIKE TO APOLOGIZE : COUNCIL SAYS LOGO ..." }, { "answer": "Nike", "passage": "The company said it caught the problem six months ago, long before the shoes went into production. A new logo separates the A in ``Air'' from the IR, Nike spokeswoman Vizhier Corpuz said.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.087777137756348, "source": "search", "title": "MUSLIMS WANT NIKE TO APOLOGIZE : COUNCIL SAYS LOGO ..." }, { "answer": "Nike", "passage": "``We absolutely regret any misunderstanding, and we regret that this appeared in retail stores,'' Corpuz said at Nike headquarters near Portland, Ore. ``We have changed the design to ensure that there's no confusion between the word `air' and any other word.''", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.019448280334473, "source": "search", "title": "MUSLIMS WANT NIKE TO APOLOGIZE : COUNCIL SAYS LOGO ..." }, { "answer": "Nike", "passage": "Holding up a pair of black-and-white Nikes with the logo, which he said were bought recently in the Boston area, Awad demanded that the company investigate to determine whether ``there are people at the company who want to insult Muslims.''", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.9576592445373535, "source": "search", "title": "MUSLIMS WANT NIKE TO APOLOGIZE : COUNCIL SAYS LOGO ..." }, { "answer": "Nike", "passage": "In 1995, Nike removed a billboard near the University of Southern California that depicted a basketball player with the headline, ``They called him Allah.'' The Council on American-Islamic Relations had told Nike officials the billboard offended Muslims.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -2.8792977333068848, "source": "search", "title": "MUSLIMS WANT NIKE TO APOLOGIZE : COUNCIL SAYS LOGO ..." }, { "answer": "Nike", "passage": "Photo: (Color) Nihad Awad, executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, calls on Nike to apologize.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.572033643722534, "source": "search", "title": "MUSLIMS WANT NIKE TO APOLOGIZE : COUNCIL SAYS LOGO ..." }, { "answer": "Nike", "passage": "Muslims Seek Nike's Apology - The New York Times", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.486279487609863, "source": "search", "title": "Muslims Seek Nike's Apology -" }, { "answer": "Nike", "passage": "Sports |Muslims Seek Nike's Apology", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.296480178833008, "source": "search", "title": "Muslims Seek Nike's Apology -" }, { "answer": "Nike", "passage": "Nike said the logo was meant to look like flames for a line of shoes to be sold this summer with the names Air Bakin', Air Melt, Air Grill and Air B-Que.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.369535446166992, "source": "search", "title": "Muslims Seek Nike's Apology -" }, { "answer": "Nike", "passage": "The company said that it caught the problem six months ago and that a new logo separates the ''a'' from the ''ir'' in air, said a Nike spokeswoman, Vizhier Corpuz.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.38210678100586, "source": "search", "title": "Muslims Seek Nike's Apology -" }, { "answer": "Nike", "passage": "''We absolutely regret any misunderstanding, and we regret that this appeared in retail stores,'' Corpuz said at Nike headquarters near Portland, Ore.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.421198844909668, "source": "search", "title": "Muslims Seek Nike's Apology -" }, { "answer": "Nike", "passage": "Islamic Council Insists Nike Apologize for Logo - latimes", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 4.136427402496338, "source": "search", "title": "Islamic Council Insists Nike Apologize for Logo - latimes" }, { "answer": "Nike", "passage": "Islamic Council Insists Nike Apologize for Logo", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 4.919395923614502, "source": "search", "title": "Islamic Council Insists Nike Apologize for Logo - latimes" }, { "answer": "Nike", "passage": "Nike said the logo was meant to look like flames for a line of shoes to be sold this summer with the names Air Bakin', Air Melt, Air Grill and Air B-Que.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.369535446166992, "source": "search", "title": "Islamic Council Insists Nike Apologize for Logo - latimes" }, { "answer": "Nike", "passage": "The company said it caught the problem six months ago, long before the shoes went into production. A new logo separates the A in \"AIR\" from the IR, Nike spokeswoman Vizhier Corpuz said.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.46172046661377, "source": "search", "title": "Islamic Council Insists Nike Apologize for Logo - latimes" }, { "answer": "Nike", "passage": "\"We absolutely regret any misunderstanding, and we regret that this appeared in retail stores,\" Corpuz said at Nike headquarters near Portland, Ore. \"We have changed the design to ensure that there's no confusion between the word 'air' and any other word.\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.368045806884766, "source": "search", "title": "Islamic Council Insists Nike Apologize for Logo - latimes" }, { "answer": "Nike", "passage": "Holding up a pair of black and white Nikes with the logo, which he said were bought recently in the Boston area, Awad demanded that the company investigate to determine whether \"there are people at the company who want to insult Muslims.\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.79595947265625, "source": "search", "title": "Islamic Council Insists Nike Apologize for Logo - latimes" }, { "answer": "Nike", "passage": "In 1995, Nike removed a billboard near USC that depicted a basketball player with the headline, \"They called him Allah.\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.863227367401123, "source": "search", "title": "Islamic Council Insists Nike Apologize for Logo - latimes" }, { "answer": "Nike", "passage": "Nike to trash trainers that offended Islam | The Independent", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.25981330871582, "source": "search", "title": "Nike to trash trainers that offended Islam | News | The ..." }, { "answer": "Nike", "passage": "Nike to trash trainers that offended Islam", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.112505912780762, "source": "search", "title": "Nike to trash trainers that offended Islam | News | The ..." }, { "answer": "Nike", "passage": "Nike is to recall a range of sports shoes carrying a logo that offended Muslims in America. It has agreed not to sell the new line in Britain.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.259029388427734, "source": "search", "title": "Nike to trash trainers that offended Islam | News | The ..." }, { "answer": "Nike", "passage": "In exchange for the sales ban and an apology, the Council on American- Islamic Relations (Cair) will urge Muslims around the world not to boycott Nike products. The company also agreed to donate a $50,000 (pounds 31,000) playground to an Islamic elementary school in the United States.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.225666522979736, "source": "search", "title": "Nike to trash trainers that offended Islam | News | The ..." }, { "answer": "Nike", "passage": "The problem was first identified by a Muslim distributor last September, and the logo amended. But Islamic leaders said it was still offensive to their religion when the shoes hit the shops in America and some other parts of the world in March. Now Nike has withdrawn 38,000 pairs of the shoes worldwide.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.471346378326416, "source": "search", "title": "Nike to trash trainers that offended Islam | News | The ..." }, { "answer": "Nike", "passage": "Roy Agostino, for Nike, said the company immediately diverted supplies away from Islamic states and discontinued production. It had also introduced a review panel into its development process to prevent any similar problems in future.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.522647857666016, "source": "search", "title": "Nike to trash trainers that offended Islam | News | The ..." }, { "answer": "Nike", "passage": "This is the second time in recent years that Nike was criticised by the council. In 1995, the shoe company removed a billboard near the University of Southern California that depicted a basketball player with the headline \"They called him Allah.\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.434564590454102, "source": "search", "title": "Nike to trash trainers that offended Islam | News | The ..." }, { "answer": "Nike", "passage": "Yesterday's agreement was made public on the same day that Nike issued the findings of an independent inquiry it ordered into the code of conduct implemented in its factories.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.159629821777344, "source": "search", "title": "Nike to trash trainers that offended Islam | News | The ..." }, { "answer": "Nike", "passage": "Mr Young, who visited factories in China, Vietnam and Indonesia said he found no evidence of widespread abuse or mistreatment of workers. But he recommended that Nike consider having an ombudsman in each country.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.915855407714844, "source": "search", "title": "Nike to trash trainers that offended Islam | News | The ..." }, { "answer": "Nike", "passage": "Islamic Council Insists Nike Apologize for Logo", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 4.919395446777344, "source": "search", "title": "Articles about Logos - latimes" }, { "answer": "Nike", "passage": "That was the case back in 1997-98, when the Council on American-Islamic Relations pounded Nike into recalling 800,000 shoes because the English word \"Air\" in its logo allegedly resembled the Arabic lettering for \"Allah.\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 4.272684574127197, "source": "search", "title": "Finding Allah in Unlikely Places :: Daniel Pipes" }, { "answer": "Nike", "passage": "The offending Nike shoe logo, where \"Air\" supposedly looks like \"Allah\" in Arabic script.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 4.390875339508057, "source": "search", "title": "Finding Allah in Unlikely Places :: Daniel Pipes" }, { "answer": "Nike", "passage": "The sole of a Nike \"Air\" shoe.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.12509822845459, "source": "search", "title": "Finding Allah in Unlikely Places :: Daniel Pipes" }, { "answer": "Nike", "passage": "Like Nike before it, Burger King did as bid and pulled thousands of ice-cream cones from sales. This won it the approbation of the Muslim Council of Britain, whose spokesman, Inayat Bunglawala, commended \"the sensitive and prompt action to prevent any hurt being caused to the religious sensibilities of others.\" (September 16, 2005)", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.297714233398438, "source": "search", "title": "Finding Allah in Unlikely Places :: Daniel Pipes" }, { "answer": "Nike", "passage": "Sep. 12, 2006 update: I review the first story above in some detail at \" Nike and 9/11 ,\" drawing conclusions about changes in the five years since 9/11.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.229774475097656, "source": "search", "title": "Finding Allah in Unlikely Places :: Daniel Pipes" }, { "answer": "Nike", "passage": "Nike this spring shelved a Black and Tan shoe meant to debut around St. Patrick's Day after criticism that the name wasn't just a reference to a drink -- it also evoked memories of a English-related paramilitary force noted for its harsh attacks on Irish during the 1920s.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.991185188293457, "source": "search", "title": "Cancelled adidas 'shackle' shoe just latest sneaker gaffe" }, { "answer": "Nike", "passage": "Indeed, art and graphics have an uncanny way of vitiating the Muslim world’s atmosphere. In 1994, Muslims threatened German supermodel Claudia Schiffer with death after she wore a Karl Lagerfeld–designed dress printed with a saying from the Koran. In 1997, outraged Muslims forced Nike to recall 800,000 shoes because they claimed the company’s “Air” logo looked like the Arabic script for “Allah.” In 1998, another conflagration spread over Unilever’s ice-cream logo — which Muslims claimed looked like “Allah” if read upside-down and backwards (can’t recall what they said it resembled if you viewed it with 3D glasses).", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 4.690587043762207, "source": "search", "title": "| National Review" } ]
What was the Blue Swede's only No 1 hit?
{ "aliases": [ "Hooked On A Feeling", "Ooga chaka", "Hooked on a feeling", "Hooked on a Feeling" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "hooked on feeling", "ooga chaka" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "hooked on feeling", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Hooked On A Feeling" }
[ { "answer": "Hooked On A Feeling", "passage": "Blue Swede was a Swedish rock band fronted by Björn Skifs which was active between 1973-1975. Blue Swede released two albums of cover versions, including a rendition of \"Hooked on a Feeling\", which brought them international chart success. The band consisted of Anders Berglund (piano), Björn Skifs (lead vocals), Bosse Liljedahl (bass), Hinke Ekestubbe (saxophone), Jan Guldbäck (drums), Michael Areklew (guitar) and Tommy Berglund (trumpet). They disbanded after Skifs decided to embark on his solo career.", "precise_score": 3.2070555686950684, "rough_score": 4.1174445152282715, "source": "wiki", "title": "Blue Swede" }, { "answer": "Hooked On A Feeling", "passage": "Blue Swede - Hooked On A Feeling (1974 - HQ - Live) - YouTube", "precise_score": -1.4036808013916016, "rough_score": 2.1357576847076416, "source": "search", "title": "Blue Swede - Hooked On A Feeling (1974 - HQ - Live ..." }, { "answer": "Hooked On A Feeling", "passage": "Blue Swede - Hooked On A Feeling (1974 - HQ - Live)", "precise_score": -0.6410687565803528, "rough_score": 2.6409566402435303, "source": "search", "title": "Blue Swede - Hooked On A Feeling (1974 - HQ - Live ..." }, { "answer": "Hooked On A Feeling", "passage": "\"Hooked on a Feeling\" is a 1974 pop by the Swedish band Blue Swede, a cover of the B.J. Thomas hit \" Hooked on a Feeling \". This cover reached number one in the United States in 1974.", "precise_score": 2.412653923034668, "rough_score": 4.167408466339111, "source": "search", "title": "Blue Swede — Hooked on a Feeling — Listen, watch, download ..." }, { "answer": "Hooked On A Feeling", "passage": "The band was originally called \"Blåblus\" (Swedish for \"blue blouse\" or \"blue jeans\", a pun on the word \"blues\" ) and featured Skifs singing the lead vocals. The band got their international breakthrough in 1974 with their cover of the 1968 B. J. Thomas song \"Hooked on a Feeling.\" Blue Swede recorded Thomas' song in 1973, but based its rendition of the song on a 1971 version released by British pop eccentric Jonathan King, which created the \"ooga-chaka ooga-chaka\" introduction. Blue Swede released \"Hooked on a Feeling\" in Sweden in May 1973 and in the United States in February 1974. The song reached number one in the U.S. for one week in April 1974 and stayed in the Billboard Hot 100 chart for 18 weeks. The track also topped charts in Australia, Canada, and the Netherlands, where it reached a peak chart position of 26. To capitalize on the success of the song, Blue Swede released an album of the same name that same year.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 0.8701357841491699, "source": "wiki", "title": "Blue Swede" }, { "answer": "Hooked On A Feeling", "passage": "In 2014, the band's single \"Hooked on a Feeling\" featured prominently in the film Guardians of the Galaxy. Prior to the film's release, the song's appearance in a trailer resulted in a significant spike in sales.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.364480018615723, "source": "wiki", "title": "Blue Swede" }, { "answer": "Hooked On A Feeling", "passage": "*Hooked on a Feeling (1974)", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.424139022827148, "source": "wiki", "title": "Blue Swede" }, { "answer": "Hooked On A Feeling", "passage": "*\"Hooked on a Feeling\" (1974) U.S. #1", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.313796997070312, "source": "wiki", "title": "Blue Swede" }, { "answer": "Hooked On A Feeling", "passage": "Blue Swede - Hooked On A Feeling (Guardians of the Galaxy - Music Trailer) - YouTube", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -0.9698991775512695, "source": "search", "title": "Blue Swede - Hooked On A Feeling (Guardians of the Galaxy ..." }, { "answer": "Hooked On A Feeling", "passage": "Blue Swede - Hooked On A Feeling (Guardians of the Galaxy - Music Trailer)", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -0.2845170199871063, "source": "search", "title": "Blue Swede - Hooked On A Feeling (Guardians of the Galaxy ..." }, { "answer": "Hooked On A Feeling", "passage": "Blue Swede's, Hooked On A Feeling is the song that's been used on the trailer for the latest addition to Marvel cinematic universe in the Guardians of the Galaxy film.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 1.8128776550292969, "source": "search", "title": "Blue Swede - Hooked On A Feeling (Guardians of the Galaxy ..." }, { "answer": "Hooked On A Feeling", "passage": "Note: Click \"Show More\" for lyrics. This video has been color restored and sharpened to the highest quality I could obtain. From Wikipedia: Blue Swede was a Swedish rock band from the early- to mid-1970s that succeeded with a few singles which were covers of other artists' material. The band was first formed in 1973, when Björn Skifs, a top vocalist in Sweden, was looking for a band to accompany him during his concerts. The band was originally called \"Blåblus\" (Swedish for \"blue blouse\", a pun on the word \"blues\") and featured Skifs singing the lead vocals. The band got their international breakthrough in 1974 with their cover of the 1969 B. J. Thomas song \"Hooked on a Feeling\". Released that same year on their album Hooked on a Feeling, Blue Swede's version was adapted from British pop eccentric Jonathan King, using his ooga-chaka ooga-chaka background on a version he had earlier recorded of the same song. \"Hooked on a Feeling\" was released in Sweden in May 1973 and in the United States in February 1974, and reached #1 for one week in the U.S. staying in the Billboard Hot 100 chart for 18 weeks. The R.I.A.A. granted gold disc status on 28 March 1974. The track also topped charts in Canada, Australia and the Netherlands.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -2.3864526748657227, "source": "search", "title": "Blue Swede - Hooked On A Feeling (1974 - HQ - Live ..." }, { "answer": "Hooked On A Feeling", "passage": "Blue Swede — Hooked on a Feeling — Listen, watch, download and discover music for free at", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -0.749677300453186, "source": "search", "title": "Blue Swede — Hooked on a Feeling — Listen, watch, download ..." }, { "answer": "Hooked On A Feeling", "passage": "BLUE SWEDE LYRICS - Hooked On A Feeling", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": 0.6793994307518005, "source": "search", "title": "BLUE SWEDE LYRICS - Hooked On A Feeling" }, { "answer": "Hooked On A Feeling", "passage": "\"Hooked On A Feeling\" lyrics", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.5314302444458, "source": "search", "title": "BLUE SWEDE LYRICS - Hooked On A Feeling" }, { "answer": "Hooked On A Feeling", "passage": "I'm hooked on a feeling", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.464171409606934, "source": "search", "title": "BLUE SWEDE LYRICS - Hooked On A Feeling" } ]
New York-born Sir Jacob Epstein worked in which branch of the arts?
{ "aliases": [ "Sculptress", "Anaglyphice", "Representational sculpture", "Prehistoric sculpture", "Sculpting", "Sculpture in-the-round", "Sculptor (artist)", "Stacked Art", "Sculpter", "Sculptures", "Sculpt", "Sculptor", "Outdoor sculpture", "Sculptor (occupation)", "Three dimensional art", "Renaissance sculpture", "Sculpturer", "History of Western sculpture", "History of sculpting", "Sculptural", "Sculptors", "History of sculpture", "Sculpture", "Sculpted", "Stonecarving", "Sculptor (profession)", "American sculptor", "Sculpts" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "sculpture in round", "outdoor sculpture", "stonecarving", "sculpting", "renaissance sculpture", "history of sculpture", "sculptor artist", "representational sculpture", "stacked art", "sculpt", "history of western sculpture", "sculpturer", "sculptress", "sculptural", "anaglyphice", "sculpted", "sculptor profession", "sculptors", "sculpture", "sculptures", "prehistoric sculpture", "sculpter", "sculptor occupation", "history of sculpting", "three dimensional art", "sculpts", "american sculptor", "sculptor" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "sculpture", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Sculpture" }
[ { "answer": "Sculpture", "passage": "Sir Jacob Epstein (10 November 1880 – 19 August 1959) was a British sculptor who helped pioneer modern sculpture. He was born in the United States, and moved to Europe in 1902, becoming a British citizen in 1911. He often produced controversial works which challenged taboos on what was appropriate subject matter for public artworks. He also made paintings and drawings, and often exhibited his work. ", "precise_score": 4.703136444091797, "rough_score": 5.021782875061035, "source": "wiki", "title": "Jacob Epstein" }, { "answer": "Sculpt", "passage": "He studied art in his native New York as a teenager, sketching the city, and joined the Art Students League of New York in 1900. For his livelihood, he worked in a bronze foundry by day, studying drawing and sculptural modelling at night. Epstein's first major commission was to illustrate Hutchins Hapgood's Spirit of the Ghetto. The money from the commission was used by Epstein to move to Paris.", "precise_score": 4.5990400314331055, "rough_score": 4.851510047912598, "source": "wiki", "title": "Jacob Epstein" }, { "answer": "Sculpture", "passage": "Image:'Rock Drill', bronze sculpture by Jacob Epstein, 1913–1914 (cast 1962), Museum of Modern Art, (New York City).jpg|Rock Drill, bronze sculpture by Jacob Epstein, 1913–1914 (cast 1962), Museum of Modern Art, (New York City)", "precise_score": 2.345759630203247, "rough_score": 1.8991127014160156, "source": "wiki", "title": "Jacob Epstein" }, { "answer": "Sculpt", "passage": "* Epstein, Jacob, The sculptor speaks: Jacob Epstein to Arnold L. Haskell, a series of conversations on art (London: W. Heinemann, 1931)", "precise_score": 0.5553268194198608, "rough_score": -1.618103265762329, "source": "wiki", "title": "Jacob Epstein" }, { "answer": "Sculpture", "passage": "Significant figures in English art include William Blake , William Hogarth , J.M.W. Turner , and John Constable in the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. Twentieth century artists included Francis Bacon , David Hockney, Bridget Riley, and the pop artists Richard Hamilton, and Peter Blake. New York-born Sir Jacob Epstein was a pioneer of modern sculpture . More recently, the so-called Young British Artists have gained some notoriety, particularly Damien Hirst and Tracey Emin. Notable illustrators include Aubrey Beardsley, Roger Hargreaves, and Beatrix Potter .", "precise_score": 4.641532897949219, "rough_score": 1.9891080856323242, "source": "search", "title": "Culture of England - New World Encyclopedia" }, { "answer": "Sculpture", "passage": "New York-born Sir Jacob Epstein was a pioneer of modern sculpture, boldly challenging taboos through his public works.", "precise_score": 5.923044204711914, "rough_score": 8.043194770812988, "source": "search", "title": "cultureofengland - englishculture4 - Google Sites" }, { "answer": "Sculpt", "passage": "Moving to Europe in 1902, he studied in Paris at the Académie Julian and the École des Beaux-Arts. He settled in London in 1905 and married Margaret Dunlop in 1906. In 1911 he became a British subject. Many of Epstein's works were sculpted at his two cottages in Loughton, Essex, where he lived first at number 49 then 50, Baldwin's Hill (there is a blue plaque on number 50). He served briefly in the 38th Battalion of the Royal Fusiliers aka the Jewish Legion during World War I.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.8991971015930176, "source": "wiki", "title": "Jacob Epstein" }, { "answer": "Sculpture", "passage": "In London, Epstein involved himself with a bohemian and artistic crowd. Revolting against ornate, pretty art, he made bold, often harsh and massive forms of bronze or stone. His sculpture is distinguished by its vigorous rough-hewn realism. Avant-garde in concept and style, his works often shocked his audience. This was not only a result of their (often explicit) sexual content, but also because they deliberately abandoned the conventions of classical Greek sculpture favoured by European Academic sculptors to experiment instead with the aesthetics of art traditions as diverse as those of India, West Africa, and the Pacific Islands. People in Liverpool, however, nicknamed his nude male sculpture over the door of Lewis's department store \"Dickie Lewis\". Such factors may have focused disproportionate attention on certain aspects of Epstein's long and productive career, throughout which he aroused hostility, especially challenging taboos surrounding the depiction of sexuality.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.324505805969238, "source": "wiki", "title": "Jacob Epstein" }, { "answer": "Sculpture", "passage": "London was not ready for Epstein's first major commission – 18 large nude sculptures made in 1908 for the façade of Charles Holden's building for the British Medical Association on The Strand (now Zimbabwe House) were initially considered shocking to Edwardian sensibilities, again mainly due to the perception that they were over-explicit sexually. In art-historical terms, however, the Strand sculptures were controversial for quite a different reason: they represented Epstein's first thoroughgoing attempt to break away from traditional European iconography in favour of elements derived from an alternative sculptural milieu – that of classical India. The female figures in particular may be seen deliberately to incorporate the posture and hand gestures of Buddhist, Jain and Hindu art from the subcontinent in no uncertain terms. The current, mutilated condition of many of the sculptures is also not entirely connected with prudish censorship; the damage was caused in the 1930s when possibly dangerous projecting features were hacked off after pieces fell from one of the statues.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.554996490478516, "source": "wiki", "title": "Jacob Epstein" }, { "answer": "Sculpture", "passage": "Between 1913 and 1915, Epstein was associated with the short-lived Vorticism movement and produced one of his best known sculptures The Rock Drill. In 1915, John Quinn, wealthy American collector and patron to the modernists, bought an Epstein sculpture to add his private collection. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.1043291091918945, "source": "wiki", "title": "Jacob Epstein" }, { "answer": "Sculpture", "passage": "In 1928, Epstein sculpted the head of the popular singer and film star Paul Robeson. A commission from Holden for the new headquarters building of the London Electric Railway generated another controversy in 1929. His nude sculptures Day and Night above the entrances of 55 Broadway were again considered indecent and a debate raged for some time regarding demands to remove the offending statues which had been carved in-situ. Eventually a compromise was reached to modify the smaller of the two figures represented on Day. But the controversy affected his commissions for public work which dried up until World War II.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.545973300933838, "source": "wiki", "title": "Jacob Epstein" }, { "answer": "Sculpture", "passage": "Bronze portrait sculpture formed one of Epstein's staple products, and perhaps the best known. These sculptures were often executed with roughly textured surfaces, expressively manipulating small surface planes and facial details. Some fine examples are in the National Portrait Gallery. Another famous example is the bust of legendary Arsenal manager Herbert Chapman that sat in the marble halls of Highbury for many years before being moved to the new Emirates Stadium.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.43935775756836, "source": "wiki", "title": "Jacob Epstein" }, { "answer": "Sculpture", "passage": "His larger sculptures were his most expressive and experimental, but also his most vulnerable. His depiction of Rima, one of author W. H. Hudson's most famous characters, graces a serene enclosure in Hyde Park. Even here, a visitor became so outraged as to defile it with paint. He was one of 250 sculptors who exhibited in the 3rd Sculpture International, which was organised by the Fairmount Park Association (now the Association for Public Art) and held at the Philadelphia Museum of Art in the summer of 1949.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.8964262008667, "source": "wiki", "title": "Jacob Epstein" }, { "answer": "Sculpt", "passage": "Epstein would often sculpt the images of friends, casual acquaintances, and even people dragged from the street into his studio almost at random. He worked even on his dying day. He also painted; many of his watercolours and gouaches were of Epping Forest, where he lived (at Loughton) and sculpted. These were often exhibited at the Leicester Gallery in London. His Monkwood Autumn and Pool, Epping Forest date from 1944–45.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.29782772064209, "source": "wiki", "title": "Jacob Epstein" }, { "answer": "Sculpt", "passage": "His art is displayed all over the world; highly original for its time, its influence on the younger generation of sculptors such as Henry Moore and Barbara Hepworth was significant. According to June Rose, in her biography, Moore was befriended by the older sculptor during the early 1920s and visited Epstein in his studio. Epstein, along with Moore and Hepworth, all expressed a deep fascination with the non-western art from the British Museum.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -6.808545112609863, "source": "wiki", "title": "Jacob Epstein" }, { "answer": "Sculpture", "passage": "Sculptures", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.409562110900879, "source": "wiki", "title": "Jacob Epstein" }, { "answer": "Sculpture", "passage": "* Epstein, Jacob, Let there be sculpture: an autobiography (London: Michael Joseph, 1940)", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.074393272399902, "source": "wiki", "title": "Jacob Epstein" }, { "answer": "Sculpture", "passage": "* Gilboa Raquel, ...And There Was Sculpture; Epstein's Formative Years (1880–1930) (London, 2009)", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -7.536321640014648, "source": "wiki", "title": "Jacob Epstein" }, { "answer": "Sculpture", "passage": "There have been few opportunities for the finest artists in the 21st century, but this has now changed with Magdalen College’s 550th anniversary commission to Mark Wallinger. Wallinger’s Y is a two-faced sculpture formed in square section steel and has a silvery, metallic finish. It is positioned in the small clearing at the east end of Bat Willow Meadow among a mature stand of trees and faces westwards, towards the main College buildings, to reflect the setting sun of midsummer. Y alludes to the history of Magdalen College, its architecture and its deer, and the abundant vegetation in its grounds.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.996281623840332, "source": "search", "title": "Y by Mark Wallinger -" }, { "answer": "Sculpture", "passage": "\"The bifurcating forks or tines,\" the artist explains, \"are like the branches of the College’s ancestral tree or the antlers of the College deer. The repeated figure references divining rods, typically cut from the trees found in Bat Willow Meadow, and the structure echoes the Gothic tracery, which is present within the architecture of the College. The forks represent the life force - the encoded mathematics of creation, the order of things - pushing out to the future, while the divining fork takes us back to our source, the earth. This reaching out and drawing back is implied in the map of a family tree, when we place ourselves as the trunk, when we surely know we are the furthest tiniest branch. In the sculpture each branch of the tree represents a progenitor going back seventeen generations to the year 1458, when the College was established.\"", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.898614883422852, "source": "search", "title": "Y by Mark Wallinger -" }, { "answer": "Sculpture", "passage": "The artist has used the golden ratio to generate the linear form of his sculpture. The golden ratio is the name given to an irrational proportion, known at least since the time of the ancient Greek mathematician Euclid, which has often been thought to possess aesthetic virtue, some hidden harmonic proportion in tune with the universe. In mathematics and the arts, two quantities are in the golden ratio if the ratio between the sum of those quantities and the larger one is the same as the ratio between the larger one and the smaller. In practice, this works out at about 8:13.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.194791793823242, "source": "search", "title": "Y by Mark Wallinger -" }, { "answer": "Sculpture", "passage": "Included in the artworks on display to the public in Magdalen College is the best surviving copy of Leonardo da Vinci’s Last Supper by a close Milanese follower, where it is displayed in a late 15th-century setting high on the wall of the Chapel. In Chaplain’s Quadrangle there is a bronze sculpture of Christ and Mary Magdalen presented to the College by David Wynne in 1964. To these exceptional pieces can now be added Mark Wallinger’s Y, a bold and uncompromising sculpture by one of today’s supreme artists.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.985139846801758, "source": "search", "title": "Y by Mark Wallinger -" }, { "answer": "Sculpture", "passage": "Magdalen College has asked freelance educator Miranda Millward to create a set of education notes to provide some initial guidance for group visits to see Mark Wallinger’s sculpture Y. The notes are not key stage specific, but we hope that they will be relevant to both secondary art and design teachers and fine art foundation tutors. Older pupils and students may also find the notes useful for their critical and contextual studies and project ideas.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.148340225219727, "source": "search", "title": "Y by Mark Wallinger -" }, { "answer": "Sculpture", "passage": "The works discussed are reproduced at A4 size so that they can be printed out and used as a resource in the classroom or studio. The notes aim to give a few jumping-off points to explore not just the sculpture in College, but also the artist’s work more generally and they can be downloaded as a PDF .", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.380763053894043, "source": "search", "title": "Y by Mark Wallinger -" }, { "answer": "Sculpture", "passage": "Most people are familiar with the sacred art of the Catholic Church - but few realize that the Anglican Communion has made a significent contribution as well - particulary in the 19th century when Sacred art elsewhere as stagnent or waning. From the stain glass of Tiffany to the sculpture of August Saint-Guadens, Anglican Churches, particular those in America, set the standard. But this book also covers much more - the from ancient English cathedrals to small chapels in the Caribbean there is suprise on every page. It is especailly refreshing to see so many contemporar works that are carrying on this tradition and at the same time, paving new ground. my only \"problem\" with this book is it did not contain Fred. Hart's beautiful carvings at the National Cathedral in Washington -no only one of the great works of Sacred art in recent years, but probably one of the most overlooks masterworks of the 20th century", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.766912460327148, "source": "search", "title": "A Treasury of Anglican Art: George Eatman, James Simpson ..." }, { "answer": "Sculpting", "passage": "Anglo-Saxon sculpting was outstanding for its time in the eleventh century, as proved by pre-Norman ivory carvings. Celtic high crosses show the use of Celtic patterns in Christian art. Scenes from the Bible were depicted, framed with the ancient patterns. Some ancient symbols were redefined. Murals were painted on the white-chalked walls of stone churches, and stained glass was used in church and other windows.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.217361450195312, "source": "search", "title": "Culture of England - New World Encyclopedia" }, { "answer": "Sculpture", "passage": "It has developed over several centuries to current movements, such as Brit art, and encompasses all forms - painting, sculpture and performance art.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.130642890930176, "source": "search", "title": "cultureofengland - englishculture4 - Google Sites" }, { "answer": "Sculpting", "passage": "The oldest art in the United Kingdom can be dated to the Neolithic period, and is found in a funerary context. But it is in the Bronze age that the first innovative artworks are found. The Beaker people, who arrived in Britain around 2500 BC, were skilled in metal refining. At first, they worked mainly in copper, but around 2150 BC they learned how to make bronze. As there was a ready supply of tin in Cornwall and Devon, they were able to make take advantage of this new process. They were also skilled in the use of gold, and especially the Wessex culture excelled in the making of gold ornaments. Works of art placed in graves or sacrificial pits have survived, showing both innovation and high skill. Anglo-Saxon sculpting was outstanding for its time in the 11th century, as proved by pre-Norman ivory carvings. ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.530292510986328, "source": "search", "title": "cultureofengland - englishculture4 - Google Sites" } ]
What year was the centenary of Colorado joining the Union?
{ "aliases": [ "1976", "one thousand, nine hundred and seventy-six" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "one thousand nine hundred and seventy six", "1976" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "1976", "type": "Numerical", "value": "1976" }
[ { "answer": "1976", "passage": "The plains are also susceptible to occasional floods, which are caused both by thunderstorms and by the rapid melting of snow in the mountains during warm weather. Notable examples include the Big Thompson River flooding of 1976 and the 2013 Colorado floods. Denver's record in 1901 for the number of consecutive days above 90 °F (32 °C) was broken during the summer of 2008. The new record of 24 consecutive days surpassed the previous record by almost a week. ", "precise_score": -9.432851791381836, "rough_score": -10.507002830505371, "source": "wiki", "title": "Colorado" } ]
How old was Dodi Fayed at the time of his death in 1997?
{ "aliases": [ "forty-two", "42" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "forty two", "42" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "42", "type": "Numerical", "value": "42" }
[ { "answer": "42", "passage": "Diana and Fayed, the 42-year-old son of the billionaire Egyptian owner of London's prestigious Harrods department store, had arrived in Paris on Saturday afternoon on a private visit. They had dined at the Ritz and were headed to a villa owned by Fayed in a posh district in western Paris, France Info reported.", "precise_score": 0.8335090279579163, "rough_score": -3.707622528076172, "source": "search", "title": "CNN - Princess Diana killed in Paris car crash - August 31 ..." } ]
In which country is the Angostura bridge?
{ "aliases": [ "ISO 3166-1:VE", "Venezula", "Venezuela, RB", "Republica de Venezuela", "Venuzeula", "The Bolivarian Republic Of Venezuela", "Venizuela", "Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela", "Venezuelan", "Venezuela", "Republica Bolivariana de Venezuela", "Venazeula", "Bolivaria", "Republic of Venezuela", "Venezuala", "Venecuela", "Venzuela", "VENEZULEA", "República Bolivariana de Venezuela", "Etymology of Venezuela", "Benezuela", "Venzauela", "VEN", "Venezeula", "Republica de venezuela", "Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)", "BRV", "Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of", "Name of Venezuela", "V'zuela" ], "normalized_aliases": [ "venazeula", "venezuela", "venezuala", "republic of venezuela", "venezulea", "venzauela", "venizuela", "bolivaria", "venezuela bolivarian republic of", "venezuelan", "venuzeula", "venecuela", "benezuela", "iso 3166 1 ve", "venzuela", "venezula", "ven", "bolivarian republic of venezuela", "venezuela rb", "venezeula", "republica bolivariana de venezuela", "v zuela", "república bolivariana de venezuela", "brv", "name of venezuela", "republica de venezuela", "etymology of venezuela" ], "matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_matched_wiki_entity_name": "", "normalized_value": "venezuela", "type": "WikipediaEntity", "value": "Venezuela" }
[ { "answer": "Venezuela", "passage": "Angostura Bridge is a suspension bridge that spans the Orinoco River at Ciudad Bolívar, Venezuela. The Spanish word Angostura means \"narrows\".", "precise_score": 8.781807899475098, "rough_score": 8.48006820678711, "source": "wiki", "title": "Angostura Bridge" }, { "answer": "Venezuela", "passage": "Angostura Bridge | bridge, Venezuela |", "precise_score": 7.21227502822876, "rough_score": 7.3480143547058105, "source": "search", "title": "Angostura Bridge | bridge, Venezuela |" }, { "answer": "Venezuela", "passage": "Ciudad Bolivar is one of the Venezuelan cities that keep more history on its streets, squares and museums. Formerly named Angostura because of its location on the narrowest part of the majestic Orinoco. Site of many independence battles and one of the first regions in the country to be freed from the Spanish bondage; it was declared interim capital of the newly formed republic in 1818 by the Liberator Simon Bolivar. From here, a year later Bolivar addressed the country his famous \"Discurso de Angostura\" (Angostura's Speech), in which he gave up all the special powers The Congress had granted him and laid out the new republic paradigm.", "precise_score": 1.3660151958465576, "rough_score": 0.09193645417690277, "source": "search", "title": "Bolívar City - Venezuela Tuya" }, { "answer": "Venezuela", "passage": "Venezuela's government has approved US$34.5mn in funding to carry out repairs to the Angostura bridge over the Orinoco river, newspaper La Hora quoted infrastructure minister Ramón Carrizález as saying.", "precise_score": 5.407552719116211, "rough_score": 2.1263985633850098, "source": "search", "title": "Govt earmarks US$35mn for repairs to Angostura bridge ..." }, { "answer": "Venezuela", "passage": "Spider, a division of SafeWorks llc, is in the final stages of powered access work on the Angostura Bridge in Venezuela.", "precise_score": 4.996540069580078, "rough_score": 5.022155284881592, "source": "search", "title": "Spider Supplies Platforms and Hoists in Venezuela Bridge ..." }, { "answer": "VEN", "passage": "This first phase of renovation of the Angostura Bridge called for sandblasting with a heavier media than commonly used stateside. Spider’s grated platform decks prevented this debris from accumulating and overloading the swing-stage platform. VHICOH’s project plan called for mobile suspension points, which Spider augmented with specially-engineered outrigger beams to ensure safe rigging.", "precise_score": -2.0714852809906006, "rough_score": 2.4050869941711426, "source": "search", "title": "Spider Supplies Platforms and Hoists in Venezuela Bridge ..." }, { "answer": "Venezuela", "passage": "Ciudad Bolivar is one of the Venezuelan cities that keep more history on its streets, squares and museums. Formerly named Angostura because of its location on the narrowest part of the majestic Orinoco. Site of many independence battles and one of the first regions in the country to be freed from the Spanish bondage; it was declared interim capital of the newly formed republic in 1818 by the Liberator Simon Bolivar. From here, a year later Bolivar addressed the country his famous \"Discurso de Angostura\" (Angostura's Speech), in which he gave up all the special powers The Congress had granted him and laid out the new republic paradigm.", "precise_score": 1.3660151958465576, "rough_score": 0.09193645417690277, "source": "search", "title": "Bolívar City - Venezuela Tuya" }, { "answer": "Venezuela", "passage": "Considerable road construction has been undertaken in the Venezuelan Llanos since World War II. The Llanos and the Guiana region were connected in 1967 with the completion of a mile-long bridge across the Orinoco at Ciudad Bolívar. Earlier, in 1961, the mouth of the Caroní was bridged to connect the new industrial town of Puerto Ordaz with the old Orinoco port of San Félix,...", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -8.548582077026367, "source": "search", "title": "Angostura Bridge | bridge, Venezuela |" }, { "answer": "Venezuela", "passage": "Bol�var City - Venezuela Tuya", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.430755615234375, "source": "search", "title": "Bolívar City - Venezuela Tuya" }, { "answer": "Venezuela", "passage": "It was also in Ciudad Bolivar where the first Venezuelan newspaper El Correo del Orinoco was printed. The newspaper house is today Bolivar Museum. Among its exhibits you can see the press used to first print the Correo del Orinoco and works of many Venezuelan artists such as Tito Salas, Lopez Mendez, Marisol Escobar, Alejandro Otero, Cruz Diez, Alirio Palacios and Hector Poleo among others. There also are objects of Pre-Colombian art and some petroglyphs.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.839404106140137, "source": "search", "title": "Bolívar City - Venezuela Tuya" }, { "answer": "Venezuela", "passage": "Venezuelan Guayana destinations:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.305316925048828, "source": "search", "title": "Bolívar City - Venezuela Tuya" }, { "answer": "VEN", "passage": "For the meantime the national guard has instructions to reduce the frequency of heavy traffic crossing the bridge linking Bolívar and Anzoátegui states, as well as prevent trucks of more than 40t from using it at all.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.253191947937012, "source": "search", "title": "Govt earmarks US$35mn for repairs to Angostura bridge ..." }, { "answer": "VEN", "passage": "OHL Concesiones, a subsidiary of Spanish conglomerate OHL, is engaged in the development of transportation infrastructure through public-private partnerships. The company directly operates 20 concessions in Spain and Latin America. OHL Concesiones, through its regional subsidiaries, operates seven highways in Mexico, three in Chile, two in Peru, and one in Colombia, totaling over 1,000km. Addit...", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.867339134216309, "source": "search", "title": "Govt earmarks US$35mn for repairs to Angostura bridge ..." }, { "answer": "Venezuela", "passage": "Spider Supplies Platforms and Hoists in Venezuela Bridge Project", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.189981460571289, "source": "search", "title": "Spider Supplies Platforms and Hoists in Venezuela Bridge ..." }, { "answer": "Venezuela", "passage": "Home > News & Analysis > Headline News > Spider Supplies Platforms and Hoists in Venezuela Bridge Project", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.400679588317871, "source": "search", "title": "Spider Supplies Platforms and Hoists in Venezuela Bridge ..." }, { "answer": "Venezuela", "passage": "Spider Supplies Platforms and Hoists in Venezuela Bridge Project", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -9.189981460571289, "source": "search", "title": "Spider Supplies Platforms and Hoists in Venezuela Bridge ..." }, { "answer": "Venezuela", "passage": "Spider has been supplying multiple grated deck platforms powered by SC1000 traction hoists to enable VHICOH of Venezuela to perform sandblasting and painting work on the 41-year-old suspension bridge that crosses the Orinoco River. In addition to the swing-stage equipment supplied, Spider provided bilingual on-site support by installing the equipment and training the local crew.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.279759407043457, "source": "search", "title": "Spider Supplies Platforms and Hoists in Venezuela Bridge ..." }, { "answer": "Venezuela", "passage": "Posada at Cuidad Bolivar - Review of Posada Casa Grande de Angostura, Ciudad Bolivar, Venezuela - TripAdvisor", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -5.404133319854736, "source": "search", "title": "Posada Casa Grande de Angostura - TripAdvisor" }, { "answer": "Venezuela", "passage": "Hotel   |   Calle Boyaca No 30 | Con Calle Venezuela, Ciudad Bolivar 8001, Venezuela   |  ", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.465452194213867, "source": "search", "title": "Posada Casa Grande de Angostura - TripAdvisor" }, { "answer": "VEN", "passage": "That same evening we asked them to call a taxi (you shouldn't hail a taxi in the streets at night) to go for dinner and after 1 hour wait, no taxi driver showed up and we were stuck in Casa Grande (allegedly the best hotel in the historic centre of town, even though it cannot guarantee to get a taxi on a Sat at 7:30pm). The hotel stuff did not seem interested in helping us to find any dinner; we asked for delivery, we asked if their restaurant would throw something together. All their answers were evasive, negative and non-commital. Finally a travel guide staying in the same hotel, feeling truly sorry for us, went to the hotel kitchen and sweet-talked the cook to put together some fried chicken and salad, for which we paid handsomely.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.487079620361328, "source": "search", "title": "Posada Casa Grande de Angostura - TripAdvisor" }, { "answer": "VEN", "passage": "Every detail of this restoration, especially the lobby, was well done for an aesthetic appeal. I was told it had formally been an ancestral home as well as a one time Red Cross Building. The bedroom was small but with comfortable beds and a modern attractive bathroom. Surrounding area a a bit disappointing. I had expected more in the way of the Historic Quarter of Ciudad Bolivar. The rooftop terrace was a better way to spend an early evening before dinner. In the atmospheric dinning room I ordered the fish which tasted very fresh came as a generous serving. However watching the sunset over the huge Orinoco River on the rooftop was a treat more memorable than the food.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.452591896057129, "source": "search", "title": "Posada Casa Grande de Angostura - TripAdvisor" }, { "answer": "Venezuela", "passage": "Address: Calle Boyaca No 30 | Con Calle Venezuela, Ciudad Bolivar 8001, Venezuela", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.465103149414062, "source": "search", "title": "Posada Casa Grande de Angostura - TripAdvisor" }, { "answer": "Venezuela", "passage": "Location: Venezuela > Guayana Region > Ciudad Bolivar", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.331772804260254, "source": "search", "title": "Posada Casa Grande de Angostura - TripAdvisor" }, { "answer": "Venezuela", "passage": "Ciudad Bolivar | Venezuela |", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.390083312988281, "source": "search", "title": "Ciudad Bolivar | Venezuela |" }, { "answer": "Venezuela", "passage": "Ciudad Bolívar, city, capital of Bolívar estado (state), southeastern Venezuela . It lies on a small hill on the south bank of the Orinoco River , opposite Soledad on the north. Its elevation ranges from 85 to 246 feet (26 to 75 metres) above sea level; the average annual temperature is in the mid-80s F (about 29 °C).", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.012311935424805, "source": "search", "title": "Ciudad Bolivar | Venezuela |" }, { "answer": "Venezuela", "passage": "Ciudad Bolívar, Venezuela, on the banks of the Orinoco River.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.146859169006348, "source": "search", "title": "Ciudad Bolivar | Venezuela |" }, { "answer": "VEN", "passage": "Venecon", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.334153175354004, "source": "search", "title": "Ciudad Bolivar | Venezuela |" }, { "answer": "Venezuela", "passage": "The town was founded in 1764 as San Tomás de la Nueva Guayana de la Angostura. In 1846 the name was changed to honour the Venezuelan liberator Simón Bolívar . The bark of a local tree contributed to the flavour and medicinal qualities of Angostura bitters, invented by Bolívar’s Prussian physician in 1824. The bitters were manufactured in Ciudad Bolívar until 1875, when, because of political instability in Venezuela, the company moved to Port of Spain , Trinidad .", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -3.446157455444336, "source": "search", "title": "Ciudad Bolivar | Venezuela |" }, { "answer": "Venezuela", "passage": "Ciudad Bolívar has long been the commercial centre of the Llanos (plains), the huge, sparsely settled grassland region drained by the Orinoco. The limited commerce of the Llanos came to be concentrated in a few river ports, the chief of which was Ciudad Bolívar, lying at the head of navigation for large vessels, about 260 miles (420 km) from the delta. Principal exports include gold, diamonds, cattle, horses, hides, skins, and some timber. With the completion in 1967 of the Angostura Bridge, Venezuela’s first span across the Orinoco, Ciudad Bolívar became a gateway to the rapidly growing industrial complex around Ciudad Guayana , 67 miles (108 km) downstream. Pop. (2001) 287,954; (2011) 335,208.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -2.4531023502349854, "source": "search", "title": "Ciudad Bolivar | Venezuela |" }, { "answer": "Venezuela", "passage": "Bol�var City - Venezuela Tuya", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.430755615234375, "source": "search", "title": "Bolívar City - Venezuela Tuya" }, { "answer": "Venezuela", "passage": "It was also in Ciudad Bolivar where the first Venezuelan newspaper El Correo del Orinoco was printed. The newspaper house is today Bolivar Museum. Among its exhibits you can see the press used to first print the Correo del Orinoco and works of many Venezuelan artists such as Tito Salas, Lopez Mendez, Marisol Escobar, Alejandro Otero, Cruz Diez, Alirio Palacios and Hector Poleo among others. There also are objects of Pre-Colombian art and some petroglyphs.", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -10.839404106140137, "source": "search", "title": "Bolívar City - Venezuela Tuya" }, { "answer": "Venezuela", "passage": "Venezuelan Guayana destinations:", "precise_score": -100, "rough_score": -11.305316925048828, "source": "search", "title": "Bolívar City - Venezuela Tuya" } ]